^ p ^ i\^ THE JOURNAL OF THE COLLEGE OF SCIENCE, IMPERIAL UNIVERSITY, jj^:pa.n. VOL. VI. -•— # ® :;'c ^ fP If PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVEESITY. TOKYO, JAPAN. 1894. MEIJI XXVII. 2J2^ CONTENTS. Determination of the Temperature of Steam arising from Boiling Salt Solutions. By J. Sakukai, F.C.S., Professor of Chemistry, Science College, Imperial University. flVith Plate I.J 1 Notes on an observation by Gerlach of the Boiling Point of a Solu- tion of Glauber's Salt. By J- Sakurai, F.C.S. , Professor of Chem- istry, Science College, Imperial University 21 Modification of Beckmann's Boiling Method of determining Mole- cular Weights of Substances in Solution. By J. Sakurat, F.C.S., Professor of Chemistry, Science College, Imperial University 23 A Simple Experiment in Chemical Kinetics. By K. Ikeda, Biqakushi... 43 ImidoSUlphonates. By E. Divers, M.D., F.E.S., Prof., and T. Haga, F.C.S., Asst. Prof., Imperial University 49 On the Anatomy of Magnoliaceae. By S. Matsuda, Science College, Im- perial University. (With Plates II.-V. J 115 Researches on the Multiplication of Elliptic Functions. By Pt. Fuji- SAWA, Professor of Mathematics, Imperial University 151 On the Process of Gastrulation in Chelonia. (Contributions to the Embryology of Eeptilia, IV.) By K. Mitsukuri, Ph. D., Fdqakuhakitshi, Professor of Zoology, College or ^ie^ice^ Imperial University. (Wit It Plates VI.—VHI.J 227 Note on the Eyes of Cardium Muticum Beeve. By K. Kishinouye, Eiy tliis means, it can be readily shown that the temperature of the steam escaping from the boiling salt solution is exactly the same as that of the solution itself. I'efore proceeding, however, to a description of my own experi- ments, I shall briefly refer to the history of tliis question, discussing the metliods employed and the results obtained by previous workers. Historical Summary and Short Critical Review of the Work already done. Faraday, as long ago as 1822, published the results of his experi- ments upon this question in the Annales de Chimie et de FJujsiquc for that year. Fie found that Avhen the l)ulb of a thermometer was sprinkled over with a salt and then introduced into steam coming out of boiling water, the th(;rmometer showed a temperature higher than 100°, especially Avhen it was held horizontally, so as to prevent the salt from ])eing washed awav too quickh'. Still higher temperatures were observed l)y him when, the experiment being otherwise the same, the thermometer l)ulb was wrapped up in a linen or woollen cloth. From these experiments, Faraday concluded that since a salt solution was heated up to its boiling point by the action of steam at 100° upon the salt, therefore the steam generated from a boiling salt solu- tion had only the temperature of 100°. 01<' STEAM AIMSING FROM BOILING SALT SOLUTIONS. 3 riay-Lussac, as the editor of the Frcncli journal, appended a note to tliis paper, in Avhich he first pointed out that facts similar to those observed by Ftiraday had long been known in France, namely, that when steam from boiling pn re water was passed into a cold concen- trated solution (jf a salt, the latter could be heated up nearly to its boiling point. Then, witli regard to Faraday's view that steam generated from a boiling salt solution has only the temperature of 100^5 Gay-Lussac remarked : '* Sans irivoquer ici le secours de la théorie, nous pouvons afiirmcr, d'après le iémoignage irrécusable de l'expérience, que la temperature de la vapeur fournie par un li(|uide quelconque, sons une pression quelconque, est exactement celle de la couclie liquide immédiatement en contact avec la vapeur." Faraday then undertook more researches on this <|uestion, and in the Quarlerly Journal of Science for 1823, he published the results of his experiments, and stated that he had proved Gay-Lussac's asser- tions to be correct, but that he had been astonished at the difficulty of obtaining definite results. Only when he used a double-walled vessel, which contained the experimental solution botli between the Avails and also abfjAC them, only when he heated the thermometer previously to a temperature higher than that of the boiling solution, and only after repeated observations, had he been able to convince himself that no anomaly existed in this j'henomenon. These experi- ments of Faraday will be criticised presently along witli those of MaQ:nus. Ivudberg (Ann. Chcm. Vhijs. [Vogi].\ 34, 257), in 1835, pul^Iishcd the results of a long series of observations on the temperature of steam evohed from difierent solutions, boiling under different pres- sures, and pointed out that it is always the same as that of steam arising from pure water l)oiling under the same pressure. Some of his numbers are quoted below. J. SAKUllAI: DETERMIN' ATIOX OF THE TEMPERATUllE Temperature of steaui. 'ressure in umi. Water. Salt solutior. Salt. 701-54 100-06° 100-07° Ce to the surface and there burst) below its proper boiling point, and the temperature then slowly rises. The steam formed at first at 100° acts on the solution in the same manner as that passed from without, and heats it up to the boiling point. 2nd. Higher temperatures are indicated Ijy salt solutions when boiling gentl}^ than when boiling violently ; in the latter case, m.t the same time, not be heated to the teinperature of the steam. For if, as in Rudberg's experiments, the former condition is not observed, so much of the steam is condensed in keeping the walls at 100° that it is liardly possible to keep enough passing over the thermomeler bulb ; while if the latter condition is ignored, as in Magnus's experiments, the indications of the thermo- meter may be illusory. The arrangement which I adopted after several trials and modifica- tions in order to meet these conditions was as follows. It consisted of an elongated, round-l^ottomed flask, F, with a long neck ; this flask contained the experimental snlt solution. The moutli of the flask was provided with a cork, through which passed two thermometers, a and h, and a tube .s for tlie escape of steam ; the thermometer a was used to indicate the temperature of the steam, and the thermometer 12 T. S A KÜR AT: DETEliMTXATTOX OP THE TEMPEILATURE /Mhnt of tlie. solution. The nock nnd n jKirf of tlic fbisk F wns cn- f'io.sod in :i o-l:iss ovlinder, ;//, fixed :i1)ove Iw menns of a eork nnd below 1)y nie:'. RH of an iii(]i;!-rn1)])er l)a7id. Through the eork of t lie cylinder, and hy the side of the neek of the flask ¥, passed a third thermometer, c, whose hnlb was kept at the same height as that of the steam thermometer a. I'he body of the flask, finally, was pro- vided Avith a hole in its side, through Avhich a glass tube,*/, somewhat drawn ont at one of its ends and bent as shown in the figure, Avas passed a,nd jointed to the flask by means of a short pieee of india- rubber tubing slij^ping over it. This tube, whose drawn-out end nearly reaehed the bottom of ihe flask, Avas used for supplying steam from the boiler Tl. The gl;!ss eylinder j}" Avas connected on one hand with another flask, II, and on the other with a condenser, K ; these connections were made as before by means of shoi-t pieces of india- ruliber tubing sli])])ed on over the glass tubes u and v res]iectively. Tiie flask M conlained acclii^ acid somewhat dihiled witli water. OF STEAi\r APJSTxri rnoi\r iiotltnt; salt solutions. 13 Tlie flrrsks F, (r, niid IT wore smpportorl on stnnrls, and F rested on n piece of nsl)estos r:i]'dl)o:ird, liavinii; u hole in tlie centre, so that only tlie l)ott<^in miulit ])v heated by tlie direct flame. The stoppered funnel' m a.iid 7/ : erved to aipply the flask.'. (J and }I with water and acetic acid respectively, wheri necessary, without dismounting the apparatus. The funnel iii further served, at the end of an experiment, to restore the equilibrium of pressure between the outer air and the inside of the flask G, thus preventing the salt solution from being- sucked into the latter. The whole arrarjgeinent is exceedingly simple, and can be fitted u]) by any one with materials found in every chemi- cal laboratory. The three thermometers a, />, arid c had, finally, been carefully verified, including tlie exposure correction for a and e. The salt solution, whose boiling point had been approximately determined and known to be higher than that of the dilute acetic acid, was introduced into the flask F by means of a long funnel, and the inside of the neck of the flask then Aviped with a cloth, so that no particle of the salt solutiori should be left adhering to it. Some cotton-wool was loosely tied round the stem of the tliermometer h, and below the bulb of the thermometer a ; this served as a very effec- tive screen against splashing up of the solution on to the bulb of the second thermometer a. A little cotton wool was also tied round the stem of the thermometer a, and above its Indb ; this prevented any water which might condense in the steam-issue tube s, from flowing down the stem of this thermometer. The cork with its two thermo- meters thus prepared was then fitted into the mouth of the flask F ; this cork projected a little below that of the jacket, in order that there miofht be no diance of steam condensino" within the neck of the flask. The tubes u and t were covered with (^itton-wool in order to lessen llie cooling action of the air on the acetic acid vapour and the steam respectively. ]^4 T- SAKURAT: DETERMTNATTOX OF THE TEMPERATURE The acetic acid was now made to boil in the flask H. Its vapour, passing into the jacket jj, heated up the walls of the neck of the flask, that is, of the steam chamber over the solution, then passed into the condenser K, and collected in the receiver R. The flame under the flask II wns so i-eo-ulated that the acetic ncid only sl(->w]y distilled ; in this mnnnor, a stondy supply of v^ponr of almost constant temperature could be readily mnintained in the jacket. The thermometer c rnpidly rose to about 11 1° under the influence of the acetic acid vapour, whilst the thermometer a more slowly rose, until ultimately it also showed about the same temperature. The salt solution was next hen ted to boiling. The water in the flask Ct, which had been kept nearly boiling, was then also made to boil regularly, and a rapid current of steam was passed into the salt solution boilinof in the flask F. The thermometer a now beo-an to rise above that in the jacket, until it indicated the same temperature ns that of the solution. The flame under the boiling solution Avns so refï'ulated that the temperature of the latter sliould either remain constant or rise xery slowly. The results obtained in one exjieriment with a solution of calcium chloride are shown below. Température of the Diff. (ir.)-(i) Solution. (II.) Acetic acid vapour. (III.) 'vonoo. St.(^a.m. (!.)-( ni.) 111-2° 112-5° 110-8° 1-3 0-4 111-7 112-5 110-9 0-8 0-8 112-2 112-6 111-1 0-4 1-1 112-5 1127 111-3 0-2 1-2 112-7 112-Î) 111-5 0-2 1-2 113-0 113-0 111-fi 00 1-4 113-1 113-2 111-8 0-1 1-3 113-3 113-3 111-9 0-0 1-4 OF ÖTEAM AKIÖINU rilÜM BOILIXG SALT SOLUTIONS. J^ The time occupied was about 20 minutes. The bulb of the steam thermometer a remained perfectly clean ,• indeed, by w;ishin<>' it with a little water and adding- a drop of silver nitrate solution to the wash- ings, not a (race of cloudiness was produced, shoMing- that the splashing of the solution on to it had been completely prevented. In fact, the u])per portion of the cotton-woul remained perfectly clean and dry. For the following two experiments, still more dilute acetic acid was employed. The results obtained with a solution of'sodiimi nitrate are as follows : — Temperature of tlie Difference. Ste:ini. (I.) 106-0° lOG-U 107-2 107-0 107-7 107-7 107-8 Solutiou. (II.) 107-5° Acetic acid vapovir. (III.) 105-9° (ii.)-{i.) 0-9 (I.)-(III-) 0-7 107-G 105-9 0-7 10 107-G 106-0 0-4 1-2 107-7 106-1 .0*2 1-4 107-8 106-2 0-1 1-5 107-8 106-2 0-1 1-5 107-8 106-3 0-0 1-5 The time occupied was again about 20 minutes. The following are the observations made with a solution of potassium nitrate : — j[g J. ttAKÜllAI: DETEllMINATlOX OF 'J'HË TËMPEllATUllE Temperature of the ,- Sokitiuu. or.) 109-4° Acetic acid vapour. (in.) 107-8" Difference. IS team. 107-8° (II. )-(!.) 1-G (I.)-(IIl.) 0-0 los-;} 109-5 107-8 1-2 0-5 108-7 109-7 10y the introduction of steam into the boiling solution from without, evaporation and condensation of steam in the solution can be so readily and exactly counterbalanced, that its boiling temperature may be maintained constant for any length of time and within a few thousandths of a degree (_ entigrade. I am developing this part of my observation f<3r the exact determination of the boiling points of vari(3us solutions, and also for simplifying the determination of molecular Aveights l)y tlie boiling method, which has, of late, been made tlie subject of an extensive study by Beckmann. In conclusion I wish to express my warmest thanks to my colleague Dr. E. Divers, F. 11. S., for many valuable criticisms ;ind suggestions from time to time while this investigation was in progress, and also to Dr. C G. Knott and Professor K. Yamakawa fnv ihe interest which they have takei: in my work. Note on an observation by Gerlach of the Boiling Point of a solution of Glauber's salt. * by Joji Sakurai, F. CS. Professor of Clieiuistry, Imperial University. A few years ago Dr. G. T. Gerlach (Zeit. anal. Cliem., 26? 113) published a paper in which he mentions that steam, escaping' from a boilino' solution of Glauber's Salt containini'' a crystalline maii'ma of the anhydrous salt, sliows the temperature of 100°, Avhilst the liquid is boiling at 82° or even at 72°. This observation appeared to me so curious and so anomalous that I was induced to repeat his experi- ments : the results, on the whole, confirmed Gerlach's observations as to temperatures but, at tlie same time, deprived them of all exceptional character. Gerlach describes his experiments in the following words : " 700 gr. of crystallized Glauber's salt were melted in an iron vessel and kept boiling for some time. The vessel was then removed from the lamp, and the li(jnid portion of its contents was poured otf as completely as possible, whilst the separated anhydrous salt was left in the vessel. The whole was allowed to cool to about 50°, before the vessel was again heated. This vessel was now provided with a tin-plate cover having two holes, through one of which a thermometer passed nearly reaching the bott<:)m of the vessel, and through the other a second thermometer which hang in the steam chamber over the heated crystalline magma." " The liquid completely boiled at 82° (Die Flüssigkeit kam schon bei 82°c. vollständig in's ivochen), whilst the escaping steam showed 22 J- SAKURAI. the temperature of 100°. Only very slowly did the temperature of the heated magma rise and attained the temperature of about 100° as the mass got almost dry." " To this almost dry mass I added 100 gr. of crystallized Glauber's salt, which melted on shaking." " The crystalline magma now boiled at even 72°c., whilst the steam indicated 100°c." Qoc. cit., 422). It is not correct to say that " the liquid completely boils at 82°, whilst the escaping steam shows the temperature of 100°", for it is only a wet mass of anhydrous sodium sulphate that is heated. I found that steam, in such a case, does not arise from the heated mass uniformly, but escapes through a number of channels produced in those portions of it which are in contîict with the sides of the vessel and which are, therefore, most heated. The central portion of the magma, where the thermometer bulb finds itself, is more slowly heiited, and hence the fact that while the steam indicates the tempera- ture of 100°, the wet magma shows a lower temperature. In the second experiment, where some crystallized Glauber's salt is added to the heated magma, the temperature of the latter is, for a time, very much lowered, not only because a quantity of a cold body is introduced, but also because the fusion of the crystallized salt absorbs much lieat. The central portions of the mass, therefore, show as low a temperature as 72°, whilst steam which rapidly forms and escapes along the sides of the vessel shows the temperature of 100°. That the latter does not indicate a higher temperature is easy to understand irom the form of the experiment. It is also needless to mention that the temperature of the whole mass soon rises. Gerlach's observations are erroneous, then, in so far as they imply that a substance can evolve a vapour hotter than itself. Modification of Beckmann's Boiling Method of determining Molecular Weights of Substances in Solution. by Jöji Sakurai, F. C. S. Professor of Cliemistry, Imperial University. JVith Plate I. Recent investigations in Physical Chemistry have extended our means of determining molecular weights of substances. Besides the ordinary method, which depends upon the determination of the specific gravity of a substance in the gaseous state — the so-called " vapour density " method — we have now, thanks to the labours of Kaoult and others, various means of ascertaining molecular weights of substances in solution. Diminution of vapour tension, lowering of the freezing point and rise of the boiling point, of a solvent, are the changes which accompany the dissolution of a solid body in it, and each of these changes supplies us with a means of determining the molecular weight of the dissolved body. These are mutually connected together by theoretical considerations, but for purposes of determining molecular weights the method, which depends upon the change in the boiling point, fnv surjxasses the others on account of the simplicity of the manipulation and of the greater exactness in the results obtained. To lîeckmann (Zeitsch. pkysik. Chan., 3 603 [1889] J 4, b'62 [1880J; 5, 76 [1890]; 6, 4H7 [L890]; 8, 223 [1891]) we owe the application of this method for laboratory pur- poses; but, in spite of his indefatigaljle labours, there are some points 24 J- SAKURAI: MODIFICATION OF BECKMAXN'S BOILING in his method which are capahle of improvement and simpKfication. The object of the present paper is to describe a modification of the method which renders it practicable in every laboratory and, at the same time, able to yield results which are even more concordant than those obtained by Beckmann. It may, however, not be out of place to first briefly refer to the principle which underlies this method of determining molecular weights. By the study of the lowering of vapour pressure of various solvents by bodies dissolved in them, Raoult was ultimately led to the following law : " The relative lowering of vapour pressure is proportional to the ratio of the number of molecules of the dissolved substance to the total number of molecules in the solution." Expressed in a formula, we have p N+n where p and p' are the vapour pressures of the solvent and of the solution, and N and n, the number of molecules of the solvent and of the dissolved body respectively. The constant c may be taken as equal to unity. If, then, G and g be the weights taken, and M and m the molecular weights, of the solvent and of the dissolved body, all expressed in grams, we have 9 p—p' _ m P ^ _; ^ ' or vi=M.-4t~' — ^• (r p—p Hence, if M, G and g are known, the molecular weiglit of the dis- solved substance, m, is given by determining p and 2_>', the vapour pressures of the solvent and of the solution. Now, the diuiiuution of vapour j>ressure is proportional, on the METHOD OF DETERMINING MOLECULAR WEIGHTS. gg one liand, to tlic ](nveriiig of the freezing point and, on the otlier, to the rise of the ])oilini>' point. The former relation, which was established by lîaoult in a purely empiric:d way (Compt. rend., 87 [1878]; 103 [1886]; 104 [1887]; 105 [1887]; 107 [1888]; Ann. Clihn. Plnjs. [6], 15 [1888]), liad already been deduced by Guldberg- {Compt. rend., 70 [1870]) from tlie mechanical theory of heat. Moreover, van't Hoff (Zeitsch. plujsik. Chcm., 1[1887]) theore- tically deduced the laws of the lowering of the freezing points of solutions from the relation which exists ljetv;een vapour pressure and osmotic pressure. The determination of, the other relation, the rise of the boiling point also affords us a means of ascertaining the molecular weight of the dissolved substance, inasmuch as it is possible to determine the temperatures at which the solvent and tlie solution exhibit equal vapour pressures, instead of ascertaining their vapour pressures at an equal temperature. This method was lirst practically carried out by Beckmann. The calculation of the molecular weight is made by taking into consideration the projiortionality which exists between the difference of pressure and the difference of tempeniture. î^ow, since the solutions subjected to examination are all very dilute, the equation p—p' _ n p ~ N+n may assume the following form witliout causing any material dif- ference in the results : p—p' _ n ^} ~ A' ■ The difference of tem])orature prodnred in tlie l)oiling point by the dissolution of one gram-molecule of the substance in one gram mole- cule of the solvent and which corresponds to the above pressure- 2 g J. SAKURAI: MODIFICATIOX OF BECKMAXX'S BOILING difference is called the mokcular elevation of boiling point. This con- stant is ohtained expérimental 1 y by determinino; the rise of boiling point of ÎI solvent, fo]l(3wing* the dissolution of a known weight of a, substance of known molecular weight in a known ({uantity of the solvent. Thus, for example, Beckmann (Zeitscli. phijsil'. Cheiu., 3, 603 [1889]) found that 4.740 grams of ethyl benzoate dissolved in 100 grams of ether raised the boiling point of the latter by 0.605°. The weight of ethyl benzoate dissolved in one gram-molecule of ether (74 grams) is, therefore, — — tää =3.5076 grams. The rise of boil- ing point corresponding to the dissolution of one gram-molecule of eth}^ benzoate (150 grams) in one gram-molecule of ether would then he 0.66.5x1.50 ,,o i 8.5076 Experiments with other sul)stances give nearly the same value for the molecular elevation of the boiling point of ether. 'J'he molecular weiglit of any dissolved substance is, then, obtained from tlie equation, A where, in case of ether, 7>=28.4, f/= weight of tlie substance dis- solved in 74 grams of ether, and A= the observed rise of boiling point. In practice, it is more convenient to refer the constant B to 100 grams, instead of to the molecular weight, of the solvent ; the calcula- tion is thus very much simplified. The formula then becomes A 74 where, in case of ether, jB' = 28.4x^r7— -='21.0, and ^'=weight of the substance dissolved in 100 grams of the solvent. As the mean of several determinations, lîeckmann (he. rit.) o])tained the number, 20.9 for the value of 2^. METHOD OF DETERMINING MOLECULAR WEIGHTS. 2J The constant B or B' may, moreover, be accurately calculated in the following manner from the latent heat of vaporization and the boiling point of the solvent, as has been pointed out by Arrhenius (Zeitsch. physik Chem., 4, 550 [1889]). Suppose we have a solvent of molecular weight, il/, and of boiling point, T (in absolute temperature), at pressure, ];. By dis- solution of n gram-molecules in 100 grams of the solvent, the boiling point rises to T+dT. The relation between this rise, dT, and the dissolved mass, n, may be calculated thus : The solution boils under pressure p at the temperature T+dT. The vapour pressure of the solvent at T is equal to p, it is equal to p + dp at the temperature T+dT. Between dT and dp the following relation exists according to the second law of thermodynamics, as already shown by van't Hoff ^Zeitsch. phjsih. Chem., 1^ 494 [1887]): ^P =clT. ^'^ ■ p '27'- where m= latent heat of vaporization of a gram-moleciile of the solvent at temperature, T. Now, according to Kaoult's law, the relation between the diminu- tion of vapour pressure and the number of molecules of tlie solvent and of the dissolved substance is expressed by p—p' n p ~ N+n' ip + dp)- ■p n p + dp N+n dp 11 or or p + dp N+n But, as the solution is very dilute, dp is very small compared to p, and n very small compared to A^ The last equation may, therefore, be written as gg J. sAKURAi: Modification of ëeokmann's boiling dp _ n or, as 100 grams of the solvent is employed, and M is its molecular weight, ^ve have - . ch) M — n. P 100 Equating this value of — ^ with that already obtained, we have 1 n. M CO. clT . 100 ~ 2r2 ' In this equation, o) being the latent heat of vaporization of a gram- molecule of the solvent {M grams) in grani-calori, it follows that -^= latent heat of vaporization of one gram of the solvent. Calling this IK, we liave n. M M. W. dT 100 '2r- 02 r^ or dT^^ny. — ^^^ — If s= weiirht of the substance dissolved in 100 orams of the solvent and m= molecular weig-ht of the dissolved substance, then n=^—' Substituting this value of n in the above equation and solving for ///, we have .0-2I- .«? 7)1- W clT In this equation, s nnd dT have the same meaning as (j and A respectively in one of the preceediug equations, and the constant, 02 r- ^ > for ether is found to be equal to .02 X (273 + 84.97)- _,-,, yo.l ~^ ' the value which we already obtained for B' in the same equation. Now, turning to the practical side of the question, the great and METHOD OF DETEIJMIXIXJ MOLECULAR WEIGHTS. 99 the only difficiiJt\' which lies on tlic way is the exact deteiiinriation of the boiling points, as has ah-eady been pointed out by Beckmann. Irregular boiling and bumping, attended with sudden alterations in the temperature of a boiling livpiid are phenomena which are too well known to be mentioned. Even when the liquid seems to be regularly boiling, there are still constant changes in the temperature of the li<]uid, as may be readily observed by the use of a delicate thermo- meter. A'arious means have been tried to overcome these difficulties. ]5its of metallic wire or foU, of broken glass, etc. are almost useless. JJaoult tried coating the thermometer bulb with a layer of palladium recently charged witli liydrogen gas, but it did not lead to the desired result, as the evolution of hydrogen gas soon slackened and, in about 20 minutes, stopped altogether. Beckmann has succeeded in gi-eatly overcoming the difficulties. He uses a piece of stout platinum wire which is fixed in the bottom of tlie boiling vessel l)y means of fusible glass. On account of the superior thermal conductivity of tlie metal, the boiling is said to take place exclusively from the piece of platinum, and bumping is avoided entirely. I regret to say that I have not yet had an experience witli Beckmann'« apparatus. In fact, we ordered one from Germany, but on my first attempt to make trial of it, the boiling vessel was found t(j be cracked at the point of insertion «jf the platinum. Tliis was merely an accident, but it is an accident wliich nray often occur. A small p(jrlion of the bottom of the boiling vessel is thickened by the insible glass, and there is no wonder if the bottom is cracked by the slightest carelessness in heating. Tiie means wliich I adopt in producing a constant temperature in tlie boiling li(juid has already been described in my paper, on " The delerminati(jn of the temperature of steam arising from boiling salt solutions," and consists in ])assing a current of the vapour of the 30 J- SAKURAI: MODIFICATION OF LECKM.VXX'S BOILIXG .solvent into the IjoiJing Jiqiiid or doJiition, the ainoiint of tlie v;i[);*ni' tliu.s liaised in li-oiii Avitliont Ijcinij' roii'iilated liv tli(î lieiu'ht of tlio lamp. The degree of constancy of the température attained in tlii.s manner l)y tlie l:)oilinL;- ]i(|uid i:s really a.jtoni.shing, a moot delicate thermometer, capahle of showing xo-Vo^th of a degree, I'emaining a.]mor>t stationary. Dc-'icn'ption of Apparalan. Iiiotead of the tlvree-iieH<:ed ii:!.~-k wiili a piece of platinum wire fixed into tlie bottom and with a c-)mplex condensing arrimgement, used by J Beckmann, I eiP.|>loy, for the hoiliiig vessel, an ordinär}^ U-tube, A, about '2 centimeters in interna! diameter and 21 centimeters in height. Xear the top (jf one hmb of this U-tube, a hole is l)l(jwn out l)y means of the 1)lowpi[>e. wliicli serves for jointing on, with a piece of india-rul)ber tubing, a small side-tube having a glass «topper-cock s. The side-tube is, in its turn, connected with an ordinary Liebig's condenser C. " The boiler for generating the vajjour of the solvent is an ordinary round-bottomed flask T>, provided with a cork, through which |>as.^ the stem of a tapped funnel / and a delivery tube d. The latter is connected, l)y means of a piece of thick india-rubber tubing /, witli w tube e, drawn out and slightly Ijent, at its lower end, so tliat tl)i.< end of tlie tube may just reach the botte cork, through Avhich it ])asses above, is ßxed into the moutli of the U-tube, neiirest to the b.->iler. This tulje e thus establislies comnuuiication between the boiler and tlie boiling vessel. A tin-pla.te vessel pp with a hole in its bottom and resting upon a tripod serves to enclose the boiler and to protect it from draughts. The boiling >essel is, on the other hand, enclosed by a box made of thick asbestos card-board qq, witli a UKjvable bottom. When the solvent is of low boiling poiiii, such as carloii l)isulphide or ether, a j)iece of plain a..:bcsto:^ card-l)<>ard serves as the botO)m of I he box. and the lioilini;' ^essel is lieaied bv METUüD OF L)Ei'EKMIXrN(i MOLECULAR WEIGHTS. 3| indirect flmne, us sliown in the figure. In tlie case, liowever, of less volatile Rle importance, because I am thereljy enaljled to use the budlj of the thermometer always naked, there being no necessity to envelope it with asbestos fibres, as when working vrith 15eckmann's apparatus. The therinometer which I use includes onlv a ranofe of 6°c. and is graduated into jijyth. of a degree. Each of these divisions (about 0.1 mm.) can be readily esthnated into rVth by means of a reading telescope, which I ahvays use, so tha.t the thermometer can indicate T^V^th of ti degree. There is an arrangement in tlie instrument by which the quantity of mercury in the bulb may be increased or diminished, so that it can be used either for hnv or high temperatures. '1 hi.^ instrument has alread}^ been described by Beckmann. The whole arrangement is exceedingly sim|)le, and can ])e set up by any one with materials commonly found in :dl l:d)oratories. This, 32 J. SAKÜKAI: MODIFICATION OF BECKMANX'S BOILING I veiitnre to say, is a great advnntnge. The oij]y costly part of the apparatus is tlic thermometer, hut for good and accurate woi-k in most of tlie physico-chemical in(]uiries, ii delicate tliermometer is indispensahle and, after all, its cost is not disproportionate to the important services it can rerider. ]}[o'Jc of Worhiurj. For working with tlie apparatus descrihcd above, I beoin bv inserting the tube e into one limb of the br,iling vessel, lixiiif it ])y meisns of the cork c. Small glass beads are then introduced into the boiling vessel through the other limb, till they quite fill tlie bent ])ortion of the latter. (IV^-kmann recommends tlie nse of small garnets or glass beads for preventing local differences of temperature, and I find them also very effective for thoroughly mixing the vapour passed in with the boiling liquid and thus establishing a perfect uniformity of temperature.) The experimental liquid is now poured in, so that it occupies a space of 3 or 4 centimeters above the level of the glass beads in the oj'cn limb, and the latter is then closed by the cork carrying ilie thermometer. The lid of the asbestos box is next slipped down the two lim1)s <^f the U-tube, which pass through two holes previously bored in it in proper positions, and the boiling vessel, after having been properly enclosed in the asbestos box and supported on the ring of a retort-stand, is connected, on the one side, with the boiler and, on the other, Avith the side tube and condenser, as shown in the figure. First the boiler, half filled with the solvent, and then the boiling- vessel are heated by carefully reguLited lamps, the stop-cocks r and s both open ; and, when the li(juid in both vessels begins to boil [pro- perly, the stop-cock v is closed, and the two lam])s Aery carefully regulated, so that the height of the column of the boiling lixpu'd remains, as nearly as can be judged, level with the lid of the asbesto.s box for, at least, a quarter of an hour. This circumstance is used as METHOD OF DETERMTXIXG MOLECULAR WEIGHTS. 33 the criterion f<^r jay means of a pipette and, after ascertaining the weight of the solaii(3n taken, evaporating the latter at a o'entle heat on a water l)alh and weijihin*:'' the fixed residue. In case of iodine, it is determined vojumeti'lcally by a standard solution of sodium thiosulphate. From the account above detailed of the process I adopt, it will ])e seen that it differs from the method used In' Beckmann essentially in this that, whilst Beckmann takes a weighed quaiitity 1)oth of the solvent and of the solid substance, arid determines tlie boiling p(;ints in an apparatus provided with a reflux coîidenser and, therefvre, requires a complicated arrangement, the meth(-d liere de; criljed re<[uires no special apparatus, as it determines ihe boihug poiiits in the ordinary manner, l)ut o1)viatirjg the u,^n:d (liflicubies. of such det(>r- minations and, at the same time, kee])iiig llie (jiiaiiiity of the boiliiig liquid constant, b}^ ])a,-siiig a current of tlie \a])v>ur of tlie solvent METHOD OF DETERMIXIXG MOLECULAR WEIGHTS. q X from without. Another dittercncc which, I vcntiii-e to s'ly, i.s also an iiuprovcineiit i.s that the Ijoiliii!^' point of the . O CO 01 > p o o ^ GC- o K* c3 (-; X X Ol Ol o fM -., o 7C -3= ^ x CT rc ^ -^ oi d oi w S 1 1 1 1 + + + 1 + + 00 CO , ^~i 00 vt o t^ m ö CO cd »'-f Ö CO o ^ CD CO r- 00 00 vr CO in CD g CM CM ^" ^ CO CO CO CO ^ "S X -r~ -^ Ol -" 'O ,^ •- t^ L^ iÔ' ~ — jH •^ 1:- 1^ r—i 't Ol iO t^ X L- 't 7C -+ 02 -* -oc X ^ •-C -t oi X X '^' oi T— i "^ (^ l^ L- -t^ — c:: "^ -t ■:C ^ t^ Ol -+ Ol lO i-^ -H 'O' X t» CT". ^ -+■ ~ 1^ TC Ol 1- Ol CfJ L— 'O' *o r— Ol -^_ X ^ iO- O^' o o ,—1 ~ ~ o o i:^: 5c ■"" ""^ r-H ^■^ '"■ -H ^^ ^ »o ._- 1^ O i-O Ol ~ Ï ~ 'O ~ cc X 1-^ 0^ i?^ p^' L^ Ol X y^—^ *"^ o^ _^ 70 iO) c^ X -+_ iO Ol Ol c^ -* Ol br c ^ ^ ö d ^^ d d d o i'^ Ol o w ~ er. iO lO _ö »'T X o Ol ~ X ^-< -t< i:^ I-; CC f— H cc Ol — f^ t-^ 0^ o -H Ol t-; i-O l>; L- :C L- tc ~ ~" , — \ , — i' d o , — ' d ^^ rH ' — ' ~~' r—i ' — ' 1— ( "^ ~~' Ci -rh Ol ,__, o o o TS iO 1 i L^ X ~ 70 X o 70 70 .Ä T^ ' — ' r— I— > o Ol I— 1 ö o K ö d o d d d d d d •S ^^ CT. •-0 o .7~ ^ i^ 7C X 2 ' .5 -t X o X X — 1< r— « X ^ \ ^ -+ -7'? -t ?o '-t^ :^ -H L-; ^0 OJ oi oi Ol oi oi oi oi oi oi 'o /J 'O _)H lO ro lO L^ ~ 7C > •C^ — ' ■-0 o 1— — ' ■^ lO ^ *c O] Ol -f; -t; 7C *.^ "^ \-n ',1 Ol Ol Ol Ol oi oi oi Ol ' 1^ Ol oi od CO ';:t' X i[ O I— 1 CJD II • «3 q "L s l-H 71 fl r7~! H-i o ■2 ^ CO O 02 5 f-l Ca »^. p-5 '-' METHOD OF DETEllMINIXG MOLECULAR WEIGHTS. 37 > Ü X ßA ^ 0 "-+2 X ^ -(J .4^ c5 i-. C£ 0 rr' > rH p— 4 0 Ü C/i Ü c~~ ^ 1—1 04 > ,-• X 0. , 1 OT 0 .- L- ^ _ X Sd S c>i oq r-H oi ,— i oi r—i oi on d Q i' + 1 + + 1 1 + 1 1 ' 4-^ 00 ■«- LO 0 0 ^ CC! U~J CM cn Ï l"^ 00 ?5 CD 00 CD *^ 0 u-^ »o 00 0 -3 CT) 00 00 CO CO ^ CD CO CD g •v^ ■«-H ^p^ ^-^ •«-' ■3-« C^J c^ ea ^ ^ , I— 1 ^^ CM 0 -* ,-^ CO 0 CO i'%'^ X 01 ^-tH CO X 0 -h t- z^ r-H L^ CO q CM t-; LO X t^ -+ CO '-^ bi t^ I— 1 I— I r-H ZC: co" , ,' Ö x" ■CO br 0 r— 1 — H 0 X 1— 1 i-O 0 0 w »^ ^ >o~ "> C: 0 L^ CJi C^' ■CO t^ t- ^ ^ rr* OT ■C^ rM 1-H C^ 1 — 1 uo t- '^ CO Ä 0 r— 1 — 1 C^_ iO X CM I— H iO T-H be t>^ X X t-^ t>^ d X 0 t-^ X -^i X C' 0 t- CM -r c: L-- CM -* ■23 TC T-H "^ r-l t- ÏÏ F^ I— H 1— H t~ -^ CC -tH 0 X c- CM L- :o t- œ "^. 1 — i 1—1 0 ■-*l CM 1— ^ 'to CM be C' d Ö Ö c 0 ^ Ö ö d X X 1—t CM CM CO 0 CM (M er: fl CM 1 — 1 0 r-t 0 X-O i-O CT^ i-O r^ 'S 0 'CO CO 0 t^ 0 X ^ 0 r— i cç 0 CO O-T 0 c P CO X CM -* br 00 X X X X t-^ X ~ X CO / . 1— i r—i CO ,.^, r— ( C^ l^ r-H 0 to ri t^ irr I— 1 X CO 1—1 CM t- X ^ -t}1 l-H I— I 0 0 CO 1—1 -h CO 1— ( Ph c 0 Ö Ö Ö 0 ■0 ■Ö 0 d 1 ^^ î^ 1 1—1 0 -r t- »^ O-l t- T—t 1-H X 0 0 0 0 I— H c^ 0 'M T-H '^ r— ^ t- .-r^ UO CO to r— 1 X -* CO CO co' —h -+ -fi -+ -H co' c ■-H CO r— ( '* tSt ~ CT' 1—1 CM I >• CQ i-O CI X X u^ -ti iC CT' 0 '. '0 L-; 0 !>; i-O wi U-; Ol 0 t-; t>; \-^ CO CO CO CO CO X ^ -+' CO CO 0 X CO CO 1— i tH J II o_ tti (M •^' 0 'J. Q Ü 5 5 C fcß ^ •^ „ ^ ^ ffi ^ ^ ^ „ œ CJ 0 :fi Q 0 0 < 'Pi 0 p 5; 38 J. SAKURAI : MODIFICATION OF BECKMAXX'S BOILIXG > o in q T— < O Ö Ü OS o CO ßi m Ol c3 So CD P5 ce O o CÖ > w d X r-H c^ L^ o I-H -1^ -:*^ q Sa 2 Ö O r-H r-H CO r-H d Ol CO + + + + + 1 + + + ^ O •^f ^ CD CD O CM CD d lO Ö O i^ CO LO Ö ^ O 'S 00 Vf ^ CO CO CM lO CO CD S ■•-< ^^ ■^ Csl CM Csl TO t~ OT CO Ci O -~o X Ci r— ' ^ 'r> -tl X) t^ d UO O X Ol O r; ^ -'- o Ol XC -* 1-H q X iO q :/: ^ bh. ^i -ri 1— t -1^ CO i—i CÖ oi i-H bc I t- -V O iO r— ( o Ol Ol X k -fi o r-H r^ t- Ol Ol -* lO »— ^ T— 1 OJ CO X T— 1 a o lO œ X ^ q Cl c^ q 00 r-H X il •o t^ t--^ o d d d l>^ d -4_3 TO — ^ -* X CO Ol X O Ol œ TO C: l:^ Ol '* 1 — 1 i:^ Ci -£■ L-^ O ^^ r—t 1 — 1 — ( "^ t^ ■^c ce ^^ r— ( >-H CO Ol i—H Ol I-H o •ôc Ö O O d d d d d d o O Ttl CO '^ Ol o X o d X o X -* l-H CO o CO o 'o X c- CO t^ o Ol iD X Ol en Cl c^i 1-H OJ q q r-H Ol q te xo L--^ O^ t>^ t>^ t^ l>^ l>^ — / . '^ -* o i-O CO t^ o ^ i-H 1 ^ X Ol o Ol o to Ol o X •1 CO ce Ol t— iO Ol CO Ol q Ö d Ö d d d d d ^ .1 , t- r-H îO ■^ 1 — 1 Ol iC Ol iO 1. Po Solu CTi •O CO ^ -H ^ ,—1 o lO CO q Ol 't O lO o CO Ol ^.^ * ' ' ^^ • rH ;^ CO t- o ~ X iC o X -* p> ^H CO' X CO CO t- Ci CTi c- 'o q CO t- q Ol Ol q I-H \^ !-H ^ Ö d 1— H T-H '-' ^ I-H OD CO t— 1 II II d X Ol Q r-i a II 6 q ^l d ffi ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ „ ce •^ " ü " " -t^' " *^ ^ o o ce '3 -1-3 Ol II h-i CD rH ■^5 X ^ o 1—1 METHOD OF DETEllMIXIXG MOLECULAR WEIGHTS. 39 5^ 09 Ü o 00 GP <::: CD a; > '^ 0 u if) 00 -* 00 11 Çlj Co > ce 1-^ p Ol c^ 1 — 1 t>- oq ^ L--; -JH d s -:c r— ( CO oi r— 1 d ^H d fi 1^ ' + + 1 + 1 1 ' O uO 05 ^ LO 00 CO a> O Ö ■»-< CVJ od Nt CM »^ O 'S CM CO CO UT LO LO uO 1 ■*^ ^-< CM CM CM CM CM ^ 1 1 — 1 o CM t^ 1 — 1 CO o t- O 'Cl CO r-H c^ •JD Cl Ci "^ S ^ C3 t>; CO CO CTi O-T L- C;' cß i=^ bt i-H T-H ^ CN !-H d CO r— H be g I— • iO o CO o CO , — 1 id CM -i-j O ^ (M 1— t CO io o CO ^ "* to œ CM X t- c^ o 'o LO Ol X CM t>; Ci 00 o i/2 t>^ c^' ö r-H t>^ ci 1—1 d br r— ( 1-H r-H r-H 1-H CO CM -* o ^ c- 'X X CO ce C7i r— 1 o CO '^ X C: — '^ 1 — 1 t~ o i-O o^ -* o •J^ !-^ OT -* CM 1 — 1 --0 -H T-H be Ö d d d d d d d 00 (M L-^ o o X CO o a 00 CO CO I-H t- C3t) io CO CC' -Xi LO X co C^i t- o 'S 72 -t^ CO '^. crs lO Ol CM be l>^ r<\ , — \ , \ t^ d oi d r-^ r^ r-H '~ r^ "^ (6 o CO Xr- »o CO o r-H X X CO o CM X Cî o X CO CO CO CO CM 1—1 iC CO 1—1 M Ö ö d d d d d d ^ ri o ce -H i-o CM .^H 1-H o n^ / ö o ^H X' o o -^ Ci L- ^ ^ QC> i:^ ^1 'X L-^ X '3 O} CO CO -* CO' CO 't c? CO m ,-, >o c^ o c^ 1 — 1 o C>T -M œ X) X X o »it« Tl X -t; CO X '-0 t^ lO -* -o \cß CO CO CO CO CO CO 'CO CO 00 c^ 1 — 1 II 6 o CO o d ^ Ü <* CM œ CD - CM 'L r^ œ o h-H* ^ ^ ^ ^ 1ö :-i r^ ïlj g ^ o. ^ ce o h- 1 !3 CG 40 J- SAKUEAI : MODIFICATION OF BECKMAXX'S BOILIXG Fii ooiiclunoii, a word may be waid with regard to the molecidar weights of iodine and of nidpliur in solution. Paterno and Xasini (Ber. d. Deutsch. Chem. Ges., 21, 2153 [1888]), l^y the method of tlie freezing point depression, found that the molecular weight of iodine in very dilute benzene solutions is represented hy To, whilst it possesses higher vrdiies in more concentrated solutions. They found also that iodine is more or less dissociated into the atomic state in its solution in glacial acetic acid. Loeb (Zeit, phjslk. Chem., 2, 60(i [1888]), however, could not verif}' these conclutions by tlie same method; and, both on account of the small solubility of iodine in either benzene or Macial acetic acid and of the o'reat variations in the results according to concentration, he idtimately gave up these ex- ]ieriments. By determining the vapoiu^ ])ressures of solutions of iodirje in ether and in carlDon l^isulphide, Loel") showed, on the other li;uid, that the molecular magnitude of iodine in lirown etheria.l solutions is represented by I^, whilst in carbon l^isulphide it is less complex and corresponds to the formula lo.j. Lastly, Ijeckmann (^Zett. fi]iysik. Ghein., 5 76 [ISOfl]) found, by the aid of his boiling- method, that no appreciable ditterence exists in the molecular magni- tude of iodirie, whether dissolved in ether or in carbon bisulphide, and that it corresponds to L, in both of the solutiorjs. The numbers he obtained varied between 235 and 25() in etherial solutions, and between 250 and 272 in carl)on Insulphide solutions (1-2 = 254). More recently. Hertz (Zeit, phiisik. Chem., 6, 358 [1890]), by the freezing method, obtained numbers varying between 255.5 and 276,0 f<3r the molecular weight of iodine in its dark red solution in naphthalene, and pointed out that the red colour of the iodine solution is not due to the existence of complex molecules, as already shown by Beckmann. My own determinations also fully conûrm the results obtained by the latter. METHOD OF DETERMINATION MOLECUI;AR WEIGH7'S. 4 [ With regard to the molecular weight of sulphur in carbon bisulphide solution Reckmann, by the boiling method, oljtained numbers varying between 245 and 281 and, therefore, pointing to the existence of complex sulphur molecules represented by 8^=256. The formula Sg had generally been regarded as the mnximum molecular formula of sulphur, and the results obtained by Ijeckmann, therefore, needed confirmation. The experiments by Hertz (loc. cit.) who obtained numbers varying between 262.3 and 279.4 and, still more conclusively, my own determinations, put Beckmann's views beyond any doubt. A Simple Experiment in Chemical Kinetics. by K. Ikeda, Rièakushi. The usual lecture experiment of absorbing oxygen from air by a piece of phosphorus presents a very simple case of ciiemical kinetics. For, if the lump of phosphorus employed be not too small, the nctive surface remains practically constant, and the chemical action must h^ proportional to the density of the oxygen left. The course of the chemical change can be followed by observing the diminution of pressure or of volume. The chief disturbing effect is the elevation of temperature consequent on the oxidation, but this can be prevented to a great extent by keeping the phosphorus cool. To this end a sufficient quantity of pure clear phosphorus was melted between two test-tubes ; the inner tube was next filled with cold water when phosphorus solidified and could be easily drawn out of the external tube. In this manner a uniform cylinder of phosphorus was formed around the lower part of the smaller test-tul)e. Any irregularities in surface of the phosphorus were removed with a sharp knife, and the whole carefully smoothed. Tlie phosphorus cylinder thus prepared was about 30 m.m. long, a little less than 1 m.m. thick, and 12 m.m. in external diameter, so that the total surface was very nearly 11 square cm. To keep this cylinder cool, the test-tube was fitted with Fig. 1. 44 K. IKEDA. a cork furnished with two thin tuhes, through which a current of water at ahout 19°C. was maintained. The annexed figure shows the phosphorus cylinder thus equipped. The surface remained perfectly smooth to tlie end of the experiment, even some thin striae left by the knife remaining perfectly distinct. The diminution of phosphorus during the experiment was, of course, very slight, in the second case not amountino- to more than one-hundredtli of a m.m. in thickness. The first arrangement. A large two mouthed bottle (1.5 litre capacity) containing air and a layer of water, was surrounded with water, as shown in fig. 2. The side mouth was closed with a caoutchouc stopper holding a manometer and a short glass tube with india-rubber tube and pinch- cock. The phosphorus tube was now introduced into the bottle through the central opening which it closed air-tight by means of a stopper surrounding its upper part. To make the air- tio-htness certain, the mouths were both covered with water. Before beg-innino; the observation, the pinch-cock was opened for a Fig. 2. moment to equalize the internal and external pressures. As oxida- tion' .proceeded the internal pressure gradually diminished, and the reading 'of the manometer repeated every five minutes gave the following numbers : — A SIMPLE EXPERIMENT IN CHEMICAL KINETICS. 45 ^■=-:^log . Diminution of Pressure of L ime. pressure. Oxygen left, â X A—x 0' 0.0 155.3 5' 5.0 150.3 10' 10.9 144.4 15' 16.6 138.7 20' 21.5 133.8 25' 2(^.5 128.8 30' 31.1 124.2 85' 36.3 119.0 40' 40.7 114.6 45' 44.9 110.4 50' 49.1 106.2 55' 53.0 101.8 60' 57.3 98.0 65' 61.3 94.0 70' 65.5 89.8 75' 69.7 85.6 80' 73.8 81.5 00 155.3 0.0 â '^^ A-x 0.00284 0.00316 0.00327 0.00324 0.00325 0.00324 0.00330 0.00330 0.00330 0.00330 0.00333 0.00333 0.00335 0.00340 0.00345 0.00350 A, the initial pressure due to oxygen, was not directly measured but cnlculated out in the following' manner :- — A = (760 m.ni.— 17. in. in.) 0.209 = 155.3 m.ni. Where 760 m.m. : I^>nronietric height, 17 ,, ,, : The vapor-tension of water, the teTn))erntnre of the surrounding water being 20.*'0 — 20.°1 during the experiment. 20.9 7o : the percentage of oxygen in air. As the volume of air remained constant, the active mass of oxygen at time & is proportional to A—x, so that the equation dx =^Ti{A — x) ought to be satisfied in this case. But ■ n did not -L 1 ^ diminish regularly as the time extended, and therefore —j- log —^ 46 K. IKEDA. is not constant as it should be, but grows gradually larger. This may be owing to the heating effect of oxidation, or to some other cause. For one thing the manometer being hastily extemporized did not allow of any exact reading. On the whole, the experiment was a hasty and rough one, and the result must not be regarded as final. Still the general agreement with the law of mass action is apparent. With a strong solution of mercuric iodide in potassium iodide solution, or some other heaving liquid properly coloured, as the manometric liquid, this arrangement may be employed in a lecture experiment to illustrate the simple principle of chemical kinetics. The second arrangement. A burette B of 100 c.c. capacity and 18 m.m. internal diameter was connected with a water reservoir C and surrounded with water as shown in Fig. 3. The phosphorus cylinder was introduced into the upper part of the burette ; and after adjusting the level of water in B and C, the volume of air in the former was accurately observed which gave, with proper correction, tlie initial volume ^0=93.5 c.c. The observation was repeated every five minutes, the pressure in 1> being always kept equal to that of the external atomos]:>here, so that the diminution of the volume x here denoted the amount of oxygen absorbed. The result is shown in the follow- inof table. Fig. 3. A SIMPLE EXPERIMENT IN CHEMICAL KINETICS. 47 Time. & 0' 5' 10; 15' 20' 25' 30' 35' 40' 45' 50' 55' 60' 65' 70' 75' 80' 85' 90' 95' 00 During- the experiment the temperature of the surrounding water did not vary more than three- tenths of a degree (20.°5— 20.°8) and as this affects only the second place of the decimals in the reading of volumes, no correction has been introduced for it. The temperature of the water current passed through the test-tube remained constant at 18.°5. The final volume of air or rather nitrogen was observed after the lapse of 48 hours and gave on proper correction 76.0 c.c. This subtracted from the initial volume gave ^ = 93.5 — 76.0 = 17.5 c.c. for the initial volume of oxygen. olume. V Diminution of volume. X Volume of oxygen left. A—x li=-rr\x+,l\-A) ^""^ A-x\ . 93.5 91.9 0.0 1.6 17.5 15.9 1.78 90.5 3.0 14.5 1.73 89.5 4.0 13.5 1.58 88.3 5.2 12.3 1.60 87.3 6.2 11.3 1.58 86.3 7.2 10.3 1.58 85.4 8.1 9.4 1.58 84.6 8.9 8.6 1.58 83.8 9.7 7.8 1.58 83.1 10.4 7.1 1.58 82.5 11.0 6.5 1.57 81.9 11.6 5.9 1.57 81.4 12.1 5.4 1.56 80.9 12.6 4.9 1.56 80.4 13.1 4.4 1.5S 80.0 13.5 4.0 1.57 79.6 13.9 3.6 1.58 79.3 14.2 3.3 1.57 79.0 14.5 3.0 1.56 76.0 17.5 0.0 48 K. IKEDA. A — x In this case the volume of air diminished gradually, and the chemical action at time â was proportional not to A —x, but to so that dx , A-~x , A—x K = k- dä V v^)—x or M& = ^^^f^dx = (l + ^^f^)dx A—x \ A—x / which on integration between o and x gives Here it is, of course, necessary to employ the natural logarithms. As the last column in the foregoing table shows, -Y\x + iVo—A)\og —^ [ is practically constant with the exception of the first two A — X J numbers. This deviation allows of several explanations and suggests various further experiments ; but speculations had better be omitted, especially since there is but the single experiment recorded above to go upon. Still it would be highly interesting to see what influence various diluents have on the velocity of the oxidation, especially as some gases are said to retard the action greatly. The Chemical Laboratory of the Higher Normal School, Tokyo. August, 1892. Imidosulphonates. by Edward Divers, M.D., F.R.S., Prof., and Tamemasa Haga, F.C.S., Asst. Prof. Imperial University. This paper is based upon an investigation of the s(^diiim imidosul- phonates and their derivatives, all hitherto unknown, but includes, besides, some new things about the ammonium and potassium salts. Several mixed tribasic salts are described in it, particularly those of lead, of silver, and of mercury, which show peculiarities in their constitution. It also contains the determination by experiment of the nature of sulphatammon (Rose), a compound of one molecule of sulphur trioxide with two of ammonia. Histonj.—noHe (1834-1840 ; !>/.(/., 32, 81; 47, 471 ; 49, 1S3), Jacquelain (1843: Ann. Cliim. Phys., [3] 8, 293), Fremy (1845; Ann. Chim. Phjis. [3] 15, 408), Woronin (1859; J. Buss. Ch. Soc. 3, 273), Claus and Koch (1869; Ann. Chem., 152, 336), Berglund (1875; /.. miiv. Arsk, 12 and 13; null. Soc. Ch., 25, 455; 29, 422; Ber. Ch. Ges., 9, 252 and 1896), Rascln'g (1887 ; Ami. Chem., 241, 161), and Mente (1888; Ann. Chem., 248, 232) are the chemists who have worked upon the inorganic salts now known as imidosulphonates.* The constitution of these s.alts luis been established mainly through in- vestigations by Rose, Jacquelain, and Berglund. * Woronin's paper we only know from abstracts in the Jahreshericht and Watts's Dictionary. Berglund's memoir in the TAind:^ iiniirrsitäts Ar>i]irift we have also not seen. 50 DIVERS AXD HA^A. Rose disccwered in 1884 that the compounds of sulphur trioxide with ammonia, his sulj)]iafammon and jxircLsidphatamiuoit, give, when freshly dissolved in water, the reactions of a sulphate very incom- pletely or not at all, and do not yield up all their nitrogen as ammonia to chloroplatinic acid and other reagents. Jacquelain discovered the then unlikely fact that the stable com- pound of sulphur trioxide and ammonia, liis sulphamide, is derived from two molecules of the oxide and three of ammonia. Berglund determined the constitution of this stable compound to be imidosulphonic, by ascertaining that it behaves ns an ordinary ammonium salt only to the extent of two-thirds of its nitrogen. To Fremy is owing the discovery that hydrolysis of the main product of the action of a nitrite upon a sulphite yields a salt, his s'ldphaDiidate, now known to be an imidosulphonate ; and that this salt exhibits the reactions of neither nitrite nor sulphite and can be so far hydrolysed as to yield ammonia. He and, after him, Claus and Koch having attributed to this salt a composition which allowed of its being written down as an addition- compound of ammonia, lierglund proved them to have erred by himself establishing the identity of P^remy's ])otassium sulphamidate, Claus's disulplunnmonati', witli potassium imidosulphonate prepared from ammonium imidosulphonate coming from chlorosulphonic acid and ammonia. Mendeléelî" (al)s. in Ber. Cli. Ges., 3, «S72) had just before suggested such a constitution as ])ossibly belonging to Fremy's sulphami dates. In his Vrinc'qdcs of CJiciiiislnj, (18i)l), however, apparently unaware of Berglund's results, he treats parasulphatam- mon as being ammonium amidosulphonate. More recently, Raschig showed that the properties of Fremy's salts are inconsistent with Chius's views as to their being quinquevalent nitrogen compounds. Claus recognised the sulphonic constitution of these salts, while IMIDOSULPHOXATES. 5 J Berglund's discovery that they issue from the interaction both of sulphur trioxide and ammonia, and of sulphiu- dioxide and a nitrite, supplied a beautiful, if not needed, confirmation of Claus's theory. Although, as we shall demonstrate. Rose, Jacquelain, Fremy, and Woronin had all prepared imidosulphonates with three equivalents of base, as well as witli two, to one of nitrogen, yet no clear conception of these compounds as salts of a nioi'e than bibasic acid had been formed l)efore they were examined by Ikrglund and shown by him to be derivatives of a tribasic acid, one in ^^hich the aminic, as well as the sulphonic, hydroo-en is basic. He prepared for the first time tripotassium and some other trimetal salts. It will be seen that the existence of imidosulphonates with three equivalents of base, first made evident by Berglund, constitutes a misnomer the term imidosulplionate, which he liimself introduced, since' in these salts the third hydrogen of ammonia is gone. But no simple way out of the difficulty presents itself, and we adopt it, there- fore, as Raschig and Mente have done before us. Imiilosulphonic Acid. Iraidosulphonic acid, IiN(S03H)2, has been obtained only in solution. It was first prepared by Jacquelain. We have followed his process, which consists in treating the lead salt in water with hydrogen sulphide, and made it our special care to have the lead salt as free as possible from sodium. The lead salt was decomposed by the hydro- gen sulphide with a very sensible elevation of temperature, and this strengthened our expectation that the acid must hydrolyse almost as fast as it forms. But such is not tlie case, and i-apid filtration over the pump gave a concentrated solution containing very little sulphuric acid, and therefore very little amidosulphonic acid. The imidosulphonic acid was fully identified by its giving an 52 DIVERS AND HAGA. abundant precipitate with excess of baryta water, freely soluble in nitric acid, exclusive of a little sulphate ; and particularly by its yield- ing a crystalline precipitate, also aljundant, with potassium acetate. 