$^ :^ ^ m :^ ^ m i^ W' ^Z # m %■ iè -h Wt THE JOUENAL OF THE COLLEGE ,0E S( lENCE, IMPERIAL UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO. Vol XXXVII. :^ :5ï ^ s ;^ ^ pp ff PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVEKSITY. TOKYO, JAPAN. 1914-1917. TAISHO 3-6. J a.a Publishing Committee. Prof. J. Sakurai, l^'f^. f-, /.'/'/f//./('("A-'fv/a', Director of the College (e.r njficin). Prof. I. Ijima, I'li. !>., IH'jah-nhx/.-nshi. Prof. F. Ömori, llhjahih'ikx^hi. Prof. S. Watasé, P/'. /', lliiinkuhalntsJii. / % Î 7 Ô CONTENTS. Art. 1.— Researches on the electric discharge of the isolated electric organ of /Isfrapei Japanese electric ray) by means of oscillograph. (With 30 plates). By K. Fiji — Piibl. I'ec. 11th, 1914. Art. 2.— Recherches sir les spectres d'absorption des ammine-complexes métalliques. I. By Y. Suhim -.— Pnl)l. Sept. 30th, lülö. Art. 3.— Considerations on the problem of latitude variation. Py K. SoToMK. — Pull]. Nov. 30th, 101.".. Art. 4.— On the distribution of cyclonic precipitation in Japan. P-y T. Ti.KADA, T. YoKoiA and S. OiiKi.— Pnbl. Jan. 27tli, 1910. Art. 5.— On the relatively Abelian corpora with respect to the corpus defined by a primitive cube root of unity. Py T. Takixotciu. — Puhl. Mav. SUtli, 1910. Art. 6. — Numerical calculation of the Jacobian ellipsoids. By P. Kaibara. — Publ. July 20tli, 1910. Art. 7.— On the elastic equilibrium of a semi-infinite solid under given boundary conditions, with soîiie; applications. By K. ïep.azaw.a. — Puhl. Pec. 7tl), 1910. Art. 8.— Eeoherches sur les spectres d'absorption des ammine-complexes métalhques. II. Py Y. Shuata — Publ. Dec. '29th, 1910. Art. 9.— On rapid periodic variations of terrestrial magnetism. By T. ÏKi-.Ai.A.— Publ. May 25tlK 1917. Art. 10.— On the photographic action of «, ß and r rays emitted from radioactive substances. (With o plates). By S. Kino^hua and H. I a-T-Ti.— PuM. Nov. 20th, 1917. PRINTED BY THE TOKYO PRINTING CO., LTD. .TOURNAI. OF THE COLLEGE OF SCIENCF, IMPEEIAL UNIVERSITY, TÔKTO. VOL. XXXVII., ARTICLE 1. Researches on the Electric Discharge of the Isolated Electric Organ of Astrape (Japanese Electric Ray) hy Means of Oscillograph. K. Fuji, BigcdtisJii. With SO Plates. Contents. Pare T. Tntrodnctioii 1 If. description of the fisli, and preparatioii of the organ 3 IIT. Plan of the experiments G lY. Fonnnla expressing the discharge curve ] 4 V. l^elation hetween the form of stimuhis and the discharge caused by it. ... t2G YI. Discharge by two successive stimuh 4'.i YIT. Fatigue phenomenon 65 Y ITT. Speed of propagation of excitation through the nerve 70 IX. Miscellaneous problems 72 Summary ... 77 Ai^peiulix. Tables of experimental data and calculated numbers. ... 80 I. Introduction. It is now sonic twenty years since the discharge cni'ves of electric fishes began to be investigated by such physiologists as Gotch, Schcnlein, Garten, Koike, Cremer and others. The method of Gotcli consisted in tracing the curve, point by point, by means of a ballistic galvanometer, a single point being determined by each discharge. Scliënlein apphed Bernstein's rheotome; Garten and Koike used tlie capillary electrometer and tlie string 2 Vol. XXXVII.. Art. 1.— K. Fuji : galvanometer, whereas Cremer employed his string electrometer. Although the metliod of experiments used by Gotch was certainly the most ingenious at that time, the curves obtained are not sufficiently accurate to be aiial,ysed quantitatively. The method of Schönlein is inferior to tliat of Gotch, for the form of the discharge curves obtained l»y liis metliod cannot fail to be mucli affected by the fatigue of the tissues. As the capillary electrometer, the string galvanometer and the string electrometer cannot faithfully follow so quick a change in the electromotive force as happens in the case of the discharge plienomena in question, tlie curves olttained by til em are only qualitative. In April 190G, in conjunction with ]Mr. S. Ginuma, now I(jahuhahusJù, the autlior began his experiments on the same subject by means of an oscillograpli in the Physiological Institute of the Imperial University of Tokyo. In the course of this investi- gation, his collaborator went to Europe, and the author was then obliged to continue the experiments alone. The electric hsli used Ijy us was one of the electric rays called Astrapa japonica, which was brought from Misaki, a fishing town in Sagami peninsula. Perhaps on account of the imperfectness of our aquarium, the fish could not be kept in a healthy state ex- cept for a few months in Spring and Autumn; and in these most favourable periods, even a single fish sometimes could not be ob- tained. ()n account of these and other hindrances, and although lengthy and exhaustive experiments were continued up to 1910, the problems first proposed could not l)e thoroughly investigated. The results so far obtained l)y these experiments arc now presented in this paper. With regard to the form of the discharge curve which will be discussed in § IV., it is very interesting to note that some physio- logical phenomena can be explained from the standpoint of the theory of probabihty. It is a known fact that many quantities characterising a class of animals or plants are subject to individual variations; and if the observations are taken on a sufiiciently large number of individuals of the same class, the values representing any of these characteristics distribute themselves, among the number of Ecsoarclies on the Discharge of the Electric Organ. ^ individuuls taken, in sucli a numner that the variation appears to occur in accordance witli the law of errors. Since now the tissues of an organism consist of a large numher of structural elements, it is natui-al to suppose that a characteristic helonging to these ele- ments varies in different individuals according to a similar law. Then, it may be remarked, that the treatment of the physical phenomenon in a tissue must l)e based on the principle of prob- ability, and especially in the treatment from the standpoint of the ''all or none "* theory, the application of this principle must be effective and indispensable, for a physical phenomenon exhibited by a tissue must be the integral effect of the phenomena occurring in each of the component elements. II. Description of the Fish, and Preparation of the Organ. The structure of the electric organ in Astrajx' jajwiiica was recently described in detail by K. Ishimori +, and therefore need not be entered into here. However, a few points having direct bearing on the present investigations may here be recorded. The external asj^ect of the fish and its electric organs are re- presented in Plate I. The length of the mature fish is al)Out 25 cm., * Lucas inferred from his investigation on the contraction of a skeletal muscle, M. cutaneus dorsi, of the frog (Journal of Physiology, Vol. 38, 1909.), that, when a stimulus greater than a certain threshold value is given to a single nerve-fibre, the excitation evoked in it appears to have a definite value independent of the intensity of the stimulus. Then, it seems very probable that, with regard not only to a nerve but to tissues in general, tlie excitation evoked at a point in the excititory eleuients follows the so-called "all or none" law. In other words, there exist only two alternatives, i.e., whether the excitation does occur in a definite intensity or not at all,— no intermediate value being i>ossible. In this view, the liropagation of the excitation should take placj by the successive action of the excited point towards its neighbour, the projiagation in reverse direction being impossible in virtue of the existence of the refractory period. The energy of the excitation of each, portion should be supplied by some chemical change in it, and therefore its intensity should depend on the physiological state of that portion only. A case may occur, that an excita- tion is enfeebled on its way to pro^^agation, by passing through a portion in an abnormal state, to such a degree as is incapable of evoking the excitation of the neighbouring portion. Then the farther propagation is impossible and stops there. For proper understanding of the discussions throughout this pajjer, it is necessary t? keep these considerations in mind. t Beitrage zur Pliysiologie. Festschrift zu Ehren der 25 Jihrigen Lehrtätigkeit von Kenji Osawa. 4 V..1. XXXVII., Art. 1.— K. Fuji : measured from liead-eiid to tip of tail. Tlic electric organ is present in a pair in the fni-in of hnge flat bodies, situated one on each side iuid lateral mainly to the head and the branchial regions. The upper and lower surfaces of the organ are in direct contact Avith the integument of the flsh. P]ach organ is an assemblage of vertical hexagonal prisms al)out 200 in number. The height of the prisms measures 1-1 -5 cm. Kach prism consists of a pile of disc-like body called the electric jjlalc numberiug about 400. The plates consist each of a clear jelly-like mass inclosing a number of large nuclei and are surrounded as well as separated from one another by a connective-tissue layer in which the nerves and the blood vessels find their course. From the Looks electricus of the brain, there arise on each side five special nerves, the electric nerves, which supply the organ in question. Distally the nerves undergo successive branching, Anally to terminate in fine network on the ventral side of each electric ]:»late. In the discharge of electricity the side of the plate just mentioned is always negative, while the dorsal side Avithout the nerve-endings is positive. Before explaining the ])lan of the experiments, we shall describe the method of preparing the organ for the purpose. Except Avhen the spontaneous discharge was to be studied, the organ Avas separated from the l)ody and the Avhole or a part of it Avas used according to eircumstances. When the flsh was brought from the aquarium to the lalioratory, in order to avoid tlie setting in of fatigue, the brain Avas extracted l)y applying a cork-borer to the head and tlien sti'iking its upper end Avith a hannner. The spinal coi'd Avas next destroyed by pushing a Avire into the spinal canal. Having thus avoided tlie reflex action of the nervous centre, the organ Avas separated from the fish. The electric dischai-ge of the organ is evidentl_y a very complex phenomenon, for it must be the integral efïect of unit discharges of the electric plates. When a stimulus is given at a point in the nerve-trunk, the excitation is distally transmitted through nerve-fibres of different lengths, and as the speed of transmission through them is finite, it should arrive at the different electric plates not simultaneously l)ut at difïerent periods. Hence it is Rosearches on the Discharge of the Electric Organ. 5 advantageous, for the investigation of the discharge curve, to stimulate the organ not through the nerve^trunk but directly, so that each plate may receive the stimulus at the same instant. For the direct stimulation of the muscle, it is customary to use curara in order to l)enuml> the nerve-endings. In the case of the electric organs, however, there is known no such drug that can be used witli the same effect. Hence the term direct stimula- tion used in tins paper in relation to the electric organ has a some- what different meaning from that used in the case of a muscle. Tiiough the stimulating electric current is sent directly through the electric organ, tlie stimulus is probably in the main imparted to it through the nerve-fibi-es distributed in it. Nevertheless, in that way the condition of simultaneous stimulation can be better fulfilled tlinn when tiie stimulation is given through the nerve- trunk. ^L)reover. when the nerve-trunk is left attached to the organ, the discharge cui'rent flowing through the nerve-trunk iè very lial;)le to act as a second stimulus and to cause a secondary discharge of considerable magnitude, by which a tertiary discharge is called forth, and so on. This makes the phenomenon very complex. But. in tlie case of direct stimulation of the organ, if the nerve-trunk be carefully taken away from the organ, and if its temperature l)e kei)t sufficiently low, there Avill result only a very Aveak secondary discharge (Plate 1., Fig. 2). In accordance with these considerations, we empk\ved direct stimulus in general, ex- cept when the [)i-operty of the nerve was to be investigated. In the former case the ti\e trunks of the nerves .were cut off as near as possible to the (jrgan. and the whole or a part of it was utilised. In the latter case, when the stimulus was to be sent through thé nerve-trunk, al)Out a quarter of the organ with one nerve-trunk was employed. Vol. XXXVII., Art. l.-K. Fuji. III. Plan of Experiment. The diagram of the plan of the experiinent is represented in Fig. 1. The oscillograph used by us was that designed by Duddeli and made b}^ The Cambridge Scientific Instrument Company, and that which is known as the high h'equency type. The period of strips in an undamped state measures about ]/K)i)00 sec. By means of this instrument, an alternating current having a period 50 times that of the strips may be photographed without an appreci- able error.* As the duration of a discharge of the organ measui-es about 1/100 sec, the curve obtained by this instrument may be relied on for quantitative analysis. As the instrument is designed for an alternating current, it has a pair of strips, one for the current and the other for the apphed E. ]M. F. In our experiments, when the organ was stimulated directly, only one (jf them was employed, the stimulating current and the resulting discharge current being made to flow through the same strip; and when the stimulus was sent through the nerve-trunk, one of the strips was used for the stimulus and the other for the discharge. The fact that both the stimulus and the discharge may be photographed upon one and the same film is very convenient for accurate work. The sensitivity of the oscillograph is about 2G mm. for Ol ampere, the film being at a distance of 50 cm. from it. The resistance of each strip is about 8 ohms. The fight source Q for illuminating the oscillograph consists of a hand-regulating arc lamp of 15 amperes, the image of which is formed on a slit s l>y a lens L. The registering drum D is supported within a camera and has a circumference of 50 cm. (Plate III., Fig. 1). This is revolved by a small motor M of 1/30 H.P. The number of revolutions used was 5-20 per. sec, accoi'ding to circumstances. A photographic film was wound around the drum and kept in position by means of two india-rubber rings which keep each side of the film pressed * Zeitschrift für Instrumenten Kunde, S. 240, Bd. 21, 1901. Kesearches on the Discharg-e of the Electric «Jroau. Fig 1. O Oscillograph. Q Are lamp. l-i ('onverg-jng lens. ••; Slit. ^' shutter. i.-j Cylindrical lens. D Registering clruin. M Motor. ii'i llegnlating resistance for motor. J3j, 11, Break-circuit contrivances. i' Organ-preparation. T Thermostat. « Electrodes for indirect stimulation. The Plan of Experiment. Z], Z. Zinc electrodes for electric organ. P Eelay for thermostat. E Stimulation-apparatus. / Induction coil. A Ammeter. /.'._. Regulating resistance for primary current of induction coil. /,■ Morse key. K Chronograph. (.' Chronometer. Il Resistance box. /r To Kohlrausch bridge. ^ Vol. XXXVIL. Art. 1. K. Fuji. firmly against the dram and also jjy a thin j)i('cu ut hanihoo which presses the two overlapping ends of tlie film. When the stand supporting the drum is pulled, tlie axis of the ] Fig. 2), one for the chronograph by whicli tiie number of revolutions of the drum is measured, and tlie other for the shutter described below. A kymograph K made by Zimmermann, witli accom|)anying time-markers, was used as the chronograph, the record being oljtained on smoked paper. When the speed of tlie rotation of this instrument is increased to its maximum, the number of revolutions of the registering drum may be accurately determined to three figures. The organ-preparation was supported between two zinc plates that served as electrodes. To secure a good contact, and also to avoid the effect of polarisation, if such existed, the surfaces of the zinc plates were covered with kaolin paste, soaked with a saturated solution of zinc sulphate, and then with a layer of the same material kneaded with a jihysiological solution of natrium chloride. Since it is found that the form of the discharge curve is much affected by the cliange of temperature, the oigan is ])ut into an electrically regulated thermostat. As the favourable range of temperature for our investigation was found to be '. one fcir each sector. When the sectors, by means of cords, are pulled to the left against the action of the springs, and there held in position liy the detents attached to the armatures of the electro-magnets, tlie shutter: is ready for action. When the current is broken for an instant,, at the break-circuit contrivance attaclied to the shaft above mentioned, only the electro-magnet A' ])elonging to the front sector is put into action and the sector A is released and turns to the right, and then a free passage of light tlirough the shutter is. admitted, (operation a). I>y a simple mechanism attached to the front sector, the electric connection is changed automatically, without interrupting the current in the operation, so that at the, next break of the current, which takes place after one revolution of the drum, the back sector is released and the passage of light is intercepted (operation c). The contrivances for these operations are illustrated diagrammatically in Fig. 2. The mechanism of the operation b will be described under the paragraph of the. 10 Vol. XXXVII., Art. ].-K. Fuji; /;;.','VW^-, -WAVWIT — ' Fig 2. Connection.« of shutter. stimnlatiuii-appavatus. Tlie sliuttL']' docr^ not work udIi'ss a ^lorse key k is pressed wliich serves as a sliunt to tlie l)reak-circuit con- trivance. By adjusting tlie ])hase of the break witli reference to the drum, the shutter may be opened when any desired position on the fihïi comes to receive hglit from tlie oscillo- graph. For the sake of economy of time and of film, a series of discliarges are pliotograph- ed m order on one hlin. liv tlius shifting the phase of break with reference to the drum. The shutter may l)e used as a time-shutter if desh"ed, wlien it is connected to tlie ordinary Morse key as sliowii in Fig. .*>. T3efore describing the stimulation-apparatus, we sliall ex])]ain the form of stimulus used in our experiments. The stimulation ordi- narily used was an induced current in the secondary circuit of a Du Bois Reymond's induction coil usually employed by physi- ologists. When the primary current is suddenly opened , the secondary current increases from zero to a maximum value in a very short pei-iod, and then decreases exponentially to zero. By shunting the second- ary current at a desired instant in its decreasing stage, it can be made to decrease to zero suddenly. Such a current was ordinarily used as our stimulus in direct stimulation. In many experiments the strength and the duration of such a secondary stimulating current were changed and their influence upon the discharge curve was investigated. The oscillogram in .Plate I.( Fig. 2) shows a form of such stimulus followed by the discharge current of the organ in response to it. Here we may remark that we can see in this oscillogram how well the shutter works. In the indirect stimulation, however, the induced current caused by an instan- taneous contact in the primary circuit of the induction coil is ordinarily used. This forms a stimulus of very short duration as shown in Fig. 4. For brevity we shall hereafter call such Fig. 3. Connection of Morse key for time-shutter. Eesoarchcs on the Discharge of the Electric Organ. XI a stimulus tlio momentary dimii- lus. Sometimes it was required to experiment with two such momentary stimuh separated by- Fig. 4. Momentary stimulus. .^ g|^,^,j-^ interval of time. In the direct stimulation (^f the organ, the secondary of the induction coil, the organ and the oscillograph must ho connected in a series. But wlien the discharge is to be photographed, it is necessar}^ to exclude the secondary coil h'om the circuit and to introduce a proper resistance if required. For, if the secondary coil is in the circuit, its enormous self-induction influences and modifies the form of the discharge curve, so that, after a stimulus is given, the exclusion of the secondary coil is necessary. To fulfil the requirements above mentioned, a stimulation- apparatus represented in Plate III. and Plate V. was designed. A brief description of the apparatus will l)e given below. A small car ^1 liaving three wheels B on each side lies on a pair of cylindrical rails C. The rails have grooves in their upper and lower sides to guide the motion of the wheels. A helical spring is wound round each rail and pushes the car to the left end of the rails. An armature made of laminated iron is fixed to the right end of the car. An electro-magnet fixed on tlie right end of the apparatus, whose core consists of a. l)undle of soft iron wires, attracts the armature and keeps the car at the right end of the rails against the action of the lielical spiings. The current of the electro-magnet flows through tlie I)reaking contrivance of the shutter. When the sliutter is opened (operation a Ix'foi-e men- tioned), the electro-magnet releases the car (operation b) and the latter is jnished away along the rails l)y tlie action of the helical springs. The car has a knocking contrivance on its lower side called a knocher, whose function will ))e explained later on. In order to protect Xho. car from damage caused by a strong collision against the sto]:> at the end of its leftwar' and then ^1 parts from A.' At the moment when B touches B', the secondary coil is short circuited, and when A parts from A', it is excluded from tlio oscillogram)] i circuit. 'J'hen tlie organ, the oscillograph and an appropriate inductionless resistance are in a series, ready to receive the response of the organ. (^ is a catcher of the knock-down lever to prevent it from rebounding. The mechanism here mentioned is the final form used by the author. In the earlier experiments mercury contacts were employed, but the trembling of the surfaces of the mercury which generally formed a very complex stimulus could not ])e avoided. Next we attempt- ed simply to cut the secondary current instead of short circuiting the secondary coil, but the spark at the instant of breaking the circuit, prevented the instantaneous decrease of the current. After such experiences, the author was convinced that it is very dangerous to presume on the form of the stimulus l)y theoretical considera- tions only; actual experimental evidence is indispensable. Plate v.. Fig. 4 is a contrivance for giving two successive momentary stimuli with any desired interval of time. Two electric contacts are made between the ends of the levers and the knocker of the car. Usually such stimuli are given to the nerve and consequently in this case the connection-changer is not necessary. The distance of the two points of contacts may be adjusted from zero to 25 mm. and may be read to one-tenth of a millimetre by means of a vernier. These mechanisms are fitted into the grooves fixed on the base-board of the apparatus. The grooves being provided Avith millimetre-scales, their positions may be read to one-tenth of a 14 Vol. XXXVII.. Art. 1.— K. Fuji : millimetre by means of verniers. AMieii in good ^\■orkiIlg-coIKli-^ tion, the length of one millimetre on this a[)[)aratus corresponds to 4-4x10"* sec. IV. Formula Expressing the Discharge Curve. From the oscillogram in Plate I., we see tliat the discharge curve, caused by a direct stimulus, resembles the probability curve of Gauss, except that it is not symmetrical with respect to the maximum ordinate. After some assumptions, a formula is obtained for expressing the curve that agrees very closely witli tlie experi- mental curve. In the first })lacc it is assumed that tlie discharge of each electric plate, caused by a single stimulus, is of \ery short duration. It is a known fact that only the first small time-interval of a closing current influences the height of the discharge curves, and this will be discussed more fully afterwards. When this fact is considered, it will not be unnatural to suppose, that a stimulus of sucli short du- ration causes a discharge of an instantaneous nature. In the second place it is assumed that the interval between the stimulus and the discharge of a single plate in response to it, which interxal may be called the latent period of a single plate, may have various values, and among them there is a certain value, which predominates in number, so that other values deviate more or less from it according to the law of errors, though in a somewhat modified form. This predominating latent period may be called the modal latent period, which, as will be explained afterwards, represents the interval be- tween the stimulus and the instant corresponding to the maximum point of the discharge curve. In biological phenomena there exist many instances which are governed by a law that involves the idea of probability. The phenomenon of contingency and of correlation treated by Pearson and others are such examples. Here it is simply assumed that a similar relation exists in the quantity — the latent period of a single plate. In Gauss's probability curve, the freedom of deviation from its most probable value is symmetrical with respect to it. In the Researches on the Discharge of the Electric Organ. l5 discussion liorc. llic discliarge of any single plate cannot of course occur before a stimulus is given, so that the freedom of deviation from the modal value can never be symmetrical. There must exist a certain instant before which the chscharge can never occur. We shall caU this instant the origin of the discharge. This origin may be at the instant of stimulation or it may be later. T(j adapt the present case to that of Gauss's it is assumed that the equivalent elementary interval with respect to the deviation is proportional to the interval between the origin and that instant. Denoting tlie latent [)eriod <>f a single plate l)y .r, the al>ove assumption gives i. e. Jlog.r = A-, where /;■ is a proi)ortional constant. Tins nieaiis that, when the logarithm of x is taken as the measure of the abscissa, the case becomes identical with that of Gauss's. The well known curve of probal»ility is expressed by 7/ = ^f -&-'T-, (1) w'here tlie origin of x is at the maximum of y. Transforming the origin to — .t,i. then is ol)tained. Substituting the logarithm of x and of x^ instead of them, the above reduces to y = Ae " .Co \~') Since the total electromotive force at any instant must be pro- portional to the number of plates simultaneously discharged at that instant, then, wlien y is taken as the electromotive force at a point on the discharge curve and x as the time-interval measured from the origin of the discharge to that point, the curve expressed by the above formula ought to represent the rlischarge curve obtained by the oscillogragh. 16 Vol. XXXVII., Art. 1.— K. Fuji : Before entering into an examination of expeiinicntal curves, the method for determining the constants .1, //' and Xo must he treated. Fio-. To determine Xj, take two points P and Q with the abscissae 'Xi and Xi on the curve in question on its ascending and descending branches Avhere the vaUies of i/ are equal. Then it is obvious that X., or X} X- 1 — ■ X(\ • m Xq X] Let M l.>e the intersection of FQ with the maximum ordinate <)f the curve. Measure PJ/ and QM, whicli may be called i^, l^o, then or (^.) Thus we can determine the vakie of x^, so that the position of the origin is made known. Tlien we can calculate b" by the follow- ing formula. Ir = |Qgu.-^ -^Q^io^/., X 04343, (5) (log,oa;-logioi'o)- where x and y are the co-ordinates of F or Q. Researches on the Dischar<^e of the Electric Organ. J'^ Siiieo the (kuioiuinator of tlie fraction of .t'o in (4) is very >snjall, eiTors incurred in ineasui-ing ç, and ç.. influence very much the value of À'o. Evidently the error «luo to ?-— y the error on the position of the .I'-axis, when y is equal to Ac \ !^o also, for the determination of :i-j, we prefer the points F and Q whose heights are equal to A(r\ Since it is very difficult to accurately determine the position of the maximum ordinate, and since the error in its determination influences the difference ^.- ^i douhly, we must make full allowance for the exist- ence of an eri'or of not insignificant importance in .To due to this cause. To eliminate this error as far as possible, Ave take another pair of points F' and Q' of equal heights and calculate x^ as above. If the values of .i\, in the two cases do not coincide, let us assume tliat the discre[)ancy is due solely to the error of the position of the maximum ordinate, say o. Correcting for this amount and equa- ting the \alues of Xj in the two cases, Ave haA'e ■'= WW^M ' ^'^ Avhere the terms of the second order are neglected. 1^'irst the agreement l^etAveen the theoretical and the experi- mental curve Avas examined on Oscillogram No. 54 (Plate XIIL). This Avas a series of experiments for flnding the relation betAveen the magnitude of the stimulation cui'i'ent and the discharge in response. The stinmli Avere direct and their durations Avere taken pretty long in order to avoid the effect of small clianges in them. The folloAving are the data of the experiment: — Oscillogram No. 54. Object of experiment: Eelation between tlie intensity of the stimulation current and the magnitude of tlie discharge. 18 Art. 1. K. Fuji: Date of experiment : Organ : Nov. G, 1909. Left organ (wliole) of a fish of mid- dle size. Temperature of the organ: 8-5° — 7-2°C. Resistance of the organ: A])Oiit 240 olims. Reading on tlie first rail of the stininlation-apparatus (circuit- breaker): 64-0 mm. Reading on the second rail of tlie stimulation-apparatus (connection-changer): 60- 0 mm. No. of stimulus in order of time. 1 2 3 4 5 (j 7 8 Primary current of induction coil in amp. 1-5 2-0 2-5 3-0 3-5 4-0 4-5 4-95 Number of revolutions of registering- drum. ()-.51 6-38 6-50 C)-.53 6-40 6-18 6-00 6-36 The ordinates of tlie points on the curves were measured for e\'ery one mm. of abscissa on the oscillogram, and they were plotted on a section paper, the value of the abscissa being converted to the unit of 10"'' sec. (Plate VI.). The following table shows the constants obtained by applying the method a])ove described on the reproduced curves: — T.Vi-.LK I. L. P. means latent period (ordinary usage). M. L. P. means modal latent period. Full details of calculations are given in the Appendi x. No. L. P. in 10-1 sec. M. L. P. obs. in 10-* sec. 0 in 10-* sec. M. L. p. corr. in 10-* sec. Ä in mm. //-'. in 10-* sec. 1 76-8 107-5 Too lo^ ?v to be 1-6 2 79-2 1064 measured. 50 3 73-9 107-8 + 0-68 1085 101 4-60 592 4 71-9 1071 + 1 12 108-2 17-3 4-69 59-8 5 73-6 1096 -0 10 109 5 26-7 563 64-2 6 69-7 108-5 + 140 109-9 35-7 5 37 60-8 7 68-3 106 6 -M06 107-7 44 8 449 54-8 8 67-5 109 9 -1- 1-46 111-4 55-6 5-95 618 Researches on the Discharge of the Electric Organ. 19 Referring to tlie tiiblo we see tliat the value of tlie modal latent period is toleral)l\' constant in spite of the wide changes of the magnitude of the stimulus, while the latent period decreases with the height of the discharge curve. The small increase of the modal latent period may be due to the progressive decrease of tempera- ture, as is given in the data of the experiment. In this case it is a remarkable fact, that o is always positive except in Curve No. 5, and the constancy of the modal latent periods corrected becomes rather worse than that of the observed modal latent periods. The values of .^•o and of <^" vary with the increase of the height of the stimulus and the ^'alues of b" are equal to 5-0 in order of magnitude. Here we ma^^ remark ; that it is very difhcult to determine accurate- ly the value of .iVj, but b" may compensate for the error of Xq in the final result. So we cannot put too nmch weight on the changes of the value of Xq and of ^^ At anyrate we calculated the values of 2/ for every one-thousandth of a secondi from, the values of constants in the table, and plotted these calculated values on the reproduced curves. These are shown in Plate VI. The agreement between the calculated and the observed curves is veiy satisfactoiy except for a small part on both feet of the curves, wehere the calcu- lated points are in general lower than the observed. The discrep- ancy on the descending foot ma}^ be due to the superposed secondary discharge. Next Oscillogram No. 37 (Plate XIII.) was examined. This was a series of experiments for in\'estigating the relation between the duration of the stimulating current and the magnitude of the discharge. The durations of the stimuli were very small compared with those of Oscillogram No. 54. The cur\'es on the oscillogram were measured and reproduced in the same way as in No. 54 (Plate VIL). In this series of experiments, the previous method for the determination of a^o failed to give consistent values to x^ on account of the smallness of ^-^—^v or, in other words, the values of Xo were greater than those of No. 54. After many laborious trials, we at last found that, when we took the origin of the discharge at the beginning of the stimulus, the square root of the product of Xi and 20 Art. 1.— K. Fuji: X.2 for any value of y, agreed very closely witli the observed modal latent period. So assuming that the origin of discharge was at tlie beginning of the stimulus, we calculated as in No. 54. The following table shows the constants of tlie curves: — Tai'.li: II. Oscillogram No. o7. Left organ (whole) of a hsh, the same preparation as No. o5 and No. oG. Temperature of the organ: iTC. M. L. P. ]Meaii Xo. obs. of /j-. A in 10-* sec. VxiX.j. in mm. 1 1230 1220 23 7 31-5 2 1242 1246 25 8 30-8 3 125-7 126 6 27 1 28 3 4 126-7 1274 27-4 27-5 5 125-4 1266 261 250 6 128-2 128-2 270 23-3 7 129-5 129-2 26 8 19.0 8 1275 1282 27-8 12-5 The data and the details of the ol>served ;ui(l the computed num- bers given in the Appendix. Here the modal latent pei-iod is tolerably constant as in No. 54, having a tendency to increase a little with the progress of the experiment. The constant /r increases with the decrease of the breadth of the stimulus ^"'or the height of the discharge.'"' Calculating with these constants the values of y for every one- thousandth of a second, and plotting the values obtained on the reproduced curves, the agreement of the points is very satisfactory as we may see in the figures (Plate VIL). * For the sake of brevity, let us call the duration of the stimulating current the Ireadth of stimulus, the maximum intensity of it the heùM of stimulus, and the maximum electromo- tive force of the discharge the heinid of discharge. Kesearches on the Discharfice of the Electric Ortjan. 21 Oscillogram No. 40 (Plate XVIL), whicli is the same kind of experiment as No. Ill and in which the breadths of the stimuli are very small, was examined and tlie constants were calculated as in No. :]7 (Plate VIIL). Tlie following is the table of the constants obtained: — Taiîli: III. ()scillo2;rani No, 4<). Left organ, the same prepara- tion as No. :38. Temperature of the organ: 11-5° C. M. L. 1'. M.Mll Xu. oJjs. OÏ b\ A in 10-* sec. Vxi'T.,. in mm. 1 P21 121-G 200 44-5 '2 119 119-Ü 208 410 3 120 1204 20G 40 0 4 120 120-2 20 4 380 5 122 122 2 2b8 390 6 122 1228 23-2 33-5 7 122 1220 22 2 35-6 8 122 128 4 22-0 39.5 Tlie data and the details ol the observed and the com[)uted num- bers are given in the Append! .\. Here the modal latent period is constant again, and // seems to increase with the decrease of the heiglit of the discharge. The agreement between the calculated and the observed curves is shown in Plate VIII. The values of // in No. .'>? and No. 40 are equal to :^0 in order of magnitude. Tlius having proved the close agreement of tlie theoretical formula with the experimental curves, we shall next seek the source of the discrepancy between the constants of No. 54 and those of No. 37 and No. 40. In the foregoing considerations, we did not take into account the effect of the stimulus due to the break of the current 22 Art. 1.— K. Fuji at all. The stimulus used in these experiments consisted of tlie closing and the opemng-stimulus.'^ The stimulus on the break of the current must be due to the recovery from some sort of polarisation, though not limited to electrical polarisation, caused by the current. It is not therefore unreasonable to suppose that, the closer the opening-stimulus is to the closing-stimulus, the small- er is the effect of the former. ]Moreover, when we consider the existence of the refractory period, we may suppo'^e the effect of the opening-stimulus neglected when the breadth of the stimulus is sufficiently small. Comparing ( )scillogi'ams No. o7 and No. 40 with No. 54, we find that the breadths of the stimuli in No. 54 are gi'eater than those in No. 37 and in No. 40. Examining many other oscillograms, we see that, where the breadth of the stimulus is gi'eat, the unsymmetry of the curve is manifest. Hence we may conclude that the anomaly in No. 54 must ])e due to tlie supei*position of the effect of the opening-stimulus. In No. 54 we see that, when we take the magnitude of the latent period into consideration, the actual commencement of the discharge by the opening-stimulus must be a little later than the culmination of the curve. Hence assuming that the discharges caused by the closing-stimuli had their origins at tlic begiiming of the stimuli and the ascending branches of the curves were wholly due to them, we calculated Ir h-om tlieir respective co-ordinates x-^ and 2/j. These values of h^ corresponding to each curve in No. 54 are represented in the following table. Let us denote sucli Ir \\\ hi Table IV. Xo. in 10-* sec. hi Xo. in 10-* sec. hi 1 107-5 — 5 1096 188 2 106-4 — (J 108-5 19-8 3 107-8 t208 i 7 106 0 24-3 4 107 1 'ill 109 9 '26-5 * In this paper, the stimulus on the growth of the stimulating current is called the closing-stimulus, and the stimulus on the decay of the current is called the openhig-sthnuhis, •whether the current is derived directly from the battery or is induced by an induction coil. Eesearcîies on the Discharo^e of the Electric Organ. 23 Here we sec tliat tlie values of h^ tlius obtained agree in order oi magnitude witii those of No. 37 and No. 40. To prove that our consideration was correct, Ave took Curve No. 7 in No. 54, and using tlie new constants we calculated the values of // for every 1/1000 sec. Plotting the calculated values on the experimental curve, we see that they fall so very closely on the ascending l)ranch. that even tlie disagi'cement previously observed at the begiiming of the curve disappears; while the descending branches separate from eacli other widely. The experimental and the calculated curves are shown in Plate IX. Calculating the differ- ences of tlie ordinates of points on the descending l)ranches of the two curves foi- eveiy 4/10000 sec, we have drawn a residual curve whicli would no doubt be caused by the opening-stimulus only. The I'esidual curve thus found is plotted on the same Plate. Having assumed the origin of the residual curve to be at the instant of bieaking of the stimulating current and having found the value corivsponding to .r„ by the formula Xq=^'j:iX.,, Ave calculated the value of //' co]-i-es]ionding to the new curve, and we found that it was e(jual in order of jnagnitude to that (jf the main curve. The constants thus found for the i-esidual curve were .l=]0-0, />'"=:l7-2 and .(-,— 100-8. Calculating tlie values of // for eveiy 1/1000 sec. by usiug these constants, and })lotting them on tlie residual curve, we see that the agreement is rather Avonderful. The value of x^ of this curve is a little smaller than that of the main curve, but if Ave consider that tlie effective instant of the closing-stinnilus is a little later tliaii the beginning of tlie stimulus, we have reason to suppose that tlie modal latent ])eriods are equal. Tables \. and VI. shoAV the constants oljtained on Oscillograms No. <)2 and No. bo. Avhere broad stimuli are used. Oscillograms No. (*)2. No. 03 and No. 04 (Plate XVI.) form a set of experiments for finding tlie relation betAveen the intensity of the stimulus and the magnitude of the discharge. The breadth of the stimulus is greatest in No. 02, medium in No. 03 and smallest in No. 04. The temperature of the organ Avas ]3-5°C. 24 Art. 1.— K. Fuji: Tai'.li: \ No. (^2. So. ■''o in 10-* sec. M. L. P. in. 10- i sec. i^ b,;. A in mm. 1 46-5 82-0 li-69 12.8 33-7 2 45-0 83-5 3-76 U'.i 2t') G 3 55-3 83-5 5-10 11-0 19-7 4 90-5 90-5 5 -96 ll:i 13-7 5 80-5 88-0 9-48 10-7 8-7 6 64-5 84-1 5-0.5 1-24 46 7 — — * — 2-3 1 Taule VI. No. 03. No. in 10-1 sec. M. L. r. in 10-* sec. b-. M A in mm. 1 45-8 84-1 3-28 14-5 25-3 2 441 74-2 3-35 14-0 19-3 o o 54-5 84-0 4-96 14-0 14-3 4 44-1 83-5 2-84 1.3-8 10-4 5 53-8 86 0 4-47 13-8 6 4 6 53-0 83-7 4-93 14-7 3-4 . 7 8 9 89-7 8!r5 12-4 14-7 1.5. . ^)8"8 830 2 -OS 14 1 24 4 lu tlK'so tublc.-; the nuinbLTs in tlic columns dcuotcd hy/v are the values of Ir calculated ou the assuuiptiou that the origin of tlie discharge is at the l)eginniug of the stimulus. Here again the values of Z»" seem to vary witli the decrease of the height of the stimulus. I)Ut tlie variation of //■ in No. 54. No. ()2 and No. Go should l)e ap[)aivnt. and it shows that the efïect of the opening- Researches on tlie Discharge of the Electric Organ. 25 stimulus is small when the closing-stimulus is very great or when the opening-stimulus is very small. The increase of Ir in No. 37 and No. 40 with the decrease of the breadth of the stimulus Avould show that the narrower the stimulus the smaller the effect of the opening-stinuilus. The last cui-ve in Plate VIII. shows that the formula inay he applied to the discharge caused by an indirect stimulus, if a small part 'of the organ is taken. The figure represents a curve re- produced from Oscillogram No. C. 3. which is not shown in this paper. The constants obtained by the ordinary way are : — No. C. 3. A = 55-4 mm., .f^ = 57G X 10~* sec, Ir = Ö-83, M. L. P. = 102-2x10-' sec. The temperature of the organ was 10 5° C. The stimulus was indirect and descending. From the order of magnitude of the constants, Ave may suppose that the discharge is not simple. It .seems to the author that the opening-stinuilus liad some effect on the response curve. From the altove discussion we lind that: — i.) When the discharge is simple, the time-curve of the electrcnnotive force of it may be represented by the formula 7/ = Ae~^'^^S'7,. where the origin of the discharge is at the stimulus. ii.) The departure h'om the above law, as in No. 54, may be considered to be apparent, the superposition of the discharge by the opening-stimulus changing the values of the constants. iii.) The modal latent period of a simple discharge remains constant in spite of the change of the magnitude of the stimulus. iv.) 44ie value of //' seems to vary a little with the height of the discharge, but the relation is not clear on account of the overlapping of the errors of the same order of magnitude. V.) It is very doubtful whether the so-called latent period has a definite meaning. It should be a function of the sensitivity of the instrument l)v which it is determine»!. 26 Art. l.-K. Fuji : V. Relation between the Form of Stimulus and the Discharge Caused by It. Tlic relation belwuen the form of the electric stimulus and the excitation in a nerve caused hy it, has been investigated by many physiologists. Some give a formula representing the relation which contains a function of an unknown form. König' s formula is such an example and is expressed by i'=/F(/) :;;<;/, 0 where E denotes the excitation evoked, and / the instantaneous value of the stimulating curi'ent at a time t which is measured from the commencement of the stimulating current. .Vccording to him F {t) is a function of an unknown form that acts as a decrement factor and that has a finite value only when t is very small. In 1892 Hoorweg,* in his experiments on the stimulation of a condenser discharge, found a relation connecting the potential difference, by which the condenser was charged, the resistance of the conductor in the circuit, and the capacity of the condenser that caused minimal shock in a nerve. He deduced from it a general expression representing the relation betAveen the electric stinndus and tlie excitation caused by it. His formula is expressed l)y E ajie-^'dt, \1) where « and ß are constants. According to his opiniim the element- ary excitation evoked in a nerve at an instant is proportional to the strength of the current l at that instant, in opposition to the prevailing opinion in whicli it depended on the rate of change of the currents, e. ^; and as a decrement factor he introduced e~^'. Al- though many authors opposed his formula, it is the only one that is expressed by a definite function. He afterwards tried to deduce * Plumer Archiv, Bd. 52, S. 87, 1892, Kosfîarclu's on the Dischar"-c of the Electric Orjxan. 'J.i his foi-mula irom tlic liypotlicsis of Neriist, but liis solution of tlie (liffercntial equation does not satisfy the initial condition of uniform concentration. The main «lefects of In's formula are: (1) the definition, explaining how the excitation in a nerve is measured, is very obscure; (2) since his formula is deduced from the exj)erinîental data at a point of minimal excitation, it is not possilde to extend it into the region of finite excitation. In 1010 Hill,''^ following Nernst's hyj)othcsis and introdu- cing the assumption of Lapicque, found excitation formulae in several cases of electric stimuli. Since his consideration is based on the theory of " all or none " first pi-oposcd l)v (Jotch, the formulae have a somewhat different meaning from that of Hoorweg. 'i'hey i-epresent the progression of a local change which on attaining a definite value causes an actual excitation. At anj'rate, in the case of a constant current, his formula contains the exponential function as the term that varies with the duration of stimulating current. According to the *' all or none '' theory the magnitude of the response depends on the number of elementary portions that receive a stimulus greater than the threshold value to evoke the response. The number may depend on the distribution of tlie current in a tissue or on the variety of the elementary portions whose minimal stimuli are difïei'ent h-om one another. In the former case, the relation between the electric stimulus and its response reduces to a mere ])hysical probk-m. and as in the latter case to that of some kind of probability. Since it was considered that the discharge of an electric organ is the best means for the investigation of such j)i'oblems, many experi- mentsin these subjects were made. Let us here explain the superiori- ty of the discharge as a means for the investigation of the genei'al properties of excitation in tissues. The means ordinarily used are muscular contraction and negative variation in a nerve or in a muscle. In the former case very trouljlesome factoi-s of elasticity and viscosity (if the latter term may be allowed) in a muscle complicate the phenomena. On the contrary, the negative variation is an ideal means for the purpose, but to obtain its record w^e are obliged * The Journal of Phy.sioloG-0 (;7-o 45-5 4.5-7 45-() Table XII. Oscillograms No. 02, No. Go and No. 04 (Plate X\'I.). Temperature of the organ: ].'*)-5" C Resistance of tlie origan: P)0 ohms. No G2. No G3. No 6i. No. Stim. Discharge Stim. Discharge Stim. Discharge m mui. m mm. m mm. m mm. m mm. m mm. 1 63-7 33-7 62-3 2.5-3 63-3 24-0 2 57-7 26-G 56 "5 19-3 57-4 17-4 3 50-8 19-7 .50-3 14-3 50-6 12-5 4 44-3 13-7 44-4 10-4 45-C 9-2 5 38-7 8-7 38-5 6-4 38-2 5-5 6 31-7 4-6 31-4 3-4 3P8 3-2 7 25-6 2-3 25-4 P5 25-5 1-4 8 — — 62-(3 24-4 63-5 22-5 Researches on the Discharge of the Electric Organ. 33 Here in general we used very broad stimuli to avoid the effect due to the difference of their breadths. In No. 35 and No. 36 the preparation of the organ was the same, and in the former case the stimuli were given in the increasing order of height and in the latter in the decreasing order so as to eliminate the progressive change in the organ. Tlic two curves (Plate X., Fig. 1) representing them run very closely to each other, the latter being somewhat lower than the former. This shows that the progressive change, which might be due to the decay of the organ or slow cooling of the same, was very small during the experiments. The mean curve of No. 35 and No. 36 is shown in Plato X., Fig. 2. This may be considered to be the true course of the curve when there exists no progressive change. Oscillograms No. 42 and No. 43 are of a set of experiments of the same kind as the above. The preparation was the same as that of No. 40 and No. 41, which were a set of experiments for the investigation of the relation Ijetween the breadth of a stimulus and the corresponding height of the discharge, and which will be discussed later. The stimuli are in the increasing order of height in No. 42, and in the reverse order in No. 43. Here w^e see that the curves (Plate X.) rejoresenting them do not coincide; showing the existence of a progressive change, so that the discharges became relatively smaller with the course of the experiments. Assuming that the progressive change Avas uniform, the mean curve may represent the true course of the curve. Oscillograms No. 55 and No. 5(j (Plate X. ) are of experiments of the same kind. Here we have a check on each film, which sIioavs that the effect of the progressive change Avas very small. In the figure, the check points are marked Avith ©. Oscillograms No. 38 and No. 54 have no check for the progressive change (Plate X., Fig. 3). Oscillograms No. 62, No. 63 and No. 64 (Plate X. , Fig. 3) relate to a series of experi- ments in Avhich stimuli given Avere in the decreasing order Avith respect to their heights, having a check on each film. The breadths of the stimuli are different in t]ie three films, broadest in No. 62, and narroAvest in No. 64. Tracing the general course of these several curves Ave see that they converge to the origin of the co-ordinates. The height of the o^ Art. 1.— K. Fuji : discharge increases very slowly from zero. Then comes a steep increase of the height of the discharge, where the curve has an in- flexion point and then becomes concave with respect to the axis of the abscissa. By direct stimulations we could not arrive at the upper part of the curve on account of the ^'cry large stimulation current required. Nevertheless, it is very probable that the curve approaches an asymptotic value of the ordinate wliich may easily be attained in the case of indirect stimulation. Thus the curve forms an S-shape analogous to that, found by Waller, relating to the negative variation in, the nerve. Here we may remark that it is very doubtful whether the words minimal und subminimal stimidus as customarily used have any definite meaning. B,y the Avord (minimal stimulus or liminal current, is certainly meant the stimulus by which the response becomes just sensitive to a certain in- strument. Of course, if Ave acknoAvledge the truth of the ' ' all or none " theory, there certainly exist the minimal and the maximal stimulus in the literal meaning. But that Avhich is ordinarily obtained by experiment Avould not be the true minimal stimulus, i. e. not for the response of a unit element. Noav, if Ave take the height of the discharge as a measure of the excitation, the proportionality between the current and the response in Hoor- Aveg's formula does not hold good for the finite range of the discharge. It is not clear whether the inclination of the tangent to the curve at the origin is equal to zero or not. If the latter is the case, the proportionality in the.ver}^ small portion at the beginning of the curve, in agreement Avith the formula of Hoorweg, is nothing but the general property of any curve, that a small portion of it may be regarded as a straight line. ■Many trials Avere made to formulate the relation extending to the finite region of the stimulus, but the results Avere not satisfactory. As Ave re- marked before, if aa^c may assume that the magnitude of a discharge is due to the number of elements evoked by the stimulus, and that the number depends on the A'^ariety of the elementary portions Avhose minimal stimuli are different from one another, then the curA^e representing the relation betAveen the strength of the stimulus and the area of the discharge should be the integral curve of the Eesearches on the Discharge of the Electric Organ. 35 category of a probability curve. Since I cannot ascertain the i^roper method of anal3^sing the curve from tlie standpoint of this hypothesis, I am not able to give the rigorous proof for it. But it is obvious that, qualitatively, the course of the ex})erimental curve agrees with this view.* I am nov/ working on this principle; I only refer to it here, and sliall leave the problem for a later report. Next we shall treat the relation between the Ijreadth of the stimulus and the height of the discharge. With reference to the problem, the fdm first examined was that of No. 37, an anah^sis of whicli was made in the preceding section. Tlie organ-prep- aration was the same as that of No. 35 and No. 3G, in which we knew that the effect of the progressive change was very small. Assuming Hoorweg's decrement factor to be true and not taking into consideration the efïect of the opening-stimulus separately, wliich Hoorweg, in his condenser investigation, also ignored, we examined whether his factor held good in our case. According to his formula the excitation E caused by our stimulus is equal to ./ t ai 0 where i represents the maximum current in the secondary of the induction coil, A is a constant determined by the self-induction and the resistance of the secondary circuit, and wliere e~^' means Hoorweg's decrement factor. Of course, in our stimulus there is a steep rising portion of the current before its maximum, which is not considered here. But in treating of tlie variation only, the part common to all stimuli has no influence on the result, if we take the origin of the time at a proper instant. Hence measuring tlie time from a suitable origin the formula becomes which, for tlie sake of brevity, we write * A trial examination was made on the curves of Oscillogram Xo. 5t. The curve represent- ing the relation between the height of the stimulus and the area of the resulting discharge curve was graphically diä'erentiated by driiwing the tangents to the curve, point by point, and by finding the corresponding rates of increase of the ordinates with respect to the abscissa. Then it was found that the differential curve might be expressed by a formula analogous to that of the discharge curve given in the previous section. 36 Art. 1. — K. Fuji ; E = B[\ -e-':{t-fo)] (9) After laburious trials B, r and ^o were found from the plotted curve of No. 37 (Plate XI., Fig. 1). As the breadth of the stimulus, we took the interval Ijetween its beginning and the instant of abrupt decrease of the current. Though our oscillo- graph would not give a true picture for such a quick change of current as our stimulus, it does not influence the value of the stimulation-breadth taken as above. The result of the experiment and the corresponding calculated values are given in the next table, and represented graphically in Plate XL, Fig. 1. Taijle XIII. (Jscillogram No. .']7. Temperature of the organ: llO'C. Resistance of the organ: 130 ohms. Formula used in calculation: // = 34 0 x (I -10-'-'''-^'- ■'■'>) Xo. M. L. r. iu 10-'4 sec. Breadth of Stim. in 10--* sec. Heif:^ht of discharge obs. in mm. Height of discharge calc. in mm. Diff. 1 1242 18-2 31-5 ;U-5 0 0 2 1227 161 30-8 302 + 0-6 3 125-4 142 28-3 284 -01 4 126 7 130 27-5 26-9 + 0-6 5 1271 11-8 250 25 0 00 6 1265 113 233 241 - 0-8 7 127-9 9 1 190 188 + 0 2 Too low for m easurement. G-0 7-0 0-5 1-0 4 IG'2 185 9-0 2-3 5 162 188 11-0 8-3 6 159 185 12-5 15-0 7 15Ü 189 13-0 17-0 8 156 189 14-0 18-3 42 Art. 1.- K. Fuji: The course of the curve representing tlie relation between tlie height of the stimnkis and the height of the discharge resembles that of the direct stimulus. Here we may remark that the modal latent periods have very consistent values except in Curves No. 1, No. 2 and No. o, in which, since the curves are very low, the ineasurements were very inaccurate. In closing tliis section, tlie results of our experiments are summarised as follows: — i.) The height of the discharge A slowly increases with the increasing intensity of the stimulation current from zero. ii.) Then it increases very steeply, where it passes an inflexion point; and then approaches an asymptotic value. iii.) With respect to the duration of the stinuilating current, Hoorweg's decrement factor seems to l)e correct, but it is not clear whether the constant ß in it does really depend on the strength of the stimulating current or not. VI. Discharges by Two Successive Stimuli. Ah'eady in one of the preliminary experiments, we discovered that M'hen two successive stimuli not too far apart in time from each other are given to tlie nerve, the discharge l)y the second stimulus shows greater delay compared witli the normal. A pair of momentary stimuli which were caused by a contrivance on the shaft of the registering drum were sent periodically, i.e. once in each revolution, to the nerve. At first only the preceding one of the pair, then the succeeding, and finally the pair together were sent througli the nerve. These were photographed on the same film. The second stimulus was so given that, if the two discharges appeared at the normal delay, the second discharge should appear in a position superposed on the descending branch of the first. But from the film we saw, on the contrary, that the second dischai'ge occurred after the first had been over. For the precise investigation of the phenomenon, we constructed a special contrivance in our stimulation-apparatus, by means of Avhich two consecutive momentary stimuli separated by a desired Rosearchts on the Discharge of the Electric Organ. 4:3 interval of time may bo given. The details of the mechanism were explained in § III. and illustrated in Plate V., Fig. 4. As for the strength of the stimuli, care was always taken to obtain the maximal discharges. Tlie sense of tlie stimulating current was mainly descending, tlie distance of tlie two electrodes being about o mm. This conies from the consideration that, in a descending stimulus, the excitation in the nerve evoked by the closing-stimulus, occurs at the cathode which is nearer to the organ than the anode and therefore the excitation is evoked in an undisturbed part in the nerve and propagates to the organ without any obstacle, while the excitation caused by the opening-stimulus occurs at the anode and it is arrested l)y the cathodic block from propagating to the organ. (3n the contrary, if we use an ascending stimulus, not only it has frequently been observed that the excitation due to tlie closing stimulus propagates to the organ, though greatly en- feebled in passing the anode; but the excitation by the opening- stimulus must 1)6 affected by the stimulating current which flowed before that instant. In short the result in the case of the descend- ing current should be more simple. Returning to the problem, the influence of the flrst stimulus to the second consists of two parts: namely (1) the effect on the modal latent period of the second discharge, (2) the effect on the height of the second discharge. The former effect almost dis- appears Avhen the second stimulus departs from its predecessor about one-hundredth of a second, while the latter remains a little later. These may be the effects of some kind of fatigue that re- covers itself in a siuall fraction of a second. We shall call the phenomena the temporary fatigue. Oscillograms No. 74 and No. 75 (Plate XIX.) are a series of experiments for such phenomena. Two stimuli, separated by various intervals of time, wx^re given at a point on a nerve, and the influences of the flrst stimulus on the sec(jnd discharge were measured accurately. The following table shows the numliers deduced from these oscillograms: — 44 Art. 1. — K. Fuji : Tajîlk XVII. Oscillügrams No. 74 and Nu. 75. Temperature of llie organ: 14-5 °C. No. 74. No. Interval between two Stim. in 10-1 sec. Ratio of 2n(l M. L. P. to 1st. Height of 1st discharge in mm. Height of 2nd discharge in mm. Ratio of 2nd height to 1st; 1 120-5 1-000 53-0 39-0 0-73G 2 110-4 1-015 51-5 41-5 0-806 8 99-5 1-030 48-5 45-5 0 989 4 90-2 1-023 48-0 49-0 1-020 5 79-9 1-063 47-0 48-5 1-030 6 72-5 1-100 4G-0 4G-7 1-015 7 63-2 1-120 4G-0 45-5 0-990 8 .55-8 1-175 45-0 42-0 0-935 N o. i o. Xo. Interval l>etweeu two Stim. in 10-i sec. Ratio of 2nd M. L. P. to 1st. Height of 1st discharge in mm. Height of 2nd discharge in mm. Ratio of 2nd height to 1st. 9 43-9 1-301 45-0 24-7 0-550 10 33-6 1-411 43-3 4-5 0-104 11 34-7 1-411 41-5 4-5 0-109 12 27-4 — 42-5 9 — 13 14-9 — 41-8 9 — 14 9-1 — 41-2 — — ■ 15 3-0 — 42-5 — — IG 0-0 — 41-5 — — N. B. -.—In this paper, for the sake of brevity, the word latent -period or modal latent iwriod is used to represent the interval between the stimulus and the commencement (observed) of the discharge or between the stimulus and the instant of the maximum electromotive force respectively, whether the stimulus is direct or indirect, /. e. the values of them are inclusive of the time for the propagation of the nerve-excitation. Eesearches on the Discharge of the Electric Organ. ^^ Full details of the data and tlie computed number^ are given in tlie Appendix. The numbers in the table are plotted in Plate XIL, Fig. 1. Keferring to Curve 1, the abscissa represents the interval be- tween two momentary stimuli in K) "* sec, and the ordinate represents the ratio of the two jnodal latent periods subtracted by one, L e. the excess of the delay of the second discharge with respect to the first. Here we see that the ordinate decreases exponentially with the nicrease of the abscissa. AVe assume the curve to l)e expressed by exponential function ij = Mc''-\ and determine the value of J/ and of ?., in which we may find M = 1-74, X = 409. Calculating the values of y from the formula, and plot- ting these numbers on the experimental curve, we see that they agree very well within tlie limits of the experimental errors. The other curve in the figure is that of the heights of the second discharges. To eliminate the individual errors of each experiment, the ratio of the height of the second discharge to that of the first is taken as ordinate. Referring to the curve Ave see that, even in 1/100 sec. from the first stimulus, the height of the second discharge is smaller than the normal. Proceeding to- wards the origin from tliis point it increases even greater than the normal, and then decreases quickly to an almost imperceptible height where the second stimulus enters the so-called refractoiy period. The refractory period in this experiment is measured to be 32 Ox 10-* sec. In tliis experiment it is not certain whether in the refractoiy peri(jd the response does not occur absolutely, or whether some small responses continue to exist up to the origin of the C(j- ordinates. Indeed there exist many small discharges that cannot be distinguished from the discliarge of the higher order of the preceding experiment. To clear this point further investigations will be necessary. The increase of the height of the second discharge towards the origin seems to l)e paradoxical at first sight. But on examining the film, we can find that when the second discharge is great, the second stimulus is at an instant corresponding to a point on the ascending branch of the first discharge, so that the second discharge 46 Art. 1.— K. Fuji: overlaps the secondary discharge of the first stimukis. Hence Ave see that the apparent increase of tlie height may be due to the summation effect of the secondary discharge. To make this fact clearer, Ave may refer to the following table: — Table XVIIL Oscillogram No. 74. From the first set of curves the interval l)etAveen the first stimulus and the summit of the secondary discharge may ]>e found to be 193 2x10"* sec. luterval between first stimulus Xo. Eatio of two heig-lits. and summit of second discharge, in 10"* sec. 1 0-73G 22G 2 080G 214 8 0 989 208 4 1020 201 5 1030 193 G 1015 191 7 0 990 183 S 0 935 185 In this table we see that tlie maximum ratio between the height of the second discharge and that of the first, occurs Avhen the summit of it just coincides in position witli that of the second- ary discharge. Oscillogram No. G5 (Plate XX.) is another series of experi- ments of the same kind. The corresponding numbers are tabulated in the next table and plotted in Plate XII., Fig. 2. Eesearclies on the Discliarçre of the Electric Ororau. 47 Tai-.le XIX. Oscillogram No. 05. Temperature of the organ: lo-5 °C. No. Interval between two Stiui. in 10-4 sec. Ratio of 2nd M. L. P. to 1st. Height of 1st discharge. in mm. Height of 2nd discharge. in mm. Katio of 2nd height to 1st. 1 133 1-790 24-5 9 0 0-367 2 — — 22 6 17-8 0-788 3 110 0-970 21-5 19 0 0-885 4 97 1025 21-0 19-0 0-925 5 88 1-130 20-3 18-0 0-900 C) — — 200 15-0 0-7.50 7 69 1-230 19-5 16-0 0-820 8 60 1-300 19-9 11-0 0-553 9 49 1-480 18-8 3 9 0-207 The general course of the curve is similar to the preceding. On the right liand side, the arrangement of the points is not so regular as in No. 74 — No.?'), especially the position of the last point in the figure deviates exceedingly from the others. But on examining the oscillogram, we see that the second discharge occurs after the secondary discharge of the first. Thus the second stimulus was influenced l)y the first discharge which acted as a preceding stimulus. Here we may find that M = 3 00, ;. = 376 and the refractory period=4G-0x 10"* sec. The values of y calculated from these constants are plotted on the figure. The interval of time, in which the value of y l)ecomes one half, may be called the 2)eriod of recovery of the temporary fatigue. In the preceding two experiments the period of recovery is equal to 17-0 x 10"* sec. in the former and 18-5 x 10"* sec. in the latter, tlie temperature being 14-5 °C. and 13-5 V. respectively. With respect to the height of the second discharge, we may remark that it decreases with the decreasing interval l)etween the two stimuli. But, if we take tlie ratio of the height of the second 48 Art. l.-K. Fuji: discharge to that of tlio first, we can see that it iias a maximum value as in No. 74 — No. 75. In this oscillogram the interval be- tween the first stimulus and the summit of the secondary discharge may be measured from the first set of the discharges, and as tliis value we obtain '22o x 10"^ sec. Here we see again that tiie maximum of the ratio of the height of the second discharge to that of the first occurs Avhen its summit just coincides with that of the secondary discharge. The relation is shown in the following table : — Table XX. Oscillogram No. 05. Interval between the first stimulus and the sunimit of tlie secondary discharge: 223 x 10"* sec. No. Eatio of two heights. Interval between first stimulus and summit of second discharge, in 10" * sec. 1 0-367 348 2 0-788 22G 3 0-885 229 4 0-925 222 5 0 900 225 (3 0-750 222 7 0-820 217 8 0-553 215 9 0207 220 Now since it was not plain to me whether tlie seat of tlie phenomena is in tlie nerve or in the organ, an experiment Avas made to determine the question. By giving a pair of stimuli with a fixed interval between them, and by inserting proper resistance in the discharge circuit, we carried out a series of experiments with equal stimuli and difïerent heights of discharges. Changing the magnitude of discharges by varying the resistance, the delay of the second discharge with respect to the first was measured. The fol- lowing table shows tlie results. Researches on the Discharge af the Electric Orj^'an. 40 Table XXI. 0>cillügrani No. S4 (Plate XX.). No. Eesistanco inserted in ohm. Interval between two Stim. in 10-1 sec. Ratio of two M. L. P. 1 0 30-0 1-14 I. 2 200 30-6 1-16 3 300 30-2 I-I7 f 1 0 21-8 1-27 II. 2 200 24-6 1-24 3 300 24-9 1-25 I 0 15-4 1-46 III. 2 200 14-6 1-67 3 300 23-2 I-3G In eacli set of tlie experiments, the ratios of the two modal latent periods were found to be nearly equal. The disagi'eement in tlie third set must have oecurred in virtue of the differences of the interval between the stimuli as shown in t]ie table. So we liave to conclude tliat the temporary fatigue, so far as it is defined by the prolongation of the modal latent period, is not the result of the discliarge. In December 1901), Lucas ^"reported tlie same phenomenon in a somewhat different way. According to his paper, experiments were made on the negative variation in the sartorious muscle of the frog. The instrument used by him was a capillaiy electrometer and the curve ol)tained was corrected l)y the method of Burch. As the time of reference he alwa_ys took the latent period /'. e. tlie interval between the stimulus and the commencement of its re- sponse. Even Avhen he measured the interval between the stimulus and the summit of the response curve in his later paper, he sub- tracted a constant value in order to obtain tlie latent period. For my part, to measure on a curve the commencement of the response The Journal of Physiology, Vol. 39, p. 331. 50 Art. 1.— K. Fuji: is not only very inaccumto, but it is doubtful wlietlierthc so-called latent period measured on a graph has any definite meaning. For example the theoretical curve discussed in §IV. , which has its commencement at the stimulus, may give some finite value for the so-called latent period, if it is measured as is usually done on the experimental curve. The response in a muscle or in a nerve may differ in its property from the discharge of an electric organ, though I am inclined to think that the form of the negative \'ariation de- pends on a similar cause to ours. As a matter of fact, the modal latent period so-called by us, gives more consistent values among themselves than latent periods either in our case, as always observ- ed before, or in the case of the negative variation in a muscle, as was shown in the paper by Lucas. Whatever it may be, he said in his j^aper: " It is found that the second electric response begins at a constant time after the beginning of the first, whether the stimulus by which it is pro\'oked occurs immediately after the end of the refractory period or considerably later. If the second stimulus occurs immediately after the end of the refractory period the latency of the resulting electric response may be many times the normal. As the second stimulus is made later the latency of the resulting response becomes proportionately less. Only when the second stimulus occurs so late that it would otherwise have a latency less than the normal does the second response depart from its fixed time of occurrence." He also shows that the nearer the second stimulus approaches the end of the refractory period, the smaller the resulting response becomes. After this paper appeared, Gotch^ reported his analysis of a similar phenemenon on the negative variation in the sciatic nerve of the frog, and concluded that: "I. The electrical response of the excised sciatic nerve of the frog to a second stimulus may show a great increase in delay as compared Avith the response to the pre- ceding stimulus. IL This increase of delay is augmented in pro- portion as the second stimulus approaches the end of the period of complete inexcitability (refractory period) which is developed * The Journal of Physiology, Vol. 40, p. 250, 1910. Reseatolies ou the Discliarwe of the Electric OriJ-an. 51 during the first response, but becomes imperceptible if the second stimulus occm^s at a sufficient interval after the first." He report- ed the efïect of temperature u\K)n the phenomenon and also gave the discussion al)out the locality of this peculiarity. More recently Lucas '"'reported his researches on the locahty of the same phenom- enon by his ingenious method, and concluded that it is an after effect of the disturbance propagating through a nerve or a nniscle. In this paper he plotted many curves which represent the relation between the interval of the two stimuli and the same from the first stimulus to the connnencement of the second response, and not only did he accept the behaviour of the delay of the second response au;reeing with that of Gotch, so that he modified his first statement, but he found that the interval between the first stimulus and the second response becomes greater in some cases, when the second stimulus is l)rought very near to the refractory period. Quoting his words: "In the more complex cases with which I have dealt, namely the excitation of nerve and the recording of the consequent electric response in the innerviated muscle, it appears that a new phenomenon inust be recognised; the electric response becomes still later when the second stimulus is brought very near to the first. This suggests an important difference associated with the passage of the propagated disturbance through successive tissues having unlike time relations." Now we shall reproduce here two figures of such kind given in his paper. .s t1. stz/ 0.0} - / - Resp.2 / 0 005 : / / ( / ' / '^ \ 1 I 1 1111 1 1 1 ! o oos E.rj}. 