Bibliotheque botanique EMILE BURNAT C'afali»(|iie \' Li\rrs pi'oM'iiiiiil (Ic l;i liilili(>|lir(|ii(' li()l;ilii(|il(' IXmileBurnaK IH-2X-|<.)-20), iiisrivs en oclohir iy-2U sT .ois^c K. ^r THE JOURNAL OF BOTANY BRITISH AND FOREIGN EDITED BY JAME8 BRITTEN, K.C.S.G., F. L. S. LATE Senior AssigxAST, Depabtmest of Botany, Beitish MrsEUM. pew YORK •otanicau UAleOQM VOL. L V. LONDON TAYLOR AND FRANCIS EED LION COURT, FLEET STEEET 1917. y, S5 CONTRIBUTORS TO THIS VOLUME. Eleaxoka Armitage. J. G. Baker, F.R.S., F.L.S. Arthur Bexxett, A.L.S. Spexcer H. Bickham, F.L.S. G. S. BOULGER, F.L.S. James Brittex, F.L.S. C. E. Brittox. Cedric Buckxall, Mus. Bae. Gr. R. Bullock-Webster, M.A. W. Gr. Clarke. A. N. Claye, M.A. E. Clemixshaw. R. C. Davie, M.A., D.Sc. G. Claridge Druce, M.A. A. H. EvAXS, M.A. W, Fawcett, B.Sc. F. E. Fritsch, D.Sc, F.L.S. Alice M. Gelbart. AxTOXT Gepp, M.A., F.L.S. LiLiAX S. Gibes, F.L.S. M. J. GODFERY, F.L.S. W. B. Grote, M.A. James Groves, F.L.S. XoRMAX G. Haddex. W. H. Heathcote. W. B. Hemsley, LL.D., F.R.S. E. W. HUXXYBUX. A. Bruce Jacksox. B. D. Jacksox, Ph.D., Sec.L.S. D. A. JoxES. F. Keeble, Sc.D., F.R.S. C. C. Lacaita, F.L.S. GuLiELMA Lister, F.L.S. J. E. Little, M.A. E. S. Marshall, M.A., F.L.S. Spexcer le M. Moore, F.L.S. W. E. NiCHOLSOX. C. H. OSTEXFELD. Robert Paulsox', F.L.S. W. H. Pearsox. R. Lloyd Praeger. Sir David Praix,C.M.G., F.R.S. J. Ramsbottom, M.A., F.L.S. A. B. Rexdle, D.Sc, F.R.S. E. J. Salisbury, D.Sc, F.L.S. C. E. Salmox, F.L.S. Cecil Saxdwtth. H. S. Thompsox^ F.L.S. W. G. Travis. W. B. TURRILL, B.Sc W. Watsox, B.Sc H. F. Werxham, D.Sc, F.L.S. J. A. Wheldox, F.L.S. J. W. White, F.L.S. A. J. Wilmott, B.A., F.L.S. E. A. Woodruffe-Peacock. The Suj.jtU'iuent shouUl bi' placed separately at the end of the Volume, followed by the Index. THE JOURXAL OF BOTANY BRITISH AND FOREiaX. -^^,^t THE OENUS AMARALIA. ^^^^ Br H. F. Werxha].!, D.Sc, F.L.S. This Bubiaceous genus was first published by Bentliam and Hoolcer in their Genera Flantarum, ii. 90 (1873). The^^ adopted the name from Welwitsch's MS. on no. 2571 o£ his Angola (Grolungo Alto) collection; this plant appears in Welwitsch's Apont. (1858) 585 as Gardenia higiionicsjiora Welvv. Hiern (Fl. Trop. Afr. iii. 112) identifies the same plant with Gardenia Sherhournice Hook. Bot. Mag. t. 40I;4 (1844), which originated from Sierra Leone. Don, in Loud. Encjc. PL 2nd Add. Supp. 1322 (1855), raises the latter to separate generic rank as Sherbournia foliosa ; but he gives no acceptable generic description. M, Hua, in an excellent paper on " Le Genre ^lierhournia Don " (Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Autun, xiv. (1901) 385), has adopted the name without question ; but wrongl}^ it seems, to judge by the customary conv^entions governing plant-descriptions, for the first legitimate description of Sherhournia as a genus is that of M. Hua himself. The Sierra Leone and the Angola plants just referred to are certainly not conspecific, as we shall see, but they are undoubtedly congeneric ; so that if they are to be accorded generic rank separately from Randia and Gardenia, with which they have been confused to a considerable extent (see synonymy infra), Amaralia Ls the proper name for the genus. In the 'Flora of Tropical Africa, iii. (1877) Hiern rightly adopts the name Amaralia; but in his Cat. Welw. Afr. PL (1898) the same author reverts to the name Sherhournia^ which must be regarded as a nomen nudum. After a careful examination of all the material of Randia and Gardenia available in the princiiml British herbaria, as well as a perusal of the descriptions of species unrepresented therein, I have no hesitation in supporting the claim of Amaralia to separate genei-ic rank, if only on the strength of the calyx-character ; the calyx-lobes being large, foliaceous, and dextrorsely contorted in aestivation. The corolla, too, has distinctive features, being broadly and relatively rather shortly campanulate, with somewhat dense silky indumentum. JOFEXAL OF BOTAXY. VOL. Ti'^i. [JaXUARY, 1917.] B 2 THE JOrEXAL OF BOTAXY Tin* corolla -character, however, is not in itself a safe criterion ; I have found considerable confusion in more than one European herbarium in this retT^ard — many true it'<'/ //(//V^-si)ecies, with shortly-toothed calyx- lobes, ixnng releijated to Aniaralia, evidently on account of the sliape and greyish silky covei.-ing of the corolla Avhen di-ied. These " Aniaralioid '*' Kandias are dealt with at the end of the present paper. The calyx-lobes of all the species of Bandia and Oardcnia which have come" under my notice are either shoi-t and tooth-like, or, if elongated, are rektiveh' verj'^ narrow and mutually distant, and, in any case, valvatelv arranged in the bud ; wdth one exception, namely, Ranilia pnuhdijlora K.' Schum. (in Engler, Pfl. Ost-Afr. C. 380) ; this has rektively broad calyx-lobes, dextrorsely contorted in the bud. This species I propose to transfer to Amaralia, a suggestion supported by the shape and indumentum of the corolla. M. Hua {loc. cif.) recognizes live species of the genus, which, as we have seen, he calls Sherhournia, and gives a valuable discussion of the genus and lucid descriptions of the species ; but I am unable ti» agree with his conclusions entirely, as wnll api^ear in the systematic account of the species which I proceed to submit. It would appear that M. Hua has been somewhat l\andicapped by paucity of material ; but his carefully pre])ared account lias been of very great service to me in my own investigation. He says, truly, " Les cinq especes que nous venous d'enumerer ne sont probablement pas les seules du genre . . . qui se trouvent en Afrique tropicale." 1 have found that the principal critical features determining the species are the venation of the leaves, the size and colours of calyx iind corolla, and the nature of the fruit-surface. Two species, A. Buniinf/ii and A. 2iencluli-flora are distinct in their tree-habit, the rest b«Mng scandent shrubs. The distrilnition is of interest, and supports, more or less, the delimitations of the species. A. Sherhournits occurs westward to Sierra Leone, but its most eastern and at the same time most southern limits are in the Central Cameroons (Yaunde). A. lieinsioides has a similar westward distribution, but claims an isolated home in Central Africa, in Monbuttu and Niam-Niam lands. The allied A. hii/nonic/'Jlora seems to be essentially an Angolan plant, although M. Hua relegates a Congo specimen (loc. cit. 896) to this species. I have had, unfortunately, no opportunity of examining this plant ; but its ilower-colour, "rose brunatre," suggests the possibility that it may be a distinct s])ecies. In any case the plant was collected no further north of its original place in Angola than Kifcabi (French C(»ngo), where the i)resence of any Angolan species would not be sur])rising. All the si)ecimen8 of A. calycina (in the restricted sense) were gathered in Sierra Leone. A. Zankeri occurs from Benin in the west to Bipinde, in the Cameroons, in the east ; the Talbots liave j)rovided several excellent examjiles of this species from Southern Nigeria. A. Millruii has not been found outside Lagos ; A. Jlunua is South-Nigerian. A. licndidijlora, one of the two tree-species, is East-African. The remaining s]>ecies are based upon single specimens ; A. nn.,t;.n;:. H il,..,. < .pr,-ies. was collected in Gola, Liberia: THE GEXrS A^rvRlLTA 8 and A. micrantha, with quite small red flowers, was found by E, W. Foster in Oloke Meji, Southern Nigeria. The genus is thus confined almost entirely to Western Tropical Africa, Upper and Lower Gruinea, from Sierra Leone, through the various districts along the coast, to Angola, the exceptions'' being provided by A. heinsioides, which we have found in Central Africtr, and A. penduliflora, in East Africa, I proceed to furnish a systematic account of the ten species which I have had an opportunity of examining ; this I preface with a clavis. AilARALIA. Erect plants (trees or shrubs), with smooth fruits. Calyx-lobes barely 1 cm. long ; leaf acute at base ; fruit narrowly ellipsoidal (East Africa) 1. penduliflora. Calyx-lobes over 2 cm. long ; leaf cordate ; fruit globose (Liberia) 2. Biuitinrjii. Climbing shrubs. Calyx-lobes over 15 mm, long. Fruit smooth, unribbed. Corolla 3-4 cm. long, or more. Leaves acute at base, youngest relatively narrow... 3. Sherhoumiae. Leaves cordate, broadly ellipticaL Corolla-tube less than 4 cm., purplish ; calyx purple, with broad obtuse lobes 5. hignoniaefloi'a. Corolla-tube over 4*5 cm., white outside, with rose lobes ; calyx-lobes narrow acute 6. heinsioides. Corolla barely 2 cm. long 4. calycina. Fruit prominently ribbed. Secondary leaf- veins 5-6 pairs. Young leaves small lanceolate, very acute 7. Huancu Young leaves large elliptical, not markedly acute. Fruit very narrow, often curved 8. Millenii. Secondary leaf- veins 10 pairs 9. Zenker i. Calyx-lobes barely 7 mm. long, corolla correspondingly small 10. micrantha. A. {Sherbournia) Brazzaei (see below) is unknown to me. 1. A. PEXDULIFLOEA, nom. nov. Randia penduliflora K, Schum. in Engler, Pfl. Ost-Afr, C. 380. East Africa : Derema, Volkens 127 ! Amani, Kerh, Amani 394 i Hb. Mus. Brit. The Amani plant, according to the MS. on the label in the National Herbarium, was distributed as Randia sericacantlia K, Sch. This name appeal's as a nonien nudum, published bv Engler in Notizbl. Bot, Gart. Berlin, iii. 84 ; but in any case the specimen cited is s])ecifically identical with the Derema plant. The species is readily distinguished by the tree-habit and small calyx. 2, A. Buntingii, sp. n. Arbor ramulis glabris gracilibiis rectis Lnevibus ; folia chartacea obovata 12-20 cm. x6-r)-9 cm., leviter acuminata basi cordata, supra glaberrima subtus in venis obscuriuscule sericea, venis secundariis utrinque 6. Flares in axillis solitarii ; cali/cis lobi oblongi, vix 35 2 4 THE JOURNAL OF BOTA>^T 2'.j 0111. longi acutissiini, tiilms I cm. loiigus. Fntcius gIol)OSU«> aiirantiacus G-S cm. diam. Jlnh. Liberia : (iola. in old farm-land, 20 April, 1910, Bunting ! Herb. Mus. Jirit. Distinct in its tree-babit and globose fruit. The numerous seeds are embedded in u gelatinous pulp which is eaten by the natives. :^. A. SnEKUorHM.K, nom. nov. Gardenia Sherhottrnice Hook. f. B(.t. Mag. (hS-14) t. 4044. Jiandia ^herbornice Hook. Fl. Niger (IJS4J)) .'is5. S/trrhourniafoIiosa G. Don in Loud, EncycL PL Supp. ii. (ls.35) l'V22 ; Hua, ioc. cif. 895. Bro parte Amaralia hicpionicd- Jlora Wchv. ex Hiern in Flor. Trop. Air. iii. (1877) 112. Bro parte A. cali/cina K. Sebum, in Engler Pllanzenf. lY. iv. (1891) 78. /////;. Hart. Slierl)ourne\ from Sierra Leone. Sierra Leone: without more ])recise locality, Afzelius 1 Barter ! Sniythe 10 ! ll'iffonV. Regent, May 185/, Barter \ 8 December, Scott Elliot 41 10 I Sherboro, Scott klliot 5703! 5704! Kuiiisa, Kafoga, Limba, r» April, 1S92, Scott Elliot 4002 ; Jaja, 7 January and 9 May, 1914. Bun ting 4! 49! Liberia: Sinoe liasin and Monrovia, VVhytel Ashanti : Kumassi, Assin Yan, Cummins 143 ! Cameroons : Yaunde (SU) metres elev.), Zenker 870 ! 788 ! Hbb. Mus. Brit. & Kew. The critical characters in this ease are the rather narrow leaves acute at the base, with no more than half-a-dozen ])airs of secondary veins, the small corolla, white or cream, exserted barely half its length fi-om the very ample glubrescent greenish calyx, and the unribbed red (Cummins) fruit. The Horal colours, which agree with those of the cultivated specimens, are given on the authority of Mr. Bunting, a careful collector, who tells us that the plant climbs by means of its- l)etit»les. According to Scott Elliot, a common name about Kafoga for this species is " Kwia," and the plant is used by natives for coughs. 4. A. CALYciNA K. Sebum, in Engler, Pflauzenf. iv, iv. (1891) 78. Pro imrte A. Ijignoniajlora Hiern in Fl. Trop. Afr. iii, (1877) 112, (ianlrnia cali/cina Don, (len. Syst. iii. (1884) 497, Bandia Doniana Hcnth. in Howk. Niger Flora (1849) 385. 2!fon Sherbournia calycina Hua/. f. 898. I lab. Sien-a Leone: Don 110! et s. n. ! Hbb. Mus. Brit. & Kew^ Tliis species has been the subject of considerable confusion. K. Sclnunann (loc.cit.) includedall the then-known s\)ec'w?,oJiAma7'alir( under this name, but we adopt it in a restricted sense, it being the lirst sjH'cilic name under which the s])ecies was described. Don [toe. cit.) clearly intimates that the fruit is not cosbite ; but Hua {he. cit.) idcntilii's his Shrrboiirnia calycina, based on a specimen with stronglv- ribbcd fruits collected by Harter at Eppah, with Don's s})ecies, ('(•mparison of the types, and of a considerable amount of other correlated material, has c<>nvinee(l me that this is incorrect; and that ]lun's S/irrbonrnia calycina must be renamed, and treated as a new s])ecies (r. infra, no. 7). The distinctive characterislir«< of the species are the small corolla ami the smooth fruit. THE GEXrS AMARALIA 5 5. A. BiGNONi^iiFLOKA Welw. ex Hiern in Vhr. Trop. Afr. iii. (1877) 112. Fro parte A. caltjcina K. Sch. loc. cit. Gardenia higuoiiiceji.ora Welw. Apont. (1S58) 585. Sherbournia foliosa Hieri), Cat. Welw. Afr. PL ii. (1898) 466, iion Don. aS'. hiynonioi- ftora Hua, loc. cit. 396. Randia heinsioidts Hua, loc. cit. non R. heinsioides Schwf. MS. ex Hua. Hab. Angola : Golungo Alto, Gossweiler 4410 ! Eastern Queta, December 1854. Welwitsck 2571 ! Cazengo, Gossweiler 721 ! 5363 ! Hbb. Mus. Brit. & Kew. Allied to A. heinsioides, but the corolla is smaller and differently- coloured, and less exserted from the calyx, which has obtuse broad lobes. According to Welwitsch the corolla is rose-violet, purple inside, and the calyx purple. 6. A. heinsioiJes, sp, n. Randia Jieiusioides Schwfth. MS. ex Hua in Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Autun, xiv, (1901) 391. Rro parte ISherbournia bifjnoniaejiora Hua, loc, cit. Frutex scandens ramulis nisi novissimis sericeis glabris striatis griseis ; folia plerumque late elliptica, ad ca. 15 cm. x 7 cm., leviter acuminata basi saepius tandem cordata, supra glaberrima subtus nisi in venis sericea glabra, venis secundariis utrinque 5 v. 6 ; stipulce mox deciduse anguste oblongai obtusissiniie 12-15 mm. longie. Flares magni per paria in axillis in pedunculo crasso sericeo 1 cm. longo disposiii. Calycis extus lyyviter sericei mox glabrescentis tubus supra ovarium hemisphiericus 14 mm. diam., lobi oblongi apice rotundati 2"2 cm. X 7 mm. Corollce tubus 4*5 cm. excedens sub lobos 3*3 cm. latus, lobi latissimi rotundi 1'8 cm, X 2*1 cm, Fructus hevis elongato- ellipsoideus 3 cm. x 1'2 cm, Flah. Central Africa : Monbuttu-land, Kussumbo, 16 March, 1870, Schweinfurfh, 3142 ! Niam-Niam-land, Diamvonu, 6 March, 1870, Schweinfurth, Ser. ii. 15 ! Sierra Leone : near Kafogo, 6 April, 1892, ^^cott Elliot 5602! Gold Coast: Finsenase, near Obuasc, 21 March, 1912, Chip}) 149 ! Hbb. Mus. Brit. & Kew. Distinguished by its large, broad, cordate leaves, and large flowers with relatively narrow calyx-lobes. Schweinfurth says that the corolla is whitish outside, purplish inside, Avith rose-coloured lobes ; the stigma is white. Nom. vulg. (A. Banga) " Mbittah." A specimen was until recently in cultivation in the Hope Gardens, Jamaica (Herb. Bot. Dep. Jam. 19 !), flowering in March; but 1 learn that the plant has now been removed. 7. A, HuAXA, nom. nov. SJ/erbonrnia cahjcina Hua, loc. cit. 398. Rab. Nigeria: ^\)\)2\\ Barter \ Bagroo U., Ji^y^yi 819 ! Yoruba, 7 May, 1890, Moloney ! Hb. Kew. This species is characterized by the strongly sulcate ovaiy and relatively stout, riljbed fruit, and narrow leaves with six pairs of lateral veins at most. Hua associates Mann's plant with tliis, correctly, I believe ; for although the lattei- bears no fruits, the " calyx- tube " shows every promise of being strongly costate : also the calyx-lobes are much smaller and more acute than those of JL. Sherboiirnicc, to which Mann's specimen might otherwise be relegated, 1 have included the Yoruba plant under the same head on similar evidence. G THE JOIRyAL OF BOTAXY s. A. Millenii, sp. n. Frutfx siamU-ns ; folia gkbm, late elliptica, 11-18 cm, X 5-8 cm,, brevissime v. vix acuminatii nee acuta, basi acuta nee cordata, petiolo valiclo aspero 2*5 . em. v. longiore ; sfipulce anguste oblongje + 1 em. X 2-3 mm. aeutie. Flares in axillis solitarii ; cah/cis lobi late oblongi aeutissimi vix 1 em. longi, ca. 6 mm. lati. CoroUce tubus 3 cm, longus, lobi luti breves. JBacca eonspieue necnon crebre eostata, glaberrima, angusta, 3'5-4 em. longi, vix 1 em. diam., sa?pe eurvata. Hah. Liigos: Ebule Mella, Muni Koad. 12 December, 1898, MiUci ;n ! Iddo Iskmd, November 1894, MiUeu 143 ! Hb. Kew. Verv distinct in its ample leaves with acute base, and long narrow- ribbed fruits. 9. A. ZKNk'KRi, nom. nov, Sherhovrnia Zenheri Hua, Joe. cif. 390. Fro parte Anuwalia calyciiia K. Sebum, in Engler, Pflanzenf, IV. iv. (1S91) 78. Nom. vulg. Benin : " Alleleb " ; Yoruba : " Odan," Hab. Benin: Ipo})on, IG April, 1908, JFosi'pr 198 ! S.Nigeria: C)])an, F. Amaury Talbot 202 ! 269 ! Eket and Degema, F. Amaurif Talbot, s. n. ! 3G03 ! 3740 ! Cameroons : Ambas Bay, February 18G2, Maun 1329. Bipinde, Z^^;//- ! Batanga, Bates 27o I Hbb. Mus. Brit. & Kew. 2. R. amaraliocarpa. sp. n. Frutcx >c-an(K'iis nisi inHorescentia glaberrimus ; folia subcoriacea cllijitica, brt'vitcr acuminata subacuta, venis secundariis utrinque 5-6, basi acuta v. obtusiuscula, intiolo validiusculo scandenti-curvato, stipulis mox dcciduis oblongis obtusis. Cymce abbreriatie axillares ±(.)-tl()r., lignosib. Calyx extus dense griseo-sericeus, latissime bre- vissime dentatus ; corolla majuscula, extus dense argenteo-sencea. Fructus oblonge-ellipsoideus, jn^minentissime 10-eostatus, calyce j)ersistente tubulari sericeo coronatus. Hob. Soutli Xii;ena : Eket, main road to Oron, mostly farm- clearin«^'s, P. Awaitry Talhot 3021 ! Hb. Mus. Brit. This is easily distinguished by the glabrous leaves, many-flowered cymes, and the large corolla. 'Mrs. Talbot gives close details of colour: the body of the tube is cream-yellow; the lobes have dark- jjuri)lish to black s})ots. The calyx is' '• bronzy green, with greyish 'silk\" The "centre" (stigma and style) is' cieam-colomed, with dark red lines. Leaves 12 cm. x 5 cm.-17 cm. X 8 cm.; petiole to 1 -5 cm., or rather longer ; stipules attain about I'O cm. X '5 cm. before falling. The strongly-ribbed ovary is 0 mm. long in the mature flower ; rr//yj--limb 9 mm. C'oro//w-tube*exserted about 2 cm. from calyx; IcjU's ca. G mm.x5 mm. Fruit about 3-5 cm. long, 17 cm. in diameter, crowned by calyx little, if at all, accrescent. 3. R. cnrvipes. sp. n. 1-iutcx scaiidfiis, i-anuilis glabris subvirgatis gracililms. Folia glaha ellij>tica vix acuminata ajjice obtusiuscula lasi rotundato- tnmcata, jx tint is validis sa«])ius tandem tumidis curvatis, venis sccundariis utrin(|ue G; stijmla- niox dccidu;e oblongo-lanceolata acuminata' acuti^sima?. Flores 1-2 in axillis (apcitum non vidi) ; ^ THE GEXUS AMARALIA 0 calycis dentes alabastro angusti acutissimi acuminati. Fnictus ellipsoideus prominentissiine costatus, in costis dense aliter sparsi- uscule sericeus, a calyce dense sericeo dentibus angustis necnon longiuseulis coronatus. Angola : Gosstveile?' ! Hb, Mus, Brit. The nearest ally is -B. amarolioccnya, from which this species is easily distinguished by the leaf -shape. Leaves 11-5 cm. X G cm. with stalks up to rather more than 1 cm. long when uncurled ; stipules 1'3 cm. X 3-5 mm. Fruit 2 cm. x 1 cm., crowned by calyx nearly 1 cm. high (including the erect teeth j. 4. R. CLADAXTHA K. Schum. in Engler, Bot. Jahrb. xxviii. (1900) 62; Wernham in Cat. Talb. Nig. PI. (1918) 131. Hab. Cameroons: Bipinde, Zenker 1540! 1872 1 2(521! 2885! 3318! South Nigeria: Agege, Foster 223! Wet zone, Ofara— Oluwa, July 1909, Kitson ! Oban, F. Amaiiry Talbot 145 ! 214 6 ! Western Prov., Thompson ! Hbb. Mus. Brit, & Kew. Easily distinguished by the large leaves gradually narrowed to the base, with oblong obtuse stipules 25 mm. or longer, and the tree -habit. 5. R. hapalophy'la, sp. n. B. streptocaidon Wernham in Cat. Talb. Nig. PL (1913) 131. Frutex scandens ramulis validiusculis mox glabris cortice fusco- griseo indutis. Folia lata obovata ad elliptica, vix acuminata apice acutissima, ^xr^va. glaberrima nitentia, subtus praisertim in venis densiuscule dulce tomentoso-pubescentia, venis secundariis subtus prominentissimis utrinque 10; stipulce ovatie sericea?. Cymce +7- llorai abbreviatse; calycis tubus cylindricus, sinuato-dentatus; ovarium sulcatum ; corolla campanulata dense sericea, lobis latis ovato- rotundatis. Fnictus subglobosus, velutinus obtuse costatus. Mab. South Nigeria : Oban, P. Amaury Talbot 211 A ! Came- roons : Bipinde, Zenker 3512 ! 3032 a ! Abonando, 25 May, 1902, Mitdatis 66 ! Hbb. Mus. Brit. & Kew. Allied to F, streytocaulon, but at once distinguished by the size and indumentum of the leaves. The latter meaiiure 16-21 cm. x 8-12 cm., with stalks up to 2-5 cm. long; stipules I'o cm. x 8 mm. C«Zya:-limb in the flower nearly 1 cm. long ; c6ro//«-tube exserled l'2-l-8 cm. from calyx, with lobes about 8 mm. X 7 mm. Fruit 2*3 cm. X 2 cm., crowned by calyx 1-3 cm. high. 6. P. CASTA^EOFULTA S. Moore in Journ. Linn. Soc, Bot. xxxvii. (1906) 304. Flab. Angola : Cazengo, Gossweiler 621 ! Hb. Mus. Brit. At once recognizable by the snuff-coloured tomentum on the under-side of the leaves, and on calyx and fruit. 7. P. ANXULATA K. Schum. in Engler, Bot. Jahrb. xxiii. (1897) 435. Hab. Gaboon : Munda, Sibange Farm, 25 October, 1881, Soyaux 306 ! The leaves are very rounded, even minutely cordate, at the base ; the corolla 6 cm. long. 10 TTiE .rorRXAr, of botaxv / HEPATICS IN WEST CORNWALL. Bv W. E. Nicholson. It is often tlie best-worked localities which continue to produce the giviitest number of novelties. The apparent inexhaustibility of lien Lawei-s is an instiince of this. It should therefore scarcely be a matter of surprise that the rich district of West Cornwall should 4ilso continue to produce novelties ; and some of the hepatics which 1 i^athered at the Lizard and Carbis Bay, where I spent a few da3^s at tlie end of March and beginning of April last, may be worthy of record. Ji'iccta 1J'nr)isfo>'/ii Limpr. Not uncommon on the cliffs near tlie sea, Housel liay, the Lizard, in company with li. Lescuriana Aust. and li. sorocarpa Bisch. Nearly all the plants are more or less ciliate. and I am tempted to think that the plant wdiich has l)een recorded fi'om this district as R. ciliata Hoffm. may really belong to li. II arnstorjii. R. uifjrt'Ua DC. Sparingly on the cliffs at Housel Bay, often in a sliglitly drier habitiit than the other vspecies. Fosaombronia Crozalsii Corbiere (Rev. Bry. 1903, p. 13). In rather large ])atches in moist places on the cliffs at Housel Bay ; ofti'n growing with liiccia Lescuriana Aust. Mr, Macvicar and M. Douin confirm the identitication of this plant, which is new to Britain. It is described by M. Corbiere {loc, cit.) as follows: *' N'egetative charactei-s and habit of F. ccesj^iiifo-rmis De Not. Spores very distinct, subglobular, 38-40 \i in diameter, intermediate in dimensions ])etween of F. aurjidosa (Dicks.) Raddi and F". Dii- nioriirri (Hiib. A: (Jenth.) Lindb., and similarly retieulate-areolate, areola' subhexagonal, as in the two last-mentioned species, but much smaller and more nmue-rou.s, surrounded by a fairly high membrane, which makes the contour of the spores appear spinulose; elaters with 2-3 spii-als, generally 2," The plant from Housel liay agrees with this description, except that the spores are generally larger, averaging 45 to 50 /i, and, allhougli many of them are distinctly areolate, they recall those of F. llasuoii <\)i-biere r.ither than those of F. angnloaa or F. Du- martltri, and M. Corbiere's figure -of the spore which accompanies liis descri])tion su})ports this view. In sculpture most of the spores ■of the Hou.sel liay i)lant agree verv well with JM. Corbiere's figure, but th«'y are rather variable; a few have the -surface covered with numerous latlier blunt and irregidarly distributed pai)illiB, recalling tl.ose of F. Mittcnii Tindall, wliile others, as ix)inted out to me by >L Douin, have .somewhat the sculpture of those of F. pusilla (L.) Dum. /'". Crozalsii clearly belongs to the grouj) of F. ca-sjiHi- /'i.rmis, with which it agrees in the vegetative ))lant. It is closely allied in sjiore scidptm-e to F. llasnoh', but it is essentially dis- tinguished from this by the strong violet colouring of the rhizoids, whiejj are brownish or hyaline in F. llvsuoti. I also find that ■uiu-n the material dries off' at the end of the growing-season the >tcm (.f F. llu!per-bearing rocks at Carbis Ba}^ Ci rowing near it and often intermixed with it is a plant with stouter stems, i)roix)rtionately smaller leaves and nmch shorter underleaves with larger, smoother cells 12-15 /i and more, while those of C. Ilassa- loHf/i are 8-10 fi. M. Douin has distinguished this plant as a distinct s])ecies under the name of C. Nichohoni Douin & Schffn. (Kev. Bry. 1911, ]). 17). I was until recently inclined to regard it as a mere accidental form of C, Massalouyi, but a further examination of the j)lant and of the conditions under which the two grow tend to prove the correctness of M. Douin's view. C. Nicholsoni affects rather drier and more exjxjsed situations than C. 3Iassaloju/i, and the diff'er- ences in the cliaraeters, which appear to be very constant, are the reverse of what one would expect from the habitat. Unfortunately no 2 bracts are ])resent by which the validity of the species might be further tested. Dr. K. Midler (Muse. Hep. Abt. ii. p. 193) does not accept the validity of C. Nichohoni, but I find that this form is very scarce in the gatherings which I made at Carbis Bay in 1907, and it is ])ossible that inadvertently none of the plant now recognized as C. JS ichchoni was incluer is, as we shall see later, more cautious. Mr. Nicholson's list is as follows : — s-^ Myosurus minimus, llununcu I us circinutus. Ji. parvijlorus, Corydalis solida. Fu m a ria cap reo lata. F. micrantha. Turrit is ylahra. Tecsda lea n u dim u lis . JJia nth us deltoidrs, *Sayiua ciliata. *S'. subulafa. S, nodosa. Alsine tenuifolia. Gera n in m ro t n n difoliu m . Erodium moschatum. Hadiola Millegrana. Medicayo denticulata. Vicia lathyroides. Spiraea Filipendula, Myriophyllu m vertical a turn. M. alt e mi folium. iSedu ni ilasyphyllu m. LONDON PLANTS 17 Parnassia palustris. Slum latifoliiim, JSupleurum temiissimum. (Enanthe LachenaliL (E. silaifoUa. Archangelica officinalis. Samhucus Ebulus. Valeria nella carina fa. Scahiosa Columharia. Inula Selenium. Pulicaria vulgaris. Centaurea Jacea. Cardiius pralensis. Campanula Traclielium. Cuscuta Trifolii. Cgnoglossuni officinale. Litliospermuni officinale. Myosoiis repens. Orobanche rapum. Yerhascum Blattaria. An tirrh in u m m ajus. Liniosella aquatica. Pedicularis paliisti'is. Mentha rotundifolia. Mentha piperita. Marrubium vulgare. Centunculus minimus. Samolus Valerandi. Littorella lacustris. Paris quadrifolia. Orchis incarnata. Ilabenaria chlorantha. Ophrys muscifrra. Spiranthes anfumnalis. JSTarcissits bijlorus. Tulipa sylvesfris. Fritillaria Meleaqris. Allium oleraceum. Colchicum autumnale, Luzula Forsteri. Alisma ranuiiculoides. Scirpus palustre. Triglochin palustre. Scirpus carinatus. Plysmus compressus. Carex pulicaris. C. di,sticha. C. divisa. C. strigosa. C. laevigata. Avena fatua. Koeleria crisfata. Sclerochloa distans. Lastrea spinulosa. Polystichum aculeatum. Lycop odiu m cla vatu m. L. inundatum. Perhaps Mr. Williams, who has for some years heen working at Middlesex plants, may be able to show that some of these are still entitled to a place in the flora. Mr. Nicholson writes : " Even within om* own time many well- known localities have been lost, and Highgate Woods, which tliii-ty years ago were a blaze of colour in spring, are now so intersected by cinder and asphalt paths that their beauty has been almost destroyed. Blue-bells are practically non-existent, and the thousands of wood anemones are now represented by a few miserable clumps of leaves here and there. The be jr drainage of the woods has destroyed numerous plants, and several fine clumps of such plants as Carex pendula and Carex vesicaria have been lost. Bishop's Wood, too, in Hampstead, is being rapidly spoiled, and within the last twenty years the famous alder copse at Whetstone has been converted into builder's land. The acquisition of Hampstead Heath for public use has now practically extinguished its interest as a botanical area." Mr. Kogers's paper on the Epping Forest flora is of greater general interest, as he has evidently carefully studied not only the plants of the district but the circumstances under vvliich they occur. The types of plant habitats within the Forest boundaries are three : — " (1) The damp woodland on clay, occupying the whole of the Journal op Botany. — Vol. 55. [Januakv, 1917.] c 18 THE JOURNAL OF BOTAXT wooded area south of High Beach, and the stretch north of Epping known as the Lower Forest. The principal trees are oak and horn- beam, witli an undergrowth of hawthorn, blackthorn, and much bramble. ''(2) Dry woodland on sand and gravel — the Avooded district be- tween Fairniead Plain and Epping. The chief trees are beech and birch, and the undergrowth is com])aratively sparse. " (^) Open heathy ground on the sand, interspersed tlii'oughout the drier and more elevated ground." Comparing his observations with the lists given in E. N. Buxton's GiiiiJc to the Forest, he notes that of the 436 species therein enume- rited. about 70 are unknown to him, either personally or by report, as of actual occurrence : among them Teesdatea nudicaidis, Pai^nassia palustria, Cera-stium qiiafeniellum and nrvense, Saxifrnga grann- l(ft(i, both C/n-i/fiosj)Ieiu'tfms, Serratula tinctoria, Dodder, Mullein, Pedicularin palustris, Mentha Pidegium, Vervain, Littorella lacus- tn's, Herb Paris, Spiranthes cmtumnalis, and Juniper. '' On the other hand," he continues, " I haye a list of about 2') species I have observed myself, which are not included. Nine of these are rushes or grasses. One or two, like the Bagged Bobin (Z. Flos-cuc2(li), are obviously oversights, but perhaps Veronica sciitellata, Valeriana dioica, and Limnanthemum peltatum Avere never observed by Mr. Buxton's recorders." Then comes the caution to which we have referred, which seems amply justified by the facts which follow : — " One hesitates to say that species not recently found are now extinct in the. Forest, esj^ecially if they are such as would natumlly be looked for there. I have had several quite unexpected finds in recent years. About six years ago, with another meml^er of the Society, I was in an out of the way corner of the wood, not far from E])i)ing, when we were delighted to find in a moist glade a grand cluni]) of the uncommon Marsh Fern {Lastrea Thelypteris), wliose creeping roots had covered quite a large area, throwing up, pt'rha])s, hinidrcds of fronds. In the grassy sides of this glade the Marsh Valerian ( F. dioica) was in flower, and about a hundred yards away we found a strong colony of the Bogbean. These three species were (juite new to us in the Forest. Some years ago on an excursion of tlie Society, a small clump of Whortleberry was found on the high ground near the ' Wake Arms.' I have never seen it since. Two stations for the Lily of tlie Valley are known to me, and probably to many otlier members. A plant of Solomon's Seal near ChingfordVas (piit*' an unlooked-for find. And not far from the ' AVake Arms' two or tliive clumps of tlie strange Birds'-nest Orchis still throw up their l)al«' brown spikes year by year among the decaying beech leaves." The following paragraphs may be quoted as examples of the interesting observations wliich render the paper worthy of attention : — "The large grou]) of aliens, now such a considerable feature in the flora about Tiondon and other large centres of population, is almost entirely absent from tlie Forest. Taking an 'alien' to be a species which though now spontaneous, originated in Britain through human agency, it is of course jjrobalile that many of the group just referred LONDON PLANTS 19 to may be o£ alien origin. But they are the colonists who have found in theii' new home a congenial soil and climate, and have maintained themselves, with the assistance of cultivation, so long that the historv of their introduction is not nov; traceable. Their obvious inability to hold their own, in competition with the native flora of primitive un- broken ground like the Forest, is a strong presumption of their foreign origin, however. But among aliens of recent introduction we are unlikely to find many species of sufficient adaptability to secure their position. Those capable of colonisation have mostly gained their place long ago. Therefore, within the Forest area, where cultivation and disturbance of the soil have fortunately ceased, very few of the modern casuals are likely to survive their first year. " Among the undoubtedly native and widely spread sylvestral and ericetal species, there are a few so sparingly represented in the Forest flora that one imagines there must be some special reasons for their scarcity. In some cases the reason is obvious. There is a story, likely enough, that the Hazel was rooted out to prevent the disturbance of the King's deer by nutting parties from London. The proximit}'^ of London is also doubtless accountable for the disappearance of so striking a plant as the Foxglove, and the Primrose has almost met the same fate ; though it mvist be remembered that the Primrose is a plant of damp woodland, and was probably always scarce in the main block in the Forest, between Fairmead Plain and Ej^ping. In the damp Lower Forest beyond Epping it is still plentiful enough. But the same cause can scarcely account for the almost total absence of the Wood- ruff, the Wood Spurge {Euphorhia amygdaloides) — which is common enough in Hainault a few miles away — the inconspicuous moisture- loving Chrysospleniums, and the two woodland grasses. Milium and Melica. Again, wh}- is the Purple Heather entirely confined to a few spots on the gravel near Snaresbrook ? The sandy ground aljout High Beach and the ' Wake Arms ' would seem to be quite suitable for it. On all the expanse of heather and gorse-clad common the parasitic Dodder is, so far as I am aware, quite absent. Even the little Germander Speedwell is remarkably scarce, and though its flowers are bright enough it is hardly likelj^ to have been uprooted as has thfe Primrose. Is it possible that the nearness of London has reacted on some of these species through the pollution of the atmosphere, which is often only too evident ? I think there is no doubt that the scarcity of lichens on the Forest trees is largely due to this cause." In addition to those already mentioned, the following" are named by Mr. Rogers as among the most interesting species still to be found in the Forest: — " Drosera rotunclifolia is scarce, but by no means extinct on moist peaty ground near the ' Wake Arms.' Hypericum elodes occurs in some of the northern bogs. Limnanthemum peltatum, perhaps the rarest British species in the Forest, is well established in a large pool near Ambresbury Banks. Rhaimius Frangula is to be found near the Eagle Pond, Snaresbrook: B. catharficus near the Connaught Waters. A few trees of Pyrus torminalls are scattered through the woodland. Campanula hederacea is a western and northern species, but has an outlying station in the Forest between Thevdon c2 '20 THE .TOURXAL OF BOTANY and Loiightoii, In damp grassy hollows, often associated with AnngaUia fnirlld. Daphne Laureola is still found (very sparingly) in tliic'kets round Fairniead. Epipactis media, the Helleborine, is* another orchid common in the Lower Forest, and occasionally found elsewhere." The volume also contains the minutes of the proceedings at the fortniijhtlv meetings of the Society, and an *' interim report of the Botanical* Committee for the Southern Portion of the Districts" which has in view the compilation of a list of the existing flora, no recoi-ds ])rior to 1913 being accepted. We presume the specimens are submitted to some authoritv for confirmation. FREDERIC STRATTON (18^0-1916). The death of Frederic Stratton, which occurred on December 5th at his residence at Newport, Isle of Wight, has deprived this Journal of one of its earliest subscribers and contributors. His first " Notes on Isle of Wight Plants " appeared in November 1869, in which year he was elected a Fellow of the Linnean Society ; his last in the issue for December last, which, owing to the difficulties which prevailed throughout the 3'ear, did not appear until after his death— it may be cited as an instance of his interest in the Journal that shortly before this he asked whether it had arrived. Stratton sj^ent the whole of his life at Newport, where he was born on November 16, ISIO and where he held various appointments, in- cluding that of clerk to the Board of Guardians, a position which he tilled with ability for nearly forty years, retiring in 1903. He was admitted a solicitor in 1863, and practised until about two years ago. He was deeply interested in church matters, which he viewed from the " Low Church " standpoint, especially in the work of the Church Missionary Society: he was a member of the Winchester Diocesan Conference and an active worker in connection with St. John's Church, I'V'wport, of which one of his sons, the Rev. Arthur Carruthers Strat- ton, was at one time vicar. This name indicates the intimate friend- ship which existed between Stratton and Mr. William Carruthers: it was in the Department of Botan}^ — when the latter was Keeper and Trimen, also a friend, an assistant, — when it was still at Blooms- bury, that I first met Stratton. He was also a friend of A. G. More, who acknowledged his help in the "Supplement to the Flora fecfejiHi's " ])ublished in this Journal for 1871. Ajxirt from our botanical relations, which were always cordial, I did not know Stratton intimately : but I remember walking to Newport from Weston one hot smnmer's day many years ago, arriving in a footsore condition which evoked the hosjntality of Mr. Stratton and afFonled nut a glance of his hai)])y family life. He always impressed me as a thoroughly good man, ecjuable in disposition, always ready to be lieijd'ul and kind, es])ecially to beginners in botany. Having resided all his life in one place, and being a keen observer, Stratton had always an exceedingly intimate knowledge of its FJJEDEini' STJ^ATTON 21 botany : as his notes in this Journal, extending as they do over forty- tive years, have shown, he Avas however constantly adding to his information : although not critical on any particular genus, he was, as his notes show, an extremely careful observer, and the specimens which he distributed were always excellent. Apart from his conti-ibu- tions to this Journal, Stratton published very little : in 1900 he issued a little pamphlet for the benefit of visitors ito the Island on the Wild Flowers of the Isle of Wiylit, in which the principal species of various localities are enumerated: in this he expressed "a hope of publishing a Flora of the Island," but this hope was never fulfilled. Not long before his death he had proposed to go through his hei'bariujn, extracting such notes as seemed worth publication : but this also was not carried out. Stratton was a man of cultivated tastes ; he painted both in oils and water-colours, and was a constant exhibitor in connection with the Isle of Wight Fine Arts Society. He sj)ent many holidays in Switzerland — the first, I believe, with Trimen and Mr. Carruthei-s, — and lectured on these and other subjects. A paragraph from The Isle 22 THE JUL'HXAL Oi' iiOTANV of Wight County Press for December 9, which contains a warm tribute* to Stratton's many virtues, may fittingly conclude this n(>tice : — " Enjoying the warmest regard and esteem, not to say affection, of a wide circle of friends, who admired the high standard of character which he set in eveiy department of life and were charmed l)y liis many excellent personal qualities, he has passed to his long rest full of years and honour, and the Island is the poorer for his loss." James Beitten. SHORT JSrOTES. Helleborus yiridis (Journ. Bot. 1916, 338). — For many years I grew this plant and many coloured hj'^brid Hellebores. They all acted in the way Mr. Thompson describes. I found I could prevent the drooping and fading by cutting the stalks under water, splitting them up, and innnediately placing them in water. I attribute the drooping and fading to the transpiration being much more rapid than the absorption, owing to the current of water in the xylem of the vascular bundle being diminished by exposure of the bottom of the cut stem to the air. The balance of absorption and tran- s])ii'ation is further upset by the plant when cut being brought into the dr}' air of a room from the more or less satm'ated air out of doors. During my long experience of cut flowers in con- nection with my drawings, I have found that if a plant immediately after being cut is put into a tin box well filled with leaves, their tran- s])imtion soon saturates the air and thus stops much transpiration in the plant sent. The result is that plants so packed will remain fri'sh in the tin for many days. If, on the other hand, a plant is ])acked in a cardboard box or wrapped in paper the box or paper acts as an absorbent and transpiration is thus promoted rather than checked and the plant arrives drooping and faded. It is for this reason that I urge my correspondents to use tin boxes and to fill them, if the plants do not alread}' do so, with suitable leaves. — K. W. HUXNYIU'N. LiLiUM Ma7{Tagox. — Several years ago, in early spring, Dr. Walter CJardiner and I discovered a fine patch of LiUnm Martacjon near Tintern, on the Gloucestershire side of the Wye ; but, hearing that the habitat was already known, we thought little more of the matter. Jjjist summer, however, when s])ending the day at Tidenham with the Bev. Walter Hutt, Mr. H. H. Knight and I went to the woods to see the i)lant in flower. We were much pleased to find that Mr. Butt's station was some quarter of a mile or more from that mentioned alH)vt', and also to meet with scattered ])lants of the Lily as we ])usli('d tln-ough the woods in the direction of Tintern. Dr. Gardiner and 1 liad also come across a fair number of specimens on the hill- slojM's bt'low our main patch ; while Mr. Butt told us that he had seen one or more near the Wynd Cliff, on the other side of the Wye. Thus L. Marffif/on grows here and there in the river-side w^oods — say in six s])ots — besides in two patches of some fifty yards in diameter on the upper part of the slopes. These facts, whicli^ do not seem to SHORT XOTES 28 have been published, have a considerable bearing of the sta'tus of the Lily as a native. It certainl}^ has no appearance of an alien ; while the Wj^e-side woods are ^\nld and ancient. — A. H. Etans. Sagixa marittma Gr. Don. — The authorship of this species is wrongly attributed to D. Don in the Index Kewemis, and the error has been repeatedly copied both in England and on the Continent. It was hrst published in 1806 by George Don, senior (1764-1814) — the father of G. Don, junior (1798-1856) and of David Don (18U0- 1841) — in his Herhariiim Britanniciim, fasc. vii. no. 155, with the following description, in which I have corrected the numerous mis- prints of the oriofinal : — " Sagina maritima. Annua ; Fl. Maio- Augusto. Radix jmrva ; caules plurimi, adscendentes, plerumque divaricati, dichotomi. Foliis lineari-lanceolatis, obtusis, carnosis, nitidis, apice submucronulatis. Calyx ovatus obtusus, margine scarioso. Petala minuta, ssepe abortiva ; stamina 4 ad 8. A i^agina apetala foliis latioribus, obtusioribus, crassioribus, sub lente hispidis, vix aut ne vix quidem mucronulatis, calycis foliis ovato-obtusis plane diffei-t. On the sea-coast not infrequent in Angusshire. Isle of Skye, near Aberdeen, Queensferry, and Edinburgh." — C. C. Lacaita. [Don's uncorrected description was published by Mr, Druce in his paper on " The Life and Work of George Don " (Notes K. Bot. Gard. Edinb. iii, 170), but, as has been ])ointed out in this Journal (1888, 235), the species was first distinguished and named by Eobert Browui, whose specimens, from his ow^i herbarium, are in the Deyjartment of Botany. The MSS., which, as there stated, I was fortunate enough to find and to present to the Department, have now been bound in one volume, paged and indexed : Brown's very full description of the plant, to which the label attached to his specimens refers, will be found on pp. 793-4. — James Bkittex.] PuccixiA Htpochceeidis. — Mr. W. B. Grove in his The British Bust Fungi, p. 149 (1913), states concerning this species that " only uredospores were seen in British specimens." He describes the teleutospores as '* delicately verruculose-punctate (?)," and in a foot- note remarks : — " The alleged punctations of the teleutospores were invisible in all the specimens I have seen." In October last I gathered at Oxshotsome lenxes oi HgjJocJiCBris radicata on which this Buccinia was present chiefly in the uredospore stage : amongst the uredospores, however, in some cases were mixed a few teleutospores. These were clearly punctate, the punctations showing best in lactic acid — the wall of the uredospore is echinulate. The size, shape, etc., of the teleutospores agree with Mr. Grove's description. — J. IIamsbottom. BEVIEWS. The Thirty-Second Annual Beport of the Watson Botanical Exchange Club, 1915-16. Cambridge : Webb & Co., 1916. From the preliminary note of the Distributor, Miss Ida M. Koper, with which the Report begins, we learn without surprise that there has been a falling-oft^ in the number of specimens submitted ; but the liberal contributions of some of the members have brought the number '2^ TllK .1(»IR>AL OF UUTANi up to 2963*. The notes upon these contain, as always, much matter of interest to British botanists, a few items of which we propose, as is customary, to extract for the benefit of our readers. A large number, however, relate to critical genera, and for these — Viola, JRubus, Rosa, Euphrasia, Carex, and the Hke — reference must be made to the Report itself. A few points for criticism suggest themselves as we turn over the pages. Barharea vulgaris var. divaricata is incoiTectly cited as of " bver " : it was published (not as a variety, but as a form) in the Flora of Middlesex, p. 29 (1869) by Trimen and Dyer, who should be cited jointly to any new name published therein. The inile which pi-evails in the National Herbarium as to not printing names existing in MS. but not published might with advantage be generally observed; such publication seldom serves any useful pm-pose and needlessly increases synonymy : a name " suggested " for the plant just refenvd to, but hitherto unpublished, might well have remained unreconled. The notes under Erophila and Capsella suggest that the distinctions in the forms of these are somewhat slight and that opinions differ widely concerning them : we doubt whether Mott's varietal names sfenocarpa It/ rata and stenocarpa coronopifolia (under C. Bursa- pastoris) can be recognized as valid, although we note that the Report inserts in each case a hyphen which is not in the original publication. The (juestion as to what is sufficient to constitute a variet;\', nameable as such, arises in connection with the yellow-fruited form of Viburnum O pill us named " xar.Jlai'a mihi " by Mr. Horwood. The form seems permanent in the locality given, but, apart from the colour of the fruit, the plant appears to present no other distinctive characters of importance, and the occurrence of " distinctly intermediate " specimens with " light red and yellow fruit" in the same locality suggests that the plant is hardly entitled to varietal rank. We are a little inclined to doubt whether it is worth while to print all the contradictory opinions of experts ; this, however, has the advantage of stimulating the tyro to individual investigation, although it must shatter his confidence in those whom he has been accustomed to regard as authorities. Some of the divergencies — e. g. under Ero- jihila and Euphrasia — arise from the fact that in the same gathering more than one species was represented, and that the plants sent to ex])erts were hence not identical. As to Euphrasia, we hope shortly to publisli a study of the British species by Mr. Cedric Bucknall which will, we think, i)rove of great assistance to students of this difficult genus. We note with satisfaction the absence of rubbish-heap botany, the few aliens included being such as ])resent pomts of botanical interest such as are given by Mr. Wilmott in his note in Anchnsa ojjicinalis. There are indications that the imjwrtance of cultivation as a test of the value of critical forms is l)ecoming recognized. The following are the items we have selected for quotation : — lianunculus Iriparfifus DC. (Jide Dr. Moss). — Near Brocken- Imrst, New Forest, S, Hants, v.c. H, flowers April 10, fruit May 19, ANNUAL KEPORT OF WATSOX EXCHANGE CLUB 25 1914. — R. S. Standen. Though the aerial leaves soraetmies resemble those of R. tripartitus, 1 should refer this, and all the other New Forest plants 1 have seen, to B. lutarius. R. tripartitus, which occurs in Cornwall an'd Co. Cork, may be readily distingushed by the production of a number of very finely divided submerged leaves, the segments of which are capillary. R. lutarius, on the other hand, rarely produces any divided submerged leaves, and when these are present they are few in number, less frequently forked, and have the segments distinctly flattened. Usually there are also some tran- sitional leaves present, and these I have not seen in R. tripartitus. — • J. Groves. Viola hirta L., f. lactiflora Eeichb. Cadbury Eidge, Tickenham, N; Somerset, v.c' 6, April 22 and Aug. 26, 191.3. Flowers pm-e white. — Ida M. Roper. This plant is not the counterpart of the one found on Cadbur}^ Camp, in the same district. Its surface is much more hairy; its flowers are smaller, with much thinner narrower petals ; its fruit is furnished with long shaggy hairs. The same form grows sparingly in Banwell Wood, Somerset, and at Stokeinteignhead, Devon. In 1914, Miss Livett very kindly sent me an assortment of variegata and lactiflora forms from Cadbury, so that I might study the capsules. I found all variegata capsules to have long, shaggy hairs on the angles ; some lactiflora capsules were glabrous (as described in British Violets, p. 24) ; some were slightly hairy, but not shaggy. The name I applied to this form from Banwell Wood and Stokeinteignhead is: — " F. hirta, var. hirsitta, f. lactiflora.'''' Miss Roper's specimens — taken in flower, and again in fruit — make violet-stud}^ a pleasure. — E. S. Gregory. V. Lloydii Jord., var. insignis Drabble. Abundant in oatfields, Melvich, W. Sutherland, v.c. 108, July 15, 1915. Named by Dr. Drabble. This beautiful pansy is common on the North coast, in cultivated land ; but it is also probably native, as I saw it in wild ground near Strathy and Altnaharra.- — Edward S. Marshall. Ruhus caeresiensis Sudre & Gravet, subsp. or var. integrihasis Rogers. This is the plant represented in " Lond. Cat.," ed. x., by No. 444, ''integrihasis P. J. Muell. ? " ; The alteration of name suggested above is due to Dr. Focke's change of view. It was- at his suggestion that we adopted the name R. integrihasis P. J. Muell. (see Journ. Bot. 1890. p. 100) ; but now [see his Sp. Ruboi-um (Rubi Europa?i) 1914, pp. 330, 331 (106, 107)] he associates om* plant more closely with Sudre & Gravet's R. caeresiensis. His words- (p. 330) are: " i?. integrihasis (cit. P. J. Muell.) Rogers ' Handb. Brit. Rubi,' p. 24, forma R. caeresiensi arete affinis videtur " ; and he adds (p. 331) "in planta Britannica (R. infegrihasi Rogers) foliola potius obovata, aculei paullo longiores et robustiores sunt. Stamina stylos superant. Petala roseola. R. caeresiensi sine dubio magis affinis quam R. integrihasi. In sudHchen England." 1 have not seen R. caeresiensis, which is reported only " in den belgischen Ardennen." — W. M. Rogers. Saxifraga ^tei^nhergii Willd. Hort. " Caradon," Southampton, Hants, May 30, 1915. Originally brought two years ago by Mr, Arnold Eliott from Brandon Head, Co. Kerry, and transjjlanted 2G TJIE .JUIKNAL OF BOTA>'\' in Sept. 1914, to a fresh rockery. — H. S, Thompsox, This closely a])proaches the County Clare plants so named (Black Head and Ballyrvan); but typical *S'. Sternhergii, as figured by Sternberg from his original cultivated plant, differs greatly, and I rather doubt whether they can be specifically identical. I have in culti- vation a Saxifrage, from near the summit of Brandon Mountain, which exactlv agrees with Sternberg's figure of his cultivated plant ; it is likewise bright green, but the petals are broader and rounder, never j)inkish (as in the present case) ; the sepals broad and obtuse ; the leaf-segments broad and blunt : so that it comes much nearer to S. rosacea MoQ\w\\ {(Iccijjifns ^\\y\\.; imlmata Sm.) in characters, thou^-h clearly distinct from that. In a wild state it is densely caespi- tose ; under cultivation it becomes somewhat laxer, but less so than in the Clare and Brandon Head examples. — E. S. Maeshall. Galium verum L., var. maritimum DC. Sandy shore, Fairbourne, near Barmouth, Merionethsh., Aug. 4, 1915. — W. C. Bartox. This is, I think, what has been so named in Britain ; but it does not quite agree w4th the description in De Candolle's ' Prodromus,'' iv. 608 : — " caule demisso ramosissimo basi glabro apice villoso, ovariis glabris," the stem not being villous, upwards. It may be the var. littorale Brebisson ; but it is probabl}^ a state, due to poor sand and exposure, rather than a real variety. — E. S. Marshall. Ana (/all is arvensis L., var. carnea Schrank. Barmouth, Merio- nethsh., Aug. 18, 1915. Petals wdth glandular ciliate margins. The scarlet- Ho wered plant was plentiful, but I saw none with blue flowers in the district. The pale-fiowered form occurred chiefly on roadsides, trodden ground or poor stony soil, and a few were intermediate in colour. — W. C. Barton. Scutellaria galericulata L. [In answer to a question by Mr. W. C. Barton, whether the form wdth glabrous leaves and calyxes (n. vuU/aris Mutel.) is found in the British Isles, Mr. Arthur Bennett writes :] " Yes. I have a sf>ecimen gathered b}'' myself between Alford and Cranleigh, Surrey, Aug. 1884." Another from "Gatehouse, Kirkcudbright, July 1887, Prof. D. Oliver," comes verv near to it, but is really slightlv hairv. A specimen from "Andover, N. Hants, July 18, 1878, C. "^B. Clarke," is intensely hairy, so much so that the corollas, calices, and under sur- face of leaves are quite whitish with the density of the hairs. Mr. Bai*ton's observation that " the pubescence (of his specimens) is not due to dry or exposed situation " is apt, because in the case of Tencrium Scordium L. it is so, as the Devon specimens are usually very hairy, while others from near Ely, growing in water, are nearly gla])rous. But there is another agent to consider ; i. e., age. In ricia Ornhns the ])lants are densely hairy up to the buds of the flowers showing, they then gradually become semiglabrous as the flowering and seeding j)r()ceed. Fulantoijeton crispus X alpinus. Kiver Earn above Dalreoch Bridge, ^lid JVi-tlish., Se])t. 22, 1915. This hybrid was discovered by Mr. .1. II. Matthews and myself whilst botanising on the bank of the river Earn above Dalreoch Jiridge, nearly opposite the village of Dunning, on the 2(3th Aug. last Not being able to identify it,"l A^^LAL HEPOET OF WATSON" EXCHANGE CLUB 27 sent specimens to Mr. Arthur Bennett, who determined it to be the above hybrid, saying at the same time that it has hitherto been found only in Denmark, and possibly in Bavaria. There were two or three distinct beds of it, and on a subsequent visit another was found about a mile below, on the opposite (left) bank, a short distance below the bridge. — ^W. Baeclat. Ammophila haltica Link. Sand dunes north of Yarmouth, E. Norfolk, June 26, 1915. The last edition of the Lond. Cat. treats A. haltica as an undoubted hybrid of A. arenaria ; . . . . The status of A. haltica was presumably determined in Northern Europe, where jDOssibly it occm-s in company w4th both its reputed parents. In this country, however, on the coast of Norfolk at least, Mr. C. E. Salmon and I have, during the past summer, carefully noted the range and associations of A. haltica, without perceiving anything suggestive of a hybrid origin, and we did not meet with a single plant of Calama- grostis epige'ios whilst botanising in the county. — J. W. White. The Antliocyanin Pifjments of Plants. By Muriel Wheldale. University Press, Cambridge, 1916. 15^. net. The botanist of mature years, as well as the younger investigator of plant chemistry, will read this well-constructed book with real interest. The latter will find brought together in a masterly way the multitudinous facts and hypotheses relating to the anthocyanins ; the former will perceive a remarkable illustration of the change in attitude which the botanist has assumed during the past decade. For in bringing together facts old and new and in disinterring ancient errors, with respect to some of which this reviewer himself admits guilt. Miss Wheldale designedly or undesignedly, but in any case effectually shows that the fashion of guessing at meanings has given place to the custom of discovering processes. In the older day we were happy at playing the guessing games of biology : content if we were able to say that the anthocyanin pigment of a flower served the purpose of attracting insects, that a similar pigment in a leaf was useful in making it warm or keeping it cool or acting as a sunshade to chlorophyll : and so we passed on, " in maiden meditation fancy free " to guess again about the biological things. Unless he be very mature indeed, the botanist who years ago took part in these pleasant games must admit that the newer sterner attitude to biological phenomena is more worthy of the serious attention of scientific work- men, for it is better to find out what things are than to guess as to their uses. In the case of the anthocyanin pigments their nature and proven- ance are peculiarly well worth discovering ; for the reason that the Mendelians have shown that these pigments are inherited in strictest fashion and that they are controlled by other hereditable reagents — paleifiers which make the colours faint, intensifiers which give rich- ness to their tints, and inhibitors which suppress them altogether. So if knowledge of the chemistry of these ])igments can catch up with our knowledge of their inheritance w^e may hope to discover something of the nature of the reagents of lieredit}^ -b llli: .loLKNAI, UF iJUTAXV This chemic'iil knowledi^e is accumulating rapidly. We know that the mother substance of the anthocyanin pigment is a flavour. There is evidence that either oxidation or reduction or both are concerned in the production of the pigment, and if we accept Willstatter's and Everest's conclusions we must regard the pigment, e. (j. in the Corn- flower, as a glucocide. In the free state it is purple, in the presence of acids it yields a red pigment, and when it fonns a salt with an alkali — with i)otash for example — it becomes blue. It is not, however, easy to reconcile Willstatter's conclusions with all the known genetical or even chemical facts ; but, on the other hand, it is not "impossible to form a mental scheme which might harmonize them. Assume that the anthocyanins are produced in special " vacuoles," and assume further that the fundamental purple pigment escapes from these vacuoles into the cell-sap. Then if the sap be rich in organic acids the purple will change to red ; if, on the other hand, the sap contains a large amount of potassium salts the ])urple will change to blue. In support of an h^^Dothesis — which it should be stated must be charged upon the reviewer and not on the author — it may be mentioned that Pick, or some other contemporary of the present writer, published evidence in support of this " special vacuole " cloistering of anthocyanin pigments, and, moreover, in early stages of ])etal formation in the Chinese Primula, the anthocyanins may be seen as small droplets sharply marked o:ff from the geneml sap. vSuch an hy])othesis would, moreover, help to explain the curious facts of correlation between colour and constitution : the association in Stocks of hoariness of leaf with colour of flower, the superiority in riavour of yellow over red-skinned tomatoes, the Aveakliness of certain albinos and the coarse flavour of red as compai'ed with ordinary cabbages. Evidentl}^ colom* is but an outward sign of an inward grace. Miss Wheldale has performed a laborious and difficult task with remarkable skill and judgement. Although she herself has done inucli to elucidate the genetical behaviour and chemical nature of the antho- cyanins, she has, nevertheless, brought to her work a detached and judicial mind. As a result her pages do not smell of the laboratory nor savour of specialized pedantry : and what praise higher than this can be bestowed on records of contemporary research r' F. K. BOOK-NOTES, NEWS, Etc. At the meeting of the Linnean Society on November 16th, Dr. H. Daydon Jackson gave an account of the Codex Anicice JiiUance in the lm])crial Libniry at Vienna, of which a copy in collotype was lat^'ly jjrescnted to the Society by Sir Frank Crisp. Pedanios (or l*edakios) Dioscorides was born at Anazarba in Cilicia, and received his education at Tarsus and Alexancb'ia. Details of his life are wanting, but it seems certain that he was physician to the Poman legions, and accompanied them into nearly every country on the north of the Mediterranean. He was a contemporary of Pliny the elder. BOOK-XOTES, XEWS, ETC. 29 living under tlie Emperors Nero and Vespasian, and dying about A.D. 77. His five books on Materia Medica seem to have suffered at the hands of editors, and it is usual to find two additional books tacked on which are obviously not the w^ork of Dioscorides. The text, even in the earlier MS. known, seems to be derived from still earlier sources, possibly taking shape about the close of the 3rd century. The celebrated Codex Anicice Juliance is stated to have been written about a.d. 512, though freely ascribed to 40 years earlier (472). It was acquired by Busbecq, Austrian Ambassador to Turkey, and finally reached Vienna, where it now is. A later Codex NeapoJitcmus is also preserved in the Imperial Library at Vienna, but of about the 7th century. In 1768-73, engravings from the Viennese Codex Neapoliianus were prepared b}^ the Librarian, Gerhard Swieten, the botanic portion under the care of Baron N. J. Jacquin. In March 1764, a set so far as engraved was sent to Linnaeus for his advice ; they were to be guarded carefully and shown to no one. The work was stopped at or soon after Swieten's death in 1772 ; four copies are known, two are at Vienna : the best copy has 410 figures, 1-383 are from the Codex Neapolitamis. 384-410 from the Codex Anicice Juliance : the second copy has only 407 figures. The copy at Oxford, given or lent to Sibthorpe in 1786, has 409 figures ; the Linnean Society's copy has only 142, but these are annotated by Jacquin ; possibly the promised continuation was never sent. No author has been more commented on than Dioscorides, and of the score of commentators none has reached the reputation of P. A. Mattioli, whose works, with or without illustrations, have reached an extraordinarv number of editions in various lano:uao"es. His biblio- grapher, Moretti, states that he possessed 40 editions, and knew of 11 others in various libraries. Dr. Sibthorp (1758-1796), Professor of Botany at Oxford, may be said to be the last of the line, the splendid ' Flora Grrteca,' jDrovided for by him, and edited by our founder. Sir J. E. Smith, being finished in 1840 under the care of Dr. Lindley. At the same meeting Dr. Jackson referred to the new cases for the Linnean Herbarium. He said that in the autiimn of 1914 the Council took steps to g-uard the Linnean Herbarium from damage by enemy aircraft, by storing it in the basement. This arrangement rendered consultation troublesome, and, during the past summer, the Council decided to bring the Herbarimn from the basement to its former position in the meeting-room. Additional security was pro- vided by enclosing the packets of plants in a series of 21 metal cases, resting in an iron frame, and enclosed within an outer cabinet lined with sheet asbestos and galvanized steel ; similar non-combustible material took the place of the glass which previously shut in the original Linnean cabinets ; the three old original cabinets have now been transferred to different uses in another part of the Society's apartments. At the meeting of the same Society on November 30th Mr. James Small, M.Sc, read a paper " On the Eloral Anatomy of some Com- positse." The vascular supply of various bilabiate or ray-florets was discussed, and it was shown that in these the vascular supply varies 'iO THE .lOURNAL UF JiUTANY more or less witli tlie size of the anterior lip of the corolla. The Horal anatomy of Senecio vulgaris was described in detail. A single bundle leaves the receptacle and divides into one ovarial and ten })eripheral strands at the " lower distributive centre." The peripheral strands undergo anastomosis at the "' upper distributive centre," where the two stylar and live peri})heral bundles are given off. These upper perij)heral bundles divide tangentially and the staminal strands pass out into tlie Hlaments. The corolla bundles which occupy the line of junction of tlie petals divide radially at the top of the tube, and the halves anastomose along the edges of the corolla-lobes. The cells lining the stylar canal become lignified and form two pseudo-vascular strands on the lateral walls of the ovary. The corolla in the Cichorieie has a very constant type of vascular supply, similar to Senecio^ but with the ]3osterior upper peripheral bundle dividing into three to supply the edges of the ligule and the posterior stamen. Taraxacum ojficinale is described in detail. The ray-florets of Calendula officinalis and Tussilaqo Farfara show a very simple type of anatomy. The styles .of the disc-florets in T. Farfara have four conducting strands. The thickened part of the style in Arctolis aspera also shows four strands. In both cases the style is more or less a mechanical pollen-presenter. The peculiar homogeneousness within itself of the Cichoriea? and its isolation from the rest of the C(jm))osit« is extended to the floral anatomy. Mr. Small then gave a demonstration of " Wind dispersal Apparatus." The purpose of the apparatus is to determine the exact velocity of the wind required to blow the fruits of the Compositie a sutticient distance to secure proper dispersal. The apparatus con- sists of an electric fan (the speed of which can be varied), a long, wide glass tube, and an anemometer. The anemometer consists of a beam with a disc attached, upon which the wind impinges, and a scale-pan slung over a pulley, the whole forming a mechanical couple. The pressure is measured by this instrument and converted into miles per hour. The tube is moved away from the fan until the fruits are no longer blown right through ; the wind-pressure at this j)oint is taken as the miniyunn required for the dispersal of the fruit. In this way it lias been found that the following minimum winds are necessar}' for the dis)>ersal of the fruits of the species named below: — Senecio ruhjaris — 1'6 m.}).h. = a light air. Senecio vulgaris var. radiafus erecfus — 1-80 m.p.h = a light breeze. Ursinia speciosa — 2*6 to 2-94 m.p.h.=a light to gentle breeze. Taraxacum ojlicinale — lo m.)j.h.=a light air. Tussilayo Farfara — '62 to (So m.p.h. = less than a light air. Centaurea imperialis — 7'7 m.p.h.=a moderate breeze. Leontopodium alpinum — 4-78 m.p.h. = a gentle breeze. To the .same meeting, Mr. T. A. Dymes contributed "A Note on the Seed of Iris Fseudacorus Linn." There are two forms of •seed in each capsule:- flat seeds in the straight portion and more or less rounded seeds at the curved top and bottom of the capsule. Tlie seeds dro)) or are blown from the placenta after the cajisule dehisces. They lie over until the late spring. Those that fall on to the nmd and remain there apj)ear to perish from decay. The loose light testa enables the seeds to float BDOK-XOTES, XEWS, ETC. 8i for a period of at least four months. Seeds that have not sunk germinate on or near the sm-face of the water in the latter half of May. The flat seeds germinate before the rounded ones. The cotyledon remains \yithin the endosperm. The radicle elongates and branches freely ; it does not curve downwards but grows along the surface of the water. Adventitious roots are formed close up against the seed, and they also branch freely. The unbranched upper portion of the radicle secretes chlorophyll. The plumule grows slowly ; it, too, lies along the sm^face of the water. When the root system is Avell developed the leaves begin to curve upwards and the seedling gradually assumes a vertical position, after which the leaves grow much more ra^^idh'. The fate of those seeds, if any, that sink before germination has not yet been determined. The dispersal agents are, in the first instance, the wind, and subsequently water. Even on a slow stream the seeds may drift many miles during the four months of the floating period. The latest issue (vol. xlii. part 1) of the Journal of tlie Royal Horticultural Society contains an interesting paper by Edith R. Saunders " On an Early Mention of the Double Wallflower " ; " Notes on the Flora of North-western Yunnan," by George Forrest ; and a " Repoi-t of Work in 1914 in Kansu and Tibet," by Reginald Farrer : this and Mr. Forrest's paper are illustrated. Mr. Farrer's paper contains full and interesting notes (without descriptions) on the more important plants discovered by him, which include a new genus — Farrer ia {F. pretiosa), named in his honour by Prof. Balfour and Mr. W. W. Smith — and the following new species : — Aster Farrer i, A. sikuensis, Buddleia Farrer i, B. Purdomii, CaUiantJiemum Farreri, Cypripedium Bardolpliianum (" with a lip of brilliant waxy gold, whelked and warted and bubuckled like Bardolph's nose"), G. Farreri, Meconopsis lepida^ Primula hylopliila, P. scopiilorum, P. riparia, P. Viola-grandis^ P. optata, P. alsopliila : " Filix sp." is an odd entry, Ix the Illinois Biological Monographs, vol. ii. no. 4 (1916) Mr. F. L. Stevens gives an account of " The Genus Meliola in Porto Rico " : the monograph is also issued as a separate, price 75 cents. The genus, which is usually regarded as somewhat difficult to deal with, "was first put into something like order by Gaillard in 1892, and included about 300 species and varieties : in the present paper are described 62 new species and varieties, and a synopsis is given of all the known Porto Rican forms. The work seems to be very thoroughly done. Mr. Stevens writes : — " It should be remembered that 3Ieliola is pre-eminently a tropical genus, almost exclusively so ; the occurrence, therefore, of these species in Porto Rico, Africa, and the Philippines, with no present tropical land con- nection between these countries, implies either that the Meliolas have in the past been of different climatic ranges or that they are the residual flora of previously connected tropical lands." The diagnoses are somewhat short, but appear adequate. It is to be regretted that there are no Latin diagnoses. The International Rules say that descriptions not in Latin are invalid ; but it is not 32 THE .TOUKXAL OF BOTAXT to be expected that any systematist will ignore the species in this monograph — -or quote them as Saccardo's when they appear in the Sylloge. What would Professor Stevens have done if he had en- countered sixty Japanese or liussian diagnoses ? There are 86 pages in the separate copies, and five plates: the latter are from " photo- micrographs," and do not give sufficient detail.— J. R. John William Ellis, M.B., died suddenly on August 25, 1916, at Liverpool while serving as Lieut.-Colonel in the Western Command of the li.A.M.C. He was born at Doncaster in 1857 ; his parents moved to Liverpool the same year, and except for a couple of 3'"ears he resided in that city. He early became interested in natural history ; besides his activities in zoology, archa3ology, and photo- graphy, he was one of the best-known Lancashire botanists. In 1888 he won the Queen's Jubilee Prize (Grold Medal and £50) of the Royal Botanical Society for an essay on " the vegetable sub- stances introduced into the arts and manufactures, and as food, during the fifty years of the Queen's reign." At this time Ellis was secretary of the Liverpool Naturalists' Field Club, of which he was president in 1899 and again in the Jubilee year of the Club. He was also more recenth^ a vice-president of the Liverpool Botanical Society and a member of their South Lancashire Flora Committee. From, 1910 he was a member of the British Mycological Society, in whose Tran- sactions he published several papers on microf ungi : he also published in the Vroceed'uujs of the Liverpool Naturalists' Field Club for 1912-14 an account of the fungi of the Wirral peninsula. — J. R. The Heport for 1915 of the Botanical Exchau.r/e Cluh by the editor and distributor, Mr. A. R. Horwood, was issued in November last. A copy has not reached us for notice, and we are thus spared the necessity of criticism, for which there is abundant material. In the interests of science, however, we must protest against the printing by Mr. Horwood of numerous names for " varieties " of Crataegus Oxi/ncantha without any satisfactory indication of their alleged characters : the conversation between Mr. Druce and the editor as to the validity of these, which extends over four pages and in which practically no one else takes part, should surely have been confined to their private correspondence, as its publication can have no possible scientific value. No fewer than eight pages are occupied by a discussion of the forms of Capsella Bursa-pastoris ; Mr. Horwood, whose contributions are sometimes signed '*Ed." and sometimes with his name, discourses at length upon these "varieties," the diverse opinions as to which arouse a strong suspicion that they are not worth discussion. The Journal will in future be published by Messrs. Taylor and Francis, Red Lion Court, Fleet Street, E.C., to whom subscriptions for the present year should be sent. Messrs, Taylor and Francis print the pul)lications of the Linnean Society, the Annals and Magazine of Natural Historg, and other scientific publications, and it is conRdentl)' hoped that under their management the Journal will resume the punctuality of ap])earance and regularity of supply which ointil lasty^ear characterized its production. Journ.Bot. Tab. 546. P . H i<3 hley, del et lilh AHard ?c Westl^ewman.]inp Staiice asterotricha CE.Sa/mon m NOTES ON STITICE*. By C. E. Salmon, F.L.S. XIII. Statice asteeotrtcha, sp. now (Plate 546) When working upon Statice Gmelini in 1909, I was much interested in a particular example collected in Bulsjaria (lent from the Herbarium of the Edinburgh Botanic Garden), so named, which appeared to me decidedly not that species ; as however the specimen was a poor one and as the herbaria at Kew, British Museum, and else- where could furnish no other material, there the matter had to rest. Since then, fortunately, Professor I. B. Balfour has been able to send me a much more complete and satisfactory sheet of specimens, and, believing the plant to be undescribed, I have drawn up the following account of it. Statice asterotricha, sp. nov. Planta elata, plus minusve scabriclo^tnhsrcidata 'pilisque stfUatis copiose adspersa ; folia pariter vestita, ohlcuiceolata, apice acuta, lotige petiolata^ tuberculis albidis carentia. Scapus ad medium vel infi^a medium ramosus ; rami inferiores steriles nulli vel subnulli. Spicae breves et densifloras ; hractece glabrae, exterior margine mem- branaceo latissimo cincta, interior quam exterior vix l^-plo longior ; calyx minndiihn\iioY\\\\s, fere glaher plerumque ad basin parce hirsutus ; cal^^cis lobi brevissimi triangulari-acutiusculi, dentibus intermediis interpositis. Plant tall, 40-65 cm. high, -h copiously scabrid-tuberculous and stellately-hairy (with rare simple hairs). Leaves small compared with height of scape, + copiously scabrid-tuberculous and stellately-hairy (simple haii*s rare), lamina oblanceolate about 7-11 cm. long and about 13 mm. broad, pinnately veined, not showing white (salt) tubercles when dry, tapering gradually into a long petiole almost length of blade, apex acute with or without a mucro. Scape -f- copi- ousl}' tuberculous-hairy with stellate hail's (simple rare), less so nearer apex, erect, branched at or below the middle, sterile branches absent or very few. Brandies and hranclilets ascending-patent, usually recurved> Scales triangular-acuminate, densely hair}^ (less so near apex of scape). Spikes patent, short and dense- flowered, the lateral sometimes sessile upon the branches. Spikelets 1-2-flowered, with often an additional rudimentary one. Outer bract about 1| mm. long, orbicular- or triangular-ovate, apex + acute, keeled with the keel projecting as an apiculus, herbaceous for little more than half its height with very broad membranous margin, glabrous. Middle bract l|-2 mm. long, irregularly ovate-oblong, apex truncate or bifid, hyaline with veins, glabrous. Inner bract 2 j-2| mm. long, orbicular- ovate, with broad membranous margin which is often, together with * See Joum. Bot. 1903, 65 ; 1904, 361 ; 1905, 5, 54 ; 1907, 24, 428 ; 1908, 1 ; 1909, 285 ; 1911, 73 ; 1913, 92 ; 1915, 237, 325. JouEXAL OF Botany, — Yoi« ^^j. [Febeuart, 1917..] d lu'rli;u'»H>iis ]H)rtl()n (wliit-l) exteiuls about two-thirds its lieii^lit), emar- i^inate or jagij^ecl at apex, »2:labrous, scarcely l.\ times longer than outer bract. Brarirnlr 1, 21 -2 1 mm. long, irresfularly ovate, apex rounded^ )»ointed or jagged, hyaline with veins, glabrous. Cali/x about 4 mm. litnLT, infundibulit'orm, membranous but only slightly dilated above the middle (including lolx's), almost glabrous, usually sparingly hairy with -f a])pressed hairs near base (on veins and between them), never extending half-way uji calyx ; calyx-lobes very short {h mm.), trian- gular, and + acute, shoi-t. sub-lobes present ; veins of calyx strong, not reaching l)ase of calyx-lobes. Citpaulr slightly exceeding calyx-lobes, finely rugose. D/sfr/hiffioi?. Bulgaria. " In graminosis ad Manolovo.'' 1893 and H)(H). Leg. V. Strlbniy, Hb. Edinburgh (as S. Gmflini WWld.). According to Boissier s arrangement of Stafice (T>C. Prodr. xii, ()48. 184S), this new species would fall in his Section IV. Limonium, subsection 1. Gr/n/inip, which he deKnes as follows : — " Folia saepius ampla. Sca]»i elati. IJami steriles pauci vel nuUi, Panicula ampla ; s])icce laxa? vel dens;e. fere nunquam regulariter imbricata?. Calycis limbus propter denticulos minutos inter lobos majores sitos sub-10- l(d)us,'' and would occupy a position between »S'. toinenteUa Jioiss. and S. Gmrlini Willd. From S. fontrnfella (Journ. Bot. 1911, tab. oil), of which it has the dense s|)ikes, and its variety sareptana (S. sarep- Jana Becker) the Bulgarian plant ik)W described may be readily separated by its stellate pubescence and naiTOW long-petioled leaves.; the same characters distinguish it from S. Gmelini (the name given :it l)y th«» collector), wliich is a glabrous plant with broad sliort- ])etioled leaves. There are. besides, the njore minute differentiating f«'at\n-es of calyx, bracts, etc. The ])resence of numerous stellate hairs on leaves, scape, etc. in .v. ii>ilrr(>trichn would seem to indicate some affinity with S. latifolia Smith, which also possesses them ; but that species differs widely in luiving reniarkably large and broad leaves, smaller flowers in lax spikes, calyx wanting sub-lobes, and bracts almost wholly hyaline. These p;)ints caused lioissier (op. cif. t)59) to include *S'. lafifoUa amongst the ])lants forming his subsection o. llifnlolcpidecc — " Rami inferiores steriles i-arius pauci, siepius nmnerosi, multifidi. Spiculie minutae i)\nnerosissima' laxe vel densiuscule spicata), siepius paniculam multi- Horam formantes. Folia plana vel ad scpiamulas reducta. Bracteae •salteui inferiores fere a basi albo-hyalinte." Bulgaria, like others of the Balkan States, is apparently not prolilic in Sea Lavenders ; besides the one now described. >S\ Gmelini an/j S. hilij'()1i(( are the only others reported. Explanation nv Pi.atk '>\(S. 1. Slaf'ire n sf e rot rich n. J nat. size. 2 Reduced sketch of plant, ^'j nat. ni/.i'. ■3. Outer bmct ; 4. iiii. ureiis Jacq. (Sel. Stirp. Amer. 202, t. 84) is a plant with leaves tomentose beneath, short peduncle, yellow flowers, a spreading erect standard conspicuously shorter than d2 3G THK JUl'HNAL OF BUTANE the wings and keel, and a pod marked on the outside with numerous transverse lamelUe ; it is a native of the Caribbean Is. D. altissimus, on the other hand, lias leaves glabrous on both sides, a long peduncle more than 12 feet in length, blue-purple tiowers, a standard adpressed to the wings and keel and nearly as long as these ; it is a native of ^Nlartinicpie. It is also of interest to note that Jaequin indicates as doubtful the synonym from Kheede already quoted. Hence it is evident that I), (dtisaimus Jacq. as indicated by the Sel. Stirp. Amer. and Ed. pict. is the same as the plant of Browne and Plukenet, on which Linnieus based his D. iirens. Jacquin's D. urens represents a second species. In Species Plantanon (ed. 2, 1020), Linnseus, under D. iirens, adds to the citations previously given in the Systema from Browne & Plu- kenet, others as follow : — 1. '• rlacquin Amer. 27," /. ^. Enum, PI. Carib. 27. 2. '• Phaseolus brasilianus cte, Sloane Jam. 68,, Hist, i, 178," which latter, as the specimen in Herb, Sloane (iii. 69) shows, is a distinct species from the plant of Browne & Plukenet, and has pods marked with numerous tmnsverse lamellae, leaves tomentose beneath, and spreading erect standard : it is, in fact, D. itrens Jacq. (Sel. Stirp, Amer.) non L. Syst. 3. " Phaseolus hirsutus &c. Plum. Sp. 8, ic. 222," which is the plant recently named by Urban (Symb, Ant. iv. 311) Pachyrrhizus erosus. 4. " Mueuna. Maregr. Bras. 19," which is the same as Sloane's specimens. 5. "Kaku valli. liheed. MaL10[reeteS]p.63," which is D.giganfea AVilld. Willdenow (Sp. PI. ed. 4, 1042 (1800)), under B. vrens, repeats the above synonymy and adds Jacq. Amer. 202, t. 182. f. 84 ; he also, following Jaequin, adds to the description, •' folia subtus tomentosa nitida." As already noted, he recognizes as distinct D. altissimus Jacq. from Martinique (Hores violaceij. De CandoUe (Prodr. ii. 40o), in revising Adanson's genus J/wcw;i«, follows Willdenow, retaining M. altissima for .lacquin's Martinique jjlant (which he had not seen) with glabrous leaves and purple flowers,, and M. vreti.s for the C^aribbean ]jlant with leaves tomentose beneath and yellow flowers. From the above it will be seen that Dolichos Mrens Jacq. and Mticuna iirens DC do not represent the original D.vrens L. Syst., but a second well-characterized species which we propose to call Mucuna Sloanei. The other species. 7). urens L., must be cited as Muci'3«^A. IRKXS, nobis (non 1)(\). The confusion of names originated with Jaequin, who did not apjjreciate on what liinnieuss £>. iirens was based and who also- regarded his own D. olfissinms as identical with an Old yv''orld species*. The confusion was continued by Linnteus in Sp. PI. ed. 2, and has- been carried on by subsequent authors. Cliioria Zooplithnhnum (Syst. ed. 10, 1172) is presumably, from the species-name and diagnosis, a synonym of Z). urens L. Linnaeus quotes no reference, there is no specimen in the Linnean Herbariiun,. and the name does not appear in the second edition of Sp. PI. XOTES 0> JAMAICA. PLANTS 37 DoLiCHOS FiLiFORMis L. (Syst. ed. 10, 1163) was founded on Patrick Browne's plant described (Nat. Hist. Jamaica, 294) as " Doli- chos herbaceus minor, foliis linearibus, siliqua polys])ermi compressa," There is a specimen in Linnaeus's Herbarium named by himself, but we know of no other s])ecimen from Jamaica, although Browne speaks of it as being " frequent about Old Harbour." Part of the original specimen in the Linnean Herbarium was given by Smith to Banks, and is in Herb. Mus. Brit. This specimen we find to be Galactia pari'ifolia A. Hich. (yar. triphylla Urb. Symb. Ant. ii. 314) Mr. H. X. Ridley kindly offered to look for this plant at Old Harbour on his recent yisit to Jamaica, and has succeeded in finding specimens which differ from the above in having monophyllous leaves with larger leaflets and correspond with Urban's var. monophylla {Galactia ancjusfi folia var. iiionopliylla Griseb.). Macfadyen (Jam. i. 2S6) cites Dolichos Jiliformis L., but his description shows that he is dealing with a very different plant, namely Dioclea rejiexa Hook. f. Galactia filiformi.s Benth. is also a different si^ecies founded on Galega Jiliformis Jactj., a native of Hispaniola. Pteeocarpus Dhac'o L. Linnteus, in publishing this name (Sp. PL ed. 2, 1662 j, gave no diagnosis, but referred to his Materia Medica, 522, and to Jacquin's Hist. (Sel. Stirp. Amer. 283, t. 183. f. 92). Pterocarpus of Mat. Med. is based on Hermann's Flora Zeylanica, n. 417 ; of this there are two specimens in Hermann's Herbarimn, both, as Trimen pointed out, being the Old World species named by Bentham Derris uliginosa. Jacquin named his species, which came from the New World, Pterocarpus officinalis ; this name has priority over Linnaeus's, and must therefore be retained for the American plant which has been cited as P. Draco, Cassia,- Broughtonii, sp. nov. " Frutex 3-pedalis " (Harris) ; ramuli pilis curvatis dense pubescentes. Folia 7-11 cm. 1, ; foliola 19-22(26)-juga, lineari-oblonga, basi obliqua rotundata, apice mu- crone setaceo instnicta, costa parum excentrica, latere latiori j^enni- nervio, nervis paucis distantibus, nervis 3-4 basalibus subadditis, subtus vel utrinque prominulis, margine ciliolulata, supra glabra, infra glabrescentia, 14-18 mm. long., 2-2-5 mm. lat. Petioli (5-8 mm. 1.) rhachides(iue pubescentes ; glandula longius jDedicellata, campanulata, infra jugum infimum posita, Stipulse lanceolatae, acuminatae, striatae, ciliatae, 13-14 mm. long. Flores parvi, saepius 2-3-ni, pedicellis axillaribus atque supra-axillaribus. 5-7 mm. longis. Bracteae striatae, 5 mm. long., bracteolae striatae, 3 mm. long, Sepala pubescentia, 7-8 mm. long. Petala flava, 6-8 mm. long. Stamina 9. Legumen oblongo-lineare, valde marginatum, villosum, 4*5-5 (2*5) cm. long., 4*5 mm. lat., seminibus 16. Types in Herb. Mus. Brit., Herb. Kew., Herb. Jam., and in Broughton's collection in the Bristol Museum. Hah, Jamaica, *' in fossis et udis," Brought on ! Macfadyen ! King's House Grounds, 600 ft., Harris \ m4Q. This species is near C. glandulosa L., but differs in the leaves not being multiglandular, in the corolla not being longer than the calyx, and in the ])od being villose. It is named in honour of Dr. Ai-thur Broughton, in whose collection occui-s the earliest specimen known. 38" THE JOVENAL OF BOTANY This, vvhicli is in excellent condition, ^vas collected between the years 1786 and 1790. For a note on this interesting early Jamaican collection see Jonrn. Bot. liii. 104 (1915). PoMPHiDEA Miers. This genus was described by Miers in his account of the S. American Apocynacete (p. 18, t. i. d., 1878) from a specimen in the British Museum Herbarium collected by Swartz in Jamaica. Miers's description and drawings of the pistil which led him to i)lace the genus in the family Apocynacete near AmhcUania, are inaccurate; and examination of Swartz's material shows the floral structure to be that of Ravoiia, a genus of Ilutaceae. Urban ( Syml). Antill. vi. 96), as a result of an anatomical examination of a fragment of a leaf and twig of the original specimen, had previously transferred Ponqjliidea to this family. Poinphidea Sicartziana Miers therefore becomes Kavema SwARTZiANA, comb. nov. Erythroxylum jamaicense, sp. nov. Arbor 4-5 m. alt. Folia eUi})tica apice atque ))asi rotundata, 4-7 cm. longa, 2-5-4 cm. lata, petiolo circa 1 cm. 1. Stipuhe 2-8 mm. long., ])ersistentes triangulari-ovatie, non carinatte, apice erecto, breviter setuloso. Flores in axillis folioi-vnn 1-2. Pedicelli 8-4 mm. 1., ad apicem valde incrassati. Calyx ad \ fissus ; laciniie ea. 1 mm. longie. Petala fere 8 nun. longa ; lamina oblonga, 1'6 mm. longa ; nnguicula 1'8 mm. longa ; ligula ca. 2 mm. longa, paulum supra medium plicata et reflexa, sinu gibboso, apice bilobuhita. Frceolus stamineus calyce ])aulo brevior. Stigmata capita ta. Dru])a 1'8 cm. longa, 2-2-5 nun. lata, lineari-oblonga, curvata. Hah. Peckham Woods, Clarendon, 2500 ft. alt. Harris, 11,208 ! Jn Herb. Bot. Dep. Jamaica. This species resembles E. iiicrassatum O. E. Schuk in the tliickened pedicel. SOME NEW SPECIES OF SEDUM. By K. Lj.oyu Pi{ae(jek. Ix the course of a revision of the genus Sediim as found in cultivation, undertaken for the Poyal Horticultural Society, a few new species have been unearthed from among the chaos of wrongly- named plants which characterize the Stonecrops in our gardens. Although the genus as a whole is a ditticult one, the majority of the species are tolerably easily diagnosed ; but there remain one or two intricate groups and al.^o seme polym()r])hic species, and the j)lants found in cultivation include man}' of these. The result is a hoi)ek'ss confusion in gardens and a wealth of erroneous names — largely nowina iiuda — for foinis of *S'. alhmn^ S. rrJJfwtun, *S'. rvpesire, >V. auupcialu))i^ ^. Aizoon, S. apurium, S. roKmm, and to a less extent among some other species. The confusion has been no doubt assisted by the fact that these plants dry so badly tliat reference to herbaria is often futile unless careful and miiiutr diaciuosis is resorted to. 1^ BOME ^-^EW SPECIES OF SEDUM 30 One of the species described below is very widely spread in gardens, under the name of one or other of its allies, from Japan on the east to Canada on the west. The remainder are more or less recent introductions into cultivation, for the opportunity of growing and studying which I am indebted to the Directors of the Botanic Gardens at Edinburgh, New York, and Sapporo, to Dr. J. N. Rose, of the Smithsonian Institution, to Mr. H. J. Elwes, F.R.S., and to Mr. E. A. Bowles, M.A, The descriptions have been drawn up from living material, and most of the plants have been studied during several successive seasons — a necessary precaution in a group where so much variability exists, and where immature plants are so mis- leading. The plants will be figured later in the Journal of the Boyal Horticultural Society, I should like to record my indebtedness to Mr. W. W. Smith for assistance in the preparation of this paper. ^ Sedum (§ Rhodiola) longicaule, sp. nov. Species S. Kirilowi Regel fortasse proxima, pro sectione Rhodiola altissima ; caule 60-90 cm. alto, foliis 6-7*5 cm. longis angustis attenuatis reflexis integerrimis satis distincta. Planta perennis dioica, caules steriles non edens, glabra. Rhizoma multum incrassatum, caulium vetustorum i-eliquiis hand obtectum. ('aules annui, erecti, pauci, simplices, teretes, 60-90 cm. alti, 6 mm, diametro, omnino foliosi, glabri, rubescentes. Folia alterna, sessilia, a basi recurvo-pendentia, mediana 6-7'0 cm. longa, ad basin 6 mm. lata, lineari-attenuata, aj^ice acuta, basi rotundata vel amplexicaulia, margine integerrima, supra atroviridia, subtus pallida et glaueescentia, nervo supra albido, infra valde prominente percursa ; folia suprema pauca, medianis minora ; folia infima minutissima. Inflorescentia densa, circa 2'5 cm. longa, 4-5 cm. lata, planiuscula, parce bracteata. Flores $ tantum visi 5(crebro 6, nonnunquam 4 vel 7)-meri, Calyx poculiformis, carnosus, viridis, 2 "2 mm. longus, segmentis brevibus distantibus subulatis, partem concretam sequantibus, apice ipso obtusiusculis. Petala lineari-subulata, erecta, carnosa, obtusa, subteretia, sepalis vix sesquilongiora, viridia. Squamse .... Carpella viridia, 5 mm. longa, 2 mm. lata, stylis brevibus recurvatis coronata. 1 found this remarkable plant in the garden of Mr. H. J. Elwes, who unfortunately cannot now remember whence it was obtained. , It is certainly Asiatic, probably Tibetan, Mongolian, or Chinese, and very likely came from seed brought home by one of the recent botanical explorers of that part of Asia. A very distinct species, and much the tallest of the Rhodiolas. The male ]:)lant is as yet unknown. By an oversight I neglected to note the characters of the hypogynous scales. This omission Avill be recti hed in due com-se in the Journal of the Boyal Horticultural Socieiy. Sedum (§ Rhodiola) purpureoviride, sp. nov. Species chinensis ab affinibus caule glanduloso-pubescente, foliis oblongo-lanceolatis obsolete dentatis acutiusculis subtus glanduloso- pubescentibus, inflorescentia densiuscula multiflora foliosa, tlorum S et ^ sepalis, petalis, carpellisque viridibus, squamis tilamentisque ■ pm'pureis distinguenda. Planta perennis multicaulis, caules steriles non edens, dioiea vel 40 THE JurE>"AL or BOTAIVV heniiaphrodita. Khizoma crassum, erectum, caulium vetustorum reliqiiiis liaud cinctiim. Caules erecti, l.j-30 cm. alti, basi 8 min. lati, teretes, dense glanduloso-pubescentes. Folia alterna. numerosa, sessilia, 2*5-3 cm. longa. 3-4 mm. lata, anguste oblongo-lanceolata, apice acutiuscula, basi rotiindata, plana, margine obsolete dentata et sfepe reiiexa, subtus glanduloso-pubescentia nervo valde prominente perglanduloso notata. Flores cT plennnque 5-meri, 3 mm. longi, 9 mm. lati. longe pedicellati, in cymas terminales umbellatas multi- floras dcnsiiisculas foliosas 2 cm. longas, 4 cm. latas dispositi. Sepala oblongo-lanceolata, obtusa, carnosa, viridia, 2'0 mm. longa, Petala lineari-lanceolata, patentia, 4 mm. longa, apice obtusa perconcava, viridia, basi ])urpurea. Stamina 3*6 mm. Tonga, filamentis pur- pureis, antlieris pallide aureo-rubris. Squamae amplsB, duplo longiores quam latiores, convexo-arcuata?, emarginatse, purpurese. Carpella erecta, atroviridia, 25 mm. longa. Flores 0 : — sepala, petala, stamina, squamse eis fl. masculinae similia ; carpella erecta, viridia, staminibus paulo breviora ; styli erecti, filiformes, 1'5 mm. longi. Described (excepting the bennapbrodite flower) from specimens flowered in 1916 from roots received from Edinburgh with the label " Sedum s]). Yunnan, Forrest." No further information regarding these roots is available. Prof. I. Bayley Balfour has kindly sub- mitted four sheets, representing three gatherings, from the Edinburgh Herbariimi, which prove to be the same sj)ecies. The labels read : — "N.W.Yunnan, Pere Mombeig, no. 115." " Tsekou, Mombeig " (no nmuber or date). " On rocks, &c., shrub and forest, 13-14,000 ft,, Doker-la, July 1913, F. K. Ward, no. 744." These specimens, ten in number, are all, like the living plant, male, "Nvitli the exception of one of the Tsekou plants, which is hermaphrodite. In the Kew Herbarium there is also a male specimen, bearing the label " South-w^st China. Sedtim . coll. Pere Mombeig. Received 1908." Sednm (§ TELEPHirisr) pseudospectabile, sp. nov. Species *S'. speciahili Boreau valde afiinis sed caule altiore, inter- nodiis longioribus, foliis viridibus (nee glaucis) minoribus inter- nodia fequantibus (nee sesquilongioribus), inflorescentia floribusque minoribus facile distinguenda. Planta perennis glabra, surculos steriles non edens. Caules annui erecti baud numerosi 30-GO cm. alti, lati 5 mm. basi, simplices. Folia tcmata (nonnunquam opposita aut 4-verticillata), 3'5-5 cm. longa, circ. 3 cm. lata, internodia fecpiantia aut breviora, sessilia, amplexicaulia, inferioi-a obovata, superiora ovata, margine integerrima vel obscure dentata, carnosa, viridia. Inflorescentia terminalis, com- pacta, ])lana, circa 5 cm. longa, 5 cm. lata. Flores rosei, 8 mm. longi, G mm. lati. Sejjala glaucescenti- viridia, apice rubra, ovato- lanceolata, acuta, 2-5 mm. longa, segmentis parte eoncreta triple longioribus. Petala 4'5 mm. longa, ovato-Ianceolata, acutii, erecto- patentia, rosea. Stamina petalis sesquilongiora. Squanueflavescentes, quadratic, incurvata>, paulo cuneata?, sesquilongiores q\iam latiores. Carpella erecta gracilia vii-idia petalis sub;rqui longa. stylis pauluni recurvatis coronata. Grown at Edinburgh from seeds I'ollected by i^rof. I. Bayley Balfour in 1910 at Chinwangtao, on the sea -coast due east of ^ SOME >EW SPECIES UF SEDUM 41 Pekin. Received also from the University Botanic Garden, vSapporo, Japan, under the name of S. spectalile. I have had the plant in cultivation for two years ; it appears distinct from S. spectahile, to ^^, which it is closely related. "^ Sedum (§ Telephium) cauticolum, sp. nov. Species japonif^a aS*. Sieholdii Sweet valde afRnis, sed foliis oppositis nee ternatis, purpureo-punctatis nee rubro-suffusis, petiolatis nee ses- silibus, inflorescentia laxa perfoliosa nee densiuscula nee parce foliosa, pedicellis longioribus, stylis carpella subsequantibus nee multum brevioribus, carpellis basi cuneatis nee abrupte contractis, sessilibus nee distincte pedicellatis, squamis rectis nee sursum valde curvatis, albidis nee aureis, retusis nee subintegris, faciie distinguenda. Planta perennis glauca, caides steriles epigieos non edens, Caudex brevissimus incrassatus, caules floriferos a basi adscendentes et cauli- culos hypogseos gracillimos et radices carnosas emittens. Caules annui circa 15 cm. longi, procumbentes vel diffusi, teretes, glabri, atro- purjDurei. Folia opposita raro alterna, petiolata, 2*5-3 cm. longa ; lamina orbiculari-spathulata, obtusissima, obtuse pauci-dentata, glauca,, subtus et nonnunquam supra purpureo-punctata, circa 2-2'25 cm. longa, 1 '50-1 "75 cm, lata ; petiolus circa 5 mm. longus. Inflor- escentia laxa, valde foliosa, planiuscula, umbellato-cymosa, pedicelli;* gracillimis flores superantibus. Calyx in segmenta lineari-lanceolata acuta glauca 2*5 mm. longa ad inium fissus. Petala ovato-lanceolatay acuta, patentia, 1 cm. longa, roseo-pur])urea. Stamina petalis sequi- longa, filamentis roseis, antheris purpureis. Squamae patentes, recta?,, oblongse, retusse, albidse. Carpella erecta basi cuneata, stylos erectos suba^quantia, pulchre rosea, albo-maculata. Received from Prof. Miyabe, of Sapporo University, as '' Sechnn sp. aff. >S'. Sieholdii, with opposite leaves and early-flowering habit. Cliffs, southern coast of Yezo." A handsome plant, interesting as being nearly related to the well-known *S'. Sieholdii, one of the most distinctive of the Telephium section of the genus. It commences to >^bloom in September, three weeks before its ally. ^ Sedum (ser. Aizoonta) Ellacombianum, sp. nov. Species japonica S. Aizoonti L. et S. Jtomtschaiico Fisch. & Meyer valde aflinis. Cum priore concordat caule simplice, inflorescentia densa, flore fructuque persimilibus ; sed caudice baud multum incras- sato, radicibus non tuberosis, caulibus permultis brevibus diffusis (nee altis nee erectis), foliis spathulatis (nee lanceolatis), crenato-serratis (nee acute serratis), bene differt. Ad >S'. namtscliaticnm appropinquat habitu atque caudice supra ramosissimo (qua de causa S. Aizoonti valde dissimilis), sed caulibus simplicibus, foliis latioribus crenatis, inflorescentia densa, floribus minoribus differt. Planta perennis glabra, caules steriles non edens, arete csespitosa, Caudex supra ramosissimus, ramulis ultimis gracilibus. Caules annui, numerosi, simplices, diffusi, 10-15 cm. longi, 2 mm. diametro. Folia opposita, circa 3-5 cm. longa, 1*75 cm. lata, breve petiolata, obovata vel spathulata, basi cuneata, supra medium crenato-seri-ata, pulchre viridia. Inflorescentia planiuscula, compacta, umbellato-cymosa,. 3-5 cm. lata, Flores 1-5 cm. diametro ex toto aurei. Sepala,. 42 TlIK .lOLIf.NAI, or HOT ANY petala, stamina, Sfjuaina:.' ut in 'V. Aizoonte. C'arpella quoad mar- j^'inem interiorein convexiora quaiii e.i S. Aizoontis, et in rostrum abru])tius contracta. Wry widespread in cultivation, being found in gardens all over Euro])e. westward to Canada and eastward to Japan : most fre- quently under the name kamtschaticinn, but sometimes as Aizoon, ^(Iskjiunum, hyhridvui, etc., to all of which it is allied, but from which it can be distinguished at a glance. In herbaria it appears to be very rare. The only exam]jle in the British Museum Herbarium helps "to define its native distribution. It is a small specimen from Hance's Herbarium, collected as aS'. kamtschaticum at Hakodate, .lapan, by Maximowicz in 1801 ; so that the plant belongs to N.E. Asia, as would be expected from its affinities. The only dried specimen at Kew is from the gardens, labelled " ^edinn , Kew (lardens, Sept. .18, 1901. Legit N. E. Brown,'' showing that that botanist, who paid much attention to tlie Kew Sedums, had noticed its peculiar characters. Plants received from a dozen different countries have been grown in my own garden, and show that the plant is very constant in its characters, though belonging to a group several species of which display considerable variation ; but this constancy may be due to all or most of the j)lants found in cultivation having had a common origin. Its very wide distribution in gardens points to early introduction. Named in memory of Canon H. X. Ellacombe, keenest of gar- deners and kindest of friends, at whose suggestion 1 undertook a revision of the cultivated Sedums. Sedum (§ Seda oenuixa) pyramidale, sp. nov. Species insignis ab omnibus adhuc in cultura cognitis dis- tinctissima. Texto carnoso fragili, foliis laxe rosulatis, linearibus, pollicaribus, subteretibus, obtusis, spina terminatis, glaucis, inHor- escentia dense pyramidali .semipedali, floribus })e]multis, carpellis stipitatis dignoscenda. Planta perennis (in cultu s;epe biennis) valde carnosa, fragilis, glauca ; juvenalis laxe rosulata. Folia .sessiHa linearia, 2*5 cm. longa, -1"5 mm. lata, 8 mm. crassa, integra, svq)ra leviter, subtus multum convexa, a})ice spina gracili 1*5 mm. longa ornata, glauca. InHorescentia densa, foliosa, ])yramidalis, circa 15 cm. alta, a basi ( ibicpie 7 cm. lata) ad apicem })lantiu llorifera. Flores jiermulti, 1*2 cm. diametro, 7-8 mm. longi, stelliformes. Calyx poculiformis, viridis, ])uri)ureo-punctatus, segmcntis ovatis apiculatis valde carnosis. Petala ()-7 mm. longa, calyce tri))lo longiora, lanceolata, acuta, intus alba, extus ad apicem viridi-rubro-maculata. Stamina petalis paido bre- viora, anthcris purpureis. Squanue diqilo longiores quam latiores, crecto-i)atentes, pedicellis carpellorum breviores, retusjp, pallide lutea?. Car])ella erectu, petalis subieEW SPECIES UE SEDUM 4?.'3 but a fine flowering specimen was sent to me last September by Mr, E. A. Bowles, from which the preceding description is drawn up- Normally I think in autmnn, but in cultivation irregularly, the linear leaves give way to a dense subglobular spiny bud recalling the winter condition of Cotyledon sj^inosa L. ; after the resting- stage this develops first into flat fleshy cuneate-spathulate spine- ti})ped leaves, the edges of which in the upper portion of the leaf are quite thin ; later into normal linear subterete leaves, as in the description. Mr. Farrer writes that in nature the plant is perennial, with plenty of barren rosettes and a growth-form resembling that of tSaxifrcif/a Coit/ledon ; in cultivation it tends to be monocarpic. The plant appears to be related to *S*. Chaneti Leveille in Fedde, Rep&rtorium. v. 99 (19U8) (from Pe-Tchi-Li), but that species is so inatlequately described that all that can be said with certainty is that the two species are distinct. S3dum griseum, sp. nov. Species mexicana suffruticosa ad *S'. Hovrfjcei Hemsley et ^S*. gua- (lahijarcDium S. Watson spectans ; ab priore statura minore, habitu compactiore, ramis griseis (nee rubris), foliis glaucescentibus (nee viridibus), lineari-fusiformibus (nee linearibus), subteretibus (nee supr.i planis), cyma compacta (nee laxa), floribus viridescenti-albis (nee roseo-albis), squamis brevibus flavescentibus (nee purpureis ) distinguitur ; S. c/iiadalajaranum valde graeilior est, atque foliis tenuioribus, inflorescentia laxa, maximeque caudice incrassato radi- cibus tuberosis obsito facile separandum. Suft'rutex erectus multiramosus glaucescens 14-18 cm. altus, ramis diffusis rubro-griseis in parte superiore foliosis. liadices fibrata?. Folia alterna. coarctata, })atentia vel reflexa, sessilia, Hneai-i-f usiformia, obtusa, subteretia, glauca, 1-25 cm. longa, 2 mm, lata, 1-5 mm. crassa. Flores 1 •25 cm. diametro pedicellis longiores. Inflorescentia parva. densa, foliosa, convexa, 2-^ cm, lata, Sepala paulo inaqualia, oblongo- attenuata, obtusiuscula, valde carnosa, viridia, 3-4 mm, longa, in calcar vix producta. Petala jiatentia vel reflexa, lanceolata, acuta, carina viridescenti subtus pra:dita, 6-7 mm. longa. Stamina i:»etalis tequiloDga, filamentis albis, antheris rubris. Squamae minutfe, quadrat*, flavescentes. Carpella erecta demum recurvata, viridia, staminibus breviora, stylis longis gracilibus coronata, in fi-uctu 6 mm. longa. Keceived from New York Botanic Garden labelled " >S', BoiirgcEi, No. 2," but it is quite distinct from that species, though clearly allied to it. Habitat not certainly known, but it undoubtedly comes from Mexico. Eeceived also from Haage & Schmidt of Erfurt as S. fariuosum. With *S'. farinositm Lowe, a Madeiran species, the present plant has no affinity ; but the misnomer probably arose owing to confusion with S. farinomcm liose = /S', helium Rose, a Mexican j^lant of appearance quite different from the species under Nconsideration, Sedum airecamecanrm, sp. nov. v^'pecies mexicana habitu suffruticoso, foliis oblanceolatis sub- acutis viridibus, inflorescentia suborbiculari, floribus pallid e luteis, squamis supra pulchre aureis, facile dignoscenda; J^lantn siiffrutesccns, glabra, 20-30 cm. alta, erecta, rnmis diJfusis. 44 THE .TOURyAL OF BOTANY Caulis subtns nudus, ramis foliosis nibris. Folia alterna, subconferta, patentia vel reflexa, sessilia, oblanceolata, subacuta, in calcar brevis- simum obtusum producta, 1*75 cm. longa, 6 mm. lata, plana, carnosa, viridia. InHorescentia sessilis, densa, suborbicu^aris, circa 25 cm. diametro, foliosa ; bracteai superiores sepalis similes. Flores 1*5 cm. ■diametro, pallide lutei. Calyx in segmenta insequalia, linearia vel clavata, obtusa, breviter calcarata, ad imum fissus, valde carnosus, viridis. Petala late lanceolata, acuta, pallide lutea, 8 mm. longa, sepalo longissimo circiter triente longiora. Stamina lutea, petalis ti-iente breviora. Squamae breves, quadratae, emarginataj, in parte imferiore albida?, supra aureae. Carpella erecta, staminibus a^quilonga, viridescenti-lutea, in stylos aureos abeuntia. Sent by Dr. J. N. Rose from Washington to the Ilo3^al Horti- 'cultural Society under the designation ''Secha?i, no. 0(3.10." Dr. Rose informs me that it was collected at Amecameca, Mexico, by C. A. Purpus, in January 1906, no. 108. It is quite distinct from any of the other species of the difficult sub-shrubby flat-leaved section of the Mexican Se(Ju)?i-^ord. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES TO THE HERTS FLORA. Br J. E. Little, M.A. The following paper presents a selection of records, chiefly in the north of the county, from 1890-1916, of species for which Fryor's information was less complete, of some segregates determined in most cases by specialists since his time, and of some varieties hitherto so far as I am aware scantily or not at all recorded. The aliens wliicli have become established are included, but a considerable number of casuals has been excluded. Where I have thought that a plant already admitted to the British Flora is in these records a casual or a weed of cultivation, I have added a note. Where no authority is cited, I am responsible for the record. The subspecies of Draha verna L. are given, with some hesitation, for what they are worth. It seems quite possible that the adoption of a classification based upon simple or branched hairs is a wrong J'undamentum divisionis. In an attempt to group various forms of Sagina afetala Ard., by the position and nature of the hairs, their real relation appeared to be rather obscured than assisted by the adoption of this method. If this be true of Draha verna, the present •confusion of its sub-divisions is explained. Abbreviat IONS. B.E.C.E. Botanical Exchange Club H.C.L. H. C. Littlebury, Hitchin Report. R.M. R. Morse. Hitchin. W.E.C.R. WatHon Botanical Ex- E.S.M. E. S. Marshall. change Club Report. C.E.M. C. E. Moss. A.B. Arthur Bennett. Pryor. Flora of Herts. 1887. €oleman. Coleman, Flora Hertfordi- C.E.S. C. E. SahiK.n. ensis. 1849. # , Not native. G.C.D. G. C. Druce. Specimen seen. A.B.J. A. B. Jackson, SUPl'LENfENTAHV XOTES To THE HKRLS FLORA 4.> Ilecords in " Piyor " are not repeated, except for special reasons. The botanical divisions of the county are indicated by figures : — - 1 = Cam ; 2 = Ivel ; 4 = Colne ; 6 = Lea. Thalictruni minus L., var. collinum (Wallr.) 1. Royston,. many near the Kifie Butts, and a few in other parts of the heath. In ilovver 22 June, 1907, 7 June, 19U8, in fair abundance. As Pryor remarks, the heath is depastured by sheep, and I have never seen it reach the stage of mature fruit. Hanunculus hederaceus L. 4. In 1913 I gathered at Colney Heath both a terrestrial form and one tloating in water. I thought the latter probably the form recorded by Pryor from the same locality as Batrachiuni hederacenm var. homoeophyllKm. C.E.S. however thinks that it roots too much at the joints. Pryor's record requires further investigation. ^Delphinium Ajacis Keichb. 2. In a cornfield, part of Purwell Field, Hitchin, 1910-1913, now levelled for new railway works. * Pa paver Rhceas L., var. Prj/orii Bruce. 2. Field below the liiddy Lane, Hitchin. Most large areas of poppy in this district have plants with red or coloured hairs on the peduncle and calyx. (See W.E.C.K. 1914, 482.) Fumaria Vaillantii Lois. 2. Near Offley Grrange, Hitchin. (W.E.C.K. 1914, 482.) Barharea vulgaris [R. Br. in] Ait. (See Journ. Bot. 1916, p. 202.)— Var. silvestris Fries. 2. Purwell, Hitchin. (W.E.C.R. 1915, 525.) — Var. campestris Fr. 2. Wymondley Rd., Hitchin, 1915-16.— Var. «rcz/«f« Fr. 2. Purwell, Hitchin, ^1915. 6. Bet. Hertford Heath and Ware ; Hertford Heath ; and at Stansteadbury, Ware, 1915, B. verna Aschei-s. 2. New gravel pit, Hollow Lane, Hitchin, 1914. 6. Nr. the Sanatorium, Haileybury Coll., 1914. Arahis glabra Bernh. 6, Roadside near Broadwater, 1914, R.M. Draha verna L. (a) D. majuscula Rouy & Fouc. Fells' Nurseries, Hitchhi, 1913, W.E.C.R. 1913, 431."^ (b) B. lanceolata Neilr. St. Ippolyts, B.E.C.R. 1913, p. 450. (c) B. vulgaris Rouy & Fouc. Great Wymondley ; Wilbury Hill ; West Mill, Hitchin, 1913. (d) B, prcecox Stev. Fells' Nurseries, Hitchin, 1912, (e) B. glahrescens Rouy & Fouc. St. Ippolyts, W.E.C.R. 1913, 432; Walsworth, Hitchin, W.E.C.R. 1915, 526, (f) Z). hirtella Fouc. & Rouy. Ickleford, B.E.C.R. 1913, 449, W.E.C.R. 1915, 525, All these localities are in District 2. Biplofaxis muralis DC, var. Bahingtonii Syme. 2. Gr.N.R. near Great Wymondley Rd., Hitchin, and near Grove Mill, Hitchin, 1915 ; Field near Arbury Banks, 1912. Probably this is a state rather than a good variety : it occurs intermixed with the typical plant. Lepidium campesfre L. 1 & 2. Apparenth^ rare in these districts. Bentley's records in Pryor may have been casual plants. The nearest point at which I have found it is in 6, at Mardley Heath, 1912. *Z. ruderale L. 2. Norton Green, Stevenage, 1914, H.C.L. ; Gravel pit between Great Wymondley and Willian, 1912. — 6. On cinders, near Kneb worth Golf Club. House, 1909; Brickfield, Rabley Heath, 1913 ; Waste heap, N. of Weh\yn Tunnel, in great quantity. 4(> rilK .lOl J{NAI, UF BOTANV 1911; Hodciesdon, 1915. Finclies are foiul of the seeds. It is apparently extending considerably upon brickfield cinders and railvvav ballast. *L. Draha L. Kapidly spreading, and a troublesome weed to the farmer. 1. Roadside at foot of Kovston Heath, 1912; Clavbush Hill, Ashwell, 1911.— 2. Field S. of Hitcliin Cemetery, 1910; Clothall. 1912; near OtHey Grange, 1914; E. of Purwell, Hitchin, 191o ; Grove Mill, 1915. *Thl(ixpi arceiise L. A weed of cultivation, not now "rare" (as Coleman). 2. Purwell Field, Hitchin, 1910, 1914 ; S. of Hitcliin Cemetery, 1911; St. I])polvts, 1913; Langley Bottom, 1912.— 6. Near High Leigh, Hoddesdon, 1912. Viola hirta Xoilorata = {xperm.ixfa Jord.). 1. Near Church Hill. Rayston Heath, 1911, det. A.B. Mrs. E. S. Gregory, who has determined all the Violets exce[)t where otherwise indicated, remarks : "This ))lant answers to the description of V. mulficai(Jis Jord., but does not agree with a dried specimen from him in Herb. Mus. Brit." V. hirfa L., vawfraferna Reichb. 1. Royston Heath. V. silvesiris Kit 2. Hitch Wood, 1914.* V. s/lvestris var. puncfafa Druce. 2. ChistiLdd, 1912 ; (Ollley Holes and Charlton, Hitchin, J.E.L.).— 6. On the Sj)ital Brook, near Cowheath Wood, 1912. V. Biviniana Reichb., var. direrfia E. S. Gregory. 6. Mardley Heath, 1911, and Codicote High Heath, 1912. — forma nemorosa. Neuman. 2. Hitch Wood, B.E.C.R., 1914, 122; (Knebworth Great Wood; West AVood ; Ley Green, J.E.L.). Plants approaching /brw/^ ril/ Neuman, Hitch Wood and Ortley Holes, 1914. V. canina L. 2. Burleigh Meadows, Langley, near Hitchin, 1914. — Var. ericetonnn ReiKi-hb. 4. Colney Heath, 1911. — Var. piisilln Bab. and yar. Reichb. 6. Codicote High Heath, W.E.C.R. 1912, 884. Foh/r/ah( serpifJlaccn Weihe. 6. Hertford Heath and Roman Road W'. of Hoddesdon Bury, 1914. HUcnc latifolia Rendle & Britten, way. pi(herula (Jord.^. 2. W. of Clothall Bury, 1912; near Benslow Bridge, Hitchin, 1912; between Preston and Gosmore, 1914. — 6. Codicote High Heath ; Wehvvn, 1912. *S'. iioctijlora L. 2. Not now " rart " (as Coleman). Purwell Field, Hitchin, 1910, 1913; E. of Lilley, 1913 ; Benslow, Hitchin, 1914. Lychnis allta xdioica. 6. Copse N. of Broxbournebury, 1912. Mocnchia erecfa Gaertn. 6, Barren pasture N.E. of Goldings Wood, Hertford Heath, 1914 ; Roman Road, near cross road from Hoddesdon to Monk's Green, 1913 ; Roadside near Mardley Heath, 1913. S/fdIaria umhrom Opiz. 6. Park Wood, Bramfield, W.E.C.R. 1915, 530. Arena via frnuifoJIa L. 2. (Jravel pit, Wilbury Hill, B.E.C.R. 1912, 230, and W.E.C.R. 1914, 4SG. Cultivated ground along the Hitchin to Hexton road, extending for three-(piarters of a mile on either side of High l)o\\'n : like yijin/a f'Jiamcrpifysi in the same sri'i'LK^rKNi'Ain' xotks to im: mans floka 4/ area, its ap23earaiice or absence depends on the crop cultivated. In W.E.C.R. 1912, E.S.M. says of the spechnens then distributed: " They agree better on the whole with liouy and Foucaud's description of Ahine tenuifulia Crantz, ft. laxa Willk. than with their n. VailJantiana DC ; but the petals are at least half as long as the sepals, instead of being ' tres courts ou nuls.' " C.E.S. {ibid.) concurs, and in lift, suggests " could not this be var. laxa Jord.? " Coarse b:illast on G.N.K. siding to Grove Mill, Hitchin, W.E.C.R. 1914, 128. 6. Railway embankment between the tunnels at Welwyn, and in a meadow on the E. side, 1913. * K^hij/tonia pf^rfoliafa Donn. 2. Fells' Nurseries, Hitchin, 1918. 2Ionfia font ana L. 4. Colney Heath. "This is to me var. cliondrosperma Fenzl — var. minor iitWi^X. pro parte'''' C.E.S. in litt.- — 6. Roadside moistened hj road drainage between Mardley Heath and Welwyn, 1914. Hypericum Androscenuun L. 6. Roadside W. of Broxbourne- bury, 1914. *Linuni iisitatissimum L. 2. Corner of a field E. of Offley Grange, with white Howers, 1913; Gravel pit, Riddy Lane, Hitchin, 1913, F. Ransom ; between Grove House and Wilbury Hill, 1913. Geranium prate use L. 2. A large colony of plants well established in a meadow under Five Barrow Hill, Hitchin, probably sspread from the garden of " Foxholes," a quarter of a mile awav, H. F. Hardwick, 1913. RJiamnus Frangiila L. 6. Bulls Green, Datehworth, 1911. Medicago arahica Huds. 2. Meadow near " Foxholes," Hitchin, 1914, F. R. Tindall Lucas ; Between Grove Mill and the Icknield Way, R.M. 1915. In both cases probably introduced with "'seeds." *MeIiIot?fs a I ha Desr. 2. Gi-avel pit, Riddv Lane, Hitchin, 1911 ; Lane N. of West Mill, Hitchin, 1912 ; Field near Wymondley cross roads, 1914. *J/. indica AW. Has become much more common since Pryor's time. 2. West Hill, Hitchin, 1910; Benslow and Purwell Field, 1912 ; Grove Mill chalk pit, Hitchin, 1912 ; Between Purwell and Willian, 1912; Field on Great Wymondley Rd., Hitchin, 1914; Field between Offlev Grange and Welburv, 1914. — 6. Waste heap N. of Welwyn Tunnel, 1913. Trifolitnn ochroleucnm Hmls. 2. Clay pasture | mile N.N.W. of Great Wymondley, 1914; The Broadway,' Letch worth, 1915, R.M. T. procamhena L., o. majus Koch. 2. G.N.R. near Great Wvmondlev. 1913, det. C.E.S.' : ^ LotK.^ ^ tenuis Waldst. k Kit. 2. Offlev Holes, 1913; Offley Hill, B.E.C.R. 1914, 136; near Great Wymondley, 1913-16. Vicia (jracilia Lois. 2. Field adjoining Icknield Way, Letch- worth. H.C.L. 1916 i * Lathy r us Jatifolivs L. 2. Long established in chalk pit at Hitchin station, 1913. Prunus insititia L. 2. Hedge between Ash Brook Cottages and Wvmondlev cross roads, 1916, det. A.B.J. ; Hedge between White Hill and The Folly, Hitchin, 1916. P. doniestica L. 2. Not now rare. Hedge., (Jreat Wymondley 48 THK .rolRNAL OF TJOTAXr lid., Hitchin, 191.5; Thicket, edge of TrifoUuni ochroleucum field, Great VVymondle}^ 1J)I() ; Near Walsvvorth on road to Willian ; Between Xoi'ton and Norton Mill, 1912 ; Near Newnham ; Lane near Charlton, H.CL. !; all the preceding at some distance from houses; Highbury, Hitchin, a slightly spinous form, 1916. P. Cerasus h. 2. N. side of West Wood, Offiey Holes, W.E.C.K. 19i4, 490; Wood near Tilekiln Farm, Weston, M. K, Pryor, 1912 ! PotentiUn mixta Koch. 6. Frequent about Hertford Heath, AV.E.C.K. 1918, 440 ; Roadside near 'College Arms'; Roman Road near Spital i^rook, 1914 ; Cox's Walk gravel pit, Broxbournebury, 1915. P. Anserina L. (a) c on col or y^'dWw 2. Tatmore Hill, Preston; Near Grove House, Hitchin ; Oughton Head, 1910 ; Olliev Bottom Farm, 1914.— 6. -Park Wood, Bramfield, 1912. (n) discolor Wallr. 2. Oiliev Bottom Farm, 1914 ; Lane between Purwell and Nine .Springs, 'Hitchin, 1914; Near Ickleford Church, 1913.— 6. Near Monks Green, 1913. Alchemilla viih/aris L., var. minor Huds. 2. Hitcli Wood, 1911; Between Little Hill End and Shilley Green, 1912 ; N. side of West Wood, Otttey Holes, 1914.— 4. Lower end of Colney Heath, 1913. — 6. Near Crouch Green, Knebworth, 1911 ; Near the footpath from Shephall to Aston, 1912 ; Box Wood, Stevenage, 1911, B.E.C.K. 1911, S3 ; Roadside between Sacombe Green and High Cross, 1912. Rom tompntosa Sm., aggr. Sub-group ' FcBtidce'' Wollev-Dod. 2. Tingley Wood, W.E.C.R. 1914, 498.-6. Calais Wood, Bayford, *'near var. fcetida Bast," W. Barclay; George's Wood, Bell Bar, " Probably intermediate between the ' Omissce ' group and the * Foetidce,' " W. Barclay. Epilohium pahistre L. 2. Walsworth Upper Common, 1912 ; St. Ippolyts Common, 1914. *Biij)leuriim rotundifoUum L. 2. One mile W. of Ne\vnham, 1914, R.M. ! Carum segetum Benth. & Hook. fil. 2. Base of Wilbury Hill, 1912 ; Between Nine Springs and Great Wymondley, B.E.C.R. 1912, 255 ; Between Offley Bottom and 0111 ey Grange, 1913 ; near High- over Farm, Hitchin, 1914 ; In several fields S. of High Down, 1914 ; a quarter of a mile N.E. of Purwell Mill, Hitchin, 1914. See W.E.C.R. 1914, 490.— 6. Bank near allotment gardens N.E. of Ware, 1914. *Anthriscits CerefoVium Hoft'm. 6. Little Amwell, 1914. Peiicedanum sativum Benth. & Hook. fil. 2. Norton Common, a form with much dissected leaflets, W. P. Westell, 1915 ! JLeracleum Sphondi/Iiam L., var. anqnstifolium Huds. 2. Near Foxholes, Hitchin, 1915 ; Otfiey Holes, 1915. The extreme form is scarce in the district. Sambucifs Ebvlus L. 2. Half a mile S. of Symons Green, Stevenage, on both sides of the road, R.M. 1914 ! ; Near Weston, 1915, li.M. Galium crectum Huds. 1. Near Church Hill, Royston Heatli, 1913. — 6. Gravel pit between Woollen's Brook and Hoddesdon,. 1912. s^pPLH:^rE^ r.vuv notes to the iiehts elor.v 49 Cr. palusfre L. var. Witheruigu (Siu.). 2. Pond S. of Dve's Farm, Langley, 1912, det. a.C.D." Q-. id'Kfinonnm L. 2. Svv^amp between Grove Mill and Hyde Mill, 1910* ; St. Ippolyts Common, 1914. Sherardia arvtnsis L., var. maritima Griseb. 2. Near Grove Mill; High Down ; Pirton ; Pirton cross roads, B.E.C.R. 1912, 2r)7. Valeriana Mikaiiii Sfme. 2. Between Charlton and Offlev Holes, 1912 ; E. edge of OrHey Park, 1913. V. samhucifoUa Mikan. 2. Watery Grove, Norton Green ; Knebworth Great Wood, 1911 ; Langky Bottom, 1912. Dipsacus iji/osKs L. 2. Plantation at Pnrwell, Hitchin (Cole- man's record). Still there, 1918, K.M. No other station in the Ivel district is known to me. * Erigerori canadensis L. 2. In sainfoin, near Pirton cross roads, 1912; Near West Mill, Hitchin, 1912.— 6. Over Welwvn N. Tmmel, 1912. £. acris L. Not now rare m N. Herts. 1. lioyston Heath. — 2. G.N.R., abundant on main Ime from Wymondley to Cad well, and on C.imbridge branch, near Grove Mill, 1912 ; Near Norton Common, 1908; Between Holwell and West Mill, 1912; Offlev Holes, 1918.— 6. Mardley Heath, 1912. Antennaria dioica Gaertn. 1. Three patches on Kovston Heath, 1895-1914. Onaphalium silvaficum L. 2. Barren pasture near Little Hill End, 1913; Near West Wood, H.C.L. 1913.— 6. E. Herts Golf Course, Ware; Harmer Green Wood, H.C.L. Anthemis arvensis L. 2. Near Offlev Grange, B.E.C.R. 1913, 473, W.E.C.R. 1914, 497; Oakfield, Hitchin, 1913; Near Wilburv Hill, 1912 ; Near High Down, 1894 and 1913 ; Gaping Hill, Hitchin, 1895 ; Near Burv Mead, Hitchin, 1895 ; Chapelfoot, Preston, 1910 ; St. Ippolyts, 1913. Matricaria Chamomilla L. 2. Waste ground near M.R. Goods Yard (casual) ; St. Ippolyts, W.E.C.R. 1914, 498.-6. Half a mile S. of Symons Green, Stevenage, 1914 ; Between Norton Green and Langley, H.C.L. 1914. *M. suaveolens Buch. 6. Hertford Heath; Near Ware ; Near Hertford Workhouse ; Between Hertford and Bramfield ; Near Her- tingfordbmy ; Lodge Hollow Gravel pit, Broxbournebury ; all 1912 ; Gravel pit, Essex Rd., and Roseland Nurseries, Hoddesdon, 1915. In Beds, at Gamlingay, but not 3^et seen in N. Herts. Tanacetum vujgare L. 2. Margin of field on Riddy Lane, Hitchin, 1912 ; near Foxholes, and near West Mill, Hitchin, 1915, H.C.L. Very scarce in N. Herts, but abundant at Shefford, Beds. Artemisia Ahsinthiuyn L. 2. Between Wilburv Hill and Grove Mill, 1908, H. F. Hardwick ; Waste ground near the Herts Bacon Factory, Hitchin, 1913 ; Waste ground, Fells' Nurseries, Hitchin, 1916.— 6. Waste heap N. of Welwyn Tunnel, 1912. All casuals ? *Petasites fragrans Presl. 2. Letchworth Lane, 1913 ; Priory Park, Hitchin, near the Charlton Lodge, 1915. — 6. At the back of Haileybury Coll. 1912 ; S. of Hatfield, between road and railway, 1912. Cnicus pratensis Willd. 2. Burleigh Meadows, Langley, 1910. JOUHNAL OF BOTANT, — VoL, ^5. [FebKUABT. 1917. J E 50 THE JOL'RXAL OF BQTANy Cmc7(Si nrrmsia Hoffm., var. setosus (Bess.). 2. Waste grounJ near M.H. Goods Yard, Hitchin, W.E.C.R. 1914, 499. *SiIi/bf(m Mdriauiiin Uaertn. 2. Among swedes, near Old Welburv Farm, Hitchin, but far from houses, 1913. Serratula finctoria L. 2. Near Old Welburv Farm, 1910-16. *Centaurea Jacea L. 6. Waste heap N. of Welwyn Tunnel, 1918. " Cf. subspec. jnngpns (lugler, var. fimhriati squama Ougler," A. Thellung, B.E.C.R'. 1913, 476. *C. solsfUlnlis \j. 2. In lueern near The Follv, Hitchin. (See B.E.C.R. 1913, 476,) Crepis biennis L. 2. In rough grass at '*The Cottage,'' Great Wymondley Rd., Hitchin, 1910. Casual ? Hieracium maculafvm Sm. 2. Weston Hills, a quarter of a niUe up the road from Baldock to Weston, 1911. R. sciaphihim Uechtr. 2. On the M.R. near Snailwell Firm, Ickleford, 1918, det. J. Crver. — ^3. Datch worth (var. tmnsiens Levy E.S.M. in B.E.C.R. 1911, 103); Roadside between Bramfield and Bulls Green, 1911. H. horeale Fr. 2. Newton Wowl, Langlev. (Var. Llervieri Arvet-Touvet ? E.S.M. in B.E.C.R. 1911, 105.)" Taraxacum palustrp DC. aggr. 2. Burleigh Meadows, Langley, 1911, det. C.E.M. ; Oughton Head, Hitehhi, 1913.-4. Colney Heath, 1913. Lactuca virosa L. 2. " North Road, 2| miles N. of Baldock, by the turning to Caldecote " Coleman. Same place. 1914, R.M. 1 ; Hitchin station chalk pit, 1914. L. muralis DC. 2. Great Wymondley, 1912-16. Very scarce in the district. * Tragopogon porrifol ius L. 2. Gravel pit, Nuns Close. Hitchin, 1912-16" ^Campanula rapnnculoides L. 2. Cultivated ground, Mount Pleasant, Hitchin, 1890-1914 ; Gaping Hill, Hitchin, 1893 ; Fells' Nurseries, Hitchin, 1916; Gravel pit. Hollow Lane, Hitchin, 1914. Monotropa Ilypupifys L. 1. Plantation near Church Hill, Rovston Heath, C.E.M. 1912.— 2. Fir plantation, Minsbury Hill, Offlev Park, H. F. Hard wick, 1910; Offlev Park, above lodge on Hitc'hin road, F. R. Tindall Lucas, 1914 ; 'Offley Holes, R.M. 1914 (a. glabra !). Anagallin arvemiff L., var, cornea (Schrank). 2. Wilbur\' Hill, 1912. Cynof/losHum officinale L. 2. Outside S.E. corner of Tingley Wood, 1912. Symphi/tum peregrinum Ledeb. 2. Near Punvell, Hitchin, 1908.— 6.' Near Lemsford Mills, 1909, det. C. Bucknall ; On cross road from Woollen's Brook to High Leigh, Hoddesdon, 1910, det. C.B. *Lycium chinenae Mill. 2. Now quite frequent in hedgerows near gardens. The Folly, Kershaw's Hill, Blackhoi-se Lane, near the ' Highlander,' and Nine Sjjrings, Hitchin. Atropo Bcil(((Iona L. 2. Hedgerow between Grove Mill and Hyde Mill, 1912: Kdge of Walsworth Common, 1912: Chalkpit. srpHLE.\rf:xTAin' >;otes to the heets flora 51 Hitcbln Station, 1914 ; Hedgerow near Oakfield, 1913 ; Grove Mill Chalk Fit, in fair quantity. Probably bird-sown in all the preceding stations, except at Urove Mill, to which it may have been intentionally introduced. As the plant is cultivated in the district, it is doubtful whether any of the stations are truly native. VerbasciDii Lychnitis L. 2. Chalk pit. Hitchin Station, 1914, conf. G.C.D. Linaria repens Mill. 2. G.N.K. embankment near Eenslow Bridge, Hitchin, E.E.C.R. 1918, 485, now covered up; G.N.R. between Letchworth and Baldock, 1916, W. P. Westell. In the same place a few plants of L. repens X vulgaris, R.M., 1916. Veronica montana L. 2. VVestbury Wood, Otfiey, 1914. V. AnagaUis L. 2. Oughton Head, Hitchin, 1912 ; Blackhorse Mill, Baldock, 1914. Var. glandulosa Druce (B.EC.ll. 1911, 26, and Supplement, 317).— 2. Coniluence of Ash Brook and St. Ippolyts Brook, Hitchin, B.E.C.B. 1912, 271, W.E.C.K. 1913, 451 {forma annua ?) ; a quarter of a mile farther up the Ash Brook, 1913 (perennial) ; Ivel Springs, Baldock, 1914 {forma annua'^). V. aquafica Bernh. (see B.E.C.B. 1911, 27). 2. Cadwell Common, 1912 ; River Hiz, near- Ramerwick, 1914. Euphrasia borealis Towns. 2. Meadow near Welburv Farm, Hitchin, 1911, det. C. Bucknall. E. neniorosa H. Mart. 2. Chalk Hill, Offley, 1912, det. C. Bucknall; Icknield Way near Lilley Hoo, 1911. Bartsia Odontites Huds., var. serotina (Hum.). 2. Offley Holes ; Offley Grange ; Offley Bottom Farm, 1914. Thymus ovatus Mill. 2. Near Tingley Wood, Hitchin, 1912 ("under subvar. suhcitratiis mihi, inflorescence elongated=T. sm6- citratus Schreb.^' A. B. J.) ; Oughton Head, Hitchin, 1912; Hill End, 1912; Wilbury Hill, 1912; Burleigh Meadows, Langley, 1910; Little Almshoe. — 6. Over Welwyn Tunnel. T. Serpgllum L. 1. Royston Heath, 1913 (''on the whole, nearest to subvar. angustifolius, mihi, = T. anqustifolius Pers." A.B.J.). *Salvia verticillata L. 6. Mardley Heath, gravel pit, B.E.C.R. 1911, 114 ; same place, 1914-15, H.C.L. Marruhium vulgare L. 2. Nine Springs, Hitchin, on garden ground, 1914 ; Kershaw's Hill, Hitchin, 1914 ; Fells' Nurseries, Hitchin, 1916. All the stations suggest a weed of cultivation. ^Stachgs arvensis L. 2. Cornrield between High Down and Lower Plantation, 1912. Very scarce in the district. *>S'. annua L. 2. Cornfield at Walsworth between the roads to Willian and to Baldock, 1914; Mount Pleasant, Hitchin, F. R. Tindall Lucas, 1915 ! Galeopsis Ladanum L. (aggr.). As to an interesting form in district 2 see B.E.C.R. 1912, 276 & W.E.C.R. 1913, 454. 6r. Tetrahit L., var. bifida (Boenn.). 6. Harmer Green Wood, over the North Tunnel, Welwyn, 1912, det. A. Thellung, 1914. Lamivm hybridnm Yill. 2. Nom' fairly frequent. Field S. of Hitchin Cemetery, 1912 ; London Rd., under Almshoe Bury ; Between Oaktield and Ash Brook, 1913; Near West Mill, Hitchin, 1913; r>2 THK JOIKNAI. (^F BOTA^r I)('t\veeii Oakfield and St. Tppolvts, 1912; In lucern, between Purwell and -Great AVvniondley, 1915.— 6. Mardley Heath, 1912. *L. maciilatiim L. 1. Koadside near Sandon Rectory, 1918. Bnllota nigra L. 2. Plants with white flowers, and more softly ])nl)escent are not infrequent. Hollow Lane, Hitchin, 1914; Mount Pleasant, Hitchin, 1915 ; Near Nine Sprini^s, 1912. Chenopodltim ficifolium Sm. 2. Oaldield, Hitcliin, B.E.C.K. 1914, 158. Atrip] ex pnfnla L., var. erecfa Lnnical Index of British and Irish Botanists^ which — involving as it has done far more work than the compilers had anticipated — will, it is hoped, be completed by the end of the ]jresent year, considerable modilications of plan — the result of matm-e deliberation — will be introduced. These include the with- drawal, for various reasons which will be duly stated in the Intro- duction, of many names which appear in the existing edition, which will thus possess an interest of its own, although it is hoped that everything of real importance will be retained in the new issue. Among the features which will be retained, however, is the inclusion of everyone who has published a book, however trivial and even useless such a book may be. In most cases, such works are entered ii> PritzeFs Thesaurns and Dr. B. I). Jackson's Guide, which in itself gives them some claim to insertion ; and although the present writer personally regrets the decision, he feels that the retention may be MKS. MOKIAirn S 'M'LIUDAKIUM 53 justified. In some cases the compilers have not actually seen the book which, in still more, constitutes the sole claim of the author to insertion, no biographical information regarding him (or her) having been procurable. In cases where such a book has been seen, it has sometimes been possible to gather from the inspection facts regarding its production which cannot well be indicated in the Index and are indeed in themselves of little importance, yet which it may be well to place on record in an accessible form. An instance of the kind indicated will be found in the book named at the head of this note. Of the author, Mrs. Henrietta Maria Moriarty, we know nothing beyond what may be gathered from the Viridarium except that in 1812 she published in London " Crim. Con. : a Novel founded on Facts," the title is hardly what would have been expected from an author who seems to have been engaged in educational work. One of the " subordinate objects " of the Viri- dariu7nwsis its "use in public boarding-schools" where "those who have the instruction, or, I might say, the formation, and even the fashioning of young minds most at heart, often find it difficult to obtain repre- sentations in this most pleasing branch of natural liistory ; on the one hand sufficiently accurate and on the other, entirely free from those ingenious speculations and allusions which, however suitable to the physiologist, are dangerous to the young and ignorant ; for this reason I have taken as little notice as possible of the system of the immortal Linneus, and of all the illustrations and comments on it ; nay, I have not once named the fanciful Dr. Darwin, and, having no desire to extenuate the merit of any writer, or to supercede (sic) the use of his labour, it will be pleasure and satisfaction enough for me if my own perforjuance shall prove such an one as the rising generation can consult with safety and advantage." The full title of the book — which was " printed for the author, and sold by William Earle. no. 47, Albemarle- Street, Piccadilly" — runs : '* Viridarium : Coloured Plates of Greenhouse Plants, with the Linnean Names, and with Concise Rules for their Culture." It is dedicated (from Boley Hill, Rochester, Jan. 1805) to the Dowager Lady de Clifford as a " testimony of high respect and of gratitude for kindness to me and my children " ; there is a long list of subscribers, headed by " His Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex, 2 copies," the constitution of which confirms the view that Mrs. Moriart}^ had been a governess in families of position. A second edition with a different title— Fifft/ Plates of Greenhouse Plants — was published in 1807, by J. W. Little, London. Although Mrs. Moriarty speaks in her dedication of "the time spent in executing this Avork " and, in the preface, of having "delineated" the plants, the plates have in almost every case been adapted with slight alteration and with no sort of acknowledgement from Curtis''s Botanical Magazine. I have not checked each one, but have compared a sufficient number to warrant this conclusion ; the correlation of t. 11 (Gereus flagelliformis), t. 14 {Gonvolimhis alth(eoides), and t. 26 {Hibiscus s^jeciosus) with tt. 17, 359, and 360 of Bot. Mag. will exemplify this statement. The only exception (and the only one in which the author refers to " the plant from which .