'Tacquelain converted his ])reparation into the very soluble dibarium salt l)v just neutralising- the acid with the Ijaryta, knowing, however, that excess would give him the insoluble salt. Un leaving the solution of the acid in a vacuum-desiccator it was found by us to have almost wholly hydrolysed into amidosulphonic acid in eighteen hours or less. Fremy attempted to prepare the acid by adding hydrofiuosilicic acid to j)otassium imidosulphonate and found it to decompose almost immediately. He made out the products of its decomposition to be sulphuric acid, sulphurous acid, and ammonia, but in this he must have erred. J^erglund prepared the acid as Jacquelain had done, and found it very unstable. We find that dry dijjotassium imid(jsulphonate may be mixed with dry potassium hydrogen sulphate, and fused with it without being affected. At temperatures high enough, 420°-450°, the imidosulphonate suffers the decompijsition proper to it when alone. To obser^'e the inactivity of the salts ordinary moist air has to be excluded, and we therefore \\()rked in a Sprengel-pump vacuum. From the fused mixtui-e of the two salts, cooled and powdered, alcc^hol dissohes out only a very little sulphuric acid ; ether does the same. Dipotassium iniidosul])honate, in dry, tine powder, mixed with two mc^lecular proportions of sulphuric acid, sp. gr. 1.84, forms a thin jiaste, which kept in a dry atmosphere S(jon scjiidities to a hard, somewhat translucent mass. Powdered and exposed to air, this mass does not deliquesce. Left foi* days in dry air it experiences no evident change. On dissolving such a preparation in water, to which a little potassium hydroxide has been added to guard against much hydro- lysis ol" any component, it yields much imidosulphonate unchanged, IMIDOSULPHONATES. 53 together with aniidosulphonate, hut no aiiiiiinni;!. The amidosul- phonate would do doubt be ub.seiit but lor water taken up from the air during mixing, from tlie sulphuric acid itself, and lastly, to some degree, during dissolution in the Avater in s])ite of the alkali present. When heated, tlie mass very readily fuses and gives off sulphuric acid and sulphur dioxide. Jac(|uelain observed similar behaviour with sulphuric acid, hot and cold, in diammonium imidosulphonate. The little action of concentrated sulphuric and nitric acids was noticed by Fremy, and by Claus and Koch. Evidence, therefore, has not been obtained of any action of sulphuric acid upon a, dry imido- sulphonate such as would be expressed by the equation. — H]S[(803K)2 + 2S0 A= HN(803H),+ 280,HK. Aiiiinoniiuii iviidosiilpJio'tKites. jyiaiinuoNiuin mridosulplionate. — Diammonium imidosulphonate, HN(603Am)., can be ]>i-epared from ammonia and sulphur trioxide (Rose, Jacquelain, Woronin), or chlorosulphonic acid (Berglund, Mente), or sulphuryl chloride or pyrosulphuryl chloride (Mente). It is obtained when nitrous gas is passed into an ice-cold solution of ammonium sulphite, and the product hydrolysed (Fremy). Along with ammonia, it is the product of heating ammonium amidosul- phonate to 160° (Berghuid). The decom])osition of l)arium imid«Jsulphonate by a soluti(jn of anmionium sulphate can only be very imperfectly accomplished, but by treating it .tirst with dilute sulphuric acid barely sufficient to convert it into the soluble barium hydrogen imidosulphonate and then adding annnonium sul])hate until no barium remains in solution, diammonium imidosulj)honate can be ])repared satisfactorily, except f(jr the incumbi-ance of the bidky barium imidosulphonate and sulphate. Another procedure which can be followed is to decompose either of the 54 DIVERS AXD HAGA. hydroxy-lead imidosulphonates with a solution of ammonium car- bonate. Triargentum imidosulphonate (p. 93) stirred with a solution of its equivalent of ammonium bromide has-been our source of the diammonium salt. Triammonium salt is thus produced, and the solution decanted from the silver bromide needs to be evaporated on a water bath until amuKjnia almost ceases to escape, and then to be filtered from a little silver bromide. To crystallise the salt the solution generally requires further evapcjration and, in (^rder to guard against hydrolysis into amidosulphonate during the operation, is kept alkahne by occasionally adding a droj) of strong ammonia-water. Diammonium imidosulphonate- forms monosymmetric prisms, isojuorplious with the potassium salt (Mlinzing and Raschig). In its general reactions it is like the sodium and p(jtassium salts. It reddens blue litmus, even while still quite free from sulphuric acid (Jacquelain). The effect of heating it was tried by Rose, and is described in the first of his papers upon the sulphatammons. iVccc^rding to him the products differ little from those coming from heating ammonium sulphate, except in the absence among them of water. Anmionia and sulphur dioxide are evolved, first the former, then ])rincipa]ly the latter. Acid ammonium sulphate makes the residue, at not too high a temperature. In the retort-neck ammonium sulphite and sulphate are formed; in the receiver the former salt <3nly. He also got a little of the yellow compound of the same gases. When the salt is heated in ammonia gas, he found that but little sulphate is obtained. This account of Rose's <3f the effect of heating diammonium imidosulphonate is essentially incomplete, but is true to the extent thîit anmionia first, and then sulphur dioxide are evolved, that these two partly condense as a sublimate, and that acid-sulphate is formed. Heating in a, roomy retort, and thus permitting the action of moist IMTDOSULPHOXATES. 56 air, fîivoni's the chang-e here described, and brings it still nearer to that caused l^y heat in ammonium sulphate. Jacquelain found it fusible without decomposition and capable of being kept in fusion without change in a current of dry ammonia, and that, a little above its melting point, it decomposes into ammonia, ammonium sulphite which sublimes, and ammonium acid-sulphate as a residue. We have found matters otherwise. Diammonium imidosul- phonate, heated in a vacuum, suffers no change (except that it yields a very minute liquid sublimate at 190°) until very near to 357°, when it melts and also effervesces or boils. Most of tlie vapours condense as unchanged imidosulphonate just above the heated part of the tube, but ammonia of very low tension is given off. At last, inconsiderable sublimates, white and yellow, appear some distance up the tube, con- sisting of compounds of ammonia with sul})hur dioxide, and then with the formation of these, minute quantities of nitrogen escape. Stopping the operation in an hour or two, when the evolution of gas is hardly noticeable, the residue is found to be unchanged imidosul- phonate, mixed with a little acid-sulphate. When the salt is subjected to a stronger heat, so as to be kept in violent ebullition, most of the unchanged salt condenses and flows back, and but little of it is got as a sublimate. On the other hand, the sulphite-Jimmonia sublimates are more considerable, though still not abundant, and nitrogen is now given off more freely, l)ut also, as well as free ammonia, still in small quantities, even though the heating be maintained for a long time. In one experiment, after about an hour's violent ebullition, the residue was found, by dissolving it in sodium-liydroxide volumetric solution in a closed vessel and titrating with acid, to contain about one-fifth of its weight of ammonium pyrosulphate. From what precedes it is evident that diammonium imidosulphonate is a comparatively stable body. 56 DIVERS AND HAGA. boiling :ind condensing unchanged for the most part. A^ery slowly, however, even when more strongly cheated, it decomposes into nitro- gen, ammonia, water, sulphur dioxide, and sulphur trioxide, thus : — 6HN(S()3Am)â='2N2+14NH3+60H„-|-6S02+6S03, these ])roducts then ]mrtly condensing and yielding finally — '2N2+ 2NH,+ SSaOsAmoH- HOCSOsAm),. The little ammonia first given off without niti-ogen is no doul)t attriljutable to the action of moisture in the somewhat deliquescent salt. This water would cause the hydrolysis of its molecular equivalent of the salt into amidosulphonate and acid-sulphate, and then, by further heating, int(j pyrosulphate and ainmoni;i : — HNlSOBÂm),-!- H2O = HsNSOsAm-t- HOSOsAm = H3N + OiSO^Am)., Experiments, as yet unpublished, by one of us h.ave fully estab- lished the existence of the undescribed salt, 0(lS():5Am)o. aimnonium pyrosulphate. Trianimoniwii imidosulithouaU' Ciifdrated). — This salt, hitherto un- described, is formed by the union of ammonia with diammonium imidosulphonate in the presence of water. The ammonia must l)e in excess as else the salt is |)artly decomposed by \Nater. Tlie most con- centrated ammonia-water ] )reci pitates it from a saturated solution of the diammonium salt ; also^from a concentrated solution of the diso- dium salt, but then it is mixed with sodium ammonium salt (p. 75) Ammonia-gas acts similarly and much more effectively. Thus ob- tained, it forms a crystallinej)owder, l)ut it «'an be got in large crystals by dissolving it, or the diammonium salt, to saturation in moderately stronn- ammonia-water, in a closed vessel bv the aid of heat, and settinj2r the solution aside to cool. It is also üot, and in the laro-est crystals, by evaporating its anunoniacal solution in a desiccator, IMIDÜSULPHONATES. 57 over solid potassium hydroxide and in a stroiig-ly ammoniacal atmosphere. The crystals resemble those of the tripotassium salt and are, therefore, asymmetric. They are clear and lustrous, but gradually eliloresce ("mostly through loss of ammonia) and become opaque and damp. The saJt when dry smells mildly of ammonia, and its crystals in a dry ammoniacal atmosphere over solid potasssium hydroxide very slowly become anhydrous and opacpie throughout, while retaining much of their lustre and hardness. Heated,. the salt becomes, mainly, the diammonium salt, but to some extent it melts, loses both ammonia and water, and hydrolyses into sulphate. Dissolved in water it decomposes, but very incompletely, into the diammonium salt and ;inim(niia, and the solution evaporated in the open air yields crystals of only the diammonium s'ait. Hence, when eithei- the trisodium or the tripotassium salt is mixed with ammonium chloride, much ammonia is liberated. It was analysed sufficiently by heating it to 160° very gradually, in a current of dried air, in order to determine the water and third atom of ammoni;i. The sulphur was also estimated, and the salt Avas thus proved to liave a composition analogous to that of the potassium salt, namely, AmN(S03Am).2, OH.,. AVhen analysed the crystals were damp but transj^arent, after rapid pressure in filter paper and weighing. Calc. Found. Sulphur 26-0 1^5*4 Loss at 160° 14-2 16-9 A nhi/droiis triam.iiioniuni, imidosulphonate. Sulphatanimon. — An- hydrous triammonium imidosulphonate is, as we shall show, Rose's sulphatammon. Rose found that dry ammonia conducted into a flask 58 DIVERS AND HAGA. Jiiied with .sulphur trioxide coiiibines with the trioxide yieldino- two products, one a hard vitreou« iiiatter replacing the lining of sulphur trioxide, the other a loose flocculent deposit. Jacquelain got the saine flocculent body when he mixed vapour ol" sulphur trioxide with dry ammonia in excess. Rose found that both the flocculent and vitreous matters when dissolved in watei" and evap(jrated vielded crNsta.ls of the same substance, but that the vitreous matter was often acid through, as he considered, imperfect action of the ammonia. The crystals from solution he called jiarasulphataimiiuH : they are ikjw known to be diam- monium imidosulphonate, and from what we ourselves have seen of sublimed ammonium imidosulphonate, we have very little doubt of the vitreous matter being the same salt, and of its occasional acid reaction being due to its hydrolysis. The crystals are therefore formed from three volumes of amnKjnia and twf) of sulphiu" trioxide. but Rose made them out to have the same composition as the undissolved flocculent mattei', and to be formed therefore from two volumes oi ammonia and one of sulphur trioxide. He recognised, however, such differences in their properties that he held them to be distinct bodies, and called the flocculent matter siilphakumiiuH. Jacquehiin {»repared parasulphatam- mon from the flocculent matter by two metliods. 1)oth without the use (jf watei'. He found this matter to be variable in ccjmposition, and (jnc of his methods of getting crystalline j)ure parasulphatammon from it. was to fuse it in a current of ammonia, let it solidify, and then sto[> the further entrance of ammonia before it cooled. His other method was to expose the flocculent matter, tirst, over sulphuric acid in a vacuum till it ceased to lose weight, and then to a moderate heat, which caused a further loss. Having in a most careful manner proved the strange erroneous- ness of Rose's analysis of parasulphatammon, Jacquelain himself made a, n(j less strange misconstruction of the facts he had correctlv observed. IWIDOSULPHONATES. 59 He \vc\à found that paras ulphatammon, as it cooled after ])eing' prepar- ed by heat, took uj) ammonia if in contact with it, and tliat the flocculent matter, named sulphatammon by Rose, would lose from six to nine percent, of its weight, in a vacuum over sulphuric acid, leaving a residue giving up more ammonia Avhen heated to 100,° and then consisting of parasiilphatammon, as already mentioned. But he treat- ed these phenomena as a case of the physical abs()r])tion of gases by porous solids, and likened the ammonia lost or taken up to hygroscopic moisture. Yet a compound of two molecules of sulphur trioxide with four of ammonia has to lose as ammonia only .seven and a half per cent, of its weight in order to become a compound of two molecules of sulphur trioxide with three of ammonia. As for the high loss of nine per cent, recorded, that if correctly observed may have been due to loss of moisture, for, as Rose found, sulphatammon is markedly hygroscopic and loses the moisture again at 100.° Sixteen years later, Woronin first established the accuracy of Eose's analysis of tlie flocculent matter, sulphatammon, and then showed that this and parasulphatamnK^i were different salts of the same acid. Another sixteen years later, Berglund claimed for sul- phatammon that it nuist be triammonium imidosulphonate, since pnrasulphatanimon had pnn'ed to be diammonium imidosulphonate. But then, opposed to this conception of its nature tliere were the facts, first, that Hose had made no admission of its evolving ammonia when dissolved in water and evaporated so as to yield parasulphatammon; secondly, that llaschig much more recently had dissolved an old s])eci- men of parasulphatammon in anuiionia -water and on evapoi-ation oN-er sulphuric acid got only ])arasulpliatanunon again ; and, lastly, known \n ourselves at least, that trisodiinu, or tripotassium, or triargentum imidosulphonate when decom])osed by ammonium-chloride solution sets free much ammonia. It seemed to us. therefore, at first to be as 60 DIVERS AND HAGA. evident as it was probable that imidosiil phonic acid c<:)uld not fix a third ntoni of ammonia along with its imidic hydrogen, and that Berglund's view might not be right. Experiment has, however, established th;it sulphatammon is, as Berglund considered it, the triammonium salt. Crystals of the diammonium salt were coarsely ground (they are somewhat hy- groscopic, as just stated, and slip under the pestle, and so are not readily ground fine). Of this powder a quantity, equal to 2*29 grammes if dried at 100°, wns exposed to a current of carefully dried ammonia, of which it absorbed in two hours 5f per cent., and in two hours more an .additional quantity amounting altogether to 6^ ])er cent., the temperature being 20.° The calculated quantity to ])e absorbed is 8 per cent., but considering the coarseness of the particles and the temperature, the result obtained is sufiicient. The absorption of the ammonia was attended with a very considerable change in tlie volume of the solid, and gave it the form of n loose, non-coherent, amorphous powder. Tts odour was only mildly ammoniacal, and it was easily preserved without care in a liottle. Dissolved in water it became strongly ammoniacal, :ind the solution gave a copious ])re- cipitate with barium chloride and otherwise behaved as a solution of the crystalline, hydrated salt, which salt indeed it yielded wlien treated with ammonia gas. Evaporation <^f the solution gave crystals of the dinmmonium snlt, which is just what Woronin observed in the behaviour of sulphatammon which thus became parasul- ])hatammon. Exposing it in a desiccator over sidphuric acid for three days at a temperature of or about 20,° we found it to lose only about a half per cent, of its weight so that prob.ably the ])ure dry salt loses am- monia only in a damp atmosphere, ahhough indeed Jacquelain has found sulphatammon (probably damp) sometimes give up much am- IMTDOSULPHONATES. 6 J. moiiia in vacuo over sulphuric acid. Having observed the loss of ammonifi to l)e so slight at common temperatures, we heated the same portion in a current of well-dried air for If hours at a temperature of 100-120,° and then found the issuing air t(^ be still carrying ammonia The salt cooled and reweighed had now lost only 5*4 per cent, in weight by this heating and gave with water a solution which by tests showed very fully the presence of some triammonium salt still. From what ])recedes it is evident that triammonium imidosul- phonate is comparatively stable in the anhydrous state, and that Rose's sulphatammon is this salt. Coming, as hei'e described, from another imidosulphonate without hydrolysis, it cannot be ammonium amido- sulphonate, as it is commonly assumed to be : (as in Mendeléeff' s Principles of Cliemistri/, and Ramsay's System of Itumianic Chemistrif). Further, its conversion by heat into parasulphatammon and ammonia affords no proof that it is ammonium amidosulphonate, for this salt would only change tlius at temperatures above 160.° A salt which is certainly ammonium amidosulphonate can be ])repared by processes which include the hydrolysis of an imidosulphonate, and this is quite a, different body. According to Berglund, it crystallises in large plates, and only at 160° is converted into imidosulphonate and ammonia. It is not readily decomposed by water, is neutr;il in reaction, and does not precipitate barium salts, tacts verified for us by our ]jupil, Mr. Y. Osaka. Imidosulphonainide. — Mente has found that i midosulphonamide, H jSr(S 00X112)2, ii^ ])roduced by the action oi' ammonia upon pyrosul- phuryl chloride. Diammonium imidosulphonate, when heated to its subliming ])oint, may possibly yield it, but as at common temperatures it reacts at once with watei" to form diammonium imidosulphonate, its presence can not be tested for. Q2 DIVERS AND HAGA. Potassium imidosulp horiates. THpotasskim imidosîilpho7iate. — This yjilt was obtained by Fremy by tlie hydrolysis of potassium nitri]osul})honate, and this by the action of sulphite upon nitrite. Claus and Raschig have both ])ub- lished accounts of the preparation of the salt in this way. it has also been obtained by double decomposition between diammonium imidosulphonate and a potassium salt (Fremy, Bergiund): also from the dia,mmomum s;ilt by Woronin, by converting this first into Jacquelain's barium salt and then decomposing that with potassium sulphate. Imidosulphonates are derived fr<^m nitrilosul])honates by hy- drolysis readily enough, but as the two potassimn salts are but sparingly soluble in water, and the imide salt almost as i-en.dily passes into the amide salt l)y further hydrolysis, the pre))aration of dipotas- siiun imidosulphonate as hitherto carried out has ] »roved of uncertain productiveness. On the other hand, the conversion of sodium nitrilo- sulphonate into disodium imidosulphonate can he very easily ;ind exactly effected, and, since the disodium imidosulphonate is very soluble, the insoluble ])otassium salt can be prepared from it by double decomposition and ])recipitation withc^ut any trouble. Tlius ])re]>ared it is also verv pure ;ind, consequently, sttible. It can also be i-ecovered from mercuric dipotassium imidosulphonate by the action of nitric acid (p. 96) Dipotassium imidosulphonate results also from the action of heat upon ])otassium amidosulphhon;ite (his trisulphammonate and disulphydroxyazate) when they \Nere heated in the air, but wrongly ascribed tliis increase to oxidation. Oxidation it could not be, for this would (jnly give rise to volatile products, such as water, or oxide of nitrogen, or nitrogen itself, and not increase the weight of tlie fixed matter. We have, be- sides, fuUv j)roved by experiment that at the temperature, or at a highei- one than that even, at which any imidosulphonate increases in weight in ordinarv air, that salt remains for hours unchanged in w^eight and appearance in a current of dried air, and yet is ready, when exposed at the same temjjerature to undried air, to begin increasing in weight. By the hydrolysis in ordinary air an imidosulphonate loses crystalline lustre, cakes together, and becomes acid. Salts, such as the disodium imidosulphonate, which contain water of crystallisation, i-equire slow drying at a gentlv rising temperature t(3 prevent hydrolysis, and even then are difficult to dehydrate, Di])otassium imidosulphonate, the crystals of wliich are anhydrous, is particularly stable and may be heated for hours to 140° or higher in undried air, without the least sensible change. But at 170-180° it slowly fixes water and hydrolyses. As the tripotassium imidosulphonate is mucli more soluble than the dipotassium salt the latter dissolves readily in potassium hydrox- ide scjliition, from which it can be precipitated by carbonic acid (llaschig). Other and new reactions of the dipotassium salt, observed IMIDOSULPHONATES. 65 by us, are so similar to those we record of the sodium salt, as to make it profitless to give ])articulars of them. Tripotassiuiii imidosidpliofitik'. — Tripotassium imidosulphonate was prepared by Berglund, and again by Haschig, by dissolving the dipotassium salt in solution of potassium hydroxide, evaporating, and crystallising. Sodium imidosidp honates. Disodiiim iiiiidosidplwnate. — The preparation of this salt depends upon the same changes as those which give the potassium salt by Fremy's method, but the details of working differ materially. Sodium nitrite, as nearly pure as possible, and sodium carbonate in crystals, in the proportion of two molecules of nitrite to three molecules (six equivalents) of carbonate are, with twice their weight or more of water, treated freely with sulphur dioxide in a capacious flask, better fitted with cork and gas tubes. After the carbonate crystals have dissolved, and acid-carbonate has been precipitated and redissolved with con- tinuous effervescence, the liquor, still quite alkaline to litmus, begins to grow warm when more sulphur dioxide enters it. To prevent any considerable rise of temperature, which might cause premature hydrolysis and spoil the operation, the flask is, from this point, kept in motion in cold water, and the stream of sulphur dioxide somewhat lessened and held under watchful control. Neutralisa- tion of the alkaline liquor by the sulphur dioxide entering it is markedly retarded by the action of the nitrite, in the presence of which neutral sulphite cannot continue to exist. When, at length, neutrality to lacmoïd paper is almost reached, the flask is actively agitated without intermission, and the flow of gas first made quite Ö6 DIVERS AXD HAGA. slow and then at once stopped when the pajjer i« just permanently reddened. The hquor at this stage contains, besides a very httle sulphate, nothing but the two salts, nitrilosulphonate and metasulphite, which, omitting notice of intermediate stages, have been derived as follows : — 2NaNOo+3Na2C03 + 8S02=2N(S03Na)3 + Na2SA+3C02 The apparently redundant metasulphite is necessary in order to get the nitrite converted wholly into nitrile salt. Its presence is almost equally essential for the preservation from destruction of the imidosul- phonate about to be formed. When full neutrality is reached, or perhaps just passed — it is impossible to say — the liquor after standing a few minutes suddenly becomes strongly acid and warm, and evolves much sulphur dioxide. Hydrolysis has occurred, but thanks to the metasulphite present, only through one stage, and the liquor now holds only imidosulphonate, sulphate, and sulphur dioxide — 2N(S03Na)3+ Na^S A + OH2 = 2HN(S03Na)2+ 2Na2S04+ 2SO2. Sulphurous acid appears to have no immediate hydrolysing action upon the imidosulphonate, but as it oxidises to sulphuric acid it must be removed. A ra])id current of air is, therefore, sent through the liquor for half an hour or so, after which the addition of a very little sodium carbonate suffices to render it slightly alkaline and quite stable. It is evaporated, so far as may be necessary, on the water-bath and then cooled down to 0° or a little below, whereby in the course of some hours most of the sulphate is made to crystallise out. A second evaporation and cooling is generally needed to separate still more sulphate, after which renewed evaporation and ordinary cooling brings about the separation in well-formed crystals of much of the disodium IMIÜOSULPHONATES. 67 imidosiilphonate. The mother- liquor can be furtlier worked f(3r sul- phate and imidosiilphonate, if worth the trouble. The reaction proves to be almost quantitative, for the salt obtained in crystals is 80 per cent., while there is considerable loss of salt in the mother-liquors adhering to the very voluminous masses of sodium sulphate. The crude salt can be purified by recrystallisino- from warm water rendered slightly alkaline as a precaution against hydrolysis. Instead of sodium carbonate the equivalent quantity of normal sulphite, or of metasulphite. pure and therefore freshly prepared, may be used along with the additional sulphur dioxide indicated by the equation already given. The mixture of nitrite and metasulphite be- comes at once alkaline and rapidly heats up, so as to need cooling, in accordance with what has been stated. Thh mode of procedure is certainly less simple and less practicable than that described. It may also be mentioned that a sufficient excess of metasulphite will of itself convert all nitrite to nitrile salt, but as then addition of another acid is required to eifect liydrolysis into imidosulphonate the liquor obtain- ed is unsuited to give a good yield of imidosulphonate crystals. It is not unfrequeritly convenient to ])re])are disodium imidosul- phonate from the trisodium salt. The latter salt can be preserved without need of taking any precautions, which is not the case with the disodium salt. Again, where the direct process for preparing sodium imidosulphonate has been carried out with impure salts, or with imperfect observance of the proportions to be used, and of other details, it may not be so easy to crystallise out the disodium salt, and here the very ready separation and purification of the trisodium salt becomes advantageous. From the trisodium salt the disodium imidosulphonate is prepared by treating the crystals with sulphuric acid slightly diluted until neutrality to litmus is reached. The solu- 68 DIVERS AND HA<-iA. tion with any crystalline precipitate (sulphate) is kept for some hours at or about 0° and the mother-liquor decanted, while still at that temperature, from the sodium sulphate. Evaporation, as already described, then yields the disodium salt in good crystals, pure or almost so. Disodium imidosulphonate crystallises readily in large rhombic prisms. It is very soluble in water, slightly acid in reaction, and devoid of sulphurous taste. Its crystals, which contain water, do not effloresce, even in dry seasons, so that crystals of sodium sulphate among them may be easily recognised. In air kept dry by sulphuric acid, they slowly become opaque, but retain their shape, along with much of their lustre and hardness ; while the rate of loss, even when they have been crushed, is so slow as to make a water estimation in this way almost impracticable. They can generally be kept for many weeks in bottles, and apparently for any time in a sufficiently dry atmosphere, but are liable to undergo hydrolysis into an acid mixture of sulphate and amidosulphonate. The solution of the salt is also unstable, but it may be heated for a short time to a moderate degree and yet escape change. The crystals can hardly be heated to 100" without some decomposition. The decomposition of disodium imidosulphonate that almost unavoidably attends the process of removing the water of crystallisa- tion, also complicates observation of the effects of a high temperature upon it. For, having been to some extent converted by this water into sulphate and amidosulphonate, it gives at first when heated only ammonia, which comes from the reconversion of the amidosulphonnte into imidosulphonate. But at a higher temperature, this is followed by products the same as in the case of the dipotassium salt, namely, nitrogen with more than double its volume of sulplnir dioxide, small brown and white sublimates, and sodium sulphate. The sodium salt IMIDOSULPHONATES. 69 n.ppears to be much more fusible thun the potassium salt, bat then in the state examiued the latter was practically pare while the former was mixed with the products of its hydrolysis, which must have affected its fusibility. Disodium imidosulphonate in aqueous solution gives, like the much less soluble dipotassium salt (Berglund), no precipitates with many of the usual metal salts. But it gives when in moderately con- centrated solution a precipitate of dipotasssium imidosulphonate with solutions of potassium salts ; of trisodium imidosulphonate with sodium hydroxide; and of a barium sodium imidosulphonate with barium hydroxide. Concentrated ammonia-solution also gives abun- dant precipitation. The precipitate, when the disodium imidosulphonate is unmixed with other salts, is a sodium ammonium salt (p. 75). But when a httle sodium nitrate, chloride, or other sodium salt is added before the ammonia, the latter, in concentrated solution, pre- cipitates pure trisodium imidosulphonate. The two forms of pre- cipitation are expressed by the respective equations : — 5HN(S03Na)2 + 5NH, - 2NagAmN2(S03)4 + AmNCSOgAm)^ : HN(S03Na)2 4- NHg -f-NaNO^ - NaNCSOsNa), + AmNOg. The precipitation by ammonia is in both cases greatly increased by excess of the reagent, and with the disodium imidosulphonate added in powder to strong ammonia-water, much of the triammonium salt also precipitates. Hydroxy-lead acetates, it was known, give copious precipitates. Normal lead acetate also gives scanty precipitation of a lead imidosul- phonate, even when the acetate is truly normal as described, and the di- sodium salt in solution faintly acid to litmus (pp. 86, 88). Lead nitrate occasions no true precipitation, but, unlike the acetate, it rapidly effects hydrolysis and consequent precipitation of a little lead sulphate. 70 DIVERS AND HAU A. Both iiiercury nitrates ure also precipitating agents, acting l\ere as they do when added in excess to a solution of trisodinm imidosul- phonate (p. 101). Mercuric oxide, especially the precipitated form, reacts with it to give mercuric disodium imidosulphonate (p. 102). Warmed with a moderately concentrated solution of the salt, the mercuric oxide dissolves and, on cooling and standing, the solution deposits crystals of the double salt. Silver hydroxide is rapidly converted by solution of disodium imidosulphonate into the sparingly soluble argentum disodium salt (p. 95) Cupric hydroxide is without action. Evaporated on the water-bath with S(idium carbonate, or even with acetate, disodiutn imidosulphonate is partly converted into triso- dium imidosulphonate, while carbon dioxide or acetic acid escapes. In the case of using acetate, therefore, there is presented the striking phenomenon of a strongly acid vapour rising from ;i well-marked alkaline liquor. In analysing the salt, we hydrolysed it by heating it with hydro- chloric acid to 150° in sealed tabes for some hours, here following Raschig in his annlysis of the potassium salts. The composition of the salt is expressed by the fornuila — HN(S03N"a)o, (OHs)., the results of analysis being — Sodium Sulphur Nitrogen Trisodium imidünalphoriate.— Thin salt is prepared from the di- sodium salt by adding sodium hydroxide to its strong solution. It is unnecessary to have the disodium salt pure and in crystals. After following the process for getting this salt so far as to separate one good crop of crystals of sodium sulphate, the liquor is diluted with Calc. Found. 17-90 17-77 17-7(5 24-90 — 24-88 24-78 5-45 5-40 — IMID0SULPH0XATE8. 71 twice its volume, or more, of water, treated with sodium hydroxide solution till it tastes slightly caustic, and then cooled in an ice-l)ox. Tlie trisodium salt begins to separate almost at once after the addition oi the sodium hydroxide, but the water previously added retards the separation and enables the crystals to grow in the cooled liquor suffi- ciently Jarge to be afterwards l)etter freed from their mother-liquor, Strained out, and pressed in calico, the salt becomes almost pure, ;ind can be rendered fully so by recrystallisation. Trisodium imidosulphonate is a very stable and easily prepared salt. It forms thin, overlapping, hexagonal plates, which may grow to considerable size,:. but are .seldom if ever to be seen single and per- fect, or with much thickness. The crystals readily effloresce in dry air, iuid have a mildly alkaline taste. The salt is sparingly soluble in very cold water and very soluble in hot water, taking for dissolution at 27^-° about 5'4 parts of water. Its solution readily shows super- saturation. It is alkaline to litmus, and even to phenol-phthaleln, but exercises no action whatever on iodine-solution, and is |)recipitated from its aqueous solution by alcohol without decomposition. It can be repeatedly recrystallised without any loss of alkali. Aqueous solu- tions are quite stable even when continuously boiled. The crystals melt when gently heated, and their water may be ra])idly boiled off without causing any decomposition of the salt. In a vjicuum over sulphuric acid they lose only eleven molecules of the twelve they contain. The salt loses more water when heated, but even at 160° it retains some, ])Ossibly through hydrolysis, so that heated until decom- position begins, it yields always a very little water and ammonia (gas and sublimate). Heated in a vacuum, liowever, it yields even still less, so that atmospheric moisture seems to be active in hydrolysing it when heated in air. riie pi'esence of hydrogen in the dried salt might have particular ^^ DIVEES AND HAUA. significance, since Fremy und, after him. Clans have represented the dipotassium salt to contain three atoms of hydrogen instead of the one given by the imide constitution and displaced by metal in the normal salts. But careful combustion of some grammes of the dried salt with copper oxide gave us in one case only 0*22 per cent., and in another only 0*24 per cent, of water, calculated from the hydrated crystals, and such a percentage corresponds to only about one-ninth of an atom, instead of the extra two, of hydrogen required l)y the sulphammonate constitution given by Claus. When dried trisodium imidosulphonate is heated somewhat strongly in an open tube it yields, with fusion and effervescence, nitrogen and some sulphur dioxide, and sulphur whicli sublimes. The saline mass becomes also very dark-coloured from the presence in it of sulphur, and gradually solidifies, until at a commencing red -heat it forms a semi-fused hepar sulphiiris. By heating in a vacuum, proof is obtained that the sulphur dioxide comes only from the action of the air upon the sulphur. From 350° to 440,° gas of only very low tension is given off, along with sulphur vapour forming a sub- limate of drops. Just below the softening point of good soft lime- glass, the salt fuses and efi'ervesces. The gas consists entirely of nitrogen. Some of tlie sulphur remains in the fused mass, partly free, partly as thiosulphate. A trace of the ammonia compound with sulphur dioxide forms a sublimate. Apart from this the reaction is expressed by the equation- — 2NaN(S03Na)2=N2-|- Ö -1- 8 SOiNag Acids readily dissolve trisodium imidosulphonate, yielding neutral solutions of the disodium salt when the quantity of acid is equivalent to one-third of the sodium. Remarkable is the action of concentrated sulphuric acid which, being not in excess, dissolves the crystals with marked fall of temperature, although when in quantity more than IMIDOSULPHONATES. 73 enonsrh to form the disodiniii salt, its iidditioii causes heating'. From tlie neutralised solution sulphate and disodium imidosiilphonate can be crystallised out. Carbon dioxide also decomposes the trisodium salt in water, sodium acid-carbonate being precipitated, if the water present is not too great. Concentrated ammonia-water precipitates the trisodium salt free from ammonia, and with its usual water of crystallisation. Ammonium salts suffer double decomposition with the trisodium salt, ammonia then becoming free by the decomposing action of water upon some of the triammonium salt. When concentrated solu- tions of the trisodium salt and of a potassium salt, such as the nitrate, are mixed, nothing is observable, but on neutralising with an acid, there is precipitated the dipotassium salt in crystals. Trisodium imidosulphonate, unlike the disodium salt, precipitates many metallic snlts, giving in some cases, however, onlv hydroxides. Precijntates of imidosulphonates are ol)taiiied with silver nitrate, the mercury nitrates, lead salts, and barium salts, while with calcium chloride crystals may slowly form which are of characteristic appear- ance. S])ecially noteworthy is tlie fact that silver nitrate added in different j)roportions yields three precipitates distinct both in appear- ance and in composition. The compounds formed by these reagents are described later in this paper. Mercuric chloride has apparently no action upon trisodium imidosulphonate, for nothing separates, and the reaction with lituius remains alkaline. Mercuric oxide dissolves to a limited extent in solutions <^f tlie trisodium imidosulphonate, the more in cjuantity (in proportion to the trisodium salt) the weaker these solutions are, and makes them somewhat caustic-alkaline (see, in this connection, the reaction of mercuric sodium imidosulphonate with alkali hydroxide, p. 104). It was not practicable to get the crystals of trisodium imidosul- phonate exactly dry for analysis, because the thin plates adhering 74 DIVERS AND HAGA. together retained mother-liquor, and, on the other hand, during much crushing and pressing with [Kiper tliey effloresced. Avoiding the latter source of error, our results were 12;^ ÜH2, the i representing one per cent, of moisture. The numerical details of the ^vater deter- minations, which are a little complex, are the following : — C^alculated. Found Moisture 1 1 mois. 1-00 42-70 43-6() 43-56 Loss in vacuo 1 mol. 3- S S ( 3-71 (0-23 47-60 3-64 0-27 Loss at ILP Retd. at 110°) Total 47-59 47-47 We have already given (p. 72) the'^percentage of retained water, as actually found in the salt dried with special cure, as 0-22 and 0-24 per cent. I'he above numbers, 0-23 and 0-27, are difterence numbers. The analysis of the dried salt ga\e — Calc. Found. Sodium 28-40 28-24 Sulphur 26-34 26-46 Nitrogen 5-76 5*92 The formula of the salt is therefore NaN(S03Na)„ (OH.)(OH,),„ Soiliuni (immomnm imido^nlphonates. Possibly a salt two-tliirds sodium and one-third ammonium- imidosulphonate might be got in presence of an excess of the triammo- nium salt, but this is doubtful because of the sparing solubility of the followino- salt in presence of ammonia, and because ammonia and an- other scxiium salt convert disodium to trisodinm imidosulphonate rp. 69). IMIDOSULPHONATES. 75 Pentasodiwn ammonkim hmdosulphonate. — From dilute solution this «alt f.Tystallises with seven molecules of water, NagAmNg (803)4, (OH..)';, but from concentrated saline liquors it crystallises with less water. To prepare the fully hydrated s^alt, strong ammonia- water is added in large excess to a solution of disodium imidosulphonate, which must be free from sulphate or other salt. Separation of the salt begins at once or very soon and continues ibr some time if the liquor is kept nearly ice- cold. The salt forms minute prisms which bear moderate washing, with concentrated ammonia-water, and can be drained on a tile un- changed if under close cover. W]ien dry, the salt does not smell noticeably of ammonia. The numbers obtained l)y calculation and experiment are as follows : — Sodium Ammonium Sulphur A salt with ^^^H./) only, falls as a crystalJine precipitate on adding strong ammonia-water to a solution of trisodium imidosul- phonate and its equivalent at least of ammonium nitrate (3 mois.). l^)eing but very little soluble in ammonia-water, it can be properlv washed with this, and niay then be drained dry on a tile under cover without change. Heated it loses water and ammonia without suffer- ing aqueous fusion. It contains no nitrate. Analysis gave — Calc. Found. Sodium 21-8G 99.01 Ammonium 3-42 3-40 Sulphur 24-34 24-40 For notice of a monohydrogen sodium ammonium imidosul- phonjite, one in which the ammonium greatly predominates over the sodium, see p. 77. Calc. Fouuii 18-95 19-19 2-97 2-85 21-09 20-95 76 DIVERS AND HAGÀ. Hydrogen sodium ammonium imidosidplionate nitrate. On dissolving trisodium imidosiilphonate and then its equivalent of annncjuium nitrate (three molecules) in half their combined weig'ht of hot water in ;i- closed nearly full vessel, a cold solution is obtained, which sometimes remains unchanged, super-saturated, sometimes s!(3wly deposits the trisodium salt again of the ordinary form, but in thicker, crystals than Usual. The attempt to redissolve the crystals by dipping the vessel in liof water readily succeeds l)ut is generally attended with the copious separation of some white «jpaque salt (sodium ammonium imidosulphonate?). On the vessel being left for some days in a cold place, with occasional agitation, the trisodium salt re-forms in crystals, and the opaque salt redissolves. When proceeding differently, the fresh mixed solution of the trisodium salt and am- monium nitrate in half their weight of water is placed on the steam bath in an open glass capsule, anunonia freely escapes, and soon groups of small prisms form, evidently in consequence of the loss of ammonia by the solution and not its mere evaporation, for the addition of some water has little effect upalt i« of a composition which may l)e represented as being that of one molecule of diammonium imido.>ul[>lionate with one of sodium nitrate. Prepared from a good excess of ammonium nitrate the crystals pr()\'ed to be almost pure, but holding a little water (a); with the use of less ammonium nitrate, the salt showed on analysis the presence of a very slight excess of clisodium imidosulphonate. The yield of salt was three-f(xu-ths of the possible quantity. The mother- liquor on eva[)oration gave crystals of sodium nitrate and some more of the salt. Tlic double salt cannot be recrystallised, its solution yielding, first, good crystals of a salt which inay he described as (anhv- dioiis) diammonium imidosulphonate contaiiiing o per cent, of sodium, ;ind. af'er this salt, crystals of the double salt. Since the mother-li'as undetermined, except in the experiment above referred to. The nitric acid was estimated by evaporating the salt with barium hydrox- ide to expel ammonia, filtering ott' the barium imidosulphonate, removing barium as carbonate, and then patting the concentrated solution of sodium nitrate into the nitrometer. The result was low, but that is hnrdlv to be wondered at. Water, in that preparation in which it was present in any quantity, was estimated by heating the salt in dried air, and the result can be only approximate, for slight hydrolysis, fixing water, is hardly to be avoided. Calc. a. b. Sodium I'll 8-00 8-42 Ammonium 12" 16 11*71 11 •37 Sulphm- 21-62 21-62 22-08 Nitric acid, XO3H. 21-28 19-08 — Water O-QO The preparation a was formed in presence of good excess of ammonium nitrate, and h in presence of little more than enough of it. The calculation is for HN(S03Am)o, NaNOs. Hydrogen sodiwn potassium imidosulphonate nitrate. T^he very sparingly soluble dipotassium imidosulphonate is hardly affected by digestion with a cold dilute solution of sodium nitrate, and w^hen dissolved in it by heating crystallises out again almost un- chano-ed, l)ut when left in a concentrated solution of sodium nitrate it removes this salt from it. Taking about equivalent quantities of the salts, HN(S03K)2 : SISTaNOs, and leaving the solution of the nitrate standing over the dipotassium imidosulphonate in a loosely covered beîiker for some days, tVie latter gives place to a caked mass of crystal- line irrnnules, appearing under the microscope homogeneous but \\\\h Cale. Found. 3-32 3-61 28-23 27-34 18-48 18-89 18-20 18-01 IMIDOSÜLPHONATES. 79 no well-detined Ibrins. The decanted mother-liquor evaporuted a little gives more of the granules, but no crystals of sodium or potas- sium nitrate. The granular mass drained and pressed on a tile has a composition closely approaching that of one molecule of dipotassium imidosLiIphonate to one of nitrate, the nitrate being of potassium and sodium in single atomic proportions, NaN'03,KN03, 2HN(S03K)o. It is decomposed by water, and is anhydrous. Sodium Potassium Sulphur Hydrogen nitrate The two potassium salts or the two sodium salts do not form double salts together. Disodium imido.sulj^honate and potassium nitrate suffer double decomposition. The formula of the salt just described shows also that, to some extent, this double decomposition is reversible. In oiu- next connnunication we shall have to describe still more remarkable combinations of nitrates with oximidosulphonates. Bariwii imidosulplionates, simple and double. Barium imidosidphonate. — This salt has been prepared by Berglund, but no particulars of it have been published, except possil)ly in Swedish. It is obtained as a, voluminous, coherent precipitate when trisodium imidosulphonate is added gradually to good excess of barium chloride. Drained on the porous tile, after thorough washing, it is still very bulky, and hangs togetlier in soft flocks, more like some organic salt than an inorganic barium salt. It retains moisture in the interstices (jf its matted texture with remarkable obstinacy, so 30 DIVERS AND HAÖA. that it can not ])e drained dry on the tile, or rendered dry in the desiccator exce[)t at tlie surface of its masses. Yet it is not in the least delit^^nescent, and becomes dry in the air when spread out in very thin layers ; indeed in very dry air it is even sliglitly efflorescent. Analysis shows it to contain water, hut it loses this only very slowly even at 115.° Under the microscope it is seen to consist of intei-lacinpenrnnre of the preparation. Jncquelain ol)l;nned, by adding diammonium imidosulphonnte to a slight excess of baryta water, a precij)itate which he very fully analysed, and found to be composed in accordance with the empirical formula, (NH3)2(BaO)2(S03)3. Instead of this impossible formula we venture to write Ba4AmN3(S03)6, (0112)3, the formula of an eight-ninths bnrium nmmoniuin imidosulphonate, since the calculated numbers agree still better witli his auiilysis than tliose for his formuhi IMIDOSULPHONATES. ^3 Cale. Found. (Jacquelain.) Barium 47-99 48*26 Sulphur 16-81 16-81 * Nitrogen 4-90 4-97 Hydrogen 0-88 ()-88 Using junnioiiiated solution of barium chloride in.^tead of baryta water, he got nearly the same results. Baritdii potassiimi inudo.sulplionatt'. — This is a, nearly insoluljle, crystalline salt, prepai-able by heating dipotassium hydrogen imidosul- phonate with baryta water. It has been described by Berglund, and was known to Freni}'. We have not analysed it, and Ijelieve it has not been analysed by others. Inirliim .soditiin ivtidosidjilwnate. — Barium chloride, in dikite solution, very slowly added with constant stirring to an excess of trisodium imidosulphonate gives a crystalline precipitate, wliicli under the microscope is not seen to contain any tribarium imidosulphonate in admixture. It is alkaline to litmus, very sparingly soluble in water, readily soluble in nitric or hydrochloric acid, and hirgely ])ut never completely decomposed by ammonium carbonate. It contains water, but does not noticeably lose v.eight even jit 120.° Heated quickly to a higher temperature, it is dissipated as a cloud of barium sulphate and gases. Five preparations made at different times show close agreement in composition, with the exception of that first pre- pared (which is entered in our note-book as not pure). The numbers agree with those calculated lor Ba^Na^N, „(803)20, (Ulln),., wliich may be written as 8BaXaX(S03)., OH, + Ba,i\,(SO,),. (OH,), : Calc. a h (■ il I' Barium 41-12 42-85 40-05 4117 40-45-41-07 40-85-40-91 Sodium 5-02 5-08 5-2(i 4-93 — 5-25 Sulphur 17-46 18-80 — — . 17-54 17-56 g^ DIVEKS A^"D H AG A. The barium and .sodium were determined by caiitioiis ignition of the silt alone, then with «ul[)huric acid, and l)oiling out with water. The residue was weighed as barium sulphate, and the soluble inatter after re-io"nition weighed as sodium sulphate. The sodium of d was lost. O c5 J- The sulphur was estimated l3y hydrolysis followed by precipitation with barium chloride, but the barium sulphate was here weighed in two quantities, that formed by hydrolysis and that l)y the barium chloride. Calcium iiuidustdpli ouates, simple and doidile. Normal ealciiiiii imldosidphoiiate, C-dJs.^Q^O-^i, is not forjned by reaction between sodium or ammonium imidosul})honate and calcium chloride. When a sc^lution of diammonium imidosulphoijate is treated with pure, soft, calcium hydroxide in the calculated quantity, am- monia is at once liberated and is all expelled by two or three eva}'ora- tioiis of the solution to dryness. The siüt left dissolves and forms concentrated solutions crystallising in transparent prisms. J]ut although the salt dissolves at first freely, the last ])ortions are more difficult to bring into soluti(3n, and it may be that water partly de- composes the salt into the calcium hydrogen salt and calcium hydroxide. The salt was not analysed, except that a calciLun deter- mination was made, according to wdiich the crystals would have ten molecules of w^ater to two atoms (jf nitrogen in the salt. Calcium liijdroijen Imidosidplioiiate is obtained in radiating groups of fine needles when diammonium imidosulphonate and the calculated (piantity of calcium hydroxide are mixed, and the solution repeatedly evaporated to expel all ammonia. The calcium hydroxide dissolves quickly after it is added. The salt is soluble and has not been analysed. Calcium ammonii(iii imidosulphonate is a sparingly -soluble salt obtained wlien the calculated quantity of calcium hydroxide is dissolved IMIDOSULPHO .NATES. 85 in diammonium iiiiidosiilphonate aoliition, this quantity being in the propoj-tion, Cii(OH)o : Am2HN(S03),,. The salt rapidly crystallises after the dissolution of the lime. It has not been analysed. Galcmm sudiuni iniidosidplioiiak'. — To a hot (-(jncentrated solution of trisodium iniid(jsiilph()nate about the ciilculated quantity of calcium chloride solution to form the tricalcium salt is added, and the mixture left to cool. N^ot the tricalcium salt Ixit the calcium sodium salt crystallises out in groujis of hard brilliant prisms. The salt can be recrystallised, and thus purified if necessary. It is sparingly soluble in cartly adhering to the sides of the vessel, nearly insolul)le in \v:!ter, and p.pparently sulphate. Hemihiidroxji-lcad iiiiidosulplionate, HOPb]S[(80;.Pb()H)o — Lead nitrate and trisodium imidosidphonafe in solution brought together in widely varying proportions yield this salt as a precipitate, volumi- nous at first, but soon becoming dense and granular. Disodium imidosulphoiiate and s(jdium nitrate are the otlier pr(^ducts of the reaction : — 3Pb(NO,)2 + 3OÎI2+ 4Na3N(S03)2 = (HOPb)sN(S03)o + 3HNaoN(S03)2 + 6NaN0;, The precipitation is closely quantitative. With the trisodium salt not used in excess the mother-li([uors ai-e neutral in reaction with metliyl orange. ISTormal lead acetate may be used in place of the nitrate, hut only with less perfect results. The best way to proceed is to mix the solutions rapidly together in soinething approaching the right propor- tions ; or the two salts may be ru))bed together in the solid state and only then treated Avith water. In either of these ways, when the proportion of either salt is not very many times greater than it should be, a product of constant composition is obtained, which differs however from the pure lead salt in having about one-seven ty-third of 88 DIVERS AND HAÜA. the lead replaced by hydrogen. The weight of the precipitate obtained from a given quantity of trisodium salt, is greater with lead acetate than with tlie nitrate, and greater as the excess of acetate used is greater. Tlie acetate mother-liquors, though alkaline to methyl orange, are acid to phenol-] )hthaleïn, and after replaciijg the lead in them by sodium, Iw ])reci[)i fating with normal sodium oxalate, can be titrated h\ sodium liydroxide and phenol-] )hthaleïn as indicator. 