11. The Journal of Physiology, Vol. 41, p. 63, li)10. 52 Art. 1— K. Fuji: Here the ordinate represents tlie interval between the two stimuli, and the abscissa the same between the first stimulus and the commencement of the second response. The length of the abscissa measured from the straight Hue inchned at 45° to the axis, repre- sents the interval between the second stimulus and the commence- ment of the second resj^onse. The curves have a minimum with respect to the abscissa. Now from the numbers given in the tables in Lucus's paper, which are reproduced below, I constructed two curves representing the relation between the interval from the second stimulus to tlie com- mencement of the second response and tlie interval between the two stimuli (Plate XII.). Then it was found that the newly reduced carves were simply exponential in agreement with our results. Of course, in this case, the ordinate shows the absolute value of the so-called latent period instead of the ratio of the two modal latent periods. But since the values were obtained by subtracting a con- stant value which may be considered to be the interval Ijetween the beginning of the response and its summit, the nature of the curve must be the same as if it were drawn in our way. The tables found in the paper of Lucas are given below. Table XXII. Exp. o and Exp. 1 1 l>y Lucas. The Journal of Physiology, Vol. 41, p. 337 and p. 391). Exp. 3. 8ciatic-gastrocnemius preparation. Frog. Temp. ITöW Obs. Time first stiumhis to second stimulus. Time first stimulus to second response. Time second stimulus to second resi^onse. A. •0010 sec. •0081 sec. •0071 sec. B. •0017 •0074 •0057 C. •0025 •0064 •0039 D. ■0038 •0066 •0028 E. •0051 •0081 •0030 F. •0072 0092 ■0020 Researches on the Discharo'e of the Electric Ori^au. 53 The times of tlio bogiiniing of the second responses are estimated on the assumption that tlie response begins always at a fixed time (0 0031) before it attains its maximum IM). Ex. 11. (irastrocnimius-seiatie prc})aration. Frog. Temp. 17-5 °C. B. Time of commencement of second response calculated from time of its maximum P. ]). (as the interval between the connneuce- ment of the curve and its sunnnit, ■{)i)'22 sec. is taken) T. With second stimulus at same point as first. Obs. Time first stimulus to second stimulus. Time first stimulus to beginning- of second response. Time second stimulus to beginning of second response. A. B. C. 1). •0021 sec. ■0030 ■0042 •0067 ■0069 sec. •0070 •0074 ■0093 •0048 sec. •0040 •0032 •or>26 n. A\'itli second stimulus 11 mm. nearer to muscle than first. Obs. Time first stimulus to second stimulus. Time first stimulus to beginning of second response. Time second stimulus to beginning of second response. E. F. G. H. •0015 sec. •0029 ■0042 •0064 •0069 sec. •0067 •0074 •0084 •0054 sec. ■0040 ■0032 •0020 Correcting bv time of conduction •(•(>()('). Oils. Time first stimulus to second stimulus. Time first stimulus to beginning of second response. Time second stimulus to beginning of second response. E. F. G. 11. •0009 sec. •0023 •0036 •0058 •0069 sec. •0067 •0074 ■0084 (0060) sec. (0045) (■00^38) (0026) 54 Art. 1.— K. Fuji : The numbers enclosed in the brackets are calculated l)y the present author. From these data we calculated M and X. The vahies of the normal latent period could not be discovered in his paper and we therefore found them as follows: — Taking thive ordinates //,, y-i and i/i on the figure (Plate XII.) Avith equal intervals in succession, we put //i = / + Ö, ?/._, = / + mh, 1/3= ^ + "i' ^. where I is the normal latent period and m a constant to be de- termined by the period of recovery. So in Exp. 3 we may find 7=0 0019^ and m=OàOr,, the interval between the successive ordinates being 0 002^5 sec. From these values we obtain M =00098, A = 646, The numbers calculated from the data are plotted on the curve by the mark . (Plate XII., Fig. o and Fig. 4). In experiment 11 we got / = 0 0016s and m = 0-48, the interval between the successive ordinates being 0 0024 sec. and using these constants, we obtain M = 0 0058, X = 300. Taking the value of 0 0031 in exp. 3 and of 0 0022 in Exp. 11 as the interval between the summit and the com- mencement of the response, we may calculate the values of J/ and of / in the same units as in our case. These constants are given below: — Exp. 3. M = 2 25, / = 646, Exp. 11. M = 2 66, / = 300. In Plate XII. we sei; that the agreement ])etween the experi- mental and the calculated curves is very good. From these results, we may say that our exp(jnential law for the recovery of tho temporary fatigue holds good in the results obtained by Eucas on the gastrocnemius-sciatic preparation of the frog. Now denoting the inter\'al l)etween the stimuli by (, and the normal latent period l)y /, the interval between the first stimulus Researches on the Discharge; of the Electric Organ. 55 and the commencement of the second response is given hy t + lMe-'-' + l. This has a minimum with respect to t at t = -]]ogJ3Il The vahies of t,„ at this minimum are evah-ated as follows: Experiment hy Lucas: No. 3. 0-0029 sec. No. n. 00020 Experiment l)y tlie author: No. 74-No. 75. 000495 No. 65. 0-00695 Thus we see tliat the existence of the minimum is a consequence of the exponential property of the recovery, and therefore little weight should he placed on this minimum. Since, as we see, the minimum occurs very near to tlie end of the refractory period, it would sometimes not be discoveix^d in an experimental result. It is very proha])le then that the S(j-called irresponsible period report- ed by Eucas in his first paper was an apparent phenomenon ap- pearing for the reason that tlie observations were restricted in tlie vicinity of this minimum, where the variation becomes zero. The corresponding phenomenon U) the supernormal increase of the height of the second discharge was o1)served by Samojloff* on tiie electric response of a muscle indirectly stimulated. Kecently Adrian and Lucast interpreted the phenomenon by the summation of two successive disturbances propagating through a nerve- ending, 'iliey considered that a propagated art of an organ with a nerve-trunk attached, there certainly exist electric plates which do not receive the supply of the nerve-tibres from the trunk through whicli stimuli are gi\'en. Such plates cannot be excited by stimulating the nerve-trunk, but can be excited by the discharges of the electric plates belonging to that ner\'e-trnnk. Then, when the discharge of such secondary nature is super}:>osed on the discharge evoked l>y the second stimulus, the result must be the increase of the magnitude of the second discliarge. If we may allow that the electric response of muscle may act as a stimulus, then the same interpretation may be appliedi n the case of nuiscle. Our experiments hitherto described were made in such cases as the discharge evoked by the first stimulus had an asymptotic values in practice. Without presuming the law of " all or none " it is A'ery important to examine the case when the discharge is so- called submaximal. We have three series of such experiments that were obtained accidentally. These are Oscillograms No. 50, No. 47 and No. 51. In ( )scillograni No. 50 (Plate XXL), when two stimuli separated by an interval 77 5 x 10"* sec. , the response l)y the second cannot be observed. When they approach CG 3x Kj^Vec. , we see a low discliarge scarcely distinguishable from the secondary. Tlien they approach nearer /. e. to 55 0xl0~* sec. and the second discharge ap- pears on the descending branch of the first discliarge. When they approach each other still nearer /. e. 29 9 x 10"* sec, the second Researches on the Discharge of the Electric Organ. 57 C'0ivi08 on the ascending branch of the first. At last wlien the interval between the two beconx'S 164x10"^ sec, the discharges coalesce into a single one. Here since the position of the second summit would be displaced on account of its lying on the inclined branch of the hrst, we cannot measure tJie modal latent period accurately and therefore we also measured the interval l)etween the stimulus and the commencement of the curve. The next table shows the numbers obtained on the oscillogram. Tatjle XXIII. Oscillogram No. ">(,). Temperature of the organ: 8-2 v. Xo. Interval between Stim. in 10-' sec. L. P. of 1st discharge in umi. L. P. of 2nd discharge in mm. Ratio of two L. P. 1 77-5 69 0 Xo response. 2 G6 3 70 0 715 102 3 55 0 710 70 5 099 4 442 710 65 0 0-92 5 29-9 70 0 650 0 93 G 7 16 4 5-S 65 0 Coalesce into f I single curve. Xo. 1 2 3 4 5 (•) 7 M. L. P. of Isb discharge in mm. 810 820 82 0 79 0 M. L. P. of 2nd discharge in mm. 78 0 75-5 Ratio of two M. L. P. 0 95 0-96 58 Art. l.-K. Fuji : As a mere experimental result, it seems that l)efui'e the so- called refractory period there exists a period in wliieli the response may occur. The modal latent period or the latent period of the second discharge seems to decrease even to a smaller value than that of the first for some value of the interval between the two stimuli. Indeed the shortening of the latent period from the normal is equal to (3 nnn. in the maximum length on the oscillo- gram. But in other experiments we know that, while the modal latent period gives very consistent values, the latent periods differ widely according to the height of the curve. It will not therefore be useless to calculate roughly the value of the displacement of the summit of the second discharge curve on account of its lying on the descending branch of the first. Suppose a discharge curve y = Ae~^''^^^''Tj superposed on an inclined straight line ij = (p — x)ta,n(f. Then the resultant curve is expressed by y = (p-x)tane = RI+ri.2, £nie = IiI+rto_, cn„ie = El + ri„„ where l = ii + ù+i:+ + im, and c is a proportional constant. By adding each side of the equations, we have ce'^n,u = {Ji + r) I, 1 and therefore / iI/(„/7f = — ^ / LU. i. e. the total number of the plates dischar-^ed is proportion il to the area of the curve. 64 Art. 1.— K. Fuji: of a dynamo, and the nerve-trunk attached to the organ was stimulated by the induced current. For this and the other ends, our shutter was so constructed that, wlien we made proper connec- tions, the stimulating current could flow only when the shuttei' opened (P^ate IV., c). The number of the momentary stimuli given amounts to 885 per sec. In this case the stimuli varied a little .in their strength, and hence another experiment No. 85 was made in which the induction coil was not used. Here, as stimulus, a current from eight accumulators was interrupted by the same contrivance as No. 07, no induction coil being used. The stimuli were regular, and tlieir number amounted to 1412 per sec. As may be seen in the oscillograms, tlie dis- charges were not so regular as to account for one determinate l)eriod, being a series of high and Ioav superposed discharges. This nn'ght be the case because the stimuli were not maximal, though in the beginning part it seems to be so. From many other experi- ments it seems to me, that tlie liminal value of the stimulus for the maximal response in tlie nerve increases with the temporary fatigue, and by this assumption the irregularity of the discharges may be easil}^ interpreted. Hence assuming that the stimuli were sufficiently strong at the beginning, we may take as the period of response, the inter\^al between the first and the second discharge, and we get as its value ]17x]0~*sec. in No. S6, the temperature of the organ being 15°C. For the more advanced discussion the more precise analysis should l)e necessary, and hence we here allude to this as a mere experimental result. The summary of this section is : — i.) A\'hen two successive stimuli separated l»y an interval a little greater than the refractory period are given at a point in a nerve of the electric organ, the modal latent period of the second discharge is prolonged with regard to the normal. ii. ) The recovery of this prolongation follows an exponential law with respect to the intei'val between the two stimuli. iii.) The prolongation of the modal latent period of the second discharge is accompanied by the variation of the maximum electromotive force of the second discharge. Kesoarches on the Discharge of the Electric Organ. ß5 iv.) The electromotive force increases probably from zero when the second stimulus separates more and more from the end of the refractory period and when at a certain interv^al between the two stimuli it Ijecomes even greater tlian tlie normal and then decreases again. V.) The abnormal increase of the electromotive force may be interpreted as the summation effect of the second discharge and the secondary discharge of the first stimulus. vi.) The second discharge caused by two successive submaxi- mal stimuli given at a point in the nerve may be superposed on the first discharge, and the modal latent period of the second discharge seems to be even smaller than the normal at a certain interval between the two stimuli. vii.) The discharge l)y an oi)ening-stimulus given in the nerve may l)e superposed on that by closing-stimulus. viii.) Phenomena vi. and vii. may give support for the theory of "all or none," but for this we must assume new subordinate properties ef the nerve which is worth while investi- gating hereafter. VII. Fatigue phenomenon. Fatigue phenomenon was investigated in two different ways. (1) The registering drum Avas rotated very slowly by connect- ing the shaft of it with the clockwork of a kymograph, and succes- sive momentary stimuli about 25 in a second were given to the nerve and the deviation oi the strip of the oscillograph was photo- graphed on a film. The periphery speed of the drum being about 1 cm. per sec. , a discharge curve reduces to a straight line and the locus of its summit forms the so-called fatigue curve. (2) The drum was rotated rapidly and two stimuli in each revolution were given to the nerve so that tliey might be photo- graphed at two fixed places on the film. The stimulus consists of the induced current of an induction coil, which was caused by the make and break of the primary current flowing for a very short interval during which a peg on the shaft makes instantaneous contact with a stationary conductor (Plate IV. , Fig. 1). The direc- (3(5 Art. 1.— K. Fuji : tion ()1 the 8tiinulatiiig current was in general descending on closing tlie primary circuit. But in one case the ascending and the descending stimuli were alternately gi\'en to the nerve by a proper contrivance on the shaft of the registering ch-u m (Plate IV., Fig 3). In another case the stimuli were given directly to tlie organ. Here, as remarked at the outset of this paper, the in(hic- tion coil must be excluded from the circuit during the dis- charge of the organ. This was accomplished by a proper contri- vance lielonging to the shaft of the registering drum (Plate IV., Fig- '^) . . . Beginning with the former case, the fatigue curve resembles very closely that of muscle. Oscillograms No. 1, No. 2 (Plate XXIV.), No. 3, No. 4 and No. 5 (Plate XXV.) show such curves. In No. 1, which shows the typical form of the fatigue curve, the electromotive force increases a little during a few discharges at the outset of the fatigue, and passing over a maximum, it decreases almost exponentially. The rate of decrease increases after pass- ing the maximum, then decreases gradually, again increases a little an °C. The discrepancy of the point Xo. 1 must have its cause in the alteration or decay of the nerve at that portion which occurred near the excised end of the nerve. This becomes very olnious when we examine the oscillogram, for tliere we see that the discharge curve coriespond- ing to Xo. 1 is very low compared with the other discharges, while the stimulus is ii()t smaller than the others. The prolongation of the latent period of the discharge evoked by a stimulus given at a point near the excised end of the nerve, may be explained by one of tlie following as-uinptions. (1) The sjieed of pro})agatioii in the portion near the excised end of the nerve altered l)y its injury is smaller tli.an the normal. (2) The local latent ])eriod at the nerve-ending or in the organ, I.e. the interval between the instant, at which the disturbance arrived at the nerve-ending, and that of the beginning of the discharge is greater when the disturbance in the nerve is smaller. (.'>) The speed of ]^roi)agation of the nerve excitations differing in magnitude has different values, the stronger the larger. (4) The local latent period at the point of stimulation is greater when that portion of the nerve is altered. The cases (2) and (8) cannot be considered to be true from the standpoint of 72 Art. 1.— K. Fuji the "all or none" theoiy. Moreover Oscillogram No. 40 denies these assumptions, for the modal latent periods of the discharges are equal, though the magnitude of the discharges varies very widely. Then the cause of the prolongation must l)e due either to (1) or to (4). The causes (1) and (4) cannot he separated in our former experiments. .1 am, however, inclined to helieve that the cause would he that of (1). A'. />.— Oscillogram Xo. 49 is an experiment intended to find the relation between the strength of the stiunilus and the height of the discharge as shown in § V. The latent periods and the modal latent periods are given again in the following table : — Table XXVIII. No. Height of discharge in mm. Latent period | Modal latent period in 10" ''sec. in 10-''sec. 1 90 142 173 2 05 Too low to be measured accurately. 3 10 Too low to be measured accurately. 4 23 162 185 5 83 162 188 6 150 159 185 7 170 156 189 8 18-3 156 18'.» (The stimulus of Xo. 1 was ascending by accident.) Here we see that the latent period decreases with the increase of the heiglit of the dis- charge and therefore, when our eyes are restricted to L. P., it seems that the speed of the propagation of the excitation increases with the increase of the height of the stimulus. But when our eyes are turned to the modal latent periods, we see that they give toleraV)ly constant value, and show no regular variations with the increasing .strengths of the stimuli. This shows that the speed of the propagation through the nerve in the normal state does not depend on the strength of the stimulus or on the magnitude of the excitation. Also this experiment shows that the so-called latent period is not suitable to be used as the time of reference for exact Avork. IX. Miscellaneous problems. Oscillograms No. 53 and No. lOü (Plate XXIX.) represent photographs of spontaneous discharges of a li^•ing hsh. At first we tried to open our shutter by tlie fiist discharge of the fish and to photograph the motion of tbe strips of the oscillograph caused by Researches on the Discharge of the Electric Organ. 7S the succeeding discharges. Tlie shutter could be opened as desired, but tlie chscharge curve could not be obtained. So laying a living fish on a wooden board having a hole of the shape of the organ for an electrode, and applying a pair of electrodes to the dorsal and the ventral side of the organ b}^ my hands, the registering drum was rotated. Judging the proper instant, which could be readily known by the behaviour of the fish before its discharge, the shut- ter, used as time-shutter, was opened. When the discharges occurred, which were percei\'ed l)y the shocks felt, the shutter was closed. In the two oscillograms taken under difïerent conditions, we see that a shock always consists of two discharges followed ]jy a very low one, the second discharge being a little smaller than the first. The proper period of the discharges of a living malaptervnis and its variation by the change of the temperature were investigated by Koike ''" with tlie string galvanometer. In his results a shock consists of many periodic discharges, which Garten and Koike thought to be theefïectof rhythmic central excitations. In our experiment, tlie kind of Hsh was difïerent from his, and in his experiment the fish was placed in water whereas ours was placed in air. Therefore it is not strange that the results do not agree in the two experiments. But in the face of our experimental results, perhaps the second and the succeeding discharges would l)e of a secondary nature, for a ^-imilar phenomenon 7. e. two large discharges followed by a very low one was frequently observed in many experiments of the indirect stimulation given to the prepara- tion of the isolated nerve-organ. We shall next show two experiments regarding the discharge l»y the stimulating current of long duration in the a^icendiiig or in the descending direction. Oscillograms No. 7(j and No. 77 (Plate XXX.) are two such experiments. These are the results with difïerent preparations. The original object of tliese experiments was to test Hoorweg's considerati(tn that the opening stimulus was the efïect of the polarisation current flowing tlirough the shunt ordinarily used for the regulation of the stimulation current. The result was of course negative. But on examining the * Zeitschrift für Biologie, Bd. 51, 1910. 74 Art. l.-K. Fuji: oscillograms precisely, we found tliat the stimulating current of long duration sent through the nerve influences the strength and the modal latent period of the succeeding discharge in a peculiar way. The experiments were performed l)y closing the stimulation circuit and by shunting it at the proper instant. These operations can be made by our stimulation apparatus by using two connection changers, one of Avliich is a mercury key of earlier design. The current was directly derived from eight storage cells. TJie numbers obtained from these oscillogi'ams are tal)ulated i]i the following table: — Table XXIX. Oscillograms X\). 7(> and No. 77. Stimulus : Indirect. Temperature of the organ : 145° No. 70. Xo. Direction of stimulating current. Duration of current in 10-^sec. Modal latent period in 10"^sec. Height 01 discharge in mm. 1 2 3 4 Ascending. Ascending. Descending. Descending. 1699 3040 3000 172 0 1107 1100 1135 1204 20 0 18-5 8-0 2 0 Eesearohcs on the Discharge of the Electric Orsan. No. 77. Xo. Direction of stimulating current. Duration of current in 10-^sec. ]\Iodal latent period in 10-^sec. Heio-ht of «lischarge in mm. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Descending. Descending. Ascending. Ascending. Ascending. Descending. 187 124-8 16G0 43-7 230 212 129-3 133-3 213-9 1482 138-5 1305 Out of film. 47-5 46-5 53-5 590 The modal latent periods of 1 and 2 in No. 77 were found by the formula .''o= V'.ii.c.. Since the stimulus was indirect, it must be allowed that the values of the modal latent period thus found may be somewhat larger than the correct values. In the doseending stiuuilus, tlio discbarge occurs by the closiiig-stimiüus and in tlie ascending by tlie opening-stimnkis. The positive direction of tlie ordinate on the oscillograms shows the descending stimnlus. In Xo. 77, the modal latent period of the third experiment shows extraordinary prolongation. The discharge was caused by an ascending stimulation current of tolerably long duration and the preceding discharge was that due to the descending current. The succeeding discharges were evoked by the stimulus of the same direction and the result was that, the shorter tlie duration the shorter the modal latent periods, tliougli it is longer than the normal. The prolongation may be interpreted either as the effect of some local cliange caused l»y the ascending stimulating current of long duration, of wliich the longer the duration, the greater is the ])rolongation ; or as the influence of tlie preceding stimulus which is recovered Ijy repeating the opposite current. The former is more probal)le if the observation is limited to this film only, l)ut in tlie discharge evoked by the stimulus of the same direction in Oscillogram No. 70, it cannot be observed that the modal latent period is prolonged. The number of the series of experiments of the above kind is onlv two, and therefore we cannot give a definite conclusion. 76 Art. 1.— K. Fuji ; In Oscillügram No. 71 (Plato XXII.), similar proloDgations of the modal latent i:)eriods may be observed in the experiments of the ascending-stimnlns which were made after a series of experiments of the descending-stimulus. But there is no proof that the prolongation was tlie influence of the previous descending stimulus. Tai'.le XXX. Oseillo gram No. 71. No. Heio-lit of stimiilns in mm. Heij>-lit of of discharge iu mm. Modal latent period in 10-^sec. 1 120 260 96 5 2 230 245 92 7 3 34 0 24 0 97-4 4 460 24 0 94 0 5 — 230 91-5 6 — 180 106 3 7 45 0 18 0 110 0 8 340 160 107-5 9 100 20 5 990 Here the stimuli of No. 1. — No. o and tliat of No. U were descending, and those of No. (J, No. 7 and No. 8 were ascending. In the oscillograms we may observe tliat wlien tlie modal latent period exhibits its prolongation, it is alwa^^s accompanied by the decrease of the magnitude of the corresponding discharge, although the converse is not true always. We may remark here that this law applies to all cases whetiier tiie cause of prolongation is the temporary fatigue or any other alteration in the nerve, or that of an unknown cause like tliat above described. On tlie contrary, Avlien the magnitude of the discliarge is small on account of the smallness of the stimulus, the prolongation does not appear. This shows that, when the })rolongati(.)n appears, the nerve-fibres are changed in its state and in consequence the discharge becomes small, i. e. evei'v " all " of an excitation itself in the nerve fibres becomes Eesearclies on the Discharge of the Electric Organ. 77 small, jind perhaps tlio iinmlxT of disturbaneos in the nerves Avhich can pass through the decrement of nerve-endings or of some altered part in the nerve becomes less ; and when the prolongation does not appear, the smallness of the discharge is caused on account of a small part of nerve fibres in a trunk being excited. Tims tlie phenomenon gives support to the " all or none " theory. Summary. Since several new phenomena liave been 1)rought to light after the analyses of the oscillograms, and since at present we have not an opportunity to confirm them by further experiments, we are obhged to leave many problems as not positively decided. We shall conclude this paper, by summarising the results. 1) A formula expressing the time relation of a simple dis- charge may l)e got from tlie tlieory of prol)al)ility and is expressed by .r — li!o(i- ij =. A e ' -'0 , where y denotes the electromotive force at time x measured h-om a certain fixed moment, ô^ and Xq being constants. 2) In the case of the direct stimulus of short duration, the origin of time in tliis formula is in agreement with the instant of stimulation. 3) When the direct stimulation is of a longer duration, the dischaige in response to it may be analysed into two simple dis- charges corresjionding to the closing and to the opening-stimulus, and eacli of them may be represented l)y the al)Ove formula, having its origin at the instant of the corresponding stimulus. 4) Taking the value of A as the measure of the excitation, the relation Ijetween the intensity of a stimulating current and the excitation in response forms an S-shaped curve which rises from the zero-stimulus very slowly, then c[uickly, and after passing an inflexion point on its way, finally ap])roaches asymptotically a constant maximal value. 5) With regard to the relation between the duration of a stimulating current and the excitation in response, Hoorweg's decrement factor seems to hold good. Yg Art. 1.— K. Fuji: 6) When a stiniulatioQ is given to a nervo, there remains a fatigue which recovers in a very short interval and wliich is called the tem'povary fatigue by the author. 7) Tlie fatigue is characterised by a) The prolongation of the modal latent period of the discharge in response to a stimulus given in the inter^'al influenced by that fatigue. 1)) The decrease in the intensity of the discharge denoted by A in the discharge formula. 8) The time relation of the recovery of this fatigue measured by the excess of the modal latent period of the second discharge compared with the same of the first may be expressed by an exponential function Me~''\ and tliis law of the recovery holds good also in the case of similar results obtained by Lucas in nerve- muscle preparation. 0) The abnormal increase in the intensity of the second of the discharges, evoked by two successive stimuli, may l)e inter- preted by the superposition of the secondary discharge. 10) The behaviour of the discharges in response to the two submaximal indirect stimuli, separated by an interval shorter than the refractory period, gives support to the "all or none" theory. 11) In this case, a new phenomenon is probably involved, i.e. the shortening of the modal latent period of the discharge, caused by the summation of the two subminimal stimuli. 12) The discharges in response to submaximal closing and opening-stimulus indirectly given may superpose, and the modal latent period corresponding to the opening-stimulus shows the prolongation in the modal latent period. In this case also, the phenomenon ma_y be explained by the "all or none" theory, together with the assumption that the subminimal stimulus may cause some local change, which is made apparent from the prolonga- tion of the modal latent i)eriod of the succceeding discharge and which is not yet otherwise confirmed. : 13) The fatigue curve in the case of the electric organ very closelv resemldes that of tlie contraction of muscle. In both- Etsearclies on the Discliarge of the Electric Ori^-iu. 7Q cases, thoro exist the so-called staircase phenomenon and the other details in a similar way, and this fact indicates the failure of Fröhlich' s explanation in the case of muscle. 14) The speed of propagation of the excitation is uniform throughout the nerve-trunk Avliether the point concerned is near to or far from the stimulated point, if the nerve is in tlie normal state. 15) In the altered part of a nerve, near its periphery end, the speed of propagation hecomes smaller and is accompanied by the decrease of the intensity of the corresponding discliarge. 10) A spontaneous discharge curve of the living fisli Astrajje consists always of two peaks, sometimes followed by a very low irregular one. The second and the following discharge may l)e considered to l)e the secondary discharge, etc. evoked l^y the first. 17) The prolongation (jf the modal latent period from its normal value, of whatever cause it may l)e, is necessarily accompanied by the enfeeblement of the discharge, while the feel:)le discharge evoked by the weak stimulus does not indicate the same prolongation. In closing this paper, I wish to express my best thanks to Prof. K. Osawa, Director of the Physiological Institute, whose liberality enabled me, for such a long period, to carry out in the Institute, these costly experiments. Also cordial thanks are due to Dr. 8. Oinuma who was my zealous collaborator at the begin- ning of these researches, who kindly collected and placed at my disposal the literature relating to the subjects discussed in this paper, and who gave me many valual)le advices. 80 Art. 1.— K. Fuji: APPENDIX. Tables of Experimental Data and Calculated Numbers. (Table I. — V. are those for the form of tlie discharge curve.) Table I. Oscillogram No. 54. Date of experiment : Object of experiment: TreTiaration: Temperature of the organ: Resistance of the organ: Reading on the stimulation-apparatus: Circuit-breaker: 640 mm Connection-changer: (30 0 mm Nov. G, 1909. Relation between the intensity of a stimulating current and the magnitude of the corresponding discharge. Left organ (whole) of a fisli oî middle size. 8-5°-7-2° C. 240 ohms. 1 Xo. Current through primary circuit of induction coil in amp. ]S" umber of revolutions of registering drum per sec. 1 mm. of oscillogram corresponds to, in 1U-* sec. Height, of stiumlus in mm. Height of discharge in mm. 1 1-50 6-51 307 19 5 1-6 2 203 6-38 313 257 50 3 2-50 6-50 308 31-8 . 101 4 3 00 G -53 306 380 17-3 5 3-50 G-40 313 447 26-7 6 400 618 324 500 35-7 7 450 GOO 333 57 0 44-8 8 4 95 G-3G 314 65-5 55-6 Researches on the Discharg-e of the Electric Oro-an. 81 No. Latent period Modal latent period in mm. in 10-4 sec. in mm. in 10—* sec. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 25-0 25-3 240 23-5 23 5 21-5 20 5 21-5 76-8 79-2 739 71-9 73-6 69-7 68-3 67-5 350 340 350 35-0 350 33-5 32-0 35 0 107-5 106-4 107-8 107-1 109-6 108-5 106-6 109-9 Co-ordinates of the points on the discharge curve for every 2 mm. of X on the oscillogram. Curve No. 3. Curve No. 4, X in mm. X in 10-4 sec. y in mm. in mm. X in 10-4 sec. in mm. 00 24 0 00 739 Beginnino- of stimulus. 00 00 235 00 71-9 Beginning of stimulus. 00 5-0 77-0 05 250 76-5 12 7-0 832 21 70 82-6 3-8 90 89-3 49 9 0 88-7 8-6 31-0 95-5 7-7 31-0 949 13-5 3 0 101-6 9-5 30 101-0 16-5 50 107-8 10-1 50 107-1 17-3 70 1140 9-7 70 1132 16-6 90 1201 8-8 90 1193 15-0 410 126-3 74 410 1255 12-8 30 1324 61 30 131-6 104 50 1386 4-8 50 137-7 8-1 70 1448 3 4 70 1438 62 90 150 9 2-7 90 1499 46 510 157-1 1-8 51-0 1561 34 30 163-2 1-3 30 162 2 25 5-0 169-4 11 5-0 1683 1-7 7-0 175-6 0-7 7-0 1744 13 90 Sm 350 181-7 limit of the cu 107-8 0-3 rve. 1 101 90 Sui 35 0 1805 limit of the cu 1 107-1 10 rve. 17-3 82 Art. 1.— K. Fuji : Curve Xo. 5. Curve Xo. G. X iu mm. .r in 10—1 sec. y in mm. in mm. .r in 10-i sec. V in mm. 00 00 Beginning of stimulus. 0-0 00 Beo-inning of stimulus. 235 736 0 0 21-5 697 00 250 78 3 2-4 230 745 16 7-0 84-5 7-0 5-0 81-0 45 9-0 90 8 14 2 7-0 87-5 115 31-0 97-0 21-1 9 0 94 0 22 8 30 103 3 25 3 310 100 4 315 5-0 109-6 26-7 30 106 9 35-5 7-0 115-8 25-3 50 1134 35 1 9-0 1221 22-2 7-0 119 9 314 410 128 3 18-5 90 1264 26 3 30 134-6 145 41-0 132 8 20 6 5-0 140-9 110 30 139-3 157 7-0 1471 8 3 50 145 8 115 9-0 1534 6 0 70 152 3 85 510 1596 45 9-0 1588 61 30 165-9 33 510 165-2 46 50 172 2 24 30 1717 35 70 1784 20 5-0 178-2 2-8 90 184-7 16 70 184 7 24 35 0 mmit of the eu j 1096 Yve. 26-7 9-0 Su 33 5 191-2 mmit of the cv 108 5 2-2 rve. 35-7 Researches on the Dischartje of the Electric Orofan. 83 Curve Xo. 7. .r in umi. .1- in 10~* sec. y in mm. 00 00 Beofinnino- of stimulus. 20-5 683 00 3-0 76-0 3 2 5-0 83-3 . 9-3 7-0 89-9 22-7 90 96-6 35-7 310 1032 436 30 109-9 44-8 50 1166 407 70 1232 339 9-0 1299 26-5 41-0 136-5 200 30 1432 146 5-0 1499 102 7-0 1565 7-5 90 1632 5 4 510 1698 41 30 176 5 33 50 183 2 23 7-0 189-8 21 Sui limit of the cu rve. 32 0 106-6 45 0 Curve Xo. 8. .r in mm. in 10-1 sec. in mm. 00 00 Beginning- of stimulus. 21-5 67-5 00 23 0 722 11 50 78-5 3-8 7-0 84-8 92 9 0 911 220 31-0 97-3 37-5 30 103 6 52 2 5-0 109-9 55 5 7-0 1162 534 90 122 5 46-4 410 128-7 381 30 1350 294 5-0 141-3 21-8 7-0 147-6 16-3 90 1539 11-9 51-0 160 1 8-5 3 0 1664 6-3 5 0 172 7 4-7 70 179 0 3-8 9 0 185 3 3 0 Sui limit of the cu rve. 35 0 109-9 55 5 84 Art. 1.— K. Fuji : From the values given in the above tables, the curves from No. 3 to No. 8 were reproduced on section papers whose one division is equal to two millimetres. These curves are shown in Plate VI. For the ordinates, one division of the section paper represents one millimetre of the original; and for the abscissa, one division represents 2xl(r* sec. On these curves, '^i. ^2 and ^1, ^-j were measured; and from these values, ^> ^0 and ^' were calculated. The following table shows these values. As the unit of y> ^i, ^-2, Vi, ^1 and ^Z, one division of the section paper is taken. No. y- ?!• 1 2 3 3 5 10 u 4 02 10 0 5 98 11-3 (3 130 100 7 105 9-8 8 '20-5 9-7 &l'. Too low to be used. 185 1-4, 134 18 4 31 129 172 43, 141 17-2 0 5 12 5 171 82 121 104 10 1 124 201 251 248 240 24 0 234 in 10-i sec. + 00, +11, -Olo + l-4o + 10, + l-4o M.L.P. correct. in 10-1 sec. 108-5 108 2 109 5 109-9 107-7 111-4 in 10-1 sec. 59-2 59-8 04-2 00-8 54 8 01-8 400 409 5 03 5 37 449 5-95 By using these constants, the ordinates of each curve for every 1/1000 sec. were calculated. These are shown in the next table. Eesearches on the Discharije of the Electric Orjj-au. 85 X ill 10-4 sec. 11 iu mm. (calculated). Xo. 3. No. 4. Xo. 5. Xo. G. No. 7. No. S. 00 Ori^ 1 ^in of discharge. 1 10-0 OOo 00, 00, 00, 00, 0 0, 20-0 00, 02 OOi 00, 0-5 0 0, 30-0 11 10 0-9 24 8-8 2-5 400 50 8-2 7-3 13-9 28-8 181 50-0 8-9 148 18-4 29-1 43-3 42 0 GO-0 101 17-3 25-9 35-7 43 4 55 3 70-0 88 154 25-7 32 1 314 50-7 80-0 G 5 115 20-0 23-8 237 374 90-0 44 7-8 144 150 14-9 240 100-0 2-7 4-8 90 9-4 8-9 141 1100 10 2-9 5 4 5-4 51 7-7 1200 0-9 17 3 1 3 0 2-9 41 1300 0 5 10 1-7 10 10 2 1 1400 0-3 0 5 0-9 0-9 0-9 10 150 0 0-2 0-3 0 5 0-4 0 5 01 These values are plotted in Plate VI. hy the marks ^. 86 Art. 1.— K. Fuji Or-cillograni No. 37. Date of experiment: Object of experiment: Temperature of the organ: Resistance of the organ: Table II. Oct. 23, 1909. Relation between the duration of a stimulating current and the magnitude of the resulting discharge. 110° C. 130 ohms. Xo. Keadings on stimulation-apparatus. XuDilior of revolutions of registering drum per sec. 1 mm. of oscillogram corresponds to, in 10-* sec. Circuit-breaker. Connection- chano-er. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (3j, 0 "i"i- 63-8 636 634 63-2 630 62-8 62 6 .54 8 li^m- 6-60 6-59 6-79 6-94 7-28 7-27 7-66 7-77 3-03 303 2-95 3-88 2-75 2-75 261 2-58 Stmulatio n l.ireadth Modal latent period \o \ in mm. in 10-1 sec. in mm. in 10- * sec. ] 60 18-2 40-6 123 0 31-5 2 5-3 161 410 124-3 30-8 3 4-8 142 42 6 125-7 28-3 4 45 130 440 126-7 27-5 5 4 3 11-8 45-6 125-4 25-0 6 41 11-3 46-7 128-2 23-3 7 3 5 91 49-5 129-5 ]9-0 8 3 0 7-7 49 5 127-5 125 Researches on the Discharge of the Electric Ortjan. 87 Co-ordinates of tlie points on the discharge curves for every 2 mm. of X on the oscillo2;ram. Curve No. 1. Curve Xi). 2. .1" in mm. in 10-' sec. in mm. in mm. X in 10 -^ sec. 11 in mm. 00 00 Beginnino- of stimulus. 00 00 Beginn ino- of stimulus. -.20 0 78-8 00 27 0 81-8 00 80 84-8 1-G 8 0 84-8 1-4 300 90 9 4-4 300 90-9 2-6 2 0 97 0 9 0 2 0 97-0 6-4 40 103 0 15 0 4 0 103 0 11-Ç (50 1091 22 4 GO 109 1 184 80 1151 290 8 0 115-1 25 6 400 1212 31-5 40 0 1212 30 0 '2-0 127-3 300 2 0 127-3 30 0 40 133 3 25-8 4-0 133-3 26 8 GO 139 4 20-G G-0 139-4 22-0 8-0 145 4 15-0 80 1454 16-8 500 151-5 10-G 50 0 1515 120 2 0 l57-(') 7-0 2 0 157-G 8 0 40 1G3-G 4-G 40 1G3-G 5 4 (')0 1G9-7 2-8 GO 169-7 3-4 80 175-7 20 8 0 1757 2 2 GOO GOO 181-8 1-8 Su mm it of the ci irve. Su mm it of the ci rve. 40G 123-0 31-5 410 124-3 30-8 88 Art. 1.— K. Fuji: Curve Xo. 3. in 10-* sec. 0 0 0 0 Beginnino- ^^' ^ ^^ of stimulus. 28 0 82 6 0 0 300 88-5 10 2 0 94 4 3 G 40 1003 70 6 0 loa 2 12 0 8 0 112 1 18 8 40 0 118 0 250 2 0 123 9 280 4-0 129-8 27C) 60 1357 24-4 8 0 1416 20 0 500 147-5 150 2 0 153 4 10 4 4 0 159-3 6 8 60 165-2 4-4 8-0 171-1 28 600 1770 18 Summit of the curve. 426 125-7 283 y in mm. Curve No. -4. .r in mm. X in 10-* sec. in mm. 0-0 00 Beginning of stiuiulus. 29-0 83 5 0-0 32 0 92 2 24 40 97-9 54 6 0 1037 9 0 8-0 109-4 142 40-0 115-2 20-2 20 122 0 25-4 4-0 12G7 27-5 CO 132 5 26 0 8-0 138 2 22 6 500 1440 18 2 2-0 149 8 136 40 1555 94 6 0 161-3 66 80 1670 44 600 192-8 32 2-0 178-6 20 Sui limit of the cu rve. 44-0 126 7 27 5 Researches on the Discharçfe of the Electric Or^au. 89 Curve No. 5. x in. mm. in 10 ~i sec. in mm. 0-0 0-0 Beginning of stimulus. 30-0 82-3 00 20 880 1-0 4-0 93-5 2-8 60 990 5-2 8-0 104-5 9-4 40-0 110 0 14-0 2-0 115-5 19-6 4-0 121-0 24-0 6-0 12G5 24-8 8-0 132 0 23-8 50-0 137-5 20-6 2-0 143 0 16-4 4-0 148-5 12-6 60 1540 9-0 8-0 159 5 60 60 0 1650 4-0 20 1705 2 4 40 176 0 14 Su] Jim it of the cii rve. 456 1254 250 Curve No. 6. .r in umi. .T in 10-4 sec. in mm. 0-0 0-0 Beginning of stimulus. 30-0 82-3 0 0 2-0 88-0 10 4-0 935 22 6-0 98-0 46 8-0 1045 7-8 40-0 110 0 116 2-0 1155 168 40 1210 216 60 126-5 232 8-0 132 0 22-8 50-0 137 5 20-4 2 0 143 0 16 6 40 1485 13 2 6-0 1540 9-8 80 159-5 6 6 600 165-0 46 2-0 170-5 3 2 4-0 176-0 2-0 Sm nmit of the cu rve. 4G-7 1282 233 90 Art. 1.— K, Fuji Curve Xo. 7. .r in uiin. .1- in 10" 4 sec. V in mm. 0 0 00 Beginnincj of stimulus. 330 86-1 0-0 40 88-7 06 GO 940 2 2 80 99 2 3 8 40 0 104-4 5-8 20 1096 8-8 4 0 114-8 13 0 GO 1201 164 80 1253 18-8 50 0 130-5 190 20 135-7 17-6 40 140 9 152 60 146-2 12-4 80 151-4 9-6 600 156-6 7-0 20 161-8 5-2 40 1670 3-4 60 1723 20 Sui limit of the cnrve. 49-5 129 5 190 Curve Xo. 8. in 10-4 se< on no Beo;innins ^^ ^ *^ ^ of stimulus. 35-0 90-3 0 0 60 929 1-2 8-0 98 0 2-4 400 103 2 3 8 2 0 108-4 5-6 4 0 113-5 8 0 60 118-7 106 8 0 123 0 11-8 50 0 129 0 12 4 20 134-2 11-6 4-0 139 3 10 0 60 144-5 8-4 8-0 149-6 6-4 60-0 154-8 4-8 2-0 160 0 3 2 4 0 1651 2 0 Summit of the curve. 495 127-5 125 in mm. Ecsearohos on the Discharere of the Electric Orjran. 91 From the values given in the above tables, the curves from No. 1 to No. 8 were reproduced on section papers in the exactly same way as in No. 54. These curves are shown in Plate VII. On these curves ^i and a% for several values of y were measured. Then the mean of V^ for every curve was found and compared with the value of the modal latent period observed. The units of '^v ^-2 and y are one division of the section paper. Using tlie mean of Vxix. as the value of Xo we calculated h". yo. y- •î'i- Xu V-ri-^-j- .'/'• .Vi'. X-J, v/a-i'.Tj'. y"- .fi". x^ . V-'l'-'-L'". 1 116 50 0 74-y 611 60 46-6 79-8 610 210 53-7 69-4 610 2 11-4 51-4 75-8 62 4 60 48 0 80-7 62 2 200 55-2 70-4 624 3 104 52 4 76-7 634 50 48-5 81-7 630 190 56-3 71-3 63-5 4 101 52 3 771 63 6 50 488 82-7 63 5 19 0 570 71-5 639 5 9-2 52-2 768 63-4 50 490 810 63 0 170 56 3 71-3 63-5 6 86 52-7 77-7 640 40 490 836 640 150 56-8 72 8 64 3 7 70 53-4 78-5 64-8 40 500 82 9 64-4 13 0 57-5 72-7 646 S 46 52^8 77-5 640 20 48-2 82-5 (634) 80 566 72-6 641 the The number in the mean. bracket Avas not taken in the calculation of Xo. Mean of thus found, in 10-1 sec. //'. 1 610 122 0 23-7 1 2 62 3 1246 25-8 3 63-3 1266 27 1 4 63-7 1274 27-4 5 63-3 126 6 261 6 641 128 2 270 7 64-6 129-2 263 8 641 128 2 27-8 92 Art. 1.— K. Fuji : By using thu constants given in tlie above tables, the ordinates of tlie curves for every I/IOOO sec. were calculated. These values are shown in the next table. .1" in 10-4 y in mm. (c alculated) sec. No. 1. Xo. 2. Xo. 3. Xo. 4. Xo. 5. Xo. G. Xo. 7. No. 8. 0-0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 700 oa 00 00 00 00 00 00 0 0 80 0 0 5 0 2 0 2 01 01 01 01 0 0, 900 35 20 12 10 11 0-8 0-7 04 1000 125 9-2 6-4 5-6 5-8 45 3-5 23 1100 245 20 6 166 15-3 148 124 96 6-5 120 0 31-3 29-7 26 2 24.3 23-2 20-7 16-4 111 1300 28-G 29-4 27-8 27-2 245 232 18-8 124 1400 201 21-7 21-5 21-5 191 18-9 16 0 101 1500 115 12-9 13 0 13-2 11-6 120 106 63 1600 5-5 61 64 6-8 5-8 62 5-7 32 1700 2-3 2-6 2-7 2-8 2-5 2-9 26 14 180-0 0-8 0-9 10 10 0-7 10 11 05 1900 02 0-3 0-3 03 0-3 0 0, 04 0-2 200 0 00 01 01 0-2 01 0-0 01 01 Eoscarches on the Dischar; umber of revolutions of registering drum jjer see. 1 mm. on oscillogram corresponds to, in 10-4 sec. Circuit-breaker. Connection- changer. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (35-0 mm. 64-2 63-8 636 63 4 63-2 630 62-8 .54-8 m"i- 700 6-^3 6-77 6-99 6-67 6-67 6-99 7-05 2-86 2-88 2.96 2-86 3 00 300 2-86 2-84 stimulation-breadth Modal latent period No. A. in mm. in 10^^ sec. in mm. in 10-^ sec. 1 9-8 28-0 425 121 44-5 2 6-4 18-4 41-4 119 41-0 3 6-7 19-8 40-7 120 40-0 4 6-1 17-4 422 120 39 0 5 6-4 192 40-7 122 390 (3 5-0 150 40-8 122 33-5 7 5-0 14-3 42 5 122 35-6 8 41 11-6 43 0 122 29-5 94 Art. 1.— K. Fuji Co-ordinates of the points on the discharge cur\'es for every 2 mm. of X on the oscillogram. Curve Xo. 1. X in mm. .T in 10-* sec. in mm. 00 18-7 00 53-5 Beginning- of stimulus. ' 0-0 197 563 0-0 21-7 G2 1 0-3 3-7 67-8 10 5-7 73-5 14 7-7 792 23 9-7 84-9 44 31-7 90-7 8-5 3-7 96-4 165 5-7 1021 25-1 7-7 107-8 341 9-7 1135 410 41-7 119-3 443 3-7 1250 436 5-7 1307 49-8 7-7 136-4 34-0 9-7 142-1 27-6 51-7 147-9 21-0 3-7 1536 156 5-7 159-3 113 7-7 1650 81 9-7 170-7 5-9 61-7 1765 44 3-7 182 2 36 5-7 187-9 34 7-7 193-6 3-6 9-7 199-3 42 71-7 205-1 4-7 Sui nmit of the curve. 42-5 1212 445 Curve No. 2. 00 22 0 260 80 30 0 20 40 60 80 400 2 0 40 60 80 500 20 40 60 80 60 0 20 414 in 10-* sec. 00 634 74-9 806 86-4 92 2 97-9 103-7 1094 115-2 1210 126 7 1325 138-2 1440 1498 155 5 161-3 167-0 1728 1786 Summit of the 119-0 V in mm. Beginning of stimulvis. 00 09 3-1 60 109 185 26-5 35-0 39-6 40-9 380 32-9 26-3 20-1 146 10-6 7-5 5-5 40 3-2 ve. 410 EesearcL.es on the Discharore of the Electric Oro-an. 95 Curve Xo. 3. x iu mm. in 10-1 sec. y in mm. 00 00 Beginnino- of stimulus. 23-5 690 00 5-5 75-5 19 7-5 81-4 2-7 9 5 87-3 GO 31-5 93-2 11-1 8.5 991 18-3 5-5 1051 27-1 7-5 1110 35 5 9-5 llG-9 39-2 41-5 1228 39-8 3-5 128.8 36-6 5-5 134-7 31-3 7-5 140G 24-3 9-5 146-5 17-9 51-5 1524 127 3-5 1584 8-9 5-5 1643 G -2 7-5 170-2 4-5 9-5 176-1 3-5 Sui umit of the curve. 40-7 120-5 40-0 Curve Xo. 4. i .r in mm. .1- in 10-1 gee. in mm. 00 00 Beg-inning of stimulus. 23-9 68-4 00 5-9 741 12 7-9 798 2 4 9-9 85 5 4-3 31-9 91-3 8-2 3-9 970 140 5-9 102-7 21-8 7-9 1084 29 8 99 1141 360 41-9 1198 39 0 39 125 4 37-4 5 9 131-3 330 7-9 1370 27-4 9-9 143 0 214 51-9 1484 15-4 3-9 154 2 HI 5-9 159-9 7-2 7-9 165-6 50 9-9 171-3 36 61-9 177 0 2-6 Sui nmit of the curve. 42 2 120-7 390 96- Art. 1.— K. Fuji: Curve Xo. 5. .(.■ in mm. X in 10-4 sec. in mm. 00 00 Beginning of stimulus. 211 63-3 0-0 41 72-3 0-8 0-1 78-3 1-4 8-1 84-3 2-8 30-1 90-3 6-0 21 96-3 11-8 4-1 102-3 18-8 61 108-3 27-8 8-1 114-3 34-7 40-1 120-3 38-9 21 1263 38-5 4-1 132-3 34-S 6-1 138-3 28-2 8-1 144-3 21-5 50-1 1503 15-5 2 1 156-3 10-7 41 162-3 6-3 6-1 168-3 4-8 1 - 8-1 174-3 3-3 GO-1 1803 3-8 Sui limit of the curve. 40-8 122-4 39 0 Curve No. 6. X in mm. .1- In 10-4 sec. in mm. 0-0 0-0 Beginning of stimulus. 25 0 75-0 00 7-0 81-0 1-7 9-0 87-0 3-9 31-0 930 6-3 30 990 11-5 5-0 1050 17-9 7-0 1110 25-8 9-0 1170 31-7 41-0 1230 33-5 3-0 1290 31-9 5-0 135 0 27-1 7-0 1410 21-9 9-0 1470 15-2 51-0 153-0 n-3 3-0 1590 7-9 5-0 1650 5-3 7-0 1710 3-7 9-0 1770 2-7 61-0 1830 2-7 Sui nmit of the cu rve. 40-8 1224 33-5 Researches on the Discharge of the Electric Orfi-an. 97 Curve ]S'o. 7. X in mm. in 10—* sec. in mm. 00 00 Beo-innino- of stimulus. 241 68-9 0-0 6-1 74-6 0-0 8-1 80-4 1-4 30-1 86-1 4-4 2-1 91-8 6-1 4-1 97-5 11-3 6-1 103-2 18-2 8-1 1090 26-5 40-1 114-7 32-3 2-1 120-4 35-3 4-1 1261 34-5 6-1 131-8 31-0 8-1 137-6 25-5 501 143-3 19-8 21 1490 14-8 4-1 154-7 100 6-1 160-4 6-5 8-1 166-2 4-3 00-1 171-9 3-5 Su] Jim it of the cu rve. 42-5 122-0 35-6 Curve Xo. 8. .r in mm. .r in 10-^ sec. in umi. 0-0 00 Beginning- of stiuiulus. 26-5 75-3 0-0 8-5 80-9 1-6 30-5 86-6 2-2 2-5 92-3 4-7 4-5 98-0 8-8 6-5 103-7 14-2 8-5 109-3 20-6 40-5 115-0 26-2 2-5 120-7 29-5 4-5 126-4 280 6-5 1321 25-0 8-5 137-7 20-5 50-5 143-4 160 2-5 1491 12-0 4-5 154-8 8-5 6-5 160-5 6-0 8-5 166-1 4-0 60-5 171-8 2-6 2-5 177-5 1-8 Sui oimit of the cu rve. 43-0 122-2 29-5 *J8 Art. 1. — K. Fuji : From the values given in the above tables, the eurves No. 1 — No. 8 were reproduced on section papers in the same way as in No. 37. These curves are shown in Plate VIII. In these curves, ^u ^-i for several values of y were measured. Then the îxiean of Vï^ for every curve was found and compared witli the observed value of the modal latent period. Tlie unit of x and of y are one division of the section paper. Using tlie mean of Vx-^r., as the value of a-o, we calculated K. No. y- Xy. X,. y'j'lXj. .'/'• x{. xj. ^.q'.r.'. Mean of thus found in 10-1 sec. w. 1 16-3 48-3 761 GOG 8-2 451 82-5 G 1-0 608 121-6 200 2 150 47-9 74-5 59-5 7-5 44-4 80-7 59-5 59-5 119-6 20-8 3 14-6 48-3 751 GO-2 7-3 44-4 81-0 60-2 60-2 1204 20-6 4 14-2 48-5 750 GO-3 71 44-3 80-8 59-8 601 1202 20-4 5 14-3 49-5 75-7 61-2 7-2 45-9 80-8 60-9 611 122-2 21-8 G 123 500 75 G Gl-5 6-2 460 81-7 61-3 61-4 122-8 23-2 7 130 49-5 75-5 611 G-5 46 0 80-4 60-8 610 1220 22-2 8 107 49-6 754 Gl-2 5-4 45-8 81-0 610 611 123-4 22-9 Researches on the Discharire of the Electric Ortran. 99 From the constants given in the above tables, the ordinates of the curves for ever}^ I/IOOO sec. were calculated. These values are sliown in the next tal)lo. .r in 10-^ sec. h in mm. (calculated). yo. 1. Xo. 2. Xo. 3. Xo. 4. Xo. 3. : Xo. 6. Xo. 7. Xo. 8. 00 BeginE ling of sti tnviliis. GOO 00 00 00 00 0-0 0-0 00 00 700 0-1 01 01 01 00, 00, 0-0, 00, 800 14 1-4 1-3 1-3 0-8 0-5 0-7 0-5 900 7-3 7-6 70 70 51 3-G 4G 3-G 100-0 210 21-3 19-9 19-6 164 12-8 150 11-9 1100 36-4 35-5 33-8 32-9 30-7 25-3 28 1 22-9 h200 444 410 40-0 38-G 38-7 331 354 29-3 1300 40-7 35-5 35-4 33-7 35 9 310 31-8 270 1400 29-9 24-5 25 0 240 2G-0 22-5 234 19-3 1500 18.5 141 14-8 14-2 15-5 13-2 13-8 11-2 1600 9-9 70 7-5 7-3 80 G-G 7 0 5 G 1700 5-3 31 3-4 3-3 3G 2-7 31 2-4 1800 21 1-3 1-4 14 1-5 11 1-2 0-9 1900 0-8 0-5 0-5 0-5 0-6 0-5 0-5 0-3 200 0 0-3 0-2 0-2 0-2 0-3 0-1 0-2 0-1 100 Art. 1- K.Fuji: Taele I\'. Oscillogram No. 54, curve No. 7 and its residual cuvxe. y = 44.8 e-*-i« '»y- ^TsT 7/^=44-8 e--^-^ '"^"-^ "i(lc. .(■ ,'/ .'/(I y—'!h) in 10-1 sec. in mm. in mm. in mm. 1060 44-6 44-8 0-2 1120 43-6 42-2 1-4 60 410 37-6 3-4 1200 37-3 31-9 ■ 5-4 40 330 25-8 7-2 8 0 28-6 19-9 8-7 1320 24-4 148 9-6 60 20-6 107 9-9 1400 171 7-4 9-7 40 140 5 0 90 8-0 11-5 33 8-2 1520 9-3 21 7-2 60 7-5 1-3 6-2 1600 60 0-8 5-2 40 4-8 0-5 4-3 80 3-8 03 3-5 1720 30 0-2 2-8 60 2-4 01 2-3 1800 1-8 00c 1-7 40 1-5 00, 1-5 80 1-2 OOi 12 1920 0-9 OOo 0-9 7/=10-0e-^'--^'-'- in 10-* sec. in mm. 00 00 700 0-9 800 40 90-9 81 100 0 100 1100 8-8 1200 5-9 1300 3-3 1400 16 1500 0-7 1600 0-3 Table A^ Oscillogram No. C. 3. Date of experiment: Prex^aration: Temperature of the organ: Stimulus : One millimetre on the film corresponds to: May 13, 11)10. About a quarter of the organ with one nerve-trunk. 10-5° C. Indirect momentary stimulus. 1-64x10-' sec. Eesearches ou the Discharge of the Electric Orgau. 101 Coordinates of the points on the discharge curve for every '2 mm. of X on the (oculogram. .(' ,; 'J in mm. in 10—1 sec. in mm. Beginn ing 00 00 of stimuhis. 78-0 1280 00 S20 1.34-5 2-4 40 137-9 5-4 60 141-1 10-4 8-0 144-4 19-4 '.)0 0 147-G 29 0 20 1510 39 0 40 154-2 47-0 00 157-5 52-4 80 1G08 55-0 lOOO 1G4 0 550 20 1G7-3 53-G 40 1 70 G 508 (30 173 8 470 80 177-1 42-8 10 0 180-4 38-4 20 183-7 33-8 40 187-0 29 0 GO 190-2 24G 80 193-5 20 4 200 19G-9 lG-8 20 2000 1 13-4 40 203-4 110 60 20GG ^■^ 8-0 2100 G-8 :;oo 213-2 5-G 20 2 IG -4 4-4 40 219-8 3-4 6-0 223 0 2-4 80 22G-4 2 0 400 229 G 1-4 1480 242-8 00 Sill nmit of the oi irve. 990 1G2-3 55-4 The values of the ordinates for every yrvTSn ^'^^•' <^'^lcu- lated by the formula ?y = 55-4 ^-•'^•ss '"3' sT-exio-i in 10-1 sec. 0-0 0-0 30-0 4-3 400 25-5 50-0 49-8 GOO 54-9 70-0 44-4 80-0 29-5 90-0 17-3 100-0 9-8 110-0 4-8 120-0 2-4 130 0 1-2 1400 0-6 J=+0-84. 102 Art. 1. — K. Fuji : Tables A'L— VIII. arc tho^e for tlie relation between the l^readth of tlie stimulus and the height of the resulting diseharge. AC et seq. written on the heads of the columns of the breadth of the stimuhis are referred to the accompanying figure. Tai-.le \'L Oscillogram No. o7. Date of experiment: Preparation: Temperature of the organ : The formula employed in calculation: Oct. 'l:\, VMV.). A wliok' organ (the same prepara- tion as that of No. 35 and No. MO.). 7/==34-0[l-10-°''^«-f-^-i)j^ Eeadino- of Eeading of Breadth of ^Numljcr 1 mm. No. position of position of stiinulns of on filui C.B. C. Ch. (AC) revolutions corresi^onds to, m mm. m mm. m mm. per sec. in 10- 1 sec. I 640 548 60 6-60 303 '1 63-8 5-3 6-59 303 3 63G 4.8 6-79 2-95 4 63-4 4-5 6-94 2-88 5 63-2 4-3 7-28 2-75 6 630 41 7-27 2-75 7 62-8 3-5 7-66 2-61 8 620 30 7-74 2-58 Height Breadth Heio-ht Hei<4-ht of Xo. of stimulus of stimulus of dischar^-e discharge calculated by Difference. m mm. in 10-* sec. m mm. formula. 1 45-5 18-2 31-5 31-5 00 2 45-5 161 30-8 30-2 + 0 6 3 46 0 142 28-3 28-4 -01 4 46-5 130 27-5 26-9 + 0 6 5 46-3 11-8 25 0 25 0 00 6 460 11-3 23-3 241 -0-8 7 46-3 91. 190 18-8 + 0 2 8 45-6 7-7, 12.-) 13-9 -14 Researches on the Discharcre of the Electric Organ. 10[^ Taele VII. Oscillograms No. 40 and No. 41. Date of experiment: I 'reparation: (Jet. [24, 1909. Left organ (whole). (The same organ as Xo. -)8 and No. 39.) 11-5° C. Temperature of the organ: Primary eurrent: 35 amperes. The formula employed: No. 40 7/==48 0xI0-"X"-°«»'[i-10-^--"'^ -°>] No. 41). No. L'eadiny- df i)Osition of C. B. L'eadino- of position of C. Ch. Breadth of stimiilns (AD) Ximiber of revolutions 1 mm. on film corresponds to, in mm. in mm. in mm. per sec. in 10-* sec. 1 65 0 54-8 9-8 7-00 2-8G 2 64-2 6-4 G 93 2-88 ! 3 03-8 G-7 G-77 2 -96 4 (33C) GI G-99 2-86 5 G34 G-4 (')G7 300 G G3'2 5 0 G-G7 300 7 G3 0 50 G-99 2-86 8 G2-8 41 70.-> 284 No. Height of stimnlns in mm. Breadth of stimulus in 10-4 sec. Height of discharge in mm. Height of discharge reduced i to Stm. 44-5, in mm. Height of discharge calculated, in mm. Difference. 1 44-5 28 0 44-5 44-5 450 -0-5 2 45 0 18-4 40-5 ' 399 39-7 + 0-2 3 44-8 19-8 39-5 391 401 -10 4 450 17-4 38-2 i 37-G 37-8 -0-2 5 45 1 19-2 390 38-2 38- G -0-4 6 44-5 150 33-5 33-5 34G -11 7 450 143 35-G ] 350 33-3 + 1-7 8 440 11 G 29 ] 29-7 29-7 + 00 (C. B. Circuit-breaker. C. Ch. Connection-changer.) 104 Art. 1.— K. Fnji Xo. 41. Xo. Reading of position of C.B. Reading of position of C. Ch. Breadth of stimulus (AD) Number of revolutions 1 mm. on film corresijonds to, m mm. m mm. m mm. per sec. in 10—* sec. 1 62-8 .548 4-2 605 3-31 2 630 5 J 40 612 3-27 3 (53-2 >> 4-8 612 327 4 (i34 5> 5-5 647 308 5 63-6 )> 60 6-38 314 6 63-8 ,, 5-3 608 3-29 7 64-2 >' 72 625 3-20 S 6.50 " 71 6-35 316 No. Height of stimulus Breadth of stiuiulus Height of discharge Height of discharge reduced Hight of discharge calculated. Difference. lu mm. in 10-* sec. in mm. in mm. in mm. 1 45 0 139 36 5 359 35 0 + 0-9 2 44-5 131 33-7 33-7 336 4-0-1 3 45 0 15-7 36-6 360 35-9 + 01 4 45-5 170 380 36-7 36-6 + 01 450 18-8 37 0 36 4 37-4 -10 6 450 17-5 39-2 38-6 36 0 + 2-6 7 44-8 230 390 38-6 38-7 -01 8 450 22 4 390 38-4 37-9 + 0-5 Roseàrches on the Discharjxe of the Electric Organ. lO: Taijle Vlll. Oscillograms No. öU, Xo. ()0 and Xo. 01. Date of experiment: PreparatioD: Temperature of the organ R.esistance of the organ: Current in primary: No. 51) No. (')() No. (U Formula employed : No. .7.) No. (;o No. r.i Noy. 10, VM). Left organ (whole). Ahout 200 ohms. Ô amperes 4 ,, !j='2l3 X 10-"^-''«'>[ 1- 10-°-^'^«^^'-->}, // = 3-2 1. X \0-"'"'-' [1- lo-°-^3'5('-'-^)], 7/ = :3.S 8 X 10-»>^""'i'^[ 1 _ 1 o-^-*2X«-t;)j _ N o. No. Heading of position of C. B. in mm. Heading of position of C. Ch. in mm. Breadth of stimulus lAP') in mm. Ximiber of revolutions per sec. 1 mm. on film corresponds to, in 10^1 sec. Height of stimulus in mm. 1 ()-2 0 62 0 8-2 ()00 3.33 :-380 o (51-0 )) 61 6-28 3-18 37-5 a (iO'S , J 54 5-46 3-66 :^7-2 4 006 ,, 55 5-70 3-51 37-9 5 604 ,, 4-9 5 87 3-41 381 C) 60-2 ,, 43 5-77 3-46 37-5 7 (500 )î 2-3 5-67 353 32-8 S 620 ■ 9 8-2 5 08 3-34 :37.5 Xo. Breadth of stimulus in 10-* sec. Height of discharge in mm. Height of discharge reduced to Stm.37'5, in mm. Height of discharge calculated. in mm. Differt'nee. Height of discharge calculated by neglecting fatigue factor. 1 27-3 210 20-5 20-5 00 20-5 •2 194 19-5 19-5 18-9 + 0-6 190 3 19-8 190 19-3 18-8 + 0-5 191 4 19-3 18-5 181 18-5 -04 190 5 10-7 180 174 17-5 -01 181 6 14-9 170 170 16-5 + 0-5 17-3 7 8-1 6-3 110 no 00 11-6 8 27-4 19-3 19-3 193 00 20-5 106 Art. 1.--K. Fuji : Nu. GO. No. Eeading of position of B.C. in mm. Heading of position of C. Ch. in mm. Breadth of stimulus (AC) in mm. Number of revolutions per sec. 1 mm. on film corresponds to, in 10-4 sec. Height of stimulus in mm. 1 620 62 0 11-9 900 2-22 500 '2 010 y -7 883 2-27 500 3 (50-8 8-5 891 224 50-5 4 GO-G 81 940 213 500 5 G04 — 889 2 25 G GO -2 80 9-33 214 50-8 7 GOO 64 — — 500 8 G2 0 11-7 8G1 232 500 Xo. Broadtli of stimulus in 10-* sec. Height of discharge in mm. Height of discharge reduced to Stm. 50-0, in mm. Height of discharge calculuted in mm. Difiereuce. Height of discharge calculated by neglecting fatigue factor 1 264 320 320 320 00 320 o 22 0 30-8 30-8 310 -0-2 31-9 o 190 30-2 29-7 300 -0-3 31-7 4 17-3 290 290 290 00 31-5 5 — — — — — — 6 171 28-3 27-5 274 + 01 374 7 14-8 26 0 26 0 26-2 -0-2 310 8 274 26-3 26-3 264 -01 320 Researches on the Discharw of the Electric Ort^an. 10< No. Gl. No. Reading of position of C.B. in mm. Eeadino- of position of C. Ch. in mm. Breadth of stimulus (AF') in mm. Xumbor of revolutions per. sec. 1 mm. on film corresponds to, in 10-1 sec. H(üght of stimulus in mm. 1 620 02 0 120 8-59 2-33 a 2 010 9-5 8-90 2-23 p 3 GO-8 8-7 8-74 2-29 o 4 60-6 8-8 9-73 2 00 2 5 00-4 — 9-35 2-14 —. Ü GO-2 7-0 907 207 7 000 71 10-25 1-95 8 ()'2 0 12-7 9-84 2-03 No. Broadtli of stimulus in 10-* sec. Height of discharge in mm. Height of discharge calculated. in mm. Difference. Height uf discharge calculated by neglecting fatigue factor. 1 29-4 380 38-0 00 38-0 2 21-2 30-9 30-1 + 0-8 36-4 3 19-9 30-0 35-4 + 0-0 35-9 4 18-1 340 34-3 + 0-3 35-0 5 — — — — 6 10-4 32 0 32-8 -0-8 33-9 7 13-8 30-4 30-4 00 32-1 8 25-8 30 0 35 0 + 0-4 37-4 108 Art. 1.— K. Fuji ^J\VBLE IX. Oscillogmms No. 74 — TT). Date of experiment: Preparation: Teniperature of tlie organ: Nov. 17, loot). A quater of an organ witli one nerve-trunk. 14-5°. No. Distance betw. two cmtiicts on sfmalatioii- appavatius 111 mm. Xuuiber of revolutions per sec. i mm. on film corre- sjjonds to, in 10—* sec. Interval between two stimuli in mm. Interval between two stimuli. in 10—1 sec. M. L. P. of first Disch. in mm. M. L. P. of second Disch. in mm. 1 2 8 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 260 240 22 0 200 180 160 140 12 0 100 80 6 0 40 2 0 10 0-5 02 5-98 606 6 18 6-22 5-84 605 6-17 611 6-34 6-57 6-62 6-58 6-71 ()-60 6-67 6 02 3-35 3-30 3-24 3-22 3-43 3-31 3-24 3-28 3-16 305 302 304 2-98 3 04 300 200 36 0 33-5 30-7 280 23-3 21-9 19-5 170 13-9 110 11-5 90 5 0 30 10 Coincide. 1205 110-4 99-5 90 2 79-9 725 ()3-2 55-8 43-9 33-6 34-7 27-4 14-9 91 30 00 31-5 320 32-5 33-5 31-0 32-5 330 33-5 330 340 340 34 0 340 34-5 350 35-5 31-5 32-5 33-5 34-3 330 35-7 370 39-4 430 480 480 Xo. Ratio of two M. L. r. I \lerval Ijetween first Stim. ana secoiiJ rli sell arse. in mm. Ditto in 10-4 sec. Heio-ht of first Disch. in mm. Heio-ht of second Disch. in mm. Ratio of two heights. 1 1-000 67-5 226 530 39-0 0-736 '_) 1015 6()-5 214 51vj 41-5 0-806 ^) 1-030 64-2 208 48-5 45-5 0-989 4 1-023 62-3 201 480 49 0 1-020 5 1063 56-3 193 47 0 48-5 1-030 () 1-100 57-() 191 4()0 46-7 1015 7 1-120 56-5 183 4()-0 45-5 0-990 8 1175 56-4 185 45 0 420 0-935 9 1-301 56-9 180 45 0 24-7 0-550 10 1-411 590 180 43 3 4-5 0 104 11 1 411 59-5 180 415 45 0109 12 — — — 42-5 ? ? 13 — — — 41-8 ? ? 14 — — — 41-2 — — 15 — ■ — . — . 42-5 — - — 16 — — — 41-5 — — IJesoarches on the Disoharse of the Electric Ort^an. 109 Taj] lj: X Oscillogram No. G5. Date of experiment: Preparation: Temperature Stimulus: )ftl le oryan ■ Nov. 10, 1900. l*art of an organ trunk. 13 5° C. Ascending;. with one nerve- Xo. Disiance letw. two contiicls on stimulation- apparatus in mm. Number of revolutions IDer sec. 1 mm. on film corre- sjionds to, in 10—* sec. Interval between two stimuli in mm. Interval between two stimuli in 10-* sec. M. L. 1'. of first Disch. in mm. M. L. P. of second Discli in mm. 1 260 6-34 316 420 138 380 68-0 2 240 6-57 304 — — 39-6 — 3 22-0 6-55 305 36-0 110 400 890 4 200 6-20 3-22 300 97 380 390 5 180 6-27 319 27-6 88 380 430 6 160 6-36 314 — — 37-5 — 7 140 6-47 309 22-2 69 390 48-0 8 120 6-55 306 19-6 60 390 50-8 9 100 6-54 306 160 49 390 560 Xo. Eatio of two M. L. P. Interval (between 1st Stim. ana 2ucl Discli. in mm. Ditto in 10-4 sec. Height of first Disch. in mm. Height of second Disch. in mm. Eatio of two heights. 1 1-790 110 0 348 24-5 9-0 0-367 2 — 74-4 226 22-6 17-8 0-788 3 0-975 75-0 236 21-5 190 0-885 4 1025 690 222 21-0 190 0-925 5 1130 70-6 225 20-3 180 0-900 6 — 71-0 222 200 150 0-750 7 1-230 70-2 217 19-5 16-0 0-820 8 1-300 70-4 215 19-9 110 0-553 9 1-480 72-0 220 18-8 3-9 0-207 Published December 11th, 1914. K . FIJI. RESEARCHES ON THE ELECTRIC DISCHARGE OF THE ISOLATED ELECTRIC ORGAN OF AST RAPE BY MEANS OF OSCILLOGRAPH. PLATES. I. III., Photographs. IV.- v., Drawings of instruments. VI. ^XIL, Curves. XIII. XXX. , Oscillograms. Abbreviations used in Plates. Stim. or Stra.: Stimulus. Eesp.: Eesponse. C. Stim.: Closiug-stimulus. O. Stim.: Opening-stimulus. E. T.: Equivalent time i.e. time interval corresponding 1 mm. of abscissa on oscillogram. ^m> iSni) i^m- All tlicsB abbreviations represent " Stimulus."' Figures in suffix show the order of experiment with respect to time. Where two successive stimuli were used, ]S,„ represents the predecessor in those of the »(th experi- ment, and nSm the si\ccessor in the same set. I'm) lEm, ^Em- AH tlicsc abbreviations represent " Piesponsc "". The numbers in prefix and suffix show the correspondence of the response to the stimulus having the same respective affixes. 2ry D.: Secondary discharge. Sry D.: Tertiarv discharge. Elecù-i X /^obus elff^/ctts. ETectrt'e nerves-, ffirec iriink.9 nrnon^ /h-e. Ctce/réC' <*r-ffa7t'. ri^. A direct IJa/tini Une. ■ lies on the '■ (Japanese Elf iations used Stimuliu X. iu sufltix sliow- >K>ucliug 1 mm. ruent, and oecond;i.v;,- dl.- Tcvtuii'v dii^cî ■«\1^.S«M>\v>4\ Jour. Sei. Coll., Vol. XXXVII., Art. 1, Plate I. Fie:. 1. Astrape japonica. Anterior part of the skin has been removed to show the electric or<>aus and the electric nerve«. Fig. 2. A direct stimulus and the resulting discharge. K. Fuji: Researches on the Electric Discharge of the Isolated Electric Organ of Astrape (Japanese Electric Ray) by Means of Oscillograph. Flg. 1. Jour. Sei. Coll., Vol. XXXVII., Acrt. I, Plate II. Shutter. Front view. Fig. ± ]îack view. K. Fuji : Eesearches on the Electric Discharge of the Isolated Electric Organ of Astrape (Japanes*^ Electric Ray) by Means of Oscillograph. Fm. 1. Jour. Sei. Coll., Vol. XXXVII., Art. 1, Plate. III. Eegisteriiig apparatus (cover removed). Fi"- 2 Stimiilation-apparatus clamped to a table. K. Fuji : Researches on the Electric Discharge of the Isolated Electric Ofgan of Astrapc (Japanese Electric Eay) by Means of Oscillograph. Jour. Sei. Coll., \^ol. XXXVII., Art.l Plate IV. Drùinff Shftff of UtB^ Reffistering Driiriv nnd Its Accessories. C^/h Actual, Size.. ) c i3°0 Circuit -breaJters . o F ig. 2. Fug. 1. OJC Flg. 3. ÈÀ n :^ \Ç)\ Heyisterijig DruTn . Coupling . Fig. I . Drivithg Shaft- ojifL It^ Coupling . Fig. 2 . Circuit- breaJee^r. Fig. 3. Connection -chfmge.r. Shuti^r. ( ^/s AcIu-clL ■St'zey.) CentraZ Se^fyion/. Ba.rk Yi^eiv. Fi ,<7 • 4- . K. Fuji : Researches on the Electric Discharge of the Isolated Electric Organ of Astra'pe (Japanese Electric Ray) l)y Means of Oscillograph. 1^ Oscï/Zogram No. 54-. Jour. Sei. ColL 1^0 1. XXXVII., Art. 1, Plate VI. ( Red-tLced to U^^ qJActnalùf v.fail,Sc(iJf.) : 'Z2. Li. . i Full Uji-e on tJt^i mldttLe, parC g/* Or iff in- ^ caordJ7Ui£t!X is tttJten. tU. Out heffinninff of sOnuiLua . 1 <('^' 3. — /-■ ^ ^ ^ y 1 i --^ w.. 4-. "7 /' X / X -^ ^ / J Curve Ö. f^ ">> 30 / / \ \ / \ \, ,0 / \ / V N, / ' 1 -_ /Juri'e S. / /' \ / \ / à \ / \ f \ 1 / 1 è ^ ^^ --^ e .7^, 7. i / \ 1 \ \ / \ / \ \ 1 \ / \ S|, / \ / V / ^ ^— - €uyt/e s. i f \\ 1 \ / \ / 1 \ / / V ] \ \ / «. î : .£ y- ° ■ ° .À K. Fuji: Researches on the Electric Discharge of the Isolated Electric Organ of Astrape (Japanese Electric Ray) by Means of Oscillograph. Oscillogram No. 37. Jour. Sei. ColL,i^ol. XXXVII., Ârt.l Plate Vll. Curve J. / Ts B 3U^ f \ \ 1 1 \ ^ / \ y f N ^ Curve 2. -'- / \ / N t \ 1 \ s / \ s '^ / ^ i- Curve. 3. > n \ / i \ / \ / ] \ \ / / i \ ^ 1 y 1 N ^, Curve *. ^ \ / \ / \ / i -^ \ f / i \ "^ Ï — , ^ / i --, ^ 0 * 0 a o o / »r-^ n 0 , to o Cu^, s. .o / k / 1 \ ,o ) 1 \ S / \ o .^ / j N -^ "urve 6. 7 " .o r^\ \ / \ .0 / \ \, / \ ^, ^ / V iv^ 7. 20 f ^ N / \ / \ V X »^. 1 Curve 8. >^ "v, i / N \ , ^ <^^ j V, ^t , 2 0 4- 0 e 0 so o li o 1*0 leo lao lO'^sec K. Fuji : Eesearohes on the Electric Discharge of the Isolated Electric Oryan of AstTn]K (Japanese Electric Eay) by Means of Oscillosjraph. Jour. Sei. ColLVol.XXXVII..Art.l. Plate VM. Oscillogram .Vo. 4-0. Turw ,. j / \\ ^ 1 \ . / \ 1 j \ \ , ' \ \ ! / 1 \ i / i \ / * i \J r-- —" ^.™, 2. — — f\ \ ,,» _ 1 \ / \ , ' \, / \ / \ — / -\ N „ ^ / ■^, Clow , I ! ~^ — 1 7 H ~ ' / \ / \ / V i _ 1 1 1 r ! A -^ \, ~~ -^ , i / \ _ _ ■~~', u t. /\ 1 \, 1 \ 1 \ / \ / \ ^ J \ ^ ^ y ^^ rurfe 6. / r\ / \ 1 \ \ i \ / \ I . / \ V _, y ?lirw: g / ^ / \ / ^ / \ f / -^ / ^ 1— . — , , _. ^ __ ■^ '_ , ^ »™ ,. 1 / '"s s, \ \ 1 1 \ L / \ / X ■v ^ / ■^ ■ lum a. 1 / N ( / \ / \ ; / \ / \ 1 y -H^ « Oscj'Ilogra Ac No. C. J. i ^ / \ / \ 1 1 i ' 1 \ .X \ /\ 1 \, ^ \ / -<. I / VA _ , K.FujL: KtiBü 1 tliö Electric Dischiirgc of the leolated Electnu Organ of A,irgwph. H Jour. Sei. Coll.,Vol.XXXVII., Art.1, Plate X. OseiZlagrams ^o. 35 ofLti No. 36. .Va. i-2 anti No. 4-3. .Vo. 55 and, No. 56. OsdUograna No. 38 ' 1 and. No. 54-. No. 63 <^ N, \ -^v 1 ' , 1 No. 62 No. i-9 .64-. / / ' ' 1 ^ / Î 4°' / / ' \ / A / V / ; '^ // * A — — - ,/ j/ f /' J/ — // / ^2!L / ^' 1 1 / / /yy v^ / ' k ^ X-. :^^ f^^^ ^^^ 1 1 1 ' »o :iu l_ I . MÏa^ou rue \r No .4-2 and. No. 4-3. I, so m. " No .55 and. No. .. 6. y\ / \irj, / / "^A /m / ■/ / r ao / / / 1/ / A / / ' 1 (^ / / / / y J / / / / / y V i .^-.- .é:::. " I 1 1 'III! OsetlLoffT'extru \ No. C. 5. 1 ! \l20 1 1 \ i 1 ^210 \ ■""" T' V - 2 Y !.. \ \ . 1 \ \ ~1 1 1 * \j 4 _ _ jV \ 1 ^ 1 >x 5 \ lO 20 30 4-0 SO 70 mm. S 10 IS 20 25 SO mm f.. ^ Post/ion ar elmJJ-adei i K. Fuji ; Eeaearches on the Electric Discharge of the Isolated Electric Organ of Attrape (Japaneso Electric Bay) by Means of Oscillograph. Jour. Sei. Coll.,Vol.X/XVII.,Art.1, Plate /I. Observed^- i , Cetloalaled^. , yÀ^ — / ï^-r^ I'- "■' /^' / ' / / OfciUn 1 grams No. 4-0 afttt 4-- / Red poults'! Xo. 4-^ / j 1 ! / ' T' ' ! / o ' " ' " " ' \^'' ■■ W 'r 7--f '/ Jfo.\ i-0. No. 4-1. V - BLtt^/o pointa: observe.dy. itetl- poùtt^ : ca<^»r.f of tVo Iwlat»] El»ctrie Orj>o of .Utnju (Jipta«- Ktwtris \l\y. Uy M '\w of 0«:illa? Jour. Sel. Coll.. Vol. XXXVII.. Arl. I. Plaie XVII. FiR. 3. Oßillogi-aiii No, , r,fi. Temperature of tlie organ : 13-8° C. l;.-si^la "'■■■'■' "'^^'- i: 200 .y, i;'i' :;M : :-, .;■.. ■.:: :: Is^ :: ,. ;.,; , |s i„ lO-soe. i 1 v_A 1 \ ' ■ \ ^*^ ^ ■^ K lî li, r —^ i;, i;. Il Kliîotria Diaohtirs« ni tho laolatod Elootric Organ of .iHraj-r (.Upnnoso Electric Tiny) l.y Moana nf OBciIIogTft].1i Jour. Sel. Coli., Vol. XXXVII., A't. I. Piate. XVIII. Fig. 1. Oscillogram No. 50. Tempentare of the Fig. 2. OBcillogram No. 60. Preparation same as No. 59, ^Eg Fig. 3. Osillogram Xo. G I s No. 59, No. (10 and No. Ijl are of a set of experiments carried nut witli the same praparation. K. Pujii lîosowoliCB on t!io Kleotrlo Diaolmrgo of tlio leolatod Elootrio Organ of Attripe (J-ipaneso Electric Ray) by Meana of OBOillograph. Jour. Sei. Coll., Vol. XXXVII., Art. I, Plaie XIX. Pig. 1. Oscillogram No. 74. K. Fuji : Roflearcliee on the Electric Discharge of the laqlutud Electric Organ of Aurape (Jupaaest- Eluctric Ray) by Means of Oecillograpli. Jour. Sel. Coll., Vol. XXXVII., Art. I. Plate XX. Fig. 1. Oscillogram No. G.5 Tmiperature of the ovgm : 13-5° C. .105 .3 22 31'J 3 1.1 3 0!) .3.00 .TOG =ij. ■ .iJ. ,5; ;b .ft, .H.. '\ /" ^"nii. i"'a "55 II ,v. t). l'a, -B, Fig 2. Oscillogr.im No. 84, K. Fuji : lîesearoIioB ou tlio Electric Diaclinrge of the Ieolat«d Electric Organ of Aitrij:r (.liipuncRc Electric Ray) li.v Honns of Oscillogrnpti. Jour. Sei. Coll.. Vol XXXVII., Art. I. Plslr XXI. Fig. 1. Osrillogram No. :".0. Tl-mpr \n. nf,.N|, : 1 2 :1 4 .'", i^tllllcn: •jnoii, i;'!' 'J Ml ä.w 250 2i;o 2uo 2 71 71 in 10- Pi,, 2 0«ül..._MinH X... .17 FiR. :l. Osiillnsram No. :,\. /t TRT ..s, ,1î., .,1;.. ,li, .n, ,r,, ,R, 'IVmprraliiiv of llir oi-Knn- .K.'.T TiisovtBil rosintaiire : WO S! . r V. A. r "v> V ^ \, ~. ,>, .s. i , "^T" 1^. "N. ,1 ,i,\ ,1;, ^t;., ,1:. ..l;,,i;, ..F., ,1 ^ u, ,,,i:., :r"Ä AT" _i; ,u, .IÎ. ,1;, ..1;, ^uji ; Reuoiirclii-s on tt.e Eloctric Disohargo of the laolatod Electric Organ of .l^frnpe (JiipanoBO Electric Ray) by Means of Oscillograpli, Jour. Sel. Coll., Vûl. XXXVII.. Art. I. Plate XXII Fig. l- Oscillopifim Xo, 70, Fig. ':. Oscillot^raui ^a 71. il . ?i : Descending. 6 R : Ascencliiig. Descenclbiy, No. of exp. : 1 2 E.T.: 3-ôl 3:S1 340 :i-51 355 355 3 53 3-41 K. Fuji ; RcsoarohPB on the Eloctrto DiacharRo of tho laolatcd Electric Organ of Aftritje (JaptinoBO Electric liay) by Means of Oaoillo^iipli. Jour. Sei. Coll., Vol. XXXVII., Art. I, Plaie XXIII. Fig. 1. OaciUogram No. 07. Nnmber of stimtili : 885 per s E.T. : 2 80x10- A ,v,v.*.^v.y.wdv Fig. 2. OBcilbßraiii No. 8.'J. Nnmljer of stimuli : 1412 per sec. Temperature of the organ : 15 5^0. E.T.: ôOSxlO-'sec. 1 m ■■H| ■ Éj ËÊÊ 1 ■■ 1 ^^^H^^^^^^ ^^^^ ■ fP ■ ' 9 ! mnzz:- i^^^^H ■ K. Fuji : RwoarcliOB oa the Eloctrio Discharge of the Isolated El.-clric Organ of J'lrajie iJapanoBo Electric Itay) by Mwana of OflCillograph. Jour. sa. Coll.. Vol. XXXVII., Art. f. Phte XXIV. Fig. 1. OscillofTi-ara. No. 1. Typical form uf fatigue Xumbf-r oE stimuli : About "27 per. K. Fuji : Reeentcbca on tlie Electric DiBcliargû of tbo Isolated Electric Organ of AAr,yj>e (JaiKmeao Eluctvic lî.iy) by Means of Osuillograpli. Jour. Sei. Cell . Vol. XXXVII.. Art. I. Phile XXV. Fin. I. Oscillngium No. :l. Niimlicr of stimuli : Alioiit 2i per aeo. Tîilîen at (in intevval ol" one lionr aftev No. il. Osdllof-rnins No, ;i. No. 4 and No.:.5 aip of a spt of cxpoiinipnts canietl out with tlic saliio in-opavatioii. K. Fuji 1 Roioiiroli,.. on llir El.'ctric Di«oliar|;o of 111.) I«.l»b>,> EU'ol.rio Or^.v« nl .Ulmpe (JupamiBe Elcotri« E»y) by Moan, of OmilloBnipli. Jour. sa. Coll., Vol. XXXVII.. Art. 1. Plaie XXVI. Fig. 1. Oscillogram No. Fatigae by descending stimuUitiDg current, Fig. 2. OBcillogrom No. 8. Fatigue by descending and ascending stimulating cuiTents altci-nately given. Ascendinp-stimuli, Fig. :i. OsciUnpram No. 7h. Descondiug-stimnli. Fig. 4. Oscilln^miiii Nn. 7h'. ABccnding-fltimuIi. *'Poji lUwMrcbM OB tb<- Glwtric iHaclikr)^ of tbv laolftt«-! Elc«thoOrpui cf Attr^ft (iipui«» E1f«trie Eaj) by Mmiia of O«:illofnikp))- 4oiir. Sei. Cell., Vol. XKXVII.. Ait. 1. Plate XXVII. I'tt,'. 