JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE ASSOCIATION OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGISTS VOLUME 1. 1908 Editor E. Porter Felt Associate Editor A. F. Burgess Business Manager E . DwiGHT SaISTDERSON Advisory Board L. 0. Howard S. A. Forbes James 1 Fletcher H. A. Morgan H. T. Fernald Herbert Osborn visiiopp, F. C. A key suggested for the classification of entomological records 91 Hinds, W. E. The first and Inst essential in combating the boll weevil 233 HoDGKiss, H. E. Notes on tlie grass mite, Pediculopsis gra- minum Renter 375 Hooker, W. A. Life history, habits and methods of study of the Ixodoidea 34 A review of the present knowledge of the role of ticks in the transmission of disease 65 Hopkins, A. D. Work of the Bureau of Entomology against forest insects 343 Houghton, C. O. Notes on Trogoderma tarsale Melsh. 216 Notes on the lesser clover leaf beetle, Pliytonomii^ nigri- rostris Fab. 297 Howard, L. O. The importation of Tetrastichus xanthome- laenae (Rond.) 281 Hunter, W. D. A tentative law relating to the incubation of the eggs of Margaropus annulatus 51 CONTEKTS 5 A large scale experiment in the control of the cotton boll page. weeviP 117 KoTiNSKY, Jacob. Federal protection to American agricul- ture and horticulture from invasion by foreign insect pests' 203 Melander, a. L. Filling the calyx cup 217 Metcalf, Z. p. The army worm at Durham, North Carolina 354 Morgan, H. A. The relation of the economic entomologist to agriculture 11 Newell, Wilmon. Two interesting inquilines occurring in the nests of the Argentine ant 262 Notes on the habits of the Argentine or "New Orleans" ant, Iridomyrmex humilis Mayr 21 Newell, Wilmon, and Paulsen, T. C. The possibility of re- ducing boll weevil damage by autumn spraying of cot- ton fields to destroy the foliage and squares 113 Newell, Wilmon, and Rosenfeld, Arthur H. A brief sum- mary of the more important injurious insects of Lou- isiana 150 Newell, Wilmon, and Treherne, R. C. A new predaceous enemy of the cotton boll weevil 244 OsBORN, Herbert. Notes on some insects of the season 145 Parrott, p. J. Notes on maple mites 311 Phillips, E. F. Bee diseases : a problem in economic ento- mology 102 Pierce, W. D. The economic bearing of recent studies of the parasites of the cotton boll weevil 117 Factors controlling parasitism, with special reference to the cotton boll weevil 315 A list of parasites known to attack American Rhyn- chophora 380 QuAiNTANCE, A. L. Notes on the lesser apple worm, Enarmo- nia prunivora Walsh' 141 Quayle, H. J. A new root pest of the vine in California 175 The California life history of the grape leaf hopper 182 A flea beetle attacking hops in British Columbia 325 Russell, H. M. Experiments for the control of the red spi- der (Tetranychus bimaculaU(s Harv.) in Florida 377 Sanderson, E. D. The relation of temperature to the hiber- nation of insects 56 Preliminary report on the life history of the codling moth and spraying experiments against it 129 Statement by the standing committee on proprietary in- secticides 15^ 1 Withdrawn for publication elsewhere. CONTENTS The irfluence of minimum temperatures iu limiting the Page. northern rllstribution of insects 245 Slingerland, M. V. Must the calyx cup be filled? 352 Smith, J. B. Cultivation and susceptibility to insect attack 15 Notes ou some cecropia cocoons and parasites 293 Symons, T. p.. Should state departments conduct public sprayers? 106 Symons, T. B., and Burgess, A. F. Report of the committee appointed to attend the annual meeting of the Ameri- can Association of Nurserymen 269 Taylor, E. P. Life history notes and control of the green peach aphis, Myzus persicae 83 Dimples in apples from oviposition of Lygus pratensis L. 370 Troop, James. Report of the 6th annual meeting of the American Association of Horticultural Inspectors 220 Tucker, E. S. Wasp storing katydids in a well 340 Walden, B. H. The peach sawfly : a correction 160 Washburn, F. L. Egg laying of Empoasca mali 142 Further observations on the use of hydrocyanic acid gas against the flour moth 17 Webster, R. L. Sawfly larvai in apples 310 The eggs of Empoasca mali (LeB.) 326 AVelden, G. p. Entomological notes from Maryland 145 Wheeler, W. M. A European ant (Myrmica levinodis) in- troduced into Massachusetts 337 WoGLUM, R. S., and Wood, William. Cyanide as an insec- ticide 348 Vol. 1 FEBRUARY. 19 08 No. JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE ASSOCIATION OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGISTS Editor E. PoHTEB Felt Associate Editor A. F. BUKGKSS Business Manager E. DwiGHT Sanderson Advisory Board ].. O. Howard S. A. Forbes James Fletcher }I. A. Morctan II. T. Ferstald Herrert Osborn JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY PUBLISHING CO. COXCORD, N. H. Applied (or eotry at tecond-clais matter at the poct-ofLce of Concord, N. H. CONTENTS Association of Economic Entomologists Officers, i List of Meetings and Past Officers, ii List of Members, iii Proceedings of the 20tfi onnual meeting of the Association of Economic Entomol- ogists Part 1. Business Proceedings 1 Part 'i. Papers U Tlie relation of the economic entomologist to agri- culture, H. A. Morgan 11 Cultivation and susceptibility to insect attack, /. B. Smith 15 Further observations on the use of hydrocyanic acid gas against the floux moth, F. L. Washburn 17 Observations on the biology and food habits of the Cecidomyiidae, E. P. Felt 18 Notes on the habits of the Argentine or ' 'New Orleans" ant, Iridomyiinex humilis Mayr, Wihnon Newell 21 Life history, habits and methods of study of the Ixodoidea, W. A. Hooker 34 Some life history notes on the southern cattle ticks, E. C. Cotton 51 A tentative lavp^ relating to the incubation of the eggs of Margaropui annulatius, W. D. Hunter 51 The relation of temperature to the hibernation of insects, E. D. Sanderson 56 A Review of the present knowledge of the roll of ticks in the transmission of disease, W. A . Hooker 65 Editorials 77 Reviews 79 Current notes 80 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY Official Organ of the Association op Economic Entomologists. A bi-monthly journal, published February to December, on the 15th of the month, devoted to the interests of Economic Entomology and publishing the official notices and proceedings of the Association of Economic Entomologists. Address business communications to the Journal of Economic Entomology Publishing Co.. Railroad Square, Concord, N. H. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. In the United States, Cuba, Mexico and Canada, two dollars annually in advance. To foreign countries, two dollars thirty cents ($2.30) annually in advance. Single copies, fifty cents. To mem- bers of the Association of Economic Entomologists, one dollar annually in advance. MANUSCRIPT for publication should be sent to the Editor, E. Porter Felt, Geological Hall, Albany, N. Y. CURRENT NOTES AND NEWS should be sent to the Associate Editor, A. F. Burgess, Bureau of Entomology, Washington, D. C. SUBSCRIPTIONS may be sent to the Business Manager, E. Dwight Sanderson, Durham, N. H. ADVERTISEMENTS should be sent to the Advertising Manager, Wilmon Newell, Baton Rouge, La. Association of Economic Entomologists. (Organized in 1889.) OFFICERS. ' -^ President S. A. Forbes, Urbana, Illinois First Vice-President W. E. Britton, New Haven, Connecticut Second Vice-President E. D. Ball, Logan, Utah Secretary-Treasurer A. F. Burgess, Bureau of Entomology, Washington, D. C. LIST OF MEETINGS AND PAST OFFICERS. Officers and Meetings. First Annual Meeting, Washington, D. C, Nov. 12-14, 1889. Presi- dent, C. V. Riley; First Vice-President, S. A. Forbes; Second Vice- President, A. J. Cook; Secretary, John B. Smith. Second Annual Meeting, Champaign, 111., Nov. 11-13, 1890. (The same officers had charge of this meeting.) Third Annual Meeting, Washington, D. C, Aug. 17-18, 1891. President, James Fletcher ; First Vice-President, F. H. Snow ; Second Vice-President, Herbert Osborn; Secretary, L. 0. Howard. Fourth Annual Meeting, Rochester, N. Y., Aug. 15-16, 1892. Presi- dent, J. A. Lintner; First Vice-President, S. A. Forbes; Second Vice- President, J. H. Comstock ; Secretary, F. M. Webster. Fifth Annual Meeting, Madison, Wis., Aug. 1^16, 1893. Presi- dent, S. A. Forbes ; First Vice-President, C. J. S. Bethune ; Second Vice-President, John B. Smith; Secretary, H. Garman. Sixth Annual Meeting, Brooklyn, N. Y., Aug. 14-15, 1894. Presi- dent, L. 0. Howard; First Vice-President, John B. Smith; Second ii JOURNAL OP ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOCxY. [Vol. I. Vice-President, F. L. Harvey; Secretary, C. P. Gillette. Seventh Annual Meeting, Springfield, Mass., Aug. 27-28, 1895. President, John B. Smith; First Vice-President, C. H. Fernald; Sec- retary, C. L. Marlatt. Eighth Annual Meeting, Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 21-22, 1896. Presi- dent, C. H. Fernald; First Vice-President, F. M. Webster; Second Vice-President, Herbert Osborn ; Secretary, C. L. Marlatt. Ninth Annual Meeting, Detroit, Mich., Aug. 12-13, 1897. Presi- dent, F. M. Webster; First Vice-President, Herbert Osborn; Second Vice-President, Lawrence Bruner; Secretary, C. L. Marlatt. Tenth Annual Meeting. Boston, Mass., Aug. 19-20, 1898. Presi- dent, Herbert Osborn; First Vice-President, LaAvrence Bruner; Second Vice President, C. P. Gillette ; Secretary, C. L. Marlatt. Eleventh Annual Meeting, Columbus, Ohio, Aug. 18-19, 1899. President, C. L. Marlatt; First Vice-President, Lawrence Bruner; Second Vice-President, C. P. Gillette ; Secretary. A. H. Kirkland. Twelfth Annual Meeting, New York, N. Y., June 22-23, 1900. President, Lawrence Bruner; First Vice-President, C. P. Gillette; Second Vice-President, E. H. Forbush; Secretary, A. H. Kirkland. Thirteenth Annual Meeting. Denver, Colo., Aug. 23-24, 1901. President, C. P. Gillette ; First Vice-President, A. D. Hopkins ; Second Vice-President, E. P. Felt; Secretary, A. L. Quaintance. Fourteenth Annual Meeting, Pittsburg, Pa., June 27-28, 1902. President, A. D. Hopkins; First Vice-President, E. P. Felt; Second Vice-President, T. D. A. Cockerell; Secretary, A. L. Quaintance. Fifteenth Annual Meeting, Washington, D. C, Dec. 26-27, 1902. President, E. P. Felt; First Vice-President, W. H. Aslmiead; Second Vice-President, Lawrence Bruner; Secretary, A. L. Quaintance. Sixteenth Annual I\Ieeting, St. Louis, Mo., Dec. 29-31, 1903. Presi- dent, M. V. Slingerland; First Vice-President, C. M. Weed; Second Vice-President, Henry Skinner; Secretary, A. F. Burgess. Seventeenth Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 29-30, 1904. President, A. L. Quaintance; First Vice-President, A. F. Burgess; Second Vice-President, IMary E. Murtf eldt ; Secretary, H. E. Summers. Eighteenth Annual Meeting, New Orleans, La.. Jan. 1-4, 1906. President, H. Garman; First Vice-President, E. D. Sanderson; Second Vice-President, F. L. Washburn; Secretary, H. F. Summers. Nineteenth Annual Meeting, New York, N. Y., Dec. 28-29, 1906. President, A. H. Kirkland; First Vice-President, W. E. Britton; Second Vice-President, H. A. Morgan ; Secretary, A. F. Burgess. Twentieth Annual Meeting, Chicago, 111., Dec. 27-28, 1907. Presi- dent, H. A. Morgan; First Vice-President, H. E. Summers; Second Vice-President, W. D. Hunter; Secretary, A. F. Burgess. Feb. 'OS.] JOURXAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY. iii LIST OF MEMBERS. ACTIVE MEMBERS. Alwood, William B. Charlottesville, Va. Ashmead, William H., U. S. National Museum, Washington, D. C. Baker, C. F., Museu Goeldi, Para, Brazil. Ball, E. D., Agricultural Experiment Station, Logan, Utah. Banks, C. S.. Manila. P. L Banks, Nathan. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. liethune, C. J. S., Guelph, Ontario, Canada. Benton, Frank, 925 N Street N. W., Washington, D. C. Bishopp, F. C. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Britton, W. E.. New Haven, Conn. Bruner, Lawrence, Agricultural Experiment Station, Lincoln, Neb. Burgess, Albert F., U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Burke, H. E., U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Busck, August, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Caudell, A. N.. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Chambliss, C. E., Clemson College, S. C. Chittenden, F. H., U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Cockerell, T. D. A., University of Colorado, Boulder, Col. Comstock, J. H., Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. Conradi, A. F., Clemson College, S. C. Cook, A. J., Pomona College, Claremont, Cal. Cook, Mel. T., Newark, Del. Cooley, R. A., Agricultural Experiment Station, Bozeman, Mont. Coquillett. D. W.. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Cordley, A. B., Agricultural Experiment Station, Corvallis, Oregon. Crawford, J. C, V. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Dickerson, Edgar L., Agricultural Experiment Station, New Bruns- wick, N. J. Dyar, H. G., U. S. National Museum, Washington, D. C. Ehrhorn, E. M., Room 611, Ferry Building, San Francisco, Cal. Felt, E. P., Geological Hall. Albany, N. Y. Fernald, C. H., Agricultural College, Amherst, Mass. Fernald, H. T., Agricultural College, Amherst, Mass. Fiske, W. F., U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Fletcher, James, Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Forbes, S. A., University of Illinois, Urbana, 111. French, G. H., Normal Avenue, Carbondale, 111. Garman, H., Agricultural Experiment Station, Lexington, Ky. iv JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY. [Vol. I. Gibson, Arthur, Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Gillette, C. P., Agricultural Experiment Station, Fort Collins, Col. Girault, A. A., Urbana, 111. Gossard, H. A., Agricultural Experiment Station, Wooster, Ohio. Gregson, P. B., Blackfalds, Alberta, Northwest Territory, Canada. Hart, C. A., Illinois State Laboratory of Natural History, Urbana, 111. Heidemann, Otto, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Hinds, W. E., Agricultural Experiment Station, Auburn, Ala. Hine, J. S., Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. Holland, W. J., Carnegie Museum, Pittsburg, Pa. Hooker, W. A., U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Hopkins, A. D., U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Houghton, C. 0., Agricultural Experiment Station, Newark, Del. Howard, L. 0., U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Hunter, S. J., University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kan. Hunter, W. D., U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Johnson, S. Arthur, State Agricultural College, Fort Collins, Colo. Kellogg, Vernon L., Stanford University, Cal. Kincaicl, Trevor, University of Washington, Seattle, Wash. Kirkland, A. H., 6 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass. Kotiusky, J., Honolulu, Hawaii. Lochhead, William, Macdonald College of Agriculture, ]Montreal, Canada. Marlatt, C. L., IT. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Morgan, H. A., University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn. Morrill, A. W., U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Murtfeldt, I\Iiss M. E., Kirkwood, Mo. Newell, Wilmon, State Crop Pest Commission, Baton Rouge, la. Osborn, Herbert, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. Parrott, P. J., Geneva, N. Y. Pergande, Theodore, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Perkins, R. C. L., Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Experiment Station, Honolulu, Hawaii. Pettit, R. H., Agricultural Experiment Station, Agricultural College, Mich. Phillips, E. F., U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Phillips, J. L., Agricultural Experiment Station, Blacksburg, Va. Phillips, W. J., U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Pierce, W. Dwight, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Popenoe, E. A., R. F. D. No. 2, Topeka, Kan. Pratt, F. C, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Feb. '08.] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY. V Quaintance, A. L.- U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Quayle, H. J., Agricultural Experiment Station, Berkeley, Cal. Reeves, George I., U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Rumsey, W. E., Agricultural Experiment Station, ]\Iorgantown, W. Va. Sanborn, C. E., College Station, Tex. Sanders, J. G., U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C, Sanderson, E. D wight, Agricultural Experiment Station, Durham, N. H. Saunders, William, Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada. Schwarz, E. A., U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Sherman, Franklin, Jr., Div. of Entom., State Dept. of Agric, Ral- eigh, N. C. Sirrine, F. A., 124 Sound Avenue, Riverhead, N. Y. Skinner, Henry, Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, Pa. Slingerland, M. V., Agricultural Experiment Station, Ithaca, N. Y. Smith, J. B., Agricultural Experiment Station, New Brunswick, N. J. Smith, R. I., West Raleigh, N. C. Snow, F. H., Lawrence, Kan. Stedman, J. M., Agricultural Experiment Station, Columbia, Mo. Summers, H. E., Agricultural Experiment Station, Ames, Iowa. Surface, H. A., State Zoologist, Harrisburg, Pa. Symons, T. B., Agricultural Experiment Station, College Park, Md. Taylor, E. P., Mountain Grove, Mo. Titus, E. S. G., Agricultural Experiment Station, Logan, Utah. Troop, James, Agricultural Experiment Station, Lafayette, Ind. Van Dine, D. L., Government Entomologist, Hawaiian Exp. Sta., Honolulu, Hawaii. Viereck, H. L., Capitol Building, Harrisburg, Pa. Walden, B, H., Agricultural Experiment Station, New Haven, Conn. Washburn, F. L., Agricultural Experiment Station, St. Anthony Park, Minn. Webster, F. M., U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Wilcox, E. v., U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Woodworth, C. W., Agricultural Experiment Station, Berkeley, Cal. ASSOCIATE MEMBERS. Adams, C. F., Fayetteville, Ark. Ainslie, C. N., U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Back, E. A., Orlando, Fla. Beutenmiiller, Wm., American Museum of Natural History, New York, N. Y. Barber, H. S., U. S. National Museum, Washington, D. C. Barber, T. C, State Crop Pest Commission, Baton Rouge, La. Bartholomew, C. E., Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa. Vi JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY. [Vol. I. Beekwith, H. M., Elmira, N. Y. Bentley, Gordon M., University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn. Braucher, R. W., Neoga, 111. Brooks, Fred E., Morgantown, W. Va. Briies, C. T., Milwaukee Public Museum, Milwaukee, Wis. Buck, J. E., Agricultural Experiment Station, Blacksburg, Va. Bullard, W. S., 629 Water Street, Bridgeport, Conn. Campbell, J. P., Athens, Ga. Clifton, R. S., U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Condit, Ira J., California Polytechnic School, San Luis, Obispo, Cal. Cotton, E. C, Agricultural Experiment Station, Knoxville, Tenn. Couden, F. D., U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Craw, Alexander, Board of Agriculture, Honolulu, Hawaii. Currie, Rolla P., U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Cushman, R. A., U. S. Department of Agriculture, AVashington, D. C. Davis, J. J., Urbana, 111. Dean, George A., Kansas Agricultural College, Manhattan, Kan. Dean, Harper, Jr., Roanoke, Va. Doran, E. W., Belliaven College, Jackson, Miss. Engle, Enos B., Department of Agriculture, Harrisburg, Pa. Flynn, C. W., Assistant Entomologist, State Crop Pest Commission, Baton Rouge, La. Fowler, Carroll, Duarte, Cal. Franklin, H. J., Amherst, Mass. Frost, II. L., 6 Beacon Street, Boston, ]\Iass. Gahan, A. B., College Park, Md. Garrett, J. B., Assistant Entomologist, State Crop Pest Commission, Baton Rouge, La. Gates, Burton N., U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Gifford, John, Princeton, N. J. Goodwin, W. H., Agricultural Experiment Station, Wooster, Ohio. Green, E. C, Brownsville, Texas. Grossbeck, John A., New Brunswick, X. J. Guilbeau, B. H., Baton Rouge, La. Hargitt, C. W., Syracuse University, Syracuse, N. Y. Harrington, W. H., Postoffice Department, Ottawa, Canada. Headlee, T. J., Kansas Agricultural College, Manhattan, Kan. Herrick, Glen W., Agricultural College, Miss. Hitchings, E. F., Waterville, Me. Hodgkiss, H. E., Urbana, 111. Houser, J. S., Santiago de las Vegas, Cuba. Hudson, G. H., State Normal and Training School, Plattsburg, N. Y. Isaac, John, Sacramento, Cal. Feb. '08.] .TOT'RXAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY. vii Jarvis. T. D., Guelpli, Ontario, Canada. Johnson, Fred, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington. D. C. Johnson, W. G., 52 Lafayette Place, New York, N. Y. Jones, Charles R., U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Jones, Paul R., U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. King, George B., Lawrence, Mass. Kirkaldy, G. W., Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Experiment Station, Honolulu, Hawaii. Koebele, Albert, Alameda, Cal. Lowe, F. B., Gypsy Moth Office, 6 Beacon Street, Boston, INIass. Mackintosh, R. S., State Board of Horticulture, Auburn, Ala. Mann, B. P., 1918 Sunderland Place, Washington, D. C. Marsh, H. O., U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Martin, George W., 1804 Grand Avenue, Nashville, Tenn. MacGillivary, A. D., Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. McMillan, D. K., U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Morgan, A. C, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. ]\Iosher, F. H., Melrose Highlands, Mass. Moulton, Dudley, U. S. Department of Agriculture, AVashington, D. C. Ness, Henry, Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa. Nicholson, John F., Stillwater, Okla. Niswander, F. J., 519 East Seventeenth Street, Cheyenne, AVyo. Paine, C. T., San Jose, Cal. Palmer, R. M., Victoria, British Columbia. Patch, Edith M., Agricultural Experiment Station, Orono, Me. Piper, C. v., U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Price, H. L., Agricultural Experiment Station, Blaeksburg, Ya. Randall, J. L., Clinton, Mass. Rane, F. W., State House, Boston, Mass. Reed, E. B., Esquimault, British Columbia. Riley, W. A., Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. Rolfs, P. H., Agricultural Experiment Station, Gainesville, Fla. Rosenfeld, A. H., State Crop Pest Commission, Baton Rouge, La. Ruggles, A. G., St. Anthony Park, Minn. Runner, G. A., State Crop Pest Commission, Baton Rouge, La. Russell, H. M., U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Sasscer, E. R., U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Schoene, W. J., Geneva, N. Y. Scott, W. M., U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Smith, Harry S., University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. Southwick, E. B., Arsenal Building, Central Park, New York, N. Y. Spooner, Charles, Agricultural Experiment Station. Durham, N. H. Viii JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY. [\o\. I. Stimson, James. Santa Cruz, Cal. Swenk, Myron H., University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. Swezey, 0. H., Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Experiment Station, Hono- lulu, Hawaii. Thaxter, Roland, 7 Scott Street, Cambridge, Mass. Toumey, J. W., Yale Forest School, New Haven, Conn. Tower, W. L., Porto Rico Experiment Station, Mayaguez, P. R. Townsend, C. H. T., U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington^ D. C. Vickery, R. A., St. Anthony Park, Minn. Webb, J. L., U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Webster, R. L., Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa. Weed, C. M., Lowell, Mass. Weed, Howard E., Railroad Exchange Building, Chicago, 111. Weldon, G. P., Grand Junction, Col. Woglum, R. S., U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Worsham, E. L., Capitol Building, Atlanta, Ga. Yothers, W. W., U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Young, D. B., Geological Hall, Albany, N. Y. FOREIGN MEMBERS. Ballon, II. A., Imperial Department of Agriculture, Barbados, West Indies. Berlese, Dr. Antonio, Reale Stazione di Entomologia Agraria, Firenze, Italy. Bordage, Edmond, Directeur de Musee, St. Denis, Reunion. Carpenter, Dr. George H., Royal College of Science, Dublin, Ireland. Cholodkosky, Prof. Dr. N., Militiir-Medicinische Akademie, St. Peters- burg, Russia. Collinge, W. E., 55 Newhall Street, Birmingham, England. Danysz, J., Laboratoire de Parasitologic, Bourse de Commerce, Paris, France. Enock, Fred, -12 Salisbury Road, Bexley, London, SE., England. French, Charles, Department of Agriculture, Melbourne, Australia. Froggatt, W. W., Department of Agriculture, Sydney, New South Wales. Fuller, Claude, Department of Agriculture, Pietermaritzburg, Natal, South Africa. Giard, A., 14 Rue Stanislaus, Paris, France. Coding, F. W., Newcastle, New South Wales. Grasby, W. C, 6 West Australian Chambers, Perth, West Australia. Green, E. E., Royal Botanic Gardens, Peradeniya, Ceylon. Helms, Richard, 136 George Street, North Sydney, New South Wales. Herrera, A. L., Calle de Betlemitas No. 8, Mexico City, Mexico. Feb. "08.] .JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY. ix Hewett, C. Gordon, Manchester, England. Horvath, Dr. G., Musee Nationale Hongroise, Budapest, Hungary. Jablonowski, Josef, Entomological Station, Budapest, Hungary. Lampa, Prof. Sven, Statens Eutomologiska, Anstalt, Stockholm, Sweden. Lea, A. M., Department of Agriculture, Hobart, Tasmania, liconardi, Gustavo, R. Scuola di Agricoltui'a, Portici, Italy. Lounsbury, Charles P., Department of Agriculture, Cape Town, South Africa. Mally, C. W., Department of Agriculture, Grahamstown, Cape Col- ony, South Africa. IMarehal, Dr. Paul, 16 Rue Claude Bernard, Paris, France. ]\Iokshetsky, Sigismond, Musee d'histoire naturelle, Simferopol, Crimea, Russia. ]\Tussen, Charles T., Hawkesbury Agricultural College, Richmond, New South Wales. Nawa, Yashushi, Entomological Laboratory, Kyomachi, Gifu, Japan. Kewstead, Robert, University School of Tropical Medicine, Liverpool, England. Porchinski, Prof. A., Ministere de I'Agri culture, St. Petersburg, Russia. Pospielow, Dr. Walremar, Station Entomologique, Rue de Boulevard, No. 9, Kiew, Russia. Heed, E. C, Museo, Concepcion, Chile. Ueuter, Dr. Enzio, Agrikultur-Economiska Forsoksamstalten, Hel- singfors, Finland. Ritzema Bos, Dr. J., Agricultural College, Wageningen, Netherlands. Sajo, Prof. Karl, Godollo-Veresegyhaz, Hungary, ^choyen, Prof. W. ]\I., Zoological Museum, Christiauia, Norway. Shipley, Prof. Arthur E., Christ's College, Cambridge, England. Silvestri, Dr. F., R. Scuola Superiore di Agricoltura, Portici, Italy. Tepper, J. G. O., Norwood, South Australia. Theobald, Frederick V., Wye Court, Wye, Kent, England. Thompson, Rev. Edward H., Franklin, Tasmania. Tryon, H., Queensland Museum, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Urich, F. W., Victoria Institute, Port of Spain, Trinidad, West Indies. Yermorel, V., Station Viticole, Villefranche, Rhone, France. JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE ASSOCIATION OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGISTS Vol. 1 FEBRUARY, 1908 No. 1 Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual Meeting of the Association of Economic Entomologists The twentieth annual meeting of the Association of Economic Ento- mologists was held at the University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, December 27 and 28, 1907. For convenience the report has been prepared in two parts, the first being devoted to the business transacted and the second containing the addresses, papers and discussions. PART I The meeting was called to order by President Morgan at 10 a. m., Friday, December 27, in Room 24, Zoology Building. The average number of members and visitors present during the meeting was ninety. The members attending were as follows: C. E. Bartholomew, Ames, Iowa ; G. M. Bentley, Knoxville, Tenn. ; F. C. Bishopp, Washington, D. C. ; W. E. Britten, New Haven, Conn. ; F. E. Brooks, Morgan town, W. Va. ; C. T. Brues, Milwaukee, Wis. ; Lawrence Bruner, Lin- coln, Neb. ; A. F. Burgess, Washington, D. C. ; R. S. Clifton, Washington, D. C. ; Mel. T. Cook, Newark, Del.; E. C. Cotton, Knoxville, Tenn.; J. J. Davis, Urbaua, 111.; E. B. Engle, Harrisburg, Pa.; E. P. Felt, Albany, N. Y. ; H. T. Fernald, Amherst, Mass. ; James Fletcher, Ottawa, Canada ; S. A. Forbes, Urbana, 111. ; G. H. French, Carbondale, 111. ; A. A. Girault, Urbana, 111. ; B. H. Guilbeau, Baton Rouge, La.; C. A. Hart, Urbana, 111.; T. J Headlee, Man- hattan, Kan. ; W. E. Hinds, Auburn, Ala. ; W. A. Hooker, Washington, D. C. ; L. O. Howard, Washington, D. C. ; W. D. Hunter, Washington, D. C. ; Fred Johnson, Washington, D. C. ; H. A. Morgan, Knoxville, Tenn. ; Henry Ness, Ames, Iowa ; Wilmon Newell, Baton Rouge, La. ; J. F. Nicholson, Stillwater, Okla. ; Herbert Osborn, Columbus, Ohio ; Edith M. Patch, Orono, Me. ; E. F. Phillips, Washington, D. C. ; J. L. Phillips, Blacksburg, Va. ; W. D. Pierce, Washington, D. C. ; A. L. Quaintance, Washington, D. C. ; W. A. Riley, Ithaca, N. Y. ; A. G. Ruggles, St. Anthony Park, Minn. ; W. E. Rumsey, Morgantown, W. Va. ; J. G. Sanders, Washington, D. C. ; E. D. Sanderson, Durham, N. H. ; E. R. Sasscer, Washington, D. C. ; Franklin Sherman, Jr., Raleigh, N. C. ; J. B. Smith, New Brunswick, N. J.; R. I. Smith, Raleigh, N. C. ; H. E. Summers, Ames, Iowa ; T. B. Symons, College Park, Md. ; E. P. Taylor, Mountain Grove, Mo. ; James Troop, Lafayette, Ind. ; R. A. Vickery, St. 2 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 Anthony Park, Minn. ; F. L. Washburn, St. Anthony Park, Minn. ; R. L. Webster, Urbana, 111.; J. A. West, Urbana, 111.; H. E. Weed, Chicago, 111., and E. L. Worsham, Atlanta, Ga. The following visitors were present : C. C. Adams, Chicago, 111.; G. G. Ainslie, St. Anthony Park, Minn.; J. C. Bradley, Ithaca, N. Y. ; C. R. Crosby, Ithaca, N. Y. ; J. R. Field, Boise, Idaho ; J. C. Hambleton, Columbus, Ohio; J. D. Hood, Urbana, 111.; P. L. Huested, Blauvelt, N. Y. ; E. J. Kraus, Washington, D. C. ; H. H. Lyman, Montreal, Canada ; J. F. McClendon, Columbia, Mo. ; J. G. Needham, Ithaca, N. Y, ; L. M. Smith, Urbana, 111.; L. R. Taft. Lansing, Mich.; Mrs. E. P. Taylor, Mountain Grove, Mo., and H. F. Wilson, Urbana, 111. The American Association of Nurserymen was represented by its President, Mr. J. W. Hill, Des Moines, Iowa, and by Col. C. L. Watrous, Des Moines, Iowa, Prof. John Craig, Ithaca, N. Y., and Mr. Orlando Harrison, Berlin, Md. President Morgan called First Vice-President Summers to the chair while he presented the annual address. The report of the Treasurer was read and referred to the auditing committee. The Secretary reported that as no program committee was ap- pointed at the last meeting, he had made up the final program and it had been printed and distributed. He also reported for the com- mittee appointed at the last meeting to prepare and forward certifi- cates of membership to the foreign members, and stated that this had been done. Several acknowledgments were read to the Association showing that the certificates had been received and were greatly appreciated. The Secretary stated that he had made an attempt to codify the constitution, in accordance with a resolution passed at the last meet- ing, but found it very difficult to do so on account of several contra- dictory amendments. He therefore suggested that a special com- mittee be appointed to revise the constitution and report, so that action could be taken at the next annual nleeting. By vote of the Association the report of the Secretary was accepted. On motion it was voted that the chair appoint a committee of three to revise the constitution. The Secretary read a list of proposals for membership which he had received and it was referred to the committee on membership. He also reported that the following members of the Association had resigned during the year: J. M. Aldrich, Moscow, Idaho; H. P. Gould, Washington, D. C, and Gerald McCarthy, Raleigh, N. C. In view of the distinguished work which is being done in Crimea by I*rof. Sigismond Mokshetsky, whose name had been proposed by Dr. Feb. '08] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 3 Howard, it was moved and carried that, as a special honor, he be elected a foreign member without the formality of having his name referred to the membership committee. The President announced the appointment of the following com- mittees : Membership — Messrs. Summers, J. B. Smith and Forbes. Resolutions — Messrs. W. D. Hunter, Washburn and Sanderson. Nominations — Messrs.- Osborn, Felt and Newell. Auditing — Messrs. Sherman and Fernald. Constitution — Messrs. Burgess, J. B. Smith and Symons. As the standing committees elected at the last annual meeting were not ready to report, no further business was transacted until the afternoon session. On motion of ]\Ir. Symons, it was voted that the representatives of the American Association of Nurserymen, who had been invited to attend the meeting, be given the privileges of the floor. Mr. Newell, the representative of the Association of Economic Ento- mologists on the joint committee on national control of introduced insect pests, presented the following report: To the Association of Economic Entomologists: At the last annual meeting, this Association elected one member to act on a joint committee on legislation, to be composed of one member each from the Association of Economic Entomologists, the American Association of Nursery- men and the Association of Official Horticultural Inspectors. The members of this joint committee have been in correspondence with each other during the year and have today held a meeting at which a definite plan for securing uniformity in the certification of interstate shipments of nursery stock, has been decided upon. While this committee was elected with power to take all advisable action toward the end in view, nevertheless, the members foel that if the plan now decided upon by them be formally approved by the entire Association of Economic Entomologists, the legislation In view will be much more easily secured. The committee asks your endorsement of the following plan of procedure: A — Resolved, That the Secretary of Agriculture should be empowered to make regu- lations governing importations liable to harbor insect pests or plant diseases ; to require such importations to be accompanied by a certificate of a duly accredited entomologist of the country in which said shipments originate, or, in the absence of such a certificate, to make inspections of such shipments, by competent agents, at the point of destination, and that sufficient appropriation should be made for this purpose by Congress. B — 1. That Congress be asked to enact a law empowering the Secretary of Agricul- ture to issue certificates of nursery inspection, as nearly uniform as possible, to all nur- series in the United States engaging in interstate trade, upon proper inspection of such nurseries by duly authorized representatives of the United States Department of Agri- culture, or by State officials approved by the Secretary of Agriculture for that purpose, and that sufficient appropriation be made therefor. 4 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 2. That all state or territorial officials in charge of nursery inspection be urged to accept these certificates at their face value, and that in states where laws are now in force which will not allow the acceptance of such certificates, the inspection departments be requested to endeavor to secure such state legislation as will make this possible. C — That Congress should authorize the Secretary of Agriculture to proceed to extermi- nate or control imported insects or plant diseases, or any insect previously native to a re- stricted locality, but which may become migratory and threaten the whole country, whenever in his judgment such action is practicable, and that an appropriation be made for this purpose as a reserve fund for emergency use against any such pest which may arise. The joint committee proposes to have two bills prepared for introduction into Congress ; one of these embracing the subject matter of sections A and B, and the other embracing only the subject matter of section C, and that if the passage of both measures be found impracticable or impossible then all efforts be concentrated in the attempt to secure the passage of the bill involving the certiflcation and inspection of imports and the control of nursery stock shipments entering into interstate trade, as above outlined. Respectfully submitted, WiLMON Newell, Member of Joint Committee. It was moved and seconded that the report be received and that the recommendations of the committee be endorsed by the Association. Mr. J. B. Smith favored laying the report on the table until it could be more thoroughly examined by the members, as he considered it unwise to take hasty action on the matter. In reply Mr. Newell stated that the report is practically the same as that endorsed by the Association at the last annual meeting. The reason for desiring immediate action was that a number of the repre- sentatives of the nurserymen were obliged to leave the city that even- ing and, as they desired to have a bill drafted at once for presentation to Congress, they wished the further endorsement of the Association at this convention. After a brief discussion the motion prevailed. Mr. Hill, President of the American Association of Nurserymen, thanked the Association for the endorsement of the report and stated that the action taken would be of great assistance to the committee in securing the desired legislation. The report of the Committee on Nomenclature was presented at the Saturday morning session as follows: REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON NOMENCLATURE. Your committee on nomenclature begs leave to report as follows: First, that no additional list of names for final adoption is submitted at this meeting. Second, that we recommend that the lists previously adopted be brought Feb. '08] JOURNAL OP ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 5 together and published in full in the next proceedings, and also printed by the society in separate pamphlet form with a summary of actions concerning the use of common names adopted at previous meetings, for distribution to all members of the society, to agricultural journals, members of the Entomo- logical Society of America and such other parties as the secretary and the committee on nomenclature may deem wise. Third, that the use of these adopted names be again urged on all parties in publications of an economic character. Your committee would also call attention to the action of the International Congress of Zoologists in regard to the fixing of generic types, such action in substance being that a generic type once fixed or designated by whatever process is to stand as the type. Respectfully submitted, Herbert Osborn. F. M. Webster. It was voted that the report be accepted and the recommendations adopted by the Association. Mr. Sanderson presented a plan for publishing a journal on economic entomology. He stated that on the previous evening a number of the members who were interested in the matter had met and decided to form a company for the purpose, provided a satis- factory arrangement could be made for the journal to become the official organ of the Association. He presented a resolution in the form of an agreement for the consideration of the meeting. After some general discussion it was voted that the chair appoint a com- mittee of three members to investigate the matter and report at the afternoon session. The following committee was appointed: Messrs. J. B. Smith, Osborn and Bruner. It was voted to make the reports of committees a special order of business, to be called up at 4.30 p. m., and that arrangements be made to hold a session at 8 p. m. to finish the reading of the papers re- maining on the program. At 4.30 p. m. the committee appointed to investigate the proposed journal of economic entomology presented its report, which endorsed the resolution presented at the morning session by Mr. Sanderson. A brief discussion followed in which Mr. J. B. Smith called attention to the fact that this marked a complete change in the previous policy of the Association, and meant practically severing all connection with the United States Department of Agriculture. It might be a difficult matter to induce the Department to publish the annual report of the Association in the future, in case the journal should not be a financial success. The report was amended in order to increase the advisory board 6 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 from five to six members, and to clearly define the method of their election, and it was then adopted by the Association in the following form : That those hereto subscribing form a company for publishing a journal devoted to economic entomology, to be the official organ of the Association of Economic Entomologists ; that this company will publish six issues a year of fifty to one hundred pages each, at a subscription price of one dollar ($1.00) to members and two dollars ($2.00) to non-members, in consideration of which the Association of Economic Entomologists agrees to publish its pro- ceedings in said journal ; that this company shall elect the editor and business manager, and that the advisory board shall consist of six members, to be nominated by the committee on nominations of the Association of Economic Entomologists and approved by the Association, which the company agrees to elect, two for one year, two for two years and two for three years, and that there shall hereafter be elected annually, in the same manner, two members to succeed those retiring ; that the above-mentioned board with the editor and business manager shall determine the policy of the journal and shall control the matter published in it; that the subscription list for stock in the company shall be open to all members of the Association of Economic Ento- mologists, and to them only, at ten dollars ($10) per share, payable on demand. The Committee on Membership presented the following report : REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON MEMBERSHIP. The Committee on Membership recommend the following: For foreign members : Prof. C. Gordon Ilewett, Manchester, England, proposed by Dr. L. O. Howard. Dr. Waldemar Pospielow, Station Entomologique, Rue de Boulevard No. 9, Kiew, Russia, proposed by Dr. L. O. Howard. For transfer from associate to active membership : Mr. R. C. L. Perliins, Honolulu, Hawaii. For associate members : Myron H. Swenk, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. Harry S. Smith, University of Nebraska. Lincoln, Neb. Paul R. Jones, Bureau of Entomology, Washington, D. C. Henry Ness, Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa. J. E. Buck, Agricultural Experiment Station, Blacksburg, Ya. R. A. Vickery, Agricultural Experiment Station, St. Anthony Park, Minn. George A. Dean, Kansas Agricultural College, Manhattan, Kan. Howard E. Weed, Chicago, 111. C. T. Paine, San Jose, Cal. Charles Spooner, Agricultural Experiment Station, Durham, N. H. B. H. Guilbeau, Baton Rouge, La. George A. Runner, State Crop Pest Commission, Baton Rouge, La. Arthur H. Rosenfeld, State Crop Pest Commission, Baton Rouge, La. T. C. Barber, State Crop Pest Commission, Baton Rouge, La. W. H. Goodwin, Agricultural Experiment Station, Wooster, Ohio. Frederick B. Lowe, 6 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass. Feb. '08] JOURNAL OP ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 7 H. O. Marsh, Bureau of Entomology, Washington, D. C. J. A. West, Urbana, 111. Edith M. Patch, Agricultural Experiment Station, Orono, Me. E. L. Worsham, Capitol Building, Atlanta, Ga. Burton N. Gates, Bureau of Entomology, Washington, D. C. Glen W. Herricli, Agricultural Experiment Station, Agricultural College, Miss. John J. Davis, University of Illinois, Urbana, 111. To be dropped from membership (on account of having discontinued ento- mological work.) J. M. Rankin, Leslie Martin, C. M. Walker, E. S. Hardy, W. O. Martin. The committee further recommends : That the committee on membership shall be appointed at the first session of each annual meeting, to serve until the appointment the next year of their successors, to whom the retiring committee shall transmit written recom- mendations concerning new members, promotions to active membership and names to be dropped from the roll. The committee further recommends: That the secretary be requested to have blanks printed for application for membership. Respectfully submitted, H. E. Summers, J. B. Smith, S. A. Forbes, Committee, By vote of the Association the report was accepted and the recom- mendations of the committee adopted. The report of the Treasurer and of the Auditing Committee was as follows; REPORT OP THE TREASURER. Jan. 1-Dec. 27, 1907. By amount received for dues . . . .' $111.00 Jan. 1, 1907. To balance due on account of 1906 $16.40 paper and printing 5.00 express on manuscript .55 . stamps 1.00 printing 2.25 rent of typewriter 3.00 April 20, stamps 3.00 25, stamps 1.00 May 1, stamps 1.00 " 24, stamps 1.00 Oct. 5, stamps 4.00 " 16, printing certificates and blanks 12.25 " 29, express charges .70 Nov. 6, mailing tubes 1.00 " 15. stamps 2.50 16, stamps 1.25 8 JOURNAL OP ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 Dec. 14, Stamps 4.00 " 21, telegram .98 Total amount expended, $60.88 To balance in the treasury, Dec. 27, 1907 50.12 $111.00 Respectfully submitted, A. F. Burgess, Treasurer. The Auditing Committee reported that the accounts of the treasurer had been examined and that they were found correct, and that a record of audit- ing had been made in the treasurer's book. Fbanklin Sherman, Jr., H. T. Fernald, Committee. These reports were accepted by vote of the Association. The report of the Committee on Nominations was next presented: REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON NOMINATIONS. Your committee to nominate officers for the year 1908 begs leave to report as follows: For President, Dr. S. A. Forbes, Urbana, 111. For First Vice-President, Dr. W. E. Britton, New Haven, Conn. For Second Vice-President, Dr. E. D. Ball, Logan, Utah. For Secretary-Treasurer, A. F. Burgess, Washington, D. C. For Member of the Committee on Nomenclature, Prof. A. L. Quaintance, Washington, D. C. For Members of the Council A. A. A. S., Prof. H. A. Morgan, Knoxville, Tenn., and Dr. James Fletcher, Ottawa, Canada. For Member of the Joint Committee, Wilmon Newell, Baton Rouge, La. Respectfully submitted, Herbert Osborn, E. P. Felt, Wilmon Newell, Com,mittee. On motion the Secretary was instructed to cast the ballot of the Association for the list of officers reported by the committee and they were declared elected. The same committee also presented the names of the following members to serve on the advisory board of the journal : For three years, Messrs. Howard and Forbes. For two years, Messrs. Fletcher and Morgan. For one year, Messrs. Fernald and Osborn. By vote of the Association these nominations were approved. The report of the Committee on Resolutions was presented as follows : Feb. '08] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY ^ REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON RESOLUTIONS. The committee begs leave to report as follows : Resolved, That the Association of Economic Entomologists expresses its appreciation of the courtesies extended by the University of Chicago, the local committee on arrangements, and the entomologists of Chicago; and Resolved, That this Association hereby expresses its gratitude to Dr. L. O. Howard, Chief of the Bureau of Entomology, and the Honorable Secretary of Agriculture, for the editing and publication of its proceedings since its organ- ization, and whereas in the infancy of this organization a means of publi- cation was furnished it by Insect Life, published by the Division of Ento- mology, that this Association trusts that the staff of the Bureau of Ento- mology will make free use of the Journal of Economic Entomology now to be instituted as the official organ of this Association; and Resolved, That the Association beholds with gratification the recent activity in the study of ticks concerned in the transmission of diseases or that may be found to be so concerned and urges the members to make further and more extensive investigations in this important field ; and Resolved, That the Association recommend that apiculture receive more attention from the official state entomologists and especially that attention be paid to the distribution and treatment of the brood diseases of bees; and Resolved, That the Association expresses its appreciation of the valuable work being done by Prof. A. L. Herrera, of the Mexican Comission de Para- sitologia Agricola, under conditions of peculiar difficulty, and that the Secre- tary be instructed to notify Professor Herrera of this action ; and Resolved, That the Association reiterates its expression in the resolution passed at the New Orleans meeting to the effect that wherever possible the Secretary arrange programs on the symposium plan. W. D. HUNTEB, E. DwiGHT Sandeeson, F. L. Washburn. Committee. At the suggestion of Mr. Fletcher, the committee submitted a special resolution on the gypsy moth work as follows : Resolved, That the Association heartily approves the work now being done in the control of the gypsy moth and brown-tail moth by the state of Massa- chusetts and other states and by the Bureau of Entomology ; and inasmuch as we have heard of criticism of this work from certain quarters, we hereby ex- press our unqualified approbation of the present management and of the methods which it has adopted, and furthermore we would consider a change in policy as most dangerous to the vital interests concerned in the most impor- tant work in applied entomology that has ever been undertaken. In discussing this resolution Mr. Fletcher called attention to the excellent results that are being secured from this work, and urged the necessity of a continuance of the same management and policy that has brought about these results. It was moved and carried that the report be adopted. The special resolution was then unanimously approved by the Association. 10 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 The Standing Committee on Insecticides submitted the following report : REPORT OF THE STANDING COMMITTEE ON INSECTICIDES. Your committee on insecticides begs to present tlie following I'eport : 1. After consideration of the list of insecticides submitted to the members of the Association for testing as reported to the committee of last year on this subject (which list is herewith appended) it seems to your committee that it is not advisable at the present time to undertake any cooperative tests of any of them. 2. Your committee recommends that all new proprietary insecticides offered to members of this Association be referred to this committee, who will then proceed, as suggested in the report of the committee on this matter of last year, part two. 3. The committee believes that it should ascertain whether it is possible to secure an interpretation or amendment of the national pure food and drug law so that it will include insecticides and fungicides, and if this is found impossible that the committee draw up and report to the next meeting of this xVssociation a suggested law which will aid in securing uniformity of legis- lation in the various states, as regards the compulsory analysis and labeling of insecticides and fungicides. Respectfully submitted, E. D. Sanderson, E. P. Felt, H. E. Summers, R. I. Smith. The following is a list of insecticides submitted by the committee Math the above report: Arsenites: Swift's Arsenate of Lead, Green Death, Disparene, Green Arsenoid. Scale insect remedies: Scalecide, Rex Lime Sulfur Wash, Target Brand Lime Sulfur Wash, Target Brand Scale Emulsion, Consol, Kil-o-Scale, Horicum. Tobacco preparations: Rose Nicotine, Nikoteen, Rose Leaf Extract, Nieo- ticide. Tobacco Dust, Aphis Punk. Larvacides: Phinotas Oil. Tree Pastes: Tree Tanglefoot, Stone's Tree Paste, Borer Tanglefoot, Raupeuleim. Soaps: Takanap soap. Miscellaneous: Zenoleum. Orient Spray, Limoid, American Disinfectant, Carlson's Mixture, Kerosene Flour Emulsion, Pearson's Creolin. Voted that the report be adopted and the committee continued. The Secretary asked for instructions from the Association in regard to limiting the length of time to be allowed for the presentation of papers at future meetings. After some general discussion the fol- lowing motion was made and carried: Feb. '08] JOURNAL OP ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGW H ''That the Secretary in calling for titles be authorized to request a fifteen-minute limit for papers, at the same time not necessarily limiting the length of important papers to that time; and that the time desired by each author be stated when submitting his title. At the evening session the President called attention to the desire of the representatives of the American Association of Nurserymen to have a committee appointed to attend their annual convention at Milwaukee. It was voted that a committee of three be appointed by the chair. The following members were selected, — Messrs. Forbes, Burgess and Symons. Mr. Orlando Harrison, representing the above mentioned Associa- tion, thanked the Association of Economic Entomologists for the courtesies extended to the nurserymen during the meeting. Immediately before adjournment Mr. W. D. Hunter presented the resolution which follows : Resolved, That the thanks of the Association be extended to the President, Prof. H. A. Morgan, for the equanimity, for the genial good nature, and for the wisdom with which he presided over the meetings of the twentieth annual session. This resolution was put before the meeting by Mr. Hunter and received unanimous approval. President Morgan expressed his appreciation of the sentiments con- veyed in the resolution, and with his usual unselfishness attempted to show that the Secretary was responsible for the success of the meeting. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. PART II The annual address of the President was presented at the opening session of the meeting, Friday morning, as follows : THE RELATION OF THE ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGIST TO AGRICULTURE By H. A. Morgan. KnoxviUe, Tenn. The discussions of the systematic, developmental, and purely eco- nomic aspects of the subject of Entomology that have been presented before this body from time to time have indicated in a conspicuous way the broad yet definite field of the economic entomologist. In the in- terest of the future work of the Association these general boundaries should be maintained, as it is difficult to predict just when or where even the most remote biologic investigation, discovery or observation 12 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 will thread its way into some definite economic problem, or when a commonly recognized condition will induce a purely scientific search for the unknown cause. In selecting for discussion at this time the relation of the economic entomologist to agriculture, it is not my purpose to restrict the in- terpretation of this relation to that which prevailed nearly a quarter of a century ago, when this Association was instituted, but to point out that larger interpretation which the wave of interest in agricultural education and investigation justifies, and which will be realized unless misdirection from one cause or another shall materially affect the present tide. Agriculture is in need of the entomologist, and the entomologist has a fruitful field in agriculture. In the United States the land-grant colleges, made possible by the Morrill Act, in 1862, sent out the first organized tracer after a lost agriculture. A study of the history of many of these colleges in the light of present agricultural conditions indicates that the men who were placed in charge of these initial institutions were oftentimes with- out an agricultural compass and, what is worse, were without the sym- pathy and support of the people for whom the effort was being made. Hence, there was much time lost in adjusting a modern movement to old-time conditions. Not until the Hatch Act was put into operation, and investigational work was set in motion, did the complex nature of agriculture begin to be apparent. Through independent efforts of pioneer entomologists in some of the states, entomology had already found a place in the agricultural schedule, and upon the organization of the state experiment stations, entomologists were placed on the staffs ; or the subject had won sufficient recognition to be associated with departments of biology or horticulture, already a part of the col- leges with which the stations were affiliated. The relation of economic entomology to agriculture was recognized by the nation prior to 1887, and, while not specified in the Hatch Act, its real relation to a state's agriculture was no doubt a part of the general conception of the author of the bill which gave each state an institution for agricultural investigation. Some of the colleges receiving the benefits of the Morrill Act were giving limited courses in entomology at the time the experiment sta- tions were organized. In others the number of insect forms had given taxonomic value to the study of entomolgy in zoological courses ; while in others the economic aspect of insects was incidentally emphasized by the horticulturist or agriculturist in connection with some orchard, garden, or field pest. Are we not justified in concluding, then, that when the spirit of in- vestigation became effective in agriculture, economic entomology re- Feb. '08] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 13 ceived its logical setting? This may be true of many other sciences entering into composite agriculture ; yet the peculiar relation of ento- mology to agriculture is conspicuous. Were this not true, the rapid strides that have been made in associating the two would have been impossible. You will agree with me that with economic entomology unsatisfac- torily associated, its future imperfectly projected, and with meager means for the preparation of persons for the work, the pioneers of this science merit commendation not usually accorded them. It is true that many of the men who took positions as entomologists of experi- ment stations in the beginning were better prepared for many other lines of work, but the wealth of opportunity for observation and in- vestigation, and their application of these to agricultural progress, could hardly be mistaken. Now and then errors of observation were made and recorded, some of which unfortunately have been perpet- uated by quotation to this time. It was to be expected, too, that cer- tain easy methods and successful lines should drift economic entomolo- gical thought and activity into definite directions and veil for a time the real value of biological as well as ecological investigations and their application to preventive and remedial relief. The biting and sucking mouth parts were for a time the only recognized parts of an insect's anatomy, and hellebore, Paris green, and coal oil emulsion the standard substances in insect warfare. The conceptions of the scope of entomological research as related to agricultural development have gradually but surely been expanded, until now a worker in this field finds himself involved in problems of very much wider range than the superficial anatomy of a common in- sect enemy of a local crop, or the compounding of a standard insecti- cide. Insects are related to diseases of live stock, as hosts of sporozoic organisms and nematodes, or as disseminators of diseases of bacterial origin; the importing and distributing of predatory and parasitic forms, and the adjusting of these to new conditions and even new hosts ; the exact relation of insects to fruit and seed development ; and the interrelation of insects, as in the case of ants and aphids, are all modern problems of economic entomology. While these questions are associated, either directly or indirectly, with agriculture, and are of great importance, I wish at this time to consider to what extent the student of economic entomology, in order to apply his knowledge to the best advantage, should be also a student of agriculture. Within recent years deep-seated problems in connection with the occurrence of insects and allied forms have given prominence to lines of investigation of unusual merit in point of results. During the past season the army worm again appeared in destructive numbers in many 14 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Yol. 1 portions of Tennessee. Some observations were made of well sep- arated outbreaks to determine if possible the reason for the unusual attack. In most eases the system of crop rotation and the farm prac- tice were found conducive to the protection of the wintering forms under suitable climatic conditions. In the latitude of Tennessee a general rotation is corn, wheat, meadow. During average seasons corn land, after what is termed the "laying by," becomes foul with weeds, particularly a species of Ambrosia. This land, after the wheat is cut the second year produces a heavy growth of weeds from seeds of the previous year. The weeds are cut and left as a mulch for the meadow. This mulch affords protection for the army worm during winter and early spring of the third season, which results, if a late spring obtains, in the destruction of the meadow crop and the spread of the worms into contiguous fields. These observa- tions place the burden of proof for the outbreak upon the corn crop and the practices prevailing in its cultivation. Preventive measures must be sought in a change in the rotation and possibly in the intro- duction of a new crop. Here agricultural information is demanded. The ravages of the sugar cane borer {Diatrece saccharalis) have been traced to practices of handling the cane during fall planting, windrow- ing, and spring planting, and to the planting of corn on land pre- viously devoted to second-year stubble. Here, again, a change in a rotation system and common practices of handling the crop are in- volved in preventive suggestions. In fact, the best methods of control of many of the insect enemies of a diversified agriculture are to be found in the adjusting of agricultural practice to biologic conditions. Evidence of this may be found in the recommendations for the corn root aphis, the Hessian fly, the cotton boll worm, the tobacco worm, the differential grasshopper, the North American cattle tick, the com root worm, wireworra and cutworm, and many other pests of general distribution. The invasion into the Southern States of the Mexican cotton boll weevil, and its effect upon a crop of international importance, enlisted unusual interest in methods of control. Growing out of the efforts made in connection with the boll weevil, more than any other insect, has the relation of detailed biologic study to the cultural methods of remedial relief been emphasized, if not permanently established. Never before have the importance of a study of agricultural conditions and the habits of most plants been so intimately associated in the develop- ment of preventive methods. Our standing with the farming frater- nity and our opportunities to promote entomological investigation in its broadest and most acceptable field seem to suggest an intimate study of conditions that will protect in the most economical way the Feb. '08] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 15 interests of the crop producer. If a change in the system of cropping is necessary, recommendations in keeping with the best practice should be available. If postponement of the time of seeding will bring relief from insect attack, the influence on yields from other causes due to late seeding should be carefully studied, and estimated, and compared with the losses occurring from the damage under normal conditions. Some may think these matters belong to other departments of agri- cultural investigation, and that the recommendations which are the outcome of biological study should be turned over to other persons for their execution. Such action is not in keeping with the crop pro- ducer's estimate of agricultural organization, and he is an important factor in the successful development of any remedial plan. Delay consequent on the shifting of the execution of any method or methods is destructive of the best interests of agriculture and oi the various sciences which make up its multifarious structure. In concluding, I wish to express confidence in the opportunities offered to economic entomologists for the development of preventive and remedial measures against insect attack, by the timely correlation of a thoroughly matured knowledge of agricultural conditions with an exhaustive life-history and habit study. The discussion of this address was postponed until the afternoon session. A paper was presented by Mr. Smith : CULTIVATION AND SUSCEPTIBILITY TO INSECT ATTACK By JoHX B. Smith, New Bruusicick, N. J. (Abstract.) It is a common complaint in New Jersey by fruit growers that care best for their orchards, that some of their neighbors that never spray suffer less from the pernicious scale than they ; and there is a basis of tact for the complaint. In almost every section of the state there are old orchards, chiefly apple, that bear annual crops of good or fair fruit, practically free from scale, though no spraying work is ever done in the orchards and the trees have been infested for years. Investigation brought out a few facts that seem to be suggestive. First, as a rule, vigorous, sappy growth is much more generally infested and injured than slow, hardy growth. Second, trees grow- ing in well cultivated orchards, highly fertilized, are much more likely to suffer from scale attack than others. Third, trees that grow slowly, or in sod, without much care, are much the more resistant to scale 16 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol: 1 attack. Fourth, trees that become infested while young and growing vigorously, suffer much more than trees that do not become infested until they have reached bearing age. Fifth, trees that have been infested for some years, have been more or less persistently treated so as to keep down the insects, and have then been abandoned, not infrequently clean themselves and become and remain practically free from scale afterward. Some suggestions derived from these facts are, that possibly trees are being stimulated to rapid growth at the expense of hardiness, and that the nitrogenous fertilizers used to produce quick and large trees actually lessen resistant power to insect attack. It would seem in place to inquire whether there should not be a modification of our practice that would induce a hardier growth and one more resistant to scale attack. Instead of adopting a practice calculated to secure size, try to secure one that would give greater hardiness even at the expense of mere growth. That there is a variation in susceptibility among varieties is universally known; it should not be impossible by selection and proper treatment to secure both quality and resistance. It is unscientific to devote ourselves merely to securing and testing spray mixtures, however necessary these may be for immediate re- sults, if there is a possibility of securing exemption by increasing resistance or by adoption of fertilizing methods more in accord with the real needs of the plants. A general discussion of the paper followed. Mr. Taylor suggested that the fruit grower might lose more by failure to cultivate his orchard in order to dwarf the trees than he would gain by making them more resistant to scale attack. Mr. Smith stated that the paper should not be construed as an argument to do away with the cultivation of orchards. It is possible that fertilizers might be used to advantage to produce a short, hardy growth rather than a large amount of new wood. He thought it might be desirable to use lime in the orchard and to reduce the amount of nitrogenous fertilizers. Mr. Felt stated that he had observed in certain parts of New York the same conditions to which Mr. Smith had referred in his paper. He recalled several orchards where the San Jose scale is doing little, if any, injury, which is probably due to the condition of the trees. Mr. Rumsey asked if anyone had noted any difference in suscepti- bility to attack in Ben Davis apple trees. No data on this point was presented. Mr. Burgess remarked that in his experience the orchards which Feb. '08] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 17 make a very short growth of wood annually and are thereby enabled to -resist scale attack are usually neglected by the owners and do not yield profitable crops of fruit. The best growers aim to secure a large amount of new, vigorous wood, as this insures better quality of fruit. This practice is particularly true in peach culture. Mr. J. L. Phillips stated that in Virginia fruit growers are attempt- ing to keep their trees in a vigorous condition and are able to secure profitable crops by spraying to hold the scale in check. The trees which are not being injured by the scale and where no spraying is being done, are neglected ones that are not a source of profit to their owTiers. Mr. J. G. Sanders called attention to the fact that healthy, vigorous trees increased the fecundity and growth of infesting scale insects to a remarkable degree ; the reverse being true in old, enfeebled trees. He stated that by transferring the cottony maple scale {Pulvinaria innumerabilis) to various vigorous plants he had reared forms that had been previously described as distinct species of that genus. By transferring this species from thickly infested maple trees to vigorous young lindens and sycamores he had secured specimens three times the size of the original females and a corresponding increase in egg production resulted. President Morgan remarked that the paper under discussion was one that should interest the nurserymen and horticulturists and called on Prof. Craig for remarks. The latter expressed the opinion that the entomologists should go very slow in advocating any method of preventing scale injury along the line of doing less spraying or of practising less cultivation in the orchard. Fruit growers are always on the alert for some easy method of destroying this pest and he feared that statements of this sort from officials would be used by careless and indifferent growers as an argument for doing nothing. A paper was read by Mr. Washburn : FURTHER OBSERVATIONS ON THE USE OF HYDRO- CYANIC ACID GAS AGAINST THE FLOUR MOTH By F. L. Washbuen, St. Anthony Park, Minn. (Withdrawn for publication elsewhere.) The Secretary briefly reviewed a paper received from Mr. A. L. Herrera, Mexico City, Mexico, on "Notes on the Orange Worm" (Trypeta ludens), and exhibited a colored plate which accompanied the paper. Mr. W. D. Hunter gave a description of the able work that Mr. 18 JOURNAL OP ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 Herrera is doing in Mexico and referred to some of the difficult prob- lems which he encounters. Mr. Felt presented a paper as follows: OBSERVATIONS ON THE BIOLOGY AND FOOD HABITS OF THE CECIDOMYIIDAE By E. P. Felt, Albany. N. Y. The species belonging to this family, though small and easily dis- tinguished from most other Diptera, are exceedingly abundant and subsist in the larval stage under quite varied conditions. The ma- jority of forms live upon plants and a goodly proportion produce galls. These peculiar structures occur upon the roots, root stalks or underground buds, along the stem, on the branches, on the leaves or even among the flowers or flower heads as the case may be. One genus for example, Rhopalomyia, attacks all parts of various Soli- dagos, except perhaps the root, the galls being quite varied in character and the adults from the same representing distinct species and, so far as known to us, coming only from galls possessing certain characters. On the other hand, Asphondylia monacha 0. S., a most striking form, occurs not only in terminal rosette galls on the narrow-leaved Solidago, Euthamia lanceolata and E. graminifolia, but may breed in apparently unaffected florets of the same plant or may be found in what we have designated as adherent galls on Solidago canadensis and S. serotina. These latter structures are inhabited by two species belonging to as many genera and appear to be produced by the female laying eggs between the closely apposed young leaves in the rapidly growing bud. The larvae cause a depression on each surface and the margins adhere, so that when the plant develops and the leaves turn down, the pair affected adhere at the point of injury though their bases are an inch or more apart. The form of the gall appears to be determined largely by the location and number of eggs the female deposits ; for example, the midrib deformity on ash leaves, known as the gall of Cecidomyia pellex, may range in length from about 1/2 to 214 inches. It appears to develop directly as a result of the larval irritation on the upper surface of the midrib; the size of the gall being proportionate to the number of larvae, small ones having perhaps five or six, while the largest may have as many as 50 to 60. Certain species breed in more or less regularly rolled leaves, and in this case there seems to be a comparatively slight irritation and the form of the roll is governed mostly by the location of the larvae and the structure of the leaf. Other species subsist in more or less irregular depressions, and here again the irritation is comparatively slight. There is one form, for example, which produces a slightly depressed rectangular area on the Feb. '08] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 19 underside of milk-weed leaves. The boundaries of the deformity are evidently limited by the stout reticulating veins characteristic of this plant. The circular ocellate gall on hard maple, known as Cecidomyia ocellaris, is presumably produced in the same way, and its form is governed by ordinary mechanical laws, as there are few rigid veins to modify its margin. The form of irregular subcortical galls on various shrubs and certain herbaceous plants appears to be determined very largely by the degree of infestation, and this is presumably limited by the egg-laying habits of the female. There are, in addition to the gall-making species, a number of forms which may breed in decaying 'wood, in other rotting vegetable matter, or subsist upon fungus or even prey upon other species such as Aphids and Acarids. The duration of the life cycle varies greatly between the different groups, and in some eases, apparently among members of the same group. It is presumable that most of the Lasiopterines and the some- what nearly related Rhabdophagas and their allies produce but one generation annually. The same is probably true of most of the Asphondylines and presumably of numerous representatives among the higher groups, including such well known species as the pear midge, Contarinia pyrivora, and the introduced European Contarinia rumicis, which breeds in the seeds of Riimex crispus. On the other hand, certain species like the Hessian fly, Mayetiola destructor Say and the violet gall midge, known as Contarinia violicola, com- plete the life cycle within a relatively few weeks, and the number of generations is governed almost entirely by climatic conditions and the presence of a supply of suitable food. A large number of our species winter within their galls in the larval stage. This is true of all Lasiopterines known to us which occur in subcortical galls, in stem galls and in at least certain of the blister galls. It is also the case with certain Hormomyias producing leaf galls on hickory. Others forsake the gall and winter in subterranean cells, possibly under vege- table debris and frequently in well-developed cells. There are some exceedingly interesting correlations existing between these forms and their food habits. Among the Lasiopterines, for example, the genus Clinorliyncha, represented' in this country by at least one introduced European species (C millefolii Wachtl.) appears to breed entirely among the florets of certain compositae such as yar- row, tansy and the common daisy. Another genus, provisionally referred to Baldratia Kieff., breeds in very large measure in the peculiar, apparently fungous affected blister galls so abundant on solidago and aster, though at least one form has been reared from an apparently unaffected leaf of Erigeron. Larvse belonging to Lasioptera occur largely in subcortical galls on the stems or branches 30 JOURNAL OP ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 of certain shrubs and herbaceous plants, there usually being a number of larvae in each gall. The botanical genera, SoUdago and Aster, appear to be prime favorites with this group of insects. The willows, Salix species, have a peculiar fauna, and it is worthy of note that, so far as known to us, not a Lasiopterine has been reared from an American Salix, though a species of Clinorhyncha was taken on this plant. This is the more remarkable, as they occur abundantly in subcortical galls on a number of shrubs and trees such as Samhucus, Viburnum, Lindera, etc. The genus Salix appears to be a prime favorite with Cecidomyiidge referable to Rhahdophaga or nearly allied genera. These insects produce varied subcortical galls on stems and branches, and are also responsible for several bud galls. The poplar, Populus species, differs markedly from Salix in its Cecidomyiid fauna. A European species of Lasioptera has been reared from this genus, while in America we have obtained but one species of Rhabdophaga, as contrasted with some ten or more bred from Salix. We have bred, presumably from poplar, a representative of the aberrant genus OU- garces. There are, in addition, a number of leaf galls occurring on poplar, upon which we are not prepared to report. Many representa- tives of the genus Dasyneura and its allies subsist in loose bud galls or folded leaves such, for example, as Dasyneura leguminicola Lintn., which breeds in clover heads, the European D. trifolii F. Lw. in the folded leaves of clover, and D. pseudacacice Fitch in the folded leaves of black locust. The larvae of Dasyneura flavotibialis Felt subsist in fungous affected, rotting wood. Oligotropkus asplenifolia Felt was reared from the folded leaves of sweet fern, Comptonia asplenifolia, while several species of Rhopalomyia occur in large numbers in com- pound terminal heads of SoUdago. Certain species of Hormomyia breed in some of the well known hickory leaf galls, while the larva of H. crataegifolia lives in a leaf fold on Crataegus. Some European species of this genus have been reared from galls in grass stems, and undoubtedly certain of our American forms have similar habits. Many members of the Diplosid group occur in folded leaves, loose tip galls or even in more or less abnormal florets. Some of the incident perplexities of this work are illustrated by our having reared four species of Diplosids from florets of the spread- ing Dogbane, Apocynum androsaemifolium. A rather irregular, loose leaf fold gall on the base of hazel leaves may produce three or four species, while we have obtained two distinct forms from the rather well known tumid leaf gall on grape, ascribed to Lasioptera vitis 0. S. There is, in addition, a petiole gall on grape which has produced three forms referable to as many genera, while the common horseweed, Erigeron, normally produces two entirely different species. Feb. '08] JOURNAL OP ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 31 It is impossible to state at the outset just what material may or may not produce Cecidomyiidae, since we have bred a species of Lasioptera from an apparently normal Diervilla stem only Yg of an inch in diameter. Afternoon Session, Friday, December 27, 1907. The session was called to order at 1 p. m. and the presidential address was discussed. Mr. J. B. Smith stated that he considered the address very timely. He believed, however, that owing to the recent extension of the field of the economic entomologist that there is danger that he may uncon- sciously get out of his proper field of work. In insecticide investiga- tions the entomologist should secure the cooperation of the chemist. He is satisfied that the diseases of the brown-tail and gypsy moths had destroyed more of the insects than the parasites, but in this field the work of the plant pathologist is needed. Certain cranberry insects have modified the entire plan of cranberry culture, while in the mos- quito campaign in New Jersey, where about 15,000 acres of salt marsh have been drained by the construction of over 2,200,000 feet of ditches, the problem has become one of engineering to a large extent. He believed that when we get outside the range of entomology, experts in the allied sciences should be consulted. Several other members expressed their appreciation of the address. Mr. Newell presented the following paper: NOTES ON THE HABITS OF THE ARGENTINE OR "NEW ORLEANS" ANT, IRIDOMYRMEX HUMILIS MAYR. By WiLMON Newell, Baton Rouge, La. It is not often that the economic entomologist is privileged to be- hold the coming of a new and dangerous pest, to see its numbers rap- idly increasing for several years before it attracts more than casual attention from the "layman," and yet be practically powerless to avert the threatened catastrophe. An insect problem practically unheard of by the majority of the members of this Association, is now presenting itself in the State of Louisiana, and will shortly present itself to most if not all of the southern portion of this country. It is, withal, a problem which in the writer's humble opinion will rank in magnitude alongside the problems presented by the San Jose scale, gypsy moth and boll weevil, but in marked contrast to these it is not likely to admit of remedial measures being as easily applied. 22 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 In his brief experience as an entomologist, the writer has not en- countered or heard of any species which exercises its destructive abilities in so many different directions. As a household pest I ven- ture the opinion that this ant has no equal in the United States. It is both a direct and indirect enemy of horticulture; direct by actual destruction of buds, blooms and fruit, and indirect by its fostering care of various scale insects and plant lice. In the latter role it be- comes also an enemy of importance to shade and ornamental trees and plants. By its association with Pseudococcus calceolariae (Mask) it may wipe out, or at least make unprofitable, the production of cane sugar in the South. By its successful antagonism of beneficial forms it becomes doubly injurious. The varieties of Solenopsis geminata, now regarded as extremely important in the natural control of the boll M^eevil, are likely to be greatly reduced in numbers by Iridomyrmex humilis and thus the latter species may become the indirect cause of damage to the cotton crop. Even as a menace to human life, under certain circumstances, this little ant cannot be entirely ignored. To this I shall refer later. History and Introduction. The species was first described as " Hypoclinea humilis" by G. Mayr, in 1868, from workers collected in 1866 near Buenos Ayres in Argentina, the original description appearing in the Annuario delta Soc. Naturalisti Modena, Vol. Ill, page 164. Following is Mayr's description of the species, kindly furnished by Dr. W. M. Wheeler of the American Museum of Natural History, from the original edition : "Operla : Long, 2.6 mm. Sordide ferruginea, micans, mandlbularum parte apicali flavescenti, abdomine nigrofusco, tarsis et nonnunquam tibiis testaceis ; miscroscopice adpresse pubescens ; absque pllis abstantibus ; subtilissime coriaceo-rugulosa, mandibulis nitidis sublaevigatis pimctis nonnuUis; clyi)eus margine antico late baud profunde emarginatus ; thorax inter mesonotoni et metanotum paulo et distincte constrictus, pronoto fornicato, mesonoto longi- trorsum recto, transversim convexo, metanoto inermi longitrorsum fornicato, pronoto paulo altiori ; petioli squama compressa rotundata." No mention of this species in the literature on economic entomology seems to have appeared prior to the publication of a paper by E. S. G. Titus, of the Bureau of Entomology, in the proceedings of the Seven- teenth Annual Meeting of this Association,* reciting his observations made upon a trip to New Orleans in July, 1904, at the request of Prof. H. A. Morgan, who prior to that time, had recognized the dan- gerous nature of the pest. Mr. Titus's paper is replete with inter- aBulletin No. 52, Bureau of Entomology, U. S. Dept. Agr., p. 78-84. Feb. '08] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 23 esting- information and in fact he secured a surprising amount of data in the limited time at his disposal. Since 1904 the species has fre- quently been referred to in the Louisiana press, usually as ' ' the ant. ' ' As with most imported species, the original time and place at which a foothold was obtained by the Argentine ant in Louisiana, must be largely conjectured. However, we are able to conjecture with rather strong circumstantial evidence to guide us. Not only does the testi- mony of inhabitants indicate New Orleans to be the original starting point of this species in the South, but its enormous numbers and the extent to which it has exterminated other species of Formicina con- firm the opinion that it has been in New Orleans longer than elsewhere. For the earliest record of its occurrence in New Orleans, I am in- debted to Mr. Ed. Foster of the editorial staff of the New Orleans Daily Picayune. Mr. Foster has for years been a close student of insect life, and especially of Hymenoptera, so that his testimony may be accepted with the same confidence as that of a professional ento- mologist. Mr. Foster first noted humilis in New Orleans in 1891 and in a personal letter to the writer he thus gives the record : "I have known the species since 1891. At that time it was a rarity in Audubon Park, but was very common in the section immediately above Canal Street. Below Canal Street it was not at all plentiful. The boundary of the nuisance then was virtually from Magazine Street to the river. The coffee ships from Brazil, I understand, have always landed about where the wharves are now situated (on the river front, adjoining the area above-mentioned), but from what we know of the spread of insect nuisances, the first batch of immigrants must have come in years before I came across their descendants. ' ' Mr. Titus, quoting Mr. Baker, former Superintendent of Audubon Park, states that in 1896 "they extended over but a small area, reaching approximately from Southport docks to Carrollton Avenue, and from the river back to Poplar Street," and that "in 1899 they were first noticed in Audubon Park." This area, from Southport to Carrollton Avenue, is located about five or six miles northwest of the area between Magazine Street and the river, noted by Foster to be well infested as early as 1891. Mr. Baker therefore had not been familiar with the original area of heavy infestation, but merely noted the species after it had invaded the part of the town where he resided. Mr. Titus's information regarding the species being first noted in Audubon Park in 1899 was of course secured from citizens, who failed io note the ant until it had reached prodigious numbers in the same place that Foster had found it a "rarity" in 1891. The dissemination to Audubon Park was undoubtedly from the heavily infested area between Magazine Street and the wharves already referred to. 24 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [VoL 1 For years coffee ships from Brazilian ports have unloaded their cargoes at these wharves, and from what we now know of the habits of this ant, a ship could hardly set sail from any port where it occurs without carrying many workers and doubtless many queens as well. On the authority of Prof. W. M. Wheeler^, 7. kumilis is apparently a native of the Americas only in Brazil and Argentina. That the species was brought to New Orleans in the coffee ships from Brazil, seems so highly probable as to admit of little doubt. Incidentally it may be remarked that few, if any, merchant vessels now clear from the port of New Orleans during the summer months without having an abundant supply of kumilis on board. It may not be out of place at this point to call attention to the common name of this insect. The local name of *' crazy ant"" has been applied to this species by some of the inhabitants of New Or- leans, but it is far from being a desirable name. The most universal name in use is that of "New Orleans ant" and this seems to have been adopted by common consent on account of the species being so abun- dant in New Orleans. In view of the probable future importance of this insect the common name adopted now will likely remain a fixture in popular entomological literature. It is manifestly unjust to attach the name of the Crescent City to this pernicious pest, for on neither the city nor its inhabitants can the responsibility be saddled for the introduction of this little ant. As the species was first described from Argentina and as that coun- try doubtless embraces a large part of the area in which the species is native, I should like to propose the name "Argentine ant" as being far more appropriate and specific than any yet suggested. I should like to see the species so recognized in the official list of insect names adopted and revised from time to time by this Association. The dissemination of the Argentine ant from New Orleans to towns along the principal railroad lines within 200 miles of the city has not been particularly rapid, but has been very complete. To the eastward of New Orleans the infestation extends into southern Mississippi and to the westward as far as Lake Charles, La., a distance of two hundred miles, or nearly to the Louisiana-Texas state line. Down the Missis- sippi River the infestation is heavy the entire distance to the Gulf of Mexico, a distance of ninety miles. Northward the infestation reaches again into the State of Mississippi and in a more northwesterly ^Entomological News, Jan., 1906, p. 24. cSince the above was written, Prof. W. M. Wheeler has advised the writer that the term "crazy ant" is applied in Florida and the West Indies to an- other species, Prenolepis longicornis. Feb. '08] JOURNAL OP ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 35 direction at least as far as Alexandria, La., a distance of one hundred and ninety miles from New Orleans. Fully five thousand square miles are now included in the infested territory. Artificial dissemina- tion is by far the most important means of distribution. Mr. Titus in his paper reviewed very completely this phase of the subject. Suf- fice to say that individuals by thousands, and even complete colonies, travel from infested points in shipments of groceries, feed stuffs, manufactured articles, timbers, etc. The spread of the species from the railroad towns into the surrounding country and into the broad iields of the large plantations is comparatively slow and in only a small part of the area designated as infested is the ant universally distributed through both town and country. Economic Importance. It is as a household pest that this ant has thus far attracted the most attention. Under houses, in dooryards, beneath outhouses, in compost heaps, in hollow trees and between the walls of dwellings the nests or colonies occur in abundance. From these nests foragers go forth by day and by night, being deterred only when the temperature falls below about 50° F. Whenever a foraging worker discovers any- thing which will serve as food hundreds and thousands of workers will gather within the half hour. In the case of my own residence, a new building, every square inch of surface in each room is regularly "patrolled" by the individual "scouts." No trunk, closet, book case, nor corner is left unexplored, and this despite the fact that since last spring I have waged constant warfare against them by destroying dozens of colonies with bisulphide of carbon. Among the substances which serve the species as food may be men- tioned sugars and syrups of all kinds, fresh meat, blood, lard, cream, fruit juices, honey, cakes and dead insects. Very few repellants are successful in protecting food stuffs. Even the time-honored method of placing table legs in bowls of water is but partially effective, for with the first accumulation of a dust film on the water the workers cross it without difficulty. In fact the surface film of perfectly fresh water is almost strong enough to support workers, and on more than (\ne occasion I have seen a worker alternately swimming and walking across the surface of the water. Grocers, restaurant keepers and wholesale houses lose heavily by the inroads of this pest. A jug of molasses or a barrel of sugar, for example, containing several thousand ants is not entirely acceptable to the customer. The species does not sting, but can bite severely when so inclined, and sometimes becomes an annoyance to human beings. I have known of several cases where 36 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 people have had to place their beds, during the summer months, upon panes of glass covered with vaseline in order to pass the night in peace. There have been rumored cases of infants being killed by these ants, but so extreme a case has not come within my observation. That such might easily occur is not at all improbable. A neighbor of mine was awakened one night the past summer by the cries of an infant, about two months of age, lying in its cradle near at hand. Thousands of these ants were crawling over the child 's body and into mouth and nostrils. It was necessary to repeatedly submerge the infant in a tub of water before all the persistent workers could be disposed of. Had the child not received immediate attention the consequences would doubtless have been serious. The Argentine ant is particularly fond of the honey-dew secreted by Aphids and various scale insects, and in all localities the increase of Coccidae and Aphididae following the increase of these ants has been almost beyond belief. Many thousands of ornamental trees and plants in New Orleans have already been destroyed by scale-insects. Many complaints are also received that the workers eat into the petals and calyces of flowers of various kinds, and indeed it has now become almost impossible to produce cut flowers with profit in the city of New Orleans. During the past autumn I have noticed the workers of this species assiduously attending the ordinary cotton plant-lice, apparently colon- izing them upon the younger foliage. The cotton-louse is a species which is usually brought fully under control by natural enemies after the middle of June, but should this ant succeed in facilitating their increase during the summer and autumn these Aphids may come prom- inently to the front as enemies of the cotton crop. As a direct enemy to fruit the ant is also important. At Audubon Park the past spring the entire prospective orange crop was de- stroyed by them, the workers eating into the opening fruit buds. Many complaints of this injury to oranges were reported to us from the lower Mississippi River and coast regions. The fig crop in the vicinity of New Orleans was this year almost entirely destroyed by them. The following, quoted from the New Orleans Times-Democrat of July 7, 1907, is not overdrawn: "The time of the ripening of the figs has come and the housekeepers have to watch the rich harvest of figs falling to earth day after day in their green immaturity from the beautiful trees that are so ant-infested it is almost impossible to pick the few that do ripen. The trees themselves are making a noble fijht, but they will be conquered in the end, because the hordes that attack them are illimitable and possess a high intelligence simply marvelous when with our feeble human efforts we try to over-reach them." Feb. '08] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY ^ It is in its relationship to the cane growing industry that /, humilis promises to be of most importance. "Wherever this ant has become exceedingly abundant in the cane fields a mealy-bug locally known as- the " poo-a-pouche " increases with great rapidity. This latter insect has been identified by Mr. J. G. Sanders of the Bureau of Entomology as Pseudococcus calceolariae (Mask). Not only does the poo-a-pouche heavily infest the growing cane, finding lodgment between the leaf and the cane itself and drawing heavily upon the sap, but in the spring of the year it is apparently colonized upon cane underground by Iridomyrmex humilis, and there it proceeds to destroy the germ- inating buds of the "plant cane." By way of parenthesis I should perhaps explain that one of the methods of propagating sugar cane is to plant the previous year's canes in rows during the winter and the bud at each joint develops the following spring, sending up a rapidly growing shoot. By the destruction of these developing buds below the surface of the ground in spring, the prospective cane crop is as com- pletely destroyed as would be a crop of corn were some insect to de- vour all of the seed planted. Mr. J. B. Garrett, of the Louisiana Experiment Stations, who has recently been making a study of this poo-a-pouche, finds that its dis- tribution is by no means co-extensive with that of the ant, and that it occurs only in a small part of the territory now occupied by the latter. The poo-a-pouche occurs in destructive numbers on the plantations from New Orleans to the mouth of the Mississippi River, a distance of ninety miles. The fact remains, however, that this is the territory in which the ant is most numerous and most firmly established. Mr. Garrett also expresses doubt as to the ant actually colonizing the poo-a-pouche upon the cane, and suggests at the same time that the unusual increase of the poo-a-pouche may be due to protection from its natural enemies, afforded by the ants. It happens that the varieties of cane most susceptible to this injury are among the best ones at present grown in the South. Unless some unforeseen factor injects itself into this problem, the entire sugar industry of the South will be threatened by this poo-a-pouche and the attending Argentine ant, which seems to be responsible for its rapid increase. An interesting food habit of this species has become apparent to truck growers. The workers are very fond of lettuce seed and while we are not as yet certain that the lettuce seed are harvested from the mature plants, it is well established that the workers industriously dig up and carry to their nests freshly planted seed from the gar- dener's beds. In the infested territory some expedient has to be resorted to to protect the lettuce seed until they germinate, by which time they are safe from the attacks of this ant. The workers are fond 28 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 of corn meal, and if this be strewed thickly on top of the rows con- taining the lettuce seed, the ants will undertake to carry it away. By the time the meal is all removed, the lettuce seed has usually germin- ated. This practice is the most common one among the truck-growers. I have succeeded in protecting the lettuce seed by using tobacco dust scattered liberally on the ground over the seed, but it is not an entirely efficient repellent, for a small percentage of the workers burrow through it, seemingly without inconvenience or annoyance. In what other fields this ant of cosmopolitan habits will become a disturbing factor remains to be seen. Description. In all the colonies which we have had under observation for several months, not more than three forms have been found, the females or queens, workers and males. Major and minor workers do not seem to occur nor do any individuals more than others act as soldiers or scouts. The original description of the worker by Mayr has been quoted above. As far as the writer can learn, the queen and male as well as the immature forms, have not heretofore been described. At my request Prof. W. M. Wheeler has prepared a re-description of the worker, and descriptions of the queen and male, thus making a complete and comprehensive description of the species, which I give herewith : Iridomyrmex humilis Mayr. "HypocUnea hurmlis Mayr. Annu. Soc. Natural Modena, 1868, 3 : 144, No. 4, worker. "HypocUnea (Iridomyrmex) humilis Mayr, Verb. Zool. botan. Ges. Wien, 1870, 20 : 954, 958, worker. "Iridomyrmex humilis Emery, Zeitschr. f. wlss. zool. 46, 1888, p. 386. Taf. 28, Figs. 17-19 (gizzard). Worker: Length 2.2-2.6 mm. "Head oval, broader behind than in front, with its posterior margin slightly concave in the middle. Eyes flattened, in front of the middle of the head. Mandibles with two larger apical and several minute basal teeth. Clypeus short, convex in the middle, with broadly excised anterior margin. Frontal area and groove present but rather indistinct. Antennal scapes extending about one fourth their length beyond the posterior corners of the head. Joints 1-5 and the terminal joint of the funiculus distinctly longer than broad ; remaining joints nearly as broad as long. Thorax slender, narrower than the head ; broadest through the pronotum which is convex, rounded and nearly as long as broad. Mesonotum nearly as long as the pronotum, sloping, laterally compressed, in profile evenly continuing the contour of the pronotum. Mesoepinotal constriction rather deep, extending obliquely down- ward and backward on each side. Epinotum short, nearly twice as high a3 long, convex on the sides, with a short convex base, and a longer, flatter and more sloping declivity. Petiole small, less than half as broad as the epino- Feb. '08] JOURNAL OP ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 29 turn ; its scale in profile, compressed, euneate, inclined forward, with flattened anterior and posterior surfaces and rather acute apex ; seen from behind its border is entire and evenly rounded or even slightly produced upward in the middle. Gaster small. Legs rather slender. "Body minutely shagreened or coriaceous, subopaque and glossy ; mandibles, clypeus and anterior border of the head more shining. Mandibles minutely and rather obscurely punctate. "Hairs few, suberect, yellowish, confined to the mandibles, clypeus, tip and lower surface of the gaster. Pubescence short and uniform, grayish, so that the body has a slightly pruinose appearance. "Bro\\Ti ; Thorax, scapes and legs somewhat paler ; mandibles yellowish ; apices of the individual funicular joints blackish. Female (dealated) : Length 4.5-5 mm. "Head without the mandibles, but little longer than broad, with rather an- gular posterior corners, straight, subparallel sides and straight posterior border. Eyes large and rather convex. Mandibles and clypeus like that of the worker, scapes proportionally shorter and stouter. Thorax large, as broad as the head, elongate elliptical, nearly three times as long as broad. In profile the scutellum is very convex, projecting above the meso- and epinotum. Epinotum with very short base and long abrupt declivity. Petio- lar node erect, more than half as broad as the epinotum. Gaster elliptical, somewhat shorter and a little broader than the thorax. Legs slender. "Sculpture like that of the worker but more opaque ; mandibles and clypeus also less shining. "Scattered hairs more numerous than in the worker and also present in small numbers on the vertex, gula, mesonotum, prosternum and fore coxae. There is also a row of short hairs along the posterior margin of each gastric segment. Pubescence distinctly longer, more silky, and denser than in the worker. "Dark brown ; antennae, legs and posterior margins of the gastric segments reddish ; mandibles, sutures of thorax and articulations of legs yellow. Male: Length 2.8-3 mm. "Head much flattened ; including the flattened eyes, as broad as long. Ver- tex and ocelli prominent. Cheeks short. Mandibles small, overlapping, with a single, acuminate apical tooth. Anterior clypeal border straight. Antennae slender ; scape only between three and four times as long as broad ; first funicular joint globose, broader than any of the other joints; second joint much longer than the scape; joints 3-5 growing successively shorter; joints 6-12 considerably shorter and more slender. Thorax very robust, elliptical, broader than the head, which is over-arched by the protruding, rounded mesonotum. Scutellum even more prominent than in the female. Epinotum with subequal base and declivity, the former slightly convex, the latter feebly concave, forming an angle with each other. Petiole small, its node with rather blunt margin, slightly inclined forward. Gaster very small, elon- gate eliptical, with small rounded external genital valves. Legs slender. Wings with a four-sided discal cell and two well developed cubital cells. The costal margin is depressed or folded in just proximally to the stigma. "Sculpture, pilosity and pubescence as in the worker ; coolr more like that of the female, except that the antennae, legs, mandibles and internal genit- alia are pale, sordid yellow. Wings smoky hyaline, with brown veins and stigma. 30 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 "I. humilis belongs to a small group of neotropical species embrac- ing also I. iniquus Mayr, dispertitus Forel, keiteli Forel and melleus "Wheeler. The workers of keiteli and melleus may be at once distin- guished by their color, the former having a yellowish brown head and thorax and the remaining parts brownish yellow ; the latter being pale yellow with a blackish gaster and funiculus. In these and in I. iniquus and dispertitus the mesoepinotal constriction is much deeper than in humilis and the meso- and epinotum are of a different shape. The mesonotum in profile does not form a continuous, even line with the pronotum and the epinotum is very protuberant and almost coni- cal. /. liumilis represents a transition from the above group of species to that of I. analis Em. Andre, which is very common in the Southern States. This species has a shorter, more robust thorax, more like that of Tapinoma, and much less constricted in the mesoepinotal region. ' ' The above description was drawn from a number of workers, males and females taken from the same nest in Baton Rouge, La., by Mr. Wilmon Newell. The types described by Mayr were captured by Prof. P. de Strobel in the environs of Buenos Ayres." An interesting point concerning the males, is that in certain colonies they occur in great abundance. This was first discovered by one of my assistants, Mr. G. A. Runner, who in December of 1907 found a colony in which the winged males were almost as abundant as the workers. Many other colonies which have been under constant obser- vation for the past five months have not contained males at any time during that period. Prof. Wheeler has suggested that doubtless the appearance of a great many males in certain colonies is accounted for by the presence of egg-laying workers therein. The Egg. — The egg deposited by the queen is elliptical, pearly white and without markings. As the time approaches for it to hatch it becomes duller in appearance but does not perceptibly change color. The average size of the egg is .3 mm. long by .2 mm. wide. The largest egg encountered while measuring a series was .34 mm. long by ,24 mm. wide, and the smallest .27 mm. by .187 mm. The rate of egg deposition has not been determined, but one queen under observation in a cage deposited at the rate of 30 eggs per day, now and then suspending oviposition for several days at a time. The incubation period of the eggs in a glass cage in the laboratory extended from Oct. 1st to Nov. 15th, a period of 45 days, during which time the maximum temperature was 87° and the minimum 29°, with an average daily mean of 63°. Calculating the effective tem- perature from 43° F. and the actual mean for each day we find that 941 degrees of effective temperature were required for the develop- Feb. '08] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 31 ment of these eggs. This figure seems unreasonably high and I think it accounted for by the fact that I failed to provide the nest with sufficient moisture to make the conditions for incubation entirely favorable. The Larva. — The larva when first hatched is hardly larger than the tgg, and for some time after hatching remains curved, with the head and anal end practically together, so that the very young larva and eggs cannot be distinguished from each other without the aid of a good glass. The larva is pure white, but with a dark color sometimes appearing in the abdominal region, as if it had been fed with some black or dark- colored food. When fully grown the larvae average 1.7 mm. long by .66 mm. wide. LarvaB which were hatched from the eggs on Nov. 15, 1907, and which have been kept in a nest in my office, at ordinary living room temperature, now (Jan. 2, 1908) look to be fully grown and ready to pupate. The Pupa. — The pupa in its earlier stage is pure white, without markings, except the compound eyes, which are jet-black and very prominent. As time for transformation approaches the pupa assumes a light brownish color, which gradually becomes a medium brown. So far as I can see there is no cocoon, or anything resembling it, sur- rounding the pupa, although the pupal skin, very thin and verj^ fragile, is shed when the transformation to imago takes place. These pupal skins are carried out of the nest by the attendant workers. The color of the pupa in its final stage and that of the worker just trans- formed are practically identical, the latter requiring from two to five days after transformation to attain the deep brown color of the fully matured worker. I have not secured any direct data upon the duration of the pupal stage, but from general observations my impression is that about three weeks' time, at an average temperature of 72° F. are required. Habits. — Reference has already been made to the feeding habits of this ant, as well as to its relations with certain Coccidse and Aphid- idse. The colonies or nests are established in a great variety of places. We have found them in swampy ground where the earth was so wet that water would drip from it when squeezed in the hand. On the other hand I have found their nests between the walls of dwellings, where no moisture could reach them except such as was contained in the air. Nests have been found within hollow trees, beneath the rough bark of growing trees, in forks of trees, in rubbish and compost heaps, in decaying timbers, beneath boxes and boards, inside of brick founda- tions where accidental crevices occurred, in stored household goods. 