■54 THE JUUi{NAL OF 3J0TAM' this drawing is taken ") is t. 3 {Aloe varlegata), which does not corre- spond with the representation of Aloe variegata in Bot. Mag. (t. 513). The letterpress of the ViriJariuni is of the scantiest description ; the speUing of many of the names shows that Mrs. Moriarty was mifamilar with them ; thus Jatroplia appears in the text as " Satropha " and in two indexes as " Saphora.'' James Britten. SHORT NOTES. Wij.i.iAM Andehson and Coot's Thekb A'ovage. The following notes supplement in two particulars the paper published in the December number of this Jounial (pp. 345-852). 1. On p. 347 I ex]3ressed some doubt as to the provenance of the notes from Anderson's Journal which foi-m so important a portion of the account of the voyage. This doubt is set at rest by a passage in the Introduction to the account of the Third Voyage (vol. i. p. Ixxviii) which 1 had overlooked, and which states delinitely that " by the order of Lord Sandwich " — then Secretary to the Admiralty — Anderson's Journal " was )nit into the hands of the Editor, who was authorized and directed to avail himself of the information it con- tained.*' The Introduction goes on to state tliat " the copy of the first and second volumes, before it w ent to press, was submitted to Oaptain King " and *' had been read over and corrected by one so well (|ualified to ])oint out any inaccuracies.'" This disposes of my tentative suggestion that King edited the volumes and wrote the Introduction, but I have not been able to ascertain who did. 2. 1 have found in the Department of Botany a drawing in colour of Pringlea, by S. Webbei- — the artist who accomj^anied the voyage and of wlK)m the little that is known is printed in a footnote to p. 346. The drawing is endorsed : " Kurguelans [sic'] Land, Lat. 4Sd-4r" South" ; it rei)resents the plant in its early flowering stage and is very well executed. The figure, apai*t from its scientific interest, is of value as being, so far as I know, the only existing specimen of Webber's botanical work, apart from his copies of Gordon's drawings referred to in the note mentioned. It is signed " S. Webber del." with the date 1777. — James Britten. Anclksea Lichens. In the paper by Mr. W^heldon and myself on " The Lichen> of South Lancashire " (in Journ. Linn. Soc, Botany, xliii. 87-13(5, Oct. 1915) we gave a somewhat detailed account of the lichens of tlie sand-dunes of the South Lancashire coast. During a visit, hi June 191 (>, to the sandhills at Newborough. in Anglesea, I was therefore naturally interested in the lichens of that tract of dunes, and so far as the comparatively limited time at my disposal permitted, made a sj)ecial search for some of the rare and new species which had been located on the Lancashii-e dunes. A comparison of the lichen floras of the two coasts was of particular interest to me. L'p to tlic present the material collected has not been fully worked out, but in' the meantime it may be well to ])ut on record hire the occunvnce in SHOKT NOTES o5 Anglesea of at least two species which were originally discovered on the dunes of Lancashire. The first of these is Arthopyrenia areni- seda A. L. Sm,, lirst discovered by Mr. ^\ heldon on the Lancashire coast, and desciibed as a new species by Miss Smith in Journ. Bot. 1'911, p. -12. This plant I found growing in the Newborough sand- hills on exactly the same peculiar type of ground as in the Lancashire e heai-tih^ congratulated on the completion of this important work, which deals with the flowering plants and higher crypto- gams of a large county (1S53 square miles), containing the highest hills in Ireland, and producing many species of exceptional interest. He has explored it carefully for over twenty-five years ; indeed, no book of the kind that I know shows plainer signs of intimate acquaintance with the area treated of, and its vegetation. Mr. Colgan's Flora of Couniy Dublin (1904), published by the same firm, has beeii taken as a model, though the present volume is somewhat larger ; his help, and that of other botanists, is handsomely acknowledged. The print, paper, and binding are excellent ; and the map, though perhaps on rather a small scale, is quite clear. A very full Introduction, under nine heads, gives all needful details, and must have involved a vast amount of hard work. In the history of the Flora, beginning w^ith a MS. mention of Arhntus and the Oak at Killarney, about 1584, the gradual progress in botanical knowledge is traced. A discussion of the physical features — coast- line, islands, mountains, lakes, and rivers — leads on to a geological sketch ; severe glaciation is indicated in the mountainous southern parts. The climate, " moist, mild, and changeable,'" accounts for some rioral peculiarities. *' There can be but little doubt that there are localities in the south and w^est of Keny which receive the largest rainfalls in Ireland " ; Mangerton, at 1760 feet, had an average of 97*40 inches during fifteen years, with a maximum of 140'9. The mean temperature for January at Valencia, 44-5 deg. F., equals that of Hyeres, Cannes, and Mentone. The characteristics of the Flora have received particular attention. Of about 1150 native or naturalized Irish species and subspecies, 840 occur in Kerr3\ Dublin, less than a fifth of its size, almost equals this number, but lies much nearer to England and has twice as much cultivated land in proportion, with a drier atmosphere favouring the establishment of colonists or aliens. The percentage of Ci/peracece,. Fillers, and Naicnlacece in Kerr}" is 15'36, against 11*61 in Dublin, 9*2S in Kent, and 3*82 in Europe. A comparative scarcity of mari- time plants may be due to the prevalence of strong Atlantic gales. Watson's " Germanic " type has only five Kerry representatives (of these, Mippophar has been planted, and Carex Boeuninghnusiana is a hybrid) ; but the county possesses 54 of the combined " Scottish '^ and "Highland" types, as compared with Wicklow's 36. Here are the headquarters of six remarkable Irish species : — Saxifraya Ge7im, H. vmhrosa^ Arhnfns, Pinf/vicnla grandiforo^ Sisi/i'inchinm angvs- fifolinm, and Junciis tcnvis ; the last two (American) Mr. Scully believes to be true natives in the count3% and no one has had better opjiortunities of judging. Sih/J/nrpirt. T'^fricvlnrin Brcinii, Siviclhis^ i FLORA OF COUNTY fcCKKKi' 57 ^ndi* Nitella confen'acea, together with Epipactis atroviridis, Carex hihernica, several Hieracia and Ruhi, and the introduced Poly- gonum sagiftafuni, are at present unknown elsewhere in Ireland. Over 26 per cent, of Irish rarities occur here. Notes on the influence of soils, with a list of calcicole and a niucli longer one of calcifuge kinds, come next ; of the second group, it is noted that ^axifraqa umhrosa and Erica citierea occasionally grow on bare limestone Vocks. The vertical range of the species is discussed at considerable length, as being "a subject of more than local interest." in the present case. No fewer than 48 lowland plants ascend to over 3000 feet, of which 20 reach the summit of Carrantuohill, on the Eeeks (3-414 feet). For the division of the county for botanical purposes — a natural arrange- ment, based on physical featui-es, being impracticable, — the nine Baronies have been taken as districts; each is described, and its peculiarities are pointed out. The sequence and nomenclature are those of Cghele Hihernica (2nd edition) and Irish Topographical Botany, as likely to be most useful to Irish readers ; but the synonyms now in general use are added. Only real English names have been (most wisely) adopted. The vertical range of all species known to ascend above' oOO feet is given in the text. Aliens are included ; but casuals of only one years standing have, as a rule, been ignored. A list of books, papers, MSS., etc., ends the preliminary matter. The author, though he takes critical plants fully into account, seems to be a " lumper" rather than a " splitter " ; the scheme of the book (see above) may partly account for this. A. very valuable contribution to botanical knowledge is the new light shed in these pages on tlie lioherfsonia, or "London Pride," section of Saxifrages. Whei-e S. umhrosa grows alone, it is usually more or less constant ; but wherever it is accompanied by ;S'. Gevm the mutability becomes very great. From Bree\s time onwards^ almost all careful observers have suspected that hybrids and mongrels were frequent, >S'. elegans Mackay being the most obvious case. The matter is further complicated by the polymorphism of ^. umhrosa and *S'. Geum themselves in Kerry and Cork. aS'. liirsuta L. had hitherto been regarded by some as a species, by others as a subspecies, or variety, or h^^brid of the latter ; but no actual proof existed. This has now been furnished through a ten years' course of experiments which Professor Dixon carried out in the garden at Trinity College, Dublin, Kerry examples of S. Geum and aS'. umhrosa were first self-fertilized, and similar products were then crossed ; this resulted in sjjecimens being raised, among other forms, which fully complied with the Linnean description of >S'. hirsuta. Self-pollination of S. hirsufa from Tore Mountam, Killarney, gave rise to an offspring partly resembling it, besides forms of >S'. Geum and 8. nmhrosa, with several remarkable variants. The six plates give 139 photographic repro- ductions of natural and artificial leaf-forms, practically covering the whole group. The autlior believes that H. Geum is a decreasing * Found last year in E. Doneg-al by Eev. Canon Bullock-Webster {Iris}i i\(ilx(mliiit, 1917, p. 4, as N. NonJatedtiaita). 5^. THK ,)OLI{.\.U, Ul" noTANV. species in Kerry ; and its discovery by Mr. R. Lloy .1 Praeger on Clai'e: Island, Co. Mayo, suggests that it may have died out in other parts of western Ireland. S. atf^llaris is considered to be the most common alpine plant in the county, descending to less than 450 feet. The account of the Hypnoid Saxifrages is too vague. They are all here grouped undei" S. decipiens, which Ehrhart failed to describe, though he issued it as No. 5 of his Exsiccata ; S. rosacea Moench appears to be the valid name. It does grow ver^^ sparingly on Brandon Mountain, and probably elsewhere ; but the prevailing Kerry species is S. hirta Sm. This has been strangely confused with uritv. Tliei-e are, for instance, two kinds of white mice externally indistinguislial)le and reproducing their kind faithfully and vet of different constitution, as is shown hy mating a female of each kind with the same black male. In one case the offspring will be uniformly black, in the other unifonnly grey. Hybrid analysis is necessary to detect these constitutional ditt'erences, and hence we can define a species as " the total of individuals of identical constitution unable to form more than one kind of gamete." Unfortunately there is no absolute test for a " species," and further, such s])ecies are very mre in Nature. The botanist who has been in the habit of regarding the old style species as a unit for purpose of his work will, however, be comforted to hear that while neither the Lin neon nor the Jordanon re])resents the ultimate organic atom, yet that these groups of individuals are natural. " It is Nature itself," says Dr. Lotsy, " which groups the individuals to Linneons, and Linneons are thus something more than mere conceptions of the human mind." A Linneon is a group of individuals of different constitutions, which is merely a vestige of a very large number of types which spring from a cross. Intercrossing has taken place within the Linneon, and by selection has resulted in a certain uniformity of appearance which then characterizes the Linneon. Linneons, though themselves the result of a cross, are ke])t distinct in nature by obstacles against their freely crossing with other Linneons. Hence, at any rate, the members of any one Linneon have a common origin. Further, the degree of variability which the botanist recognizes within the limit of the s])ecies (O.S.) is explained from Dr. Lotsy's point of view by the constant occurrence within the Linneons of new forms resulting from intercrossing. The species (N.S.) or ultimate unit remains, like the constitution of the gamete, very much in n/fhibus, where, we fear, the systematist, at any rate, will be constrained to leave it. Dr. Lotsy is severe on mutations. In his chajjter " Do diploid species vary ? " he claims that, while it is not inconceivable, there is no evidence that a homozygous individual can become heterozygous without having been crossed, and this is what is implied in mutation. We cannot be sure of the homozygous condition, that is of the specific purity, of the material from which the supposed mutants arise ; (Enothera Lamarckiaiia, for instance, has never been obtained in a homozygous condition. New species arise from a poh^gametic hybrid obtained by mating gametes of different constitution, which are brought together by crossing different s]>ecies. The polygametic hybrid thus obtained gives rise to new forms, some of which are heterozygotes, while others are homozygotes, that is new species. By isolation of such homo- zygotes in the experiment ganlen and b}^ selfing them or by mating them with other individuals of identical constitution, but of different sex, we can nndtiply them and thus obtain new species consisting of as many individuals as we choose to raise. It is not necessary that the gametes which unite to give rise to the polygametic hybrid should be derived from ]Kn'e species ; they luay equally well be derived from hybrids, as it is tlie constitution, not the origin, of these gametes which is of conscfjuencc. Hence new s]x'cies mny ori^-inalc polvjiliylctical^v. EVOLUTIOy BY MEAXS CF HYBRTDTZATrOX 61 Further, as the spot where the mating of such gametes takes place is as indifferent to the effect as is the origin of the gametes, the same species may be born at different spots, that is to saj^, species may arise polytopically. This theory is disastrous to phylogeny. Since the source of the uniting gametes is a matter of indifference, similar individuals may arise from widely different sources, and similarity is therefore no guide to relationship. Hence phylogeny, or reconstmction of what has hap]:)ened in the past, is merely a product of fantastic speculations. Dr. Lotsy extends his theory to include the origin of the great grou])s of plants. A new class is merely the result of a happy meeting between two sufficiently differently constituted gametes. In order to study the constitution of the gamete the author suggests the advantage of dealing with haploid organisms, the result of a single gamete, such as a moss-plant, rather than diploid organisms, like the higher plants, which are the result of the interaction of two gametes. Moreover, if it could be proved that a moss-plant were able to produce more than one kind of gamete, niutation would have been proved in so far at least as we should be justified in concluding from such a result that a monogametic organism can become polygametic without the direct interference of a cross. A. B. R. A Tfwfbook of Botany for CoUerfes. By William F. Gaxoxg, Ph.D., Professor of Botany in Smith College. Xew York : The Macmillan Company. 8vo, pp. xii, 401. Price 86*. Qcl. net. Professoe GAXOxa earned the gratitude of teachers by his previous work, The Teachinq Botanist. His present book appeals to a different class of readers, for whom there is, perhaps, more provision in existing manuals. It is meant not for those beginning a botanical career but for the general student ; and for this purpose it seems to us admirably adapted- It deals with general anatomy — -or, as it is commonly miscalled nowadays, moi'^jhology — and physiology, syste- matic botan}^ being reserved for a second volume, and is mainly contined to Howering-plants. As might be expected from its authorship, the physiological aspect is fully emphasized and elucidated, while such comparatively new topics as chemosynthesis, enzymes, the rise of water by traction, chimajras, Mendelism, mutations, and double fertilization ai-e succinctlv but clearly dealt with. If American authors wish for the circulation of their books in this country, they should add the scientific names of the examples cited : such names as •'Bunch-grass" or '"Spanish bayonet" will conve}" little meaning to English readers. The book is fully illustrated with figures of physiological apparatus and with many old acquaintances from various sources, for the use of which the authoi- makes a spirited apology on the same grounds as did Sir Roger de Coverley for his chaplain's borrowed sermons, that they were better than his own would be. The original diagrams here certainly bear out this view. It is hard that the popular French author, Louis Figuier, whose work is drawn u]X)n, should be consistently misrepresented throughout as •' Figurier." G. S. B. C'2 THE jorHN-vr. ur noiANV BOOK-NOTES, NEWS, etc. The Kew Bulletin published in December (1916, no 10; the volumes are not numbered) contains an account, with biblioc^raphj^ of the late Hexrv Harold Welch Pearsox, whose de.ith took place at Mount Royal Hospital, Wynbero^, Cape Town, on November 3. Born at Long Sutton, Lincolnshire, on Jan. 2S, 1870, he went to Cambridge m 1898, where he graduated B.A. three years later; in 1897 he visited Ceylon as a Travelling SciuUir of the Univ^ersity, and on his return was a'ppointed Assistant Curator of the University Herbarium. \\\ 1899 Pearson becam3 Assistant for India in the Kew Herbarium, and at the end of 18J0 joined the Kew statf. In 1903 he was ap])ointjd to the chair of Botany (since known as the Harry Bolus Professorship) in the South Af rie m University, which he held to his deatli ; we understand that he will be succeeled by Dr. C. E. Moss. During his residence in S>)uth Africa Pearson undertook various journeys into the interior, which were productive of interesting results ; in the course of these he visited the " Wehvitschia Desert," and many of his most important investigations were connected with the remarkable ])lant indicated. The military occupation of South Africa by the Union Forces has afforded an opportunity for the preservation of Weltcitschid, which has been ordered by official proclamation of the Administrator of the Protectorate of South- West Africa, reproduced in the number of the Bulletin already referred to. In the same number is recorded the death of Mr. E. Gr. Kenstt, a member of the staff of the Bolus Herbarium since 1912, who was killed in action on 17th July last, at Delville Wood. The Naturalist for Januar}^ contains a notice of Charles Cross- land, who died at his residence at Halifax in his seventy-second year on the 9th of December last. Actively engaged as he was in business, Crossland found time for an infinity of work, bibliographical as well as botanical ; his proficiency in the latter is the more remarkable in that it was not until he was in his fortieth year that he took up the study of plants. Although possessed of a fair knowledge of British plants in general, it was to cryptogams, and specially to fungi, that his attention was principally devoted. Besides numerous papers on fur:gi in the Naturalist and in other local publications, Crossland was associated with Mr. W. B. Crump in The Flora of the Pariah of Halifax (1904), for which he undertook the cryptogams, and with Mr. Massee in The Funr/us Flora of Yorkshire (190o). The diffi- culty of preserving fungi led Crossland to represent them by drawings ; in this art he attained great perfection, and his collection was acquired for Kew. His interest in local history is shown, among other ways, in the interesting account of his fellow townsman James Balbon (t. 1799). which — under the title An Eighteenth Century Botanist (1910) -he reprinted from a local newspaper. A full account of Crossland and his work (with ])ortrait and bibliography up to date) is published in the Naturalist foi- Oc'tobrr 1910, from which most of the above information is taken. iiUOK -NOTES. NEWS. ETC. 63 Miss Jekyll has added to the many vohiiiies alread}^ standing under her name one on Annuals and Biennials ('Country Life' Oifices, price 7s. Qd. net). "The purpose of this book," she tells us in her preface, "is to give practical advice as to the choice of kinds, to point out which are the best, to give simple cultural directions, and to offe'r a few suggestions relating to the use of annuals and biennials in various departments of garden practice " ; and this purpose has been fulfilled with the thor.nighness born of practical knowledge which characterizes all Miss Jekyll's books. As is also usual in these, there are a large number of excellent illustrations, both of garden borders and individual plants ; among the former are some which will be familiar to those who ha\'e had the privilege of visiting her garden, of the latter, three are in colour, the frontispiece being the beautiful form of Xic/flhi which was Hi-st raised by Miss Jekyll and ])ears her name. The Journal of Genetics for December contains a paper by Mr. B.iteson on " Root-cuttings, Chimseras, and Spoi-ts." Dr. B. D. Jackson defines a chimsera as " the product from a bud with mechanical coalescence of two parent forms " ; periclinal chimaeras are what we have been accustomed to call graft-hybrids. Mr. Bateson has experi- mented on certain cultivated forms of Bouvardia, of which an excellent coloured plate is given. Mr. W. A. Backhouse in " The Inheritance of Crossability " gives the results of his experiments in crossing forms of wheat with rye. At the meeting (*f the Linnean vSociety on 14th December, 1916, Mr. H. S. Holden communicated and explained a paper by Miss Isabel McClatchie, B.Sc, entitled " Observations on the Koot-System of Iiiipatiens Roi/lei Walp." The primary root-system of this plant consists of a somewhat short tap root, a whorl of four robust lateral roots, and a n\imber of accessory laterals. These soon become obsolete and are replaced by a large superficial root-system of adventitious origin derived from the lower half of the hypocotyl. In plants in which the first and subsequent nodes trail along the ground, additional roots are produced from these. Abortive roots commonly arise at the bases of lateral branches, and further development can be induced also in these by suitable manipulation. Yanous other factors such as wounding, increasing the height of the soil, etc., also induce accessor}^ root-formation. The primary root-system is characterized by a 4-arch or 5-arch solid xylem star, and by the early development of tyloses. The stout adventitious roots are polyarch with a wide pith, and develop a superficial protective cork layer. They show, in common with the other parts of the plant, the tannin sacs and raphides charac- teristic of the genus. At the same meeting a jmper " On the Distribution of Monoecious Plants, and the Occurrence of Hermaphrodite Flowers in Myrica Gale, with Observations on Variations of Sex," by Miss A. J. Davey, -M.Sg., and Miss M. Gibson, B.Sc, was explained by the authors. Myrica Gale is described as being ty])ically dioecious, but mention lias ■been made by several authors of tlie occasional occurrence of the monoecious condition. Observations durinof several successive veai-s 64 THE JOl'RXAL OF BOTANY on a large area of Mi/rica in the peat moors of Somei*set show that there is always a small proportion of monoecious plants, which present all gradations hetween the normal pistillate and staminate types. Further, it has heen found that the sex of a plant may vary from year to year. The monoecious plants may be grouped as follows : — {a) Plants bearing ■ both staminate and pistillate catkins of the normal type. These occur on different slioots, or they may be mixed on the same shoot. In the latter case, usually the lower part of the shoot is staminate and the upper part pistillate, but the reverse order may obtain. Staminate, pistillate, and mixed shoots may occur on the same plant, and the proportions of each var}^ considerably, {h) Plants bearing andro- gynous catkins. Such catkins usually contain stamens below and pistils above, -but the reverse arrangement is found also, (c) Plants whose catkins consist of hermaphrodite flowers. These flowers (like the unisexual flowers) occur singly in the axis of the catkin scales. Each flower consists of a central ovar}^ surrounded b}'' 3 or 4 stamens (less commonly 2). Just below the insertion of these on the short floral axi.s, tliere are two small outgrowths corresponding to the " bracteoles " of normal pistillate flowers; The pistillate flower consists of an ovary flanked by two " bracteoles " adnate to it, which enlarge and persist in the fruiting stage ; the staminate flower consists of a group of stamens (commonl}^ four), without bracteoles. The hermaphrodite flowers are proterogynous. They produce normal fruits, and their stamens are functional. Among plants or shoots marked and examined in successive years, some showed progressive change from pistillate to staminate during several seasons ; e. g. plants producing abundant fruit in 1913 showed mixed shoots in 1914, and in 1915 became almost entirely staminate. In 1916 several such cases showed indications of the reverse change. Some plants appear to be continually fluctuating, while others remain stable for many seasons. The recently issued part (vol. vi. part 3) of the Transactions and Proceed ings of the Perthshire Society of Natural Science contains a second portion of the " Notes on Koses " by the President, Mr. W. Barclay, which it may be regretted does not appear in some publica- tion more readily accessible. It is largely concerned with Rosa spinosissima (spelt throughout "■ spinossissima'") and its hybrids; Mr. Harclay retains this name for the plant, considering that Crepin's view that Linnifius intended by it P. ciunamomea (spelt '' cinna- monea ") is untenable. Mr. Arthur Bennett has notes on Pota- mageton crispusy.alpiniis, -a hybrid new to Britain which has been found in Pertlishire, and P. gracilis Wolfg., from the same county ; Ascherson and Graebner's monograj^h of the genus in Das PJianzen- reich (1907) is somewluit severely and doubtless deservedly criticized, though the criticisms might with advantage have been more clearly expressed. We regret to record the deaths of Daniel Oliver, which occurred at Kew on December 21st, and of Clement Heid, who died at Milford-on-Sea on December 10th ; notices of each will appear in an early issue. 65 NOTES ON MESEMBRYANTHEMUM FEOM THE National Heebaeium. By James Beittex, F.L.S. The following notes relate almost exclusively to the species o£ Masemhri/anthemum described — -many of them for the first time — in Alton's Hortus Kewensis (1789). In the second edition (1811) Haworth's arrangement {Miscellanea Naturalia^ pp. 15-lOB, 1803) is followed. Of this and of Haworth himself more will be said later : in the course of these notes I have had occasion to refer to his publi- cations on the genus — Observations on JSLesemhryantliemum (1794) ; Miscellanea Natiiralia (1803) ; Synopsis Plantarum Succulent arum (1812) ; Supplementum (1819). I have also referred to Sonder's monograph of the South African species in Flora Capensis, ii. 387- 460 (1862), and to the Mesemhrianfhemen unci Portulacaceen (1908) of Mr. Alwin Berger, late curator of the famous garden at La Mortola, mider whose care a large number of species was there in cultivation. I. Axx Lee's Deawings. From time to time attention has been called in these pages to the collection of unpublished drawings in the Department of Botany. Apart from their interest as specimei^s of plant-drawing, they have a scientific value, as they are in many cases named by Dryander and referred to in the Solander MSS. on which Alton's ILortus Keioensis was largely based, thus becoming more or less typical for that work, especially in cases where the actual sj)ecimens described have not been preserved. Among these one of the most interesting is a folio volume cata- logued as " Coloured Drawings of Mesembryanthema by Miss Lee." This contains 19 drawings, of which 16, on vellum, are signed '' A. Lee, 1776 " — one is 1778. Of the remaining three (on paper) one (no. 13) is signed " S. Taylor, 1777," who is evidentl}^ also responsible for no. 10 and probably for no. 6 — we have in the Department a large number of drawings by Simon Taylor, of whom some account will be found in the Dictionary of National Bioyraphy (Iv. 464). All are named, mostly by Dryander, and are interesting and in some instances important in relation to Alton's Kortus Keicensis, as, in the absence of specimens, they are the onh" authentic material for the species. Ann Lee was the daughter of James Lee (1715-95) the celebrated nurser^^man of Hammei-smith, whose garden was the resort of the botanists of his time, and who introduced numerous plants to cultiva- tion, including Fuchsia coccinea. Among the genera to which he paid special attention was Mesemhryanthemum, which was fashionable in the latter part of the eighteenth century, and which he was " re- ported to know much better than any one." Haworth, who tells us this (Obs. Mesembryanth. p. 22), disparages this estimate, but it must be remembered that, according to his own account, he was treated rudely by Lee on the occasion of his visits to the nursery, JOUENAL OF BOTAXT. YoL. OO. [MaECH, 1917.] T 6(j TITE JOUHXAL OF BOTAXi' which he left " saturated with disappointment and affront," resolved " to record the behaviour which occasioned my perplexity " — this he does at some length (op. cit. 25-28) — and "to return to the scene of it' no more." Whatever Lee's scientitic knowledge of the plants ma}"" have been, it is cei-tain that he had a large li\dng collection of them, and it was from this that his daughter made the drawings which form the subject of this note. Ha worth himself, however, was recognized by Dryander as the principal authority on the genus ; this is evident from the fact that in the second edition of the Ilortus Keiveyisia the arrangement of the genus in his Miscellanea JS^aiuralia (1803) is exclusively followed, and the diagnoses of the species are in evTry case taken from it, with reference : even the species originally described in Hort. Kew. ed. 1 are here cited from " Haworth Misc. Nat.," the original place of publication being ignored. Of the artist herself little is known, but her work was evidently (and deservedly) in repute in the middle of the eighteenth century, to wdiich period most of the scanty references to her relate. The drawings of Mesembryanthemum range in date from 177G to 1778 ; Stokes (Commentaries^ p. cxxviii) says that Fothergill (1712-80) engaged her to make colom-ed drawings of the I'arer plants in his garden at Upton (Essex) ; and Davall (1763-98), writing to Smith in Januar}^ 1790, speaks of "Miss Lee's drawing of Frotea mellifera " as being in her father s possession, thus suggesting that she herself was dead at that time. Some thirty years ago (see Journ. Bot. 1884, 123), Mr. James (misprinted John) Lee, grandson of James and thus nephew of Ann, was good enough to show me some excellent Hower- drawungs, dated 1771-76, which were the work of his aunt, and her numerous drawings of birds and insects are also in possession of the family. She also collected insects : of these Thunbei'g, when visiting James Lee while in England in 1778, saw^ her "fine collection " which had just been increased by " the uncommonly beautiful insects from the coast of Bengal which Lady Monson had collected there and bequeathed to Miss Lee" {Travels, iv. 291). 1. M. CADUCUM Ait. Hoi-t. Kew. ii. 179. The drawing of this is from a specimen past flowering and is of little value. The name on the drawing is in Solander's hand, but the diagnosis as printed in Hort. Kew^, which is followed by a full description, in that of Dryander. In Ind. Kew. the species is entered as " [Soland. in] Ait. Hort. Kew." : the reasons, sufficiently conclusive, against this method of citation are set forth in my History of Aiton's ' Ilortus Kewensis ' (p. 4) issued as Supple- ment III. to this Journal for 1912. It appears from the book kept in the Banksian Herbarium (now in Bot. Dept.) in which were entered the plants brought to be named from Kew (1777-97) and other gardens that this was brought in May 1778 : Dryander notes " preserved in spirits to be examined with the rest." A few Banksian s])ecimens in spirits, without (or with illegible) labels are in the Department ; they are probably identical with some of the species of Hort. Kew. and should be examined by monographers. In common with most of the Hort. Kew. species, this was introduced by Masson in 1774 : an interesting note as to the extent of the genus is in XOTES O^" MESEMBKYAXTHE.MUiE 67 Haworth's Sifiiopsls (p. 236) : " When the great botanic traveller Masson (who traversed the Cape countries for twentv years) was asked whether he had sent all the Mesenibryanths to "^England, his emphatic answer was ' No ! nor half of them.' " 2. M, HUMIFUSFM Ait. Hort. Kew. ii. 179. This drawing appears to be the only authentic material in existence for the species, which recent authors have failed to identif}^ Sonder (I'l. Ccip. ii. 457) merely reproduces the Hort. Kew. description and cites no specimens ; Berger {Mesemhrianfhemen, 58) places it after the described species at the end of his Expansa group and says " ungeniigend bekannte Art." This being so, it may perhaps hQ worth while to transcribe from the Solander MSS. Dryander's detailed account, which follows the diiignosis printed in Hort. Kew. : — " Tofa planta procumbens, undique scabra, papulis elevatis, copio- sissimis, conicis, obtusis. *' Folia opposita, spathulata, obtusa, duas vel tres uncias longa, supra plana, subtus carinata. " Flores pedunculati. *' Calyx quinqueiidus : Incinice lanceolatae, insequales. ^' Petcda minutissima, albida. " ^tyl'i quinque. " Gapsula quinque coronata quinque corniculis compressis, apice bifidis." . On the drawing the name is referred to " Linn. Supplem.," but it is not to be found therein. Ha worth (Obs. 420) says he had not seen the plant : a reference . to this page will show that the " humifunum Lee " of Ind. Kew. has no actual existence. In tlie Banksian Herbarium Dryander attaches the name liumi- fusum to a specimen from Jacquin's herbarium, without other in- formation, which provides little material for identification or examination. Elsewhere (Syn. 248) Haworth says the species ^'according to the Hortus Kewensis is shrubb}" ; otherwise I should have thought it might not be distinct from the strictly annual J£ lanceolatum " - but no such character as that alleged is in the Hort. Kew. description. 3. M. APETALUM L. f. Suppl. 258 (1781) ; Ait. Hort. Kew. ii. 180 (diagnosis fi'om Dr^^ander's MS., where is also a full description). M. CALAMIFOEME L. Sp. PL 690; Ait. Hort. Kew. ii. 181. The drawing is lettered " M. calamiforme L. var." : there is no refer- ence to the species in Solander MSS. 5. M. PALLE^^s Ait- Hoi-t. Kew. 182. Dryander has in MS. a full description as well as the diagnosis, but the species is generally recognized and it does not seem necessary to transcribe tliis. M. pallens Salm-D3"ck, § 63, f. 2, looks to me different, but Berger accepts the identity and reproduces Salm-Dyck's figure as representing Alton's plant. 6. M. L3MPIDUM Ait. Hort. Kew. ii. 183. Tliis species is omitted from the index to Fl. Cap., but is in the text J-2 GS IHb: JOlHXAl. <.F BOTAXr (p. 453) placed us a svnonym uiidei' J/, crlnijiorum — a name which Sender cites as of " Houtt. Pfl. Syst. 2 J), t. 58," [1778] in which he is followed bv Berger (p. 40). A reference to this plate sliows that it bears no name, and in the text the plant stands as M. puc/ioniforme. The name criniflorum dates from Linn. f. Suppl. 259 : whether Houttuyn's description and curious plate are identical witli this I aui unable to judge. Haworth (Revis. 162) fully describes the plant from specimens sent him by Alton, and Dryander gives a detailed description ; but it does not seem necessary to re])roduce this, as the identity of the species is not doubtful : the drawing is probably by Taylor. 7. M. HiSPTDUM L. Sp. PI. 1S2; Ait. Hort. Kew. ii. 184. The di'awing is named by Solander " Mesembryanthemum hispidum var. tloribus majoribus." The entry of the species in the MSS. (there is no descri]:)tion ) is in his hand, with a note of a variety which is not that figured. Of this species we have a specimen from Cliffords garden which represents " M. caule hispido " of Hort. Cliff, on which M. hispidum was based. The label attached to the sheet has Boerhaave's name, as cited in Hort. Cliff., but was wrongly identified by the unknown person who added Linnean binomials to the sheets. Dryander, how- ever, correctly identifies it as JSL. hispidum, of which we have also a specimen from Gronovius, doubtless given him b^' Linnseus. 8. M. AUREUM L. Syst. Nat. ed. 10, 1060; Ait. Hort. Kew. ii. 190. There is nothing in Solander MSS. relating to this, 9. 10. M. GEOSSUM Ait. Hort. Kew. ii. 191. There is nothing in Solander MSS. relating to this, and, in the absence of specimens, the only authentic material of importance is Taylor's drawing, that of Ann Lee being only a fragment, the end of a branch. The diagnosis in Hort. Kew. is very short — " M. foliis subcylindricis confertis papulosis, caudice basi incrassatis, ramis diffusis glabris " : Haworth — who in 1794 (Obs. 255) said he had seen it, but had no proper specimen for description — in 1808 (Misc. 5Q) gives a new diagnosis (not incompatible with that in Hort. Kew.) and adds a description of the flowers — " Corolla mediocris ]>etalis multiserialibus primo pallide-carneis, demum stramineo-carneis " — and a note on its cultivation. Taylor's drawing shows a large plant with several branches bearing pale yellow flowers about two-thirds of an inch across, of which dissections are given. Sonder (Fl. Cap. ii. 449) cites the species from Haworth (Syn. 252) and a figure from Salm- Dyck (§ 54, f. 8) which hai-dly agrees with Taylor's drawing, to wliich the attention of future monographers may be directed. 11. M. BRAcniATUM Ait. Hort. Kew. ii. 191. This is not included in Solander MSS. Sonder (Fl. Cap. ii. 448) suggests its identitA' with M. decussatum Thunb., but the flowers of that are described as white, whereas those in the drawing are yellow. Berger makes no reference to it. XOTES ON MESEMEliYAMllEMLM 61) 12. M, MOLLE Ait. Hort. Kew. ii. 192. In Solander MSkS. the species is not described, but two forms are noted : "a. Horibus fiavis " (which the drawing represents) : "/J. petalis intus intense aurantiacis, caitus Isete rubris." Of the latter a specimen was received from Kew ^^g- 1^' 1778 : Drj^ander notes in the garden book (see under 1) " what you [? Aiton] called molle is certainly a different species." Ha worth (Obs. 262) amplities the diagnosis in Hort. Kew. and adds a full description of the growing plant, as to which he had earlier {ojy. cit. 139) expressed some doubt: later (Syn. 262) he gives a full description of the flowers, which he had not previously seen. 13, M. SESsiLiFLORUM Ait. Hort. Kew. li. 193. There is no reference to this in Solander MSS. and Berger (p. 37) says it is quite unknown. The description in IT. Cap. (ii. -154) is taken from Ha worth (Syn. 247), which in its turn is derived from Hort. Kew. : it would appear therefore that Ta^dor's drawing is the only authentic material for the species. The brief diagnosis in Hort. Kew. runs : " M. foliis planis spathu- latis caulibusque papulosis, ramis divaricatis, fioribus sessilibus." Taylor figures a plant with several branches ; the yellow flowers (of which dissections are given) are somewhat smaller than those of M. grossum. The plant which Haworth first described (Suppl. p. 93, 1819) as "an varietas M, sessilijiori't''' and later (Kevis. 158, 1821) as "/3. album" — the species being ''a. luteum " — is referred by Berger (p. 34) to M. clandestinum Haw. 14- M. HELTA?s"THOiDES Ait. Hort. Kew. ii. 193. There is no description in Solander MSS. ; the plant is generally recognized. 15. M. POMERXDiANUM L. Sp. PL 698 ; Ait. Hort. Kew. ii. 194. There is no reference to this in Solander MSS. 16. M. ECHTXATUii Ait. Hort. Kew. ii. 194. Dryander's diagnosis is not amplified in the MSS., which include the two forms — "a. flore luteo " and " /3. fiore albo " of Hort. Kew. : the drawing represents the former. Haworth (Syn.) gives a diagnosis of each. In the MSS. Diyander gives Masson's definite locality — " in campis aridis prope Swartkop's rivier " — where the plant was subsequently collected by Zeyher. 17. M. coRDiroLiUM Linn, f . Suppl. 260 ; Ait. Hort. Kew. ii. 182. This on the drawing is named si/lvaticum, under which name it was originally described by Dryander in the MSS., where cordifolium was later substituted by him for it. Masson's locality is entered by Dryander as " sylvis prope Krum rivier et Zee Koe rivier " : in the latter locality it was also collected by Thunberg, probably at the same time. 18. 19. M. AiTONis Jacq. Hort. Vindob. iii. 8, t. 7 (1776). This was described by Jacquin from plants raised from seed sent ** ab egregio et expertissimo Gulielmo Aiton," after whom he named 70 THE JOrRXAL OF BOTAXT it. There is no description in the Solander MSS. ; the tvvo dmwings are noted b^^ Brvander as representing the plant in its first year — this corrc^sponds^ closely with Jacqnin's figure —and in its second. In Hort. Kew. ii. 182, it is placed under M. papillosum L., hut Haworth (Svn. 247, Misc. 48) pointed out its distinctness and in this has been followed l)y subsequent authors. Specimens from Jacqnin's herbarium are in Herb. Banks, II. Masson's Drawings a^d SpEciMETfs. The four interesting drawings of JSLesemhryantliema by Masson, to whom the introduction of very numerous species was due, foniied the subject of comment in a paper on his drawings in general in this Journal for 1881 (p. 146). That, however, was a long while ago, and it seems worth while to repeat the main facts here, with such information as has since acci-ued, in order that the information relating to our drawings of the genus may be accessible in one place, M. piNNATTFiDUM L. f. Suppl. 260 ; Ait. Hort. Kew. ii. 193. This generally recognized species calls for no special remark. The Banksian specimens are from Thunberg (on whose s])ecimens Linn. f. based his description) and Masson, from whose material the plant is fully described in Solander MSS., in the handwriting of Sigismund Bacstrom, one of Banks's assistants (see Jouni. Bot. 1911, 92): so man}' of the descriptions of Masson's plants are in Bacstrom's hand as to suggest tliat he may have transcribed them from a MS. of Masson or ]>ossibly from that of Thunberg (see under M. digitaUun). The locality of Masson's specimen is given in the MS. as : " In montibus Boode Zand prope Water Yal in Paardeberg." M. CTLTATL'M Ait. Hort. KcAv. ii. 179. Of this remarkable species the only authentic material, apart from tliat in Tlumberg's herbarium, which Sonder consulted, is in the De]iai-tment ot Botany, where are three specimens from Masson and a drawing of a large plant ; of this latter a fragment is reproduced by Berger (p. 61), wlio says that the species is not in cultivation. Both Berger and Sonder (Fl. Cap. ii. 436) cite the species as of Thunberg « in Nov. Act. Nat. Cur. viii, App. ii. ; but, as has already been shown, that publication dates two years later than Hort. Kew. The same plant is doubtless intended in both cases, although Ind. Kew. enters them as distinct. There is a full description (in Bacstrom's hand) in Solander MSS.. where the plant is localized : " In locis depressis infra bockland l>erg et in Handtom ad Projn. b. Spei " ; although worded differently, this is ])robably identical with that given by Thunberg, as Masson and he were associated in some of their journeys. It was met with in the Karroo region bv the Percy Sladen Memorial Expedition, 1 90S-9. M. coRAi.MXUM Thunb. in Nov. Act. Nat. Cur. viii. App. 12. This, although fully described in Solander MSS., is not included in Hort. Kew. As to the ])receding, the only authentic material is that of Thunberg and Masson : the i^anksian specimens, although at- tributed to the latter, are localized *• Locis aridissimis Olyvants Bivier*' KOTES OX MESEMBK Y ANTHEM UM 71 in Thunberg"s hand. Neither Soiider nor Berger cites any later col- lector ; and the latter says the plant is not now in cultivation. M. DiGiTATUii Ait. Hort. Kew. ii. 181. It would appear that of this very distinct species the only authentic material is that afforded hy Masson's drawing : Sonder says it is not in Thunberg's herbarium, nor is it in Herb. Banks. ; Berger (p. 228) reproduces a fragment of Masson's large drawing. The species Avas met with in Little Namaqualand during the Percy ttladen Memorial Expe- dition to the Orange Kiver in 1910-11, and groups of the plant are reproduced from photographs then taken in the Gardeners'' Chronicle for August 19, 1911 (p. 124) in the course of some notes on the expedi- tion contributed by the late H. H. W. Pearson. Pearson says : *' The erect stems are very short, and bear one to three leaves, of which the upjDermost and youngest resembles a very corpulent finger. They contain much water and are very soft, so that a dried specimen can give but little idea of the natural appearance of the plant," which seems admirably convej^ed in Masson's di'awing. The distribution is very local : it was " only found in a few small patches in this stretch of desert, where, apparently, Thunberg's specimens also were observed." As in other cases, Thunberg's later name (op. cif. p. 6) is employed by Sonder and other authors : Berger, however, whose attention was directed to Masson's plants (though this is not stated) by my paper in this Journal for 1884, rightly adopts that of Hort. Kew. In Index Keivensis, Thunberg's name is retained and that of Hort. Kew. is reduced to a synonym : had the dates been appended to each reference — a never sufficiently to be regretted omission — the order of precedence would, as in so many other cases, at once have been clear. The note as to the MSS. in Journ. Bot. 1884, 146, is not altogether correct : the detailed description (transcribed by Bacstrom) is stated by Dryander to be from Thunberg, but Thunberg's name was not added to Solander's diagnosis until later (by Dryander) and there is no ground for my former suggestion that Solander "purposely modified" Thunberg's name — of which, indeed, he could hardly have been aware. There are in the Banksian collection a large number of specimens from Masson which have never been worked up but are worth the atten- tion of a monographer : one is fully described and named in Solander MSS., where is also described another whose name 1 have not found on any sheet. Many of the specimens are, as Ilesemhryanthema go, quite good ; they could probably be identified by one acquainted with the genus and may possibly represent some of the species — described in Hort. Kew. from Masson's material- — of which no tyj^es are known to exist. Of the 69 species in Hort. Kew,, 19 are described only from Masson's material, and 5 others were inti'oduced by him to cultivation. There are also in the Herbarium a few specimens from Oldenburg which present less satisfactory material, and one collected at False Bay by James Robertson in 1772. M. EMARCiDUM Thunb. in Nov. Act. Nat. Cur. viii. App. 9 (1791) is superseded both by Sonder and Berger, and in Ind. Kew. by the later J/, anatomiciim Haw. Misc. 50 (1803). We have specimens from Masson. 4 '2 THE JOL'llNAL or EOT AX Y III. The Sloaxe Herbaeiitm. The numerous references in Hort. Kew. to the volumes containing" the Hortus Siccus of Marv Duchess of Beaufort (1630 ?-17l4) relate to species previously descrihed by Linna?us, but may be regarded as typical for Aiton's work. The following is a list of these : — H. S. fol. nociiflorum 142 72 H. S. fol. a cilia ci forme 133 19 ■ alhidum 131 23 barhatum 133 17 deltoides 131 40 Jolahriforme 142 72 [73] pvgioniforme ... 142 75 [74] spinosum 142 67 tuherostim 142 67 uncinatum 142 64 It ngii if or me 131 22 In the second edition of Hort. Kevv. the Duchess's specimens of JLT. deUoides, 31. linguiforme, and M. uncinatum are referred respectively to M. nmricatiim, M. scalpratum, and M. ferfoliatum^ all of Ha worth. In this edition two other species, 3I.Jioribundum and M. hispid nm, are mentioned as having been cultivated by her, but without reference to Herb. Sloane : in this, however, there are many specimens not referred to in Hort. Kew. ed. 1, and these may be among them. Her specimens are all w^ell dried and should be of interest to monographers : many are figured in the two volumes of drawings made under her superintendence at Badminton. The Sloane Herbarium also contains other cultivated specimens. lY. Other Species desceibed j:s Hoet. Kew. The following notes on other species first characterized in Hort. Kew\ may be worth consideration : the ignoring of the names may perhaps be accounted for by the fact already mentioned that in Hort. Kew. ed 2 all the names are cited as from Haworth, but he himself in his Ohserva/ions, to which in the MisceUanca he always refers, was careful to quote the original place of publication. M. DEFLEXUM Ait. Hort. Kew. ii. 187 (1798) is cited by Sonder and Berger as of Haworth, and is placed by them under the much later M. elegans Jacq. Hort. Schoenbr. iv. 18 (1804). M. COMPACT l-:m Ait. Hort. Kew. ii. 191. This seems to be an altogether doubtful plant: Solander in the MSS. only adds to the printed diagnosis " flores Havi ; folia longitudine et crassitie digiti : floruit in Horto Kewensi Nov. 1781." Haworth (Obs. 156) says he was unable to see it at Kew, though he went there twice for the purpose. Sonder (Fl. Cap. ii. 396) places it do\ibtfully under M. nohilc Haw. — a plant with leaves six lines wide, to wliich therefore it cannot belong, — and Berger makes no reference to it. According to Hort. Kew., its introduction was due to " Mr. William Paterson." This may have been the Colonel of that name who was in South Africa 1777-81 and published in 1789 a Narrative of Four Journeyings, which contains numerous references to the plants which he f)bserved. He is thus referred to bv Thunberg : " Paterson, NOTES OX mesembryaxtheml':m 73 William, Anglus, circa 1773 per aliquod tempus, sub sua comm(3ra- tione, longinquiora suscepit itinera, variaque nova et valde curiosa in patriam suam transmisit " (Fl. Cap. x.)- It seems more probable, however, that the Hort. Kevv, reference is to another man of tlie same name whom Thunberg met at the Cape in 1778, and of whom he gives the following account: "I met here with a Mr. Patterson, an Englishman, who was come to this place, in order to collect from the interior of Africa and transmit home to his own country both the seeds and live roots of such j^lants as were scarce and peculiar to these parts. He professed to travel at the expense of certain individuals, and professed some small knowledge of Botan^^, but was in fact a mere gardener" {Travels, iv. 271). M. TiRiDiFLORUM Ait. Hort. Kew. ii. 196. Dryander in the MSS. adds descriptive notes to the diagnosis, but the plant is generally recognized, so there seems no need to transcribe them. M. L^TE Ait. Hort. Kew. ii. 232. This species, duly entered (though wrongly ascribed to Solander) in Index Keiuensis and recognized by Ha worth, seems to be ignored by later authors — e.g. Sonder (Fl. Cap. ii. 408) and Berger (p. 136) — who take up M. IcBve Thunberg. The diagnoses of the two plants, brief as they are, show^ that they could hardly be identical : that of Hort. Kew. imns — " M. foliis cylindraceis obtusis amplexi caulibus lii>vibus, calycibus quinquelidis : laciniis oblongis obtusis. Upright white-wooded Fig Mar^^gold " : that of Thunberg (Prodr. 1800, p. 90) " M. foliis trigonis Isevibus, caule de cumbente articulato." This latter is of course antedated by the detailed description in Nov. Act. Acad. Cur. viii. App. 16 (1791), and as we have Dryander's unpublished descri23tion, the two may be placed side by side by way of contrast : Thunberg. Dryander. Planta erecta, glauca, laevis. CauUs filiformis, decumbens, Caulis semiteres. articulatus, cinereus, glaber, ra- mosus, crassitie dimidia penn*, pedalis. Rami erecti, breves, foliosi. Folia decussata, connata ap- Folia amplexicaulia, laeviter proximata, subteretia, supra plani- connata, subcylindracea, obtusa, uscuia,obtusa, imi)unctata,glabi-a, Isevia, vix uncialia. erecta, pollicaria. -Pef/^^;i6'^^/^axiilares, foliis paulo Flores in ramulis terminales, longiores. solitarii, flavi. C'ff/y.r quinquefidis : lacinia? ob- P^rMW^'/^/z^w? 4-fidum : lacinise longse, obtusaB, suba^quales. duae oppositae breviores. * Corolla rubra, cal3X'e duplo longior. It w^ill be obvious from these descriptions that the two plants cannot be identical: this Avas pointed out by Haworth (Miscell. 86), who says: "I have not seen this plant, but have taken it from Thunberg's 74 THE JOURNAL OF BOTAXY Prodromus and clianged its name ; because that of Iceve has long been preoccupied by a tall erect woody species with rubicund Howers, in the Hort. Kew. and inserted in this arrangement [p. G-i] in the section Ruhicundce Teretiusmila.^' Whatever may ultimately be decided as to JSL. Iccve, it is clear that Sonder and Berger haye no ground for ignoring the Hort. Kew. name, which is entirely omitted by both authors, and that, unless this be ultimately reduce! to some earlier species, M. Iceve Thunberg must be repkced by Haworth's Thunhercjii. M. AUSTKALE Solander ex Forst. Prodr. 90 (1786), nomcn ; Ait. Hort. Kew. ii. 187. This is described at length in the Solander MSS. from specimens collected by Banks and Solander in New Zealand in 1769 ; a drawing (partly coloured) by Sidney Parkinson is among those made during the yoyage. A careful collation of the MSS. relating to the collec- tions inade during the yoyage leads to the conclusion that no dried specimens were preserved : we have, however, a specimen in spirit, the label of which is (piite illegible, which almost certainly represents the plant then collected. A note may be added here as to the endemic Australian species. Bentham (Fl. Austral, iii. 324) unites M. clavellatum Haw. with M. aust)'ale, although Haworth (Misc. 80) is emphatic as to its distinctness, and Berger so maintains it. In Bobert Brown's MSS. he refers to this as probably identical with a plant to which he had given a name which has not been published : he also gives full descri})tions of two species which he himself had found, one " in rupibus cum 31. cEquilateraJi a quo distinctissimum," the other in Kent's Clroup, Bass's Straits, Dec. 12, 1803 ; as well as of a third species, apparently also found by him, to which he attaches an un- ])ublished name of Solander*. No specimens of any of these existed in Brown's herbarium at the time when it became the ])roperty of the i^ritish Museum. Workers at Australian botany visiting this country will do well to consult Brown's MSS., which are arranged systematic- ally and are readily accessible. It may be noted incidentally that the species usually written cequilaterale Haw. (Misc. 77, 1803) was first published by him as equilaierum (Obs. 390, 1794): the latter form stands in the Kew Index as " equilateratura," and its identity with the later cequilaterale^ though stated by Haworth himself, is not indicated. SUPPLEMKNTAHY NOTES TO THE HERTS FLORA. By J. E. Little, M.A. (Concluded from p. 52.) LlniHfi. The nomenclature followed is that adopted by Dr. C. E. Moss in the Gardeners' Chronicle, 1912, 199, 236. U. r/labra and its forms were determined by A.B.J. * In accordance with the practice of the Department of Botany I refrain from printing these unpublished names. SUPPLEMENTAKT XOTES TO THE HERTS FLORA 75 U. glahra Huds. 2. Pnrvvell, Hitchin, 1911. — Yar. lacuiiata, 2. Between Willian and Gt. Wymondlev, 1915. TI. glahra X nitens. (a) X TI. hollandica. 2. Gt. Wvmondley Rd., Hitchin, 1912. (b) x U. vegeta. 2. High Bown^ Hitchin and roadside between High Down and Old Welburv, 1916 ; Lower entrance to Offley Park, 1915. Z7. nitens Moench. 2. Windmill Hill, Hitchin, 1916.— Var. Soiverhyi Moss. 2. Roadside at Nine Springs, Hitchin, 1911,. det. O.E.M. v. safiva Mill. 6. Stan stead bury, 1915. ^Quercus Cerris L. 2. Plantation, O ugh ton Head, 1910 ; Chis- field Churchyard, 1911 ; Plantation at Benslow, Hitchin, 1912 ; St. Ippolyts Vicamge, 1912. 6. S. of Bell Bar ; W. of Minwood House, 1912 ; Wood opposite entrance to Haileybury College, 1910 ; London Rd., Hatfield, alongside G.N.R. ; Near the Lake Lodge Gate,, Knebworth Park, 1912. Salix aurifa L. 2. Burleigh Meadows, Langlev, B.E.C.R. 1912, 286. Fo2mlns, gee Journ. Bot., Ang. 1916, 233-236. Junipe?nis com/minis L. 1. Occasional stunted sjDecimens,. de- pastured by sheep and seldom exceeding 6 in. high in various parts of Royston Heaih, 1908-13. Neottia Nidus-avis Rich. 2. Whitney Wood, Stevenage, 1908, E. H. Nicolls ! ; Offley Holes, J. Bullard ; Westfield Common, 1916, H.C.L. Cephalantliera grandiflora Gray. 1. Wood near Church Hill, Royston Heath, 1908. 2. Lower"^ Plantation, High Down, 1912; Plantation on Weston Hills, 1911 ; Edge of Hexton Park, 1910. Hellehorine laiifolia Diiice. 2. Lady Grove, Preston, 1912 ; Wain Wood, 1912; Bush Wood (= Green's Grove), Weston (var. media E. S. Marshall? C.E.S. in lift.). Orchis latifolia L. aggr. 2. Triangle between the Midland and G.N. Railways, CadwelCl911 ; St. Ippolyts Common, 1916; Near Ramerwick, 1914 ; Walsworth Upper Common ; Purwell and Nine Spnngs, 1914. There is some doubt about the records of O. in- carnafa L. for the Ivel' basin. The majority of our plants have unspotted leaves. On Oughton Head Common in 1915 I could only find a few with spotted leaves. The leaves, though often naiTOw and hooded, are not of the short rather rigid type narrowing all the way from the base, I have never seen a plant with flesh-coloured flowers in this district. The bracts vary much in length. O. ericetorum Linton, 6. Hertford Heath, 1915. Hahenaria vividis Br. 2. Abundant in several pastures near Welbury Farm, 1908-13 ; Near Clothall, 1915, R.M. Iris foetidissima L. Green Lane, Burleigh Meadows, Langley, 1912. Allium, vineale L., var. comf actum (Thuill.). 2. North Road, N. of Baldock, 1915, H.C.L. ; London Rd. between St. Ippoh^ts and New England, 1908 ; Pit W. of Norton Green, Stevenage," 1913 ; Near Letchworth, between Pixmore and Baldock, 1912; S. of Alm- shoebu)-v, 1912.— 6. Between Datchwoi-th and Watton, 1912 ; /b TUK JOL'KNAL OF BOTANY ]^et\veen Sacombe Green and High Cross, 1912 ; Pasture W. of Braiiitield Church, 1912 ; By the side of the Hertford branch of G.N. 11., at junction with main line, 1912. SciUa nutans Sni. With white flowers. 2. AVestbury Wood, Offlev, 191J.; Near Chisfield Manor, 1911; Offley Holes, 1914; Near Tilekiln Farm, Weston, 1913. Paris quadrifolia L. 2. Knebworth Great Wood (Newton Wood), 1912 ; Westfield Common, 1916, H.C.L. ! Junciis hulbosus L. 6. On wet clav in a riding-, Great Wood, Northaw, 1912 ; Cow Heath Wood, Hoddesdon, 1912. J. subnodulosus Schrank. 2. St. Ippolyts Common, 1910. Lnzula silvatica Gaud. 2. Knebworth Great Wood, 1911. — 6. Along the Spital Brook, at the cross track from Monk's Green to Cold Hall, 1912. L. carnpestris DC, var. congesta Svme. 6. Codicote High Heath, 1912 ; Boman Boad, Hertford Heath, 1912. L. muItiJJora Lej., var. conc/esta Lej. 2. Knebworth Great Wood, B.E.C.B. 1911, 130.— 6. 'Balls Park Wood, 1915; Hertford Heath ; Mardley Heath, 1913, det. C.E.S. Lemna gibba L. 6. Dobs Weir, Hoddesdon, 1915. L. poljjrrhiza L. 2. Bedcoats Green, 1913. — 6. Dobs W^eir, 1915. Triglochin palustre L. 2. Near Walsworth Spring, 1911 ; St. Ippolyts Common ; Between Grove Mill and Hyde Mill, 1910. Zannichellla pahistris L. 2. Ditch at top of Ickleford (Cad- well) Common, W.E.C.B. 1913, 462. Scirpus silvaticus L. 6. Spital Brook where it is crossed by the Ptoman Boad, 1913. Erinpliorum angustifolium Both. 2. Walsworth Upper Com- mon, 1911. Carex distich a Huds. 2. Swamp above Purwell Mill ; Between Grove Mill and Hvde Mill, 1911 ; St. Ippolvts Common, 1911. a divulsa Stokes. 2. Near "The Wyck," St. Ippolvts. 1912; (Jt. Wymondley Bd., Hitchin, 1912; Little Almshoe, 19i2 ; Lower Titmore Green, 1912 ; Near Langley School, 1910 ; Burleigh Meadows, Langlev, 1911 ; Near East Hall, St. PauFs Walden ; Near Stevenage Churcli, 1913. C. remota L. 2. Jledcoats Green, 1910 ; Whitney AVood, Ste- venage, 1909. — 6. Crouch Green, Knebworth, 1911 ; Boadside on tlie Pvidge Way ; Callis Wood, Bayford, 1911. C. axillaris Good. 2. Pond S. of Dye's Farm, 1912. C. Goodenovii Gav, forma psnidotrinervis A. Bennett. 6. Crouch Green, Knebworth, W.E.C.R. 1912, 411. C.pilulifcralj. 2. Edge of Hitch Wood, 1911.— 6. Between Bulls Green and Bnimtield, 1911 ; Crouch Green, Knebworth, 1911 ; Mardlev Heath and Ninnings Wood, 1911. C.'pallescens L. 2. West Wood, Ofliey Holes, 1910.— 6. Box Wood, near Stevenage, 1911. C. distans L. (Inland form). 2. Ickleford Common, 1910, det. A.B. ; near VVelburv Farm, 1910; Between Grove Mill and Hvde Mill, 1910. SVPHT.KMEN'IAKV XOTKS TO THK HERTS Fr,01{A // C. CEderi Retz, vai-. ctJocarpa And. 6. Clay pits, Poiisbounie Park, and wet riding in Northaw Wood, W.E.C.K. 1912, 412. C. Fseiido-cy perns L. 2. Knebworth Great Wood, 1911. C. vesicaria L. 6. Swamp by roadside below Knebworth Park West Gate, 1911. Anthoxantlium odordtnm L., var. villosum Lois. 6. Harmer Green Wood, W^E.C.Pt. 1913, 463. *A. aristatum Boiss. 2. West Wood, Offley Holes, H.C.L., W.E.O.R., 1915, 558. Calamagrostis ejnqejos Ivoth. 2. Knebworth Great Wood, B.E.C.R. 1913, 509. ' Ajyera spica-venti Beaiiv. 2. On o-ravel, (late) Fells' Nurseries, near the Cemetery, Hitchin, 1915. — 6. Waste ground, Roseland Nurseries, Hoddesdon, 1915. Deschajnpsia jiexnosa Trin. 2. AVhitnev Wood, Stevenage, 1909. —6. Mardley Heath, 1915, H.C.L. Avena pratensis L. 2. White Hill, Hitchin, 1912 ; Between Little Wymondley and St. Ippolyts, 1913. Arena fatna L., var. pilosissima Gray. 2. In sainfoin, near Pii-ton cross-roads, 1912, det. A.B. Si&gJiugia deciimbens Bernh. 2. Field on footpath from Langley to Burleigli Meadows, 1911. *Cynosurus echbiafiis L. 2. In sainfoin, near West Mill, Hitchin, 1913, H.C.L. (casual). — 6. Lane between Digswell and Welwvn, for about 100 vards along a Imnk, well established, 191G, H.C.L. MoJinia ccerulea Moench. 6. Bulls Green, Datchworth, 1911. Catahrosa aquatica Beau v. 2. Oughton Head, Hitchin, 1911 ; Near Kamerwick, 1914. Festuca ovina L., var. capillata Hackel (F. tenuifolia Sibth.). 4. Colnev Heath, 1909.— -.. Hertford Heath, 1910. F. elatior L. 2. Between Grove Mill and Hyde^ Mill, 1912.— 6. Between Harmer Green and Welwyn Tunnel, 1913* det. A.B. Bromus secalinus L. 2. Gravel pit. Nuns Close, Hitchin. B.E.C.Pt. 1911, 143. B. racemostis L. 2. Walsworth Upper C(jmmon, 1911. — 6. Near the Rifle Butts, Haileybury Coll., W.P].C.R. 1914, 515. B. arvensis L. 2. In sainfoin, Purwell, Hitchin, B.E.C.R. 1914, 175 ; S. of " Foxholes," and near Dog Kennel Farm, and in sainfoin E. of Highover Farm, Hitchin, 1914. *Lohum femulentuui L. 2. Purwell Field. Hitchin, 1912, with var. arvense (With.), casuals. Agropyrum repeus Beauv. 2. Purwell, Hitchin, 1912 (awns- 3-5 mm. var. between dttmetoriim Gray, and Leersianum GrayP). — 6. Waste heap N. of Welwyn Tunnel, 1912 (matches a specimen named by A.B. as var. ohfusum Syme). Nardus stricta L. 2. Burleigh Meadows, Langley, 1910. — 6. Crouch Green, Knebworth; Codicote High Heath, 1911. jH THE .lOURXAL OF BOTANY NEW TROPICAL AFRICAN RUBIACE.E. By H. F. Weknham, D.Sc, F.L.S. Pausinystalia angolensis, sp. nov. Arbor trunco fj^racili jkI 20 m. altus, nisi floribus ipsis glaberrimii.s. Folia oblanceokto-elliptica, breviter acuminata apice obtussima, basi acuta, breviter |)etiolata; stipulce caducissima. Flores albi, fra- grantes ; calyx intus densissime barbatus, extus pubescens, sub limbo constrictus, limbo breviter late obtuse denticulato ; corollce glabrae tubus infra gracilis, insuper subito in limbum liemispha^ricuni dilatatus, lobis fdamentosis longiusculis. Angola : in mixed woods, Pungo Monga, 3 February, 1916, Gossweiler 6226 ! A distinct species, readily recognizable by the indumentum and limb of the calyx, and shape of the corolla. Leaves^\') cm. x 5'5 cm., borne in a conical, shortly-branched crown at the head of a slender trunk rarely more than 30 cm. in diameter. Ovary and calijx together barely 2 mm. long. Tubular, lower part of corolla-tube 2 mm., 'upper widened part rather longer, and 3 mm. wide at mouth. Filamentous corolla-lobes 12 mm. or longer. DiricMetia Duemmeri, sp. nov. Frutex bipedalis glaber ; folia lanceolata acuminata 3-verticillata ; stipahe vaginam truncatum formantes, inter petiolorum bases arista rigidula neenon tenui onustam. Flores albi gi-acillimi inter longiores ; calycis limbus integer obliquissimus nee lobatus aeuminatus subacuto apice. Portuguese East Africa :• Porto AmeHa, July 1913, Diimmer 68 ! A glabrous species, differing from D. glabra Klotsch, its nearest affinity, chiefly in the much longer corolla-tube and relatively smaller limb. The straight branchlets are quite glabrous, bearing a succession of stipular sheaths each nearly half-a-centimetre long, and surmounted, between each leaf-pair, hx a slender but rigid arista 3 mm. long. The leaves are from 7 to 11 cm. long, and 1*7 to 3*6 cm. broad, tending to be obtuse at the base ; stalk 1 cm. long at most. The very oblicpie calyx in the mature flower extends to about 1 cm. on the longer side and barely 2 mm. on the shorter ; in the fruit the calyx is over -3 cm. X 2*3 cm. on the larger side, the stiilk being fixed about 8 mm. from the nearest part of the margin. The corolla, quite glabrous externally, has a very slender tube 25 cm. long, and limb about 1 cm. in diameter. Heinsia Gossweileri. sp. nov. Frutex minima, ])artibus subteiT'aneis lignosis elongatis ramosis, oaule su]jer terrain brevissimo, dense ferrugineo - hirsuto. Folia utrinque glaberrima, elli))tica v. obovata, apice nee acuminata ; Mipul(B integriB ovatae obtusai. Flores solitarii, caules nanos ter- minantcs. CorollcB tubus elongatus, extus pubescens, sulcatus, lobi glabri ovati obtusi. Angola : Kubango, in open Mumma woods, 9 .lanuarv, 1907, GoHaiveiler 2108 I and. without more })recise locality, -I20o ! XEW TROPICAL AFRTCAX RTJBTACE.E 79 A very distinct species. The leathery leaves attain about 4*6 cm. X 2'3 cm., with stalk 5 mm. long, and 10-12 pairs of secondary veins, the latter impressed above and prominent beneath ; stipules, with strong midrib, 7 mm. x 4 mm. C«/y^-lobes oblong- acute, 1 cm. X 3 mm. Corolla-tuhQ 3 to 6-5 cm. long, lobes ob- lanceolate or obovate, 2 cm. x 9 mm. or larger. The nearest relation is apparently H. tomentosa Welw., readily distinguished b}" the indumentum, leaf-shape, etc. Macrosphyra brachysiphon, sp. nov. Frutex ramulis novellis minute hirtellis demum glabratis, juniori- bus more JSLorindce loiigiflorcB decurvato-patentibus, quorum in apicibus foliis paucis cum floribus 3-4 aggregatis. ¥olia plerumque' obovata, maturata caducissima, ilia prope llores ca. 8 X 4*5 cm., basi subcordata, brevissime acuminata acutissima, utrinque subtus prse- sertim in venis densius griseo-pilosa, in siccitate nigrescentia, venis secundariis utrinque ca. 7. Petiolus ad 2 cm. hirsutissimus. Stipulce^ more generis Iseves striatse concavese oblongo-lanceolatse acutse caduca? I'o cm. longae. Cah/cis lobi lineares fere 1 cm. longi acuminatissimi acutissimi nee dense pilosi. CorollcB tubus insuper pubescens vix 2 cm. longus, lobi patentes, utrinque nisi tubum versus pubescentes glabri, late obovati ca. 6*6 X 3 -.5 cm. breviter acuminati acutissimi. Stylus e tioris ore ad 5 cm. v. longius exsertus. S. Nigeria : Degema division, Abua-Owere-were Road, Amaurif Talhot 3764 ! A handsome plant, with azalea-pink flowers. Quite distinct from the previously described species in the relativel}^ short corolla -tube^ and very large lobes. Fadogia ancylanthoides, sp. nov. Suffrutex hirsutus, rhizomate verticali caulibus basi lignosis valid- iusculis ascendentibus densissime hispidulo - pubescentibus, sjDarse ramosis. Folia ternatim vertieillata elliptica acuminata subacuta, matura utrinque sparse pilosa tenuiuscula, petiolo brevissimo, densis- sime hirsuto ; stipulcd e basi brevissimo vaginante longiuscule setacese. Flores 1-3 in axillis pedicellati dispositi ; pedicellus qua calyx densis- sime pilosus, hujus lobi anguste lanceolati ; corollce pilosissimse tubus, latiusculus ad 1*5 cm. longus, lobi longe setacei. Angola : Munonque, common in shoi-t thicket, pasturage on bank of Lower Almeidas, 13 January, 1908, Grossweiler 2484 ! A perennial with vertical root-stock ; flowers pale yellow. Leaves 3*5-5-5 cm. X 1 •8-2-5 cm., Avith 5-7 pairs of lateral-veins, and petiole not more than 2-3 mm. Stipule, sheath 2 mm., set3& 5 mm. long. Pedicels up to 8 mm., but usually much shorter. C^/^y.r-lobes 4-5 mm. ; corolla-txxbe 1*5 cm. long, and barely 5 mm. wide at mouth, lobes 1 cm. long. Anthers included or barely exserted at all, oblong, 1*8 mm. Allied to F. lactiflora Welw., another Angolan species, but distinct in the leaf-shape and the long setaceous corolla-lobes. Fadogia graminea, sp. nov. Suffrutex, e rhizomate valido lignoso caulibus glabris herbaceis taraen rigidis erectis quadrangularibus necnon subsulcatis oriundis. 8(J THK JOURNAL OF BOTAXi' Fulia ternatlm verticilliiti crassiusciila. clensissima, linearia, acuminata acutissinia, vena media glabra subtiis yM'ominente, marginibus compli- catis, supra glaberrima subnitentia, subtus dense minute flavo-pubes- centia ; sfipido! in vaginam persistentem longiusculam coha^rentibus supra longiuscule aristatam. Flor^es luride tlavi, in cymis alaribus paueifloris dispositi. Cah/cis lobi lanceolato-lineares aristiformes ; corolla; extus glabrae tubus lobis oblongo-lanceolatis acuminatis acutissimis brevior; nntliercB exsertse lanceolata^. Angola : Kassuango Kuiriri, 80 September, 1906, Gossweiler 4353 ! ^ Collector's note : " Root-stock many-headed woody, stems strictly erect annual, leaves ascending, flower lurid yellow, dwarfy thickets grown pasturage," etc. Lfares as much as 10 cm. or longer, barely 3 mm. broad. Stipidar sheath 3 mm., arista rather longer. Cahfx- lobes 2*5-4 mm. long. Coro//<7-tube barely 3"5 mm., lobes 5 mm. long. Anthers \2 mm. long. Distinct in the long, grass-like but thick leaves with inroUed margins. Its nearest ally is F. sfeiiophj/Ila, from which it differs mainly in the leaf-details, and character of the calyx-lobes. Craterispermum inquisitorium, sp. nov. Suifrutex glaber, caulibus gracilibus l.Tevibus. Folia firme char- tacea, elliptica, brevissime acuminata, obtusissima, breviter petiolata. F/'orea albi parvi in spicis densis dichotomis, in j^eduneulis complanatls insuj^er am])liatis, dispositi. Bacca acuminata pisiformis. In moist forest, Mayombe, Portuguese Congo, 7 January, 1916, Gossweiler 6109 ! A glabrous undershrub, like a young Coffee-tree, growing to a total height of 5 feet. The mature leaves measure 11 cm. x 6 cm., with rather strong petiole 1 cm. long ; venation not very stronglv ])ronounced ; stipules shortly oblong and apiculate. Peduncles axil- lary, 2-3*5 cm., very slender at base, flattened, 2 mm. wide at apex ; these bear two diverging, rather thick spikes 7 or 8 mm. long, only one flower appearing at one time. Tube of flower barely 4 mm. long ; limb 4 mm. in diam. Berry 7 mm. in diameter. Easily distinguished b}^ the small V-shaped spikelets on flattened peduncles. Rutidea degemensis, sp. nov. Ranuilis glabris striatis, novellis valde com])lanato-sulcatis ; folia subcoriacea, ellij)tica acuminata, apice obtusa, basi acuta, utrinque nisi nonnunquam in venarum seeundarum axillis minute bai-bata glaber- rima ; stipulce late triangulares. Flares in cymis umbellatis tricho- tomis ]>edunculatis alaribus insuper rufo-sericeis dispositi. Calyx densissime rufo-sericeus, lobi lanceolati breves ; coroUce extus sparsi- uscule ferrugineo-pubescentis tubus rectus gracilis, lobi oblongi trun- cato-obtusi ; stylus basin versus cano-pilosus. South Nigeria: Degema division, Amaury Talbot 3827! • Leaves ■^-. 11 cm. x 4'5 cm., with 6-7 pairs of secondary veins; petioles 1-2 cm. long, glabrous, striate ; stipules 7 mm. X 6 mm. Common peduncles, 3-5 cm, long, secondary peduncles about half that length. Calyx and ovary together 3 mm. long, the calyx-lobes harelv 1'5 mm. Corolla-iwha 8-9 mm., l()l)es 5 (i mm. x 1 '4 mm. JTEW TROPICAL IFRTCAX RUBIAC'E.B 81 Remarkable for the glabrescenee of the vegetative parts ; distin- guished from R. decorticafa Hiern, its nearest ally, in the longer corolla-tube, which is not glabrous, and the densely hairy calyx. Rutidea landolphioides, sp. nov. Frutex scandens, ramulis complanato-sulcatis, novellis obsolete pilosis ; folia elliptica v. obovata, firme chartacea, breviter acuminata, basi acuta, venis secundariis paucis (5) distantibus, subtus prominen- tibus, subtus in venis obscure sparse hirto-pubescentia, jyetiolo brevi appresse pubescente. Li^oresceiitice alares minusculjB necnon ter- minales majores. Flores parvi, nisi calyce minimo, minute sparse hirtello, breviter late dentato, glabri. Corollce tubum brevem lobi oblongi obtusiusculi excedentes. South Nigeria : Degema division, Amaiw}/ Talhot •'^829 ! Another ally of B. decorticafa, distinct in the very small flowers with corolla-lobes longer than the short tube, in the venation, etc. Leaves 8-11 cm. X 4-6 cm., petiole + 1 cm. Stipules entire, short, broad, apiculate. Axillary inflorescences barely 5 cm. long. Calyx barely 1 mm. in total length. Corolla-t\\bii 4 mm., lobes rather longer. Anthers not quite 3 mm. Eutidea Talbotiorum, sp. nov. Nisi inflorescentia glaberrimus ; folia subcoriacea late elliptica v. •ovata, brevissime acuminata, apice obtusa, basi plerumque obtusa v. subrotundata ; stipulcE latissimge concavese apice rotundse, Flores in cymis trira^diatis leviter rufo-sericeis dispositi. Calyx minimus ; corolla parva, lobis oblongis obtusis refractis. South Nigeria : Degema division, Amaury Talhot 3828 ! Leaves 9-11 em. X ^-^ cm., with 6 pairs of .secondary veins, and stalk up to 1 cm. long ; stipules 6 mm. X 5 mm., soon caducous. Calyx and ovary 2 mm., lobes barely 1 mm. long. Corolla-iwhQ not more than 6 mm., lobes 5 mm. or- longer, 2 mm. broad. Anthers 4*5 mm. long. Allied to R. degemensis just descril^ed, but distinct in the broader leaves and shorter corolla-tube. Psychotria potamogetonoides, sp, nov. Frutex omnino glaber, ramosus, ramulis lineis 2 e cortice promin- €ntibus hinc verisimiliter angulatis, foliosis. Folia lineari-lanceolata V. oblonga, ad 8-9 cm. x 1'2 cm., olivaceo-nigra, utrinque leviter angustata apice nisi setaceo-mucronulata obtusiuscula, basi vix petio- lata, margine valde crispo-sinuata dentata apparentia, venis secundariis vix conspicuis utrinque ca. 7-9 ; stipiilce deciduse parvse setoso-subu- lattE crispse. Flores in cymulis parvis paucifloris 8-radiatis terminalibus dispositi ; calyx subtruncatus anguste infundibularis subcostatus vix 1-5 mm. longus ; corollce glaberrimae tubus angustus 3-3"o mm. longus, lobi lanceolati acuti patentes vix 1 mm. longi. Stamina breviter exserta. South Nigeria ; Degema division, Amaury Talhot 3817 ! Readily distinguishable by the long narrow leaves with deeply sinuous margins. JouENAL OF Botany. — Vol. 55. [Maech, 1917.] a 82 THE JOUR-NML OF BOTAyY 1 take this opportunitv to publish an account of a particularly- interesting new species of the Sapotaceous genus St/ nsepa linn, coWectedi br Mr. Talbot in Southern Nigeria some eighteen months ago. Synsepalum glycydora, sp. nov. Ramulis glaberrimis angulatis, mox cortice rugosulo indutis. Folia- glabra plerumque oblanceolata, 9-17 era. X Sd-o"o cm., utrinque glabra, utrinque acuminata, apice obtusissima, venis secundariis- tenuibus subtus valde prominentibus utrinque ca. 10.. Flores e ramulorum cortice oriuncli sessiles ; calycis segmenta ovata subacuta sericea ; coroUcB fere glabriB tubus gracilis e calyce 2-8 mm. exsertus, lobi pro rata angusti ca. 2 mm. longi. Fructus subglobo^us, apice breviter acuminatus, 2-3 cm. longus, alte costatus. S. Nigeria : Degema division, Amaury Talhof 8720! Related to S. sfipulatum Engl., but the venation is much less close, and the flowers sessile. Mr. Talbot states that the tVuit has the remarkable property of a^ecting the palate, so that the bitterest things taste almost painfully sweet if only a small piece of the fruit be chewed at the same time. The effect lasts for some hours. These fruits may therefore have some considerable economic importance. SHORT NOTES. SiLEXE ANGLiCA. In the 1915 Report of the Botanical Exchange- Club, p. 829, I find the following : — " Silene anglica L. . . . also near High Hall Wood, Woodhall Spa, Lincolnshire, September 16, 1915. In S. Lincolnshire it is not uncommon in sandy fields on Kimmeridge Clay and kindred soils with. Filago minima, Scleranthiis annuus, Silene nociijlora, Spergula sativa, Oo^nifhopus perpusiUus, &c, — A. R. Horwood." There is no outcrop of Kimmeridge clay in S. Lines. 53 at all. WoodliaU Spa is not in S. Lines., but in N. Lines. 54. Silene anglica does not grow anywhere in this county on blown sand on this clay,, so far as my recoixls show. Mr. Horwood found this extra-areal species exactly where Sir Joseph Banks found it in 17S5, and on exactly the same soil. There is no blown sand within twenty - five miles, and there are no sand beds in our local Kimmeridge clay. High Hall Wood is on chalky Boulder Clay, a!id the wood side where this species has gi'own for so long is on Plateau Gravel. It is only recorded as an outs-ider, a pure agricultural colonist, in six out of our eighteen divisions. It is only on the Rateau Gravel, where S. qiiin- quei'ulnrra was along with it m fair quantity sixt}" years ago, that it has been able to survive with us. The list of species fouiul along with it on the Plateau Gravel is accurate enough, as far as it goes, but it is a N. Lines, list. No mass of this same gravel in S. Lines, known to me has such a list, though the Fen Gi-avel list of the southern vice-county is nearly the same, as the flora lists will show. Mr. Horwood errs in good company, for there is some strange fatality abr)ut outside botanists who \asit Lincolnshire. That most accurate man H. C. Watson himself was no exception, as the first edition of the Topographical Botany shows. He visited tliis county «HORT NOTES 83 in August 1851 to see '• if buttercups and daisies grew " here. He was at Boston, which is on the north side of his own boundary the Witham. He also visited what had been the East Fen which is N.W. of Boston town. When he pubHshed his book, he included Banks's list in A. Young's Lincolnshire Agriculture, 1799, of the East Fen plants, but put them in S. Lines. 53 instead of N. Lines. 54, confusing Mr. A. Bennett and other accurate workers, who have had to write to me for an explanation. — E. A. Woodruffe-Peacock. Caeex basilaris Jord. (Journ. Bot. 1916, 141, 240 ; id. 1917, 55). It IS satisfactory to know that Mr. G. C. Druce's sedge from ^lont des Oiseaux, Hyeres, though first named C. basilaris was subsequently corrected to the allied C. Halleriana, the species suggested in my note. The fact that the mistaken record was casually published in 1907 is no reason for not suggesting a correction in 191(3. As Mr. Druce thinks it desirable to state that C. basilaris is -'already recorded" from the Var, I must, in the interests of geographical botany, be allowed to repeat my own statement that it has only been recorded in that Department from the Col du Lentisque in the porphyritic Esterel mountains, not far from Cannes. — H. S. Thompson. REVIEW, AlgcB. Volume I. MyxophycefP, Peridiniece^ Bacillariece, Chloro- phycefP, together with a Brief Summary of the Occurrence and Distribution of Freshwater AlgcE. By G. S. West, M.A., D.Sc, F.L.S. Demy 8vo, cloth, pp. viii, 475 ; 271 iigg. Cambridge University Press. 1916. Price 256-. Prof. West's is the first of the new^ sei-ies of Cambridge Botanical Handbooks, edited by A. C. Seward and A, G. Tansley, and may pre- sumably be taken as a type of the whole series. The aj^pearance of the volume is decidedly attractive ; the type is large and clear, the paper excellent, and the abundant illustrations are arranged and reproduced to the best advantage. One is inclined to wonder whether a somewhat less sumptuous production would not have satisfied all needs without in any way interfering with the utility of tne book. The price can only be described as prohibitive, and we fear will necessarily limit the circulation of the book in just those circles to which it is intended to appeal. The pi-esent volume deals only with the Myxophycese, Baeillariese, and Chlorophyce;e (incl. Isokontai, Akonta3, Stephanokonta?, and Heterokonta;), and concludes with a section on the occurrence and distribution of freshwater Algae, The remaining groups will form the subject of a second volume. A comprehensive account of the Algse in the English language, has long been an urgent necessity, which was ' in no way satisfied b}^ the author's British Freshwater AlgcB, valuable as that work was from a systematic point of view. Prof. West, with his unique knowledge of the Algae, is perhaps better fitted than anyone else to write a book on this group and, with certain qualifications, it S4 TlIK JUUK>AL OF JJOTAXT may he said that ]w lias succeeded in an admirable manner. The volume contains an abundance of valuable information, most of which has been sifted critically bv the author, and one can onl}^ praise with- out reservation the clear and lucid &tyle and the able way in which the facts are presented. The most obvious criticism is that the book is dominated too largely by a sj^stematic atmosphere, making it indeed an excellent introduction to a taxonomic study of the Algie, but decreasing its value from the point of view of the student of comjiarative morphology and phvlogeny. This is more apparent in the portion dealing witli the Chloropbycese — in which the author, for stated reasons, adopts a sectional treatment — than in tbe very excellent accounts of the Myxophycejp, Peridineie, and Baeillariales. The Chlorophycese are divided up into numerous short sections that make rather dull reading, and obscure the many points of contact between the different sub- divisions; in our opinion a more collective treatment would have been possible. The dominance of systematic considerations is also evidenced by the inclusion of many minor details that are only relevant in taxo- nomic work and are unnecessary in a book of this kind, since they are to be found in the various monographs dealing with the different subdivisions of the Alga?. To some extent morphological considerations have suffered at the expense of systematic detail. As instances, we may mention that the author gives no detailed account of the mode of development of the daughter-colonies in the Volvoceai, that there is no reference at all to Senn' on Ccelastnim and other Pi'otococcales. or to Eerthold's work on the branching of various Algte, and that no mention is made of the relatively permanent PalmcIIa -ahiges of certain species- of Cltlamydomonas (e. g. C. Klcinii), which, must be regarded as of imjtortance from the evolutionary ])oint of view. These are not the only places in which a more comprehensive morphological treatment would have been desirable ; but, on the other hand, there are many sections which are quite admirable in the wide treatment thev have received. As special instances we may quote the whole section on Myxophyceai, the account of movements in ])iatoms, the sunnnary ou methods of cidture of green Algje, and the section on Conjugata?. The general scheme of classification may be said to be in line with modern views. The chief criticism to be made is the author's inclusion of the Heterokonta? as a subdivision of the Chlorophyceae. There is no evidence at all to show that the Flagellate ancestry of the Heterokontai had anythmg in connnon with that of the Isokontse, and the two groui)s aj^pear as sharply demareated from one another as any of the grou])s of the Algie. As regards the other subdivisions of the Cidorophyccie, the present writer regards the ado])tion of the names Akontie and Stephanokontre as unfortunate, as tlu\v appear to lay em))hasis on comjuiratively irrelevant characters. The Conjugatie are by no means the only series of Green Algte in which motile elements are lacking, and the nuniei-ous cilia of the zoos])ore of CEdogoniales are })rol)ably to be related to the unusually large size of the zoospore, Conjugat:e and G^dogoniales are better regarded as early offshoot* fr* ni tlu' line of evohitiovi of the Isokonta*. FEESHWATEE ALC4.E 85 The author reverts to the old names Stigeodonium and ^irogonium, the generic name Protococcus is substituted for Pleurococcus, and the genus Chlorococcum is now accej^ted as an independent one. The merging of Endosp]i(Bra, Scotinosphcera, Chlorocystis^ tStoinafocItg- irium, and CentrosphcBra in the genus Ghlorocliytrium is advocated, a view with Avhich most algologists are likely to concur. Other systematic points that call for notice are the inclasion of JProtoderma in the Chietophoracese, of Vaucheria in the Siphonales, and of Bhaphi- donema in the Ulotrichacese, all quite in accordance with modern views, although Rhaphidonema would perhaps find a better place in the Cha^tophoraceae. On the basis of Griffith's work Glancocystis is retained among the Myxoi^hycese, but some will prefer to preserve an open attitude of mind on this question until more is known about the cytology of the species of Oocystis, with which there are undoubted points of contact. We should have preferred to have seen the Volvo- cales treated as an order separate from the Protococcales, although that is a matter of opinion. Nor does it ap]:)ear desirable to separate the Ulvales and Schizogoniales from the Ulotrichales. The classifi- cation of the Heterokonta^ adopted is largely that suggested by Pascher. At the end of each section there is a comprehensive bibliograj^hy, including most of the literature of importance dealing witli the different groups. Amongst papers which we think should have been cited are Murray and AVhitting's on the Peridinea^, Senn's on Proto- coccales, Heinricher's on Splice ropilea, and some of Comere's publi- cations on algal ecology. I'he section on the occurrence and distribution of freshwater Algae will be of great value to the student, since it is almost the first attempt to classify Algae according to their habitat. From the ecological point of view, one cannot help feeling that more might have been done in the way of description of definite algal associations. F. E. Feitsch. BOOK-NOTES, NEWS, etc. We have heard with deep regret of the death of Mrs. Talbot at Degema, Southern Nigeria, on December 28th last. Headers of the Journal will have become familiar with* the name from the descrip- tions of new species published from time to time in its pages. During the past eight years Mr. and Mrs. Talbot have sent at intervals to the Department of Botany, British Museum, the results of their botanical exploration in Southern Nigeria. Mr. Talbot's time has been much taken up with his Government work, and the principal labour of making the collections fell to Mrs. Talbot and her companion and sister Miss Amaury. Mrs. Talbot also made an extensive series of beautiful coloured sketches which with her notes on the plants have been very helpful when w^orking out the collections. From 1909 to 1912, during the period of Mr. Talbot's Government service in the Oban District, extensive collections were made in this rich botanical area just west of the Cameroons. These were worked out in the 86 THE JOIR-NAL OT BOTANY Department of Botany and an account of them was published in 1913 as a British Museum Catalogue. More than a thousand species and varieties are enumerated, and of these twenty per cent, are new, including nine new genera : speaking botanically this I'epresents the most productive piece of the Talbots' w^ork. In 1911 they accom- panied Miss Olive Macleod on an expedition to Lake Chad and the Bjrnu district, passing through part of the North Cameroons and French Ubangi ; a list of the plants collected on this journey forms an Appendix to Miss Macleod's Chiefs and Cities of Central Africa. Nince 1912 Mr. Talbot's work has lain in the Eket and Degema districts, which are nearer the coast and have a less varied and botanicall}^ interesting vegetation than that of the Oban Highlands. Nevertheless the work of collecting was continued assiduously, and many new or otherwise interesting specimens reached the Museum from time to time. AVhen Mrs. Talbot bade us good-bye to return once more to Nigeria last summer, she was full of enthusiasm and looking forward to the possibility of being able at some time to revisit the Oban district. In her last letter to me, she writes, in October, " we have a scheme for carrying out your wishes with regard to Oban, which we think could possibly be worked next tour; however .we can talk that over with you when we come back, if we are spared to do so." Mrs. Talbot was not merely a collector but was keenly interested in the plants, and her letters are full of useful notes. She was specially interested in the genus Napoleona, and had made careful drawings of the flowers of the various forms with a view to a mono- graph which Mr. E. Gr. Baker was preparing, based largely on Mrs. Talbot's specimens and sketches. — A. B. R. Dr. Sarah M. Baker and Miss Maude H. Bohling (afterwards Blandford) have made a special study of the peculiar forms of EucaceseC'On the Brown Seaweeds of the Salt Marsh " in Journ. Linn. Soc. xliii. 1916, pp. 325-380, 3 pis. & figs.) which occur conspicuously on some salt-marshes, their relation to recognized svstematic species, and the effect of the physical conditions of the marsh upon the morphology of tlie plants. Of our common littoral Fucaceae — (1) Helvetia canaliculata, (2) Fucus spiralis, (3) Asco- phyllum nodosum, (4) Himanthalia lorea, (5) Fucus vesicidosus, (H) F. serratus, (7) F. ceranoides—\t is to numbers 1, 2, 3, 5, and 7 tJiat the marsh forms are .traced by the authors. These ecological forms have hitherto been neglected or misunderstood by previous writers. They are derived from the fixed known saxicolous plant in two ways, either by direct vegetative budding, or by the modification of young plants germinating upon a salt-marsh. Each individual species undergoes a series of striking morphological modifications in tlie transition from rock to s:ilt-marsh, and the adaptational varieties so produced are termed ' ecads,' and are persistent through many vegetative generations. The marsh ecads of the five species, being all of the same general type, are grouped together under a " megecad liniicnlay This then includes all the marsh-dwelling Fucoids as distinguished from those of saxicolous habit. The characteristics -of the megecad limicola are briefly : — (I) Vegetative Reproduction, BOOK -NOTES, NEWS, ETC. S7 (2; Dwarf Habit, (3) Absence of Attachment Disc, (-Ij Spirality or Curling of the thallus. The methods of investigation employed by the authors show that Dwarf Habit is due to prolonged exposure to the air and diminished immersion in the water; that Curling or Spiralit}^ is probably due to an unequal distribution of water and nutrient salts upon tlie thallus as it lies spread out on the intertidal mud ; that Vegetative Reproduction is probably favoured by the constant humidity of the intertidal mud, thus preventing that con- centration of cell-sap which is necessary as a stimulus for the production of receptacles and for the maturing of sexual organs. The species to which most of the marsh ecads are traced is Fncus vesiculosus. The authors add that "an examination of the famous floating Sargasso weed revealed the interesting fact, that its pecu- liarities could be referred to the same ])hysical factors as those of the marsh Fucoids — a confirmation of Borgesen's contention that it is produced and reproduced Negetatively from one of the saxicolous Sargassums.'' — A. (i. The Twenfy-frsf Arniiial Report of the 3Ioi'Y, VoL. 55, [APEIL, 1917,] H 90 THK JOUHXAL Of HOT A NY to science is a note in the PhijfoJogisf (ii. 98(5: 1S47) on the plants of Bouldersdale and Teesdale ; this is signed '' Daniel Oliver tertius," the writer being the third bearer of the name : hence it will be seen that, in common with most botanists who in later life have achieved distinction, Oliver's (irst work was among British plants. Notes of a visit to Ireland in l.S.jU and of a second in 1852 appear in the same jom-nal (iv. 125, 176). It was dm-ing the first of these visits that he added Xaias Jiexilis to our flora : other commmiications, relating to Northamberland plants, are in the Transaciions of the Tyneside NaUit'alists'' Field CIvb, of which Oliver was an active member. In 1853 he became a Fellow of the Linnean Society, of which body he was at the time of his death the oldest Fellow. At the anniversary meeting in 1898 the gold medal of the Society was presented to him by the then President, Prof. Charles Stewart, who ]mid a high tribute to Oliver's work, which had to a great extent l)een published in the Society's Journal and Transactiofts, and of which he gave an inter- esting summary (see Proc. Linn. Soc. 1892-3, 19). In a charac- teristically modest reply Oliver deprecated the honour conferred on him on the ground that he was " almost absolutely destitute of the great hankering after research which characterized modern science," adding that when, in 1884, the medal of the Koyal Society (of which he was elected a Fellow in 1863) was conferred on him, " instead of exchanging it for some apparatus for research, some rare book, or some powerful lens, [he] exchanged it for a little water-colour drawing."' In 1858, at the invitation of Sir William Hooker, Oliver came to Kew and took up work in the Herbarium. His first systematic papers were on Utrlculariacece (Journ. Linn. Soc. iv. : 1860). These were followed by others, too numerous to mention individually, all marked by the painstaking accuracy which characterized Oliver's work, no matter in what direction : probably no one's genera and species have been more generally retained in the light of subsequent knowledge and research. But the papers which stand under his. name represent only a small ))ortion of Oliver's undertakings : both Bentham and Sir Joseph Hooker have acknowledged tlieir indebtedness to his help : the latter found his work both in the Botanical Magazine and the Icones materially aided by Oliver, who was accustomed to bring together for him tlie specimens with the principal figures and descrip- tions bearing upon them of each species, so that the material was ready to Sir Joseph's hand as soon as he was prepared to use it. It is no disparagement to Sir Joseph's great capacity and wonderful power of work to say that his labours were greath^ facilitated by Oliver's ready and willing co-operation. In 1864, Allan Black, the Curator of the Herbarium, retired on account of ill health, and Oliver (who later commemorated him in the genus Allanhlackia) was appointed Keeper of the Herbarium and Library — a post wdiich he held until his retirement in 1890. The manner in which Oliver discharged the duties of his office is so well summed up by Dr. Hemsley in the Journal of the Kew Guild for 1898 that I cannot do better than i-eproduce it : " During this period he worked with untiring zeal on the constant !>' MEMORY OF i3A>IEL OLIVER 91 influx of collections from all parts of the world, and set an example of punctuality and conscientious devotion to duty that has not failed to produce good fruits. Indeed, it was the discharge of his duties that prevented him during later years from continuing the valuable con- tributions to scientific literature which had procured him a distin- guished position among botanists of all countries. He studied all branches of botany, but his fame will rest on his unrivalled knowledge of flowering plants. This vast store of knowledge has always been open to all who chose to consult him, and its direct influence on the writings of others is only known to the few intimately connected with his ofUcial life. Probably no one man ever knew so much as he of those aberrant types which puzzle the most experienced botanists." Oliver's work at Kew was not confined to the Herbarium. Almost as soon as he arrived there, he began and carried on from 1859 until 1874, when a govei-nraent grant was allowed for the work, a series of lectures to the garden staff. The first ofliicial Guide to the Museums (1861) was from his pen, and in 1872 he published a new and interesting Guide to the Gardens. Apart from his systematic papers, perhaps his most generally useful publication was the Lessons in Elemeniary B of any, which, first published in 1864, has gone through numerous editions, the last bearing date 1910. Its method differed widely from the popular manual as understood by previous and subsequent writers : " gather, first of all'' it said, "a specimen of the Common Battercup," and, proceeding from the known to the unknown, this simple text was developed into an introduction to the characters of the principal orders of the British Flora. Of this, in 1869, he produced an adaptation as a First Book of Indian Botany, " any common annual weed " being substituted for the buttercup, the text and illustrations relating of course to the country for which the book was prepared. Previous to this, he had, in conjunction with W. H. Pitch, drawn up for the Science and Art Department of the Council of Education, a series of coloured illustrations with accom- panying letterpress of the principal natural orders of plants : these were in 1874 issued in volume form. Peference has been made to Oliver's work as a lecturer. In 1861 — • the year of his marriage — he succeeded Lindley as Professor of Botany at University College, a post which he resigned in 1888 and which has now for many years been held by his son. In order that his Kew work should not in any way be interfered with, he delivered his lectures at 8 a.m. In 1870, when I was living at Chiswick, I attended a course of these : locomotion was not as easy then as it is now, and it was necessary to start before 7 in order to ensure arriving in time. Admirably clear as were the lectures, and fully illustrated by speci- mens— Oliver always arranged that there should be one for each student^I do not think he was an ideal lecturer : his manner was somewhat jerky and abrupt, and was not such as to encourage questioners — indeed, I do not remember that such a one ever presented himself. Oliver also 'lectured on Botany at the South Kensington Museum. When I entered the Herbarium in August, 1869, Kew was at the height of its reputation as the recognized centre of svstematic botanv. h2 92 THE .TOUKXAL OF BOTANY I looker and Benthaiii were at work on the second volume of the Genera Plantanon — the former was also carrying on the Botanical Maijazine and the Icones Plantariim ; the latter w^as about halfway tlirough his Flora AustraUensis ; Oliver was preparing the second volume of the Flora of Trojrical Africa, to which Mr. J. G, Baker, who had not long begun the Refuc/ium Bofanicnm, was a principal contributor. The National Herbarium at the British Museum, in erampetl quarters and inadequately staffed, had not then attained the position which on its transference to South Kensington it speedily secured ; and although those Avho were aware of its historic treasures did not neglect to consult them, Kew was, as indeed it still is, to a large extent, the centre to which continental and transatlantic botanists naturally gravitated. Among these the explosive H. G, Reichenbach and the kindly Asa Gray impressed themselves most vividl}^ on ray memory : there was of course a large Indian contingent, which in- eluded Thomas Anderson, John Lindsay Stewart, and others. Daniel Hanbury came in connection with his important researches into the history of drugs which took ultimate shape in Fharmacographia ; he was one of tlie comparativeh'' few visitors whom Oliver seemed glad to see, for the latter was impatient of interruption, and inquirers in st^arch of casual information found short shrift at his hand — indeed among the things Avhich struck me most wdien I left Kew for the British Museum was the almost excessive willingness of Mr. Carruthers and Trimen to be helpful to anyone who came. And very odd people did come, though I think it was not until we were at South Ken- sington that we were consulted as to the diseovery of gold in the l)etals of charlock, the identity of the *' forbidden fruit " Avith the Double Coco-nut, the relation of Britain to the Ten Lost Tribes, i myself, some 3'ears before, had experienced Museum courtesy, for venturing, >vith much nervousness, to take there a casual for identification, I was received by J. J. Bennett, the then Keeper of the Department, of whom I have a vision as of a benevolent ]>resence with its hands beneath its coat-tails, who introduced me to Mr. Carrutliers, then occupying the seat which I was afterwards t(. hll. Of coin-se to genuine workers Oliver was always attentive enough, but his rapid speeeli and jerky manner certainly tended to intimidate tlie nervous, and, until I became used to them, alarmed me a good deal. I never knew a man who seemed so continuall)'' at high pressiu'e : to meet him walking, always at a rapid pace, through the Gardens or to hear him running up or down stairs was in itself an object-lesson on the importance of time and the necessit}^ of making use of ever}' fragment of it. This however was during his working liours : it was not long befoiv I was invited to spend an evening at his house- — an invitation, front time to time renewed and always gladly accepted — and 1 then had the op])ortunity of a])])reciating the restfid and artistic side of Oliver's character. Huskin was at the height of his reputiition anil the English TVe-Ba])haelit('S were in vogue. Oliver was a devoted admirer of lluskin, whose ])ersonal ac<|uaintance was to come later. It was in LS(il) that Oliver tlrst beS'. Morisonii, with its known distribution in Scandi- navia, Denmark, Germany, Belgium, Holland, Normandy, etc., would seem more likely to occur in these Islands than S. pentandra, which is much more easterly in its range. S. Morisonii is recorded as British by Nyman, Richter, Rouy, etc., but probably all the records are based u]3on the old Irish entry of Ray mentioned above. On enquiry in 1910, M. Rouy was unable to recol- lect on what source he based his statement in Fl. de France and could only refer me to the authors quoted above. Bearing a somewhat similar superficial resemblance to our common S. arvensis, both *S'. pentandra and S. Ilorisonii differ in possessing seeds broadly winged and leaves not channelled beneath ; the par- ticular specific characters of S. Morisonii lie in its dense fascicles of leaves, obtuse petals and seeds with wings narrower than their own diameters. Veronica opaca Fries. This, in Fries's Novitioe Florce BueciccB, p. 64 (1819), imme- diately follows V. agrestis, to which and to V. polita it is closely allied. It may, however, be .separated from both by its calyx-lobes, which are elliptic -oblong or spathulate, obtuse and densely hairy ; by its capsule with simple non-glandular hairs and style equalling or just exceeding notch and by its larger seeds (l|-2 mm. long), 2-4 in each cell. In V. agrestis the calyx-lobes are oblong, obtuse, and but sparingly hairy ; the capsule has many glandular hairs and its style is shorter than the notch, and the seeds (1| mm. long) are 4-5 in each cell. In V. polita the calyx-lobes are ovate, acute and practically glabrous, the capsule is glandular-hairy with the style considerably longer than the notch, and the cells contain 4-10 seeds (about 1 mm. long). The corolla of V. opaca is pale blue in colour, which would at once distinguish it from V. polita with its rich dark blue flowers, whilst its capsule, bearing no glandular hairs, clearly sej)arates it from V. agrestis. The distribution of V. opaca on the Continent includes Norway Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Holland and Belgium, so it is likely, a& Babington pointed out as long ago as 1843, to be discovered in these Islands. 98 THE JOURNAL OF BOTANT Khinanthls HiRSUTL's Lam. This is widely distributed in Europe, growing in Belgium, almost everywhere in France (including Xormandy and Brittany), Germany, etc. It is closely allied to our native B. major Ehrh. var. apterus Fries, of which it has the large flowers, elongated appendages to upper lip and general habit. On closer examination, however, the plant will be seen to be more or less pubescent, particularly on the calyx, with differently toothed bracts and other characters. RUPPIA BR ACHY PUS Gay. This is more closely allied to B. rosteUata than to B. spiralis as it has the shorter non -spiral peduncles and the more gibbous carpels of the former. It may be distinguished from this by the sub-clavi- form filaments, naiTOwer ovoid anthers and tough woody carpels. In B. rosteUata the filaments are linguiform, the anthers subglobular and the carpels brittle. Another character of Gay's plant, and indeed the one to which the trivial name applies, is that of the short pedicels ; but this feature is shared by the variety nana of rosteUata which Syme described in Kep. Bot. Exchange Club for 1880, p. 36. This variety is a dwarf rooting plant (juite unlike the lax floatmg delicate B. hrachypus ot Gay. The presence of tiiis in Scandinavia, Finland, France and Germany makes its occurrence in Britain possible. Heleocharis mamillatus Lindb. fil. This seems to hold a middle position between H. palustris and IT. uniglumis, and as it has been noted in many localities in Finland, Norway and Sweden by its discoverer, Harald Lindberg (in 1902), it may ])erhaps be seen upon the eastern shores of Scotland or in the Orkneys or Shetlands. The habit of the plant appears to be more that of palustris, but the colouring is of a light green and not dark as in that species. The ajjproximate shapes of the ripe fi-uits of the three species may be thus contrasted : In II. palustris the style-base is longer than broad and more or less gradually tapering; the colour of the whole nut is yellowish in tint. In //. mamillatus the colouring is much the same, but the shape if the style-base is different ; it is broader than long with an abruptly contracted apex. In H. unif/lumis the n\it is brown in colour, and slightly larger than in both the preceding ; its style-base is broader than long and nmch of the mamillatns type. As regards the lowest glume character, hoi\\ palustris and mamil- latus come under the section where this organ encloses about half the circumference of the spike and never completely encircles it ; in H. uniglumis it normally entirely surrounds the spike or occasionally three-parts encircles it. PLANTS THAT MAY OCCUR IN BRITAIN 99 CaREX FEIUIDA All. Although from its Continental distribution this is somewhat un- likely to be found in our Islands, beinj^' non-Scandinavian and more or less local in its stations in the Alps, Apennines, Vosges, Pyrenees, etc., it seems worthy of mention from the fact that it was reported in 1874 as having been discovered by John Sadler durins: the excursion of the Scottish Botanical Alpine Club to the Aberdeen and Forfarshii-e mountains. The plant remained in our lists until the Rev. E. F. Linton, in an interesting article in this Journal for 1898 (p. 41), conclusively showed that Sadler's plant was much more closely allied to C. hinervis than to C. frigid'a ; he gave it the name C. Sndleri, saymg however that " C. hinervis Sm. var. Hadleri would perhaps be better." The stoloniferous root, the lanceolate male-glumes and the scabrid beak of the perigynia of C.frifjida separate it from C. hinervis and all its varieties. Carex l.?:tirostrts Fries. This plant, which is also called C rliyncophysa C. A. Meyer, has a somewhat restricted distribution in Europe, but as that includes Lapland (Russian and Swedish), Finland, Northern and Southern Norway and Sweden, it may possibly occur in northern or eastern Scotland. C. rostrata is its nearest British ally and indeed C. Icevirosfris might be easily passed over as a broad-leaved form of this. The larger number of male spikes, the longer-beaked fruit, the triquetrous stem and the broad, flat, spreading leaves, etc., are all very obvious points that keep the last-named plant abundantly distinct. In 1893 it was reported in this Journal (p. 38) that C. rhynco- physa had been discovered in Ireland and a figure was there given of the Irish plant. The descriyjtion and figure given did not setrm con- clusive evidence that the true plant had been found and in 1899 Mr. Druce read a paper before the Linnean Society ( Journ. Linn. Soc. 276, 1899) in which he maintained, after having seen the Irish plant growing, that it was not true Icevirosfris but rather C. rostrata var. latifolia Ascherson. I understand that Mr. Arthur Bennett considers the Irish plant nearer the American Carex named C. rostrata With, var. utricutata Bailey, which occurs in bogs right across the Continent north of Ohio. This is the C. utriculata of Boott, figured in his Illustrations of Carex, i. t. 39. 100 THE JOUR?fAL OF BOTANY ALABASTKA DIVERSA.— Pakt XXVII.* By Spencer Le M. Moore, B.Sc, F.L.S. (Plate 547.) 1. Bellida Eicarf. Tue smaller of the two plants on the plate was figured and described by Prof. Ewart in Proc. lioy. Soc. Vict. n.s. xix. 3-1, t. x. (1907). Cei*tain of its characters suggested to him an affinity with Helichri/secB ; but the cone-tipped flattened style-arms and apparent absence of tails to the anthers naturally seemed to indicate the proper place of the genus to be among the Asteroidece, where it has remained hithei'to without challenge. The discovery, how^ever, in the interior of Western Australia of a second and larger species (fig. 1) and its detailed examination have led me to the conviction that the genus should be arranged among the Kelichrysea:. The reason for this will be given in the appended description. Bellida major, sp. no v. Planta spithamea vel pauUo ultra ; caule ascendente simplici vel prope basin rariramoso sparsim substrigillose puberulo ; foUis caulis basin versus insertis sessilibus linearibus nisi lineari-spathulatis obtusis puberulis ; capitulis solitariis longipedun- culatis 00 -flosculosis flosculis intimis imminutis sterilibus ; involucri 3-serialis ph^'llis lanceolatis obtusis piloso-puberulis tenuiter scariosis exterioribus intermediisque inappendiculatis intimis oblongis lamina papyracea radiante oblonga obtusa dilute punicea vel fere omnino alba onustis ; receptacuJo piano ; corolltjd tubulosae lobis 5 triangu- laribus obtusis ; antheris basi microscopice caudatis ; styli ramis complanatis flosculorum sterilium abbreviatis ; achceniis elongatis anguste fusiformibus sursum in rostrum brevem contractis baud rugatis pubescentibus puberulisve ; pappi setis numerosis breviter plumosis roseis. Western Australia, Mulline ; J. E. C. Maryon, 1916. Folia pleraque 5-7 cm. long, summum 2-4 mm. lat. Pedunculus circiter 20 cm. alt., pilis brevibus substrigillosis munitus. Capitula pansa 2-5 x 3 cm. Involucri i)h3dla exteriora dilutissime brunnea, 5-7 mm. long., intima appendice exempta 10 mm. long., appendix 14 X fere 4 mm. Corolhe 4 mm. long. Acha^nia 11 mm. long, (rostro 4 mm. long, incluso). Pappi setie 6-7 nnn. long. Comparison of the above with Ewart's descri])tion of B. yraminea shows that the involucre of the new species differs from that of the old in the presence of a prominent radiating lamina to the innermost of its leaves. This character suggests affinity wdth Melichrysitm and allied genera, affinity which the tailless anthers would seem to den}'. This contradiction pointed to the advisabilit}" of examining the anthers under the compound microsco})e, with' the result that undoubted slender tails were revealed, although their close apposition to the fila- ment made this a matter of some difficulty (fig. 7) ; moreover, as shown in fig. 17, the anthers of JB. yrannnca, similarly scrutinized, were also seen to be provided with tiiils. liemain therefore only the * The types of the plants described in this paper are in the National Herbarium. Joum.Bol. Tab. 547 P.Highle/.cLel.ethlVi Adlari ^ Wesll^ewnian.iitip. 1-7 Bellida major s. Moore BELLIDA iUl style-arms already mentioned as asteroideous in nature. Certain HelichryHce, however, have style-arms not markedly dissimilar, and those of the genus Schoenia are virtualh^ identical. It is next to this genus that it would seem fitting to place Bellida. The inner florets of B. major are certainly sterile with the style- arms correspondingly reduced (figs. 5 & 6). This is apparently the case with the small florets of B. c/ramiuea also, although their style- arms remain of a fair size (figs. 15 & 16). This character, it should be noted, B&llida shares with Schoenia. It may also be mentioned that the difference between the two species in the shape of the achenes — stalked {B. gramineci), rostrate {B. major) — is remarkable in a group where this character may be of generic value ; but the points of resemblance are too numerous to make this a reason for generic separation. As regards further the fruit, besides the elegant sculpturing on the achenes of B. graminea, entirely absent from those of B. major, the almost free pappus-hairs of B. major should be compared with those of the other species, curiously enough, as Ewart has shown, united into two phalanges by two broad basal membranes (figs. 2 & 12). It follows from the above that the generic character requires some slight modification and may be stated briefly thus : — Bellida Ewart (7. c). Genus Schoenice Steetz proxima abs qua certe distat ob capitula solitaria, antherarum loculos basi rotundatos microscopice tenuissime caudatos, flosculorum sterilium styli ramos breves vel elongatos, achsenia elongata stipitata vel rostra ta. A clavis of the species is unnecessary, as the differential points can easily be seen from the figures. It only remains to mention that the prominent rose-coloured pappvis hoisted upon the long achenes gives these plants a very striking appearance. Explanation of Plate 547. 1. Bellida major ; plant nat. size. 2. A perfect floret X 2. 3. Corofla of same X 8. 4, Androecium and stjde-arms X 15. 5. Sterile floret X 2. 6. The same, opened corolla, androecium, etc. X 15. 7. Base of anther of perfect floret, showing microscopic tails closely apposed to the filament X 60. 8. Bellida graminea ; plant nat. size. 9, 10. Involucral leaves of same X 2. 11. Perfect floret X 2. 12. Top of achene in side view, showing setag of pappus coalesced below X 8. 13. Perfect floret, corolla opened Xl5. 14. Style and style-arms of same X 15. 15. Sterile floret X 12. 16. Two anthers and style of same X 15.. 17. Base of anther of a perfect floret, showing microscopic tails X 60. 2. Pla]s't.^ Rogeesiax.e. — II. Composite. In this Journal for 1913 (li. 183-199) will be found descriptions of African jjlants, chiefly Khodesian and Congolese, from the herbarium of Archdeacon Rogers of Johannesburg. Further collections from the- same source have since then come to hand containing, as in foimer ones, a considerable percentage of novelties. Descriptions of some of these are hereby appended. It should be mentioned that in most cases the Archdeacon was himself the collector ; where otherwise, the information is gixen in the ordinary way. Ethulia pubescens, sp. nov. Caule ascendente angulato ramoso- uti rami pubescente ; foJiis sessilibus alternis raro oppositis lineari- lUl' THE JOURNAL OF BOTANT oblongis obtusis supra ])ubeseentibiis subtus albo-tomentosis ; capifulis 14-flosculosis in corvmbos laxos ramulos termiiiantes ordinatis pedun- culis propriis ssepius involucro brevioribus insidentibus : involucri campanulati pubescentis phylHs 4-serialibus oblongo-ovatis acutis interioribus quam exteriora majoribus ; Jiosculis exsertis ; adiceniis turbinatis ajnce truncatis 4-costatis appresse setosis. Belgian Congo, Elisabethville ; n. 109135. Tota planta nobis obvia 15 cm. alt. Rami ramulique graciles. Folia pleraque 6-12 X 1-8 mm., summa vero imminuta et bracteas mentientia. Corymbi ±4x3 cm. ; hormu rami gracillimi. Pedun- culi proprii plerumque ± 3 mm. long. Capitula pansa 6x4 mm. Involucri phylla ext. 2-vix 3 mm. long., int. 4 mm., haec anguste purpm*eo-marginat£e. Corollse purpureas ; tubo anguste infundibu- lari, 3 mm. long. ; lobi anguste triangulares, 2 mm. long, Styli rami 1 mm. long. Achtenia 1*25 mm. long., ima basi attenuata. A curious little plant aj^parently referable to this small genus and very distinct in it. Paurolepis, Compoftitanun e tribu Vernoniearum genus novum. Capitida homogama, tubulitlora. Involucrnm campanulatum e phyllis paucis subbiseriatis comparate latis coriaceis compositum. Recepta- culum planum, alveolatum. CoroJlcd tubus inf undibularis ; limbus 5-fidus lobis angustis. Aiitherce basi prominenter auric ulatae auriculis connatis. Styli rami elongati, hirtelli. Achcenia coUo basilari parvo imposita, apice truncata, 4-costata. Fappi squamae circa 20, duplicie serie insertae, laceratae ; setae 0. — Suffrutex tenuis. Folia alterna, angusta, Integra. C^apitula parva, ad apicem ramulorum laxe corymbosa. Flosculi purpurei. P. angusta, sp. unica. Ramvlis tenuibus subtiliter striatis minute puberulis tandem fere glabris ; foliis sessilibus anguste linearibus ob margines arete revolutas subteretibus microscopice sericeis ; corymhls quam folia plane longioribus ; capitulis 10-flos- culosis ; involucri phyllis ovatis vel ovato-oblongis acutis minute sericeis; Jl OS CK I is longe exsertis; corollcd extus pubescentis necnon pellucido-glandulosae tubo quam lobi anguste oblongi obtusiusculi paullulum breviore ; styli ramis exsertis ; achceniis turbinatis ap- presse setosis ; pappi squamis achaeniis multo brevioribus lanceolatis sordide albis. N. Rhodesia, Broken Hill; n. 7738. [Also at Kew from Bowood Siding; n. 8057.] Planta saltern bispithamea. Folia pleraque 1-3 cm. long., circa •5 mm. lat. Cor}aiibi 5-7 X 6-8 cm. Pedunculi proprii filiformes, 2-4 cm. long. Capitula pansa 1 cm. lat. Involucrum 3 mm. long. CoroUae tubus 35 mm. long., ima basi '75 mm. sub faucibus 2 mm. lat. ; lobi 4 mm. long., '8 mm. lat. Antherae 3 mm. long. Styli rami longit. 3 mm. paullulum excedentes. Achienia fere 2 mm. long. Pappi squamae '5 mm. long. The genus finds its warrant in the curious pappus ; the sub- biseriate coriaceous involucre is also worthy of notice. The affinity is with Jlrrderia, Triplotaxis and Ayeratina. Vernonia (§ Lcpidella) zambesiaca, sp. nov. Verisimi ter suf- AKKICAX COMPOSTTK 1U3 frutex, canJe erecto sursum ramoso" folioso subtereti eximie plurl- striato minute pubescente ; foliiH sessilibus linearibus rarius ang-uste lineari-oblongis apice mucronnlatis utrobiijue scabriusculis ; capiliilis mediocribus fere 'jO-fiosculosis corvmbos laxos 8-5-cephalos ramulos terminantes efformantibus peduneulis propriis sat elongatis -fultis ; involvcri minute pubescentis ])hyllis 5-6-serialibus oblongis in- terioribus gradatim longioribus ; recepiaculo convexiusculo foveolato ; jioscnlis breviter exsertis ; achT: the larojer and broader, the achenes also are longer and broader and the scales of the pappus longer. Moreover the seta? of the pappus, white instead of green, are much more numerous. Felicia Rogersii, sp. nov. Fruticulus, caule ut i-ami lignoso cinereo ra niulos foliosos steriles perbreves necnon longiores capitu- liferos pubesceutes deinde glabrescentes gignente ; foliis ramulorum perbrevium fasciculatis ramulorum longioruni sparsis omnibus sessilibus linearibus obtusis basi nonnunquam aliquantulum ampliatis hispidulis ; capifidis pro rata majusculis solitariis pedunculatis cc - Hosculosis ; inrolucri i-serialis phvUis lanceolatis obtusiusculis margine scariosis necnon plus minus purpureis dorso hispidulis ; ligulis 13 cceruleis uti disci corolke bene exsertis ; aclueniis anguste oblongis obscure costatis microscopice puberulis ; pappi setis elongatis levibus dilute sti-amineis. Cape, Worcester Division, Orchard Siding, alt. 1400 ft.; n. 16427. Verisimiliter planta circiter spithamea. FoUa pleraque 5-8 mm. longa, in sicco viridia. Pedunculi + 2 cm. long., bracteis perpaucis circa 3 mm. long. pra?diti. Capitula pansa 2 cm. diam. vel pauUo ultra. Involucri phvlla extima 4 mm. long., intermedia 5 mm. intima Qo mm. Liguhe oblongie, apice integrse rotundatseque. Corolhe disci 5 mm. long. Achsenia cruda segre 2*5 mm. long. Pap]:)us 8 imn. long. The fasciculate leaves on the reduced branches together with the comparatively large heads with their 4-rowed involucre are the chief points about this species. Felicia venusta, sp. nov. Planta semispithamea vel paullo ultra, caule lignoso basi nudo mox ramulos rigidos erectos copiose foliosos emittente ; foliis sessilibus imbricatis ramoque appressis anguste linearibus apice mucronulatis margine ciliolatis dorso cannula tis micro- scopiceque puberulis; capifidis mediocribus oo - floseulosis ramulos solitatim terminantibus pedunculis sat elongatis gracilibus puberulis bracteis foliis similibus nisi minoribus onustis necnon ut se ipsi pur- jDureis insidentibus ; involucri phyllis 3-4-seriatis exterioribus oblongo- lanceolatis obtuse acutis interioribus oblongis obtusis omnibus margine anguste scariosis ciliatisque ceterum plus minus purpureis ; ligulis aduscpie 13, exsertis, vivide cceruleis ; corollcB disci ex involucro vix eminentibus; achceniis (minime maturis) oblongis compressis obscure costatis glabris ; 'pappi setis breviter barbellatis albis. Cape, Worcester Division, Orchard Siding; n. 16565. Folia pleracjue 5-7 mm. long,, nee ultra 1 mm. lat., in sicco l?ete viridia, superiora imminuta in bracteas transeuntia. Pedunculi 3- 4 cm. long. ; horum bracteie 2-3 mm. long. Capitula jiansa 6 mm. diam. Involucri phvlla extima 3 mm., intermedia 5 mm., intima 7 mm. long. Liguhe oblongie, apice rotundata? obscureque denticu- latie, 6 nnn. long. Corolhe disci infundibulares, 4 mm. long. Achcunia iegre 2*5 mm., pappus 4 mm. long. This must be near JF. imhricata DC, which is described as having larger and broader leaves and linear outer involucral leaves hairy on the back while the inner ones are glabrous and scarious. NoUetia rhodesiana. sp. nov. Fruticulus ; caule lignoso tenero glabro interne nudo su])erne sparsim folioso jjro rata jiluriranm- AFRICAN COMPOSITE 105 losoque ; rctmulis teneris puberulis ; foliis sessllibus linearibus acutis jnargiiie microscopice denticulatis membranaceis puberulis ; capitulis heterogamis xi - liosculosis flo.sculis j^aucis extimis $ ceteris 0 \ involucri late eampanulati phyllis ^-serialibus lanceolatis acutis margine membranaceis necnon microscopice ciliolatis aliter fere glabris ; receptaculo eonvexiusculo ; corollis flL $ inclusis linearibus apice bifidis quam stylus plane brevioribus ; corollis fll. § breviter exsertis inf undibularibus ; stylo fll. ^ subincluso ramis appendicibus lanceolatis onustis ; achcBiiiis fll. $ subcjdindricis fll. 0 compressis anguste-obovoideis omnibus microscopice hispidulis ; pappi setis caducis scabriusculis albis. Victoria Falls ; n. 13299. Planta verisimiliter circa bispithamea. Folia summum 3 '5 cm. long., pleraque vero minora, sc. + 1-5 cm. long., 1-2 mm. lat. Capitula pansa 7 mm. diam. Involucrum 4 mm. long. Corolla fll. 9 1 mm. long. ; liujus stylus (ramis inclusis) 2 mm. long. Corolla fll. § flava, 3 mm. long. Antherze 1-5 mm. long. Styli rami (inclusa appendice "2 mm.) segre 1 mm. long. Achienia 1*5 mm. long. ; fll. $ -3 mm. lat., fll. ^ '75 mm. lat. Pappus 3 mm. long. Very like the S.W. African N. araneosa O. Hoffm. ; differing from it in the more frequent branching of the new species in its upper parts, which gives a corymbose look to the inflorescence ; the nearly glabrous foliage and involucres ; the glabrous (not pilose) corollas of which tlie $ have a bifid and not an entire limb, and the larger, broader, more markedly hispidulous achenes. Nestlera consimilis, sp. nov. Fruticulus ramosus ; ramis tenu- ibus crebro foliatis mox glabris ; foliis sessilibus linearibus obtusis margine arete revolutis supra glanduloso-viscidis subtus albo-tomen- tosi^ ; capitulis pro rata parvis terminalibus solitariis sessilibus GO - flosculosis ; involucri eampanulati ph^dlis 6-serialibus exterioribus ovatis interioribus oblongis (intimis anguste oblongis) omnibus ap- pendice late i-otundata phyllorum interiorum suborbiculari scariosa onustis ; receptaculo alveolato alveolis fimbriatis ; ligulis numerosis breviter exsertis oblongis apice minutissime denticulatis ; corollis disci inclusis superne leviter ampliatis ; acJicBuiis (immaturis) radii ovoideis setosis disci anguste cylindricis glabris ; pappi squamis inter se liberis ovatis laceratis. Cape, Worcester Division, Pieter Meintjis, alt. 3585 ft. ; n. 16367. Folia + 10 mm. long., 1-1 '5 mm. lat., in sicco olivaceo-fusca. Capitula pansa circa 8 mm. diam. Involucri phylla extima 2-2 '5 mm., intermedia 4'5-5 mm., intima 5'5 mm. long. Ligulae fere 5 mm. long. Corolla? disci 3 mm. long. Anthera? 2 mm. long. Achsenia vix 1 mm. long. ; pappi squamaj alb^e, "5 mm. long. General appearance much that of BelJiania paleacea L'Herit. (X. ericoides Cass.). Very close to N. relhanioicles Schlechter with which it can scarcely'' be conspecific on account of the flatter (less revolute) leaves, the broader ends to the innermost leaves of the involucre, and the well-marked receptacular flmbrite which are absent apparent^ from the receptacle of N. relhanioicles. Anaglypha latifolia, sp. nov. Caule erecto verisimiliter simplici gracili crebro folioso pubescente ; foliis laxe imbricatis inferioribus JOUEXAL OF BOTAXX. — VoL, 55. [Ap^iL, 1917,] I 106 THE JOURNAL OF BOTANY ovatis superioribiis oblongis vel oblongo-lanoeolatis omnibus miicro- nulatis his plerumque sessilibus vel fere sessilibus basi cordatis leviter araplexicaulibus illis breviter petiolatis basi truncatis margine integris denticulatisve raro dentatis omnibus utrobique scabriusculis ; capitulis solitariis pedunculis paucibracteatis pubescentibus folia facile exce- dentibus insidentibus ; involucri subhemisphserici phyllis 3-serialibus lineari-lanceolatis acutis dorso puberulis ; licjulis pluribus exsertis oblongis 3-dentatis luteis ; achceniis adhuc valde crudis oblongis compressis nitidis sparsim papillosis calvis. Transvaal, Lydenburg, Pilgrim's Rest and Sabie ; nn. 14319, 18670. Planta verisimiliter 1-2-spithamea. Folia inferiora +12x6 mm., superiora pleraque 12-15 X 4-7 mm., in sicco viridia vel brunnescentia ; petioli dum adsint summum 3 mm. long. Pedunculus 3-7 cm. long. ; hujus bractese sparsa? lineares vel lineari-lanceolatse, i 6 mm. long. Capitula pansa circa 15 mm. diam. Involucrum 5*5 x 7 mm. ; hujas phylla 4-5 mm. long. Ligubne 5 mm. long. Achaenia 1 mm. long. Has all the floral characters of the plant figured in Hook. Tc. Plant, t. 1109 and so belongs to a very small and little known genus. In foliage it is ver}" distinct. Pentatrichia alata, sp. nov. Planta spithamea vel minus, caule subsimplici ascendente crebro folioso uti folia glanduloso-hirtulo, foliis ovatis inciso-lobatis (lobis dentatis obtusis) petiolis sat late alatis insidentibus membranaceis, capUulis paucis heterogamis (flos- culis circiter 12 extimis ligulatis 5 ceteris numerosis § ) terminalibus vel ramulos breves ex caule juxta a])icem oriundos terminantibus pedunculatis pedunculis bracteis pluribus parvis onustis ; involucri campanulati phyllis pluriseriatis interioribus gradatim longioribus anguste lineari-lanceolatis acuminatis dorso glanduloso-pubescentibus, corollis breviter exsertis, antheris basi longiuscule caudatis, styli ramis linearibus obtusis, acJiceniis adhuc crudis cylindricis glabris puppi setis 5 tenuissimis onustis. Transvaal, Pilgrim's Rest; n. LS667. Folia pleraque 2-3 x 1*2-2 cm. ])etiolo 7-15 mm. long, et 2 mm. lat. exempto, in sicco viridia vel brunnea. Pedunculi circa 1 cm. long. ; horura bracteie lineares, hii-tuhe, circa 2 mm. long, Capitula pansa (sicca) 1x1*2 cm. Involucri phylla pillida, extima 2-3 mm., intermedia 4-6 mm., intima 7 mm. long. Ligulai albie, oblongse, apice bidenticulatae, 7*5 mm. long. Floseulorum int. corolke lutea?, 6*5 mm. long. ; harum tubus infei-ne tenuis superne gradatim ampliatus. J^tyli rami 1 nnn. long. Aelueuia 1 mm., pappi seta? 5 mm. long. The plant upon which Klatt founded this genus is a native of South- West Africa ; by the discover^', therefore, of a Transvaal species the distribution of Pentatrichia receives a notable extension. The new plant can immediately be recognized by its winged petioles and radiate heads. Tliis latter character necessitates a slight modifi- cation in the generic description. The outer pappus of P. alata consists of very minute scales almost invisible except under the compound microscope. (To be concluded.) 107 NEW RARE OR CRITICAL LICHENS, By W. Watsoi^, B.Sc. The possibility of obtaining dyes from licbens has aroused a greater interest in these plants than has been shown for many years, and the difficulty of obtaining sufficient dyes by other methods may render the process of obtaining dyes from lichens economically possible. The "crottle" and the " lit-pig," the adjuncts to this home-industry of the crofters, have never been entirely abandoned in the Scottish Highlands, and may again come into favour. Considering the increase of interest in these plants and the slight amount of attention paid to them in recent years, there need be no apology for the follow- ing notes, but an apology may be necessary for the description of new species, since these chiefly depend on microscopic characters and add further species to genera which are alread}^ overburdened. No other course, however, seems to be available, unless one is bold enough to "lump" many of the so-called species together, and place the '* small species " as varieties. The evidence is not sufficient to warrant this course, and other lichenologists who have seen the specimens consider it advisable to publish them as new. The difficulties of correlation between British and Continental lichenological works are dealt with in some of tlie notes concerning some of our common species. The numbers following the localities are those of the vice-counties. Thelidium terrestre, vel leprosus, viridis vel sp. nov. Thallus tenuis, crustaceo-effusus viridi-nigrescens, hyphis paucis, gonidiis viridibus. Perithecia minuta, nigra, sparsa, semi - immersa tandem emerso-sessiiia, dimidiata ; tunica externe nigro - brunnea, interne cinereo-brunnea; ostiolo minuto baud depresso ; h^^nenio sine gonidiis ; aseis clavatis ; para- physibus hyalinis evanescentibus vel null is ; osteolis filamentis aut paucis aut nuUis ; gelatina hy- menia Isete rubra cum iodo ; sporis octonis, hyalinis vel albido- cinereis, ellipsoideis, granulis, ab altera parte plerumque angustati- oribus, uniseptatis, 0-016-28 mm. ^o^ . . .v^ . . longis, 0007-11 mm. latis, in ^j Y I ) \S| ) — \ medio leviter constrictis. Ad terram. ' Thallus thin, crustaceo-efifuse or leprose, green or darker, with green algal cells (Pleurococcus) and few hyphje. Perithecia minute, black, scattered, semi- immersed, at length more or less ssssile, dimidiate ; outer wali dark brown, inner paler- brown ; minute ostiole not depressea ; i2 A. Polyblastia mortensis. Ascus X 125 ; three spores X 500. B. Thelidium terrestre, Perithecium X 25 ; ascus X 125 ; two spores X 500. 