'I'hus tested these liquors j)roved to contain free acetic acid, and in increasing- quantity with that of the acetate used, and, therefore, of the jDrecipitate ]3roduced. In these experiments |3articularly excellent normal lead acetate was used. It ap]3eared from tlie ex]3eriments made that about one-eighth of the excess of lead acetate used must react with disodium imidosul])honate, a ])roduct of the main reaction, as already ]winted out, the change being as follows : — 3Pb(OÄ^)2+ 3OH2 + HNa.N(S03\, = (HOPb)3N(S03)2-|- 2NaOÄ^ -1-4H(3.4^ The acetic acid tlnis generated, acting so as to reverse the reaction, is ]irobably the cause of the very slight replacement of lead by hydro- gen in the salt ]^recipi tated by acetate. When the trisodium imidosul])liona.te solution is added by degrees to the lead acetate, a gelatinous jjredpitate like lesid hydroxide forms and then redissolves in the lead acetate. When enough of the sodium salt has been added to cause a permanent jjrecipitate this is somewhat slimy and only slowly becomes pulverulent, while the walls of the vessel get coated with crystalline preci])itate. The mixed ])rt)duct is unfit for analysis. When the lead acetate is added gradually to tlie sodium imidosulphonate, the ])recipitate also remains ^■olu!llillous and somewhat gelatinous, and is jirobablv not a ]3ure |>V()(luct. When after adding not too much sodium salt, tlie liquor is quickly filtered, it slowly yields a few brilliant crystals of what is IMIDOSULPHOXATES. g 9 evidently, hoth from its nppenraiife nnd nn imperfect analysis, the hvdroxy-lead salt. The hydroxy-le:!d salt in perfect brilliant micr(3scopic prisms can he obtained very pure by treating the more basic lead salt next described, with little more nitric acid than that calculated to remove tlie excess of lead. The nitric acid can be clearly seen to diss(:>lve a [>ortion of more basic salt, and almost at once to deposit n crystalline precipitate raid incrustation of the hemi-basic salt. If instead oi" stopping the addition of nitric acid when enough has been used, more is added, the crystalline salt proportionately dissolves without repre- cipitating. The nitric solution is neutral to methyl orange, so that the reaction is, in the dissolution of the more basic salt, — (HOPb)3NiÖÜ3)2, Pb(OH)2 + 6HN03-HPbN(S03)., + 50H2 + 3Pb(N03), and then, this solution reacting with a further quantity of the more basic sîdt : — 2(HOPb)3N(S03)2, Pb(OH)2 + HPbN(S03)2-3(HOPb)3N(S03), + OH2 This, in a manner, can be shown by pouring, the nitric solution into a large excess of hydr(3xy-lead acetate solution, when the hemi- hydroxy-lead imidosulplionate also precipitates in the pure state. There is also the f ict oljserved that the nitric liquor when soon poured olf from undissolved more-basic salt contains much lead, whereas when it is left over the undissolved more-basic salt it goes on deposit- ing a crystaJline precipitate of the hemi-basic salt. The modification of this process expressed by the equation — 8(HüPb)3N(Ö03)2, Pb(OH)2-fHN(S03Na),-H'2HN03 = 4(HOPb),N(S03)2 -—has also been quite successful, ]jy adding the nitiic acid very slowly and shaking well. The hemi-liydroxy-lead iuiidosulplionate is an anhydrous salt, not counting its hyclroxyl, very })ermanent, losing nothing at 100°, 90 DIVERS AND HAGA. insoluble in water, and scarcely, if at all, alkaline in reaction when in contact with wet litmus paper. A number of preparations by different methods have l^een analysed with closely concordant results : — Calc. Found. Lead 78-40 78-21-73-35 SuJphur 7-56 7-50 The lead acetate precipitates gave from 72-81 to 72'78 7o lead, and from 7'52 to 7*65 7o «idphur. The sodium was determined in some of these preparations, and was found to be no more than 0-075 7,. The pure salt was also titrated with volumetric nitric acid and its basicity found to agree with calculation. One gramme of salt took 48-71 CCS. of acid, instead of 47*28 ces. calculated to just dissolve it and furnish a solution neutral to methyl orange. Five-eight] I s-ox y -lead imidosulphonate, (R0Vl))^l^(K>i).).2, PbO or Pb(0H)2. — This salt is precipitated on adding trisodium imidosul- phonate to excess of basic lead acetate. The quantity of basic lead acetate which is needed is very large. Trial taught us to use not less than six molecules of hemi-hydroxy-lead acetate to one of tri- sodium imidosulphonate. The calculated quantity is five molecules, but an excess helps to keep sodium out of the salt. The reaction is as follows : — NaeNlSOg)^ + öHOPbÜAc = (HOPb)3N(S03)2,Pb(OH)2 + SNaOAc + Pb(0Ä^)2 and therefore it would be better probably to use a more basic lead acetate. Using as we did, about six molecules of hemi-hydroxy-lead acetate, the mother-liquor of the precipitate proved to be markedly basic still, l^oth precipitate and mother-liquor were quite free from sulphate. A very little sodium, but no acetic acid, was found in the precipitate, after it had been well -washed. It is readily soluble in IMIDOSULPHONATES. 9I dilute nitric acid, insoluble in water. Its partial dissolution in nitric acid leads to the formation of the hemi-hydroxy-lead imidosulphonate. It has scarcely any action on moist red litmus with which it is left in contact. It is insoluble in solutions of its mother-salts, and unaffected in composition by them. Heated even at 130° it loses no water. When sufficiently hot it gives off, first water, then ammonia, then again water, and then it blackens through formation of sulphide, and then it evolves sulphur dioxide. The loss of water and ammonia is explained by the equation : — 8(HO).5Pb,N(S03)2 = 6PbO + aPbSOg + -SPbSOi + NH3 + N2 + 60H Then the les'.d sulphite becomes, as usual by the rising temperature, partly lead sulphide and sulphate, partly lead oxide and sulphur dioxide. At a fusing heat the sulphide and oxide would of course react. Two preparations were analysed, a and h : — Calculation. Pound. ( H0Pb)3N (803)2, PbCiHsO ashing on the filter yields a milky filtrate. It is •> relatively voluminous preci]>itate forming chalk-like masses when drv. It is without water of crystallisation, as was to be anticipated, but even wlien kept long at 110° retains 0*5 5 per cent, of water (possiblv fixed by hydi-olysis from the atmosphere), ;is determined by combustion with copper oxide. It bears heat well, but at a comparatively high tem])eratui'e rapidly decomj^oses with or without fusion, giving in the open tul^e first ;i very little ammonia g;is and sublimate, then sul])hur dioxide, nitrogen, silver, silver sulphide, and silver sul])hate. When heated in a vacuum, scarcely any sublimate is fornied. and no change takes ])lace till the temperature reaches 440°, when gas comes oif, and blackening without fusion occurs. The residue consists of silver sul])hate, siher sulphide, and silver, and the gas of nitrogen and sulphur dioxide. The proportions of these ])roducts vary a, little, and a])parently accoi'ding to the mode of heating, a iiigher temperature giving more silvei- and sulphur dioxide. The first moietv of gas Avas thus found to consist of four volumes of nitrogen to fi\'e of sul{»hur dioxide, and the second moietv of two volumes of nitroo-en to thi-ee oï * May possibly have been already described l>y Berf:?lund in the Lunds univ. Arsk. 12. 94 DIVERS AND HAGA. sulphur dioxide, so that the decomposition lies between those expressed by the equations : — 4AgN(S03Ag\,=2N2+2SO., + 5>^(),Ag,+ 8Ag2 4AgN(S03Ag),= '2N2 + 4S0, + 4SO,Ag2 + t^Ag^, but nearer the iirst one. The salt was pre])ared for analysis Iw addino- the sodium salt gradually, with stirring, to excess of silver nitrate. In spite of the strongly alkaline reaction of the former, the mother- liquor of the precipitate proved to be neutral, as it should be, while the precipitate was not in the slightest l)ro\vii, but brilliantly white. Being unde- composed by \Yater it was washed. Its analysis gave, besides the 0*55 per cent, water mentioned above, the following results : — Ai^^NiSOgAg). Foiin. 110). When the salt, in a state of paste with water, is treated with nitric acid, it is converted into the very slightly soluble dijMjtassium imidcjsidphonate, all its mercury dissolv- ino- as mercuric nitrate. Washed and drained on a tile, the salt left undissolved has been found to be free of mercury and of sulphate. The same experiment can l)e carried out by the use of dilute «idphuric acid, but less satisfactorily. The nitric acid used may be strong and in excess, but i]ni sul|)huric acid nuist be dilute and not in excess, and is apt to give a small precipitate of mercuric salt. Hydrochloric acid exchana'es hydroiten foi" both metals, and effects extremely rai)id hydrolysis. Mercunj Iniriiini, HgN.(k5(J:i).J)a., and other double niercunj iiuidosul- plionaies. — Mercury dipotassium imidosulphonate gives, according to Berglund, a series of doubles salts in wiiich the potassium has been replaced by another 1)ase. It foll(jws that tliese salts can also be IMIDOSULPHONATES. 97 prepared from the mercury sodium salts, but we have only made ourselves familiar with the mercury barium salt, particularly noticed by Berglund. It is a lustrous, crystalline, dense salt, almost insoluble in cold water. Mercuni (Hhiiayotjcn imidosulphonate. — When mercury barium imidosulphonate is treated with dilute sul})huric acid, not in excess of the barium, it appears to be sbirply converted into liarium sulphate and mercury hydrogen imidosulphonate. This observation made by Bero'lund we have confirmed and extended. We worked quantita- tively and were careful to use the sul})huric acid in slight deficit, and to filter quickly, \'erv easy to do in consequence of the dense state of the barium sulphîîte. But already hydrolysis of the imidosul])honate into sulphate and amidosul]3honic acid had begun when we tested the filtrate. It progressed steadily, so that in ten minutes the sulphuric acid had grown to a considerable quantity, showing that mercury hydrogen imidosulphonate is stable to a less degree even than sim])le hydrogen imidosulphonate. In about ten minutes also, the solution began to grow turbid, and let fall an oxymercuric unit, probably amidosulphonate. The fresh solution when almost neutralised with potassium hydroxide gave a slight white turbidity, doubtless of oxy- mercuric potassium imidosulphonate, which dissolved when a little more alkali was added. The slightly alkaline solution, thus prepared, soon began to deposit minute crystals which we fully identified as mercury dipotassium imidosulphonate. Thus, we had proved, so far as might be done, that the fresh filtrate from the barium sulphate is really a solution of mercury hydrogen imidosulphonate. Oxijmercuric hiidrcxjeu imidosulphonate. — A second salt of mercury and hydrogen can be readily obtained, which is at once ])asic and acid salt, as its name indicates. Highly concentrated mercuric nitrate solutions, even when free as possible from nitric acid, dissolve, to clear 98 DIVERS AND H AG A. and comparatively stable liquors, solid potassium or sodium imidosul- phonates. When sufficiently he;ited these liquors allow the imidosul- phonate to hydrolyse into amidosulphonate, but ^^'hen, without heating, they are diluted, they deposit oxy mercuric hydrogen imidosulphonate. The same salt is almost immediately precipitated when tri.sodium imidosulphonate in solution is added to mercuric nitrate. To prepare this salt take about five parts l)y weight of mercuric nitrate solution, undiluted and equal to about half its weight of mere curie oxide, and pour into it with stirring a cold solution (necessarily dilute) of one part of trisodium imidosulphonate. Precipitation of th- snlt begins almost at once and is finished in a few minutes. The mother-liquor contains still nuich mercuric nitrate and some imidosul- phonate, besides sodium nitrate and much nitric acid. Addition of a little more trisodium salt causes scarcely any more precipitation, while that of a large quantity throws down the oxymerciu-ic sodium salt. The brilliant w^hite and voluminous oxymercuric hydrogen salt hydro- lyses only very slowly in its acid mother-liquor, because of the in- hibitory action of the mercuric nitrate. It is to be washed repeatedly by subsidence and décantation with abundance of cold water and drained till dry on a tile or filter. Where less mercuric nitrate has been taken, and the precipitate contains sodium (as oxymercuric sodium salt), either digestion for a, day with concentrated mercuric nitrate solution and washing, or else, without use of mercuric nitrate, continued and thorough washing with water will convert the precipitate into the ])ure oxymercuric hydrogen salt. After digesting with the mercury nitrate, the first washing waters used must con- tain a, little nitric acid to guard against the formation of any oxynitrate. Oxymercuric sodium imidosulphonate when long washed with much water leaves a much smaller weight of oxymercuric hydrogen IMIDOSULPHOXATES. 99 salt, and imparts coiirmiKJUsJy to tlie \Nasb-waters «mall quantities of a mercury sodium imidosnlphonate — aj)[)ai'ently the same as that got by digesting mercuric oxide in a sohition of mercuric disodium imido- snlphonate and perhaps 0[HgN(S03]Sr;»),,]^,. These waters are neutral or faintly alkahne, and when eva.porated a- little on the water-bath yield small qusmtities of micaceous crystals. This reaction appears to be expressed by the equation : — 2Hg( OHgS03)2NHgN(803Na),,+ UHo- OLHgNlSOsNa)^, -f2HN(ö03HgO),,Hg. Oxymercuric hydrogen imidosuljjhonate is an anhydrous salt. Already dried in an ordinary desiccator, it loses, when further dried at 100° or above, 0'7 to 0*8 per cent, of water. It may be heated in dried air to 180° or higher Avithout changing. Only a little below a. dull red heat does it decompose, and then slowly gives water, nitrogen, and sulphur dioxide. At this temperature it is yellow, but Avhen cooled it resinnes the white colour of the undecomposed salt. At the softening point of hard glass it melts to a, dark red liquid and eifer- vesces, yielding sublimates of mercury metal, mercurous and mercuric sulphates, and some other mercuric salt not sulphate and apparently nitrogenous. It seems impossible, even in a vacuum, to decompose it completely before the mercury sulphates themselves partly decompose. The first o-avses sfiven off consist of nitroîxen with half its volume or more of sulphur dioxide — those coming after still contain nitrogen along with sulphur dioxide and oxygen. When rapidly raised to a red heat, the s:dt, at the moment of melting, effervesces almost explosively. Its reactions with sodium hydroxide and chloride, and with trisodium imidosnlphonate are similar to those of oxymercuric sodium salt ([). 106). Its basic or oxysalt character is thus clearly demon- strated, independently of the evidence from its quantitative analysis. lOÔ DIVERS AND HAGA. The presence of hydro^-en, not merely as water of hydration, is shown by first heating the salt for hours at 1honate: — 8Hg(N03),-l-Na3N(S(),)2-F20H2=HN(S03)2HgA+-^NaN03-i-8HNÜ3 — and comparing it with the equation wliere oxymercuric sodium imidosulphonate is the product, it will be seen that in both cases the ni- trate comes out half as sodium nitrate and half as nitric acid, and that the oxymercuric hydrogen salt may be represented as resulting from the reaction of the sodium salt with mercuric nitrate, thus : — Hg(N03)2+NaN(S03)2Hg2() + OH2 = HN(SÜ3)2Hg302-hNaN03-|-HN03. IMIDOSULPHOXATES. IQl Now this reaction can actually be realised, as already stated, but only with difficulty :!nd in the presence of great excess of mercuric nitrate solution, active probably by virtue of its free acid. In the direct method of preparing the hydrogen salt, it is formed simultaneously with half as much again of nitric acid as is produced when the sodium salt is fanned. From this it would appear that there is a point — difficult to determine by direct experimentation with nitric acid, becjiuse of its liability to cause hydrolysis after a time, and of the uncertainty in knowing when the sought-for change has occurred — where, the nitric acid being in sufficient quantity along with the mercuric nitrate, nitj-ogen takes or keei)s hydrogen in place of mercury, and the second half of the sulphonic radicals, as well as the first, takes mercuric oxide in place of sodium, just as it does in other cases even in presence of free acid. Mercury sodinni inridosulplionates. — There are two mercury sodium imidosulphonates. The monosodium salt is oxymercuric or basic, but tlie disodium salt is normal, and corresponds in composition with the potassium salt obtained Ijy Berglund. unless gradually added, mercuric nitrate causes, almost immedi- ately, a white crystal !o-flocculent precipitate in solutions of the trisodium imidosulphonate, which disap|)ears on agitation so long as enough of the sodiinn salt remains to keep the mixture alkaline or neutral. When this point is passed, preci])itati()n is pei'manent, and ox ij mercuric sodiuiu salt is tlie product. When the nitrate is only added till neutrality is reached or nearly reached, the liquor soon begins to form small brilha.nt crysttils, or else will do so after some evaporation. These crystals are normal mercuric disodium imidimdjdioiuite. Adding solution of trisodium imidosnlphonate to that of mercuric nitrate, free from any unnecessary excels of nitric acid, causes again, as already stated, a white crystal lo-tl<3Cculent ])recipitate which, with sufficient 102 DIVERS AND HAGA. excess of iiitrnte rem-nuing, is oxijmercunc Injdrugeu salt. With too Jittle nitrate remaiiiiiig, some oxyiiierciiric sodium salt will be deposited. Mercuroiis nitrat.^ behaves in the main like mercuric nitrate but gives besides a j)recipitate of the metal. Mercuric disodiuiii hiiidosiiljHioNaie. — Little more needs to l)e stated concerning the preparation of this salt from the trisodium salt. Here, as in other cases, the mercuric nitrate solution is preferablv to be highly concentrated, because then the excess of nitric acid necessary becomes very small. To form such a solution, moderately concentrated nitric acid should be so far saturated with mercuric oxide that oxyni- trate beg-ins to form, and then decanted from excess of oxide and left to clarify by subsidence. When too much mercuric nitrate has been added to the s<^dium salt, the proportions can be rectified quite suc- cessfully by adding more sodium salt. The mercuric disodium salt can be purified if necessary, liy recrystallisation from hot water. Mercuric disodium iinidosulphonate can also be readily prepared from disodium imidosulphonate and mercuric oxide. The two sub- stances may be triturated together in al)Out the right proportions mixed with water, and then warmed witli it. The solution is to be filtered if necessary, and then set aside to crystallise. The crvstals of mercuric disodium imidosulphonate are small bril- liant prisms, always separate, quite permanent in the air, and spar- ingly soUible in cold water. The solution has a, neutral reaction. The crystals contain six molecules of water of which only four are lost in a vacuum at common temperatures. Heated to 100°, after exposure' in a vacuum desiccator, it loses most of the remaining water, but not all, tor then (and at higher tempera- tures, such as that of 130°, more quickly) it also increases slowly in weight by fixing atmospheric moisture, becoming hydrolysed and thereby strongly a(nd (see effects of heating dipotassium imidosulpho- TMIDOSULPHONATES. IO3 nate, p. 64). Hen ted more strong-ly in an o])en tube, it yields a small sublimate of an ammonia-sulphite salt, Jiiercurous sulphate, and mercury, along with sulphur dioxide and nitrogen as gases, and mercurous, mercuric, and sodium sulphates as residue. Heated slowly in the vacuum of the Sprenii'el-pump, it suffers change in a way that can be more closely studied. Even at 444:° no material alteration t tikes place in the salt, but just below a red heat, it decomposes steadily, temporarily blackening through formation of mercuric sulphide, and giving much mercury as a sublimate, nitrogen and sulphur dioxide in the proportions of two volumes of the former to three of the latter, a little, very volatile, white ammoniacal sublimate along with a very little water, and another white sublimate volatilising sigain at o5*)-4()().° The residue is sodium sulphate. The margin, remote from the heai, of the sublimate last mentioned consists of mercu- rous sulphate, but the rest of this sublimate, which adheres to the glass firmly, is of a peculiar nature but imperfectly made out. It is, how- ever, a mercury compound scarcely affected l)y potassium hydroxide, boiling water, or dilute nitric acid, and is api)arently a nitrogen-hold- ing derivative of mercuric sulphate. The main changes by heat appear to l)e — '2HgN2(S03Na),=4SO,Na2-l-HgSO,-l- HgS -H 2SO2+ 2N„ and then by further heat — 4S04Na2+2Hg + 4S02-t-2N2. The ammoniacal sublimate and moisture are evidently due to water retained by the salt, prol:)al)ly tin'ough hydrolysis ; while mercurous sulphate will have come from mercury and mercuric sulphate. With soluti(jns of ordinary mettiUic salts, the mercuric disodium salt gives the various double mercury imidosulphonates noticed by Berghmd. For exam[)le, with barium ch'oride it gives a precipitate of mercury Ijarium imidosulphonate. JQ4 DIVERS AND HAGl. Sodium hydroxide precipitates mercuric oxide from the pure salt, hut not in the presence of sodium imidosuJphonate, and under any circumstances the precipitation of the mercury is far from complete. According to Raschig, Berglund foimd that mercuric di])otassium imidosiilphonate gives no precipitate with potassium hydroxide, hut we find that, in this res|)ect, the ])otassium salt behaves like the sodium salt, except that the precipitation is perhaps less. Dilution lessens precipitation (see behaviour of mercuric oxide with trisodiiim imido- sulphonate, p. 73). Anmionia gives a white precipitate. So, too, does amnioniiun chloride, whir]i in this case is probably amidomercuric cliloride. Mercuric oxide dissolves slightly in solution of the mercury sodium salt, rendering it alkaline. Nitric acid and, still more so, hydr(3- chloric acid dissolve the salt freely. Nitric acid does ncit immediately decom]3ose it ap])arently, but the action of hydrochlorie acid effects the complete decomposition of the salt. If the (juantity of this acid is insufficient for the whole of the salt, its action is confined to its equivalent quantity, the rest of the salt being left undissolved, and no preferential replacement of the sodium or the mercury Ijy hydrogen taking ])lace. By extraction with ether, by evaj »oration, and by other tests, the change effected has been ascertained to be the formation of mercuric sodium chloride, sodium acid sulpliate, and amidosulphonic acid. Analysis has given the following results : — HgN2(S08Na)„(OH2)e Found. Mercury 2&74 27-16 Sodium 12-3() 12-35 Sulphur 17-11 17.19 Nitrogen 3*74 3-9â Water 14-44 13- Ifjj^'^^ ^""'^ '" '""■ IMTDOSULPHONATES. JQ5 The exposure in the vacuum wa.s for 40-45 hours. The furtlier loss at 100° was the o-reatest obtainable in undried air, lons"er heating- being followed very slowly by increase of weight. As analysed, the salt shows nearly a tenth less than the water calculated. Efflorescence of the sample was not noticed, but may have occurred to a slight extent. The main cause of the deficient finding is without doubt, however, fixation of some of the crystallisation- water or of atmospheric moisture by hydrolysis. Oxjimercuric sodinm imidosulphonate. — In the preparation of this salt, when the sodium imidosulphonate is taken in double molecular proi)ortion to the mercuric nitrate, that being the calculated proportion, the process works well. The highly acid motlier-liquor retains much of the salt in solution, but will let it fill if nearly neutralised with sodium hydroxide, nnd then contains scarcely any other mercuric or imidosulphonic salt. There is, however, no necessity to adhere closely to the calculated proportions. Provided that the sodium salt is neither in quantity great enough to redissolve the precipitate as mercuric disodium salt nor so small as to leave the nitrate in much excess, the process will succeed ; but it is better to use too little than too much of the nitrate, above .all should its solution contain any quantity of free acid. Any precipitation which water alone would cause of oxynitrate in the solution of mercuric nitrate, is prevented by the presence of the sodium imidosulphonate, since this salt forms its basic mercury derivative by liberating half the nitric acid of the nitrate that it de- composes, and this acid is much more than enough to keep any remaining nitrate from passing into oxynitrate, and, consequently, the washed precipitate proves to be always free from nitrate. It may be washed sufficiently with water, which only very slightly acts upon it, and may then l)e dried, either on paper or better on a tile. On attemj)ting to form a third and intermediate mercury sodium IQQ DIVERS AND HAGA. salt, which was to have the formula, 0[FIgN(S03]sra)2]2, analogous to the oxynitrate, 0(HgN03)2, we got, instead, only the other two salts, one in solution, the other as a precipitate. The oxymercuric sodium salt was thus obtained from a liquor which from first to last was never acid, even the mother-liquor being still faintly alkaline. The sulphonate and nitrate were used in the proportions — 2Na]Sr(S03]S[a)2 to Hg(N 0.3)2 ; the nitrate was added gradually, with stirring, to the dilute solution of the sulphonate, and simultaneously a solution of sodium hydroxide run in in the proportion of nearly five-sixths of a molecular quantity. By this procedure, much yellow mercuric oxide was formed along with the white precipitate, but by prolonged stirring, the precipitate lost all tinge of yellow. The mother-liquor now con- tained much disodium mercury imidosulphonate, and the precipitate, washed and drained on a tile, ])roved to be pure oxymercuric sodium imidosulphonate (analysis, d). Allowing for sodium hydroxide used in neutralising the free nitric acid present in the mercuric-nitrate solution, the reaction appears to be that expressed by the equation : — 6NaN(S03Na)2 + 6Hg(N03)2 + 4NaOH= = 2HgN2(S03Na),-fHg(OHgS03)2NHgN(S03Na)2-t-12NaN03+2H20. Oxymercuric sodium imidosulphonate contains water of crystal- lisation and appears to be a little efflorescent ; otherwise, it is for a long time permanent, wet or dry, though ultimately becoming yellow- brown })y decomposition. Protracted washing with water decomposes it, as does als(3 digestion with concentrated mercuric-nitrate solutions, a residue being left in both cases, which is the hydrogen oxymercuric salt (p. 97 ). It is very stable when but moderately heated, only losing its water, with the exception of a very little. At about 1 35" it permanently changes colour shghtly, and at a much higher tempera- ture melts to a dark red-brown liquid and effervesces, decomposing in IMIDOSULPHOXATES. IQ7 a way essentially the same as that followed by the normal mercury sodium salt. Most gradual heating in a current of dried air to a temperature of 170° fails to expel more than four-hfths of the water, in consequence no doubt of hydrolysis. It is much more readily dissolved by hydrochloric acid tlian by nitric or sulphuric acid. From its hydrochloric-acid solution it can not be recovered by neutralisation, being almost instantly decom])osed, like the normal mercuric sodium salt. It is converted by sodium hydrox- ide into mercuric oxide insoluble, and mercuric disodium imidosid- phonate dissolved. Its basic composition is at once demonstrated by the action on it of sodium chloride, which leaves insoluble mercuric oxide, and dissolves the rest, probably, as the two salts, mercuric sodium imidosulphonate and mercuric sodium chloride. Trisodium imidosulphonate dissolves it, but not to a large extent. When tlie solution of this salt is concentrated, a little mercuric oxide may separate, but enough water added causes this gradually to dissolve. When the trisodium salt is added to the oxymercuric sodium salt still in its mother-liquor, free dissolution at once occurs; but without the mother- liquor the reaction is as above stated. The composition of the salt is expressed, as the following analytical results show, by the formula — OHg2N(S03)o]Sra,(OH2).2— which has, however, to be doubled to display its constitution. The water comes out low, partly because of loss by efflorescence, but mainly by getting •fixed through hydrolysis. Calc. UO (fl) ('') (<■) ('?) Mercury 61-68 62-18 61-22 61-56 — 61-73 Sodium 8-54 3-87 4-14 8-97 8-57 8-56 Sulphur l)-8(i 10-28 10-06 10-08 — 9-79 Nitrogen 2-16 — 2-27 2-24 — ■ — Water. 5-55 — 4-44 — 4-88 4-58 1Ö8 Divers and haga. The- preparation, (a), was precipitated from three molecules of mercuric nitrate by two of imidosulphonate, while (h) was got by adding sodium hydroxide to the decanted mofher-liquor of (a). The preparation, (c), was precipitated from two molecules (3f nitrate by one molecule of imidosulphonate, and (d) was formed in a non-acid mother-liquor. All preparations, as well as their mother-liquors, were free from sidphate. The formation of oxymercuric sodium imidosulphonate is ex- pressed by the equation : — 4Hg(N03)2 + 2NaN(S03Na)2-|-20H2=Hg(OHgS03)2NHgN(S03Na)2 + 4NaNÜ3+4HN03. This reaction is noticeable for being one in which sodium is withheld in the precipitate from nitric acid ; but, if imidosulphonic acid be re- garded as a weaker acid than nitric acid, the precipitation of potassium nitrate by tartaric acid or perchloric acid is quite as remarkable, while if, as is most probable, it is like sulphuric acid, then the retention of sodium from the nitric acid is only natural. It is hardly noticeable for the precipitation of a b;isic salt \v\t\\ production of nitric acid, since similar reactions are connnon with oxygenous mercuric salts. In its constitution, as regards the oxylic mercury, oxymercuric sodium imido8ul})honate resembles oxymercuric sulphate and oxymer- curic sulphite, as the following • formula display (J. Coll. Sei., t, 101):— Imidosulphonate (NaO'SOolg iN-Hg-NKSOs-O-Hg-O), :Hg Sulphate HgilO-Hg-ü-Süg-ü-Hg-O)^ :Hg Sulphite Hg:tSÜ2-0-Hg-ü)2:Hg Constitution, of the Mercinif Jmidosulplwnates. From the widely established character of the relation between IMIDOSULPHONATES } Q f) mercury and the nitrogen of ammonia and cyanogen, and from that of the mercury in its oxygenous salts, particularly those of sulphuryl, such as sulphites and sulphates, the relations of mercury in its imidosulpho- nates become of much interest, as likely to vary from those of other basylous elements. Firstly, as to the mercury disodium and mercury dipotassium imidosulphonates, no hesitation will be felt in accepting for these salts — say that of sodium — the formula, HgN2(S03Na), (l^erglund), yet this point is not so simple as it seems. Calcium forms the salt, CaNa]S[(S03)^; silver forms the salt, Ag2NaN'(S03),, ; and mercury itself the salts, OHg2NaN'(.S03)2 and 0.,Hg3HN(S03)2. All these salts liave only one- third of the bases either sodium or hydrogen, and it will be well, there- fore, to briefly review the reasons for writing Hg]Sr2(S03Na)4. Disodium hydrogen imidosulphonate is a salt neutral or only slightly acid to litmus, although active as an acid, and tlierefore, it cannot hold tlie group, SO3H, since this aPways gives to its com- pounds sourness and strong action on blue litnnis. It must therefore be written HN(S03Na),. Mercury readily takes the place of the hydrogen of this salt, or of one atom of the sodium of the alkaline trisodium imidosulphonate, and the resulting mercury disodium salt is neutral in reaction. Transposition of the metals cannot be admitted to take place in its formation for two reasons. One is that the alkaline reliction of the trisodium salt disappears when it becomes the mercury sodium salt, and there is no accounting for this if the mercury dis- places the sulphonic sodium. The other reason is that if the mercury takes the sulphonic relation in the salt, there is to be seen in this salt an exception to the observation that all oxylic mercuric salts existent in presence of water are insoluble basic or oxysalts. This theory of the constitution of the normal mercury double sulphonates accords with the interesting behaviour of these salts no DIVERS AND HAGA. towîirds acids and alkalis. The latter only partially precipitate mercuric oxide from them, because the mercury is in immediate relation with (unoxidised) nitrogen. Nitric acid, which can replace the mercury by hydrogen, cannot do the same with the potassium or sodium, because this is in oxylic relation with sulphuryl, as it is in sulphates, and therefore irremovable by this acid. Sulphuric acid also first replaces the mercury by hydrogen, when acting on the mercury potassium salt, although from the mercury barium salt it takes first the barium away. Berglund would have chemists regard mercury imidosulphonates as salts of an independent acid, in which mercury is combined with special force. A fuller knowledge of the imidosulphonates does not tend to support him in this. There are other series of double imido- sulphonates besides that of mercury, ai)parentl3' the only one observed by him ; normal mercury hydrogen imidosulphonate has less stability than imidosulphonic acid itself ; oxymercuric hydrogen imidosulpho- nate is a far more stable body than it ; dipotassium and disodium hydrogen imidosulphonates have equal or greater claims to be treated as particular acids ; lastly, it is highly probable that, powerfully as mercury takes the place of hydrogen in ammonia itself, it will have little of that power when two-thirds of that hydrogen have already been replaced by sulphonic radicals. The constitution of the salt in which two-thirds of the base of the trisodium salt are replaced by mercury next requires attention. It mio'ht be treated as having the single atom of sodium in the odd basylous position, that is, united to the nitrogen ; but against this four objections present themselves. One is that it is quite against probability that the sodium should hold the imidic relation rather than the sulphonic. A second is that it is quite as improbable that a mercury atom should be united half to nitrogen and half to oxygen. IMIDOSULPHONATES. 1 1 1 while it is usual to find it thus united at once to oxygen and to an oxyo'enous radical. A third objection is that, whereas in other cases sulphuryl takes one-andra-half atoms of mercuric oxide to saturate either of its valencies, it does not do so in this salt unless the sodium is oiven to one of the sulphuryls of the salt. The fourth objection lies in the great improbability that sodium in the imidic relation would resist, as it here does, displacement by hydrogen on contact of the salt with nitric acid. Avoiding these four difficulties by placing one- fourth of the mercury with the nitrogen, there remain .the usual one-and-a-half atoms to unite with half one of the sulphuryls. The relations of the salt, and its constitution as here developed, require that its formula should be double that expresed in the lowest terms, in order to allow of the oxylic mercury being shown apart from the non- oxylic— Hg:(OHgO-SÜ2)2:N-Hg-N:(S03Na)2. It becomes now clear that the sodium resists the action of nitric acid because it is in oxylic relation to sulphuryl, as pointed out in discussing the constitution of the normal mercury disodium salt ; that nitric acid removes a fourth of the mercury, replacing it by hydrogen, because this fourth part is in relation to the nitrogen ; that nitric acid does not remove the rest of the mercury l^ecause this exists as the oxy- mercuric group found in oxylic relation with sulphuryl in sulphate and sulphite, also then resisting the action of nitric acid ; and, lastly, it becomes clear how it is that the oxymerciiric hydrogen imidosul- phonate has quite consistently a constitution different from that of the oxymercuric sodium salt, and how the one salt is formed from the other. (Cf. Divers and ShimidzAi on Mercurij Sulphites, J. Coll. Sei. 1, 101). In fact, the constitution of the oxymercuric hydrogen imidosul- phonate follows obviously from the production of the salt by (acid) mercuric nitrate in excels. From what we actually can observe in thç 112 DIVEES AND HAGA. c;ise of the normal mercury dipotassium salt we know that nitric acid of itself should act as represented by this equation — Hg(OHgOS02)2NHgN(S03Na)j+2HN03 = -Hg(OHgOS02)2NH + HN(S03Na)2 + Hg(N03)2 — replacing the imidic mercury by hydrogen, but not touching the oxy mercuric group, in conformity with its inability in other cases (sulphites and sulphates) to do so when the group is joined to sulphu- ryl. In the .absence of mercuric nitrate this reaction is slowly followed by hydrolysis of the disodium hydrogen salt through the unavoidable excess of nitric acid, but in presence of mercuric nitrate hydrolysis does not take place. The mercuric nitrate ünishes the formation, just formulated, of the oxymercuric hydrogen salt, in the way shown l)y the equation — HN(S03Na)2+3Hg(N03)2+'20H2 = HN(S020HgO),Hg + 2NaN03 + 4HN03. — from which equation it will also be sufficiently clear how the whole chmo-e can be effected by mercuric nitrate without any addition of nitric acid. From the constitution given to this salt may be seen why it can, so remarkably, be left for days in a nitric-acid solution of mercuric nitrate without hydrolysing. For hydrolysis can only occur when some of the sulphonic group becomes acid, or SO3H, and here tlie nitric acid, especially in pre-sence of much mercuric nitrate, is power- less to displace the oxymercuric group by hydrogen. There remains now only to tabulate the three merciu'ic salts, the constitution of which has been discussed, in order to bring out their relations quite clearly, and particularly the intermediate relation of the oxymercuric s<.dium salt. IMIDOSULPHONATES. 113 Iiiiidosnlphonîite. Mercuric disodium Oxymercnric sodium Oxy mer curie hydrogen. Hg Hg Formula. N(S03Na)2 ■NlSO^Na)^ N(S03Na)2 N(S03ligO)2Hg HN(S08HgO)aHg Addendum. Oxiia))iidosiilp]ionate.'i. — In our last paper, we had to call attention to the discordance between some of the results of the work done by otliers aiid by <)urselves on sulphazotised salts. We are glad to be able to brino- in sup{>ort of the accnracy of certain of our own statements the te-itimony of one of the other workers, Hr. Dr. Rascliig', who wr«jte soon after the appearance of the paper on oxyamidosulphonates tous request wlien next publishing to make known that he now entire- ly agrees with our account of the decomposition of oxyamidosulpho- nates bvcnustic alkali (J. Coll. Set., 3, 218), and withdraws his own statement concerning it, which was based upon qualitative reactions only. Jour. Sc. Coll. Vol. VI. PI. I. m m m ffl a H 4- + M M >/ V/ ¥ U m la m X ^ BZl ^ 4- l#^ % é& Bâ M On the Anatomy of Magnoliaceae- By Sadahisa Matsuda. Science College, Imperial University. With Plates II-V. Introductory Remarks. The investigation of the present subject was begun in the autumn of LSÜO, at the suggestion of Prof. J. Matsumura, and was continued more than a year. During that time I received much useful advice from him, and also from Prof. R. Yatabe, to both of whom I am much indebted. The object of my researches was to find out what anatomical peculiarities characterize the Magnoliaceas as a whole ; what distinctive characters are presented by each of the dif- ferent groups included in it ; and to what extent all the species of it ma\- be anatomically distinguished from one another. Tliese questions naturally present themselves, if we remember that systematic botanists in recent times have not agreed as to the limits of this family, and have treated its members in different ways. Some botanists extend its province by including certain tribes not usually admitted, while others restrict it by omitting triljes coui- nionlv included. 8iich indefiniteness as to its extent shows that this natural family is not very natural, and I hope that the study I have made of its anatomical characters may Ije of some service in remedying this defect. IIG s. MATSUDA. I examined all the species of Magnoliacete that were aece.ssiljle, including those placed in other families by some botanists. Sucli being the case [ find it more convenient to use in my dissertation the term Magnoliaceœ in its wider sense. It also best answers my ])urpose to divide this family, as is done by liUerssen' and others, into four tribes ; namely : — Maguoliece, Scli izaiidrea', Jlliciea', TrocJi odciulreœ. The number of genera included in these tribes does not exceed fourteen, orj the highest estimation, and that of the sjiecies known at present ranges Ijetween seventy and eight}'. However, I could ex- amine only twenty-four species and two varieties. Altlunigh the number of the species examined is small when compared with that of all the species known, yet those examined are distributed among ten genera, which are in their turn distril3uted among the fjur tribes. Therefore, I am perhaps right in believing that the anatomical characters of the species I examined represent fiirly those of the whole family. With the exception of two dried specimens in the herbarium of the Science College, which I wa-< allowed to examine, the materials for my study were mostly obtained in the University lîotanic Garden in Koishikawa. As I could get no specimens of the main root proceed- ing immediately from the seedling, but only of younger sec(jndary roots, I examined these branchlets in order to get some kn(n\ledge of the anatomical characters of the young root, such as the arrangement of the xylem-plates, &c. It will be well, I think, to define at once a few words which thouiih often convenient to use in describinn- the structure of the plant-body, are yet somewhat vague in their meaning. " Sclerenchy- 1. Luerssen, Grundzüge der Botanik. ON THE ANATOMY OF MAGXOLIACE^. HJ riiatf^is ül)re" is used in the same sense as bast-fibre, and '• sclero- blast" in that of stone-cell; when either indefinitely is to 1)e denoted, the expression " sclerenchymatous element" is often used. Bv "sclerenchymatous sheath" I mean the single mass of sclerenchy- matous fibres, or the numerous isolated groups of them, which lie at the external limit of the fibro-vascular bundles and form a rino- either continuous or interrupted at intervals. I consider this sheath to be ÎI part of the bundles, and not an independent structure lying outside them. By " cortex" I mean all the tissues which lie outside the cambial zone. That part of it which corresponds to the phloem (including the sclerenchymatous sheath, when this exists), I generally call the •' inner cortex "; and all the parts outside this, the "outer" or "external cortex." In the case of very young roots 1 mean by "cortex" all the tissue lying outside the endodermis. In the following pages the anatomical characters of each genus will be first described, and then com])ared. It might a,])|)ear sufficient to have compared at once the characters of the different generu without giving a- special description of each genus, but this would haA'e led to confusion, as well as to the omission of many interesting isohitcd facts. Anatomical Characters. Under the headings. Stem, Pclioh', Blade, and Boot, the points of structure peculiar to each are descrilied, while under the first are given also those points common to all four. Tribe I. Trochodendreae. This tribe consists of three genera, species of each of which I examined. 113 s. MATSUDA. Euplelaea. E. polijaudra, Siel), et Zucc, is tlie only sjiecie.s of this genus which I examined. It is a small tree, found in many parts of Japan, in which the aromatic property so common in Mngnoliacea^ is entirely absent. Stem. — The epidermal cells present no peculiarity ; the cuticle is not well developed. There is found on the e])idermis a number of lenticels, which appear to the naked eye as white sjiecks. Cork is developed inunediately beneath the epidermis, its cells being of com])aratively large size, while those forming the other tissues are generally very small. The hypodermn is represented by n layer of somewhîit thick-walled parenchymatous cells bene;ith the cork. Sclerenchymatous elements of any kind nre totally al)sent in the outer cortex ; but there are found in it many sacs, each of which contnins an aggregate of crystals of calcium oxîdate (PI. IT, Fig. 2). The sclerenchymatous ring which accompanies the fibro-vasculnr bundles is well developed, but is interrn|)ted at the points where the large medullary rays run radially througli the ])hloëm (PI. II, Fig. 1). Sclerenchymatous elements are absent in the inner phlorm ; btif a few scleroblasts -find their wny into those jxn-tions of the ])hlo('m rays which run near the sclerenchymatous ring (PI. TT. Fig. 1. .s). In .specimens collected while the cambial zone is in activity, tliere is seldom seen any marked distinction between that zone and the xyleni, gradual transition taking place from lignified cells to uidignified ones. (PI. II, Fig. 1). In the phloem |)ortion sieve-tubes are distinctly to be seen, especially in longitudinal sections. The xylem contains vessels, tracheïds, fibres, and wood-|)arenchyiua. The vessels general- ly have fibrous markings on their walls. In those portions of the xylem whicli border on the pith and constitute the medullary sheath there aiv found, in yonng s])eciinens, grouj)s of elongated cells with ON THE ANATOMY OF MAGNOLIACE^. ]19 thin uiiliiiiiified walls. Each group siirroniuls the first -formed spiral vessels and is destined to he liunitied in the course of time. Primary medullary rays usually consist of tw(^ or three radial rows of cells ; hesides these there are found numerous small rays consisting of a single row of cells. The ])ith C(^mmonly consists of cells with thick, lignified, ])itted walls, hut sometimes there remains in the central portion (^f the pith a grou]) of cells with urdignified walls. Petiole. — On the epidermis a few hairs are sometimes present. They especially grow in the groove whicli runs longitudinally along the u])per surface of tlie petiole. The hy])oderma is present. Tlie (il)i-o-vascular hundles form a ring enclosing the pith. Sclerenchy- matous fihres are well develo])ed and constitute a continuous sheath around the bundles ; they are unlignified in the basal portion of the petiole. The phloem ])ortion is here and there crossed by the medullary rays, and the portion of the ray which bridges the ])hloëm is made u\) of scleroblasts. unlike that of the stem the pith is formed of thin-walled parenchyma. B](t(h'. — Its structure is generally com])act. The stomata do not ])resent any peculiai-itv. Hairs grow on the midrib and their base is often made up of several cells. The cuticle of the midrib forms a number of longitudinal ridges, which j)resent in a cross section cuticular indentations (PI. II, Fig. 3). Directly under the e])idermis of the lower side of the blade there is found a layer of cells which forms the hypoderma. The ai-rangement of the fibro-vascular bundles of the midrib is not completely circular, but shows a discontinuous portion turned towards the u[)per surface of the blade. Aofg'reo-ates of crystals ave also met with in the cells of the cortical portion of the midrib. Pool. — In the older root the o-eneral structure does not differ 120 s. MATSUDA. iniicli from tliat of the .stem, except thnt pith is ahsent. The scleren- clivmntous ring ec^iitaiiis hoth sliort and elongated elements. In the voiinu' root, hairs are copiously found on the epidermis. The arrange- ment of xvlem-plates seems to 1)elong to the diarch type (PI. IT, Fiii'. 4, A). As the root becomes a little older the two xylem-plates wliich WYO o]^])osite in tlieir ])osition hecome united, thus forming an ellijitical mass of wo<^d (PL IT. Fig. 4, 1)). The enchjdermis remains cellulose ;»s long as it exists. Cercidiphyilum. Of this geiuis T examined a single species, C. /(iponicinih Sieh, et Zucc. Tlie ])lant is found in tlie mountainous parts of this comilry. Tt attains a great height ;ind yields a valuable tindx'r. Ft is not aromatic though tlie o])]>osite statement is made by some authors.' ,S'^';//. — The tissue elements of this ]>lant are very small in size ; the ('(mipactness of texture of the wood is owing to this fact. The epidermis is early shed, so that except in very young shoots it is compleielv absent. The cork is very compact like the other tissues. The hypodermal layer is present undei* the cork. Cells containing prism;)tic crystals of calcium oxalate are abundantly found l)oth in the outer c(-)rtex and in the ])hlo('m, and are es])ecially munerous in the ])hloë,m i-ays (PL FF, I^ig. 5). 'I'he occurrence of these crvstals is so common that I fourid them in vari(nis specimens collected in different seasons. The groups of sclerenchymatous fibres are well developed and form bands alternating with the soft bast ; but there does not exist a continuous sheath of sclerencliyma enclosing fhe fibro- vascular bundles. Sieve- plates are seen iti the phloem, though not very distinctly. The 1. Bâillon, Natura! Histori/ of I'laiit.f, (translated from thcFrench). En/'' initHrliclwit PtiKtr.i'iif'aiiiiUcn. J 96 s. MATSUDA. ring enclosing the pith, as they do in the stem ; but constitute a somewhat crescent-shaped oToup witli its conr^ave side turned to the upper surface of the petiole. The xylem ])<)i-tion is incompletely lignified as is proved hy the action of reno-eiits. In tlie phloëin no sclerenchymatous fibres are present. The bundles are partly enclosed by a row of parenchymatous cells containing starch-grains, which perhaps represent a Inmdle sheath. In all other res])ects the structure of the petiole is similar to that of the stem. Blade. — The cuticle is well developed. The fibro- vascular bundles of the midrib are semi-circularly arranged, and a fcAv scleren- chvmatoiis fibres accompany the bundles. The cells forming the palisade-parenchyma lying at the midrib have their height diminished and become almost round. Resin sacs are not found at least in 7. yrJiijiimim. Hoot. — An old root almost resembles the stem in general striK'tiu-e. Tn the young root the arrauii'ement of the xylem-])lates is of a diarch ty])e. The cells that constihite the endodermis remain cellu- lose. Oil -drops are scattered about in the cortex of the young root. l^o sclerenchymatous fibre is seen in the phlorm, even in old speci- mens. Drimys. T examined onlv a dried specimt^n of one s])ecies of this genus ; namely, J), diprfala, ¥r. M.. which had r-ome from New South Wales, and T can only give a few points about its antitomical characters, since I have only a verv im])erfect knowledge of them. Tn general structure this species resembles /. rcliijiosiim^ but there exist some decided structural ditferenres between them. Thus in />. dipftala a great nu7nber of resin-sacs are present in the outer oortex (PI. TTT, Fig. 12, B) and even in the phlo('m ; a well develop- ed sclerenchymatous ring accompanies the fibro-vascular bundles, and ON THE ANATOMY OF MAGNOLTAOE^. jQ^ the xylem consists exclusively of traeheids. The List oh;trncter is only found in tlu' present o-enus and in 'ivochnilcndron nmono- Mao-- iioliacete. The pnrenchyniatous cells of tlie pith are lignified even in a young specimen, as in 7. Tasliimi, hut T have not here met with anv scjerenchyniatous cells scattered aJ)ont. (as they are stated to l)e hv l^-antl). Tlie le;if is almost sessile, and the til)ro-\'asculai' Ixnidles oi' the very shoi-t jietiole present a semi-circular arrangement, as in llJiriimi. The bundles are similarly arranged in the midrib. A immher of resin-sacs are found in the mesophyll. In the epidermal cells of the leaf, crystals are often met with, which are prohal)lv calcium oxalate. Tribe III. Schizandreae. This trihe consists of the following two genera : Kadsura and Schizandra. The two genera are so closely related in anatomical characters as to make it convenient to describe them togethei-. Of Kadsuin T examined K. japonira, L., and of Scliizavdm I examined S. nufnt Max.. and S. cliiiifnsis, I>ail. The three are small climhing shrubs. found in se\'eral parts of Japan. When a cut portion of these plants is put in water it yields a large quantitv of mucilage, which in the case of 7v. japnuicn is S(^metimes used for dressing the hair. Tlu; two species of Schizandra give out a sweet odour \vhen any j^oi-tion of them is bruised, hut K. japonica gives out little or no odour, when similarly treated. T'he berries of S. eliinensis are said to he edible. Stem. — The epidermis consists of a single layer of cells, and the cuticle is not well developed. The hypodei-ma, is not represented. The cork is well develo])ed directiv under the epidermis and is of the usual type. Tn the cortical parenchyma there are scattered about a few cells wliich contain oil globules (PI. TV, Fig. 14. rn) ; these are pro- 128 s. MATSUDA. b;il)lv the s(^nrce of tlie cbarneteristic odour which the plants o'ive ont wlien bruised. These cells are conspicuous in Schiiniuhri l)y tlieii* size, beinu' much larii-er than the cells of the surroundino- parenchymatous «•ells, but" in 7v. japoidca the oil-cells are scarcely lars^er than the surrounding cells, and are. besides, seldom met with. The cells of the (•ortic;d pareiK'byma are sometimes pitted in /\'. jdpnuica (PI. TV. Fig. 14). Sclerenchvmatous fibres are generally found at the external limit of the phloem, constituting the sclerenchvmatous slieath, but they are not much crowded, either forming only a thin layer (jr else small grou])s (PI, FY, Fig. lo. .s7). Some of these fibres are septate, as may be seen in K. jd/ioHicd (V\. TV, Fig. '2\). Scattered about in the ])hl«H'm (and als(^ in the external cortex) tliei-e are found peculiar cells with tliick lignified walls and a narnnv lumen (IM. IX, Fig. '20). Some of these cells are elongated like sclerenchyuiatous fibres, others are very short, simply round in form, or else provided Avith arms, which they ])ush out freely among the surrounding cells. The outer layer of theii' thickened wall contains a great number of granules (^f calcium oxalate, which present an angular configurati(Mi, without the definite form of true crystals. These peculiar elements are structurally nothing else than sclerenchymatous filtres or scleroblasts. liolding a number of grannies imbedded close to one another in their walls, and for convenience' sake I will hei-eaftei' call them "crystal- bearing sclerenchymatous elements." I do not think tliat there exists any essential difference between them and the so-called spicular cells of WelwiUchia mirahil/Sj which liave been described by several authors, and are stated to he of tl>e same nature as the crystal -bearing fibres found in Amiicnria. &c. Ff I am right, the interesting fact is supplied of two gi'oups of plants which arc remote from eacli other in systematic jtositiou coiitaiiiiiiL;- a nci'v similar elciuent in their ON THE AXATOMY OF MAUNOLIACE^ j^^C) ti.ssiie.s. In the jthloeiii of kadsiini and Schl:tui(lra tliere are found nianv Jarge intercellular spaces, which are apt to be mistaken for some kind of laroe ducts, but are really passages of lysigenetic origin. They are on all sides bounded — and the boundaries nre often verv irregular — by distorted and broken cells, and in sections cut from specimens preserved in alcohol, they ai-e often found filled with a homo- geneous, structureless sid)stance. The}^ seem to serve as reservoirs for the nnicilage which ul)onnds in these plants, and wliich is probalilv derived from tlie disorganization of the suriounding cells. They are mo?t conspicuous in Kadsiini. The xylem consists of tracheae, filn-es, and wood-parenchyma. The vessels are large, their diameter Ijeino- several times greater than that of the surroundincj- tissue-elements, especially in Kadsuni. The walls of the vessels are distinctlv sculptured with bordered pits. The medullary rays mostly consist of a sinole- row of cells. The pith consists of unlignified parenchymatous cells, amontj- which may be found a few sclerenchymatous cells in Scliiidndra (PI. IV, Fig. 15), and a few crystal-bearing ones in Kadmm. Vet'uAi'. — Unlike those of the stem the fibro-vasc;ilar bundles of the j)etiole are so arranged as to present a somewliat semi-lunar form with its concavity turned to the upper side of the [letiole (PI. IV, Fig. 1(S). In a section cut from the upper or middle })ortion of the petiole, these bundles lie in a few definite groups, as is shown in the figure just referred to, (where three distinct groups are seen) ; but in the basal portion they are more looseh* arranged. There is not present either in the phloem or in its neighbourhood, the common form of sclerencliymatous fibre or scleroblast ; l)ut scattered about in the parenchymatous tissue surrounding the bundles there are found the ci'vstal-bearing sclerenchymatous elements (V\. IV, Fiu-. ly, 6'.s). In the case of Kadstira a single row of parenchymatous 130 s. MATSUDA. cells which contain a (juantity of starch-grains, j)artly encloses the bundles and faintly represents a biindle-sheath (PI. IV, Fig. 18, i ; PI. IV, Fig. 19, ï). In Schizandra some parenchymatous cells lying near the bundles contain crystals of calcium oxalate. These crystals are found either singly in a cell or as an aggregate. In the former case they attain a considerable size and are (3ctahednd ov prismatic in form, but in the latter case their exact form is indeterminate. Such crystals are not met witli in the stem. In the existence of mucilage-reservoirs, as well as in other points not specified here, the structure of the petiole agrees with that of the stem. Blade. — The stomata are of the usual form. Cuticular ridges are distinctly seen on the epidermis of the midrib. The arrange- ment of the fibro-vascular bundles in the midrib is similar to that in the petiole. Mucilage canals are found both in the midrib and in other parts of the blade. In the latter place they generally accompany the veins sent off from the midrib. Crystal- bearing sclerenchymatous elements are found both in the midrib and in the veins of Kadsum japonica, A\'hile they are rarely met with in the leaf of SchiziUidra nvjva. On the contrary crystals both aggre- gated and solitary are cojnously found in the midrib and veins of Schizandra fiiyra, while they are rare in the leaf-blades of Kadsura. Crystals forming aggregates are also found in the epidermal cells of Sehizandm (PI. IV, Fig. IG). lloiil. — The (Tystal-bearing scJerenclniiiarous cells, the cells con- taining oil-globules, and sc^me other })eculiar structures, which are found both in the stem and leaf, are also met with in the root (Pi. l\'. Fig. 11, I)). However, the sclerenchymatous sheath, which is constantly found in the stem, is absent even in somewhat old roots. The intercellular passages which serve as nmcilage-reservoirs are found ox THE ANATOMY OF MAGNOLIACEtK. x;-J1 in the roots of K. japonica and S. clu'ncnsis, but in a somewhat old root of S. niyra, 1 found the passages not yet developed, and but little mucilage present. Thus it is seen that the formation of the passages has a close relation to the production of mucilage, a fact which seems to favour the view that the nmcilage is derived from the disorganization of the pre-existing tissue. As to the number ot xylem-plates in the young root, K. japonica and S. nigra agree, both presenting the diarch arrangement ; but in S. chinensis the triarch, as well as the diarch one, may be seen (PI. IV, Fig. 17). The pith is absent in old specimens. Tribe IV. Magnolieae. Under this tribe I examined the following three genera : Magnolia, Michelia, and Liriodendron. The anat<3niical elements of these genera may Ije described to- gether, as they present nothing characteristic enough to distinguish the genera from each other. Only one sj^ecies is known to Ijeloug to Liriodendron, and this I examined. Four species of Michelia were examined, and ten species and two varieties of Magnolia. All of these plants are trees and generally attain a great height. Aromatic properties are prevalent among them. The names of the species examined are as follows : Magnolia stellata, Miq. M. parrißora, Sieb, et Zucc. These two are ornamental trees. M. Kolws, I). C. Also ornamental. Its wood is used in cabinet work. M. hijpoleuca, Sieb, et Zucc. It is one of the most useful trees, its soft wood being ex- j;-^9 S. MATSUDA. tensively used for various purposes. Suiall articles uf furniture, chopping blocks, &c., are made fro7n it. It is also used for making pencils. The charcoal obtained from it is used for polishing lacquered ware. Also the tree is ornamental. il/, mlici folia, Miq. M. ohovata, Thunb. M. ohovata, Thunb. var. (commonly known as Katisliiu- mokuren), M. conspicita, Salisb. 