1. Uscillogmm Ho. K, Fuji : Ito»earuhta on tlic Ek-ctrtc Diaclinrgo of tlio IboIiiU-iI Eloctrio Organ of .Utrnj'f (Jiipancee Electric Roy) Ky Mohiib of OBCilli.yrui.li. Jour. Sel. Coll., 1/0/. XnVII.. /(/■(. 1, Phie XXVIII. Fig. 1. Oscillogram No. C Ik. Fuji : ItuoAroliEd on the Ek-otric Dischargo o£ the Isolated Electric Org.ia of Atlr.tpc (Jupiinose Electric Uiiy) by Mciins oï Oscilloürni.li Jour, Sei. Coll-. Val. XXXVII.. Art. 1. Plate XXIX. Via. 1. OsciUoBram N\.. 1011. n~ ilisclmv".'. IiKnrt.'il irsisbmcc : 100 S . Tmiiwratniv ■ ■2:î'0<'C. Pig. 2. OBcillogmm No, 53. K. Fuji : ItosBatcUos oa tho Electric Diachart.'O of t!w Isoliited Elüotrio Orgaa of .Iilr.ijte (Japanoao Elootrio KayJ l)y M«ftDS of Oacillograpli. . Oall., Vol xnVII.. Art. 1, Plate XXX. Yii-. I. üscilloRmm Nu 'IVmperalnre of tbo organ ; 1 1 ■'' C. — i( Fig. 2. Oscillogram No. 77. Tempci-îitnre of the or^'an ; 1 1 .5^ C i^-.:-^0è^ ^feltPääS^ ;;«^ K. Fuji : Keaearahea on tHo Eleotrio Disoharge oî tbe laolated Elactrio Organ of Ästrape (Japanoae Electric Eiy) by MeaiiB of Oeoillograph. JOURNAL OF THE COLLECrE OF SCIENCE, TOKYO IMPERIAL TNIVERSITY. vol. XXXVII., ART. 2. Recherches sur les spectres d'absorption des ammine complexes métaHiques. I Les spectres d'absorption cfes solutions aqueuses des ammine-complexes cobaltiques et (eurs constitutions chimiques.'^ Par Yuji SHIBATA, LUijakvuhi. Laboratoire de chimie minérale de l'Université impériale de Tôkiô. Avec 17 /îyiires. Quoi que ce soit un fait bien connu et très intéressant que les sels complexes cobaltiques ont toujours les couleurs très diverses et vives, et cle plus, que le changement de ces couleurs, d'après les substitutions de quelques restes dans les ions complexes, est très brusque, une étude systématique sur ce sujet, au point de vue de l'optique, n'a pourtant été entreprise que par peu de chimistes. Depuis que j'ai entrepris la présente étude, une notice intitulée "Über die Beziehungen zwischen den Absorptionsspektren und der Konstitution der Komplexenkobaltamminsalze" a été publiée par R. Luter et A. Nikolopulos. "'^ Mais ce dernier travail bien intéressant, a été exécuté avec un spectrophotomètre et, en conséquence, l'étude n'est pas sortie de l'échelle spectrale visible, tandis que la mienne, parce que j'ai employé un spectrographe de quartz, s'est étendue vers l'extrême ultraviolet. Les matières choisies dans les deux études ne sont pas non plus les mêmes. A 1) Une note brieve d'une partie de ce travail a été rapportée, sous les noms de Gr. Urbain et Y. Shibata, dans " Comptes rendus des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences " (Paris), 157, XV, 593. [Oct. 13, 1913] 2) Zeitschr. physik. Chem. 1913, 82, 361 378. Art. 2.— Y. Shibata: part cela, M. A. Werner a eonsacn' un chapitre de son omrage aux stéréoisoméries des sels complexes de cobalt. ^^ Mais il n'a traité que de la relation entre les couleurs vues à Tœil nu et des constitutions des sels complexes. Je me suis donc mis à cette étude en employant la méthode d'absorption spectrale des solutions aqueuses des sels complexes cobaltiques les plus divers. Une série de spectrogram m es du visible et de T ultraviolet que jo décris précisément ci-dessous m'a permis de mettre en évidence des relations assez intéressantes entre la constitution de ces complexes et leurs absorptions. La méthode et les matières. Dans ce travail, j'ai employé le spectrographe'' de quartz, construit par M. Adam-Hilger à Londres. Comme la source de rayons, j'ai préféré l'arc de fer à cause de la facilité, avec laquelle on peut connaître la longueur d'onde à l'extrémité d'absorption. Les solutions des sels complexes ont été prises toujours à la même concentration de j^^- et ^q— ; seulement pour quelques sels, N celles ont été étendues jusqu'à j^^q^^-- Les mesures ont ete trcKkutes par des courbes en portant, suivant deux axes rectangulaires, les logarithmes des épaisseurs des solutions et les fréquences corres- pondant aux limites de l'absorption, d'après la façon de Baly- Hartely. Les sels complexes cobaltiques que j'ai pris comme objets de cette étude comprennent les 26 espèces suivantes : Cobaltihéxammines CoiNH,%Gk Coen^Ck [Coen-lNH-^-^jCl, Cobaltipentammines [CoiNH^XCqCl, [Co{NH.;),ILO]CI, [CoiHN.;),OH]CL lCoiNH,)NO.;]CL Igo{NH.:;)ONO]GI, [cof^.j[NH,)Br]Br, [Coß^^{NH,)Br] {Ikomocampf er sulfonate), {d, â et l, l) [Co{'NH,)lNCS)\Cl. 1) A. Werner : Ann. Chem. 1911, 386, l-27:i * J'ai commencé ce travail au Laboratoire de cbimie minérale de M. le prof. G. tlrban. \\ la Sorbonne de Paris et je l'ai fini à l'Institut de chimie de l'Université impériale de Tokio. Comme les deux laboratoires possèdent le memo appareil du même fabricant londonien, j'ai pu heureusement ichever co travail, sans interruption ni emp vehement, dans les deux laboratoii-es. Eecherches sir los sooetres d'absorption des amuiine-complexes mélalli lues. 3 Cobaltitétrammines [Co(NH.XC,0,']CI [Co:NH,;),CO,]CI [Co fJi,CO,]Cl [Co{NH,\{H,0)CqGI, Ico':NH,\(H.JJ).;]CI, [CoiNH,%NO,(OH}]Cl lcoiNH,X{NO.j).i\CI(Crocêo et Fiavo) [CoInH,;)NO./JI]CI [Cn eii,CI.j]Gl(Prasco) Cobaltitrianimine Co(^^ff,),(^"o,);. Cobaltidiammines [Co[HN.;)JNO,),]NH, [Co:NH,\(C,0,){NO.^;}NH, Colaltihéxaiiitrite [Co[NO.;),]Na, Les sels nommés ci-dessus ont été préparés par 1" auteur au laboratoire de M. A. AVerner à l'Université de Zurich et au laboratoire de chimie minérale de ]M. G. urbain à la Sorbonne de Paris. Quant à leur pureté, elle a été assurée par l'analyse et par les formes cristallines. Partie théorique Les diagrammes faits ainsi présentent, dans l'étendue étudiée du spectre, deux ou trois minima des courbes (maxima d'absorption) très nets, dont les fréquences se trouvent toujours respectivement voisines de 2000, 3000 et 4000. Cette troisième absorption n'existe qu'en quelques complexes contenant le groupe de nitro, dont on verra la discussion dans la partie expérimentale. L'absorption qui a lieu à la fréquence de 3000 montre phis de déviation que la première à la fréquence de 2000, selon la constitution des ions complexes. C'est seulement la première bande d'absorption qui ne manque pas à toutes les sohitions des sels cobaltiques, soit les sels d'ammine- complexes, soit les sels ordinaires. ^^ Par conséquent cette première absorption à la fréquence de 2000, nous semble e re due à l'atome de cobalt, qui se place au centre des ions complexes,* tandis que les autres doivent appartenir aux autres atomes métalloïdes qui sont en connexion immédiate avec l'atome de cobalt. * D'après l'opinion de M.A. Werner les sels cobaltiques, comme chlorure, nitrate, sulfate etc., en solution arjueuses, font aussi des ions complexes avec l'eau [Cn{H-jO)f^]." 1) Comparer A. Hantzscli u. Yuji Shibata: Zeitschr. anorg. cliem., 1911, 73, 3)9-324. 4 Art. 2.- Y. Shibata: D'après les recherches des physiciens modernes, les causes de la production des spectres liniaires et de ceux de bandes sont très probablement dues à la vibration respective des électrons positifs et lies électrons négatifs.'^ A la suite de cette théorie fondamentale, J. ^tark'^ a présenté une hypothèse, qui est expérimentalement constatée à certains degrés. Son raisonnement peut être brièyement exposé comme il suit : les valence des atomes chimiques ne sont autre chose que les électrons négatifs qui sont liés avec les lignes de force sur la surface d'un atome, petite particule élémentaire chargée électriquement au signe positif. Ce savant a classifié ces électrons de valence en trois catégories, selon la relation qui existe entre eux et les atomes. L'électron de valence saturé est telle modification qui a lieu entre deux atomes et, en conséquence, leurs lignes de force se terminent à la surface de ces atomes. La deuxième modification, nommée l'électron de valence insaturé, s'attache à un seul atome et, en conséquence, toutes ses lignes de force n'atteignent qu'à la surface de ce même atome, tandis que la troisième, appelée l'électron de valence relâché (gelockert), coexiste nécessairement avec la modification saturée, qui lie deux atomes, et il est caractérisé par ses lignes de force qui ne se terminent qu'à la surface d'un atome. Cette dernière sorte d'électron de valence, se rencontre, par exemple, dans le cas de la double liaison des carbones de combi- naisons organiques insaturées. Or, d'après J. Stark, ce sont ces électorons de valence, qui jouent le rôle du résonateur, dont les oscillations, excitées par une énergie quelconque, soit celle de la chaleur, soit celle des rayons lumineux, produisent des spectres de bandes. Le calcul de J. Stark rend compte du fait que c'est principalement les électrons de valence relâchés, qui donnent les absorptions de bandes dans l'échelle spectrale visible, et ultraviolette ; c'est-à-dire l'intérieur de l'enceinte de la longueur d'onde ca 7000-1500 A. C'est donc bien la raison pour laquelle les combinaisons organiques insaturées, 1) Voir J. Stark : Die Principieu dtr Atouidynamik, II, Die elementare Strahlung. [HW. S. Hirzel, Leipzig], Paul Kuggli : Die Valenz-Hypothese von J. Stark vom chemischen Standpunkt [191:i, Ferdinand Enke, Stuttgart] et Ci. Urbain : Introducion a l'Elude de la Spectrochimie [1911, A. Htrmunn et Fils, Paris] 2) loc. cit. Recherclies sur les spectres d'absorption des amuiiae-complexes métalliques. 5 possédant évidoinmeut les électrons de valence relâchés aux points des liaisons doubles ou triples des atomes du carbone, sont vivement colorées, ou donnent des absorptions de l)andes bien nettes à la partie ultraviolette. Comme je l'ai déjà indiqué, les solution-; acjueu-es des sels cobaltiques montrent deux ou trois Ijandes d' al »sorption très nettes dans l'échelle spectrale visible et ultraviolette . L'une d'elles qui est la moins réfranejible, se trouve, sans exception, voisine de la longueur d'onde 5000 A. et elle est peu influencée par une substitution quelconque dans les ions complexes. En conséquence, cette bande la moins refrangible est l)ien probal)lement causée par l'oscillation des électi-ons de valence relâchés qui s'attachent à l'atome central de col)alt, tandis qui' les autres, qui sont plu? ou moins sensibles à la substitution, sont caractéristiques des atomes métalloïdes qui se tiennent en directe connexion avec l'atome de col )alt. Si donc on considère que l'électron de valence joue le rôle d'un petit résonateur qui oscille par l'agitation de l'énergie de rayons avec une certaine longueur d'onde, on peut réprésenter la relation entre cette énergie et le nombre d'oscillations par la formule fondamentale de M. Planck: £=h'^, où 8 réprésente un quantum de l'énergie d'un résonateur oscillant, et '■" le nombre d'oscillations, tandis tjue // est appelé la constante universelle de Planck, ayant la valeur de G*548x 10"''. Si l'on replace maintenant le nombre d'oscillations v par les termes de la vitesse des rayons lumineux (3x 10^*^ cm/sec) et de sa longueur d'onde A, la formule de Planck peut ê:re transformée ainsi, g ^ 6- 548 xlO--^x3xlO'-° ^ 19-64x10-^' Puisque l'atome de co1>alt possède les électrons de valence relâchés cpii donnent une l>ande d'absorption toujours voisine delà c longueur d'onde 5000 A, on pourra alors calculer l'énergie moyenne de ces résonateurs, d'après la formule donnée ci-dessou-. S = ll^iiil21'=4xlO--W.G.S.) 5x10-' • 6 Art. 2.— Y. Shibata : A présent, il n'y a naturellement aucun moyen direct pour la détermination de la valeur de ce genre-là. Seulement, on pourra examiner cependant, si de pareils sels complexes colorés, par exemple, de chrom, de nickel, de platin etc, donneraient les absorptions caractéristicpies aux atomes' métalliciues. Dans le cas ou cela sera possible, la comparaison de la grandeur des éuergies d'oscillation des électron de valence de plusieurs métaux doit être un problème bien intéressant. Je vais continuer davantage mon travail dans ce sens. Partie expérimentale I. Cobaltihéxammines (Série lutéocobal tique/"' Les sels complexes de cette série sont toujours colorés très jaune. Ils se cristallisent à aiguilles tiues et sont solubles assez facilement dans Teau. Comme on le voit dans la figure I, ils donnet deux absoi'ptions, dont les minima des courbes (maxima d'absorption) se trouvent à 2100 et 3000 de fréquence. Il est bien intéressant de constater que les absorptions de ces trois corps, chlorure de cobaltihéxammine, I>romure de cobaltidiammine-diéthylènediamine et chlorure de cobaltitriéthylènediamine, sont pratique naent égales l'une à l'autre, à propos des positions et des formes des bandes d'absorption. C'est seulement leur absorption à l'extrémité qui n'est pas la même. Ces parties des courbes sont déplacées de plus en plus vers le rouge par la substitution de la molécule d'éthylènediamine à celle d'ammoniac ; c'est-à-dire que la courbe de l'absorption cVextrériiité du chlorure de cobaltitriéthylènediamine est poussée le plus sensiblement vers le rouge et celle du sel héxammine se trouve à la partie plus refrangible, ttmdis Cj[ue la courbe de l'absorption d'extrémité du sel de diammine-diéthylènediamine se place entre les deux précédentes. En ce qui concerne la nomenclature des sels complexes de cobalt, j"ai adopté celle donnée dans im ouvrage de M. G. UrVjain " Introduction à la chimie des complexes," [1913 ; A. Hermann tt fils, Paris.] Eecherches sur les spectres iVabsorptiuu d<-s auiuiine-comi^k-xos métalliques. 1500 3.5 3.0 ^ 2.5 ä 2.0 1.5 0.5 2300 Fig. I Frénueiice 2500 3000 350Q 4000 4500 • V. ) ■'*' ^ ■ r J 1 •.V / '" * \ \| 1' \ //\ \ V ,À \ \ \ > > \ \ ' \ \ M \ 1000 100 [Co NH.;),]CI, — [Co[NH.;),eu.;]Br: [Co(^,:]Cl, Comme conséquence du fait important que les formes et les positions des deux bandes d'absorption eont presque les mêmes pour ces trois corps, on peut tirer la conclusion suivante : la cause de Tabsorption des rayons des sels complexes de cobalt ne réside qu'aux points de connexion de l'atome central du cubait et des atomes métalloïdes (dans le cas actuel, les atomes d'azote dans les molécules d'ammoniac et d'étbylénediamine) qui sont encliâinés directement avec le premier. Quant à la constitution des molécules ou des groupes, qui forment les ions complexes autour de l'atome du cobalt, elle importe peu à l'égard de rabsor})tion des rayons. Donc, on doit donner les constitutions ^uivantes aux ions complexes des trois corps en question : Art. 2. -Y. Shibata: HHH HHH H\ \l/ /H \\/ .Co. rr I X^'^x I CH.,-NH./ 'r ^NH..-CH. H\ /T\ /H H -N N N-H ^^ - ^'^ -■ N H/ ZW \h /W HHH HHH liéxauimiiie cliamiiiiiie dit'-tln^lrnediaunne CH.,~CH., \ ' \ ' NH, NH, CH.-NH.,^^^ yNH.,-CH., j ■ -\Co/ - I ' ch-nh/ ^nh-ch, triéthylônediamine Il nous semble que T influence des anions sur l'absorption des l'ayons est tout-à-fait insignifiante, parce que le chlorure et le bromure montrent peu de différence dans les courbes d'absorption. Des cas pareils se rencontreront encore souvent dans la suite de ce travail. II. Cobaltipentammines (Séries purpurdcobaltique et roséocobaltique) Les sels purpuréocobaltiques sont les produits, faits par la substitution d'un atome de chlore à une molécule d'ammoniac des sels lutéocobaltiques. Dans cette étude, j'ai choisi deux sels de ce groupe: le chlorure [Co(A7f,lC/]C7, et le sulfate acidique [Co(A^ff,>, cq.iHSO,).. SO, Les sels roséocobaltiques sont également des corps substitués clés séries lutéocobaltiques, dont une molécule d'ammoniac est remplacée par une molécule d'eau. La figure II nous indique que les formes et les positions des bandes d'al)Sorption de ces trois corps ne différent prcsciue pas l'une de l'autre. - Recherches sur les spectres d'absorption des aDimine-complexes métalliques. Fig. II Fréquence 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 1000 [CoiNH,XCl]Gl, [CoiNH,%H,0]CI, La preniièro bande qui est moins refrangible montre son maximum d'absorption a 1950 de fréquence, tandis que celle plus refrangible se trouve à 2800. En comparant ces figures avec celles des sels lutéocobaltiques. on remarque facilement que les deux bandes, spécialement la deuxième, plus refrangible, sont sensiblement déplacées vers le rouge; c'est-à-dire que la substitution de l'eau et du cblore à la place d'une molécule d'ammoniac a produit une influence bathochromatique.''' Dans la seconde bande plus refrangible on voit l'influence hypochromatique en même temps. * Comme il est évident ciue la sensibilité relative des bandes influe autant sur la coloration que la position des bandes dans Téchelle spectrale, nous dirons des groupes auxochromes, qu'ils fonctionnent comme hyperchromes lorsqu'ils augmentent cette sensibilité, et comme hypochromts, lorsqu'ils la diminuent, de m-me qu'on dit qu'ils fonctionnent comme batho- ou hypsochromes, suivant qu ils provoquent un déphxcement de bandes vers le rouge ou VL-rs l'ultraviolet. 10 Art. 2.-Y. Shibata: Comme je Tai déjà iiidi(|ué plus haut, il me semble que les secondes l)andes plus réfraugibles sout très i)rol)ablemeut causées par les oscillations des électrons de valence qui s'attachent aux atomes métalloïdes joints directement à l'atome du cobalt. Dans le cas actuel, il faut se rappeler que l'atome d'ox3'gène dans la molécule d'eau (dans le sel roséccobaltique) et l'atome de chlore (dans le sel purjjuréocoboltique) ])rcduisent la n.enic intluence opticjue; cela est pourtant extraordinaire. Considérons, par consé(iuent, que les deux sels complexes, pui'puréo et roséo, sont en équiii])re dans la solution aqueuse: [Co{NH.;)ßJ]CI, + H,OZ[Co{NH.;),H,0]Gl, Mais le sel roséocol)altique est, en général, moins stable que le sel purpuréocobaltique. En effet, le premier est préparé, en faisant précii:>iter d'une solution ammoniacale du sel purpuréocobaltique par l'addition soigneuse de l'acide chlorhydrique à O^. Il est alors bien vraisemblable que la réaction montrée par Tecpiation marche plutôt de droite à gauche dans la solution aqueuse très étenthie, et qu'il n'y existe que le sel purpuréocobaltique. Or l'influence optique parue sur la seconde bande, doit être causée probablement par l'atome du cJilore. On voit ici l'inHuence insignifiante de Tanion sur rabsorj)lion, parce (jue les formes des courbes du chloruie et du sulfate acidi(|ue de chlo]])entammine ne diffèrent que peu l'une de l'autre. III. Cobaltidihydrotétrammiue et Cobaltichlorohydrotétrammiiie (Séries de roséotétrammine et de hydropurpuréotétrammine) Ces deux sels sont les ])r()(hiits obtenus par la suljstilution de deux molécules d'ammoniac du sel col)altihéxan:imine et ont respectivement les formules suivantes: [Co(NH,UH,0).;]Cl, [Co(NH.;),{H,0)Cl']CI, chlorure de roséotétrammine chlorure de hydropurpuréotétrammine (rouge fade) (violet rougiâtrej La ligure III nous montre (jue les courbes d'absor])tion de ces deux coi'ps coïncident à peu près, ayant les maxima d'absoi-ption à 1000 et 2S00 de fréquence. Par consétjuent, il doit y avoir eu, Eoelierchos sur les spectres cValisorption des auimiue-coniplexes métalH'Xues 11 comnio dans le cas prccecdent, le cluiDgement suivant elans la solution aqueuse de ces deux sels tétrannnines [CoiNH,UH,0).;]Cl,-^[Co{NH,;),H,0-CI]CL + H,0, parce que le sel roséotétmmniine est assez labile n:ême à l'état solide et incline à se transformer spontanément en sel hydropur- puréotétrammine. Fi^. III 1500 2000 i'réquence 2500 300D 35B0 ^ 2.0 [Co(NH,:),(H,0).;]Ch lco(NH..),H,0-a]GI, 4000 — 1000 ^ 1/iiilluence iiy[)erchromatique de disubstitution pour héxam- mine est l)ien remarquable dans la première bande, (^uant à l'influence sur la seconde bande, dans T ultraviolet, elle ne se discerne prescpie pas de celle qui se produit dans le cas de pentam- mines. Ce dernier fait, que les courbes d'absorption du sel purpuréo- pentammine et du sel liydropuréotétrannnine possèdent presque les mêmes minima à 2800 de fréquence, est bien comprébensible, si l'on prend la courbe d'absorption (hi monobydroxypentammine \_Co(NH.^^-OH]Cl2 en considération. Connue on le verra plus tard, 12 Art. 2. -Y. Shil.ati : il iiiaiKjue la deuxièiiu' haïuk' dans 1" ultraviolet on ce sel complexe, qui contient un groupe d'hydroxyl, dont Fatonie d'oxygène se lie directement avec l'atome de cobalt. Vn atome d'oxygène étant ainsi indiffèrent pour la deuxième bande, elle doit donc ê:re due seulement à l'atome de chlore du sel i^urpuréopentammine et hydropurpuréotétrammine, bien que ce dernier contienne encore en plus une molécule d'eau. IV. Carbonatotétrammine et Oxalatotétrammine Les sels de cette série se cristallisent bien en aiguilles, quelquefois a^sez grosses. Le carbonatotétrammine [Co(A^iT,,),CO,dC/ et le carbonatodiéthylènediamine [é'o ^?A,rO,]r7 out la couleur du carmin foncé, tandis que l' oxalatotétrammine lCo{NH:?itC.O,]Cl est rose. Fio-. lY Fréquence 250Q 3030 [Cu^/,C0,dC7 - Cö{nh:),c,o,]ci- co{Nh;),co,]ci Kechorchts sur los s^poctros d"ab£orption des ammine-coruplexLS mctallicßios. 13 r.a figui'u I\^ rend compte du fait, que los trois sels absorbent les rayons également. C'est alors encore une preuve que l'absorp- tion n'agit qu'aux points de connexion entre l'atome cobaltique et les atomes métalloïdes, qui sont en coordination avec le premier, et que l'inégalité de structure des gi-oupes de carbonato etd'oxalato importe peu. On peut donc donner les constructions suivantes aux cations complexes de carbonato et oxalatotétrammine Os ,0-C=0 (NH,\Co( ^C=0 {NH.^,Co(^ \ Carlonatotétrammine Oxalatotétrammine Les maxima d'absorption de ces deux séries de complexes se trouvent respectivement à 1000 et 2700 de fréquence ; par consé- quent les deux groupes en question causent une influence botlîocbromatique sur le sel héxammine. En comparant les absorptions de ces sels tétrammines avec celles du complexe purpuréocobaltique, on ne remarque qu'un peu de difïérence à l'égard de la position de la deuxième bande plus refrangible, c'est-à-dire une influence un peu bathochromatique. Pourtant l'intensité d'absorption se distingue assez sensiblement l'une de l'autre, comme cela est montré dans la petite table ci-dessous, dont les cliifferes rendent compte de l'épaisseur, ou les maxima d'absorp- tion de chaque sel commencent de paraître. Purpuréo- Purpuréo- Carbonato et pentamminc tétrammine Oxalatotétrammine 1«^° bande (1900) 250-300^^ ISi.^^ 100-UG""» •i''"'«-^ ,, (2800--2700) 800°^"^ 800-900'"'" 500-560''^"' Or on y trouve que les groupes de carbonato et d'oxalato sont bien h y pe rch ro m atiq ue s. 14 Art, 2. — Y. Shiluita V. Combinaisons qui contiennent le groupe des nitros dans les ions complexes. Les aramine-complexes qui contiennent respectivement un. deux, trois et quatre nitros dans les ions complexes absorbent bien semblaljlement et mettent en évidence quelques faits fort intéressants. Il s'agit des dix sels complexes suivants [Cü{NH.;).^NO.;]CI, cliloriira de xautliop3ntamminî [Co(NH,%ONO]Ch clilorn 3 d " isoxantli op 3ntamm i n e ou de nitritopentaniniine ['^^^^âi:!]^' chlorure de flavotétrammine Co(iVJÎ:0a(A^O,),, cobaltitrinitrotriammine [Co[NO.;)c:\Na, cobaltihéxmitrite de natrium [CoiNH,;),(No.,;)Ci]ci clilorure de inonocliloromononitro- tétrammine chlorure de crocéotétrammine [CoiNH,U^O.;),]NH, cobaltidianimonionitrite d'ammonium [CoiNH,;),{NO.XOH)]CI-H./) chlorure de mononitromono- hydroxyltétrammine [CoiNH,%{C,OX^^O.^;]NH, col)altidiammoniooxalonitrite d'ammonium Tous les sels de cette série sont colorés jaune ou jaune rougeâtre, spécialement les deux derniers ont la couleur de T orange rou'jfeâtre. ■Recherches sur les spectres iV.ibs^rption d ^s ani nitio-camplL-xes ;n''tilli mes. \!^ Les épaisseurs (mm) «les solutions correspondant à jy,\,- -V » ( \ __ ■ J ~^^ i : ^ snoTi^nps sip s.ia'^ssnîd.i »."ïp sr>raq;tai;.oO|; sa^j; Les épaisseurs (mm) des solutions correspondant -i — ' - A* I 1 9 d' '< S" suoT^ups sip siaasstedv» ssp s3tnt[-4t.n3Sax si^j; 16 Art. 2. -Y. Shibata. : Ties rpaissciu-s (umi) des solutions corrtspcndant à — ! .V ^ 10 0 0 /ci, ,r O snoT;pilos s.ip s.inossit;do sop Sc»inqc)T.iiiSo[ so^j^ Les épaisseurs (uim) des solutions correspendant à — '- A' y ■^ n ( N o 1 CO ^^____^ y c e a > I snor;n|os s.>p s.IuossI^'dfl sop sainn;iai;.ooi^ so-^j Recherches sur les spectres d'absorption des ammine-complexes métalliques. ^7 Les éjjaisseurs (mm) des solutions correspondant à ' N X 2 c ^^^ / ) y J^- ^--<*^ ^<^' ^y^' ^,.<>- b 'J • ^- -— — îî*'^ (>■ ■v>. ^ ^yf^ - r;^ o > snoi:ju[os sap sJuassi'Bdo sop somi[c>Ta'Bj>oi sai Les épaisseurs (nmi) des solutions correspondant à ^^^ N < ? ^ suoi:^nios sap saaasstBdi? sop soinii'^iai3.oO{ sofj 18 Art. 2.— Y. Shibata ; Les épaisseurs (mm) des solutions correspondant à ^ — N suoT^^nps sep sriiessT'eda sep s^ml(î}Ta^'.oO]; se^x Les épaisseurs (mm) des solutions correspondant à y^tû ^" I — I d" i o X t>X) ^"3^ " PR ^ O o i o snoT-^njos sep sjuessT-eda sep seinq';Ta'BSo^ seq Eecherches sur les spectres d'absorption des ammine-complexes métalliques. 19 1500 2000 Fig. XIII Fréquence 2530 3000 3500 4000 1000 [Co(ONO%]Na, Ils se cristallisent en aiguilles fines et sont solubles plus où moins facilement dans l'eau. Les solutions sont bien stables, sauf celle de l'isoxanthopentannnine et de l'héxanitrite ; il me semble que ce dernier se dissocie en ses composants, c'est-à-dire le nitrite de cobalt et le nitrite de natrium dans la solution par la simple dilution, parce que ses absorptions aux concentrations de tôt ^Vet de rv^ ^ ne s'accordent pas avec la règle de Beer. Quant au sel isoxanthopentammine, il est assez labile même à l'état solide et se transforme en xanthopentammine en quelques jours, tandis que la solution change sa couleur rouge au jaune de son isomère bien rapidement, bien que la solution fraîche satisfasse complètement la règle de Beer. Comme on voit dans les figures V— XIII, on peut diviser cette 20 Art. 2.— Y. Shibata : série en deux classes: Tune qui montre deux bandes d'absorption dans l'échelle spectrale et l'autre qui en a trois. Si l'on remarque que seulement trois corps parmi dix donnés ci-dessus, c'est-à-dire le crocéotétrammine, le trinitrotriammine et le diammoniotétranitrite appartiennent à la deuxième classe avec la troisième l)ande, on comprendra l)ien qu(,^ deux nitros à la position de trans (ou 1,6) causent cette troisième absorption à Textiême ultraviolet (ca 4000 de fréquence), parce que le sel crocéotétrammine a évidemment, d'après A. Werner'^ ses deux nitros à la position de trans, et que ceux qui contiennent quatre nitros doivent en avoir deux nécessaire- ment à cette même position. Quant au cobaltitrinitrotriammine, il est théoriquement possible, qu'il apparaisse en deux isomerics stéréochimiques, l'une d'elles ayant deux nitros à la position de trans, et l'autre ses trois nitros à la juxtaposition. A en juger par l'existence de la troisième absorption, il est bien vraisemblable que ce complexe est composé de telle manière que deux de ses trois nitros sont à la position de trans. Alors ces trois sels complexes doivent être réprésentés par les formules stéréochimiques suivantes NO, NO^ NO-. NOo NHo I NH^ NHaJ NO; NH.J NO. NOoJ NH-^ / / / / / / "'' z / NH-x I iV//.. iV//.. I NU., NH^ I NO: NH.^ \ NO., NO., NO, NO; NO; crocéotétrammine trinitrotriammine diammoniotetranitaite En dehors de cette différence concernant la troisième absorption, toutes les courbes d'absorption des ammine-complexes contenant des nitrose ressemblent fortement l'une l'autre. En général, les maxima d'absorption de ce groupe se trouvent à 2100 et à 3000 de fréquence ; la troisième bande, si elle existe, a son maximum d'absorption à 4000. En comparant ces absorptions avec celles des héxammine, on aperçoit tout de suite que l'introduction du groupe du nitro dans les ions ammine-complexes cause une influence hyperchromatique 1) loc. cit Recherches sur les spectres d'absorption des ammine-complexes métalliques. 21 qui est très remarquable, spécialement dans les deuxièmes bandes. Seulement, le cobaltihéxanitrite de natrium [Co(NO.;)e]Na, et le chlorure de nitritepentammine (isoxantho) [Co{NH,%ONO]Cl, se montrent un peu exceptionnels, c'est-à-dire que leur première bande est assez hypochromatique, comparée avec celle d'héxammine. Les chiffres suivants rendent compte de ces relations. P, dans les tables, signifie l'épaisseur des solutions correspondant à i^ N où se trouvent les minima des courl)es. Les premières bandes. Les sels P- liUteohéxam mines '280-800""^'. Nitroam mines 100-L50 „ Héxanitrite 520 „ Nitritopentammine (isoxantho) 340 „ imm Les secondes bandes. Lutéohéxammines 470"^ Héxanitrite 5G „ Nitritopentammine (isoxantlio) 45 „ Xanthopentannnine 4 ,, (Jrocéo et Flavotétraiiiinines 8 „ Triniti-otriammiiie 4 „ Téti-anitrodiammine 5 „ Monoh^^droxymononitrotérammine 9 ,, Monochloromonnitrotétrammine 18 „ Oxalodinitrodiammino 7 „ La troisième l^ande à 4000 de fréquence, n'existe que dans les solutions très étendues (,-^hrö ^V) des sels qui contiennent plus de deux nitros, parmi lesquels deux sont à la position de trans, comme je l'ai indiqué plus haul. (^uant aux épaisseurs des minima (^9) où commence ral)sorp- tion pour la troisième bande, elles ne diffèrent pas beaucoup les unes des autres entre ces trois corps. 22 Art. 2. - Y. Shibata : Les sels p (correspondant à la concentration de ^^l^„ ^) Crucéotétrammine 17"". Trinitrotriammine ^^'^ " Tétranitrodiammine 1^1 » En résumé, on peut tirer de là quelques lois données ci-dessous, à regard de l'absorption des sels ammine-cornplexes qui contien- nent des nitros ou de nitrito dans leurs ions complexes. 1°- Les nombres des groupes du nitro dans l'ion complexe influent peu sur la quantité et la qualité d'absorptioji, parce que le mono-, di-, tri- et tétranitroammines montrent de très semblables courbes d'absorption, si l'on met la troisième bande à part. 2°- L'al)Sorption ne dépend ni du signe, ni des valeurs des ions complexes, parce qu'ils absorbent très semblablement les uns et les autres, sauf la troisième bande, bien que le xanthopentammine, le crocèo- et flavotétrammines et le mononitrohydroxytétrammine soient les cations respectivement de di- et monovalence, et que le tétranitrodiammine et le dinitrooxalodiammine soient les anions de monovalence, tandis que le trinitrotriammine est une molécule sans charge d'électricité. 3°- Les nitros à la position de trans donnent la troisième bande dans les solutions très étendues de tttfitü ^, A part ce point, les sels stéréoisomeriques, comme crocéo-et flavotétrammine absorbent tous également. 4°- Le coljaltihéxanitrite et le nitritopentammine (isoxantlio) absoi'bent bien semblal)lement Tun et l'autre. Sans doute, la même construction du groupe du nitrite ONO dans les ions complexes a causé cette ressemblance de l'absorption. VI. Isosulfocyanopentammine La courljc d'al)sorption du chlorure de ce complexe [CoÇNH;^^- (NGS)']Ch a deux bandes très nettes à 1950 et à 3350 de fréquence La première est un peu bathochrome et la deuxième sensiblement hypsochrome, comparée avec les bandes du lutéohéxammine. Recherches sur los spectres fl'aljsorptiou des ammine-comploxcs métalliques. 23 La première bande fréquence p. Lutéohéxamniine '-^100 300„,„,. Isosulfocvanopentaii inline 1950 100 ,, La (lenxième bande Lutéohéxammine 3000 470„,„,. Tsosnlfoe3;anopentanimine 3350 18 „ 1500 Fig. XIV Fréquence 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 1000 lCo{'NH,\{fiCN)\CL Il est bien remarquai )le que la'foi'me et la position des bandes de ce sel complexe sont presque les mêmes que celles de la solution alcoolique du sulfocyanate de cobalt" C'o(,S' Cyy\ bien que les couleurs des deux solutions soient très différentes: la solution aqueuse d'isosulfocyanopentammine est brune rougeâtre, tandis que la 1) A. Hantzsch und Y. Shibata : Zeitsch. anorg. Chem., 1911 73, 309. 24 Art. 2.— Y. Shibata : solution alcoolique du sulfocyanate de cobalt a la couleur bleue vive. Pourtant, si l'on examine d'un peu plus près les deux courbes, on trouve bien facilement que la raison de cette contradiction superficielle réside dans la différence des positions des minima d'absorption (des maxima des courbes). En l'isosulfocyanato- pentammine (Fig. XIV), ce point se trouve à TOO,,,,,, de l'épaisseur de la solution correspondant à nroT N, tandis que dans le cas du sulfocyanate de cobalt, le minimum (ral)sorption se place à une épaisseur tellement grande qu'on n'en a pu trouver trace dans la concentration en question. Or la solution alcoolique du sulfocyanate de cobalt laisse passer les rayons entre le bleu et le violet, tandis que la solution aqueuse assez concentrée (ou assez épaisse) de l'isosulfocyanatopentammine absorbe tous les rayons plus courts que 6000 A; c'est-à-dire qu'elle est transparente seulement pour le rouge et le jaune. VII. Praséotétrammine La substitution de deux atomes d'balogène à deux molécules d'ammoniac du lutéohéxammine produit deux stéréoisomères : le praséotétrammine (trans) et le violéotétrammine (eis). Les deux sels qui sont respectivement colorés en vert et en violet, sont assez stables à l'état solide, cependant leurs solutions aqueuses cbangent rapidement leurs couleurs et prennent à la fin la même couleur carmine. Seulement le chlorure de chloropraséodiéthylènediamine \Goen2Ql'^l^ IcZ étant un peu plus stable que ses antres dériA'és, j'ai préféré ce corps pour l'objet de cette recherche d'absorption. Comme on le voit dans la figure XV, la forme de la courbe d'absorption montre une anomalie : c'est-à-dire qu'elle ne renferme qu'une seule petite l)ande à 2100 de fréquence dans l'échelle spectrale mesurable. Cependant, la branche descendante de la courbe au rouge indique qu'il y aurait très probalilement une large bande à l' ultrarouge. La courbe qui est indiquée par les lignes Ijriseés est celle de la solution du praséotétrammine qui a été laissée pendant 24 heures pour faire complètement changer la couleur. On j aperçoit facilement la ressemblance entre les formes de cette derinière et Eecherclies sur les spectres d'absorption des ammine-complexos métalliques. 95 celles du chloropurpuréotétrammine et du roséotétrammine. Alors, le changement de la couleur de la solution du praséotétrammine du vert au rouge s'est passé vraisemblablement dans le sens suivant : [Go en,Ci;]Cl + H,0^[Co e)h/^H,Oyci]CI, vert camiin Fig. XV Fréquence 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 _ 1000 3.b 3.0 \u 2.5 J\ i i vS^ /' '\ \ 2.0 \ y 1.5 \ \ 1.0 \ i 100 10 La solution verte - carmine — VIII. Bromopurpuréopentammine et Mononhydroxypentam- mine (série du rhodocobalticomplexe.) Pour la première sorte des complexes, les trois comlnnaisons suivantes sont choisies : Co 6112 -D ^..,. \Br-2 (lö corps racémique) â^Co e>^2^f^'|!J yiiC,,H,,0 Br SO,), /[Co en^^f'^^ ]KG>oH,,0 Br SO^, 26 Art. 2.— Y. Shibata : Les épaisseurs (mm) des solutions correspondant à Yoâg ^ S o a 0) t£ VI) ^ Ph a; |3 '^ o-i r-«lus. 5°- En général, les isomères stéréocbimiques absorbent différemment. Dans le cas du praséotétrammino (trans) et du violéotétrammine (eis), par exemple, leurs couleurs à l'oeil nu sont déjà très différentes, tandis que le flavotétrammine (eis) et le crocéotétrammine (trans) absorbent également jasqu'ala concentra- tion de r^ JV ; mais dans une dilution plus grande (xTriru" -^X)» 1^ crocéotétrammine montre encore une bande à 4000 de fréquence. Je me fais un devoir d'adresser ici à j\L'. le Professeur G.Urbain à la Sorbonne, qui m'a aidé de conseils bienveillants et a eu l'amabilité de me procurer les appareils necéssairs à ces expériences, lorsque je me trouvais à Paris, mes remerciements les plus sincères et les phis empressés. Je suis aussi ])ien reconnaissant à mon préparateur privé Mr. T. Kato qui m'a donné ses aides vigilantes pour ce travail au Laboratoire de Cliimie de l'Université impériale de Tôkiô. Yuji Shibata Juillet 1915. Published Sej>t. JOtli, Win. JOURNAL OF THE COLLEGE ubbles of the two levels attached to the zenith telescope moved gradually towards the south, both in the eastern and the western positions of the telescope. Moreover, the magnitude of displacement was larger in winter than in summer, and it varied generally Avith the length of the ol)serva- tion. This can be seen from the following table, in which the first column is the date of observation, the second and third columns the bubble displacements of the first and second levels in units of division, the fourth the observed stars, the fifth the interval ■of observation, and the sixth the temperature of the observing room. Table I. Telescope West. ( + increase, — decrease) Date Level I. Level IL Star Interval Temperature 1906 August 4 d + Ü.20 d + 0.05 Polaris m 33 o 22.0 „ Sept. 5 0.00 + 0.25 » 27 21.8 1907 August 17 + 0.20 + 0.10 51 H. Cepliei 22 23.8 ,. 18 + 0.15 + 0.10 .. 22 23.4 „ 19 0.00 - 0.05 » 23 24.7 190S August 21 + 0.15 + 0.05 ,. 22 23.0 ,. 22 + 0.05 + 0.25 .. 23 25.5 ,• 26 + 0.10 + 0.05 ., 25 22.6 » 27 + o.rs + 0.50 .. 23 22.6 1909 August 8 + 0.15 + 0.25 ., 23 22.8 „ 9 + 0.35 + 0.55 ,. 23 2 > <> 1911 Sept. 2 + 0.20 + 0 30 :. 23 19.8 ,• 3 + 0.15 + 0.45 .. 23 21.8 Mean. 1+ 0.13) - I (+ 0.18) Considerations on the Problem of Latitude Variation. Date Level I. Level 11. Star Interval Temperatr.n' 1909 January 23 d + 0.15 d + 0.20 I H. Draconis m 8 O 1.0 ,, 29 + 0.45 + 0.25 » 8 99.8 ,. 30 + 0.35 + 0.25 .. 8 99.9 „ 31 + 0.25 + 0.50 „ 8 2.0 1910 February 2 + 0.50 + 0.30 „ 8 0.4 ,. 7 + 0.05 + 0.05 ,. 8 5.0 „ March 5 + 0.70 + 0.85 0 Ursae Min. 19 98.1 „ 7 + 0.75 + 0.70 „ 19 O.S » 10 + 0.85 + 0.75 „ 19 09.9 „ 13 + 0.40 + 0.55 ,, 19 O.j 1911 January 25 + 0.85 + 0.4;) 1 H. Draconis 8 2.2 Mean (+ 0.42) (+ 0.44) Telescope East. Date Level I. Level II. Star Interval Temperature 1909 July 21 d + O.lJ d 0.00 0 Ursae Min. m 19 o 24.0 .. 25 0.00 + 0.10 „ 20 24.6 ,, 28 - 0.20 - 0.25 „ 20 24.1 „ August 2 0.00 O.OJ ,, L'O 23.0 1910 October 26 - 0.25 - 0.25 76 Draconis 9 11.9 Mean (- 0.07) (- 0.08) 1907 February 2 - 0.25 - 0.25 Gr. 7.50 14 96.8 .. 5 - 1.00 - 0.75 >, 14 99.7 „ 9 - 0.20 - 0.35 ., 14 99.2 ,. 14 - 0.25 - 0.25 „ 14 99.8 1908 January 12 - 0.53 - 0.65 Polaris 40 2.7 » 16 - O.W - 0.(55 „ 50 2.6 „ 17 - 0.45 - 0.30 „ 45 0.0 „ February 22 - 0.10 - 0.15 Gr. 750 14 7 8 Art. 3 — K. Sotome: Date Level I. Level IL Star Interval Temperature l£i09 January 16 d - 0.10 d - 0.20 Polaris m 53 o 99.2 ,, 17 - 0.55 - 0.4 5 » 56 • 98-6 1910 i'ebruarj' 3 - 0.45 -- 0.50 Gr. 750 14 08 .. 7 - 0.10 - 0.10 „ 14 2.8 ,. 9 - 0 35 - 0.45 ,, 14 2.0 ,. 12 - 0.50 - 0-Ö5 ,, 14 98.5 „ ]5 - 0.45 - 0.45 ., 14 0.7 , March 5 - 0.70 - 0.35 51 H. Cephci 23 98.0 „ 7 - 0.20 - 0.35 „ 23 0.2 .. 10 - 0.60 - 0.60 „ 23 99.4 '> » 13 - 0.45 - 0.50 „ 23 0.6 1911 Febinary 3 - 0.30 - 0.[0 Gr. 7C0 14 0.6 » 4 - o.io 0.00 43 H. Ceph. i 8 2 2 „ 7 - 0.60 - 0.60 Gr. 75J 14 0.0 ,. 9 - 0.30 - 0.45 ,, 14 99.7 » 10 - 0.50 - 0.35 43 H. Cephei 16 3.3 .. 11 - 0.15 - 0.45 „ 16 6.6 >j >) 12 - C.50 - 0.45 :, 16 2.5 » •ZI - 0.30 - 0.45 „ 7 3.8 „ 22 - 0.45 - 0.30 „ 16 5.4 March 2 - 0.55 - 0.50 „ 16 7.8 Mean (-^ 0.41) (- 0.41) l'i of 1=1. "15 l'i of II = 1."15 From this table we see the fact that the displacement in the winter is about four times as large as that in the summer, when reduced to the same interval. Under such circumstances, the question suggested itself, in making the reduction of observations, " Does tlie bubble displace- ment correspond exactly to the change of inclination of the telescope ? ' ' Thereupon I made tentative reductions from two extreme standpoints: Considerations on the Problem of Latitude Variation. I. Tlic displacement of bul:)bles is entirely due to some cause in the level itself, and is not due to the variation uf inclin- ation of the telescope. The telescope did not move during the observation. II. The displacement corresponds exactl}^ to tlie change of in- clinition of the telescope. This is the assumption usually adopted. In the reduction, thechange between tworeadings \ya< considered to be proportional to tlie time interval. AVith the first assumption, western elongation gave a greater value of tlie micrometer than eastern elongation; witli the second assumption, on the contrary, eastern elongation ga\'e a greater value than western elongation.' This fact is easily seen from the series of observ^ations during February-March lOliJ, in the follow- ing table, in wliicli the first column is the date, the second the polar stars, the third the elongations, the fourtli the micrometer value with the first assumption, and the fifth the same with the second assumption. Table II. JJate Star Elongation Micrometer Values with, the Assumption I. IL 190 ; Au--ust 4 Polaris E 51."öS-2 51." 701 September 5 „ E 579 583 1907 February o Gr. 750 W (319 595 ". 5 „ "W 712 6 51 >■ V 9 W G98 682 „ U >, W ()33 • •.22 „ August 17 51 H. Cephei E 628 6U » 18 „ E 645 653 .. 19 „ E 654 656 1908 January 12 Polaris ^V 706 est .. 16 „ W 723 687 „ 17 ,. W 732 608 „ February 22 Gr. 750 W 638 631 1 Western elongation was observed in the eastern position of the telescope and eastern elongation in the western position. Art. 3 — K. Sotome Date Star Elongation Micrometer Vaincs with the Assumption I. IL U08 Au<,'ust 21 51 H. Cephei E 5l"597 51"603 .. » 22 » E 658 665 .> >, 26 „ E 625 630 >. .. 27 „ E 651 654 19G9 January 16 Polaris W 687 678 .. ., 17 .. W 681 661 » „ 23 1 H. Draconis E 668 678 >. .. 29 » E 656 675 .. » 30 <• E 692 708 ■ » .. 31 „ E 669 690 .. July 21 0 Ursae Min. W 662 665 » » 25 » W 659 662 .. .. 28 „ ^V 645 630 .. Aiigust 2 :, w 643 643 .. " 8 51 H. Cephei E 667 679 .. .. 9 „ E 619 644 1910 February 2 1 H. Draconis E 637 660 .. » 3 Gr. 750 W 708 C83 .. .' 7 1 H. Draconis E 675 678 .' .. 7 Gr. 750 W 689 684 " .. 9 .. W 747 724 " .. 12 .. w 667 651 „ » 15 ,. w 687 662 .- Mnrch 5 ô Ursae Min. E 664 708 " .' 5 51 H. Ceplni W 639 629 .. . 7 & Ursae Min. E 662 705 •' ■. 7 51 H. Cephei W 658 642 .. .. 10 ô Ursae Min. E 692 741 »> i> 10 51 H. Cephei W 721 (93 .. .. 13 S Ursae Min. E 630 655 " " 13 51 H. Cephei W 689 664 Considerations on the Prolilom of Latitvde Variation. Date Star Elongation Micrometer Values with the Assumption I. II. 1910 October 26 76 Draconis W 51."62) 51. "606 1911 January 25 1 H. Draconis E 661 698 „ February 3 Gr. 753 W 652 634 „ X 4 43 H. Cephei w 707 704 . 7 «ir. 750 w 734 700 :! 9 ,, w 663 641 ^• 10 43 H. Cephei w 717 693 ,. 11 , w 646 629 . 12 w 716 687 ,. 21 „ w 674 652 „ ' .. 22 \y 705 683 March 2 „ w 629 598 „ September 2 51 H. Cephei E 595 609 :', E 5S^ 619 Although systcinatically different values are obtained from tlie different elongations on the different assumptions, the mean value from hoth elongations on the first assumption is nearly equal to that from both elongations on the second assumption. ï:^o tliese mean values may be looked upon as giving approximately the real value of the micrometer. An assumption, to hold good, must l)e of sut-h a nature as to yield theoretically the same value from both elongations. From this point of view both of the above assum])tions are to be rejected, and Ave must find an intermediate one which will bring Ijoth elon- gations into conformity. It is manifest that such a reduction, provided its validity be detinitely granted, Avill need a diminishing factor less than unit}^ In order to determine the diminishing factor I made a complete reduction of my series of elongation observations, forming the equations of condition in the following form, — A + Bt + CO = a + Db g Art. 3 — K. Sotouio: where A unknown constant B yearly change of tlie micrometer vahie C temperature coefficient ]) (hminishing factor t time d temperature a vakie of micrometer corresponding to the first assumption. 1) excess of the micrometer vakie on the second assumption over that on the first assumption. For the sake of convenience, I took the year 1910.0 and 7^0 for the origin of the time and temperature respectivel3\ Assigning equal weights to all the equations of condition, I treated them l^y the method of least squares. The solution of the normal equations gave, among others, as the most probahle value of the diminishing factor D, ]) = 0.54 ± 0.17 mean error. This result shows that the regular displacement of the level bubbles is due to two different causes : I A southward displacement of the bubbles due to some cause in the level, independent of the motion of the telescope. This accounts for al)out half of the total motion. II A regular northward depression of the telescope, corresponding to nearly half of the total displace- ment of the bubbles. Owing to these phenomena we should obtain for the micro- meter too large a value from western elongation and too small a value from eastern elongation on the hrst assumption; conversely, too large a value from eastern elongation and too small a value from western elongation on the second assumption. The first phenomenon may possibly be a disturbance due to the heat of the observer and of the reading lamp. When observing lati- tude by the Talcott-Horrebow method, the proximity of the observ- er to the instrument is of short duration; so that the effect would Consideratious on the Problem of Latitude Variation. 9 not appear, owing to a reason to hu discussed later. And, even if the effect of this were considérai )lc, it would be ehminatcd from the final result, as the relative position of the observer and the levels does not change in the two positions of the telescope. There- fore I did not try to make any further investigation on this point. As to the second phenomenon, we can take into consideration the following three causes. — i. Flexure of the telescope, ii. Differential change of the telescope stand. iii. Gradual tilting of the pier and the ground. A gradual change of the flexure of the telescope tube may be probal)le. according to K. Hirayama^\ although it does not seem to be very effective, considering the structure of our zenith telescope. And this cannot l>e the sole cause ; for if it were, the displacement of the bubble must be wholly attributed to a cause in the level itself, as the flexure of the telescope would by no means api)ear on the level. As this consequence is of course unnatural and also im- probable, we are led to seek some other causes. At any rate, as the effect of flexure on latitude from the observation of a star pair, when we 1)egin Avith the southerly star, has the tendency to cancel that from a star pair, when we begin with the noi'therl}^ star, the final effect will tend to vanish, if these distinct pairs are impartial- ly contained in a group. Moreover, even if there be a residual, it would be eliminated I)y the chain method reduction, as it can l>e looked upon as persistent with the star pairs. So I shall not at- tempt any further discussion of this subject. As to tlie disturbance of the telescope mounting, I can first of all take into consideration the thermal effect of the observer's body and the unsymmetry of the meteorological conditions with respect to the instrument. In winter the wind blows mostly from the north, producing a draught of cold air ; in summer, the south wind prevails, forming a warm air current. These disturbances, combined together, may cause a certain unsymmetrical distribution of heat in the telescope mounting in some way, and therefore a certain change in the inclination of the telescope. As the heating li Astronomische Nachrichten, Xr. 4332. 10 Art. 3 - K. Sotomu: effoct varies witli the difference of temperature between the body and the instrument, tlie (hsturbance would vary inversely with the temperature, i.e., it would be greater in winter than in summer. This sequence agrees well with the observed plienomenon, and wo may take this thermal effect as one cause of the behaviour of the zenitli telescope. Witli respect to the third cause, I may notice the fact that tlie horizontal pendulum observers in several parts of the world have revealed a remarkable unsteacHness of the ground. Tlie most con- spicuous of the regular movements has a period of one solar day, being due to the effect of the solar radiation on the earth's surface. E, von Rebeur-Paschwitz did pioneer work with the horizon- tal pendulum of his original form at Karlsruhe (1887), Strassburg (1892-94), and Nicolaiew (1892), to the effect that the pendulum swinging in the prime vertical showed a regular movement in the period of one solar day, and took the soutliernmost position in the evening and the northernmost position in the morning, as is here shown, — ^^ Table III. Component in the meridian (pendulum swinging in tlie prime vertical) North +, Soutli — . Mean Time K;irlsruhe Strassbv.rg Nicolaiew 0-' + 0."C8tD + 0.'017 + 0.040 2 -0. 0J5 -0. 016 + 0. 024 4 -0. 151 -0. or.7 + 0. 033 ('> -0. 200 -0. 079 -0. 016 8 -0. 184 - 0. Oôt -0. 030 10 -0. 192 -0. 034 -0. 037 12 -0. lOS --('. Oil -0. 037 14 -0. 016 + 0. 015 -0. 029 16 + 0. 135 + 0. O^iO -0. CIO 1) .\strunoinische Nachrichten, Nr. 3148. Considerations on the Problem of Latitude Variation. 11 Lu cal Mean Time Karlsruhe Strassburg Xicolaiew h 18 20 0'7 + 0.225 + 0. 237 + 0. 204. + 0."073 + 0. 0(:;5 + 0. 041 + 0."013 + 0. 035 + 0. Ot5 His result at Strassburg (1892-94) was exi^'ossed in the following résumé : ^^ The epoch of daily miniiuuui or southern elongation nï tlie pendulum lies generally l)etween 5'' and 6''. The daily maximum or northern elongation comes always in the morning between lS''-20'', or slightly later in winter. The amplitude varies l)et\veen 0. "1 and 0. "2. After the early death of von Rel)eur, Ehlert took chai'ge of the observations at Strassburg (1895-9(')). His result was quite similar to that of his predecessor, as may be seen from the table l)elow."^ Tap.le IV. Date Southern t'longation Xorthern elongation Amplitude Jan. 15 3,'o 20. 5 0."049 Feb. 15 3. 5 20. 0 0. Of, 7 ]\Lirch 15 5. 5 20. 8 0. 138 May 1 6. 0 18. 0 0. 201 May 23 5. 9 18. 0 0. 138 June 15 5. 7 17. 9 r. 124 July 15 5, 3 17. 9 0. 135 Aug. 15 6. 0 19. 2 0. 187 Sept, 15 5. 5 20. 2 0. 208 Oct. 15 4. 5 20. 5 0. 053 Xovember and December, indete: mi nato Mean 5. 1 18. 9 1) (3! erlands Beiträge zur Geophysik, Bd. IL 2i Ditto Bd. IV. 12 Art. 3 -K. Sotome : He concludes : Die ,, tägliche Periode" besteht in einer Schwankung des Erdbodens, welche im Mittel 0. "112 beträgt ; in der Tiefe von 5ni ßndet das ^hiximum der Nordableidcung im Mittel um 18''.9, derjenigen nach l^üd um ö/'l statt. Die Ursache liegt in der Ausdehnung der von der Sonne erwärmten Erd- oberfläche, welche sich auch nach der Tiefe hin unter A))- schwächung und Verzögerung geltend macht Klarer Himmel und grosse Temperaturoscillation verstärken das Plienomen According to Hecker' s long series of olrservations at Potsdam in an underground room at the depth of 25 metres (1902-1909)'\ the pendulum occupied the extreme southern position in the even- ing and northern in the morning, ju-;t as in the preceding cases. Southern elongation Northern elongation Marcli, April, May & 17' June, July, August (>'' 18' September, October, November G'' 15'' December, January, February G'' 15'' 'J'he liorizontal pendulum observations at Kyoto (1910-1911) by Shida"'^ gave a similar iv-^ult, showing a solar daily variation mainly in a SW and NE direction; the pendulum took the extreme south-west position in the evening and the extreme north-east posi- tion in the morning. The elongations in the meridian run as follows: — Ij Veröffentlichung dt-s KCinigl. Preuszisehen Geodätischen Institutes, Neue Folge Nr. 32, 4.9. 2j Memoirs of tie College of Science and Engineering, Kyoto Imperial University. Yol. IV. Considerations on the Problem of Latitude Variation. 13 Southern elongation Northern elongation April - Juno 8'' 21'' July - September 10''' 21^^ Octobe r - December 6'' ■20^ January - March 6* 20'' Ol)'j), n-'p, yi

p, d = e~"' [cii cos (it + a.sln fd] (ii) n=p, 6=6-"' [a,t + a,] (iii) n'. 13 37 0.072 No. 5 No. 6 No. No. 8 1914 Oct. 2 .. 4 .. 9 1915 Feb. 14 .. 15 10 26 26 26 27 d 0.587 0.464 0.523 0.479 0.462 0.441 (This level is not fit for use. 1914 Oct. 2 26 4, 26 9 25 1915 Feb. 14 26 15 27 16 27 1915 Feb. 20 22 1915 Jan. 20 21 21 24 24 d 20 20 32 d 0.053 0.202 0.080 0.055 0.047 0.084 d 0.045 0.012 d 0.050 0.073 0.030 No. of Observations 24 18 30 34 14 21 1 division=l."22 32 28 32 52 16 28 1 division = 1."01 32 28 32 52 16 28 1 division = 1."06 42 08 1 division = 1."00 24 20 10 22 Art. 3— K. Sotome ; Level Date Bubble Length. Resistance öi No. of observations No. 8 1915 Jan. 23 d 33 d 0.006 42 27 26 0.040 20 28 26 0.033 48 29 26 0.029 52 No. 9 1915 Jan. 20 21 21 26 27 28 29 19 19 33 34 25 25 25 d 0.079 0.060 0.020 0.010 0.040 0.022 0.021 1 division = 1. "26 24 20 10 42 20 48 52 1 division = l."28 These results show tliat the resistance ^^ of the level is not of a negligiljle magnitude, so far as the degree of accuracy required in the zenith telescoj^e observations is concerned, and we can take it as established that this defect is a common property of the spirit level, as we have confirmed its existence both from the theoretical and the experimental standpoints. Hitherto we have been considering the motion of the l)ubl)le in case the level itself is at rest. But as the motion is purely of a re- lative nature, we can convert the above obtained result to the case when the bubble is at rest and the level moves. Thus, when the level is put into slight movement from rest, the bubble will accompany it, and will fail to show the real move- ment of the level. If the movement of the level is less than or equal to the resistance ^i, as above obtained, the bubble would show no displacement relative to the level. Moreover, when the level continues to move further, the bubble will follow it to a certain degree. The equation of motion Considerations on the Problem of Latitude Variation. 23 takes then the following form, taking the origin at the highest point of the level, — where the quantity A depends on the quality and movement of the level. Under the same conditions as before, in the case of our sensitive level, we have ^ n This equation shows that another perturbing term interferes in this case. Thus it is to be concluded that the indication of the level bubble has an error greater than the resistance 6^, when the level itself is in motion. Now I showed in the foregoing part of this essay that there are reasons to believe in an unsteadiness of the telescope and pier, not to speak of the seismic movement of the ground. From the above investigations, we see that the level cannot indicate instan- taneously the varying position of the telescope in presence of these disturbances. So it is manifest that the spirit level which we now use is not suited to fulfilling our requirements with the degree of accuracy demanded in modern astronomical measurements. We are faced with the necessity of using some other means in order to realize the present expectations of practical astronomy. 3. Application to the Talcott-Horrebow observations and deduction of effect on the variation of latitude. In the first section of this essay I discussed certain systematic motions of the levels and zenith telescope, which can be looked upon as due, firstly, to the disturbance from the observer, and secondly, to a terrestrial cause. In the second section I investiga- ted the failure of the function of the level which can l)e taken as a common defect of the level. Conversely, I can now conjecture how the telescope and level behave under such circumstances. When the observer approaches the telescope, the stand would first suffer a thermal disturbance, and cause the said efïect, owing to the unsymmetry of meteorological conditions. To this the level bubble 24 Art. 3-K. Sotome: will not respond immediately, because of the defect discussed above. When the disturbance has exceeded a certain limit, the level begins to indicate it to a certain degree. The thermal effect on the level would appear later, as the levels are more distant and better pro- tected. After a fairly long time, the resulting effect would be the observed systematic shift of the level l)ubbles, in Avhich the regular tilting of the ground partakes to some extent. Now the observation of latitude variation is based on the cyclical system of star groups, consisting of pairs of stars selected for the Talcott observations. This method is the so-called chain method. As the result of this procedure, we ol)tained the polar motion and Kimura's z term. The closing sum is also a product of the chain method. The z term and closing sum form the principal enigmas of present-day practical astronomy. Now for the first subject numerous causes have been proposed, among which we may mention the following, — 1. Yearly atmospheric refraction. 2. Yearly cosmic refraction. 3. Improper value of the parallax and proper motion of the oliserved stars. 4. Ditto of nutation and aberration. 5. Actual change in the earth's centre of gravity. 6. Eesult of computation. 7. Latitude variation of short period. All these hypotheses may be in a greater or less degree probable, and at the same time no one of them has yet such a firm I)asis of proof, as to secure our universal assent. The same may be said of the closing sum, for which the fol- lowing hypotheses may be mentioned, — 1. Erroneous value of aberration constant. 2. Diurnal atmospheric refraction. 3. Latitude variation of short period. The first explanation has been universally accepted. But the usually adopted value 20. "47 is quite consistent with the recently determined value of the solar parallax, and does not permit so Considerations on the Problem of Latitude Variation. 25 much increase as to account for the whole closing sum. The second and third are nothing more than conjectures. Under these circumstances, it does not seem utterly super- fluous to make new suggestions, to be further discussed and inves- tigated by a wider circle. With tliis intention, I venture to declare that the above puzzling subjects may possibly l)e explained l)y the phenomenon above discussed, in connection with the defect of the spirit level. Now, provided that the considerations in the earlier part of this essay on the disturbance of the zenith telescope are applicable to tlie case when the Talcott-Horrel)OW observation is made, in which the proximity of the observer is of short duration, the first part of the disturbing efïect only may come into play, so tliat the change of inclination of the telescope, due to the thermal disturb- ance, would not appear in the position of the level bubbles. Therefore, the level bubbles Avill be situated too far north of their due position. The result of this is that the corrections depending on the level reading are positively too large or negatively too small, giving finally too large a value of latitude. The principal part of this error varies inversely with the temperature. So the correction to be applied to the latitude is of negative sign and of varying magnitude, depending on the seasons and the hour of the day. Let the star groups selected for the chain method be from I to XII, as is adopted in the International Latitude Service. And further distinguish these groups by suffixes according to coml)ina- tions ; sufiix 1 when coml)ined with the ])receding group and suffix 2 when combined with the following group. The period of observation and the corresponding group are as follows, — Date. Corresj^ondin <^- Group. Nov. 2 — Dec. 6 I. & Ill Dec. 7 — Jan. 4 IL, & nil Jan. 5 — Jan. 30 III, & IVi Jan. 31 — Febr. 24 IV. & Vi 26 Art. 3— K. Sotome ; Date. Corresponding Group. Febr. 25 — March 21 y-2 & VIi March 22 — April 15 VI,, & VI Fl April 16 — May 11 VIL, & Villi May 12 — June 8 VIIL, & IXi June 9 — July 9 IX,, & Xi July 10 — Aug. 13 X,, & XIi Aug. 14 — Sept. 22 XIj & XIIi Sept. 23 — Nov. 1 XII,, & II As the temperature continues to fall during the latitude ob- servation in one night, we may tentatively but reasonably assign the following mean corrections to the latitude corresponding to each of the groups, — II -0.05 h -ao5 III -0.07 IIa -0.07 nil -0.08 Illy -0.07 IVi -0.08 IV2 -0.06 Vi -0.08 V2 -0.05 VIi -0.07 VI2 -0.04 VIIi -0.0(5 VII2 -0.03 villi -0.04 VIIT2 -0.02 IXi -0.03 1X2 -0.01 Xi -0.02 X2 -0.00 XIi -0.01 XI2 -0.01 XIIi -0.03 XII,, -0.03 Now in the reduction of the chain method it is assumed that the latitude is constant during the observation of two groups in one night, and under this supposition the star places are reduced to the mean of the whole system. But when the apparent latitude ob- tained from observation requires the said correction, the reduction Considerations on the Problem of Latitude Variation. 27 to the mean would consequently need a corresponding revision. Thus in order to find liow the above corrections enter into tlie re- duction by chain method, i. e. , how to reduce them to a true homogeneous system, we must treat these corrections in a manner exactly identical with the chain method reductions. I form, tlierefore, — Correction to III-IV = Difference of corrections to Ills & IVi = +o!bl IV-V = „ IV2 & Vi = +0.02 V-VI = „ v. & VI, = +0.02 VI-VII = „ VI2 & VIIi = +0.02 VII- VIII = „ VII2 & VIII, = +0.01 VIII-IX = „ VIIIo & IX, = +0.01 IX-X = „ 1X2 & X, = +0.01 X-XI = „ X2 & XI, = +0.01 XI-XII = „ XT2 & XII, = +0.02 XII-I = „ XII2 & Il = +0.02 I-II = „ I2 & III = +0.02 II-III = „ II2 & III, = +0.01 Hence, the correction to the closing sum, in the usual sense, = +0.18 Further, in order to find the corrections to the reductions to the mean system, I form, — for the gi'oup III ; correction to IV-III = -0.01 V-III = -0.03 VI-III = -0.05 VII-III = -0.07 VIII-III = -0.08 IX-III = -0.09 X-III = -0.10 XI-III = -0.11 XII-III = -0.13 I-III = -0.15 II-lII - -0.17 Sum = -0.99 I apply similar treatment to the other groups and divide the sums by 12. 28 Art. 3— K. Sotome : The correction to tlie closing sum is to be distributed equally among the groups, so that the quantity, — 0.18 12 xll-^2 = 0.083 is to be added to the above. The resulting quantities constitute the reductions of the star places to a true homogeneous system, — I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII o!boo + 0.Ü05 o.'ooo -0.Ü05 o'.OOO + 0.005 +o!oio + 0.005 O.UOO -o!ü05 -o!6io - 0.005 Combining these with the said corrections to the latitude ob- servation, we apply the usual process of reduction and form differ- ences with the mean of all of them. Arranging them with respect to seasons, w^e have, — Mean Date Corrections Mean Eesultin;^ Corrections Jan. 18 -d!070, -0.085 -0.078 - d.'033 Febr. 12 -0.0Ü5, -0.080 -0.073 -0.028 Mar. 10 -0.050, -0.065 -0.05S -0.013 Apr. 4 -0.035, -0.050 -0.043 + 0.002 Apr. 29 -0.020, -0.035 -0.028 + 0.017 May 26 -0.015, -0.030 -0.023 + 0.022 June 25 -0.010. -0.025 -0.018 + 0.027 July 27 -0.005, -0.020 -0.013 + 0.033 Sept. 3 -0.020, -0.035 - 0.028 + 0,017 Oct. 13 -0.035, -0.050 -0.043 + 0.002 Nov. 19 -0.050, -0.065 -0.0.58 -0.013 Dec. 21 -0.065, -0.080 -0.073 Mean -0.045 -0.028 These are the corrections to the latitude variation which may be looked upon as common to all stations. Therefore naturally Considerations on the Problem of Latitude Variation. 29 it is the correction to that term of latitude variation which is in- dependent of polar motion, or z term. Now, according to Ross^\ the mean value of z term during the years 1900- 1005, can be put in the following analytical form, — + 0."()27 sin (® + 170°) (® = sun's longitude) when tlie effects of stellar parallax, Oppolzer's term in latitude variation and nutation are taken into account and excluded. Hence it follows that the result obtained through my argument is practi- cally sufficient to account for the closing sum and z term. Now, as the phenomenon discussed by me is considered to arise from some unsymmetry of the meteorological conditions and also from the solar radiation on the ground, its sense should be inverted for the southern hemisphere and is to be considered as an odd function of latitude, vanishing at the equator. So it can be looked upon as varying with sm f. Under such a conception, the effect on the southern observations should be opposite to tliat on the northern, the correction to the latitude being of positive sign and the correction to the closing sum negative. The correction to be applied to the latitude variation indepen- dent of longitude would be positively small for January, and positively large for July. Therefore, the correction to Ije applied to the yearly term in the variation of latitude, or z term, is negative for January, and positive for July. The sign is the same as that of the northern observations, and is sufficient to interpret the result obtained from the southern observ- ations. As to the amplitude of the z term, it depends jointly on the said phenomenon and the seasonal variation, Ijoth of which can be looked upon as varying with sin ; so we can consider the ampli- tude of the correction of z term as dependent on sl/i^ y the daily chart, but also by consulting the chart of the track of depressions given in " Kisyôyôran." The chart area was divided into 2.5° square meshes and the position of the centre was fixed Avithin one of these meshes. Our first procedure was to examine the daily charts one b}' one and for each position of tlie centre to note doAvn the districts Avith or Avithout precipitation. Here Ave met of course Avitli a difficulty. In man}^ cases more than one centre appeared in the chart, to sa}' nothing of the supposed shalloAV depressions appearing side by side, especially in days Avitli generally small barometric gradient all over the chart area. In .such a case, Ave are liable to an arbitrary pre- judice in discriminating Avhether tlie precipitation in a given dis- trict Avas due to the one or the other of the coexisting depressions. Again, AA^hen an extensive depression is bifurcated, as is often the case Avhen it is crossing over the main island, Ave cannot fix the On the Distribution of Cyclonic Precipitation in Japan. 5 position of the ''effective" centre, M'ithout making more or less uncertain assumptions. Since it Avas our immediate purpose to investigate the distribution for an isolated simple depression and discuss the results from the theoretical standpoint, all these ambi- guous cases were excluded, confining our attention only to the simplest cases where only one conspicuous depression is shown in the chart. ^ It must be admitted that in adopting this selection, we are taking only those precipitations in consideration which correspond to a quite limited weather type, and hence that the whole subsequent discussion has no reference to the cases of preci- pitations of noncyclonic type. Again, since each district includes a numljer of stations, it occurs as a rule that for each position of the centre, many districts have only partial rain or snow. Those cases with precipitation in only one station, Ijut with none in the others, were counted as " no precipitation,"' otherwise as " precipitation " for that district. It must be remarked that the hours to which the weather charts refer are limited to 6a, :2p, lOp, while the distribu- tion of precipitation in other hours may often A'ary widel}^ lUit f()r the present investigation, the three observations in a day seem to be more than sufficient. Finally it must be i-emarked that the cases in which there exists a centre of depression in the chart. l)Ut with no precipitation in either station, were excluded. Such a c;ise, wliich is only met with when the centre is near the margin of the chart, is rather rare and the corresponding position of the centre more or less doubtful. At any rate, the weight of these extreme positions for the result is small and ]nust be taken into considera- tion, if at all, with precaution. The statistical part of the investigations was chiefly carried out by Yokota and Otuki. The number of times n in which the ''precipitation" occurred in a given district, say Pi, corresponding to a given position of the depression, say A, divided 1)}' the num- Ijer of times N in which the centre was found in the area A, ex- pressed in percent, was called the " expectation " of precipitation for tlie pair (Pi, A). Tlie result of the statistical part is shown in Table I. The first column gives the positions of the centre of * In such cases, the ijosition of the centre could he determined with a fair degree of certainty. T. Terada ; depression ; all those positions of which the total number JV was less than 5 were excluded. The second column gives the number JV. The remaining columns give the percentage expectation 7ilN%, for each district named at the head. Table I. Position of Centre. N Pi 1 40 Ps, 0 30 P6 0 0 Ml 60 0 Ms 20 M4 20 0 Me Ji Ji' Ja 10 0 J.^ ^ Jg i 22^5- 25° 122.5-125 E 10 70 0 40 20 0 0 125 -127.5 E 7 67 71 30 33 0 0 33 40 14 14 0 0 50 33 0 0 0 0 127.5-130 E 9 33 44 33 22 0 0 33 29 0 0 0 0 33 11 0 0 0 0 25 - 27.5 125 -127.5 X E 18 0 39 0 28 0 0 39 28 22 11 17 0 56 33 28 11 6 0 127.5-130 X E 18 56 44 28 1 45 0 0 17 7 28 22 11 0 44 17 1 11 22 6 0 130 -132.5 X E 9 56 78 1 28 33 0 0 44 17 45 22 0 11 22 55 55 33 11 0 27.5- 30 125 -127.5 X E 13 0 23 15 15 0 0 38 15 8 8 4 « 46 23 15 15 0 0 127.5-130 N E 28 62 43 14 11 0 0 43 36 14 4 11 0 57 36 14 11 0 0 130 -132.5 E 19^ 64 47 47 47 5 0 63 52 37 42 8 0 53 47 41 26 0 0 132.5-135 X E 12 58 50 25 42 8 0 42 33 17 25 0 0 33 33 i 8 14 0 0 30 - 32.5 122.5-125 X E 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 80 0 0 0 0 0 125 -127.5 E 19 60 32 5 ^ 0 0 42 26 0 0 0 0 74 26 10 5 0 0 127.5-130 X E 24' 37 75 21 17 4 0 67 50 17 8 0 0 71 54 21 16 7 4 130 -132.5 X E 30 71 76 54 27 3 0 73 70 32 19 0 0 78 65 1 38 24 3 0 132.5-135 X E 37 76 87 73 43 16 5 62 81 68 32 14 3 49 70 1 73 41 14 0 135 -137.5 E 37 22 48 87 84 24 8 24 49 65 62 27 11 16 22 49 49 11 3 137.5-140 X E 22 11 18 59 77 37 0 13 23 55 59 32 14 23 23 j 32 32 9 0 140 -142.5 X E 12 5 0 25 84 25 0 0 18 42 50 33 17 8 42 42 42 25 8 1 32.5- 35 122.5-125 X E : * ''^ 50 38 0 0 0 38 0 0 0 0 0 75 25 0 0 0' 0 125 -127.5 X E 12j 66 58 25 8 0 0 67 58 9 0 0 0 92 75 17 8 0 0 127.5-130 X E 24 i 1 50 67 35 8 0 0 62 54 38 13 4 0 83 71 50 21 0 0 On the Distribution of Cyclonic Precipitation in Japan. Position of Centre A' P] Pi P: P4 P.5 Pf M, _ M, Mo M, M, M, Ji J. Js J.i J,5 Jg 32.5'-35' 130 -132.5 N E 21 62 76 48 43 5 0 41 59 57 38 14 0 67 67 62 43 0 0 132.5-135 X E 24 13 72 63 58 38 0 54 79 71 58 29 13 58 75 75 54 21 4 135 -137.5 N E 24 8 50 79 79 46 8 25 58 83 67 33 12 25 59 75 67 42 la 137.5-l'40 X E 28 4 25 47 90 39 7 71 25 50 68 25 14 14 14 57 39 11 36^ 140 -142.5 X E 27 4 0 15 74 56 11 0 7 37 44 29 7 7 19 33 51 45 7 35 - 37.5 125 -127 5 X E 16 31 50 13 6 6 0 50 50 19 12 6 0 62 31 25 19 13 O' 127.5-130 X E 7 35 57 43 43 14 0 72 43 43 19 14 0 86 86 43 57 0 0 130 -132.5 X E 20 35 75 50 40 15 5 75 75 50 35 10 5 66 55 60 65 15 132 5-135 X E 10 10 40 40 80 50 0 40 60 90 80 30 10 50 80 70 90 30 0 135 -137.5 X E 19 0 0 32 58 52 21 5 10 53 63 53 47 21 26 48 47 26 16 137.5-140 X E 12 0 0 25 67 58 8 0 9! 