108 THE JOUKNAL OF BOTA^'T hymenium without algal cells ; asei clavate ; paiuphyses hyaline, disappearing or absent; osteolar filaments few or none; hymenial gelatine bright-red with iodine ; spores 8-na?, colourless or greyish, ellipsoidal, granular, f)ne end usually narrower than the other, 1-septate, lightly constricted in the middle, 16-28x7-11 a (fig. B). On soil of hedge-bank, Cheddon Fitzpaine, South Somerset (5), associated with Torfulo cuneifoJia, Barhula falJax, protonema and Dacfj/Iococciis dispnr, March 1915. It is near T. Zwackii l^e\)\^, but that occurs on rock and the spores are 1-3 septate. There is no sign of any further septation in T, terrestre, Polyblastia mortensis, sp. nov. Thallus tenuis, crustaceus, minute granulosus, effusus, continuus, vel cinerascens vel cinereo- virescens vel fuseescens vel olivaceus interdum nigrescens vel sub- evanescens, in statu humecto baud gelatineus, gonidiis viridibus. Perithecia parva vel mediocria, semi-immersa, parte tertia superiore emersa, convexa, nitentia ; tunica superne crassa et nigra, ad basin tenuis et brunnea ; ostiolo leviter depresso ; hymenio sine gonidiis ; osteoleis filamentis aut paucis aut nullis ; ascis subinfiate clavatis ; paraphysibus mucilagineis aut paucis aut nullis ; gelatina hymenia vinosa cum iodo ; sporis oblongis, octonis, hyalinis demum cinereo- brunneis, muraliformibus cum 7-14 transversalibus ordinibus cellarum parv^arum, 0"010-50 mm. longis, 0*016-20 mm. latis. In CfBmento aut in solo summorum murorum, prcjpe mare. Thallus thin, crustaceous, minutely granulose, effuse, continuous, greyish or greenish-grey or olivaceous, sometimes darker or evanescent, not gelatinous when moist, algal cells green (Protococcus). Perithecia small or moderate, semi-immersed with the upper third emergent, convex, shining ; wall black, at the base thin and brown ; osteole slightly depressed ; hymenium without algal cells ; osteolar filaments few or none ; asci clavate somewhat inflated ; para})hyses few or none, mucilaginous ; hymenial gelatine wine-red with iodine ; spores oblong S-nse, colourless, becoming brownish, muralilocular with 7-14 trans- verse rows of small cells, 40-50 x 16-20 /a (fig. A). On soil-cap of walls or on mortar, often on decaying mosses such as Tortilla muralis, near the sea, Morte, N. Devon (4), December, 1918. This species is near P. terrefitris, which has smaller spores. P. yelafinosa besides other chamcters has osteolar filaments, which are absent or almost so in this plant. Verruca ria interfucjiens Nyl. lias thinner spores. 8pilon&ma faradoonnn Born. On damp siliceous rocks near Tremadoc (48) and Beddgelert (49). August 1915. Schizoma Uchinodeum^yX. On ground with MifureUa apiculata^ Ben Eachan, 3200 ft. (88). 'August 1913. Collema ceraniscum Nyl. On damp shaded rocks near Blindia ccBspiticia, 3900 ft., Ben Lawers (88). The locality is given in Crombie's Monograph, but it is worth while recording it as still occurring there in 1913. C. pulposum (Bernh.) Ach. A form with a well developed thallus forming a i-osette occurs at Loxton (6), Quantoxhcad (5), etc. NEW BARE Oil CRITICAL LICHENS 109^ This form corresponds to var. fornwsiom (Acli.) Nyl., and appears to be fairly frequent. Crombie {British Lichens, j). 45) erroneously gives the reaction with iodine as reddish; on p. 46 he says that C. tenax (I -f- reddish) can be distinguished from C. pidposiim by the reaction with iodine, thus showing that the reaction given on p. 45 is a mistake. C. compactum Ach. is given as a synonym for C . imljposnm form compactiDu Nyl. by Crombie (/. c). Harmand (Lich. de Fr.) states that the plant of Acharius is C tenax, so that if the British plants really belong to C. pulposum, the name compactum ought not to be given to them. The variety pulposiiluni Nyl. ( = C. pulposulum Nyl.) is not O. pulposulum (Wedd.) Harm. Nylander's name has priority (1864) to Weddell's (1869), so that the naming in Crombie is correct and the plant given as C. pulposulum in Harmand's Lich. de Fr. (p. 84) has no right to that name. C tenax and C. crispum are united together under the name of C tefiax by some continental authors. There appears to be much justification for this course, since the only practical difference appears to be that the apothecial margin is crenulate in C. crispum, and entire in G. tenax. The thalline characters in plants with entire margins to the apothecia are variable, whilst those of plants with crenulate margins to the apothecia are similarly variable, and on the same plant apothecia may be entire or crenulate, A.^ Lichen tenax Sw. (1784) is an older name than Lichen crispus Ach. (1798), C. tenax should be retained ; C. crispum may be considered as a form of it. Knowing the difficulties of dealing with species of Collema, it is in no spirit of carping criticism that 1 have derived some amuse- ment from the varying descriptions and synonyms of C. multiflorum var. palmatum Hepp. According to Crombie (p. 47) this equals C. tenax var. coronatum Koerb. ; according to Harmand (p. 87) it is also equivalent to his var. palmatum of C. tenax ; therefore var. coro- natum Koerb. and var. palmatum Harm, must be the same plant : but the descriptions do not coincide. Harmand also gives Lichen palmatus Huds. as a synonym for two entirely different plants — on p. 87 for C. tenax var. palmatum and on p. 113 for Leptogium palmatum^ the latter being correct. Crombie (p. 47) adopts a better course in rejecting the varietal name of palmatum, since it might be confounded with L. palmatum. C. c/laucescens Hoffm. may occur on sandy or calcareous soil. Sandy hedgebank, Dinnington, S. Somerset (5) ; sand of dune-slack, Braunton, N. Devon (4). C. aggreyatum (Ach.) Nyl. Braunton (4), Staple Fitzpaine (5). O. chalazanellum Nyl. has not previously been recorded from the British Isles. It is similar to C. chalazanum Ach. but the thallus is much smaller, the apothecia are less than 0-2 mm., and the spores are also smaller (12-19 x 6-10 /u). It occurs on the thin soil-cap of a limestone wall near Taunton (5). C. melcenum Ach. According to Crombie a wine-red coloration is given by iodine to a thin section of the thallus. Harmand says there is no reaction with iodine. A number of plants tested give no red coloration. The plant is named C. multijidum by Schaerer in Enum. 110 THE JOUK>'AL OF BOTAXT crit. Lich. Eiirop. (1850), since Lichen multijidus Scop. (1792) ante- dates L. onelceniis Ach. (1798). Collemopsis lecanopsoidts Njl. On thin soil-cap of calcareous wall, Henlade, near Taunton (5). In this plant the algal constituent is not Nostoc, but has been attributed by M. Bornet to the Scyto- nemacecB. It has been placed under the genus Porocyphus as P. areoJafus (Flot.) Krb. CoUemodium andegavense (Hy.) is very near to C. turgidum, but the thallus is less plicated and has the appearance of a small Cullema p)uIp>osum. The hypotheciuin consists of stratified pseudo- parenchyma, the spores are (>-8-na?, often over 80 /.t long, thinner at one end and with 4-5 transverse septa with a few longitudinal divisions. So far as I know this has not been recorded from the British Isles, but it occurs on limestone walls near Taunton (5). C. fluviatile (Huds.) Nyl. On rocks in or near stream, Cray, Wharf edale. Lrpfogiiim ptisilhim Nyl. In fallow field on earth or stones, Aisholt (5). Peltige7'a canina var. memhranacea Ach. is not uncommon. I have specimens from Luxborough and Exford (5), Harlech (48), Llanberis (49), Mulgrave wood (62, from Mr. Hebden). In the Lich. de Fr. it is placed under P. canina f. leucorrliiza (Flk.) Harm. P. rufescens form prceiextata is a not uncommon form. A similar form also occurs in P. canina. Pannidaria nigra. The algal constituent is not Xosfoc, and the plant is therefore given by some authors as Placynthiiim nigrnm Ach. In Somerset the spores are often triseptate, but otherwise the speci- mens do not agree with the subspecies P. psoiina. Calicium melanopliceum Ach. (= Cyphelium meJanoplirOTES. 113 wards cooked as a puree, like spinach, and like asparagus heads, being served with melted butter. Tliey proved flavourless and insipid, but not indigestible, and 1 can understand that in the absence of all other fresh vegetables they might prove useful.'" Carex pseudo-paeadoxa S. Gibson. In this Journal for 1916 (p. 14) Mr. C. E. Salmon revives the controversy that existed in 1S42— 1-4 respecting this j^lant, when it was decided by every botanist who took part in the discussion, except Gibson himself, that it was synonymous with C. teretiusciila Good var. Elirhartiana Hoppe : the somewhat acrimonious correspondence concerning the plant is to be found in the Phi/to1o[/ist of that date. Seaman's Moss, the locality whence came the specimens of the plant in dispute, was a very small piece of boggy land by the side of the Bridgwater Canal about a mile to the west of Altrincham, Cheshire. In this were four pits, round the edges of which was found in considerable quantity Carex teretluscula and the var. JEhrhartiana, and in deeper w^ater small tufts of C. paniculafa, very inferior to those frequently found in Cheshire Meres and therefore not generally gathered for specimens. I lived little more than a mile from the spot and my recollection of it dates from 1857 to 1871, during which period, in company with my friend and neighbour George E. Hunt, we very frequently collected specimens there. Hunt gathered the " beautiful rang-e of specimens of the teretiiiscula-Eh rha rf iana series" referred to in Lord de Tabley's Flora of Cheshire (p. 821) and I assisted at very many of his visits for this purpose. Mr. Salmon suggests that Gibson found and described a different plant from that discussed by the other botanists- I submit that it is incredible that so observant and critical a botanist as Hunt could have failed to notice such a plant among the hundreds of speci- mens he gathered and critically examined, while Gibson found nothing else in the one visit he was said to have made to the locality — if in- deed even the one visit was ever made, which I doubt. I do not forget that I deal with the date 1857-1871 and that the date of the controversy was 1842-44, but one can hardly su})pose that G. pseudo-paradoxa entirely disappeared while C. teretiusciila sur\'ived. llichard Buxton (1786-1865), author of the Botanical Guide to Manchester (1849), told me that he thought Gibson never collected specimens at Seaman's Moss to which place he guided all the other disputants ; whether Gibson went there or not, specimens were col- lected by Dr. J. B. Wood of Manchester on 1 July, 1843, and sent to him, and these he named C. pseudo-paradoxa . I possess one sheet of such specimens, which appear to me to be C. teretluscula var. Ehrhartiana. I have submitted it to Mr. Salmon, who determines them to be C. teretluscula — the identical specimens that Gibson affirmed to be his pseudo-paradoxa ! I should be glad to know where G. E. Hunt's herbarium is located — his mosses went to Kew, but I believe the rest were given to some County Natural History Museum. In it are specimens of 0. panicidata from Seaman's Moss Pits which 1 should like to see. — Spencer H. Bickiiam. 114 THE JOUR^'AL OF BOTANY EEVIEWS. A Manual of Elementary Botany for India. By Rai Bahadur K. Ranga Achari, M.A., Government Lecturing Botanist, Agri- cultural College, Coimbatore, fonuerly Lecturer in Botany, Presidency College, Madras. Madras Government Press, pp. xv, 3G9. Price 2 rupees (3 shillings). 1916. This seems to us a thoroughly good piece of work. It is now forty-eight years since the late Professor Daniel Oliver's First Book of Indian Botany appeared — a remarkable performance for one who had never been in India — intended mainly for English residents in that empire. Our methods of teaching have been revolutionized since 1869 : English has become the teaching language for natives of India, and it is for them for the most part that the })resent book seems to be intended. It is restricted to Howering plants, and this has led the author into some of his too wide generalizations, such as the statement (p. 11) that "All plants begin their life as seedlings, which arise from seeds." Starting w^th Tribulus terrestris and Gynandropsis penta- fhijlla — types of Orders so unfamiliar to British botanists as the ZygophyUacece and Capparidaceoe, but admirably adapted for his pur- pose— the author, as might be expected, deals much more in detail with matters of histology and physiology than did his predecessor half a century ago. His work " is intended to meet the requirements of students of Secondary and Tmining schools. Technical and Professional Colleges" ; so that the necessity of insisting on the "use of a micro- scope for pui'poses of demonstration " does not speak well for the educational methods in vogue in India. So, too, what little reference there is to experimental work in physiology reads all too much like mere demonstration b}^ the teacher, as if the heuristic method wei-e neglected. The author — wisely, as Ave think, in an elementary work — inter- calates his chapters on such physiological matters as germination, respiration, nutrition, growth, movement, fertilization and seed-dispersil between those dealing with anatomy of the seed, root, shoot, leaf, flower, and seed ; and it is refreshing to find these subjects illusti*ated by unhackneyed Indian examples. In spite of the sentence we have quoted, there is an excellent chapter on vegetative multiplication, followed by one on the principles of classification in which we have noted a few examples of slightly defective English and logic. It begins by the statement that the group of the spermatophyta "includes a very large number of individuals (about 120,000 now)," where obviously " species " is meant ; and goes on to say that, " it is obvious that plants which are alike in several characters should have had a common origin." This might mislead the student into mis- understanding the facts of adaptive convergence. Judging from the works of our caricaturists, the late Sir William Harcourt and Mr. Henry Cha})lin were "alike in several characters"; but we imagine that their common origin was somewhat remote. The concluding third of the book is devoted to a description of forty principal Indian natural orders, as against a hundred and sixteen A MANUAL OF ELEMEXTAET BOTANY FOR INDIA 115 dealt with bv Professor Oliver ; but here again the change in our methods is marked. The single type and the floral schedule have given place to several types and fuller structural detail under each Order, though the classification according to Bentham and Hooker remains. It is somewhat remarkable that a professor in an agri- cultural college studiously omits the least mention of any economic uses of the plants of which he writes. A brief chapter on ecology, a carefully drawn up glossary, and a Latin index of the plants men- tioned, with their Tamil and Telugu names, concludes the work. We hope that in the next edition the Urdu names may at least be added, so that tlie use of so excellent a manual in Northern India may be facilitated. Among minor matters we notice that the author evidently uses the term " saccate " in a different sense from that usual with us, since he terms the distinctly calcarate flower of Eulophia " slightly saccate " ; and, in the face of all recent work on the seeds of Orcliidaceae^ his statement that all Monocotyledons are endospermic is assuredly too sweeping. The 356 text-figures have all been specially drawn for the work, and this well-printed well-bound volume is produced for three shillings ! Certainly cheap labour is not exclusively Chinese ! G. S. BOULGEE. Critical Researches on the Potamogetons. By J. O. Hagstrom. 4to. Pp. 2S1, 119 figures in text. Stocldiolm : Almquist & Wiksells. 1916. This work (reprinted from Kungl. Svenska Vetensk. Handl. Band 55, No. 5) is the most important that has been published on the genus, and is the result of many years labour. In the intro- ductory part the author tells how he proceeded with his work, combining anatomical, biological and morphological characters. It may be doubted whether too great reliance has not been placed on the first of these. One regrets to see that Dr. Hagstrom considers that the results of cultivation are not as valuable as most of us think. He writes : " The hybrids must be studied according as Nature pro- duces them. Cultivation and experiments in hybridization may not lead to great results as to the solution of this intricate question." To this I must demur : having seen the results of the late Alfred Fryer's work in this direction, I consider cultivation is a very great help — anyhow it aftords a negative to some of the proposed hybrids given. With regard to the anatomical characters, the late C. B. Clarke once showed me at Kew the result of too great reliance on these : I think it was in the Gutti^ercB, where the author of the monograph, relying on this, made two species of one plant. Dr. Hagstrom's work contains thirty-seven new species, some twenty-one new hybrids, many varieties, and very many new forms. Of the species, two at least are founded on single specimens, without date or collector's name; even their origin is uncertain. To found Australian species on single specimens is certainly unwise : no country supplies more debatable species. No doubt some species might safely 1 16 THE JOURNAL OF BOTAXT be so founded, as they stand apart from all others, sueh as P. Boh- bi/isil Oakes, a North American species, of Avhich a single leaf is sufficient for identification. Having said this, 1 have nothing but cordial recognition to give of Dr. Hagstrom's Avork. He explains difficulties that have puzzled students of the genus for years, and though I differ from him in some of his conclusions, I feel that more work is needed before one can ventvn-e to deny them. With regard to the endemic species, there seems something in the climatic influences that induces conditions not seen elsewhere — changes in the floating leaves, etc., that are difficult to explain. In one species, F. aasfraliensis, these remarkable changes range from wide mem- branous leaves to narrow submerged floating leaves with very strong lattice-like structure. At least three species have been made out of this ; it was only when numerous examples were seen that the plant was understood, hence my remark above as to single specimens. The author disposes of my P. disshnilis, pointing out that it is really only a state of P. stria fits lluiz & Pa von, and in this I entirely concur. There is, however, perhaps some slight excuse for this, as he places P. striatus under three names. Here and there one finds conclusions arrived at in one place and doubted in another. Thus the author assumes that P. nodosi/s Lam., which is not now known in Denmark, might formerly have occurred, and that climatic changes caused it to die out. Here of course is a liypothesis that cannot be proved or disproved ; but elsewhere in the instance of a hybrid he remarks, " P. nodosus cannot enter into this as it is not known to occur there." If once this su])posed occurrence of a species is accepted 1 do not see where the making of hybrids is to cease. It must be remembered in dealing with the conclusions arrived at that Dr. Hagstrom's material consisted of all the Scandinavian lierbaria, with a few from Petrograd and Berlin, so that so far as this goes liis book may be accepted as a considered exposition of these lierbaria. Xo doubt there may be difference of opinion even here, but the work demonstrates the value of his material. He makes several North American hybrids, assuming or suspecting the occur- rence of one of the parents, but still he evidently knows his plants, and strong evidence must be adduced before his conclusions can be controverted. Dr. Hagstrom shows that some species have been suggested on insufficient gi-ounds, but by characters which are fully brought out he places them on a level with generally accepted ones. Thus he shows good grounds for accepting P. pauormiiamis Biv.-Bern., indicating how it can be se])arated from P. pusillus L. ; some named forms of the latter will need examination to see whether they come under P. j^anormitanus. It is evident that he has not been able to examine some of the old types in the Berlin herbarium which he places under one name : doubtless many of these are merely cliniatal or geographical forms, but they will have to be considered. The Paris herbarium, which has not been consulted, will have to be A MONO&RAPII OF THE GEXUS BRICKELLTA 117 examined before definite conclusions can be arrived at with regard to numerous species. As the genus becomes better known, we may be able to explain why some species are found in Asia, Africa and Australia (if they are the same), e. g. P. javanicus Hasshl. Are the differences real, or are they induced by climatal or other influences ? And why is Japan a meeting-place of so many spacies of all the world's area ? With the additional species here described, and accepting most of the species published up to the end of 1910, the genus now consists of some 140 species. I reserve for a future notice some notes upon the British species discussed, meanwhile pointing out that Dr. Hag- strora's work is essential to those botanists who wish to obtain a full knowledge of the genus. A. Benxett. Beickellta axd the Brickells. A Monocfraph of the Genus BricJcelUa. By Bexjamtx Liivcolx KoBixsox (Memoirs of the Grray Herbarium, no. 1). Harvard University Press : Cambridge, Mass. 4to, pp. 151. Speaktxg in the wide sense, the Brickellias are Eupatoriums with 10-ribbed achenes as contrasted with the 5-angled achenes of the latter genus. This character, unimportant as it would seem to plants in the struggle for existence, is an excellent one for taxonomic pur- poses, only a single species of the ninety-one here described being in this respect doubtful, so that its affinities have to be decided upon characters of minor importance. The genus, exclusively a New World one, is mainly found in Western North America, Mexico and the Central American republics, whence it extends sparingly to Bolivia and Eastern Brazil, with one species reaching the West Indies. Economically and horticulturally it possesses but slender interest. The author has diligently searched for sectional characters, a matter of considerable difficulty which he seems to have overcome successfully, his nine sections appearing easily workable ones. Each species is accompanied by a careful description and a full list of its collectors arranged geographicalh^ A list of exsiccatse under the collectors' names, a very useful adjunct to a monograph, is also appended. Another most valuable feature is that every S2)ecies has an inset illustration, showing not only the habit but containing an anaWsis of the floral structure. Though suspiciously like the un- gracious fault of looking a gift horse in the mouth, one may perhaps regret that the illustrations showing portions of the inflorescence, generally drawn to a |-scale, are not natural size, as this would have required only a little more space. But as it is we heartily welcome this handsome monograph, which will enhance the author's already deservedly high reputation. S. M, In connection with his work on the genus, Dr. Bobinson looked into the history of the name, the results of which form the subject US TUE JOUUXAL OF BOTAXr of an interesting paper in Rliodora for November 1916. pp. 225-230. " It is evident," he says, " that in nearly all references to the dedica- tion of the genus JBrickellia two men of identical name were confused, both being presumably from the east of Ireland, both belonging to the same [medical] profession, both having biological interests, and both being authoi-s of papers relating to phases of natural history." Whether the two were related, as seems probable, there is no evidence to show. * The earlier John Brickell (fl. 1730-45) was the author of The Natural History of Xorth-Carolina (Dublin, 1737: plants, pp. 57- 106) and of a Catalogue of American Trees and Plants icliich loill bear the Climate of England, which I have not been able to see ; we do not remember on what authority we stated (Biogr. Index, p. 22) that it was published in Dublin in 1745— according to AUibone, as quoted by Dr. Kobinson, it was issued in London in 1739. The Natural History is stated by the same authority to have been first pub- lished in 1723, but there is nothing in the 1737 edition to suggest that the AVDrk had previously appeared : its dedication to Vis- count Valentia and its printing ''for the author" in Dublin seems to imply that Brickell was then living in Ireland, probabh^ in the city mentioned. Of the later John Brickell (1749-1809), Dr. Robinson's summary may be quoted : " Born in County Louth, Ireland, in or about 1749, [he was] for thirty years resident in Savannah, Georgia, where he died 22 December, 1809, an acute observer of the local vegetation, a man highly respected, author of several medical and botanical com- munications to the then prominent Medicnl Repository of Xew York, a friend of Muehlenberg, Fraser, and of Elliott, who dedicated to him the genus BrickeUia.'''' J. B. BOOK-NOTES, NEWS, etc. The Annals of Botany for October last contains a paper by Dr. E. J. Salisbury on " Variations in Anemone nemorosa " — a subject also dealt with by Dr. Hermann Losch in Berichte der Deutschen Botanischen Gesellschaft (Band xxxiv. Heft 6: July 1916). Dr. Salisbury divides the species into three varieties — the first, "the normal type," he names xar. genuina, in accordance with a practice which seems to us to substitute trinomial for binomial nomenclature. The others, var, robu-sta and var, apetala^ whose characteristics are indicated by their names, appear to be rather forms than varieties : the latter, we are told, " bears much the sjime relation to the normal form as Ranunculus auricomus var. depavperata does to R. auricomus itself." But where R. auricomus grows in abundan(?e, flowers in different stages of imperfection occur on the same plant, and individuals with complete blossoms may be foimd in the same patch : in this species the more or less apetalous ])lants seem hardly worth distinguishing even as forms. BOOK-NOTES, NEWS, ETC. 119 The same niTmber of the Annals contains an exceedingly interesting and important paper bv Mr. Kidle}^ on " Endemism and the Mutation Theory," in which he criticizes Dr. Willis's recent attempts "to formulate a law dealing with the rarity or commonness of species and its bearing on the endemic plants of Ceylon." Mr. Eidley shows that Dr. Willis's conclusions as to the frequency or rarity of species, based as they are upon the indications given in Trimen's Flora of Ceylon, are founded on insufficient data. This, however, is but one feature of the paper: Mr. Ridle}^ from personal knowledge and observation, gives much information on various points connected with plant-distribution : the destruction of s^iecies by man and the altera- tions of floras due to climatic changes are considered, and the theory of the evolution of species by natural selection is defended in opposi- tion to " the mutation theory that new characters arise at a step, and that once they have appeared they remain hereditary and do not revert," which according to Mr. Kidley "is not in accordance with facts." We have received the Eighth Eeport of the Botan}- Committee of which Mr. W. P. Hiern is Secretary, reprinted from the Trans- actions of the Devonshire Association for the Advancement of Science. It shows additions to the lists for the various districts but contains nothing very striking: Phlomis fruticosa appears to be established at Tormoham, in the Torquay district, "in one station falling for IS m, over seaAvard limestone cliffs in a cataract of bloom." We have on previous occasions outlined the scope of Prof. L. H. Bailey's Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture and expressed an opinion of its value. The fifth volume (Macmillan Co., New York, price 2os.) is now before us : it includes the letters P — E, and main- tains the high level attained by its predecessors. Although the botanical portion is admirably done, the description of genera and species being full and clear, the interest of the work is mainly horti- cultural : thus we have fifty pages devoted to various aspects of Planting. There is a useful paper on Pollination by Mr. S. W. Fletcher, who treats the highly important questions of self-sterility and self -fertility of fruit trees. Much research has yet to be under- taken on this subject and woi'k is progress in two or three horti- cultural centres in this coutry ; this is most desirable, as the same variety often proves to be self -fertile in one locality and self -sterile in another. This phase of fruit production has received much atten- tion in America, as is shown by the useful bulletins issued from the experimental stations of Oregon, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Missouri, etc. The Cyclopedia, which is nearing its completion, is a work of perma- nent value, and should be on the shelves of everj^ important garden libi-ary. Mr. Maiden has published a very useful and well executed Census of New South Wales Plants (Sydney, Gullick, 1916), " based upon Engler's classification and the first Australian Census 120 THE JOURXAL OF BOTANT following that order." It contains the Vascular Cryptogams and Phanerogams, the Cellular Cryptogams being reserved for a second part. '* The Census contains references to the changes proposed by modern monographers, references to good pictorial illustrations, to useful botanical descriptions and notes, and specially to information bearing on the inclusion of species in the New South Wales llora.'" The only matter for criticism is the printing, in which the resources for fa.nlitating cansultation that are afforded by a judicious selec- tion and employment of types are to a great extent ignored. In his preface Mr. Maiden acknowledges the help of the late Ernest Betche, the chief botanical assistant in the Sydney Gardens, whose death occurred on June 28, 1918. The Jonrnnl of tlie Linnean Sociefj/ (xliii. no. 293 : dated Dec. 22 but not distributed imtil later) contains tlie interesting paper by Mr. T. A. Dymes *' On the Seed-mass and Dispersal of liellehoru^ fcetidus "" of w^hich a summary was given in this Journal for 1916, p. 71. Mr. B. Millard Griffiths writes on "The August Heleo- plankton of some North Worcestershire Pools " ; in this numerous rare algae were found on which notes are given, two of them — ■ Pteromona^ ovalis and Crucigetiia apiculato — new to science. Mr. C. C. Lacaita gives a list of the plants collected by him in Darjiling and southern Sikkim in the spring of 1913 ; two new species are described — Fragaria ruI>iginosa (" = F. vesca var. col- Ihia Hook. HI. saltern quoad pi. Sikkimensem, sed minime F. colliua Ehrh.'") -Awd lihodocleudroii decij)iens, intermediate between R. Hodg- soni and R. Falconer I. Newspaper Botaxy. The following is from the Dailg Chronicle of Feb. 21 : comment would only detract from its charm : " Other British seaweeds besides carrageen moss make excellent eating. Among these are laver, samphire, dulse, erings (sic), and sea holly. Samphire used to be cried in the streets of London under the name of ' crest marine,' but apparently present-day costermongers never sell it. Laver tastes^ as good as spinach, and is more nutritious. Sir James Barrie tells us how to cook dulse. In A Window in Thrums he writes : ' Dulse is roasted by twisting it round the tongs when these are tired to a red heat ' — a mode of cooking which gives it an oyster-like tlavour. Dillisk, chopped up small and stewed in milk thickened with oatmeal, is a splendid dish. How many house- wives know anything about these cheap delicacies ? " Georcie Edward Massee, from 1893 until 1915 Principal Assistant in the Kew Herbarium and well known as a mj'^cologist, died at Sevenoaks on Feb. 1 (5. A fuller notice will follow in due course. Journ. Bot. Plate 548. x50 1. CoMATiaCHA CORNEA. 2. C. FIMBRIATA. 121 TWO NEW BRITISH SPECIES OF COMATEICHA. By G. Lister, F.L.S. (Plate o48.) The two minute species here described have been under observa- tion for some j^ears. They both appear to be related to ComatricJia laxa Post, and C. nigra (Pers.) Schroeter — species different enough when typically developed, but connected by a series of intermediate forms. A single development of C. nigra may produce along with robust sporangia, each crowned with a mop of dense and intricate capillitium a few curious dwarf sporangia, with much laxer and less flexuose capillitium, somewhat resembling dwarf forms of C. laxa. It was with such dwarfs that we attempted to class the two forms now under consideration. Thanks however to the Pev. William Cran, to whose unusually keen vision and careful observation students of Mycetozoa owe so much and to whom most of our knowledge of these new forms of Gomatricha is due, it is found that their characteristic features remain unchanged in repeated developments; it therefore seems desirable that they should receive specific distinction, and not merely be regarded as varieties of well-known species. Gomatricha cornea G. Lister & Cran, sp. n. Plasmodium colourless. Sporangia scattered or solitary, stalked, globose, dark brown, 0-12 to 0-32 mm. diam. Stalk subulate, sLnider, erect, 0"17 to 0"2 mm. high, dark brown above, shading into brownish- 3^ellow below where it expands into a small discoid hypothallus, ringed where it merges into the columella with a well-defined dark collar. Columella C3dindrical, slender, reaching one-third to one-hilf the height of the sporangium, forking or dividing above into the few primary branches of the capillitium. Capillitium of rather rigid dark brown threads, forking and branching repeatedly often at a wide angle, without or rarely anastomosing, ending at the surface in short diverging branchlets. Spores 8-5 to 2 fi diam., grey when highly magnified, marked with minute scattered warts. Habitat. On bark aud moss, Westhill and Kirkville, Skene near Aberdeen. Mr. Cran first observed this species in March 1913 in company with Kj/menoholus farasiticus Zukal, on mossy bark kept under care indoors ; since then it has appeared twice again on his cultures ; he also found it in the open on plane bark at Kirkville in the summer of last year. The sporangia occur singly on bark or more often on the leaves of a moss {Orthotrichum sp.). The structure of the stalk is unusual ; when mounted in glycerine it has the general appearance of a thick-walled hollow tube ; closer examination reveals within the smooth walls of the tube a central strand of parallel pale brown fibres. In other species of Comatriclia the stalk is usually black and opaque throughout; sometimes, however, as in the succeed- ing species, C.finihriata, and in minute forms of other species, it is paler towards the base and encloses a loose network of dark inter- lacing strands. The yellow-brown base of the stalk is conspicuous in fresh specimens of C. cornea ; after long preservation in glj^cerine the whole of the stalk and the capillitium are apt to assume a yellowish- JOUKXAL OF BOTAXY. VoL. 55. [MaY, 1917-] K 122 THE JOURNAL OF EOTAXT olive colour. Otlier characters distinguishing C. cornea from C. laxa are the well-marked collar at the base of the sporangium, similar to that seen in Lamproderma arcyrionema (Rost.) and Clastoderma Deharijamtm Blytt, and the free branches of the capillitium. The specific name cornea refers to the translucent horn-colour of the stalk. The description of Orfliotricliia Bacihorslcii Cel. fil. (Myxo- m^'ceten Bolimens, p. 54) is applicable in some respects to the present species, but the sporangia are said to be densely clustered, the stcilks black, 0*5 to 0*6 mm. long, and the spores 10 to 11*5 /u diam. ; the capillitium threads are described as not anastomosing, but in a mounting of the type courteously lent by Dr. Celakovsk}'', although the extremities of the threads are free, the branches anastomose fi-equently elsewhere ; the gathering, a single one from near Prague, appears to be a minute form of C. nigra. Comatricha fimbriata G. Lister & Cran, sp. n. Plasmodium colourless. Sporangia scattered, stalked, globose, dark brown, 0*1 to 0*3 mm. diam. Stalks black, often inclined, very slender from a thicker base, 0'007 to 0'02 mm. diam. above, 0*02 to 0-07 mm. at the base, 0*3 to 0*5 mm. long. Columella slender, cylindrical, truncate or tapering above, reaching one third or one half the height of the sporangium. Capillitium arising from the upper part and ajjex of the columella, consisting of extremely slender ])ale purple-brown simple or sparingly branched threads, darker and usually forked above and ending in clavate or irregularly expanded tips. Spores 10 to 12 ^ diam., greyish- purple, paler on one side, minutely and closely spinulose. Hahiiaf. On fallen sticks, Wanstead Pai'k, Essex, and Skene and Hazelhead Wood near Aberdeen. C. fimbria fa was first obtained in Wanstead Park, in November, 1913, by Mr. Raymond Finlayson. The develo])ments consisted of about tliirty minute sporangia on a dead bramble stem. In July 1916 Mr. Cran found it on a decorti- cated elm-stick in Westhill Avenue, Skene, and also on a paling-post lying among herbage in Hazelhead Wood. As soon as the spores have fallen away, Avhich they do at the least breath, the sporangia with their scanty capillitium and hair-like stalks are most shadowy objects. The slender capillitium threads are often barely 1 /x diam. at the base ; the flattened free ends measure from 2 to 5 ju diam. 'Wq lowei* part of the stalk, when mounted, is seen to consist of a sheath of purplish-brown anastomosing strands with slender connecting bars, enclosing a loose network of paler strands. The specific wdmefiuihriafa, suggested by Mr. Cran, refers to the fringe-like tuft of capillitium. It is not surprising that this well-markecj but incons])icuous species should have escaped detection beret; )f ore. Explanation of Plate 548. Fig. 1. Comatricha cornea G. Lister & Cran. Two sporangia with spores dis- persed, on moss-leaf ; 1 a. large sporangium ; lb,lc. sjioi-angia showing variety in capillitium ; 1 d. terminal branchlets of capillitium and three spores ; 1 e. spore. Fig. 2. C. fimbriata G. Lister & Cran. Group of sporangia, one retaining spores ; 2 a. two sporangia showing capillitium ; 2 h. base of stalk showing loose structure ; 2 r. capillitium thread with expanded tips and five spores ; 2 d. spore sliowing the smooth patch of dehiscence on one side of the wall. AFRICAN COMPOSTT.E 123 ALABASTRA DIVERSA.— Part XXVII. By Spencer Le M. Moore, B.Sc, F.L.S. (Concluded from p. 106.) Epallas:e africana, sp. nov. Herbacea, ± spithamea ; caule erecto inferne nudo superne folioso ramulosque teiieros filiformes emittente pubescente deincle glabrescente ; foliis parvis petiolatis interioribus ovatis obtusis basi truncatis margine lobulatis dentatisve junioribus aiigustioribus in bracteas traiiseuntibus omnibus utrobique scabriusculis ; cap it ul is pro rata parvis pluriflosculosis in corymbos oligocephalos paucibracteatis caiilem ramulisque terminantes digestis ; peduiicuUs propriis filiformibus capitula longe excedentibus pubemlis ; involucri late campanulati phjdlis 2-3-serialibus oblongis apice foliaceis obtusisqiie dorso puberulis ; receptacioli paleis lanceolatis acuminatis ex involucro breviter eminentibus ; lifjidis usque circa 8 parvis uti disci corollse breviter exsertis ; anther is basi breviter caudiculatis ; styli rarais brevibus compressis apice obtusis ; adiceniis linearibus aliquanto compressis angulatisque puberulis ; pajjpi squamis ovatis laceratis aristis 5 achajniis brevioribus levibus alternantibus. South Rhodesia, Wankie ; n. 13229. Folia summum 18 x 16 mm., plerumque vero minora, e. g. + 12 X 8 mm., tenuiter membranacea ; petioli 5-8 mm. long., fili- formes. Pedunculi proprii plerique 2-1 cm. long. Bractese ±4 mm. long. Capitula pansa 7 mm. diam. Involucrum S'o mm. long. Receptaculi palea? 4 mm. long., apicem versus bidentatee. Ligulae oblongai, apice 3-dentatae, 4-nervosa^, 3 mm. long. Disci corolla3 2*25 mm. long. Achsenia 1'5 mm. long. Pappi squamae "4 mm. long., aristae aegre 1 mm. attingentes. EpaUage has hitherto Jjeen known onl}'^ as a Madagascar genus. The filiform branchlets and peduncles and the small heads are the miost easily seized features of the species. Bentham describes the anthers as " subentire " at base, and refers the genus to Helianthoidece and in this he is followed by O. Hoff- mann. So far as I have studied the genus, however, I find the anthers to be distinctly although doubtless very shortly tailed, which suggests its proper place to be among the Inuloidew close to BphacopTiyllum, from which it differs only in the pappus. Senecio oligolobiis, sp. nov. Bamis lignosis gracilibus novellis laxe albo-araneosis cito glabris ; foliis angustis pinnatifidis (summis saepe integris) inferne j)etioliformi-extenuatis basi aliquanto dilatatis lobis paucis linearibus obtusis glabris; capitulis submediocribus hetero- gamis radiatis pluriflosculosis ad apicem ramulorum solitariis necnon pedunculo gracili sparsissime bracteato apice araneoso insidentibus ; involucri campanulati puberuli phyllis 9-10 anguste ovato-oblongis obtusis vel obtusiusculis obscure sphacelatis margine membranaceis ; ligulis luteis 6-7 ; disci flosculis circa 25, breviter exsertis ; antlieris basi minute auriculatis ; styli ramis truncatis penicillatis ; achwniis (baud maturis) oblongis compressis vel compressiusculis obscure costatis marginibus ciliatis ; fyappi setis scabriusculis albis. k2 124- THE JOURNAL OF BOTAXY Cape, Worcester Division, Orchard Siding ; n. 16588. Folia pleraqiie 5-8 cm. long, (inclusa parte petioliformi indivisa) ; horuni rhacliis a})ice integra vel dentata (baud lobata), modo 1-2 mm. lat. ; lobi 2-10 X *5-l mm. Pedunculi circa 10 cm. long.; hormn bracteie filiformes, -f 7 mm. long. Capitula pansa 1*5 cm. diam. Jnvolucrum 6 mm. long. Lignbe anguste oblongo-obovatae, apice truncata?, 5-nervos'tp, G mm. long. Disci corolbe anguste infundi- biilares, 6 mm. long. ; barmn lobi triangulares, 1 mm. long. Anther.T? 4-5 mm. long. Stvli rami 1 mm, long. Achaenia immatura 2*5-3 mm., pappus 'Vd mm. long. To be ])lacecl next S. plnnidaiiis DC. ; cbiefly in the loose hairiness of the young ])arts, the short lobes to the leaves and the fewer heads upon much longer peduncles. Senecio intricatus, sp. nov. Fruticulus intricate ramosus ; ramulis ultimis paulispercano-tomentosis rigidis sa^pe nudis subspinescentibus; foliis parvulis petiolatis vel subsessilibus oblongo-spathulatis vel ob- longo-obovatis obtusis basin versus extenuatis margine sat argute paucidentatis lobulatisve cito glabris ; capitulis solitariis terminalibus longipedunculatis heterogamis radiatis circa 24-ilosculosis (ligulis 1 f-^) ; invohicri campanulati obscure incani phvllis 12 lineari- oblongis apice acutis leviterque sj^hacelatis margine membranaceis additis cah^culi phvllis paucis brevibus lineari-lanceolatis acutis vel acuminatis ; coroJlia HI. § exsertis flavis ; antheris apice exsertis basi microscopice auriculatis ; styli ramis truncatis penicillatis ; aclKBniia ad hue crudis linearibus pubeseentibus ; jyappi setis levibus albis. Ca])e, Somerset Division, Cookhouse; nn. 2757, 3462. Folia pleraque 5-10 mm. long., 2-3 mm. lat., in siceo viridia ; petioli usque ad 3 mm. long. Pedunculi graciles, ieviter incani, bracteis parvulis in caiyculi phylla transeuntibus onusti, vulgo 2-3 cm. long. Caiyculi phylla circa 3 mm. long. Involucrum 7 mm. long. Ligula^ spathulato-oblongse, 4-nerves, breviter 3-den- tat'e, 8 mm. long. Corollje disci 7 mm. long. ; harum lobi deltoidei modo "75 mm. long. Anthera^ 3*5 mm. long. Styli rami 1*5 mm., achienia 2 nnn., pajipus 5 mm. long. Affinity with H. torfuoaufi DC. but having more inti'icate branching, also smaller, less dee])ly lobed leaves on shorter petioles and much smaller bracts upon the peduncles. Tripteris Rogersii, sp. nov. Caule e rhizomate lignoso validoque spithameo ascendente sparsim ramoso una cum foliis viscidulo-scabrido dein glabrescente ; /b///.s' alternis sessilibus (basi levissime amplexi- caulibus) acutis ambitu anguste oblongis sparsim dentiformi-lobulatis lobulis subulatis acutis; (utpitulis solitariis vel binis sat longe pedun- culatis ]>edunculis paucibracteatis viscidulo-scabridis ; invoh/cri cam- panulati i^hyllis 2-serialibus exterioribus perpaucis lineari-lanceolatis acutis ceteris ovato- vel oblongo-lanceolatis acutis vel obtusis omnibus niembranaceo-marginatis ciliolatisque dorso sparsim scabridis ; ligulis paucis longe exsertis flavis; rt'?' CUMi'O.SJlM: 127 exteriora 3'5-'3 mm., interiora {j6-7 mm. long. Ligiilie 12 mm., anthene 2o mm., stylus vix 5 mm. long., hujus ramis connatis baud exemptis. Achaenia cruda, 1 mm. long. To be inserted next V. ')?iicrocephahim DC, wbich, among otber features, is not entirely stemless and bas larger lyrate-sinuate or pinnatifld petioled leaves, Venidium Bolusii, sp, nov. Acaulescens, csespitosum ; rhizomate valido radices longas subsimplices emittente ; fuliis rosulatis lyrato- lobatis-pinnatifidisve basin versus longiuscule petioliformi-extenuatis basi i:)aullo dilatatis inembranaceis utrobique cano-tomentosis pag. sup. dein glabrescentibus ; injlorescentia scapum monocephalum abbreviatum foliis plane breviorem cano-tomento.sum referente ; capitidis pro rata parvis pluritiosculosis ; involucri subhemispha^rici cano-tomentosi pbyllis 4-serialibus exterioribus subpanduriformibus sub apice dilatatis apice ipso obtusis interioribus ovato-oblongis membrana scariosa obtusissima viridi onustis ; lic/iilis circa 1-i exsertis late oblongis 4-nervibus apice minute 8-denticulatis ; antheiHs basi mieroscopice auriculatis ; styli ramis connatis apice bifidis ; acliceitiis maxime crudis subcylindricis glabris. Cape, Vlaakplants, llielimond Division ; H. H. Bolus ( Hb. Hogers, .11.13804). Folia 2-4 cm. long., summum 7-10 mm. lat. PedunciUus 1 cm. long, vel etiam minus. Capitula pansa circa I'o cm. diam. Invo- lucri pli^dla ext, 5-(j mm., int. 5'5-7 mm. long. Ligulse verisimiliter flavse, 8 mm. long. Anthera^ 2 mm., stylus (ramis 1-5 nmi. long, inclusis) 3 mm., aebsenia (adbuc cruda) 6 mm, long. Near tbe last described but different in foliage, short scape, and smaller heads. Berkheya {Stohwa § Apuleui) cousinioides, sp. nov. Fruticulus earduaceus, caiile stricto supeme ramoso ob folia decurrentia 4-alato (alis denticulatis) uti rami frequenter folioso tomentoque brevi albo obtecto ; foliis alternis raro oppositis sessihbus rigidis plerumque trilobis (summis integris) lobis apice spinescentibus lateralibus quam intermedins manifeste minoribus supra mox glabris pallide nitidis prominenter reticulato-nervosis subtus albo-tomentosis ; copiiulis sessilibus pro rata ^^arvulis hoiuogamis 5-6-tlosculosis ramulos ultimos solitatim corona ntibus ; invoJucri ph^dlis lanceolatis apice spinulosis margineque spinulis distantibus onustus dorso albo-tomentosis ; acJifEuiis adhuc ciiidis anguste tm-binatis obscure costatis glabris ; pajipi paleis late oblongis apice ciliolato-denticulatis. Transvaal, Lydenburg ; n. 14546. Folia pleraque 2-3 cm. long. ; lobi laterales ± o mm., lobus intermedius + 15 mm. long. Capitula pansa circa 10 mm. diam. Involucri phylla pleraque 6-8 mm. long. Receptaculi alveola? in toto 8 mm. alt. ; horum fimbnllae ina?quales, plerumque 3-6 mm. long. Corolla? extus subtiliter glandulosa?, fere 1 cm. long. Acha^nia 3 mm. pappus iEgre 1 mm. long. The very small heads aft'ord an easy means of distinguishing this species. Berkheya {Stohaa § Apidcia) polyacantha, sp. nov. Planta 12S THE JOUHXAL OF BOTANr bispatliamea ; canJe valido erecto simplici strigoso-piloso prominenter aiato alls undulato-lobulatis spinis longitudine varia munitis ; foliis radiealibus eloiigatis ambitu aiiguste oblongo-obovatis dimidio inferiori atteiuiatis apice spinosis margine lobato-pinnatifidis lobis (uti rhaeheos inai gines) dentatis vel denticulatis spinit'erisque supra scabridis subtus (iiervis piloso-pubesceiitibiis exclusis) subtiliter albo-tomentosis -, foliis cauliiiis alternis radiealibus similibus nisi minoribus et decurrentibus et Ijasin versus baud augustatis junioribus gradatim imminutis tandem in ])racteas transeuntibus; capiiulis magnis heterogamis radiatis go -flos- t'ulosis brevipedunculatis perpaueis (circa 3) ad apieem caulis glonieratis; involucri phvllis anguste oblongis ajDice rigide marginibus debilius spinosis utrobique minute puberulis ; lixjulis paullo ultm 20, exsei'tis ; antheris basi breviter caudatis ; sfiilo exserto ; acliceniis turbinatis glabris ; pappi paleis acha3nio paullo brevioribus oblongo- obovatis apice ciliolato-denticulatis. * Transvaal, Standerton ; n. 18459, Alae caulis circa 2 mm. lat. Folia radicalia 20 cm. long., sum- mum (spinis exemptis) 3*5 cm. lat.; rbacliis ± I'o cm. lat., horum spinas longiores 6-8 mm. long,, ceterse breviores. Folia caulina pauca inferiora 11-13 cm, long,, summum 3 cm. lat. ; rliacbis circa 1 cm. lat., superiora 3-8 cm. long., summa linearia, 2 cm, long. Bracteae 2 cm. long. Pedunculi scabridi, circa 2-5 cm. long. Capitula pansa circiter 5 cm. diam. Involucri phylla 13-15 mm. long., inclusa spina terminali 5-6 mm. Liguke oblonga?, 4-nervosse, 3-dentat8e, fere 2 cm, long. CoroUae disci aegre 7 mm, long. Acbaenia 175 mm., pappus 1-5 mm. long. The description of IB. Kuntzei O. Hoffm. reads much like that of til is plant and there is doubtless affinit}^ between the two. Hoffmann says nothing about radical leaves, hence it is to be presumed that the leaves he describes are all cauline, which makes them to be much larger than those of the new species, besides Avhich the}" are said to be glabrous above. Moreover the stem wings of B. Kuntzei are broader, the heads are panicled and their involucral leaves linear, Gerbera (§ Lasiopus) speciosa, sp. nov. Foliis e coUo lanoso elongatis oblongo-obovatis obtusis vel obtusissimis dimidio proximali in petiolum baud long\mi gradatim attenuatis margine integris vel summum undulatis nisi minute denticulatis chartaceis utrinque vt'lutinis ; scapo valido folia facile superante monocephalo dense f ulvo-tomentoso ; capiiulis magnis heterogamis oo - llosculosis ; invo- lucri subhemisphairici phyllis 3-serialibus lineari-lanceolatis acuminatis extimis dorso pubescentibus ceteris fere glabris ; ligulis oo extimis idtra 30 longe exsertis anguste lineari-oblongis obscure 3-denticulatis ])uniceis interioribus quam extimae mvdto minoribus inclusis ; disci tlosculorum lab. ext. ovato-oblongo apice 3-dentato labio int. 2-partito afjuilongo ; antheris basi simpliciter caudatis ; stylo fll. § incluso lamis brevibus obtusis ; achceniis linearibus compressis breviter rostratis sericeis ; pappi setis scabriusculis inferne stramineis superne rubiginosis, Transvaal, Pilgrim's Pest; i?, Fott {Hh. Foyers, n. 14322). Foliorum lamina 15-25 em. long., paullo supra medium 6*5-7 cm. AFKIC'AN COMroSIT.l^ 129 lat. ; costa3 laterales utrinque 8, in pagiiia utravis bene aspectabiles reticulum laxum vero male ; petioli 5 cm. long., satis lati, basi dilatati lanatique alibi pilosi. Scapus ultra 60 cm. long., 2-5-3-5 mm. crass. Capitula jDansa 5 cm. diam. Involucinim 1'5 X 2 cm. Ligulse ext. 13 mm. long. ; corollarum disci labium ext. circa 3 mm. long. Antheraj 5 mm. long, (caudis 1 mm. long, baud exemptis). Stylus ill. disci 7 mm. long, Acbsenia 9 mm. long, (rostro incluso 3 mm.). Pappus 10 mm. long. The large leaves velvety on both sides, the long scape with its large head and the stramineous and reddish pappus are the points more easily seized on in distinguishing this fine species. INVERNESS-SHIRE PLANT-NOTES. By the Rev. E. S. Marshall, M.A., F.L.S. We stayed at the Loch Laggan Hotel from July 11 to August 9,. 1916. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Hanbury were members of our party; Mr. W. D. Miller was also with us for over a fortnight, and Mr. W. A. Shoolbred for about ten days. This neighbourhood (partly in 97 W. Inverness, and partly in 96 E. Inverness) did not seem to be rich in alpine vegetation ; but the season was extremely backward, and our leave to explore one of the moot promising deer-forests expired before it was in good condition. Hieracia were numerous and interesting. I am under special obligation to the Rev. E. F. Linton for his great help in working these out. New records are starred. •Caltlia paJifsfn's L., var. minor Syme. 97. Frequent in rills on the north side of the range between Loch Laggan and Glen Spey, from 3000 to 3300 feet. This tends to root at the nodes, and may really come under C. 7'adicans Forster, as was suggested by Prof. Haussknecht many years ago. The sepals are often brownish on their under-surface. Viola 2^(il^istris L. 97. The beautiful variation with white flowers (forma *alha Gregor}^), hitherto only known from Killarney, was found in small quantity by Mr. Miller in one of the Creag Meaghaidh corries at 3000 feet. V. hitea Huds. 97. A pretty cream-coloured form occurred on grassy hillocks, about a mile east of Loch Laggan, with the violet- flowered forma amoena (Symons), which is locally common ; Ave did not observe the type. Geranium sylvaticiim L,, var. parvijloricm Blytt. 97. Moist meadowy below the Loch Laggan Hotel ; with the tyjDC, and only differing by its very small flowei's. Anthyllis Vulneraria L. 96. A striking variety is plentiful on shingle by the Spey and elsewhere, about Laggan Bridge, and was gathered near Newtonmore Station. Slender, prostrate. Corollas small, yellow ; keel often reddish. Calyx hicoJorous (upper part purplisli red), clothed with white, spreading, silky hairs. It seems to l»30 THE JOURNAL OF BOTANY be var. *piilchena Vis., Fl. Dalm. Suppl, p. 14-1 {A. coninuuiis Roiiy, var. pnlchella Jiouy & Foucaud, Fl. de France, iv. p. 287). This is not given in our lists. \_Soxifrag(t iimbrosa L. has been freely ])lanted br drives on the Ardverikie estate, near Loch Laggan ; and in one place we saw the garden hybrid S. Andrewsii Harvey = 6'. Aizoou X umhrosa.'] Drosera anylica X rotuudifoJia (JD. ohovata Mert. & Koch). 97. Fine and locally abundant, at IfiOO feet, in bogs near the Allt na h' Uaniha, Lochaber, N.W. of Loch Laggan ; also, at 1100 feet, above Mo}^ Lodge. It grows in rather dense tufts, as a rule, Samhucus l^btihis L. 96. Well established at and near the ruins of Kutliven Castle, E. of Kingussie. Hieracium anglicum Fr. 97. llemarkably uncommon ; the t3qDe was only noticed near the south shore of Loch Laggan, and var. longihracteatiim F. J. Hanb. on the banks of the liiver Pattack, a little east of the bridge near the loch. No H. iricum occurred. II. 1 an a well e use F. J. Hanb. 97. Mo}^ Burn, Lochaber. II. hofosericeiim Backh. 97. Very fine in Coire nan Gall. II. eximiiim Backh. 97. Coire nan Gall ; the almost entire- leaved rock-form mentioned in Backhouse's Monofp^apli, p. 22. II. calenduUfiornm Backh. 97. Coire nan Gall. H. ciirvatum Elfstrand. 97. Coire nan Gall ; scarce. *II. Backliousei F. J.' Hanb. 96. In small quantity on rocks at 2SO0 feet, Geal Charn, above Glen Markie. //. MarsliaUi Linton. 96*. Geal Charn. 97*. Coire nan Gall ; this niaj' be var. cremnantlies F. J. Hanb., as the toothing is very jcoarse. ' H. clirysantlium Backh. 97. Coire nan Gall; untyj^ical in its livid styles and ciliate ligules. Immature specimens, apparently the same thing, Avere found by Mr. Miller on one of the Ardverikie Forest hills. *H. simians F. J. Hanb. 97. Coire nan Gall. H. siihnnirorum Lindeberg. 97. Coire nan Gall. *II. centripetaJe F. J. Hanb. 96. Pipen's Burn, Glen Markie ; Allt Coire Dhuibh, Glen Shirra. At 1500 feet, in both cases. *II. liyparcticnm Almquist, forma. 96. Allt Coire Dhuibh, with the previous species. Our larger jspecimens agree very closely with the original British ones from near Inchnadamph, AV. Sutherland, and with Hanbury's figure; our smaller plants superlicially resemble II. enprepes., but their head-clothing is quite unlike. An interesting extension of its Scottish range, on non-calcareous soil. *II. Leyi F. J. Hanb. 97. Coire nan Gall; a form Avith pure A'ellow styles, and ligule-tips very ciliate. *II. Sclimidtii Tausch. 96. Sparingly on river-shingle near Laggan Bi'idge ; a narrow-leaved, very hairy plant, coming nearest to the form which grows by the Naver, below lietty Hill, W^. Suther- land, but tending towards the group of H. orimeles in some respects. *97. II. ruhicundum F. J. Hanb. 97. Allt Coire Choille-i*ais ; Coire nan Gall, up to 2500 feet. *97. II. carenorum F. J. Hanb. (alpine variety, or form). 97, Eocks, at 1500 feet, Craig na Caillich, above Moy, Lochaber; also at IXVEENESS-SniKE PL^NT-NOTES 131 2500 feet in Coire nan Gall, These approach IT. argenteum in habit, being unusually narrow -leaved ; but they are leiis glaucous, with more glandular and less pilose heads and peduncles, and slightly ciliate ligules. They are practically the same as m^^ No. 3419 from Eeallach Corrie, Ben W^^vis, v.c. 106, Mr. Druce ]\-a?> found this species in central Scotland ; but 1 forget the locality, H. argenteum Fr. 97. Creag na Cailliche ; Mr. Hanbury gathered some tine .specimens near TuUcch Station. 96.' Abundant on river- shingle, Laggan Bridge. *II. 2)iieudo)iosnioides Dahlst. Frequent and often luxuriant on rocks above the road, close to Loch Laggan Hotel ; also about two miles eastward. K, calUstoplii^llum F. J. Hanb., var. cremnantlies F, J. Hanb. 97. Coire nan Gall. This comes very near H. MarshalU, under w hich it was first described ; indeed, I think that H. collhtopliyllmn should follow that species, and belongs to the Alpina Nigrescentia, rather than to the ^ilvatica group. *II. silvaticum Gouan, var. suhtenue W. K. Linton. 96. Pipen's Burn. a. ciliatum Almq. 97. Allt Coire Choille-rais ; also on rocks, above the Kiver Pattack, two miles or more E. of Loch Laggan. Very like the W. Yorks specimens in the Lintons' Set. H. pictorum Linton. 96. Pipen's Burn. *Zf. petrocliaris Linton. 97. Shaded rocks near the Loch Laggan, Hotel, at the remarkably low level of about 850 feet. '' Heads very good for that ; leaves a bit off type " (E. F. L.). *II. sagittatum Lindeberg, var. lanuginosum Lonnroth ? 97. Mr.. Linton suggests this name for two of our gatherings, from rocks, above the Pattack, and from the Allt Coire Choille-rais. *R. rotundafum Kit. 97. Allt na h' Uamha ; Allt Coire Choille-. rais- *II. dissimile Lindeberg, var. poJicenum Dahlst. 96. On shingle b}^ the Markie Burn, Crathie. Differs from our usual form in foliage, and in the considerably more lloccose heads and peduncles. ^H. porrigens Almquist ? 97. Four examples (only in bud) of a plant very near this, but also approaching H. rectulum Ley, occurred by the Allt na h' Uamha, at 1400 feet. *II. duriceps F. J. Hanb., var. cravoniense F. J. Hanb. 97. Rocky ground, a little east of Loch. Laggan. I now name this with some confidence, after making two " bad shots " ; it is considerably larger than any of my herbarium material, but agrees in all essential points. Styles dark. Ligules (often imperfect) glabrous. Heads with many white hairs; glands few. Leaves firm, deep green, becoming ^^ellowish. *1I. I'ulgatum Fr,, var. suhravuscidum W. R. Linton. 97. Very fine in fir-plantations, &c., near the east end of Loch Laggan. I believe that I also saw this between Laggan Bridge and Cluny Castle (96) ; but no voucher was preserved. *II, acroleucum Stenstrom, 96. Markie Burn, at Crathie. " Agrees with the average of my Swedish acroleucum ; the glands on- the phyllaries varv much, from hardly any to several, as here " (E. F. L., in litt.). 132 THE JOUBXAL OF BOTANY *H. diaplianoides Lindeberg, var. apicidatum Linton. 96. Markie Burn, Crathie, on shingle. A rare form, only known before from the Clova district and near the Spital of Glen Shee. *II. diaphamim Fr., var. f/laucovirens Dahlst. 96. Frequent by the Spey, &c., about Laggan Bridge and Crathie ; agreeing closely with most of my authoritatively named material. Rather near the previous plant in heads, though these are smaller; but di:ffering greatly in its taller, more slender habit, and in the thin, less deeply- toothed foliage, which is often purplish red. H. gothicum Fr. 96. Remarkably abundant on grassy banks, by river-sides, &c., about Crathie, Laggan Bridge, and Cluny Castle ; styles always pure yellow in this neighbourhood. Here it varies much; besides the normal form (which is, perhaps, the most plentiful), I saw specimens matching that called by Lindeberg var. has i folium. Another has so much white hair on the heads that I mistook it for H. sparsifolium ; and a third has the phyllaries a good deal clothed Avith floccose down. H. sticfoplu/Uum Dahlst. *96. Plentiful by the Markie Burn and Spey, about Crathie and Laggan Bridge. *97. Near the east end of Loch Laggan (occasionally with concolorous leaves) ; ascending to 2000 feet on Carn Liath. Styles (here) invariably pure yellow. ^H, sparsifolium Lindeberg. 96. Grassy slopes, about halfway between Laggan Bridge and Cluny Castle ; this may be an undescribed variation, differing from the type by its golden styles and more glandular heads. II. reticulatum Lindeberg, var. *ampJidenfatum F. J. Hanb. (described under H. strictum Fr.). 96. One very characteristic plant, by the Spey, below Crathie. AVhat was almost certainly this, but only seen in bud, grew on rocks, two miles or more east of Loch Laggan (97). II. auratum Fr. 97. Frequent in the valley of the River Pattack. H. umhellatum L., var. Hinariifolium Wallr. 96. Gmss}^ slopes between Laggan Bridge and Cluny Castle. Taraxacum spectahile Dahlst. Common on the mountains ; foliage usually blotched (var. maculigerum Dahlst.). Vaccinium Vitis-Idcea L. 97. A very luxuriant form, or state, abounds in the fir-woods on the Ai-dverikie domain. Pyrola media Sw. and P. minor occur here and there, about Ardverikie ; P. seen }i da L. was also seen, scarce and barren, but it flowered on rocks by the Allt na h' Uamha. lihinanfhus major xminor (x AlectroIopJnts fillax Sterneck). 96. I think that a puzzling plant, found rather i)lentifully in moist pastures near the Spey at Laggan Bridge, is probal)ly tliis hybrid. Intermediate in habit. "^ Bracts pale green. Corolla-a])pendages often spreading horizontally, as in li. major. Seed-wing nan-ow. li. stenoj)}n/Uus Schur. 96, 97. Common in low-lying pastures ; observed as high up as 1300 feet, but much reduced in size. R. monticola Druce. 97. Grassy moorlands, Ardverikie Forest, a])ove 1000 feet. E. borealis Druce. ♦06. Geal Charn. 97. Coire nan Gall. From 2500 to 2700 feet ; very Hue, broad-leaved examples, occasionally TNTERXESS-SHIEE PLAXT-XOTES 133 over a foot high, were obtained. The allied segregate i?. Driimmond- Hayi we did not see. MelamiJijriim jpratense L., var. 'piivpureum Hartman (Skand. FL, ed. 1). 97. Carn Liath, from 2800 to 3000 feet. Corolla yellowish white, beautifully streaked and tipped with bright crimson. I believe that this is an alpine colour- variation of Johnston's JjT. montanum. Betula ■puhescens Ehrh. 97. A young bush, growing in damp woodland above the Iliver Pattack, was much infested with a crimson parasitic growth, looking like a fungus. Mr. W. AV'atson, of Taunton School, to whom I sent fresh pieces, at first thought this to be Melam- psora hetiilina, a ' rust ' ; but microscopical examination proved that it was of a different nature. Later on, he submitted it to Prof. Sw^anton, who reported that the felt of red hairs was due to the mite Eriophyps rudis Canest, var. longiseta Nalepa (see his British Plant Galls, No. 198). " There is an illustration of this in Greville's Cryptogamic Elora, p. 21. Greville thought the felt was a fungus, and called the club-shaped hairs sporidia, tiiinking that they had something to do with the reproduction of the plant by spores. The name given to this supposed fungus was Erineum hetidinum Schum." *Salix aurita X viminalis. 96. On shingle by the Markie Burn, Crathie ; decidedly on the viminalis side, but showing the influence of the other parent in its dwarf habit (not over 18 inches high) ; the shorter, relatively broader, cuneate-based leaves ; their frequent denti- culations ; and the glabrescent wood. *^'. aurita X pliylicifolia. 96. Grrowing near the last ; a good intermediate, as Mr. Linton agrees. aS'. lapponum L. 96, 97. Here and there on the hills, but not very common. S. caprea L., var. *spliacelata Wahlenberg (*S'. spliacelata Sm.). 96. By the Spey, above and below Crathie. 97. Allt Coire Choille- rais, at about 1800 feet (seen and passed by E. F. L.). Orchis incarnata L. 97. The purplish-red form is common near Loch Laggan ; that with flesh-coloured flowers being scarce. Hahenaria viridis Br., var. hracteata Gray. 97. Coire nan Gall, at 2500 feet ; less well-marked, east of Loch Laggan. Hardly deserves to rank as a variety ; intermediates are numerous. Juncus tenuis Willd. 97. A few tufts by a cart-track above Loch Laggan Hotel, whence it may spread to the main road. Eriophornm latifolium Hoppe. 97. Apparently rare ; only seen in one moorland bog, S.W. of Loch Laggan. Carex atrata L. Ji7. Frequent in Coire Ardair and Coire nan Gall. C. G-oodenoicii Gay, var. chlorostachya Ascherson. 95. Moorland swamp, Strath Mashie. Fruit light green, much exceeding the glumes. Near this grew a somewhat different form, which may be var. angusti- folia Blytt, Norges Flora, p. 213 (18(31), a name suggested by Mr. Bennett ; as did C. panicea L., var. tumidula Laestadius, and C. lasiocarpa Ehrh. C. saocatilis L. (pulla Good.). 97. Only seen in Coire Choille- rais, at 2800 feet. Phlpum alpinum L. 97. Coire nan Gall and Coire Choille-rais, from 2500 to 2800 feet. 134 THE JOURNAL OF BOTAXY Descliampsia ^flexnosa Trin., var. wontana Hook, fil, (Aira montana Huds.). Common on the range N. of Loch Laggan. 31eUca nutans L. 97. Apparently rare ; we only noticed it on a rock above the road, 2k miles E. of Loch Laggan. Athyrium alpestre Milde. 97. Corries north of Loch Laggan, in profusion and very variable ; much of it agi'ced rather well with Syme's description of his var. ohtusatimi. Stipes often extremely shoii;, suggesting A. flexile Syme ; but I saw nothing which matches authentic material. Equisetum sylvaticum L., var. *capiUare (Hoffni;). 97. Damp wooded rocks above the River Pattack. jBJ. palustre L., var. *teiiue Doll. 97. Wet bogs, Sti-sith Mashie. MYCOLOGICAL NOTES.— III. By W. B. Geoye, M.A.* Amphichgeta eiiropaea G-rove, sp. nov. Acervulis gregariis, cauli- colis, pra^cipue prope nodos dispositis, ovalibus v. oblongis, subatratis, primo tectis, deinde erumpentibus nudatisque, usque ^ mm, longis, prominulis, denique elabentibus foveolasque minutas relinquentibus. Sporis eliipsoideis, pedieellatis, 3-septatis, non constrictis, 12-15 x 4|-5 /u, loculis interioribus olivaceis, pedicello deciduo, recto, 10 x 1^-2 }ji, caetera trimorphis — (1) loculis extimis subconicis, hyalinis, inferiore tantum seta oblique inserta, 8-14x1 fji, pedicellum sub- tequante v. breviore, instructo.; (2) loculo superiore seque seta flexuosa v. incurva sporam subsequante instructo ; (3) loculo superiore dilute f uscidulo v. olivaceo, superne obtuse rotundato, non aristato. Hab. in sarmentis crassis emortuis Vitis vinifercd, King's Cliffe {Berkeley, Martio, 1851). Berkeley's specimen has remained for over 65 years unnoticed in the Kew Herbarium and undescribed. It is localised in his own handwriting and accompanied b}^ one of his well-known little sketches, in which, however, the setae are not shown. Ampliiclicdfa has been known hitherto only from California (for Pestalozzia ? anouHila Harkn. is an Amphich(jeta) and from Australia, where several species occur on leaves and stems, and of these A. Hakece Grove shows exactly the same trimorphism as A. europcea. Nevertheless, the ])resent species has been met with on another occasion in Europe, viz. in France, but was ill-observed and therefore misdescribed by Briard (in liev. Mycol. 1S8G, p. 25) under the name Pestalozzia monochcBtoidea var. affinis Sacc. & Br., " sur les sarments moi"ts et coupes du Vitis vinifera^ It happens that the spores which have only the basal seta are most common, and the pedicel is very deciduous. In order, therefore, to get the seta apical (as it should be in P. monochcBtoidea) Briard turns the spores upside down and says that they are "arrondies generalement ou uttenuees (pielquefois a la base, a loge superieure conique et hyaline, celle de la base plus obtuse et de couleur plus foncee." PucciNiA LONUissiMA Schrot. Ureclo-sori epipliyllous, arranged in rows or little groups between the nerves, marked on the lower * Continued from Journ. Bot. 1913, p. 4G. MTCOLOGTCAL XOTES 135 Puccinia longissima, S-povea X 500. surface by discoloured spots, oblong, about | mm. in length, siu*- rounded by the split epidermis, deep orange-brown, somewhat like those of P. dispersa, at length pulverulent; spores ovoid or roundish, rather thin-walled, but ])rovided with several scattered thickened areas (pores), about 25-30 n diam., tinely echinulate, with orange contents and a yellowish or pale - brown coloured meui- brane, often much like that of P. dispersa ; jx^dicels long, slender, broadened at top. Teleuto-sori similar but nar- rower, more often lanceolate, surrounded and partly covered by the cleft epidennis, at length naked, but not pul- verulent, deep chestnut - brown ; spores elongate, oblong or subclavate, yellowish-brown, 60-120 X 12-20 ^ ; upper cell ellipsoid or cylindrical, thickened above (up to 10 /,<) where it is rounded or attenuated to a blunt (sometimes oblique) point and darker, i. e. chestnut-brown ; lower cell usually + cylindrical, mostlv longer than the upper one (by as much as one-third), paler and narrower, sometimes, especially when shorter, attenuatecl downwards, and obovoid or pyriform, thin-walled; a constriction at the darker septum or none ; pedicels short, pale-brownish. On Koeleria cristata, in two localities near Aberdeen, Sept. 20 1916 (Prof. Trail). There are often five bordered ^^ores visible on one face of a uredo-spore, or as many as four round the margin. This is the British Uredine which has hitherto been put doubtfully under P. jyaliformis Fckl., but it is certainly not that species (which after all may not be anything but P. Caricis). It may not be identical in every respect with P. lom/issima, as described by Bubak, which was on K. gracilis and had its a^cidia on Sedtun. But it is at any rate very closely allied to that species as is shown^ by the remarkable and unusvial length of the teleutospores, from which it derives its name. I take this opportunity, which I owe to the kindness of Mr. A. D. Cotton who communicated the spe- cimens, of furnishing accurate figures from the new gatherin"-, made while it was still fresh. Some of the sjDores were like those fio-ured in my Ricst Fimr/i (fig. 217) ; these are not reproduced here, but far more Avere like the figures now given. Professor Trail is to be congratulated on his success in havhig cleared up so far the identity of his previous find wdiich dated so long ago as 1883, Chrtsomyxa Rhododexdei De By. This Uredine was first discovered in Britain by Mr. D, A. Bftyd, who found the uredo- 130 tup: .ioihx.vl of hotaxy spores on leaves of lihodoth'mh'on lii ray turn at Douglas Castle, Lanarkshire, in June, 1913. He afterwards found the teleutospores. The aeeidium-stage was first found hy Dr. Borthwick on the Spruce {Ficea excelsa) in S.W. Scotland in 1913 (see Trans. Bot. Soc. Edinb. 1914, p. xxxiii), and afterwards by Prof. Trail in Aber- deenshire, Sept. 1916, where it was becoming- a danger to Spruce plantations in several places. The white inflated peridia, ari-anged in two longitudinal rows, one on each side of the mid-rib, on the underside of the leaves, render the jecidium very conspicuous. This pamsite was evidently introduced into Britain only a few years ago, and since neither the Spruce nor the Rhododendron can be suppressed it is not easy to see how to prevent its spreading. It is very common in Switzerland wherever the Alpine Roses and the Spruce occur together. Stemphylifm macrospoeotdeum (Berk.) Sacc. Mycelium creeping, very slender, colourless. Conidia on short erect colourless pedicels, at first 1 -celled and colourless, then 2- or 3-celled, pale brownish, afterwards brown and 4-celled, roundish, 16-20 fx diam., the cells cruciately arranged, finall}^ possessing 5, 6 or more cells and becoming rather irregular. On a plaster-of- Paris disc, on which SaccJiaromi/ces had been grdwn for sporulation, W. J. Hodi/etts. The Stemphijlium grew among the Saccharowyces probably by aid of the small amount of nutrient fluid which had been placed upon the disc with the Yeast. When the spores reached the 4-celled stage, the cells were at first cruciately arranged, exactly like the tetraspores of Gracilaria, but soon they became slightly altered in pose and assumed a perfect tetrahedral grouping , ,. ... as at ff : most of the spores were in this Spores X 500. state, but a tew produced one or more additional septa, so as to ^present a certain resemblance to a Mulberry, as Berkeley noted. This very uncommon fungus was so badly figured by Cooke in the ** Handbook " {Epochnium macrosporoidium, fig. 293) that it is thought advisable to give accurate figures of the spores here. Aspergillus prMiaATUS Fres. Specimens of this fungus, which causes disease in human beings, have been sent to me by Mr. J. W. H. Johnson from Yorkshire, where it has occurred in connection with the water-supply^ of the rivers. Ztqodesmus fulyus Sacc. In Journ. Bot. 1912, p. 17, I recorded this species, with doubt, from Yorkshire. The doubt was founded on two facts, (1)1 could find no clamp-connections, (2) the conidia seemed to be always terminal and frequently in fours ; the colour also was rather pale ochraceous than goldcn-tawny, but that might be due to fading. Since then I have received from Dr. J. S. Ikyliss Elliott a beautiful specimen (from Lyndhurst. Hants) exactly agreeing with Saccardo's description, and undoubtedly the true species; it has abundant clamp-connections and the spores appear to be mostly lateral. It presents, however, one peculiar feature — the hyphse are in manv cases tjlued together in fascicles of about 3-6 after the stvle of Core in noil. IIERKFOKDSIITRE :\1 VCKTOZO.V 137 HEREFORDSHIRE MVCETOZOA. Br Norm AX G. Haddex. So little appears to be known of the distribution of Mycetozoa in the West of Eng'land tbat a list of the species hitherto recorded from the county of Hereford may prove of some interest. Apparently no resident in the count}^ has taken more than a passing interest in the group ; most of tlie records quoted below were made during the Hereford Foray of the British Mycological Society in 1902, others by Mr. Carleton Rea (included in his list in the ' A^ictoria County History '), and the remainder by myself during four years' residence on the Worcestershire side of the Malvern Hills which separate that county from Herefordshire. The only parts of the county which I have worked at all systematicall}^ are the West Malvern and Colwall districts ; the great woods of Stoke Edith, Fawley, and other districts appear to have been unexplored as regards Mycetozoa, but the}^ should yield a rich harvest. Although the following list is not a long one compared with those of better worked counties, it will be found to include several very interesting and uncommon species :— Ceratiomyxa fndiciilosa Macbride. Holme Lacy, Dinmore, Whitfield (Y.C.H'.). West Malvern. Colwall. Badhamia ittricularis Berk. West Malvern. Colwall. Some- times in great abundance on old logs. Physarum viride Pei*s. British Camp. West Malvern. Colwall. V. aurantium Lister. ^ Purlieu Lane, Colwall. — P. 7iutans Pers. Haywood Forest, Eastnor, Brockhamptou (V.C.H.). Abundant about West Malvern. Subsp. leiicophoeum Lister. Haywood Forest, Moccas (V.C.H.). West Malvern. Colwall. — P. conipressum Alb. & Schw. West Malvern. — P. siniiosum Wein. Hereford foray Brit. Myc. Soc. 1902 (V.C.H.). West Malvern. Bosbury. Fuliqo sfptica Gmel. Stoke Edith, Holme Lacy, Credenhill (V.C.H.*). Mathon. West Malvern. Craterium pedjinciilafum Trent. Dinmore, Downton and Whit- field (V.C.H.). West Malvern. Colwall— C. leucocephaUim Ditm. West Malvern. Leocarpns friKfilis Rost. Foxley, Dinmore, Holme Lacy, Eastnor and West Malvern (V.C.H.). Diderma spumarioides Rost. Hereford foray, 1902 (V.C.H.). West Malvern. Colwall. — -D. cffiisum Morgan. Purlieu Lane, Colwall, 1914. — D. Trevehjani Rost. West Malvern ; large gather- ings in January and February 19 J 8 and in April 1914. A rare and very beautiful species when mature. — -D. radiafum Rost. West Malvern, Nov. 1911 and Jan. 1913. Did ij mi urn difforine Duby. Whitfield, Dinmore, Holme Lacy, Eastnor (V.C.H.). Wind's Point. West Malvern, abundant on hedge clippings etc. — D. clavus Rost. West Malvern. — D. melano- spermum Macbr. Hackett's AVood, Colwall. — B. nigripts Fries. West Malvern. — D. squamidosiim Fries. Downton (V.C.H. ). Abundant in the West Malvern district. Mucilago sponc/iosa Morgan. Rothei-w^as, Moccas, Whitfield (V.C.H.). Brock Hill, ColwalL JOUEXAL OP BOTAXT. VoL. DO. [Ma Y. 1917.] L 18S THE JOL'RXAL OF BOTiLXY CoUodenna ocuhttmn G. Lister. Brock Hill, Colwall and in larch-wood bv Jubilee Drive near British Camp, Stemonitis fusca lloth. Havwood Forest, Dinmore, Whitfield (^Y.C.H.). West Malvern. Colwall. Comatricha nigra Schroet. Dinmore, Eastnor (Y.C.H.). West Malvern. Colwall. Abundant. — C. laxa liost. AVest Malvern, July 1914. This ajipears to be a rare s])ecies in the Midlands, though common in Devon and Somerset. — C. tijphoides Bost. Purlieu Lane, Colwall. — C. pnlcheUa Bost. v. fusca Lister. West Malvern, 1911: v. fenernma Lister. Brock Hill, Colwall. — C. ruhens Lister. Colwall 1911. AYest Malvern. 191-1, an abundant development of this rather scarce species. Enertheiiema papiUata Bost. AYest Malvern. Colwall. LamproJerma scintillans Morg. AVest Malvern, Bosburv. — L. colli inhinum Bost, AA^est Malvern, Xov. 1913. — L. vioJaceum Bost. AYest Malvern. Ecliinosfeliuui mimifum de Bary, Hereford Foray of British Mycological Society 1902, when it was obtained by Miss A. Lorrain Smith ; this was the fii-st record of this minute species for Britain. BrefchUa maxima Bost. AVest Malvern, Nov. 1913. A quantity of the cream-coloured plasmodium was found on rotten wood and matured indoors. Liuilhladia effum Bost. Lyonshall (A^.C.H.). Crihraria argillacea Pers. West Malvern. Dicfydium cancellatiim Macbr. AYest Malvern. Tuhifera fen'ug inosa Gmel. Brockhampt«n (A'.C.H.). Dicfj/dicefhalinm p)iumheum Bost, Belmont (A'',C.H.). Mnieridium olivacenm Ehrenb. Near British Camp, 191-1. Reticularia lycoperdon Bull. Dinmore, Holme Lacv, AVhitfield, Eastnor, Colwall (Y.C.H.). West Malvern. Lijcocjaln epidrndnim Fries. Credenhill, Downton, Eastnor, AYhitfield, Brockhampton (Y.C.H.). AYest Malvern. TricJfia ajfinis de Bary. AA^est Malvern. — T. persiiuilis Karst. Hereford, Eastnor, Brockham])ton (A^.C.H.). AYest Malvern. Col- wall.— T. varia Pers. Downton, Dinmore (A^.C.H.). AYest Mal- vern.— T. dpcipiens ]\Iacbr. Holme Lacy, Stoke Edith (A^,C.H.), West Malvern, Colwall, Eastnor, — T. conforta Bost, AYest ]\ralvern, Colwall.— T. botn/fis Pers. AYhitfield (Y.C.H.). Colwall. AYest Malvern. Hemifrichia vesparium Macbr, and II. clavafa Bost, Colwall, Arci/7'ia cinerea Pers, AVest Malvern. A yellow form at Brock Hill, Colwall, 191-1-. — A. denudatn Sheldon. Credenhill, Dinmore, Eastnor, P.rockhampton, AVhitKeld, Stoke Edith (Y.C.H.), Colwall. AVest Malvern, — A. incarnata Pers. AYest Malvern. Colwall. Yery ])lentiful. doubtless it occurs throughout the countv. — A. nutans (Jrev. Downton, Colwall (Y.C.H.). AVest Malvern. Pfrichfcna cortical is Bost. Dinmore (A'.C.H.). AYest Malvern. Colwall. Dianema deprcssuni Lister. AYest Malvern ; rather frequent. Prototrichia Jlagellifera Bost. West Malvern, April 1914. A small gathering on old Clematis stems. SHORT XOTES 139 SHORT XOTES. Caeex pseudo-paeadoxa S. Gibson (p. 113). It is not my wish to enter upon such length}^ arguments as filled the pages of the Phytolo- gist in lSJ:2-44, but Mr. Bickham's interesting note seems to call for some few words in defence of my original remarks. I must admit that the production of an undoubted example of teretiuscula named jpseudo-])aradoxa by Gibson seems a strong point, but with specimens there is always the possibility of confusion orev^en mis-labelling; with descriptions one is not so likely to be misled. How can Ave place any teretiuscula form under Gibson's diagnosis of the plant which he first described as a variety of that species, but subsequently' named C. pseudo- paradoxa — "fruit agreeing with Leighton's figure of the fruit of C. paniculata''' (Phytol. i. 366, 1S42), and stem "that has three acute angles, with the insterstices flat, or, if I were to sj^eak with exactness, I might sa.}^ the interstices- are concave." (op. cit. 1048, 1844) ? Again, Gibson says that his jjlant also grows plenti- fully by the sides of tlie Malham tarn" (op. cit. 779, 1843).; has anyone seen C. teretiuscula there ? Luxford (op. cit. 896, 1844) remarks — ■" I was somewhat surprised to learn from Mr. Sidebotham that some of his botanical friends, as well as himself, considered the plant to be the C. paradoxa Willd." ; I do not imagine Mr. Side- botham would have said this of teretiuscula, but I may say I fell into the same error myself respecting the ForfarshireqDlant and quite thought, at first, it was the true plant of Willdenow. I suggest that the solution of the matter may be found in the words of Mr. Bickham when he says, "in deeper water [grow] small tufts of C. paniculata, very inferior to those frequently found in C^ieshire Meres and there- fore not generally gathered for specimens." These " inferior " examples ma}' have been identical with those originally sent Gibson and from which he drew up the diagnosis of his new species ; then later, other specimens, possibly mixed with teretiuscula, may have been sent him later, all labelled as the new plant and distributed. No other explanation, to meet the difficulty, suggests itself to me, — ^C. E. Salmo^\ Epilobium hirsutum X PALL'STRE in S. Devon. Mr. W. P. Hiei-n has kindly sent me the Eighth Report (1916) of the Devon Botanical Committee. This hybrid, now known for three English vice-counties, is there recorled from Alphington, v. c. 3, in the Exeter district ; likewise -E*. hirsutumxparvijlorum. from Sowton, in the Honiton District. — Edward S. Marshall. REVIEW. The Frinciples of Plant Teratology. By W. C. Worsdell, F.L.S. Vol. ii, Svo', pp. xvi, 296, figs. 61-15.5, Plates 26-53. Ray Society, 1916. Price 25^". net. The earlier volume of Mr. WordselFs work, which was noticed in last year's Journal (p. 149), dealt with the non- vascular plants and the vegetative organs of the vascular plants. The second volume, which completes the work, deals with the flower. The author uses the term " flower " to include all specially modified poi'tions of the r^O THE JOURNAL OF BOTANY axis on Avliicli sporophylls and accessory organs are aggregated for purposes of reproduction, and considers under this head abnormal structures affecting not only the "flower" of angiosperms but also the " cones " of gymnosperms and vascular cryptogams and the sporo])hylls of ferns. The*^ subject-matter is arranged under three main sections : — di:fferentiation, simplification and adventitious flowers. Under the flrst head are grouped the phenomena of proliferation ; forking and fasciation ; disruption — a term employed to describe the splitting of the maize-cob, a female inflorescence, into its primitive constituents or branches, which have become fused together in the normal cob, the result is a paniculate inflorescence resembling the male— ; positive dedoublement, including polyphylly, an increase in the number of members of a whorl and pleiotaxy, an increase in the number of whorls ; dialysis — the dissociation of members belonging to the same or different Avhorls ; and metamorphosis. The chapter on metamor- phosis occupies more than one third of the volume. The view is adopted that the *' flower " has been evolved from an elongated leafy shoot, with the " cone " as an intermediate stage ; the pteridosperm- C3^cad phylum supplies an objective case, the shoot becomes congested and the leaf-like sporoplndls become reduced and simplified to the modern cycad-sporophylls, and crowded in spirals or whorls on the shortened axis. " If this is true of the flowers and cones of the Cj^cads, it must be equall}' true of the very similarly organized flowers of the Angiosperms." Under metamorphosis are considered the phenomena of phyllody (also known as chloranthy), or the change of floral leaves into leaf -like structures, as in the green rose ; squamody and bractt^ody, or a change into scales or bracts ; sepalody ; petalody ; zvgomor])hy, a change from a radiate to a bilateral synnnetry ; pelory ; staminody ; carpellody and s]~)orangiody. These ])henomena are con- sidered under the headings of the different organs affected, namely, calyx, corolla, androecium, gyncKcium, and the sporophylls of ciypto- gams. The section on simplification, a comparatively short one, includes (1) the abbreviation of the inflorescence and flower — that is, the opposite condition to proliferation ; (2) adnation of floral axes, either with each other or with floral leaves, or of floral leaves with each other ; (8) cohesion, such as synanthy or the union of entire flowers ; and (4) suppression. Adventitious flowers are rare. Reference is made to a few cases of flowers arising in tlie position of ovules, and the remarkable case of the Xejjaul barley is described. Througliout the volume n\nnerous exam])les are described and illustrated and their mori)h()l()gy and its bearing on general principles is disciissed from the author's point of view as enunciated in the mtroduction to the first volume. Tlie second like the earlier volume is ])rofuselv ilhistrated and some of tlie ])lates are in colour. While botanists may differ from Mi*. "VVorsdelTs views on abstract morphologv, they will be grateful for this classified arrangement and description of a large series of plant abnormalities. The Principles of Flartf Terafolofji/ will hold an im])ortant ])lace among botanical bo(>k< of r.dVnMR'e. A. H. II. BOOK-^'OTES, XKW?;, ETC. 141 BOOK-NOTES, NEWS, etc. A COMMUNICATION bv Professoi' Weiss to the JSIanchesfer Guardian of March 29 announces that Mr. Charles Baile}^ has presented his her- barium to the Manchester University. Prof. Weiss writes : "■ The acquisition of this superb collection added to the existing herbarium of the Maneliester Museum, and more particularly to the large and valuable collection of non-European plants presented to the University in 1904 by Mr. Cosmo Melvill when he retired from business in Manchester, places Manchester among the foremost of British institutions in respect of this necessary instrument of botanical study and research. In a communication which Mr. Bailey made last Tuesday to the Manchester Literarj^ and Philosophical Society, he mentions that the foundations of his herbarium Avere * laid more than sixty years ago, in the dingy lecture-room of the late Professor W. C. Williamson, in the old Owens College in Quay Street, and it is fitting that it should revert to the University of wdiich OAvens College was the forerunner.' It is equally appropriate that the A^ast collection Avhich has been brought together by tlie enterprise and assiduity of a Manchester business man should permanently enrich the city of which he was a prominent and active citizen. His long and intimate connection Avith the scientific interests of Manchester, both as treasurer of the Literary and Philosophical Society and as president of the Manchester Field Club, and the charm of his personality, have en- deared him to a long line of botanical students, and this last generous gift to the University of Manchester is a fitting climax to a lifetime in Avhich he devoted so much thought and all his wonderful methodical energy to the building up of Avhat is at present undoubtedly the finest private herbarium in Britain. The comprehensiveness of his collection may be gathered from the fact that the British portion contains no less than 87.000 separate sheets of mounted plants, Avhile the European portion amounts to 295,000 sheets. Mr. Bailey has made generous provision for the cost of transference of his herbarium to Manchester, and also towards the expenses of completing the mounting of the specimens, so that it may be available for study and reference." An inspection of the list of the principal contents of the herbarium Avhich Mr. Bailey has been so kind as to send us shoAvs that these include the principal European and Oriental collections disti'ibuted during the last fifty years, as Avell as numerous British herbaria of interest. Among the latter may be mentioned AndrcAvs's Saxifrages and the plants of De Crespigny, H. S. Fisher, John Hardy, J. Har- bord LcAvis, F. T. Mott, W. L. Notcutt, and James Ward, besides such sets as have from time to time been published. The herbarium has been most carefully preso'ved and is admirabl}^ arranged : Avith such a foundation Manchester can hardly fail to become the most important botanical centre for the north of England. At the meeting of the General Organizing Committee of the Fourth International Botanical Congress, held at the rooms of the Linnean Society on February 15th, Lt.-Col. Sir David Prain, C.M.Gr., presiding, the Secretary (Dr. Rendle) stilted that as the j^roposod London Congress of 1915 had not been held the initiative for deciding the date and place of tlie next Congress rested Avitli the Association 142 THE JOUEXAL OF BOTANY Internationale des Botanistes, and therefore the present committtee had no longer any status. He then suggested the possibilit}^ of holding a Botanical Congress on somewhat different lines after the declaration of peace ; this might perhaps take the form of an Imperial Congress. The Treasui-er stated that the unexpended balance of the funds collected for the local expenses might be used for the purpose of another Congress provided the consent of the subscribers was ob- tained. The following resolutions were then ])assed : — (1) That the Organizing Committee be forthwith dissolved and that the Members thereof become Members of a new Organizing Committee with a view to considering after the declaration of peace proposals for further action in regard to holding a Botanical Congress. (2) That the Members of the former Executive Committee are hereby appointed the Executive Committee of this Committee as now reconstituted, and that such Executive Committee be insti-ucted at the proper time to submit to this Committee such proj^osals and sugges- tions as they may consider desirable in regard to the holding of a Botanical Congress. (3) That the subscribers to the fund for the International Botanical Congress of 1915 be invited to alloAV the halance of their subscriptions unexpeuded (and subject to the discharge of any out- standing liabilities) to be handed to the new Executive Committee in furtherance of the above objects. At the meeting of the Linnean Society on March 15, Dr. R. R. Gates, F.L.S., read a paper entitled '*A Sj'stematic vStudj of the North American JSIdcuithacece from the Genetic Standpoint." His assumption, based upon experiment during the last fifteen years, is that the variations which mark species have not been universally continuous and infinitesimal, but often definite and discontinuous. Definite variation is not necessarily orthogenetic variation, but marked variation which may occur in any, or in many, directions simul- taneously. The experience gained in Avork on the mutations in (Enothera is turned to account in this group of Liliales Avhich has not hitherto been the subject of experiment. Pairs of species have been taken and investigated on this basis. Related genera showing marked differences in structure often co-exist side by side, showing that these differences cannot be claimed as of selective value, but have arisen from " spontaneous variation " and have been perpetuated by heredity. Two parts, costing a shilling each, of the Natural History Report of the British Antarctic ("Terra Nova") Expedition of 11)10 have been issued by the British Museum (Natural History), containing the Algse. Pai-t I. contains the Freshwater Algie by J)r. Eritsch ; this includes a very full account of Frasiola crispa^ which grows in great abundance at Cape Adare and descriptions of two new species — PhormicUum JPriestleiji and Scliizothrix antarctica : these and other forms are figured on an accompanying plate. Part II. includes the Marine Alga3, by Mr. and Mrs. Gepp, in the course of which a ])lant described and figured by them as F lor idea in this Journal for 1905 (p. 193, t, 472) is identified with Curdiea Bacovifzce Hariot : the MelohesiecB are by Madame Paul Leraoine, wdio desciibes and figures two new species — Lithothamnium Geppii -AVi^ L. trlnidadeiisc. BOOK-XOTES, XEWS, ETC. 143 A RECEXT addition to the innumerable books dealing in a popular manner with our native flora is British Wild Flowers, their Haunts and Associations, by William Graveson (Headley Brothers, 7s. %d. net). It is a favourable specimen of its class : looking it through, we note no serious errors, such faults as there are being of omission rather than of commission — we sometimes desiderate more informa- tion about individual species. Its main plan is to describe a series of rambles arranged according to the seasons of the year : Mr. Grave- son has a very pleasing style, well calculated to interest the reader, and is evidently a keen observer : books of this kind are so often mere compilations that it is refreshing to come across one which represents first-hand knowledge. The plants are referred to almost entirely by their English names, unfortunately without their Latin equivalents which however may be found in the monthly floral calendar, wherein much information is given, but oddly enough, no reference to the pages wherein the plants are described. There are numerous verj^ pretty and accurate, if somewhat feeble, illustrations, some of them coloured, by Mr. J. Wood of the Hertford School of Art, and some of the best re]Droductions from photographs we have ever seen by Mr. A. V. Elsden of the same place, whence the author also hails. One f unnv mistake runs through the book : the little volume on The Folk-lore of Plants by the Eev. T. F. Dyer is attributed to " Sir T. F. Thiselton Dyer " — evidently through some confusion with the late Director of Kew Gardens, who will hardly feel flattered by being associated Avith a by no means excellent compilation. The memoir of Daniel Oliver published in our last issue should have contained some reference to the complete bibliography which appears in the Kew Bulletin, 1917, no. 1, pp. 32-36. TO OUR READERS. Ix" our issue for December last we called attention to the serious financial crisis which the Journal was undergoing, and expressed a doubt whether, in face of financial loss, it would be possible to continue its publication. The reluctance to abandon an undertaking which had been carried on without interruption for thirty-eight years induced us however to continue the issue for at least another year, in spite of our expressed foreboding that there would be an obvious deficit on the 1916 volume. That foreboding was, unfortunately, more than realized ; when the account from the printers was sent in, towards the end of February, it showed a balance on the wrong side of nearly £50. It was then too late to consider discontinuance, and we ventured, with some hesitation, to place the matter before the friends who, as stated in the December issue, had defrayed the comparatively small deficit on the volume for 1915. Their generous response, the more gratifying on account of the kind words with which it was accompanied, relieved us to a great extent from the anxiety which we naturally felt. But their kindness did not stop here : a cn-cular was drawn up, signed by five of them, addressed to those who, it was thought, might be willing to co-operate in supporting the Journal ; and the response was such as to remove tha deficit entirely and to leave a balance towards carrying on the lit TUT .lOlUNAL (^F IJUTANV Journal for the current yaiiY. This result was the more satisfactory because the notice in December, although it elicited several expres- sions of hope that the Journal would be continued, produced from British botanists no substantial help towards that end — indeed the only financial assisstanee then received came from Dr. N. L. Britton, of the New York Botanical Grarden, who sent, with a kind letter, a cheque towards the expenses for 1917. We desire to express our thanks to those who have responded to the appeal, and especially to the one who undertook the work of preparing and circulating it and receiving donations, whose name, at his own request, we do not mention. Though we are thus relieved from debt, the future must continue to give cause for anxiety. The list of subscribers, never large, has suffered diminution through various causes, the War being one ; and tlie losses thus incurred are not replaced by new su})porters. A few, however, have been secured, and it is felt that the list might be further increased if those interested in the Journal would use their influence to obtain additions to the list. The number of local Natural History Societies which subscribe might, Ave think, be in- creased without difficulty, if botanists connected with them would take the matter in hand. One or two of the responses to the appeal took the form of sugges- tion or criticism : it was thought, for example, that a greater A'^ariety of subjects might be discussed in the Journal. We have always been conscious of our shortcomings, but so far as this particular matter is concerned, the remedy rests with our contributors. It is ver}' rarely that any communication is refused insertion, and although we have no difficulty in filling our space, we seldom have more than enough (with due foresight for the future) for that purpose. We feel especially that brief communications, sucli as those which appear under the heading *' Short Notes," might easily be multiplied ; and these are to many one of the most interesting features. Curiously enough, we have at the present moment more contributions in hand than is usual ; so that so far as matter goes, the Journal is well supplied. We are however always grateful for suggestions and are prepared (so far as is possible) to act on them. One such, which we propose to adopt at once, is that the Journal should become a medium for the sale or exchange of books; a space on the cover will be set aside for this, the charge for insertion being Is. Gd. for the first two lines and (jd. per line after. In conclusion we would say that the strictest economy will be needed, if this Journal is to be maintained. It will be imj^ossible to illustrate papers either by plates or figures, unless the authors are willing to pay for the production of these ; and the sui)plements which have hitherto appeared from time to time will have to be abandoned or curtailed, until ha])])ier times prevail. We shall also be unable to su])])ly autlioi's with the six copies of their, contributions which have hitherto been sent free of charge : such copies, or as many as required, will be sup])licd ])y the publishers at the rates mentioned on p. 2 of wnipper. Meanwhile we can assure our subscribers that no effoi-t on our part will be' wanting which may render the Journal more worthy of their support. The Editor. I'hoto. Elliott ct- Fry. {j^Zyy^^i^ dl^-^ ur, CLEMEXT KEID, F.R.S. lS.33-1916. Br James Gtroves, F.L.S. (With portrait.) Bv the death of Clement Keid we have lost not only a distin- guished geologist, hut one whose botanical knowledge and attainments i)i his own particular department were unique. For many years prior to his retirement from official life, his cheery, genial, energetic personality was a familiar one at the Linnean and Greological Societies, the British Association and the many other places of meeting of the votaries of Natural Science. Olement Keid was horn on the 6th Jan., 1853. Mrs. Reid has kindly furnished me with the following particulars with regard to his early life. " His father was Edward Ker Reid, a London goldsmith, and his mother a niece of Michael Faraday, a relationship which had a marked effect upon his life. The influence of the great scientific spirit of Faraday permeated the whole surroundings of his childhood, and gave encouragement to the natural bent of his mind. From his mother he inherited a great love of nature, especially of flowers. This love stood him in good stead in childhood, when for some years he was de.if from the after effects of scarlet fever, and being unable to join in play with other children, was compelled to seek special interests of his own. These he found in long solitary rambles about the neighbourhood of North London. It was during these rambles he laid the foundations of his scientific knowledge, and trained his powers of observation. He owed little to school training, for a large family and rather small means compelled his parents to curtail his schooling at an early age, and at 14 he was entered in a publisher's office. He greatl}^ disliked the work, though in after ^'■ears he appre- ciated the value of a business training, and when after seven years he heard through his friend Mr. H. B, Woodward of the likelihood of a vacancy on the Greological Survey, he determined to throw up his work and devote himself to qualifying for the Survey appointment. He was successful in obtaining this, his appointment datino: from 1874. '' For a man with his great love of nature, the life of the Greological Survey was an ideal one. The long solitary walks and days in the open were his delight, as they had been in childhood. He used to say it was when walking that ideas flashed into his mind. And through his knowledge and observation of the present world he learned to interpret the past. He was essentially a naturalist, and it was from the standpoint of a naturalist he regarded geology. The geological world he looked upon was a living world, a world of many aspects but of an essential unity. He held that to form a true judgement of past causes and conditions it was necessary to gather and weigh evidence from as many sources as possible. He was impatient of a well- JOURXAL OF BoTAXy. — Yul„ O-J. fJlNE. 1017J M 14G THE JOURNAL OF BOTANY rounded theory which refused to have regard to adverse facts, and his natural truthfulness of mind compelled hira to state discrepancies rather than ignore them, in the hope that wider knoAvledge might reconcile seeming contradictions." In an appreciative notice in the Geolofjical Magazine for January, his friend and former colleague Mr. E. T. Newton, F.R.S., traces his official career. He tells us that Reid w^as in the first instance stationed in the south-west of England, bvit was soon afterwards transferred to the Eastern counties, where he remained for some years. It was during this period that the exploration of the Cromer Forest Bed, with its wealth of vegetable remains, led him to take up the principal study of his life — the indications afforded b}' fossil plants of the changes in the climate and physical configuration of our country during more recent geological times. His first paper appears to have been that contributed to the Geological Magazine in 1877 on '' Modern denudation in Norfolk." From that time forward, Reid's contributions to Geology and recent ])al?eo-botany were continuous. Some idea of his extraordinary intellectual activity may be gained from the fact that the published notes, papers and books either written by himself, or to which he made important contributions, total up to considerably over a hundred. The most important of those dealing with the botanical side of his work only, can be refeiTcd to here. In 1880 he wrote a paper on the Glacial deposits of Cromer*, but in this only two plants are mentioned. Tliis was followed in 1882 by his " Geology of the Country around Cromer " f, which contained a list of 88 plants, in 1884- by a pa]x?r on " Recent additions to the Fauna and Flora of the Cromer Forest Bed';]:, and in 1886 by a general paper on that Flora § in which the total w^as brought up to fifty-five species. In 1888 in conjunction with Mr. H. N. Ridley he gave an account of the " Fossil Arctic plants from the lacustrine dei)osit at Hoxne in Suffolk " ||. In the same year he contributed his fii*st general paper on the fossil flora of this country, entitled "Notes on the Geological History of the Recent Flora of Britain " ^ in which 120 species were referred to. His memoir in 1890 on "The Pliocene Deposits of Hritain " ** added to the number. In 1S92 he published his very interesting little paper "On the natural history of isolated ponds" ff dealing mainly with the problems of distribution and the causes of dispei*sal, which had always a great fascination for him. In the same year he jniblished ]iapers on " Fossil Arctic plants found near Edinburgh " 'lX-> " ^^" ^^^^ Climate of Europe during the Glacial epoch " §§, and "On the Pleistocene de}X)sits of the Sussex Coast and their equivalents in other districts " ||||. In the last- mentioned ])aper he discussed the evidence in favour of there having * Geolog. Mag-. II. vii. p. 55. f Mem. Geolog. Survey. X Trans. Norfolk & Norwich Nat. Soc. iii. p. 631. § Ibid. iv. p. 189. 11 Geolog. Mag. III. r. p. 441. ^ AnnalR of Botany, ii. p. 177. ** Mem. Geolog. Survey. ff Trans. Norf. & Norw. Nat. Soc. v. p. 272. ZX I^ep- Brit. Assoc, p. 716. §§ Nat. Science, i. p. 427. Ijjl Quart. Journ. Geolog. Soc. xlviii. p. 344. CLEMEXT REIl) 147 been an inter-glacial period when the climate was mild, as shown b}^ the remains wdiich had been found of a large number of plants belong- ing to a temperate flora, some of which could not have borne extreme cold. In several of his subsequent papers * further evidence was adduced from the examination of deposits from different parts of the country in support of this theory, which he regarded as conclusively proved. In 1897 he produced a paper on " Pleistocene plants from Casewick, Shacklewell and Grays " f. In the latter year he married Miss Eleanor Mary Wynne-Edwards, and it was with that lady's able assistance and co-operation that most of his subsequent work at fossil plants was accomplished. Immense quantities of " matrix," sometimes actually amounting to hundi-ed- weights, were dealt with by their united efforts, being washed and treated by various methods, and subjected to such careful examination as to insure that minute, often almost microscopic, organisms, should not escape notice. In connection with his earlier work Reid had experienced great difficulty in obtaining, for comparison with the fossils, examples of recent fruits and seeds, even of British plants, finding the public herbaria woefully deficient in this respect. He therefore set himself to form a collection, and in so doing obtained not only a much extended acquaintance with om- native plants but an unequalled knowledge of their seeds and fruits. His official duties necessitating lengthened sojourns and exhaustive exploration of the countryside in many diiferent districts in England afforded exceptional advantages, and in this way he came closely in touch with such diverse floras as those of East Norfolk and Cornwall, the N.E. Yorkshire Mooi's, and the Channel counties. In order to identify the fossils, especially in the later deposits dealt with, it became necessary not only to be acquainted with the plants of Europe but practically of those of the world, for in some of the deposits the remains were found to correspond with plants from very distant parts. In this branch of the work Mrs. Keid was able to afford very material assistance, working for a long time at Kew, examining and making drawings of fruits and seeds etc. to supplement the collection already accumulated. In 1898 Reid described Limnocarpus, a new (fossil) genus of Naiadace8e+, and the same year contributed a paper on "Further contributions to the geological history of the British Flora §," in which 240 species were enumerated with a full tabulated statement of the deposits and districts from which they had been obtained. In 1S99 he published his first book, apart from various memoirs of * " A Fossiliferous Pleistocene Deposit at Stone on the Hampshire coast," Q. J. G. S. xlix. (1893) ; " Further notes on the Arctic and Palaeolithic Deposits at Hoxne", (by C. R. & H. N. Ridley), and Brit. Ass. Rept. 189.5 ; " The Relation of Palaeolithic man to the Glacial Period", Brit. Ass. Rep. 1896 ; " The Palaeolithic Deposit at Hitchin," Proc. R. S. Ixi. t Quart. Journ. Geolog. Soc. liii. p. 463. X Journ- Linn. Soc. xxxiii, p. 464. § Annals of Botany, xii. p. 243. m2 1 -tS THK .lOlRXAL OF HOIAXV tha Gaolo^'ieal Survey for which he was responsible. This — Th(^ Uric/in of the British Flora — though a thin voliiine of less than 200 pages, was a very important work, dealing in a masterly way with the means of dispersal of plants generally, and the changes in the geography and cliiniite of this part of Europe,' from the newer Pliocene period onward. It also enumerated the results of the author's many years of patient research, in the shape of lists of the species of plints found in the various deposits with the conclusions drawn therefrom. The latter half of the book consists of a systenritic account of the history of our present Hora as indicated by the geological evidence. In 1901 and 1903 he published notes on the plant remains of Roman Silchester *, and in the latter year " Notes on the seeds of plants found in the alluvium of the River Lea at Walthamstow " t. In 1902 he contributed the article " Pala^o-botany, Tertiary" to the Tiiiws edition of the Encijclop(edia Britannica ; this article slightly revised appears in the current edition. In 1905 he visited Tegelen in Holland, where some interesting fossil plant-remains had been found in a bed of brick-earth, judged to be about contemporaneous with the Cromer Forest Bed. In 1907 he and Mrs. Reid published the result of their woi'k on the material obtained there in a fine memoir, "The Fossil Flora of Tegelen sur Meuse";];, followed in 1908 by a paper on D/dichitfm vrspi forme, a new species §, and in 1910 by '' A further investigation of the pliocene Flora of Tegelen " |{. These three papers are illustrated with numerous admirable micro-photographs of the seeds etc. by the authors. In the course of this investigation startling results were obtained. Eastern Asiatic types being found in comi)any with the ordinary European ])lants of to-day. In 1907, while Reid was stationed in North Cornwall, he had a visit from Pi'ofessor Nathoi-st the eminent Swedish ])ala'o-botanist, whose work he much admired and for whom he had a great personal regard. This visit afforded the opportunity for discussing and ct)m- paring notes on the problems connected with recent geological changes in which both were so much interested. In 190-S the Reids produced an important paper on the Pre-(}lacial Flora of Britain ^, in which 151 species were enumerated, the illustrations being still better than those of the Tegelen papers. In 1910 thev contributed an illustrated paper on 'The Lignite of Bovey- Tracey**, dealing with the ])lants of a much earlier [)eriod, and in this .several new species were described. In 190S Reid went out to Cyprus on behalf of the Colonial Office to re]x)rt on the water .>up]jh', and made a small collection of plants, which was worked out at Kew. In 1911, at the British Association meeting at Portsmouth, he read a paper and opened a discussion on * Archfeologia, Ivii. S: Iviii. + Epsex Naturalist. Oct. 1903. X Verhandl. Kon. Aka'l. Wetens. Am.sterdam. xiii. § Verslao- Kon. Aka«l. Weten.s. Amsterdam. U)i».S. j., 898. II Ibid. ll»10, p. 192. T Journ. Linn. Sue. xxxviii. p. 206. ** Phil. Trans. Koyal Sue. B. cei. p. 101. CLEMENT RVAD 140 **The Relation of the present Plant Population of the British Isles to the Glacial Period," reprinted in The Naturalist, 1911 (p. 373). In January 1913, at the age of sixty, he retired from official life. wSome years previously, in anticipation of his retirement, he had bought an acre of land in a beautiful little valley, close to the coast and hy the side of a pine wood, near the village of Milford-on- Sea, Soutli Hants. Here he built himself a charming house which he christened " One Acre," situated within about ten minutes' walk of the famous Hordle Cliffs with their tine exposure of Lower Headon Beds. He took a great delight in laying out the garden, in which he grew many interesting plants, especially those belonging to genera found as fossils. In 1913 he published Submerged Forests, a small 8vo volume deahng principally with the changes of level which have taken place in this country during post-glacial times as evidenced by the sub- merged foj-ests found at different depths around the coast, and the various problems connected therewith. In 1914 Mr. and Mrs. Keid contributed a paper to this Journal on '' A new fossil ('orema," the fruits of which they had found in Eastern county deposits and more recently in Holland. They had been working for some time on the rich deposits of Pliocene plant-remains discovered at Limburg in Holland, and in an adjacent locality over the German frontier. In 1915 they published the results of this investigation in the shape of a magnificent large-quarto monograph entitled The Pliocene Floras oftheBidch Frussian Border, which was brought out by the Institution for Geological exploration of the Netherlands. This contained descriptions of a number of new species and was illustrated by twenty excellent plates. The results obtained were of the greatest interest : 189 species are mentioned, and in the case of a large number of them the nearest living representatives are to be found in the Himalayas, China, and Japan. In 1916 Eeid contributed* a paper to the Quart erhj Journal of the Geological Society on " The Plants of the Late Glacial Deposits of the Lea Valley," in which two new species were described : this was in great part reprinted in this Journal for that year (pp. 193-198). During the last three years of his life the present writer had the privilege of being in very close touch with him. Several ]ileasant visits were paid to "One Acre," we had fossil hunts to- gether in Hants and Dorset, and there were meetings in London. Our correspondence was frequent and continuous, rarely more than a few days elapsing without a letter jmssing between us. It came about in this way: in 1913, my attention had been drawn to the curious remams of Characeae found in the Middle Purbeck Beds of Dorset, and I was attracted to make a study of the early history of the group. Years before, Keid had sent us Chara-fruits from the Cromer Forest Bed for examination, but we had not pursued the matter further. He and I had always been on very friendly terms, and I naturally turned to him for assistance in obtaining specimens and information. He entered into the matter with his usual zest. We borrowed all the s])eciniens we could of the Middle Purbeck cherts, and in the spring of 1914 paid a visit to Durlston Bay to collect more. 150 THE JOURNAL OF BUTAXr Promising as were the specimens we examined, being only visible in section, there were curious jDoints of structure, of which we could not make out the significance, as well as problematic organisms which might prove Characeous. Eeid at once decided that the thing to do was to find the same fossils in one of the seams of limestone. Early the following year he visited a spot on the hills north of AVeymouth, wliere there is an extensive outcrop of these beds, and there found the Chara-remains in great quantity, not only in chert, but also in limestone. He devised an ingenious plan for dealing with the hitter. By subjecting thin slices to a continuous drip of slightly acidulated water for many hours, he completely etched out the fossils. We were thus enabled to understand some of the things which had puzzled us in the chert sections, and to arrive at important conclusions as regards the structure of these early Characeie. We published a pre- liminary report on the results obtained in the ' Proceedings ' (B Ixxxix, 1916) of the Ro3^al Society, from whom we had received a small grant to defray the expenses of slicing and polishing. Meanwhile we had also been working together at the Chara-remains from the Hordle Beds,, and had prepared material and partly completed a paper on them for the Geological Society, an absti-act of which was read before the Society in November last. Reid made a very large number of fine micro-photogmphs of the specimens from the Purbeck and Headon Beds. For a great part of his life, he had suffered at times from acute indigestion, and latterly this appears to have seriously affected his heart. When I was at Milford last June it was an effort for him to walk any distance, later on he became rapidly worse, and on the 10th December he passed away. He was buried in Milford Churchyard. His death at the comparative^ earl}^ age of 63 came as a great shock as well as a disa])pointment to his friends. When he retired, apparently in full health and vigour, we all hoped that there were many years of active and useful work before him. In 1875 he was elected F.Gr.S. and served on the Council of that Society in 1892-5 and in 1912, being appointed a Vice- President in 1913. In 1886 he was elected F.L.S. and served on the Council of that Society in 1900-2 and 1905-7. In 1899 he was elected F.P.S. He received the award of the Murchison Geological Fund in 1886, the Bigsby Gold Medal in 1897, and the Bolitho Gold Medal of the Poyal Society of Cornwall in 1911. The excellent portrait by Messrs. Elliott & Fr}" here reproduced was taken in 1915. Among botanists I had perhaps i-ather exceptional opportunities of judging Iveid's personal character. He possessed as it seems to me, in a remarkable degree, just the qualities required for the work he had set himself to do. On the one hand, his patience, his resource- fulness and his untiring energy, qualified him to deal effectively with the vast masses of material from which evidence had to be collected ; while his methodical habit of mind enabled him to piece together the facts and coiTelate and marshal them so as to be available for his yjurpose. On the other hand, he possessed the constructive imagination, more necessary perhaps in geology than in any other science, which CLEMENT HELD 151 enabled him to bridge over gaps and project theories, while retaining an ojDen mind to modify or reject a hypothesis if subsequent evidence showf^d that it was not tenable. He was particular!}^ clever in devising methods for overcoming the difficulties always cropping up in the way of the palaeontologist, and I believe that he took a positive delight in grappling with obstacles which would have hindered and jDerha^JS altogether deterred m^any. His enthusiasm was boundless, and there was always some- thing particularly stimulating in his letters and conversation as if some measure of the restless energy and tremendous driving power of the man communicated itself to those around him. Though he got through enough scientific work to more tlian fill an ordinary man's life, Keid was never the mere " scientist " for he found time to take an interest in books and in the affairs of the day. He had a large outlook on life and was essential!}' a public-spirited man. He was modest as regards his own achievements. Although he felt a natural gratification at the accomplishment of a good piece of work there was no trace of vanity in his disposition. As a '• partner " 1 found him most helpful and generous ; more than three-quarters of the work which we did together at the fossil Chai-aceae was his, yet he would not consent to my taking less than an equal share of the credit. He was one of the kindest of men, always thoughtful and con- siderate for others, and no one could work with him without being impressed by his absolute sincerity and singleness of purpose, and feeling the better for the contact with so thorough a naturalist and so courteous and true-hearted a g:entleman. CEITICAL NOTES ON SOME BRITANNIC SAXIFRAGES. By the Rev. Edward S. Marshall, M.A., F.L.S. Ix his 8axifragearum Emnneraiio (1821) Ha worth divided this genus into several ; among Avliich Rohertsonia is, I believe, tlie most worthy of those found in our country to rank as sucli. It is, however, rather too closely related to his Chondrosea (incrusted or Aizooii- group) ; and 8. Andreivsii Harvey is, surely, a natural garden-cross between 8. Aizoon and ^S". umhrosa (not /S*. Geum, as Engler as- sumed). Hybridity may, indeed, occur between species of distinct genera, as in the case of many Orchids, both wild and cultivated ; but all modern writers appear to have retained tlie name Saxifraga for the greater part of the Linnean genus, Megasea being a notable exception. For a good many years I have paid special attention to our native Saxifrages. Apart from aS'. Geum and S. umhrosa, where specific variation is much complicated by numerous hybrids or mongrels, these present no very great difficulty, until the "mossy" group (§ Dacty- loides Tausch) is reached. This section, however, with the possible exception of Ranunculus, § Batrachium, is the hardest of all our smaller critical series to disentangle. As far as my own researches are concerned, I write the following remarks with much diffidence ; 152 * THE JOURNAL OF BOTANY my task is bv no means ended, but it may be worth wliile, if only in order to reawaken interest and increase field-work, for me to state some of the fairly definite conclusions which have, so far, been reached. Our early nineteenth century botanists unquestionably knew these plants far better than their successors. It is interesting to trace tiie gradual increase in Smith's grasp of the subject, from the Flora Britannica, through Eiu/lisli Botant/, to his linal arrangement in the second volume of the EngUsh Flora (1828), which was largely influenced by D. Don's Monograph in Trans. Linn. Soc. xiii. 341, &c. (read Feb. 20, 1821); Don's descriptions are very clear and good. Smith quoted Haworth's Miscellanea Xaturalia (1808), but does not seem to have known his later and better book. Babington figured some of Don's segregates in Engl. Bot. Sup])le- ment, and did useful work ; but Syme's treatment, in the third edition, leaves much to be desired, being mainly based on dried material. Mr. Baker's account in this Journal for 1870 (viii. pp. 280-290) marks a new dejmrture ; he had evidently come under the influence of the Bentham school, which discouraged the multiplication of species. Nowadays, the general tendency of students is towards a rather free use of the term ; this, I believe, is more true to natural facts, and realh^ more scientific, though it may easily be (and often is) carried too far. Professor Engler\s Maiio(jra])hie (1872) followed Mr. Baker's lines, in dealing with the Hypnoid group ; he was a young man when he wrote it, and does not a])))ear — from internal evidence — to have seen either the Linnean Herbarium or authentic material of our endemic forms. Sii* J. D. Hooker, in his Stvdenfs Flora (3rd and last edition, 188-4), ado])ted much the same plan. In order to form a sound judgement about the status of a given plant, even the most careful study of types, figures, and descriptions will not suffice. One needs to know it in its wild stations ; and a great deal can be learned by cultivation, which allows it to be examined throughout the year, and also illustrates the transient changes due to wet or di-y seasons, heavy or light soils, varying aspects, &c. Broadly speaking, 1 have found that the foi-ms grown in my garden keep sur])risingly constant; many of them flower freely, bvit a few are shy bloouiers, and one or two soon died out. owing to unsuitable conditions. Last, year 1 had an interesting corres])ondence with Mr. F. X. Williams, which hel])ed us both a good deal. Our o])inions (as a rule arrived at independently) agreed in the main, except as to one or two ))oints of nomenclature. The London Catalo(/ue list (tenth edition. 1908) is, I think, too short, taking its average species-rank, or that of the C(inihrid(/e British Flora, as a standaid. The war has hindered my undertaking some hoped-for Irish excursions ; but the Galtee Mountains, and several western counties {e. (/. the limestone glens of Leitrim and Shgo), should add useful data. S. CESPTTOSA L., Sp. Plant, ed 1 (needlessly changed to ccespifosa in the second edition; both forms are classical), in part (txchuling the svnonvms), and of Herb. Linn. I : not of Koch, ki-. — Very rai-e in CEITICAL XOTES OX SOME BRITAyXlC SAXIFKAGES 153 Great Britain, and only occurs here in small quantity ;. absent from Ireland. 97. Ben Nevis! (Woods), and the neighbouring Glen Spean mountains! 94. Ben Avon! 92. Ben-na-Bourd ! 49. Above Cwm Idwal!; also reported from Snowdon. Recorded by Hudson from Westmorland (v. c. 69), on the mountains above Ambleside (Hel- vellyn is the most likely s]3ot). There is a cultivated specimen from Kew Gardens, probably obtained through him, dated 1781, in Herb. Smith, and annotated — in Smith's handwriting — " muscoides D. Don " ; another, apparentl}'^ wild, in the Edinburgh Herbarium, labelled "Westmorland"; and a third, from Dickson's Herbarium, in Babington's set at Cambridge, collected by liis uncle, Thomas Gisborne (no date), from the same county. These last two are scrappy, and barely determinable ; but I passed them as being apparently correct. The Kew Gardens example is untypical, and will be mentioned again below. In Scotland it ranges from over 4400 feet down to 8400 feet and probably less ; the English and Welsh localities are lower. Northern and Arctic : — Scandinavia, Faeroes, Iceland, Spitzbergen, Greenland, and the Rocky Mountains. S. ixcrRTiFOLiA D. Don, /. c, p. 428. >S'. groenlandica Engler, in part. S. hypnoides, subsp. Jiirta, y. incurvifoUa Syme. >S'. ccespi- tosa, var. incurvifoUa Bab. — This is endemic in Ireland ; the special Saxifrages of that counti-y belonging to this section have strangely little in common wdth those of the Pyrenees. I have only seen one authentic specimen, which was sent by D. Don in 1826 to William Peete, w^hose collection is now in the possession of Mr. S. H. Biek- ham (see Journ. Bot. 1916, 189) : it was gathered late (in fruit) and agrees well with both my wdld and cultivated plants. The hgure {E. B. S. 2909) looks much coarser and more hairy, and seems to be a young state of the rather variable S. liirta Sm. ; which accounts for Syme's being misled, as these two species are totally unlike. Nor is >S'. incurvifoUa a variety of >S'. cespitosa, as Babington suf)posed ; for it stands the hardest winters of Surrey and Somerset quite well, whereas >S^. cespitosa will not live out of doors, with me, and has to be raised afresh every year from seed, under glass, at Edinburgh. They are also very difc*ent in habit, colour, fohage, inflorescence, and clothing. The Kew Rockery plant, as Mr. Williams informs me, just matches my own ; most likely it came from the garden at Trinity College, Dublin, where Mackay's roots from Kerry are, or used to be, grown. Very rare. Kerry : Brandon Mountain !, chiefly at or near the summit, but in 1902 I found a fine tuft at 1200 feet or less; Beeowen Mountain, north of Sneem, R. W. Scully ; Macgillicuddy's ]{eeks, M. C. Hartl Galway : Muckanaght, Twelve Bens, H. C. Hart I It is likely to occur on the Galtees, Co. Tipperary. The leaves are usually not incurved. S. ciEa':xLAXDTCA L. There is no specimen in Herb. Linn. ; and this may partly account for the prevailing confusion regarding it. Linnaeus himself can hardly have seen a livinr/ plant, if any ; and his citation from Dillenius changes " cauUcuUs valde foliosis " into " niiiUhii.s.'''' Ati'ain, liis shoi-t diagnosis: — " Saxifraga foliis caulinis 154 THE JOURNAL OF BOTANY palmato-multiHdis sparsis : laciniis acutis, caule erecto," besides being very vague, does not tally as to the stem-leaves with the carefully drawn figure (of which a tracing, kindly furnished by Dr. Rendle from the copy in the National Herbarium, lies before me), nor with the full accovmt in Hortus EUhamensis, pp. 337-8. 1 strongly suspect that he wrote from memory, oi' from im])erfect notes, and had not the passage on which his species depends at hand for reference. D. Don and Smith agree in reckoning S. (jronnlandica as a meie synonym of aS'. cespitosa (the true Lapland plant). I can see nothing in the figure, t. ccliii. f. 329, nor in what Dillenius wi'ote, to separate the two, except that his drawing is decidedly more leafy and stronger in the whole of the lower parts ; a diiierence which might easily be due to an arctic climate. His roots from Greenland Avere planted, and (as he says) "aliquousque gliverunt, sed postea ])erierunt, ob aerem nostrum temperatiorem gelidarum regionum plantis minus faventem " — just as usually happens with our Scottish X cespitosa, when cultivated. He adds that s])eciraens of the same thing are preserved " in Phytophylaceo Sherardino," sent on two occasions bv different authors ; which accounts for the Linnean dis- tribution : ''Habitat in Groenlandia, forte etiam in Pyrenaeis et Helveticis alpibus." That these European plants were really con- specific is prima facie unlikely ; by favour of Mr. G. C. Druce I have examined one of them, which is a mere scrap, and hardly determinable, but certainly not S. cespitosa, vera. I have only seen two British examples which may be S. grcoilandica. The first Avas gathered by Mr. Druce on Ben Lawers, and has been so named by Englei*. The material is scanty, and rather far advanced ; it reminded me of very dwarf S. Sternhergii, the leaves — at this stage — being glabrous ; but I was not aware, when I saw them, how important this and the Sherardian examples might be. The other is the cultivated plant from Kew, in Herb. Smith, alread}^ mentioned. But this case is still further comiDlicated by the fact (as Mr. Williams has informed me) that in Syst. Nat. ed. 12, p. 309, Linnaeus quoted Flora Danica, t. Ixxi, as representing his S. groen- landica. That figure, as w^as stated by Mo?nch, when publishing S. rosacea, well depicts >S'. decipiens Ehrh., Exsiccata, No. 5 ! Conse- quently, much of the "■ (jvoenlandica'" in our jniblic collections from circumpolar countries is this ; and some good botanists claim that ^.groinlandica^ being an older name, ought to displace H. rosacea {deci- piens). My answer is threefold : — 1. Linnaeus did not know his own species. 2. K nomen incert^imismxdiW^. 3. The Dillenian plate can- not be S. rosacea ; and the description of the up])er root-leaves : " lajte virentibus, crassiusculis " is quite different from the greyish villous foliage of that species, while agreeing well enough with S. cespitosa. Haworth, whose judgement was much less sane, on the whole, than either D. Don's or Smith's, and whose inadequate definitions often make his species and varieties almost impossible to identify, added to the muddle by referring the S. tridactylites groenlandica of Dillenius to *' S. mnscoides Jacq." [Wulfen in Jacq. Misc. ii. ]x VliV], which is a plant of the Alps, Pyrenees, S'. decipiens, ^ Sternhergii Haworth, Sax. Enum. pp. 31-2 ; but he adds : " non vidi," an admission ^vhich renders his opinion worthless. S. palmata Panzer, in Sturm, Deutsch. FL, 26 Heft t. 10, f. 2, non Smith. S. decipiens, e. Gmelini, a. major, Sternberg, Eev. Sax. Suppl., Decas ii. p. 76. Here, however, *S'. sjyonhtmica and ;S'. condensafa of C. C. Gmelin are likewise given as synonyms, which is plainly a blunder. From other signs in this book, I suspect that the author's brain was no longer so clear as when he wrote liis excellent Bevisio. My wild specimens (No. 8649) from Brandon Mountain exactly match one in Smith's herbarium, gathered in 1822 near Nuremberg by Dr. Panzer, who first found this species; and more luxuriant, garden-grown material agrees perfectly with Sternberg's figure xxiv, also taken from a cultivated plant. S. Sternhergii is most nearly allied to aS'. rosacea, and might be taken, superficially, for a variety or subspecies of it. Having grown them side by side for nearly six years, I am satisfied that this is not the case. >S'. Sternheryii is much more densely tufted, bright green at all seasons, with rather fleshy foliage, which is glabrous, but for some ciliation. The stem- leaves are simple, or only the lowest 3-cleft, never palmate. The petals are pure white ; in S. rosacea they are sometimes creamy white. Small plants, from high exposed rocks, mimic S. cespitosa in habit. There is considerable variation in'the breadth of the leaves ; and forms with narrow, acute foliage and pointed sepals, which have been found in Co. Clare, on Brandon Head, &c., may need a special name. Its occurrence in Ireland offers a geographical puzzle; for it is only recorded on the Continent from Bavaria, the Harz Mountains, and one place in Norway. Perhaps these widely-separated stations may be the relics of a boreal type, formerly scattered over the whole of western Europe. The Irish distribution is a little uncertain, owing to its having been strangely confused with S. hirfa Sm., a hairy and very different species. Kerry : — Upper parts of the Brandon range, where it ascends to 3020 feet. Clare : — Black Head and Ballyvaughan ; " Burren and Inishmoi-e abundant," Irish Top. Bot., p. 125. Galway : — Aranmoi-e, B. LI. Praeger, in Herb. Dublin ! The Donegal plant I have not seen. It descends to near sea-level in Clare and Galway. S. ROSACEA Moench, Methodus Marhurgensis, p. 106 (1794), S. decipiens Ehrhart, Beitrage, v. 47 (1790 — nomen nudum), and Exsiccafa, No. 5 ! S. petrwa Both, Tentamen, i. 184 (1888), non L. aS*. ccespifosa Smith, E. B., Koch, &c., non L. S. palmata Smith ! S. villosa Sternb. It is a pity that the familiar name >S'. decipiens cannot be retained. A well-marked species, which Engler placed as Jorma vulgaris of a " typus polymorphus " ; no doubt owing to his Monograph being compiled before he had an accurate knowledge of all the plants 156 THE JOrj^-XAL OF BOTA>'T included, for such an arrangement cannot stand. Like S. S/eniber(/ii, it varies somewhat ; but ^'. /iirfa Sm. is the only one of our plants ■which can reasonably be confused with it, when dry, and they are easily separable, when growing. It flowers, on an average, three weeks earlier than S. hirta and S. Sternhergii, in cultivation. Very rare and local in our Islands. Wales : — v. c. 49 Carnarvon, in and above Cwm Idwal; on Snowdon, and in the adjacent C wm Glas. Scotland : — reported from Ben Lawers, but the only alleged specimen which I have seen was AM-ongly named. Ireland : — Kerry, very rare on Brandon Mountain, at about 2800 feet! Cairn Tuhol I, Aug. 17, 1852, Herb. Edinburgh; collector's name not given, but I think that the handwriting is I. Carroll's. AVithout inflorescence ; the habit and leaves are, however, quite characteristic. Also recorded from Slieve Mish — named b}'- Engler, and likely enough to occur there; but Mr. Scully's gathering, as represented in Herb. Druce, is a mixture of ^S". hirta Sm. and (I think) ^S. inci/rri folia. Galwav :- — On one of the Twelve Bens, 1882, H. C. Hart\ this is a stunted state, like that figured in Eiiglish Botany, ed. i., as S. cespitosa ; it was so naiued by Mr. Baker. Mayo : — Croaghmore Cliffs, Clare Island, 190^, M. LI. Praeger ! Abundant here, froiu 1200 down to 150 feet. This lias larger petals than the Welsh plant, of a purer white, not so distinctly 3-veined, and less decidedly orbic\ilar, on first expanding. S. rosacea is a native of Germany ; Bohemia and Moravia ; the Faeroes ; Iceland ; and the Arctic regions. Ohs. — In Mr. F. J. Hanbury's herbarium there is a plant which he gathered at Twll Du, v. c. 49 Carnarvon, April, 1882; the Kev. A. Ley referred this to ^S'. decipiens. . It has broad petals and sepals, very much like that ; but the leaves are glabrescent, narrower, acute, and often bristle-pointed. I strongly suspect that it may be a hybrid, perhaps S. platypetala X rosacea. S. HIRTA Haworth, Misc. Xat. 164 (1808) : Enum. Saxifr. 