31. coHspicua, Salisb. var. parpurescens, Max. J/, pmnila, Andr. J\L Jl'aisoni, Hook. fil. M. tjrandißora, L. The last seven of the above plants are ornamental exotic trees. Michclia comprcsm, L. This is an ornamental tree. Small articles of furniture are sometimes made from its wood. It is grown in the hotter parts of this country. il/. Cliampaca, L. il/, lomjifolia, Blume, il/, fnscata, Blume. These three are ornamental exotic trees ; il/. Cltaiiipaca is said to be of some medicinal value. Liriodendwn hdipifcra^ L. An exotic tree. Stem. — The epidermis is of the usual structure with the cuticle w^ell developed in many species. Epidermal hairs are found in all species of Michclia and in some of Magnolia, {e. (j., il/, (jrandißora, par vi- ox I'HE AXATOMY OF MAGXOLTAOE^E. J 33 ß.orcC) ; but not in Lirioderulron. Development of cork seems to take place in these genera immediately under the epidermis. The hypoderma is generally represented by a layer of thick-walled parenchymatous cells which are packed very closely (PL V., Fig. 22, hp). The cells constituting the hypoderma are in some cases transformed into scleroblasts, as is seen in Magnolia (frandifl ova ^ hijpoleuca (PI. Y, Fig. 28, ///)), piiniila, imrvißora^ &c. Resin-sacs are scattered about in the ex- ternal cortex. Each consists of a cell having a form similar to that of the surrounding parenchymatous cells, but distinguished from these by the nature of its contents, the thickness of its wall, and also in most cases bv its size. These sacs are conspicuous in Magnolia and Lirioden- dron, ])ut hardly so in Miclielia. In many species they are found in the phloem, and even in the pith. The contents of these sacs are probably the chief source of the aroma possessed by the species of these genera. Like that of the resin-sacs the occurrence, either singly or in groups, of scleroblasts in the external cortex is universal in these genera, These cells are, however, very rare in some species, e. g., Magnolia pa rri flora. Some of them are many armed and may properly be called trichoblasts. - The sclerenchymatous fibres are greatly develo])ed, and not only form a sfroug sheath to the fibro-vascular bundles, l)ut arc found mixed among the soft bast. A few scleroblasts are also found with the sclerenchymatous fibres that lie at the external limit of the phloem, and with them constitute an almost continuous sheath. The phloem portion consists of the usual elements. The xylem contains the trachea3, filn'ous elements, and wood-parenchyma. The vessels present bordered ])its in their walls. Tlie medullary rays vary in breadth, some consisting of three or four rows of cells, and others of a single row. Sclerenchymatous elements are generally absent in the phloem ravs. 134 s. MATSUDA. The pith consists of iinh'onified cells, and is traversed in places by a kind of horizontal septa. This structure is known as " diaphragms " (PI. Y, Fig. 27, dm'), and is universally found in tlie species included in the present tribe. In some species, cjj., ]\fafiH(ih'(t (jrmnliflora, it is very conspicuous and distinctly visible to the naked eye as streaks traversing the pith. A diaphragm consists of a horizontally stretched mass of scleroblasts, whicli, when highly developed, occupies an almost entire cross section of the pith, though it is inconsiderable in thick- ness; and this mass is continuous at several points with the wood- parenchvma that lies at the inner limit of the xylem. In Liriodcndron the greater part of a diaphragm consists of cells with thick, ])itted, but not lignified walls, while the remaining small ])orti(m is made u]) of scleroblasts. The diaphragms of Müijnolia Inipolcuea consist of scleroblasts having a very irregular shape. Those of MaiptoUa par- r i 11 ara iuid 31. sal ici fol id are not so well developed as those of other sjiecies. rctioh'. — Tlie cuticle is strongly developed in Michelia, but not in Liriudcndron. In Mü(juolia it is well developed in some species, l)ut less so in others. Epidermal hairs are abundantly found in Michelin, l)ut in Liriodoidrou they are almost absent. In M(ujuoJi(( many species have the hairs well developed, while some are destitute of them. In DffKjHoIia jiarvifJora and a variety of MmjuoJin ohorala (KdH.diiu-inolii- rcii) there are found, in addition to the kind of hairs common to other species, smaller haiis which are sometimes l)ranched (PI. V, Tig. '24, cli). The hairs are generally cuticularised, but in MdtjNolia Kohus, in which a few are found, they remain cellulose. Resin-sacs occur in the outer cortex of all the species, and even in the ])hloëm of some. The scleroblasts, which are often many-armed, are generally found in the external cortex ; but in the single ca.-e of TÀriodcndron they are almost absent. The number of hbro-vasculnr l)uiidles which entei' ox THE ANATOMY OF MAGNOLIACE^. IP.O tlie peliole is variable, in some species exceeding twenty, in others l)eing miK'li fewer. These l)und]es are g-eiierally isolated from one another in the basal portion of the petiole, but in its u])per portion they become gradually united so as to form a ring enclosing the ])ith. This arrangement is usually very regular, but sometimes several liundlcs stand isolated outside the main ring, and disturl) the regularity of the ai-rangement. The sclerenchymatous fibres are very well deve!o])ed and constitute the bundle sheath. They are generally unlignified at the b:isal portion of the petiole, but in Liriodendron some of these fibres are lignified eNen in the basal portion. The diaphragms .are present in the species examinech In several cases, however, tiiey are only faintly represented by a few sclerol)lasts found in the pith; while in others (c. <)., Miclirlia fuscata), a bro.ad mass of sclerenchymatous cells constitutes the diaphragm. Blade. — With the exception of IJriodciidron the cuticle is general- ly well-developed. In MidieUn and Maipiolia epidermal hairs are generally met with, especially on the lower surface of the leaf; wliilc in Liriodendron many epidernud cells of the lower side of the leaf are provided eacli with a little ])rotuberance, which is really an im])erfect hair. In many cases the hair is not an elongation from a single epidermal cell, but several cells take part in ibrming its l):isal portion, as will be seen in referring to the figures, 25 and '2(1 (PI, V). The stomata are generally elliptical in form, but in MofiHolio (jntnditlorit they are rather I'oundish, the curvature of the guard-cells being very great. In Magnolia jnimila the cuticle is much I'aised at the entrance of the stomata, and presents a cu])-like appearance, reminding us of the stomata of TrocJiodemlrox (PI. V, Fig. oO). lu MaijiioJia (jrandifJora there is found between the epidermis and the palisade-parencliyma a single layer of parenchymatous cells, which do not contain chlorophyll grains (PI. \\ Fig. :^9). This layer extends to tlie verv margin of 136 s. MATSÜDA. the lenf-bhide. and some of the cells constituting it become sclerotic as this region is ajiproached, and, together with the sclerenchymatoiis fibres that abound there, form a very strong margin to the blade. The blade of JSIdijuoJia (jniHdijIora is also itself very thick, the palisade- ])arenchyma consisting of several layers of cells, but in MaijuoJui mlicifoh'a, which has very thin leaves, there is only a single layer of cells constituting the palisade parenchyma. Although there are the few just noticed peculiarities to be detected in certain species, the gener«al structure of the blade is similar in the three genera of ]\fa'enus of the present family having been described, it is now possible to give a comparative view of them. The structural points to be com- pared will be treated under the same four principal heads as used in describing each genus : Stem, Petiole, Blade, and lîoot. Stem. The characters of the stem require fuller treatment than the rest, and will be compared under the several structures. 1 . Epidermis. — The epidermis generally consists of a single layer l'^), &c., these cells are transformed into scleroblasts. 4. Secretory Reservoirs. — Two kinds of these are found, resin- or oil-sacs and crystal-containing sacs, the latter chiefly found in Eiiptekea (PI. II, Fig. 2) and Ccrcidiphyllmn (PI. II, Fig. 5). The crystals are of calcium oxalate in both genera ; 1jut in Euplekm they exist in the sac as an aggregate and are confined to the outer cortex, while in Cercidiplryllwii tliey are not aggregated, and the sacs containing them exist in the phloem, as well as in the outer cortex. In Schizandra crystal-containing sacs are confined to the leaf (petiole and blade). Ilesin-sacs universally occur in the external cortex of Maeti()le, they ]^reNent a circiilnr arrangement enclosino- the pith in the centre (?J. 11, Fi,i>-. ß). But in the petiole of llh'chim, J)n'm)i!^, Trochodcndwn, Kadiura, and SchizaNdra, the iihro- vascnlar linndles have a semi-circnlar arrano-ement with the concav^ity turned to the npper side of the petiole (PI. IIT, Fia'. 7). The sclerenchvniatf^ns sheatli of the Inindles is often wanting', as in the petiole of lUicium, Dn'imj.'^, and Scliizandra. Troeliodfudwn has the sheath consistino- of nnho^nified fihres, while all the other o^enera have well developed sclerenchymatons sheatlis (PI. TI, Fii;'. ()). The fihres forming- these sheaths remain nnlignified at the hasal pt^rtion of tl^e petiole in all cases, except in the ])etiole of Lin'odpndron. where a few fihres are found lio-niiied. Wliether this local non-lignification of the iihres has some pli3^siological meaning or not still remains undecided. In .T/rvf///o//>o' dia]ih7'agms are found in the pith-])ortion of the petiole as ill that of the stem. Blade. The general structure of the hlade does not deviate from the dicotyledonous tvpe. 'i'lie up])er portion of it is made up of palisade- parenchvma, whiarenchyma ; hut in those ])arts lying directiv under the main I'ihs there is found a more compact ])ai'en- chvmatous tissue. Tn some genera, namely, Jlliciinn, Trocliodoidroti, ]\[cu}Noli((. and Michelin, the l)lade has a well developed cuticle. In Sclri:(Uidreœ the cuticle of the midrih — especially that of the lower surface— forms fine ridges running longitudinally (PI. TI, Fig. 'î). ON THE ANATOMY OF MAGNOLIA OETR. 148 Tliese rido-es nre also observable in Eiiptelfra, and less distinctlv in Ccrcidij)]nilliiiii, but are wanting in Trochodcmlrou whicb with these two o'enera forms Trocliodendnvr. Epidermal hairs are generally found in M(«juoJii( and DlicheUa, and also in EupfeJoYi, l)ut in other genera are almost wanting. In general the stomata do not ])resent any ]>eculiarity, being elliptical in form and a('C(^m])anied by the two guard- cells, but in Maiinolid (imndiffoni their form is nearly spherical and the guard-cells are ]iressed outward, so that they rest u])on the neighbouring epiilermal cells. Both in Maffnolia pvmHa and Twchn- dt'iidi-oN iinilioidcx. the cuticle is much raised around the entrance of tlie stomnta. and ])resents a cup-like a])])earance (PI. Ill, Fig. 10 ; PI. V, Fig. oO). The arrangement (^f the fibro-yascular bundles of the midril) is circular in Maijnolhuv, semi-circular in fJlicicœ and Selii:nn- drtw. In all these cases the bundle arrangement of the ])etiole agrees with that of the midrib. In ('t'lcidifdijiJlinii and Euptekm the Inindles are circularly arranged in the ])etioIe, but in the former they are seini- cii'cularly arranged in the midrib, wliile in the latter their circle is incom])lete in this ])art. F)ut Trochodeudron aralioidt's has the bundles semi-circularly arranged both in ]ietiole and midrib. Thus in this res])ect the tliree genera (^f Tmrhodcndnuc do not agree with one another. I»esin-s:ics are present in the mesophyll, as well as in the midrib of the examined three genera of Maçiuoliew. They ai'e also jn-esent in these parts oî DrimnA d.ipctala, but have not been observed in those of Jllicimn religiosum or of Schizaudrav and Trorhnd(>ndrra'. although in the former of these the occurrence of mur-ilage canals both in the mesophyll and the midrib is very common, fhe blade in a few genera contains crystals. Thus aoföreoates of crvstals are found in the cortical region of the midrib of Eiiftfehrn and Cercidiphylhim, and in that of ScliiztiNdrn. In DriDU/s dij>('t(d(( the e])idermal cells contain a number oi' (Tvstals. As to the existence of scleroblasts. trichoblasts, 144 s. MATSUDA. îuirl ci'vst;il-beai*ing sclerencliyinntons elements, whnt I have stnterl in tlie case of the stein is a])p]icab]e here to tlie hlade. Root. The root, when it lieconies a little older, presents tlie same structnre as tiie stem, except that the central portion, which corres- ponds to the pith of the stem, is occnjned by the xylem. Generally when sclerohlasts, secretory reservoirs, &c. are found in the stem, they are also present in the root ; hnt in the case of lUic'nim rcUijio- swn, sclerenchymatous elements are totally absent in tlie root, thon,o-h a few fibres are present in the stem. In the yonnii' i'^'^^" I'^dial bundles with the endodermis arc present in the central portion, and are sur- rounded by the cortical ])arenchyma. The cells constitiitinii' the endodermis oenerally remain cellulose. The Casj)ary point is not clearly seen, l^ioth endodermis and ])ericambium are generally well marked in the voung root, except in that of Trocliodcndron (PI. Ill, Fio-, SV In a few cases a number of cells with liquified thick walls are found in the cortical portion (PI. Ill, Fig. . hypoderma. /. intercellular space. U. jinner limit of xylem. /,•. cork. ;//. cells constituting medullary ray. )ii(L pith. vip. passage containing mucilage. inf)' . passage containing mucilage in process of formation. p. parenchymatous cells. pc. pericambium. j)]i. phloem. pin. cell constituting phloem ray. re. sac or reservoir containing crystals. rn. sac or resei'Aoir containing oily oi- resinous substance. s. stone-cells or scleroblasts. EXPLANATION OF PLATES. sq. group of sclerenchyraatous fibres. si. sclerenchyraatous fibres or l)ast fibres. ss. sclerenchyraatous sheath. t. trichoblasts. X. xylera. ^. one of the cells tliat form a vow representmg a bundle-slieath PLATE IL Plate II. Fig. 1. — Cross section of phloem and cambial zone of Enptehea poh/amlra . x'285. w. a zone of newly formed wood, where lignification is incomplete. Fig. 2. — Longitudinal radial section of outer cortex of Kuptehea jxjli/andra, showing three crystal-containing sacs. x355. Fig. 3. — Cross section of epidermis of midrib of leaf of Euptebea polijiuulnt, presenting cutieular ridges in cross section. X355. Fig. 4. — Cross section of young root of Euptehea jxjli/andra : A, younger; B, a little older stage. x200. Fig. o. — Longitudinal radial section of a portion of phloum of Cercidii>lti/Uti)ii Japoiiicum, showing crystal-containing sacs ; / indicates the side nearer to the centre of the stem ; /•, the side farther from the centre. X2ÜÜ. Fig. 6. — Cross section of the middle portion of petiole of CercidiphijUum. japonicum ; a, (I, a, mark the zone where distorted cells are found. X45. Jour. Sc. Coll. Vol. VI. PI. II. J^ig. 3. /^'rff. L< S. Mathilda, del. Lith. (É Imp. the Seislubiinsli, Plate HI. Fig. 7. — Cross section of the middle portion of petiole of Trochodenilro)i /u ulioides. X45. Fig. 8. — Cross section of young root of Trodiodendruii araliuides ; endodermis and pcricambinm not well marked, x 2ÜÜ. Fig. \). — A trichoblast (separated by maceration) from outer cortex of Trochodeii- dnui (inilinidc's. XloO. Fig. lu. — Cross section of a stoma of Trochodendion (indioides ; cs, cup-sliaped cuticular elevation at the entrance of the stoma. X445. Fig. 11. — Cross section of phloem and a portion of xylem of IliiciiDii reli(jiosum. X2b5. Fig. 12. — A, cross section of a small portion of outer cortex of [lliciiiin, Tashiroi, showing a resin sac ; B, that of Di'uiujs. dipetdla ; (only dried specimens were examined). X20Ü. Jour. Sc. Coll. Vol. VI. PI. III. s. Matinda, del. Lith. d- Imp. the Seishihunsna. PLATE IV. Plaie IV. Fig. 13,^ — Cross section o{ owier GOïtex o( Kadzu ru jajjoniat. xllO. Fio. 1-i. — A, secretory reservoir iu longitudinal tangential section of outer cortex of Schizandra niiira ; B, tliat of S. ohineitsis ; G, that of K. Jajxniica ; D, that of voot oî K. /(ij)oiiica. Ail xl30. FiG. 15. — Longitudinal section of pith of .S'67t/c(//wi^/y< nù/ra. X45. FiG. 16. — Superficial view of an epidermal cell of Schizuiulra nii/ra containing an aggregate of crystals. X445. Fig. 17. — A, cross section of young root of S. vhiiienaia, presenting the triarch arrangement of xylem-plates ; B, that of a little older one of the same. X200. Fig. 18. — Cross section of the middle portion of petiole of Kadzura jiiits e'v ICr I -6v\, > = 1,'^, a, q. It will 1)6 convenient to write ^v+p instend of s;, iind then /' + ^^s vanishes in 2q ])oints On |.2V 1 -vK /^ = 1, '^, 3, ... (7, q+\, ... 'i^. Equation (1.) then takes the form Ai =2'/ .7^ (2.) 2 ^ = 0. We now take for the fundamental irnitionalitv Iviemann's form and write f7? so that Sil // . Two cases are to be distin!' | o } :>nd the l'ciiiaininu' (2]— 1) points with the p(jint | ,2- | ,s}. E(piation (2.) then becomes MULTIPLICATTOX OF ELLIPTIC FUNCTIONS. 155 (3) -^- + n = 0 , n odtl, 0 s and, writing P + Qs in full, we must huve, denoting differentiation with respect to z by D, K+«i:+ «2:-+ ••+ 'A«+i c^+i + ^v^ + öi('?:) +...+Ö»-! (^r-')=o, «1 + «22.? + . . . + «,„^1(7». + 1 ).f" + h,Ds + h,D{sz) + . . . + 5,„_iD(s^"' -1) = 0, (4). /;„ £>-'".'? + b^D-'\sz)+... Since «o? ''^n ? ^i? ^ ••• ^^^ ^^^ ''^^ vanish, the determinant obtained by eliminatinof a^,, «,, , h,„ h, ... must vanish, that is. (^^) 1 f «'2 1 f Z^ 5, f^2 .9,r, 1 , 2,?, (;;i + 1 )z"\ Ds, Z)(.s.?}, Z)(,s-.2-), .jD(.s,ï"'~») = 0. Let the expansion of this determinant according to the elements of the first row be written, 156 R. FU.JTSAWA. (6) [P„+ a: + . . . +p,„+ir"'^^] + [a+ Qi:+ • ■ +9.-ir^M''^=o. Theii Ç2ui-{-'2) roots of tlie erjuntion are C, and r repeated (2m + 1) time.s. Thus we ohtain the followirig identity : (7) {P,+P,Z + ... + P„,,,Z''^-^'}'^{Q, + Q,Z + ... + Q,,_,Z^>'''}\^^^ ^PUAZ-:){Z-zr^\ Herein putting Z = 0, Z — \^ Z = ^7j- successively and reducing, we obtain (8) V: Vi-r {i-z) ' Pn Vl-A-C {l-'k-z) 2 p ' Po + Pi+...+P^^l^ Pmfl P, jre+i In extracting squnre root, strictly speaking, we have to ])refix the double sign ± ; but by taking some particular value of w or by putting /,•=() in the final results to be hereafter obtained, it comes out that we have to take the + sign. § - Let us now investigate the êX])ressions which occur on the right- hand side of equation (NS. 157 CM A = I)'" l^^ ]y"-S- 7)ml2_^.,m-l n'"'s, J )-"'.s.';-, 7)-"'.s.?"'-i Inrtlier let the cxpiinsion of A arconliii^" to tlic clcinctits of the lirst rt)\v lie wriflcii : (10.) A ^ D"'+Ks . Ai + ])"'^h.y . As + . . . + D"'+i.s^?'"-i . A, Xow .) J\ = 1 , 2z, . . .{m + 1 )z"\ Ds, Dfi:, Dsf"-'^ {m + 1 ) ! , D'" ^^s D"'+hz, 7^'«+i.s .'»-1 D2"'. •< ) - 1,2", m.f"'\{}n + \)f" ;;/ !! .^"'+^ ; îilso Z, .?-, . . . .■ "^ a; /// ! , 7)'" .S' I . 1 . . . . 1 , .s 1. 2, ... w, :7).s- ;;^ ! , fl)'"!^ ^ (;;/ — ] ) ! ! [ ■.■"'7)"' .s- — VI:'" -'^ly ^s- + , . . -f ( ■ )'"/// 1 .s- imilnrlv \,\i.-,...iiiv"'-\ Dkv m ! , 7)"'x:- wi ! , 7>"^r - (///-!)!! ■•"'+i7)"'.s' , = {m—\)\\ :'"'+V7>"'.v; , MULTIPLICATION OF ELLIPTIC FUNCTIONS. 159 yin „ „m— 1 m ! , D"\sz"'-'^) {m—l)ll ^™+iD'^(s^"' 2) Hen ce (12.) P,=^m !! z"'+'\a-{)ii+\) TW^Yai Aoain + D"\s. A., + . . . + D"'sz"''-. A .] (13.) P,„+i = (-l)'"+^ },z, z^,... z'", s, sz, . sz l,'2z,... mz'"-"'^, Ds, Dsz, Dsz'"''^ m\,D"'s, D"\sz, ...D"'sz"''^ B"^+h,D"'+hz,...D'''^hz"'^^ D-"'s, D'"'sz ...D-"'sz"'-'^ = (-1)'«+1 ;;i!! A . Suiwtituting the values of 1\ and P,„+i just found in the tirsf uf 2in+l e(juation.s ((S.) and dividing by z ^ , we get (14.) V: = (-i)'«+V2 _A--(/M+ 1)|/J''/— YAl + Z)'^^A,,+ ... + D''^s;^•™-2. A, A The expression f(K- A given in ([).) may be greatly sinipJitied. J>y an easy reduction, we hud (15.) A = D"'+\S {m+ \)D"'s, {,ic + l)D"'-i.s, {{)n+ \)iii. . .^ \D-s W'-^h, {m + 2)£>'«+\s, (VM + 2)u/i + 1 )D"\s, { {m + 2)(??i + 1) . . . 4 [ D=^s £»2^s, '2mD-"''h, 'Imi^m - 1 )L>=^"'--'i-, { 2m{2ni - 1) . . . (yy^ + 2) [ D"'+\s 160 R. FUJISAWA. th;it is, Mm-l) (On A (16.) A=(-l) '^ ^■'"'' m !! '2!^^' 3!^^' {m+l)r ' B^o T)i -^K-) (^!°"^'(t) 3! ns.s — — D'.s 1 (w + 2)! _pM4 25 (m+l)! ''(7» + 2;! (!2m)\ A .slight]}^ diiferent form miglit l)e üiven to this expression, viz (18.) l/^i + 162 E. FUJISAWA. Let this determinant (omitting the factor f") be called il/, and the determinant on the righthand side of (IH.) M. 01)serve that i)/ and A differ from each other only by a mumerical factor. E((iiation (14.) now assumes the form : (19.) Vr =(-ir+^^' f Ml M Consider now §• 4 p„ + p, + ... + p, m+l Avliicli may he written in tlie form of a determinant, viz. »i=^1H+l (20.) 2 P>^ 1,1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0 1 Z ?} ;?'"+\ ,S, ,S,e, .S.^'"-^ 1 2.? (w + l)/% D^, B^z, Z)ä2'"'-i (7;^ + 1 )!, 7)'"+^S, D"'+1,S?, -£,m^r\ç,ym-\ Tliis determinant may he reduced in exactly the same manner as J\„ îind then we find MULTTPLICATIOX OP ELLIPTIC FUNCTIONS. ig;^ H=»i+1 2P.==A 1,1, 1, 1, 1 „ill ç,?H + l 1,.?, .?^ 1,2;?, 'mz"'-\ (;» + l):'' m!, (w + 1)!,«' No w -(w + 1)! Ai 1,1, 1, 1,0 1, ^, ^^ z'^, s 1, 2,?, m.z"'-\ Ds m ! , D"'s (m+l;! A, 1,1, 1, 1,0 1, Z, Z^, Z"', fiZ l,'2z, viz'^-\ Dfiz m ! , D'^fiz :w + l)! A, 1,1, 1, 1,0 1, ,?, z\ ] , '2 ?, ;;? i"'~\ Z).sr"*~^ wi ! , D"'.s::™-^ 1,1, 1, 1,1 1, 2^, mf"-\ (w + 1)-;™ ?;i ! , {vi + 1 ) ! ,•-' (-1)"'+';«!!(1 -;?)»'+» , 164 R. FU.ITSAWA. 1,1, 1, 1,0 1 r, ,~2 „in o 1,2?, wr"'-\ D^ - - (- ] )"'+\?^^ - 1 )!!(1 -, :')"'+'!)" 1-? ' 1,1, 1, 1,0 X, /i, /4 , A. , o.. 1,2,?, .. 7;?-?' D,s? ?» ! , Z)"'.s,? ( - 1 r+^.7;i - 1)!!(1 - ,?r+iD"'^^ 1,1, 1, 1, z, z\ 1,0 ,,'»-1 T"loV'«— 1 1, 2,?, y;7?'"-\ Z)« m ! , D'".s'«-i -(- \y"-^\m- 1)!!(1 - ?/«+iD" l-.e He nee n— »l+l (i^ii ^ L_ i - J ;? l-z (-l)"'+'w!!(l-.:r+2 7)" .'J 1 J^m+\ 7>"'+2s', I)'"+2s^^ J)'«+2.<5 -' D^^i; J)^>» [2'A.) 2 ^A. = (-l) 2 (-l)"'+V2m.)!l(I~,if" 1 1+1 _1_ ,^ •2\ 1-; D'^ 8! 1- 1 jj. s 3\ i-z' 4! i-z 1 ^i;.+i ^^' [111+ [y. v~z {in + n \ ^ -n-^-M •'^ 1 s 1 ^..- ^ (w+1)! i-,^ ' (;yi4-'2)! i-^ ' " (2/;^)! l-z DeuDtiiig the deteriiiiuaiit on tlie rightbaud side of (--.) by Mo and renieinI)ei'iiJi'- \ve get l)y division P™+i '"^ '' iVf iSiibsLitiitiijg this in the .-second of equations (.S.). we (obtain 166 K. FUJISAWA. li=m+\ §• 5. Let us consider the determinunt /.2,»+2^ A--"\ A:2'""^ ... 1, 0, 0, ... 0 1, Z, Z\ ... Z"'-^\ S, HZ, ... SZ'"-^ 1, 2z, ... {:m+\)z"\Ds, Dsz, ... Dsf"-^ 2 P.iJc' 2)«+2-2ti This determinant is of the sunie form as tlie one in (20.), and we tind likewise fi=0 + D" sz ^_^^ .A,+ ... +D-,— ^^. A sz" ] :(-ir+'y/ii!a-A-2.^y"+2 D" ^ J)m-Ti . ^'^ ^SZ, D m+l_ SZ" \-k^z Z)"'+-',s, D"'^hz, ... Z)"'+2s^'»-i D2'».ç, Z)-"'s^, ... D-"\s2'" whence (•25.) 2 PA'A'2"'+-'-2M = (_iyH+i^2;;i)!!(l-Ä2^')" Ln.'^ Lna_l Z) D D" 2! l-A^^' 8! i-Â;^,^'-U/i+l)! i-Ä;-. 8! B's, 4! DSs, ■(m + 2) :D'«^-,S 1 [m+iy ' (m + 2)! ".s, . . , 7)2'» s MULTIPLICATION OF ELLIPTIC FUNCTIONS. 167 or ti=m+l )i=0 m(m—l) C20.) 2 iV/^-"'+'^''=(-ir^X-l) ' (2m)!!(l-^^Ä')' 2.A2(n+l ^^D^^ 'J! l-A-2^' 1.^. '^ 1 8! i-^'^ 3! l-A'^' 4! l-A'^^ -.D TO+1_ 1 .. (;« + 'i)! i — A-^ 1 .D »i+i. -.D" 1 ,s >+T)r 1-^2^ ' (7;i + 2)! 1 - A-2-J ' ■ • ■ {'2m)\ 1 - Ä;^^ Cull the dererininarit on the righthand side of (26.) M„ we liave p -(I-A^j -^ . SubstitutiDg this in the last of equations (8.) we obtain C27.) Vi-A'c = (i-^'-2)' M ' §. (;. In case // is even, sny // = 2»?, put m = q - i, and, referring to §. 1., let one of the 2^/ points in which 7^ + Qs vanishes, coincide with the point IC I ^}, another point witli |0 | 0)-, and the remaining (2q-2) ])oints with the point {z \ s\ . Then (28.) dZ , dz ,, —^ + II = 0 , n even, 0 s and P-\-Qs = [a,z + a.j- +...+ <*,„+i^"'+') + {K+byZ+...+ b„,^,z^"^')s, 168 11. FUJISAWA. «0 bciiïg' zero. If, as will be convenient, we write k-C , s ^ -V then ^^±2i = (rt^ + rt,.+ .. +rt„,i""0 + (l}, + b,z+... + b,„^,^u, z and (29.) + ö„,_iD'" («^™-i} =0, whence (80.) 1,:, :^... 1,^, ^^... 1 , 'Iz, . . . ni 7\ 0, 0r, Ô'™, IL, ItZ, r -\ Du, Duz, 0^m 1 71Z"'^-^ DiLz'"-^ m\,D"'u, D"'uz, ...D"'uz"'-^ D"'+hi, D'^'hiz, ... D"'+htz'"'-'^ D"''^-u, D"'^hiz, ...D"'+-icz"'-'' D'"'-hi, D-"'-hiz, ... D-"'-htz"'-^ = 0 The expansion of this determinant according to the elements of the first row may he written : MULTIPLTOATTOX OF ELLIPTIC FUXCTTOXS. 1()1) (31.) {Pi+p,:+ ..■\-p„„,:"'\ + ia+^w+ •. + a.-ir'n 0 = o- Hence Herein putting Z=0, Z = l, Z = -7;2 successively, we oLtnin, after sligh) reduction, (88.) ^ ^Yzr^d^zY ^ Vi-A'r(i-/.-.?y" = ^ m+1 PiA-"' + PoA-"'"^+... + P„Hi Tlie reduction of (he expressions ■which occur on the rig'hthand side of (38.) runs on the r;anie line as tlie reduction of the corresponding expressions when n is odd, discnssed somewhat in detail in preceding sections. We niay therefore at once w'rite down tlie results ; (34.) i'„Hi = (-l) ' C27;i-1,!: \\^ z 2! 0 in\ z 8! ;? ' •••(w+])!^ z m\ z '(m+1)! z ' '■- {2m-\)\ B"- 170 R. FUJI SA WA. a = (-l)'"'^^^(2^«-l)!! 1 4! D's, fi t Dl., 1 (w + 2)! (y//' -i 2)™+is ! D'"- + ^ '^ J)m+2 ■'' 1 .''Y ,'^"'W ^^^^ -d^ ^ 7hj^'-^df^'^---^dV^'-^---^l^^'^-''^dr^'^' where Aj, Ag, V,^ denote a« yet unknown l'uiK^tions which contain only the differential coefficients of // with respect to x. A few of the initial and end coefficients may at (jnce be written down : Y — d^ dx' du d"-h/ nhi—l) dh/ d" hi , LttAj CLJu 2 ! dx' dx"~ ln{n-l)...{n ^ + 1) ^^ 2 ^j 2 + ('¥) dx '' dx '' n(>i— l)...Oi— -IJ-+1) If-in (50) / '^ • (^) , dx '-^ , (/i even) A.. ;iO?. — 1 )(yt - 2) / r?// \ "--^ rZ'V/ / dy Y~'' d !/ \dx J Tbâ + n{ii— 1 )(y^ — -IXn—'^) ( dy (djiX'Vdj/\ \dx ) \dx-) _ n{n.~\) /dyy-'-d'y "—1 o I I ,7 ., I .7 ..2 ^A. /djiY~'d^ dî^- 17(5 1^- FüJISAWA. To find X,., observe that A'., being a function of tlie differential coefficients of y with respect to x only, is independent of u as a function of y. Hence, putting u = y, y'r-y" successively, we obtain / d"y _ ^ '^ = 2yX, + 2X,, '^ = ry'-'X.+ rir- 1)//-%+ ... + rlX,, \ '^ = ny^^-'X,+ n{n~l)y--'X,+ +n! X„ To obtain A^j, X.,,..., we may solve these equations as was done by Ijertnind* ; but it is shorter to proceed as follows: — Put n = e^'-^, then c-^"^^ = /Ai + /=^X+. ..+/%+. .. + /%,, and, on the other hand, d"c^'' _ . d"y '/? d"y^ )? d"y^ /" fZ"/y" ~dx^ ~ ^'dr^"^ TT dx" ^ 3 1 ~dx^'^'"'^ nl dx" ' Multiplying the last two equations together and ecpiating the coefficients of the like powers of A., w^e obtain * Bertraud, Traité de Calcul Différeutial et de Calcul Integral, T. I, p. 139. MULTIPLTCATTOX OF ELLIPTIC FUNCTIONS. ^77 ^2 ^2 ! f?.r" ^ d.r" ' (51) '" ~ v! c/^r" (/•-!}! 1! cZj-" "'*(/•- 2)! 2! fZ.r" •• +(-ir^ l!(r-l)! f/.r" ' »~ 71 1 d:r'' («-1)!1! ^;r""i (n-2)!2! dx" \ ^^ ^ l!(7i-l)!fZ:r»' It may be worth while to notice that the expression on the opposite side of A', is identically zero for ;dl values of r oreater than n. From the mode of derivation it is evident that A,, contains 1 d'^dr) differential coefficients of?/ but not ?/ itself. Hence, if — j — '^^ be ./ ./ ' r ! dx" broken u]) into two parts such that one part contains all the terms independent of explicit // and the other part, terms having y as a factor, then 1 d"(u') X,. = that part of -^j j^ which is independent of explicit y 1 d'KiD and that ])art of -^ "77 n which contains explicit // together with y cny'-') y' d^y"^^) , , -.y, f ^^y (r-l)!l! dx'' "^ (r-2)!2! dx"" "^ ^ ' \\{r-\)\ dx" is identically zero. Now V ! dx" rocffioieiit of /(" in \i/-\-Ji^ + -rr ^,+ ■ ( (■ dx 2 ! dx- ) 178 R. FUJTSAWA. Hence tliat part of ^-j f^ wliidi is indcpeiKlent of ex])li('it // is r ! clx equal to llie coefficient of //" in that if^, in TT I TÎJ'^^TÏ?^ ^]/(-r + /0-/(.r)} , ^vliere y=fi-c)- Thus we ohtsiin (52, .X, = ^[(Ay|/(.,. + /„-/(.,)|] Tin's form of A',, has been ohtained in a different manner by U. ^leyer.* liertrnnd oives tlie followinii' fcjrm of A',, which is sul)stantiall_y the same as (ol) :** r ! ax'' where a is to he regarded as constant during ditlerentiation and is afterwards to l)e re]^laced hv //. Again m^dcing use of the form of A',, given hy (.51), Ave get r/.r" ~ ,6l r! (If fl.r'' -^ ^Jr—]}\ (If dx" /y _J__^ ^7^11 _ . _iv,-i«i^'^ ■^ -^ ;e^,(v-2)! r7//- rjx" '"'^^ ^ -^ (Ifdx''' * Glrnnert's Archiv d<'v IMathouiatik, Bd. IX. ** Loe. cit. p. 1 10. MULTTPLTCATTOX OF ELLIPTIC FUXC'J'IONS. J 79 whicli nuTecs \\\\\\ flie form of -7-- o-iven l)y R. iro|)i)0.* Put u = y'\ then —. — = /^. //'"''. where />,. denotes tlie continued (///' J ' ■ product of /• (|unntities p, yj — l, |) — :2, ...(/> — / + 1). ■\rnltij)lyin— 1)//'"",. . . in order und tiddinu', we obtain For /) = -^, we hîive ;• ! 2y— 1 ax" 2/? — 1 dx" ) d"ir If ?/ be n rntionnl iuteofrnl function of .r of the tjn'rd deoTee, -r^ ,-, -^ dx" v:iriishes for nil values of r for whicli 'ir < //. In this case, denotino- l)y / eitlier — - or the intei>er next nbove -7— according- as // is a inulli])le of P) or not. we have ,r., d\/Tj_ _ j^^^j^i, .-,j!^ jr!_ iV . ^^^ dx" ~ 2-'\n\f ?/"--• r ' /! 2/-1 dx"^'- Aofain + {-\r\ 1.3. ...(2r-3)(2/yr'-A;+. ..+(-!)". 1.3. ...(2/?-3)X,| , * Crelk-'s Journal, UJ. XXXIII. ],S0 R. FUJISAWA. niid if// be ;i ratioiml iiite^Tal fnnotioii of the tliird degree, -y^ and all the higher differential coefficients vanish, so tliat : coef. of h- i„ 4 j Ä 4^^ + ^ ;,= i!* + I /,' 4^ }' , r ! ( d.r 'J d.r (j d.r ) Ji-r X„_, - coef. of //' m --— -r -y;. + TT ^' -xj- + IT '^' or UT — r>r>of (^f 7)' 111 I ,, _ ,„ (/i — r)! ( dx '2 c?u^'- 6 djf wlienee follows that A",,., vanislies for all values of r for which 2» 8 2» r > :lu — '2t\ that is, r)/- ^ i^//. Denoting the integral ]>art of—- by /, we have + (--lrl.a...(2;/-2r-3)(2/yyX„_,+ ... + 1.8....(2«--3)X„| , wliere "-'- ■ |(» - 2;-)! r! V f7.r / V '2 r/.r"-^ / ■^C»-2r+l}!(r-2)ll! V7/7y/ \2d.r'0 \(]d.r) {n - 2r + 2;! (r - 4)! 2! V dx ) \ 2 dx'') \ G f/./'V "^ ' ' ' ) ' + the last term beins" 1 (ävS:~'u\ d'iiy (,,_.;j;.)!(J_). \dx) V«', ./W MULTIPLICATION OF ELLIPTIC FUNCTIONS. ]^<^]^ (^n- ^-^) ! 1 ! (^) ! V di' J V -i dj^'J \ Ü d.r'J ' accordiiJii' a8 r is even or odd. Siiiiihirly + (-lr.l.8....(2«-t^/--lX%)'-X„_+...+ 1.8. ...C2»,-1)X„| , where A„_,. has the same signification as in (57). Let / = 6- = ,^1 -,?)(! -Ä:^^) = ^-(l + ^V+A-V , Â- ^ - l-2(l+^•v+3^■v, Now write (59) -:^D^s = ]^^S,,, then by (57) and (5 0, J_ s ' — Z" ..(-1)" -1 ^dI 5 ' 1! s' 1 ! s ' t2 ! s ' «il S ■•(;y;+L)! 6' 1 T.. 1 C2;;i)! .s We may liere point ont that the comparison of the preceding formula' with the corres])onding expressions of § 8, gives some elegant theorems in determinants. Take for example il/ and M' . We find easily where C denotes a constant wliich may be a function of m. To determine C we may take some particular values of m. For ;// = 1, we see at once that •2! Bh = -.s^ 1, dK I) -s- ' '2 -D- 186 E. FUJISAWA. For ?// = 2, we hnve s s 2! ,s S s 2' s .s- 2! s àl s = s' SS s 2! ,9 s àl s ±D^^1 J-D^l ±i)J 2r s' 3!^ s' 4!^ s S 21 s' s àl s' s 4! .s 1 1 „.1 ,ç àl s s 21 ,s 1 \- Multiply the first row by D— and subtract the product from tlie se- cond row, and then, mu]ti])ly the first column by I) — and subtract the product froui the secoiid column ; and, observing l^Dh = -s{d—)\2sW^ . A.D2l_,2 1 j).l à I \ s / s2! s als ( s à I s \ 2 ! s / ) 4 ! s M'e 2 et ^Pi, 4.D'1 1! s ' à -Ld=1 J_d,1 Xo.i •J ! s ' 3 ! « ' 4 ! .5 MULTIPLICATION OF ELLIPTIC FUNCTIONS. 187 Thus we find C = (-1)'" and thence Çrl) ^^'''' ■■■i^irf {»i + 1 ,D"'^\9, (2«i)! D-'^s / 1 \m^,'2iii + l 1 ^d1 s ' lis lis' 2 ! s ^ — _D"'+i2 ■■■ {m+l)\ s which identity may nhso be proved directly in the manner exempli hed by the particular case m =^^2. § 11- Consider next the case // even. Referring' to § 6, if we take \-Q instead of i'+C^As, we sh-all have in place of (oO) the following determinant 188 (73) 1 f r2 -l> s- > ^ > • • • 1, Z, 7}, ... R. FUJISAWA. f f'i fm~\ ^ s 0 > 0 « z 7^ „m-l . -^^m» 1 > i?o (8;i) en na ^\/l —■<^ 1, -±y.\-1^z, !:l.zl-hrzf, ...(-2.^.1 -Â-?)"'+i 0, 1, Bi ... B,„ 1, iv'i. Bo, ... -R,„a ■^Art-l) J^tio B„i+i, JrCq,, («4) dn nil == V 1 — A'-^i 1, -~±A'z.\~z, {-2.Pz.l-zf, ...{-±Ji^:A-zr'' 0, 1, Bi, ... B„t 1, il'i, iV.^, ... B„,^y B,, B,,,, B„ B., (Ö5) (küjoni. 1, By, ...B„, B„ Bo, ...B,„+, 'ri Ë. FÜJISAVVA. 11 t;\eii, /// n-\ '2 ' («(3) bii v/,« = (— l)'"±s 0, i,...Ä.-i J, iA, ... 24 2^«;-], -fV„(, . . Il 2,11-1 (87) cil ;/,/^ 0, 1, -2.^'.1-Ä-.:-, ... (-2..~.1-A2: (^.\~,A-Jr,r, K-1, B„„ ■^Hm-l (SS) du lut — a 1, -±k^z.\-z, ... {-±]^-.]-ïr h 0, 1, ... B.,^_, (2.1-^.1-A'V', iC-i, i^., -^'s,»-] (8U) tleiiom. = 1, 1, /A, •••2^.-1 2.\—z.]—l -;:, Bi, B», ... ii'„j I9r} MUL'lTI'nrCA'ITOX OP ELLIPTFC PLTXCTIOXS, Part Second. § lo. To avoid ronfn.sion, we shall adopt onœ for all the followiii! notation : Fi^lloAvinD- .T:ipnhi ill lii»j lûofn..,-»,. ,,r^ w...;*^^* E BEAT A. _2 T^2 Pa ore lî)o, h' ne 10, for -^ read -^ . „ , line II, for ^ read ^. 194, lines 8 and 11,/^/" ^k' ànnu read — rp dn /m. t)iii rho U\-lr(^'~ '''^'^' hence (90) Ç!L+o,,"-'^„j;l+o^,j,..^-^o. 'I" ak du dk ()l)serve that the same ditlerentinl e(juation is satisfied l)v 'h, ^2:iiid H,. * JacoM's o-<:'saniuielto Werke, Bd. T, pp. 501, 511, and 512. ** Ditto p. 259 t Pitto p. 260, 192 lt. i'ÜJISAWA. (8(3) Sil mc =1—1 f^-ls n even, ;// = — p-, 0, l,..-i?,„-i 1, Äi, ... i^„. 0, 1, - ii.,c. 1 - A:-a-, . . . (- 2.^. 1 - A-2~)^ (±i_^.l_A^,y«, ^V i?,«+i, ...i?2. 1 Mur/innjcA'rrox of elliptic fctnctions. 193 Part Second. § 18. To avoid oonfiision, we sliall ndopf once for 'ill the following notntioM : X — finir, ç=\/Ji fin)/, ^ = sn-//.. Following Jncoln in his lectnre><, we write* ß (,,)^i +22l-"lV' g'' cos '^, Uu)= ^2 ^^ ' ^ cos^^^^ ^1^'^", n = l »=i nnd tlien //7 ^^..w/) 1 T ^///6) VF^"""^(./)' Put fo=— loo; (^= ^ , then l)nt hence (JH _ -- d-h u (IK (W (/(o /i- r//r K dio du ' ,,,-r(f) ■ ^ c//^^ r/A- dit dk 0])serve tliat tlio 8:nne ditferentinJ e(|u;ition is s;iti8He(l hy ^^, ^aiind fly * .Tacohi's ^rosainmelte Werke, Bd. T, pp. 501, 511, and 512. ** Ditto p. -^59. t Pitto p. 260, n)4 R. FUJISAWA. E(|nation (90) may also be written in the form (91, ^Z^^/rfloH^V dii'- \ ai(. / dk da dk SI mi 1^, ^ +(î?!i^.y+2,,,.l!2sLf „ '^ + 2;,./,- '^ = 0 "^ du- \ du / dk du dk Siibtractirjo; the former eqna,ti(^n from the latter and I'enhieinii' ,. , •^ ^ ' ■ n{u) Ijy ç^, we (xq\ (92) '^ + f'Ä + 2 S '^^- + Mr- '^ „ I ^^ + llir ''^ = 0. du- \ da / ( du dk ) (/// dk N ow -%//• sn m ß,(n u) /k_ A' y h' ä{nu) ' y k cnnu = 77= — r, VÄ- (In;/// = ä[m() 0{nu) ' mnltiplying the nnmerators and denominators on the ri^lit-linnd side by 's:!^, VFsn }iu wliere V (98) /^(////)^"^-H0) /^i(;///)/^'''-\0) 7.= t),{nu)6-'-\0) ß,{uu)ß"'-\0) ' ä"\u) ' ' •■ ~ fi"\u) Put //// instead of » in eqnation (91), tlms : — MULTIPLICATION OP ELLIPTIC FUNCTIONS. j (j^ XoAV log ß(ni/) = log V + n- loo- fliif) - {),^--})\oa ß{()) . Siihstitntiiig ill (i'l), we g'et f//r \ ail / ( r/?^ a/,- ) du r//,- '( (hl- (Ik ) Au-:nn. ^-^ = Z(i/) , 6 (0) = J- ; au 'y - ainoreiitiMtino-, ;nifl oi)servini>- -yy- = — ^r^^ — 7 ^^'^ ohf-nn (Ik kk (05) ^-lo^%)^,^.^..jIog^^_^.^„.^^ Siihstitntinf)- tliis in (i)4), r/?r \ dii / ( r/?/ dk ) dir dk or + 2nn-k'^'^+ }i\)r- - 1 )/.-2sn^// V= 0. Iiitrofliiciiio' ^-^-^/k^^^)f :is tlio new indepeiiflent vnriable, and o]).ser\inu- (9!2), * .Tacolii's «^esauiuiplte Werko, Btl. T, pp. 1!>8 and 235. |9(i •>' FU.HSAWA. /r]-\-rPV fZ-c (TV dV \(hi / fh- (In- d: dk Since er|iiation (97) rnkes the form + '-^"'/'''-^ + ''\'''- 1 )--' V-^ 0 This eqnatic^ii is also satisfied by T',, I .,, and 13. With J'K'oln, we in:iy ])iit /,■ + -^- = a and then equation (Î)S) heeonies ^ r/ç- r/ç (la in wliicli forni, tlie p-irtial differential equation was o-iven for tlie first time hy Jaeohi. The al)ove demonstration ofJaeobi's partial differential equation is substantially the same as the one given by lU'iot and lîouquet* in their Avell-known treatise on elliptic functions, the only difference being that, in their demonstration, tlie intermediary steps are conducted bv means of Weierstrass' function .//. lîciot and lîonqiiet «jive also the following- forms of the pai'tial differential e(juati()n : — * JjOO. cit. p. 529. MULTIPLICATION OF liLLIP'l'iC FUNCITOMd. 197 /, 1-27,= „ ,\, C, i> are ail of the degree n^—\ iu x. and when /< is even, A is of the degree /r — 4 wliile ./, />, C' are all of the degree /r in x. Moreover, A, B, C, 1) are rational integral functions of Ä;^ whose coefficients are integral numbers. The coefficients of the highest power oï x in A, B, C, D are respectively or (-1)2 A; 2 , Ä; 2 , h'^ , (-1)2m A- 2 , (-1) ^ n k ^ , A-2 , A-- , (~1)'^ A--", according as //, is odd or exeii. Write A - i'A,„,x'"^ ^ :i'/i„„(i-.-V' =- :i'.i„„(i-AVr, (1U5) ^ = ^' C,„,r^"' ^- -■ C.„X1-.^'^)"' -^ ^' C,„x\-Pxr, then, we liave the well-known relations* * Compare the work of Briofc et Bouquet already referred to, or Baebr, Sur h's funiin/cs pour la multiplication des fonctiona elliptiques de hi pn'ini'^Te exjièce, Uruuert's Archiv (h'r Mathematik, Bd. XXXVI, pp. 125-176. MULTIPLICATION OF ELLIPTIC FUNCTIONS. ^99 D,„ik) = Ä""A.(y ), DIM = ^-.«(y )• Observe that A.2,„, i>2,„, C'o,„, 1A,,„, Jl,,,, 1>2„„ C'l„„ 1>2,„ are integral functions of ¥ of the degree at niost equal to vi. § 15. Consider iirät the case where n is an odd number, and put n2__ 1 = 4^^ sq. Introducing the new variable ç = ^/W x in Sn 7/7/ = we get (107) -y/k snna - where «am? ^^2m '^I'e rational integral functions of « = ^ • + — . We may suppose A and i> to be arranged according to the powers of a, thus : — A ^ lA„,x"'^ - ycuj''" ^ ^E,jjy\ (108) 200 ^^- FUJIKAWA. From the well known relations (109) A{x, k) = {- l)'^'D(Jy, äVä^ B{x, ;,) = (- 1)V^^J^, Ak'^x'p, which may also be written in the form (llU) A{a, ç)==(- \)^'d(^x, jY', D{a, ç) = (- iy^A(^a, 4^ç^ we see that A and 1) are of the same degree in a and that, moreo\ er, (111) E„,(ç) = ( - \)^H„(iy'^, H„,{ç) - ( - l)''^V«(y)>-^^. AVhen the multiplicatcrr // is required to be put in evidence, we shall write A\_n~\ and lJ\_n'\. Xoav the terms containing the highest power of a in J[3], J[o], J[7] are -2^-^«, 'A-^V/, -2''^'^y', and those in D[3], D[5], l)[7] are '2\-V., -i^çi«./, •Ji^i.s^.«. j>^ ,,^^.^11^ ^f the relation (112) A[n + 2]A[n-2] = iyp]A%N]-(\--aç'+^')A\2]D-lnl which is easily deducible from the addition-equation, we conclude by applying mathematical induction that, generally, the terms involving the highest power of a in A^nl, i)[//] are (118) E,/j:' = {-\) ^ 2^ç "a", H,//.'J = 2^ç^"f/', where /„ + /i„ = «^— 1. To find À,„ /A„ we deduce from (11^^) /„+2+'<„-2 = 2//,,+ 2 - 2>i2_'2/„, which may be written MULTIPLICATION OP ELLIPTIC FUXCTIOXS. 201 or, ]uitting for a moment Wn — ir + ^j — '/'ii > ÇV2+%''n+^ . = 0. Observing , further rJ^H rlTT (^ + n^ - %n^ - 1 )^~' + n\n'' - l)^m,^ =2^--2|(«,_2)(»,- l>i(».+ l)fä"("-^> 2+(/, -\)n{n + 1)0? + '2),-"("-i>+2[ , so that equation (IKi) now assumes the form = 2^-2|(;^--2)(n-l);^(H+ L,-'"^"--i)-2+(/i- l);?,(^i + l)('y^ + 2;c^''(''-"+2[ . MULTIPLICATION OF ELLIPTIC FUNCTIONS. 903 Xow, q being equal to The complementury function is thus but, as ^fi(ii — ^) is odd and H^_^ contains only even powers of ç, C" = 0. Ao-ain, a jmrticular integral is -2^'(?i-l>?.$^"<"-i>-2-2^-^;?(» + ])ç^"("-i^+-', which, together with the complenienturv function just found, gives where P^ is an as-yet undetermined function of n. When —^ is odd, we find likewise r>y virtue of (HI), E^_,= r, e^"('^ ;'.)-i_2p-=';,(,i + l)f^"("-i)-^_'2"-«^;?,- l)»f^"(''+i>+i, ^i^ even, ^^_i=2"-\'n-l)».?*"<"-i^-='+2^-^';K'«+l)?-"^"~^^+^-^i çi"'"+3>-\ '-^ odd. We may put the multiplicator n in evidence by writing and then e(ju;ition (112) may be written whence, equating the coefficients of the second highest power of a, »1+2 n—2 )i— 2 »1+2 r~ n —12 p « -12 »I n 204 R. FUJISAWA. If — ^^— lie odd, so that -^^ is even, then the term containing the lowest power of ^ »1+2 Ji-2 „, n-2 9 „IP in R ^, , is 2^'«+2r,r-" + ^ '7)1+2 '/«-2-1 Equating the coefficients of the lowest power of ^ (that is ç"'-"-) on the two sides of equation (119), we get jt+2 9,, ., „ (n-l)(ra+5) ai — ^ r, ^ 2^^'""^'"-^=2 ^ , ^ odd, or, writing // instead of // + 2, » (»-3)()t + 3) g 9/« 1\ 7? — 1 /^ _2 — 4 _2?"~'^ = 2^ -^ - even. Again, when — ^ is even, so that — ^=^ is odd, the term con- taining the highest power of ç H +2 H-2 n— 2 ., , „ in i?„ E , is 2?'"+2ril"- + "--, 'ln + 2 '/n-2-1 ^ ' »1—2 »1+2 11 + 2 ., -4(l+ç^)[^A 1' „ _22^,,. + ,W-. + 4^ -2-2^-^».(// + l)ç-^"("-i^+2 + 2^-2f^'*("^'«, (122) £ _i= 2^-2ç^"^"-^'--^-2^-^;H/«+l)ç*'""+i'-^-2^'-^(//-l)/?ç^"("-^2)+i^ and, when —5— is odd, (124) ^,^_i = 2^-='(;i- l)«ç5"(«-i)-3+2''-^;i0i+ 1)^-"^""^^"^-'^*"^^^^"^"+^^^^ Consider next -/f^_2) whereby we suppose —3— to be even. H^_2 satisfies diiferentiid equation (117) where ü,,_2=-2^^(/i-l)H(>r-;i-4)(/^2_vi.-6)f^"(''-l^-*-2^-^/A^M"-2X/^-y)r^^^^^ - 2^^''';?s H^-2 can not contain irrational powers of c, we must hîive C'=0, C"=0. Hence, —ç— being even, (125) H^-s^ 2^\;i- l)7j(H--?i-6)e*»'"-^^-^ + 2^^^7r-2)0i2-9)ç^""'"^^ + 2^~hiin + 1 )(;r + ?i - G)e^"("-^'+^- 2'^-^vK« + 8)ç*"'"+^>-2 -2^^M?i-8)c^"'"+^'+2 and thence, (126) E,j_2 = - 2^-^;i(7i - 8)ç="("-^'-=*- 2^^?i(m + 8)e^''("-3)+i + 2''-7yi(« + l)(n2 + n- 6)ç^"'"+"-^ + 2'"~%n^- 2){n''- 9)ç^«("+i'-i + 2*-7(;i - 1 )n{ii^ - ;i - Q)$Mn+i)+^^ When is odd, we find likewise (or, more sim])ly, by writing — // in place of n in (125) and (12()),) (127) H,_ = -2''-')i{n- ;il)ç-"("-3'--2_2î^5„^^^+ 3^^5«(«-3)+2 + 2^^7?.(7J + 1 )(7r + », - 6)çi«("+^>-^ + ^2^-'^^uP-2){n-- 9)ç-^"f"+i' + 2^^??(« - 1 ){n^—n — 6)ç^"("+i^+^ (128) E^_2 = - 2P-^7i(M - 1 ){n^- n - 6)ç*"<«-i^5 _ 2^- 6^,^2 _ 2)^,^2 _ (j^ -^«(»-d-i - 2^-^w(n - l){n^+n - 6)e^"<"-^'+H 2*-^n(n + 8)c*"<"+^^^ + 2''-^7î.(??.-3)l^*"^"^^'+\ Next, consider i^y s which satisfies the differential equation where MULTIPLICATION OF ELLIPTIC FUNCTIONS. -JOT When — ;t— is t'Aen, Ug_^ = '2"~ \ii — \)n()i - 'S){n + '2)( /r - //, - «)( ir -n-l 0)ç'"^" "^^'^ + '2"-'\ii, — l)n{n - S^Sn + '2){n' + '2;r'- 21 /r - 42;; + G( )lç'"("-i>-2 + 2f-»»(;?^ + \)(n + 8X3» - 2)(;/,*- 2;/.- - 2 1 ;/- + 42yt + GO)ç^'''"-i'+- + 2P"'-'//.(;? + 1 )[it + H){)i ~ 'Dili- + II - H]{ii- + It - l0)ç^"("-i>+6 - 2''-'n{n + 3)iii + 4:)(:ii - I )(;;2 + 8;i - G)|^"( "+«>-* -2'^^'';^^(;;''-l9;r + 98)ç^"^"+='^ -2-''-''yt(;j- oK/? -4K;? + 1 ){ir- -yii - 0)ç'"(»-3)+4. A particular integral may easily be foiiiicl. I'lie cum[)leiiieiitary f unction is /gÇ-"'""^', where f^ is a function of//. Hence we get, — ^j— being even, am H,_,= f;ç^"<"-« _ 2P-i^^-s-in{ii - 1 )(if" - u - 8)(;r - n - lUlç '"'"-^'^ ^ -2^i'V+« + 2^-«;?(yi + 3)(«2 + 3;^ - 6)ç^"("+^^-* + 2»-\n'- 19»H 98)?^"'"+^^ + 2^-«w(w- 3)(7?-- 8?^ - 6)ç-^"("+^^+\ (180) ^^-^3= 2"-'VVi-3Hy^'-87/.-6)l^^"<"-^-''-' + 2''-\y/*- l<.)y?- + 98)p("-''-^ + 2'^-"y?V/ + 8)(/r + 3n - 6)|^*"('^-3)+3 _ 2P-^'K-^-ht{it + \)(n-+ii-8)(ii- + ii- 10)ç-'«<"+i)-7 - 2P-'^''n{ii + 'à)[ii^-2n'''-2\ii- + 4-211 + OU)ç'"^"+i'-^ - 2^--i";/(yt- 8)(M* + 2yr^- 2br- 42/i + 60)ç''""'+i^-^ -2"-^"8-^;K»- l){ii--n-3)[ir-ii— lO)ç^"('^-'^>+'o When —:t— is odd, we get, l)_v writing — // instead of// in (1-Î'), 208 ^- FUJISAWA. (131) iî,-3= 2''-VH-3)('i'-3'i-6)e^"(''-«'-* + 2^«».0i + 3)(n2 + 3« - 6)c*"<"-=''+'' _ 2P-103-' ;i(?i + 1 )(»- + »' - 8)(;r + ^/ - 1 0)e^"*"+i^ - 2''-^'n(,n + 3)(?i*- 2;i^ + 2l;r + 42;/ + G0)çirt(n+i)-2 - 2^-i";i(« - 3)(n*+ 2>i^- 21»-- 42;/. + GO)^'"^""^^^^ _ 2^-103 -l;,(;i _ l)(;/2_ Vi _ 8)(;t2- »t - 1 0)ç ^"<"+l^+8 and thence, by virtue of (111), (132) ^,_3=-r3^*''^'-^'>-^ + 2P-^^n{)i - 3)(u* + 2;/^ - 21;r - 42;i + 60)e^"<"-i'-» + 2^^%{n + 3)(«* - 'M + 21 ;r + 42;* + 60)ç^"<"-^'+i + 2^-i''3-ifi(« + 1 )(«- + ;i - 8)(;i2 + n - lO)|^^^"("-i^+5 -2^^;+^ n'— 9 Equating the coefficients of a ^ on the two sides of (11<*^), we obtain n+2 n— 2 n+2 n— 2 » + 2 «—2 ?i+2 »i— 2 ^Vi+2^'7n-2 - 3 + -^^„+2 - l^'/«-2 - :i + ^q„+2-2^i »I n H \ -4(l + fo(2HÄ-2 + Ä,,,_.H,,._,) + Hf'H,,,,H,,.-i- When —-y- is even, the lowest power of ^ in the above ecjuation is ^,i>-3rt-2^ Equating the coefficients of this power of ? on the two sides, we get"r3 2''"-2= 2^(^'"-^>, whence MULTIPLICATION OF ELLIPTIC FUNCTIONS. 209 »+2 iJ^±^_, n-l ' 3 = ^ * , — T— even or, writing n in place of // + 2, n»-l n — 1 /; = 2^-" = 2^^^-«), ^ odd. n In like manner, we may shew that /^ has the same value in the ease where \^ is even. Thus, whether // he odd or even, (133) r^ = 22(' -^J. In determining Hq^ix, every time 8/^+1 is of the form /', where r n denotes an integer, there comes in the term r^ç-"^"*'\ Indeed all the terms of H imd E may readily he expressed in terms of /'. On the other hand, E^ may be determined hy means of (11 2r&r+\)rr+{rw'-{2r'- 1) ) Yr^, = {n^ - 2n\2r - 1) + (2/- - l)-)ßr-i - (»' - 2'- + 3)^»- - 2r + 2)ß,_^ We find Tr n{n^—}) _ ??0''^— l)o;t 8! , r2= ^ ; . ^2(2^1^-8), r3= - 7! 3(37i2-5), Generally, 2r(2'>- + 1 )r, + {^)f- - (2r - 1 ?)rr-i \4>-'-\()r+r))n} ^ ^ (2r— 1)! .+(2r-3)(2r-l) ) /-;•(/v^2-(2;■-l) ) (;i2_(2>--3)2) ^ _ ,_,Mn^-^l),_X^^ (27'— J) ! I ((r-l)»2-(2;--3)) = ^_l),.^K.^--l)...0.--(2>--5mn^-(2.-3)^^^ )) or. +(5,.^-(2.-i)^x-ir-"<"''''^,!!';;|''-'"(.--i) ((»•-l)»'-(2,--3)), = _(5«»-(2,-i)', Qv-.-(-ir-"^"'-'^„':^-f'-"'''(.-i) ((,-l)„2_C2,— 3))1; MULTIPLICATION OF ELLIPTIC FUNCTIONS. 213 whence follows (140) ., = (-ir"'"'-^"^-;';,/;f-'^'-^'%-(».-(2>-i)). For ?H = 2, we h;ive '^ + i^M^-ö^-)F, = {bn^-'ln'ä-\-Ö^)P,-x\n'-ö){n'-&-l)P^. Since the lowest power of a; in l\ is 5, we write (141) P, = 2«r^""^'; r=2 then, 2K2>-+ l)o, + (9H2-('2r-l)Vr-i = ( (2r-l)2-7i2(4;--7) ) }'r-i-0^'-2>-+ 3)(7i2-2/- + 2) jvo , whence we find , _ n{nl-\){n?-^) ».(/r — l)(n- — 9) 2 KN (142) ^ '• 8, = M>^'-\X|^'--^)2(247y<«-ta25n^-l3757/^H 28625). Thus the general law is not ohvions as in the case of r, imd it seems to be impracticable to proceed further in this way. Reverting to the formulae since, by virtue of (109), 214 ^- FUJISAWA. we need onlv detennine either A or D. Let U8 take- D and apply n—l (134). We obtain V^^-l, A=0, 1)4^,=(-1) 2 n¥", and, generally, (143) (2m + lXi^;» + 2)A.«+2+4w|(n^-7;0^''-m|A«. + '2^i^Atl-Ä:^)'^ When VI ^p, (1 44) D,„, = D,», 0 ( 1 + A-'" ) + A™, 2 (A-- + A""^-) + ■ • ■ + ^2«. 2. (A'" + /.''"--n + . . . , the last term heing A,».™ A'"' or A,„,,»-i (A"'"' + A™^') Mccording as /» is even or odd. Substituting this in (113), we obtain {'2m + 1 ){2m + 2]{ D,,,^,, ,{] + Ä^-+^) + !)„„,,, , (A- + A'^-^) + . . . + Am4 2,2r(A'' + A-"'--^+)+...} + 4//t (;r-;;^) |A,«,o (A'+ A'™'') + A».,2(A' + A:-"')+ ... + A., 2r( A "■+'-+ /.-'"--'• + ')+...} - 4;;r I A,,,, „ ( 1 + Ä-'") + D,„, . (A - + A -'"-2) + . . + D„„, 0,. ( A -' + A-'" -"1 + , . } + 2ir |I)2„,,,(*+2;;iA;-''0 + A„,,2(2A- + ('im-'2)A2''--)+ .. + A», .r (2rA^'- + (2w--2y)A-'«- -"•) + . . . [ - 2n- { A-«, Ü i* + •2;;iA-"'--) + D,„^ , (2 A* + (2;;i - M"") +... + A,«,2.i^''A''-'-+(2^«-2r)A2--2'+2) + ...} + (n' - 2 ;;i. + 1 )(^r - 2m + 2) ] Do„,^., „ ( A" + A-'" ) + D,„_,, ., ( A '^ + A -™ -^ ) + . . . + Am-2, 2. lA-'-^ -+ A-'"-2'-) + . . . } = 0. Hence {2m + 1 )[2m + 2)D.,„, ^0.0= 4y;rD2m, 0 , -^^2,.. n = < '. (2w+1X2;m + 2A«.2,2 = -4(yr-y/rA,»,2 (2w + l)(27;i + 2) A,«+2, 4 = - 4 1 {fn - 1 )n- - ui' \ A«. 2 - 4i2;/- - //r ) Am, 4 > - [n''-2m + l)(;/,2- 2;« + 2)A,.-2. 2 . ( 2y/i + 1 X2m + 2)D2,„+o. e = - 4 ^ {m - 2)n- - m^ \ A,„, 4 — 4(3;/- - ^/r^i).,,,,, e , -{}v'-2m+ \){n'-2m^2)D.„, .,,, , MULTIPLICATION OF ELLIPTIC FUNCTIONS. 215 and, generally, (145) (2w+l)(2wi + 2)Z)2,„+2,2r = -M{m-r+l)ir-m'\D,„,^,,_, - 4(;vr - vi')D,„^ ,, - («^ - 2m + 1 ){n' - 2m + 2)D„„_,^ ,^-2 , the la«t coefïicient being given by (2w+l)(2m + 2)Z)2,„+2.m+i = -8|^^^^i^-i';r|A..,m-i or (2;;i+lX2w+2)D2„+2,^ = -2\{m + 2W-2m'\D,„,^,„_, -^{^n'-m^D„,^„,-{n'-2m+l)i)i'-2m+2)D,^ accordino- as m is odd or even. By means of (145), we find (146) 2>n-'2, w-2 > 6! 7^V-l)(7^'-4) 8! A = -''^''' tl ^^{^Oi'-'àW + k'j + ain'-^m^, ^^_ 7^;^^ 1)(M^^^4)(^/^ '')).^2{4{n'-l6W + k')+ l5(M^-4)(^^ + A«) [ , Dj2= _»'(^''^^X»^-^)(»'-9)3,g4(,„2_i(3)(,,2_25)(^2^^.io) + .S(?i2- 16X47»2_ 185)(Ä;H Ä;«)+ I5(45?i*-5G9M2+ 1544)Ä''[ , Dj^= »'0^'-n^^'-4)(^'''-^)32|ö4(M^-l6)(7^^-25)(;^^-36)(A.-HA:^^) + 1(3(^^2- 16)(34yi^-982;r + 3300)(Ä,'»+ A-^") + (1549;^'-43925?iH 357196m-- 8l5040)(Ä;''+A-8)}. 216 R- FUJISAWA. Again equation (143) may be written in the form (147) ('2wi+ 2)(2wi + 3)Ä;2D,p_2„,_2+ '2;i2A-(l - k'f^^^ ■\-{n'-2m){u'-'^m+l)D,,_,^^, = 0 . Now, m being less than p, (14o) -i^ép-Sni = -^4p-2ot, 2p— Swi ("- "T "^ ) "T" -^4p-2m, 2p— 2?»+2 ("' ^ '"' + «''"■'^ )+... _L n ( l.23J—2m+2r I I.2i>— 2r\ r T^ -^4p-2m, 2î)-2»i+2r [f^ T^ "• ,> T^ • • • > the last term being -^4J'— 2;ft, 2p-în ^ 01' •^4/)-2m,2;)— jn— 1 ("' "T k " ), according as m. is even or odd. From (147) and (148), we obtain (2?n + 2)(2?;i+8)D4^._2„j_2,2p-2m-2 + |''"-('^''«+ l)'}A?>-2m,2p-2.« = 0 , (2;;i + 2)(27;i + 8)D^,_2^_2, 2;,-2m + I ön^ - (2;;^ + 1)^ [ D^p^s,«, 2p-2,«+2 + {(4w+ l);A2_(2m + l)-[D4p_2m,2p-2,» + (;i2-2w)(;i2_0;;^_J_ljX>^^2«i + 2,2i,-2,»r2 = 0, {1m + 2){2m + 3)D,,^2,n-2, 2,-2.+2 + I ^hl'-{:2m +\f\ D,,_2,«, 2;,-2,« + 4 + {{-^111—3)1^ — {2m. + If [ 1)4^.-2™, 2;>-2'«+2 4-(»2-2w)(?i2_2^;^+l)2)4p_^,„+2,2?>-2»,+4 = 0, generally, (149) (2?^t+2)(2;;i+3)Z)4p_2,,_2,2p_2,„+2r-2 + I (4r +\)}v'-{2m+lf\ D,^^^^ 2j>-2m+2r + { (4/M - 4/- + 5)^2 _ ('2wi + 1 )2 [ 19,^,^2,,^_ 2;^2,«+2.-2 + (n2-2w)(7t2_'2m+l)Z)4p_2„,+2,2?J-2m + 2r = 0, MULTIPLICATION OF ELLIPTIC FUNCTIONS. 217 and, lastly, {Im + 2)(27?i + 3)D4;^2,n-2, 2p-m-2 + (2WI + l)(n2— 2wi - 1)-Di„_2m, 2?>-m + {(2m+ 5)7^2- (2?;i+ l)n ^.p-2,«, 2p-,H-2 + («2— 2w)(7?2-2?» + l)D4„_2m+2,2;.-«, == 0 , or {%n + 2)(2wi + 3)D,,_2„^2, 2;.-«-i + 2 1 (27;^. + ^)n^ - ßm +}y-} D,^,^^ ,,^^_, + (?i2— 2??i)(7l2— 27?i+l)D4p_2,„+2,2j^^ + l = 0 , according as m is even or odd. From the above equations, we find (150) A^i2 = (-1) ' 13 ; ^ ^Ä;^^^^M(^^— 25)(».^-49)(;^^-81)(7?.^-121)(1 + A:^^) + 6(n2_25)(H2_49)(7?.2-81)(6?r-ll)(A=^+P') - 3(l927';i«- 330687^''- 962«* + 1033308»2_ 1819125XÄ'' + A*^) - 4(3046??« - 38037;/« + 327997?.* + 7086477^2- 1299375)Ä«} , ■^4p— 10 _(_1) 2 /^^^^ ^'11^ — J_A"2p-io|(,^2_25)(,;2_49)(^j2_8i)(i^7,io) + 5(7i2_25X?i2-49)(57?2-9)(A-+ A'«) - 2(24771«+ 325?i*- 137577?H 23625)(A'' + /-") } , A^8 = (-1) ' ^ ,j ; ^F^-M(»— ^)(v^^-25X^^^-49)(l + A'«) + 4(7i2- 9X7i2_ 25X47?2- 7)(F + A") -6(7i''+857i*-67l7i2+945)Ä*}, 218 K- FUJISAWA. D,^, = ( - 1) V ''('''- ^ ) k'^^^{{n'- 9)(1 4- k') + 2{2u'- 3)¥ \ , D^-, = -(-l)V^K^^^^ ^^F^-\l + F) , D,p = (-1)"2 7^ A;2^. The first five coefficients were given by Jacobi himself. Tlie first and the last six coefficients of all the four functions have been found by Baehr by a different method. § 17. Let us now consider the rational integral functions of .t'\ B, C which enter into the numerators of en nn and dn nit, n beino- odd. From the well-known relations (151) B{x,k) = c(J^,k^};^^x\ C{x,k) = B{j^,l>jk (152) B (kx, -^ = G {X, k), C (kx, -j) = B {x, k), we deduce (153) B (kx, j) = B (-^ , k\ k'" x'", 2?) rpip whence (154) B,,_,„,{k) = B,^ (j^ ¥^, B,Jk) = i?,,-.2.