'^j^ p :5^ ^ % THE JOURNAL OF TUK COLLEGE OE RCIENCE, IMPERIAL UNIVERSITY, jAi^A^r. VOL. V. 'îff H ;/< ^ I'll If PUBLISHED BY T1I1<^. UXIVERSTTY. TOKYO, JAPAN. 1893. MEIJI XXVI. 2q 'X 5 CONTENTS. Studies on Reproductive Elements. I- Spennatogonesis, Ovogenesis, and Fertilization in T>ii(j)toiin(.s sp. ]!v C. Iskhcawa, I'h. 7\, Itiiifil.iihdJnislii, Professor of Zoology, Agricultural College, Imperial Uiiiversity. O^ilh I'lateT.) I Further Studies on the Formation of the Germinal Layers in Clielonia. (Contributions to tlie Embryology of lîeptilia III). J>y K. MiTsrivVia, rii. ]>., lUijaliihakushi, Professor of Zoology, College of Science, Imperial University, Tokyo, Japan. ("Willi I'lntcs If-f\'.j 3;!> On the Development of Limulus Longispina. i5v Kamakichi Kishinouvk, I!i(/(i/.-uvhi, College of Science, Imperial Cniversity. (With I'latcx V-Xf.) 5i} On the Lateral Eyes of the Spider. I>v Kamakkhi Kishinouyk, JH'jakushi, College of Science, Imperial University 101 Notes on a Collection of Birds from Tsushima. ^>v I. Ihma, I'h. l>., I!iijv S. Hatta. Zoological Laboratoi-y, College of Scit'nce. ("With I'lotes Xfff. XIV.) Vl\) The Disturbance of Isomagnetics attending the Mino-Owari Earth- quake of 1891. 1''^' A. ÏANAKAnATK, I liijahuh'/hiishi. /•'. //. V. /■,'., I'ro- fessor of Physics and H. Xac^aoka. lliiioLiishi. Assist. Professor of I'liysics. College of Science, Imperial University. rWitli I'lalts XV-XX[f.j ... llff Optical Note. K. Takizaw\ lOH The Archaean Formation of the Abukuma Plateau. P>v P. Koiv,. rii. i>.. l!i[iii/.-iihiil,'iishi, Professor of Genlogy, College of Science, Imperial Univer- sity. rWith riutes XXlI-XXVlf.) 197 On the Cause of the Great Earthquake in Central Japan, 1891. I'>v P. KoTc), I'h. IK, IHii'i/ntJtn/riishi. Professor of Geology, College of Science, Imperial University. (With I'hitrs XXVfff-XXXW) '19r> studies of Reproductive Elements. I. Spermatogenesis, Ovogenesis, and Fertilization in Diaptoimis sp. By C. Ishikawa, Ph. D., Rieakuhakushi. Professor of Zoology, Agricultural College, Imperial University. With PL I. A. DESCMIIITTVE PART. The species of Diaptomn^ on wliicli llie fbllinving olj.'ervationa were made is very abundantly found in an old pond in tlie University oTonnds. Its breeding- orr-urs repeatedly at an interval of about two uK^ntlis during tlie colder half of tlie year. 1. Testicular Sac. ])V pxaniining the testis under a microscope, we are struck widi the varietv of celluhu- elements found in it. Near to its two ends we tind cells in active division, while its median part is filled with cells whose nuclei a.re in the resting stage. We can therefore divide the entire sac into different zones just as has been done hy Ed. van Bmcdeii and Jidiny^ and lately by 0. Heiitvig,^''^ with the testis of Ascaris megalocepliaJa. Following tlie example of these luithors we shall speak of the ])lind end as the formative zone, the middle part as tlie growiuff zone, and the part near the vas-deferens as the zone of ripening. In the formative zone, the nuclei are toleralily large, and with 2 0. ISHTKAWA. verv little prc^topl-.i.^m. The chromatic elements are very much elongated and appear as so many minute rods. Many of the cells are in the state of division. In the growing zone (" Wachstlmmszone") the nuclei recede to the state of rest, and the germ-cells grow to nearly double their size after division in the first zone. 'I'his stage is, however, not so well marked in this animal as in Ascaris ; we can nevertheless distinguish it pretty easily by the absence in it of karyokinetic figures. And in the last zone we find again the active multiplicatit^n of the cells. "Jede Zelle zerfallt jetzt durch zwei Theilungen, die sich unmittelbar aneinander anschliessen, iri 4 Elemente, welche sich direct zu den befruchtenden Samenkörpern umbilden. "^^^^ Fig. 1. represents a longitudinal section of a testicular sac not very highly magnified, tlie lower end of the figure showing the blind posterior end and the upper end the place wliere the vas deferens takes its origin. The tln-ee zones here enumerated can be clearly seen even bv this figure. The entire lower third of the sac represents the formative zone in which are seen a few cells in division. The next zone is well characterized by the peculiar appearance of the chromatic elements and occupies the iniddle portic^n of the sac, while the last zone or tlie zone of ripening is seen at the anterior end, well characterized by the presence of many karyokinetic figures in it. a. The Formative Zone. — This zone occupies nearly one-third of the entire testicular sac near its posterior end. The cells in this part are found partly in the state of division and partly in the state of the so-called " skein " stage (Kniiuelstadium), showing thus very clearly that these are in active multiplication, as stated above (fig. 1 k fig. 2). The chromatic elements of the nuclei in the "skein" stage are found to be of \ery different thicknesses, owing to tlie dilferent stages in which we observe them ; and their number STUDIES OF REPRODUCTIVE ELEMENTS: I. 3 ronld not be exactly made out, except in tlie srages just before and during the division. At this stage each chromatic; element assumes at first a rod-like shape, and then becomes constricted in its median portion, transversely to its long axis, thus resemblino- in shape a dumb-bell (fig. 2, left end). These dumb-bell shaped bodies are eight in number, and arrange themselves in form of a rino- on whose periphery they lie. This is the stage of the spindle. Tt will be noted that the s})indle appears different to the eye according to the methods «jf preservation we use. Thus preparations treated with hot-alcoholic sul^limate (30 % alcohol to which a few drops of con- centrated sublimate solution have l^eeii added) show no achromatic fibres connected witli the chromatic elements, while those cells which are killed with aceto-picric-acid exhibit them verv distinctly. The central Ijodies can also be clearly made out witli Grenadier's haema- toxylin. Jn the process of division each dumb-bell shaped chromo- some elongates and becomes divided in its middle part, so that one luilf of the d(unb-bell goes to one pole and tlie other half to the other. The two (laugliter cells arising ])y division of a mother cell contain each eight single chrom(js()mes, each of which is half one of the original cliromosomes. The only différence from tlieordinarv karyo- kinesis consists in the mode of division of the chromosomes, which generally divide longitudinally and not transversely. Fig. 2 represents more highly magnified the extreme posterior end of the testis shown in fig. 1. AVe now see a number of primi- tive sperm-cells with very large nuclei, the chromatic elements of which appear as so many minute rods. At the left hand corner is seen one of the cells in division, in wliich five dumb-bell-shaped chromo- somes are represented in a single row at the equator of the spindle ; the other three, not here visible because lying at a lower level, could be made out by focussing the microscope. At the i-ight hand 1 ha\e 4 C. ISHIKAWA. drawn from the testis of another inclividual, a cell found in tliis region Avhich represents a further stage of division, in which the chromatic elements are already separated from each other and lie near the poles of the spindle. I will call these primitive cells by the name oî primary spermatic cells ("Ursamenzellen" of German authors). They generally divide two or three times, and thus fAve rise to the cells of the o'r(3wino' zone which will be ; poken of as sperm-mollicr -cells ("Samenmutterzellen" of German authors). h. Tlie Groioinii Zone. — The cells at the beoinnin<>' (^f this zone are relati\'e]y small and the eight chromosomes begin gradually to elongate and at the same time the nuclear membrane becomes distinct. Hand in hand with this change the cell-body enlarges, while the nucleus appears to get snndler and more conipr.ct, colouring very deeply with reagents, and at last Ijecomes quite homogeneous, owing to the thick consolidation of the chromosomes. These stages are seen in tigs, o, 4, and 5. In fig. 3 the chromatic elements are just begin- ning to elongate, have continued to change in cells represented by fig. 4, and lastly in fig. 5 ha^e become quite homogeneous. The next chano-e in the cells is the dissolution aji-ain of the elements (figs. 6 and 7, the former rejH'esenting the polar view and the latter that from the side). Instead of a homogeneous mass we now see a number of elon^'atcd chromosomes irrei>'ularlv Ivino- in the centre of a cell, Ijut generally more or less gathered to one side remindinsf one reinarkabJv oï the fi^-ures i^iven by Hertwin in the same stages of development in the spermatic cells of Ascaris mcijalo- ccphala. Tlie only différence between them and our figures consists in the absence of a nuclear membrane in the latter. The chromosomes become shorter and thicker and assume at last a short rod-like shape just as we find them in primary speruuitic cells preparing to divide. Fig. 8 represents these changes. At the left hand of the figiu'e is STUDIES OF REPRODUCTIVE ELEMENTS: I. 0 seen a ceJl whose chronititic elements are somewhat sliorter tliaii those represented in tig. 6, and one at the right shows distinctly eight short chromatic rods. The sperm motlier-cells increase all the while in size u]) to tin; stage which we have called the zone of ripening ("lieifezone"), and which we will now proceed to descrihe. c. The Zone of Eipening. — The eight chromatic rods now begin to be c()]i:>trictcd at their middle point giving rise to eight dumb-bell- shaped Ijodics as Ijefbre. Tliese arrange themsehes in the shape of a ring a]id each ol them Ijecomes divided into halves on tlie appear- ance of achromatic fibres as before (tig.-. 1), 10, and 11). In tig. i) which is drawn from a specimen killed with liot picro-acetic solution, the ei'dit chromatic elements are beiiinnini'' to di^'ide transversely, while in the cells represented by tigs. 10 and 11 (treated with acetic acid solution of methylgreen) the division has proceeded a little farther. The large size of the cells represented l)y these tigures is due perhaps to the pressure exerted upon them 1)y the cover-glass. The cells resulting from this disi.-ion contain therefore each eight single chrijmcj- somes, which noNv [)rcpare to divide dircdhj witJtuiU an inter vcniiuj resting stage. The eight siugle chr(jmosomes in each of llie cells after the division, arrange themselves in (jne plane, and mostly at the periphery of a ring as usual, but somet:imes one or two chromosomes can be foimd in the interior of the ring. These cells now begin to be divided into two on the appearance of the attractive sphere, central bodies, etc., as usual in the karyokinetic cell division, but with this important difference concerning the chromosomes, that eaeh eiiiomosonte does not heeoine divided into tn-o as usual, hut remains undivided during the division, so that four of (he eight go hodiig into one cell and tlie other four into the other. Figs. 12, 13, 14, 15, :!iid 1() represent i hese changes. In lig. 1:^, 6 C. ISHIKAWA. which is drawn from a specimen treated with acetic acid sokition of methylgreen, and shows the eight single chromosomes in the e(|ua- torial zone of a spindle, five of tliese are seen on one side while the other three lie on the other side. The cell body appears to he larger than those represented by figs 13. 14, and 15, which are taken fr(jm a specimen treated with picro-acetic acid solution. This difference in size is due partly to the pressure of the cover glass, but chiefly to the action of the acetic acid. Fig. 13 shows the polar view of a spindle at the stage of fig. 12. Of the eight chromosomes, seven lie at the periphery and one in the middle of a circle. In fig. 14 a .similar spindle seen irom the side is represented, while tig. 15 shows the cell-divsion nearly completed, four chromatic elements being drawn to one pole and foiu- to the (jther pole. The cell-body is also nearly at the end-stage of its division. A similar stage is represented more clearly by fig. 16. Tlie nucleus of a cell after this di\ision again acquires a membrane and the cbromosomes become also indistinguishable, colour- ing \ery deeph' and unilbrmly. At a place a little farther outward the nucleus ao-ain becomes uneven to the staininii- and shows more or less distinctly indications oï chromosomes coming t(j occu])y posi- tions at the periphery of the luicleus Avhose central part now shows a clear space. In this condition the sperm cells again begin to grow gradually, and the chromosomes come again to be seen more or less distinctly as \evy fine threads and lying rather irregularly in the nucleus. In this growth of the cell, the nucleus progresses more than the cell bod}^, so that the latter becomes proportionally much reduced, and when the cell passes into the vas deferens no trace of the cell-body can be detected. The nucleus now assumes the characteristic elongated sha|)e we find in the s])erm cells contained in the spermatophore sac attached near the female opening. Illustratifjns of these changes are STUDIES OF REPRODUCTIVE ELEMENTS: I. 7 seen in %s. K), 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, and 22, whicli are drawn from a testis and vas deferens of one and tlie same indi\idi];d nnder tlie same magnifying power. 2. The Ovarian Sac. Tlio ovarv of Diaptoinui^ I examined, consisted of a median unpaired part — the ovarv ])i-oper — and tlie o\idiicts ai-ising on both sides of it. For the sake of eonvenience I haxe divided the contents of the ovary into three different zones as in the case of t1ie testicular sac, although the distinctions are here not so complete -as in the latter : a) the formative zone which occupies the extreme blind end of the sac ; /)) tlie (iroioinfj zone tilling the rest of the whole ovarian sac and part of the oviducts ; and <•) tlie zone of ripening occupying the oviducts alone. In fict the ])rocess of ripening the next or the growing zone. h. The Growing Zone. — Strictly speaking this zone hegins from the point where the germ-cells get into the dispirem stage. The nuclear threads wliich now appear as minute dots hecome gradually fainter till at last they disappear completely from the view. The o-erminal vesicle too-ether with the eo-g'-cell o^rows larger and lar^'er, and the germinal spot which always remains single also enlarges. As has heen already stated l)y Vaut Mcujcr oî Eupagurus,^^^^ and after him hy myself of Ati/ep]i,ira^^^'^^ the growth of the germinal vesicle is relatively less than that of the cell-body. Thus the ovary or germ-gland (" Fveimther-ce]]s of males and oxnm motlier-cells of females, lliese ctjntnin each eight chroniosrnnes like their inother- cells. They grow to a certain extent aiid thcii two siiccessi\e cell- divisions take place in them, in both sexes, without an intervening restino- stao'e, o-ivino' rise to f(3ur spermatozoa in one case and an ea'a'- cell with two polar bodies in the other. There can therefore be no doubt that the eo-o--cell Math two (ov sometimes bv division of tlie first polar body into two cells, three) polar bodies, corresponds exactly with four s])ermatozoa derived frlar spindle is found, while in fig. 33 i^ has penetrated an opposite pole of the egg. although the path of its penetra- tion is not to be seen in the figure. The two nuclei resulting from the di^ ision of the second polar spindle, the nucleus of the second polar body, and the egg-nucleus, show o-reat différences in appearance. That of the second polar body re- mains small and its four chromosomes coalesce into a single mass, stain xevy deeply bv picrocarmine, haematoxylin, etc., while the nucleus of rlie egg soon l)ecomes greatly enlarged, and its chromosomes show distinctlv as four thread-like. A'^-shaped ])odies (figs. 34 and 35). At first their number is (piite distinct, but so(3n the chromosomes elongate, become twisted and send out many ])rocesses which an- astomose witli one another, and their innnber becomes indistinct (fig;?. 36-40). In figs. 34 and 35 the four chromosomes are still cpiite dis- tinctly to be seen. In figs. 36, 37, and 40 they have begun already to send out processes, and in figs. 38 and 39 they appear as if broken up into a great number of elements. (The nucleus on the left of the fig-ure is in both cases the ea-g- nucleus). The changes which the spermatic nucleus goes througli after it has entered into the l)ody of an egg and before its copulation with the e""'-nucleus, are ahnost the same as those of tlio latter, except STUDIES OF REPRODUCTIVE ELEMENTS: I. 17 during the firöt stages. At first the spermatic micleiis is relatively small and generally oblong, and stains very deeply and uniformly with colouring matters, but soon it shows within it a lighter space in which chromatic fibres become more or less distinct (figs. 31- 33). At about the same time that the egg-nucleus begins to enlarge, the spermatic nucleus also swells up gradually, and assumes a spherical form, always remaininu' a little lari>-er than that of the euü'. The chro- matic elements are yery distinctly to Ije seen, but they are so much comoluted that it is \'ery difficult to determine their niunber (figs. 36-4U). The nuclei of the egg and of the spermatozoa gradually approach each other till they come to lie close together (figs. 36-49), but the nuclear memijranes continue distinctly ^ isible up to the stage of the segmentati(jn of the egg. The clu'omatic elements of the nuclei gradually pass, during these stages, from their so called resting stage to a state of activity again, and the indi\idual fibres become more and more distinct. Tlieir nundjer is howe\er, no I<_)ni>'er four but eia'ht. AVhether tin's is l)rought aljout l)y the trans\ erse diyisi'jn of the ele- ments or b\- a loiigitudinal di\isi(ni, 1 am not able to tell. Still 1 thiidv 1 am (piite justified in supposing that this doubling of the number of chromatic elements before tlie formation of a, spindle is the same phen«jmen(jn as that oljserved by Flemiiimg^'^ and others in the division of many animal and vegetable cells, (Flcmmhu/s '' hetero- typische Form "). The entire process of the copulation of the two nuclei ii}) to the beuinninii' of the seu'menhilion will Ik; seen by lookiu"" al liü-s. 36-0'». Fig. 36 re[)resents !)iiann,^-"^ the formation of genital cells, tlieir phases of ripening, find their copulation require exact and thorough study. The most complete work iri this direction is the beautiful investigation of 0. HerHoig on the " \'ergleich der Ei und Samen- bildung bei Xematoden," published al)out a year ago. In this work is o-iven for the first time a clear insight iiito the exact iinralielism existing between the egg and the sperm-cells, the mode of their development, etc., e\'ery point in which corresponds so exactly with the descriptions given in this paper, that it seems almost superflii("»us for me to have published them. I have deemed it, however, worth while to record the results of my own investigations because the con- clusions arrived a.t 1jy Hertwig are regarded by some authors as demanding explanations other than those he has found for them. There are, so far as my knowledge allows me to judge, three modes by which the " Reduktionstheilung" of sexual cells takes place. Platiier'-^^'^^-'' in liis vari<:ius important publications on the sexual cells mentions an exceptional ukmIc of cell-division in the last diNision of STUDIES OF REPRODUCTIVE ELEMENTS: I. 23 s[)erni cells and in the formation of the second polar body. He there .say.s : " Das allgemeine Schemn für die Zelltheilung verlangt, dass der Kern nach der Theilung wieder in das Ruhestadiam zurückkehrt, das heisst sich ans dem Aster der Knäuel und aus diesem das Kerno-eriist wieder rekonstruiert, und so ündet man es auch iil)erall. Nur in zwei Fällen findet hiervon eine Ausnahme statt. Der erste betrifft die Bildung des zweiten liichtungskörperchens u.nd ist genügend bekannt. Es wird hier das Kiihestadium übersprungen. Aus der innern Tochterkern platte der ersten Richtungsspindel bildet sich sofort die zweite Richtungsspin- del, und auch die in das erste Richtungskörperchen übergegangene Kern- hälfte zeigt iiäutig das gleiche \ erhalten, das heisst sie bildet sich gleich- falls sofort wieder zu einer neuen Spindel in entsprechender Weise um. DieTlieilung der zweiten Riditungsspindel wird dadurch zu einer ReduktioDstheilung in Rezug auf die Quantität des Kernmaterials. Der zweite Fall dürfte weniger bekannt sein ; er l)etrifft die letzte Theiluno- der samenbildenden Zellen. Auch hier wird das Ruhestadium über- s])rungen. Die letzte Theilung schliesst sich direkt an die vorhergehende an, indem sich aus der Tochterkernplatte sofort die neue Spindel bildet. Also auch hier findet eine Reduktionstheilung der Masse nach statt." He has thus, for the first time, clearly shown the truth of Weismann s theoretical ccjnclusion as to the necessary occurrence of a reducti(3n of nuclear elements at the fjeginning of each ontogenesis. In his well known essay on tlie ''Zahl der Richtungskürper," etc. Prof. IVeisiiiann,^-^''- after discussing the subject of copulation, where the ancestral plasma ought to be doul)led at ea<'h process, sees the necessity of its reducti(>n to half of its original mass. The sharjt insight of Weisinann has brought out from can Boicihnis and Caruoii's work the necessity of admitting the ]'e(|uired rnluction in tlie formation of thesecoiid polar body. He says : " In der Ausst<3ssung der zweiten Richtungskörpers aljer wird mit Kecht eine Keduktionstlieihuig erblickt werden, durch 24 C. ISHIKAWA. welche die Hälfte der verschiedenen Ahnenkeimplasmen in Gestalt von zwei Kernschleifen aiisgestossen würde." In another place he says: " Sollte ich mich aber selbst in dieser Deutung irren, so scheint mir doch die theoretische Forderung einer bei jeder Generation sich wiederholen- den Keduktion der Alinenplasmen so sicher begründet, dass die Vor- sränfj'e, durch welche dieselbe bewirkt wird, "-efunden werden müssen, wenn sie auch in den bis jetzt bekannten ïhatsachen noch nicht enthalten sein sollten." This assumption of Weismann of a reduction of chromatic elements in the second polar body in the eggs of Ascaris and iir general, is now in a wonderful way proved by 0. Hertwig,^^'^ whose beautiful moriograjjh lias gi\en me so much pleasure that 1 have read it over and o\ er again, the more so, since his results are in exact par- allelism with those obtained by myself in studying the sexual cells of Diaptomus, as stated aljove. Thus the observations of /Va//;e/-,"'"^^ Jlcrlwifj"-' ;ind myself show clearly that there is a kind of nucletir division in the formation of tlie second p(jlar body as well as in the last cell division in spermatogenesis which is quite diiferent from tlic ordinary karyokinesis, and wliich takes place in perfect accordance with ]]^eisiiianii's A'iews. BoV('ri also sees the necessity of admitting the " Reduktions- theilunf " at each ontogenetic stage, but he lets tliis take place not in the formation of the polar l)odies, but betöre it. On page 0)2 of his " Zellen »Studien, lieft 3," he says : — "Wann die reduzierte Cliromosomenzalil zuerst auftritt und wie die Reduktion zustande kommt, dafür besitzen wir noch sehr wenige Anhaltspunkte. Retrachten wir zunächst die Eibildung, so können wir niu- den einen S;itz als sicher und allgemein gültig auf- stellen, dass die Heduktioii spälcstcns Im Keimbläschen erfolgen muss. Denn bei der IJilduug der ersten Richtiuigsspindel kommen die Chro- STUDIES OP REPRODUCTIVE ELEMENTS: I. 25 mosomen liereits in der reduziei'teii Zah] zum \ orsdiein. Fnlls also Weismanu seine theoretische postulierte Keduktion der Z-dd der Ahnen- ])lîismen mit dieser thatsächlichen Iveduktion der Zahl der Chromos(j- men identifizieren will — ^Yas rdcht nothwendig ist — so niuss er die Annahme, dass dieselbe durch die l>ilduno- de.-! zweiten Hichtungsk()r- j)ers vermittelt werde, aufgeben." But as the observations of Bovcri on this point in Ascaris were proved not to hold true by the above cited investigation of Hertwig, T will not treat of it again here, but will oidy refer the reader to his I )ea utiful monograph. The latest series of ()l)servations come from Hacchcr'''^ arid Ileuh- m^,'"'^"' botli of whom also admit the introduction of a re, they liecome se])arated into two groups each of four double elements, one of which serves f(n' the formation of tlie first polar body. The remaining four double elements now arrange themselves to form the second polar spindle (stages C and D). Haeckcr, however, quite rightly d(^es not regard his observations as to the stages in which the " Reduktionstheilung " takes place as conclusive. After discussing the possil:)ility of Booeri's discoveries in eggs of Timm., Echinus, Garinaria, Pterotracliea, and Fhyllirrhoi being in accordance with his own view, i.e., that the " Reduktionstheilung " takes place 26 C. ISHIKAWA. duriiio- the formation of the polar Ixnlies, he conchides : — • "Die Reduktion findet also wälirend der AuHstossung der Rich- tungskörper statt und es fragt sich niuinieln-, welches Stadinm im Speciellen die Reduktion darstellt. "Die nächstliegende Dentnng der \'erhältnisse wird wohl fol- gende sein : die Längsspaltung der Chromosomen im Stadium A ist geAvissermassen eine anachronistische, d. h. die normalerweise in der Aequatorial platte der zweiten Richtungsspindel stattfindende Längs- spaltung der Chromosomen, in gewöhnlichen Fällen also die secun- däre, wurde in die Aequatorialplatte der ersten Spindel zurückverlegt, ein Vors-ano-, der nach lîoveri's Befunden nichts Auffälliges hietet. Sieht man also ah von dieser (secundären) Längsspaltung, so übernimmt die erste Spindel aus dem Keimbläschen die ursprungliclie, nicht reducierte ÄcJitzahl der Elemente, um von diesen durch einen besonderen ^"ertheilungsprocess vier in den ersten Richtiuigskörper, vier in den Eikern abzuscheiden, ohne dass die primäre Verdoppelung der Schleifenzahl, wie sie sonst der ersten Spindel zukommt, auftritt. Nach dieser Deutung fände also die Reduktion bei der Ausstossung des ersten Richtungskörpers statt. " Man kann ahev den Thatsachen noch eine andere Deutung geben : die Spaltung der acht Chromosomen in Doppelfäden würde der primären Längsspaltung der Elemente entsprechen. Auch diese Deutuns' schliesst einen abweichenden 'Jlieilungsvorgang schon in der ersten Spindel in sich : anstatt dass jeder l\3l V(^n jedem Doppelfaden je ein Tochterelement an sich zieht, findet nach jeder Seite die Ab- scheidungf von vier Paaren von Tochterelementen statt. Die vier im Ei zurückgebliebenen Paare liefern dann die acht einfichen Ele- mente, welche in der zweiten Spindel zu je vieren nach den Polen derselben attrahiert werden. Diese Deutung würde die eigentliche Re- duktion also erst in die zweiten Spindel verlegen,'^ STUDIES OF REPRODUCTIVE ELEMENTS: I. 27 Thus while HcerJccr allo^vs the proljul)iIity of the occurrence of a " HeduktioiistheiJuijg " in the formation of either the first or the second poJar hody, Henkiiig is quite decidedly of the opinion that this division takes place in the forniatiou of the first polar hody. In his latest work on Pynlwcoris ajttcrns, L. he gives a detailed description of the formation of spermatic elements and polar bodies, in which he "1) Den Ursamenzellen entsprechen die Ureier. ]>eide Zell- formen enthalten die für die Körperzellen charakteristische Zahl von 24 Chromosomen. " 2) Den unreifen Eiern cnisprechen die Sanienmuttei'zellen (Spermatocyten I. Ordn.). Ikide wachsen erheblich heran, in beiden kommt es zur Ausljildung' eines \erhältriissmässig grossen bläschen- förmigen Kernes, in beiden werden Dotterkiigelchen erzeugt. " 3) Die Absclmürung des ersten Richtungskörperchens entspricht der ersten Theilung der Spermatocyten. In beiden Füllen kommt es zu einer (Weismann'sche) Keduktionstheilung, indem sich die Chro- mosomen ,, zwei reichig " aufstellen und zu je 12 Elementen in die neuen Zellen übergehen. Die typische Zahl 24 wird also hier durch einfache Trennung der chromatischen Elemente auf 12 reduciert. " 4) Die Ausbildung des zweiten Eichtungskörpers entspricht der zweiten Theilung der Spermatocyten. Die 12 chromatischen Elemente werden unter lîeibehaltung der Zahl durch Aequationstheilung direkt halbirt, ohne dass sich das Stadium eines ruhenden Kernes dazwischen einstellte. Die sofortige Theilung der Spermatocyten II. Ordn. wurde möglich, weil die vorhergehende erste Theilung nicht als normal anzusehen ist und weil die letztere wahrscheinlich bewirkte, dass sich gleich die auch für eine zweite Theilung nöthige (also doppelte) Zaid chromatischer Fäden an die Chromosomen anheftete." HcnlciiKi tries also to make his observati<3ns coincide with those 28 C. ISHIKAWA. of Heriwig upon Ascaris by giving different interpretations to the results obtained by the latter investigator. AMiatever may be the interpretation in the case of Ascaris, my own case, given above, can not to my mind be made to coincide with his observation on Pyrrhocoris, I will not, however, assert the " Keduktionstheilung " in the formation of the second polar body and in the last cell division in the spermatogenesis to be the universal rule until a sufiicient number of observations be obtained in other groups of animals and perhaps of plants too. Theoretical considerations concerning the phenomena of fertilization lead us in all probalDility to the " Keduktionstheilung " as occurring in the second polar body and in the last division of spermatic cells. I will now consider very shortly the phenomena of fertilization. As stated above, tlie maternal and paternal nuclei do not unite into a single segmentation nucleus, as Hertiüig^^~^ for the tirst time gives out, but remain separate from each otlier till after the complete forma- tion of the segmentation spindle. Something of the kind had been already observed l^y \arious ^vritery, Ijut this fact was brought out in its full light only by the last work of Ed. ran Bencden and Jul in *^-' on Ascaris. In the eggs of a, c(jpepod Crustacea (Cetocliilus) Grohben-^' observed for tlie -first time, that the two nuclei do not become united with one another and form a single segmentation luicleus, but " stossen die Ijeiden Kerne, Eikern und Spermakern, aneinander und sind nur noch durch eine zarte Wand voneinander geschieden. Auf dieses Stadium folgt sogleich die Bildung der ersten Kernspindel." But above all, the recent valuable investigations of B over i^^^ on this head in various groups of animals, as well as his enumeration of facts obtained by previous workers, make us accept this as the rule, and the perfect union of both the nuclei as exceptional cases only. To these we may add the observations of Henliincf^^^ on the eggs of Fieris, as well as that of Hmcher''''^on Cijclops. My own observation on the STUDIES OF REPRODUCTIVE ELEMENTS: I. 29 conjugation of Noctihica^^*^ can also be looked upon as a further con- tribution in this hne. Science College, End of May, 1891. List of References. * Auerbach, L. — Orgauologische Studien. Breslau, 1874. 1. van Beneden, E. et A. N'eyt. — Nouvelles recherches sur la fécon- dation et la division mitosique chez l'Ascaride mégalocéphale. Bullet, de l'Académie royale de Belg., 3 "^^ Sér., t. XI V. 1887. 2. van Beneden, E. et Julin. — La Spermatogenese chez l'Ascaride mégalocéphale. Bulletins de l'Académie royale de Belg., S"^' Sér., t. XIY. 1887. 3. Jjoveri, Th. — Zellenstudien. Heft 1. Die Bildung der Rich- tungskörper bei Ascaris megalocephala und Ascaris lumbri- coides. 1887. 4. Ijoveri, Th. — Zellenstudien. Hett 2. Die Befruchtung und Theilung des Eies von Ascaris megalocephala. 1888. 5. Bijveri, 'ili. — Zellenstudien. Heft 3. Lieber das \'erhalten der chromatischen Kernsubstanz bei der Bilduno- der Hichtuno-s- körper und bei der Befruchtung. 1890. 6. Bütschli, U. — Entwicklungsgeschichtliche Beiträge. Zeitschrift f. wiss. Zoologie, Bd. 29. 1877. 7. Fleiuming, W. — Xeue Beiträge zur Ivenntniss der Zelle. Arch. 1'. mikrosk. Anat. Iki. XXIX. 8. Grobben, C. — Die Entwicklungsgeschichte von Cetochilus sep- tentrionalis Goodsir. Arbt. aus dem zool. Inst, der Lniv. Wien, Tom. III. 9. Haecker, V. — Uel^er die Reifungsvorgänge bei Cyclops. Zool. Anzeiger, Xo. 346. 1890. 30 C. ISHIKAWA. 10. Heiiking, H. — Untersuciiungen über die er.sten Entwicklungs- vorgänge in den Eiern der Insekten. I. Das Ei von Pieris V)rassica3 L., nebst Bemerkungen über Samen und Samenbildungen. Zeit. f. wiss. Zoologie, Ikl. 49. 11. Henking, H. — Untersuchungen über die ersten Entwicklungs- vorgänge in den Eiern der Insekten. II. lieber Spermatogenese und deren Beziehung zur Ei- eiitwicklung bei l-'yrrhocoris apterus \j. Zeit. f. wiss. Zoologie, Bd. 51.. Heft 4. 1891. 12. Hertwig, 0. — Beiträge zur Kenntniss der B)ildinig, Befruchtung, und Theilung des thierischen Eies. Morph. Jalirb. 1875, 1877, 1878. 13. Hertwig, 0. — A'ergleich der Ei- und Samenbildung bei JSTema- toden. Archiv für mikroskopische Anat., Bd. 36. 1890. 14. Ishikawa, C. — Vorläufige Mittheilungen über die Conjugations- erscheinungen bei deri Noctiluceen. Zool. Anzeiger, No. 353, 1891. 15. Ishikawa, C. — On a development of a fresh water macrurous crustacean. Quart. Journ. of Micr. Sei., vol., XXV. 16. Mayer, Paul. — Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Decapoden. Jenaische Zeitschrift., Bd. XI. 17. Xussbaum, M.— Bildung und Anzahl der Bichtungskörperchen bei Cirripedien. Zool. Anzeiger, 1889. 18. Blatner, G. — Beiträo-e zur Kenntniss der Zelle und ihrer Theil- uno'serscheinuno'en. Arch. f. mikrosk. Anat., Bd. 33. 19. Blatner, G. — lieber die Bildung der Richtungskörperchen. Biolog. Centralblatt, Bd. 8. 1888/89. 20. Weismann, Aug. — lieber die Zahl der Richtungskörper und über ihrer Bedeutung für die Vererbung Jena. 1887. Explanation of the Plate. DiaptoiuK!^ sp. Î- Fig. 1. — Lougitiidinal section of a testis : the lower end repre- sents the formative /one and tlie np]^er end is tlie place where the vas deferens takes its origin. Y TIT x Seibert = 120. Fig. 2. — The formative zone of the testis represented by fig. 1. more highly magnified. A karyokinetic; figure at the right is drawn here from the corresponding part of another animal. yVII x Sei- bert = 850. Figs. 3~o. — Uepresent successive stages after the last division of the cells in the formative zone. Y VIT x Seibert = 850. Fi(js. 6-8. — Cells from the formative zoiie. In figs. 6 & 7 the eight chromosomes are still long and are difficult to count. In fig. 8 the chromosomes are much shortened in the cell on the right hand side. 7 VII X Seibert = 850. Fi(is. 9, 10, cC- 11. — Show the first division of the sperm-mother cell. Fig. 9 is drawn from a specimen killed with picro-acetic acid, and coloured with hematoxylin. Three of the eight dumb-bell shaped chromosomes are seen on this side and five others on the other side. Figs. 10 and 11 are specimens killed with methyl -green-acetic acid. In both figures the eight chromosomes lie on the periphery of a circle and in both (^f them five elements lie on one side and the three others on the other. All drawn by Seibert Y^^H ^md magnified 850 times. Figs. 12-16. — Sliow the second division of sperm-mother cells immediately following the last division without an intermediate resting 32 C. ISHIKAWA. stage. Figs. 12 & 14 sliow a stage just after the first division : eight single chromosomes are still in a single plane. Fig. 13 is the polar view of the same. Fig. 16 represents a stage a little more advanced than those of figs. 12 & 13. in whicli eight chromosomes lie in two circles of fonr each . Fig. 15 is more advanced nnd the cell itself has now begun to divide. Figs. 12-15 are drawn from specimens killed with picro-acetic acid, and fig. 16 with acetic acid methyl-green. All drawn by yVlI Seibert = 850. Figs. 17-22. — ^l^ast changes in the formation of spermatozoa. Fig. 17 is just after the sec(^nd division of the s])erm-mother cell. The nucleus is now fouiid to stain homogeneously. In fig. 18 a cell on the left shows a vacuole in the micleus ; in the other two cells, as well as in that of tig. 19, traces of chromosomes are more or less distinctly to be seen. Fig. 20 shows two cells in which a big vacuole ap- pears. In fig. 21 chromatic elements have become more distinct than in figs. 18 (two cells on the right) and 19 : \\\Q nuclear membrane has become more or less indistinct. Fig. 22 represents four spermatozoa found in the vas deferens. All drawn l\y yVII x Seibert = 850. Figs. 23 du 21. — Represent the posterior ends of two ovaries. In fig. 24 the extreme end is iiot represented, lîoth drawn by Seibert VY-33. Fig. 26. — Two eggs just befrre the formation of the first polar body. Iri both of them are seen eight dumb-l)ell shaped chromosomes scattei-ed rather irregularly in the germinal vesicle. In the germinal vesicle of the eo-o- on the left, a nucleolus and a number of small circular bodies — -the micro- nucleoli — are seen, while in that of the ^%^^ on the riglit the inicleolus is no more t(^ be seen. This figure is compiled from three successive sections, y A" x Seil)ert = 330. /•V^.s. 26-29. — First polar spindles. Figs. M, 28, and 29 repre- sent tlie side view and fig, 27 the polar view. The nuclear membrane STUDIES OF REPRODUCTIVE ELEMENTS: T. .^.S has already disappeared nnd tlie ci'o-lit clnvnnosomes lie in a. ring. Figs. 26-28 were treated with lii)t-alcohol-.sul)liiiiate and the achro- matic fibres are not to be seen. In tig. 29 tlie achromntic fibres are well represented. All draivn witli Seiberî^ Y^'TT"^^*^*^- Fifi. SO. — .\ small snperficiïil portion of aii egg, just after the fni'ination of the tirst polîir Ijody, and the second poLu* spindle is seen from a pole. Eight short cliromatic elements are seen in a plane at the e<[uat<)i- of the spindle which is not represented in the figure. Seibert VVII-850. Figs. 31, 32. d'-SS. — llepresent tlirce sections in which the second polar spindle ;md a spermatic nucleus wre present in the egg, and in relatively different positions. In nil iiu^ spindles the fonr chromosomes are more or less distinctly to be seen, b'igs. 31 and 32 are drawn by Seibert VV = 330 times, nnd fig. 33 by Seibert VVII = 850 times. Figs. 34 é 35. — Division of the second polnr spindle is nearly com- plete, and the egg-nucleus has swollen up a little. The four chromo- somes are now more or Jess elongate 'd. I'.otli drawn with v^eibert VVII = 850. Fig. 36. — Piece of an egg in wliich the second polar body, the egg nucleus, and the spermatic luideus wve present. The four chromo- somes in the egg-nucleus are nuich elongated and jue joined togethei- by " Lininfaden." The spermatic nucleus is now much larger than the egg- nucleus. Seibert Y ¥11^^850. Fig. 37. — The copulating nuclei out of an egg, the larger of which represents tlie spermatic and the smaller the egg nucleus. At one pole of the egg-nucleus is seen a small central body with an " archoplasma " around it. Seibert 7 VI [ = 850. Figs. 38-55. — Represent various stages of copulation and the first segmentation spindle of an egg. In tig. 38 is seen the second polar body at the left hand upper corner. Tlie two nuclei are approaching 4% C. ISHIKAWA. one another. Xerir tlie smaller one — the e_2"2'-iiuc]ens — is seen two centrosome.-^ not widely separated from each other. In fig*. 39 the nuclei are much larger and the central bodies now lie between them. In fig. 40 the section did not pass exactly in the plane of both nuclei, which therefore are seen as overlapping one another. These three figures are draAvn from s])ecimens killed witli picro-acetic acid solution. Figs. 41-45 are drawn froin sj^ecimens killed with Flem- ming's solution. In fig. 41, the first polar body is l)y charice seen lying outside the egg-membrane. Figs. 46-55 are drawn from speci- mens killed with hot-sublimate-alcohol. In figs. 46 and 47 the two nuclei have still a distinct membrane. In both of them we see eight chromosomes. The sizes of the nuclei are still a little different from one another. In fio-. 48 the nuclear membranes have become somewhat indistinct, and the nuclei themselves are more or less drawn by the attraction spheres. The relative positions of the latter and the nuclei are very interesting in regard to the manner in whicli the nuclei are drawn by the attraction spheres. In fig. 49 the two nuclei are drawn equally by the attracti(3n spheres, and the chromatic elemerits lie at the equator of the I'pindle. Fig. 50 represents a transverse section of such a spindle. In tig. 51 the nuclear membranes have disappeared com- pletely, but the chromatic elements of both the nuclei are still lying- separated from r,ne :inother. Fig. 52 represents a transverse section of such a spindle more highly magnified. In fig. 53 and 54 the two groups of chromosomes are no longer distinct from one another. Lastly in fig. 55 the chromosomes have just begun to separate from the equatorial plane into two new groups, each consisting of eight elements. All these figures are drawn with Seil^ert yV = 330, with the exception of Figs. 52 and 55 whi(;h are drawn with Seibert 7 VII = 850. Further Studies on the Formation of the Germinal Layers in Chelonia. (Contributions to the Embryology of Reptilia III). By K. Wlilsukuri, Ph. D., Riéakuhakushi. Professor of Zoology, Science College, Imperial University, Tokyo, Japan. With Plates II.— IV. Some yenrs ago conjointly with Mr. Ishikawa, I published a paper on the Formation of the Germinal Layers in Chelonia (No. 1). Our observations were then made solely on Trionyx japonicus, Schlegel. Recently I have had an opportunity of studying the earlier stao-es in the development of CI em my s jnponicn. Grnij. The results of my observations in tlie latter species confirm onr vicavs on all essential points. Jn addition. I have been nble to elucidnte more fully the earlier phases in the formation of the mesobJast not only in Clemmvs l^ut also in Trionyx. These, in my opinion, lead to conclusions of considerable importance and deserve the attention of those who are engaged in the study of the vertebrate development. The materials for the investigation were as before obtained from tortoises which breed freely in captivity. As each deposit of e^^r^ was marked as it was' laid, I had an unusual opportunity of obtaining a complete series of embryos. In some cases, T took egg^ out of one deposit at several different times, in order to determine more ac- 36 K. MITSUKURI. curately the succession of the changes that take place. On the present occasion, I shall not touch on the formation of the mesoblast or mesenchynia at the periphery of the blastoderm an account of which, I reserve for a future paper. Clemmys japonica, Gray. The earliest stage in my possession was obtained from the eggs opened directly after they were deposited. The blastodermic region, owing to its lighter specific gravity, is always found at the upper pole, in whatever position an egg may happen to have been deposited. Surface views of the blastoderm are represented in Figs. 1 and la (PL II). It corresponds to that shown in Figs, la and lb of the paper on Tri onyx (No. 1) but is somewhat younger. The blastoderm shows a comparatively large pellucid area, in which the embryonic shield is placed excentrically, nearer its posterior edge, and is joined to this edge by irregular opat^ue patches. The most conspicuous feature in the dorsal view of the embryonic shield (Fig. 1) is the dorsal opening of the blastoporic passage. It is placed in the median line near the posterior end of the shield, and is a crescent- shaped, transverse slit, the concavity being to the front. The embryonic shield shows indistinctly two concentric zones which are most marked in front and at the sides. The innermost area is the most opaque part of the blastoderm. Xear the front edge of this area, there is however a somewhat less opaque area which corresponds, it will be seen, on referring to the ventral view (Fig. la), to the ventral opening of the blastoporic passage. In the same view (Fig. la), the innermost ;ind most opaque area is seen to be the thick part through which the l)lastoporic passage leads from the dorsal to the ventral opening. The minute structure of this early stage will become clear from FURTHER STUDIES ON THE GERMINAL LAYERS ETC. 37 "a study of Fig«. 5 and 5a (PI. Ill, a longitudinal section) and Figs. 6-10 (a series of transverse sections). Fig. 5 is a longitudinal section of this stage, near the median line. The blastoporic passage is very conspicuous, beginning at the dorsal surface and leading obliquely forwards to the ventral surface. There is a marked difference of structure between the part of the blastoderm in front of the passage and that lying b e h i n d it. In front of the passage, there are only two layers : the epiblast and the primitive hypo- blast. The epiblast is already a well defined sheet, extending beyond the area included in the figure — though how much beyond I have not ascertained. In the transparent area in front, it is a thin layer con- sisting of pavement cells ; as we trace it posteriorly however, the cells become taller, changing gradually from the pavement to the columnar shape. In the region directly in front of the dorsal opening of the blas- toporic passage, the nuclei are in several strata, although the epiblast seems to consist in reality of only a single layer oftall cells. As regards the lower layer or primitive hypoblast, it is, in the anterior transparent area, a loose layer of cells containing many fine yolk-granules (Com- pare Trionyx l\o. 1, Fig. 15). In front it passes into the bed of yolk in which nuclei are seen. Traced backwards, it becomes at first only two or three cells deep, and then suddenly quite thick as we reach the outer of the two concentric zones seen in the surface view of the em- bryonic shield. The cells here are arranged in a loose network, with large meshes. Further backwards, the lower layer is formed of columnar cells and assumes an appearance like the superjacent epiblast. It is thicker, however, and seems to l)e formed of severid layers of cells. At the anterior dorsnl lip of the l^lastoporic passage, the epiblast becomes continuous with the primitive hypoblast. ^ In that part of Fig. 5 (or Fig. 5a) showing the region behind the blastoporic passage, there is a different state of things. Beginning ':38 K. MITSUKURI. ß.t the hindmost part, the epiblast is already formed as far hack as is given in the figure. As we trace it forward, it is distinct up to the blastoporic passage, but here it becomes merged in a large thick mass of cells whicli stretches jilong the floor of that passage. The lower layer, which is continuous behind with the yolk-bed and which is distinguished by containing a larger quantity of yolk granules, is also joined to the large mass on the floor of the blastoporic passage by irregular reticulate strands of cells. Thus, behind the blastoporic passage the layers are fused together, and there can be no doubt that the thick mass of cells is the beginning of what Eabl calls the per- istomal mesoblast.