82 (1821). — Of this I have seen no authentic material. In the former work he placed it between ^S*. qttinqufjida and S. patinata Sm. {rosacea) ; in the latter between S. decipiens and *S'. platypetala, with the remark : — *' S2)ecies bona, petalis orbiculato-ovatis albis tri- plilinea virescente. An aflinior /S*. qiiinqjiefidce'^ Habitat in Europa, non in Britannia" [in Misc. Nat.: — Habitat in alpibus Scotia?"]. Under S. hihernica, fi. Smithii (Enum. Saxif. 29) he says: — ''Sax. hirta, Engl. bot. t. 2991.— iV. Don says tlial liis fnthcr's Sc()ilish s])ccimcns fi'om the CRITTCAL NOTKS oN SUMK HHITANNIC SA.VIFK.VGE>; l.")7 Western Highlands of Seotlaiid exactly agree with Maekay's (wlio first found it on Brandon, in 1805) ; these I have not seen, but there is some resemblance between the vegetation of those jjarts and that of western and northern Ireland, owing to the mild climate. Kerry : — Abundant on the Brandon range ! and the Reeks ; near Sneem and Waterville ; (Jlencar ; Slieve Mish range ; also reported from Killarney, but Mr. Scully is sceptical. Ranges from 1500 to 8150 feet. Clare : — Great Isle of Arran [Aran], 1850, Melville in Herb. Syme ! Tipperary : — Galtees ! ; very probably the " spon- hemica'''' of the Comeraghs (Co. Waterford) may be identical. Donegal ? :—Aranmore, 1881, H. C. Hart (Fl. Bonecjal). An allied, but distinct species, first observed by Mr. Druce in 1906, of which I have seen cultivated material (1907) from his herbarium, and which was gathered on the summit of Brandon Mountain, I found rather frequently on the upper part of that range, in 1911, and have had it under constant observation in my garden, ever since. Although reluctant to increase the number of names, I hope to describe this, later on. ' It has been drawn by Mr. E. W. Hunnybun. S. spoxHEMiCA C C. Gmelin, Flora Badensis Ahatica, pp. 224-6. >S'. quinciuefida Baker, I.e., in part; Engler, I.e., p. 188; non Haworth I — Unknown to D. Don, Haworth, and Smith ; but the first-named had Grmelin's *S'. condensafa, which is only a form of this, in cultivation. The very minute original description of S. sponliemica gives a good notion of the characters ; but it is over twenty years since I examined material from the locus classieus at S. Kensington, and in such a case one cannot safely trust to memory. However, Haworth definitely records S. condensafa as having been" found by his father " in montibus Scotise " ; and I think that the true plant does occur rather freely in some parts of Gi-reat Britain and Ireland. S. QUiXQUEFiDA Havvorth, Misc. Nat. 163 ; Ennm. Saxifr. 80. S. sponliemica Baker, non Gmelin. — This was unknown to D. Don and Smith, though the former ma}^ refer to it, among the synonyms of S. pedatifida (p. 414) : " S. quinquefida, var. Lam. Fl. Fr. \\\. p. 588 ? "; and the latter, in Engl. Fl. 280, quotes " S. quinquefida Donn Cant. ed. 5. 107." Havvorth at first placed it next to S. gera- nioides, remarking that it was affine to that, but far smaller; after- wards he put it in ** PedatiJldcB, but inserted his >S^ viscosa between them. It was thus placed by its author in quite a different group h\ni\ S. plafi/pefala ; he included this in *** Quinqne/ida', to which our other Hvpnoid segregates belong. In the Supplement to English Bolang, ed. 8, pp. 188-5 (1899), Mr. N. E. Brown ably and impartially reviewed the status of this jjlant, giving a full English description, based on G. Don's specimens. His conclusion — certainly right, I believe — is that it is not 8. spon- hemica ; and he thinks that it comes nearest to >S*. geranioides var, ladanifera Gren. & Godr., though not identical. Last autumn I was able to have a few hours' work at the Kew Herbarium, mainly \w order to examine the material in this case, /S*. quinquefida is only known from cultivated examples, alleged tO' have been found by the elder Don before 1801 (it is noteworthy that 158 THE .TOIRXAL OF EOTAXT his son did not keep it up as a species) ; he wrote on the hibel of his specimen : — " I discovered this on mountains in Perthshire upwards of 20 3'ears ago It may be an intermediate plant, but not a hybrid one." No man lias a higher respect than myself for the splendid pioneer- work done by George Don, several of whose additions to our Flora I have gathered in their original stations. It is no dis- paraijement to suggest that in this instance, as in others which are better known, he believed a root received from abroad to have been collected by himself, owing to a confusion of labels, or some other accident, such as most gardeners have suffered from. I am well acquainted with the flora of the Perthshire hills as a w^hole, and have studied the British Saxifrages of our principal collec- tions without coming across anything at all like S. qiiinquefida ; and my considered judgement is that it cannot be ranked as a native of Britain. S. LEPTOPHTLLA D. Don, /. c, pp. 450-1 ; an Persoon, Synopsis, i. 490 (1805) P? — This is well and fully delined by Don, who states that it grows " in alpibus Helveticis et in Cambro-Britannise monti- bus " ; his /3. angustijida, only found in Wales, seems to be merely a more slender state, with narrower leaves, and not worth keeping up as a variety. In 1912 I met with a Saxifrage which was quite new to me, and verv different from our others of the sponJieifiica-aet, growing plenti- fuliv in Cwm Idwal ; on the peak of Snowdon ; and in Cwm Glas : it is doubtless common on the Carnarvonshire hills, as bad weather and mists curtailed our excursions. It was associated with S. h^p- noidfs, putative hybrids being frequent. Mr. C'. E. Sahnon lately sent me for examination a sheet gathered by him near Beddgelert, with pinkish buds, and the rosettes at the base of the stems rather densely clad with soft white hairs, but otherwise quite like my series. In Herb. Borrer at Kew there is a scrappy specimen labelled " Sax. leptophylla. Breiddin Mountain, 1884 " (Craig Breiddin, Mont- gomer^'shire) ; it is too imperfect to be named deKnitely, but looks right. Working through Don's Monogra])h, I came to the conclusion that this series represented his leptophyUa. Mr. Williams wrote that my specimens in Herb. Brit. Mus. were referable to it; he did not, however, believe them to be Persoon's Swiss plant, but a species endemic in Wales, which he intended to describe and rename. Pei-soon's diagnosis is very brief : — " 59. Icpfopln/IJa, ])i'ocumbens, glabra, fol. longe petiolatis trifidis quinquefidisque : laciniis linearib. divaricatis. S. procumbens et hyinioides. Herb. Juss. cfr. Willd. Sp. ii. p. (358. no. 49. Hab. in alpibus." Our Welsh plant differs in never being quite glabrous ; nor are the leaf-segments divaricate. There are no axillary buds like those of >8'. hjjpnoidrH ; the habit and flowers are also unlike that. Sternberg (Bevisio Saxifr. 59) remai-ks of S. lepfojjhyUa, sponhrni/ca, and cnndensafo : — "Hie tres plantse adeo inter se conveniunt, et a Haxifraga hypnoide absentia bulborum tiintum potissimum differunt, ut non nisi cultura et continua obser- vatio earum diffVrentiam vel identitatem comprobare ])ossit. Una earum. (juani ante plures annos nomine >S'. hypnoidis accepi et colui, CKITICAL NOTES ON SOME BRLTAXXIC SAXIFRAGES 159 stolones longe lateque super petras spargit, et emu descriptione ^S*. conclensatcB maxime convenit ; inflorescentia autem apice ramosa variat, estque aliqiiando pauciflora, s*pius quinque et octoflora." ^J'here seems, then, to be cause for doubt as to the validity of *S'. lepto- ■pliylla Pers. S. APFixis D. Don, I. c, pp. 418-9 ; Engl. Bot. Suppl. t. 2903. 8. hirta ft, affinis Sjme, E. B. ed. 8, pp. 81-2. 8. sponJiemica Baker {pro minima parte), non Grmelin. — A very distinct species, I believe ; not at all closely allied to 8. hirta Sm., nor yet, so far as can be judged from dried H. aJ7igifolia, to that P^^renean plant. There are authentic specimens, originally from the summit of Brandon Mountain (Mackay first found it there in 1805), in Herb. Smith and Herb. Edinburgh ; it is also grown on the Kew Pockery. The character of the inllexed petals, on which both Don and Smith strongly insisted, is certainly not constant. It does not appear in the dried authentic plants, nor in the cultivated one at Kew, of which I have seen freshh^ gathered pieces. The English Botany figure well represents its habit, though the leaf-segments are drawn too broad and blunt (they really taper into a long, slender, hyaline point) ; it is also " fakei " to order! The original sketch has the petals flat; the detached one on the plate w^as added later. This has not been observed for many years in the original station ; but it surely exists on other parts of the extensive Brandon range, and probably elsew^here. Mr, Baker named a plant collected on Caher- conree, Slieve Mish range, by H. C. Hart, as >S'. affinis Don (Fl. Kerry) ; I have not seen this. S. PLATTPETALA Smith, in Trans. Linn. Soc. x. 391 ; Engl. Bot. t. 2276. S. eu-liypnoides a, pJatypetaJa Syme, E. B., ed. 3, p. 83. ^S*. sponhemica Baker {pro maj or i parte !), vix Gmelin. — The English Botany figure — apparently drav.n from garden-grown material — has much larger flowers than the type-specimen in Herb. Smith ! ; and the leaf-ciliation is much exaggerated in 3rd edition reprint. S. platypetala is common in the central and south-western hill- districts of Scotland, where it ascends to between 3000 and 4000 feet, though often subalpine, or even lowland, and on the Welsh mountains ; probably, also, in England, from Derbyshire northw^ards, and in the northern half of Ireland; but I have not seen it from Keny, the Galtees, &c., all the plants so labelled being states of >S^. hirta Sm. It is certainly distinct from true >S'. hypnoides ; they often grow together, and (I feel sure) cross freely, which may account for their having been combined by some museum-botanists. S. ELONGELLA Smith, in Trans. Linn. Soc. x. 340 ; Engl. Bot. t. 2277. >S'. sponhemica Baker (in part). — I have not seen this in a living state, and have not yet come to a definite conclusion about its rank ; but it clearly approaches >S'. platypetala, and may be a modifi- cation of that. The absence of axillary buds in all G. Don's original specimens from Lintrathen (noi'th of Airlie Castle, Glen Isla, Forfar- shire) is against its inclusion under S. hypnoides, vera. In Herb. Dublin there are two small examples from him (Loch Callater, S. Aberdeen, and " mountains of Aberdeenshire and Angus-shire "), KiO TIIK .TOl'KNAL OF MOTANV which appear to he tlie true jdaiit. E. B. 2277 was pi-ohahly ligured from the drirj tv])e-specimen in Herh. Smith, liaving just the same abnormal habit; the original drawing shows much more copiously ciliate leaves, less coarse than in the coloured engraving. S. L.ETEViKENS I). Dsn, /. (?., pp. 4.51-2. — This has never been figured ; and the only authentic example known to me, probably from hills to the north of Loch Lomond, where Don says that he observed it, is in Herb. Kew. It \vas first found by his father on the highest mountains of Angusshire and Aberdeenshire. The original Latin description (Don calls it "this very distinct and elegant species") and Smith's English one (Engl. Fl. 2S0) suggest that it comes very near S. plafijpefdia ; Smith had not seen it. I think that a sheet which I collected on Ben More, v. c. 88 Mid Perth, above 3000 feet, on June 30, 1888, and noted as having "herbage greener, and flowers Yellower, than in our ordinary sponhemica," agrees very well. There is much difference in habit and foliage from S. platypefala ; and Mr. Baker thought it " a state [of his aponhemica] approaching ctespitosay The leaves of the central rosette and of the barren shoots are more numerous and more crowded than in platypefala, and usually have broader segments; the herbage and stems are also decidedly more glabrous. Flowers fewer (one to four) ; lateral pedicels strongly recurved in bud. Petals closer-set, flatter, with three cons])icuous greenish veins. Sepals mostly recurved at the mucronate ti])s after flowering. 1 believe, also, that some gatherings from Correifron and Midlaw Burn, near Moffat, v. c. 72 Dumfries, by Rev. W. R. Linton and myself (in the former station by him, 1890, as ;S'. sponhenuca), and which I distributed as S. liypnoides in 1907, cannot be either that or *S'. platypefala, and belong to S. Icetevirens ; but none of the above-mentioned plants have yet been compared with the Kew^ material, so the matter is still an open question. S. HYPXOIDES L., Sp. PI. (17-53), and Herb. Linn.! ^. eu- hypnohles ^i. yemmifera Syme, E. B., ed. 3, p. 83, t. 562. The original Enylish Botany figure, t..454, is very j)Oor. — ^Our normal form is just like the Linnean type. It varies a good deal, according to situation ; but the alleged varieties have no j^ermanenee. >S'. densa Haworth, Misc. Nat., of which there is a cultivated s])ecimen in Herb. Kew. is a case in point. There is, however, a very fine, strong form fi-om Black Head, Co. Clare ( H. C. Levinye, sp. 1892), doubtless also to be found elsewhere on limestone in the West of Ireland, which is so different from all our others that it deserves description as a new variety. I have the same thing in my garden, sent by Mr. Praeger for Mr. Huiuiybun to draw, and pass,ed on to me. drown close to the type (from Cheddar), it keeps quite different ; notably in the absence of axillai-y Ijuds on the long barren shoots, and in its very large, orbicular or oljovate, more distinctly 3-veined petals. I have not noted the altitude reached, but believe that 1 have seen S. liypnoides {vera) up to fully 3-500 feet on Ben Lawers ; it also •j-rows low down. Scotland, f i-om Sutherland to the Border. England, in the north and west (including Wales), reaching its southern limits CRITICAL X0TE8 OX SOME HlUTAXXrC .SAXIFRAGES IGl in N. Somerset and Cornwall (Dingloss, June 1868, R. V. TeUam in Herb. Brit. Mus. ! ). Ireland, mainly western. Formerly I suggested that some'of our rarer " mossy " Saxifrages might be of hybrid origin ; a longer experience, however, makes this seem unlikely. Crossing appears to be common in most gardens ; but as yet my own British species have kept quite unmixed, perhaps for lack of the needful insect- visitors. Although it does not, strictly speaking, come within the lines of this paper, I may say here that *S'. stellaris L., Y-dw fontana Druce (pro- visionally) in Annals of Scoftish Natural History, 1892, p. 131, agrees rather well with Engler's description (Mon., p. 132) of forma glahrata Sternb., Suppl. ii. 18 : — •' Tota glaberrima ; stepius folia minora remotiuscula, apice tantum dentata vel Integra. Pedicelli tenuissimi," Engler says that it grows in very moist, spring}^ places, and quotes Fh Danica, t. 23, as depicting it. This figure seems to me to be only the normal plant, with the hairs left out. The specimens in Herb. Druce come from Aonach Mor (96) ; Glen Cailater (92) ; Meall G-orm (105) ; .Ben Wyvis (106), Lady Davy. I think that I have seen it on the Cairngorms and elsewhere. Whether or not it is constant should be proved by culture under more normal conditions. SHORT NOTES. Double-Flowered Epacrises. Dr. Hemsley contributes the following note to The Garden for March 3 : — " I see with pleasure that a double-llowered Epaci-is is still recommended as a desirable winter-flowering subject. My first knowledge of a double-flowered Epacris dates back to the early sixties of the last century, when the late Baron Ferdinand von Mueller sent to Kew a specimen labelled "■ JEpacris inqjressa var. plenijlora. Stawell, T. Holt." Knowing that Dr. B. Seemann, then editor of the Journal of Botany, was specially interested in double flowers of wild origin, I showed him the specimen, and he recorded it in the Journal of Botany (I860, p. 157) with the remark that it was the first instance of a genuine Australian plant with double flowers. Mueller's specimen is small, but it is densely beset with showy, very double, white flowers. Stawell, I may mention, is in the State of Victoria. Dr. M. T. Masters examined the specimen in question and gave the result in the same volume (p. 35-1). It exhibits the hose-in-hose form of doubling, the corollas being repeated one within the other, the lobes of each alternating with those of the one immediately pre- ceding it. Mueller himself records two double -flowered varieties of Epacris, namely, E. impressa \w.r. plenijlora, from Nunawading and Port Phillip, where it was rare; E. purpurascens m-ax. pleniflora, on rocks at Parramatta, near vSydne}^ New South Wales. The Kev. W WooUs, writing in 1885 on the double flowers of Australia, states that no family of the Australian flora has such a tendency to produce double flowers as the Epacridacece. E. purpurascens was one of the JOURXAL OF BOTAXV. VOL. 'jO. [JUXE, 1917.] X ICyO THE JOURNAL OF BOTANV iirst discovered in that condition, having been found many years previously on P]lizab.'tli Farm, near Parraniatta, and subsequently at the Xorth Kocks in the same district. A double-Howered variety of E. microplu/Ua was found at the North Shore and Manly Beach. The same botanist also records the discovery of wild double-Howered varieties of Spveiu/elid iucurnata and Astroloina hiduifiisuin, members of the same family." AiiXOHM.vL Fi/)WEii OF H.vxrx<"ULrs FiCAKiA. At the April meetint^ of the Liverpo(d Botanical Society, I exhibited in the fresh state a"" curious Hower of the Lesser Celandine, sent by Mr. Albert Wilson from near Hentham in Yorkshire. The flower was almost com})letelv double, and of a vivid green colour. I presume that Mr. Worsdell would call it an example of pleiotaxy of the corolla, with phyllody of the petals. Pleiotaxy in varying degree is frequent in this species, but 1 have not previously met with an example of phyllody, which seems to be much more unusual. — J. A. Wheldox. Yartation tx Asarabacca. I have had Aaarum curopceum L. in cidtivation for many years, from the original habitat in Deerfold Forest, Herefordshire, where it has long been naturalised. It seeds itself freely, and this year I have detected a vigorous plant which shows a marked variation from type ; it may be worth putting on record and I should be glad to learn whether it has been noticed before. The conspicuous feature of the common Asarabacca is the highlv polished, glistening surface of the coriaceous leaf ; in the new form the leaf-surface is qiiite dull and of a thinner texture. There is also a sliglit difference in the colour and shape of the flower. The characters may be contrasted thus :— A. europctum : leaves reniform with highly polished cuticle and small sparse hairs on upper surface ; flower greenish outside, dark chocolate within, perianth narrowing, ti])s curved inwards. Form : leaves similar in shape, but thinner in texture, surface dull, with more numerous hairs. Flowers dull green outside, brown within, wider, more cam]>anulate, perianth tips incurved. The only other species I have in cultivation is A. caiidatnm Lindb. (syn. Ilookeri), belonging to the same section of the genus, Kinisdrtnn. The seeds were sent me a few years ago from British Cobimbia. It is a good deal larger, with cordate pointed leaves of corrugated texture and dull surface; the flower is much larger, dull brown, cami^anidate with long-tailed perianth tips (1 inch). The form does not show any marked resemblance to this plant such as might suggest a hybrid origin. Dr. Jiendle and Mr. Baker, who have kindly examined the ))lant, consider it to be an interesting variation of A. europmrm. — Ei>konoka Armitaoe. Friitino of the F^NCiLTSH Elm. This note is to call attention to the abundant ])roduction of samaras in our great Enghsh Elm {Vlmus campf'stria). After a recent heavy thunder rain the ground was strewn with myriads of immature fruits. This southern species, native of Sj)ain and parts of France besides the south and west of England, usu.illy (lowers hci-c in January Cdatcs recorded Jan. lG-24) .SriORT NOTES 103 and February (Feb. 6, 12, 13, 27, the last the latest record) ; but in this abnormal season it did not tlower till April -t. The Wych Elm is a little later, dates recorded from Jan. 25 to March 10, mostly in February ; this year April 3. The flowers of the English Elm thus for a wonder escaped severe frost and hence no doubt the fruit production, which 1 onlj' recollect on three previous occasions. — Eleonoea Aemitage. REVIEW. Plants, Seeds and Carrenlti In the JVest Indies and Azores. Bv H. B. GuppY, M.B., F.K.S.E. 8vo. V\x xi, 531. With 8 maps ^' frontispiece. London : Williams & Norgate, 1917. Price 25s. net. Mb. Guppy has devoted many years to the study of seed dispersal across the great oceans and its bearing on problems of plant distribu- tion. He has approached the subject with a thoroughness and obser- vation of detail such as renders his jjublished work a storehouse of facts of inestimable value for the student of geographical distribution. Nearly forty years ago he studied during three years the Geology and Natural History of the Solomon Islands, later he investigated the Cocos-Keeling Islands and formulated views on plant dispersal based on his study of their Hora, while his book on Plant JJispersal (1906) embodied the results of three ^^ears' work in the Pacific Islands. The present volume embodies the results of investigations carried out in the West Indies and Azores between 1906 and 1914-. It is gratifying to note that the Linnean Society has recognized the great value of Mr. Gupjiy's woi-k b}^ awarding him the Gold Medal at the recent Anniversary Meeting. The closely printed pages of the volume before us are full of interesting matter; facts of the author's observation and deductions therefrom are correlated and compai-ed with the results of the observa- tion and the deductions of other workers. Each chapter is of the nature of a scientific memoir and its concluding summary supplies a useful precis of the contents. The first chapter deals with the West Indian beach-drift, its sources of supply and its distribution, which were investigated during four winters. The Turks Islands Avere selected for special study ; the beach-drift of these islands is considered as representing oceanic drift in transit, and the fact emerges that one-third of the fruits and seeds that figure in the foreign drift of the beaches of the Turks Islands has been found stranded on the coasts of Europe.' An account of the West Indian drift on European shores follow^s, including reference to the literature from Clusius onwards, and the various records are described under the headings of localities. But the floating seed can tell us nothing of its route, and although we should usually be right in assuming that a tropical seed cast up on a European beach came from the West Indies it may have started from the Amazon or even from the mouth of the Niger. The evidence of bottle-drift is more ti'ustworthy, and to this subject the following chapter is devoted. The I'csult of a balance of account ]'especting the lO-l TlIK .lolK.NAL OF BOTA>'Y interclians^e of seed-drift between the (^Id and the New World, shows that the Afts from the New to the Old World would be unimportant and not to be compared with the large amount of eifective seed-drift that must be rushed in a few months across the tropical Atlantic in the streams of the North and Main equatorial currents. This im- i).)i-tant conclusion is made the basis of a comparison between the West Indian and West African Floras. Several chapters, com])rising nearly loO pages, are devoted to a detailed discussion of the individual plants, com])rising first the larger foreign drift of the Turks Islands and secondly the West Indian littoral Hora in general. The distribution of each plant and its c:ipacitv for dispersal are fully considered. The two following ch:n)tei"s deal with the general characters and geological structure and flora of the Turks Islands. The plants may be grou})ed as those of the shore and those of the inland scrub. The former are not only found over the West Indian region but often also in the Old World. The latter are all plants of the New World. Sliort chaptei-s are devoted to the Differentiation theor}' and its relation to Distribution, and the three closing chapters are a detailed account of the author's observations on the flora of tlie Azores. His iirincipil study was the altitudinal ranges of the indigenous plants, their distribution and mode of dispersal, in which last birds have l)layed the principal part. An ap])endix gives in the fonii of notes, to A\hich reference is made in tlie body of the work, fuller details on si;ecilic points, and there is (iuallv a verv full General Index. A. B. R. BOOK-NOTES, NEWS, etc. At the meeting of the Linnean Society on A{)ril IDth Dr. D. H. Scott read a paper on '* The Heterangiums of the British Coal-Measures,'' illustrated by lantern-slides, of which tlie foHowing is an abstract : — Jleterungiuin Corda is a genus of Carboniferous plants, based on specimens with the structure preserved, and now classed with the Pteridos])erms. The stem is })rotostelic, with parenchyma among the tracheides ; the perij)heral xylem-strands and leaf -traces are mesarch ; the nietaxylem and secondary tracheides have multiseriate bordered ]»its. There are plates of sclereides in the cortex, and the hypoderina consists of alternating radial bands of fibres and parenchyma. In the only fully investigated s])ecies, H. Grievii, a single leaf-trace bimdle ])asses out into each leaf. In this species the leaves were large and c(mipound, of the Sphmopfrris type. William.'^on in his published papers only recognized two British species, //. Grievii and IL. tiVuc- (tidcH. Under the former name he included not only the Lower Carboniferous plant from Burntisland, on which the species ^Vas founded, but also certain Coal-Measure forms from Dulesgate. In the joint work by Williamsoji and the author the same nomenclature was adoi)ted, b»it a second forni from Dulesgate was also (lescril)ed under the provisional name II. ct/li/idricin/i. Jl. filiceoidr.s, a Coal-Measure i^pecies from Halifax, remark. ihle t\>r the great dcvclupmrnt and jier- BOOK-XOTES, XEWS, ETC 165 feet preservation of the j^hloem, has been kept distinct ever since its first discovery in 1S86. The enormous difference of age between the Burnt- island and tlie Dulesgate plants rendered their specific identity highly improbable, and the latter have been separated under the name H. Lo- maxii, after the name of tlie discoverer, originally suggested by William- son himself though not published by him. A fine Heterangium from Shore was discovered by Mr. Lomax and his son in 1912. It is a large stem, 18 mm. in diameter, though almost without secondary growth. Two leaf -trace strands leave the stele for each leaf dividing into four in the cortex and into eight in the petiole. This is the best example known of a polydesmic Heterangium ; the species appears to be distinct and may be named H. shoreuae. It has been found, however, that other Coal-Measure species were also polydesmic. In K. tiliceoides there are four separate bundles in the petiole and the same is the case in H. Lomaxii. In all these plants two bundles start from the stele, dividing into four on or before entering the leaf-base. The three species are also characterised by the sharp differentiation of the peri- pheral X3dem- strands and by an approach to exarch structure. It is proposed to group H. shorense^ H. tiliceoides^ and Jl. Lomaxii (of which H. cyliiulricum is only a form) in a new subgenus, Foltj- angium. It is probable that the Upper Coal-Measure species from Autun described by Kenault also fall under this subgenus, while most of the very interesting Silesian species, of Millstone Grit age, recently discovered bv Dr. Kubart, appear to belong to the simpler type which may be called Eu-keteranqiiim. Among the British Coal-Measure species it is only in H. minimum, sp. n., that a single bundle leaves the stele, dividing into two in the cortex. The polydesmic species of Heferangium show an interesting analogy with the simpler Medul- losea? and with the protostelic Calamopityea^, and may also be compared with Dr. Gordon's new genus Rhetinaugium. At the meeting of the same Society on May 3rd Mr. H. W, Pugsley gave a summary of his recently completed paper, "An Enu- meration of the species of Fnmaria, section i^phcerocaynosy After quoting Shakespeare's allusion to "rank fumiter" in " King Lear," he mentioned the earliest known references to these plants, under the name of f^arrvus, smoke, which date back to Dioscorides and the elder Pliny in the first century ; and drew attention to the ancient j^late in the Vienna Codex of Dioscorides, which was apparently drawn from K ojficiiialis. The modern generic name liist appears in Bock (Tragus), Fuchs and Matthioli. Allusion was then made to the curious but universal connection between Fumitories and smoke, and the various explanations that have been suggested for it. The treat- ment of these plants by Gerard, Kay and other pre-Linnean authors was touched upon, and it was shown that six annvial species Avere distinguished before the time of Linnanis. In the Sj)ecies Flan- tarum of 1753, two species only of true Fumarice are included, the remainder of the Linnean genus consisting of plants since transferred to Corgdalis and elsewhere-. The works on the genus by Handschuch (l.S32)and Park tore (1S44) were then referred to, after which the classification of the much more com])lete Monograph by Olof Hanmiar (1857) was explained with the help of diagrams, and it was demon- inn ! 111. .11 a i;-NAl. OK EOT ANT strated that two of Hanuiiar's three generic sections, the Af/rarice and tlie Capreulatcc, were morphologically closely connected, while his third section, the OJIiciiiales, was more distinct. It was then con- tended tliat the section Sj)J/(erocap?ios most natm-ally divides into two ])rimarv grou])s, viz. : — GrandiJIoriP (the Agrco'ice and CapreoJatce of Hammar) and F(irviflor(e (Hammar's OjficinaleH), an arrangement practically coinciding with Haussknecht's division into Latisectce and Aiif/iiiiti'sf'ctce in his treatise on these plants in "Flora" (1873). Additional weight was lent to this view by references to geographical distri])ntion, which shows that while the Grandiflorce are plants of the ]Meditcrranean region and Western Europe, the ParviJJorce have a nuich wider range and are more prevalent in Eastern Europe and in Asia. Attention was directed to the tendency to cleistogamy in the genus — most marked in the large-Howered species — and illustrative figures of F. sepium in different conditions were shown. The intrinsic beauty of many of the Grand ijlorce, rendering them desirable objects for garden cultivation under suitable environment, was also briefly men- tioned. Lack of time prevented detailed reference to the individual s])ecies of the pa}ier, wliicli number 46, but the original discovery of F. niicraniha in Britain by Gerard, suppressed in Johnson's edition and subsequently overlooked, was 23ointed out, and it w^as noted that the specimens of Kay's F. major scan dens Jfore pall id lore in the Sloane Herbarium and in the Dubois Herbarium at Oxford are forms of F. ojjicinalis, not of F. capvcolata for which Kay's name is cited by Linna'us. Wj-: are glad to hear that Miss Carlotta Herring- Browaie, who has been engaged for some years past in investigations into the life of John Bartram, the pioneer American botanist, has nearly completed her researches into the early records, including those in the British Mu.seum at Bloomsbury and Cromwell Koad and the l^oyal and Linnean Societies, and is now linishing her search at tlie Record Office. She ho])es to have her volume ready for the printers shortly. As the dates of Bartram's life have often been misstated, it may be well to ])lace the true dates on record. He was born on the 2.'5rd March, l(j91), near the village of Darby in Delaware County, Pennsylvania. The farm, which has now become Bartram Park, was bought by him in 172S, and lies near the junction of the Schuylkill and Delaware rivers. His stone house, built by his own hands, was finished in 1731. His thoughts were turned to botany in 1730, and in that year his friend James Logan jn-ocured for him a copy of Parkinson's "Theatrum."" He was thereupon stimulated to travel after the plants and trees of his neighbourhood at a time when such journeys were difficult and dangerous. His house com])leted, he took to establishing native plants in his garden ; in about 1734, on the suggestion of IxMijamin Franklin, Hartram sent his diaries to Peter Collinson, and the interchange of letters and ])arcels of j)lants lasted till the death of CN)llins()n in 1759. A few old trees due to these introductions still remain at Mill Hill, and some of the observations sent to Lond('AL OF BOTA::^!' A small, slender shrublet, some IS ins. high. The leaves measure from 10-12 cm. X 3-5-4-5 cm., with stalks 4-7 mm. in length ; stipules 4 mm. long, and 2 mm. or more in breadth at base. In- ilorescence somewhat al)breviated, with flattened top and base G-7 cm. wide ; bracts 8 mm. long at most. 6V////a'-lobes 2 mm. long. Corolla- tube about 7 mm. long, lubes 0 mm. X 1*7 mm. AutJiers^ 15 mm., hlaments slightly shorter. Disc rather over '5 mm. in height ; sti/le 1-6 mm. long, stigmatic branches '7 mm. Bland ibractea, Jiubiacearum e Kondeletiearum tribu novum genus. CaJt/cis tubus campanulato-infundibularis ; limbi lobi 4 sub- lequales lati apice rotundati. Corolla demum late infundibularis, basin versus tamen valide tubulosus ; limbi lobi 4 brevissimi latissimi apice truncato-rotundati, a?stivatione imbricati, uno exteriore ; tubus intus circa mediimi villosissimus. Stamina 4, pauUo supra corollse tubi medium inserta ; anthen^e breviter oblongo-ovatie, dorsifixaj ver- satiles, longiuscule exserta? ; lilamenta desuper validiuscula, pilosa, insuper a^igustata. Disc?(s conspicuus, carnosissimus. Ovarium bi- loculare : stylus longiusculus exsertus apice breviter bifidus ; ovula in loculis nmnerosa, conspicue funiculata. in placenta septo adnata plus minus immersa, horizontaliter affixa. Arbores/o>///s oppositis magnis crassiuscule ehartaceis, stipulis mox deciduis. Flares inter minores, in cymis paniculatis laxiuseulis amplis dispositi ; hractece interdum in laminam petiolatam foliaceam am])lam productae. In the absence of the fruit, the tribe to which this genus should be assigned is, strictly speaking, doubtful ; but in vie^y of the general facies, and of such other characters as are available for examination, I have little hesitation in relegating it to the HondeletifP, with Warscewiczia as its nearest ally. From the last-named this new genus is readily distinguished by its tetramerous flowers, structure of the corolla, insertion of the stamens, and, above all, by the nature of the " Schau-a])])arat " or attractive s^'stem cf the inflorescence. In our genus this latter is provided by modified bracts, the calyx-lobes being a])])roximately etpial ; in Warsceiviczia the petaloid attractive- organs are, inorjthologieally, calyx-lobes. Blandibractea brasiliensis, sp. unicum. Arbor ramulis validis subtetragonis, glal>ratis cortice ruguloso conspicue lenticellato. Folia magna lirme chartacea, nisi subtus in venis hie inde sparse minute pubenda glabra, late obovata, apice vix acuminata obtusiuscula, basi truncata subcordata, venis prjesertim centrali subtus prominentissimis petiolo brevi valido Uisi inflato; stijyulce caducissimje (nee vidi). F.ores \)YO i-ata ])arvi, breviter sa^])ius pedicellati, in paniculis dispositi amplissimis numcrosissimi ; novi tubulosi, maturi late infundibulares ; hractece sfepe in laminam crassiusculam elli])ticam producta?, glaberri- mam, apice rotundatam basi cuneatam in ])eti(dum gracilem elon- gatum nccnon sublignosum venis valde conspicuis plus minus im- preS'. hiflora Linn. fil. The remainder he includes in aS'. pratensis, with the exception of S, veris, a species collected in Matto Grosso and described by Mr. Spencer Moore in Trans. Linn. Soc. ii. iv. 368 (1893) ; S. ery- thrceoides Cham., which he relegates io Limnosipanea; S. radicans Endl., s}Tionpnous with >S'. hiflora ; and S. carnea Neumann, in Rev. Hort. II. ii. 445 et tab. (1844), which he leaves without mention, possibly because this species was based on a plant grown from seed sent from an unnamed localitv in South America. o2 172 Tin: .KJIK-XAL UV IJOTAXV The tvpe of 'S'. prafensis is in tlie National Herbarium ; and an examination of the i)lentiful material there has led me to the concln- sion that this sjjecies is clearly distinguishable from the more widely- distributed *y. hiapiila Sjn-uce MS. ex K. Sehum. Fl. Bras. Yi. vi. 2oO, with which vSehumann confused it {loc. ciL). The result of my examination of the material in the National Herl>arium is dis])]ayed briefly in the following systematic account, which includes the description of six new species. The species are arranged as nearly as possible in order of relationship. 1. Sipanea galioides, sp. nov. S. prafmiiis Oliv. (not of Aul)let) in Trans. Linn. Soc. n. ii. (1886) 27(). Herba gracilis, coiilibus insupcr sa?pe tenuissimis, appresse hirtello-pubescentibus. Folia angusta, linearia vel lineari-lanceolata siepius obtusa sessilia, firme chartacea, utrinrpie subtus tamen densius ])riesertim in venis hir- tella ; stipulce breviuscuhe triangulares acuminata? acutae. FJores 1-8 in cymulis capitatis terminalibus dispositi, Cidijcis lobi lineares. acuti ; coroUce tubus gracilis, extus insuper sericeus infra s^pius glabratus, lobi late ovati acutissimi brevissime acuininati, iitrinque ^■^'^^^'^•. . . , Biitish Guiana : Spelemoota, Am})oo Biver, Koraima, Tm Thurn 29 ! 1st December, 1884. Leaves^ 19-31 mm. X 4-6 mm. ; stipules, ± 4 mm. long. Calyx- lobes 6 mm. Coro//«-tube, 18 mm. oi- longer ; lol)es, 9 mm. x 6*-5 mm. Distinct from all the other species in its very narrow, Galium-Wke leaves, and its ample corolla-limb. 2. Sipanea Spraguei, sp. nov. >S'. acini folia Benth. ex Sprague in Trans. Bot. Soc. Edinb. xxii. 488 (1901), ex ])arte ; Wernham in Kew Bull. 1914, 64. Herba inter humillimas, caulibus tenuibus pro- cund)entibus, in nodis inferioribus radicantibus, infra glabrescentibus ajiices versus minute hirtellis ; folia parva elliptico-lanceolata sub- sessilia sa?pius subobtusa, vix acuminata supra sparsiuscule hirtella nonnuntjuam subglabra, subtus similiter nisi saepius in venis densius induta ; stipulce obsoletaj. Flores sessiles, nisi in ore et faucibus aiu'antiaco-villosi glabri, solitarii caules adscendentes terminantes. Cahfcis lobi erecti lineares acutissimi in corolhe tubum stricte ad})ressi, pro rata breves. CoroUfe tubus gracilis, insui)er parum ampliatus, l<)l)i late obovati apice rotundati, tubi dimidium su]X'rantes. Venezuela : Orinoco \i.. Caicara, November 1898, in savanna near a chunp of moriche ])alms, Spraf/uc 7 ! Allied to >S'. aciuifolia Sprague ( = S. veris S. Moore), to which I originally assigned it (loc. cit. supra), but it is readily separable from that species in consideration of its much smaller size, smaller leaves, shorter calyx, and relatively much larger corolla-limb. Leaves 5-8 nun. x l*5-2'5 mm. C V///.r-lobes 80 mm. Corolla-twha 12 mm. ; lobes 8-0 nnn. X 5*5 mm. J^ Sipanea veris S.Moore in Trans. Linn. Soc. ir. iv. 36J^ (1893). /S'. aciuifolia Benth. ex Sprague in Trans. Bot. Soc. Edinb. xxii. 438. Hncsil : Matto (i rosso, Hio des Bugres, October, >Sj9f;- RUBIACE.T, 173 4. Sipanea biflora Linn. lil. Suppl. 184 ; Cham. & Schlecht. in Liniiiea, iv. 108.* S. radicans Endl. Ataet. vii. t. 7. Boudeletia biflora Rottb. PL Sur. vii. t. 2. f. 2. Guiana: DahlhergX Hostniarui 1121; Venezuela: — Orinoco R., near Maypures, >Syjrwct' 3(520 ! Brasil : Sellol Blanchet 14iSdl o. Sipanea prateiisis Aubl. PI. Guian. i. 147, t. 56. S. dicho- toma H. B. & K. ex Benth. in Hook. Journ. Bot. iii. 218, Guiana : Aiiblet ! Schomburfjk 15 ! 95 ! SpUff/erber (Herb. I)e Vriese) ! Berthoud Couloii 17(3! Trinidad: in grassy places near La Bray. This species, the type of the genus, may be regarded as the jiarent-species of the four preceding, wdiich, like it, are more or less slender and even delicate plants, inclined to creep or straggle, smooth and tending to glabrousness ; the}'' are distinguished also by the rela- tively large corolla-limb. The remiining species are loosely connected Avith the above group by way of IS. (/labrata, about to be described. They form a group with S. his p Ida in the centre, being coarser, more or less hispid plants, more or less rigidly erect and branching from the base, with characteristically small corolla-limb. 6. Sipanea glabrata, sp. nov. Herba parva e basi ramosa, caulibus plus minus virgatis in nodis tumidis densiuseule appresse pubescentibus. Folia latiuscule lanceolata utrinque acuminata acuta, supra nisi in venis minute hirtella glabra, subtus in venis densius hir- tella "filter glabra ta, brevissime petiolata ; stipulcd obsoleta? v. bre- vissime setaceo-acuminatae. Flores parvi in cymulis in anthesi sub- capitatis demum laxescentibus 5-6-lloris dispositi. Calycis lobi sparsissime hirti, nonnunquam fere glabri lineares acuminati. Corollce tubus extus infra glaber insuper griseo-])ilosus parum ampliatus, lobi late necnon breviter ovati apice rotundati. Capsula (immatura) densissime sericeo-pilosa, calycis lobis fere glabris persistentibus corona ta. Brasil : Matto Grosso, S. Anna da Chapada, 28 June, 1902, Bobert 333 ! 364 ! Leaves db 4 cm. X 1"2 cm. C'rt/y.i- lobes 3*5 mm. C'oroZ/rt-tube 1 cm. ; lobes, 2 mm. X 2*7 mm. Allied to S. hispida Spruce, but easily distinguished by the nearly glabrous leaves, the obsolete stipules, and the ver}^ small corolla-limb, barely half a centimetre in diameter. 7. Sipanea hispida Benth. MS. in Herb. Mus. Brit. ^. prafensis K. Sch. in Mart. PI. Bras. vi. vi. 249 (non Aubl.). Herba hirsuta erecta, pauUo ramosa, caule crassiuscula, basi sub- lignoso, insuper dense hispidulo. Folia papyracea, elliptico-lanceolata, acuminata apice acuta, basi acuta, utrinque prsesertim in venis sub- hispido, venis secundariis utrinque 5-8, subsessilia nonnunquam brevissime petiolata ; stipidm e basi lato breviter oblongo subito in acuminem longiusculum productse. Flores in capitulis primo inter minores 5-12-tloris, demum in cymis elongatis ])lus minus- secunde dichotomis dispositi, bracteis linearibus v. lineari-lanceolatis simplici- bus. Calycis lobi lineares acutissimi pilosi tubo densissime sericeo. Corollas tubus breviusculus extus basin versus pilosus. insuper glabres- ]^74 TnE .Tori^XAL of botaxy cens limbns patens nee latiis, lobis glabratis rotundatls. Frucfus clensissinie sericeo-villosus calycis lobis coronatus persistentibus. Brasil : llio Xegro, near San Gabriel cle Cacboeira, Spruce 2051 ! Moist eanii^ios, Goyaz, November, Gardner 322-i ! Matto Grosso, Spencer Moors 801 ! Peru : near Tarapoto, Spruce 4002 ! Bolivia : Mapiri, 2500 feet, May, Busht/ 2461 ! X. Paraguay : HassJer 7738 I between K. Apa and K. Aquidaban, February, Fiehrifj 4799 ! S. Paraguay : Maracayu, llassler 59G1 ! (v. S. prafensls, supra). L'^acesl ± 0 cm. X 2 em., with sfcilks not exceeding 5 mm. ; stipules, broad base 2-5 mm., acumen, ± 5 mm. CW /y.r-lobes, 3-4 mm. long. CoroUa-iwha, 6-8-5 mm. ; lobes, 3 mm. X 2 mm., rarely larger. 8. Sipanea Trianae, sp. nov. Herba vensimiliter prolixe repens, omnino molliter patento-pilosa, caulibus gracilibus elongatis. FoUa inter minora, ovata vix acuminata subacuta, brevissime petiolata v. subsessilia ; stipules e basi brevissimo triangulari in setam productip. Flores pro genere minimi in cymulis densiuscule congesti primo sub capitatis, demum dichotomis laxiusculis secundi. Calycis lobos setaceos dense villosos coroUce tubus vix su}>erans extus dense ^^ilosse, limbus jiatens parvus. Colombia : Triana 1776 ! Leaves, 19-28 mm. X 10-15 mm. ; stipules (seta) 5 mm. Calyx- lobes, 3 mm. CoroUa-iuhe 4 mm. ; limb 3-3 mm. in diameter. Belated to S. hispida Spruce, but quite distinct in the leaf -shape and in the small, inconspicuous flowers. 9. Sipanea brasiliensis, sp. nov. Herba parva hispidulo-villosa, caulibus adseendentibus. Folia inter minora elliptico-lanceolata acu- minata siepius acuta, sessilia ; sfipulee in vaginam brevem persistentem connatre nee setosje. Flores in cymulis paucifloris terminalibus ao-o-reo-atiB ; calycis lobi lineares acutissimi, in fructu decidui ; coroUce tubus inter breviores, circa medium inflatus, insuper ])atente-pilosus, subtus glabrescens, lobi late ovati, glabri. Capsula minima pubescens. Brasil : Minas Geraes, on a dry bank near Sahara ; fl. and fr. September ; Gardner 5009 ! Leaves 14-20 mm. X 4-7 mm. Cr/Zy.r-lobes, 3 mm. Corolla- tube, 1 cm. ; limb, 7 mm. in diameter. Simply distinguished from its nearest ally, *S^. hispida, by its small size — attaining only 3 or 4 inches in height — the small leaves, and very small, uncrowned fruits. The dehisced capsule is barely 5 mm. in length, each valve being only 2-5 mm. in its greatest width. 10. Sipanea colombiana, sp. nov. Herba pedalis simplex n^^c ramosa, gracili sparse griseo-hirtello. Folia sessilia v. subsessilia, ob- longa nee acuminata apice subacuta, utrinque minute necnon sparse nisi in venis densiuscule hirtello-])ul)escentia ; stipulce parvte triangulares nee setaceo-acuminatfB. Flores in cymulis parvis capitatis terminalibus alaribusque ± lO-floris congesti, hracteis foliis similibus nnilto tamen minorlbus. Calycis lobi pro genere latiusculi necnon breviusculi lineares, ])ersistcntes. Corollcc tubus extus fere glabrae super medium liml)i basin versus leniter ampliatus, lobi elliptico-obovati obtusi TROPICAL AMERICAN RUBIACE,^ 175 patentes. Capsula inter minima obtuse costata, sparse griseo-pilosa, cah'cis lobis aliquanto accrescentibus glabrescentibus coronata. Colombia : Province of Ocana, Crecenoche, 900 feet ; ii. Mav. A short erect unbranchecl herb — aj^parentlj annual. Leaves not more than 4 cm. long and 1--1 cm. broad. 6'«/y^'-lobes, in the Hower, 2-5 mm. ; in the fruit, barely 4 mm. long. C(9ro//«-tube, 13-14 mm. long, and over 2 mm. wide at the mouth ; lobes, 7 mm. x 5-2 mm. Allied to the Guianan >S'. pratensis, from which it di:ffers in the sessile, oblong, non-acuminate leaves, the short, relatively broad calyx- lobes, and the very small capsule, which is barel}^ 4 mm. long at maturity. The types of the following species I have, unfortunately, had no opportunity of seeing : — *S'. fjlomerata H. B. K. Nov. Gen. & Sp. iii. 398. K. Schumann distinguishes this sharply from ^S. pratensis on the grounds of its leathery corolla, tripartite external bracts, and lengthily acuminate silk}^ leaves. He quotes Spruce 3665, fi'om Maypures, as an example. It is probably a distinct species. aS'. trichantha Miq., in Linniea xviii. 293, is stated by the author to have its nearest ally in *S'. glomerata H. B. K., from which he dis- tinguishes it by the leaf-shape (" . • • intimis ellipticis reliquis lanceo- latis ....'') and the corolla (" . . tubo longe villoso et simul breviore certe sui juris."). The habitat is given as "in Surinamo copiose . . ." ; and it would appear to be a form of variety of ;S'. pratensis, essentially a Guianan species. S. vinca Mart, ex K. Sch. in Fl. Bras. vi. vi. 250, identified by Schumann with S. pratensis, may be >S'. hispida. S. carnea Neumann in Kev. Hort. ii. ii. 445 (cum tab.) has been referred to above. Cepiialanthus IX America. This genus of Nauclece, according to Haviland's excellent mono- graph in Journ. Linn. Soc. xxxiii. (1897) 38, is represented in the New World by live species, namely : — C. saUcifolius Humb. & Bonpl., conlined to Mexico ; C. Savandi Cham. & Schlecht., native in Brasil, Paragua}^ and parts of the Argentine ; C. pernvianus Spruce, and C. hrevijiortcs Spruce, each represented by a single specimen from Tarapoto ; and C. occidentalis L., widely distributed over India and S.E. Asia, and over North America from Canada to California. Haviland identifies a Cuban plant {Wright 2758) with this species, and one^or two Mexican specimens also. I find, however, from an examination of the material in the National Herbarium, that the Mexican specimens are quite distinct from C. occidentalis. . The following novelties have apparently escaped notice hitherto : — Cephalanthus Berlandieri, sp. nov. Frutex ramulis teretibus Isevibus gracilibus glaber. Folia 3-ver- ticillata elliptica papyracea leniter acuminata apice subobtusa basi cuneata breviter petiolata, venis secundariis utrinque 7 ; stipjulce mox 176 THE JOURNAL OF BOTAXiT decidujE triangulares. Capitida inter minores in axillis solitai-ia siiperiorilnis ranuilos necnon terminantia, jDedunculis rectis gracilibus. Calycis extus pilis perpaucis nonnunquam hie inde hirti aliter glabri lobi lati rotundati obscuri ; corolla inter brevissimas tubus gracilis extus glabra^ lobi oblongi concavei apice rotundati ; stylus longe exsertus. Mexico : Bejar, Berlandier 1620 ! Leaves, ± ^ cm, X 3 cm., with petiole not exceeding 7 mm. Stipules ± 3 mm. long. Peduncles ± 2-5 cm. Calyx, 2d mm. long. Corolla-tnhe 3-3-3 mm. long; lobes barely I'o mm. Style exserted up to 1'5 mm. Ileails, not reckoning the corollas, 7 mm. in diameter. This species is at once distinguishable by the remarkable shortness of the corolla, as well as by the small size of the heads. The sheet in the National Herbarium, l)earing the above type, contains also a plant collected in Texas by Berlandier (No. 1737), named " CejjJialaitfhus occidentalis /3. hrachypodus DC." The tiowers upon this latter specimen are, however, too young for the species to be identitied ; and in any case the description of the variety in question (DC. Prodr. iv. 539) is inadequate altogether. The Texas plant is probabl}^ a variety of C. occidentalis ; it is not identical with my new Mexican species. Cephalanthus Hansenii, sp. nov. Frutex glaberrima, ramulis teretibus stria to -Isevibus virgatis sub- herbaceis. Fulia membranacea ternatim verticillata, latiuscule lan- ceolata utrinque acuminata apice acutissima, venis secundariis utrinque 4-5, petiolo brevi ; stipulcB herbacese ti-iangulares acutie caducse. Capitula inter majores in cymis umbellatis terminalibus disposita necnon axillares solitaria. Calyx extus nisi hie inde 2-3-pilis hirtellus glaber, lobis oblongis apice rotundatis. Coro/Zt^ tubus inter longiores, lobis erectis planis oblongis apice rotundatis. California : Amador Co., Crow Point, 1500 ft., July, Hansen 1163! Mexico: Chihuahua, San Diego Canyon, Sierra Madre Mts., 6400 ft., 16 September, Jones ! Tliis species differs from both its nearest alHes, C occidentalis and C. salicifolius, especially in the much greater length of the corolla- tube, as well as in the shape of the leaves. The latter measure about 8 cm. X 2'4 cm. on an average, with stalks not exceeding 7 mm. in length, and stipules 3 mm. long and 3 mm. broad at the base. Heads, about 8 mm. in diameter, exclusive of the corollas. Calyx 3 mm. long. Corolla-tnhe 11-12 mm. long; lobes 1-Smm. long. Terminal peduncles, 4*5 cm. long. Cephalanthus peroblongus, sj). nov. * Frutex ranudis virgatoiectis novellis minute puberulis. Folia ternatim verticillata subcoriaceo-chartacea, oblonga basi subito acuta apice vix acuminata leniter rotundata, subtus ])rjesertim in venis puberula, supra subnitentia glabra, venis secundariis utrinque 5-6, petiolo ])uberulo l)revi ; stipulce jjarviP triangulares acutie. (Japitula terminalia necnon in axillis solitaria pedunculis rigidulis sublignosis. Calyx dense griseo-sericeus, tubo sidcato, obsolete lobatus, Corolhe TllOPICAL AMEIUCAX KUBIACE.E 177 tubus gracillimus extus subglaber, insuper sub limbo subito ampliatus, lobis oblongo-orbieularibus subpatentibus apice rotundatis. Mexico : on loa)ii, in moist ravines, Tepic, Ma}', Barclay 1193 ! A shrub (3 ft. high, with white flowers. Leaves, about 8 cm. X 2 cm., with petiole not exceeduig 4 mm. Heads, 8 mm. in diameter, exclusive of the corollas. Calyx 25 mm. long ; corolla-tube 6-8 mm. long ; lobes 1*5-2 mm. Quite distinct in its leaf-shape and texture, and in the indumentum of the calyx. NOTES OX NOMENCLATURE. By James Brittex, F.L.S, I. The Restriction of Names " ex loco." In the course of his paper on Viola montana (Journ. Bot. 1916, 260) Mr. Wilmott calls attention to a point which seems to merit more attention than it has received. The passage is likely to be overlooked, and it appears worth while to reprint it. " The using of local floras to precise names * ex loco' is," he says, '"illogical. Obviously the author of a local flora is, in a sense, only dealing with those forms of the sj^ecies which grow in his area, but he cannot in any sense be regarded as restricting the name to those forms .... Names in local floras, unless the contrary is definitely stated, are to be regarded as identifications, the author merely referi-ing his plant to a known species." Mr. Wilmott takes as an illustration of his view the position assigned to Adonis annua in the British Museum List of Heed-Plants, in which I fear Dr. Kendle and myself acted in con- travention of this principle: "Hudson (1762) Fl. Angl. p. 209 has (see Journ. Bot. 19u7, p. 43.5) been regarded as restricting the name Adonis annua to the only British species, viz. A. autumnalis. This is not so. All that Hudson meant is ' The British Adonis belongs to A. annua Linn., other varieties of which occur outside Britain.' " I had expressed the view stated by Mr. Wilmott with some clearness in this Journal for 1907, j). 283, in the course of a review of Mr. Druce's account of Tlie Lillenian Herbarium in which he applied Hill's name Hellehorine to the genus hitherto known as Epipactis. My reasons against this now appear to me so cogent that I am puzzled to explain my later concurrence in Mr. Druce's defence of his position in adopting Hellehorine (see Journ. Bot. 1908, 8-10), although in a note to this paper I stated that I still retained the conviction " that Hill intended to restore the name as an equivalent of the Linnean genus Sey-apias, as indeed his words indicate " (loc. cit. p. 10). Mr. Druce points out that Hellehorine, as defined by Hill, excludes the species now included in Serapias : the phrase, " The leaves are broad and nervous, and the root is composed of interwoven fibres " is not applicable to Serajnas as now understood. Nevertheless, Hill's words — " [Linnseus] takes awa}^ the received name {^Hellehorine'] and calls it Herapias'''' — make it quite evident that Hill regarded the names as equivalent, although he naturally limits 17S THE JOURNAL OF BOTANY his descrijition to the British species. Avith whicli alone he was con- cerned. In Journ. 13ot. 1912 (p. 257) Mr. Druce has a further note in sup})ort of Ilelleborine. II. FiLix "Hill. Mr. O. A. Farwell sends me a reprint of a jjaper entitled " Fern Notes" which he contributed to the Eighteenth Annual lieportof the Michigan Academy of Science (December 1916, pp. 78-94). In this lie pro])Oses to employ generically the name Fllix — which, as he points out, has already been adopted by Underwood and others, on the ground of its emplo^'ment by Adanson (1763) in that sense for Bern- hardi's Cystojjft'rls, — basing his ])i'oposition on its use by Hill in 1755. At the outset it may be of interest to note that this is not the first edition of HilUs work, which was published anonymously in the preceding year — 1754 : we have a copy of this in the Depart- ment of Botany, but it is noticed neither by Pritzel nor Jackson. The 1755 issue was printed from the same plates and diifers from the first only by the addition of a dedication of four pages — " To the Honourable the Lady Betty Germain," whose virtues are fulsomely narrated although Hill styles himself " a stranger " to her, — wdth the author's name, the date, and the words " second edition," which last seem to have escaped the notice of the bibliographers mentioned. In our copy of the 1754 issue, at the end of the preface, is a note in Hill's hand which announces as forthcoming his British Herbal : " January 24th, 1756. No. 1 To he continued Weekly and to he Published in 50 Numbers to Consist of one Yolume folio Qd each Number " : the numbers were actuall}^ 52. I find it impossible to discover on what ground Mr. Farwell bases his conclusion that Hill intended to establish a genus, nor do I see that his quotations from Hill's jDreface have any bearing on the matter. Mr. Farwell rightly points out that " the Latin names are either uninomials, binomials, or polynomials" and that "the work contains no generic descriptions as such " : this being so, how can we recognize as a genus of Hill what he certainly never thus defined ? Mr. Farwell's reasoning is ingenious rather than convincing : having first laid down that " the names Filix mas and Filix fa^mina as liere used by Hill must be considered as true binomials " — a state- ment to which I demur — he proceeds to build on this assum])ti(>n thus : *' Since the binomial has been effectively published it follows that each element of tlie binomial, that is to say, that the generic name and the s])ecific name each has been effectively ])ublished and the proper citation for the genus is Filix (Fuchs) Hill, [Useful] Family Herbal, 171, 1755."* Again, Hill a})plies the name Filix to two plants now universally regarded as generically distinct: Filix mas { = L((str('a Filix-mas) and Filix (or, as he prints it Felix) ftemina { = Fteris aquilina). Mr. Farwell restricts the name to the former genus, presumably on the ground of " priority of place " — a principle which, if carried out, would lead to astonishing results : e. g. those who, following most systematists, unite Amyrjdalus with Prunus would, if they adopted * This by the way it certainly is not : the page is 1 11. XOTES OX ^'OMEXCLATUEE 179 tliis principle, if it may be so styled, have to rename all the species of the latter under the former name. This would afford a grand oppor- tunity for the makers of "new combinations," among whom we regret to see Mr. Farwell must be numbered : no fewer than 27 such names are indicated as "X. Comb." as a sequel to his adoption of HilFs alleged genus. This haste to invent new names — which some uncharitabl}^ suggest is prompted by a desire to immortalize one's own— is surely to be deprecated. III. The Gexeric Navies ix L. Sp. Pl. ed. 2. I may take this occasion for cilling attention to a point of nomenclature which is insufficiently provided for by the Vienna Code. Art. 19 says : " It is agreed to associate genera, the names of which appear in [Species Phmfarum, ed. 1] with the descriptions given of them in the Genera Plantarum, ed. 5 (1754)." This makes no pro- vision for the names added in ed. 2 of the Species (1762), which must in like manner be associated with ed. 6 of the Genera (1764), as indeed is indicated by Linnaeus himself in the preface : *' Genera nonnulia novay nonnuUa immuiafa adhibui ; quse in nova editione Generum plantarum propediem sistere animus est." An example of the cases where such provision is necessary will be found in Pcederoia, of which two species are indicated in Sp. PI. ed. 2, p. 20, the first description of the genus occurring in Gen. PI. ed. 6, p. 12. This is not parallel to the case of JSFolana prostrata (Linn. f. Dec. t. 2) and to others of the kind here, although no generic character is given. The description contains full generic characters ; the describers of later species, recognizing the genus, give characters which separate these from the one described with the genus. The converse method is followed by Miller (^Ahridrjemenf ed. 6), who describes the genus JVaJkeria {=^JS'oJana) but names no species. It may be noted here that the name Nolana is cited by the Kew Index from " Linn. Sp. PI. ed. 2, 202 (1762)." Here there is no description, but a reference is given to " Linn. dec. i. t. 2," with a note " Plantie figuram et descrip- tionem dedit Filius in Decuria plant. 1762." In the Decas, however, the younger Linnaeus attributes the name to his father : " Cum abso- lute haec planta novum constitueret genus, eam Parens Carissimus I^olanam nominavit, a Nola s. campanula derivatum." The preface to the Species is dated 1 Sept. 1762; that to the Decas bears no date, though the title page gives 1762. Whether the name should be cited as " L." or " L. ex L. f." is therefore doubtful, but in any case Linnaeus seems responsible for the name. SOMERSET PLAXT-XOTES FOR 1916. By the Rev. Edward S. Marshall, M.A., F.L.S. Although the number of our local field-workers and the extent of their excursions were rightly reduced by the state of public aflaii-s., last season in the County was by no means without botanical results. Mr. X. G. Hadden did successful exploring around Porlock ; J so TUE JOUI^XAL OF BOT.v.yr Messrs. W. J). Miller, AV. Watson, and others added to their previous valuable contributions : and Lady Davy, during a short stay on Exnioor, found several noteworthy species. 1 have also received notes from Messrs. H. S. Thompson and E. J. Hamlin. Districts 1 to 4 and 6 are in v. c. 5 S. Somerset ; the rest belong to V. c. 6 N. Somerset. An asterisk indicates a new viceconiital record. A note of admiration means that 1 have seen the plant /// situ. Ranunculus trichophijUus Chaix. 8. West of Edington Junc- tion!, Watson. — H. Drouet/i F. Schultz. 2. iioadside ditch, Holni- cote, Hadden. — R. Baudotii Godr. 2. Ditches on the Porlock-Boss- ington marshes, Hadden. — R. homiojjJn/llus- Ten. {Lenorinandi Y. Schultz). 3. Hawk Moor (in Otterford Parish) ; and 6. Near Churchstanton, Miller. — R. auricomus L. 10. Common at Chewton Mendip, Tucker. ILelleborus viridis L. 4. About a dozen plants, above South Hill Farm, Staple Fitzpaine, Miller.— R. foetidus L. 10. Lily- combe, near Litton, Tucker. Aquilrffia luilr/aris L. 1. Truly wild, on a moor between East Anstey and Dulverton, but very local. 2. A few plants, near a ruin, in The Parks, Porlock ; clearh^ not native, Hadden. 3. Biagdon, near Pitminster, Watson. Nt/mphaea alba L. 3. Pond on Widcombe Moor, north of Churchstanton ; but doubtless planted. Meco}io2^sis camhrica Vig. 9. In two places below Callow llocks, near Sidcot, Thompson. Fumaria capreolata L. {^paUidijlora Jord.). 2. Kilve ; and 8. Burnham, Watson. Nasturtium syloestve Br. S. Locally plentiful on tlie peat-moor, west of Edington Junction. — N. ampliibium Br. 10. \^\ ponds oft' Field Lane, Chewton Mendip, Tucker. Arabis hirsuta Scop. 10. Chewton Mendip ; not common. Tucker. Draba muralis L. 10. Walls along Field Lane and off Watery Combe, Chewton Mendip, Tucker. Sisymbrium Thalianum Gay. G. Combe St. Nicholas. Diplotaxis muralis DC. 10. An abundant weed in the grounds ot" Chewton House, Chewton Mendip, Tucker. Coronopus didi/mus Pers. 2. Porlock Weir, Hadden. — C. pro- cumbens (iilib. 10. Chewton Mendip, Tucker. Lepidium ruderale L. 5. East Quay, Bridgwater, Hamlin. — L. Draba L. 2. Now plentiful by a roadside at Minehead, Hadden. 3. By the Parret, Bridgwater, Hamlin. 10. At the South- Western llailway Station, jNIidsomer Norton, Thatcher. Teesdalea nudicaulis Br. 2. In good quantity by the roadside, Porlock Hill, Hadden. Many hours' search failed to detect it in its only other known Somerset locality {Miller). Cakile maritima Scop. 3. Shore, near the Golf Club-house, Mine- liead Warren, Hadden. Raphanus Raphanistrum L. 2. Field near Bossington, Hadden. It seems to be verv uncommon in the southern districts. SOMERSET PLA>;T-X0TES FOR 1916 181 Viola ^j«Z«6'?f;'/s L. 1. Siiiionsbatb, Davy. G. Widcombe Moor, and near Combe St. Nicholas. 10. By Bishop's Ponds, Eaker Hill Woods, Chewton Mendip, Tucker. *V. epipsila Lydebour. In my Supplement I suo-gested that this should be searched for on Exmoor, not knowing that it had already been found there ; it may prove to be frequent on the moors in the south-west. An addition to the County list. — 1. North end of Pinkery Pond (fountain-head of liiver Barle), near Simonsbath, at 1-150 feet ; the tj'pe, together with forma gJahrescens Ascherson & Graebner and V. epipsila x palustris (all named by Mrs. Grregory), August 8. 1911, W. P. Iliern. 3. In bogs and moist woods on Blackdown, near West Buckland. 6. Widcombe Moor (type ; forma glabrescens ; and forma minor Gregory). Poh/f/ala oxiipiera Keichb. 2. Culbone Woods, and near Greena- leigh, Minehead, Hadden. — P. serpyllacea Weihe. 1, Simonsbath, Davy, sp. Saponaria officinalis L. 6. Combe St. Nicholas, Watson. Silene latifolia Rendle & Britten, y'A.v. pt(heri(la (Jord.). 2. Lane near Bossington, Hadden. — S. latifolia x maritima. 9. Blagdon- Mendip ; sent fresh by Mr. Britten, together with a small >S'. mari- ti)na., which fairly well answers to the description of var. parvifolia DiTice. >S'. cretica L. Mr. Wilmott of the National Herbarium refers to the type the Milverton clover-field plant, queried as var, annnlata (Thore) in last year's Notes (p. 97). Dychnis alba X dioica. 2. Bossington, Hadden. L. Gitliayo Scop. 2. Porlock, Hadden. 10. Frequent in cornfields on the Hallatrow and Wells roads, Chewton Mendip, Tucker. Stellaria Dilleniana Ma?nch. 8, The green-\e?i\Q(\. form (much the scarcer in Britain, and not previously noted in Somerset) occurs in a small swamp by the railway-line to Highbridge, W.N.W. of Edgington Junction, Watson ! It grows with our usual form (;S'. glauca With.), which is frequent thereabouts ; and I could find no difference between the two, excepting the colour of their foliage. Arenaria leptoclados Guss. 8. Sandhills, north of Barnham ; both type and var. *viscidulaJiouY & Foucaud, but not plentiful. — A. verna L. 10. In several places, C^hcAvton Mendip, Tucker ; probably extending into dis. 9, as he informs me that the Mineries Bog and Chewton Warren are both in this parish. A. serpyllifolia L., var. *viscidula Roth (glufinosa Koch). 8. Sandhills, north of Burnham. 9. Berrow sandhills. Purn Hill, Bleadon, Thompson, sp. Sagina suhulata Presl. 4. Britty Common, above Staple Fitz- paine. — S. nodosa Fenzl. 9. Charterhouse-on-Mendip, Miss Roper. Burrington, Thompson. Spergula arvensis L. 2. A common weed on hill-farms about VoYlook, Hadden. 8. Near Edington Junction, ^wz'i'o;^. 10. Corn- field near West End, Chewton Mendip, Tucker. Montia fontana L. 1. Exton (var. rivularis) ; and 6. Wid- combe Moor, Watson. Hypericum Androsaemum L. 2. The Parks, Porlock, Hadden. — H. Jmmifusum L, 3. Road-cutting, Gotton, West Monkton, Miller. — H. elodes L. 1. Simonsbath and Withypool. 6. Otterford, Watson. 1S2 THE JOURNAL OF 150TAXY JLdra moschafa L. 2. M(^nksilver ; (3. Castle Xeroche, Watson. 10. liemarkubly common at Chewton Mendip ; much more so than 21. si/Ir&sfris. Tttc/ier. Linum hienne Mill. {aiujuatifoJium Huds.). 2. Porloek Marsh, liiuJdru. JlaJiola li)ioides liotli. 2. Holford, Hamlin. Geraniion phaeum L. 2. Established at Lower Yexford,^ Stog- iimher, Dr. C. E. KilJick, sp. — G. pratense L. 10. Chewton Mendip; abmidant. Tucker. — G. pyrenaicum Burm. fd. 1. Wins- ford, Watson. 2. Dnnster, Ha ndin. -G. coliimlnnnm L. 2. Oare- ford, Hadden. 3. Badger Street, Watson. 4. Staple Fitzpaine, ILillrr. Erodium moscliatum L'Herit, 2. Bossington Marsh ; plentiful, Hadden. Oxalis Acetosella L., var. suhpurpurascens DC. 2. Culbone Woods, Hadden. Genista anglica L. 1. Beer Moors, between East Anstey and Dulverton. 4. Staple Hill, Miller. — G. tinctoria L. 3. By the second milestone, on the road from • Taunton to Corfe, Miller. 10. Field ofl: Watery Combe, Chewton Mendip ; very abundant in lields off PrimmerHeld Lane, near Litton, Tucker. Cijtisus scoparius Link. 2. Hawkcombe, Hadden. Ononis spinosa L., var. *mitis (L.) ? 5. I have no specimen of this for comparison ; but a spineless plant, found by my wife on the Lias, north of Somerton, ap})ears to belong to it. Triqonella ornithopodioides DC. 2. Selworthy Green, Hadden. Trifoliuni medium L. 2. Between Porloek and Horner, Hadden. 3. AVest Buckland. — T. striatum L. 10. Chew Down, Chewton Mendip, Tucker. — T. glomeratum L. 2. On shingle, between Bos- sington and Hurlstone Point, Hadden. AnfJfi/llis Vulneraria L. 10. One plant, Chewton Mendip, Tucker.— \siY. *pulcJiella Vis. {A. communis Kouy, var. pulcliella Kouy & Foucaud, ¥1. de France, iv. 287) ? 8. Sandhills, north of Burnham — the only form which I saw there. Bemarkable for its slender, trailing habit; small, yellow flowers, often with a reddish keel ; and especially for its hicolorous calyx (upper part purplish red), clothed with spreading, ?,\\Vj, white hairs. Ornithopus perpusillus L. 1. Cow Castle, near Simonsbath, Lady Davy. Vicia tetrasperma Moench. 2. Porloek, Hadden. — V. gracilis Lois. 3. Thurlbear, Watson. — [^Vicia macrocarpa Bert. {V. Jlori- .fiana Jord. ; V. sativa, var. macrocarpa Moris). 10. Cornfield, Cliewton Mendip, Tucker. This was sent to me fresh, and seemed to agree with Kouy's descri])tion ; the name was afterwards confirmed at Kew. A handsome Vetch, looking like a magnified V. sativa L.]. — V. lathy roides L. 2. Minehead Warren, Hadden. Its having been so long overlooked in such a well- worked place is odd. Lathyrus Xissolia L. 3. By the canal at Charlton ; also near the third mi'lestone, on the road from Taunton to Corfe, Miller. — L. monlanus Bernh. var. tenuij'olius (lloth). 1. Between East Anstey and Brushford. SOMERSET PLAXT-XOTES FOR 191G 183 Spiraea Vlmaria L., var. denudata Boenn. 2. Porloek ; Oare, Hadden. Riibus jyyramidalis Kalt. 1. A small form of this (teste Rogers) occurred in open woodland by the Barle, between Hawkridge and Dulverton. — B. rosaceiis Wh. & Nees (t\^e). 5. Borders of Copley Wood, Somerton (confirmed by Rogers). 'Alcliemilla vulgaris L. (aggregate), 2. Oareford, Kadden. Rosa tomentosa Sm. (aggregate). 10. Chewton Mendip, TucJcer, sp. ; material too scanty to be named more definitely. — *R. omissa Deseglise. 1. East of East Anstey ; under the t^^pe, I believe. — Yar. *suhmoUis (hej). 1. By the Barle, between Hawkridge and Dulverton (named by Major Wolley-Dod) ; leaflets hardly glandular beneath. This segregate had no't, I think, been identified from Somer- set.— R. ohtusi folia Desv. 8. Milton Clevedon (confirmed by Wolley- Dod). R. stylosa Desv., *var. 3. Hedge at Blackmoor, West Buckland. Perhaps a new form. Allied to R. si/stj/la Bast. ; but differs by its more glabrous leaflets (sparsely hairy only the mid-rib, beneath), its crowded, pure white flowers, and its very short pedicels, rarely much exceeding the subglobose fruit, with few or no bristles. The styles are somewhat hispid. Major Wolley-Dod, writing from memory, away from books and herbaria, suggested var, corymhosa Desv. (var. oixica Baker) ; but that seems to have much more hairy foliage. Ryrus Aria Ehrh, 9 or 10. A small, bushy tree — ^probably planted in a roadside hedge, Chewton Mendip, just on the boundarv of these districts, Tucker. — P. Mains L., var, mitis Wallr. 3, West Buckland. Saxifraga granuJatalj. 10. In two places in the Chew Valley, Tlwmpson. ChrysospJenium oppositifolium L, 6. Combe St. Nicholas. Cotyledo)i Umbilicus L. 10. Old wall, Chewton Mendip, Tucker. Sedum Telephium L. 10. Watery Combe, Chewton Mendip; but apparently an escape. Tucker. Drosera rotundifolia L. 2, Weir Water ; Larkbarrow, etc., Hadden. Halsway, n^ar Stogumber, Watson. MyriophyUuni alteriiijiorum DC, 2. Weir Water ; Oare Water, Hadden. Callitriche ohtusangula Le Gall, 5. Abundant in ditches on Sedgemoor, about Boroughbridge. Replis Portula L. By a field-pond, south of Furze Hill Plan- tation, Chewton Mendip, Tucker. Lythrum Salicaria L. 10. Chewton Mendip, Tucker. £pilohium august i folium L. 6, Combe St. Nicholas, Watson. — Tl. liirsutum L. 5. A form with white flowers, but drying very pale flesh-colour, grows in a wood north of Somerton, — Tl. palustre L. 9. Mineries Bog, Chewton Mendip, Tucker. Hydrocotyle vulgaris L. 2. Porloek Marsh ; Horner, Hadden. Caruni segetum Benth, & Hook. 2, Porloek, Hadden. Si son Aniomum L. 10. Hedge near Litton ; only a plant or two, Tucker. IS-t THE JOIRNAL OF BOTAiXY Apc/opoiliuin Pothigrnria L. 10. Chewton Mendip. TkcI'pv. \_A[i/rrJu's Odornta Scop. 2. Opj)osite Lower Court Farm, Fre- Lorough, Dr. Killick, sp.] Oenanthe pimpinelloUlesJj. 3. West Buckland. Cancalis nodosa Scop. 10. Chewton Mendip, Tucker. Adoxa Moschatellina L. 2. Porlock, Iladden. Viburnum Ojml ash. 3. West Buckland. 10. Chewton Mendip, Tucker. Galium Cruciata Scop. 10. Chewton Mendip, Tucker. — G. pa- lustre L., var. Witheringii (Sm.). 2. Dunkery, Iladden. Asperula odorata L. 10. Chewton Mendip, Tucker. Valeriana dioica L. 10. Chewton Mendip ; Litton, Tucker. — V. officinalis L. (a. Milkanii Synie"). 5. Local in Copley Wood, near Kingweston, on the Lias. Valeria nella dentata Poll. 10. Chewton Mendip, Tucker, sp. Centranthus ruber DC. o. With white flowers on a railway- embankment north-east of Somerton. 10. Lime quany, Chewton Mendip, Tuclx^er. Dipsacus pilosus L. 2. Porlock Weir, Madden. FiJago minima Pers. 9. Near Clevedon (Portisheadside), Bev. E. Wlman. GnapJiaUum nJiginosum L. 10. Chewton Mendip, Tucker. Bidens cernua L. 3. Norton Fitzwarren, Watson. Achillea Ptarmica L. 10. Chewton Mendip ; scarce. Tucker. Anthemis Cotula L. 10, Common at Chewton Mendip, Tucker. — A. nobilis L. 2. Koadside, Horner Woods, i?r/AL OF Botany. — Vol. od. [July, 1917.] p 186 THE JOURNAL OF BOTA>"Y SoucJiKS a/'vensis L., var. f/Jahrescens Hall. (Jaevipes Kaeh). 1. On both sides of a railway bridge (v. e. 4 and 5) near East Anstey Station, Ti'dgopogon prntense L. 3. West Buekland. 4. Staple Fitz- paine, Jlillcr. Cudworth, IVafson. 10. Chewton Mendip, Tucker. — T. minus Miller. 3. Frequent at Cheddon Fitzpaine, 31iller. Campanula laiifoUa L. 1. In FL Som. Murray placed this among excluded species, having found only one specimen (which he thought to be a garden escape) by the Barle above Dulverton Station. This did not satisfy me, as it is not commonly grown in gardens, and it is wild in Glamorgan and E. Gloster. I was ghid, there- fore, to find it, in or near his station, last August, in good quantity and to all appearance native on the rocky banks of this stream ; but it was not met with higher up. However, being in fruit at this time of year, it might easily be overlooked. — C rotund'ifolia L. lied Hill, Chewton Mendip, Tucker. Erica TetraUx L. 9. The Warren, Chewton Mendip, Tucker. Primula veris X vulgaris. 10. Chewton Mendip, Tucker. Lijsimachia vulgaris L. ; L. nemorum L. 10. Chewton Mendip, Tucker. Vinca minor L. 2. By the mineral railway near Leighland, Watson. 10. Honeywell Lane, Chewton Mendip, Tucker. £ I ackstonia jjer/blia fa Huds. 6. Combe St. Nicholas, JVafson. ^ JErgthraea Centaurium Pers. 3. West Buekland. Menyantlies frifoUata L. 6. Combe St. Nicholas. Symphytum peregrinum L. 3. Stoke St. Mary ; 4. Broadway and (3. near Castle Neroche, Watson. Ancliusa semj^ervirens L. 2. Monksilver, Watson. Litliospermum officinale L. 3. Cannington Park ; 5. Loxley Wood ; and 8. near Butleigh Monument, Hamlin. .'Echium vulgare L. 3. Top of Enmore Hill, Hamlin. Solamnn nigrum L. 3. Docks, Bridgwater, Hamlin. [Linaria dalmatica Mill, has escaped from Kelway's Nurseries, Langport East, and is established by the railway.] — L. Elatine INIill. 2. Hurlstone Point ; West Luccombe, Had den. — L. minor Desf. 5. Dunball, Hamlin. 10. A weed at Chewton Mendip, Tucker. Antirrhinum Orontium L. 2. Porlock ; Hawkcombe ; Hurl- stone Point, Hadden. Mimuhis Langsdorffii Donn. 2. Streamsides, Bossington and AVest Luccombe (" s])otted form"), Hadden. 3. Well established by the Tone, Chipstable (the same form); M. moschatus Douglas also occurs there. Sihthorpia e%iropaea\j. 2. Bossington Beacon, if fff/(7<-;?. Combe Sydenham, Watson. Veronica Chamaedrys L., fl. alio. 3. Last summer about a hundred roots were found by a roadside on the top of Corfu Hill, Miller. I have never met with this white-llowered form. — V. mon- tana L. 3.^ Taunton ; Pitminster, Watson. 10. Chewton Mendip, Tucker. — T. scutellata L. 3.. Stockmoor, near Bridgwater, Hamlin. — V. Anagallis-aquatica L. (aggregate). 10. T>iitoii l^.'servoir, Tucker. SOMERSET PLANT-XOTES FOR 10 IG 1S7 Euplirasia Rostkoviaua Hayne. 1. Between Hawkridge and Dulverton. 3. Hill-pastures, West Buckland. — E. curta Wettst., var. (jlabrescens Wettst. 3. Chipstable. Bartsia Odontites Huds., var. serotina Reiclib. 2. Stogiimber, Watson. Pedicularis palustris L. 1. Simonsbath, and generally on Ex- moor, Watson. — P. sijlcatica L. 3. Ash Priors Common ; West Buckland. 9, 10. About Priddy and Chewton Mendip, Tucke7\ Melampyriim pratense L., var. liians. 2. Koadwater, Watson. * Rhinantlius major Ehrh. x minor Ehrli. ( x Alectorolophus fallax Sterneek in Oesterr. Bot. Zeitung, 1895, p. 299 ; A. minor, var. fallax Wimmer & Grabowski, El. Siles. ii., 1, p. 213 [1829]). 8. During a field-day on July 6, near Edington Junction, where I had found R. major var. platypterus Fr. in quantity, the ]3revious August, I observed numerous more or less intermediate plants ; the season being very backward, R. minor was still in flower to some extent, whereas the bulk of R. major had only reached the bud stage. On my calling these intermediates to their attention, Messrs. Miller, Salter, Thompson and Watson all, I think, concurred as to their probable hybrid origin. The violet corolla -appendages as a rule resembled those of R. major; the light-green bracts also recalled this, and the seeds were broadly winged. Specimens brought home agreed very closel}^ with Sterneck's description of his X A. fallax {ALono- (jrapliifi, p. 122) : — " Differt ab A. majore corollae tubo recto, labio inferiore patente, dente labii superioris O'l cm. longo, bracteis viri- dibus — ab A. minore corollae tubo elongato, dente labii superioris O'l cm. longo, semper violaceo, corolla tota majcn-e, caule semper nigro-striolato." This hybrid seems to be new for Britain, what was formerly named P. minor \2iY. fallax being R. stenophyllus Schur ; it has occurred in Alsace, Bavaria, Thuringia, Prussia, and Hungar3^ The percentage of sterile pollen-grains is said to be considerably higher than in either of the parents. It may be called X R. fallax. Orobanche minor Sm. 2. Abundant in a clover-field at Porlock, Hadden. Verbena officinalis L. 2, Horner ; Porlock Weir, Hadden. Origanum vulgare\j. 2. Monksilver, Watson. Melissa officinalis L. 10. Corner of roads near Leigh Woods, Thompson. Nepeta Cataria L. 2. Greenaleigh Point, Watson. Scutellaria minor Huds. 2. Horner Woods, Hadden. Melittis Melissophyllum L. One patch beside a copse at Boad- water. Dr. Killick, sp. Hawkcombe (one plant), Hadden. Marrubium vulgare L. Above Bossington, Hadden. Stachf/s officinalis Trevisan {Betonica officinalis, L.). 3. Chip- stable. 10. Chewton Mendip and Litton, Tucker. — S. palustris x sglvatica (^ambigua Sm..). 3. Chipstable ; Bradford. — S. arvensisli. 2. Common at Porlock, Hadden. 10. Chewton Mendip ; scarce, Tucker. Galeopsis angustifoUa Ehrh. 5. Eailway at Castle Field, Biidg- water, Hamblin. p2 1S8 THE JOURNAL OF BOTATfY Teucrium Scorodofiia L. 10. Chewton, Tucker. Scleranthus niinuus L. 2. CornHeld on Porlock Hill, Haclden. Chenopodium Bonns-IIeuricus L. 2. Eastcot Farm, Porlock, Had den. 10. Bray's Batch, Chewton Mendip, Tucker. Foliffjonum minus Huds., var. suhcontif/uumy^2i\\\(A\. 9. A very tinv state of this, only three or four inches in length, was sent to me froni the Mineries Bog, Chewton Mendip, by Tucker. — P. amphi- hiuni L. 10. Litton Keservoir, Tucker. Enmex Jlydrolapaihum Huds. 2. Osier-bed, Porlock Marsh, Uadden. Vise urn aJhum L. 10. The Harptrees, Tucker. Jluumlus Lupuhis L. 10. Chewton Mendip, Tucker. Farietaria diffusa Koch. 10. Cliewton Mendip, Tucker. Mijrica Gale L. 4. Above Staple Fitzpaine, Rev. F. G. Cooie. Befula puhescens Ehrh. 1. Native between East Anste}^ and Biudiford. Carpinus BefuJus L. 10. Chewton Plot, Chewton Mendip ; ]>robably planted, Tucker. Sali.v aurita L. ; S. repens L. 3. On Blackdown, above West Buck land. Fopuhis tremula L. 10. One tree in a hedge at Chewton Mendip;- probably planted. Tucker. Elodea canadensis Michaux, 10. Chewton Mendip, Tucker. Neottia Nidus-avisli'ich.. 3. Milverton, il/^^'ssi^i^/Zco/i. 10. Chew- ton Mendip, Tucker. Spiranthes spiralis Koch. 2. Porlock Marshes, ])lentiful, and on Porlock Hill, Hadden. Cephalanthera grandiflora Gray. 10. Nedge Hill Wood, Chew- ton Mendip, Tucker. Ilellehorine lati folia Druce (Fpipactis latifolia AIL). 1. Dul- verton ; hedgebanks near Klast Anstey, just within the county. 3. He.stercombe and Buncombe AVood, near Kingston ; also at Broom- field, Miller. Orchis Fuclisii Druce (ma cnla fa auct. angl.). 3. Halse ; West Buckland. This is the common Somerset plant on calcareous soils, but also occurs on sand and clay. — O. maculata L. {ericetorioni Linton). 1. Simonsbath, Duri/. 3. Halse ; West Buckland. — • O. incarnata L. 1. Between East Anstey and Bi'ushford ; scarce. 3. Near West Buckland, in bogs on Blackdown. 6. Chard Common, Watson. — 0. latifolia L. 1. Between East Anstey and Brushford. 3. Halse ; West Buckland. 9. Mineries Bog, Tucker. Ophri/s apifera Huds. 10. Chewton Mendip; rare, Tucker. Ilahenaria conopsea Benth. 10. Litton, Tucker. — H. viridis Br. 10. Very fine and plentiful in a pasture at Stratton-on-the-Fosse, Miss K. Bafeman. Quite common in some of the meadows at Chewton Mendip, Tucker. — 11. hifolia Br. 1. Beer Moors, near East Anstey. — H. virescens Druce {chlorantha Bab.). 10. Nedge Hill Wood, Chewton Mendip, Tucker. Narcissus Fseudo-Narcissus L. 2. West Luccombe ; Horner, Hadden. — N. hiflorus Curt. 2. Abundant in several orchards about West Luccombe, Horner, Porlock, and Bossington, Hadden. SOAIEESET PLAXT-NOTES FOR 191G 189 GalantJivs nivalis L. 1. B}^ the Exe between Winsforcl and Coppleham, Miller. '*Leucojiim aestivum L. 2. Wet copse on Porlock Marsh ; a good Avay from any houses, and seemingly native, Hadden. Only known before as an obvious escape or garden outcast in Somerset ; very interesting. \_As2)aragus officinalis L. 2. One plant on the bank of the Horner Water, Bossington, Hadden.'] Polygonatum multijiorum All. 10. Woods at Litton and Chew- ton Mendip, Tucker. Allium vineale L. 2. Porlock Marsh, Hadden ; also a good patch of A. Ampeloprasum L., which was eaten down by cattle (as on Minehead Warren) before it could flower. Ornithogalum umhellatumlj. 10. Chewton Mendip ; probably a garden escaj)e, Tucker. JS^arthecium Ossifragum Huds. Simonsbath, and Exmoor gene- rally ; also 6. near Otterford, Watson. 9 or 10. Chewton Mendip, Tucker. Paris qiiadrifolia L. 10. Lilj^combe. near Litton, Tucker. Juncus squarrosus L. 1. Abundant about Simonsbath, Watson. 2. Badgworthy Valley, and generally common on Exmoor, Hamlin. — J. compressus Jacq. 6. Culmhead, north of Churchstanton, in quantity, H. Plater : the specimen which he sent me was too young, but he knows this species well. Liizula sylvatica Gaud. 2. Oareford, Hadden. — L. multijlora Lej. 1. Exmoor, generally, Watson. 2. Porlock; Horner; Luc- combe, Hadden. 6. Combe St. Nicholas. Typlia latifolia L. 9. Pools on the Mineries Bog, Tucker. Lemna f/ihha L. 2. Porlock Marsh, Hadden. Potamogeton polygonifolius Pourr. 1. Simonsbath and Exmoor, generally, Watson. 2. Dunkery ; Oare ; Weir Water, Hadden. 3. Bogs on Blackdown, above West Buckland. 6. Near Otterford, Watson. — P. crispus L. ; P. densus L. 8. Near Edington Junc- tion ; the latter was m fine fruit on July 6. — P. pectinatus K., var. ^diffusus Hagstrom, form laxus Tiselius. 10. St. George's Wharf, Pill, H. S. Thompson ; named by Mr. Arthur Bennett, and new for Somerset. Scirpus pauciflorus Lightf. 1. Simonsbath, Watson. — S. seta- ceus L. 6. Near Churchstanton, Miller, sp. — ^S*. Tahernaemontani Gmel. ; S. maritimus L. 2. Porlock Marsh, Hadden. Tlriopliorum vaginatum L. 1. Simonsbath, Watson. — E. angus- tifolium Poth. 1.' Simonsbath, Watson. 3. Lucott Moor ; Badg- worthy, Hadden. — E. latifolium Hoppe. 1. A good patch on the northern edge of Beer Moors, between East Anstey and Dulverton. Rhynchospora alha Yahl. 3. Bog on Buckland Hill. 6. Near Otterford, Watson. Carex pulicaris L. 1. Simonsbath, Davy. 2. Dunkery, Had- den.— C. ecJiinata Murray. 1. Simonsbath, \Bavy. — C. leporina L. 3, Ash Priors Common. " 4. Staple Hill, at close on 1000 feet.— C. Goodenoii'ii Gay, var. *melaena Wimmer (under vulgaris Fr.). 190 TnE JorRXAL of botaxt 1. Simonsbath, Davy, sp. ; heads intenseh' black, but I have doubts about this melanism being a constant variety. — C. piJiiliffra L. 1. Simonsbatli, Davi/. 2. Abundant on diy moors near Porloclc, Hadileu. — C. 2^aUescetis L. 1. Simonsbath, Davy. — C. panicea L. 1. Simonsbath, Watson. 3. Halse. — Yar. tumidida Laestad. 8. On the peat-moor near Shapwick, Jl/ller, sp. — C.pendula Huds. 4. As- liill. — C. siriyosa Huds. 10. Chew Valley above Pensford, in plenty ; also in Markham Bottom, near Pill, Thompson, sp. — C. hinervis L. 1. Simonsbath, Davy. 2. Abundant on Exmoor, near Porlock, Haihlcn. 3. West Buckland. — C. distans L. 8. West of Edington . I unction, Wafsonl — C.fulva Host. 3. Bogs on Blackdown, West Buckland; also y. sferilis Syme {C.fulva X Oederi, oedocarpa). — C. Oederi Retz. (type). 3. Hawkmoor, Miller, sp. — O. hirta L. 1. vSimonsbath, Davy. — Yar. spinosa Mortensen. 9. Charterhouse- ou-Mendip, Thompson, sp. — C. in^aia Huds. {ampullacea Grood.). 1. By the Barle, Simonsbath, 'Z)(7iy/. \8etaria viridis Beauv. 3, 5. Docks and East Quay, Bridgwater, Hamlin.^ Milium effiisnm 1j. 2. Worthy; West Luecombe, -H(7r7r/<°;2. Ayrosfis canina L. 3. West Buckland. — A. tenuis Sibth. {vul- /7^m With.) — the diseased state called A. pumila \j. 9. Cart-track between Blackdown and Shipham, Thompson. Sieyl i nyia decumhens Bernh. 2. Porlock Marsh, ^-ahist the adjustable iron band which he prefers to the sinipku* and cheaper method of supporting heavy branches by boring a hole through them for a su])porting rod ; but there is, we think, a more important fandamental unsoundness of ijrinciple running tlirou<^'h the book. Mistakes of mere carelessness are far too nume- rous. In describing the annual rings (p. 8), no doubt " concentric " was meant where " consecutive " has been written. It is hardly correct to sav, as on p. 9, that the cambium-layer " transmits the sap from the roots to tbe crown." If it is only by slip-shod writing that the Ash- tree and not Nectria is termed " strictly parasitical " (p. 9); that an "early spring succeeded by a frosty winter" is spoken of (p. 101); that Rliytisma punctata is styled "this insect" (p. 107); that mosses and lichens are both called "parasites" (p. 110) — we are sure that other mis-statements are not the result of io-norance. Mr. Webster no Diore believes the larvie of moths to be dqDOsited on the bark (p. 119), or a caterpillar to deposit her eggs (p. 162), than he means to state, as he does on p. 151, that rabbits roost on trees. As the excellent plates are unnumbered, the references to " the accompanying illustration," often some pages awaj', are not illuminating'-. These blemishes are, however, small matters that can easily be remedied when the book reaches the new edition which its practical value deserves. What is, we think, more serious is Mr. Webster's attitude towards fuugoid disease. On p. 93, and else- where, he speaks of decay as of something quite independent of, and only to be accelerated by, such disease ; on p. 95, he recoimnends "removing the fungus," by which he clearly means the pileus, " cleanino- away all dead and dying matter, and coating with tar," apparently oblivious of the almost certainly pervading presence of mycelium*^ of which the " fungus " is only a surface indication. We are afraid that, in many cases, as when cavities are to be filled Avith cement, such superficial treatment of the cause of decay may spell failure. G. S. BorLGEii. BOOK-NOTES, NEWS, etc. We regret to learn that it has been decided by the Government to suspend the circulation of the Bulletin of Miscellaneous Informa- tion issued in connection with the lloyal (Jardens, Kew, on the ground that its publication is not essential. A communicated article in the Times for May 29 protests against this action, pointing out that when, in 1892, on the score of expense, it was proposed that similar action should be taken, " it was saved by the powerful in- Ihience" of that paper. This, by the w^ay, may or may not have been the case : the reason given by Mr. Plunket, then First Com- missioner of Works, was that it was " highly valued by many persons " (see Journ. liot. J 892, 191). At that time the irregularity of its issue was notorious, and it was difficult to justify the statement of the Times that its ])ublication was "one of the most useful functions discharged by " Kew. Under the present Directorate of the Gardens, however, the Bulletin has attained a position of ini|)ortance, botanical BOOK XOTES, NEWS, ETC. 190 as well as economical — indeed we are not sure that those who have decided on its suppression may not have been influenced by the prominence given to matter of scientific rather than economic value. There is some satisfaction in finding that even the Times cannot control everything, but the protests that have been made indepen- dently of that paper might, we think, have been allowed to prevail, especially when the lavish— some would saj^ extravagant — expenditure in other directions is taken into account. As the Times points out, " the net cost of the Bulletin is more than counterbalanced bv the enrichment of the library at Kew by publications received from all quarters in exchange for copies of the Bulletin. In enemy countries the starvation of intellectual activities is not accounted to be any part even of war economy. The German publications corresponding to the Keiu Bulletin continue regularly to appear and even to receive reports from colonies which are no longer German." The matter, however, has been finally decided, and on June 11 Mr. Stanley Baldwin, Lord of the Treasury, announced that " the Controller's decision was acquiesced in by the Director of Kew Gardens," and that " the Editor had been consulted before any action was taken." Asked whether the Director's acquiescence "^implied approval, Mr. Baldwin stated that he " was not qualified to answer the question." It is thus too late to offer any suggestion, or one Avould have been inclined to ask whether by raising the price of the Bulletin, which has always been purely nominal, something might not have been done to meet the difficulty. It is understood that the fee now charged for entering the Royal Gardens was imposed on the ground that otherwise it would have been necessary to close them ; and a similar course might perhaps have been adopted with regard to the Bulletin : or it might have been possible to issue it less fre- quently, and temporarily to restrict the contents to subjects of economic importance. Anj^thing would have been better than stopping it altogether, and we regret exceedingly that such a course has been decided upon. At the Annual Meeting of the Linnean Societj^ on June 7, the first Hooker lecture was delivered by Prof. F. O. Bower, F.R.S., Avho chose for his subject " The Natural Classification of Plants," illus- trating his points by reference to the Filicales. The Hooker lecture arose from a bequest of the late Sir Jose^Dh Hooker, augmented bv subscrijjtions from the Fellows of the Society and a further contribu- tion b}' Lady Hooker. Messes. Routledge send us "an entirely new edition " of John- son's Gardeners' Dictionary and Cultural Instructor, which, based on the original edition of 1846, has been recast and brought down to the present A^ar by Messrs. J. Fraser and A. Hemslev, whose many years' connection with Kew is sufticient guarantee of their com2)etence for the task. It would be an interesting task to compare the present with the original of seventy 3'ears ago, and we hope this will be done in one of our horticultural journals. Here we must content ourselves by expressing our appreciation of the amount of information contained in the work — a handsome volume in demy octavo, containing more than 900 pages in double columns, printed in small but very clear 200 THE JOURNAL OF BOTANY type : inforni'ition which, so far as we have been able to te^t it, is botli full and accurate. The editor's preface shows that tlie best authorities have been consulted, and that every care has been taken to make the book what it claims to be — " an indispensable work for the serious gardener." The lists of species (alphabetically arranged) under each genus are very complete, the colour of the Howers being indicated for each and the date of introduction when known : transla- tion of each name is given, and consultation is rendered easy by numerous cross-references : the derivation of the names of the genera is supplied, and the family to which each belongs is indicated : tlie Linnean classification is also given — a relic of the original issue which migiit, we think, have been dispensed with. Full cultui-al directions are given, as well as descriptions of the more common plant diseases, insect and other enemies, with methods of prevention and reniedv. The volume would at any time be cheap at 12s. net : its production at that price at the present time is little short of marvellous. The Irish Naturalist for May contains a paper by Mr. David McArdle on the Musci and Hepaticai of the Glen of the Downs, CO. Wick low ; eleven of the former and six of the latter are new to the county. William Foggitt was born at Yarm, a small market town on the Yorksliire side of the Tees midway between Darlington and Stockton, on Feb. 2, 1835. When he was about a year old his father removed to Thirsk and started business as a chemist and druggist in the market place. The son began his education at home and finished it at a private boarding school at Tadcaster. Whilst quite young Johns's Floicei'S of the Field came into his hands and he began to collect and press plants. He entered his father's business and in due time became a partner and started on his own account a wholesale dej)artment. About 1850 there were half a dozen 3'oung men at Thirsk interested in natural history, who formed themselves into a small society to explore the neighbourhood. Foggitt became a life member of the London Botanical Society, which his friend Mr. J. G. Baker had already joined. When that society came to an end they undertook to carry on its distribution of specimens, Mr. Baker acting as honorary distributor. The Botanical Exchange Club thus started has been in existence more than fifty years. When Mr. Baker's house with all his collections and books were destroyed by fire in May 18G4, ha})i)ily after the distribution for the year had been made, Foggitt very liberally gave his large stock of duplicates to replace the loss. Foguitt, who was a devoted member of the Wesleyan community, married early and had a large family : two of his sons witlj similar tastes to his own joined him in his business ; the elder — Mr. J. T. Foggitt — has a very fine living collection of al])ine ])lants. Foggitt did not write much on Botany, but had an excellent knowledge of the plants of N.E. Yorkshire and was always in great reijuestas a judge at local fiower shows. He contributed the chapters on I^otany to Bogg's Vale of Ilowhrai/, and in 1903 became a Fellow of the Linnean Society. He died on May 10 and was buried in the Thirsk cemeterv. — J, G. B, 201 TROPICAL AFRICAN URTICAGE^E. By Dr. A. B. Rendle, F.R.S. The following new varieties and species have been met with in the course of elaborating the family for the Flora of Tropical Africa. A number of species of the genus Urera have been already described in this Journal (1916, p. 368). Flel'rta tjrticoides Engl. var. glabrata, var. nov. Planta pilis urentibus deHexis munita sed a specie differt indumento hispidulo nisi in inllorescentia deficiente. Hah. Mt. Kilimanjaro ; Marangu at 8700 ft. Volhens, 980 ! Herb. Mus. Brit. Apparently a geographical forin ; the species occurs in the Cameroons. Pile A tetraphtlla B1. var. major, var. nov. Herha habitu speciei similis sed omnino major. Caules e basi profuse radicante usque ad 4 dm. alti et 3 mm. crassi, internodiis 6-13 cm. long., ramis elongatis suberectis. Folia in caule robusto 4'5-6 cm. long., 2*5- 5 cm. lat., in ramis et caulibus debilibus minora. Inflorescenticd 2 '5-3 cm. long. Rah. Cameroons ; Buea at 7000 ft., Preuss, 1001 ! Herb. Mus. Brit. ; Herb. Kew. ELATOSTEMiiA Welwitsciiii Engl. var. CAMEROONENSE, var. nov. Herha quam in specie major foliis majoribus sessilibus vel interdum breviter petiolatis, usque ad 12 vel 15 cm. long, et 4*5-6 cm. lat. ; nervis 2 lateralibus basalibus ssepius ultra laminae medium extensis, eo in latere angustiore supra basm ineunte. Hah. Cameroons ; Johann-Albrechtshohe, Staudt, 839 ! West of Buea, Preuss, 607 ! Fernando Po ; Clarence Peak, at 4000 ft., Mann, 632 ! Herb. Kew. ; Herb. Mus. Brit. The Cameroons specimens were originally distributed as a distinct species, E. kamerimense Engl, but Engler subsequently referred them to his E. Welwitschii (see Engl. Bot. Jahrb. xxxiii. 125). BoEHMERiA PLATTPHTLLA Don var. AitfGOLENSis, var. nov. Frutex pyramidalis usque ad 8 pedes altus, in partibus juvenilibus pubescens. Folia flaccida, elliptica sed basi cuneata, apice acuta vel breviter acuminata, margine supra basin sequabiliter dentato-serrata, 15-22 cm. long., 7-5-10 cm. lat. Perianthum fructu compressum, rotundum vel obovoideum cum collo brevi, supra basin hu'tellum. Hah. Angola; Grranja de S. Luiz, Cazengo, Gossweiler, 4656! 4851 ! Herb. Mus. Brit. Yar. TJGAXDEiJfSis, var. nov. Frutex dispersus, 4-8-pedalis, hirsutus. Folia in sicco rigida, elliptico-lanceolata vel elliptica, rarius ovata, apice acuminata, basi rotundata, margine supra basin sequabiliter serrato-dentata, 10-19 cm. long., 4-6 cm. rare 9 cm. lat., in facie superiore rugulosa et scabrida, in facie inferiore, prsecipue in .nervis, hhsuta, prominenter 3-nervia. Apiece simplices, folia exce- dentes. Feriantliium fmctu compressum, breviter obovoideum vel rotundatum, collo brevi, superne hispidulum. JouEXAL OF Botany. — Vol. ^h. [August, 1917.J Q 202 THE JOURNAL OF BOTANY Hah. U^antk; Scott Elliot, 7531! Entebbe, Bagsliawe, 'JQ^\ Mawokota at 3900 ft., Brown, 204! Ankole at 5000 ft., Dawe, 423! Kirerema at 4000 ft., Diimmer, 89! Kipayo at 4000 ft., Dummcr, 979! Monbuttu ; Kiver Kussumbo, iSV/iit'ei'^r/ln'M, 3204 ! Herb. Mns. lirit. ; Herb. Kew. Pouzolzia Batesii, sj). nov. Planta monoica 3-5-pedalis, caulibus juvenilibus puberulis, demum inferne lignosis, ramis tenuibus, ascen- dentibus, superne foliatis. Folia alterna, longe petiolata, ovata, valde aeuminata, basi rotundata vel obtusa, margine Integra, 3-nervia, in facie superiore sparse j^ilosa et cj^stolitbis punctulata, inferne in venis prominulis breviter et sparsius pilosa ; petiolus tenuis. Stipults glumaceie, ovatae, acuniinato-caudatae, margine spai-se et longe ciliataj. Flores sessiles ad nodos glomerata?, glumeruli dense multi- liori, androgyni, bmcteis parvis. Perianthium floris masculi alte 4-partituni, segmentis apiculatis, glabrescentibus ; fioris foemineai superne constrictum, glabrum, quam stigmate anguste lineari brevius ; fructii ovoideo-acutuni, nervis longitudinalibus inconspicuis. AcIks- nium politum denium atrate brunneum. Hah. Canieroons ; Batanga, Bates, 214 ! Efulcn, Bates, 221 ! Ngoko, Schlechter, 12729! Belgian Congo; Mongala, Mombongo, Thniuier, 153 ! Herb. Mus. Brit. ; Herb. Kew. Stems reddish brown and woody below with a thin separable bark. Leaves 2"5-9 cm. long, -S-S'O cm. wide, apex to 2 cm. long, the basal lateral nerves curving upwards above the middle with 2 to 3 lateral nerves above on either side of the midrib ; petiole to 6 cm. long. Stipules 4-6 mm. long. Fruiting perianth about 1*5 mm. long. F. fiuineensis Engl, in Schlechter Westafr. Kautsch.-Exped. 287 non Benth. This species has been confused with P. guineensis from which it is distinguished by the narrower, glabrous, flask-shaped fruiting l)erianth without conspicuous longitudinal veins ; also b}' the veiy long-stalked leaves of the main stem. Pouzolzia shirensis, sp. nov. Frutex monoicus ramis cortice tenui rubello indutis, ramulis foliatis, tenuibus, hirtellis. Folia membranacea, breviter petiolata, ovata vel lanceolata, acuta, basi obtusa, margine intcgra, ciliolata, 3-nervia, in facie superiore scabri- dula. inferne venis tenuibus prominulis et sparsius pubescentia vel ])rimo albido-tomentosa ; petiolus tenuis, pubescens. Stijmlce brunneai, glumaceai, late lanceolatie, acuminatie, pei-sistentes. Flores ad ramulorum nodos glomeratie, glomeruli ])etiolis breviores androgyni. Feriautham floris masculi breviter pedicellatum, cam- panukitum, ad medium 4- vel 5- fidum, segmentis ovatis, acutis, dorso puberulis. Stif/ma longum, tenue. Perianthium fructu immaturo late ovoideum, supei-ne constrictum, puberulum, nervis longitudinalibus inconspicuis, ach;eni»un, leve, albidum arete includens. Hah. Shire Highlands ; Scott Elliot, SG79 ! Herb. Mus. Brit. ; Herb. Kew. Branches in specimen 2-4 mm. thick, bearing numerous spreading leafy shoots 12 cm. or less in length with internodes 8-12 nmi. long and bearing leaves and inflorescences at the nodes. Leaves 4-5-5 cm. long, l-5-2'5 cm. wide, the lateral pair of basal nerves ascending well TEOPICAL AFElCA?f TlRTtCACEJl 203 into the upper half of the leaf and with 2 or 3 upper lateral nerves on each side ; petiole 4-8 mm. long. Stipules 3-4 mm. long, shortly hairy on the back of the midvein. Flower-clusters consisting of numerous male and a few female flowers. Male perianth and unripe fruiting perianth about 15 mm. long. Near P. ahyssmicum BL, but a much more robust plant. Droguetia debilis, sp. nov. Planta parva, debilis, caulibus tenui- bus rigidulis inferne prostratis et radicantibus, tum ascendentibus, ramis paucis debilibus, superne sparse hispidulis, inferne glabratis. Folia alterna, membranacea, ovata, acuta, basi obtusa, margine basi Integra excepta crenato-serrata, 3-nervia, utrinque viridia at subtus pallidiora, in facie superiore cystolithis punctulata et sparse hispida, infra in nervis tenuibus hispida : petiolus filiformis, hispidulus. StipulcB scariosse, ovato-acuminatse. InJio7^escenti(B axillares ; in- volucra androgyna gemina lateralia ventricosa, margine superiore denticulata, flores 3 masculos et 2 foemineos includentia, in medio exstant quoque 2 dichasia foeminea ; involucrum fcemineum 1-florum. Flos masculus breviter pedicellatus, perianthii lobus medianus breviter acutus. Ach(snium compressum late ovoideum, obtusum, atratum. Hah. Ruwenzori ; Mau, 7-8000 ft., Scott Elliot, 6799 ! Herb. Mus, Brit. ; Herb. Kew. A weak plant with slender wiry stems, 1 mm. or Jess thick and 10-15 cm. long w^ith a few short weak ascending branches. Leaves 2-2 "5 cm. long, 1-1*5 cm. wide ; petiole half the length of the blade or less. Stipules about 2 mm. long, white with a green hispidulous mid- vein. Inflorescence 2*5 mm. long consisting of a pair of androgynous involucres one above each stipule, and a young female 2-flowered dischasium on either side at the base of the undeveloped axillary shoot. Achene 1"3 mm. long. Differs markedly from the nearest allied species D. umhricola Engl, in the habit and characters of inflorescence. Forskohlea Eenii, sp. nov. Svffrutex (ut apimret) ramis tenui- bus hispidulis. Folia petiolata, e basi cuneata ovata, vel interdum sub- rhomboidea, apice subacuta, basi in petiolum decurrentia, margine supra basin integram grosse et obtuse serrata, penninervia, in facie superiore viridia, scabrida, in facie inferiore inter venas conspicuas albido- tomentosa. Stipulce scariosse, late ovatse, breviter acuminatae. Capitula in axillis ssepe geminata, sessilia, involucrum campanuli- forme, ssepius 4-foliolatum, foliolis suberectis, oblanceolatis, breviter acutis, in parte inferiore dense sericeis (pilis sa^pe viridescentibus), in parte superiore dorso et margine hispidulis. Hah. Damara Land ; T. G. Fen \ Herb. Mus. Brit. Described from two slender leafy twigs 15-20 cm. long and scarcely exceeding 1 mm. in thickness. Leaves 2-5 cm. long or less, 7-12 mm. wide ; petiole up to 7 mm. long. Stipules about 3 mm. long. Flower-heads 7-8 mm. long. A well-marked little plant, characterized by its slender twigs, small leaves, bright green when dry, and bell-shaped flower-heads with erect bluntly pointed bracts. F. hereroensis Schinz, also from Damaraland, is a much coarser plant with larger involucres the bracts of which are sharply acute. ~~ ~~~ q2 20-4 THE JOTTRyAL OF BOTAXY NEW KARE OR CRITICAL LICHENS. By W. Watson, B.Sc. (Continued from p. 111.) Evernia fiirfuracea form scohicina (Ach.) Nyl. On siliceous wall Bwlch Gwyn (50). Form ceratea (Ach.) Nyl. On old wall, Thwaite {Qb^. Both these forms are often confluent with the type and intermediates. Parmelia perlafa auct. plur. Hue, in his Causerie sur les Par- melia, uses names for this ])lant and its segregates which are not usually followed by British lichenologists. His work is chiefly based on the P. perlata of Acharius, but Lichen perlafus was previously used by Linnieus, Hudson, Lightfoot, Withei'idge and other authors. F. trichotera Hue. This is the plant usually known as P. perlafa in this country. Hue considers that P. perlata Ach. is not the same plant as the"^ one usually known as P. perlata, differing from it in some thalline characters and especially in the chemical reaction when potash is followed by chloride of lime. In P. perlata Ach. p, rosy tint is given to the medulla, whilst in P. trichotera the medulla is unaltered. I have examined many sjiecimens from various British localities, and the reaction is nearly always that of P. trichotera Hue. P. pilosella Hue is more or less synonymous with the subspecies P. cilia fa Nyl. (Cromb. Br. Lich. i. p. 288), but is restricted to the moi-e extreme forms. Many of the plants placed by British hchen- ologists under P. ciliata NvL could not be placed with P. pilosella Hue. P. perlata Ach. {sec. Hue). Medulla KC rosy. On rock and tree near Ottei-ford (5) — form. nov. micropliijlla. On wall, Combe St. Nicholas (5). This is a form wdth short lobes, those in the centre being finely laciniate-lobulate and often sorediate. A similar form is described under P. trichotera in Harmand's Lichens de France. P. cetrata Ach. According to Hue and Harmand this is the P. perforata of many recent authors. Rhizinse are present on the under sui-face almost up to the margin, whereas in P. perforata Ach. they are absent for some distance from the margin. — The form ciliosa Hue (P. perforata form ciliata Nyl.) is less common than the sf)rediate form (f. sorediifera Wain). On rock, Loch Gal, Kerrv (T. Hebden). P. perforata var. Claudelii Harm. On rock, Horner Wood, near Porlock (o). P. laevigata (Sm.) Ach. The reaction of the medulla to chloride of lime is given as negative by Crombie. Harmand comments on this and states that the medulla becomes a faint rose tint. Leighton gives the colour reaction as red. I have examined a numl^er of plants referred to this species and find that the reaction is usually negative. The medulla of a specimen collected by Dr. Parsons from granite rocks, Lustleigh Cleeve (8), had a pale-red reaction. Other specimens with a negative colouration in the medulla, and of which I have definite notes, were collected on rocks at Simonsbath (o), Harlech and NEW RARE OR CRITICAL LICHENS 20-5 Artro valley (-iS), Llanberis, Capel Curig and Cvvm-y-glo (49) and Loch Gal, Kerry. P. xanthomyela Nyl. Loch Gal, Kerry (T. Hebden). P. revoluta Flk. is not uncommon in Somerset. It occm's on rocks but is more frequent on trees, especiall}^ birch and beech, but sometimes on sycamore, ash, oak, larch, etc. Bi-aunton, c. fr. (4), Exmoor and Quantock Combes (5), Kingsettle hill and Becking- ton (6), Loch Gal, Kerry (T. Hebden), — Form minor Harm, Cricket St. Thomas, Blackdowns and Quantocks (5). — Var. riiqosa (Tayl.) Cromb, Kingsettle hill (6). P. tiliacea (Hoft'm.) Ach. On tree-trunks. Castle Neroche and Milverton (5). P. omphalodes var. panuiformis Ach. appears to be only a form more or less confluent with the type and similarly somewhat variable in colour. Ashburton (8j, Llanberis (49), Keighlev (J6'd), Tyndrum and Killin (SS), Ben Doran (98). P. diibia (Wulf.) Schaer. is P. Borreri of many authors. Lichen duhius Wulf. (1790) antedates Turner's specitic name of Borreri (1808). Plants grown in the shade are often of a j^ello wish-green colour and, to the casual observer, look like small specimens of P. caperata. P. exasperata (Ach.) Xyl, is of less frequent occurrence than the numerous records imply, P. fuUginosa var. IcBtevirens (Flot.) Nyl. is not uncommon on trees. The form in which the isidia are scarce or absent is var. glahratula (Lamv.) Oliv. (= form denudata Cromb.). Quantocks (5)- P. pliysodes form tuhulosa (Schaer.) Mudd is a more distinct form than lahrosa, but there does not seem to be any justification for raising it to specific rank as Bitter has done ; even a varietal status is questionable. It is fairly frequent in Somerset and in other parts of the countr}^ — Yar. platypJiylla Ach. is not uncommon in Somerset, • and I think ought to be considered as a form. Xanthoria parietina form virescens Nyl. and form cirierascens Leight. are not uncommon states. They are occasionalh^ met with in Somerset. Both these states are included in form chlorina Malbr. and are usually found in more shaded ^^laces than the type. Physcia pulvertdenta (Schreb.) Nyl. is a much less common plant than P. aipolia var. cercidia. — Foi-m deminuta Cromb. Orchard Portman (5). — Yar. suhvenusta Nyl. Braunton (4), I'aunton district (5). P. farrea (Ach.) Wain. Form pifyrea (Ach,) Wain, is the common form often known as P. pityrea. Form cdpliipliora (Ach.) Harm, is less common and has a white and pruinose thallus. On a brick wall, Norton Fitzwarren (5). P. tenella (Scop.) Arn. ( = P. lepdcdea var. ienella Oliv.). Form sulhreviata Xyl. is a less hooded and more sorediate form. On tree, Norton Fitzwarren (5). Form exempta Th. Fr. is considered by Wainio to be a squamiform and corticicolous form of P. trihacia. Crombie (Br. Lich. i. p. 313) mentions that Bon-er referred the specimen to P. erosa, and this is placed by Wainio under P. tri- hacia. 206 THE JOTTIl>'AL OF BOTANY P. obsctira var. virrlla (Ach.) Th. Fr. lias a rather infrequent form fa rescens Cromb. {^. Hue ia?ia Kurm.). The medulla gives a purplish reaction owing to the intimate association of the plant with Xanthorin jmrietina. When the plant grows with Parmelia fnligi- nosa, the medulla of another state may give a reddish colouration with chloride of lime. Placodinm elerjans var. tenuis Wahl. Bwlch Gwyn (50). P. nuirorum (Hoffm.) D. C. Taunton and Chard (5), Bleadonand Bruton (6). P. aiirantium (Pers.) = P. caUopismum (Ach.) Merat. The type is not common. Orchard Portman and Quantoxhead (5), Brean Down, Shapwick and Hii^h Ham (6), Burton Bradstock (8), Koss (3(5). — Var. plicaium (Wedd.) is the common plant which is often called Lecanora sympageum, a name to whioli it has no right, Lichen sympageus Ach. being merely a colour form of the type. Hue's name for this plant is L. Ileppiana. P. microihaUinum (Wedd.) Oliv. is a plant very similar to P. Johulatum (Somm.) Hepp. There seems to be no real distinction between the two excei)t that the former grows on Verrucaria maura : this habitat is common for plants named P. lohulatum by British lichenologists. Sqitaman'a suhcircinata (Nyl.) OUv. On sarsen stone, Staple Fitz))aine (o). hiphrafora cand leans (Dicks.) Jatta. Chai-d and Taunton dis- tricts (5), Mendip (6), Symond's Yat (34), Backbury Camp (36), Ingleton (65). L. candicans Schaer. because of its uniseptate spores is excluded from Placodinm or Pyrenodesmia. The mdiately-lobed thallus separates the genus Dipliratora from Leconia. Candelaria concolor (Dicks.) Arn. = i. laciniosa Nyl. Callopis)na epixanthum (Ach.) A. L. Sm. Taunton (5), Shap- wick (6). C. citrimim (Hoffm.) Koerb. is usually on mortar, but often spreads out over the surrounding rock and occasionally over soil or decaying moss. C. erythreUum form. nov. ecrustaceum. Apothecia and spores as in the type, but the thallus is absent or scarcely visible. It forms extensive ])atches on the White Lias cliff at East Quantoxhead (5). Miss A. L. Smith kindly tested this plant. C. cerinum form cyannleprum (D. C). On pale, High Ham (6) and Orchard Portman (5). C. hcEmaiites (Charb.i. On tree, Buckden (64, T. Hebden). C. pyraceum (Ach.) Arn. Winsham and Aisholt (5), Koad (6). — Var. pyrithoma (Ach.). Merridge near Bridgwater (5). C. viteUinulum (Nyl.) Arn. Torquay (3), Cheddon and Corfe (5), Shapwick (6). Lfirropiaca xantholyia Nyl. On dolomitic conglomerate, Ship- ham (6). Lecanora (jaJaciiaa var. dispersa ( Pers.) Ach. and var. dissipafa (Nyl.) B. de Lesd. Taunton (o). — Var. tirhana (Nyl.) Harm. Cheddon Fit/,])aine and Kingston (5). i. suhfusca. In this group Crombie, following Ny lander, attached NEW EAHE OE CRITICAL LICHEXS 207 much importance to the septatioii and discreteness of the paraphyses and the amount of inspersion of the epithecium with granules. Modern students find that there is a fair amount of variation in these internal characters, and that too much importance has been attached to them during the determination of species. The nomenclature of Hue corresponds fairly well with that given in Crombie's Monogi-aph, though some species are reduced to varieties or forms, whilst some varieties are raised to specific rank. L. suhfusca (L.) Nyl. The tj^pe (f. typica Hann.) is not un- common in Somerset. Yar. glahrata Ach. occurs at Porlock and Taunton (5). L. chlarona iovm geograpliica (Mass.) Nyl. Stoke St. Mary and Memdge near Bridgwater (5). Similar forms have been found for L. suhfusca^ L. alhella and L. intumescens, at Aisholt (5). Miss A. Lorrain Smith and Mr. Hebden kindly tested these forms. X. atrynea (Ach.) Nyl. Thurlbear (5), Benderloch (98, T. Hebden). L. gangaleoides form glehidosa Harm. Llanberis (49). L. intumescens (Reb.) Krb. Chard, Horner and Aisholt (5). L. alhella (Pers.) Ach. is fairly frequent in Somerset. — ^Form suhalhella Nyl. Castle Gary (6). — Form peralhella Nvl. Staple hill (5). L. campestris (Schaer.) Nyl. Form detrita (Harmand, p. 976), with the apothecia aborted or altered, seems to be more frequent in this species than in the other members of the suhfusca group. L. glaucoma form complanata Leight. On Lynton slate wall, Merridge near Bridgwater (5). L. iimhrina (Ehrh.) Mass. On rock, Taunton (5). — Yar. Hageni (Ach.) Cromb. Crowcombe and Minehead (5). L. cremilata (Dicks.) Nyl. On limestone walls and cement, Taun- ton (5), Mendip (0), Magnesian limestone wall, South Milford (64). L. varia (Ehrh.) Ach. is not uncommon on the stems of ling. L. conizcea (Ach.) Nyl. Alcombe and Exton (o). Li. symmicta Ach. is distinguished from the commoner i. expallens by its more determinate thallus, and the absence or little distinctness of the thalline margin to the apothecium. Quantock Combes, Exmoor Staple hill and Puckington (5), High Ham ^6). L.suhtartarea Nyl. Harlech (48), Llanberis (49), Ben Lui (87) Lecania erysihe form cinereofusca (Mudd). On calcareous rock, Brean Down (6). — Yar. proteiformis (Mass.) = var. Sahenhorstii (Hepp.) Oliv. On top of calcareous wall near Taunton {teste T. Hebden) and Crowcombe (5). Binodina confragosa (Ach.) Massal. On sarsen stone, Fifield (8). B. umhrinofusca (Nyl.). On rock of river wall, Burnham (6), teste T. Hebden. Aspicilia cinerea (Ach.) Krb. is the dominant lichen on the shingle at Greenaleigh Point near Minehead (5). A. gihhosa (Dicks.) Krb. On sarsen stone, Codford (8); on beach shingle, Pevensey (13). A. Dicksonii (Ach.) A. L. Sm. is a rather frequent plant of mountain regions. Horner (5 i, Llanberis (49). 208 THE JOURNAL OF BOTATfY A. Frevostii (Fr.) Th. Fr. On dolomitic conglomerate, Shipham, and on limestone, Mentlip (6). A. prvinosa form nuda (Nyl.) is not an uncommon form and often occurs with the tvpe. Taunton and Chard districts (5), Keighlev (63). P. lepfospora Nitsch. is often placed under P. miiUijnincta, but is distinguished from it bv the reddish supplementary reaction of the thallus to potash, the fewer apothecia in the verrucse and the smaller spores. On mountain ash, Crovdon hill (5). On birch, Horner wood (5). This sjjecies has not been previousl}^ recorded from the British Isles. P. relcda (Turn.) Nyl. Exton (5), Artro valley (48).— Form aBpergUla (Ach.) Cromb. Hodder's Combe (5), Artro Avood (48). P. lactea (L.) Nyl. On shingle of beach near Minehead (5). P. conwuinis var. leiotera Nyl. The thallus is thinner and the apothecia are more discrete and less difform than in the type. On oak, Orchard Portman (5). — Var. rui^estris D. C. On rocks. Mer- ridge near Bridgwater (5), Harlech (48), Llanberis (49),Killin (88). P. ceutliocarpa (Sm.) T. & B. On rock, Achmore, Killin (88). P. leiopJaca form octospora Nyl. Puckington (5). — Yoriw jug- land is Hepp. On trunk of old beech, Broomfield (5). The thallus is white and the apothecial verrucse are nearer together than in the type. P. scut ell at a Hue is a somewdiat provisional name given to sterile plants whose thalli and soredia do not give anv colourations with potash, chloride of lime, iodine, or with potash followed by chloride of lime. It is not uncommon in Somerset and has been found in many other parts of the British Isles. Thelotrema lepadiniim var. scutelliforme Ach. On old holly and oak trees, Quantock Combes (5), Fritham (11). Urceolaria scruposa var. hryopliila form parasitica (Smrf.) = f. lichenicola (M. et Fr.). On Cladonia pyxidata var. pocillum^ sand dunes, Braunton (4), Berrow (6). Lecidea decip>iens (Ehrh.) Ach. On soil-cap of old calcareous wall, Bruton (6). L. prcEvimata Nyl. Treborough (o). X. granulosa form viridula Cromb. On peaty ground in orbicular patches from a few inches to a foot in diameter, Skipwith Common (61). Usually sterile. L.flexuosa (Fr.) Nyl. On pale, Loch Bi (98). L. uliginosa (Schrad.) Ach. has for its algal symbiont Frotococcus viridis, but occasionally Ghjeocapsai and other algie are present, and may be actually included in th^ thallus. — Form humosa (Ehrli.) Ach. Bare s»il of ])ank, Broomlield (JS). The spores in this specimen are 2o X 11-12/1 and lai-ger than those of the type from the same locality. L. protrusa var. suhviridans (Nyl.) A. L. Sm. Merridge near Bridgwater and Greenaloigh Point (5J. L. duhia (J3orr.) Hook. The differences between this species and i. parasema \.Jlavcns are \qy\ slight. The more pulverulent thallus has an orange colouration with chloride of lime, but this reaction also occui-s in L. parasema, especially in the varieties elceocltroma and XEW EAEE OR CRITICAL LIGHEXS 209 Ravens. The colouration is, however, more definite and the para- physes are more distinct and discrete than in L. i^arasema. On old pales, Staple hill (5), High Ham (6). L. parasema YSir.Jlavens Nyl. On trunks of trees, Braunton (4), Stoke St. Maiy and Treborough (5). — Var. tahescens (Krb.) Leight. has a greater value than that of a form, and almost seems worthy of a specific rank, owing to the indistinctness of the hypothallus and the colour of the apothecia. The reactions of the thallus are variable in the same specimen, the apothecia may be livid brown, dark-brown, dark reddish or dark greenish-blue, and the tips of the paraphyses may not have the bluish tinge characteristic of L. 'parasema. On trees and pales, Brendon Hill and Holway, near Taunton (5). L. suhlatypea Leight. Cheddon Fitzpaine (5). L. arctica Somm. On mosses at 3700 feet, Ben Lui (87 and 88), also seen on Ben Lawers in 1913. L. corolUda Stirt. On rock near Washford (5). Mr. Hebden agrees with my determination, and says that the thallus " suggests a depauperate condition such as occurs in many other lichens." L. contigva (Hoffm.) Fr. The forms limiiaia Leight. Jeprosa Leight. nohilis (F]\) Leight. Hoffmanni Leight. are general and common. — Yorm. piistulata Leight. Blagdon hill (5). — Var, calcarea Fr. The varietal name is not suggestive of the habitat but of the creamj^-white colour. The apothecia at first are more or less innate. On siliceous rock, near Koadwater (5). — Var. percontigua (Nyl.) A. L. Sm. Morthoe (4). — A^ar. ylatycarpa (Ach.) Fr. Quantocks (5), Harlech and Cwm Bvchan (48), Llanberis (49), Nant-v-Ffrith (50), Ffrith (51), Greenfield (63), Ben Lui (87), Tyndrum and Killin (88). — Form liydrophila (Fr.). The thallus has a milky colour and the apothecia are more tumid and convex. On Avater- washed rocks, Quantocks (5), Greenfield (63), Loch Tulla (98). — Var. JJavicuuda (Ach.) Nyl. Common on rocks in hilly regions. Harlech and Cwm Bychan (48), Llanberis (49), Ben Lui (87), Killin and Tyndrum (88). L. sorediza Nyl. Hodder s Combe (5), Bleadon (6), Ben Lui (87 and 88). — Form depai(perata Cromb. Bleadon (5). L. crustulata (Ach.) Krb. Castle Neroche and Dunkery (5), near Oswestry (40, T. Hebden), Snowdon (49), Ben Lui (87), Tyn- drum and Killin hills (88). The form fusceUa (Mudd) A. L. Sm. is the common one and usually occurs on hard siliceous rocks. L. sympatlwtica Tayl. Stoke St. Mary, Thurlbear and East Quantoxhead (5). The habitat of this plant is usually given as sand- stone, but ni}' sp'- imens occur on White Lias rocks, walls and stones. Mr. Hebden also finds the plant on a calcareous substratum. The tlialline reactions are K — C — . L. confiuens form oxydata Leight. Kecorded from Ben Lawyers and seen there in 1913. i. tessellata Flk. On rocks over 3500 feet, Ben Lui (87 and 88). Seen on Ben Lawers in 1913. L. fuscoatra (L.) Ach. Tyndrum and Killin hills (88), Ben Doran (98). ... X. Kochiana Hepp. On boulders in E. Glaslj^n (48). 210 THE JOURI^AL OF BOTANY L. sylvicoJa var. infulula (Nvl.) Cromb. Blagtlon hill and near Washford (5). L. expansa Nyl. Blue Anchor and Broomfield (5). L. 2\f/c /I ocnrjm Kvh. Ben Lui (88), Ben Doran (98). Seen on Ben Lawers in 1913. Bintorina Jittorella (Nyl.) A. L. Sm. On Devonian slate, BrooniHeld (5) teste T. Hebden. B. graniformis (Hag.) A. L. Sm. Shapwick (6). Whitby (62, T. Hebden).' B. Lig1itfootiiy2iY. commiitata (Ach.) Mudd. Holford and Chard Common (5). B. atropiirpurea (Schaer.) Massal. On trmik of tree in wood above Pitminster (5). According to Mr. Hebden this is form atro- purpurascens (Nyl.) since the hymenial gelatine is persistently blue with iodine. Bilimhia sahuJetorum form. nov. viridi's. Differs from the t}^e in the green and thicker thallus. Base of walls, Harden Moor (63), from T. Hebden. Bacidia inundata Krb. On siliceous stone, at times inundated. Smith's Combe, Quantocks (5). B. mnscorum (Web.) Mudd. On mossy sand-hills, BeiTow (6) ; on mossy soil-cap of wall, Ross (36). Buellia canescens (Dicks.) de Not. is frequently found with apothecia in Somerset. A furfuraceous form often occurs. B. spuria (Schaer.) Krb. On rock of clift', Woolacombe (4) ; on sarsen stone, Fifield (7). B. verrncnlosa (Borr.) Mudd. On wall, Cheddon (5). B. coniops (Wahl.) Th. Fr. On shingle of beach, Minehead (5). B. confervoides Kremp. On shingle, Bossington (5). T,eciograplia parasitica (Flk.) Mass. has no specific preference for growing on Pertusaria communis, it occurs on P. Wulfenii at Broomfield and Winsham (o). Rhizocarpon qeoqrapliicum var. atrovirens (L.) Krb. Llanberis M. petrceum form impressulum (Leight.) A. L. Sm. is not confined to calcareous rock. It is found on a siliceous rock near Hoadwater (5). — Var. excentricum (Ach.) A. L. Sm. Galmpton and Churston li. confervoides D. C. form cinereum (Flot.) A. L. Sm. is a common form of Hints or similar hard siliceous rocks. BlackdoAvns (5), Pevensey (13), Wendover (24), near Stafford (39), Harlech (48), Llanberis (49), Bwlch Gwyn (50). — Form coracinum (Flot.) A. L. Sm. also occurs on flints, Blackdowns (5). — Forms disjyersum (Leight.) A. L. Sm. Cheddon (5), and albicans (Flot.) A. L. Sm. Aisholt (5), are rarer. B. obscuratum (Ach.) Mass. Holford (5), near Harlech (48), Llanberis (49). (To be continued.) 211 NOTES ON SEDUM. Bt E. Llotd Praeger. Sedum aeboreum Masters in Garcl. Chron. 1878, ii. 717. Masters found this plant in cultivation at Kevv and elsewhere labelled Sedinn arhoreum or S. arhorescens, and described it under the former name, though this was already occupied by a plant of Ortega's ( = CrassiiIa jyortiilacecf Lam.). Its habitat was unknown, and no fresh light appears to have been thrown upon it since. Under the name S. arhoreum a Sedum which is clearly Masters's plant is still in cultivation ; this is obviously a form of the Mexican S. moran- ense H. B. K. {S. Jjiebmannianum et ^. Greggii hort. nonnulL, nee Hemsley). 'S'. moranense appears to be one of the hardiest species in the wdiole Mexican Sedum flora, and survives ordinary Avinters throughout the British Isles, so far as I am aware. aS'. arhoreum as found in gardens differs considerably in appearance from >S'. moran- ense type, and though the differences are chiefly due to habit, it seems worthy of varietal rank, as follows : — - S. moranense H. B. K. var. aeboeeum (Masters) Praeger, nov. comb. Stem erect ; branches fastigiate (not wide-spreading as in the type), with a tendency to fasciation at the tips. Plant 15-30 cm. high (instead of 5-8 cm. as in type), forming a small strict bush with a single stem up to 5 mm. thick (instead of a low loose mass frequently rooting, as in the type). Masters's description would appear to apply to a form somewhat intermediate between the type and the variety, but as he mentions the curious tendency to fasciation (which I have never seen in the type, though I have received and grown it from many sources), and as the name ^. arhoreum is applied in gardens to the variety, I have retained Masters's name for this foi-m. A fine specimen in the Kew Herbarium collected by C. G. Pringle at 10,000 feet in Sierra de Pachuca, shows that var. arhoreum is a 'native Mexican form. Sedum Beyrichianum Masters in Oard. Chron. 1878, ii. 376. Masters {I. c.) described under the name S. Beyrichiaimm a plant from an unspecified garden source, stating that the name appeared in several nursery catalogues. The plant is described as resembling >S', Nevii, but having petals no longer than the sepals (instead of twice as long, as in JSfevii) ; the leaves are stated to be narrower, and the flowers exceedingly small, \ inch diameter (against nearl}^ | inch in Nevii). No fresh light has been forthcoming regarding this plant during the intervening period for nearly forty years. There is in the Kew Herbarium a specimen certified hj N. E. Browm as being identical with Masters's original Beyricliianum (which Masters would appear to have seen at Kew). This plant is also identical with that which is still to be seen in cultivation here and there as *S'. Beyricliianum, which I have received and grown from three sources — Messrs. Hegel & Kesselring of Petrograd, 212 THE JOURXAL OF BOTAXr Glasnevin Botanic Garden, and Mr. Murray Hornil)rook of Abbeyleix, Queen's County. A study of these and of a good series of S. ^Vevii durins? several seasons shows (1) that the flower of both is | inch or slightly less in diameter; (2) that in both the relative length of petiil to sepal varies by about the same amount, the petals being slightly longer to slightl}" shorter (usuall}^ longer) than the sepals ; (3) that none of the specimens of Nevil have petals so much as twice the length of the sepals as described by Masters, nor any of the plants of Beyricliianum petals so short (flower \ inch diameter) as described by him ; (4) that well-marked differences of stem and leaf exist between the two forms, entitling *S'. Beyricliianum to varietal rank. I believe that Masters's Nevii (assuming his description to be accurately printed) was a specimen wdth abnormally short sepals, and that his Bcyrichianum had its j^etals only partially developed (which has sometimes happened with Sedums in my collection owing to attacks of green-fly) ; in the Kew specimen certified by N. E. Brown, the petals are onl}" \ longer than the sepals. Masters was right in regarding the two plants as not identical, though the differences are in stem and leaf rather than in flow^er. I would propose that S. Beyricliianum should stand as follows : — S. Neyii a. Gray var. Betrichta:mtm (Masters) Praeger, nov. comb. Plant more diffuse and rather greener. Barren shoots longer with more distant leaves and a very lax terminal rosette ; leaves narrower. Floral ])arts as in type. The absence of the close clustered compact leaf-rosettes which characterize typical Nevii give the variety a xery distinct a[)pearance. That the latter is a native American form is shown by a good specimen in the British Museum Herbarium labelled aS*. Xevii, from Peaks of Otter, Virginia, collected by A. H. Curtiss in 1872 ; this is even more diffuse and slender than the cultivated Beyricliianum. Sedum Drucei Graebner in Bot. Exch. Club Eeport for 1912, 160(1913). This name represents the plant which in the British Isles we have been accustomed to call S. acre L. Dr. Graebner in his description distinguishes it especially by its long lax stems and mitriform distant leaves. He adds " It is at once distinguished from S. acre by the loosely i^laced, narrow, divergent leaves, which call to mind S. holoni- ensey Mr. Druce adds (/. c.) that Dr. Graebner cultivated it in the Berlin Botanic Gardens side by side with the continental acre, and found it kept quite distinct : and that " Mr. Ogilvy and Mr. Wilmot[t] also assure me that the ordinary German acre has quite a different facies." In face of this august assemblage of opinion it may seem irreverent to doubt, but 1 feel impelled to record my own observations. I collected " >S*. Drucei'" in company with Dr. Cilraebner in the west of Ireland, and plants which ap])eared to me indistinguishable from it in half a dozen other Irish localities, at Edinburgh, and a couple of JfOTES OX SEDL'M 213 south of England stations : and by the kindness of friends have received other English and Scottisli gatherings. I also collected or received " >S'. acre'' from stations in Belgium, France, and Grermany, and from garden sources in liussia, Sweden, Holland, Italy, Austria, &c. The plants were all grown in one border under similar conditions. They displayed a certain amount of variation ; but I found it impossible to separate them into groups — either Drucei and acre^ or any other series of two or more segregates. "■Drucei'''' varied quite as much as " acre,'''' and varied in the same directions ; 1 failed to lind any character in any one of the series which would justify even a varietal name applied in the ordinary sense. There were certainh^ compact forms and lax forms, and the leaf -form varied to a certain extent ; but these hailed both from the British Isles and from the continent. West of Ireland seaside forms w^ere sometimes very large and lax as collected, but they lost this character when grow^n dry. Compact forms from limestone rocks in central Ireland compared •fresh wath German acre were indistinguishable. It may be that I am not gifted with a critical eye ; but I would suggest that many of the European species of Hedum — for instance, 8. album, S. anopetalum, S. dasyphyllum, S. rejlexum, to quote familiar examples — display a far wider range of variation than is found in S. acre (including Drucei) ; many of the forms of these have a distinct geographical range ; and until there is some agreement among botanists that each of these should be divided into a number of species, it seems to me only misleading to create a " species " out of Drucei. No doubt it will be shown eventually that in the case of a large number of our plants the British forms diifer slightly from continental types; it would be surprising if this were not so, in view of the length of the period of their isolation, and the difference of the climatic conditions under w^hich they live. Similar differences no doubt exist as between the English and the Irish floras — Mr. Moyle Rogers has remarked that Irish Brambles seldom match satisfactorily with the English plants. The study of these incipient variations, where perhaps we see species in the making, is full of interest, and there is no more important branch of field botany. But I think one may without offence protest ugainst the use of binominals for plants displaying these slight divergences from type, at all events in a genus where the great majority of the species are distinct and well defined. Even though we may not be able to define what we mean by a species, binominals are yet used by general agreement in a certain sense ; and their employment in the case of plants showing differences which most botanists would consider sub-varietal or less, will hinder rather than help the progress of systematic botany. Sedum PRUiXATrM Brotero, Flor. Lusit. ii. 209 (1804). This plant, one of the most interesting and distinct of European Sedums, was long confused with S. riijyestre L. (aS'. elegans Lej.), but several writers during the last thirty j^ears — e. g. Mariz in Bol. Soc. Broteriana, vi. 21, 1888; R. P. Murray in Journ. Bot. xxvii* 141, 1889 ; Rouv, Illustr. PI. Eur. Rar., fasc. x. 77 ; Rouv & Camus, 214< THE JOURXAL OF BOTANY Fl. (le France, vli. Ill (footnote), 1901— have pointed out its true character. Being an extremely local plant, it is rare in herbaria, and has been hitherto unknown in gardens, so far as I am aware. By the kindness of Prof. Henriques of Coiinbra, who sent me a Hne gathering from the mountains of that part of Portugal, 1 have had the plant in cultivation for two years, and a few notes on it may be useful. Though the leaves resemble somewhat closely those of a lax glaucous form of *S'. reflexum, so that in the barren state it recalls that species more than any other, it very distinct inflorescence at once betrays its close attinity to the South European 8. amplexicaule L. It lias the same very lax cyme of two branches, with one flower in the fork, and two or three on either branch. The flowers are very large for a Sedum, up to f inch in diameter, of a clear straw colour, with patent linear petals, six or seven in number. The sepals also show affinity to S. amplexicaule in the very unusual thickening of the edges, which is so marked a feature of the latter species ; in >S'. pruinatum this is less pronounced. The plant has also the wiry slenderness of amplexicaule. It shows no trace, however, of the peculiar expanded leaf-base which renders S. amplexicaule unique among Sedums. In its mode of vegetative propagation it is quite peculiar. From the axils of some of the leaves in spring slender horizontal shoots arise. They produce distant leaves, do not root, and grow to a length of 6 •or even 9 inches. Then the tip of the shoot becomes erect, and if it is in contact with the ground it roots. Except the tip, the shoot soon drops its leaves, and then dies, but remains like a fine wire throughout the winter, joining the living tip, which forms a loose oblong bud, to the ])arent. The erect central shoot, from which tlie rest originated, has meanwhile flowered and died, or bis remained a barren shoot to flower in the succeeding year, when each of the rooted tips goes through the same growth-cycle. The plant has a most distinct appearance, and the contrast between its very glaucous foliage and straw-yellow flowers is pleasing. i have a good stock of >S'. pruinatum at present, and if any gardener-botanist would like to grow it, I shall be ha])])y to send a plant. It appears to prefer a light dry humus soil, and its root-system is of the flimsiest description. S. SARMEXTOSUM Masters in Gard. Chron. 