32 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 and one colony was found domiciled between the tin wall and veneer covering of an abandoned kerosene can. In short, any locality that offers protection from the elements becomes a satisfactory home for this little creature. The species shows a marked tendency to con- struct nests in close proximity to any abundant food supply. If honey or molasses be placed in the same spot upon the ground for several days in succession, a small colony invariably burrows into the earth beside it. As to how new colonies are established, I am still very much in doubt. I have examined a considerable number of small nests which I knew to be but recently occupied, finding in them workers, eggs and larvae but no queen. On the other hand I have found queens with foraging workers; one such was found with sev- eral hundred w^orkers in a sack of sugar which was thoughtlessly left exposed for a few hours, and in rare instances a queen is seen crawl- ing about unattended by any workers at all. One of my assistants, Mr. G. D. Smith, has suggested that the com- munistic habit is carried by this species even beyond the colony itself and that colonies adjacent to each other form "communities," the inhabitants of which recognize each other as friends. There is indeed evidence to support this view. For example three colonies located in a line, about fifteen feet apart, were found to be in touch with each other, workers constantly traveling from one to the other. The number of queens present in a colony may vary from one to many. I took as many as thirty-two queens from one colony and there were several more in sight when my supply of empty pill boxes became exhausted. It may be that the multiplicity of queens, and the age to which the workers attain, rather than the rate of oviposition, may account for the great abundance of individuals. The same theory might also explain why so many years have been required to bring the species into prominence after its introduction, as well as explaining its present strength.. The increase of this pest strikes one as being steady and powerful, rather than sudden. Though valiant fighters when other ants are encountered, the Ar- gentine ant cannot be classed as a predaceous insect. I have yet to find them attacking any living insect or animal, the one exception being a cockroach which had been mashed, but which still possessed enough life to now and then move a leg or antenna. After insects are killed the ants feed greedily upon the body juices. They and my honey bees feed peacefully from the same dish of honey, and I have seen the ants clean off a bee which had been daubed with honey, with- out apparent annoyance to the latter. Relation to Other Ants. — Prof. M. W. Wheeler, in Entomological News for January, 1906, gives an interesting account of how this Feb. '08] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 33 species obtained a foothold in Madeira and supplanted another intro- duced species, Pheidole megacephala Fabr. In New Orleans where /. humilis is thoroughly established every- where, it is rare indeed to find any other species. Titus in recount- ing his observations in 1904 said, "they have driven or kiUed out all other ants in the regions infested by them." The extermination of other species in the city of New Orleans has not been complete, but very nearly so. At Baton Rouge and other points which are now becoming quite heavily infested, the displacement of the native ants is easily observed. As examples I may cite two or three cases which have come under my observation. One day in August I noticed a small colony of I. humilis constructing a nest but a few inches dis- tant from a colony of their near relatives, Iridomyrmex analis.^ It was not long until the foraging workers from the humilis colony dis- covered their neighbors and whenever workers from the two colonies met a fierce battle ensued, usually ending in the analis worker being severely bitten and left to die. Five hours after these preliminary * * skirmishes ' ' were noticed I returned to the nest, to find humilis fully in possession and none of the former occupants of the nest anywhere in sight. The nest was dug up, but no trace of analis was found in it. In September I witnessed an interesting attack by the humilis workers upon a fairly strong colony of Solenopsis geminata. The latter species is famed for its vindictiveness and for the effectiveness with which it uses its sting. In this case the victory was by no means an easy one for the Argentine ants, for the small (minor) workers of geminata were, one with another, as good fighters as the former. Both species made the petiole of the abdomen the objective point of attack, gripping it firmly between the jaws. About as many of the humilis workers were killed in these encounters as of the other species. In attacking the larger (major) workers of geminata the humilis workers adopted somewhat different tactics. The geminata majors were several times larger than their antagonists and while far less active, quickly destroyed any humilis so unfortunate as to get between their mandibles. The Argentine ants therefore attacked them by rushing up and biting a leg or antenna and immediately retreating, sometimes as many as ten of the Argentines being thus engaged in the attack upon one of these major workers. Eventually the battle was won by I. humilis, purely by having innumerable reinforcements, and in about twenty hours had possession of the fortress they had stormed so long and faithfully. The next morning in looking over the battleground I found many of the geminata major workers still alive but divested of all their legs. ^Determined by Dr. W. E. Hinds. 3 34 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 More interesting still was an attack made by Argentine workers upon the giant Caniponotus herculeanus L., subspecies pennsylvanicus De G.® While watching a heavy stream of /. humilis workers passing up and down the bark of a large water oak tree one afternoon, three or four workers of the former species made their appearance, seeking food here and there on the same tree. Presently one of these giants crossed the line of humilis workers and was immediately attacked, the small ants fastening themselves to tibiae, tarsi and antennae and hang- ing on with bull-dog tenacity. With marvelous rapidity the large worker caught from one to three of her small adversaries at a time, crushed them between her jaws and threw them aside. She would reach from side to side and twist about to crush the little enemies clinging to her tarsi, but as fast as she could dispose of them others took their places. The extreme hatred which the little workers dis- played towards this giant that had crossed their path was indicated by an Argentine worker which crossed the bark a couple of inches back of the herculeanus worker. Immediately the small worker changed its course and ran at full speed after the large one, catching up after traveling four or five inches, and at once attached itself to a hind tarsus. After watching this interesting battle for a considerable time the large worker was captured and placed in a cyanide bottle. There are many other points to be mentioned in connection with this introduced pest, such as its probable future distribution, its natural enemies, measures of control, and the manner in which it is likely to affect various agricultural and commercial interests, were space to permit. The problem presented by this species is a large and complicated one and much tedious work of investigation will have to be done before the economic entomologist can claim a victory over this small but formidable foe. This paper was listened to with much interest by the members present. Mr. H. E. Weed stated that workers of this species will carry food to their nests for a distance of three quarters of a mile. He said that people who did not live in the infested district utterly failed to appreciate the havoc that these insects were causing. Three closely related papers were next presented, as follows : LIFE HISTORY, HABITS AND METHODS OF STUDY OF OF THE IXODOIDEA By W. a. Hooker, Bureau of Entomology, U. 8. Department of Agriculture. The intention in presenting this paper upon the life history and eDetermined by Prof. W. M. Wheeler. Feb. '08] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 35 habits of the ticks is to give a brief resume of our present knowledge of the group. The species found in this country, according to Banks' latest list, number no less than thirty-four, and aside from the North American Fever Tick Margaropus {Boophilus) annulatus, but comparatively little is recorded relating to their biology. In look- ing through the records for information as to the habits of exotic species, we find but little beside the valuable work of Prof. C. P. Lounsbury, the Entomologist of Cape Colony. Realizing their im- portance, particularly in relation to the dairy industry, he began an investigation of them in 1898. His studies present two results : first, the remarkable discoveries that several dreaded diseases of domestic animals in South Africa are transmitted through the agency of ticks ; and second, the elucidation of the life history and habits of a number of species, including that of Amhlyomma liehraeum, Haemaphysalis leachi, Bhipicephalus appendiculatus, Argas persicus, and more or less completel}^ that of others. Wheler, in England, has given valu- able information on the biology^ of the old w^orld Linnaean species Ixodes ricinus, also found in this country, as has Prof. H. A. Morgan upon several species and Dr. H. T. Ricketts on Dermacentor occi- dentalis. In connection with the study of the biology of the North American fever tick, the writer (under the direction of Mr. W. D. Hunter) has taken up the study of other species also, because of their importance as external parasites and because of their possible agency in disease transmission. In this work frequent reference has been made to the publications of the before-mentioned investigators. In addition the writer received valuable information and suggestions from Professor Lounsbury during his visit to this country the past summer. As a result nearly the complete life cycles of eight species represented in this country have been followed in addition to that of the North American Fever Tick Margaropus (Boophilus) annulatus, so that granting the life history and habits of the European Castor-bean Tick Ixodes ricinus, to be the same in this country as found by Wheler, in England, we are now acquainted with that of ten native species, and have data on two additional species. The ticks are of primary importance in their transmission of dis- ease. At least ten distinct diseases of man and the domestic animals are known to be thus transmitted, no less than sixteen species of ticks being implicated. Again they are of great importance as external parasites because they irritate and drain the system of the animal attacked and are followed in some hosts by the screw- worm fly (Chry- somyia macellaria) , which deposits her eggs at these points of entrance, with resultant injury. 36 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 It is well known that in order to develop, it is necessary for the ticks to attach to and suck blood from some animal and that unless such host is found within a certain period, which varies mainly with the temperature and precipitation, that it will starve. Upon this knowledge as related to Margaropus (Boophiliis) annulatus is based the method of freeing pastures by the so-called rotation system as first worked out by Prof. H. A. Morgan. All ticks pass through four distinct life stages: the egg, the larva or seed-tick, the nymph or yearling-tick, and the adult or sexually mature stage. The female, following the engorgement of blood, be- comes greatly distended and drops to the ground, crawls to some pro- tective covering, and soon commences the deposition of large numbers of eggs. In the course of a few weeks these hatch into the six-legged larvae or seed-ticks, which await the coming of, or in some species crawl to, the host. Ha\'ing found a host they attach and soon engorge with blood, after which they either molt while attached or drop and pass a short period of quiescence during the metamorphosis, then appear in the eight-legged nymph stage. A second engorgement takes place and the ticks either molt attached or drop as before, pass a period of quiescence, then molt and appear in the adult stage. Another, the third engorgement, is followed by dropping and oviposition, and the generation is completed. In the Spinose Ear Tick, Ornithodoros megnini, we find a variation from this. It drops as a nymph and, following the molt, without engorg- ing as an adult, commences oviposition. In the genus Argas a second nymphal engorgement and molt takes place. In the family Ixodidoe death follows the completion of oviposition, but in the genus Argas of the family Argasidae repeated engorgement takes place, followed each time in the female by the deposition of eggs. The appearance of the active stages of the ticks varies greatly from the unengorged to the gorged, excepting in the male, which does not engorge with blood, but seems to exist upon serum. Because of this variation in appearance, individuals of the same species have been described as different species. The nymphal stage can be separated from the adult by the absence of the genital pore. The sexes can only be distinguished after the final molt, except in a few species in which the high color markings can be seen through the nymphal skin a day or two prior to molting. As adults they are separated readily in the Ixodidae by the shield or scutum, which in the female covers but a small part of the dorsum, but in the male completely covers it. In the Argasidae the sex can only be distinguished by the shape of the genital pore, which in the male is crescent shaped, while in the female it is merely a transverse slit. Feb. '08] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 37 The position of the genital pore varies from midway between the front coxs to midway between the posterior pair. The ticks are naturally separated into three classes according to their habits of molting as suggested by Ransom: first, those which pass both molts upon the host, represented by members of the genus Margaropus and by Dermacentor nitens; second, those in which the £rst molt is passed upon but the second off the host, represented by Ornithodoros megnini of this country and Rhipicephalus bursa and ■evertsi, two South African species; third, those in which both molts are passed off the host, as is the case with most of the ticks found in this country. A fourth class might be recognized to include those which drop to pass the first molt, but which remain upon the host for the second; ;as yet, however, no representative of this class has been found. Of importance in connection with the transmission of disease is the fact that while the first class pass the entire parasitic period of a generation upon a single host, yet the second may attach to two and the third class to three separate hosts. It will be seen that in the first class, where the ticks molt upon the host and instead of having to wait long periods to find a host, they merely continue sucking blood from the same animal. As a result these ticks reproduce very much the faster and become of greater importance as external parasites, where numbers and the removal of blood are considered. This is the case with our fever tick. In the 'Class where both molts are passed off the host and a host found three separate times for each generation their chances of reaching maturity are lessened as compared with the first class by the proportion of three to one. They have overcome this great disadvantage it would •seem by having become more resistant to heat and cold and by having gained the power to withstand much longer periods of fasting, as well as by having acquired adaptation of habits. This will be discussed under the heading of host relationship. While the representatives of the first class, all belonging to the sub-family Rhipicephalinae, are more numerous, yet their greater importance as external parasites is to some extent surpassed by the third class, particularly by the members of the sub-family Ixodinae, ■owing to the fact that the much greater lengths of the hypostome permit of several times deeper penetration. As the result of this deep penetration by the Ixodince, an inflammation is produced ofttimes resulting in suppuration. Frequently in the attempt to remove ticks belonging to this latter class from the body of the host, the capitulum is separated from the body of the tick and remains embedded in the 3iost. Lounsbury reports that in some sections of South Africa dairy 38 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 farming is becoming well nigh impossible in consequence of this deep penetration by Amblyomma Jiebraeum. Their attachment is followed by siippiiration and sloughing of the teats ; dairy herds in that country are often found in which one at least of the teats of each cow of nearly the entire herd is missing or injured so as to be useless. With many species it is the habit shortly after hatching or molting- to crawl upon nearby herbage, as grass, weeds and shrubs, or tem- porary structures, as fences and posts, and there await the approach of the host. When closely observed, the front pair of legs will be seen waving in the air, ready to attach to the host as it comes in contact, while with the other legs it holds to its support. In other species, as is the case with Amblyomma Jiebraeum, recorded by Lounsbury, the ticks are not satisfied with waiting, but start in search whenever a host comes near. In some species the waiting seems to be upon the- ground. Host Relationship. — Most species of ticks have certain hosts or group of hosts upon which they are largely dependent for existence. From this fact have arisen many of our common tick names, as the- cattle tick, the dog tick, the fowl tick, the rabbit tick and many others. Many of these, however, more or less frequently attach to other hosts. The former may be termed the usual host or hosts and the latter the accidental or temporary host or hosts. There seems to be a rather close analogy between ticks and fleas as regards hosts. In his revision of the Siphonaptera, p. 268, Baker mentions rabbit fleas as remaining on a human being for some little time, biting frequently while there, still not frequenting that host nor its clothing or bed. He considers it very probable that many of the records of fleas refer merely to the temporary host, since the eases of temporary hosts are quite common. To illustrate how fleas would find these temporary hosts he mentions; the possibility of the rabbit running into a badger hole, or the mouse into a mole burrow ; that an owl 's eating a mouse or a cat 's devouring a rat would be favorable conditions for this temporary transference. Similar instances will account for many of our accidental hosts of ticks. Experiments conducted during the past summer by the writer have shown that when confined in a bag in close proximity to the scrotum of a bovine, nearly all of the Ixodids will attach. As a result of these accidental or temporary attachments for some species we have large host lists, including hosts upon which the ticks could only occasionally or never reach maturity. Lounsbury has found a peculiar habit in Hyalomma aegyptium; as a larva it will not feed on' any mammalia, but attaches to fowls upon which the first molt is; passed. Following the second molt, which takes place off the host,. Feb. '08] JOURNAL OP ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 39 with the exception of the dog, it attaches to almost all domesticated mammalia. Mammals serve as the principal hosts of the ticks. Fowls are largely the hosts of the genera Argas and Ceratixodes, and of one or two species of the genus Haemaphy sails. Several species of the genera Ixodes, Amblyomma and Hyalomma are also parasitic upon fowls. The reptiles are not immune, several species attaching to them. Adaptations as factors in Host Relationship. — It cannot be doubted that a great evolutionary process has taken place in the adaptation both of structure and of habits as related to reattachment and protection. It is not the intention of the writer at this time to enter deeply into a discussion of this matter but merely to mention the result of this great natural process as he sees it. This evolutionary process or survival of the fittest has resulted in the special adaptation, first of function and structure, and second of the habits of ticks. All ticks must find hosts and attach at least once, some as many as four times. This necessity has resulted in Special adaptation of function and structure for attachment. An illustration of this adap- tation of function is found in the way the Ixodids use the front pair of legs. As one approaches the free tick these legs can be seen waving in the air, while with the others it holds to its support. When a host comes in contact with them they cling to it most tenaciously with these legs. To determine the fact one has but to pass a finger rapidly over a cluster of the seed-ticks. The adaptation of structure for pro- tection is represented by the engorged larvae of Argas mimatus or persicvs. Up to within a few hours of dropping these larvfe are globular in shape, but at this time they flatten and assume the typical Argas shape ; this flattened form, natural to all of the other stages, permits the ticks to crawl rapidly and to secrete themselves in cracks and crevices protected from the wily fowl. In the Ixodince we find what may be considered specially adapted mouth parts, which being unusually long, penetrate deeply and prevent their being easily removed. In the adaptation of habits favorable to attachment and protection we find most striking illustrations of the great process of natural selection. The adaptation of habits favorable to attachment may be placed in four classes: first, in molting; second, in attachment to any host ; third, of habits to habits of host ; and fourth, in acquired greater vitality. There is a great disadvantage in dropping to molt, for it necessitates long periods of waiting, and results in a high percentage of mortality from not finding the host. This disadvantage seems to have been overcome by some species which have acquired the habit of 40 JOURNAL OP ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 molting on the host, for example, by the various species of Margaropus and by Dermacentor nitens. To this class belong several other species which have partially overcome this disadvantage in their passing the first molt upon the host. Two representatives of this class are the South African species, Bhipicephalus bursa and evertsi. A species of Haemaphysalis, which has recently been discovered by the writer to occur frequently upon the heads of birds in the southern part of the United States, also seems to have acquired this habit, at least partially, for it has been determined by the molted larval skins that the first molt is so passed. It has been overcome entirely by Orni- thodoros megnini, the Spinose Ear Tick, in a somewhat different way, that is, by passing the first molt upon the host, then feeding sufficiently as a nymph, so that following the second molt, which takes place off the host, engorgement as an adult is unnecessary for oviposition and probably never occurs. Even in species most diverse in their tastes there are some hosts especially favored; this in some cases may be accounted for by the great numbers of that host. In the class which has adapted its habits to the habits of the host, the ticks are confined largely to a host or group of hosts with similar habits. In the studies of the ticks made by the writer, these adapted habits have been found most interesting. The species Haemaphysalis leporis palustris, commonly known as the Rabbit Tick, has adapted itself to the habits of the Leporidae, the hares and rabbits, and only accidentally attaches to other hosts. It is the habit of the hares and rabbits to remain more or less inactive during the day in their "forms" or resting places, protected by a clump of grass or bushes from enemies such as birds of prey, their activity being largely at night. The writer has found that this tick following engorgement drops largely during the day, in other words when the hares and rab- bits are in their forms or resting places, to which places they or others return to pass the day. Thus, when the ticks have hatched or molted and are ready to attach, they have little trouble in finding the host. This same habit has been acquired by the Fowl Tick, Argas miniatus, which in the engorged larval stage, the writer finds drops only at night (except accidentally) when its host, the fowl, is upon the roost. Thus when ready to re-attach it is near and readily finds the host, whereas had it dropped during the day when the fowl was on the "run" the chances of its finding a host would be greatly lessened. A habit ap- parently acquired by Ornithodoros megnini is that of crawling to a height of several feet from the ground as a nymph before molting and depositing its eggs; thus when the seed-ticks appear ready to attach they will be rubbed off by the horse, cow or other host and readily find Feb. '08] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 41 ADAPTATIONS AS FACTORS IN HOST RELATIONSHIP. represented by the adaptation ' for attachment ■{ of the front pair of legs of the Ixodidae, to attachment. f Adaptation o f function and structure. Adaptation in the ticks. " for protection represented by shape of en- gorged larval nymphs and adults of Argas miniatus and by the increased length of mouth parts of the Ixodinae. 1-molting ( Margaropus&^^s., on host. r'tHmum.'> \ Figure 2. Captiou ou opposite page. Feb. '08] JOURNAL OP ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 63 tween these curves and a horizontal line at 2 or 3, which would represent the plotting of the increase of velocity, were it uniform between the critical point and maximum. If there be a thermal constant for all temperatures between the critical point and maximum, it would be represented by a curve like "T. C. C." in figure 1. But there is evidence to show that the ther- mal constant is lower at the optimum than at temperatures approach- ing the critical point. And if the velocity be plotted from the curve "T. C. C." of figure 1, the same curve in figure 2 shows that the coefficient of increase of velocity with a uniform thermal constant is much less than that observed, being only 1.5 at 25° C. On the other hand, if we plot a curve based on a uniform increase of velocity of a coefficient of 2 or 3 we secure curves V2.C. and V3.C. of figure 1, re- spectively, and by computing the thermal constant for various tem- peratures on these curves, it is found that the thermal constant increases below the optimum to a certain point and then decreases. Thus on V2.C. the thermal constant at 35° is 300, at 25° is 400, at 20° is 450, and then decreases to 400 again at 15°, to 300 at 10°, and at the critical point we secure the anomaly of a thermal constant of 80°, which is clearly impossible, as no reaction will take place unless above the critical point. The same would hold true of curve V3., or any other curve based upon a uniform coefficient of increase of velocity. From a study of these considerations it seems probable that the effect of temperature upon various forms of animal life will be repre- sented by a curve characteristic for each species or group for the various phenomena of growth considered, and that such a curve will be betw^een the curve shown in figure 1 for the uniform thermal con- stant, T. C. C, and that for a uniform rate of increasing velocity, V2.C. Such a curve may be secured by a uniform coefficient of increase for the thermal constant as the temperature decreases from the optimum as shown in curve H. C. — hypothetical curve — figure 1. Figure 2. Curves sliowing variation of coefficient of velocity of certain biological phenomena. Hypothetical Curve, based on same in figure 1 ; Terrapin Heart Curve, based on rate of heart beat of Pacific terrapin, from data by Snyder*; Thermal Constant Curve, based on same in figure 1; Toad and Frog Tad- pole Curves, based on rate of growth of toad and frog tadpoles from data of Lillie and Knowlton'^ ; Frog Muscle Curve, based on rate of contraction of gastrocnemius muscle of frog from data of Burnett'' ; Cat Heart Curve, based on rate of beat of isolated cat hearts from data of Langendorff"!. !^ Snyder, Univ. Calif. Publications, Physiology, 2, pp 125. 1905, quoted by Arrhenius, Immunochemistry, pp 139. b Quoted by Morgan, Experimental Zoology, pp 260. c Burnett, jour. Biological Chemistry, 2, pp 200-1906. d From Snyder, Amer. Journal Physiology, 17, pp 356-1906. 64 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 In this curve the thermal constant has been increased 25% for every decrease of 10° from the optimum or with a uniform coefficient of 1.25. Upon plotting this curve it is found that the thermal constant in- creases uniformly toward the critical point, but that it would approach the critical point to infinity. Upon plotting the curve of the coeffi- cients of increase of velocity of such a curve, the curve H. C. of figure 2 is secured, which corresponds very closely with those secured from actual observations. But if there be such an empirical temperature curve for each species or phenomenon, it is evident that there can be no thermal constant which will be constant at all temperatures, for it increases in a uniform ratio below the optimum. A constant may however be secured by reducing the increments of temperature for each unit of time to terms of the thermal constant at the optimum, which is there- fore 1. Thus the values of one unit of time on the hypothetical curve, H. C, figure 1, would be 0.1 at 35°, the optimum, 0.056 at 25°, and 0.021 at 15°, etc. "When by adding these values sufficient are secured to make 1, the thermal constant has been reached, equivalent to the thermal constant at the optimum temperature. To secure such values it would be necessary to secure the thermal constant at the optimum and at two or three constant temperatures below, upon which the curve of the species or phenomenon might be plotted and the values for each degree of temperature for one unit of time calculated. At present this is, of course, largely a hypothesis, but it accords with all the facts which have come under our observation, and seems worthy of attention by those who are engaged in study of the relation of temperature to insect life; for without hypotheses what could we accomplish in such work? During the coming year we hope to defin- itely determine this matter by rearing large numbers of two or three common household pests in specially constructed apparatus which will maintain constant temperatures, and thus enable us to secure the thermal constants for various temperatures, which may then be compared with the amount of temperature accumulated with varying temperatures. It may seem to some that such studies are of rather remote impor- tance to practical economic entomology, but as such work accumulates it becomes more and more evident that a positive knowledge of these fundamental factors governing the life of insects may have great practical value, and that entomology, as well as all biological science, must consider its relations to the more exact and fundamental sci- ences of physics and chemistry, if we are to have exact knowledge of the life with which we are dealing. Hunter and Hooker have re- cently suggested the practical application of such work in their study Feb. '08] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 65 of the relation of temperature to the incubation of eggs of the cattle tick and it seems probable that a similar application might be made in determining the time of treatment of the codling moth, though it is hardly probable that it will be necessary in the latter case. But it is upon a positive and not merely hypothetical knowledge of such controlling forces as temperature that our science must rest and no one can foresee what entirely practical application may be made of it in the future study of new pests as they present themselves for study under new conditions. The remainder of the proceedings of the 20th meeting of the Associ- ation of Economic Entomologists will be given in the next number of the Journal. It has been deemed advisable, in view of its close rela- tion to two papers in this number, to publish at the same time Mr. Hooker's summarized account of our knowledge of the role of ticks in the transmission of disease. The paper was prepared originally for presentation at the meeting and as a part of the symposium on ticks, consequently it is very fitting that it should appear at this time. A REVIEW OF THE PRESENT KNOWLEDGE OF THE ROLE OF TICKS IN THE TRANSMISSION OF DISEASE* By W. A. Hooker, Bnrecm of Entomology, U. ^. Department of Agriculture. Not until within the last decade has the importance of insects and related animals as agents in the transmission of disease been fully ap- preciated. Within this period, however, the progress of our learning has advanced at an astounding rate. It was but fifteen years ago that Smith and Kilborne first demonstrated the role that the cattle tick, Margaropus {=Boophilus) annulatus, plays in the transmission of Splenetic or Texas Fever of Cattle, and only ten years ago that Ross first employed Anopheles in his mosquito-malaria experiments. To- day we all know of the mechanical and biological agency of the flies and mosquitoes in the transmission of typhoid fever, cholera, anthrax or eharbon, nagana or tsetse-fly disease, surra, malaria, yellow fever, filiariasis and dengue, and of fleas in the transmision of bubonic plague. Together and with the investigation of the Bacteriologist and Protozoologist has come that of the Entomologist in the study of the life history and habits of the disease-carrying injects. We are all ac- quainted with the investigations in this country of Dr. L. 0. Howard, *Prepared for presentation at the meeting of the Association of Economic Entomologists, held at Chicago, Illinois, Dec. 27-28, 1907. 5 66 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 Dr. J. B. Smith, Dr. E. P. Felt and others, supported by federal and state appropriations, making preventive treatment possible. But it is to the Ixodoidea, or ticks, that I wish to call your attention in a brief review of our present knowledge of their role in the trans- mission of disease and to show that they are equally as imporant as the flies and mosquitoes in the transmission of disease. The object in preparing this paper is to emphasize the importance of the study of their biology and to encourage a more extensive collection of them by the Entomologist, within whose field of study they distinctly come. That the importance of the investigations of the Entomologist are appreciated by the medical profession is well shown by the following paragraph taken from an address before the London School of Trop- ical Medicine by Sir Lauder Brunton,^^ M. D., upon ''Fleas as a Na- tional Danger, ' ' namely : ' ' What is true of the G. (lossina) palpalis is true of other flies also, and as ticks and bugs are likewise most im- portant as carriers of diseases there really ought to be established by government a chair, or, still better, an institute of scientific ento- mology, well endowed and having attached to it a number of men who could carry on original investigations. Such a chair, or institute, if thoroughly well endowed and having money lavishly expended upon it, would repay the expenditure a thousand-fold, for the study of trop- ical diseases is becoming to a great extent identified with the study of the insects which transmit them." Professor C. P. Lounsbjiry, Government Entomologist of Cape Col- ony, may well be considered the pioneer in the study of the biology of the ticks. Prior to 1898, at which time he commenced their study, with the exception of the cattle tick, Margaropus {=Boophilus) annu- latus, but little was known of their life history and habits. In speak- ing of their importance and of the opportunities offered in the study of this group, in a paper read before the British Association for the Advancement of Science^ in 1905, he said, "To my mind the ticks pre- sent the more profitable field for the student, whether he be interested in the systematic classification of the species, in the determination of habits and metamorphoses, in experimental research in regard to their transmission of diseases, or in the development of pathogenic organ- isms within the body of intermediate hosts. ' ' In reviewing the status of our knowledge he said, "An excellent groundwork for the classifi- cation of the species has been made by Professor G. Newman in his Bevision de la famille des Ixodides, which has been published in several parts by the Zoological Society of France during the last ten years; but very little has thus far been recorded on the internal anatomy of aThe numerals refer to bibliographical references at end of paper. Feb. '08] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 67 any species (for later work see following paragraphs), and so far as I am aware no one has yet traced the development of a disease organ- ism within the body of a tick as has been so ably done in the some- what analogous case of malarial organisms in Anopheles mosquitoes. Also very little has been recorded in regard to the habits and meta- morphoses of any species other than those of the genus Boophilus." Since 1905, however, several valuable contributions have been added, including one upon the internal anatomy of Margaropus annulatus by S. R. Williams* and by W. E. Allen.^ Mr. Nathan Banks of the Bu- reau of Entomology now has in manuscript a revision of the ticks of this country, which, when issued, will greatly aid in identification. Koch" has elucidated much of the life cycle of Piroplasma higeminum, the cause of splenetic or Texas fever, and has succeeded in discovering the first stages of development of Piroplasma parvum, the parasite of African Coast fever, which are undergone in the tick. Christ- ophers,^ also Nuttall and Graham-Smith,^ have followed the complete life cycle of Piroplasma canis, the cause of malignant jaundice of dogs. Doctors Smith and Kilborne,^ discovering in 1892 the role that the cattle tick, Margaropus {= Boophilus) annulatus, plays in the trans- mission of the protozoan, Piroplasma higeminum, the blood parasite causing Texas fever of cattle in this country, paved the way for this new field of investigation. Since that time a number of diseases of man and the domestic animals have been found to be transmitted by these parasites. Subsequent investigation has shown that ticks are the in- termediate hosts of species belonging to the disease producing pro- tozoan genus Piroplasma. It has also been shown that several diseases produced by spirochaetge are transmitted by ticks. The conclusions reached by Button and Todd^" are that some development of the spiro- chaetEe of human tick fever takes place in the tick. Koch has found the spirochaetae to multiply within the egg. Borrel and Marchoux^^ have found the spirochaetee^ of fowls to develop at 35° C. in the body of the tick. In order to show the zoological position of these blood parasites (Piroplasma) transmitted by ticks, the following table taken partially from Daniels and Stanton 's^^ most excellent work, is given: t>There Is still a difference of opinion as to the structure and relations of the spirilla and spirochaetae. They have many similar characters but differ (according to some authors), the latter having flagellse, which place them across the imaginary line from the former into the protozoa, thus being con- sidered as animal life, while the spirilla are bacteria (or lovs^ly organized plants.) Dr. Raphael Blanchard in the Revue Veterinaire, 1906, p. 86, places all that are pathogenic in the genus Spirochaeta. 68 JOURNAL OP ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 The exact position of some of the spirochaetae is in question at present but they are believed to belong to the MastigopJwra. It seems probable that blood parasites exist in certain hosts without ill effect, such animals being naturally immune or having acquired immunity. When these organisms are transmitted to the blood of susceptible hosts, however, as are the various species of Piroplasma, a disease of more or less severity results. This is the case with the try- panosome of tsetse-fly disease, which Koch has found to be transmitted from the crocodile to man by the tsetse-fly {Glossina spp.). Again, while the organism producing Rocky Mountain spotted fever has not been discovered, yet Dr. H. T. Ricketts^^ has produced the disease in guinea pigs by ticks from horses, cows and vegetation and suspects its transmission from the blood of some animal which has served as host. TABLE SHOWING THE ZOOLOGICAL POSITION OF THE TICK TRANSMITTED PARASITES, PIROPLASMA SPP. PROTOZOA. Class (1) Rhizopoda (Sarcodina) Class (2) Mastigophora Class (3) Sporozoa Probably includes the Spirochaetae transmit- ted by the Ar^asid ticks as well as the Trypan- osomes transmitted by flies of genua Olosaina Class (4) Infusoria Sub Class Telosporidia Sub Class Neosporidia Order (l) Gregarinoidea Order (2) Haemoaporidia Order (3) Coccidiidea (1) Plasmodium ( Haemamoeba ) Including the mal- arial parasites trans- mitted by mosqui- toes, of the genus Anopheles (2) Haemogregarina (3) Piroplasma P. bigeminum P. parvum P. ovis P. equi P. cants etc. Transmitted by the Izodinid ticks (4) Halteridium (?) Feb. '081 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY ■^.S to _!-—■?, S t. a I °3 eSco ai , ^ S 01 ^•a ® -B S-o -S a* ^3 o< •2d5 « ^sa (0 t- 8 8 O) "8 g S 8 o 8 « -.5-5 o 8 ti •e ® "S'O so. a,"'. 8. J. 5 o « > 8^ « n -8 5) P It 8-c:, IS C3 8 0 -w 8 0© "B o •2° kS 6 "'' « t^ 8- " CO i^o 8 m "2 §o5 ^ a * 69 '8-0 « 8 o ^ .5 "1 -I s. . . . > a ^ 2 8 8 » •d ^c- Hi S O.D. 70 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 Professor Lounsbury commenced the study of ticks in 1898. He first determined that heartwater,*^ a disease in that country of sheep, goats and cattle, which often proves fatal, is transmitted by the Bont Tick, Amhlyomma hehraeum. The stimulus from this discovery has resulted in the determination that several diseases of animals in South Africa, besides red water or Texas fever, are thus transmitted, includ- ing malignant jaundice of dogs, African coast fever of cattle, and biliary fever of horses, mules and donkeys. Not only has it been demonstrated that these diseases are transmitted by ticks, but the species and the stages of each that are carriers of the pathogenic organisms have been determined. The cattle tick of this country, Margaropus {=Boophiliis) annulatus, now known as the North American Fever Tick, and its varieties found in other countries, all transmit Piroplasma higeminum. In Europe, however, the European Castor Bean Tick, Ixodes ricinus, a species also found in this country, has been found to transmit the disease, imbibing the infection as an adult and transmitting it in the larval and nymphal stages following. As is generally known, the larva of the North American Fever Tick transmits the disease to susceptible animals when the previous generation has imbibed the infection, thus passing through the egg. Lounsbury has found that in heartwater but one species, Amhly- omma hehraeum, the Bont Tick, is concerned; as a larva it feeds on an infested animal, transmitting the disease in both nymphal and adult stages to a susceptible animal. The infection does not pass through the egg as with splenetic fever. Malignant jaundice was found by Lounsbury to be transmitted from one dog to another by the Dog Tick, Haemaphysalis leachi. The infection is not transmitted by the larva or nymph, but by the adult alone and only when the adult of the preceding generation imbibed infectious blood. Ten was the smallest number of ticks that produced the disease in Lounsbury 's experiments, although he con- cludes that a single pathogenic tick is probably ample to communicate infection that may lead to death. Christophers has found this dis- ease in Madras, India, to be transmitted by Rhipicephalus sanguineus, and has followed the life cycle of the parasite, Piroplasma canis. Daniels and Stanton state that Dermacentor reticulatu^ transmits the disease in Europe, but I have not seen such record. African coast fever, an extremely fatal disease of cattle in South cin Cape Colony whole strips of country have become almost useless for sheep and goat breeding, as have certain districts in the Transvaal, due to heartwater. Feb. '08] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 71 Africa, was at first (1903) thought by Lounsbury to be transmitted by the Brown Tick, Rhipicephalus appendiculatus, alone, but further investigation has proven that four other species of the genus, simus, evertsi, nitens and capensis may also transmit it. The Brown Tick imbibes the infection as a larva or nymph and transmits it in the following stage of the same generation. In the adult stage both sexes transmit the disease, but one or two specimens being necessary. The infection does not pass through the egg. Dr. Arnold Theiler," Government Bacteriologist of the Transvaal, has found biliary fever or piroplasmosis of horses, mules and donkeys to be transmitted by the Red-legged tick, Rhipicephalus evertsi, one of the species found by Lounsbury to transmit African coast fever. The infection is imbibed as a nymph and transmitted by the adult. Doctor Theiler^^ also seems to have shown that spirillosis of cattle in South Africa is transmitted by Margaropus decoloratus. Koch has since found cases of this spirillosis in Daressalem, German East Af- rica, and has succeeded in tracing the spiroehaetae to within the eggs of the ticks. To Doctors Marchoux and Salimbeni^® belongs the credit of first demonstrating that a tick transmits a spirochaetag. In 1903 they pub- lished a report of their studies, showing that the Fowl Tick, Argas miniatus, is an agent in the transmission of spirillosis in fowls at Rio Janeiro, Brazil. The disease seems to be transmissible by the innocu- lation of infectious blood. While the tick is one agent, the disease may also be transmitted by feeding blood or excrement of diseased fowls, thus it does not seem that the spiroehaetae is necessarily depend- ent biologically upon the tick. Balfour^'^ has found what appears to be the same disease of fowls in the Soudan of Africa, and Reaney^* that it is endemic in Central India. Motas^^ has shown that Rhipicephalus hursa transmits carceag or ovine piroplasmosis in Europe. This tick passes the larval and nym- phal stages upon the same animal, but drops to the ground for the second molt. The infection (as is the case of Haemaphysalis leachi) is transmitted by the adult, when the adult of the previous generation has fed upon an infectious host, and not by the larva or nymph. KosseP° and associated investigators have demonstrated that piro- plasmosis of cattle in Europe is transmitted by Ixodes ricinus. This tick drops for both molts, the larva and nymph being pathogenic. This is of importance, as it may be found to do the same in this country. In 1905 Dutton and Todd^° published an account of their study of the so-called human tick fever in Congo Free State. They found it to be produced by a spirochaetas that has since been determined by 73 JOURNAL OP ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 Breinl and Kinghorn-^ to be new to science and described as Spirillum duttoni. This spirochaetae can be transmitted from animal to animal by the bite of the Tampan Tick, Ornithodoros savignyi var. caecus (^mouhata) . In the experiments of Button and Todd, rabbits, guinea pigs, rats and monkeys were used. The infection was found to pass through the egg. Koch*^ working independently in German East Africa in 1904 made the same discovery. He found the spirochaetae to multiply within the egg and that the young ticks from infected localities are capable of infecting monkeys. Skinner-- states it his belief that the ticks common on rats in India transmit the plague bacillus. The connection between ticks and Rocky Mountain spotted fever of man in this country has been the subject of considerable investiga- tion. Dr. H. T. Ricketts^s of Chicago and Dr. W. W. King-* of the United States Public Health and Marine Hospital Service have suc- ceeded in transmitting the disease from one guinea pig to another by the application of Dermacentor occidentalis. Later, Doctor Rieketts has produced the disease in a guinea pig through the attachment of 36 males which were collected partly from horses and cows and partly from the vegetation in the vicinity where the disease occurs. This seems to prove that the tick is the natural transmitter of the disease. For some time it was thought that louping ill, a disease of sheep in Scotland, was transmitted by the European Castor Bean Tick, Ixodes ricinus, but Wheler^^ recently states that this apparently has been disproven. Modder-^ states his belief that the yaws of paranghi disease of man and cattle in Ceylon, which is produced by a spirochaete, is trans- mitted by a tick. Bettencourt, Franca and Borges-^ have described from a deer in a park at Mafra, Portugal, a bacilliform plasma which they believe to be introduced into Europe by ticks from zebus in the park. Laveran and Negre^® suggest the possible transmission of a disease in an African land turtle, due to a Haemagregarine, by the Bont Leg Tick (Hyalomma aegyptium.) In this country Professor H. A. Morgan^® has studied several species and has determined that neither Dermacentor variabilis nor Amhly- omma amrericanum transmit splenetic or Texas fever. Dr. N. S. Mayo^'* has reached the same conclusion with the latter species. Aside from splenetic or Texas fever and Rocky Mountain spotted fever, no disease in this country has been determined as transmitted by ticks, although it is suspected that spirillosis of fowls may occur and be thus transmitted in southwestern Texas. It has also been pointed out to the writer by Prof. H. A. Morgan that hunting dogs Feb. '08] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 73 taken from Louisiana to Cuba often sicken and die, possibly due to a disease transmitted by ticks. That various parasites exist in the blood of animals, many of which are at present unknown, there can be no doubt, although the great activity along this line of investigation during the past few years has brought many to light. The possibility that diseases which are transmitted through the agency of ticks may be introduced into this country must be consid- ered. If such a disease as is suggested exists in Cuba, it might be introduced into this country with returning dogs. Prof. Lounsbury states that the malignant jaundice of dogs in South Africa and India has already been introduced into France and that it is likely to be introduced into this country. He states that should Angora goats be brought to this country from South Africa that they might bring heartwater which is so common on the veldts of that country. We trust, however, that the rigid inspection of animals entering this country by the U. S. Department of Agriculture, through the Bureau of Animal Industry, may prevent the introduction of such diseases. While the scarcity of ticks in the colder sections might exclude the transmission of these diseases, yet in the warmer parts of our country, where the species and individual ticks are numerous, an intermediate tick host might readily adapt itself. It must be emphasized that the prevention of the importation of ticks is not sufficient. The danger is in animals, the blood of which is infectious, that may be attacked by native ticks. The rapid development in our knowledge of the active agents in the transmission of diseases indicates the opportunities and possibili- ties that may result from a better knowledge of this group of para- sites, and emphasizes the importance of a better acquaintance with the life history and habits of our North American ticks. In this broad field of investigation it remains for the entomologist in this country to elucidate the biology of the ticks, as has been so ably done in South Africa by Lounsbury. I have prepared the following table which shows graphically this relation of ticks to disease : 74 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 i o a o « to : O: ■a: d- o ; : ' \ 5 83 o = 3 ' ; s I - = 3 d o Id o - d c ita 0 o d o I ; J - id o ' I - d o «3 o s d o s o s s d o id 0 a o o a ■a 1 a 2 e8 t : J : X3 a a a ad d •o a '■ a d d cs 4J 3 "2 'a d d CS •od « ® 3 cS dBd CS d cS xa as d c« d t a d 9- fr- ' ^* d J3 csft ^d a c8 > — a a d O. a >> d 3 a a d « OS* 9" 1 5iSd- 5a d d •0 cd © d ® o a o o o e3 02 S S S 8 e 1 e 1 o o i e I. o o » d O B o 1 • d a 13 » 8 •«» » o a g e s 1 « P, 8 « 8 8 «> ;l o 0 « s g •0 a d ® iz; 8 V •«» 8 a 3 a) «» o o OS 8 u S. 8 u ■6 3 •<* « e « 8 at 8 S c s 8 O) 8 8 eo to S 8 & u ••• a 3 ® ;z; ■•» to V. w « 8 a. «i "8 u « o t. o 8 g !> «> § i 8 g tt 8 a o o 8 1 o o -8 »5 8 n. e 1 5^ 8 •0 8 0 g a d 9 "^ 8 « 8 V. 8 e» •e» Se 8 0) '«• s> 8 n w 0 0 •8 0 8 0 e CO 5 o ID 3 a li a,* 0, z > > r g e 8 8 - ex o a o d d t3 : »g t> 8 II CO 8 0 D. eS b bo o ci o 'C a < u 0 Z .2 Is :d O < ,d d o :0!3 o 'S a < d o in c. 3 a cS o < d o o < 3 O CO .2 d to si S CS o 'E < 3 O CO « o. si d o m C9 o "E to d t 0 1 a ® 0 4J n O W ® a 15 ,2 I 5 h - it o Q tn to fc-l oi to u CO e.^ o'Sg ESQ p. m An 0 2 OeU Scso d CS 2 to o 0 d > « c d a; ! CS' * C e 1 1 > 1 -4^ eS O O d o u d .2 « O ja. tT ©- > i. a > d d be ® d d > 9 d ^2 t, o OS bC«J CO « a>~ 5.- u d '5 t. ■ti ® S > 5 » >.® 2 - (5^ ■f-t a ® ca o Q ® d u n .2 'E ■ft V3 .2 'E ft m u d eS a d Feb. '08] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 75- References. 1. Brunton, C. P. Fleas as a National Danger. Journ. Trop. Med. and Hyg. Vol. 10, 388-391 (Dec. 1907). 2. Lounsbory, C. P. Reports of the Entomologist of Cape Colony, South Af- rica 1898-1905. 3. Lounsbury, C. P. Habits and Peculiarities of Some South African Ticks, Report of the British Ass'n for the Adv. of Science 1905 (So. Africa) pp 282-291 (1906). 4. Williams, R. S. Anatomy of Boophilus annulatus Say. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Vol. 32, pp 313-334 (1905). 5. Allen, W. E. Internal Morphology of the American Cattle Tick. Studies from the Zoological Laboratory, Univ. Nebr. No. 67 (1906). 6. Koch, R. Vorlaufige Mitteilungeu Uber die Ergebnisse Einer Forschung- sreise nach Ostafrika. Deutsche Med. Wochser. 31 : 1865-1869 (Nov. 1905) . Transl. in Journ. Trop. Med. Vol. 9 (1906). Beitrage zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Piroplasmen. Zeitschr. Hyg. und Infektion. 51 pp 1-9 (1906). 7. Christophers, S. R. Preliminary Note on the Development of Piroplasma canis in the Tick. Brit. Med. Journ. No. 2402, pp 76-78 (Jan. 1905). Development of Piroplasma canis in the Tick. Brit. Med. Ass'n., Sec- tion of Trop. Dis. 19. Rev. in Journ. Trop. Med. Vol. 10, pp 323 (Oct. 1, 1907). 8. Nuttall (G. H. F.) and Graham-Smith (G. S.) Canine Piroplasmosis VI. Studies on the Morpliology and Life History of the Parasite. Journ. of Hygiene, Vol. 7, pp 232-272 (April 1907). 9. Smith (T.) and Kilborne (F. L.) Texas Fever, U. S. D. A. Bureau of Ani- mal Industry, Bull. No. 1, (1893). 