* Eventually it will stretch backward for the space of 180° like an open fan, between the epiblast and the definitive hypo- blast. Figs. 6-10 are a series of cross-sections from another embryo in the same stage, arranged from behind forward. They confirm what we have learned from the longitudinal section and give us some additional information. In Fig. 6, taken from directly behind the blastoporic passage, the epiblast is marked by a groove at about the median line, and is at this point proliferating downwards cells which form a small mass con- tinuous with the lower layer by loose strands of the cells. This pro- liferation is seen more or less distinctly in several c(jnsecutive sections until it joins in front the large mass on the floor of the blastoporic passage. This median liiic of proliferation I take to be the commencing primitive streak. This becomes broader îind more conspicuous in later stages. The same thing was seen in Trionyx (Joe. cit., Figs. 6 and 8). In Fig. 7, the epiblast is no longer distinguishable in the median region, Avhich is occupied by the solid thick mass of cells already * C. Ra,bl :-^Theorie des Mesoderms. Morph. Jahrbuch, 1889. FURTHER STUDIES ON THE GERMINAL LAYERS ETC. 39 . noticed in the longitudinal section. There becomes established later on at this place the yolk plug, as reference to Fig. 22 will show, and as has been proved sufficiently, I think, in the case of Trionyx (loc. cit.). In Fig. 8, the section passes through the blastoporic passage which is, however, still open above on the left. The floor of the passage is proliferating cells below. In Fig. 9, tlirough the front part of the ventral opening of the blas- toporic passage, the cells of the lower layer are arranged in the median line in a regular columnar epithelium. This is what is usually known as the chorda-hypoblast, although, as I shall show in the sequel, it gives rise to something besides the chorda dorsalis. Laterally the chorda- hypoblast becomes continuous with loose irregular reticulate masses of lower-layer cells containing a large quantity of yolk granules. Still more laterally the lowei' layer is reduced to a very thin sheet corres- ponding to the transparent region of the surface view. Outside of this it becomes continuous with the bed of yolk -matter. As we trace the series of sections forward, the part of the lower layer showing a regular columnar arrangement becomes smaller aud smaller, the loose netw(jrk-like part encroaching gradually on it. Columnar cells remain longest on the lowest stratum of the median part (Compare Trionyx, loc. cit., Figs 13 and 14). In Fig. 10, the whole lower layer hi the regicjn of the embryonic shield consists of a loose network of cells. This embryo thus consists almost entirely of only two layers, the epiblast and the primiti^ e hypoblast. The only part which we can distinguish as the commencing mesoblast is a median mass of cells found behind, and on the floor of, the blastoporic passage, continuous above and below^ with the two primary layers. In front of the blas- toporic passage, the chorda-hypoblast is being gradually arran<'ed in 40 '■ ■■ ■ K. MITSÜKURI. ' the median line in the form of a regular columnar epithelium from cells forming the loose network of the primitive hypoblast. The process proceeds from behind forward. This embryo thus closely agrees with the first stage of Trionyx, which we described in our former paper. Formation of the Mesoblast. How does the embryo described above change into one in which the three germinal layers are completely and definitely established? As stated in the account of the formation of the mesoblast given in our paper on Trionyx, the process is briefly this : as the forward continuations of the peristomal mesoblast whose commencement we saw in the above stage, a pair of mesoblastic bands become gradually established, one on each side of the median chorda-hypoblast, between it and the gut-hypoblast (= Darm-Enioblast). This is the gastral mesoblast of Rabl. From my study of CI em my s , I am now in a position to give more exact details in regard to the first stages in the formation of this gastral mesoblast, and as will now appear I have to qualify somewhat my views of these earliest stages. This is necessitated by the discovery I have made concerning the chorda-hypoblast. I find that in Chelonia at least, only the median part of what I have hitherto called the chorda-hypoblast gives rise to the chorda dorsalis, and that each side of it becomes eventually incorporated in the mesoblast. Thus, in Fig. 11, from an embryo somewhat older than that represented in Fig. 1, the median unshaded portion alone becomes the chorda dorsalis, while the shaded lateral parts form in the sequel part of the mesoblast. As this is a very important point, I shall try to prove it before FURTHER STUDIES ON THE GERMINAL LAYERS ETC. 41. proceeding further, from observations which in my opinion make the above conclusion inevitable. I wish to call attention first to Fig. 23 (PJ. I\\), from the head region of a somewhat old embryo given in Figs. 4 and 4a. Here the gut-hypoblast (or Darm-E)itohlast), instead of juiuing the chorda- hypoblast, turns upwards and becomes continuous with the meso- blastic mass. The chorda-hypoblast in immediate continuation of the chorda also turns upwards and becomes merged in the meso- blastic mass. Between the chorda-, and gut-, hypoblast, a diver- ticulum of the archenteron enters into the mesoblastic mass on each side of the chorda. Now it seems to me that this section can have but one interpretation, and represents, as clearly as we can reasonably expect in a meroblastic egg, the process of the mesoblast development so well known in Amphioxus. Here, however, from the outer and upper walls of the diverticulum (I am speaking more especially of the left side of the section), a mass of cells stretches outward. That this mass has budded out from the walls of the diverticulum is evident from the karyokinetic figures which we see in it. This section ought therefore, strictly speaking, to be compared to such a section of Am- phioxus as is given in Fig. 40 (PI. TV.), in which the mesoblast has stretched more ventrally. To make the C(3mparison yet closer, the gut would have to be still in open comnuuiication with the coelom in the section of Amphioxus. Now, when the chorda, the meso- blast and the gut-hypoblast finally separate from one another in Clem my s , at what point does this se})aration take place ? In order to answer this question conclusively, I have introduced Figs. 33-36 from the head region of another embryo of about the same stage. Fig. 33 is essentially like Fig. 23. The right side of this secti(jn is more forward than the left side and is significant, for the gut-diver- ticulum is quite simple, and there has not yet been as much pro- 42 K. MrrstTKURT. liferation of raesoblast cells from its walls as on tlie left side or in Fig. 23. But the point that I want to be particularly noticed in the section is on the left side which, as I said before, is essentially like the corresponding' side of Fig. 23. Two sections behind this (Fig. 34), the hypoblast has pushed towards the median line and obliterated the gut diverticulum, of which, however, its outer and inner walls are as yet distinguishable. Fig. 35 is two sections still further behind, where the parts are pressed closely together. Two or three sections yet further back, the cliorda, the gut-hypoblast, and the mesoblast have entirely separated from one .another (Fig. 36). This series shows conclusively that the part of the primitive hypoblast immediately adjoining the chorda becomes a part of the mesoblast. Kow turn to Fig. 12 (PI. Ill), taken from the head region of the embryo shown in Figs. 8 and da, somewhat younger than that of Fig. 4, from which Fig. 23 is taken. In this section, l)etween the chorda- anlage and the gut-hypoblast, there is a stretch of columnar epithelium slightly arched upwards. From the point where this epithelium joins the gut-hypoblast, there stretches outwards a mass of mesoblast cells between the epiblast and hypol)last. Now there can be no reasonable doubt that this section presents substantially the same structure as the left side of Fig. 23. If the epiblast did not press down so closely, and if the epithelium (lightly shaded in the figure) between the points marked with f and * arched upwards with a greater curvature, the section would be exactly like the left side of Fig. 23. We therefore come to the conclusion, that the epithelium (lightly shaded in Fig. 12), stretching between the chorda- anläge and the gut-hypoblast, and con- tinuous with both, ought to be considered as the walls of the gut- diverticulum, and "a slight l)ay l)etween f and * as representing the gut-diverticulum itself. Fi-om the outer walls of this diverticulum, FURTHEK STUDIES OX THE GERMIXAL LAYERS ETC. 43 the mass of mesoblast cells (darkly shaded in the figure) are stretching outwards. This section again reminds us of the section of Amphioxus shown in Fig. 40. I wish to call attention next to the embryo represented in Fig. 2. This is interesting, because the gastral mesoblast in extending itself forwards from the peristomal mesol^last has not yet reached the anterior end r)f the embryonic shield, where there is as yet no head-fold, and we are thus able to see in what manner this forward extension takes place. Figs. 13-22 are sections of this embryo. If we look at Fig. 16 from the anterior part, we at once recognize its similarity to Fig. 12. There is the epithelium stretching between the chorda- anläge and the gut- hypoblast, and representing the walls of the- gut diverticulum. From the outer end of this epithelium there stretches outwards the meso- blastic mass (darkly shaded). We see here as well as in Fig. 12 a very clear indication, (1) that the mesoblastic mass is divided into two layers : the somatopleuric and the splanchnopleuric, and (2) that the former is continuous with the above mentioned epithelium and the latter with the gut-hypoblast. The latter fact necessitates the con- clusion that the gut diverticulum in extending itself into the pro- liferated mesoblast mass does so from its outer end. When the chorda, the mesoblast, and the gut-liypoblast become independent of one another, at what point does the separation take place? In tracing the series backwards, wepas;s suddenly I'rom sections hke Fig. 16 to others like Fig. 17. This point corresponds in the ventral view (Fig. 2) probably with the place where the two converging- depressions come together and form the single median groove. The change is brought about by the gut-hypoblast extending itself close to the chorda- anläge, thus shutting off the gut diverticulum from the enteric cavity. In other words, the point marked * in Fig. 16 has moved itself to the point marked f . In Fig. 17 the splanchnic 44 • K. MITSUKURI. mesoblast is «till C(3ntinuoiis with the gut-by poblust. This inward extension of the gut-hypoblast seeni8 to l)e the signal for the separa- tion of the three structures above meritioned, for very soon we come to sections like Fig. 18, in which the chovàn-aiilage, the mesoblast, and the gut-hypoblast have separated from one another. From this, it is evident that the epithelium lying between the chorda- anlage and the gut-hypoblast (the lightly shaded part in Fig. 16) and representing the walls of thegut-diverticu- lum, becomes a part of the mesoblast. — the same conclusion as was reached in the case of Fig. 23. If we now trace the series forwards from Fig. 16 we find the proliferated mesoblast mass (darkly shaded in the figures) growing smaller and smaller (Figs. 15 and 14). A few sections forward, we come to the appearances depicted in Fig. 13. In this, we find laterally the gut-hypoblast consisting more or less clearly of a single layer of columnar cells. As we advance towards the median line, this epithe- lium suddenly stops at some distance from the chovdu^-anlage, and between it and the latter structure ^ve find a stretch of epithelium with more than one layer of cells. This part I have shaded lightly in the figure. The increase of cell-strata in this part is possibly due to the fact that cells here are dividing rapidly to give rise to the meso- blast mass. The darkly shaded part (the proliferated mesoblast cells) in this figure ought therefore perliaps to have been extended further inwards. P\n'ther forwards, the chorda-((///r/^t', the mesoblast, and the gut- liypoblast are all as yet unditferentiatcd, and the loAver layer consists of a single layer of columnar cells throughout. It is evident from the foregoing description, that the lightly shaded part of Fig. 13 is equivalent to the similarly shaded part of Figs. 16 and 12, which in its turn is comparable to the walls of the FURTHER STUDIES UN THE (TERMINAL LAYERS ETC. 45 gut-diverticiilum in Fig. 2o, and th:it this part becomes eventually in- corporated in the mesoblast. This obliges us to come to the conclu- sion that the median part of Figs. 9 and 11, wliich shows a regular epithelial arrangement — the part wliicii T liavc; hitherto called the chor(hi-]iypol)]ast — does not give rise to tiu; chorda alone but has potentially the elements 'of the mesoblast in it. I have tried to show what I mean by shading in Fig. 11. The media. n unshaded part is the part tliat gives rise to the chorda ; the lightly shaded stretch, im- mediately adjacent to it on eacli side, which corresponds to the similarly shaded part of Figs. 13-17, gives rise to the gastral meso- blast and becomes finally incorporated in the mesoblast. The section represented in Fig. 11 is therefore strictly comparalile to the well- known section of Amphioxus reproduced in Fig. o9. According to this view, the apparently insignificant features : the bulging down- wards of the chorda-a/î/a^^3, and the slight bay on each side of this median projection receive their explanation. I think, I have now sufficiently demonstrated the proposition I started with, viz: In Chelonia, at least, only the median part of what lias hitherto been called the chorda-hypo- blast gives rise to the chorda dorsalis while the lateral p a r t s of it b e c (3 tu e eve n t u a 1 1 y i n c o r p o r a t e d i n t li e meso- blast. r will now rapidly go over different stages and give a brief but connected history of the above occurrences, as well as of those points not yet touched upon. I have already described in full the stage represented in Figs. 1 and la. It will be remembered that this embryo consists almost en- tirely of two layers, except in the region behind the blastoporic passage, where the peristomal mesoblast is beginning to form. This mesoblast 46 K. MTTSUKURI. soon increases in bulk and spreads out behind in all directions like an open fan. From the two edges of this fan, the formation of the gastral mesoblast proceeds gradually forward (see Fig. 2 and its sections Figs. 13-22). It has sufficiently been sliown nbove th;it a certain stretcli of epithelium found on each side of the chordn-anlage in enrly embryos (like that given in Figs. 1 and la) l3ecomes eventually a portion of the mesoblast. Only there is as yet nothing to distinguish it as such. While the remaining part (i. e. the gut-hypoblast) of the lower layer becomes gradually reduced to a single stratum of columnar cells, this stretch (^f epithelium distinguishes itself by proliferating cells whicli spread |)artlv upwards, but mostly outwards Ijetween the epiblast and the gut-hvpoblast (the embryo given in Fig. 2 and its sections Figs. 13-22). At this stage, therefore, the internal end of the gut-hypo- blast on each side is at a considerable distance from the chovdii-anlage, (Figs. 12 and 16). The gut-hypo])last, hoAvever, soon extends itself towards the chorda- anläge, shutting otf the epithelial stretch in question from the enteric cavity (Fig. 17). This inward extension of the gut- hypoblast is ])i'obably the cause of the grooves converging posteriorly into the single median chorda groove seen in the surface views. Figs. 2 and Sa. Tliis movement seems also to be the signal for the se])aration of the three structures : the Ghordii- anläge, the mesoblast, and the de- finitive or gut-hypoblast (Fig. 18). The separation is, however, com- plete only in the middle of the embryo, for, as we go backward and approach the blastoporic passage, the three structures are again united (Fig. 19 and 20). This is necessarily the case, I think, because the posterior part of the embryo is growing in length. In Fig. 22, we see that the yolk-plug has become very distinct. This has been brought about by the change of shape in the dorsal opening of the blastoporic passage. Whereas it is at first concave forwards as in Fig. 1, it becomes later horse-shoe shaped (see Figs. 3 and 4), with FURTHER STUDIES OX THE GERMINAL LAYERS ETC. 47 the concavity turned backwards. Of an older embryo (Figs. 4 and 4a) with the head-fold and the commencing amnion, a section from the head (Fig. 23) has already been sufficiently described. As we pass l^nckward, we see that the cavity of the giit-diverticuhim is obliterated (Fig, 24). A little further behind, three structures ; the chovda-anlage, the niesoblast, and the gut or definitive hypoblast become separated after the manner shown in Figs. 83-86. We then obtain a section such as Fig. 25. In the middle region of the body, the formation of the cliorda dorsnli.s is completed (Figs. 26 and 2 7) exactly in tlie way described in our T r i o n y x paper (No. 1 ). Further backwards, the definitive hypoblsist of two sides whicli is united across in Fig. 27, separates again from each other (Fig. 28) and still more posteriorly, the three structures nbo^e mentioned become united once înore (Figs. 29 and 30). Figs. 31 and 32 are so ex;)ctly like Figs. 21 and 22, or similar figures in Trionyx, that they need no special description here. Trionyx Japonicus. Schiegei After making (jut the earlier phases in the formation of the gastral mesoblast in Clemmys, I thought it necessary to reexamine Trio- n y X. I succeeded in finding two embryos in which the gastral mesoblast had not yet reached the anterior end and was in process of formation. After cutting them into sections, I fjund that they ])resent exactlv the same structures as the Clem my s embryo given in F'ig. 2. In order to prove this point, [ have selected and figured two sections (F'igs. 37 and 38) from one uf the embryos. In Fig, 87, tlie gut-hypoblast is at some distance from the median line, and there is a stretch of epithelium between it and the (.'hovd-d-aJilage, which is continuous externalJv with the proliferated mesoblast mass. Several sections behind, in F^ig. S8, the gut-hypoblast has shifted its inner end to the chovdn-anlagr, and 48 K. MITSUKURT. the aforesaid stretch (3f epithelium has been cut off from the enteric cavity and incorporated with the mesoblast. In ti note published in the Anatomischer Anzeiger, No. 7, 1891 I called attention to the section o-iven iri Fig. 23 of the present paper, and Fio's. 25 and 29 of our 'f rion yx paper, and pointed out that while both represented essentially the same structure, mesoblast cells in Trio- n y X were budded off as separate stellate cells, while those in C 1 c i ii m y s appenred as a more or less solid mass. I liave now to qu.alify that statement. On referring to the original sections from which Figs. 25 and 29 of Trionyx were drawn, i find that they are very faithful re- presentations. But in sections which I have obtained lately, I find that the cells appear aggregated in a. loose mass, and are by no means so separate as in Figs. 25 and 29. This difference, 1 think, is due to difference in the fluid in wiiich they were killed. The earlier embryos were treated with corrosive sublimate, wliile the later ones were all ])reserved in picro-sulphuric acid. I am now inclined to tliinkt that, Trionyx and Clemmy s are after all, not so unlike in this respect. So far as I am aware, the facts described al)ove in regard to the earlier phases in the formaticin of the gjistral mesoblast are now brought out for the first time. It appears to me tliat they have considerable significance, for they make the process of the mesoblast formation in higher vertebrates agree with the same process in Am- phioxus mneh more closely than we have hitherto been able to do. These facts h;i ve also, in my opinion, an important bearing in explaining the mesoblast formation in the chick. Fig. 100 in P>alfour's Comparative Emhniology, A'ol. 11. is substantially the same as Fig. 17 or 38 of the present paper. Balfour says : — " From wliat has just l)een said, it is clear that in the region* of the embryo the mesoblast originates as two * I. e. in front of the primitive streak. FURTHER STUDIES ON THE GERMINAL LAYERS ETC. 49 lateral plates split off from the hypoblast, and that the notochord originates as a median plate, siniultancously witli the mesoblast. with which it may sometimes be at first continuous." (loc. cil. }). 157. edition of l(S8.">j. Now suppose that the earlier phases of the meso- blast formation in Chelonia are ^ery rapidly gone through or al- together skipj)ed over, and the state represented in Figs. 17 and 38 is venchaà per saltum : we shall then necessarily obtain appearances which would make us conclude that the lateral plates of the mesoblast, or at least the part of it immediately adjacent to the chorda, becomes split off from thé hypoblast. My contention then is that the process of the mesoblast formation in the chick is an extremely abbreviated form of the ])rocess descril)ed above in Ciemniys or Trionyx . The question naturally arises whether cells are added on to the mesoblast from the gut-liypoblast, outside of the .tretch of epithelium represent- ing the walls of the gut-diverticulum. I wish to leave this question open at present : there are ap})earances which lead me to think so, but the}' are by no means conclusive. Theoretically, there should be no cells added outside of the gut-diverticuJum. Science College, June, 1891. Contributions to the Embryology of Reptilia. (No. 1. ) I. Uu the Formation of the Germinal Layera in Chelonia. Quart. Jour. Micr. !Sc., Vol. 27. Also reprinted in Jour. 8c. College, Tokyo, Vol. I, pt. 3, (No. 2.) II. On the Foetal Membranes of Chelonia. Jour. tSc. College, Tokyo. Vol. IV., pt. 1, 50 k. MITSUKURl. Explanation of Figures. Plate II. Piq I — Dorsal view of a Clemiuys embryo tüken out 1 hour after its deposition. Zeiss aa x 2. (xxxv) Fig. la. — Ventral view of tlie same, aa x 2. Fig. 2. — Ventral view of a Clemmys embryo 3 days old. aax2. (xxxvid. i^'/V/. 3. — Dorsal view of a Clemmys embryo 3 days old. aax2. (xxxvii). Fi(j. Sa. — Veulral view of the same. The head-fold marks definitely the anterior end of the embryo, aa x 2. B'i(j. 4. — Dorsal view of a Clemmys embryo 3 days old. aax 2. (xxxxvm). Fir/. 4a. — Ventral view of a Clenjmys embryo 3 days old, from the same deposit as Fig. 4. Note the two depressions, one on each side, immediately behind the head-fold and partly covered by it. These depressions are the diverticula of the enteric cavity seen in Fig. 23. aa x 2. Plate III. Fic). 5. — Longitudinal section of the Clemmys embryo represented in Figs 1 and 1« near the median ventral line. BB x "2. Fig. 5a. — Part of Fig. 5 more highly magnified. DD x 2. Fig. 6-10. — Selected transverse sections from a Clemmys embryo from the same deposit aud of the same sta^e as Fig. 1. BB x 4. (xxxva). Fig. 6. — From directly behind the dorsal opening of tlie blastoporic passage. Fig. 7. — Still nearer the dorsal opening of the blastoporic passage. F'^ig. 8. — Through the blastoporic passage. Fig. .9. — Anterior to the ventral opening of the blastoporic passage. Fig. 10. — Through the anterior part of the embryonic shield. F^ig. 11. — Transverse section somewhat in front of the ventral opening of the blastoporic passage. From a Clemmys embryo a little more advanced than Fig. 1. This is introduced to show the destiny of different parts of the lower layer (or primitive hypoblast) : the median unshaded part becomes eventually the notochord, the lightly shaded part on each side immediately outside the FURTHER STUDIE8 OX THE GERMIXAL LAYERS ETC. 51 chovdii-aitlatfe gets incorporated in tlie mesoblast, and the parts external to these sliaded portions become tlie gut or definitive hypoblast. This should l)e compared with the section of Amphioxus reproduced in Fig. 39. BBx4. Fig. 12. Transverse section I'lom the anterior part of tlio Clemniys embryo ■ represented in Figs. 3 and 4rt. DD x 2, Ficjs. lS-22. Selected transverse flections from the Cloramys embryo given in Fig. 2. DDx2. Fi(js. IS-IH. — From the anterior part, show the manner in which the gastral mesoblast extends itself forwards. The gut-hypoblast is at a consider- able distance from the chorda-««/«^/,'. The lightly shaded part is the part of the originnl primitive hypoblast that becomes incor[)orated in the mesoblast. The darkly shaded part represents the mesoblast mass which has been budded out from the lightly shaded part. Fig. 17. — The gut-hypoblast has extended itself inwards to the chovA-A-anlage. Fig. 18.— A little behind Fig. 17. The chorda, the mesoblast and the gut- hypoblast have separated from one another. Fig. 19. — Further behind. The three structures have again united. Fig. 20. — Directly in front of the ventral opening of the blastoporic passage. Fig. 21. — Through the blastoporic passage. Fig. 22. — Through the yolk-plug. Plate IV. Figs. 23-o2. — Selected tra.nsverse sections from the Clemmys embryo given in Figs. 4 and 4«. DD x 2. Fig. 2S. — Through the head region and the gut-diverticula. See the ventral surface view, Fig. 4«. Fig. 24. — Tliird section behind. Figs. 25-28. — From the middle region of the body, showing the formation of the notochord. Figs. 29 é SO. — In front of the ventral opening of the blastoporic passage The c\\oxài\- anläge, the mesoblast, and the gut-hypoblast have again united with one another. Fig. 31. — Through the blastoporic passage. 52 K. MITSUKURI. Fhj. 32. — Directly beliiiul the dosai openiug of the blastoporic passage. Figs. 83-36. — Selected transverse sections from the anterior part of a Clenimys embryo very similar to Fig. 4 aiid from the same deposit. Introduced to show the manner of separation of the three structures : the notochord, the mesoblast and the gut-hypoblast. Fig. 33, BB x 4, Figs. 84-3G, DD x 2, (XXXXVIU). Fig. 5-5.— Through the head-fold. Fig. 34. — Second section behind. Fig, 35. — Second section behind. Fig. 36. — Fifth section behind. Figs. 37-38. — Two transverse sections from a Trionyx embryo IY2 days old. DDx2. (127). Fig. 37. — Is more forward. The gut-hypoblast is at some distance from the c\\oxi\\x-anlage and the median line. Fig. 38. — The gut-hypoblast has extended itself inwards to the chorda-rt/j/rt^re. Figs. 39-40. — Sections of Amphioxus. From Hatschek, after Hertwig. On the Development of Limulus Longispina. By Kamakichi Kishinouye, Rigakushi, Science College, Imperial University. With Plates V— XT. After working out a general outline of the development of spiders,* I undertook the study of the development of tlie Limuhis of this country with the object of ascertaining, if possible, liow it is related to the Arachnida. In order to collect materials for this investio-ation, I was enabled, by Ü\e liberality of the University authorities, to visit Ajino in the province of Bizen, in the summer of 1889, and again in the same season of 1890. In that place, I liad exceptional opportunities of collecting and ol^serving the eggs oîLinmhi^, by the kind assistance of Mr. 1^). jSTozaki ;ind i\Ir. T. IsTozaki to whom my best thanks are due. Limulus longispina is generally known hy the name of Icahuto- gani. but there are many local names such as uniiAongame, mangoyei, hachigani, iinkgü. etc. In I'ronn's " Die Classen und Ordnungen des Thierreichs " we find it stated that the Chinese call their Limuhis as Umi-dugame ov UnJdie ; but this is ' evidently a mistake, these terms l3eing a corruption of the Japanese names, umid>ugamti and uitkgü. * Kisliiuonye — On the Development of Areineina. This Journal, vol. IV. Part I. 54 X. KTRHIXOUYE. Of the spawning of the American Limulus there is a minute description hy Lockwood in the American Naturalist vol. IV ; but as the spawnirig process of the Ja])ariese TAumJiis differs a little from thai of tlie American species, I shall give a brief account of it. The kahiitogani deposits its eggs chiefly in August. On calm nif'hts durino' that month, males and females, the former on the abdominal shield of the latter, come in with the rising tide towards sandy sliores. Judging from appearances after deposition, the process of spawning is as follov.'s : Egg-laying takes place between the tide-marks, l)ut only as tliis space becomes covered with water. The female excavates a hole, about 15 c.m. deep, and deposits eggä in it, while the male fertilizes them. The female afterwards buries them and begins to excavate the next hole. This process is repeated niany times. As Limulus can not dig deeper than about 15 cm. when the dia- meter of the hole is less than the breadth (jf the céphalothorax, the eggs deposited in such holes are liable to be washed out of the sand, and carried away by waves, when the wind is rather strong. This is especially the case with older eggs the vicarious cliorion of which beinof inflated acts as a sort of float. As a general thing, fishermen do not pay much attention to the lahutogani on acc<3unt of its small economic value, and even an ex- perienced fisherman does not know tlie place where it spawns. Such being the case, Mr. T. Xozaki kindly detailed a fislierman to make special search for the lahuto(jaui\'< eggs along the shores of the Inland Sea. The fisherman succeeded in finding spawn of the animal on the shore at Obatake, a village not far from Ajino. I was taken by the fisherman and Mr. Xozaki to this spot. When we reached the place, the fisherman began to dig at random those parts of the shore, from which the tide had retired. ox THE DEVELOPMENT OF LIMULUS LOXGISPINA. 55 While I was looking about, my attention was caught by peculiar markings on the shore, such as are represented in tig. 1. On a close examination these markings proved to be the tracks of the spawning kahutogani. They consisted of a number of small roundish elevations (about 35 cm. in diameter) stretching in a line, which is always per- pendicular to the coast-line and never p;u-allel with it. The length of tlie line is l|-4 m. The elevations are highest at one extremity and become gradually lower towards the other. The higher end is the spot where the kahuto- gani began egg-laying. Xear the end of spawning, the legs of the female animal are no doubt tired, so that she cannot cover en'ji's with as much sand as at the beginning of the operation. Tlie lower end of tlie spawn is often lost in scratches from legs, which sIkjw that tlie direction of movement has been from the higher to the lower end. The higher end may be either near to or away from the shore. From this fact we may conclude that the hahatogani in depositing eggs proceeds either towards . b8 K. KISHIXOUYË. Uli AugLi.st 7tli (10 clciy.s after .spawniiig), I found a t. 4 Ä 7) had thus been di\ ided into tlie first appendage-bearing segment and tlie cephalic lobe. The cephahc lobe which was earlier clearlv divided into two lateral halves had now begun gradually to unite (fig. 8), and in fig. 9 is seen completely united, no dark line being found in tlie median part of it. The sixth appendage-bearing segment had become cut off. Tbe median line had heeM mucli produced and almost reached the posterior end of tlie ventral plate. fhe posterior part of the line is grooved. On August 14th (17 days after spawning), the stomodaeum (^st.) was distinctly seen in the cephalic lobe, at the anterior end of the Ion o-i- tutlinal median h'ne (fig. 10). It is a very shallow, roundish de]»r('s- sion. liudiments of the distal end of the appendages had now become distinct as round protuberances witliin the marginal IvumI and were very conspicaious feafiu-es of the ventral pla(<^ In the marginal band and external to the fourth a])pendage; paired, round protuberances (/a/. li.) appear. They are a litrle larger than tlie rudiments of appendages. As the function as well ;is homology of these peculiar protuberances 2) Packard — The Development of Limulu!: pohjphemus. Mem. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. vol. II. 60 X. KTSPIIXOUYE. are uncertain I .shall call them tlie lafevid humps. The second lateral longitudinal grooves had now reached the posterior end of the fifth appendage- hearing segment. The seventli appendage-bearing segment had been newly cut off. At this time all tlie appendages are post-oral. The external changes that occur before the appearance of the rudiments of all tlie ambulatory appendages are very hard to observe, as the \'entral plate is small and pale at this time. I could not observe them in the summer of 1889, except the irregitlar fissures found in a very early stage. As the result of the gradual enlarging of the veritral plate, the ego^ gradnall}^ flattens on the ventral side, thus producing a space filled with a clear fluid between the ventral ])late and the vicarious chorion whicli is by this time already present. The vicarious chorion dilates greatly while tlie clKirion outside it cannot expand ecjually ; thus the chorion is necessarily ruptured. T^wo specimens of the Ijroken chorion are represented in fig. 11. The lines of rupture are seen to o'O round the chorion irreo'ularlv and do not form closed circles. On August 15tli (18 days after fertilization), the eightli appendage- bearing segment had appeared. The second lateral longitudinal groove had reached the posterior end of the sixth appendage-beaTing seo-ment, bevond which the o-voove never elono-ates. The seventh appendage had appeared on this dav. On August 16th (19 days after fertilization), the nintii append- age-bearing segment had appeared (fig. 12). The eighth appendage had been produced. The median longitudinal groove, whicli had appeared four days before in the posterior part of the ventral plate, had become very distinct in the List undifferentiated segment. The lateral humps were not as elevated as before. On August 17th (20 days after fertilization), the tenth appendage- ox THE DEYELOPMEXT OF LIMULUS LOXGISPIXA. 61 bearing segment had appeared (cf. fig. IS J. The ninth appendage had been produced. The second, third, fourth, and fifth appendages had become chelate. The rudiment of the flabeJlum was found as a small round prominence on the outside of the sixth appendage. A siüiüar ])rominence was also found in the segment of the fiftli appendage, Tlie nervous system w'as seen as indistinct, wliite, longitudinal hands near the median line. In the Ijrain, paired inva_oinati(Mis were f )und. The marginal band had moved much farther outward, so that the outei- h'tcral longitudinal groo\e had become very wide and shallow. The first appendage was found at the level of the stomodteum. On August 18th (21 days after fertilization), mesoblastic dissepi- ments were found, and the homodynamous organ to the flabellum was seen in the segments of the fourth, third, and sec]ete s(']'»finn liad been produced in the first common cœlomic ca\ity, se])arating the ceplialic portion from that of the first appendage-bearing segment (fig. 80). On Angnst 16th (19 days after fertilization), three pairs of in- vaginations were visible in the cephalic region. One pair ^vas in the external part of the cephalic lobe (figs. 12, 34, 59, ex. gr.). I shall call it the external cephalic gro(3ve. It is the gro(Dve for the ganglion of the lateral eye. Another ]3air was a small roundish depression, ex- ternal and posterior to the first pair (figs. 12, 35, 59, lat. e.), Jt is the invagination for the lateral eye. The third pair was also a small roundish depression in front of the cephalic lobe near the median line (figs. 12, 34, med. e.). It is the invagination for the median eye. The mesoblast whicli had been divided into lateral halves had now re- united in the cephalic region (fig. 59), and in the second (fig. 33), third, and fourth (fig. 39) appendage-bearing segments. The ninth pair of the cœlomic caA'ities had a})peared (fig. 32). On August 17th (20 days after fertilization), one more pair of the grooves had ap])eared in the internal, anterior portion of the cephalic lobe (figs. 36, 38, int. gr.). Tlic new gr<)<)^•e is long arid crescent- shaped. I sliall call it the inter] lal cephalic groove. It is the groove for the brain. The tenth pair of tlie cœlomic cavities liad appeared. The rudiment of the flabellum had appeared as a small, round protuber- ance formed ofhigli, columnar cells (fig. 47). A similar, and undoubt- edly homodynamous organ may be seen in the segment anterior to the segment of the flabellum, though much smaller (figs. 13 and 48). On August 18th (21 days after fertilization), the ventral iierve- cord had divided into ganglia (fig. 13). The paired invaginations for the median eye had united (figs. 13, 36, 37). A pair of ronnd pro- tuberances, homodynamous with the flabellum, was found in the seg- 66 K. KISHINOUTE. ments of the fourth, third, and second appendages (tig. 13). The mesoblast belonging to the fifth and sixth appendage-bearing segments had united in the median line. Formation of the Germinal Layers. No gastrula month is found in the formation of the o-ermiual layers, but the blastodermic thickening, shown in figs. 3 and 21, similar to i\\e primary thickening'' of the spider's 1:)]astoderm, may be considered as a modified gastrnla mouth, though in addition to the epiblast it gives rise only to the mesoblast, while the similar thickening of the spider gives rise to both the mesoblast and hypoblast besides the epiblast. lliongh T was nnable to stndy the segmentation of the egg of Limulus, I am inclined t(^ believe that after segmentation the egg is a solid sphere consisting of many splierical balls of similar size, each of which contains a nnclens and abundant yolk granules in it. In one spot of the egg's surface these balls are divided again and again and form the l.)]astodermic thickening. Therefore we find many cells in the interior of the egg. In the spider all tlie segmentation nuclei come to the surface of the eo-g, fifter segmentation is over, and form the one-cell layered blastoderm enclosing the yolk which is free from nuclei. At one spot of the blastoderm, cells are \evy rapidly multiplied and form the primary thickening. Some cells forming the lower part of tht; thickening wander in again into the yolk and form the hypoblast. These two types in the formatic^n of the germinal layers, exem- plified in Limulus and in tlie spider, are often found in closely related o-roups of Arthropods, and neither of them is of rare «occurrence. I think tliat the type of fjimulus is an abbreviation of that (jf the sjüder. In the f :)rmer tlie liypoblast cells, instead oi coming out of the 7) Kishinouye— Oh the Development of Araneina. This Journal, vol. lY. ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF LIMULUS LOXGISPIXA. 67 yolk and afterwards returning to it a.s in the spider, remain in it from the time of their formation. The epiblast iu Liniulus is derived in t\V(3 diiferent ways. The epiblast of the ventriim arises from the superficial layer of cells of the blastodermic thickening, separating from the lower cells, while the epiblast of the dorsum is difl^'erentiated from the immediately under- Iving hvpoblast cells by rapid nuiltiplication, thus forming a single layer of columnar cells (fig. 41). The mesoblast of Limiilus has three sources. One portion arises from the cells forming the lower part of the blastoderm thickening. This portion forms the mesoblast of the céphalothorax. The second portion arises from the primiti"S'e streak. After the separation and difi'erentiation of the cells of the blastodermic thickening into the epiblast and mesoblast, and after the metamerism of the ventral plate has already begun, a median longitudinal groove, the primitive streak, is found near the posterior end of the ^'entral plate. From the bottom of the groove many cells become loose and proliférai e vigorously between the epiblast and hypoblast. These cells form the mesoblast of the abdomen (probably the mesoblast of the last thoracic segment also). The primitive streak is fomul even in an embryo about three weeks old (fig. 32), Tt recedes gr;idually ]_)osteriorly giving rise to paired sheets of the mesoblast. It may be compared to the secondai'v thickening, the caudal thickening, of the spider's l)lastoderm, though the latter is produced before the difi'erentiation of the germinal layers, thus of course before the appearance of metamerism. The primiti^•e streak of Limulus is probably homologous with the structure of the same name in the Chordata. The section shown in fio-. 27 has a strik- ing resemblance to a section across the primitive streak of a chick. The third portion of the mesoblast arises from some yolk cells. In later stages some yolk-cells losing the yolk granules come out of the 68 K. KISHINOUYE. yolk und mix themselves with the mesoblast cells (figs. 40, 41, mes). This takes place chiefly in the dor.sum. These secondary mesoblast cells may be compared to the fat cells of the spider. I was unable to trace the fate of these cells, but tliink that some of them probably become blood corpuscles. In early stages, just after the separation of the epililast and meso- blast in the bJastoderm thickening, we find often some large cells in the deep part of the mesoblast (fig. 24), find these gigantic cells seem to play an active part in the multiplication of the mesoblast cells. Mesoblast and Segments. Tlie mesoblast after its formation extends very rapidly, chiefly by division, which takes place mostly near the ventral median line. The dorsal (distal) end of the mesoblastic somites is gradually pushed towards the dorsal surface. In these parts the karyokinetic figures are rareh' found, the cell multiplication taking place, as just stated, chiefly by the division of cells in the ventral plate. The mesoblast cells in the dorsal part of the second, third, and fourth appendage-bearing segments become loose and spherical (fig. 39, 40). I can not say whether the metamerism arises from the change in the epiblast or from that in the mesoblast. When the metaineric division takes place, the mesoblast of the ventral plate is divided into transverse segments between which the epiblast is grooved. The order of the separation of the segments is as follows ; — First a common segment for the cephalic lobe and the first appendage-bear- ing segment is cut off as the smaller anterior part of the ventral plate (fig. 4). Then from the larger posterior portion the second, third, fourth, fifth, &c. appendage-bearing segments are successively cut off. When the sixth appendage-bearing segment is formed, the first ox THE DEVELOPMENT OF LIMULUS LOXGISPIXA. 6Î) appendage-ljearing segment is ^epai-ated from the cephalic lobe. After two or three segments are cut off. the me-ohlast of tlie ventral plate is divided in the median line into îwo lateral hah es, bei>inninii' from the anterior end. in early .■stages the dafk Hues in the ventral [)late. where few ov \io me.-ohlast cells are found, show froni the exterimeiit of" the a.lidomen takes place wvy late. At about hie lime wlieii I he I \\ n nie. nbltir-tie plates of tlie seventh a pi ;eudage- 7Ö^ . k. Ki8UI>'0tJYE. bearing t^egmeiit unite in the dorsal metlian line, the abdominal part becomes ])ronnnent, as the yolk iö then forced into it and as the epil;)la8t and niesohlast iiicreasing by rapid cell-division produce a pro- jection (tigs. 15. 16). Tluis the abdomen comes to be distinguished from the cephalotliorax. The y(jlk always ]-)lays a passive part. The peculiîiiity of the abdomen is that the yolk is found in the later stages in the middle portion (rachis) only (figs. 54, 55), while the cephaloth(3rax is entirely filled up with the yolk. In the abdomen the epiblast with the enclosed mesoblast extends as two large wings (pi.) on either side. In these wings there is no yolk. The coelom is also not found in these wings. The appendages borne on the abdomen ditler greatly from those on the ccplialothorax, remaining to the last as fiat, band-like ju'omi- nences, compressed antero-posteriorly, and the two lateral members afterwards iiiiiting more or less at the ventral median line (fig. 55). A Mille before hatchini«- the abdomen consists of ten se^-ments, (tlic number e]tear in the stage oi' fig. 7. J I is not righi to <"onsider the roiiiid jiroi iiberances foiuid in figs. 8, 9, 1(1. as the first rudiments of jqipendages, and the bases of the ])rotuber- ances as the external extremities of tlie segments. A groove is produced between every two segments. It is deeper towards the lateral ends. Thus a [>air (,)f band-like prominences may l)e found in e\"ery segment. Such a prominence is the rudiment ol' an a])pendage. When the a!»iKMida<'>-e is tlius far formed, a i:'roove. the first lateral otoovc, appears at the lateral i'd'^c <»f tlie segment on eaeh side (figs. 8, 9. 10. <.»N' TUK i)i;\'i:L<:)i'.\ii;.\'r of i.i.miias i,().\»;isi'i.\ v. <1 1 hit, gr.). Shortly after thi.<, a second latenil e'roove is formed, parallel and itiJernal to tlie tirst l:it(vral irt'oove (figs. 8, 0, 3 lat. gr.). Thus in sonic segments arixc round pnjtiihei-ances l)ounded 1)v the lateral grooNes and transverse grooNos. These protu])erances are the rudiments of flic (Ji<;taJ portion of the ap[>endaù-es. The coihlast is wcw tucked in from the external side of the protu Iterances, thus se[)aratin"' the hand-like portion internal to the protuheranee.s from the o-cneral surface of the subjacent body (fio-. 33). The banddike portions thus cut off are the rudiments of tlie proximal [)ortions of the append- ages. Three distal joints (f )ur in the last ambula.tory leg) are de\('lop- ed from the [»rotuberanees. and tlu'cc [)roxinial joints t'nun the flat ba nd-li ke j x^rt i on s. Though the appendages (especially the anterior six p;urs) appear almost simultaneously, yet by a close examinati«^n I f )und that the fifth appendage a))pears first, and gradually firward; thefoiu'th, third, second, and first appendages are formed ; then gradually backwards the sixth, seventh, eighth, &e. appendages. The riKJiments of all the appendages are almost alike. The order of the difi^^^vntiatit^n of the distal [>ortion (round protuberances) of the appendages does not coin- cide with the order of tlie appe:u'ance of the ap[)end;iges themselves. The differentiation liegins at first in the fourth appendage, and ju'o- ceeds in others successively to the first appendage, then graduallv in the opposite direction in the fift'n and sixth appendages. From the seventh appendage (inclusive) posteriorly, the second lateral rn-oove is not formed. Thus all the abd«^minal appendages develop from tlie banddike ])rominence-; and finally assume a leaf-like forîn. The six anterior appendages become afterwards chelate. The first appendage does not develop as vigorously as tlie others, ft remains small and slender and is afterwards placed l)efbre rhe mourh and l)e- comes the chilaria or antenna, The f dlowing five a])pendages bec(/nie 72 K, XTSTITXOUYE. the ainlHil:itorv legs, the four anterioi- ones of whidi are, later ,six joiiited, while llie la«t one is seven jointed. The la;^t anihnlatory leg dilfers from the other ambulatory leo-.s îil.r'o ])v havniij- four rod-like a]>]'endice.s at the ij.i.se of the ^^ixtli joint. The presence of these a{)- pendices enable:? the last anibii- latorv leg to serve fjr digging. The seventh appendage gradua.lly desfenerate.s fn /in the external side (fig. 14), leaving a small ]>roviinal ])orlinn 'inlw ^vh!<•h he<'i)mes ihe nieta.stonunn ol' ilie adult. Tlic tippcndage:^ from tlie eighth b:!ck\vai'd.-^ Ix'l.uig to ilie al)domen. Tlie eiglrih pair of appendage.^ bee(yme- tlie ojK'rcul um (figs, 10, 12-14. 53-57, op.). The riu'ht rüül left mend)ers of it Limulus longispina. 15. (A'eutral side). 1, Cliilaria; 7, Metasforaa ; 8, Opevcnliira. unite secondarily wirh ea'di otlier to a great extent and f )rni a single jtlate (fig. = - 54, 55). The proxim:d j)ortion oi" the opercnhnn coiitaiiio the me.'ohlast cells, but Hie distal ])ortion does not. Hence the ])roxim:d poi'tion is verv mii''h tliicker than the distal ])oiiion (figs. 5.3, 54). 'I'lu' mesol)last is diffcrcntinted into muscles. Tiie Dtli-lotli a.ppendagcs 1)ear the gilldamcllae. Among them the ninth ])air is the earliest develojunl. fn endiryonic stages, the two lateral members of the j)air are united a.t the median line only for a slight length (tigs. 54, 55). Like the oparcidum the a])pendage is thi«'k at the proximal portion (^^j.;^. 49, 5.3, 57). Tlie epililast of the posterior side of the thick portion is. invaginated by many transverse furrows. The least ox THE L>i;\ Kl.uJ'.MEXT ol' l.l.MlUs L( »Xcilsl'lXA. 7^ iiiiniber of" the furrows whidi I observod \va^ three.- The number increased to five, tlièn ,^ix (in the stn^-e of figs, 17. 51, 57), new fin-rows l)einfi- added posterior to tlie older ones. Tlie einbryo, soon nftef liatehina-, lias only four pairs of rlic abdominal ap{)enda2'es, and the second pair alone bears the gill lamellae. The [>e« iiliar a[)pendix, the flab.'lliim, -at. the exterior base of the sixtVi ap|>endaL;-<î de\elops i'rom a small I'oiind protuberance (fig. 13). The liomodynaiiKjus protuberances are also found in the segments of t-he 2nd-5th ajipendages ; but they do not develop anv fiu-ther and disa])pOMr. Nervous System. The lalcral liahc-; of the nervous system develop indepen- dently of each other. Ividi lialf of the brain with its corresponding ventral nerve-cord is ])roduced as a continuous long cord of epiblastic thickening, just inside tlie base of tlie appendages (i\f^^. 12-1-1). It is easy, howevei-, to distinguish the brain from the ventral nerve-cord. When They aiv first formed, the former is vei-y much broader than the latter, occnpying ahiiost rlie whole of tlie segment of the cephalic lobe, Avhile the Neutral iierNc-ctn-d oc(ai{>ies onl\' about one tliird of the bre:idtli of eadi a])pen(lage-beai'ing segmeiit (fig. 12). In the stage of fig. 12 we see most distinctly that the nervous .system consists of peculiar cell-group-; like the ommatidia of tlie eve (figs. 34, 3G, 38. 16). These ]>eciili:!i- cell-grou])s of the nerxoiis system were first noticed by Patten. They (lisapjK'iir Avhen the \enlral nerve-cord is divided into ganglia and begins to ])g separated frojn the epiblast. A paired small invaglnatimi appears in the lateral part of thé 74 K. kishi.n'ouyï:. brain (fig. 34 ex. gr.). The invagination is in the margin of the brain where none of the peculiar cell-groups above referred to is f«nind. After the appearance of this invagination there is found another jiaired e]Ml.)lastic invagination, along the antei'ior internal corner of the l)rain (figs. 13, 30, 38. ////. ///•.). This new invagination is also on the maro-in of the brain, where the peculiar cell-grou])s are not found. I believe that the external invagination is homologous with the invagi- nation of the lateral vesicle of the spider and the internal one to tlie semicircular groove. These cephalic invaginations of Limulus, how- ever, are very shallow and disappear before the separation of the nervous svstem from the epiblast takes place. They are already not found in tlie eml)rvo in the stage of fig. 14. Ihit tlie two cell-masses which were thus invaginated are found separate in the deep part (figs. 37, 51). The part of the brain formed l)y the external groove liecomes the oj^tic ganglii^n of the lateral eyes as in the case (^f the spider. The optic ganglion of tlie niedian eyes is produced from the cpildastic thickening forming the united mouth of the invagination for tlie median eves (fig. 69, g. uird. r. see infra). Tiie thickening is always between, and touches on each side, the two eephalic ganglia (figs. 14, 37, 69). At first the anteriin- and lateral borders of the lirain were directly on the anterior and lateral borders of the ventral ])late ; but as the oTowth of the brain la o-s l)ehind that of the ^-entral plate, it becomes gradually se])arated from the margin of the ventral plate. The brain whicli was almost circular in its outline, as its height was almost equal to its breadth (figs. 12, 34), becomes afterwards semicircular (fig. 13), later still, sic-kle-shaped (fig. 14), and shortly before hatching almost str;iight (fig. '59). 'I'his is caused pfobal)ly by the ])eculiar de\'elopment (if segments. All the segments seem to develop most vigorously ai the line inidway between tlie ventral aiid ox THE DEVELOPMENT OF LIMULU« LONGISPIXA. '^7^ dorsal median lines, i.e., all rlie seg'nients have their irreatest antero- posterior extension on this line, and bex'onie shorter and converge, like tlie frame -pieces of a folding fan, toAvards hoth t'lie ventral and dorsal median lines. Therefore the external ends of the brain are pushed anteriorly ])v the growtli (jf the succeedirjg segments. About two weeks before the hatching of the embryo the brain proper liecomes divided into two transverse ])ortions by a constriction (fig. 69). 'J'hiis the brain of Jjimulus jnay be divided into four i)arts — the <'*anoliou of the median eyes, the ganglion of the lateral eyes, and the antérieur and posterior portions of the brain proper. 'J'hese four i)arts are arranged in three transverse rows. 'Jlie anterior row is occupied bv tlie two pairs of tlie <.)ptic ganglia, the middle row by the anterior ]K)rtion of the brain pi'oper, and the posteriairs of tlie o])tic ganglia are for a long time not separated from the epiblast (fig. 56). The ventral nci've-cord consists at first of one continuous I»»noi- tudinal thickening of the epiblast (tigs. 1:^, 30, o.")). The thickening is at this time distinguished by the pe«;uHar cell-groups aln^adv ]neh- tioned. At altout the stage of fig. 13, the thickening is divided into ganglia, as the cells conij)osing it accumulate into a mass in CAery segment. A ])air of sudi ganglia may be found in eacli of the segments (jf the first and se\enth appendages as in the other segments. I he ganglia of the first and tlie second a [>j)rndage-bearing segments form the cireum(i'so])hageal ring (figs. 51 aiid 69). Lying between tlic two laicral mcjubei-s of the L:-ani;-|ia tliere are 7'6 K. KISHINOUYE. found .some cpihlast cells (Hg. 68, iii.c.). 'I'lies^e C'[)ib]nst cells seem to take no part in tlie tnnnalion of tlie liiteral eomniissure. Tlicy form probably tlie menibrane covering tlie ner^()lls system. Cells of the nervons system, facing the centre of the egg and ly- ino- near the mediajt line of each nervous tlrlckenino', become chaneed into fibres. The fibi-es of the ganglia as well as those of the Ijrain and of the o})tic ganglia of the lateral eyes commnnicate with one another and foi-m the longitudinal commissure (fig. 51). The fibres develop internally and form the lateral commissui-es (figs. 14, 45. 52). There is only one lateral commissure in the bruin : — at the posterior portion of tlie 1)rain proper (fig. 69). The lateral commissure does not de^ elop in the segments of the first and second appendages (fig. 51). The fibrous portion of tlie central cord develops externally and innervates the appendages (figs. 1-1, 62, 69). Eyes. The lateral eyes make theii* appearance as small epiblastic thickenino's with shalhjw invaginations, just at the margin of the ventral plate, and at al)out the level of the posteri(jr end of the external cephalic groove (fig^. 1^, 35, 59, 60). At this stage they are not distinctly seen in the preser^ed eggs nor in tlie surface- view }>rej)an!- tions. Thev are distinctly seen in sectioiis only. Ihis is due to their verv small size and also to their being placed near the cephalic thicken- ing of the nervous svstem and neai' the anterior end of the thick mai'uinai band, liut in one or t\vo days alter their formation when thev arc a little remreparations. As they are thus removed, ilie o]»ening of their invaginations is directed ])osieri<>fl\ and dorsalh. Ilie lliickeiiiiig i> nioi-e (haii one-cell tlii(;k. ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF LIMULUS LONGISPIXA. 