42 67 58 25 0 8 58 75 42 O' 140 -142.5 X E 20 0 0 5 45 80 35 5 0 20 40 55 40 0 10 26 55 50 20 142.5-l'45 X E 14 0 7 4 14 50 22 0 0 21 29 29 36 14 14 36 36 29 14 37.5- 40 130 -132.5 X E 9 11 11 0 0 11 0 22 0 0 0 0 11 44 22 11 11 0 0' 132.5-135 X E 12 42 67 50 42 42 8 50 92 58 33 50 33 33 33 33 25 33 33 135 -137.5 I 22 14 41 27 39 45 9 32 41 50 32 22 36 23 36 69 68 50 14 137.5-140 X E 20 10 5 5 30 75 40 1 10 2 40 45 55 10 15 25 45 50 25 140 -142.5 X E 9 0 0 11 11 33 44 0 0 11 22 44 78 0 11 22 33 55 56 142 5-145 X E 17 6 0 6 0 41 70 6 0 6 0 29 59 0 12 29 29 41 47 40 - 42.5 130 -132.5 X E 6 0 60 33 0 17 0 16 17 0 0 0 0 17 17 50 17 0 33 132.5-135 X E 14 7 2 29 29 36 25 14 14 36 21 29 29 14 33 29 50 29 43 135 -137.5 X E 12 17 16 50 33 8 25 8 33 67 42 8 42 33 20 42 50 42 25 137.5-140 X E 8 0 13 13 25 38 63 0 0 13 0 0 25 12 0 0 25 50 50 140 -142.5 X E 12 0 8 8 8 17 50 0 0 27 8 8 8 0 17 25 50 42 67 142.5-145 X E 1(> 0 6 6 12 12 56 J 0 6 19 12 6 38 0 13 19 31 50 63 T. Terada; Position of Centre .V Pi P- Ph P4 P5 Pfi Ml M.j M, M, M5 Me Ji J... J. J4 J5 Je 40° - 42.5° N 145 -147.5 E 10 10 0 0 0 10 60 10 10 20 0 10 50 0 30 30 10 40 50 42.5- 45 N 135 -137.5 E 7 0 14 0 17 0 lu 33 0 K) 0 0 0 33 0 33 17 50 50 137.5-140 E 12 0 0 0 8 0 82 0 0 0 0 8 33 0 0 0 17 25 Ü7 N 140 -142.5 E 15 7 7 7 7 7 40 0 7 7 0 7 47 0 0 7 20 0 73 N ■ li2.5-145 E 9 0 0 0 0 0 5ij 11 0 0 11 11 22 0 0 22 33 0 55 1 N 145 -147.5 E 7 0 0 0 0 0 42 0 0 14 0 14 0 0 0 0 28 14 43 45 - 47.5 X 145 -147.5 E 7 0 0 0 0 29 14 0 0 14 0 29 57 0 0 57 43 29100 147.5-150 E 7 0 0 0 0 0 42 0 0 14 0 14 100 0 14 43 28 29 8G 47.5- 50 N 145 -147.5 E 5 0 0 0 0 GO 20 0 0 40 0 20 40 20 0 40 CO 20 GO N 147.5-150 E 10 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 10 50 70 10 10 30 40 GO 40 From this table, we may easily trace the cun'es of equal ex- pectation corresponding to each given position of tlie centre, or the locus of the positions of the centre bringing ecpial expectation for each given district. For the sake of simplicity call tlie former curves " the isohyets " for the given position of the centre, though here, instead of the amount of the precipitation, the expectation is meant ; the latter sets of curves may be called " the centre loci " for the given district. To smootli down local irregularities, the average was taken uf the expectations of four adjoining 2. 5° meshes and the mean value was attril^uted to the centre of the four meshes. Those sets of four meshes of which any one had the numl.)er of oc- currences of depression, i.e. iYless than 5, were excluded. In this way, the uncertainty due to the defect of data in tlie marginal re- gions was avoided. From these averaged expectations we con- structed the two sets of diagi'ams mentioned above. Figs. 1 to 20 show the isohyets for different positions of the depression wliicli is marked with ¥: in each diagram. Figs. 21 to 08 gives the centre loci for each district, the middle point of which is marked with •. Oa the Distribution of Cyclonic Precipitation in Japan. Fig. 1. Fig. 2. 125 KIO 135 140 U5 Fig. 3. Fig. 4. 10 T. Terada : 125" I30" 135" 140' 145' ■>' — /-— -J— _JI__ _IIU\_1 — \ — /nr^ ilwA- lirî^2 J A -tS-^ ~~^ L— L^ ^■ A \M^l \ \ ^mXl AA \ Ivj -H ^ ML.\S^ Mj' ^nf\ W IX j [ e^W~ L- J — V= j ^^ ■ 14 ^~Y^ ■■ \ . 1 1 Fig. 5. Fig. G. r25° 130' 1:15 1+0" 145 130 135 Fig. 7. Fig- S. On the Distribution of Cyclonic Precipitation in Japan. 11 Fig. Fig. 10. Fig. 11. Fig. 12. 12 T. Terai.la : Fig. 13. Fig. 14. Fig. 15. Fig. IG. On the Distribution of Cyclonic Precipitation in Japan. 13 Flrj. 17. Fig. 18. Fig. 19. Fig. 20. 14 T. Terada : Fig. Qi, Pj. Fig. 22. P. Fig. 2S. p.,. Fig. 2é. P,. On the Distribution of Cyclonic Precipitation in Japan. 15 125* lOO' 135' 140* 145' Fig. 25. P,. Fig. 26. P, 125' 130' 135' 140] 145' —4 L j 1 ._1UU4— H= ijinz Jul^Vv- hXt^ / H-K^ ~~~4- LL^ ^ / ^^^^^^^ ^ \ kîÎX^ N 3MA-V 1 f ri ' — ^ ^01^44^ i^^ ^ ïQ-4--'r ^IXiW^ — so- 1 LhK "v 1 '^' k No 1 1 f 1 ^ — r lao 1.15 Fig. 27. M,. Fig. 28. ]\L, T, Qerada : Fig. 20. Mo. Fig. SO. il/,, Fig. SI. ill,. Fig. 32. il/,. On the Distribution of Cyclonic Precipitation in Japan. 17 Fig. 33. J y Fig. 34. J.,. Fig. 35. Jy 18 T. Teraclfi : Fig. 36. j;. Fig. 37. J,. Fig. 3S. J, On the Distribution of Cyclonic Precipitation in Japan. 19 Discussion of the Results, 1.) Isohyels. A passing glance at the isohyets will reveal tlie undeniable in- fluence of the land and water. Referring to Figs. ], 2, 5, 14, 17, 19 and 20, we see that in front of a distant cyclone, the Pacific coast has decidedly greater expectation than the Japan Sea coast, whereas on the rear side the reverse is the case. This fact has al- ready been noticed and explained by one of us in the above cited paper. This relation is not so conspicuous as in the above exam- ple when the cyclone approaches tlie main island, though the same tendency is still suggested by the shape of some isohyets, as in Figs. 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 1], 13, 16 and 18, especially in the regions remote from the centre of depression. In the immediate neighbourhood of the centre, the difference between the Pacific and the Japan Sea coast is not conspicuous, as may be seen from Figs. 3, 4, 6, 7 etc. It is quite evident that the above cited theory requires a modifica- tion in the inner region of a cyclone where the curvature of the isobars and the variation of the gradient could no more be neg- lected, and the ascending air current proper to this region is more conspicuous, so that the effect of the topography does not appear so pronounced as in the external region. Comparing Figs. 5, 12, and 15, it may be seen that the dis- trict Mo and probaljly also J3 shows some local irregularities, which may probably be attributed to the peculiar configuration of land and water in this region. Next, referring to Figs. 15, 16 and 18, a tendency is suggested that wlien the centre lies in tlie Japan Sea, M districts often show smaller expectations than the neighbouring P or J districts. This peculiarity is most pronounced in the iso- hyets for the position of the centre, 132.5° E, 42.5° N which were omitted in the above diagrams, since the number of occurence JV in two of the four meshes surrounding this point were less than 5. If we nevertheless calculate the corresponding expectations, we obtain Ml M, M3 M, M, Mo Pi P. Pa P4 P5 P6 Ji J2 Ja 'h J5 Jg 8 8 9 5 7 7 2 16 16 7 13 6 8 13 32 29 20 32 20 T. Terada : Thus the coiTesponcling isohyets show a ' 'valley' ' along the central axis of the main island. If this tendency is any thing real, the ex- planation must be sought in the draining influence of the Pacific mountain range lying on the wind side of this district, enhancing the ascending air current and condensing abundant moisture on the Pacific side. Moreover, it is interesting to notice that this parti- cular position of tlie centre lies nearly at the centre of curvature of the circular axial line of Honsiu, and hence the geometrical relation of the different parts of the land with respect to the centre are similar to each other. This may at least explain why the isohyets in this case run nearly parallel to the land. On the contrary, when the centre of depression lies on the Pacific as in Fig. 8, not only the distance of, but the angle made by the coast line, with the radius vector drawn from the centre varies widely for different re- gions. This explains why the expectation in this case varies rapidly along the coast line. Nevertheless some peculiarities of the M districts similar to the above are suggested by the isohyets corres- ponding to some more remote positions of the centre than those shown in the above figures. These cases were, however, omitted on account of their small weight, and may better be postponed for a future research. Again, comparing the Pacific and the Japan Sea coasts, for examples Figs. 7, 8 with 10, 13, or 4 with IG, the expectation seems to be generally greater for the Pacific districts than for the Japan Sea side, when the centre lies on the sea not far from the district in question. This may probably be attributed to the differ- ence of temperature of the extended water bodies over which the wind comes. Thus far we have considered only the average distribution of precipitation for different positions of the centre of depression. For the actual cases, the influences of an accidental nature, i.e. of the trivial local irregularities in topography, meteorogical conditions, etc., may give rise to various discrepancies compared with the average relations. Still it is not difficult to find a number of tj^pical examples among the daily charts, which may well illustrate the above general inference. A few of these examples are shown in Figs 39 to 42. On the Distribution of Cyclonic Precipitation in Japan. 21 'ig. 39. W 2^.vi., July 30, 1913 ; compare with, Figs. 11 and 14. Fig. 40. G" a.m., April 23, 1913 ; compare with Fig. 15. I2.V I -'10 130 13. Fig. 41. r? a.m., Octoher 19, 1913 ; Fig. 42. 6" a.m., Novemver 23, 1913 ; compare jvith Figs. 13, 16 and 18. compare loith Figs. 17 and 19. 22 ^^^ ^^^*' Distribution of Cyclonic Precipitation in Japan. 2.) Centre Loci. As already explained, Figs. 21 to 38 sh(3w for eacli of the 18 districts, tlie percentage expectation brought about Ijy all possible different positions of the barometric depression. For example, in Fig. 21 the curve marked with 50 shows the trace of the positions of the centre which may bring precipitation t(j the district Pj in 50 cases out of 100 on an average. From these figures, it will be at once seen that the area with the greatest expectation lies mostly on W, SW or S side of the dis- trict in question. This implies that the expectation is generally greatest on E, NE or N side of a cyclone. On a closer examina- tion, however, we may easily discern the characteristic difference between the Pacific and the Japan Sea coasts. For the P districts, the bO% curves generally pass along the immediate neighbourhoods of the middle point of the districts concerned and the areas with the greater expectations lie entirely on the W to S sides of the dis- tricts. For the J group, however, the districts in question lie decidedly apart from the 50% lines and nearer to the point with the maximum expectation ; moreover, the extent of the belt with 10 to 50% expectations in front of the district, is decidedly greater than that in the case of the P districts. Besides, J-., J4 and J5 show a belt with the lesser expectation projecting far in advance of the district, while J3, J4, J,, also suggest another maximum near Sagha- lien. For J« the district in question apparently lies on the rear side of the area with the maximum expectation. For the M districts, the relations are intermediate between P and J as may be expected. One interesting relation revealed b}^ this way of graphical re- presentation may be worth a special description. Referring to Figs. 22 to 26, suppose a line drawn along the longer axis of the elongated area with expectations above 30 or 50 %, for each of P,, P2, P3 Pe- The lines seem to turn round clockwise as we pro- ceed successively from Pj to P«. The same tendency is more ap- parent for Ms to Me. The interpretation of this peculiar relation may probably be sought in the influence of the Japan Sea depressions. T. Terada 23 We have already shown that when a centre hes far in the Japan Sea, the entire Pacific coast stands under nearly equal conditions, as far as the effect of the position of the coast line relative to the centre is concerned. Hence the influence of these depressions re- mains persistent when we proceed along the different districts. For the Pacific depressions, the case is quite different ; the isohyets cross the land more or less transversally, the expectation var^dng rapidly along the coast line. In other words, the part of the centre loci on the Pacific side moves with the centre, while on the Japan Sea side, it remains comparatively stationary. General Theoretical Considerations. Though we are afraid that we may he drawing our inference rather too far on the basis of too scanty materials, it will not be quite out of place to attempt here a discussion on the general theo- retical aspect of tlie problem at hand. Among the numerous factors determining the unsymmetrical distribution of precipitation due to a cyclone, we may conveniently distinguish the following three as the most essential : (1) The first maj^ be called '' thermal and planetary " for the sake of simplicity. It consists in the difference of temperature witli the latitude and may be considered always present regardless of the distribution of land and water. This influence would predominate if the earth were completely covered with ocean or land only, and would bring, according to the usual simple theory, more abundant rain on the eastern side of a depression. ('2) The second may convenient!}^ be called "thermal and geographical" and consists in tiie difference of tliermal condi- tions governed by the distribution of land and water, especially of continents and oceans. If this influence predominates, we may expect in the northern hemisphere the following : In summer when the land is generally warmer than tlie water, the area with the heaviest precipitation will lie in that direction whicli, viewed from tlie centre, has the land on tlie right side, provided of course that the land is sufficiently humid and the air kept nearly in saturation. But if the land be very arid, the reverse may occur, if 24 On the Distribution of Cyclonic Precipitation in Japan. Wa\er we can expect any precipitation at all. In winter, the relation will be different ; we may generally expect heavier rain or snow on that side of the depression which viewed from tlie centre lias the ocean on the right side. (3) While the above two factor are essentially thermal or thermodynamical, there remains the third one to be considered, wdiich may conveniently be called ' ' hydrodynamical and topo- graphical." This consists in the effect of the forced ascending air current brought al)Out by the discontinuity of the horizontal flow of air across the coast, due to the difference of " friction "'^ over land and w^ater, or flat land and mountains. This effect has been dis- cussed in the previously cited paper and may be summarized as follows : In the annexed figure, AB is the coast line bordering the land on its left side. PQ makes with AB a certain angle depending on the coefficient of friction on land and water. The ascend- ing air current is induced w^hen the gradient of the l)arometric pressure is directed toward the B side of PQ, while the descending current occurs wdien the gradient points to the A side. The ab- solute intensity of the current is maxi- mum when the gradient is perpendicular to PQ, while it is zero Avhen the gradient coincides with OP or OQ. This influence will appear most con- spicuous wdiere the land is in the shape of a narrow strip having a large extent of water bodies on both sides, provided the temper- ature and humidity on the two sides are not very different. Along the coast of a continent, how^ever, the thermal and geographical influence mentioned under the previous paragraph will generally combine with the hydrodynamical influence, so that the relation may vary widely according to season or the physical conditions of the continent. Fio-. 43. In the sense of Guldberg and Mohn's theory. T. Terada: 25 In actual cases, these three influences are generally super- posed, the resultant effect varying largely according to the degree of relative importance of each factor. For example, in the case of a deep depression of small extent, the first factor plays no greater part than slightly shifting the area with tlie heaviest precipitation toward E, while the second and the third factors may be important not only for determining the precipitation, l)ut also the subsequent course of progression. It will Ije especiall}^ interesting to in- vestigate the relation with respect to the cases of tliunderstorms of the cyclonic type, i.e. those with circular depression in the centres. The mathematical discussion of these different influences will not l^e easy, till we have at hand a more or less complete theory of cyclones in general. In the following, however, an attempt is made to illustrate the essential influences of the above mentioned factors for very simple ideal cases, and to found the starting point for analy- sing the actual complicated phenomena into their essential ele- ments. It must be emphasized that tlie whole is nothing more than qualitati^'e considerations expressed in mathematical forms. (1) Planetary thermal influences : Referring to the annexed figure consider a centre of cyclone at 0 and draw two concentric isobars with the radii r and r + dr, in the inner region, i.e. the region where the ascending current proper to the cyclone is taking place. Suppose now all the isotherms are artificially maintained parallel to the .r-axis. Assume tlie angle of deflection of the wind where v is the resultant velocity of wind at P, given by _ Gcos in which G is tlie gradient aecelaration : dr where B is tlie barometric pressure and K a constant,''^ The excess of the llux across the circle with the radius r-^-dr is o / d(rv) 7 o cos-ç^/^ , dG \ , '2-cosc^— ^ — ^ dr=-^~ ^(G-^r-^ — )dr. dr n dr Hence the total amount of the ascending current per unit length of the circular belt with the breadth fZ/-is cos'YVr' I dG^n }•>( dr' If the air is kept artihcially always in saturation corresponding to the momentary temperature as assigned hj the given temperature distribution, the condensation of water vapor due to the ascending current will be proportional to the mean absolute humidity or nearly to the mean maximum vapor tension E between P and Q. The latter is well known as the function of temperature E=ÂT) say. Hence the condensation per unit liorizontal area at P will be pro- portional to B = I^±l{G + r^'-^) cosV- (1) ;//■ dr ;//• dr It lor example, G = co)ist. = G^, A = ^^^^— — -^ , (2; }cr or it G = br, B = ^^^-^ -> (3) in which f{T) may always be regarded as the function of the space coordinates of P, since T is given as such. Tliis holds indeed * Though of course, in actual cases, K involves the temperature of the air column, the above assumption may be allowed for the present purpose. T. Torada : 27 for any (listribiiti(jii of tciuperaturo, provided it is maintained stationary by any cause. In tiie present particular case, the curve of equal B will be parallel to the isotherms and be straight, if G=br, and R will increase toward the direction of the increasing T. When G=const. and for example T=T,—Gy, the curves will be given by f[T„ — Cij)/\/x- + y'-=const. in Cartesian coordinates, which are generally concave toward the direction of increasing T. This will liold within the limit of the inner region and the effect will in any case tend to shift the centre of precipitation area toward the direction of the increasing temperature. The quantity B is, however, not the only one in determining the precipitation. When the air proceeds from Q to F, the temperature must vary, due to the assumjittion that the isotherms are stationary. It will be easily seen from the figure that the temperature decrease is given by COS^ when T=l\ — Cy. Hence the unit volume of air, in proceeding unit distance along /•, condenses out an amount of water given by clE clT _ df(T) c_sin(t^=E' - u) (IT dr dT cosç-'' ■ ^^ Tbis will 1)0 zero for d = y the predominating influ- ence of the hydrodynamical factor, since the effect of a great moun- tain range is equivalent to the increase of the coefficient of friction. That northern Germany, including Swinemiinde and Breslau, has maximum rain fall on the rear side of a depression, may be under- stood by the combined effect of the second and the third factors. The case of Great Britain investigated l)y Mill, seems at first sight iiTeconcilable with the above considerations, since the heaviest rainfall area occurs on the left side of the track of the centre, con- tradicting in most cases the influence of the third factor. But it must be remembered that Mill's results refer to the "smear" in which the rainfall on the front and rear sides of the centre are supesposed. He states, indeed, that the heaviest rainfall occurs in advance of the centre. The influence of the third factor combined with that of the first one may in some cases shift the centre of the smear to the left side of the track ; the front rain falling on the eastern side of laud or mountain is abundant on the northern side of the track, due to the third influence, wliilc the rear rain is abundant on the southern side of the track, on the western side of the land, or any orographic irregularity ; hence if due to the first factor, the rear rain is less abundant than the front rain, the centre of the smear will lie on the northern side of the track. This seems to explain most cases given by ^till where the depressions proceed toward E. In order to explain different cases in which the relation is apparently not so simple as considered above, exact knowledge is of course necessary of the thermal and topographical conditions of the district concerned for each particular case. Finall}", it must be remarked, to avoid misunderstanding, that the present discussions involve no essential novelty as a theory of cyclonic rainfall, except emphasizing the importance of the hydro- dynamical influence due to the difference of the coefficient of fric- tion. The alcove may only be regarded as suggesting a way toward 32 On the Distribution of Cyclonic Precipitation in Japan. the better uiiclerstanding of the coniphcated rain problem. The discussions refer to different ideal cases, underlying several artificial simplifying conditions. Above all, the assumption is made that the thermal conditions are prescribed independent of the cyclone, and the secondary disturbances both thermal and topographical due to the cyclone itself, are entirely put out of account. The latter disturbances may in some cases modify the resultant effect of the other primary factors in no small degree. Still, we are inclined to believe that the above way of analysing the complicated influences in these principal factors may in many cases facilitate a better understanding of the phenomena of cyclonic rainfall, and if pro- perly understood and applied may be utilized for the purpose of Aveather prediction. In conclusion, we wish to express our best tlianks to Prof. T. Okada of the Central Meteorological (observatory for many valu- able informations. PubUshed January 27th, 1916. JOURNAL OF THE COLLECrE OF SCIEN'CE, TOXYO IMl'EF;[A.r, UX^VERSU'Y. VOL. XXXVir. ARTICLE 5. On the Relatively Abelian Corpora w ith respect to the Corpus defined by a Primitive Cube Root of Unity. By Tanzo Takenouchi, Ui'jah-n.'i/ii, Professor of Matliematics in the Eighth High School. It wa^^ conjectured by Kronecker that all the relatively Abelian corpora {KOiyer) with respect to an imaginary quadratic corpus are probably exhausted by those which arise from the ecjuations of transformation of elliptic functions with singular moduli. Prof. T. Takagi^-* investigated this problem in the remarkably interesting special case, in which the fundamental corpus is defined by the imaginary unit i, and proved that the relatively Abelian corpora with respect to k{_i) are completely exhausted b}^ tlie division-corpora {TeilungshJriJer) of the function sn with the singular modulus j<=l. Following his example, I am going to treat of another interesting special case in whicli the fundamental corpus is h{l'), (' denoting a primitive cube root of unity. The present paper consists of two parts. In the first part it will be proved that the relatively Abelian corpora with respect to h{l') are completely exhausted by the division-corpora of the func- tion sn Avitli the singular modulus ;£ = /,". Now, if CO be a quadratic number whose imaginary part is positive, and m a natural number, then the invariant j(mco) is called a class-invariant. By adjoining the class-invariant jimoi) and a primitive ??^th root of unity to the quadratic corpus Ic(oj), we obtain a corpus, to whicli I shall (§. 10) give the name strahl- coiyus. It is known that the strahl-QOY\\\\ii is relatively Abelian 1) Takagi : Journal of the College of Science, Tokyo Imperial University, Vol. XIX, Art. 5 : Proceedings of the Tckyo Mathematico-Physical Society, 2ncl Ser., Vol. VII, Xo. 21. Art. 5.— T. Takenouchi : with respect to k{oj). But the relatively Ahelian corpora witli respect to 1c{(o) are not complete^ exhausted bj^ s^ra/J-corpora. The chief object of the second part of the present paper is to make these points clear in tlie special case in which the fundament- al quadratic corpus is /"(/>). PART I. §. 1- Consider tlie function ^(li), Avhose periods lo, to' are in the ratio a) p, p = l + V-3 For sucli ^-function, we have rj, = 0, and consequently Tills îf-function admits of complex multiplication. Namel}^, if we denote by /^ anj^ integer in the quadratic corpus /•(/'). then Hf>')=p- (1) where P and R are rational integral functions of ^^(«) of degrees //I— I and m respectively, m being the norm of /^. Let ns suppose, once for all, that tlie coefficient of the highest power of ^-(?/) in F is equal to /^'. Then, putting u=0 in (1), we find that the coefficient of the highest term in R must be equal to unity. Let us now introduce a function c^v, !^nch that (/',, = n, when vi = 0 or 1, where the product is to be taken for all such incongruent residues > with respect to the modulus /^-, that are not divisible by «. Then we get P = 6"- Ou the Eelatively Abelian Corpora. and we may put'^ if )!i, he odd, it" ))i he even, Avhere ÂV is a rational integral function of \^-^[/f) whose higliest term is fA-'itt) or — ctWÖ - y according as m is odd or even. The sign of (/'a is thus completely defined. And it can be seen that, if we expand ^v ii^ a,n ascending power series of u, the first term is always equal to ÎÙ m ■ 1 Now, 1)y (1), Since the expression on the left-hand side vanishes only when fxu = +11, (mod. oj, (1)'), it follows that the numerator on the riglit-hand side can differ from (/'.u^i v^e-i only by a constant factor. Putting u=0, we find that this constant factor is equal to —1. TJierefore If we assume that n = a + ho, a and /> ]>eing rational integers, we get s-.™)-i'» = -|^. when (a, h) = (0, 0) ^ _n^6y-.SWi>Vi^ when (aJj) = i\,0) Sß. when (a- b) = (0, 1), (1, 1) {mod, t2). 1) Cf. Weber: Lehrbuch der Alo-ebra, Vol. Ill, §. 58 and ?, ]52. Art, 5. -T. Takenouclii : i 2. Let u and fi bo two integers in k(f'). It can be shewn exactly as in the case of ordinary (not complex) ninltiplication'*, that Eeplacing (y, (j) in this relation l:)y (//-+1. //—I). (/^ + 1. /^)> (/^- + .^'' /-«)' (/^ + l + ,o, /7.) respectively, we get If we express these formnlae in terms of S, we obtain the following recursion-formnlae for S : (n=a + ho) (i) when (a, h) = (0, 0) (mod. 2), (> S.2rAri-> = ^^'00' '^'/'-M+z' '^'/'-l-i-/' ^l ~ '^A'+l 'S^/'-l S'/'+/) » (ii) when (rt, /^) = (1,0) (mod. 2), _ S,, = S,^, Sp S,U - >^. '^.-2 s,?^, , () S.,aj^p = 'S/.^-i+z) Sf-i-i-p Sn — 6"'(?^ )" /SV+1 S,,^i S/r^p , (iii) when (a, h) = (0, 1) (mod. 2), e o OS C3C' O.jit^l — Oft^-'jOy, — 0,14-1 »J /«_! > /■> S'2/. J-/, = S,,j^.i^p >S';._i+/) *S',7 0^\?/)' 'S',,.;.! 0,._l O/.V^ , — jO-S'o,.-; 1^-/) ^ ^'(n)' Sy.A..2J.pSp+pS,,. — S,,+i o,,_io,r+i+/, ; 1) Weber : Algebra III, §. 58. On the Relatively Abeliau Corpora. k (iv) when (a, b) = (1, 1) (mod. 2), The expressions of ^S; for small A-alues of a and h can easily be found by direct calculation. They are s, = 1, s,^, = 1 +;■>, s,.„ = a-o)p, S, = 32;'-%^), 5n+, = (3 +;i)jr-og„ S,., = (3-/V ,S,= -^jf + lOrj.p' + rj,-, where p stands for ^(u'). All the otlier .S' can be found by the re- cursion-formulae. The general form of A',., is as follows'': '^>' = — oi^ - +c^g.p -' + n. - G when m = 0 (7j being even) ^y- — P-P - +c,g.p '-^ + +[ W-l »7-7 S,.= HP - +c,g.p -' + when m = 1 (7> being odd) — (— 1) - if-Q'A^ p. when ;;i = 3 ) (mod. G), '^." = - -tj-^J - + <^i .^3P - + + [ J j/> ^, « , when m = 4 where Ci, c,, are integers in /<;'), and ('^ J ') means Legendre- Jacobi's symbol for quadratic character. 1) T. Takenouolii : Tolioku Mathematical Jonrual, Vol. VII, Xos. I, 2. G Art, 5. -T. Tiikenoiiclù : §. 3. Let us now introduce a new function: ./ -, H«) . ■ '-"^ = W ' the ambiguity arising from the cube root of g^ Avil be remo^'ed afterwards. If we suppose that <« is relatively prime to 3, then where ii^(:i') and F,,(.c) denote rational integral functions of the forms i?/,(aO = x"' + a^x""^+ +a;X""^'-'+ + cim-ix, P,(rr) = f_{^x—' + h,x"'-'+ +b,x'-"'-'+ + {-iy"-\o-^'+'\ with integral coefficients in Z(/0- Hence, if we regard t(){) as an unknown quantity-, the equa- tion Iir--(fm)P, = 0 is of the ??zth degree, and its absolute term is associated with -(/m). All the roots of this equation are given by where ^ is to take all the values of the coinplete system of residues with respect to tlie modulus /^. Hence we obtain the relation the sym1)ol =^ meaning "is associated with." Xow, this last relation exactly corresponds to that of tlie same form, which presents itself in the comiilex nuiltiplication of the function sn." Hence, starting from this relation, we can deduce the the folloning results: '' 1) Weber: Algebra III, §. 157 i22i. 2) Weber: Algebra III, §. 157. On the Relatively Abelian. Corpora. 7 If « be an integer in h{(') and relativel}' prime to 3, and if /^ l)e I'olatively prime to «, then the nnmbers \ a are all associated with one another. If /^ be a power of a prime, then the reciprocals of the numbers _/ vco \ fi are divisors of [J-. If /^ consists of more than one distinct prime factor, then the numbers ^\ // are algebraic unities. Next let us consider the case where i*- is not relatively prune to .']. In this case, y- is necessarily divisible by l + 2o, for 3==-(l + 2.v- Since -Kl+2/'(a") — -P'— 1' -t i_j_2^) \X) —— OX ; we get x'' + 37jx- — l = 0, (2) where x = t(ï{), y = t[{\ +2f>)u]. This equation shews that x is an algebraic unity, provided that ?/ is an algebraic integer. ' Now it can easilv be seen that 1+2/^ Hence, by the repeated application of (2), we conclude that Vco (i+2.y are all algebraic unities. ], A->I, Art. 5. — -T. Takenouclii : By the same reasoning, since is an algebraic unity, when /^ contains more tlian one distinct prime, so must also Ije .(1 + %>)>/' Lastly, to determine the nature of K(l+X>)v)' ^' ~ ^' when li- is a power of a single prime, observe that the three roots of the equation (2) are which are so related tliat X1X.2+ x._,x^+ x^Xi = 0. Therefore we get 1 + 2.7/ \ l+2;>/ 7(lt) , (0 \ . [ (O \ 1 Putting for u. in these relations a fraction in Iclf), whose denomi- nator is a power of a single prime relatively prime to l + 2^o, we see that U(0 ^(l + 2.>;«. is a divisor of /-«, and its square is associated with the reciprocal of Thus, the number (l + 2;>)« On the Relatively Abelian Cor^Dora. 9 being an algebraic integer, it follows as before, tbat are algebraic unities. We sball now sum up the results obtained in the present section. Let -, -', denote distinct primes in kQ'), not associated with l + 2o, then iT^)='' vco '\Jü^^^~^' ^■^■^' vco \ _ J_ x - = 0 (mod. x), y-^x, — 1, k > 1, (1 + 2;.)V' where v is any integer in kQ') relatively 2Jrime to the denominator in each case. In particular, when ii is a prime in Z'(;'), not associated with l + 2;7, all the roots of the equation are divisors of u., and are associated with one anotlier. Since the coefficients in this equation, except the last one, are associated with the elementary symmetric functions of the roots, and also since these coefficients all belong to the corpus 1c{f>), we infer that they are all divisible by ,«. When a = l + 2o, we have 10 Art. 5.- T. Takonondii : Hence, when « is any prime in h{(>), the coefficients of P,.(.t), ex- cept the constant term, are all divisible hy /^-. The same property holds also for /iSV; whence follows, by Eisenstein's theorem, that ^^,. is irredücil)le in /{/'). §. 4. The only thing we have hitherto assumed concerning the function ^^(^/) is the relation which gives r/, = 0. Here, as well as hereafter, we shall completely specialise the function b}' the additional conditions : C: = f.,= ^^ 1' ,-1 ,^1 0) + 0)' -1' (3) and consequently (J., = àe^c^f. = Then, let us put .(„) = «") V r/.i -^4 The ambiguit}' in the former definition of t(i/) is thus removed. Now, let 0, A, 7>, C'be the vertices of the parallelogram in the Gaussian plane, corresponding respectively to the values qi := 0, (O, oj-\-(o\ CO ; and let OE, OF be ch'awn perpendicular to AB. BC respectively, and P(r, Pi/ perpendicular te CO, 0^4 respectively. Since 1) Takcnouchi.: loc. cit. On the Eelatiyely Abelian Corpora. W -f- we get u 1 /•" d- This shews that, in tlie parallelogram OABC, the locus of the point u, for whicli z(;ii) is real, consists of two straight lines, on whicli i( ill. or — is always real. Taking into account tlie values (."')) and the relation f>-(fn() =z f'-'ifu) = r(u), (4) we arrive at the following conclusion : z(^u) is real along the straight lines OB, AC, pz^7() „ „ „ OC, AB. OE, BG, frT(7() „ ., „ OA, BC, OF, BII. The direction of OB, along whicli t{v) is real and positive, makes witli the real axis of the (Jaussian plane an angle, which is equal to the phase of the numl)er V/' — k i.e. the angle of 75^. In our specialised ^-function, since ^.j = 0. we liave j[co) = 0. Hence which gives ;,' = i: //> or -^^ io'-. Between our ^-function and the function sn with the singular modulus 7c = io, til ere exists tlie relation Hn) =^.^— r^- (5) Bll- It 1 —o and 2K = (0, '2iK'= oj + o/. If we comhine (4) with (5). the followiug formulae can easily he deduced : 12 Art. 5. — T. Takenouchi SU pit = sn?i an IL ' sn< o sna ru = o- cnu en, ou = 1 dn2^ ' CD, dn /^ en u dnou = cnu dn. 1 ru = . ' dnu ' cnu' Also, tlifferentiatiiig (5) witli respect to n, we get ^'('0 = '2 en ;i dn //, snhi 2 sn/t sn.v^^sn /ryt (6) (7) Assume that //. = a + bp, I a=l (mod. 4), h = 0 (mod. 2), J « and Z» being rational integers. Then we know that'^ su fJ.U X = sn/t, (8) where £.-!„ (.r) = P/^ + J;,,!-- + + A,„_2x""^ + ^ir-'^x"-\ Da (x) = 1 + D,„..x- + -f D,x""^+ Bay/ot"'-^x"'-\ 111 = ^iv/^-)' '' — ^'^ £'=1, the coethcients yl's and JJs l)eing integers in IQ', i)'\ such tliat ^^^'"--'+1 = A, i = 3,4, •••, ;;i-2. To find the exact value of £, o1)sei've that 1 1 sn-fiu sn-u 1) Wober: Algebra III, §. 157. 2) It follows from (9)ou the next pag-e, that the cooffieionts of .4ft{.i), i.e., A: i = 3, t, , m-2. are integers in 7.(p). On tlie Relatively Abelian Corpora. 13 consequently o snhi S,? Hence, if we regard /S',„ as a function of .T = sn?^ and express it by S'(i-l-i-,;). ^veget -l^.,A,.{x) = sJX- /^ ). (9) In the limit when a-=oc>, we get lv.- = .sv(-^,!,). The value of the right-liand side can lie calculated successively by means of the recursion-formulae of /iV given in §, 2. (The supposi- tion that h is even is essential in this calculation.) Tlie general form of it is 1 V nArl-\ h Therefore £ = C-iyy-V^'""' = ^"-' and the product of all tlie roots of the equation is equal to (-i)V'-v. Now, it is Avell-known that, if ^wu ha any one of the roots of this equation, tlien l)Oth cn?^ and dn?/ can l)e rationally expressed by sn?^ in the corpus /r(/'). Therefore, it follows from (G) that the corpns ol;)tained b}' adjoini]:ig sn?^ to Z-(/') must remain unaltered, if we change p- into another integer associated with i'-. ( )n the other hand, it is certain that, if there be given any integer with the odd norm in ^{z'), then among the integers associated with it Ave can always find one, and only one, possessing the form (8). Hence, in treating the nature of the corpus /•(/', sn?/), wo may entirely confine ourselves to the case Avhere /'• is of the form (8), provided that the norm m lie odd. ]^^ Art. 5. —'J'. Takenouchi : Hereafter we shall call prime integers of the forni (8) simply primär J/ integers, §• S. Let jJ- Ije a primär}^ integer relatively prime to 3, and m its norm, then m = 1 (mod. G) ; and the equation of the (w- — l)th degree is irreduci])le in /'(/O- ^^he roots of this ecjuation are ^, = sn(r^-^], ^'^^O,!,^, ,m-2, y «lenoting a primitive root of f^. Now, to find the discriminant of this equation, we make use » of the equality: (sn a — sn ü)(sn u + sn v) [siVjt + v) — sn(?/, — r)] = 2 sn V CD u tin u su(?^ + v) sn(« — y) _ "Isn-it sn?? sni'2^+y)sn(?/, — v) tinflu sn/r», (10) i I which can immediately he verified 1)y the addition-theorem of the function sn and the relation (ß). If we put H = y — , V = ft /., /:= 0, 1, -2, ■•-, >ii--2, / * ;/ (mod. '-^^ï then, corresponding to eacii of the (m—l){m — S) different comhina- tions of values of P^ and ?^\ we ol)tain an equation of the form (10). Multiplying all these equations side hy side, we get _ 0(".-l)(«.-3) ,/(«-S)_ Hence, |)utting we get On tlie EL'latively Abelian Coprora. ^5 Avhere s i> a certain ca])e root of unit\\ If we denote tlie required discrinmant 1)y I), tlien (,„_l)(„,_s) «,-i ;. = J-2"'-V-. On tlie other liand, let D^ 1»e the discriminant of tlie equation >svG/) = o, which is of degree ^ , and whose roots are Then, mi account uf the relation srf \ \r.f \ 1 1 (snu — sn?Ä)(snz; + sn?Ä) sn-u nn-v sn-7tsn-u we ol)tain ;:(«.-l)(„.-3) It was shewn in §. 2, that Ä(y) i^5 an integral function of //. Hence, if we regard // as an unknown quantit}', the al)Ove equa- tion is of degree i- ? '^^^'^ its discriminant y/> must satisfy the relation 1 ;. 2 -1 ^ma+b)^-Y- Therefore /r Comparing this result with (11), and remembering tliat e must he a culje root of unity, we find that J(î Art. 5.— T. Takenouchi; Thu;^ we obtain 9 G /^ .-. Lastly, let D^ be the discriminant of the equation /iSV(//) = 0 regarded as an equation for yl ' Then wo can shew without any difficulty that — n ^ Avhence follows B.= D.,—, ^, (,„-l)(„,-7) w- Hitherto Ave have supposed that /'- is a primary integer. Uut, the same method of calculating the discriminants can also be applied to the case where ,« is a composite integer, provided that it is odd. The result is exactly the same as in the above case. But; it must be observed that the equation A„{x)=0 in this case is not irreducible. The corpus of /^-division is determined Ity a root of the equation of the v"(/^)th degree A',(x) = 0, where ^-J'.(^') is an irreducible factor of A,{}-). The abo\e method cannot give the discriminant of this latter equation. For, if /^ be not a prime, then in the form 71 ±V = -^ — , ii the numerator may have a common di\'isor with /'-, without being divisible by <« ; and consequently sn(?/±?') is not necessarily a root of A'.ix) = 0. On the Relatively Abelian Corpora. 27 Since it is evident, liowever, that the discriminant of the latter equation must be a divisor of that of the equation Af.{x) = 0, the following conclusion is valid: The discrlmmanf of the equation of f^-diviston of jxrlods of sn cannot contain an odd 2'>ri7nc, which is relatively j^i'imc to /-«, /^ Ijeing an odd integer in h{i>). Hence it follows, exactl3^ as in the case of primary /^, that tJie discriminant of the corres'ponding division- equation for the function ^Tj cannot contain apriine, which is relativeh/ privî<^ to 3 and. /^. §. 6. Again, let /^ be a primary integer relatively prime to 3, and ?/? its norm. By adjoining a root x of the equation Ä^(x) = 0 to k(f'), a corpus is determined, which we shall denote by A"(a-), instead of k(f', x), for the sake of simplicity. This corpus is of the (w— l)th relative degree and relatively cyclic, when we take k(f>) as the fundamental corpus. In the following, when the fundamental corpus is not explicitly mentioned, it should always be understood to Ije k(p). Since the discriminant D of the above equation contains only two distinct primes, viz. 2 and /^, the relative discriminant of the corpus Jy^(x) contains no other prime than these two. It is well-known that all the roots sn(;-^ — ), ; = 0,1,2, •••,m-'2, are associated with one another, and Hence (sn— ) is a prime principal ideal {Ifauptideal) in K{;x)^ and [^ is associated with its (m— l)th power. Therefore the relative dis- criminant of K{x) contains i« to the (wi— 2)th power. As for the prime 2, we proceed as follows : 18 ' Art. 5.— T. Takenouchi : Sicco A^,(^x) contains only even powers of x, tlie corpus K(x) must be relatively quadratic with respect to K{x'). But, this latter corpus is identical w^ith the corpus K{y) defined by adjoining to k{f>) tlie number which is a root of tlie equation SV(7/)^0. ' (12) This equation can also bo regarded as an equation for if of degree , — . Hence the corpus K{;y) is relatively cubic witli respect to K{if). Consequently, 7v(a-) is relatively sextic witli respect to A'(r)- The corpus K{y") can be defined l)y the number as well as by y\ The former is an algebraic integer as shewn in §. 3, while it is not the case with the latter. But, as we have found in the preceding section, tlie discriminant D^ of the equation (12), considered as an equation for -^, does not contain the prime factor 2. Hence the relative discriminant of K{;if) cannot contain the factor 2. Next, let us consider the relative discriminant of K{;y). i.e. of Jv(x'), with respect to /v(;y"0- Let JJi = ^(^0' Z/i = Hv) ])e two roots of (12), sucli that yi=hy[, then y,= ^{it + ü), y{,= ^(u-v) are also two roots of (12), •dudijo=kfjL From the relation (7), we t^et ^'(,,) ^ }^'(v), and then, from the identity Ave see that (ur-u'ÙXy-yd^n^^f- Oa the Relatively Aboliau Corpora. i n Changing Y^, vmtou + r, u-r re^pecüvely, we get where y,- ^(-2,,), y'^^ ^^2yj. Let us repeat the same process successively, until we arrive at tha relation where /4, //,; are derived from y,_^. ijl_^ hy changing u, r into u + v, u-v respectivel3\ From these h relations, it can l)e con- cluded that iv -Uif^ ^"'Ot)'. (13) From the multiplication-formula (t— /Orw' we get If r) mu^t l^e equal to the cube of some ideal, say (^) = [v.v, y. 20 Art. 5.— T. Takenonchi : Now, the numljer a breaks up into two factors in Jy{->'')^ as follows : a = (1— /y)^(?^)sn-M = (1 — 10) — sn-?/ = (en 2( + ,o-)(cii « — .(/). Since the difference between these two factots is 2^o-, both of them iiiust be divisible by the same power of PiPz Hence we find that Consequent^ the relative différente of A"(a:'), i.e. of ^(^), with respect to the corpus K{;if), must contain the same power of Pi p^ ... as the relative différente of the number cnw+//^ with respect to the corpus K{if) does.^-* Under our present supposition that p- is primary, the following relation holds for a variable ii : cn/i« = cn?/jR(sn-w), where it(snV) denotes a certain rational function of sn^^"' From this relation, putting we obtain Hence, if we put u - o) _ 'Mv 11 [X en u 1 ~ B{&nhi) ' en pu 1 ~ B{ün\on) en f ru 1 B(s,n'f)-u) f- cnu+/r, r = — cnpu + p-, $'' = en fPu + fr, 1) Hilbert: Theorie der algebraischen. Zahlkorper (Jahreshericht dor Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung, IV), §. 126. 2) Weber: Elliptische Funktionen und algebraische Zahlen (1st edition), §. 117. On the Relatively Abelian Corpora. 2T then these three numbers are conjugate to one another witli respect to Jy(y"); and consequenth' (^') = {n = {n = \\v. Now, the ralative différente of ? with respect to Jy(i/^) is {^ — ■?')(l^ — ^") = (en u + en oiL)(cn u — cii o-u) _ (en u dn u + l)(on"^i — dn u) cnuànu Hence, observing that both en?/, and i\nit are algebraic unities, and also that cmiàniL + l = ç"cn-u—frç- + 2.o~, ciihi — dn /<; = o|' d nit + ^-'— '20- en ?^ — 2 dn ii, we see that tlie différente in question contains ViV-z to the second power. Next, to investigate the relative différente of K{pc) with respect to K{/). put _ l + en?i + sn;;. .r + CTiu and let ^' Ije conjugate to f] witli respect to K(^x^)j then , l+en?i — sn?^ ;7- + en a and -^ , ,/_ '2(1 + en, a) .)- + en ?t . . , _ 'icnujl + en «,) which shew that ^ and ■'^' are integers in AX'O- Also, since ■ 1 + en ?i = 2 + ;v + {o- + en ?/), the number 1 + cn?* is relatively prime to 2. We conclude there- fore that each of the ideals p,, p,., must break up into two equal prime ideals in K{:c). Let us put \\\h = (^:^. r, then the integers ^ and '^/ are l)oth divisible by -^^ ^,, , Ijut by 22 Art. 5.— T. Takenonchi : iiü higher power of it. Hence tlie relative différente of tlie corpus K{;x) and of the number '^j, with respect to K(x'), nuist contain ^1 ^.j to the same power. But, since f>- + en 71 we conckitle that the poAver in question inust l)e the fourtli. Therefore the relative différente of Kix) with respect to KQf), as well as to k(f'), contains ^i ^2 to the eighth power. Thus, we find tliat the relative discriminant of A"(-*') with respect to Z'(.^') is equal to 4(m-]) 2~ 3 ^/'.--. The corpus /v(.r) is a relatively cyclic corpus of relative degree m— 1. Hence, if d, 1)0 a divisor of ?>? — !, tliere exists certainly a divisor (Unterkörper) of JC(.r), which is of relative degree d, and of course also relatively cyclic. Wo shall denote it l>y d. Let w-1 = 2"-i3"'+Vï.^^ , Avhere j9i, jh, î^i'c distinct natural primes, different from 2 and 0. Then the corpus Jv(.c) can be looked upon as the result of composition of the relatively cyclic corpora C2'>+^, Csn'+i, C^,^;-., C^i^^.-, , taken all together. Lot us now determine the relative discriminant of eacli of these corpora. In 62''+!, the number y- l)reaks up into 2''+^ equal prime ideals. Therefore the relative discriminant of G'^+i contains /^- to the power 2''+i_l. The same reasoning applies also to otlier corpora Gv+i, ^i'l''- ? • On the other liand, it can be shewn generally that the relative discriminant of a relatively cyclic corpus C of relative degree /•)". p being a natural prime, cannot contain. the factor 2, unless |9=:2 or 3. For, if ^9=^2 and 2 enter into the relative discriminant of C, then, since 2 is relatively prime to the relative degree p'', the corpus of ramification {Verzicelriungslcöriier) of 2 in C must l)e tlie On the Eelatively Abelian Corpora. 23 corpus C itself, while the coi'pus of inertia {Tnigheitshöiyer), whose relative «liscri minant cannot contain 2, must necessarily l)e a proper divisor of C. Hence the relative degree of the corjms of ramification with respect to the corpus of inertia must he //', h'^h^l. Then, if / he the degree of a prime ideal contained in 2 in the", corpus 6' we get'* 4^-1 = 0 (mod./). But, since/nuist ])e a power of ^?, it follows from this congruence that 4-^-1 = 4-1 = 0 (mod. p), wliich is imp()ssil»le, unless ]j='d. Therefore, among the corpora Ave are considering, only the two, viz. t'^h+i and CV'+i, rnay contain '1 in their relative discrimi- nants. The relative discriminants of other corpora CpK , Cph,, are equal to //J'i'''-i, /^?'v"-i, respectively. Tlie corpus Jv(ff), i.e. Ck-J, has the relative discriminant relatively prime to 2. Hence the corpora C2'' and Csv, l)oth heing divisors of dtri, must also have the relative discriminants relativelv jmme to 2. Their relative discriminants are therefore /^^''~^ and ^ß'>'-i respectively. As for the excei)tional corpora CV'+i and Cs'-'+i, we have to consider them a little further. If we put m' = 9]^ 'pi'ipl^ ^ the relative discriminant of the corpus C,,, is relatively prime to 2. Composing C,„. with (3''' or Cs'i'+i, we ohtain K{y^) or 7v"(//) re- spectively. Hence, the relative cl'ifferente of CV+i with respect to 63''' must contain as many ideal factors of 2 as the relative différ- ente of K{y) with respect to K^jf) does. Therefore the relative discriminant of 63" +1 is S^-^"' //'''+'-i. Next, to investigate the relative discriminant of Ck'^+i, let us consider the corpus -Ä"(~), where -^7)- 1) Wtbtr: Algebra II, §. 181. Hillxrt: loc. cit.. Ç. 11. 24 Art. 5.— T. Takenouchi : Since the corpus K{z) must either be relatively quadratic with respect to J^df) or coincide with it. But, if Jv(z) coincide with K{;if), the corpus AX'/), i.e. 7v(.r), must contain l)Oth :; and sm^^. ïlien. by the relation z — — ^ , K{lf) must also contain snw ; which is of course impossible. Hence K{z) must be relatively cjuaclraric with respect to J^(jf), and con- sequently K(x) is relatively cubic with resj^ect to IC(zy The principal ideal (2) is equal to the sixth power of an ideal in KÇx). Hence, in AXt;), (2) is equal to the square of an ideal, say (2) = (Q.q, f. If we regard q^ q,, as an ideal in Ä"(a-), it follows that QiQ. =i%'^-2 f- Now, in general, if a prime ideal p in a certain corpus k is equal to the cth power of an ideal $ in another corpus JC, which contains k as a divisor, and if e be divisiljle Ijy p, then the relative différente of Jv with respect to k contain >p at least to the eth power. ^^ Hence, in the present case, there lative different e of K{z) with respect to At//) must contain at least {c\i(\» )'. On the other hand, if the différente in question contain (qi t]2 )^ the relative différente of K{x) witli respect to K{;}f) must be divisible at least by ('l^i ^o )', Avhich is contradictory to the result obtained in the preceding section. Therefore the relative différente of K{z) contains Qi q.^ exactly to the second power. Composing Cs^'+i or €& with Cm" , where we obtain K{z) or K{}/') respectively. Tlius, here tlie corpus K{z) playing the part of K{if), \\Q can shew just as in tlie case of Gv+i, that the relative discriminant of Ck'^+i is equal to 22''"*"^ /^^'^^^-i. 1) Hilbert: loc. cit , §. 12. AVeber: Algebra II, §. 174. On the Relatively Abelian Corpora. 25 We close the present section with tlie following list of the divisors of Jv(.v^. Divisors Eelative Discriminants Cpi. , >^-:=l,2,- ■,Jh /.P^-i -'s L=],2,. ■Jl, ■Jl' /^2'/— 1 Cs;-', ?^'=l,%- lßl'-\ C's'i'+i 22.3''' ^«3'''+l - 1 Co?. , / = 1,2,. ■Jl ;.2^-l 6'2''+l 23''+! ,^3''+l-l §. 8. Before proceeding to the discnssion of the division of periods of sn l)y powers of /^, let us insert here a digression on the classes of congruent integers in an algebraic corpus. Let p" he a power of a prime ideal in an algebraic corpus. The integers in the corpus can be classified into classes of congru- ent integers w^ith respect to the modulus p\ These classes can be composed with one another by multiplication, They form an Abelian proup of order ^^-'^"-^^ (/>'' — l), wdiere ^ is a natural prime divisible l)y p, and/ the degree of p. The problem of determining the rank and the invariants of this group has already been solved to some extent by G. Wolfï'^ and by the present author."' The result obtained by the latter is as follows. The Abelian group in question can be decomposed into two component subgroups 31 and 35 of orders ^:)-^("-i) and 75-^—1 respec- tively. 1) Wolff: Ueber Gruppen der Reste eines beliebigen Moduls im algeraischen Zahl- kürper (Dissertation ; Giesson, 1905). 2) Takenoiichi: Journal of the College of Science, Tokyo Imperial University, Vol. XXXVI, Art. 1. 26 Art. 5.-T. Takenouclii: ^ is a cyclic proui^. If P--^ =^Hi^j^. ^ Avliero 2'^^^ P-^ ^^'^ distinct primes, the invariants of 23 are 7>"S 7?."-, 3( is an Abelian group, wliose invariants consist of powers of 21. If ^'' be the highest power of p contained in 77, then tlie I'ank r of %i is r = fd + l or fd, if n^d + l; /.• = T-^], according as the congruence 2) + oc'~^= 0 (mod. p''+i) lias a solution or not, r =fd, if n — d + J,-, r-/(7^-[|-]), if d + l->n>l, r = 1, if ;i = 1 ; where the sj-mbol [.c] denotes the natural number, such that rr + 1 r> l-c] ^ .r. In the case where d is not divisible by 75 — 1, we can find not only the rank, but also a system of bases as follows. Let 7: be such an integer in the given corpus, that is divisible by p, l)Ut not by P", and ç;(/ = l,2, ,/) such integers in the same corpus that c^ç^ + c..ç.2+ +Cj Çy ^ 0 (mod. p), for all rational integral values of c, (/ = 1,2, ,/), except when Cj = r._. = = cv = 0 (med. 2^). Then, the following yH numbers represent a system of l»ases: «, = 1,2,3, • , f7 + /<• — 1 , excluding" multiples of », ^ -1,2,3, ,/. Even if d be divisible by ^7 — 1, we obtain similar results, pro- vided that n ^ d + k. But, if 77^>d-\-kj we cannot determine a On the Relatively Abelian Corpora. 27 system of bases in general. Supposing that h is not divisible b^^p, the onlj^ thing we can conclude is as follows: Determine an integer (^ from 1) = -''(> (mod, p'^+^). Then we distinguish two cases according as the congruence (>-{-x^-^ = 0 (mod. p) has a solution or not. If it has no solution, the /(/ numbers given above represent a system of bases. If it has a solution, say x = .r,„ then / rational integers a, {1=1,-2, ,/), such that a\ , = a^ç^-\-a.,ç.,+ + «^ ç. (mod . p) can 1)6 uniquely determined witli respect to mod. j/. Hereljy, Avithout losing generality, we may suppose «i^ 0. (mod. ^?). Then determine an integer c,,, such that for all rational integral values of c^, except when r,, = C.J = c~= ■ = Cf= 0 (mod. 2J)- Now, it can be shewn that all the elements of 3( can be re- presented ))y means of they). Hence and consequently r=l. There exist primitive roots of p". (ii) When p=— 1 (mod. G), j^ is itself a prime number of tlie second degree in k(/>), and d = l, f='2, /. ■ = 1. If n = l, then r=l. There exist primitive roots of p. , If n>l, then r=2. The invariants of 31 are ^9"-^ p"-^ Putting Ç being a primitive root of p, we obtain a system of leases of 51^^; viz,, l+p, l + ^p. As for the root of 33, we may take such a power of ç as pre- scribed in §. 1 of my paper just cited. (iii) The natural prime 3 is associated with the square of a prime in /{;>), viz. Hence and thus we meet with a case where d is divisible by p— 1. If 71=1 or 2, then r=l. Consequently there exist jnimitive roots of l + 2;7 and (i+2//)-, e.g. —1 and —o respectively. If n = 3, then r = 2; the invariants of 3t Ijeing o, 3. Putting --.-1, e,= l, we obtain a system of bases uf 3C : p, l — 3p. If ;^>3, then ;-=3. If we put ^ = —(1 + 2..:/), ç^ = fr, ç^,= //-, 1) Strictly speaking, we obtain a system of numbers representing a system of bases of ?(; for, the elements of 31 are not numbers, but the classes of numbers. But, for the sake of simplicity, we shall herafter use this abridged term. On the Relatively Abelian Corpora. 29 Ave obtain the three numbers 1 + ç^- = o, ij^^-"-=4. + 3,0, 1 + ,-,- • = 4 - 3/s wliich belong (mod. (1 + 2/0") to the exponents respectively. Thus €^^ = ?>, whence we conclude that the above three numbers form a system of l)ases of SI. The exponents to Avhich they belong are the invariants of 3( in this case. As for 33, the invariant being '1, we may take —1 as its base. (iv) The natural prime 2 is itself a prime number in /•(/>), and d = h /=2, Ä = l. Thus we have another case where d is divisible l^y 7>— 1. If n — \. then there exist primitive roots of 2, e.g. p. If ??=2, then ?-=:2; the invariants of 3( being 2, 2. Putting - = -'2, ^^=\, l^=p, we obtain a system of bases of 5f : -1, 1-2^. If 7?>2, then r = 3. Putting - = -2, ?! = 1 , I: = [', c, = -fr, we obtain the three numl)ers l+^^- = -l, 1 + Ij:= 1-2o, 1 + ç~=1-V, That these numbers form a system of bases of 3( can be shewn as in (iii). The invariants of 31 in this case are 2, 2"-\ 2"--. Since the last one (1— 4/''') of the above bases can 1)e decomposed into 1—2/' and 1 + 2;', we can represent all the elements of the group also l)y means of -1, l-2^o, l + 2,o. But these three do not form a s^^stem of bases. As for ^. the invariant being 3, we may take p as its base. 3Q Art. 5.— T. Takeuouchi : S. Let lis again iissume tliat /^ is a piimary iiitogcr relatively prime to 3, and m its norm. It was shewn in §. 4 that sn ait = — '—^ , X = sni(, 7.1 where ., = Sx" + a.x'--+ + rto, A'"--" + + n, where £ is an algebraic unity and «o, , «o;., are all integers in /•(/') divisible by y-. It can 1)e shewn ])y matliematical induction, tliat in general where <^„ is of degree m''~'^(/n—l), and its coefficients possess the same property as those of ç\,. Hence, if we put this equation is irreducible, and gives as its roots the values of sn^^ corresponding to the /^-''-division of jwriods. Tliat tlie discriminant uf this equasion can contain only two distinct prime factors 2 and /•Î has already been remarked at the end of n^. o. To find the Galois' group of tliis equation, we have to dis- tinguish the following two cases. On the Eelatively Abelian Corpora. Q1 (i) A\'lion r- is not real, put n=-, m^ji. Then p = ^- (mod. 6), hence there exist primitive roots for -''. The roots of tlie above equation are s"(/'^-^)> ^--0,1,2, ,y-iQ;_i)_i, Ï being a primitive root of -'*. The corpus obtained by adjoining these roots to h{p) is rela- tively cyclic, the relative degree being p^-iQ^-l). There are two divisors of this corpus, of relative degrees p— 1 and ^V'-^ The first, of relative degree ^?-l, is nothing else but the corpus discussed in §. G and §. 7. The second, of relative degree 79''-^ is also relatively cyclic, and its relative discriminant is a power of -. (ii) When ,« is real, put iJ.=q. Then q = —1 (mod. Ö) and m=(f. In this case we have to use two integers, say r and r\ which belong to the exponents q^'-\rf—l) and q^'-'^ respectively, in order to obtain all the roots in tlie form ^ '// //= 0,1,2, ,^"-^-1. The corpus obtained by adjoining these roots to /r(/>) is rela- tively Abelian, the relative degree being q-^''~'^\q- — \^. The divisor of this corpus of relative degree y'-l is nothing else Init the corpus discussed in §. 0 and §. 7. The other divisor of relative degree q-^^"^^ is relatively Abelian, and its relative discriminant contains no other prime than q. Since the Galois' group of this latter divisor is of the form sH', ./.,,9 = 0,1,2, ,q"-'~\, it contains q"\q + l) difïerent cyclic subgroups of relative degree (J"'. Namely, if we use the notation (.t) to denote a cyclic group con- sisting of all the powers of a substitution x, then these subgroups are (4 M, {.sei , {sti'-'-^i (0, (.s't), (/'{), , (.s^V'-^-i)/). 32 Art. 5.- T. Takenouchi : Corresponding to these subgroups, there are as many relatively cyclic corpora of relative degree <7''"\ whose relative discriminants contain no other prime than q, §. 10. The primary integer /-« has hitherto been supposed to be rela- tively i^rime to 3. In the present section, let us consider the case where /^ is a primary divisor of 3: /^ = l + 2,v. If we put iO then, on account of the relations (5) and (7), it follows that the corpus K{x,^ can be composed of tw^o corpora Ä"(^^(i';,)) and K{^'{v,^). From the multiplication-formula S'{(l + 2,,)«}=M^|, (14) we find that îp(r,) = 0 and ^-(tg'=r/3. Hence, if we put Vk -^Oo where ^^ = _^^ then, since the corpus K(X\Vi)), Ji>\, must necessarily contain the number ^(^'s), we get The relation (14) gives y^ + ^vn-m -1 = 0. (15) Differentiating (14) with respect to u, we obtain (i+2o)îp'{(i+2o).] = ^^l^n^o^ which gives -3(l + 2,«)!>-'{(l + '2/.W=-|||^!f-'(«). , (IC) On the Eelatively Abelian Corpora. 33 Hence, putting we get ' 2il + 3(\+'2o),,_,z-^^9z,-3(\+2o)^n-i=0. (17) Since, by (10), the number ^-'(t\) = ±V—g-^ can always be rationally expressed l)y ^•''(r,,), we see that the corpus Ä"(lr' '(?'/,)) is identical Avith 7v"(^/„ V— (/s), i.e. K(z/„ Vl— />). Thus we conclude that Now, if we put as before the relation (14) becomes where /^ =r(«/' — 1, r/j = — 3r(?/)-. Therefore, by successive iteration, Ave get f/;i-i Avhereyj,_i and ^,,_i are integral functions of r(?^), of degrees 3'"^ and 3''"^— 1 respectiveh'. Tlie recursion-formulae for/,"_i and //,,_i are All the values of i//, are the roots of the equation Since each factor in this equation is of the 3''"'th. degree, the rela- tive degree of the corpus K{iji) cannot be greater than o''"l But, on the other hand, since l + 2/> is a primary integer, it can be shewn exactly as in the preceding section, that the corpus Ä'Xsn^v.), i.e. Ä"(K^v,)), is of relative degree o''~\ Therefore, since the equation of degree 3''"^ for determining ^-(r/,) can be looked upon as an equation for ^'('v,)"' of degree 3''''. the corpus K{)^-(^r,)^), Q^ Art. 5. — T. Takenouclii : i.e. Ki^ifi), is of relative degree 3''"'. Consequently, K{y,) must Ije at least of the 3''"^th relative degree. If follows therefore that the relative degree of Ki^ih?) must be exactly equal to 3''""; and consequently the equation (15) is irredu- cible in ]v(y,,_i). At the same time, it follows tliat Jl(yJ = K(yfX (18) Now, since 7/i=0, z,= ±l, we find that K(y,) = K{.z,) and K{jj,) = it(,3-,). More generally, it can he sliewn l)y mathematical induction, that for all values of h. For, if we suppose that K{y n-i) = K(^k-i)> then, by (17), Jv(z/,) nmst be at most relatively cubic witli respect to Jv(j/n-i). On the other hand, however, since -1= l-%fe> the same corpus Jv[z/i) contains Jy(f/l). Hence, by (18), it contains Ä"(3//,) ; consequently it must be at least relatively cubic with respect to K(;f/,,.i). We conclude, therefore, that Jv(z/) must coincide witli Thus we find that the corpus Jv(x/,) can be decomposed into the following three divisors : §. 11. Let us now investigate the nature of lv{yi). But. since this corpus for a certain value of h is contained in another corpus of the same type having a greater value of h, we may confine ourselves to the case 7i = 2;i + 2>3. On tlie Eelatively Abelian Corpora. 35 It follows from ^. S (iü), that the roots of the equation ^„^1 = iu.-ü.xu-p>" n-0^ o .... 3'._l ^ ' h =0,1,2, ,3'-l; •jr, in other words, o^(; + y.,j) ,- = 1,4, ,3(3"-l) + l, (1 + 2/;)-+- /^ =0,3, ,3(3"-l). It is evident that, of all the roots of equation (19), those which arise from one and the same factor on the right-hand sido must correspond to the same value of c in the above expressions for II. But, the consideration of the parallelogram of periods of r(?/), as shewn in §. 4, gives Avhence we infer that the roots of the equations correspond respectively to tlie values c = 2,0,1. Since these three equations define one and the same relative corpus with respect to /{."), we may confine ourselves to the one This equation can be reduced to the following series of cubic equations : //: + 37/,.,^?-l = 0, (20) /.■ = 3,4, ,2y?, + 2, y,= 1. If we consider (20) as an equation for -, its discriminant is 36 Art. 5. -T. Takenouclii : But it follows from (17) tliat z,._-^ cannot contain any ideal factoi relatively prime to 3. Hence it must also be the case with D, and consequentl}^ also witli the relative discriminant of the corpus K{:lli^. Therefore tlie relative discriminants of the corpus of de- composition (^ZeTlegvmjslcorper) and of the corpus of inertia of the number l + 2/> in K{yi) must be an algebraic unity. Hence both of these corpora coincide with /{/'). It follows therefore that l + 2,o is equal to the 3^"th. power of a prime ideal of the first degree in AX///.). That this prime ideal is a principal ideal can be shewn as follows. Put . _ l + 2,> z. -3 4 o,, , o and let its conjugate numbers with respect to K{i/i.^ be denoted by Zl and cl. Then, observing that, if ij,„ y',, y",, denote the three roots of (20), Ave ol)tain 2(l + '2o). ./.-/. I ~ /.■ - /.■ T^ -ï /.■ ~ :■ 2//.-1 1 . - /. - 1 ' ■ ' Ul Since //;,_i is an algebraic unity, C/, must be an integer, provided that r;_i is an integer. But, this is really the case with for C:w^+:^r^+:^r:; = 2(i+2/.n Hence C/. is certainly an integer. Its relative norm taken with respect to AX.V/,_i) is, as shewn above, associated with ^/._i. Hence we infer that the relative norm of C/, taken with respect to k(f>) must be associated with that of C3. Thus we get (i+2o) = (r,„,,)^" On the Relatively Abelian Corpora. 37 ïlie rc4ative différente of w- with respect to K^jj^,.^ is ylÀyj:-i-yi:-^{y,-yk-i) = (i+2.>)r,_,[(i+2;.)^,_,r;-i] ^f^. Therefore tlie relative différente of AX'//.) with respect to K{ii;,.^ must be equal to {l + ^f>)^,:-\- Consequently, that of K(i/-2n+-2) witli respect to k(p) is whence we conclude that the relative discriminant of K{y-zn+'i) is equal to (1 + '2.y)-"- 3'' + 3 + 3-+ + 3-" (4» +3)3-'' -3 As in case (ii) of ^. 0, it can be shewn that the corpus K()/-2„u.i) contains as its divisors 4. o"'^ different relatively cyclic corpora of relative degree 3", whose relative discriminants are powers of 1-1-2^6». Next, let us consider the corpus which is relatively cubic with respect to Z{;'). Since the discrimi- nant of the equation x^-^ = 0 is —2'. 3", the relative discriminant of C cannot contain any other prime than 2 and l + 2;>. If we put l+2/> ^ = v2, ■'/ = "rfrr' then i+.2,„ = -^yL. 1 — X Therefore, since 1—x is an algebraic unity, we get 2 = x^, 1 + 2;,^ y ', .//--^1 + ar. 38 Art. 5. —T. Taken ouch i : The relative différente of y with respect to h{{>) is (l + 2.o)-V-rJ— _i — V^Jt , ^ ., ) = a-(l-rr)(l+a-)--a;y. ^ '-^\l+2; l + /'a- /\ 1 + rr l + ^ra- / v a / j Hence the relative diffcrente of C with respect to h{p) contains y to the fourth power. The relative discriminant of C is therefore equal to 2'3^ In the relatively quadratic corpus Q = KVT^>) = HVY^,}, all tlie integers can he represented in the form «+/5a/T+27/ 2 ' wdrere « and ß are integers in k(f'), such that «- — (I + 2p)ß- = 0 (mod. 4). From this congruence, it follows that op—ß-=(a + ß)(a—ß) = 0 (mod. 2). ' Hence or—ß- nmst the divisible by 4. Therefore, from the original congruence, we see that ß, and consequently also «, must Ije divisi- ble l.y 2. Thus the numbers 1 and \/l-l-2/^ from a system of leases {Mui'tmcdôasis) of Q, so that the relative discriminant of Q is 2^(1 4-2/0- §. 12. In this section we consider the division of periods of sn b}' a power of 2. Put then the duplication-formula for j9(«^) is On the Eelatively Abelian Corpora. QQ Differentiating (21) with respect to u, and making use of the relation we obtain Hence, if we put then q(:ii) = _ n^i] 9 Let ?//, and Z/, denote the vahies of p(?/) and q(;^f) respectively, when (0 Then, from (21) and (22), we find tliat yi' = 1 aiîd -, = 0 ; therefore K(y,) = ZC",) - lif>). To find 1/.2 and -^2, we have to solve the equations y 2 - 4^/1 y^ + 8 //, + 4?/i = 0 and .ro* + '2(l + 2/>),r| + l = 0 respectively. Both of these equations are reducil)le. In fact, they break up into factors as follows : (ij^-^y^y-^y^r = 0, (,-,- + 2/) .r.-l)(?,--2^o^,-]) = 0. Therefore 7/,= (l±V3)yi, 2.2= ±f>i^i:f>i) . Thus we see that !%,) = AX.,) = Hr, i). Now, from (21), we can derive by iteration the formula 40 Art. 5. -T. Takenouchi : where/, and (ji, are defined l>y the recursion-formulae with tlie initial values By similar reasoning as in the preceding section, it can 1)6 shewn that the roots of the equation of the 2'''"''th degree fu-x-iffju-i =0, c = 0, 1, 2, h > 2, (23) are the values of />(?/), where ./-Xl + 2or(l-2o)'' « = 0,1,2, ,2"-i-l, 2 b =0,1,2, ,2"-^-l; or, in other words, ,,_ />^-'(^+^/>),, ^ = 1.5, ,4(2"--r)+i, ^ --^ = 0,2, ,2(2"-i-l). As will he shewn hereafter (§. 17), the corpus Ki^iji) is the class-corpus {K lasse nkor per) corresponding to the group of numhers a in /•(,'/), such that a = 1 (mod. 2''). Therefore the relative degree of J^(>/1) cannot he less than^^ V'C^"^ i.e., 2-'. (3 Hence, of course, the relative degree of A"(//a) cannot be less than 2'''"'. Thus we see that the equation (23) must he irreducil.de in /{,"). .Vnd it follows, at the same time, that K(yf,) = K(y,) ; whence it can l)e proved, as in the preceding section, that for all values of //. 1) Weber: Algebra III.. §. 167. On the Relatively Abelian Corpora. ^[ In virtue of tlie relations : 2 sn?^, cnitdnu üir2u l + .i-^W^i 1 q(u) = sn^u it can l)e concIiKled tliat ^ii'2// can 1)0 rationally expressed by />(?/) and q(ff) in the corpus kQ'). Therefore, if we put then the corpus JC(x,,.i) must a divisor of IvQ//,, z,), i.e. of K{_y/). But, on the other hand, this latter corpus K{i/i) is evidently a divisor of K{xi). Thus we find that the two kinds of corpora K{x^ and AXyJ, ^ = 1, '2, , can be arj'anged in such a series -^%i)' -^^X^i)' l'^^UÙ^ ^A-A'X i'^iUi^y K(x„), , that each corpus is a divisor of the next one. It Avill also be proved presently that none of these corpora coincide witli the neighboring ones, except K(!j,) = K{x,) = ]c{o). Hence, in the following, we shall consider AX///,) instead of K(x,X where i/,^ is a root of the equation of the 2'''"^th degree: fi,-i-!Jh-i = 0. By (l^l), tliis equation can l)e reduced to a series of the follow- ing l)iquadratic equations: ul-^!J,-i!jl + ^!J, + ^!Ji,-i = 0, (24) ^ = 2,3, ,h, ,j,= l. The irreduciljility of (24), excepting the case k=2, follows at once from that of (23). It is, however, impriniitive ; for, any one root of it can be rationally expressed in /t;(/') in terms of any other root 42 ^rt. 5.— T. Tak-enouchi: of the same equation. In fact, if be a root of (24), then evidently the other three roots are / , ^/\ o7/,. + 2,0- Putting Ave get Vic- 5^. + :^^ = 47/,.,, r,Y;: = -4(7/,., + l), y.+2 - 7/,7/r. Thus the solution of the biquadratic equation (24) can be reduced to those of the following two quadratic equations : Y|-47/,_ir^-4(7/,_i+l)=-0, 7/|-r,7/,+(r,+2) = o. The discriminants of these equations are I'ospectively 4= 17-4(7, + 2). Dk can be transformed as follows. This shews that the corpus J^iYi.) can l)e derived from K{i/,,_-^ l)}- adjoining a:;/,_i to it; in other words, K{Y,) is identical with K{xj,_-i). It follows therefore that K{xk-^ cannot coincide with /vXva-i), if k>2. On the Eelatively Abelian Corpora. 43 Next, since dj: can be transformed as follows : f7, = 4(y,_i-lxT/. + l)- Now, from the relation we conclude that l)oth y,-{> and ji,-o are divisible by />-l. Con- sequently both r>.- + 1 ^ VirzJ^ ^ Ilk' - .'^' /y— 1 // — i /' — I , and zi+L = i^+j/;-."- must be algebraic integers. But, since it folloAvs that Tlie corpus K{Y,) can be defined l)y an integer But, the relative discriminant of this integer with respect to B, ^=16,rtxa:^.i-16, since it can easily be inferred from (22) that z,., is an algel^raic unity. Hence Ave see that the relative discriminant of K(Y,) with respect to Ä%_i) can contain no ideal factor relatively prime to 2. The corpus Ki^y,) can l)e defined l)y an integer whose relative discriminant with respect to K{Y,) is (Z'-l)"^' 44 -^'^t. 5. — T. Takcnonehi : Hence the relative discriminant of /vX///.) nmst consist of i2. If we indicate the conjugates of any num1)er l>y placing accents upon it, the dlfflrentc of C/, is 4- 1 1 \/ 1 1 \/ I u'h u'i: J^ Vk uT J\ yt y'l j^-Jyl+'^f+^yL^y:: yû-iyk Therefore the différente is divisil)le hy 2'' CS, hut l)y no ihgher power of C/,. In the corpus AX'/O? ^■'^' A^/), the numl)er (2) is decomposed as follows : 2 = (V3+ixvä-i) ^ {V3+iy. Hence the relative différente of A"(/yO is equal to 2. On the Eelatively Abelian Corpora. 45 The relative différente of At///,) is therefore Accordingly the relative discriminant of K\ii,) is 0(3/(— '*)- - . Now, the corpu. At.V„). /'>2. is relatively Abelian, and ils Galois' group is ot the tonn s'C', « = U, 1,.;, ■••■,- ;, = o,i,2, ,v-'-\. In this Galois' group, there are 2'-= cyclic suhgroups of order 2'-, ^'^''" (.,), (rf). Uf'^. ■ (st"'-=-'l- Besides them, there are also 2'- cyclic subgroups of order 2'-=, viz. if), im, (s't), (s"-p'-'-«0- Therefore the corpus A'(/a) contains as its divisors 2'-= relatively yclic corpora (we shall call them A) of relatno clegree_2 . and also ■->"- relatively cyclic coi-pora (B) of relative degree 2 Similarly, the corpus A%,.«) ^vill contain 2'- relatively cychc aivrso (C) of ;elative degree 2'-, an.l 2^ U» of relative degree 2 . 'n^e relation between C an.l A is such that each one of C contains ^ attain one of J, and convesely, each one of A is contained m certain two of C. Similar relation exists between 1) an.l A. Hence we see that, by the division of perio.ls by powers ot -, ^™°'*''" 2..-. + o'.-. = 3.2'- different relatively cyclic corpora in all, whose relative degrees are all 2»-', and whose relative .liscriminants are powers ot -. §. U!. We have considered all the division-corpora arising from the division ot periods ot sn with the singular modulus x=lohy powers of primes in iO»); and analysed them into relatively- cyclic compo- nents. Let us here tabulate these component corpora. 4G Art. 5.— T. Takenouclii In the following table, /^ ) rela- tively prime to 3, and m the norm of !'■. Tlie decomposition of in— I into distinct natural primes is supposed to he m-1 = 2''+i 3''+! p'-- Relative Degree Distinct Primes in Relative Discriminant Xumber of Corpora of the same Relative Degree I P\ ^-=1,2, Jc F- II 3^ -^. = 1,2, ,h' !^ III 3^.'+i jj. and 2 IV -y-, '^^ = 1,2, ,], P- V jx and 2 VI 3 l + 2/>and2 VII 2 l + 2;>and2 VIII m'\ 11 being any natural number I'- {{ill + 1);m""^ when a is real \l, when fi is not real IX 3", n being any natural number l+2;7 4- 3"-^ X 2", n heiwg any natural number 2 3- 2"-i Hereafter we shall call tliese corpora >-imply elementary coiyora. If we analyse tlie division-corpus for a composite divisor ,«, no other corpus will be found than the elementary corpora. For, if ,« contains more than one distinct prime factor, we can decompose ,« into two factors relatively prime to each other, say i.i=aß. TJien two integers ? and '-y can 1)e found, such that 1 = 1+^ and, i)utting 10 = u. = a Tea r we get sn?6" = _ sn u en V dn v + sn r en u dn ?i l + o"-sn-/6 sn-'ü On the Relatively Abelian Corpora. 