1878, ii. 626 (excl. var.) (nee *S'. sarmentosum Bunge). Masters's descri})tion of '' aS'. sarmentosum Bunge" clearly does not ap])ly to that species, which is an interesting Chinese ])lant, well known in cidtivation. Maximowicz, dealing with the Asiatic Sedums, remarks of the former '• planta . . . mihi ignota." This is the only reference to it which I know. Masters got much of his nuiterial at Kew Gardens, and an examination of the Sedums there revealed a plant in the Succulent House, noteworthy on account of its bright green whorled linear leaves, which was clearly Masters's species, and was, indeed, still labelled S. sarmentosum. The plant was puzzling, and I took it to be possibly one of the numerous sjjecies of the Japonica section of Sedum which are now known to occur in China. I saw it next at Dahlcm, named S. reflexum — which did not help XOTES ON SEDUM 215 much — but later, at Bremen, found it labelled as grown from Mexican seed. With this clue, it was run down as S. mexicanum Britton, a determination subsequently confirmed by specimens from New York. How ^S*. mexicanum^ which was described in 1899 from specimens raised in jSTew York from seed collected near Mexico City, came to be in cultivation at Kew forty years ago, is not known. The variety mentioned by Masters has no connection with S. mexicanum. It is still frequently grown as aS*. sarmentosum variegatum or S. carneum variegatum, but is in reality a sport of >S'. lineare Thunb., a Japanese ally of 8. sarmentosum. S. WooDWABDii N. E. Brown in Kew Bull. 1912, 390. S. Woodwardii was described from a specimen sent to Kew by the late Mr. Robert Woodward of Arley Castle, where the plant appeared in a bed of seedlings of a Samhucus from the Rocky Mountains. With these it had clearly no geographical affinity, as it belonged to the Aizoon group of Sedum, which is confined to N.E. and E. Asia, and it was probably a stray seedling from a bed a few yards away, which contained seedlings of Chinese plants collected by Wilson. Its proximity to >S'. Aizoon L. was recognized : — "affinis S. Aizoo Linn., sed foliis obovatis obliquis obtuse dentatis et C3miis majoribus laxioribusque differt." The t^^pe specimen at Kew is poor ; but in a second one, apparently taken subsequently from a root grown at Kew, the special characters quoted above have to a great extent disappeared. By the kindness of Mr. Woodward, I received from him a short time before his ultimely death fine speci- mens of the plant, which appeared to be S. Aizoon grown large and lax in rich soil and half shade. These, cultivated in an open border with aS*. Aizoon forms, are now not separable from them, even by characters of varietal value. S. Aizoon is a variable sj^ecies ; in breadth and toothing of leaf, and size and denseness of inflorescence considerable diversity exists ; S. Woodioardii is not an extreme form as regards any of these characters. SOME BRAZILIAN PLANTS. By R. C. Davie, M.A., D.Sc. The plants named in this list were collected during a visit to the States of Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo in July, August and SejD- tember, 1914. The object of the visit, in which I was aided by a Royal Society (Government) Grant, was the collection of flowers of the native Legiitninosce. No attempt was made to collect and dry specimens of plants representative of the floras of the districts visited, but interesting plants which happened to be noticed during the search for leguminous flowers were gathered from time to time. Among them were various species which are poorly represented in British herbaria ; two prove to be new. As far as can be ascertained, several of the species have not previously been recorded for the districts in which I found them. An interesting point which has appeared during the working up of 216 THE JOURNAL OF BOTANY the plants is that many of the ** campo " j^lants stand closer to Bur- chell's specimens than to the Martian types. As Burchell's plants were not examined for the Flora Brasiliensis they are mainly included under the species named there. I prefer to follow the Flora for the present rather than to separate m}^ specimens as new while Burchell's remain un worked. The plants were identified partly at Edinburgh and partly at Kew, and I desire to express my thanks to the Kegius Keeper of the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh, and to the Director of the Jioyal Gardens, Kew, for facilities afforded me during the process of identifi.cation. Much valuable assistance was given me at Kew by Mr. M. B. Scott ; and Mr. W. G. Craib, at Kew and more recently as my colleague in Edniburgh has given ungrudgingly of his time and special knowledge during tlie preparation of the list. The orchids were named by Mr. R. A. Rolfe. The nomenclature for the flowering plants is that of Martius's Flora Brasiliensis ; the ferns are named according to Christensen's Index Filicum. A complete set of the specimens is in the Herbarium of the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh. E. = Estado (state). Cissampelos ovalifolia DC. Grassy bank on campo, Georges Oetterer, E. Sao Paulo, 2500 ft., n. 127. Argemone mexicana L. Rocks at Sao Francisco, Nicthero}^ sea- level, n. 120. Cleome sjjinosa L. In scrub on bank of River Bengala, Novo Friburgo, 4000 ft., n. 117. Polj/gala Cyparissias A. St. Hil. On loose sand close to the sea, Gavea Beach, south of Rio de Janeiro, n. 189. P. paniculata L. Roadside in Jardim Botanico, Rio de Janeiro, sea-level, n. 175. 3Ionnina cordaia Klotzsch. Open argillaceous campo, Ipanema, E. Sao Paulo, 2500 ft., n. 136. Cerasfinm viscosiim L. On the railway track below Alto da Serra, Therezopolis, Serm dos Orgaos, 4000 ft., n. 168. Marcgravia myriostignia Tr. & Planch. In rain-forest below Alto da Serra, Petropolis, 2000 ft., nn. 118, 191. Liihea speciosa Willd. Tree on open argillaceous campo, Ipanema, E. Sao Paulo, 2500 ft., n. 149. Heferopteris Ihyrsoidea A. Juss. Shrul) on open campo, Ipanema, E. Sao Paulo, 2500 ft., n. 110. Oxalis Marfiana Zucc. Pathside in forest below Alto da Serra, Therezopolis, 4000 ft., n. 161. Oiiratea oliviformis (St. Hil.) Engl. Shrub of open argillaceous campo, Ipanema, E. Sao Paulo, 2500 ft., n. 180. JLippocratea fiaccida Peyr. In rain-forest at Cantareira, near Sao Paulo, 8000 ft., n. 14G. Anacardinm occidenlale L. On restinga near sea, Praia de Leblond, Rio de Janeiro, sea-level, n. 181. A. liumile St. Hil. Undershrub of open argillaceous campo, Ipanema, E. Sao Paulo, 2500 ft, n. 128. Inga cordistipvla Mart. Shrub, Jardim Botanico, Rio de Janeiro, sea-level, wn. 6(5^ 85» SOME BRAZILIAN PLANTS 217 Inr/a marginata Willd. Tree in rain-forest, Alto de Serra, Petro- polis, 2500 ft., n. 48. I. Thihaudiana DC. Tree in rain-forest, Raiz de Serra, below Petropolis, 1000 ft., n. 47. Pifhecolohium Langsdorjli Benth. Dr, von Thering's garden of native plants, Museu Paulista, Ypiranga, Sao Paulo, 2500 ft., n. 35. Acacia pedicellata Benth. Small tree in rain-forest above Gavea, near Pio de Janeiro, 1000 ft., n. 56. Mimosa asperata L. Straggler, prostrate on sand on edge of Lagoa de Rodrigo Freitas, sea-level, n. 69. M. suhsericea Benth. Undershrub of open campo, Georges Oetterer, E. Sao Paulo, 2500 ft., n. 32. Desmanthus vircjatus Willd. Tree in scrub on shore at Nictheroy, nn. 41. 87. Bauhinia rufa Steud. var. cordata Vog. On open grassy campo, Georges Oetterer, E. Sao Paulo, 2500 ft., n. 25. Cassia cathartica Mart. On open campo, Ipanema, E. Sao Paulo, 2500 ft., n. 28. C.Jlexuosa L. On open hillside, Hygienopolis, Sao Paulo, 2500 ft., no. 33 ; riverside among low scrub. Novo Fiiburgo, 4000 ft., n. 38 ; waste ground on edge of forest, Jardini Botanico, Pio de Janeiro, sea- level, n. 5o. C. occidentalis L. On restinga, Praia de Ipanema, Rio de Janeiro, sea-level, n. 68. C. pilifera Yog. Sandy bank on campo, Ipanema, E. Sao Paulo, 2500 ft, n. 36. C. rotundifolia Pers. On roadside near military station, Ipanema, E. Sao Paulo, 2500 ft., n. 37. C. uniflora Spreng, Undershrub of restinga, Praia de Leblond, Rio de Janeiro, sea-level, n. 63. Hopliora tomentosa L. Shrub, Jardim Botanico, Rio de Janeiro, sea-level, n. 65. Crotalaria vifeUina Ker-Gawl. Waste ground on edge of forest, Jardim Botanico, Rio de Janeiro, sea-level, n. 61. Indigofera Anil L. On restinga at Leme, near Rio de Janeiro, sea-level, n. 54. ^sclignomene hispidida H. B. K. Undershrub of wet sand on edge of Lagoa de Rodrigo Freitas, Rio de Janeiro, sea-level, n. 70. SiyJosanthes guianensis Sw. On open grassy campo, Ipanema, E. Sao Paulo, 2500 ft., n. 29. S. scabra Yog. Prostrate shrub on dripping rocks in gorge at Riaz da Seri-a, below Petropolis, 1000 ft., n. 46. >S^. viscosa Sw. Straggling shrub on sand on restinga at Praia de Leblond, Rio de Janeiro, sea-level, no. 44 ; on Gavea Beach, near Rio de Janeiro, sea-level, n. 58. Zornia diphyUa Pers. Undershrub of restinga, Praia de Leblond, Rio de Janeiro, sea-level, no. 67 ; on open hillside, Hygienopolis, Sao Paulo, 2500 ft., n. 98. Desmodium adsceiidens DC. Edge of footpath beside laboratory in Jardim Botanico, Rio de Janeiro, sea-level, n. 50. D. discolor Yog. Waste ground on edge of forest, Jardim Botanico, Rio de Janeiro, sea-level, n. 62. Journal of Botany.— Yol. 55. [AruusT, 1917.] k 218 THE .TOL'BXAL OF BOTA>'V 2Iachce/'ium Hnciuatum Bentb. Tree of rain-forest at Alto da Serni, Petropolis, 2.301) ft., nn. 51, 80. 31. violaceum Vog. Tree of rain-forest between Alto da Serra and Meio da Sen-a, below Petropolis, 2000 ft., n. 49. Andira anthelminthica Bentli. Tree of rain-forest at Cantareira, near Sao Paulo, 3000 ft., nn. 39, 82. A. JaurifoUa Benth. Dwarf trees of open cauipo, Ipanema, E. Sao Paulo, 2500 ft., n. 26. Eri/thriiia Coralloclcudron L. Cultivated. Jardim Botanieo, Bio de Janeiro, sea-level, nn. 45, 93. jE". f/hiuca ^\'illd. Large tree on roadside, near Jardim Botanieo, Bio de Janeiro, sea-level, nn. 42, 79. Colldca (jlauccscens Benth. (nn. 27, 86) and C. rur/osa Benth. (nn. 31, 90). On roadside near campo, Ipanema, E. Sao Paulo, 2500 ft., nn. 27, 86. Cajanus indicus Sj^reng. On roadside near Alto da Boa Yista, above Rio de Janeiro, 2000l't., n. 43. Eriosemn heterophyllum Bentli. On grassy campo, Ipanema, E. Sao Paulo, 2r)00 ft., n. 30. Among low scrub near Museu Pau- lista. Ypiranga, near Sao Paulo, 2500 ft., n. 34. Phaseolns 2)i^osfrafus Benth. var. angustifolia Benth. On grassy campo, Ipanema, E. Sao Paulo, 2500 ft., n. 40. Ihihus rosifolius Sm. Pathsides and on the margin of the forest near Therezopolis, Serra dos Orgaos, 4000 ft., n. 167, Eugenia Kunthiana DC. " Aracao do Campo." Open grassy campo, Ipanema, E. Sao Paulo, 2500 ft., n. 139. Sfenoccdyx Michelil Berg. " Pitanga.'' On restinga, close to sea, Praia do Pinto, Bio de Janeiro, n. 201. Camhessedesia ilicifolia Triana. On grassv campo, Ipanema, ■fi. Sao Paulo, 2500 ft., n. 148. Marcefia iaxifoUa DC. vnr. jyuhescens Cogn. On open granitic hillside, Morro dos Cabritos, Bio de Janeiro, 1200 ft., n. 193. Acisanthera variabilis Triana. In marsh at Sant' Anna, Sao Paulo, 3000 ft., n. 145. Cnphea incjraia Cli. k Sch. var. grandifoJia St. Hil. On wet ground close to bare sandstone rocks, Serra dos Orgaos, near Therezo- polis, 4000 ft., n. 169. Cascaria sylcfslris Sw. In rain-forest and scrub, Cantareira, near Sao Paulo, 3000 ft., no. 113; in scrub, Sant' Anna, Sao Paulo, 3000 ft., n. 126. Begonia pahata Alph. DC. In rain-forest, Serra dos Or| near Tlierezoj>olis, 4000 ft., n. 162 ( J ). IJydrocoti/Ie tintbellafa L. var. honariensis (Lam.) Spreng. On marsh near Lagoa de llodrigo Freitas, Bio de Janeiro, sea-level, n. 202. Borreria capiiaia DC. (n. 246) and B. veriiciUata G. F. W. Meyer (nn. 183, 167). On restinga, Praia de Leblond, Bio de Janeiro, sea-levci, n. 246. Mil racarpus fngidvs K. Schum. var. ^alzmannianus Sch. On restinga, Praia de Leblond, Bio de Janeiro, sea-level, n. 182. n" SOME BllAZILIAX PLANTS 219 Llpostoma capitatum D. Don. On dripping red sandstone, near stream, between Therezopolis and Alto da Serra, Serra dos Orgaos, 4000 ft., n. 165. Oldenlandia thesiifolia Schumann. In marsh at Sant' Anna, Sao Paulo, 8000 ft., n. 142. Dedieiixia cordirjera Mart. ap. Zucc. var. genuina Miill. Av:;. On 0j3en campo, Ipanema, E. Sao Paulo, 2500 ft., n. 137. lUmmeorliiza sp. On o^^en grass j hillside, Morro dos Cabritos, Ptio de Janeiro, 1000 ft., n. 123.' Acicarplia spathulata K. Br. var. genuina, C. A. Muell. On loose sand on Gavea Beach, near Rio de Janiero, sea-level, n. 196. AchyrocUne satureoides DC. On loose sand near sea, Praia de Leblond, liio de Janeiro, sea-level, n. 200. Epaltes hrasiUensis DC. On marsh at Lagoa de Rodrigo Freitis, llio de Janeiro, sea-level, n. 198. Veronia hrevlfolia Less. Open grassy campo, Ipanema, E. Sao Paulo, 2500 ft., n. 134. Mikania stipuJacea Willd. Straggler on loose sand near sea, Gavea Beach, near liio de Janeiro, sea-level, n. 190. Htifftia chrijsantha Mikan. Tree of forest on Morro dos Cabritos, Ptio de Janeiro,' 1000 ft., n. 194. Jliitisia coccinea St. Hil. In depth of rain-forest, Cantareira, near Sao Paulo, 3000 ft., n. 114. 31. sppciosa Hook. Edge of ram -forest, below Dedo de Deus, Serra dos Orgaos, 3500 ft., n. 159. Bidens jnlos'a L. Beside railwav-track below Therezopolis, Serra dos Orgaos, 3500 ft., n. 158. Senecio h)'asiliensis Less. Edge of rain-forest on Serra below Petropolis, 1500 ft., n. 155. Baccliaris genisteUoides Pers. Open hillside at Sant' Anna, Sao Paulo, 3000 ft., n. 144. SipJiocampylus duploserratus Pohl. Liane of rain-forest at Alto da Serra, between Santos and Sao Paulo, 2600 ft., n. 154. S. macropodus (Thunb.) G. Don. Liane of rain-forest at Canta- reira, near Sao Paulo, 3000 ft., n. 115. Gaultheria Willisiana, sp. nov. Species a G.ferruginea Cham. & Schlecht., cui affinis, ramulis flexuosis porrectis juventute villis carbonaceo-nigris tectis, foliis apice callo nitido prajditis, racemis terminalibus tantum, fiiamentis superne gradatim complanatis distinguenda. Suffrutex 0"5 m. altus, ramulis flexuosis porrectis rufo-nigris vilHs carbonaceo-nigris superne tectis. Folia elliptica vel rotundata, raris- sime subovata, summo apice callo obtuso nigro nitido instructa, basi rotundata vel subcordata, 3-5 cm. longa, 2-3 cm. lata, corlacea, subtus villis compositis rufo-ferrugineis vel purpureo-nigris tecta, pagina superiore demum punctis elevatis subaspera, vestigiis prioris tomenti in nervis primariis persistentibus, nervis lateralibus utrinque 3 obliquis, duobus superioribus ad apicem convergentibus subtus prominulis, reticulato-rugoso-venosa, rete inferiore pagina elevato, margine con- spicue sed angustius reflexo minute-serrulato ; petioli 3-4 mm. longi, e2 220 THE J0UR2?-iL OF BOTANY crassi, tomentosi, superne late canaliculati, inferne subteretes. Itacemi termi'nales, erecti, bracteati, rufo-ferruginei, dense villosi ; bractese spatulato-obovatse, concavse, summo apice obtusa?, 5 ram. loiigae, 4 mm. latfB, subglabrae, eiliatse ; pedicelli 5 mm. longi, bracteolas 2 angiistas acumlnatas margine serratas rufo-nigro-villosas gerentes. Caliix extra dense villosus, tubo intus nudo, lobis subdeltoideis- acuminatis 2o-3 mm. longis basi 2 mm. latis. Corolla 6 mm. longa, extra dense villosa, pm-pm-eo-punicea, lobis 1 mm. longis pauliilum reflexis. Stamina 10, 5 longiora 4 mm. longa, filamentis 3 mm. longis tenuibiis minute-pmictulatis acmninatis complanatis, 5 breviora fila- mentis 2'5 mm. longis, omnibus antheris I'o mm. longis 0'75 mm. latis basi subito acmiiinatis bilocularibus dorsitixis, quoque loculo apice diias in aristas erectas producto. SquamcB hvpogyna? 10, connatse, deltoidese, subacutse. Ovarium 5-loculare, villis albidis obtectmn ; stylus p-laber, 3 mm. longus. Semina quoque in loculo numerosa, piinctuiis parvis copiose ornata, ambitu truncato-cordata, sectione transversa triqueti-a. On open hillside beside Eiver Bengala, near Novo Friburgo, E. Kio Janeiro, 4000 ft., n. 156. Mi/rsine nmheUata Mart. Tree of campo, Ipanema, E. Sao Paulo, 2500 ft., n. 150. Symplocos lanceolata A. DC. Open campo, Georges Oetterer, E. Sao Paulo, 2500 ft., n. 108. Macrosiplionia lonqiflora (Desf.) Miill. Arg. On grassy campo, Ipanema, E. Sao Paulo, 2500 ft., n. 129. Asdepias curassavica L. In rain-forest at Cantareira, near Sao Paulo, in clearings, 3000 ft., n. 112. Hemipoqou setaceus Due. On grassy campo, Ipanema, E. Sao Paulo, 2500 ft., n. 153. Oxypetalum cajntatum Mart. & Zucc. On open grassy hillside, Hygienopolis, Sao Paulo, 2500 ft., n. 135. Buddleia hrasiliensis Jacq. Tree of rain-forest, Cantareira, near Sao Paulo, 3000 ft., n. 147. Helioplujtum inclicum (L.) DC. On marsh at Lagoa de Rodrigo Freitas, Kio de Janeiro, sea-level, n. 203. Cuscvta racemosa Mart. var. mida, Eng. Parasitic on Pabus bushes, between Therezopolis and Alto da Serra, Serra dos Orgaos, 4000 ft., nn. 104, 241 ; on Pubus bushes in forest above Gavea Beach, near Kio de Janeiro, 1000 ft., n. 1S5. Solaiinm siaymhriifoliiim Lam. Small shrub on rocks on hillside, Morro dos Cabr'itos, Kio de Janeiro, 2000 f t , n. 184. Hcrpestes Monniera H. B. K. On salt marsh at Praia do Pinto, Kio de Janeiro, sea-level, n. 187. . Calceolaria scabiosifolia Sims. On pathside, in forest below Dedo de^eus, Serra dos Orgaos, 3500 ft., n. 157. New to Eastern Brazil. Schwenkia fasciculata Benth. Grassy slopes below bare rock- face near summit of Morro dos Cabritos, Kio de Janeiro, 2000 ft., n. 121. Lnnlana Camara L. Liane in rain-forest at Cantareira, near Sao Paulo, 3000 ft., n. 109. L. lilaciiia Desf. Liane on edge of rain-forest, Serra dos Orgaos, near Therezopolis, 4000 ft., n. 100.^ SOME BRAZILIAN PLANTS 221 Lippia primulina S. M. On open campo, Ipanema, E. Sao Paulo, 2500 ft., n. 138. New to Eastern Brazil : not in Fl. Brasiliensis. Hypfis veronicifolia Pohl. On grassy campo, Ipanema, E. Sao Paulo, 2500 ft., n. 131. Iresine vermicularis Moq. var. a(fgregata Seubert. Creeper on marsh beside Lagoa de Rodrigo Freitas, Rio de Janeiro, sea-level, n. 186, I. portulacoides Moq. Creeper on loose sand near sea, Gavea Beach, near Rio de Janeiro, sea-level, n. 188. Phytolacca decandra L. On open grassy hillside, Morro dos Cabritos, Rio de Janeiro, 1800 ft., n. 195. Lopliorjyne arculifera Tul. On rocks in bed of River Bengala, Novo Friburgo, E. Rio Janeiro, 4000 ft., n. 238. Tristicha hypnoides Tul. On rocks in bed of River Bengala, Novo Friburgo, E. Rio Janeiro, 4000 ft., n. 235. Artantlie Gaudichaudiana Miq. In rain-forest on Monte Corco- vado, Rio de Janeiro, 300 ft., n. 119. Hedyosmum brasih'eiise Mart. In rain-forest on Serra above Santos, E. Sao Paulo, 2600 ft., n. 152. ( J and $ .) Lacistema pubescejis Mart. On edge of forest below Yista Chineza, near Rio Janeiro, 1200 ft., n. 199. Rhopala Gardneri Meisn. Tree of grassy campo near Ipanema, E. Sao Paulo, 2500 ft., nn. 71, 105. B. heterophylla Pohl var. pinnata Meisn. Tree of rain-forest at Vista Chineza, near Rio de Janeiro, 1000 ft., nn. 72, 74. Croton Liindianus Miill. Arg. In scrub near stream at Sant' Anna, Sao Paulo, 3000 ft., n. 140. Limnocharis Plumieri L. C. Rich. Marshy edge of small stream at its entrance to Lagoa de Rodrigo Freitas, Rio de Janeiro, sea- level, n. 173. Hahenaria parvifolia Lindl. Open hillside, Sant' Anna, Sao Paulo, 3000 ft., n. 143. Epidendrum ellipticum Grab. Among rocks on restinga at Ipanema, Rio de Janeiro, sea-level, n. 172. Prescottia micranilia Lindl. On rocks in gorge near sea, south of Praia de Leblond, Rio de Janeiro, sea-level, n. 174. P. plantayinea Lindl. Among rocks on restinga at Ipanema, Rio de Janeiro, sea-level, nn. 176, 177. Canna indica L. In depth of rain-forest at Cantareira, near Sao Paulo, 3000 ft., n. 111. Marica nr. Noi^tliiana Ker. Grassy top of cliff above se|^ south of Praia de Leblond, Rio de Janeiro, 70 ft., nn. 170. Barbacenia piirpui^ea Hook. Clefts in granite rocks near summit, Morro dos Cabritos, Rio de Janeiro, 2000 ft., nn. 122, 192. Amaryllis rutila Ker. Grassy top of cliff close to sea, Praia de Leblond, Rio de Janeiro, 50 ft., n. 171. Tradescantia fluminensis Veil. Edge of forest on paths, Serra dos Orgaos, Therezopolis, 4000 ft., n. 160. Eriocaulon vacjinatum Kornicke. In marsh at Sant' Anna, Sao Paulo, 3000 ft., n. 116. Calyptosiylis florida N. ab E. In rain-forest on Serra dos Orgaos, Therezopolis, 4000 ft., n. 163. 222 THE JorrvXAL of botaxt Pleurostacliys Geraldiana, sp. nov. Species a P. ScUowii Kunth, cui affinis, vagina sinuato-truneata noncliim mucrone iiistructa, intloreseentiie ramis hand approximatis distlnguenda. CuJmus foliosiis, 1-1-5 m. altus, triangularis, glaber, foliis tri- stichis. Folia linearia, anguste acuminata, vagina glabra caulem amplectante ore ad latus folio opposituni sinuato-truncato margine ciliato nondum mucrone instructo, 25-35 cm. longa, 5-7 mm, lata, cluirtacea, pagina utraque plana nisi medio inferiore earinata superiore vix prominulis, margine retlexo scabrido. InJJ orescent ia: 10,axillares et terminales, ramosse inferiores 5-10 cm. superiores 1-2 cm. distantes ; pedunculi plerumque 9, ramosi, 1-3 mm. distantes, oblique patentes, 1-3 cm. longi, basi bracteis anguste acuminatis 8 mm. longis ciliolatis, vaginis scariosis instructi, et bra(!teis et vaginis basi gibbosis, apice spiculas 3-10 conglomeratas, gerentes. Sjjicidce obovoideae, obtusa?, 1-5 mm. longse, 1 mm. diametro, bracteolis 5 scarioso-membranaceis spatula tis demum bifidis. Flores bisexuales, setis liyix)gynis quatuor 1 mm. longis brunneo- iciliatis, staminibus 3, filamentis persistentibus setis vix longioribus, ovario ambitu ovato complanato 1 mm. longo, stylo bifido, ramis 1 mm. longis, divergentibus curvatis primoque nondum arcuato-erectis, stigmatibus 0*5 mm. longis, demum deciduis. On edge of rain-forest at Cantareira, near Sao Paulo, 3000 ft., n. 151. Aneimia flexuosa (Sav.) Sw. (n. 211) A. mnndioccajia Raddi (n. 210) and A. radicans Raddi (n. 212). lloadside near Alto da Boa Yista, near Rio de Janeiro, 2000 ft. Li/f/oJium circinnatum (Burm.) Sw. lloadside at Gavca, near Rio dV Janeiro, 100 ft., n. 216. Osmunda rerjalis L. In mai*sli at Hvgienopolis, Sao Paulo, 2500 ft., n. 218.' Gleichenia furcata (L.) Spr. Among scrub on hillside, Hvgieno- polis, Sao Paub, 2500 ft., n. 217. lljjmf.nophijUum caudiculatum Mart. (n. 208) ^\-\({ II. poh/anthos Sw. (ii. 209). ' Side of Avaterfall at Alto da Boa Alsta, near Kio de Janeiro, 2000 ft. Aspidium marl ini censis S]Dr. In depth of rain-forest on jNIonte Corcovado, Kio de Janeiro, 1500 ft., n. 17; and on road to Vista Chineza, near Rio de Janeiro, 1000 ft., n. 21. A. frifoliatum (L.) Sw. In rain-forest on Monte Corcovado, Rio d(^Janeiro, 1500 ft., nn. 22, 133. Unjopieris grand is (Pr.) C. Chr. On edge of road through rain- forest at Vista Chineza, near Rio de Janeiro, 1000 ft., n. 20. D. vii'ipnra (Raddi) C. Chr. In depth of rain-forest on Monte Corcovado, Rio de Janeiro, 1500 ft., n. 23 ; in rain-forest below Vista Chineza, near Rio de Janeiro, 1000 ft., nn. 12, 125. Poh/stichum adianfiforme (Forst.) J. Sm. On open hillside above sea, south of Praia de Leblond, Rio de Janeiro, 100 ft., n. ]5 ; on-loose sand close to sea, Gavea Beach, near Rio de Janeiro, sea-level, no. 223. Folypodium Irasiliensis Poir. On loase sand, Gavea Beach, near SOME BEAZILIAX PLANTS 223 I\io de Janeiro, sea-level, n. 9 ; on rocks in gorge south of Praia de Leblond, Eio de Janeiro, sea-level, n. 14 ; in depth of rain-forest below Vista Chineza, near Kio de Janeiro, 300 ft,, n. 10. -P. Catharine Langsd. & Fisch. Below trees on resting^a, Praia de Leblond, Rio de Janeiro, sea-level, n. 11. P. cultratum Willd. Beside small stream in dripping rain-forest, Alto da Serra, E. Sao Paulo, 2600 ft., nn. 3, 132. P. decurrens Eaddi (n. 19) and P, loriceum L. (n. 16). In depth of rain-forest on Monte Coreovado, Rio de Janeiro, loOO ft. P.frajcinifoUum Jactj. In deprh of rain-forest at Alto da Sen-a, E. Sao Paulo, 2600 ft., n. 4. P. lejridopteris (Langsd. & Fisch.) Kze. On rocks in clearing through forest, Serra dos Orgaos, below Therezopolis, 3500 ft., n. 7. P. 'plumula H. B. Willd. On walls, Serra below Petropolis, 2000 ft., n. 5 ; on walls, Serra dos Orgaos, Therezopolis, 4000 ft., no. 6. P. poh/poiUoldes (L.) Hitchcock. On bases of Royal Pahns {Oreodoxa oltracea Mart.) in Jardim Botanico, Rio de Janeiro, n. 13. P. serrulatum (Sw.) Mett. On rocks in bed of stream, Alto da Boa Vista, near Rio de Janeiro, 2000 ft., n. 206 ; on clay in bed of stream in rain-forest, Alto da Sen-a, E. Sao Paulo, 2600 ft., n. 8. Leptochilus guianeiisis (Aublet) C. Chr. Climber on tree in rain-forest below Vista Chineza, near Rio de Janeiro, 1000 ft., n. 213. Adiantopsis radiata (L.) Fee. In rain-forest, beside aqueduct from Paineiras, Monte Coreovado, Rio de Janeiro, 1500 ft., n. 215. Ljjcopodium repnis Sw. (nn. 204, 242) and L. cermnim L. (n. 205). On banks by. roadside in forest, Alto da Boa Vista, near Rio de Janeiro, 1500 ft. L. clavatum L. In rain-forest at Alto da Serra, E. Sao Paulo, 2600 ft., n. 219 ; on dtbris in cutthig at Meio da Serra, below Petro- polis, 1500 ft., n. 221. L. complanatum L. On unshaded bank by roadside, Cantareira, near Sao Paulo, 3000 ft, n. 222. L. paradoxum Mart. Creeping in marsh at Sant' Anna, Sao Paulo, 3000 ft., n. 220. AzoUa caroliniana AVilld. On margin of Lagoa de Rodrigo Freitas, Rio de Janeiro, sea-level, n, 245, GEORGE EDWARD MASSEE. (1850-1917.) Geoege Edwaed Massee, who ranks with Berkeley and Cooke as one of the makers of British mycology, died at Sevenoaks on February 16th, succumbing to an attack of influenza, and was buried at Riclnnond, Surrey, He was born at Scampston, a hamlet in East Yorkshire, on December 20th, 1850, and educated at a private school. It was intended that he should follow the occupation of his father and become a farmer, and it was while helping on the farm that he became interested in wild flowers and in the larger fungi, and drew and painted tliem. But, according to his own statement, he did very 122 i THE JOURNAL OF BOTATs'Y little gool at fanning, so he was, sent to the York School of Art, where he giined the national medal for the drawing of Howers from nature. His first paper (on British Woodpeckers) appeared in the InteUectual Obsercer for 1867 ; it was illustrated by a coloured plate, both plate and paper being admirable work for a youth of seventeen. His mother's cousin was Dr. Richard Spruce,* the botanist and traveller, who encouraged him in the botanical studies which occupied his spare time. Later he went into residence at Downing College, but he did not stay long at Cambridge, possibly because Spruce was able to give him the opportunity of going to the West Indies and South America for the pur^Dose of orchid-hunting and botanizing generally. Before he was out of his teens Massee crossed to America on a French boat, traversed the Panama isthmus and then sailed along the coast to Quit(j. Here he struck inland and made his wa}^ up the Naps, collecting orchids, fungi, and ferns — he sent home"^ in bulk Oncidiiim macranthum and NanoiJea Ifffhisce. His only white com- ])anion was a Dr. Brown, })icked uj) l)y chance on the way : the others were Indians hired from the Catholic missionaries, who seemed to have extraordinary power over the inhabitants of the scattered vil- lages. On one occasion Massee was ill for three weeks in an Indian * Most of the plates in Spruce's Hepaticas of the Amazon (1885) were drawn by Massee. GEORGE EDWAED MASSEE 225 hut with dysentery, unconscious most of the time and nursed by an old squaw. Hundreds of miles of mule-riding gave Massee a rather philosophical idea of a mule's characteristics, and, in later years, the sight of one of these animals called up reminiscences of perilous paths and of a wise cautious animal sometimes moved to indiscretions by the persuasion of a wisp of lighted straw attached to its tail. While in the forest he lived on rice meal and an occasional monkey — an experience which cured him of any enthusiasms concerning the " simple life," which he regarded as being quite reasonable excej^t when one has to hunt for one's breakfast at supper-time. The Indians per- suaded him to go bare-foot and he was afterwards very reluctant to return to boots. One of his remarks about the Indians was that they Avere so lazy that the}' would spend an hour catching one of their half- wild horses in order to ride a few yards. Amongst his experiences in South America were earthqviakes and a naiTow escape from a puma, which sprang upon him from the overhang-ing branch of a tree. Keturning home on a French boat Massee joined the Foreign Legion — the Franco-Prussian War was then in progress. He trans- ferred to the 4th Chasseurs — he had the name tatooed on his arm, — - but he saw little or no fighting, as the big engagements were already over. His mother, being alarmed, got in touch Avith the authorities- and had him sent home, where she prevailed upon him to remain on the farm with his father — he was an only son. Here he contiimed his botanical studies, sj^ecializing on fungi and plant diseases. When, some years after his return, his fathor died, Massee and his mother removed to Scarborough, where he taught botany in various schools and studied geology, which he nearly adopted as a career, only with- drawing at the last moment from a post which was offered to him. He worked hard at the fungus flora of the Scarborough district and painted a considerable number of agaries, many of the drawings being afterwards used by Cooke in his Illustrations. His first paper on fungi was " Notes on some smaller Fungi " in Science Gossip for 1S80 ; this included Myxomycetes. In the early eighties Massee removed to London and later to Kew. At this period he lectured at various institutions on various biological subjects. He also did a large amount of University Extension lec- turing ; some of the lectures were afterwards arranged in book-form with the title Evolution in Plant Life. Papers on fungi now began to appear with great rapidity. He worked principally in the Kew Herbarium as a free lance, w^here he received great assistance from M. C. Cooke, who had formed a good ojDinion of his work when Massee was working alone at Scarborough. In 1871 Massee published an account of the British Phycomycetes and Ustilaginea3 under the title British Fungi. Although much praised by certain m^^cologists at the time, it cannot be said to be a book of much value, even for the period ; but it is still the only book dealing with British Phycomycetes. The following year his Mono- graph of the Mi/xogastres appeared, but this was almost immediately eclipsed by the splendid Lister Monograph ; and at the same date the first volume of his British Fungus Flora. The arrangement of this is very bizarre, but the work was and is much used, and is on the 22 5 THE .TOUlfXAL OF BOTANY' whole an excellent proluction ; the last volume did not appear until 18J5. Unt'ortunatelj throu^-h faulty arrangement the whole of the flora was not treated ; the Basidiomycetes occupied much more than half the volumes, the Diseomycetes one volume ; the Hyphomycetes received rather sc.mty treatment. This was the last attempt to write a complete British Fungus Flora, About the year 1832 Massee worked for some time in the Botanical Department of the British Museum, which acquired from him his v.iluable series of original fungus paintings. He was employed principally in preparing tlie exhibition stands of microfungi in the general gallery, a work which was afterwards completed (and almost entirely done) by Miss Lorrain Smith. J3.itters was working in the Department at the time and he and Massee acquired the quarterly publication GrevUlea which Cooke had managed for the previous twenty years, Massee acted as editor from 1892 to 1891 (vols, xxi., xxii.), after which it ceased to appear. When Cooke retired from Kew, Massee was appointed Principal Assistant for Cryptogams. He now applied himself more thoroughly to the study of plant diseases and in 1899 published his most successful book — a Text Book of Plant Diseases, — which ran through three editions and was replaced in 1910 b}'^ his more ambitious Diseases of Cultivated Plants and Trees. His practical experience of farming helped him greatly in understanding the conditions under which diseases are most likely to cause losses, but many of the ideas ex- pressed in the later book are not generally accepted. He produced a very useful book — European Fungus Flora : Agaricacece — in 1902, and in 190o collaborated with the late Charles Crossland in the Fungus Flora of Yorkshire. He attended the annual forays of the Yorkshire Naturalists' Union for many years: it was tlirou^h his enthusiasm and ha'-d work that the Mycological Committee, bf which he was chairman, came into existence. The British Mycological Society was formed at the Halifax meeting in 189(3 and Massee was elected as first president ; the large number of records in the flora for the Scarljorough district indicate the extent of his collecting. In 190G aj)peared his Text Book of Fungi — a Avork which, though somewhat scrappy, contains much valuable information. His British Fungi and Lichens (illustrated by his daughter Ivy, to whom I am indel)ted for many of the facts contained in this notice), which apjjeared in 1911, is a remarkal)ly cheap and useful work : the title is misleading, as lichens are merely mentioned. His last book. Mildews, Busts and Insects, written in collaboration with his daughter, did not add to his rei)utation. He wrote in all about two hundred and flfty articles on fungi. Massee had a world-wide nqnitation as a mycologist. During the years he studied the various groups he had acquired a knowledge of fungi practically unrivalled. But though brilliant he was often careless ; if he had had any capacity for taking ])ains he would liave been a genius. He had a clear mind, and was regardless of authority : the latter trait he carried to excess and often totally dis- regarded results which would have prevented his making rather startling mistakes. This was j)erha])s the result of his training and GEORGE EDWARD MASSEE 227 of liis period. He began his study when Berkeley was the authority : Cooke followed Berkeley and on Cooke's retirement the mantle naturally fell upon Massee. But times had changed, and though his opinion in the naming of species received the consideration due to his extensive knowledge it was neglected when he attempted to criticize — or even ridicule — branches of the subject with which he had not first-hand acquaintance. His cynicism often led him to say, and even to do, things which were much resented ; but his experiences with some of the j^ounger school who called themselves mycologists and yet professed to despise " species " probably had much to do with his sharpness of tongue — I, personally, always found him very kind and pleasant. Hje Avas well liked by the gardeners at Kew, to whom he lectured on plant pathology ; his knowledge of the practical side of their work, his wide interests, his wit and his virility even to the end, impressed them to an extraordinary degree. For many years Massee was the recognized leader of the fungus forays around London. His knowledge of the fungi of Epping Forest and of Kew Gardens was unrivalled : of the latter he published an account in the Kew Bui let in for 1897 (pp. 115-67) which was subsequently extended in the Ad- ditional Series (v) of the Bulletin, to which further additions were subsequently made. On resigning his Fellowship of the Linnean Society in 1915 he was immediatel}' elected an Associate. JoHJV Ramsbottom. [For the use of the portrait accompanying this notice Ave are indebted to the Editor of the Garden.'] SHORT XOTE. YiOLA LACTEA Sm. XEAR BRISTOL. This ericetal rarit}'- has had no local record hitherto and is very scarce throughout the West of England. In my account of the Violets of this district {Fl. Brist. p. 177) I mention the occurrence of V. canina L. var. lanceolata Mart. -Don. on Yate Lower Common, West Glouc. As may be seen in British Violets Mrs. Gregory, while assenting to the name, saw that the plant differed from Oxfordshire specimens of the variety ; and she owned in correspondence that had V. lactea been known in the vicinity she would have strongly suspected our plant to be, pre- ferably, a hj^brid — canina X lactea. As opportunity offered, there- fore, we searched the locality repeatedly for V. lactea, and were at length rewarded by finding two small plants of it at a short distance. Later, Miss Roper detected it in very small quantity on another part of the Common, and on June 4, in an enclosure nearly a mile from the original station, I was glad to see amongst coarse heathy herbage a number of tufts (of course jmst flowering) over a space of 50 or 60 yards. It seems now fairly certain that the so-called lanceolata is indeed the hybrid suggested by Mrs. Gregorj^ and subscribers to my book are invited to make the necessary correction and addition in their copies. The hybrid canina x Biviniana is also present at the spot first above mentioned, but canina itself is decidedh^ rare in that neighbourhood. The tract known as Yate Lower Common and lands 22S THE JOURNAL OF BOTANY adjacent were originally portions of the ancient Eoyal Forest of Kingswood and were enclosed at the beginning of the last century. In a few spots here and there the old ericetal vegetation still survives. In otliers the ground is pitted with excavations from which pockets of strontium ore (celestine) have been extracted. Many of these have become ])onds as well as some larger and older pits, the result of clay or marl digging in former days. Thus, while botanically productive, the Common is intei-esting from other points of view. — Jas. W. White. REVIEWS. Botanical Names of tlie Wild Flowers. What tliey mean. How Fronounced. By Colonel J. S, F. Mackenzie. Pp. ix, 228. London : Holden and Hardingham. 8^/. net. The compiler of this neat well-printed and astonishingly cheaply little book is of opinion that many are " prevented trying to learn the names of the wdd flowers because of the uncouth look of their botanical names "; he apparently thinks that this appearance would be modified if folk knew their meaning, and sets to work to explain them. Un- fortunately, however, the idea is better than its execution, and we fear the well-intentioned little volume will tend to perpetuate existing errors as to derivations, while it will certainly promulgate many new ones. Some of these latter are as ingenious as they are inaccurate : a striking example is Mielic1i(yferi, which the Colonel writes " Miel- choferi " and proceeds to derive from the " Greek, mielcho (honey) ; Latin, feri (bearer) ; The very numerous misprints often render the meaning unintelligible : the very first entry affords material for criti- cism, and indicates the style of the book ; it runs : " Ahele (a-be-le). Polish. ' Bialo ' (white) a name for the White Poplar." The name is not trisyllabic (cfr. Mrs. Browning's reference to " six abeles ") ; it is not Polish, but Dutch ; " bialo " would seem to be a misprint for ** bianco " — the tree is called " pioppio bianco " in Italy. Nor is Colonel Mackenzie happier with English names (the inclusion of which is not indicated by the title of the book) : London Pride cer- tainly does not " get its name from the firm of London and Wise, who introduced the ])lant in the early 18th century," as the name was in common use in 1697, and the plant was in general cultivation when Gerard wrote his Herbal (1597)— see Journ. Bot. 1895, 422. The terminology is as original as are some of the derivations : Colonel Mackenzie uses " group " throughout for genus, and the word species is entirely ignored in favour of " second botanical name." It would be easy to criticize the little vohime at greater length, but the above indication of its contents will, we think, prove sufficient. There is, we fancy, room for sucli a book, although llandal Alcock's scholarly Botanical Names for English Readers, issued forty years ago (with whicli Col. Mackenzie does not seem to be acquainted) is still in print. Should a second edition of the work under notice be called for, the compiler would do well to submit the proofs to a botanist for coiTection. THEOPnRASTUS 229 Theophrastus Enquiry into Plants and 3Iinor WorJcs on Odours and Weather-Signs with an English Translation by Sir Arthur HoRT, Bart., M.A., formerh^ Fellow of Trinity College, Cam- bridge. London : William Heinemann : mcmxvi. In two volmiies, cloth, feap. 8vo, pp. xxviii, 475, ix. 499. Price 5s. net each. These two A'olumes are recent additions to the Loeb Classical Library of translations, a series in which the original and the English version occup}" opposite pages. The volumes are attractive in every respect : the binding, tjqDe, and paper are excellent, and the price is reasonably cheap. The majority of the books included in the series are more or less familiar in translation ; but it has been left to Sir Arthur Hort to present for the first time the works of Theo- phrastus in English. He expresses a modest doubt whether his work Avill be found " entirely satisfactory^," as he " is not, as he should be, a botanist " ; but anv deficiencies on this head are supplied by Sir William Thiselton-Dyer, Prof. D'Arcy Thompson, Mr. A. W. Hill and others. To the first-named Sir Arthur is indebted for the identifications in the very full and scholarly index, which occupies nearly fifty pages in double columns and small type, and is indeed an epitome of the information contained in the work concerning each plant : a key to this contains a list of plants mentioned under botanical Latin names and another of those having popular English names, the Greek equivalent being supplied in each case. There is an admirable bibliographical and biographical introduction, and a portrait of Theophrastus from the bust in the Villa Albani. Of the Enquiry itself, every page is annotated — nothing in fact has been overlooked which can add to the completeness of the volumes, and the author's " hope that this translation may assist some competent scholar-botanist to produce an edition worthy of the author " is really fulfilled by his own undertaking. The translator points out that Theophrastus (b.c. 370-285) was the first to apply the principle of classification to the vegetable Avorld ; the first book begins b}'- discussing "how plants are to be classified," and the subject is of constant recurrence. " Throughout his botanical works the constant implied question is ' What is the difference ? ' ' What is its essential nature ? ' viz. What are the characteristic features in virtue of which a plant may be distinguished from other plants, and which make up its own 'nature ' or essential character? " It was doubtless in the garden in the grounds of the Lyceum be- queathed to him by Aristotle, whose favourite pupil he was, "that the first systematic botanist made many of the observations which are recorded in his botanical works." In his will Theophrastus "made provision for the maintenance of the garden ; it is bequeathed to certain specified friends and to those who will spend their time with them in learning and philosophy ; the testator is to be buried in it without extravagant expense, a custodian is appointed, and pro- vision is made for the emancipation of various gardeners, so soon as they have earned their freedom by long enough service." The nine books deal respectively with the parts of plants and with 230 THE JOUEXAL OF BOTAXT classification ; with propagation, especially of trees ; with wild trees ; Avith the trees and plants of particular districts ; with timber ; with under-shruhs ; with herbaceous plants ; with cereals ; and with the medicinal properties of herbs : in this last a chapter is devoted to the medicinal herbs peculiar to Crete. Appended to the Enquir}^ are two Treatises dealing respectivel^y with Odours and Weather-Signs, many of the latter corresponding with those accepted among ourselves. The Enquiry forms a valuable pendant to the work of Aristotle, so far as plants are concerned, and English readers will be grateful to Sir Arthur Hort for rendering it accessible to them in their "own language. BOOK-NOTES, NEWS, etc. In Somei^set and Dorset Notes and Queries for March last Mr. H. Downes prints the following note on a volume which he recently discovered in a general dealer's shop in Taunton, " the chief interest of which lies in the fact that it originally formed a part of the library of Henry Lyte, and contains his signature and some manu- script notes in his writing. The book in question consists of two works bound together, viz., Alexikerus, seu Auxiliaris Hortus etc., and Xora et Mira Artijicia, etc., . . . 'autore Antonio Mizaldo, Monluciano» Medico. Lutetiae, 1564.' Mizauld was a well-known French physician (1520-1578), who wrote many books, of which the AJexikerus is one of the earliest. At the top of the title-i)age of Alexikerus, in red ink, is the signature ' Henr}^ iyte,' and across the printer's device (a mulberry tree) on the same page is 'Henry Lyte, 1505.' The signature is repeated on the title-page of the second work. A few trifling marginal notes are scattered through the volume, and many passages are underlined, the notes and underscorings, as well as the signatures, being in red ink. At the end of the volume are two pages of manuscript notes, mostly medical definitions or short descriptions of diseases. A list of Mizauld's works is printed at the end of the volume, and several of these are marked 'H ' (Habeo?), which seems to show that Lyte possessed them. All the above are in Lyte's handwriting .... A long and valuable article on the Lyte Family, by Sir H. C. Maxwell-*Lyte, is to be found in the Transac- lions of the Somerset ArchcBological Society, vol. xxxviii., where a facsimile reproduction of Henry Lyte's signature has enabled the l)resent writer to authenticate the handwriting in the volume under consideration, lleference is also made to Lyte's habit of using both red and black ink in his annotations. Sir H. Maxwell-Lyte informs the writer that it is not known when or how Henry Lyte's library was disjjcrsed. It is probable that this volume has been lying in Somerset ever since he acquired it." A facsimile of the title-page accompanies the note, which is followed by a transcription of the MS. medical definitions. The New Pliytologist for May and June (published June 28) contains a note on the distribution of sexes in Myrica Gale, by A. J. Davey, 13.Sc., and C. M. Gibson, B.Sc, based on observations during BOOK-XOTES, XEWS, ETC. 281 several successive years on a large area of the plant in the peat-moors of Somerset. In the same number Mr. H. S. Thompson calls attention to the similarity of the radical leaves of Valeriana dioica and I^ar- nassia jjalustris. • Mr. a. H. Eyans prints in the Hisforij of tlie Berwicl^sliire Naturalists'' Club (xxiii. 217-235) some notes on plants found in the district worked by the Club : the notes are supplementary to the list of less common plants of the same area printed by Mr. Adam Anderson in the preceding volume (xxii. 227 aeciq.), and \ire largely based on the writer's own observations. Messes. Routledge have published (Is. Gd. net) a curious little book on T/ie Wild Foods of Great Britain, "where to find them and how to cook them," by L. C. R. Cameron. Of this about half is devoted to the vegetable kingdom, beginning witli "Wild Vegetables, Herbs, and Salad- Plants," and passing through "Edible Flowers and Wild Fruits " to " Esculent Seaweeds " and "Edible Funguses." The first on the list is Fapaver Rhaeas, of which " the young leaves from plants that have not fiowered should be gathered during harvest-time," and are used for making salads " or " may be cooked like spinach :" even those who have noted the very various contents of an Italian salad would, we think, be surprised to find poppy-leaves among them. Among " Edible Flowers " the Lime holds the first place : the Fungi are treated at considerable length. There are numerous illustrations, mostly poor reproductions of well-known figures. " Over thirty years' experimental experience " — manifestly the best kind of exj^erience — • " enables [the author] to recommend with confidence all the recipes included in this book," some of which, he tells us, echoing the White Knight, " are of my own invention." The book is " cordially recom- mended " (by the author) " to the very poor, chiefly men of letters and disabled oflicers discharged without pension or gratuity — a large and growing class — in the hope that by its means they may be enabled to i^rovide themselves with good and palatable food that might other- wise prove beyond their reach." It will 1)6 remembered that Mr. E. C. Horrell's Furopean Spliag- 7iace(je was published as a Supplement to this Journal in 19U1 and contained descrij^tions of all the species varieties recognised at that time as European. The diagnoses were translated and adapted from Warnstorf's publications in FLedwicjia and elsewhere. In 1911 W^arnstorf published his weighty and definitive monograph, the Sphagnologia Universalis, the outcome of his life's work on the Sphagnaceae of the whole world : but the price of that work and the German text have made it inaccessible to most British moss-students. We are now indebted to Mr. J. A. AVheldon for a Synop)sis of the Furopean Sphagna (Darwen : W. H. Western, June 1917, 42 pp., price 2.S. 6<:/.), which is compiled from W^arnstorf's Sphagnolocjia and indicates the species varieties and forms that occur and are likely to occur in the British Isles, giving brief diagnoses of all such as were not described in Mr. Horrell's work. Fifty-nine species and innumer- able varieties and forms are included, as against Mr. Horrell's fiftv 232 THE JOURNAL OF BOTANY species and Imndred and fifty varieties ; and brief key cliaracters are supplied in some of the groups, especially Cuspidata and Subsecunda. The classification is more elaborate, in keeping with the advanced develo])ment of AVarnstorf's later views. Further, a few new forms not included in Warnstorf's Sphagnologia have been discovered in our islands ; and some of these are now described in rather inadequate Latin. Mr. Wheldon's Synopsis was compiled with a view to the needs of the Moss Exchange Club, from whose Hon. Sec. Mr. Wm. Ingham, 6 Sycamore Terrace, Clifton, York, copies may be obtained. It may be of interest to add that The Twenty-second Annual Report (York: Coultas & Volans, Ltd., 1917, pp. 177-199) of this Club has recently come to hand, and contains the customary list of mosses and hepatics contributed by the members. Some of the items are illuminated with valuable remarks and criticisms by the referees. A. a. We are glad to learn that the numerous protests which have been raised in connection wdth the proposed suspension of the Kew Bulletin have been effectual. The official decision regarding it was made public in the House of Commons on the 4th ult., when Mr. S. Baldwin, replying to a question addressed to the Treasury, said : — " I am informed that the question of the suspension of the issue of the Kew Bulletin was considered by the Select Committee on Publication and Debates Reports last week, and that it w^as decided to recommend that the Bulletin should be continued, but with due regard to economy. Subject to the omission, therefore, of certain classes of information which, though doubtless of scientific interest can, it is thought, be postponed without detriment to the welfare of the State, the publication of the Bulletin w411 be resumed." This statement did not make it clear whether the classes of information to be left out were to be omitted b}^ the Editor or to be cut out by the Select Committee on Publication and Debates Reports, and on July 10 Viscount Bryce opened a debate in the House of Lords on this matter. In reply to Lord Bryce, the Duke of Marlborough, on behalf of the Government, said that: — -"The Editor will be allowed to decide the matter of the Bulletin and wdll consider what is essential and what can properly be omitted." The second number of the Bulletin for the current j^ear wdll be issued immediately, and will be followed by other numbers as rapidly as possible. The June number of the Journal of Ecology contains continua- tions of the papers on " The Salt Marshes of the Dovey Estuary," North Wales, by R. H. Yapp, D. Johns, and O. T. Jones and " On the Ecology of the Vegetation of Breckland," Suffolk, hj E. Pickworth Farrow. Both paj^ers are illustrated with plates and figures in the text. 233 BKITISH PULMONARIAS. Br A. J. WiLMOTT, F.L.S. The genus 'Pidmonaria has not recently attracted much attention in this country. The latest monograph of the genus, Kerner's Moiiograpliia F ulmonariarum, appeared as long ago as 1878, yet it does not apj^ear to have been studied by British botanists. Kerner places the Hampshire plant under his first species " P. angustifolia Linn. Fl. suec," which is his name for the plant often called P. azurea Besser. I hope to show that it is certainly not that very distinct species, but is the plant which Kerner calls P. longifolia. The history of the British plant is interesting. The first record is by Parkinson (Parad. 248: 1629), who observes "The Cowslips of Jerusalem grow naturally in the woods of Germany, in divers places, and the first kind in England also, found out by John Groodier, a great searcher and lover of plants, dwelling at Mapledurham in Hampshire." Parkinson's " tirst kinde " is from the description clearly P. officinalis. Groodyer's find is dealt with four years later by Johnson in his edition of Gerard's Herhall. Johnson says (p. 809), " Mr. Goodyer found the Pulmonaria foliis Echii, being the second, May 25, anno 1620 flouring in a wood by Holbury house in the iM^ew Forest in Hamp.shi]-e." The figure given of this Pulmonaria foliis Echii is P. officinalis, Avhile that of P. maculosa is apparently P. saccharata^ Keference to the original edition of Gerard shows that the figures of these are incorrectly interchanged in the later work." Indeed, the figure of P. maculosa is line for line identical with Lobel's figure of P. foliis Echii {Knujdthoeck, 692 : 1581). Gerard's description of his P. foliis Echii is of the plant repre- sented in his figure of P. maculosa. " The second kinde of Lung- wort is like unto the former, but greater in each respect ; the leaves bigger than the former, resembling wilde Buglosse, yet spotted with white spots like the former ; the floures are like the other, but of an exceeding shining red colour." This colour is not that of the British plant, but agrees, I believe (I have not myself seen the plant alive), with that of P. saccharata Mill., Kerner (Mon. Pulm. 17. t. 7) = P. picta Rouy (Fl. Fr. x. 297: 1908). This plant was originally spread from Belgian gardens, where Lobel saw it. There are speci-' mens of it in Herb. Sloane, together with others which I hope to deal with in a later article on P. saccharata Mill. : — 1. — -Vol. 47. f. 49, a volume of '' plants known about the year 1660 " : the collector of these garden plants is not known. 2.— Vol. 83. p. 15 as P.fol. Echii Lob. ic (Plukenet's European Plants). 3.— Vol. 121. p. 6 as P.fol. Echii Ger. em. (Buddie, Herb. Plant. Britann.). There is no locality nor date to the specimen of P. saccharata, but it must have been in the country in his time, and was evidently the plant understood by contemporary botanists as P. foliis Echii. The British plant is thus identitied in all the editions of Kay's JOUE^'AL OF BOTAXY. VoL. ^)0. [SePTEMBEE, 1917. J S liJU THE .TOURXAL OF BOTAXY Si/nopsis. I have not traced aii}^ specimens collected by Goodyer. Since P. lonr/ifoUa now occurs in so many places in the New Forest, it is to be inferred that it was the species Avhich Goodver found, otherwise it would be possible to suppose that it was P. saccharaia, perha])s escaped from Holbur}^ House. When binominalist authors are consulted, confusion is seen to have been caused by their reference to Parkinson. Hudson (Fl. Angl. 67 : 1762) refers to Goodyer's plant as P. ojjicinnlis, citing in ed. 2 Fl. Dan. t. 482, which is true P. qfficinaJis. Stokes in Withering {Bot. Ar)\ii(\. 2. i. 198-4: 1787) deals with the contlicting accounts and makes a more correct identification, in accordance with Hay etc. Under P. officinalis he says : *' Given on the authority of Mr. Hudson, who refers to FL dan. 482, the P. officinalis and also to Ger. em. 808. 2, P. syn. 226 which is the P. angusfifolia, and gives no place of growth except the one transcribed from Rav." Under P. angusti- folia is cited " Fl. dan. 4im.— Ger. 662. 2.—C1us. ii. 170. 1. rep. in Ger. em. 808. 2, ' Mr. Goodyer found it in a wood by Holbury House in the New Forest, Hampshire.' Johnson in Ger. em. 800 The authority of Mr. Goodyer is cited also by Parkinson, but who supposes him to have found the P. officinalis.'" Hull (Brit. Flora, 47 : 1799) follows' Stokes, but Smith (Fl. Brit. 1. 217: 1800) refers Goodyer's plant to P. officinalis, together with Abbot's record of P. officinalis for Bedfordshire and liobson's for Darlington. Smith further remarks " Pulmonaria anr/itsfifolia Britanniae dubia civis est. Folium e Wallia, ab amicissimo D, Kobson missum, ad Sf/mphi/fum fuherosam potius pertinere olim mihi visum est." Smith's reference to Kobson ma}^ be explained by reference to Wither- ing (ed. 8. ii. 228 : 1796), where we read : — " Mr. Kobson informs me that he liad a specimen sent him in the year 1783, by the late Mr. AVaring, of Leescrood, Flintsli., who found it [P. angusfifolia'] growing wild on the ruins of tlie Monasterv Maes Glas" (see Phil. Trans. Ixi. 378: 1772). In ed. iv. (ii. 224:" 1801) is added:— "but Mr. Griffith says Mr. Waring's s]iecimen proves to be the Ancliusa sempervirens^' (see also Bot. Guide, 292: 180-3). After the redis- covery of Pulmonaria, Smith (E. B. 1628) states "we are now satis- fled of its being what Mr. Waring sent Mr. Kobson from Flintshire." The leaf is not in Smith's herbarium, only Kobson's letter which con- tained a request that the leaf should be returned. Doubtless Griffith's determination is correct. In 1804 Griffith discovered a Pulmonaria in the Isle of Wight, between Newport and Kyde : this was figmvd in English Botang (t. 1628), published Aug. 1, 1806, from specimens collected by Boirer and Dawson 'J'urner on .June 3 of that year. Bromfield (Fl. Yect. 323 : 1856) gives a good description, noticing that the leaves vary in breadth a good deal, and making a var. " /? leaves lineai'-lanceolate " with " P. azurea Besser" as a synonym. Tliis a})pears to be the first mention of P. azurea as an English ])lant. The ])revious identification was merely as P. angusfifolia L. whicli ])robal)ly inchided various narrow-leaved Pulmonarias. The identilication by Smitli in English Bofnng,{\s previously by Stokes, was witli Fl. Dan. t. 483. Tin's ])late BETTISH PULMOXARTAS 235 is certainly not P. azurea, but appears to be P. tnherosa in Kerner's sense, although neither Denmark nor Xorway is cited bj him in the distribution of that species. Is it possible that garden specimens may have been figured, although the text states " mixed with the preceding [P. officinalis . . . common in woods] but rather rarer " ? Syme (Eng. Bot. vii. 91 : 1867) goes a stage further. He names the whole " P. amjustifolia Linn. Wahl." — i. e. meaning the same as Kerner indicated by " Litin. fl, suae," — and cites P. azurea Besser, Koch, Keichb.. and DC. as synon3'mous. But he confuses the matter by quoting Billot exsicc. 1277. This number is called P. tuberosa (from La Manche) part being correctly named, the remainder (from Vendee) being the British species. It is P. longifolia and is cited as such bv Kerner : Billot 1277 ter. and quater. are both P. tuberosa. Townsend (FL Hampshire, ed. 1. 264 : 1883 ; and ed. 2. 317 : 1904) makes no attem])t to identify the plant critically : he cites both P. azurea Besser and P. tuberosa Schrank as synonyms of his P. angustifolia. F. N. Williams (Prodr. Fl. Brit. 1. 2^^1 : 1909), however, names it unambiguously P. azurea^ although he was acquainted with Kerner's monograph. Since Kerner's monograph is uncommon, his diagnoses of the species are translated here (italics luine) : 1 [p. 3]. P. AXGUSTIFOLIA Linn. Fl. Suec. — Leaves unspotted, radical ones linear lanceolate or oblong lanceolate, about 8 times longer than broad, when mature exceeding the collateral fruiting stem, upper surface strigose with equilong setae [N.B. occasional glands occur], cauline ones erect 8-9 times longer than broad, uppermost slightly decurrent into the stem on both sides ; upper part of stem and branches of inflorescence with numerous subequal setae, with a very few sharply stipitate glands intermixed. Inflorescence augmented and lax at the end of flowering. Calyx segments porreet and accumbent at the apex, exceeding the throat of the corolla. Fruiting calyx campanulate- cylindrical, not ventricose inflated. Limb of unfolded corolla cam- panulate, azure. Tube glabrous below the ring of hairs in the throat. 2 [p. 9]. P. TUBEROSA Schrank. — Leaves unspotted, radical ones oblong lanceolate [N.B. elliptical is my term for them], 4-5 times longer than broad, when mature exceeding the collateral fniiting stem, upper surface strigose with unequal setae, with some stijDitate glands intermixed, cauline ones patulous, 2-3 times longer than broad ; upper part of stem and branches of inflorescence with nume- rous unequal setae and long stipitate glands which equal or slightly exceed the setae. Inflorescence augmented and lax at the end of flowering. Calyx segments porreet and accumbent at the apex, exceeding the throat of the corolla. Fruiting calyx long peduncled, much ampliate at the base and consequently ventricose campanulate. Limb o/' unfolded corolla campanulate, dull violet, tube pilose below the ring of hairs in the throat. 3 [p. 13]. P. LONGIFOLIA Bast. — Leaves spotted ["very rarely without spots " see p. 14], radical ones long lanceolate, 6-9 times longer than broad, when mature about equalling the collateral fruiting stem, upper surface strigose with equilong seta? and some very shortly stipitate glands iiitermixed; cauline ones patulous, o-7 times longer a2 S.Uj I UK .luLUNAL 01- HOIANV tJir(?i broad; upper part of stem aiul branches o£ inflorescence with numerous strong patulous setae and frecjuent glands shorter than the seta?. InHorescence congested even at the end of flowering. Calyx seg- ments subpatent at tbe apex, scarcely exceeding the throat of the corolla. Fruiting calyx ampliate at the base, campanulate. Limb o/* unfolded corolla jieir if or m, dull violet. Tabe quite ///«6r6>?^s below the ring of hairs in the throat. The British plant has the leaves normally spotted, the radical ones exactly as in Kerner's Kgure of P. longifolia, the caulineones normalh^ patulous, 4-7 times longer than broad ; the flower certainly not azure, but purplish blue, pelviform and not campanulate (in Kerner's usage of the terms) with a glabrous tube below the ring of hairs in the throat. It is therefore diflicult to see how Kerner could have avoided identi- fving our plant with his P. longifolia had he known it. With regard to the presence or absence of spots he is very decided. He says (p. 11) '' the foliage leaves in the true P. tuberosa of Schrank are always unspotted. Those authors who state that P. tuberosa also has spotted leaves either do not know the true plant of Schrank, or have mixed several species under this name." Again (p. 16) : — ''They [Grenier and Godron] therefore believe that both of these species [P. aziirea and P. tuberosa^ may have spotted leaves, which I deny ; for neither the true P. tuberosa of Schrank, nor P. anc/usti folia L. Fl. suec. have spotted leaves, and spotted specimens of ' P. coigustifolia ' and of ' P. tuberosa,'' of which Gren. and Godr. implicitly speak, are without doubt the narrow and broad leaved forms of P. longifolia Bast." It seems evident that Kerner had not seen British specimens. His only mention of the British plant is in the account of the distribution :— " Amjlia. Ins. AVight, Hants and Dorset, Hampshire [s/c]." This suggests mere book knowledge. He may have relied on the figure in English Botany, where the leaves are figured without spots: the text, however, says "much less spotted" than those of P. officinalis. The specimens in Herb. Sowerby have the radical leaves conspicuously spotted, the stem leaves evidently, though less, so. Bromfield, Syme, and Babington all refer to the spots ; only F. X. Williams, who names it P. azurea, omits mention of them. By the kindness of Dr. Sharp and Miss Piftord I have received large fresh series of the plant from Brockenhurst. The spotting is very variable. Most commonly three or four rather large spots on each side of the midril) ; sometimes very ninnerous to few small ones are also scattered over the leaf. The spots are quite connnonly absent, but may vary in number on the same plant. They ai'e usually jjale green, but are sometimes, as in the Sowerby s])ecimens referred to, very consi/icuous and white. Bromfield says " the leaves are usually nebulously spotted with greenish white, more rarely quite plain ; sometimes these spots are very large, and confluent, occupying the greater portion of the leaf." This last })hrase would fit P. saccharata exactly, and such confluence has so far not been noted except for this and (rarely) the closely allied P. affinis. But some of a fine series of plants sent from near Wimborne (Dorset) by Miss V. M. Dale agree exactly with this description. The leaves of one plant were unspotted ; all the rest had large white spots ; two were white over BRITISH PULMOXAEIAS 237 quite half tlie leaf surface. The only other Dorset specimens I have seen (East Morden, Mansell Pleydell : Herb. Mus. Biit.) have conspicuous white spots. These Dorset plants have a facies rather distinct from the Brockenhurst ones, hut since Bromlield describes the same variation of spots for the Isle of Wight plants they are probably the same. The distribution of this form requires to be investigated, for none of the numerous Isle of Wight and New Forest specimens seen hi Herb. Mus. Brit., Herb. Kew, and Herb. Bailey show the confluent spots. The spotting is much more varial)le tlian Kerner would lead us to suppose. In spite of his categorical statements, specimens from the Khine provinces which he refers (to judge from the distribution given) to P. tuherosa occasionally show very faint shadowy spots. But the range of variation and the frequency of spots in the British plant are evidently those of P. lom/ifolia, for Kerner says that of this the spots are usually not numerous, sometimes on single leaves only two or three, or very rarely none. P. anc/ustifolia (^aziirea) appears (to judge ex sicco) to be a very distinct species. It is Avell rej^resented in numbered exsiccatai — - Keichenbach 238, Schultz 323, 323 bis, Fries i. 14, Woloszczak (ti. polon. exs.) 463, Dorfler 5137, Kerner (Fl. Exs. Austr.-Hung.) 927 ; all as P. angustifolia except Reichenbach's which is named P. cizurea. The broader- leaved southern fcjrm (var. latifolia Bouy) is perhaps not identical : the fact that Kerner could draw no clear line between it (r/! Paulin 169, as P. amjustifolia) and the typical form may be merely due to the presence of crossing. The phrase " or oblong lanceolate " in the description given of the radical leaves refers to this plant. The typical form is very distinct in its habit and leaf shape, and especially in its colour, a most beautiful blue. Ray (Hist. i. 489: 1686) says " flores colore caeruleo adeo eleganti nitent, ut GentianeUae vernae floris venustatem si non superare, attamen proxime aemulari videantur." I have seen specimens of Pulmonaria azurea from Miss Jekyll's garden of which the remark might well have been made. I was unfortunately unable to compare this fresh with British plants, but I think one might certainly call the latter comparatively purplish-blue, although I thought them almost " azure " before seeing Miss Jekyll's plant. Kerner' s other characters are of variable worth. The shape of the radical leaves when mature is characteristic. The British plant is evidently, on that character, P. loiujifolia, it being remembered that, as Kerner points out, the leaves are very variable in breadth,- the narrower simulating P. angustifolia, the broader P. tuherosa, although they always have a somewhat different look which is difficult to define. A series received fresh (July 23) were from 20 to 34 cm. long, 3-5 cm. broad, the laminae mostly about 4-5 times as long as broad, the whole leaf usually about 6 times, but sometimes 9 times : in Herb. Mus. Brit, is a leaf 60 cm. long and 9 cm. broad. They are usually longer than the fruiting stems, but there seems considerable variation in this respect in all the species. The flower stems of P. azurea are in wild specimens rather dwarf, but those from Miss Jekyll's garden were over 20 cm. high. These latter have less naiTow and less " erect " cauline leaves, just as small narrow-leaved 238 THE JOURNAL OF EOT AN r specimens of P. longifoUa tend to lose the spreading leaves and to have them erect ; even then they match Kerner's ligure of the fruiting stems. The unequal length of the setae appears to require more investi- gation. Young ones are naturally shorter: setie are never all equal in lentHh in any sjjecimens I have examined. But they are detinitely all setit, the indumentum in all three being very distinct from that of P. saccharafa which should have been excluded by Kernerfrom his ^Sfn'(/osae. The inii)ortance of the glandular hairs appears to have been magnified. In diying, these adhere to the leaf and are indis- tinguishable except with a fairly high-powered binocular dissecting microsco})e. They are then easily seen, and all the s])ecimens of P. azurea I have seen possess them. They appear exactly similar on the leaves of P. azurea and P. longifoUa. Absence of fresh material has prevented comparative investigation of them on the inflorescences, and in the dry they do not appear to agree with Kerner's remarks. In the foregoing characters given by Kerner, the variation would seem to have been given a pi-ecision which the facts do not warrant ; but more observation in the field in respect of them is required before their true value can be known. Kerner grew his si)ecies in the garden, a method which must tend to give undue emphasis to characters of the particular individuals grown as opposed to the true specific characters. In the shape of the corolla our plant exactly agrees with Kerner's figure of P. longifoUa. The hairs on the tube of the corolla appeared at first to be an unsound character, completely variable in degree from considerable to almost nothing. But when the tubes of fresh fiowers of Miss Jekyll's P. azurea and the Xew Forest jDlant had been seen, a real distinction seemed possible. In these, the hairs formed a nearl}' straight circle all round the tube. In the others the hairs are more in five curved groups, witli their edges continued down the veins. But this character requires to be tested to determine the limits of variation in each. It is possible that there are more forms (local races ?) than have yet been recognised ; it is on the other hand equally ])ossible that there are fewer forms with greater variabilit3\ But as they are at present understood it seems evident that our plant is not P. azurea. P. longifoUa from abroad is unconmion in British Hei-baria, but what material there is seems to be exactly the same as our Hampshire plant. Its synonym}^ etc. is as follows : — P. LONGIFOLIA Boreau [! in Herb. Mus. Brit.], Fl. Centr. Fr., ed. 3. ii. 400 (1857) ; Martr.-Don., Fl. Tarn, 4S7 (1864) ; Dumortier in Bull. Soc. Bot. Belg. iv. 32 (1S68) ; emend. \jf. Kerner, pp. 15-10] Kerner, Mon. Pulmon., 13 (1878) ; Rouy, Fl. France, x. 295 (1908) ; " P. angustifoUa 't b. P. longifoUa " Bast., F\. Maine et Loire, Suppl., 44 (1812) ex loc. class., fide Kerner, 1. c. P. angustifoUa auct. angl., non L. emend. Kerner. F. azurea Williams, Prodr. Fl. Brit, i, 251 (1909), non Besser (! in Herb. Mus. Brit. & Herb. Kew). P. tuberosa Gren. etGodr., Fl. Fr., ii. 520 ( lS52)et Willk. et Lange, Prodr. Fl. Hisp., ii. 498 (1870), partim, quoad plant, fol. maculat. Icones : — Kerner, op. cit. t. 2. (bona) ; Fng. Bot. t. 1028. BKITISII iTLMOXAlUVS 239 Ejcsiccata : — Billot, 1277 (as P. tuherosa) partiin, quoad specc. *' Vendee " lect,, 2508 (as P. longifolia) folia immaciilata ; Will- komm, It, hisp. secund., 91 (as P. cizureu). Distribution: — England: Hampshire, many localities in the New Forest and north Isle of Wight (see Townsend, FL Hampsh. ed. 2, 317 : 1901) ; Dorset, several localities (see Mansel Pleydell, FL Dorset, ed. 2, 217: 1895); see also Phytologist, 1816, p. 454— *' an outcast in Surrey " ; also a doubtful record in a list of Ipswich plants (Mag. Nat. Hist. N.S. iv. 319: 1840) as "Koadsides, local," butc/. Phytol. 1844, p. 1108; ? Belgium [Kerner] ; West France !, from Paris southwards ; Spain ! ; Portugal [Coutiuho in Bol. Soc. Brot. xxi. 142: 1905]. This is an interesting addition to the list of species representing the " western " or " southern " element in our Flora {cf. Sta^jf in Engl. Bot. Jahrb. vol. 50, Engler Fest 499 : 1914). A second species has been included in our lists, viz. P. officinalis. I cannot agree with Syme that it is '• very similar to P. anyiistifoJia " ; its cordate summer radical leaves are quite different from anything else in the genus (if we include P. obscuro) with the possible exception of a few doubtful species which are not yet properly understood. Confusion has been caused with P. affiiiis, since in the spring only the ovate (not cordate) autumn leaves remain, and these are very similar to those of that plant. But the presence of very short minute equal setse which Kerner calls aculeoli — though Kerner's figures of them are entirely misleading — are characteristic of P. officinalis. The characters of the cordate summer leaves with these aculeoli would enable us to separate a very distinct series if it were not for the somewhat transitional P. vallarsce Kern., which has subcordate leaves, with a clothing of big aculeoli which show a tendency to develop into what Kerner calls *'puberes." Dumortier {I. c.) makes tv*-o species from P. officinalis L. : — - 1. P. OFFICINALIS L. excl. var. /) et y, emend. Dumort., et Kerner. Leaves ^spotted, radical ones ovate-cordate, acute, with thick semiterete, laterally winged petiole. 2. P. OBSCURA Dumort. (P. officinalis var. /3 et y Linn., var. immaciilata Opiz.). Leaves unspotted, radical ones oblong-cordate, acuminate, with slender laterally compressed and " superne bicarinato " petiole. Kerner states that as the result of man}' years' cultivation, including raising them from seed, he can confirm Dumortier's observations. He therefore keeps them as distinct species. No other differentiating characters appear to exist, but the distributions given are in favour of their distinctness. Both are said to grow in Central Europe, but whereas in Pussia, Sweden, and Denmark only P. ohscura occui-s, in S. Switzerland, .continental Ital}^ South Austria, and Bosnia, only P. officinalis is found. As regards their occurrence in Britain, " possessing little claim to be considered native, though occurring in many places in England and the south of Scotland " (Syme), the first definite record, ex- eluding the eiToneous one by Hudson, is in Eng. Bot. t. 118 (1793, July 1). "Wild specimens" were said to occur at Darlington. 240 THE JOUllNAL OF BOTA>Y As ^vas pointed out by Eobson (E. B. 1628) the root leaves in that fio:nre are from some other species, and a new plate was made for ed. 3. Various other records occur, but the local floras now place all of them as adventitious — presumably escapes from gardens, — except that of Burgate AVood, Suffolk. In that wood an unspotted Pulmonaria occurs in in'ofusion, and is believed to be native bv C. J. Ashfield (Phvtol., N.8. vi. 8ol : 1862), W. M. Hind (Fl. Suff. 213: 1889), and 'the Rev. E. S. Marshall (in sched., Herb. Mus. Brit.). Since the leaves are unspotted it is evidently '• P. ohscura Dum.," but fresh specimens have not been seen to contirm the petiole character. All other British specimens seen have spots and are P. ojfh'iiialis L. excl. vars. Judging from the distribution, P. ohscura is the more likely form to be native. Collectors should remember that specimens without mature (summer) root-leaves are often worthless, these, with the collateral fruiting stems, should be sent out Avith the flowering stems. Collectors would also do well to split down a few corollas and press them opened out : this permits examination of the hairs on the tube which is very ditflcult or impossible after boiling. The same applies to all genera whei'e diagnostic characters are derived from parts concealed by pressing, e. g. Orohauche (especially), Cuscuta etc. MUSCIXE.E OF ACHILL ISLAND. By D. a. Joxes. Ix the early ])art of August 1911 a ])arty consisting of Messrs. J. C. Wilson and J. B. Duncan, the late Mr. S. J. Owen and the writer visited Achill Island on the west coast of Ireland to explore its cry])togamic flora. We took up our headcpiarters at the village of Dugort. The greater part of the week was spent on Slievemore, a mountain rising almost abruptly from the shores of Blacksod Bay to the height of about 2204 feet. This mountain is remarkable for its mosses and hepatics, the variety and luxuriance of which equal anything found in the British Isles, It was somewhere here that the Bev. Canon Lett, after having wandered for some time in a sea mist, which had suddenly overtaken him, found among his gatherings, mixed with other plants, a few stems of one of the most interesting hepatics discovered durmg recent years— I refer to Adelanthus chigortiensis Douin & Lett. The chief object of our expedition was to search for this rare plant, which had not been found since its discovery by Canon Lett in the year 1903. The ])eculiar feature of Slievemore is the masses of vegetation which mark its northern face forming compact " hummocks " over fom- feet in lieight. They are mostly com]K)sed of Ilijmenojjhi/Uum pelfatiim, Scapauia (/racilis, Plai/iochila spinulosa, and Pazzania ivicreuaia, with Aih-lanflnis ihigorfieusis imbedded in the mass of vegetation and appearing here and there as small, rounded, and pure tufts on the even and almost vertical surface of these hummocks. MUSL'I>\E OF ACIIILL ISLAND 241 Their beauty is further enhanced by the presence of a fine lot of Herherta adunca Gray whose slender stems intertwine with fern and hepatic, j^roducing a ruddy glow which cannot fail to attract attention from a distance. Scapania ornitliopoclioides, a rare liepatic, occurs in large reddish purple patches on the moister ground and Masfiijophova Woodsii, which sometimes accompanies it, is not uncommon and adds to the wealth of colour and vegetation of that wonderful mountain. On the hard and shining schistose rocks CampyJopus Schwarzii and JJlcranum unciaatum with its beautiful falcato-secund leaves thrive. These rocks are a prominent feature of the landscape and -several of the smaller and rarer hepatics find shelter in their damp nooks and crannies. The hepatic flora of the district is more varied and interesting than its moss flora. . Canon Lett has spent several weeks on the island and the Rev. C. H. Waddell together with Messrs. W. H. Pearson, D. McArdle. and K. LI. Praeger have visited it on several occasions. The following is a list of the mosses and hepatics which we found. I might mention that time did not permit us to pay much attention to the Sphagna, so that the number of species of peat mosses is incomplete. >S'. stands for Slievemore ; U. for Dugort. Where no letter is appended, the plant was found only on Slievemore. New records for Ireland are marked by an asterisk. The order followed for both groups is that of the Moss and Hepatic Exchange Club Catalogues. The Sphagna are after Warnstorf. Musci. Sphagnum cymhifolhim (Ehrh.) W., var. glauco-pallens^2,YY\'&\.., var. (flaucescens Warnst., var. jjallescens Warnst., bog at foot of Slievemore. — >S*. papillosum Lindb. var. normale Warnst., abundant ; var, suhlcsve Limpr. — S. compacfitm var. imhricatum Warnst. — >S'. cuspidatum (Ehrh.) Warnst., var. fcdcatum Euss. ; var. suh- mersiDii Schp. ; var. j^^i^^'^osiim Bry. germ., S., D. — S. reciirvicm (P. B.) Warnst., var. mucronatum (Puss.) W^arnst., and var. amhJy- phyUiDii (Puss.) Warnst., S., D. — S. molluscum Bruch., S., D. — S. rubellum Wils., A^ar. pnrpiirascens Warnst. ; var. riihrum Grrav. ; var. versicolor Puss., all not uncommon, S., D. — >S'. siihnitens Puss. & Warnst., abundant, fruiting freely. The most common forms of this species were : — var. Jlavo-rubellum Warnst. ; var. ohsciirum Warnst. ; var. purpurascens Schlieph. ; var. versicolor Warnst. ; var. virescens Warnst. — >S'. aciiiij olium Puss. & W^arnst., y^w Jlavo- ruhellum Warnst., S., D. ; var. p)iupurascens Warnst., S., D. ; var. versicolor Warnst. & var. viride AVarnst., S., D. — /S. contortum Schultz, S. ; S. inundatum (Puss.) Warnst., S., D.; *S'. rufescens (Bry. germ.) Limpr. Andrewa petropliila Ehrh. ; — A. JRofhii Ym\falcafa Lindb. Polytricliiim aloides Hedw. ; P. iirnigerum L., roadside, Dugort; P. alpinum L. ; P. piliferum Schreb. ; P. juniperinum Willd., D. ; P. furmosum Hedw. ; P. commune L. Archidium cdterni-f'olium Schp., roadside, D. Ditrichum homomaUu)ii Hampe, D. ilrJ. THK JoniNAL Ul' EOTAXY Cerafodon pyrpirreus Brid., S., D. Mhahiloweisia iU'iiticiihita B. & S. Dichodonfluin j)fni(ciilt(m Schp., and var. farjimontannm Brid., roadside, I). DicraneUa lioteromaUa Sclip., S., D. ; var. iuterruj)ta B. & S., S. ; D. var/'a, Schp., D. ; Z>. squarrosa Schp. cfr. Blindia acuta B. &. S. Campi/lojrus suhidafus Sclip., roadside, D. ; C Schivarzil Schp. ; C. Jlexuosus Brid., S., D. ; C. pyrifoDiiis Brid., S. ; C. fra(/iJis B. & S. (cfr.), D, ; C. afrovirens l)e Not., S., D. ; C. introjiexus^ Brid., D. ; a hrevipilus B. & S., D. Dicranodontium loncjirostre var. alpinum Sqbp. Dicranum scoparium Hedw., S., D., var. orthrphyllum Brid., D. ; -D, majus Turn., 1). ; D.fascescens Turn., S. ; D. Scott ianuui Turn,, I). ; D. uncinatum C. M. Leiicohri/iim glaucum Schp., S., D., common. Flssidens hri/oides Hedw., S., D. ; F. osmundoides Hedw. ; F. adiantoides Hedw. ; F. taxifolius Hedw., S., D. Griminia apocarpa Hedw. ; G. marifima Turn., D. ; G. pulvinata Smith, D. ; G. trichophylla Grev., S., D. Bhacomitrium ellipticiim B. .; 31. puncfatum 1j. Fonfinalis anfipyretica L. BterijgophijUum lucens Brid. HeterocJadium litter opt er inn B. & S. Thuidium tamariscinum Mitt., D. ; T. deJicatuIuni Mitt. Climacium dendroides Web. & Mohr, D. Camptothecium sericeiim Kindb., D. ; C. lutesceus, D. BrocJu/tliecium alhicans B. & S., D. ; 5. salebrosum B. & S., var. palustre Schp., D. ; B. rutahulum B. & S., S., D. ; ^. rivulare B. & S., S. ; B. veJutiiium, B. & S., S., D. ; B. populeum B. & S., D. ; B. purum Dixon, S., D. Hyocomium JiageUare B. & S. EurliynGhhim pralongum Hobk., S., D. ; ^. myosuroides Scbp. ; E. niyurum Dixon ; JE. striatum B. & S. ; E. cou^'frtum Milde. Blagiothecium elegans Sull. ; P. denticulatum B. & S. ; P. undit- latum B. & S. Amhlystegium JiUciniim De Not. Hyprmm stellatum Schreb. ; Zf. revolvens Schwartz. ; H. com- mutatum Hedw. : S. ciipressiforme L., S.. D. ; *var. tectorum Brid., S., D. ; var. ericetoriim B. & S. *II. Patientice Lindb., road- side, D. ; H. callicliroum Brid. ; H. molluscum Hedw., S., D. ; H. ciispidatum L., S., D. ; H. Schreheri Willd., S., D. Hylocomiuni splendens B. & S., S., D. The var. gracilius Boul., so common among the sandhills of North Wales, does not seem to occur on the part of the coast we explored. H. loreiim B. & S., S. ; H. sqiiarrosum B. & S. and Jl. triquetrum B. & S., S., D. Hepatics. Preissia qifadrata (Scop.) Nees. Aneiira phiguis (L.) Dnm. ; A. multijida (L.) Dmn. ; ^xi. major (Lindb.) K. Miill. ; A. jjaJmata (Hedw.) Dmn. 3Ietzgeria f areata (L.) Dnm., S., D. ; 31. Jiamata Lindb. ^Moerckia Flotowiana (Nees) Schiffn. This interesting addition to the flora of Ireland I found gi'owing in a gully on the northern side of Slievemore, at about 18U0 feet. The fronds are longer and narrower than in our maritime form, due no doubt to the greater amount of moisture and the absence of direct sunlight during some parts of the year. Pellia epipliylla (L.) Corda ; P. Fahhroniana Eaddi. Fossomhronia angulosa (Dicks.) Baddi, rocks by the sea, imme- diately below vSlievemore — a rare hepatic found by Mr. J. C. Wilson. Gymnomitrhim crenulatum Gottsche. 3IarsiipeUa emarginata (Ebrli.) Dum. ; *J/. Pearsoni Schiffn. Allcularia compressa (Hook.) Nees ; A. scalar is (Schrad.) Corda. *FucaJyx ohovatus (Nees) Breidl., var. rivularis Schiffn.— in large tufts in wet places. lili THE JOURNAl. UF BOTAXY Haplozia crenuhtta (Sm.) Dum. and var. f/racilUma (Sm.) Heeg, S., D.; H. sphcerocarpa (Hook.) Dum.; H. riparia (Tayl.) Dum. Gi/m)wcoh'a infata (Huds.), Dum., S., D. *Lophozia hadomis (Gottsche) Schiifn., rocks near the sea, D. ; L. Muelleri (Nees) Dum. ; L. venfricosa (Dicks.) Dum. ; L. alpestrls (Schleich.) Evans; L. incisa (Schrad.) Dum., S., D. ; L. excisa (Dicks.) Dum.; L. quin^uedentata (Huds.) Cogn., S., D. ; L. aitcnuata (Mart.) Dum. Sphenolohus mimffus (Crantz) Stepb. *Sphen. Fearsoni (Spruce) Stepli. Found by Messrs. Owen and Wilson, growing sparingly on boulders on the N.E. side of Slievemore. This beautiful plant was first described from specimens gathered by Mr. W. H. Pearson on boulders below DeviFs Kitchen, Cwm Idwal, Carnarvonshire, Since then its distribution has been extended, for it is recorded from six yice-comital areas in the British Isles, several of which are in Scotland. In August 1913 we found it on Ben Douran, Argyll- shire, and it has been discovered also in a few localities in the County of Merioneth. *Sp)heri. exsectus (Breidl.) Steph. ; Spheii. ovatus (Dicks.) Schiffn. Anastrepta orcadensis (Hook.) Schiffn., — not uncommon on Slievemore, scattered among mosses and other liepatics. This forms a third record for Ireland. Fhujiochila asplenioides (L.) Dum. and yar. minor Lindenb. ; P. spinulosa (Dicks.) Dum., S., D. ; P. punctata Tayl., S., D. Leptosci/phus Taijlori (Hook.) Mitt.; L. cuneifolius (Hook.) Mitt. — another yery rare plant growing sparingly on Frullania Tamarisci (L.) Dum. in the lower parts of Slieyemore. LopJwcolea hidentata (L.) Dum., S., D. Chiloscj/phus poh/anthus (L.) Corda, D. 'Cephalozia bicuKpidata (L.) Dum., S., D. ; C. connivens (Dicks.) Lindb., D. ; C. media Lindb., S., D. ; C. leucantha Spruce has a very limited distribution in Ireland having been found only in Killarney, West Galway, and Clare Island previous to its discovery by Canon Lett and Mr. McArdle on Slievemore, where it occurs on peat at the foot of the mountain. It is not known to grow in England and has only lately been added to the flora of Wales, but is well distributed thnnighout Scotland. Noicellia curvifolia (])icks.) Mitt. Odontoschiama Sphayni (Dicks.) Dum., S., D. Adfdan th as dfcipicns ( Hook. ) Mitt. We met with a depauperated form of this hepatic on rocks at the summit of Slievemore, a rather \uuisual habitat. A. dac/ortieunis Douin & Lett. As Mr. Macvicar mentions in the Handbook to British Hepatics^ this beautiful species is a survivor of the pre-glacial period, when the climate of these islands was warmer than it is at the present time. It is allied to u4. nnci^ormis (Tayl.) found in Tierra del Fuego at the extreme southern end of South America. The fruit is unknown. The plant bears a close resemblance to Anastrepta orcadensis in habit, in fact we mistook it for that plant at first : the dentate postical lobe, however, separates it from the commoner hepatic and this :\ruscix.i: of acitill jslaxd 245 difference can be readily seen hy means of an ordinary lens. It occurs here and there up to 1700 feet or higher on the northern face of Slievemore and forms part of the hummocks, already alluded to. It seems, however, to be more at home on rocky ledges, where the finest tufts were found, unmixed with other hepatics. It was first detected by Mr. J. B. Duncan. We had planned to investigate its distribution along the range of hills, of which Slievemore forms the northern limit, but the weather proved unfavourable. Ocdijpogeia Trichoma nis (L.) Corda, S., D. ; C.fissa (L.) Raddi, S., D. ;' C. arguta Nees & Mont. Bazzaiiia frilohafa (L.) Gray; B. tricrenata (Wahl.) Pears.; B. Pearsoni (Steph.) Pears., a beautiful and exceedingly rare plant, Killarney hitherto being the only known station. It covers ledges of rocks at 1700 feet, growing with Scapania nimhosa Tayl. and S. ornifhopodioides (With.) Pears. Mr. Pearson and Canon Lett first found it in this locality. Lepidozin pinnafa (Hook.) Dum. ; L. triclioclados K. Mull.; L. sefacea (Web.) Mitt. Blepliarosfoma triclioplu/lhim (L.) Dum. Antlielia julacea (L.) Dum. Herherta adunca (Dicks.) Gray. Mastigopliora Woodsii (Hook.) Nees, in fine ^^ellowish-brown patches on the sloping ground between the hummocks. Ptilidiiim cilia re (L.) Hampe. DiploplujUum albicans (L.) Dum., S. D. Scapania compacia (Roth) Dum., S., D. ; >S'. gracilis (Lindb.) Kaal., abundant on Slievemore ; var. laxifolia Carr. ; S. nemorosa (L.) Dum. and var. idiginosa Jensen; S. ornifhopodioidfs (With.) Pears.; S. dentata Dum.; >S*. inuhilata (L.) Dum.; S. nimhosa Tayl., D. Moore in his Report on Irish llepaficw writes : — " Hab. Among the larger mosses etc. On Brandon Mountain, Co. Kerry. Dr. Taylor. I know nothing of this ])lant further than the quotations transcribed testify." This record dates from 1818 and was the only one for Ireland. It is apparently rare on Slievemore, only a few stems being found, distributed here and there among S. ornitho- 23odi oides Sind Bazzania tricrenata and Bea?'soni on ledges of rocks at an altitude of about 1700 feet. Mr. Macvicar found it at Moidart, Argyllshire, in 1898, and since then it has been discovered on Ben Nevis and Glen Nevis, Avhere I gathered it under the guidance of Mr. H. H. Knight in August 1909. In October of the same year, I met with it among the scree in one of the cwms of Glyder Fawr, Carnarvonshire. It is one of the most beautiful as well as the rarest of our hepatics. >S'. irrigua (Nees) Dum.; >S'. carta (Mart.) Dum.; S. umbrosa (Schrad.) Dum. Radula Lindbergii Gottsche ; B. aqniJegia Tayl. Bleiirozia purpurea (Lightf.) Lindb. Colurolejeunea calyptrifolia (Hook.) Schifl'n.. on damp rocks. Cololejeunea microscopica (Tayl.) Schift'n. Lejeunea cavifolia (Ehrh.) Lindb. ; L. patens Lindb. Microlejeunea ulicina (Tayl.) Evans. 21G THE JOrRXAL OF BOTANY Drepanolejeunca li a mat [folia (Hook.) Schiffn. RarpaJejeunea ovata (Hook.) Schiffn. FniUan'ia Tamarisci (L.) Diim., S., D. ; F. microplii/lla (Gottsche) Pears.; F.fragilifolia Tayl. ; F. dilatata (L.) Dam. XoTE. — In a paper on the Mosses and Hepatics of Killarney written bv me and published in this Journal for 1913. pp. 177-182, the following record was bv an oversight omitted: — Lejeunea (liversiloha Spruce. This beautiful hepatic, known to occur onl}^ in the South-west of Ireland, is well distributed throughout the Killarney district, mixed with mosses and other hepatics. We gathered it at Tore Cascade, Tore Mountain (in pure tufts). Eagle's Nest, Cromaglown etc. LIPAllIS LILIIFOLIA a>d L. LOESELII. By James Brittex, F.L.S. Hayixg occasion to look up a point in connection with one of these plants, I found that at an earlier period they had been greatly confused. It is not quite easy to see how this could have happened, for the species, even in the herbarium, are abundantly and obviously distinct, and the geographical range of the former excludes it from the European flora. On looking into the matter, various points ])resented themselves which may be of sufficient general interest to place on record. The confusion originated with Linnaeus in his description of Ophrys lillfolia (Sp. Pi. 94G : 1754), and formed the subject of a long note by Dryander in the too-little-consulted Solander MSS. (xviii. 85i-4) which I cannot do better than transcribe : " Linne has in Ilortus CI I fort la ims [p. 429] taken up the English and Dutch plant (0. Loeselii) and added the plant found in Sweden by Celsius. In the first edition of Species Fhoifanim [p. 916], after having received the American plant, he takes that up under the name of O. HI i folia adding the synonym from Ilortus Clijfortianus with ' vix memini ? ' leaving out the mention of England and Holland in the locus, but keeping up Celsii locus. At the same time he takes up Ophrys Loeselii as a distinct species, also found in Sweden. In the 2nd edition of Flora Suecica he has both species, the lilifolia from the specimen collected long before by Celsius, which he had not at hand to com])are, having only seen it 20 years before, and the O. Loeselii, from specimens collected by Loetling. Most probably Celsii plant was O. Loeselii .... The plant figured in the Philos. Transact, lays in Gron. herb, for Epidendrum fi. virg. 140, but it cannot be Clayton's 2()0 as he describes flores pallide rubentes, which in this are wliite. What lays in Gron. herb, for Ophrys fl. virgin. 138 {lilifolia) seems to be the European plant or Loeselii.'''' The specimens referred to in the last sentence are in the National Herbarium, with which Gronovius's plants are now incorporated. Drvandcr is right in both his determinations, but there seems no LIPARTS LTLITFOLIA ASB L. LOESELTI 217 reason for doubting the identity of Clayton's no. 260 with Gronovius's " Epidendrum caule erecto," etc. Clayton's number, though not his name, is cited on the label of Gronovius's specimen and his diagnosis, so far as can be judged, was based upon Clayton's plant, to which Clayton's description — " Bifolium potius Orchis floribus pallide ruben- tibus, calcare longo donatis " — sufficiently applies. The lip of this — its most conspicuous feature — is described b}^ Ehret (Phil. Trans, liii. 82, t. iv.) as "of a pale red colour, marked with red veins"; the sepals are described as " of a bloody-red colour," and in his original sketch, to be referred to later, bear out this description. Chapman (Fl. S. United States, ed. 3, 479) calls the lip brownish purple and the published figures bear out this statement : Dryander's statement that the tiowers are white is, I think, an incorrect inference from the appearance of the dried plant. It seems strange that Linnyeus should cite Gronovius's " Ophrys scapo nudo " etc. as a synon^nn of O. lilifolia and should have over- looked his "Epidendrum caule erecto" etc.: for Gronovius's own specimen of the former, as Dryander points out, is certainly O. Loeselii. In view of the specimen named by himself in his herbarium, there seems no reason to suppose that Linnseus had not the right plant in view when he described his O. lilifolia, although his description hardly differentiates it from O. Loeselii, to which his synonymy (including the citation from Gronovius, judging from the specimen so named by him) belongs. The distribution he gives — " Habitat in Yirginse, Canadse, Suecise paludibus " shows the same confusion, for O. lilifolia is not European — a fact which excludes from that species the specimen from Celsius, referred to in Dryander's note, and also the entry, based upon this, in Fl. Suecica ed. 2, 316, where the name is misprinted " latifoliar That Linnseus himself was doubtful as to the identity of the European and American plants is shown by the note appended to his description of O. lilifolia — " Planta virginica sexies major nostra te, ab structura eadem, notabilis flore : petalis exterioribus linearibus." It is interesting to note the gradual progress of differentiation of the two species. In the Si/sfema (ed. 11, 1244, 1760) the omission of synonymy obviates confusion : in ed. 12, ii. 592 (1767) where the name is misprinted linifolia, the true plant is precised by the citation of Ehret's figure, but a new element of confusion is introduced by the introduction of a variety /3 based on Epipacfis foliis hinis ovatis etc. of Haller (Act. Helvet. iv. 120, 1760). There can I think be little doubt that this was Loeselii ; in tiny case the locality — " inter Gottingam et Pirmont" -excludes the American plant. In Gmelin's edition of the St/sfema ( " editio decima tertia, aucta, reformata," 57, 1791) Ehret's figure is the only citation for the species. Willdenow in 1805 describes lilifolia quite clearly, but quotes Gronovius's " Oplirys scapo nudo " etc. in synonym}^ : in view of the fact already pointed out that Gronovius's specimen thus labelled by himself is Loeselii and that he describes lilifolia, of which we have also his named specimen, under another name, there seems no reason for assigning his brief descriptive phrase, which applies equally to both 24S TlIK JOUHXAL OF TSOTAXY species, otherwise than to the plant to wliich he himself referred it. It is worth noting: that Ehret, who certainly knew the plant, of which he gives a full description, and was the lirst to figure it satisfactorily, heads his paper : " An Account of a Species of Ophris, supposed to he the Plant which is mentioned by Gronovius in the Flora Virgin ica, p. 185, under the name of Ophris scapo niido " etc. and proceeds to show that his plant differs from the detailed description by Clayton wliich Gronovius quotes as a synonym of his s])ecies. The excellence of Ehret's figure is noted by Solander (MSS. xviii. 350, where is a full description of the plant in a hand — not Ehret's — which I do not recognise) : "Dr. p]hret figuram optime delineatam in ejus collectione habet" : this would seem to refer to a finished drawing for which we have the sketch. Ehrefs figure was taken from a specimen sent liim in a letter by Peter CoUinson, in whose garden it " blew," for the first time in England, in 175S : Collinson had " received it from Mr. Bertram of Plula(lel})lna " — /. e. John Bartram. We have in the volume of Ehrefs sketches (no. IJjS) the sketch for the plate, with a note-: " Received of Mr. P. Collinson in a letter June 20, 1758 " : there is a specimen in Herb. Banks from Collinson's garden with a MS. name by Solander, mider which the plant was described in the Solander MSS. /. c. Andrews (Bot. Repos. t. '6^^), not knowing of Ehret's paper, described and figured it in 1800 as "perfectly new in our gardens " from a specimen sent to the Marcjuis of Blandford from Philadelphia in 1796. It had, however, in a dried state, been sent previously to Plukenet by Banister, who was in Virginia 1679-89: it is described in the Amaltlieum (705) p. 162, n. 8, as " Orchis Lilifolius minor Floridana, floribus amoene purpureis amplis." Plukenet's label on the specimen in his herbarium (Herb. Sloane, xcii. f. 100 j is w^orded somewhat differently : " Orchis parvus bifolius Floridanus fiosculis amoene })urpureis ])eramplis." The reference to the size of the flowers is comparative with that of the preceding species (n. 7) in which tltey are described as " ])arvus " : on the plate of L. lilifolius (Phi/fo- f/raphia, t. ccccxxxiv. fig. 9) reference is made to "fol. 162, jd. 7. Amalth." but this is evidently an eiTor, as Plukenet has attached the name of n. 7 — "Orchis minor Floridana floribus parvis in spica brevi rarius dispositis "" — to a specimen (apj)arently of a Hahenaria) in H. S. xciv. f. 30. The figure in Phyfo(jraphi(( is not in this instance taken from the specimen, and is not very satisfactory. The history of the confusion in British books is easy to trace. Ophrys I Hi folia was included by Linnaeus in his Flora Anqlica (1751) and by Hudson in* his first edition (1762): in his second edition (1778) he retains the name I Hi folia but places the British ])lant as a variety — p. Loeselii. Withering in his first edition (1776) and Relhan (1785) also retain the name; but the accurate Stokes in the second edition of Withering (1787) names our ])lant Loeselii, adding: "It seems to be very clear that O. lilifolia has never been found in this country " : quoting Hudson as " comprehending O. lili- folia and O. Loeselii as varieties of one species," he says " the reasons for tliis opinion remain to be assigned." Finally Smith (Eng. Bot. t. 47 : 1792 ?), referring to Stokes's observations with approval, writes : LIPARIS LILIirOLIA AXD L. LOESELII 249 " A confusion, which originated with Linnaeus, has long existed between this plant [O. Loeselii'] and his Ophnis hifolia. We can assure the public, on the authority of his herbarium, that the latter is only found in America, an(^ that the European synonyms, which he has in several parts of his works applied to that species, really belong to ours." Stokes {op. cit. ii. 989) refers to " Fl. dan. 877, a very good figure, and much resembles a drawing Mr. Pitchford had taken of his specimen, when he first found it, except that it is larger." This figm-e is lettered Oplirys pahidosa: from the accompanying text it appears that Otto Friedrich Mueller (1730-84-), who was responsible for the fascicle (xv) in which it was published (1782), mismiderstood the species even more completely than Linnaeus had done : he writes — " Conferenti descriptiones Oplir. liliifolice Loeselii et paludoscB Linnaei nimis videntur afhnes nee satis distinctae." Withering's note on the same page as to the English localities of L. Loeselii contains an erroneous record which se^ms hitherto to have escaped notice. The note runs: "St. Faith's-TsTewton bogs near Norwich ; a single specimen given to Mr. Lightfoot. Mr. PitcJi- ford.* — None since found either in Norfolk or Suffolk ; but, in 1785, I saw a specimen from Mr. Sole, which was found near Bath. IL\ Woodw:'—\. e. Thomas Jenkinson Woodward (1745-1820), to Avhose " industry and accurac}^ in botanical investigation " W^ithering (pref. p. V.) pays a high tribute. The record, however, was erroneous, as in the following (3rd) edition (1796) the locality " Hinton Moor" is substituted for Bath : the plant does not appear in the ¥lora of Somersefsliire. L. Loeselii was recorded for Glamorganshire by Mr. Eiddelsdell in this Journal for 1905 (p. 274), who calls attention to the interest of his discovery as extending the known distribution of the plant in England. In the Botanical Exchange Cluh Report for 1906 (p. 244) Mr. Eiddelsdell distinguishes this as variety ovata, characterized " by the broader, shorter, blunter leaves and fewer flowers ; " a specimen in the British Herbarium of the Natural His- tory Museum (where is also an example fi*om Mr. Eiddelsdell) collected in the same year in Carmarthenshire by Mr. H. H. Knight, presents similar characters. It may be of interest to note that we have in the British Herbarium a specimen to which is attached a label in Lightfoot' s hand : " In an Herbarium sold by Lake the Bookseller in Uxbridge, the date of the Collection being' in the Year 1678. From many of the specimens it seem'd evidently to be have [sic] made in the Neighbourhood of Cambridge." this must be one of the earliest specimens collected in England : the first record of the plant for this country is that of Eay, Cat. PI. Cantab. 106 (1660). It may be convenient to present in tabular form the nomenclature of each species as it has been presented in, the foregoing notes, with certain additions which may be useful : — * Smith (E. B. t. 47) also speaks of the specimen having been " presented " to Lightfoot, but in Rees's Cydopxdia (s. v. Malaxis Loeselii)he says that Pitchford " exchanged his only specimen with Mr. Lightfoot for above 60 of the rarest British plants." JouKNAL OF BoTA>'T.— Vol. 55. [September, 1917.] t 250 THE JOUEXAL OF EUTAXY LiPABis LiLiTFOLiA LiikU. Bot. Ueg. siib t. 882 (1825) etauet. pliir. EpidenJrum exude erecfo, etc. Gronov. Fl. Virg. Ill (1743) ; ed. 2, 140 (1762) et herb! Bi folium potiiis Orchis etc. Clavt. ex Gronov. 11. cc. Oplirys Ulifolia L. Sp. PI. 946 (1758) excl. syn. : ed. 2, 1841 (1768) excl. reft*. ; Syst. ed. 11, 1244 (1760) ; ed. 12, ii. 592 {lini folia) (1767), excl. var. /5 ; ed. 18 (Gmelin) ii. 57 (1791). Ophnjs trifolia AYalt. PI. Carol. 221 (1788). Oplirys lilifolia Andr. Bot. Eep. t. 65 (1799); Eedoute, Liliacees, t. 487 (1814). ^ 3Ialcuris liliifolia Sw. in Kongl. Yet. Acad. (Act. Holm.) xxi. 285 (ISOO) ; Willd. Sp. PI. iv. 92 (1805), excl. svn. Gronov. ; E. Br. in Ait. Hort. Kew. ed. 2, v. 208 {lilifolia) (1813) ; Sims, Bot. Mag. t. 2004 (1818), excl. syn. Gron. Virg. Mr. Ridley ( Jom-n. Linn. Soc. Bot. xxii. 269) cites " [A.] Pichard, Mem. Mus. Par. iv. 52 " (1818) for the name L. liliifolia, but no s])ecies are named on that page : on p. 60, under j\L Loeselii, Richard cites as a synonym "J/, lilifolia q^ ic. Andr. Reposit. t. 65," and adds *' vix differt." The name, as stated in Index Keicensis, originated with Lindley in his arrangement of Liparis in Bot. lie^. t. 882 (1825); he quotes it as of Richard, but, as already shown, Richard did not name the plant. L. Loeselii A. Rich, in Mem. Mus. Paris, iv. 60 (1818) et auct. plur. Ilerminium radicihus oralis tanicafis, scapo nudo. L. Hort. Cliff. 429 (1737). Opl/n/s scapo niido etc. Gron. Fl. Yn-g. 185 (1743) ; ed. 2, 188 (1768). OpJnys Loeselii L. Sp. PI. 947 (1754); ed. 2, 1841 (1763); L. Svst. ed. 11, 1244 (1770); With. Bot. Arr. ed. 2, 988 (1787) ; Sm. Engl. Bot. t. 47 (1792?). Ophrys lilifolia L. Sp. PI. 946 (1754) cjuoad syn. ; ed. 2, 1340 (1768), excl. descript. ; Fl. Suec. ed. 2. 316 (1755), sphalm. lafifolia ; Syst. ed. 11, 1244 (1770) ; Fl. Anglica, 23 (1754); Anicen. Acad. iv. 107 (1759); Fl. Suec. ed. 2, 316 (1755), sphalm. lafifolia; Svst. ed. 11, ii. 1244 (1770) ; ed. 13 (Gmelin), ii. 57 (1791 ) ; Huds. Fl. Angl. 839 (1762) ; With. Bot. Arr. 548 (1776) ; Relh. Fl. Cantiib. 837 (1785). Oplirys lilifolia (sphalm. linifolia) (3, L. Svst. ed. 12, ii. 192 (1767). ' Oplnys lilifolia ll Loeselii Huds. Fl. Angl. ed. 2, 890 (1778). Oplirys imladosa O. F. Mull., Fl. Daniea t. 877 (1782), non L.. nee auct. JIalaxis Loeselii Sw. in Kongl. Vet. Acad. (Act. Holm.) xxi. 285 (1800) ; H,. J^r. in Ait. Hort. Kew. ed. 2, v. 208 (1818). Malaxis liliifolia Willd. S]x PI. iv. 92 (1805) quoad syn. Gronov. The name Loeselii commemorates Johannes Loeselius (1607-55) professor at Konigsberg, whose ligure and description (t. 58, p. 180) in his posthumous Flora Prussica (1708) edited by Johann Gottsched are the only ones cited by Linnteus when establishing the sjjecies. TROPici-L A:^rERICA^" urBiACEJE 251 TROPICAL AMERICAN RUBIACE.E.— IX. Br H. F. Werxham, D.Sc, F.L.S. (Continued from p. 177.) ExAMiXATiO]^ of the "annamed material of PsycJiotria and allied genera in the National Herbarium has revealed the following novelties, among others. For the present I am regarding Palicoiorea and Cephaelis as of generic rank separate from PsycJiofina, and JSLapouria as a section of the latter genus. This is the reverse of K. Schumann's arrangement in the Flora Brasiliensis, and in accord- ance with Bentham and Hooker in their Genera Plaiitarum. I hope to deal with this question in the future. Of the new species, three are from Brasil, two from Peru, and the remainder from New Grranada, collected by Triana, and, in one case, bj Lehman n. Psychotria (§ Eupsychotria) Aschersonianoides, sp. nov. Frutex aspero-hispidulus, ramuhs pra3sertim novellis hispidulo-pubescentibus ferrugineis. Folia firme chartacea, ovata ad elliptica, apice subacuta V. obtusa, breviter petiolata, venis secundariis supra plus minus occlusis subtus prominulis crebris utrinque 15-17, nitrinque breviter necnon dense hispidula ; stipidw crassiusculse ovatae insuper bifidse basin versus vaginantes persistentes. Flores in thyrsis minusculis laxiusculis dis- positi, hracteis paucis linearibus subsetaceis. Calyx parvus tamen conspicue acute clentatus ; corollcs tubus gracilis, longiusculus insuper paullo ampliatus, sparse pilosus, limbus parvus subpatens. Colombia : Triana 195 ! Allied apparently to P. AscJiersoniana, differing in the smaller, scarcely acuminate leaves, the few inconspicuous bracts, and the slender hairy corolla. Leaves 5-6 cm. x 1*7-3 cm., with stalks 6-S mm. long ; stipules 5-6 mm. long. Inflorescence 4-6 cm. long by 4*5 cm. wide at base, rather exceeding the leaves, on peduncle 2-3 cm. long ; lowest bracts ± 7 mm. long. Flowers about 1 cm. long. Psychotria (§ Codonocalyx) flaviventer, sp. nov. Fi-utex glaber, ramulis ultimis tenuibus complanato-striatis, mox griseo-lignosis, hevibus, striatis, subteretibus. Folia glaberrima inter minora, char- tacea, ovata, utrinque cuneata, apice subacuta, basi in petiolum brevem compressum necnon tenerum angustata ; venis secundariis utrinque + 9, cum 5-6 fere sequilongis necnon prominentibus interspersis ; stipulcB breves tamen latissimae, mox partibus in duobus ovatis acu- minatis, apice setaceo-caudatis mox deciduis, bifidse, parte inferiore persistente necnon lignescente. Flores 1-4 in axillis arete sessiles, basi involucro brevi 3—4 hractearum sub-orbicularum brevissime acu- minatarum mucronatarum communi nee cilia tarum basi cincti, ipsi quisque basi involucello cupulari brevi margine obscuriuscule dentato- sinuato minute ciliolato onustus ; calycis tubo sensim globoso-ventri- coso, parte inferiore am*antiaco coriaceo minute aspeiTilo, insuper sub- membranaceo, striato-costulato fuscescente, lobis latis obtusis irregu- lariter diviso ; corollcB subcoriacese lobi oblongi longiusculi subacuti, apertse non vidi. Bacca obscure lobato-costata, globosa grisea. Brasil : Sello ! t2 252 THE JornxAL of bota:n^y Leavrs 5-7 cm. X l"5-3 cm., with petiole barely 7 mm. long ; cnlyx 6 mm. lon^, exclusive of the veiy short lobes 4 mm. broad. Fruit over 7 mm. long and 6 mm. broad. This is related to P. nuda Wavvra, but is readily distinguished by the less close venation of the leaves, the calyx-lobes much broader than long, and the long oblong corolla-lobes. Psychotria (§ Codonocalyx) sutericalyx, sp. no v. Frutex glaber, nimulis juniorihus valde compressis anguhitis denium subteretibus furcatis, cortice htvi mox indutis. Folia glabi-a inter minora, char- tacea, elliptica, utrinque acuta, apice leniter brevi-acuminata acuta, basi in ])etiolum brevissimumangustata, supra in siccitate fusca subtus discoloria multo ])allidiora venis secundariis 10-12, intermediis nee conspicuis ; sfipulce tnangulares apice bifida^ setacea? acuminata3 acutis- sima^, caducie demum linea modo interpetiolari visa?. Flores 1-4 in ramulorum brevissimorum axillis apicalibus dispositi arete sessiles, bracteis paucis parvis valde concaveis basi circumdati gibboso-scaphoi- deis ovatis acutissimis, ipsi quisque basi involucello ad calycem arete adluerente cupulari irregulariter sinuato-dentato cinctus ; calyx tubu- laris v. angustissime infundibularis nee gibbosus, dentibus latis trian- gularibus acutis onustus ; corolla inter minores lobis oblongis. Brasil : l\i() de Janeiro, Bowie Sf CunniiKjliam ! Nearly i-elated to my P. flavivrnter {supra), but at once distin- guislied by the tubular calyx, uninterrupted by any basal or other swelling. Allied also to P. Jio.via St. Hil., from which it differs chieHy in the scarcely-acuminate elliptical leav^es, the shape of the sti])iUes, the tofcil absence of cilia on the involucral margins, and the entire iioral involucels. Leaves 4-7 cm. xl"5-2-5 cm., with jDctiole not 5 mm. long. Bracts of general involucre 3 mm. long ; involucel, 3 mm. deep. Exserted part of calyx, 5-G mm., width 3 mm. in the middle. Psychotria (§ Codonocalyx) mineirensis, sp. nov. Frutex glaber, ranmlis })ra'sertim novellis graeillimis ruguloso-striatis, nodis sie])e valde lignoso-tumidis, junioriljus valde com]>ressis tandem subteretibus. Folia minuscula lirnie papyracea elliptice-obovata breviter acuminata apice obtusiuscula, basi leniter in petiolum brevem sulcato-complana- tum cuneatim angustata, supra olivaceo-viridia subtus llaviuscula pallidiora ; veme secundari;je utrinque ca. 12, intermediis nee con- s])icMiis ; stipula.' demum breviter vaginantes, primo lanceolatie apice setacea', mox in ])artil)us geminis triangularibus apice aristato-setaceis bifida*, tandem ])ai-te superiori caduca, inferiori lignescente ])ersistente bifido lato necnon brcvissinio, nonnuncpiam 2-aristato. Flores lutei 13 in i-amulorum furcis axillisque arete sessiles, basi hracteis ovatis acuminatis acutis persistentibus, liberis parvis concaveis involucrati ; calyx basi involucello cupulari margine hie inde plus minus irregu- lariter setaceo-denfcito arete cinctus, in anthesi tubularis vix circa medium gibbosus, limbo striatello lobis latis brevissimis onustus, post anthesin accrescens insuper ampliatus, lobis oblongis apice rotundatis ; ro/-o//« subtubularis insuper parum leniter am])liata, s\d)coriacea, lobis angustis a]>ice crassiuscule subacutis, tubum sul)a?quantibus. Bi-asil : llio de Janeiro, mountains about Mineira, 27 August 1815, Bowie Sf Cunninyham ! TEOPICAL AMERICAN RUBTACE.1; 253 A fine shrub, according to the collectors, with yellow flowers, allied io P. invohicellaris Miill. Arg., from which it is readily separable by the relative length of calyx and corolla, and the much smaller corolla and relatively smaller involueels. Leaves 4-8 x 2-3 cm., with stalk rarely more than 7 mm. long ; stipular sheath barely 3 mm. deep. Involucel 2-3 mm., exserted part of calyx 6-7 mm., of corolla (including the more or less erect lobes) — about 1 cm., of which the lobes occupy nearly 6 mm. Corolla 3 mm. broad at base of lobes, which are barely 2 mm. broad. The caU'x grows considerably after ilowering, the lobes elongating. Psychotria (§ Mapouria) articulicymosa, sp. no v. Frutex gla- berrimus, ramulis gracilibus novellis complanatis striatis demum subteretibus. Folia papyracea rhomboidea v. elliptica acuminata basi cuneata apice subacuta, venis secundariis utrinque 6, breviter petiolata ; stiindoB subcoriaceaj ovatse, apice obtusae demum plus minus pectinatse. Flares in cymularum longiuscule pedunculatarum paniculis laxe dispositi arete sessiles, hracteis exiguis, pedunculo com- muni longiusculo. Calyx campanulatus obscuriuscule late lolatus, ovarium consj^icue sulcatum colore fuscum coronans ; corollcB tubus calj'^cem vix excedens 6-mene cylindricus, limbo patente, lobis anguste lanceolatis subaoutis, Colombia : Bogota, Anapoirna, over 2000 ft., Triana 1692 ! This sj^ecies is related to Mapouria sclerocalyx Miill. Arg., native about the Rio Negro, Brazil ; but the leaves of our species are much thinner in texture, the stipules more or less persistent — at least the lower part, as a sort of rigid, very short sheath — and the corolla-tube is very much shorter, relatively, than in M. sclerocalyx, scarcely exceeding the calyx. The leaves are from 9 cm. to 14 cm. long, and from 3-5 cm. to nearly 6 cm. wide ; petioles not exceeding 5 mm. in length ; stipules, about 7 mm. X 4*5 mm. Peduncle (principal, terminating ordinary branches) 3 cm, to 7 cm., or longer. In- Jlorescence about 5 cm. long, and 4'5 cm. across ; longest peduncles of the small c^^mes, about 2 cm. Calyx, above ovar}^ barely 2 mm. ; (sulcate) ovarj, about 1 cm. long. CoroUa-tnhe, about 2-5 mm. long ; lobes 3 mm. or longer. Psychotria (§Mapom'ia) familiarifolia, sp. nov. Frutex nitens, ramulis quadrangularibus laevibus striatis cortice argenteo-griseo mox indutis. Folia glaberrima coriacea lanceolata basi in petiolum breveni validiusculum leniter angustata apice subacuta acuminata, venis secundariis subtus prominulis utrinque ca. 14 ; stipulcB oblongas obtusissimse caduca^. Flores parvi in cyma umbellata trichotoma laxiuscule dispositi, hracteis parvis ovato-oblongis truncatis intus pilosiusculis necnon subconcaveis. Calyx obtuse sulcatus necnon lobatus subcoriaceus ; corolla extus glabra insuper infvmdibularis, limbo demum reflexo lobis lanc^olato-triangularibus obtusis. Colombia : Triana 134 ! Related to Mapouria corymhifera Miill. Arg., from which it differs chiefly in the texture, shape, and venation of the leaves, which recall those of M. nicaraguensis Benth. Thej^ measure about 8-12 cm. X 2*5-4 cm., with stalk not exceeding 1-2 cm. : stipules S mm. X 3 mm. The three primary cj^me-branches are 2'5-3*5 can. 2o-l THE JOL'RNAL OF BOTJLXY loner the whole umbel bemg about 9 cm. in diameter; hracts not more than 3-4 mm. long. Corolla-twhQ 3 mm., lobes 15 mm. long. Psychotria (§ Mapouria) halophiloides, sp. no v. Frutex glaber ramuUs complanatis. Folia coriacea elliptica utrinque acuminata •apice obtusa, breviter ]jetiolata, venis supra impressis nee con- spicuis, subtus prominulis, utrinque 9 aliis nee intervementibus ; stiinifce crassiuscula? oblonga? apice rotundato-obtusse demum vaginam formantes nee longe persistentem. Flores in cyma o-6-chotoma densiuscule dispositi brevissime pedicellati subcorvmbosa, hracfeis paucis minutis ; cah/x parvus campanulatus limbo subintegro ; corolla subtubularis insuper vix ampliata, tubo limbi lobos breviter oblongos obtusos 3-4-plo excedente ; anflwrce exsertai. Colombia : Gallego Quindio, 7600 ft., Triana 185 ! Leaves about 7 cm. X 3 cm., with petiole 5 mm. ; sfijncles 1 cm. X 5 mm. Inflorescence (excluding peduncle) 4-5 cm. X 6 cm. Cali/.v barely 1 nim. long ; corolla-tube 5-6 mm. long, 26 mm. wide at mouth ; lobes 1-7 mm. X 1 mm. Distinguished from the Brasilian Majmitria cliionnntha Miill. Arg., its nearest"allY, by the stouter flowers in laxer inflorescences which are primarily corymbose. (To be continued.) TWO VARIETIES OF CALAMAGROSTIS. By C. E. Salmox, F.L.S. 1. Calamageostis laxceolata Koth, var. pallida Lange. When botanizing in Norfolk last July with Mr. J. W. White, we noticed near Horning Ferry some clumps of a very striking ])ale-flo\vered Calamagrostis which grew with an abundance of the normal purple-tinted C. lanceolata. The anthers, glumes, pales etc. were of a delicate pale yellow tint and the j^lant certainly seemed best placed under the above variety. Dr. Stapf has kindly confirmed the name. The original description (translated by Dr. B. D. Jackson) is as follows — " /5. pallida. More slender and delicate than the species. Leaves very fine and narrow. Flowers pallid, almost colour- less. Panicle relaxed, opened wide. Awns longer than in a. [the species]." J. Lange, Haandb. Danske Fl. (jiS, 1886. The Norfolk plant agrees exactly with an example from Hansen, Hb. Slesv.-Holst. 808 in Herb. Mus. Brit, labelled '* Arundo Cala- magrostis, L., var. pallida N. {A. cauescens Web.). Nolte Mscrpt. In Wiildern auf schattigen Platzen ; bl, Jul." It will be observed that A. canescens Web. is here given as a synonym of var. pallida and Ascherson & Graebner (Syn. Mittel. Eur. Fl. 'ii. 201, 1899) take up this name for the variety. Weber's descrii)tion (in Wiggers, Prim. Fl. Holsat. 10, 1780) i-mij; — "-Arundo canescens panicula laxissima, calyce unitloro sub- aMpiali, valvulis mucronato-aristatis. K. in torfosis prope Paguni Siifel. Nova species, (|uie a priori [A. Calamagrostis'] dift'ert culmo TWO VAEIETIES OF CALAMAGROSTIS 255 simplici, debili, panicula laxa. Tota planta tenera. Calyx corollam superans. Valvulse acute longeque mucronatii) ut fere aristatai appareant, albicantes. Pappus longus, copiosus, corollam cingens." C. Gaudlniana Reichb. (Fl. Germ. Excurs. 27, 1830) is another synon^aii given by Ascherson & Graebner (/. c.) as equalling ^j^Z/k/^, but the figure in Ic. Germ. i. t. Ixxxii, f. 150 is not very like the Norfolk form, and the original description, given below, indicates that it is a slender delicate plant having a long narrow pale panicle and very acuminate glumes with a smooth awn, and type- specimens in Hb. Mus. Brit, seem to confirm this. However, Dr. Stapf reports that a Lausanne example scarcely differs from var. pallida bej^ond that the glumes are a trifle more pointed and smoother : — " O. Gaiuliniana Rchb. ; panicula stricta tenuissima, bracteis acuminatissimis, arista terminali brevissima laevi, pilis bracteola lon- gioribus. A. CalamagrosHs Gaud, e loco a nob. cit. A sequente \_C. lanceolata^ diversissima, gracillima specierum et mollis, tenera, compressibilis, ligula suprema duplo longior et angustior, panicula longissima angustissima pallens, bracteae angustiores, longiores, arista brevior Isevis. — Lausanne au bois de Sauvabelin : v. Charpentier — Jul." 2. Calamagrostis epigeios Roth, var. i^s^termedia Grecescu. Another Reed, gathered in Wanborough Wood, Surrey, in 1896, was determined hj Dr. Stapf as C. epigeios c. intermedia Asch. & Graeb. This is founded upon Aruiido intermedia Gmelin, which Grecescu (Consp. Fl. Roman. 607, 1898) reduced to a variety. Gmelin's full description (Fl. Badensis, i. 266, 1805) is here given : — " Arundo intermedia cal3"cibus unifloris, panicula patente ovato- lanceolata, culmo stricto simplici .... " Differt a praecedenti specie \_A. epigejos\ ; Habitu pra?sertim. Cuhno demissiore quatuor pedali, strictiore, 1-5 articulato, infra paniculam magis aspero. Foliis ex viridi-canescentibus, margine magis retrorsum asperis, secantibus. Panicula fiorente ovato-lanceo- lata, e viridi-canescente. Fedunculis duplo brevioribus, patenti- erectiusculis. Ghimis calycinis canescente-viridibus, margine et apice dilute rubellis, perfecte sequalibus, mucronatis. Corollce valvula exteriore infra dorsi medium semper aristata : Arista longiore. Pappo in basi corollse copioso, calyce sublongiori. " Nota. Habitus a pra^cedente et sequente specie [A. Calama- grostis^ quam maxime diversus, dictitat separationem .... " Affinis Arundini Leersii f. Calamagrosti Arundo. Roth. fl. germ. 2. p. 88. a qua dift'erre videtur : culmis non binodibus." Ascherson & Graebner (Syn. Mittel. FL ii. 215, 1899) give but the following very short desci'iption of their c. intermedia — "Outer- glumes green, with narrow violet border. In similar places as the preceding [b. Ileiclienhacliiana~\.'''' It is for monographers of the genus to weigh and calculate the real value of the plants noted above and to decide whether they are stable varieties or, as would appear from a superficial examination, merely colour " states." 2oG THE JOURNAL OF BOTAXX SHORT NOTES. Sedum Drucei (p. 212). My opinion having been quoted hy Mr. Driice in support of the distinctness of this plant, I should like to state the facts of the case. In 1910 I was at Agnetendorf in the Riesengebirge. I had Garcke's Flora with me, but in the absence of a dictionary could not read it. Among the plants observed was a Sfdum on the walls which I did not think was S. acre. I found that of the group Garcke only gives it and »S'. sexangulare. As 1 could not tell whether it agreed with the description of the latter (which I did not know), I thought no more about the matter (except that in the meantime I had seen S. sexangulare and realized that my plant must have been S. acre) until 1912, when I was introduced to Mr. Druce at a meeting of the International Phytogeographical Excursion at Hayling Island. In the course of conversation he told me that it was supposed that the British S. acre was not identical with the Continental ])lant, whereupon I said that this perhaps explained why I had thought the Agnetendoi-f Sedum was something I did not knovr. But I considered the matter equally likely to be explained by the fact that I had never given more than the most casual glance at the British aS^. acre. I was surprised to read in the B. E. C. Report the statement quoted by Mr. Praeger. — A. J. Wilmott. Botanists and horticulturists are under an obligation to Mr. R. Lloyd Praeger for his work on Sedum, and particularly for his illuminating account of S. Drucei. Especially interesting is the result of his cultivation of >S'. acre from various British, Irish, and Continental sources, and that he found it impossible to separate these into groups. I agree that several European species of Sedum display a wider range of variation than is found in S. acre (including Drucei) ; and it would be well if everv British and German bottmist would note Mr. Pi-aeger's last paragraph, where he says " No doubt it will be shown eventually that in the case of a large number of our plants the British forms diifer slightly from Continental types ; it would be surprising if this were not so." This im])ortant point was alluded to by several writers in the Weiv Phyfolor/ist on the International Phytogeographical Excursion (1911). In the opinion of many such variations are only worthy of varietal rank ; and some of us who have botanised much on the Continent as well as at home consider it unfortunate that Prof. Graebner has separated as a distinct species the British Sedum acre. If this be taken as a precedent other new specihc names, equally regrettable, may follow. I do not remember gathering aS*. acre in Germany, but have frequently examined and gathered it in France and Switzerland ; and that without observmg any great difference in it from the British })lant, which itself varies naturally according to soil and situation, and occasionally simulates S. sexangulare. — H. S. Thompson. A Large Motii-Mulleix {Verhascum Blaftaria). In August I took the following particulars of a very large specimen of 7Vr- hascum Blaffaria, 7 ft. 6 inches high, growing in long grass in a neglected garden in Clifton, Bristol. I estimated that the plant produced at least 250,000 seeds, after allowing for 96 apparently SHORT NOTES 25 7 unfertile flowers, 56 o£ which were on the main stem : all but one of the lowest flowers on this stem were barren. When these j)lants l^roduce so man}^ seeds it is strange that usually they appear at such uncertain intervals and in such small quantities — often I believe singh^, as in this case, or in twos and threes — on walls, banks and waste places. This specimen had ten branches ; the longest was 3 ft. 6 inches, with 140 flowers ; five branches had about 80 flowers each, four had 65 each, and a subsidiary one had 30 flowers : total S30 flowers. Deducting 96 unfertile flowers, we arrive at a total of 734 capsules formed. I calculated that the capsules averaged 350 seeds each, which gives a total of over 250,000 seeds. Several of the longest leaves, including those of the basal rosette, were 9 or 10 inches in length ; and 34 leaves were over five inches long. These larger leaves were all crenate-lobate. The middle and upper leaves tapered more and more. The flowers, opening very few at a time, were an inch in diameter, pale cream with a suggestion of pink ; and the two upper corolla-segments were invariably blotched with pale purple at the back (I find no mention of this anywhere) * : it is probably these two petals which give the purple-pink colour to the flat buds. The filaments are clothed with beautiful purple hairs. The pedicels were mostly longer than the calyx, solitar}^ and glandular like the whole upper portion of the plant. There was another Mullein a few yards oif in the grass — a stout, unbranched V. virgahim, with bright 3^ellow blossoms 1\ inch across. The pedicels were more fascicled, much shorter than the calyx, and more glandular than in V. Blattaria. Besides the more densely flowered raceme the lower leaves were quite different, being bluntly serrate, much less crenate, not shiny, and lighter in colour, and the upper leaves were slightly decurrent. In habit and colour this species is nearer V. nigrum. The hairs of the filaments are purple in all three species, whereas in V. Lychnitis they are whitish. — H. S. Thompso]N". EuGLEXA EUBEA TX Brttaix. I had gone out to get for Prof, Bayley Balfour some Hydrocliaris JSIorsus-rancE which is found in a pond just outside the Preston Borough Boundary, when I noticed that the surface of the water was covered with a rusty scum. Some of this was submitted to Professor G. S. West of Birmingham who writes, " The organism is JEuglena rubra Hard}^ which has been found in Central Europe and Australia : I cannot be certain of any British records." The pond in question is one of a group, but the Evglena was confined to that in which the Hydrocliaris is found, with the excej^tion of one very small patch in a pond about six hundred yards away : it is probable this has been carried there by moor-hens which breed in these ponds. I shall be interested to hear if there are any other British records. — W. Hy. Heath cote. Yaccixiu:^! IX LiNCOLXSiiTRE. A specics long believed to be lost, Vaccinium Oxycoccos, was found again in the parish of Applebv on June 19. Another species, which has never been recorded for * Since this note was written, I have seen in the Botanic Garden of the University of Bristol a yellow-flowered Moth-Mullein with similar purple blotches at the back of the two upper corolla- segments. 