77 It i.s interesting that the lateral compound eye of Liniuliis is at first an epiblastic thickening with an invagination like a simple eye, and not a group of thickenings or invaginations, and tliat it ap]iear.s at the outer margin of the Lrain, as in the cnse of otlier Arthropods. The lateral eyes of Lininlus are not thoracic eyes, hut cephalic eyes. After their ibrmation they shift their position gradually dorsally and posteriorly and at last they are behind the lateral hump, at tlie level of the fourth a[)])endnge (fig. 17). Cells forming the bottom of the invagination of the lateral eye become large and are faintly stained ])y a colouring solution (fig. 62). The invno-ination is faintly divided towards the posterior end into two brariches or depressions, ventral and dorsal. The large faintly stained cells are found in the ventral branch only. The dorsal branch is very short and is soon aborted. The invagination of the lateral eye is not deep, and its bottom prolonged anteriorly as a short solid tube (tig. 63). After the disappearance of the dorsal branch of the invagination, cells forming the thickening, dorsal to the invagination, are pigmented îind grouped into rudimentary ommatidia (figs. 64-66), smaller and more pigmented cells surrounding larger and less pigmented cells. Each of these groups of larger cells is spindle-shaped. Thus at this time there is not to be found a separate invagination for each ommati- dium. The first differentiation in the lateral eyes is the grouping of their constituent cells into rudimentai-y ommatidia. I do not consider the invao-ination for an ommatidium as of much value, as it seems to me to be produced sec<3ndarily by the thickening of the cuticula into the lens. The changes which take place in the lateral eyes after the for- mation of the rudimentary ommatidia are not minutely known to me. The optic nerve of the lateral eyes is formed from the lengthening of cells forming the solid proLjngation of the invagination (fig. 6(!), t8 X. KISHINOUYE. and in tlie embryonic stnges does not communicate with the brain. From the ndiilt anatomy and from the aua](3gy of the spider, I consider the p(3rtion of the l)rain formed by the external groove as tiie optic ganghon of the lateral eyes. The lateral compound eye of Lwiulus is homologous uith the o-roup of the lateral simple eyes of the Arachnida. For the lateral simple eyes of the Arachnida arise as a group from a common epiblastic thickening — as I have recently shown in the Döbutsugaku Zasshi (the Zoological ]\lagazine, Japanese) and as is set forth in the article immediately following in this Journal. The lateral eyes of the scorpion are most nearly related io the lateral compound eye ol' Liiiiidus, as they are monostichous and are placed close to one another. The median eves a})pear as paired invaginations in paired epiblastic thickenings near the median line and in front <)f the cephalic thicken- inc- (fig. 12). Thev are formed just outside the brain (tigs. 34, 38), so that they are not neural in <)rigin. The paired invaginations after- wards aj)pro;i('h each other (tig. 13). and hnally form a median unpnired invagination (tigs. 14, 36, 37). This unpaired invagination becomes deep and slender and develops anteriorly and dorsally, its blind end touching the e[)i])last (figs. 50, 56). The lumen of the invagination is lost as it becomes exceedingly slender, and at this stage the median eves are represented Ijy a slender solid rod (tig. 51). Later the ex- tremity of the rod becomes enlarged and at the same time epiblastic cells lying on it Ijecomes columnar (figs. 56, 67). The enlarged extremity Ijecomes the retina and tlie columnar ei)ithelium forms the vitreous body. The mouth of the invagination is closed, when the tulje of the invagination becomes solid. The epiblast where there was originally the mouth of the invagination is thick and slightly depressed (figs. 6(S, 69). This thickened area of the epiblast probably gives rise ON T?IE DEVELOPMENT OF LTMULUS LONGISPTNA. 79 to the ganglin lialic lolie (figs. 10, 20, sfoiii.). 'Hw invagi- nation becomes gradually deej) and takes an anterior and u])\vai-d course (figs. .50, 68). When it almost reaches the dorsum it bends a little backwards. At first it develops with Wie surrounding mesoblast between the epiblast and the yolk-liypol)last (fig. 50); but later, the volk finds its wav into tlie region in front of the stomodaeum, so that in sections, we find masses of yolk before the stouK^daeum (fig. 52, C+l: and fif. 56). The stomoda-al wall consists of hi^-h columnar cells (figs. 45, 68). The stomodaeum gives rise to the œsophagus and proventriculus. As the upper lip grows posteriorly, the mouth- 80 K. KISHTXOUYE. opening whi^li was at first pre- appendicular gradually shifts its position backward and becomes surrounded by tlie cephalothoracic appendages. Tlie procf-cxlaeum is not well marked out. In the sagittal section represented in fig. 50, we see an invagination at the posterior end of the body. The invaginatioii is crescent-shaped, as represented by tlie horizontal section, fig. 53, and is continued to the grooves produced by the ventral reflexion of the pleurae (pi.). Therefore the invagina- tion can not he considered as the proctodneum. I could not find anv trace of the mesenteron at all, even in the embryo of the trilobite stage (fig. 17). According to l^rooks and Bruce, the proctodaeum and the mesenteron do not appear in the embryonic stages. Coelom. The early development of the cœlom may easily be understood by examining figs. 12-17. The cœlomic cavity is produced by the splitting u]) of the mesoblast into the somatopleur and the splancli- nopleur. The somatopleur is thicker than the splanclmopleur, the former being many cells thick, while the latter consists of a single layer of cells (figs. 29-32). AVhen the cœlomic cavity is ]rro- duced, the mesoblast is already divided into many transverse seg- ments, in every one of which the mesoblast is separated into lateral halves, so that the cœlomic cavities are always paired in a seo-ment. Thouo-h the lateral halves of the mesoblast afterwards fuse toofcther secondarily at the ventral median line, the cœlomic cavities of both sides remain always separate. The walls of the first cœlomic cavity fuse together along the whole line in whicli the two lateral members meet — from ihe ventrum up to the dorsum. Fron; ox THE DEVELOPMENT OP LTMULUi^ LOXGISPIXA. 81 the second cœlomic cavit)^ linrkwnrrls the walls of the two lateral memliers do not fuse togetlier at the dorsal, thoiio-li tliey do at the ventral median line. A pair of cœlomic cavities appear in every segment, except the segments of the second, third, and fom-tli appendages, in which the cœlomic cavity does not appear at all. At least eleven pairs of these cavities are pr^. 45, 50, 52). As the stomodaeum does not develop alwavs along the external epiblast and as its disttd end takes gcadiiallv an upward and tlien backward direction, and grows into the volk mass, the first coelomic cavity is necessarily embedded aiming the volk (fig. 52). Taking the upward and then the backward direction the first cœlomic cavity reaches at last tiie dorsum and tliere meets witli tlie wall of the second cœlomic cavity, which has grown forward to this point (fig. 17). Tlie second cœlomic cavity bel()ngs to the segment of the fifth 82 K. KTSHTNOUYE. appendage. It is well developed. From the segment of the fiftli appendage backwards, a pah' of cœlomic cavities develop in every segment. These cœlomic cavities develop at first in a dorsal and posterior direction. The second and third cœlomic cavities are di\id- ed into two ]iortions each — veutral and dorsal — as the cells forming the middle ]^art of their wall become loose and fill up the cavity (figs. 14, 58). Tlie ventral portion of the second cœlomic cavity remains as the coxal gland, while that of the third cœlomic cavity disappears soon after its separation (fig. 14). From the fourth l)ackwards cœlomic cavities gradually disappear from the ventrtd median portion (fig. 55). The dorsal portion of the cœlomic cavity remains long at the sides of the circulatory system (figs. 54-56); but it disappears l)ef(^re the embryo hatches. The dors:d y)ortion of the second cœlomic cavity elongates anteriorly and meets with tlie posterior end of the first cœlomic cavity (fig. 17). Coxal Gland. The bi'ick-rcd gland of Packard is mesoblastic in origin, and tlie liuuen of the gland is the remnant (^f a portion of the scond cœlomic cavity. Tlie gland develops from the ventral p(^rtiether and not .-separated by a longitudinal «lit (figs. 16, 52). In later stages, however, tlie walls of all the cœlomie cavities fuse tou'ether at two lines, d(3rsal and ventral. Thus a tulje is formed (figs. 54-5G). The tube, as in the case of spiders, has many lateral slits (ostia). as the Avail does riot fuse together at the intersomitic lateral places. In the tube some wandering mesoblast cells are enclosed. They are destined to become Ijlood corpuscles. Probably all the blood corpuscles are formed from these cells. As no cœlomie ca\ity is developed in the segments of the second, third, and foiu'th appendages, tlie mesoblast of these segments plavs no part in the formation of the wall of the d(jrsal circulatory vessel. The first cadomic ca\ ity, ^vhich Ijelongs both to the cephalic segment and t(j the segment of the first appendage, also does not take part in the formation of the dorsal circulatory vessel, because the walls of its two halves are fused together as stated above (fig. 17). When the dorsal vessel is not yet completely formed, the aortic arches {(10. a.) are produced at the sides of the œsophagus (figs. 17, 45). A tubular lumen appears in the mesoblastic wall of the first cœlomie cavity, where the somatopleur and splanchnopleur unite, between the cœLjmic cavity and the œsophagus. The lumen is paired. The lumina of the two sides unite into one and communicate with the lumen of the d!nl surface of the embr3^o, behind the lateral hump in the level of the f»MU-th tlK^racie appendaire. The invan-ination of the median eye-; Ijecome.-^ o-radiially deep, and while tlie iiKjuth oï the invagination dc.e^ not shift its ])lace, with respect to t1ie hrain, the in- vaginated tnhe grows anteriorly arid dorsal ly, keeping its blind end al- ways in contact with tlie epil)la.st. Its deNclopment soon surpasses that of the thiekevied margin of the ventral plate, and at last itsti]) is found a.t tlie dorsal surf ice <^f the emlrryo. Tn the trilobite-stage (fio-, 17) the e{)iblast is tliickened in a line above the eves (tig. 64). I pr<~)pose to interpret the above stated facts as follows : The epil)last, covering the body of LimnJm may be distinguished into the dorsum tmd ventrum, and the line in whicli thev meet is clearlv marked out as the external margin of the pleurae in tlie :djdomen, and as the ftcial suture (the outer inargiii of the fixed cheeks) in the cephalotliorax. The ventrum is the epiblast wliich develops from tlie ii])[)er layer of cells of tlie blastodermie thickening, ami the dorsum is the descendant of the epiblastic cells covering a.ll the surface of the ego- exeept the blastodi'rmic thickening. Thus the free-cheeks whicii are usually looked on as a {)art of the dorsum are in mv opinion, a ])art of tlie veiitrum. Tf we acce])t the view that the origiiial blast 3 i 5 6 / 8 9 Aus. 10 11 12 .1 T X X X 1 X X 13 X K K X '< K X < X 14 X X r K \ 15 • X - .< .< 16 K X X 17 X < _ _ „ ^ „ X ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF LIMULUS LOXUISPIXA. 91 Relation ofLimulus with Other Arthropods, with Some Remarks on the Arthropod Ancestry oflhe Chordata. 'i'he clo.^est rcJative uf Liiindus auioi-.g tlic Arthropüda is un- douljtedJy tlie Trilobite.s. The relations l^etweeo them have already been g'iven in the previous section. Tlunigh the appendages and the internal structure of the Tril(.)l)itey are but little known, their external features match I hose of no other animal 8o well as those i)f l/hiiulus. The five-lobed céphalothorax, the three-lobed abdomen, and the eyes under the facial suture, are the characteristic features of both Linuilus [unl the 'I'rilobites. Tliesc characterislics are not distinctly found in other animals, even if not entirely wanting, ^[oreover, Liiiinlns and the Trilo- bitetj resemble each other in their haljitat — swarming in the muddy bottom of a shallow sea. The chief ditterences between Limnhis and the Ti'ilobites are as follows: — In the Triloljites, some anterior abdominal segments ;»re separate, while in Liiiiulus all the abdominal segments except the last one are united into a single shield. In the Trilol)ites some posterior al)dominnl segments are united and form the pygidium, while in Liiindns the last ^-cgment is separate from all the other abdominal aegments and forms the sword-like telson. In the Tiilobites the two lateral lobes (jf the free cheeks are generally not uinted in the dorsal median line, and the median eyes are generally absent*, while in Liiiivhis the two lateral lobes of the free cheeks are united in front and a pair of tlie median eyes is present. Those differences ai'c not of mucli importance and do not speak against a close relationshi[) existing between the Trilobites and Liiindus. The next near allies of Liiitidas are the Merostomata Çlvury- * Present in Hurpc^. ■92 K. KISHIXOUYE. })terid((, Ptcnigolns, &t*.). Two pair^ <^f eye.s («hu', lateral and roni- ])ouii(l, the other, median and simple), the ambulatory appendages around the mouth, and the .sworddike tel^on, are the points of re- semblance between them, ihit tliere are msmy differences ; the chief ones among which are the want of the facial suture in the dorsal surface of the céphalothorax, and the fact that the a])pendage8 are divided into ni(jre than six segments in the ^lerostomata. The Merostomata re- semble closely tlie Scorpi(jnida, an order of the Arachnida. Hence we find a relation between Liiiiidns and the Arachnida. Fr()m early times the genetic relation between Limuhis and the Arachnida has been maintained, and at present we do not doubt the reality of such a relationship; but ^vhether Liiiudas ought to be classified anion^' the Arachnida or amono- the Crustacea, or be made into an independent class is still an o])en question. ]n order to show at a glance in what points Liinuhis resembles, and in Avhat j'oints it differs from, the Crustacea on the one hand and the Arachnida on the other, I liave introduced the table on the next [>age. I venture to think that there are some new j)oints which h;i\e not been noticed by previous writers but which !ire nevertheless quite signilicant. From the table it will be seen that Liiinilus differs in many points from both the Crustacea and the Aracluuda. With the sole exception of the facial suture, there is no important point in which Llimdas diiters from Ixjth the Crustacea and the Arachnida. In those points in wliich Liiinilus differs froni the Arachnida, it resendjles the Crustacea, and where it ditfers from the Crustacea it resembles the Arachnida. Tlierefore it appears to me not ad\ isable to place Ijliiiidiis in either class, or to make it an appendix to either. On the whole it seems safe, or rather necessary, to make an independent class for Liiituhis a] id the Trilobita. Hitherto the Merostomata have u'enerallv l»een consideied lo be ox THE DEVELOPMENT OF LTMULUS LOXGTSPIN'A. 93 more nearly vehieà to LimuJun than tlie Trilohita are; but T venture to doubt the correctness of this view : my conchisions as set forth above point in just the opposite direction. Lateral eyes ARACHXTDA many, simple ]Mediari eves The distal portion of the amhulatory api^endas^e from the carpopoclite consists of Yolk in the emlirvo remains long' and aljiindant in Oœlomie cnTÏtv two (paired) four secrmonts the posterior region of the body LTMULUS riîUsTACEA two, componnd two, compound two (paired) three se^-ments (in the last pair, four) the antei'ior rej^'ion of the body one pair m every seo-ment and enters into the appendao^o Malpig-liian tube Brain and optic "rançlia ai'iso from Xanplius sta^e Breathe Oric^nsof mesoderm of the ventrnm Blood vessel en- sheatlies the ner- vous system Entosternite present paired grooves in the paired epiblastio thickening's wantiuLC does not enter into tlie appendage and is not developed in some seo'ments. wanting: one (unpaired) three segments the anterior region of the body does not enter into the appendage and is not developed in some segments wanting paired grooves in t)ie paired epiblastic thickenings paii'ed epil.>lastic thickenins's wanting in water two (in spiders) two Facial suture present indistiîict present^ present most of them in water in most of them not wanting distinct at drirsal 'side the distinct at the mar- gin Tlie name Gi/jaiifo>^trara may conveniently be retained for the new and somewhat restricted class contai niuu' Limulii.'^ and the Trilobita. The ^lerostomata excluded from the group (Miglit, in my o[)inion, to be classified as an appendix to, (ir as an order of, the Arachnida. 94 K. KISHINOUYE. The ofenealoofica] tree which I would construct is as follows : Arachnida Merostomata Crustacea What order of 'i]\e Crustacea iy moA neai'ly related to tlie Gigant- ostraca I do not know, sis the developmental liistory of different orders of the class is not yet well known. I have already compared the eyes of Limuhis with those of the Aracluiida, and foiuid that they are probahly hi^moh^u'ous witli each other. ])iit I do not know whether the eyes of L'lmalm are homologous with those of the Crustacea or not. The homology between the pulm(3nary sac of the Ai\aclinida and the lamelligerous gills of Liinulns is most probable and is generally ac- knowledged. l^>at as to the manner in which the former has been deriv- ed from the latter, whether by invagination or by subsidence, o[)inions of investigators do not agree. If a pulmonary sac of the Araclmida is formed by the invagination of a lamelligerous appendage of a Lhnulu^- like ancestor, (1) tlie mouth of the invagination ought to look towards the head, (2) the gill lamellae ouglit to 1)8 formed on the posterior wall of the invagination, (o) new lamellae ought tobe added ventral to those already f ^rined, i.c.^ the most dorsal gill lamellae must be formed first. ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF LIMULUS LOXGISPIXA. 9-^ But none of these points so happen in the development of the pulmonary sac of the Arachnida. Hence I think the pidmonary e-ic of the Arachnida has been produced by the subsidence of the lamelligerous appendage of a Limulus-Wke ancestor. Tlie number nnd position of the eyes are exactly the same in Liiimhis and in tlie Choidata. The median eyes of Lhiiiihis are repre- sented by tlie pineal eve of the C'hordata, which is pioi):!l)Jy frrmed by the union of a pair of median eyes such as tliose in Tj'mnliis, The lateral eyes of Liniiilns isre repre>erjted by the paired e}es in the Chordata. The paired eyes of the Chordjit;i differ from the lateral eyes of X(?'»«t/z(s by having- their retinal portions inverted; but this is the effect of the closure of the medullary plate with the optic area into a tube. The retina of tlie [)aired eyes of the C'hordata is also composed of ommatidia — a cone surrounded by many rods. The lateral eyes of Liimdus receive their nerves from the pre-oral cephalic lobe. Then the ancestral mouth of the Chordata must be searched for^behind the optic chiasma, and witliin tlie ring of the ner vous system. We have an invagination in the nervous system, which cannot be explained otherwise than by considering it as the degenerated stomodai'um of the ancestor. It i-^ the infundibulum. The view that the infundil)ulum is the remnant of the ancestral mouth is maintained by Cunningham, l^itten, Gaskell, &c. The facts tliat the infundibulum is closely in contact with the anterior end of the mesenteron in the embryonic stage, and that it is behind tlie optic chiasma, fixvours this conclusion. The origin of the mesolilast, separation of the ner\'e-cord from the epiblast, formation of the lieart, the number and position of the eyes, the grooves in the Ijrain, &c., make Limuliis approach in(_)re cl(3sely to the Chordata than it was thought to do formerly, and accordingly make the Arthropoda more nearly related to the C'hordata than to tlie Vermes. Tokyo, June, 19, 1891. 96 K. KIöHIXOUYE. Explanation of Figures. List of Abbreviations. 1, 11, III, ao. a. apj>. br. a CO.V. (jl. d. d.g. en tost. C.V. ijr. Jlab. ßab'. [I- orhint stage in the develo] »nient of the Jateral eyes of sjnders,* so that my views on this ])()int were in part iiicorreet. Tliis ohlio-es me to write ont hriefly the ncnv ronchision J have arrived at. ,MI (lie lateral eves of sjnders. giaieraJiy three ]»airs, arise from a, common thickening of the epiblast on each side at the posterior ex- terna] corner of the lateral vesicle before it is completely cut off from tlie geiieral epiblast — at about the stage ol tlie reversi()n of the emljrvo. Tlie thickening is sligbrly iiiragiiuitdd and con- sists of cells arranged in many irregular rows (fig. A). After the process of the re- version of the embryo has greatly advanced, the invagination disap- diirsiil ^ Fig.B. ri'iitriil viitrnl Lougitiiiliual sections through the " optic area " of the lateral eyes. Fig. B shows the "anterior lateral eye'" and "posterior lateral eye'" only. Zeiss 2xJ). 1. This article was published in t)ie Zoologischer Anzeii,'er Xt). 370 of Nov. 2 1SÎ)]. * Oil fill- Di'i-flopiDt'iit Ol' Anuii'iii'i. This Journal. Vol. IV. 102 K. KI8HIX0UYE. pears, niid the epiblnstic tliickeuing above the lateral \esic]e, which latter is by this time separated from the general epibla.st becomes flat. A\ lieu the reversion of the emljryo is almost over, a- differentia- tion occurs among the nuclei of the epil3lastic thickening. At three places in the thickening, luiclei become a little larger, and stain slightly less than those which are found elsewhere, ajid wdiich are pressed together and are of a long ellipsoidal shape (fig. 1j). These three groups of larger nuclei form the retinal portion of tlie three lateral eyes. They are spindle-shaped or rather wedge- öhaped, narrower towards the exterior surface. Later tliey are separated from the surrouiiding nuclei at the narrower end l)y a ring-like furrow, peculiar to tlie lateral eyes, and the surrounding nuclei grow and ineet together o\er the retinal |)ortion, forming a layer of cells — the ^itreous body. The lateral eyes receive tlieir ncr\es from a portion of the brain, formed ])y the lateral vesicle. Thus the latter is the optic ganglion, formed from an invagination, independently of the semicircular cephalic groo^'e wdiich gives rise to the brain proper. The common epif)lastic thickening of the lateral eyes of spiders is most probably homologous with the e]>iblastic thickening of the lateral compound eyes oi' Liiiiuln.^, as its position is just the same :ind the invagination is similarly produced in both cases. Then, are the peculiar groups of larger nuclei of spiders homologous Avith the tmimatidia of Jy///i/f///.s / 1 am inclined to believe that such is the case and that fli<' lalrral riics of .spiders are se/Kirated, ('tilargril. au(J modified (jmiiKttidia of a coDipinuid eye of tlie iv ancestor. In PI. W, illustrating Parker's ])aper " 'Ilie Eyes in Scorpions," we distinctly see that all tlie lateral eyes of the scor])ion tilso arise from a Ci)ninion thickening o!' tlie epiljlast. Thus we see that the occurrence of this interesting plienomenon is not confined to spiders but is found in ox THE LATKlîAL EYES OF SPIDEIÎS. 108 ail allied ofdei-, Scorpioiiido:!. Pai'ker, however does not «eem to consider this interesting' fact as of much vahie, il'lie has not indeed o^■erl^Joked it. Lankcster and lîonrno* arriNcil at rlic same (-(ynchision as \ have done, from a study of the strii<:ture of the eyes of the adult Liinulus and of Scorpio: hut thev Avaiited the emhryologi(';d proof. Since tliey Mrotc miidi work has l)een done on tln' de\ clopment of spiders, scorpions and Lhiiiihn^ : but no one till now has coiiiii'incil their conclusion. The facts that the number and the relative position of the simple eyes of s})iders and scorpions are very varialüe and that the eyes are j)laced more closelv together in the emln-yonic tliau in latei* stages, sj)eak in fa\oui' of oin' eonclusion. The separation and modification of the ommatidia of a compound eye into simple eyes ai'e ])robably the ctfects of t lie change of the animal's liabit— from that of wandering about in pursuit of prey to that of Iving in Avait for it. The lateral eyes of spiders Avere called " Augen mit pr;il)a(allären Kern " by «J raber, and '' Xebenaugen " by 15ertkau ; but -as they are homologous ;is a whole with the lateral eyes of scorpions and with the lateral conpound eyes nï LiiiiuJus, 1 propose to call them laU'val eijes as \ have done in this paper. * Lankestor :i.u-ulum. The collect(3rs do not remember to ha\'e noticed any difference in the screeching cry between the Tsushima and Hie Hondo Browai-eared Bulbuls. 7. Zosterops japonica, T. & s. Mejiro. This species is reported to be common on the island. It frequents Cantellia japonica like Hijpsijjetes aiiiaurods. The tAvo specimens brought back present the following measurements : Mus. No. Sex. Wing. Tail. TarsiLs. Middlo toe with claw Exposed culmen 1740. 1750. ad. S ad. $ 59i mm. tjo „ 44 mm. IS mm. 18 „ li mm. 11 „ 13 mm. ]3oth have the bill perceptibly stouter and longer than average Hondo-specimens, in which the exposed culmen nieasiu-es 10 — 1 1 mm. The breast and Hanks are somewhat less rufous tlian in nianv Hondo- specimens, others of which however match exactly in this respect with the two Tsushima skins now befc-re me. AMietlicr the latter represent a local race, perhaps intermediate between typical Z. jiiponica and Z. stejnegeri, I am not prepared to say. 8. Cellia cantillans (T. c^ s.) Ko-uguisii. A single female specimen was brought home. The wing me;i- snres only 55 mm., on which account I refer it to thi.s wpecies. 110 I. iJlMA. The collectors have very often hcürd the notes of this or the larger species (C. cantans). I would here remark that the distinctness of these two forms is exceedingly doul^tful. V. Regulus crislatus orienlalis, Hoci>. =■ R. japonicus, P'p. Kiku-itaclaki. This is said to he not uncommon on the island. A single specimen, a female, was ohtained Fehr. 28th. 10. Parus minor, T. & s. Sliijiukara. This species was found common in pine-forests. A single female specimen was secured on Fehr. 19th. 11. Parus varius, T. & s. Yaniagara. Common in hushes. Seven specimens, all males, were ohtained on Fehr. 21st and March 2nd. i'2. Corvus macrorhynchus, Wagi. Haöliibutügarayu. The c()llectors hrought home two specimens of the Oriental Raven. In gloss of plumage and in having grey hases to feathers, they agree perfectly with the two races known to occur in Japan, viz., C. luacrorJnjndnis japo}iensis of Hondo and C. macrorltyiichus levail- lanti of Loo-choo. In size of hody they are decidedly smaller than the former, a.pproaching the latter. The measurements are as follows : NOTES ON A COLLECTION OF BIRDS FROM TSUSHIMA. Ill Mus. No. Locality Dato Sex Win»- Tail- foather Tarsus Middle toe with claw Bill in Height front of of upper the nostril mandible ISU 1S12 Tsushima Febr. 23rd. * Î 316 mm. 31S ,. 204 mm. 20 1 „ ôTîimi. 57 „ 53 mm. 54. „ H mm. 39 „ li) mm. IS „ For sake of comparisoii, I append l)elo\v iiieasiiremeiits ofthe two races just meinioned. V. maerorliyiU'hThs japonensis. Mus. No. Looality Date Sex. Wino- Tail- feather Tarsus Middle j Bill in IleioV,t toe with front of of upiier claw the nostril m;indilile 113 U05 Tokyo Suka- g-awa Nov. 28th 1883 Jan. l.st 1891 ad. S ad. — 349 unn. 340 ., 227 uim. 21(1 „ 03 mm. OO „ 55 mm. 53 „ 41 nun. 43 „ IS umi. 17è umi. C. macrorhviichiio levaillanti. Imp. Mus., T..kvo Loo-choo March 13th. ISSO ad. ^ 320 mm. 210 unn. mm. 50 mm. 37 mm. 1.) mm. In the above measurements, the height of the upper mandible was taken bv placing one end of a divider on the cutting edge and the other on the ciilmen across the centre of nostril. Of the two specimens from Tsuslvima, one (namely No. 1811) has the bill almost as slender as the specimen of C. inacrorhijiichus levaillanti from Loo-choo witli wlii'^li I ha\-e compared it. Witli regard to the other specimen (Xo. 1812), it is to be stated that the bill is as thick as in (7. inacrorliyiirltns japniunsis, although in other respects it ao-rees well with Xo. 1811. T notice however that the curvature of the culmen is slightly hut perceptibly less arched than in average specimens of tlie llondo-race. Whether tlie indicated characters are due simply to immaturity or are to be regarded as pointing to the 112 I. IJIMA. Loo-dioo race, my knowledge does not reach far enough to decide. As it is known that the two races intergrade, it is possible that I have intermediate forms before me. Tlie collectors very often noticed the thick-hilled raven 1)otli in towns and on fields, associated with the following species. 13. Corvus corone, L. Hasliibosogarasu . This should be qnite common on Tsushima. A single immature specimen (No. 1813) was brought home. 14. Garrulus japonicus, Bp. Kakesn, Kasliiflori. The collectors have met with this species on two occasions, Febr. 21st and March 6th. Three specimens were obtained, 15. Lanius bucephalus, T. .t s. Mozn. A male specimen seen only once and obtained. 10. Motacilla lugens, lutti. Haku-sekirei. This was found not so common as in Tokyo. Two specimens, an adult and an immature male, were brought back. 17. Motacilla leucopsis, GW. Höjiro-sekirei. This species, which occurs also in Corea (Taczanowski, Proc. ZooL Soc, 1888, p. 461), is an addition to the (n-nis of tlie Japanese NOTES OX A COLLECTIOX OF BIRDS FKOM TSUSHIMA. llo Empire. Altlioiigli I have no continental specimen to compare witli, I do not lie.îitate in tlie Jea^t to consider the specimen now Ijefore mc as of tliis species, as it matches perfectly with Mr. Sh-irpe's descriptii-n in Brit. Mus. Calalogne, voJ. X. It is a male adiill in full [.hima^-e (iMus. Xo. 174G). The hlack of the throat is a Jarg'c patch and tlie base of tlie secondaries is white on hoth webs. Dimensions : Wiu;'- 00 mm. ; Tail-feather 89 mm. ; Tarsus 24 mm. ; Middle toe with claw 17 mm. ; 15ill in Iront of nostril 10!^ nnn. The specimen was shot March 24th (jn Mitsii-shima, a group of rocks at the northern end of T.^ushimji. The collectors looked on it as a.n old example of 21. Uujens ; but it is at once distinguishable by the absence of black eye- s tripe. ly. Anlhus spinolella japonicus, (T. k s.) Taliibari. A specimen in much aliraded plumage was secured, Febr. 20th. !'lo<'ks of this bird were observed several times. I'J. Fringilla sinica, L. Ko-kawiir s 77 ,, 72 „ 20 „ 20 „ 10 „ Of tlie fi\e males, one (No. 1756) was presented to Canon Tristram, so tliat 1 have now four males before me. ]\Iinute com- parison of these witli winter specimens of E. ciopsis collected on Hondo, shows a, close agreement in all respects exce[)t in the colour of tlie ear-coverts. Namely, two specimens (Nos. 1753 and 1751) have the NOTES OX A COLLECTION OF BIRDS FROM TSUSHIMA. 115 l)In<'kisli ;nii'i'iil:irs slightly more suffused \v\t]\ rnsset or chestunt limn in most Hondo specimens ; ])ut then Hondo specimens thnt m-itcU com])letely in this respect, are not wanfino-. In the third Tsushima specimen (Xo. 1752), the anricnlars ])ear a russet tone to such a de_"Tee as is never knowji in F. ciopsis of Hondo. The fourth Tsushim-i specimen (1751) has the anricidars a. sh;ide more russet ; 1 wonld simply call it russet-l)rown or deep chestunt. l^nfortunately I h.ave no speciinen of E. castaneiceps to compare it witli. Perhaps the t^vo forms are to he considered as intergrading with e:ich other on the island of Tsushima. It will l)e interesting to know wh(^thw in suinmer the ear-coverts of the Tsusliima ihrnting tniai hlack oi- remain suffused with chestnut more or less. According to ^fr. Sharpe (Jlrit. Mus. Catalogue^ \o]. XI 1, p. 614), E. rasfanricfps should he wanting the tiny hlack s[)ot on the chin ; hut that tliis is not always the case, has heen shown hy Canon Tristram (Ihis, 1880, p. 294). Of the four mak; Tsushima skins now hefore me, three liave a distinct chin-spot, the forn'th (Xo, 1753) liaving ili.'it pa.rt destr(^yed hy shot. In true JJ. ciopsis of Hondo, the chin-spot is mostly wanting ; out of fortv-two male skins that I examined, only six showed it with any distinctness. The sincle female skin (Xo. 1755) from Tsushima shows no trace of chin-spot, agreeing in all respects of colouration with females collected on Hondo. In the anKMnit of white on the outer tail-feathers, I see no apprcci:il)k' dilfcrence hetween Tsushima and Hondo specimens. j\Iessrs. Xamiye and i'sucliida also collected two jnale specimens on tlu' island of Iki (Xos. 1824 et 1825). These ha\'e the ear-coverts agreeing well in coloiu' witli average Iloiidö specimens. IIG T. TTTMA. 22. Emberiza personala, T. Awoji. A mnle speoiiiion o])t;iiiic])ocitneR.s during' lliciv -^tny oil Tsiisliiin:!. 'I"lu' InlNfuItiij- i- llicic hililc of m(':i-^iriviHOiits. : Anle- lull Mus. No. Loeil'ty l)a,tri Sex Total [..■not], Stretrli of V\'in- Tail- feather 'I'arsus exter- nal toe withonl claw from frontal fea- thers iTsr K'un<'-in;ik;i ManOi Sth. isi»l. A.1.Î -.21 nivn. r'.'lt mm. -") nun. iSr. i,n„. ^''f mm. 27.' mm •'!) mm 17S5 XiiiiunM ., ir.th „ A,!^ '><>2 mm 77.^" mm. "i.'O mm. 100 mm. ;M' mm. 2(J^ nun. .">•" mm. i7sr. l\niii'-in;ikii ., l:lth ,. \d.^ ISS IMIU 771- mm 2 17 mm. ISOu.m ^\ mm. 2(j mm. •")7 mm 111 tho ;il)(r\-c incnsnrt'inoiits, tlu' total lona'tli and .-^tivtdi of winii's wore taken li\- tlio rollcctoi-;-; (Vont tlic fresli sju'cimcns. Tlio roloiir of (lie iiT< .--hoiild 1)(' clciir i/rUow. not lilack as iT'])r('.^('nt('(l in ('anon 'riislraiii's l\(j;nvo (he. cit. Tl. XXXI). «rr a.-^ (juotcd by ^Tr. Ilaru'ilt (ßrit. i)/"«.^. Cr//., vol. XVTII. ]). oOG) from Pudiards the collcct.^r of ilic tv])e sp('<'inien. lîill liornv l)Iack, cadi mandible Atitli a small diill-wliiti.dt spot at tlie ti]) of etitting edi>-<'; tarsus and toes Itlaek; claws liorny-klack. 'Ï\\Q deseription of adidi female ])liima,U'e .as o'i\('ii by ^Fr. llai'iiatt (Inc. cit.) from the type speeiinxMi tallies ^vell witli tlie two female skins now Iv'fore tne. 'i'lie male n,i;-rees witli th(i female in all respects ex- cept in Itavinu' tlie same sexual df-tinction of red on the head possessed hv its cong-enors, as had been forelold ])y ( aiion Tristram twelve years ai> e forests of tall pines, firs, crv[)tomeria.s, oaks, c;implior-trees Sec, Such a forest usuallv exists in valleys between hills, and is known to natlNcs as huromi (a darlc [)lace). The bird is never found in any nundjcrs together ; perhaps a [)air is the utmost that a huromi might harbour. Standing on the hill-to|), one hears its peculiar cry and loud ta])pings at some considera,ble distance in the w}>ings ot bark or wood strewn on the ground, and some bare places on the tree-stem a.bo\e tells him the wo,rk it was recentlx' busy at. Dead trees or bran<'lies naturally attract it when in search of fjod, and it is said that the bird goes regular rounds to its fnoiiritc trees every dav. Should one of its ti'ces be rec()gniyed, a collector wotdd do well therefore to lie in andjusli awaitimi' its arrival. Its NOTES OX A COLLECTION OF BIRDS FlîOM TSUSHIMA. 121 maiURT of fliuht i.s siiiiilp.r to tluit of otlier woodpeckers. The collectors have often marked the spot where tlie liird alighted, aiid on more than one occasion, tliey discovered it ag'ain on flic (jrinivil. Avhence it climbed up a tree-trunk in the nsual manner on tlieir ap[)roach, [ do not know whether a similar hahit has ever Ijeen noticed in any other woodpecker. The lower classes of the inhabitants of Tsushima hold this bird in some deuree of religious awe. Some natives, as Mr. Xamiye tells me, indulu'c in the superstiti()ri that when I)udd]ia was in the process of creating man, a certain being called aina-no-jaliuma pressed to lune a certain part put on his forehead instead of much lower down on his body, and that that being was none else than the woodpecker in (jues- tion. Hence the natives call this bird h\ that name. In ordinary •lapanese, amn-no-jaliu or amd-no-jdhimu (evidently of buddhistic origin) is an appellation gi\en t() a cross-minded person. '1Ö. lyngipicus kisuki, (T.) Kogem. 1 he t\pical foriu lound on the Hondo also occurs (jn Tsushima. It Avas tound to Ik; \ei"y common. Six s])ccimens were obtained l)etwecn Fel)r. 19th aiid March IDtli. T'hey agree in colour and markings -with specimen.-; collecteil in Provinces Sagami and llida. i^(i. Turlur gelaslis, (T.i Kijiljiito. Abundant on the island. Xine specimens (jbtained. Length of wing, measured from the cai-])al joint, 183 — 197 mm. 122 I. IJIMA. 27. Phalacrocorax capiMalus (ï. & s.) Bliiiuatsn. Abiiiidaiit on rocky shore.s. A specimen brought back. 28. Ardea cinerea L. Aosagi. An adult ypeciuien bi'(3Ught home was the only individual that was seen on the island. 29. Ardea jugularis, Wagi. Knrosagi. On Mitsusliima, a group of rocks at the northern end of Tsu- shima, tlie collectors, have met with a flock of this Ijird already known to inliabit the island through the collections of Jouy and Uino-er. It was exceedingly difficult to approach. Two line speci- mens were seciu-ed. Mns. Xo. j Locality & date Sex Wing Tail- feather Tai-sus Middle toe without claw. Exposed culmen 1802 1803 Mitsushiuia, March 20th 1891 Ad. ^ Ad. ^ 290 mm. 284 mm. 112 mm. 105 mm. 80 mm. 78 mm. 58 umi. 55 mm. 83 Limi. 81 umi. T(jta] length and stretch of wings, as measured by the collectors, were 640 mm. and 1004 mm. in Xo. 1802, 627 mm. and 1041 mm. in No. 1803, respectively. Dr. Stejneger has erected the grey Keef -heron of Tsushima into a distinct species, Dcmiegretta ringcri, for the reason that the top of head and the occipital crest are plumbious and ligliter than the Ijack {rroc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1887, p. 300). On the two specimens NOTES OX A COLLECTION OF BIRDS FROM TSUSHIMA. 123 before me, T fail to see tliis distinction ; hence T have j^'efeiTed to retain Wao-ler's name, as 'Slv. Seehohm does in liis Jl.'rJs of tin' Japniie^c Euiinr('. The white on the chin and throat seems to be ([nilc \:'riable in amoniit. On one specimen Qso. 1802), it is a narrow iii1errn[>ted streak, wliile (^n the other it is represerited by a broad large patcli on tlie upper throat fo]h)wed l)y some tliree little spots. The white lln-m of Keef-lieron was not observed. Î50. Anas formosa, Georoi. A;i-eriuno ; Touioye-ganio. A male sppri?nen wai^! shot at Xiimura, March 16th. ;n. Anas galericulata, L. ( tsliidovi. A male specimen was ol)faiii('d also at Xiimura on tlie same day. Î32. AIca carbo, (Pall.) Kf'iinafnvi. A specimen (sexed $ with query, ^lu.'. Xo. 1787) was sliot near Ofnnako.slii. ^Fareli 27t:li. This was the onlv individual tliat tlie collectors have met with. It is in mature plumage with remiges and rectrices much abraded. Amongst otlier localities this species also occurs in Olga ]^)ay ((«i^'lioli & S-jls'adori, Froc. Zool. Soc, 1887, ]>. 593). 33. AIca anliqua, Gm. Umi-snziimo. On March 15th a specimen was sliot at Sagamura. A few days 124 T. TJIMA. later five specimens were secured at Ina-ura,. They were found in flt^cks. 34. AIca wumizusume, d.) Kanmnvi-nniisTiznmo. A pair of this rave hi rd was ohserved and «»ik' of tlieni (Mus. Xo. 1783) secured, near Öfnnadvoshi. ]\[arch 27th. Tlie s])ecinien ohtained is a male and is fin-nished with a l)lack occipital nvi^t. 85. Fratercula monocerata, i\\\M) Utö. 'I'his species was common, mostly found in pairs. Five specimens were ohtained at tln-ee or four ])oints on tlie C(\ast, AEarch 18th. The horuv projection ahove the nostrils is in various degrees of development, fnll}^ de\el(^ped on only one specimen. 3(i. Larus cachinnans, rail. Segiu'o-laimome. There are among the collection two specimens of Herring (inlls, wliich I refer to this species. 'We one, shot (^n ^litsushima, March 25th, is an adult, measuring 366 mm. in the wing (Mus. Xo. 1815). The other ol)tained at Azama, ^farcli ôtli. is in young plumage, the wing measuring 317 mm. (Mus. iSo. lcS17). 37. Larus vegae, (PaimciO. In 18901 sent to Dr. Stejneger for identification three specimens of Herrino- (udl, collected at or near Tokv(3. Tliev were returned to me identified as L. vegac, a species originally discovered on the coast of Tchuski Land hy the " Vega " expedition and descrihed ^^)TES ox A OOLLECTIOX OF HIRDS FltOI\[ TSUSHIIMA. 125 l)v Piiliiién iiinlci- tlie name of L. argi'nlatu<;. \ur. vrqar CBidrag Sil)ir. fsliafsl'. Lotii'lftiUHd ]'('ijii-cxpcdiiion''''). Tlic sninc species was also i'oniul l)v Dr. liimu'c on tlic f^iakoji' fsl.-inds (/<*•///•. z. Kenntu. d. Jliiss. Ficichr^ II. (1. angreiizi'inJi'H Lihuh'v Jx/Vz/.s-j"). Xow, tliere is anion«'' the present eollection fmni Tsii .liinia an adiilr specinKMi of Hei-i-iii^- (Hill (Mus. Xo. ISKî. obtained at Kiita. I^'hr. 20Mi) wliirji a,uTees eoin])letely with those identified by Dr. Stejne,n-er as Jj. vrgac. It is very niiich h'kc 1j. cachiiDian^ hut smaller. 'I'otal len^'th (120 mm. (aLfaiiist 710 mm, of adult Tj. cachiniKvm, (Afiis, Xo. 1815), wing ^WIS mm. (a_u"ainsr 866 mm.), middle toe Avith claw 61 mm. (aii'ainst 68 mm.), exjioscd ciilincii 5n mm. (aL;-aiiist 6! mm.). HM. Larus crassirostris, \iriii. I iiii-iH'kd. 'l\vo ndiilr s])('cini('iis Avere ohfaincd. 80. Larus canus, J-. Karanino. A specimen in immature phima^'e oI)taiii('(l. ii>. Haematopus osculans, Swinh. 3riy;il\(>(1()i-i. Abundant on Mitsiishima, at the northern extremit\' of Tsudiima. Three specimens obtained. The Avhite on the outside AA'eb of the primaries appears on one specimen (^[us. Xo. 1799) on tiie fiftli and on another on the sixtli (piill, Avhile the third specimen (Mus. Xo. 1800) slu^ws a mere streak of it on the fifth (piilL * t These works have reuiained inaccessible to uie, and aj'o known to uie only tlirou^h Mr. Seebohm''s account in Ihh, ISSS, p. .3i9. ] 2(S T. T.TIMA. Ji. Numenius cyanopus, Vioiii. Hnrolai-sliigi. A specimen was oiioe met witli and .secured, on tlie sea- shore at Kônra. ^[arch 1 Itli. It is a. femaJe ^vitli tiie ex]X)sed cülmen IS'2 mm. long. 42. Totanus fuscus, (L.) Tsinni-sliigi. A female in winter ])lumag-e was shot at Xii-mnra. ]\iarch IGtli. That Avas the oidv time lliat this species was ol)served. 4.n. Totanus glareola, (L) Tiikal)U-slii,t];i. A female was shot at Ki^moda, Api-il 1st. 44. Totanus hypoleucus, iL.) ^rnsliibami-shigi. A male obtained at Wa.ni-nra, ^[arch 23rd. 4'. Colymbus arcticus, L. Ohamn. Tliis species was ofteri met Avirli. A female in innntitiire plumage Avas ohtained. Ahove, hrownish black, witli lew white spots on wing- coverts ; below, white from tlie chin. Wing 182 mm., exposed culmen 50 mm. NOTES OX A COLLECTION OF BIRDS FROM TSUSHIMA. 127 ■in. Podiceps rubricollis major, T. i^ s. A kano(lo-kiiitsnnnn-i . A fine pair was f^hot .at Takeshiki, April 1st. ^[ale (with chestnut tliroat) and female measure respüeti\eiy 181 mm. and 180 mm. in wing-, 50 mm. and 48 nmi. in exposed eulmen. 47. Podiceps cornulus, i^hn.) ]\Iiiui-kaitsnmiu-i. A specimen was only once met with and ohtained at Ina-ura, Mardi 21st. It is a female in winter plumage. AVing 135 mm., exposed eulmen 22 mm. 48. Phasianus lorqualus, Gm. Körai-kiji. This is the common pheasant of Tsushima. P. versicolor is not found. Three males and one female were ohtained at the villages of Uchivama, Kune-inaka and Ku(a. Ft is said to he most ahundant at O-ura, a village not iar from izuliara. i lia\e no continental speci- mens to compai'e witli. In an aiitheniic inanus('ri[)t woi'k entith'd '' Tsiislilina l\.iri;aka'' (^0-%^^^-> treating of the g-eogra[>]iy, liisioiy, and natural pi-oducts of Tsushima, written ahout 190 years ago) l)y Suyaiua, it is stated (liat j)heasants are said t(,) have been originally entirely wanting on the island and to have been first introduced in the middle ages on I nijima (at the northern extiemity of Tsusliima), whence they spread over the island proper. In another old manuscript " TsusJiiiiia-Kiji " (j_^ ^ fg :^, a voluminous work of similar natur'c and eijually aiithentie) 1)y llira- yama, there stands a statement to the same ett'ect only more definite. 128 I. IJIMA. In this connection ] nuiy mention th;it in the first named woik I find a statement that tlie phea.sants of rlishima (a small island off' the coast of the province of Chiknzen, Kinshin) are the same as those of Tsushima, as the result of transplantation from the latter island, llino Kanroku in his ornithological work (" Yökin-]\[onogatari," Narratives on Bird-keeping, written ahout 90 years ago) has also left a record of the Corean pheasant being introduced and made to thrive on some island off the western coast of Kiushiu (one of the Hirato group?). On the Formation of the Germinal Layers in Petromyzon. By S. Malta, Zoulugical Laboratory, Science Collège. With Plates XIII. ami XIV. In spite of the fact that .se\eral eininent investigator« have lu^en eno-ao-ecl in studyino- the enihryoloo-y of the Cyclostoinata, the develop- ment of Petromyzon presents as yet many points ^vhich remain obscure or which are stated in contradictory terms ])y different writers. The present investigation was undertaken to throw hght on some of these points. It was carried on during the academic year of 1890-91 in tlie Zoological Laboratory of the Science Cc^llege, under the su[)er- .vision of Prof-^. K. .Mitsukuri and I. Ijimn. I may, in ihis ])]ace, be permitted to express my sincere thanks for tlu" vahial)le advice winch they have o-i\en during my work, and the kind manner in wliich they have forwarded my researches. The species which I have studied is prt)b;il)ly either l\(ron}tjzon. planevl or a variety of it. The larger part of tlie materisds used was collected and preserved l^y Prof. Mitsukuri during the month (jf Feljru- ary, 1890, in fresh- water streamlets ])et\veen paddy-fields near the t(jwn 130 s. HATTA. of Gull, and my special thanks are due to him for placing them at my disposal. The other part of the materials was obtained by myself at the same place during the spring of the present year (1891). We wish to express our deep obligations to Mr. Nawa, the enthusiastic naturalist of Gifu, without whose aid we could not have succeeded in obtaining the objects of our search, and to the authorities of the Middle, and of the jS^orma], Schools of that town for affording us laboratory accom- modation. The eggs and larvœ were hardened partly in Kleinenberg's picro- sulphuric acid, and partly in corrossive sublimate. A few larvœ were also killed in Flemming's solution. The sublimate specimens gave the best results, although good sections were obtained in all cases. Acids, on the whole, had the effect of making yolk-granules highly refractive, and thus greatly increased the difficulties of observation. As to the staining fluids, picro-carmine gave by f;xr the most satisfsictory results. This, being the nuclear stain and not affecting yolk granules, made observation comparatively easy. Other colouring fluids like borax-carmine or haematoxylin (of Kleinenberg as well as of l>(jhmer) stained diffusely both the protoplasm and the nuclei, and above all, were most unsuited for my purpose from the fact that they stained yolk granules the deepest. Tlie age of the eggs and of the lar^-œ was not determined by the actual time elapsed, but by their appearances as opaque objects and by their structure as shown by sections. Care was taken to have sections of each stage made in several planes so as to enable us to obtain as accurate an idea as possible of it. 1 shall give the results of my investigation under the following- heads : — 1. The (lastrulation. 2. The Formation of the Mesoblast. ox THE FORMATION OF THE GERIMIXAL I,AYEKS IN PETROMYZON. 131 I. The Gastrulation. My <)l).sei'vah<)iis on ^^eginetitiiig' ("-gg^i are too iiicoinj)]('r(' to eiialjle me to make any definite ytuiement in regard to the process. The earliest staire on which I wish to ofier remarks is that of the oldest morula. \\ hen this is viewed as an o{)aale yellow colour. A slio-ht depression o'oes round the eo-o- niarkini»- the Ijoundarv between these two portions. In sections (tig. 1) the contrast of the two portions is well l)rought out. A spacious segmentation cavity is placed excentrically in tlie egg and occupies the whole interior of the anim;d pole. The cells forming the roof of this cavity are arranged in 2-4 layers and, compared with the cells of the opposite pole, are smaller, comparatively free from yolk gj-anules^-and have smaller nuclei VN'hich stain ori the whole deeper. The cells forming tlie floor of tlie segmentatioii cavity are 7-8 deep, full of yolk-granules with other cliaracters as indicated above. All the cells are po!ygi. gii:i''"fc- Jouru. Micr. Sei., Vol. 27. 132 s. H ATTA. iviipffer' maiiitnin.s tlud tlie process of invag-ination takes place, at the same time as tlie ditterentia.tion of the epiblast. lie states further : " EJie der Vonjawj der Blaslodermhildang d of wedging in ne^'essarily increases the siiperiicial extension the cells are a])le to spread themselves \o the invaginated tube as well as over the cells of the \egerati\o ])o]e ))y epibole during the gastrula- tion. rien''e the thinninu' out is continued and carried on at the time that the invagination is ta.king ])lace. .Vccording to this view, the definitive epiblast is not formed necessarily by the cells which formed tlie outermost layer of the animal ])o!e in earlier stages, but by those which were left after other cells have been invaginated. The ga.4rulation now c-ijurmeru'es. l*^gg-^ undergoing this process s1io\v several inarked clianges even wlien viewed as opaque objects. In the first place they ac(piire the ap|)erirance of being solid and firm, no di)ul)t in consequence of the obhteration of the segmentation cavity. Thev also decrease in their absolute size, as can be easily perceived by tlie naked eye. This nnist necessarily be the case when we remember that a large portion of the cells is in\agiiiated into the inside of the eo'i»". Tlie shape of the e"'o- also undero-oes chano-e. Instead of bein£>- al- oe 1 an o o Ü3 most Spherical a.> hithertof(_)re, they have become more or less elongated in the longitudinal axis of the future embryo. The anterior end can now be told from the posterior, as the former is rounded, while the latter is pointed. The dorsal surface can likewise l)e distinguished from tlie ventral, as the former shows a faint median ridge. Thus the egg assumes a distinct bilateral symmetry. The internal changes accompanying these alterations in outward 134 s. HATTA. appearance can be g'athered from ûgs. 2, o, and 4, PJ. XIII. As al- ready stated, I am inclined to believe that fig. 2 shows the stage in which the invagination is just commencing. The cells where this process beo-ins (pp. fig. 2) assume first of all a columnar shape, while the rest still remain materially unchanged. Once begun, tlie invagination pro- gresses rapidly, the roof of the invaginated tube being formed by the cells coming from the animal pole, while its floor is furnished by the yolk cells. According to Shipley (loc. cit.) and Kuptfer (loc. cit.), the epiblast extends itself over the vegetative half of the egg by the conversion of the outermost row of yolk-cells into small columnar cells. This appears to me very doubtful. I think it more prol^able that the whole yolk-cells are bodily invaginated into the interior, i. e., the point marked x in fig. 2 moves itself constantly towards the l)lastopore Qrp.), so that the whole mass of yolk-cells is really pushed inside. According to this view, what was at first the external surfîice of the yolk-cell mass, becomes the lioor of the invaginated tube. The seo'mentation- cavity is pushed forwards and early obliterated. This process is very much like that described by Hertwig^ in Triton. Tio-, 4 represents a median sagittal section through an egg in wliich the invagination is almost completed. Fig. 3 is a transverse section of an egg a little younger. From these two sections some idea of the character and disposition of the cells forming the différent layers can be easily formed. The roof of the mesenteron consists from the first of a single layer of columnar cells appressed against the under surface of the epiblast. I could not find throughout the entire extent of the in- vaoinated tube, either in longitudinal or transverse series, any trace of cells interposed between the epiblast and hypoblast. I can not therefore accept Scott's invaginated mcmhhi^i (loc. cit.), nor can I find any trace of Kupffer's teloblast (loc. cit.). The epiblast cells are also columnar 1. 