47 But, since cn?Mln?i and cni'dnv can be rationally expressed by riuu and snv respectively, even in the case where ic or v h ix power of 2 (§. 12), we conclude that K (sn w) = K (sn u, sn v), Q. E. D. §. 14. We are now in a position to prove the following important theorem. Then: can he no other relatlvehj Abelian corpora ivith respect to k{r) than those contained in the dimsion-corpora of the elliptic function sn 'with the singidar modulus 7c=i;K The same thing may also be put in another way as follows : (jiven any rclativehj Abelian corpus with respect to h{p), ice can aUraijs find such a corpus which is composed of elementary corpora only and contains the given corpus as a divisor of it. It is well known that every Abelian corpus can be decom- posed into cyclic ones, whose degrees are powers of primes. This is true not only for absolutely Abelian corpora, but also for rela- tively Abehan corpora with respect to 1c{p). Hence we shall prove our theorem only for such relatively cyclic corpora. Let Ch be a relatively cyclic corpus of relative degree p>\ p being a natural prime, and C\ its divisor of relative degree p. If the relative discriminant of G contain a prime factor in l{f>) rela- tively prime to p, let it be denoted by «. Now, consider the corpus of inertia of « in Ci,. Since the relative discriminant of it must lie relatively prime to !'■, this corpus of inertia cannot contain C'l in it; consequently it must coincide with ^-C/»). On the other hand, the corpus of ramification of i^ is (J,, itself, since ,« is relatively prime to the relative degree / of C,,. Therefore the number /^ is equal to the j/'th power of a prime ideal of the first degree in C,.. If the norm of /^ be denoted by m, we get'^ m~l = 0 (m.oà.p''). 1) Weber ; Algebra II, §. 181. Hilbert : loc. cit., §. 41. 48 Art. 5.-T. Takcnonehi: Hence, iî ]-> ]>e not equal to 2 or 3, we can always find an ele- mentary corpus I, whose relative degree is p' and whose relative discriminant is a power of /^. Let it be called U. Composing J^ with C/n we obtain a corpus of relative degree ^7", where h^n£2h. In this corpus JSQ,, the principal ideal (/^) will be equal to the p"'th power of an ideal, where h£ii'^2//. Then, since JlV/, is itself the corpus of ramification of /^ in EC/,, it follows that tliis corpus must be at least of relative degree p'', and relatively cyclic, with respect to the corpus of inertia C of f^-. But, since it is evident that the Galois' group of EC/, cannot contain a cyclic subgroup whose degree is higher than the ^/'th, the relative degree of EC with respect to C must be exactly equal to p''; whence follows that the relative degree of C is jf''. The two corpora E and C have no other common divisor than /•(/'), for their relative discriminants are relatively prime to each other. Hence we get CE = CE. (25) If 21=2 or 3, the same reasoning can be applied, provided that p' be not the highest power of 2 or 3 contained in m — l. If p' be the highest power of 2 or 3 contained in w— 1, we must take an elementary corpus V, YII or III, VI in place of E, according as p= 2 or 3. Then the relative discriminant of ^con- tains the factor 2. It may happen, therefore, that tlie relative discriminant of C is not relatively prime to that of E. Neverthe- less, it i> still valid that C and E cannot have a common divisor other than Z'{/'). For, if there be a common divi^oi'. it must be a relatively cyclic corpus, whose relative discriminant is a power of 2. But. it is evident that none of the corpora V, VII, III, VI contains such a divisor. Thus again Ave arrive at (25). The relative discriminant of C contains all or a part of the prime factors in the relative dircriminant of 6/„ with the exception of /^. If the divisor 6'/, of relative degree ]?, of C still contain a prime f'-' relatively prime to ^7, then apply the above process once more to C to get rid of this factor y'. In this way, repeating On the Relatively Abelian Corpora. 49 this process a number of times, we sliall arrive at a corpus C^, of relative degree ^/ (ji^h), the relative discriminant of whose divisor Öl, of relative degree p, docs no longer contain a prime relatively prime to p. §. 15. It was proved by Hubert" that every cyclic corpus, whose degree is an odd prime ?«, and whose discriminant does not contain any other prime than u, must necessarily be a kreishörpcr. Fol- lowing his example, we can now prove tliat the corpus 6\ of rela- tive degree p is nothing else but an elementary corpus VIII, IX or X, according as/7>-3, p=3 or^) = 2. In the case p>'), the proof can be effected without any difficulty by Hilbert's method"'. As for the method, the reader is referred to his original work, as it will occupy too much space to reproduce it here. Next we have to piove that the relatively cyclic corpora of relative degree 3, whose relative discriminants are powers of 1 + 2/*, are exhausted l)y the four relativel}^ culiic ones of the elementary corpus IX. From what has been shewn in n^. lU and §. 11, it follows that the relatively cyclic corpus obtained by adjoining (1 + 2/0^ to /'{/') is of relative degree 0, and that this corpus contains four different relatively cubic divisors, Avhose relative discriminants are powers of 1 + 2/'. But, on the other hand, it can be shewn that there are no more relatively cubic corpora, whose relative discriminants are powers of l + 2/>, tlian the above four corpora. For, since the fundamental corpus lie) contains the primitive cuIjo roots of unit3^ every relatively cyclic corpus of the third degree can be obtained from k{l>) by adjoining to it a cube root of a certain integer, say «, 1) Hilbert: loc. cit., §. 103. 2) Also cf. Takagi : loc. cit., §, 13 and §. 14. gQ Art. 5.— T. Taken ouchi: properly chosen in k{py'. Without losing generality, we may suppose that this integer a does not contain such factors that are perfect cubes in k(t^). Then, any prime factor in a, since it be- comes a cube in Äl^^v^«), must necessarily enter into the relative discriminant of this corpus. Hence there can be no other relative- ly cubic corpora, whose relative discriminants are powers of l + ^o, than the following ones: E(^f>"(l + 2py), a,, h = 0,1/2 (mod. 3). Here the combination « = ^» = 0 should of course be aA'oided ; also it is to be observed that the two pairs of values (a, b) and (— «, —b) give rise to one and the same corpus. It follows therefore that there can be at most four different corpora of this kind, o. E. D. Lastly, let us consider the case p—l. From §.12 we see that tlio relative corpus defined by ?^("^) i^ oi relative degree 8, and contains three different relatively quadratic divisors, whose relative discriminants are powers of 2. On the other hand, it is evident that there can be only three relatively quadratic corpora, whose relative discriminants are powers of 2 ; viz. Al^y*), Jv(V'2), Jv{\^i). Our proposition is thus proved. The case h=l having been finished, we can now prove, by mathematical induction, that C,;, h>l, is a divisor of a corpus composed of elementary corpora only. The theorem is true in the case h=l. Suppose that it is true for all Gz, Jkzu, '?^ being a certain natural number ; and consequent- ly that it is also true for all relatively cyclic corpora of relative degree jV', not necessarily of the kind C. Now, let Ml, denote an elementary corpus VIIL IX or X of relative degree p*^, according as p>3, ^9=3 or p=2. Since the divisor C^ of C„ must be identical with a certain J^i contained in JSn, we can find such a relatively cyclic corpus I) that , L/n-tiln =^ U 111 „ , 1) Hubert : loc. cit., §. 101. On the Relatively Abelian Corpora. Kl ami sucli tliiit its relative degree is less than ]f.'^ Therefore D, and consequently also C„, must be contained in a corpus composed of elementary corpora only. PART II. §. 10. Let ji^nip) be a class invariant, m being a natural number. By adjoining J(wo) to lc{r\ we obtain a relative corpus called order- corpus (Onlnuiigs-korper). Order-corpora are often called class-corjiora (Jvlassenkörjm^). But, to avoid confusion, we shall never use the ^vord class-corpus in this sense. As for the définition of class-corpus used in the following, the reader is referred to Weber's Lchrhuch der Algebra, Vol. Ill, §. 104. Tlie order-corpus K{j{mp)) is relatively Abelian witJi respect to /•(;'), and its relative degree is equal to the number of classes of the order [w] {Ordnung mit dem Fährer m). Hence, if the decom^ position of m into distinct natural primes be ))l — nh\ ph. f)h •'- 1 -'- '2 -'- i the relative degree is h ^ Lii pin~\(p -^i ll y, 3 ^^ V' \3 It is known tliat the irreducible equation of the Ath degree, wliich gives J{m;>) as a root, becomes reducible, when we adjoin ( — 1) '-^ pi, i =\,1, , supposmg that p^^'I, a/— 1' if m = 0 (mod. 4), V—l , V'2 , if m = 0 (mod. 8), to tile fundamental corpus k{p)r' But, no further reduction of the equation can take place, whatever roots of unit}^ may be adjoined 1) Takagi : loc. cit., §. 9. Hilbert : loc. cit., §. 103. 2) Fueter : Der Klasseukörper dor quadratischen Körper etc. (Dissertation • Güttiu'i-en 1903). ' '' ' Weber : Algebra 111., §. 13S. 52 -'^'"t« ^—'i-'- Takenouclii : to the fundamental corpus'^ Hence, if a primitive 7nih root of miity, in terms of which all the square roots above given can l)e rationally expressed, be adjoined to the order-corpus JC(jivif>)), then the resultant corpus must be of relative degree Avhere r denotes the number of distinct odd primes in w, and .9 = 0, if VI ^0 (mod. 4), 5 = 1, if 7n = 4: (mod. 8), s = 2, if 7)1=0 (mod. 8). This corpus of the ITth relative degree is relatively Abelian with respect to Ii{p). We shall denote it by the symbol Ä"[wi]. It is known that tlie corpus Ä^[7?i] is the class-corpus corre- sponding to the group of numbers «, which belong to tlie order [??^] . and satisfy the condition Ilia) = 1 (mod. 77i), all the prime factors of ni l^eing taken in the excludent.-' Such a group of numbers is called a straJd by E. Fueter^*. Hence the corpus Ä"[w?] may well be called a strahl-corpus. Weber concluded tliat his so-called division-corpus, i.e. the corpus obtained by adjoining to k(p) the numbers m and >S|-^I, where ß being an integer in k{('). can always l;)e looked upon as a divisor of a certain s^7'a/?/-corpus**. It seems to me, however, that there are two defects in his proof. The one is the misconjecture that his division-corpus for 1) Weber: Algebra III, §. liJ8. 2) Weber : Algebra III, §. 16S. 3) Fneter : Crelle's Journal, Vols. 130, 132 ; Math. Ann., Vol. 75. 4) Weber : Algebra III, §. 169. Og the Relatively Abelian Corpora, §3 any composite value of ,« can ahva^ys ])e composed of those for Avhicli /^"s are powers of single primes' \ The other is the confusion of terminology. His proof that the division-corpus is the class- corpus corresponding to the group of iiuml)ers «, such that « = 1 (mod. n), is correct only wlien the word d/vision-corpus means ^ = n(-), a+'>-l _ ;r = I.,, £ = (-1) -• ^n^-'^. The coefficients ^4' s and X>"s are all integers in k{(\ l), and divisible by ::. Squaring l)oth sides of this formula, we obtain '^ " ;rV-<^-i) + (7^_,a;--'("-^> + '+C,x'+V i) Weber : Algebra III, §. 158. 2) Weber: Algebra III, §. 167. In his original paper (Math. Ann., Vol. 00, p. 22), ^ve find a necessary precaution against this point. •è) Fueter : Math. Ann., Vol. 75. 54 Art. 5.— T. Takenouchi : where Bi< and (7s are integers in k(p), and divi8i)>le Ijy r. Intro- ducing the relation r, r- =r> and also remembering tliat (p-l)"-' = l (mod.-). we find, after a few steps of transformation, that (,-n^(.„) = -^^^;^f+'?. (20) where (^ and it are rational integral functions of ^-(i(), the coefficients being all integers in k(f>) and divisilde 1>y -. On the other hand, if we put ■we get, from §, 1 and §. 2, the formula of the form the coefficients a' s and the a' s being integers in lip). We have alread}^ shewn (§. 3) that the <^'s are all divisible by -. XoAV, comparing (27) with (26), we see that the «'s must also be divisible by r. It follows therefore that zijziif = zi'ufi' (mod. -). (28) Hitherto we have supposed that ô is even. But, if it be odd, we may use [>- or [>-- instead of - ; for f>- = -h-{-{a-b)o, f>-- = —a + b— ap, and either a— h or a must certainly be even. Therefore the relation (28) holds good, even if b be odd. This premised, we are going to shew that, if p be an integer in Ä(,o), and O) U = On the Eelatively Abelian Corpora. 55 then the relative corpus determined by r(z/)-\ i.e. by ^-(w)', i^ the class-corpus corresponding to the' group A of numbers «, such that a = ±1, ±f>, ±f>- (mod. //), Avhere tlie excludcnt consists of all the prime factors of i'-. Tlie relative degree of K{r{uf) is not higher than '^^, where m is the norm of /A Hence, in proving the above statement, no generality will be lost, if we suppose that m>l. Under this sup- position it can easily be verified that the group A does not contain a divisor of 3, As shewn in §.3, if /i=^7r'" or (1 + 2/0"'", Tz' being a prime in Tiip), then the reciprocal of z{n) is an algebraic integer. In all other cases z{u) is itself an algebraic integer. At any rate, it follows from (27) or (28) that, if t be a primitive integer of the corpus 7vXr(?/?), and p any prime ideal factor of - in the same corpus, we get t = P (mod. v), ('29) supposing that ~ belongs to the group A. If - be a prime, which is relatively prime to the cxcludent, but does not belong to A, then the congruence (20) does not hold. For, since the discrimi- nant of the equation for r{uf is not divisible by p (§. 5), we get z{t(?rP = ziziif ^ Ti^if (mod. p). Hence we see that tlie congruence (20) holds good, when and only when p is a prime ideal factor of -, where - is a prime integer of the first degree in ^-(,0) belonging to the group A. But, this is the very condition, necessary and sufticient, in order that the corpus K(j{u>f') may be the class-corpus corresponding to the group A. Our statement is thus proved. Now, in general, if G be any group of numl)ers in an imagi- nary quardratic corpus, and E the group of algel)raic unities in the same corpus, then the class-corpus corresponding. to G is identical with that Avhich corresponds to EG'\ Hence, for the sake of 1) Weber : Algebra III, §. 167. 56 Art. 5. —T. Takenouclii : simplicity, we shall hereafter characterise the group Ä, to which the class-corpus K{z{iif) corresponds, by the congruence « = 1 (mod. ij). It is also known^', tliat the relative degree of the class-corpus corresponding to the group G is not lower than ~ {EG, G) ' where 0 is the group of all the numbers in Jc{p) (of course, taking the excludent into consideration), and (O, G) and {EG, G) denote the indices of G with respect to 0 and EG respectively. If we put G:=A, then supposing that A« is associated neither with 2 nor with l+2/>. This value of d coincides with the degree of the equation for ~{nf. Therefore the relative degree of K(j{iif) must l^e exactly equal to ^(fi'j). AVhen y- is associated with 2 or 1-1- 2/^, the relative degree reduces itself to unitv- Not only /v(~(»)0' ^^^^ '^^^^ other division-corpora, e.g. K{^{ii)), K(finu), etc., can be looked upon as class-corpora corresj^onding to some groups of numbers. But, as it is not at all necessary for our subsequent investigations, and moreover, as it will occupy too much space, we shall not here enter into a detailed discussion of them. However, it will not be out of place to give here the results I liave arrived at. 1) Weber : Algebra III, §. 167. On the Eelatively Abelian Corpora. 57 Class-corpus Group of Nurabers Ex- cludent Relative Degree i-j) {a = a + bp) K(T(u.f)=K{^iuf) a = 1 (mod. //.) r- ifW K(T(l0)) « = 1 (mod. fi), b = 0 (mod. 3) 3// fv^(/^)» when //^O (mod. 3) [-^^(/i), when fi = 0 (mod. 3) K{^(u)) = K(sirii) a = 1 (mod. u), 5 = 0 (mod. 2) 2// ^^ ^(/-/), when //.^ 0 (mod. 2) [-^ (p(/jt), when //. = 0 (mod. 2) ((f(,u), when /< ^ 0 (mod. 2) K{>{, sn-«) a = 1 (mod. //), /j = 0 (mod. 4) 2//, 1 4"^C")' when fi = 2 (mod. 4) (Weber's division-corpus) Ä'(snw) Z^ = 0 (mod. 2), « = 1 (mod. /i), ^ ' a + Z^ = l(mod.4) 2/. (^4f (/>«), when tJL = 0 (mod. 4) i 18. Hereafter, for the sake of simplicity, we shall denote the corpora A'(sn^}), k{^{^^)), A'(lf(^/) by SO'), A». PXt') re- spectively. As shewn in the preceding section, F^m) is the class-corpus corresponding to the group ^1 of numbers a, such that « = 1 (mod. m). On the other hand, l^lm] is the class-corpus corresponding to the group B of numbers ß, such that all these numbers ß belong to the order [î^i^] and satisfy the condition 7i(ß) = 1 (mod. 7n). Now, if we suppose that a = a + bp = 1 (mod. m), 58 Art. 5.— T. Takenouchi : a and h being rational integers, then taking the conjugate number, Ave get «'= a + hrr = 1 (mod. m). Therefore 7?(«) = aa' = 1 1 'mod. m). I a — o!— hiji — o-) = 0 From tlie latter congruence, it follows that h must Ije divisible by m. Hence we see that all the numbers of Ä arc included in i> ; syml^olically we may write B ^ A, the sign > standing for "includes, as a proper divisor." There- fore it follows tliat Let //' be the relative degree of P\m) with respect to Txif). In general, H' is equal to '^^(f{m)^\ m being regarded as an integer in }c{f>), not as a natural number. Hence, if m = ;)''! 9)''-' p^'i , 1 ;.' ■'- i wdicre ])i, p-2, , Ph are distinct natural primes, then the meanings of r and s are as in §. 10. The only exceptional case is when w«=2, in which case we have Hence the equality P\m) = K\_m'] holds only in the following cases: (i) î' = l, s = 0; i.e. m =//', 2) being an odd prime, (ii) r = 0, s = l\ i.e. m=^, (iii) 7» = 2. NoAV, since the class-in\'ariant ji^co) can always be rationally 1) Weber ; Algebra III, §. 154. On the Eelativelj Abelian Corpora. 59 expressed by j^nw), n 1 )eing any natural number, we get P\m) ^ Jv[7;il ^ A'[/>Ji] K\_pl^ Kip]"] (30) Avhere . -^^^C^jfO = P\pl'')^ ^i general, the only exception being P''(2") > 7v[-2"], 7/>2. §. 19. Before proceeding further, let us insert here a few preliminary considerations. I. Let Ci, Co, , Q, be absolutely or relatively cyclic corpora of degrees |/'i, p^-, , ^/"* respectively, p being a prime. We suppose that these corpora are independent of one another, i.e., we suppose that none of these corpora has common di^'isors with the corpus composed of all the others. If we compose these cyclic corpora all together, we get an Abelian corpus of degree j??''i+"- + +"''-, which we" shall call A. The Galois' group of ^1 must be of the form s? s;' s:' 5^ c, = o, 1,2, ,pai-^i. {i - 1,2, ,//) Here >Si denotes a substitution, by which all the numbers in Ci are changed into their conjugate numbers, while those of other C's remain unchanged. We may express this fact by saying that the cor})us CiC.2 C',_i C(.Li Cj, IkIoikjs to the cjx-lic group S'^ , r,= 0,l,2, ,pn-K Now, let C- be the divisor of G of degi'ee p'^'"^, then the Abelian cordons c[a c; d belongs to the groujD of the form >sr^f^ ^f ^':\ si=sr" ^-^1^0^...^,^ c,^0,\,2,.-,p-\, 60 Art. 5.— T. Takenouclii ; All the cyclic subgroups of this Abclian group are of the form (Är''S'f-' ST' s',f"r, c=o,i,2, ,p-i, Avhere a^,(u, ,«i, ,«•,, are some fixed integers for each sub- group. Each of these a's can take p values: 0,1/2, ,2^ — ^. Hence there are (j^ — 1)''"^ special cyclic subgroups, in which all of these a' s are different from zero. If Ave denote by ^ a divisor of A belonging to one of these special cyclic subgroups, then B must possess the following properties : (i) A>B^ C[C', C',, (ii) A is of thepth relative degree with respect to B, (iii) none of the original cychc corpora C'l, C., , C,, is contained in B completely. It can. easily be seen that these three properties are characteristic of B. Let us call B a derived corpvs of C\, C., , C,,. There are in all (i)-l)''"^ different derived corpora. In particular, when 79=2, the derived corpus is uniquely determinate. II. Let there be systems of cyclic corpora C„C,, , A A, A. E,,E,, ). Tlien Ä(m)-,5'(-^)5'(;7^-->) The relative degree of 'S'(-^'), i = 1,2, , is ç'(-^''), when 77^ is odd, y(^')' when - = 2. Therefore the relative degree of >S''(w?.) is f (?»), when 7u is odd, ^(f(i)i), when 771 is even. 62 Art. 5. — T, Takenouchi Now, it is evident that S(m) ^ P(m) ^ P\m), and fS(^vi) is at most relatively quadratic with respect to iXm), and JP(m) at most relatively cubic with respect to P'^{m). l]ut the rela- tive degree of P\m) is in general \(f{m), the only exceptional case being when î«— '2. Hence, Avhen m is odd, the relative degree of F{m) must be ],(f{m). AMien m is even, the relative degree of P(?«) must be either \(p{m) or \(p{m). ]jut, since l\m) cannot be relative- ly c[uadratic with respect to FXm). the value y^{w) is inadmissible. Hence F^n) is of relative degree \(f{m), and consequently coincides with F''{m), provided that m be even. Between the three kinds of division-corpora ^S', F, P", theres exist the relations: S{m) ^ P{m) ^ P(-;'>)P(<''-') , i (31) If Ave decompose >y(-fO, i = 1, '2, , into elementary corpora, we get the con:!ponents of the folloAvin'g types: (i) I„ II„ III,, IV„ V„ when -,=#=l + iV. -,=^2, a^^l, VIII,, (ii) VII, VI, .IX, (iii) X, when -, — A+ 2// when -,=2, «i>l, (:m>2 (32) i'he sufiix I is attached to the components in (i) to make clear their dependency upon - . The corpus F{-'-''), -/. being an odd prime, can be decomposed into two components (cf. §. 9.). Tlio one is of relative degree ^f('-), and is no other tlian F^-i); the other is of relative degree y^(~i)'''~\ <^ii^^ i^^ relative discriminant is a power of - . The former is a divisor of /S'C-,); and the latter is a corpus composed of VIIL or IX or X. Hence, if avc decompose P«0 into elementary corpora, Ave get : On the Relatively Abelian Corpora. 63 when -,=^l + 2/>, -=^-2, (^^^1, ^ when -=1 + 2;^, (ti^^l, when -=2, rti>*l, > > (33) (i) I,, II,, III,, IV,, VIIL, (ii) VI, IX, (iii) X. These promised, let us now consider t]ie relation between Pi^iii) and the elementary corpora. In virtue of (31), we see that the elementary corpora given in (33) are certainly contained in P(m). But, as for the corpora Vi and VII, which are contained in (32), l)ut not in (33), we have to make a further investigation. To begin with, suppose that m is odd. In this case, both V« and VII can never be contained in l\m). For, if Vi be contained in P{_)n), tJie number sn(^-J, and consequently also ü^Y _,, V must be contained in P{;m). Then, from the formula ^i'w + r)— ^-(ii — v it follows that F^jii) must contain the number ^'i^.i:, ), and consequently also sn( _;(., j. But, in terms of this last number, all the numbers snf^^V i = 2, 8 , can be rationally ex^n'essed. It follows, therefore, that Pi^m) contains all the corpora V», i = l,2, , and VII. Then P{:m) w^ould coincide with S{m)\ wdiich is impossible. Similar I'casoning applies also to Vo. ^ ;•„ and VII. Hence, making use of the lemma given in the last section, we see that the corpus P{m) must be composed of the following components: (i) I., II„ III,, IV., VIII,, (ii) VI, IX, i — 1,2, , excepting the value, '' for which -^=1+2/?, when m^O (mod. -j), when 1)1 = 0 (mod. 3), when m = 0 (mod. 3-), (iii) the derived corpus of V, (/ = 1 ,2, ■ • • ; V,= VII, if -t = 1 + 2o).^ )m 64 Art. 5. —T. Takenoucbi : If m be even, but not divisible by 4, tbe relative degree of 7^^^ is equal to that of F{ '^^ \. Hence p(,„) = p(^) . all the components of which are given in (34). Next, let m be divisible by 4. In this case, one or more X's ma}^ be contained in P{in). Composing these X's all together, Ave obtain a relatively Abelian corpus, which we shall call X^,. Simi- larh', composing all the X's contained in Â'(m), we obtain an Abelian corpus X.v. It is evident that X^, is a divisor of X,. But, X^ can never coincide with X,. For, if X^,=X,. then P{m) must contain sn(-^ä), where 2' is the highest power of; 2 contained in m. That this is impossible can be shewn by exactly the same reasoning as we have done for Vi and VII in tlie above. It must be remarked, however, that the same proof does no longer hold for V, and VII in the present case, since the assumption that -o, -o, are all odd is essential in that proof. In fact, both Vf and VII are completely contained in P(m). For, since X^,<:X,, the relative degi'ee of X_,, is at most half that of X,. But, since S{m) is relatively quadratic with respect to P{iii), it follows that the relative degree of X^, must be exactly half that of X„ and all the other elementary corpora in S{'ni) must be completely contained in P{in). Thus Ave see that P{)n) is composed of (i) I^, Hi, III^, IVi, Vi, ^=:l,2, , excepting the values, for which ^^ = 1+2,0 or 2, VIII;, when vi = 0 (mod. t:?), (li) VI, VII, when m = 0 (mod. 3), IX, when m^O (mod. 3-), (iii) X. Now, from (o4) and (ou), the following conclusions can be deduced. All the elementary corpora arc included in the division-corpora P{m), if m be made to assume all the positive integral values j or at W35) On the E-elatively Abelian Corpora. 65 least all tJie integers of the form 4];)^ where j) is a natural j)t'hne (JJk case i')=:2 he'imj included). Therefore all the relativehj Abelian covpora tvith resjiect to h{j>) are exhausted by the division-corpora PyVi), and consefjnenth/ also In/ Weber'' s division-corj^ora. When ni is odd, tlio relative discriminant of P'\m) does not contain the factor 2 (§. -")). Therefore PX/n) cannot contain tlie elementary corpora III. V, VI, VII. Hence we see that P\rn). m being odd, is composed of (i) I,, IIj, IV, / = 1, 2, , excepting the vahie, for which -^ = 1+2//, VIII,, ^Yhen m = 0 (mod.-;), (ii) IX, when m=0 (mod. 3'-'), (iii) a derived corpus of III,- (/ = 1,2, ; III,=YI, if - = 1 +2o), (iv) the derived corpus of Y,- ( / = 1, 2, ; Y, = VII, if -,= 1 + 1f>). Bnt, as we l]a^'e remarked before, the corpns P\m). when m is even, coincides with P{iii). whose constitution is given in (34) and (35). Therefore we conclude that the relativehj Abelian corpora with respect to k(p) are exhausted also by the diivision-corpora P\i)i). §. 21. Let us now proceed a step further and consider the constitu- tion of the s^ra/^ /-corpus K\i){\. As we have shewn in ^. 12, the corpus PX'2!') is relatively quadratic with respect to 7\'[2'']. Hence, if we remember the relation (30) and the value of the relative degree 7/, the decomposition of K\_ni^ into elementary corpora can be effected by §. 19 without any difficulty. 66 -^rt. 5. -T. Takenonchi : AVheii III is odd, the components are ( i ) II, II;, IVi, 1 = 1, -2, , excepting the value, for which -^ = I + In, VIII;, when ;;i = 0 (mod. -f), (n) IX, when m = 0 (mod. 3-), (iii) a derived corpus of III; (i = 1 , 2, ; III, = YI, if .- = 1 + 2/>). AVlien m is even, Init not divisible ])y 4, we get ( i ) (ii) as above, (iii) III,, i = 1 , 2, , excepting the values, for which r:i=\L or 1+2/v, YI, when m = Q (mod. 8). AVlien III divisible by 4, we get ( i ) (ii) (iii) as above, (iv) X. Observe that, in these lists, we miss two kinds of elementary corpora, viz. V and VII. Bnt, is it not possible that the corpus V or VII is contained in the whole corpus K\_iii] ? We are now going to shew that it is impossible. AVe shall, however, confine ourselves to the proof that Vi is not contained in K{m). I'he same reasoning also applies to other V's and VII. Decompose K[;m'\ into elementary corpora as al)Ove. Then, reject IVi from the components thus obtained, and recompose all the rest. We oI)tai]i a relatively Abelian corpus, which we shall call K'. Now, after the rejection of IVi from the components of K\jn\, there may be still some elementary corpora, whose relative degrees are powers of 2; viz. IV,-, 'i=2,3, , or some X's, if m be even. Composing these elementary corpora all together, we obtain a divisor of K' . We sliall call it K" . Then, every divisor of K' having a power of 2 as its relative degree must necessarily l)e a divisor of A'"; consequently its relative discriminant cannot con- tain the factor -,. It follows therefore that K' is relatively prime to Vi. Hence, if we compose Vi with K\ Ave obtain a relatively On the Relatively Abelian Corpora. 67 Abelian corpus, whose relative degree is evidently twicy that of Jvlm]. Therefore YJ^[m] := \JC > K[i)i], which shews tliat Vi is not a divisor of K[ui\. Thus we are led to the following important conclusions : Relatlvchj Ahcllan covpora wlfli, ra^pcct to h{i>) are not exhausted Inj strald-coiyora. If l^ he a)i odd 'prime In lc{p)^ m its norm, and if 2'' he the highest power of 2 contained in m—1, then tJte relatively cyclic corpus of rela- tive degree 2'' contained in the division- corpus SÇf-'-) can never he con- tained in a strahl-corjius. Now, in §. 14 and §. 15, we have given a method of finding a corpus composed of elementary corpora only, such that any given relatively Al:)elian corpus may he a divisor of it. In that method, V and VII are used only in the case when the relative degree of the given corpus is even. Hence we see that relatively Ahelian corjyora of odd relative degree with, respect to kÇ") arc exhausted hy strahl-corpora. I '1-2. According to Fueter, " all the prime factors of tlie relative discriminant of K\_m\ must be contained in m; and conversely, all the |)rime factors of m must, in general, be contained in the rela- tive discriminant of A"[m]. The only exceptional case is when m is divisible by 3, Init not by 3"; in this case, tlie relative discrimi- nant of 7l'[7;^] does not contain the factor 3. But, I think, this is not quite correct. In the first place, the most obvious exceptional case m = -l is not noticed in the above statement. Secondly, his so-called exceptional case is not neces- sarily exceptional. For example, take the value m=6, tlien A^t^) =^A-3 + 3V_3) =j{^~ri). But, we know that where x'—?>x- — '^x — l — Op i.e. x =1 + ^2^ + ^4- 1) Pneter : Math. Ann., Vol. 75. 2) Weber : Alg-ebra III, p. 722. 53 Art. 5.— T. Takenonchi: Hence Ä"[6] is nothing else l)ut the elementary corpns \I, whose relative discriminant is divisihle by 3. Let us now determine the nature of the relative discriminant of Ä"[??2] , as a sequel to our preceding investigations. If Ave assume, as in §. 18, that VI =^y'i2)^'-i jj^'i then we liave K[iJi:]^K[p^qK[p!;q K[p^!q , where Z[p''i] = P-'Q^'O, if j;,=^'2 or ^^, = '2, //,r=],'2, and PX2'*0 > AT2'''] > P%2'''''), if //, > 2. But, the relative discriminant of F'Xp^-0 is a power of />„ except when p^^' = 2 or 3. Hence the relative discriminant of 7v"[?«] must contain all the prime factors of m, except in the following cases : (i) m=0 (mod. 2), but #;0 (mod. 2-), (ii) w = 0 (mod. 3), but ^0 (mod. 3-). On the other hand, since "\ve see tliat the relative discriminant of J'^lm] docs not contain prime factors relatively prime to m. Thus, if we exclude the above tAVO cases (i) and (ii), we may conclude that the relative discriminant of Ä"[?>?] contains all the prime factors of ??z, but no other. In case (i), since w is divisible by 2, the corpus K[7n] con- tains the elementary corpus HI or VI (§. 21), except when ;«=2. Therefore its relative discriminant must contain the factor 2. Thus we see that this case (i) need not be excluded from tlie aboA'c state- ment, provided that w=f-2. Next, consider the case (ii), and suppose that ??i=^3. If ^//i be even, then K[m] contains VI, and consequently its relative dis- criminant is divisible ])y 3. If, on the contrary, m be odd, then 7v [?«] does not contain VI itself, but a derived corpus of III,- (? = 1,2, ,_pi=/:3)and VI. Hence we have to inquire, whether the relative discriminant of On the ■Relatively Abolian Corpora. G9 this derived corpus is divisible by 3 or not. Without losing generahty, we may suppose pi=#=3. Let C be a relatively cubic divisor of IIIi. There are two different derived corpora of C and VI. At least one of these derived corpora is certainly a divisor of Ä"[m] . Let us call it D. If the relative dis- criminant of K[m\ were relatively prime to 3, so would also be that of D. Moreover, since m is odd, this relative discriminant cannot contain the factor 2. Hence D would be a relatively cyclic, cubic corpus different from C, with the relative discriminant, a power of pi, provided that the relative discriminant of K[m\ is relatively prime to 3. But, this is evidently impossible, if G be a proper divisor of nil. For, if C does not coincide with IHi, then the relative dis- criminant of C must be a power of ^i, without containing the factQr 2, and consequently it can be proved that D cannot be different from C. '^ If (7=111,, then the relative discriminant of C is divisible by 2. Compose C with D, and consider the corpus of inertia of a prime ideal contained in p^. This corpus of inertia must be rela- tively cyclic, and its relative discriminant must be a power of 2. Also, since D is not identical with C, this corpus of inertia cannot reduce itself to h{p) (cf. §. M). Therefore it must be relatively cubic. But, we can shew, as follows, that this is again impossible. We know that every relatively cyclic, cubic corpus, with respect to A(/'), can be o])tained by adjoining to k{(>) a cube root of a certain integer in h{p). Hence, if there be a relatively cyclic corpus of the third relative degree, whose relative discriminant does not contain any other prime than 2, it must be one of the forms In the corpus («), however, the following decomposition holds : 1 + 25 =(l + ^'2£X/^+ '28)(r + ->^2£) 1) Takagi : loc. cit., §. 10. 70 Art. 5.— T, Takonoiichi : Hence the relative discriminant of this corpus must contain the factor l + 2e. The relative discriminant of the corpus (b) does not contain the factor 2, since the discriminant of the equation is — 27£-, Thus we see that there can be no relatively cyclic, cubic corpus, whose relative discriminant is a power of 2, Q. E. D. The relative discriminant of K[m\ must therefore be divisible by 3, when m is divisible by 3, provided that m^d>. Thus we arrive at the following conclusion. All the prime factors of the relative disc7'iminant of Kirn] are contained in m; and conversely, all the prime factors of m enter into the relative discriminant of K[m\, except when m—2 or 3. In the two exceptional cases, Ä"[w] coincides with the funda- mental corpus Ti{p). Nagoya, November 1915. Published March SOth, 1916. JOUENAL OF THE COLLEGE OF SCIENCE, IMPEKIAL UNIVERSITY, TOKYO. VOL. XXXVII., ARTICLE 6. Numerical Calculation of the Jacobian Ellipsoids. By Ryosuke KAIBARA, Hii' ' ^'^^ Let li, e, i be the quantities which measure the moment of momentum il/, the kinetic energy E, and the intrinsic energy / respectively of the ellipsoid, and which are defined according to Darwin thus: — Writing m for the whole mass of the ellipsoid, we have this we put equal to 5 3. 1 m"- (abc) ^. (X, SO that /^ = ^(^>.ft) '^(l+piWii. (7) Again, E = —^^oM = m-(ahc) . e, where e = ^L^^^^^ij^ (8) Lastly, if V be the potential of the ellipsoid at an internal point, and d/\ an element of its volume, then 2. 2./ = --^-o' Ysßv-Flx-dv-QJy-dv-BjzHv\, or, evaluating the integrals and introducing (4), we find 5 2 _i 1= ——^7:amS = m\ahc) "*. (i — 1), 1) In the previous imper, SL was calculated from an equation deduced from -C = 1 —{ 1 + p;- + 9r)li. But I have found that the two forms in the text, though less simple, are more suitable for obtaininof accurate numerical results. Art. 6. — R. Xaibara : where = 1 10 {piPÙ ''Sa (9) The problem now is to reduce equation (2) into a form which is numerically soluble, and with its sohitions, to determine systems of values for />' s, t s, ii, //, e, and i. 3. First, the integrals P, Ç, R, iS must be evaluated. Put a- + S ■= -^'"'(^/r— 6;.), C- + S = /-(^/ü — P]), and let s = 0 correspond to w = u, so tliat then we have n dw }^'u P= -^'iiJ^ - (10) (ei-e.Ofe-es) \ +e,u\. This result may be expressed in terms of t^-f unctions^* with argument v=îi/2oj, and modulus z—w'jco, thus: Tj ?5i(2y) In like manner, we obtain iy/^;'(iO H ^y. ^,(yj J and (11) ^^^ - "^^ .>,(^0^,(^) ^''^• (12) By means of (1<))» ^^^^ ratios of axes and eccentricities may be written ri = = /y/C; au _ d,d,{v) (13) 1) The notation here adopted for the functions is in accordance with that given in Weierstrass-Schwarz, Formeln u. Lehrsätze zum Gebrauche d. ellip. Funktionen. Formulae in that book are used throughout this jjaper. Pi = Numerical Calculation of the Jacobian Ellipsoids. (13) 4. In bringing (2) into a form suitable for our purpose, the same method as in the previous paper is adopted, which may be briefly sketched as follows: — Substituting from (11) and (13), équation (2) becomes, after reduction [^Ä"^o(2iO + &:d:ß,{9,v)^ 2r = a;äJ(^v) + âX(2v)-7râ.^â,(2v). (14) On replacing the ^-functions Ijy their expressions in A-series, it is immediately seen that each member of the above equation is divisible by /r; hence a solution of this equation is A=0, from which it follows that 62=^3 or a=b. This solution determines the well-known series of ]Maclaurin's spheroids, the consideration of which, however, is not an aim of this paper. Dividing out the factor /r on both sides of (14), arranging the quotients in powers of h, and transposing, we obtain A, + AJr + ÄJi'+ +A,h'-+ =0, (15) where ^4' s are known functions of -2' alone. If, in the last equation, we put ^ = 0, then A, = (4-cos2^)2,j-16sin^ + 5sin2." = 0, (16) where ^ = 2-i\ The value of z, sav 2^0, which satisfies (16) corresponds to the starting point of the Jacobian from the revolutional series, and can be found, as will be given below, by the method of successive approximation. Now, Zf) being known, the general value of 0, which is defined by (15) as a function of h, can be expanded in the neighbourhood of A = 0, thus: — z = Z(, + aji- + aJi' + + aji'- + (17) The numerical coefficients 2^0, «1, «2, , «5 were recomputed and «6 was newly found for the present paper, the result being 6 Art. 6.— E. Kaibara : ;^o= +1-8974390607 a, = -0-l673'2092 a., = -0-4747820 a. = +0-380062 a,= +0-40908 a-^ = —0-3475 «e = -0-894. By means of the equation just obtained, the vahie of z can be determined for an assigned vahie of h, provided the latter is not near unity. 5. Formula? for jo's and e's given in (13) and thence those for i? and i given in (5), (6) and (9) can be adapted to numerical calculation, by quadratic transformation of the ;?-functions and l^y introducing auxiliary angles. With a pair of corresponding values of h and z, let the follow- ing four functions be computed: d, = 2^Ti{l + ¥ + h''+ ), /?3 = l + 2,V + 27t«+ , d^^v) = 2v/î(cos^ + 7i-'cos3^ + 7t'2cos5,?+ ■■■') 6,(2v) = 1 + 27r cos 2^ + 27i' cos 4,s + , where the symbol 6 signifies that the modulus of the function is 2r, i. e., 6, = â,iO ! 2r), dX^v) = mv 1 2r), {i = 2, 3). All these series converge very rapidly; in most cases, the first two terms of each series will give a sufficiently accurate value of the function. Next, let angles «, ß l)e determined by the equations 6. (18) tail a = (19) ^3 tan ^y = — — =^^ — — ; ^3(2^) then, we have the formulée: ê.? = 16. ß., = ;;^sin2«, 7%^ = di+di = X\ \ (20) Xumerical Calculation of the Jacobian Ellipsoids â-'(v) = dßl1v)-d.ß.i:lv) = ;.//cos(«-,9)J (20) where ;. = ^ cos a Hence (13) becomes ., tan (a — ,5") ,«o- taii'ia sin(a— y5) sin 2« cos(« + y9) cos2acos;^a + ,9) ^/2r) COS^Î £2 =, sin(V/ + ^9) sin 2a cos (a— ^5) ^ o _ tan (a + ß ) tan 2« ' o_ sin2a sin(« + ji5') cos(«— /9) ) (21) cos(a — /:^) From the definition of -v's and e's, it foUows that /V + V = l, (i = l,2,3); hence s^ can be found from />,., or vice versa. But, actually, these six quantities were all calculated independently from (21), using the above identities as a means of verification. 6. Substituting in (5) the value of S given in (12), and using (20), (21), we get îi = ( 1 + 2 f ''- ^^"^ ^"- + ^^^ W 6 f ^'' ^^^ ^'^ + ^^ ^ \ cos '2a J If, herein, we put tan^ = — =- V2o2cos(a + /î) ^ \ cos2.i / ' sm;^ = •Si Idß.zp. ■cos^, then (> = 3 sin^ £^tan^ tan;/ (22) (23) The second form of expression for i?, viz. (0), can be treated in the same manner: putting Ai"t. 6. — ïi. Kaibara : 4r// and defining an angle w by SlllW = 2^., cos a cos ;9 t^^î'z I ^ ^s(2î')tan'2acos(a— ^5j it can be j^roved that (6) becomes J2 = ^it^zp. tan (l^ cos oi tan ^' £.,tanc (24) ■ (25) (26) ^•i^3 V^ ^P?, f^S ^-2 f ^ ^ ^i Sill

z, £i, £2, £3- Again, the angles (p and (p are determined by the same equa- tions as in (22), but the equation giving ■/ now transforms into siny = ( 3-5— jcosc. (38) Then, expression (23) for /2 also apphes in this case. As to the second expression for il, put f7'= _^?^,- = l + 9/^-->25/^/'+ , ' ^ ' '' ^nih^ 2 ' 2 2 and let a new angle co^ be defined by (39) sm CO, / 2t,'iT,v) \W 2^,cos(45°-a)cos(45°-/9) U then we have Lastly, the expressions for /^ and e given in (27) remain unchanged, while that for l becomes 3 / IK, \^_dA^ ^ = 1—5 177/ ~V" (42) The method of §§ 7, 8 w^as applied for A=0"24— 0"6 at intervals of 0'04; the last 11 row^s of Table I show the result. 9. As an example, let A=0. Here, we may conveniently proceed from the original equations (5), (6) and (13), which simplify in this case thus: ,->, = .:>., = COS-^, ft = l. £, = £., = sin ^, £:; = 0, 12 Art. (5. — R. Kaibara : and -" z — 7^ :, — ' (l-cos,,,)tan-|^ 5-2COS-., where, as was already given, z,, = 1-89743906 = 108° 42' 54"- 900. Hence we find ^o^ = IK, = 0-582724'2. ,o, = 1 , £, = s, = 0-8126700, £, = 0, // = 0-1871148. This set of values determines the ellipsoid of transition referred to in § 4. Of course, the same result can be obtained from (21), (23), (2G) by the use of the auxiliary angles a, .3, / = 0-7828731, /v = 0-0686280, £^2 == 0-9462730, e^ = 0-2171269, £/ = 0-9313719. Also, we find

= 2° 50' 35"-75, y = 55" 12' 41"-96, w = 29^ 59' 24"-59. Hence from (23), -^^ = 0-09485087, and from (26), -'^ = 0-09485084. Corresponding to //=0'24, we get from (30), h, = 0-0009920-201 ; whence by (32), z^ = 4-1524265. Xnmerical Calculation of the Jacobian Elliiisoids. ^3 By appljàng (33), it can bo proved that this value of z^ is correct to the seventh decimal figure, so that the approximation is sufficient, if the accuracy required for //s, s's, /^, etc. be that attainable by the use of seven-figure logarithms. Now (37) gives the same values of « and ß as shown above, and (41) gives U = 0-09485085. As the last example, take 7^=0 '(3, to which corresponds h, = 0-000000004064856. The first approximation for z^ as given l)y (17) is z, = 11-047. B}^ means of (33), we find that the second approximation is z, = 11-0505, and that the third is z, = 11-0505035, which can be proved to be correct to the sixth decimal. From (23) and (41), we find respectively .Q = 0-0005114177, and /2 = 0-0005114175. 10. To compare the result with that obtained by Darwin' \ Table II was calculated thus: — In Darwin's method, the auxiliary quantity to which arbitrary values are attributed is an angle r which is defined in our notation by COS/' = p^, or cosr = -^A^'A = A^oiMl. C43) From the computed values of ,oi=cosr, the value of Ji corresponding to an assigned value of r was first interpolated, a correction was added, when necessary, to this value of h so as to satisfy (43) accurately, and then, Ijy tlie usual method, the corresponding values of Oj, J^, Oi and -| i? were interpolated from Table I. The 1) G. H. Darwin, /. c. 14 Art. 6.— E. Kaibara results are shown in Table II with Darwin's values side by side. From this table, it will be noticed that the results are in good agreement, excepting the values of '\ and o.^ for ^-=60'' and TABLE li. Auxiliary Quantities Axes Anof. Vel. 0 0 02 0-04 006 008 01 012 014 016 0-18 0-2 0-22 0-24 0-28 0-32 0-36 0-4 0-44 0-48 0-52 0-56 0-Ö 1 0-99202015.10-'^ 0-4293505110- a 0-17306452. 10- i 0-63756224.10-4 0-20994321.10- i 0-60121544.10-s 014457357.10-5 0-27878215.10-s 0-40503148.10-7 0-40848561.10-3 0 : = 1-89743906 1-89737206 1-89717013 1-89683057 1-89634886 1-89571876 l-8949323i 1-89398010 1-89285104 1-89153282 1-89001190 1-88827376 1-88630305 1 = 4-6436612 5-1717957 5-7462979 6-3781799 7-08098i5 7-8720639 8-7743890 9-8192530 11-0535035 00 {abc)* 1-19723 1-26294 1-33395 1-41091 1-49456 1-58578 1-68554 1-79500 1-91551 2-0i864 2-19626 2-36057 2-54420 2-98276 3 -51.635 4-28736 5-28644 6-67793 8-69008 11-73766 16-62132 25-06353 CO [abcy 1-197234 1-136253 1-079494 1-026513 0-976915 0-930348 0-886497 0-845082 0-805349 0-768571 0-733042 0-699075 0-666502 0-604938 0-547279 0-492629 0-440321 0-389744 0-340513 0-292410 0-245465 0 199798 0 {abcy ß = 0-697657 0-696854 0-694449 0-690458 0-684903 0-677818 0-669244 0-659229 0-647831 0-635111 0-621137 0-605982 0-589722 0-554205 0-515239 0-473467 0-429603 0-334220 0-337942 0-291353 0-245105 0-199695 0 2t,(t 0-187115 0-186278 0-183786 0-179694 0-174096 0-167115 0-158905 0-149645 0-139533 0-128780 0-117604 0-106223 0.0948509 0-0729128 0-0531468 00364823 0-0233988 0-0133538 0-0074594 0-0035774 0-0014360 0-0005114 0 Xnmerical Calculation of the Jacobian Ellipsoids. 15 those of IIJ for ;'=80' where the discrepancies are still sensible. In writing this paper, I owe very ninch to Prof. H. Nagaoka for his kind advice. TABLE I2. h Eccentricities of Sections Mom. of Mom. Energy £■ = a £._; = £a = (J. Kinetic e Intrinsic i Total E b a 0 0-812Ö70 0 812070 0 0-30375 0-080461 0-41495 0-49541 0-02 0-833990 0-789857 0-436535 0-30512 0-080042 0-41549 0-49613 004 0-853803 0-765606 0-587468 0-30923 0-081180 0-41712 0-49830 0-06 0-872075 0-739981 0-680048 0-31611 0-082059 0-41983 0-50189 0-08 0-888817 0-713075 0-756800 0-32584 0-083255 0-42364 0-50690 0-1 0-904046 0-681978 0809817 0-33818 0-081733 0-42856 0-51329 0-12 0-917797 0-055805 0-850520 0-35415 0-080450 0-43459 0-52104 014 0-930119 0-625Ö83 0-882241 0-37298 0-088355 0-44174 0-53010 016 0-941073 0-594750 0-907201 0-39514 0-090388 0-45003 0-54042 0-18 0-950732 0-533153 0-920960 0-42084 0-092483 0-45946 0-55194 0-2 0-959174 0-531048 0-942055 0-45032 0-094570 0-47004 0-56461 0-22 0-966488 0-498597 0-955142 0-48387 0-090573 0-48177 0-57834 0-24 0-972766 0-465969 0-905076 0-52182 0-098415 0-49466 0-59307 0-28 0-982587 0-400867 0-979218 0-01260 0-101307 0-52386 0-62516 0-32 0-989390 0-337135 0-988021 0-72711 0-102049 0-55750 0-66015 0-36 0-993883 0-276195 0-993377 0-87135 0-101918 0-595-34 0-69725 0-4 0-990692 0-219295 0-990525 1-05439 0-098707 0-03081 0-73558 0-44 0-998343 0-167767 0-998295 1-29009 0-092987 0-68136 0-77434 0-48 0-999244 0-122049 0-999232 1-00008 0-084028 0-72803 0-81266 0-52 0-999092 0-084752 0-999690 2-01974 0-073977 0-775Ö7 0-84965 0-56 0-999891 0-054504 0-999891 2-00922 0-001594 0-82275 0-88435 0-Ü 0-999908 0-031990 0-999968 3-47997 0-048192 0-80773 0-91592 1 1 0 1 GO 0 1 1 16 Art. 6. — E. Ivaibara : TABLE II. Cl c - S3 eß T h Darwin Kaibara Darwin Kaibara Darwin Kaibara Darwin Kailiara 55° 0-0059319 1-216 1-2162 1-179 1-1787 0-698 ' 0-6976 0-0935 0-09352 57° 0-0245838 1-279 1-2787 1-123 1-1229 0-696 0-6964 0-093 0-09293 60° 0-0531895 1-3831 1-3840 1-0454 1-0442 0-6916 0-6920 0-09060 0-09063 65° 0-103149 1-6007 1-6009 0-9235 0-9233 0-6765 0-6766 0-08295 0-08295 70° 0-157340 1-899 18988 0-8111 0-8110 0-6494 0-6494 0-07047 007046 75° 0-218351 2-3i6 2-3i63 0-7019 0-7018 0-6072 0-6073 0-0536 0-05358 80° 0-291436 3-1294 3-1293 0-5881 0-5881 0-5434 0-5434 0-03307 0-03350 85° 0391275 5 0406 5-0407 0-4516 0-4516 0-4393 0-4393 0-01293 0-01297 Published July, 20th, 1916 JOURNAL OF THE COLLEGE OF SCIE^'CE, IMPERIAL UNIVERSITY, TOKYO. VOL. XXXVII., ARTICLE 7. On the Elastic Equilibrium of a Semi=Infinite Solid under given Boundary Conditions, with some Applications. By Kwan-ichi TERAZAWA, JHnakushi, I. Introduction. §1. The statical problem concerning an infinite elastic solid bounded by a plane subjected to a given distributiou of traction or deformation has attracted the attention of numerous eminent elasticians. The first solution for the case of a purely normal load was given by Lame axd Clapeyron^^ by means of Fourier's theorem, through which an assigned function of two variables is expressed as a quadruple integral. The credit of first improvement on this subject may well be claimed by J. Boussinesq,'^ who introduced several kinds of potentials — direct, inverse and logari- thmic with three variables — into the theory of elasticity, and opened a new field of treatment in it. Almost all conceivable cases have been solved by him, especially in relation to what takes place at the boundary surface. Besides Boussinesq, many other authors have touched on this problem, employing the method of integration by Green's functions. Not long ago, Prof. H. Lamp.^^ solved a special case of this problem, viz. that in which the boundary condition is a normal pressure symmetrically distributed about a point on the surface, by making use of the integral theorem of Fourier's type concerning Bessel function of the zeroth order; and thus. Lamé and Clapeyron's method, which was considered to 1) Crelle's Journal, vol. 7 (1831) p.p. 400-40i. 2) Application des Potentiels, Paris, (1885;. 3) Loncl. Math. Soc. Proc. vol. 34 (1902) p. 276. 2 Art. 7. — K. Terazawa : be extremely unsuited for obtaining physical results, seems now to have gained practical importance. §2. The present paper deals with the problem in the case in which the bomidary is subjected to any given normal pressure, by generalizing the method adopted by Lamb.^^ In the first two sections the general solution of the problem is obtained in the type of the Bessel-Fourier expansion of a function. The third section discusses several examples in the case of symmetry about an axis normal to the boundary, and forms the main part of this communi- cation. Most of these special examples have been investigated by the autliors above cited: the behaviour at the surface especially; and yet it ]jiay be worth while to discuss them again more closely, referring especially to the beha^■iour inside the boundary. The last section is added as an appendix, supplying the general solutions corresponding to several boundary conditions, excepting that of normal pressure, in the case of symmetry about a normal to the boundary. §3. The results of tliese special examples applied to find the limit of rupture of a foundation over which a heavy load is distributed. Strictly speaking, ]jy applying the mathematical theory of elasticity, we can treat of rupture only, for some kmds of brittle solids like cast iron, in which tlie linear relation of stress and strain holds and, moreover, the strains are so small that their squares are negligible up to the point where rupture takes place. For a ductile material, such as mild steel, and for an imperfectly elastic material, like cen:ient or sandstone, we must bear in mind that the theoretical results indicate only roughly the state of stress when, in the first case, it begins to take permanent set, and, in the second case, when it breaks. §4. Another application will be found in a problem of geophysics. In his elaborate observations on the lunar deflection of gravity, Dr. 0. Hecker has pointed out that the force acting on the pendulum at Potsdam is a large fraction of the moon's force when it acts towards the east or west than when it acts towards the 1) Though the writer had not read his paper until the work was almost finished. Elastic Equilibrium of Semi-Infinite Solid. 3^ north or south. ^^ Various explanations of this anomaly have been proposed, among them one, suggested by Prof. A. E.H. Love,^^ is that a possible cause may perhaps be found in the efïect of the tide wave in the North Atlantic. Recently Prof. A.A. Michelson^^ has found a similar result in his arduous task of measuring the lunar perturbation of a very long water-level at Chicago. Prof. Sir J. Larmor kindly suggested to me a query whether the excess- pressure of the tide in the North Atlantic would affect much the measurement of the water-level at Chicago, owing to the depression of the solid earth that it would produce. A calculation is under- taken in order to ascertain to wdiat extent the consideration of the tilting of the ground is important for the explanation of this geodynamical discrepancy; we may in a first estimation neglect the curvature of the earth. ^^ II. Solution of Equation of Equilibrium, §5. The equation of equilibrium of an isotropic elastic body free from the action of a body force is curl curl «. = ^ grad A, {\) where u denotes the displacement, / and !^ Lame's constants which specify the elastic nature of the body concerned,' and A is the amount of dilatation defined by the equation J = èiwn. (2) Our first object is to find the solution of the equation of equilibrium, which is appropriate for the discussion of the problem concerning a semi-infinite elastic body. Since div. curl of any vector quantity vanishes, if we perform the operation div on both sides of equation (1) we have simply div grad J = 0, (3) 1) A similar result has been found by A. Orloff at Dorpat and T. Shida at Kyoto. 2) Some Problems of Geodynamics, Cambridge, (1911) p. 8S. 3) The Astrophysical Journal, vol. 39 (1914) p. 105-. 4) The geodynamical application will appear shortly in the Trans. Roy. Soc. London. 4 Art. 7. — K. Terazawa : which determines the dilatation J. If J is found from this equation, the displacement u can Ije determined by solving the equation X-\-[JL grad div u — curl curl u = — grad A. (4) A* The elastic body which we deal with is supposed to be bounded by an infinite (say) horizontal plane in its natural state and to extend without limit both horizontally and downwards. Take the cylindrical coordinates (r, d, z) such that the axis of z coincides with an inward normal to the boundary and the origin lies on the boundar}^ surface of the body in its natural state, then we have, for z^>o, the equations i^+J-. -M,+J-ü^+ü^ = o (5) to determine J, and + „.^^ + Ji^__±^ ,. -j:-^ +^ a^ + fJ.]hC,,z~[xC,,-'Zi,.l{T)\ J,Xh-)e-''smmd, r = -{ ^{X + /x)kC,„z-^^ C-fJtkÇBi-D,,,) ] J\„ßr) + /jiJi-Ä,J',„,{lr) I e'''co6iu 0, (18) etc. III. Lamé and Clapeyron's Problem. §10. We will apply the solution obtained in the last article to discuss the effect caused by a given normal pressure applied locally on the boundary. Suppose as a preliniinary that a system of stress of the form zz = \z eus m 0 + Z^h\md\ J,„{kr^, 7r =0, ^ =0 (19) is given at the surface z=0. Then we must have the following relations between the arbitrarv constants: — Elastic Equilibrium of Semi-Infinite Solid. ^ + /^ ^ + /^ -fiC„-2fukD,„ = Z, G,„+fxMB„, + ï),„) = 0, An = 0. From these equations, combining (13) and (l-")), we have B,„ = Z Z c, = '^ + ,n ^ ^ _ U + 2;.)^ A,„ = 0, B... = Z J) = _ (A + '2iJ.)Z '2//Ät;.+//.) A,„ = 0, Putting these vahies in the formuhe (12) and (14) and adding them together, we have an exact solution of the form = (^ ^ 1 {zco^md + Zün\md\j'Jh-)e-'\ We = U \ )( = -{ 2// 2(>Ï + //)A; z _^ X + 2/J. Zcosmd —Zäinmd ]{ Zcosmd + Zsin^nd kr (20) 2/^ 2iJi[X + [i)h corresponding to tlie l»omidary conditions (19). Tlie formuho for stress are Tz = (1 + kz){z coii md + Z sin /// o\j,„iJir)<'^'', zr = —kz I Z coamd + Z sin md\j',„(kr)e~''^ 7d = -kz Izcoümt^ -Zs'mitid] ^"'-- J„ß.r)e"', I ) kr etc. (21) 10 Art. 7.— K. Terazawa §11. To generalize the above so that the sokition may be suitable to discuss the effect of any given normal pressure at the boundary surface, suppose that Z and Z are functions of h of the form Zm{k)dk and ZmQcJdk respectively, and superpose the corresponding solutions for all positive values of h, then add them together for all integral values of m. Thus, corresponding to the boundary conditions zz= 2 /* ^ {^-(^'■'>-) COS m 6 + Z,„ (k) sill m 6 \j.,Xh-) dl:. 7r=0, 7ti = 0 at z=0, we have CO ■i'r = ^ ~J lz„,[l-)cosmß + Z,,,(k)mi)nd\e-''J' ,,,{l:r)dl: CO an «Ö = y -^f{z,XJc)co^md-ZJl-)smmd]e-'^T,,lkr) (22) dk k dk^ k y. = ->\,;7 , /"{z„^(Ä;)cos;;.^-Z„,(^-)siii;;.4«''^^"'(^-'')4^r ' ^-t^3 2(/ + /ij/-,/ I J ^- = - ^—-1 [ZrX'k) COS ;^i ^ + X,„(Ä;) sin m e\e-''J,Xky)dk 7)1= 0 f^ Q ^ CO • _ «;eo2/<;. +/.)./ I ' -^ ^ • i "^ ^ k (23) and ^^ = |] /(l + Ä.-^4^.,(Ä:)cosmÖ + Z„XÄ-)si]i;;;^l'-*^/„,|A,7>ZA-, ^ = -J ^/Ä;{z,„(/>;)cos;;i^ + Z„,,(A;)sinwöje-V'„,(A7-)f?Ä;, CO 7d = -^JI^/ iz,Xk)coHmd-Z,Xk)mim.d\e-''J,,Xkr]dk, etc. (24) Elastic Equilibrium of Semi-Infinite Solid. W More generally, if the boundary conditions are given in the form of an arbitraiy function, e.g. 7z=f(r,d), ] zr = 0, zd r=o] at z = 0, the general solution can ])e obtained by making use of the integral theorem Fir) = I J„ikr) MJ:fF(a)J„, (Ä;a) ada, (26) 'o 'o provided the function /(r,Ö) caii be expanded into a trigonometrical series of the form /(r, ^) = i {Mr)cosmd+fJr)dnmd] , (27) where />»(r) and /»«(r) are supposed to satisfy tlie above integral theorem. Comparing the expansion (27) with (zz^ which follows from the first formula of (24) by putting z={), we see tliat the functions Zvi{k) and ZmQc) which correspond to the boundary conditions (25) or (27) are the solutions of the integral equations Mr) = I Z.,„{}^)J„i'kr)d-k, 0 f,u{r)=jz.^{h)J„{hr)dh. Looking at the integral theorem (20), the solutions of these integral equations appear easily to be /.CO Z,X'k) = A,7/,„(aV„,(Av/)«r/«, ) (28) Z.„ik) = Ic/fja)J.,Xka)ada. Thus, substituting tliese values of ZmQc) and Zm(k) in the formuke (23) and (24) we get the solution answering to the 12 Art. 7. — K. Terazawa : boundary condition (25). In his book of differential equations, H. Weber^^ solves the same problem by using the Cartesian coordinates. But it seems that his mode of using Fourier's theorem was anticipated by Lamé and Clapeyron. IV. Examples in the Case of Symmetry. §12. The solution for the case of symmetry round the origin, which is discussed by Boussinesq with numerous examples, has been afterwards obtained l)y Prof. Lamb in the same way as adopted here. This case is implied, of course, in our solution. Suppose (29) zr = 0, zd = O! are given at the surface ;:;=0. The corresponding solution will then be obtained from (23) and (24), l)y taking only the first term (m=0) in the summation. Thus ' 0 2(; + //.)./ ^ W.- 2',, = 0, 11^ = lz{k)e-'-%ßT)(U- (30) and 2/' ■'. n- = -^|l(Ä:)e-'"J"o(Ä-r)MÄ'+^-|z^A-)e-''/,(Ä-r), 0 0 J ('^> + /-<)^" •' 1^' )cR- + 1) Part. Diff. Gleiclmngen, vol. 2 (1912) §76-. Elastic Equilibrium of Semi-Infinite Solid. 13 Öd À + fxJ (31) U: + 'o *0 ^? = 0, T'y = z'fz{l-)e-''J,{kr)Mk, 0 7d = 0; where the auxiliary function Z is connected with the prescribed condition by Z(k) = k ff[a)J,(ka)ada. (82) 0 We shall now apply the general theorem to a few special examples. Example I. §13. The first example, which is discussed by Prof. Lamb, is to find the effect of a given normal pressure concentrated at a jDoint on the boundary, on the supposition that/(r) is zero for all values of r except those in the immediate neighbourhood of the origin, where it becomes infinitely great in such a manner that /f(r).27rr.dr= -II, (83) in which // is the total amount of the pressure applied and is finite. The function Z{k) now is Z(k) = n Putting this in (30) and (31), and then integrating we get 14 Art. 7. — K. Terazawa Ur = n and u. 66 = zz ^JL\ : + /. + 2/^ ^^\' 77 77 n f 3.rr- _ /^ r 1 _ ^ "] I // /,-(2r + ^^) ._ 1 I 77 3^^ 77 3zh' 76 = 0, 6z = 0. At the surface (^=0) tbey I'educe simply to n 1 ("Jo = 47r(i^ + //) ?• 77(yl + 2//) _1_ 47r/i(>^ + fj.) r ,.-^ 77// 1 ( ^n, = 77// '2-(;. + ^«) r- (34) (35) (36) (37) {zz\= 0. §14. It is interesting to show by graj^li the state of deformation at different depths from the surface. For the sake of simplicity we assume that the material satisfies the Poisson' s relation ^=[J; and wu take only one component of the displace- ment vz for reference, which is now written in the simple form 47r/. l(r^ + /-/.3 2 (i^ + rf- i The attached diagram is di'awn on the supposition that Il=4.-p 1) The integrations have been carried out by Lamb, and so it is unnecessary to recapitu- late them here. Elastic Equilibrium of Semi-Infinite Solid. 15 s- Fis. 1 As seen from the diagram the state of affairs in the neighl)Our- hood of the origin and even at a finite distance from it is an impossible one, and the mathematical theory of elasticity does not apply to such a case. The above argument must, if possible, be amended l)y a suitable process of analysis. The general solution found above is restricted to a special class of functions f^r) which satisfy the integral theorem (26). The hypothesis of point con- centration of given pressure does not, in a strictly mathematical sense, satisfy this important condition, and the solution deduced from it may not be looked upon as a legitimate one, at least in the vicinity of the origin.'^ What follows from the assumption of point-concentration of given pressure may, however, be considered, except locally, as the limiting case of the effect of a pressure which 1) A quite similar failure of the solution will occur in the problem of the deep-sea water-wave and allied problems which can be solved by the aid of Fourier's Integral Theorem. 16 Art. 7. — K. Terazawa : acts on a slightl}^ extended area of the boundary, whicli will be discussed in the next example. Example II. §15. Suppose the normal pressure at ^ = 0 is given in the form fir) = n a>0, 271 {d' + j-f n being its total amount. The function Zijc) is (38) 03 ^71 ./ fcr + a-r- 77 2;r he' (39) Thus the solution corresponding to the boundary condition (38) Avill be given by u, = - — j c-^'^"^''-J,{'kr)'kd'k Jh II ^-Mi') -fe-^'^'^yj,ik7-)(U; Attu. J + ■ 4;r/%lhWdl-~^fe-''^''^VXh-)k 27r ./ ^ 2;rr •/ dk II 'M 2 + 2/. 1 \. 4-Ü I (r- + iz + a)'-^)^''- / + // * (r- + (^ + a)- )i'" / ' (42) (43) and -__/// a{r- + {z + of) + 3^r- _ jj. F 1 _ ;g + a ~|| ' 2;r I (r- + (^ + a) J"" T+ /^ " L >•-' t%7^ + (;? + a)^^ J / ' fa_ ft [ ^ ,« r^__ z + a ~\ ~~ YA (rH(;J + «)-)^'- T+TT L r- r'V + C? + a)7^J _ ^ z+a \ 7+y 7^+(^ + a)T- )' 2- ■ (r^ + (,, + ,,/)-v2 ' (44) 1) See K. Terazawa, Proc. Eoy. Soc. London, A. vol. 92 (1915) p. 57—. 18 Art. 7. — K. Terazawa zr _ _ /7 ?>zr{z-\-a) 2r (,.H(^ + rt)T' rd = 0, fz = 0. If we proceed to the limit a -> 0, we have the same result as that due to the pressure of point concentration. But this limiting process is, in general, not permissible. A little examination of the value of -y-' shows tliat tlie quantity a has a lower limit, such that 27^, _ /7(2; + 3«)^ a- (45) A^ixX + iif ' in order to avoid the impossible state of affairs near the 2;-axis. At a distance from the origin great compared with «, these solutions reduce, in a first approximation, to those in Ex. I., so that the solution which follows from the assumption of point concentration >of given pressure may be valid at a great distance from tlie origin, though only approximately. ^16. It is desirable here also to see how the displacement varies with the depth. On the same hypothesis as before, that A = //, the variation of Uz is shown in the attached diagram, in which the upper curve represents the distribution of applied pressure (38) and the lower ones represent uz on a proper scale, a is put equal to unity for the sake of simplicity. ^17. At the surface, the expressions for displacement and stress become I ^ r{r- + a-)' f 1 47r(>^ + /^) (46) ,-~ n J a fz r I _ a -]\ mR\ - -AU /^ r ^ ^ 1 + ^^ «^ ^ ^' " 27: \x + fx L r' rXr' + aT' J >^ + /^ ' {r' + aT' n )(^T) ^''^' ~ 2- • (r'^ + a'O"'-^ ' (zrX = 0, Elastic Equilibrium of Semi-Infinite Solid. 19 Fis. 2. By integrating (t(z)o over the surface, it may be easily seen that the total depression of the surface appears to be infinitely great, though it is caused l;)y a finite normal pressure of total amount /7. This seems again to be paradoxical, but that is not the case; if we calculate the work done by the given pressure, instead of total depression, it will appear to be finite, equal to -0 — • \)2^ ' inversely as a. §18. Let us now proceed to appl}' the results of this example to the theory of rupture of a foundation over which a heavy load is spread. There have been proposed several hypotheses concerning the conditions under which an elastic body is ruptured or nearly so. Among tliose hypotheses usually adopted there are two in which a limitation on stress is taken as the measure of tendency to rupture: the one which was introduced by Lam/, is that the greatest tension should be less than a certain limit which is 20 -A-rt. 7.-K. Terazawa: different for different materials; the otlier which was recommended by G. H. Darwin asserts that, as mere h^'drostatic pressure can hardly affect the case, the maximum difference of the greatest and the least principal stresses should be less than a certain limit. ^^ These two hypotheses lead, in general, to different results. Eitlier of them will give w^arning that danger is l)eing approached, and in any case a certain factor of safety must, in practice, be adopted. Here we shall calculate the limits following from these two h^^potheses and compare corresponding results. For tins purpose we liave, in tlie first place, to find the distril)Ution of principal stresses throughout the body concerned. Let ^Y;, jVo, Ns denote the values of principal stresses at the point (/', ^, z). Owing to the hypothesis of symmetry round the axis of z, the component 66 is one of the principal stresses, say J\\, as is to ])e seen from the formulae (31); and any plane passing through the ;i-axis is one of the princi])al planes of stress. The other two principal stresses will be found by ^1 = -J- {>r + 2z) + -^J{rr-zzy + ^rz\ N:. = ^{^■r + zz)-^J(f?-^f + 4fP. (48) 2 ^ ^2 At the surface, since rz = (), the stress components Pr,66,zz them- selves are the principal stresses. §19. Now, to apply these formulae to this example, let 'us assume"'^ that the pressure modulus >^ is so great compared with the rigidity /^ tliat the material may be considered to l>e incompressible. Thus, substituting tiie values of the stress-components found in (4-4) in the formulae (48) and making ?. = x, we have simply // Sz + a N,= Qrr N, = N. = J J ^^ a ~2^' -(r'+iz + afy- 1 There is another view often adopted, in which a limitation on strain is taken as the measure. 2) This supposition is not at all necessary, but it makes the calculation extraordinarily simple. Elastic Equilibrium of Seuii-Infinito Solid. 21 iVi being greater tlian N.2 and N:- which are equal. Thus the stress quadric at any point in the interior is a spheroid, of whicli the axis of rotation lies in a plane passing through the 2;-axis. If we denote by D the difference of the greatest and the least principal stresses, tlien 77 Sz D = N,-N...= — 2- (r' + (z + afr^' D is a maximum at the point (r=0, ^ = -|-J and its value is (50) B,.o.. = 2/7 9-r (51) wliile iV'^i, the greatest princi})al stress, is a maximum at the point (r = 0, ^ = 0) and n N = "lûïCl? (52) Thus the latter maximum is greater than the former, and, more- over, the position where the rupture might occur is quite different for the two hypotheses: it is at a certain distance ])elow tlie surface in the former, while it is at the surface in tlie latter. In Fig. 3 it is shown liow tlie greatest principal stress and the greatest difference of principal stresses along tlie .r-axis vary with the depth from the surface. sAÇ D ;x Eig. 3. 22 Art. 7. — K. Terazawa : §20. To fix matters, suppose an isolated mountain or a high tower of uniform density with a circular base standing on the ground; the surface of the mountain or the other being given by the other by the equation mVi^ (wVr + (w^-l)rf2 (53) This equation is so adjusted that the height at the centre is h and that at the point r=mh is hjn. We shall make the rough assumption that each point on the surface of the ground is pressed normally downwards with a pressure given by the product of the specific gravity and the height of the mountain at that point. Tlie quantity «, used in the above, is now a = mh V;i^"-1 In the annexed diagram, the upper curves are supposed to represent the profiles of mountains and the inner ones those of columnar buildings such as chimneys or monuments, the height being taken as unity, and m and n chosen properly. Curve 71 m a/2 Ci 1-837 1 0-7071 Cj 1-837 1/2 0-3536 c?. 2-828 1/3 0-1667 Ci 5-196 1/5 0-0707 Cr, 11-180 1/10 0-0250 If we denote the specific gravity of the mountains or other bodies by w, then the total amount of pressure will be n The maximum of the greatest principal stress becomes N. = —wh, (54) Elastic E>iuil)brium of Çeuii-lnfinite Solid. 23 / Fig. 4. acting at the origin; and the maximum uf the difference between the greatest and the least principal stress is D,no^= "-9" '^'^'' (55) acting at the point {r=0, ^=-|-) • The values of a/2 corresponding to the curves are calculated in the last column of the above table, and the positions of the critical points corresponding to them are shown also in the figure by the points F,, F2, It will be interesting to find the limiting height of mountains, which stand on bases of several kinds of materials without crushing the latter. In the foUowing table a few examples are given: the third column contains the greatest heights of a mountain given by 24 Art, 7. — K. Terazawa : the formula (54), and in the fourth cokimn are given those calculated by means of the formula (55); the value of w being taken as 3 grammes weight per eul)ic centimetre. Material in the base Strength to resist crushing in kg. per cm.-' Max. height in km. by (54) Max. height in km. by (55) Cement 320 1-07 2-40 . Strong sand stone 800 2.67 6-00 Strong granite 1600 533 12-00 Strong glass 2100 8-00 IS 00 Wrought iron 3200 10-67 24.00 Example III. §21. Next we will consider the case in wliich a uniform normal pressure acts on the surface within a circular area of radius a, outside of which tlie surface is free from traction. Suppose /(?•) = — , , for a :> r, (56) = 0 ,, a' k and those of stress are given l;)y 7r = ^- fl-''llhr)J,{ka)kdk- '^^ fe-"J,(ky)JA[ka)dk 0 0 ^ re-'-^Jlkr)J,{ka\lk + ^— P-'-J-{kr)J,ika)^ , Tta J ' 7:{X-\- fx)ar •■' ' k dd Trar J ~(X + ,n)ar •' dk Ilk — fe-''-'J,(kry,(ka)dk, zz (59) = - ^^- fe-"J,ar}J,ika)kdk--^-^ / e-"J,{kr\I,ika)dk, 0 0 7r-= - ^'' fe-'--J,(kr)Jn-a)kdk, rd = 0, dz = 0. §22. The integrals required liere cannot be evahiated in a very simple way. Some of them are closely connected to the magnetic potential due to a circular current, or to the velocity- potential and stream function of a circular vortex and have been discussed by various authors. In his paper on the inductance of circuhu- coils, '^ Prof. H. Nagaoka has devised a comparatively simple method which may he applied to evaluate all the integrals needed liere. Let us follow his method and descril)e it briefly. Pat il' = y/ d' — -lar cos 6 + ?•-), (60) then we have 1 /*"' \ J^ki-y^ß-a) = -^ / J^,ikB) cosd da, 0 -r/7 NT'7 ^ 1 /" " a — rcosä J,(ky)J,{ka) = -_-/ J^ikB)- - ^ -dd, {VA) 1) Phil. Mag. YI. t; 1903 , p. 19-. 26 Art. 7. — K. Terazawa : sin-ö J,{kr]J,{Tia) = / J^[IB)—^ 71 ' M cW (61) which follow from Neumann's addition theorem for the Bessel function. Making use of these formulae and on referring to the formulas (42), we obtain fe-"J,{j£r)J^il.a]dk = ^/ 1 /•'^ cos<^ fe"'Jç,{kr)J,{ka)dk = -^ f cW, a — rcosd iß_ z /"^ a—rcosd ^a B' / '^ ' '^ ^ I r: J B- ^ J Bl siii- J'e-'^Joih-y.ika)-^' = -^ / " V-^' + ^' (a - ?■ cos d)dd _ ^ f~ a—rcoaO 71 J dd, B' dd (62) To find these integrals, put so that 2 \i r. a'+r' + z- P = ar bar _ 2/9 _ a- + 7-- + z~ « 'à ara _ 1— /5 _ _ a."' + r'' + 2'' — 6ftr « &arf/- _ _ 1+/5 _ _ a?-^ r-\-z"- + ^'>ar ()ara m) ^1 + 62 + 63 = 0, and change the integration variable from 6 to .5 by putting cos, 6 = as + ß, then we have Elastic Equilibrium of Semi-Infinite Solid. 27 P^os^_^^^ = or a similarly for the others. Put again s = ^(u) and denote b}^ (o^ and oj, the real and imaginary half-period respectively and w.^—w^ + oj^, tlien, since s or }^{u) is real and lies between eg and e^, s=e3 and s = 62 correspond to u=(o.