(y) F^ MULTIPLICATION OF ELLIPTIC FUNCTIONS. ^19 Hence, if we put IK = 2p then so that we need only determine B^,,, and this only for the initial values of?», in view of (154). Now (134) may easily be modified in such a manner that the resulting equation is satisfied by B. We find (155) |l-(H-A-V+A:V}-^+ I [{2n'-l)k'-S]x~2{n'-2)k^x^\'^ whence follows (156) (2wi+l)(2wi + 2)02^+2+1 [7r-(2m + l)2J +im{n'-vi)Ji'}B,^ dB, elk + 2?^2A-(l-Ä-2)-^ + (?i2_2w)(n2-2m+l)Ä-2i5,,„_2 = 0 Further we find, for m^p, (2w+l)(2w + 2)ß2.+2,o +{'^'-(2w+l)2]ß2„,,o - 0, ■^2m,0 = 0 , ?i— 1 B^ = — -^10 2! ' 2 "I B, = - '-^^[(«2_9)(7?2_25) + 6mV-9)F+8??V-4)7.*], B, = '-^^ [(7?.2-9X7i2-25)(;r-49) + 127r(7i2-9)(7i2-25)^2 + 471 V - 4)(1 5n2 - 107)^,-^ 32w2(n2 - 4)(7i2 - 9)Ä-''] , (7?.— l^X7r-9) ^„2_25)(^^2_49)(^^2_^l)_,_207i\;i2_25)(,;i2_49)^2 + 127/2(7i2_4X297i2-329)Ä-H 327iV-4)(14??2_89)Z« + 1287^2(7^2-4)(7^2-lß)A■«], ^^^ — ^1^ — ^'[(^^2-25X';i'-49)(7i2-8l)(7?,-'-121) + 307iV-25XV-49X?^'- 81)Ä- + 47?2(5937i«- 1708271*+ 1795 177*2 -482708)Ä'^ + 87iV-4X5757i*-1011l7*2+44276)Ä« + 1927i2(7i2-4X«'- 16Xl5?i2_ 89)Ä;^ + 512712(7*2- 4)(7*2- 16X^2-25)^:1°]. B,, = MULTIPLICATION OF ELLIPTIC FUNCTIONS. 221 § 1«. Consider next the ca«e where n i.s even. To begin with, take sn nil. Here D is exactly of the same form as in the case where )i is odd, so that we may restrict ourselves to the consideration of A alone. Now A is of the degree y^^ — 4 = 4^ say, and (159) A {X, k) - (- 1)'^' A {-^, k\ k-^ x'", and, therefore, (160) A^^,„, = (- 1)"^ A,,, k'^"\ m - 22) In consequence of (104) and (134), A = ^ A,„^x^"' satisfies the m = U differential equation rPA flA (161) |^-(l + Ä;V+^'-^'}-Tl+ 1'-^+ [(2n2-5)^•2-5]^2-•2(«2_4)^V^-p dx^ " dx dA dk dA + 2n^k{l - k'')x-^ + («2-4) {(1 + k^)x + {)v'-S)k''x^]A = 0 , whence follows, (1()2) ('2/;t + '2)('27yi + 8)^i2,„+2+ {n^-4:{ni+l)-+ [(4;/i+ l)n--4.{iii+ \f\ k-}A.„, + 2n^k{l-k^)^^ + {n'-2m-'2){n'-'2m-l)k^A^,,_^ = 0 . By virtue of (1()0), we need only determine the first half of the coefficients A^^. Again, A.^m is of the form A,„. = A,,,a^ + J^n + A,,,,,A^'+^r''^-')+-+A,,,,,,A^>^'+^^^^^^^^^^^ , the last term being ^s™,»«^'" or ^2,», «i-i (^"''^ + ^"'^^), according as ;;« is even or odd. Substituting this in (162), we get 222 R. FUJISAWA. (2w + 2)(2m+3M2,„+2.o+ in2-4(w+ 1)2^2^.0 = 0 ^2,«,o-( i) (2w+l)! (2m + 2)(2;;i + 8M2^+2,2 + {5«2_4(?;z+l)2}^2^,2 + I (4wi + 1 )?r - 40;i + 1)- } ^ 2«, o + («2-'2?7i-2)(?t^-2?;i-l).42„,_2,o = 0 , (2w + 2)C2w + 8)^o„,+2,, + |9?i2-4(w+ 1)'M2^.4 + {ti" -2m- 2)(7t' - 2vi - 1) A 2,„_.2, 2 = 0, (2m+2)(2m+3)^2,»+2,6 + { VSn'-^m + lf]A,,,, , + {(4w-7>i2-4(w+l)^}^2,.,4 + Cm2_2w-2)(»--2w-1M2«.-2,4 = 0' generally, (168) C2m + 2)(2;?i + 8M2„,+2, 2. + { (4>' + 1)'^' - Um +\f\A .,,„, ,, -f {(4w-4/-+5)n2-4(w+ l)'i.42„,o,_2 + (;r-2w-2)(«2-2wi-lM2,„-2,2r-2 = 0, and, lastly, Clin + 2){2m + 8)^ 2^+2, m+i + '^ i ^^^ + 8)yr - 4(;/i + 1)- [ A o„,, ,„_i + {n- — 2m — 2)(h- — 2m — 1 )^ 2»i-2, m-\ = 0 , or C2m + 2X27/t + 8M 2,H+2, ™ + I C-^''^ + 1)'^' - -l^"^ + 1 )' i ^ -',«, m + I (2/;t + 5);r - 4(;;i + If } ^ .2»,. «.-2 + ('/i'^ — 2wi — 2)(n- — 2?;i- l)zi2,„_2,m-2 = 0 , according as m is odd or even. MULTIPLICATION OF ELLIPTIC FUNCTIONS. 22S By means of the above e(|uatioris, -we tiiid (104) Aa = )i, A,= ^-^-| — (I + Â-j, n{nr-4) A^ = ^ [^ . ' KM--lÜX>r-8G)[0r--ü4Xl+/v-') + 4f4^r-l8X^- + A'^)] -0(/i'^+lüÜM*-21i4«H4752)/l*}, ^io = - '-^^jir^ {(;r-l6XH'-86K-(34)[0i'MOOXl+^-'")+5(5;i2-l(5XA-+A-«)] -2('247M«-882/i*'-7-2l02/i* + 661il2yr-l86.S0U0X/^HA*'')}, '^12 = ^^^7^7^^ |(/r'-l6X^i--36)0^^-64)(M2-lOOXvr-l44Xl + F^) + 6(«-- l(5):;r-86X'r-64);;r- IOOXOm-- 19XA-+ P') + (-57öl;i^'^+170472^i«-4yOi40»*^-22744752;i* + 193986816^2- 3837 54240XA,H A;') + 4( -3046yt^« + 75579;i«-260532m«- 5901554«* 4- 48907368;r- 93498440)^'* } . § 19. Lastly we consider the numerators of en }tu and dn nn, ii being even. In this (;ase. ])Ut //"' = À p. As in the case where n is odd, C...JA) = BoJ-r-jk'-'" by (10(5), so 224 ^- FUJISAWA. that we may here al«o restrict ourselves to the consideration of B. Moreover, since in this case (165) B {X, k) = B (J^, k^ k'^ x'^, it follows, (166) B,^,„, = B,,,, k'^-^'\ and we need only determine the first half of the coefficients i^g,,,. Now B satisfies the diiferential equation (167) {1-(1 + A:V + AV['^.+ I [('27i^-l)Ä.-2-ll^-2(H2_l)^-2^-3}^ + 2;i2Ä'(l-A-2)^+ {n\n''-l)k:'x^ + n-\ B =0, whence we deduce (168) (2w + l)(2w + 2)B2,„+,+ { {n^-é7ii') + 4:m0v'-m)k^B,r„, clh: Substituting •^2»» = B2n, 0 + -^2/», 2 A"' + • • • + -^^2/n, 2r A-'' + . . . + B.2,n^ -2,11 ^'"\ m ^p, in (168), we get (:2m+ l)(27;i + 2)B.,,„+2,o +in'-^m')B,,,^o = 0 , B.2m,o = 0, /ir — "2 m + 1 )(;r — '2m + 2)ß2w-2. 2 = 0 > geDeralJy, (169) {2m+ l)(2m + 2)ü.„,.,,,,r + [(4/ + l)yr-4w-]52„,,2, + (;r-2m+l)(;i2-2w+2)£2,«-2,2r-2 = 0 , and, lastly, (2w+ lX27;i + 2}5o„,+2.2«+2 + {{^m+l)}r-4:m'}B,„^,^ + (n--2m+l){n?-2m + '2)B,„,^._^._^_^ = 0 , By means of the above equations, we find (170) Bq = 1, -Dg = oT' B, = |^[(/i2-4) + 2(;i^-l)^-2], ij^ = !!Î!^Ili)[(,j2_l6)(«2_36) + ]2(;i2-l)(7i2-lG)A2+ + 4(w-- l)(l5?r- r)l)k' + 32(11'- l)(;r- 9)A«] , 2^^^^ = _ ^^^^j^ [.;r-lG)(u2-36)(/r-(34) + 2ü(;r-l):«--l6;(«2-86U-2 + 12(71^- l)(;r-9X29/r- 104)Ä;* + 64(7v^ - 1 )(?J- - 9)(7 7i2 _ 22)/.« + r28(/r- l)(/i2_ y)(H2_ 16)A«], 2'2Q R. FUJISAWA. 9 / O J \ Bj., = ^'"^'^'^^7 [(/r- 10)(yr-86)(;r-G4)(?r- 100) + 80(;r- l)(;r- l6)(;t- - 80)0^- - 64)^'2 + 40^2- l)(598u« - 14305;iH 1 1 3972^^2 - 257760)Ä;* + 40(7^2 _ l)(n2_9)( Il 5,^4 _i 288«- + '2968)Ä:« + 2880(M-- l)i7i'-'à){}v'- I6){7v'-3)k^ + 5 1 2{n^ - 1 )(;r - 9)(;i2 _ 1 e)^,i- - 25)A-i" ] . Imperial University, Tokio, July 189 o. m m ^ n m /\ /\ ¥ ^ + + J^ J! A TT 0 H m fIJ n ffiil A m # TU T if 0 ^> Tîî th B Mî On the Process of Gastrulation in Chelonia. (Contributions to the Embryology of Reptilia, IV.) By K. IVIilSukuri, Ph. D., Rigakuhakushi, Professor of Zoology, College of Science, Imperial University, Tokyo, Japan. With Plates Vr.—VHf. The sea-turtle, Clielonia caouana, UVu//. deposits its eg^s on almost every suitable stretch of sandy beacli in the southern lialf of Japan during tlie summer months of the year. During tlie breed- inof season of this animal in 181*1, I Avas enabled, bv the liberaHtv of the University authorities, to visit Sagara in the province of Tötömi. with my assistant, Mr. T. Tsuchida, for tlie pur])ose of collecting materials for the study of its develoj^ment. With the assistance of several kind friends, we made arrangements to luive reported to us every deposit of eggs that might he made along about fifteen miles of sandy beach in that region, and we thus succeeded in getting hold of several good deposits. As encli of tliese contained over one hundred Ggg^ — 1-1 i"^ the least, and 145, the largest number in one deposit in my exjierience, but 16!) has been i-ej^orted in one case— we had command of over one thousand eggs in all, and as we opened eggs from each deposit at certain intervals of time, we were able to secure unusually fine series of embryos, gaps in one series ])eing often filled up by members 228 ^ MITSUKURI from other.s. This success was in a larsre measure due to Mr. Tsuchida, whose zeal and perseverance never flagged, even under most trying circumstances ; and I would here express my deep indebtedness to him. My thanks are also due to Viscount Tanuma, Mr. Y. Mura- kami, the Mayor of Sagara, the Chief Officer of the Sagara Police Station, and several other gentlemen who assisted us in various ways and showed us much kindness durino- our stay. Messrs. T. Ogfasa- wara and K. Niwa of Shizuoka were also kind enough to furnish me with much useful information. Various observation made by us on the breeding habits of the sea-turtle together with similar facts which I have ascertained in other species, I hope to embody, at some future time, in a separate paper. A short preliminary account of these observations is already published in the Zoological Magazine (Japanese) Vol. III., No. 35. I will only remark here for the benefit of those who may attempt a similar study, that Chelonian eggs can be transported with safety for some hours immediately following their deposition, but after that, their removal is apt to bring on death and decomposition. This seems to be due to the circumstance that the white at the upper pole is rapidly absorbed, the blastoderm becomes adherent to the shell membrane, and a large fluid cavity is produced directly beneath the developing embryo. In this condition, slight jarring seems to disturb the delicate arrangements and to cause death. After thirty days or so, Avheu tlie foetal membranes have become definitely established, the eggs can again be moved with impunity. The embryos of C h el o nia caouana, thus obtained, together with those of Trionyx japonicus and Clemmys japonica which I already possess or can get in almost any desired stage, afford a good basis for the comparative study of reptilian development, and I intend to use them for this purpose, as I have previously used those ON THE PKOCESS OF WASTRULATION IN CHELONIA. ^29 of the two Jast-named species. MeanwhiJe I have discovered that when C h el o nia caouana deposits its eggs, they are in a far less advanced condition than those of 1'rionyx or Clemmys and thus enable us to elucidate many points in the much discussed process of gastrula- tion in the Amniota. The present contribution embodies the results of my own study on this point and, it is hoped, will throw light on some phases of this vexed question. Preparation and Preservation of the Embryos. Young embryos were in nearly all cases preserved in Kleinen- berg's picro-sulphuric acid. Very advanced embryos were placed, partly in that fluid, and partly in corrosive sublimate. In removing blastoderms from eggs within one or two days of their deposition, at which age there is not yet any large subgerminal cavity in the yolk, the shell was removed and as much of the white as possible. The whole egg was then placed with the blastoderm uppermost in a deep vessel and covered with picro-suJphuric acid. The spot where the blastoderm was to be found was generally marked with a hair since the thin layer of the white necessarily left over it coagulates in the preserving fluid and hides it entirely from view. Proceeding in this way the pre- serving fluid will be found after three or four hours to have penetrated to the blastoderm and acted on it as also on the upper strata of the yolk. Incisions at right angles were now made with a sharp knife on three sides of the blast(jderm, leaving the fourth side and the two corners uncut, as shown in the accompanying diagram. It was then found that a little manipulation with forceps i)v scalpel easily separates the superficial coagulated white from the blastoderm beneath it. If we then cut the corners, the sheet of the white will roll up of itself towards the uncut side, leaving fully exposed the blastoderm which bei)ig already hardened 230 ^'- MITSUKURI. can then be removed with gi'eit eise. The bhistoderni thus removed was o-enerally left in a relatively hirge quantity of tlie preserving fluid lor some hours longer. In more advanced embryos tlie position of the blastoderm under the shell is easily told in chelonian eggs by the change of colour in the shell. In all the species I have examined, a white patch a]jpears in the shell over the embryo, and increases in extent with the growth of the embryo, or more strictly speaking. pari jiassK with the disappearance of the white over tlie embryo ; so that, roughly speaking, the size of the patch is a very good indication oi the size of the embryo beneath. In these stages the embryo is firmly adherent t<3 the inside of the shell, with a large subgerminal fluid cavity in the yolk Ijeneath it, which can be easily pierced tlirougli the shell and the blastoderm with the ])oint of one blade of the line scissors. liy thus piercing the cavity and cutting round just inside the edo-e of the white patch through both shell and blastoderm, tlie embryo is removed, firmly adhering to the cut piece ; the latter can tlieii be turned o\"er, exposing the ventral surface of the embryo, and the preserving fluid be poured over it, using the cut-piece as a veritable Avatch-glass. After half an hour or so, the blastoderm can be easily separated fr<3m the shell and placed in a larger quantity of the preserving fluid. This method has the great merit of keeping every part of the blastoderm stretched in its natural condition, and also of milking it possible to remove a Inrge number of embryos in an incredibly short space of time. When the embryo is very much advanced and the allantois has spread itself entirely beneath the sliell, it becomes a serious (question how to remove the shell without much injury to the fœtal membranes, especially as the shell is leathery, and not brittle as in some other reptiles. In this and similar ciises I carefully scrape tlie shell at one small spot with a knife, until it becomes ((uite thin, and then apply ox THE PKOOESS OF OA^'IKULATION IX CHELOXIA. 2'dl to that spot some picro-sulphiiric acid, which reDiovcs calcareous matter. I scrape again with the knife and again apply the acid. I repeat this process, ah\ays using great care, until enough of the shell is worn off to expose a very small patch of the allantoic surface, some- times not larger than the eye of a needle. However small the opening- may he, the acid is able to penetrate through it and harden the tissues for some space around it. The opening may then be enlarged a little, with perfect safety to the |)arts l)eneath. The acid is then applied again, a still large area is hardened, and the opening is accordingly made still larger. At length the opening becomes large enough to allow of the removal of the entire shell without injury to the mem- branes. In removing the shell, it is advisable to use the broad, blunt-pointed forceps and insert them tangentially between the shell and the fretal membranes. With a little practice, it becomes com- paratively easy to obtain in this manner embryos with the foetal membranes perfect, except for the yellow patch where the picro- sulphuric acid was first applied. As to staining, imbedding, îind cutting sections, there is nothing special to communicate. I generally use borax-carmine for staining. For imbedding, celloidin-paraffin is used. The methods just described have been used in the case of Chelonia caouana and in those of other species with equal success. Description of the stages ofGastrulation in Chelonia Caouana. The first stage to which [ wish to call attention is represented in Figs. 1 and \a. PI. VI. It was taken out of an egg which had been deposited measures .04 x .032 mm. Quite iis often, the nuclei occur in a group of t^^o or three, closely adherent to one another (Fig. 11a). These cells are no doubt what are called " Merocyten " l^y Virchow (No. 14). What their nature is, whether they stand in some genetic relation to other kinds of cells or are of a nature siii generis, I am unable to say. I have thought it just possible from the frequency with which two or three nuclei are found together, that they are cells dividing by amitosis and possibly undergoing dis- integration (Flemnn'ng [No. 4] and Ziegler [No. 20]). Let us consider for a moment how such a stage as that described has been reached. What I am inclined to think as probable is as follows : — When the process of segmentation has gone on lor some time, the blastoderm separates itself into two layers, the superficial epiblast and the lower layer. Tliis takes place throughout the blasto- derm with the exception of the primitive plate.* Here cells not only remain undifferentiated but with the addition of cells from the subjacent bed of yolk form a mass which protrudes into the yolk — the primitive kn(j]j. In the middle of this region, an invagination soon appears, which is at first shallow and is directed straight downwards. I have two specimens of this stage but have not figured them because tlie blastoderms having Ijeen peeled off from the yolk to which it is adherent at this stage, the lower part of it is * And proljably also of the growing- edge of the blastoderm, hut of this part I aui not now, speaking 1 am gratified to find that what is given above as pro)3able is now verified by Will by direct observation (See No. 21, Figs. 35 & 36). ON THE PROCESS OF GASTRULATION IN CHELONTA. 237 probably not complete. But as to the above ])oint there is not room lor mneli doubt. The specimens are very much like Fig. 1 of Will (No. 19) with one exception, stated above, viz : that the epiblast of the shield is continuous with the primitive plate and not separate as in Will's figure. One peculiarity of this stage is that both the anterior and the posterior wall of the invagination shows faintly the columnar arrangement as seen in Will's figure. Later on, this feature is confined to the anterior or dorsal wall (Figs. 9, 13, 14). After going straight downwards some distance the invagination cavity takes a for- ward horizontal direction and reaches the conditiim shown in Fig. 1>. At the anterior lip of the blastopore, the columnar cells are recognizable very early, and the epiblast is here reflected downwards to l)ecoine con- tinuous with the anterior or dorsal wall of the invagination. In that part of the primitive ])late placed behind the invagination the cell- mass remains undifierentiated for a long time, there l)eing later estab- lished in this place the rudimentary yolk-plug, as was minutely describ- ed in the joint paper of Ishikawa and myself* on the germinal layers of Trionyx. Robinson and Assheton (No. 10) object to our idea of considering the structure in question as the yolk-plug. In the course of tliis paper, I hope to show that the presence of the yolk-plug at this place is an important feature in homologising the gastrulation of the Sauropsida with that of Amphibia. I may add that several authors, as Van I^eneden (Xo. 13), Wenckebach (No. 15), and Will (Nos. 18 and 21) recognise the yolk-])lug in this place. I shall next describe how the invagination-cavity, as described above, comes to open below ;uid l)ecomes united with the large subger- minal cavity in the yolk. This process has, ,so far as I am aware, * Coatribiition I. I shall refer to the papers in the present series of Contrilnitions by their nuuiliers in order of publication. See the list at the end of the present article. 288 K. MITSUKURI. never been treated with the fullness which its importance deserves. A careful study of this process has given me results which, I venture to think, are of the greatest importance in discussing the problem of gastrulation in the secondary meroblastic egg. The surface views, Figs. 2-5, and the sections. Figs. 13-17 are introduced to illustrate this process. Figs. 2 and 2a are of the stage nearest to that represented in Fig. 1. In the dorsal view (Fig. 2), the dorsal opening of the invagination- cavity has now become a narrow crescent-shaped slit with the concavity directed forwards.* In the ventral view, the primitive knob has become larger. Viewed with a low power, the surface of the knob is tolerably smooth, although the figure represents it perhaps as a little too much so. The longi- tudinal section (Fig. 18) of this embryo shows distinctly that the depth of the primitive knob has grown greater in this stage than in that of Fig. 9. The invagination-cavity has extended itself much deeper and shows distinctly two limbs, one vertical and one horizontal. The roof of the cavity which is as before continuous with the epiblast, shows a distinctly columnar arrangement which is, however, gradually lost both anteriorly and superiorly. In these directions it merges gradual- ly into an irregular network of cells which is in turn continuous with the lower layer of the embryonic shield. As was the case in the former stage, there is again below the primitive knob, no in- dependent sheet of cells continuous with the lower layer of the shield, as described by Wenckebach or Mehnert. On the contrary, this and the succeeding figures (Figs. 14-17) give the impression that the lower layer of the embryonic shield extends below the epiblast * Will (No. 21. p. Ii7) says: " Dieselbe {i.e. die Urmundspalte) tritt zuerst im vorderen Abschnitt der Primitivplatte auf, und hat zunächst die Form einer Sic hei- rinne, nach Schwund der Sichelhörner aber einer rundlichen Delle" That is, his figures 8 and 9 are less advanced than his figures 4 and 10 so far as the shape of the blastopore is concerned. If the first two figures named are comparable to my figures 2, 3, 4, and the latter figures (his figures 4 and 10) to my figure 1, I can not but think that Will is mistaken in his views. ON THE PROCESS OF GASTRULITION IN CHELONIA. 239 right up to the angle where the epi blast is reflected downwards at the dorsal lip of the blastopore, and that the primitive knob has been capped on to it from below, although now irrevocably fused with it by a protoplasmic network. The floor of the cavity shows two distinct divisions. In the posterior part (the vertical part in the section) there is a compact mass of cells which have evidently been proliferated from the floor of the cavity. This is the posterior median part of the commencing peristomal mesoblast. In the anterior half of floor, the vacuolated network ]jcomes very near the cavity, being separated from it only by a thin sheet of cells. In the next stage (Figs. 8 and ,3a), we notice one striking change in the ventral surface view of tlie embryo. While the top of the primitive knob (spoken of with its ventral surface as uppermost, see Fig. 3 a) is comparatively smooth as in the former stnge, its base has assumed a lioney-combed structure and this structure is spreading itself over the ventral surface of the embryonic shield. Fig. 14 is a longitudinal section near tlie median line of this embryo. Compared with Fig. 13, the primitive knob has a longer antero-posterior extension and it will be seen that this increase is due almost entirely to the growth of the .'interior hnlf. The forward edge of this half is gradually encroaching on the ventral surface of the em- bryonic sliield (cf. Fig. 3 a) and is thus giving the primitive knoh ever greater extension. Wenckebach (No. 15), AVill (Nos. 18 & 19), and Mehnert (No. 8) agree in thinking that the forwai'd growth of the priinitive knob takes place by its front growing edge insinuating itself between the epiblast and the lower layer of the shield, and quit« indepen- dently of these two sheets of cells.* My sections do not allow me to * In his latest paper (No. 21), Will admits that where gastruLitiou ia completed ]}j the formation of the Kopffortsatz, the " primary " and " secondary " endoderm cells cannot be clearly distinguished and that the former may grow ))y addition of the cells of the latter formed in situ (p. 48). 240 K. MITSUKURI. come to the same conclusion, us a glance at Figs. 18 and 14 will show. Both the surface-views (Figs, ^a ct i^eq.) and the sections give us even an impression that the primitive knoh is spreading itself under the lower layer of the embryonic shield. In the parts where the primitive knob has once established itself, we can, however, no longer distinguish cells that have come from the primitive knob from those of the lower layer of the shield : they are indistinguishably fused. The invagina- tion cavity at this stage (Fig. 14) has much greater longitudinal extension than in that of Fig. 13. I can discover neither at this nor at any subsequent stage a j^osteriorly-directed limb of the invagina- tion-cavity, such as is described by Wenckebach (Xo. 15) in his Fig. 3. There is nothing special to say of the nwf of the invagination cavity, except that the points described in the previous stage are all more pronounced in this one. In the floor, there are some im])ortant changes. In the ])osterior half, where the mass of the peristomal mesoblast, grown much more compact, is easily recognisable, there is not much that is new. l)ut in the anterior half of the floor, the wall of the invagination cavity is no longer so sharply defined as before, and some meshes of the cellular network in the primitive knob even open into the invagination- cavity, so that we can here, already in this stage, pass by a labyrinth of intercellular passages from the in- vagination-cavity to the subgerminal yolk -cavity. It should be specially noted that the anterior and of the invagination cavity is distinct and does not share in the dissolution of the anterior part of the floor. With the growth of the embryo, the changes in progress between the stao-e of Fi«:. 13 and that of Fio-, 14 become more and more pronounced. The primitive knob grows forwards moi'e and more on the ventral surface of the shield, so that its antero -posterior diameter ox THE PROCESS OF GAS'J'RULATIOX IX CHELOXIA. 241 is ever getting longer (Fig^. 14, 15, 16 & 17). In the anterior part of the lloor of the invagination-ca^■ity whicli was already losing its sharp definition in Fig. 14, tlie disrii]»tion lias proceeded une step farther in Fig. 15. In this figure, not only this part of the fioor is giving away, but the network of cells lying underneath it, and between it and the subeferniinal volk cavitv, has been laroeh' absorbed. In Fig. 16, the process of breaking through is seen to be complete, and the invagination-cavity has now a clear opening below. I think it almost certain that such a clear and comparatively large opening- has been produced by the running together of se^'eral small openings, such as we see in Figs. 14 and 15, which put the meshes of the cell- network in communicati(Hi with the invagination -cavit}'. In fact, in Fig. 16 we can still see several such openings in the floor of the cavity in that part of the network situated behind the large anterior opening and in front of the compact peristomal mesoblast mass. Com- parison with Fig. 17 makes it probable that this part of the cell- network is to be eventually absorbed, for the single large opening- extends in the latter back almost to the peristomal mesoblast. It should also be noticed in Fig. 16 that the extreme anterior end of the invagination-cavity is clearly recognisable and does not particii>ate in the breaking through, which seems to be confined to the floor. We should therefore remember that although the anterior end may nh marks the posterior end of the emhryo ; and as the lateral Iwdy-wall is formed from the lateral folds, also arisen within tlie embryonic shield, we are justified in coming to the very important conclusion that the body of the future embryo and consequently the definitive alimentary canal is formed entirely within the area covered ventrally by cells derived from the primitive knob. This speaks in fli vor of the assump- tion that the invagination cavity is the archenteron and gives rise to the fiitare alimentary canal. I sliall discuss farther on how we ought to regard the breaking through of the invagination-cavity and the gradual sj)reading of the cells of the primitive knob over the ventral face of the embryonic shield. The reason wliy the advancing edge of the primitive knob is marked by a zone of network is probably, T tliiid^, that sucli a structure allows free and easy access of the nutritive liquid of the yolk to the deeper parts of the tissue. The network sucli as is here described, has been seen many times before. For instance, Ishikawa and 1 noticed it in a Tri onyx blastoderm (Fig. l/> of Contrilj. I) without knowing its significance. Again, Fig. 10. C^ontrib. Ill represents the same thing in cross-section in an embryo of Clem my s . Mehnert (No. 8) gives beautiful ilhistrations of stages showing the network, in his Figs. 4-13. He, however, gives an explanation of it which is at utter variance with the one given above, for according- to him, it is concerned with the process of the mesoblast formation. He states 246 K- MITSUKURI. thnt ill the anterior part of the embryonic shield, the dorsal roof of the archenteric cavity divides itself into two layers : (1) a lower c^ne consisting of a single layer of low cells representing the definitive hypoblast, and (2) an upper one consisting of stellate branched cells representing the " Rumpf-mesoblast " (his Figs. 22 & 23). In the course of this separation, the dorsal roof which is nt first composed of compact columnar cells becomes permeated by vacuoles, aiid he says tliat " das im Flächenbilde eruirte Xetz der Ausdruck fiu' die aus dem Verbände des Urdarm-epithelhofes (sel. oberer Ürdai-mwand) losgelösten Mesodermstränge war, welche sieh im Furcluingsspalte centrifua-al zwischen Ektoderm und Paraderm weiter vorschieben " (]^. 434). He thus calls the ai'e:i of the network with the central compact ])nrt the '' Rumpfmesodermhof." Moreover he makes thi.s [)rryonic shield as intimately connected with the change of the shape of the blasto- pore-opeuing. Both are, according to him, due to the forward growth of the yolk-plug and the consequent shoving forwards of the Wastopore-opening (see p. 127 et seq.). I find myself imable to accept his views. ox THE PROCESS OF GASTRULATION IX CHELOXIA. 249 ji deep fiwsiire cutting the yulk-plug into liuJves. I am unable to give any ex[)Janation of thi« groove, whicli is very unusual, this being the sole instance among hundreds of chelonian embryos that have passed through my hands. 1 think it may probably be teratological. Kuptfer (No. G, Taf. IV. Fig. 40 /. & y.) gives two figures of Coluber that are strikingly like this. To sum up the facts of Gastriilation as above described : — 1. When segmentation has gone on for some time, there is established in the blastoderm two layers: (<<) the superficial epiblast composed of columnar cells, and (/)) the lower layer composed of irregular stellate cells and probably not forming a complete sheet. 2. This separation into two layers takes place in all parts of the blastoderm v\^ith the exception of a small area at the posterior end of the future embryo. Here not only is there no differentiation of layers but a thick knob consisting of a network of cells is produced by the accession of cells from the subjacent bed of yolk. The mass can not be said to belong to either of the two layers above named. This is the Primitive Plate or Prim- itive Knob. o. In the middle* of the Primitive Knob, an in- vagination cavity is produced, which at first goes straight downwards but soon takes a forward horizontal course. This is the Jnvagination-Cavity or the Archenteron. its dors;il opening is the Blastopore. The in vagination-ca vity * Will (X'u. 21) is uo doubt quite correct in printing out that the invagination -cavity begins much nearer the anterior than the posterior end of the primitive plate. In front of it there is only the future anterior or dorsal lip of the cavity. ç)50 K. MITSUKURI. extends itself gradually forward«, pan passu with the anterior enlargement of the Primitive Knol). 4. The roof of thi« invagination-ca^■ity which be- comes continuous with the epiblast of the embryonic shield at the anterior lip of the blastopore, assumes a colunmar arrangement, the process beginning at the posterior end and proceeding gradually forwards. Out of the median part of it is established the Chorda dorsalis, and from a certain stretch of columnar epithelium on each side of it is developed the gastral mesoblast. 5. The floor of the invagination-c;ivity is divided into two parts: — ((/) the posterior which proliferates the peristomal mesoblast, and (h) the anterior which losing deiiniteness is finally absorbed, together with the whole thickness of the cell network placed beneath it, ih ns putting tlie invaginaiion-cacit ij in commun ication with the large suIj- germinal cacittj in ttte yolk. 6. The primitive knob which was gradually spread- ing itself over the ventral surfjice of the embryonic shield before the breaking through of the in vagination-cavity continues to do so after that event. It spreads from the spot where the in vagination -ca vity first broke through away towards the periphery of the shield. Its advance in later stages is marked by a zone of cell -net work with a compact central area. AVhen the whole of the ventral surface of the embryonic shield has been covered, the process sto])s. The cell-network afterwards changes into compact cellular sheets. 7. The head-fold is formed some distance behind the anterior edge of the embryonic shield. ON THE PROCESS OF GASTRULATION IN CHELONIA. 251 8. The future embryo and consequently the defini- tive ulimentary canal is formed entirely within the area covered ventrally by the part derived from the primitive knob. Putting the results in another way, they may be summed up as follows : — From the epibla.st of the embryonic shield, the EPiBLAST and ITS DERIVATIVES of the future animal is derived. In the region of the primitive plate and its anterior enlargement are produced the invagination- CAVITY (the Archenteron), the yolk-plug, the chorda, the MESOBLAST (botli peristomal nnd gastral), and the DEFINITIVE HYPOBLAST and ITS DERIVATIVES. The primi- tive lower layer forms the wall of the yolk-sac, and contributes to the future animal only in so far as some of its cells are unrecognisably incorporated with the cells of the primitive knob, when the latter spreads itself over the ^^ e n t r a 1 sur fa ce of the e m b r y o n i c shield. On the last point, I find myself at variance with Wenckebach who makes the cœnogenetic hypoblast take part in the formation of the anterior ])art of the embryo-body, "namentlich an dem cranialen Wachsthimi von Chorda und gastralem Mesoderm (No. 15, p. 76). Theoretical Considerations. If we represent the chelonian egg dia grammatically in the light of the facts described in the preceding pages, we shall obtain something like that given in Woodcut I. 25â K. MITSUKURI. Woodcut I. Invagination Cavity ( Archente ron) Yolk-Plng Head-fold X Diagram of a Chelonian Egg. A — B represents the embryonic shield with the enclosed primi- tive knob. Within the shield is established the whole of the future embryo. A—X—B is the yolk-bag with the large subgerminal cavity filled with nutritive liquid. The invagination -cavity which has ex- tended forwards pari passu with the anterior extension of the primitive ON THE PROCESS OF GASTRULATION IN CHELONIA. 253 Woodcut II. knob has by tlie absorption of the anterior part of its floor (indicated by dotted lines) been put in communication with the subgerminal cavity in the yolk. The anterior end of the invagination-cavity is clearly recognisable at the time of the breaking through ; it becomes invisible for a time after that event, but is soon marked out again by the commencing head-fold. Tlie tliick part of the hypoblast (marked with slant lines) is intended to show the extent to which cells from the primitive knob spread themselves. The structures l^ehind the invagination cavity — the yolk-plug, the peristomal mesoblast — have been fully described in ('Ontribs. I. & III. When we compare this diagram with tlie well-known one of an amphibian egg (Wood- cut II.) given by Hert- wig, their similarity be- co7nes very striking. .p.Tist-Mesoi.i. The structures dorsal to the line Z— Yin the am- phibian egg can be identified,^ part for part, on the emljryonic shield of the chelonian egg. In homologizing these two eggs a great deal depends upon the view we take as to the nature of the invagination-cavity, the breaking through of the same, and the large subgerminal cavity into which the the invagination cavity opens. I have already made mention of the assumption that the invagination cavity gives rise to the definitive alimentary canal (p. 245). The following considerations will make my views clear and I trust, justify them at the same time : — There is in the chelonian egg a large yolk reservoir A (Woodcut III. 1). Y.^lk-Pluff 254 K. MITSUKURI. This, let us suppose, is surrounded by a layer of cells (although in point of fact the lower pole is not enclosed until a much later period), except at the point C where there is a mass of cells in which both the epiblast and the layer surrounding the yolk are merged. This is the Primitive Plate or Knob. Tn this knob, there arises an invagination, B (Woodcut III. 2) which grows forwards together with the anterior elongation of the primitive knob. Assume Woodcut III. ON THE PROCESS OP GÂSTRULA.TION IN CHELONIA. 255 for the present tlie invagination-cavity (B) to be the Arche n teron . Then the yolk reservoir A must from the nature of the thing be an appendag-e of the in vagi nation-cavity B. Hut owing to its enormous size compared witli B, the bodily invagina- tion of tlie yolk is out of the tpiestion. It forms the most conspicuous part of the egg from tlie first, and begins to surround itself with a cell-layer long before the invaginntion-cavity B makes its appear- ance even. Hence, A can only secondarily come into connection with B. This ha])pens by the anterior part of the floor of B flaring out, so to speak, into a funnel-shaped opening. This is the mean- ing of the breaking through of the invagination-cavity. The spread- ing of the cells derived from the ])rimitive knob over the ventral surface of the embryonic shield after the breaking through of the invao'ination-cavitv mav be regarded as the gradual Iv thinnino- wall of the funnel-shaj^ed opening making itself continuous with tlie cell-layer surrounding the yolk (Woodcut III, o-longitudin;d section, 4-cross section). When the alimentary canal is formed definitely, later on in the course of development, the wall of the funnel-shaped opening of the invagination cavity is again tucked in as the splanchnopleura. The above course of reasoninu* explains all the events accompany- ing the invagination and thus justifies the assumption that the in- vagination-cavity (B) \fi the Archen ter on corresponding to the part marked as such in the amphibian egg (Woodcut II.) and the whole yolk-bag must be regarded simply as a part of its ventral wall that has become bulged out on account of the enormous accumulation of nutritive matter within it. The jiresence of a large subgerminal cavity in the yolk filled with a nutritive li(piid is a physiological accident, so to speak. I agree with Van Beneden, Keibel, and Wenckebach in regarding it as intercellular space in the yolk. It is a cavity arisen solely from physiological necessity 256 K. MITSUKURI. and having a comparatively insignificant morpholo- gical value. Although the whole yolk-sac should he regnrded as a diverticulum of the archenteron and although it has a definite morpho- logical value, it is a matter (^f comparative indifférence, so far as morphology is concerned, whether its inside is filled with cells charged with yolk-granules, or with free yolk-spheres, or with a nutritive liquid or with a mixture of all three. Looked at in this light, the chelonian egg is nothing hut the ani])hibian egg, with an enormous ventral saccular appendage surcharged with nutritive matter.* The whole yolk-sac (Woodcut I. J-X—B) must not, however, he looked on as strictly homologous with the part of the amphibian egg ventral to the line Z~ Y. For, in the latter, the epiblast of that part becomes the ventral abdominal wall of the future animal, while in Chelonia the epiblast of the yolk-bag becomes later n part of the serous envelope, — the ventral a b d o m i n a 1 wall of the embryo being formed within the embryonic shield above the yolk-sac, and the yolk-sac with the enclosing sheet of hypoblast and mesoblast cells migrating within the body of the embryo. When it has done so, nobody has any difficulty in accepting it as an appendage of the alimentary canal which has for its function the storage of nutri- tive matter. My contention is that as such it should be looked on from the first. The archenteron is at first so utterly insignificant in size compared with the yolk-sac that the true na- ture of the latter is obscured : none the less the yolk sac is a mere appendage of the archenteron. This < view makes it necessary to regard the primitive lower layer enclosing the yolk-sac as a part of the * It will 1)6 seeu that f urtlier considei-ation has made me modify in some details my views as set forth in the preliminary notice sent to the Aiuitomhcher Anzeiger, and pulilished in that journal, Nos. 12 & 13, 1893.. ox Tue process OE UASTRULATIOX IX CHELOXIA. 257 hypoblast. That it arises before the invagination of the archen- teron can be explained by the principle of precocious segrega- tion, as has been pointed out by Hubrecht (No. 5). The name "cœnogenetic hypoblast" which he applies to this layer, seems therefore very appropriate as the part derived Ijy invagination may be called the "palingenetic hypoblast." I think the objection on the part of Robinson and Asshetoii (No. 10) that the yolk-})lug can not be present at the spot designated by Ishikawa.and myself is fully answered by comparing the two diagrams (Woodcuts I. & II.). The yolk-plug can not only pro- perly be found at this spot but its presence here is one of the signi- ficant, although not the essential, features in homologizing it with the amphibian egg. This is an example of those cases where a secondary characteristic is of great service in identification. According to the views set forth above, the enormous accumula- tion of yolk has profoundly affected the course of development in the chelonian agg, especially in the precocious develo})ment of a part of the hypoblast, and in the rapid spreading of the blastoderm over the surface of the egg. There is left, however, in the centre of the blastoderm a certain amount of raw undiiferentiated materials in the shape of the primitive ])late or knob in order to go with it through certain developmental processes of palingenetic character : — the invagination of the archenteron with the consequent establishment of the cliorda-hypoblast, the peristomal and gastral mesoblast, the yolk-plug, and the definitive hypoblast. The changes in the shape of the blastopore from a crescent with its con- cavity turned anteriorly to that of a horse-shoe with its two limbs directed backwards and enclosing the yolk-plug between them nnist be looked on as the remnant of that process by which the epiblast gradually encloses the endoderm cells in the amphibian ovum or the '25S K. MITöUKUßl. Woodcut IV. yoJk in the Elaismobranch egg. If we make a companion diagram to the well-known series given by Ballour (Comp. Embryol. vol. II. Fig. 175) it will be like Woodcut IV. The upper pole of the egg in Keptilia is capped by a small patch where nearly all the changes which in Amphibia are gone through by the whole Qgg, are performed. Ac- cordingly, the enclosure of the yolk by the blastoderm in the chelonian egg is of a very difterent nature from the enclosure of the yolk in the Elasmobranch, for while the former is a simple growth of the edge of the l)lastoderm, and of cœnogenetic character, the latter is a ]jart of the process of invagination and of palingenetic character. That the yolk in Chelonia is not completely enclosed till the embryo has made much progress is due to its large size, and may be regarded as of quite secondary significance. I thus find myself obliged to put aside tlie yolk-l)l;istopore of ])alfonras no longer tenable in Sauropsida. After what has been given above, I need hardly say that I accept the views of Rabl (No. 9) as to the loss and acquisition of the yolk in vertebrate eggs several times in the course of the phyletic development. All the facts given Jibove tend to pro^e that Chelonia possesses a secondary meroblastic ovum in contrast to the primary meroblastic ovum of the »Selachians. My views overlap more or less those of previous writers, such as Wenckebach (No. 15), Will (Nos. 18, 1!) & iM), Mehnert (No. 8) and Rabl (No. *J). It would, however, be a tedious and useless task ON THE PROCESS OF GASTRULATION IN CHELONIA. 259 to go over the writings of these authors and point out wherein we agree or differ. The reader acquainted with the hterature will be able to do this for himself. The points which I want specially to emphasize are however as follows : — 1. The pklmitive; plate or knob is raw-material left at the centre of tue blastoderm, by means of which certain palingenetic processes are gone tlirough. 'J. The INVAGINATION-CAVITY is the APCHENTERON, and givcs rise to the alimentary canal and the organs derived from it exclusive of the proctodti3um and the stomodseum. o. The YOLK-SAC must be regarded as a ventral appendage or diverticulum of the AiiCHENTERON in which nutritive matter is stored in solid or liquid form. 4. ÜAving to the enormous size of the yolk-sac, it and the AKCHEXTEKON are formed separately from each other, and come only secondarily into connection. Having considered the chelonian egg in its relations with that of Ichthyopsida let us now see how it compares with the avian or mammalian egg. If the process by which the blastopore in Chelonia has assumed a horse-shoe shape (W oodcut V. A) continues on after the state A is reached, as actually happens in Amphibia (See Figs. Woodcut V. ^^.^^ 18 & ID, Ao. 10), the lateral lips will coalesce* and I there Avill result the primitive streak of the avian egg (]>). In cases where the lips have not quite coalesced, we .should expect to find the ^^olk-plug sticking out * I am gratified to find this verified within the group of Re'ptilia. Will (No. 21) has found in Gecko that the lips of the blastopore approach each other very closely and form a primitive streak. 260 ^- MITSUKURI. between them, and such is actually the case as seen in Figs. 15 and 32 of Duval (No. 3). The annexed woodcut will also explain why the posterior limit of the primitive streak is not as sharply defined as the anterior. This view makes it plain that the homologue of the primitive streak in Chelonia is the lips of the blastopore which are, however, still so wide apart from each other that the name " streak " is hardly applicable to it. It should be noted that the primitive plate or knob is not the homologue of the primitive streak. Tlie latter has potentially in it not only that but a great deal more. It is in fact a mass of raw undifferentiated material from which various structures are produced. This view also makes it evident that as the |)rimitive streak is almost the first feature visible in the development of the avian blastoderm, a great many changes of palingenetic character observed in the chelonia n eg^ before the establishment of what corresponds to the primitive streak, are necessarily skipped over in Aves, which are therefore not very good subjects in which to study the process of gastrulation. The removal of the primitive streak to tlie centre of tlie blastoderm must also be explained in the way I have indicated abovein the case of Chelonia. Comparison of the reptilian ovum with the mammalian seems easier. The facts given in this paper agree, with the exception of some minor details, very closely with those communicated in \ an Beneden's preliminary notice (No. 13). It seems to me that the primitive streak and Heiîsen's knob together corresj^ond to the primitive plate of Chelonia, and the " Kopffortsatz '" to the forward growth of the primitive pJate. I can not, however, accept A an Beneden's theory of '' Lecit()})hor " and "• Ijlasto])hor." Exactly what I cannot accept lies in the emphasized words of the following qucjta- tion: — " Wenn diese Auseinandersetzuno'en richtio* sind, "vvie ich es glaube, so ist es klar dass das sogenannte zweiblätterige Stadium ON THE PROCESS OP GASTRULATION IN CHELONIA. 261 der Säiigethiere der Gastrulution d. h. der Eiastiilpung, die man von der Epibolie auseinanderhalten muss, vorangeht, und das s die ZAvei Schichten respektiv dem Ektoderm und dem Entoderm des Amphioxus nicht entsprechen. Dieser Schhiss geht schön daraus hervor, dass nicht allein die Organe des Epiblastes, sondern auch die Chorda und der ganze Mesohlast aus der äussern Schicht sich bilden." According to my views, the epiljlast of the Am ni Ota is liomologous with the epiljlast of Amphioxus. The difficulty which keeps Van P>eneden from accepting this idea lies in this, that not having for comparison the comparatively simple story of the reptilian development he has reckoned as epiblast what corresponds to the primitive plate of Reptilia. If he had recognised the structure which, as 1 have sliown above, can not be said to belong to either layer and then considered the lower layer as precociously developed hypoblast, the conclusion would h:ive been inevitable that the outer layer corres- ponds to the epil)last of Amphioxus . Keibel (Xo. 7) has also shown to what contradiction Van Beneden's theory of the " Blastophor " and " Lecitophor " leads. I think, however, I have now removed the second objection of Keibel:—" Dazu kommt dann ferner, dass uns Van r>eneden den Beweis dafür durchaus schuldig gebhei^en, dass nun wirklich die untere Schicht des zweischichtigen Säugethierkeimes und die Keimhöhle desselben mit der Bildung des definitiven Darms der Säuo-er nichts zu thun hat." I think, the fact that the whole yolk- sac with the subgerminal cavity within it does not form in Chelonia any permanent part of the alimentary canal, makes it highly probable that the same is also true of the homologous structure in Mammalia. As I have more than once stated above, I accept Hubrecht's view of precocious segregation. In many respects my views are very much like his, but I do not think, he makes a clear distinction between the Archenteron and the yolk-sac. Nor do I know from personal 262 K. MITSUKURI. obsei'vation whether such a distinction is possible in Mammalia. I am only inclined to think that, since the reptilian and mammalian eggs are alike in so many points, what is tree in the former as regards the development of the alimentary canal will in the main be found true also in the latter. I can also find inChelonia nothing corresponding to his " proto-chordal plate." As to whether there is such an annular zone of hypoblast as he describes which gives rise to the mesoblast I wish to express no opinion. That tlie '' FÎ umpfmesoblast " arises entirelv within the embryonic shield from the materials derived from the primitive knob I hope to have made at least probable in the preceding- pages, but whether some temporary mesoblastic structures of the embryo may not arise in Rep til ia from such an annular zone as he describes, I am not in a position eitlier to stffirm or to denv. ox THE PROCESS OF GASTRULATIOX IX CHELOXIA. 263 Postscript. The foreo'oino- article was nearly finished in January of this year. I made an extract of it in the early part of tliat month and sent it to the Afiafoinisdier Anzeiijcr as a preliminary notice.* As I was giving linal t(Ki('hes to tlie article I received from Dr. Ludwig Will an article of his own entitled '' Die Anhuie der Keimblatt er heim (rech) " (Zool. Jahrhilrlier ; Ahth. f. Anat. v. Oui., \ I Baml 1 Heft). As I men- tion in a previous page, I was not under the circumstances able to make full use of Dr. Will's paper, but inserted remarks on it mostly in footnotes. The foreo'oino- article has since then ])een Ivin«- readv for the press, but its publication was greatly delayed, owing to various extraneous circumstances. Wlien it was at last to be put in the prin- ter's hands, I received a second article by Dr. Will : '"'Die Anlage der Keimhläfter hei der menoquiNi,schen Snmjifschildkröte" {ZooJ. JuhrJnlcher : Ahth. f. Anat. u. Ont., V] Band, 3 u. 4 Heft). As it is too late to go over my article again in the light of the facts brought out by Dr. Will, I have decided to add here as a j)ostscript a few remarks on Dr. Wills two papers, as well as on some other articles whicli have appeared recently. Will's observations on the two species, Platydacty 1 us face- tan us, Sdireih. iiud Cistudo lutaria, Gesn. coincide throughout. They, I am glad to see, agree also in many essential points with the results I have brought out in this and pre\ious contributions. There are however, several points on which we diifer and some of these, it must l)e confessed, are by no means insignificant. 1 . According to Will, a stage in which a sickle is present precedes the establishment of the primitive plate in both the species. Since receiv- * Published in Anat. Anz., VIII Jahrg., No. 1^1 13. 264 K. MITSUKURI. ing- Ins second article, I have again gone through the chelonian emhryos in my possession in order to examine this point. Tn Chelonia caonana, the two youngest embryos whicli I possess (i-eferred t(^ on p. ioG) are not prol):iblv much older than that corresponding to Will's figs. 1 and 13 (II Art.) but neither in the sketches I liad made of surface views, nor in the sections, was I able to detect any structure resembling the sickle. In T r i o n }' x , I vva snot mcore successful . lUit in C 1 e m m y s japonica, some eml^i-yos which 1 had taken out of the ovi(hict siiowed a structure wln<'h on surface views looked very much like a sickle. Tlie annexed tigure (Fig. A.) represents one of these in which the sickle is seen to extend to the sides more than in the others. This stage is 7nor(' ^d^'arl(vd than that in which Will figures a sickle, (Fig. 1, If Art.) inasmuch as the invagination cavity has a I read V l)roken through below. On cutting sec- tions of this embryo, the sickle was found to be due to an ac(-umulation ;:,-: (^f the lower Layer cells continuous with the pri- mitive plate. (See Fig. B.). The epiblast is '^^ " shar})ly marked off from 1^ this mass, so that it can : not be regarded as a part of the primitive plate — at ï'ig- A. least not in this stage. Ventral View of a Clemmys Embryo taken from the Oviduct. A ffpv })eC(^mino' familiar C5 ON THE PROCESS OF GASTRULATION IN CHELONIA. 265 Post > Ant. Edge of the Sickle. Fig. B. ■ Fig. B. Posterior part of a. longitudinal section of the Embryo given in Fig. A. with the îippearance of the sickle in this series of sections, I was able to detect the same structure persisting in the sections of some older embryos of CJemmys. There i.