10. Dutton. J. E. and Todd, J. L. The Nature of Himian Tick Fever in the Eastern Part of the Congo Free State, With Notes on the Distribution and Bionomics of the Tick. Liverpool School Trop. Med., Memoir 17, pp 1-18 (Nov. 1905) 11. Borrel, A. and Marchoux, E. Argas and Spirilles. Comp. Rend. Soc. Biol. Paris. Vol. 58, pp 362-364 (Feb. 1905). 12. Daniels, C. W. and Stanton, A. T. Laboratory Studies in Tropical Medicine. 2udEd. (1907). 13. Ricketts, H. T. Tlie Role of the Wood-Tick (Dermacentor occidentalis) in Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. Journ. Amer. Med. Ass'n. Vol. 49, pp 24-27 (July 6, 1907). 14. Theiler, Arnold. Further Notes on Piroplasmosis of the Horse, Mule and Donkey. Transvaal Agrl. Journ. Vol, 3, pp 706-716 (July 1905). Transmission of Equine Piroplasmosis by Ticks in South Africa. Journ. Comp. Path, and Therap., Vol. 19, pp 283-292 (Dec. 1906). 15. Theiler, Arnold, Transmission and Innoculability of Spirillum theileri. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. Vol. 76, pp 504-506 (1905). Transvaal Dept. Agr., Ann. Report Dir. Agr. 1904-1905 (1906). 16. Marchoux, E. and Salimbeni, A. La Spirillose des Paules. Annals I'lnstitut Pasteur, Vol. 17, pp 569-580 (1903). 17. Balfour, A. A Peculiar Blood Condition, Probably Parasitic in Soudanese Fowls. Journ. Trop. Med. and Hyg. Vol. 10, pp 153-157 (May, 1907). A Spirillosis and a Haematozoal Disease of Domestic Fowls in the Anglo-Egyptian Soudan. Brit. Med. Joum. No. 2413, pp 744-745 (March 1907). 76 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 18. Rcaney, M. F. Spirillosis of Domestic Fowls. Brit. Med. Jouru. No. 2419 p 1118 (May 11, 1907). 19. Motas, M. Sur le Role des Tiques dans le Developpement de la Piroplas- mose ovine. Comp. Rend. Soc. Biol. Paris. Vol. 55, pp 501-504 (1903). 20. Kossel H., A. "Weber, Schiitz and Miessner. Ueber die Haemaglobinurie der Rinder in Deutscliland. Arb. K. Gesundheitsamte. Vol. 20, pp 1-77 (1903). 21. BreinI, A. and Kingfaorn, A. An Experimental Study of the Parasite of African Tick Fever (Spirochaeta duttoni). Liverpool School of Trop. Med. Mem. 21 (Sept. 1906). Rev. in Journ. Trop. Med. Vol. 9, pp 377-378 (Dec. 1906). 22. Skinner, B. Preliminary Note Upon Ticks Infesting Rats Suffering From Plague. Brit. Med. Journ. No. 2434, pp 457 (Aug. 1907). 23. Ricketts, H. T. The Transmission of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever by the Bite of the Wood-Tick (Dennacentor occidentalis) , Journ. Amer. Med. Ass'n. Vol. 47, p 358 (Aug. 1906). 24. King, W. W. Experimental Transmission of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever by means of the Tick. Public Health and Marine Hospital Ser- vice, 21, pp 863-864 (July 1906). 25. Wheler, E.G. British Ticks. Journ. Agrl. Science. Vol. 1, pp 400-429 (1906). 26. Modder, E. C. Tlie Transmis-sion of Yaws By Ticks. Journ. Trop. Med. and Hyg. Vol. 10, pp 187, .361 (June and Nov. 1907). 27. Bettcncourt, A., Franca C. and Borges. I. Bacilliform Piroplasma of Deer. Arch. Real. Inst. Bact. Camara Pestana 1, pp 341-350 (1907). 28. Laveran A., and Negre. Sur un Protozoaire Parasite de Hyalonmia aegyptium. Comp. Rend. Soc. Biol. Paris, pp 965-966 (1905). 29. Morgan, H. A. Ticks and Texas Fever. La. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 56, pp 134-135 (Sept. 1899). 30. Mayo, N. S. Some Diseases of Cattle. Kansas Agrl. Exp. Sta. Bull. 69 (1897). The eighth annual meeting of the Louisiana Society of Naturalists was held at New Orleans, February 1st. This Society is well known to scientific workers, especially those engaged in research work in the strictly biological sciences, who are located in the Southern States. The Society has a mem- bership of over seventy, many of the members being connected with agri- cultural experiment stations or with leading educational institutions of the South. The Society's field is a broad one and among its publications are found meritorious papers upon botany, bacteriology, ornithology, animal physiology and invertebrate zoology, as well as a considerable number of papers upon various entomological subjects. On the program was noted the following papers which are of interest to economic entomologists: "Notes upon the Life History and Habits of the Argentine Ant." — Wilmon Newell. "A short account of the Egg and Larva of a Psychodid." — B. H. Guilbeau. "The Relation of Entomology to Agri- culture."— Arthur H. Rosenfeld. "Notes on the sugar cane pou-a-pouche." —J. B. Garret. Mr. B. H. Guilbeau of Baton Rouge is President and Mr. R. S. Cocks, of Baton Rouge, is Secretary of the Society. JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE ASSOCIATION OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGISTS FEBRUARY, 1908 The editors will thankfully receive news items and other matter likely to be of in- terest to subscribers. Papers will be published, so far as possible, in the order of re- ception. All extended contributions, at least, should be in the hands of the editor the first of the month preceding publication. Reprints of contributions may be obtained at cost. Minor line figures will be reproduced without charge, but the engraving of larger illustrations must be borne by contributors or the electrotypes supplied. The receipt of all papers will be acknowledged. — Eds. The Journal, as the official organ of the Association of Economic Entomologists, will publish the proceedings of the annual meeting in the first two numbers. This matter alone will make the serial indis- pensable to every working entomologist and of great value to horti- culturists, nurserymen, nursery inspectors and all others interested in the latest entomological developments along agricultural lines. Furthermore, it is expected to publish, in the later numbers, a large amount of original matter which would ordinarily be excluded from entomological bulletins, reports, systematic journals or other existing publications, as well as summaries of much of the best economic work. It will be by far the most comprehensive of existing publications along these lines and should appeal to a wide constituency. It is only necessary to mention such pests as the codling moth, the San Jose scale and urgent problems like the control of the boll weevil, the gypsy and brown-tail moths, the cattle tick and the recent discov- eries respecting the role of insects in the dissemination of diseases, such as malaria, yellow fever, typhoid and other maladies dangerous to man and beast, to gain some idea of its scope. It is hoped that all of our three hundred economic entomologists at least will con- tribute freely of their best to these pages, that this journal may take a high position as a scientific publication, representing the most advanced thought in its chosen field, not only in this country but throughout the world. The Journal is designed especially to serve the investigating ento- mologist, and all matter relating to new insect pests, variations in habit, method and form of injury, manner of control and biological observations (even on forms not of economic importance), will be heartily welcomed to these pages. Practical considerations render it necessary to debar articles having a preponderance of purely descrip- tive or systematic matter. This is hardly the place to publish orig- inal descriptions, though it is recognized that a certain amount of 78 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 descriptive matter is a necessity. The recent discoveries relative to insects and diseases have resulted in ranking previously almost ignored groups among those of prime economic importance, and have opened up new and widely divergent fields for investigators. The importa- tion of parasites upon a large scale, as in the gypsy moth work, is another relatively new and very promising field. Other important discoveries are yet to be made. The recently available Adams fund has made it possible for our experiment stations to devote consid- erable sums of money to work of the highest character, and it is not too much to expect that the next decade may witness most striking advances. The Journal is world-wide in circulation and interest, and the stimulus resulting therefrom will be most beneficial. The discussion of methods should have an important place in this Journal, since it is impossible to secure accurate results unless the standards of judgment be correct. Students of such pests as the codling moth have learned to their sorrow the difficulty of attempt- ing to correlate observations made under widely different conditions. Much can be learned by cooperative work and full value from such effort can be realized only after there has been a practical agreement as to methods. The establishment of standard tests and methods of observation receiving wide acceptance, would result in untold benefit to future workers. The discussion of methods employed in other lines of investigation and their adaptation to our conditions should also prove most fruitful. It is planned to have a department devoted to technique and methods, and provision has already been made for a department of current notes, which latter is in charge of the asso- ciate editor. Dr. Howard, through his bureau, has consented to pre- pare summaries or reviews of the more important foreign publications on economic entomology, and critical reviews of notable contributions may be expected from time to time. The Chicago meeting of the Association of Economic Entomolgists was one of the most successful in the history of the organization. The attendance was very nearly as large as at the recent New York meeting, while the crowded program made necessary a supplementary session on Saturday evening. The papers were of exceptionally high character. The grouping of subjects assisted very materially in getting through the program expeditiously and at the same time allowed at least a moderate amount of discussion. It was the sense of the members present that in the future it might be well to limit most papers to fifteen minutes or thereabouts, so as to allow more time for discussion. Now that we have means for prompt publica- tion, there should be little objection to the presentation of summaries. Feb. '08] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 79 leaving the details for the published proceedings. This will do very much toward relieving the congestion of the program. Perhaps the most important step taken at this meeting was the organization of a stock company for publishing The Journal of Economic Ento- mology, a serial which is bound to have a most profound influence on the development of economic work, provided it receives the hearty support of entomologists throughout the country. The American Association of Horticultural Inspectors held a session the evening of December 27th and were in a joint session with the entomologists the morning of the 28th. A summarized report of the proceedings of the Horticultural Inspectors may be expected in a subsequent issue. Reviews Mosquito Life, by Evelyn Groesbeeck Mitchell. G. P. Putnam Sons, 1907, p. XXII+281, illustrated. This popular comprehensive work on mosquitoes Is an exceedingly valuable addition to the library of any one interested in this important group, since it not only gives an excellent summary of the voluminous literature relating to this subject, but contains numerous original observations by the late Dr. Dupree and the author. It is particularly valuable because of the relatively full account of southern forms and the intimate knowledge displayed of conditions obtaining in that section of the country. The general structure and habits of mosquitoes are rather fully discussed, the early stages receiving unusually extended treatment. The chapters on malaria and yellow fever are excellent summaries of our knowledge in regard thereto. Brief biological notes are given on the more common species, they being grouped under the following heads: Mosquitoes known to spread disease, the salt marsh mos- quitoes, other swamp forms, the domesticated mosquitoes, breeders in streams and ponds and the woodland breeders. The portions relating to eggs and pupae are practically all new. Original keys are given for the first time for the separation of a number of species in all stages, those based on the egg and pupa being unique. The keys of both larvae and adults are based largely upon the most obvious features and will be exceedingly useful to the amateur as well as serviceable to the advanced student. A systematic list of North American species is given, followed by a list of the more important works on Cullcidae. These latter form an excellent introduction to more extended investigations. There is also an appendix on mosquitoes and leprosy. The author is to be congratulated upon having produced a popular and compre- hensive summary of our present knowledge concerning mosquitoes. This work will prove of great service to young students, particularly those in the Southern states, and on account of the original information contained therein, Is indispensable to the advanced investigator. 80 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 Current Notes CONDUCTED BY THE ASSOCIATE EDITOR A new elective course on "Insects and Disease" is being given by Prof. V. L. Kellogg, in the Department of Eutomologj" of Leland Stanford University. It is open to students who have had some previous work in biology and con- sists of one lecture and one laboratory period, of three hours, a week. Forty students are now taking this course, most of them being upper classmen who have selected majors in physiology, zoology or entomology. The lectures cover the etiology of the insect-disseminated diseases, the relations between the insects and the disease germs and the methods of fight- ing and controlling the insects. The laboratory work covers the structure and life history of the insects and the determination of disease parasites. Mr. A. A. Girault, who for several years has been engaged in the inves- tigation of insects injurious to fruit for the Bureau of Entomology, has resigned and accepted a position with Dr. S. A. Forbes, Stat§ Entomologist of Illinois. Mr. H. L. Viereck has accepted a position with Prof. H. A. Surface, State Zoologist of Pennsylvania, and will take charge of the insect laboratory. Address, Capitol Building, Harrisburg, Pa. Mr. G. P. Weldon has resigned as Assistant Entomologist to the Maryland Agricultural Experiment Station, to accept the position of Assistant Ento- mologist in Colorado, and will have charge of the western slope fruit inves- tigations. He enters upon his new duties February 15. Address, Grand Junction, Colo. The next issue of Wytsman's Genera Insectorum, to be published in March, comprises a catalogue of the Mallophaga of the world by Prof. V. L. Kellogg of Stanford University, California. Twelve hundred and species are recorded, fifty-two of which occur on mammals and the remainder on birds. About one fourth of the total number have been found on North American hosts. The catalogue gives all recorded host species and geograph- ical distribution of each species. Mr. D. K. McMillan has resigned his position as assistant to the State Zoologist of Pennsylvania, Prof. H. A. Surface, and accepted a position with the Bureau of Entomology. He is now engaged in investigating truck crop insects at Brownsville, Texas. Mr. R. L. Webster, who has just completed his studies in entomology at the University of Illinois, has accepted a position under Prof. H. E. Summers,. State Entomologist of Iowa. Address, Ames, Iowa. Mailed, March 2, 1908. EXCHANGES. the necessai., . „ „ e month preceding publication WANTED— Volumes X and XI, complete, of American Naturalist; also rhe January and May numbers of the same publication, 1903. Liberal cash l^rice Avill be paid for these numbers for completion of our files. State Crop Pest Commission of Louisiana, Baton Rouge, La. WANTED— Will pay cash for Bibliography Economic Entomology, Part IV; Fitch's 13th, 13th, and 14th Reports; 3d and oth Reports of the 111. State Entomologist, LeBarou; Lintner's third report; Report N. J. Agr. Exp. Sta 1894; Bulletins 1, 3, 5, 8, 13 old series, Division of Entomology; Bulletin 4 Technical Series Division of Entomology; BtQletins 3 and 7 U. S. Ent. Commis- sion ; Entomological News, Vols. I, 11, III. Have for excliange the Practical Entomologist, complete unbound. E. Dwight Sanderson, Durham, N. H. WANTED— Experiment Station Record: Vol. I, Nos. 1, 3, 3, 4, 5, 7 8 9 10. 11, 13 ; Vol. II, Nos. 1. 3, 6, 10, and Vol. Ill, Nos. 3, (5, 8, 10 and 11. Will pay cash for above, or give in exchange duplicates of the E. S. Record in other volumes. Send list of numbers needed. Also wish to purchase complete set of Insect Life. Entomological Department, Louisiana State University Experiment St-ations, Baton Rouge, La. WANTED — Books or separatee iipon native or exotic ants, not in my library, either for cash or exchange ; also want the following copies of Experi- ment Station Record : I, 1 to 13 ; II, 1, 3, 8, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 ; III, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 H, 9, 10 and 11 ; IV, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 ; V, 7, and XIII, 9. Wilmon Newell, Box 630, Raton Rouge, La. Please mention the Journal of Economic Entomology when writing to advertiserfi. Vol. 1 APRIL, 1908 No. 2 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE ASSOCIATION OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGISTS Editor E. PoRTKK Felt Associate Editor A. F. Burgess Business Manager E. DwioiiT Sanderson Advisory Board L. O. HoAVARD S. A. Forbes James Fletcher IT. A. Morgan IT. T. Feenald Herbert Osborn JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY PUBLISHING CO. CkiN'coiiD, N. H. F.ntered as second-clan matter Mar. 3., 1908, at the post-office at Concord, N. H.. under Act of Congress of Mar. 3. 1879. CONTENTS Proceedings of the 20th onnual meeting of the Association of Economic Entomol- ogists (Continued) Exi)erimeiits with repellents against the com root-apliis S. A. Forbes 81 Life history notes and control of the green peach aphis, Myzus pcnicae E. P. Taylor 83 A key suggested for the classification of entomological records TT; E. Ifimis and F. C. Bishop}) !>l Bee diseases : a problem in economic entomology E.F. Phillips 102 Should state departments conduct public sprayers ? T. B. Symons IOC) Tests of various gases for fumigating nursery trees W. E. Britton 110 The possibility of reducing boll weevil damage by autumn spraying of cotton fields to destroy the foliage and squares Wilmon Neirell and T. C. PauUev 113 The first and last essential step in combating the cotton boll weeviP W. E. Hindft 1 10 A large scale exx)eriment in the control of the cotton boll wee- vili W. J). Hunter 117 The economic bearing of recent studies of the parasites of the cotton boll weevil W. D. Pierce 1 1 7 The correlation between habits and stractural chai-acters among parasitic Hymenoptera Chas. T. Bruea 1 23 Preliminary report on the life liistory of the codling moth and spraying experiments against it E. Dwight SaMersou 129 Notes on the lesser apple worm, Enarmonia prunivora Walsh^ ^1. L. Qunintarwe 141 Egg lajdng of Evipoasca mali F. L. Washburn 142 Notes on some insects of the season Herbert Osbom 145 Entomological notes from Maryland O. P. Welden 14."i Entomological notes for 1907 E. P. Fell 1-U A brief summary of the more important injurious insects of Louisiana Wilmon Newell wa.(\. Arthur H. Bosenfrld 150 Statement by the standing committee on proprietary insecticides E. Dwight Sanderson 159 The peach sawfly : a correction B. H. Walden 160 Notes on Psyllohom 20-mncidalo Sny. John ./. Davis lfi(.> Editorials Ifil Obituary Willis Grant Johnson Ifi.'i Charles Abbott Davis 165 Reviews 165 Current notes lti< 'Withdrawn for publication elsewhere. JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE ASSOCIATION OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGISTS Vol. 1 ^ APRIL, 1908 No. 2 Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual Meeting of the Association of Economic Entomologists ( Continued fro7n February number) A paper was next presented by Mr. Forbes : EXPERIMENTS WITH REPELLENTS AGAINST THE CORN ROOT-APHIS By S. A. Forbes, JJrhana, III. (Abstract.) In consequence of reports from farmers of beneficial results of the use of kerosene on seed-corn, a strip through a large field was planted, in 1905, with seed which had been soaked in kerosene, and as a result a considerable percentage of the seed was damaged, though the plants were protected for some weeks against injury by the corn root- aphis. On the supposition that the latter effect was due to the odor, experiments were made during the winter of 1905-06 with carbolic acid, oil of lemon, formalin, minimum quantities of kerosene, and a variety of other volatile oils and odoriferous substances, from which the four above mentioned were selected for trial in the field. The kerosene was used at the rate of a teaspoonful to a gallon of com, thoroughly stirred in just before planting, the oil of lemon as a 10% solution in alcohol, and the carbolic acid and the formalin as 3% so- lutions in water. Three ounces each to a gallon of corn were used of the oil of lemon mixture and the carbolic acid solution, and six ounces to the gallon of the solution of formalin. Strips of twelve to twenty-four rows each and eighty rods in length were planted with treated seed, intervening strips being left as 82 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 checks. The weather of the spring was dryer than usual, but not suf- ficiently so to delay noticeably the sprouting of the seed or the growth of the plants. A preliminary examination of the field showed an av- erage of 512 colonies of Lasius amerkanus to each acre, equivalent to 1,840,000 adult and larval ants. Six weeks after planting, hills were dug up freely in both check and experimental strips, and all the ants and aphids were counted in each case, with the general result that the strip planted with seed which had been treated with carbolic acid showed a reduction of 14% in number of aphids per hundred hills of corn, and 17% in number of ants; that treated with formalin showed a reduction of 60% in number of aphids and 48% in number of ants; the kerosene strip, a reduction of 84% in aphids and 58% in ants; and the strip planted with seed treated with the oil of lemon, a reduction of 89% in aphids and 79% in number of ants. The reduction in number of hills in- fested at this time was as follows : Carbolic acid, 15% ; formalin, 44%; kerosene, 47%; oil of lemon, 58%. At the end of ten weeks the average height of stalks in the central row of a check strip — meas- uring only the highest stalk in a hill as it stood, without stretching it up — was 35 inches. The corresponding average of stalks in an experi- mental strip was 60 inches. On September 21, nineteen weeks after planting, a check row contained 330 hills with corn ; a row from the oil of lemon strip, 326 ; a row from the kerosene strip, 282 — a loss of 48 hills, due doubtless to the effect of the kerosene on the seed. The stalks at this time were 620 per row in the check, 641 in the plot treated with oil of lemon, and 510 in that treated with kerosene — a gain of 21 stalks, apparently due to the lemon treatment, and a loss of 110, due to the kerosene treatment. Ears at this time averaged 413 per hundred hills for the check strip, 526 to the hundred for the lemon strip, and 455 per hundred for the kerosene — a gain, from the use of lemon, of 113 ears and from the use of kerosene, of 42. The gain in number of ears was thus practically 20% where oil of lemon was used. There was also a notable difference in the size of the stalks and the ears in all the experimental strips as compared with the checks. Similar and more extensive experiments made with a variety of more or less promising substances during the spring of 1907 were virtually without result, owing to heavy and repeated rains during the plant- ing season and for some time subsequent, the effect of which was to re- move all traces of the repellent substances from the planted seed and at the same time to suppress almost completely the corn root-aphis in the field. Trial plantings, made by farmers in various parts of the state, of seed-corn treated with oil of lemon, have in some cases re- April, '08] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 83 suited in noticeable injury to the seed, showing that this substance as sold is of very unequal quality and apparently of unlike composition. In reply to questions Mr. Forbes stated that the rows of corn in the field were about a quarter of a mile long; that the seed corn had been specially selected for the purpose and that, in the strips where the lemon oil was used, at a cost of about ten cents per acre, the ants were present between the rows, but very few aphids could be found. Mr. Bishopp stated that he had tried repellants against the cotton boll weevil, including lemon, cinnamon, tar and clove oil. The odor of the latter was most persistent, but where it was used the plants showed greatest injurv^. Mr. Forbes remarked that when lemon oil was introduced into arti- ficial ants' nests it seemed to set them crazy, as they acted in a very confused and abnormal manner, even neglecting and deserting their young. Mr. Taylor presented a paper : LIFE HISTORY NOTES AND CONTROL OF THE GREEN PEACH APHIS, MYZUS PERSICAE By E. P. Taylor, Mountain Grove, Mo. The aim of this paper is to add a few new observations upon a very old insect. It was in 1761, nearly a century and a half ago, that Sul- zer first described this pest in Europe. It has been mentioned in most works upon the Aphididte as well as in treatises upon general ento- mology published in this country for many years, and has long since been included in the lists of insects injurious to the peach in the United States and Canada. Like many of our common insect enemies, however, there have been and are yet many points concerning it unre- corded. During the past two years or more this insect has become in parts of the country a pest of more than passing importance. The peach growers of Western Colorado have suffered loss from it ; from its heavy infestation of the leaves of the trees in the spring, causing them to curl and drop, prematurely to the ground, and from the withering and subsequent dropping of the buds and forming peaches also infested by the aphides at this time. It is probable that in many parts of the country this plant louse has not yet appeared in such injurious num- bers as to infest and destroy a portion of the crop itself as it has in Western Colorado, but the insect is of interest since it is kno^vn to 84 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY t^ol. 1 occur in nearly all portions of the United States where peaches are grown. i. 4- •<- V, Our interest is also increased when we realize to what extent it has probably been confused with other species of the sub-family Aphididae, and when we understand the factors which have led to this confusion. My first notice of the insect as an economic pest in Colorado was at Grand Junction on April 13th, 1906, and brief mention was made of it in Bulletin No. 119, Colorado Agricultural Experiment Station. Its identity was then unknown to me and before undertaking any con- trol experiments material was sent to Prof. C. P. Gillette, our best authority on the Aphididse of that section. Samples of the material were also sent to Mr. Theo. Pergande of the United States Department of Agriculture, who gave to the insect the name Rhopalosiphum di- anthi Schrank, as did Professor Gillette on first looking over the ma- terial The latter, after further study of the insect and literature, concluded that the name Myzus persicae Sulzer should be applied to it In this studv of it certain matters of importance regarding the synonomy of the^nsect were brought out and I shall quote from a let- ter of Professor Gillette dated November 7th, 1907 : "Let me change my opinion in regard to what this louse ought to be called. I decided to call it diantha Koch, but our species seems to be the persicae de- scribed by Sulzer in 1761 and which is described and figured by Buck- ton in his work on British Aphidid^, vol. 1, page 173. Buckton's fig- ures correspond remarkably well with the louse that we have been working on here. I also believe that Rhopalosiphum solam Thomas, B dianthi Schrank, and Mtjzus achyrantes Monell are synonyms of this species All of the returned migrants that we have found upon plum, peach and cherry during the fall have had cornicles that were slightly swollen or clavate in form. The first winged forms m the spring that appear on these same trees seem exactly like the fall winged form, except that the cornicles are not at all swollen. I was greatly puzzled over this fact last spring and determined to watch very closelv this fall to determine whether or not the form with swollen cornicles would again appear upon the peach and plum trees. For the past six weeks these migrants with swollen cornicles have been gathering upon these trees and depositing the oviparous form which becomes pink or salmon in color as it grows toward maturity. Since the middle of July we have been taking this louse upon a large va- riety of plants and in all cases we have found the cornicles swollen. This seems to account for the louse being called a Rhopalosiphum when described from the summer and fall form and Myzus when described from the early spring form before it leaves the peach, plum and cherry April, '08] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 85 tree. The specimens you sent April 30 and May 7 from peach all have cornicles cylindrical. The fall migrants and the specimens sent from tomato and turnips early in the summer all have clavate cornicles in the winged form. * * * The distinguishing character of this species for the winged individuals seem to be : Antenna longer than the body upon pronounced frontal tubercles which are quite approxi- mate, second joint of antenna moderately gibbus, third joint with sen- soria on the ventral side only and a large dark patch upon the dorsum of the abdomen anterior to the cornicles, and during the late part of the season the cornicle moderately clavate in the winged forms." A point brought out by the foregoing is that the large per cent, of the descriptions of this and related species were made from speci- mens taken in the fall. I have recently had an opportunity to go over with Mr. J. T. Monell of St. Louis some accession records of collec- tions of this species made during a period of about thirty years and the majority were found to have been made in the fall. In fact but a single exception to this was found, which was in the case of the species given by Mr. Pergande as Aphis persicae Sulz., and taken by him in St. Louis in May, 1879. I have found in "Western Colorado the eggs or stem-mothers of Myziis persicae Sulz. upon peach and plum and the lice have been found in that state at different times upon peach, nectarine, plum, prune, cherry, choke-cherry, sand-cherry and more rarely upon pear, apple, crab-apple, willow and cultivated rose. Also the following herbaceous plants have been found as host plants at some seasons of the year: Turnip, rape, cabbage, tomato, potato, false-mallow {Mal- vastrum sp.) yellow-dock, red-root {Amarantus sp.) mustard, shep- herd's-purse, snap-dragon, carnation, rhubarb and egg-plant. In not every instance upon the plants given were the pink or salmon-colored lice present, although the collections were sometimes made in the spring or fall when this form would have been expected. This leaves perhaps a possibility of other species being mistaken for this one un- less the kind of food plant had affected the coloration of the louse. Mr. Monell recently showed me two samples of what seemed to be this species taken by him November 2-4, 1907, at Shaw's Garden, St. Louis, one from cabbage and one from peach. Both cases showed the winged forms with slightly dilate cornicles and otherwise appearing the same, but none of the lice upon the cabbage showed the salmon color, though they were abundant upon the peach leaves at that time. In this paper I have designated this insect as the green peach-aphis, to distinguish it from the black peach-aphis, with which it is sometimes confused. It is very different from the latter, however, which has in 86 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 the matured insects a shining- black body and young of a reddish- brown. The latter, too, is known to sometimes infest the roots of the peach, while the green peach-aphis, so far as is known, occurs only above the ground. If very abundant, the lice will be seen collecting thickly about the buds long before they open. If fewer in number, they may escape observation until the leaves are attacked and curled. In the spring of 1906 the writer noticed the serious bud infestation first on April 13. In 1907, eggs were found hatching at Grand Junction as early as Feb- ruary 16, owing to the unusually open winter and early spring. The eggs, small, oval and shining black, resemble very much the eggs of the green apple-aphis. They are deposited in the fall upon the twigs of peach or sometimes the plum or cherry and are tucked away under the bud or upon rough places along the bark, usually somewhere near the tips of the twig. They are not placed in such masses as the eggs of the green apple-aphis and it usually requires rather close searching to discover them. I found them deposited this fall as early as October 24 at St. Louis, and Professor Gillette reported them being laid freely at Ft. Collins, Colorado, as early as November 5. Soon after hatching the lice crawl to some nearby leaf or fruit bud and insert their beaks into the more tender portion. At the time the first lice are hatched, the buds, though considerably swollen, are still protected by thick bud-scales which are more tender near the apex. The stem-mothers, when first hatched, are of a dark green color, with almost black appendages, and in length not more than 2-100 of an inch. As the inner and redder bud-scales are pushed out, these also become covered with stem-mothers, which after their first moulting of skins begin to assume shades of pink or salmon. These shades will be first noticed along the lateral margins of the body. As the stem- mother increases in size and continues to moult, this color becomes more prominent. Examined carefully, these dorsal abdominal mark- ings will be found to consist of light terra-cotta or even maroon colors upon an apple green, the combination giving a salmon or pink in gen- eral effect. All stem-mothers do not take on this typical shade, but remain green throughout their lives and those which do assume the salmon color often fade back into almost a green toward the close of the period of their existence. The stem-mothers blend very closely with the colors of the buds and blossoms and are therefore not easily seen. At the time of the birth of their first young, they measure about 8-100 of an inch in length. The young, which are born living, are at first much paler green in color than were the stem-mothers when first hatched. The apterous in- April, '08] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 87 dividuals of all generations appearing after the spring stem-mother remain greenish in color throughout the season up to when the sexual females are found upon the leaves in the fall. These deposit the over- wintering eggs and the lice are also of a salmon or pink shade, very- much like the stem-mothers of the spring. I have counted as many as a score of the stem-mothers in the spring clustered over the surface of a single unopen bud. When the buds break into bloom, these stem-mothers and their progeny crowd within, attacking petals and inner walls of the corolla as well as the stamens, style and ovary. The bloom is distorted, becomes withered and finally falls. In other cases the clusters of lice form later about the peaches, when about the size of peas, and by sucking away the sap cause them to also fall from the trees. About this time the lice will also begin to infest the leaves, curling them tightly, by infesting their under sur- faces, and when severely attacked all parts of the leaf -blade will be completely covered. After the second molt of the stem-mothers, minute drops of honey-dew may be seen to form at the tip of the insects 's body and be thrown away with a quick movement. This honey-dew may appear before the buds open as moist, sticky areas upon the twig above the louse. Later in the spring, the leaves in badly infested terminal clusters become completely coated with this secretion and attract numbers of ants, flies and other insects. The infested leaves become thickened and pitted from beneath, turn- ing red in spots and finally falling away. About the middle of May, 1907, many peach trees in "Western Colorado were almost completely stripped of their foliage and it was feared by many growers that some would never revive. Winged lice developed among individuals of the first generation following the spring stem-mothers and were seen in the orchards as early as April 13, 1907. They appeared as a rule first upon leaves greatly over-crowded by the ^vingless lice and soon after developing wings, spread to other leaves and trees to start new colonies. The pro- portion of winged ones increased as the season advanced. About the middle of ]\Iay last year at Grand Junction, when the leaves of the trees had become heavily infested, not only winged but the wingless lice were seen to commence migration in great numbers from peach trees. By the last of May or the first days of June, scarcely a single one could be found upon them. It was indeed interesting to witness this phenomenal dispersion of plant lice. Each seemed anxious to for- sake the peach leaves before its neighbor. Some days the air in badly infested peach orchards would be filled with flying aphides. The ground in such orchards would be thickly scattered with crawling, 88 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Yol. 1 wingless aphides. In one instance, trunk-bands of the sticky substance known as "Tree Tanglefoot" had been placed upon apple trees in order to catch the crawling woolly aphides. These apple trees were adjoining an orchard of peach and when the crawling lice from the peaches started up the trunks of the apple they were caught in such numbers that the lower borders of the bands were green with a mass of their bodies. The peach trees, now deserted by their parasites, the aphides, soon began to form new leaves and within a few weeks were once more in heavy foliage. The wingless migrating aphides evidently perished in great numbers upon the ground before reaching other food plants; some winged ones safely reached other plants at a distance, where they established new colonies and multiplied until the winged migrants returned again to the peach in the fall. Life history records for the early spring generations were secured in the breeding cages. Stem-mothers were kept alive from twenty-three to twenty-nine days from hatching. About eight days passed from hatching to the first molt, four or five days from the first to the sec- ond molt and about the same time from the second to the third. Prom fifteen to seventeen days were passed by the stem-mother from hatching to the birth of the first young. This record was secured by confining single stem-mothers in cages alone, and thus demonstrating them to be parthenogenetic. The first young were born about the time of the third molting by the stem-mother. The maximum number of young secured from one stem-mother in the cages was twenty-six. The first young of the second generation from the eggs were seen born in the orchard at Palisade on March 14, 1907, though some were secured in cages as early as March 4. From the birth of the second generation to the first molt was from four to five days and from their birth to their becoming equipped Avith wings was on an average of from eleven to sixteen days. This second generation usually bore the first of the third generation about twelve to seventeen days from their birth and at about the time the first winged lice appeared. Only a portion of the second generation of lice developed wings. From twenty-eight to thirty-three days seemed about the length of life from birth to death of a second generation individual. The third generation of agamic aphides were found in the orchard at Grand Junction last season on March 24. These lice are a trifle smaller at birth than the generation born by the stem-mothers. It will be seen that as many as thirteen generations of the green peach aphis may be produced through a single season if the same rate of develop- ment is kept up through the summer to the time when eggs are again deposited in the fall. April, '08] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 89 The food plants which carry the species through its summer gen- eration appear to be of great variety, as shown by the list already men- tioned. So few lice are to be found, however, upon these plants dur- ing the summer in comparison with the countless numbers which are produced in the peach orchards in the spring that it seems very prob- able that other plants will also be found harboring it through the summer months. In the Grand Valley peach orchards the first returning migrants were noticed about the middle of September, when I found them col- lecting upon the dorsal side of the leaves, principally along the mid- rib and veins, though they were not altogether restricted to these points. No early examinations of peach orchards were made in Mis- souri this fall, but on October 24, oviparous females were found de- positing their eggs along the Mississippi and under date of November 5 Professor Gillette wrote me from Colorado that the eggs were be- ing deposited upon peach, plum and cherry, though many of the winged and wingless viviparous females were still living upon many outdoor plants that had not entirely lost their foliage. The male insects are winged and appear in Colorado from about the middle of September to when they are killed by the cold nights. In Missouri, near St. Louis many eggs were still being freshly deposited in peach orchards as late as November 16. Parasites and predaceous enemies rendered the orchardists of west- ern Colorado much service in destroying great numbers of these in- sects last summer. Among these were the larvae of syrphus flies and lace-wings, and the larvae and adults of lady beetles. A small hymen- opterous parasite was seen to infest the lice and a Thomisid spider identified by Mr. Banks as Thisumena lepida Thorell was observed to be of service. Sparrows, canaries, orioles and other birds were also of economic value. Experiments by the writer towards the control of this pest were un- dertaken against it only so far as it affected the peach. In the com- mercial orchards of Western Colorado its only injury has been caused to this fruit. The remarkable power peach trees have of reviving after being almost completely defoliated by these lice makes the insect somewhat less formidable. However trees so completely stripped of their foliage and devitalized as they are in some cases are retarded in both the de- velopment of the tree and fruit. From a practical standpoint the de- struction of the lice which may infest the fruit buds, blossoms or newly formed peaches may be considered of the greatest consequence to the grower. 90 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 We find insecticides recommended against this insect in the works of Dr. Cyrus Thomas, formerly state entomologist of Illinois, and pub- lished in the transactions of the Illinois State Horticultural Society for 1876. Townsend observed the insect in New Mexico upon peaches and recommended contact sprays against it in Bulletin No. 3, New Mexico Agricultural Experiment Station, June, 1891. Saunders, Weed and many others have also suggested treatments. Washes of strong soap-suds, tobacco-water, kerosene emulsion and many other contact insecticides commonly used against sucking insects were ad- vised. From the experience of the writer, it has seemed that time and man- ner of application has had much to do with successful results. I have conducted experimental spraying against this insect near St. Louis, Missouri, in a peach orchard of about one hundred and thirty medium aged trees, the spraying being done oh November 16. In Colorado a commercial peach orchard at Palisade was carefully selected and treated on March 16, 1907, when the stem-mothers were thickly cover- ing the outside of the peach bud. The peach buds were swollen and ready to burst into bloom. The first new-born of the second genera- tion were appearing, but neither these tiny green lice nor the larger pink-bodied stem-mothers had gained entrance into the blossoms be- yond the reach of contact sprays. At that date practically all of the eggs had been hatched. An orchard of about one hundred peach trees at Grand Junction was chosen in which no spraying was given up to April 16, when por- tions were given a thorough treatment with different contact sprays. At the time this spraying Avas done, the leaves of the trees were badly infested and the lice concealed to a large extent within the folds. In both of the orchards a thorough spraying was given, but it was* plainly apparent that the orchard first mentioned — the one sprayed late in the spring, but immediately preceding the opening of the buds — was the one in which the better results were secured. In the one sprayed after the leaves had become curled, it was found almost impossible to reach the bodies of the lice. Some of course were killed when a strong stream of spray was forced into the branches under a high pressure, but it was manifestly too late to expect the best re- sults. Among the most promising insecticides used in the experiments and by orchardists who sprayed last spring for this pest in Colorado were kerosene emulsion, containing 5% oil, Scalecide diluted 1 part to 20 parts cold water, tobacco decoction made by steeping for an hour 1 pound of leaf tobacco or 2 pounds strong tobacco dust or stems in April, '08] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 91 4 gallons of water. "The Black Leaf Extract of Tobacco" proved equally successful when used at the rate of 1 gallon to 65 gallons of cold water. If the kerosene emulsion or other commercial oil emulsions are used, it should be with the usual precautions. Complete emulsification and knowTi percentage of oil are essential. The above strengths of emul- sion gave no injury used in the manner described. No practical bene- fit was secured, so far as the green peach aphis is concerned, from the use of orchard-boiled or commercial lime-sulphur washes, applied late in the spring just before the buds open. All spring prunings of the peach twigs should be gathered up and burned to prevent the aphis eggs harbored upon them from hatching and the lice crawling back upon the tree. [Mr. HeatUee's paper on Diahrotica vittata. together with the discussion thereupon, has been held till the next issue, owing to delay in submitting the manuscript. — E. P. F.] The following paper was presented : A KEY SUGGESTED FOR THE CLASSIFICATION OF EN- TOMOLOGICAL RECORDS By W. E. Hinds and F. C. Bishopp. Object and application of key. This key is designed to facilitate the arrangement of entomological notes, materials, etc. It is not to be used as are guide cards, but all cards belonging in the key are placed together in front of the note file to show the general plan of arrange- ment of the notes which follow. Thus one key serves for the entire note system and no repetition is needed for the various species regard- ing which notes are made. It is not at all necessary that all notes to be classified according to this key should be prepared in any particular form or kept together in one place. In fact, the key may be applied almost equally well to any notes except those in bound books. No argument is needed as to the many advantages of the modern card system over the old bound note book system. The size of cards to be used is a matter for per- sonal choice and the only argument for uniformity is that of conven- ience in filing and handling the notes. In the Cotton Boll Weevil in- vestigation a four by six inch card was found to be most convenient for field notes and therefore adopted for practically all records of the investigation. The cards were prepared by the printer in the 92 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 form of board covered books of fifty sheets each. The leaves were perforated to form the cards as they were removed from the binder. Notes of any unusual size may be conveniently placed in the file by enclosing them in a manilla envelope of exactly the size of the standard card adopted. Envelope and note are headed alike to in- sure their identification. Old loose notes may be thus brought into the file with modern cards. i As a matter of convenience we have found it best to place the key on cards. On a card placed in front of the key proper should be given an alphabetical list of the ordinal names adopted or to be followed by the user of the note system. The notes on each order of insects then follow in the sequence indicated on the first card. Under each order the notes are arranged alphabetically by generic names and the species alphabetically under each genus. The notes on a single species are thus brought immediately together under the scientific name of the species. If the common name is more familiar, a cross reference can be made from an alphabetical list of common names. Thus far the ar- rangement is purely alphabetical, but beyond this point the necessity for some definite method of arrangement arises to enable anyone to find desired notes among a large amount of data and to make the file accessible to and usable by any other than the original maker or filer of the notes. The key indicates the topical headings to be used and the arrange- ment to be followed in filing the notes on each and every species alike. It is no longer possible to follow an alphabetical plan and the decimal system used in the Dewey system of library cataloging and in the great work of the Concillium Bibliographicum has therefore been adopted in its principal features. Under each species name, the notes are filed strictly according to the decimal sequence of numbering, ex- cept in a few cases where subdivisions can be better arranged alphabet- ically. In the key a certain decimal number is given to each topic or subject heading, into which the study of the insect may be sub- divided and this same subject and decimal number should always be given as the heading on the note to be filed. The statement of both number and subject prevents errors and the misplacement of notes. "Miscellaneous notes or those on undetermined species may be filed temporarily under their accessions number. ■ The first part of the key applies to general things which assist in systematizing one's work and related records. Heading of notes. Every note or card should deal preferably with one subject only. The card is given appropriate heading and in de- April, "OS] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 93 termining this the key is ahnost indispensable. The upper left-hand corner is always reserved for the decimal number associated with the proper subject. The scientific name of the species considered appears at the top and middle of the card. Below the species name is given the subject heading, locality, date, etc. The author's name should also appear on each note. The decimal numbering may be conveniently done by a specially constructed rubber stamp made after the manner of the ordinary band dating stamps. This special stamp should have at least six bands, each bearing in vertical line the following fifteen characters as separated by dashes: 1— 2— 3— 4— 5— 6— 7— 8— 9—0— .—,— :— (—) Space cannot be taken here for a discussion of the proper use of the comma, colon and parentheses. It is the same as in the Dewey System. The use of guide cards. In the key itself, guide cards are used for indicating only the primary divisions: Generalia, Work, Life History, etc. It is well to list on the guide card the next series of subdivisional headings occurring under it. Among the notes to be filed, guide cards should, of course, be used for each species and headed with the names of the order, genus and species. Beyond this the use of guides is purely a matter of personal convenience and the filer may decide for himself whether he cares to give any special significance to the color of card, size of tabs, etc. The guides in no way alter or interfere with the application of the key. Cross-references. If the subject matter on a card relates to more than one insect, a cross reference card is made and filed under the name of the other species, in the proper decimal sequence of the sub- ject. Similarly, a cross reference is made if the record relates to more than one topic in the study of one species or if the data may have application to more than one topic. Amplification of key. Throughout the key there is ample room for further development as may be required to adapt it more fully to the study of any new subject and insertions may be made as they are found to be needed. It will be noted that in the series of main divisional numbers, 8 and 9 are unoccupied. In these cases, as in similar ones throughout the key, wherever numbers have been omitted or are unoccupied, there is room for additional subjects of properly co- ordinated character. Changes may be made to suit the user, either in the wording or character of a subject heading to fit any special need, but if there be room for addition of the needed subjects, it would seem better to add than to substitute. In this way the key is ren- dered more complete and generally applicable. Inappropriate head- 94 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 ings are simply unused, but remain in the key for the suggestive value they have and for use under species to which they do apply. Practical usefulness of key. A fairly complete outline of this sort is valuable for its continual suggestion when undertaking the thorough study of any species. With any large volume of notes, par- ticularly relating to one species, some system is indispensable. The key given herewith has been put to thorough test in the large amount of note material accumulated by the numerous agents of the Bureau of Entomology during the six years of the Cotton Boll "Weevil investi- gation. Because of its proven value in this work, it is presented here as a suggestion of the possible divisions in the study of an economic entomological subject and as a practicable means of so arranging the records as to make them at all times easily accessible and completely useful and also because the system seems to be of general applicabil- ity in economic entomology. Key to Classification of Entomological Records O Generalia, Continued. O Generalia. 01 Bibliog-raphy. 01.1 Indices and references. 01.2 Special literature. 01.3 State laws affecting entomology. 01.31 Quarantine regulations. 01.32 Inspection of nursery stock. 01.8 Literature to secure. 01.9 Miscellaneous literature. 02 Statistical data. 02.1 Climatological. (See 44 also.) 02.2 Geological. 02.3 Crop reports. 02.4 Special census reports. 02.5 Special crop statistics. 03 Clippings. 03.1 Entomological workers. 03.2 Insect life histories. (See 71 for arrangement.) 03.3 Insect seasonal histories. (See 71 for arrangement.) 03.4 Insect control, natural. 03.41 Climatological. 