^ and w=w2 respectively, if we take the sign of }^''(iù) to be positive.'^ Thus r " cos/? ,n o f<^-2( 1 . -J = «'(-^ei^'^.--'^i)- (64) For the evaluation of the otlier integral, write 2ara 6ara then we have /'^ a-rcoQd ^jß = J^ ,0, - r-ar r^^^ du { B'^B' + z' 2a ' 4ä^V ^ )^^^)-)^{,u) ' etc. Now (66) in which the term mTzi enters l:)ecause of the many-valued property of a logarithm. The actual value of ??^ and ^'(v) will l)e determined by the following consideration. 1 If we assume 1?'(î() to be negative, then s = 6', and s = e-j correspond to »=(»_, and ii = 2coi+Gûi respectively. But the saoie result will, as a matter of course, be obtained after integration. that 28 Art. 7. — K. Terazawa : From the definition of }S'iv) and 61,^2,^3, it follows immediately ^aro. ia-7f 2ara (a + r)- 2aYa accordingly 62 <: !f (î;) 0, - the value of the integi'al is nil and and therefore we have (i) m = —n'. Similarh^ for the value of v given in (ii) of (67), proceeding to the limit ^->0, we find (ii) VI = -{n' + l). The value of ^'[v] will l)e ol>tained from Elastic Eiiuilibrium a ; ./- -dd = -^ „ r <: a, 2a' (72) (73) ?r-' 'A) „ r > a, §23. Substituting these values of integrals in (öS) we obtain the following expressions for the displacement: 2a~'/2 I '2 J // 2a7T(X + fjL) ] a 2a (r < a) 2r -(r > a) orz + ^r>[-^i-^'^i(W+e.)] 2;: + ^ [^^ (V-.J . [^^ (.)-..J ^^-^-f >Ö^} , (74) ?/. = Hz 2a7T[x — (r <; a) a 0 {r>a) azcoi , z(r' — a-) v/]^ — co^^[v) 2a>T 2(2-V>T 2a7t[j.{k-\- [I.) ~{r < a) 0 (r>a)_ S='(^) , 2 ,■ , >, ?•- — a^ ««TT za'va- + ^(f^ [W-e,] ^^^^If^l • (75) 7ra ra'' i^ iv) ) Elastic Efjuilibrium of Semi-Infinite Solid. 31 §24. For purposes of calculation, it will be very convenient to have the forniuhe expressed in terms of Jacobi's ç-series. q is defined by CO, After Weierstrass, if we put then q can be computed from of which the ftrst two or three terms are usually sufficient. The ç'-series of the functions needed here are as follows: — 2 \ 2 ' "^ ^ ■&l'{o) and '' V2co, ' â,{o) ' â,{o) = 2q^(i + q' + (f+q''+ ), ä["(o) = -27rY(l-3Y- + 5V-7V-+ ), â/(o) = 2;rg^(]-3gH5g«-7gi^+ ), ê:{o) = -2>T'g'(l + 3V + 5V + 7V--^+ ). §25. The calculation of the term vy], — io,^(v) requires a little explanation. By the fermula e • (t{v) = Ico,- we have 32 -'^rt. 7. — K. Terazawa : „ N 1 \ '2io, Making use of the expansion formula ()f the right member, we get vr.-conv) = --""^ jcot-''-^ +4V ?"''"- - . sin "^^ \ . (76) The quantity v may l)e calculated by utilizing the Weiersteass' formula to any degree of accuracy,^-* and therefore the value of the function v/^i—w^^(v). The approximate value of this function can, however, be found in tlie following wa}^: Put and 1 (ei-ev)HS'(iO-e,)--(gi-e3)'(^(^)-g-)- = ^ 1 (gj — e.y a.(v) — (e^ — e^)^ (7;(v) 2 (e, - ej' (Tjv) + (e, - e.,)* a^v) g COS h (/COS + l + 2(7^cos "^+2g^«cos ^^" + then, since e^ < lf'(tO < «: . we shall liave As ç-^ is usually a very small quantity, we may take COS — ^ ^ = = s say lo, q with a close approximation. Since v—co, = dco, purel}' imaginary, Ave ma}^ put —^ ^— = IX, 1) This method has been adopted hy Prof. Xagaoka. I.e. 2) Halphen, Traité des Fonctions Elliptiques, I. p. 274. Elastic Equilibrium of Semi-Infinite Solid. 33 X being a real quantity, then COshjL' = .9, and we have cot -^"^ — = — itanh-'' = —ii 'ho, 2 Vs+1 sin ^^ = — /sinh.r = — /Cs- — 1)', CO, sui ~" = /siiilr2a' = •2is{s'- — iy, Substituting these values in the equation (7G), we have This approximation formula is recommended for the case in which For the case ^ > I-, if we put (e, - ej' (e, - ej - (e, - ^v))' f then we shall have Q^v — (o.j) = t', and making use of this formula, we shall obtain an approximation formula which is convenient for the case d z>h. §26. The expressions obtained in §23 are rather complicated, and the state of deformation can hardly be grasped at a glance. The formula for the displacement at the surface is, however, comparatively simple and can Ije calculated witli any accuracy. Putting z = 0 in tlie general formulae, we obtain — (r :> a)\ and 3^ Art. 7. — K. Terazawa : OO. = -^ . -^"y- ■ -'-{^ fe + -».)-^». } (78) Tzar 'A(À+u)u -vi« ara' ) 2(/l + /.)/. where 2 \J a = ar cr + r- «- + ?•■ — 6ar (X" + r- + 6a>- 3• + «)*+ lr—a|* so that the use of the ^'-series is very advantageous for the calculat- ion, especially at the points near the origin or at a distance from it. For example, at the point r = 3«, we have — = 0-085786, q = 0-085796 ; thus, even for the value ;- = 3a,, we may neglect the terms after /^ and rf in the series. For larger values of r the ^-series converge of course very rapidly." §27. The formula for {ih\ can he transformed into the form which is convenient for the nse of Legendre's table of elhptic integrals. If we remember that -fj^ + eiw^ = ^'e^ — e-^E, K Ä'and jË* being the tirst and the second complete elliptic integrals with the moduli k and k' , and the expression for {;uz\ beccwmes 1) For the point near the edge of the circle, the calculation may be undertaken by using similar series, specified by qi and /j. See below. Elastic Equilibrium of Semi-Infinite Solid. 35 At the centre of the loaded circle, since Jc = 0, K = E = ^, o we get (^,X = ^ . J;:;^^\ /) (80) 7^a 2{X + ii)n and at the periphery of the circle (>' = «)> since A- = 1 , E' = 1, Ji -^ log — , r,— a) K -> 0, we have The values of (il), at the centre and at the periphery of the circle bear the constant ratio n-/2, and this is independent of the elastic constants and radius. At the centre, as will be seen from tlxe formula (SO), the vertical displacement varies inversely as the radius, when the same amount of total pressure is applied to different circular areas, while it varies directly as the radius when the pressure of the same intensity is applied to different areas. The same relation liolds at the edge of the circle, with regard to both the components, radial and vertical, of the displacement. By the aid of the Legexdre table of K and Jß, we can trace by a graph the general march of (i/,:)o. The next diagram is drawn in this way, where the radius a is taken as unity and the pressure Z7 is taken equal to 27vafJt(?< + fj.)/{^^ + '2>/j.) §28. To find the formuke for stress we need two more integrals which can be also carried out by the same method as before. AVe have, from (01), tliat 1) This result may be obtained from (58) directly hj usjng the foruiula ./ Ji[ka) -7— =1- The i-esult (80) and (81) agree with those givtn by Bodssinesq. p. 140, I.e. 36 Art. 7. — K. TerazaAva ; Fie. 5. j:-''Ul.-)ma)Mk = -l^f-^^^ dd, fe-'^ih-Wla^ldk = -j^j 1 r'^ a—r cos, 6 (B'+zT' dd (82) B being detined by (.GU). Of course we may find their values by differentiation of tlie integrals already found with respect to z, but, owing to the complexity of the elliptic functions, it will l:)e seen that the direct method of integration is much easier. By the same transformation of variables as before, we liave —^ du — — üj,, 4 J e,-lf(«.) 4 and by the aid of the formula |S=(?0 — 6) (61—^^(61 — 63) the integral can be found to Ije J{E'+z-f'- 2a>-l 2(^1- e,.) (6,-63) ' Elastic Equilibrium of Semi-Infinite Solid. 37 Siniilarlj' the second integral in (82) is Substituting tliese values and those found ])efore in the formuke (59), we have for tlie stress rr 27r'-VrV I 2ry.(ej— e2)(ei — e^) aa + + 2 [îf(io-^j • [s-(^)-.d- '^'w":f' -] } // TT« -^(ra)_ {)- + !i]r 2« — (?• < (X) (85) -"■-(r>a) _^ 2r ^ .1 r<^f, r^— cr vrj^—ci}^^{v) ao. X4-a L' ^ '^ *' ' ^ ^ r . I ^— (r <: a) 0 (r>«.) ] Î5='(î;) // 7t(X + //)«;• 2« •).. (r >«.) (86) J I -_ //.? f (2a — 3are,)(-/^i + e,(o,) y^ — a^ ^ Vfj zz = TY \ 77 (—('•<«) 1 !î= (t\' TT« (' 27rVr l2(e,-e,,)(e2-e.O ' r^ = 0, ^ = 0. (87) (88) 38 Art. 7. — K. Terazawa §'29. At the surface these expressions for the stress reduce to simpler ones. {rr)o = 2(^ + /.) = TTV m = - 2/1 + // 2(/ + /z) . ^' (r < a) Tza- /^ 2(^ + ;.) (F^)o = — 11 -ar {r^a). = 0 (r > «, 1 ; {^r% - 0, (89) All the tractions acting on the boundary vanish, as they ought to, under the conditions of our problem, except a uniform pressure on the circle of radius a. The state of stress just below the surface is made up of a simple and beautiful scheme of the pressure system with a radial tension equal to — ,-, o , ^ • ., inside the circle, and -ötV^^ — ^- — ^ outside it; and a transverse tension lU-{- [X) Ttf ' 2;>+/i // 2(;.+/i) Ticv 2" inside the circle, and /^ 77 2(/î + /^) ' nr'' equal to outside it. §30. Along the edge of the loaded circle there occurs a singularity of stress. We have seen ah-eady that as a rule the component stress zi^ vanishes at the Ijoundary surface. But this is not always the case. If we put r=a in (88) and then proceed to the limit z -^ o, we shall have {zr\ = — - 77 Tta- ~ , (r = a). (90) Thus the tangential traction (£?')o does not vanish at the periphery of the loaded area, which is contradictory to our assumed boundary Elastic Equilibrium of Semi-Infinite Solid. 39 condition. It appears that along the circumference of the loaded circle a radial shearing stress of magnitude equal to the given normal pressure, divided b}' ~, should be applied. This was also pointed out Ijv BoussixESQ.^-* Bat the area on the boundary over which this shearing stress applies is infinitely small, so that it is practically of no account at all. This singularity possibh' means that the region in the interior of the body in which the stress component i)* exists has a cuspidal edge, which touches the boundary surface at the periphery of the circle. To avoid the above difficulty, Bous<;ixesq supposed tliat at the edge of the loaded area the pressure decreases more or less rapidly to zero, instead of vanishing abruptty."' If, in the actual problem, there were no singularités tliis consideration might lead to legitimate results. ^ol. In this example, it is not eas_y to calculate the maximum of the greatest principal stress or that of the difference between the greatest and the least principal stresses, even when the material is incompressible, consequently we shall abandon the general discussion concerning the conditions of rupture. But if we confine our attention only to the condition which determines liow much load the body can sustain without breaking at the surface, the problem l)ecomes tractable. The equation (89) gives _ _ E-fx n n for >■-<:«, in which the elastic constants X and />« are replaced by Young's modulus E and rigidity «. Since 3/^ > ^ in ordinary materials tlie component (B)„ is the greatest. The difference between the greatest and the least principal stresses at the surface is 1) BOUSSINESQ p. 148. I.e. Ä 2) For example, we might take f{r) = — —- or a similar relation. But the analysis might be very complicated. 40 Art. 7.— K. Terazawa : D = - -V--^ // The values of (zz)o and Du might give the condition of rupture of the surface. §32. Now we shall apply this solution to the geophysical phenomena mentioned in the introduction. Dr. C. Chree"^ followed by Prof. Nagaoka^* finds a formula. l;>y using the solution obtained by Boussinesq, to calculate the deviation of the direction of gravity due to the attraction of a material loading on tlie surface of the earth. The same result will be attained of course from our solution. The expression of the vertical displacement at a point on the surface ivX = ./^^ fliJcrjdJ^ l'piy)J,hr')r'dr' where pO'') is the pressure produced by the material load, can be transformed into (y\ = —- . ' / — — r Circle I ^ ' i - 0 0 bv making use of Nei'maxn's addition theorem for the Bessel function, where R' stands fur B' = ^y--2yy' CO:, ç+r'-) On the other hand, if we denote the attraction constant by r, and gravity, prior to the application of the load, l)y (/, then the gravitation-potential at a point on the surface due to the load can be expsessed by a .' J R' q •' •' R provided the height of the material load is negligibly small compared with the distance of the point under consideration from 1) Phil. Majj. (V) vol. iS (1897) p. 177. 2) Tokyo, Sug. But. Kizi (VI) (1912) p. 20S. Elastic Equilibrium of Semi-Infinite Solid. 4.1 any point in the loaded area. Comparing the above two ex- pressions we have VzX Thus tlie direction of gravity becomes, in consequence of the attraction of the loa(b inchned to the vertical at the angle Ç-'' which will be determined bv ta„^. = ^L.i^^(4^) (91) while its tilting effect is expressed by tanc = ( ^^''^) (92) §33. In the present exam])le, in which a uniform material loading is confined in the circle of radius «, we have, from the formula (58), // /Î + 2« fe-''J,(lry,(l-a)df] Referring to tlie fcirmula^ (^>1)- (^^~) 'Ti^<1 (^J-t)i ^^'C' obtain taiic = - — . ^ . aa-[ e,co,-r,, ) (9d) tan/' = — — . — '— . aa?\—e^co^ — -f]A (94) -a'- g'' ^ 2 /«=o. The function h'^^co^ — ri^ has been discussed already and the expression which is suitable for the calculation of its value at a point not near to the edge of the circle has been established in terms of q. Using the ^-series in §24 we shall have aa?l^^e,oj,-rj\ = 2-yjL . q'%l-\-'èq'-'iq'-9q' + 2^,f+ ). (95) It is equally interesting and important to find the value of 9 at the point near the edge of the loaded area. This will be 42 Art. 7. — K. Tera-îawa; accomplished Ijy using tlie quantity qi, instead of y, wiiich is defined by g, = e-"^i, Now, by the aid of the relation ê[{o) ä, ß, &, the expression of èe/«;,— --y, found in §24 may be transformed into Making use of the transformation formulae of Theta-functions it will he easily shown that ^o'(o/t) _^. ,.., ß:/(o/T,) '>o(o/r) ^,(o/rJ '■ 'UolT) - ' Hoir,) ' consequently we liave -- L I J, loir,) &loiT,) J J The ;' = - \i7i\q, + 2--g,^ + '^'q,' + ), d,= l + 2g, + 2g,'' + 2g:«+ , /A, = l_2g, + 2g,^-2g,"+ The quantity q^ will be found from Elastic Equilibrium of Semi-Infinite Solid. 43 z- Fie. 6. Î1 = Thus the déviation of tlic directiou of gravity at any point can be calcnlate«! with any aceni-acy. In the next diagram the aj^p-roxiinate eour^^e of aa-{y.co^—rj^ is exhibited as a function of the distance of the point of observation from the centre of the loaded circle, the radius of which is taken as unity. §34. If we liken tlie North Atlantic to a circular basin of a large radius and determine the I'elative ]iosition of Potsdam or Chicago referring to the centre of it. the attraction effect of the periodic fiUing and emptying of tide, which might assist in producing the extra east-west force in observations of the lunar ^zj. Art. 7. — K. Terazawa : disturbance of gravity, may be computed l)y our formula. If we suppose the place of the observation not to be very near to the circular basin, the effect, as we see from the above diagram, is of course small, but it increases repidly as the edge is approached. For the water-level measurement, the efïect of a material loading will appear in the form ^ + ^, instead of ^ only, where 'P is due to the attraction exerted by the material loading and ^ to the deformation caused by its weight. For example, suppose the radius of the North Atlantic basin to be 2000 km, the position of Chicago to be 3000 km from the centre, and the level of the water in this area to be raised one metre, then -Z^ = 1-5, q, =0-00255. a aa^^^-'^y-r^, \ = 0-8639. Further assume that the density of sea water is unity and in c.g.s. ;- = 0-65 X 10-^ 0 = 980, ^dt^^ = jL, /. = 6 X 10", then we shall have y'' = 1-17x10-« = 0"-0024, Ç ^ .^siTxlO-« == 0"-00(39, accordingly the total effect amounts to a J to be given at z = 0, II l)eing its total amount. In this case the function Z{}c) becomes 0 _ _ 3// f aml-g — kg cos Jca \ .qo. Therefore the components of displacement are given by 46 Art. 7. — K. Terazawa 4-a/i./ l A-V- J ) (99) Ta/j. The integrals contained in the above can be obtained by expanding the trigonometric functions into power series of k and making use of the formuke (42). In this way we have u, = _M_ ^_ y( i)n-i nj-ln-^)] ( a \^---' \ 2-a/. • VrH/„4/ ' [%i + \)\ \ Vj^+¥'I "■^^- 2) ):ioo) _^ 3//(>t + 2/z) Avliere ^+^U ■ (2m+1)! lvr^+7^/ ""^^j *> I 5 Vr^ + These series converge for Vr^+;?'>«, and are apphctible in this region. At the boundary, we have to put z = 0 and v = 0. Since Pô\o) = h PL.Xo) = o, 2.4 (2n — 2) 1) For the first term (h = 1) of tlie second series we have to take — ;- P-l ('y"). Elastic Eqiiilibi-ium of Semi-Infinite Solid. 47 we have / 0 J J^{h-)cU- = -— , k a or siuka — kacoska r/i \n ^ tt-/ 1 1 ^-^; jAknak = F[ , — Jrci? ^ ^ 3>- \ 2 2 5 (T { (101) 2a I ^. 2 a- / r ^2a ^ r / for a ^ r. Consequently {ii,% II 1 47Ï.X+IJL) r >(102) for a ^ r. §30. To ßncl the expressions for the displacement within the loaded circle, we proceed as follows: Making use of the power series of the Bessel function, we have 0 a ,^„ ;,!(,,+ !)! \2aJ " ^"^ y ;_,.| ,inka-kacoska y^,j^.,.^^jj^. _ 1 ^-. (-1/ / r V-^j a „4i («!)' \ 2a/ ""\ a (103) where i2 stands for 0 By the aid of the formuke 48 -^rt. 7.— K. Terazawa : ^•;_;„. sin/l ,;_ , ^^_i 1 ,/' f ~^-''coü?uU = l + x' the evaluation of the function Il,„ (:r) can l»e undertaken. A httle calculation will give us IJ^^(x) = - — •|a: + tan"^a: — a;-taii"^ > , 4 2 1 X ) ßi(x) = 1 — j:tan~^ , X (L{x) = tan-'--- —*-- , X 1+a?" Î2,{x) ^ (l+x')- and in general i2,„U) = (-1)"-' -^{-^1 {l + xj Thus the integrals on the left liand side of (103) can be expanded in accending power series of rja which probably converge for limited values of r if the value of z is fixed. These series and those found in (lOO) ha\'e a common region in wliich the}^ are both convergent and tlierefore they must be congruent to each other in that region. On the proof of tliis proposition we shall not enter; but we shall find the region of convergency of these latter series at the boundry. Let us take the first series of (103). Expand the function //„+i(-^) for n^l into a power series of zja, supposing zja to be sufficiently small, then tlie first term of it wiU be {-l%i{%i-'2) !. Thus if we put ,? = 0 in the first series of (103), its general term will tlien be %i{-2n-'2)\ / r ^-"+^ n\ (n+1)! 2-"+^ \ a Elastic Equilibrium of Semi-Infinite Solid. 4& The series which lias this expression as its general term converges obviously for the value of r smaller than a. Similarly for the second series. Since, for z = 0, ■i IJJo) = — , -'^=(o) = l, ' a\ -2 ■ a^/' (105) Fig. 7. 50 Ar*. 7. — K. Terazawa : for ré a. lu the annexed diagram the approximate course of tlie vertical displacement is shown in proper scale. §37. By a similar process the distribution of stress can l>e found. Here we shall calculate the stress at the boundary. It ma}^ be shown that / "^ sin ka — ka cos ka .2^2 k'a J^[kr)dk = 0 (lOGj and, therefore, as tlie expressions for the stress-components at the surface we liave H/x 27r.7 + /^) r^ 27r(/ + //) ■ r (107) (.a)o = 0, (H-)(i = 0 for r ^ a, and 2 3// )(108) 27r«- 1-4^* a' {^r\ = 0, for r £ a. The result of this example may be looked upon as a special case of what has been discussed by H. Hertz in his papers'^ concerning the contact of two elastic bodies. He assumed the area on which pressure acts to be an ellipse instead of a circle. If we put b = a in his results, we get exactly the same formulae for the pressure and for the vertical displacement. And therefore this 1) Oesammelte Werke, I, p. 154 — and p. 175. Elastic Equilibrium of Semi-Infinite Solid. 51 example may be applied to the discussion of contact of an elastic body upon another with plane-surface. §38. Another application will be considered here. Suppose we have a material loading of a semi-spheroidal form whose equation is -^ + ^ = 1. (^<0) and of uniform density p. This load may be likened to the tidal inequality in the North Atlantic ocean which afïects the gravity measurement. In this case 77 will be replaced b}^ T^a gp j^^ before, the deviation of the direction of gravity produced by tlie attraction of this load is given b}^ tan (Jj ^nd' g^ '/ k^a Ji{kr)dk, and the level-change due to tlie deformation of the ground arisen from the load 1)y tan^ = — 3^ À + 2/1 -./- sin ka — ka cos ka k'a J.ykr)dk. The evaluation of this integral can be undertaken in a manner similar to those of (99) and will appear to be ./ ■" sin ka — ka cos ka kra J,{kr)dk r 2^ nr 4a \ ■ -^ a a /. or I ^ sm — /I — ÏÎL- } , a é r \ r r V r' / r é a (109) Tlius we have tan ^ = - J^ . ^^1 . Ji- (sm -^^-JL /i _ Zl , ,1 10) ^ 27ra" g' a \ r r V /•' / ' 52 Art. 7.— K. Terazawa : tan^ = — _ _ 3/7 (/ + 2;^) Ind' 4//(>^ + ju) L|sm--^-^/l_4},(lll) i \ r r y r^ ) for the point r :> a. In the next diagram, the general march of the function assin"^ — — \— is exhibited, where x is the ratio of the distance of the point under consideration from the centre of the loaded circle to its radius. The course of the curve is very similar to that of Fig. 6, except at the point very near to the edge of the loaded area, where, in this case, it remains finite. For example, with the same assumption regarding the material constants of the earth as in the former example, and supposing that the total amount of the load is the same as before, i.e. the mean lieight of the tide is one metre, anda=2xl0^, >•= X 10^ cm, we have Elastic Equilibrium of Semi-Infinite Solid. 58 and iP = 112x10-« = 0"-0023,

= 5-0x10-« = 0' -01. 0 = 14-4x10-« = 0"-03, and greater than the maximum of the direct effect of the moon. Example V. • §39. Lastly, we shall take another example in whicli tlie normal pressure of the form A.r) = II 1 27r« ^a?—r- (112) is applied to the boundary within a circle of radius a. which is otherwise left free from ti'action. This problem has 1)een «iiscussed also by Boussinesq and others, and the expression for the vertical displacement at the l)oundarv has been found. In this case the function Z{k) becomes ^(«) = - ,. I' ^-ir — ; =-^ — ^mka. (113) Consequently we have àrra/i II 4:7ta{)^ + fl) ..CD dl (114) 54 Art. 7. — K. Terazawa ; Uz ■^nafx '' /■ a c~''^ sin ]i:aJo{Ji:r)dk + 47Ta{X + fx]i. sin^-aJ",/^'^') äli (114) The integration can be carried out by expanding öin/;« into a ]»ower series and making use of the formulae (42). Thus we olitain 77 -2- (-Î)" - / 4to(;.+/^) i^^ 27?(2w + l) \ v^- + ^- > (115) where VrH/ These series apply for the region ^r^+z^ > a. As in the last example, the expressions which may be applied for small values of r and z can be found by using the power series of the Bessel function and the formula ./ Ä;"«'^* sill Art . dli = n ! {z' + a?y n+l sm r(n+l)tau-i-^1 Thu^ Ij For 71 = 0 we have to take P,-^(v). Elastic Eqiiilibrium of Semi-Infinite Solid. 55 i, = — . > — ^^ ^ — - — - sm •2;i + -2)ti' _ A X- (-i)"(2^0 ■^-a{). + [x) t,n\ («+!)! 2"-^"+i \ ^z' + d' n ^ (-lÄ2n)!/ r V^", ^2 Zj ^^|\29rn \ /,2_i_^2y 4-a// V-^'+a^^o (w!)'2-» \ V'^H sin(2» + l)^A, sill (2??,+ \)ip + where -'^^^±^i:^=^^:^(-..^) -'w.- 4-ii(;. + ^);/„^o (w!f2--^" \ Vr + ^^ cA = tail"' _i a V(116) vi40. At the surface {z = o) they reduce simply to'^ for /'é '.) 7--^ {Jz\ = 0, (1-20) for 7' :>• a. The stress at the peripher}' of the loaded area is iiifinitly great, so that the elastic body would 1)e ruptured at the edge. The present problem may, therefore, tlirow considerable light upon the explanation of the phenomena of punching. §42. The expressions for the stress-components in the interior of the body which, so far as I am aware, have not been treated by any one can be found without using any special functions. We shall take here a simple case, for example, in whicli the material is incompressible. Since the integral y'>-^Vo^ç/)r7/ = 1 I is valid for all values of C and ç, real or complex, provided the real part of ~ is not smaller than the al^soluto value of the imaginary part of ç, putting Ç—: — ia, ç = r in tliis integral and equating the imaginary parts in both meml)ers we have . fe-'-'^ sin l-a. J,:krâl- = ^^llli£±f-Z^ [Y2\\ Elastic EquiliVn-ium of Semi-Infinite Solid. 57 where *S" stands for S' = ^[/' + i--a?f + 4.d'z'. (122) For z = ^). til is formula is still applicable, if we take 8' = r — d' for r >- a, | T= d' — y- for y <; a. J Siiuilarly. putting r = ^S'-~{r + y'-d'), I (123) we have /"-*' ■ 7 TH \in aU^ - r- + d')Q + z{z' + r^ + a.^)P ..o.x P "'shila . jn-yMl- aQ-zP (125) (120) Til us. for the case of incorapressibility, we have rr = // jP z(aQ-zP) z[dz'-r' + d)Q + z(z--\-r' + a')P]\ ] r-^S'- S"* 7' dß ^_ // (_P_ziciQ-zI>)\ - ^ _ // { P ^^a{r-i' + d)Q+j(f+r^^-)P'] \ > (127) zz = — ., .^ ■»-- + Fr = — /y^ f r(-r + r--a-)P + 2a.^g | 2V2WI Ä" i' for the stress coinponent^ V. Boussinesq's Problem, §43. The problem of Lamé and Clapeykon is a special case of those known as Boussinesq's, which can be stated as follows: 58 Art. 7. — K. Terazawa A limited portion of the surface of a large mass of elastic material is subjected to local stress or to local deformation, it is required to find the strain and stress in the bod}^ due to these local disturbances. In the case of symmetry about an axis perpendicular to the surface of the body, this problem may be discussed, in a general way, by applying our method of analy.-is. We shall sketch the results here as an addendum. The t3q3ical solution of the equilibrium, in this special case, is •128) and ? (129) etc. ; with the relation in which the components ?/e and zd follow from the supposition that J is nil. Since these do not give very interesting i-esults, we shall not consider them here. §44. Case in which all the surface tractions are given. We suppose first of all that zz = ZJdhr), B = B.J,{l-r) (130) Elastic Equilibrium of Semi-Infinite Solid. 59 are given at z — o. then we sliall liave tlie following values for the arbitrarv constants: B = / + -2// i? + 1 -In'/.+ ii'l -2 /.+ a)l- z, D=--^±^/^Z+ 1 1 -R, C= ^ (Z-B). Putting these in (128) and (129) we have the solution corre- sponding to the boundary conditions (130). If the traction over the surface is given in the form zz = p{r), T>- = T(r), (131) p and r being any prescriljed functions of r, the corresponding solution can be obtained by making use of the integral theorem (26), on the supposition that the functions p(r) and r(r) do not violate that theorem. Thus Î,,. = - /"^(^LrziA-i -i? A- 1+ ^• + '-^^-' . B(k) - -— ^ . Z\ A) \e-''J.(kr'dk, 2(/ + /i)A / u,= - f ( -[ZA -i?(A] + -i;t?L.Z(A) ./ \2a ^ 2uU+n^k 2(/. + /.)A f (132) and rz = f[kz[Z(k)-B k)] + Z[]i)}e-''%(kr)dk, 0 I? = ßkz[Z[k)-Bk)] + Bxk)]e'''J,{kr)dk, etc. ; (133) 60 Art. 7. — K. Terazawa : where tlie fu^ctiün^^ Z and B are determined by 0 (134) If we put ry7-) = 0 in tliis solution, we get as a matter ol course tlie solution (30) and (31). §45. Case in which the normal traction and radial displace- ment at the surface are given. If II,. = ii(r), Tz = pir) (135) are given at z — '<), tlie corivsjionding solution is: 0 / V ' i ./ 1 2/.:;> + 2/7.) ^ ^ - ^ -J 2//;7 + 2//)7.- \ (136) and zr = /""( ''t^+-'"^'' [Z(/,-) + 2«Är(//)] + Z/.-)l'-'-J-,,(ÄT)rfA-, ./ l / + 2// /• + 2« ) (137) >^. + 2/^ ) + 2/. etc. ; in which T^and Z are iïiv en i>\' Elastic Eqiülibriuui of Semi-Infinite Solid. 61 TJ ' k) = ^ / it\o.)J^lka)ada, 0 Z{z) = hi p{oM,lU>.a(lo.. (138) 46. Ccise ill wliicli the tangential traction and normal displacement at the sm'face are given. If F? = r(r), Uy = w(r) are given at .z = o, then we obtain (139) ''-vi-^él^rt^^^^ +'i/^ WiJc) + \V(k)\e-''J,ßr)dl- ; > (140) and Si = - /^l j(l+/^^_Ä^ [i^(A-)2/.A-IF(A-)]+ '^4^i^lF(Ä-) ^ I / + 2/^ /. + '2/i - --^ E(A0l-'^^/„(A7-)f7Ä-, rr = - f[-A^±^ [B{k) + '2!.kW(k)] + i? (A) }.-■-' J',(/,r)'7/.-, ) (141) etc. ; wher( 62 Art. 7. — K. Terazawa B{k) = l- 1 z{a)J,{ka)a.da, 0 W{h) = l- j w{a)Jlko)ada. (142) §47. Case in which both the displacement components at the boundary are given. If ti^. =. uir), \ (143) u, = io(r) j are given at z=o, we have ,,^ ^ / I ^(^■ + /^^^'[T7(A-)- TJ{k)'\ + W{k)\e-^.likr\lk : ./ I l + dfX J and + 3^ 2^(;. + 2^)A- w{k)\e-^^Ukr)dk, etc. ; Ü'(A;) = k I ii{o)J ^(ka)ada, ' 0 /.CO TF(Ä;) = k / w{a)JJ^ka)ada, in which 144. (145) (146) Cambridge, April 2-', 1910^. Elastic Equilibrium of Semi-Infinite Solid. ßg CONTENTS, I. Introduction §§ 1— 4. II. Solution of Equation of Equilibrium. § 5. Differential equations concerning the equilibrium of a semi-infiuite elastic body. §§ 6 — S. Solution for displacement. § 9. Solution for stress. III. Lamé and Clapeyrons Problem. §10. Statement of the problem and typical solution. §11. General solution for any given normal pressure at the boundary. IV. Examples in the Case of Symmetry. §12. General solution for the case of .symmetry. Example I. §13. Normal pressure concentrated at a point. §14. Failure of the solution. Example II. §§15 — 17. Diffused distribution of normal pressure according to the law Al{d-+i-)l. §§18—20. Application to the problem of rupture of foundation. Stability of a mountain. Example III. §21. Normal pressure distributed uniformly over a circular area. §22. Evaluation of certain integrals. §§28 — -27. Expressions for displacement. §§28 — 29. Formulae for stress §30. Singularity at the edge of the loaded area. §31-. Application to the rupture of the surface. §§32 — 34. Eff'ect of a material loading on the water-level measurement. ^jA Art. 7. — K. Terazawa : Example IV. §§85 — 37. Normal piessnie distributed over u circular area according to the law §38. Application to the water-level measurement. Example V. §§39 — 42. Normal pressure of the form ^/{a" -y')^ distributed over a circular area. V. Boussinesq's Problem §43. Statement of the problem. §§44 — 47. Solutions when at the surface all the surface tractions are given ; the normal traction and radial displacement ; the tangential traction and normal displacement ; the radial and normal displacements. Published December 7th, 1916. JOURNAL OF THE COLLEGE OF SCIENCE, TOKYO IMPERIAL UNIVERSITY. VOL. XXXVII., ART. 8. Recherches sur les spectres d'absorption des ammine=complexes métalliques. Par Yuji SHI BATA, Fuf/akii.shi. Laboratoire de Chimie minérale de l'Université Impériale de Tokio. II. A) Spectres d'absorption et conductibilités éleclrolytiques des solutions aqueuses des nitro-ammine-complexes cobaitiques, qui sont des coordination-polymères.'* Fait en commun avec K. Matsuno, iiigakiuhi. Arec 5 /h/ lires. Si un métal Me forme deux ions complexes s' enchaînant tantôt avec un groupe atomique A, tantôt avec un autre groupe atomique A' et si, de même, un autre métal Me' se comporte comme le premier, on appelle coordination-isomères les deux sels complexes suivants ainsi formés : [MeA] • [Me'A'] ' et [MeA'] * [Me 'A] ' cette catégorie de 1' isomeric est aussi possible, dans le cas oii les atomes métalliques centraux dans les ions négatifs et positifs ne sont pas différents. Il y a de nombreux exemples de tels isomères. En voici quelques uns : [Pt(NH3),] [PtCl,] et [Pt[^^jj3) J [^^cf '] [Co(NH3)e] [Co(NO,).,] et [Co[^g^] [Co^^^^^^;] [CrenJ[Cr(CA).s] et [Cr ^-^^ J [Cr^^f ^^^'] etc. 1) Comparer „Neuere Anschauungen auf dem Gebiete der anorganischen Chemie" par M. A. Werner, P. 260. [1£09, Friedrig Vieweg u. Sohn, Braunschweig]. 2 Art. 8.- Y. Shibata : De plus, dans le cas où les noyaux des ions négatifs et positifs consistent en un même métal, la polymérie est aussi possible et les complexes, qui sont en une telle relation les uns avec les autres, sont appelés coordination-polymères. Les six complexes suivants, dont j'étudie ici les spectres d'ab- sorption de leurs solutions aqueuses, appartiennent à cette dernière catégorie de 1' isomeric, et peuvent être représentés par la formule générale n[Co(NH,KNOo)3]''"'' : [Co(NH3)gN0,J [Co(NH,,),(NO.)4]o (n = 3) [Co(NH3),^'^;[^]] [Co(NH,,),(NO,)J (n=2) [Co(NH:0,^I^^<^]] [Co(NH,),(NO,)J (n = 2) [Co(NH3)5NO,], [Co;ONO)J, (n = 5) [Co(NH3X^^^[^]] ^[Co(ONO),] (n=4) [Co(NH3),^g^[^]] ^[Co(ONO)J (n=4) Dans le travail de l'un de nous^\ l'auteur a démontré, que les anions et les cations de ces sels complexes sont chromopliores remarquables et, que leurs solutions aqueuses donnent deux ou trois bandes d'absorption très nettes dans l'échelle spectrale entière, quand ils forment des sels complexes ordinaires, en se liant avec les anions ou les cations simples, comme Cl', SO4", Na' ou NH^ etc. , selon leurs signes électrolytiques. Le but du présent travail est donc d' examiner, quelles pro- priétés optiques ont les six sels complexes donnés plus haut, dont les anions et les cations sont, à la fois, complexes et chromopliores, sous le rapport de l'absorption des rayons, et si les ions complexes et chromatiques exercent quelque influence les uns sur les autres, quand leurs solutions absorbent des rayons. 1) s. M. Jörgensen : Zeitschr. f. anorg. Chem. 5, 175 (1894). * Parmi 8 polymères préparés par Jörgensen, les deux qui contiennent le leutéo-com- plexe [Co(NH3)6]"' n'ont pas été étudiés dans ce tra.vail, à cause de leur insolubilité dans l'eau. 2) Tuji Shibata : Journ. of tlie College of Science, Imp. Univ., Tokyo. Vol. XXXVII, Art. 2 (1915). Eecherches sur les spectres d'absorption des ammine-coniplexes cobaltiques, II. 3 Afin do comparer plus facilement, les absorptions de ces sels à celles de leur corps mère, trinitro-trianmiine cobaltique, nous avons pris 1/n molécule de chaque sel et préj^aré des solution de 1Ö0 i^^squ' à -jj^ööö d'équivalent. Les solutions ainsi préparées sont toujours tout à fait stables, et, en conséquence, la loi de Beer sur ral)sorption des rayons est complètement satisfaite par elles. En examinant les courbes d'absorption de ces six polymères complexes, on peut remarquer facilement, qu'ils peuvent être classés en deux catégories: les polymères qui possèdent 1' anion complexe, diammine-tetranitro cobaltique [Co(NH3)2(N02)4] ', dans leurs molécules, et les autres, qui contiennent l'héxanitrite cobaltique [00(0X0)5] '", comme leur anion. Ceux qui appartiennent à la première catégorie montrent une bande d'absorption très caractéristique à 2200 de fréquences. Elle ne devrait peut-être pas être appelée ,,la bande" dans le sens strict, parce qu'elle est tout à fait plane, et ne montre aucun point étroit du maximum d' absolution, en présentant l'aspect du point d'in- flexion de la courbe mathématique. Les spectres d'absorption des solutions des sels de cette catégorie montrent encore une seconde et une troisième bande respectivement à 3000 et à 4000 de fréquen- ces; la seconde de ces bandes est commune à tous les nitro-ammine- complexes cobaltiques, tandis que la troisième est caractéristique de r anion tétranitro-diammine cobaltique [Co(N02)4(NH3)2] '. Les polymères complexes de la deuxième catégorie, qui con- tiennent r anion complexe, héxanitrite cobaltique, montrent deux ou trois bandes d'absorption très nettes et normales, dans l'état de solution aqueuse. En résumé, la propriété optique concernant l'absorption des rayons des six polymères complexes, qui sont formés cl' anions et de cations à la fois complexes et chromatiques, est généralement addi- tive, sauf seulement le cas de la première bande d'absorption a- normale des trois sels déjà nommés. Pour rechercher d'où provenait cette dernière anomalie, nous avons alors entrepris la mesure de la conductibilité électrolytique des. solutions aqueuses des polymères complexes, parce que si l'ano- 4 Art. 8.— Y. Shibata: malie est causée par un changement quelconque do la constitution chimique de ces sels complexes à l'état de solution, leurs conducti- bilités électroly tiques, qui rendent compte des nombres des ions, doivent montrer aussi quelques anomalies. Pourtant les résultats de ces mesures, comme on verra dans la partie expérimentale, se sont trouvés être tout à fait normaux. Alors on ne peut plus attribuer la cause de l'anomalie des premières bandes d'absorption des poljmières de la première catégorie à la transformation de leur constitution chimique. Nous avons donc essayé d'expliquer cette anomalie par le fait que les oscillations des électrons de valence relâchés,^-* s'attachant aux atomes cobaltiques dans les deux ions, cation et anion, des polymères complexes, sont fortement limitées par leurs connexions mutuelles. Nous avons renvoyé la discussion précise sur ce sujet dans la conclution à la fin. Partie expérimentale. 1.) Spectres d'absorption des solutions aqueuses des polymères complexes de la première catégorie.' Les trois sels, — [Co(NH3)5NOo]" [CoCNHsKNOo),],', [CoCNHsXno^D * tCoCNHsKNO,^^^ et [Co(NH3).no;(6)] * [Co(NH3)2(N02)4] ' — qui contiennent 1' anion monovalent, diam- mine-tétranitro cobaltique, ont été groupés dans la première catégorie des polymères complexes présentement étudiés. Ils ont été préparés par la méthode de la double décomposition, en mélan- geant la solution aqueuse saturée du cobalt-diammine-tétranitrite de potassium, [Co(NH3)«(N02)4]K respectivement avec celles des chlorures pentammine-mononitro-cobaltique (xantho), cis-dinitro- tétrammine-cobaltique (flavo), et trans-dinitro-tétrammine-cobal- tique (crocéo). Le xantho- et le flavo-diammine-tétranitro-cobalt ont été étudiés dans les concentrations respectivement de 0.0025-0.000025 1.) Comparer le dernier travail de l'un des auteurs, Yuji Shibata ; loc. cit. * Pour ce qui concerne la méthode de l'étude de l'absorption des rayons et des reiîrésen- tations graphiques, l'un des auteurs, Yuji Shibata, l'a décrit dans son dernier travail, loc. cit. Recherches sur les spectres d'aljsorption des amminc-complexes cobaltiques, II. 5 équivalent et de 0.01-0.0001 équivalent, tandis que le crocéo- diammine-télranitro-cobalt n'a puêtre étudié que dans la solution de la concentration de 0.0001 équivalent, à cause de sa faible solubilité dans Teau. Fig. I Frônuenco 03 O r! [Co(NH,),N(3,] [Co(NH,),(NO,),], La figure I représente la courbe d'absorption du xantho- diammine-tétranitro-cobalt. Les lignes courtes, tirées horizontale- ment dans la figure, significient les épaisseurs recalculées corres- pondant à O.OnUl écpii valent; les chiffres placés aux deux côtés des lignes expriment naturellement les épaisseurs (à droite) et leurs logarithmes (à gauche). Comme nous l'avons déjà indiqué, la bande d'absorption à 2200 de fréquences de ce sel est très caractéris- tique, ayant presque la forme du point d'inflexion de la courbe mathématique. 6 Art. 8.— Y. Shil:>ata : Les deux autres bandes sont, au contaire, tout à fait normales dans les nitro-ammine-complexes, dont au moins les deux groupes de nitro se placent aux positions de trans l'un et l'autre. Dans ce cas, en effet, 1' anion remplit cette condition. Fig. II Fréquence avjo 3000 \ \ \ V v \\ NX "^ V X^' looo© i^s [Co(NH,),(NO,X,][Co(NH,,,),(NO,)i] Flavo Crocéo — — Dans la figure II, on aperçoit les courbes d'absorption des deux sels qui contiennent les cations complexes respectivement du crocéo cobaltique et du flavo cobaltique. La forme de leurs courbes coïncide parfaitement avec celle du complexe précédent. Eecherches sur les spectres d'absorption des ammine-complexcs cobaltiques, IL 7 2) Spectres d'absorption des solutions aqueuses des polymères complexes de la deuxième catégorie. Les trois sels appartenant à cette catégorie — xantho-, ßavo- et crocéo-héxanitrite cobaltiqne ont été préparés de la même manière que les sels précédents. Cependant les solubilités des produits ultimes étant considérables dans ce cas, il a fallu qu'on fasse refroi- dir les solutions mélangées avec le mélange réfrigérant, pour les faire se séparer par cristallisation. La figure III représente la courbe d'absorption du xantlio- héxanitrite cobaltique. Elle a deux bandes d'absorption à 2100 et Fig. Ill Fréquence I500 2000 250O 3000 3SûO Ö i-S Oi B a pj a> m m lOCO [Co(NH3)5NOJ:, [Co(ONO)«]., à 3000 de fréquences; les deux bandes paraissent aux épaisseurs de solution sensiblement plus grandes que celles des autres nitro- ammine-complexes. Art. 8.— Y. Shibata: Fig. IV Fréquence ,5 qp \ ■ 1 u 1 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ //\\ •■ '\ / \ \ H ►ö [Co(NH;0,(NO,),].[Co(ONO),] Flavo Crocéo Les courbes d'absorption de flavo- et de crocéo-héxanitrite cobaltique, qui sont tracées dans la figure IV, sont presque les mêmes, pour leurs formes, que celles des chlorures de flavo et de crocéo; c'est-à-dire que les flavo- complexes ne montrent que deux bandes d'absorption, tandis que les crocéo-complexes en ont trois, dont les deux premières coïncident dans les deux cas pour la position et pour l'épaisseur, où elles paraissent. En résumé les polymères complexes appartenant à cette caté- gorie ne montrent aucune anomalie à l'égard de l'alisorption des rayons. Recherches sur les spectres d'absorption des ammine-camplexes cobalticiues, II. 3) Conductibilités électrolytiques des solutions aqueuses des coordination-polymères cobaltiques. M. M. Werner, INIiolati et leurs élèves ont mesuré les conducti- bilités électrotytiques des solutions aqueuses des plusieurs ammine- complexes métalliques, dans le but de connaître le nombre de leurs ions dans l'eau, en comparant les valeurs de leurs conductibilités moléculaires. Nous avons suivi ces exemples de mesure de conductibilités électrolytiques des pol^nnères complexes cobaltiques, pour connaître aussi les nombres de leurs ions dans l'état de solution aqueuse, pour la raison déjà donnée dans l'introduction. Comme les chiffres, que nous allons donner ci-dessous, l'ex- pliquent bien, les résultats des mesures des conductibilités électro- lytiques ont été tout à fait normaux, c'est-à-dire qu'il n'y a eu aucun changement des constitutions chimiques des polymères complexes au moment de leur préparation. Quant à la méthode de mesure des conductibilités électroly- tiques, cette mesure a été exécutée d'après le système d'Ostwald, et les dilutions des solutions observées ont été prises, selon les solubilités des polymères complexes, entre 25G et 1G384, les tem- pératures d'observation étant toujours 25°. Les polymères complexes cobaltiques étant des electrolytes assez faibles, leurs conductibilités moléculaires n'atteignent presque pas à la valeur constante, quand même les dilutions des solutions sont suffisamment grandes. De même, la tendance minima de l'hydrolyse des solutions fait monter la valeur de la conductibilité moléculaire de plus en plus, quand on les mesure, pour un sel d'une certaine dilution, à certains intervalles de temps. Par cette raison, il nous a fallu faire la comparaison des valeurs de nos mesures avec celles des auteurs déjà cités, dans la dilution fixée ; pour cette dilution de comparaison nous avons choisi la dilution 1024. 10 ^rt. 8.— Y. Shibata : Table I. Table II. [Co(NH3). NO J [Co(NH3), (NO,),], ^ ,y^ F ^^ (NH.)^ -^7/-n-i f \ ^(Conductibilité (Conduct. •- ^ ''^^ ^ ^'- ^-^-' L (NO.j^J V(Dilution) k^ spécifique) /^moléculaire) y j, 10'24 22-00x10-5 225-2 256 36-48 xlO-^ 93-35 2048 1216 // 249 0 512 20 21 // 103-5 4096 6-798 // 278-4 1024 10-69 // 109-4 8192 3-740 // 306-3 2048 5-982 // 122-6 4096 3-399 // 139-2 Table III. Table IV. [Co(NHa(NO,),['>][Co[^^^] [Co(NH3),NO,]3[Co(ONO)J, V k /^ V ki k^ ixy H.2 2048 87-98x10-6 180-2 256 33-99x10-* 870-2 4096 49-85 // 204-2 512 18-24 // 934-0 8192 29-33 // 240 3 1024 9-84 // 93-48 x 10-M008 0 957-2 16384 19-68 // 322-4 2048 5-157 // 49-85 // 1056-0 1021-0 4096 2-876 // 26-71 » 1178 0 1093-0 8192 1-558 // 14-3S // 12760 1250 0 Table V. Table VI. [Co(NH3),(NO.,),g|]3 [Co(ONO)J [Co(NH3),(NO,),[^l]3 [Co(ONO)e] V k ^ 256 12-26 X 10-* 313-8 512 6-50 // 333-0 1024 3-32 // 340-3 2048 1-824// 373-6 4096 9-906 x 10-^ 405-5 8192 5-540// 453-8 Pour permettre la comparaison, nous citons ici les résultats des mesures des conductibilités moléculaires, obtenus par M. ]M. W^erner, Miolati et leurs élèves* pour les sels complexes de platine et de cobalt dans la dilution 1000. *A. Werner et A. Miolati : Zeitschr. f. phys. Chem. 12, 35 (1894). A. Werner et Ch. Herty : „ „ „ „ 38,331(1901). V. Kohlschütter: Ber. d. deutsch. Chem. Gesell. 36, 1151 (1903). A. Miolati : Zeitschr. f. anorg. Chem. 22, 445 (1900). A. Miolati et Pizzighelli : Journ. f. Prakt. Chem. 77 417 (1908). V 1024 k 37-40x10-5 391-8 2048 20-48 // 419-6 4096 10-69 // 437-5 8192 6-503 // 532-7 Rechcrclics sur les spectres d'absorption dos auiuiinc-complexes cobaltiques, II. H a) Complexes qui consistent en deux ions [Pt(NH.O;, Cl] Cl /^r= 115-8 [Pt(NH,)Cl5] K 108-5 [Co(NH,)4CO,]Br 106-0 [Co(NH3), (NO,),[i]]Cl 100-7 • Tco^^^^^^ "1 Tco^^^^'-'^n 61-19 L (NO.XI'lJ L (NH3)J ^^^'^ (Temperature d'observation 25°). Notre valeur pour /^ (dil. = 1024) du flavo diamniine-tétranitrite cobaltique, qui est donnée dans la table II, coïncide alors très bien avec celles des complexes consistant en deux ions de platine et de cobalt, tandis que la valeur donnée par les auteurs cités ci-dessus et celle donnée par nous pour le même complexe du flavo cliammine- tétranitrite cobaltique diffèrent plutôt d'une façon considérable. Mais nous croyons que notre valeur est meilleure que celle de M. M. Werner et Miolati, parce que notre conductibilité moléculaire de ce complexe montre une excellante coïncidence avec la majorité des complexes consistant en deux ions de platine et de cobalt. Alors il est bien sûr que ce sel complexe possède la formule normale de [Co(NH,), |^;|!J] [co(NH,),(NO,),] et qu'il n'y a eu aucun changement de sa constitution au moment de la prépara- tion par la double décomposition entre le chlorure de flavo cobaltique et le cobalti-diammine-tétranitrite de potassium. Quant à la conductibilité électrolytique du crocéo-diammine- tétranitrite cobaltique, isomère stéreocliimique du sel précédent, elle n'a été mesurée qu'à partir de la dilution 2048 à cause de sa faible solubilité. Nous n'avons pas, par conséquent, sa valeur de /^ à la dilution 1024 pour faire la comparaison. Au surplus, on obtient toujours les sensiblement hautes valeurs de /^ pour ce sel, parce qu'on a besoin d'un peu plus de temps pour sa dissolution complète dans l'eau. b) Complexes qui consistent en trois ions [Pt(NH,),Cl,]CL /i = 228 9 [Pt(NH4(N0,,),] (N0.,)o 234-4 [Co(NH;,), (NO,)] (NO,). 231-4 12 Art. 8.— Y. Shibata : [Co(NH3).5 Br] Br, //=257G [Cr(NH,)5 Cl] CL 2Ö0-2 (clil.= 1000; temp. =25°) Notre valour /^ (dil. = 1024; temp. =25°) pour le xantho-di- ammine-tétraiiitrite cobaltiquo, qui est donnée dans la table I, est 225-2 et coïncide encore très bien avec les ^\a]eurs pour les com- plexes consistant en trois ions de platine, cobalt et de chrome, dont les chiffres donnés par M. "SI. Werner et Miolati sont cités ci-dessus. c) Complexes qui consistent en quatre ions [Co(NH3)5 H,0] Bi-, // = 412-9 [Co(NH3)3 (H,0).J CI3 ' 383-8 [Co(NH3), (H2O),] Biv 399-5 [Co(Nn3),] (N03)3 421-9 (dil. = 1000; temp. =25°) Dans les tables V et VL on voit nos valeurs des conductibilités moléculaires pour le flavo- et le crocéo-héxanitrite cobaltique. Ces valeurs /^io2i=391-8 et /^]024^340-3 montrent encore une coïnci- dence satisfaisante avec celles des complexes cobaltiques consistant en quatre ions cités ci-dessus. d) Complexes qui consistent en cinq ions Comme nous l'avons montré dans la table IV, notre valeur /^m4 pour le xantho-liéxanitrite cobaltique [Co(NH3)5N02] 3 [Co(ONO)g]2 est à peu près 1000, tandis que celle mesurée par M. M. Werner et Miolati'^ pour le même sel est de /^2oo:,=572-2 et pour [Pt(NH3)6]Cl4, elle est de «1000= 522 9. Par conséquent notre valeur est sûrement trop haute pour le sel de cinq ions, quoique nous ayons exécuté deux séries de mesures aussi attentivement que possible. Cette haute valeur extraordinaire est causée très probablement par l'hydrolyse partielle de 1' anion, [Co(ONO)6]"' dans la solution, parce que cet ion est assez instable dans l'eau, comme l'un des au- teurs l'a indiqué dans le cas de l'étude spectroscopique de la solution aqueuse du cobalthéxanite de natrium dans son dernier travaiP^ 1) loc. cit. 2) Yuji Shibata: loc. cit. Recherches sur les si^cctres d'absorption des amininc-complexes cobalticmes, II. J 3 En effet, nous avons ()l)tenu encore les trop liantes valeurs de p- pour le cobalthéxanitrite de natrium; nous allons en montrer les chiffres dans la table suivante : Table VII. [Co(ONÜ)J Na, V k II. 256 16-62x10-^ 425-4 512 8-798 // 450-5 1024 4-532 // 464-0 2048 2 837 // 478-6 4096 1 -268 // 5190 La valeur de l'-wn est alors 464U, tandis que celle d'un com- plexe de quatre ions compte env. 390, comme nous l'avons dit plus haut à propos des observations de M. M. Werner et Miolati. Maintenant ce que nous venons d'apprendre des résultats de nos mesures de conductibilités électrolytiques des solutions aqueuses des coordination-polymères, est que les doubles décompositions, dans le cas des préparations des polymères, se font tout à fait régulièrement, et peuvent être représentées par la formule générale suivante: m[EjX,+n[EjMe,„=[Rj,,[Rj,-f-mnXMe. Conclusion. Comme nous l'avons indiqué ra et là plus haut, il ne faut pas attribuer la cause de l'anomalie de la première bande d'absorption des trois polymères complexes, qui contiennent 1' anion [Co(NH3)2- (N02)4], au changement de leurs constitutions chimiques, mais cette cause doit être attribuer absolument à la restriction de vibrations des électrons de valence relâchés, qui s'attachent aux atomes de cobalt dans les ions complexes. Avant de rentrer dans la discussion sur cett supposition relative à la restriction des vibrations des électrons, nous voulons exprimer une opinion hypothétique, qui est tenue par l'un de nous dépuis long temps, sur l'état des sels dissous dans les solvents, spéciale- ment dans l'eau. L'un de nous pense que les anions et les cations X4 Art. 8.— Y. Shibata : d'un certain sel dissocié dans un solvent ne se trouvent pas séparé sans ordre, mais qu'ils sont liés encore par couple; l'affinité entre eux est naturellement très affaiblie peut être par l'hydratation des ions respectifs. Maintenant si l'on fait passer un courant d'électricité dans la solution, cette liaison légère entre les ions est coupée, et leurs mouvements vers les électrodes sont ensuite observés. Cette supposition est aussi appuyée par le fait que les pouvoirs rotatoires des solutions des sels optiquement actifs sont fortement influencés par les anions (ou cations) qui s'accouplent avec ces cations (ou anions) optiquement actifs. Piir exem|)le, dans le cas des ammine-complexes cobaltiques optiquement actifs, dont la plupart ont les cations complexes asymétriquement construits, les pouvoirs rotatoires de leurs solutions aqueuses changent régulièrement d'après la grandeur des anions'^'', bien que l'activité optique ne soit causée absolument que par la structure asymétrique des cations, et que les anions n'aient aucune relation avec elle. Si on admettait l'idée que les ions négatifs et positifs se trouvent séparément dans la solution, ce dernier fait serait évidemment improbable. Quant à l'espèce d'électrons de valence, qui sert à lier légèrement les anions et les cations dans la solution, elle ne peut être naturellement déterminée en général. Mais revenant à notre sujet, nous osons dire que, au moins dans notre cas, ce sont les électrons de valence relâchés attachant aux atomes cobaltiques dans les ions complexes, qui les lient dans l'eau. Prenons d'al)ord en considération les nombres des valences auxiliaires des atomes cobaltiques dans les anions et les cations, qui forment la molécule de chaque coordination-polymère : *Comparer A. Werner : Ber. d. deutsch, ehem. Gesell. 44 1887 (1911) „ 3272 „ A. Werner et McCutcheon „ „ Y. Shibata : „ „ Tschernoff : „ 3279 „ 45 121 (1912) „ 3281 „ „ 3287 „ „ 329-1 „ etc. Recherches sur les spectres d'absorption, des ammine-coinplexes cobaltiques, II. ^5 Table YIII. Polymères de la première catégorie. Nombres des valences auxiliaires. [Co(nh3).noj.[Co;nh3Kno,),], I^^:;^ }f,^?^;r l [Flavoji [Crocéoji [ Jdan« le cation 4 Polymères de la deuxième catégorie. [Co(NH3)5 NOJ, [Co(ONO)J, [Flavo]:, [ // l [Crocéojj [ // ]i -^^ \ // r anion 3 {dans le cation 15 // l'anion 6 i // le cation l'2 \ V l'anion 3 D'après l'hypothèse de J. Stark, c'est très probablement l'électron de valence relâché, qui donne la bande d'absorption dans l'échelle spectrale visible ou ultraviolette^. C'est donc notre avis que dans les composés minéraux, cette espèce d'électrons de valence se trouve toujours aux points de connexion produite par la valence auxiliaire, parce que presque tous les sels minéraux colorés con- tiennent des ions complexes dans leurs molécules, sauf quelques iodures et sulfures, où les derniers atomes sont les chromophores remarquables. De plus, l'un de nous a constaté autrefois que le changement de nombre de coordination de certains sels complexes cobaltiques provoque la transformation de leurs couleurs.^' Dans la figure V nous avons représenté la manières de liaison hypothétique des ions d'un polymère complexe, par exemple du xanthodiammine-tétranitrite cobaltique, selon notre opinion que les électrons de valence relâchés se trouvent aux points de connexion produite par la valence auxiliaire et que des électrons de valence de cette espèce servent à lier les ions dans l'eau. Comme on le voit dans la table et la figure, la différence de nombre des électrons de valence relâchés dans les cations et les anions étant égale à 1, dans les trois polymères de la première catégorie, il n'y en a qu'un qui puisse osciller librement, tandis que * Voir le dernier travail de Yuji Shibata : loc. cit. 1) A, Hantzsch et Yuji Shibata : Zeitschr. f. anorg. Chem. 73 309 (1911) 16 Art. 8.— T. Shibala Fig. V. NQ, NH, NQ, NOL [Co(NH3),(NO,) J' [Co(NH,)5NO,] •• [Co(NH,,X,(NO,) J' ( valence auxiliaire, valence principale, o électron de valence relâché) les autres sont enchaînés les uns aux autres dans les anions et les cations, et leurs vibrations sont, par conséquent, forternente restreintes. Si cette dernière supposition est admise, il sera bien naturel que l'aspect de la première bande d'absorption devienne très plane, ayant un maximum et un minimum d'absorption bien insignifiants, parce que, comme l'un de nous l'a fait remarquer dans son dernier travair\ la première bande à env. 20U0 de fréquences des sels cobaltiques est provoquée probablement par les vibrations des électrons de valence relâchés s' attachant aux atomes de cobalt. Le fait que tous les trois polymères de la seconde classe donnent la première bande d'absorption très nette et normale, est facilement compris, si l'on observe, comme l'indique notre dernière table, que les différences des nombres des valences auxiliaires dans les anions et les cations sont bien considérables c'est-à-dire 9; en d'autres termes, il y a neuf électrons de valence relâchés, s' attachant aux atomes de cobalt, qui peuvent osciller librement. Parmi les trois polymères de la deuxième catégorie, le xantho- héxanitrite cobaltique [Co(NH3)5NOj3 [Co(ONO)j2 donne les bandes d'absorption sensiblement hypochromatiques, et la forme de sa courbe ressemble beaucoup à celle du cobaltihéxanitrite de natrium ^^ [Co(ONO)6] Nas, tandis que les deux autres donnent les 1) Voir le dernier travail de Ynji Shibata, loc. cit. 2) , ■. loe. cjt. lliichc relies sur les spectres d'absorption ;]jCo(ONO).] doit être causée par l'inégalité des nombres des groupes de nitro et de nitrito dans chaque molécule des polymères ; en effet, le xantho- ■ cobalthéxanitrite possède 12 nitrites pour 3 nitros dans sa molécule, tandis que la flavo-et le crocéo-cobaltbéxanitrito n'ont qu'un nitrito pour 0 nitros. Recherches sur les spectres d'absorption d<'s ammine-complexes cobaltiques, If. \^ B.) Spectres d'absorption des solutions aqueuses des ammine- complexes cobaltiques des poly-noyaux^\ Avec 6 figures. On connaît de nombreux ammine-complexes métalliques, dont les cations complexes contiennent plus d'un atome métallique. Nous devons la découverte de la plupart de ces complexes à M. M. Jörgensen, Werner et à leurs élèves. Spécialement M. Werner a fait des travaux très intéressants sur la détermination de leurs con- stitutions chimiques, au point de vue de sa théorie de coordination. J'ai étudié les absorptions des solutions aqueuses de quelques sels complexes appartenant à cette catégorie, corps purs dont les préparations sont comparativement faciles et, dont la constitution est bien claire. Ce sont les cinq sels suivants que j'ai choisis comme objets de la présente étude : j 2) S) Co [^g Co(NH,),] ^ Cl« [(NH3),Co^Hco(NH3),] Cl, [(NK0,Cogg^'Co(NH3),] Cl„ 4 H,0^' [(NH3),Co^^^'Co(NH,x] (N0,%' EH,0 "H (NH3),CoNH,Co(NH3), Les concentrations des solutions mesurées ont été, comme toujours, d'un centième normal jusqu'à un dix-millième normal ; seulement dans le cas du chlorure de dodécammine-héxol-tétra- cobalt, la moitié seulement de cette concentration a été prise, parce- qu'il contient des atomes de cobalt deux fois plus que les autres, tandis que l'azotate d'octammine-/-«-amino-sulfato-dicobalt a été 1) Comparer " Xeuere Auschanungen auf dem Geliete der anorg. Chemie " par M. A. Werner, Page 185. [1909, Vieweg u. sohn, Braunschweig.] 2) A. Werner : Ber. d. deutsch, ehem. Gesell. 40 4426 (1907) 3) „ „ „ „ ,. « ,, 4434 „ 4) „ „ „ .. „ „ „ 4605 „ 5) A. Werner et Baselli: Zeitschr. f. anorg. chem. 16 111 (1898) 6) A. Werner : Ber. d. deutsch, chem. Gesell. 40 4605 (1907) n CL. 20 Art. 8. -Y. Shibata : étudié dans les solutions des concentrations de -^ et :^ à cause de sa faible solubilité. A mesure que je les ai étudié, j'ai remarqué que ces sels com- plexes ne sont pas du tout stables à l'état de solution aqueuse; dans tous les cas, elle change rapidement sa couleur originale qui devient d'abord très brune, et puis cette couleur s'assombrit peu à peu jusqu' à ce qu'elle paraisse presque opaque. Par conséquent la loi de Beer sur l'absorption des rayons n'est point satisfaite par ces solutions. De même, on remarque que l'inclination à l'abscisse des courbes d'absorption de ces solutions instables est toujours sensible- ment plus faible que dans le cas de la solution acidique des •complexes, qui est tout à fait stable. Cette faible inclination des courbes d'absorption des solutions aqueuses fait penser qu'il s'agit, sans doute, de l'absorption de la solution colloïdale de l'hydrate de cobalt, qui est formée par la décomposition hydrolytique. Cette considération a été bien con- statée expérimentalement, comme on le verra dans la partie expérimentale. Comme je l'ai indiqué plus haut, j'ai ajouté ensuite aux solutions des sels complexes un peu de l'acide correspondant à ses anions, pour empêcher la décomposition hydrolytique. Dans ce €as, les solutions étaient bien stables et la loi de Beer a été ■complètement satisfaite et les résultats des observations de l'ab- sorption m'a permis de mettre en évidence quelques faits bien intéressants que je vais décrire et discuter dans la partie expéri- mentale et dans la conclusion. Partie expérimentale. 1) Chlorure dodécammine-héxol-lélracobaltlque. Ce sel complexe bien intéressant a été récemment coupé en des composants optiquement actifs par M. Werner'^ La solution aqueuse de ce complexe est assez instable et, si on l'abandonne 1) A. Werner : Sur l'activité optique de composés chimiques sans carbone ; Comptes rendus dos séances de TAcademie des Science (Paris), 159, XVII é2ô ^1914). Kecherchcs sur les spectres d'absorption des ammino-complcxes cobaltiquts, II. 21 quelque temps, ou remarque que la couleur de la solutiou est complètement perdue et que la coagulation totale de l'hydrate de cobalt, formé par la décomposition hydroly tique, l'accompagne en mGme temps. En faisant évaporer l'eau mère, on n'obtient que le chlorure d'ammoniaque. Les courbes d'absorption de la solution aqueuse de ce com- plexe sont tracées aux lignes ponctuées dans la figure I. Cette solution ne satisfait pas la loi de Beer, et chaque branche des courbes corres])ondant à plusieurs concentrations ne continue pas; Fig. I. Fréquence 150O 200O 300O 3600 loo \ •A » \ V 1 1 '^ \ * X \ looo \ 4500 1Û00C w. _Co(^gCo(NH3X)3]cie solution aqueuse „ acidique 22 Art. 8.-Y. Shibata: celle de la solution la plus concentrée (^) montre encore une bande d'absorption, parce que l'hydrolyse de la solution n'était pas encore très sensible au moment de l'observation de cette partie, tandis que l'autre partie de la courbe de la solution dix fois étendue met déjà en évidence le développement de l'hydrolyse par sa faible inclination. La solution acidique, qui a été préparée en dissolvant le complexe dans ^^ l'acide chlorohydrique, est cependant très stable et satisfait la loi de Beer, donnant une cour])e d'absorption l)ien continuelle dans toutes les concentrations des solutions. Cette courbe, tracée dans la figure I, par une ligne noire, montre les deux bandes d'absorption très nettes, dont la première se place à la fréquence 2000, comme on voit la même bande d'absorption dans tous les sels cobaltiques déjà étudiés, tandis que la seconde se trouve à la fréquence 3400. C'est cette seconde bande nouvelle qu'on n'avait jamais observée dans les sels cobaltiques, soit les simples, soit les complexes. Elle paraît d'une épaisseur assez mince, en effet elle est d'env. 60 mm cori'espondant à la concentra- tion de -^3555- normal. Il me semble que cette bande d'absorption hyperchromatique est bien caractéristique des sels cobaltiques, dont les ions complexes instables sont construits d'une manière sem- blable, comme ceux présentement étudiés ; c'est-à-dire que chaque atome cobaltique (du noyau) est lié avec quatre molécules d'am- moniaque et deux groupes basiques ou acidiques. Ces dernières connexions aux groupes basiques ou acidiques doivent être bien probablement si faibles que leurs affinités ne peuvent plus être actives dans l'eau, et la décomposition hydro- lytique commence, sans doute, aux points de ces connexions faibles. Je reviendrai encore une fois sui- ee sujet plus tard dans la <';onclusion. 2) Chlorure oclammine-diol-dicobalique. Ce sel violet rougeâ're est bien soluble dans l'eau et la solution est aussi très instable ; la précipitation totale de l'hydrate de cobalt et, par conséquent, la décoloration complète de la solution Kocliorclies sur los spectres d'absorption dos ainmine-cimploxes cobaltiques, II. '23 sont observées en quelques lieures. Son ejui mère ne donne que le chlorure d'ammoniaque en s' évaporant. Fig. IL Prcqucnce 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 JL /\ ^ lOO / \ ^ / ■"\- -/, V / \ s ' s \ X '^^ \ X ♦^ \ \ ^^ ^— ^ '"'^ ^v ^ \ \ \ \ N ' •^ ^ V looo X [(NIL),Co^gco(NH3),] CI, _. 1000 solntioii aqueuse : ,, acidiquc Les courbes tracées en lignes ponctuées dans la figure II représentent les absorptions des solutions aqueuses de ce complexe. Dans le cas de ce seL la courbe de la preniiùi'c concentration de 1ÖÖ ^^^'i"^ ^^^ montre aucune bande d" absorption (^t son inclination à l'abscisse est sensiblement plus faible que celle de la solution rucidique qui est tracée avec la ligne noire dans la môme figure. Cette dernière courl)c crabsorption do la solution acidique M Art. 8.— Y. Shil.ata niontro encore deux l)andes très nettes, cunnne le se] con'iplexé précédent. De même, les positions des bandes et la forme totale de leurs courbes sont presque les mêmes l'une et l'autre. On verra toujours cette coïncidence curieuse et remarquable des courbes d'absorption entre les différents sels complexes étudiés dans ce travail. 3) Chlorure oclammine-/'-amino-ol-dicoballique. Fig. III. Fréquence 1500 2000 2600 3000 3500 "î'^O'^ '*^0'3 ,5 3.0 155 loooy .r . ~--\ i \ s.... ^ "\ . \ \ \ \ a: [(NH3),Co™^Co(NH,),] Cl„ 4H,0 solution aqueuse „ acidique La décomposition liydrolytique de la solution aqueuse et la production de l'hydrosol de l'iiydrate de cobalt est peut être la plus Eoc'Iterchcs snr L s sjieetrcs d a I sorption dts ainmint-coniplcxcs colaltiqnts, TT. '25- facile en ce sel complexe, parce (jue, coinine on le voit dans la figure III. F inclination des courbes de cette solution ne change plus par les dilutions, et elles continuent assez bien dans chaque concentiatioîi, en satisfaisant la loi de Beer. L'absorption de la solution acidiquc doiuie deux bandes, dont la position et la forme sont égales à celles des autres, dont nous avons parlé, bien que ce sel complexe contienne un nouveau groupe d' amino. 4) Azotate octammine-//-amino-suirato-dicoballique. Fig. IV. Fréquontv^ 1500 2000 250O 3000 3500 4000 4500 4 0 \ v/\ 1 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 ■ -*-. ', \ o '^ --. * ^"^ \ ""■-- V:::-. .., *«» **.. til â ai A » \ < 2 \ ci 15 1.0 0.5 \ o 1-^ [(NH3),Co^^^Co(NH3),] (NO3). solution aqueuse ,, acidique r26 Art. 8.-Y. Shibat-.i: Ce sel complexe, étant nioin^ soluble, lutus avons mesuré les absorpti(.)ns de ses solutions dans les concentrations de ^^^q et de :;^. Sa solution acjueuse est nussi ti'ès instable et les courbes d'absorptiou donnent une inclination bien caractéristique à la solution colloïdale, tandis que la solution .-icidique est normale et •donne une courl)e tout à fait sc^mldable aux .-mires. I.e nouveau groupe de suliato. non i)lus, n'exerce aucune intluence sur la forme •de la courbe d absoi'ption. Les deux lignes borizontales dans l;i ligure IV, qui ])()rtent les ■chiffres lOOO et 100 à leur extrémité droite, indiquent les épais- seurs recalculées cori-espondant :i la concentration de O.OOOIN. 5) Chlorure octammine-monochloro-monoaquo-/i-amino- dicoballique. \ai solution aqueuse de ce sel est un peu plus stable ijue celle ■de<, autres, parce que sa courbe d'absorption 0& 4000 4500 lOO \ \ ./A looo 1 \ 't \ » \ s \^ % r\ V \ \ *^^^^^^^'CoNH.,Co LH, Cl o Cl, (NH3)J solution aqueuse ,, acidique 6) Hydrosol de l'hydrale de cobalt. La solution eolloidalc de l'hydrate de cobalt a été préparée •.^^ œ ^**v, a ^^^^ o ' ^^^^^ -i-J ^^w 3 3.0 V O >v K X a? X v X •^ \ .•/. > i^ ^ 2.5 «. O! "S ft. ■1> œ ■-J a 2.0 "^ 5 ^ ;-> ^ ëc 1.5 h^ 1.0 0.5 Sohitioii coUoidale de l'hydrate de cobalt La courbe d'absorption de cette solution, comme je l'avais pensé d'advance, montre une inclination faible et donne mie forme très semblable aux courbes d'absorption des solutions hydrolysées des sels complexes avec poly-noyaux. Tfechiircln's sur los spectres d'absorption des ammino-complexcs eobaltiquos, IT. 29 Conclusion. Dans les résultats expérimentaux que je viens de décrire avec précision, on peut apercevoir deux faits bien remarquables — i)re- mièrement l'hydrolyse parfaite des solutions aqueuses des com- plexes étudiés, et deuxièmement la même propriété de leurs solutions acidiques, relativement à l'absorption des rayons. La cau5e de ces deux phénomènes chimique et physique se trouve sûrement dans le fait que les connexions de deux noyaux (les atomes cobaltiques) des ions complexes, qui sont liés indirecte- ment à l'aide des groupes d' amino, d'hydroxyl, de sulfato ou de ■deux d'entre eux, sont extraordinairement faibles. La décom- position hydrolytique de leurs solutions aqueuses, il me semble, se produit aux points de ces faibles connexions, et enfin la molécule •complexe se décompose complètement, donnant l'hydrate de cobalt et le chlorure d'ammoniaque, l'azotate d'ammoniaque ou le sulfate d'ammoniaque. Les modes de ces décompositions hydroly tiques peuvent être ^bien comprises, si on représente les sels complexes par les formules •constitutionelles : OHv • --Co(NH3X]ci,+ 2H,0 a) 2H,0+ Cl, [(NH3),Cor^/^CoJ^H >4Co(OH)3+ lîNH.Cl+GîïH. OH— Co(N Hj n Cl,+ 2H,0 Chlorure dodecammine-liexol-tétracobal tique. h) 2H,0 + Cl, r(NHACotOO^°(^^»M Cl2+2HîO— ^2Co(OH)»+4NH.Cl+4NH, Chlorure octammine-diol-dicobaltique. ,30 Art. 8. -Y. Shibata: l;) 2H,0+C1, [(NHJjCo^/^CoCNH,),! CI2+2H2O — >2Co(OH),+4NH,Cl + 5NH. + ILO Chlurure octau)uune-[j.-:iriiin>>-ol-dicobaltiqu<>. a) 2H5O + (NO,), r(NH,)«Co ' >2Co(OH)3 + 3N0,NH, ^ ^0?*\ " -^ ' +(NHJ,S0.^4NH, + 2H,0 Azotate octau)uiine-[x-auuno-siiIfatG-(lico1)a]tiqiiö. c) 2H,Ü + Cl,[(NH3XCo': . Ji,ü Cl. X >Co(NH3)n Cl, + 3H,0— >2Cc(0H),+ 5C1NH, + 4NH, -' +H.,0 Chlorure octammine-monocliloro-ir.onoqno-iJ.-amino-dicobaltiqne. Selon la loi d'action de masse, une petite quantité des acides correspondant aux anions, ajoutée à leurs solutions aqueuses, sert à arrêter parfaitement la marche do la décomposition hydrolytique. Dans ce cas mOme, les affinités entre les atomes cobaltiques et les groupes atomiques, qui lient les noyaux, atomes cobaltiques, doivent être encore beaucoup moins fortes que les autres affinités de coordination, parce que les différences chimiques de ces groupes n'exercent aucune influence sur l'absorption des rayons, comme on l'a vu dans leurs courbes d' absorption, qui sont presque les mêmes les unes et les autres. A la fin, j'ajouterai encore quelques lignes sur la (îause de cette égahté remarquable des courbes d'absorption des solutions acidiques. Considérons encore une fois les formules constitutionelles des complexes relativement aux distributions des valences prin- cipales et auxiliaires autour (Tini noyau, atome cobaltique, de chaque sel : Eecherchcs sur les spectres d'absorption des amiiiine-coiui^lexcs cobaltiquos, II. ^Jj . NHi-::,. ^-' NH3-.:'' NH,-' ,ÜH-, Co. NH3- NH, NH,' '^'' NH,-:-''"°' NH-T. .^ NHî-V.V../ 'OH ^NH, "'OH'' ^iNH,- y Co' Co'r- NHî NH: ,/ co'-:._ H2O Cl' ( A'ulence principale, NH,'' NH,-.. /NH,. ^) NHr:-' \ , NH-' so/ Coc: Valence auxiliaire) Un coup d'œil suffit pour nous faire comprendre qu'ils sont construits très semblablement les uns et les autres, et que, par conséquent, ils absorbent des rayons de la même manière. Published December 29th, 1916. JOURNAL OF THE COLLECrE OF SOIENOE TOKY'J IMPERIAL UNIVERSITY. VOL. XXXVII., ARTICLE 9. TO Professor Aikitu Tanakadate ON TUE OCCASION 0_iMMEMli];ATING HIS TWENTY-FIVE YEARS' SERVICE DEDICATED BY HIS DEVOTED PUPIL, THE AUTHOR. On Rapid Periodic Variations of Terrestrial Magnetism. By Torahiko TERADA, Uiiiakitliakmhi. PART I. Introduction. 1. Immediately after the organization of the Imperial Earth- quake Investigation Committee, regular magnetographic obserA'a- tions were begun, on the proposal of Prof. Tanakadate, at four stations, Kumamoto, Kyoto, Sendai and Nemuro, with the special purpose in view of detecting any magnetic disturbances which might reveal themselves associated with destructive earthquakes. The instruments used were of the ordinary Mascart type. (3n the other hand, a general magnetic survey of the empire was under- taken, 1893-96, the result of which has been published in the Journal of the College of Science, Vol. XIV. In discussing there- in the local disturbing field due to Mt. Huzi, Prof. Tanakadate came to the conclusion that even if the whole mass of the moun- tain be suddenly removed, the disturl^ance in the vicinity would 2 Art. 9. -T. Terada: scarcely amount to 1 j-. Hence it was considered futile to continue the observations with instruments of such low sensibility, and the regular observations were suspended in 1900. At the same time, he devised and constructed, with the able assistance of I)r. H. Kadooka, now expert to the Military Telegraphic Department, a set of extraordinarily sensitive magnetographs, and laid before the Committee the plan of a provisory magnetic ol)servatory equipped with these instruments. The proposal was approved, and the necessary arrangements were promptly made under his supervision. An underground room was excavated for the purpose, in the vicinity of the Marine Biological Laboratory of the Science College, at Misaki. The regular observations were commenced early in 1910. In the summer of 1911, Dr. Kadooka was appointed to his present position, and the author took charge of the Observatory, until April 1914, when the observations were suspended for an indefinite term. The observers who were successively resident at Misaki and took charge of the instruments were : Mr. Hideo Momose, formerly Hitotuvanagi, now teacher in the Nagoya Sôdô-syû Third Middle School, Mr. Takeo Tatiiri, now Assistant in the Meidi Technical School, Tobata, Hukuoka Prefecture, The late Mr. Kisaburô Matui, at the time of his death teacher in the Sibusi Middle School, Kagosima Prefecture, Mr. Murato Nakata, now teacher in the Hakodate Com- mercial School, to whom the author's sincerest thanks are due for their untiring alertness to their duty, which claimed their utmost patience and attention, to say nothing of the inconveniences of living which had to ho endured on account of the lonely situation of the Observatory. The entire task of examining and studying the magnetographic records in detail and drawing up the report thereon, was entrusted to the author. Though the investigations are as yet by no means completed, it seems now to be the proper time to summarize here the principal results hitherto obtained. On Rapid Periodic Variations of Terrestrial Magnetism. 