^ ;i great deal of variation in the degree of development to which this structure attains in different individu;ds as well as on the two sides of the same individual. It seems to disappear entirely later. As the mesoblast develops afterwards quite independent- ly of this, it is not what Will calls Kuplfer's sickle. For tlie present, I think, it corresponds probably to the sickle (Koller's si(.'kle) which Will describes in the earliest stao-e, althouu'h there are some features of it which I do not yet quite ccmiprehend and which may fin;dly esta- bUsh its ditference from Koller's sickle. Aj'arr from the structure which I have described, I can detect nothinii' comparable to Koller's sickle in mv materials, 2. Will makes out a sharp line of demarkation between the ectoblast and entoblast at the edge of the primitive plate (1 Art. Figs. 43, 44, and others ; II Art. Figs, lo a. and />.). Since reading Will's second article, I have again carefully gone over the sections of my earliest stages, but J am unable to make (nit sucli a line at all. As this line is figured in AVill's papers as pei-sisting to quite late stages, I aui surprised that I do not see it at least in some of my sections, if it really exists. ,'). Perhaps the most serifjus jxnnt of ditference in the observations of Will and of myself is in regard to the extension of the invagination cavity, before it breaks through below. In Cistudo, Will states that 2g6 E. MITSUKURI. the invagination cavity becomes exactly co-extensive with the epi- blastic embryonic shield, before that act takes phice (II Art. figs. 6fo, 7h, 8h). In Platy dactyl us it is said to be only slightly less. In Chelonia caouana, which I have studied, the invagination cavity breaks through, as I have stated in the foregoing article, when it is quite small compared with the epiblastic shield. Will accounts for this discrepancy by assuming that Cistudo and Platydactylus on the one hiind and Chelonia on the other are really different in this respect. (7/ Jrt., Nach sell rift. Also in a note " U. d. iTüstndation r. Cistudo a. Chelonia,'' Anal. Anz., Ill J Jahnj., No. ltl/19). In Tri onyx, I possess several embryos which are like Fig. 11). of Contrib. I. or Fig. (3 of the foregoing article, so that I think I am justified in concluding that Trionyx is like Chelonia in this respect. In Clemmys there seems to be individual variations as to- this point. For instance, if we comj^are Fig. A. in this postscript with that given in Fig. 1 of my Contril). Ill, Ave find that in the latter, the inviigination cavity must have advanced farther forwards, nearer the anterior end of the embryonic shield than the former. iSo that it is an actual fact that there are variations in different species ov within tVie same species in the proportion of the invagination cavity to the shield. For the j)resent, I am therefore willing to accept Will's assumption as the correct explanation of the disagreement be- tween his statements and mine. And yet I can not help having some doubts lurking in my mind that his Figs. 6/>, 7/>, and (II Art.) are expressions of something other than the breaking through of the in- vagination cavity. That in Cistudo the invagination cavity be- comes both in length and breadth exactly coextensive with the embryonic shield — not one whit more or less — seems to me very extraordinary. The figures Will copies from Clarke do not certainly show the laterjil extension of the in- ox THE PROCESS OF GASTliULATION IX CHELOXIA. 267 VîigiDîition cavity to be equal to tlie width of the shield. In this connection we must renieniher jinother fact which Will Irinos out in another place and which I belie\e myself able to corroborate, that " die gesammte dorsal Lh-darmwand zur Bildung der ClKU'da und des gastralen Mesoderms aufgelrraucht wird" (II Art. p. (il:^).* If the invagination cavity becomes, as Will maintains, really coextensive witii the embryonic shield, it follows from the above-mentioned fact that the lower layer covering the entire ventral surface of the embryo- nic shield is used up for the above-mentioned j)urpose and the gut-hypo- blast (Darm-Entoblast) must come fnjm outside the shield. Ikit this can not be reconciled with the fact whicli I have brought out in the foregoing pa])er and of which there can not be any doubt, that the gut-hypoblast comes from the cells derived from the primitive plate and arises within the embryonic shield. It can not be urged that there are actual differences in this respect between Cistudo which Will has studied and C h el o nia which I have studied, for his Fig. 1) (II Art.) is very much like my Figs. 6a or 7a in the fore- going article, and shows, beyond a shadow of doubt, that in Cistudo as well as Chelonia the gut-hypoblast arises within the embryonic shield. These considerations force me to suspect that possibly there is no great difterence in the actual facts between Cistudo and Chelonia in this matter. 4. As I have stated in the foregoing article, I was unable to detect in Chelonia any differentiation of the primary and secondary endoderm such as Will and several others describe. 5. In one place Will does me injustice. On p. 587 (II Art.) he says : '• Die Hedeutung dieses Flächenbildes, von dem ich in Holzschnitt Fig. 7. (my Fig. '2, Contrib. III.) eine einfache Skizze * I am iudeliteil to Dr. "W^ill for poiuting ont the inaccuracy of uiy exj^ression on this point undor Heading- 4 of my proliuiinary notice f J Hr(^ Aiiz., VIII. Jahr(j., So. 12J13.). 268 K. MITöUKURl. gebe, konnte von iinserm Autor (i.e. by Mitsukuri) nicht erkannt und auch nicht interpretirt werden, weil demselben damals die ähnlichen Oberflächen bilder vom Gecko noch niclit bekannt waren, die allein dieses vereinzelt stehende BiJd deutbar machten. Wir erkennen in die Skizze zwei in ihrem hintern Absclmitt nahezu parallel der Mittel- linie verlautende Linien, welche vorn plötzlich stark divergiren. Ich kann dieselben nur als die Insertionsgrenzen des gastralen Mesoderms ansehen." That I was aware of the significance of my figure referred to above is shown by the following words in my Contrib. Ill (p. 4G). "This inward extension* of the gut-hypoblast is probably the cause of the grooves converging posteriorly into the single median chorda groove seen in tlie surface view Figs 2 and o(^" If these words are read in connection with what precedes and follows, I think, it will be plain that I had in my mind the significance of this figure to which Will refers above. I am, however, willing to admit that Will has made this point very clear and liis tig. E. (II Art. p. 586 or tig. 4, I Art. p. 94) is certainly a very suggestive one. 6. I may |)erhaps lie allowed to make remark on a part of Will's observation on C i s t u d o. In his second article (p. 542) he says : " Während der Embryonalschild bisher noch vollkonmieu im Kiveau der iibrio'en Keimscheibe lao-, tritt dieselbe auf diesem Entwicklnno-s- (Stadium zuerst als deutliche, wohl umschriebene Erhebung von herz- förmiger Gestalt aus der Keimscheibenoljertiäche hervor. Dement- sj)recliend macht sich diese A\^ölbung an der Dotterseite (Fig. 'M).) durch eine leichte Concavität bemerkbar." In another place (p. 568), he is surprised that Mehnert's euibryos are not more vaulted or bulged out. When Ishikawa and I first luidertook the study of Tri onyx, we used to open the shell and try to cut the blastoderm out as is usuaJly * Perhaps the words I used were not. entirely happy. If I had said the "inward uiove- uient," it would have expressed uiy meaning more clearly. ox THE PROCESS OF GASTRULATION IX CHELONIA. 269 done in taking ont cliick-embryos. At tliat time, we used to find Tri onyx embryos vaulted dorsally, just as Will describes in the ({notation given above. Since adopting the method given in the foregoing article of preserving embryos stretched in tlieir natural con- dition, I have never found the shields vaulted in this manner at any stage : they were always on a level with tlie rest of the blastoderm. 7. In a note entitled " On Mcsoblast Formation in Gecko," (Anat. A)iz.) No. 12 u. 13, 1893), 1 ventured to criticize Will's views on the mesoblast formation of Reptiles. Will replies to my criticism in the postscript to his second article, and :iIso in a note " Zur Frage nach der Entstehung des gastralen Mesoderms bei Reptilien "' in the Anafoinisclicr Anzeiijcr Xo. 20, 1803, wliich has just come to my hand. I must refer the i-eader to Will's original pa])ers as well as to the above note for his views. Suffice it to say here that AYill considers the gastral mesoblast to be formed by a fold which arises in the outer wall of the archenteron and grows towards the median line, thus cutting otf tlie dorsal portion of the archenteron from its lower main portion. The wall of the small dorsal portion thus cut otf is said to become the mesoblast. This is put forth in (^p[)osition to tlie N'iew which was first pro])oniided l)y Hertwig and which appears true to me, viz : that the mesoblast is formed from two diverticula of the archenteron arising directly on each side of the chorda. Will considers that Fig. 23 of my Contrib. III. which shows a. distinct diverticulum on each side of the chorda can not be held to prove the " Divei-tikelbildung " as it comes from an old embryo which has the chorda already cut otf in the middle dorsal region. In his own words* : '" Hier sielit man thatsachlich rechts und links neben der Chorda ein kurzes Divertikel, von dem die solide Mesoblastmasse ausgeht, jedoch lässt sich an einem solchen i^ild aus dem Ende des * The note above referred to. Anat. Anz. No. 20. p. 681. 270 ^- MITSUKUEI. ganzen Processes natürlich nicht melir erschliessen, oh es sich nm echte Divertikelbildiino- oder nm Unterwuclisung' von Seiten der Urdarnifiilten handelt, oh das Divertikel das l^rimare nnd die solide Mesoblastmasse das Secundäre ist, oder uintrekehrt." Now, the fact is familiar to every embryologist that at a given stage of development a structure, one part of which is already finished may show at another ])(3rtion of its length only the commencing phases of the process of fn-ma- tion, so that one can see in one and the same specimen the whole ])rocess from the beginning to the end. Such seems to me to be the case with the mesoblast in the CI em my s embryo from which my figure 23 is taken. The fact tliat the mesoblast formation is complete and the chorda is cut off in the middle dorsal region, does not necessarily vitiate what is seen in the head region : here the ])rocess of the mesoblast formation is in a less advanced phase, and if a diverticulum is seen there, it is highly probable that a diverticulum is a feature of the mesoblast formation. That there is no such distinct diverticulum seen earlier in the middle dorsal region is because the epi blast presses closely down, and there is no space for the diverticula to curve upwards to any large extent as in the head region. I think, I have sufficiently demonstrated in my Contrib. Ill, that the diverticulum in the head region corresponds to that part of the primitive hypoblast in the dorsal region which Will calls the " Zwischenplatte," and that this 7nust therefore be regarded as a shallow diverticulum. Will also objects to my views on the following grounds : " P)ei der Auffiissungder Zwischenplatte als ein gestrecktes Divertikel miisste der solide Teil des gastralen Mesoderms (war. in Fig. 1 ]>.) nicht an dem Rande der Z\vischen])latte inserirt, s(jndern aus der Mitte dei- letzteren hervorgewuchert sein." (Anat. Anz. No. 20, lhasizes above all others, and on which lie builds what he considers to be a new theory of the mesoblast formation (I Art. p. 102). Even in his own views tlie ]iart of the mesoblast which is formed by " Septenbildung " is only a smidl ])roximal ])ortion near the chorda, for the part wgr in his fig. 1 B. C. D. (Anat. Anz. No. 20, 1893) is according to himself not formed by " Septenbildung" but proliferated from the archenteric * In a sent(,'nce siuiilar to the above, in my note " On the Mesoljlast Formation in Gecko " (Auat. Anz. Xo. 12-13, 1893) the word "mark" is by a most unfortunate oversight in proof- reading misprinted " snack " — a mistake which makes my sentence Avell nigh incomprehensible. t I admit that I used then the expression " gut-hypoblast " — instend of the word " fold " whicli I ought to have adopted. But a reference to figs. 16-17 will show that a« a, matter of fact I had observed a fold. 272 ^- ^nTSTiKURi. wnlJ. This course of reasonînof reduces Will's views practically to the same thing as mine as given in Cnntrib. IIT. with the exception of the single ]ioint that I consider tlie *' Zwischenplatte " as a flattened diverticulum, while he does not. I have already urged above the reasons for my views, so that I will not again go into them. I must refer the reader to it as well as to my C<^ntrib. III. Notwith- standing that A¥ill says, I have fallen into a fundamental error in con- founding " Septenbildung " and " Divertikelbildung," I still think, I was not without reason, when I snid in my note (Anat. An:. No, 12 and 13, 1893. p. 4o4). that ■' * ->^ ::- whether the ])resence of the fold is emphasized or the diverticulum is pointed ont as the essential feature does not alter the facts of the case much. Will's objection to Hertwig's theory may therefore be only an apparent one." The difference between " Septenbildung " and " Divertikelbildung " which Will points out is exactly like that lietween the process of budding and of division. It is not possible to draw a hard and fast line in one case as in the other. Finally I would like to add that while Will and myself agree as to the essential features of the reptilian development, the above discussion shows that on nifiny minor points we must for the jn-esent " agree to disagree," (as I lieard the late Prof. Balfour i-emark on a similar occa- sion), until fresh observations bring out new facts and enable us to settle these vexing points. I have very recently received througli the kindness of the author, Keibel's " Studien zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des Schweines." (Morphologische Arbeiten. III). It would perhaps be going out of my way too far to offer any extensive remarks on this article in- teresting though it is to me. The foregoing paper shows that, like himself, I divide the gastrulation into two phases, but these two ox THE PROCESS OF GASTRULATIOX IN CHELONIA. 273 phases are different in his case and mine. My own views are (1) tliat the cœnogenetic hypoblast is formed by precocious segregation, and ('2) that the definitive hypoblast is produced Ijy the formation of the invagination cavity which gives rise to the definitive alimentary tract as well as to the chorda and the gastral mesoblast. According to Keibel, '* In der ersten dieser riastrulationsphasen wird l)ei den Säugern das lùatoderm des Darmes und des Dottersacks gebildet, in der zweiten Mesoderm und Chorda " (loc. eil, p. 10t. S. II. K. MiTsuKURi : — On the Fœtal Membranes of Chelouia. Jour. Sc. Coll. Tokyo. Vol. IV. pt. 1. III. K. MiTsuKURi : — Farther Studies on the Formation of the Germinal Layers in Chelonia. Jour. Sc. Coll. Vol. V. pt. 1. List of References. No. 1. Agassiz, L. and Clark: — Contributions to the Natural History of North America. Vol. II, Pt. 3, Embryology of the Turtle. No. 2. Duval, M. : — Etudes histologiques et morphologiques sur les Annexes des Embryons d'Oiseau. Jour, de l'Anat. et de la Physiol., A'.V. 1884. No. 3. DuvAL, M. : — De la Formation du Blastoderme dans l'Oeuf d'Oiseau. Ami. d. Sei. nat. 6 ser. T. 18. No. 4. Flejiming, W. : — Ueber Theilung und Kernformen bei Leucocyten und ueber deren Attractionssphären. Arch. f. Mikro. Aiiat. Bd. 37. No. o. Hubrecht, A. A. W. : — The Development of the Germinal Layers of Sorcx vulgaris. Quart. Jour. Micros. Sei. Vol. XXXI. No. 0. KuPFFER, C. :— Die Gastrulation an der meroblastischen Eiern der Wirbelthiere und die Bedeutung des Primitivstreifs. Arch. j. Aiiat. u. Fhys., Anat. Abth. Jhnj. 1882. No. 7. Keibel, f. : — Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Chorda bei iSäugern (Meer- schweincheu u. Kaninchen) Arch. f. Anat. v. Fhys., Aiiat. Abth, 1889. No, 8. Mehnert, E. : — Gastrulation und Keimblätterbildung der Emys lutaria taurica. Morph. Arbeiten lierausy. von Dr. (iustar Schwalbe, o Bd. 1 Heft, 1892. No. 9. Rabl. C. : — Theorie des Mesoderms. Morph. Jahrb., 15 Bd. 1889. No. 10. KoBiNsoN, A. and Assueton, E. : — The Formation and Fate of the Primitive Streak, with Observations on the Archenteron and Germinal Layers of Rana temporaria. Quart. Jour. Micros. Sei. Vol. XXXII. ON THE PROCESS OF GASTEÜLATION IN CHELONIA. 277 No. 11, Sarasin, C. F. : — Keifung und Farclmug der Eeptilieueier. Aib. a. d. Zool. — Zoot. Inst, zu Würzhimj 6. Bd. 1883. No. 12. Strahl, H. : — Die Dottersackswand und der Parablastder Eidechse. Zeit. f. Wiss. Zool. Bd. 45. No. 18. Van Beneden, E. : — Kemarks made in tlie discussion following the reading of Kabl's paper on the Mesoderm.' Anat. Anz. 1888 p. 675 — Demonstra- tion of the plates illustrating ihis investigations on the Formation of the Germinal Layers, the Chorda-Canal and Gastrulation in Mammalia. Anat. Anz. 1888, pp. 709-714. No. 14. ViRCHOw, H. : — Das Dotterorgan der Wirbelthiere I. Zeit./. Wi-ss. Zuol. 53 Bd. Siipplewtmt. II. Arch.f. Mikros. Anat. 40 Bd. 1 Heft. 1892. No. 15, Wenckebach, K. F. : — Der Gastrulationsprozess bei Lacerta agilis. Anat. Anz. 1891 Nos. 2. ii. 3. No. 1(5. Weluon, W. F. R. : — -Note on the Early Development of Lacerta muralis. Quart. Jour. Micros. Sei. Vol. XXIII. 1883. No. 17. Whitman, C. 0. : — A Eare Form of the Blastoderm of the Chick and its Bearings on the Question of the Formation of tlie Vertebrate Embryo. Quart. Jour. Micros. Sei. Vol. XXIII 1883. No, 18. Will, L. :• — -Entwicklungsgeschichte der Gecko. Biol. Centralbl. X Bd, Nos. 19 & 20, 1890. No. 19. Will, L. : — Zur Kenntniss der Schildkröten-Gastrula. Biol. Centralbl. XII Bd., No. 6, 1892. No. 20. ZiEGLER, H. E. : — Die biologische Bedeutung der amitotischen (directcn) Kerntheilung in Thierreich. Biol. Centralbl. II Bd., No. 12 & 13. No. 21. Will, L. : — Beiträge zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Reptilien. Die Anlage deri Keimblätter beim Gecko (Platydactylus facetanus, Schreib.) Zoöl. Jahrbücher, i Abth. f. Anat. v. Ont., VI. Bd. I Heft. PLATE VI. Plate VI. Fig. 1. — Dorsal view of an embryo of Chelonia caouana a few hours after its deposi- tion. Zeiss aaX2 (Bia) Fig. 1«. — Ventral view of the same. aaX2 Fig. 2. — Dorsal veiw of an embryo of Chelonia caouana \\ days after its deposition. The lateral parts of the embryonic shield are not represented. Zeiss aaX2 (Dla) Fir,. 2(;. — Ventral view of the same. aaX2 Fig. 8. — Dorsal view of an embryo of Chelonia canuana 1^ days after its deposition. Only a small part around the primitive plate is represented. aax2 (C2) Fig. 3«. — Ventral view of the same. aax2 Fig, 3. /»/.v.— Dorsal view of an embryo of Chelonia caouana about 2 days old. Only a small part around the primitive plate is represented. aaX2 (O?) Fig. 'Sa, bis. — Ventral view of the same. aax2 Fig. 4. — ^Dorsal view of an embryo of Chelu)iia caouana 1\ days after its deposition. Only a small part around the primitive plate is represented. aa=2. (B4a) Fig. 4(/. — Ventral view of the same. aaX2. Jour. Sc. Coll. Vol. VI. PI. VI. Fig. 4 Fig. 4a Fig. Fig. 2 Fig. 8a h\%. r Fig. la K M,l,„l,uri J- A-, .Va,„„),„„„, ,w. Fig. 2a Fig. 3a Fig. 3 Fig. 3 bis. Ulh. i Imp. Tlu .Seishibuviha PLATE VIL Plate VU. Fig. 5. — Dorsal view of an embryo of Chelonia caniKnin 3| days after its deposition. aaX'i (B5a) Fi(j. 5a. — Ventral view of the same. aaX2 Fig. 6, — Dorsal view of an embryo of (Jhelouia camiaiia o^ days after its deposition. aaX2 (B7a) Fig. 6t/. — Ventral view of the same. aaXü Fig. 7. — Dorsal view of an embryo of Chelonia anxtana o\ days after its deposition. aaX2 (B7h) Fig. la. — Ventral view of the same, aa x'2 Fig. b. — Dorsal view of an embryo of Chelonia caoitana 1\ days after its deposition. aaX2 (B9a) Fig. 8r/. — Ventral view of the same. aaX2. Jour. Se. Coll. Vol. VI. PI. Vil K. Milsiikiiri * K. Nasuhar; dti Lith. tV linp. The SeisiUbiimha PLATE VIII. Plate VIII. Fig. 9. — Longitudiiuil section near the median line of an embryo of tlie same lot and stage as that represented in Figs. 1 & la. CCx2 (Bib, 41. 2c. last-2) Fig. 10. — Part of a longitudinal section of the same series as Fig. 9. From more lateral parts. DD x 4 (Bib, long. 2, 51., last-2) Fig. 11 a k h. — Two merocytes from the same series as Fig. 9. DDx5 fvi\U f :T" l"»g- 2, 51. last— 2\ (.I^l'^lh. long. 2.51. 7.S ; Fig. 12 a k h. — Cells of the same kind as those represented in the middle stratum of Fig. 10. DDX4 (Bib.l-S-^^.-^-^) Fig. 13. — Longitudinal section near the median line of the embryo represented in Figs. 2 & 2a. C0X2 (D la, 31. 2c. 5s.) Fig. 14. — Longitudinal section near the median line of the embryo represented in Figs. 3 & 3a. CCx2 (C2. long, i, il. 2c. 7s.) Fig. 15.— Longitudinal section near the median line of an embryo 1 day older than Figs. 1 k la and 1 day younger than Fig. 4 k 4a. CCX2 (B3. loug. 1. 41. last) Fig. 10. — Longitudinal section near the median line of the embryo represented in Fig. 8 his. and da. his. CCx2 (O? long. 1. 21. 2c. 2s.) Fi(i. 17.— Longitudinal section near the median line of an embryo slightly younger than Figs. G & 6«. CCx2 (B6. 31. lOs.) Fig. 18. — Longitudinal section near the median line of the embryo represented in Figs. 7 and 76. BBx2 (B7b. 31. 2c. is.) m?: ■-;"i'H!P'.j'.^;;;;'fP!;n;'niiKi'',«<>miiin«iiiiiiiMi|ii|(r((f[^(fj« y..,^ ,/ Jour. Se. Coll. Vol. VI. PI. VIII. ,^._pi;!;^jrnii.aWrr;'Ä'^'y'' ■•;-:• '.t;^;.;^**;,. ■•:.",rr^',',ÏÏ. ... !iWl«iî"fc f;!.'ff.'iWf»[iiigÄ;i«i :#%.• Note on the Eyes of Cardium Muticum Beevel K. Kishinouye, Riéakushi. Zoologist to tlie Department of Agrienltnre and Commerce. Witli Plate IX. The eyes of the genus Card! um have been studied by many authors; but. so far as I know, no one has yet found such conspicuous eyes as I describe below in the molhiscs of this genus. The following note may therefore ])rove interesting to investigators of the molluscan eye. The mnntle-edges, both right and left, of Cardium muticum are beset witli dnrk brow^n. almost black pigment. They unite at the posterior end of the shell and form a triangular pigmented area, sur- rounding the siphon;« 1 openings. Over this area the right and left valves of the shell do not meet closely but leave a rathei" wide slit. In this triangular, pigmented area w^e find a, great many tentacles, ar- ranged in many irregular rows round the siphonal openings. The tentacles are of \'arious sizes : those on the peripliery of the pigmented area are larger and longer; tliose towards the siphonal openings, shortei- and more sleîider till at the margin of these they are reduced to mere fringes (fig. 1). Clenerally speaking the larger and longer tentacles about 100 in number bear the eyes. They are bent away from the siphonal openings, and eacli of them has a longitudinal band of black pigment on the siphonal side, 7. e. on the 280 K. KISHINOUYE. side exposed to the li^ht. The eye can easily: he found without a microscope as a black spot on the si|)honal side of the tip of a tentacle, opposite to the position of the eye of Cnniium efhile, which is '' on the shell side of the mantle." * Along the upper, posterior f side of the eye, the epithelium is raised into a triangular screen (figs. '2. 6, 7, 9, .s.). At one time I thought that this screen is the tip of the tentacle, but a closer examination showed that it is raised secondarily, probably io ])rotect the eye, and that the true tip is occupied by the eye. In the eye i^f Cnrdium muticum we find all the essential ])arts of an eye. Its structure resembles on the whole that of the eyes of Fecten. Spondyiius^ and Cardivm edide ; but ditlers in S(jme essential points, since it is ditHcult to find the liomology of some constituent parts. The cornea (fig. 2. <;.) consists of thin ])a veinent cells, while that of other molluscs consistSigenerally of columnar cells. The general epithelium ber-omes gradually thin as it ap])roaches the lens and forms the thin cornea over it. The corneal cells are colourless, transparent, and polygonal in outline. The convexity of the cornea is great, its external surface being almost hemispherical. The lens (fig. 2, /.) is large and consists of a great number of cells. Instead of the usual biconvex, flat form the lens of Cardium imdicwn is ovoid. Its longer axis is parallel to the o])tic axis and its broader end is directed below. It is more or less constricted at the middle' ]])art. The cells composing the lens are large, colourless and compressed in the direction of the optic axis, the degree of compression being greater nearer the cornea. In the median lon- * Patten— Eyes of Molluscs and Arthropods. Mittheil, aus der Zool. Station zu Neapel. 188G. t For the sake of convenience, the word upper is used to designate the distal end of the tentacle, and the word anterior that side of the tentacle turned towards the sijihonal openings. 'I'he words lower and posterior naturally indicate the opposites of the above worda. NOTE ON THE EYES OF CAKUrUM MUTIOUM Ueev^. 281 rritudiiial section, we lind that the cells of the lens are arrauf^ed ior the most part in two lonuitiKlinal eoJumu.s. The cells are nucleated, havins' nuclei near the external surface of the lens. The n'luia (üg. 2, rcl.) is in contact with, and directly below, the lens. It is very sim])le in structure, consisting of colourless, columnar cells arranged in one layer. These cells have rods (tig. 2. ro.) which are not clearly fjund in the eye of Cdrdiimi cdule (Patten,* J:îutschli **). The rods are directed away ironi the retino})horae and are separated from them by a jtseudoniembrane. They seem to be hollow, as they appear as rings in cross section of some well ])reserved specimens. They are longest at the optic axis and gradually diminish in length as the distance from the optic axis increases. They are stained homogene- ously and rather deeply. As regards the retinophorse, the nuclei are deeply stained, while the protoplasm is very faintly stained. I could not find the ganglionic-cell layer, although it is stated to be ])resent in the eyes oï Pect en and Canlimn edulc (Patten, Biitschli). lîelow the retina and continuous with it at the circinnference, there is a layer of fiat cells (tig. 2. c//.). These cells, are small and thin at the juncture with the retina, so that it is difticult to tind out tliis connection in well develo])ed eyes. 1 shall name tliis layer as the choroid, as it seems to ht. liomologit>'ment is black and serves to absorb rays of light which fall obliquely upon the retina. In Pecten the greater part of this function is fulfilled by the iris, and its red pigment layer, probably homologous with the pigment layer of Ccwdimn niuticmii, aljsorbs rays of light fr(3m the lower side alone. As the eyes of Canliuni innticum are destitute of the iris, the pigment layer is well developed. The eyes are innervated from the viscero-parietal ganglia. A nerve (tig. 2, n.) runs through the central axis of each tentacle. It is divided into two branches where it touches tlie eye. One branch (fig. 2, /i " ) passes through the ])igment layer near the optic axis and spreads between the choroid and the tapetum, while the other branch (fig. 2, n ' ) passes through the pigment layer at tlie level of the retina from the shell-side and seems to innervate the retina. As the numerous eyes of an adult individual are sometimes found NOTE OX THE EYES OF CARDIUM MUTICUM Ikeve. 2SS ill dirtereiit stages of dei'dojninni. we ••an study their formation from their sections. It seems to me that the eyes of CardiiDii develoj) ill two wavs. Althoiiuii we must regard botli as more or less al)ljrevial- ed, vet we can ilistiuguish one as //(/' iiioir ahhnciaicd proo'ss from the (jther ///<• l('ss aJihrcnated. If an investigali«j]i into their development could be made in immature spe<-imens. mcjre satisfactory resiiUs would doubtless be obtained, unless they are as in the young oï Veclcii in wliicli Patten was disa])j)oint€d to lind any abbreviated development of tlie eye. I shall describe the less ahhrerlaled process of development tirst. Tiiere first forms on the tip of a tentacle (tig. .'>) an invagination the mouth of wliich then closes (tig. 4). Thus a solid mass of cells is produced, with a slight conca\ity at the place where the mouth of the invaoination at tirst opened, and this is turned towards the siphonal opening. it consists of cells in many irregular rows, while tiie general epithelium consists of columnar cells in one row. A ner\e running aloDii' the central axis of the tentacle touclies the lower surface of the Ci (•ell mass and there divides anteroposteriorly into two branches. In the upjter jtart of the cell mass, a s])herical j)ortion becomes differentiated and sei)aratcd from the rest by a basement membrane (tig. 5). This spherical portion is the rudiment of the lens, which is therefore epiblastic in origin, not mesoblastic as in the case of the eye of Pecten, according to Patten. The cells constituting the rudimentary lens are large and some of them have nucleoli. At this stage, although the lens is differentiated and separate from the surrounding cell mass, it is still imbedded in ihe epiblastic thickening. In the next stage (fig. 6) the epiblastic thickening surrounding the lens is obser\ed to be separated into two parts — an up|X3r and a lower. The upper i)art is continuous with the general e])ithe!ium and consists of fiat cells in (jne row. It is the cornea. The lower part is cup- shaped and is n«3t connected with the general e})ithelium. It consists ^)^4 ^- k:t«hinouye. of cells in about two rows. It is the retiuji. Un the upper side of the base of the eye there is foi'iiied ;t Jarge hollow. This makes the eye stand out and at the snine time pushes it towards the siphonal opening. Thus the hollow di^■ides the tip of a tentîjcle into two — a prominent eye and a somewhnt triMUguhn- screen behind it. The hollow corresponds in position -with the original mouth of the in- vagination for the eye. Pigment is produced in mesoblast cells surrounding the retinjil portion. These pigmented cells form the pig- ment layer. A lumen is secondarily produced between the lens and the retina. 'I'he lens grows l)y the multiplication of cells in the direction of the optic axis und assumes the shape of an ellipsoid, and consequently the lumen between the lens and the retina distjppears (fig. 7). The peculiar arrangement of cells in the lens begins in this stnge. • Late in de\elopment, the retinal portion is divided into two layers, the retina ])rr)per and the choroid. Tliesc two layers are continu- ous with each otlier at the cii'cnmfereiK'e. Soon after the separation of the choroid from the retina, the tapetum is formed below the choroitl. probalily by the secretion of the cells wliieVi constitute the latter. I cannot corroborate the view tliat the tapetum is formed of modified cell layers, tor even in these early stages 1 cannot find any thing of a cellular nature in it. Afterwards rods are ])r(^duced from the retinal cells. T]ie wore ahhrcnatrd process of development (see ]>. 2^1^) is as follows : At the top of a tentacle the epithelium becomes thickened and forms a little knob within (tig. 8). The little knob is next cut off from the epithelium (fig. 9). In this stage a hollow is produced behind tin; little knob and thus the triangular screen (fig. 9. s.) is formed. The little knob cut off is spherical in form jind consists of a lew, large XOTE Oy THE EYES OF OARDTUM MUTICUM Reeve. 285 cells. Tt enlarges by the division of the ceils and assumes an ellijî- soidnl form (tig. 10). Cells forming the lower part of the ellipsoidal mass become small by division. These smaller cells are not clearly distinguished from larger cells, as there are many cells of infermediate size. J^ater, liowever, the smaller cells are separated from the larger ones and form the retinal portion, while the larger become the lens. The later stages «^f dcveloj)ment are quite like those in the first process. In tlie two jyrocess of development, botli the lens and tlie retina are produced from the epiblast. The process of their formation is |)robably abbreviated. Originally thev were perha))s produced l)y two separate invaginations as in the case of the Vertebrata, one invagina- tion for the retina and one for the lens. Tlie invagination for tlu; I'etina must ha\e l>een the first to Ix^ closed and cut off from the epithelium ; it formed a hollow sphere, the upper wall of which became the retina and the lower wall the choroid. The invagination ior the lens was next formed and cut off in its turn from the epithe- liuu). and had its lumen obliterated. The eyes of CardiiDii differ from those of Vecleir chiefly by the presence of the choroid between thci retina and the tapetum and by the mesoblastic origin of the pigment layer ; but I am inclined to think that i n Pecten the choroid disappeared after secreting the tapetum, and that the red pigment layer is mesoblastic in origin, and not directly in connection with the retina. * It is hard far mo to accept Patten's ohsorvation that tlie lens of Pecten is mesoblastic in oiigin. PLATE IX. Explanation of Figures. List of Abbreviations. c. Cornea. ch. Choroid 1. Lens. n, 11^ n'-. Optic nerve and its l^ranclies. p. l^ig'uient layer. ret. Metina. ro. Rod. s. Triangular screen. t. TaiJetum i'^i'^- 1. Iiilialoiit siplioii ofCV//7//i/»/ )iiiiticiiiii, iniigmûed. One longitudinal half uf it is c\it away. Fig. 'I. Median sagittal section of a tally developed eye (constructed from two sections). Fios. 3-7, S(3nii-diagrammatic representations to illustrate the less abbreviated process of the development of the eye (sagittal sections). J^'i'ts. b-10. Semi-diagrammatic representations to illustrate the more abbreviated process of the development of the eye (longitudinal sections). Jour. Sc. Coll. Vol. VI PI. IX. /o /C.Xô.^hùiou,ye /Vf f. Note on the Cœlomic Cavity of the Spider. by K. Kishinouye, Riè^kushi. Zoologist to the Department of Agriculture and Commerce. With Plate X. The species investigated belong to the genera, Lycom and Agaleiui. My olyject in undertaking tliis investigation was to ascertain whetlier the stercoral pocket is mesoderinic in origin as I described in my former paper* or ectodermic and a part of the proctoda^um, as is generally believed. When the embryo has reached the stage in which there are nine segments in the ventral plate, i.e., seven segments between the cephalic and caudal lobes, the mesoderm is divided into as many segments, while a ]3air of the cœlomic cavities appears almost simultaneously in each of the first five segments, exclusive of the cephalic lobe (Fig. 1).** As at this stage the segment of the cheliceroe is not yet formed, the cœlomic cavities now formed belong to the segments of the pedi- pal]ii and the four ambiTlatory appendages. The rudiments of appen- * On the Development of Araneina. This Journal, vol. IV. ** As the segmentation of the ventral plate seems to take place simultaneously with the division of the mesoderm into somites, I will hereafter for the sake of brevity, simply describe the formation of a segment and will not mention every time the formation of the correspond- ngc mesodermic somite. 28g K. KISHINOU^E dao-es make their appearance in these five segments as small round knobs. The cœlomic cavities of the same segments are just below the evaginations for the appendages. In the next stage the segment of the chelicerie is cut off from the cephalic lobe, and three new segments are added between the last seg- ment and the caudal lobe (Fig. 2). By this time the cephalothoracic appendages have become much elongated, and the mesoderm has spread into them. The cœlomic cavity extends to the distal end of each appendage ; in fact the larger part of the cavity is now found within the appendage. It spreads a little at the base of tlie appendage, so that three portions may be distinguished in it in a cross section of the embryo (Fig. 5) as Schimkewitsch* observed — one portion in the appendage, a second extending a little in the dorsal direction, and the third extending a little ventrally. The last two are the horns of the basal enlargement. In the abdominal region, the pro- visional appendages are not yet formed ; but the mesodermic somites develop rapidly, and in each of the first and the second abdominal segments a pair of cœlomic cavities is produced. Thus seven pairs of the cœlomic cavities are now found. Subsequently two more new segments are added between the last formed segment and the caudal lobe. A pair of the cœlomic cavities is formed in this stage in each of the following segments: the cephalic lobe, the segment of the chelicerae, and the third to the seventh abdominal segments (Fig. 4). These seven newly formed pairs of cielomic cavities together with the seven pairs already existing make in all fourteen pairs, the caudal lobe alone being now devoid of any. In tlie cephalic lobe the mesoderm is not divided into two lateral parts, therefore the two cœlomic cavities, right and left, are separated * Étude sur le Uéveloppement des Araigaées. Arch, de Biologi . Touie XT. 1887. NOTE OX THE CŒLOMIC CAVITY OF THE SPIDER. 289 by the inedijin partition of mesodermic ceJJs ; while the right nnd loft cœlomic cavities of the other segments are separated by the yolk (Fig8. 3, 5). The cephalothoracic appendages, with the co'lomic cavities in them, elongate very much, and bend towards the ventral median line (Fig. 5). The mesodermic somite and also the co^lomic cavities of the first abdominal segment have developed little since their formation. Korschelt and Heider state in their text book that in this seoinent a pair of the provisional appendages is formed as in the four succeeding seginents. Though a pair of slight elevations is found in this segment, tliey are very much lower than the ])rovisional appendages of the suc- ceeding segments, and moreover they are chiefly of the ectodermic thickening (Fig. 4). I am therefore inclined not to call them pro- visional appendages. In each of the second to fifth abdominal seg- ments, a pair of provisional appendages appears. They are short elevations of the ectoderm, into which the cœlomic cavity enters, as in the case of the cephalothoracic appendages. The C(Elomic cavities of these segments develop in the dorsal direction : hence in cross sections of the embryo these abdominal somites differ from the thoracic segments in having a shorter branch of the cœlom in the apj^endao-e, and a longer one towards the dorsal side (Fig. ,5). The ectodermic cells covering the mesoderm somites are always high and columnar in shape, and are easily distinguished from the cells of other parts. Soon afterwards one more new segment is cut off from the caudal lobe, and in its mesodermic moieties a pair of cœlomic cavities appears. At this stage, the ventral plate attains the greatest antero- posterior extension round the egg, so that the cephalic and the caudal lobes almost touch each other (Figs, o, 6). The caudal lobe is raised a little above the general surface of the egg. I stated erroneously in my first paper that the mesoderm of the caudal lobe is split to form 290 ^^- KISHIXOUYE. an unpaired cavity in thi.s atage. In the abdomen the growth of the mesodermic .somites, except thîit of the first abdominal segment, is enormous, extending rapidly towards the dorsal median line. Thus in the abdomen, the dorsal portion of the cœlomic cavities develops rapidly, while their ventral portion as well as the portion Avhich enters into the appendage remains only slightly developed. In the céphalo- thorax, on the contrary, the portion of the cœlomic cavities which enters into the appendage develops rapidly, while their ventral and dorsal portions remain undeveloped. The reversion of the embryo now begins, and when the process advances a little, the two nerve cords and the appendages of both sides of the ^'entral j^late, «n* the two lateral divisions of the germinal band, begin to separate from each other. This lateral extension of the ventral plate, together with the rapid growth (jf the dorsal portion of the mesodermic somites in the abdomen, causes the dorsum of the embryo to elongate longitudinally. At this stage the mesoderm of the céphalothorax shows no noteworthy changes. The C(L'lomic cavities of the cephalic lolje develop anteriorly, or towards the dorsal region (Tigs. 7, 8). The first abdominal segment begins to de- generate ; its mesodermic moieties and ganglia may however be seen with some ditliculty. In the second to fifth abdominal segments the mesodermic moieties develop greatly towards the dorsal median line, so that they nearly meet each other at that line (Fig. 7). The ectoderm covering these mesodermic somites is elevated a little, and forms the s(j- called tergal portion of the abdominal segment. Locy* illustrates his paper with a figure (PI. II. Fig. D) in which a pair of terga may be seen before the second a1jd(jminal segment ; Ijut he gives no description of them. I myself am unable to find them, lie says * Uu the Development of Agalena Dtevia. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zoul., vol. Xll. 1886. NOTE <")N THE CtELOMIC CAVITY OF THE SPIDER. 291 also that tit firwt " the only dor.sal element« developed were the live pah'8 belonging to the abdominal somite« («econd to «ixtli), but during this stage the dorsal elements of the limb-bearing somites begin a more rapid growth." But according to my observation this is not the case, the dorsal elements of the limb-bearing somites remain undeveloped as in the pre\ious stage. Between two consecutive terga there is a furrow. This furrow was described by Schimkewitsch* as ha\ ing no relation ^^ ith the meso- dermic somites. He says that it is due to the niesodermic somites fusing together, before they develop dorsally to cover the dorsal sur- face. He says moreover that the number of these furrows never correspcjnds with that of the somites. My observations as given above do not corroborate these statements. The last three abdominal segments (sixth to eighth) gradually deii'cnerate and their cœlomic cavities seem to fuse tooether into one pair. The pair of the cd'lomic cavities thus formed by fusion is pushed into the protuberance of the tail as the process of reversion proceeds (Fig. 7). I find tliat fusion of the cœlomic cavities does Mot take place before this stage though Schimkewitsch says that it does in the céphalothorax and in the alxlomen and I also erroneously stated that it occurs in the thorax before tliis stage. A cavity is produced in the mesoderm of the tail lobe. It is iüi])aired (Figs. 7, (S). The unpaired cavity tlius made cannot be con- ceived otherwise than as a homologue of the ccelomic cavity. Though the cavity is certainly not formed by ;in invagination, I thought that the cells in the tail lobe might be produced by the proliferation of the ectoderm. But I found that the cells enclosing the unpaired cavity are the remnant of the mesoderm cells which gave rise to the meso- * loc. cit. 292 K- KISHINOUYE. dermic somite.s of many preceding segments and that they are entirely separate from the ectoderm. Pi-evious authors who have studied the development of the spider, overlooked this cavity in the mesoderm of the caudal lobe, and observing the stnge at which the unpaired cavity communicates with the proctodaBum consider the former as a portion of the latter. If the cells enclosing the unpaired cavity are ectodermic in origin, the numerous mesoderm cells in the caudal lobe must disap- pear all at once, as there are no cells in the lobe except those surround- ing the last fused pair of cœlomic cavities. But the disappearance of many cells at once is cjuite impossible. As the process of reversion proceeds still further, each half of the pair of the f.'celomic cavities in the cephalic lobe is divided into two portions — one at the side of the stomodaeum (Figs. 9, 10, 1 ceci, h), the other below the anterior border of the semicircular groove of the brain (Figs. 9, 10, i cœl. a). The former disappears soon afterwards but the latter elongates towards the dorsal median line (Fig. 11), and the mesodermic walls of the cavities of two sides meeting nt the median line fuse together, leaving, however, a canal between them. This canal is the aorta. The portion of the egg which is not covered l)y the ventral plate or the abdominal terga is characterised by the absence of the meso- derm cells and by the presence of the secondary endoderm cells or the fat cells instead. The secondary endoderm cells are directly under the ectoderm. Most of them are enclosed between the walls of the mesodermic moieties of the abdominal somites and becojne the blood corpuscles. The cœlomic cavities in the segments of the chelicer£e and the pedipalpi degenerate and disappear. The greater portion of the cœlo- mic cavities of the four ambulatory appendages degenerates, the meso- derm cells forming their wall becoming gradually changed into muscles. NOTE OX THE CŒLOMIC CAVITY OF THE SPIDER. £93 Their proximal and outer portions remain distinct at the base of each leg (Fig. 9). The cœlomic cavity of the first ambulatory appendao-e communicates with the exterior by means of a duct which is produced by an ectodermic invagination. The first abdominal segment disap- pears entirely. The mesodermic moieties of the second to fifth abdominal se»-- o ments, or the segQients bearing the provisional appendages, meet one another at the dorsal median line and form there the wall of the heart. The wall of the cd'lomic cavity of the second abdominal seg- ment meets that of the cephalic lobe (Figs. 9, 10). The forma- tion of tlie dorsal circulatory system, in which some thoracic somites do not take part, resembles greatly that of Limulus.* As a lateral slit or ostium is made where two consecutive somites meet, the number of the slits in the adult heart shows approximately the number of the segments which took part in the formation of the heart. The sixth to eighth abdominal somites are entirely degenerated, their mesoderm cells are disintegrated and fill the caudal lobe at the sides of its unpaire 1 cœlomic cavity (Figs. 9, 10). The latter becomes wide, and over its posterior end, the ectoderm is slightly invaginated (Fig. 9). The invagination is the rudiment of the proctodeum, so that the unpaired cavit}^ of the caudal lobe is produced independently of the proctodeum. In the next stage in which the embryo assumes the ventral flexure and the constriction between the céphalothorax and the abdo- men appears, the cœlomic cavities undergo great changes. In the céphalothorax, they all disappear, except the small portions at the outer bases of the first to third ambulatory legs. These remnants fuse together and form the coxal gland (Fig. 12). The lumen or the * Kishiuouye — On the Development of Limulus longispina. This Journal, vol, V. 294 K. KISHINOUYE. cœlomic cavity of tlie gland is so small at this stage that the gland seems almost solid. In the ahdomen also, all the C(Blomic r-avities disappear except the unpaired one in the caudal lobe, which, inexpli- cable as it may seem, remains as the stercoral pocket, as was described and figured in my former paper. At this stage the mesoderm cells .at the intersegmental portions grow inward into the yolk and form the dissepiments, these, being specially well developed between the second and the third, the third and the fourth, the fifth and the sixth abdominal segments (Fig. 12). Those portions of the embryo which were destitute of the meso- derm in the stage of Fig. Î) now dwindk^, according as they are encroached on either liy the ^-entrai jilate (^r by the aljdominal terga in their growth: in the céphalothorax, the cephalic lobe is bent towards the dorsum and its lateral margins fnse with tliose of the ventral plate of the thorax, Avhile in the ventral jwrtion of both the céphalothorax and the abdomen, the two lateral cords of the nervous system with the underlying mesoderm meet each other at the ventral median line. PLATE X. Explanation of Figures, Reference Letters. ahd. xrg. abdominal segment. jiedi}!. pedipnlpi. br. brain. proct. proctodjenin. ch. cheli'eree. .. c) is reduced to a narrow bridge. The changes which take place in the nucleus as well as details ot the nuclear division will be spoken of in connection wi(h the pro- cess of spore-fonnation. /). Spore-forniatiun. S[)ore-formation is always preceded by tlie concentration of the central plasm into a rather small area, and liy the disappetu-ance of all other structures, such as the tentacle, flagellum, teeth, etc. The individual ap]'e:u's, therefore, as about to divide, except in not possess- inf^' mouth and StahorijaH. Its central plasm is also raised a little above the general surface of the body, and forms a low knob-like ele- vation, as has been observed both by Cienhjirskii ( 89, p. 54) and, by Hohin (6, p. 10()9). Just as in division, we find here a spherical concentration of the granular cytoplasm about the nucleus, which is also quite transparent in living specimens. Thus, Fig. 1 o, which is drawn from an individual in this stage, shows the nucleus (/<) as a spherical vesicle, while the archoplasm («) appears as a granular mass. The division of the nucleus is also preceded here by that of the archo- plasm, and we thus obtain a stage, represented in Tig. 14, which exactly corresponds to the stage of di\'ision represented by Fig. 4. In what direction the spindle lies in this case, it is not, however, pos- sible to tell, as the external signs of the bilateral nature of the animal can not all be recognised. The division proceeds still further, till the stage is reached represented in Fig. 15 or 1(), the latter of which is drawn from a living specimen. We sometimes meet with a sort of partial segmentation of the entire body at this stage, the plane of division cutting the connecting axis of the two nuclei, as has been observed by Gienkowshj (7, p. 134). Fig. 17 represents a stage with four nuclei, on the side of each of which is seen a. large archoplasmic STUDIES OF REPRODUCTIVE ELEMENTS: II. ^Q\ spiiidle, sliowiiig thus their further division. The cytoplasm sur- rounding each of the nuclei and archoplusnis is connected with the others hy a fine network, like the protoplasm in the segmentation of Leptodora eggs obserxed l)y W'ci.sfnanii. and by myself ( 37, Taf. II, Fig. t^O). Fig. 1er ^ sent to the Nahirforscli enden Gesellschaft zit Freiburg im Breisgau, I treated at some length of the structure of the nu- cleus in the resting stage, as well as of the peculiar manner in which the division of the Noctiluca-nucleus takes place. As the present account covers the same ground, some of the facts described in that paper are necessarily repeated in this one. Nevertheless I do not hesitate to go again over the same subject here, for two reasons, namely : (a) many new facts have become known, and the nature of some of the d(3ul)tfnl phenomena been ascertained since then ; (h) the papers appeal to t^^•o ditferent sets of readers. 1. Xuclens in resting stage: — The living nucleus appears quite transparent and homogeneous, as all other observers of Noctiluca have long ago described. It is covered by a rather thick membrane, whose contour is often seen as double. When treated with reagents, such as acetic acid, osmic acid, chromic acid, etc., a number of chroma- tic bodies can e;isily be distinguished in it. These elements appear as strino-s of deeply staining bodies which often take an S -form. Each strino- consists, in well prepared specimens, of a luunber of disc-shaped microsomes arranged one after the other like the chains of mammalian red blood-corpuscles. Tliese strings lie either singly or, more often, two or four united together. In the paper named above, I sup- posed the single string to be primary, and the compounds of two or four to be secondary, probably produced by division of the single string. In accordance with this supposition, I designated the number of chromosomes as ten. In many cases this number seems to hold true, as Figs. o3, o4, 40-47 show ; but in other cases, such 1 This pajjer was written for the l'\'xii>, cf.), ^y'"o imbedded in the concavity found in the wall of the nucleus, and standing in no direct relation with the nucleoplasm ; and those (Figs. 35, 3^, 37, 4(S, rf.') which are seen at the side of tlie central fibres, riuming from the centre of an archoplasm to the bent ends of the cliromosomes, and which I will call the radiating fibres. Where they join the nuclear wall, the latter appears (piite indistinct, but whether they pass through the wall of the nucleus at these points and are dii-ectly attached to tlie chromosomes can not be made out. In Fig. 37, which represents a section of a dividing nucleus at about the same stage as Figs. 35, 36, and 37, a homogeneous mass of nucleoplasm is found ;it the poles of the nucleus, external to the bent ends of \}\q chromosomes. In this mass of nucleoplasm, wln'ch is easily distin- guished from the more granular archoplasm lying outside, ar(i seen many parallel fibres running in the same direction as the radiating fibres of the archoplasm represented in Figs. 35, 30, and 4(S, but unfoitunatelv not to be seen in the series of sections represented by Fig. 37. We shall come to this again in the part devoted to general considerations, as further discussion of the subject is beyond the region of observation. WIhmi the division has proceeded as far as Fig. 35 or 3(5, the median poi'tion of the archoplasmic spindle is swollen up a little, as «TUDIEiS OF REPRODUCTIVE ELEMENTS: II. ^07 u'iJI l)e seen in tliese two finure.s :iiicl also in tiii'. 4. I'liis juirt of tlie spindle is left behind after the coni[)]ete separation of the nuclei iu the form of a small diagonal figure (Fig. 39 x). What becomes of this figure is not ascertained. Fig. oö is drawn from preparations of a specimen killed with picro-acetic acid and coloured with fuchsin- methylen 1)1 ue. The archoplasm, and tlie central as well as the radiatiny fibres are seen as in Fig. 3G, but some of the chromosomes are here more or less swollen up, owing perha})S to the action of the acetic acid. Fig. 35 A. is drawn from the same nucleus as that of Fig. 35 but nt a level lower than that of the archoplasmic spin- dle. It should be mentioned by the way that the spindle lies always nearer the surface of tlie cell than to the nucleus. In both these figures will be seen a number of narrow lines [)assing between the free ends of the separating chromosomes, and qidte distinct from the central fibres. These are the Verhimlumjsfäden of German authors, whose origin is undoubtedly to be found in the ///u'/i- thread of the nucleus. fhe difference we (observed, in the chromosomes in the case of prophasis, betw^eeii the nuclei of the dividing individuals and those of the spore-forming ones, is also here discernible. Fig. 48 represents an individual in which the first two buds are just dividing; these are seen more magnified in Fig. 48 A and B. In both of them the nucleus i.s much elongated and dumbbell-shaped, with a large archoplasm at each end. represented as usual by rough granulations staining very deeply with aniline dyes. Scattered within the swollen ends of the nuclei are seen many chromosomes, each of which is distinctly discernible as a double row of minute micro- .somes ; whereas in the nuclei of dividing individuals at al)out the same stage, the chromosomes ccmsist of only a single row (compare this figure with Figs. 35 and 36). In Fig. 48, A. in which the ob- 308 C. ISHIKAWA. ject is looked at a little from one side, the central filtres (c. f.) lying in the furrow of the nucleus, and the radiating fibres (r. /.) proceeding from tlie upper archoplasm, are distinctly visible. It thus seems that segment ati(^n of the chromosomes in spore-formation takes place before the previous division of the nucleus is yet at its end. This is also to be looked upon certainh^ as the result of the rapid progress of the bud-formation. 