03.42 Parasites. 03.43 Predatory enemies. 03.44 Diseases. 03.5 Insect control, artificial. 03.51 Traps. 03.52 Insecticides. 03.521. Stomach poisons. (Arrange alphabetically.) 03.522 Contact insecticides. 03.523 Fumigants. 03.53 Repellents. 03 Clippiii|?s. 03.54 Machines. 03.55 Treatment of crop after har- vesting. 03.56 Restriction of spread. 03.57 Cultural control. 03.6 Distribution. 03.01 (Geographical. 03.02 Geological. 04 Accounts. 04.1 Appropriations. 04.2 Salaries. 04.3 Equipment. 04.31 Furniture and fixtures. 04.32 Scientific apparatus. 04.33 Tools and machinery. 04.34 Library. 04.35 Live stock. 04.4 Maintenance. 04.41 Supplies. 04.42 Repairs. 04.5 Postage, stationery, etc. 04.51 Postage account. 04.52 Stationery accounts. 04.53 Telegraph accounts. 04.54 Telephone accounts. 04.6 Travel. 04.7 Freight and express. 04.9 Contingent expenses. 05 Species lists. 05.1 Economic insects. 05.2 Insects reported during corre- spondence. April, '08] JOURNAL OB^ ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 95 0 Generalia, Continued. 06 Host lists. 06.1 Animal hosts. 06.2 Plant hosts. 07 Documents. 08 Correspondence. 08.1 Special mailing lists. 09 Miscellaneous. 09.1 Inventory. 09.2 Common name directory of in- sects. 1 Work. 10 Work: projected. 10.1 Outlines prepared for projects. 10.2 F"'oi-ms for tabular records. 11 Work on band. 12 Questions. 13 Instructions. 13.1 Forms for uniform note records. 14 Reports of species, occurrence to Ije investigated. 15 Methods and apparatus. 18 Illustrations. 18.1 Photography. 18.11 Formulae, tables and method notes. 18.12 Negative catalog. (Arrange alphabetically by subject, re- ferring to consecutive num- bers assigned to negatives.) 18.2 Drawings. 18.21 Record of sketches. 18.3 Cuts. 18.31 Catalog of cuts. (Arrange alphabetically by subject, referring to consecutive num- bers assigned to cuts and to where cuts have been used.) 19 Reports of completed Tvork. 19.1 Periodical reports of agents. 19.2 Publications listed. 2 Life History. 31 Eggr. 21.1 Description. 21.2 Embryology. 21. .5 Duration of stage. 21.6 Hatching. 22 Larva. 22.1 Description. 22.2 Anatomy. 22.21 External. 22.22 Internal. 2 Life History, Continued. 22 Tiarva. 22.3 Growth. 22.4 Molts. 22.41 Process of molting. 22.42 Effect of food supply upon number of molts. 22.43 Size between molts. 22.5 Duration of stage. 22.6 Pupation. 22.61 Pupal cells. 23 Pupa. 23.1 Description. 23.2 Anatomy. 23.5 Duration of stage. 23.6 Transformation. 24 Adult. 24.1 Description. 24.2 Period from transformation to emergence. 24.21 Changes before emergence. 24.3 Emergence. 24.31 Changes after emergence. 24.4 Size of adults. 24.41 Dimensions. 24.42 Weights. 24.43 Relation of size to food supply. 24.5 Duration of life. 24.51 Upon buds alone. 24.52 Upon seed pods alone. 24.53 Upon foliage alone. 24.54 Upon sweetened water. 24.55 AVithout food but with water. 24.56 Without food or water. 24.57 Average length of life, nat- ural condition. 24.58 Hibernated adults without food. 24.6 Sexes. 24.61 Secondary sexual characters. 24.62 Relation of size and color to sex. 24.63 Proportion of sexes. 24.631 In spring. 24.632 In mid-summer. 24.633 In autumn. 24.6.34 During hibernation. 24.635. Among migrating adults. 24.64 Temperature influence upon sex determination. 24.7 External anatomy. 24.8 Internal anatomy. 24.9 Physiology. 25 Development. 25.1 Number of generations. (Local- ities arranged alphabetically by state and town.) 25.11 Minimum number in season. JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 2 Life History, Continued. 25 Uevelopuient. 25.12 Maximum number in season. 25.13 Average number in season. 25.2 Temperature influences. (See 31.12, 31.42 and 44.) 25.21 On activity of adults. 25.22 On rapidity of development. 25.221 During winter. 25.222 During summer. 25.223 Proportion of stages at different periods. 25.23 On sex determination. 25.24 Effective temperature studies. 25.3 Proportion of infested fruit pro- ducing adults. 25.5 Duration of life cycle. (Locali- ties arranged alphabetically by state and town.) 25.51 Maximum duration. 25.52 Minimum duration. 25.53 Average duration. 26 Habits. 26.1 Food plants. (List by Order, Family, Genus and Species.) 26.11 Portion of plant attacked, and effects. 26.111 Leaf buds. 26.112 Fruit buds. 26.113 Foliage, including petioles. 26.114 Flowers. 26.115 Fruit. 26.116 Seed. 26.117 Stem. (Trunk and branches.) 26.118 Bark. 26.119 Root. 26.12 Tests of other plants for food. 26.13 Susceptibility of different va- rieties of food plants. 26.19 Occurrence on other than food plants. 26.2 Hosts. 26.3 Prey. 26.4 Feeding habits. 26.41 Larval. 26.42 Adult, male. 26.43 Adult, female. 26.44 Both sexes together. 26.45 Feeding on certain plant spe- cies. 26.451 Temperature influence on feeding activity. ( See 25.2.) 26.452 Feeding activity In differ- ent parts of the day. 26.453 Location of food supply by adults. 26.46 Destructive power by feeding. 26.47 Cannibalism. (See 43.) 2 Life History, Continued. 26 Habits. 26.48 Predaceous habits. 26.481 Among larvae. 26.482 Among adults. 26.49 Movement on food plant. 26.491 During day. • 26.492 During night. 26.5 Trap foods. (See 51.1 and 51.2.) 26.6 Adaptive capacity. 26.61 To variations in food supply. 26.62 To variations in climatolog- ical conditions. 27 Reproduction. 27.1 Copulation. 27.11 Ag3 at beginning. 27.12 Attraction between sexes. 27.13 In spring before feeding. 27.14 Duration of copulation. 26.15 Polygamy. 26.16 Polyandry. 27.2 Fertility. 27.21 From a single copulation. 27.22 Parthenogenesis. 24.23 Fertility of hibernated indi- viduals. 27.24 Duration of fertility. 27.3 Oviposition. 27.31 Age at beginning. 27.32 Period between copulation and oviposition. 27.33 Portion of plant chosen for oviposition. 27.331 Leaf buds. 27.332 Fruit buds. 27.333 Foliage, including petiole. 27.334 Flowers. 27.335 Fruit. 27.336 Seed. 27.337 Stem, including trunk and branches. 27.338 Bark. 27.339 Root. 27. 34 Miscellaneous places for ovi- position. 2Y.35 The act of oviposition. 27.351 Preliminary examination. 27.352 Formation of cavity. 27.353 Deposition of egg. 27.354 Sealing of cavity. 27.355 Time required to deposit an egg. 27.356 Position of female while ovipositing. 27.357 Activity In ovipositing during different parts of day. 27.358 Stimulation to oviposition by abundance of food sup- ply. April, '08] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 97 2 Life History, Continued. 27 Reproduction. 27.359 Number of eggs deposited. 27.36 Selection of uninfested places for oviposition. 27.37 Dependence of oviposition upon food supply. (See 32.7.) 27.4 Effects of oviposition. 27.41 In various portion of plant species. 27.411 (List as under 26.11.) 27.5 Period of oviposition. 27.51 In hibernated individuals. 27.52 In first generation individ- uals. 27.53 In individuals of other gen- erations. 27.54 First oviposition in season. 27.55 Last oviposition in season. 27.6 Rate of oviposition. 27.61 Daily rate in laboratory. 27.62 Daily rate in field. 28 Protection. 28.1 Egg. 28.11 When deposited internally. 28.12 When deposited externally. 28.13 By Isolation. 28.14 By external structure. 28.15 By protective excretions. 28.2 Larva. 28.21 By place of development. 28.22 By external structure. 28.23 By protective devices. 28.231 By repellent odors. 28.232 By protective construc- tions. 28.233 By protective excretions. 28.24 By habits. 28.241 Concealment. 28.242 Feigning death. 28.243 Feeding internally. 28.25 By fighting ability. 28.26 By locomotion. 28.261 By flight. 28.262 By running. 28.263 By swimming. 28.29 By coloration. 28.291 Mimicry. 28.292 Warning coloration 28.3 Pupa. 28.31 By place of pupation. 28.32 By molted skins. 28.33 By protective constructions . 28.331 Cocoons. 28.332 Earthen cells. 28.333 Leaf rolling. 28.;j34 Gall formation. 28.39 By coloration. 28.4 Adult. 28.41 By place of transformation. 2 2 Life History, Continued. 28 Protection. 28.42 By external structure. 28.43 By protective devices. 28.431 Repellent odors. 28.432 Protective constructions. 28.433 Protective excretions. 28.44 By habits. 28.441 Concealment. 28.442 Feigning death. 28.443 Feeding internally. 28.49 By coloration. 28.491 Mimicry. 28.492 Warning coloration. 29 Multiplication. 29.1 Annual progeny of one pair. (Theoretical.) 29.2 Number of individuals per acre based upon field counts. 29.3 Relation of multiplication to food supply. 29.4 Restrictions upon multiplication. (See 4 and 5.) 3 Seasonal History. 31 Hibernation. 31.1 Entrance into hibernation. 31.11 Time of entrance. 31.12 Temperatures affecting en- trance. (See 25.2.) 31.13 Gradual entrance. 31.14 Stages entering hibernation. 31.15 Congregation of individuals preceding entrance into hiber- nation. 31.16 Mortality occurring at time of entrance into hibernation. 31.17 Activity during hibernation period. 31.2 Shelter during hibernation. 31.21 Apparently favorable condi- tions. 31.22 Apparently unfavorable con- ditions. 31.3 Mortality during hibernation. 31.4 Emergence from hibernation. 31.41 Time of emergence. 31.42 Climatic conditions affecting emergence. 31.43 Re-hibernation. 31.44 Number and percentages sur- viving hibernation. 31.5 Duration of hibernation. 31.51 Localities of observations ar- ranged alphabetically by state and town. 32 Hibernated individuals. 32.1 Finding food supply in spring. 32.11 Distance hibernated Individ- uals will go to food. JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 3 Seasonal History, Continued. 30 Hibernated individnals. 32.2 Nature of first food supply. 32.3 Preferred food supply. 32.5 Duration of life of hibernated individuals. 32.6 Movement of hibernated individ- uals in field before beginning re- production. 32.7 Oviposition dependent upon food. (See 27.37.) 32.8 Abundance of hibernated individ- uals. 33 Progress of infestation. 33.1 Species injury versus food pro- duction. 33.2 Effect of maximum infestation upon species multiplication. 33.3 Proportion of food supply at- tacked not destroyed. 33.4 Relation of species to crop pro- duction. 33.41 Special crop. 33.411 Percentage of crop de- stroyed. 34 Dispersion, spread of species. (See 03.) 4 Natural Control. 41 Meelianioal control. 41.1 Resistance to attack of species by normal special plant struc- tures. 41.11 Piloslty of stems. 41.12 Appression of floral envelopes. 41.2 Resistance to species attack by abnormal plant growths. 41.21 By gall formation. 41.22 By proliferation in buds. 41.23 By proliferation in seed pods. 41.24 By proliferation in stem. 41.25 By proliferation in root. 41.26 Influence of locality on pro- liferation. 41.27 Influence of season on prolif- eration. 41.28 Influence of variety on pro- liferation. 41.29 Influence of artificial condi- tions upon proliferation. 41.291 Cultivation. 41.292 Fertilization. 41.4 Artificial stimulation to prolifer- ation. 41.41 In buds. 41.42 In seed pods. 41.5 Mortality in species due to pro- liferation. 41.51 In buds. 41.52 In seed pods. 4 Natural Control, Continued. 41 Mechanical control. 41.6 Manner in which death is caused by proliferation. 41.7 Rearing stages on prolifld cells as food. 41.8 Proliferation started from other causes than species attack. (Ar- range alphabetically.) 41.9 Occurrence of proliferation in other plants than special species. (Arrange alphabetically by or- der, etc.) 42 Restraint npon species attack by habits of grrowth of food plant. 42.1 Rapid maturing of fruit. 43 Cannibalism. (See 26.47.) 43.1 Among adults. 43.2 Among larvae. 44 By cliniatolog-ical conditions. (See 02.1.) 44.1 Heat or drying. 44.11 Mortality in picked fresh fruit. 44.111 Buds. 44.112 Flowers. 44.113 Seed pods. 44.12 Mortality in dried hanging fruit. 44.121 Buds. 44.122 Flowers. 44.123 Seed pods. 44.13 Mortality in fallen fruit. 44.131 Buds. 44.132 Flowers. 44.133 Seed pods. 44.14 Heat effect upon adults. 44.141 On hot ground. 44.2 Cold. 44.21 Effects of frosts. 44.211 Upon food supply. 44.212 Upon life of adults. 44.213 Upon life of immature stages. 44.22 Effect of minimum winter temperatures. 44.221 Upon life of adults. 44.222 Upon life of immature stages. 44.25 Experiments In artificial re- frigeration. 44.3 Humidity. 44.31 Drought. 44.32 Excessive humidity. 44.4 Precipitation. 44.41 Precipitation deficient. 44.42 Precipitation excessive. April, '08] JOURNAL OP ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 99 4 Natural Controlt Continued. 44 By cllniatologrical conditions. 44.5 Overflows. 44.51 In summer. 44.52 In winter. 44.55 Experiments in drowning adults, floating. 44.56 Experiments in drowning adults, submerged. 44.57 Experiments in drowning Im- mature stages. 44.58 Experiments In submerging eggs. 45 Diseases of species. 45.1 Fungus diseases. 45.2 Bacterial diseases. 46 Parasites. 46.1 Breeding of parasite species. 46.11 Species list of primary para- sites. 46.111 Parasites of egg. 46.112 Parasites of larva. 46.113 Parasites of pupa. 46.114 Parasites of adult. 46.2 Mortality due to parasites. 46.21 In egg stage. 46.22 In larval stage. 46.23 In pupal stage. 46.24 In adult stage. (Arrange data by locality and date.) 46.3 Transference of parasites of other insects to species. 46.4 Hyperparasitlsm. 46.41 Species list. 46.5 Increasing efficiency of parasites. 46.51 Importation of parasites. 46.511 Transference of parasites from one locality to an- other. 46.512 Introduction of foreign parasites. 46.52 Artificial propagation and distribution. 46.521 On preferred host. 46.522 By securing concentration on desired host by prac- tices affecting multiplica- tion on alternate hosts. 47 Predatory enemies. 47.1 Insecta. (Arrange by order, genus, and species alphabetically, as suggested in explanation of key.) 47.2 Arachnida. (Arrange as above.) 47.3 Crustacea. (Arrange as above.) 47.4 Pisces. (Arrange as above.) 47.5 Reptilia. (Arrange as above.) 4 Natural Control, Continued. 47 Predatory enemies. 47.6 Aves. (Arrange as above.) 47.61 Examinations of bird stom- achs. 47.7 Mammals. (Arrange as above.) 5 Artificial Control. 51 Traps. 51.1 Trap foods, unpoisoned. 51.11 Sweets. 51.2 Trap foods, poisoned. 51.3 Trap lights. 51.4 Trap shelters. 51.5 Trap rows. 52 Insecticides. 52.1 Stomach poisons. (Arrange al- phabetically.) (See 59.41 also.) 52.2 Contact insecticides. (Arrange alphabetically.) 52.3 Pumigants. (Arrange alphabet- ically.) 52.9 Other insecticides tested. (Ar- range alphabetically.) 53 Repellents. (Arrange alphabet- ically.) 54 Farm machinery. 54.1 Special machines for the de- struction of pest. 54.2 Attachments to machinery com- monly used in cultivation of crop. 54.3 Machines for aiding in destruc- tion of food supply. 54.4 Improved machines advisable for general farm use. 55 Treatment of crop after har- vesting-. 55.1 Temporary storage. 55.11 Cold storage. 55.12 Elevators. 55.13 Cellar storage. 55.2 Mechanical treatment of crop. 56 Restriction of spread. 56.1 Quarantines. 56.11 Regulations of various states. (Arrange alphabetically.) 56.2 Legislative enactments desirable. 56.3 Restricting of movement of crop within border of infestation. 56.4 Disinfection of shipments to points beyond border of infesta- tion. 56.41 Treatment of crop shipped. 56.42 Treatment of cars used. 100 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 5 Artificial Control, Continued. 56 Restriction of spread. 56.7 Restriction of multiplication of species. 56.71 Hand picking. 56.711 Of insects themselves. 56.712 Of infested fruit. 56.72 Burial by cultivation. 56.721 Of insects themselves. 56.722 Of infested fallen fruit. (See 57.5.) 56.73 Trapping hibernated individ- uals. (See 51.) 56.74 Destruction of favorable hi- bernation quarters. 56.75 Proper spacing of rows and plants. 56.76 Fall destruction of food sup- ply. (See 54.3 and 57.7.) 56.77 Rotation of crops. (See .-.7.0.) 67 Cultural methods of control. 57.1 Selection of best seed. 57.2 Thorough preparation of soil. 57.3 Fertilization. 57.4 Early planting or uniform plant- ing. 57.5 Thorough cultivation. 57.6 Early harvesting. 57.7 Early destruction of annual plants. 57.8 Fall breaking of land. 57.9 Rotation of crops. 59 Experimental farm vrork. 59.1 Data regarding locations. 59.11 Alphabetical list of localities arranged by years. 59.12 Alphabetical list of names and addresses of owners and operators of farms. 59.13 Geological conditions repre- sented by farms. 59.14 Climatological conditions rep- resented by farms. 59.15 Proposals for experimental work. 59.16 Contracts for experimental work. 59.2 Data regarding experiments with crops. 59.21 Early planting tests. 59.22 Late planting tests. 59.23 Variety tests. 59.24 Fertilizer tests. 59.25 Cultivation tests. 59.26 Soil tests. 59.27 Isolation tests. 5 Artifical Control, Continued. 59 Experimental farm -worlc. 59.3 Data regarding insect conditions. (Arrange by locality alphabet- ically and chronologically.) 59.4 Data regarding remedial experi- ments. 59.41 Paris green experiments. 59.411 Applied as dust. 59.412 Applied as spray. 59.45 Cultural remedial experi- ments. 59.5 Data regarding cultural condi- tions. 59.51 Preparation of soil. 59.52 Fertilization given. 59.53 Time of planting. 59.54 Cultivation given. 59.55 Destruction of plants. 59.56 Fall treatment of soil. 59.6 Data regarding crop conditions. 59.61 Germination. 59.62 Growth before flowering. 59.63 Flowering. 59.64 Setting of fruit. 59.65 Harvesting. 59.66 Yield. 59.67 Foliage area. 59.68 Number of plants per acre. 59.7 Data regarding climatological conditions. 59.8 Methods commonly used by most successful farmers. 59.81 For special crop. (List by name and address.) 59.9 Data regarding results. 6 Distribution of Species. 61 Geog'raphieal distribution. 61.1 Alphabetical list of recorded lo- calities arranged by the state, county and town. 61.2 Maps showing distribution. 62 Status of species. 62.1 Inspection reports. 62.11 Species found present. 62.12 Species not found. 62.2 Special studies of areas of especial abundance of species. 62.3 Special studies of areas of espe- cial scarcity of species. 63 Dispersion (spread) of spe- cies. 63.1 By natural agencies. 63.11 By flight. 63.111 In spring, seeking food. 63.112 In midsummer. 63.113 In fall. April, '08] JOURNAL OP ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 101 6 Distribution of Species^ Continued. 6 Distribution of Species^ Continued. 63 Dispersion (spread) of spe- 63 Dispersion (spread) of spe- cies, cies. 63.114 When going into hiber- 63.221 Cars. nation. 63.222 Barrels and other con- 63.115 Seasonal influence upon tainers. taking flight. 63.223 Harvesting apparatus. 63.12 By crawling. 63.23 By movement of carriers only 63.13 By winds and storms. accidentally related to pest. 63.14 By water along waterways. 63.231 Vehicles passing infested 63.15 By floods and overflows. fields or near plants. 63.16 By artificial carriers, not hosts. 7 Collection. 63.17 By movement of hosts as car- 71 Classification. (Orders alpha- riers. betically.) 63.2 By artificial agencies. 72. Accessions catalog. 63.21 By shipments of infested ma- 73 Species catalog:. terials. 74 Description list, nevr species 63.22 By movement of containers described. which have carried infested 75 Type list and disposition of materials. types. In discussing the paper Mr. Hunter stated that the system described was a modification of the one used by Mr. Quaintance and was espe- cially valuable in cases where a large amount of data on an insect must be kept so that it can be available for easy reference. Mr. Felt preferred to use a method that was simpler than the Dewey system, as it took considerable time to train assistants so they could use it to advantage. By means of the system in his office it was impos- sible to lose any of the note sheets. Mr. Hart stated that there is little danger of losing sheets or cards. The system in use in Dr. Forbes' office is essentially somewhat similar but not numerical. The great advantage of the system described by Mr. Bishopp is in keeping before the eye the points which should be investigated. Mr. J. L. Phillips considers the Dewey system a valuable one for arranging correspondence for easy reference. He uses a modification of this system, arranging the counties alphabetically, as well as giving each county and correspondent a number and using decimals to make further sub-divisions for each county. This method is specially val- uable where it is necessary to keep in touch with a large number of county inspectors and persons in the inspectors' territory who write about this line of work. Under such a system it is easy to refer at once to the correspondence on this subject with people in any county without going to the card index. All this correspondence can be taken out of the files, examined and returned in a few minutes, while under other systems it would be necessary to keep a cross index, and the cor- 103 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 respondenee with any one person would be kept in a separate folder. The method outlined above does not require any extra work and very much less time is needed to refer to the correspondence from any one county. This method presupposes, of course, that carbon copies of letters are filed instead of using the letter book system. Owing to the lateness of the hour, the meeting adjourned until 9.30 a. m. Saturday, with the understanding that the two papers remaining^ on the program be read first. Morning Session, Saturday, December 28, 1907 Arrangements had been made for a joint meeting of this association and the Association of Horticultural Inspectors and the program had been arranged accordingly. The session was called to order at 9.30 a. m. by President Morgan, and the following paper was presented : BEE DISEASES: A PROBLEM IN ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY By E. F. Phillips, WasMngtcn^, D. C. Bee keeping in the United States is a sole means of livelihood to a comparatively small number of persons, but taken as a whole it forms an industry which commands recognition. Every year the manufac- turers of supplies in this country make from 60,000,000 to 75,000,000 sections for comb honey and practically all of these are used in the United States. A study of market conditions will reveal the fact that there is three or four times as much extracted honey as comb put on the market, mainly because of the heavy demand for confectionery and baking purposes. A species of insect which forms the basis for an industry adding from $20,000,000 to $25,000,000 to the resources, of the country annually is well worthy of consideration in economie entomology. No one conversant with bee keeping conditions would claim that the entire field is now occupied. It is safe to say that many times as much nectar goes to waste and dries up annually as is gathered by honey bees; probably this country could produce ten times the pres- ent yearly honey crop were there more and better bee keepers properly located. In attempting to aid in the building up of this industry, it is necessary to determine the causes which prevent its rapid growth. The two principal causes seem to be too general an ignorance of mod- ern methods of manipulation, and the brood diseases of the bees. The education of all bee keepers to proper methods is no small un- April, '08] JOURNAL OP ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 103 dertaking, but the other impediment will effectually prevent advance- ment unless handled vigorously. There are now recognized two diseases of the brood which are in- fectious in their character : These are designated American foul brood and European foul brood. While they differ in their cause and symptoms, their ultimate effect is similar. The brood succumbs to the disease and the colony dwindles from a lack of young bees to replace the old workers, which die of old age. Finally the colony is entirely destroyed. It is now definitely determined that American foul brood is caused by a specific micro-organism. Bacillus larvae, and probably European foul brood is caused by some other micro- organism, since it is equally infectious and spreads in the same manner. When a colony dies from disease, bees from another colony rob the 'hive and thus carry infection to their own hive. Disease may also be spread by feeding a colony honey which has been extracted from a hive containing disease and by introducing queens which come in cages containing candy made with infected honey. The investigation of the causes of these diseases has attracted the attention of scientists for many years. In Europe, at present, there are several bacteriologists at work on the subject and it is also one of the lines of work now being pursued in the agricultural investiga- tions of the Bureau of Entomology. The work so far done indicates that the problem is by no means an easy one and that it should be in- vestigated by well trained men. The work has, in fact, suffered from the publications and statements of untrained men, and it is to be hoped that in the future it will not be necessary to spend more time pointing out the mistakes in immature work. The control of these two diseases is the great economic problem now confronting those interested in this industry. The present approved method of treatment for both diseases consists of the removing of all infected material from the colony and in compelling the bees to build new, clean combs. Perhaps, when the characteristics of the causal micro-organisms are better known, it may be possible to devise meth- ods for the use of disinfectants or drugs to save the comb, but until more information is available, the use of drugs, either for feeding or for fumigation, cannot be advised. Several attempts have been made to save the combs by fumigation with formalin, but this is only ex- perimenting in the dark, and it is safe to recommend only such meth- ods as are known to be effective. While it is possible for any bee keeper to eradicate either disease from his apiary, it is difficult to get all bee keepers to do it ; and care- 104 JOURNAL OP ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 less or ignorant persons, who do not treat the disease, harbor a men- ace to all the bee keepers in the neighborhood. For this reason, in- spection of apiaries for disease has been instituted in several states. As in the case of all inspection, the work of these men is not only that of a police officer empowered to enforce the law, but it is also largely educational. Good results have come from this supervision in almost all cases, and they follow whenever a thorough man is in charge of the work. In several states not now having inspection of apiaries, the bee keepers are asking for its institution ; and it seems probable that before long this phase of the work will be well under way whenever either disease is severe. The present weak point in state inspection seems to the writer to be a lack of the proper kind of supervision of the inspection. The in- spectors are usually good practical bee keepers and are experts in the detection and treatment of disease. As a rule, however, they know little of the methods used in other lines of inspection and are equally uninformed on all other phases of entomological work which would be valuable for purposes of comparison. It would seem desirable, therefore, that apiarian inspection be under the supervision of the state entomologist; not that the entomologist himself should do the work, for he has enough to do, but that the inspector should be re- sponsible to him. In fact, in most cases, a practical bee keeper would be better able to handle disease than the entomologist who may not be trained in the practical manipulation of bees, which is an absolute essential to effective work. In Texas the state entomologist is also foul brood inspector, but has four assistants who do the actual in- spection. I would not have any of the previous statements interpreted as reflecting adversely on the present inspectors; their work commands the highest respect, with but few exceptions. The official entomolo- gists may feel that such a recommendation tends to impose addi- tional arduous duties on men already overworked, but apiculture is a branch of economic entomology, and the honey bee, as a most bene- ficial insect, demands attention. The only reason for suggesting this supervision by the state entomologist is the belief that an entomologist is better able to direct in this work than any other state official. If the entomologist is also a trained bee keeper, the efficiency of the work would be inestimably increased. Even if the state law does not specify that the entomologist shall have supervision of this inspection, he may be of the greatest value, not only in the eradication of bee disease, but in the furtherance of the bee-keeping industry, by giving out information concerning im- April, '08] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 105 proved manipulations and by getting bee keepers in touch with per- sons who can give them information which may be desired. This need is felt in the apicultural work of the Bureau of Entomology. To spread information concerning new results obtained in our own investigations, or those of others, it is very desirable that there be some person nearer to the bee keeper who can give out the informa- tion. At present, in the majority of cases, our only means of reach- ing the persons whom we aim to assist is by direct communication or through the bee journals. If the official entomologists took more in- terest in apicultural work, we feel that it would bring new work nearer to the honey producer, even if no new investigation were un- dertaken by the entomologist himself. For this reason, it is earnestly desired that in the insect work in each state, apiculture may have a part. As far as the apicultural work of the Bureau of Entomology is con- cerned, it is requested that material be sent in to aid in the investi- gation of bee diseases. An effort is being made to learn the geo- graphical distribution of the two diseases, so that this information may be available in sending out publications to the bee keepers in infected regions. The same information would be valuable in trying to have new inspection laws passed. We now get many samples from bee keepers direct, but need many more, and the assistance of official en- tomologists will be greatly appreciated. This paper brought out considerable discussion. In reply to a number of questions, Mr. Phillips stated that the diseases of bees have spread to a far greater extent than was supposed, and that he is particularly anxious to obtain samples from suspected hives from entomologists and bee keepers throughout the country. The best time to inspect apiaries is during the summer months, and all hives in a state should be examined. He called attention to the ignorance of some of the inspectors now doing this work. In one of the western states his attention had been directed to an inspector who examined the honeycomb by piercing it with an awl. The same instrument was used throughout the district, without disinfection, and in this way the disease had become generally established. Mr. Britton remarked that a law providing for the inspection of apiaries is pending in Connecticut and Mr. Washburn stated that in Minnesota some of the leading bee keepers desired him to take charge of this work, but he had considered it inadvisable to do so. Mr. Bruner called attention to the habit in Nebraska of desiring 106 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 inspection and work of all kinds to be carried on by the entomologist, but of the tendency of the legislature to make no appropriation for the purpose of paying for such additional service. A paper was presented as follows: SHOULD STATE DEPARTMENTS CONDUCT PUBLIC SPRAYERS? By T. B. Symoxs, College Park, Md. As the title of this paper indicates, the object in view is to bring out a general discussion of this subject rather than discuss it at much length from my standpoint. It was a question in my mind whether it was even appropriate to present it to this meeting, but after men- tioning this fact to our secretary, he was good enough to place the same on the program. I believe that we all feel much gratification at the great progress made throughout the country in the application of insecticides and fugicides during the past few yeai^. These improved conditions in the treatment of many crops to control the various pests have been brought about by numerous agencies. The increased number and ac- tivity of many common pests has led to greater efforts, not only by the growers themselves, but by those charged with the duty of aiding in controlling the pests in the United States Department of Agriculture, the state departments, the agricultural colleges and experiment stations and other organizations, and not the least by private manufacturers of various insecticides. Referring particularly to the San Jose and other scale insects as well as other common pests. I believe that you will all agree with me in stating that the progressive orchardists or growers of other crops have no fear of the more common pests, especially the San Jose Scale or those that can be controlled by efficient spraying. If this is the case, and it is so far as the territory with which I am familiar is con- cerned, is it not our duty to spend every effort to bring about this condition among the small growers, who many times only grow fruits especially for the home consumption, and particularly those persons in small towns and villages who may have only a half dozen trees in the backyard which need treatment, but the trouble and expense of securing spraying apparatus and time for the work, as well as knowl- edge of conducting the same, are difficulties which many of them will not surmount, even if they are inclined to give the trees or plants at- tention. April, '08] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 107 I believe the aim of all of us to continually induce the grower to secure his own spraying apparatus is the correct one, for there is no doubt of its desirability, not only for spraying, but for other purposes on the farm, and the convenience of being able to conduct spraying when opportunity and favorable conditions present them- selves. It also has been our aim in Maryland to induce persons to conduct public sprayers in different parts of the state, where their service is needed, but we have signally failed in promoting such busi- ness enterprises, due I believe in part to ignorance on the part of those persons who could undertake it and the consequent failure ta recognize the opportunity for a remunerative income. Thus from time to time requests from small growers or citizens in towns who have infested trees would come and still come to my office, reading something like this : "If you will advise me who I can secure to do my spraying, I will gladly order same done, but cir- cumstances are such that I cannot do it myself." This condition ex- isting in many parts of our state led us to devise some means of meet- ing it. In providing public sprayers, the following points were to be con- sidered : First, Should a state department conduct public sprayers? Is it a good policy to pursue? Second, How should they be conducted, as a source of income, or expense, or should charges be made to cover costs and general ex- penses ? The board of trustees permitted me to give the matter a trial, con- ducting them on a basis to cover all expenses. Accordingly, we lo- cated three rigs in different parts of the state with the especial pur- pose of treating orchard, shade or other trees and also small orchards in small towns and villages for San Jose Scale or other scale insects. It is only necessary to discuss briefly the operation of one in this paper. The rig, which consisted of an eclipse barrel sprayer fitted with two leads of hose, small boiler and other vessels, horse and wagon^ etc., carrying materials for making the lime sulphur solution, com- menced work in Hyattsville, Maryland, about March 20th, 1907. It continued to work during favorable weather until about April 25thy when the opening of the buds prevented. In this time it visited over forty-five different places and sprayed effectively about twenty-five hundred trees and considerable ornamental shrubbery, hedges, etc., with the lime sulphur wash. Under the excessive charges for labor and team incurred by this rig, a charge of 10c per tree was made to 108 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 cover expenses in spraying ordinary trees, but the cost, of course, depended upon the size of the trees, their accessibility and the num- ber at one place. In some cases a greater charge was made, but 10c was about the average. I may add that no complaint was made with any charges imposed and where there is a small orchard to be treated, 0 ©50 0 0? ©S© 0 c <^ ^ k 0 0 0 0 0© 0 © ®0 0 0 © 0 0 ^ ^ ©00 0 0 © 0 ^ © 0 © © 0 0 © 0 0^0 0 -d X 0 0 ©5© 0 0 0 0.^0 0 ©"© 0 0 0 © © O 0 0 0 0 © © © 0 © © © © © ©t^ Roadujcxu D © © © © 0 © O \ "d ^ J CT /© 0 O ^ ^ © o o /0 0 0 0 © /o ? / © /^ © © o P © © p ® © ^ o 1 e eo°o ° Fig. 4. Caption on opposite page. April, '08] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 135 plot isolated as already described by surrounding trees similarly treated, and preferably 10 trees should be counted, for it wiU be found that the records of five individual trees will vary fully as much as the average of one plot and another. All of these factors are therefore of the utmost importance and it becomes a considerable undertaking to make a careful experiment on this subject, the amount of the work depending very largely upon how much competent labor can be se- cured to make the records. It is needless to say that in our work every dropped and picked fruit has been examined and a record has been made as to whether it was wormy and whether the larva entered the calyx or the side. It is not my purpose to give any extended discussion of the results of our work of this season, but to briefly report my conclusions. The fuU data upon which they are based will be published later. Fig. 4 shows the plan of the orchard. The results of our work have been computed in percentages thru- out. This is not the place to discuss our method of computing the re- sults, but suffice it to say that after having compared the number of wormy apples to the number of apples on the tree and the percentage of wormy apples, we find that the percentage wormy is a much more reliable basis for comparison than the number of wormy apples them- selves. Our conclusions are based on a study of detailed records of a total of about 400 trees, covering two seasons, and including a count of over 350,000 apples each year. Plot 1 was given the third spraying (the third spraying being that immediately after the petals fall, the fourth spraying 10 days later and the fifth spraying about three weeks after the petals fall or when the eggs are hatching) with a fine mist. Plot 2 was sprayed at the same time with a Bordeaux nozzle and thoroly drenched, the spray being applied at 100 lb. pressure. Neither of the plots were sprayed subsequently. This experiment was repeated under similar condi- tions in another orchard. There was but 2% or 3% difference in the result in both cases, in one orchard the result favoring the drenching and in the other favoring the mist, so that we are forced to the con- clusion that there is very little difference in their effectiveness. Care- ful examination of the calices by Dr. Headlee failed to show any spray lodged beneath the stamens or in the calyx cavity proper, nor did he find any dead larvae in the calyx cavity proper tho the results achieved by our spraying show very clearly that it was exceedingly effective. Fig. 4. Diagram of orchard of Oilman Woodman, Durham, N. H., used in experiments of 1907. Plots A, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, experimental sprayed plots; plot 3, "barrier" plot; plot C, "check" plot, unsprayed. 136 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol, 1 We are therefore led to doubt whether in New England it is necessary to wait until the stamens have withered in order to force the spray beneath the stamens into the calyx cavity proper, as suggested by Dr. Ball last year. Plots sprayed with paris green, one-third pound to the barrel and arsenate of lead, two pounds to the barrel, the insecticide being used with Bordeaux mixture, showed practically no difference in their effect. The addition of Bordeaux to arsenate of lead seems to de- crease its value very little if any. The arsenate of lead and paris green have now been compared for two years, and where a sufficient amount of either is used, so that the percentage of arsenic is the same, one seems to be about as effective as the other. The proportion of the larvee entering the calyx has always been a matter of interest, as bearing directly upon the effectiveness of spray- ing into the calyx. We JBnd for the first brood that the percentage of larvae entering the calyx on unsprayed trees varies from 67% to 77%, in four orchards averaging 73%. For the second brood at Durham the proportion was 67% and 78% on unsprayed trees, averaging 74.5%, or practically the same as for the first brood, but at Pittsfield and Deerfield, back from the coast, and on hills, the second brood is smaller, as will be shown later, and but 22% to 24.6% of the second brood enter the calyx on unsprayed trees. We have endeavored this year to determine the exact effect of the! spray upon the larvae, as to whether they are killed in the calyx, on! the foliage, or on the surface of the apple, for both the first and second] brood. Four trees were sprayed immediately after the blossoms fell! with a hand atomizer, the spray being placed directly in the calyx] without hitting the foliage. In all of these experiments the spraj was arsenate of lead, two pounds to the barrel, without Bordeaux un-1 less otherwise indicated. These four trees were not sprayed later.l They gave a benefit of 59%, based on the percentage of the total] fruit, which was wormy by the first brood, against a benefit of 91% onj the plots which were sprayed in the ordinary manner so that the foliage was covered, indicating that about one-third of the benefit ws due to the spray on the foliage. One tree was not sprayed when the petals fell, but about three weeks later when the eggs were hatching. All of the apples on it were| covered with paper bags and the tree was then thoroly sprayed, thus covering the foliage, but not the apples. The bags were then removed.] It was contemplated to treat several trees in this manner, but as it was a week's labor to bag one tree, it was impossible. This spraying of the foliage gave only 18% benefit, based upon the percentage of the! April, '08] JOURNAL OP ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 137 total fruit wormy by the first brood, with 10% benefit due to less injury by worms entering the side of the apple, and the balance of 8% due to benefit by fewer worms entering the calyx. One plot was given the fifth spraying (that is three weeks after the petals dropped, or as the eggs were hatching) in the ordinary manner, in this the apples being sprayed as well as the foliage, but not having been previously sprayed, no poison was deposited in the calyx. This plot gave a benefit of 25%, based on the percentage of the total fruit wormy by the first brood, with a benefit of 15.7% due to fewer worms entering the calyx, and 9% due to fewer worms entering the side. If the benefit derived from spraying the foliage only upon the tree, which was bagged, be subtracted from that secured on the plot where both the foliage and apples were sprayed with the fifth spraying, we get the benefit due to the spray on the apples as regards the first brood, and find that it is about one-fourth of the value of this fifth spraying, and consists entirely of a benefit due to fewer worms enter- ing the calyx or about 7%. If we divide the value of the fifth spray between the benefit derived from fewer worms entering the calyx and fewer worms entering the side, according to these proportions, we find that 9% out of the 25% is due to fewer worms entering the calyx and 15.7% due to fewer worms entering the side, or about two-fifths of the benefit is due to the calyx and three-fifths to the side. But only 29% of wormy fruit are due to the work of the first brood on the unsprayed trees. When the benefit done by the control of the first brood alone is measured in terms of percentage of the benefit for the whole season, we find that only 27.5% out of 96% is due to the direct benefit on the first brood, where sprays III, IV and V were given. As a matter of fact the benefit of these sprayings thru their effect on the first brood is much greater than this and can only be shown after we have considered their effect on the second brood. The addition of spray V did not seem to materially increase the benefit to the first brood when given after spray III, but the addition of spray IV and V to III show a very slight benefit over III and V. In order to determine the true benefit of the effect of sprays on the first brood, we must find their effect on the second brood and by sub- tracting it from the total effect for the season we secure the real benefit due to the influence on the first brood, for it is evident that by reducing the numbers of the brood there will be fewer of the second brood, and the apparent total benefit to the second brood is therefore really due to the effect of the lessened numbers due to the killing of the first brood, as well as to the direct effect of the spray upon the second brood. 138 JOURNAL OP ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 The proportion of apples injured by the first and second brood A^aries with the locality and seemingly according to the percentage which transform to the second brood. Thus, at Durham in 1907, 29% of the wormy apples were injured by the first brood and 71% by the second, and in 1906 about 40% were injured by the first brood and about 60% by the second on unsprayed trees, while at Deerfield, 15 miles distant in the hills, in 1907, 70% were injured by the first brood and 30% by the second brood, and at Pittsfield, 30 miles distant, 48% were injured by the first brood and 52% by the second brood on unsprayed trees. The effectiveness of the spraying seems to vary somewhat from season to season, and it seems quite possible that if heavy rains fol- low sprays III and IV that their effect upon the larvge feeding upon the foliage would be lessened, whereas the benefit due to spray V would not be so much affected as if it is applied just as the eggs are hatching. Those plots sprayed with only the third spraying show but little total benefit to the second brood, averaging 12%, while those spraj^ed with the third and fifth sprayings show little or no total benefit, due probably to the fact that the destruction of the first brood was so complete that it is very difficult to determine any additional influence, unmistakably due to the effect of the spray on the second brood. But an addition of spray VI (spray VI being applied when the second brood of eggs are laid) gave 70% of the possible benefit due to the direct effect of the spray on the second brood. Spray IV gave a total of 22% of possible benefit, and spray V from 22% to 79% of possible benefit, with an average of 60% of the possible benefit due to the direct effect of the spray on the second brood, this being 22% benefit in terms of the benefit for the whole season, which was but 58%, or in other words 37% of the total benefit of the year was due to the direct effect of spray V upon the second brood. Analyzing this benefit to the second brood, as to its effect upon the worms entering the calyx and side, we find that in the plot treated with spray III the benefit to the second brood was due entirely to those entering the calyx, giving 46% benefit to the calyx, but showing a loss of 14% or 15% in those entering the side, thus indicating that some of the spray lodged in the calyx affects the second brood which enter the calyx, but that the third spray has no effect on those enter- ing the side, or in other words, kills very few or none of the second brood upon the foliage. When spray V or IV and V are added to spray III, from 75% to 80% benefit to the calyx is secured, but no benefit is secured to the side, but with the addition of spray V and VI (VI being applied for the second brood eggs), 95% benefit to the April, '08] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 139 calyx and 25% benefit to the side for the second brood is secured, showing that spray VI kills mostly by its effect on larvae feeding on the foliage. That no benefit is secured in lessening the number of worms of the second brood entering the side when spray V is added to spray III as would be expected from the additional spray put on the foliage, is doubtless due to the very effective work on the first brood of sprays III and V, leaving such a small percentage to be killed by the direct effect of the spray on the second brood as to be un- demonstrable. Spray V alone gave an average of 66% benefit thru lessening the worms of the second brood entering the calyx, and was the only one showing any benefit by lessening the worms of the second brood enter- ing the side, giving 62% benefit to the side, the benefit to the side and calyx being practically equal tho twice as many worms entered the calyx as the side in the checks, thus showing that 66% of the second brood which entered the calyx are killed by spray on the foliage, as weU as 62% of those which would enter the side. Thus about 60% of the benefit possible to secure from the direct effect of the spray upon the second brood is secured by the fifth spray alone applied to the foliage, and this spray would therefore be of importance in an orchard adjoining an unsprayed orchard near enough for the second brood of moths to spread to it. This is shown by our barrier plot, "B", which showed a total of 20% of the possible benefit due to direct effect on the second brood, while plot 3 surrounded by sprayed trees showed no such benefit. Furthermore the tree on which the apples were bagged and only the foliage sprayed with the fifth spraying, shows as much total benefit to the second brood as those in which the apples also were sprayed at the fifth spraying, again showing that most of the benefit due to the direct effect on the second brood is from the effect of the spray on the foliage. Considering the part of the total benefit of the season which is due to the spray affecting the first brood as against the second brood, we find that in case of spray III, and III and V, that 88% to 100% of the total benefit was due to the effect on the first brood and thru it to the second brood, whereas in spray V only from 36% to 86% (average 64%) was due to the effect on the first brood, and from 14% to 64% of the total benefit was due to its effect on the second brood. Thus in New England the first brood may be controlled by thoro spraying at the time the petals drop, spray III, but if there be danger of the second brood migrating into the orchard, spray V should always be added, as it will sufficiently control the second brood, tho if an in- festation be serious in neighboring orchards, the sixth spraying will 140 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 sometimes pay in addition. In New England the fifth spray should always be used with Bordeaux mixture for the control of the fruit spot irrespective of the codling moth, so that the addition of arsenate of lead will cost but little and will render the control of the codling moth much more certain. Early in August it is well to spray for the brown-tail moth and other leaf-eating catei^pillars, which have been quite numerous in New England orchards for the last few years, and the sixth spraying will therefore control them and the second brood at the same time. Considering the total benefits for the season, it is found that spray- ing the calyx only may give a benefit of 62%, while spraying the fol- iage only may benefit 52% (tho the influence of adjoining treated plots increased the benefit by decreasing the second brood of these plots, so that really the benefit is less), but where foliage and apples are sprayed at the fifth spraying, a benefit of 74% may sometimes be secured, tho here again neighboring plots have increased this apparent benefit. Whether the spray on the foliage or the spray on the calyx kills the more larvae, it is impossible to determine definitely from our results, which would seem to indicate that where spray V is given there are about two chances that a larva will be killed on the foliage to three that it will die in the calyx. Giving our figures as conservative an interpretation as possible, it would appear that of the total benefit for the whole season, at least one-third and possibly one-half is due to the spray on the foliage, and the balance to that deposited in the calyx. Heretofore only the spraying of the calyx has been emphasized, but in all cases where records have shown a separation of the apples wormy in the calyx and in the side, such as those given by Dr. Ball at our last meeting, a decided benefit has been shown by reducing the number of larvaj entering the side, and if this be due to the spray deposited on the foliage, how much of the apparent benefit from the decreased num- ber of worms entering the calyx is really due to their being killed on the foliage? Mr. Taft stated that in Michigan it is necessary to apply an extra spraying to control the second brood of this insect. ]\Ir. Fletcher asked if it is not probable that New Hampshire and Michigan are in two different faunal areas, as far as the codling moth is concerned. Mr. Taylor was positive that the results given in this paper would not apply in Colorado. He recalled experiments and observations which had extended over fully five hundred acres of orchards where April. 