258 THE JOURNAL OF BOTAXT Lincolnshire, V. JL/rfilli/s, was discovered by me in Broughton parish on the 14th of July. Both have been verified and the sur- rounding flora noted 1.3^ the Kev. E. Adrian Woodruffe- Peacock, who says that the aridity ot the county had made it practically hopeless to' hunt for the Bilberrv. — A. N. Clate. KEVIEWS. A Dictionary of Plant JV^ames. By H. L. Gerth tax AVijk : pub- lished by the Dutch Society of Sciences at Haarlem. Vol. ii (Index). Large 4to, pp. 1696, xxxiii. The Hague : Martinus Nijhoff, 1916. This handsome volume is the completion of the work the earlier portion of which was noticed in this Journal for 1911, p. 236, to which it forms an index. The first portion contains the accepted Latin names arranged alphabetically, under each of which are grouped the vernacular equivalents in English, French, German, and Dutch ; in the Index the converse system is followed, so that we have in one alphabet a complete list of vernacular names so far as they were known to the compiler, Avhose industr}^ demands all praise. The book is admirably printed ; great care must have been exer- cised in the reading of proofs, for the number of misprints — we are referring only to the English names— is astonishingly small. It would, we think, have been well if the Latin equivalent for each name had been printed in italics : the use of the same font for both sets of names does not tend to clearness. Convenience would have been increased and time saved if, in the Latin equivalents, the specific names had been given as well as the generic ; as it is, the former are indicated by the number which the plant occu])ies under its genus in the earlier portion, — e. g. " hawdod v. Centaurea 10 " — to which it is thus necessary to refer on every occasion. It is true that this would liave added to the size of the volume, already a large one ; but the i>pace required could to a large extent have been saved by restrictions which would not have interfered with the usefulness of the book. In our former notice we pointed out that mere translations were far too numerous, but it was not until we saw their prominence in the Index that we realized how largely they encumbered the work. It may of course be urged that as they occur in the book they should appear in the index ; but man}'' now appear for the first time which can in no sense be regarded as genuine names, being indeed obviously mere book-creations which never have been and never will be in actual spoken use : of these " Thlaspi bourse a pasteur " may be taken as an example. Among useless entries those wliich apjjear under *' common " may be taken as typical : no one would think of speaking of the ''common chickweed " nor of ''common lavender," and the prefix is extended to names which themselves woidd never be used — e. (f. no one would refer to lledj/sarnm coronarium as " common liedysarum " — a name whose presence in the book is due to the inclu- sion of the numerous similar " English " names given by Nemnich in ]\\s Allegemcines Poliff/lottcii-lcd'icon — a work quite useless for the A DICTIOXARY OF PLANT XA:N[ES 259 compiler's purpose. If only Dr. Gerth van Wijk had consulted the surviving compiler of the Dictionary of Englisli Plant Names, or the English Dialect Dictionary, he might have saved himself much unnecessary labour and his work would have given a far better repre- sentation of English names. Of course a book of this kind must always from its nature be in- complete, but as the compiler was making additions to the books quoted, of which he gives a list, we are sorry he did not consult those mentioned in our former notice, which would have enabled him to add a large number of names in actual use to his enumeration. As it is, however, he has given us the most comprehensive collection of plant-names in existence, and one which cannot fail to be of service to those concerned with popular nomenclature. Llysieulyfr Meddyginiaetliol a hriodolir i William Saleshury \_a Herbal attributed to JVilliam Salesbury^ edited loith an Introduction and Notes by E. Stais-ton Kobeets, B.A. 4to ; cloth, pp. Iviii, 275. Liverpool : flugh Evans & Sons, 1916. Price £1 Is. William Salesburt, or Salisbury (1520 ?-l 600), of whom a full account is given by Mr. D. Lleufer Thomas in the Dictionary of National Biography (I. 196-200 : 1897) was eminent as a lexicographer, but is chiefly known in connection with his trans- lation of the New Testament into Welsh. " In his later years," Mr. Thomas tells us, " he wrote a Welsh Botanology, a transcript of which, made in 1763 from the original manuscript, now lost, was recently in the possession of John Peter (loan Pedr, of Bala)," who published an account of it in Y Traethodydd for 1873 *. After Peter's death, in 1877, it was acquired by the University College of Wales at Aberystwith, whence it passed into the National Library of Wales : it has now been published in a handsome quarto volume, at the expense of the late Mr. John Morris, of Llansannon, to whom it is fittingly dedicated. The editor, Mr. Stanton Roberts, has done his work exceeding!}^ well, and has spared no pains in elaborating the Herbal. His Introduction of Hfty pages gives, in four chapters, the history of the MS., an account of the som-ces from which it was compiled, a discussion of its authorship, and another as to the identitj^ of the " Syr Thomas ap William " who borrowed Salesbury's manuscript in 1597. Mr. Roberts agrees with Peter in identifying him with S3^r Thomas Wiliems of Trefriw — " the Sj^r prefixed to his name was an ecclesiastical title " — who was a contemporar}'^ and neighbour of Salesbury, and "perhaps best known as the author of the Dic- tionarium Latino-Ca mbricum, which he completed in 1607." The full and frequent references to plants in this work, and his allusions * This article is summarised by Mr. Thomas in the account of Welsh Botany which forms Appendix B. of the Report of the Eoyal Commission on Land in Wales (1896) and was reprinted in this Journal for 1898, pp. 10-23 : the passage relating to Saleshury is on p. 12. Mr. Thomas says that Peter (1833-77) "was himself an enthusiastic botanist," but we have no evidence in support of this statement. 2G0 THE JOURNAL OF BOTAXT to sixteenth century botanical authors, show that he was well acquainted with the botany of the period. Mr. Roberts quotes numerous ]iarallelisms which " seem to show that [he] must have used Sales])ury's Llysieulyfr in compiling his Lutin-Welsh lexicon." The chai)ter which discusses the authorship of the Herbal is an exceedinjTflv careful piece of work, containing evidence drawn from the book itself connected with places named therein and a careful comparison of the ortliography with that of Salesburv's undoubted work. For it must be borne in mind that the definite statement as to. authorship made in the D.N.B., supported though it is bv a note in the MS. which is reproduced in facsimile as a title-page to the book, is not to be accepted without question, although the investigations bv Peter and their still more searching extension by Mr. Roberts point almost certainly to this conclusion. For a knowledge of the nature of the Herbal we are indebted entirely to Mr. Roberts, as the work itself is written in Welsh and there is no English translation. The two chief authors to whom the writer was indebted for much of his subject-matter are Leonhard Fuehs (whose name he writes " phwchsiws ") and William Turner, whom he describes as " gwr mawT ei ystryw ar adnabod Llysie " (a man of great skill in recognising plants). From the De Historia iSfirjn'um of the former the greater part of the Welsh text has been translated, and the order of the descriptions is followed : from Tui-ner he took " the identification, the English names, and the liabitats of many of the plants." "The only portions that appear to be original additions are the Welsh names of the plants described, many of which, no doubt, he got from Welsh manuscripts ; some references to places where he had found certain of the plants growing; a few^ personal allusions, wdiich are valuable because of the light they tln-ow on the question of the authorship of the work ; and an occa- sional bit of folklore, such as that about the Welsh custom of placing the Mugwort [Artemisia Absinthium'] under the eaves of houses on ^Midsummer's Eve." Mr. Roberts (pp. xxvii-xix) has some interesting remarks on the Welsh names, the identification of wliich in the notes is not meant to be final, in view of the uncertainty and confusion in tlieir use and the inadequate and ambiguous nature of the descriptions in the Llysieuhjfr. The text is accompanied throughout by numerous explanatory notes and by copious quotations from Fuchs and Turner, with occa- sional references to other books, of which a list is given : there is also an excellent index and glossary. The book is in every respect a monument of painstaking scholarship. BOOK-NOTES, NEWS, etc. An interesting correspondence has been appearing in the Garden relating to the scentlessness of "Musk" {Mimulus moscJiatus L.). Tliis scentlessness has become general, but a correspondent writeS that a plant appeared in a cottage garden (place not stated) from which cuttings liave been taken and eagerly applied for. " The first application was from Kew Gardens, who wrote that thev had BOOK-XOTES, XEWS, ETC. 261 tried everywhere, even sending as far as Vancouver, where the plant grown in gardens is supposed to have been originally obtained ; but the plants received from there were as odourless as their own," A Xew Zealand correspondent writes from Wanganui in the issue for Aug. 1 : " Many years ago I was for a short time up in the Sierra Nevada Mountains in Southern California, and found the common Musk and other of the larger Mimuli abundant in wet spots. I also found, what is well known in that part, at any rate, that only some plants of 2Iimulus moscliaUis in the native state are scented, and that most are not scented. There are all stages between scentless and strongly scented, but strongl}' scented is the exception. I have had the common Musk growing in a low, shaded place in the garden, where it has been taking care of itself entirely, except for weeding, and it seems as sweet as it ever was, but, of course, is not reproducing itself from seed. Did it do so, I have no doubt it would revert to the scentless, wild form, as 1 believe that pre- dominates." The Transactions of the British Mycological Society for 1916 (vol. V. part 3, 7 July, 1917) contains as usual a varied amount of information relating to our fungi, and is indispensable to the British mycologist. Mr. Kamsbottom contributes a summary of the papers published during 1916 on fungus c}4ologv, and biographical notices of John William Ellis (1857-1916), John William Hart (1887- 1916), Charles Crossland (184J.-1916), and George Edward Massee (1850-1917) — the last practically identical with that published in our last issue, the MS. of which, it seems right to say, had been for some time in our possession. Mr. Ramsbottom also collaborates with Miss Lorrain Smith in descriptions of new or rare microfungi, among which are included those published by Mr. W. B. Grove in this Journal. Mr. Carleton Rea reports on the New Forest foray of the year, with a complete list of the fungi observ^ed, and has a paper on "New or Rare British Fungi," in which are described as new 31arasmius pruinatus, Cortinarius fuscotinctus, and Lasioholus macrotinctus, of which coloured figures are given. Mr. E. W. Swanton summarizes the work of the year in various countries ; Dr. W. T. Elliott contributes observations on the assimilation of fungi by Badhamia utriciilaris ; and Messrs. Somerville Hastings and J. C. Mottram summarize the evidence as to " The Edibility of Fungi for Rodents," illustrated by five plates. Miss Jessie Bayliss Elliott in the course of " Studies in Discomycetes " describes and figures a new genus, Acleistia. The printing is clear and good, though the black type for headings of j^apers is somewhat aggressive : when a new volume is begun we would suggest that the headings of the pages, at present blank save for the number, should be utilized for information concerning the subjects treated below. The Report of the Botanical Exchange Club for 1916 consists of two parts — the first by the Secretarj'', Mr. G. C. Druce ; the second by the "Editors and Distributors," Messrs. W. H. Pearsall and D. Lumb. Both contain numerous notes of interest ; in the former besides these, which are often somewhat discursive, is a summary 12{)2 THE JOUHX.VL OF BOTAXY of the botanical literature of the year, mostly relating to British botany ; numerous additions are, as usual, made to the list of casuals, some of them swept up from early records. As we have not received copies for review, we are not called upon for a detailed notice of the Keports. We note, however, that this Journal is somewhat ex- tensivelv laid under contribution : we do not object to this in reason, but we think some limit should be observed — e. g. it is hardly fair so to abstract (p. 402) Mr. A. B. Jackson's paper on Bdrharea as to render consultation of the original almost unnecessary. In a special supplement, which " only carries with it [his] own views and is not printed at any expense to the members," Mr. Druce indulges in his favourite game of "new combinations," finding fresh scope for his ini^enuity among African and Australian plants. We have more tlian once expressed the opinion, which is, Ave believe, entertained by all systematic botanists, that this practice, which appears to be based upon book-work and shows no evidence of acquaintance with the plants themselves, is not in accordance with recognized botanical custom, however gratifying it may be to personal ambition. Mr. Druce also gives an interesting and very full account of John Good^^er, in which he has brought together the various references to and quotations from this excellent botanist which have appeared in Parkinson's Th eat rum and elsewhere, and 4escribes his library, bequeathed to Magdalen College, and MSS. The Qarden of June 30 contains the following item of folk- lore, corresponding with that which in this country is associated with Sambucus Ehnlus and Anemone Pulsatilla in their supposed connection with the blood of the Danes. It is narrated by Father Nicholas Velimirovic, of Belgrade, " whose love for Serbian flowers and folk-lore amounts almost to a passion " : — " In June, 1389, the Field of Kossovo was thickly inhabited, and a joyful people sang with a choir of nightingales among the white Peonies. Many rich villages, beautiful Avhite towns, stony churches, pious nobles, gorgeous merchants, exporting gold and silver from a neighbouring mountain of the field ; a lofty army, many visitors from Byzantium and Venice admiring a youthful Christian nation — so it w^as. But the storm came. A storm with hail. And the storm with hail was the Turk, the Unfaithful. It was not the first struggle, but the last and decisive one. The first was under. King Dushan, who proceeded with the Serbian Crusaders to defend Constantinople, the Orthodox Sancta Sanctorum, and sacrificed his life ; the second was under King Vukashin (1371), who fought near Adrianople, and gave his fife for the Cross ; the third was at Plocnik, under the victorious Voivode Milosh. In June, 1389, was the last and decisive one. On that twenty-eighth day of June rain was falling as the two splendid armies met, the one fighting for Christ, the other one against Christ. The white Peonies were bathing in the warm rain. The rain stopped in the evening, and the field was red with blood. The Serbians made the supreme sacrifice for Christ : the King and the nobles, the dukes and the whole army laid down their lives for the greatest ideal. The Serbian Kingdom perished, and the Serbian material glory vanished. But Christ BOOK-XOTES, XEWS, ETC. 2G3 rem lined \Yith the Serbs, Christ and the glorious stoiy of the supreme sacrifice on the field of the white Peonies. White ? No. No human eyes ever since saw them white. From the following day of the battle they bacame rer/, and all the following generations of Peonies grew red ; not one made exception. Some say they grew red from the blood of the heroic Crusaders ; some say they grew red because they blushed at seeing the Turkish devastation of the field and their oppression of the Christian people ; some say they grew red as a symbol of suffering, with hope of resurrection for the oppressed ones. Bat the first interpretation prevails among the Serbian people." The legend adds that when the freedom of Serbia has been secured, the Peonies will again become white. The Journal of Genetics for Jul}" contains a paper on " Types of Segregation " by Caroline Bellew, which is mainly concerned with " certain abnormalities in the development of anthers, of flower- colour and of variation in Campanula carpatica and related forms " : the paper is illustrated by one of the excellent coloured plates for which the Journal is distinguished. Mr. S. Ikeno adds a note to his former paper on variegated races of Capsicum annuum. The Irisli Naturalist for August contains a paper by Mr. Grroves and Canon Bullock- Webster on Tolypella nidifica Leonh. in Ireland, the occurrence 'of which has hitherto been regarded as somewhat doubtful. "The most satisfactory specimens examined are from a lagoon north of Wexford Harbour, collected by the Rev. E. S. Marshall in June 1898." " , Mr. Muxro Brigos Scott, a native of Fifeshire, was born on 29 April, 1889. He studied m the University of Edinburgh, where he graduated M.A. and B.Sc, showing a marked predilection for Botany, in which he was a pupil of Professor Bayley Balfour, F.ll.S. After graduation Mr. S3ott became a schoolmaster but, preferring botanical work, he com])eted for and secured an assistantship m the Herbarium attached to the Boval Botanic Grardens, Kew, on 1 August, 1914. Having attested for military service, Mr. Scott joined the East Surre}" Regiment in February 1916, but was shortlv thereafter transferred to the Suffolk Regiment, promoted lance corporal, and recommended for a commission. This he gained in November 1916, distinguishing himself in the examination, and was gazetted to the Royal Scots Regiment. After obtaining his commission Mr. Scott married Miss F. M. Forbes, M.A., of Pitlochry, Perthshire, and on 9 January, 1917, he joined the British Expeditionary Force in France. During an attack on 12 April last he was wounded and, while his wound was being dressed, Avas instantaneousl}^ killed by a high- explosive shell. A man of great capacity, as modest as he was pains- taking, his colleagues at Kew had anticipated for Mr. Scott a successful future. The public service by his death has been deprived of the assistance of a useful and promising member. — D. P. The Gardeners'' Chronicle oi Aug. 18 and the Garden of Aup-, 25 contain notices (in each case accompanied by a portrait) of the late Charles Tho:\ias Druery, F.L.S., who died at Acton on Aug. 8. His name has been for manv vears associated with the studv and 264 TUE JOURXAL OF BOTANY production of varieties of British Ferns, on which his hook, Bnfisli Ferns and their Varieties (1910). is the standard authority; he had previously puhUshed a vohiuie on Choice British Ferns and a Book of British Ferns. His studv of these forms led to the discovery of apospory in Ferns, to which he drew attention in papers read at the Linnean Society in 1HS4: and puhlished in the Society's Journal (xxi. 354-00). The plants on which his observations were chiefly based were varieties of two siDecies — Athyrium Filix-foemina, var. claris- sima and Poli/stichinn an(julare, var. pulcherrimum. Druery was for many years connected witli the British Pteridological Society, whose Gazette he founded and edited : he was also a prominent member of the Floral and Scien title Committees of the Royal Horti- cultural Society, which awarded him its A^ictoria Medal of Honour. The Kew Bulletin issued in July (no. 2, 1917) contains a mono- graph of the British s])ecies of Phomopsis, a genus " hitherto ignored bv all British mycologists," the separation of which from Phoma was siigs^ested by Saccardo : eighty-eight species are enumerated, some of which are "excluded for the present from the British List" : four are new. Mr. Rolfe clears uj) the history of the Strawberry-Raspberry {Bubtis illecehrosus Focke), a Japanese species with a somewhat copious s^monymy, and also describes some new orchids ; he also gives an account of a collection of drawings made by Mrs. Koss, of Poggio Gherardo, Florence, which has lately been acquired for Kew\ In Bhodora for July Mr. C. A. Weatherby w^rites on Impatiens hijl^ra, which he says produces an unusually interesting series of colour variations, in range of hue very similar to those of the garden " nasturtium," Tropceolum majus. The "typical and common form " he describes as having orange flowers wdth more or less numerous, usually crimson, spots. He distinguishes forms to which he gives the names citrina, alhiflora, and immaculata, the characters of which are indi- cated by their names : there is also a form Peasei, which has pink flowers spotted with red : the forms, he says, " show abundant ability to maintain themselves." It would be interesting to know whether similar variation has been noticed in England. Ix the course of a story, "Below Zero," in the Windsor Mac/azine for July, Mr. Fred. M. White tells of one Lord Rayburn wdio had a "magnificent collection of orchids." The "gemot the collection" was "of the class Gynandria Monandria — a marsh orchid from South Africa, and the only one of its kind yet discovered." " I prefer them," said his lordship, " to the epiphytes, exquisite as they are : and that, of course, is a cypripedium.'" This allocation of the ]ilant is hardly as obvious as Lord Raynor implies, as it is described as having "' a long s])ike of bloom that shot u])wards a foot or more in height in a series of shaded mauve ])lossoms with centres and cups graded away to the hue of virgin gold: the ex(|uisite mass clung to the stem and trembled like a cloud of butterflies." Later on however the orchid is referred to as "the priceless Gynandria Monoyynia,'''' so it may be presumed that its owner was somewhat doubtful as to the genus, and wisely confined himself to its position in the somewhat obsolete Linnean cUissilication. Journ. Bot. Plate 549. 1 C. setifolius var. intermedius. B. pallens var". eupyphyllum. P. alopecurum var. aridulum. //. '";. Jd.mcbon, dil. New Varieties of British Mosses. WM , P. gpacile var, harlecense. 265 NEW VARIETIES OF BRITISH MOSSES. Br D. A. Jones. (Plate 549.) Camptlopus setifolius Wils. var. i^TERMEDrus, var. nov. In November 1900 I gathered a Campylopiis by the side of a stream m Cwm Mawr, Harlech, which, while possessing some of the characteristics of C. jiexuosus Brid., showed also some resemblance to C. setifolius Wils. After further examination it was sent to the Moss Exchange Club as an unnamed variety of C jiexuosus. Mr. R. H. Meldrum, the referee, agreed that it belonged to that species, and that it did not tit with the descriptions of any of the named varieties, but considered that it was inadvisable in so variable a species to add to the number of named forms. In March last I visited the same district and found the plant under better conditions and in greater quantities on the stony ground along the shore of Llyn Eiddew Mawr. It distinctly resembles C. setifolius, which occurs in the same Cwm, as it has the glossy appearance and slender habit with long, setaceous, rigid, denticulate leaves so characteristic of that species. The upper leaves, however, are slightly flexuose. The nerve is generally broader than in C.fiexuosus, although in some of the lower leaves it is quite as narrow. In section, also, the anterior cells are much larger than the Deuter and therefore much more like those of C setifolius^ as men- tioned by Mr. H. N. Dixon. The basal cells are laxer and with thinner walls than is usually found in either of the two species. The auricles are inflated and hyaline, showing a tendency to be coloured in the inner part towards the base of the nerve. I regard this plant as intermediate between C. setifolius and C. flexuosus with a nearer approach to the former. A beautiful form approaching this variety occurs on damp rocks in Cwm Bychan, Harlech, where I gathered it in the company of Mr. E. Cleminshaw in April 1915. The stems are tall with glossy, falcate leaves. The upper leaves are distinctly flexuose and in nerve section and basal areolation are nearer C. flexuosus ; the leaves, however, are more denticulate than is usual in that variable species. A similar form has been found by Mr. J. Hunter at South Barrule, Isle of Man. I would label these two plants, C. flexuosus Brid., approaching C. setifolius var. intermedius : — Campylopus setifolius Wils. var. intermedius mihi. Csespites alti, lati, extensi, nitide satui-ato-virescentes ; plantulse paullo minus graciles, infra exigue radiculosae ; folia minime conferta, erecto-patentia, recta, madore rigida siccitate flexuosa, basi nitenti, superiora baud tam longe setacea ; margo pro maxima parte tubularis, parte superiori, sed non tam longe ab apice, denticulatus, vix tamen serratus ; costa lata, dorso superius vix spinuloso-denticulato ; cellulis ventralibus quam eurycystis in sectione transversali multo majoribus ; auriculae grandes vitreae parte interiore nonnunquam coloratse ; cel- lulse basilares laxiores, minus distinctae, parietibus tenuioribus. Hah. — In locis humidis saxosis prope lacum Eiddew Mawr ; prope Cwm Bychan ; in comitatu Merioneth. Journal of Botany. — Vol. 55. [Octobek, 1917.] v 2GG THE JOUEXAL OF B0TA5T Bryi'm pallets S\v. var. eueypiiyllum. Bryum pallens Sw. occurs frequently along the western sea-coast of North Wales, where its reddish tufts make it a prominent moss on our sandy tlats. A remarkable form grows among the sandy detritus along both banks of the River Glaslyn : this ground is subject to ])eriodical inundation during high tides or heavy rains. It has a considerable resemblance in its leaves to B. cidophyllum R. Br., but the lower leaves on some of the stems are distinctly typical of B. pallens. Mr. Wheldon suggests in the Report of the Moas Exchange Club for 1917 that it may possibly be B. pallens X calo- 'phyllum, but I have seen no evidence of hy])ridity among the B. calo- pliyllum which was found growing and fruiting freely in the same spot by the Rev. P. Gr. M. Rhodes last August. The leaves are large, sometimes as broad as long, very concave, obtuse, strongly recurved and less decurrent. The cells are also much smaller and often subquadrate at margin in few narrow rows forming less dis- tinct border, occasionally bistratose. The nerve is thick, excurrent in a short mucro or vanishing at or just below the apex. Hitherto only male plants have been found. The typical form of B. pallens is scattered over the same area : — Brijum pallens Sw. var. eiirypliyllum mihi. Ca^spites laxi molles la3te-virescentes, rubore quodam suffusi ; caules brevissimi, paucis ad basim radiculis ; folia distantia, siccitate minus crispata, majora, nonnunquam tam lata quam longa, admodum concava, obtusiora, valde recurvata, minus decurrentia ; celluhe nmlto minores, sajpe subquadratse, parietibus crassis, . seriebus paucis marginem versus limbam distinctam exhibentibus ; costa valida, in niucronem brevem excurrens, aut in apice vel immediate subtus desinens. MasculinsE' plantulaj tantum inventa?. Hah. — In detritu arenoso sa?pe inundato prope mare juxta flumen Glaslyn, in comitatibus Carnarvon et Merioneth. POROTRTCHUM ALOPECURUM Mitt. Var. ARIDULVM. The two marked forms of Porotriclium alnpecurum Mitt. (Tham- niiim alopecunim B. & S. auct. plur.) mentioned in the Handbook to British llosses, occur in North Wales — the terrestrial with non- complanate branches, curved, robust and with more spreading leaves ; ;ind also the rupestral form with distinctly' complanate branches, straighter, more slender and tiagelliform with smaller appressed leaves. A plant which grows on dry rocks at Harlech differs from the two forms above mentioned; much resembling Eurhynchiuni onyosuroicles Schp. in size and appearance. It forms extended, ))r()strate tufts on the .surface of the rocks and does not show the dendroid habit of the type. The secondary branches are neither curved nor complanate. The lower stem leaves are exceedingly small, with the nerve shorter, sometimes very faint, almost wanting. The branch leaves are narrower, crisped when dry, the cells rounded or subquadrate to the base and the nerve occasionally^ bitid. Mr. Dixon has sent me a remarkable form from cliffs by a waterfall, near Erwood Bridge, Brecon, South Wales. It is a larger ])lant and bears a closer resemblance to the type in all its parts. He has also drawn XEW VARIETIES OF BRITISH MOSSES 2G7 my attention to two varieties of P. cdopecurum, which have abeady been described. One, mentioned by Eoth as var. cavernarum, was gathered by Schhephacke in the Hartz Mountains and described by him as a weaker form from calcareous rocks with narrower and generally more pointed leaves. The Harlech plant grows on dry Cambrian rocks, which contain no lime, and the leaves do not answer to that description. The other was described by Schiffner from a specimen gathered in Persia and named var. corticolum. This variety resembles my osur aides Schp. in size and habit : it is not glossy, but in structure is like the type form. My new variety has not the corti- colous habit and further differs from the type in the branching and stem leaves. Thamnium mediterranean resembles the new variety in size, but has very complanate leaves : — Porotrichiim alopecuriim Mitt. var. aridulum mihi. Plantula forma typica multo brevior Eurhyncliio myosuroidi assimilis tum habitu tum colore. Csespites moUes, prostrati, sat extensi, Isete luteo-virescentes, subnitidi ; caules secundarii sub- dendroidales, nonnunquam flagelliformes, ramis nee curvatis nee complanatis ; folia caulina admodum parva, acuminata, costa breviori interdum fere obsoleta ; folia ramealia typicis multo minora, siccitate crispata, typicis forma consimilia ; cellulis usque ad basim magis uniforme rotundatis aut subquadratis, costa validissima raro furcata. Hab. — Ad saxa silicea arida prope Harlech, in comitatu Merioneth, April 1913. Pterogonium gracile Swartz var. harlecexse mihi. The genus Pterogonium is represented in the British Isles by one species only, viz. P. gracile (P. ornifJiopodioides (Huds.) Lindb.). This is a very distinct moss, with sub-dendroid stems and crowded branches curved to one side, and occurs in about 62 vice-comital areas. In Merioneth it is frequent in woods and is found both on trees and rocks. It fruits not infrequently with us, the rupestral plant being rather more fertile than the arboreal one. A yqyy marked form growing with the type occurs on trees in Llechwedd Woods, Harlech, which has been recognized for some time by British br^^ologists as distinct, though it has never been formally described, and I think deserves varietal rank. It is extremely slender with long, julaceous and flagelliform branches. The leaves are much smaller, more acuminate, the margins scarcely less serrate, and the areolation laxer. Mr. Dixon refers in the Handbook to British 3Iosses to a var. caver narum of this species, described by Pfeffer, the leaves of which have fewer serrations than the type. The Merionethshire form is fairly constant and is distributed along the western border of the county in several localities. Mr. Meldrum has also found the same variety in Perthshire : — Pteroyoninm gracile Swartz var. liartecense mihi. Caulibus admodum gracilibus ; ramis longis, julaceis, flagelli- formibus ; foliis valde parvis, angustioribus, magis acuminatis. vix minus serratis ; cellulis laxioribus aliquanto majoribus. Ilab. — Ad arbores, in silva montana, Llechwedd nuncupata, prope 2GS TITE JOURX.VL OF BOTAXT Harlech 187S ; prope Llan fro then ; prope Dolo^ellev, etc., in comitatu Merioneth. Canihria septentrionalis, leg. D. A. Jones : prope litora lacus Earn, juxta Lochearnhead, in comitatu, Perth, Scotia, 1898, leg. K. H. Meldrum. The above varieties have been seen b}^ Mr. H. N. Dixon, who ^^rites : — " The four varieties are all well marked and should stand." I am indebted to Mr. Dixon and the Rev. P. G. M. Rhodes, for assistance in drawing up this paper, and to the Kev. H. G. Jameson for the excellent plate. Explanation or Plate 549. Caynjv/lopiis setifolins var. intermedins. — 1. Plant. 2. Leaf. 3. Apex of do. 4. Back of apex. 5. Apex of leaf of type. 6. Section of leaf. 7. Cen- tral portion of do. Bi-ynm jxiHens var. eur)jph'jllum. — 1. Leaves. 2. Apex of do. 3. Cells at marg-in. 4. Section of leaf. 5 and 6. Central and marginal portions of do. Porofrichnm nlopernrum var. arichtlnm. — 1. Plant. 2. Lower stem leaf. 3. Branch leaf. 4. Apex of do. 5. Cells at base of do. 6. Leaf of type, for comparison of size. Pterogonium (jracile var. hnrlecense.--l. Plant. 2. Leaf. 3. Apex of do. 4. Cells of upper part. 5. . Leaf of type for comparison of size. NOTES ON JAMAICA PLANTS. By William Fawcett, B.Sc, & A. B. Rexdle, F.R.S. (Continued from p. 38.) PlCRODENDRON^. In elaborating the SimaruhacecB for the Flora we have con- sidered this genus, which is doubtfully referred to this family by Bentham & Hooker and subsequently by Engler in the Pflanzen- familien. The genus was founded by Planchon in his revision of the family (in Hook. Lond. Journ. Bot. v. 579, 1846), on material collected by Macfadyen, which supplied only vegetative characters and fruit. Macfadyen (Jam. i. 225, 1887) had referred the plant to Rhus arhorea DC., and l-*lanchon adopts DeCandoUe's species name under his own new genus, citing the new species as Picrodendron arhorcion. Planchon had overlooked the previous descri])tion of the plant by Linnjtus as Juf/lans haccata (Syst. ed. 10, 1272 & Sp. PI. ed. 2, 1 11(3) which was based on references to Browne (Hist. Jam. 346) and Sloane (Hist. ii. i. t. 157. f. 1). The original of Sloane's figure is in Herb. Sloane (vol. v. f. 49) and is a s])ecimen bearing immature male inllorescences. Grisebach (Flor. Brit. W. Ind. 177) includes the species under Juglaiidece as Plcrodendron Juglons, Griseb. A second species, based on fruiting matei-ial only, lias more recently been discriminated by Dr. Britton (Bull. New York Bot. Gard. iv. 139, 190()) to include plants from Cuba and the Bahamas. A specimen bearing male llowers was collected in San Domingo i NOTES OX JAMAICA PLANTS 269 by Fuertes, and an examination of this and of some excellent material of both male and female specimens sent from Jamaica by Mr. W. Harris has enabled us to supply the characters necessary to comjDlete the diagnosis of the genus as follows : — Dioecious. Male inflorescence of stalked axillary spikes crowded at the ends of dw^arf branches and appearing with the leaves ; flowers solitary or clustered, sessile, consisting of 16-32 stamens surrounded by an inyolucre of 4-6 imbricate bracts ; perianth wanting ; filaments very short, anthers 2-celled, basifixed, dehiscing longitudinally ; pollen minutely muriculate ; rudiment of ovary wanting. Female lowers stalked, solitar}-, axillary; calyx of 4 unequal valvate free sepals bearing minute glands at the base ; petals absent ; staminodes absent; ovary inferior, 2-celled, outer wall containing numerous vesicles ; style terminal, slender, bearing 2 large spreading stigmas, ovules 2 in each cell, pendulous from apex of centml axis, anatropous, raphe ventral, integuments two ; a reddish-brown cushion-like out- growth (obturator) springing from the placenta just above the insertion of the pair of ovules and closely roofing over the two micropyles. The obturator does not develop with the growth of the seed but becomes withered. The fruit, which is well known, is a drupe, the thin fleshy exocarp full of vesicles contains a very bitter juice : the woody brittle endo- carp marked with 4 equidistant longitudinal lines, contains generally one, occasionally 2 seeds, one in each cell. The seed is pendulous from the top of the cell, and without endosperm ; testa membranous infolded between the folds of the cotyledons ; radicle superior. The plant is a deciduous tree from 20 to 40 ft. high, with alternate long-stalked digitately trifoliolate leaves ; leafiets elliptical to lanceolate. The presence and form of the obturator at once suggested the family Eupliorhiacece and this affinity is borne out by other floral characters. Btrsonima. In elaborating the Jamaican species of Bjysonima we have been unable to follow the arrangement adopted b}^ Niedenzu (in Arb. Bot. Inst. Braunsb. 20 June, 1901), who in our opinion relies too much on the characters of the bracts. The following three species are allied to B. coriacea DC. The Jamaican species of the genus may be ari-anged as follows : — Inflorescence tomentose. Bracts not more than 4 mm. 1. Pedicels over 8 mm. 1 B. coriacea DC. Pedicels not over 8 mm. 1. Leaves leathery, glabrous ... B. Craif/iatia, sp. nov. j Leaves paper}-, puberulous . . . B. SmaUii, sp. nov. Bracts f oliaceous, to 1 cm. 1 B. hracteata, sp. nov. Inflorescence glabrous or with a few silky hairs ^' glaherrima Nied. Byrsonima bracteata, sp. nov. Frutex circa 3 m. alt. Folia elliptica, apice obtusa vel subrotundata, basi obtusa vel cuneata 270 THE JOUENAL OF BOTANY chartacea, glabra, 7-9-5 cm. L, Sd-4o cm. lat., nervis venisque supra subobsoletis, infra eximie reticulatis, vix prominulis ; petioli 6-8 mm. 1., glabri ; stipiilae ovatae, facie externa pnesertim margine pilis ferru- giiieis obtectae, 3*5 mm. 1. Racemi 4-6 cm. 1. ; peduncuius ca. 2*5 cm. 1. ; pedicelli brevissimi ,- rbachis, pedmiculus, atque pedicelli ferrugineo-tomentosi ; bractete foliacea?, anguste elliptico-oblongae, basi attenuatae, sessiles vel subsessiles, in facie interna glabrae, externa puberulsB vel glabrescentes, usque ad 1 cm. 1. Antherce glabrae. Ovarium glabrum. Type in Herb. Jam. Hah. Flowers in bud in Sept. ; Peckham, Clarendon, 2500 ft., Harris 11,202 ! Byrsonima Craigiana, sp. nov. Arbor 4-5-12 m. alt. ; ramuli novelli ferrugineo-tomentosi. Folia late elliptica, rotundata, vel obovato-elliptica, apice rotundata vel obtusissima, basi rotundata vel obtusa, coriacea, glabra, 4-7 cm. 1., 2-5-5 cm. br., costa prominente, nervis planis subobsoletis ; petioli 8-5 mm. lat., supra canaliculati atque glabrescentes ; stipulae lanceolatae, 5 mm. 1. Racemi 3-7 (-11) cm. 1. ; peduncuius ca. 3 cm. 1.; pedicelli 3-8 mm. 1. ; rhacliis, peduncuius atque pedicelli ferrugineo tomento obtecti ; bracteae e basi ovata lineares, ferrugineo-tomentosi vel glabrescentes, ca. 3 mm. 1. Sepala 4-5-5 mm. 1., glandulis 2-5 mm. 1., ovato-oblonga, puberula. Petal a rosea, sicca purpurea ; lamina usque ad 4 mm. 1., 6 mm. lat., unguicula 4 mm. 1. Filamenia 3 mm. 1., pilis paucis ; antherae oblongae, glabrae, 1-5 mm. 1. Ovarium glabrum. Driijya (? matura) globosa, 6-7 mm. in diam. B. glaherrima Small in N. Amer. Fl. XXV. 167 (191C) (non Niedenzu). Type in Herb. Jam. Hah. In Hower May-Julj, in fruit Sept. ; near Troy, 2000 ft. ; Peck- ham, Clarendon, 2500* ft. Harris 9411! 10,976! 11,026! 11,042! This species is named after Mr. Robert Craig of Savoy, Clarendon, Avho has helped by sending specimens and in other ways in connection with the Flora of Jamaica. Byrsonima Smallii, sp. nov. Arbor 5 m. alt. Folia late ellip- tica, subobovata, apice rotundata, basi obtusa vel rotundata, chartacea, supra plus minus puberula, costa utrinque i)uberula, infra cetera glabra, 3-6 cm. 1., 2*2-3-5 cm. lat., nervis venisque su])ra subobsoletis, infra eximie reticulatis, vix i)rominulis ; petioli 8-11 mm. 1., ferru- gineo-tomentosi ; stipuhe ovatae, obtusae, ferrugineo-tomentosae, 1*5- 2 mm. 1. Eacf-mi 4 cm. 1. ; peduncuius 3-4 cm. 1. ; pedicelli ca. 6 mm. 1. ; rhachis, peduncuius atque pedicelli ferrugineo-tomentosi ; bractete ovato-oblongie in facie interna glabne, externa ferrugineo- tomentoste, 4 mm. 1. Sepala 4 mm. 1.. glandulis 2 mm. 1., triangulari- ovata obtusa, ferinigineo-tomentosa. Fetala sicca atrato-rosea ; lamina usque 4 mm. 1., 7 mm. lat., unguicula 3-4 mm. 1. Anthercd glabrae, ca. 1-3 mm. 1. Ovarivm glabrum. JDrtipa incognita. B. Berteroana Small in N. Amer. Fl. xxv. 167 (1910) (non A. Juss.). " Wild Cashew." Types in Herb. Mus. Brit. & Herb. Jam. Hah. In flower Aug.^ near Troy, 2000 ft., Harris 8763 ! This species is named in honour of John Kunkel Small, of the New York Botanical Garden, who has monographed the Malpigliiacece of the North American Flora. ^'OTES ox JAMAICA PLANTS 271 Zanthoxylum negrilense, sp. nov. ArhuscuJa 5 m. alt:i, ineniiis. Folia paripinnata, 1-5-3 dm. 1. ; f oliola 4-S, opposita, elliptica vel oblonga, apice obtusa subumai-gmata, interdum brevissime et abrupte acuminata, basi inaequilatera plus minus rotmidata, margine integra, 7-13 cm. 1., supra nitida, nervis prominalis et reticulato-anastomosantibus, eglandulosa ; petiolo sicut rhachi supra anguste canaliculato. InjloresceuticG terminales, pani- culato-corymbosai, 8 cm. 1. Garpidia 3. Cocci plej-umque 1, rarius 2, ellipsoidea, ad ventrem carinati, plus minus maniteste glanduloso- punctati et irregulariter rugoso-plicati, 5 mm. 1. ; endocarpio soluto, persistente ; cocci abortivi 1 mm. 1. Hah. In rocky woodland, near lighthouse, Negril, 300 ft. alt. Harris, 10,242 ! In Herb. Jam. This species is near the unarmed forms of Z. spinosum Sw., but differs in the much larger leaves. The specimen is in fruit and bears no flowers. VERONICA BUXBAUMII. By C. C. Lacaita, F.L.S. Synonymy. Veronica Tournefortii C. C. Gmel. Fl. Bad. i. p. 39 (1805). Veronica agrestis L. var. hyzantina Fl. Gr. i. p. 6, t. 8 (1806). Veronica persica Poir. Diet. viii. p. 512 (1808). Vero?iica Buxhaiimii Ten. Fl. Nap. i. p. 7, t. 1 (1811). Veronica liospita M. & K. Deutschl. Fl. i. p. 332 (1823). Veronica hyzantina Britton Stern. & Fogg. Prelim. Cat. N.Y. p. 40 (1888). Veronica areolata Colenso in Trans. N.Z. Inst. xxiv. p. 392 (1892). The competing names for this well-known naturalised British plant have often been discussed, but there still remains something to be said. Veronica Buxhaumii Ten. is the only one of these names the meaning of which is absolutely indisputable. In vol. xlii. of this Journal (1894) p. 253 its claims were defended by F. N. Williams against those of V. Touryiefortii Gmel. and V. persica Poir. Unfor- tunately his argument is based on the untenable premiss that both the latter names refer to V.filiformis Sm., a totally different species from Asia Minor which is never found naturalised in western Europe. In what follows I shall attempt to prove that V. Tournefortii Gmel. is a hopeless muddle of contradictory characters drawn partly from earlier descriptions of V. Jiliformis and partly from V. Buxhaiimii. The name is therefore inadmissible for either species and must be rejected altogether in conformity with Art. 51 clause 4 of the inter- national rules : " Everyone should refuse to admit a name when the group which it designates embraces elements altogether incoherent, or when it becomes a permanent source of confusion or error." This rule is just as cogent as that enjoining the use of the earliest published 272 THE JOURNAL OF BOTAJsT name, and it is fatal to E. Lehmann's defence of V. Tournefortii in his otherwise admirable paper on the agrestis group in Bull. Herb. Boiss. 2nd ser. viii. (1908). V. jjersica Poir., which comes next in order of date, is not V.Jili- formis, nor V. polita Fries as suggested by Lehmann, but can hardly be anything else than Y. Btixhaumii. Nevertheless its identity cannot be determined with absolute certainty until Poiret's original type can be found and examined : so far this has not been done and possibly the type no longer exists. V. persica therefore remains open to the' accusation of being nomen duhium, and the employment of Tenore's name, although the latest in date, is probably the safest course to follow. Buxbaum in plate xl. of his Plantae minus cognitae, Cent. i. (1727), shows two Veronicas of which he gives the old-style phrases on pp. 25, 26. Figure 1 represents Y. filiformis Sm. in Trans. Linn. Soc. i. p. 195 (1791), under the title of Yeronicn Orientalis^ Hederae terrestris folio, fiore «/ic»Tourn. Cor., collected in Bithynia near the Bosphorus and near Amasia. His quotation from Tournefort is not exact : the precise phrase in Tourn. Cor. p. 7 (1719) is Yeronica Orienfalis,foJiis Hederae terrestris^jiore magno. It is uncei-tain whether the substitution of " albo"" for ''magno"" was intentional or a slip of the pen. Smith calls the flower blue and Boissier (Fl. Or. iv. 466) says " corolla caerulea." Figure 2 is that on which Tenore based his name of Buxhaumii. It is called by Buxbaum himself Yeronica Jioscnlis ohJongis pedi- cidis insidenfibiis, Chamaedryos folio, major, and was collected in cornfields near Pera (Constantinople). The addition of the word major shows an intention to distinguish the plant from Y. fosciilis ohlongis pedicnlis insidentihiis, Chamaedryos folio oi Morison (Hist, pt. 2, p. 322, tab. xxiv. no. 22 (1672)), quoted by Tournefort (Inst, p. 145). Morison's plant has small corollas and is said to be found everywhere in fields and at the foot of walls ; it is commonly referred to Y. agrestis L. The ubiquity assigned to it at that date excludes the possibility of Morison having had Y. Bucchatimii in view. This ]jlant has also been wronglv referred to Y. filiformis Sm. by Savi (Bot. Etr. i. p. 15: 1808), DC. (FL Fr. Suppl. p. 388: 1815) and others. It is confusion between Buxbaum's two plants that makes Gmelin's name as well as that of Mertens and Koch unusable. The difference between them was well known to Tenore who saj^s, " The figure (2) of Buxbaum represents exactl}" this new species of Yeronica, but it has not been recognised or described by any botanist *. Yeronica filiformis, quite different from this, is placed by its side in the plate of the aforesaid author, and is quoted by Smith and by the Encyclopaedia." The distinction is clearh^ pointed out in M.B. Fl. Taur. Cauc. iii. pp. 16, 17 (1819) andean be studied in Boiss. Fl. Or. iv. p. 466. Gmelin's account of Y. Tovrnefortii is too ambiguous and con- tradictory for it to be possible for anyone who has not preconceived ideas to say what he really intended to describe. The very name * This is not quite correct, for Smith in Fl. Gr. had described the plant as a variety of F. (ujredin, but A\ithout referring to Buxbaum's figure. TEEONICA BUXBAUMII 273 V. Tournefo7'ti I is in reality only suitable for V.JiUformis based on F. orientalis etc. of Tourn. Cor. p. 7, and not for V. Buccbaumii, th| phrase for which is not to be found in Tournefort. The only synonyms quoted are V. filiformis Sm. and V. orientalis etc. Tourn. and Buxb. t. xl. f. 1 : (N.B. fig. 1, not fig. 2 to which there is no allusion). Then we are told that the root is perennial, which is obviously im- possible for V. Buj;batcmii though less unintelligible for V.Jiliformis, of which Boissier says " annua vel perennans." The capsules are called " semiorbiculata obcordata," which is precisely applicable to those of Jiliformis but not to those of Buxhaumii. On the other hand the leaves are said to be " cordato-ovata grosse dentato-serrata " which agrees with Buxhaumii but not Avith jiliformis. In short, there is such a muddle in Gmelin's account that his name must be unhesitatingly rejected for either species. The habitat he quotes is " Carlsruhe in the fields at the Holzhof, emigrated a few years ago from the botanical garden and now almost spontaneous." An escape from a botanical garden may be any species, but it is in favour of Bux- haumii that that form has established itself in later years over great part of Europe, whevesisjilijbrmis has not done so. To come to the claims of V. persica Poir. Williams's identifi- cation of this with V. JUiformis Sm. is certainly wrong, as Lehmann has pointed out. Poiret cannot have intended V. jiliformis because at p. 53^ he had already given a good account of that species, w^hich he had seen in Lamarck's herbarium. Did he then mean V. Bux- hauniii? I think so, in spite of the doubts expressed by Sjme (Engl. Bot. vi. p. 153; 1866), by Grenier (Fl. Jur. p. 586; 1865), and by Lehmann *. The last named author goes into the question most minutely (pp. 343-346) but comes to no definite conclusion. He was not really concerned to settle the identity of Poiret's plant, because from his point of view the name persica would at most amount to a synonym of Gmelin's Tournefortii. It is therefore all the more odd that he should have been so microscopically obseivant of the mote in Poiret's e3'e, whilst closing his own to the beam in< Gmelin's : but then Poiret was a Frenchman and Gmelin a German.. We must admit that Poiret's work in Diet. Enc^^cl. is notoriousl}'^ full of inaccuracies ; nevertheless there is every probability that his; V. persica is precisely V. Buxhaumii. He states that it grows in Persia, but describes it from specimens cultivated in the Jardin des Plantes at Paris ; he refers to no s3'nonym or figure. Objection has been taken to this identification on account of three characters which are said not to suit V. Buxhaumii. These are: (1) " Pedoncules .... ordinairement un peu plus conrts que les feuilles. (2) La corolle . . . . un peu plus court que le calice. (3) Capsule .... a peine de la longueur du calice, a deux lobes ventrus divergents." To take these in order. (1) As Lehmann has pointed out, the- remark about the flower-stalks is not fatal. Brand in the last edition^ * Syme nevertheless says " it is probable that the name F. persica ought to be- adopted," and Grenier's objections were an afterthong-ht, for in G. & G. Fl. Fr.. ii. p. 598 (1850) the name persica is used without comment. Eouy (Fl. Fr. xi.. p. 53: 1909) uses V. Buxhaumii with V. persica " diagn. valde ambigua, charact. iniaust." as synonymous. 274; THE JOURNAL OF JJOTANT of Koch's Si/nopsis, p. 205, srys that these do not always show their characteristic length, but in winter-Howering specimens are often i'ound hardly exceeding the leaf. Boissier describes them " folio plerumque longioribus " as against those of Jiliformis, " folio mul- ioties longioribus." Now it is precisely this contrast that Poiret was concerned to point out, for he had described those of Jiliformis as "au moins quatre fois plus longs que les feuilles." * • (2) This statement, if Poiret really meant it, is by far the gravest objection. Grenier says " du moment que Poiret declare avoir vu la plante vivante, et atiirme qiie la coroUe est plus petite que le calice il ne me parait plus possible d'appliquer a notre plante le nom propose par lui." Lehmann, however (p. 3^5), recalls the observa- tion of Bateson & Pertz (in Proc. Cambr. Phil. Soc. x. 2, p. 78 ; 1S99), that small corollas occur in V. Bucchaumii as an anomalj^, and states that in the botanical garden at Leipzig in the summer of 1907 he found plants in which all the corollas were smaller than the calyx, whether indicating a hereditar}^ race or due to some special local condition. My ow^i explanation of Poiret's statement is simjDler, though I admit that it is a mere guess. I fancy that *' corolle un peu plus courte " was a mere slip of the pen for " corolle un peu plus longue." (3) It is to this that another of Grenier's criticisms is directed. " Les caracteres de la capsule donnes par Poiret ne peuvent qu'aug- menter les doutes deja si legitimes, car il dit ; capsule a peine de la longueur du calice, a deux lobes ventrus. Or voila encore des traits qui ne conviennent point a notre plante, dont la capsule comprimee est tou jours plus courte que le calice." Observe that two separate objections are raised («) to the comparative length of capsule and calyx, and {b) to the form of the capsule. As to («) ; where is the contradiction ? Poiret says ''hardh^ so long as the calyx" ; Grenier says that is wrong because it is always " shorter than the calyx." Surely it is ridiculous hairsplitting to reject Poiret's name on the difference between '* shorter than " and " hardl}^ so long as." Leh- mann judiciously ignores this objection and only takes notice of (Jb), the form of the capsule. But on this point both he and Grenier are grossly unfair, quoting " lobes ventrus " but omitting the word " divergents " ! It is quite true that " ventrus " is objectionable, for the ripe capsule is compressed, as described by Tenore. But whoever will take the trouble to look at the capsules while still green on the live plant, will see that they have not yet developed the character " compressed and carinate " which they acquire later. If Poiret was describing the plant in an early stage it would account for the " lobes ventrus " ; for the short llower-stalks ; and possiblj^ even for the small corollas. But what about the " lobes divergents " ? This phrase, so carelessly — or carefully — omitted by Grenier and by Lehmann, is absolutely conclusive for Buxhaumii. It will not fit any other European species of the section, and is fatal tf) Lehmann's unfortunate suggestion tliat Poiret's plant may be V. j)olita Fries. He hints, as an alternative, that it may be an * This contrast is alone sufficient to condemn Williams's identification. TEEOXICA BUXBAUMII 275 intermediate between V. poUta and V. Tournefortii (sc. F. Bux- haumii). This is too speculative. If he had seen and examined a type of Poiret's before making the suggestion, it might be taken into consideration, but as a hypothetical explanation of Poiret's loose language it is somewhat too a 'priori even for the German school. In favour of the position V. persica= V. Buxbaumii are Poiret's words " cette j^lante oft're tons les caracteres du V. agrestis, mais elle est bien plus grande." The association with agrestis might seem to admit of V. poliia, but the words " bien plus grande " would exclude Pries's species, even apart from the divergent lobes of the capsule. Lastly come Gaudin's observations in PL Helv. i. p. 36 (1828), of which Lehmann, p. 3-14, intentionally or unintentionally, sup- presses the part that is favourable to the identification of persica with Biixhaiimii. Here is the whole : " V. Buxhaumii Ten. ; V. persica H. P. cei*to ; Poir. Encycl. (ob pedunculos folio p?ulo bre- viores et corollas cah'ce minores syn. dub.) V. persica H. P. quam in eo horto legit amiciss. J. Gay ac mecum communicavit, a nostra neutiquam differre videtur, etsi pedunculos paulo breviores habet." Things which are equal to the same thing are equal to each other. Poiret described the H. P. plant. The H. P. plant in 1828 was V. Buxhaumii. Until it is possible to examine the specimen which, as M. Lecompte informs me, still exists in Poiret's Herbarium in Mus. Par., this is surely as near as possible to proof that the plant described by him Avas V. Buxhaumii. It has sometimes been objected to Gmelin's name that in 1805 there was already an earlier V. Tournefortii in existence. The reasons given above for its rejection are quite sufficient without rely- ing on this technicality, to which I only allude because it has become a focus of misstatements. The earlier Veronica Tourne- fortii is not due to Villars, as commonly supposed. Lehmann exer- cises a vivid imagination when he says at p. 341, " Villars in Prosp. Dauph. 1779, p. 30 eine V. Allionii var. Tournefortii beschreibt, die er schon am Ende dieser Arbeit und w^iterhin in Histoire des PL Dauph. 1787 zur Art erhebt." It is not ti-ue that Villars describes a V. Allionii var. Tournefortii in the Prosp. Dauph. It is not true that he raises it to a species at the end of that work. It is not true that it is to be found as a species in Hist. PL Dau^Dh. "What are the facts? In the Prospectus at p. 20 he describes V. Allionii and assigns as a synonym, not as a variety, V. mas repens pyrenaica folio rotundo liirsuta Tourn. The name var. Tournefortii does not occur. There is no further allusion to this or to an}^ other Veronica in the Prospectus. Nor is the name mentioned, either as species or as variety, in the Fl. Delph. of 1785, But in Hist. PL Dauph. ii. (1787) V. Allionii appears at p. 8 without Tournefort's synonym, and at ^. 9 we find " B. V. Tournefortii Prosp. 20 " with the synonym in question, and further on " la variete B. ne differe de la precedente " (sc. V. Allionii) " que jmr etc." This passage creates V. Allionii var. Tournefortii., if you will, but not a species Veronica Tournefortii. No doubt it is Villars's own erroneous citation of his Prospectus that has led to the careless attribution to him of a specific name which is really due to Schmidt, 27(3 THE JOURNAL OF BOTANY Fl. Boem. p. 7 (1793). But Schmidt's V. Touniefortii, although he quotes V. caule repente etc. Vill. and V. mas repens pyrenaica etc. Tourn., is a plant of the Bohemian ranges, probably different from Y. AUionii var. Tournefortii Vill., though identical with V. officinalis as suspected by Schmidt himself and determined by Celakovsky in Fl. Bohm. p. 326. There also exists an earlier V. Buxhaumii, of F. W. Schmidt in Mayer's Samml. Phys. Aufs. i. p. 187 (1791), wrongly referred by Ind. Kew. to V. pectinata. As Lehmann has shown, p. 478, this is really V. hederifoUa L. Thus if Gmelin's name had to be rejected only on account of a prior V. Touniefortii, Tenore's should be set aside with equal justice by reason of the V. Buxhaumii F. W. Schmidt, unless it can be proved that between 1791 and 1811 some author had deliberately and finally reduced Schmidt's name to a synonym or variety of some still earlier species. It is for this reason that the American botanists have set u]) the name of V. hyzantina. One word about V. hospita M. & K. These authors set up that name to include as one species with two varieties both V. Buxhaumii and V.Jiliformis. Of course the German form Avhich they took for Jiliformis is not that species, but a variation of Buxhaumii. Koch in the first edition of tlie Synopsis, p. 530 (1838), admits the mistake and adopts Tenore's name. It is a pity that Smith did not assign specific rank to his V. agrestis var. hyzantina, which is indisputabh' V. Buxhaumii, for then we should have had an earlier name than Poiret's free from any obscurity. Of course the rules of priority make it impossible, except for American botanists, to accept V. hyzantina Britton Stern. & Pogg. The identity of V. areolata Colenso with V. Buxhaumii has been recognised by Cheeseman, Man. N. Z. Fl. p. 1082 (1896), and confirmed by Lehmann. THE BOTANY OF BUENHAM BEECHES. Br J. G. Bakee, F.R.S., F.L.S. BuRXHAM Beeches is the name given to 374 acres of wild forest land in the south of Buckinghamshire. It formerh^ belonged to the Grenville family, whose seat was at Dropmore two miles distant, but it has been bought by the Corporation of London for the benefit of the public. About half the area is woodland and the other half common, but they pass into one another gradually. The soil is sandy and gravelly. There are three pools much overgrown by vegetation and a small amount of bog. The flora is not a large one, and there is not much range in situation and it is probable that nine plants — Beech, Birch, Oak, Holly, Bracken, Ling, Bell Heather and two grasses Deschampsia Jlexuosa and Molinia ccerulea — occupy quite three quarters of the whole area. I liave marked with a star the dominant species, and with a dagger those that only grow in the bordering hedges, hedgebanks and roadsides, and not in the depths of the forest. The list was made late in July and early in August and no doubt THE BOTANY OF BUEXHAM BEECHES 2,77 many early-flowering species have been overlooked. None of the area exceeds 100 yds. above sea-level, so that Burnham Beeches all falls in Watson's Inferagrarian zone. fClematis Vitalba, Ranunculus heterophvllus, R. acris, R. repens, R. Flammula. X3^mph8ea alba, Nuphar luteum. Nasturtium offici- nale, fSinapis arvensis, fCapsella Bm-sa-pastoris, fRaphanus Ra- phanistrum. Viola palustris, V. odorata, V. sylvatica. Lychnis dioica, Stellaria graminea, S. uliginosa, Spergularia rubra, Hypericum perforatum. fMalva rotundifolia. Geranium Robertianum, Oxalis Acetosella. tAcer Pseudoplatanus. *Ilex Aquifoliura. Euonymus europaeus. Rhamnus Frangula. Genista anglica, Ulex europseus, U. Gallii, Cy- tisus scoparius, *Trifolium repens, T. pratense, T. minus, Lotus corniculatus, L. major, Vicia sepium. Prunus spinosa, Potentilla Anserina, *P. Tormentilla, Rubus id^eus, R. rhamnifolius, fR. coryli- folius, -fR. rusticanus, R. pulcherrimus, R. Sprengelii, R. dasyphyllus, Agrimonia Eupatoria, * Crataegus monogyna, Pyrus Malus, P. Aria, Rosa canina, farvensis. Drosera rotundifolia. Epilobium angus- tifolium, E. obscurum, E. palustre. fBryonia dioica. Hydro- cotyle vulgaris, Helosciadium nodiflorum, Heracleum Sphondylium, *Anthriscus sylvestris, Torilis Anthriscus. Hedera Helix. Galium fMoUugo, palustre, G. saxatile, G. verum, fG. Aparine. Sambucus nigra, Lonicera Periclymenum. Scabiosa Succisa, *Knautia arvensis. fBellis perennis, Solidago Virgaurea, Achillea Millefolium, fMatricaria Chamomilla, fChrysanthemum Leucanthemum, Senecio Jacoba^a, fArctium Lappa, Centaurea nigra, Cnicus palustris, C. ar- vensis, fLapsana communis, fCrepis virens, Hieracium boreale, *Leon- todon autumnalis, fTaraxacum officinale. * Campanula rotundifolia. *Erica Tetralix, E. cinerea, *Calluna vulgaris. Menyanthes tri- foliata. Myosotis palustris. f Con volvulus arvensis, fC. sepium, Cuscuta Epithymum. fSolanum Dulcamara. Plantago major, P. lanceolata. Veronica Beccabunga, Melampyrum pratense, Pedi- cularis sylvatica. Mentha sativa, Lycopus europaeus, Th3'mus Ser- pyllum, *Calamintha Clinopodium, fGlechoma hederacea, Stachys sylvatica, *Galeopsis Tetrahit, fLamium album, fL. purpm'eum, Teucrium Scorodonia, fBallota nigra. Polygonum amphibium, P. Persicaria, P. H3Tlropiper, Rumex sanguineus var. viridis, R. conglomeratus, R. obtusifolius, R. Aceto- sella. Mercurialis perennis, Euphorbia amygdaloides. fUlmus campes- tris, fHumulus Lupulus,tUrtica dioica. *Betula alba, Alnus glutinosa, *Quercus pedunculata, Corylus Avellana, *Fagus sylvatica. Populus tremula, Salix fragilis, S. cinerea, S. caj^rea, S. repens. Pinus sylvestris (planted), Juniperus communis. Iris Pseudacorus. Narthecium Ossifragum. Juncus effusus, J. conglomeratus, J. glaucus, J. squarrosus. Sparganium ramosum. *Arum maculatum. Alisma Plantago. Potamogeton natans. Rhyn- chospora alba, Scirpus fluitans, Carex stellulata, C. ovalis, C. binervis. Anthoxanthum odoratum, Phleum pratense, Agrostis vulgaris, *Des- champsia flexuosa, J), caespitosa, Holcus lanatus, H. mollis, Trisetum flavescens, Arrhenatherum avenaceum, Triodia decumbens, Cynosurus cristatus,, *Molinia cserulea, Melica uniflora, Dactylis glomerata, 278 THE JOUHXAL OF BOTAXT Poa pratensis, Festuca pratensis, *F. ovina, Bi'omus mollis, Braeliy- podiuni svlvatiuum, Lolium perenne, Nardus stricta. *Ptens Aquilina. Equisetum limosum. NOTE ON KITCHIEA. Br James Brittex, F.L.S. This genus is always cited as of liobert Brown, with a reference to his " Observations on . . . the more remarkable plants " published in the Appendix to the Narrative of Travels by Denham and Clapper- ton. (1S20), pp. 208-248. A consultation of this work however (p. 225) shows that not only that there is no diagnosis of the genus, but that its mention is merely incidental : the passage runs : " All the species referred to Cratceva by M. De CandoUe really belong to it, except C.fragrans, which, with some other plants from the same continent, forms a very distinct genus, which I shall name Rifchiea, in memory of the African traveller -svhose botanical merits have already been noticed." This relates to p. 209, where Brown refers to a herbarium formed by [Joseph] Ritchie near Tripoli and on the (xharian hills, consisting of 59 species carefully preserved, " the par- ticular places of growth " being indicated '* and observations added on the structure of a few." In addition to the genus, Brown also com- memorated him in Colchicum Ritchii (sic: op. cit. 241). Some account of Ritchie will be found in Diet. Nat. Biogr. xlviii. 323, and the Narrative of Travels in Northern Africa (1821) by Captain G. F. Lyon, who accompanied him, gives details of the journey (which, however, contains no reference to plants) and of Ritchie's illness and death. That Brow^n was thoroughly acquainted with the species which he made the type of his genus is shown by the very full description of it in his numerous MSS. on the Cajyparidece * : it may however be doubted whether he intended to limit Ritchiea as it has been subsequently understood, as it will be observed that he asso- ciated with C.fragrans "some other plants" as forming the new genus, none of which were indicated by himself or contemporary writers. The earliest description of the genus that I have found is that of George Don (Gen. S^^st. i. 276: 1831), where the name is spelt Richiea. It will be seen that the combination Ritchiea fragrans was not actually made by Brown, although, as in the case of the genus, it has become customary to attach his name to it. Nor does it seem that it can stand, in view of the earlier description of C. fra grans by Andrews as C. capparoides. Sims, who gave it the former name, says (Bot. Mag, 6. 590) : "It is at the desire of Dr. Afzelius [who discovered the plant] that we have given it the specific name of fragrans, that of capparoides, equally applicable to other species of Cratceva, though hastily given by him to Mr. Evans, as something to * It may be desirable again to call attention to the extensive collection of Bro\vn's MSS. in the National Herbarium which, though seldom if ever con- bultcd, contain a vast amoiuit of unpublished information. NOTE ON EITCIITEA. 279 remeraher it by, being never intended for publication." Be this as it may, published it was, and the plant must be known as JR. ccqipa- roides. The following may stand as a statement of the position of genus and species : RiTCHiEA K. Br. in Narrative of Travels by Denham and Clapperton, 225: 1826, {nomen)'\ G. Don, Gen. Syst. i. 276: 1831 {Richiea). R. CAPPAEOiDES comb. nov. Cratceva capparoides Andr. Bot. Hep. t. clxxvi. (1801). C.fragrans Sims, Bot. Mag. t. 596 (Oct. 1, 1802). C. moschata Herb. Banks ex Sims 1. c. liifcliiea fragrans R. Br. ex G. Don, 1, c, et auct. : Gilg in Engl. Bot. Jahrb. xxxiii. 208 (1902), liii. 176 (1915). Gilg (1. c.) queries the locality Sierra Leone, but our specimen from Afzelius is so endorsed. There was no specimen from Ritchie in Brown's herbarium. TROPICAL AMERICAN RUBIACE^.— IX. By H. F. Weexham, D.Sc, F.L.S. (Continued from p. 254.) Palicourea acanthaceoides, sp. nov. Frutex ramulis rectis graci- liusculis, minutiuscule in novitate pubescentibus demum glabrescentibus Isevibus, superioribus saltem sub nodos valde modo Acanthacearum con- strictis, in inflorescentiis angustissime necnon longissime cylindrico- pyramidalibus terminantibus laxiusculis cymularum racemosis. Folia angusta lanceolata utrinque longe leniterque acuminata, supra glabra subtus in venis patente-pubescentia, crassiuscula coriacea, venis subtus prsesertim principal! prominentibus, secundariis utrinque ca. 15 ; stipulce persistences basi subvaginantes late necnon breviter oblongse pubescentes aristis 3 distantibus lanceolatis instructse rigidiusculis acutis. Tuflorescentice rachis elongata validiuscula striata ferrugineo- pubescentis, hracteis parvis setaceis necnon conspicuis, cymulse late- rales pedunculate pauciflorse laxiusculse. Calyx minimus late rotunde lobatus ; corollce tubus latiusculus cylindricus extus sparse rufo- pilosus glabrescens, lobis brevibus anguste oblongis obtusis erectis. Peru : Mathews 1946 ! Allied to P. angustifolia H. B. K., from Avhich it differs in the much more ample and longer inflorescence, and in the shorter, rela- tively stouter and more tubular flowers. Leaves 11-16 cm. x 3- 3*7 cm., drying a very bright vivid gi-een, with petiole 4-10 mm. long; stipules, sheathing basal part 2-3 mm., prongs about the same length. The branchlets run directly into the median rachis of the inflorescence, and the lowest branch of the latter may arise imme- diately above the last leaf-node. The rachis may grow to nearly 30 cm. in length ; the width of the inflorescence at the base is about 8 or 9 cm. Corolla rarely much more than 1 cm. in length and -+- 3 mm. wide. 280 THE JOriJNAL OF IJOTAXY Palicourea acetosoides, sp. nov. Frutex nisi sparsissime foliorum subtus in vena central! minute pilosus glaber, ramulis lieve striatis obtuse subangulatis. Folia iirme papyraeea elliptico-obovata apice vix acuminata basi leniter in petiolum pro rata brevem cuneatini angustata ; sfipjilce man^ev bifurcatie infra longiuscule caulem arete vaginantes. Flores minimi in cymulis lateralibus nisi basin versus longiusculis pro rata brevissimis ramulis gracilibus, in rachide princi- pali ramulum eontinuante elongatissimo dispositi validiusculo, hracteis exiguis. Cali/x parvus subcoriaeeus obscuriuscule lobatus, lobis oblongis obtusis. Corolla breviter oblonga tubularis, limbo suberecto breviter obtuse lobato, extus minutissime necnon sparsiuscule sul- phureo-pulverulens. Colombia : Triana 126 ! Allied to the Brazilian Psyclwfria (§ Palicourea) tahacifolia Mnell. Arg., from which it differs chieflv in the oblong shape and size of the corolla, with its very small lobes. Leaves ca. 16 cm. X()'o cm., with stalk barely 1*5 cm. at most ; secondary veins, about 15 pairs ; sheath of stipules 5 mm. long, with two lanceolate prongs, I'o mm. apart, over 2 mm. long, between the petiole bases on each side of the stem. Main rachis of injlorescence as much as 30 cm. or longer ; at the base it bears one or two slender branches about 6 cm. long ; for the rest of its length there are no branches exceeding 1 or 2 cm., and they are ascending ; the whole inflorescence is thus spicate, and ver^^ slender. The tubular flowers are barely 4 mm, long. Palicourea irrasiflora, sp. nov. Ramuli valde complanati laeves nisi minute pulverulentes glaberrimi. Folia opposita magna papy- raeea glabra, elliptica apice acuminata obtusa basi breviter cuneata, breviuscule petiolata, petiolo compresso ; stipulce caducissimse vesti- gium nee relinquentes. Flores pedicellati in paniculis subthyrsoi- rousness, ample inflorescences, and short stout 4-merous corolla. The leaven are varial)le, both in shape and size, measuring from 4 cm. to 12 cm. in length, and 2 cm. to 5 cm. in breadth ; ^vith rather stout stalk from 4 mm. to 12 mm. long ; the stijmlar sheath is 4-8 mm. deep. The injlorescence brandies from the very base, or arises upon a sliort peduncle, and is as much as 15 cm. across. Cah/x less than a millimetre long ; corolla-twhQ not exceeding 6 or 7 mm. in length, the lobes 2 mm. Cepliaelis ostreophora, sp. nov. Frutex glaber ramulis novellis com])ress()-striatis tenuiusculis deraum subteretibus. Folia lirme membranacea, lanceolata longe acuminata acuta, basi rotundata, ])etiolo brevissimo ; vense secundaria? utrinque ca. 9 ; stipiilce ])arv5ie l)asi brevissime triangulares insuper in aristis 2 subsetaceis persisten- tibus desinentes. Flores in capitulis cymosis minusculis 7-10-floris, ])edunculo breviusculo gracili minute pubescente dispositi sessiles, braetearum involucro ad basin liberarum circumdatis ; quse hracfece (exteriores saltem) late ovatse cordataj acuminata? acuta^, palmatim e basi venatae, in siccitate in centro brunnea? aliter subazureae. Cah/x minimus inconspicuus cupularis subinteger ; corolla graciliter elon- gata extus glaberrima, limbo angusto patente, involucrum excedens. Colombia : Triana ! Allied to C. Evea DC, but leadily distinguished by the persistent seta3 of the stipules, the smaller corolla with relativel}" much smaller limb, the more delicate and curiously tinted involucral leaves, etc. The leaven are 7-11 cm, long, by 2-8-8-5 cm. broad, the stalk not exceeding 8 mm. ; stipules with seta? to 8 mm. or longer. Peduncle to 2 cm. long ; hrac/s of involucre zt 1"7 cm. x 1*8 cm. Corolla- tube 1*6 cm. long, limb barely 5 mm. in diameter; sf^/le exserted about 5 mm. Cephaelis ps3udaxillaris, sp. nov. Frutex glaber ramulis valde com])resso-sulcatis gracilibus. Folia firme chartacea, elliptico-lan- ceolata utrinque acuta acuminata, supra in siccitate olivaceo-brunnea subfusca subtus ])allidiora, basi in petiolum gracilem brevem leniter angustata ; ven;e secundarife tenerrimae subtus ])rominuhe iitriiupie ca. 1)12; sfipuhe inajuscula? ovato-oblongje vaginantes. Flores in ('a|)itulis aliribus dense congesti parvi, inllorescentije ramulis in anthesi su))pressis demum in fructu ap])arentil)us nee tanien elongatis; capituhe stipulis necnon hracteis ])aiicis membranaceis latis ma jusculis involucri modo involucrat;e sul)inclusie. Calj/x exiguus breviter dentatus : corolla brevis infundilmlaris, ore dense barbata, dentllius triangularilius ltivvil)us deiuum ivllexis acutiusculis onusta. Bacca TllOPICAL AilEllIGAX 11UBIACE.E 28-5 subpyriformis j^arva angula to- sulcata, pedicellum subaequans v. ex- cedens. Colombia : Choio, Barbacoas, 3200 ft. Triana 1689 ! Allied to G. axillaris, from which it is easily distinguished by the corolla and fruit-characters. Leaves 8-16 cm. x 8*5-5-5 cm. ; with petiole rarely over 1*5 cm. long ; stipules to 1 cm. long. Heads, 1"5 cm. wide and rather more than 1 cm. long. Gjrolla 5-6 mm. long, limb about 4-5 mm. wide. Berry 5 mm. long and about 3 mm. wide in the upj)er part. PLANTS OF SEYCHELLES AND ALDABRA. Br W. B. HE^iisLEY, F.R.S., and W. B. Tuiuiill, B.Sc. Last 3'ear a beginning was made in this Journal (Supplement ii. pp. 24 and pp. 361 to 363) with the publication of the botanical results of the Percy Sladen Expedition to the Indian Ocean, together with a few additional new plants collected by the Hon. H. P. Thom- asset and Mr. P. K. Dupont, Curator of the Botanic Station at Mahe. A combination of adverse circumstances prevented the continuation of the work, which will have to remain in abeyance at least until the war is over. It is ho2)ed, however, that the publication of the Flora of Aldabm may be proceeded with separately before the end of the present year. In connection with this a few additional descriptions have come to light, and these it seems desirable to publish, as some of the names have already got into circulation. ' Vitex Hornei Hemsl. {VerhenacecB) ; species ex aifinitate V. leiico- xyloiiis L. Arbor magna (fide Hornei) ramulis florigeris crassiusculis rigidis rectis compressis, petiolis petiolulisque primum glauco-pulverulentis. Folia digitato-quinquefoliolata, ramorum sterilium ampla, fiorigero- rum minora, omnia longe petiolata, glabra vel cito glabrescentia ; foliola longiuscule petiolulata, coriacea, oblanceolata, obot'ata vel fere oblonga, cum petiolulis 5-30 cm. longa, deorsum attenuata, apice rotundata, nonnunquam abrupte obtuseque acuminata, margine cris- pato-crenulata ; venie primariai laterales utrinque circiter 9, sat con- spicuse ; costa valida, supra impressa, subtus elevata ; petioluli canali- eulati ; petioli usque ad 15-20 cm. longi, in ramis florigeris 6-10 cm. longi. Cymse feniigineo-puberula?, compositae, circiter 5 cm. dia- metro, densae, in axillis folionun sujjremorum pedunculata?, quam folia breviores ; bractete hneares vel filiformes, 2-5 nun. longa^. Flores parvi, numerosi, brevissime pedicellati. Calyx pubescens, cam- panulatus, 3-4 mm. long-us, brevissime 5-dentatus. Corolla ventri- cosa, extus dense tomentosa, circiter 1 cm. 'longa, oblique bilabiata, labii inferioris lobo intermedio multo majore orbiculari-crispato, intus antice hirsuto. Stamina vix exserta, filamentis basi fimbriatis. Stylus glaber, inclusus, breviter bifidus. Diiipa oblonga vel ellip- soidea, 2-2*5 cm. longa, calyce brevi subtenda, endocar2)io osseo obscure 4-sulcato.- FiVe.r species unnamed? Baker, Flora of Mauri- tius, 256. 286 THE JOURNAL OF BOTANY Malie : A large tree common in man}'- parts on the shore, Horne^ 547 ; Cascade Estate, Thomasset, 124 ; Gardiner. Justicia Gardiner! Tvn-rill {Acanthacece') ; species J. mnfamensi Oliver athnis sed cauHbus erectis simplicibus, foliis apice attenuatis utrinqiie ])uberulis, spicis densioribus distinguitur. Caules erecti, simphces, superne minute puberuU. Folia lanceo- late- vel ovato-elliptica, apice attenuata, subobtusa, basi subaciita vel fere rotundata, petiolo 2 cm, longo dense puberulo excluso usque ad 10 cm. longa et 3*5 cm. lata, costa et nervis lateralibus utrinque cir- citer 8 pagina utraque prominentibus subtus pra^cipue dense puberulis. SpiccB in foliorum superiorum axillis 2-3-aggregatse vel solitariae, secunditlorae, pedunculo 1*5 cm. longo incluso circiter 3 cm. longie, dense puberula? ; bractese oblongo-lanceolatfe, acutie, 5 m.m. longae, 1'25 mm. lata?, puberula?, ciliatse ; bracteohe lanceolatse, acutissimae, 3 mm. longse, 0"5 mm. latae, puberuhe, ciliatte. Sepal a 5, inter se plus rainusve insequalia, lanceolata, acutissima, puberula, ciliolata. Corolla 6 mm. longa, extus j)uberula, labio antico triloba to 3*5 mm. longo, postico leviter emarginato 2*25 mm. longo. Stamina duo, antheris bilocularibus, loculis insequalibus, inferiore distincte calcarato. Discus irregulariter lobatus, glaber, 0*75 mm. altus. Stylus dense puberulus. Capsula C34indrico-ellipsoidea, apice attenuata, acuta, pul3erula. Silhouette. A common herb in moist j^laces of cultivation, Gar- diner, 112. Riseleya Hemsl. Genus novum Euphorbiacearum, ex affinitate Uapacae, a qua differt imprimis perianthii (involucri?) segmentis 4 decussatim valvatis, staminibus 30-40 et ovarii rudimento in flore masculo nullo. R. Griffithii Hemsl. Species unica. Arbor mediocris, pulchra (fide l)u])ontii), prater flores glabra, ramis florigeris crassiusculis arcuatis, cortice cinereo rugoso. Folia alterna, coriacea, rigida, breviter petio- lata ; lamina oblongo-ellijDtica, saepius 10-20 cm. longa, obtusa, utrinque plus minusve rotundata, supra nitida, subtus venis reticulatis sat conspicuis ; petiolus validus, 1-1-5 cm. longus. Flores dioici, sericeo-tomentosi, circiter 1-5 cm. diametro, pedicellati, in axillis foliorum solitarii vel fasciculati, pedicellis pubescentibus 1-2 cm. longis. Perianthium (involucrum ?) coriaceum, 4-pai'titum, seg- mentis decussatim valvatis (2 exterioribus 2 interioribus) crassis orbiculari-spathulatis. Flores masculi : stamina circiter 35-40, libera vel obscure fasciculata, fasciculis perianthii segmentis oppositis. Discus adsquamas parvas (an nectariferas ?) redactus, inter perianthii segmenta et stamina enatus. Ovarii rudimentum nullum. Flores feminei : Discus annulatus, angustus, hirsutus. Staminodia nulla. Ovarium sa?pissime biloculare, tomentosum ; stigma sessile, carnosum, sajpissime bilobatum, lobis amplis reniformibus grosse fimbriatis. Ovula in quoque loculo 2, coUateralia, al) placenta carnosa pendula. Fructus iulvo-tomentosus, carnosus, 2-locularis et ovoideus, vel rarissime 3-l(jcularis et globosus, 4*5-5 cm. diametro maximo ; epi- carjjium coriaceum ; mesocar]>ium scleroso-carnosum ; endocarpium cartilagineum, nervosum. Semina oblongo-ovoidea, circiter 3 cm. PLANTS OF SEYCHELLES AND ALDAERA 287 .longa. Embryo centralis, rectus, albumen fere sequans ; cotyledon es foliacea?, cordatae ; radicula brevis. JJapaca Grijfitliii Hemsl. MSS. in herbariis nonnuUis. Mahe : T. Risely Griffith, 1893 ; Thomasset, 157, 187. Apparently this tree is confined to Mahe, where, according to Thomasset, it was formerly common in the mountains, though it escaped Home and other early collectors. Specimens were first aent to Kew in 1893 by the Hon. T. Risely Griffith, then Government Administrator. These specimens were in fruit and my colleague Mr. N. E. Brown provisionally referred them to JJapaca of Baillon, a genus restricted to tropical Africa and Madagascar, In 1903 1 had to deal with fruiting specimens sent by Mr. Thomasset and I provisionally named the plant JJapaca Griffithii, and this name has a limited circulation, though a description of the plant has not hitherto been published. In 1905 Mr. Thomasset sent to Kew excellent flowering specimens, both male and female, and from their sti-ucture I was led to the belief .that this tree could not be included in the genus JJapaca. A more complete examination of the material has confirmed me in my opinion and I now name it in memory of the discoverer. Apart from the question whether the floral envelope is of the nature of an involucre or of a perianth, there are differences which I consider of generic value. But I regard the floral envelope of Riseleya as a true perianth. On the other hand, there is no doubt that it is an involucre in JJapaca, with several male flowers within each involucre ; each male flower being provided with a small perianth and a central pistillode. The involucre of JJapaca consists of five, or more, imbricate segments : whereas the perianth of Riseleya both of male and female flowers is composed of four parts in opposite valvate pairs. The stamens are grouped in almost linear, not circular, clusters, opposite the perianth segments, with a very small (nectariferous ?) scale between the stamens and the segments. The centre of the concave hairy torus is otherwise bare. I have placed Riseleya near JJapaca more, perhaps, on account of its former association than its real affinity, yet I do not know of any better position for it among the genera having geminate ovules. Phyllanthus Schimperianus Hemsl. (UiipJtorhiacece). Arbor communis (fide Thomasset) ramis rigidis rectis glabrescentibus ; ramuli laterales floriferi, graciles, pubescentes, internodiis quam folia multo brevioribus. Folia breviter graciliterque petiolata, tenuissima, papyracea, disticha, oblonga vel elliptico-oblonga, usque ad 2 poll, longa, sed plerumque minora, utrinque rotundata, apice nunc minute apiculata nunc obscure emarginata, subtus pallida, venis tenuis«imis eleganter reticulatis. Flores utriusque sexus intermixti ; masculi pentandri ; feminei staminibus imperfectis muniti. Capsula ignota. Mahe: Cajjucin at 1000 ft., Diipont; without localitv, Thomas- set, 28. Specimens of this RhyUanthus formed part of a small collection of Seychelles plants made by Mr. H. P. Thomasset for the late AV. Schinq^er, botanist to the German Deep-Sea Expedition, who sent 288 THE JOURXAL OF BOTAXT the plants to Kew in 1901 for identification and description. This, task was given to me and I furnislied a report on the same in 1902 for jniblication ; but I believe it has never appeared. Dioscorea nesiotis Hemsl. {Dioscoreacecs) ; species ex affinifcite D. Tiisonl Baker (Africie australis incola), a qua differt omnino glal)ra, iloribus minoribus. Herba tuberosa undique glabra, eaulibus scandentibus gracillimis monocarpicis. Folia alterna, cum petiolo gracili usc^ue ad 10-12 cm. lon.'Lra, 3-'3-f()liolata ; foliola tenuissima, subsessilia, ovato-oblonga, 2-8 cm. longa, acute acuminata, venis inconspicuis. Flores uni- sexuales, ut videtur, dioici, minimi, simpliciter racemosi, racemis axil- laribus solitariis vel interdum binis breviter pedunculatis, masculinis quam femineis brevioribus axi per anthesin fere ca])illari : llores mas- culini distinete pedicellati pedicellis bracteis a^quilongis acutis sub- tendis. Perianthii segmenta fere libera, circiter 1-25 mm. longa, ovali-oblonga, apiculata. Stamine 6, filamentis brevissimis. Flores feminei perfecti non visi. Perianthii segmenta oblonga 1-5-2 mm. longa. Kncenii fructigeri 15-20 cm. longi, densi. Capsula 3-alata, alis fere semiorbicularibus circiter 1 cm. latis. Semina orbicularia, compressa, circumcirca ala membranacea cincta. Aldabra: Thomasset, 21.S, 211. The same species was collected in Assumption by Dupont, 118. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTES. LXIX. The PAGE-HEADiNa of Periodicals. Ix three of the earlier notes in this series (Journ. Bot. 1891, 180, 271; 1896, 168) 1 dealt with certain points in connection with the dating and indexing of periodicals which seemed to demand attention. The suggestions made in the two former of these were, as I w^as able to sav when writing the last of them, in so many cases acted upon that ] am venturing now to add a note on another matter relating to l)eriodicals which may perhaps prove equally useful. At the outset, as in the previous cases, it would seem that no suggesti(Mis could be necessary : it might have been expected that custom woukl have long since decided upon the most convenient and most useful way of indicating the contents of a periodical, and that there was little room for difference of opinion and of practice. This would seem to be especially true in the case of page-headings ; and the fact that even in so simple a matter so great a variety exists can only be explained by the natural tendency of the human mind to variation, for it can hardly be supposed that the divei*sity is inten- tional. As has been more than once pointed out in this Journal in the course of l)ook-reviews, the bUmk space at the top of each page, necessitated by the page-number, afl'ords an opportunity for con- veying information as to wdiat stands below it. An inspection of botanical ])eri()dicals printed in English, with which alone this note is concerned, shows that in many instances this o])])ortunity is wholly or THE PAGE-HEADING OF PERIODICALS 289 in part neglected, and it may be that, attention being called to it, the omission will in future be supplied. The periodicals which make the fullest use of this space come to us from the States : the Botanical Gazette (Chicago), Bhodora (Boston) and the Annals of the Missouri Botanic Garden (St. Louis), when opened, supply at a glance all the information that can be required : on the left-hand page the title of the periodical ; on the right the name of the author, followed by the title, or an abbreviation thereof, of the paper ^vhich appears below^ : the month and year of publica- tion face each other in the junction of the two pages. The placing of the title of the periodical on the left-hand page is in accordance with recognized rule, and in the case of separate copies is a manifest convenience.- It may be of interest to show how far botanical periodicals printed in English avail themselves of the opportunity which page-headings provide ; and I have therefore drawn up the following table, in which is entered the title of the periodical, the name of the author, the subject of the paper, and the date of publication : except in (8), where the order is reversed, the author's name when given is on the left-hand page, the subject on the right. The absence or presence of each particular is indicated b}^ o or ! respectively. The titles are arranged alphabetically : the Botanical Mar/azine and Icones Plan- tar lun, coming as they do in a somewhat different category, are referred to later ; the American periodicals already mentioned do not appear. Periodical. S "^ co (^ 1. American Journal of Botany o ! ! o 2. Annals Bolus Herbarium o o ! o 3. Annals of Botany ." o ! ! o 4. Annals of Peradeniya Garden o ! ! o 5. Botanical Journal ! o o o 6. Bulletin of the Torrey Club o ! ! o 7. Journal of Botany ! o ! o 8. Journal of the Ecological Society o ! ! o 9. Journal of the Kew^ Guild o o o o 10. Journal of the Linnean Society o ! ! o 11. Kew Bulletin o o o o 12. New Phytologist o ! ! o 13. Notes of the Edinburgh Botanical Gardens o ! ! o 14. Orchid Keview ! o o ! 15. Proceedings of the Linnean Society ! o o o 16. Records of the Botanical Survey of India o o ! o 17. Torreya o o o o 18. Transactions of the Botanical Society of Edinburgh ! o o ! 19. Transactions of the Linnean Society o ! ! o It is a matter of surprise that the periodical publications asso- ciated with Kew should, with the exception of the Orchid BevieiCy be unsatisfactory in respect of headings. Tlie Bulletin places at the 290 THE JOUEXAL OF EOTAJTT head of its pages nothing but the number, and the Journal of the Keic Guild follows this example. Even worse is the issuing without lettering (save for the number) of the plates of the Botanical Maga- zine and the Icones Plantaruni, which bear neither the name of the plant figured nor any indication of the periodical in which they appeared, nor the date of their appearance. The accompanying letterpress is in the former particular equally deficient, and although in Bot. Mag. the date is supplied, it is absent from the Icones. In the latter case the omission is especially unintelligible, as under the editorship of J. D. Hooker (1S67-S9) aiid D. Oliver (1890-98) the plates were lettered; the omission of this useful detail, to which I at the time called atten- tion, began with Sir W. Thiselton-Dyer's editorship and continues to the present. The inconvenience of the method, especially for those who make collections of botanical plates, is obvious ; in such cases each plate has to be written up with name and reference, and, if encountered apart from its wrapper or letterpress, its som'ce is not easy to identify. It may be noted that in (3) the author and subject are when space allows indicated on both pages— the titles of the papers are given at length ; in (4) the surname of the author only is given ; in (8) the authors name (in capitals) appears on the left-hand page, the suljject (in italics) on the right; in (10) and (19) the author and subject run across both pages, the former being prefixed b}^ " Mr." or the like. In (16) the date of the 3^ears to which the Proceedings relate should ceiiainly be placed at the head of the pages — ever}' one who has had occasion to refer frequently to bound-up volumes must have felt the great inconvenience of this omission : (17) shares with the Kew j)ublications which are discussed above the unenviable distinction of giving no information in its headings, so that Ave have from the States the worst as well as the best examples : (18) gives at the head of its pages the number of the session and the ^^ear to which the matter beneath relates. Placing the four points indicated in the order of their importance, it would seem that in headings the indication of subject stands first and that of date last: this can usually, without inconvenience, be gathered from the wrapper. The name of the periodical is important in the case of " separates," the distribution of which is fairly general, sometimes in plain wrappers which give no definite indication of their provenance. In connection Avith reprints, one is glad to notice that the practice of repaging these is becoming less frequent. It has always seemed to me that Avhen a ]mge contains the con- clusion of one article and the beginning of another the heading should relate to the former — /. e. to that Avhich comes immediately below it : this arrangement, though adopted in this Journal, is not, I think, in accordance with general practice. It may be noted here that the very worst examj)le of unsatis- factory arrangement Avith Avhich I am acquainted is that furnished by the ' Jiegister ' to the volumes of Das PJlanzenreich. The name of the genus — Avhich in almost eveiy index, Avhether of monograph or liora, is placed at the heading of each column — is here always omitted, so that it is necessary to find the first (and only) entry of the genus THE PAGE-HEADING OF PERIODICALS 291 before it can be ascertained to what the species belong. Thus in the vokime before me, thirteen pages are occupied by the names, in three columns, of species of Deadrohmm ; the name of the genus appears only in the first column. The tjqDOgraphical arrangement of the columns also differs inconveniently from the ordinary j)ractice by which s^monyms are in italic and accepted names in roman : in Das Pflnnzenreich all are in roman, accepted names being indicated by an asterisk. James Beittex. SHOET NOTES. Aplozia EiyuLARis Schiifner ix S. Lancashire (Y. C. 59). Mr. H. C. Broome and I visited Bamford Wood, Ashworth Valley, in July to find Nardia ohovata, discovered many years ago by Mr. G. A. Holt, and were fortunate in meeting with a little of it. On the damp shaley rocks by the side of the stream Mr. Broome col- lected a small Aplozia that proved to be the paroicous A. rivalaris Schiffner which is new to the county. Possibly the Aplozia riparia (Tayl.) recorded in the Flora of Asliton-icnder-Lyne from Bamford Wood may be the same, as probably the species growing on shaley rocks as A. riparia will prove to be A. rivularis : specimens col- lected near Ha3^field, Derbyshire, on similar rock as A. riparia are A. rivularis. A. p)iomila (With.), of which A. rivularis is regarded by some authorities as a variety, has a much narrower perianth and other features- which to my thinking separate it from that species, although it agrees with it in its paroicous inflorescence. Even when neither subaquatic or aquatic A. rivularis retains, more the character of A. riparia. — W. H. Pearson. Deteuxta neglecta Kunth. Mr. Lillie of Caithness has sent me specimens of this from Loch Watten, which are very different in appearance from the ordinary type, and answer well to the Arundo sericea {A. stricta Timm.) var. angustata of Wahlenberg (Fl. Lappon. 1812, 28) which is described as " panicula elongata lineari, floribus linearibus " ; I have also var. viridis (Torges in Asch. & Graebn. Syn. Fl. Mitteleur, ii. i. 208: 1899) from West Norfolk, sent by Mr. F. Kobinson. The flowers vary greatly, even in the same panicle. The character drawn from the relative length of the hairs at the base of the florets as half or three-fourths is apt to mislead : Anderson more carefully says (yGraminece Scandinavice, 88) "flosculus glumis parum brevior," which covers nearh' every state of the British j^lant. In the detailed description in English Botany (ed. 3, xi. 56 : 1872) the structure of the stems is not noticed. It is like a fluted column (about 20 flutes) each flute having reversed stiff hairs ; these however are caducous. In American Floras, the stems are described as " glabrous," smooth throughout " ; but this is not so in the early stages, the stems being quite rough, at least in British specimens. The nomenclatm-e is also by no means settled, as correspondence with Mr. A. J. Wilmott and Dr. Stapf shows. The latter remarks that " it is by no means certain our species corresponds with the Central European, or the Scandinavian plant. In fact the whole genus wants 292 THE JOniXAL OF BOTAXT a careful revii^ion, and recasting. No two authors agree as to the limitation of tlie species, or what are and what are not hybrids." The name net/lecta was first used by Ehrhart in his Calamariw No. 118, Dec. 3 (1786)— one of seven sets of dried specimens which he issued in 1780-93 : he again (under Arinido) uses it in his Beit rage, vi. 137 (1791).— Arthur Bennett. Li PARIS LoESELTi (p. 240). The following reference to the findini^ of this plant by Pitchford occurs in a letter from T. J. Wood- Avard to Smith, dated " liungay, Oct. 11, 1787 " : — " You will be glad to hear that Crowe found three specimens of Ophrys Loeselii on St. Faith's Hogs this summer : they were far distant from the spot on which Pitciiford found his, and Crowe left them untouched ; they wei'e growing on the veiy wettest part of the bog, and actually in the water. Mr. Sole of Bath has found several on Hinton Moor near Cambridge, where Ray mentions their growing. Hoots have been sent to Curtis and to Dickson, and are grown in Curtis's and the Museum Gai-den " (Memoir of Sir J. E. Smith, i. 275).— Alice M. Geld.vrt. REVIEWS. Fossil Plants, Vol. III. PtrridospermecB, Cijcadofilices, Cordaitales and Gycadophi/ta. By A. C. Seward, M.A., F.R.S., pp. xviii-f- (vjG with 253 illustrations. Cambridge University Press, 1917, 186\ net. Although the author apologizes for the delay of nearly'- seven years since the publication of the last volume of this well known work, the resulting compensations more than atone for the period of waiting. For during tiie interval, research on the groups with which Prof. Seward here deals has been especially prolific, as can be gleaned from a perusal of the excellent bibliography ; this comprises considerably over a thousand references, of which nearly a quarter are contributions that have appeared since 1910. In this connection it may be said that we have encountered few works of such a comprehensive character which are so well abreast of the pertinent research at the time of ])ublication. In subjects replete with controversial matter the treat- ment is singularly impartial, even where one would have welcomed an exi^ression of the author's own views. The first chapter is occupied by a resume of the more important characters of the living Cycadales, a fitting and essential introduction to the fascinating synthetic group of the Pteridosjiermejie to which the three succeeding chaptei*s are devoted. The Pteridosperms are subdivided into the Lyginopterideie, the Medullosea?, and the Stelo- xyleie, and it will be noted that the author, in accordance with the rules of nomenclature, has ad()})ted Potonie's generic name of Lyc/ino- 2)teris in place of the more familiar Lyyinodendron of Binney. In the Cycadofilices seven families are recognized, viz. the Mega- loxylea', Rhetinangieie, Stenomyelese, Cycadoxylea', Calaniopityea3, Cladoxylea;, and the Protopityeae. All of these are based on stem structur*; and exhibit Pteridospenn affinities, but the reproductive organs are at present unknown. The Pityea' occupy some fifteen pages which should prove invalu- FOSSIL PLANTS 203 able to students in this field, especially as some of the literature is not readily accessible. The Palaeozoic Gymnospermous seeds receive adequate treatment and are separated into three groups, viz. the Lagenostomales, the Trigonocarpales, and the Cardiocarpales. Particularly good sum- maries are given of the principal characters of each genus. We may however note that in describing the basal chamber of Polylopho- spermum comparison is made with " Triyoaocarpus Oliverir But the supposed basal chamber of the latter was merely an effect of obliquity of section in the lower part of the sclerotesta and had no real existence. The absence of co-ordination between the families based on vege- tative and reproductive material and upon impressions and petrifac- tions is largely a necessary concomitant of the imperfection of our knowledge. But though it would perhaps as yet be premature to attempt any merging of, for example, the Neuropteridese, MeduUosea?, and Trigonocarpales, or the Sphenopteridese, LyginopterideiB, and Lagenostomales, yet one would have preferred an arrangement bv wdiich these relationships were brought into greater prominence. In addition a more copious use of cross-references would have been advan- tageous. The final chapters on the Cycadophyta embrace a very useful account of our present knowledge of the Bennettitales, in general, and of the genera Cycadeoidea and Williamsonia in particular. It is scarcely necessary to add that, like its predecessors, tliis volume forms an indispensable adjunct to all whose studies lie in this direction. The numerous well chosen and excellently reproduced illustrations contribute in no small degree to the usefulness of the book. In reference to the method of production we would however add one word of minor criticism. In view of the dissimilarity in size- between volumes I, and II. it is unfortunate that the publishers should have reverted in the present volume to the earlier type. A greater uniformity tln-oughout the series in this respect would, we feel sure, be generallv appreciated. E. J. S. Name this Flower. By Gaston Boxniee. Translated and ada]>tecl from the French by G. S. Boulger, F.L.S. Fcap. 8vo, pp. xii,. 331, 64 plates. Dent & Sons. 6s. net. The coml)ination of the well-known method of the. dichotomous- key with illustrations of each alternative wherever necessary is novel in this country. M. Bonnier's works have long been known and used,, but though the method removes the greatest objection to the ordinarv "keys," viz. that a single small error sets one travelling farther and farther from the correct name, it has yet to be a]:»plied to the British flora. The statement on the wrapper of this translation, which has^ b^en very carefully done, of Les Noins des Flenrs—ih?^ it includes " all the plants and flowers found in France, Belgium, Switzerland, and England, and in general all the common jjlants and flowers of Europe " — is, of course, one of those exaggerated inaccuracies that the general publisher seems to permit hmiself only in respect of matters scientilic : the plants included are those generallv distriljuted over 294 THE JOUEXAL OF 350TAXY tlie plains o£ Western Euroi)e, those of mountains, seashores, etc. being omitted. The book should be found useful by those of our soldiers in France who would like to know the names of the plants thev see, and especially to colonials who know none of the common plants of Western Europe. By the use of simple English and the aUnost complete abolition of technical terms the business of identi- tication is brought within the reach of the veriest novice, who may feel that the somewhat high price is worth paying for that alone. AVe do not, however, think that such common technical terms as "composite" should be given (p. 205) a general meaning: some other word should have been found. Nearly half of the 700 species dealt with are figured in colour on 04 plates. Some of the figures are rather crude and vague, but they should be quite sufficient to show whether the plant has been named correctly. The main system of nomenclatm*e is in English, made uniform by the use of vernacular ** generic " names with a qualifying adjective obtained (usually) from the scientific name given. We are afraid that uniformity is as difficult to obtain in English as in scien- tific names ; made on this plan, they will be just as liable to change. But it seems on the whole a good effort, and were the book a British Flora suitable for general use might have a stabilising effect. The suggestions for drying plants are rather primitive : ordinary news- paper will serve much better than the pages of an encyclopaedia. The print is good, but the woodcuts are not always clear. The book is well indexed, considerable information concerning the plants being given in the first index. It is doubtful how far the mere knowledge of the names of plants is valuable, but as considerable observation is required in working these out even on this simple plan, it will provide a foundation which should serve as an introduction to a more serious flora. The " simple way " itself is adequately explained and illus- trated by examples, and, as M. Bonnier remarks, it is for the readers to decide if he has succeeded. A. J. W. Plants Poisonous to Live Stock. By Harold C. Long, B.Sc.(Edin.). lioyal 8vo. Pp. viii, 119. With Frontispiece. Cambridge Agricultural Monographs, Cambridge University Press. Price (is. Although this little volume can scarcely be dignified by the name of monograph, its author has rendered a great service in setting in a certain order the principal points of an intricate subject of incal- cidal)le practical importance. Above all, the indications to the bibliography of the subject, contained in a list of 267 Avorks at the end to which reference is made constantly throughout the text, is of especial value, and goes to confirm Mr. Long's statement in the Preface, tliat his task " has involved considerable labour extending over several ^'ears." Considering tlie special nature of the subject, the book is as readable and interesting to a general reader as it is unserviceably bound, in boards ; and the type is as clear as the paper is indifferent. The arrangement of the work is admirable ; with the help of the clearness of tlie ]\iragraphing and the completeness of the index at the end, any desired subject is readily found. The work BOOK xotp:s, xews, etc. 295 beo'Ins with an introduction in the form of a general chapter, dealing with the various aspects and consequences, legal, pathological, and otherwise of poisonous plants. The next six chapters deal Avith the various plant families in order — fungi, it is suggested, must be treated in a separate volume. Another chapter is devoted to the effects of plants on milk. Finalh^ poisons are classified according to their effects. To the general account of each poisonous plant is added a chemical account, when possible, of the toxic principle, and also the symptoms of the poisoning, where these are known. In association with the author's previous manual in this series {Common Weeds of the Farm and Garden), the present volume should be of value, not only to the student of this branch of agricultural research — an audience unhappily small — but to the intelligent practical cul- tivator. H. F. W. BOOK-NOTES, NEWS, etc. Nathaxiel Ltox GrAiiD:jfER publishes a first instalment of New Pacijic Coast JSLarine Alr/cB (University of California Publications, Botany, vi. no. 14, pp. 377-416, 1917), which comprises descriptions of two genera, eight species, and two forms, all new to science. Of tlie three Chlorophj^cese treated, Arthrospira maxima is remarkable for thriving in sea-water used for condensing steam in an electric power-house and hence subjected several times daily to a rise and fall of temperature, from 60° C. down to the temperature of the outside reservoir. Chlorochytrium PorjohyrcB is an endophytic unicellular green alga which occurs in myriads within the thick gelatinous walls of Porpliijra ; its life-history and affinities are discussed at length. Gayella constricta grows associated with Frasiola, but is distinctly not a metamorphosed form of the latter, despite the views of some authors. Of the brown alga^, Sargassiim dissectifolium is demon- strated to be distinct from the Japanese S. inluliferum, to which it had beeil referred. Cystoseira neglecta had previously been known by floating fragments only, and has now been traced to Santa Cata- lina Island. The limits and distinguishing characters of the genera Cystoseira and Cystophyllum badly need to be critically revised. The red algse are of much interest. JPetrocelis franciscana is the most abundant rock-encrusting alga on the Californian coast, and had been wrongly referred to P. Middendorjfii of the Ochotsk Sea. Hildenhrandtia Occident alls is also an encimsting alga widely distri- buted along the coast ; and the ample fruiting material that has been collected permits it to be adequately described ; but there is still some question w^hether it be generically distinct from Besa Setchell (1912). Coriophyllum expansum is an encrusting alga of leathery texture, forming a new genus placed provisionally in tlie Squamariace?e until its sexual organs are discovered. Ciunagloia Andersonii has hitherto been regarded as a species of Nemalion, but is now made the type of a new genus owing to the method of origin and the structure of the cystocarp. The paper is written w4th critical skill, and is a very welcome addition to algological literature.. It is furnished with five plates. — A. G. 29G THE JOURNAL OF BOTAXT The Bulletin of The New York Botanical Garden, vol. viii, no. 81, issued 10 July, contains a paper by Robert S. Williams on Philippine Mosses (pp. 381-378) collected by himself (1903-5) on the islands of Luzon and Mindanao, which comprises 240 species in lis genera. Three genera — Rhabdoioeisiella, PseudopoJilia, Stereodontopsis — and twenty-seven species are described as new, and ligured. Pleuropvs appressifolius, a new species, is also figured. This excellent list should prove of great assistance to future students of the Moss-flora of the Philippine Islands. — A. O. In the Annals of Botany for April (issued in July) Dr. J. C. Willis, in a paper entitled "The Relative Age of Endemic Species and other Controversial Points," replies to Mr. Ridley's criticisms on his previous work, to which we referred on p. 119. Dr. Willis adduces evidence " to show that the eodemic species are on the whole the youngest, not the oldest, in a country .... Mr. Ridley's objections to the Mutation theory are then considered, and it is shown that the supporters of Natural Selection do not clearly distinguish between poiit hoc and propter hoc. Natural Selection cannot explain the origin of the peculiarities which distinguish plants, but can only ]n'eserve or destroy them when once formed. The reply of the Natural Selectionist to queries invokes incomprehensibility, as did formerly that of the Special Creationist." Dr. Willis's paper is followed by one by Mr. Ed- mund W. Sinnott of the Connecticut Agricultural College on "The * Age and Area ' Hypothesis and the Problem of Endcmism." " Dr. Willis's 'age and area ' hypothesis assmnes that the area occupied by a species depends primarily upon its age (the older the species, the wider its rang?) ; and that 'dying out ' of species occurs very rarely " : against this Mr. Sinnott raises various objections. In the same number of the An'ials is a long and interesting biography, with bibliograpliy, of the late H. H. W. Pearson, from the pen of Prof. Seward. Gardening books do not strictly come within our purview, but a word may be said about Mrs. Stebbing's little volume entitled The Flower Garden and How to Work in it (Jack, Is. (jd.) which is not only a useful but a very cheap and pretty little book. The direc- tions under the various months, beginning with May, are simple-and })ractical, and the selection of flowers is evidently the result of experi- ence and knowledge. Unfortunately the latter does not extend to their names, which, as is frequently the case in flower-books, are often misspelt : thus we have in one sentence " the St. Daboc's Heath, sometimes classed as Menzesia, sometimes as Duhoecia " (p. 78). The ])rinter cannot be responsible for the mistakes, as the same occur throughout. The index also needs revision: sometimes the Latin name is indexed with cross-reference to the English, sometimes the <)])p()site course is adopted, and the names are entered under their adjectival prefix: thus we have "vSj)otted Lungwort (P//Z;«c»«^/r/«) " — in this instance misleading, as the best species, P. aznrea, referred to in our last issue (p. 287) has unspotted leaves. The book, which is copiously illustrated from ]ihotograi)hs and by pretty little figures in tlie text, is so attractive that a reprint is certain to be called for soon, and it would be worth while to revise it in the directions indicated. L>97 t A CONTRIBUTION TO THE PHYTO-GEOGRAPHY OF BELLENDEN-KER. I. INTRODUCTIOX. Br L. S. Gibbs, F.L.S. • In March 1914, proceeding from Dutch N.W. New Guinea to Sydney via Macassar, I stopped at Cairns in N. Queensland, for the purpose not only of ascending Bellenden Ker, 5400', the highest mountain in the country, but also of spending some weeks at Kuranda, at 1000', on the Barron River, to enable me to form some idea of the vegetation in this outlying portion of the Malayan- Papuan floral region. Both these localities had been visited by Dr. K. Domin, of Prague, dm*ing his long stay for botano-geographical work in N. Queensland. I was indebted to him for a most interesting account of the fine mixed forest, of which in present times the heavy rainfall permits the development in this comjiaratively small N.E. corner of the Australian continent, but which," as Domin rightly states, " is only a small remainder of a flora spread formerly over large areas, now mostly sunk under the sea " *. As March is the height of the summer or rainy season in these parts, it was not considered a very propitious time for work on Bellenden Ker, all previous ascents having been made in the winter or dry season. The relatively high number of new species obtained is possibly attributable to this fact. A spell of fine weather prevailing at the time decided me to pro- ceed at once to Harvey's Creek in the Mulgrave valley, the base from which the highest or central peak of the Bellenden -Ker range is most accessible. Here, the enterprising landlord of the local hotel very kindly making all arrangements for me, I was enabled to start the thu'd morning after my arrival, accompanied by Claude, the small son of the house, a very enthusiastic companion, and four natives or " blacks " as they are generally but not very correctly called, to act as guides and carry tent, provisions and possible botanical booty. This last, owing to the sterile nature of the granitic shallow soil, and con- sequently limited character of the vegetation, proved very much less than my Papuan experiences had led me to anticipate. The altitude of the mountain being low, and a break in the fine weather to be expected to any moment, arrangements were made to sj^end onW one night on the summit. The forest round the base had all been worked through in the interests of the lumber industry, the cutting out of the finest trees resulting in a vigorous young sapling upgrowth of miscellaneous character, through which old logging tracts s^Dread in all directions, enabling horses and cattle to graze through. Further on, up the gradual lower slopes of this range, of which the poor and sterile character of the soil surprised me, the crowns of the slender forest trees just meet overhead, wdth a light sapling sub- staging, quite easy to penetrate. Here the undergrowth consists * Karel Domin, " Queensland's Plant Associations " in Proc. Roy. Soc. Queensland, xxiii. 72. J0UR>rAL OF B0TA>'T.- 29S THE JOURNAL OF EOT ANT principally of the very general endemic tree-fern Alsopliila Beleccce, with entire pinnules, a 3facrozamia, and the peculiar Bowenia spectabiUs in very young examples, only showing simple branches like deltoid fronds in appearance. A graceful little palm, Bacularia •minor, about 3 metres high — with stems as thick as a walking-stick, the red fruit crowded at the apex of flexible peduncles which radiate beyond the leaves, — was a very common representative of an Indo- Malavan and Papuan genus. Mack inlay a macrosciadea, a slight undershrub, 2-8 m. high, with light green foliage and flowers and white fruit, was also common — a Papuan species which here reaches the limit of its distribution, recalling the closely allied Anomopanax arfakensis, equally abundant in the Arfak Mts. of N.W. New Guinea, in habit and colouring, the latter, however, with green fruit. Always rising, we crossed two fine torrents with the widel}'' spread Angiopteris evecta on their banks, also at the limit of its distri- bution. The native name means Water-fern, as it only grows in N. Queensland along water-courses *. On a rock overhanging the second stream, at about 1000', the very pretty Boea liygi^oscopica— representing the last outlier of a family widely spread in India, Malaya, China, New Guinea and the Solomon Islands — formed an unexpected patch of bright purple colour. Behind this stream the ground, alwa^'-s exposed and sterile in character, rose much more steeply, with the JMacrozamia, Bacularia and Mackinlaj/a still conspicuous amongst the scanty undergrowth. Swinging sharply to the left we passed up some slopes of loose dry soil and leaves, open enough a afford a view over the Mulgrave River valley and the hills bordering to the south ; then turning sharplj^ to the right we stepped on to a long ridge plateau about 2000', running apparently east to west and quite different in the character of its vegetation. A most delicious scent made me hunt round till I found a group of Bantlia disperma, a bush}^ shrub about 3-4 ra. high, with dark green leaves, bearing very few of the delicate long, tubular, white flowers, of which the extreme edges of the corolla lobes are very densely crisped — an unusual feature in the genus, Mr. Moore tells me. Slender trees of Brackenridgea australiana, with ascending branches covered with the striking fruit, consisting of largish blue- black seeds borne on red enlarged calyx-leaves ; Garcinia Gibbsice, with green flowers turning brown later, and the white-flowered Si/?n- plocos Thwaitesii were the dominant substaging species in flower under the slender forest trees. On this long ridge Alsophila Rebeccce persisted, but the smaller Bacularia Balmeriana from this point replaces B. minor, which it resembles in appearance, the leaves being less pinnate and more approaching the youth form. The comparatively^ level surface of the plateau ridge was covered with broken granite over which small mosses and epiphytic ferns spread luxuriantly, the handsome Hymenophyllum Baileyanum being * R. H. Gambage, "Native Flora of Tropical Queensland ' in Journ. Roy. Soc. N.S. Wales, xlix. (191.5) ;J90. BELLENBEX-KER PLANTS : PKYTO-GEOGRAPHi' 2i)!) general. Interspersed amongst the stones Marattia fraxinea with Blechnum Whelani * were the commonest terrestrial ferns, the latter of rosette hahit, the fertile fronds, with much naiTower pinnea?, rising* above the larger sterile ones. This species, the Rev. W. W. Watts informed me at S^alney, had not been re-collected since its original discover}^ by Bailey on this mountain *. The predominance of the few species j^i'esent, combined with the absence of much epiphytic growth on the trunks of the trees, gives a non-tropical character to this undergroAvth, of which the general facies is more suggestive of that of Devon or Cornwall woodlands. Proceeding along the ridge, as the altitude increases the stones become larger and more jailed one on toj) of the other, though still sheltering terrestrial ferns, with clumps of the sedge Exocarya scleroides ; the spreading Hymenopliyllum Baileyanum with the Vit- taria pusilla var. ivooroonoorcui, the widely distributed Polypodium Billardieri, and the endemic P. simplicissimum, o\\\j known from N. Queensland, were abundant on the rocks, occasionally associated with Liparis reflexa, a small orchid with cream flowers. At about 3000' the undergrowth became denser and the trees smaller ; AJyxia ilicifolia, with white flowers, was general, with A. ruscifolia — of denser habit and much smaller leaves and orange berries — which persisted to the top, as did Symplocos Thivaitesii and the ubiquitous JSlachinlaya, Bacularia and AJsophila JRehecccB. After some climbing we emerged on to another shoulder of the mountain at 4000', on the ultimate spur of which the camjDing- ground was reached, where the natives, after putting up the tent, expeditiously erected for themselves one of their neat " gunyas " or shelters, which look like inverted bowls. In this case the ribs were made of " lawyer canes," Calamus australis (Mart.) Becc. — which are about 3-4 cm. thick — arranged lattice- wise, tied with creepers, and then interwoven with palm leaves. Condemned to perpetual roving by the prevailing sterility of a country which in its whole length and breadth does not produce a single plant-food capable of cultivation, these natives, owing to the necessities of the nomadic habit, have never evolved a more stable form of dwelling. Nothing could demonstrate better the effect of environment on the develop- ment of a race than the contrast between the mountain Papuans with their well-built houses and wonderfully stocked gardens on the rich slopes of their native mountains, and these, people, in intelligence certainly not behind the Papuans, driven to a nomadic existence by adverse conditions of habitat. Even in these hills the native Aus- tralian tribes were not helped by the heavy rainfall, as the slopes are too barren to admit of any cultivation, even had the ubiquitous sweet potato of other tropical countries been available. Near the camp a group of a very fine Palm, Arania append icu- lata, up to S metres in height — the leaves 3-4 m. long, with silver undersides to the pinnae, showed some specimens just coming into flower, but I could only find S plants, though Dr. Beccari informs * F. M. Bailey, ' Flora and Fauna of Bellenden-Ker Range,' Brisbane (1889), p. 77. JUU nil-; JULRN.VL UF J50TAM' nie tlie $ alone had been previously collected. Amongst the dilated leaf- bases 1 had a hunt for a most extraordinary animal, like a glorified slug, the head being covered with tentacles which could be elongated or contracted at will, but the beast eluded me in the end. After dark, dead sticks on the ground, covered with luminous Bacteria, looked like threads of gold scattered round. The next morning we started early for the summit, leaving one of the boys behind to kee]) cam]), as cassowaries, wallaby, and even megapodes, or " brush turkeys " as they are called here, can be very inquisitive and destructive. The last seemed as general as in New Guinea, judging from the huge piles of leaves seen, in wdiich they lay and incubate their eggs. The final cone consists of a mass of rock, overgrown with vegeta- tion quite different in type from that of the lower levels, though many of the prevailing species are identical. Small trees, branching copiously from the base, grow densely, but by no means impenetrably, together, while the monotony in the epiphytic fern-flora — the species previously mentioned apparently predominating — with the dearth of epiphytic orchids is very obvious ; a couple of examples of Liparis rrlexa were collected on rocks. It forms a wind-sw^ept scrub very like the plant-covering of Lord Howe's Island, some of the species indeed, like Alj/xia rn.-ici folia, being common to both formations, while the generic relationship is very close. The small trees grow too closely together to allow of much under- growth. A clump of the handsome red fungus CJavaria aurantia was found towards the base, so named from the dried specimens, which turn a dirt}^ orange in colour, shrinking to about a quarter of the original size ; tufts of Exocarya scleroides persisted between the moss-grown tree stems. The dwarfed and scrubby trees were still largely composed of the two Alt/arias already mentioned ; Eugenia erytlwdoxa, from 4500' to the top, had largish flowers of a charming rose-pink colour ; Mackinlai/a macrosciadca and many examples of the small JBacularia about 1 m. high, still fruiting, but only showing the youth form of leaf. The palms, Orania, appemliculata and Cah/ptrocali/x austra- htsica ran up almost to the top ; AlsopJiila Bchecccc was stilj abundant, while the handsome Ahopliila I^oherfsiana, 2 m. high, was seen in one eKani])le. At 5000' the famous Dracophi/Uvm Sai/pvi, peculiar to this mountain, the only representative in Queensland of a genus widely disti-ibutcd throughout New Zealand, with many stout much branched stems, formed a large part of the dense shrubbery marking the last 500' ; the fine cream flower-heads, with pink bracts and the red fruit recalled D. laiifoliam A. Cunn. of the mixed forest regions of New^ Zealand. This genus will ])robably yet be found in New^ Guinea, which would explain its presence here ; in fact, some plants in sterile condition, seen in the Arfak Mts. strongly suggested this famil}^ to me. Drimtfii ohlonr/a with red flowers was characteristic of the extreme fiummit with Ah/xta ruacifolia and a Psychotria sp. not properly in flower. 'J'he stems of the small trees composing this dense scrub- EELLENDEX-KEK PLANTS: rJli'TO-GEOGRAPH i' 301 growth were clothed in small mosses and hepatics, associated Avith the abundant little white Dendrohium Taylori and the minute Bulbo- phyUum Liliancd with white petals and yellow labellum, growing tight!}' round the smallest branches. On the summit a small space had been cleared exposing the granite, where a large clump of Gahnia psittacoriim*, so common in the Arfak Mts. of N.W. New Guinea, grew by the rock. It was about 9 a.m. Avhen we arrived, but there was only a restricted view, which soon clouded over, down the Mulgrave valley to the sea, and up it in the Mt. Bartle Frere direction. In the inevitable bottle om* names, with those of the three boys who accompanied us, were written on the back of Mjoberg's record of his ascent, this indefatigable investigator having been the last to visit the mountain. The mentality of the Australian natives is supposed to be one of the lowest in the human scale, yet these men asked me to put down the name of the boy left at the camp, as it was not his fault he was not there as well f. Among the records of previous ascents I was interested to see Domin's card, but, being heavily glazed, it was already turning black, and had half perished. Dr. M jo- berg had made interesting notes on the temperature and atmospheric conditions prevailing at the time of his ascent. Threatening clouds closing round did not allow much time to hunt for Bliododoidron Locked, the only representative of this typical Malayan and Papuan genus in Australia ; however, I heard later from Mr. Garabage that it is limited to the summit of one of the two other peaks of this range. We hurried down to the tent and had only just struck camp when rain fell in torrents, and persisted for the rest of the day, incidentally mobilising battalions of leeches. We returned to Harvey's Creek at about -1 p.m., when the plants obtained Avere arranged and packed, and I left the next morning for Kuranda. The collection made at the latter place is included in this list, but. as most of my proposed work there was cut short by an attack of coast fever, I have nothing to add to Dr. Domin's account of his results in the same locality. Here, again, the unexpected number of new species found in such a frequented region is no doubt due to the fact that very little recent collecting has been done in N. Queensland during the hot or rainy season. I am indebted to Mr. Spencer Moore for the systematic account of the phanerogams, with the exception of the Palms, which Prof. Beccari has kindly named, and the Orchids, which Dr. Rendle has undertaken. The Ferns have been named by Mr. Gepp — most of them were looked through by the Rev. W. W. Watts at Sydney, who suggested most of the names — and the solitary fungus by Mr. Rams- bottom. The plants themselves are in the National Herbarium. I regret that Dr. Domin's fui-ther publications in BihJiotheca Botanica have not been available for reference. * L. S. Gibbs, ' A Contribution to the Phytogeography and Flora of the Arfak Mts. etc.,' 1917, p. 35. t Qf. Eric Mjoberg, " Svenska biologiska expeditionen till Australien, 1910- 1911," in Ymer, xxxii. (1912) 431. 302 THE JOrilXAL OF EOTAXY II. SYSTEMATIC ACCOUNT. Pha>'Eeogams : BY Spencer Moore, F.L.S. Drimys oblonga, sp. no v. {JSLagnollacefP). Arbor parva, glabra; ramidis sat validis foliosis anciiDitibus ; foliis brevipetiolatis oblongis vl4 obloiietalis adnato insertis antheris subsessilibus thecis 2 longitrorsum dcliiscentibus prieditis ; florihus fem. ignotis. JIah. Bellenden Ker, forest on long ridge; n. 6306. Folia 11-14x4—5-5 cm., supra in sicco grisea, subtus griseo- viridia, hoi-um glandulifi resin if ersetranslucentes sparsae ; costie laterales utrin(|ue circa 100 ; petioli 10-12 mm. long., crassiusculi. Fasciculi ])edunculus 4 mm. long. Calyx 7 mm. long. ; hujus lobi 4 X 5-5 mm. Petala lactea dein brunnea, 12 mm. long., prope apicem 7 mm. lat. Andro'cium 8 mm. diam. ; anthene 1 mm. long. Among Queensland species this is easily distinguished from G. JVarrenii F. Muell., the only one at all resembling it, h\ the very numerous lateral nerves of the leaves. EELLEXDEX-KEli PLA^•TS : SYSTEMATIC ACCOUNT 303 Elaeocarpus concinnus, sp. no v. {Tiliacece). Arbor; ramulis subteretibus sursmn crebro foliosis fulvo-pubescentibus mox glabres- centibus novellis tomentosis ; foliis subsessilibus ovatis vel ovato- oblongis acuminatis basi cordatis margine distanter ciliato-denticulatis papyraceis pag. sup. in costa centrali pubescentibus alibi sparsim puberulis vel fere glabris pag. inf. molliter serieeo-pubescentibus ; race mis quam folia multo breviorlbus subumbellatis pauciHoris ; joeduncidis et pedicellis necnon bracteis parvulis dense pubescentibus ; sepal is oblongis obtusis pubescentibus ; petalis o sepala plane exce- dentibus oblongis (parte quaterna distali leviter ampHHcata) tritidis segnientis ipsis retusis vel etiam breviter bifidis extus glabris intus interne pubescentibus ; staminihus 13-15 antheris apice truncatis penicillatis ; ovario glabro villoso 3-loculari ; stylo stamina facile superante inferne pubescente superne glabro. Hah. Kuranda, fringe of forest, 1000 ft. ; n. 6332. Folia solemniter 5-8 X 2-5-3 cm., supra in sicco viridia subtus pallida ; costal laterales utrinque 7-10, arcuato-ascendentes, ut costa centralis costulaeque subtus mediocriter eminentes ; rete sine lente vix aspectabile : petioli 2-3 mm. long., pubescentes. Racemi (flori- bus inclusis) circa 2*5x3-4 cm.; pedunculus 5-10 (raro 15) mm. long. Bractese 1*5-2 mm. long. Pedicelli filiformes, 3-5 mm. long. Flores cblorini. Sepala 1 cm. long. Petala 17 mm. long., basi 1*5 mm. juxta medium 2*5 mm., prope apicem 3'5 mm. lat., intus inferne carinata. Discus 1"5 mm. alt. Filamenta sursum micro- scopice p)uberula ceterum glabra, adusque 7 '5 mm. long. ; antherse 2-25 mm. long. Ovariimi 2 mm. diam. Stylus superne aliquanto gracilior, 1-1 mm. long. Quite distinct from any Australian congener. The subsessile leaves cordate at the base and, apparently permanently, softly pubescent below serve to indicate this beautiful species at a glance. Bromhya platynema F. Muell. Kuranda, by creek in fringing wood, 1000 ft. ; n. 6343. Flowers white. Bistrib. North Queens- land, hill ranges. Braclcenridgea australiana, F. Muell. Bellenden Ker, forest, 2000 ft. ; n. 6322. Tree, calyx red, seeds blue-black. Bistrib. North Queensland. Acacia Cunningliamii Hook. Kuranda, common in forest and in open, 1000 ft. ; n. 6330. Bistrib. Queensland, N.S. Wales. EucalyjJtus pellita F. Muell. Kuranda, common in open and in forest, 1000 ft. ; n. 6340. Bistrib. East coast of Australia. Named by Mr. Maiden, to whom a specimen was submitted. Rhodomyrtus trineura F. Muell. Kuranda, very common on fringe of forest, 1000 ft. ; n. 6331. Bistrib. North Queensland. Becaspermum 'paniciilatum Kurz. Kuranda, shady fi'inge of forest, 1000 ft. ; n. 6333. Eugenia (§ Jambosa) rhadinantha (llyrtacece), sp. nov. Arbor glabra ; ramulis foliosis subteretibus cinereis ; foliis brevipetiolatis oblongo-lanceolatis apicem versus gradatim angustatis apice obtusis basi obtusis paullove rotundatis coriaceis costis lateralibus supra visu difRcilibus subtu:s sat persj^icuis : jlorihiis mediocribus in paniculas t^04> THE JOURNAL OF EOTANY breves terminales axillaresve dispositis panicularum mmulis patentibus qnaque apice plemmque 2-5 flores sessiles gerente ; calycis tubo satis elongate a basi gradatim ampliato abquantulum pminoso segmentis lat^ "deltoideis obtusis persistentibus ; petalis 4 inter se liberis quam calveis segmenta pauUo majoribus suborbicularibus albis ; Jilamentis liberis ; ovario 2-loculari. Hah. Kuranda, common in forest, 1000 ft. ; n. 6350. Folia opaca, plemmque 6-10 cm, long., 2-5-3-5 cm. lat., supra in sicco griseo-viridia subtus pallidiora ; costae laterales utrinque circa 12, ])atentes, usque ad costam longitudinalem a margine 2-3 mm. re- motam sine ramificatione excurrentes ; petioli validi, transversim rugati, 2-4 mm. long. PaniculiB 2-4x2*5-5 cm., harum ramuli fili- formes, plerique 1-1*5 cm. long. Ovarium rugatum, 3 mm. cum calyce 7 mm. long. Calyx basi 2 mm. sub limbo 3 mm. lat. ; hujus lobi 1-1-25 mm. long. Petala 15-2 mm. long, et lat. Filamenta 6 mm. long. Stylus superne angustatus, 7 mm. long. From the description given, E. macoorai Bail, would seem to be near this, but E. o'haiUnantha has broader leaves, shorter calyces with smaller lobes, and shorter petals and filaments. In general appear- ance it much resembles E. leptaniha Wight (or rather the Queens- land plant referred, probably incorrectly, to that species by Bentham, Mueller and Bailey), a species Avhich, apart from several floi-al dif- ferences, belongs to § Syzygium. Eugenia (§ Jamhosa) erythrodoxa, sp. nov. Arbor glabm ; ramiiUs superne foliosis cortice cinereo cinctis ; foliis ovato-oblongis prope apicem cuspidato-attenuatis apice ipso obtusis basi in petiolum satis longum cuneatim coarctatis tenuiter coriaceis costis lateralibus pluribus utrobique parum perspicuis ;^ori&ws mediocribus in racemum terminalem foliis multo breviorem paucitlorum digestis ; calycis tubo ol)Ovoideo supm ovarium producto lobis inter se aliquantulum dis- ])aribus ovatis obtusis memhranaceis decoloribus ; petalis 4 obovatis obtusissimis margine pauUo crenulatis rubris ; JiJavientis elongatis liberis ; ovario 2-l()Culari. Hah. Bellenden Ker, in forest scrub on slopes ; n. 6323. Folia plerumque 7-10 X 3-3*5 cm., in sicco griseo-viridia, subtus paiTim pallidiora ; costa media supra impressa subtus prominens ; costae laterales utrinque ultra 20, cum costa intramarginali a margine circa 1 mm. remota conjungentes ; rete laxum etiam sub lente incon- spicuum. Kacemi usque ad 3 cm. long. Pedicelli patentes, dein decurvi, 5-15 mm. long. Calycis tubus (cum ovario) circa 7 mm. long., sul) limbo 6 mm. lat. ; lobi 6-S x o-Q mm., subcoriacei. Petala concava, 10x5 mm. Filamenta vivide rubra, summum 28 mm. long. ; antherae vix 1 mm. long. Stylus 3 cm. long. Apart from certain minor differences this ma}^ be said to have the foliage of E. Johnsoni F. Muell. and the flowers of E. Tier- neyana F. Muell. Machinlaya macrosciaJea F. Muell. Bellenden Ker, common to summit, undergrowth in forest; n. 6324. Shrub, 3*5 m. high. Flowers green, fruit white. Distrih. Queensland. BELLE5-DEX-KE2 PLANTS : SYSTEMATIC ACCOU.VT 30o Brassaia acfinopliylla Encll. Kuranda, common in forest; n. 6347. *' Umbrella tree." Berries red. Distril. Queensland. Ophiorrliiza australiana Benth. Km-anda, undergrowth in forest ; n. 63o5. Herbaceous, 2-4 dm. high. Minute white flowers. Distrih. North Queensland. Randia disperma, sp. nov. {Riihiacece) . Frutex trimetralis ; romiiUs subteretibus striatis glabris \foliis (nonnunquam verticillatis) oblanceolatis prope apicem cuspidato-attenuatis apice acutis basi in petiolum brevem gradatim angustatis tenuiter coriaceis glabris ; JJorihus majusculis in fascicules pseudoterminales perpaucifloros sessiles dispositis ; pedicellis plus minus patentibus filiformibus quara corolla brevioribus glabris ; ovario calvce paullulum longiore oblongo- turbinato glabro ; calyce truncato denticulato ; corollcB tetramerse glabrte tubo calycem multoties excedente omnimodo angusto lobis oblongo-obovatis apice breviter extenuatis margine erosis ; staminihus coroll£e ori affixis antheris sessilibus ; ovario 2-loculari ; stylo breviter exserto superne clavato ; stiymate bidentato ; oinilis quoque in loculo 2. Hah. Bellenden Ker, on long ridge ; undergrowth in forest : n. 6307. Folia ±10x3 cm., supra subnitida subtus pallidiora opacaque, glandulis immersis tmnslucentibus crebro prsedita ; costa centralis supra leviter impressa subtus eminens ; costa? laterales etiam sub lente difficile aspectabiles. Pedicelli + 2 cm. long. Flores albi, odorem suavissimum spirantes. Ovarium 4 mm., calyx 3 mm. long. Corollse tubus 4*5 cm. long., deorsum 3 mm. sub limbo 3-5 mm. lat. ; lobi vix 2 cm. long. Antherse oblongse, 2 mm. long. Stylus circa 5 cm. long., glabra. A remarkable species and more like a Gardenia, but the perfect septa to the ovary bar it from that genus. The foliage, the flowers with narrow tube and fringed petals, and the ovary with but four ovules in all are the distinctive points. HelicJirysiim rnpicola DC. Kuranda, common in the open, in grass ; n. 6354. Distrih. North Queensland. Lobelia Benthamiana, sp. nov. {Ca?npamdace(B) . Repens, foliis parvis plus minus late ovatis obtusis vel obtusiusculis sinuato-dentatis, pedunculis elongatis filiformibus. — L. memhranacea Benth. Fl. Austral, iv. 129, non R.' Br. Hah. Kuranda, on shady banks by stream in forest, 1000 ft. ; n. 6337. This is the creeping Lohelia with small sinuate-toothed leaves collected by Dallachy at Rockingham Bay, by Mueller at Moreton Bay, Macgillivray (Port Curtis) and probably Robertson (Victoria); these Bentham referred to L. memhranacea Br., which, as the type in the Natural History Museum shows, is a different plant with much larger leaves. The further description of L. Hentliamiana will be found loc. cit. It may be mentioned that L. liiimisfrata F. MuelL, which Bentham, following Mueller himself, referred to L. quadranyu- laris Br., can hardly be conspecific with this, inasmuch as L. quad- 306 THE JOURNAL OF BOTAXT ranguloris (o£ wliich there is a specimen neither at the Museum nor at Kew) is described as ascending, whereas the other is a repent species. L. humisti^ata F. Muell. seems therefore to be distinct, with affinity to L. memhranacea. The differences above alluded to may be shown as follows : — Leaves prominently toothed L. humistrata F. Muell. Leaves orbicular, sinuate-toothed, mostly l'5-2-5 X l"5-2 cm L. memhranacea ^i\ Leaves broadly ovate, sinuate-toothed, mostly 8-10 x 5-Q mm. i. Benthamiana nob. Pratia Podenzanse, sp. nov. {Campanulacecs). Herbacea, repens ; caiile folioso hac atque iliac radicante ancipiti puberulo ; foliia subsessilibus suborbicularibus margine denticulatis fere glabris ; fforilms axillaribus pedunculis elongatis sursvim pubescentibus insi- dentibus ; cali/cis segmentis anguste lineari-lanceolatis acutis margine ciliolatis ovario sequilongis ; corolla pro rata majuscula calycem facile superantc lobis posticis lineari-spathulatis quam antici oblongo- obovati altius sohitis ; antheris omnibus barbatis; ovario ovoideo pubescente, Kah. Queensland, Kuranda, abundant in open places ; n. 6338 : also Myola near Cairns ; Podenzana in Herb. Mus. Brit. Folia 11-15 X 9-11 mm., tenuiter memhranacea, in sicco ^dridia, passim ciliolata, pag. inf. alicjuantulum glauca ; petioli 2-3 mm. long., ])uberuli. Pedunculi 4-5 cm, long., ancipites. Calycis segmenta 3-5 mm. long. Corolla violacea, 13 mm. long. Filamentorum columna 5 mm., antherse 2*25 mm. long. Stigma subinclusum, 2-lobum. Affinity Avith P. 