3 2. Observatory. — The observatory is situated at the foot of the northern slope (139°37'*5 E, 35^9'*4 N.) bordering the Bay of Aburatubo, ^lisaki. Province of Sagami, a few minutes walk from the Marine Biological Laboratory belonging to the College of Science, Imperial University of Tokyo. The station was chosen K S > *« 2 ►0 " ^ o p "C -i- K ■^ 30. P rr^ 1 rD 2. CfQ -■ ^ ^ "^ M- s* H.^ ?5 c N ^ C P ■" 1 o" ^ i %, ^ li rr ■•• H- a X ^ ^ ^T3 m ::- ^ o M 3 ri- o i J-. 3 o ;:; w •C tn S-' Oj J5 a rn --■>. -CT 3 4 Art. 9.— T. Terada : on account of its remoteness from any powerful electrical plant^^ and also for the conveniences which its proximity to the Marine Labo- ratory afforded. The edge of the terrace overlooking the bay was partly cut ofï to form a vertical cliff. An underground room was then excavated with a narrow entrance (Fig. 1, Ei) opening at the foot of the clifï. Since the rock was entirely of a soft tertiary forma- tion, the excavation was comparatively^ easy. The approximate size and the arrangements of the room may be seen from Fig. 1. A is the antechamber where the photographic recording apparatus R and the acetylene lamp L used as the source of light, were installed on the pedestal Pj or Pa. In the interior chamber B, communicating with A by the narrow entrance Eo and also by the windows Wi and Wo, two long pedestals P3 and P4 are laid for mounting the magnetic instruments. Ci, Co and Co are small stone pillars on which were fixed the stands for fitting the magnetic bar used for determining the sensibility or constant of the magnetographs. In the beginning of the observation, two similar sets of instruments were arranged on Pi P3 and Po P4 respectively and run simultaneously. The results were almost identical, as was to be expected, and the later part of tlie observations was almost exclusiveh" made on pedestals Pj and P3. The temperature of the interior chamber was kept tolerably constant, the daily variation amounting to only a fraction of a degree and the annual range scarcely reaching 3°C. A serious difficulty met with was, however, the extreme dampness of the chamber during the summer months. Not only does the moisture of the external air, saturated at very high temperature, gradually condense in the cooler interior, but luimidity is constantly supplied by the percolation of underground water, tlirough numerous fissures in the wall and ceiling, fed by the abundant rain during " Baiu,'^ the rainy season on our entire Pacific coast in early summer. This caused so much trouble that during a certain period observations were almost rendered im- possible. Though it was not impossible to overcome this difiiculty, the funds at our disposal were not sufficient to carry out the 1) The nearest tramway line is at Kamakura, nearly 20 km. N. from the station. On Eapicl Periodic Variations of Terrestrial Magnetism. 5 neces>^aiy reconstruction of the room. In any future work of the kind, it will he ahsolutely neccessary to provide first of all for the removal of this obnoxious humidity. o. Instruments. — Since it was the immediate ^purpose of the present investigation to detect the most minute disturbances possible, the sensilulity of the usual instruments was far from being sufficient. To meet this need. Prof. Tanakadate and Dr. Kadooka devised a specially sensitive set of instruments which will l>e separately described in the following paragraphs: a) Wed- East- or Y- Component Instrument (West taken as positive). Maxwell, in liis discussion of the theory of bifilar suspension^^ suggested the utility for the measurement of the WE- component, of a suspended magnetic needle twisted nearly 180 from its natural direction, which can be made highly sensitive by properly adjusting the breadth of the bifilar suspension. This principle was adopted in the following manner. The magnetic needle (Fig. 2, N) with a length of 20 mm. and a diameter of 1*5 Fis. VI w Hr^-^ft i__t 0 t 2 3^ scr: mm., was held by a hook AB, made of aluminium wire of O'T mm. diameter, bent in the form as shown in the figure. A kind of light stirrup for supporting the hook with the magnetic needle was made with pieces of thin fused quartz rods, welded together 1) Maxwell, Electricity and Magnetism, 3rd. Edition, Vol. II, p. 118. 6 Art. 9.— T. Terada : into shape as shown in Fig. 2, T. This was made to hang on the looped end of the suspension wire ivw, for which fine Wollaston wire of 5-10 /^ diameter was used. Tlie upper arc of the alumi- nium hook is made to ride on the central V-shaped recess cc of the stirrup. JM is a liglit plane mirror of 5 mm. diameter, attached to the hook. The whole system was hung in the metallic case of Mascart's magnetograph made by Carpentier, Paris, from which the usual attachment in the interior was removed. The regulating screw attached at the top of the case for adjusting the Itreadth of the supension was utilized as such. For damping the natural vibration of the suspension, an electromagnetic damper ]) made of a copper block was introduced. The damper could Ije rotated on a cylindrical brass block P, which in its turn could be rotated about the screw S, fixed to the bed plate of the case, passing through the groove cut along the projecting arm F at the foot of L. The damping was very effective, making tlie vibration com- pletely aperiodic. To set the suspension in working condition, we proceeded as follows. At first, the stirrup only was hung on the wire, making the breadth of the suspension sufficiently large. After hanging the magnetic needle carefully in its natural direction, twist the torsion head slowly till the needle is turned about 180°, and the luminous image of the slit formed by the reflexion of the mirror M appears within its proper range. Then, after bringing the damper in position gradually narrow tlie breadth of the bifilar suspension, at the same time adjusting the torsion head so as to keep the luminous spot always wdthin the range assigned to it. Proceeding very carefully in this way, the sensibility can l)e made extremely great, till at last the suspension attains its unstable position. It must l)e remarked that near this extreme position any minute chan'ge in the elastic property of the wire, the breadth of the bifilar suspension or the weight of the suspended system, may sensibly affect the deflection. Nor is the system independent of the slight inclination and the vertical acceleration of the instrument. In one instance, an inclination of about 4' produced a dis]3lacement of about '1 cm. on the photographic record. Since On Rapid Periodic Variations of Terrestrial Magnetism. 7 the latter effect seems to be due chiefly to the rigidity of the suspension wire, it is advisable to use as fine a wire as possible. In any future work, a thorough annealing of the wire after hanging the suspended system is very desirable. The tripod support of the instrument rested on a thick glass l^late, which was provided with a hole and a V-groove for receiving the feet of the levelling screw, and was rigidly fixed to the face of the stone pedestal. The lens in front of the instrument case was replaced with another with a focal length of 5 m. The deflecting magnetic rod for determining the sensibility, was fixed to a special holder'^ such as is usually attached to Mascart's magnetograph for a similar purpose, and placed on the support pasted on the pillar C3 in the same meridian as the instrument. After starting the photographic apparatus, the deflecting magnet was brought in position, i.e. horizontally in WE direction, and reversed every 3 or 5 minutes. The magnetic moment of the rod mostly used was M = 77 e.g. s. at the room temperature. The distance of the deflecting rod from the needle of the instrument was 123 cm., so that with the rod " side on," the change of the WE-component corresponding to the reversal of the deflector was 8'3 "/'. The sensibilit}'' was so adjusted as to make the corresponding deflection nearly 50 mm.; i.e. 1 mm. on the record corresponded to 0"17 ;-. The sensibility, though fairly constant, showed occasionally a tendency to decrease slightly after running for 24 hours, though not at all so serious as to affect the general aspect of the results obtained. It was therefore considered preferable to test the sensibility at least once every day and redetermine the constant. This gradual decrease of sensibility is probably due to the influence of a slight elastic time-effect of the suspension wire, made apparent on account of the extreme position of the bifilar sj^stem. The presence of a sensible time-effect in the wire used, is also made evident on the photographic record, wdien an abrupt deviation is effected by means of the deflecting magnet. After an immediate deflection, a slow creeping up of the 1) Mascart, Magnétisme Terrestre, p. 195, Fig. 46 c. Art. 9.— T. Terada : luminous image is always to be traced, whicli in most cases practically attains the final position after a few minutes (see PL I, marked with^). This effect will of course affect the accuracy of the record, especially in relatively magnifying the disturbances of the longer period compared with the shorter ones. The error may, indeed, amount to several percent in unfavorable cases, if the relative amplitudes of the disturbances with decidedly different periods are to l)e compared with accurac3^ However, the general inferences which will be given in the following communi- cation will not be seriously affected, since here the comparison of amplitudes is either made of the X- and Y-components for waves of the same period, or of the X- and Z-components for waves with the periods usually longer than 1 minute. In the former case, both instruments show after-effects very similar to each other. Even in the latter case, where the Z-instrument is comparatively free from such effect, any serious error Avill occur only in the case of very short waves. This very disagrea])le time-effect could prol)ably l)e avoided by the use of quartz fil)re suspension, directly welded to the quartz stirrup, though in this case we must devise a necessary modification of the suspension head. h) North-South- or X-Component Instrument (North taken as positive). The NS- insti'ument is essentially the same as that of Mascart's magnetograph. The suspension system is, however, replaced by one quite similar to that of the WE- instrument above described, except that in the present case the plane of the mirror is perpendicular to the axis of the magnetic needle. Keeping the breadth of the l)i filar suspension at first suffici- ently wide, the torsion head is slowly twisted, till the luminous spot appears in the assigned range. Then cautiously turn the torsion head, at the same time regulating the breadth of the bifilar suspension, so as to keep the luminous image always within proper range. The unstable position is attained in a certain azimuth of the torsion head, which may be noted down for subsequent readjustment. The determination of the constant is carried out in a way similar to that in the case of the Y-instrument, with the only difference that in this case the defiecting magnet is On Eapid Periodic Variations of Terrestrial Magnetism. 9 applied "end on," so that for the same distance of the deflector, the deflection must be made twice as large as in the case of the Y- instrument to insure the same sensibility. The distance of the deflecting magnet from the needle of the instrument was 127 cm., so that 1 mm. on the record corresponds to 0*15 T. The gradual creeping of the luminous spot is also observed in this case. Hence the same remark applies as to the accuracy of tlie records. Fig. 3, A. 1—4 — h-f- 5 loom H 1— ^H 1 1 1 n CM 7=î Ü ma (2 CE lï m 10 Art. 9. -T. Terada : Flg. 3, B. c) Vertical or Z-Compone7it Instrument (downward taken as positive). Instead of the ordinary Lloyd's balance, a new in- strument was designed and constructed by Prof. Tanakadate and Dr. Kadooka, whicii proved very satisfactory. The magnetic needle (Fig. 3, NS), 4 cm. long and 2 jnm. tliick, was fixed to the lower face of a rectangular plane mirror M (Gx 17x 1 mm.), made of fused quartz pkite, platinized on its upper suface by means of cathode discliarge. 1" ' \-s^ The mirror has a i)air of projecting arms aa N on l)oth sides, to the pointed ends of wliich are Avek.led quartz filtres ^^ of 0'05-0-08 mm. diameter. Tlie welding may l)e easily made, after some practice, l)y pointing the sharp point of a fine oxyhydrogen ßame to the spot where the fibre is attached to the arm by sliglitlv wetting the surface. The fibres yj, i"^' ff '^i"e stretched in EW direction by means -^'5r^^ ^"-^ of helical springs SS^-* made of fused quartz rod, of which the one end is welded to the fibre and the other is rigidly fixed to the brass liolder hh by means of solder applied in the cavity for receiving the c^uartz rod. By means of the nuts nn, the tension could be adjusted without twisting the fibre. By turning the scrcAv t, a slight torsion could be given to the fibre, in order to adjust the zero position of the mirror. Damping is effected by means of the copper block Dj^, which serves also for clamping the suspended system when lifted up l;)y means of the screw Ar at the lowest part of the instrument. Pr is the reflecting prism originally used in MascarFs vertical component instrument for a similar purpose. The inclination of the prism could be adjusted by means of the screw i. Dc is the desiccator containing calcium chloride and TA a thermometer. The points of junction of tlie mirror arm aa with the fibre are originally so adjusted that tlie centre of gravity of the suspended 1) The spring may be dispensed with, provided that the temperature is kept sufficiently constant, without sensibly impairing the reliability of the instrument, though there is the danger of breaking the fibre by accidental shock given to the instrument during mani- pulation. On Rapid Periodic Variations of Terrestrial Magnetism. jl system is very near tlie line connecting tliem. The sensilnlity may be then adjusted by means of a small weight w^ playing on tlie fine screw projecting on the upper face of the mirror, while the inclina- tion of the mirror can be regulated by means of anotlier pai]' of small nuts iv». running on the horizontal screw as shown in Fig. o, B. For determining the sensi):)ility, the same deflecting magnetic rod as used for the preceding two instruments, was placed on the pedestal Ci in the same meridian as the instrument at a distance of 128*5 cm. In this case the deflector was of course applied and reversed in tlie vertical position. The sensibility was so adjusted tJiat the reversal of the deflector produces the displacement of al)out 5 cm. on the record, or 1 mm. corresponds to 0'15 /'. The instrument worked very satisfactorily. Once carefully adjusted, it remained so constant in every respect that it miglit have run many years witJiout any furtlier trouble, except for the excessive humidity of the room, which caused gradual rusting of the instrument, especially of the magnetic needle, also a gradual deterioration of the platinized mirror, and necessitated the com- plete rearrangement of the instrument. The great advantage of quartz fibre is very clearly shown in this instrument compared with the others, since here no sensible creeping up of the luminous image after abrupt deviation is observed, as may be seen from PI. L An instrument of a similar construction may be replaced with great ad- vantage for Lloyd's balance, for the usual work of lower sensibility. d) Illuminating and Photographic Apparatus. The source of light used for photographic purposes was an ordinary acetylene burner with two orifices facing each other, which was fed by a capacious tank placed outside the room. The l)urner was fixed in the interior of the metallic case of the lamp originally attached to Mascart's magnetograph, in front of which a suitable vertical slit and a cylindrical lens was inserted. The lamp was hung over the pedestal Pi of the antechamber, close by the window Wi, and immediately above the photographic apparatus placed on Pj. The drum carrying the photographic paj^er was 24 cm. in diameter and 30 cm. in length, and revolved once every 3'76 hours on an average, by means of a suitable clockwork, so that 1 mm. corres- 12 Art. 9. -T. Teracla: ponds nearly to 17*8 sec. Closely in front of the drum a fine horizontal slit and a cylindrical lens are introduced, hoth of the same length as the drum. During the wet season, a desiccator dish containing calcuim chloride was placed under the drum. For giving time-marks on the record, a clockwork was placed in front of the lamp to interru})t the light for a few mimutes at the end of each liour. The three magnetic instruments are arranged in succession as shown in Fig. 1. For the Z-instrument an auxiliary lens with the focal length of 2 m. was placed in the path of the incident beam of light, by means of a special holder fixed to the pedestal. To save the considerable breadth of the photographic paper required, owing to the remarkable sensibility of the instruments, the following device was adopted Avith success. Two long strips of thick plane glass plate (breadth 10 cm., length 3 m.) were placed along both sides of the long pedestal Pi (Fig. 1, T). These were held firmly by means of special holders, with their refiecting surfaces vertical and parallel to each other, so that when the luminous beam reflected from the magnetic instrument is deviated just beyond the limit of the horizontal slit of the photographic apparatus, it is caught by one of the glass plates, or ' ' optical traps" as we have called them, and reflected back to the slit. For a still greater deviation the opposite glass caught the l:)eam reflected from the first one, and so on. Except in the extremely damp season, even the third reflection produced a luminous spot intense enough to affect the photographic paper; By properly adjusting the position of the three instruments and also the mean direction of the reflected beams produced l:)y them, an uninter- rupted record of the three components could be ol)tained, even in the case of remarkable magnetic storms. The mutual magnetic influences of tlie three instruments were tested by mechanically disturbing each instrument, while the photographic record was being taken. No sensible effect was noticed. Since the drum carrying the photographic paper revolved once per o'76 hours, paper of a length of about 4*85 m. was On Rapid Periodic Variations of Terrestrial Magnetism. 23 required per day and night. To save the excessive use of paper, it was replaced only twice during 24 hours, i.e. usually at G o'clock in the morning and evening. Hence tlie record was run over three times hy each component, which caused considerahle confusion of the record, on quiet days by tlie superposition of the trace of the same component, and on disturbed days, by the mutual intersections of the different components either direct or reflected b}" the traps. The confusion is, however, merely ap- parent in most cases. The time marks, the difference in the intensity of traces and also slight differences in the optical error of the mirrors of different instruments, causing different shading of the photographic traces, served together as convenient signs for disentangling the intricate record. Ambiguous cases were ex- tremely rare, even if two branches of traces were nearly super- posed. After we became familiar in the course of the investiga- tion, with the characteristic behaviours of short period disturbances for different components, the distinction of the different com- ponents became still easier. During the summer months, the pedestal P3 was covered with large cases of zinc, which consisted of seven pieces and when put together in series, formed a continuous channel extending along the entire length of the pedestal. Five or six dishes with CaCl2 were placed inside the channel. These arrangements were, however, far from being efficient for the j^revention of the ex- traordinary dampness of the chamber during a certain period of the warmest season. The clock for giving the time mark was occasionally compared with that of the Post Office in Misaki and also checked by means of the sundial placed in the yard of the Marine Laboratory, so that the accuracy of the time was only of the order of a minute at the most. A convenient control could be made by the very frequent occurrence of slight local earthquakes which left distinct marks on the photographic records and could be easily identified with the seismographic record obtained in Tokyo. ^^ 1) Ttie distance between the Observatory and the Tokyo Central Meteorological Ob- servatory is about 60 km., so that the time taken by the principal phase of seismic waves will never exceed 18 seconds. 14 Art. 9. -T. Terada : PART II. General Results of the Investigation. 4. The general character of the photographic records ob- tained by our system of instruments may be seen in PLI. and II. The time taken as abscissa increases from left to right. Upward corresponds to the positive direction of each component for the non-reflected trace. PI. I. is the representative record for a quiet day. The trace of the sensibility determination is to be seen at the beginning of the carves (marked witli-^). PI. III. is one of the typical records for disturbed days, the parts of the curves reflected from the " traps " are marked witli the letters Ri, Ro, the suffix giving the number of reflexions. Even on the most quiet days, the records shows as a rule numerous trains of more or less regular waves or pulsations, the periods of which range from about 20 sec. to several minutes. Allied phenomena seem to have been studied first by Balfour Stewart^^ who found periods of 30 seconds. Kohlrausch "^ found by direct eye observations a wave of 12 sec. period. Arendt^^ investigated waves with periods of several minutes, frequent in night hours, in connection witii his researches on the magnetic disturbances associated with the phenomena of thunderstorms. Eschenhagen'^-* found prevalent waves of 30 sec. which appeared most frequently during daytime. Birkeland^-' studied the pheno- mena for Haldde as w^ell as for Potsdam, and obtained most frequent groups of waves with periods of 10 and a little longer than 30 sec. More recently, van Bemmeln in Batavia"^ studied similar waves with 1-4 minutes periods which he called " pulsa- 1) Balfour Stewart, Phil. Trans. 18Ü1, p. 425. 2) F. Kohlrausch, Wied. Ann. 60, p. 336. 3) Th. Arendt, Das Wetter, 1986, p. 2-il and 265. 4) Max Eschenhagen, Sitz. Ber. d. preuss. Akad. d. Wiss., Berlin, 32, 1897, p. 678 ; Terr. Mag. and Atm. Elec, 2, 1897, p. 105. 5) Kr. Birkeland, Expédition Norvégienne de 1899 — 1900 pur l'étude des aurores boréales. Résultats des recherches magnétiques. Christiania, 1901. 6) W. van Bemmeln, Verslag. Konink. Akad. v. Wet. t. Amsterdam, Proc. of the Sec. of Sc, 2, 1899-1900, p. 202. On Rapid Periodic Variations of Terrestrial Magnetism. ]^5 tiens" to (listingnisli them from peculiar disturbances called " spasms," and discovered a remarkable daily period of frequency with a maximum near midnight. Afterwards'-" he compared the materials from Zi-Ka-Wei and Kew, and found for the former station a similar nightly maximum as in the case of Batavia, while for the latter station, the maximum frequency was found in the day time. Recent authorities seem to agree in the opinion that the magnetic waves in question are chiefly due to some fluctuations of the electric current existing in the upper at- mosphere, though the actual modes of fluctuation still remain obscure. Though the original purpose of our investigation was to detect any abnormal disturbances associated with earthquakes, it was in any case necessary to study tlie characteristic pulsatory waves in some detail, even if these waves should have no direct connection with earthquakes, in order to be able to distinguish which were the normal and which the aljnorinal disturbances. The present paper is chiefly confined to the study of these characteristic pulsatory disturbances, since unfortunately no positive results have yet been obtained with regard to earth- quakes. In the following, we shall enumerate the most interesting results obtained by the detailed study of the magnetograpiiic records comprising observations extending over four years. 5. «) Generally speaking, the magnetic waves in question are decidedly more regular in the night than in day time when waves of different periods seem to be very irregularly superposed. In the great majority of cases remarkably lon^ continuous trains of moderately regular waves with period of 30-60 sec. appear at 5^-7'' in the morning and continue up to 9^-11^, with occasional interruptions (PI. IL, III., IV. and V). The number of hours, in the course of which such trains occurred, was noted for successive days, quite regardless of the length or the number of the trains. The number shows occasionally an apparent periodicity of 25-30 days, though generally not so regular as to allow us to deduce any 2) W. van Bemmeln, Natuurk. Tijdschr. v. Xederlandsch-Indie, 62, 1902, p. 71. 16 Art. 9.— T. Terada: definite period from the scanty material at hand. The general aspect will be seen from the annexed figure (Fig. 4). Fig. 4 Since it was suspected that the number in question may have some relation with the solar activity, it was compared with the "provisory sun-spot number," published in Meteorologische Zeitschrift, but no convincing relation could be found. ^-^ It will however, be interesting to compare the present number with the occurrence of sun-spots on a definite central area of the solar disc.'-' b) These short period waves appearing simultaneously in the X- and Y-components run remarkably parallel to each other during the morning hours, viz. 6^ — 8^ say, every detail in one component being repeated by the other with marvellous similarity, no noteworthy phase difference being observed between the two components (PI. V). ^Moreover, the amplitudes of the two components are generally of nearly the same order of magnitude. It seems as if these waves were due to the fluctuation of an electric current running from NE to SW, making an angle nearly 45° to the meridian. For these short waves, Z-component is com- paratively insignificant and may be clearly discerned only when the photographic trace is very fine. In the later afternoon hours, the parallelism between X- and Y- components becomes imperfect. Some waves are present either in 1) W. van Bemmeln compared the frequency of the " pulsations " with the sun-spot ntimber and arrived at a negative result, loc. cit. 2 1 E. W. Maundernoticed a 27 days period of magnetic disturbances and came to the conclusion that the cause of the disturbance is to be sought on a limited portion of the sun's surface, Monthly Notice of E. Astr. Soc, 65, 1904-05, p. 2, 538. The paper was criticized by A. Schuster, ibid, p. 186. E. Marchand found a connection between the magnetic disturbances and the sun-spots passing the central meridian of the sun's disc, Congr. intern, de metéorolog., Paris, 1900, p. 148. On Kapid Poriodie Variations of Terrestrial Magnetism. 17 one or the other component only. Even if a train of waves may be traced in both components, the variation of the disturbing field is generally of irregular rotatory character. c) Generally, no corresponding regular trains of short waves with such remarkable duration can be seen during the evening hours, nor is the remarkal)le parallelism between X- and Y- components so conspicuous as in the morning. cV) During the later hours of the evening, the short waves with periods of less than one minute generally disappear, while very regular waves with 2-4 minutes periods appear instead, frequently forming beautiful trains of nearly simple harmonic waves. Another remarkable characteristic of the evening waves is that the Y-component waves are generally inverted with respect to the X-waves, i.e. the fluctuation of the horizontal magnetic field is such as could be caused by the periodic variation of a current running from NW to SE. Generally speaking, liowever, the horizontal components show more or less rotatory character, X- and Y-components showing frequently decided phase dif- ference. This latter point wnll be fully investigated later. For these longer waves, the Z-component is more con- spicuous than for the shorter waves frequent in day time, and runs remarkabl}^ similar to the X-component, though lagging behind it by a considerable fraction of the period (see Plates I- IV). Fig. 5, A (reduced to \ original size). Note the rotatory character of the horizontal component in the upper curves. Ton 24 1913 Tun. 2 6 . 18 Art. 9. -T. Terada: e) The beginning of these waves is sometimes gradual, but frequently abrupt, starting quite suddenly after a period of dormant calmness (Fig. 5). The trains with the abrupt beginning Fig. 5, B (J original size). Remark the regularity with which similar disturbances are repeated. td> Z9. 1913 Feb 2g J9I3 are frequently accompanied by an abrupt increase of the average value of the X-component whicli gradually attains a maximum and then falls slowly (see Figs. 5 and 6). The sudden increase of the X-component is usually accompanied by the simultaneous sudden change of the average value of tlie Y-component, which is at the outset generally toward E before midnight and toward W after midnight. It seems as if an electric current were suddenly started Avith rapidly increasing, and fluctuating intensity, with its direction NW to SE, or SW to NE according to the hour of occurrence. Disturbances of this kind seem to have been studied by Birkeland who succeeded in tracing a system of whirling currents (tourbillons de courants) extending over the N-hemi- sphere, fixed relative to the sun. The slow change of the horizontal components gradually attains a rotatory character, the sense of which seems to generally confirm the result obtained by R.B. Sangster,^-* i.e. mostly counterclockwise (N-W-S) before, and 1) R. B. Sangster, Proc. Roy. Soc, 84 A. 1911. On Eapid Periodic Variations of Terrestrial Magnetism. 19 Fig. 6, B {ditto). clockwise (N-E-S) after a certain hour near midnight. This seems just as if the magnetic disturbing vector, initially inclined to the meridian, rotates in the sense to l^ecome parallel to the meridian. Characteristic disturbances of the above type are met with most frequently just at midnight. In other hours, especially near IBS' cases occur not Fig. 6, A (^ original size). ^^rely where an abrupt Xote the parallelism between X and Z. increase of the llOri- zontal component is not accompanied with any conspicuous train of waves. It is a very re- markable fact that even for these abrupt nonperiodic disturb- ances of long duration, the Z-component follows the various fluctuations of the X-component with utmost faithfulness, except for a reduced amplitude and a definite retardation. This characteristic behaviour served as a very convenient means for disentangling the cliaos of photographic traces in the records of disturbed days. At the beginning of the al)ruptly starting train of waves, the amplitude is some- T'emark the a^jparent " beat " of the waves in tlie lower curves. Fig. Ü, C {ditto). 20 Art. 9. -T. Terada: times very large, in one instance amounting to 5'4 ï with a period of 1-2 minute (see Fig. 6, A). The amplitude is generally damped gradually, with a sensibly constant period. On closer examination, cases were also found where the period of the waves changed gradually in an apparently coherent train. Sometimes, Fig. 7 (f original size). '^^nt 13. 19)3. M^-^r 1 Dec. 7. AT = +5"' On Riipid Periodic Variations of Terrestrial Magnetism. 21 a very cliaracteristic train is repeated two or three times with nearly equal intervals of 15™ 40™ etc., as if the same train of waves were recrn'ring to the point of observation with a definite period (Fig. 5, B). /) It is frequently observed tliat while a fairly regular train of waves is traced in both the X- and Y-components at the same time, the periods of waves are quite different for the two com- ponents (for examples, see Fig. 7). Among (:)S conspicous cases chosen, 42 were those in which the periods were longer in X- than in Y-component. The distribution of such cases in different hours of the day may be seen in the following table: Table I. Hour. 1^ > Ty ; Tx <_ Tï 1 Hour. Tx >Tï Tx 8 16-1 19-3 13-3 6-7 15-9 16-5 13-5 14-15 14-4 21-1 22'2 12-7 17-2 11-7 6-2 U-3 .12-6 11-4 15-16 11-6 15-5 10-8 9-9 11-8 4-4 4-7 7-8 81 63 10-17 10-8 14-2 9-0 7-1 10-1 4-3 26 2-8 7-1 4-7 17-18 6-8 10-4 9-2 10-3 92 2-9 0-6 4-1 7-0 40 18-19 4-2 13-6 6-9 10-8 8-9 3-9 51 8-4 5-4 5-4 19-20 5-3 12-8 (3-8 6-6 7-8 4-2 6-1 7-0 2-9 4-8 20-21 4-2 6-5 3-4 5-5 5-0 2-7 6-0 1-3 2 2 31 21—22 5-5 5-3 3-4 5-6 5-0 2 3 37 1-9 3 0 2-7 22 23 1-G 31 6-3 3 0 3-4 1-5 2-3 3-8 19 2-2 23-2t 3-2 4-0 tV3 38 4-3 1-f, 33 5-1 0-7 2-4 X. 50^—70-^ -70^ Month. II V VIII ! XL II V vin XI III VI IX XII Year. III VI IX XII Year. Hours. IV VII X I IV VII X I 0- 1 8-6 7-9 12-2 ' 7-4 8-9 3-6 3-5 10-2 3-8 4-8 1— 2 i 11-1 5-6 5-6 1 9-4 8-2 7-8 5-0 4-5 4-2 5-5 2- 3 7-5 8-6 104 15-2 10-6 9 3 5-5 6-5 5-5 6-4 3- 4 12-8 9-7 90 17-6 12-7 6-5 106 6-6 9-5 8-4 4- 5 11-4 12-6 7-6 15-2 120 11-2 11-7 7-4 8-3 9-8 5- 6 14-6 15-7 13-6 19'9 16-2 9-6 10-7 130 10-6 10-7 6— 7 19-2 20-3 16-6 14-7 17-6 11-2 17-2 18-2 6-7 12-5 7- 8 17-5 21-7 22-0 21-6 207 18-2 17-1 25-8 16-9 18-9 8- 9 19-6 16-6 16-1 25-5 19-8 16-9 11-8 19-9 23-5 18-3 9-10 18-6 17-i 14-8 18-2 17-3 14-2 7-5 14-0 19-3 14-2 10-11 16-2 18-2 16-1 17-1 17-0 9-4 13-3 11-6 17-6 13-2 11-12 16-0 15-0 16-7 19-8 17-0 6-9 8-5 ll-O 20-2 12-4 12 -13 15-8 16-4 14-4 19-8 16-4 103 5-2 13-2 17-8 12-4 13-14 17-1 12 3 18-3 16-1 16-0 9-5 5-3 11-1 17-1 11-5 14-15 13-5 12-6 15-6 13-9 14-3 9-3 3-4 6-8 14-4 9-4 15-16 10-7 14-1 12-4 11-6 12-1 6-1 2-0 2-7 6-9 4-9 16-17 7-8 9-5 8-0 8-9 8-5 1-7 2 6 3-3 7-0 4-0 ' 17-18 7-2 7-0 11-8 7-5 8-2 1-6 0-6 6-6 6-2 3-8 18-19 i 6-6 11-4 10-S 9-0 9 3 3-9 6-6 7-0 4-6 5-3 19-20 6-8 8-9 13-6 1 6-2 8-6 5-0 13-2 10-4 5-1 7-9 20-21 5-0 7-0 12-6 5-9 7-3 2-7 10-6 11-0 5-1 6-8. 21—22 4-7 8-9 10-1 7-1 7"7 4-8 6-4 8-5 2'2 4-8 22-23 4-3 6-7 7-8 7-2 6-4 31 51 6-8 5 9 51 23 - 24. 72 S'5 9-3 120 8-8 2-3 4-2 9 '9 22 41 On Rapid Periodic Variations of Terrestrial Magnetism. 27 Table II. {continued). X. 70^—90'^ Y. 70^—90^ Month. II V VIII Xi II V VIII XI III VI IX XII Year. III VI IX XII Year. Hours. IV vri X 1 IV VII X I 0— 1 10-2 ' 9-3 ll-I 12-0 10-7 7-2 3-0 6-4 5 0 5-4 1— 2 11-5 6-4 10-8 I3-0 10-8 7-3 3 0 7-1 4-3 5-4 2- 3 11-2 9-9 9-4 18-8 12-7 8-9 4-5 7-1 6-7 6-9 3— 4 9-5 8-5 7-9 130 9-9 5-7 6-5 3-8 5-6 5-5 4— 5 12-7 11-5 8-7 12-9 11-6 5-0 61 5-3 6-4 5-7 5- 6 : 13-4 12-8 8-1 14-0 123 6-2 7-5 40 5-2 5-8 6- 7 12-2 9-2 8-3 10-8 10-3 6-2 4-8 6-0 3-6 51 7— 8 14-2 12-1 ' 7-9 130 120 7-4 7-3 7-3 7-4 7-4 8— 9 10-6 8-8 9-6 13-3 10-8 10-1 6-7 6-7 12-1 9-3 9-10 10-5 8-1 5-4 11-1 9-1 6-5 4-5 2 0 8-2 5-8 1Ô-11 8-1 9-6 6-8 9-5 8-6 4-5 5-5 2-2 8-3 5-5 11—12 ! 9-4 10-1 6-4 7-7 8-4 4-7 1-2 1-6 7-7 4-5 12-13 120 10 4 10-4 7-6 100 5-1 2-6 0-8 10-2 5-6 13-14 8-8 4-7 7-6 9-6 7-8 5-2 27 4-8 8-2 5-7 14-15 93 9 -.7 10-9 8-9 9-6 5-6 2-0 30 7-5 5-1 15-16 9-0 8-2 8-8 3-8 7-3 3-5 3-3 3-6 4-6 3-9 16-17 3-5 4-9 4-0 2-6 3-7 0-9 1-3 1-4 3-7 20 17-18 40 4-9 7-7 7-4 6-0 2-4 0-0 ' 4-1 4-0 2-8 18-19 4-6 8-0 9-4 5-4 6-6 51 4-1 7-1 4-3 50 19-20 ' 7-6 8-9 10-2 100 9-1 9-5 8-5 7-0 5-1 7-4 20-21 5-0 6-4 9-3 7-0 Ü-8 3-8 7-4 11-3 4-8 6-3 21—22 1 71 9-3 9-1 10-4 9 0 4-2 5-5 5-6 5-5 5-2 22-23 1 7-9 9-8 9-7 9-8 9-3 5-4 4-2 4-5 4-1 4-6 23-2i 10-8 r.-i 8-8 11-5 0-5 5-9 28 3-8 4-1 4-3 X. 90^—130^ Y. 90^—130^ Mcmth. Hours. II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII I Year. 0— 1 1— 2 2— 3 3— 4 4— 5 5— 6 6— 7 7— 8 8— 9 9-10 10-11 11—12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16—17 17—18 18-19 19-20 20-21 21 — 22 22-23 23-24 19-6 20-1 18-2 15-4 13-9 176 10-4 5-4 9-0 9-7 5-7 8-2 9-1 7-5 11-4 7-7 5-2 40 5-4 7-6 8-1 11-0 123 16-4 9-6 9-6 9-3 9-5 10-6 9-2 7-0 7-7 6-8 6-1 8-1 6-7 6-8 10-2 7-5 50 8-5 3-5 7 0 5-0 8-1 10-0 6-4 6 0 10-6 9-2 8-8 13-2 8-0 7-1 5 0 4-2 7-6 5-9 7-8 6 '4 6-5 6-1 9-4 8 '8 4-0 4-6 11-4 14-5 1-2 -2 11-6 10-2 131 24-8 277 21-8 19-6 16-4 14-8 12-8 8-4 10-0 S-5 120 8-8 6-4 10-0 6-3 5 0 56 7-1 8-9 14-4 12-1 IM 19-6 22t'. 16-8 17-5 15-2 14-8 12-6 12-6 91 6-6 S-5 7-7 8-5 7-6 7-2 8-5 8-5 6-5 5-8 50 8-1 10-4 101 10-9 12-5 150 II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X 10-6 8-9 8-6 7-4 60 3-8 6-2 8-1 6-1 4-5 2-6 1-9 4-3 2-8 2-6 0-9 2-8 7-0 91 8 0 9-5 112 lis 70 30 2-5 7-5 6-6 5-9 4-3 31 31 1-5 0-6 1-2 1-3 2-7 1-4 2-0 2 0 0-6 6-6 6-1 101 10-1 8-8 5-1 8-3 77 7-1 8-3 8-6 3-9 47 3 3 67 27 1-5 2-3 00 1-6 0-8 3-6 07 1-4 4-5 8-3 107 130 77 51 XI XII I Year. 11-5 8-2 11-1 7-2 6-3 4-8 53 5-8 12-5 8-2 3-9 4-2 51 47 4-8 37 4-1 3-3 5-4 6-6 7-8 7-4 9-3 10-1 9-1 7-6 77 7-9 7-3 5-2 4-5 4-9 8-0 51 2-9 2-8 2-5 3-6 2-8 31 2-1 23 6-0 7-5 8-9 97 9-5 8-5 28 Art. 9.-T. Terada: Table II. {continued). X. 130^—200' Y. 130^—200' Month. II V VIII XI 1 II V VIII XI ^^ 1 III VI IX XII Year. ' III VI IX XII Year. Hours. IV 9-6 VII X I IV VII X J I 0- 1 6-5 1-5 17-1 9-2 6-8 5-0 1-3 1 7-3 5-5 1- 2 7-6 8-5 7-2 16-7 10-3 4-9 5-0 3-2 5-8 4-9 2- 3 61 8-1 6-2 12-1 8-3 1 4-0 2-5 1-9 50 3-6 3- 4 6-5 10-2 4-7 9-8 7-9 1-2 3-5 3-2 i 3-6 2-3 4- 5 7-4 8-3 3-2 9-8 7-4 3-7 2-0 3-3 3-6 3-2 5- 6 3-3 5-4 4-4 8-2 5-4 4-6 4-3 3-9 4-8 4-5 6- 7 3-7 4-0 0-6 39 3-2 1-7 1-6 1-3 1-6 1-6 7- 8 1-2 3-3 2-6 2-7 2-4 0-8 05 0-7 2-3 1-2 vS- 9 1-6 3-3 1-5 3-7 2-6 2-8 31 0-7 3-8 2-8 9-10 0-8 1-4 4-4 6-3 3-3 2-0 0-5 2-0 4-1 23 10-11 1-2 2-7 3-4 6-6 3-6 ! ! 1-6 0-6 0-7 4-2 20 11-12 2-4 1-8 4-4 6-6 3-9 0-4 0-6 00 1-9 0-9 12-13 4-1 4-1 25 10-2 5-5 ' 0-5 00 0-0 ' 20 0-8 13-14 4-1 3-2 3-6 5-0 4-0 1-9 20 08 16 1-6 14-15 3-7 3-7 31 5-4 4-1 : ! 0 5 00 0-8 0-4 0-4 15-16 2 5 3-8 2-1 2-7 2-8 ! 0-0 0-7 0-7 1-5 0-3 16-17 1-7 2-8 0-5 30 2-1 1 0-9 0 0 0-7 2-6 1-3 17-18 0-4 1-4 0-5 6-4 2-4 ' i 0-8 00 0-0 3'7 1-4 18-19 2-7 1-8 3-5 6-5 3-7 ; 4-3 15 1-3 1 7-2 4-1 19-20 4-1 1-8 5-3 6-9 4-6 4-2 4-2 6*4 80 57 20-21 5-7 4-8 7-3 9-6 6-9 ! Ö-3 5-5 7-6 8-5 67 21 — 22 6-9 4-9 6-2 14-6 8-4 1 ' 7-6 10-6 3-7 5-9 7-1 22-23 10-5 6-7 6-8 19-6 11-3 5-4 8-4 2-6 9-3 6-8 23-24 11-0 58 4-4 15-3 9-5 6-6 2-8 5-1 10-1 6-5 X. 3œ —200^ Y. 30 ^—200^ Month. II V VIII XI II V VIII XI III VI IX XII Year. III VI IX XII Year, Hours. IV VII X I IV VII X I 0— 1 51-2 36-1 420 65-2 49-7 28-4 ■ 21-5 30-1 29-9 27-5 1- 2 56-0 353 41-5 73-8 53-2 33-9 19-0 30-3 24-8 27-1 2— 3 47-5 42-6 42-6 75-0 53-2 j 36-4 21-0 26-5 31-1 29-0 3- 4 51-7 46-2 43-2 70-1 54-2 30-2 38-2 29-7 27-9 31-3 4— 5 57-6 52-7 37-8 G6-8 54-9 37-6 36-6 35-8 28-7 34-5 5- 6 66-9 57-8 47-3 74-0 62-7 38-1 41-8 31-4 29-8 351 6- 7 63*9 55-4 46-5 61-9 57-7 38-3 41-3 47-0 28-] 37-6 7- 8 58-3 58-5 58-1 730 61-8 52-4 43-6 62-6 56-6 53-6 8- 9 59-5 50-2 502 810 62-5 55-7 39-6 50-7 75-4 57-0 9-10 58-2 48-1 45-4 70-0 56-5 43-8 28-5 33-6 58-9 43-2 10-11 45-0 58-2 53 3 66-3 561 322 33-3 30-5 50-2 377 11 — 12 51-8 54-i 54-5 65-2 56-8 271 27-9 22-7 50-9 34-6 12-13 61-7 56-8 54-2 63-5 59-0 30-0 163 30-4 52-0 34-8 13-14 56-7 52-2 56-4 56-8 55-6 34-2 19-4 34-2 48-1 35-9 14-15 523 54-6 61-2 47-2 53-7 29 9 130 25-7 397 29-1 15-16 i 41-5 46-6 42-9 33 0 405 16-6 127 18-4 24-8 19-0 16—17 29-0 39-9 21-5 27-2 30-2 8-7 8-5 8-9 24-5 141 17—18 22-4 37-2 33-8 38-7 30-8 10-5 1-8 16-2 2i'2 14-3 18-19 ; 23-5 418 42-0 40-6 36-6 24-2 23-9 35-4 26-9 25-8 19-20 31-4 37-4 50-4 44-1 40-5 32-0 38-1 39-1 277 33-3 20-21 28-0 32-8 44-8 40-1 361 225 39-6 41-9 23-4 31-8 21-22 35-2 38-4 40-4 48-8 41-0 28-4 36-3 32-7 24-0 29-5 22—23 36-6 32-7 40-8 59-2 42-9 26-6 28-8 25-4 30-5 28-2 23— 2i 48 -G 30- i 41-9 65-2 47-1 28-2 18-2 29-0 27-2 25-8 On Eapid Periodic Variations of Terrtstrial Magnetism, 29 The results are also plotted in Fig. ^ N V. ^ 0 J 1 ( i-v longer than 90^ are more frequent during the night. For 30'-50^ waves, a tendency is suggested in the X-component that the hour of the maximum frequency is earlier in winter than in summer. Besides, for X- as well as for Y-components a secondary minimum near noon is èuspected in spring and autumn. For 50^-70^ waves, the hours of the day time maxima seem to fall somewhat earlier in the morning than for the shorter waves, and a secondary maximum in the early evening is suggested in some of the Y-diagrams. 70'-90' weaves form apparently a transition stage to the still longer waves. For 90^-130^ and 130^-20^ waves, the 30 Art. 9.— T. Terada: maxi man frequencies fall decidedly in the night hours, mostly a little before midnight, while at the same time, a secondary maximum in the day time is suspected in some of the graphs. Y IDQ Fig. 8, Y. 30'-50' 50'-7(3' 70'-90' qo'-l30' i30-200' HVVI mffln 3Z1SI A ^^\ ^1 I / 1 ^v_ ^"^ t V=^ r- A^^ (i t^ A' *r \j\ ' viV/ fV S -^-V i "t — J;— H 0 6 ,2 \3 i^ c 1 1 h 1 f \ 1 rl ^ M. U-"^ 1 ! 1 A^ K / ^ "^ ^ 1 1 1 \ -A A U ir^ \/^ \J A r \ / % T^A. K-j A i^ v ~^^., i\ -' ] \ - 1 1 1 -\ 1 A A K Ki 1 1 , .-i^^'V ^ Sa ö- AU V^ ft TÎ n~J4 e ^' fv -/-~v\^ r /\ Va J^ ^/ ^ > r-j^ L. '^ 1 i 1 S v^ ^ l£V v^l ij C4 0 s 12 li 24 YEAR 1 1 1 '\i ^ u 7 1 À y 1 "i^ ^ / V. s, / \. ^ 1 1 -1^^7 f^ I 6 II IS i1 0 e 12 I« ^^ 0 o 11 IS :+ ! 1 i 1 j 1 1 Ua--.^ fC^ im;^ ^ II I! Z4 0 6 II '» -24 30'- .200' •y« I 'a i ^. LJ 0 1 i 1 i 1 1 /iS h^ J ! ^^ / - 1 100 i K ■ ' .Ar^ -^r 1 V 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 lAi i J KU 0 n s 6 à 15 2I Ö u I« The frequency of all waves, 30'-200', shows a maximum in the morning and a minimum in the evening. It is to be remarked that the diurnal variation of the number of ' ' spasms ' ' as well as ' ' pulsations ' ' studied by W. van Bemmeln, and also that of the frequency of the disturbed hours, as could be deduced from the diagrams in Bidlingmeier's paper above cited, show a character quite similar to the variation of the frequency of the "longer waves" here studied, up to the appearance of the secondary daytime maxima. On Eapid Periodic Variaticns of Terrestrial Magnetism. 31 On closer examination of the diagrams mentioned in p. 25 above, it is frequently found that wave trains with a certain period appear in almost the same isolated hours of two or three successive days, as if to repeat the particular program of the preceding daj^s. This is interesting as one of the facts strongly suggesting that the agent producing these waves is intimately connected with the position of the earth relative to the sun. In some cases, it also happened that the hours of tlie successive days in which a particular train appears seemed to shift gradually in either direction. 9. The ^' spectra^' of the magnetic waves. To find the most frequent period, the o1;>served periods were at first classified second by second and the total number of trains (not that of days or hours in which they occurred) belonging to these groups were plotted in a diagram with the periods as abscissa. The diagram obtained showed a great number of maxima and minima with intervals of several seconds. Most of these maxima and minima were, how- ever, found to have no real physical meaning, being either due to chance,^-' or due to some involuntary tendency of par- ticular persons to some par- ticular fractions of the scale division when measuring the wave trains on the records with a millimeter scale. ^^ Hence, finally the following groups were taken: 20'-30', 30'-40' etc. up to 190'- 200'. The results are given in Table III. and also plotted in Fig. 9. As will be seen, the maximum frequency is generally II T. Terad», Proc Tokyo Matb.-Phys. Soc, 8, 1916, p. 492. 2) Note that a tenth of a millimeter corresponds to about I'S sec. Fig. 9. 7o 12 ^ ! n^- . i Î i ; 10 A 1 à 6 4 2 t i V ^ N / 1 «* 0 20 40 60 50 100 120 140 IfcC T'' prefer 32 Art. 9. -T. Terada : at the interval of periods 5(/-60! The curve reminds us ratlier of the energy distribution of the kiininous spectra than the usual probability curves. A secondary maximum is seen near the period 90! The results for other years are of quite similar character. Table III. For each season, the first column gives the number of trains and the second the percentage of the total number. 1912. X. Season. Period. I 11 ni IV ^ ^ VI VII VIII IX X XI XII Year. 10s— 20s 3 0-3 2 0-2 0 0-0 2 0-1 7 0-1 20— 30 20 1-8 20 2 3 10 0-6 36 2-0 86 16 30— 40 120 10-9 75 8-8 126 7.8 143 7-8 46-1. 8-6 40— 50 145 13-2 114 13-3 207 12-8 250 13-6 716 13-2 50— 60 134 12-2 106 12-4 231 14-3 224 121 695 12-8 60— 70 116 10-5 100 11-7 2S9 17-9 227 12-3 732 13-5 70— 80 85 7-7 63 7-4 168 10-4 145 7-9 461 8-5 80— 90 77 7-0 56 6-5 136 8-4 141 7-6 410 7-6 90 — 100 107 9-7 66 7-7 139 8-6 154 8-4 466 8-6 100 — 110 70 6-4 51 6-0 92 5-7 127 6-9 340 6-3 110 — 120 59 5-4 36 4-2 56 3-5 114 6-2 265 4-9 120 — 130 45 4-1 35 41 38 2-4 74 4-0 192 3-5 130 — 140 33 3 0 36 4-2 34 2-0 62 3-4 165 3-0 140 — 150 24 2-2 23 27 16 1-0 37 2 0 100 1-9 150 — 160 21 1-9 20 2-3 29 1-8 35 1-9 105 1-9 160 — 170 24 2-2 21 2-5 19 1-2 37 20 101 1-9 170 — 180 8 0-7 9 1-1 17 1-1 17 0-9 51 0-9 180 — 190 5 0-5 5 0-6 4 0-3 10 0-5 24 0-4 190 — 200 5 0-5 18 2-1 7 0-4 10 0-5 40 0-7 1101 856 1618 1845 5420 The result must not be hastily interpreted as showing that the absolute maximum of frequency is at the above mentioned interval. If we could multiply the sensibility of the instruments and turn at the same time the recording drum correspondingly faster, the waves most conspicuous in our case might possibly be replaced by others with a decidedly shorter periods. Besides, On Rapid Periodic Variations of Terrestrial Magnetism. 38 it must be taken into account tliat tlie shorter the period, the greater will be the chance of revealing isolated trains in a given interval of time, even if the mean intensity and number of maxima of the trains be independent of the periods. This partially explains the falling off of tlie frequenc}^ curve tOAvard the longer period in a form of h3"perbola. Hence the real meaning of the above result can be simply interpreted as follows: As far as the sensibilities of the present instruments reveal, every period is rather evenly represented as in a continuous spectrum, showing no very sharply defined maximum, except two rather Fig. 10. XI XI. I II ill ,v 1^12 j;i ,x M XII I I II III (ßJ ce; 0^ To 20 ctai^S 100 A /A \ / fv v' 5" 10 cUv5 flat relative maxima near 60^ and 90? The above holds good when we take the different hours of day and night altogether into account. AVhen the different hours arc taken separately, the results are somewliat different as already remarked in §8. This latter point will be referred to again later on, with respect to difïerentty chosen materials. Here it may be remarked only 34 Art. 9. -T. Terada : that the secondaiy maximum of frequency at about 90' corresponds to the most frequent waves observed during night hours. No conspicuous group of waves with about 10' period, observed by Birkeland, could be confirmed in our records, though such waves might have been detected if the amplitudes were somewhat larger than 0'2 y. 10. Fluctuation of frequency of regular waves in successive days. The number of hours (not that of trains) disturbed by regular waves was counted for each of the successive days and plotted in a diagram with the days as abscissa. The results showed apparently very irregular fluctuations, either if we take all waves with the periods 30^-200^ or only 30^-70' waves. Though we must be very cautious in deducing any periodicity from such material, the results show nevertheless a remarkable tendency to suggest the existence of a period, or rather of an "interval" of about 25-30 days. The most conspicuous examples are illustrated by the interval from October, 1912, to April, 1913, especially when the waves with the periods 30^-70^ alone are taken into account (Fig. 10, A). Fig. 10, B and C were obtained by superposing the successive series of 14 or 28 days^^ respectively. These graphs seem to suggest the existence more of a 14 days period than a 28 days one, the amplitude amounting to the same order of magnitude as the mean vahie. The last procedure will however, have a definite meaning only when the phenomena are simply and purely periodic, but not when the frequency maxima are repeated with conspicuous amplitudes only a small number of times in a definite period, and then replaced by anotlier of a similar kind, but setting in more or less abruptly with quite accidental time relation to the former. The general aspect of the frequency diagram here in question strongly suggests that the nature of the phenomena concerned is of the type above mentioned. In the above example, we ma}^ probably assume the accidental superposition of two independent serijs witli the longer period, say 28 days. The lunar period is to be excluded, since the above fluctuation 1) 28 days instead of 27 days was taken simply because it is an even number, no weight being laid here on the exactitude of the period. On Rapid Periodic Variations of Terrestrial Magnetism. 35 does not keep pace with moon's phases. It will be more plausible to suppose that the period in question is related to the sun's rotation. ^^ It is to be regretted that our observations were not very adequate for investigations of the kind mentioned above, since in the warmer half of the year the records were occasionally defective. For the same reason, we must unfortunate^ refrain from carrying out the statistical investigations with respect to the annual or seasonal variation of the daily frequency. 11. Probable relation of the frequency of waves with meteor- ological elements. Since the phenomena of the magnetic pulsations were suspected of being closely related to some atmospheric phenomena as will be seen later on, it seemed possible that they might have a sensible correlation with some of the meteorological elements. Among the latter elements, cloudiness was considered as a most promising one for investigation, since its correlation with the solar activity is already acknowledged by some au- thorities,^-' and moreover, considering the layer of cloud as a conducting sheet covering a considerable part of the earth's surface it may in some way or other pla}^ a sensible rôle where electromagnetic waves of not indefinitely long periods are in question. To carry out the comparison effectively, it will however, be necessary to take the cloudiness over a sufficiently wide area of the earth's surface in order to eliminate local irregularities of secondary nature which are very conspicuous in the case of this element. As the only available data in hand, the Monthly Reports of the Central Meteorological Observatory were used. Different groups of the local stations were taken and the average amounts of cloudiness were calculated. The results of comparison were not conclusive, though some correlation was suspected between the frequency of the magnetic pulsations and the average cloudiness for Tokyo, Tyosi, Mito and Maebasi, 1) Maunder and Marchand, loc. cit. Curiously enough, Schuster, on examining Maunder's data, also noticed a pronounced 14 days period. If the 14 days period was to be invariably found in allied phenomena, then the seat of the direct or indirect cause of magnetic disturbances may be sought in two antipodal portions of the sun's surface. 2) Hann, Lehrbuch der Meteorologie, 2nd. Ed., p. 47ö. 36 Art. 9. -T. Terada: which is shoAvn in Fig. 10,1). Tliis point decidedly deserves further investigation. 12. To carry out a more detailed quantitative investigation regarding the nature of the magnetic pulsations under con- sideration, the records of 1913 were specially chosen, since in this year the determination of tlie sensihilities of the instruments was most regularly made and lience most adequate for the quantitative comparison of the different components. It is, however, to be regretted that during the summer months the records were too frequently defective, chiefly due to damage to the photographic paper on account of the extreme dampness notwithstanding tlie use of the desiccator, and also due to the condensation of the atmospheric humidity in minute drops or mist which was especially dense in tlie daytime and caused a remarkable absorption of light. It must therefore be remarked that in some statistical studies to be described later, tlie winter season has a rather overweighing influence on the general results though the statistics extend over a full year. As far as the present investigations are concerned, no serious modification of the general results will, however, l)e required on that account. 13. Ratio of amplitudes of X- and Z-components. As already mentioned, the waves appearing in the Z-component arc generally the reduced facsimiles of those in the X-component, except that the former always lags behind the latter in definite amounts depending on the periods, but usually less than a quarter of a period. In other words, the end of the magnetic vector repre- senting the periodic disturbing field revolves on more or less elliptic orbits, with their major axes mostly dipping towards N. To find first a quantitative relation between the amplitudes of the two components, the following reductions were made. Specially regular portions of wave trains were carefully chosen out from among all the records of the year, and for each train the ratio of the mean amplitude of corresponding waves for the two components w^as calculated, the daily value of the sensibilities being duly taken into account. The results were tabulated together with the corresponding periods and tlie hours of On Rapid Periodic Variations of Terrestrial Magnetism. 37 occurrence. Plotting the ratios as ordinates with the periods as abscissa in a diagram, the points representing different trains are 1-2 10 0-8 0-6 04 02 0^- -3 * .. •, . . . •-•♦. -.; '■'. * • ■• • s ^" ■f^ 0 1 0 2 J 3 0 -? ■0 5 0 7 Fig. 11. 12 1-0 OS 06 0-4 0-2 0 z'- -\b X > 1 i • \ . . • . . ''.' • i ' ■ 10 20 30 40 50 T 1-2 i-0 0-8 0-6 0-4- f- - h to 5-- 17 K 10 C-8 0-6 1 • ^ . ' • . , 1 . ..- • ••^ • '•1 .% ;• 'h' • 02 0 s^" rr 1 i ... 10 20 3Û vy 50 T 10 20 30 40 50 T )-2 10 OS 0-6 0-4 0-2 0 6-- -«?■■ ^ • ' ♦ • 7^'"^ ^•^•' .. . IÛ 20 30 40 50 T 1-2 10 08 0-6 1 s- -21 K • ■- ^, . ••• ;•*' , • 02 0 * ■x^- ', 12 10 0^8 06 0-4 0-2 9'-- ■12' 1 • • * '.i.i ;,i-- C-»"i ,. . • 1 10 20 30 40 50 T 12 10 0-8 06 04- 0-2 0 < if- -2^ i' 1 ' • • ■ •;': :••* '/ . • 'i c^ T L_ (0 20 30 4-0 50 38 Art. 9.— T. Terada dispersed rather irregularly as shown in Fig. 11 in which the results are grouped with respect to the hours of occurrence. Next, the results were grouped according to the periods and the mean ratios were calculated for each group of the periods. The results are shown in the following Tal:)le and also plotted in Fig. 12 where tlie mean periods^^ are taken as abscissa. Fig. 12. AX 0% 0-6 04 O . . ^^ 9 -"^ \ ^-^C' J "^-■^ 1 / ^ i ■---__ 1 i 10 20 30 40 50 60 T O-l 0-2 0-3 0-t 0'3 OÇ> '/tl Table IV. Eange of T. m m 0-2-5 m m 2-6-5-0 m m 5-1-7-5 m m 7-6-10-0 m m 10-1-15-0 m m 15-1-20-0 m m 20-1-30-0 m m 30-1-40-0 m m 40-1-50-0 m m 51-0-600 Mean T. m 172 m 3-49 m 6-23 m 8-90 m 12-86 m 17-41 m 23-76 m 33-90 m 47-50 57-50 AZ AX 0-235 0-291 0-421 0-459 0-536 0-580 0-574 0-672 0-621 0-745 tg-i AZ _ AX IS-"] 16-° l 22-°6 24-"'5 28-°0 29-''9 30-°4 33-''4 31-''7 36 -°5 As will be seen, the ratio increases at first rapidly with the periods, then gradually tends to an asymptotic value probably nearly equal to unity. The fact is rather remarkable and must serve as an important basis for explaining the phenomena in 1) The mean of the actual periods corresponding to the trains taken was calculated, not the simple mean of the interval of the period concerned. On Eapid Periodic Variations of Terrestrial Magnetism. 39 question. For the purpose of a subsequent reference, the vakie of the ratios are also plotted with ^|T, i.e. the reciprocal of the periods as abscissa (the dotted line in Fig. 12). The irregular dispersion of the points in Fig. 11 is too remarkable to be considered as due to the inaccuracy of the measurements of the record or to the inconstancy of the instruments, but must be regarded as actually inherent to the nature of the phenomena. Neither is the irregularity^ at all eliminated, even if we take the ratio of the amplitude of Z to that of the resultant horizontal component, ^àX- + AY^ instead, which was actually calculated for the earlier period of the year. Though we have not calculated the ratio AZj^ AX^+AY^ throughout the year, it will surel}^ be an overestimation of the Y-component if we take AZj^\AX for it, since, as will be seen later in §15, the azimuth of the horizontal component of the disturbing periodic field is generally less than 45° and about 23*°7 on an average (see Fig. 16). 14. Phase retardation of Z-component with respect to X- component. Next, the phase relation of X- and Z-components were to be investigated. Since the corresponding waves in the two components appear as a rule widely apart on the photographic records where no special zero-line was recorded, a device was necessary to accurately mark off the corresponding time in each of the components at any part of the record. For this purpose, a kind of sliding T-square, originally constructed by Dr. Kadooka, was found very convenient. For the waves of shorter periods, utmost caution was still needed to avoid serious mistakes, very liable to be committed b}^ the slight inclination of the sliding lineal which was to be kept parallel to the time-mark lines. The mean retardation of the maxima and minima of AZ relative to those of AIL were calculated in fractions of the periods. The corresponding values for maxima and minima respectively were often sensibl}^ different, especially when the waves are not of simple form, in which case the mean of the two values was simply taken. Plotting tlie values for different trains with the periods as abscissa, the annexed figure was obtained (Fig. 13, A). 40 Art. 9.— T. Terada : Classifying the period in the same groups as in the case of Fig. 12, we obtain the following Table and also Fig. 13, B. ^ 05 23- Z 0.1 0 ) TT 0-5" 0-3 01 0-1 Z o'^-i,'^ It «■■: '" • Fig. 13, A. ■K 0-5 04 0-3 0 1 01 fO 20 30 T 6'- 1 2»^ • \ \ ..'-. . . • * • - 0 ■n Ofr of 0-3 02 10 20 30 I is'- 24'' • ■':' ••* • «V» •'• * iO 20 30 10 10 30 T Table V Eange of T. m m 0- 2-5 m m 2-6- 5-0 m mm m 51- 7-5 7-6-100 m m 10-1-150 m m 15-1-20-0 m m 20-1-30-0 m m 30-1-10-0 Mean T. Phase. m 1-59 0-215 m 3-34 0-172 m m 5-95 î 9-11 0-134 0-112 m 12-80 0-100 m 17-22 0-079 m 24-45 0-057 m 35-15 0-019 On Rapid Periodic Variations of Terrestrial Magnetism. 41 As will be seen from Fig. 13, the retardation is remarkable for shorter waves, sometimes amonntin«; to decidecUv more than Fig. 13, B. 0-2 0-! \ 1 1 \ \ ^ \ 1 K •\ 1 ^ 1 --^ -■•-^_ r ! 10^ ZO" ZÖ' 40^ a quarter period in the case of 3(/ waves and gradually decreasing in a hyperbolic cur\-e apparently tending to zero for longer waves over one hour. Combining the result with that obtained in the preceding article, we may trace the meridional projection of the elliptic orbit described by the end of the periodic disturl)ing vector of different periods. 15. Äzimutli, of periodic disturbing fields, or the relation of amplitudes of X- and Y-comj>onents. While the amplitude ratio between JX and JZ depends very much on the periods, but not sensibly on the hours of day, the ratio l)etween the amplitudes of X- and Y-waves varies remarkably with the hours of occurrence, but not sensibly with the periods. To investigate the case more closely, the following procedures were adopted. At first, all available records were exami^ied and the numljer of regular trains were counted in which the two horizontal components are nearly parallel to each other, i.e. of phase difference zero, and also those in which the two are nearly inverted, i.e. of phase difference ^. The results are given in the Table VI. and also in Fig. 14, regardless of the periods of the waves. 42 Art. 9.-T. Terada Takle VI. The numbers are given in % of all cases for each season, denotes the cases where J-V and J Y are nearly parallel to each other, denotes the cases where JX and Ji' are nearly inverted to each other. III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII I 11 Year. Hours. + - + - + - + - + - 0- 1 2-5 1-1 3-5 0-4 1-8 1-0 1-7 1-6 2-2 1-2 1— 2 2 "2 1-1 0-7 0-0 2-4 0-0 1-0 1-0 1-6 0-7 2- 3 2-5 1-4 2-1 0-4 2-5 0-4 1-6 1-2 2-1 1-0 3- 4 1-9 1-4 4-6 1-8 1-2 0-0 1-2 01) 1-8 0-9 4- 5 2-2 1-9 5-6 00 2-9 0-2 1-6 0-5 2-5 0-7 5- 6 2-5 1-4 6-7 0-0 1-2 0-4 0-8 0-5 2-1 0-6 6- 7 8-6 0-3 11-6 0-4 4-1 0-2 2-0 00 5-5 0-2 7- 8 7-2 1-4 13-4 0-0 14-7 0-0 6-9 0-7 9-5 0-6 8 9 8-9 1-4 5-6 0-0 157 0-6 13-0 1-1 11-5 0-9 9-10 4-7 0-9 5-6 0-4 11-5 1-0 8-5 1-1 7-7 0-9 10—11 2-3 0-3 1-8 0-0 5-7 0-2 6-1 0-6 4-4 0-3 11—12 2-3 0-0 1-8 0-7 6-1 0-0 6-4 0-5 4-7 0-3 12-13 1-4 00 1-4 0-4 3-5 0-0 5-4 0-7 3-4 0-3 13-14 1-9 0-2 0-7 0-4 31 0-8 4-6 0-6 31 0-5 14-15 1-1 0-2 0-7 0-0 1-6 0-2 22 0-3 1-6 0-2 15-16 0-6 0-5 1-1 0-0 0-2 0-2 0-7 0-5 0-6 0-3 16-17 0-2 0-3 0-0 0-0 0-2 0-4 0-7 0-9 0-3 0-5 17-18 0-6 0-6 0-4 0-0 0-4 0-6 1-4 1-8 0-8 1-0 18-19 1-6 4-1 1-8 2-1 10 2-2 1-1 2-7 1-3 2-9 19-20 1-9 4-7 2-5 4-6 0-4 2-5 0-7 3-3 1-1 3-7 20-21 0-6 5-3 3-2 1-1 0-4 1-8 0-7 2-6 0-9 30 21—22 2-2 4-2 35 2-8 0-4 2-5 0-7 2-4 1-4 3-0 22-23 1-7 31 M 3-9 0-2 2-2 0-3 2-3 0-8 2-7 23—24 1-1 1-7 1-1 0-7 0-8 1-0 1-2 2-5 11 1-7 It will be seen that the number of cases with the phase difference zero attains a maximum in the early hours of morning, while that with the phase difference tz shows a maximum in the evening (Fig. 14). Secondly, those cases w^ere chosen where either the one, X- or Y-component, is alone conspicuous, while the other is quite insignificant. The distribution of these special cases in different hours is given in Table VII. and plotted in Fig. 15. On Eapid Periodic Variations ef Terrestrial Magnetism. 43 As may be seen, the cases where X-waves are alone conspicuous, or in other words, the disturbing field is directed nearly in the meridian, are most frequent near midnight and noon, while the opposite cases, i.e. those in which the disturbance occurs nearly in the WE direction, are most frequent in the morning and evening. Fig. 14. Parallel. Inverted. iOO 80 - ^x' \ \ // y\^ 0 ^ 8 IZ 16 20 Zf Fig. 15. X alone. Y alone. 1 i f i r^ \ /^. / U V x ^"•\ \ \ / \ / 1 r — N,.; ' yy /\ -A - -f^ ,x.> \ C Z 4- G 10 11 14- 16 IS 20 22 2.4 44 Art. 9.— T. Terada : Table YII. Hour. X only. Y only. Hour. X only. Y only. Hour. X only. Y" only. Hour. X only. Y only. 0—1 37 5 6- 7 9 16 12-13 73 3 18-19 20 12 1 -2 39 4 7— 8 6 30 13-14 53 0 19-20 9 20 2—3 30 4 8- 9 6 35 14-15 63 0 20-21 22 9 3-4 21 5 9-10 18 23 15—16 51 2 21—22 24 4 4-5 11 7 10-11 37 4 16-17 46 4 22-23 30 3 5-G 12 14 11-12 68 2 17-18 30 4 23-24 44 2 Thirdly, taking the records of 1913 only, those cases were chosen in which the phase difference of the two horizontal components was eitlier o or nearly t:, i.e. in which the periodic distnrbancc is "polarized'' in a certain azimuth, and the ratio of the amplitudes was carefully determined which corresponds to the tangent of the azimuthal angle «. The latter angle was counted from N, positive value taken toward W. The results, if plotted in a diagram, witli the hours as abscissa, regardless of Fig. 16. Co' 20' -10 -40' -60' /\ 'A, / / \/ v^ ■^^ y \ / \ y u ~' — ^ 0 : ) f i s i. Î 1 C ( 2 1 4- < é 1 s z Û Z. 2 2' f On Kapid Periodic Variations of Terrestrial Magnetism. 45 the periods, sliow very irregular scattering of the points representing different trains. Nor is the irregularity lessened I»}' choosing the waves of a definite period only. The most frequent value of the azinuith for eacli hour was tlien determined, not by taking the simple mean value, l)Ut hy plotting graphically the frequency of different azimuthal angles for each hour and taking the maximum })oint of tlie frequency curve thus obtained. The results are given in Table VIII. and plotted in Fig. 10, Avhicli generally confirms the result to l)e inferred from Fig. 15. Neither is the present result in con- tradiction with tliat shown in Fig. 19, since the maximum and minimum value of JY/^X must correspond to cases where the direction of the disturbing force makes the largest angle with the meridian, and the zero value of this ratio must correspond to the case where the field is nearly in the meridian. These results show that the azimuthal angle, on an average, undergoes a continous and fairly regular diurnal variation. Tliough the present data are too defective for drawing conclusive inferences with respect to the seasonal difference of the above relation, they suggest that in summer, the azimuth has a secondary minimum near noon. Besides, it is suspected that the mean azimuthal angle in day time is somewhat less for longer periods than for shorter. These points must, however, be postponed for a future investigation. Taf.le VIII. Hour. a" Hour. a° Hour. a° Hour. a° 0—1 — 13 G-7 52 12-13 25 18-19 —37 1—2 0 7- 8 43 13-14 35 19-20 —25 2-3 5 8- 9 37 14-15 13 20-21 —23 3—4 7 9-10 45 15-16 10 21 22 -25 4-5 13 10-11 30 16-17 — 10 22—23 -27 5-6 25 i 11 — 12 35 17-18 — 13 23—24 -20 46 Art. 9. -T. Terada: 16. Since in the above investigations, the trains chosen from among the records of 1913 were those especially regular and moreover, the periods were determined with special care, the material seems appropriate for studjdng the frequencies of different periods in different hours of the day, in spite of the relatively small number of trains taken. The results of the ex- amination are tabulated below, which show remarkable predomi- nance of the longer waves in the night hours, as already remarked in §9. Table IX. Number of trains. Period in m. Hour. 0-0-5 0-5-1-0 1-0- 1-5 1-5 -2-0 2-0-2-5 2-5-30 30 -3-5 3-5-40 40-4-5 0- 4 0 19 26 29 29 7 20 6 0 4— 8 4 66 39 21 22 10 7 3 1 8-12 4 93 49 20 15 7 5 5 3 12—16 1 45 40 10 ■ S 7 2 1 1 16-20 0 14 12 19 16 6 3 5 6 20—24 0 6 25 41 31 24 13 6 8 Sum 9 243 191 140 121 61 50 26 19 17. Rotatory character of the horizontal components. As already mentioned, the horizontal components of the periodic disturbing field show as a rule more or less rotatoiy character. Fig. 17. clockwise cou-nterclocRwisc To investigate the relation regular waves in detail, with decidedl}^ rotatory character were chosen from the records of 1913, at the same time with the investi- gation of the pieceding article. The data obtained were classified into two groups, i.e. those which showed regular rotation in the clockwise and in the counterclockwise sense respectively. 30 20 I 0 /\ A \ \ /- -A / -^ \ /■ \-> / I z 16^ 20" 24-^ Ou Rapid Periodic. Variations of Terrestrial Magnetism. 47 The frequencies of the two groups in different hours were calculated, as shown in Table X. and also in Fig. 17. Table X. Hour. Counter- clockwise. Clockwise. Hour. Counter- clockwise. Clockwise. 0- 2 24 G 12-14 7 1 2- 4 16 4 14-16 5 1 4— 6 24 6 16-18 1 9 6- 8 2 13 18-20 2 15 8-10 3 15 20-22 6 16 10-12 3 13 22-24 10 4 For each group, the frequency shows apparentl}^ a seinidiurnal period. Comparing the result w4th Fig. 16, it may be noticed that the clockwise rotation predominates in those hours where the direction of the disturbing field is at the maximum deviation from the meridian, while the counterclockwise rotation falls most frequently in tlie intermediate hours. It must be also remarked that the sense of rotation during night hours is generally opposite to that determined by Sangster^^ for distur- bances of decidedly longer durations, and therefore also opposite to the sense in which the abrupt disturbing field described in §5 e) tends. In Sangster's case the sense of rotation showed a diurnal period, being of the same sense throughout twelve hours, while in the case of the short waves here in question, it shows a semidiurnal period as given above. PART IV. Discussion of the Results. IS. The results of the present investigations so far described seem to tlirow some light, however faint, on the actual origin 1) Sangster, loc. cit. 48 Art. 9.-T. Terada: of the magnetic pulsations in question, tliough it is at the present stage rather difficult to draw anything like a conclusive inference, for even if the observations had been carried out for a much longer period with more reliable instruments, the data were in any case confined only to a single station. In the following, we wdll try, instead of hastening to any premature conclusion, to consider, merely by way of tentative suggestion, different possibilities regarding the probable cause of the phenomena in question. The considerations will inevitably be of a speculative cliaracter, but may serve at least as useful hints for projecting future investigations of allied phenomena, especially of the as yet very obscure nature of the electrical as well as meclianical behaviour of tlie upper atmosphere. 19. A fact strongly impressing us in the first place, is that the occurrence of the magnetic pulsations in question is subjected in more than one respect to a remarkable diurnal variation. This evidence alone is sufficient to infer the important rôle played by the sun, wdiether its influence l;e direct or indirect. The position of the sun, not only determines the length of the periods of the most frequent waves in different hours, but also affects the direction in wliich the periodic magnetic field fluctuates. It seems quite plausible to assume from the outset that the seat of the primary cause of the phenomena is chiefly to be sought in our atmosphere subjected to solar radiation of different kinds. The periodic heating of the superficial layer of the earth crust, though it may possibl}^ cause a slow variation of the terrestrial magnetism, may scarcely account for the periodic nature of the disturbances in question. The direct magnetic influence of the sun itself^^ seems also improbable, since if such be the primary cause, the more or less complete screening off of waves shorter than 50^ during night hours must be explained, while 100^ waves are so conspicuous in these hours. Moreover, the unsymmetrical distribution of the cliaracteristic waves at noon is rather difficult to explain on this view. On the other hand, the existence of remarkable electric currents in the upper region 1) Bosler, Journal de Physique, [6] 2, 1912, p. 877. On Eapicl Periodic Variations of Terrestrial Magnetism. 49 of our atmosphere may be regarded as almost an established fact since the classical investigations of Schuster/^ Birkeland and Störmer.'^ Now, according to Schuster and Bezold, there exists in the upper atmosphere a definite system of currents whose position is nearty fixed relative to the sun, wliich produces the remarkable diurnal variation of the terrestrial magnetic field. The first suggestion which naturally arises as to the cause of the magnetic pulsations, is the fluctuation of this permanent system of currents.^-' This seems the more plausible, if we remember the very regular diurnal reiteration of the characteristic phenomena. The material nearest in hand for testing this conjecture is the daily variation of the azimuth of the liorizontal components of the periodic disturbing field. Examination of Fig. 16 will show that a similar daily variation could be joroduced, if a nearly circular zonal system*-* of electric currents, fixed with respect to the sun and having its pole situated at a con- siderable distance from the earth's axis, undergoes some periodic fluctuations in its different parts. Referring to Fig. 18, let JV be the earth's astronomical pole, while P is the pole of the zonal current. Denoting the latitude of the point of observation A by parent resemblance either with Fig. IG or with Fig. 10. Nor is the system of currents deduced l)y Birkeland'^ from the disturbances of longer durations observed during his memorable auroral expedition similar to the supposed one. Remembering, however, that the daily variation of the terrestrial magnetic field can be represented in the first rough approximation l.