'OS] JOURNAL OP ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 141 the first generation was practically controlled. Possibly the larvae feed on the leaves to a greater extent in New Hampshire than in Colorado. In Grand Valley in Colorado in 1907, the entomologist kept track of the climatic conditions and the growers were notified by circulars, telephone or telegraph, so that the spraying was done at exactly the right time. The results that were secured in Colorado agreed in general with those of Dr. Ball in Utah. ]\Ir. Headlee stated that the apple crop was an absolute failure this year in Kansas and asked if there would be codling moths next year. In reply Mr. Quaintance said that the moth was supposed to have been exterminated in a small valley in California in this manner. Profes- sor Garcia is now conducting an experiment of this kind in New Mexico. Mr. J. B. Smith called attention to the fact that the pupae of Lepi- dopterous insects that are normally single brooded sometimes pass the winter in that stage. If this was occasionally the case with the cod- ling moth, the species might be carried over in this way. Mr. Taylor mentioned the entire absence of codling moth eggs in orchards that were barren in 1907, though badly infested in 1906, when a full crop of fruit was borne. Mr. Fletcher remarked that he had once carried this insect over the second winter in the pupa form, but the specimen was kept in his office. Mr. Quaintance presented the following paper : NOTES ON THE LESSER APPLE WORM, ENARMONIA PRUNIVORA WALSH By A. L. Quaintance, Washington, D. C. (Withdrawn for publication elsewhere.) Mr. Sanderson asked if the work of this insect can be distinguished from that of the codling moth larva. Mr. Quaintance replied that the larvse work to a considerable extent in the calyx basin, boring holes into the flesh from one fourth to one-half an inch deep around the calyx and eating out the flesh under the skin in the calyx cavity ; and also on the sides of the fruit, especially where touched by another apple or a leaf. Except as the fruit is nearly ripe, larvte rarely pene- trate to the seeds, as is done by the codling moth larvffi. The lesser apple worm, when full grown, is about the size of a half grown codling moth larva, but is somewhat fusiform in shape and is flesh-colored, or pinkish. On the caudal portion of the anal segment there is a small 142 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 brownish comb-like structure composed of seven teeth and distinguish- able with a hand lens. Mr. Bruner stated that he had found an insect which he had sup- posed to be this species of Enarmonia on wild roses. A paper was presented, entitled : EGG LAYING OF EMPOASCA MALI By F. L. Washbubn, St. Anthony Park, Minn. In the twenty-first annual report of the state entomologist of Illi- nois (1900), Professor Forbes states that what were then supposed to be the eggs of the above species were found in slight swellings on the green twigs and on the mid-rib and leaf stem of the apple. This sup- position regarding the summer egg must have been correct, for we find young larvae so small and helpless on the mid-rib during the summer as to force one to conclude that its place of hatching ^ must have been near by. Nevertheless, A ' J f the truthfulness of the supposition was not determined at that time, and so far as ' we are able to discover, there has been, up "" to this date, no absolute confirmation of * i' this belief, nor has there been, to the best '^^ ,r- Z-^" of our knowledge, at any time hitherto, A^^^&^<^^^ ^^y accurate observations on the location >i.^„ v^j'/ ', -v^ *'~" v-^'^T y apple stock in a southern Minnesota ^ - ^ ) / nursery. He reports these eggs as ^ ^"^ being somewhat smaller than those found at St. Anthony Park, measur- . "" ing .4 and .75 mm. Mr. Ainslee's de- Fio.G. ^ymph of Empoasca maliwitbm SCription applies so well to the later the pouch, the covering epidermis being '■ ^^ turned back, much enlarged (onginal). found eggs that there is but little if any doubt of their being those of the same species. All these "blis- ters" or pouches containing eggs were found on old wood in the upper part of the trunk, and none on the small twigs, and their general shape varied from that of a fresh water mussel or clam shell to almost cylindrical. A small tree showing a number of these blisters was taken into the insectary, and there a young Empoasca was observed in the act of emerging. This specimen died before becoming free from the blister. A sketch was made at the time by our artist, showing the bark cut back and the body of the larva below. We cannot speak of the location of the summer egg with as much certainty as we can of the winter egg, although putting the evidence in our possession with that of others, we are inclined to the belief that the petiole and mid-rib, as well as the leaf itself, may be the places chosen for oviposition on the apple by the females of the summer gen- erations, for Ainslie found on June 25th an enlargement on a petiole which contained the remnant of an egg shell, and on September 4th Webster found a swelling in a leaf similar to that which character- ized the presence of the winter eggs. Only one was found. Webster describes it as 5 mm. long, slightly brown, with a slit in one end. On September 19th in a large nursery, Mr. Ainslie examined a num- ber of one year old apple trees. These trees were almost hidden in a 144 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 growth of buckwheat planted for winter protection. The plot had been infested with leaf hoppers earlier in the season, and a few were doubt of their being those of the same species. All these "blisters" or pouches containing eggs were found on old wood in the upper part of the trunk, and none on the small twigs, and their general shape varied from that of a fresh water mussel or clam shell to almost cylindrical. sues. The sap was just beginning to run and the tissues were full of it." Of course, it yet remained to be proven that the above egg was that of Empoasca. No more eggs were found until May 24th, when ]Mr. E,, L. Webster, in charge of the insectary and a part of the field work for the department during the summer, found them quite numerous in three-year old apple stock in a southern Minnesota nursery. He re- ports these eggs as being somewhat smaller than those found at St. Anthony Park, measuring .4 and .75 mm. Mr. Ainslie's description applies so well to the later found eggs that there is but little if any still in evidence. Every portion of the bark of several trees was examined most thoroughly with a hand lens without result, but on a few petioles slight discolorations, accompanied in each case by an ele- vation of the epidermis, were found. These were so small that they were hardly visible to the naked eye, and were for the most part lo- cated on the side of the petiole, and on the half nearest the leaf. One was found on the under side of the mid-rib. Empoasca larvae were found on the above trees, and the spots on the petioles were, according to Ainslie, the only abnormal thing about the trees. The buckwheat growing amongst these trees was also examined, and two similar discolored swellings found on petioles. At this date there were very few Empoasca on the trees, but they were numerous on the buckwheat. Dissection of some of this material on November 9, pre- served in alcohol since September 19, and not in very good shape, dis- closed nothing of which we can speak definitely. Insectary records of the stages of Empoasca show a record of from nineteen to twenty-five days as nymphs, and five nymphal stages be- tween egg and adult. It was practically impossible for us to deter- mine the length of each instar exactly, but it may be safely said that the first brood nymphs have longer instars than those in the follow- ing broods. The average lengths of individuals in the successive nj^mphal stages are as follows : First stage, .8mm. ; second, 1.3 mm. ; third, 1.7 mm. ; fourth, 2.1 mm. ; fifth, 2.4 mm., and the adult 3.1 mm. Mr. "Webster reports observing these hoppers hopping in the last nymphal stage, in several instances leaping a distance of over a foot. April, '08] JOURNAL OP ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 145 These observations were made in the field at a time when the hoppers were disturbed. From this observation it would seem that while they always walk in the first, second, third and fourth nymphal stages, they may either walk or hop in the fifth. Evening Session, Saturday, December 28, 1907 The final session of the meeting was held in the parlors of the Wind- sor-Clifton Hotel at 8 p. m. The following papers were presented, the discussion being postponed until the close of the last paper : NOTES ON SOME INSECTS OF THE SEASON By Hekbert Osborx, Columbus, Ohio. While there has been no widespread devastation from insects during the past season in Ohio, there have been several minor outbreaks cov- ering certain localities, and some of these it seems worth while to put on record. Comparison of these with occurrences of these species or of other forms during other seasons has a distinct interest. In the northern part of the state there was a quite noticeable amount of injury from the bollworm, Heliothis ohsoleta. This was particu- larly serious in gardens and on the truck farms in the vicinity of San- dusky, and in addition to the ordinary attacks upon corn and toma- toes, attacks were made upon nearly all kinds of garden crops. Very noticeable injury occurred upon beans, cabbages and various other crops that have not been so commonly attacked. In the vicinity of Columbus there was considerable damage by the walnut caterpillar, Datana angusii, many trees in Columbus and vi- cinity being stripped completely bare of foliage, and clusters of Da- tana occurring, sometimes representing a half dozen or more colonies upon a single tree. Another species that was unusually injurious in the central part of the state and I think over a considerable area is the white-marked tussock moth, Hemerocampa leucostigma. These occurred in immense numbers upon maple trees and also on other kinds of shade trees, and the egg clusters on the cocoons have been a very conspicuous object during autumn and the present winter. ENTOMOLOGICAL NOTES FROM MARYLAND By G. P. Welden, College Park, Md. (Read by T. B. Symons.) Scale insects, though still holding a place of importance in the state, are no longer dreaded, as formerly. A large percentage of the fruit 146 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 growers are successfully controlling the ravages of these pests, and it is only a question of time until a few negligent people in isolated locali- ties will hear of the good work being accomplished and will fall into line with the host of successful combatants. Time will bring about a wide enough dissemination of knowledge, so that scale will be prac- tically eliminated from all orchards where it occurs through the use of a good spraying mixture, properly applied. Aspidiotus perniciosus is without doubt the most generally distrib- uted scale pest occurring in the state. Others that deserve more than passing mention are Eiilecanium nigrofasciatum, Chionaspis furfura, Lepidosaphes ulmi and Chrysomphalus tenehricosus. Chrysomphalus tenehricosus. The past season was especially favorable to the increase of this species, and in many parts of the state the native maple trees suffered severely from its at- tack. The natural parasites which usually occur in large enough numbers to keep it in check seemed in many places to be exceedingly scarce, which fact no doubt accounts for the severe damage done by the scale. From the fact that no trees in badly infested localities were found to have been killed outright, it is probable that the multi- plicity of the pest the past season was unusual. j\Iany trees were lit- erally coated with the scale and cannot possibly survive another sea- son's attack, should it continue to breed in such large numbers, unless the owners of trees come to their aid with the lime and sulphur wash or some other good insecticide. Though no trees were found killed by the pest, the numerous dead branches told of its ravages and foretold the destruction of the trees. The distribution of the pest seems to be quite general throughout the state. It was found on red maples (Acer rubrum) in Cumberland but not in destructive numbers. The worst infested section lies east of the bay, and of the counties visited, Talbott, Worcester and Somer- set have the greatest degree of infestation. No insecticides have been tested for its control, but from the nature of the scale and its attack we would feel safe in recommending the lime and sulphur wash as a good remedy. Lepidosaphes xdmi. This pest and C. tenehricosus are the two most important enemies of maple trees in Maryland. The oyster shell scale has been so frequent a subject for discussion that we do not wish to go into any lengthy history of its occurrence and ravages within the state. We do wish, however, to mention one thing that came to our notice upon investigating its injury in different parts of the state the past summer, and that is the seeming immunity of Norway maples to its attack. Only in one case did we find Lepidosaphes ulmi on Norway April, '08] JOURNAL OP ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 147 maples and that was on a few small trees in a nursery row. This im- munity, or probably we might better say resistance, was particularly noticeable in Cumberland, where the scale was exceedingly bad on pop- lars and native maples. Apparently none of them were absolutely free from it, yet Norway maples, which are very plentiful in the city and growing alongside of them, were examined in large numbers, and not in a single case did we find one infested. Further investigations might prove the fallacy of the above state- ments, but we think it probable that there is a resistance here at least as great as that of the Kieffer pear to Aspidiotus perniciosus. Monocesta coryli. Among the insects of less common occurrence which became a pest in at least one locality in the state the past season, may be mentioned Monocesta coryli, the greater elm leaf beetle. This beetle was found in large numbers last July in the vicinity of Keedys- ville. Its attack seemed to be confined to the native, wild elms, which it was defoliating so badly that it would no doubt be a serious pest, should it continue to appear in future seasons as it did the past. We were unable to find any literature indicating its presence in the state prior to the past season. One specimen in the department col- lection, however, bears a Sharpsburg label, dated July 21, '98. No notes could be found which would indicate that it had occurred there in large numbers at that time. As the present year they were found within a couple of miles of Sharpsburg, it seems reasonable to believe that they have been in the vicinity for a number of years, but prob- ably in less numbers. In the Mississippi Station report for 1895, Mr. H. E. Weed mentions its presence in that state and suggests for it the name of Greater Elm Leaf Beetle to distinguish it from the more com- mon smaller species of elm leaf beetle, Galerucella luteola. Owing to the fact that MonOcesta coryli is of uncommon occurrence and is not a familiar insect to many workers in entomology, we thought best to publish herewith a short general description of same. The full-grown adult insect is about one half inch long from the an- terior margin of head to the posterior margin of elytra. Head, legs and abdomen are a light yellow color. Anterior one third of the elytra and a trifle more than the posterior one third, are of a deep green color shading on blue, with a beautiful metallic luster. A wide band of yellow crosses the elytra between the green markings. Elytra are long, projecting well back of the tip of the abdomen, also well below the sides. There is much in the general appearance of this insect to indicate that it is a tropical species which has migrated north, and has become acclimated in this latitude. No remedies were tried for its control, neither were we able to 148 JOURNAL OP ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 learn anything of its life history, as a number placed in a breeding cage failed to breed in confinement. Monoptilota nuhilella. On July 16 a number of lima bean plants, upon the stems of which were numerous galls, were sent to the depart- ment by Mr. Oscar L. Moore of Salisbury. They varied in length from % inch to II/2 inches. An opening had been made by the larvs in one end. Upon cutting into one of these galls, a beautiful bluish green larva was found to be responsible for their formation and the subsequent injury to the plants. The larva is a striking one in ap- pearance, because of its uncommon metallic blue reflections. Several of the adults emerged from the galls and were identified as Monoptilota nubilella. A detailed account of this insect by Doctor Chittenden of the Bureau of Entomology may be found in Bulletin 23, new series, U. S. Department of Agriculture. This pest was first found in the state in 1899 and has no doubt been responsible for more or less injury to lima bean plants since that time. No serious complaints of its injury came to the office, but should it be- come plentiful, it would no doubt be a hard pest to combat. The only means of control suggesting itself would be the removal of the galls from infested plants. Thyridopteryx ephemeraeformis. This species of bag worm was re- sponsible for a large amount of injury to fruit and shade trees the past season. Numerous inquiries as to its name and habits were re- ceived from widely separated localities in the state, showing that its occurrence was general. In many different places the writer saw evergreen trees, mostly arbor vitae in hedges, killed by it. Its attack was by no means confined to evergreens, however, for it was found on locust, blackberry, rose, maple, apple, plum and cherry. Young fruit trees seemed especially subject to its attack and trees in several young orchards visited were badly stripped. Other pests of the season which were responsible for more or less damage but deserve no more than passing mention were : Army worm (Heliophila unipuncta) , old-fashioned potato beetle (Epicauta vittata), bean leaf beetle (Ccratoma trifurcata), striped cucumber beetle (Diabrotica vittata), stalk borer (Hydroecia nitela), red humped apple worm (Schizura concinna), yellow-necked caterpillar (Datana ministra), and corn bill bugs (SphenopJiorus sp.). ENTOMOLOGICAL NOTES FOR 1907 By E. P. Felt, Albany, N. Y. The climatic conditions of 1907 departed widely from those of nor- mal years, and as a result the development of animal and plant life April, 'OS] JOURNAL OP ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 149 was exceptionally late. Warm weather finally came on very rapidly and all vegetation grew at such a rate that insects appeared unable to inflict material damage in many cases, consequently there has been a remarkable dearth of injurious outbreaks, particularly in the early part of the year and presumably largely due to this cause. The San Jose scale, Aspidiotus perniciosus Comst., continues to be one of our most serious insect pests. It is gratifying to state that a number of our more progressive fruit growers at least have learned to control this insect in a very satisfactory manner. There is a strong tendency on the part of many to adhere to a lime-sulphur wash rather than to make extensive treatments with mineral oils or preparations of the same, despite the fact that some of these last named materials have been pushed vigorously by certain commercial agencies. The backward season had a very pronounced effect on the development of the grape root worm, Fidia viticida Walsh. Normally, this species transforms to the pupa from about June 1st to the 20th, the full grown larvjE being near the surface some days at least before pupation occurs. Observations made July 10 resulted in finding only a few recently transformed pup^e on light soil, whereas under normal conditions the beetles would have appeared two or three weeks earlier. There has been on the whole a distinct improvement in conditions over those ob- taining a few years past, though it should be borne in mind that there is always danger of serious injury by this pest in restricted areas. The apple leaf folder, Ancylus nuheculana Clem, is normally rare in New York state orchards. It was so abundant in Cattaraugus County last September as to lead to the report that it was doing considerable damage to apple trees in that vicinity. Our attention was called the last of July to the unusual abundance of a comparatively unknown form, namely, Epizeuxis denticidaris Harvey. This species was so abundant at Palenville, Greene County, N. Y., that hundreds were observed upon the walls of the kitchen and they were also very numerous about the barn and other out-buildings. It is very probable, considering that the larva of the closely related E. lubricalis Geyer feeds upon grass, that the caterpillar of this species may have similar habits, though it is possible that it may sub- sist upon dried vegetation, as has been recorded of E. aemula Hiibn. The evidence at hand would seem to favor the latter conclusion, as the moths were very abundant in buildings where there was presum- ably a goodly supply of dried provender upon which the caterpillars could subsist. Should such prove to be the case, this species should be classed with the much better known clover-hay worm, Hypsopygia costalis Fab. as a species liable to injure stored hay. 150 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 Several shade tree pests have excited considerable interest because of their serious depredations. The white marked tussock moth, Hem- erocampa leucostigma Sm. & Abb., defoliated trees in a number of cities and villages in New York state, and would undoubtedly have caused more injury had it not been checked by local work in various communities. The elm leaf beetle, Galerucella luteola Miill., was ex- ceedingly destructive to the elms of Albany and Troy in 1906. An ex- tended injury in 1907 was prevented only by thorough and extensive spraying. The sugar maple borer, Plagionotns speciosus Say must be ranked as one of our most injurious species, as observations show that it is seriously injuring young maples here and there throughout the state. It is abundant enough in some localities to threaten the existence of long rows of nice young trees. Forest insects have occasioned considerable anxiety in certain parts of the state. The green striped maple worm, Anisota ruhicunda Fabr., was very abundant over several square miles of forest land in south- em Rensselaer County, defoliating tracts of sugar maples acres in extent. The operations of this insect were first observed in 1906, at which time approximately eight or ten acres were badly injured. The past season these trees were entirely stripped of foliage, and maples here and there over a considerable area lost a goodly proportion of their leaves. This species was assisted in its destructive work by what we have designated as the antlered maple caterpillar, Heterocampa gutivitta Walk., a species which was evidently very numerous, judg- ing from the specimens submitted for examination. Certain of the beech forests in the Catskills suffered from an outbreak by the snow- white linden moth, Ennomos subsignarius Hiibn., the caterpillars be- ing numerous enough to strip most of the trees over an area about a mile long and ranging from one eighth to one fourth of a mile in width. An unusual injury was the destruction of some 2,500 to 3,000 one and two year old white and Scotch pine seedlings in the state nurseries located in the Adirondacks. The injury, so far as observa- tions could be determined, was caused entirely by white grubs, presum- ably those of our common northern form, Lachnosterna fusca Frohl. A BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE MORE IMPORTANT INJU- RIOUS INSECTS OF LOUISIANA By WiLMON Newell and Arthur H. Rosenfeld, Baton Rouge, La. Louisiana, with her combination of semi-tropical and temperate cli- mates and plants and the consequent variety of natural enemies of the latter, is of great interest entomologically. For many years ships from foreign countries have been entering the port of New Orleans, April, '08] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 151 bringing with them much of the flora and fauna of tropical and other countries. Until very recently nothing has been done to prevent the dissemination of all kinds of new and dangerous insects to all parts of the state from New Orleans as the main entrance point. As a result the insect enemies of plants and animals in the Pelican state are legion. The authors have not attempted in this paper to catalogue all of the injurious insects of the state, but as there has been no report of this kind presented from Louisiana for several years, they have thought it well to place on record a brief account of the most injurious insects which have come to their attention during the past three years. The economic importance of a species is determined by the value of the plants or animals which it infests. The codling moth, for ex- ample, a most important pest in the North, is of no importance in Louisiana, simply because the apple crop is not of commercial size. The injurious insects of Louisiana therefore take a different rank, in the order of their importance, than in most other states. It may be well to mention that the cotton and sugar-cane crops of Louisiana far excel in value any of her other products, each of these crops being worth in the neighborhood of $26,000,000 annually. The yearbook of the Department of Agriculture for 1905 gives the value of several of Louisiana 's other important crops as follows : Corn .... . $11,905,064 Rice .... 5,511,730 Hay ... . 568,353 Potatoes 532,663 Oats .... 199,548 Besides the above Louisiana has important nursery and orchard in- terests and the value of her output of live stock is by no means small. Cotton Insects Louisiana's cotton pest of greatest importance is, of course, the boll weevil, Anthonomus grandis Boh. The state has an area of about 45,000 square miles, of which approximately three fourths, or 34,000 square miles, is embraced in the cotton-growing area. Of this, about 29,000 squares miles are now infested. About 15,000 square miles are heavily infested, while in the remaining 14,000 the infestation is still slight. Enough is already on record regarding this insect to render further mention unnecessary. The boll worm, Heliothis ohsoleta Fab., has varied in its attacks with the seasons. The past year the boll worm ravages have been partic- ularly severe, and much of the injury by this pest was ascribed by planters to the boll weevil. 153 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 The attacks of the cotton caterpillar, Alabama argillacea Hiibn., the cotton aphis, Aphis gossypii Glover, and the cotton square-borer, Uranotes melinus Hiibn., have been generally variable, but seldom se- vere. Late in the season the caterpillar is regarded as a friend of the planter, as, by its destruction of the green, succulent growth of the cotton plants, it destroys the food supply of the boll weevil, thus lengthening the period during which the latter must survive without food. The eowpea pod weevil, Chalcodermus aeneus Boh., is frequently and generally reported from all parts of the state, being often mis- taken for the boll weevil. Early in the spring, before the cowpeas are up, these weevils assemble upon the young cotton and often do con- siderable damage by puncturing the leaf and terminal stems, causing their death. Three other cotton insects which are from time to time locally in- jurious are the garden web-worm, Loxostege similalis Guen., the dif- ferential locust, Melanoplus differentialis Thos. and a leaf-footed plant-bug, Leptoglossus phyllopus Linn. Sugar Cane Insects The principal insect enemies of sugar cane are the cane borer, Dior traea saccharalis Fab., which also attacks corn, and the mealy bug known in Louisiana as the " poo-a-pouche, " lately identified by Mr. J. G. Sanders as Pseudococcus calceolariae Mask. This insect is of interest because it seems to be colonized by the Argentine ant, Irido- myrmex hiimilis Mayr. So far as known, it is at present limited to the territory extending from New Orleans to the Gulf of Mexico, the infested area embracing about 1,500 square miles. The ant, however, is well distributed over the southern part of the state, and the appear- ance of the poo-a-pouche in other localities may be expected at any time. Insects Injurious to Cereal and Forage Crops Corn is attacked principally by the bollworm and caneborer, al- ready mentioned, and the southern corn rootworm, Diabrotica 12- punctata Oliv., the latter being particularly injurious on alluvial lands. The principal rice insects are the rice weevil, Calandra oryzce Linn., and the rice maggot, LissorJioptrus simplex Say. Outbreaks of the fall armyworm, Laphygma frugiperda Sm. & Abb., have been occasionally reported in scattered localities. In July of the present year, Mr. W. C. Harris of Alexandria, La., reported April, '08] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 153 that they had eaten up 110 acres of alfalfa in three days and were also eating his cotton plants. The present year has also brought the destructive pea aphis to the attention of the writers for the first time. In April complaints were received from St. Bernard Parish that the cowpea and onion crops were entirely destroyed by insects. The aphis responsible for destruc- tion of the peas was identified by Prof. E. D. Sanderson as Nectar- ophora pisi Kalt., while the onion enemy proved to be the onion thrips, Thrips tabaci Lind. The Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decimlineata Say, is not generally injurious in this state, although it sometimes does damage locally. It is more important in the northern part of the state than in the southern ; in fact, is seldom seen in the coast region. Sweet potato culture in southern Louisiana has been made almost impossible by the sweet potato borer, Cylas formicarius Fab., which is rapidly becoming one of our most injurious insects. The habits of this pest make it a very difficult one to control in the field, although fumi- gation seems fairly effective in protecting the stored tubers. The cabbage enemies are the usual Harlequin cabbagebug, Mur- gantia histrionica Hahn., and the imported cabbageworm, Pontia rapae Sch. Insects Affecting Deciduous Fruits Among the Coccids which are more or less injurious to deciduous fruit trees and nursery stock are the San Jose scale, Aspidiotus perniciosus Comst., Putnam's scale, Aspidiotus ancylus Putn., cherry scale, A. forhesi Johnson, English walnut scale, A. junglans-regiae Comst., European fruit scale, A. ostreaeformis Curt., and the terra- pin scale, Eulecanium nigrof asciatum Perg. With the exception of perniciosus, the species of Aspidiotus are important principally on account of their occurrence on nursery stock, although a few orchard trees have been found very badly infested with A. forhesi. A. perniciosus is widely scattered over the state, being established in practically every section where any large number of peach trees are grown. On account of the long breeding season in Louisiana, this insect multiplies much more rapidly than in the northern states. Young larvas have been observed in every month of the year. Another Coccid which has been injurious in a few instances in the southern part of the state is the West Indian peach-scale, Aulacaspis pentagona Targ. The state nursery regulations require that this in- sect be dealt with in the same manner as San Jose scale, when found in or near a nursery. 154 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 The three common peach pests, the peach borer, Sanninoidea ex- itiosa Say, plum curculio, Conotrachelus nenuphar Hbst., and shot- hole borer, Scolytus rugulosus Katz. are common. The wooly aphis, Schizoneura lanigera Hausm., was very abundant in a few localities in northern Louisiana the past year and the apple-tree tent-caterpillar, Malacosonia americana Fab. is lightly distributed over the state. In August of this year, a serious outbreak of the social grape-cater- pillar, Harrisina americana Guer., was reported from New Orleans. In one instance this insect had completely defoliated a large number of scuppernong grape vines and was beginning to attack the cultivated grapes on the place. Citrus Fruit Insects The principal scale insects attacking citrus plants are the chaff scale, Parlatoria pergandU Comst., purple scale, Lepidosaphes heckii Newm., long scale, Lepidosaphes gloveri Pack., and the circular scale, Chrysomphalus ficits Ashm. The latter is also quite abundant on palms. The white fly, Aleyrodes citri R. & H., is abundant and in- jurious. It is common in almost all of the orange-growing parishes with the exception of Plaquemines and Cameron. The orange-dog, Papilio thoas Linn., is common but seldom does much damage. Insects Injurious to Pecans The common pecan-infesting insects of the state are the walnut caterpillar, Datana integerrima G. &. R., the fall webworm, Hyplmn- tria cunea Dru., the pecan huskworm, Enarmonia caryana Fitch and the hickory twig-girdler Oncideres cingulata Say. Datana integer- rima was especially injurious during 1907, reports of its damage com- ing in from all over the state. Two May beetles, Lachnosterna prunina Lee. and L. fusca Froh., were reported as quite injurious to pecan trees in the northwestern part of the state in 1905. The former species was the more abundant. Insects Injurious to Shade and Ornamental Trees Among the Coccids injurious to this class of plants are the rose scale, Aidacaspis rosae Sandberg, the camellia scale, Fiorinia fioriniae Targ. var. camelliae, the two barnacle scales, Ceroplastes cirripedi- formis Comst. and C. fioridensis Comst., the oleander scale, Aspidiotus iritannicus Newst., the magnolia Lecanium, Neolecaniuni cornuparvum Thro, the gloomy scale, Chrysomphalus tenehricosus Comst. on Cam- perdown elm, the obscure scale, C. ohscurus Comst. on oak, the oak- kermes, Kermes galliformis Riley, on water oak, K. pubescens Bogue, April, '08 J JOURNAL OP ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 155 on swamp post-oak, and Parlatoria proteus Curt., on palms, ferns, laurel and sweet olive. Insects Attacking Man and Live Stock The yellow fever mosquito, Stegomyia calopus Meigen, and the malarial mosquito. Anopheles maculipennis Meigen, are man's chief foes in Louisiana. About 40 other mosquitoes are known to occur in the State, but these two, being proven carriers of disease, are of the most importance. The live stock pests are numerous, chief among them being the hornfly, Hacmatohia serrata R-D., and the screw-worm fly, Campso- myia macellaria Fab., the southern buffalo gnat, Simulium pecuarum Riley, which annually kills many animals, and the horseflies and ear- flies, Tabanus spp. and Chrysops spp. The principal species of Tabanus are the green-head horsefly, T. costalis Wiedemann, the lined horsefly, T. lineola Fab., the American gadfly, T. americanus Foster, the black horsefly, T. atratus Fab., the autumn horsefly, T. sulci frons Macquart, T. quinquevittatus Wiedemann, T. annulatus Say, T. sagax Osten-Sacken, T. abdominalis Fab., T. coffeatns Macq., T. fulvulus Wiedemann and T. fuscicostus Hine. Species of Chrysops are num- erous, the striped earfly, C. vittatus Wiedemann, the brown earfly, C. flavidus Wiedemann, the little earfly, C. pikei Whitney, C. ohso- letus Wiedemann, 0. hrunneus Hine and C lugeyis Wiedemann being the most abundant. The species of Tahanidce assume peculiar im- portance economically because of their apparent participation in the spread of "charbon," or anthrax. In opening the discussion on these papers, President Morgan stated that the boll worm is a serious pest in Tennessee. In that state, soy beans are being used to build up the soil. These plants have a habit, like that of cockle burr, of fruiting at almost any time during the season. The worms attack the late pods of the soy bean and the cow- pea and prevent the development of seeds. These are the only avail- able food plants for the insect at that time of year and it is a very difficult matter to save the crop. Mr. Headlee stated that the injury caused by this insect to corn in Kansas has increased in the last few years. In one field he counted one hundred ears and of these ninety-nine were attacked by one or more worms. Mr. Quaintance called attention to the fact that this insect is a serious pest of cotton in some of the southern states, and referred to the work of the Bureau of Entomology in Texas in 1903 and 1904 156 JOURNAL OP ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 and subsequently, the results of which are given in Bulletin No. 50 and several Farmers ' Bulletins. He considered it a most difficult pest to control on corn and did not know of any practicable method, other than fall and winter plowing, to destroy the pupfe in the soil. This practice is most effective when followed by all of the farmers in a neighborhood. Mr. Bruner said that the silo corn crop in Nebraska is often greatly injured by this insect. Mr. Osborn stated that in Ohio the insect has caused more injury this year than usual, but that it had probably been increasing in abundance during the past few years. Mr. Sanderson expressed the opinion that in the northern part of the country, the prevalence of this insect is governed by the tempera- ture of the preceding winter. Mr. Fletcher remarked that soy beans are an excellent trap crop to plant on account of their value as a fertilizer, and Mr. Bruner stated that the red-winged blackbird destroys many of these worms, Mr. Morgan stated that the elm leaf beetle had been found for the first time in Tennessee, during the summer of 1907, at Ryersville, in the northeastern part of the state. Mr. Sanderson asked the best remedy for the walnut Datana, as it is very bad in New Hampshire, to which Mr. J. B. Smith replied that it is common in New Jersey and is easily controlled by crushing the larvEe on the trunks of the trees. He had found that only a small per cent of the larvae pupate and pass the winter. Both arsenate of lead and paris green had been tried as a means of destroying the larvag. Mr. Hooker mentioned the fact that in Massachusetts this insect often does considerable injury to the black walnut, though parasitized, at times, by Tachinid flies. Mr. Morgan stated that in the south this insect is heavily parasitized during some seasons. During the summer of 1907 Datana larvae caused considerable injury in Tennessee and Louisiana by attacking pecan trees. Mr. Fletcher spoke of the milky juice of the Norway maple and suggested that this might, in a measure, prevent insect attack. He had found Lecanium nigrofasciatum very abundant in two localities, and it had proved very hard to control. In reply to the latter remark, Mr, Symons stated that he had used the lime and sulphur wash against this insect in Maryland and had secured good results. Mr. J. L. Phillips stated that the maple scale, Chrysomphalus tene- bricosus, was first observed by him in Virginia in injurious numbers on soft maples at Charlottesville, Va-, in 1899. In many cases it had April, '08] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 157 killed the main part of the tops of the trees, the trunks and larger limbs only showing signs of life. Many of the trees died outright from this attack. It has been doing considerable damage since that date, mainly to trees planted in the parks and streets of the larger cities, such as Richmond, Norfolk, Roanoke, Lynchburg, Staunton, etc. This winter a fungus growth resembling Sphaerostilhe coccophila has been observed quite abundant, attacking this scale insect on some of the trees in Lynchburg. The Park Commission of Lynchburg has been spraying this winter with soluble oil to control this pest. It is his opinion, however, that the infested trees should be gradually re- moved and replaced by some hardier and more desirable sorts, — some that are not so subject to insect attack. Mr. J. B. Smith mentioned having found the same fungus in a sec- tion of New Jersey, where it had never been introduced artificially, and expressed the opinion that it is of little value in that State. ]\Ir. R. I. Smith described the manner in which he had introduced this disease into several peach orchards in Georgia. He stated that he first visited a large orchard in Komoko, Florida, in which the San Jose scale had been largely destroyed, presumably by this disease, which had been introduced the year previous. He found quantities of the fungus on oak trees in and near Atlanta, Georgia, and intro- duced it into several orchards in the middle and southern parts of the State. This was accomplished by taking pieces of oak bark, which were infested with Aspidiotus ohscurus, the latter being infected by Sphaerostilhe coccophila, and attaching this bark to peach trees in- fested with the San Jose scale. From three to six pieces were tied in each tree. This work was done during June and July, 1907, and an examination of one of the orchards in September showed that the fungus had established itself to a slight extent on the San Jose scale. In some cases fungus was found two or three feet from the specimen which had been tied to the limb, and in one instance it was found on an adjoining tree, upon which no fungus had been artificially intro- duced. Mr. Smith also mentioned finding Sphaerostilhe in the middle of the Hale orchard at Fort Valley, Georgia, while the nearest source of fungus on oak trees was nearly a half mile distant. He recalled finding this fungus very abundant on oak trees infested with the ohscurus scale in the city of Atlanta, and had found maple trees in the same locality badly infested and dying from the attack of this scale, but none of the fungus was present on these trees. He be- lieved that the work of introducing Sphaerostilhe into San Jose scale infested orchards should be given further attention and careful in- vestigation. 158 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 Mr. Forbes gave the results of an attempt to introduce this fungus into Illinois. Artificial cultures were prepared and placed in the orchards during the spring. All of these died out during the summer. A small amount of the fungus was found under cloth bands which had been placed on the trees as tags. Mr. Worsham gave the results of his observations on this disease in the peach orchards in Georgia, and stated that in some cases a large number of San Jose scales had been killed by it. He expressed the opinion that before this disease can be of any great economic impor- tance, it will be necessary to secure a liquid substance in which the spores can be mixed, the sticking qualities of which are sufficiently great to enable the spores to adhere to the scales until conditions are favorable for development. He had mixed spores of Aschersonia in a gelatine solution of about thirty grams of gelatine to one gallon of water and sprayed orange trees infested with the White Fly with some success, and he thought it probable that some such method might be employed with Sphaerostilhe. Mr. Quaintance called attention to the undesirability of placing too much stress on the importance of fungus diseases in insect control. These diseases are often important natural checks, but in the case of such species, for instance, as the San Jose scale, the prolificacy and means of spread of the species are such as to render it usually neces- sary to adopt artificial means of control, such as spraying. So far as he knew, the SpJuierostilbe disease of this insect, even in Florida, where moisture conditions are most favorable for its development, could not be relied on in place of spraying, and he thought it prob- able that lime and sulphur treatment of the trees for scale would greatly check or destroy the fungous disease. Mr. J. B. Smith pointed out that the season of 1906-1907 was such that experiments with this disease failed to give valuable results. In New Jersey less scale was present in 1907 than had been the case for the past five years, but this was not due to the presence of the fungus. Mr. Forbes considered that gelatine might be added to the culture material ordinarily used, and that this might assist the fungus in get- ting established in the orchard. Mr. Burgess called attention to the effective work which had been done by the fungus disease which attacks the caterpillars of the brown- tail moth. He thought that if cultures of this disease could be ap- plied under burlaps it might secure a good start. Large numbers of trees in the moth infested district in Massachusetts are banded with strips of burlap, and these strips, particularly in woodlands, retain a considerable amount of moisture, which would furnish good condi- tions for the development of the disease. April, '08] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 159 Mr. Sanderson described the recent spread of the gypsy moth in New Hampshire, and stated that small colonies, some of only a single egg cluster each, were being found in the hill towns miles from the nearest known infested point. He believed that the only way of accounting for the presence of these colonies is that there is some means of distribution of this insect which at present is unknown. This closed the discussion of the papers presented, and the meeting formally adjourned. We regret that owing to limitation of space it has been impossible to include in this number all of the papers presented by title or other- wise, at the twentieth meeting of the Association of Economic Ento- mologists. The papers remaining will appear in the next issue. STATEMENT BY THE STANDING COMMITTEE ON PROPRIETARY INSECTICIDES At the Chicago meeting it was voted (see page 10, Feb. issue,) that all new proprietary insecticides offered to members of this association be referred to this committee, who will then proceed as suggested in the report of the committee on this matter of last year, Part II. Your committee has recently received communications from J. W. Lafer, Catawba Island, Ohio, regarding a remedy to be applied to the roots of trees to prevent the attacks of insects and generally stimulate the tree. Mr. Lafer states that some 12 Stations have signified their willingness to test this remedy. Your committee begs to recommend to the entomologists of the association that any tests which may be desired be made after consulting with this committee, so that the number of tests may be reduced in number. It is the judgment of your committee that the testing of this substance is of doubtful expe- diency until the proportions of its ingredients are known. Your committee further requests that any new insecticides which are submitted for testing be called to their attention with a statement as to whether the party wishes to make a test of them and any sug- gestions concerning the matter. We believe that in this way the testing of proprietary insecticides can be much simplified. As instructed at Chicago, your committee has had prepared, thru the courtesy of the Bureau of Chemistry of the Department of Agri- culture, a National Insecticide Law which will probably be introduced during the present session of Congress. Copies will be furnished members of the association as soon as the bill is in print. E. DwiGHT Sanderson, Chairman. 160 JOURNAL OP ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 THE PEACH SAWFLY: A CORRECTION. By B. H. Waldex, Agricultural Experiment Station, New Haven, Conn. Following the article, Notes on a New Saivfly Attacking Peach, in Bulletin 67 of the Bureau of Entomology, page 87, is a note regarding the occurrence of this insect in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. These records do not apply to the peach sawfly, but to the maple stem-borer, PriopJiorus acericaulis MacG-., and were given in a discussion follow- ing an account of the latter insect by Dr. Britton (see page 94). The peach sawfly, Pamphilius persicum MacG., promises to become quite a serious pest in Connecticut peach orchards. The owners of the orchard in Yalesville where the insect was first found, sprayed over four thousand peach trees during the past season with arsenate of lead and water, using three pounds in fifty gallons. The larvie were readily killed and the foliage was not injured by the spray. The sawfly has been found in several places in New Haven county and at a distance of about fifteen miles from where it was first discovered. We have received no record of its oecuring outside of the State. An account of the past season's observations regarding the insect has been published in the seventh annual report of the State Ento- mologist of Connecticut, p. 285. NOTES ON PSYLLOBORA 20-MACULATA SAY. By JoHiV J. Davis, Vrhana, III. In bulletin vol. 1, no. 1 (technical series) of the Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station, Mr. C. M. Weed writes of having found the larvffi of Psyllohora 20-maculata on false or blue lettuce, iron-weed, and various kinds of false sunflower, and as these plants were infested with plant lice, he indicates that they may feed upon them, although no observations to that effect were made. June 23, 1906, I found the larvje and one pupa of this Coccinellid on the foliage of the common wild phlox {Phlox divaricata) at Homer, 111. None of these plants were infested with plant-lice and these larvae were observed feeding upon the epidermal tissues of the leaves. Mr. Weed gave the length of the pupal life as being about a fort- night, while in my records I found the pupal period to be six days. Mr. Weed's observations were made in the fall and mine were made in the spring. These differences in the lengths of the pupal period may be accounted for by reason of the difference of the effective tem- peratures in the spring and fall, development being more rapid in the latter than in the former, even though the temperatures may be the same. JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE ASSOCIATION OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGISTS APRIL, 1908 The editors will thankfully receive news items and other matter likely to be of in- terest to subscribers. Papers will be published, so far as possible, in the order of re- ception. All extended contributions, at least, should be in the hands of the editor the first of the month preceding publication. Reprints of contributions may be obtained at cost. Minor line figures will be reproduced without charge, but the engraving of larger illustrations must be borne by contributors or the electrotypes supplied. The receipt of all papers will be acknowledged.