'peduncidata Benth. and P. piiherula Benth. ; from the former differing in the large leaves, from the latter in the long peduncles, in the large flowers and bearded anthers from both. Though there is no ripe fruit, appearances point to the species being baccate and thus referable to Pratia. It is unlike all the Australian Lobelias. Lencopogon onelaleiicoides A. Cunn. Kuranda, " Rocky A^iew," under trees in the ojDen, 1500 ft. ; n. 631-1. Distrih. Queensland, N.S. Wales. Dracoplnfllnm Saj/eri F. Muell. Bellenden Ker, just below and on summit *in dense forest scrub, 4900-5400 ft. ; n. 6317. Shrub up to 2 m. Bi-acts pink, flowers cream, fruit red. Distrih. Re- stricted to Bellenden Ker range. Syvqylocos Thwaitesii F. Muell. Bellenden Ker, mountain slope, 2-4000 ft. ; n. 6300. A tree with white flowers. Distrih. Queens- land, N.S. Wales. Melodinus gratus, sp. nov. {Apocynacece'). Scandens ; ramis foliosis puberulis dein glabris novellis pubescentibus ; foliis ovato- lanceolatis sursum cuspidato-acuminatis apice ipso obtusis basi in petiolura brevem cuneatim angustatis chartaceis utrinque glabris ; injforescentiis in axillis solitariis sessilibus vel breviter pedunculatis BELLEXDEX-KER PLANTS : SYSTEMATIC ACCOUNT 307 1-2-floris pedicellis jDatentibus post floritionem reflexis ; calyce quain jDedicellus plane breviore hujus segmentis late ovatis obtusis margine ciliolatis ; corollce tubo cal3^cem plusquam cluplo exeeclente bani orique aliquanto constrieto lobis obloiigo-lanceolatis acutis quam tubus longioribus ; staminihtis prope medium tubum insertis antheris su- jjerne angustatis apice acutis. Rab. Kuranda, in forest, 1000 ft. ; n. 6349. Liane with very fi-agrant white flowers. Folia plerumque 8-9x3-3-5 cm., opaca, in sicco griseo-viridia ; costcB laterales utrinque + 15, mediocriter perspicuse ; rete laxum difficilius aspectabile ; petioli 5-6 mm. long. Inllorescentiae pedun- culus dum adsit 2-4 mm. long. Bractea3 subulatai, circa 1'5 mm. long. Flores albi, suaveolentes. Calyx 3'5 mm. long. CorolliE tubus 8 mm. long., basi apiceque 2 mm., juxta medium 2'5 mm. lat. ; lobi 10 mm. long. Antherie 2 mm. long. Ovarium subglobosum, glabrum, 1 mm. diam. Stylus 1 mm. long. ; stigma "75 mm. long., a^jpendicibus sequilongis prseditum. M. Guilfoi/lei F. Muell. has narrower leaves and smaller flowers with a shorter limb, and thus can be distinguished on sight., Alyxia ruscifolia R. Br. Bellenden Ker, small forest to summit scrub,' 3000-5000 ft.; n. 6302. Flowers white, berries orange. Distrib. Queensland, N.S. Wales. A. ilicifolia F. Muell. Bellenden Ker, small forest to summit scrub, 3000-5000 ft.; n. 6299. Flowers white. Disirih. Queens- land. Lyonsia reticidcda B. Br. Kuranda, fringe of forest, 1000 ft. ; n. 6346. Liane with brown flowers. Distrib. Queensland, X.8. Wales. Biiboisia myoporoides R. Br. Kuranda, common in the open, 1000 ft.; n. 6335. Shrub to tree ; flowers white. Distrib. Queens- land, ISJ'.S. Wales. Boea liygroscoinca F. Muell. Bellenden Ker, on rock overhanging the second creek, 1000 ft. ; n. 6314. Flowers purple. This is also common on Barron Falls. Distrib. Queensland. EranthemuQii variabile B. Br. Kuranda (and lower slopes Bellen- den Ker), common everywhere in forest and in open, 1000 ft. ; n. 6339. Flowers white. Distrib. Queensland, N.S. Wales. Clerodendron Traceyannm F. Muell. Kuranda, in the forest, 1000 ft. ; n. 6334. Distrib. North Queensland. The specimen has a more open inflorescence than usual, and the corolla-tube a little longer. Deperomia leptostacliya Hook. & Arn. Kuranda, on open rocks, 1200 ft. ; n. 6342. Distrib. Queensland, N.S. Wales. CardweUia sublimis F. Muell. ? Kuranda, common in forest ; n. 6352. " Black Oak." The specimen, which is in fmit, seems referable here. Distrib. North Queensland. Loranthus dictyofldebns F. Muell. Bellenden Ker, towards summit, in forest, 4500 ft. ; n. 6318. Flowers from the stem, 3-9-10 in a bunch, reddish pink, tube yellow at apex. Distrib. Queensland, N.S. Wales. Liparis rcjlcxa Lindl. var. cuneilabris Bidl. Bellenden Ker, on 308 THE JOUKXAL OF HOT AM' moss-grown rock in small forest, 5400 ft.; n. 6305. Petals cream, labelhim yellow. D/sfrib. (of var.) North Queensland. Dendrohiiim Taylorl Fitzg. Bellenden Ker, summit and just below on trees in dense scrub and small forest, 5000 ft. ; n. 6303. Petals white, labellum yellow. Dlstrib. North Queensland. Bnlbophylhim Lilianae Eendle, sp. n. {Orchidacece). Humilis, epipliytica ; rliizomate elongato tenui ramoso tereti polyrhizo primo vaginulis mox fissis obtecto yseudohulhis laxe obsesso ; radicihus sul3filiformibus flexuosis glabris ; i^seudohidbis anguste cylindricis obliquis, in sicco valde rugosis, unifoliatis ; folio super petiolum brevissimum reflexo, lineari-oblongo vel oblongo-elliptico, apice minute apiculato, crassiusculo, costa media superne canaliculata inferne pro- minente ; pediinculis filiformibus, sub medio bractea tubuliforme vaginatis, unifloris ; Jfor^ parvo bractea parva ovata acuminata suf- fulto, flavo-viride ; sepalis dorso veiTuculosis, 3-nerviis ; sep. dorsali lanceolato-oblongo, apice obtuso obscure apiculato, sep. lateralibus ovatis, basi anteriore pauUo latioribus, apice ut in sep. dorsali ; petalis lanceolatis, subobtusis, apice vix apiculatis, 3-nerviis ; JahelJo lateribus valde recurvatis convexo, apice obtuso, basi obscure auriculato, auri- culis exceptis in sicco rubro-bninneo ; columned alis latis obsolete dentatis ; ovario et pedicello verruculoso. Ilab. Bellenden Ker, summit, small forest to dense scrub, alt. 5-5400 ft. In flower, March. No. 6304. Rhizoma circa 1 mm. diam. Pseudobulbi c. 1 cm. long, usque ad 5 mm. crass. Folia sub- sessilia "8-2 cm. long., usque ad 7 mm. lat. Pedunculi c. 2 cm. long. ; bractea florifera vix 2 mm. longa ; pedicellus cum ovario 8 mm. long. Sepalum dorsale 6*3 mm. long. ; 2*75 mm. lat. ; sep. lateralia 6 mm. long. ; 4*3 mm. lat. Petala 4*5 mm. long, 1-75-vix 2 mm. lat. ; labellum 3*75 mm. long., c. 1"5 mm. lat. Columna 2 mm. long. Evidently near B. adenocaiyum Schlechter, which I know only from the description, and which it resembles in the convex labellum and warted ovary ; it differs in foliage, the leaves of B. adenocarpum being linear and much longer, 3"5-4-5 cm. Geodorum pictum Lindl. Kuranda, by road in the open ; n. 0357. Dislrib. Queensland, Northern Territory, New Guinea. JEvstrepJius latifolius K. Br. Kuranda, " Kocky View," on rocks in open forest and in grass. 1200 ft. ; n. 6337. Dlstrib. Queens- land, N.S. Wales, Victoria'.' JE. angjisfifolius \i. Br. Kuranda, in fields by railway line, 1000 ft. ; n. 6338. Dislrib. Queensland, N.S. Wales. Tricoryne pJalyptcra Beichb. f. Kuranda, in grassy fields along railway line, 1000 ft. ; n. 6345. Disfrib. Queensland. Orania appendiculata Becc. MSS. (Areca appendiculata Bail., Orania Baccarii Bail). Bellenden Ker, undergrowth in forest, 3000 ft. ; n. 6316. Disfrib. Bellenden Ker. CaTyplrocalyx aiistrala.siafs Schelf. Bellenden Ker, small forest, isolated specimens from 5000 ft. ; n. 6308. Disfrib. North Queens- land. BacuJoria Pahneriana Bail. Bellenden -Ker, abundant from sea level to summit ; n. 6315. Bestricted to Bellenden Ker. BELLENDEX-KER PLANTS : SYf^TEMATlC ACCOUXT 309 Freycinetia gonocarpa {Pandanaceis), sp. nov. Scandens ramis ultimis f ructiferis pendentibus laxe corticatis glabris ; foliis ad normam generis parvis lineari-lanceolatis apice breviter acuminatis basi obtusis sub apice serrulato-denticulatis alibi integris vel fere integvis glabris ; infiorescenfiis 5 solummodo lectis 2-Jr-nis pedunculis sat crassis insidentibus ; synca7'pio quam pedunculus longiore oblongo hujus baceis succulentis baud eonfluentibiis prominenter 5-6-gonis necnon costatis apice umbonatis. stigraatibus 2-3. Hah. Kiiranda, common in forest, March ; n. 63rtS. Folia 5-9x1-1 "5 cm. Pedunculi 1*5-2 cm. long., 2 mm. diam. Syncarpiimi 2-5-3 cm. long., l-5-l*8 cm. diam. ; baccse matm-ae rubrse, 12 mm. long., 3 mm. lat., harum mubo 2 mm, alt. Semina paullulum curvata stropliiolo raphiqne albo prominenter instructa, plerumque l'5-2 mm. long. ; testa rubra. This di:ffers from the Javan F. Graudicliaucli R. Br. in the small leaves, the ribbed more markedly angled berries with a prominent umbo and the somewhat larger seeds. Warburg (Pllanzenr., Pan- danacese, 32) notes that Bailey (Syn. Queensl. Flora, 567) gives the Javan species as occurring in Queensland, remarking this to be pro- bably in error for another and undescribed species. Curiously enough, he is unaware that not only Bentham (Flora Austral, vii. 151) but Mueller too (Syst. Census. Austral. PL 120) had previously claimed F. Gail dicli and ii for Australia. Comparison of Australian material with the type (in the British Museum) of F. Gaudicliaudii shows clearly enough the error into which Bentham, Mueller and Bailey have fallen. Potliosi lom/ipes Schott. Bellenden Ker, abundant in forest up to 3000 ft. ; n. 6298. Berries red. Distrih. Queensland, N.S. Wales. Eicocarya scJeroides Benth. Bellenden Ker, general in small forest to summit scrub, 3000-5000 ft. ; n. 6312. Distrih. Queens- land. N.S. Wales. Galinia psittaconim Labill. Bellenden Ker, summit, on exposed o-round, 5tt00 ft. : n. 6311. Distrih. Eastern Australia. Cryptogams. Hymenophifllum DaiJciianum Domin. {IF. tricliomanoides F. M. Bailey, Rep. (xo\i;. Sci. Exp. to BeUenden-Ker Range, p. 74, non Van den Bosch.) Bellenden Ker range, epiphvtic on trees in forest and small forest, 2-5000', March 1914 ; n. 6301. Distrih. North Queensland. Alsophila Beheccce F. Muell. Bellenden Ker range, coimnon on mountain up to the very summit, undergrowth in forest, 5400', March 1914 ; n. 6313. Also in low-lying forest. Tree fern 2-3 m. high ; slender stem. Distrih. North Queensland. A. Rohertsiana F. Muell. Bellenden Ker range ; only one plant seen, in small forest, 5200', March 1914 ; n*. 6320. Distrih. North Queensland. Blechnym WlieJani F. M. Bailey. Bellenden Ker range, under- niO THE JOURNAL OF IJOTAXV growth in forest on long ridge, abundant, 3— I'OOO', March 1914; n. 0309. Terrestrial. Disfrlb. Confined to Bellenden Ker range. Vittaria elonqata Swartz. Kuranda, epiphytic in forest, pendant, 1000', March 1914; n. 6344. Distrih. Queensland; New South Wales. Tro])ical Polynesia. Asia. V. pusilla Blume var. wooroonooran Domin. {V. wooroonooran F. M. Bailey. Kep. Govt. Sci. Exped. to Bellenden Ker, p. 77, 1889.) Bellenden Ker range, epiphytic on trees and rocks in forest and summit scrub, 3000-5400', March " 1914 ; n. 6325. Disfrih. The variety is confined to Queensland. The species extends from Queensland to Java, Malacca and Ceylon. Pol i^ podium simplicissimum F. Muell. Bellenden Ker range, epiphytic on trees and rocks, forest to summit scrub, 3000-5400', March 1914 ; n. 6328. Distrih. Queensland. F. Billardieri (Willd.) Christens. (P. austmh Mett.). Bellenden Ker range, on trees and rocks, forest to summit scrub, 3000-5400', March 1914 ; n. 6327. Disfrih. Queensland ; New South Wales ; Victoria ; Tasmania ; New Zealand. Antarctic America. South Africa. New Guinea. Cyclopliorus acrostichoides (Forst.) Presl. Kuranda, epiphytic in forest, 1000', March 1914; n. 6356. "Fronds very fleshy." ^Disfrih. Queensland. Polynesia. Malay Islands. Ceylon. Marattia fraxinea Sm. Bellenden Ker range, abundant from 2000' to summit (5400), undergrowth in forest, March 1914; n. 6321. " Plants about 1*25 m. high." Distrih. Queensland; New South Wales. Asia. Africa. Clavaria aurnntia Cooke & Massee in Grev. xvi. 33 (1887). Terrestrial. Small forest undergrowth. Bellenden Ker, N. Queens- land, 4500', March ; n. 6329. Distrih. Australia. The specimens differ from the original description in the fact that one of them was slightl}^ branched. The spores cannot be described as small, being 5-7 ^ X 4-5 /u. They have a verrucose wall. The basidia are about 30^ X 7 /i, and have four stigmata 5-Q jx in length. NEW KARE OR CRITICAL LICHENS. , Br W. Watson, B.Sc. (Concluded from p. 210.) Gj/ropliora j^f'^hoscidpa iov\\\ fitnhriata (T. & B.) Mudd. On rock, 1600 ft., Llanberis (49 j. Apothecia w^ere present. Bceomyces rufus var. sessilis Nvl. Haddeo valley (5), Kingsettle hill (6). Icmadophila (Bruginosa (Scop.) Trevis. The septate spores and the stichococcoid algal symbiont warrant the separation of this plant from Bceomyces. tSfercocanlon alpinuvi Laur. was found with apothecia on the XEW RAEE OR CRITICAL LICHEXS 311 Killin hills in 1913. It is recorded from Ben Lawers in Crombie's Monograph. S. condensatum Hoffni. is the only Stereocaiclo7i as yet found in Somerset. It occurs at an altitude of less than 1350 ft. on an upright stone, Culbone hill (5). Leprocaulon ncuium (Ach.) Nyl. Near Kingston (5). The Cladonias are a very difficult group, both in respect to deter- mination and nomenclature. The intimate knowledge of these plants which Mr. T. Hebden, of Keighley, possesses has been very helpful to me, and I am indebted to him for many determinations of puzzling- plants. Claclonia foliacea (Huds.) Schaer. includes both C. endivicefolia Fr. and C. alcicornis Flk. as varieties. Var, convolicta (Lam.) Wain. ( = C endivicefoUa Fr.). A plant so named by Dr. Parsons was obtained at Cleveden (6). The apothecia are almost sessile, so that it belongs to form epiphylla Schaer. Var. alcicornis (Light.) Schaer. is not uncommon in Somerset (5 & 6). C. pyxidata var. clilorophcea f. lepidopliora Flk. On old mossy wall, Cocker Combe (5). C. pityrea (Flk.) Fr. Land's End (1), near Ashburton (3), Exmoor, Blackdowns and Quantocks (5), Shapwick and Standerwick (6), Llanberis (49). Form crassiuscula Wain, is fairly common on thatched roofs and tree-stumps in vice-counties 5 and 6. f. holo- lepis (Flk.) Wain. Land's End (1), Quantocks, Minehead and Treborough (5), near Frome (6), Murlough Glen (Ireland 38). f. cladomorplia Flk. Curland and Minehead (5), near Frome (6). f. gracilior (Nyl.) Harm., Hodder's Combe (5). f. scyphifera Wain. Exford (5), near Frome (6). f. squamuUfera Wain. Treborough (5). f. subacuta Wain. Castle Neroche (5). G. Lamarkii f. Isignyi (Del.) ISTyl. There is little difference between this plant and C. pityrea f. liololepis unless there is a more constant 3^ellow colouration with potash, and this reaction is an un- certain and inconstant one for the genus. On grassy heath, Tre- borough (oj. C. Jimhriata (L.) Fr. A splendid specimen of the iorm. prolif era (Retz.) was obtained under the shade of a bank on Blagdon hill (5). Yar. conista (Ach.) Nyl. On stony banks, Horner, Exford and Kingston (o). Var. tuhcsformis (Hoffm.) Fr. is not uncommon in hilly districts. Var. suhcornuta form tortuosa (Del.) Nyl. Castle Neroche (5) ; form nemoxyna (Ach.) Nyl., on dry rock, Horner (5). Var. suhiilata iorm. Jihula (Ach.) and var. radiata (Schreb.) Nyl. are not uncommon in Somerset (5 and 6). Var. coniocrcea (Flk.). Quantock Combes and Haddeo valley (5). Var. ochrocJilora (Flk.), Chard, Quantocks and Exmoor (5), Shapwick (6) ; forms ceratodes, phyllostrota^ triincata, monstrosa and actinota have been found in Somerset. Wainio unites the, two last varieties together as var. apo- lepta whilst Crombie (p. 142) places them as C. ocJirocJilora. Acharius' name of apolepta (1803) has priority over Floerke's name of ochrochlora (1828). C. gracilis (L.) Hoffm Form aspera Flk., mossy rocks, Llan- 312 THE JOURNAL OF BOTAXV beris (^9) ; form ahortiva Schaer, Ben Eaclian (88). Var. elongata f. ecmocyna Nvl. On rock, 1000 ft., Llanberis (49). O. verticUlda (Hoffm.) Flk. Simonsbath, 1300 ft. (5), Ben Eachan, 3100 ft., and Ben Lawers, 3900 ft. (88), Ben Doran, 2500 ft. (98). Var. siihcfrricomis Wain, is the common plant known in this country as C. cervicornis (Crombie, p. 144). Form stipota (Nyl.) is local but abundant on rocky subalpine or alpine ledges, Snowdonia (49), Killin hills (88), Ben Doran (98). Var. cer- vicornis (Ach.) Wain. ( = (7. sohoUfera of Crombie, p. 144), Ash- burton (3), Blagdon hill (5), Stourhead (6). C. (legenerans (Flk.) Spreng. Form hypopliyUa Nj'l. near Har- lech (48), Llanberis (49), Ben ' Doran (98)'. The type of C. decjene- rans (f. etiphorea Ach.) is rare but var. anomcea (Ach.) Flk. is fairly frequent on upland heaths and moorlands. Cwm Bychan (48), Snowdonia (49), Castleton (57), Keighley (63). This variety is a scyphiferous form of var. pliijUophora (Ehrh.) Flot. C. strepsilis (Ach.) W'ain.=:C. coralloidea (Ach.) Mudd. Llan- beris (49). Recorded from Ben Lawers (88) and found there in 1913. C. fur cat a (Huds.) Schrad. Crombie, p. 150, states that the type of C.furcata is Lichen suhulatus of Linnaeus. This is a slip since the plant of Linnaeus is C. jimhriata var. suhulata. Hudson should be substituted for Linnaeus in the text, as Hudson's plant is considered to be typical C.furcata. The type and varieties corymbosa and spinosa are common. Var. rigidula Mass. Buckden Pike (64), Ben Eachan at 3000 ft. (88). Ysly. scahriuscula (Del.) Coem. {C. scahriuscula Nyl.). Dittisham (3), Minehead and Blagdon Hill (5), Shapvvick (6). Form adspersa (Flk.) = C'. adspersa of Crombie p. 158. Ex- ford (5), Shapwick (6). The subspecies C. racemosa Nj'l. {sec. Crombie p. 151) is difficult to correlate with any single plant of Wainio. Dartmoor (3 & 4), Horner (5), Llanberis (49), Ben Lawers, 3900 ft. (88), Ben Doran (and f. tenuior, 98). Form recurva Flk. Horner (5), Ben Lawers (88). All these plants had squamulose podetia which Crombie gives as an important character of this sub- species. It is not C. racemosa Hoff. nor is it var. racemosa Flk., so that if it is retained as a subspecies, another name would have to be given to it. It seems to be unnecessary to retain it. C. crispafa (Ach.) Flot. Exmoor, Hadden Down and Black- downs (5;, Cwm Bychan (48), Llanberis (49), Nant-y-Ffrith (50 ■& 51), Skipwith (61). Var. dilacerata (Schaer.) Malbr. On mossv rocks, Cwm Bvchan (48), Llanberis (49). Var. cetrarice- formis (Del.) Wain. On peat, Haddon Down, 1000 ft. (5), Skip- with Common (61). Var. gracilescens (Rab.) Wain. On damp heath, Skipwith Common (6i). O. rang if or mis ii()^m. = C. pa ngens (Ach.) Flk. Form foliosa Flk. On sand dunes, Kewstoke and Berrow (6). C. squamosa HofFm. Form ventricosa (Ach.) Fr. Achrioch (88). Var. mullihrachiata f. pityrea (Arn.). On peat, Winsford hill (5). Var. phyUocoma Wain. On tree, Ch)utsham (5). Var. muricella (Del.) VVain. Nant-y-Ffrith (51), Skipwith (61), Keigh- ley (63), Ben Doran (98). C. aspereUa of Crombie, p. 150, refers XEW RARE OR CRITICAL LICHENS 313 to this plant and not to C. squamosa £. asperella Flk. which is scyphiferous. C. sympliycarpia (Ach.) Arn. Mr. Hebden considers that some plants referred to C. caespititia really belong to this species. Ealeio-h's Cross (o), Bramble hill (11). C. delicata (Ehrh.) Flk. On old stmnp, Orchard Portman (5). C. cocci/era (L.) Schaer. Form corrmcopioides (Ach.) Fr. til. (f. phyllocoma Flk.). Blackdowns, Exmoor and Quantocks (o), Mas- bury and Mendip (6), Llanberis (49), Greenfield and Keighley (63), KiUin 88. Form. nov. epiphylla has the apothecia sessile or almost so on the thalline squamules. Greenfield (63). Yar. pleurota (Flk.) Schaer. ^Quantocks (5). C. hellidiflora (Ach.) Schaer. Llanberis and Snowdon (49), Ben Laoigh 3600 ft. (88), Ben Doran (98). G. digitata (L.) Hoffm. On decaying wood or on the gromid. Combe Sydenham (5), Cannock Chase (39), Keighley (63). Many of the described iovms such. -ds 2)f'olife?'a, phyllophora, deiiticulata and cephalotes have been fomid. C. macileiita Hoffm. Var. scahrosa (Mudd.) Nyl. Quantocks and Treborough (5), Frome (6), Keighley (63), Kircubbin (Ireland 38). Var. styracella (Ach.) Wain. Blackdown and Brendon hills (5) ; form clavata (Ach.) Fr. Blagdon hill (5). Var. ostreata Nyl. Keighley (63). C.flahelliformis (Flk.) Wain. What is usually known in this country as C. macileiita v. coronata may be taken as the type of this •segregate. The chief differences between it and C. macilenta are that C.flahelliformis has larger thalline squamules, the podetia are granulose, scyphiferous and more or less radiate, whilst C. macilenta has farinose and ascyphiferous podetia. Yovm. poly dactyla (Flk.) W^ain. is not uncommon in Somerset. Excellent examples occm* on a somewhat shaded bank on Staple hill (5). Form pliyllopliora (Mudd.). On bank, Holford Combe (5). Form ventricosa (Huds.) Cromb. Haddeo valley (5). Form liixiirians Harm. A plant agreeing with this occurs on a heath on the Quantocks (5). The reaction with potash is indefinite and the form is variously referred to C. macilenta (^Uahelliformis) , C. bacillaris and C. liypocrita Wain. C. hacillaris (Ach.) N^d. Staple hill (5), Crompton moor (59), Greenfield and Keighley (63). Var. suhcoronata Nyl. Staple hiU (5). C. FloerJceana (Schaer.) Fr. A spadiceous form occurs on Sel- worthy hill. Yar. intermedia Hepp. Blagdon hill, Brendon hill and Triscombe (5). Yar. carcata Wain. Blackdown and Brendon hills (5) ; the form trachypoda N^d. is common on peat}" moorlands. Cladina sylvatica (Hoffm.) Nyl. Form lacerata (Del.) N^d. is practically the same thing as i.flssa (Schaer.). Exmoor and Black- downs (5), Black Down (6). Form grandis (Flk.). Exmoor, Blackdowns and Quantocks (5), Black Down (6), Nant-y-Ffrith (51), Killin (88). Form tenuis Lamy. Cleeve hill and Shipham (6), Keighley (63). This form, together with C. rangiferina f. tenuis Flk., has been elevated to specific rank as C. tenuis by Harmand. Journal of Botany. — Vol. 55. [Xotember, 1917.] z 314 THE Joui{:;^AL of botaxy C. impexa Harm, is separated from C. sylvatica because its ulti- mate branches are spreading and not recurved to the same side. Frequent on the Somerset hills (5 & 6), Harlech (48), Beddgelert (49), Delamere (5S), Skipwith (01). Form portentosa (Duf.) Harm. Elworthy (o), Hisbury (8). Form pt/mila (Ach.) Harm. Blagdon hill (5), Cannock Chase (39), Skipwith (61), Greenfield and Keigli- ley (03). This form is better placed under C. imjjexa than under C. alpestris which is softer and rather more intricately branched. A scabrid state is frequent, and is probably due to age. On the Pennines between Oldham and Fenistone the podetia are often almost black. This blackening, which is shown by other vegetation, is chietly due to the smoke from the neighbouring industrial district. C. uncicdis form aclunca (Ach.) Leight, Exmoor and Black- downs (5), Snowdon (49), Skipwith (61), mountains near Killin and Tyndrum (88), Ben 13oran (98) ; form turgescens (Del.) Cromb. Snowdon (49), Killin hills (88), Ben Doran (98) ; form obiusaia (Ach.) Nyl. On moist rocks, Cwm Glas (49), Killin hills (88), form intef/errima Wain. Keighley (63) ; form dicroea (Ach.). Nant-y-Ffrith (51), Kircubbin (Ireland 38 from T. Grlover). Thamnolia vermicidaris (Sw.) Schaer. On ground, 3200 ft., Snowdon (49). Lecanactis ahieflna (Ach.) Krb. Broomfield (5), New Forest (11), Mulgrave wood (62). The spermogoniiferous condition {Sphceria leucocephala Pers.) has large spermatia, 12-16 X 3-4 yu,, and is more fre(]uently found than the apothecial state. Another spermogonii- ferous condition found on bark at Kingston (5) has smaller spermatia, 3-4x0"7-l^. The spermogonia are similar to those of L. abiefina, the algal cells are in 3'ellowish chains, sometimes with orange-red granules and it may be one of the Pyrenotheai described by Leighton in his Angiocarpous Lichens. Arthonia litrida var. spadicea (Leight.) Nyl. On old oak, Broomlield (5). A. radiata var. Swartziana f. simidans (Leight.). Near Taun- ton (5). A. suhvarians Nyl. is parasitic on the thallus of Lecanora galac- iina and is probabl}' a fungus. Staple Fitzpaine (5). Opec/rapha atra var. arlhonoidea Leight. Thurlbear (o). O. caJcarea iorm heteromo7yha (Stiz.) A. L. Sm. On sVdty rocks, Morte Point (4). O. vidgata var. side?'ella (Ach.) Nyl. Cothelstone hills and Stoke St. Mary (5). O. varia form tridens Ach. Staple hill (5), near Frome (6). G7v/phis elegans (Borr.) Ach. Yoy\\\ pared lela (Schaer.) Leight. On birch and beech, Quantocks, Blackdowns and Exmoor (5), King- settle hill (6). Form stcllata Leight. On holly and oak, Quantocks (5), Longleat (6), near Bettwys-y-Coed (49). Form coacervata Leight. On holly, Quantock hifls (5). G. scripta form stellata Leight. Red Lynch (6). Phceographls imistn (Ach.) Muell-Arg. Horner wood (0). Graphina Buiziana (Fee.) Muell-Arg. On birch near Tre- borougli (5). NEW BARE OR CRITICAL LICHENS 315 Verrucaria onwcosa Wa"hl, Quantoxhead (5). V. aquatilis Mudd. On stones in upland streams, near Crow- combe (5), Shi^Dham (6). V. hydrela Ach. Exraoor (5). V. Icdvata Ach. Near Taunton (5). V. margacea Wahl. Treborough (.5). V. (Bthiohola Wahl. Malsmead (4), Exmoor, Aisholt, and Tre- borough (5), Y Garn, 2500 ft. (49). V. submersa Schaer. Not uncommon in the Quantock Combes (5), Llanberis (49). V. coerulea DC. Near Taunton (5), Cheddar and Ebbor Gorge (6). V. glaucina Ach. usually occurs on calcareous rocks but it may extend on enclosed flints. Winsham (5). V. fuscella (Turn.) Ach. On top of calcareous wall near Taun- ton (5). V. maculiformis Kremp. is not uncommon on slaty rocks, Exmoor, Quantocks and near Washford (5), Dinorwic (49). V. rupestris var. suhalbiccms (Leight.) Mudd. On mortar, Staplegrove (5). V. Integra (Nyl.) Carroll. On calcareous walls near Taunton (5 teste A. L. Sm.), Bruton (6). A form found on earth derived from the decomposition of calcareous rock has a somewhat greenish thallus and the perithecial pits are deeper. This may be distinguished as form terrestris. Merridge near Bridgwater and Stoke St. Marv (5). V. calciseda DC. Orchard Portman (5), Mendip (6). Thelidium immersum (Leight.) Mudd. Babbacombe (3), Brean Down (6), Bwlch Gwyn (50), Castleton (57). JPolyhlastia inter cedens Loenn. On limestone wall, Buckden (64). P. inumhrata (Nyl.) A. L. Sm. Llanberis (49), Creag-an- Lochan (88). P. theleodes (Somm.) Th. Fr. Buckden (64), Creag-an-Lochan (88). P. tristicula (Nyl.) Th. Fr. On mosses of wall, 100ft., Taunton. The only previous British record was by Adm. Jones in 1864. Staurothele ebborensis, sp. nov. Thallus crustaceus, albido- cinerascens, gonidiis viridibus (Protococcus). Perithecia parva, nigra, minute papillosa, innata vel leviter emerso-convexa, integra ; ostiolo depresso ; hymenii gonidiis subspheroidiis viridibus ; ascis clavatis uni- vel bi-sporis ; paraphysibus hyalinis evanescentibus ; osteoli fila- mentis multis ; gelatina hymenia coerulea iodo ; sporis oblongis, hj^a- linis vel leviter brunneis, primum unitriseptatis demum inordinate mui-aliformibus, 0*028-45 mm. longis, 0"014-19 mm. latis. Thallus crustaceous, greyish-white, algal cells (Protococcus) green. Perithecia small, dark, minutely pg^pillate, innate or slightly convex and emergent, entire ; ostiole depressed ; hymenium with green sul - spheroidal algal cells ; asci clavate 1- or 2-spored ; paraphyses hyaline, disappearing ; osteolar filaments many ; hymenial gelatine blue with iodine ; spores oblong, hyaline or slightly brown, at first 1-3-septate, then irregularly muriform, 28-45 X 14-19^. On Carboniferous lime- z2 316 TnE JOURNAL or botajtt stone, Ebbor Gorge, Mendip, Somerset (6), April 1917. Small dark dots are often sprinkled on the tballus, the hymenial algal cells liave thin cell-walls and are arranged in irregular and broken lines between the asci, those near the ostiole sometimes having a reddish tinge. Tlie spores do not give any particular stain with iodine, are usually uncoloured but may be sliglitly yellowish or brownish, are often single in the ascus, and the cells occasionally become fairly regular. The relationship of this plant with *S'. itmhrimiim and S. clopima is very close. The chief difference is in the colour of the spores, and this is a variable character for the genus, as well as for other genera of Verrucariace;e. It is with some hesitation that I give it the status of a species, since a careful revision of the genus may result in the union of some of the species already described, and the Ebbor Gorge pliint raa}' have to be considered as a varietj^ or form. Artliopyrenia areniseda A. L. Sm. Similar incrustations to those found on the Southport sand-dunes have been observed on Bi-aunton buiTows (4) but no apothecia have as j'et been detected. Leptorhapliis epidermidis (Ach.) Th. Fr. is a fungus. Chard (5). Didi/mospJi(pn'a pulposi Zopf is a fungus parasitic on the thallus of Collema pylposinn. The spores are usually 4-n2e, 1-septate, colourless, 19-23 x 6-7 /x, and the asci are untinged with Iodine. Corfe and Wi-jintage (5). A specimen of a similar parasite on Lepto- gium scofinum, collected by Mr. Hebden at Buckden (64) has smaller spores, 12-16 x3'5-4/x, which are usuallv 8-n?e and the asci become reddish with iodine. On a specimen of Collema graniiliferum col- lected in rock crevices near Yatton (6), another parasite occurs. The minute perithecia are brownish above, the paraphyses are indistinct or absent, the ascus is longly-clavate, 50x12-13^/, the hymenial gelatine becomes bluish with iodine, quickly clianging to wine-red. Tlie spores are colourless, one-septate, 26 /x long, and are of a peculiar sliape, their lower cells being acuminate and much longer and narrower than the upper ones Avhich are 6-7 /a broad. In conclusion I must acknowledge my indebtedness to Miss A. L. Smith and Messrs. Hebden, Reader and Wheldon, who have been kind enough to examine plants submitted to them, and to supply me with much information respecting them. NOTES FROM CARNARVON AND ANGLESEY. By C. E. Salmox, F.L.S., axd W. G. Travis. Most of the following plants were noted by C. E. S. during a hurried two days' visit to Carnarvonshire in June, 1916, with a day's excursion to Anglesey ; and by W. G. T. during two visits to the latter in June and Sej)tember of the same year. The only portions of Anglesey visited on these occasions were the neighbourhood of Holyhead and the adjacent rocky coast of Holy Island, and, on the larger island, some of the dune tracts on the south-west coast, namely, Rhosneigr, Aberffraw, jNIaelog, and Newborough. It has been thought convenient to combine and publish in the form of a joint paper our NOTES FHOM CAEXARVOX AXD AXGLESET 317 individual notes and records (which were made quite independently of each other), together with the conclusions reached by us in corres- pondence concerning some o£ our gatherings. With but few exceptions, we have omitted an}^ reference to species well knoAvn from the localities in question and duly recorded in Gritfith's Flora of Anglesey and Carnarvo7ishire (1895). Genemlly speaking, we have only included in this paper such plants as are either not recorded in that work, or for which few stations are given. Supj^osed new county records are indicated by a *. All the Carnarvonshire localities fall in District II of Griffith's Flora, and a few have been included that were noted by Mr. A. J. Crosfield in 1902 (distinguished by the initials A. J. C.), and by C. E. S. in 1891, as well as some records that have come to hand from time to time. We are indebted to Messrs. E. G. Baker, C. Bucknall, G. C. Druce, J. W. White, and others, for help in determining critical gatherings. Carxaeyox (v. c. 49). JRanunculus Lenormandl F. Schultz. Near Beddgelert, plentiful. 1891. Above Bethesda on way to Ogwen. T. Chelidonium majiis L. Pont y Cyfyng. A. J. C. Arahis hirsida Scop. Near Meillionen, Beddgelei*t. Cochlearia micacea E. S. Marsh. A specimen which unfortu- nately was not in fruit, gathered in 1891 near the summit of Snowdon, was submitted to the Kev. E. S. Marshall who reported — " This is probabl}^ my C. micacea of which it has quite the habit. That and Cerastium arcticum ©ccur together on Ben Lawers, and C. arcticuni is a Snowdon plant." Polygala oxyptera Keichb. Near Meillionen Farm, near Bedd- gelert. Sac/ina suhidata Presl. Near Meillionen. Apparently rare in the countv, or perhaps overlooked. Only two stations given in Griffith's Flora. Sjjergiila saliva Boenn. Pont j C3"fyng. A. J. C. Hypericum duhium Leers. An example in Hb. Cambridge from Llanberis ! 1882, C. C. Babington, comes under the usual British form var. erosum Schinz ; Dr. E. J. Salisbury has shown me a speci- men he gathered in a wood near Bettws-y-Coed in 1913 which goes under forma perforatum of erosum {=11. onaculatiim Cr. subsp. erosum Frohlich i. perforatum Tourlet). Lathyrus monfanus Bernh. var. tenuifolius Druce. Pont y Cyfyng. A. J. C. Geum rivale L. Near Ogo Owen. Griffith says *' Rather rare." Alchemilla alpestris Schmidt. Llanfairfechan ! 1886 (Hb. Mrs. Makovski). Near Ogo Owen, near Beddgelert. A. viinorTLndi^. Cwm Idwal ! 1876. A. Ley. (Hb. Mus. Brit.) Saxifraga platypetala Smith (teste E. S. Marshall). Cwm Glas Bach. 1891. Parnassia palustris L. Pont y Cyfyng. A. J. C. Sedum roseum Scop. Near Ogo Owen. * Galium sylvestre Poll. Near Meillionen, Beddgelert. 318 THE JOURNAL OF BOTANY Crepis paludosn Moench. Pont y Cyfyng. A. J. C. ILieracium Sommerfclfii Lindeb. (teste E. F. Linton). Moel Siabod! A.J. C. K. camhricum F. J. Hanb. (teste Lintons). Limestone rocks, PaboHilU 1900. C. Waterfall. H. angnstatum Lindeb. (teste E. F. L.). Cwm Idwal! A. J. C. *//. cacuminatam Dahlst. (teste A. Ley). By Ceunant Mawr Waterfall, Llanberis. 1891. K. diaphanoidcs Lindeb. (teste W. R. L.). Cwm Glas Bach. 189 1. J£. spnrsifoJium Lindeb. (teste E. F. L.). Moel Siabod ! A. J. C. Taraxacum spcctabile Dahlst. Near Twll Du. Yar. *macuU- ferum Dahlst. Xear Ogo Owen. Vaccinium Vifis-Idcea L. Near Meillionen, Beddgelert. Veronica hyhrida L. There is an example of this in the Herba- rium of the Holmesdale N. H. Club, Reigate, labelled — Cwm Idwell, Kev. H. Kirby"t, but it has never been conHrmed, I believe, from this part of Carnarvonshire since Evans (in Turner & Dilhv^'n, Bot. Guide, i. 78, 1805) recorded it from — •" Hyssva Bengam and Trygy- vylchi Bocks near the Glyder " — Griffith, in his Flora, does not admit this record. Euphrasia scottica Wettst. (teste Townsend). Pont y Cyf^'ng. A. J. C. *JE. minima Jacq. var. nana Rouy. Near Meillionen, Beddgelei*t. See Journ. Bot. 1917, Supp. i. p. 28. Named by Mr. C. Bucknall. Melampyrum fratense L. var. hians Druce. Pont y Cyf vng ! A. J. C. *Mentha longifolia Huds. Marshy land, Capel Curig ! 1916. A. Wallis. Chenopodium Bonus-Henricus L. Pont y Cyfyng. A. J. C. \Cypripedium Calceolus L. " I have tried to establish it both by seed sowing and planting the roots in a secluded rocky wood near Bangor, and so far the attempt has been attended with good results." A. D. Webster, Brit. Orchids, p. 93, 1886.] Eriopho7'um vaginatum L. Cwm Glas and near Beddgelert. 1891. Carex pilulifera L. var. *longihracteata Lange. Near Meillionen, Beddgelert. C. pallescens L. Pont y Cyfyng. A. J. C. Near Meillionen Farm. C.fulva Host. Near Llyn Padarn. Hymrnophyllum unihiterale Bory and Asplenium viride Huds. Near Meillionen, Beddgelert. Folystichum lohatum Presl forma *loncliitidoides Hooker, Brit. Fl. ed. 3, 449, 1835 (as a var.). Near Ogo Owen. This is evidently only a young state of lohatum but it deserves mention as it is some- times reported as the true P. Lonchitis. It was apparently tirst noted in Wales in 1696 (Ray, Synop. ed. 2, 4^) as follows— "4. Filix t No date is given, but the specimen was erathered probably about the " thirties." NOTES FBOM CAEIfARVON AND ANGLESEY 319 Lonchitidi affinis. Hoc titulo plantam ad me misit D. Lhwyd prsece- denti [lohafuni] similem, pinnulis tamen rotundioribus & longioribus aculeis obsitis in montosis Cambro-Britannicis collectam." In the 3rd edition (121, 1724) Dillenius adds the apt remark — " Priori \_lobatui)i] eadem, nee nisi jmiior planta videtur." Some authors place this "variety" under P. aculeatum, e. g. Smith, Fl. Brit. 1122, 1804, Eng. Fl. iv. 290, 1828, Deakin, Flor. Brit. iv. 91, 1857, etc., whilst it is the A. aculeatum var. camhrlcum Gray, Arr. ii. 7, 1821. Lycopodmm Selago L. var. *patens Desv. Near Ogo Owen, near Beddgelert. Agrees with the description of this variety rather than that of recurvuni Desv. The spreading leaves give the plant a peculiar look, recalling annotinum, which is even more pronounced than the Welsh plant in an example I possess, ex herb. J. E. Winterbottom, labelled — L. Selago var., Widdy Bank Scar, Teesdale, Durham, 31 Aug. 1838. Anglesey (v. c. 52). Fumaria Bastardii Bor. (fide H. W. Pugsley). Between Ty Croes and Llyn Maelog. S. Barharea prcecox Br. Between Ty Croes and Llyn Maelog. >S'. Cakile maritima Scop. Sandhills, Tre-Arddur Bay. T. Viola Ciirtisii Forst. var. Forsteri H. C. Wats. Common on the sandhills at Penrhos, Holyhead ; Borth Wen, Rhoscolyn ; Khos- neigr ; Newborough ; and Tywyn Aberft'raw ; in the last locality as a small form. T. Sandy ground near Llyn Maelog. S. Most of our gatherings differ somewhat from the usual Braunton Burrows plant in having larger flowers and a longer spur. T. *V. Pesneaui Lloyd. Common on the dunes, Newborough Warren. T. * V. agrestis Jord. In a vegetable garden, Pentre Canol, Holy- head. T. *V. segetalis Jord. Near Soldiers Point, Holyhead. T. *V. derelicta Jord. Sparingly on an open roadside bank near Porth Dafarch, in association with Ornitkopus peiyusillus and Aira prcBcox ; grassy ground in a garden, Pentre Canol, Holyhead Mountain. T. Bolygala serpylJcicea Weihe var. *vincoides Chodat. Heathy ground on the cliffs near South Stack. T. Sagina ciliata Fr. Between Ty Croes and Ll^m Maelog. Agrees with the description of patula Jord. in Corbiere's Flore de Nor- mandie. S. S. suhulata Presl, By roadside through heathy common at Forth Dafarch. T. Montia chondrosperma Fenzl. Near Llyn Maelog. S. Madiola Unoides Both. Very abundant on a bare moorland near Porth Euffydd, Holy Island. T. Hypericum humifusiim L. var. decumlens Reichb. (determ. by H. W. Pugsley). Between Ty Croes and Llyn Maelog. S. Geranium lucidiim L. Between Ty Croes and Llyn Maelog. S. Anthyllis Vuhieraria L. var. coccinea L. Grassy banks on the 320 THE JOURXAL OF BOTANY cliff tops near Forth y Gamn. T. Griffith reports it from "all along the S.W. coast of Anglesey, from Aberffraw to Holyhead." *Anthyllis mar it I ma Sch\yeigg. Grassy banks, cliffs near South Stack. T. Most of the examj:)les gathered are typical as regards hair-clothing and agree well with Schweigger's original description (in Hagen, Chlor. Boruss. 205, 1819) as to this featm'e — " pilis in caule petiolisque densis, adpressis." Growing however with these plants were others provided with an abundance of conspicuous spreacli/if/ ]nibescence on stems, petioles and margins of the leaves and involucres giving the examples a very distinct apjDearance. Corbiere (Fl. Norm. 148, 1894) noticed this variation, remarking " poils ord. a])primes, mais parfois tres etales surtout dans le has dcs tiges," and refers to " var. sericea Breb." for this form. If we turn, however, to Brebisson (Fl. Norm. ed. 3, 83, 1859) we find simply — " A. Vidne^-aria L. var. sericea. Tiges dressees ; fol. larges, cou- vertes de poils soyeux, surtout en dessous t," Mdiich does not bear out Corbiere's reference ; moreover, in ed. 5, 1879 Brebisson gives var. inariiima Koch (equalling maritima Sclnveigg.) as a synonym of his sericea. Thus the plant Avith the spreading hairs is left without a distinguishing name and we propose to call it A. maritima Schweigg. var. Corhierei. — Caules folia petiolique valde patento-villosse. Sedum Telepliium L. On sea cliff's in a cove at Clyb3'ddead near Forth Dafarch. T. Smyrnium OJiisatrum L. Holy Island, 1891. S. DaifCKs ff a m??iifer JjMXik. var. *i)itermeclius Corb. On cliff tops between South Stack and Forth Dafarch. T. The plants from this locality seem to match, except in their being more hispid, the Dorset form mentioned in tliis Journal for 1911, p. 364. As regards the idtimate shajje of the fruiting head in these Anglesey plants, various intermediate stages were particularly noted between the convex or flattish umbel and the typical concave one of Carota. That accurate observer of Anglesey plants, the Eev. HughDavies ( Wehli Botanology, 1813), evidently had this same plant under his notice when he wrote (p. 27) — " D. mariiimns ; Sea-coast Carrot ; The plants (for there were several of them), which I suppose to be this species, grew in that same bay, Forth Dafarch, in the clefts of very steep rocks, but out of my reach ; so that I could not examine them as minutely as 1 wished to have done. They bore, however, that distinctive character of an Umbel in seed, perfectly flat, if not somewhat convex, and larger than I had ever before observed." The B. maritimvs of Withering (Arr. Brit. Fl. ed. 3, ii. 290, 1796), of which he gives a plate (t. xxxii.) in the 7th edition, ii (1830), and calls the "Cornish Coast CaiTot " (p. 369), is the basis upon which. Kouy and Camus (Fl. Fr. vii. p. 239, 1901) established their B. (jvmmifer var. Witherinf/iaiivs. The only characters by which they sei)arate it from tyjje are the broader more elongated divisions of the involucre which exceed the umbel, as indicated in Withering's drawing. This, however, is taken from a young example with the flowers barely expanded and it is doubtful 'if this involucral feature t Corrected to "dcssuH" in ed. 4, 88, 18G9, and ed. 5, 107, 1879. S'OTES FEOM CAENARYOX A^D ANGLESEY 321 would be anything like so noticeable in mature plants with fruiting umbels, but it is a point to be obsei-ved by coast botanists. An example well matching Withering's plate was distributed through the Watson Botanical Exchange Club a few years ago collected by Mr. J. W. White in 1912 at Bedruthan Steps, Cornwall, but this, too, was only in young flower. Scahiosa Siiccisa L. var. *suhaccndis Bernardin. On close grassy turf on the cliff tops near South Stack, Holyhead. T. This small form, 1-3 inches high, which is perhaps the same as Mr. West's Shetland plant (Journ. Bot. 1912, p. 266), seems to agree with Eouy's description (Fl. Fr. viii, p. 115, 1903) of Bernardin's siih- acaitlis. This Anglesey *' dwarf " is no doubt on a par Avith other condensed forms of exposed cliffs (e. g. Campanula glo7nerata var. nana C. Bailey) Avhich are now generally recognized as "states" only. Filago minima Fr. Sand-dunes, Newborough. T. *Matricaria suaveolens Buch. Boadsides and waste places in many spots about Holyhead. T. Senecio vulgaris L. var. ^radiatus Koch. Sandhills at New- borough. T. Senecio spafhiilcefolivs DC. This was seen in its well known stations near Holyhead, and was in fine condition in the third week in June. So far as our observations go, which are at variance with Griffith's remark {op. cif. p. xiii), " The presence of ... . Senecio spathulcefolius in a few localities of this district does not seem to have any direct relation to the nature of the soil," it seems restricted to soil derived from glacial drift, which is present in many of the coves and hollows on the seaward faces of Holj'head Mountain, as well as on the tops of the cliffs at many places. Its favourite habitat is on sunny slopes and banks above the sea in slightly sheltered positions and among its associates are Anthyllis maritima, Scilla verna, Jasione montana var. maritima and Armeria maritima. Comparing Anglesey S. spatJiitJcpfoliiis with examples from Westmoreland t the former possesses leaves of a decidedly more fleshy or " leathery " texture and those at the base seem larger, broader and sometimes nearly orbicular in outline (Journ. Bot. t. 226, f. 5, 1882). This coast plant is not happily matched with any Continental spatJiiilcefolius we have seen and Mr. Backhouse's original view, that his Westmoreland plant and the Welsh one both differed from this species, may prove to be correct. Hooker and Syme also held this opinion. The specimens from Westmoreland, as cultivated, approach closer to the plant of the Continent. Jasione montana L. var. ^mariiima Duby. Kocky coast near South Stack. June 1916. We consider that plants collected here should be placed under Duby's variety (in De Candolle, Bot. Gall, ed. 2, i. 311, 1828) with the description of which it has much in common. Duby was evidently'' struck with the remarkable divergence f Garden-grown material : we believe specimens have never been found in this county during their flowering period. See Journ. Bot. 1914, 138. 322 THE JOURNAL OF BOTAIsT of the coast form from the inland type, for he adds, after the descrip- tion— " An distincta sp. ? " Its chief distinguishing featm-es are its biennial or perennial root, its general hairiness, its stout simple or little-branched stem, 10-18 cm. high, which is hairy up to the head of llowers and the broad + obtuse hairy exterior involucral scales, hairv calyx and large heads of Howers. Its nearest ally seems var. mnjor Koch, but that is a plant of mountain regions, with stems I'-Uibrous in the upper part, glabrous calyx and the involucral scales ion^'er and more acute and glabrous beneath ; it is also a much taller plant (" caules 2 pedales ") with longer and less Heshy leaves. It seems doubtful whether our plant is the same as the Spanish var. maritima described by Willk. & Lange (Prod. Fl. Hisp. ii. 283, 1S70) as the diagnosis there would seem to indicate an even more hirsute plant, with woolly involucral scales, pedicels and calyx-teeth, as one might expect in a more southern climate. The variety maritima will probably not prove infrequent upon our coasts, chiefly on the south and west; an example in Hb. C. E. S., labelled J. montana L. var. major M. & K., collected by Mr. W. T. J^bickwood at Howth, Ireland, in June 1910, and distributed by Mr. McTaggart Cowan, junr., agrees well with the Anglesey plant. Calluna vulgaris Hull. var. incana Keichb. Common, growing with type, on the moorland near Poi-th Kuffydd. T. AnagaUis arvensis L. var. carnea (Schrank). Sandy ground near Llyn Maelog. S. Abundant on diy dunes all over the New- borough Warren. T. We consider this species a true native in these localities, and note that the Rev. H. J. Kiddelsdell has satisfied himself (Journ. Bot. 1911, p. 90) it is so on limestone in Glamorgan- shire. We must bear in mind, however, that we have no data as to the time of origin of the Newborough dunes ; they may only have been formed within comparatively modern times and are banked up on old coastal cUffs, from cultivated ground on which the plant may possibly have originally spread to the dunes. On the Lancashire coast, however, this plant certainl}^ shows no tendency to spread from the cultivated margin of the dune tract into the sandhills and it is absent from the dunes j^roper. Ryoscyamus niger L. Sandy ground near a farm, Newborough Warren. T. Veronica Anagallis-aquatica L. var. *montioides (Boiss.). Damp hollows in the dunes, Newborough Wan-en. T. Plantago Coro7iopus L. A short, very hairy form from near Holyhead is said by E. Gr. Baker and Miss Cardew to approach var. hrevifolia DC. Plantago maritima L. var. ^linearis Davey (non Syme). In bosses on bare turfy ground, on cliff tops, Holyhead Mountain ; cliff tops. South Stack. T. Determined b}^ Miss Cardew and E. G. Baker. Atriplex laciniata L. Sandy coast near Llyn Maelog. S. Sand- hills, Tre-Arddur Bay. T. Rumex crispus L. var. *trigranulatus S}Tiie. Very common on the coast of Holy Island. T. Euphorbia Faralias L. Abundant on sandy coast near Llyn Maelog. >S'. NOTES FHOir CARNARVON AND ANGLESEY 323 Hellehorine viridiflora Whelclon & Travis. Newborough Warren. See Journ. Bot. 1916, p. 247. T. Orchis maculata L. var. ^prcBCox Webster. Common on heather moorland, Holyhead Mountain. T. *0. prcetermissa Druce. Marshy gromid at head of Llyn Coron. Put under this by Mr. Druce, who suggests the plant requires further investigation. T. O. incarnata L. Near Llyn Maelog. ;S^. Scirpus Jiliformis Savi \di\\ pygmtBus (Kunth). Moist bank in a cove near South Stack. T. Carex piilicaris L. Near Llyn Maelog. *S^. *C. Prt/r^/ F. Schultz. Between Ty Croes and Llyn Maelog. 8. C. distans L. With C. vulpiiia on moist banks in a cove near South Stack. T. Koeleria albescens DC. var. ^glabra DC. Close turf on the clif£ tops near South Stack. Mr. Druce reports — " The Koeleria is similar to plants named for me by Domin as albescens var. glabra DC. which equals arenaria.^'' Desmazeria loliacea Nyman. Holy Island. 1891. S, Spar- ingly on rocks in the dunes at Newborough. T. Bromus molliformis Lloyd. Dry banks by the sea in a cove near South Stack. T. This is the plant referred to in Bot. Ex. Club jReport, 1916, p. 596, where the specimens were distributed under the name var. compactus (Breb.) and which Mr. Druce called var. con- glonieraius (Pers.). After further examination, it is now considered that these Angle- sey specimens should be named molliformis (■= Lloyd ianiis Godr. et Gren.), and they match satisfactorily Cornish and Channel Island examples similarly labelled. It is interesting to note that Rouy (Fl. Fr.), Lloyd (Fl. de rOuest Fr.), Richter (PI. Europ.), Ascherson & Graebner (Fl. Mittel- Europ.), Grenier & Godron (Fl. Fr.), Boreau (Fl. Centre Fr.), Coste (Fl. Fr.), etc., give the plant specific rather than varietal rank, and we have adopted this view. In Hayward's Bot. Pocket-book, ed. 13, p. 249, 1909, it is described as being prostrate ; the Anglesey plants agree with the original description and are erect. NITELLA MUCEONATA IN GLOUCESTERSHIRE. By James Geoves, F.L.S., and Rev. G. R. Bullock- Webstee. In May last Miss Roper sent us fresh specimens of an extremely interesting Nitella discovered by her near Wickwar, West Gloucester- shire (v. c. 34). It resembled in appearance a very slender state of N. mucronata, but the ultimate mys of the branchlets, which usually aiford a distinguishing character in the genus, were more like those of N. gracilis than N. mucronata in that the penultimate cell tapered slightly and was terminated by a comparatively large conical ultimate cell, instead of having the more or less rounded end with the minute and narrow apical cell presenting the mucro-like appearance which characterizes N. mucronata and gives rise to its name. Moreover, 32^ THE JOURNAL OF BOTANY three-celled ultimate rays were frequent as in iV. gracilis, while in the British specimens of JSf. mucronata they are comparatively rare. The fruit also was smaller than in normal N. mucronata. We were in- clined at first to think that it might be a large form of JV. gracilis, especially as there were traces in some of the specimens of an earlier more slender growth. Later specimens with ripe fruit, however, decided the question, the membrane of the oospore proving to possess the peculiar form of reticulate decoration which belongs to iV. mucro- nata and not the very close and line granulated markings of N. gracilis. N. mucronata var. fiahellata Coss. & Germ. (var. tenuior Braun), though more slender than the type, with smaller fruit, has the characteristic ultimate rays of N. mucronata though in a less marked degree, as shown both in the plate in Alt. Flor. Par. (t. 40. f. 4-5) and in specimens issued under the name tenuior by Braun and Nord- stedt. The Wick war plant is much more extreme than either of these and we thei*efore think it desirable to differentiate it as : — N. MUCRONATA var. GRACILLIMA (var. nov.). Caulis ramulique insolenter graciles. Radius ultimus sjepe tri- cellulatus. Cellula penultima ad apicem gradatim fastigata, itaque apex quam basis cellulae ultimae non multo latior est. Cellula ultima elongata conica. Oospora matura c. 290 /u longa, 275 fi lata. Miss Ro])er has furnished us Avith the following particulars as regards the habitat, etc. : — "I first noticed the plant on April 30, 1917, growing in a small pond nearly six feet deep of clear land water, situated due east of Kangeworthy, W. Glos. In this district there are many similar ponds of varj'ing depths from which the mineral strontia has been dug at various times within the last 50 years, and many rare plants grow about there as survivals of the old heathland. The JVitella was very abundant in the pond, and the only growth, and so far has not been detected in any of the others. AT. opaca, however, is not far away in two localities." She has kept the plant under observation and has kindly sent us specimens from time to time, so that we have been exceptionally fortunate in having the oppoi-tunity of examining it in different stages of growth. The discovery of A^. mucrotiata in Gloucestershire represents an important extension of the known range of the species, which was hitherto only recorded in England from Hants, N. Sussex, W. Oxon, Norfolk, W. Cambs, Beds, and in Ireland from Co. Monaghan. SHORT NOTES. Leptdium campestre var. longtsttlum A. G. More ined. Recently while looking through A. G. More's interleaved copy of Bromfield's Flora Vectensis, kindly lent me by its owner Mr. H. J. Jetfery, I came across the following MS. note in More's handwriting under Lepidium campestre : — "/3. longistylum. Style tw^ce as long as the notch, stems usually numerous. Its numerous stems and long style render it likely to be mistaken for Smithii, but its silicules are SHORT NOTES 825 veiy scaly. Onh^ a luxuriant biennial state. No doubt this is what Bromfield mistook for Smithii and described as occurring in old clover-fields, in clover not ploughed up in the autumn but left until the following June : found b}' me in Armagh." The last part of the sentence refers no doubt to More's Irish specimens mentioned by Mr. Salmon in this Journal for 1911 (p. 163), which Dr. Thellung refers to L. campestre. Under L. Smithii More has this further note: — "There is a var. of L. campesire which I call '"longistylum^ likely enough to be mistaken for L. SmifJiii. Its style is much exserted but the capsule is scaly at back, and was probabh^ the liyde plant." The Leijidium found b}' Mr. H. N. Dixon and myself on a railway embankment at Kingsthorpe, Northants, in 1905 (see B. E. C. Eep. 1905, p. 541, and W. B. E. C. Kep. 1905, p. 41), must be very near this ; it agrees as regards the style-character, but the pods are only slightly scaly. A plant collected by Mr. Druce in the same locality (see B. E. C. Eep. 1910, p. 541) does not seem to be quite the same as mine ; it has slightly longer st3des and has been put under L. heterophylliom by Dr. Thellung, the monographer of the genus, Avhile More's Armagh plant he refers to L. campestre. The occurrence of these doubtful forms suggests that intermediates between L. campestris and L. lieteropliyllum sometimes occur, as all the characters mentioned in the books as distinguishing the two species are variable. — A. Beuce Jackson. SiJERET Helleboeines. Last year I was shown by Mr. A. Beadell, of Warlingham, a locality in his district where Helleborines were especially fine and abundant. At the time these plants appeared to be II. latifolia, but later study suggested the possibility of H. atro- viridis being represented Jiere. Mr. John Cryer, who has made a special study of the genus, was also of this opinion, and fresh ex- amples from the same locality, gathered this year, have demonstrated the existence of this species in the county. H. airo-viridis has also been found during the past season at Oxshott and on the North Downs near Leatherhead. I have a typical example from the downs near Horsley, gathered so long ago as 1899. This form is probably frequent in Surrey, but restricted IL. latifolia I believe to be by no means common, though I have it from Chelsham and West Horsley. H. media is found at various places on the North Downs as at Clelsham, Mickleham, and near Leatherhead. It appears to be a species not very well understood, as botanists of repute have, in the past, given me this name for forms of H. purpnrata. This latter form is quite frequent on the deposits overlying the chalk, though it seldom occurs in profusion. The most interesting member of the genus encountered in Surrey hitherto is H. afro-tnihens, which was found in a wood on the North Downs near Leatherhead. This is a rather notable extension of its range, as I am not acquainted with any previous record of its occurrence in the south of England. I am indebted to Mr. Cryer for valuable assistance rendered in the exami- nation of my plants, as well as for the loan of dried specimens, microscope slides, and other material elucidating these highly critical species. — C. E. Beitton. 320 [the journal of botany Middlesex Plants. Cusciita europcea^ indicated in Trimen and Dyer's Flora as probably extinct in the county, grows in various localities at Shepperton, on TJrtica dioica, Humulus, Arrhenathei'um, Fnuius spiiiosa, etc. It is noteworthy that no Cuscuta is mentioned by Mr. Druce in his notes on Middlesex Flora in this Journal for 11)10, pp. 269-278. Caucalis nodosa var. pedunculare, above Pen ton Hook. Campanula glonierata, very luxuriant and plentiful in alluvial meadows, vSliepperton. The " fine trees " near Sun bury mentioned in Fl. Middlesex (p. 2i51) mider the name of Populus alha are not this species, but P. canescens. Jiincus comnressus, near Laleham. Ff'stuca prateiisis var. pseudo-loliacea, Thames side opposite Surbiton. Equisetuni arvense var. nemorosiim, near Laleham. The following hybrid plants have been seen in the Shepperton district : Rubus ccesius X idceus, a large patch covering a space of ground about 30 feet by 9 feet; Cardans crispusx nutans, associated with parent species, Si/mphyfam peregrinumXofficinrile Y2ii\ ochroleucum; flowers lieshy-lilac in colour, stems slightly winged — presumably Mr. Buck- nail's X S. discolor — associated with the cultivated and the pale- flowered forms. — C. E. Beitton. REVIEW. Morphology of Gymnosperms. By John M. Coulter and Charles J. Chamberlain. Revised edition. 8vo. Pp. xi, Ai'oQ, tt. -102. University of Chicago Press, 1917. Price $5.00 net. It is interesting to compare the thin volume, entitled Morphology Spermatophytes, issued by Professors Coulter and Chamberlain in 1901, with the stout volume now under consideration. The earlier volume formed Part i. of a larger work and dealt with the Gymno- sperms, the Angiosperms being treated in a separate part issued in 1903. In 1910 the part dealing with G-ymnosperms was rewritten and published under the title Morphology of Gymnosperms. The 179 pages of text and 106 figures of the book of 1901 grew in 1910 to 430 pages of text and 462 figures. In the intervening years the groups ot' plants had been subjected to an extensive critical examma- tion, and a number of special investigations had been cari-ied out in their own laboratory b}' the authors and by workers who had studied under them. The presentation in the later work was, so far as con- cerned the living groups, from an entirely different standpoint and, to quote the preface of 1910, was *' based upon our own work, supple- mented by the work of other investigators, rather than a compilation from literature supplemented by occasional personal observations." The intervening period was also one of great activity in the work of investigation of the Gvmnosperms — the number of titles in the bibliography increased from 112 in 1901 to 420 in 1910. The authors closed the preface to the work of 1910 with the remark that a book of this nature is in a certain sense out of date as soon as it has MORPHOLOGY OF GTMXOSPERMS 827 left the press, as papers will continue to appear which would have been of great service in its production. The period of activit}^ in the work on Gvmnosperms, both recent and fossil, did not come to an end in 1910 ; this is matter of common knowledge to botanists who take any interest in the morphology and phylogeny of the group and its bearing on the wider question of the phylogeny of the seed-plants. The fact is also emphasized by the eight pages of additional bibliography which form an ayjpendix in the recently issued edition of 1917. It is therefore with a feeling of disappointment that we realize that these eight pages of additional bibliography comprising 150 titles constitute the most important difference between the editions of 1910 and 1917. In a brief prefatory note the authors exjDlain that the volume is in no sense rewritten. Certain corrections and additions have been made, but only such as would not break the continuity of the pages. Reference is made to the chapter on C3xadales as that in which the most numerous changes will be found, as this group has received the most attention since the publication of the former edition. But a companson of the two editions shows that these changes have been but few ; the number of cases in which fertilization has been described has increased (p. 148) from three to five, and the account of the development of the proembryo on pages 152 and 154 has been revised. Otherwise there seems little alteration. The more recent work on Welwitschia and Gnetum is left unnoticed in the text, as the chapter on Gnetales appears to be practically unaltered. We do not belittle the invalualDle work which Professors Coulter and Chamberlain have done in their presentation of the Morphology of the Gymnosperms, and heai-tily endorse Professor Jeffrey's dictum which appears on the paper cover of the book : " The most important general work on the Gymnosperms which has ever appeared." It is important that new generations of students should be able to acquire a work of classic importance, but botanists who already possess the edition of 1910 will hardly find it worth while to obtain that of 1917, We are hoping for many things after the War, and among them we would include a really new edition of the Morphology of Gymno- sperms, A. B. R. BOOK-NOTES, NEWS, etc. Mr. H. a. Wager, Professor of Botany at the Transvaal Uni- versity College, Pretoria, has published A Check List of the Mosses of S. Africa, in which are brouglit together all the known mosses of that region. The list contains 160 genera and 846 species in 37 families. A number of new species are indicated, of which descrip- tions will shortly be published. The list is issued by the Transvaal Museum. 328 THE JOURXAL OF IJOTAXT The Annual Report for 1916 of the Yorkshire Philosophical Soeietv contains the conclusion of the interesting Catalogue of British Plants in the Society's Herbarium (the publication of which was begun in the Report for 1891;) by Mr. H. J. Wilkinson, the Hon. Curator. The Catalogue contains the locality, collector, and date of the speci- mens, with a reference to the herbaria from which they were derived. The most interesting are those of James Dalton (1 704-1813) and Samuel Hailstone (1768-1851), the former of which was presented to the Society by Dalton in 1827. Mr. D. a. Joxes publishes in the Lancashire and Cliesliire Naturalist for August a list of the Mosses and Hepatics of South- west Anglesey, and in the Naturalist for September and October a similar list for Denbighshire. Mb. R. Ll. Praeger publishes in the Irish Naturalist for Sep- tember a paper on the occurrence of JEg[uisetum litorale in Ireland. The two parts (issued together in September) of vol. xlii. of the Journal of the Hoyal Horticultural Society contain two papers of much botanical as well as horticultural interest — Mr. E. A. Bunyard's on the history and development of the Red Curi-ant and Mr. C. H. Payne's on the Dahlia and its reported introduction in 1789. Mr. R. Farrer s Jieport from Kansu and Tibet is also full of interest : the names published in the report must not escape the notice of botanists. Mr. F. J. Hanbury gives an account, with illustrations from photo- graphs, of his rock-garden at East Grrinstead : the Rev. Joseph Jacob writes on *' Daffodil Developments " and Prof. M. C. Potter on " Economic Mycology." In the recent part (vol. Ixi. part 2) of the Memoirs of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society Mr. Charles Bailey gives a detailed description of the fine herbarium presented by him to the Victoria University of that cit}^ of which some account was given in om* May issue (p. 141). The Kew Bulletin issued in August (no. 3, 1917) contains a revision of Aspidopterys by Mr. J. Hutchinson, in which twenty-two species are enumerated and three new ones described ... a continua- tion of his papers on Nigerian Fungi by Mr. E. M. Waketield (with three new species and an interesting note on Monilia carhonaria) and of Mr. Hutchinson's notes on African Coniposifce, in which Matricaria and Chrysanthemum are dealt with, including a new species of the latter. In view of a possible renewal of the recent attack upon the existence of the Bulletin, it might we think be well to give more prominence to matters economic, which in this issue are represented only by two pages devoted to " seed selection in the cultivation of Ilevea hrasiliensis.'''' 829 THE GENUS OPHRYS. By Colonel M. J. Godfert, F.L.S. Tnrs genus is placed by Ascherson and Graebner in tbeir Si/nopsis cler Miffeleuropaischen Flora, vol. iii. (1905-07), in the tribe Oplirj/dece, sub-tribe Serapindince, which comprises the genera Oplirys, Orchis, ^ercqjias, Aceras, Hi mantof/lossum, and Anacamptis. Of these, Ophrys, Orchis, and Serapias are Avell defined and natural genera ; the last three, though generally recognised, are not quite so distinct, and it is not altogether certain that the characters on which they rest are of sufficient value to entitle them to generic rank. Ophrys is a particularly natural and well-defined genus : there is never any difficulty in identifying an Ophrys as such, or doubt as to whether any given specimen of European ground-orchid belongs to this genus. Ascherson and Graebner divide the genus into the following sections :— A. Lip usually only slightly convex, flat or almost flat at the edges. I. Lip slightly convex, edges tolerably flat, three- lobed, without bosses or appendix. Lateral inner divisions of the perianth tongue-shaped, the outer light green. Beak of colunm ^^xy short obtuse JSLusciferce. II. Lip slightly, only exceptionally strongly convex, edges flat, broadly obovate from a broad base, short, velvety, with a glabrous appendix directed forwards. Outer divisions of perianth pale rose or white ; inner lateral divisions usually almost three-cornered and light purple. Beak of column short, pointing forwards Fticijlorce. B. Lip usually very strongly convex, with strongly reflexed edges. I. Lip as a rule undivided, with or without a very short appendix AraneifercB. II. Lip usually with a large appendix. Outer divi- sions of perianth violet-rose or white Apiferce. This division into sections is not altogether satisfactory. It is largely founded on the degree of convexity of the labellum. This sometimes varies considerably in different individuals of the same species, and is not, a fixed quantity : in any case, it is a difference of degree and not of kind, and one which involves no structural or fmictional characters. No clear line of demarcation is drawn between the sections. The group A II, " Lip slightly convex," includes some forms in which this is " strongly convex," and the use of the word "usually" in the main definitions of A and B is a tacit admission that tliese groups are not always easily separable by the characters given. This division into sections is somewhat indefinite and inconclusive. JouR^^AL or Botany. — A^ol. 55. [Decemrer, 1917.] 2 a 330 THE .TOT'RXAL OF T30TAXT It is siio^gested that a more natural division into sections, founded on constant morphological and functional characters, ^vould be as follows : — A. Eusrj)al(P. Outer divisions of perianth sepaloid, ?. e. firm and rather rigid in texture, green in colour, ])rotective in function. E. Pseudo-pefaliB. Outer divisions of perianth petaloid, ?'. e. thin and translucent in texture, brightly coloured or white, and having as their object the attraction of insects for the fertilization of the flower. IVrhaps the reason why some such arrangement has not been adopted long ago is that it is so obvious. There is a not unnatural tendency to regard the obvious as superficial, and to look for dee])er characters. Probably it was assumed that the differences in the sej)als* of the two sections were only a question of colour, and therefore of no account : hence their inward meaning and importance were overlooked, or not fully ap])reciated. I hope to show that they are deep, and go to the root of the matter. The difference between the two sections is first of all a morpho- logical one, analogous to that which exists between a typical calyx and a typical corolla. Take, for instance, the calyx and corolla of Rosa canina. Both no doubt are modified leaves, but they have been modified in different directions, and have become differentiated to such a degree as to be structurally distinct. So it is also in the case of the two sections of Opliri/s. The sepals in the first section have retained their original form. They are true sepals, comparativeh'- thick and firm in texture, more or less rigid and semi-opaque, rich in chlorojilndl, and so to speak built for strength and resistance to weather. In the Pseudo-petahe, on the other hand, they have been carried to a more advanced stage of development. A higher note has been struck : a still higher purpose is in view. So we find them fine and thin in texture as the petal of a rose ; translucent, so that the sunlight shining through them may light up the brilliance of their colour ; with no chloro])hyll except on the midrib or nerves which strengthen their delicate expanse. The dull green of the sepal has given ])lace to the colours of a corolla. They are clearly designed for beauty and attractiveness, rather than for protective purposes, and have been raised to the dignity of a higher plane in the evolution of the flower. Secondly, the difference between the two sections is a functional one. The main object of the sepals is to protect the young and tender corolla from injury before expansion. This is well seen in the ])oppies, in which the calyx is deciduous, and falls off as soon as this service is accomplished. Similarly their function in the Eu-sepalae is to envelop the unexpanded bud in a protective covering impervious to weather, and later on to give shelter from rain or excessive sunshine to the essential parts of the flower, the anther and the stigma. For tliis reason the up]jer sepal arches over the column, and the lateml * The term sepal will be used liereafter instead of the conventional " outer divisions of the i)erianth '" for the sake of brevity and clearness. THE GENUS 0PIIRY5 381 ones forni a sort of screen on each side. Every detail suggests pro- tection as the ultimate object in view. The function of the sepals in the Pseudo-petahe is quite different. It is to attract the insects necessary for the fertilization of the flower. They are signals of invitation to the desired guests — easily seen and alluring. Hence they are spread as wide as possible to display their beauty to the fullest extent, the upper one erect, the side ones at right angles to the axis of the flower. Hence too their colour, ranging from pure white through various shades of rose and pink to deep magenta, and it mu!,t be admitted that they make a most effective show, far surpassing in this respect the Eu-sepalse, which have to depend on the lip alone to announce their presence. A possible objection may be raised on the ground that this arrange- ment sejDarates O. wpifera from O. homhyliflora, and that these are allied by the shape of the labellum and the turning up of the appendix behind it, to such an extent that they are included by Barla and also by Ascherson and Graebner in their section Apifer^e. It must however be remembered that many authors, following Keichen- bach's example, consider homhylijlora so unique as to form the representative of a separate section. In spite of the resemblance referred to above, homhyliflora comes much nearer to aranifera than to apiferci. Not only does it differ from the latter in the essential particulars of the form and function of its sepals, but also in many other details. Of all European species of Oplirys it has the most dull and inconspicuous flowers, very like aranifera in general effect but smaller and still less striking in appearance, whilst apifera is showy and attractive. It further resembles aranifera rather than apifera in habit, in the shape and disposition of its leaves, the colour of the lip, and its division into only three lobes (whereas apifera has five) and in the very short obtuse beak of the column, in marked contrast to the very long curved beak of apifera. In the presence of one or more tubers in addition to those at the base of the stem, and their growth at the apex of a long fleshy rootlet, it stands alone amongst European species of Ophrys. A further objection may be raised that O. aranifera^ though belonging to the Eu-sepalse, is also found with petaloid sepals, as shown in plates 54, 55, of Barla's Iconoyraphie. But the plants there figured are not O. aranifera at all. Those with coloured sepals on plate 54 are O. aracJinitiformis, Avhich had not been differentiated from O. aranifera in Barla's time, but which with further research is becoming more and more recognised as a constant and effective species, whilst plate 55 consists of hybrids. I have seen very many specimens of aranifera in England, France, Switzerland, Italy, Sicily, and Malta, but I have never seen one with coloured sepals. So far from showing a tendency to vary in this direction, aranifera, in its hybrids with species of the section Pseudo-petalie, not infrequently exerts so strong an influence that it ov^ercomes the heritage of petaloid sepals in the second parent, and the offspring reverts to the green sepals of aranifera. So-called aranifera with colovu'cd sepals will be found on investigation to be either arachnififormis or a hybrid. There is. fui-ther, another point of difference between the Eu-sepala; 2a2 332 THE .TOriiyVL OF DOT ANT and Pseudo-petaliB. All tlie latter have an appendix atHhe apex of the lip, and in several species, e.g., arachnites^ scolopax and fenthredinifera, it is large and rather conspicuous. In the former there is no appendix, except in the ease of O. bombijlijlora, which has a rather thick triangular one, turned up, like apifera, at the back of the lip. This is the onh' instance of a really developed appendix in that section. Rarely aranifera has a very short rudimentary appendix, but it is at least doubtful whether this is not due to hybrid inlluenee. It is difficult to see why an appendix should always be found in conjunction with petaloid sepals, but such is the case. It is still more difficult to understand why it should occur in homhijlrfiora. The use of this organ to the plant is not easy to explain. It attains its greatest development in those species with the largest and most conspicuous flowers. It is usually stiif and rigid, and turned up in front of the lip. Possibly it serves to stiffen the lip, to prevent it from bendins: under the weisrht of an insect, and to srive a more solid foot-hold to visitors. This, however, does not explain its presence in apifera and homht/lijlora, in Avhich it is turned up at the back of the labellum, where its use appears somewhat doubtful and obscure. It will I think be admitted that the above arrangement divides the genus Ophrys into two eminently natural sections, easily distin- guishable without reservations or exceptions, and with definite and clear morphological and functional points of difference. The two sections indicated abov^e may be conveniently divided into the following sub-sections : — A. EU-SEPAL^. I. ConvexilahelJce. Lip very convex, edges strongly revolute, appendix nil (except in O. homhi/lijlora) or (very rarely) rudimentary. O. aranifera, atrata, litigiosa, Tomassinii, homhylijiora. II. PlanilabeU'cB. Lip nearly flat, only slightly convex, appendix nil. O.fnsca^ hitea^ paUida, speculum, muscifera. B. PSEL'DO-PETAL.E. I. lietroverscB. All lobes of lip revolute. Appendix turned up behind the labellum. O, apifera. IL Porrecfce. Side lobes only of labellum revolute. Appendix turned up in front of labellum. O. arachnites, scolopacc, cornuta. tenth red inif era, Ber- totonii. III. Iludimentari(P. A])j)endix short, rudimentary. O. exaJtata, arachnitiformis. JU]S'CrS GEEARDI IN LIJSX'OLXSIIIRE '333 JUXCUS OERARDI IN LINCOLNSHIRE. Br THE Eey. E. a. Woodruefe-Peacock, F.L.S. This may be a species, but personally I consider it only a variety of J. compressus. It arrived in this parish, Cadney-cum-Howsham, North Lincolnshire, about 1900, on the western rise just below Hows- ham day-school. There were only a few scattered plants at first — three or four : they were not in the least csespitose then. As it was most certainly a new arrival I determined to watch it very closely. Missing out dates generally, these notes are the practical results of my observations. The plant spread down the south side of this road on the damp Chalky Boulder Clay for some twenty ^^ards in more or less solid caespitose masses. About 1906 it crossed the road to the much drier grass-edge of the raised foot-path on the north side. From this posi- tion apparently it began spreading rapidly, for the north side of this road is the one used. In 1912 I detected it in a furrow by the road- side through a meadow 2\ miles to the west in Cadney. Two years later it was in the furrow on both sides of this road ; in the same year by the foot-path grass side in the village of Cadney, and later below a natural spring pond in a pasture 350 yards to the north. At first it was not caespitose in any of these spots. Now as all these localities have been analysed annually to pick up any indications that they might give regarding means of transport, there can be no doubt that this species was detected as soon as it was in evidence. * The following is what I judge to be the history of this species in this parish. Till this world-war stopped it, the school children here visited the sea-side every July, spending a day at Cleethorpes. There, at the junction of the Humber Estuarj^ with the sea, this Junciis grows. In warm dry seasons like those between 1893 and 1900 this species has ripe seed between the loth and 25th of July. Its seeds will not float in water, but when damp, like those of other Junci, have a slight mucosity sufiicient to make them stick to boots. In tliis wa}'', I believe, it was originally carried from Cleethorpes shore to just below Howsham School. It has been spread by the same means to the spots in Cadney, or b}^ the feet of cattle perhaps in the last-named locality. This is not all. Juncus seeds, as a rule, soon sink in flowing water, unless by their mucosity they can attach themselves to drift of some kind. My friend Dr. H. H. Corbett, of Doncaster, tells me that the following estuarine species are on the warpings at present being made on Thorne Waste, by the Great Central Railway, about six miles south of the Biver Ouse, from which the warping drain brings the water surcharged with estuarine alluvium. The seeds of Aster Tri- polinm sink at once in water, but it is practically found on all warpings. The seeds of Afriplex deltoidea will float for six months ; it too is practically always found under the same conditions. Scirpus maintimus seeds will float from one to four weeks, and it is generally found on warpings. Juncus Gerardi is also usually found there. Now 334 THE JOUltlsAL OF BOTAXX the Afriplex and Scirj^us seeds may easily have reached this distant inland ^varping by flotation alone, but not so the Aster and Jidicus. These must surely have come in the same way as the Jvncus reached and has spread in this parish — by carriage, while sticking b}^ their mucosity or chance to drift of some kind. Only yesterda}^ (^^g- ^) aft(?i" I had been Avalking through very long wet grass, I sat talking to a friend for two hours : when I rose to go I found two seeds of Taroxacum vuhjare still sticking to my trench boots, along with a young Helix rufescens : Taraxacum shows no more mucosity than Aster does. It is curious that these four estuarine species have only been recorded for our warpings during the last hundred ^^ears ; it is equally curious that Camelina sativa, which also sticks from its mucosity, has been reported from some warpings also at various times. HYBRID ORCHIDS. TuE recently issued Report of the Winchester College Natural History Society for 1915-17 is largely concerned with hybrid Orchids, in which the neighbourhood of Winchester appears singularly rich. The observations recorded by the Rev. S. A. McDonald and three of his pupils have been communicated to Dr. Keller, of Aarau, who jjroposes to embody them in his forthcoming work on Orchids. During the last two j^ears there have been observed : " A new form of Mabernaria riridis^x Gymnadenia conopsea {GympJatanthera Jacksonii), Orchis Fuclisii X S. viridis (two types), O. FucJisii X O. 2^rcBtermissa, O. prcetermissa X O. incarnata, 0. prcetermissa X O. latifolia, O.ericetorum {^macidata L.) X O. incarnata, O. erice- torum X prcBtermissa,'" Of each of these a detailed description is given, accompanied by plates from drawings and photographs : the hybrids hgured are O. prcstermissa X O. Fuclisii, O. FucJisii X H. viridis (three forms), and O. incarnata x O. maciilata. Mr. McDowall writes : " The examination of some hundreds of these plants inclines me more and more strongly to the belief that O. latifolia and O. Fuchsii (=0. maculata) represent a single dimorphic species, of which the down-forms have become fairly stable, while the marsh-forms show every kind of intermediate. Neither label, colour, shape of leaf, type of 's})otting (rings, or simple spcjts, or blotches), hollo wness or solidity of stems, affords any definite guide in these last. While the tyi)icjil marsh form of latifolia is pei-fectly distinct from the typical marsh form of maculata (FucJisii), these typical forms being the commonest, nevertheless every possible intermediate, every conceivable combination of characters, exists. On the other hand, prceteriuissa seems to be a constant and definite species, at any rate in this district, though it is very ready to hyln-idize with the other marsh-forms." O. ericetorum "and O. in- cantata are well-marked and dethiite s])ecies ; both however are inclined to h^ bridize with other forms, which may have helped to cause confusion. HYBRID ORCHIDS 835 O. latifolia and O. maculata = Fuchsii — the names in the paper are sometimes rather puzzlingly emploj^ed — are regarded "as a di- morphic species on the way to establish two races — a process ahnost accomj^lished in the down forms. The two last are easily distin- guished in their typical forms. Both have lined labels {prcetermissa is spotted), but in macidafa the label is deeply cleft, wdth a long narrow mid-lobe, in latifolia it is more or less bracket-shaped, the. mid-lobe being, however, more pronounced than this description imjjlies. Maculata tends to a solid stem, latifolia to a hollow; maculata tends to spotted leaves, latifolia to ringed ; the leaves of the latter are Avider, blunter, and more fleshy. The colour of the flower in latifolia is generally a deepish purple ; in maculata the gi-ound is lighter, so that the lines are more marked." Mr. McKechnie in a separate paper suggests two theories — or, rather, says that they " suggest themselves "— '•' first, that O. latifolia is originally a hybrid between O. Fuchsii and' O. prcBtermissa ; second, that O. latifolia was originally the marsh form of O. FucJisii.'' The latter, how- ever, he considers the more ]3robable, thus practically agreeing with Mr. McDowall, who, as we have seen, regarded the two as forming one dimorphic species. The ]3aper is so interesting that we regret it shoidd not have been published in a medium more readil}' consulted than is the lleport of a school society. MENTHA EXIGUA L. By James Brittex, F.L.S. SixcE writing a notice of this as "An Overlooked British Mint " (Journ. Bot. 1916, 224-6) 1 have come across a paper by Smith (in Trans. Linn. Soc. iii. 18-22) on "The Botanical History' of Mentha exigua " in which he claims to have elucidated the history of the plant and which incidentally explains the identification by Dryander of the Millerian specimen in Herb. Banks with Cunila imlegioides. This identification was made on the authority of Smith, who in the paper above named, having referred to M. exigua as " only known from Miller's specimen," writes (p. 21) : " Every practical botanist will readily conceive my joy, when in the summer of 1793 I found the same plant growing in the garden of my friend Edward Hassell, Esq., of Ipswich, where it was shown to me as an unknown mint. It grew in an American border, and was said to have sprung up spontaneously. As this border had been furnished Avith bog-earth from the neighbourhood of Ipswich, it was to be presumed the roots had been introduced along with it. Here then was Mentha exigua restored to an English Flora, and I made haste to distribute specimens among those who were solicitous to possess such a treasure. The flowers were not advanced enough to determine whether it were really a Mentha ; the root being fibrous, instead of creeping, was very suspicious ; and this circumstance decided it to be no variety of M. Pulegium, though in smell no two plants could be more similar, lioots were sent to Mr. Fairbairn at 336 THE JOrUXAL OF EOTAXY Chelsea, and fresli specimens to Mr, Sovverbv, for his Eiujlii^li Botany ; hut the latter were luckily not in a sutHcientlv ])crfect state to be drawn. I say luckili/, for this ill-fated Mentha ]iroves after all to be a non-entity, a casual inspection of the Linnean Herbarium having lately satisfied me, that it is neither more nor less than Ciinila liuli'tjio'ntesr ]t will be observed that Smith speaks of his inspection as *' casual," and the resemblance between the two plants is so striking that at first sight they might well be regarded as identical. In order that the matter might finally be laid at rest, I asked Mr. Wilmott — who had examined the B:inksian specimens and stated (Journ. Bot. I. c.) that the flowers showed conclusively that the ])lant was correctly referred to Fnlcc/iuni as opposed to Mentha — to examine the speci- men from Miller which is the type of Linnjeus's exigiia and at the same time to see the specimen in Smith's herbai-ium on which he determined it to be CuniJa puleciioiden. Mr. Wilmott finds that the latter determination is correct, but with regard to M. exigua the Linnean specimen is identical with the Banksian specimens but not with the Cunila. The plant will therefore retain the name bestowanl upon it by Hudson (Fl. Angl. ed. 2, 25-1) — Mentha Pulegium L. /5. exigua. Smith's paper contains an interesting note as to the provenance of the specimens from Miller which are in his herbarium. Miller's collection, as is well known, was bought by Banks (see Journ. Bot. 1913, 182), but Smith tells us (Z. c. 20) that Banks, " not solicitous to encumber his herbarium with doubtful s])ecimens, very obligingly ])resented me with a number of unsettled mints from Miller's herba- rium." Among them was a plant wqth an inscrii)tion in Buddie's hand, which " there can be no doubt [was] the original specimen gathered by Buddie in conijiany with Mr. Francis Dale " at Stoke Nevvington, as mentioned by Dillenius in R. Syn. ed. 3, 232, n. 2. TliOPICAL AMERICAN RUBIACEiE.— X. Br H. F. Wee^iam, D.Sc, F.L.S. (Contiiiued from p. 285.) Am()N(i the ]»lants of Triana's herbarium sorted under Psgchotria I liavc found the following, w^hich closer examination has revealed to be a new genus. In Triana's manusci-ipt list it is assigned to Ber- tiera, which it resembles in some res]iects, and I have a(h)pted for its name an anagram of Bertiera ; it belongs undoubtedly to the same tribe {llanieliece) as my previous genus PHeiidolunneh'a, wdiich is its nearest affinity. Yyo\\\ this genus it is readily distinguished l)y the inllorescence, a forking cymose panicle, by the pentamerous flowers with narrow linear corolla-lobes, and by the length and in- sertion of the stcimens. Raritebe Wernhmn. Ifubiaccanim e tribu Hamelicarum novum genus. Calgcis tubus tubulari-camjtanulatus breviter -j-dentatus. TEOPICAL AMERICAN ETTBIACEiR ' 337 Corolla tubulosa insuper paruin ami^liata, fauce glabra ; limbi lobi 5, lineari-oblongi obtiisiiisculi, imbricati. Stamina 5 corollse in basi inserta, tilamentis longiiisculis; aiitberse dorso-basifixse inclusye lineari- oblongie, primo syngenesise. Discus majusculus, carnosus breviter cylindricus glaberrimus. Ovarium biloculare ; stylus longus filamen- tosus, stigmate breviter bilobato ; ovula in loculis perplurima, plaeentis septo insuper affixis inserta. Bacca parva pisiformis, caWcis dentibus minutis coronata, bilocularis polysperma. Semina inter minima, globosa, testa alveola ta. Frutices v. arbores, /b/Z/s oppositis breviter petiolatis membranaceis, sfijmlis integris interpetiolaribus, plus minus persistentibus. Flores parvi in cynias paniculatas terminales laxius- culas dispositi, pedicellati, bracteis paucis minutis. Raritebe palicoureoides, sp. unieum. Frutex glabratus ramulis gracilibus bevibus in novitate minute prjesertim prope nodos liirtellis, complanato-sulcatis ; rami mox eortice striato-rugosulo cinereo induti, nodis plus minus tumidis. Folia ampla, glabra, papyracea elliptica utrlnque graciliter acuminata, basi in petiolum brevem leniter angus- tata, apice acutissima ; vena? sujDra vix conspicua? impressae, subtus prominuke reticulatione manifesta, secundariae utrinque ca. 15 ; sfijjuhe parvse lanceolatse acuminatse aeutte. Cyma subcorymbosa, laxiuscula floribunda, minute pulverulento-hirtella, pedunculo elongato gracili, tloribus plerumque longe necnon tenuiter pedicellatis, bracteis nisi principalibus + 3 in inflorescentise basi minimis setaceis minutis. Califx glaberrimus dentibus minutis. Corollw tubus cylindricus utrinque glabrae insuper nee ampliatus, lobos anguste oblongos obtusos duplo excedens. Bacca parva glabra globosa. Hah. Colombia, Susumino, at 1300 ft., and Villavicenia, at 3000 ft. Triana.1^20 ! A shrub, with leaves 12 to 17 cm. long and 4 to 6 cm. wide ; petiole usually less than 1 cm. in length. Stipules barely 5 mm. long. Peduncle 4-5 cm. ; pedicels 4-5 mm. long. Calyx (with ovary) 3-4 mm. long, 1-5 mm. wide at the mouth. Corolla-tuhe 5-6 mm., lobes 3 mm. long and '75 mm. broad. Anthers 19 mm. mm. long ; style 22 mm. long. Berry 3-4 mm. in diameter. Seeds minute, deeply and coarsel}^ pitted. This genus and Neohertiera ( Journ. Bot. Iv. 169) are members of the tribe Hameliese which have come to light since the publication of my Key to the genera of Tropical American liubiacefe (Journ. Bot. liv. 331). The comjDlete clavis of this tribe should now^ stand revised thus : — - Hamelie.^. Calyx-lobes equal. Ovary 4-5-locular. Corolla contorted in aestivation. Flowers 4-merous Neohertiera. Flowers 5-merous Bertiera. Corolla imbricate. Corolla markedly tu])ular, usually 5-angled . Ilamelia. Corolla shortly funnel-shaped Both riospora. 338 THE JouJiXAL of jbotany Ovary 2-locular, Anthers exserted ; inflorescence axillary ILoffmannia. Anthers included ; inflorescence terminal. Flower 4-nierous ; filaments obsolete Pseudohamelia. Flower 5-merous ; fllaments rather long . . . Earitehe. One calyx-lobe foliaceous Otocalyx. Psychotria (§ Eupsychotbia) melaneoides, sp. nov. Frutex nisi hie inde minute necnon obscure pulverulentus inflorescentia gla- berrinms, ramulis ramisque graciliusculis hieyibus striatis in siccitate nigrescentibus, sidcato-complanatis. Folia papyraceo-coriacea ampla ovato-elliptica, basi praesertim superiora obtusissima, rotundata, y. subtruncata, apicem versus parum acuminata subacutum, petiolo necnon modico ; ven?e utrinque prominula? conspicua?, centralis quoque in latere principales circa 6, reticulatione interveniente conspicua ; afipuIcB breyissimae latye oblonga? caulem amplectentes bicornutaj, aristis brevibus distantibus patentibus acutissimis. Flores inter minimi in cymularum pauciflorarum densarum longiuscule peduncu- latarum thyrsum terminalem laxum amplum dispositi, hracteis minimis setaceis pancis. Calyx campanulatus breviter obtuse necnon late lobatus ; corolla subcarnosa tubo tubulari subangulato insuper ])arum ampliato, intus insuper dense barbato, lobis oblongis obtusis ])atentibus tubi dimidium vix excedentibus. Stamina longiuscule exserta, antheris linearibus conspicue yersatilibus. Colombia, Barbacoas : Triana 1660 ! A striking species, with shining leaves 9-15 cm. x 4-7 cm., Avith stalks up to 15 mm. in length. The stipules sheathe to a height of about 3 mm., bearing two sharp prongs on eadh side of the stem, each about 3 mm. long. The whole injlorescence, a pyramid up to 10 cm. or longer and the same width at the base, is carried on 2^. peduncle 9 cm. or more in length ; the primary" lateral branches of the main j-acliis are bare, and some 2 cm. to 3 cm. long; and these bear laterally the ])eduncles of the actual cymules, the nnits of this charac- teristic inflorescence ; these ])eduncles are 1 cm. or longer, and are themselves sometimes branclied. The cymule, the unit of inflor- escence, consists of 6 to 12 sessile flowers seated on the somewhat enlarged apex of the peduncle and subtended by a minute involucre of sej)al-like bracts. The few scattered bracts of the inflorescence- branches never exceed 2 or 3 mm. in length. The whole Cf^/y.r bareh^ exceeds 1 mm.; coro//«-tube, 3 mm., lobes 1*5 to 2 mm. Anthers 2 mm. lon< »• Psychotria (§ Eupsycitotria) canephorantha, sp. nov. Ar- buscula subramosa duodecimjiedalis glaberrima, ranudis gracilibus ramis(]ue valde sulcatis, nodis yianifeste nodoso-tumidis. . Folia coriacea supra subnitentia, ])lerumque ellii)tica, basi cuneata necnon in ])etiolum l)revissimum validumque angustata supra alte canalicu- latum, apice parum acuminata obtusa ; venaj utrinque ])rominula3, laterales principales utrmque ca. 6, reticulatione intercalata laxa con- spicua ; stipulcB vaginam tubularem brevem cylindricam truncatam TROPICAL AMEEICAX RUBIACE.I5; 339 formantes. Flores albi cvmularum pauci- (3-5-)florarum sessiles racemum vel nonnunquam spicam, foliis multo breviorein clispositi, hracteis minutis. Calyx infundibularis sulcatus limbo subtruncato v. obscure late neciion minute sinuato-deutato. Corollce glaberrimae tubus insuper paullo ampliatus anguste infundibularis, lobi 5 patentes oblongi obtusi, tubi dimidium longitudine subsequantes. Stamina conspicue exserta, antheris breviusculis versatilibus. Eastern Peru: in recent woods, near Tarapoto, August, 1855, Spruce 4120! lielated, apparently, to the preceding, which it resembles in the arrangement of the sessile flowers in indefinite inflorescences of cymules. The Avhole plant is strictly glabrous. The tough leaves are from 7 to 12 cm. long and 3 to 5*5 cm. wide ; the petiole does not exceed 5 or 6 mm. The leather}^, corky s^//?w/d-sheatli is at most 2 mm. deep. Inflorescence about 6 cm. long, of which 2 to 3 cm, is occupied by the peduncle, and rarely more tlian 2 cm. wide. Total calyx, l"o mm. long. CoroIIa-tnhe 4 mm,, lobes 2-3 mm. long. Stamens exserted 2-3 mm. ; anthers, 1*5 mm. long. Palicourea hedyctoides, sp. no v. Frutex glaber, ramulis Isevibus subteretibus striatis ruf escentibus. Folia inter minora, firme chartacea, lanceolata salicina longe necnon graciliter acuminata acuta, basi acuta in petiolmn brevem angustata; stipidw membranacese in vaginam brevissimam persistentem aristis utrinque duobus setaceis distantibus brevibus onustam connatse, Flores in thyrso laxo plus minus folioso dispositi plerumque nonnunquam longiuscule pedicellati majusculi, hracteis nunc minusculis subsetaceis nunc foliosis nonnunquam foliis vegetantibus subsimilibus, hinc inde sparse dispositis, Calycis lobi lanceolati acuti conspicui tubum excedentes, Corollce tubus curva- tus basi gibbosus obliquus insuper sub lobos ampliatus oblongo-ovatos patentes obtusos. Stamina 5 antheris suberectis exsertis linearibus. Ecuador : In valle Lloenti inter arbores, alt. 9000 pedes. Floret September, October. Jameson 336 ! Very distinct in its small, willow-like leaves 4 cm. X 1 cm. to 8 cm. X 2*5 cm., shining above, recalling some species of Hedyotis with their close conspicuous venation with 12 or more main veins on either side of the midi-ib. The stipules are small but manifest, reduced to two distant setse, 2 or 3 mm. long, joined across the stem by little more than an interpetiolar line. The reddish shining branchlets end in a pyramidal lax inflorescence about 12 cm, long and the same in diameter at the base. The 'flowers are very typical of the genus, on iwdicels as much as 6 mm, long. Calyx-iwhe I'S mm., lobes 2 mm, long. Corolla-twhe 8-9 mm. long, widened to 4 mm. or more at the mouth ; lobes 3 mm. X 1'5 mm. at the base. The anthers are exsei-ted just beyond the mouth of the corolla, and are 2 mm. in length, Palicourea lyristipula, sp. nov, Frutex v. arbor ramulis sulcato- complanatis quadi-angularibus dense pubescentibus, nodis saepe con- spicue tumidis. Folia ampla majuscula firme chartacea obovata v.. elliptica basi in petiolum brevem angustata apice obtusa parum acumi- nate, supra nisi in vena centrali nonnunquam patente pubescentia v. S4:0 THE JOUKXAL OF BOTAXr hirtella glabra, subtus priesertim in veins plus minus conspicue necnon ctensiuscule pubescentia brunneo in siccitate discolora ; ventE supra impressa tanien manifesta^, subtus prominentes utrinque latei-ales prIneiiDales 12-15; stipules late ovata? ampbe longe per- sistentes coriaceie apice in partibus 2 lanceolatis acutis divergentibus vix ad dimidium Hssie. Flores in thyrso laxiuscnlo nudtitloro elongate dispositi terniinali subcvlindrico folia longe excedente, plerumque pedicellati, rachide plus minus glabrescente alte suleato, brachiis lateralibus \iYQ rata gracilibus neenon breviusculis ; bracteis cum braeteolis jmrvis subsetaceis inconspicuis. Calyx glabrescens sparsius- cule liirto-pubescens, tubo oblongo insuper parum am])liato, limbo infundibulari extra medium in lobos oblongo-lanceolatos obtusissimos diviso. Corolla tubularis insuper pauUo ampliata extus glaberrima, lobis parvis reflexo-patentibus ovatis obtusis. Antlierarum apices vix exserti. Colombia (without further localit}^) : Triana 130 ! Linden 1081 ! Very distinct in its broad leaves, pubescent beneath, 9-17 cm. x 5-8 cm., and the conspicuous stipules enclosing swollen nodes, 1-3 cm. long and the same in breadth; petiole, 1 cm. or longer. Infiovescence 20 cm. or more in length, and not more than 7 cm. in the widest part. Pedicel, 5 mm., or longer. Calyx, 5 mm. long m all, of which the lobes occupy over 2 mm, OoroZ/f/'-tube, 12 mm., 3—4 mm. wide at mouth ; lobes 2 mm. X 1 mm. The affinity is with P. Ascliersoniana, from which our species is readily distinguished by the different indumentum, the stipules, and the absence of leafy bracts. Palicourea caprifoliacea, sp. nov. Frutex subglaber, ramulis alte sulcatis tardius subteretibus, novitate glabratis gracilibus virgato- rectis, mox validiusculis. Folia lirme chartacea plerumque elliptica nonnunquam oblanceolata, utrinque acuminata apice acuta basi in petio- lum brevem angustata, supra glabra subnitentia venis impressis, subtus dilute discoloria venosissima venis prominentibus approximatis, lateralibus principalibus utrinque ca. 15, nisi in venis sparse pubes- centia glabra ; stipulcB membranacea? ampke persistentes, basi caulem vaginantes insuper ad dimidium bifidae. Flores parvi in thyrsis ani])lis laxiusculis lloribundis dispositi folia parum excedentibus, I'achide necnon brachiis gracilibus subafqualibus; bracteis minutis V. minusculis paucis setaceis inconspicuis, pedicellis brevissimis vel obsoletis. Calyx minimus brevis late obtuse lobatus, ccrollce basin tumidum arete anq)lectens, brevis insuper ampliatse infundibularis, extus glaberrimfe, lobis parvis reflexis ovatis obtusis. Stamina 5, antheris erectis linearibus apicibus modo exsertis. Colombia : Linden 1080 ! Santa Kosa, 5500 feet. Triana 127 ( = 1005)! Distinct in the consj)icuously-veined leaves, aiid the very numerous small flowers in the spreading and abundant panicles. Leaves 8- 13 cm. x2'5-5 cm., with stalk 5-15 mm. long ; stipules±l cm. x 5 mm. InJIorescence, about 12 cm. long and 0 cm. in the widest part. Calyx barely exceeding 1 mm. in all ; corolla-iwhaAi mm. long, tlie lobe? barelv 1 mm., and 2 mm. wide at the mouth. TROPICAL AMERTCAX RUBTACE.E 341 Palicourea perquadrangalaris, sp. nov. Frutex glaber semper- virens, ramulis gracilibus cum ramis mox valicliusculis laevibus striatalis recte quadrangularibus angulis nonnunquam fere subalatis. Folia majuscula ampla chartacea elliptica utrinque acuminata apice subacuta basi in petiolum nonnunquam longiusculum angustata, utrinque nisi subtus in venis prsesertim centrali hirta glabra, utrinque venosa, venis approximatis lateralibus primariis utrinque ca. 16 ; stipulcd vaginam persistentem formantes insuper utrinque 2-aristatam, aristis distantibus vaginam sub?equantibvis. Flores glabri parvi tamen latiusculi, plerumque longe pedicellati, in th^^rso amplo nonnunquam elongato dispositi laxiusculo, bracteis parvis setaceis paucis inconspicuis, in alabastro ovato-fusiformi apice sub- obtusi. Calyx brevis tubo supra basin tubulari angusto insuper in limbum ampliusculum subito ampliatus, lobis latis o vat is obtusis brevibus corolla? basin tumidum arete amplectentibus. Corolla brevi- uscula tubo validiusculo insuper vix ampliata, apice brevissime lobata. Venezuela: F uncle and Schlim 542! PrOv, Tovar, Merida, in moist shady woods, flowering in May and June, Moritz 848 ! Caracas, Linden 281 ! Muna, Pearce 12 ! Distinct in its square stems and small blunt oval buds on long deli- cate pedicels ; allied apparently to P. petiolaris, but readil}^ separated by the foregoing characters. Leaves 12 em. x 4-5 cm. to 25 cm. x 8 cm. ; with petioles to 2 cm. or longer. >S'^^); 2/ /(°- sheath 5-10 mm., the aristae of about the same length. Lnflorescence 12 cm. or longer, and 12 cm. in diameter at the base. Total calyx 2'5-3 mm. long, the narrow lower part about 1'5 m.m. C'oro//rt-tube 6 mm. long, 3 mm. in widest part ; lobes 1 mm. long. (To be continued.) ^ NOTES FROM THE NATIONAL HERBAEIUM.— IV. Bt James Beittex, F.L.S. (For preceding Notes see Journ. Bot. 1907, 313 ; 1909, 41 ; 1915, 272.) Clematis rosea. Ix a paper on " Smith's Oeorgian Plants " (Journ. Bot. 1898, 302) I followed Smith (Insects of Georgia, ii. 201) in identifying C. rosea of Abbot's drawings with a plant from Kew Gardens in the Banksian Herbarium which Smith, adopting Abbot's name, described as a new species. Abbot lettered his original drawing " Clematis Eosea Nova sp. C. Reticulata Walt. Flo. Carol. 18G," but Smith in reproducing this added a query to each of the names — a misleading alteration ; Smitli's figure by no means accurate!}' repro- duces Abbot's drawing, but even as altered this does not strikingly resemble C. crispa, the name attached to the Banksian specimen in Solander's hand. On looking again into the matter, I am quite unable to discover upon what grounds Smith based his conclusion as to the identity of the Kew Garden j^lant with Abbot's figure. On this assumption, however, he rejected Abbot's association of his plant with Walter's C reticulata, mainly on the ground that the fruit of 342 THE JOUKNAL OF EOTAXY the Kew specimen (with which Abbot was of course in no way con- cerned) did not agree with Walter's description ; but as Abbot does not ligure the fruit, it is difficult to see what this can have to do with the case. Why Abbot called his jDlant a new species cannot be ascertained, as it would seem he regarded it (apparently correctly) as identical with C. reticulata. The original drawing — and indeed for that matter Smitli's figure — agrees better with C. reticulata than with C. crisjya, and Abbot's figure is cited by DeCandoUe (Syst. i. 157, Prodr. i. 8) under C. reticulata as " C. rosea Abbot, insect, am. ic." The specimen and the figure should thus be referred to different species : C. rosea Abbot ex Sm. Insects of Georgia, ii. t. ci. = C. reticulata Walt. C. rosea Sm. op. cit. p. 201 =(7. crispa L. Stalagmitis ca:mbogioides Murray, Comment. Groetting., ix. 173 (1789). This name is placed by M. Yesque in his monograph of the GuttifercB (Mon. Phan. Prodr. viii. 193) under two species — Garcinia spicata Hook. f. (^Xantliochymus ovalifoUus Roxb. (p. 310) and G. Morella Desr. (p. 4'72), "' quoad synonymiamtantum." Vesque refers to Planchon and Triana, who in their Memoire place it under G. spicata, and write : " descriptione ex schedulis jiluribus Koenigii perperam confusis et male interpretatis plane erronea et exclusis synonymis " (Ann. Sc. Nat. 4th series, xiv. 304 (1860). The identity of tlie plant is discussed at length by Kobert Grraham in his "Remarks on the Gamboge Tree of Ceylon "''in Comp. Bot. Mag. ii. 193-200 (1836-7) — a paper which the mention of " Graham" by the authors last cited indicates that the}^ had seen, though tliey make no other reference to it. Murray described his plant from portions of a specimen collected in Ceylon by J. G. Koenig and sent to him by Banks, with the collector's observations. At Graham's i-equest. Brown examined the specimens of Koenig in the Banksian Herbarium ; having done so, he wrote : " The plant sent pasted by Koenig to Sir Joseph Banks as one specimen, I have ascertained to be made up of two plants, and very probably of two genera. The union was con- cealed by sealing-wax. The portion in flower, and which agrees in structure with Murra^^'s account, is, I have no doubt, the Xantlio- clu/mus of Koxburgli. Stalar/mitis and Xanthocliymus are therefore one genus .... This, however, forms but a small part of the whole specimen, the larger portion being, I am inclined to think, the same with your plant [G^. 3Iorella\ . . . The structure of this greater portion cannot be ascertained from the few very young llower-buds belonging to it . . . A loose fruit, pasted on the sheet with Konig's plant, probably belongs to the larger portion, and resembles Gajrtner's Morella " (op. cit. 197). Neither of the mono- graphers appear to have seen this specimen, which in every way corresponds with Brown's description. It is endorsed by Koenig " Arbor Gunnui Gutt;i'fem vera ! inter grandis mediocris. Gothathu Gokathu vel Bokathu cingalensibus " — which are among the synonyms quoted by Murray. XOTES FROM THE XATTOXAL TlEEBARirM 313 BURCHELLIA CAPEXSIS R. Br. The plant generally known by this name can hardly retain it. It is the Lonicera huhalina of Linn. Suppl. (14(5) and Suns figures and describes it as B. huhalina. lie quotes Brown's later name, but says: " We can by no means approve of altering the specific name, which, when once established, should remain inviolate, except for very particular reasons ; we have therefore thought it right to restore the name of huhalina.'''' As the making of a new combination is not involved, it may be worth while to call attention to the name, Avhicli, with synonymy, should stand as follows : — BuRCHELLiA BUBALTXA Sims, Bot. Mag. 2359 (Aug. 1822). Lonicera huhalina Linn. Suppl. 146 (1781). Cephaelis huhalina Pers. Syn. i. 202 (180-5) et auct. plur. Burchellia capensis K. Br. in Bot. Reg. 466 (1820) et auct. recent. " The shrub is called Buffelhorn (Buffaloe-horn) by the Dutch colonists at the Cape from the hardness of the wood, according to Mr. Masson " (Bot. Beg. 1. c.) : to this the llinnean name huhalina refers, although W. Smith (Lat. Engl. Diet.) enters the word as "pertaining to the African gazelle." In the Solander MSS. (v. 643-7), under Lonicera huhalina, is a full description in Bacstrom's hand, doubtless transcribed from Masson's MSS. : at the end of this is a table showing how the plant differed fi*om other genera of Muhiacece, to which it had been ascertained by Jussieu to belong. There are specimens from Masson in Herb. Banks, the locality of Avhich is stated (in Sol. MSS.) as "in sylvis Houtniquat trans Krom Bivier." Digitalis TOiiE]\'TOSA Sims. Bot. Mag. t. 2194 (1821). This plant seems to have been overlooked in Ind. Kew., probably because it was considered identical with I), tomenfosa Hoft'm. & Link. (Fl. Portugaise, i. 220, 1809). Sims, however, diagnoses his plant as new, and, after a full description, continues : '' We have not found any thing said about this species, but are informed that it was received from Vienna under the name that we have adopted, b}'' Mr. Anderson, of the Chelsea garden, where it flowered, and our drawing was taken in June, 1819. But we find by a specimen from Philip Miller, now in the Banksian Herbarium, that it was cultivated by him, and su])posed to be Digitalis Thapsi. From which, hoAvcA^er, it seems to differ in many material points, as in the leaves being of the same colour on both sides, supported on long foot-stalks, not sessile ; in the greater length of the bractes ; in the flowers not being secund or looking one way, and of a brighter colour. These plant are, however, too nearly allied, and perhaps may only be varieties of the same species." The sheet containing Miller's specimens bears a note by Robert Brown: "a Thapsi differt calycis foliis cordatis ovato-lanceolatis (nee lanceolato-ovatis) bracteis acuminatis pedun- culos superantibus foliis utrinque pubescentibus concoloribus." It is however, probably a form of D. ±liapsi, and is not identical with D, tomenfosa Hoffm. & Link, which is referred to D. j^urpurea. ;}11 TITE .TOURXVL OF 130TAXY CiiLORAXTiius iNXONspK'urs S\v. ill Phil. Trans. Ixxvii. 359 (1787). *' Viva allatii fuit e China in Angliam a Jac. Lind. J). M. anno 1781. Floruit (luin navis ^//r/s adveheret " (L'Heritier, vSert. Angl. i. p. 3(5). We have in Herb. Banks a specimen endorsed bv Solander '• Floruit in nave Atlas sub itinere." Swartz's descri])tion and ti;^ure (1. c.) were from specimens in the, Hoyal Garden, Kew. to which it was introduced by Lind. There is a very full description bv Drvander in the Solander MSS. Cultivated specimens from Hort. Ivew (1782 & 178-1) and one from Lom'ciro {Creodus odorifer Lour. Fl. Coch. 89) are also in the Herbarium. Euphorbia heleniaxa Thellung & Stapf. This endemic species, first described in Kew Bull. 1916, 201, was collected by Banks and Solander at St. Helena in M:iy, 1771, from whom two specimens are in the Herbarium. It ap])ears in their MS. list of the plants of the island as -E'. CliamcBS}ice,^vA is fully described under that name by Solander (Sol. MSS. xi. 405), avIio prefaced his description by the note : " Planta in Insula Stae Helense lecta in paucis discrepat & forte distincta species, tota glaberrima " — "•labrescence "omnium partium " is one of the characters by which Thellung and Stapf distinguish the plant from E. Chamasi/ce. It may be worth while to transcribe Solander's description, which, as comparison with that published in the Kew Bulletin will show, includes other of the points relied on for difTerentiation : — " Caides teretes, ramosissimi, subdichotomi (videntur annui etsi pro])e basin lignosi). .Rami alterni, patentes, subdichotomi. Folia opposita, petiolata, patentia, ovalia, obtusa, obsoletissime serrulata, saepe integerrima, kevia, plana, subsucculenta, hrte viridia, immaculata, subtus glaucescentia, tres lineas longa. Petioli brevissimi (semi- lineares). Stipulce interpetiolares, utrinque bina? e basi latiscuhe, subulata3, apice setacea?, longitudine petioloi,'.um, decidual. Pedunciili e dichotoiniis axillares, solitarii, capillares, unitlori, petiolis paulo longiores. Fructiis glaberrimi." Dr. Hemsle}^ in the valuable but extravagantly printed and badly arranged volume devoted to the Botany of the Voi/age of H.M.S. Challenijor (part ii. p. 82), noted that he was unable to match the plant, wiiich he placed doubtfully under F. Chamcesyce, but hesitated to found a new species " upon what may be only a slightly altered state of some well-known one, or even exactly the same as a described species." It is the only member of the genus in Dr. Hemsley's list, but we have a specimen of E. Hdioscopia, collected by B:inks and Solander — of course introduced, but not mentioned by Melliss, who includes E. Pephis. The statement in Mr. Guppy's Plants, Srrds, and Currents (]i. -M,)0) that there is "no indigenous species of Eupliorhia in vSt. Helena " is thus inaccurate, but the record in the Bulletin was not published until after his book was printed. Edward Hudge's Herbarium. The collections of Edward Kudge (1763-1846), consisting of a general herbarium of 4318 specimens and 772 ])lants collected in Guiana by ^lartin, were presented to the British Museum by his widow in 1847, and have been incorporated witli the National XOTES FROM THE XATIOXAL HERBARIUM 3J:5 Herbarium so far as additional thereto. The following note bv Rudge, which accompanied the collection, mav as well be placed on record : " This Herbarimn consists of the following collections : Dickson's British Plants published in Fasciculi and also his Fascicuh of Italian specimens, the other British Plants were collected bj Samuel Pudge, Esq., in the neighbourhood of Elstree [Herts], together with such garden specimens as were contained in his Hortus Siccus, and the others were collected in several other counties by myself. [W.] Tor- ner's Herbarium, which forms the chief part of this collection, was purchased for £21 and was principally formed by him during the time he acted as Librarian at Sir Jos. Banks's, from the duplicates in the Banksian Herbarium, and it also contains many specimens col- lected by him in the Xorth of Sweden and from the Botanic Garden at Upsal. The Ericse were given to me mostly b}^ Mr. Salisbury, from whose catalogue of the genus in the Linn. Trans, they are naijied. The Fuci were chiefly from the collection of Dawson Turner, Esq. The whole have been carefully examined and compared with the Banksian Herb, and are marked in the left-hand corner HB to show that they correspond with the specimens in that Herbarium." Some of Turner's sheets are endorsed " not in H.B." — -an indication which in many cases had ceased to be correct at the date when the herbarium was acquired. In P. Brown's corresi^ondence is a letter (80 April, 1845) from Thomas (Ignatius Maria) Forster in which he mentirjus that among letters addressed to his father (Thomas Furley Forster) were some from Torner dated from Banks's library (Soho Square) relating often to Afzelius. Salisbury's Drawings of Erica. There are in the Herbarium a number of small admirably finished drawings in ink, by P. A. Salisbury, of the flowers and leaves of various species of Erica, the history of which I have only lately ascertained. When I first knew them they were among other drawings in the Department, but as they were clearly connected with Salisbury's work in the Banksian Herbarium, which his notes on the sheets show to have been very considerable, it seemed best for con- venience of reference to add them to the sheets. At the same time a number of fragments bearing Salisbury's names, which were in p ickets in a little box, were in like manner incorporated ; the history of these is given by Salisbury in his preface to his second edition of Thunberg's Disserfatio de Erica (1800). Having explained that in this, " editoris potius quam correctoris oflicium susceperim," and that he had reprinted the work textually, adding a few notes, he points out the necessity of knowing the true characters of species " sa^pe perplexas," and continues : " Frustulum igitur plurium rariorum Ericarum in hac monographia, quas vivas colo, ingratiam indoctorum delineavi, tum Folio, tum Anthera, ubi res ita postulabat, seorsim additis." The figures, to the number of twenty-four, which aj^pear on the plate accompanying the Disserfatio, are selected from the drawings, which show many more details than are here reproduced. Other figures, giving details of various species, will be found in vol. iii (pp. 289-292) of the too little known collection of Salisbury's drawings and MSS., also in the Department of Botany. JorRVAT. OF BoTAXT.— Vol. 55. FDecember. 1917.1 2 -r .'JIG THE JOL'J{XAL OF IJOTAXY SEPTORIA CHEXorODII: AX Example axd a Warxixg. By W. B. Gboye, M.A. There is a certain imperfect fungus parasitic on Atrip! ex and Chriwpodiiim to which great interest attaches. The late M. C. Cooke found it at Holloway, in July 186G, forming spots on the leaves of Afriphw, and issued it in his Fungi Britannici as no. 118, under the name Fhi/IIosticta Atriplicis Desm. Though suitable }>laces Avhere its host could grov/ are now much rarer in that thickly in- habited ])art than they were in Cooke's time, a visit to Holloway in August last showed that the fungus still occurred in plenty there, and it was easily found also at Highgate, East Finchley, Wembley, Harrow, Greenford, Brentham, and Hampton Wick, all towards the same side of London. Nevertheless it appears to be somewhat local, for recoi-ds in other parts of Britain are few in number. It seems, furthermore, to be distributed throughout the temperate northern hemisphere, both Euro2)ean and American, and to occur on many species of Atriplex and Chenopodium without much altering its morphological characters. 13ut an examination of Cooke's specimens shows that, though most of the spores are one-celled (as the}^ should be in Phyllosiicfa)^ yet there are a number which are two-celled, while a long-continued search of specimens from other localities will enable one to discover not a few which are distinctly and plainly triseptate, and even one among about a thousand spores which has five septa. With the one septum, the spores would suggest the genus Ascocltyta ; with the three or five septa, the genera Sepforia or Sfagonospora. But still further, the fungus occurs, though more rarely, on the stems, and in that case bv those who follow the, let us say, to avoid offence, the Chinese method adoi)ted in Uabenhorst's Kriipfogamea-FJoro. by the excellent Allescher, the two-celled form would be placed in the genus Diplutlina. For Allescher's wooden dictum is — Ascocliijta on the leaves, Diplodina on the stems; no other distinction being considei-ed or even suggested. On the stems, it should be noted, the spots occupied by the fungus are not at all wtII marked, but the spores are the same. Under these circumstances it is not surprising that the fungus has been found by many different mycologists, and has received many different names. A study of the synonymy will be at once an example of the varying forms which one fungus can assume on its way to full development, and a ^xarning of the necessity of making greater allowance for this variability (on certain fixed lines) than is usually done, before concluding that one has found a new species. It is premised that the spores have a peculiar shape and character which is easily recognisable by the exiK>rt, and that all the variations in the colour of the spots, size of the s])ores, etc., alleged by the different authorities (pioted, can be found in the same localitj^ on the same host, if the investigation be continued long enough. For example, though the width of the sjxjivs is variously given as from 3 to G /x, all SEPT OKI A ClIEXOPODII 31-7 these widths may on occasion be found simultaneously by examining the contents of one single pycnidium. It may be asked how one is to decide between the genera Asco- chyta or DiplQclina on the one hand, and Septoria or Stagonospora on the other. Some might suggest that the two former and the two latter respectively should be more or less merged in one. Apart from their convenience, however, the working m^'cologist knows that they are sufficiently distinct, though he may find it difficult to define the distinction. Such a state of things seems to be not unknown in other branches of human knowledge. The required distinction can be found in the nature of the pycni- dium. In AsGochjfta and Septoria the tissue of the very delicate pycnidial wall is composed (except round the ostiole) of slender inter- woven hyphiE wliich wind round one another like intertwined snakes preparing for hibernation. For this- Potebnia has suggested the un- meaning term " pseudo-pycnidial " ; it would be better to call it plectencliy matous. The firmer wall of Diploduia and Stagonospora, on the contrary, is composed of more or less hexagonal (polyhedral) cells, in close contact with one another on almost all sides, forming a tissue known as •' pseudoparenchymatous," a word which under the circumstances might without confusion be shortened to parenchyma- tous. Kound the ostiole, even in Ascocliyta and Septoria, the tissue becomes weakly parenchjnnatous. The wall of the fungus under discussion belongs to the Septoria type : the true name and synonymy will therefore be as follows. It will be seen that Saccardo has listed it at least eight times, and Allescher six times. It will of course be understood that no account is taken here of possible biological distinctions. Septoria Chexopodii Westd. Bull. Aca:l. ^o\. Belg. 1851, p. 396. Sacc. Syll. iii. 556. AUesch. vi. 756. Depazea vagans f. atriplicicola Fr. Syst. Myc. ii. 532. Phyllosticia Atriplicis Westd. Bull. Acad. Roy. Belg. 1851, p. 397.' Desm. Ann. Sci. Nat. 1851, xvi. 298. Sacc. Syll. iii. 54. Allesch. vi. 101. P. Chenopoilii Westd. Bull. Acad. Roy. Belg. ser. ii. vol. ii. no. 7. Sacc. Syll. iii. iio. Ascochyta Atrip)licis Lasch, in Rabenh. Herb. Mycol. ed. i. no. 861. Died. Annal. Mycol. 1901, ii. ISO. A. Chenopo'dii Rostr. Bot. Tidskr. 1905, xxvi. 311. Died. Annal. Mycol. 1912, X. 139. A. nehiolosa Sacc. et Berl. Bull. Soc. Bot. Belg. 1889, xxviii. 98. Sacc. Syll. x. 305. Diplodina Atriplicis Vestergr. BIdr. Kanned Gotl. Swampfl. 1896, p. 19, f. 4. Sacc. Syll. xiv. 952. Allesch. vi. 679, fig. B. Chenopodii Karst. in Hedwig. 1885, p. 73. S.icc. Syll. x. 315. Allesch. vi. 682. Septoria Atriplicis Fckl. Symb. Myc. p. 3D0 (1869). Sacc. Syll. iii. 556. Allesch. vi. 737. S. Westendorpii Wint. in Hedwig. 1887, p. 26. Sacc. Syll. x. 380. Allesch. vi. 756. 2b 2 348 THE .TOFRXAL OF BOTAXY Sfagono>ipora AtripJicis Lind, Dan. Fung. 1913, p. 444, \)\. (>, figs. 79, 80. In addition tliere are two American species, descril)ed as liaving much broader spores (7-11 yi/), which may possibh' T)e different :— Sfac/ouospora Clipnopodil Peck, 40th He]). N. York State Mus. Fhleoapom Chcnopodii Ell. et Kell. Journ. Mycol. 1.S8S, iv. 2G. And also a third American species which is described as having elongate-elliptical spores, but does not seem to differ otherwise:- — Diploilina EVisii Sacc. Svll. iii. 412 = Dip1o(lia Injalospora C. et Kll. in Grevill. vii. 5 (1878). Subjoined is the description of the fungus, as I have met with it:— Septoeta Ciienopodii Westd. Spots (on the leaves) roundish, at first pallid-green, then becom- ing ochraceous and dry with a narrow faint border-line. Pycnidia anii)higenous, but mostly epiphvUous, numerous, often ± concen- tricallv arranged, at fii^t fuscous, then blackish, globose, 100-220 )it diam., with a slightly projecting pierced ostiole ; texture yellowish brown, plectenchymatous, except round the darker ostiole. Spores cvlindric-oblong, broadly rounded at the ends, often inecpiilateral or curved or bent, hyaline, but very fainth^ yellowish in mass, granular within or 2-8-guttulate, for a long time continuous, 12-10x3-4^/, then usually 1-septate, in a few cases 3-septate or ver}' rarely 5-septate, 18-28 x 4-6 fx (or even 7 ^) Avhen mature. On living leaves of Afriplex and CJienopodium. Yar. nov. EMACULATAmaculis obsoletis. When on the stems there are no distinct spots and the pycnidia are scattered, but the spores are the same. This is equally true of the form recently found on the succulent leaves of Afriplex Bahinr/fonii and its allies, on sandy sea-shor.'s. Avrshire, by Mr. D. A. Bo'vd. SHORT NOTES. POTAMO(JETOX T'PSAIJEXSTS Tis. TX EXCJLAXD. Miss Ida i\I. Roper sent me in the autunni of 1910 specimens, collected in the ])receding June, from a Millpond near Wool, Dorset, doubtfully named '' P. lucena f." This year she has kindly sent me a series in the fresh state. It is one of a set of ])lants that come under P. drclpitnn Nolte (agg.), or at least are so ])laced by Graebner and Hagstn'MU. The original dec/piens of Nolte is no doubt, as the late Mr. Fryer always contended, P. lucens X pei'foliafusc, but with their usual procedure Ascherson and (iraebner (Syn. Fl. Mittenp. 329: 1897) reversed the order of the names. The series of names— JP. I'li-drcipinis, P. hf'ro//'/'/fs-/'s, P. ii pxtil lruiett. Lepidium campestre var. longistyllm (p. 324). — -I have by the courtesy of the Dublin Museum seen More's plant mentioned by Mr. Jackson : Miss Knowles, the curator, has added a reference to The Natural Histori/ Review, July 1860, p. 434. We find there under Proceedings of Societies : " The following paper hy A. Gr. More, F.L.S., was read : — Lepidiiun campestre . . . var. lomji- sti/lum, with many stems springing from a biennial root, and the style, about twice as long as the notch, occurred in a cultivated field near Lunghall. This variety is likely to be mistaken for L. Smithii, but for its scaly pouch." This is apparently the only place of publication, but it appears valid. The variety, however, seems scarceh^ of note. Its styles are no longer than is common in L. campestre, but none of the silicula? are mature, hence, as common in L. campestre at that stage of development, they are "twice as long as the notch." In mature fruit, the sides grow up and equal or exceed the style which does not lengthen. Syme (E. B. i. 217: 1863) mentions this, " The style should be examined in mature pods, as it considerably exceeds the notch until the wings are fully developed." The question remains as to whether the name should be retained, " descriptione emendata," as a many-stemmed variety. Syme says foj- L. campestre, "Stem sub- solitary .^ . . " and " stem .... solitary and 2 or 3 from the same rosette." Thellung in his monograph (in Neue Denkschr. vSchweiz. Ges. Naturwiss. xli. 1907— not 1906) says fp. 93), " Caulis fere semper unicus." Specimens in the National Herbarium show more than one stem, but the occurrence is rai-e. It is perhaps explicable by reference to what happens in L. Smithii. This is sup- posed always to have many stems, the fact being used as a diagnostic 1350 THE JOUI{>-AL Of EOTA>'Y character by Thellung ; 3'et a s:i:»ecimen from Portugal is clearly. L. Smif/iii ^vith a single central stem, clothed at the base with the remains of the rosette leaves. Townsend's remarks ( Jom-n. Bot. 1903, 97) on the cultivation of his var. alatostyliim explain what happens. The young plant first throws up a single terminal stem (and specimens are thus in the National Herbarium from Lancashire as well as Portugal) and this is succeeded by numerous stems from the axils of the root-leaves. Being a perennial, the simple stemmed plant is rarely found. L. campestre on the other hand, being a biennial, rarely goes beyond its single terminal stem. Until the cause of the rare cases when more than one stem occurs is elucidated, such plants are scarcely wortli varietal rank, and More's plant is therefore indistinguishable from L. campesfre. Mr. Jackson's remarks concerning the yellow- anthered L. Smitliii are of interest. The styles, however, are no shorter than is common in the i)urple-anthered fonn. Examination of specimens tends to show that L. Smith ii lias two lengths of style, the longer (com])lete style, not only the "free part") 1"2 to 1"5 mm. long, the shorter about "O-l'O mm. long as in the Northamptonshire plant. But both forms may occur on the same raceme. The complete length of the style appears as in L. campesfre to be, with the exception that there are two lengths, practically constant. The apparent length varies owing to the fact that the wings in maturing ma}' be adnate to it for various distances, thus causing variations in the depth of the notch, but not in the length of the stvle. The question of L. Smithii with yellow anthers requires more study ; no other specimens than those cited by Mr. Jackson are known to me.