0. Hertwig :— Die Entwicklung des mittleren Keimblattes der Wirbelthiere. Jena, 18S3. ON THE FORMATION OF THE GERMINAL LAYERS IN PETROMYZON. 135 but smaller and less tall than the hypoblast cells. Then- cell-limits are also more distinct, Tlie floor of the invaginated tube is formed by the upper row of y(jlk-cells, which have assumed a more or less columnar shape. I wish to emphasize liere the fact that the invaginated tube is not the same as the cavity ^of the future mesenteron. As the subsequent history shows, the whole mass of yolk-cells is absorbed with the exception of the outermost row lying immediately inside the epiblast. This latter l)ecomes the definitive hypoblast (fig. 27 and fig. 19). Substantially tlie same tiling has been shown ])y Scott (/. c. pp. 121- 122), except that he regards the outermost row as destined to form the mesoblast, and the row next inside as forming the definitive hypoblast. AVhen once we remember the above fact, one can easily perceive that what Kupffer belicNes to be the liver, in his figs. 27 and 28 (e), could not be such. This org;in can notarise among the cells which are after- wards absorbed. 1 am inclined U) think that what he calls the liver in liis fig. 28 is the slit which tu'ises between the main body of yolk- cells and its outermost row (cf fig. 27). ÏÎ. The Formation of the Mesoblast. At about the time when the gastnilation is ahnost completed, the eo-o' underofoes one (^i' the most important changes. To the two primary layers already dealt with, a, third layer, the mesoblast, is added. The formation of this layer forms one of the most difticuh subjects in the study of the embryology of Pelroiwjzon. The altera- tions at first met with are altogether in the internal structure and can therefore be made out only in sections. 136 s. HATTA. For the sake of convenience, I shall treat of the meso])last under the following heads : — A. The mesoblast in the neighbourhood of tlie blastopore (or the peristomal mesoblast of Rabl) 1). The mesoblast on each side of the dorsal axial organs (or the gastral mesoblast of Rabl) C. The lateral and ventral portions of the mesoblast. D. The metameric segmentation of the mesoblast. A. Tiie inesobhist in ihe neighbourhood of the blastopore, (or the Peristomul Mesoblast of Rid:)l) has never yet been described in Petromyzon Ijy ])revious writers. I have, however, obtained sections from which it appears to me safe to conclude that meso])last cells are budded out from all arouiid the lip of the blastopore except the dorsal median point where the epiblast turns round to join tlie hypoblast. Fig. 5 represents the median sagittal section through an egg in which the gastrulation is already completed. In this ligure, we find tlie floor of the invaginated tube fn'med, for a sh(n"t distance from tlie ])lastoporic opening, of specially small cells. In continuation with this stretch of small cells, there is seen a Avedge-sha[)ed aggregation of similar small cells (^mes. p.) extendi iig ventrally between yolk-cells and the epiljlast. It is marked off from the epibdast i)y a slit, while it lies in contact witli yolk-cells and is marked off fr(3m these only by the small size of its <-oyi- stituent elements. In this mass, as well as in the stretch of sn.ia 11 cells forming M.ie floor of the invaginated tube, many karyokinetic figures are seen arid testify to the fact that cells are very raj^idly mu]ti])lying in tliis region. This mass is in my opinion tlie pcristo- iiuil iiicsoblas! (('f Rabl). Fig. G is a section from the same series passing through the lateral li]) of the Idastopore. Mere we find a mas^ of similar small ON THE FORMATION OF THE GERMINAL LAYERS IN PETROMYZOX. 137 cells, iiitcrNciiiiii^' Ijctwecn yolk cells and the epiblast, and stretching' not only ventrally but also doryally. In enibry(j:3 a little more advanced, these relations are much more clearly brought out. Fig. 7 is the median sagittal section of sucli an embryo. A\ e again find the mass of small cells budded out from cells forming the floor of the invaginated tulje for a short distance from the entrance. Figs. 8-1 1 are a series of frontal sections from an emljryo of about the same stjige. Fig. 11 is the most posterior representecL It passes through the line ah in fig. 12. i.e., just through the ventral li[) of the blastopore. Here tlie mesoblustic mass which is distinguished l)v the small size of its cells and the intensive staining of their nuclei, is not paired but is continuous across, being interposed between the epiblast and the yolk-cells. The median j)ortion <3f it is continuc^us with the epiblast and reminds us strijngly of a section through the primitive streak of hifj'her vertebrates, with which it is no doubt homoLjo-ous. Fiu'. 10 shows the section i);issini>" throui>'h the line cd in hu'. 12. Tlie mesoblastic mass is on the whole paired but still continuous across the median line, as the section is not vet out of the region wliere mesoblast cells nre lacing budded out from the floor of the invaii'inated tube. Fiü'. 9 is throuHi the line ef in fi"-. 12. The mesoblastic mass is distinctly paired in this section, and [)asses in front int(j the ufastral mesoljlast in fig. 8. The.se facts are suiBcient, I think, to justify my conclusion stated above, viz : that mesoblnst cells are budded out from all around the lip of the blastopore except the dorsal median point. V). The gastral Mesohlaal . In the region of Ûïq body anterior to the blastoporic opening, the mesoblast arises as paired masses, one on each side of the c\n)V(\\\.- anläge. The manner in which this mass is formed, is fundamentally the same througliout every portion where 138 s. HATTA. it is found ; Ijiit in different regions, it presents some modifications. In the ceplialo-cervicnl region, the process has retained best its primi- tive characteristics, while in the region of the trunk, it has become altered to a great degree, owing no doubt to tlie presence of the yolk- cells. On this account, we sliall begin with the description of the mesoblast formation in the first named region, although in point of time it is formed latest in this part, as the formation of the gastral mesoblast proceeds from Ijehind forwards. As has been shown by Scott, (/. c, Taf. A^III, fig. 10 b) the head is formed Ijy the Ijlind end of the invaginated tube protruding itself above the oeneral surface of the eo'i>'. The head when first formed is O CO thus a double- walled tube — the wall of the inva^-inated tube bein«: enclosed by the epiblast. Fig. 19 is a section from near the blind end of the invaginated tube at the time when the head is ready to protrude. The lumen of the invaginated tulje is here more expanded than further behind. Its roof is formed by a regular columnar epithelium in contact with the epiblast. Adapting itself to the slightly thickened medullary ])late, the columnar epithelium is slightly bulged out down- wards in the median line. This median part becomes afterwards the chorda dorsah's while the part immediately adjacent to it on each side forms the gastral mesoblast. J.aterally, in continuation with the epithelium of the invaginated tulje, the outermost row of the yolk-cells is arranging themselves into a regular epithelium. This, as the sub- sequent lnst(jry shows, Ijecomes the wall of the definitive gut, all the yolk-cells enclosed within this layer being eventually entirely absorbed (cf. tig. 27). This, in my opinion, corresponds with the la^'er marked z in fio-. lib. or that marked Dm in tiii's. 11a and 14 in Taf. A'lII of »Scott's paper (/oc. cit.), although this writer regards the layer as giving rise to what he calls the " Dottcr-mesodcrrn.'" J^'ig. 20 shows a transverse or rather obli(jue section through the ON THE F0R:\[ATI0X OF THE GERMINAL LAYERS TX PETROMYZOX. 139 liead-region of an embryo n little more ndvanced. The neural cord has made a considerable progress and liy its downward growth has pressed down the median portion of the gut-roof, /. c. the chorda- anlage. The latter is formed of a regular row of rather high columnar cells. Its lateral continuation on each side is reflected upwards and forms a deep diverticulum of the enteric cavit}'. This forcibly reminds us of the well known section of Ampliioxm and the sequel shows that the resemblance is of a deep significance. In fig. 21 taken from a somewhat advanced embryo, the develop- ment has advanced considerably. The chorda has now been completely isolated from its mother-layer, and lies firmly appressed with its upper margin against the neural cord, in which it causes a slight indentation. Owing to this isolation, the part of the gut-wall which was before situated immediately lateral to the chorda-rt??/rt"ards the median line beneath the chorda and hypochordal cells, nntil it meets and fuses Avith its fellow of the opposite side to form tlie definitive roof of the enteric canity. 'i'lie ]^rocess of mesol^last formation in the cephalo-cervical region as given above, is exactly like what we know to go on in Am.phioxu<^. Call)erla, Scott, and Shiple)' do not make any mention of such a primitive mode of the mesoblast formation in Pctromijzon. Ivnpffer's descriprion of the process in the head region accords well witli mv own o1)servations, liowever with tliis great difference that according to him tlie chnrda is cnt off and completed long before the mesoblast is f rrmod. That such is not the case, T \\[\\e no doubt in my own mind; my sections speak too plainl}^ for any doul)t. ^ly account also agrees exactly with tlie results recently inade known by Mitsukuri^ in Clielrsal region of an endjryo in which no cephalic protuberance is seen as yet. In the median line the epiblast shows a thickened medidlai'v plate {n. ]).) formed of high columnar cells. Immediatelv beneath, l)ut di.itinctl)^ separate from, tliis plate, there is the chorda-hypo- blast (ch. //.) forming tlie entire roof of the invaginated tube. Its 1. Fui'ther studies on the formation of the Germinal Layers in ('helonia: The Journal of the College of Science, Imp. Univ., Japan. Vol. V. p. T. ON THE FORMATION OF THE OERMTNAT. LAYERS TN PETROMYZON. 141 oonstituent elements have acquired ilie t:ill coliimnm* shape liv repeated lonoitndinal di\i8ion. Tlie liypohlastic cells iniiiiediatelv outside the r'li(>rda-h\'pohlast have an elono-ated sliape and are in active nmltiplic;! - lion as sho\vn hy many karyokinetic figares seen in this ]>arr. Tlie products of the divisions are accumulated as a triano'ular mass lietween the epihlast and tlie yolk. This is the jne>iohIa^f (/Hi-'.s.). It is clearly distinguished from the yolk mass not onlv hv a distinct slit hut also hy the characters of its coiistituent elements whi('h are smalh^r. liave their nuclei stained deeper, and are less full of ^•olk granules than volk- cells. Also karyokinetic figures are often visi])k' in tliis mass, while they are of rare «x'currence in tlie yolk-cells. Tlius. the mesohlast arises liere as paired masses liudded out from a few ]iypol)last cells placed immediately outside tl\e chorda-hypo1)last. This account agrees suhstantially with that given hy Calberla.' The mesohlast cells facing the e|)ihl:ist acquire a cohminar shape, arrange themselves more or less regularly, and l)ecome tlie parietal laver of the mesol)last. In fig. 13. tliis layer has l)een more or less formed and has l)ecome c()u- tinuous with tlie external extremity of the chorda-hvpohlnst. The cells lying helow the parietal .layer are irregularly ari-;inged and are still having new cells added from tlie liypohlast cells of the aforesaid part. Figs. 1 4 and 1 5 are from th(î dors;d region of slight! v older eml)rvos. Fig. 14 is essentially like fig. 13. \n fig. 15, which represents a sec- tion more posterior than fig. 14, the mesohlast mass of one side is isolat- ed, while that of the other side is still continuous with the hy[)oblast. In fig. 16, the mesol)last masses of both sides are entirelv cut otf from the hypoblast and have assumed a trianguhu- sha.pe, of which the inner and outer sides are formed by the parietal, while the ventral side 1. E. Calberla : — Uobei' die Eutwieklunt;- d. McdullarroliTcs ii. d. I'horda dursalis d. 'IV'lcosI ier u, d. Petromyzonton. INForph. .Tahrb. Bd. III. 142 s. HATTA. is ocrnpied by the yisceral Liver. There nre a few ee]]s lying" l)etweeii tlie two Javer.s Avhicli oiia'lit perlin|)s to l)o lookcil ii|)(jii as l)o!oiio-ino- fo the visceral laver. Tlie chorda -^f/iA////' is now distinct and separated ivnui llie adjacent livpol^last hy pecnliar s]nndle-sliaped hypochordal cells which are pro1)al)ly derived from cells originally lying lietween Ihe chorda-hypoblast and the origin of the niesohlast. In fig. 17 from a still older embryo, the formati(m of the chorda is now complet- ed, 'fhe hvpochordal cells surround it as before. The gut-hypoblast lias slipped itself under the chorda and the hypocliordal cells, and forms the definitive roof of the eriteiic cavity. Fig. 18 shows the stage in which the medullary cord, the chorda, the hy))ochordal cells and the mesoblast masses have been completely dilferentiated. It need scarcelv be pointed out that tlie process of the mesoblast formation in the trunk is an al)l)re^ iated form of that observed in the cephalh their wav between the epiblast and the yolk-cells and contrilnite to the forma.tiou of the mesoblast in the part ^•entral io the Ijlastojxjre. Tin's eircumstauce may be the reason why the previous investigators haxc, o\ erlooked the peristomal mesoblast. Thus, at about the stage given in tig. 18, the whole mesoblast has no connecti()n with any part of the primary lay- ers. The subse(|uent growth (^f the layei' is solely effected by cell- multi])lication within the layer itself. The posterior growth of the mesoblast is liroiight aljout not Ijy any fresh addition from the hypo- blast or any other struct ure but (jnly 1)\' the extension of its own territory. I). TIte metamerie segmentation of the mesohlast. The metameric seo'mentation of the inesoblast begins first in tlie doi-sal region and proceeds ijoth bafdvwards and Ibi-wards. When the seginentation has 144 s. HATTA. been completed the iir.st «ouiite lies just beliind the audhory vesicle ((Uiv. fig. 26). According to Scott, (/. c, p. 160), the segmentation into meta- meres precedes in the Selachians the separaticjn of the proto vertebrae from the lateral plate, but both processes occur simultaneously in Pclrormjzoit. I learn, however, from my sections that PelromyzoH is exactly like the Selachians in this respect. Tlie formation of the germinal layers in l\lromiizon as gi\en above accords well with tlie general plan of the dcNclopment of these layers in the A^ertebrata, as shown in Ampliioxus l)y Ilatchek. in Triton and ll(i7ia by Ü. Hertwig, and in Trlonyx and Clenwiijs ])y Mitsukuri. The points of agreement and disagreement with previous writers' on Pelroimizoit as Calberla, Scott, Shipley, and Kupffer liave been incidentally touched upon, in the course of the present paper and need not airain be entered intTet that I have not sceu the work liy Max Schnitze. ON THE FORMATION OF THE GERMINAI- LAYERS IN PETROMYZON. Explanation of Figures. Complete list of reference letters. (HI. V. iinditorv vesicle. /;/). l)]astopore. cli. cliovda. ch. h. chorda-livpoblast. e2>. epiblast. en I. enteric cavity. hb. liiiid brain. hch. hypochordal celJy. Iqy. hypoblast. it. invaginated tul»'. //). lateral plate (of mesoblast). mes. irie.soblast. uies.y. iiiesoblastic told. mes. /). peristomal mesoblast. mes. f>. mesoblast Ic somite. II. neural cord. iif). neural or medullary plate. J). J), e. pleuro-peritoneal cavity. /'. iiie.s. parietal mesoblast. /•. mes. visceral mesoblast. s. segmentation cavity. vti. somatic mesoblast. i/f. yolk-ci'IIs. 145 146 s. H ATT A. Plaie XIII. Fig. 1. Vortical section tlirongh an egg of the morula-stage. BB x 2 (Zeiss J. Fig. '2. Sagittal section through an egg of the oldest monila-stage. BB x 2. Fig. i}. Transverse section through the dorsal region of an embryo in wliicli the gastrulation is going on. BB x 2. Fig. 4. Sagittal section of an egg after the completion of gastrulation. BB x 2. Figs. 5 and (5. Sagittal sections of an embryo in which the peristomal mesoblast is first seen. BB x 2. Fig. 5, a section through tiie median Ihie ; hg. (5 a section through a plane slightly lateralto the median line. Fig. 7. Median sagittal section througli the hind end of an embryo far older than that of the last two figures. BB x 4. Figs. 8-11. Series of selected transverse sections from an embryo of abotit the same stage as that of fig. 7. BB x 4. Fig. 11 has been cut through tlie line n b, fig. 10 through the line c ( a little more ad- vanced embryo ; fig. 15 is more posterior than fig. 14. Fig. 10. Transverse section from the dorsal region of a still more advaiiced embryo. Fig. 17. Transverse section from the dorsal region of a still more advanced embryo. Fig. 18. Transverse section from the dorsal region of a much further advanced embryo. Fig. 19. Transverse section through the anterior part of an embryo in which tlie head-prominence is ready to protrude. ox THE FOltMATTOX OF 'I'HE UEP.IMIXAL LAYERS IX PETROMYZOX. 147 Fig8. 2Ü-22. Obli(|Uf]y transvev.sc sectiDiis tlu'on.i^h the cephalo-cervical region, BB X 4. Fig. 20. Trausvorse .section oï an onibryo of a little niore atlvauced stage than that of üg. 19. Fig. 21. Transverse section from a still i)lder egg. Fig. 22. Transv(>rse section from a still further advanced embryo. Figs. 23-20 represent obliquely transverse sections through the plane by which the cephalic protuberance starts up. ]jB x 4. Fig. 28. Trans\ crse section of a little older embryo than that of fig. 20. Figs. 24 and 25. Transverse se(;tions fi-om a still older embryo, fig. 24 being a more anterior one tlian fig. 25. Fig. 20. Frontal section througli the cephalo-cervical region of a much further advanced embryo. Fig. 27. Sagittal section through an embryo of an advanced stage. /shikawa..Reproductive Elements,! Jour. Sc:Coll.VoLV. Pl.t. ^ ^ I 50, ^< ^ 37 ^ 36 '^-' ./-/,.i.,„., .../ „.,1 d,l. Jour. Sc. Coll. Vol. y. PI. Il A. M,u„l.„ri .r A. \-rf. :iû 'Jit/i/'- /f'ff- ^2 "Y •3/ 3cot^. 2taAffr. i /Itt/.ifr. 3 cot^i y.i 2/- '"■■■ ^...f. "'■'"■'■ y-' '"'"""^ /U'4fCl^ VI ...!;'..?-''■""'• '^ III . . ••'■•l\ï''' •■•:.:;••.■•'. is'/iw:-./ '' ;•.•... _v/////. if. Kishinouye del. Jour. Sc. Coll. Vol. V. PI.VIII. ,// /5^ \> i* V^^P^ «*t /■'■ • - • • '■ ifit.ffr: ,M T apf>. fnt-grr. ••^.>'r:C :■".*:'•;,. "-v: . :-if<^:îr^û'' ■'^t^'î, ;••*.; 'v^î^ 'ry^"":* !*:'yv^V'"'-'X'^-""---r-'";V J- A'. Kùhinouye del. --^l^^wm^K •• "--■;..'.: -^ ,o -v-* Jour. Se. Coll. Vol. V. PI. IX. ou 0°A 'D^^^^ -^^M ' ■ ' , /,„r/. o'él55^9|°?^9 ,^~ .^ii?* ^^ •" '-^*^^' CtÄ?::;/, A'. Ki.-^ o ^t' o _0„ o OoOO o O O oj;o^o°ooOo„o( /y<^ //V/.///. -^'*'-è'®^^^a, ,^,\ #©,7i â9,?_ ^ '"^■*"'- ..07 '•••::•( V .' K. Kishinouye del. Jour. Sc Coll. Vol. V. PI. XII. »; ', THRIPONAX RICHARDSI fAfale% /Väi.sije.J Jour. Sc. Coll. Vol. V. PI. XIII. X /hi//ii . ////. Lithfi. at SfUhi-buiuha. ^.-,-fRXrxmrr/7>^ . Jour. Sc. Coll. Vol. V. PI. XIV. /ltày,ry-^y- /■'(v. » S.ffatta . ,it/. LUho. Ht Sfiahi-b m m m m t^ m T fi 0 -M lîll nt - 5f. a i% ^ ¥ m #^ :t 51 ü ;5 ff 1:3- — - /--. u H n ai i^P ^ E (iSiJ ** '^ ^ ^ 0 Jil! The Disturbance of Isomagnetics attending the Mino-Owari Earthquake of 1891, By A. Tanakadate, Riéàkuhakushi, F. R. S. E, Professor of Physics and H. Nagaoka, Rié^kushi, Assist. Professor of Physics. College of Science, Imperial University. Plate XV-XXII. Introduction, One of the severest earthquakes in the record of this country devastated the districts alwut Gifu and Nagoya, on the 28th October 1891, of whicli a full account will shortly appear in this Journal. The Science College of the Imperial University, at tlie request of the writers, appointed a survey party, consisting of the writers and two advanced students of physics, Messrs. Ota and Nakamura, for a new magnetic survey of the district affected. Frequent shocks of varying intensity occurred for a very long period after the date of the destructive one in October, and the party did not set out till some time after these shocks had sensibly ceased, namely, on the 20th December, returning on the 13th January. The object in view in having this survey made, was to enable comparisons to be drawn between its results and those which had 150 A. TANAKADATE AND H. NAGAOKA. been previously obtained, or which might be obtained, at öome future time, in order to throw hght if possible, upon the effect of seismic events upon the magnetic elements of a country, and give some notion con- cernin<:j: the nature of the subterranean disturbances to which such events are due. For the purpose of such comparison, it is evident that a knowledge of the ordinary secular variations of the magnetic elements of the district is of paramount importance, and this unfortunately, in the present case, is to a great extent wanting, since systematic magnetic surveys of this country are of comparatively very recent date. If we take only the declination, we may go back to the work of Inö, who made a careful comparison of the compass needle with the astronomical meridian at various places in the country during his memorable undertaking of the geodetic survey of Japan, 1800 — 1818. Since then we have had observations of only a fragmentary nature until the first systematic survey was carried out by the Geological Bureau (1880—1885) under the direction of Dr. E. Naumann. Two observers, Messrs Sekino and Ködari, worked during these years over different parts of the country, the number of stations being 182 in all. The results are published in a pamphlet entitled " Die Erschei- nuno-en des Erdmag'netismus in ihrer iibhäno'is'keit vom Bau der Erdrinde." Their results were, however, of a provisional character, in so far that they made but one determination of each element at every station, and that tlie distribution of their stations was only alonff certain lines. This necessitated the introduction of corrections which, as there were no better means, they took from the Tokyo magnetographs ; while as to isomagnetics much extrapolation had to be made, notwithstanding the number of stations they took. This was no fault of the observers, for they had other duties to perform at the time, and the mode of travellin«]: was not so convenient then as it is now. During the summer of 1887, Prof. Knott and the present writers THE DISTURBANX'E OF ISOMAGNETICS. 151 with Mr. Imagawa made a survey, in which they tried to distrihute the stations as uniformly as they could. They divided themselves into two parties, indicated as 'south' and 'north,' and as the principal work was done during the three months, 'Tuly, August, and Septem- ber, the errors due to the secular and seasonal variations were but small. The south party made observations of diurnal variations of declination at every station except three. This, besides giving the mean value of declination at the place, tells us the nature of the magnetic weather of the da}'^ on which other magnetic elements were determined. They made also three or four determinations of the horizontal intensity and dip, the times of observation being distributed over the day. (For details of this survey we refer to volume II of this Journal.) Had we made another series of such observations, we could have allowed for the secular variation in the results of the present survey, and should have been able to tell more definitely the kind of disturbance caused by the earthquake: but, as it is, our results will yet be of service for determining the secular variation, when, in the future, another survey shall be made, and then we may be able to draw inferences as to the effect of the earthcjuake by allowing for the secular variation then ascertained. There was no particular division of work among the members of the party ; generally speaking, however, the vibration and deflection experiments were carried out b}^ the writers and either of the stu- dents; the dip was determined almost exclusively by the students; and the declination and time- observations, hoth for the chronometer rate and for azimuth, were undertaken by the writers. The stations, as a simple matter of course, were those of the previous survey in 1887. Although for guidance we had verbal descriptions of the stations, and the memory of one of the party who had worked on the previous occasion, the identification of places was not always easy, as no fiducial m;irk of reference had been left. This was to be 152 A. TANAKADATE AND H. NAGAOKA. expected, since in the previous survey we had tried to station our- selves in places which were as far as possible from buildings and hills. Warned now by this experience, we left a wooden post with the short inscription, " MtlMMll^,'' îind the date, at each place of observjition, while further we give (1^1. XV) some topographical details of the locali- ties, as was done by Lamont, hoping tliereby to save much time and labour and to give much certainty in identifying the places in future. The four stations, Nagahama, Obama, Shioya, and Isshiki (Kami- yashiro, in previous reports), are almost identical with the former spots, i. e.y are within a few metres. In Nagoya, the Normal School of the province has since been built on the site of the former station, and we were obliged to have our new station a little to the east, that is, in the back part of the recreation ground. Here we made observa- tions of dip in four places in different quarters of our tent, to see if the new building, though of wood, had any disturbing effect, and as the results agreed within reasonable limits, we assumed that it had not caused any sensible magnetic disturbance. This way of taking the dip at several points in vicinity was carried out in nearly all stations where local disturbance was feared. In Shimizu, a coal depot had been built on the site of our previous station, and the pre- sent determination was made in a place about 100 metres to tlie north-west along the shore. Numazu and Hamamatsu are new ad- ditional stations. We further took some of the soil from the station and measured its magnetic permeability. This was done by measuring the magnetic moment in known field. The field was given ])y a solenoid of 39.1 cm. length, uniformly wound with No. 13 copper wire, to 13.7 turns per cm. in 6 layers. In order to eliminate the solenoid effect, it was placed in vertical position, and the magnetometer stood 5.2 cm. west of the middle point of the solenoid ; there the direction of the field THE DISTURBANCE OF ISOMAGNETICS. 153 due to the ends of the solenoid is up and down, and consequently it gives no deflection so long as there is no substance in tlie solenoid. This position was determined experimental 1}^ by passino- a strong current through the solenoid. The soil to be experimented upon was filled into a glass tube which had been tested and f(3und to be sensibly free from magnetic matter. The inner diameter of this tube was 1.3 cm. and its length 19.55 cm. When introduced into the solenoid, its lower end wns brought nearly level with the mao-ne- tometer, so that only the upper half of the solenoid was used. The magnetometer deflection was a maximum when the lower end of the glass tube was slightly below the level of the magnetometer, and in tili s position the reading was taken. Taking tlie deflection as propor- tional to the strength of the pole induced by the field, and applying the correction due to the upper pole, the susceptibility was easil^^ deduced. The only soils that gave any sensible susceptibility were those of Numazu and Shimizu, two stations which are so far east of the region under consideration that they do not come into the chart of isomagnetics at the end of this pnper. The results of the deter- minations are as follows : — Soil from Nnmazu Station. Soil from Shimizu Station. S^ Ts k: C^ A^ K. 26.8 .0199 .00074 26.8 .0059 .00022 85.0 .0817 .00096 85.0 .0238 .00027 127.0 .12GG .00099 137.0 .0355 .00026 It is remarkable tliat these soils seem to be far from beino- o saturated in these fields. In the following description of stations we give the geological nature of the soils.* * We are iiide1»teil to Mr. Y. Kikuchi, Assi-st. Prof, of Geolog-y, for giving this information about the soils. 154 A. TANAKADATE AND H. NAGAOKA. Numazu ^ = 35^ 6' ^ = 138° 52' East bank of Kanögawa, about 150 metres north of the bridge. Soil : — Pyroxenes, olivine, plagioclase ; derived from basalt. Magrnetite abundant. Shimizu if = 35° or2 / = 138° 30:3 100 metres N of coal depot, 15 metres from the sea. Soil : — l^yroxenes, (juartz ; derived from volcanic rocks. Magnetite plentiful. HaGhimanmura f = 34^ 44' I = 137° 45' About 200 metres N of Hachimau-Yashiro, in tlie farm. Soil : — Quartz, pyroxenes, apatite, magnetite (very little), hornblende, tourmaline. Probtibly derived from crystîil- line rocks. Nagoya ut the process of observation takes only tvvo or three minutes, in no case more than five minutes, and since the greatest change of declination is only about two minutes per hour, this change cannot be the cause. The fluctuation is due probably to temperature variation of the coil. The position of the circle corresponding to the astronomical meridian was observed, together with the time; and was calculated, THE DISTURBANCE OF ISOMAGNETICS. l-')7 by the usual method, from simultaneous equations containing time, azimuth, and collimation.* For this sort of work the usual method of forming normal equations by differentiation is altogether super- fluous, and we follow the abridged method of Cauchy. By this means we found two azimuths from two sets of observations on successive nights, when weather permitted ; on other occasions, obser- vations were made, one in the evening, and one early next morning. The results of the two determinations usually came out within 10"; this difference is due to two sources, one the error of observation, and the other the error of graduation. The latter will be eliminated to a o-reat extent by takino; a number of observations on some circum- polar stars, and a number of readings of the azimuth circle on dif- ferent parts of the graduation. For this purpose, we have published in SugaJcu-butsuri-gakJcwai-h'ji., vol. V., a somewhat extensive table of azimuths of Polaris, for different hour angles and latitudes, which can be used for observations of either « or ^^ JJrsœ Minoris for several years to come. As these two stars differ l^y nearly 6 hours in right ascen- sion, it will always be possible to take observations which differ by several minutes of arc in azimuth in course of half an hour. Magnet. — The magnet is a solid steel bar of nearly square cross section polished on all sides. Its magnetic moment was found to have fallen a great deal, and we therefore remagnetized it a few days before starting, taking care not to reverse the previous magneti- zation. Placing the magnet on a glass plane, it was found to be distinctly curved. A lateral face of this magnet, which has better polish than the others, has a round spot towards the north end, and this face with the mark always served as the reflecting face in our vibration experiments. It has remained nearly plane, while the faces perpen- * See reductiou sheet at the end. 158 A. TANAK ABATE AND H. XAGAOKA. dicular to it had become slightly curved. This change of shape neces- sarily altered the moment of inertia of the magnet. The dimension of the mau^net was therefore redetermined. Tlie magnet was laid on a thick plane glass plate, and placed in contact with the o-radaated side of the standard metre scale. This scale is of brass, constructed by I'reithaupt (Hesse Casse]), and equal to one metre, at 20" C. The two extreme edges of the magnet were slightly convex, and were not distinct enouorh to serve as marks for measur- inof the lenç^th of the mao-net. Two similar, ri^-ht-ano-led, o^lass prisms were made to touch the fjices of the magnet, perpendicular to its length. The edge of the prism was well defined, and was brought in the same plane with that of the metre scale. The readings of the edges of the prism were taken by means of a micrometer microscope. The magnet was placed on the glass plate on all its four faces successively, and the same series of observations repeated for each position of the magnet. The magnet was then taken off and the distance between the edges measured under the microscope. This done, the mao-net was reversed and its lenoth measured no;ain in the same way as before. To correct for change of lengtli l^y temperature, two thermometers were placed beside the magnet, and two laid on the scnie. All these thermometers were previously compared with the stand:ird thermo- meter. Temperature readings were taken simultaneously with those of the micrometer. Generally, the temperature of the mngnet did not differ by more tlian 0".l from that of the scale. The following table gives the results of oljservations by ^lessrs. Ota and iSTakamurii. THE DISTURBANCE OF ISOMAG NETICS. 159 Observed Length of Ma direct. 16".3 16".3 6.9956 K.O. reveröed. 16".6 16".6 6.9973 J) In the reduction of öcale to 0",C. the expansion coefficient of brass was assumed to be 0.0000189, and that of steel, 0.0000106. From the mean of these observations, the length of the magnet is 6.9979 cm. The leno-th has thus somewhat diminislied since the former deter- o mination, by which it was found to be 7.002-1 cm. The breadth of the magnet was measured at three points; i.e., at the ends and at the middle. The m;ignet was placed perpendicular to the metre scale and between the two prisms before mentioned. The same process of measurement as used for the length, gave 0.8066 cm. at 0"C. for the mean breadth of the bar or its thickness between the face with the mark, and the one parallel to it. The breadth of the other faces is of minor importance, and has not been mea- sured. In weighing the magnet a Sartorius' balance was used. Care was taken not to place the magnet near any of the iron used in various parts of the balance, by not putting it on the scale pan, but suspending it from this l)y a slender thread, bringing it about 50 cm. below the balance case and about the same distance above the floor. The magnet was shielded from air currents by placing it in a nearly closed glass vessel. The mass of the magnet, as determined by a set of weights from Sartorius, was 35.0561 grm., and 35.0633 grm. by the set of weights formerly used. This discrepancy was cleared up by comparing these weights with those made of quartz by the 160 A. TAXAKADATE AND H. NAGAOKA. same maker, belonging to the Chemical Laboratory of the College. The bra88 weights from Sartoriu« were a little heavier, and the old weights a little lighter. The foll(3wing gives the results of the experi- ments : — by Sartorius weights. by old weights. Observed 35.0561 grm. 35.0683 grm. Correction + .0038 -.0031 Mass 35.0599 grm. 35.0599 grm. The mass of the maornet is thus 35.0599 o-rm. From these measurements of length, breadth, and mass the moment of inertia of the magnet jibout an axis through its centre of inertia, and perpendicular to its length, is found to be 144.98 at 0''C. The moment of inertia was calculated on the supposition that the magnet is a parallelopiped having the dimensions given above. The magnet, however, being distinctly curved, it was not sjitisfactory to use the moment of inertia calculated in the above manner, and it was therefore determined also experimentally. This was done in the usual way by comparing the times of vibration, with and without an additional inertia. In order to eliminate the diurnal variation of H, the vibrations were repeated several times in which the inertia rod was alternately on and off. The inertia rod was a solid C3dinder of brass belonging to a Kew magnetometer (64) (length = 9.545 cm., diameter = 0.997 cm., mass = 63.071 grm.) From the comparison of the times of vibration in these two cases, the moment of inertia Avas found to be 144.995. The following table gives the results of observations by Mr. Ota : — THE DISTURBAN'CE OF ISOMAGXETICS. 161 Ohscrved lime of vibration. Magnet alone. Teuip. Magnet with in3rtia red. Temp. 2\7276 19M 5\6783 17'M 2 .7244 1G".2 5.G736 15".0 2.7231 14". G 5.6743 15".0 2.7238 14".7 Deflection for complete) , , , , Deflection for comi)letel 11. 1 ■... .. . , , 13'.8 rotation of torsion head. ) rotation of torsion head. The temperature coefficient for the nionieiit of the mafj-net was taken from calculation« made on the observation.s at Lsshiki. Temperature Coefficient of Magnetic Momoit : — In the former survey, no correction for the difference of temperature in vibration and deflection experiments was applied in the reduction of the obser- vations of horizontal intensity. This gives the moment of the magnet at mean temperature; l:)ut the vahie of the horizontal intensity is affected inasmuch as the magnetic moment was different in the two experiments; it will have been less if the temperature was higher in the vibration than in the deflection experiment, and vice versa. The determination of the temperature coefficient of a magnet is a matter of some difficult3\ It is desirable to determine the effect of temperature on the magnetic moment Ijy placing the magnet in the same state as in the determination of horizontal intensity. By taking the number of observations of horizontal intensity at dift'erent hours of the day, so that there is sufficient difference of temperature during the experiments, we can obtain data for the calculation of the temperature coefficient. With this object in view, many observations of the horizontal intensity were made at Nagoya. 162 A. TAXAKADATE AND H. NAGAOKA. Tlie magnet, however, showed a sudden decrease of moment at Nagahamn. It is likely that the temperature coefficient after this fall of moment \^^as different from that at Xagoya. By using the moments found at Isshiki, the temperature coefficient was recalculated. For reducing the results of the former survey, the temperature correction was calculated from determinations of magnetic moment made at Miyazaki. The following empirical formula was used in the calculation, ilf=il/, + m + a (/-^,) + /> (t-t,y where M^, is the mean of the moments used, m a small correction to be applied to il/,,, /,, the mean temperature, iixid a, h the coefficients to be determined. The above formula was then transformed, for convenience of calculation, to where z is any convenient temperature. The following gives the data and results of calculation from ol^servations made at Xagoya, Isshiki, and Miyazaki : — Nagoija. Magnetic Moment. Temperature. 670.86 16'. 2 3 671.03 16 .12 il/„ = 673.49 671.93 14 .84 m=- 0.02 673.32 11 .13 t,= IVAS 675.06 8.00 a = - 0.546 675.90 7 .53 fc= + 0.0046 676.44 6.49 whence il/=674.3111-.00083(«- 10") + . 0000068(^-107 THE DISTURBANCE OF ISOMAGNETICS. 163 Isskiki. Magnetic Moment. Temperature. 656.90 11".28 657.55 9.03 657.95 8 .38 M,= 658.19 657.81 8.14 m= - 0.05 660.79 2.07 /,= 7".83 658.17 8 .55 a = - 0.418 656.61 11 .25 b= 0.0057 659.77 3.93 whence il/=657.2G{l-.OOOGO(/-10") + .0000087(/-10'y] Miyazaki. Magnetic Moment. Temperature. 436.945 34. G 437.01 34.8 Jl/,=437.45 437.07 34.0 7/1= -0.04 437.19 33.35 t,= 32 '.33 437.58 31.6 «=-0.221 437.95 29.6 h= 0.0076 438.44 28.35 whence il/'=437.96 il-.000586(f-30")+.0Û00174(^-30")-] Deflection Bod : — The rod is of bra.<^s and about 1 metre long-. The accompanyuig figures show the rod in liorizontal and vertical projections, as well as in cross section. V grooves are cut all along the slender parts a h, a' b' of the rod. AVhen the magnet is laid on V, the diagonal of the square cross section of the magnet is on a level with the upper face of the rod. To facilitate the change of position of 164 A. TANAKADATE AND H. NAGAOKA. natural size. ^ natural size. Natural Size. the deflecting magnet and to restore it always to the same place, four stops a, h, a, h' are rigidly fixed to the rod. These stops are triangular prisms of brass fitting into the V. Each has a slightly oblique section. It is so fixed to the rod that tlie magnet comes in contact with the acute edge of the prism along the diagonal of the square section. l>efore placing the magnet on the V, the groove was always carefully swept with a camel's hair brush, so as to make sure of contact, both along the groove, and against the stop. The magnet was placed in such a position that the lateral fice with the spot before spoken of was always turned from the observer. The magnet was slid by the end of the brush along the groove. In transferring it from one to the other side of the rod, or in reversing it, care was taken to guard against change of temperature from handling, by wrapping it in a piece of folded crape. The temperature of the rod was read by means of two thermo- meters (Salleron No. 1386 and No. 15476), each graduated to | of a degree. They were loosely attached, one to each branch of tlie rod. One of the thermometers was placed in ft-ont of the observer, and tlie THÉ DISTURBANCE OF ISOMAGNETICS. 165 other at the Ijack, These tliermometers were compared with the standard and corrected. Daring the former survey, the magnet remained straight and came into good contact with the stops and therefore the distances, i\ and 7*2, of tlie magnet from the magnetometer magnet were known from the measurements of the distances a a, h h', and the length of the magnet. 13ut as the magnet had hecome decidedly curved, it would no longer come into good contact with the stops. Generally, only one extremity of the diagonal of the square cross-section wîis in con- tact, while there was a slight gap at the other end. This change of contact necessitated the redetermination of the distances of the centre of the magnet in positions a, h, a\ h' , The actual distances of the centre of the magnet from the magnetometer magnet can only he determined by placing the magnet in the groove in the same way as in the Jictual deflection experiments. The deflection rod was placed on a plane plank, and the lower side of the metre scale was brouglit in contact with the upper face of the rod. To guard against any change of position of the metre scale and the rod, the latter was gently clamped to the plank at its middle, and any relative moti(}n which might take place between the two during measurement was noted by a microscope of high magnifying power. No relative motion of the scale and rod was observed during the operation. The magnet being placed in the usual way in the groove, the edge of the magnet adjacent to the stop was sighted, and the, readings of the scale and micrometer noted in the four positions a, h. a\ h'. The magnet was then reversed, and the process repeated. The rod beim?- next reversed, the readinj^'s of the other edo;e of the magnet were noted in the same position as before. For each reading of the micrometer, four thermometers were read, two being placed on the scale and the others close to thé rod. The mean of the observed 166 lengths are.- A. TANAKADATE AND H. NAGAOKA. rt ft' = 39.0759 cm. at 0" c. h h' = G7.0VJ6 cm. ,, „ ,, The distance between the edges of the magnet was next measured, both in the direct and in the reversed positions. The mean length of the magnet from one edge to the other was found equal to 6.9905 cm. at 0'' C'. Thus we have for the distances of the centre of the mngnet from the magnetometer magnet. — r, = 30.0196 cm. at 0" C. r,^23.0332 „ „ „ „ It is to be noticed that the distances of the mao-net frijm the magnetometer mngnet will be slightly different unless the latter be accurately centred. Since the centering of the magnetometer magnet can be easily done with suflicient accurac}^, arid since the correction te be made from this cause would be ordy of the order of the square of this error, it was quite negligible in our observations. The distances of the magnet for two j)ositions, a and b, had to be corrected for the expansion of the rod as well as fov that of the magnet. If the expansion coefficient of l)rass be f^-, and that of steel be /5, it can be easily shown that in place of the fictor (l + 3«t) (see specimen sheet in tlic former report), used in the calculation of 3I/H in tlie former survey, we must use. — where / denote the half length of the mag-nets. Taking «=0.0000189, /5 ==0.0000106, / =7/2, /•, = 30, r,=23, the value of the coefficient becomes — 1 + 3.08 oi] THE DISTURBANCE OF ISOMAGXETICS. 167 or its effect is to incrense the temperature coefficient by about 3 per cent. Correction for the induced Magnetism : — Tlie magnetic moment arising' from the mao-netization indiicel in the vibration mao-net l)v a given magnetic field, comparable with that of the earth, was determined by the magnetometric method. The magnet was placed on the deflection bar, as in the actual deflection experiment, and was subjected to various weak fields obtained by means of a solenoid enclosing the magnet and the bar together. The deflection due to the permanent magnetism of the magnet was compensated by means of anotlier bar magnet placed on the other side of the magnetometer on the deflec- tion bar. A solenoid, 23 cm. in length and 2.() cm. in diameter, was wound in four layers with fine insulated copper wire, the total number of turns being 71 per cm. The effect of tlie solenoid alone was calculated by observing the deflections Avhen the known current was passed through tlie solenoid, the magnet being ttdcen away. This deducted from tlie deflection when the magnet was put in, gave the deflection proportional to the moment induced by the field. For observing the deflection, a scale cut in mm., was placed at a distance of 4.2 metres from the magnetometer. By means of a. telescope, the deflection could be read to the tenth of a scale division. At eacli ob- servation of deflection, the magnetometer zero was noticed, to guard against any changes of declination. The fallowing are the results obtained by Messrs. Ota and Xak:inuu'a : — Field. Increment of moment. /Tiierea-Je of M\ Vper nuit lifliiy .157 (direct) .101 6.43 .306 .201 6.56 .157 (reverse) .102 6.50 .306 „ .199 Mean. 6.51 6.50 ins .A. TAXAKADATE AND H. XAGAOKA. Thi:^ result is greater tlian the value used in reducing the observations of 1.S87. Tlie induction coefficient then used was 3.0, and was deduced from, the observations made in 1883 on the magnet from Avhich the present magnet was prepared ]:)y cutting off its end. AVe tested the result by the ballistic galvanometer method. For this purpose a coil, into which the magnet fitted almost exactly, was wound, and its ends Avere led to a low resistance ballistic galvanometer whicli was 10 metres distant from the coil. The coil lay on a horizon- tal plane with its axis parallel to the magnetic meridian, and it was adjusted to this positi(Mi by means of a wooden block. When the coil was quickly turned round through half a revolution in the liorizontal plane the ballistic galvanometer gave deflections proportional to the number of lines of force through the solenoid due to the horizontal coiu])onent of the earth's field. Now the bar magnet Avas put into the solenoid, and the experiment repeated; the magnet was introduced again with its axis reversed, so as to eliminate its direct effect on the galvanometer. The following is the result of this experiment : — Moan of 10 readings of galvanometer t-hi-ow without magnet 9.1 „ „ „ „ „ „ -with magnet 125.7 Volume of magnet 4.5 c. cm. The ratio of the volume included by the solenoid to that of the magnet is 1.44; whence /^ = ' x ^x 1.44 =^ 0.62, which is greater than the value obtained by the other method. The difference is such as might be expected from the difference in Û\c methods, as the first partly depends upon the distribution of induced magnetism in the magnet, and the second on the integral effect of induction on the sub- stance. In applying the correction due to induced magnetism in the reduction of our o])servations, we have taken the value obtained by the first experiment, as it refers more direct]}^ to the point in question. THE DISTURBANCE OF ISOMAGNETICS. 169 As we suspected that the change in the vahie of n might be due to the change in the tempering of the magnet, caused probably by the annual variations of temperature during the years intervenino-, we made experiments on a similar magnet newly made, lîefore applying this correction to the previous results. The bar was tempered as hard as we could make it, and the experiment was performed both in the unmagnetized and in the magnetized state. In l^oth cases the value came out in slight excess of the values of the old magnet, contrary to the above supposition ; we therefore apply the correction to our previous results. The values of li for 1887 recalculated by applying all the necessary corrections are found in the appendix. Zy'if. — This was also the instrument that was used in 1887, i.e., iSTo. 88 Dover. Needle No. 2 was always used. Results of Ihe Survey. The individual determinations of the mai]fnetic elements are given in full in the table appended to this paper. We here compare the mean values with tliose of the previous survey. DIP station. 1887 1891-2 DiÊforence. Numazu Hamamatsu 48" 29'.0 48" 20'.2 Nagoya 48*' 58'.2 48" 53'.8 -4'.4 Nagahama 49" 17',6 49" 13'.6 -4'.0 Obama 49" 80'.4 49" 23'.5 -6'.9 Shioya 50" 30'.8 50" 25'.1 -5'.7 Isshiki 48" 16'.8 48" 16'.7 -OM Shimizu 48" 4r.3 48" 37'.1 -4'. 2 170 A. TANAKADATE AND H. NAGAOKA. DECLINATION Stalion. 1887 1891-2 Difffvoncc Numnzii - 4'^ 19'.45 Hamam:itsii Nagoya. 4" 18'. 92 4" 38'.r)() 4" 3r.9 + G'.ij6 Nagaliama 40 45M 4" 42'.81 — 2'. 29 Obama 4" 54'.1 4" 49'.30 -4'.80 Shioya 4^ 59'.2 4" ÔG'.lô -3'.05 Isshiki 4" 21'.S 4" 23'.91 + 2'.ll Shiinizu 4" 2'.1 4" 4'.42 + 2'.31 HORIZONTAL INTENSITY Numazu Hainamatsii — — Nagoya .2990.1 Nagahaina .30039 Obama .30020 Shioya .295r)l Lsshiki .30210 Shimizii .30016 .30102 .30141 .30125 + .00222 .30086 +.00047 .30195 + .00175 .29668 + .00117 .30288 + .00078 .30070 + .00054 TOTAL INTENS rr Y Numnzn ■ = Hainaiiiat.sn ■ Nagoya .45553 Nagaliamn .46058 Obama .46230 Shioya .46471 lsshiki .45395 Shimizu .45467 .45414 .45342 .45823 + .00270 .46069 + .00011 .46391 + .00161 .46562 + .00091 .45511 + .00116 .45487 + .00020 THE DISTURBANCE OF ISOMAGNETICS. 171 The mean values of these elements are the arithmetical mean of all the observed values, except those for the declination, which are obtained in a different way. The curves given in PI. XA'Iand XVII were traced upon tracing cloth, cut out and weighed. From the ratio of their weights to that of a rectangular piece of the same cloth covering 24: hours the mean value was easily deduced. This pro- cedure w^e found more practical than that with Amsler's planimeter. Through the kindness of Mr. K. Xakamura of the Central Meteorological Observatory, the pliotographic records of the magnetic elements at Tokyo during the present survey were placed at our dis- posal. The inspection of these records showed us that the magnetic weather during the survey wan generally fair, except on three days on which we were taking observations at Obama, Shioya, and Isshiki. The disturbances do not appear to be very serious, and as our curves of declination obtained in tliose places are not far from being regular, wc take the mean value without applying any c jrrection. During the course of the survey, we felt two earthquakes, one at Nagoya and the other at Shioya. The former was not very severe but was accompanied by the usual rumbling, the latter though not ac- companied by sound was a much stronger one. lîoth of them hap- pened while we were observing declination, and we took observations of declination immediately the shock wan over. PI. XYI shows that the declination suffered a distinct fall at Nagoya but resumed its regular course after an interval of some minutes. In Shioya the fall was not so marked as in the case of Xagoya, especially as the shock happened in that part of the day in which the declination was rapidly falling. AVhether this is due to chanize in the direction of the earth's field, or to distortion of azimuth on the part of the instrument, or in the ground on wliich it stood, we can not tell. In the case of tlie 17â A. TANAKADATD AXD H. NAGAOKA Nagoya observations certainly, it is more than can be ascribed to the displacement of the instrument, as the îjzimuth determined on the two successive nights, one l^efore and the other after the event, agreed within 6": on both nights the transits of 7 stars were taken, tlie reduction sheet of which Ave here append. Nagoya : December 24.3 Chronometer mean solar, No. 15U4 Negus. Observer, A. Tanakaclate Star. (5 a Z. D. Clauip. T(o1js.) Rate. Diur. Xhev. Bb. «-Tù'iii-rl A. C. a Pers 49^29' li m s 3 16 3G.7fc: li'lB' N W li in s 10 14 2 1.0 J s -3.79 -0.03 s + 1.15 h m s 6 57 41.61 -0.378 + 1.53L £ Eridani -9'50 3 27 50.73 t4°59' s W 10 25 31. 