— Eds. Success is gratifying, and it is a pleasure to announce that our sub- scription list has already exceeded what most of the editors dared to expect at the outset. Furthermore, the amount of advertising has sur- passed our expectations. The financial condition of the JouRNiVL is such as to give every reasonable assurance of continued stability. Spe- cial thanks for this are due Prof. Wilmon Newell, State, Entomologist of Lousiana, who, at the request of the business manager, kindly took upon his shoulders the onerous duties of advertising manager. This and the preceding number bear witness to the value of his services. The advertising privileges of this Journal are open only to responsible parties. The editors cannot undertake to guarantee their reliability, though they have endeavored to exclude all advertisements of appara- tus and material of questionable value. It should be remembered that the purpose of advertising is to bring more or less unkno^\Ti materials to the attention of the public, and the appearance of an advertisement in this Journal must not be construed as an endorsement of the claims made by the advertiser. This number nearly completes the proceedings of the last meeting of the Association of the Economic Entomologists. We rely upon eco- nomic entomologists throughout the country to supply matter for the remaining four numbers, and judging from present indications, there will be no scarcity of first-class material. We trust that all interested in the success of the Journal will bear its needs in mind and use its columns to the best possible advantage. Men contemplating an ex- tended investigation might well announce the same in these columns and thus secure valuable suggestions, and possibly extensive help, from those pursuing similar lines of work in other parts of the coun- try. Cooperation, while it involves some minor sacrifices, oifers great advantages to those who avail themselves of its opportunities. The 162 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 discussion of methods of work is an exceedingly fruitful line of effort, and it is a pleasure to give in this number a summarized account of the note system which has proved of such great service in the extended investigations upon the boll weevil. No one system is perfect, and un- doubtedly there are a number of our readers who have some methods of work which would prove of great service to others if they were only made known. A rather pessimistic article on the future of Economic Entomology, from the pen of H. T. Femald, appeared in Popular Science Monthly for February, 1908. There is much to be commended in this sum- mary, though we prefer to take a somewhat optimistic view of the sit- uation. While it is true that many farmers in certain sections of the country disregard the recommendations of the economic entomolo- gists, the situation is by no means so discouraging as some would have us believe. This condition is bound to right itself in the near future, since it is only a question of economics. As soon as the agriculturist can see a substantial gain by the adoption of improved methods for controlling insect pests, a sweeping change will result. Such has come about in a number of the more progressive fruit growing sections of New York, and there is a marked tendency toward the adoption of bet- ter methods for the control of insects in other portions of the state. The prejudice against the use of insecticides and the disinclination toward the preparation of apparently complex mixtures of insecticides and fungicides is rapidly disappearing, since the less aggressive learn readily from their progressive neighbors. We are far from being dis- couraged at the outlook. It seems to us distinctly much more prom- ising than ever before. The remarkable progress made in the last decade is an earnest of what may be expected in the near future. It is only necessary to mention such pests as mosquitoes, tsetse flies and cat- tle ticks to call to mind how the impossible of yesterday has become the thoroughly practical of today. It is true that such destructive leaf feeders as the gypsy moth in Massachusetts and the boll weevil in the South are still serious enemies of the agriculturist. The aim of the economic entomologists is control rather than extermination, and the fund of valuable information respecting both of these species shows be- yond question the possibility of controlling them and demonstrates its practicability under most conditions. Furthermore, the outlook is most encouraging in that the fundamentals underlying the control of insect pests are being studied as never before. The work with the parasites of the gypsy and brown-tail moths has been conducted on a hitherto undreamed scale. The investigations of the parasites of the boll weevil not only show the species which prey upon this pest but Jli' April, '08] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 163 go farther and ascertain their origin and demonstrate the possibility of rearing parasites in native innoxious weevils and practically com- pelling them to leave the original host and attack this destructive pest. The present indications are that great advances will be made in the near future. Most of this progress will result from i e amplication or extension of previously recognized truths, rather than from the ex- ploitation of entirely new methods. That there is great need of close investigations of the ecology of injurious species is evidenced by recent advances made possible thereby. We are strongly of the opinion that investigations of entire groups are to occupy a prominent place in the future, because this is one of the best ways of ascertaining every fact which may be of service in controlling an injurious pest. The appli- cation of methods found of value in other sciences will doubtless take a prominent place in the economic entomology of the near future. We much prefer to dwell in the New Testament atmosphere with its prom- ises of the disclosure of truth to all, rather than to exist under Old Testament conditions, with its revelations to the few. We are of the opinion that the discoveries of truth are limited only by the oppor- tunity and the visual (mental as well as optical) powers of the ob- server. We admire Moses, and while leaders are valuable, is it not true that our working entomologists constitute a small army of lead- ers, all contributing to the attainment of a common goal — the push- ing back of the borders of the unknown. Obituary WILLIS GRANT JOHNSON Prof. Willis G. Johnson, associate editor of the American Agricul- turist, member of the board of control of the New York Agricultural Experiment Station, and until the last few years prominent in entomo- logical investigations, died at his home in New York City, March 11, 1908. He was stricken with slow spinal meningitis and passed away while in the prime of life. Professor Johnson was bom July 4, 1866, at New Albany, Ohio, and received his preparatory education in the Ohio State University from 1884-1887. He was graduated from Cornell University in 1892, with the degree of A. B., receiving A. M. in 1894. He was a post-graduate student in science and instructor at the Leland Stanford, Jr., Uni- versity from 1892 to 1894. Then he was appointed instructor in the University of Illinois, and was engaged in special agricultural in- 164 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 vestigations, preparing at this time his extensive account* of the Med- iterranean Flour Moth. He was appointed state entomologist of Maryland in 1896, organizing the state horticultural department, of which he became chief. He was also at this time professor of inver- tebrate zoology and entomology in the Maryland Agricultural College, and entomologist to the Agricultural Experiment Station. He organ- ized the State Horticultural Society and at the time he severed his con- nection with the state was elected a life member, a unique honor. His best work in economic entomology was done in Maryland. He took a leading part in the enactment and enforcement of the law against San Jose scale, and was the author of several important publications on this pest. Continuing his work upon the Mediterranean flour moth and upon the San Jose scale, he developed the possibilities of fumi- gating with hydrocyanic acid gas, particularly in its relation to the control of grain pests in mills. His book entitled "Fumigatioli Methods, ' ' 1902, was the outcome of this work. He continued to write articles on economic entomology for several years after his connection with the American Agriculturist, and was also author of several works on other than entomological subjects. He resigned his position as state entomologist of Maryland in 1900 and became associate editor of the American Agriculturist, a position which he held to the time of his death. Professor Johnson was an exceedingly active man, being a member of a number of scientific associations, such as the American Association of Agricultural Colleges and Experiment Stations, So- ciety for the Promotion of Agricultural Science, American Pomologi- cal Society and the Association of Economic Entomologists. He was appointed in July, 1907, a member of the board of control of the New York State Experiment Station, and had been for several years a director of the American Institute of New York City. He is survived by his wife, a son and a daughter. His mother and several brothers reside at Columbus, Ohio. Interment was at Lake View, Ithaca, N. Y. The multifarious duties of an editorship prevented his giving much attention to entomology in recent years, though he maintained to the last a keen interest in this branch of work. In the death of Professor Johnson, economic entomology has lost an enthusiastic, aggressive champion, and the sad news has caused profound sorrow among en- tomologists throughout the country. E. P. F. A. F. B. ^1896, 19th report of the State Entomologist of Illinois, Appendix, p. 1-66. April, '08] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 165 CHARLES ABBOTT DAVIS Mr. Charles Abbott Davis, curator of the Roger Williams Park museum at Providence, R. I., died at the Rhode Island hospital Jan- uary 28, 1908, from cerebro spinal meningitis. He was a devoted student of natural history and was particularly interested in entomology and shells. He was a member of many so- cieties, among which were the Entomological Society of America, Ag- gassiz Association and the Rhode Island Field Naturalists' Society, having organized the latter. A. F. B. Revie-ws Studies of Parasites of the Cotton Boll Weevil, by W. Dwight Pierce, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomology, Bulletin 73. Theoretically at least, the best method of controlling an injurious insect is by encouraging its natural enendies. All economic entomologists recognize the value of parasites and predaceous forms as checks upon the multiplication of insect pests, and many have made more or less general recommendations with a view of oI)taining the greatest possible assistance from these agencies. Careful studies have been made of the parasites of several of our more impor- tant insect enemies such, for example, as the exhaustive study by Dr. How- ard, of the parasites of the white marked tussock moth, and a careful inves- tigation by Fiske, of the parasites of the common tent caterpillar. The para- sites of the Coccidae, thanks again to the work of Dr. Howard, are relatively well known, and enemies of this group have been successfully introduced into localities and very satisfactorily controlled dangerous outbreaks of their hosts. The bulletin under consideration is specially noteworthy, in that it gives a large amount of accurate data relating to the parasites of an entire group in a faunal area. The investigator has ascertained the sources from whence come the parasites attacking the boll weevil. A study of the biology of the native host forms has shown the possibility of taking advantage of natural conditions within certain limitations so as to force insects, normally subsisting on species of small or no economic importance, to attack one of our most dangerous pests. Such methods can be employed to advantage only after the factors controlling the existence of these forms are thoroughly understood. These studies are a striking illustration of the importance of thorough investigations of an entire group. The author is to be congratu- lated upon having produced a very valuable and suggestive contribution to economic entomology. B. P. F. Report of the Entomological Department of the New Jersey Agri- cultural College Experiment Station for 1907, by John B. Smith, pages 389-560. This publication appears in its usual form, and like its predecessors con- tains numerous valuable observations upon the more injurious species of the 166 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 year, special studies being made upon root maggots. In reporting upon field tests of insecticides for controlling San Jose scale, Dr. Smith states that lime-sulphur washes have not gained in favor in New Jersey, though they have fully held their own. He reports good results as being almost inva- riably obtained when a miscible oil, such as scalecide, is used, and devotes considerable space to the discussion of home made miscible oils. The some- what extended evidence respecting the application of bands of carbolic acid to trunks of trees is by no means favorable to this method of treatment. Brief notes are given on some new materials which may possibly be used as insecticides; namely, arsenate of iron, arsenate of lime and arsenate of barium. About half of the report is deservedly occupied by an account of the ex- ceedingly important work against mosquitoes done in 1907. Details are given respecting methods and the amount of work accomplished in different locali- ties. We regret that the author has not seen fit to incorporate in this portion of the report a summarized statement as to what has already been accom- plished along this most practical line of effort, so that one can, in a short time, gain an adequate idea of the progress made in freeing New Jersey from the blood-thirsty swarms of mosquitoes. One of the most interesting occur- rences of the year was the discovery of the larva and breeding habits of Culex perturbans, a species which up to last year had eluded the vigilance of all Americans working upon the biology of this group. E. P. F. Report on the Injurious Insects and Other Animals Observed in the Midland Counties during 1907, by Walter E, Collinge, 58 pages. This report gives summarized accounts of a large number of the more important injurious insects, together with reports on insecticides and fungi- cides. Experiments in controlling the gall mite on black currant, Eriophyes ribis, show that spraying with the lime-sulphur wash is most effective. Reporting upon a series of experiments for destroying all insects and other injurious organisms inhabiting the soil. Prof. Collinge states that he has obtained a fumigant designated as "Apterite" which will effectually rid the soil of these enemies. This is presumably a proprietary material, as no clue is given respecting its composition. The general appearance of this report is exceedingly good, the letter press and paper being much above the average. E. P. F. Current Notes Conducted by the Associate Editor The Associate Editor will be engaged during the summer in work on predaceous beetles which are being imported to assist in controlling the gypsy moth. After May 1st all communications should be directed to Melrose Highlands, Mass., Care Gypsy Moth Parasite Laboratory, instead of to Wash- ington, D. C. Graduate School of Agriculture. The preliminary announcement of the April, '08] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 167 third session to be held July 6th to the 31st, 1908, at Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y., and at the New York Agricultural Experiment Station, Geneva, N. Y., gives the following list of entomologists on its faculty : Dr. L. O. Howard, chief, U. S. Bureau of Entomology ; Prof. S. A. Forbes, professor of zoology. University of Illinois ; Prof. M. V. Slingerland, assist- ant professor of economic entomology, Cornell University ; P. J. Parrott, ento- mologist. New Yorli Agricultural Experiment Station ; Dr. James G. Needham, assistant professor of limnology, Cornell University ; Dr. A. D. MacGillivray, assistant professor of entomology, Cornell University ; Dr. W. A. Riley, assistant professor of entomology, Cornell University ; Prof. E. Dwight San- derson, director and entomologist, New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station; Dr. E. P. Felt, state entomologist of New Yorli. A provisional program will appear shortly. The Jouenal hopes to publish all the best papers given in the course on entomology. The Louisiana Naturalists Society held its first meeting of the year Sat- urday, Feb. 1st, at the State Museum at New Orleans. There was a very large attendance and several important papers were read and discussed. Mr. J. B. Garrett of the Louisiana State Experiment Station read a carefully prepared paper on the "pou-a-pouche" (Pseudococcus calceolariae) which is a source of injury to the sugar cane. Mr. Blouin outlined the experience of the Audubon Park Experiment Station with the same insect. Mr. E. Foster read a short paper on some forms of Entomostraca occurring in New Orleans. Mr. Foster has for years been making a special study of these organisms in which the waters in the vicinity of New Orleans are particularly rich. Mr. J. C. Smith, who is well known as an authority on Protozoa, gave a short talk on a species of algae which had been most disagreeably abundant in Lake Pontchartrain a few months back. Mr. R. S. Cocks exhibited photo- graphs of what may prove to be a new species of honey locust, Gleditschia, discovered near Shreveport. The society then adjourned. This society has met continually since 1897, it consists of about 60 members residing in different parts of the state and has for its object the study of all depart- ments of natural history. The present oflBcers are: President, Prof. B. H. Guilbeau, Secretary, R. S. Cocks, Treasurer, Mr. G. R. Westfeldt. We have been recently advised that Prof. J. L. Phillips, State Entomologist of Virginia, is in need of an assistant in the orchard and nursery inspection work of his oflBce. Mr. H. E. Hodgkiss has resigned his position as Assistant to the State Entomologist of Illinois and returned to his former position at the New York Agricultural Experiment Station. Address, Geneva, N. Y. Prof. "Walter E. Collinge, head of the Department of Economic Zoology in the University of Birmingham, and Editor of the "Journal of Economic Biology," has accepted the responsible position of Director of the Cooper Research Laboratory at Berkhamsted, England. Appointments in the Bureau of Entomology, Washington, D. C: Mr. G. E. Merrill of New Hampshire has been appointed as a special field agent and will take charge of demonstration work in orchard spraying in Nebraska. 168 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 Mr. C. B. Hardensberg, a graduate of the University of Wisconsin, and a graduate student at the University of Pennsylvania, has been appointed special field agent and will be engaged in the investigation of insects affecting cranberries in Wisconsin during the season. Mr. Victor S. Barber of California has been appointed special field agent and will be engaged in investigation and demonstration work for controlling forest insects. Prof. Trevor Kincaid, Professor of Zoology at the University of Washing- ton, Seattle, Wash., has been selected by Dr. Howard to collect parasites of the gj'p'sy moth in Japan. He sailed for that country March third. The work is being undertaken by the Bureau of Entomology in cooperation with the State of Massachusetts. Shipments of parasites from Japan that have been received in the past have arrived in unsatisfactory condition and it is desired to employ every means possible to secure and utilize any of their beneficial insects. Prof. Kincaid was selected on account of his experience as a col- lector, having been a member of the Harriman Expedition which made exten-^ sive collections in Alaska several years ago. His location on the Pacific coast also made him particularly available for the work. Previous to his' sailing, the Japanese entomologists were notified by Dr. Howard and much^ assistance will be secured from them in obtaining parasitized material. Mr. C. H. T. Townsend of the Bureau of Entomology has been transferred from Washington to the gj'psy moth laboratory at Melrose Highlands, Mass.J where he will have charge of breeding and rearing the imported Dipterous^ parasites of the gypsy and brown-tail moths. The Committee on Agriculture of the house of representatives of the 60tl Congress has reported the following appropriations for the Bureau oij Entomology : For the Bureau of Entomology $184,960 For prevention of the spread of gypsy and brown-tail moths 250,000 The committee also recommends an appropriation for the Bureau of AnimJ Industry of $250,000 for eradicating the cattle tick. Mr. C. H. Popenoe of the Bureau of Entomology is investigating truck crop insects at Norfolk, Virginia. Particular attention is being given to a study of the pests affecting spinach and strawberries. Volume 9 of the Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington for the year 1907 will be issued during the present month. The numbers will be published quarterly hereafter. Mailed April 15, 1908. EXCHANGES. Kxchanges or Wants of not over three lines will be inserted for 25 cents each to run as long lie space of this page will permit; the newer ones being added and the oldest being dropped necessary. Send all notices and cash to Wilmon Newell, Baton Rouge, La., by the t.'"»th of ■ month preceding publication. WANTED — Will pay cash for Bibliography Economic Entomology, Part IV; Fitch's 12th, 13th, and 14th Reports; 2d and 5th Reports of the 111. State Entomologist, LeBaron; Lintner's third report; Report N. J. Agr. Exp. Sta. 1894; Bulletins 1, 2, 5, 8, 12 old series, Division of Entomology; Bulletin 4 Technical Series Division of Entomology; Bulletins 2 and 7 U. S. Ent. Commis- sion ; Entomological News, Vols. I, II, III. Have for exchange the Practical Entomologist, complete unbound. E. D wight Sanderson, Durham, N. H. WANTED— Experiment Station Record: Vol. I, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 ; Vol. II, Nos. 1, 3, 6, 10, and Vol. Ill, Nos. 3, 6, 8, 10 and 11. Will pay cash for above, or giA^e in exchange duplicates of tlie E. S. Record in other volumes. Send list of numbers needed. Entomological Department, Louisiana State Univer.sity Experiment Stations, Baton Rouge, La. WANTED — Books or separates upon native or exotic ants, not in my library, either for cash or exchange ; also want tlie following copies of Experi- ment Station Record : I, 1 to 12 ; II, 1, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 ; III, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 ; IV, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 ; V, 7, and XIII, 9. Wilmon Newell, Box 620, Baton Rouge, La. HORSEFLIES of the Family Tabanidae desired from all parts of North America. Material determined in exchange for duplicates. Jas. S. Hine, O. S. U., Columbus, O. WANTED— Insect Life, Vol. VI, Nos. 2 and 3; Bibliography of Economic Entomology, Parts 4 and 6; Bur. of Entomology Tech. Ser. Buls., Nos. 1 to 7 and 10. I have for exchange Insect Life, Vol. Ill, No. 4; Bur. of Ent. Buls., new series, nearlv all numbers from 1 to 50. R. I. Smith, Agr. Experiment Station, West Raleigh, N. C. Please mention the Journal of Economic Entomology when •writing to advertisers. JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLGY OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE ASSOCIATION OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGISTS Editorial Staff Editor, E. Porter Felt, State Entomologist, New Vork. Associate Editor, A. F. BuRiiESS, Secretary-Treasurer, Association of Economic Entomologists. Business Manager, E. Dwioht Sastderson, Director and Entomologist, New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station. Advisory Board L. (). lIowARi), Chief, Bureau of Entomology, I'nited States Depart- ment of Agriculture. S. A. FoRHES, State Entomologist, Illinois. James Fletcher, Dominion Entomologist, Canada. H. A. Morgan, Director and Entomofegist, I University of Tennesset Agricultural Experiment Station. n. T. Fernald, Professor of Entomology, Massachusetts Agricultural College. IIi:rbkrt OsnoR.v, Professor of Zoology and Entomology, Ohio State University. A bi-monthl)' jounial, published February to December, ou the loth of th( mouth, devoted to the interests of Economic Entomology and publishing thi official notices and proceedings of the Association of Economic Entomologists Address business communicatious to the Journal of Economic Entomology Publishing Co., Railroad Square, Concord, N. H. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. In the United States, Cuba, Mexico and Canada, two dollars annually in advance. To foreign countries, two dollars thirty cents ($2.30) annually in advance. Single copies, fifty cents. To mem- bers of the Association of Economic Entomologists, one dollar annually in advance. MANUSCRIPT for publication should be sent to the Editor, E. Portkr Felt, Geological Hall, Albany, N. Y. CURRENT NOTES AND NEWS should be sent to tlie Associate Editor, A. F. Burgess, Bureau of Entomology, Washington, D. C. SUBSCRIPTIONS may be sent to the Business Manager, E. Dwight Sandeuson, Durham, N. H. ADVERTISEMENTS should be sent to the Advertising Manager, Wilmon Newkt,l. Baton Roiige, La. Vol. 1 JUNE, 1908 No. 3 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE ASSOCIATION OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGISTS Editor E. Pouter Felt Associate Editor A. F. BuR(iEs.s Business Manager E. DwiGiiT Sanderson Advisory Board L. O. HoAVARi) S. A. Forbes ' James Fletcher H. A. Morgan H. T. Fernald Herbert Osborn journal of economic entomology publishing co. Concord, N. H. Entered as tecond-class matter Mar. 3., 1908, at the post-office at Concord, N. H., under Act of Congress of Mar. 3, 1879. CONTENTS Page Proceedings of the 20th onnual meeting of the Association of Economic Entomol- ogists (Continued) The orange worm, Trypeta Imiens A. L. Herrera 169 A new root pest of the vine in California H. J. Qiiayle 175 Aphis gossypii Glov. and its allies— medicaginis Koch, mmicis Linn., forbesi Weed, oenotheriae Oest., and carbocolor Gill. a P. Oillette 176 The catalpa bud maggot H. A. Gossard 181 The California life history of the grape leaf hopper H. J. Qmyle 183 Notes of the season tf- A. Gossard 188 The honey and pollen-yielding plants of Texas A. F. Conradi 191 Federal protection to American agriculture and horticulture from invasion by foreign insect pests^ Jacob Kolinsky 208 Life history of the striped cucumber beetle, with a brief account of some experiments for its control T. J. Headlee 208 Uniform common names for insects A. F. Burgess 209 Tick borne diseases and their origin Nathan Banks 213 Notes on Ti-ogoderma tarsale Melsli. C. 0. Hoiujhton 316 Filling the calyx cup A. L. MeUmder 217 Report of the 6th annual meeting of the American Association of Horticultural Inspectors James Troop 230 National insecticide bill F. Dwight Sanderson 224 Observations on the genus Contan'nia F. P. Felt 335 Editorial ^^^ Reviews 229 Current notes 231 ^Withdrawn for publication elsewhere. JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE ASSOCIATION OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGISTS Vol. I JUNE, 1908 No. 3 Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual Meeting of the Association of Economic Entomologists (Continued from April number) The following papers were read by title, on account of the authors being" absent, and as the manuscript has been forwarded to the secre- tary they are included as a part of this report : THE ORANGE WORM (Trypeta ludens) By Prof. A. L. Heebera, Chief of the Commission of Agricultural Parasitology, Mexico. This worm has been the object of long work tending to its destruc- tion, said work being begun during the year 1900, when was estab- lished the Commission of Agricultural Parasitology, in the City of Mexico, which was especially intrusted with the work of combating the pest. The alarm among the Mexican orange growers was the result of the promulgation in California of a law whereby was for- bidden the importation of the Mexican orange, without any distinc- tion as to the place of origin, and under the supposition that every orange grown in Sonora, Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas, and other states of the Mexican Republic, also contained the germ of a dangerou>s plague. Through the investigations and studies of the Commission of Agricultural Parasitology, it has been demonstrated that this pest exists only in the tropical parts of Mexico, particularly in the states of Guerrero and Morelos, and above all in Yautepee, where over 500 orange orchards are in full production. As it was considered or thought that the pest was easy to be fought 170 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 and controlled, and that really it would present no danger in a cold or temperate country, the Mexican government invited Mr. J. Isaac, sec- retary of the Board of Horticulture of California, to come to Mexico during the month of March, 1905, and we accompanied him on several of his excursions. Afterwards, Mr. Isaac published a very important report (California State Horticultural Commission: Report of the Commissioner Appointed to Investigate the Prevalence of Trypeta ludens in Mexico. Districts Affected by the Orange Worm. Na- ture, Habits and Extension of the Pest. Methods Adopted for Its Control. Danger to be Apprehended from its Introduction, Etc. Sacramento, 1905, p. 1^8; Plates and Maps.) The methods adopted to control this pest have been, lately, the sub- ject of a report presented to this commission by Mr. W. W. Froggatt, commissioned by the British government to study the pests of the fruits, and who was in Mexico, coming from Australia, during the month of November of the present year. He visited Yautepec, the center of the pest and also of the work of the Commission of Agri- cultural Parasitology. According to Mr. Froggatt, the control work, conducted by this Commission, has been efficacious and within one or two years the pest will practically be of no moment. It must be observed that every orange leaving Yautepec for Mexico or other parts, is carefully examined by skillful persons, well ac- quainted with the matter, and they confiscate every fruit having spots due to the sting of the ovipositor, of the fly, or bearing any other sig-n of being attacked by worms. The examination is con- ducted at the railroad station or in the orchards. Thus is greatly lessened the danger of the worms infesting the orchards of other countries, provided the shipments come from Yautepec and not from other warm parts of ]\Iexic(\ In any case, however, the danger of infestation hy this pest is rather problematical, since, according to my own observations, the fly remains completely inactive during the cold days ; it is an insect of the tropics, and to be able to live and multiply it requires a medium temperature of at least 21 degrees. Once, it made a sporadic appear- ance in the temperate climate of Guanajuato in but one orchard. It lasted one year and was controlled. The following year a few flies appeared, but were not given time to multiply, being attacked by the same means. Since then, Mr. Duges thinks the pest has never been seen any more. The same occurred in Zacatlan, in the State of Puebla. The flies were seen one year on pears but have not made any further appearance. Lately the pest was thought to infest also the Mamey {Mammea June, '08] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 171 americana), but it has been found that it is another species (Ancts- trepha serpentina) . Means of control. — For the last seven years the pest has been com- bated, in Yautepec, by burning or burying the fallen fruit from the trees and cleaning of the orchards ; the old wooden and thorny fences are replaced by wire fences; the orchards are carefully cultivated and the intercalar crops of sugar cane, "jicama," (Dolichos), etc., have been suppressed. One of the means that have been tried during these last months consists in injecting in the fallen fruits some gaso- line or benzine, thus avoiding the transportation of heavy loads of oranges to the incinerating furnaces or burying ditches. These in- jections are performed by a workman who perforates the fallen oranges not yet rotten with a nail or any pointed tool, in but one place, so that the hole thus formed be of about the same diameter as a large pencil ; then he squeezes the fruit in order to extract a large amount of its juice, and another man gives him an ear-syringe filled with gasoline or benzine, which is injected in a sufficient quantity, that is, all that may be contained inside of each orange. The cost of this treatment is, approximately, from 15 to 20 dollars, Mexican money, for every 10,000 fruits. I think that this amount could easily be reduced if an automatic injector were used, which is not necessary for the present. According to practical informations from the agents of the commission, a workman may inject 250 oranges an hour, and therefore six workmen at work for eight hours a day will inject 12,000 oranges. The larva do not perish immediately, but they fall into lethargy under the effects of the vapors from the benzine, which slowly spread through the pulp of the orange and thus impede the exit of the larvae already fully developed and ready to bury themselves.^ Parasites. — Since 1907 I have tried, very earnestly, to find the para- sites which might help in the destruction of the fly. At first was discovered the Cratospila rudihunda, a species of wasp (Braconidae), which lays its eggs on the larvae, through the skin of the guavas and mangos, but unfortunately its ovipositor is very short and could not penetrate to the interior of the oranges. This parasite could not be bred and besides is very scarce in Yautepec. At Cuernavaca, a horticultural center of great importance, the guavas and mangos are infested by the Trypeta ludens and acidusa, but there are no orange groves in that place. With great care did I iMr. Froggatt says that in Australia they have been using petroleum with water to attract the flies, but the experiments made at Yautepec so far have given very little results. 173 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 look for the parasites on the fruit fallen under the trees ; I found many articulates, which were classified by specialists of the Washing- ton Bureau and they are the following ones : A larva of Elateridae, belonging to Melanotus or some allied genus. As far as known, the larva? of this genus live underground on the roots of various plants. Stelidota geminata, Epuraea labilis. Both belong to the family Nitidulidae, or sap beetles, and are known to feed on decaying fruit and similar substances. A Staphylinid beetle of the genus Osorius, the species being in all probability undescribed. This is certainly not injurious to fruit, the species of this genus living in the ground. Larva of Anastrepha (Trypeta) ludens Loew. A Curculionid larva, probably belonging to the genus Conotrack- elus. Species of this genus attack and injure healthy fruit, and an effort should be made, therefore, to breed the perfect beetle. This insect, however, was never found any more as injuring the fruit. A Carabid larva belonging to the subfamily Lehimae. The larvae of this subfamily of Carohidac are predaceous. Froctotrypes n. sp. Parasitic in larva of some insect. A Staphylinid of the genus Homalota. The species of this and allied genera are certainly not injurious .to the fruit. A Coleopterous larva. (Dennestidael) Apharaeta n. sp. Probably parasitic on Anastrepha or else on some Dipterous scavenger. I have not tried to cultivate in vitro, the Froctotrypes or the Apha- raeta, because they seem to me of very little efficacy, even when they have the best climatic conditions, and moreover they are very scarce, and therefore the plague is causing great damages in the Cuernavaca fruit, where the orchardists are still more indifferent than at Yautepec, and do not pay any attention to the destruction of the fallen fruit. I have made up my mind to keep up during the year the study of the parasites of Trypeta ludens, at the various stations. Neither did Mr. Froggatt find, at Yautepec, any important parasite of the orange worm, and as to the parasites recommended by Compere, and which he claims to have discovered in Brazil, they have been useless, accord- ing to the information of Mr. Froggatt and Mr. Lounsbury. As to the Hexamerocera hrasiliensis, advocated by Von Ihering, thus far it is not known whether it is efficacious. June, 'OS] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 173 To conclude, I will say that the danger of infection of the United States orchards does not appear to me as formidable as it has been claimed to be, owing to the difference in the climate, since it is a ques- tion of a tropical insect, and besides, though for the last 24 years worm infested oranges have been introduced into the United States, yet it is not known that the pest has appeared in any Florida or California orchard. Since 1884, the orange worm has been imported with the fruits proceeding from Mexico, and sold at New Orleans (Riley. "Insect Life," t. I, p. 45), a seaport which is not far away from the Florida orange groves. Places in Mexico v^here oranges are produced abundantly, and are not infested by the Trypeta ludens. — Sonora, Aguascalientes, Chihuahua, Colima, Jalisco, Nuevo Leon, San Luis Potosi, Zacatecas. ]\rost particularly, the orange from Autlan, Guarachita, Rio .Yerde, is never affected by the worm. It is but just, therefore, that not all of the oranges from Mexico be prohibited, rejected or subjected to examination. The Sonora and Jalisco fruit is extensively exported to the United States and this fruit is never wormy. Mexico, December 7, 1907. Bibliography Las naranjas en Florida. " Boletiu de la Sociedad Agricola Mexicaua." — Euero de 1895. Naraujas de Souora en los Estados Uuidos. Ibid. Abril 8 de 1895. La uarauja mexicana. Ibid. Oetiibre 24 de 1895. La perspectiva del coniercio en naranjas. Boletiu de la Sociedad Agricola Mexi- cana, t. 22, p. 58.— Enero 31 de 1896. La exportacion de naranja de Mexico. Ibid. 30 de Novienibre de 1896. Naranjas mexicanas. Ibid. t. 21, p. 372. Junio 30 de 1897. El comercio de naranjas de California y Sonora. Ibid. Marzo 8 de 1891. Comercio de naranjas. Ibid. Marzo 16 de 1891. Coniercio de fnitas. Ibid. Abril de 1891. Exportacion de naranja de Sonora. " El Econoniista mexicano. ' Bole tin de la Sociedad Agricola Mexicana. Julio 24 de 1891. Exportacion de naranja. Boletiu de la Sociedad Agricola Mexicana. Junio 24 de 1892. La naranja en Jalisco. Ibid. Diciembre 31 de 1893. Exportacion de frutas. Ibid. Febrero 16 de 1894. La exportacion de nuestras naranjas. Ibid. t. 22, p. 191. — 16 de Marzo de 1898. El gusano de la naranja. Ibid. Octubre 17 de 1900. Exportacion de naraujas. " El Progreso de Mexico." NoAdenibre 30 de 1898. La exportacion de naranjas mexicanas a los Estados Unidos. Las naranjas agu- sanadas. Ibid. Diciembre 8 de 1898. Las naraujas mexicanas en los Estados Unidos. Ibid. Marzo 8 de 1898. Prohibici6n de eutrada a California de las naranjas mexicanas. Ibid. Diciembre 15 de 1899. 174 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 La naranja mexicana en el mercado de Nueva York. "ElTrdfico." Guaymas. 1899. Prohibicion de importar naranja mexicana d California. "The Fruit World." Los Angeles, Cal. Vol. 7, n. 9, 25 Nov., 1899. Gusano de la naranja mexicana. Ibid. Vol. 8, n. 10, 3 Dec, 1899. Cuarentena nacional. Ibid. Vol. 8, n. II, Dec. 9, 1899. La naranja mexicana. Circular de la Secretaria de Fomento. Enero 9 de 1900. Howard, L. O. The Orange "Worm. Yearbook U. S. Dept. Agricult. 1897, p. .544. Ibid. Boletiu de la Sociedad Agricola Mexicana. t. 24, p. 61-69. Enero 25 de 1900. Triunfo de la naranja mexicana. Ibid. P. 200. Riley, C. V. The Morelos Orange Worm. "Insect Life." t. I, p. 45, August, 1888. Craw, A. Informes relatives a cuarentenas. Report of the State Board of Horti- culture of the State of California. For 1901-1902. 1899-1900, p. 12. Hcrrera, A. L. Informe acerca del gusano de la naranja. Biblioteca Agricola de la Secretaria de Fomento. Marzo 19 de 1900. Informes y estudio.s publicados por la Comision de Parasitologia Agricola de Mexico. "Boletiu." t. I, 1900-1902, p. 5-22; 32-39; 76-86; 89; 115-118; 145-167; 184-193; 218-228; 287; 289; 374; 386; t. II, pp. 115; 179; 294; 295; 307 ; 448 ; t. Ill, Cultivo y plagas del naranjo, por varies horticultores, p. 1- 233; gusano de la fruta ; p. 199-220; Note. Boletin, n. 7, t. II. El gusano de la fruta. p. 307-448. 1905. " Calif ornia Fruit Grower. " 25 Nov., 1899. (Quarantine.) " Rural Californian. " April, 1897. Ibid. October, 1897, p. 380. Howard, L. O, The orange worm does not exist in Jalisco and Sonora. Year- book U. S. Dep. Agr. 1897, p. 547. Isaac, J. ^ Report of the Commissioner Appointed to Investigate the Prevalence of Trypeta ludens in Mexico. Districts affected by the orange worm. Nature. Habits, and extension of the i)est. Methods for its control. Dan- ger to be apprehended from its introduction, California State Horti- cultural Commission. E. Cooper. Commissioner. Sacramento. 1905, p. 1- 48, plates. Parasites after Compere : ' ' Journal of the Department of Agriculture of West Australia." 10 (1904, n. 2, pp. 68-72). "Experiment Station Record.' Washington, U. S. Vol. XVI, p. 389. Von Ihering. As moscas das f ructas e sua destruicaio. ' ' Zeitschrif t fur Wissen- schaftliche Insektenbiologie." Heft. 8, Band II. { He.ramerocera bramliemis.) Lounsbury, C. P. Natural Enemies of the Fruit Fly. "Agricultural Journal, Cape Good Hope." 1905, pp. 309 and 4£7. ^The above paper was accompanied by a large, admirably executed colored chart show- ing the pest in its various stages and also by many illustrations from John Isaac's special report, cited above, to which speciallj- interested parties are referred. June, '08] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 175 A NEW ROOT PEST OF THE VINE IN CALIFORNIA By H. J. QuAYLE, Berkeley, Cal. In 1883 Matthew Cooke in his book, "Injurious Insects of the Or- chard and Vineyard," gave an account of an insect attacking the grape vine in California which he called the Imported Grape Flea- beetle (Adoxus vitis). He confused this insect with the true flea beetle, and this mistake has continued in the accounts of the insect that have appeared in the literature of the state ever since. It is now known that this insect is closely related to the grape root worm (Fidia viticida Walsh) of the eastern states and is improperly called a flea beetle. The life history, as it has been worked out during the past season, is briefly as follows : The beetles appear in May and June, when they feed on the growing parts of the vine above ground, including the leaves, tender shoots, petioles, pedicels, and even the berry itself. The eggs are laid in clusters of four or five to fifteen or twenty on the stump of the vine beneath two or three layers of the old bark. From eight to twelve days are required for hatching and the young larvee make their way to the roots, where they feed until the vine becomes dormant. By September some are about full grown, while others are but half grown. These latter resume feeding in the fol- lowing spring. Pupation occurs within from four to eight inches of the surface of the ground during the latter half of April. The pupal stage lasts two weeks and the beetles begin emerging about May first. Two forms of the beetle occur in about equal numbers in the state, one being wholly black, while the other has the elytra, tibia? and basal half of the antenna brown. These are known as Adoxus viti^ and Adoxus ohscurus, but they are undoubtedly simply two forms of the same species, since they are always found together and breed in- discriminately. Adoxus vitis is a well-known pest of the grape in France and speci- mens received from there are identical with the brown form occurring here. Numerous specimens were sent me hy Professor Valery Mayet of Montpelier, France, but only two specimens of Adoxus ohscurus, which he states is very rare, and found only on a plant of the marshy prairies, and never upon the grape vine. The ohscurus, as it is known in France, is apparently a distinct species, while what has been called ohscurus in this state appears to be simply a form of vitis. Specimens from France and California have been submitted to Mr. A. E. 176 JOURNAL OP ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 Schwarz of the Bureau of Entomology for determination, but his report has not been received at the present writing. This insect has been known to occur in California for a good many years and its economic status has been based entirely on its leaf- feeding habits. This above ground injurj^ to the vine, while it has been very great in some cases, is really imimportant as compared with the more serious and permanent injury to the roots. In some vineyards the crop has been reduced a third or a half and in one instance that came under our observation this year, two or three acres of vines were dug up on account of the injury to the roots by the larvse of this insect. APHIS GOSSYPII GLOV., AND ITS ALLIES— MEDICA- GINIS KOCH, RUMICIS LINN., FORBESI WEED, OENOTHERIAE OEST., AND CARBO- COLOR GILL. By C. P. Gillette,! Fort Collins. Col. In my study of the Aphididce of Colorado I have become convinced that there is still considerable confusion in the literature treating of the species having a close resemblance to Ajyliis gossypii Glover. I do not pretend to be able to straighten out all' the crooked places, but hope to be able to offer observations and conclusions that will help to that end. For several years past Aphis gossypii has done more harm than all other insect pests together to the canteloupe and melon vines grown in the Arkansas Valley in this state. In accord with the observations made by several other writers, the first appearance of the lice upon the vines takes place when the latter are just nicely beginning to run. but they seldom attract much attention until the vines are two feet or more in length. Once upon the vines, the lice increase with great rapidity. In our breeding cages Mr. Bragg has repeatedly reared new-born lice to the reproductive stage in eight days, and a common number of births per day has been from six to twelve. As a result the enemies, — parasites, ladybeetles and syrphus flies, fi^nding an un- stinted supply of food, also multiply rapidly and by about the second week of July often cause the lice to rapidly decrease in numbers and so save a large proportion of the melon crop. The lice continue upon the vines however to the time when killing frosts render the plants II wish especially to acknowledge the assistance of Mr. L. C. Bragg in accumulating the data for this paper. June, "08] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 177 no longer of service as food. During July winged individuals become very scarce, but the winged lice soon appear in considerable numbers and continue throughout the year. Identification of Species Aphis gossypii Glover. Our observations upon this species continued for nearly a year be- fore we were able confidently to separate it and medicaginis Koch, from each other and from closely related forms. Some of the distin- guishing characteristics which later enabled us to do this are the following : In gossypii the black appearing apterous females are realh' a very dark green; they nearly always have some light mottling upon the dorsum of the abdomen, due to the light colored embryos showing through, and these dark females are never highly polished. Fully mature apterous females have antennas and cornicles dis- tinctly longer than in medicaginis. - The larvge of the first, second and third instars, especially of the winged form, nearly always show a distinct yellowish brown or pale salmon colored area upon the dorsal portion of the abdomen anterior to the cornicles and a conspicuous dark transverse band at the cor- nicles. There is nearly always much variety of color in both the young and the adult apterous individuals, some being very dark, to the naked eye appearing black, and others with intergrading shades passing to very light yellow or tan colored viviparous females. The offspring of these light individuals may be as dark as the darkest through their entire life. The pupfB are beautifully tessellated over the dorsum of the abdo- men with silvery white. So far as our observations have gone, gossypii has not been found colonized upon so large a range of food plants as medicaginis, which seems to be able to thrive upon almost any green thing. Sexual forms and eggs we have been unable to find. Aphis medicaginis Koch. The fully adult apterous viviparous females of this species we have found, without exception, deep black and highly polished. They shine like glass beads among the other lice of the colonies and may be very few in number or entirely absent. 2Care must be taken not to mistake immature individuals, just before the last molt, for the fully mature form; they may be fully as large but they have very much shorter cornicles and antennje. 178 JOURNAL OP ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 The pup^e, while much resembling those of gossypii, do not have the tessellated dorsal spots so silvery white. The young larval forms do not have the characteristic yellowish brown color of gossypii upon the dorsum of the abdomen nor the green transverse band, and there is not the range of light and dark forms among the apterous lice found in the colonies. The tibiae and basal half of the antennae are more conspicuously whitish than in allied species. This species has been specially partial to white sweet clover and Glycerrhiza lepidota here, two plants upon which we have never taken any of the allied species. Sexual forms and eggs we have not been able to find. Aphis rumicis Koch. It seems almost certain that several writers, including Oestlund in his description,^ have reported medicaginis as rumicis. I do not think that the rumicis of Linnanis has come under our observation, unless, possibly, it proves to be the same as carhocolor Gill. Aphis carhocolor Gill. This louse is somewhat larger and more robust than medicaginis, the adult apterous individuals are all deep dull sooty black, never polished, and it passes into the sexual forms in the fall, the females of which deposit eggs in great numbers about the crowns and bases of the leaves and stems of species of Rumex, especially the yellow dock. The cornicles are decidedly shorter and weaker than in gossypii or medicaginis. Winged viviparous females are shining black upon both thorax and abdomen. The seventh antennal joint and the antenna as a whole are longer than in medicaginis. Aphis oenothericE Oest. This louse has been considered a synonym of gossypii by Sanborn, which is probably a mistake as this is a green louse, occurring upon the primrose only, so far as we have observed, and never having the black apterous females of medicaginis nor the variety of colors ex- hibited by gossypii. It is possible that Prof. Sanborn had true gossypii from Oenothera and that he had not seen true oenotherice, which is a very common species in Colorado and quite distinct from gossypii. Aphis forhesi Weed. I would not include this species as belonging to the gossypii group were it not for the fact that it has been confused with Aphis gossypii sBull. 4, Synopsis of the Aphididae of Minn. p. Gl. June, '08] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 179 in a few instances. Prof. Sanderson* has already recognized it as a good species. We have not taken this louse in Colorado, but speci- mens that were sent me by Mr. J. J. Davis, State University, Urbana, Illinois, have been examined and prove to be easily distinguishable from any of the other species mentioned in this paper. In about three fourths of the examples examined, all of which were apterous females, the third and fourth joints of the antenna were united in one with no signs of a dividing suture. Dr. "Weed in his description of this species describes it as having six-jointed antennae. In the speci- mens having joints 3 and 4 separate, joint 3 but slightly exceeded joint 4. and the two joints together made one sub-equal in length with joint 7. In gossypii joint 3 alone is always longer than joint 7. A. forhesi is also smaller and is a root feeder. Influence of Host Plant upon Aphid Characteristics An impression seems to be more or less prevalent that a species of plant louse may vary much in structure and general appearance, de- pending upon the plant upon which it lives and draws its nourish- ment. In all our experience transferring lice from one food plant to an- other and observing them upon widely varying plants in a state of nature or in hot-houses, we have never had any reason to think that a species is perceptibly changed in appearance because of a change of food plant. I am aware that there are migrating forms that are dif- ferent in appearance from their immediate ancestors and that they may go to a different food plant, but in such eases the change came before migration or was "predestined" to appear in the first genera- tion after migration. For example, the stem mother of Phorodon humuli upon the plum is quite different from the migrant that goes back to the hop^. but the change came before deserting the plum. The oviparous female in the fall, which is the product of the return mi- grant from the hop. is very different from the migrant, but not at all because of its change in diet. It is the sexual female form of the species and what it develops into was determined in every case before the parent left the hop. Such changes as these, coincident with a change of food plant in the life histories of plant lice, can be dupli- cated many times over by instances where there is not a change of host plant. As familiar illustrations recall the remarkable variations 4Bull. 49, Del. Agr. Sta. H do not mean by this that the viviparous females upon the plum can be distinguished from the viviparous females upon the hop. 180 JOURNAL OP ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 in the forms of Phylloxera vastatnx, which remains throughout life upon the grape, and of Schizoneura lanigera, remaining upon the ap- ple, or of Schizoneura americana, without leaving the elm. Do Aphis gossypii and medicaginis Lay Eggs? Mr. Pergande mentions two instances where he thinks he may have discovered eggs of gossypii, but from his written statements it seems that he has not seen the sexual forms, and the probability of the eggs found being the eggs of gossypii does not appear to be very strong. For two years we have followed these lice closely without ever finding sexual forms or eggs at any time of the year. During 1906- '07 both these lice were followed all winter upon out-of-door plants by Mr. Bragg, and the present winter they have been followed into December, past several zero nights, and they are still in fine condition, but no males or oviparous females or eggs have been discovered. I would not dare express the opinion that sexual forms never appear in these species, but so far as our observations go, it seems very doubtful about their occurring in Colorado. We shall continue to search carefully for them. Food Plants As mentioned above, we have seen Aphis oenotherice upon the prim- roses only, and A. carhocolor has been taken by us upon no plants out- side of the genus Eumex. Aphis gossypii we have taken colonized from the cotton plant, can- teloupe, muskmelon, watermelon, cucumber, winter squash, pumpkin, the native wild gourd (Cucurbita foetidissima) , Shepherd's purse (Bursa B-pastoris) (which is its favorite plant upon which to spend the winter in Colorado), iron weed {''Ambrosia trifida) , mare's tail {^Erigeron canadensis), Bumex sp. Convolvulus sp., Lepidium vir- ginicum, ^Taraxicum dens-leonis, '^Asclepias sp., and in the summer upon the leaves of buckthorn (Rhamnus cathartica) and Cafalpa speciosa. We have never found it upon strawberry' or purslane, though looked for much upon these plants. Many of the other plants that have been named as the hosts for this species, and which have come under our observation in Colorado, we have found infested by colonies of Aphis medicaginis. I do not mean to say that I think the records that have been given for gossypii on these plants are incorrect, but simply state the results of our observations in Colorado. The plants upon which we have observed Aphis medicaginis estab- lished and colonized are: White sweet clover, yellow sweet clover, «Found on one plant only. June, '08] journal of economic entomology 181 red clover, white clover, alfalfa, several species of native locos and lupines, Avax beans, black locust, licorice {Glycerrhiza lepidota), ap- ple, pear, plum, soft maple, boxelder, shepherd's purse (apparently its favorite over winter plant here), Lepidium virginicum, Chenopo- dium sp., Bumex sp., Malvastrum coccineum, primrose {Anogra alhi- caulis). Tansy mustard (Sophia sp.), dandelion and lawn grass f'Poa sp.). THE CATALPA BUD MAGGOT By H. A. Go.ssARD, Woostcr, Ohio For several years the tender growing twigs of catalpa have been attacked by insect larvte, causing the twigs to become slightly swollen and to blacken and wilt at the terminal end. This trouble was so pronounced and excited so much complaint among the catalpa grow- ers in various sections of Ohio, that the questions relating to it were referred to Mr. J. S. Houser for special investigation. From an investigation made in the spring of 1907 of all the twigs on 15 three-year-old trees growing at Wooster, 49 per cent of them were found to have been damaged by this pest. ]\Ir. Houser 's descrip- tion of the injury is as follows : "The tender growing twigs of catalpa are attacked by maggots, causing the twig to become slightly swollen and to blacken at the point of injury. This occurs usually about three or four inches below the tip during the early part of the season, and at a lesser distance down later on when the twig is growing less rapidly. The twig above the injury dies. Following the death of the tip in early summer, the next node below develops one or more tips and frequently a cluster of leaves, giving the twig a bushy growth (Plate 1) ; following the later attacks the stem appears as in Plate 2. figure 1. The ultimate result after continued topping is a stunted, crooked, forked growth. (Plate 2, figure 2.)" A large series of infested twigs were enclosed in breeding jars, the cuttings being sunk into moist earth. The specimens were collected at various periods of the growing season and through two summers. Though it seemed quite certain from some larvie found in the affected terminals that a Cecidomyid would be obtained, it was not until the second summer that a midge was reared that seemed to agree with the description of Cecidomyia catalpa', hitherto recorded as infesting the pods and destroying the seeds of catalpa. The few specimens ob- tained have been examined by Mr. Coquillett and Dr. Felt, and while both are agreed that the specimens are near C. catalpa?, they reserve 182 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 final decision until the specimens can be compared with Comstock's types. Quite often, instead of midges, chalcids would appear in the cages. Mr. Crawford of the Bureau of Entomology pronounces these insects to be of a new species, belonging in a new genus, and he proposes to describe the species as Zatropis catalpce. Whether the chalcids were present in the catalpae shoots as parasites on the midge larvae, or whether, like the wheat- joint worm and a few other members of the family, they are primarily injurious to vegetation, I cannot at pres- ent state. It is not impossible that the midges work on the tender leaves at the terminal end of the twigs, and that the chalcids insert their eggs in the soft wood lower down. Several specimens of the chalcid were obtained this season, all issuing between the middle of July and the middle of August. The three midges obtained emerged August 7. August 8 and September 3, respectively. THE CALIFORNIA LIFE HISTORY OF THE GRAPE LEAF-HOPPER Typhlocyha comes Say By H. J. QuAYLE, Berkeley, Cal. Climate is a well-known factor in influencing the life history of insects, and so in California most, if not all, of our insects of economic importance have some points in their life-history that differ from those of the same species in the eastern states. Usually this difference is in the number of broods or length of the period of development, and less often a distinct variance in habits. The grape leaf-hopper in California over-winters as an adult insect, feeding on a wide range of food plants during the warmer days; or remaining more or less dormant in bunches of leaves in the vineyard or low down in the dense vegetation of the bordering roadsides and fences during the cold or wet weather. As soon as the foliage appears on the vine in the spring they leave their varied winter food-plants and attack the grape exclusively. After feeding for about three weeks on the vine, pairing begins and eggs will be deposited one week later. This will be about May 1st in the lower Sacramento and San Joaquin valleys. Records were kept on twenty eggs from different hoppers and they required from seventeen to twenty days for incubation. Nymphs hatching from these eggs require on an average eighteen days to go through their five nymphal stages. The duration of each of the stages, summarized