— A. J. Wilmott. Sedum Drucei (p. 256). As I took part in the International Phytogeographical Excursion in 1911 and was present when Prof. Graebner pointed out that the British Sedum acre was different from the Continental, 1 took interest in the matter — the more so because I could not see any essential difference. Since then 1 have had in cultivation here in Copenhagen : — (1) S. Dnicei obtained from the Botiinical Garden of Berlin, undoubtedly part of the offspring of the original plant sent home by Prof. Graebner from England ; (2) S. acre collected by myself in Scotland in 1912 ; (3) Danish plants of *S'. acre: and 1 fail to see any differences between them — at least, differences worthy of creating a species. I am therefore glad to learn that Mr. Lloyd Praeger has arrived at the same conclusion, and I agree with Mr. H. S. Thompson in regretting very much if the unfortunate naming of the British ;S^. acre should be taken as a precedent to an " insular isolation " of the British flora by giving new specific names to tlie British races of plants common to the British Isles and the Continent. — C. H. Ostenfelj). Caruamine pratensis L. Of this species Syme writes (Engl. Bot. ed. 3, ii. 159), "In damp seasons the stem frequently bears small bulbs at the base and buds on the leaves, which propagate the plant. The flowers are sometimes double, or rather the petals surround small flower buds instead of stamens and pistils, which are reduced to a rudimentary state." I look at this plant from another point of view. It is an early spring flowerer, which often SIIOliT NOTES 3'J1 can rarely for years together ripen proper seed on account of spring frosts. I was 3^ears before I could get seed of it, or of Ranun- culus Flcaria, for my working seed collection. I soon discovered that where it did not ripen seed it could grow fresh plants from its leaves. Till quite lately the opportunity for studying the growth of these new plants was lacking, though I was perfectly certain it had nothing to do with damp seasons, for I have found most of my specimens in unusually dry ones, and the true double -flowered form twice. I have during the last few seasons discovered another thing which prevents C. prate nsis developing seeds, and have been able to stud}' fresh plant development under these circumstances. The same density of shade which prevents Carex stricta from flowering, though it has its filamentous sheaths and every other characteristic of the species, is sufKcient to prevent C. pratensis from doing so ; though i*oa trivialis and Agrnstis alba can just produce depleted spikes (v. )ieniorosa) to grow seeds. I have been watching an overshaded pond in a covert in Lincolnshire, to discover in what order the species departed as the overshadowing grew more dense. I discovered that at midsummer nearly every plant of C pratensis was carrying a young- plant on its leaves or had only just dropped it. I find that in this ease, produced wholly by overshading, the new plant bud is produced at that spot on the up23er leaflet where all the venation joins into one for the stalk of the leaf. As yet I have only detected them on the upper leaflet, never on the side leaflets, in these depleted plants, though often after they have lost connection with the parent leaflet, they slip down to another position, for their roots always clasp the leaflet stalk. Many of the leaves have lost all their leaflets but the tei'minal one in the shade. The time of year for the first sign of these budding plants is September or early October. They drop off the following summer. I am sending a sheet of specimens for the British collection at the National Herbarium. — E. A. Woodruffe- Peacock. Hertfordshire Plaxts. The genera Botrycliium and Colclncum ^ are not represented in Pryor's Flora of Hertfordshire. As to the former, the following entry occurs in Babington's diary for 1882 : " June 7. We went with Professor and Mrs. Cowell to Mr. Pollard's, at High Down, near Hitchin. We found Botrychiiim Lunaria for the lirst time in Herts" (^Memorials of Bahinr/ton, 234). As to the latter, Sims (Bot. Mag. t. 2673 : 1826) figures and describes as Colchicum crociflorum a plant of which he says : " This Colchicum, wdiich appears to us to be an undescribed species, was raised at the Botanical Garden belonging to the Apothecaries' Company. It was one of a selection of roots of the officinal Colchicum had at the Hall from three different counties, from which, Mi-. Anderson informs us, as many different species were produced. The one from which our drawing was taken was supposed to be collected in the neighbourhood of Hertford, but appears to us to be different from the autumnale figured in English Botan}'." The name is retained in Index Kewensis, but Mr. Baker (in Journ. Linn. Soc. xvii 428 : 1880), who incorrectly attributes it to Anderson, regards it as synonymous with C. atitiim- n ale, which however the figure scarcely resembles. It is of course 352 THE JOLll>'AL or BOX ANY entirely distinct from the plants to which the name has been applieJ by lle^el, Boissier, and Schott and Kotschj. — James Beittex. Surrey Helleborixes (p. 325). As one who has botanised recrularlv in the neighbourhood of Leatherhead and Mickleham for m()re tlian twenty ^^ears, I have read with some surprise Mr. C. E. Britton's note, in'which this district is credited with producing three, if not four species of Hellehorine, exclusive of H. violacea. In my recollection Helleborines are to be found in some seven or eight different spots on these downs, or possibly more. In all of them the plant is in limited quantity and fairly uniform, except in one station, where it is usually abundant, often very luxuriant, and very variable in the colour of its flowers, some being entirely green, others tinted with purple or violet, others again reddish or even ochreous. With- out attempting any real criticism of the genus, I have at different times examined these Howers and noted their characters, without detecting any tangible dilferences among them except those of colour ; nor have I observed any but vegetative variations in the other organs. The basal hunches of the lip are usually more or less longitudinally plicate-rugose and often coalesce in a central ridge — features which also obtain in K. violacea — but it maj'- be doubted whether gradations of this natm-e, which seem quite distinct from the rugosit}^ of the lip in H. atronthens, can be said to afford specific characters. None of the examples that I have seen show the long lanceolate green and larger flowers with longer lip (resembling those of H. violacea) as exhibited in the plant of the sandy districts of West Surrey referred to H. media ; and I can only regard all that I have met with as belonging to one form of H. laiifolia in which the basal hunches are not uniformly smooth. They may thus be referred, perhaps, to //. atroviridis^ but, if so, this plant seems at most a mere variety of H. latifolia. The addition of K. afroriibens to the Surrey Flora is of great interest, if the plant be not an introduction and the identi- fication be correct. It seems remarkable, however, if this smaller and relatively distinct species really occurs at Leatherhead, that it should have been so long passed over in so well worked a district. I have collected this in the dry rock-clefts of the Great Orme and elsewhere near Llandudno, as well as in Western Switzerland and the Italian Alps ; its reddish-brown or mahogany-coloured liowers, with broad, rugose lip and a scent of vanilla, should serve to readily distinguish it wlien growing. I may add that I have never seen H. violacea, wliich a]jpears a good species, in this particular portion of the Downs, although it grows in several neighbouring localities, both to the east and to the west, in the situations indicated by Mr. Britton. — H. W. PUGSLEiT. EURHYXCIIIUM MERIDIONALE AXD BaZZANIA PeaRSOXI. I luive met with specimens of these pknts — the former in the collection of Mosses and Hepaticsof the late Kev. A. Ley, the latter in that of the late W. West, both now at the Birmingham University. E. meridioaale ])e Not., Porthmd, Dorset; coll. W. C. P. Medlycott, Sept. 188... ; named by H. Boswell. I sent the specimen to Mr. H. N. Dixon, who oonlirmcd Boswell's naming and expressed himself as much SHOET In'OTES 353 gratified to see an undoubted British specimen, since he had doubted whether the phmt was really British (see Handhook of British Mosses, ed. 2, 471). B. Pearsoni (Steph.) Pears. Ben Atta — 8.E. slope — Grlencoe, Argyllshire ; coll. W. West, Aug. 1907 ; named by M. B. Slater. This meaning was confirmed by Mr. W. E. Nicholson, to whom I sent the specimen. The plant has hitherto only been met with in Ireland at Killarney and on the Island at Aehill, It was evidently growing among other Hepatics and Mosses, and the stems had been picked out of the mass. — E. Clemixshaw. KEVIEWS. Bref ocli Skrifvelser af och till Carl von Linne mecl understbd af Scenska Sfateii utc/iAia af TJpsala Universitet. Forsta Afdel- n iiufea Bel VII. Bref till och fran Svenska enskilder personer : Hasself/reen-Kallstroni. Utgii'na och med upplysande noter forsedda af Th. M. Fries f och J. M. Hulth. Upsala, 1917. + 192. 8^ The previous issues of this collection have been duly reviewed in this ' Journal,' the last a year ago (1916, p. 372). The present volume resumes the issue of letters written to or received from Swedes at home or abroad. As the short preface by Dr. Hulth explains, this volume contains all that the late Prof. Th. M. Fries had left prepared for printing. Though it fell short of the usual amount for a volume, the committee entrusted with the publication decided to print it as it stands, being the conclusion of the work of the late editor : but another small vokime will be issued, so that when the two are bound in one the bulk will be about the usual amount. There are five correspondents whose letters are of special interest ; the first of these is the ill-fated Fredrik Hasselquist (1722-52). When Queen Louisa Ulrika, upon Abraham Back's earnest appeal, purchased the collections of Hasselquist, which were detained at Smvrna for his debts, the whole were ^Dut into the hands of Linnaeus to print an account of his former pupil's eastern journe}^ This was. done by printing first Hasselquist's diary, next a systematic account of his collections, botanical, zoological, and antiquarian, and finally the letters received at Upsala from Hasselquist himself. The letters now printed show several corrections to the book which came out in 1757 as " Fredric Hasselquists . . . Iter pala3stinum eller resa til Heliga landet . . . pa Hennes Kongl. Maj:ts befallning, utgifven af Carl Linnieus. Stockholm," 8°. A rapid comparison shows that we here have five, chiefly short, letters, not printed before, and four from Linnseus himself, besides several corrections in spelling and the resto-. ration of certain paragraphs which were omitted in 1757. The second notable correspondent is Peter Hernquist (1726-1 80S),, well-known as Sweden's first veterinary surgeon ; here are thirteen^ letters, those of early date giving an account of his travels in France,, from 1763 to 1769, which were undertaken on the recommendation of Linnseus. On his return to Sweden Hernquist finally succeeded in his, effort to set up a veterinary school, of which he became professor and head. 3.31 THE .lOUli^AL OF BOTANi' Nine letters are printed from Frilierre Carl Harlenian (1700-58) with three from Linnieus ; the correspondenee shows the elose fi-iend- ship between them. Unfortunately only three of Linnteus's letters to H.irleman have come down to us, though nine are here printed from HArleman. The next name whieh may be mentioned is that of Count A. J. von Hopken (1712-80) who was Chancellor of Upsala University from 17G0 to 17(54 ; the letters — two from Linnieus and thirty-two from llopken — are for the most part short. The last who calls for special remark is Andreas Kallstrom (1783":'-1S12), both of whose letters are dated from Kensington in 1704 and 17(35. In order to gain gardening experience, he came to London and obtained employment as a journeyman gardener at Kensington Palace. His lettei's speak of Philip Miller at Chelsea, packets of seeds for Upsala, and the forthcoming edition — the eighth — of Miller's Garde ners Dictioiiarij. Kallstrom went to Paris from London, and ultimately returned to Sweden, but we have here only this brief liftino: of the veil during his stay in London. B. D. J. Butch y.W. New Guinea: a Goiitrihufion to the Phytogeograpliy and Flora of the Arfah Muuiitaiiis, Sfc. By L. S, Gibks, P.L.S., P.R.M.S. London: Taylor & Francis, July 1917. Demy Svo, paper boards, pp. iv, 226, 4 plates, 16 text-hgures. Price Vis. 6t/. This important contribution to our knowledge of the flora of New Guinea is the result of investigations by Miss Gibbs — who had already published in the Journal oj the Linneaii Societi/ the results of her travels in Fiji and North Borneo — in December 1913 into the flora of the Arfak Mountains, to which is appended a list of plants collected by her in the vicinity of Manokoeari, Humboldt Bay, and in three of the islands, in January and February of the following year. Tlie fli'st hfty pages are occupied with introductory matter, in which is given a summary of previous work — the tirst collection of plants from the region was made by Lesson in 1824. A section on the "-eneral characters of the country is followed by the itinerary and general account of the vegetation ; then come plant associations and l)hytogeographical conclusions. A brief summary of the botanical results is followed by a systematic enumeration of the plants collected, over 330 in number, of which a hundred are new, " with one new natural order and Ave [four] very distinct new genera." The order is Trinieniacece, regarded by Perkins and Gilg as a tribe of Monimiacecd but here raised to ordinal rank; it comprises the two anomalous genera Trimenia (of which a new species is described) -dndJ^iptocalga;, to which Miss Gibbs adds a third — Idcnhurgia — with two species. The other new genera are GU)bsia (Urticacete) with two species, described by Dr. Jlendle ; Foiliilogyne Baker f. (Melastomaceai), also with two ; and F aimer vandenhroekia — a terrible name which might surely have been shortened? — (Araliaceai), monotypic. Among the more interesting of the new species, many of which are figured are Dacrijdiuni novo-rjuinecnae Gibbs, Liboccdrus arfakenais Gibbs FLOEA OF DUTCH X.W. ^EW GUINEA 855 Kentia Gihhsiana Beocari, Corsia arfa'kensis Gibbs, Piillea jyapu- dna Gibbs, Elceocarpiis koehrensis Gibbs, Kissodendron bijylnnatiu/i Gibbs, Dlplycosia Liliance J. J. Smith, LoheJia arfakensis Gibbs; ^'' JPatersoiiia, Centrolepis Gibbs, and Hihbertia, represent new generic records for New Guinea," each taking the name novo- guineensis. The Orchids number o7 species and varieties, of which 20 and 4 are new ; these and the Ericacece and Epacridacece have been elaborated by Dr. J. J. Smith of Buitenzorg, to whom Miss Gibbs acknowledges special obligations. Mr. Gepp has undertaken the ferns, describing 7 as new, and Dr. Beccari the palms : in other orders, less numerously rej^resented, Miss Gibbs has also had the help of various botanists. In the second list, which comprises about 150 species, Mr. Rams- bottom has several new fungi and gives an account of the genus Dlciijophora ; Mr. Gepp has numerous new ferns, including a new genus, Thysanosoria. In the grasses. Dr. Bendle describes Giganto- cliloa novo-gicineensis : orchids again are numerous, and Dr. Ya- leton has some new Ruhiacece. Turning over the pages, one is struck with the great length of some of the descriptions. This is especially noticeable in the Orchi- dacea, many of which occupy nearly a page, and in the PalmcB, described by Dr. Beccari, where four species have between them seven- and-a-half pages. The volume is well printed, but the occasional employment of black ty])e — say for the names of the orders — would have rendered the book more easy to consult ; and some use might have been made of the page-headings. We note that the spelling '■'■ Sheffiera'''' is adopted for the genus of Araliacece usually known as Sclieffiera. Miss Gibbs is to be congratulated on the excellent results of her travels, as well as on the possession of all the qualifications necessary for such laborious undertakings. Two Books on Grasses. (1) SrifisJi Grasses and their Employment in Agriculture. By S. F. AimsTKOxa, F.L.S., School of Agriculture, Cambridge University. 8vo, pp. viii, 199 ; wdth 175 illustrations. Cam- bridge University Press, 1917. Price 6s. net. (2) Grasses of the West Indies. By A. S. Hitchcock and Agnes. Chase. Contributions from the United States National Her- barium. Vol. xviii. part 7. 8vo, pp. xviii & 261-471. Wash- ington, 1917. (1) Some years ago (in 1901), the Cambridge Press issued a small handbook on Grasses by the late Professor Marshall Ward. It was a hand}' little introduction to the study of our native grasses, and,, in addition to helpful descriptive keys for their determination by means of vegetative, Hoi-al or " seed " characters, contained a well- Avritten and useful account of the structure of the various organs and their biology and that of the plant as a whole. Mr. Armstrong's somewhat larger work will not supersede Marshall Ward's admirable little book, though the chapters of the botanical section cover much the same ground. In view of the similarity of treatment the newer 356 THt: .lOLltXAL OF HUTAXT- work luiglit have grown out of the earher one as an adaptation to the needs of the agrieiiltural student, and we expeeted to tind some reference to it in Mr. Armstrong's preface. However, the agricultural student, for whom primarily the volume has l)een written, wdll lind in it a usef id guide to his study of the grasses which form our meadows and pastures, and valuable help in tlieir practical emplo^'^ment and treatment. The subject-matter is divided into two parts — a botanical section and an agricultural section respectively: the first or botanical part occupies about two-thirds of the whole. The earlier chapters contain a short account of the general structure, biology, and distribution according to soil and position, of British Grasses — though the Maize is selected to illustrate germination. Structural features are briefly explained and illustrated b}^ clear diagrammatic figures. There is no mention of the method of growth of the grass-culm, a description of whicli might perhaps have accompanied the figure of the base of an internode with its enveloping leaf-sheath. Then follow three keys to the more common species based respectively on foliage, floral (includ- ing inflorescence) and "seed" characters, the ''seed" being the ])ortion which separates from the parent plant, including the j^ales. The remainder of the section is taken up with a botanical description of the species, the genera being arranged in alphabetical sequence. The main features are described and there are numerous figures, especially of the " seeds," which help materially in the work of elucidation. The author is not alwa3^s orthodox in his nomenclature, ])resumably he uses the more generally recognised names : we note, however, that the False Oat is called Arrhenatherum avenaceum in the botanical section but Avena elatior in the agricultural. The second section deals with matters of special interest agriculturally. An account is given of the properties, from this point of view, of the useful grasses, and the characters of commercial seed with a descrip- tion of the usual impurities. The concluding chapters deal with the valuation and purchase of grass seeds, the specification and compound- ing of grass seed-mixtures (a projjos of which the author pleads for the i)roduction and propagation of races of our own native grasses) and the general treatment of grass-land. An Appendix suj)plies a list of local, rare or introduced foreign grasses not otherwise described in the book ; and there is also a short bibliography. (2) The Grasses of the West Indies by Mr. A. S. Hitchcock, Systematic Agrostologist of the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Assistant Agrostologist, Agnes Chase, is a viseful bringing together of our knowledge of the grass flora of the West Indian Islands. American botanii-its and collectors have accumulated a large amount of material from these islands; the catalogue of specimens in the United States National Herbarium, arranged by collectors' names and numbers, occupies nearly seventy pages in the present volume. Among the collectors are included both the authors, who have had the o])])ortunity of studying the species in the field as well as in the herbarium. They have also studied widely the grasses of the New World, and Mr. Hitchcock has had the o))])ortunity of examining the specimens in the Sloane Herbarium at the British Museum and those of Patrick Browne in Linnieus's Herbarium, on which many of the earlier American species are based. The authors are therefore well BRITISH AXD WEST INDTAX GRASSES 357 equipped for their work and have produced a manual which will be much valued by students of the West Indian Flom. The descriptive list inchides 110 genera and 4.5o species, of whicli one genus and 17 sj^ecies are new. The new genus, Saiigetia^ belongs to the tribe Chlorideai and is placed next to Gymnojmgon. It is represented by one sj^ecies from a single locality in Cuba. A frag- mentary specimen had been collected by Wright in the same locality in. 1865, and a visit to this by Brother Leon (Joseph Sylvestre Sauget), in whose honour the genus is named, resulted in finding further specimens. The list supplies keys to the tribes and genera, and, under each genus, to the species. Brief descriptions are given of the genera and species, and synonymy is cited so far as it bears on the West Indian flora. Owing to the independent views on nomenclature held by a section of American systematists and followed b}^ the authors in this volume, some generic names will be unfamiliar to many botanists, such as Sijnfherisma for Digitaria, Chcefochloa for Sefaria, JS'ofJwIcvs (!) for Holcus. We note also that the term lemma is used throughout to express the barren glumes at the base of the spikelet. A. B. R. BOOK-NOTES, NEWS, etc. Mr. W. R. B. Oliver sends us a copy of his exhaustive stud^- of " Tlie Vegetation and Flora of Lord Howe's Island" (issued July, 1917) reprinted from the Transactions of f lie New Zealand Insfilnie (xlix. 94-161). Beginning with a general description of the island, the author proceeds to a careful s^-nopsis of the plant formations and associations ; this is followed by a discussion of the origin of the flora, which contains four endemic genera of vascular plants — Colmeiroa (Saxifragaceae), Negria (Gesneracese) and two Palms, Hedgsceiie and Howea — and seventy species. Then follows the list of indigenous plants, which includes one new species — Coprosma jirisca ; in this are summarized the previous I'ecords, with habitats and distribution and notes on the anatomy of the leaves of some of the species. A good bibliography concludes the paper, which contains numerous illus- trations and is in ever}^ way an excellent piece of work. We regret however to note that Mr. Oliver employs trinominals — e. g. Macro- piper excelsum psittacorum, Elatostemna reticulatiim grande. The Catholic World (New York) for October contains a memoir of Dr. Edward Lee Greene (1843-1915) which, so far as it deals with liis personality, is full of interest, and in this respect supplements the notices which appeared in various American scientific periodicals at the time of his death. From this we learn that his herbarium and library" were purchased before his death by the University of Notre Dame, Indiana, and that an oflficial biography is in preparation b}^ the faculty of that University. We hope that those responsible for the undertaking will be better acquainted with matters botanical than was the writer of the memoir in question, who has an amusingly exaggerated estimate of Greene's botanical work. We are told that he "now bears the title of father of systematic botany in the United States,'" and that '' in Europe, among other ])roud distinctions, he was :358 iiiK .1 ou JiXAL ur jjotaxy known as the father of the neo-American school of nomenclature": **a learned botanist of Turin, Italy, wrote sorrowfully after death had claimed this master that the last great American scholar was gone and no others would reach his heights, since no others, in the breatli- less haste of the age, would perpetuate his methods." The following paragraph, which we transcribe textually, will we think justify our contention that the writers zeal for Greene's memory is hardly according to (botanical) knowledge :— "His stern and uncompromising attitude in seeking good Latin names for new species, at least had the effect of discouraging the prevalent American habit, characterized by calling a beautiful llower discovered in the great Park, Yellowst^niensis. It is his distinct triumph, and throws a clear light on his phenomenal talents, that he discovered and published more than live thousand new species to which he gave sonorous classic Latin names. L.itin, such as Cicero and Horace used, yet luminously descriptive in ev.'ry essential of the ]dant named. No one can look upon a bed of those sprightly blossoms which he discovered and called viola Icete virens without a reverent iippreciation of the master's genius. Other names given in the viola family, equally felicitous, are latiuscula, prionosepala septentrionaJis and nephrophijlla. There are scores of others given to the delphi- nium, ranunculus^ senecio, rosa and aniennaria which he discovered, which have compelled the admiration of the scientific world [!]. A plant made known by him in his early years in the far West is thi eschscholtzia, the Californian poppy. It lifts a golden cup in millions A)i gardens today, and for those who know it is one of the enduring monuments to the memory of this gentle naturalist." The Kew Bulletin issued in October (nos. 4-5) is manily occupied h\ a monograph of the Indian and Eastern species of Strt/chnos, by Mr. A. W. Hill. Seventy-seven species, many of which are new, are described, to which are added '' species non satis notae," bringing the number up to ninety-two. The history of the Linnean S. colubriiia and S. Nux-voniica is elaborated at much length; with the latter an allied species, which Mr. Hill describes as S. JS^ux-hlanda^ has been generally confused. The jjaper, which includes a number of useful iigures from drawings by Miss M. Smith, is an important contribution to our knowledge of the genus. At the meeting of the Linnean Society on Nov. 1, a paper on " The Germination of Iris Bseudacorus in Normal and Abnormal Conditions " was read by Lieut.-Col. J. H. TuU. He criticized the remarks on the subject made b^'^ Mr. T. A. Dymes at tlie meeting of the Society on Nov. 80, 1916, of which a summary will be found on ]). JiO of our present volume, pointing out that the conditions under which the seeds used by Mr. l3ymes were expected to germinate were not normal, although his results were correct. The writer's experi- ments tend to show tliat the Iris ])roduces in mud and shallow water seedlings which are normal and healthy. In addition to the })aper summarized on p. 334 the last Report of the Winchester Scbool Natural History Society includes a list of additions to the local tlora which contains more misprints than we have ever seen in so small a contribution (" Galium nicome " baffles us), and a long jKinigrapli recording aliens -" C^uite a new discovery for BOOK-XOTES, XEWS, ETC. 359 Winchester was the Tomato " ! The Report affords gratifying evidence that the stud}^ of natural history, which seems of late years to have largely disappeared from public schools, still nourishes in at least one of them. The Proceedings of the Linnean Society (Nov. 1916- June 1917) contains, besides the usual obituary notices, a " Cartographic Study of the Southern Element in the British Flora," by Dr. Stapf, whose former paper on " The Southern Element in the British Flora " was published in Engler's Botanische Jalirhiicher : it is we think to be regretted that papers of such interest to British botanists shoidd appear in places not readily accessible to most of them. The number also contains an account of the origin of the Hooker Lecture — but not the lecture itself, which was delivered by Prof. Bower — and a list of the published portraits of Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker, at whose ince23tion the lecture was founded. Two important papers on plant diseases have been published in Holland in Meded. Kijks Hoog. Land-, Tain- Bosch-bouwsch. x. &. xii. 1916 & 1917, and have been reissued in slightly abridged form in English and French. The first, by H. M. Quanjer assisted by H. A. A. \'an der Lek and J, Oortwijn Botjes, deals with phloem necrosis (leaf-root) and related diseases such as the Sereh diseases of sugar- cane. In potato plants affected wdth this disease the phloem is found to be largely abnormal : the cell-walls are swollen and become a yellowish- brown colour, the necrosis being most marked in the older jwrtions near the groups of bast fibres. The trouble can be traced from the leaf mid-rib to the underground parts of the stem near the seed tuber. No specific organism has been detected as the origin of the necrosis, and it has been referred vaguely to the action of some virus though the author is inclined to think it ma}^ be due to some very minute bacillus or even to some protozoon. The whole question is studied in great detail and the paper forms a weighty contribution to the elucidation of an obscure problem. It is illustrated by coloured and photographic plates, some of them stereoscopic, and by figures. The second ])aper translated into French is by Van der Lek and gives the results of his investigations on Rhizoctonia violacea, a fungal disease of beetroot, carrot, &c. The author has proved by observation and culture that the species is not identical with RJiizoctonia Solani. He has been the first to succeed in growing pure cultures ; in these it grows as a fine white mycelium which later becomes fjurj^le ; minute sclerotia were formed but no reproductive bodies were observed. The paper is illustrated by photographic j^lates and by figures. — A. L. S. The Naturalist for November contains notes on the Flora of nibble- Craven, by J. F. Pickard ; a paj^er on Sphagna by W. Ingham, with notes on their use " in social life"; and a notice, with portrait, of the late llobert Braithwaite. The Garden of Oct. 13 has an article on " Native Blackberries,, cultivated," by Mr. J. C. Vartv-Smith. He especially recommends- Ruhus Koelileri (misspelt Kolleri) which he says is " very pro- ductive, early, and bears large fruit." "The writer has the plants growing and hanging down over a high ha-ha wall facing south, a position ver}^ suitable, and where the fruit can be easily gathered." IIoic to Collect and Dry Flowering Plants and Ferns is a neat. :^G0 THE .TOURXAL OF BOTAXY cheap (7^/. n.) and useful little book written by Mr. H. S. Thompson and published by Messrs. Routledge. Mr. Thompson is entitled to tjive advice on the matter, for like Chaucer's parson, he has " first folowed it himselve " as any one who has had specimens from him will know; and he rightly condemns the distribution of "ill-chosen, misshapen, discoloured and awry " examples, "otherwise valuable," of "critical varieties and forms." Mr. Thompson does not stop at collectintr and drying, but tells us how to mount and poison the sjx'cimens, how to label them, how to send them by post — in fact his little book contains all that folk need know about preserving plants. The late Sir George Bird wood, of Avhom we hope to publish some account in our next issue, had promised to write for the Journal a notice of Sir Clements K. Maekham (1830-1916), and for this reason our notice of the latter was deferred. It has now been ren- dered unnecessary by the volume — The Life of Sir Clements B. Marl'haiH, K.C.B., F.R.S. — from the pen of Sir Albert H. Markham, which has just been published by Mr. John Murrav. A summary of his work in connection with the collection and introduction to culti- vation of Cinchona will be found in the volume, in which a special chapter (pp. 164-194)1 is devoted to " the quest for Cinchona." He contributed to the first volume of this Journal (1863, pp. 37- 55) a paper on " Chinchona Cultivation in India " and wrote in the second (pp. 8-11) on the introduction of Peruvian Cotton to that country : in the former volume (p. 325) Seemann named after him the genus Markhamia (now reduced to Dolicliandrone). The Report of the Department of Botany, British Museum, mentions the following among the more important accessions to the Herbarium : — Lt. A. Buchanan, specimens from British East Africa ; P. Amaury Talbot, from Degema, S. Nigeria ; G. L. Bates, from AVest Tropical Africa; R. A. Diimmer, from Uganda; Capt. C. Tristram, Himalayas ; Director, Botanic Gardens, Singapore, from Malay Peninsula \ Capt. W. H. Shakespear, from Arabia ; Dr. F. Stoward and J. E. C. Maryon, from West Australia; Dr. R. R. Gates, 135 specimens of cultivated (Enofhera ; P. A. Saccardo "Mvcotheca Veneta " ; J. Groves, European Characeie ; Tonpiay Natural History Society, Muscineae from the East Indies and North America ; Dr. C. W. Andrews, Cryptogams from Christmas Island ; Mrs. Cara Shinn, Fungi fi-om N^^asaland ; Miss A. Pegler, Crypto- gams from Kentani, South Africa. By exchange of du]jlicates there have been acfjuired : from the Regius Keeper, Royal Botanic Gardens, Edinburgh, species of Frinuda from Yunnan, W. China; Director, South African Museum, Ca])e Town, Ericaceie and Leguminosae ; Curator, Auckland Museum, New Zealand plants ; l^rince Bonaparte, Mexican plants ; Depart- ment of Agriculture, Washington, U.S.A., North American Grasses ; U.S. National Museum, Washington, Tropical African (Col. Theo. Jloosevelt Expedition, 1909-10), Argentine and North American plants ; Director, Botanic Gardens, New York, Jamaica plants ; Director, Museu Goeldi, Para, Brazilian plants. We regret to announce the death of two veteran botanists : — Dr. Robert P>raithwaite (born 1S24) who died at Brixton on Oct. 20 nnd ]\lr. Worthington George Smith (born 1835) who died at Dunstable on Oct. 27. Notices of both will appear in an early issue. I N ]) E X F,>r Classified Ariicles, see — County Records ; Obituary ; Reviews. New genera, species, and varieties pithlished in this volume, as well as new names, are distinguished hy an asterisk. Acliari's 'Elementary Indian Botany' (rev.), 114. Acbill Island, Muscinene of, 240. Aeleistia, 2GI. Adelantbns dngortiensis, 244. African Oompositie, 101, 123; Urti- caceae, 201. Aldabra, Plants of, 285. • Alectophorus X fallax, 187. Alsine dunensis, 96. Ainaralia, 1 ; biffnonijeflora, 5 ; Braz- ztei.*(); Bimtingii,* '6; calycina, 4; lieinsioides,* 5; Huaiia,* 5; uii- frantba,* G; Sberbourniie,* 4; Zenker!,* G. Aiiiinopbila baltica, 27. Anijjhicbmta europaia,* 134. Anagallis arvensis var. car.iea, 26, 377. Anaglypba latifolia,* 105. Anderson, Wiiliani, 54. Anemone neinorosa, 1 18. Anglesea Licbens, 54 ; Plants, 310. Annals of Botany, 295. Antbocyanin Pigments, 27. Antbyllis luaritima, 320; var. Cor- bierei,- 320; Vnlneraria vai-. pul- cliella, 130. Aplozia rivularis, 201. Arctotis microcepbala,* 125. Armitage, E., Asarabacca, 162 ; Fruiting of Elm, 162. Armstrong's ' Britisb Grasses ' (rev.), 3.55. Asarabacca, 162. Australian Plants, 100, 120, 297. Bailey's (C.) Herbarium, 141, 328. Bailey's (L. H.) ' Cyclopedia of Horti- culture' (rev.), 119. Baker, J. G., William Foggitt, 200; Botany of Burnbam Beecbes, 276. Baker, S. M., on Bnjwii Seaweeds, 88. Bai'clay on Eoses, G4. Bartram, Jobn, 166. Bazzauia Pearson i, 352. Bellenden Ker, Pbyto-geograpby of, 297. Bellida, 101 (t. 547) ; nnijor,* 100. Bennett, A., Ilagstrom's Potamogetons (rev.), 115; Deyeuxia neglecta, 291 ; Potamogeton upsalie'i^is,* 348. Berkleya cousini(;ides,* 127 ; poly- acantha,* 127. Betula pubescens, 133. Bibliograpbical Notes, 59, 111, 288. Bickbam, S. H., Carex pseudo-paradoxa, 113, 195. Blandibractea * brasiliensis,* 170. Boelnueria platypbylla var. angolensis,* 201 ; var. ugandeusis,* 201. Bobling, M. H., on Brown Seaweeds, 86. Bounier's ' Name tliis Flower' (rev.)) 293. Botanical Congress, 141. Bot. Excbange Club Report, 32, 261. Boulgfer, G. S., Ganong's 'Textbook' (rev.), 61 ; ' Indian Botany ' (rev.), J 46; on Jobn Bay, 167; * Sciencrt and tbe Nation' (rev.), 196; 'Tree Wounds' (rev.), 197. Bower on Sorus of Ferns, 87. Bracken, Uses of, 112. Brazilian Plants, 215. Brickellia, 117. Brickells, tbe, 118. Britisb Museum Herbarium, Notes from, 341 ; Report, 360. INDK.X Britten, J., James Forbes, 12 ; Lontlon Plants, 16; F. Strattori, 20; Sagina maritima, 23 ; Watson Exchange Club Eeport (rev.), 23; Mrs. Mo- riarty's ' Viridarium,' 52; William Anderson, 54 ; Mesembryantbe- inum, 65; Daniel Oliver, 89; 'The Gardeners' Chronicle,' 111: The r.ri.-kells, 117 ; Editorial, 143 ; Notes on Nomenclature, 177; Mackenzie's ' l^otanical Names' (rev.), 228; Tlieopbrastiis (rev.), 229; Liparis liliiColia & L. Loeselii, 246; 'Dic- tionary oC riant-Names' (rev.), 258; Salesbnrr's Welsh Herbal (rev.), 259; Note on Ritcbea, 278; Page- heading of Periodicals, 288; Mentha oxigna, 335 ; Notes from National Herbarium, 341 ; Hertfordshire Pbints, 3-15; Flora of Dutch New Guinea (rev.), 35k Eritton, C. E., Surrey Ilelleborines, 324 ; Middlesex Plants, 325. Eromus molliforniis, 323. Pryuui pallens A'ar, euryphyllum,* 26(). Eucknall, C, British Euphrasia?, (Supplement). Bnlbophylluin Lilianje,* 308. Bulletin N. York Bot. Garden. 296. Bidlock-Webster, G. R., on Irish Characeoe, 88; Nitella mucronata var. gracillima,* 324. Burchelliabubalina, 3-13 ; capensis, 343. Bundiani Beeches, plants of, 276. Byrsonima braeteata,* 269; Craigiana,* "270 ; Smallii,* 270. Calamagrostis epigeios var. intern 255 ; lanceolata var. pallida, 2." Calami ntha-niebrodensis, 55, 112. Cameron's ' Wild Foods,' 231. Cam pylopus setifolius var. niedius,* 265. Cardamine ])ratonsis, 350. Carex basilaris, 5-'., 83; frigida heviroptris, 9(i : jiseudo - par;i 113, 139, 195. C;irnarviin Plants. 317. icdi; 4. ntcr- . 99; doxa, C'^s^ia Broughtonii,* 37. Cephaelis ostreophora,* 284 ; pseud- axillaris.* 284. Cephalanthus, American, 175; Ber- landieri, * 175; Hansenii, * 176; peroblongus,* 17(). Cephalozia leuc-intha, 244. Cephaloziella Massalongi, 12. Ccastium brachypetahim, 96. Cercis Siliquastrum, 168. Cetraria nculeata, 111, Clijenotheca melanophiea var. flavo- citrina,* 195. Charlesworth on Leaves of Hybrid Orchids, 88. Chloranthus inconspicuus, 344. Chrysomj^a Rhododendri, 135. Cladonia. 311. Clarke, W. G., Norfolk Plants, 191. Claye, A. N., Vaccinium, 257. Clematis rosea. 341. Cleminshaw, E., Eurhynchium, 352. Clitoria Zoophlhalmum, 36. Collema, 108; pulposura, 108. Colleinodiun\ andegavense, 110. Coltsfoot, Verses on, 168. Coniatricha cornea,* 121 ; fimbriata,* 122 (t. 548). Compositaj, Floral Anatomy of, 29 ; African, 101, 123. Cook's Third Voyage. 54. Coriophyllum, 295. Cornish Hepatics, 10. Coulter & Chamberlain. Morphology of Gymnosperms, 326. County Records : — Anglesea. 54, 319, 328. Brecon. 266. Bucks, 276. Cambridge, 249. Carnarvon, 26(), 317. Cheshire, 113, i;i9. Cornwall, 10. Denbigh, 328. Devon, 139. Dorset, 239, 348, 352. Durban), 88. Essex, 16, 122. Flint, 234. INDEX County Recoud s {co7it.) : — Gloucester, 22, 195, 227, 323. Hants, 15, 21, 24, 20, 106, 233, 334, 358. Hereford, 137, 162. Herts, 44, 74. 195, 351. l-aiie;isbire, 257, 291. Lincoln, 82, 257, 333, 351. I. Man, 265. Merioneth, 26, 265, 266. Middlesex, 16, 326, 346. ^or^olk, 27, 191, 249, 291, 292. Northampton, 325. Northumberland, 90. ISomerset, 25, 64, 179, 231. Suffolk, 232, 292. Surrey, 26, 239, 325, 352. Warwick, 134. VVoi-cester, 120. Yorkshire, 136, 200, 328, 359. See alsu 'Bvitish Euphrasite' (Suppl.); 'New Lichens,' 107, 204, 310; ' Britannic Saxifrages,' 151. Cran, W., New Comatrichae, 121. Cratcrisperuiam inquisitorium,* 80. Crossland, Charles,'!" 62. Cumagloia, 295. Daucus gummifer, 320. Davej, A., on Mjrica, 230. Davie, R. C, Brazilian Plants, 215. J)t-yeiixia neglecta, 291. Dicliiton caljculatum, 11. Didymosphaeria pulposi, 316. Digitalis tomentosa, 343. Dioscorea nesiotis,* 288. Dioscorides, his Codex, 28. Dirichletia Duemmeri,* 78. Dolichos filiformis, 37 ; virens, 35. Dravton, James, 55. Drimys oblonga,* 302. ]Jroguetia debilis,* 203. Druce, G. C, Carex basilaris, 55 ; Calamintha nebrodensis, 55. Druery, C. T.,t 263. Dymee on seed of Iris Pseudacorus, 30. Elaeocarpus coneinnus,* 303. Elatostenima Wclwitschii var. camero- nense,* 201. Ellis, J. VV.,t 32. Elm, fruiting of, J 62. Eademisra, 119, 296. Epacris, double-tlov\ered, 161. Epallage africana,* 123. Epilubiuni hirsutum X palustre, 139. Epipactis. 177. Erica, Salisbur;y's drawings of, 345. Erythrox^luni jauiaicense,* 38. Etliulia pubescens,* lOl. Eugenia erytlirudoxa,* 304; rhaclin- antha,* 303. Euglena rubra, 257. Euphorbia heleniana, 344. Euphrasiae, British (Supplement). Eurhyncbiuiji meridi' na!e, 3-32. Evans, A. H., Lilium xMartagon, 22 ; on Berwicksjjire Plants, 231. Evolution & Hybridization (rev.), 59. Fadogia ancylanthoides,* 79; grami- nea,* 09. Fnrreria, 31. Eawcett, W., Jamaica Plants, 35, 268. P'elicia Hogersii,* 104 ; venusia,* 104. Ferns, Morphology of sorus of, 87. Filix " HUl," 178. Fleurya urticoides var. glabrata,* 201. Foggitt, William, t 200. Forbes, James, 12. Forskohlia Eemi,* 203. Fossouibronia Crozalsii, 10; Husnoti var. anglica, 11. F'.agaria rubiginosa, 120. P'rejcinetia gonocarpa,* 309. Fritscb, F. E., West's ' Alg£B ' (rev.), 83. Fucaceffi, littoral, 86. Fumaria, 165. Galium verum var. maritimum. 26. Ganong's ' Textbook ' (rev.), 01. Garcinia Gibbsiye,* 302, Gardeners' Chnmicle, 111. Ehret's drawings, 248. 295. Gates on Molanlhacp.T, 142. Gnultlieria Willisinna.* -210. Geldart, A. M., Liparis Loeselii, 202. Genetics, Journal of, (>8, 167. Gepp, A., Brown Seaweerls. 8ft : New Pacific Coast Alg.T, 20r> ; Moss Ex- change Club Report, 87, 232. Cerbera sjicciopa,* 128. Gertli viin Wijk. 'Dictionary of Names' (rev.). 2.")S. Gibb.^ L. S., Phvto-Geoiirapbv of Pel- lenclen Ker, 2S)7 : ber •])ulch New Guinea ' (rev.), 3:)4. Gibbsia, 'X>\. Godfery, M. J., The Ge.ius Ophrys, 320. Goodyer, Jolin, 167. 2C.2. Grnveson's ' Wild Flovvers,' 143. Greene, E. L., 3ri7. Grove, W. P.. :Mycological Notes. 134; Septoria. ."UC). Groves, J., Clcuient Peid (porlr.), 145 ; Nitella n;ucronafa var. gracillima,* 324. Grugeon, Alfred, lO."?. Gup])y'8 ' Plants, Seed.s, and Curients' (rev). ]()3. Ifadden, N. G., Ilererordrhire Myceto- zoa, 137. Hngstrom's Potaniogetons (rev.), 115. Hasselquist, 353. Ifawortb on Mesendiryant.heuuun, 05. lleathcote, W. H., Euglena rubra, 257. lleiusia Gossweileri,* 78. lleleocharis maniillalus, 98. Helleboriue v. Epipaclis, 177. irelleborincs, Surrey, 325, 352. llcUeborus viridis, 22. llt'insley, W. P., Plants of Seydielles, 285. Utrefordehii-e Mycetozoa, 137. iicrring-Prowne, C, on John Partrani, l(i6. Herts Plants, 44, 74. lleterangiuni, 164 ; niinimuui, 105 ; sliorense, 105. llieracia, Scottish, 130. llieraciuni cacuniinatuni, 185; grandi- dens, 185. Hill. A. W., on Strychnos, 358. Hill's ' Family Herbal,' 178. Hitchcock's W. Indian Grasses (rev.\ 356. Hort's ' Theophrastus," 220. Hunnyhun, E. W., Helleborns vii-idis, 22 Hybridization & Evolution (rev.), 50. Hypnum palustre var. dolichoneuron, 87. Idenburgia. 354. Inipatiens hi flora, 2o4 ; Eoylei, 6-^. Indian Elementary Botany (rev.), 114. Inverness Plant-notes, 120. Iris Psondacorus, ;-.0, 358. Irish Plants. 25, 50, 88,00.152-161, 20t>, 212, 263, 327, 328; Naturalist, 2()3 ; Muscineie, 240. Jackson, A. B , Lepidiuui cunpestre var. longisrylum, 324. Jackson, P. ])., Correspondence of Linnaeus (rev.), 353. Jamaica Plants, 35, 208. Jasione montana var. nuxritiraa, 321. Jekyll's ' Annuals & Biennials,' 63. Johnson's ' Gardeners' Dictionary,' 100. Jones, D. A., Muscineit of Achill Island, 240; New Briti^h Mo.sses (pi. 540), 265 ; Anglesey & Denbigh Mosses, 328. Jordanons, 50. Journal of Ecology, 232. Journal of Genetics, (;3, 1()7, 263. Journal R. Hort. Soc, 31, 328. Ju las-tr.'e, 108. J uncus Gerardi, 333. Justicia Gardineri,* 280. Keeble, F., Whelpdalo's ' Anthot-yanin Pigments' (rev.), 27. I Kensir,, E. G.,t ()2. ' Kerry, Flora of (rev.), 50. Kew Bulletin, 108, 232. 204, 328, i 358. I^'DEX Lacaita, C. C, Sagina niaritinia, 23; Calamintba nebrodensis, 112; Vero- nica Buxbaiiniii, 271. Lee, Ann, 65. Lepidium campestre A'ar. longistyluni, 324, 349. Lieliens, Anglesea, 54 ; New or Kave, 107, 204. Lilium Martagon, 22. Liiinteus, Letters of (rev.), 353. Linnean Herbarium, 29; Society, 28- 30, (53, 87, 88. 164, 199 ; Journal, 120 ; Proceedings, 359. Linneon, 59. Lip iris liliifolia and L. Loeselii, 246, 292. Lisier, G., New Comatricha?, 121 (t. 548). Lilbotbainniuin Geppii, 142; trinida- deuse, 142. Little, J. E., Herts Plants, 44, 74. Lobelia Bentbamiana,* 305. London Plants, 16. Long's ' Plants poisonous to Live Stock ' (rev.), 294. Lottj's 'Evolution ' (rev.), 59. Lyte, Henry, 230. Mclrdle on Vv^'icklow Mosses, 200. McClatcbie on Impatieiis Koylei; 63. Mackenzie's ' Botanical Names ' (rev.), 228. Macrospbyra bracbysipbon,* 69. Magazine Botany, 264. Maiden's Census of N.S. Wales Plant?, 119. Markbam, Clements R., 360. MarsballjE. S., 'Flora of Kerry' (rev.), 56 ; Inverness Plant-notes, 1 29 ; Epilobium ])irsutum Xpalustre, 139; Britannic Saxifrages, 151 ; Somerset Plant Notes, 179. Massee. G. E.,t 223. Masson's Drawings and Plants, 70. Melantbacea;, 142. Melodiniis gratus,* 306, Mentba exigua, 335. Meseuibryantbenunn Aitouis, 69; ape- talum,67; australe, 74 ; bracbiatum, 68; caducuin,66: calaniiforme, 67; ciliatum, 70; clavellatum, 74; com- pactum, 72; corallinum, 70; cordi- folium, 69; digitatum, 71; eebina- tum, 69; emarcidum, 71; grossum, 68; bispidum, 68; bumifusum, 67; lieve, 73; bnipiduin, 67; molle, 69; pallens, 67 ; pinnatifidum, 70 ; sessili- florum, 69. Middlesex Plants, 326. Mimulus moscbatus, 260. Moore, S. le M., Belbda, 100 ; Africair Composite, 101 ; Brickellia (rev.), 117; Alabastra Diversa, 100, 123; Plants of Bellenden Ker, 302. Moriarty's (Mrs.) ' Viridarium,' 52. Moss, C. E., 88. Moss Excbange Club Eeport, 87, 232. Miicuna Sloanei,* 36 ; urens,* 36. Musciueje of Acbill Island, 240; New Britisb, 265 (pi. 549). Mutations, 60. Mycetozoa, Herefordsbire, 137 ; New Britisb, 121. Mycological Notes, 134. Myrica Gale, 63, 230. Names, Pestriction of, 177 ; in L. Sp. PI. ed. 2, 179; of Wild Flowers (rev.), 228; Dictionary of (rev.), 258. Neobertiera * gracilis,''*' 169. Nestlera cousimilis,* 105. New Guinea Plants, 354. Newspaper Botany, 120. Nicbolson, W. E., W. Cornwall He))a- tics, 10. Nitella mucronata, 323 ; var. gracil- lima,* 324. Nolletia rbodesiana,* 104. Nomenclature, Notes on, 177. Norfolk Plants, 191. Obitu.\ry : — Crossland, Cliarles, 62. Di-uery, Cb;irle.-? 'Ibomas, 263. Ellis, Jobn William, 32. Foggitt, William, 200. Kensit, E. G., 62. Markham, Clements R., 360. Massee, George (portr.), 223. Oliver, Dnniel (portr.), 89. IXDKX Obittary {co)it.): — Pearson, Hf^nry Harold Welch, Q'2. Reid, Clemenl (portr.), 145. .Scott. Mimro Brigors, 263. Stralton, Frederic "(portr.), 20, Talbot, Dorothy Auiaury, 85. Oliver, Daniel.t 89, 143. OH veer's (W. R. B.), Lord Howe's Island. 357. Ophrye, the Genus, 329. Orchids, Hybrid, 334; Leaves of Hy- brid. 84. ' Ostenfeld, G. H., Sedum Drucei, 350. Palicourea acauthaceoides,* 279 ; aoeto- soides,* 280 ; caprifoliacea,* 340 ; JVagilior,* 282 ; hedyotoides,* 339 ; irra^iflora,* 280 ; liueariflora.* 280 ; lyristipula,* 280; Moritzii,* 283; ochreata,* 281 ; pasti,* 283 ; per- qnadrangularis,* 341 ; quiiidiensis,* 28 J; vagans,* 281. Paidjion, R., Chrenotheca nielauoph^a var. flavo-citriua,* 195. Paurolepis* angusta,* 102. Pausinystalia angolensis,* 78. Pearson, H. H. W.,t 09. Pearson, W. H., Aplozia rivularis, 291. Pentatrichia alata,* 106. Peony, Legend of, 262. Periodicals, Page-heading of, 288. Perthshire Soc. Nat. Science Transac- tions, 64, Philippine Mosses, 296. Phloniis fruticosa, 119. Phomopsis, 264. Piiyllanthus Schiniperianus,* 287. Picrodendron, 268. Pilea tetraphylla var. major,* 201. Plaut-Xanies, Dictionary of (rev.), 258. Pleurostachys Giraldiana,* 222. Poiliilogyne, 354. Pnllination, 119. Poly blast ia niortensis,* 108. Polystichum lonchitioides, 318. Poniphidia, 38. Porotrichum alopecurum var. aridu- luni,* 266. PoUunogeton, Hagstrom on (rev.), 115; crispus X alpinus, 20, 64 ; upsalien- sis, 348. Pouzolzia Batesii,* 202; shirensis,*202. j Praeger, R. LI., New Species of 8eduui, j 38, 204. Prain. Sir D., ^l. B. Scott. 203. Pratia Podenzanw,* 306. Pringlea, 54. Pseudo])ohlia, 296. Psychotria articiilicymosa,* 253 ; As- cher.souiauoides,* 251 ; canepho- rantha,* 338; familiarifolia,* 253; flaviventer,* 251 ; halophiloides,* 254 ; inelaneoides,* 338 ; niinei- rensi8,*''252 ; potainogetonoides,* 81. hai'lecense,* 23 ; longis- Pterocarpus Draco, 37. Pterogonium gracile var 267. Puccinia Hvpochocridis, sinui, 134.* Pugsley, H. W., Surrey Helleborines, 352 ; on Fumaria, 165. Pulinonarias, British, 2.33 ; angusti- folia, 235; azurea, 2.'57;longi folia, 235 ; obscura, 239 ; officinalis, 239 ; tuberosa, 235. Raiiisbuttoin, J., Puccinia Hyphochoe- ridis, 23; on leaves of Hybrid Orchids, 88; to Salonika, " 167; Alfred Grrugeon. 193; G. Ma>see, 223. Randia, Araaralioid species of, 7; aniaraliocarpa,* 8; annulata, 9; castanteofulva, 9 ; cladantha, 9 ; cur- vipes,* 8 ; disperma,* 305 ; hapalu- phylla,* 9; streptocaulon, 8. Ranunculus aurifonuis, 118; Ficaria, 162; ololeucos, 95; tripartitus, 24. Rai'itebe,* 336 ; palicoureoides,* 337. Ravenia Swartziana,* 38. Ray. John, 107. Reid, Clement,! 145. Reudle, A. B., Jamaica Plants, 35, 208 ; Lotsy's ' Evolution ' (rev.), 59 ; Wursdell's 'Plant-Teratology' (rev.), 139; Guppy's 'Plants, Seeds, and Currents in VV. Indies' (rev.), I(i3 ; Tropical African Urticact-aj, 201 ; Bulbophylluni Liliann;,^' 308; ' Mor- jihology of G } mnospenns ' (rev.), 326 ; Books on Grasses (rev.), 355. Reviews : — Anthocyanin Pigments of Plants, M. Whelpdale, 27. Flora ot Kerry, R. W. Scully, 50. I Evolution by means of Hybridization, j J. P. Lolsy, 59. Textbook of Botany, W. F. Gauong, I Algit, G. S. West, 83. TXDEX. Rkviews (conf.): — Elementary Botany, Acliari. 114. PotaiDOgetons. J. O. H;igstrom, 115. Brickellia, B. L. Robinson, 117. Plant Teratolog?, W. C. Worsdell, l.-JO. Plants, Seeds, nnd Currents in W. Indies, H. P. Giippy, 103. Science and the Nntimi, I9f). Tree Wounds and Diseases, A. D. Webster. 197. Botanical Xaiiies of Wild Flowers, J. S. F. Mackenzie, 228. Theoplirastus Enquiry into Plants, 22y. Dii-tionary of Plnnt Nanias, H. L. Gerth van Wijk. 258. Llysieulyfr Meddyginiaethol, Wil- liam Salesburv, 259. Fossil PlMuts, Vol. IV, A. C. Se- ward, 292. Name this Flower. G. Bonnier, 293. Plants Poisonous to Live Stock, H. C. Long. 294. Morphology of Gynmosperms, J. M. Coulter, C. J. Chamberlain, 82G. Cot-respondeuce of Linnaeus, 353, Dutch N.W.New Guinea, L. S. Gibbs. 354. British Gra^se.", S. F. Armstrong 355. We^t Indian Grasses, A. S. Hitch- cock, 35(). Rhabdoweisiella, 295. Rhetinangium, 16">. Rhin^intbnsxf.illax,* 187 ; hirsutus, 98. Rhododendron decipiens, 120. Rbodora, 201. Ridley on Endemism and [Mutation, 119. Riseleya,* 2S6 ; Griffith ii,^ 280. Ritchea, 278; capparoides,* 279. Roberts. E. S. Salesbury's Welsh Herbal (rev.), 259. R.ibinson's Brickellia (rev.), 117. Rogers's (F. A.) African Cumpositii?' 101,123. Rubiaceje, New African, 78; Tropical American, 169, 251, 279, 336. Rubus caere.siensis. 25 ; illecebr. sus, 2l)4 ; Koehleri, 359. Ruflge's Herbarium, 314. Ruppia brachypus, 98. Riitidea ♦legemensis,* 80; landolpbi- oides,* 81 ; Talbotioruui,* 81. Sagkia maritima, 2.3. St. Helena Plants. 15. Salesbury's Welsh Herbal (rev.), 259, Salisbury, E. J., on Woodland Plants, 88; on Anemone nemorosa, 118; Fossil Plants (rev.), 292. Salisburv's (R. A.) drawings of Erica, 245. Salmon, C. E., Statice asterotricha,* 33; Plants that may occur in Britain, 95 ; Carex pseudo-paradoxa, 139 ; Calfimagrostis, 254 ; Carnarvon and Anglesey Plants, 316. Sandwitb, C, Tolypella inibricata, 195. Saxifraga affinis, 159 ; cespitosa, 152 ; deci])ieiis, 155 ; elongella, 159 ; groenlandica, 153; birta, 156; byp- noides, IfiO ; incnrvifolia, 153; laite- virens, 160 ; leptophylla, 158 ; pla- typetala, 159 ; quinquefida, 157 ; rosacea, 155; eponhemica, 157 ; stel- laris var. fontana, 161 ; Sternbergii, 25, 155. Saxifrages, Britannic, 151. Scabiosa Succisa var, subacaulis, 321. Scapania nimbosa, 245. Scott, D. H., on Heterangium, 164. Scott, M. B.t, 263. Plants. 25, 26, 121, 122, 129, 135, 136, 152-161, 212, 231, 291, 353. Scnlly's ' Flora of Kerry ' (rev.), 56. Scutellaria galericulata, 26. Sedum amecamecanum,* 43 ; arboreum, 211 ; Beyrichianum, 211 ; cauti- c(»lum,* 41; Drucei, 212, 256,350; Ellacombianum,* 41 ; griseum,* 43; longicaule,*o9 ; moraneuse var. Bey- richianum,* 212; Nevii var. Bey- richianum.* 212; pruinatum, 213; pseudospectabile,* 40; purpureovi- ride,*39 : sarnientosum, 214 ; Wood- wardii, 215. Senecio imbricatus,* 124 ; oligolobus * 123 ; spathuliefolius, 321. Se|)toria Chenopodii, 348 : var. emacu- lata,* 350. Seward's * Science nnd the Nation ' (rev.), 196 ; Fossil Plants (rev.), 292. Seychelles, Plants of, 285. Silene anglica, 82. Sipanea, 171 ; biflora. 173; brasilien- sis,* J 74; carnea, 171, 175; colom- biana,* 174; galioides,* 172; gla- b atij,* 173; glomeniia, 175; hispida, 173; pratensis, 172, 173: Spraguei,* 172: Trianaj,* 174; trichantlia, 175; veris, 172 ; vinca, 175. Sloane Herbarium, 72. IXDHX. Small on Floral Anatomy of Com- pos ittv, 21). Swiith, A. Lorraiu, on Plant diseases, Somerset Plant Notes, 179. Spergula ^Eorisouii, 'J7. Sphagna, Synopsis of European, 23. Splienolobiis Pearsoui, '^44. Stalagmitis cambogioides, 342. Stapf on British Flora, 359. Statice asterotricha * (t. 546), 33. Staurothele ebborensis,* 315. Stebbiug's (Mrs.) 'The Flower Gar- den,' 296. Stemphylium macrosporoideuni, 136. Stereodontopsis, 296. Stevens on Meliola, 31. Stratton, Frecleric,t 20. Str:iwberry-Raspberry, 264. Strvchnos, 358. Surrey Ilelleborines, 325. Synsepalum glycydora,* 82. Talbot, D. A.,t 86. Taylor, Simon, 65. Tephrosia Wallichii,* 35. Teratology, Worsdell's (rev.), 139. Tliclidium terrestre,* 107. Theopbrastus (rev.), 229. Thompson, H, S., Carex basilaris, 83; Sedum Drucei, 256 ; Verbascuin IJlattaria, 256; his • How to Collect,' 359. Thysanosoria, 354. Tolypella intricata, 195; nidifiea, 263. 'I'rans. British Mycological Soc, 261. Triivis, W. G., Anglesea Lichens, 54; Carnarvon and Anglesey Plants, 316. Triiiieniaceae, 354. Tripteris llogersii.* 125. Tiill on Iris Pseudacorus, 358. I'lmus, fruiting of, 162. Vaceinium in Lincolnshire, 257. Venidium Bellidiastruni,* 126; Bo- lusii,* 127 : Kogersii,* 126 ; serpens,* 125. Yerbascuni Blattaria, 256. Vernonia amoena,* 103 ; zambesiaca,* 102. Veronica Buxbaumii, 271 ; opaca, 97. Viola hirta f. lactitlora, 25; lactea, 227; Lloydii var. insignis, 25. Vitex Ilornei,* 285. Wager's S. African Mosses, 327. Waste Lands, improvement of, 167. Watson Exchange Club Eeport (rev.), 23. Watson, W., New Lichens, 107, 204, 310. Webber. S., 54. Webster's ' Tree Wounds ' (rev.), 197, Welsh Herbal (rev.), 259. Welwitsehia, 62. Wernham, H. F., Amaralia. 1 ; African Rubinceje, 78; Tropieal American Rubiacere, 169, 251, 279, 336: Pianti poisonous to Live Stock (rev), 294. West's (G. S.) Algfe (rev.), 83. Wheldon, J. A. ; Ranunculus Fiearia, 162 ; his ' Synopsis of European Sphagna,' 231. Wlielpdale's * Anthocyanin Pigments ' (rev.), -Jl. White, J. W., Viola lactea, 227. Wiluiott, A. J., British Pulmonarias, 233 ; Sedum Drucei, 25() ; Lepidium cainpestre. var. longistylum, 349. Wood ruffe-Peacock, E. A., Siletie an- glica, 82 ; Juncus Gerardi, 333 ; Cardamine pivitensis, 350. Worsdell's ' Plant Teratology ' (rev.), 139. Zanthoxyluiu negrilense,* 271. Zygodesmns fulviis, 136, CORRIGENDA. P. 47, 1. 4 from bottom, for " insitUia L.'' read cerasifem Ehrh. P. 23, 1. 23 from top, for " 235 " read 285. P. 28, 1. 2 from top, for '• flavour " read flavon. P. 53. 1. 18 from bottom, for " 1805" read 1806. P. 55, 1. 10 from toj), for "lawns" read humus. P. 62, 1. () from bottom, for '• Balbou P, 89, title, for " 1917 " read 1916, P, 196, 1. 18 from top, fov *' shells " read cells read Bolton. 1.20 for "in. ■ad Printed by Taylor and Fk.vncis, Red Lion Court, Fleet Street. BRITISH EUPHRASIA. Br CEDRIC BIJCKXALL, Mus. Bac. Oxox. ' Since the appearance of Wettstein's Monog^raph (1893) and of TownsencVs account of the British species of Euphrasia (Journ. Bot. 1897), many able botanists have interested themselves in the o-enus, and by collecting specimens from all parts of ttie British Isles have greatly extended our knowledge of the distribution of these plants, besides adding four species, one of them new, to the British Flora. Many of the forms are well marked and as a rule are correctly named by collectors, but with others a wide diversity of opinion as to names and position has clearly shown that in estimating the value of dis- tinctive characters and in perception of the limits of variation we still have much to learn. During the past twenty years I have collected examples of nearly all the species described by Townsend in his Monograph, and have examined a large number of British specimens contained in herbaria ; while visits to Switzerland, Tyrol, North Italy, and parts of France have made me acquainted also with a number of Continental forms. Led by this experience I have arrived at the conclusion that, if closer attention were paid to the general habit and more obvious characters of these plants, their study would be much facilitated, and their position could be determined with greater certainty. A preliminary attempt in this direction is made in the analytical keys and in the short diagnoses which follow, and in these more prominence is given to certain characters than is apparent in the minute and elaborate descriptions of Wettstein and Townsend, without, I believe, intro- ducing an^^thing that is at variance with the descriptions or figures of those authors. The characters of which I propose to make use are :— 1. Tlie relative density or laxity of the entire plant, depending on the length of the internodes between the cauline leaves and the branches, and between the bracts of the fruiting-spike. 2. The relative length of the leaves and bracts in the same plant, and their actual length in different species. , -3. The length of the fruiting-spike in relation to the entire stem, and whether it is stout or slender. 4. The shapj of the teeth of the fully developed upper bracts, viz. those of the younger fruit or of the older flowers. This varies from triangular or ovate to lanceolate and subulate and is often characteristic of the- species. In some cases, however, the shape of the teeth is variable, and too much reliance shoidd not be placed on it as a distinguishing JOUKXAL OF BOTANT, MaK., 1917. [SUPPLEMENT I.] b 2 BRITISH EL'i'HKASi^ mark. In Wettstein's diagrams of the leaves and bracts this diversity of form is not shown with sufficient clearness, as may be seen by the examination of the actual plants. The length of the corolla is variable, and is mireliable as a distinctive character, at least in the British species. For example, E. Kerneri belonging to the Grandiflorce, sometimes occurs with small ilowers, especially at the end of the flowering, and in these the lengthening of the corolla-tube is scarcely apparent. Again, E. lati- foUa normally with the corolla 6 mm. long, has a variety grandiUora 'Wetts., w^ith the corolla twice this length. Moreover, the con- spicuousness of the flower is" not dependent on the length of the corolla "" measured along the back," but on the breadth of its lips ; so that a flower may be larger and more conspicuous than its length as given in millimetres would indicate. For this reason and because the measurement of the corolla in the dried state is difficult and uncertain, the flower is, as a rule, in tliis paper, only described as large, small or conspicuous. The leaves in simple specimens of any species are usually persistent during the flowering, but in branched j^lants they are deciduous. This is therefore seldom of much value as a specific chamcter. The student should be reminded that it is of little use to attempt to name immature, damaged or poor specimens, or those which are past flowering, until he is well acquainted with the species in all its stages. After the diagnosis of each species there follow examples of plants from different British localities. These serve as records of stations for ty])ical plants as w^ll as for variations from the type ; in some cases they are of plants which have been distributed, in my opinion, under incorrect names. Of my own gathering, all the Scotch and some of the English s])ecimens were named or confirmed by Mr. Townsend, and I have been greatly as.-^isted in my studies by the kindness of Mr. Charles Bayley and Mr. G. Claridge Druce, who have placed their valuable collections of Euphrasia containing many authentically named examples, at my disposal. The analytical keys wdiich follow apply only to the normal well- developed form of each species and its 2:>rinci})al named varieties. Some of the intermediate forms and deviations from the type are mentioned in the lists of specimens which J have examined. The measurements of the corolla given in the keys of the Parvijlorce and Grandijlorcp are those of Wettstein, but, as already stated, these measurements do not always aj^ply to British plants. Kkv to the Bkitish Species. Up])er cauline leaves, excluding the few patent teetli at least twice as long as broad ; capsule glabrous or with a few decumbent hairs on the margin 19. E. sali>. <'<'r(. 11a yellow or violet and yellow 15. E. minima. Corolla white or lilar and white 20. BRITISH EUPHRAST.B 5 20. Stem simple, 3-6 cm. high, internodes of fmitiiig-spike long or short E. minima — Stem 2-5 cm. high, much branched, branches [var. nana. often compound E. minima 21. Eglandular ; stem witli many, rarely few [var. arhuscula. branches ; leaves and bracts small, nearlv glabrous ^ 16. E. Kerneri. — Glandular ; gland-ti])])ed hairs long and flex- uous ; leaves and bracts larger, setulose ... 22. 22. Stem with a few branches and long internodes ; spike relatively short ; flowers usually large \. 17. E. Rostko- — Stem simple or nearly so ; spike occupying [^viana. the greater part of the stem ; flowers smaller 18. E.fennica. Alternative Key. Bracts eglandular 1 . Bracts glandular 17. 1. Upper cauline leaves, excluding the few patent teeth, at least twice as long as broad ; capsule glabrous or with a few decumbent hairs on the margin 19. E. salishurg- — Upper cauline leaves at most twice as long as [^ensis. broad ; capsule with erect hairs on the margin 2. 2. Corolla large, 10-15 mm. long 3. — Corolla smaller, 4-10 mm. long 4. 3. Corolla-tube elongating at the end of the flowering ; stem usually much branched ; bracts small, 5-6 mm. long 16. E. Kerneri. — Corolla-tube not elongating ; plant very hairy, [f. grandiflora. bracts 7-8 mm. long 6. E. latifolia 4. Bracts 7-11 mm. long; fruiting-spike stout... 5. — Bracts 3-8 mm. long ; fruiting-spike more or less slender 10. 5. Bracts 8-11 mm. long, stem tall with long internodes 6. — Bracts 7-9 nnn, long ; stem usually shorter, with short internodes 7. 6. Stem pale brown, simj^le or with a few branches above the middle and occasionally with 1-2 rudimentary ones below it, intei'- nodes very long 9. E. suecica. — Stem branched lower, branches usually more numerous, longer and stouter, internodes not so long -£'• hrevipila var. 7. Fruiting-spike long in proportion to the [^snheglauxlulosa. stem 8. BRITISH LLl'UKASl.B 10. 11 12. 13. 14. Fruiting-spike short in proportion to tlie stom : terminal tooth of lower leaves xery ohtuse, broader than long 9. rruiting-s]:)ike verv dense ; teeth of up]-)er hracts bi-oad, ovate ; leaves and bracts dark green, thick in texture 2. J?, horealis. Frniting-spike less dense ; teeth of upper bracts lanceolate or subulate, acute, arista te : leaves and bracts thinner and greener 1. E. siricfa. Plant densely hair}" with long hairs B. E. laiifolia. J-'lant nearly glabrous 7. JH.foularnsis. Foliage hairy ; plant usually short, much branched from the base or nearly simple ; internodes short 4. E. cvrta. Foliage less hairy E. curia var. '^^(flahrcscens. Foliage glabrous or minutely setnlose 11. Stem Hz tall, internodes usually long ; teeth of upper leaves and bracts acute 12. Stem 3-6 cm. high, rarely more, internodes usually short ; leaves and often bracts with obtuse teeth 15. Branches ty])ically numerous, often compound ; leaves at the base of the branches longer than the bracts, spreading or deflexed ; internodes long 11. E. nemorosa. 1 nternodes short E. nemorosa Leaves and bracts setulose. (Compare sub- [f. compacia. glabrous forms of E. curia approaching [var. ciliaia. E. nemorosa. ) E. nemorosa Branches none or few, rarely many 13. Corolla con.spicuous, violet ; leaves and bracts few, larger than in E. scoiica, patent, stem sim])le or slightly branched above [5. E. ccerulea.^ Corolla small, violet or lilac and white ; leaves and bracts smaller and more numerous 14. Stem wiry, dark purjjle, simple or with a few, rarely many, erect branches about the middle, corolla often dark violet ; leaves and bracts small, often nigrescent 13. E. gracilis. Cf)rolla larger, blue E. g7^acilis Stem usually paler, simple or with 1 or 2 [var. primaria. branches, rarely more ; corolla white or lilac and white ; foliage greener; bracts usually larger ; Howering-spike broader at the to]). apjjearing subcajjitate 14. E. scoiica. (Compare mountain forms of E. curia with long internodes.) Flowers yellow or yellow and violet ; stem simple or with few branches 1 o. E. min ima. Flowers white or lilac and white 16. BRITISH. EUPHRASIJi 7 16. Stem simple, internodes of fruiting-spike lono- 01' short ° E. minima — Stem with nmnerous, often compound, spreading [var. nana. erect branches E. minima [var. arbuscula. 17. Griandular hairs long and flexuous IS. — Glandular hairs short and straight 19. 18. Stem branched above or below the middle; internodes long ; flowers typically large ... 16. E. Bostko- — Stem simple or slightly branched at the base ; \joiana. flowers smaller 17. E.fennica. 19. Stem short, up to S cm. high, more or less compactly and strongly branched ; inter- nodes short ; fruiting-spike dense ; densely hairy or glabrescent .\ 3. E. occiden- Plant small, 1-2 cm. liigh and broad, rarely [talis. more, yery compact ; glandular hairs fairly numerous or yery few, setae minute and [yar. prcscox. inconspicuous ; flowering early E. occidentalis — Stem taller, not compactly branched 20. 20. Leayes and bracts usually large ; spike broad ; branches few, internodes long 8. E. hrevipila. — Leayes (except those at the base of the branches) and ])racts smaller, spike more slender 21. 21. Stem often much branched, branches often compound, internodes long; habit of E. nemorosa .^ 12. E. campestris. — Stem simple or witli few branches ; spike dense, occupying about half the length of the stem, densely glandular; teeth of upper bracts oyate or lanceolate, acute ; flowers usually yiolet 10. E. Vigursii. Plant pale green ; teeth of upper bracts lanceolate or snbulat'^, often aristate ; [yar. jjaUeus. flowers lilac or white and lilac E. Viaursii 1. E. STRICTA Host. Stem simple or branched below, brandies erect, often nearly as long as tlie stem, or shorter and sj^reading. Spikes + stout, occupying the greater part of the stem and branches; inter- nodes longer than the bracts below, usually shorter and hidden by them aboye. Leayes and bracts S-9 mm. long ; upper bracts with lanceolate or subulate, acute, aristate teeth. Setse none or fairly numerous on the margins of the leaves and bracts and on the calyx, Wetts. Mon. t. vii. figs, o, 6 ; Towns. Mon. t. 37-1. Distinguished from E. horealis by its paler green colour, and by the nari'ow teeth of the l)racts ; but forms occur which approach E. hor&alis. At the tune of the publication of his monograph, Townsend had not met witli British specimens of E. atricta, and subsequently sug- gested that name, but with doubt, for plants with erect branches and leaves which in other respects resembled E. nemorosa. S BRITISH EL'PHRASr^ Having now met with plants in several localities that are near to, if not identical with, Continental iorms, I am of opinion that many of the supposed British specimens, and also many of those referred bv Scandinavian botanists to E. sfricta, are in reality foi-ms of E. nemorosa. ExGLAXD. — N. vSoMERSET. Grassv hill-side above Weston-in- Gordano, Sept. 1915. -Peatmoor, Kdington, Sept. 1902. Stem with few or many erect branches, leaves and Howers smaller, internodes^ short but visible nearly to the top of the spike, inargin of leaves and bracts rougli with short scattered bristles. — Grassy lane below Row- berrow, Sept. 1907. Tall, with large spreading bracts, the teeth of the upper ones ovate to lanceolate, foliage thicker and darker. In these characters it approaches E. horealh. VV. Somerset. Rough ground between Minehead and Porlock in great abundance. Similar to the last but rough with minute scattered bristles. Of this Mr. James (xroves, having previously expressed the opinion that British plants seemed nearer to E. nemo'rosa, wrote, " far more like the Continental plant than any we j^ossess." — -Cambridge. Chalk-pit between Hasling- lield and Barrington, Aug. 1912, Q-. Goode. Stem simple or with a few short branches at the base, internodes rather long except at the top. Named E. nemorosa by me in Wats. Bot. Exc. Club. Rep., but I am now of opinion that it is E. stricta. — W. (iTiOUCESTER. On a scree in the Grully. Durdham Down, Bristol, Sept. 1915. Young plants were observed during the summer of 1916 when the internodes of the Howering-spike were found to be longer than in the mature plants. These were full-grown and typical on duly 27th. — N. Lancaster. On the coast south of Grange-over-Sands, Aug. 1915. Ireland. — Galway. Very abundant near the lake, and on Urrisbeg, Roundstone, Aug. 1907. Varying greatly in size and in the density of the spike ; flowers larger and more conspicuous than in P]nglish plants. — Dogs' Bay, Roundstone. G. C. Dnice, det. C. L?tulinfni, 1911. Also with E. saliahurgensiH in the same locality, Aug. 1907, C. Bucknall. Flowers large, violet. — Clifden, Aug. 1907. Some of these have a more slender stem, smaller leaves and Howers, and capsules sometimes exceeding the calyx. These are probably E. gracilifi X E. stricta. — Rossmore, Aug. 1907. 2. E. noREALis Towns. Stem simple or branched below ; branches spreading-erect, often nearly as long as the stem. Spikes very stout, occupying the greater ])art of the stem and branches, intei'notles very short and covered by the closely imbricated bracts. Leaves and bracts 7-9 mm. h^ng, thick and coriaceous in texture, dark green. Uj)per bracts with ovate or triangular, rarely lanceolate, subobtuse or acute teeth. Setie none or a few very short ones on the margins of leaves, bracts and calyx-teeth ; or in var. ptihesccns Towns, longer and more numerous. Wetts. Mon. t. xi. fig. 7, slender and not typical; Towns. Mon. t. 871. England. — Devon. Berry Head, Brixham, July 1916, Mrs. Wedgwood. This gathering consists of a series of peculiar forms, some typical, some with longer internodes than usual, and others with smaller bracts with narrower teeth, and slender spikes. All are more or less stained, especially the more slender specimens BRITISH EL'PlIRASr.E 9 with dark indigo of purple. In some respects these approach E. stricta. — N. Somerset. Rough pasture above Cheddar Gorge, Aug 7th, 1907. Verj characteristic and typical, 11 cm. high. Also gatliered and so named bj Mr. C. E. Salmon, Aug. 17th, 1907. A small form gathered in Cheddar Gorge, July 1914, has probably been taken for E. curta, but it is quite glabrous and has the broadly- toothed bracts of E. horealis, — tlough pasture, Failand, near Bristol, July 190B and 1916. Stem 4-5 cm. high with 2 or 3 short branches at the base, spike 4-sided when fresh. This is perhaps F. nemo7'osa var. tetraquetra Breb., Wetts. Mon. p. 126 as var. tetraquetm Arrond. See also Rouy, Fl. de France, xi. p. 153, where it, E. curta, and E. occidentalism are placed together as varieties of E. nemorosa. — Brean Down, June 1899 and 1916. Small branched plants already in fruit at this date. Townsend considered that this was an abnormal form, possibly of E. nemorosa, but the compact growth and broad teeth of the bracts are characteristic of E. borealis. It grew in company with the vernal form of E. occi- dentalism from which it was with difficulty distinguished, except by the absence of glands. — Between Cadbury Camp and Clevedon, Auo-. 1916. On the same range of hills as the Failand plant, but taller, more branched, and bracts with narrower teeth. — ^W. Gloucester. St. Vincent's Bocks, Bristol, July 1902. A small form sometimes approaching E. stricta. — Merioxeth. Harlech Golf Links, Aug. 1915, W. a Barton. Similar to the last. ScoTLA^'D. — Aroyle. On the seacoast, Oban, Aug. 1899. Of this Townsend w^rote, " Confer E. horealis Towns." It a^^pears to me, however, to be quite typical, and is very like the Cheddar plant. A similar plant from Maiden Island, Oban Bay, was named by Tow^nsend E. curta var. glahrescens. The teeth of the upjDer bracts are somewhat narrower, but the leaves are quite glabrous, and it must, I think, be referred to E. horealis. Ireland. — Cork. On the coast, Dunboy, Aug. 1908. A slender form with long internodes below, up to 15 cm. high, simple or with 1-3 spreading branches. The simyjle specimens have distant, per- sistent lower leaves as in E. gracilis, but the fruiting-spikes are those of E. horealis. — Galway. On a roadside bank, liecess, Aug. 1902. Similar to the last, but the spike more slender and the bracts smaller. 3. E. occidextalis Wetts. Plant often compact and bushy. Stem short, stout, branched from the base or simple ; branches often nearly as long as the stem, compound in large sjDecimens. Spikes rather stout with imbricated biucts. Leaves 7-8 mm. long. Bracts ^-Q mm. long, the upj^er with ovate, triangular or lanceolate, acute teeth. Corolla small, white, lilac or violet. Glandular hairs short, more or less numerous on leaves, bracts and calyx ; simple hairs, long or short, numerous or nearly absent. Wetts. Mon. t. xi. fig. 13 ; Towns. Mon. t. 375. Both of these figures are taken from poorly- developed specimens. ExaLAND. — E. Cornwall. Port Quin, near St. Minver, Sept. 1906. — On the dow^ns, Bude, Aug, 1896, ^Sf. T. Dunn ; unnamed. — S. Devon. Sandy coast near Bigbury, June 1894, E. S. Marshall; unnamed; subsequently refen-ed by Wettstein to E. occidentalis. — N. Somerset. Journal of Botany, May, 1917. [Supplement I.j c 10 BRTTTSn EUPHEASTE St. Thomas's Head near Kewstoke, July 1907. — Cheddar, June 1906. Stem 3 cm. his^h, simple or with 1-2 branches ; glands very few. This might easily be taken for E. curta. — Dorset. Grassy slopes on the coast, Swana"-e, July 1903. Strong compact plants with stout stem about 8 cm. high, and stout compound branches ; hairs long and numerous, many of them gland-tipped. — Sea cliffs, the AVinspit, A\^orth Matravers; June 1916, /. M. Roper. Stem 4-8 cm. high, sometimes much longer than the branches, or simple.— I. Wight. Open down near Hoy's Monument, Whitwell, 600-700 ft., Aug. 191(5. — On the coast," Steephill Cove, Aug. 1916. Stem 9 cm. high, Avith long fruiting-spike and a few short branches. Scotland. — Haddixg^ton. Marshy places amongst the sand- dunes, Aberlady, May 1911, McTafjgart Coir an. lief erred by me to E. curta, but tlie presence of glandular hairs and the compact habit leave no doubt that it is E. Occident alis. Orkxev. Heathery pasture, 90 ft. above sea-level, Black Crag, Stromness, Mainland, Aug. 1912, R. H. Johnston, as E. curta var. (flahrescens ; E. horealis,fide E.S.M. " Not E. curta " C. H. Osten- feld. " Corolla pale purple or whitish-purple, with dark purple lines and a yellow spot on throat of lower lip " (B.E.C., corrections in Report for 1912). It is here stated that Mr. Marshall's final opinion was that all the specimens came under E. boreal iti and some of them under the var. pubescens Towns. Now all the specimens on this sheet are glandular, as was pointed out b}^ Mr. D. Lumb in a letter to Mr. I)ruce. and they are in all respects similar to southern E. occi- dentalis except th:it the flowers are larger — 8 mm. long. This plant appears to be distinct from E. latifolia, but the question arises as to whether the glandular form of the latter may not be allied to E. occid entails. Var. PRiECOX, var. nov. Plant small, compact, 1-2 cm. high and broad. Stem branched, internodes very short, so that the stem and branches are often hidden by the leaves and bracts. Corolla small, white, lilac or violet. Stalked glands more or less numerous ; setae minute and inconspicuous on leaves, bracts and calyx. Planta nana compacta, 1-2 cm. alta et lata. Caulis ramosus, inter- nodiis brevissimis itacjue caulis et rami foliis bracteisque celati sunt. Corolla parva, alba, lilacina vel violacea. Folia, bracteae et calyces, vel solum brae tea?, pilis glanduliferis plus minus numerosis et setis minimis sparsim obsiti. E.V(iLAND. — E. Cornwall. On the coast, Polzeath, May 18th, 1916, J. IV. White. I^ants 2 cm. high and broad, with full-sized leaves and well-developed fruit ; flowers white or lilac. Also on the Spire bank. Hock near St. ]\Iinver, with stem 1 cm. high, and violet flowers. — N. Somerset. Brean Down, July 1911 and June 1916. Similar to the Cornish plants but stem up to 4 cm. high, not so com- pactly branched ; glands very few, best seen in the fresh plant on the upper surface of the spreading bracts. — Purn Hill, Bleadon, May 1916. Like the Cornish plants, 1 cm. high. In the Somerset localities plants occm- on which no glands can be detected except on the corolla. liRITlSlI EUPinJAST^ 11 Tlie question tlierefore arises as to whether these are eglandular JE^ occidentcdis or small forms of E. horealis. 4. E. CURTA Fries. Stem generally short, stout, Avith few or many branches below the middle, internodes short oi in some moun- tain forms long ; branches s^^reading or ascending, sometimes com- pound. Spikes rather stout, occupying the greater part of the stem and branches, internodes short, generally hidden by the bracts. Leaves and bracts 5-7 mm. long, the upper bracts with triangular or lanceo- late subobtuse or acute and apiculate teeth. Hairs long and numerous or, in var. glahrescens, short or minute and few. Fries's description is, " E. officijialis, /?. montana^ y. curt a pyra- midata, ramosissima, foliis squarrosis, floribus exiguis amethystinis." Fr. Novit. Flor. Suec. ed. 2, p. 198 (1828). Wettstein describes the stem of E. ciirta as " thick, rarely thin, generally branched below as far as the middle." He also refers to slender and only slightly branched forms, and his figure, Mon. t. 7. fig. 11, of an original specimen, represents a slender plant 7'5 cm. high, with a pair of branches at the middle. Townsend's figure, Mon. t. 375, represents a plant from Moidart, with two or three branches nearly from the base. Many diverse forms have been referred to E. carta and its variety glahrescens which are, in my opinion, more or less hairy or even glabrous forms of other species. Some of these are noticed under the species to which I believe them to belong. My experience is that E. curta, as described by Fries and Wettstein, is much less common in this country than E. nemorosa. *ExGLA2v'D. — Somerset. On turf behind the sand-hills, Berrow, July 1915. Stem not exceeding 11 cm. high, more or less branched. Spike with short internodes, stout or slender ; teeth of the upper bracts ovate to lanceolate ; leaves and bracts very sparingly setulose. A small glabrous specimen from this neighbourhood was referred with doubt by Townsend to E. curta var. glahrescens. The present gathering consists of forms some of which approach E. curta and others E. nemorosa. — Dorset. Middlebere Heath, Corfe Castle, June 1916, I. M. Eojjer. Plants about 6 cm. high and broad ; leaves and bracts thinly setulose. Characteristic examples of var. glahrescens. — DEXBiaH. Great Ormes Head, Llandudno, Aug. 1916, Mrs, Wedg- tvood. This is a peculiar form with many compound branches from the base to the middle, and, in consequence, the larger plants resemble in habit E. nemorosa. The leaves, bracts, and calyx-teeth are stained with purplish black on the margins and are minutely and sparingly setulose ; the flowers are small, and vary in colour from dark violet with an orange spot to lilac and white or entirely white. I place these plants here with considerable hesitation. — W. Lancaster. On flat sandy places between St. Anne's-on-the-Sea and the lake at Fairhaven, Aug. 1902, C. Bailey. Stem stout, up to S cm. high, plant densely hairy, principal cauline leaves sometimes longer than the bracts. — St. Anne's-on-the-Sea, Aug. 1897. The same as the last, but taller. — Sea-embankment, Fairhaven, Aug. 1901. Similar ta the last, but with broader, less hairy spikes. Mr. Bailey's gatherings on this coast are much more distinct and characteristic than many of the forms referred to E. curta, and, in my opinion, may be regarded as typical c 2 BKITlt>U ElPHRASl.E of that species. Nevertheless, some of the spechnens show, in the less hairy foliage and laxer habit, an approach to E. nemorosa. Similar plants from Ansdell, Aug. 1914, were distributed bv the Rev. E. "S. ISIarshall (W.B.E.C.).— Westmorland. On Helvellyn, between the lied Tarn and the summit, c. 2500 ft. Stem 5 cm. high, with a few slender branches about the middle ; internodes longer than the leaves ; spike broad, lower internodc about as long as the bract ; leaves small in the specimens seen, about 7 mm. long, more or less densely clothed, as well as the coriaceous bracts, with long hairs ; bracts large, 9 mm. long, with ovate or lanceolate subobtuse teeth ; flowers small, white ; capsules large, longer than the calyx-teeth. This appears to form a transition to E. latifolia, to which it is similar in habit, but is less hairy. SfOTLAXD. — Perth. Ben Laiogh, Aug. 1899, fide F. T. Weak forms up to 16 cm. high, simple or with one or two branches and long internodes ; hairs long, fairly numerous. Also more compact forms with shoi'ter hairs, named E. curt a var. glahrescens by Towns- end. — Cruach Ardran, Crianlarich, Aug. 1899. — Near Tyndrum, Aug. 1S99. Var. f/lahrfscem, fide F. T. — Argyle. Craig Gliorm, Balia- chulish, Aug." 1899. Kather densely hairy. E. ciirfa, fide F. T.— Maiden Island. Oban Bay. Aug. 1899. E. ciir.fa var glahrescens^ fide F. T. — -Allt a Bhalaich, Kingshouse, Aug. 1899, E. curia var. f/Iahrescens,fide F. T. Ireland. — Galwav. Urrisbeg, Roundstone, Aug. 1902. Typical E. curta was not seen here, but plants which aj^pear to be E. curia x gracilis. See under E. gracilis. [5. E. c^rulea Tausch. Stem simple, rarel}'' with one or two branches at or above the middle ; internodes long. Spike with few flowers, when in fruit occupying about half the stem ; internodes long. Leaves opposite, 5-7 mm. long, the lower cuneate or obovate-cuneate, obtuse with 1-3 obtuse teeth on each side, upper and middle ovate or ovate-oblong, broadest towards the base or middle, with 3-5 non- aristate teeth on each side. Bracts 5-7 mm. long, subopposite, similar to the leaves but broader ; teeth more acute, not aristate, all green or nigrescent towards the toj) of the stem, usually plicato-striate below. Corolla 5-7 mm. long, violet. Capsule shorter than the calyx-teeth. Setie minute, scattered, on leaves, bracts and calyx ; a few glandular liairs occasionally on calyx. Wetts. Mon. p. 115, t. vii. fig. 9.] ? Orkney. I)am]> pasture on hill-side, 300 feet above sea-level, Wart Hill, Hoy, Aug. 15th, 1912, H. H. Johnsion. " Corolla lilac, with dark purple lines and a yellow spot on throat of lower lip." As E. curia var. glahrescens Wetts. "I think this is a form of E. curia var. qlahrescens with handsome violet-blue flowers." E.S.M. " ? " C. H. Osienfeld. (B.E.C.) The Orkney plant is so near to E. ccerulea that it is extremely probable that it will prove to be identical if looked for earlier in the season, and it is therefore permissible to give the description of E. ca'rulea as a provisional British species. Wettstein associates it with E. curta — the one as a " summer species " and the other as an " autumnal species " (see Wetts. Mon. pp.43 and 117, and Towns. Mon. p. 7) — and states that E. ccvrulca differs in the simple or only jmirisii Kui'iiKAsi.E 13 slightly-branched stem with the branches at or above the middle, the violet tlowers, the less hairy leaves and bracts, and in the early flowering. In all these particulars excej^t the last the Orkney plants agree. Having, by the kindness of Mr. Charles Bailey, compared the plants with specimens in his herbarium from Bohemia, Silesia and Brandenburg, the onh' difference I can detect lies in the more numerous and less widely-spaced leaves and bracts. Wettstein states that the flowering season is from May to July, and those I have examined are dated Jime and July, some bearing fully-formed fruit. The Orkney plant, gathered on Aug. loth, still bears flowers in good condition, but the fruiting-spike is longer and more advanced than in the Continental examples. E. ccerulea is recorded from isolated areas in Central Europe from Bohemia to Silesia and Pomerania, the latter station being on the Baltic, about 700 miles distant from the Orkneys. 6. E. LATIFOLTA Pursli. Stem simple or with a few branches at or below the middle, stout ; internodes long. Fruiting-spike very broad with short internodes, which are hidden by the bracts. Leaves obovate with cuneate base, or broadly ovate with an obtuse terminal tooth which is broader than long, and 1-4 triangular or ovate, obtuse teeth on each side, the largest 8-11 mm. long. Upper bracts closely imbricate with many, up to 7, triangular or lanceolate, subobtuse or acute teeth on each side, 7-8 mm. long. Corolla 5-7 mm., or in f. grand i flora 12 mm. long, pale or dark violet. Capsule exceeding calyx-teeth. Hairs long, flexuous, white on the stem, especially below the nodes, on leaves, bracts, and calyx long and dense, or occasionally sjioi'ter and scattered. Wetts. Mon. t. xi. flg. 13 ; Towns. Mon. t. 375. This is described more fully to avoid confusion with E. ciirta^ from which it is distinguished by the habit, by the shape of the leaves and bracts, and by the dense clothing of long white hairs. The British plant appears to be generallv eglandular. W. SuTHEKLAXD. Tongue Bay, July 1900, E. S. MarsJialL — Bank above the Xaver, near Betty Hill, July 1897, E. S. Marshall and W. A. Shoolbr&d. This is the f. grandijlora Wetts. with corolla 12 mm. in length and stem attaining 12 cm. in height. Plants from Melvich, Sutherlandshire, distributed by Townsend in 1897 as E. curta, and from lieay, Caithness, by Mr. Marshall in 1915 under the same name, are, as far as my s^^ecimens are concerned, very similar to E. I at i folia. 7. E. FOULAENSis Townsend. Stem 1-10 cm. high, shorter and less branched than in E. latifolia ; internodes long or short. Spike stout, dense. Lower leaves obovate, with obtuse subquadrate terminal lobe, which is broader than long, and 1-3 ovate obtuse teeth on each side. Bracts closely imbricate, broadly ovate or subrotund, obtuse, with 3-4 ovate obtuse teeth, or the uppermost with acute teeth. Largest leaves and bracts 7-8 mm. long. Flowers small. Capsule longer than calyx-teeth. Leaves, bracts, and calyx glabrous or sparingly setulose. Wetts. Mon. t. xii. figs. 7, S ; Towns. Mon. t. 37g! 14 BRITISH EUPHEASIJ; Scotland. — W. Sutherlaxd. Coast, Melvich, Aug. 1897, J/r/r- shall and Shoolhred. My specimens are shorter, and have shorter internodes than in the figures given bv Wettstein and Townsend. Plants from the south side of Buchaille Etive Mor, near Kings- house, Argyle, Aug. 1899, closely resemble Wettstein' s figure. Con- cerning these Townsend wrote : " My acquaintance with E. foulaensis is as yet very limited. I can only say confer foulaensis.'' These are more' or less setulose, and the braad capsules are deeply emarginate. They are possibly transitional between E. curt a or E. boreal is and E. foulaensis. 8. E. BREViPiLA Burnat & Gremli. Stem often tall, simple or with few, rarely many, branches from below or, more rarely, above the middle ; internodes generally long, short only at the top of the spike. Leaves and bracts large, 8-11 mm. long, broad and spreading. Upper bracts with lanceolate or subulate, aristate teeth. Corolla 6-12 mm. long. Glandular hairs short and straight, few or many on the bracts and calyx, wanting in f . suhef/landulosa ; setulae few or many. Wetts. Mon. t. vii. fig. 8; Towns. Mon. t. 874. England. — N. Somerset. Peatmoor, Shapwii.'k, June 1898, ^(/^ F. T. Stem simple, 20 cm. high ; leaves and bracts large. July ]S9(>. Stem branched; bracts still larger, with 6-7 short lanceolate ti'cth on each side. — Ashcott Moor. Sept. 1896, S. T. Dunn. — On Mendip, near Wookey, Aug. 1907. — Small simple plants with small bracts from Edford, July 1900, and a small nuich-branched form with small crowc^ed bracts from Tining's Farm, Mendip, formerly referred to E. hrevijiila, are probably forms of E. canqyesiris var. neglecta. — Cook's Wood, near Flax Bourton, Bristol, June 1916. /. M. Eoper. Young ])lants, but well developed and characteristic. — Merioneth, Dolgelly, June 1906, A. Loi/dell, as E. curta var. glahrescens,fide E.S.M, These are glandular, and typical E. hrevipila. — Berwick, Between Ayrton and Cairncross, July 1900, C. Baileif. — Kincardine. Koadside, llickarton, near Stonehaven, July 1901, C. Bailey. Some of these are the eglandular form— var. suhglahra Towns. Mon. p. 18 = f. suheL;Ta]-)h. wliere he discusses tlie question as to whether IJRlTlSll EL'i'IUfASKK 15 2l^ borealia is an eglaiulular form of E. brecipihi. The answer to this is, in my opinion, in the negative, E. horealis being short with long dense spikes, and bracts with short, broad teeth ; while E. hrevi- inla is tall and lax, with less dense spikes shorter in proportion to the .stem, and bracts wdth longer, narrower teeth. Thus understood, there jshould be little difficulty in determining with wdiich species a plant should be j^laced, irrespective of the presence or absence of glandular hairs. Irelaxd. — E. Galway, Woodford, Aug. 1907. Fairly typical but bracts rather small and flower small, blue. In company with this grcAV E. gracilis var. primaria and a series of forms which 1 can only refer to hybrids between the two species. ISome of these are tall with numerous slender branches, with smaller bracts than E. hrevipila and rather small blue flowers ; others tall and slender, simple or with 1 or 2 short branches and larger, conspicuous blue flowers. All these bear numerous short glandular hairs. The branched specimens are scarcely distinguishable from E. campestris var. ner/Jecta except by the colour of the flowers ; and the simple plants are very similar to E. gracilis, Townisend records a hybrid l^etween species under the name of E. dijforinis Towns. (Mon. p, 33), but his description does not accord with the Woodford plants. 1 leave them provisionally as E. hrevipila x gracilis, — Loughrea, Aug. 1907. Corolla pale, larger and more conspicuous than in the Woodford plants, 10 mm. long with the lip 7 mm. broad. — W. Galway. Near the lake and on Urrisbeg, Koundstone, Aug. 1907. A^ariable in height, often simple and slender, with few or many glandular hairs. A short branched form with dense spikes may perhaps be E. horealis x hrevipila. — Clifden, Aug. 1907. Well- develo}3ed typical plants, with larger bracts than in most of my Irish gatherings. 9. E. SUECICA Murb. & Wetts. Stem rather stout, 12-20 cm. high, pale brown, thinl}" pubescent, simple or with 1-4 branches above the middle, and occasionally with 1-2 rudimentary ones below it ; internodes very long. Leaves up to 11 mm. long, opposite, in 3-6 pairs, ovate cuneate, with 0-3 ovate, obtuse or the upper with acute teeth on each side. Bracts 10 mm. long, broader than the leaves, with 3-5 ovate, subobtuse or lanceolate-acuminate, flexuous, subaristate teeth on each side. Spike short with fairly long inter- nodes below, stout at the top. Corolla conspicuous, 9-10 mm. long, ])ale lilac and white. Calyx shorter than its bract, teeth aristate. C-apsule shorter than the calyx-teeth. Leaves, bracts and calyx minutely and thinly setulose. This is the description of plants distributed by H. Moller as E. tenuis (Brenner) Wetts. v. eglandulosa Murb. ad int., gathered at Skane, Kungsmarken, Sweden, July, 1895. The name was sub- sequently altered to E. suecica Murb. Si Wetts., and Wettstein refers to this locality on p. 298 of his Monograph. On p. 297 he states that it is an early-flowering parallel-form of E. stricta and is " distinguished from this by the stem being unbranched or branched in the upper part, by the elongated internodes, the less acute teeth of the leaves and the earlier flowering (May to July) 16 BRITISH EUPHKASI-E It is usually extmordinarily like JE. tenuis Brenn., but is distin- guished from it by the absence of stalked glands." ExoLAXD. — W. YoRKS. In gi-tissy places above Grass Wood, Grassington, June 1902, Driice. Name suggested by Lindman and continued by Wettstein. The specimens being young, the teeth of the leaves are broader and more obtuse than in the Swedish plants. Scotland. — E. Ross. Sedgy swamp near Tain, Aug. 1897, INIarshall, as ^. horeaUs. Stem attaining 30 cm. high. This only differs in the more elongated fruiting-si)ike, the plant having been gathered later in the season and being more developed. 10. E. ViGURSii Davey. Stem simple or with a few erect branches about the middle. Fruiting-spike occupying about half the stem, internodes a little longer than the bracts below, hidden by them above. Upper bracts with ovate or ovate4anoeolate api- culate teeth. Corolla dark or pale violet, 8 mm. long. Glandular hairs very numerous on leaves, bracts and calyx. Seta? many or few. ExGLAND. — Cornwall. Goonhavern, Perranzabuloe, Sept. 28rd, 1900, F. II, Baveij (W.B.E.C), unnamed. This is the type.— Xewlyn Downs, Sept. 1907, C. C. Viyurs, Rerh. C. Bailey (B.E.C.), On this sheet some of the specimens are eglandular and minutely setulose ; otherwise they are indistinguishable from I^. Vigursii. — Kynance Down, Jidy 191G, Mm. Wec/f/wood. Stem simple, 7 cm. high ; flowers smaller, ])aler ; short glandular hairs and seta? numerous on leaves and bracts, and long llexuous glandular and eglandular hairs on the stem. ^'ar. PALLEXS, var, nov. Differs from the type in the pale green colour of the inigose leaves and bracts, in the lanceolate or subulate subaristate teeth of the upper bracts, and in the lilac or lilac and white flowers. Al) typo diifert : — Foliis bracteisque rugosis pallide viridibus, bractearum superiorum dentibus lanceolatis subulatir^ve subaristatis, lloribus lilacinis vel lilacinis et albis. Ireland. — Cork. On a roadside bank on the way to Berehaven fi'om Glengai'riff, Aug. 15th, 1908. This corresponds in habit and in the abundant glandular hairs with Cornish specimens, and only differs from them in the above characters. In other respects this variety is as distinct as J^. Vir/ursii itself from other glandular species. Some of the specimens are eglandular, as in the Newlyn Downs gathering, but are more setulose. 11. E. NEMOROSA H. Mart. Stem branched to the middle ; branches often very numerous and com])ound, s|)reading at a right angle, then ascending, shorter than the stem. Spike slender, inter- nodes generally long except at the top. Leaves greyish green, those which subtend the larger branches 8-14 mm. long, spreading or defiexed, bracts 5-8 mm. long, the upper with lanceolate or sub- ulate rarely ovate, acute or shortly aristate teeth. ' Seta? none or a few on the lower leaves, or, in the var. cilia/a Drabble, more or less numerous on the margin of the leaves, bracts and calyx-teeth. Wetts. Mon. t. viii. finr. 1 ; Towns. Mon. t. 375. BRITISH EUPHKASl.E 17 When growing the colouring of the plant is noteworthy, the stem being dark purple clothed with hoarj pubescence and the foliage dull grey-green. Thus young plants are easily distinguished at sight from JE. stricta and E. borealis. Dr. Drabble in Journ. Bot. liv. p. 73 (1916), has rendered a service to students of the genus by pointing out that slightly hairy forms of E. nemorosa are sometimes taken for E. curta var. ylcthrescens, and has separated these under the name of var. ciliata. When well grown this species is easily recognized, but is extremely variable in the amount of branching, length of internodes of the stem and fruiting-spike, and in the size of the leaves, bracts and flowers. All these forms may be found growing together, in considerable numbers, and it is then evident that, although so vai'iable in form, they are all essentially the same, and can he distinguished at a glance from any other species. This variability is doubtless due, partly to the amount of nutriment that the host-plant is capable of providing, and partly to the space for development allowed by the surrounding^ vegetation. As forms of E. upmorosa have been taken for E. stricta, E. curta and E. cjracitis, it may be well to give an extended Hst of localities for the typical plant, and also for those forms which have been or are liable to be misnamed. England. — N. Somerset. Slope over the Caves in Cheddar Gorge, July 1900, J. W. White, fide F. T. Small plants, 7-16 cm. high. — Grassy lane, Kowberrow^ near Churchill, Sept. 1000, ^f/e F. T. — The Mineries on Mendip, Aug. 1905, and Wookey Hole, Mendip, Aug. 1907. Some of these are tyjncal and others have unusually large spreading bracts 11 mm. long, and large flowers ; resembling E. hrevipila but not glandular, and the branching that of E. nemorosa, — Limestone ridge from Failand to Cadbury Camp, July, Aug. 1916 j on roadsides and in rough pastures, together with a glandular form which I name E. campestris var. neglecta ; this is so similar to E. nemorosa that only the glands distinguish it. — Queen Charl- ton, Sept. 1901. Some of the plants are setulose and come under the var. ciliata Drabble. — Koadside above Bathampton. Stem not tall, much branched, internodes short, flowers large. This recalls. E. Kerneri, but the leaves are larger and the colouring different. — Wilts. Chalk downs, Boreham near Warminster, Sept. 1914. With the typical plant grow some copiously and compactly branched plants, not exceeding 10 cm. high, with small leaves and bracts and more brightly coloured floweis. These may form a transition to E. Kerneri. — I. Wight. Apesdown, Aug. 1916. Approaching var. ciliata. — N. Hants. Odiham, on bank above Chalk-pit, Sept. 1908, C. E. Palmer, as E. stricta. '' E. nemorosa,'' E. S. 31. (B. E. C). These vary in the same way as the plants growing on chalk at Boreham, Wilts. See above. — W. Sussex. Koadside, Colgate, July 1900, J. TV. White, fide F. T. Near Cross-in-Hand, Aug. 1906, W. A. Vice. Stems tall, stout, witli short slender branches throughout their length. This form is not uncommon growing with the ordinary type. — Surrey. Haslemere on railwaj^-banks, Aug. 1891', E. S. M., as " ? E. nemorosa.''' Leaves small, but typical E. nemorosa. — 18 75KIT1SH EiriujASij:: Ke>t. Higbani, Cunterburv, Sept. 1904, C. E. Palmer. Not tall but mucli brancbed, intei-nodes short. — W. Essex. Amongst tall grass, Fordham Heath, Aug. 1913, G. C. Brown, as E. stricta. This is tall weak E. nemorosa. — Tiptree Heath, 1912, G. C. B. as E. gracilis. Dr. Lindman \\Tites "this is E. stricta forma." I consider it to be typical E. nemorosa with mther large flowers. — Herts. Welwvn, Broxbourne, W. J. BJake, 1S20. — Beeks. Chalky bank of the Kennet, Newbury, Aug. 1906, A. B. Jackson (B. E. C). —Oxford. Crowell. Sept. 1892 (B. E. C.).— Minster Levell, 1912, G. C. B. as E. stricta. — Suffolk. Chalk-pit, Somersham, G. C. B. 1912 as E. gracilis. — HrxTixuDox. Holme Fen, 188(5, A. Fryer. '* Very luxuriant E. curta var. glahrescens " E. S. M. This is very large and bushy E. nemorosa. — Northampton. Helpstone, "■ E. carta var. glabrescens'" E. S. M., '' stricta 't '' Lindman. — E. Gloucester. Cmnham woods, Sept. 1912. — Kilcot Valley, Cheltenham, July 1910, C. Bailey. An abnormal foiun with slender stem and long slender branches, and bracts equalling or exceeding the leaves. — W. Gloucester. Spiiond's Yat, Huntsham Hill, Sept. 1900, D. Fry and J. W. White. Very slender, like the last. Of this Townsend wrote, " E. nemorosa simulating E. gracilis.'''' — Amberley, near Stroud, Sept. 1907, C Bailey. Short and compact plants with numerous compound branches. Others, less branched with more brightly coloured flowers, appear to approach E. Kerneri. —Grassy lane on the borders of Westridge Wood, Wotton-under- Edge. Very luxunant plants with stout stem 35 cm. high, and very numerous si)reading comjDound bmnches, forming small bushes nearly 30 cm. across ; the largest cauline leaves 12 mm. long. E. nemorosa probably attains the largest size of any European species, and the Wotton plants are the largest I have seen. On the open ground on the oolite which caps this hill many forms are found, — tall and sim])le or with more or less numerous branches ; with leaves and bracts large or small ; with small flowers or with large ones like those of E. Kerneri, and some of these are a])parently hybrids with that species. On the label of some small specimens with erect branches Mr. Townsend wrote " confer E. stricta,'''' and on another '• E. borealis,''' but on comparing and studying all the forms, I am forced to the conclusion that these belong to E. nemorosa. Up to the ])resent time I have not met with any other species in the neighbourhood except E. Kerneri ; even this is scarcely tj'pical, and may be a transitional form. — Syston Common near Mangots- fleld, Sept. 1901, f. compacta ; strong plants, 14 cm. high, with very numerous compound branches nearly as long as the stem, short but distinct internodes, and small nearly included flowers. This and the Amberley pknt may be compact forms due to exceptional conditions of the soil or of tlie host-})lant. — Hereford. In short turf. Bishop's Wood, July 190(5, >S'. R. Bickham (W. B. E. C.).— Salop. Chet- wick, Sept. 1903, J. C. Melvill, teste Wettstein (B. E. C.).— Gf.a:sior(jax. Debris of lime-kiln, Ovstermouth near Mumbles Head, Sept. 1909, C. Bailey. This is a -well-marked examjjle of var. ciliata Drabble. — Merioneth. Pant Evion, Arthog, Aug. 1915, W. C. Barton (W. B. E. C.).— Denbigh. Sand-dunes "between BIUTISH EUPHRASI^E 19 Llandudno and Deganwy, Sept. 1909, W. G. Travers (B. E. C). Named by me, with doubt, E. horealis, on account of the rather large bracts, but I now place it without hesitation with JE. nemorosa. — Leicester. Salt Way, Aug. 190(3, G. B. Headly (W. B. E. C). Bugworth, Aug. 1911, W. Bell (W. B. E. C.).— Groby, July 1912, A. li. Horwood (W. B. E. C). This is probably shade-grown and is in consequence much altered in appearance. The stem is simple or nearly so, of a pale brown colour when dry, and the internodes are very long. — W. Laxcastee. Sand-hills near the lake at Fair- haven, St. Anne's-on-the-Sea, Sept. 1902, G. Bailey. Stem 26 cm. high, branches very numerous, erect, spikes long wdth short inter- nodes. Presumably growing with E. carta, which is abundant in this locality, and resembling it in some respects, but it is quite glabrous. It appears to be a ti-ansitional form. — W. Yoeks. Be- tween Scaleber and Attermire, Aug. 1891, J. A. Wheldon. '^ E. nemorosa " F. T. " ciirta forms, though in some respects simulating E. nemorosa,'''' E. S. M. (B. E. C). The specimen before me has unusually long internodes, is quite glabrous, and is undoubtedly E. nemorosa. — Westmoelaxd. Arnside, Aug. 1915. Well-grown, typical plants. Aegyle. Glen Etive, Aug. 1899. ResjDecting this Mr. Townsend wrote, " Confer E. stricta Host," but in my opinion it is a form of E. nemorosa. It has many erect compound branches with the large characteristic leaves of E. nemorosa at the nodes; the spikes are rather dense, but more slender, on account of the small bracts, than in E. stricta. 12. E. CAMPESTEis Jordan var. neglecta var. nov. Stem 10- 80 cm. or more high with many or few spreading-erect branches above and below' the middle, internodes generally long ; branches shorter than the stem, sometniies comj^ound. Fruiting-spikes wdth internodes generally longer than the bracts except at the top. Cauline leaves (5-8 mm. long, ovate or ovate-lanceolate, more or less spreading or deflexed, subobtuse. Bracts 6-7 mm. long, the upper wdth lanceolate or subulate subaristate teeth. Corolla about 8 mm. long, wdiite and lilac or violet with yellow throat. Glandular hairs short, straight, more or less numerous on leaves, bracts and calyx. Setae small, few\ Towns. Mon. t. 77. Ab E. campestri Jordan {E. Tlioleyroniana Gandoger) divert:- — ■ Caule 10-30 cm. alto, in parte inferiore superioreque ramoso, ramis non congestis neque corymbosis ; spica laxiore ; Horlbus minoribus ; pilis glanduliferis brevioribus, paucioribus. This is the description of the British form, and also applies to some plants with flowers of medium size distributed by Continental coUectoi-s, and to Townsend's figures of specimens from Chambery and Matlock. The form distributed by Gandoger under the name of E. Tholeyroniana, differs in the large, conspicuous flowers, the crowded, corymbose branches springing from the middle of the stem or still higher, rarely lower, in the crowded leaves and bracts forming dense spikes, and in the more numerous and rather longer glandular hairs. It is therefore necessary to enquire as to which form is the type of E. campestris Jordan, and for this purpose 1 give the essential 20 15RIT1SH EUPHKASl K points of Jordan's description and those of Gremli and Kouy : — •* Corolla3 (hand parva^) tubo ealycino fere superante . . . toliis parvis . . . patulis pube minute saipe glandulitVi-a adspersis ovato oblongis basi in petiolum angustatis profunde dentatis, dentibus utrinque siepius 4 lanceolatis, foliorum superiorum breviter acu- niinatis, caule raniosissimo, ramis tenuibus suharcuato- iJatidis.'''' Jord. rugil. p. 181 (1852); Wetts. Mon. p. 193 (1896); Towns. Mon. p. 40 (1897). Gremli describes it as a variety of E. Roaf- Jcoviana : — " Plant less glandular with shorter hairs, branches more spreadhig and leaves smaller." Gremli, Fl. Switz. Engl, ed. p. 308 (1889). Kouy describes it as E. Rostkoriana /3. vampestris Chabert : — " Tige plus raide et plus elancee, rameuse plus haut ; bractees plus courtes et moins larges ; glandes plus courtes ; floraison tardine." Kouy, Fl. France, xi. p. 147 (1909). These descriptions, 3-s far as they go, are not inconsistent with each other, but contain no definite statement as to the size of the flowers. Jordan only says " corolla; baud parva?," which may mean anything between large and small, but, as Gremli and Kouy associate the plant with E. Rostkoviami, it may be inferred that they consider the flower to be large. Wettstein, as he had not seen the plant living, simply quotes Jordan's description, but it may be gathered from his analytical key (Mon. p. 71) and the remarks on p. 194 that he attributes to it the following characters: — Corolla large, 10-15 mm. long; stem branched jabove the middle or above as well as below it ; bracts small ; glandular hairs short. He distinguishes it from E. Rostkoviana by the stem /)f the latter being branched below the middle, by the longer bracts, Mud long glandular hairs. His figure t. xii. f. 1 of an original specimen represents a tiill bare stem branched at the top, and is not unlike a weak specimen of E. Tholei/roniana. It is also similar to an authentic specimen in Herb. Mus, Brit, of which Mr. E. G. Baker has kindly furnished me with a sketch, and this has large flowers. Wettstein quotes E. Tholeyroniana (spelt E. Tholeyriana) as a synonym of E. campestins, and it is to this that the description given above applies. It is evident that he looks upon this as the type, and makes no mention of a small-flowered form. He may not indeed have seen this, or, considering it as weak or undevelojDed, passed it over as unworthy of notice. Tlie exsiccata which Wettstein quotes being represented in Herb. C. Bailey, I am able to give an account of the ditterent forms they contain, which are as follows ; — Billot 3671 E. campestris, Chambery 1861, leg. Paris. This has small flowers and is very near to the British forms, except that it is more densely glandular. — Schultz X. 930. E. campestris Chambery 1861, leg. Paris. This sheet contains the large-flowered E. Tholeyroniana, small-flowered E. campestris, E. stricta or E. nemorosa and E. saliaburyensis. — Schvltz n. s. cent. 1, 930 bis E. campestris, Bourges 1869 leg. Kipart contains E. Tholeyroniana and E. stricta. Baenitz No. — E. Tholeyroniana, Arnas 1873, leg. Gandoger. — Gandoyer 404 E. Tholeyroniana Arnas 1874. Taking all things into consideration, it a])pears to me that the BRITISH ELPHRASi.E 21 large-flowered form must be regarded as the true E. campestris Jordan, which is a very well-marked plant, not yet found in Britain ; that this is well separated by definite characters from the small- flowered form, and that the*^ latter should be distinguished by a varietal name. I therefore ]jropose the name of var. neglecta, not disregarding the possibility that further observation and study may show that some of the British plants are of hybrid origin. The following scheme will show concisely the characters which separate E. campeafrls, the var. neglecta, E. Rostkoviana and E. hrei'ipila : — Corolla large, its tube elongating at the end of the flowering 1 . Corolla smallpr, its tube not elongating 2. 1. Stem branched below, internodes long, spike lax except at the top, leaves and bracts large, glandular hairs long E. Rostkoviana. — Stem branched above, often corymbosel}^ branches crowded, spike dense, leaves and bracts smaller, glandular hairs shorter ... E. campestris. 2. Stem branched below, internodes long, spike broad with long internodes below, leaves and bracts broadly ovate with numerous teeth E. hrevipila. — Stem more often with more spreading branches above and below the middle, spike more slender, leaves and bmcts more narrowly [var. neglecta. ovate with fewer more acute teeth E. campestris, England. — ]S'. Somerset. Failand near Bristol, Sept. 1898, C. Bucknall Eecorded in White's Bristol Flora (1912) as E. hrevipila. In 1916 this was observed from July to the end i)i September, and its known area greatly extended. It is plentifully distributed at intervals along the limestone ridge on grassy roadsides and in rough pastures from Failand to Cadbury Camp, a distance of 1 miles, and is everywhere mixed with E. nemorosn. To this it is so similar in habit that I have only been able to distinguish it by the short glandular hairs. I have suggested above the possibility of its being of hybrid origin, and this point requires further investigation. — In a thicket, Charlecombe Bay near Clevedon, Sept. 1916, /. M. Roper-. fine specimens attaining 10 cm. in height. — Glamorgan. Oyster- mouth near Mumbles Head, Sept. 1909, C. Bailey. Stem nearly 30 cm. high ; similar to the Somerset plants. — I)erry. Matlock, Aug. 1915, and Middleton-by-Wirksworth, Sept. ]91o. These, kindly sent by Dr. Drabble, differ slightly in the branches springing from the stem at a sharper angle, in the principal leaves being less spreading, and in the rather broader corolla. 13. E. GRACILIS Fries. Stem slender, wiry, dark purple, simple or branched about the middle, internodes often very hjng, seldom short ; branches much shorter than the stem, erect. vSpike long and slender, lower internodes long. Leaves 5-7 mm. long. Bmcts 5-6 mm. long, the upper with lanceolate or subulate acute oi,"^ BRTTISH ErPIIKAST.E apiculate teeth. Leaves and bracts glabrous rarely pubescent, nigrescent. Corolla small, white, lilac or dark violet. Capsule, in tlie specimens seen, generally shorter than the calyx, but according to Wettstein equalling or exceeding it. Wetts. Mon. t. viii. fig. 2 ; Towns. Mon. t. 87(5. ExGLAXD. — CoHXWALL. Kvnance Downs, July 1916, Mrs. Wedf/- wood. Stem 8-6 cm. high, seldom branched, internodes much shorter than in northern plants, leaves blackish when dry, flowers with violet upper and white lower lip. — E. Somerset. On Exmoor above Porlock, Sept. 1910. Stem slender or comparatively stout, flowers rather large, blue. — Dorset. Stepe Heath, Corfe Castle, June 1916, I. M. Boper. Stem and internodes nearly as short as in the Kynance Downs plant, but more branched ; flowers dark violet. — CarxaryOjST. Lake Padarn, Llanberis, Aug. 1916, Mrs. W^edf/wood. Similar to Scotch plants, but some of the specimens have long, narrow leaves nearly 12 mm. long. — -Westmorland. Bank of a rill above Ebnhow, Grisedale, and slopes above the east shore of Ullswater, Aug. 1915. Small plants with ver}^ small leaves ; flowers lilac and white. ScoTLAN^^D. — Inverness. Glen Roy, Glen Spean and Glen Nevis, Aug. 1899. — Arcitle. Ben Cruachan, Glen Etive and Island of Kerrara, Oban Bay, Aug. 1899. All these Scotch plants were confirmed by Townsend. Ireland. — Galway. Woodford, Aug. 1907. Stem tall, attaining 22 cm., simple or with 1 or 2 branches, flowers large, blue. This may be var. jwimaria Fr. ; the flowers are like those of specimens from Kinlochewe which Mr. Townsend referred to this variety. Wettstein describes it as having flowers entirely violet and leaves tinged with red. The Irish plant has the leaves and bracts rather greener than usual, and the upper bracts with subulate, aristate teeth. — On the banks of the Shannon, liossmore, Aug. 1907. This also has bracts with subulate, aristate teeth ; the flowers vary from white to lilac and violet. — Moors near Koundstone, Aug. 1902, and on Urrisbeg, Aug. 1907. On Urrisbeg also there occuiTed plants which may be xE. ArescJioiigii Wetts. — E. ciirtax gracilis. The habit is that of E. {jracilis^ but the leaves, bracts an4 calyx are clothed with fairly long hairs as in E. curta. The latter plant, however, was not seen on Urrisbeg. — Clifden, Aug. 1907. 14. E. scoTTCA Wetts. Plant greener and stem more often simple or with fewer branches than E. gracilis, and consequently the fruiting-spike often longer in proportion to the stem ; inter- nodes long. Leaves and bracts 5-7 mm. long ; teeth of the upper bracts ti'iangular, lanceolate, or subulate and shortly aristate. Flowering-spike broader at the top and appearing subcapitate. Leaves, bracts and calvx glabrous or minutely ciliate and setulose. Wetts. Mon. t. viii. fig^ 8 ; Towns. Mon. t. 876. Wales,— Carnarvon. Cwm Idwal, Aug. 1909, G. Goode. Weak plants 8 cm. high ; s))ike with long Internodes and few flowers; leaves and bracts with 1-8 ovate, obtuse rarely acute teeth on each side, sparingly and minutely setulose. Flowers nearly white. I refer this to E. scotica with considerable doubt, as it bears some i-eseniblanee in the shape of the leaves and bracts and BRTTIsn EUPIIRASL-n 21] their obtuse teeth to some forms of U. minima. Furtlier information on the \Euphrasi(B of this district is desirable. Scotland. — Inverness. Glen Spean, Aug. 1899. ^Argyle. Oban, Aug. 1899. Sti-ong plants with 2-4 branches from near the base of the stem. Normal plants were gathered at Cam Glen, Buchaille Etive Mor, Ballachulish and on Ben Cruaclian. All these were named by Townsend. — ^Ross. Wet bogg^- moors east of and near Poolewe, Aug. 1897, F. Townsend (B. E. C.).— W. Suther- land. Near Betty HUl, July 1897, E. S. Marshall (B. E. C). Ireland. — Galway. Boggy slope on Urrisbeg, Roundstone, Aug. 1902. Small plants not exceeding 8 cm. high. — Clifden and Wood- ford, Aug. 1907. 15. E. MINIMA Jacq. Stem simple or branched below the middle, internodes, in the British forms, generally short. Fruiting-spike with long or short internodes. Lower cauline leaves obovate-cuneate with a large obtuse terminal tooth and 1-2 ovate obtuse teeth on each side. Bracts ovate, obtuse or subacute with 2-3 rarely 4 ovate or lanceolate obtuse or acute teeth on eacli side. Flowers yellow, violet or white. Capsule nearly equalling or exceeding the capsule. Leaves, bracts and cah^x nearly glabrous or minutely setidose. Wetts. Mon. t. viii. figs. 10-14 ; Hiern in Journ. Bot. xlvii. 165, t. 497 a (1909). Wettstein describes the mature capsules as exceeding the calyx, but, in man}^ undoubted examples of E. minima gathered in the Western Alps, the capsules usually fall short of the calyx, and rarely exceed it. Somerset. Great Cornham, Exmoor, perhaps nearly 1250 ft. alt., 24th August, 1908, W. F. Hiern. Corolla yellow. See Mr. HiernV elaborate paper on the discovery of JE. minima as a British plant, in this Journal, loc. cit. Yar. NANA Rouy? Flore de France, xi. p. 155 (1900). Stem 8-6 cm. high, simple, lower internodes very short so that the leaves are crowded below. Fruiting-spike with short or long internodes. Leaves 3 or at most 4 mm. long, the lower obovate cuneate, with a large rounded terminal tooth and 1 small ovate tooth on each side, the upper with 1-2 teeth on each side. Bracts ovate with 1-2 rarely 3 triangular or oblong-lanceolate obtuse or subacute teeth on each side. Coi-olla 5 mm. long, white or lilac and white, with violet veins and a yellow spot. Capsule generally exceeding calvx-teeth. large in proportion to the size of the plant. Leaves, bracts and calyx minutely setulose. On the boggy banks of a rill above Elndiow, Griesdale, West- morland, Aug. 12th, 1915, and (the taller form) on slopes above the east shore of UUswater, below Place Fell. Rouy's description of var. nana is as follows : — " Tigede 3-5 cent., simple, filiform ; feuilles tres petites, paucidentees, a dents obtuses ; bractees crenelees, a dents obtuses." With this, as far as it goes, the Westmorland plants agree exactly. Bearing in mind that Wettstein considers E. scotica to be nearly identical with E. minima (see Mon, p. 171), the Westmorland plants differ from the former in the wery short lower internodes, in their small size and in the still more obtuse- 24 BRITISH EUPHRAST.E terminal and lateral teeth of the leaves and bracts. From E. curta they differ in the peculiar form and small size of the leaves, and in the very short pubescence. Yar. ARBUSCULA, var. nov. Plant small, 2-5 cm. high, green. Stem much branched at the middle ; branches spreading then ascending, often again branched, nearly as long as the stem. Planta nana, 2-5 cm. alta. viridis. Caulis in media parte ramosus,- ramis arcuato-ascendentibus, srepe iterum ramosis, caulera quasi gequantibus. Folia 3 cm. longa vix excedentia, inferiora obovato- cuneata, dente terminali magno, subquadrato vel rotunda to, dentibus utrinque 1-3 ovatis, obtusis. Bractea? ovatoe, dentibus utrinque 2-3, ovatis vel lanceolatis obtusis vel subacutis. Calycis dentes lanceolati acuti bracteam superantes. Corolla 4-5 mm. longa, alba vel lilaeina, striis violaceis et macula lutea notata. Capsula oblonga, calycis dentes s^epe superans. Folia, bracteae et calyces minutissime pubescentes. Westmorland. On the slope under Place Fell, south of Ulls- water, Patterdale, Aug. 17th, 1915, C. BuckaaU, and Aug. 1916, R. Nixon. — Derby. " Chelmerton — very high part of the Peak. The common size — Sept. 20tli, 1862," C. E. Palmer, as Euphrasia officinalis (Herb. Druee). This is remarkable for the small size of all its parts, for its intricate branching and for the few obtuse teeth of the leaves and bracts. Excessive branching is sometimes caused by the main stem being bitten off or otherwise damaged, but that it is not so in this case is proved by the presence of the main stem and b}" the regular development of the plant. It is with considerable hesitation that I place these two forms here as varieties of E. minima, and it is only after careful and repeated comparison, and after having failed to find a closer relation- ship with any other species, that I have at length decided to leave them tem])orarily in this position. The chief differences, perhaps not very imij:>rtant ones, that distinguish them from E. minima are: (1) the crowding together of the lower leaves in var. nana, and the numerous, often compound branches of var. a^^hnscula, which are unlike those of any form of E. minima with which I am acquainted; -unless Schur's " j^. humilis ramosissima =^ saxatilis'''' to which Wettstein refers (Mon. p. 153) is connected with the Patterdale plant. (2) The constanth^ pale colour of the Howers, without any tendency to the yellow and violet which is often seen in E. minima. As there is, however, a var. pallida of E. minima, the pale colour of the flower does not of itself exclude our plants from the group. Notwithstanding their similarity in many respects, it remains doubtful whether they have been evolved from the same ancestors as E. minima, and the two varieties appear to be so closely related that if one is rejected the other can scarcely retain its jK)sition. 16. E. KKFtMORi AVetts. Stem shorter than in ^. ?i«', stout, copiously branched, rarely simple ; internodes short ; branches s})reading-ei\?ct, often oom|X)und, Spike with internodes short, but not liiddi'ii by llic luticts except at the top. Leaves and bracts BEIXISIl ElPHi{ASi.E 25 smaller, more acutely and deeply dentate, more erect and more shining than in E. nemorusa ; leaves subtending the principal brandies largest, 6-8 mm. long; bracts 5-6 mm. long, the upper with tri- angular, lanceolate or subulate aristate teeth. Calyx-teeth and veins often purplish or blackish. Corolla brightly coloured, 7-10 mm. long ; tube elongated after the Howering, but in small-flowered plants not conspicuously so. Leaves, bracts and calyx apjjearing glabrous, but rather rough w^itli very minute seta?. Wetts. Mon. t. ix. fig. 10; Towns. Mon. t. 375. Small-flowered plants are sometimes distinguished with difficulty from E. nemorosa, and, on the other hand, large-tlowered forms of that species simulate E. Eerneri. There are also forms which appear to be intermediates or hybrids between the two sj)ecies. Enola^d. — Devox. Near Plympton, Sej^t. 1902. Stem attaining 16 cm. high, with longer internodes and therefore less compactly branched than usual. — N. Somerset. Kowberrow Down, Mendip, on boggy ground, Sept. 1900, 1901, 190S and 1916. Concerning the specimens gathered on Sept. 15th, 1900, which were in bad condition on account of the lateness in the season and from having been bitten by rabbits, Townsend wrote : " 1 can only put this to E. Kerneri, but the remarkable diffuse branching, the branches compound and the lower ones very slender render it remarkable. On carefully examining the central stem, it will be seen that it has often been arrested from grazing by cattle, causing growth and developments from the lower leaves, but this does not seem in all cases to account for the unusual development of branches. ... A specimen fi'om AV. H. Purchas from Cheddar, Sej^t. 5, 1853, approaches tlie Black Down (Rowberrow) form." Having observed this plant in succeeding years under more favourable conditions, I can now state definitely that it is E. Kerneri. As far as I have explored the locality it is sparing in quantity, although other forms now to be mentioned are very abundant. The most remarkable of these is a plant which Townsend named E. Levieri Wetts. {E. citrta x RostJcoviana), but which I now feel com- pelled to refer to X E. Recliingeri Wetts. {E. Kerneri x Eost- kociana). The following is a description of this plant : — Stem 3-10 cm. high, with numerous, crowded, compound branches often as long as the stem ; internodes short, but longer in the taller plants with fewer branches, which resemble E. EGsthoviana. Leaves and bracts ovate, with ovate obtuse or triangular acute teeth, all, as well as the calyx, pubescent with long or short hairs, and often with few or many long glandular hairs. Corolla large, its tube elongating after the flowering, brightly coloured. Capsule usually short and broad, rounded and deeply emarginate at the top. Having had the o})portunity of thoroughly exploring the groimd in the middle of June 1916, I found in a grassy lane which leads to Kowberrow Down an abundant crop of young E. nemorosa and a few plants of E. borealis, which, however, was more abundant in a neigh- bouring valley. E. Kerneri, E. Rosytoviana and the hybrid plant grew in the boggy valley, and the two latter also on the higher and JOUEXAL OF B0TA>r.'jU>.E. 1917. [SUPPLEME^•T l.^> d 26 BRITISH EUPHEASI^ drier ground in deep, spongy tui-f. In September E. nemorosa was still abundant in the lane, but was apparently a second crop, badly nibbled, small and not well developed. This extended into the boggy ground, where it was often excessively branched as in the specimens of E. Kerneri examined by Townsend. The plants were quite glabrous and could not be taken for E. ciirta, nor is that species to be found in the neighbourhood. Under these circumstances it must be acknowledged that E. Kerneri is more likely to be one of the parents of the hybrid plant than E. cvrta. This was described by Wettstein under the name of E. Recliinqeri in Osterr. hot. Zeitschr. xliv. Bd. No. 12 (1894). See Wetts. Mon. p. 289. Wilts. Chalk downs, Boreham, near Warminster, Sept. 1914. Stem 8 cm. high with numerous crowded branches ; flowers small. — SuBREY. CoUey Hill, Beigate, C. E. Salmon. — Bletchworth Hill, E. S. Salmon. — Chipstead, i2. S. St an den. — Guildford, J. Comber, as E. sfricta. All these are characteristic E. Kerneri, with flowers varying from 7 to 10 mm. in length. — Biddlesdown 1885. Herl). Bailey ex herb. Eyre de Crespigny. Small plants with large flowers 12 mm. long and lip very broad. — Buckingham. Kemble, Aug. 1909, F. L. Foord-Kelcey. — W. Gloucester. On the oolite above Wotton- under-Edge, Sept. 1907 and 1914. Some of these are fairly typical, but others pai-take of the characters of E. Kerneri and E. nemorosa, and a])pcar to be intermediate or hybrid forms. They have stems lG-80 cm. high with few branches, and internodes much longer than the Surrey plants ; corolla conspicuous, 9 mm. long, lilac and white. Neither Wettstein nor Townsend records a hybrid between these species. — On ground below Amberley Inn, Amberley, near Stroud, Sept. 1907, C. Bailey. Very strong, copiously branched plants, forming small bushes 15 cm. high and broad ; flowers rather small. This also is on oolite and deviates from the type. — ^Westmorland. Koadside througli woodland above Arnside, Aug. 1915. Small plants with a few short branches ; coroUa 8 mm. long, conspicuous and brightly coloured. 17. E. KosTKOTiANA Hayne. Stem with few, rarely many, long branches from below or above the middle ; internodes long. Spike stout, lower internodes often much longer than the bracts. Leaves large, 8-11 nnn. long. Bracts 7-10 mm. or more long, the upper with triangular or ovate teeth in young plants, ovate-lanceolate or subulate, acute, a]>iculate or aristate when old. Corolla normally lai-ge, the tube elongated after flowering. Glandular hairs numerous, long, flexuous, on the stem, bracts and calyx, often shorter and less numerous on the leaves ; eglandular hairs long and spreading on the uj)per part of the stem and branches, short on the leaves and bracts. Wetts. Mon. t. ix. fig. 1 ; Towns. Mon. t. 877. Easily distinguished from all other British species except E.fennica by the long, flexuous, glandular hairs. England. — N. Somerset. Peatmoor, Shapwick, June ]898 and July 1906. Stems simple or much branched. Aug. 1914, /. M. Jioper. Stem simple, 86 cm. high. — Peatmoor, Ashcott, July 1915. Stem 7 cm. higli with lea\-^s and flowers smaller than usual. — Cheddar. July 1907. I. M. Boper.-Mowhiin-ow, Sept. 1907. Stem BHITISH EUPHKASI.K 27 30 cm. high, fruiting-spike long and stout. July 1916. Stem 9 cm. high, with numerous long slender branches and large conspicuous flowers.— Edford, July 1900. Stem 10 cm., simple ; internodes short and flowers small.— Broadlield Down, near Bristol, Oct. 1908. Simple or branched; fruiting-spikes long with short internodes.— Dorset. Scotland Farm, Corfe Castle, June 1916, /. M. Roper. Small, young plants with nearly simple stem, suggestive of E.fennica. Scotland. — Perth. Meadow at foot of Ben Lawers, July 1906, C. ^fA/%.— Ki>TARDiXE. Seashore at Bervie, July 1891, C. ^Bailey. Ireland. — Cork. Glengarriff, Aug. 1908. 18. E. FEXNiCA Kihlman. Stem 11-18 cm. high, simple or with 1-2 slender branches at the base. Fruiting-spike occupying the greater part of the stem, with internodes long below, regularly decreasing upwards and visible nearly to tlie top. Leaves about 5 mm. long, naiTOW wdth 3-4 ovate or lanceolate obtuse teeth on each side, those subtending the branches 7-8 mm. long with ovate teeth. Bracts opjjosite with 4-5 teeth on each s-ide, the lower with ovate, the upper wnth lanceolate or subulate acute subaristate teeth. Corolla about 5 mm. long, with included tube. Capsule shorter than the bracts and calyx-teeth. Glandular hairs long, flexuous, abundant on stem, leaves, bracts and calyx; simple hairs short, setose, principally on the lower leaves. Not having seen a description of E. fennica, I have described specimens kindly furnished by Mr. Druce : these were named by Dr. Lindman and corroborated by Wettstein. They diifer from E. Rostl'oviana in the nearly simple stem, the smaller bracts which are regularly disposed in pairs throughout almost the entire length of the stem, and in the small flowers. ExaLAND. — Somerset. Exnioor, Druce, det. Lindman. Irelaxd. — Galw AY. Clifden, Aug. 22nd, 1911, G. C. Bruce. — Clifden, Aug. 16th, 1907, C. Bucknall., as E. Bostkoviana. 19. E. SALTSBURGEXSis Funck. Stem simple or branched below. Leaves and bracts narrow, with a few distant spreading teeth and the sides between them nearly parallel. Capsules glabrous or with a few decumbent hairs on the margin. Wetts. Mon. t. x. flgs. 6-10 ; Towns. Mon. t. 376. Ireland. — Gal way. Tui-fy ground near the sea. Dog's Bay, near Roundstone, Aug. 1907. Stem not exceeding 6 cm. high, slender as well as the flexuous branches. This dift'ers from Continental forms in the branches spreading nearly horizontally. Not having had tlie opportunity during the preparation of this paper of consulting original descriptions, I have taken Wettstein's Monograph as the starting-point, and must refer the student to that work and to Townsend's Monograph of the British species for the ])ibliography and synonymy of the genus. Further, this being solely an attempt to simj^lify the study of tlie species as they occur in Britain, I have omitted any reference to Wettstein's views on the evohition of the species, and have only touched upon his theory of the relationsliip between a^stival and autumnal s])ccies which he calls " jjarallel forms." AVe have, however, one or jjcrhajis two instances of this sujiposed 28 ERITTSII EUPIIRAST.E relationship to which it is well to draw attention. These are JE. suecica and E. ccerulea (?), which Wettstein considers to be related to E. stricta and E. curta respectivel}^ as sestival forms. When these two species are better known — if, indeed, the latter proves to be identical with the Continental plant — it will be interesting to learn to what extent they give support to that theory. As far as morphological characters go, I must confess that to me a close con- nection between these species is not very evident, I venture to hope that the general conclusions at which I have arrived will be acquiesced in by those Avho take an interest in this genus. At the same time, I cannot expect that all my determinations of doubtful and apparently intermediate plants will be always accepted. In many cases a more accurite knowledge of the circumstances of growth, of the other species which grow in the same localit}^, atid, above all, a more representative selection of examples in regard to form, size and stage of development might lead to a different decision. Collectoi-s will do well to bear this in mind. ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA. P. 2. 1. 33, for Bayley read Bailey. „ 4, „ 23, after campestris add rar. neijlecta. „ 7, „ 8, for 16 read 17. „ 7, „ 10, for 17 read 18. „ 7, „ 27 after camiyedris add rar. negleda. „ 16, „ 4, for June 1902 read May 1906. ,, 18, 11. 18 from top and 7 from bottom. Miss E. Armitage wi-ites -. •• Huutsliam Hill is in Herefordshire : it closely adjoins Symond's Yat, which is in W. Glou- cestershire, the boundarj' running at the foot of the Yat Rock. The Bishop's Wood locality is also on Gloucestershii-e border in Herefordshire, a few miles higher up the River Wye." P. 23, after 1. 40 add : — Carnarvon. Cwm Meillionen, Beddgelert, June 21, 1916. Very near to E. minima var. nana from Griesdale, except that the bracts are rather larger, the spike broader and the flowers more brightly coloured. These specimens tend to show that the varieties described on pp. 23, 24, are correctly placed with E. miiiiitia. This and the other two interesting plants here men- tioned are contained in a parcel of Euplirasise received from Mr. C. E. Salmon. P. 24 after 1. 16, add :— Monmouth. Slope of mountain (about 1000 ft.) above Llanthcmy, Sept. 8th, 1916, E. B. Bishoji. This corresponds in every detail to E. minima var. arbuscula from Patterdale. It is interesting to find that this form is not confined to Westmorland and Derby, and that its range extends much farther to the south. It will probably be found elsewhere in similar situations in mountainous districts. P, 27 after 1. 31 add :— Perth. Slopes near Lawers Burn. Sept. 12th, 1915, C. E. Salmon, as E. Rotitkoviana. This is similar in habit to E.fennica Kihlman, hut has larger bracts, broader flowering-spike, especially at the top, and rather conspicuous white flowers. It appears to be intermediate between E. Eoatlcociana and E^fennica^ INDEX X Areschougii. 22. borealis, 7. 8, 9. 10, 11. U, 15, It',. 17, 18,19,25. X brevipila, 15. V. pubesceii.s, 8, 10. brevipila, 14. 15, 17, 21. X gracilis, 15, 22. /. subeglandulosa, 14. V. siibglabra, 14. campestris, 19, 20, 21. V. neglecta, 14, 15, 17, 19, 21. cjfii-ulea, 12, 13, 28. curta, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 19, 22, 24, 26, 28. V. glabrescens, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 17, 18. X gracilis, 12, 22. X Rostkoviana, 25, difformis, 15. fennica, 26, 27. foulaensis, 13, 14. graciHs, 9, 15, 17, 18, 21, 22. V. primaria, 15, 22. X sti-icta, 8. Grandiflor^, 2. Levieri, 25. minima, 23, 24. i\ arbuscula. 24. V. nana. 23, 24. i\ pallida, 24. nemomsa. 7. 8. 9. 11, 12, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21.25, 26. r. ciliata, 11. 16, 17. 18. /. compacta, 18. I', tetraquetra, 9. occidentalis, 9, 10, 11. V. praecox, 10. officinalis, 14, 24. j3 montana y curta, 11. Parviflorte, 2. X Rechingeri, 25, 26. Rostkoviana, 20, 21, 25, 26, 27. (3 campestris, 20. salisburg-ensis, 8, 20, 27 saxatilis, 24. scotica, 22, 23. stricta, 7, 8, 9, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 26. 28. suecica, 15, 28. humilis ramosissima, 24. Kerneri. 2. 17, 18, 24, 25, 26. X Rostkoviana, 25. latifolia, 2. 10, 12, 13. /". irrandiflora, 2, 13. Tholeyroniana, 19, 20. tenuis, 16. r. eg-landulosa, 15, 16. Vifjursii, 16. r. pallen.s, 16, 24. J 3 5185 00265 013;