4. Anaphasis : — The details of anaphasis can only be observed in individuals which divide, since in those which foru) sjjores the nucleus divides successively without the intervention of any resting stages, as mentioned above; and at the end of the spore-formation the diminished size of the nucleus makes it very ditficult to observe the individual chromosomes with any accuracy. I will therefore only give my obser\ations of the changes, at this stage, in the nuclein subs. 3) I stated that at the poles of the two C(nijugat- ing nuclei, deeply-staining round bodies are found, similar to those seen in the centre of the archoplasm, and suggested that such bodies 3io à. ISHIKAWA. are the centrosouie.s so commonly observed ut the poles of the spindle of the dividing nuclei of other animals. The ])ody now in question is seen in Figs. 35, 31), 45, 49, 50, 51, (c). In Fig. 39 it is very plainly visible in the centre of the upper archoplasm as a small round body surrounded by a clear space. In the Ljwer archoplasm of the same figure, it can not be seen so well, owing to its position beneath the nucleus, but is discernible by focussing the tiil)e. In Fig, 44 two centrosomes are seen close together in the centre of the archoplasm. The nucleus to which this archoplasm belongs is, as stated above, in the condition just before division, \vhile in Fig. 45 it is again seen as a single body. It is also seen in four cells in Fig. 49, as small dark- staining dots. This is also the case in Fig. 50, and in the arclio- plasm on the left hand side of Fig. 52. It is not visible in other figures, wliile in the archoplasm represented by Fig. 42 and more clearly by Fig. 48, there is seen a number of small bodies in place of the centrosomes. These bodies are not always quite spherical like the ordinary centrosomes, many of them being more or less elong- ated, and often presenting curved rods like those, described by Her- niiuin (20, J). 585), in the spermatocyte of Proteu s ; tliey are perhaps to be looked upon as a group of centrosomes like those, described by M. Heidenhein (16, p. 54-()8), in the lymphocytes of rabbits. In my [)revious paper I have given a case where tlie prii of Ijoveri), or at least from the point where the last trace of the l-itiophism was found. We shall come back to tliis again soon. Looking over the literatui-e of the nuclear diNision of Proto- zoons, there is, so far as I know, as yet no case mentioned of the existence of the archoplasm and the centrosonie, exce])t in a short notice of mine ( 26, ]). o). The gathering of tlie cytoplasm and the corjical bodies at the poles of the dividing nuc.-lens was ol)served by Schcirial-of (32, ]). 2^1) in En g I y ])h a. a 1 v eo 1 a ta. Ihit these apjtear at the op[)(»site poles of the niu-leiis from the beginning, as he very explicitly savs : — '' Ik'Aor nocli die Al)pl:!ttinig des kugeligen Kerns stattfindet, sah man das (\ytophisnia an zwei beliebigen entgegen- gesetzten Stellen, den zukünftigen Polen, sich anhäufen. Kurze Zeit darauf beginnt die Abj^lattung und man l)einerkt gleichzeitig, dass die Kernwandung an diesen beiden Stellen in den Kern sich etwas ein- stülpt, wodurch zwei kleine Dellen gebildet werden. Auf dem Grund diese Dellen o^e wahrt man einen kleinen homogenen Höcker, dessen Umrisse, dank der starken Lichtbrechung, deutlicli her\'ortreten. Besonders scharf treten sie bei abgetödteten Thieren hervor, und er- scheinen als mattglänzende, gut begrenzte, ellipsoïdale Körper, die von Farbmitteln nicht im mindesten tingiert werden." He jnstly compares this body with the polar corpuscles oi' Ed. rafi llencih'it, and considers the hyaline p-art of the Spirochona nucleus, ol)served by 11. Heiiii-i(j, to be in the same category. According fo J I. Ilcrhriy (23, p. 15()), the nucleus of S])irochona gemmi])ara consists of two ])arts, a. larger granular part and a smaller hyaline part, STUDIES OF REPRODUCTIVE ELEMENTS: 11. 3]^5 separated from each otlier Ijy a transverse line. Stained witli Beule s enrmine, tlie former colours much more (jiiickly than the latter. The same state of things was ohserved l)y this author in Lepto- discus med u soi des (24, p. oll), the only representative of Cystofl;i gel lata, other than Noctiluca, found hy Hertwig at Messiiin. The nucleus consists here also of two parts, '' einem fein- k()rnigen und einem homogenen." " In dem einen Falle war die homogene Ivernsnbstanz unverändert, dao-eg-en fanden sich in der feink()riiigen grössere nnd kleinere Körperchen, die sicli in Carmin dunkler iarl)ten und otfenbar eine bedentendere Dichtigkeit besassen. In anderen Fall liess sich die Düferenzierunii- in zwei Substanzen nicht nachweisen " (24, p. 31:?). The first change that occurs in tlie homogeneous part of the S pi roch on a nucleus before its division is the appearance of a small central corn (23, p. 161). This he calls a " nucleolus," which is very probably the free area around the centros(3me, such as is repreaented in my Fig. lo. Some changes occur in the granular part also, and the nucleus soon assumes an elongated form with homogenecjus masses placed at its poles. In this way the nucleus assumes a form in which five parts are distinctly to be made out : viz., two homogeneous terminal plates, two striated portions, and a granular median part, considered Ijy Her(iri(j to cor- respond with the nuclear plate. There is tlius a remarkable resem- blance between the homogeneous part of the Spirochona nucleus and the archo[)lasm (jf Noctiluca, although the aspects of the two are different, the former looking transparent and the latter granular. But no one will doubt of this similarity, who conq)ares my Fig. 14 or 52 witli Hertiriifs Fig. 17, a. What transformations the homo- geneous part of the Spirochona nucleus undergoes during the division is not quite clear from Herkuig^s descriptions. From what we get from the Noctiluca nucleus, it seems very proljable that 316 C. ISHIKAWA. the division commences in this homogeneous part. The median granular part of the spindle of the Si)irochona nucleus, as is given in Hertwiijs Fig. 17, l> and c, is not to he seen in tlie Noctiluca spindle. It is, however, very probable that here the unifurm length of the chromosomes causes the appearance of a distinct median por- tion. One great ditference to be observed between the tw^o, is that in Spirochona and Leptodiscus the archo|)lasm is so rlosely united with the nucleus that it appears as if it formed a part of it. Whether we have to consider the tw^o nuclear parts as a single nucleus, or whether the granular part alone is to be taken as a nucleus is not quite clear, since no membrane is to be seen around the nucleus, al- thoutJfh Hertivui believes in the existence of (^ne from anaK^üv with luiclei of other Protozoons. In J^ e p t o d i s c u s , however. Heriwifj speaks of the existence of a distinct membrane around the t^\() portions of the nucleus taken together. In this connection ticii- wuf says (24/ p. /^l 1-812) : — "Der Kern des Lei)todiscus stimmt S(;mit vollkommen mit dem der Spirochona gemmipara iiberein. Wie ich in einer früheren Arbeit gezeigt, habe, besteht der Nucleus dieses Infusors ebenfalls aus einer feinkörnigen und einer homogenen Substanz, die sich beide gegen einander mit einer glatten Contour absetzen und ç^emeinsam von einer zarten Kernmembran umhüllt werden." Although division of the Leptodiscus nucleus was not observed by Hertwig, the perfect similarity of its structure with that of Spirochona, makes it very [)robable that here also the homogeneous portion plays an active ])art in the cell-division and cor- responds with the archoplasm of the Noctiluca nucleus. The occurrence of the kinetic centres — the archoplasms — apart from the nucleus in Noctiluca, deserves special attention. Hichdnl Hertwig (25, p. 10(5) in his very interesting lecture on fertilization and conjugation delivered in lierlin, speaking of the constant occur- S'l'UDIES OF liEPRODUOTIVE ELEMENTS .-il. 3]^^ rence of the œntrosonie in Metuzou, makes the following remarks on it as rencards 1 1 le P ro t o z o a : — " Mit diesen für die Metazoen geltenden Verallgemeinerungen sind die Beobaclitungen an Protozoen zunächst nicht in Einklang- zu bringen. Meines Wissens ist nur fiii- Aoctiluca die Anwesenheit eines vom Kern unabhängigen Centrosomas you Lslrihuni angegeben worden, und iiuch hier handelt es sich nur um eine V^ennuthune'. Wo sonst i'rotozoenkerne genauer auf ihre Theilung hin geprüft worden sind, hat sich herausgestellt, dass die activen Substanzen, welche die Kerntheilung veranlassen, in Inneren des Kernes liegen, und als Bestandtheile desselben angesehen werden müssen. Ich habe das Gesagte für Actinosphierium nachweisen können ; bei Eugly|)ha, welclie nach Sclicirialiriirs Untersucliunuen in der Kerntheihin^' mit Aclin(jsi)luerium sehr übereinstimmt, scheird ein gleiches A'erhalten zu herrschen. Am beweiskräftigsten sind aber die Nebenkerne der Infusorien, deren Theilung am auffälligsten unter den Protozoen an die Sporenbildung der Metazoen erinnert." In Actinosphan-ium cichhorni and in »Spirochona it is true that the kinetic substance of the nuclear division — the archoplasm — lies within the nucleus. In the micrtjuuclei of all the Infusorians, as far as they have been studied by many eminent investigators, there is as yet no case known where extranuclear kinetic centres are proved to exist. The state of things appears, however, to be a little different in Euglypha alveolata, where the Polkörperchen lie in small concavities of the nuclear membrane at two opposite poles of the nucleus. Of the origin of the Volkorperchen, ScJiewiakoJt (32, p. 222) says :- " Verfolgt man aufmerksam seine Entstehung, so kann man die Vermuthung aussprechen, dass es, wenn auch theil weise, aus dem sich ditferenzirenden Cytoplasma gebildet sind." It, therefore, appears 31g C. ISHIKAWA. that the kinetic centre — the l'olkörijcrcfwn — of Englypha is derived from the cytoplasm and not from the niicJear suhstance, just as in the case of No(;ti 1 iica . Ihit -while in Noctiluca the archoplasm appears to remain in the cytijplasm, in Englypha it l)ecomes inter- mixed witli tlie nucleus, when the division of the latter is completed, as we see from tlie following words of Sdienuakoff' (32, p. 2o(S) : — " Vor alien Dingen wird das ehemnJigen Polkörperchen vollkommen in die Ivernsuijstanz eingezogen; man gewahrt nichts mehr von den linsen- artigen Hervorstiilpung ; wie es noch in den kurz vorhergehenden Stadien der Fall war, sondern der Kern erscheint einheitlich und besitzt eine regelmässige glatte Oberfläche." It tlius a])pears, that the Polkör- perchen here are formed from the cytoplasm at the beginning of the nuclear division, and become drawn into the Ixjdy of the nucleus at the end of it. The Folkörpercheii is therefore not a permanent body, but has always to be formed anew from a part of the cytoplasm at the beginning of each nuclear division. As I have no ground to doubt the accuracy of the very beautiful ol^servations of Sclwirialwf, I have onlv to conclude that the fate of his PolkorpercJien is not exactly the same with that of the archoplasm of Noctiluca, nor do 1 doubt the observations of Herlie'uj and others of the kinetic centres lyiug within the nucleus. From all this it apjiears that the above statement of 11. Herlwiij as regards the position of the kinetic substance in Protozoa, and Metazoa, holds true ; that in I'rotozoa, this substance lies within the nucleus and that in Meta- zoa it lies outside it. Jkit it apjjears also that there is considerable fluctuation within the Protozoa. Of special interest in this con- nection is the ])Osition of the archoplasm in Noctiluca and in Le pt od is eus — the two relatives of Cy s to flagellât a : for while in Leptodiscus this substance lies within the nucleus, in Nocti- luca it lies outside it. Cystoflagellata thus forms, in this res- STUDIES OP REPEODUCTIYE ELEME^TS : II. ^^9 ])ect, an intermediate staa'e, so to speak, between the Metazoa and other Prot o z o a . If in E n g I y p li a a I v e o 1 a t a the Polkörperchen is formed from the nuclear substance and l^ecomes connected with the cytoplasm during the nuclear division, to be again withdrawn into the nucleus, it forms in tliat case an interesting connecting hnk between Leptodiscus and Xoctiliica! But we must confine ourselves to facts only. Another interesting tiling about the Noctiluca archoplasm is its extreme similarity with the Neheuh'rii of vo)t la Valette Si. George (13, U\ and riatNer (29). Just like the archoplasm ofNoctiluca, the NerenkerH of these authors is formed by the consolidation of a part of the cytoplasjn at one side of the nucleus, and wlieu this be- comes visible the '^ Schleifenbiindel des Kerns ist stets mit der Spitze gegen jene Verdichtiuig hingerichtet" (Ay l'alette 13, ]). 7). The ])art ])layed by tlie Xemil-ern ap])ears, however, not (juite clear, but roN la \ (dette St. (leonje considers it very })robable that the spindle fibres are formed from its elements in lîlatta, since these transform again to fi^rm fhe Xelteukern (13, ]>. 10). AVhen tliis fact is ])roved, then tlie parallelism between the Noctilnca archoplasm and the Nebenkern, of run la Valette St. Geonje will be proved l)ev<^nd all doubt. It will not be, however, a rash conclusion to consider these two ])odies as identical, especially when we consider the fate of the Nehenkern in the foi-matioH of tlie spermatozoa, as will be seen later on. The close similarity l)etween the two will also be seen by com])aring von la Valette s F\g. (J on Plate 111 <)f '' /vö7///.vr'.s Festschrift, 18 eh'(i of the embryo-sac of Leucojum a^stivum, the same author describes the formation <^f the spindle out of the cytoplasm surrounding the nucleus at the time when the miclear wall still exists. In the ])ollen- mother-cells of Lilium biill)iferum (3Q. |>. 1 8::}-183). ^Ym.s7rH/y/^/' describes the formation of the sjundle as like that in Spirogyra. Here twelve fibres are thrown out from both the Ct'tttrosjilnnrs towards the centre of the nucleus and push into its interior, and then, the nuclear wall bec<)niing indistinct, ;i perfect spindle is formed by the union of the free ends of the fibres at the ec[uator. In his latest paper (36) StraiyJmrgcr still holds liis views as to the cyto- plasmic origin of the spindle-fibres for plant cells. On the other hand, Fßtzwr (28, I». 6o5). Iluhl (30, p. 26\)), Z. Hcrtwiij «m this point says (22, ]>. Ki.H):- — " l>ei einzelnen ^lollusken (Ptei-otrachea. Phyllirhoë) liaben Fol und ich beobachtet, das« die Polspindel im STUDIES OF JJEPRODUCTIVE ELEMENTS: II. 35! Innern des Keimbläschen ??, welches hier übrigens von geringer Grösse isr, angelegt wird, so lange noch die Kerimiembran vorhanden ist. J)ie Annahme, dass in diesem Fall Protoplasma von aussen iji den Kernraum hineingedrunuen sei, will mir wenis^stens als eine o-ezwuno-- ene erscheinen." While thus the views of Straslmrger and Hertwig are quite di Itèrent as to tlie oi-igin of the spindle fibres, the former deriving tlieni from the cvt(^plasm and the latter from the nucleo- plasm, the opinions of Flemuiiiuj (12, p. 75), Plainer (29, p. 70), and othei-s stand midway between, since according t(3 these authors the eijuatorial part of the spindle is formed from the nncleoj)lasm, and the polar parts from the cytoplasm. The late investigation by AiKjust Brauer (4^ of the spermatogenesis of Ascaris megaloce- phala is very interesting on this point, inasmuch as the origin of the spindle fibres is different in two varieties of the same species, fn Ascaris megalocej)ha la uni Valens the centrosome is found in the micleus, and there forms a small spindle which this authoi- com- pares with the central spindle of Heriiianii, although the origin of that is ditferent, as will be shown later on. In Ascaris mes-alo- cephala bi va lens, on the other hand, the centrosome is first found in the cytoplasm, closely attached to the nuclear w^all. By the divi- sion of this is also formed a small spindle lying first tangentially to the surface of the nucleus. Init the two centrosomes gradual Iv separate from each other until they come to lie diameti-icallv opposite to each other. What becomes of the central spindle fibres is not known, but the author is inclined to think that these are divided in the separa- tion of the centrosome (4, p. 181). Of no less interest than the al)ove are the observations oï Herman ii, the result of whose investigation on the spermatocytes of Sa I am a n- dra maculata, specially directed to the study of the origin of the spindle fibres, nnnarkably accoi'ds with that of mine upon the 322 C. ISHIKAWA. Noctiluca spindle. In the cytoplasm of the spermatocyte ut some distance from the nucleus, there is formed a small spindle, from the poles of which, when it has attained a certnin size, a number of fil)res is seen passing to tlie chromosomes. By growth and change of position, it gradually attains the ordinary form of the spindle with equatorial chromosomes. In this full grown spindle there are thus two sets of fibres : the one continuous iDctween the two centrosomes and lying axially ; and the other passing from the centrosoines to the chromosomes. The latter set of fibres therefore lies more or less like a mantle above the other set, which he calls the central spindle (20, p. 580). When division of the cell is completed the fibres of the central spindle return to the protoplasm (?), while the other fibres collect together to form the archoplasms of the daugh- ter cells. This description of h[eriii(tnn\s stands thus in beautiful correspondence with that of the formation of the spindle in Xocti- luca, given above; but with the difference that in Noctiluca, from the persistence of the nuclear wall, the centnil spindle does not lie, strictly speaking, in the axis of the whole system, but in tlie groove formed on one side of the nucleus by the depression of its wall, and therefore the mantle-like fibres as well as the chromosomes do not lie quite around the axial spindle. Tl\is otherwise exact correspon- dence of the spindle fibres in these two widely different animals is, beyond all doubt, a very interesting phenomenon, and renders desi- rable, in my opinion, further investigations into the structure and formation of different kinds of cells in other animals and perhaps also in plants. In this connection I nuist not leave unnoticed the question of the V('rhindi(N(j!>fa(lfn, of whose origin there are also as many interpretations as there are questions on other matters. Many investigators, such as 0. Hertiri,! [2\, 22\ Boven {3\ Ed. ran Jkneden and Nejit (\\ and .STUDIES OF REPRODUCTIVE ELEMENTS: II 393 Brauer (4', consider tlie ycrhiNdiiiKjstadcH to be formed from tlie /?'//?7?- substance l)y the separation of the chromosomes towards the poles of the spindle. Accordino- to Stra!ihur(icr (36, p. I8ö), these are formed from tlie same substance as the kinetic tibres, which enter from the poles of the spindle and meet in the equatorial plane. This view accords well witli tliat of Hermann, in so far that the latter author considers the central spindle as forming the ]'erhinilungsjaden of other investiga- tors. Tn s{)iteofthe great similarity between the structures of the spindle in Noctiluca and Salamandra this view oï Hermann's con- cerning the ^'erhindnngsfäden can not l)e ap]>lied in explanation of the same structure in the Noctiluca s[)indle, since, as we see from the above description, the persistence of the nuclear wall in Noctihica naturally shnts off all possibihty of confounding the libres of the central spindle with those extending between the free ends of tlie separating chroiiK^somes. Moreover, the two sets of fibres opticallv appear quite di itèrent from each other, as will be seen in Fig. 37, (c.f.) and (/■./.). Of the origin of the radial tibres in Noctiluca, I can say but a few words, since the whole pr<)blem still remains very obscure and requires a thorough study with better methods and optical instru- ments.' In sections given above, these tibres. whicli are found within the nucleus and probably attached to the chromosomes, appear to come into close juxtaposition, but not to be continuous with those without, i.e., those seen within and without the nucleus appear to be diiferent from each other, the f )i-mer originating from the nucleoplasm and the latter from the cyto])lasm, just as Braver thinks concerning the forma- tion of the spindle fibres of Ascaris megalocepha la bixalens (4, p. 182-183). 1 . It may be here remarked that our climate is not fitted for the use of Zeiss apochromatic systems, the dampnoss of the air in the warm season soon blunging- considérai )]<_■ alterations in the lenses. ;^24 ^- ISHIKAWA. Last of all, the part played by the archoplasm in the formation of the cilia in Noctiluca deserves some attention. Stni si mrger in Yns Histologische Beiträge, Heft IV., gives many similar cases of the forma- tion of the cilia from the archoplasm (35, p. 62-13:^; 36, p. 184). Ihe observations of Henking (17, 18), Flat iter l29', and above all oï von la Valette St. George (13, 14', of the part played by the Nebenkern in tlie formation uf the Spermatozoons are very interesting in this (jonijcction, since the Isebenhern of these authors (especially of voïi la IdU'tle St. (reimje) corresponds, as said above, in all particulars with mv 'archoplasm "; and it is, therefore, very reasonable a priori to consider that that part of the cytoplasm which is especially ditferen- tialed for kinetic functions, is transformed to form a part of the tail of a spei-matozoon or the flagellum of a Noc ti luca spore. C. Summa r g 1) 'J'lie division of the animal is preceded by the loss of the [icristome. teeth, and the tentacle, the last of which is not thrown oif, as /('(*/*/// is inclined to think, but is withdrawn into the body of the animal. The moutli and the Staborgaii arc. however, always present (th>J>i,i). 2) The spore-forming individuals differ from the dividing ones in not possessing tlie mouth and the Slahorgan in addition to the organs above mentioned, and by the excessively empty appearance of the cell interior (Cienkoivskg). 3) The division of the nucleus is always preceded by the con- centration of part of the cytoplasm in the form of <*i spheri(*al or oval granular bod}', mostly elose to the nucleus. This is the archoplasm or the kinetic centre (of division, and corresponds most j)robablv with the Sebeitkern of roit la I alette SI . (reorge. 4) 111 living animals at the stage of (o), tbe nucleus appears more Si'UDrivS OF REPRODUCTIVE ELEMENTS: II. 3i>5 or less homogeneous :nid"ti-;insp:ireüt, and is not so distinofly to be seen as the archo|)l;isiii. Ihit treated with reagents, the chromosomes come into view distiiictlv. 5) Knch chromosome consists of a row of disc-shaped microsomes irregularly scattered in the nucleerij)hery and forms a microsome-i'in"". 7) In the nucleus of a dividing animal, each microsome-ring splits into h;df-rings thus dividing a chromosome in halves, while in that of the spore-forming animal two successive divisions of a, microsome-ring take place, so that a single chromosome is directly divided into four daughter ones. 8) The clu-omosomes collect on that side of the nucleus which is nearest to the archoplasm, and spread out towards the other j)ole. The pole where the archoplasm lies thus corresponds to Rabrs Folfeld and the other pole to his Gengenpol. 9) The archoplasm divides and forms a very large spindle which lirst lies tangential to the surface of the nucleus. This division of the archoplasm is succeeded by the separation of the chromosomes into two groups each attracted (?) by its respective archo])lasm. 10) The archoplasmic spindle thus formed pushes-in the nuclear wall on which it lies, and the nucleus assumes in consequence a half- ring form. 11) lîy the separation of the archoplasms, a sj)indle is produced wliicli in all essential characters appears like the form known as the " disaster stage," with a large archoplasnn'c mass at each end of the spindle. 12) The fibres of this spindle are therefore continuous from one pole to the other and lying outside the nuclear wall become in no way ^'2Q c- ishikaWa. connected with tlie cliroinosoines. But there is seen ;it this stage another set of tihres running from the centre of the nrchoplasm to the polar ends of the chroniosotnes. This structure of the spindle corres- ponds exactly with that of the spermatocyte of Salamandra macu- la ta, as investigated hy Henna nu, with only the difference of the persistence of the nuclear wall in Noctiluca. and tlie necessary modification in consequence of this tact. The optical appearance of these two kinds of fil)res is different, just as in Salamandra. 13) 1 besides these two sels of fihres, the I eiiundungsfäden are clear- Iv to he recognised extendini»- hetween the separating' chromosomes. 14) The central spindle fihres originate from the archoplasm, the radial fihres probahly from both the cyto- and nucleo-plasms, and the VerhiinhuKisfäden from the //'/////-substance. 15) In the spore-buds the archoj)lasm is to be seen lying close to the nucleus u]) to the time of tlie full development of the sj)ore just l)efore its detachment from the mother animaJ, and a part of it l)ecomes transformed into the flagellinn, just as iji many vegetable swarm-spores, as Stra.sbiinßr sliows. 16) In the centre of the archoplasm is generally seen a centro- some, which often show^s a dumb-bell form. »Sometimes, however, two centrosomes are found in the archoplasm of the spore-forming cells. Fn many cases, again, there is found in the centre of the archoplasm a number of small oval, rod-shaped or curved bodies, staining exactly like centrosomes, instead of one or two centrosomes. These may repi-esent the group of centrosomes of Heidenhein. IT) The origin and the fate of the centrosome are not known. In a few instances it appears to be fbi-med from the nucleus. Agkiculti ral Cullegp:. End of November, 1893. STUDIES OF KEPRODUCTIVE ELEMENTS: II. 327 List of References. 1. nin Heitedeii, Kd. et Adiilplie Xfi/t. — Nouvelle recherches sur la fecondatioii et la division mitotiqne chez l'Ascavide mégalocéphale. Bulletins de l'Académie royale de Belgique, S'' série, tome XIV, no° 8 ; 1887. 2. Herr/h, H. S. — Recherches sur les noyaux de l'Urostyla grandis et de l'Urostyla intermedia, n. sp. Archives de Biologie, tome IX ; -1889. 8. Boveri, 77t.— Zellen-Stndien, Heft 2. Fischer, Jena ; 1888. 4. Brauer, Au;/. — Zur Kenntniss der Spermatogenese von Ascaris megaloeephala. Arch. f. mik. Anat. Bd. XLII ; 1893. 6. Hriiihtivt'll, T. — On tlie self-division in Noctiluca. Quart. Journ. Micr. Sei. Vol V; 1857. 6. Biitschli, (). — Cystoflagellata in Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen. I Bd. xAhtli. 2; 1889. 7. Cienkowftlaj, L. — Uel)er Schwariuerbildung bei Noctiluca miliaris. Arch. f. mik. Anat. Bd. VII ; 1871. 8. Cienkowskij, L.-— lieber Noctiluca miliaris Sur. Arch. f. niikr. Anat. Bd. IX ; 1873. 9. Flemminij, H'.— Neue Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Zelle, t. Theil. Arch. f. mikr. Anat. Bd. XXIX; 1887. 10. Flemming, W. — -Neue Beiträge zur Keinituiss der Zelle, IL Theil. x\rch. f. mikr. Anat. Bd. XXXVII; 1891. 11. bleimniiiij, W. — Ueber Zellthoilung. Verhaudl. der anat. (Tesellschaft zu München ; 1891. 12. Fle)iiinin(i, \V . — Zelle. Ërgel)nisse der Anatomie und Entwicklungsgeschichte. 1892. 13. St. . — Die Zelle und die Gewebe, Fischer, Jena ; 1892. 28. HertwUf, Jl. — Ueber den Bau und Entwicklung der Spirochona gennnipara. Jenaisch Zeitschr. f. Naturw. Bd. XI ; 1877. 24. Hcrtirit/, E. — Ueber Leptodiscus medusoides. Jenaiscjie Zeitscbr. f. Naturw. Bd. XI; 1877. 2;"). Herta-'ui, 11. — Ueber Befruchtung und Conjugation. Verhdl. d. deutsch, zool. Gesellschaft zu Berlin; 1892. 20. f.sfiikdtvd, (-'. — Vorläuüge Mittlieilungeu über die C'onjugationserschehuuigen bei den Noctiluceen. Zool. Anzeiger; 1H91. 27. hitikawu, C. — Studies of Beproductive Elements. I. Spermatogenesis, Ovo- genesis, and Fertilization in Diaptomus sp. This journal Vol. Y; 1891. 28. I'rit'.ii>i\ li'. — -l^nträge zur Lobve vom Bau des Zellkerns und seiner Tlieiliuigsersclieimingen. Arch. f. mikr. Anat. Bd. XXII; 1883. 29. Fliitner, (t. — Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Zelle und ihrer Theilungsei-scheinuiig- en. Arch. f. mikr. Anat. Bd. XXXIII; 1889. 80. l'uthl, C— Ueber Zelltheilung. Morph. Jahrb. Bd. X ; 1885. 81. Unhiii, (Jh. — Keclierches s. la i-eproduction gemraipare et fissiparu des Nocti- hiques. Journ. anat. et physiol. 1878. 82. Schi'n-idknif, IF.-— Ueber die karyokinetische Kerutheilim^- der Euglypha alveo- lata. Morphologisches Jahrl)uch. Bd. XLll ; 1) lying close to the nucleus ; chromosomes gathered towards pole of iiucleus STUDIES OF REPRODUCTIVE ELEMENTS: II. 331 where spindle touches it. Acetic acid methyl-green preparation. Fig. 4. More advanced stage of division ; nucleus now duinbbell-sliiped with archoplasms at its poles ; narrow line of protoplasm marking line of divi- sion of animal seen in front of and behind central protoplasmic mass ; the latter also constricted into two portions. Acetic acid methyl-green preparation. Figs. 5-9. Different stages of division, showing various pusitions of archo- plasm in regard to those of nucleus. All acetic acid methyl-green preparations. Plate XII, (Figs. 10, 11, Si 12 represent fiàv'.y/oy; ; Figs. 13-19, .sporc-foriimtion.) Figs. 10 and 11. Further stages of division; tentacles already at stage of fig. 11. Killed with Flemming's stronger fluid, and stained with Bohmer's hematoxylin. Fig. 12. Portion of dividing individual with narrow protoplasmic connection {p c) still visible ; tentacles grown much longer. Drawn from a living animal. Fig. 13. First stage of spore-formation ; archoplasm (a) as a granulated mass lying close to nucleus {)i) ; dumbbell-shaped clear space within archoplasm, which represents clear zone around a dividing centrosome. Drawn from living animal. Fig. 14. Further stage of spore-formation about the same as that of fig. 4. Acetic acid methyl-green preparation. Fig. 15. Still further stage of spore-formation ; division of nucleus now nearly at an end, parts still connected by narrow bridge. Acetic acid methyl-green preparation. Fig. 16. Central plasm and dividing nucleus at stage similar to that of last figure ; drawn from living animal. Fig. 17. Four-nucleated stage of spore-formation ; archoplasms belonging to nuclei in state of division, each forming large spindle. Drawn from acetic acid methyl-green preparation . Fig. 18. Side view of stage slightly later than that of tig. 17. One of the four nuclei, on right-hand of figure already divided into two daughter nuclei. (The two dumbbell-shaped miclei, not represented in the figure, are also in a similar 332 C. ISHIKAWA. stage of division to tbat represeiited on the left of the figure). Acetic acid methyl- green preparation. Fig. 19. Stage similar to that of fig. 18, sho-\ving line of partial division of animal. Picro-acetic acid preparation without staining. Plate XIII. (Figs. 20-30, represent spore-formation; Figs. 31-37, dichion.) Fig. 20. Stage of sporulation more advanced than that of fig. 19, showing also line of partial division of animal. (It will he observed that the number of the nuclei in each half is not equal, four lying on one side and two on the other). Acetic acid methyl-green preparation. Fig. 21. Stage of spore-formation still later than above, showing also line of partial division, six nuclei lying on one side and four on the other. Acetic acid methyl-green preparation. Fig. 22. Stage with fifty-one nuclei seen laterally ; spore-cells on the other side represented by fainter shading. Acetic acid methyl-green preparation. Figs. 23-2G. Sections of spore-buds in last stage of division. Killed with Flemming's stronger fluid and stained with combination of Bohmer's hfematoxylhi and rubin. Figs. 27-30. Eipe spores just before detachment from the mother-body. Killed with Flemming's stronger solution and stained with carbolic acid fuchsin. Fig. 31. Part of an individual just preparing to divide ; very large archo- plasm close to nucleus ; tentacle and teeth still visible. Killed with Flemming's stronger solution and stained with Bohmer's hematoxylin. Fig. 32. Nucleus of individual preparing to divide. Killed with Boveri's picro-acetic acid, and stained with acid-fuchsin and methylen-blue. Figs. 33 & 34. Nuclei of two dividing individuals, in which the longitudinal division of chromosomes are beautifully to be seen. Killed with Flemming's stronger fluid, and stained with acid-fnchsin and methylen-blue. Figs. 35 & 35. A. Nucleus in process of division as seen at two diflerent levels: fig. 35 at level of archoplasmic spindle, and fig. 35. A. at a lower level ; centrosome within the archoplasm on the lower side. Killed with F]( inming's strong- er fluid and stained with Bohmer's hfematoxylin. STUDIES OF REPRODUCTIVE ELEMENTS: IF. 333 Fig. 36. Stage like the last drawn at the level of avchoplasmic spmdle. Central- and eadial-fibres beantifnlly seen ; owing to accumulation of dirty matters over archoplasms, centrosomos not to be recognised. Killed with Fleminiiig's stronger till id and stained with Bohmer's hirmatoxylin. Fig. 37. Section of nucleus in division at about same stage as that repre- sented by fig. 35 or 30 ; radial-fibres in the homogeneous mass of nucleoplasm at lower pole of nucleus, different apearance from central-fibres. Killed with Flem- miug's stronger fluid and stained with Bohmer's hnematoxylin. Plate XIY. (Figs. 38-43, (liri.siuii; Figs. 44-52, sjmre-formatiim.) Fig. 38. One of the mielei of a dividing individual just after division ; chromosomes still radiating from pole where archoplasm lies ; small centrosome lying close to nucleus. Killed with Flemming's stronger fluid and stained with Bohmer's htçmatoxylin. Fig. 39. Stage same as fig. 38. Centrosome surrounded by clear space at centre of upper archoplasm ; in lower archoplasm hidden below nucleus and there- fore not well seen ; part of central-spindle in shape of a diagonal figure (.c) between the separating nuclei. Killed with Boveri's picro-acetic acid solution and stained with Bohmer's hfematoxylin. Fig. 40. Another nucleus in anaphasis ; microsomes plainly visible. Killed with Flemming's stronger fluid and stained with Bohmer's hferaatoxylin. Fig. 41. Nucleus at stage slightly later than that of fig. 40. Microsomes no longer in rows, but more or less irregular and thus assuming the position in the resting nuclei. Killed with Flemming's stronger fluid, and stained with acid-fuchsin and methylen-blue. Fig. 42. Similar imcleus treated with Boveri's picro-acetic acid and stained with acid-fuchsin and methylen-blne ; microsomes very much swollen by action of acetic acid. Fig. 43. Nuclei of a dividing individual at about the stage fig. 7 or 8. Killed with Flemming's stronger fluid and stained with acid-fnchsin and methylen- blue. 334 C. ISHIKAWA. Fig. 44. Arclioplasm and nucleus of spore-forming individual at about same stage as that represented by fig. 13 ; the tAvo centrosomes plahily seen at side of nucleus within arclioplasm. Killed with Flemming's stronger solution and stained with acid-fachsin and methylen-blue. Fig. 45. Similar stage to above. Single centrosome surrounded l)y a clear space and many fine fibres seen in the arclioplasm next to nucleus ; chromosomes gathered up at pole of nucleus fachig arclioplasm. Killed with Flemmhig's stronger fluid, and stained with acid-fuchsin and methylen-blue. Fig. 46. Similar stage to fig. 45. Here the arclioplasm lies at a lower level than nucleus. Treated as above. Fig. 47. Nucleus of another individual at about same stage as above. Many of the chromosomes showing very plainly longitudinal divisions into four rows of microsomes. Treated as above. Fig. 48. Two spore-buds in division ; represented more highly magnified in fig. 48 A and B. Chromosomes within poles of nuclei longitudinally divided already at this stage ; many darkly-staining bodies within archoplasms, probably corres- ponding to group of centrosomes observed by Heidenhein. Killed with Flemming's stronger fluid, and stained with acid-fuchsin and methylen-blue. Fig. 49-51. Divisions of spore-buds ; centrosomes in many of them. Killed with Flemming's stronger fluid, and stained with acid-fuchsin and methylen-blue. Fig. 52. Abnormal division of spore-bud into three daughter cells. Treated as above. TsnuùTwa^liëprôfmî^^ ?^^B^™ 'il")- H. a. a. o: a. •(m^O- 'm •(!-). s\0^ <»- -^.m m V. l>)' .sp. n. Kl-)- -a. -^ -X. n.-^^ 'm <»■ n. / a. •(n>s). ■-X.. A % s^ *-^i' 1ä ,a. C. ISHIKAWA del. Lith. Sç Imp. the Tokio-Seishihunsha. Ishikawa, lîeprodiictive Elements-, III. .o.fexz). a. „jp V-JV 71. 13.( ' XS)., , Viii / \ / a-.-. 0Î' 16.(^1^ AS j. C. ISHIKAWA da. '■■*•( n>s). I8f \ •(,;,>s). Jour. Sc. Coli. Vol. VI. PI XII. a. n. 19.(-|-XZ). ^Ht./^)' "% ^6\ ° L(7/i. 4* ^"ip- ''î* Tokio-Seishibunsha. Ishikawa, Beproductive Elements, IV. Jour. L &0IL U. VI. W. ■(■t xz' a. 03.- r:^^^^:. 43 (t'% a. i^-:^^ i^ , .«,' t^ xz c. .4 . ■iv '^ *«-(l ^^1 a. ^ (t^^)« n WC - fi 50. ."^^H" ^:.^'':- •#:■■/ V 12 ' \ (12 ' 7. ■ t Or. ?4 ■> ^'\^ : T'^ C. ISBJK'AWA del. Lith. 4" Imp- the Tokio-Seishibumha. Ishikawa, Reproductwe Elements, T' Jour. Sc. Coll. Vol. VI. PI. XIV. 20. -Lxs XZ I A — a V' •^•, ^■^•i^/^)- rf. cf- .iiV :•',;;■ ,f/;',';-iV.L'' '■- ' : " - mi. " > <^i. I 11 iv;fb' 37. rr- >^z .alt"'- #!te ''^'^iîial' \ ^i: vg^ ** %. 'é# « P^ ^jfc 30. T-XZ \ /l2 •WU «'•(-t;!«: (7. Ishikawa del. Lith. 4* 7mp. the Tokw-Seiêhibuv.êhi On the Sero -Amniotic Connection and the Foetal Membranes in the Chick. By S. Hirota. Rigakushi, Zoological Institute, Imperial University, Japan. With Plates XV-XYII. CONTENTS. Introductory lîemarks. 1 Origin of tlie Sero-Amuiotic Connection. 2 Prolongation ni' tlie Sero-Aiuniotic Connection. 3 Limit of tlie Prolongation. 4 Changes in the Extra-Embryonic Germinal Layers. 5 Pieplacement of Cells in the Sero-Amuiotic Connection. 6 Expansion of the Mesoblastic Comiection, 7 Perforation in the Mesoblastic Connection. 8 Supplement to tlie Preceding Sections. 9 Effects of tlie Sero-Amniotic Connection on the Foetal Membranes. 10 Comparison between the Sero-Amniotic Connection in the Cliick and that in Chelonia. 11 Methods for the Preparation of the Specimens. 12 Explanation of the Plates, There is probably no other animn] whose development has so much been Tn;ide the subject of study not only by students in <'eiieral but by S[)e('iMl invesrio-nfors ns that of the chick, and, vet. it is a remarkable far-t that erroneous notions jH-evail at tlie j^resent dav in 3:iS TTTRo'l'A : OX TTTE 8E170- AMNIOTIC CONXECTTOX. reo'ard to some fundamentnl points in the structure and relations of tlie foetal memhranes of the chick. It is generally assumed hy writers on eml)ryol<^n'v that several amniotic f(^lds, I'ising over the emhrvo. come togethei' in the median line aho\ e the emhryo. t]\v edges of which entirely coalesce and whose cavities hecome continuous from one side to the other. The classical scries of diagrams given in Foster and ]>alfour's Elements of Embryology (2nd ed., pp. 28-3.')). and copied very extensively, is constructed on this supposition. Some authors, as Schenk,' Köliiker, and Hertwig, have, it is true, remarked that the cavities of tlie lateral folds are separated hy a longitudinal partition (n;nned ' Amiiionnaht ' by Köliiker) for some time after tlie amniotic cavity is closed ; luit they also state that shortly afterwards, the parti- tion breaks down, so that the cavities of the former lateral folds l)ecome dh'ectly continuous and the amnion proper entirely isolated fr(3m the serous envelope. In reality the facts are very different. While the horse-shoe shaped anterior amniotic fold grows backwards over the dorsal surface of the embryo, the cavities of the lateral folds are not in coalescence in the median line, l)ut ai-e from the first separated from each other by a ]>artition which never breaks down. This is quite similar to the state of things in Chelonia, recently described by Mitsukuri,"^ who gave the name of '' Sero-Amniotic Connection" to this partition. This sero-amniotic connection undergoes in the cluck some histological changes in the course of the development of the embryo, but remains as a partition to the last day of the incuba- tion. This persistence of the sero-amniotic connection exercises, as in Chelonia, a great and complex influence on the foetal membranes in later stages. At the suggestion of IVofs. Mitsukuri and Ijima, 1 have 1. S. L. Schenk: Beiträg,-e zur Lehre von Amnion. Arch. i. Mikros. Anat. Bd. 7. 1871. 2. K. Mitsukuri: On the Poetal Meuiliranes of Chelonia. .Tourn. of the Colleo-e of Science, I nil., l^niv., Ja]ian. Vol. IV., Pt. 1. 1890. ANT) THE FOETAI, MEMBKAXKS. [X THE ('Hiriv. :53!) been engaged in elucidating these points in fhe history of the foetal inenil)runes of the chick and ha\e hi-ought to light some facts which appear to me very remarkable. The present article contains the main results of my investigation. Before going further, I wish to express my best thanks to my teacher-, Profs. Dr. Mitsukuri jind Ijima, for their constant encourage- ment and advice throuHiout this investig-ation. Dia^. / 25-30 Hours. 1. Orujui of llie Scrit-AmuKAic Connection. If we examine a chick embryo of 2o-o0 hours (Diag. 1) we find that the extra-embryonic coelomic cavities (E) have already Diaé. 3, extended themselves on l)oth sides, some distance in front of the embryo itself. These anterior parts of the ex- tra-embryonic coelomic cavities have not, however, yet extended themselves directly in front of the head, and leave here a sort of Ijay (P), where 40-45 Hours. Head not represented the hypoblast and tlie ej^blast alone Diaè. 2. Diag. 4, are as yet present. When the embryo has become 30-40 hours old (Diag. l>), the an- terior limbs of the extra-embryonic coelomic cavities meet in front of the head, cutting off the ])revious bay from the region in front. Thus an area (P), which is formed by the hypoblast and the epiblast only, has )>een circumscribed just in front of, and beneath, the head. This is 30-40 Hours. Longitudinal sectidii through a line, x y (Diag. 3). Heart not reprei-euted. Ö. — Sinus termimiHs. P. — Proamnion. H.— Head. E. — Extra-embryonic coelomic cavity. M. — Mesoblastic septum. F. — Amniotic fold. 340 HIROTA; OX THE SERO-AMXIOTIC COXXECTIOX, the Proamnion. ' The extra-embryonic coelomic cavities \yhich ha\ e thus met in front of the Proamnion, do not fuse together for a time, but have a median mesoblastic septum (M), consisting of two sheets of cells, each limiting the extra-embryonic coelomic cavity of its own side. At this stagne the head fold of the amnion is raised alonof a line which passes through the anterior limit of the proamnion (F. F.). When the embryo is 40-45 hours old (Diag. 3), the head is somewhat sunken down in the yolk sac, and the head fold of the amnion has grown posteriorly over the anterior part of the head. Thus the head is received into a cavity which ends blindly in front and is open posteriorly (Diag. 4). The dotted line of Diag. 3 shows the limits of this cavity. The mesoblastic septum is now obliterated near the dnus tenninalis but the backward oTOwth of the amniotic fold has prolonged it in the posterior direction (M). The proamnion (P), into which the extra-embryonic coelomic cavities gradually penetrate from both sides, is now out of sight, concealed beneath the he;id and the amniotic fold. In Fig. 1, and Figs. 57-51), the surface \iew and the sections of the mesoblastic septum are represented. In Chelonia the extra-embryonic coelomic cavities secondarily insinuate themselves from both sides into the iimniotic fold, which is at first purely epiblastic (See Figs. 2-4 and Figs. 17-10 of Mitsu- kuri's article). In the chick the extra-embryonic coelomic cavities, which are of course bounded by the mesoblast, spread themselves, from the very beginning of folding, almost coextensively with the epiblast, (jr in other words, nearly up to the posterior horse-shoe sha|)ed edge, so tliat from the initial period, the dorsal part of the amniotic fold of the chick does not contain an extensive area tree from the mesol)last, 1. E. Ravn : Ueber die Mesodermfreie Stelle in der Keimscheibe des Hükaerembryos. Ai-ch. f. Anat. u. Physiol. (Auat. Abth.). 1886. AXI) THE F(^K'rAL MEMIiKAXES, IN THE OHICK'. ^.\\ such ;is lias been übser\efl in Chelonia. Hut, still, we see the siinilaritv betwo^en them in the pî-ocess of folding. From the tiinc when the amniotic fold ha« C(jme to enclose some of tfie anterior part of the head, the epiblast seems to grow backwards always just a little in advance of the mesoblast, forming at the poslerioi- edge a mass of epiblastic cells in the median line. Thus in Fi^-. 1 and ¥"i I ( nmOTA: ox THE SEKO-AMNTOTK' rOXXEPTTOX. AVe thiLs see that the prolonGratioii of tlic sero-amniotie connec- tion is st()))[)ed 1iy the closure of the amniotic cavity. Tliis is Ihe ))eri()d of the niaxininni (leve!(^pment of the cpiJilast/'r s('ro-ai]niioiir (uniiit'i-lioti. At tin's time \t has (Fili". 42) in a dorsal view tlie a]>- |>e:iran('(' nf ;i slender streak sliolitly cur\'ed, witli a concavity on tlic riiilit side, and a swollen epihlastic mass at the spot where the am- niotic 1"olds have coalesced (Fio's. 5 and 42). From this time on, aithonprh cells in it may mnlti]>l\^ hy division, it does not seem to enlargv as a whole — ;it any rate, in any oreat degree — but rather grows less and less, being encroached uyion by mesoblastic cells, in a manner to be explained liereafter. until by the tenth dav of the incid^ation il has been entirely I'eplaced bv a xcrDiuhirii Dirsolilasfic coiiiicclioii. 4. (^hiiiKjcs IN i]ir l\.rtr(i-J'jinhrii()iiii- (lennimil Lai/ns, Every one who has stmlied the development of the chick well knows, that from vei'y e;irlv stages the epiblast of the embryo proper is split up into cell-strata. The up]>ermost layer is built of flattened cells, while the »ujder layei* or layei's are composed of slightly columnar cells. The stratification is not confined to the em])ryo j)ro])er, but graduallv extends ceiitrifugally into the epiblast of the amnion. Fig. DO is taken h'oni the dorsal part (fn' its exact locality see the explanation of figures) of a noianal enibrvo of 7.S lioiu's. whose amniotic cavity has just l)een closed ; and in this figure we see that the stratification has advjuiced considerably beyond the lateral augle (A) of the amnion, but that there nre as yet no distinct layers near the sero-amniotic eoîuiection. The extra-embryonic piu'ts of the coelomic cavity are at first lined by a single e])ithelial la \-er of mesoblastic cells. From an early |)eriod. howe\er, a I'eticiilnr tissue graduallv spi-eads itself outwards AND THE EOF/I'AL MEMT.llAXES, TX THE ('HTOK'. 3^5 from th(^ body w:>li <>ii tliat side of the amniotic mesoblast which is tnriied towards the e])il)last in the manner already described by Schenk/ Tliis net-work advances hand in hand with the stratification of the epiblast, and tlie mesol)Iastic net-work also scarcely reaches the sero- aniniotic coniiectii^n before the amnion closes np (Fig. 90). The strati ti cation of the epiblast and the reticulation of the mesoblast spread firther in later hours of the incubation. At the end of the fourth day, the mesobListic net-work has already reached the sero-amnititic connertion and |)assed along both sides of it towards the serous envelo])e over which it also gradually spreads (Figs. 71 and 7.')). Distinct stratification of the epiblast is also found from the same jK'riod in the amnion as well as in the serous envelope (see the black layers in any of Figs. 70-S7). Thus, in Fig. 71, which is of this stage, the previous fpiflu'lial reih of the coelom on both sides of the connection are no longer distinct, and their place is taken l)y an ill-defined reticular tissue which is intimately applied over the com- pact epiblastic bridge. These new changes in tlie connection are very important, for they are steps to the formation of the secondary sero-amniotic connection, which will be explained in the following sections. It is necessary to say here a few words about the allantois. 'I'his organ, which first appeared between the amnion and the serous en- velope, on the right side of the embryo, about the time wlien the timnion had closed itself, has in this stage come near the sero-amniotic connection. As far as it has expanded itself, its vascular mesoblastic tissue has fused, on its way, with the mesoblastic epithelium of the serous envelope ; and so the mesoblastic net-work, ^vhich has spread over the serous envelope, some distance beyond the connection is on 1. Loe. cit. ;^4(; UTIJOTA : ON THE SEKO-AMXTOTrO rONXECTTOX, tlic right .side directly traceable to that of the allantois (Figs. 5. 6, and l)n). -0. Itt'jihiceiiieiit of Cells in t]\c Scrn-Jmfiiotic ('oniicctioN. T liave mentioned in Section 2, that as the head-fold grows hack- wards, the epiblastic delta of it« posterior edge is c(mstantly, though only partially, being removed by the insinuation of the extra-enibryouic coelomic cavities of the two sides ; and that the remnant of the delta is prolonged backwards as the ' Amnionnaht ' or the sero-amniotic con- nection. This process of insinuation prevails from the very beginning of the formation of the delta, and is continued after the amniotic cavity is closed. The mesoblastic net- work, having reached both sides of the connection, begins to pierce across the remnant epiblastic cell-bridge, so tliat at lenoth the mesoblastic cells of one side meet with those of the opposite side, as we see in Figs. 72 and 74. F'rom the sixth day the epiblastic bridge is broken uj) here and there, beginning with the anterior part of the connection (Figs. 71, 72, 73, 74, and Figs. ()-7). In the posterior part of the connection, where the amniotic cavity has finally closed, remains of the epiblastic cell- mass, which there was the last to form, are found for a long time as irregular patches, as in sections (Figs. 76-7 (S and Fig. 8). Sometimes, the epiblastic cell-mass appears in sections as isolated ])atches iml)edded in the mesoblastic tissue, as in Fig. 7iero-am.niotic connection is formed. 6. Expan,s((jn of the Mesoblastic Connection. The siin[)Ie replacement of the epil)Iastic Ijridge by the mesoblastic net- work is not the sole event in the formation of the secondary sero- amniotic connection. From the nature of the mesoblastic connection its breadth is of course invariably greater than that of the previous epiblastic connection. But, (jver and beyond this, the mesoblast of the amnion and that of the serous envelope begins after the first week of the incubation to coalesce for a certain distance on both sides of the connection, so that in ten to twelve days, the connection is very much widened and assumes the form of a plate, viewed from above. Fi^-s. 4o-50 represent the l^readth (jf the connection at different stao-es, eadi projected on a straight line. Figs. 7G, 81, and 84 are transverse sections of the secondary connection, through the approximately middle level of the connection represented in Figs. 45, 4i), and 50 respe<-- tively. If we examine sections of embryos in tlieir seventh to tenth dav of the incubation, the ])rocess of coalescence is unfailingly witnessed. The plate-like mesoblastic connection seems to be produced by the intimate contact of mesoblastic cells (Fig. 75) in the narrow space on both sides of the preexisting connection, similar to the coalescence of the allantois with the serous envelope (Section 4). The breadth (jf the secondary connection may, however, vary to a certain extent in different individuals, and not necessarilv be pi'o- })ortional to the age of the embryo (Figs. 4o-5()). 34S HIKUTA : OX THE SEllO-AMXIOTIC CONXECTIOÎf, In some individuals a peculiar triangular sheet is observed at the anterior end of the connection (Fig. 11). This is due to the following circumstance. The anterior ])art of the connection (jften obtains a considerable dorso-ventral extension, and thus produces a triangular sheet whose base corresponds to its anterior free edge, and whose sides correspond to the lines along which it joins respectively the amnion and the serous envelope (Fig«. 11 and 79. Figs, (i and 70). This triangular sheet does not stand edgewise, but (-(jmes to lie on its surface and hence is seen from outside, as in Fig. 11. Thus, the mesoblastic bridge, which is supposed by all writers on the embryology of the chick U) be absorbed, making the extra- embryonic coelomic cavity continuous from one side to the other, is in reality greatly widened and remains to the last day of the incubation. 7. Verforaiion in the Mcsohlaslic Connection. From the eleventh day, the plate-like connection begins to be perforated here and there by numerous round and elliptic ]:)ores, which ]nit the amniotic caA'ity in communication with the space outside the serous envelope, so that the plate is now changed into a sie^e, and the epiblast of the amnion and that of tlie serous envelope again become continuous. This state of the connection is represented in Figs. ol-5o. Each of these figures is of a view from inside the amnion, part of which is represented in circular outline (Amn.) ; a tube- like structure attached to this piece of the amnion is a part of the alliumen sac which is lined by the serous envelope. How the albu- men sac has assumed such a shape will be explained fully farther on. It is represented as tilled with a l^lue mass. The membrane which separates the amniotic cavity from that of the allîumen sac is the sero-amniotic connection. It has nuiny ))erf ^rations which con- AND THE FOETAL MEMBRANES, IN THE CHICK. 