4( -1.98 -O.Oi' + 0.55 39.22 + 0.718 + i.oir J» Pers '12°14' 3 37 51.50 r 4' N W 10 35 29.31 -0.31 -0.02 + 1.03 38.49 -o.i6r + 1.35] ÇPers 3r34' 3 47 20.G5 3'36' s E 10 44 5S.7( + 1.18 -0.02 -0.05 39.11 + 0.073 -1.173 f Pers 35°29 5^1 lir55 3 5157.53 3 57 24.86 4 5 58.63 0^9' N i9''29' s 76°42' s E E E 10 49 34.8t L0 55 2.0J 11 3 32.10 + 1.71 + 2.8i + 1.21 -O.Oi - 0.02 + 0.OJ -0.05 -O.OJ + 0.01 38.98 39.9; 38.01 + 0. I9r. + 2.31( -1.22& -l.OOi + 2.37-1 V Tauri Gr.(2320).s'.i». h m Observations reduced to 8 40. local sidereal time. "Whence - 1.379 c + 7.110 a =-- + 5.69 + 12.90'J c - 1.18G a= - 3.93. ft - + o'.7G = + ll."3 ; Azimuth reading GT 7' 50" c= - 0.23 + 11" Meridian reading G F 7' Gl" THE DISTUPvBAXCE OF ISOMAGXETICS. 173 Nagoya : December 25/2 Chronometer mean solar, No. 1594 Negus. Observer, A. Tanakadate Star. «Teg- rPeg- i Cassiop. ... A Draco, x.p. I Andro oj- Aquil II H. Ceph... 0 li°38' 23° 0' 61°i2' G9°55 42''40' -15° 9' 07° 1 3 a Z.D. C'iamp. li m s Î2 59 21 Ai 20°33' t W 23 15 1G.11 12° 1' !- W 23 20 0.4: 26°31' N W 23 25 O.OÜ /■4°52' ^ E 23 32 48.91 7°30' N E 23 37 6.2( )0°1S' s E 23 42 42.01 J2° 3' i^ E 'J'(o)>s.) !i m s 5 53 53.64 u 9 46.0:1 6 14 29.88 6 19 26.61 6 27 15.90 6 31 32.7:; G 37 11. OC Rate. Diur. Al^ev. s -4.15 -0.02 -1.57 -0.02 -0.81 -0.04 O.OC + 0.05 + 1.2«: -0.02 + 1.91 -0.02 + 2.87 -0.01 Eh. -0.27 -0.3f' -0..53 + 0;4-- -0.73 -0.3C -LIS |'/-'r(oornl. ) h m s 3 54 27.74 28.04 28.08 27.07 27.56 28.01 30.02 + 0.363 + 0.224 -0.941 + 2.811 -0.177 + 0.797 C + 1.033 + 1.08( + 2.101 + 2.91- -1.36( -1.03( -1.37('; -2.581 Observations redaced to 28 25. local sidereal time AVbenco + 4.741 c + 0.459« = 2.8L + 9.199 c + 0.396« = L78 a=-- + a30 - 4."5 ; c = + 0.18 Azimuth reading 61° 7' 50" + 5" Meridian readino- or 7' 55" A gdîuice al the list of me:in vîïlues will show that tliere is a change in all the element.s, which are of ditîerent mag-nitude in différent .sta- tions. In order to make this change more iiitelligible we ha\e drawn isomagnetic charts of the region, Ijotli from the pre\ious and the present resnlts. AltlKXigh we !)y no means pretend that the number of stafions was sufficient to exhibir the actual magnetic condition of the district with detail, yet we believe tliat these lines are not fir from represent- 174 A. TAXAKADATE AND H. XAGAOKA. iiig the general c(" )) 4 15.8 „ 4" 48' ?» >) 5 14.5 „ - 4^ 42' 50" >) >) 7 8.4 „ 4° 42' 85" )» M 8 81.3 „ 4" 42' 4b" M )) 8 47.9 „ 4' 48' 5" >> ,, 8 52.2 „ 4' 42' 50" ,, 10 89.4 ,. 4^ 42' 28" ,, 29 1 l.() a.m. 4-^ 42' 8,8" )) ,, .') 22.0 „ 4^ 40' 58" )) ,, 8 14.5 „ 0])aina 4' 41)' 88" )) 80 0 54.4 a.m. 4° 47' 54" ,, )) 9 24.7 „ 4^ 48' 89" )» )> 10 4.0 „ 4° 50' 42" )> )) 11 48.0 „ r 50' 5" )) >) 0 20.9 p.m. 4° 50' 5" )) >) 0 33.4 „ 4° 49' 15" )) >) 1 57.9 „ Shioya 4° 48' 43" 4° 48' 43" 4° 49' 18" 4° 48' 53" 4° 50' 48" 4" 51' 28" 4° 56' 2" 81 (13821 January 8 2 21.1 4 20.6 5 20.2 10 43.4 5 22.3 8 36.1 4 24.3 a.m. p.m. 180 A. TAXAKADATE AND H. XAGAOKA. Station. Declination. Date and Hour. (l. m. t.) Sbioya 4° 55' 49" January 3 h 4 m 31.7 p.m. 4^' 56' 0" )) j> 8 4.3 )» 4° 5G' 28" )j >) 9 36.6 ,, 4^ 54' 49" M 4 2 46.8 a.m. 4° 55' 39" )> V () 20.9 )) 4^ .•)4' 41" J> )) 8 16.0 !> 54' 52" 5J J) 9 32.3 )) 4^ b6' 6" >> !> 10 32.6 )) 4^ 57' 34" )) ») 11 30.2 J> 4^ 57' 44" >; )) 11 34.1 )) 4° 58' 57" )> M 0 25.0 p.m. 4^ 59' 34" )) >) 1 30.7 ,, 4^ 59' 27" )> )) 2 17.2 )) 4° 58' 27" 1) J) 3 11.7 <> 4= 57' 4" J? ,, » > 56.9 ,, 4' 56' 22' ,, >> 5 2s.y ,, 4^ 00' 29" <) )! G 12.9 ); 4° 56' 33" J) ,, 7 12.7 ) J 4= 55' 24" 5) J) 9 18.9 ,, 4° 54' 47" >5 5 1 59.5 a.m. 4° 55' 9" JJ )) 4 46.6 J) 4° 54' 32" )> )) 7 19.1 >> 4= 56' 27" n )> 8 29.9 >> 4° 57' 29" M )> 9 24.3 )> Isshiki 4^^ 22' 18" )> 8 10 24.9 a.m. 4' 28' 1" 5> ,, 11 5.9 )> 4^ 24' 32" )> )) 0 2.8 p.m. 4"= 25' 49" 5) )) 0 56.7 !< 4° 25' 44" >) )) 1 59.4 )) 4'^ 24' 58" )> jj 2 44.7 )) 4° 24' 52" >> J 5 3 26.4 >> DECLINATION. 181 Station. Declination. Da1 e and Hour. (l. m. t ) Isshiki 4" 24' 38" Jam h m lary 8 4 8.0 p.m. 4° 23' 58" „ 4 51.4 „ 4° 23' 28" „ 6 53.8 „ 4° 24' 7" „ 7 46.1 „ 4° 23' 47" „ 9 9.0 „ 4° 23' 56" „ 10 54.6 „ . 4° 24' 10" 9 6 39.8 a.m. 4° 23' 13" 7 38.6 „ 4" 21' 38" „ 8 38.6 „ 4° 21' 38" „ 9 31.1 „ 4= 21' 30" „ 10 7.7 „ 4° 24' 20" , ,, 0 4.4 p.m. 4° 25' 55" „ 1 49.8 „ 4' 26' 37" „ 2 44.7 „ 4° 26' 7" „ 3 34.7 „ 4° 25' 15" „ 4 23.2 „ 4° 24' 30" „ 5 0.3 „ 4' 24' 33" „ 6 31.7 „ 4° 23' 25" M 7 25.8 „ Shimizu 4° 6' 46" 11 1 14.5 p.m. 4' 6' 46" „ 1 40.1 „ 4° 6' 5S" „ 2 33.5 „ 4° 5' 34" „ 3 37.3 „ 4° 4' 56" „ 4 23.6 „ 4° 4' 31" „ 6 21.6 ., 4° 4' 14" 7 35.5 „ 4° 3' 42" () 00 'S 4° 4' 32" „ 10 33.5 „ 4= 4' 13" „ 11 27. „ 4' 3' 19" 12 8 1.7 a.m. 4° 2' 49" „ 8 53.1 „ 182 A. TAXAKADATE AND H. XAGAOKA. Station. Sbiiuizu Uecl in a tion 4" 2' 32" 4^ 2' 44" 4° 5' 14" 4^ 7' 18" 4^' 7' 12" 4' 7' 23" 4'' 7' 19" 4° 7' 12" 4^ 7' 14" 4^^ 6' 37" 4° 5' 57" 4^ 5' 13" 4' 4' 59" Date and Hour. (l. m. t.) January 12 111. 9 58.0 a.m 10 46.0 11 48.8 0 53.6 p 1 19.3 1 47.4 . 2 41.0 3 15.2 3 56.4 4 24.4 6 16.1 7 11.5 7 59.0 Dip. station. Dip. Date and Hour. (l. m. t.) Numazii 4S'' 29:4 . .December 21 h III 1 41.8 p.m. 48^ 2g:(] )) 8 7.8 „ 4b° 8o:tj -»> 10 2.8 „ 48° 29:8 22 8 84.4 a.m. Hachiman-miira 4S° 20.'() 22 4 24.9 p.m. near Haniaiuatsu. 4S° 21.1 »» 10 89.1 „ 48^ 20.'0 28 9 14.4 a.m. 48° 19.'5 Î) 2 8.2 p.m. 48^^ 19.'0 M 9 86.8 „ 48° 20:7 24 9 48.9 a.m. Nagoya 4!;'^ 1.'4 24 7 55.4 p.m. 48° 58.'8 25 8 9.8 a.m. 48° 50.'5 )) 8 19.8 p.m. 48° 54.'5 )) 5 10.8 „ 48° 49.'5 Î) 7 87.0) „ 48° 52:8 )j 8 18.9 „ 48° 51.'8 j> 8 52.1 „ 48° 51. '9 20 9 88.9 a.m. Nagabama 4W° l;r9 27 0 18.7 p.m. 4i/° l;i'8 J) 4 22 1 41;° 1().'9 28 10 80.0 a.m. 4î;° 16.'9 5) 11 15.2 „ 49° 11.7 >) 2 51.8 p.m. 49° 12.'5 )) 8 51.1 „ 49° 10.-2 about midiiiglit. Obama 49° 28.'4 20 11 5.0 p.m. 49° 26.^3 80 9 48.9 a.m. 49° 22.7 )) 0 8.9 p.m. 49° 22.'8 )) 1 18.1 „ 49° 28.'2 )> 2 8.0 „ 49° 22.T) )i 4 1.8 „ 184 A. TANAKADATE AND H. NAGAOKA. Station. Dip. Date and Honr. (l. m. t.) Shioya Isshiki Sliiini/.a. 50° '2'2:ü 50° 25r5 50' 23:2 50" 26:5 50° 25:8 50° 26:5 50' 26:8 48° I8r8 4.s° 19:0 48° 14:4 48° 18.7 48° 15.'0 48° 16.'5 48' 16.7 48° 14.'8 48° 17:2 48° 17.1 48° 16.'2 48° .37.'4 48° 36.'9 48° 37:8 48° 37.'0 48° 36.'6 48° 37.'4 January 3 11 5 111 ().4 p.m. M n 6 16.5 „ JJ 4 8 14.2 a.m. >) ?) 11 7.1 „ ?) 5' 2 48.7 p.m. ») )) 5 58.3 „ )> 5 9 9.7 a.m. )) ,s 10 51.4 „ ,, )' 0 40.7 p.m. )> ,, 3 2.5 „ >> >» 4 29.8 „ »» )J 5 '^0 '>. >? M 5 54 2 >> 9 X 23.9 a.m. )1 )j 9 53.1 „ )) >) 4 12.2 p.m )> ,, 4 4K.9 „ )) »» 5 31.2 „ January 11 0 .34.(5 p.m. J» n 11 ;i2 „ >) 12 8 30.9 a.m. M ,, 10 29 7 ,, )5 1 9.2 p.m. >> M 4 43.1 „ Horizontal Force. station. Horiz. Force. M. Temp. Date & Hour, (l.m.t.) Nninazu 0.80115 ()74.67 28^08 D8C. 21 Il m 0 0.7 p.m. .80078 677.54 14°.65 )t )) 4 45.8 „ .80119 678.00 ir.09 )> )) 8 48.3 „ .80089 679.72 8°. 20 22 7 48.5 a.m. Hachiman-imn-a . . . 0.80148 678.86 10\78 „ 22 5 57.9 p.m. near Haniainatsu. .;50080 679.64 s°.25 )' )' 9 44.0 „ .80116 677.77 ir.69 )> )» 3 41.8 „ .80171 67S.50 6°.85 M )J 10 42.1 „ .80188 677.88 6)'.8l „ :^4 8 56.8 a.m. Nagoya 0.80148 ()77.85 4'.80 „ ••^4 6 45.0 p.m. .80107 6)75.60 9M0 „ 25 9 28.2 a.m. .80186 672.16 16°.48 ,, ,, 11 45.0 „ .80119 (570.86 16°.28 »» )) 0 40.7 p.m. .30160 671.08 16M2 j' >) 1 88.9 „ .8012-2 671.98 14^84 )5 n 2 21.4 „ .80038 <)78.82 11M8 )» »' 4 17.6 „ .80181 675.03 S'.OO >' '») 6 47.6 „ .80109 675.90 7^58 >> ,, 10 18.2 „ .80120 (')76.44 6°.49 ^21 j 8 45.1 a.m. Nagaliama 0.80081 (')72.18 l:i°.26 „ '27 1 18.4 p.m. .80100 674.88 9°.97 )' >) 6 10.2 „ .80065 674.79 8^54 „ 28 9 18.8 a.m. .80098 672.61 12°.28 )1 M 1 50.0 p.m. .80078 660.97 8^78 )1 M 4 51. S „ .80091) 6()2.48 8^68 !' )! 10 1.8 „ Ubaina 0.8016() 655.18 16^66 ,. 80 1 87.5 p.m. .30210 658.42 12^08 )? )» 4 59.0 „ .80268 655.42 12°.08 ^1 11 9 57.1 „ .80184 654.74 i6°.72 „ 81 9 18.8 a.m. Öhioya 0.29648 658.96 6M7 Jan. 8 9 4.8 p.m. .29696 659.01 «°.ll „ 4 7 11.9 a.m. 18G A. TANAKADATE AND IT. XAGAOKA. Station . Horiz. Force. M. Temp. Date & Hour, (l.m.t.) Il in Sbioya .29GÜ5 050.58 K/-.99 Jan. 4 0 11.9 p.m. .29640 050.81 10^79 )j „ 1 57.0 „ .29650 057.81 r.rji )j „ 5 8.4 „ .29070 058.37 r.io )? „ 0 40.5 „ .29032 059.02 4°.80 !J 5 8 7.0 a.m- Isshiki 0.30294 050.90 ir.28 M « 11 43.5 a.m. .30200 057.55 9^03 )) „ 1 32.4 p.m. .30288 057.95 .S^38 )) „ 3 51.7 „ .30281 057.81 SM 4 j^ „ 8 30.9 „ .30283 0(50.79 2^07 >? „ 7 22.2 a.m. .30313 058.17 8^55 )! „ 9 9.5 „ .30284 ()5(').(n 1 r.25 5> „ 2 25.1 p.m. .30303 059.77 3=.93 ,, „ 7 0.2 „ Sliinn/ii 0.30005 (i53.03 l7^2l >> 11 2 17.1 „ .3005.S (;54.35 14\54 >> „ 3 10.1 „ .30097 059.02 0^24 )? „ 10 13.0 „ .30072 057.54 9'.08 )J 12 9 10.1 am. .3004) „ 5 3.(5 „ Appendix. Recalculated values of H for 1887- Station. j Horiz. Force. M. ' reiTip. Mo. Date & Hour, (l.m.t.) Ishibashi .29184 937.15 2r.oc. 944.37 June 23 6.00 a.m. Yabuki .28952 938.60 20°.4 945.-54 „ 25 8.00 „ Matsukawa .28784 937.78 20°.0 944.60 „ 26 7.00 „ Shiraislii .28828 936.72 20M 943.58 „ 28 7.30 „ Shiogaiiia .28754 935.41 22°.6 943.21 „ 29 9.00 „ .28720 933.79 22°.7 941.59 „ 30 6.00 „ Ishinoiiiaki .28778 936.53 2r.2 943.82 July 1 8.00 „ .28745 937.28 22''. 3 944.. 50 „ „ 5.30 p.m. Içhinoseki .28429 936.20 18°.0 942.65 „ 3 7.30 a.m. Hanamaki .28030 938.04 18^4 944.28 „ 5 7.30 „ Morioka .28179 937.26 20°.8 944.39 „ 6 8.00 „ Miyako .27899 934.70 23°.2 942.76 „ 8 4.00 p.m. Kuji .27986 935.56 23^4 943.67 „ 10 4.00 „ Hachinohe .27688 937.02 22'. 2 944.69 „ 12 8.00 a.m. GonoliG .27624 933.75 24°. 3 942.24 „ „ 5.00 p.m. Nobecbi .27579 934.52 24M 942.91 „ 13 6.00 „ Aoniori .27731 935.88 22°.7 943.73 „ 15 8.00 a.m. Hakodate .27322 935.75 22°.3 943.19 „ 16 5.00 p.m. Sapporo .26768 931.52 25^2 940.29 „ 19 5.30 „ Kiitup ! .26677 933.83 23M 941.82 „ 24 4.30 „ Nemuro .26047 931.86 2b°.3 941.07 ! „ 25 4.00 „ Hirosaki .27828 932.97 26^3 942.19 ! „ 29 4.30 „ Ödate .27741 935.34 20°. 3 942.24 „ 31 6.00 a.m. Nöshiro .27857 930.85 3r.o 941.89 Aug. 1 4.00 p.m. 1 Akita .28285 932.18 25\2 941.00 1 „ 3 6.15 a.m. Kariwano .28231 934.50 26°.4 943.78 „ 4 6.30 „ Yokoto .28314 932.91 26^4 942.17 „ 5 7.00 „ Iiniai .28229 931.47 28'.0 941.35 1 „ „ 4.30 p.m Sbiiiiö .28530 931.43 27°.4 941.07 „ 7 7.00 p.m Sakata .28472 931.94 27^6 941.65 „ 8 7.00 a.m Yamagata .28655 932.80 25°.4 941.63 „ 10 7.00 „ 188 A. TANAKADATE AND II. XAGAÔKA. Station. Horiz. Force. M. Temp. Mo. Date & Ilonv. (l.m.t.) Yoiiezawa .2888:-) 931.28 30^3 c. 942.04 Aug. 1 1 5.30 p.m. Oguni .28756 933.58 2r.8* 941.02 „ 13 7.00 a.m. Nakajö .28764 930.23 28°.3 940.20 „ U 7.30 „ Ebisu .28987 923.57 3Ô".0 936.16 „ 15 noon Niigata .28704 928.32 28M 938.19 „ 10 7.30 am. Kashiwazaki .28887 927.66 '2\f.l 938.17 „ 17 6.00 „ Sekiyama .29162 930.36 27M 939.83 „ 19 8.15 „ Ueda .29636 936.59 21°.8 944.0(5 „ 21 6.00 „ Takanoinacbi .29531 928.90 26\() i;38.l9 )) J) 6.00 p.m. Kofu .29282 926.19 3b^4 938.40 „ '23 4.30 „ Hara .30146 929.(59 25\0 938.37 „ 25 6.35 am. Hakone .30514 929.1(5 25^4 937.97 )> ;j 5.00 p.m. Otsu .29674 927.19 29°.2 937.45 „ 26 5.00 „ Höjö .29641 927.85 27^3 937.41 28 6.00 a.m .29632 926.75 29^4 937.10 )) !» 4.00 p.m. Katsuura .29622 929.20 25\2 937.95 „ 29 5.30 „ Tögane .29534 929.22 2z^4 93(5.87 „ 31 6.15 a.m. Chösbi .29701 928.60 27^0 938.02 Sept. 1 7.20 „ Kioroslii .29381 930.4() 23^8 938.69 „ 2 7.00 „ Shimmachi .29380 929.65 hf.O 935.86 „ 25 5.00 p.m. Ömiya .29427 928.92 20M 935.73 „ 26 10.20 am. Sliimoda .29992 442.80 2U°.7 June 23 10.30 „ T K ÎS î§ ip .29992 442.68 2r.2 )> )) 3.13 p.m. .29967 440.43 2r.8 )) )) 8.21 „ Bhiniizu .30166 441.45 2r.3 25 afternoon •^ ?l< J!S viü Jh m .30022 442.65 2r.4 )) ») }> .29971 442.45 26°.0 „ 26 2.10 p.m. .30016 440.72 25°.2 )) )) 4.31 „ .29906 441.21 25M „ 27 8.48 a.m. Nagoya .29880 .29840 442.17 441.93 26°.9 29".7 „ 30 1) )3 9.02 „ 11.44 „ APPEXDJV. 18Ü station. j Kc r-iz. Force. M. Tonip. Mo. Dato & Hour, (l.m.t.) Nagoya (continued) .299H8 441.37 24°.2 c June 30 6.26 p.m. Kamiyashiro .30234 440.84 24°.7 July 4 8.46 a.m. -Bumm^^^mm .30198 441.15 26^3 >' M 11.25 ,., .30199 44l.;-!7 24\8 )> M 5.25 p.m Nagaliama ... ... .300c-4 439.44 26°.8 „ 6 0.53 ,, m m m m ë-, m b .30033 440.31 2&°.7 " •; 6.03 „ .30019 440.07 24°. 9 „ 7 9.02 a.m Hyögo .30268 439.85 29=.3 „ 8 2.07 p.m. Wa^EîniîIPi'Ff^a .30255 440.36 26^5 4 48 3 >; H/ST® .30255 441.80 26°.4 „ 9 9.10 a.m, .3u338 438.85 3r.6 »» 5) 1.20 p.mi. Tokiishima .30731 436.82 27 \ 8 , 10 6.51 „ ^^Mmm'Émm^^î^ .30515 439.84 27°.3 , 11 9.53 a.m, .30543 439.55 2 '-'-.2 ) >! 0.10 p.m. Koclii .31094 435.95 27\9 , 17 0.16 a.m m ill ^ m %i .31043 435.9» 2.>°.0 ' jj 7.48 „ ..3C'842 438.34 ;ir.7 J )S 11.55 ., Minabe .30437 438.90 31°.6 , 21 9.57 ,. pfï §iJ ^mu^mi^ .30484 438.51 3r.5 11.30 ,, mmm^^m .3048(3 438.12 :i2^8 ' )» 2.55 p.ui .30494 438.74 30^7 ) )) 5.56 „ Okayaiiia .30418 438.16 3r.4 , 26 9.00 a.m * if M ^" ai m ffi m .30430 437.71 34^2 1.28 p.m ffiims .30446 437.86 33°.0 5.07 „ Hiroshima .30713 438.02 34M5 , 28 0.41 „ m^HM^m^m^ .30674 437.82 35\2 4 13 WB .30734 440.34 2.5°.0 , 29 6.32 a.m. .30688 410.21 2Ô\9 > n 7.35 „ .30650 439.45 29°.9 ) >J 8.37 „ .30683 438.43 ■34M5 ) >j 9.32 „ .30702 437.60 3.5^^'5 > 7J 10.31 .. 190 A. TAXAKADATE AND H. NAGAOKA. Station. HiroshmidbicoHtiniied) AVakwan (Korea). . . Mêbo (Korea) Pusan (Korea) . . . m \u m ^t vi w. Kurosaki Shiinokijiina Fnkuoka mmfàm^mmmm Nakatsu ^ miaAt m m Sagaiiosski Hichiyamura Horiz. Force. .30697 .30719 .30695 .30716 .30724 .30685 .30711 .30694 .30421 .30463 .30472 .30667 .30592 .30673 .30893 .30915 .30897 .30605 .30514 .31011 .30988 .30986 .30975 .30978 .30983 .31086 .31102 .31146 .313.56 .31334 .31362 M. 437.22 437.38 437.37 437.22 437.74 438.44 438.20 439.22 438.94 438.13 439.33 439.78 438.59 436.76 437.89 436.07 437.44 436.82 437.83 437.40 436.55 435.95 435.53 436.04 437.69 437.24 437.03 436.94 436.74 438.37 436.70 Temp. Mo. 37^0 c. 36\0 36°.2 35^75 3.5M 3b^3 30°.5 29'-.0 3r.9 32^7 27'.6 2Ô\8 32^8 36M 29°.2 34°.3 2j^2 32^ 6 28^ 3 30° 5 32° 5 34^ .0 35° .8 34° .9 28^ .8 3(? .7 32^ .5 30^ .4 3r .4 27^ .8 34^ .0 Date & Hour, (l.m.t.) July 29 11.35 a.m. „ „ 0.32 p.m. ,, „ 1.38 ,, ,, ,, Zi.Ö^ ,, 3 32 ,, ,, 4.35 ,, 5 32 „ „ 6-^7 „ Aug. 6 10.06 a.m. „ „ 1.39 p.m. ^' 5 1 9 ,, 11 6.34 a.m. „ „ 11.01 „ „ „ 2.08 p.m. „ 13 10.56 a.m. „ „ 2.23 p.m. „ „ 4.06 „ „ 15 11.24 a.m. ,, ,, 6.40 p.m. „ 22 7.44 a.m. „ „ 10.40 „ „ „ 3.24 p.m. 24 1 '^6 4 ^^3 „ 25 8.27 a.m. „ 28 8.28 „ „ „ 11-10 „ „ „ 3.37 p m. „ 29 3.49 „ „ 30 8.07 a.m. ., ,. 10.45 „ APPENDIX. 191 Station. Horiz. Force. M. Temp. Mr Date & Hour, (l.ji.t.) Miyazaki Yatsnshiro A n m m ïïi m. m i& Nagasaki Hagi Hamada Matsue ... , m m m m m Iinaicbi ^ m 3 •; s ;t; + T .31587 .31565 .31552 .31528 .31512 .31518 .315(34 .31569 .31533 .31533 .31588 .31561 .31555 .31521 .31477 .31496 .31458 .31369 .30857 .30902 .30874 .30023 .30022 .30046 .29993 .30014 .29992 .30008 .30019 .30018 437.30 436.67 436.33 436.20 436.27 436.27 436.33 435.40 436.22 436.45 43Ô.31 436.84 437.20 437.70 436.52 436.81 436.42 436.32 436.42 437.03 438.00 438.14 440.06 436.68 437.96 437.91 440.25 438.14 437.49 438.29 3r.4 c 32^9 34^8 34^6 34^8 34".8 34°.0 34°. 5 33°.8 33°.35 33M5 3r.6 29^6 28°. 35 32°.6 3r.8 31=.5 38°.9 32^.2 2;)°.4 26M 26°.0 18^9 3r.2 26^5 26°.0 19^9 24°.2 29°.3 23^7 Sept. 1 8.53 a.m. 9 31 „ „ 10.12 „ ,, ,, 10.51 „ „ „ 11.31 „ ,, „ 0.11 p.m. >> )J 1.30 „ )) n 2.10 „ n )) •2.50 „ jj )) 3.31 „ >> )» 4.12 „ 7J )) 4.49 „ )9 )) 5.29 „ >J )) 6.09 „ »5 () 10.48 a.m. M )) 4.20 p.m. )) )) 9.33 „ )> 10 9.43 a.m. M 13 11.20 „ ,') )) 0.48 p.m. )) )5 4.18 „ J) 16 4.32 „ M 17 7.12 a.m. )) )) 11.21 ,, ;j 20 1 .04 p.m. J> îj 4.55 „ 5> 21 7.00 a.m. n 22 8.53 „ )) ;5 11.40 „ )> !) 5.14 p.m. 192 A. TAXA -s A DA 'JE AXJ> H. XAUAC»'<.A. Station. Horiz. Force. M. Temp. Mo. Date c^- Hour, (l.m.t.) Kanöniura .30175 489.14 2r.9 c. Sept. 25 0.09 p.m. B^^Pt#^*ftïRlM .80186 439.31 2ö\9 5J 4.42 „ ±m .30r20 441.22 14°.7 26 7.20 a.m. Koyamamura .29971 438.21 24^3 3J 1,51 p.m, mi^uM^turm .80971 488.45 21^9 ), ■^.07 „ u m .30008 438.74 2r.3 27 7.51 a.m. .29962 437.16 28\7 j; 10 26 Maizurn ..30079 438.27 25\3 30 11.49 „ un^mït'hmrxmm .30108 438.92 2r.5 4.45 p.m. .30118 440.34 16\8 Oct. 7.07 a.m. Obama .30006 438.18 24^7 ■2 11.34 „ 'j^ mm m m .30047 438.H2 2r.2 y} 4.83 p.m. .30006 440.66 16\8 " 8 8.00 a.m. Shioj^aura .29536 437.82 26'. 9 4 0.02 p.m. mmM'hmm-rm .29566 437.76 26'-.0 >i 4.53 „ .29550 439.00 20\6 5 7.26 a.m. Nanao .29398 440.62 16\8 8 9.05 ,. ■bm^nmiMmmw- .29381 440.18 19\2 y; 0.59 p.m ^IF .29424 439.26 20\6 5» 73 4.33 „ TökyC ^nV) .29678 438.13 23\4 Nov . 8 11.52 a.m. mmi^mmmm .29661 4o7.7l 25^4 )) ,, 1.39 p.m. .29659 439.75 17M 5) j; 4.20 „ „ (E) ,.. ... .29684 488.99 19^7 )) 10 9.29 a.m. .29644 438.66 22M !) ); 1.01 p.m. .29619 440.30 l6^8 >) 35 4.15 „ Optical Note. K. Takizawa. If one observes a Xewtoii's ring- apparatus through a thin film ni mica, several sets of rings are seen in those parts of the field, where if white light is used, ordinary Xewton's rings are not found. Each group consists of a middle «lark ring with two concentric white rings next the dark one, and several colored rings outside and inside. Besides these prominent gT<3ups, a group of faint rings is observed inside the first group. All sets are concentric with each other and the space between any two sets is devoid of rings. The diameters ot these rings depend on several conditions. The thinner the mica film, tlie smaller the diameters. The greater the air film of the Xewton's ring apparatus, the smaller the diameters. The effect of inclining the film so as to receive the light from the Xewton's ring apparatus more obliquely is equivalent to using a thinner film. All these phenomena can be very easily explained by the ordinary elementary theory of interferrence. As to the existence of these rings, it is well known that the rings are invisible in those parts of the field, which correspond to a great thickness of the air film, because the lio-hts of maximum and minimum intensities are very nearly equal in their wave-lengths for a given direction. If we examine a small portion of an <3rdinary Xewton's ring (which is invisible in white light) by a prism, a large number of dark bands are seen in its spectrum. If we bring the dark middle ring of the first prominent, group as seen by a mica film (let us call 104 K. TAKIZAWA. it the groiij) A) into the centre of the lield by inereayino- the thickness of the air lihn, so as to form a central dark spot, and examine the spectrum of a small portion of it by a prisnn we ol)serve a series of dark bands l)etween which there is a series of curved dark l)ands. The straight bands are those formed by the mica iihn, and the curved ones are those formed by the Xewton's ring air film. The dark central ring of A is formed, because the lights of maximum intensity throufdi the air film are tlie very ones which are of nn'nimum in- tensity through the mica film. The re;ison why tlie ))ands are cur\ ed, is obvious. If we form a white central spot by an approach of A tow.ard the centre, the straight bands coincide with curved bands, so that lights wliich are as a, mininumi after interferrence through the îdr film, are still minimum after the interferrence through the mica. Hence no change is produced b}' the mica film. After a few colored ring's, whose fn'mations can be readily understood after the above explanations of the formations of dnvk and bright rings, there is a space of uniform illumination. And then a second group that may be called the group lî, very similar to A is seen. Here again in the middle dark ring, the liglits of maximum intensities through the air film are mininumi by the interferrence through the mica. If a central dark spot Ix' formed of the dark ring and its spectrum examined, we again see a series of straiglit and cur\ed bands, but this time tlie munljer of curved bands are twice as many as straight ones. And one of the straight ones coincides Avith one of the curved ones in the middle part of the latter. If a central wliite spot formed by Avhite rings of 15 group be examined, the two curved ones fall neither on the curNcd dark bands nor on the part just mid-way between two bands, corresponding to the light of maximum intensity, but between the two, so that the light of maximum intensity passes through the mica. AMiate^'er be the order of the group, in the middle OPTICAL XÖTE. 195 dark riii,U" tlie light of maximum iiiteusity is made minimum by mica and in the white rings, the straight liands are not in the middle pai-t between any two dark ciir\ ed bands. Five groups were well obser\ed, and oToiips of a hiii'her order mio-ht be observed 1)v means of tliinner mica. It is needless to say that air tihns corresponding to the central dark Ijands A, !>, C, dkc. are m the ratio of 1, 2, 3, Arc, as is jiroved bv the fact that the s(|nares of the diameters of the dark rings nre in tlie same rati<). The difference of march between once and twice reflected rays bv the air film corresponding to the middle dark band of A together with the loss of i. / is precisely eqnal to that introduced Ijy the mica fihn, as is shown by the fact that the dark band produced by the air film lies mid- way Ijetween the two bands produced l)y the mica. Hence the thinner the film, the nearer is the group A to the centre of the system. In tlie faint rings, the difference of march intrtxluced by the air film corresponding to the dark middle ring is greater than that by the mica film Ijy y /- Hence if we could observe its spectrum, there would be twice as manv straio-lit bands as curved ones, but I was not able to observe it on account of faintness. The effect of inclining the mica fihn so as to recei\'e the rays more oblicjuely is e(pii\ aient to thinning the film as regards the difference of march introduced. Hence if the grou[) A is not seen within the field on account of too ü'reat a thickness of the mica film, it can be seen if the film is held obli(piely. The groups are als() well observed l)y refiected liglit from the front surface of the mica film. It is needless to say that the appearances are complementary. 196 K. TAKIZAWA. In conclusion, it may be .stated that the phenomena described are in no way peculiar to the mica fihn. Any thin film can he used. The same phenomena 'twere observed hy means of a thin air film between two achromatic prisms. I'lie observation of course, much more difficult than Avith a mica film. Jour. Sc. Coll. Vol, V. PI. XV. o <- ^ Q O oOqO o '■> o o '-^ O ■'■> O O O o o j iM. Lith. dt Imp. Seishibunsha. Jour. Sc. Coll. Vol. V. PI. XVI. O 2 • 6 ,¥ JO M /s //. //i JJi l'O 2i •JJ^ 1 Yiui azn . d° 22 ^-^ J' 20' / :x ./_ _ \^ jrC- / '-^^ y 1 ^* _^/ -^ ffaiiui 'HKl£stt , 1 i / r Ç ^ s;|- "7 JA" VJ^ ^^^^ ^ \ / " *~~" j^ ' /6- M t*/ '»i/tl . /^x j V"- X ,^ \_\ — — — - -— '""] /. " ^'^^> --F -■=% ^ / jy" » ■^ X .?ö- ' ' ^ f.' Jd' jp 'i/ti/tUItUt. 4-° d4' C >: ;^ / • - ""^^^ — . t ^ -^- -~-c _._.. d^'/ ^ 1 - ^\ •^ / -^ T' J-O' 1 ft ? j. ß -V /o /^ // /(-/ AV -"^ 22 2/- A.M. f'.Nf. Lith. d- Imj). Seishihimsha. Jour. Sc. Coll. Vol. V. PI. XVII. o 2 ^ 6 S lO M 12 I-t /fi /.F 20 22 21 ObtiiiUi „ " /' ^. r!:^:. ^__ , A ^ __. .__, ___ ->- r^rr :r= ^— — _ -.IT!? \ /' /j,o ^— /» ■t-' J7' 77" T^ y ■^. / / V \ / â»' \ __«_ -/- -__ \-\ ^^- » -'^t^^ . r^ % A / ô6' ^ 1 t° L>v' /.y.y/, /Au /^ N J° -"'^ ^^ ^ -^ / '\ '0 \ / ^ ^ ^1 sT' / 'T * \ // x\ -^ y J° 22' Sé ft/'//i l'zft 4-° et' *. :^ '^ / ^ s ^ / 6' \ ^ — -/- X ^^ rrrr^ —r- --"- ^^ V / / J' % ■^ y ■f ^' O 2 a g lo /2 // tß IS so z-j z/ A.M. M P.M. IJth. d- Ivij). Seiühihwn&ha. Jour. Sc. Coll. Vol. V. PI. XVIII. W. — T T LlNES OF Equal Magnetic Dip. 1887 1891-2 Lith. d- Imp. Seishilmnsha. Jour Sc. Coll. Vol. V. PI. XIX. Lith d- Imp. Sei-shibunsha. Jour. Sc. Coll. Vol. V. PI. XX. T Lines OF Equal Magnetic Total Force. 18S7 lSül-2 y Lith. d- Imp. Seùhibunsha. Jour. Sc. Coll. Vol. V. PI. XXI. Lines OP Equal Magnetic Declination. 1887 189] -2 Lith. cf- Imp. Sei.'^hibuii.iha. 0r T ri H (SI -Ol 191 0 ^ If ;«c Jg|. I3fj IM -H- -H- 5: 7F. a B tu fp ERRATA. By inadvertence of the photographer, the numbering of the figures in Plate XXVI was put in wrong order. For " Fig. 1 " read " Fig. 4." For " Fig. 2 " read " Fig. 3." - For " Fig. 3 " read " Fig. 2." For " Fig. 4 " read " Fig. 1." Also 11th line from the top, in the Explanation of Plate XXVI, for " lower " margin read " upper " margin. Page 243, 7th hne from the bottom, for " Fig 7 " read Fig. 10." Page 246, 11th line from the botton, for " feldspar" read " feldspar." Page 256, 13th line from the top, for " wecJienjormig " read " wecTtenförmig ." The Archaean Formation of the Abukuma Plateau. By B. Koto, Ph. D., Ri^akuhakiishi. Professor of Geology, Science College, Imperial University TI'(7/( Plates XXn-XXVII. I. Introduction. T)r. Ediiiüiid Xniiinniiii, in his excellent little work Ucher den Ban und die Ivntslelntntj der jtijxiN/scJien Inseln^ luis proposed a priinnrv division of all Japan irito Xortlunai and Southern, by a remarkable, great, o'eotect(^nic line, a " fos.'^ei maijna^^^ which, as he savs, traverses tlie \vh(3le breadth ofthe ]\[ain Isl.and, froin the Tacific Ocean to the Ja])an Sea. In spite (^f a controversy that has arisen between Dr. Xanniann and T)r. Ilarada, as to the existence or non-existence of that geolouac moat, it must nevertheless be admitted that that division is in e\ery way a most satisfactory one. The South was the cradle of our civilization, while the Xorth was, down to the middle a) lower division distinctions of stratigra- pliical sequence and relationship, if any such ever existed, liave been obliterated. For this assembhiL;-e of rocks, viz., the Icnver division of the Archaean, the welld^nown term LaurentidHj so named from the Laurentian Mountains in Canada, and not from the iSt. Lawrence River, is retained. The leadinçc divisions of the Arcluean for this rei>"i(jn mav, from what has been stated, be arranged in the following scheme, according to the order of whi<'h the o'eolo^'ical features of the region will be considered in detail : — iUpiier dirision. "■• (tozaisho series. — (Iluronian?) Archiüan \ i-i. Takanuki series. \ljinrer Airh'wn. — Laurentian, A more comprehensive statement of the results arrived at, will be given in the summary, after the facts, upon which these and other generalizations are based, luive been set forth. IV. Straligraphicai Relations and Slructure^ Sections. Having sketched briefly the genend aspect of the plateau, and pointed out my aim, I mav n(jw consider the stratigra[)hical com- position of the series. It was fjund thtit it is usually disposed in 1 n ^ )% :^ ^ n. m ^ m- - rr ä #. m â m tw ^ m n- 202 ^- i^^OTö. sharply folded troughs and in extensive, detaclied masses by fre((nent intrusions of all sorts of younger and older graijites, which tlirough horizontal pressure assume at times a gneissose structure, 1 have selected for discussion a number of lines of section where tlie whole complex so far as represented is favourably exposed. The first of these sections/ A-l> in Plate XXY, is that lying furthest towards the south, and is taken along the road that joins the small port of Hirakata on the east, and Kawakami in the Kuji valley, f:)r a distance of 24 km. Froju Hirakata to Yamagoya, the road gradually ascends through paddy-fields. At Yamag(jya, ochry sandstones and grey shales make their appearance, with tliin sea-ms of lignites wldch seem to be of tertiary age, as is indicated by the presence of a few fossil plants,^ such as Sequoia Langsdorfii I^i'gt., Juglans nigella Ilr., Jughuis acuiiiinata Braun., Cdrpuius sp., Acer sp., Vids sp. This is underlaid discordantly by a black, coarse, massive rock ((t lî) with the aspect of a gal)bro, covered with red soils and '' niggerheads." As is usually the case, excellent exposures of this rock were not found, such as to disclose the relation with the adjacent complex. laidcr the microscope it is a typically coarse-grained rock, consisting of hornblende and felds[)ar, with but few remains of augite. The feldspar is grey, contains a number of rods, arranged in some determined direction, and is said to be the cause (jf schillerization, as is explained by Prof. Judd. The light-yellow augite occurs detached within the hornblende in the form of grjiiiis, as if it had been absijrbcd l)y tlie latter — a phen«jmenon very comuKjn in gabbro-diorites. Through weitheriug a p )rl;iou of the feldspar has been removed, and the black components come into relief, so as to produce almost a slaggy aspect. 1 The positioas of this and other sections are indie ited )jy thick lines, with corresponding letters on the map, in Plate XXII. - Explinitory Text (Japanese) to Section KitsuregMwa, pulilished liy the Oeolog-ical Survey of Japan. THE ARCHiEAX FORMATION OF THE ABUKUMA PLATEAU. 203 Next ooine.s a peculiai-, ])l:ir'k vock (P Y), of iniissive appearniice and more or less schistose in structure. It is almost entirely marie up of large horîiblende-individuals witli some traces of feldspar and angite. This is evidently part of tlie gabl)ro-diorite, crushed and compacted to the present form, and accompanied by a new formation of hornljlende, wliicli occurs in lenticular spaces with tolerably perfect crystallographic outlines. How this is related to the diorite is as yet nidviiown to me. If tliis relation were thorougldy examined, some light might be thrown on the genesis of schistose horn])lende rocks, whi('li are of wide distril)ution in Aljukuma and elsewhere. The gabl)ro diorite re-appears from Yöjigata as far as the place called Hirasode, interrupted at its middle by a- mass of hornblende- gr:inite. On ascending the Hanatate pass to Saimarii, we see ao'ain the hornblende-o^ranite, often containino- detached masses of titanitediornblende schist' and also sniaJ) fragments of it (marked X in the profile), which produce the appearance of a breccia, cemented by a granitic material. The whole is frequently traversed ])y yel- lowish, fine-grained aplitic or pegmatophyritic dykes. The included ampliibolite dips towards jST. E. with the strike of X. 45° W. We tlien proceed westward from Saimaru, tlirougli a tliickly wooded, steep ascent of the Nakayama, pa,ss, locally known as " Xaka- yama 8anri," and finally come to tlie top, beyond whicli an interest- ing series of the Archœm schists may be seen. It is mainly an alternation of (a.) the titanite-hornblende schist, (h) mica-schist, and (c) gneiss-mica schist ; the second often a,ppro;iching both in its com- position and appearance to a true quartz-schist in losing either biotite or muscovite. The whole complex is included by the present writer under the Tahanuhi series, and considered l)y him to be the oldest • This is the rock that largely enters iato the cooaposition of the upper horizon of the T.ika- nuki series. 204 B. KOTO. moinlicr of the iip|)cr Arolia^nn ^Toiip of Jnpnn. Spocinl fler-icri|itioiis oC nicse rocks arc ^'iveii in an<~)ther fliaptcr. As may be cle:ir]v nndcrstood from the profile, the wli(^le of tlie Takamiki series is piiiclied in between ]iornl)]en(le-g-raMite, and this iact serves as an examj)]e of iindonbtedJv irrtiptive granite, liaving literally taken np with it a ]:)art of tlie crust of the eai-th in its bosom, whatevei- may liave l)een the nature of the irruption, whether passive or active. As tlie schists are flaiiked on botli sides 1w irruptive matter, nnd as all dip at very high angles, we can roughl)^ estimate tlie lireadtli of the lower meviher of the Takanuki to l)e 5 km. We do not here take into account the thickness of the upper member, i. e., the titanite-amphi- bolite (l^ T A), which makes up ordy an insignificant part of the section. At Yania-no-Ogawa the gabln'o-diorite (d ]>) again makes its appearance as a large boss. From here to the village of Knwakami, we find nothing l)ut the hornlJende-granite (IT U), variously intruded iiito by the younger biotite-gi-anite (B G) and pegmatopliyritic dykes (ciy jS^ear the last-mentioned village, the hornl)lende-granite assumes a gneissose structure (G H G) with the strike north' and south. The second line of section selected, C-I) in Plate XXA , is one drawn westwards from Kadöno, 12 km. west of Taira, across the ridge of Goz;dsho to the west of Taktmuki. This is the best ])rofiIe one can get of the whole region, -as the line goes approximately across the strike of the complex, which embraces nearly the complete series of the Arclitean rocks to be studied, excepting the upper horizon of the Takanuki series. It is interesting chiefly as showing the strati- graphic relation in a clear manner in favourable exposures found along the transverse valley througli which the brawling SauKÎ-gawa makes its course ; and one of the wavs of coiiimiuiication acr^-^s tlie ])la,teau THE ARCH^AN FORMATION OF THE ABLTKUMA PLATEAU. 205 itj cut out of the rock.s along tlie Jeft bunk oi' the river. Thi.s road we call the " Gozaisho döri.'' The l^asal member lies in a S(jmewhat elevated p(jrti(jn of the plateau (Takaiuiki, 315 m.) on the west, while the eastern half of the .section comjjrises tlie younger series. The bedding- of the rocks is always disturbed, and that uf the Gozaish(j complex in ]xirticuLir, wherever it can l)e detected, as is frequently the case, is vertical. If we take into consideration, however, the enormous jammino- together which the rcjcks ha\e undergone, we can easily imagine as a result the cc^mplete parallelism of all the structural planes, affording a- false appearance of a continuous section at right angles to the plane of deposition. Hence it is not safe to infer much from a twenty-three kilometers section of schists as to the orii>inal ncjrmal thickness. It is evident, however, that such thickness must have Ijeen enormous. The right half of the section, grou[)cd t<)gether Ijy me. in one series as the Gozaisho rocks, seems to be tolei'al)lv free from üreat and iu'e^'ular dis- turbances, and to l)e all tihcd u[) in xertical [)osition ; and of these schists I venture to advance figures for the thickness, which is pro- baljly not less than 10,000 meters. The thick mass of the (îozaisho schists terminates on the east near Ivadöno, being there cal portion of the series. The thick complex of schists which we liave liitlierto traced from Kadono to Ishizumi is \evy persistent and monotiotite and 210 f^- KOTÖ. hoi*iil)](iîi(lo, arc prcNont in ;i1)()!]t (N|!i;i1 (|ii:(iiHHos ; olio-doln so, Imf little; ciciiv, \\o\\-i\]i\A\QA\ ;i|Kîii^o, nhiiiidüiit, Tho orliiDclnse shows well- innrked midiihitorv extinct-iojis, niid i>s i-eiii;irkn])lc' for tlie zoiiiiiu'. The unclear part seemw to differ greatly in clieiuicfd composition, as may l)e seen from the nsnally dei^omposed state of its interior. It is a svein'tic or dioritic o-raviite. Misled l;y its rndely r'dnsfose strnctnre, I once looked upon it as an intermediate stage l)etween syenite and the n]n[miiM:'K' schists of the ( h )zr!isho series ; and tlien thonght T mio-lit be aljle to trace the gradu-al passage from one extreme to the other. During my second visit to this district, however, I discovered a spot wliere the ampliiholite comes in direct coiitact' with the schistose granite, tlie former being sliarply cut by the truly irruptive granite with schistose structure, well exposed on an abraded cliff at the water's edge. I.ooked at from a distance a mrtrked contrast iri colour and struc- ture soon suggests something quite lieterogeneous, and on close ex- a'nin-ition the junction is still very clearly defined, the eft'usive granite cutting in obliquely, independent (^f the schistose plane of fissile rocks, while tlie latter is often convulsed and caught up in pockets within tlie granite. Thi.-;, therefore, affords most conclusive evidence as to the lieterogeneitv of the adioinino- rocks as re^-ards g-enesis. îTaving thus traced out, as closely as field conditions vvill allow, the limiting edges of the granitic boss and tlie (rozaisho series, we ina.y now proceed to examine the mode of occurrence of the uriderlying Takanid^i series to the westwards. The last-mentioned complex is widely separated liy the irruptive mass, of wdiich w^e have already spoken, from the overlying Gozaisho series, and this holds true of other sections wdiich we have had occasion to study. The two series of the Upper Archaean are, therefore, alway:; separated, so far as I am aware at present, by the interventi(^n of some foreign mass, usually granite ; and no line of their direct contact has been ever THE AUOH.-EAX FOKMATKJX OF THE ABUKUMA PLATEAU. ^11 observed either in Aljukauia, or in the upper courtse of the Teiirù- gawa in tlie province of Shinano. The Takanuki series is so named fr()ni a villaue in the vicinity ol which tliat complex is typically dc\elo[>ed. The whole series is divisible into two parts; the (^/) upper (UTA), embracing»- tlie multifarious alternations (_)f the titanite-ampliibole scliist and biotite- gneiss ; the (ß) hnver (L T A), being c(jmposed of a thick mass of various gneiss-mica schists and gneisses. The occin-rence of the lower sid)di\ isioii lias 1)een already alluded to in examining the line of secti<)n of the ^alvayama pass/ where the beds :4and vertical, but dipping in tlie |)eripheral portions of tlie series towards the middle pcjint, so as to produce a. f;in-shaped structure of the Mont ]>lanc tvj)e. Here, however, the schists make a low arch with their mt.in axis in the riortli-south direction, and the line of section runs olJiquely across the strike of this doine-sha])ed mass. The rock iirst met with in coniinu' westwards from the «''ranitic arc'i of the district boundary is the up[)er member, which forms a sm-.dl synclinal at Shimo-Matsukawa, and is intruded U]ion by another boss of hornblende-granite. At Shiino-Matsiikawa we find still the titanite-ampliiliole schist (U T A) Avith a dip towards the east at low angles ; and not far from this point, the hnver niember (I> T A) finally makes its appeurance, keeping the same dip and strike as the upper. A highly (piart/.ose, brownish, graijulitic gneiss, ac- Ci)inp;inied Ijy a micaceous schist with plenty of garnet, is found all along the road for a distaiice of (i km, until we come to the west of Takanuki. (Jften the whole complex has Ijeen so disturbed, in \;!rit)us ways and at numerous points, by the intrusion of biotite-granite, as to mnke Seo p. 203. 212 S- î^oTo. il normal Dieuiljer of the gneiss-mica .sclii.st, petrographicallv sc^me- what similar to it. At Kami-Matsukawa, the schists are uearJy horizontal with a clip towards the north at very low angles, and jn.st at the west end of Kami-Matsukawa, a, highly coarse-cryst;dline limestone, about 70 cm. thick, is interhanded Ijetween the grannlitic schist, having the strike W. 20' X. and dip oO' X. E. At Kamadn we meet again with the titanite-ainphibole schist, now witli tlie strike X. 40'^ E. and dip X. ^y. The line of section, E-F, 1*1. XX^ , fnjni the small hamlet of Kami-Misaka to Ishikawa, is very similar in general features to the sections A-B, and C-D. lUit here only a part of the Gozalslm belt ((t Z) is to be seen, for a distance of not more than ^ km. ill breadth, flanked on either side l)y a granitic ])(jss. Tiie lower memljer of the Takanulcl series is concealed from \ iew in the present line of section, (jwing prolja1)!y to a greit dislocation line, whose s(jiilh('i'n prolongation at the we.>t of Takanuki may be traced in (he last protile ; and this fault has probably brought the u[)per member in direct contact with tiie granite. As may be seen from Eig. 8, PI. XXIV, the above mentioned small l)clt of the ( ruzaisho rocks at the east end of the protile, is pinch- ed iu between granites \\ (r and 11 (r, ;(nd conseijueutly tlie mode of arrangement is very much disturbed. Xear a small water-mill at Xaka- Misaka, a tourmaline-ljeai'iug hornblende- sali te sehi>^l (h) of a rather black, massive a])pearance seems to abut against the neck of an amj)hiltole-picrite (d), but the exact relation between them c<.)uld not be made out. Tha peridolite is, ou theea.st, in direct contact with thehorn- bleiide-hyritic' structm'e. The latter is chiefly confined to the fine-grained variety, containing richly zoned feldspar, but having oidy a small quantity of quartz-grains. The liquid-inclusions are abundantly present, forming band-like swarms, and the quartz containing them resembles a smoky quartz. Hexagonal scales of biotite and rounded ci-ystals of zircon are also found as enclosures. Undulatory extinctions and optically diverse orientation of the grains show the rock to have iDeen sul)jected to great pressure. It is remarkable to observe that where (piartz is plentiful, striated feldspars with the cross-hatchini' structure are very abundant. Accessory components are apatite, zircon, and iron ores including magnetite, titanic iron, and ])yrites. The apatite occurs as enclosures, especially in biotite and horn- blende, and also as an independent ingredient. In the normal mass of granite it is comparatively rare, but in the caught-up granite, as well as in those of the contact cheeks of lamprophyres, tufts of apatite- needles 1 Lossen, Vergleichende Studien lieber die Gesteine des S2}iemont!< und des Boseul/erf/s bei St. Wendel u. verivandte Kruptirtypen aus der Zeit des llothlieJ en de of the canght-up granite. The larger apatite-crystals are short and broad, and have the edges rounded perhaps by corrosive action; the delicate, slender needles of the same mineral are sharply bounded by plane surfaces with, h(3wever, broken terminations, and are comparatively small in size. At tirst sio-ht, both modifications seem not to be of identical chemical composition ; Ijut their respective cross -section s give the cine to their true nature, and show that both modifications belong to the same mineral. The well-defined needles may l}e of a later origin, and their formation may be ascribed to the effect of a contact metamorphism. The magnetite is sparingly present in the normal rocks, but in the schistose variety and also in the patches caught up by biotite-granite, it is plentiful, occin-ring either in a drop-like form, or in well- finislied octahedrons. Iron j)ijrites forms part of clumps of magnetite, and performs the function of the interstitial mass between the granitic components, just like the mesostasis of younger eruptives. The octahe- drons of magnetite are specially abundant within somewhat decomposed feldspars. Also in a partly altered hornblende, the same mineral fills up the clefts of cleavage-planes, appearing just like numerous black needles, all regularly arranged ])arallel with the princi- pal axis of the crystal. As a whole, the formation of the magnetite seems to stand in intimate connection with the act of inetamorphism. The deposit of magnetite in the valley of Clu'ika makes its appearance between the diatrophic clefts of a strongly compressed gneissose ov schistose hornblende-granite, and the source of the iron ore must be souo"ht for as similar to that of the formation of magnetite in the <''ra- nite, already referred to. iSometimes blood- red tablets of iron -glance are interposed in feldspars with a certain definite arrangement, appear- ing in black needles and in minute red scales, producing thereby the THE AROH^.AX FORMATTOX OF THE ABUKUMA PLATEAU. 225 so-called aveiitiirine lustre. The other h'on ore, titanic irou, seems to occur in the rcick, since its presence is iiidiciiterl l)y the formation of leucoxene borders around the cores of ii'on. Zircon in grains and also in crystals of the usual habitus is chiefly enclosed in the h«^rnl)lende and biotife. Spliene is onlv observed in the hornblende-^'raiu'te from Xakii- tani, near Tshikawa. Fluorite^ so common in granites, is wanting. 'ilie colonrcd componrnts are represerited by biotite, as well as by hornlilende, and form the characteristic, dark, confusedly fibrous parts and flecks in the gneissose variety of the granites. In the striped granite the mica and hornl)lende have the same orientation, and the base of the l^iotite and tlie c-axis of the hornblende lie in the same plane. Conseqnently the maximum-extinr-tion happens simultaneous- ly in the two minerals, along the plane of the pressure-cleavage of the rock. Apatite, zircon, and magnetite are fonnd as enclosures in the mica, while the hornblende contains besides them crystals of biotite, showing that the latter is of earlier generation than the former. The usual chloritic material, resulting from the decomposition of horn- blende is absent in the cases hitherto observed. The amphiljole is remarkablv fresh. The biotite is, however, partially altered into green lamelleö by the lileaching of that mineral, these changed bands being interlaced with the fresh foliœ of the biorite ; and the secondary epidote is aJso fonnd in the 1)leached parts. The biotite is by i'nv the most common of the two minerals; the absolute quantity of it may, howeNcr, fluctuate within wide range. The pleochroic halos usually so common in it are discerned here only in a few cases. Observed from the base, it is of a dark-brown shade, and sometimes so interisely coloured as to give the appearance of an opaque body. It may at once be conjectured that the mineral is highly ferriferous, and the result of an analysis made l)y Mr. Hida, of the 226 ^- ^*^Tö. Geoldo'ioa] Survey, establishes its cheinic:i] nature to he that of l('l)id()}iie](iiie. The followiuo- percentages are those found ])\ liini: — SiO. 8(). 60 ALO, 17- 05 FeO 'A\. 29 CaO trace ]\rcrO 10. 86 MnA 0- 70 Na^O 5. :\9 KgO 8. 49 99. 88 The angle of the optic axis is so small as to give almost an mn- axial stanroseo]iic figiu-e. The hornblende-granite occurs very frequeritly in detached masses and in leriticular forms, enclosed within hioiite-grauite of a more acid composition and of a mnch later origin. The biotite in such a cauqlU-up (jraiiite ])resents a peculisir feature not observed in tlie normal minei-al. The mica is liere devoid of its crvstallographic outlines, and the deep brown lamella^ of this mineral with ditferent optical orientations are heaped together around the larger one. Thns the microscopic scales of the biotite with its marginal ragged structure possess the same habitus as tliose found nniversally in contact rocks, and in many of the crystalline schists. Tlu^ larger crystals are inter- lard, ed Avith needles of apatite. Tlie hornhlende has a bluish-green colour. The extinction-direc- tion varies within wide latitudes, and gives nsually larger angles than those ^of common species. The most distirictive feature of the horn- blende of our granite is, however, its weak pleochroism, comparatively faint polarization-colours, contrary to our expectation from its deep bottle-green colour. The degree of absorption is normal : c]>6>a. THE ARCH.EAX FOEMATIOX OF THE ABUKUMA PLATEAU. 227 Thu habitus of tlie cry.sfal.s of liornbleiide Is to be slender, flat and prismatic, witli the faces oP, y. V ^. , l\x P^ , and cc P ; twins are rave (Fig. 2, Plate XXIII.) The anahtical result o1)tained bv Mv. hlida is as follows : — ^^O, 45. ,vi AI2O3 4. 47 FeO 8. U'J CaO -20. 40 MgO ]]. 44 Na/ ) . . '2_ .ji) I^.^ 0. 79 99. S9 The hornlilende in tlie caught-up granite, like the biotite, shows some peculiar marks entirely f(jreign to the c(3mmon species. Fn tlie jnassive granite the crystals of hornblende are usually idiomorphic while in the caught-up nx-k they are of large dimensions and at the same time allotriomorphic. Inlaying just the same role as the aiiiiite in diabases in the formation of the so-called diabasic structure. In the normal sequence, as is well known from the (observation of Prof. Posenbusch, the crysfalli/Jng-out of the ferro-mngnesian bisiUcates precedes that of the feldspar-group. Here we ha\e some exceptiii' vnriety — the o-neissose g-ranite — ,occnrring in connec- tion with the h()rid)lende-,iiTaiiite, and forming a p;u't of one and Hie same mass, is only a dvnanio-metamor])hic facies, hnt bronght about under special conditions. The stowings, foldings, and faultings of the masses of rocks, so common (bu'ing a mountain-building, have occurred in the Abukuma plateau only ar tlie marginal zones ; while the portion, of which the central height is formed, has remained quite intact. There has lieen ])roduced a differential movement, leaving tVie interior as a staiubng l»lock, called geologically the Har.^l, tlie cast niid west sides of the plateau being thrown down to a lower lc\el, alono- the meridional dislocation-lines. Pacific. % ABUKUMA PLATEAU. \ \ Llcal profile of the Aliukuiua plateau. I liad frequent occasi(Mis tf. (»1 serve, during my short \isit, occiuTenccs of the scliistose variety (gn) alc^ng the Pacific const, and also along the Abukuma-gawa, while the height lying between them is occupied by a normal, typically granular gi-anite. I shall come again to the same subject, when speaking of the geotectonic condition. G THE ARCH^AN FORMATION OF THE ABUKUMA PLATEAU. 533 It ]nay ii«)t be out oi ])lace to .speak sliortly aJ)out the n(jiiieiid;i- tiire. It has now become ahiiost an imperative duty for petroJo^iists io .separate .sli;ir])ly tlie grauitcH ïvoin the (jneissc.'i. Prof. Colien' loii^' aii'O j)oitited out tliat 1)y gnei.s.s we luider.staiid a u'euuine struti- form r(X'k ; and info «ueli a rock granite i.s ne\er transformed, however [•erfectly tlie hitter niay .show the .scliisto.se structiu'e. Such rock is properly (o be de.siu'nated sc^histose uTanite. As uTanites ;ind li'neis.ses are ueolouical Ijodies ijeneticaNv (piite dilferent, so and)i_ii'uous Jiames bke uTanite-gnei.ss und ^ü;jiei.ss-L»ranite, ,Jane of scliistosity ; hut on a face hroken across that plane, the hlack components sliow a taint indication of ai'rangement in a definite plane. Fn small chips, even tliis structure can not 1)e dis- cerned. Under the microsco|)e with thin ])reparations, however, nianv ])roofs of its heing affected l)y a media nical deformation l)ecome evident. First of all. the uninjureortion is astonishingly irreguhu', gradually fusing together with the feldspar-substîince of the niicro]}egm:'.tite. The feldspar tbrniing the marginal })orti(ni, above mentioned, has the appearance being- formed l3y the secondary enlargement, repeatedly spoken of, of late, by many American and English authors. It is a subject ot consider- able interest to know v.hether the pegmatite in question is of primary or secondary origin. Prof. Jude? recently advocated the view that the formation of pegmatites and grano]jhyres'' may take place after the consolidation of rocks by the way of devitrification, concentration, and differentia- tion of a substance similar to glass-base, if there be any in granites, that is to say, that they are not original but sec(,3ndary products. I found the true pegmatitic structure in some of our schistose granites as, for example, in the specimen from Chûka, a rock changed in its texture bv pressure. This fict seems to have some important bearing on the view of Professor Judd. just stated. Ihit I have also found the same in some normal granites, which have not been even slightly affected by dynamic changes. Under these circumstances no decision can, 1 Q. J. G. S. Vol. LXV, 1889, p. 179. 2 Professor Lossen wishes to substitute the word pegmatopliijre for the granophyre or Rosenbusch, loc. cit. p. 270. 