^y a system of currents having its axis considerably inclined to the earth's axis, we may regard provisionally the total current system given by Schuster and Bezold consisting of tw^o parts, and that the one part which is the princij^al and represents a system of zonal currents, shows a more conspicuous regular fluctuation than the remaining secondary part more or less converging toward the pole (see § 28). As a matter of fact, Fig. 19 represents only the averafje distribution of the most fi-equent azimuth in different hours. In actual cases, the points corresponding to different trains of waves are so remarkably scattered that the adoption of the mean value evaluated in the usual manner seems scarcely justified for seeking the most frequent value. It is very probable that among these widely scattered points, there are inany which actually correspond to tlie fluctuations of the part of the current belonging to the higher harmonics. At any rate, our conjecture seems to be justified in the first approximation, though the position of the pole of the circular current can not be determined with certitude. 20. As to the actual modes of fluctuation of the atmospheric current causing the magnetic waves concerned several possibilities are suggested at the same time. Firstly, we may consider the total intensity as well as the distribution of the current as constant, but oscillating as a whole about its mean position, 1) Birkeland, loc. cit, PI. X. 52 Art. 9.-T. Terada: either vertically, horizontally or in a rotatory manner. Secondly, it is also possible that tlie cnrrent itself undergoes a periodic fluctuation, either in the total intensity or in the distribution in its different parts. IMore probable is the combination of the above two modes. Tliirdly, we may suppose a system of parallel currents arranged at nearly equal intervals propagated per- pendicular to itself, over the point of observation with a finite velocity, in which case the waves must show a time difference in difference stations. If the results of observations confirm the exact simultaneity of waves in widely distant stations beyond all doubt, the last hypothesis will naturally fall out. Birkeland, indeed, observed the approximate simultaneity of some waves with short periods in two stations so widely apart as Potsdam and Bossekop. The two examples reproduced in his report, however, refer only to nearl}^ the same midnight hour, where the direction of the atmospheric current might well have been approximately parallel to the line joining the two stations. Again, according to the result of the simultaneous observations made at Kyoto, Misaki and Sendai. in April, 1909, by Dr. Kadooka and Prof. Tanakadate, a similar simultaneity is observed within the limit of experimental error; but in this case the distances were not very great. Though these two observations strongly speak against the progressive nature of the periodic disturbances, a further accumulation of evidence Avill not be considered superfluous for deciding the point beyond all doubt. On the other hand, some disturbances of a longer duration investigated by Ad. Schmidt^^ were actually progressive. Birkeland also attributed a velocity of translation at the rate of 10Ü km. per minute to some class of perturbations. A possibility of occasional occurrence of progressive waves, if not of regular phenomena, seems to be not yet dispproved. On this view, it will be of some theoretical interest to include the case of progressive waves among tlie possible cases and see how far the hypothesis is favourable or unfavourable for explaining the different peculiarities of the observed phenomena. li Ad. Schmidt, Met. Zs., 16 1899, p. 385. On Rapi«! Periodic Variations of Terrestrial Magnetism. 53 In the following, we will recapitulate some of the most remarkable results of tlie statistical investigations and try to revie-sv them in the light of the different hypothetical atmospheric currents. 21, First, take the relation between X- and Z-components which show such an intimate connection as regards their amplitudes and phases, as desci'ibed fully in previous |)aragraphs. We will proceed to consider the influences of different possible ideal systems of atmospheric currents separately, and compare the results with the observed facts by way of seeking a most plausiljle explanation. Since the disturbances ^vith tlie short periods here in question most probably extend to a limited portion of the earth's surface, as may l)e judged from their remarkable dependency on the hours of the day, it will be allowed for a first approximation to consider both the surface t^f the earth and the atmospheric layer carrying the current as a plane. '22. a) Consider an infinite linear current / running per- pendicular to the meridian at a height A from the earth's surface considered plane, and at a horizontal distance x from the point of observation A. Then the X- und Z-components will ]je given l)y jX=_plL__ ^ jz = -^^ (1) x' + lr xr + lv If the intensity of the current fluctuates in any manner, while its position remains unchanged with respect to the earth, the two components w^ill follow the fluctuation simultaneously, provided that the variation is slow enough for neglecting the effect of the induced current. The ratio of the amplitudes being JX h ' it may assume any value when x varies from — :o to +00. Besides, AZ will be of opposite phase on both sides of the current. h) If the above current moves perpendicular to itself from x= — -jD to +x, X-component at A evidently attains a maximum at x=0, while JZ is zero at ^-=0 and has a maximum and 54 Art. 9.— T. Terada : minimum at x=±h respectively. The end point of tlie vector describes a circle with the radius ijli. c) Instead of a linear current, we consider next a current of uniform density 7, with a rectangular section having a breadth of 2/ and a height of 2h, the middle point lying at a height h and the horizontal distance :i- from A. 'Hie two components are respectively given l)y i ^ {x^rf+{h-hr ' {x-if+iji+hy "" {x-^if^{h-hf ' (x-iy+(ji-hr (h + b)- + x- — I- {h — by + x- — t JX=2i'to-^ h- + x^—P "^ {x-iy + Jr Again, wlicii the current slieet is vertical with a breadtli '2/), x- + {h — by x- + Jr — b' (2) ,/.io^- C^-+0'-'+(/^+6)'-' (x-ty+jJi-by^ "" [x+iy+ih-by {x-iy+{h+by .. (x+iy+(h+by {x+iy+ih+by ^ {x-iy+ih-by ' {x-iy+(h+by AVhen the current degenerates into a current sliect of the horizontal breadth 21 and tlie linear intensity i\ '2Ih •(3) •(4) In the former case (3), tlie maximum vahie of JZ. J/,, say, which is attained at .f=±V7'+7^', wih increase indefinitely, while the maximum value of JA^, or JX,,, tends to 2-1', when the ratio bjh increases indefinitely. For ^=0. tlie ratio is 1/2. In the latter case (4), JZ,„ varies hom (.) to 4j when 20 increases from On Eapid Periodic Variations of Terrestrial Magnetism. 55 0 to GO , 7i being kept constant, while JX,„ increases indefinitely with b. The ratio AZjAX,,, tends to 1/2 when b decreases indefinitely, as is already evident from the former results. d) Let a number of such currents be arranged with the directions alternately positive and negative, and parallel to each other at definite intervals, eacli moving perpendicular to itself witli a uniform velocity. Neglecting the effect of the induced current, the magnetic field at A will undergo a train of periodic variation as illustrated in the annexed figure (Fig. 20) for a special h-b- I Fig. 20. Viilnnct, . - X = 6 Positiue Ciiyy^nt oX Negoliue Currenï at case. As will Ije seen, the phase retardation of AZ is somewhat similar to that in the actual case, though here at the same time with the short waves, a rather remarkable general swelling of the curves appears. The latter may probably be avoided ])y properly reducing the intensity of the currents toward both ends of the train. In this case, the pulsations must necessarily be progressive. 23. Next, we will consider the effect of the current induced 56 Art. 9.-T. Terada: in the earth, especially for a simple case convenient for mathe- matical treatment, i.e. the case when the current is arranged in an infinite train of ivaves, either stationary or progressive ^ Take the surface of the earth, considered plane as usual, as :f?/-plane and the positive direction of z downward. For the positive value of z, the space is considered to he filled with a conducting medium with the uniform specific conductivity h and the magnetic permeability ix, while the negative side of z is regarded as a vacuum. Assuming the electric and magnetic force independent of y and denoting their components respectively by ^x> ©2. âa:. -Ös» the usual fundamental equations for the slow variations reduce to -f^ It Iz "ht 2>X ' '^X 'èz .l^J.Q _ ^â. _ 3.Ö. ?,J Ix Sâ.r _j. ^Qz =0. (1) since ©^=©^=0, §^=0. Next, assume that the electromagnetic field varies periodically with the frequency nl'Irr and the distri- bution of the fields represents a two-dimensional wave with the wave length a in the case of stationary waves, we may assume e^=:e'«^-(? + '-^)~'sin ax, (2) where ß and T are considered real. From M Tax- S^' we obtain ATZfikin = — «- + [ß + iy)' or ß- — 'r=a-, '2ß}'=:4z/jik}i, (4) 1) The mathematical solution of the case Avas kindly carried out by Prof. S. Sano, to -whom the best thanks of the author are due. On Knpid Periodic Variations of Terrestrial Magnetism. 57 wlience From tlie first set of the fundamental equations results ^. i-r + iß) Jnt-(^ + h)=- ,,, sm ax, an [Ill Taking tlie real parts and putting 5;=0, we obtain at last (©z/)a=o==cos nt sill ax. .(6) /Ä \ iry « sin nt an •(7) Similarly in tlie case of progressive waves, we ma}^ proceed by assuming (^^^ = J.'^'±ccv)i-i?±fi)= ^Q^ and obtain JX= — 1 ycos{nt ± ax) + ßsiii(nt±ax) \ , fjin \ ) AZ=^ cos(;i^±aa;), where the values of ß and /' are the same as above (5). Putting ß=.Aco^ (p, ^=^siii if, or .(9) (7) becomes AX: dZ= [xn a siu(;iiî + ^)siii ax,\ sin nt cos ax. .(10) .(70 un 58 Art. 9.-T. Ter.'ula: The same substitution makes (0), for progressive waves toward N, JX= co^7it — ax-{- — + (p), an ^ '2 / .(90 fxn JZ= — '— cos())t — ax), [Jtn and for retrograde waAes toward S, JX=— üm(nt-{-ax + i' ""^^ while in the ease of retrui;Tade waves, '2 2 4 4 _ _ it may l^e considered as negative and \'aries from — ^ to ~ r- Now, retnrning to the actual case, Ave will tiy to examine if either of these h^'pothetical waves could be reconciled with the observed facts regarding the relations between the horizontal and vertical components of magnetic pulsations. If the stationary waves alone were concerned, we would have to assume that the distance of the observing station from the node of the electric current was in any case greater than -5- but less than -f^, in order to explain the fact that the ratio o 4 AZjàX,,, was always less than unity, at least in the case of the slow oscillations where ajA in (11) is nearly equal to unity and cotg ax may become less than unity only when o.x or — ,— is greater than -7-. This will be a rather awkward, though not impossible assumption, if the wave length were small in comparison with the earth's quadrant, since Ave must then also assume that the location of the current is always limited to a rather narroAV range favorable to the above relation. TJie only plausible hypothesis reconcilable with this assumption is that the Avave length of the current producing the sIoav waves is of the order of magnitude of the earth's meridian, and also that the station lies ahvays not far apart from the loop of the current. In such a case, hoAvever, either of our assumption as to the planeness of tlie earth's surface and the existence of the infinite train of Avaves, Avill fail to apply; but the case Avill ratiier approach that Avliich Avas discussed in the preceding paragraph. The present result may be interpreted as merel}' indicating that the effect of the induced current has the tendency to retard the vertical component Avith respect to the horizontal one. For such a case, the mathematical calculation giA'en by Lamb^^ for spherical conductors Avill directly apply, which also shoAVS the retardation tending to -^ for the large A'alue of kn. At auA^ rate, the observed (1) H. Lamb, Phil. Trans., 1883, p. 52Ü ; ihid. ISO, 1880, p. 513. 60 Art. 9— T. Teracla : waves witli periods longer than 101" which show the retardation generally less than -j-, may easily l)e explained Ijy a current of rather diffused character suhject to fluctuations. Indeed, these longer waves are generally not very regular and rarely form a train with the numher of successive maxima greater than three or four, — a decided contrast with the shorter waves of a few minutes periods whicli form as a rule remarkably regular trains and show occasionally phase retardation of JZ greater than ^. If the above conjecture be justified in some measure, the current, of which the local fluctuation produces these longer Avaves, may plausibly be identified with the circular current discussed in § 18 and compared with the princijDal part of the current causing the diurnal variation of the terrestrial field, since in this way, the variation of the azimuth of the disturbing field may also be explained satisfactorily, at least to the first ap- proximation. The maximum current intensity may be expected probaljly near the equator if the phase relation between dX and JZ is never inverted throughout the N-liemisphere. It will l)e in- teresting to see if the relation is actually opposite on the ^5- hemisphere, v. Bemmeln found ~t^ in Batavia invarial^ly insignificant. On the other hand, the most regular waves with periods less than about 4™ show as a rule remarkable phase retardation of the vertical component after the horizontal ones, generally greater than — . Tliis seems apparently difficult to explain on the assumption of stationary waves, if we solel}" rely on the above calculation. Next, turning for a while to the case of progressive waves, we remark that one fact seems at first siglit to be in favour of this assumption. As described repeatedly above, the actual ratio of the amplitudes AZjAX,,, never exceeds unity and decreases gradually as the frequency of the wave increases. From (12) and (lo), we have indeed On Eapid Periodic Variations of Terrestrial Magnetism. àZ^ a which may be written = 4 , , _ 4:7r/j.kn _ ^/ik?-^ if we put 27r 61 denoting the period by T^ i.e. putting ''^—-rp The variation of the calculated ratio AZjaX,,, witli x as altscissa, may be seen from the annexed figure (Fig. 21). Referring to Fis. 21. 'Sx, OS 0'Q> o-'t \ \ \ 01 ^^ ~~ — 1 1 fO zo 30 40 X-^' Figs. 11 and 12, and comparing the present theoretical curve with the curve of the observed ratio with IjT as abscissa, we may observe a striking resemblance, thougli tlie ratio of the scales for the two diagrams is not yet hnoAvn. If we take, for example, the 3'" wave for the purpose of comparison, the observed value of dZ.JdX,,, is nearly 0*28. jMaking a discount of 10 % on account of tlie reason discussed at the end of § 13, (52 Art. 9.— T. Terada : we obtain 0'25. The corresponding value of x in Fig. 21 is found to be nearly 17. Hence, we must liave, assuming for simplicity's sake /^=1, 2H-^17x 180 = 3000; , -. 1530 2-10 • . 1 1 AT • +1 lience ^''= , or — - — \\\ round number. JNow assunnng the k Ic conductivity of tlie earth to l)e 10"'^ as is suggested by the result of Schuster's investigation, we ol)tain ;. = 1-2 X 10^ cm. or 1200 km., say. Nearly the same value may l)e oljtained, if we take 10'" waves instead. We have no theoretical ground at liand for assuming tliat the wave length varies with the periods; still, judging from the remarkable resemblance of the two diagrams above compared, it seems plausible to assume provisionally that the wave length is at least of the same order of magnitude, and the different periods are determined not so much by the difference of the wave length as of the velocity of propagation. In the above example, where i'.= r2x]0' km. for T=180' the velocity of propagation v will be about 7 ^^^ The above estimation was solely based on the assumption that the equations (11), (12) etc. hold rigorously. Judging from the analogy of the case in- vestigated hy Schuster, it is probable that the actual reduction, of the vertical component will be decidedly more remarkable than the calculated value. If such be the case, the value of x and accordingly the values of X and v will become less than those above estimated. A closer examination of Fig. 12 sliows that the asymptotic value of AZjàX,n is not 1, but somewhat near 0*8. If we compare Fig. 12 with a diagram obtained b}^ multiplying the ordinales of Fig. 21 by 0*8, tlie acceptable value of x become about 10 instead of 17. But this does not alter the order of magnitude of the results. 1) According to Birkeland, the lateral velocity of the current producino- some dis- turbances was of the order of 100 km. per minvite, while that of some auroral bands observed in the polar region was about 300 m. per sec, which is very small in comparison with the above calculated velocity of the hypothetical current. On Rapid Periodic Variations of Terrestrial Magnetism. (33 As for the phase retardation of AZ after AX, the serious difficulty against the hypothesis of the progressive waves is that, in the theoretical result, the phase angle must be included within the range 90° to 135° or —45° to —00°, wliile in the observed results, it crowds most densely within tlie limit 45° to 90°. At present we are at a loss to judge whether the difficulty may be evaded by assuming the presence of more conducting layer below the earth's crust, as argued by Schuster to explain a similar discrepancy in the case of the diurnal wave. On the other hand, if we once admit in the case of the stationary wave that cotg ox is somehow of the order of unity, the ratio of amplitude JZJjX,^ is just the same as in the case of the progressive waves, and the aljove calculations generally apply also to this case, except that part concerning the velocity of propagation which is zero in this case. The general mode of dependency of the ratio on the periods is equally favourable for the stationary waves, and we see no strong reason for preferring the theory of progressive waves, as far as the amplitude ratio is concerned. If we take cotgaa;=l or 0'8 and k=10~'^^ the wave length estimated seems, however, too small. At any rate too much weight must not be laid on the numerical results of the above calculations, since they have no claim to accuracy of the quantitative results, if we remember the utmost simplicity of tlie assumptions on which they are based, even if they may be legitimate in essential features. 24. Next, consider the ideal case where an atmospheric current is subject to a rotatory oscillation remaining parallel to itself. Taking the simplest case of a constant linear current running parallel to the 7/-axis and oscillating about the mean position, given by its elevation h^ above the surface of the earth and the horizontal distance ^o from the point of observation taken as the origin. Let the position of the current I be given by x=Xq+x^co^ nt, Ä = 7^0 + /jjCOS {7lt — (f). We may obtain, neglecting the efïect of induction I '■' 64 Art. 9.-T. Terada X _ h - + A^cos(nt— .-2(e+«) /I. JX, •(2) .(3) •(4) .(5) (6) i+6^-2(e+«) This is greater or less than unity according as a>or) (^) It may Ije seen that A,^ JZ,„ wbicli varies from 1/« to «, and tlien fr(.)ni « to ]/«, when ? in- creases from 0 to 1 and 1 to go . The phase difference is given by tgfs^'.x-vg= (i+F)^ (9) If c- or <:1. ç'^ 90'* according as «>» or «c:!. Thus we see in this case that the phase difference as well as the ratio of the amplitudes may assume different values according to the values of « and ?. If the effect of the induced current be taken into account, these values wdll of course be altered considerably. Fig. 22 illustrates the variation of the amplitude ratio and phase difference as functions of ç for a special case. In the above discussion, /- was considered constant. If it varies at the same time, the results will be more complicated, in some cases giving rise to a higher harmonic oscillation of the magnetic field. In the case treated in § 22, the external source of the disturbance was such as could be represented by the wave- like distril)ution of current in a ßxed horizontal layer. If such current layer is disturbed into a wave motion simutaneous with the fluctuation of the intensity, each elementary current will be subjected to motion similar to that expressed by (1) of this paragraph. This motion will greatly modify the relations between the X- and Z-component waves discussed in the preceding paragraph as is suggested by the al)ove simple example. It seems plausible <■)() 0-9 OS 0-7 06 0-5 0^ 0-3 Ö-2 öl oo /60 120 SO 40 0 40 Art. O.-T. Terada: Fig. 2-2. OLIOS' \ 1 \ 1 1 1 ! Az A 1 1 f \ ' \ r \ f JZ^ 1 \ ix^. \ \ 2Q V5 1-6 1-4 1-2 \ \ \ \a ■ i \ w ^ - '' -• -^ \ ^ ■■ 'Az â: \ \ ^ ^ Ax 'ai i*, 10 \ \ \ ,/' OS 0 6 \ \ A ■^■ y' ^\ s, 0-4 ö'2 ^ <:^ -_ -^ ^^ » 2 3 + 567 — ■ \ \ - A- /*■ \ / \ V \ \"\, fe- %. 1 — -- \ ^ :^ — — - ■ \ ^ ■"-^ ^ V- \ "" jt. -- -- ■-- -- --- ^ ^^ ----- ,^ % -ÜJ — — _ On Eapid Periodic Variations of Terrestrial Magnetism. Q( to consider tliat the difficulties met with in the preceding paragraph witli regard to tlie phase relation may partly be accounted lor hy a similar combination of the motion and the variation in the intensity of the current. Such a combination is quite i^roliable in view of tlie reciprocal action of the magnetic field on the conducting layer carrying the current. Though these points seem to suggest many interesting problems worth in- vestigation, it will at present be rather too far fetched to introduce any further liypothesis.'-' 25. The fact described in n^ 5, (/) that two trains of waves with different periods sometimes appear simultaneouslj' in the X- and Y-components respectively, may probably be explained by the combination of fluctuations in the direction as well as in the intensit^^ of the current. Take the simplest case, when a linear current at a distance d from the point of observation A. in its mean position, is fluctuating in its intensity as given by /z=/„ cos pt, while it is osciUating statioiiarily about the position of equilibrium, in sucli a manner that it were always tangential to a string vibrating in a horizontal plane with its node at the foot of the perpendicular from A to its mean position. If the angle made by the current to its mean position at the time t be «. then tg « will vary as Ccos(qf-\-(f), where C is the tangent of the maximum angle of inclination. If the mean position of the current be perpendicular to the meridian, tlie periodic variation of X and Y will be given by JX=— - cos pt, i C Jr=— ^* — cos 2)t cos(qt + ly high latitude will be in any case very desirable, especially witli a reliable instrument for tlie vertical component. 27. As to tlie remarkable dependency of the periods of the most frequent waves on the hours of day, we may suggest first of all that it probably has some relation with the difference in the temperature as well as in the state of ionization of the upper atmosphere. According to Prof. Nagaoka,'^ the tliickness of tlie conducting layer in the atmosphere must also be decidedly greater during the day than in the night. If the cause of the periodic fluctuatie)ii of the atmospheric current is to be sought in the purely horizontal oscillation of the atmosphere, the dependenc}^ of its |)eriods on the hours of day is rather difficult to explain, even if we suppose the atmosphere consisting of different layers with remarkably different composition and temperatures. Another, and probabl}' the last possibility is that in the upper atmosphere there may occur a vertical longitudinal wave (.)f limited extent, the period of which may sensibly depend on the effects of the solar radiations. That the vertical vibration of the atmosphere is possible, and may have a definite natural period depending on the sound velocity, has been fully 1) According to the recent investigations of Stornier, the auroral band is produceil by the vertical inflow of positive corpuscles. If this be actually the c isr, t!ie idea must be abandoned. 2) H. Nagaoka, Proc. Tokyo Math.-Phy.«. Soc, 7, I'Jll, p. lû;î : Eevue générale des Sciences pures et appliquées, 26, p. 570. 72 Art. 9.-T. Terada: investigated by H. Lamb and also by Prof. S. Sano.'^ Both authorities agree in the result that the period must be roughly of the order of ö minutes, if we assume a plane earth and take the ordinary value of the velocity of sound, which is assumed to be uniform throughout the atmosphere. According to S. Sano, the period is given by y_ 47rc Ï0 where c is the velocity of sound and ?'=1'41. Since c=VrBd, i.e. the period increases witb the temperature, we must assume a lower temperature on the side of the upper atmosphere facing the sun than on the opposite side. This seems at first sight strange, but is in accordance with the fact that the diurnal variation of temperature in the upper layer shows a tendency to become opposite in phase compared with the lower layer'; though the amplitude is of course small, a tendency is suspected, that it increases with height. The diflficulty is to explain the actual amount of the difference of the characteristic periods, the niglit-wave being nearly twice as long as the day-waves. The absolute temperature must then be assumed nearly 4 times higher on the night side, if the difference of the periods is to be exclusively attriJnited to the difference of IK If the corpuscular radiation from the sun chiefly frequents the night side of our atmosphere, as is supported by different phenomena pertaining to aurora and magnetic storms, the effective temperature of that side of the atmosphere may be raised considerably by the presence of the additional kinetic energy of the free electrons. As to the increase of c due to the ionizations, no conclusive experimental evidence is yet afforded,^' especially for the highly rarefied state 1) H. Lamb, Proc. London Math. Soc, '2] 7, 1907, p. 122. S. Sano, Bull, of the Central Meteor. Obs., Japan, 2, No. 2, 1913. 2) T. E,eo-er, Arbeiten d. kön. preuss. aeronautischen Observatoriums bei Lindenberg, S, p. 229. 8) W. Küpper found a sensible increase of c for gases ionized by radiations of different kinds, Dissertation, Marburg, 1912 ; Ann. d. Phys. [4] 43, 1914, p. 905. W. H. Westphal obtained, however, a negative result. Verb. d. deutsch, phys. Ges , 1914', p. (313. These results refer to gases at ordinary pressure. Ou Eapid Periodic Variations of Terrestrial Magnetism. 73 of gases. 111 tins respect, many interesting physical problems may be suggested which seem worth special consideration. On the other hand, if a more or less limited portion of the atmosphere be subjected to the oscillation of vertical type, the period will surely depend on the extent of the area disturl)ed. According to a personal communication by Prof. Sano, such a mode is actually possible and the period will decrease with the area disturbed. At least, the periods shorter than five minutes may partly be explained in this way. The period uf vertical vibration may, however, also depend on the modes of laminar structure of the atmosphere in the distribution uf the temperatures and the wind velocities of the different layers. The inquiry in these directions involves many intricated problems for mathe- matical physicists, and may better be left for the specialists in these lines. If the vertical vibration of the atmosphere be the actual cause of the magnetic pulsation as appears most "probable, the investigations of the latter phenomena will in any case afford very valuable material for studying the actual physical conditions of the upper atmos})here, and may offer probably an unexpectedly wide field for new researches in different directions. According to Prof. Sano, mechanical disturbances of any kind must gradually suljside into a regular vertical natural vibration, which is comparatively slowly dissipated. This tlieoreti- cal result is in harmony with the observed phenomena, viz., the subsidence of an abrupt change of the terrestrial field into a train of regular damped waves, and also the peculiar persistent character of some trains. These points will be touched on once more in ^ 28. 28. Finally, let us consider the last crucial test of the different h3^pothese^. the peculiar ])e!iaviour of the rotational oscillation of the horizontal components. If we assume the observed sense of rotation for different hours, as generally applicable for the entire northern hemisphere, the distribution of the different senses of rotation in different hours will be roughly represented l)y the annexed figure (Fig. 23). where the semicircles 74 Art. 9. -ï. Teratla represent tlie hemispheres for day and night respectively. The distril^ution, expressed in other words, is such that when tlie periodic magnetic field is directed toward due south, the WP]- component, just passing zero, is increasing toward the direction Fi.a. '2d. fiiçWiSiè€ ^a^^5<.êi 6>.:n M,N Qi'am. fieen. Qym. of the meridian at 6^ a.m., or 6^ p.m., lor all points of a.m., or p.m. region respectively. A similar variation might have been produced, if there existed two sets of horizontal atmospheric oscillations corresponding to the zonal harmonics of the second order, the one having its axis at the earth's axis and the other in a direction passing through the equator at the meridians corresponding to 6^' p.m. and G^ p.m.; the two component vibrations having a proper phase difference. Purely mechanical vibration of such a type must, however, have a more or less definite, and certainly much longer period, and is scarcely apt to explain the observed phenomena in the case of the most frequent short waves. Another suggestion is that along the atmospheric current of more or less linear cliaracter, running near the place of observation, a sinuous motion is propagated, in which case the periodic disturbance may become rotatory and the sense of rotation will be opposite on both sides of the current. It seems to suffice, therefore, to assume a belt of current making no considerable angle with the meridian at (f' or 12Î' on which a sinuous motion is propagating with a proper velocity- The assumption is so far not utterly contradictory to the assumption of the circular current mentioned earlier, since the latter has On Rapid Periodic Variations of Terrestrial Magnetism. 75 the pole in the morning lionr, decidedly deviating from the earth's pole. But in this case the phase relation of JZ an JX must be opposite on Ijoth sides of the current which is never actuall}^ the case. If the above be the case, the magnetic waves will naturally be of progressive character. Agairi, to explain the phenomena in question on the assumption of a progressive wave of the sort considered in § 2o, it may probably suffice theoretically to consider two intersecting systems of waves propagated with proper velocities, though as a matter of fact, we have neither an evidence nor a physical ground for assuming the existence of such a complicated system of currents. The wave length of sucli waves must, however, be of the order of the earth circumference, in order to explain Fig. 23; hence the case is essentially similar to that considered at the outset of this paragraph. Fje. -24. Finally, we may su})})(ise that tlie atmosi)heric electric current is not purehj horizontal as was generally assumed in tlio altove discussions, and also that tlie vertical component current is subjected to a periodic fluctuation Avitli a proper phase relation 76 Art. 9.-T. Terada: to tliat of tlie horizontal one: or less p^obal3h^ to a rotatory oscillation of the kind considered in § 24, but in a horizontal elliptical orbit instead of the vertical one. These will probably remain the only admissible hypotheses, if the progressive nature of the magnetic waves be ultimately denied Ijy the observations. The simplest ideal case conceivable of this kind is that in which a linear current is subjected to a see-saw motion in the vertical ptane, about its horizontal mean position. Referring to the annexed figure," where .T^z-plane corresponds to the earth's surface, let HH' be the mean position of tlie current j, at the height A, and let it be vibrating about its mean position in the vertical yz-^h\\\Q, as if it were a tangent to a string subjected to a stationary vibration, at its node at H. Denote the frequency of vibration b}^ -fr . A is the point of observation at a distance x from the origin, and AD the perpendicular from it to the current HT at time t. If AP represents the magnetic field at A due to the current at t, it is perpendicular to AD in the plane perpendicular to HT and of the magnitude 2^ _ % if we denote by tl the inclination of HT to HH'. Let Q and N be the feet uf the perpendiculars from P to 0:r and :r//-plane respectively. Then, denoting the angle ^OAD by = '— • Hence, we have for the fields of tlie thi'ce components: 'liJlCOH 6 ;T- + //-COS-/^ 2 /j;' bill ä x' + h'-cos-d 2?iccos ti x^ + h'-cos-ä 1) The coordinates axes are chosen lefthandid to correspond to our initial convention. ^ 2///COS â 1 ^~ X X = --^ — - — - - lor rs -comx^onent, ,. 2/j;'bili ä 4- T^ , — 1= —^^ _^ tor h-component, Z = ^ _^ ;^ lor L pwara-coiiiponeiit. Ou Rapid Periodic Variations of Terrestrial Magnetisui. 77 According to our assuiiiptioii, ^ i^^ given ]»y If C is small and we neglect the small quantities of the second order against unity, we may put cos ^=^1 and sin d^C cos{pt+out in a purely mechanical way, for example, an abrupt advent of the vertical flow of the upper atmosphere caused by the release of some instability of equi- librium; or we may conceive a limited portion of the atmosphere excited» to a vigorous vertical current, as in tlie centre of a cyclone, caused as a secondary disturbance accompanying the daily exchange of air between the day and night hemispheres. On the other hand, the abrupt increase of current may also be attributed to an external agent, for example, a sudden increase of the conductivity of air caused by the inflow of the corpuscular radiation from the sun.'^ Among the above two possibilities, the latter is more plausible, being in accordance with the commonl}^ accepted view as regards the origin of magnetic disturbances, which is strongly supported by the intimate relation existing between the solar activity and the disturbances in general. Fig. 10 is also favourable to tliis hypothesis. The former is rather doubtful, 1) In view of this consideration, an interesting physical problem presents itself : Consider u current passing through highly rarefied gases, acted upon by an external magnetic field ; will the gases really flow «.s- a whole as Fleming's rule specifies for a solid conductor? As far as we are aware, the answer is not yet given either experimentally or theoretically, especially for such a case as is analogous to the atmosperic currents. 2) A. Schuster concluded on the basis of energy consideration that the E.M.F. of the current causing magnetic disturbances is to be attributed to the motion of tlie atmosphere, the sun's radiation serving only as an agent increasing the conductivity. yO Art 9.-T. IVrada: since it is an open question whether in tlie liiglier part of our atmosphere there may occur any remarkable vertical convection, as is the case in the troposphere. At any rate, the fact that an abrupt increase of the general fiekl is most frequently accom- panied by a train of remarkable pulsations, is in harmony with the above idea that the increase of the current is associated with the increase of the vertical impulsive motion of the atmosphere which subsides into a vertical natural vibration. The charac- teristic disturl^ance of this type occurs as a rule near midnight. On the other hand, examples are by no means rare, especially in the evening, where an abrupt increase of the horizontal component occurs, but not at all accompanied l)y a train of waves. How is the fact to be explained ? It may at first be suggested that in this case the abrupt increase of tlie current takes place in the direction of the general terrestrial field; but as a matter of fact, the increment of the Y-component in such a case is not generally of a different order of magnitude compared with that of the X- component. Another possible altervative is that in the hours which are near the boundary between the day and night hemispheres, the regular vertical vibration of the atmosphere is not so easy as at midnight. The latter assumption seems in some measure plausible, if Ave consider very probable heterogeneity of the atmosphere in that region forming the transition stage of the illuminated and non-illuminated halves. The minimum of the frequency of pulsations of all periods falls actually in the evening hours (Fig. 8). The morning hours are not necessarily in the same condition as the evening hours. In the former, the atmosphere is being rapidly heated up and ionized, but on the night side of tlie boundary a dormant homogeneity of the night-atmosphere may probably prevail; whereas in the latter, the gases are cooling down and the ions recombining, and gradually passing into the nightly condition. In the morning, the transition may therefore be abrupt and the area of the heterogeneous atmosphere comparatively small, W'hile in the evening the heterogeneity may extend to a consid- erable area of the earth's surface. On Rapid Periodic Variations of Terrestrial Magnetism. y]^ iVgain, cases are quite common where remarkable trains of waves occur without any general swelling of the horizontal component. Among such trains, we may distinguish two types, viz., those with the al)rupt beginning and those gradually increasing in amplitudes. The former, which is most frequent during night, may prol)ably be explained b}^ a transient increase of the atmospheric current with a duration comparable with, or shorter than the natural period of the atmospheric oscillation. Indeed, the first wave of the train of this type is often sensibly shorter than the following regular waves. The latter class, whicli is generally the case with the shorter day- waves and also sometime with the longer night-waves, may be caused eitlier by the mechanical disturbance of the atmosphere propagated from a remote region, or by some different agents. Among other conceivable causes of the vertical vibration of the upper atmosphere, we may cite the instability of the discontinuous horizontal motion of the higher layers. That the upper layer has a considerable angular velocity with respect to the earth's surface is well known from the observation of the "illuminated night cloud." It is then probable that a favorable vertical distribution of density may cause a reinarkaljle wave motion of different types. The gravitational wave, as occurs in the case of an incompressible fluid, will not answer our purpose. P)Ut it is more than probal)le that a radial or vertical expansional wave whicli is the most persistent type, is excited in this way — a case somewhat analogous to the excitation of the organ pipe by the stream of air running along the loop of the vibrating air column. If the upper atmosphere be arranged in different layers with different temperatures and different general wind velocities, as is the case in the troposphere, different periods may occur at the same time. Tlie irregularities of the pulsations during day time might well have been produced in this way, if we consider that the laminar structure may I)e enhanced in some way or other, by the influence of solar radiation. Beside the thermal efïect, light pressure may also play some sensible 82 Art 9.— T. Terada : rôle in this respect, since it acts in differentiating the gases with different absorbing powers and molecnlar sizes. '^ Again, if there be present any sensible fluctnation of the solar radiation^^ with a short duration, the thermal effect, and also the radiation pressure in some measure, may contribute to the initiation, if not the direct excitation of the vertical motion of the upper atmosphere. The remarkable irregularities of the day-waves may partly be accounted for in this way.^^ As to the origin of the magnetic waves with the periods longer than 10'" we may probably suggest the slow atmospheric waves possible in the case Avhen two layers with different temperatures are superposed. ^^ The fact described in § 17, that the hourly distribution of the senses of rotation of the disturbing magnetic vectors are quite different for the short waves and the long undulations, requires an explanation. It may only be suggested for the present that the difference is in any case due to the difference in the modes of atmospheric free vibration. Any further discussion must be postponed till the nature of the vibrations of the atmosphere has been more fully investigated from the theoretical side, especially for a spherical atmosphere. 1) Adopting Debye's approximate formula for an ahaorhinfj sphere (Ann. d. Pliys., [4] 30, 1909, p. 117), tlie pressure of tlie light wave with the wave length ), on a sphere of radius (( may be put „ 27Trt ,S' 1-83 . w;2 , > c where S is the energy of the radiation per sec. per cm.- Assuming « = 10-^, ). = 5xlO-5 and 3 Ä = — ; — X4"10'', we obtain a pressui-e 0'48XlO-22 dynes. Taking the mass cf the sphere as l"GXlO~'-*gr. for a hydrogen atom, we obtain an acceleration of 30 cm/sec. The mean free i^ath at the pressure of 0007 mm. being about l-7tî cm. the mean velocity may be estimated to be of the order of 5'1 cm/sec The path traversed is therefore only 184 m. per hour. This is probably too small to answer our purpose. But if we take a " Dipole " instead of the absorbing sphere, the value of the pressure may in some cases be estimated to be decidedly greater. Near 200 km. from the earth's surface, the pressure will vary rapidly with the height ; in the higher layer, the path traversed by molecules or atoms may be enoi-mously greater than the above estimation. 2) Together with the back-radiation from the earth. 3) The corjmsculnr radiation being deviated by the terrestrial field, will not be confined to the day hemisphere, or rather prefers the night side. The fluctuation of this radiation may be considered to be of the type considered in p. 79. 4) H. Lamb, Proc. R.S., A 84, 1911, p. 551. On Kapid Periodic Variations of Terrestrial Magnotisui. 33 30. From all we have discussed at length in the preceding paragraphs, we can as yet draw no convincing conclusion regarding the actual mechanism producing the magnetic pulsations in question. Many things, indeed, turn on the crucial observation regarding the universal simultaneity of the periodic phenomena. If it be ^rovecZ ultimately beyond doubt as seems proljable, there remain only those hypotheses at disposal, which lead to the simultaneous occurrence of the phenomena for an area of considerable extent. It that case, the magnetic waves may probabl}' be explained by the combinat'w7i of 2^(^r iodic fluctuations^ in intensity as ivell as in position and inclination of the atmospheric current, which is then to be considered of rather diffused, but not of linear character, having the maximum intensity near the equator. The origin of these fluctuations might then very probably be sought in the vertical stationary oscillation of limited portions of the upper atmosphere accompanying the diurnal oscillation of the entire atmosphere.^-* At any rate, it must be admitted that the present results of observation refer to a single station, and the observations are far from being complete. A further study of the allied pheno- mena, es2:>ecially the simultaneous observations in at least three stations, sufficiently apart from each other, will be desirable. The results will not fail to advance our knowledge on the nature of the atmospheric current of which we have at present only a ver^^ vague idea. The interest attached to the problem at hand is by no means confined to the limited subject of terrestrial magnetism. The phenomena have a mucli wider bearing than at first sight appears, on various interesting problems in different branches of physics, for examples those regarding solar physics, meteorology and also especially those regarding the electrical and mechanical behaviours of highl}' rarefied gases under the action of different kinds of radiation. In conclusion, the author wishes to express his sincerest 1) In this case, however, the phenomena of the propagating auroral bands accompanied with no corresponding magnetic maves, become rather incomprehensible and throw some doubt on Birkeland's original conception pertaining to the nature of the luminous band. 84 Art 9.-T. Terada: thanks to Prof. A. Tanakadate, under whose supervision the entire work was carried out, for his kind guidance throughout the course of the investigations. Most cordial thanks are also due to Prof. H. Nagaoka and to Prof. S. Sano, for the interest shown in the investigations and for many valuable suggestions and instructions given. Last, but not least, we feel very much indebted to Prof. I. Ijima, the Director of the Marine Biological Laboratory, for his kindness and generosity in affording lodging and many other conveniences to the observers resident in Misaki, for which the best thanks of all the participators in the present work are due. Summary of the Results of Investgations. 1. The period of tlie magnetic pulsations has no sharply defined value, varying from about 20 seconds to nearly 1 hour. Nor is it exactly constant even in a coherent train. 2. During the day time, waves of 0*5-1 minute periods predominate, whereas during the night hours longer periods l'D-2'5 minutes are most frequent. 3. A periodicity of 25-30 days is suspected in the daily frequency of the pulsations. 4. The vertical component of the waves is a reduced reproduction of the NS-component except the phase retardation. The shorter the period, the more remarkable is the reduction of the amplitude as well as the phase retardation. 5. The azimuth of the linearly pulsating magnetic field undergoes a remarkable diurnal variation, showing maximum deviations from the meridian a few hours before noon and midnight. 6. The disturbing field is generally more or less rotatory. The sense of rotation shows a semidiurnal variation. The clock- wise rotation is most frequent duiing the hours between sunrise and noon, as well as between sunset and midnight, wdiile the opposite rotation falls most frequently in the remaining hours. On Rapid Periodic Variations of Terrestrial Magnetism. g5 7. The observed results may probably be explained by the fluctuations of the horizontal electric current existing in the upper atmosphere, and causing tlie diurnal variation of the terrestrial magnetism. 8. Two diverging lines of theoretical considerations intended for the explanation of the phenomena in question, are given; the one based on the assumption of the simultaneity of the phenomena in a wide area, and the other on the assumption of a progressive nature of the pulsations, though some evidences at hand seems to speak rather strongly against the latter assumption. The results of the discussions turn out rather favourable for the hypothesis of simultaneous disturbances than for that of progressive waves. If the simultaneity be universally establislied, the phenomena may probably be accounted for by the fluctuation of the atmospheric current, in its intensity as well as in its location. The fluctuation must then very probably be attributed to the more or less vertical oscillation of limited portions of the upper atmosphere. If sucli be actually the case, we have in the phenomena of the magnetic pulsations a very valuable clue for studying the physical conditions of the upper atmosphere unattainable by the usual means, and then, it may be hoped, for following the hourly or daily changes occurring in the remotest part of our atmosphere. Published May 25th, 1917. Jour. sa. Coll.. Vcl, XXXVII.. Art. 0. PI. I. iy^t 3 - V .!'< Night rcTOi-a on a craiiparatively i-aliii da,y, witli diavactimsticlmif; waves in midiiiglit aiul slirat wavfB in Ihc njnvniiif;. April 3-4, lftI3. (Keiluccd to | original size). T. Terai-,Liiili.'(l tliiy. Iv'K'il'^"' '""fî vviivrs cluiracteristic to midnight not cniispii spite nt the iviiiarkuhlc clistin'lmiico of the RcDcTal fu-lcl. Note tlii> inorniiis; trains of slir T. Terada. On Kapid Poriotlie Variations of Terrestrial Magnetism. ,ilnr trains not occurring in the evening. .Tan. .3-4, Mll.l. (Kwliiceil to ' original si:'i- Jour. Sel. Coll., Vol. XXXVII., Arl. 9. PI. IV. ., oiiginated at a sontlierii imi-l of North Pacific: Mai'cli 1 4-1 5, 1918. (Eeduced to J origmal size)- T. Terada. On Rapid Periodic Variations of Terrestrial Magnetism. eu >< >< <;:> ^ r-l CO n3 _o 2 r^ rt _g Öß cô CD 1-^ ^ c3 3 r-' CT' 'S c« ^-= CD CÖ t: CD a; lö EH Ü «^-^ ^ O CO câ s «-M .o O '-+3 n3 .cô ?H 'S O cô Ü CD ;> Pm _ü rö .o PH 'S CD -^ ^ S rC X ft CÔ rH Pm CD (-1 ^ O -l-= CD f— 1 cô i ^ CO ■f-i ;jzj CD QJ H H ft CD -tJ CÖ g >< o H ft ft Co CD ^ ERRATA. p- 1, For Hadime iKEUTi read Hazime IkEUT. p. 5, eighth line from bottom. For outer read inner, seventh line f roDi bottom. For inner read outer. p- 10, fourteenth line from top, For c— '''"' read c- ^'o 1 1 p- 12, eighth line from top, For numbar read number. JOUENAL OF THE COLLEGE OF SCIENCF, TOKYO IMPERIAL UNIVERSTTY. Vol. XXXVII., Article 10. On the Photographic Action of a, ß and r Rays emitted from Radioactive Substances. By Suekichi KiNOSHITA, Uie seen, this being of course the num- l)er of the tracks on a plane focussed in reproducing the micro- photograph and forming therefore only a small fraction of the total. The haloes in figs. 3 and 4 are seen to contain about 70 and 1 20 tracks respectivel3\ The ends of the tracks constituting a halo do not lie strictly on a circle owing to the difference in the struggling of the rays through the medium. \A'e have tlierefore taken as the radius of the halo the radius of the circle drawn so as to pass through the ends of most of the far reaching tracks. The radii of the haloes determined in this way vary slightly, but their smallest limit is found to be o2 [JL. Since, on the other hand, isolated tracks of this length are found in such pliotugraphs as fig. 1), this may be taken as the range of til e « rays from radium C in the substance, so that the radiant nuclei of these haloes must l:)e ver}- small. 5. Haloes due to radium A and radium C. To obtain haloes of this kind, we have exposed an iron ball to radium emanation for a few minutes and ])erformed the above stated process as quickly as possible. These haloes are reproduced in figs. 5-8, in the same magnification as before. They indicate that the tracks of a set of homogeneous a rays from radium A give rise to another concentric circle inside that due to radium C, as in the case of the pleochroic halo. It will l)e seen that in fig. 5 the outer circle is more conspicu- ous than the inner one, wliile with fig. (i the reverse is the case. Which of the circles comes out more conspicuously depends upon in what proportion radium A and radium C have been mixed in the source utilized. Tlie inner circle is in each case smaller than the outer by K) // in radius. Thus tlie ratio of the ranges in the sul)stance of the two a rays becomes(52-l()) : 52 or 1)9, which is the same as its value 6 Art. 10. — S. Kinoshita and H. Ikeuti : in air. According to Marsden and Ricliardson'', the above ratio for silver is much higher, amounting to *S6. In the present case, the absorption of the a rays is mainly due to gelatine, which is the main composition of the sensitive fihn, and this substance seems to be of a character similar to air concerning absorption. 6. Number of silver grains along an a rag track. Silver grains along an « ray track are naturally not equidistant. To find the distribution, Ikeuti has measured, by means of the ocular micro- meter of a micro.scope, the distance d between successive grains on the track for a large number of pairs of the grains. When the number of pairs of grains was plotted against the corresponding values of d, and a mean curve was drawn, this showed a maximum at d=l'Sö fj. in the case of Ilford Process Plates, falling quickly to zero on the side of the origin and somewhat slowly on the other side. From tliese measurements the mean value of d was calculated to be !2'85 /ji. This corresponds to 350 grains per millimetre of the track. Since the longest tracks of the «rays from radium A and radium C are 36 and 52 // respectively, they will consist on the average of 12'6 and 18'2 grains respectively. It must, how^ever, be remembered that the actual numbers are subjected to faii'ly large fluctuations. 7. The nature of the 'photographic action of a particles. Alpha ray tracks obtained in a sensitive film do not exhibit even the slightest difference along their wliole range; neither in the com- pactness of the grains nor in their size. This is a very important fact and confirms conclusively the previous experiment of Kino- shita"\ in which the constancy of the ])hotographic action of an a particle along the whole range was photometrically established. Now, if it be considered that there are all possibilities of regarding ionisations in a solid and in a gas to be of a similar type, the question may arise, why the photographic action, which is nothing but the result of ionisation, should not be represented by the characteristic curve known as Bragg' s ionisation curve. As a matter of fact, darkening in the pleochroic halo is particularly pronounced near the boundary, in spite of that the number of a 1) E. Marsden and H. Eichardson, Phil. Mag. 25 (1918), p. 191. 2) I. c. On the Photographic Action of a. ß and y Eays emitted from Radioactive Substances. 7 particles traversed, taken per unit volume, is least in that region, and this fact can be explained as the result of an intense ionisation near the extreme end of the range of the « particles^^ A theory put forward by Kinoshita to explain the singularity ol the photographic action was that, if some of the halide molecules witliin a grain are initially ionised by one or more a particles, the whole grain l)ecomes subsequently capable of development, l)ut the reduction cannot extend to other grains which have not been initially ionised. When the film is completely developed, all the grains struck by the « particles are reduced to a constant limit, which depends on the size of hahde grains in the emulsion film but not on the degree of the primary ionisation in them, and we thus obtain silver grains as a secondary consequence of the ionisation, so that the photographic action is constant throughout the whole range of the a particles in the substance. A further consideration will be presented later^\ In variance with the above theory, MichP^ states that only a part of the halide grains encountered l)y an a particle become subsequently developable. This conclusion is based on a micro- scopic comparison between the compactness of silver grains on a photographic plate which was obtained by exposing it to light, and the difïuse arrangement of the grains on an « ray track obtained on the same plate. In order to show that the above reasoning is by no means adequate, the original paper of Kinoshita must be again referred to. It was shown that the photographic density D of a photo- graphic plate produced by normally falling a particles varies with their numljer n per unit area of the plate as D=D,(l-e-), (1) where D^ is the maximum value of D attainable by an indefinitely large number of the a particles, and c- is a constant depending on the quality and the thickness of the emulsion film on the plnte. As is generally known, the photometric density of a plate is 1) J. Jo]y, /. c.\ E. Rutherford, 'Radioactive Substances and their Radiations'(1913),p.310. 2) cf. p. 15. 3) I. c. 8 Art. 10. - S. Kinoshita and H. Ikeuti : proportional to the mass of silver contained in a unit area of the plate. Therefore, if it he assumed, as a first approximation, that all the grains are of equal mass, the above equation may he written in terms of .the number s of the grains per unit area in the plate. .9 = .„ and •> are the densities of silver bromide and metallic sil- ver respectively. As a verification of the result, the mass M of silver contained in a unit area of a plate deduced from the mass m calculated by equation (5) and the number s of the silver grains per unit area, viz. .r 4 / c \§ , 108 .„x On the Photographic Action of a, ß and y Rays emittod from Radioactive Substances. W may i)e cunipared with- that deduced from its photometric density D, viz. M=kD, (8) where k is the photometric constant, being for green light equal to rOo.lO* gr. per sq. cm. of the plate. Giving tlio following values experimentally found: .s = l-21). lOMor an Instantaneous Plate, for which i) = '412, and s= 1 -06. l(y for an Ordinary Plate, for which 7>=-210, we get iH=4-52. 10"' gr. per sq. cm. by (7) and M=4'24A()'^ gr. per sq. cm. by (8) for the Instantaneous Plate, and i¥=2"55. ]()"■' gr. per sq. cm. by (7) and -^i" = 2'16. 10'* gr. per sq. cm. by (8) for the Ordinary Plate. Bearing in mind the fact that the conversion of silver bromide to metallic silver is not carried out to completion, the agreement betw^een the values obtained l)y the two methods is seen to be quite satisfactory. The average radius of silver grains calculated by equation (6) corresponds, for the reason just stated, to the superior limit. It is r=*43 j" for the Instantaneous Plate, and r='38 fJ- for the Ordinary Plate. The size of the silver grains was actually measured under a microscope, by means of an ocular micrometer for a number of grains. It was found that the above calculated values of r are within the range over which the size of the observed grains varies. (1)). Ikeuti showed that the average radius /'o of halide grains can als(j be deduced from the average number Si of silver grains per unit length along an a ray track, when the thickness of the emulsion film and the mass of silver halide contained per unit area of it are known from other determinations. Rememljering that every halide grain becomes subsequently developable whenever struck by an a particle, it can easily be >^eeYi that silver grains presenting themselves as an « ray track on a developed plate must have their centres within a circular X2 Art. 10. — S. Kincshita and H. Ikeuti : C3^1inder drawn round the path of the a particle with radius equal to that of halide grains. Consequently, .Si, which is the reciprocal of the average distance d between successive grains along the track, will be the number of the halide grains having their centres Q within the cylinder of unit length; thus — V will l)e the total number of the halide grains initiall}^ present in the emulsion film 23er unit volume. If t is the thickness of the film, the total numl)ar ,So of the halide grains in a unit area of the plate will be sd Tin Another relation l)etween ,^o and )\ can be obtained from a consideration on tlie amount J/o of silver bromide contained in a unit area of the plate, ■M"o=— -- ro ,Oo Su» o where /r>o is, as before, the density of silver bromide. From the above two equations, we obtain 3 lU From a set of measurements made on an Ilford Process Plate, e.g. Sj=3,500 per cm., -^0=9*6. lO^^gr. per sq. cm., which was determined by chemical analysis, and ^=15 J«, which was measured by Zeiss' s Dickenmesser, the average radius of the halide grain is found to be By using the relation in equation (0), tlie average radius of the silver grains becomes V 188 /> / ' A suitable photometer ])eing at present not at our disposal, we are unable to compare this result witli that deduced from the photometric density. It may only be noted that the above On the Photographic Action of a, ß and j Kays emitted from Radioactive Substances. 13 calculated value of r is also within tlie range over wliich tlie size of the grains actually measured by means of the microscope varies. 9. Deflexions of a 'particles, on the passage tJirough the eynulsion film. Evidences have already been given by the previously cited investigators that some of the a particles suffer sudden deflexions on the passage through the emulsion fihn. In dealing with the deflexions of a rays, the importance of utilizing a single source may be emphasized. If a set of radial a ray tracks are obtained with an active needle in the way already described, the possibility is excluded that two tracks, running in different directions, happen to fall at a common point and present themselves as if they were a single track suffering a sudden deflexion. In the microphotograph in flg. 10, which is enlarged 1,500 diameters, the tracks of four « particles, running from left to right, are visible. The source of the particles lies outside the figure to the left about 15 centimetres on this scale from the left end. We can see that while the second « particle from the top passed straight on, the other three suffered sudden deflexions of 10° to 15° downwards after traversing some distances nearly parallel to one another. We have examined hundreds of sets of the radial a ray tracks, but so far we have not been able to find any which can be said with certainty to have suffered the deflexion of an angle so large as 90°. The smallness of the proportion of the largely deflected tracks to the total will not be inconsistent with the experimental results arrived at by Geiger^-" and by Geiger and Marsden''^^ and also with the theory worked out by Rutherford'^ It must be borne in mind that we are, in the present case, observing only such deflexions, which have taken place within a very thin layer bounded by planes parallel to the surface of the fllm, whereas the deflexions occur, in general, equally in all planes which contain the initial line of motion. 1) H. Geiger, Proc. Roy. Soc. A, 81 (1908), p. 174-, and 83 (1910), p. 492. 2) H. Geiger and E. Marsden, Proc. Roy. Soc. A, 82 (1909), p. 495. 3) E. Rutheiford, Phil. Mag. 21 (1911), p. ÜÜ9. 14 Art. 10. -S. Kinoshita and H. Ikeuti : When a photographie plate was plaeed in contact with a flat piece of glass coated witli the active deposit of radium and thus exposed to the a rays coming out of the source of large area, a con- siderable proportion of then* tracks seemed to have sufïered large deflexions. This is not in conformity with tlie result just stated. It appears likely that inost, if not all, of the tracks which look as if they were deflected are only apparently so. This view is sup- ported by the fact that there were as many tracks showing large deflexions as small ones. Experiments made with tlie object of flnding if the magnetic field has any influence upon the a ray tracks gave negative results. In a field of ten thousand gauss, up to whicli the experiment was extended, an « particle with a velocit}^ of 10" cm. per sec. (one-half of the initial velocity of the a particles from I'adium C) will describe a path for which the radius of curvatui-e is as great as 20 centi- metres. It would not be possible to recognize such a slight curva- ture, as the track under examination is only 52 // at most in length. 10. The 'photographic action of ß particles. It has long been known that ß rays possess the property of acting on a photographic plate; but owing to difficulties involved in the experiments, very little is known about the efïect of an individual ß particle. When the a and ß rays from the active deposit of radium were allowed to fall separately upon two areas on a thinly coated plate, the photometric density produced by the ß rays was, for an equal number of the particles, found to be one-sixth to one-eighth of that produced by the a ra^^s. Therefore in going a unit distance through the emulsion film, a ß particle brings out at most the above frac- tion only of the silver grains which an « particle would, the actual path of the ß particle being, on account of deflexions, greater than the tliickness of the film. It is thus to be anticipated that the silver grains acted on by a ß particle follow one another with too wide intervals to present themselves as the track of the particle, much more so when the liability of the particle in suffering deflex- ions through matter is considered. The difference shown by the tracks in air of a and ß particles in the photograph obtained by On the Photographic Action of a, ß and y Rays emitted from Eadioactive Substances. ]^5 C. T. R. Wilson in liis well-known condensation experiment may, though not quite , similar, serve as an analogy. While an a ray track would still 1;)e detectable, if the number of water drops per unit length were reduced to one-thousandth, say, in a ß ray track this would l)e far from being the case. It must be remem- Ijered that /9 particles will suffer greater deflexions in gelatine films than in air. A direct evidence for the above conclusion is found in the fact that it is possible to obtain a halo due to the a particles from radium C, outside of which no perceptible track of any sort is present, although the source emits simultaneously ß particles as well and the most of them travel far beyond the boundary of the halo. The photographic action of [i particles should l)e explained by an hypothesis of the kind we have made in the case of « particles; for, in the latter the l)asis of the hypothesis is the ionisation of halide molecules, which is the efïect also common to /? particles. We shall consider that a halide grain becomes capal)le of develop- ment when it is encountered by a (i particle, but only when the, encounter takes place under certain favourable conditions. This seems plausible, because a ß particle, while it would encounter on a path per unit length as many halide grains as an « particle does, renders developable silver grains of only a small part compared with those similarl}^ affected by an « particle. Since it is very likely that, whenever a halide grain is encountered by a /? particle, some halide molecules in it, however few in number, are ionised, we may assume that the process of development in the grain cannot start unless the number of initially ionised halide molecules exceeds a certain value. An analogous phenomenon is met with in the case of an electric discharge between two electrodes. The discharge is facilitated and starts at a lower but definite potential when the inter- posed gas is initially ionised beyond a certain degree. The above assumption apparently contradicts what has been said in the case of a particles; but it seems quite possible to an « particle, which in gases shows an ionising action several thousand times stronger than that of a ß particle, to ionise a number of halide molecules over the threshold value, whenever it strikes a halide grain. Iß Art. 10. — S. Kinoshita and H. Ikenti : 11. Considerations on the ^photographie action of y rays. The general feature of tlie photographic action of y rays may Ije inferred from the facts liitherto accumulated. As is well known, X rays do not directly ionise the molecules of a gas which the rays traverse, but liberate from them corpuscular radiation which is responsible for übe ionisation'^ The velocity of the emitted cor- puscles is independent of the nature of the emitter and depends only upon the wave-length of the exciting X rays, the smaller the wave-length the greater the velocity. The excitation of the "corpuscular radiation by X rays is not limited to gases 1)ut is also true of solids and liquids. There is every reason to believe that this is the case with y rays, which, as we know, differ from X rays only in wave-length. It has already been shown that the corpuscular radiation set up by X rays from a radium salt is nearly as swift as the primary ß rays emitted by it^-*. Thus, the effect of exposing a photographic plate to X or /' rays will be that corpuscular radiation is set up through- out the exposed portion of the plate. Since individual ß particles leave no detectable tracks of silver grains on a photographic plate, it Avill be impossible to obtain a track of X or y rays on a photo- graphic plate similar to that of X rays illustrated by the photo- graphs obtained by C. T. E. Wilson in the condensation method. It will be evident that the halide grains rendered capable of development by a Hash of X or y rays are scattered very diffusely throughout the volume of the emulsion film, but with no definite arrangement. In an experiment we have exposed a plate to a flash of X rays through an extremely narrow slit between two thick brass plates, to see if any particular effects were produced in- and outside the region upon which the X rays fell. Microscopic examination of the plate gave negative results, as was naturally to be expected. 1) C. G. Barkla and L. Simons, Phil. Mag. 23 (1912), p. 317; C. T. K. Wilson, Proc. Eoy. Soc. A, 87 (1912), p. 277 ; C. G. Barkla and A. J. Philpot, Phil. Mag. 25 (1913), p. 832. 2) A. S. Eve, Phil. Mag. 8 (1904), p. 669 ; S. J. Allen, Phys. Eev. 23 11906), p. 65. On the Photographic Action of a, ß and 7 Rays emitted from Eadioae-tive Substanoes. \~i In conclusion, we wish to thank Professor Nagaoka for pla- cing the resources of the Laboratory at our disposal and for his continual interest ^luring the progress of this investigation. Pli_ysical Laborator}^, University of Tokyo. Explanation of llie Piales. Fig. 1. The general feature of a plate coutaiuiug several spots, cacb of wbic-li consists (^f a nnnil)er of radial a ray tracks. The isolated spot at the top and the large one at the bottom of the figure are reproduced in figs. 5 and G respectively in a higher maguiiication. Figs. 2-4. Haloes due to radium C, at different stages of formation, Figs. 5-8. Haloes (hie to radium A and C. In eacli halo two concentric circles are to be seen. Tiie inner circle is due to radium A and the outei' to radium C. In fig. 5 the inner circle is more conspicuous than the outer one, while m fig. (> the reverse is the case. Fig. 9. The tracks of a particles emitted from a nucleus of radium C, reaching to varioiis distances. Fig. 10. a ray tracks showing sudden bents. On tliis figure are visible the tracks of four a particles which passed from left to right. Three of tliem suffered sudden deHxions. Published November 20Lh, 1917. Jour. Sei. Coll., Vol. XXXVII., Art. 10, Plate I. >-^.-.T~ - >'ZäfS^ '^ -»"^ • 'Jf' •■ ^",••0. • - . Fig. 1. X120. Fig. 2. X500. ^*?ä^2^fc^>«-^:^-- ^>^ ■-• ■ V '•/■:• ^>:vv. -c'y- ••-. . ^\\« >l::W^^-\-:^:> • ::T^^m Pig. 3. X500. Pig. 4. X500. S. Kinoshita and H. Ikeuti : The Photographic Action of the a, ß and y Rays ejnitted from Eadioactive Substances. Jour. Sa. Coll., Voi. XXXi/l/., Art. JO, Plate II. ' ' • >-^* -^^ f^vK:'- Fig. 6. X500. '■:■< > v-^ BBS;* '<*■ • I • ' ., . • *.-' ■ . - 1. ■' ' 0'"\>'-^ ' -.' • .^ -./•'*< .T,'^ tt' ?V^i . • . . .V...:. './.r K*» /*« .'i v Fig. «. X600. '• ' ■• '' •.^i»'''-"'K'W .••.. • Fie. X500. Fig. 8. X 500. S. Kinoshita and H. Ikeuti: The Photographie Action of tho a. ß and y I^ays emitted from Radioactive Substances. Jour. sa. Coll., Vol. XXKVII., Art. 10, Plate III. ' ^- . ■ < ::. . • - * î* . ■'.'■if .'/"■ :*▼*.,' .< . -.■■^' Fig. 9. X500. ». •• Fig. 10. X 1,5U0. S ,. JKiCosV.lï aiid H. Ikeuti : The Photographie Action of the %, ß and y Eajü emitted from Radioactive Substances. Il MBL WHOI LIBRARY IJH n KX Ö