349 iiect tlie two cîivitiey, mid appears «ieve-like. Figs. 85-87 are from a series of sections throiio-h a perforated sero-amniotic connection of the twelfth day. In Fiir. 85, which is the most anterior represented, the connection is entire and intact. In Fig. 86 it is very thin. In Fig. 87, there is a perforation. These pores in the plate-hke connection grow larger in size in later days, while the niunl^er becomes less by the running together of some adjacent ones. At length, after the sixteenth or seventeenth day the two sides oi' the plate are connected only by a few sti-ands which remind us of the cliordae tendineae of a mammalian heart (Figs. 54-56). Thus the epiblast of the annii(jn and that of the serous envelope again become continuous ; the exti-a-embryonic coelomic cavities of the two sides are as completely separated from each other throughout the entire extent of this sero-amniotic connection as in any previous stage. 6'. SuppU'iiieni to tlic I'recediiKj Sections. 1 will now make some necessary remarks on other points Avhicli it was convenient to witlihold until I had traced, in the preceding sections, the main course of the changes in the connection itself. In the extra -embryonic part, near the sero-amniotic connection at least, the epil)lastic cells can usually be distinguished from the meso- blastic cells by the following points. In form, the mesoblastic cells are flattened in the plane of the layers themselves, wherever the cells are densely disposed, and are stellate, wherever the number of cells is very small, wliile the ejnblastic cells are mostly ])erpendiculai- t 'I'lIE F(M^yrAL membranes, TX 'I'HE (""ITTOK. :;r)l hfive liecii ini;il)le to find :i single case like that represented in Fiii'. 4 of Schenk. On the conti'ary, the epililastic cell-mass seems to me to have ;üwaA> a definite h(Minda,ry on the amniotic side. Often we find il C(^aguhnn well stained with borax carmine, attached to the ('ell-mass, but a similar coagulum is fonnd in other spaces, snc^i as the central nervous canal, the alimentary canal,, and also in the coelomic cavity. In Fig. (SS we see the cell-mass projecting into the amniotic cavitv. and in Fig. 7(i the renmant of this projecting mass is I'epresented. These are, however, extreme instances and in ordinary cases the cell- înass. as a Abhole, is only slightly sunken into tlie amniotic cavit\- (Fig. ()6). Such sinking into the amniotic cavity is not to lie wonder- ed at when we consider the weight of the mass itself. As I have described in Sections 2 and 5, the epiblastic cell-mass is being ^constantly foi-ined and constantly removed from the very beginning of the formation of the connection, and being situated near the free edge of the head, fold, the product of its dissolution, if it wei-e actually dissolved, would diffuse wddely through the surrounding albuminous fluid, and but little'of it be mingled with the amniotic fluid, which is speedily increased in volume, evidently from othei- sources. Finally, from the physiological point of view, it seems to me to be improbable that the epiblastic cells dissolve nj) for the use of othei" epiblastic cells of the same surface. From the preceding discussion, and from the fiict that from an early stage of folding the deltoid cell-mass is constantlv added to at the posterior free edge and constantly reduced neai- its anterior apex, it is probable tliat the cell-mass is used u]) foi- the extension of the surface of the fold, and not for any otlicr special pui-pose. It is, besides, a noteworthy fact, that in Chelonia tlie deltoid area is not thickened dorso- ventral ly -iiid undergoes, of course, no dissolution. HTT^OTA : ON THE SERO-AMXTOTTr' fOXXEr-TTOX. 0. Effects of the Sero- Amniotic CoiincctiôH on the Foetal 2Ieui]ir(ines. About the time when the amniotic cavity is closerl the allantois appears on the viulit side of the embryo in front of the level of the still rudimentarv right hind hmb ; and it spreads itself graduully between tlie serous envelope and the amnion. The first structure which we notice, and which seems to owe ka ori""in to tlie presence of the sero-aniniotic connection, is a curious infolding- «^f the amnion near the connection, given in Diag. 5. It is Diag. 5. Yolk. Transverse section of an embryo thront^h the alhintois and tlie fold. Diag. 6. ;Mio Oonneotian. Tjontjitudinal section throui;-li the sero-a mniotic connecta* >n. alw^ays on the right side of the eonnection and is pushed on towards the left. There takes place no folding before the allantois appears, and AND THE FOETAT; MEMBRANES, TX TEE rHK'K. 353 fho longitudinal extent of the fold depends on the length of tlie sero- araniotic connection. The form and extension of such a fold, vary greatly, however, in different individuals and at different stages. One instance of great development is given in Fig. 37, and its sections in Figs. 91-93. The planes of these sections are indicated by dotted lines in Fig. 37; in wliich the points, A, B, and C, on the dotted line marked 92, correspond t(^ the points marked hy the same letters in Fig. 9l^ It is not clear what significance this fold has. At both extremities of the sero-amniotic connection the amnion is also slightly folded longitudinally (Diag. 6) ; transverse sections oi" such folds are represented in Fig. (i(S (at the anterior end) and Fig. ()9 (at the ])Osterior end). Tn these figui'es, above the general am nicotic ca^ ity there appears a second smaller cavity marked Amu. A reference to Diag. (i will show that this appearance is due to the folds. How- ever, these transverse and lonor-itiidiiial folds, beinçf disturbed bv the oTowth «^f the amnion as well as [)v the chano-es of the sero-amniotic connection itself, become insignificant after the first week of the incubation. These temporary effects upon the amnion are, however, fol- lowed by others much more important on the allantois and also on the albumen-sac. The albumen-sac of certain birds, and the yolk sac of the chick have been studied by Duval ^ and recently by A^irchow," but knowledge of the general development of the foetal membranes of the chick is still left very imperfect. Hence, it may not be superfluous to give here a l:>rief outline (^f the development of the foetal membi'anes 1. M. Duval : Études histologiques et morphologiques sur les Annexes des Embryons d'Oiseau. Journ. de L'Anat. et de la Physiol., XX. 1884. 2. H. "^^irchow : Der Dottersack des Huhnes. Internationale Beiträge zur Wissenschaft- lichen Medizin. Bd. 1. I regret that I know this article only by extracts given in Ergeb- nisse der Anat. u. Entwickl. (1892 ; Wiesbaden), and Zoologischer Jahresbericht 7.ur 1891 (I89b; Berlin). 3,5 ( HTROTA: OX THE SERO-AINIXIOTTO rOXXEOTIOX, themselves, in ordei- tliat the influence of the sero-Mmniotic connection iipc^n them m.'iy he l)ei"ter understood. Wlien nt the end of the tliird dny or early in the fourth day, the allantois ap))ears on the rio'ht side of the emhryo. hetween the serous envelope and the amnion, it is a discoidal sac with circnlar outline. At the end of the fifth day we can distinü'in'sh in a surface view the riüht and left allantoic arteries and one larsfe allantoic vein in the allantois (Fia*. 7). The right artery, which is always i)ifiircate in the inner limhof the allantois, supplies the posterior part of the allantois. while tlie vein is divided into two or three main hi-anches in the outer limh. The left artery is smaller than the otlier two \cssels, and is destined to supply the anterior part of the ;dlantois. From this stage the allantoic vein begins to indent the pre- viously circular maraiu of the allantois at the point where the \ein ]iasses fr<^m its outer to its inner lind). The obstruction by the vein restrains and retards the growth of the allantois at this point, althougli it does not stop it entirely. Contiguous to this point, therefore, the allantois grows fister than at the ])oint itself and thus an indentation is produced. With the growth of the allan- tois, the indentation becomes of great depth in later days, and the lobe of the allantois which lies in front of it comes gradually to overla]) the lobe posterior to it, beginning from tlie a])ex of the indentation (Figs. -. 15 iiives the outlines of the memhranes with the folds in the allantois shaded. These two figures are made exactly alike so that they may be superposed. Fig. 1() gives the vicinity of the sero-amniotic connection on an enlarged scale. Flo-. 17 is intended to give the diagrammatic rejiresentation of the allantois with its folds and the interallantoic septum. In Fig. 18 the position of the amnion, the yolk-sac, the albumen-sac, and the sero-amniotic connection is given in addition. In the last two figures the outer lin^b of the allantois is represented as extensively removed, so as to show the inside of the allantoic cavity, and, in addition, the small end of the egg is figured as nearly cut off from tlie main portion of the egg and reflected to the left. In all the figures the egg is in one position, tlie anterior lobe of the allantt^is occupying the top of the figures and the posterior lobe, overlapped by it, appearing in the lower porti5,S HIROTA: ON THE SERO-AMXIOTIC CONNECTION, fio-ure. The ulbumeu-sac .separated from the aiiiiiioii foi' the most [»art hy the intervening yolk-sac, «ends out o\'er the latter a hodow cave-Jike diverticulum towards the amnion (see Figs. l-S and l<)j, with which it ca]ier so that it stands at the head of a deep fissnre or incision (MEFÜ). FF FM S re- presents the anterior allan- toic limb, ÜFEMT the E posterior lind), and E M V F the interallantoic septnm. in W, the area E M ü F is folded along the line K D so that it a])pears now as 1 w<^ areas, FDE and E M U D E. The triangidar area E D K is two layered, and the corresponding area in Figs. 17 and 1ßQ HIROTA ; OX THE SERO-AMXIOTIC CONNECTION, Let US now torn to tlie two arteries which c;uise disturbance in the allantois. One of them is the terniiiial part of the left allantoic arterv. This artery, emerging from the umbilicus, runs along the inner limb towards the right in Fig. 14. It leaves the face repre- sented in that figure on the right side low down, and running alorig on the other face, it enters the fio'm-e as^ain at the rio-ht side above. Ft runs all this while along the inner Hmb and continues to do so until it reaches tlie point A in Fig. 15. From this point, it begins to rise along the line A V) and emerges on the outer limb at the [ioint 15. The terminal portion of the left allantoic artery in thus passing from the inner to the outer liml) causes the same sort of disturbance as was made by the allantoic vein, but to a, smaller extent, and produces I he fold AlUJ (in Figs. 15, K^i, 17, and IS) which is marked on the outer allantoic limb by the line C B. This is therefore a sectmdary disturbance of the interallantoic septum. Another minor septum is produced by a Ijranch of the right allantoic artery. This artery proceeds from the umbilicus towards the left in Fig. 14 along the inner limb until it reaches the })oint Z (Fig. 15), giving off branches on its way. At the ]joint Z it begins to leave the inner limb and rising gradually along line Z Y reaches the (jutcr limb at the point Y, from which it is distributed on that limb. 44iei-e is thus produced a. mesentery -like f )ld, Z YS,' of the allantois embrac- ing the vessel along the line Z Y. (Cf. Diag. 9, A.) A secondary complication is produced by the fact that tlie surface of the fold is slightly curved, aiid is two layered in the area W Z Y (Fig. 15). There are many individual variations in the configuration of the primary and minor septa, but the egg explained above in full may be taken as tlie ty])ical one, and all the other cases can be ex- 1. A minor scptniii. ciuisod li.v iinothcr Imiuch of tlie riolit alhintoic artery, which proiliiccs still further eouii)lic;ition in this septum, is here. t'<>r the sake of simplicity n^'t referred to. AS\^ THP] FOETAL MEMBRANES. TX THE THTCK. ^Ql plained as iiioditicutions of this fm-iii. Thus, in Figs. 19, 20, and 21, from an embryo of tlie eleventh day which correspond respectively to Fiii's. 14, 15, and 1(5 of the ])recedini>' stage, the terminal portion of the left allantoic arterv whicli runs alonu' the edofe AB in Fisf. 15 and 17, runs along the axis on which the interallantoic septum is folded, and consequently the septum formed by the left artery alone is very small (ADK Fig. 21). Besides, in this example, the right allantoic artery, running along the inner allantoic limb, is divided at the point Z into two branches which, running along the free edges ZY and ZX, emerge on the outer limb at the points Y and X respec- ri\ely, and thus a somewhat complicated minor septum ZvSYXZ (see also fig. 20 his.) is ]Droduced by that artery. By the eleventh or tAvelfth day the aJlantoic lobes come together at the vegetable poJe of the egg. Consequently, the albumen-sac or the ' .s'rtc placentoide ' of Duval is entirely cut off from the sur- rounding space, as Duval says but contrary to Virchow's observation, while its cavity is lined l)y an epil)lastic layer which has been con- tinuous with that of the outer limb of the allantois. The leno^th of all the allantoic septa is determined by the closure of the albumen sac, Mud nil come together at that point where the allantoic lol^es finally close. It is at this stage that the perforation of the plate-like connection, before referred to, begins and it is a remarkable fact that for a few days after, the amniotic fluid soon coagulates in alcohol or in Kleinenberg's picro-sulphuric acid, just like the fluid in the albumen-sac. This seems to be due to the presence of albumen which has found its way through the perforations into the amniotic fluid. ;;g2 HfROTA; OX THE SERO-AMXIOTIC rOXXEOTfOX, Diaé. 10. Interall, Septum Part of a Cross-Section of the Albumen-Sac. As fasf :is the albiinien is absorbed the primary interallantoic septum widens itself inwards at the expense of the inner limbs of the two allantoic lobes, which progres- sively coalesce with ench other as the albumen diminishes nnd the albu- men-sac contracts in volume. A reference to Diag. 10 will make what is meant clear. Suppoae the outer limit of the albumen-sac to be the line 1-1. It is bounded by the two lobes of the allantois, and the area witliin which they overlap (a b) is the internllantoic septum. If now the albumen-sac decreased in diameter to the line 2-2, the inter- allantoic septum would then be widened to the point c, by the coales- cence of the inner limlîs of the two allantoic lobes. Thus the decrease of albumen will make the width of the interallantoic septum increase and the diameter of the albumen-sac grow smaller. Hence, the line along which the interallantoic septum is (continuous with the inner allantoic limb (appearing as the points b, c, d, in a cross-section like Diag. 10), will always lie on the albumen-sac. The line AA represented in Figs. 51-56 is, in fact, this line. The i-elation of the inner edge of the inter:dlant(nc septum (DKG) in Figs. 17 and LS to the cave-like diverticulum of the albumen-sac will make this evi- dent. These changes are accompanied by gradual enlargement of the amniotic cavity and gradual decrease of the yolk. Tiie stage in which these conditions are observed is given in Figs. '22-'2b, of which the first two re])resent surface views of the foeral membranes frcnn two opposite sides; and the last two give theii* outlines. The letters as far as possible refer to the same parts as in Figs. 14-lN. Tlie bloodvessels first become visible in passing from beneath the amnion AXD THE FOETAL MEMBRANES, IN THE CHICK. ßfj^ (Figs. 23 and 25) : the allantoic vein and the Jeit allantoic artery on one side and the right allantoic artei-v on the other (Z, Fig. 25). The allantoic vein passes towards the right along the inner limh (Fig. 28) to the point marked F on Fig. 25, then passes from the inner to the outer limh along the line between F (Fig. 23) and E (Fig. 24)* (like the line FE, Fig. 15) and emerges on the outer limb at the point E (Figs. 22 & 24). The full line EG corresponds to the line EM in Fig. 15 and the fold FEOMF to the fold FECMDF in Fig. 15. The right allantoic ;u"tei-y stîu-ting from the point Z (Fig. 25) runs towards the left, but soon divides mainly into two branches (Fig. 23), each of which together with a third smaller one produces a fold in the allantois thus making three minor septa. No septum formed by the terminal portion of the left allantoic artery is present in tliis case. All the septa above referred to come together at the point marked 0 (Fig. 24). Fig. 2() represents the allantoic septa which have thus come together, as seen from tlie vegetable pole. Full lines show the tracings of these septa on the outer limb of the allantois. In addition to the |)i-imary interallantoic septum (E'O) there are tliree minor sej)ta. formed by three branches of the right allantoic artery which run along the free edges ZX, ZY, and MN. Notice also how the albumen-sac, now pit(;her-sliaped, has decreased in size. l)y the sixteenth day yolk, as well as albumen, is much reduced in volume and the princi])al part of the e^xg is now the amni(^n occupied by the embryo proper (Figs. 27-30). Fig. 31 represents the septa (only three in all in this case) come together at the point F, as seen from the vegetable pole. In this figure we see that the right allantoic artery is * The reiider will understand that in tracing a bloodvessel or other structure from the surface rejj resented in Figs. 23 and 25 to that given in Figs. 22 and 24, the upper edge of the former two figures should 1)P applied to the lower edge of the latter two figures and also that as eggs have a considerable thickness, a structure leaving one surface may not l)e found at exactly the corresponding point of the other. 3ß4 HIROTA ; ON THE SERO-AMNTOTIC CONNECTION, divided into two brnnrhes at the point Z (cf. Figs. 14 and 23), and that the two branches ascend directly, along the free edges ZY and ZX, townrds the outer limb. At this stage the albumen-sac has assumed a peculiar elongated form, and the ' omhilic omhilicaV of Uuval, by which the albumen-sac is united to the yolk-sac, has l)ecome conspicuous and easily observable. The sac is supplied Avith numerous blood vessels on the yolk side, and albumen is absorbed through that singular placental structure discovered by Duval in the linnet. The position of the umbilicus may vary in different individuals (Figs. 29 and 34), but the papillatcd placental structure of the albumen sac is always con- fined to the vicinity of the umbilicus. It is to be added that from this staçfe the blood vessels of the outer allantoic limb undero-o certain changes in their distribution. One Ijasal branch of the allantoic vein, which runs with the right allantoic artery, becomes conspicuous by anastomosing with other branches of the same vein (Figs. 27, 2(S, 32, and 33). On the eighteenth day, the albumen-sac appears as a slender tube which opens into the amniotic cavity thnjugh the perforated connec- tion (Figs. 32-35). Fig. 3(3 represents the septa come together at the ])oint P as seen from the vegetable pole. [n this case the spot where the riofht allantoic artery divides is concealed beneath the yolk-sac, and the two branches ascend along the free edges ZX and ZZ'Y respectively towards the outer allantoic limb. In this example the primary interallantoic septum has iKjt l)een folded along an axis in the allantoic cavity (cf. Diag. 1), lî), and moreover is not influenced by the left allantoic artery. At length, the albumen becomes entirely absorbed and the vitel- line membrane which had previously been imbedded in albumen is alone left in the former albumen-sac, often partly ])rojected into the amniotic cavity through openings in the sero-amniotic connec- A.VD THE POETAL MEMBRANES. IN THE CHICK. 3^5 tion. The yoJk-sac becomes then enclosed by the abdominal wall and the entire s])ac(' of the egg becomes filled by the amnion which is occupied by a fuJly orown embryo. Contrai-y t(j the observations of some writers, the Jeft aJhmtoir artery is found to [)ersist. th(ju;^-h faintly, till the last day (Figs. 27, 2S, o2, and o3), while the allantoic vein and the right allantoic artery are of great functional impoi-tance throughout the allantoic life. The inner allantoic limb is always sup|)lied by much fewer blood vessels than the outer limb. Finally, the sero-amniotic connection is quite without relaticju to the emergence of the embryo, which pushes out its beak into the air chamber through the point of the membrane far distant from tlie connection. 10. Comparison betiveen llw Sero-Amniodc Connection of the Chick and lliat of Chriniia. 'I'lie sero-amiiiotic connection of the chick, as des('ril)ed above, and that of Cliclcjnia, as studied by Mitsukuri in Clrnnni/s und Trionyx, mav be compared as follows : — Tlie essential points in irliich fJiei/ atjrce. — a). In the chick, there is found at the p(Jsterior edge of the amniotic fold a constant deltoid area free from the mesoblast. The same sti-ucture is observed in Chelonia in comparatively later stages of the progress of the fold backwards. /)). As long as the amniotic fold grows p(3steriorlv the sei'o- amniotic connection or the remnant of the epiblastic deltoid ai-en is equally prolonged posteriorly until it becomes a long string. c) The sero-amniotic connection is more or less widened on both sides of the epiblastic bridge by the entrance of the netted meso- blastic tissue. 3ßß HIROTA; ON THE SERO-AMNIOTIC CONNECTION, d). The epiblaatic layers of the extra-embryonic parts are stratifi- ed, at least near the connection. e). The connection between the serous envelope and the amnion persists durino- egof-life and no direct continuity is ever made between the extra-embryonic coelomic cavities of the two sides along the length of the connection. f). The growth of the allantois is greatly influenced in later stages by the presence of the sero-amniotic connection. Thi' essential points in which they disaijree. — a). In the chick the amniotic fold arises in comparatively later stages than in Chelonia, and the extra-embryonic coelomic cavity is from the first extended backwards in the amniotic fold almost as far as the epiblast has progressed, while in Chelonia the mesoblastic cavities insinuate themselves secondarily from the two sides in the latero-median direction. It is owing to this difference tliat in the amniotic fold of the chick there is found no conspicuous area free from the mesoblast, and that there is no meso- blastic septum in Chelonia before the epiblastic sero-anuiiotic connec- tion appears. h). In Chelonia the epiblastic delta of the amniotic fold is a.lwavs larger than that of the chick, but in the latter it is enormously thickened dorso-Aentrally. c). In Chelonia the anuiicjtic fold passes over the tail end before the lattei- is yet differentiated and there is therefore formed no proj»er tail fold. In the chick, the head and tail folds fuse together at the ]e\ el of the rudimentary right hind limb and therefore there is pro- duced no trace of the posterior tube, which forms so (conspicuous a feature of the chelonian amnion. d). The epiblastic bridge of the connection seems to be persistent in Chelonia, while in the chick it is replaced by mesoblast and becomes extended on both sides. AND THE FOETAL MEMBRANES, TN THE OHTOK-. '^^J e). Thei'e. tîikes plficc no ])eri"or:ilioii of the .scro-amniotic con- nectioM in Clielonia. f). The sero-amniotic coiiiiectioii is quite witlioiit relation to the «^uieroeiice of the yoniio- in the chick. g). Tliere is produced no alhumen-sac in (-helouia and therefore the sero-amniotic connection is not enclosed within the foetal mem- branes. Consequently the allantois of Chelonia is very dilterentlv affected by the sero-amniotic connection. 77, Methods for the Preparation of Spechiiens. From the second week of incubation it becomes ahiiost hoj)eles.s \o try to take out the contents of an e^^^ entire in the fresh condition, and the whole eg'g- con tents wliould tlierel()i'e be hardened, in the fol- lowing manner. When ail incubated ^gg is looked at by transmitted light it should, to be a promising one, be semi -opaque after the first week and entirely so after the first ten days. Having obtained such an egg it siiould be patiently tapped with a glass rod or something of the sort, until the greater part of the shell is broken into small pieces, the shell then taken off, piece by piece, leaving tlie underlying shell-membranes intact. From this point the proeeduiv will be somewhat different according as the egg has been incubated more than two weeks (;(s; HIROTA : ON TTIR SERO-AMXTOTTr rTjNXErTTOX, The eii'g i« then \mt for a few minutes in l\leineiil)erg'« picro- sulphiiric acid in :i cup of moderate size, to partly dissolve and soften the cMlcareous shell. The shell membranes then become easily separable from the allantois, mid the whole contents can he entirely freed from the Jion-cel hilar envelopes. At this stage, the contents being yet soft, a large piece of the shell, disunited from the contents, shcMild be left to suj)port them in their relative positions until they have become hardened in Kleinenberg's fluid. Xext day, the hardening fluid is replaced by ;ilcohol, by taking it away in small portions by a ])ipette from the bottom of the cup, then gently pouring on alcohol (70 ^/o) so that an alcoholic layer rests on it and re])eating this ])i-ocess until it has been entirely replaced by alcohol. \)y this method Kleinenberg's fluid is easily and economically rej)laced by alcohol without disturbing the contents. h). Whe?! the egg has been in incuhation mmr tJuni tiro irtuis. There is liere no dangei* of injuring the lilood vessels, for the calcareous shell is now brittle and easily separable from the outer shell -membrane which is white, dry. and leathery. Besides, the contents are now firm and consequently the shell can be taken oif very extensively, and even frimi the entii'e sui-face. Howe\er. the serous envelope being intimately attached to tlie inner shell -membrane, it is almost impossible to separate them in the fresh state witln^ut bleeding. But if we put the whole in Kleineijberg's fluid for ten to thirty minutes, there is no longer anv danger. When, however, we wish to examine the cellular structure of the serous en velo])e, the inner shell- membrane should be left in position, for the safety of the underlying layers. When tlui eontents are thus entirelv cleared from the non- cellulai- envel()|)es, the specimen is put aside in Kleinenberg's fluid for about half;i day. In this case, the contents, being firm the harden- ing fluid (^iin be easilv repinced by alcohol after it has done its \voi"k. AND TFIR FOETAL MEMI'.P.ANKS, TN M'HE CHJC'K. 0(3 H Kin;illy, in l)()tli eases, Ça and /^) the vicinity of the connection should i)e freed from yolk, albumen, and the amniotic finid, l)efore the egg is inany lioars in alcohol, as otliei'wise these substances oong'ulate aiid ean not then be removed. The outlines of the foetal meinl)ranes should, however, be examined or sketched before tlie last operation. ;]70 HTUOTA: OX TTIE SERO-A MXIO'I'TC < 'ONXKCTT* )X, Explanations of Abbreviations and Colours used in Figures. By tlio >i\de of every ti^'iivo. tlio ago of tlie ombrvo, and the scale of eiilavgcinent ave given. XitincrdJ.s in smull ii//>i: on some of tlie surface views sliow tJie levels of the sections, represented in fignres wliicli ave niarl^ed with the coi'i'esponding nuniher. Abbreviations used in the plates are : — Alb for Albumen, All „ Allantois, All. Vein „ Allantoic Vein, Aiun „ Amnion, Coel.' „ Extra-Embryonic Coelomic Cavity, Inall. Sep ,, Literal Ian toic Septum, L. All. Art , „ Left Allantoic Artery, Proam „ Proamnion, 11. AIL Art ,, Plight Allantoic Artery, S. A. C ,, Sero-Amuiotic Comiection, Ser. Env ,, Serous Envelope, Hcil represents in the surface views (Figs. 1-5G) arteries — those of the inner allantoic limb being formed of dotted lines — and the purely mesoblastic part of the sero-amniotic connection. In the figures of sections (Figs. 57-94) red represents the protoplasma of mesoblastic cells: Blue represents veins — those of the inner allantoic limb being in dotted lines. Blue also represents albumen in Figs. 51-5(i, und the liypoblast in the tigures of sections (Figs. 57-94). Black represents in the surface views (Figs. 1-5G) the epiblastie bridge of the sero-amniotic connection, and in tlie figures of sections (Figs. 57-94) the nuclei of cells. Grei/ represents the interallantoic septa (Figs. 15-20). In the figures of sections it represents the epiblast. Yelloir represents yolk in Figs. 17-18. (rreen represents tiie outer surface of the outer allantoic limb. Plate XV. (For explanation of abbreviations and colours see p. 370.) Figs. 1-5 : — Dorsal' views of embryos in different stages from 48 to 78 lionrs. The sero-amniotic connection in — Fig. 1 is represented apart in Fig. 38, )> ^ 11 ■>■> It "") 11 " )) 11 11 ^^j 4 41 11 ^ 11 11 )) ^'-i „ 5 „ „ „ 42. Figs. 6-9 : — Dorsal views of embryos in different stages from 104 to 168 hours. The embryo proper and the splanchnic mesoblast are left out. The serous envelope is also for the sake of simplicity not represented. The sero-amniotic con- nection in — Fig. 7 is represented apart in Fig. 43, „ 8 „ „ 1, 45, „ 9 „ „ „ 46. Figs. 10-11 :— Tlie first is the surface view of an egg taken out from its non-cellular enveIo[)es, and the second of the vicinity of the sero-amniotic connection in the same egg. The sero-amniotic connection has a peculiar fish-like shape. The anterior i)art of the sero-amniotic connection is in this specimen exceedingly elongated dorso-ventrally and being bent down on the plane of the paper appears t)'iangular, looking like the tail fin of a fish. The connec- tion is thus twisted at the point A. The sero-amniotic connection is repre- sented apart in Fig. 47. Figs. 12-13 : — The first is a surface view of an egg taken out from its non-cellular envelopes, and the second oï the vicinity of the sero-amniotic connection of the same. The amniotic cavity, the cave-like diverticulum and the three allantoic septa are represented l)y dotted lines. In the second the area F' E' M F' represents a part of the interallantoic septum and the space CBAD the cave-like diverticulum beneath the overlapping allantoic lobe. The sero-amniotic connection is represented isolated in Fig. 48. Fkss. 14-16 : — Fig. 14 is a surface view of an egg taken out from its non-cellular envelopes; Fig. 15 an outline of the ibetal meml)ranes ; and Fig. 16 a surface view of the vicinity of their sero-amniotic connection. The allantoic septa of Fig. 15 shonld he examined along witli the hlood vessels represented in Fig. 14 : — a fall description of them is given in tlie text. The areas of the amnio- tic cavity and of tlie albumen-sac are represented by dotted lines, but a part of the yolk-sac is concealed beneath the albumen-sac. In Fig. 16, the albumen- sac is advanced as a cave-like diverticulum, GPKL, towards the amnion, which it meets along the line KP. the sero-amniotic connection. The area UE"E'CHCtDF'E" is a part of the iuterallantoic septum, Avhich is folded along the line DP7'. The sero-amniotic connection is represented isolated in Fig. 49. Figs. 17-18 : — The first is a diagrammatic representation of the allantoic septa alone, and the second of all the foetal membranes of the egg represented in Figs. 14 and 15. In both, the outer allantoic limb is removed to a great extent. In Fig. 17 the folded area FEDGrHGE is a part of the iuterallantoic septun]. The line ED is the axis along which the iuterallantoic septum is folded in two. The area ABC is the minor septum formed by the left allantoic artery. The septum formed by the right allantoic artery is not represented. The deep black areas represent duplicated parts of the septa. The positions of the albumen- sac, the yolk-sac, the umbilical stalk, and the amniotic cavity are shown by artificial incisions. In Fig. 18 the areas of the anniiotic cavity and albumen- sac are given in addition, but a part of tlie yolk-sac is concealed beneath the cave-like diverticulum of the albumen-sac. Figs. 19-21 : — Fig. 19 is a surface view of an egg, 264 hours old, taken out from its non-cellular envelopes. Fig. 20 represents the outlines of the foetal membranes ; Fig. 20 bis the minor septa formed by the right allantoic artery as seen from the surface ; and Fig. 21 the surface view of the vicinity of the sero-amniotic connection. In examining the allantoic septa of Fig. 20 re- ference should be made to the blood vessels represented iu Fig. 19. The areas of the amniotic cavity and alimmen-sac are represented by dotted lines, but a part of the yolk-sac is concealed beneath the cave-like diverticulum of the albinnen-sac. In Fig. 21 the areas KDEF'K and KGHE are part of the folded iuterallantoic septum, and the areas ADK and XZÖY (Fig. 20) are the minor septa formed by the left and right allantoic artery respectively. The sero-anmiotic connection is represented isolated in Fig. 50. Jour. Sc. Coll. Vol. VI. PI. XV. Plate XVI. (For explauatiou nf ;il)lirt'viiitious aud colours see ]■. ;i7()) i'lGs- 22-36 : — These are surface views of tJirec eggs aged respectively 812, 385, and 432 hours. They are arranged mostly in three horizontal rows, each row being devoted to o]ie egg. The first two coloured figures of a row are the surface views of opposite faces of the same egg, taken out from its non- cellular envelopes, and the two last figures of a row are the outlines of the foetal membranes of the corresponding faces. In following a blood vessel or any other structure from one face to the other in these rows, it should be remembered that the lower edge of the first and third figures of a row should be applied to the upper edge of tlie second and fourth figures. It should also be noticed that as an egg has a considerable thickness, a structure leaving one face m;i,y not be found entering at exactly tlie corres- ponding point of the other. Each of Figs. 26, 81, and 36 represents the allantoic septa, come together at the vegetable pole of the respective egg, as seen from that pole. P\-ill lines are tracings of the septa on the outer limb of the allantois. In Figs. 27-28 and Figs. 32-33, the ijranciies of the allantoic vein are anastomosed. In the example given in Figs. 32-36 the interahantoic septum is not folded on itself. In these examples of later stages the interallantoic septum is not intluenced by tlie left allantoic artery. The sero-amniotic eon])ection of the specimen represented in — Fig. 22-2(> is ri'prescïjited ;i|);ii-t in Fig. 51, „ '^7-Hl „ „ „ 54, ,. o2-3nr('s arc tv.uisvovse sections of tlie embryos cut throivi>-li tlio levels )iiark((l with riniiiei-als in small ty[)(! in the correspoiidiuü; surface views. Fi(is. '>1-{J0 ai'c taken IVom the specimen represented in I'ig. 1. I'lic iiiosohlastic septum in Fig. öS is niagnitied in Fig. öd. Fig. (il is taken frona the specimen represented in Fig. 2, Fios. ()2-05 are „ „ ., ,. 8, . arasitic fjuma, though a few such have long been known to occur in seals and certain fishes. We hold it highly prob;il)le that tliis human Botlirioccpliahis is a near relative of those already described from seals,' and possibly identical with one of them. The supposition that the patient who discharged it, had acquired his from a source similar to that which furnishes seals with theirs, seems to be not improbable from the fact of his continual residence near the sea-shore. The specific determination of this tape-worm, whether species nomrum or not, we have preferred to leave to the discrimination of I I!i)t]ir. riiriiil)i/ix K'raMH', Hotlir. faaciatiin Krabbe and Bothr. tetrajyteriis y. Siehold, irom. sevei'al species of I'lioca. 372 I. I.IIMA A XI) T. KÜRIMOTO those inveritiu-ntor« more Ihvoiinibl}' situated th:in we are with respect to liter:itiire :iri(l s])ecimens to compüre with. We owe our material to the com-tesy of Mr. Soiclnro Xakamura, who, in 1(SÎ)2, while acting as physician to the hos])ital attached to the Takashima Coal Mines, near Nagasaki , ol)tained the worm from one of his patients. I'articnlars concerning this p'ltient, partly furnished us Ijy Mr. Nakamura and partly obtained by one of us from the patient's family, run to the following effect: Taniaji Murazato, male, born 1865, at Taira-mura (a village on the Ariake-Sea, near the town of Shimabara) in the Province Hizen. In boyliood healthy but never muscular. Remained in his native village until 1879, when he went t(j Nagasaki. Here attacked by cholera but recovered. Up to 1892 resided at several places in the ijeighlxjurhood of Nagasaki • and other sea-side localities witliin the Province Hizen, outside of which he seems to have ne\er travelled. Calling : emanuensis, post-office clerk, school-teacher, &c. 1891 settled at the Takashima Coal Mines, where he had been engaged in Ijook-keeping business until his death by accident in November of the following year. Some hve years ])revious to this period, lie liegan to suffer occasional dizziness and colic. Medical help h;id not mucli effect, beyond palliating the latter. Gradual anaemia su]>er\ened. During October 1892, a piece of tape- worm about one foot lono- was disdiaro'ed. About this time violent colic is said to have returned. He was then taken into the hospital before mentioned and submitted to medical treatment by Mr. Nakamura, whose notes taken at the time are as follows : " Initient aged 28 years. Medium bodily constitution. Badly nourished, weary. Symptoms of cyanosis on face. Liable to fdl into insensibilitv while sitting or otlierwise occu])ied. l^ilse weak ON A NEW HUMAN TAPE-WORM (BOTHRIOCEPHALUS SP.). 373 îind frequent, niimberinsf 120. Palpitation -somewhat accelerated. Temperature 36. S° C. Tongue with yellowish covering. Appetite ordinary, sometimes vigorous. Gastric region swollen out and frequently giving spasmodic pain, radiating towards the back and ceasing gradually or suddenly, followed by a feeling of pressure on intestines. This feeling either remains at one place or shifts its posi- tion. Tlie [ittack occurs after taking food but also at other times. Pressing the gastric region from outside has soothing effect on the pain. Sometimes ])ain also in the i)elvic region. Diarrhd'a, oi" costiveness for many days. "From above symptoms, the presence of AiicijlDslounnu duDtloiale was suspected. Microscopictd examination of the frees liowever unexpectedly revealed a number of eggs, resembling very much those QÏ Vistoumm riHficrl both in size and appetirance. Irrespective of wliat parasite these eggs might belong to, a dose of cxlr. filic. mas. was tried and the result was the discharge of a tape-worm measuring 10 iiicters in lengtli and, at the broadest portion, 25 milHmeters in breadtli. The broad hind end had its extreme tip shrunk, nmch macerated and easily detachable. Of the other end, a ]iortion as thin as 1.5 millimeter was found but no head could be discovered. From the following day, all the complaints the man had sutfercd fr»jm for so many years entirely dis;ip[)eared." But the man did not live long to enjoy this relief, for during the following month a collision with a coal truck broke his back and killed him. Post mortem examination was not allowed to Mr. Xakamura notwithstanding his appeal. Judging from Mr. Nakamura's statements, the tape-worm, a Botlirioceplialm as already mentioned, must have been an extra- ordinarily long and broad one, gradnaJly tapei-ing anteriorlv into an almost filamentous colliun. 374 I- IJIMA AND T. KURIMOTO. We did not see the entire specimen, Init sam])le pieces from four different regions of the bod}^ were kindly placed at our disposal. They were preserved in strong spirit that liardened tliem into stiffness but kept the tissues in excellent condition. Sample No. 1 is a piece from near tlie anterior end of the original specimen. It measures 3 mm. in breadth and 0.5 mm. in thickness at the middle. No trace of reproductive organs is visible in tliese seo'ments. o iSam[)le No. 2 is a piece somewhere from the anterior quarter of the (original specimen. At this region the 1)ody already presents con- sidernljJe dimensions, being 18 mm. broad and about 1.5 mm. thick. Tlie reproductive organs are partly developed ; l)ut of this, later on. Sample No. o is from the middle ]3ortion, 14-16 mm. broad and about 1.5 mm. thick. The reproductive organs are fully developed and the uterus is already partially filled with eggs. Sample No. 4 consists of two pieces from the posterior p(jrti<3n, one of them cut off' -10 cm. from the hind end. Breadth varies from 10 mm. to 15 mm ; thickness measures 1.5 mm. or some- what more. The varying breadth is certalnl\- due to different states of contraction and accordingly, where the brcadtli is less, the proglottis is comparatively longer. The uteri in this section are nuich distended and tilled u]j with eggs. Mr. Nakamura's measurement of maximum lireadth, rjamely :25 mm., was no doubt taken whem the worm was (piite fresh. This accounts for the fact that nowhere in the alcoholised and contracted saiu{)les before us is that great Ijreadth attained. Tlie foremost portion of the original specimen, stated by Nakamura to \\ii\e been only 1.5 mm. broad, must have belonsfed to a section more anteriorlv situated than our sample No. 1. One of the very striking features of our Bothriocejihabts species ON A NEAV HUMAN TAPE-WORM (BOTHKIOCEPHALUS SP.)- 375 1*8 the extreme shortness aiid coiisequeiit narrowness in antero-posterior direction, of the ja-oi-lottides. They almost [)resent the appearance of closely set transverse AvrinkJes to the naked eye (ride figs. 1 and 2, PL XVIII).' In the middle and hind regions, the length of the pro- glottides averaged only 0.15 nnn., and their breadth 14-16 mm. Even where most distended (l)readth 10 mm.), their length did not exceed 0.(S mm. The average length given above was calculated by counting /ro;;i tlw outside the number of [»roglottides within a measured space aloiuj tlw median line. It is important to note here that wliat appeared externally to be two distinct and C(nisecutive pro- glottides as indicated by the usual boundaries, very often proved to be one internally, i. e. with respect to certain genital arrangements. For instance, a piece oO mm. long from sample No. I, showed but 57 uteri in a series, while the number of proglottides as coLuited in the way mentioned amounted to about 6H. Besides the superficial super- numerarv boundaries, both dorsal and ventral, that extend throuofhout the entire breadth of the body, others which disappear at the middle of it after runnino- for a greater ov less distance from the marg-in, are of (juite frequent occurrence; so that, counting the proglottides by the marginal serration wc^ald give a still greater numl)er than when connted along the median region. Thus, in the j)iece above referred to, the number of segments as counted ne^r the margin amounted to Do or thereabout. The proglottis that has sucli an incomplete supernumerary boundary on the one side generally shows the same also on the other. Sometimes such a false proglottidal boiuidary in its course joins a neighbouring true one or loses itself on the general surface to appear again after a short interruption. In rare instances, apparently two incomplete filse boundaries in succession were interposed between two true ones in the marginal region. The antero-posterior lengtlis of consecutive segments, separated by false proglottidal boundaries 376 I. IJIMA AND T. KURIMOTO. and belonging to one internal proglottis, are quite variable bat when taken together may be said as approximately equalling or somewhat surpassing the length of those proglottides that show no trace of false demarcations whatever (Figs. 4, 5, and 0). The features of marginal serration as also the manner of indentation of the body-surface essentially agree in all proglottidal boundaries, lx)th true and fnlse, excluding all possibility that the latter might be some mechanical or accidental production. We are inclined to view the phenomenon in the light that the present species of Cestodes has a tendency to produce superficially more proglottides than it does internally, con- trary to the well-known case of Ligalidae in which the external strobilation remains more or less obsolete. In other words, under the crowded state of proglottides in our Bothriocephakis species, one proglottis seems to remain but partially developed, i. e. only super- ficially marked, in order to give necessary space for the full de\elop- ment of certain genital parts (especially uterus, cirrus, and ovary) in its immediate neighbour. The widely distributed testes and yolk- glands develope themselves as well in the abortive as in the other proglottis and are apparently related to the genital ducts and openings of the latter as if they were its own. What further seemed to us t(j be of interest with respect to the strobilation of the present species, is the presence, in our sample No. 1, of indications that certain prcjglottides are undergoing re|)eated division. In this anterior region as many as o8 proglottides were counted within a space of 10 mm., giving to each proglottis an average length of 0.26 mm. (l)y o mm. in breadth). The actual lengths were tolerably uniform, excej)t only that the latest formed proglottides were only half or less than half as long as the others. Division of a proglottis int») two takes place, not at its middle, but invariably at its anterior portion; consequently, of the two ox A NEW HUMAN TAPE-WORM (BOTTTKTOCEPHALUS SP). '^JJ iiew ])r()gl()[ri(le.s, flie anterioi'ly sitiuited is ;il\v:iyy the shorter until the norinnl len<:;th is attained by growth. Examining with a hand-lens of Jow magnifying ])ower, onr attention was at once called to the focts tliat the bonndai'ies of ])roglottides were not all alike in their shar])- ness and de])ths of marginal indentation and that they succeeded one anotlier with a certain degree of regularity. The differences are evidently duo to the oldness or lateness of their formation, usually four or live consecutive proglottides together f(.)rmed a grou]) or what might conveniently be called a primary segment, terminated anteriorly and posteriorly by much better defined proglottidal boundaries. In other words, every fourth or fifth boundary was genei'ally the most pronounced and presumably the oldest formed. Where four proglot- tides made up such a ])riniary segment, the boundary between its 2nd and ord proglottides was usually the next well-deiined, whereas that between the 1st and :^nd and also that between the ord and -fth were com])aratively somewhat less sharply ])ronounced. We m.ight inter- pret this so, that such a primary segment is composed of two secondary segments, each of which again consists of two tertiary segments or proglottides. Often the front ])roglottis of a ])rimary segment had more or less distinctly divided into two, at apparently a quite late period, in which case that primary segment seemed to consist of five, instead of four proglottides. Sometimes the next tertiary proglottis also showed signs of a similar t|uaternary division. Thus then, within a given primary segment, the division of ])roglottides takes place successively backward beginning from the foremost proglottis. This corresponds to the fact already mentioned that in an individual proglottis division occurs at its anterier jiortion. It is easy to conceive that by a continued process of such division, an individual proglottis would in course of time come to rank as a secondary and this again as a jirimary ;-J7,S I- IJTMA AND T, KURIMOTO. .segmerjt. lUit this process seems not to take place unilornily throughout, as indic:ited by the fact that primary segments, with and without proglottides undergoing (juaternary division, showed no reofularity in their order of succession, and also bv the fact that some- times, between two more or less typical primary segments, there were interposed two or more proglottides, which showed no ti-ace of division and were separated from one another by boundaries as marked, and hence presumably as old, as those that 1)ounded any primary segment. At all events, the generally accepted idea that in a tape-worm the more posteriorly situated proglottis is always the older, seems not to hold tiaie in the present species of Bothriocephaliis. The repeated serial di\ision here described naturally reminds one of a somewhat similar process in MicnMomwn and certain annelids, but we abstain here from entering into comparisons. We regret that Fig. 11, Plate XVIII, which should represent a portion of sample No. 1, has failed to ilhistrate exactly the ordinal distinctions of proglottidal boundaries plainly visible on the real object. How far backwards in the entire tape- worm the subdivision of proglottides is repeated, coidd not be ascertained further than that it probably ceases with the beginning of tlie development of genital ducts, somewhere between the two portions represented liy onr samples Ko. 1 and No. "2. In the latter, in which the formation of sfenital ducts is almost completed, abortive proglottides before described are plentifully met with. One might regard these as indications of divisions taking place here, though certainly only external, were it not for the fact that similar abortive proglottides are also found in sam])le No. 3 or No. 4 in about the same jiroportion. Hence, we nither consider all those present in our samj^les No. 2-4, as representing the proglottides that were formed about the time when the genit:d ducts were beginning to develo])e but too late to develope their own. ox A NEW HUMAN TAPE-WORM (BOTHUTOPEPHALUS SP). ;^79 Moreover, the body of tlie present Bothriocephnlns species is longitiulinalh' trnvei'scd ])y severni, more or less deep, furrows on l)oth its ventrîd and dorsnl surfaces. These are few and insignificant on sample No. 1. l)ut numerous on all other samples, in Avhidi the most conspicuous are the two on either surface, that run almost iminter- ruptedlv and piu'allel to each other along the double series (^f main genital ducts, dividing the tape-worm hody into a middle and two lateral longitudinal zones (see figs.). They are slightly nearer to each (3ther than to either body-margin. They may attain the depth of about 74 the thickness of the body and must plainly be constantly present in fresh specimens. The same can hardly be asserted of all other hnigitudinal furrows seen on the middle and lateral zones above mentioned, which -are, as seen in alcoholic samples, of quite variable depths and sharpness, often interrupted or losing themselves in their course, and by no means definite in their number. However, some 8-5 in the middle and some 5-7 in the lateral zone are the usual numbers to be met with. As already indicated, there are, to each (true) proglottis, two sets of genital openings, situated riglit and left and communicating externall v at the l)ottom of the tAvo most conspicuous longitudinal furnjws of the ventral surface (J>, h, figs. 5 and ()). Each set consists, in antero-posterior succession, of a cirrus Çcir. 0., figs. 10 and 1:^), a vaginal {vag. 0.) and an uterine (vt. 0.) o])ening, lying close to one another. On account of their secluded position Avithin the longitu- dinal furrow, they are usually not recognizable from the outside, but a pit-like depression of the latter, associated with a short cross- furrow or two, sufficiently marks their position and at the same time serves as the index to distinguish the ventral from the dorsal surface. In many proglottides of sample No. 4, the cirrus is externally visible as a minute rounded protrusion, evidently the result of its ])artial evagination (fig. G). p),SO T. TJTMA AND T. KUPJMOTO. As might l)t' iiiieiTed from the ahove mention of o'enital openinp-s, tlie arrangements of sexual organs in the present species are typically bothriocephaline. To hegin with the male organs : These develope earlier than the female sexual organs, as in other species of Cestodes. The testes, which present the usual features, are present from sample No. 2 downwards, [n the sample just mentioned they are not yet fully mature and are separated I'rom one another by somewhat wider spaces than in sample No. 3 or 4, in either of which the production of spermatozoa is actively going on. They may nttain a diameter of 0.07 mm. Generally arranged in a single layer, they occupy the usual position in the " Mittelschicht " (Ji, fig. 8). The area of their horizontal distribution is divided into three parts by the regions taken up by the double sets of main genital ducts. In cross- sections passing midway between the anterior and posterior limits of proglottides, we have counted 30-40 testicular vesicles in each of the three parts. The cirrus (t'?V.) is a round or oval-sha])ed body, essentially agreeing in its fine structure with the same organ of other Botlirioce- pliahis species. It lies w^ith the axis of its tortuous lumen slightly inclined from above downwards in an antero-posterior direction (fig. 12). At its superior end, the cirrus is directly continuous with tlie muscular wall of a, sjiherical cesiciila seniinaUs. Tlie latter presents an appearance as though it were a posteriorly bent, knob-like, terminal portion of the cirrus itself. Its cavity, as also the lumen of the cirrus, is narrow and empty in sjimple No. 2, but filled up with and much distended by spermatozoa in samples No. 3 and No. 4. In these the seminal vesicle measures about 0.12 mm, and the approximately spherical cirrus sibout 0.25 mm. in diameter. In sample No. 2 both are mucii smtiliei'. the cirrus being liere decidedly oval-sha])ed as seen in fig. 12. (In this figure, the lettering cir. referring to the second ON A NEW HUMAN TAPE- WORM (BOTHRIOCEPHALUS SP.). 381 cirrus from left, points to the resiciila >ieminalis^ which is better seen on the cirrus next to the right.) The vas deferens (ed., üg. 10) is seen in sample I^o. '2 as a thin cellular string with no recognizable lumen and in samples No. o and No. 4 as a thni-walled, much convoluted tube filled with spermatozoa. After startinîT from the vesieida seniinalis it turns towards the median line, i.e., to the rio-ht if it belonofs to the left set of ofenital ducts, and vice eersa. It then pursues its irregular course for a variable distance but always stopping sh(.)rt before the end of the first uterine loo]) of the corresponding side is reached. How it c(jnnnunicates witli the testes could not be observed. — Of the female sexmd organs, the eilellariiun (dis., fig. ,S) is yet very scantily and weakly developed iji sample No. 2, but fully developed in samples No. o and No. 4. In these it consists of very numerous lobules about 0.025 mm. broad and about 0.045 mm. long, with their long axis directed perpendicularly to the body -surface. Arranged in a single layer, they occupy the usual position outside of the layer of strongly developed longitudinal nuiscles and are nuich more numerous on the ventral than on the dorsal side. On the former they are distributed almost uniformly throughout except at regions occupied by the two sets of main genital ducts (fig. 7). At the body-margin they i)ass in a continuous layer mU) those