236 B. KOTO. he made as to the orujin of the pegmatitic stnieture being primary or secondary. c) Sehistose Amphihole-Granite. This modification may be readily recognized as such even on a cursory examination of hand-specimens, and no confounding with tlie normal granite is likely to occur. It is of a coarse, granulo-lamellar (faserig) structure, and generally of a rather darker shade than the primary rock. The schistosity is imperfectly developed ; consequently the cleaved surface is exceedingly rough, irregular, and notched. A typical rock belonging to this class is well exposed along the steep ascent of the Kawachi togé (Kawachi pass), between the town of Tomioka and the village of Kawachi, and is also found near to the iron deposit of Chûka, Naraha göri. This is really what Mr. Kochibe calls the "7/ca^'/ gneiss." All microscopically visible components are now crushed into deformed bodies ; the hitherto even-lamellar bi(jtite is altered into flexuous and wrinkled lamelltB ; the hornblende is no lono-er of a prismatic form ; the quartz and hornblande are rolled out and o'rained, and com[)acted into one mass with a feldspar centre zoned by the grains of quartz, well seen on a weathered surface on account (jf the different degrees of pel lucidity of the two minerals. Examining with the microscope, the structure becomes more apparent. Originally fresh minerals have acquired a dirty aspect and become variously fissured. In the first place the biotite is for the most part bleached, and its chloritic bands are interposed between lio-ht-brown lamellœ. 'No trace of its original outlines is ])reserved. A chloritic, fibrous substance often creeps al(jng the adjoining faces and fissures of the compact biotite, and the fibrous mass is connected by strino's from the mother-mineral, either hornblende or biotite. The horn- blende has met the same fate ; its margins are irregular and frayed, THE ARCH^AN FORMATION OF THE ABUKUMA PLATEAU. 9,37 surrounded by accumulations of tlie epidote grains ; the peripheral portions are chloritized, leaving cores of the hornblende in the centre. The secondary epidote occurs fringed with chloritic fibres, and this general distribution of the green minerals causes the rocks to appear of a dark-green shade. The large well-defined crystals of mngnetite are newly f<:)rmed ; the small crystals of it are heaped together in the spot formerly occupied by the m agnesium-bi silicates out of which they have been formed. The leucoxene mineral encircles the rounded magnetite, from which it may be inferred that the iron ore is titaniferous. The quartz is darkened and clouded with an immense accumulation of liquid-inclusions, arranged in bands along the fissures and cracks. As to the feldspar it is for the greater part kaolinized, especially in the central portion ; the periphery remains comparati\'ely in an unaltered condition ; the original shell-structure and the chemical difference in the zoning thus become ap|)arent ; the peripheral portions of the crystals display weak polnrization-colours. Some feldspars appear homogeneous by simple transmitted light ; but after applying crossed Mcols, twinning structures are well exhibited by different colours in alternate h".mella3 ; and, moreover, extremely fine lines are developed just across the twins of tlie first tvpe. These second twins do not extend over the whole breadth of the lamelloä, but are usually only partial, being very abundant along the twinning plane of the albitetype. The feldspar, apparently of an orthoclase nature, is, tliere- fore, really microcline, having the characteristic cross-hatching struc- ture. Where feldspars come in direct contact with the chloritized biotite, a zone of accumulation of epidote grains occurs in the substance of the feldspar, around the altered biotite, in such abundant quantity as to make that portion appear quite dull. The feldspar itself appears at first sight simple and homogeneous, but when viewed by polarized 238 ^- ^OTo. light it shows imdulatory extiDCtioris. Moreover, the whole substance is composed of fine grains wliich are only made visible by the difference of the optical orientation of the several fragments*. Between the epidote zone and the biotite the space is still occupied by a feldspar, but besides this, needles of epidote shoot across from the granular zones into the substance of chloritic fibres (Fig. 4, PL XXIII). The forma- tion of the secoudary epidote is due evidently to the reaction of hiotite and feldspar. As to the state of aggregation of the individiip.l com] »orients, I have to add only a few remnrks. I have already ypoken nhout the structure of the imperfectly schistose granite, which is mainly due to a slight shifting of the coloured components, and this fact may be readily made out from the deformation of their crystal lographic outlines. In the present case the schistose structure is more perfectly developed than the one just referred to, and is distinctly fibrous-lamellar, resembling somewhat the structure known as the " eye "-gneiss. Under the microscope the hornblende and biotite are seen to be not only flattened and compressed, but the entire crystals were material- ly altered into chloritic filtres, leaving here and there only cores of hornblende and scanty remains of lamella? of mica. Sometimes the decomposition has gone so far that a few epidote grains alone indicate the spot which both minerals once occupied, but nothing of their sul>- stance can now l)e seen. More than this, the allotriomorphic quartz, filling up the s])ace left vacant by other components, is for the most part crushed, presenting a mosaic by polarized light. Simultaneous!}^ with this granulation, the quartz fragments have been shifted one over the other, penetrating into wedge-shaped interstices wherever they have been allowed to do so. The feldspar is the most obstinate of all the components, standing solidly in its original position, while other ingredients have partaken of the general decompositions and migra- THE ARCHJEAX FORMATION OF THE ABUKUMA PLATEAU. 239 tions. This lieino' the case, the fehlspar lias become encircled by quartz.^ and this, as I have already stated, may distinctlv be seen in hand- specimens even witli the unaided eye, altliono-li the sabsümce of the feldspar has evidently snifered o-reat contortion, as may be inferred from tlie bending- of the polysynthetic laniellge. Tlie nnhvinned, simple feldspar, a product of the second g-enera- tion of the s;une mineral, has a habitus akin to that of tlie o-ranitic quartz, having filled up the spaces l)etween the lamellated plao-ioclase, hornblende, and biotite, and consequently imbedding the aboxe-men- tioned minerals. It is highly probable that the ophitic feldspar, if I may be a. I lowed to use this ex]3ression by analogy with the (jphitic augite in diabases, is monosymmetric ; for, no polvsynthetic twi li- nings have heretofore been observed in it. Tliis feldspar is a far later pr(^duct of crystallization of the granitic magma, but its formation took place slightly earlier or almost cotem])oraneouslv with that (^f quartz, a.hhough no micropegmatitic structure has been produced. The boundary between the later feldspar and tiie quartz is the most ir- regular possible, indicating that they have consolidated not far from each other in the order of crystallization. The later feldspar has not suffered granulation, the (|uartz, on the contrarv, has been reduced to a mosaic mixture. d) Schistose Vqndote-Granite. In macrosco])ic a|)])earance it differs from the ])receding bv its dark shade, owing to the general distributiiMi tlirough it of chloritic matters, and also to the presence of green patches of epiatches of a colourless mineral, and consequently the wliole aspect simulates the appearance of either andalusite or staurolite with rich inter})Ositions of quartz. Some of these interposi- tions of the feldspars may be of a negative character, made hollow by some etching solvent along the plane of chemical weakness ; 1 The lower half represents the intruding, young (Ijiotite-) granite, the upper half the intruded, older (hornblende-) granite. THE AROHiF.AX FORMATION OF THE ABUKUMA PLATEAU. 243 others again are real ench^sures of either ([uartz or feldspar with other optical orientation than the main mass, while the third are rather laro'er patches of another kind of feldspar with systems of twinning- striations nearly at right angles to those of the enclosing minerals. The last have a, close similarity to that of the alhitized orthoclase of the Socotra granite, as descril)ed and figured by Dr. Sauei-J from which, however, thev diifer only in one particular that the changes which the mineral has undergone are not in orthoclase. hut in the substance of a striated feldspar. The orthoclase is romparatively free from these ])atches of ])lagioclase, but full of irregular cracks. The quartz out- weighs the striated and the non-striated feldspars, therefore this rock nuist ])e of highly acid composition. Minute ci-ystals of apatite lagioclase is idiomorphic with respect to that of the biotite-granite, and at the same time zonings are beautifully developed in it, whidi are not found in that of normal h(^rnblende-granite. At times its central portion is more or less decom])Osed, and crystalloids of a bottle-green hornblende are scatter- ed throughout that area (Fig. 7, V\. XXTH). The feldspar is on the other hand fresh and intact in its outer, and the hornblendes within the core were probably formed by contact metamorphism. Epidote- grains of a tolerably large size occur enclosed in an ajiparently un- changed feldspar. The epidote seems to be wanting in the biotite- granite (intruding granite). Striated and non-striated feldspars oc- cur in equal quantities, but their distribution in the rock-mass is not X Zeitschr. d. deutschen, geol. Gesellschaft, Vol. XL, p. 14G. 244 B. KOTÖ. uniform. As a general rule they are in fine crystals. The .same glohular interpositions, already spoken of, make their appearance in these feldspars as in those of the intruding rock, and the (piartz ])ene- trates into the suhstance of the feldspars, just like the pockets in the quartz of (piartz-})orphyries. The liornblende forms the most im- portant of all the components not only in respect of its quantity, but of its very occurrence in the rock ; while in the enclosing granite we fail to find even a trace of this mineral. Tliis f ict affords us a clue to the two granites being of totally diflferent origin, and by no means mere bands, such as might arise from local differentiation and partial movement of a granitic magma. Moreover, the ano'ular and broken outlines of fras^ments of the rock speak for the foreign origin of the hornblende-granite ; and the pre- sence of the amphibole in this and the absence in the other give con- clusive evidence as to the really fragmentary nature of the older granite caught up by the younger one. The hornblende is dark bottle-green, and non-pleochroic, or, if at all, very weakly so. It is destitute of its own form, its apparently regular outline being due to the mutual dispositions of the neighbour- ing quartzes and feldspars. The mica is comparatively idiomorphic with respect to its closely associated hornblende, and grows round the hornblende in clusters. The biotite is often enclosed in the hornblende, consequently some of it must l)e younger than the mica. It is high- ly probable that the imperfect ness of the shape of the hornblende is due to its simultaneous formation with the feldspars. The quartz is com- paratively rare, and contains abundant li(|uid-inclusions. Titanite in the form of o;rains is also found which is wantino- in tlie biotite-ofra- nite. Ijlack iron-glance, reflecting somewhat bluish rays, is plentiful ; some yellow pyrites is present. These iron ores have hitherto not been discerned in the biotite -granite itself. THE ARCHiEAX FORMATION OF THE ABUKUMA PLATEAU. 245 YI. Petrography of the Takanuki Series. A. Gneiss-Mica-Schists. This occurs in a tiilnüar form with the plane-parallel structure ; the surface of a cleaved slab of this rock is entirely covered with aggregates of biotite, while its transverse section is striped with black on a yellowish- white ground. This peculiar appearance arises from the interbanded zones of black mica in the quartz-feldspar layers ; the general colour is light-grey with a slight tinge of yellow, being caused by the pigment of the hydrous sesquioxide of iron that has infiltrated every fissure in the quartz and feldspar. Where biotite forms a com- ponent only in small quantities, this rock approaches both in ap]>ear- ance and composition to a granulite. Of course, such a granulite deviates in habitus from the typical one of the Mittelgebirge of Saxony, in having a rather coarse-granular texture, and als(3 by the absence of the so-called microperthite. Weathered exposures of this rock look not unlike a disintegrating sandstone-mass. The prevalent component is quartz, and the rock may fitly be termed a biotite-schist. The quartz abounds in liquid-inclusions with enclosed bubbles which on warming soon disap[)ear fi'om sight, indicating the presence of liquefied c; of them cross« the rock vertical ]y to its bedding. The quartz contains, besides, as enclosures, almost colourless dodecahedrons of garnet, needles of zircon, and deep, reddish- brown flakes of biotite — all making the quartz, between crossed niçois, a])] »ear like a s])ongy mass. There are also fine, dark or brown needles, sometiiues disjointed, shc^oting in various directions, similar to those of the quartz in tonalité, which are so frequently described, but whose natiu-e is so little known. i'he quartz is. as usual, intensely chromatic, wheu viewed between cro.^sed niçois ; but not all ihe quartzes found in this rock beha\'e in like manner. The one which has been already granulated, displays vivid chromatic colours ; while those which are still under high tension sho^v only a weak grev tinge, and at the same time undulatory extinctions whi'-h gradually sweep over the section one after another as is rotated. The crystaUization of the silic;i must be of a comparatively recent date, as may be seen from a grea.t number of ])re-existing miricrals contain- ed in the substance of the quartz. Still later in its crystallization, or nearly cotem])oraneous with that of quartz is the feldspar which, as I have already stated, makes onlv a small fraction of the whole rock which not infrequently passes locallv into a tvpical mica-schist. There are, however, other cases in which Ihe rock makes transition in another direction, 1)y taking up a large quantitv of both monoclinic aiid ti-iclinic feldspars in becom- irjo- a tvi)ical ü'neiss. Generally s]>eakinü', the distribution of the quartzose and feldspathic comj»onents in tlie rock are very fluctuating. One portion may be built up only of Cjuartz, while the other will be highly feldspathic, so that in a coarse variety found near Daibara in Shimo-matsukawa, any one may name one portion of the rock a mica- schist, while the other may be reasonably taken for a typical gneiss ; THE AEOH^AX FORMATION OF THE ABUKUMA PLATEAU. 247 but l)oth modificntious ni'e re.-illy one und tlie .sinie rock, and .should not be interpreted ;is alternnrions of two. The sLibotance of the orthochxxe i.s for tlie greater part k-aolinized, and lias a dirty as|>e'T ; there is therefore no difficulty in discriiniijat- ing it from the quartz grains, wliidi ase otiiervvise not veiy easy to distinguish, when both are found togeth(-r unchanged. Tlie feIdH|):u' appears üomctr/r-pohjßonal in outlines, owing to the dispo.^ition of the hi otite and quartz ; and ] latches of it, widely separated from each other, behave optically ahke, showing that they are all one mineral, just as in the case of jiegmatite. Its j)olariz;ition-colours are weak, and zonings are frequently oliserxed. There occurs also another feldxpur which (k^^iates in habitus irom the preceding in having a granular form, jiolysynthetic twin- ning lamellation, and comparatively high polarization-color.rs. This plagioclase is idiomorjjhic in comparison with the above-mentioned orthoclase, and appears less altered than it. The plagioclase as well as orthoclase often contains round grains of quartz/ around which the feldspars show more or less signs of decomposition. The angle of extinction of the plagioclase is small, making nearly 2° only with the sutures of twins, thus pointing out theaiidesine-oli the princpial axis of the crystal. Moreover, large crystals of ide;dly pure andalusite (3 mm.) are present irregular in outline, and encircled by confused ao-- gregates of fibres of muscovite. A few of the crystals are coloured, and then are pleochroic, and rose-red when the ])rincipal nxis of the crystal is par:dlel with the short diagonal of the polarizer. I'here are some traces of prismatic cleavage, which are made more distinct by the infiltration of the hydrous sesquioxide of iron. A h) Two- Mica- Schist. A typical specimen of this variety may be found in the cliff near Sôri, not fu' from Ishikawa. On a cursory glance it appears just like 250 B. KOTO. a qiiartzite, being- essentially made up of quartz grain?* together with thin layers of a brown biotite and silky mica. Under the microscope the schist is seen to be don il t np of quartz, biotite, feldspars in small quantity, and lastly, long, thin, lamellar, colourless crystals resolving at both ends into stiif fibres. The last-mentioned mineral is travers- ed by fissures at various points, arid is not beut and lamellated like ordinary micas, showing thus its brittle nature. In the rock-mass this com])onent is approximately arranged in a parallel direction ; between crossed niçois it extinguishes light parallel to the bmger side; its polarization-colour is vivid, coming near to that of musc(nite, but it may be easily discriminated by the want of nacreous lustre, and by a peculiar wavy structure when vie^ved between crossed niçois. I conjecture this mineral to be margarite. Siauroscopic examinations show on a cleaved face a wide optic angle, so much so that the cen- tres of concentric rings scarcely lie within the microscopic field. The dispersion of the optic axis for the red is smaller than that for the violet ; i. e., /"C^, wiiile that of muscovite would be just the reverse. The biotite is oftheu.sual brown colour, and is interlaced with the lamellse of margarite ; it is found in far less quantities than the other mica. The quartz fills up the interstices of the other components, and is consequently wedge-shaped ; it shows intense polarization- colours. Occasionally grains of feldspars may be noticed. A c) (Tarnet-Biotiie-Sdnst. There is no rock whicli varies so greatly in its (jutward appear- ance as the garnet- biotite-schist. This is in the main due to the varvinii" quantity of biotite. The one extreme is a highly quartzose schist of a greyish colour, with its characteristic vitreous lustre, and its weathered portion usually coloured brown. Micaceous zones are indicated by dark stripes on the transversely fractured surface of the THE ARCHiEAN FORMATION OF THE ABUKUMA PLATEAU. 251 rock. Tlie other extreme is a rather dark, imperfectly schistose, band- ed rock with red crystals of garnet sprinkled all through it. The microscopical components are the same in both varieties. The main mass is made up of quartz-grains with the tombac-brown biotite between them. The biotite is found in the substance of the quartz as enclosures, but the grains of quartz are comparatively free from liquid and gas inclusions. Muscovite is here wanting. Accessories are sillimanite in fine radiating tufts (Fig. 3, PI. XXVI), prisms of zircon, and clumps of iron glance. Garnet is a never-failing but accidental component. In the iirst. the quart- zose, variety of the schist the garnet «jccurs in minute, almost colour- less dodecahedra, while in the second, the Ijasic, schist it is somewhat large, granular, and cherry-red. The colour of the garnet seems to Jiave some connection with the quantity of biotite present in the rock ; for, in the dark varietv with abundance of the black mica, tlie "•arnet is red. This mineral is, extremely rich in enclosures of quartz, and in nega- tive crystals filled with air, so as to make it appear like some crystals of staurolite. A d) Hornblende- Biotite- Schist. This is "exactly the same in its external appearance as the gneiss- mica-schist, already described, differing, however, from it by the presence of hornblende as an essential component, Tlie rock is grey, and splits easily into an even tabular plate. The feldspars, both the monoclinic and triclinic, make iqj the greater part of the mass, while the amount of quartz decreases as they increase. The deep-brown biotite and the bottle-green hornblende are intimately plaited toge- ther, showing none of their crystallographic outlines. The zircon and apatite, both in the form of grains, are especially aijundant in this rock. Locality : Xishida, east of Tanagura, wliere the rock forms a 252 B. KOTO. member of the complex of amphibolites and mica-schi«ts ; otlierwise its distribution is not so wide-spread as that of the other rocks. B. Titanite-Amphibole-Schists. They form manifold alternations with the preceding rock. They are the black, highly crystalline schists with the plane-parallel structure, whose transverse section shows inter banded, thin, light- colom-ed zones, recurring hundreds of times even in a small chip (Fig. 1, PI. XXVIl). If we move upward to a higher horizon, the rocks become perfectly schistose, cleaving easily into a papery slab ; and as their texture is not so compact as that of mica-schist, they easily fall into a bluish-black, ashy powder on their weathered surface. The («) black zone, when examined under the microscope, is seen to be made up of a bottle-green hornbk'nde, whose pleochroism is distinct, but not so pronounced as that of the brown variety, a, yellowish-white, ß, oily-brown, c, greenish-brown ; the absorption c>ß>a. Isometric ijlagiodase-pulygans ^ are present, besides the hornblende, in clear crystals free from any interpositions. All the polygons, so formed from the disposition of neighboring grains, show undulatory extinctions which sweep concentrically from one zone to the other in the crystals, as the section is rotated. Only a few grains (1.3 mm.) are coarselv twinned, with the angle of extinction of 7°-10°. or o°-4° ■J ' o symmetrically with respect to the twinning suture, m that liere we have probably before us an andesine feldspar. The lamellge of biotite, with the interleaved bacillar horn- blende, are oily-brown or green, but through weathering have become so entirely decolorized as to be readily mistaken for a typical musco- 1 Vide ante, p. 2-16. THE ARCH^AX FORMATION OF THE ABUKUMA PLATEAU. 253 vite. Examined from the biise, the mica has a small optic angle, and consequently should be considered as a variety of biotite. The mica is present in fluctuating quantity, and it never takes an import- ant part in the composition of the rock, but still it should be considered as a characteristic ingredient of the aniphibole-schist, since it is entire- ly wantino' in the series next above it. Thouo-h it occurs in meao-re cjuantities, it may be readily recognized on the plane of schisto- sity by its gold-yellow, glilter'nuj lustre. During field work we meet \^'ith several amphibolites, all having nearly the same appearance, but belong- ing to quite different horizons; the presence of the hiotite sliouhl, in tJwse perplexing cases, be taken as a criterion for the identification^ of the amphibolite of this series. We name this rock in the field the hiotite- ainphihidite in order to discriminate it from other kindred varieties. The iß) light-green bands in the schist, already referred to, difi'er in many respects from the («) black zones rich in hornblende, by the presence of a light-green augite. Here the grains of feldspar are of minor dimensions, and for the greater part its substance has been changed into an aggregate of a colourless, fine fibrous, confused mass, which between crossed nic(3ls displays highly chromatic, aggre- gate polarization-colours. The intact part of the feldspar appears, therefore, here and there in a sporadic manner within the above- mentioned micaceous mass, which seems to be identical with the so-called pseudophite. This white band, sometimes attaining the breath of 2 or 3 cm., is moreover very dirty, owing to an admixture of titaniferous iron and highly refractive grains of titanite (1 mm.) forming a rim of iron -ore, to which we shall have occasion to return in the sequel. The augite (Fig. 12, PI. XXI tl.) already referred to, occurs in this band in great abundance, taking the place of the hornblendic element, and even of the feldspathic component. It is found always in 254 ^ KOTö. the form of isometric grains ; sometimes, liowever, elongated ones (1 mm.) are observed, and along their longer axis rnn a few suture lines which are traces of the characteristic cleavage of aiigite (Fig. 12, d and e). The extinction of light takes place at a very high angle, usually 30° or more, w^ith regard to the trace of the cle;ivage. It is colourless or iliint-green. indicating the paucity of iron in it. The colouring pigment, slight as it ie, is, however, not uniformly distribut- ed, the peri})hery is rather of a lighter shade than the interior. The mineral presents another very characteristic feature which is here worthy of short consideration. There are many short, black streaks, which run strictly parallel to the cleavage- direction, and are C(^ntined exclusively to the interior of the crystal (Fig. 12, d and e). Examin- ed with high powers these interpositions are found to he nothing but negative, long, rectangular sj>aces, tilled witli air, or water with air- bubbles, and the grains consequently look not unlike the diallagic modificfition of augite. Recently, Prof. Judd advanced a beautiful theory of the schil- lerization — a phenomenon produced through tlie secondary infiltra- tion of some substance into the spaces formed by certain solvents along the so-called " solution-plane," or the plane of chemical weak- ness, when the rocks containirig feldspar and also augite are sul^ject- ed to high strains at great depth.' In the last number of the Mini'ralotjical Magazine^, Judd has again submitted augites to the same line of treatment which he had so earnestly advocated in his former papers. The orthopinacoid of augites, he says, is the normal solution-plane, and if once the twinning lamellation is induced to de- velop in crystals, then along the planes of chemical weakness just the same thing may be effected as in those of labradorite. I can not hut 1 Mineralogical Magazine, Vol. VII. (1886). 2 Ibid. Vol. IX. p. 192. THE ARCHAEAN FORMATIOX OF THE ABUKUMA PLATEAU. 255 think the present augite rrpre.fipntfi in the non-aluminous group an incipient stage of iiw formation of the so-called pseado-lujpersthene of an aluminous augite. Sometimes grains witli the aug-ite-cleavage are observed (Fig. 12, a, &, and c), and these basal sections are marked witli numerous spots which are nothing but the cross-cut of the cyhndrical lioles, well seen on the longitudinal sections (d and c) of the mineral. There seems, how- ever, no regularity in the arrangement of these dots. The pleochroism is faintly observed only on the cliuopinacoid, when the interior portion is of a darker shade than the peri])hery ; and the absorption is the strongest when the principal axis coincides with the principal section of the lower nicol. Some grains show intense polarization-colours between crossed niçois, nearly equal to those of augite or olivine, and these, when closely examined, always extinguish light in oblique directions with reference to a few cleavage-traces. The grains with straight extinction are on the contrary very dull, -ranging fr<^m grey to light-brown. The augite is scattered through the entire mass, to the ex- tent of nearly the half, and when it occurs associated with a rather green hornblende which is present only in small quantities, it is imbedded within the sul^stance of the hornblende (Tig. 3, PI. XXIIl), each having different optic orientations, as shown in the figure. From the whole habitus I consider these light-green grains to be the salite of Prof. Kalkowsky, wIkj was the first to point out the wide distribution of this mineral in amphibole-schists. unfortunately his original paper is not accessible to me, and a strict comparison of the salite from the Oberpfälzer Waldgebirge with the Japanese mineral is at present a matter of impossibility. Prof. Pecke' has also given a 1 Die Gneisaformatioii des nieckrösterreichischen Waldvierteh. Tschermak's mineralog. und petrogr. Mitth. Bd. IV, p. 189. 256 B. KOTO. short description of it, and its wide distribution in the amphibolites from the Waldviertel of Lower Austria. Apatite, which is so far not found in the hornblendic zone, is present here in large quantities in the form of grains of nearly the same size as that of the salite. It is not prismatic in habitus as usually found in rocks, and in the present case, one might take it for a light-coloured salite, but its faint-blue ])olarization-colours, its characteristic dot-like enclosures, and its hexagonal cross-section preclude its being confounded with the augitic mineral. Lastly, the most interesting component found in the light-green zone is the titanite (Figs. 5, and 6, PI. XXIII). It is not found in well-finished crystals, iDut in those forms resembling rolls of butter (weckenjörmig). Some are spindle-shaped, tapering at both ends into sharp points. Others are approximately s|)henoidal, being fissured transversely at various points across the crystals ; along these fissures and also at fight angles to them lie the directions of maximum extinction. We have here probably a basal view of the titanite. The other very obtuse rliombs are its clinopinacoids with oblique extinctions. There are still others which indicate no signs whatever of crystallogra|)hic forms, but present shapes like falling drops from the melted end of candle-wax. In some of these clumps there exists a black, formless mass in the centre, wliich I presume to be a titaniferous iron (Fig. 5). At times the black cores nre of a tolerably large size, and the titanite forms but a very thin coating around them. The titanite is highly refractive, and has dark margins and a chagrined surface, due to the total refraction of lio-ht that enters from the other sides. Its substance is not very clear, and has some enclosures whose nature could not be made out, owing to the high refraction of the titanite. The polarization -colours are rather weak, ranging from THE ARCH^AX FORMATION OF THE ABUKUMA PLATEAU. 257 brown tf) grey ; but some drop-like grains are highly chromatic and have a striking similarity with the olivine grains which are also said to be found in some amphibole-bearing schists. Prof. Kalkowsky^ has mentioned the occurrence of olivine grains which ckister I'ound the ir(3n-ores, iunl the figures of the olivine (glinkite) given htj him have a I'emarlahle similaritg with the above-mentioned grains of titanite with the enclosed titani ferons iron.' 1 have, tlierefore, some doubts as to the real nature of the present titanite, and consequently have had it subjected to a chemical examination which proves the presence of titanium in it. The titanite grains in the basic, hornblende zones mostly possess black cores, and the minerals which accompany such titanite are biotite and hornblende, b(jth being ferriferous components, while in the acid, salite band the grains are usually /;Y'(;/rom the black iron- ore. The first modification of titanite may be fairly compared with the so-called titanomorphite, resulting from the decomposition of the titanic iron ; Ijut in the present case I can not conceive the titanite- margin to be derived from the black core ; they are original, and should not be taken for titanomorphite. The hornblende in the salite-band is pre-eminently green and pleochroic ; the feldspar is one of the striped varieties. There is also 1 Die Gneis.fformation des Eulengehirges, p. 37-38. See also Dr. E. Dathes work: Olivinfels, Amjjhiholit und Biotitfjneiss von Habendorf in Sclde^ien, in the Jahrbuch der königl. preuss. geologischen Landesanstalt für 1888, p. 322-324. The amphibolites of the gneiss formation of the Eulengebirge seem specially rich in the olivine grains, as may be judged from Kalkowsky's and Dathe's work. So far as I know, I have as yet not come across the olivine in any of the genuine amphiljolite-schists of Japan. The peridotites and serpentines, however, often contain that mineral ; but they occur only in the form of intrusive bosses, sheets, and dykes in the archsean memljers. 2 Mr. J. J. Harris Teall has given a s-iniilar figure in Plate XLVII, fig. 3, in his " British Petrography " with a note that it " shall rei:)resent a kernel of iron ore zoned by sphene." Unfortunately he was obliged to postpone all detailed references to this mineral to some fixture occasion, notwithstanding the fact that the plate had been prepared of a glaucophane-schist from Anglesea, in which the above-mentioned titanite is said to occur. 258 ^ ^^'^^• a clear, uiistriped feldspar in the hornblende zone, which I also place in the plagioclastic group. The above notes chiefly refer to the rock brought from Kamada, 1 ri south-west from Takanuki. Having given a general description of the amphibolites, we may now briefly consider their many modi- fications. B a) Titanite-Biotlte-Amphibolite. This is the commonest type found all over the region included within the terrain of the present series, so that the citation of its occurrences would be quite redundant. It is thin-banded, and has a plane-parallel structure. Sometimes, however, massive modifications are not wanting; still their transversely fractured surface always shows a banding of the white, feldspathose, and black, hornblendic zones. The hornblende is brown and pleochroic, the titanite-wedges and the lamellae of biotite are interposed between the bacillar amphiboles. The clear, ])olygonal feldspar is of a rather large size. The interbanding white zone is in the main made up of the last mineral, and its grains are minute. Intermixed with these there are chains of titanite-grains with the drop-like titaniferous iron. The best exposures are found at IShimo- Yamagami near IVIatsukawa. \) bj Titcmite-Salite-Ainphibolite. This rock, so far I am acquainted with it, is only found at Ka- mada, and its general description has been already sufiiciently given in the preceding pages. It is a deep- black, somewhat granular, thick-banded schist, alternating with the light-green liands (2-8 cm.) of salite. The hornblendic zone is almost entirely made up of a bacil- lar amphibole ; and through weathering a glittering, gold-yellow biotite comes to view on the surface of the rock. THE ARCH^AN FORMATION OF THE ABUKUMA PLATEAU. 259 B c) Titanite-Feldspar-AmpJtibolite. This approaches in its (mtward appearance to the first variety, but it ma}^ lie reidily distingui.shed from the mica-bearing- amphibolites by the absence of biotite. Also for the same reason the plane-parallel structure, which is macroscopically observable in all hand-specimens when the biotite is present, is not perfectly developed; the cross-section is, hovve\'er, fine-banded, owing to repeated alternation of the Avhite zones of feldspar with the black (jnes. The feldspar and hornblende are nearly of the same size, and are fine when comj^ired with the two preceding modifications. The hornblende is grass-green and pleochroic, bacillar in form, and is arranged approximately in parallel directions ; the feldspar is clear, and polygonal in outline. The particles (^f the latter are minute and granular in the wliite zones, and the titanite-grains, occurrino- with them, with their usual black cores, are chained one ai'ter another, parallel to the banding of the schist. Weathered rocks look not rnilike a sandstone-mass. The sjjecimens examined are those from Sori near Ishikawa. and Yamagami near Matsukawa. I sa\v some traces of copper pyrites in them. B dj Biotite- Amphibole-Gneiss. This occurs in the titan ite-biotite-amphibolite as a lenticular mass of scarcely half a metre in breadth, and can be easily distino-uished from all others of the present series by a fine granular-lamellar structure. A transversely fractured block shows in the cle:u-est manner the mode of aggregaticjn of the comp.ments. The black, flame-shaped, patches are nothing but granular accumulations of a greenish-brown, bacillar hornblende with traces of the basal cleavage, and the white dots are porphyritic, untwinned feldspars, nearly all completely changed into a 260 B. KOTO. muscovite-aggregate but with some part intact on the periphery. The rest of the rock-mass is built up of quite unchanged, colourless feldspars with some grains of quartz, which on account of the jjarallel position of the dark-br<3wn biotite assume a more or less wavy structure. Only a few grains of the feldspars exhibit twinning lamellation between crossed niçois ; consequently it is difficult to say whether we have to do with plagioclastic or monoclinic varieties, but probably the porphyritic feldspar belongs to the latter family. A black, highly lustrous iron-glance may be observed, but not titanite. The specimen here described comes from Söri ; but this gneiss might, no doubt, be found in many other places by close examination in the field. YII. Petrography of the Gozaisho Series. A. AmphihoUtes of the Gozaisho Boad. We are in the hal)it of allowing so wide a latitude to amphibolite or hornblende-schist, that the name alone gives scarcely any clue as to the real nature of the rock a petrographer denotes by it, for the term amphibolite which includes rocks differing greatly in their external appearance and the nature of their component-minerals, as well as in their genesis, that is, whether they are metamcjrphic schistose diorites or really stratified schists. Therefore, it will be Avell here to give certain prominent features which eminently characterize our rocks, with the view of distinguishing them from the titanite-amphibolites of the Takanuki series, already sufficiently described. Besides the "Teat difference which exists between the horizon o of the rocks I am now describing, and that of the other series, the following points are to be mentioned : 1) Perfectly fissile, evenly plane-parallel structure is to a certain extent common to the rocks THE ARCH^AN FORMATION OF THE ABUKUMA PLATEAU. 261 of both series, but the upper part of the present rocks becomes rather compact, slaty, or thick-taliular ; 2) colour more greenish or greyish ; 3) absence of titanite and salite, compensated for by the presence of chlorite, epidote, magnetite, tourmaline, and sometimes rutile ; 4) structure not granular, but linear or parallel and more or less compact, the last character especially giving solidity to the rocks, so that they withstand atmospheric action better ; 5) macroscopically, the mineralogical components are scarcely recogniz- able in the green slaty rocks ; 6) microscopically, the ingredients, especially the hornl/;iende, are in parallel and linear alignment, so that a slide made parallel to the schistose plane presents the same side of the minerals, whereas in the rocks of the Takanuki series basal and longitudinal sections of the component-crystals are visible in the same slide, lying confusedly together ; 7) hornblende mostly needle-shaped or prismatic in habitus, while in the other, it is polysomatic or tabular, or broad if prismatic ; 8) colour of the hornblende light-green, and not intensely-green or brown. The rocks comprehended under the present group vary greatly as well in their external appearance as in their inward structure, to such an extent that they do not allow of characterization in a few words. They differ stratigraphically as well as petrographically in mineralogical composition being accompanied by a change of structure. From a highly crystalline, somewhat granular member bearing the stamp of a genuine crystalline schist to a compact, green, slaty assem- blage, they grade one into another imperceptibly without any marked break. This may be traced advantageously in coming down eastward, along the rapids of the Samegawa, from the plateau of Takanuki to the boundary of tertiary hills, at the very junction of which stands the small village of Kadôno (Profile C-D, PI. XXV.) 262 ^- ^oTö. I begin with the lower nieml)er, a highly crystalline amphibolite. a) It is a schistose, im) perfectly fissile, evenly plane-parallel, dark- green, slatv rock, built up of multifarious alternations of white and black bands, comprised of microscopically fine, glittering needles of a black hornblende and saccharoidal, milky-white feldspar, disposed, as I have stated, in fine zones. Sucli rocks diifer so little from those of the Takanuki series in their external appearance as to lead one to suppose them to be quite identical. However, on close examination marks of distinction may be easily perceived. For besides the fineness of texture which characterizes the present rock, the spangling gold-gellow hiotite can not he seen on weathered surfaces of ü as on those of the titanite- aniplnholite^ ; these surfaces are dark-green and dull. Under the microscope the hornl^lende ;ip])ears compact, and with irregular outlines, and als(j in ragged plates which are either short and ol)long, or have tlie shape of slender prisms. The small prisms are arranged more or less parallel. The broader plates are less parallel, crossing e;ich other at various angles, and giving a coarsely felted aspect to the section. In the plates very fine striations run parnllel to the base. As all the crystals of the horn- blende are not disposed in ])ârallel direction, so basal sections are sometimes observed in tlie combination of prism ntid clinopinacoid. The mineral is of a dirty-green colour, and pleocliroic, varying from green to oily-yellow. The general mass is made up of feldspar (and some quartz?) with crystalloids of hornblende. The feldspar is not uni- form in size, and is polygonal in outline ; its polarization-colour is weak, showing undulatory concentric extinctions ; its substance is clear and fresh. Only a few flakes of hiotite are to be seen on the cleaved plane. Microscopically the biotite may be considered as an accessory, occurring associated with the hornblende aggregates as brown, fibrous lamellae, 1 See ante p. 251. THE ARCHiEAX FORMATION OF THE ABUKUMA PLATEAU. 263 devoid of externiil outlines. Masses of iron glance, both deep red and opaque incxlilications, adhere to the crystals of the hornblende, and also form local accuniiilations in them. This rock crops out at tlie dis- trict-boundary of Kikuta and Higashi-Shirakawa, on the (lozaisho road, being cut sharply by hornblende-granite, where tlie latter assumes a more or less schistose structure (GHG, Profile C-1), Plate XX^'). h) Not far from the last locality, and directly overlying the pre- ceding, we find a schist which is surely a modification of the rock just described. It is a greenish, fine banded, imperfectly, fissile, feld- spathose schist. witVi sericitic membranes and the tufts of a brownish tourmaline on its cleaved surface. Under the microscope a bluish- green, pleochroic hornblende assuming long, sheaf-like forms, is seen in more or less parallel alignment, but Locally tlie crystids are thrown indiscriminately together so as to form a more or less intricate felt- work. The interstices between them are occupied by the fresh, clear feldspar which is sharply bounded, polngonal, and well adjusted with the neighhouring pohigons. These polygons are peppered through with grains of black iron ore which, by reflected light, presents a bluish- black lustre and lamellar structure. It is, therefore, iron glance, but not magnetite, with which it is often confounded. The heart- and knee-shaped twins of rutile are scattered through the section ; it must he expresslij remarked that this mineral has hitherto not been observed, in the allied rocks of the Takanuki series. This rock occurs associated with the tourmaline-bearing mica schist, to be described in the sequel. c) Some of the rocks higher up in the series, associated with schists such as that just described, are very similar in appearance to common chlorite schist. Indeed they are compact, bluish-green, rudely fissile, slaty rocks which, on cursory examination, might be very often taken for chlorite schists. Examined under the microscope, the predominating mineral, the hornblende, is seen to be present in 264 B. KOTO. the form of an intricate felt-work of fine prismatic crystals, appearing not unlike the needles of sillimanite. Only a little feldspar is found as a o-runular, weakly polarizino; aggregate, in which actinolite is rare. The general ninss is full of tea-brown, hexagonal tablets and grains of opaque iron gin nee. d) The next in ascending order, and forming the basement of the temple of Gozaisho, is a schist which not only differs in its external aspect but i\ho in its minerulogical composition from those of the preceding rocks. The appearance itself suggests at once that the rock has suffered a great physical change by dynamic metamorphism to siich an extreme degree, that the zones of feldspar, now appearing dull and saussuritic, have been so torn and convulsed as to assume a puckered aspect. The rock is finely crystallo-granular, massive and slightly fissile, and imperfectly banded with milky-white, feldspar zones. The microscope reveals that the schist is composed of a bluish-green hornblende, dirty, greenish-brown biotite, crystals and grains of magnetite, all arranged in parallel lines, and lapped over by thin flocculent chlorite. A transverse section of the rock admirably discloses the UK^de of arrangement in full detail. A greyish-green biotite and the dust of magnetite togethei- make up special bands, running through the rock and fl(jwing around the aggregates and sometimes large, well-defined crystals of magnetite. Above and below, the band is bordered witli an accumulation of magnetite, whence the bluish -green, sheaf-like hornblende shoots forth in different directions into the fine aggregate of white, feldspar zones. Some feldspar occurs in the shape of large, irregular grains forming veinules within the microcrystalline. mosaic of the same mineral. The feldspars are limpid, but some show traces of alteration, and are traversed by in;iny fissures and chains of liquid-inclusions with air-bubbles, in a direction at right angles to the plane of schistosity of the rock. THE ARCH^AX FORMATION OF THE ABUKUMA PLATEAU. 265 I confess that I am totally unable to distinguish quartz from feldspar when their orains are thrown together in a mosaic aggregate ; but judging from the massive, feldspar-hornblende rock, from which presumably the present one seems to have been derived, I naturally deny the presence of quartz. It is particularly misleading that the huyer crvstals of feldspar, which must have been and still must be sub- ject to peculiar strain l)y pressure in such a metam(jrj)hic rock, display polarization-colours of so high order as to lead one readily to take them for quartz ; but from time to time a few stripes of different (-olours may be noticed, which point to the latent existence of twins in the feldspar. In saying so, my notion is not strictly to preclude the presence of quartz, as this is reasonably supposed t(3 l^e formed in the metasomatic changes, which any rocks, especially of eruptive origin, may suffer during an orogenetic movement of the mass. I simply mean that grains which may beyond doubt be regarded as quartz have not been observed. The bluish hornblende bears evident mark of having been produced in some secondary wjiy in its sherif-like fjrm, frayed at both ends and tufted together in acicular bundles. Minute grains oï epidote (3ccur mixed with accumulation of magnetite. e) The rock lying east of, and conse(|uently (jverlying, the meta- morphic schist just described, is a massive, fine-granular, green rock without an}' fissile stru^-ture in a hand-specimen, though a few rock- cleavages might be found in natural exposures. It appears like a rock altered under the influence of cont;ict action of some eruptives. The surface is speckled with white dots, esp>ecially on weathered speci- mens, indicating the presence of much feldspar. The granular structure of the rock may be better understood by examining a slide with the microscope, it is seen to be mainly made up of hornblende in ragged, sheaf-like or fibrous masses, frayed out at the ends into radiating tufts. The hornblende is disposed in 9ß6 B. KOTÖ. such a confused manner that within the microscopic field all possible sec- tions of it may be seen, and hence the granular structure of the rock. The hornblende is green at its margins, but light- brown at its centre ; thus giving rise to zonings of colour of which, the peripheral, deep shade is surely due to a slight change in the substance of the amphibole. When the axis of mean elasticity ß coincides with tlie short diagonal of the lower nicol, the differences in shade are inost marked, while in the position at right angles to the former, i.e.^ c, the whole crystal becomes greenish in C(jlaveno type, and equally large and well-shaped, grey quartz, pegma- tically intergrown with the former, together with biotite and muscovite, form the materials of the coarse dykes. Beautiful dykes of graphic granite with biotite may also be observed at Gomisawa, 12 km. east of Ono-niimachi. Microcline seems to form an important part among their components. These and many other dykes, of which there are ample variety, require more extended researches than I had time to institute. B. Dyhes of Aiigite-dioritic Lamprophyres. A dyke of about 2 m., cutting through hornblende-granite, is found in Nishiyama (Ogura), on the way to Tanagura. It is a THE AROH^AN FORMATION OF THE ABUKUMA PLATEAU. 279 compact, dark- greyish rock in which are porphyritically imbedded crystals of hornblende and augite (3 mm.). No other components are visible to the naked eye. Under the microscope it proves to be'pilo- taxitic, consisting of lath-shaped plagvoclase, needles of hornblende, and magnetite, with scanty remains of some colourless basis, which fill up the interstices of the crystalline ingredients. The phenocrysts are plagioclase, hornblende, augite, and a zeolitic mineral ; the first is long rectangular or square, occurs in simple crystals, or in simple twins, all extinguishing in oblique directions at more than oO.° In spite of the simplicity of the crystals and the scarcitv of twins, the feldspar may be looked upon as a basic plagioclase. Zonings of the plagioclase are well developed, the central part being often hollow, and partially filled up with a chloritic aggregate ; the peripheral zone is fresli and glassy. The hornblende is greenish-brown ; its forms are never perfect, but eaten away by magmatic corrosive action, and the crystals are in consequence encircled by an aggregate of opacité and needles of augite. These marginal masses are prolonged into long " tails," just as horn- blende is in some porphyrites. Its pleochroism is quite pronounced. Twins of common type are discernible onlif in that shape wliich has been formerly considered as anomalous twins whose plane of contact IMS said to he the prism zc^ 2 (120)} The augite is rare, its habitus is andesitic, consequently its basal section is approximately hexagonal, being bounded by the predominating faces of pinacoids, truncated at the four corners by prismatic feces, and its colour is light-yellow and non-pleochroic. Biotite and olivine are not to be seen in the specimens hitherto examined. This dyke-rock seems to have aldose resemblance to the comptonitic modification of the dioritic lamprophyre. 1 Becke: Tschermak's Mineralog. unci petrogr. Mitth. Bd. IV, p. 365. 280 B- KOTö. Xear Hfirimichi, south-east of Fiikashima, Kochibe has found many dykes of a dark-green, fine-granular diabase in granite, contain- ing grains of olivine. ' This may probably belong to the same class of rocks as the present one. A similar dyke may be seen in a vertical cleft of about 2 m. within a nodular hornblende-granite at the boundary of Nakagura and Nakatani (L P in Profile F-F, PI. XXV). C. Dijhcs of Dionte-Porphyntes. There are many peculiar dyke-rocks whose mutual relation to each other, and to the country rocks are but imperfectly known. I can give here only a preliminary notice of them, deferring their microscopic detail to another occasion. Their mineralogical com- position and structural form seem to deviate so greatly from normal chß'e rocks, that I feel comulerahle diffidence in placing them in any of the known class of lamprophyres. The dyke materials show great variations within narrow limits. From a compact, grey hornstone-porphyry to a light-coloured, coarse crystalline diorite- porphyrite, they vary through a number of intermediate forms. Some of them appear dark and fine granular, others are aphanitic ; while a third modification is medium-granular with black hornblende- crystals porphyritically imbedded within the greyish general mass. In short, thev seem to have nothino; in common to them, but in reality they are otFsprings from a common stock under deceptive appearances. 1) The compact variety possesses the aspect of a hornstone-porphyry, with sporadic crystals of feldspar as a porphyritic component ; the general mass is grey, and is splintery with a conchoidal 1 Harada, Die ^axxinischen Inseln, p. 76. THE, ARCH^AN FORMATION OF THE ABUKUMA PLATEAU. 281 fracture. Under the microscope nearly the half of the whole bulk is seen occupied by granophyric bundles which consist of fibrous feldspar and quartz arranged in a divergent-radial manner around a feldspar-crystal, so as to form a spherulite. Between crossed niçois the spherulite is divided into imperfect sectors which sweep along one after another as the section is rotated on the stage. A lew plates of horn- blende and lamellae of muscovite are irregularly intermixed with the granophyric mass, from which it may l)e inferred that the spherulitic bundles came into existence after the crystallization of the bi-silicates. The formation of these bundles is probably the effect of an unequal cooling, or they may have lieen formed secondarily in a manner somewhat similar to that of devitrification l^y molecular rearrangement and differentiation of an unindividualized mass.^ The remainder of the rock consists of a cryptocrystalline aggregate of quartz and feldspar, muscovite and green hornblende; most of the colourless components becoming visible only on applying crossed niçois. Copper pyrite is present. 2) The dark and fine-granular dyke rock has a few feldspar- crystals as a porphyritic element. îio other minerals are discernible by the naked eye. Under the microscope the porphyritic feldspar is found beautifully zoned with different optical orientations in the centre and the periphery, having an extinction-angle of more than !20° with the twinning sutures; the decomposition begins in some from the core, whereas in others just the reverse hapj)ens. The minerals of the second generation are the bluish-green, fibrous hornblende, and zonally structured, long-rectangular or square-shaped feldspar; while the general mass is made up of needles of hornblende and lamellae of tea-green biotite, lath-shaped feldspar, and grains of quartz. The structure is holocrystalline-porphyritic. Accessories are apatite, octa- 1 Vide ante p. 235. 282 ß ^<^Tö. hedra of magnetite, and a little epidote. Through the preponderance of feldspar of the second generation, the rock becomes dioritic in appearance with somewhat large crystals of fibrous hornblende as porphyritic crystals often arranged in stellar aggregates. Some of the fibrous amphibole contains cores of mujite, from which it may be inferred that the hornblende of uralitic habitus has been derived from the augite. 3) The thinl modification is black and fine-granular, and a dark magnesian bisilicate glitters through it by reflected light. .Examined with high powers, it is a panidiomorphic-crystalline aggregate ol lath- shaped feldspar, and prismatic hornblende, together with biotite and epidote. The feldspar is simple-twinned, rarely polysynthetic, and more or less kaolinized and dirty, being full of muscovite, w^ith the secondary epidote at the centre ; zonings are rarely developed. The hornblende is prismatic in habitus with the clinopinacoid present, so far as may be judged from the outlines of imperfect basal sections. It is pleochroic; c = dark- brown with a slight tinge of violet, 6= brown, a = light-yellow ; absorption, c = ß > ct. Forms of the hornblende are never perfect, but ragged and tattered, as if it were, the resorption- residue of larger individuals. This supposition is, moreover, strength- ened l)y a beautiful emerald-green colouring of the peripheral portion which is materiall)' connected with the brown core ; the former has surely resulted from alteration ot the original amphibole. At first sight, the hornblende appears like augite, for which it may be easily taken. It seems to me that the present amphibole is likely to be one of the sodium-bearing varieties, as otherwise the formation of the bluish- green margins can not be explained. A dirty green biotite is irregularly scattered through the whole mass, and the dark colour of the rock is due mainly to the presence of this component. Titaniferous iron is sparingly present with highly THE ARCHJ3AX FORMATION OF THE ABUKUMA PLATEAU. 283 refracting margins of titanile. Zircon with well-finished forms is also observed. The structure is more or less porphyritic. The part in direct contact with the cheek of granite is typically porphyritic, with feldspar, hornblende, and biotite as large components; while the rest is a crypto-crystalline aggregate of grains of feldspar and quartz, and also foliée 'ranulitic gneiss of the Lower Tak^innki series. ;uT'om])anied by a niicp.eeons seliist with plenty (jf g-arnet, has l)een so distiir1)ed in various ways and at numerous points by the intrusion of biotite-granite, as to make one believe that tlie gneiss-complex has been broken up and cemented subsequentlv together by the matrix of that plutonic rock. Generally speakin^-, tlie biotite-granite occurs only in the form of apophvses or of Ijosses within other complexes. On the r)ther hand, the hornblendic variety seems to be present in extensive masses, distiu-bing all the complexes formed ])rior to the period of the Gozaisho series, in such a maniier as if the whole I'akanuki rocks had been swimming on that m-igma. The last-mentioned series, in all observed cases, is geologically separated from the Gozaisho rocks by the interventi(3n of masses of hornblende- gran ite. The biotite-granite, as I have already said, intersects the Takanuki series at numerous points, forming sporadic masses a,nd irregularly ramifying dykes ; the relation of the hornblendic variety to the same complex is, however, somewhat different. Near the contact tlie Laurentian granite holds as enclosures sharply anguhu', sub-a.ngular, or somewhat rounded blocks of mica-schists and amphibolites of the Takanuki series. This is well seen (jn the Hanatate pass (A-lî, Pi. XXY). The schistose modification of the same has likewise foreign enclosures of the Takanuki rocks, as more or less attenuated bands drawn out parallel to the foliation of the hornl)lende-granite and confused with it (Fig. 5, PL XXl\). These facts, taken in connection with the prevailing shattered character of the Gozaisho, and of the Takanuki strata in particular, at 288 B. KOTO. their contact with the Laurentian rocks, leave no room for doubt bnt that these inchisions are detached portions of the overlying formations, which, in a firm and brittle condition, have become immersed in the nnderlying viscid magma, which subsequently crystallized out as the Laurentian gneiss and granite. This mode of foliation of the granites (plastic deformation) seems to have been produced by differential pressures upon the tliickly viscid magma, inducing a flow in the mass, similar to that endogenous growth of a volcano by Naclischuh, experimentally observed by Reyer. To this fl(^w is ascribable both the schist(3sity of certain foKated granites, and the parallel arrangement of enclosures of foreign rocks imbedded in it, as in the Rainy Lake region.^ It must be expressly remarked that there is another process which leads to the formation of foliation, (juite distinct from that just mentioned, wlvich may be termed that of s:)liil di'funiiatio)!, since the schistosity is in this case brought about by internal granulation of tlie component-minerals. Foliated granites, which occupy extensive area in the plateau, owe tVieir structure to the latter actioij. The upper arcluean is represented by bedded formations, in which can be recognized at least two leading groups. One of them is the Takanuki series which is again divisible into tlie lower acid, and the upper basic member. «) The former rests directly upon the Laurentian. and its petrogra|)lrical elements are gneiss-mica schist, two-mica schist, garnet-biotite schist, and horn- blende-biotite schist, which together make up the considerable thick- ness of 5,000 metres. All these rock- varieties have in common a tabular form witli the plane-parallel structure, and their transverse sections show^ the interbanding of black-mi (,'a zones with light- greyish quartz-feldspar layers (photograph, figure 2, -Pi. XXVII). 1 Andrew 0. Lawson, On the Gealogy of the Rainy Lake Region, p. 131. et seq. THE archj!:ax formation of the abukuma plateau. 2«^9 Where biotite occurs in odIv small quantities, they approach both in appearance and compcjsition to a granuhte. Feldspars, both nionoclinic and triclinic, usually make only a small fraction of the whole rock which, in consequence not infrequent]}^ passes locally into a tv])ical mica-schist. This complex seems to corresj'ond with Harada's Rioké schiefer,'^ so named from the locality of Rioke, Süchi göri, in the province of Tötömi, where the rocks were collected for the first time. Harada seems to have given them that name simply with the pétrogra- phie object of covering with it various schists of his gneiss system, found near the village of Kioké, Vv"ith(3ut assigning to them any s])ecial horizon in his stratigraphie scheme. ß) The Upper Takanuki complex embraces multifirious alterna- tions of 1) the titanite-amphibole schists a,n(l i^). the gneiss-mica schists. The first are black, highly crystalline schists with the plane- parallel structure, whose transverse section shows interbanded, thin, light-coloured zones, reciu'ring hundreds of times even in a small cliip. They are perfectly schistose, cleaving easily into papery slabs ; and as tlieir texture is not so compact as that of the underlying mica schists, they readil}^ fall into a bluish-black ashy ])ow(ler on their weatliered surface. These Ijlack, fissile schists are peculiar! v characterized bv the presence of titanite which is found in those forms which resemble rolls of butter (wcclicttförm'uj), and wdth sometimes a black, formless mass in their centre, which is pi'obably of a titaiji ferons iron. Another yery interesting component is the salite which almost exclusively makes up the stuff of the light-green zones. Jiiotite is [)resent, but it never takes an iinportant part in the comp'osition of the rock; still it should l^e con- sidered as a, characteristic ingredient, since it is entirely wanting in the series text aljove it. It may Ije readily recognized on the plane of schisiosity by its gold-yellow, glittering lustre. We name these 1 Loc. cit. p. 43. 290 B. KOTO. titiinite-bearing rocks in the field the biotite-ainphibolites in order to discriminate them from other kindred varieties. Tlie Ijiotite-amphibole o-neiss occurs usualJy in lenticular masses. Those of the other cate- o-ory (gneiss-mica schists) show the following moditications, namely, o-neiss-mica schist, two -mica schist, "'arnet- hi otite schist, and also hornblende-biotite schist. The whole complex, consisting of the above-mentioned rocks, attains a considerable thickness, as seen in the exposure between the hilly stretches from Nakagura to Söri (E-F, PI. XXV), where this tapper Takanuki was found to have the thickness of 5,500 metres. The voluminous green mass of the (jrozaislio series is well exposed alono' the banks of the Same-^awa whose river course runs nearly at rio-ht anofles to the strike of the whole complex. Its basal member lies in a somewhat elevated portion of the plateau on the west, while in the eastern half of the section, towards the tertiary hills of Kadöno, the younger series occurs, with a thickness which I venture to estimate as probably not less than 10,000 metres. The uppermost rock of this series is a greenish, rather massive schist, cropping out along the l)aiiks in a vertical position but with a, slight inclination towards the east. It has the aspect of a clastic rock, and is like a hardened dej^jsit of volcanic aslies. This is followed to the west by alternjite bands of green schists and quartz rocks, intruded into at times by a hornblende-iJTanite. A i)lack mica-schist accom- panies these green schists. They gradually disappe;u', to give place at last to a black, crystalline, horriblende scliist which occupies the basal portion. AVhen we compare the extreme members of these schists, side by side, they seem at first sight to hax'e nothing in common with each other, but on close examination in the field they are seen to form a lithological continuity and a harmonious whole. These green, fissile rocks have much the same appearance as the clasto-pyroxenites THE ARCH^AX FOKMATIOX OF THE ABUKUMA PLATEAU. gQ]^ of my Mikabu series, whicli form the basement of the paJœozoic group of Japan. Sometimes they bear a striking resemblance to the chlorite schists of my Sambao-;nvan series,' whicli lies directly below the ]\[ikabu com- plex. The question ctjncerning the age of the Sambagawan series involves serious difficulties. When the resu.lts (jf mv studies on the schists of Chichibu^ were made public in 1888, I expressly remarked that it is by no means safe to give the Sambngawan series a final resting place in the archa?an group, without extended researches. In spite of my warning -îgainst such a hasty conclusion, Dr. Harada" assigned its place to the U])per archa3a,n, as had been done before him by Dr. E. Xaumann. I do not as yet find any positive argument that supports its archiean position, as no additional light has since been thrown on the stratigraphical situation of the Sambagawnn series. The relation of tlie Gozaisho series to tliat of the Samba- gawan is unf^rtunatelv not very clear, and we must wait for some time to come to see the final solution of the problem, whether the two are geological e(|uivalents, or whether they succeed eacii other in ])oint of time. [ take here the opportunity of expressing iny tlianks to Professor Edward Divers and Director Dairoku Kikuchi for tlieir kindness in assisting me in various ways in the revision of. the proof sheets of this paper. 1 This Journal, vol. II. 2 Loc. cit. p. 49. B. KOTO, ARCHiEAX FORMATION OF THE ABUKUMA PLATEAU, 293 COTsTTEISrTS. I. — Introduction IL — The Abukuma Plateau III. — Arch^an geology iy._STRATIGRAPHICAL RELATIONS AND STRUCTURE— SECTIONS Y. — Petrography of the Laurentian rocks A. AmPHIBOLE-CtRANITES and BIOTITE-CtRANITE B. Structural varieties of granites ... a) A mphibole-granite b) Imperfectly scJtistose ampJiiboIe-grauife c) ScJiistose amphibole-granife d) Schistose epklote-granite e) Biofite-grcmite f) Caught-up granite VI. PfTROGRAPHY of the TaKANUKI SERIFS A. Gneiss-mica-schists Aa) Gneiss-mica-scliist A b) Two- mica- schist Ac) Gariiet-biotite-schist Ad) Horvbleude-biotite-schist B. Titanite-amphibole-schists Ba) Titanite-biotite-amphibolite Bb) Titanite-salite-amphiboJite Be) Titan ite-feldspar-aviphibolite Bd) Biotite-amphihoJe-gneiss Yir. — Petrography of the Gozaisho series A. Amphibolites of the Gozaisho road B. Mica-schists C. Garnet-chloritoid-quartz-schists D. Amphibole-picrites VIII. — Dyke-rocks A. Pegmatophyritic dykes B. Dykes of augite-dioritic lamprophyre C. Dykes of diorite-porphyrites IX. — Summary Fagb. 197 198 200 201 218 219 229 229 233 230 239 241 241 245 245 248 249 250 251 252 258 258 259 259 260 260 268 270 271 275 275 278 280 283 PLATE XXII. Plate XXII. Topographical map, recently published by the Geological Survey of Japan, represent- ing a portion of the extensive plateau of Abukuma between Tanagura and Taira. It covers a portion of the province of Hitachi, and also that of Iwalïi. The red lines indicate the positions of the line of section, given separately in Plates XXIV and XXV, with corresponding letters. h'til/î. 7Yir .ùr/u,r,l, / Jouf. Se. Coll. Vol. y. FI. XXII. .1/1. S/,imti (1,1, .\'<, ,Vnlia I .l/MJ/r.l Ka. Kiitiil /f'p/Jrr.l .(/>. ,Ui,Êiuiii (.faul/i.) Hi Hlf/nsfli (Ji\i.tl.l jr,: Xi.iiii ( n-<:ti.j A. JltliV (J/,:lHll./ M. Yit/tm ( lilttiiillti PLATE XXIII. Plate XXIII. Fig. 1, — illustrates tlie point of contact of two granites, the lower lialf representing . the intruding, young (biotite-) granite, the upper half, the iiitruded, older (hornblende-) granite. Feldspar and quartz at their contact are variously fissured, and the lines of fracture thus produced run a^'proximatcly parallel with each other. (8ee p. 242.) Fig. 2. — A bluish-green hornblende, forming an essential ingredieiit of granite. (See p. 227.) Fig. 8, — shows a green hornblende with the imbedded grains of salite, each having different optical orientations. (See p. 255.) Fig. 4. — Reactionary rim consisting of the grains and needles of epidote around a decomposed biotite at the contact with feldspar. (See ps. 284 and 28Ö.) Fi(is. 5 and 0,- — represent peculiar I'orms of titaidte, resembling rolls of butter, with opaque, formless masses of titaniferous iron. (See p. 25().) Fig. 7. — A somewhat large, allotriomorphic hornblende, enclosing a number of equally allotriomorphic crystals of plagioclase, oriented in diverse direc- tions. (See p. 227.) Fig. 8. — Black dioritic patches of various sizes enclosed in hürnl)lende-granite, as if a dioritic scum had floated on a granitic paste, and then been torn asunder by some movement in a semi-liuid magma. These patches are only a portion of the same granitic inagina, slightly different in chemical composition. (See p. 217.) Fig. *J, — shoAvs many stiff, disjointed needles of ? sillimanite. (See p. 220.) Fig. 10. — Crystalloids and grains of hornblende, enclosed by a feldspar. (243.) Fig. 11. — Section of the Nakagura valley, showing the heterogeneous nature of schistose granite and the Upper Takanuki complex. (See p. 215.) Fig. 12. — Salite, a characteristic component of titanite-amphibolites, with black streaks regularly arranged parallel with the c-axis. (See p. 254.) Koto, ArcJuean Formation. Jour. Sc. Coll. Vol. V. PI. XXIII. =p=v y-P' ^x'^'iîS Dark Dî^jri'tù' Grtuiite Siri'à^ X.:,.-.h 10 N. Sasaki del. Lith. <& Ivip. Seishibunsfui. PLATE XXIV. Plaie XXIV. YiG. 1. — Section from Serigasawa to Miharn, tlie latter beiug the well-known town in the Abnkuma plateau. It exhibits the complicated mode of arrange- ment of granites. (See p. 219.) gnBG, — schistose biotite-granite ; I gnG,— schistose hornblende-granite. BG, — biotite-granite ; I Fig. 2 and 3. — Cuttings along the newly opened road west of Tamano-yu, Naraha göri, Iwaki, showing the relations of granites and dyke-rocks. (See p. 276.) HG, — hornblende-granite : BG, — biotite-granite ; Peg, — pegmatophyre-dykes ; Lamprophyre, — diorite-porphyrite. Fig. 4. — Section J-K, from Kami-Matsukawa in north-easterly direction to the district-boundary of Ishikawa and Shirakawa, illustrating very clearly the relations of the ïakanuki series, granites, and serpentine. gnG,— schistose hornblende-granite ; HG.^hornblende-granite ; BG, — biotite-granite ; UT,— Upper Takanuki ; LT, — Lower Takanuki ; S, — serpentine. Fig. 5. — Section near Shimo-Kawabe, showing the relation of schistose hornblende- granite and fleams of the Takanuki gneiss. The whole is traversed by a pegmatitic dyke. (See p. 218.) Fig. G. — ^Cutting between Tonda and Higashino, exhibiting black, attenuated patches of the dioritic composition Avithin hornblende-granite, which arise from chemical differentiation of its granitic magma. (See p. 216.) Fig. 7. — Section near Ötsuka, as exposed on road side, bringing to view a gradua- transition of hornblende-granite to its schistose variety within the amphil bolite series of the Upper Takanuki. (_See p. 214.) A, — gneiss-mica-schist ; I B, — titanite-auiphibolite ; gnG, — schistose-granite ; I HG, — normal hornblende-granite. Fig. 8. — Small belt of the Gozaisho rocks pinched in between granites. (See p. 212.) BG, — biotite-granite ; b, — salite-hornblende-schist ; d, — amphibole-picrite ; gn, — schistose hornblende-granite. a, — epidote-amphibole slate ; c,- — chloritoid-quartz-schist ; HG, — hornblende-granite ; Koto, Archœan Formation. Jour. Sc. Coll. Vol. V. PI. XX I \/. N S » 3 J/:; Km « .^^Brnrnt^^^-^^^^^-^ /•/, ,irn ,,/<,, „i.s..^ A/ji,/ir ////A: y^ ^i( ■.':■ .nwKft,),^«'«^- - Kr/'i'siiri' //flu^een Ton 9 Km Lith. dt Imp, Seishibunaha. PLATE XXV, Plate XXV. In this Plate, an attempt is made to illustrate by means of four sections the general geological succession of the Laureutian, Takanuki, and Gozaisho divisions of the Abukuma Archîean, together with the dykes of lampropliyre and pegmatophyre. The positions of the line of section are indicated by thick lines, with corresponding letters on the map, in Plate XXII. Section A-B, from Hirakata on the Pacific sea-board through Nakayama to Kawakami in the Kuji valley. (See p. 202 et seq.) Section C-D, is drawn westwards from Kadöno, 12 km. west of the city of Taira, across the ridge of Gozaisho, to the west of Takanuki. This is the best profile of the whole region. MG=BG, /. e., biotite-granite. (See p. 204.) Section G-H, from Ishikawa to Shimo-Kawabe on the right bank of the Abu- kuma. (See p. 216.) Section E-F, from the small hamlet of Kami-Misaka (where a patch of the Gozaisho may be seen) to Ishikawa on the west. (See p. 212.) Koto. ÄTchcecm Formation. Jour. Sc. Coll. Vol, Y. PI. XXV. 'Pntain.fii ê'omi.-C ^'ntifil i: in., loa) I Sc/ti.\-fi/.ve ////rrtft.-i tj'i.raiafcc eoy,y,ylUx rrillfcitrntn'li- -^ G-^ /'fy///uUtr///u/rr-//i//rr 1 Trt/iHft/ 'tfitt /fa-v^ - lAiK. é Imp. Seiihünntka. PLATE XXVI. Plate XXVI. In this Collotype Plate, an attempt is made to represent the general features of the most characteristic rock-sections, as they appear under the microscope. All give the magnification of 140 diameters. Fig. 1, — represents the rock-section of garnet-chloritoid-quarz-schist, one of the members of the Gozaisho series. Colourless granules in the photograph is the aggregate of garnet, while the irregularly outlined, black patches are the plum-green lamellae of chloritoid. The white ground consists of quartz. (See p. 270.) Fig. 2, — -shows a portion of the light-green band in titanite-salite-amphibolite. The crystalloids with a few cleavage-lines are the crystal-grains of salite, while at the lower margin of the figure we find a basal section of the same Avith its characteristic augite-cleavage. The white ground in the figure represents the aggregates of feldspar which is changed into a colourless, fine fibrous, confused mass, displaying highly chromatic, aggregate polari- zation-colours. The intact part of the feldspar appears in a sporadic manner within the micaceous mass which seems to be identical with pseudophite or saussurite. (See p. 253.) Fig. 3, — shows sillimanite in confused aggregate, occurring in garnet-biotite-schist of the Takanuki series. (See p. 251.) Fig. 4, — is the section of a typical titanite-biotite-amphibolite, in which are seen the bacillar amphibole, and round titanite, resembling rolls of butter, some- times with clumps of titaniferous iron in the centre. Locality : Karaada near Takanuki. (See p. 252.) KOTO, ARCH.EAN FORMATION. Jour. Se. Coll. Vol. V. PI. XXVI. _. . . ^, _^ mJi^§ Collotype by K. Ogawa. PLATE XXVII. Plate XXVII. This Plate represents the appearances of the poHshed surfaces of the Takauiiki and Laurentian rocks, at right angles to the plane of schistosity, excepthig Fig. 4.' Fig. 1, — is the transvers esection of titanite-salite-amphibolite. The dark bands are mainly composed of a bacillar amphibole, alternating with the white bands of salite whose magnified section is represented in Fig. 2, PI. XXVI. (See p. 258.) Fig. 2, — shows the transverse section of a graniilitic gneiss-mica-schist of the Takanuki series. Locality : Kamada near Takanuki. (See p. 248.) Fig. 3, — shows also the transverse view of a schistose granite, from the Kawachi pass, Naraha gori, Iwaki. (See p. 236.) Fig. 4, — shows a view parallel to the schistose plane of a granite of a dioritic type of mineralogical compo.sition, brought from Shimo-Matsukawa, on the banks of the Same-gawa. KOTO, ARCHAEAN FORMATION. Jour. Sc. Coll. Vol. V. PL XXVII. Collotype by K. Ogawa. m m m m n ïù -tJ- - . 1 . ^ ^ M n t, if -t i 0 0 IH m m m § -rtr ^ Mi H r^ ti fi H m M. ± 0 T ^ On the Cause of the Great Earthquake in Central Japan, 1891. By B. Koto, Ph.D., Rigakuhakushi, Professor of Geology, Imperial University. With Plates XXVIII- XXXV. Introductory. Contents. — Introductory. I. Dislocations. II. Geology and Topography of Mino and Owari. III. The Great Earthqviake of the Mino-Owari Plain. IV. Various Views as to the Origin and Cause of the Earthquake. V. Relation of the Great Fault to the Kecent Earthquake. VI. The Course of the Line of the Great Fault that caused the Earthquake. VII. Concluding Remarks. Geologif^ts have rarely enjoyed ,so good nn opportunity as that afforded them by the convulsion in the Mino-Owari plain, of observing those great displacements of rocks called "y"«»/^.s," which may only be brought about in the course of ages. Only a very few cases have ever been recorded in the annals of earthquakes, of the formation of throws of strata accompanied by subterranean shocks. Lyell mentions in his classical work, Frinciple.s of Geology, a case that occurred in New Zealand, in 1855. A tremendous earthquake was experienced there, by which, especially in the vicinity of Welling- ton, in North Island, a tract of land comprising 4,600 square miles is supposed to have been })ermanently iq3i-aised from 1 to 9 feet. The line of fault was distinctly observed in the sea-cliff, called Muka-Muka, where the uplifted older rocks abut upon the lower. Tertiary plain of Wairarapa; and the C(3urse of the fault was traceable inland to the extniordinary distance of nl:)out 90 miles, in approximate! v 296 B. KOTO: CAUSE OF THE GREAT nortli-soath direction along the Remutaka Mountains. Another well defined case is that of the ever memorable Calabrian earthquake of 1783. {The southern extremity of the mainland of Lower Italy is chiefly composed of primeval rocks. Grneisses and granites occupy the greater part of the country, being partially covered by Miocene and l^liocene of the faciès of Fly sch. A great i^cripheral or lomjiiiuUiial fissure is said by Suess,* to traverse the whole length of that part of the country called Calabria, and along this tectonic line, the fearful shocks of 1783 found their way, having for their destructive centre the city of O])pido. The seismic activity continued for some weeks, and the shocks spread north, south, and west, but very little towards the east, chiefly confining their motion to the fissured line of the fault. The maximum point of the convulsive attack was transferred from one place to another through Soriano and Polia up to Girifalco near the northern end of the fault, and then returned with equal fury towards Radicena near Oppido, which was the epicentrum. The statement of Dolomieu on this earthquake is very interesting, especially from a geological point of view-. The Apennines, he says, consist for the greater part of granite, and at their base are seen new (J'ertiary) strata wliich constitute the plain of Calabria. The usual effect of the earthquake, he continues, was to disconnect all those masses of newer formations which were supported only by lateral adherence. Hence it follows that throughout the whole lenu'th of the chain Avide chasms were formed between the solid granitic nucleus and the sandy Flysch soil. The. lines of dislocation of Lower Italy and also that of Neir Zealand are peripheral, i.e., longitudinal, running parallel u-itli the axes of the moun- tains ; and in both cases it is remarkable to see either tl tat the dislocation has taken place along the hoiuidarij of the two entirelij foreign formations ; or * Das Antlitz der Erde. EARTHQUAKE OP CENTRAL JAPAN, 1891. 297 else that the direct contact of rocks of different ages has been the residt of the faulting or slipping of one upon the other. Geologists are altogether silent as to wli ether the formation of faults and chasms should he considered as the direct cause, or only tlie outcome, of sidderranean convidsions. An unique, rhapsodic movement of land, and one which is often cited in text-books on the authority of Sir Ch. Lyell, as evidence of the actual upheaval of a lar<^-e tract of coimtry, is the formation of Illlah- bund. The 'Mound of God' or Ullah-l)und suddenly made its appear- ance at the time of a violent earthquake which occurred at Cutch, in the delta of the Indus, on June 16, LS 19, when the fort of Sindree, on the eastern arm of the river, sank down under the salt water of the Runn. The Ullah-bund is not such a mound as is usually constructed along a river, or thrown across a river-bed. It gives indeed the deceptive appearance of an artificial dam, but only when we behold it far away ; in reality it is the upraised edge of the land which imper- ceptibly dips away inland. It has also been ascertained that this new- raised country is upwards of fifty miles in length from east to west, running parallel to tlie line of subsidence, while its breadth from north to south is conjectured to be sixteen miles, its greatest ascertained height above the original level of the delta being ten feet* Lyell saw in this neivly created dam a trite upheaving of ground, while Suess considers it in another light. According to him, we have here to deal not witli. the elevation of land, or with the formation of foldings of strata near the siirface, hut with the mere settling of the country in consequence of a pressing up of the ground- tvater of a muddy alluvial plain. These eminent geologists seem, however, to he in accord witli the view that the change in the relief in this special case was the result, and not the cause of the terrible shocka which devastated the Runn of Cutch, in 1819. The question at once arises in the mind, " Was the tectonic disturbance the cause or eifect of an earth(|uake ? " * Lyell, Principles of Geoloçnj, 12ih edition, p. 16 L 298 B. KOTO: CAUSE OF THE GREAT The cause.'i of mrtlKiiiah's. — A popular subject with the men of science of all a^'es has lieen the causes of earthquakes, upon which much has been written, Imt of whi(;li little is yet known. As earth- quakes are, in one place or another, of daily occurrence, especially in the nijiiiinul circle which sej)arates the northern from the southern hemisphere, and as the dejjths of curiosity are stirred up in the minds of people who have unhapj)ily experienced the st;'.rtling treml)lings of what is usually looked upon as the symbol of fixity — all sorts of ex- planation have been offered as to their origin; and hence the world has had, both in past and recent times, the misfortune to see the sporadic a])])earance of monstrous theories on the subject. It lies, howe\'er, beyond my present limits to give here the various views as to the causes of earthquakes. This has been already done by Franz Toula in his " Ueher deft (ie(jemrärii(jen Strnul der Erdhehenfra(ie,'' and readers are referred for details to that small treatise. One of tliem is, however, ^\■(^rthy of mention, as it was for a time held in much favour in Europe. Rudolf Falb, the editor of the ]io])ular astronomical j(3urnal, " *S'//7?/.s," is the chief su ])porter of this sideric hypothesis.* A cosmic Ixxly, esjiecially the moon, is, according to him, able to exert its influence upon the imcJevs of the terrestrial globe in causing a, tide in the interioi- and simultaneous contracti(Mi of the earth, and by so acting may induce a subterranean volcanic ex])losion which results in a shake on the surface. AVhile the Austi'ian joiu'nalist is engaged witli his favourite idea, but more in popularizing it than in establishing it on a firm scientific basis, we see in another direction an endeavour inade to inquire into the causes of seismic phenomena through researches on the formation of mountains. The study in this direction is an effort to bring together into scientific shape the facts ascertained through detail- * Gnindz'Uje zu einer Theorie iler Erdbeben uml l'ulkiinmisbriielu', i'S'6'.9. EARTHQUAKE OF CENTRAL JAPAN, 1891. ^99 ed studies of individuîd earthqnuke«, and ;i comparison of the results (obtained tlierefnjiu with the facts of the u'eolo^ical structure of the region concerned. The chief merit in this Hne of study is (Uie laro-ely, at least, to the Austrian geologists, Suess, Floernes, and lUttner. The last-mentioned author gave a finishing l)low to the fantastic liyjMjthesis of Falb, in liis \V(jrk on the earthquake of l>elluno, in 187o,* Although we are as yet not in a position to be perfectly clear on the dynamics (rftlie formation of mountain-ranges, still we are already in possession of a certain knowledge on this subject through the study of the Al})s. Long ago, Eiie de Beaumont saw in the origin of nioun- • tains a radial, e]e\'ating ])ower, but to this C. Prevent made strong objections. The latter taught us that tlie elevation is only the effect of a depression of neighbouring regions; and the same view is advanced in the works of Le Conte and of Dana, in a more t)r less modified shape. Suess was led by his investigation of the tectonics of the Alps, to express himself to the effect that unequal contraction and the hori- zontal shifting of the earth's crust resulting therefrom are the cause of foldings of strata. Again, in his '^ EntstcliiuKj lier Alfx'ti,'' Suess says that all moun- tain-ranges are (rf one-sided, unsymmetrical structure, the jjrobable explanation being thaï tliey originate at the mai-gin of a great depres- sion which exerts a horizont:d, lateral pressure. The concave side of mountain-chains on which they face depressed regions we may naturally expect to be much disturl)ed and ruptured; and seismic activity and volcanic eruptions are usually manifested jxu-ticularly at this weak point. Professor H. Crednerf holds the same view about the * lieitrruje zur Kentitnixs des Krdhelk'ns ran lU'llunn. Sitzlx^r. d. k. Akademie d. Wissea- schaften. 69 Bd., 1874. t (a) Bas vorjtlandisrlii' Knlhcheii vom 23 Nov., 1875. Zeitschr. für die ges. Naturwissen- schaften. 48 Bd. 1876. (h) Das dippoldiswahh'y Erdbeben von .5 Oct., 1877. Zeitschr. für die tCHs. Natui'wissHnsfhaften. 50 Bd. 300 Lß- KOTO: CAUSE OF THE UREAT^ earthquakes of the Vogtland and the Erzgebirge, with regard to mountain-structures. Hoernes tells us in the concluding- remarks of his paper,* that earthquakes may take origin from different causes; at one time, the falling in of subterranean ca\'ities, though very rarely, and at another, a volcanic explosion, may bring about locally terrible convulsions; hut hy far the greater nwnher of eartliquahes and the most terrible ones are the direct outcome of the process of mountain-making. Under the last category are included those shakings whose frequency and seismic area are more or less closely connected with certain lines, upon which the shakings are repeatedly observed. As they appear to have some direct relation to the activity of mountain -building, Hoernes gave them the name of tectonic earthquakes. Having given a general retrospect of views as to the causes of earthquakes, I. may now proceed to the immediate subject of this paper, which is divided into five sections, as follows : — I. Dislocations. II. Geology and topography of Mino and Owari. III. The great earthquake of the Mino- Owari plain. £V. Various views as to the origin and cause of the earthquake. V. Relation of the great fault to the recent earthquake. VI. The course of the line of the great fault that caused the earthquake. VII. Concluding remarks. * Erdbeben-Studien. Jahrbuch d. k. k. geol. Eeichsanstalt, 28 Bd., p. M8. ' EARTHQUAKE OF CENTRAL JAPAN, 1891. ßQ]^ I. Dislocations. Whatever may be the cau«e, whether depression or unequal con- traction of the earth's crust, the formation and structure of mountain- ranges are surely due to the folding, rending, and Assuring of strata. Therefore it is not entirely out of place to insert here some considera- tions on the topic of dislocations, which Professor Suess has ably sketched out in his " Das Antlitz der Erde^ " Die sichtbaren Dislocationen in dem Felsgerüste der Erde sind das Ergebniss von Bewegungen, welche aus der Verringerimg* des Volums unseres Planeten hervorgehen,^' A stress originated in this process may be resolved into tangential and radial components. The first is horizontal, folding and shifting the mass; the second is vertical, often causing a large tract of land to be depressed. The tangential com- ponent is more superficial, pressing up the strata into mountains; the radial component acts more profoundly in the interior of the crust, and as a rule volcanic explosi<3ns accompany the dislocations due to it. «) We begin with the tangential movements of the lithosphère. The simplest result of a horizontal thrust of any superficial part of the * Every theory which lias hitherto been proposed to accoiant for the elevation of moun- tains and the folding of the stratified rocks forming the earth's crust hinges finally on changes of temperature. Thus the tangential force generated in the rigid crust of low temperature by the cooling and shrinking of the earth's nvicleus has been invoked to account for the cruuipling of the crust into mountain-ranges ; the crumpling skin of a dried ajjple being the stock illustration. In this case, the force called in is continuous contraction by loss of heat. The theory which Mellard Read has elaborated is the one dependent upon alteration of temperature in the crust, contraction and expansion both being agents of viplift and lateral pressure. Mellard Read : Origin of Mountain-ranges by Sedimentary Loading and Cumulative Recurrent Expansion. 302 ^- i^OTÖ : CAUSE OF THE GREAT crust is the productiou of u series oi' folds with alternating mountain-chain may be thrust forward along sets of transccrxe fissures. At the same time the strata will suffer downward displacement, and such a dislocation be accompanied by what is called a transverse eartlupiake. That the great earthquake of October last, EARTHQUAKE OF CENTRAL JAPAN, 1891. 3()3 shcjuld be counted among this class of convulsions will be argued out in detail in the sequel. ß) As we have already said, the stress proceeding from contraction of the eartli resolves itself into tw(j elements, of which one acts more or less in a tangential or horiz(3ntal direction, while the other works vertically, and dislodges a large tract of land into a caldron-like de- pression. Of tlie dislocations due to the tangential component, we have already given a general sketch. Now it will l)e clearly apparent that, while these horizontal shiftings are going on, especially along transverse faults, some parts will receive a passive movement in the vertical direction, resulting in a local dovvnfidl of beds and in landslips on a large scale, as if also the radial component were working from great depths. Tlie (jemiiiie radial movement should not he confounded with siicli a local depression of strata into a holloiv in the superficial part of the crust, as that of Fujitani in tlie Nco ralleij, which, up to the present, is supposed to hare been the sole cause of the earthquake that convulsed nearly tlie ivhole of Southern Japan in Octoher, 1891. True radial displacement, of which we are now speaking, is the downward movement of an im- mense tract of the solid crust, and its effect does not usually come clearly into relief in a country, except in a less disturbed bed like that of the Plateau of Colorado. The caldron-like dej)ression resuhing from vertical displacement, topographically known as a basin, can be found in various locali- ties along the inner or Japan-Sea c(^ast of the Main Island, which curves down from the Ivuriles (Chishima) to Kyu-shû, with its convex side towards the l*acific Ocean. Here, as on the Tyrrhenian <-oast along the inner side of the Apennine curve, we find, with Dr. E. Xauinann*, a number oï depressed basins, each having a gigantic * Ueber den. Ban unci die Entstehung der japanischen Inneln, p. 74. 3Q4 B. KOTO: CAUSE OF THE GREAT volcano in its centre, such us Iwaki, Moriyoshi, Chökai, Ga«san, Daisen, Sambé, and Aono. Nearly at the middle of the Pacific side, a notable indentation of the coast-line forms the liay of Ise, whose northern prolonuation is a kettle- like depression. This is the low plain of the twin-provinces of Mino and Owari, which was the scene of the disaster occasioned l)y the subterranean convulsion in the autumn of 1891. This flat has the appearance of a basin, circumscribed on all sides by walls of moun- tains, except at its rim on the south, which is, as just stated, open to the Bay of Ise. The west, nortli, and north-east are l)uilt up of Palaeozoic formations, while the mass of granites of Mikawa lies on the east. Mr. Kochibe, of the Geological Survey, made hioini hi Ins ojjicial report Ids view as to the cauae of the late earthijuake, irlncJi is based on the assumption that the ahorc-moilioned plain is a (jeolocjical sag or ' Graben- Depression,' as Prof. Suess would say. He supposes that beneath the surface a number of fault-lines run north and south, a.nd also east and west, and that in consecjuence of the downward movement of strata interposed l^etween the planes of fault, displace- ments have eventually formed the present plain ; and he also beheves a paroxysmal sliding of a complex of rocks on these old geological lines to be tlie actual cause of the earthquake. Our geological knowledge of this part of the country is as yet very imperfect, and some time must elapse before we can expect to see any successful attempt to estaljlish so daring an hypothesis on a tolerably safe scientific basis. So nuich in technical tre;itment of dislocations. EARTHQUAKE OF CENTRAL JAPAX, 1891. 305 II. Geology and Topography of Mino and Owari. We have already pointed, out the geographical situation of the provinces Mino and Owari on the ïokaidô, lying nearly half-way between Kobe and Tokyo. The picture.Mjue Lake Biwa with an area of 715,5 square kilometres, lying to the eastw-u"d of Kyoto, is separated from the neighbouring Mino-Owari ])lain by the meridional ridge of Suzuka. The range is mainly built up of Palaeozoic formations, with a subordinate mass of young biotite-granite rising to a considerable height, and over which the old road of the Tökaidö winds up through the well-known Pass of Suzuka (373 m.). The l^xht'ozoic foianations are chiefly composed of multifarious alternations of a greyish, medium -graniikir, arkose sandstone, p.ncl imperfectly fissile, blackish clayslate ; with these are associated hornstone and lUuliohirimi slates (Profile n — h, PL XXYIIL). All these thick C(3mplexes are sterile in well-preserved fossils, and as yet no detailed geological studies ha\e been made of them; so that we ;ire at present obliged to call them simply by the vague term of tr:insition foruKîtions. There are, however, a few bands of com]>'!ct limestones inserted between them, which nlford tolerably abundant organic remains. These fossiliferous limestones have already been m;ide the subject of a special study * l)y the hite C. Schwager ^^llo discovered in them many well-characterized petrifictions, viz.: — FusuVuKi /(ipoiiica Gümbel. ,, eorilix Schwager. Schirdficn'iia \ frhffki Geinitz? ,, emticiilifem Schwager. FiisiiI/NcJIa s]). * Ridit!ioiVn, Cliina, IV. Bd. 306 B. KOTO: CAUSE OF THE GREAT LuKjulijia sp. Tctniitid.'^ cotiica FAweviherjs. Ettilotlujvd crass(( Hradv. CUmncammiiKi profeiita i>ch^^',lgel\ Dr. Gottsche* added to the above list the followino' forms : Arcliacocidans, Potcriocriuus^ Voitacr'nnis, Farosites, ? Ciiatlio- plijlUimi, I'leiirotoiiuina, ? 3Iiin']iisoNi(i, J'x'lh'rojtliON ap'. hiiilciis Sow., 3 Fusiilina, 2 Selumfifrina, ßjfidofhym, TrocluiinmiHa nnd Textilaria. From Avhat has l)een given of tlie organic remains, it is clear that the limestones are of the Carboniferous age, and the tliick complexes occurring together with the calcareous beds must represent partly or wholly Palaeozoic formations. These Primary strata di]) towards the north-west, and their strike is north-south. The ridge of Yörö ((S40 m.), which is a detached mass of the Suzuka, rises precipit- ously from the plain lielow and forms the western boundary of the lowland of Mino and Owari. As may be judged from the direction of the limestone outcro])s, in the rectangular geological map, Section Nagoya, t the whole Primary formation seems gradually to change the strike at the north- west ('(^rner of the ])lain, and the well-known fossil l(X';dity of Akasaka is just at this turning ])oint (PI. XXX.). Afterwards the strike shifts a little to the n<^i'th-east, then east to west, and finally, at the north-east corner (^f ^lino, the Paleozoic beds proceed directly in a north-easterly direction far into the mountainous province of Hida. On the east we find the massive mountains of Mikawa, largely composed of granites in which at times hornblende, at others biotite or moscovite, occurs as prevailing component. The granite, frequently * Zeitschrift der cTeutEchen geolog. Gesellschaft, 18S t. t Published by the Geoloofical Survey of Jajjau. EARTHQUAKE OF CENTRAL JAPAN, 1891. p)()7 showing gneissose structure, t;ikes up large geological blocks or " ScliolJcH " of gneiss, gneiss-mica schist, mica-schist and also am- phil)ole-schist, which may l)e classified into Laurentian, and Fp])er Archaean (tlie Takanuki and the (lozaislio series). The writer has 1)een recently engaged in a special study of tliesf antnent rocks, and the results will l)e found in earlier pages of this voliune. Thus the twin ])rovinces are on three sides bounded by masses of mountains, and in their very centre lies an extensive populous plain, Avith an area of not less than 1,051 square kilometres or 68 square ri. The general as])ec.t of tlie plain, which inclines slightly towards the foot of the Yöi'ö ridge is monotonous and flat. It is covered with a net-work of rivers and artificial canaJs which, owing to the special orographic condition c^f the low-lying tract, mostly concentre at the western margin (see Map, PL XXTX.). The largest of the rivers is the Kiso-gaw^a, which starting from the dense impenetrable forest of the Kiso-kaidö, is fed by several tributaries before entering the plain, wdiere it joins with the Nagara and Tbi. These confluent streams branch off at one point and reunite at another, discharging their waters at the head of the IJav of Tse. near the port of Yokkaichi. The head-w^aters of the Kiso drain the granitic area, of the ]H'imeval forest of Shinano, and the swift current, carrying with it an enormous amount of detritus and sand, unloads its contents in its lower course. The formation of the ])]ain is, I think, largely due to the sediments of this river. The lowland of Mino and ()wari is usually spoken of as having been once an immense swamp, since converted to the present paddy-l;nid within historical finies, and having as the last remnant of its former grandeur the Lake of Shim(i-ike, at the foot of Yörö. [t now stands foremost in I'ank among all the rice-])roducing districts of Ja[)an, and supports hunUAKE OF CEXTKAL JAPAX, 1891. ^H and of lionibleude, biotite, and (juartz. The honiblonde, appearing macroscopically as a porpliyritic ingredient, is really an accumulation of amphibole and biotite, and these decidedly belong to the second generation of crystals. The irregular plates of hornblende, deeply indented by grains of (j[uartz, and interlarded throughout by prisms of apatite, arc of a deep bluish-green colour and pleochroic. The brown librous biotite has usually grown with amphibole into irregular tufts, and with them clumps and crystals of magnetite are commonly found. In one slide examined botli magnesinm-bisilieates arc greatly decomposed into a green übrous mass, finally changing into a chloritic substance. In this case a large quantity of dust and numerous crystals of magnetite, together with leucoxene, have settled within the confused aggregates, accompanied by secondary epidote. The feldspar of the general mass is not striped, and is much more decomposed than the phenocryst. Its form is imperfect, being conditioned by the mutual disposition of the same species and of the magnesium-bisilicates. The quarts is present only in small quantity, and is irregular in its form, having filled up the interstitial spaces left by other ingredients. It is of course fresh, displaying the usual vivid chromatic polarization, while the other components are more or less decomposed, and conse(j^uently appear dull. Well-finished crystals of it arc nowhere observed. It is interesting to note that the quartz contains abundance of liquid and gas-inclusions, the former often holding dancing bubbles and also s)iitdl viihes, prohahbj of soiliiiiit-cliluride. Glass-inclosures are so far not observed. Zircon is found in the combination of I* and x V, and titanitc is found in irregular grains. Apatite is plentiful ; its cross-sections are licxaijons irith allenudchj tniiicdU'd canu'is, the longitudinal sections being lath-shaped exactly like those of a tourmaline. Neither the transverse nor the longitudinal section of the apatite becomes totally dark in any position during complete rotation upon the stage. Its crystals contain, especially in their central portion, a large number of gas and li(juid- inclusions with spontaneously moving bubbles. Another slide, made of a specimen from the same locality, presents characters somewhat deviating from the above, in respect to structure, the general mass being for the greater part made up of an intimate intergrowth of quartz and feldspar in // 1(1 (jrec form. The general aspect of our granite-porphyry seems to have a close resemblance to the rock, called by v. lUchthofen,"' the Corean granite, from Kauli- * "Cliinu." Off. 11. «chwerdt, rittersuchunn über Gesteine der cluwj^^isdwn rrocin.cii Scliaii- tuiiij und Hnntuiiij. Zi-itacUr. d. d. geol. Clesell. Btl. 38, p. 211. 312 B. KOTO: CAUSE OF THE GREAT mon, the Gate of Corca, sitnatcd at tlic sijutb-east coi-nev of Liau-tang. ,?) Hornblende-porphyry. — This is a hovnblende-diorite-porphyritc, of an ashy-looking aspect, with tolerably large (üinin.), Avcll-tlefined crystals of honihh'iidiiiH the povphyritic ingredient, seemingly forining dykes in the Palicozoic complex. The general mass is a greyish, tine-crystalline aggregate, in which no other component except the above-mentioned hornblende is to be seen. The anjphibole-phenocrysts arc of two varieties ; the one is in well-defined prisms of compact texture, with the clcavcige face porfejt and sluwing a sub-metallic lustre ; the other is rather greenish and fibrous with imporfe^-t crystallographic outlines. The distinctive features of the two become more pronounced, when viewed under the microscope. The compact hornblende is of a deep-brownish colour with dili'ereut tones in centre and peripher}', and is bordered by greyish and blackish granules of li'iicoA-c'iic. Its pleochroisin is distinct ; its outline is tolerably regular, and twimied in that shape which was formerly considered as anomalous twins whose plane of contact was supposed to be the prism goP 2 (120). i The other variety is of a yellowish-green, line, parallel-librous texture, resolving oftentimes into chloritic patches. A large (quantity of magnetite is present, being scattered through the Avliole mass. The rest of the rook is holocrystalline, being built of lath-shaped fehhjxir, chloritic honihleiuh; and black iron-ore with borders of leucoxcne. The greyish, more or less decomposed feldspar is simply or doubly twinned. There seems to occur another feldspar Avhicli is of rather larger size than the other, and of irregular outlines with no signs of a twinning structure. It is probably orthoclase. Allo- triomorphic angular i/Kart: fills up the interstices left by other ingredients. It is present only in small (juantity, and shows a greyish tinge between crossed niçois with undulatory extinction. The c[uartz contains abundance of li(|U id-inclusions with spontaneously mj\ing bubbles. The general colour of the ground-mass is grey, on account of the presence of a large ainjunt of leucoxene and chloritic matter, with an aggregate of more or less decomposed, greyish feldspar. As ni:iy bi3 seen i'roiii the sketch in i*lule XÄX., tlie strike of the PiiUeozoic form.itions changes its direction in a mo;-;t peculiar manner. t Becke ; T^icheraiak's miuoralu^-. nud peirogT. Mittli. Bd. IV, p. 305. EARTHQUAKE OF CENTRAL .TAPAX, 1891. 0^3 At. first, it points a little Avest of uortli as in llie Suzuka rido-e. then tnrns to tlie nortli-oast at Il)uki. Afterwards the strike is due east- west, then again it iniperceptiljly deflects towards tlie nortli-east, retaining- the dip always on the left side (compare the profiles a—]), c — d, n. XXVTir.). In fact, the course of the direction of strike makes a sigmoi(hd cur^•e, from which it is eas}^ to concei\e tliat the strata must liave sustained stress from ^.arious directions. Under such circumstances the axis of the s-uhHes must lune recei\ - ed an excessi\e twisting stress, and we may rcasonahly expect that (hi- ring the movement the heds of rocks must ha\e gi\en way to fracture somewhere within the mountain, like the grou]> of tissures in a pane of twisted glass, as experimented u])on l)y Da.uhrée.* There are. \ think, a numher of such weak, ü'eoloii'ical lines in this reu'ion as Ihe eflect of torsional movement ; the f )ur valleys, Tokuno-yama. Xeo, ^lugi, and Itatori may he taken as (^f this class of dislocation, upon which the atmospheric ao'cncies have exercised their denudinu" acti<^n durin"' the course of ages in ])roducing the present deep ra\ines. As may be clearly seen from the sketch given in IM. XXX., the courses of the ahove-mentioned valleys are to]eral)ly regular, running parallel to each other from north-west to south-east, and thus sti'et(hiiig from the Kisogawa to the pro^■ince of Echizen, There seems to occur, besides tlie ;d)Ove mentioned parallel lines, a numher of fissures at right angles to the pavachii^e^. These trans- verse clefts, or to use Dauln-ée's word, (h'((clas('s. may he traced in the zigzag run of the valleys. Tin' rallciis in flic Xortli of' Mino t]\ereforr j)resnif xiich rnjuhivilioi in tlii'ir coitrxe, tlial llwij cttn In/ no mrans Ix' atln- ]t)if((hJ(' to tlie rc'sult of mere crosirc (KjfNcics and tlicir origin must be ascribed to deep-seated discontinuitii in tlie eartli's crust (P. XXX.). * Si/ntht'ti>fclit' Stiidimi :ur Espci-imcntdl-GeoJociic, p. 230. 314 If'- T^*^TÖ: CAUSE OF THE DT^EAT IIÏ. The Great Earthquake of the lYlino-Owari Plain. It was on Oetol)er ^Sth, 1891, at (îh., :57'. H", when the first shock of tlie great eartli([Uake was experienced, that l)eing' far and away worse than !, fires bi-oke out amongst the ruins, and many who might otherwise have l)e?n extricate])osito coasts of the Sea of Maniiora ; on the 2(Sth of Fel)ruar\^, and in July of tlie same year, a smart shock traNcrsed piirts of Switzerland, Lomljardy, and the south of France. In the first year of Ansei (1854), the wliole of Southern diq^nn, especially the Island of Shikoku, was visited hy terril)le suhterranean convulsions. The earth(|uake-]>ei'iod was a l(^nn' one. In the next year, tlie centre of the suljterranean activity shifted more to the east, and in the greater part of the ]\[ain Island, particularly over the districts around the '"excellent and singular" volcano of Fuji, towns arid villages were reduced to heaps of ruins hy most des- tructive earth(piakes. Great as were the effects of the earth-con- vulsions îit that time, the later catastrophe of Octoher. ly the disturhance which occurred in this portion of the F]mpire in Octoher, iSOl, the land liecame at once a sea of waves, with movements greatly magnified on tlie soft alluvial plain. As this lay near the origin of the disturhance, the EARTHQUAKE OF CEXTKAL JAPAX, 1891. 317 ■\v;ive8 were «hurt and rapid, and o\ertlirew towns and villages, iissLired the ground, and ruined the strongest engineering struet- iires.* According to the official returns, ahout seven thousand people lost their lives, seventeen thonsand were wounded, and two hundred scAenty thousand buildings were levelled with the ])lain, while six thousand houses, less shattered by the shocks, were burnt down Ijy fire. 4'he Ibllowiiiii' are the statistical accounts of daniau'c in the six ])roYinces, C(jnnng under the five Prefectures of Gifu, Aichi, Fukui, Mive, and Shiga : — Provinces. W^ouuded. Killed. Buildings entire- ly destroyed. Ditto half destroyed. Burut. Shattered and burnt. Mino Owari Mikawa Echizen Ömi Miye 12,311 4,877 49 98 47 11 4,889 2,357 13 12 6 2 114,616 80,428 1,020 1,080 153 233 30,994 43,845 1,464 1,188 366 439 249 196 5,934 Total 1 7,393 7,279 197,530 78,296 445 5,934 The following three cases are selected as examples out of a long table, t(j sIkjw to what degree some of the cities and towns suffered in regard to both life and property : — Names. Population. Number of ménages. Wounded. Killed. Houses entire- ly destroyed. Ditto half destroyed Burnt. Gifu Kasamatsu Takegahana 28,731 4,732 4,950 6,035 1,006 1,180 1 ,200 408 283 230 221 268 740 983 1,172 3,002 23 2 113 553 524 * The account given in this paragraph is based upon that contained in Milne and Burton's Great EurtJiquake in Japan, IS'JI, already referred to. 318 B. KOTÔ: CAUSE OF THE GREAT But this Avas by no means all the havoc wrought by the great earth(|iiake. There was not a building in the entire rneisoseismic area, and not one of the embankments whicli ha\e djeen con- structed along the nets oi" rivers and c.-mals, tliat wholJy escaped damage ; and. as T have alread}' said, it was officitdly repcn'ted that the embankments calling urgently for rej^airs extended for loO ;/. or 510 kilometres, while the length of the railroad demolished was found to be 17 kilometres. AVhen steps had been taken to estimate tlie loss, the amount of injury disclosed was found to Ije much greater tlian had at iirst been recognized. The direct and indirect damage done to the trade and commerce of Xagoya alone, was calcidated to amount to 1.778,693 ijcn. JsosfisTruHi lin^s EAllTHCjUAKE OF CENTRAL JAPAN, 1891. 3^9 According to the Oßcial Gazette, the epicentral district, the seismi(j ureca of the first order, whicli of course inchided Mini3 and Owari, along with some jmrtions of the neighbouring ])rovinces, extended over 11, 111 s(|uare kilometres, and over this area destruc- tion of buildings and engineering works was well-nigli complete. That of tlie second order reached as far as Kôlje on the west and Shizuoka on the east, over an extent of 44,1)07 square kilometres. AVithin this area several houses fell, walls, embankments, roads, and bridges were ])artia,lh^ damaged, and the water of wells rendered turl/id. That of the tliird order, within whic-h walls of houses were fissured, clocks w^ere stopped, and crockery w^are, \'ases, etc., fell ofi' shelves, embraced ö2.ol5 sipiare kilometres. Effects such as the above were produced in the eastern lialf of Shikoku. and also in Chügoku. and very nuich ihe same thing ha[)pened in 'l'ôkyû and Yokohama. Lastly, disturbances were distinctly felt from Sendai, in the north, to the west coasts of Kyushu in the s«juth, or over an area of lo4.7:2:^ scpiare kilometres. This w-as the last or fourth (jrder of seismic area. Altogether, the area shaken by this earth- (piake in Central Japan will have been about 24o.000 square kilometres, or more than <»()"/„ oï the whole extent of the I'hn[)ire, as may be easily seen by a cursory glance at tlie annexed chart. The earth(juake, which lirought with it such disaster, seeuis to have been of a paroxysmal nature, and one ihr which the in- habitants were totally unprepared. Generally speaking, the fre- quency of shocks was high during the month of Octol^er, 1891, and the earth was by no means tranquil then at any time, especially in the provinces of Musashi and Shimôsa. Seventeen separate quakes had been already recorded 1)y the seismographs, previous to the 2Sth, all however conliucd to the \icinity (^f Tokyo. Central Japan itself 320 KOTO: CAUSK OF THÉ GllEAT showed 110 wiiins whute^■e^ of the cominjx disaster and there the ground remained quiet up to the very moment when the sudden catastrophe o\"ertook Mino and Owari. Tlie Ibllowin^u' table shows the liuuerinu' of the after- shocks of tlic great earthquake throughout the succeeding inontli. and for several months after, minor shakes, which in Tokyo would he considered stroni:*. continued to be ielt. l>ays, 1891. Kreqiieiicy of earthquakes in Gifii. Frequency of earthquakes in Xagoya. Kxces-! in nuinbercf earthquikts in Gifii. Days, 1891. Frequency of earthquakes iu Ciifu. I're'^ueiiey of earthquakes in Xagoya. Kxcess ill iiinnber of earthquakes in Uifu. Oct. 28 102 126 -24 Nov. 14 29 12 17 „ 29 318 135 133 . 15 29 12 17 V 30 173 1)8 80 „ 1(3 28 18 15 „ 31 126 79 47 „ 17 21 15 6 Nov. 1 <»9 5() 48 „ 18 18 9 9 o <)-2 80 (32 „ 39 17 4 18 H Si 81 50 „ 20 88 9 24 4 78 20 58 „ 21 21 9 12 5 58 20 •A3 12 5 7 (' t)7 1(3 51 „ 28 28 9 14 ,, "^ 45 29 1(3 „ 24 18 9 9 Ö 42 18 24 „ 25 9 9 0 '.' 44 1(3 28 „ 26 15 5 10 „ 10 „ 11 „ 32 „ 18 40 88 12 5 28 88 „ 27 11 8 8 Sum-total 1.757 884 + 873 40 85 7 18 88 22 IJouii to tlic enil of Mairli. 189-.'. 2.588 1.093 + 1.495 It should l)e remai'ked that the ditference in number between tlie earthquakes which occuiTcd in Xagoya Jind (nfu is \evy great indeed, those in the latter amounting to nearly double those in the former, and that from this it fallows that (xifu lay nearer to the orio-in of the convulsion than X:io'oya. In the record of the i8th of October, the day of the great event, an anomaly is apparent as EAETHQÜAKE OF CENTRAT, JAPAX, 1891. 39^ to the frequency in tlie two cities ; but it is known from an au- thentic source that while the seismic observations were re-opened h'om Ih., â.V p.m. in ;ioned by the Local (iovei'nment, lie visite*] the Xeo \alley a few days ;dYer the e\ent, in order to make in\esfig;itions on the sj^ot under Avhich lay [)rol)ably the seat of origin of the shocks. The lacts stated in his i-eport are interesting and cui'i(^us. The account of them I'uns as fjllows : — At tlie foot of tlio mountain of Ilaku-san (Gongenyaiua). l.Sll m. liigli. ^vhic•ll stands oil tlio border of the two provinecs of Eehizon and Mino, lies Fn.ii-tani in West Neo-mnra, a division of tlie Ono district of Clifa rref('etare. It is aljout 20 kilometres or Ö rl froni the summit of Haku-san, with chains of hills rising on two sides of it. In this place, some iifty years ago, there appeared two or three lioles, measuring (! or 8 feet across. When stones were tlm^wn into these tissures reverberations caused by their falling could be heard, it is said, for several mi- nutes, from which it may be inferred that the hssures extended to a depth of many hundred feet. At thirty-tive minutes past six. on the morning of the 28th of October, simultaneoiisly with a deafening noise, enormous landslips in the two chains of hills bounding the district took -place. Clouds of dust were thrown up like smoke, to a great height, darkening the whole region, and in many places the contour of the hills was perceptibly clianged. At the base of the liills the consecjuences were not less marked. Houses and iields in the vicinity of Naga- inine, Tenjindö, Midori, and Itasho were disturbed, l)ridges felh roads were obli- terated, and tho general features of the landscape were radically changed. The EATITHQÜ.UIF OF CENTRAT, TAPAX, 1S91. 393 1)0(1 of tlio vivor Non \Yas so nmeli alteivil tliat l'apiiU appearod in pavts of it wliieh liad proviously bet^ii pools, aiul deep pools wore formed where shallows had formerly existed. // inmhl si'fin us thutiiih thf canst' of thr lust r/utli(/ii(i/,-i' mis the cniiiil'liiitl aivdij dj' h'tiji-tnni ut the J'not al' } Li/iUsu/t. r>\ this local depression six seismic lines were formed radiating from this very spot. The first line goes down the valley southwards, bifurcating close to Itaya ; one branch proceeds south-eastwards through Takatomi, Akutami, and Inuyama, the other follows the valley down through Tovama, Gifu, and Kasa- matsu. The second line takes the southern course along the Avestern ridge of the Neo valley. The third runs north-east over the Pass of Haiböshi to Ono göri, while the fifth and sixth go right through ^Nlount TTakusan to Imadate göri, both ill the province of ]']cliizeii. J'hns Inj n Innilslip iC\ove shakings and the distant tliundei's of the shocks, sometimes heard for thi-ee seconds (?) liefore the tremors coidd lie felt. J If vas proloiiNilhi tiiiiiri'sscil ifilli tin' ilioiKjltt llnit Nnlli/iieo])Ie complaining of their own deep suffering, and grudging the happy state of villagers just a tew kilometres awav. I)i*. lîerrv* ])uts the matter well in saving' that he witnessed all over the region (Mino and Owari) the peculiar freaks and destructive violence of its (the earthquake's) course — leaving houses untouched, passing under wIkjIc villages, and only to appear again miles beyond with destructive violence. Even in common earthquakes such as are experienced weekly in Tokyo, * I.oc. cil. EARTHQUAKE OF CENTRAL JAFAX, 1891. 327 such seismic lines or zonei miy possibly exist just as in violent eartliquiikes ; but as their mignitude is very small, these lines must generally escape our recognition, and it is habitually, though erroneously, considered that the disturbance is uniform over a circular seismic are:i. When the intelligence of the outbreak in ]\lino, Owari, and Echizen, wliich t(jok place on the morning of October '2Hth, lS9l, was received in Tokyo, seismologists, architects, and other repre- sentative scientific men were sent out to the shaken district from several Government Departments. Particulars of the earthcjuake soon began to reitch Tokyo, but nothing of any volcanic eruption having anywhere taken ])lace. A teleu'ram from Gifu announced a rumour that the centre of the seismic disturbance must be in the neighbourhood of Neo- dani. iîeport of remarkable physical changes in that quarter having been recei^'ed, an official of the Meteorological Jîureau was sent thither, and he reported that at Xogô a marked subsidence had taken place, and that the gener:d n])pearance of Midori had under- gone a complete transformation. On hearing this news, I started for the scene of disaster to examine lines of fa all like those in Kuma- molo, should there be any in the devastated region. I ascended the Neo valley, which is said to contain the source of the great earthquake, and found the conditi(jn of things very remarkable. The first thing that attracted attention were many boulders that had been hurled from the steep mountain sides, the number of which increased at about Kimbai-a to such an extent that practically the sides of the valley had slidden into the river, while the road had totally f'-one in places. Ascending the v:dley higher, lnndslip>s v\'ere more o9g TJ. KOl'ö: CAUSE OF THE GREAT and more fre({neiitly seen. Indeed in tlie npper dale it may be said that the greater part of the mountain slopes had slipped away, carrying' with them tlie forest they were covered with. Amongst the extraordinary things done l)y the earthcjuake, one that always drew my attention was the earth-rent. It strikes across hills and p:iddy-fields ahke, cutting up the soft earth into enormous clols ;iiid raising them above the surface. It resenihles the pallucai/ of a gigantic vide more than ütiijt]iing ehe (PI. XXXA .) Indeed it is known by this appellation among the villagers. An old Japanese superstition about earthquakes is that a monstrous cat-fish lives underne-ith the Empire of Japan, and whenever this fish moves there is an earthcjuake. The origin of this belief is not known, but no doubt it has undergone several changes or modifications since it was first originated. A representation of it was given as a drawing in an almanac of the eleventh century. There it was de])icted as the eartli quake- insect — a wonderful flat creature witli numerous appendages and a head like a dragon, carrying on its back a map of Japan. Tlie earth-yent which has cenj much tlie appearance of the track of a mole, as just stated, stro)tghj reminded nie of tlie faticij of the eartliqiiake-insect. It is prohahle that the belief of the earthquake-insect as the aullior of subterranean convulsions maif hare arisen from the outu-ard aspect of the fssure, produced hij a tectonic eartliguake as in the case of the Neo xalleij. The formation of crevices is the never-failing attendant pheno- menon in violent earthquakes ; but the one in question is not of a common sort, lîeing interested in this remarkable earth-rent I have actuallv traced it for more than forty miles. It starts from about the village of Katabira, not f;n- from Katsuyama, on the bank of the Kiso-gawa on the Xakasendo, running north-westwards up to Fukui in Echizen through the Neo valley (PI. XXIX.). Although the EARTHQUAKE OF CENTRAL JAPAN, 1891. 399 geological stnicfiire of the region traversed by this great fault i.s not so well known as that of Lago di Croco in tlie Eastern Alps, still I tliink, as has been already pointed out, that I ani justified in supposing the existence of a number of shifted lines of dislocation, stretching from north-west to south-east across the North of Mino. TJie event of Ocfohrr, 1891, seems to me to have Jieeu a reneived movement upon one of tliese jrrexistinij tissiives — tlie Neo valJeij line of fault, hi/ which the entire region lijin(j to tlie riißit of it not onJij moved actiialJi/ downwards hut was also sliifteil horizontallij towards tlte nortli-west for from one to two metres aJontj tlie jdane of dishmition. Tliis vertical movement and hovizontaJ shiftinij setide ' lia I sh'fjIitJii i^iilixidi'l, mil hail moveorer lieeii !^]ufteil horizontaUij towanU the )inrt]i-iresf for a di>itonce of 1 to 1.2 melre.^. That besides the yertical move- ment an actual horizontal shift- ing had taken j)lace is proved by the fact that the originally straight mound or ridsfe called Azé which •p separated neigh- bouring fields, was * Oa close examination in the fiekl, especiallj' at a))Out Kukuri, Ikeda, and Taka- yama, I was not a])le to find any trace of the fault, which may ))e looked upon as the prolonga- tion of the main lino of dislocation. 332 B. KOTO : CAUSE OF THE GREAT now cut obliquely nnd shnrply by tlie line of fault. ^Moreover, the continuity of the mound wns really broken and the mound with the entire ground so shoved forwards that the detached ends coidd not afterwards lie rejoined — (see. the accompanying wood-cut). It is evidently quite different from what the miners call a ' heave ', — an apparent horizontal displacement of strata by a mere vertical throw in inclined beds, for in the present case the horizontal shifting can be actually traced in perfect! 1/ ereti (jround. Sketch map between Nishi-katabira ami ÜEjura in Mino province, sliowing the fault (heavily dotted line). After S. Mori. course oi EARTHQUAKE OF CENTRAL JAPAN, 1891. 333 The ubove-meiitiotied line takes the direction of NNW. At Tsuchidu, ground w;is depressed for u mile's length along tlie embankment of tlie K-ani river, a small affluent of the Kiso-gawa. Mount Daitenjin, lying to the soutli-west of Tsuchida, on the s(3uth side of the Kis(j-ga\va, was sharply cut by the line of dislocation, and the east side of this hornstone-slate mass slipped a little downwards. The vertically dislodged line is visible on the steep precipice of rugged hills, at the foot of which the Kiso- gawa foams over its rocky bed. The line crosses the bed of the river at the east end of Katsu-yama, on the Nakasendô, and completely reduced the village to a heap of rubbish. We hnd here terraced ground fov raising wheat and barley on the hill slope, and a piece of this ground about 2.000 square metres (2 clw). lying within the precincts of the Ijuddhist monastery of Ktdviizenji, w^as so thoroughly turned over ^ivoxn the very bottom that all the original marks were entirely effaced from the dry field (liata), and there remained but clods of eirth and upturned roots. xllthousfh nothing of the under- ground solid crust was to be seen on the surface, still it is almost certain that the (jrigin of the disturbance did not lie within the superficial covering of the soil, but must be sought for in the deeper portion of the crust. It appears as if the loose soil had been jerked off from the hard under-ground by an intense shock from below. The main line of disturljance now points N. 10° W.; it then goes through s[)urs of hills and paddy-fields, causing damage to the villages, Osugi, llazama, and Nishi-tabara. After making a sinuous curve it crosses the Tsubo-ü'tiwa. passes throuoh the ^■illaf'•es of Kuraclii and (Jvana, crosses the Naofara-^'awa at Shiino-shira- gané, and then taking a north-westerly direction, goes through Sen- biki and Toda, passes over the Mugi-gawa, and proceeds ttjwards Mori and Sebo, till it reiches Ishiwara. In the last-mentioned 334 B' KOTO: CAUSE OF THE GREAT village there i.s an artiticially coiiJitracted pond of considerable size, for irrio-atin"* neiirhbourinu' ijaddv- fields. It was fed bv a small stream from the north with its outlet on the south, Ijut the line of fault f'-oin"- rid-ht throuu'h the middle of it in the east-west direction, its northern half together with the neiglibomàng fields of 17,851 square metres (1 clid ond is still fed from the entry passage on the north, so that it is pr(jbable that the water s(jaks away through the new fissure as fist as the small current enters the pond through the channel. The line now runs, through Taromaru. a few steps southwards alonf»" the newly macadamized road that connects Seki and Takatomi. One could easily recognize the fault as such by a slight difference in the level of a perfectly even field, the north side being a little the lower. About five hundred steps east of Takatomi, it crosses the road (jbliquely at Mori, and the north side became again the lower by 1 .5 metres and at the same time was horizontally shoved about 1 metre westwards. Takatomi is a tolerably large village, with a population of 1,7-lG, lying north of Gifu, and I saw in no other place within the devastated region such a complete destruction of buildings as occurred here. All Avas shattered and levelled with the gromid. About 87 persons were killed and 158 wounded. At the north end of the village the fault appears in d(3uble lines (see the accompanying sketch map), along which the ground had been shifted horizontally, and also become continuously lower towards the north, so that a once even paddy-field now f )rms a good natural slope. EARTHQUAKE OP CEXTEAL JAPAN, 1891. ri8i Sc file 1: 25,000 Sketch map of the environs of Takatomi, shouino- the course of fault (heavily dotted lines). The stippled portion on the right is the depressed side of the fault being the newly created swamp of F ukase ; ab, the new channel specially constructed for drawing off the waters of the swamp. (1) and (2) the two other depressions formed at the tim(> of the earthquake, now filled with water: od, being the channel for the pool (1). Tlie smnll 'Itibn-a-awü. n>'inu- high in the innihcni inonntaiDS, flous (lowii Iiy Takntoini lownrds (lif'n. ti^ join the .Vno-ar:i-2'nwa. Jiy the great earrh<.|iiake a tract of Jand and the riser bed, lying to the north of Takatomi, were considerably lowered, m that the contentiï of ,336 li' K"OTÖ: PAUSE OF THE GREAT the Tobu-o-;iwa lost tlieir outlet, and tlie viIlao;es of Nislii- and Miofashi- Fukase, comprising an area of 2 square kilometres, or nearly 220 chO, were transformed into a deep swamp in consequence (compare the annexed sketch map). When I was tliere last autumn, the farmers were oblig-ed to cut the g-niin in boats, October beino- the month of the rice liarvest. It was very remarkable to see that a o-roup of farmers' cottag^es, standino- at the northern border of the newly created swamp, had miraculously escaped the collapse, though scarcely 2 kilometres north of Takatomi, a phenomenon due perhaps to the foct that tlie place is just 1)ehind a low hill which seems to have absorbed the wave motion of the earth- quake on its way. The earthquake-shadow so created, finds analogy ill the action of a strongly blowing wind, cut short by a liill in its path, leaving the other side in the wind-shadow. It is almost beyond doubt now that the destructi\e motion of an earthquake depends like that c^f the wind, more upon the topography of the shaken district than upon the angle of emergence of waves froin an assumed origin within the earth's crust. I rould easily multiply such examples of the eirthquake-shadow l)etween 'J'akatomi and Omori along the great fault. Houses between or near side-valleys generally escaped the destruction, wliile those on the plain through which the line passes, could not withstand the shock and were thrown down. The great fault-line crosses Toba, where the houses were crushed to rubbish, and proceeds directly westwards to Horachi. In the latter ])lace again the north side sulisided and became part of the new swamp, already referred to. The line enters a hill at J\[ochi-nari, cuts through a spur of hill at Azuki-zaka, and then i<)llows the northern foot of the hills westwards. It appeared for some time after on the surface through the whole region, exactly like the track of an enormous mole. earI'hQUâke of CeN'tkal Japan, "1891. 337 It goes right through tlie hamlet of Jôbara (Uuiéhara),* where, in a front garden adjoining a farmer's house, there are two stately persimmon trees, Diospi/ros hdi, which liad stood time out of mind in an en;-t-west line. The line of fault traverses the space between the two from the south-east to north-west, and as usual the north side was shoved north-west, so that, to the great astonishment of the owner, they now stand in a north-S(^uth line instead of east-west, without being in the least impaired, and still adorn a corner arati\e- EARTHQUAKE OF CENTRAL JAPAN'. 1891, 34|- ly speaking not very he:Tvy. Sfill it is not to bs supposed that their liouses were entirely spared, the whole surrounding soil at the time of the great earthquake heaving in a state of vibration and doino- mucli mischief. There was terrible destruction on the line, as in Tenjin-dö, a few hundred steps beyond N"agaminé. The next village is N^agashima where the rent was to be seen on the road side. The ground wns bodily shifted with the houses 2 metres forward, and subsid- ed 1 metre on the riglit side. Turning off from the main course of the Xeo, and passing over l^y a bridge to Xogo. we find the rent striking acn-oss the mountain stream, depressing the eastern ])ortion of the bed, and thus converting a torrent into a slow stream. Ivunning northwards, it enters the hill .at the l)adv of the temple of (Tongen, having caused landslips all along its path. This temple was founded in 717 in honour of the Tlongen of Haku-san, a 'lapanese deity in a ]^>uddhisr fn'in, and though small in scale was of ancient date, having been erected in 1673 on the southern slope of the hill, overlookino- the Xeo-o-nwa,. This wooden buildinçf of rare anti(|uity f)r elapan was hurled io the ground in ruins, attesting how long a period had elapsed sinœ a, shock of similar violence had visited that quarter. Yet if we were asked whether the twin provinces of ^lino and Owari were a place where earthquakes had not been fre(|uent we should reply in the negative. In Japan there are some seven hundred stations where earthquakes are observed, and from several of them situated in the Mino-Owari ]ilain, we find that in the six years from 1885 to 1.S90 the number of shocks recorded in that district have been respectively 9, 4, 10, 1'2, 15, and 36.* Still going backwards in the annals of earthquakes, we find again that violent disturbances took ]jlace in the district in 715, 762, 1596, 1707, 1723, 1819, and 1854. Many dwellings, store- *- Milno-Burton, Tlie Great E'trthqnnlie of Jnpmi, 1891. p. 6. a42 a. KOTO : CAVSE OF THE QEEAT houses, and ;even mountains suffered, people and animals were killed, rivers were stopped up, and floods were occasioned. J3ut in spite of these subterranean convulsions, the temple in Xogô, erected in 1673, had stood well-preserved down to the present generation. From the facts already given, it seems not improbable that the centres of disturbance of former times have not been located in the Xeo vallev. In pre-historic times, however, tliere must have occurred several gretit earthquakes, as is evinced liy the geologi(.'jil structure of its mountains. In the great earthquake of 1854. which is still within rlic memory of many, the Xeo valley had been Ijut very little disturbed, we were told liy old folks in Xagaminé. whose houses had coll;ipsekice. The ground indeed had Ijeen intensely convulsed, and the face of nature entirely changed. The sides of the hills Avliich iianked the valley had slipped down, and the forest upon them still presented a singular scene of confusion ; trees standinu' inclined in every direction, manv with their trunks and branches broken. The course of a small stream was stopped and a new lake were created there. A\dien these marvellouslv U'reat changes occurred, the shakinir nuist base been terrific — inconcei\able — vet I cannot believe that the slight depression in Fujilani to have been the origin of an earth([uake wliich had shaken a great })art of 'lapan. The sunken gully of Fujira.ni, alread}' alluded to, is only a prolonga- tion of the rent which we followed u]) there for about o'2 kih^metres. The fissure cuts c,if the rear of the de?)ression of Fujitau i, and comes in siirlit aii'ain Ijevond the hill of iJTevwacke sandstone and clavslate. at the bottom of the main course of the Konokana \ alley, which tei'inijiates at the foot of Front llaku-san. llie valley hereis naî'row and forms a deep gulch, bounded by oxerhaJiging ]ti'cci])i<'es on the east and west. l'>y the earthquake, the smfices anied by a noise Uke that of an immense torrent or cascade and Ijy a \ibrati(;n of the ground, occasionally occurred. 'Jlie shocks had been far more destructive there than in Fujitani. If any one had been as the villtigers were, in a position to look on at a distance at this colossal sliding of hills, he would have seen columns of dust rising up, and heard tremendous sounds, and might have tîdcen these phenomena as those of a volcanic eruption, for the efl^ects of landslips and \olcanic exphjsions closelv resemble each other. The configuration of the valley Avas entirelv changed ; the course of a small stream, running on its west side, was transferred to its east side, and at ] »laces n()W takes an Underground course, reappearing farther on. Unfsmilinr obstacles made themselves apparent, and small hills covered with forest had come into siodit which had not been seen before. At about 10 kilometres from JSTogö, the earth-rent goes over to the left and cuts the top of a ridge, c:dled Shijügara-dake, right through its middle. We passed a stormy cold night in the open air on this summit. The line of f suit then enters Shiratani, a Irranch of the Tokuno-yama valley which, as I have already said, ruris ]^arallel to, and lies to the west of the jS'eo valley. The gulch of »Sliiratani was severely torn and rent. It appears shattered and half-naked, and no longer affords a fine green pros|)ect, as before, but is stripped of its woods and na.tural verdure. The fissure advances still further north- ward, touching the ea;-;tern shoulder of Haku-sa.n. 80 i\iv we had traced the great earth-rent up to the north bound- ary of Mino, beyond Avhich is the province of Echizen. It wa>s the Ititli of ]S^ovend)er, the nineteenth day after the earthquake, when I bes^an the ascent of llaku-san, in comranv with Mr. Wakimidzu. a student of i>eoloL;-v. lîut it wa.< too late in the season to no (_)n. 1 he EARTHQUAKE OF CEXTllAL JAPAN, 1891. ;>45 weatlier was cold, and some of the higli points were already white with snow ; nionntain-passe.s liad become impassable, the road h;id totally gone in places, or left nothing but n difticiilt foot path. Such being the state (^f things, I had to abandon the idea of reaching the t<^wn of Fukui by the pass of PIail)öshi, and returned direct to Gifu, for many additional days would have been necessary to get to Nukumi, Kumagö, and ^linomita, all in Echizen, where exteiioive Lmdslips were said to have taken place. Although I could not examine pers(^n;dly the devastated reo-ion in the south-east of Echizen, at the boundary of Mino, still I am fortunate enough to h-ive received several reports from village-masters and the police authorities of Xukumi, and, last but not least, from j\Ir. Hiki, another student of geology in the Uni\'ersity. From their l)rief a.ccounts it seems highly probable that the rent proceeds from the summit of Haku-san to tlie poor hamlet of Xukumi in the district of Ono, where eleven out of thirteen hou.es wei'e completely shattered and the remaining two narrowly escaped collapse. It is stated in one of the reports tha.t there is a "fissure running from south-east to north-west, just as i.; the case in Mino, and that one side of Üie fissure has been l)odiIv shifted horizont:d]y for about o metres. It passes by Ivumago,* along a rivulet, and then crosses the pass of Minomata down to the village of the same name on the western foot of the rido-e. The line seems to continue through the villages of Anzenji, and Mizumi to Taniguchi, and eventually reaches Hirose, after traversing the Ijed of the Asuwa-gawa wliich flows at its lower course by the city of Fukui. Throughout the valley of Minomata, dotted with the above mentioned hamlets, ex- tensive landslips are said to have occurred, c;uisinii" dama^'e to both life and propert}^ To the westwards wdthin the Tertiary terrain, I * It is erroneously spelled as Ktunai/itwn in the map, PI. XXIX. 346 ^- Ï^OTO: CAUSE OF THE GREAT nm not (|uite sure of the presence of any fissure n,s tlie prolonLi-ntion of the great funlt-line. still [ liüve strong- reason to l)elieve tliat tliere were faint indications oi'sucli a rent in tlie lineal extension of the (listnr])ed area, which be,^-inning at Hirose, extends over Xi si li-küchi, Ainoki (l)etween these two villages is the slight elevation of Xakaban-saka, much dis- turbed by fissures), Ochiai, Kawasliima, Matsunari. and then makes an abrupt cliaiige in a northerly direction towards Minanii-i, and crosses the pass of Yenoki-zaka to Kökita as far as the city of Fukiii. in Kclii/en. It will be seen from the map (PI. XXL\). that the neigh])om-ho()d of liikonc at the eastern bcmler of Lake lîiwn, was severelv shaken and deeply damaged by the earth(juake. whereas the stretch of land between tliis .Tnd the ]\[in()-Owari ])lain suffered verv little. Such an abnormal nlienomenon hîid been already noticed bv KliH>-e, l(~)no- a"'o as 1861, when he says : '• dass ein Erdl)C'ben diu'ch seine letzen, abge- schwächten AVellen an einem anderen, weit entfernten Funkte eine selbständige Erschütterung her\'orrufen kann, die möglicherweise einen gana anderen Ursprung hat, a>ls dieses ])rimäre Erdbeben. Es ist dies eine Erscheinung, welcher bis jetzt noch niclit die Ijeachtung gewidmet woi'den ist, welche sie verdient. Es giebt nämlich Stossgebiete, welche gewissermaassen den Wiederhall oder das Echo weit entfernter Erd- beben bilden, in denen zwa.r die Disposition zu einer Erderschutterung vorha.nden ist, diesell)e aber häufig erst, Avie es scheint, duix-h eine andere geweckt werden muss."* A. \. T/isaulx** named such a.n earth- quake the sympathetic, or Jlclaisiu'lirn. The destructive shocks near Hikone, esneciadlv Xa^'ahama. p,t tlie time of the «Treat convulsion in tlie neighbouring provinces, seem to me to have been caused by the above-mentioned secondary earth(|uakes or Rclai^Jx'Jx'u. Tt must, however, be remarked that the intc^nsity of shocks felt on tlie surface has greatly to do with the oroiimpliic condition (^f the region concerned. besides the reason given l)y v. Lasaulx. * lieber die I'maclicu der in d<'n Jahren 1H5Ü hix IHÔ? attittiiefundeucn Erdernclmtteruiiiicn. "** Ki'Untcntr'K Hdiiihrörtei'hmli ilrr Miiierahiq!', o\v. EARTfTQUAIvE OF T'EXTTfAL JAPAN, 1891. ;]4' VII. Concluding Remarks. , S[U':!kiriu- u-orier:il!_v, it mav 1)0 süid th-it all lar^'O (':n'tli(|iiakos are a''C()iiij)a]iu'(l liy tlie formation of fissure.-*. Tlic oracks, fissures, and slips formed at the time of enrMujuakes are oi" rnr/nns iiressions, whether natural or artificial, which ha\e a steee]> slope. At sueh ])laces tlie waNCs of the shocking emerge on a free surface, tending to project the su[)erfici:d parts away from those hehiîid, and thus i'orm a fissure ])arallel to the free surface. ]\[oreo\er. slips and fissures depend upon the slnielnre of ror/.'.s-, and occur on a, ]^;u'ticularly grand sc:ile where the strata dip into iW against the slope of the walls of a valley. V\\' ha\(' numerous examples of this in all the side-valleys of the Xeo river, whicli run parallel to the strike of a com])lex of clay-slates, sandstones, and horn- sione-slates, thc^ main course of the river, as alreadv stated, heing directed against the strike of the Paheozoic formations. This often nfisled observers to see in the side-valleys the seat of the origin of the earth(piake, hecau.e tlie sliocks were far more destructive iIum-c than in other places. Hoirerer (jreal tlie deMrvcliou inis^ if uns HOlliimi more ihmi the superßcial ep"ec(s of f]ie eaillniiiafe^ Imi iml the cause of ii. There are other fissures, slips, and cracks of great geological im})ort- ance, and of quite different origin, which should by no means be confounded with tliose already mentioned ; as has unfortunately been o 13 B. KOTO: CAUSE OF THE (iTîEAT often (lone. Thov inv renlly connected with underuTound structure and are due io displacement of tlie rock-masses whieli constitute the external ciaist of the earth. They therelore (vcur where there exists a discontinuity of rocks, and the earth-rent which we have descrihed, and which is the mtiin ])oint in the present pa])er, must l)e regarded as an exam]>Ie. Tills rail (il iJw surface ioi»]; mull ij'drioiis forms. When traversing a ridge of mountain^ or a spur of hills, it caused extensive landslips, one side of it descending considerahly in level, carrying the forest with it, l)ut with the trees com}>licated1y interhx-ked or prostrate on the ground, as on the ridge of Ilaku-san. On flat ground it sometimes created a terrace of »about G metres in height, as in Midoi-i (PI. XXXn .), somewhat like a railway embankment seen from afar. When the vertical displacement was not very consider:d)le, the earth- rent left a mark on the gi-ound, rcsrmhlimj rciij much ihr patluraij of a (liijiitttic molr or the trade of a ploinili-sliarc (PI. XXXY.). The manner in whi<-h this peculiar low mound was formed may be ex])lained l\y reference to a monoclin:d flexure — a geological struc- ture Avell exhibited on a grand scale in the L'lateau of Wahsatch.'* 8u]> pose the iiat l)ott(^m of a vaHey like the Xeo, filled up with soil and gravel which rest unc<3nfoi'mably upon tlie hard mass of the older rocks, and form their -cover,' and tliat the basement should give way by faulting along the ATrtical thrust-plane ; there a certain ])ortion of the uncompressed 'cover' will tliere1)y be uplifted, so as to form a rounded ridge of earth by the lateral compression of a sub- jacent mass along the line of discontinuity. In this w^ay a mono- clinal flexure in the loose superficial covering, which aj^pears in section as a flexure connectinii- two horizontal b;n-s of strata, would be * C. E. Button, liqmrt on the Genlnrj]i of tlw Hifih Plotefiiist of Utah, p. 25-51-. KAKTllgUAKE OF CENTKAL JAPAN, 1891. :34<) produced by direct lateral pressure exerted at the ends of the bar;?.* Besides the vertical inoveni-jnt. horizontal shiftiijo- of either side would take I'lace along" the same -ü^^^Xl plane of f uilt, and the raised ;]i;^-i^ ridg-e AV(3uld Ije much dis- ■ '":^-.yC'^'i_5-^^^~Z turbed and become a con- fused mass of clods of earth, ^D?o'llQoâ?ïo^?,'i^°'^°0'^'" <>^ sh(jwn in the subioined ^;'^'4,nXi:E:^^f,l^ w.)od-cut. The flexure in V/^ //// / // this case had better be called the niONOcIinic diaijonal // Tl'-'.ciiir. The peculiar scjft mound of earth, of which we have often sp[)Ose that it was suljsidence rather than u})hea\al which took place along the line of the shift ; and it is the eastern wing which stands usually at the lower level. Jjut it is another problem to be solved how far this de])ression extends easter- ly ; whether the whole of Eastern Japan pa.rticipated in the down- ward movement, as in the '"sunk country" of JSew ^ladrid." created at the time of the great eai-tli(|uak(' of lNll-12. or the "sag" (Inihrii of the J.ake of r>aik;d, at the mouili of the Senega ri\ei or whether the movement was limited to only a few kilometres to * Lyell, Vrinriplux of (leoloni/, 12th edition. Vol. II, p. 108. ** Perry, Xotf on (he Eaithqual^c oi' 1SG2, cited liy Öuess, in liis Das AntliU der Erde lid. 1, i-. Jl. or EARTHQUAKE OF CENTRAL JAPAN, 1801. 55]^ the east. So far as my local knowledge extends, there seems to exist only one regular line of shift in the convulsed district, from which Ave may fairly conclude that the subsidence attending it, is not of the kind called '' sag; " and I do not believe that the half of Japan sunk down, but that only the land near the line of fiult became sliglitly depressed. Of every large earthquake, we find the accounts full of the mutations which the earth underwent through the Jigency of subtei-- ranean movements ; tor instance, the formation of cracks and fissures, besides permanent upheavals and depressions, accompanied usually by spirting up of the squeezed groundwater and sliding of detached portions of the mountain-sides. Of movements like these, that of the IJllah Bund, in the delta of the Indus, is the most remarkable. The real occurrence of the much talked of rhapsodic movements alx^ng the western shore of South America, is not entirely free from doubt. Immediately after the convulsion of 1819, the inhabitants of Sindree, in the llunn of Cutch, saw at a distance a long elevated mound, where previously there had been a low and [perfectly level plain. To tliis terraced tract they gave the name of ' Ullah Ihind,' or the ' Mound of God,' t(j distiniiuisli it from several artificial dams ])reviouslv thrown 7 0 1 ./ across the eastern arm of the Indus.* This ' Ullah Bund ' seems from its description to have a close resemblance in its outward aspect, to the fault at Midori, in the JSTeo valley. As to the manner in which the ' Mound of God ' wa.s formed, the views of geologists are divided. Lyell saw in this newly created dam a true upheaving of the ground, while Suess considers it in another point of view. Suess** says, ^^ Es handelt sich hier vcder mit Er! I eh un (J con Eand, noclt. trie ich selbst einmal^ irre(jej'il]u-t durcli andere * Lyell, loc. cit. p. 100. ** Dag Antlitz der Erde, Bd. 1, p. 02, aud Entstchiniij der Alpen, p. 152. 352 B. KOTO : CAUSE OF THE GKEAT Darstellungen, vermutliet hahe, urn Faltenhiklung an der Oherßäclte, sondern nur um das Hervordringen von Grundwasser und des Ncwlisitzen eines scharf abgegrenzten Theiles des scldammigen Bodens.'^ Sues.s explain« in similar manner tlie formation of the ' suidv countrg ' of New Madrid, the depreä.sion of Baikal Lake, and those subsidence« at the mouths of the Ganges and the Ijrahnr.iputra, at the time of violent earthquakes. Tliey vere not, according to him, connected villi deep-seated movements altering the relative level of sea and land. The great fault of Xeo, by which I mean that long line of earth- rent which traverses a distance of 112 kilometres from the Kiso- gawa to the city of Fukui, cutting the hills, mountains, and plains alike with remarkable regularity and sharpness, is clearly not like that of the Ullah Bund, caused by the mere settling of superficial Alluvial soil. The sudden elevations, depressions, or lateral shiftings of large tracts of country which take place at the time of destructi^'e earth- quakes are usuallij considered as the effects rather than the cause of subter- ranean commotions ; hut in mg opinion, it can he confidenthj asserted that the sudden formation of tiie ''great fault of Xeo' iras tlie actual cause of tlie great earthqiud^e of tJie '^titlt of Octoher, 1891, u-lticli sliool- an area comprising 213,055 S'piare kilometres, or more than 60"/,, of tlie tvliole extent of the Empire of Japan ; that is to say, an area equal to those of the British Isles, Holland, and Denmark put together. It is an established tenet of li-eolonfv that a sudden f udtin^- of the eu'th's crust will cause a shaking which is designated by the general term of tectonic eartliquale. The faults resulting from tangential movements are of two classes, those running parallel to the strike of rock-complexes, across the axis of mountain-ranges. All kinds of tectonic earthquake are usually considered destructive and extensive, as compared with those caused by a depression or by a volcanic EARTHQUAKE OF CENTRAL JAPAN, 1891, 353 explosion; and of all llie tectonic eartlujiiake« a snddon faultinî^ of tlie solid crust across the strike of strata are said to ])rodnce tlie most fearful kind of eartli-niovements, as is evinced l)y tlie Spanish earth- ([iiake of 1(S,S4, along the transverse fractures of ^lalaga. ]\[otri], and Gnadix across tlie lîetic chain of Andalusia* (Suess' HJattcrlicJn'u), One of the characteristics of the transverse faulting is tlie simultaneous occurrence of the horizontal ' carriage ' of a thick mass along the vertical thrust-})l:ine, which is very rarely ohserved, if ever, in longi- tudinal fissures. The hackbone of South Japan — the cordilleras of the Sinical system, traverses the boundary of the two provinces of ]\Iino and Echizen, in the east-west direction, with the prevailing dips of the Pala?ozoic formations towards the north, as is shown in V\. XXV III. A system of p'u-allel, transverse valleys intersects the axis (^f the mountains in an oblique direction from north-west to south-east, and the Xeo vullev, id(Hiir which tlie ' jxreat earth-rent of X"eo ' u'oin"- deei) into the rocky crust was produced, is one of these. A sudden ßdl in g of the Valœozoic strata on the ri(jht n-ing alomj ilte line of tlie ''Jdidt of Xeo,' accompanied hi/ hiteral shiftimj toirard tlie nQiih-irest, caused tlie shal^ing which constituted the hife dreadful catastrophe of Mino, ( hrari, and Ecl>.i:en. I wish here to express my thanks to Professors Edward Divers and Dairoku Kikuchi for their kindness in undertaking a laborious and time- wasting work to see the paper through the press. April, 1892. Geological Institute of the College of Science. * Misfiion d'Aiidaloufii' : FJudfs^ rehibiren an tvcmhlcDicnt du tirrf du '!■'). Dt'irnihn' 1SS4, Mcik. Acad, des Science>t, T, XXX. PLATE XXVIII. Plaie XXVIII. This plate is intended to show the geological formations and stvuctui'es, in general of the Mino-Owari plain ; the positions of the line of section a-b,and c-d are indicated with corresponding letters by the heavily dotted (red) lines in Plate XXIX. The upper section a-b, representing Palaeozoic formations, is drawn from Yamasaki in Owari through the ridges of Yörö and Fujiwara to Yominadö in Omi. SC, — sandstone and clnyslato ; L, — limestone ; Q, — qnartz-porphyry ; GE, — o-ranite. The lower section c-d, likewise of the Palreozoic complex, is taken in a north, Avesterly direction from Yamagnchi near Gifii along the Neo valley np to Haku-san. The rock represented are the sandstone and clayelate, hornstone and fossiliferous limestone ; the mass of Haku-san being made up of granite-porphyry. Koto, Earthquake. Jour. Sc. Coll. Vol. V. PI. XXV III. Sntfr — jfinnoo VrffirH NW ''^t ^ ^ SE Srtlff — 'I'.OIXI PLATE XXIX. Plate XXIX. Topographic map, pnblislied by the Geological Survey, representing the earth- quake district of Central Japan between the Japan Sea and the Bay of Isc The heavy red line indicates the course of the great fault from Katabira in Mino to Fukui in Echizen, the shaded portion being the meizoseismic area. The dotted lines A-B, and C-D show the direction of sections, given separately in PI. XXVIII. 1^1 iOi{ Mill' J - jiMBuri 5! H H^r - ^ i i? Ç s ^ ç Î. s - ■ PLATE XXX. Plate XXX. General plan for the geological structure of Mino, Owari, and Ecliizen, in wLicli are shown the regular course (blue lines) of valleys from N. W. to S. E., indicating the positions of the pro-existing transverse fault, and the black lines being the direction of the strike of Pahçozoic complex, with the dips as marked with the arrow- heads. The heavy red line is the course of the ' great fault of Neo". Kntô, Earthquake. Jour. So. Goll, Vol. V. PI. XXX. o Fukui MlNO-OWARl PLAIN 1= oNa^(n"a Faffff-L('/ie. Sùike of Pa/rr /^orAs. PLATE XXXI. Plate XXXr. The upper picture slio\Ys thatched roofs fallen intact, and it \Yas in this manner that most of farmers' cottages gave way, presenting the appearance of gigantic saddles, when seen from a distance. The lower picture is the representation of the hanks of the Shonai-gawa near Biwashima, a suhurh of Nagoya, fractiirod for a mile's length, parallel to the course of the river. Koto, Earthquake. Jour. Sc. Coll. Vol. V. PL XXXI. Fisc. 1 Fi-. 2 Collotype by K. OGAWA. PLATE XXXII. Plate XXXII. Fin. 1. — A view of Kitakata (5 kilometres west of Gifa) after tlie earthquak'e, sliowiiic; the rows of lioiises thrown over hy shocks, and the, road became simply a narrow lane between two interminable heaps of ih-hris. Fio. 2. — A very strancje hoi'izontal shifting; of earth along the Shönai-c^awa, near Nagoya, by which the cjronnd toojether with a lari^o bamboo grove and a fallen thatched roof slid bodily some sixty feet westwards, the bamboo grove and a few pine trees remaining upright. Koiô, Earthquake. Jour. Sc. Coll. Vol. V. PI. XXXII. FiîT. 1 Fig. 2 Collotype by K. OGAWA. PLATE XXXIII. Plaie XXXIII. Tiie map of tlie iieigUbourhooJ of Kamamoto in tlie islau 1 of Iviü-shü, compiled by myself from various sources. It shows the seat of source of tlie earthquake iu 1889, in the extinct volcano of Kimposan (Kibo-zan) with an old somma around it. A-B, C-D, and C-E are the lines of fissure, formed at the time of the severe shocks ; the shaded (blue) portion being the meizoseismic area in which buildings had been all more or less damaged. A portion of the city of Kumamoto, shaded in red, had been intensely shaken, on -ticcount of its being once marshy ground of which we have many historical proofs. Koto, Earthquake. Jour. Sc. Coll. Vol. V. PI. XXXIII. MAP OF THE 7 ENVIRONS OF RmiAMOTO \\-,\\\A\ T f^ PLATE XXXIV. Plate XXXIV. Amongst the extraordinary works clone by the earthc^ialœ, the fault in Midor is the most remarlcable. A line new road had been oblitjuely cut into two, and the west half with the surrounding fields had .sunk about 6 metres below the upper end. The eastern half had been pushed 4 metres northwards, as is well seen in the photograph by an abrupt change in the direction of the displaced road. Koto. Earthquake. Jour. Sc. Coll. I'oi. r. PI. xxx/r CuLLurvrE BY K. üGAWA. Plate XXXV. TLe ploiigli-sliare-like appearancô of fault near Fiijitani in tLe Xeo valley, aloug whicli again the depressed eastern Aviug, in conformation to the general rule, had been shifted in a northerly direction. Koto, Earthquake. Jour. Sc. Coll. Vol. V. PL XXXV. 15*0"^: ■■■■ ^'*- ->:;>-.;;';:■;•; ^fe^^fr^- - '^ ^- ;3', ^'' ."^''■',' •"■'>•, ^■••-' 'j'.'v'.'t'.' ■'«■ ■• 1"."' " •';• ■, ■ " ■/•.'■'■»• •■ ■ '. '* ' ' ' "l Collotype by K. OGAWA. MBL WHOI LIBRARY UH 11 J X P :i7X