from observations on about fifty hoppers, is as m O r Ph h^ s June, '08] jourxai. ob' economic entomology 183 follows : First stage, four days ; second stage, two days ; third stage, three days ; fourth stage, four days, and fifth stage, five days. Total, eighteen days. The same insect in New York, as has been determined by Slinger- land, requires from thirty to thirty-three days for its nymphal devel- opment. There is then a difference of two weeks in the time of devel- opment of the grape leaf -hopper in New York and that of the same insect in California. This difference is generally attributed to cli- mate, although there is little difference between the climate of upper San Joaquin Valley in California in June and July and that of New York in the same months. During the last week in June the hoppers, arising from the eggs of the over-wintering hoppers laid in May, begin egg laying, which is continued through July and a part of August. The incubation period was noted for a hundred or more eggs and they all hatched in from eight to twelve days. This is a shorter period than was required for the eggs to hatch in May from the over-wintering insects, and may be due to the difference in temperature. A number of hoppers were confined in individual breeding cages on the leaves of the grape, and the number of eggs laid varied from forty to one hundred and twenty-one, distributed over a period of from three to seven weeks. Hoppers hatching from these eggs remain on the vine until the leaves fall, when they attack their winter food plants, which include a large number of plants that may be growing in the vineyard or vicinity. These attack the vine in the spring, begin egg laying in May, and die off in July, making the length of the life cycle approxi- mately one year. The spring brood hatching in May lives until about August or September, thus completing the life cycle in three or four months. There are thus two broods of the grape leaf-hopper in Cali- fornia, and, at least during the past year, there was no indication of a third brood. NOTES OF THE SEASON By H. A. GossARD, Wooster, Ohio The season opened with a noteworthy weather condition that seems to have had a perceptible effect on the development of San Jose scale. March 19 the mercury rose to 68° at Wooster, and the following maximum temperatures were recorded at this place during the next two weeks : 184 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 March 19, 68° ; 20, 67° ; 21, 67° ; 22, 82° ; 23, 79° ; 24, 74° ; 25, 67° ; 26, 70°; 27, 68°; 28, 67°; 29, 77°; 30, 67°; 31, 46°. April 2, the mercury was down to 15°, and with the exception of seven nights, descended below freezing each night, until the 28th, when a warmer period commenced. However, the mercury dropped to the freezing point, or below it, nine nights in INIay, the last freezing record being on the 28th. Ufifortunately, no direct observations were made which definitely proved this weather condition to have been adverse to the scale, but for some reason the scale has not been very- much in evidence the past summer in many orchards that promised a year earlier to develop severe infestation in the normal course of events. Because of this phenomenon, I have not felt warranted in drawing conclusions regarding the effectiveness of one of the pro- prietary sprays which I undertook to test. The most plausible ex- planation occurring to me to account for this condition, is to suppose that the extended warm period in ]\Iarch started the dormant scales into activity, and that the cold freezing weather of April, following this warm period, proved fatal to them. Some districts in which the scale has been controlled for three or four years with lime-sulphur spray, but were originally badly infested, are now seriously attacked and threatened with destruction l}y the bark borer, Scolytiis rngiilosus. I saw one orchard of young trees four or five years old which had never been very scaly, that was being badly attacked by these borers, which had migrated from a nearby apple orchard that had been destroyed by scale. This orchard seemed a good illustration of this insect's disposition to attack healthy trees when its numbers have outrun the supply of available weakened trees. As a trial application, I recommended to several correspondents to boil a thick lime-sulphur wash, using 20 pounds of sulphur and 30 pounds of lime, and add to each 50 gallons of this mixture 3 pounds of arsenate of lead (or 1 pound of paris green) and 6 to 10 pounds of fish-oil soap. This application was applied to the trunks and larger limbs with a spray pump or brush. Some of the parties who used it report seeming benefit, but I have not yet had an opportunity to make personal inspection of results, and shall not feel warranted in drawing any conclusions until the test is extended over several seasons. One orchardist painted the trunks and limbs of his trees in early spring with Carholineum avenarkis and the benefit against the borers was apparent. I inspected the trees in early July and, at that date, no great amount of injury to the trees from the application was percep- tible, the counterbalancing benefits seeming to entirely outweigh the attending damage. June, "08] JOURNAL OP ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 185 The spring opened very late, so that the first spraying for codling moth fell about the first of June in northern Ohio. This period was very wet and quite cool. For test work. I made use of a ten-acre orchard located about ten miles from the shore of Lake Erie, and hence not damaged much by frost. One half of this orchard con- sisted of Baldwins and the other half of Ben Davis. I tested the coarse, driving spray, as used in the western arid states, by enlarging the orifices in Vermorel nozzles, and also used the medium caps for comparison. Three pounds of arsenate of lead were used in 50 gal- lons of Bordeaux — the Bordeaux formula being 3 pounds of copper sulphate and 6 pounds of lime. The trees averaged 20 feet, or more, in height, and had a corresponding spread of top. One plot w^as treated with one third pound of paris green to 50 gallons of Bordeaux. About one gallon of soft home-made soap was added to each 50 gallons of spray for most of the plots. One plot had 2 pounds of copper sul- phate and 1 pound of iron sulphate instead of the regular Bordeaux formula. About 100 pounds pressure was maintained by the pump. For the purpose of better directing the spray, two small pieces of three-fourths inch gaspipe. about 4 inches long, were threaded at each end. and after being bent about 25 or 30 degrees from the horizontal, one was attached to the end of each rod by means of a gas coupling, and the nozzles were then attached to the bent pipes. The spray was directed downward and inward and was used until the trees dripped. On trees 20 to 25 feet high, with corresponding spread of top. from" 7 to 8 gallons of spray were used. The second spraying was made about 10 days after the first, and in the same proportions, only the copper sulphate was reduced to 2 pounds for 50 gallons of spray. Not more than one half as much spray was used in this application as in the first spraying. The third spraying was given to part of the orchard about the middle of July. Arsenate of lead alone was used for the July application, the Bordeaux being omitted. Not more than three or four gallons of spray were used on the largest trees for this application. As the full results of the test will soon appear as a Station publication, I will not enter into further details, but state results and conclusions. Over 90% of the apples on trees sprayed three times were free from worms. A record was kept of the dropped apples under certain trees beginning with the 30th of July. The fol- lowing are some of the figures : One tree sprayed twice, once just after blooming and again ten days later, has the following record : Sound apples dropped from the middle of July until harvest, 319 ; wormy drops from middle of July until harvest, 23 ; drops marked by curculio during the season, 8 ; 186 JOURNAL OP ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 sound apples picked for harvest, 4,477 ; wormy apples picked for har- vest, 14; marked by curculio at harvest picking, 21. Thus 98.67% were untouched by either codling; worm or curculio; 99.25% were untouched by codling* worm, and 99.69% were free from codling worm at harvest time. An unsprayed check tree, with a far better record than some others for sound fruit, yielded at the harvest 1,670 sound apples, 347 wormy ones, and 210 marked by curculio. Some of the wormy apples were also marked by curculio, which are not shown in this enumeration. Since the middle of July, this tree dropped 221 sound apples, 339 wormy ones and 48 marked by curculio. The sea- son's yield, drops and harvest, gave 25.62% damaged by codling worm and curculio combined; 19% by codling worm alone, and 20.77% were wormy at picking time. I decided that ordinary Vermorel nozzles with medium caps gave the best spray at 100 pounds pressure, and that the little crooks were of decided advantage in directing the spray; that three sprayings gave better results than two; that the first application just after blooming should be heavy to secure immunity from worm attack ; that in cold, wet seasons, such as the past spring, considerable russeting follows a heavy spraying; that less russeting occurs on fruit sprayed when it is a week or ten days old than when it is yovinger; that rus- seting would probably be reduced by omitting Bordeaux from the first application, using instead arsenate of lead with lime added, but this question needs further testing ; that an application for the second brood should be made by July 15th, or earlier in northern Ohio; that soap, or other stickers, do not appreciably enhance the value of these sprays when used on apples; that at least one pound of iron sulphate can replace one pound of copper sulphate in a 3-6-50 Bordeaux for- mula without injury to foliage or fruit, but I have not yet decided as to whether this mixture is an improvement on the ordinary Bordeaux. The variegated cutworm, Peridroma saucia, was quite destructive in some localities, and if conditions are not unfavorable for its develop- ment, it will probably do a large amount of damage the coming year, for it is very plentiful over all northern Ohio. It attracted special notice at Sandusky, where it had attacked gardens, lawns and green- house products. The radish maggott, Pegomyia brassicop, was not so destructive as in some former years. I have not made very satisfactory progress against this pest, though I have, through two seasons, tried about all the known remedies. Mr. Geo. E. Hartung of Sandusky, a market gardener, who has suffered much from the insect in former years, re- ports practically no injury this season, and believes his immunity was June, '08] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 187 secured by overhead irrigation, since his neighbors suffered as in other years. Mr. Hartung's pipes are about 8 feet above the ground, 36 feet apart and the jets from the pipes are 4 feet apart. This re- sult, and the attendant benefits of irrigation, seem to make this treat- ment worthy of testing by large market gardeners. For the ordinary kitchen garden, the most satisfactory treatmenf tried by me, from the view-point of good, healthy radishes, reasonably free from maggots, was a liberal application of tobacco dust every five or six days during the growing period, commencing as soon as the plants were through the ground. The Hessian fly has dropped so nearly out of sight that careful search must be made to find it at all. I have not observed the chinch bug and only one or two correspondents have referred to it during the season. The wheat joint- worm has also decreased in numbers, not ha\ang been the subject of one half as many inquiries as were re- ceived regarding it last year. The grape-berry worm has decreased considerably in the grape re- gion along the lakes, but has become more injurious in the interior sections where the small, home vineyards are found. I repeated the experiments recorded in Circular 63, getting practically the same results. We used a traction sprayer fitted with 10 nozzles and throw- ing about 170 gallons of spray per acre. A double application with this machine — the Wallace — was very nearly equal to thorough hand work. A check row that was sprayed three times with Bordeaux, containing no poison, had 58% of the berries wormy and yielded marketable fruit at the rate of 1,798 pounds per acre. One-half of this check row was sprayed during the latter part of July by hand, with arsenate of lead in Bordeaux, with a resin soap sticker added, and this half of the row had 2.9% of wormy berries and yielded mar- ketable grapes at the rate of 5,608 pounds per acre. This plot had the lowest percentage of wormy berries of any in the tests, but lost too many young grapes in the early part of the season to equal in total harvest some of the plots that received earlier applications of poison. This plot proved, however, that the late July spraying is the most im- portant of all, and that the later broods of the worm must be killed or comparatively little benefit will be derived from the earlier appli- cations. This result is a repetition of the experience of last season regarding late spraying. A plot, hand-sprayed three times with Bor- deaux, arsenate of lead, and resin soap sticker, had 3% of wormy berries and yielded at the rate of 6,031 pounds of marketable grapes per acre. The grapes of this plot had too much spray adhering to them at harvest time, and it will be necessary to sacrifice some grapes 188 JOURNAL OP ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 rather than to send them to market in this condition. A plot sprayed three times with the same ingredients, by the double machine plan, had 4.47% of wormy berries and 3'ielded 6.067 pounds of marketable grapes per acre. Three sprayings of Bordeaux, with arsenate of lead and resin soap added to the second and third applications, double machine plan, gave 4.B% w^ormy berries and harvested 3,864 pounds of marketable grapes per acre. The same ingredients applied at the same time as in the preceding case, but with single machine instead of double machine application, gave 20.34% wormy berries and har- vested 3,465 pounds of marketable grapes per acre. The double machine applications, if made three times with soap stickers, gave almost as good results as hand sprayed plots and were more presentable for market. It is quite conceivable, however, that if little rain were to fall in late summer, grapes treated in this way might carry too much spray to be presentable in appearance or safe to use in large quantities at harvest time. One plot was treated with a Bordeaux made of 4i/o pounds of copper sulphate, 3 pounds of iron sulphate and 6 pounds of lime, with 3 pounds of arsenate of lead added. This made a spray that had good sticking qualities and yet washed off quite readily by rain. Three sprayings, double machine application, with this mixture, gave 10.18% wormy berries and 5,760 pounds of marketable grapes per acre. This treatment seemed quite satisfactory for the fruit, but threatened to eat the galvanizing from the iron wires supporting the vines, thus shortening their durability by more than half. Parasites are appearing freely over the infested vine- yards and doubtless are contributing to the suppression of the worm. The greenhouse white fly has become established in many green- houses and we have a good many inquiries regarding the process of fumigation with hydrocyanic acid gas. The fall web worm was abun- dant last 3'ear, but has been much more numerous the present season. Park superintendents and many orchardists have been obliged to wage systematic warfare against it the past summer. The black walnut caterpillar, Datana integerrinia, has been numerous for two seasons, and many trees are threatened with destruction by it. having been completely defoliated for two years in succession. The white-marked tussock moth has been extremely abundant in city parks and was the subject of many inquiries. Pimpla inquisitoi' has become numerous at Dayton, according to local observers, and the suppression of the tussock worms is expected in that city in a short time. The terrapin scale, Eulecanium nigrofasciatum, has been our most serious scale in- sect on maple trees for the past two seasons. The remedies usually recommended for this scale — namely kerosene emulsion and the lime- June, 'OS] JOUUNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 189 sulphur wash in winter — have not given very good results where tried by the Station. A rather extensive test against the peach borer was tried in a young orchard, but partiallj^ failed to yield results because of the scarcity of borers, even on the check trees, and of course full returns cannot be had until spring. I decided, however, that the use of building paper, or other protectors of like character around the trees for a period sufficiently long to be of effectual use in preventing egg-laying, was more undesirable than injury by the borers, while various sticky and poisonous mixtures were of questionable utility. INIounding with earth seemed among the best remedies, but by all odds the most satis- factory treatment from the standpoint of the trees and borers com- bined, was tying tobacco stems loosely about the base of the trunk, and suspending them from a point about twelve or fifteen inches above the ground. Prof. Slingerland gave a very good report of this treatment several years ago, but did not specially emphasize the splen- did tonic effect it exercises on the trees. This treatment seemed to more than pay for itself without any reference to the presence of borers, while at the same time it possessed good value in this respect. In 1906 I took advantage of the proffered services of Mr. C. F. Harbison of Dayton. 0., to conduct a cooperative experiment against the elm leaf-beetle. Acting under my instructions, Mr. Harbison banded some elm trees in early June with Thum's Tree Tanglefoot to prevent the larvip reaching the ground when descending to pupate. Immediately above this sticky band was arranged a burlap l)and, be- neath which the insects could shelter and pupate. The first count of the catch was made June 17. and showed 200 insects in the Tanglefoot band, 124 beneath the burlap and 72, which had been dislodged, at the base of the tree and were unable to re-ascend. This made 396 in total. A second examination made June 21, collected -117 ; a third. 599, and a fourth, 422, making 1,834 beetles, pupffi and larva? taken from one tree. About July 24tli, eight trees were banded and the totals taken dur- ing the four examinations amounted to 16.122 insects in various stages, mostly larva? and pupa.\ The number under the burlap band that had pupated kept constantly increasing at each examination, indicating the importance of the burlap in connection with the Tanglefoot. The same experiment was repeated the past year and Mr. Harbison re- ports a collection of 4.938 insects from three trees on the 9th of August ; again, on August 13th, 8,491 insects from four trees ; and on August 22d, 4,653 insects from three trees, making 18,082 insects from ten trees. I do not understand from the report whether the bands 190 JOURNAL OP ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 were put on all of these trees on the same date or not, but this is my inference. Mischievous persons, presumably boys, removed the bands before further examinations could be made, but we regard this method of fighting the insect as proved to be cheap and effective. A Millipede, one of the Polydesmidce, became very numerous in the Station greenhouse this fall, occurring by tens of thousands in a bed devoted to forcing cucumbers. A few vines were killed before the insects attracted notice. The men in charge used a plentiful supply of tobacco dust as a mulch about the bases of the vines, and also mixed more or less of the dust in the soil, with the result that hundreds of dead worms could be found at the base of each vine a few days after the application was made, and tens of thousands of them dropped from the beds to the stone floor beneath, where thej' died. This rem- edy was a speedy and complete success. In my bulletin on insecticides, published by the Florida station, I mentioned the use of powdered cyanide of potassium for ants, in cases where carbon bisulphide could not be conveniently used. This has been used so successfully by some parties to Avhom I have recom- mended it the past summer, that I think it worth while to emphasize the value of the treatment. The crushed cyanide must not come in contact with plant tissues, but should be sprinkled on the soil where the ants congregate, or have their nests. The ants either leave at once or attempt to remove the obnoxious, particles, only to die in the at- tempt. The cyanide, if used in moderation, will act as a fertilizer for the plant and benefit instead of harming the same. Th6 Kosebug was abundant at Wooster, as has been the case for the past three seasons, and the vilest sprays do but little good against it. I have succeeded in driving them away for a day or two by spraying with Bordeaux mixture, to which was added arsenate of lead, fish-oil soap and crude carbolic acid, but they were always ready to return after a few hours' interval. The larger the area sprayed, the less heed do they seem to give the treatment. I found it practicable to fence them out from a few blooming grapevines with a covering of mosquito bar, and also that they could be prevented from accumulat- ing and doing any great amount of injure' by picking them by hand three times a day through a two weeks' period. Though the latter method was only tried on a small scale, I am inclined to think it would pay in commercial vineyards of small size, at least in seasons where fruit is as high priced as at present. During the spring, wheat and oats over Ohio suffered from a pe- culiar disease, marked by a reddening, yellowing and browning of the leaves, and a general stunting of the growth and retardation of the June, '08] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 191 development in all respects. From the fact that the grain louse, Macrosiphum granaria, was noticed in considerable numbers in some fields, the newspapers and many correspondents attributed the damage to the lice. Others suspected thrips of causing the mischief. After an examination which I deemed adequate, I concluded that neither of these insects was primarily responsible for the disease so far as Ohio was concerned, though both^ species added to the trouble to a consid- erable degree in some fields. The majority of the diseased plants, however, were damaged but little by either insect, and many of them not at all, so far as I could determine. Corn, clover, alfalfa, straw- berries and many weeds suffered in precisely the same way, as in- ferred from their external sj^mptoms, and no insects whatever could be found upon them. I decided the trouble was probably wholly physiological in character, and was in all likelihood caused by the cold, wet spring. Parasites overtook the lice in most localities before they became excessively plentiful. THE HONEY AND POLLEN-YIELDING PLANTS OF TEXAS. By A. F. CoNRADi, Clemson College. S. C. ♦ Triple-leafed Barberry. {Berheris trifoliata ]\Ioric.) On gravelly hills from the Gulf coast to the Limpia mountains. Yields honey abundantly, also pollen. Blooms January and February and is im- portant for early brood rearing. Prickly Poppy. {Argemone platycerus Link and Otto.) Abun- dant along roadsides, in waste fields and on prairies. Honey yield unimportant, but yields abundant pollen during dearth of summer. In the Brazos River Valley bees work heavily on it during June. The orange-colored pollen is carried to the hive, making the combs look disagreeable. May to July. Poppy. {Papaver rhoeas L.) Honey yield unimportant owing to scarcity of plants. May. Pepper wort. Pepper grass. {Leniduim virginicum L.) Widely distributed. Yields small quantities of honey and pollen. Greggia. {Greggia comparum Gra.v.) Confined largely to west Texas. Blooms near San Antonio in February. Yields some honey, but pollen is important for early brood rearing. Turnip. (Brassica rapa L.) Yields honey and pollen. Black mustard. {Brassica nigra (L.) Loch.) Scatteringly through- out Texas. Bees work on it busily, but its status as a bee forage plant has not been determined. June and July. 192 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 Portulaca grandiflora Hook. Grown in experimental plats at Col- lege Station. Honey yield good owing to the extended blooming period from June till frost. Pollen is highly colored. Salt cedar. {Tamarix gallica L.) Common in the Gulf coast country. Several trees cultivated at College Station bloom from May to June. Fringed Poppy-mallow. [Callirhoe digitata Nutt.) A common plant yielding honey and pollen in small quantities. An excellent pollen plant at College Station. Spanish Apple. {Malvaviscus drummondii Torr. and Gray.) Common along the Comal and Guadalupe rivers near New Braunfels. Bees visit it, but in that section is not an important honey plant. Shrubby althea. (Hibiscus syriacus L.) An ornamental plant in parks and gardens. Bees work busily on it, but the plants are few. Yields honey and pollen; blooms from May and June to fall. Sida spinosa L. A common plant blooming during the summer. Honey and pollen yield light, but valuable dui'ing dearth. Sida angustifolia Lam. In dry soils throughout southern Texas blooming from spring to fall. Yields honey and pollen. Cotton. {Gossypium herhaceum L.) Yielding a strong steady flow of white honey during the entire blooming period from June to frost. The main source of honey throughout the cotton section. The honey is furnished by nectar glands of leaves, bracts, blossoms and bolls. American linden. {Tilia americana L.) Occurs sparingly through- out Texas as far west as San Antonio. A heavy yielder of fine honey. Large-flowered caltrop. (Trihuliis cistoides L.) Mr. L. Scholl reports this plant from Hunter as a good honey and pollen yielder, but flowers close at noon. April to August. Greater Caltrop. (Kallstroemia maxima (h.) T. and Q.) Common throughout southern and western Texas; a good honey and pollen plant in time of dearth. Yellow wood sorrel. (Oxalis stricta L.) In open woodlands throughout Texas, blooming during summer, but not abundant enough to be important bee forage. Prickly ash. (Xanthoxylon clava-hercules L.) Known as tooth- ache tree and sea-ash. A common shrub in woodland prairies, bloom- ing April 15 to June. A good honey and pollen plant. Hop tree. (Ptelia trifoliata L.) In low woodlands throughout southern and western Texas. Where abundant the plant is a good honey yielder during favorable seasons. May to July. Hardy orange. (Citrus trifoliata L.) Until recently this plant June, '08] journal of economic entomology 1^3 has been scarce in Texas, having been planted principally for hedges. With the development of the citrus industry the demand for hardy deciduous stock to enable the commercial orange tree to withstand a lower temperature has caused a rapid increase of this species. It blooms March 15 to 25 ; during this time bees work on it busily, ob- taining a fair quantity of honey for early brood rearing. Tree of Heaven. {Ailanthus glandulosa Desf.) This is recorded from Hunter as follows : Cultivated for shade. Honey yield fair in good seasons, also pollen. There are also nectar glands on leaf blades. April. Umbrella china tree. (Melia azedarach L.) A common shade tree in central and southern Texas. It yields honey which helps early brood rearing in February and March. Possum Haw. {Ilex decidua Walt.) Also known as Youpon and Bearberry. Lowlands in southern and central Texas west to the semi- arid country. Blooms between March and May. Valuable for early brood rearing. Youpon. (Ilex caroliniana Trelease.) Southern Texas westward to San Antonio. IMarch and April, helping early brood. Brazil wood, Log wood. (Condalia arhorata Hook.) Central and western Texas. A good honey plant at College Station; some pollen. July and August. Coluhrina texensis Gray. On dry soils from the Colorado River west and south. Honey yield good ; some pollen. Plants too scarce for surplus. April. Rattan vine. (Berchemia scandens Trelease.) Along ravines and in lowlands ; blooms April 15 to 25, giving a good surplus in favorable seasons, but the honey is dark amber. Common grape vines. Good for pollen. April. Mountain grape. (Vitis monticola Buckley.) Hilly limestone re- gions of western Texas. Honey yield fair ; pollen valuable for early brood rearing. March. Cow itch. (Cissus incisa Desraoul.) On uncultivated ground from the Colorado River westward. April to August, yielding surplus where plentiful. Soap berry, Wild china. (Sapindus marginatus Willd.) Creek bottoms throughout southern and western Texas. An evergreen shrub, blooming in April and May, yielding heavy surplus where the plants are abundant. Balloon vine. {Cardiospermiim Jialicacahum L.) Throughout central, southern and western Texas. Honey yield good, but plants are scarce. 194 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 Mexican bucke,ye. {Vngnadia speciosa Endl.) In mountainous woodlands and on rocky hillsides throughout southern, central and western Texas. Honey yield important as it blooms during July dearth, but the plants are not plentiful. Green Sumach. (Rhus viviens Lindh.) In rocky country west of Colorado River. Bees w^ork on it during dearth. Blooms as late as October. Rhus sp. A small shrubby tree on rocky hillsides and on woodland prairies. Bee-keepers report it a good honey plant, giving surplus in favorable seasons, depending upon rains. August. Blue bonnet. {Lupinus suhcarnosus Hook.) Southern, central and western Texas on prairies and on open woodlands. The honey and pollen yield is good ; the pollen is of a bright orange color. March and April. Red clover. {Trifolium pratense L.) An attempt was made to grow red clover with a view of determining the ability of the five races of bees to secure honey, notwithstanding the deep corollas. We have no evidence that any of the strains of bees are able to obtain honey, while the plants did not prosper owing to the dry climate. Alfalfa. (Medicago sativa L.) Is extensively cultivated for hay in humid and semi-arid Texas. We know that it is a valuable honey plant in irrigated sections of Colorado and New Mexico, but there is considerable difference of opinion as to its value in unirrigated sec- tions of Texas. In the great honey belt of southwest Texas it appears to be no preferred plant. We have a note on record from Mr. E. Scholl, formerly assistant to the writer, when State Entomologist of Texas, which states that large numbers of bees were seen on alfalfa at New Braunfels during June, 1907. During his work as deputy foul brood inspector he reports alfalfa "a good thing" in north Texas. In the Brazos River bottom where bees were near alfalfa we were unable to ascertain the importance of alfalfa as a honey plant because bees preferred other blossoms occurring during alfalfa bloom. Where bees work on it, the honey yield is fair during early summer and fall. On July 12 Mr. Will Atchley, one of the most successful apiculturists of Texas, presented the writer with a jar of alfalfa honey from Beeville, the quality of which was fully equal to the Colorado product. Medick, Burr clover. {Medicago denticulata Willd.) Abundant at College Station during spring. While it yields honey sparingly during early summer, it comes into bloom at a time when honey flora is scarce, and when bees must depend on honey gathered from mis- June, '08] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 195 cellaneoiis sources. It disappears with the approach of hot weather and the advance of Bermuda grass. White sweet clover. (Melilotus alba Seso.) Sparingly scattered along railroad tracks and in waste places. It is a good yielder of a fine quality of honey. The plants cultivated in the experimental plats at the A. & ]\I. apiary are doing well each season. Seeds scat- tered broadcast in waste grounds germinated well, but the young plants were seriously handicapped by the ever-present and persistent Bermuda grass. Mr. C. S. Phillips of Waco, Texas, stated to the writer that sweet clover sown by him along the H. «& T. C. Railroad near Waco appeared to hold its own. The plants bloom from June to fall. • Owing to its honey yield white sweet clover should be sown for honey producing purposes. It grows in soils containing lime and although cattle treat it with skepticism when first introduced to it, owing to the characteristic odor, they soon learn to eat it. In culti- vated land and where Bermuda grass is absent the plant prospers. No doubt every bee-keeper could utilize it to supplement the honey flow during a season of dearth. The writer has observed this" plant in several latitudes between the Rio Grande River and northern New England where "bees roared on it." Yellow sweet clover. {Melilotus officinalis (L.) Lam). Occurs sparingly, escaped. Bee-men contend that yellow sweet clover is earlier and superior to white sweet clover. It should be cultivated on waste lands and the poorer soils. May to fall. Eysenhardtia. {Eijsenkardtia amorphoides H. B. K.) Also known as rock brush. On light soils of woodlands and open prairies through- out southern and western Texas. Yields abundant honey of a fine quality. March to May after heavy rains. Black locust. {Bohinia pseudacacia L.) Cultivated occasionally on lawns. During March and April the bees work on it abundantly, obtaining a fair quantity of honey, provided the weather is not too cold. Mexican ground plum. {Astragalus americanus A. D. C.) Open prairies of Texas, yielding honey abundantly, principally during June. It is injured by drouth. White clover. {Tri folium repens L.) Sparingly on roadsides and lawns. It is well known as one of the main sources in states north of Texas. Several attempts to grow it at College Station proved failures owing to dry climate. Cow pea. {Vigna sp.) Cultivated for forage and soil improve- ment. July and August. Yields a good quantity of light-colored honey of fair quality. It is one of the plants utilized at the experi- 196 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 mental apiary for bridging the bees from spring flora to horse mint and cotton, but the repeated cold waves during the spring of 1907' severely handicapped its honey yielding power. Neptunia. {Neptunia lutea Beuth.) Sparingly, eastern and southern Texas along the Rio Grande as far north as Laredo. Pollen during May. Red bud, Judas tree. (Cercis canade'risis L.) Our only honey- groducing records are from Comal County, where it blooms from March 1 to April 15. Good honey plant, helping early brood. Sensitive briar. (Schrankia angustata Torr. and Gray.) Open prairies west of San Antonio. Honey yield not important owing to the scarcity of the plant, yielding pollen. April to September.- Cassia. (Cassia longi folia Car.) In damp sandy places; visited frequently by bees. Mesquite, Screw bean. {Prosopis juli flora D. C.) Widely distrib- uted in southern and western Texas. While occurring sparingly everywhere in Texas, the mesquite belt proper extends from the Rio Grande Oliver north to the northern tier of counties of the Pan Han- dle, between 98 and 101 meridians, and along the valleys of the Rio Grande, Pecos and Canadian rivers. Main source in State. Honey light colored. April and again in June. Honey locust. {Gleditchia triacanthos L.) Sparingly wild and in cultivation. Heavy yielder at College Station, but bloom extends from April 15 to 25 only. Garden pea. (Pisum sativum L.) Yields some honey and pollen. Retama. {Parkinsonia aculeata L.) Low sandy soils, southern and western Texas. May to September. Valuable in dearth. Albizzia. (Albizzia julihrissin Durazz.) On campus, College Sta- tion ; honey yield fair. May to July. Long stamens handicap bees. Huajilla, "Wahea." (Acacia herlandierei Benth.) Solid masses on dry and rocky hills from the Nueces to the Rio Grande and Devils rivers ; at its best in Uvalde and ad.joiuing counties. Heavy honey yielder; best honey in State and main surplus in southwest Texas. Cat claw. (Acacia gregii Gray.) Also known as devil's claw and Paradise flower. On dry, rocky soil throughout southwest Texas. One of the main yielders of fine honey. April and again in June. Texas cat claw. (Acacia ivrightii Benth.) Throughout southwest Texas ; one of the main yielders of fine honey. April. Round-flowered cat claw. (Acacia roemeriana Schlecht.) Widely distributed over southwest Texas, yielding a heavy flow of fine honey during April and May. Less abundant than preceding species. Acacia. (Acacia amentaceae D. C.) Abundant throughout south- June, '08] journal of economic entomology ' 197 west Texas on prairies. Not very important for honey, but an excel- lent pollen plant in early summer when bee forage is scarce. Huisache. {Acacia farnesiana Willd.) Abundant from San An- tonio southward throughout the Gulf coast country. A good honey yielder and excellent for stimulating early brood. Yields pollen. February, March and April. Plum. (Prunus domestica L.) Honey yield good. A^aluable for early brood. February to March. Wild plum. {Prunus cerasus L.) Abundant in waste places throughout the humid sections. February to March. Valuable for early brood. Bridal wreath. {Spircea virginiana Britt.) Ornamental shrub; helps early brood. Dewberry. {Ru'bus trivialis Mx.) Wild low bush blackberry. Yields honey and pollen in April. Widely distributed. Hawthorne, White thorn. {Crataegus arhorescens Ell.) Moist ground southern and western Texas west to Colorado River. Good honey and pollen plant. April. Eose. Blooms throughout season. Good for pollen. Apple. {Malus mains (L.) Britt.) Scarce. Yields honey March 15 to April 10. Helps early brood. Peach. {Amygdalis persica L.) Widely cultivated. Valuable in building up colonies in spring. February to April. Evening primrose. {Jussiaca diffusa Forskl.) Wet places eastern and central Texas. June to middle of August, and where abundant it is very important during drouth. Gaura fHiformis Small. Sandy soils of central Texas, yielding sur- plus in seasons of sufficient rain. Musk melon. {Cucumis melo L.) Widely cultivated. Good honey and pollen plant. Early summer to fall. Prickly pear. {Opuntia engelmannii Salm. and Dyck.) Common, southwestern Texas. Heavy honey yielder, sometimes giving surplus. Bee-keepers report that when honey is first stored it is of a rank flavor. IMay to June. Dogwood. {Cornus asperifolia Mx.) Sparingly in low lands, east- ern and central Texas. Favorite with bees and honey yield good, but not very heavy. March to April. Elder. {Sambucus canadensis Linn.) Sparingly in moist places throughout Texas; a good honey plant. April and May. Coral berry. {Symphoricarpas symphoricarpos L.) Along wooded streams near College Station. Blooms July to September and is a good honey plant. 198 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 Cucumber. (Cucnmis sativus L.) Cultivated. Good honey plant, but scarce and of short duration. Pumpkin. {Cucumis pepo L.) A better pollen than honey plant. May to June. Watermelon. iCitrullus citrullus (L.) Karst.) A good honey and pollen plant ; at its best on dewy mornings. Blooming period extends over the greater portion of the summer until frost. Wild gourd. {Cucurhita foetidissima H. B. K.) Scatteringly, southern and western Texas. Honey flow light ; better for pollen. April to July. Black haw. (Viburnum rufotomentosum Small.) Woodlands of central and western Texas. Good honey yielder early in season and valuable for early brood. Bush honeysuckle. (Lonicera fragrantissima Lindel.) A small bush cultivated on the campus at College Station. Earliest honey yielder of the locality, furnishing honey as early as January^ Val- uable for early brood in mild winters. White-flowered honeysuckle. {Lonicera alhiflora.) Recorded from Hunter, Texas, blooming from May to July. A good honey plant but scarce. Houstonia angustifolia Mx. Dry soils throughout Texas. May to July. Bees work well on it, but plants are scarce. Button weed. (Diodia teres Walt.) Low sandy soils of Texas. Not a heavy yielder, but important in July and August where horse- mint and cotton is not heavy. Button bush. (Cephalanthus occidentalis L.) In moist soils throughout Texas. Bees work on it during July. Goldenrod. (Solidago spp.) Throughout Texas. Abundant in late fall, but unimportant where ])room and bitter weed is abundant. Roman wormwood. (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) Common on dry uplands, yielding pollen. Tall ragweed. (Ambrosia aptera D. C.) Low soils throughout southern and western Texas. July and August, yielding adhesive pollen. Great ragweed. (Ambrosia irifida L.) Moist land, central and eastern Texas. July and August. Good for pollen. Cockle burr. (Xanthium catmdense Mill.) Common in river bot- toms, yielding pollen in September and October. Common sunfloAver. (Helianthus annuus L.) Common in waste fields. Good honey yield, but strong flavored. Yields propolis. Sneeze weed. Bitter weed. (Helenium tenuif olium Nutt.) Com- mon in open waste places of eastern and central Texas. Yields honey June, 08] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 199 and pollen. The honey is bitter as quinine, but owing to its long- continued blooming period from June to frost, it is an important plant for winter stores. Marigold. {Gaillardia pidchella Fang.) Common throughout Texas. Yields surplus. Honey dark amber. May to June. Dandelion. {Taraxicum officinale Weber.) Common. Yields some honey of strong flavor. Blue thistle. (Cnicus altissimus Willd.) West to Guadalupe River. July and August. Bees work on it heavily at times. Parthenium. (Parthenium hysteropJiorus L.) In waste places throughout Texas. April till frost, yielding honey and white pollen. Broom weed. (Gutierrezia texana T. & G.) Open prairies throughout Texas. Honey dark and of strong flavor. Important for winter stores. September and October. Texas persimmon. {Diospyros texana Schule.) Woodlands and ravines, southern and central Texas. Good honey yielder. April and June. Common persimmon. {Diospyros virginiana L.) West to Colo- rado River. A good honey plant but scarce. Blooms a little earlier than D. texana. Gum elastic. {Bumelia languinosa Pers.) Woodlands, eastern and southern Texas. Good honey plant, but blooming period short. June 25 to 30. ' Privet. (Ligustrum vulgare L.) A good honey plant, but flowers scarce owing to annual trimming. Milkweed. (Asclepias sp.) Good honey plant at Beeville, but pol- len attaches to bee's feet and cripples them. Dense-flowered Phacelia. (Phacelia co)ijesta Hook.) Common, blooming April to June. Some honey. P. glabra yields some honey. Borage. {Borage officinalis L.) Cultivated at College Station. A good honey plant in June. Stalks die during drouth, but revive and bloom again later in season. Morning glory. (Ipomoea carolinio/na Prush.) Throughout east- ern, central and southern Texas, blooming during summer, yielding a light flow of honey and pollen. Night shade. (Solanum rostratum Duval.). Yields some honey and pollen from May to October. Trumpet creeper. (Campsis radicans L.) Humid sections of Texas. Honey yield light; pollen from external nectar glands and stems of flowers. Fog fruit. (Lippia nodi flora L.) Honey yield light during July. Wliite brush. {Lippia ligustrina Britt.) Abundant in southwest 200 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 Texas. Blooms May to September, yielding a heavy honey flow of fine quality. French Mulberry. (Callicarpa americana L.) Abundant in rich soils of central and southern Texas, yielding honey. Salvia. {Salvia roem&riana Sch.) Yields honey during summer in western Texas, but bees are handicapped by deep corollas. Salvia azurca Lam. Throughout Texas, but corollas very deep. Visited by bumblebees. April to October. Lantana. {Lantana camara L.) Yields some honey. April to Oc- tober. Virginia crownbeard. {Verhenu virginica L.) In rich wooded lowlands of central, southern and western Texas. October. A heavy yielder of fine honey. Blue vervain. {Verbena officinalis.) Throughout Texas. April to August, yielding a light honey flow through the season. Catnip. {Nepeta cataria L.) Cultivated in the experimental' plats at the apiary at College Station in 1904. The plants did not prosper ; those that bloomed were visited by bees. Wild bergamot. {Moimrda fistulosa L.) Sparingly on dry soils of Texas. May to July. An excellent honey plant. Horsemint. {Monarda clinopodioides Gray.) Waste lands of east- ern and southern Texas. May 20 to June 20; an excellent honey plant, being one of the main yielders. the honey comparing favorably with that of basswood. Horsemint. {Monarda punctata L.) W^aste prairies, eastern and southern Texas. Abundant along railroad tracks; one of the main honey plants. May to July. Common hoarhound. {Marruhium vulgare L.) Throughout the State; a good yielder of a dark amber-colored honey from February to mid-summer. Drummond's skullcap. {Scutellaria drummondii Benth.) Through- out Texas; a good honey yielder in April and j\Iay. Common pigweed. {Amaranthus retroftexus L.) Throughout Texas. Yields some honey and pollen July to September. Spiny amaranth. (Amaranthus spinosus L.) Bees visit it, obtain- ing a small amount of pollen. August. Buckwheat. {Fagopyrum fagopyrum (L.) Karst.) Cultivated. Our records are from College Station. Yields fair quantities of honey on dewy mornings, but is handicapped in dry atmosphere. We found it a very good plant to' bridge dearths. Mistletoe. {Phoradendron flavescens (Pursh) Nutt.) A parasitic June, OS] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 201 plant, growing on oak, elm. hackberry, and mesquite. Blooms from December to February. A good honey and pollen plant. Spurge. (Euphorbia marginata Pursh.) Low lands of western Texas, yielding honey during summer and fall. Sonora eroton. {Croton sonorce Torr.) Observed in Llano and Comal counties. Although honey flow is light, it comes during the July and August dearths. Goat weed. {Croton capitatus Mx.) Central and southern Texas. Not important in bee sections, but valuable where the honey flora is scarce. At College Station it is a good pollen plant during August. Texas croton. (Croton texensis ]\Iuell.) Western Texas. A light honey yielder during summer from June to August. One seeded croton. (Croton monantliogynus Michx.) Central and southern Texas. ]\Iay to June. Honey yield fair. Castor-oil plant. (Ricinus communis L.) Cultivated throughout State; sparingly escaped. Honey and pollen yield good. Nectar glands at base of leaf. March and April. American elm. (Ulmns americana L.) Low woodlands of central Texas. Good honey and pollen plant, sometimes yielding surplus. The honey is amber and characteristically aromatic. August to Sep- tember. Also known as "wahoo." Granjena. (Celtis pallida Torr.) Bee-keepers report it an impor- tant plant. We have no other records. Hackberr^y. (Celtis mississippiensis Bosc.) Common in central Texas. Fair honey yielder and good for pollen early in the season. Hackberry. (Celtis occidentalis L.) Cultivated for shade through- out Texas. Occurs in ravine at College Station. Fair honey plant and good pollen yielder. Valuable for early brood. Osage orange. (Toxylon pomiferum Ruf.) Planted for hedges in humid sections. April. Yields honey but plants are scarce. Hickory. (Hicoria alba L.) Common in sandy lowlands, yielding some honey and pollen in March. Pecan. (Hicoria pecan Britt.) Cultivated and wild. Good for pollen. March. Post oak. (Quercus minor Sarg.) Sandy soils, eastern and central Texas. Its quantities of pollen during March and April make it a valuable plant for early brood. Black jack. Barren oak. (Quercus marylandica Muench.) In post oak woods. Yields pollen in early spring. Live oak. (Quercus virginiana Mill.) Southern and western Texas. A good honey plant for early brood in March. Honey dark colored. 203 JOURNAL OP ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 Red oak. (Quercus rubra L.) Westward to San Antonio. Yields pollen in March. Trees scarce. Spanish oak. Pin oak. {Quercus palustris Duroi.) West to San Antonio. A good honey and pollen plant. Valuable for early brood. Water oak. {Quercus aquatica Walt.) Moist soils, eastern and central Texas west as far as Austin. PoUeu in early spring, but the plant occurs sparingly. Black willow. {Salix nigra jMarch.) Wet places. A good honey and pollen plant. Valuable for early brood. February to April. Cotton wood. {Populus deltokles Marsh.) Low lands everywhere. Fair honey plant, but a better pollen yielder for early brood. March. Cat briar. {Smilax hona-nox L.) Everywhere. Grows in thick- ets, yielding honey, but bloom of short duration. April 10 to 25. Virginia spiderwort. {Tradescantia gigantea Rose.) Scatteringly on prairies. Yields some pollen for early brood. Sorghum. {Sorghum vidgare Pers.) Cultivated for forage aud hay. Yields honey, but it is particularly valuable for the abundance of pollen during June. Indian corn. {Zea mais L.) Valuable pollen plant from May to June. Silver berry. {Elaeagnus argentia Pursh.) Cultivated for orna- mental purposes at College Station. The honey from the nectar glands runs down the long corollas where the bees can get it. Blooms in spring and fall. Sweet olive. {Elaeagnus angustifolia L.) One bush at College Station. Honey yield good. April. Firmiana platinifolia (L.) R. Br. Ornamental at College Station. Heavy honey yielder from May 10 to June 15. Crepe myrtle {Lagerstroemia indica L.) Cultivated. Blooms June to October, bees working heavily at intervals. While, upon examining the list of honey plants, it will be noticed that the heavy yielders are few, one or more species occur in all parts of the State. Bee-keeping can be carried on only where the honey flow is continuous when the bees are active. The many minor plants here recorded are of great value in keeping colonies in good condition during the intervals between the surplus yielders. In sections where dearths occur they may be bridged by cultivated species, provided the conditions of the locality are known so that the work can be planned with approximate accuracy. A great field is open in Texas for the distribution of honey plants for the purpose of producing a continual honey flow in sections where the bee-keeping industry is at present handicapped by dearths. By close observation bee-keepers should June, '08] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 203 soon learn what plants could be utilized for this purpose, employing either cultivated species or wild plants obtained from seed scattered in waste places. FEDERAL PROTECTION TO AMERICAN AGRICULTURE AND HORTICULTURE FROM INVASION BY FOREIGN INSECT PESTS By Jacob Kotinsky, Honolulu, Hawaii. (Withdrawn for publication elsewhere.) It was impossible to publish the following paper in regular se- quence, owing to a failure to submit the manuscript in due time. The discussion relating thereto follows. Ed. LIFE HISTORY OF THE STRIPED CUCUMBER BEETLE WITH A BRIEF ACCOUNT OF SOME EX- PERIMENTS FOR ITS CONTROL By T. J. Headlee, Manhattan, Kan. In this paper it is purposed to give briefly the results of a study of the striped cucumber beetle, undertaken at the New Hampshire sta- tion for the purpose of clearing up certain doubtful points in its life history, its action under local conditions, and the practicability of the common remedial measures. Credit is due Prof. Sanderson for con- stant aid and encouragement. Life History Egg. In 1907 the first eggs discovered were laid by a caged beetle on July 2d, but it was not until July 16th that they were found in the field. Eggs were last taken in the cages the 7th of August, and oviposition in the field appeared to have ceased some time before. The egg-laying period, therefore, occupies about one month in New Hampshire. The eggs are deposited singly or, with equal frequency, in groups, in the soil, usually just beneath the surface, but sometimes on the surface or, again, a considerable distance down. The variation seems to be largely dependent upon the compactness and moisture of the ground. When it was dry and cracked, the beetle was likely to de- posit her eggs on the moist soil in some crevice, but if damp and com- 304 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [VoL 1 pact, she would deposit them in shallow cre\'ices, or even right on the surface. The female certainly shows a preference for a crack or crevice as a place to deposit her eggs. She oviposits in the soil any- where Avithin a radius of five or six inches of the stem of the young plant. Although the eggs are frequently laid between the plant stem and the surrounding earth, we have found no evidence to show that this is a favorite place. In instances where oviposition was observed, and this happened to be on damp soil, she simply brought the tip of her abdomen down nearly or quite to the surface of the ground, and pushed the eggs out, or. finding a furrow, she crawled into it and deposited eggs on the sides and bottom. Experiment has shown that while the eggs are generally deposited on moist soil, they can withstand some desiccation if again returned to moist conditions, but that they never hatch if kept continuously in a dry situation. A dissection of 18 gravid females collected at different times from late June to September showed an average of only 33 well-developed eggs per individual, with the upper extreme as 59. Yet in the breed- ing-cages, five females produced an average of 88 eggs each, with 54 and 117 as extremes. The cage records indicate that, once the beetle begins to oviposit, she continues at frequent intervals until her supply of eggs is exhausted. Careful records of 32 eggs show that an average of 8.75 days is required under an average mean temperature^ of 74° F. with an accumulation of 653.8° F. (read) or 651.03° F. (measured) to bring them from deposition to hatching. Inasmiich as recent studies point to the fact that each insect has a different critical temperature, no effort has been made to compute the effective temperature, but the amount given represents all the degrees above 0° F. iThe average mean temperature has been computed by (1) averaging the mean temperature of the days through which eacli egg passed before hatch- ing, and then (2) averaging the average mean temperature of all the eggs. The mean temperatures of the days through which each egg passed were summed for each egg, and the average sum of the temperatures for all the eggs was taken as the sum temperature of the egg stage. Finding that the daily mean derived by measuring the irregular polygon made by the thermo- graph pen on the revolving record-sheet showed less variation, and hence was likely to be freer from the variation to which any such instrument is likely to be subject, I have given it as the measured sum, and also to conform to common practice, the sum derived in the usual way has been given as the read sum. In case the average means were practically the same, only one has been given, but when both axe given, they are distinguished by the same method as that used in distinguishing the sum temperatures. June, '08] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 205 Larva. Even when first hatched, the larva can crawl rapidly about and, fastening its single proleg, can raise one-half of its body free of support and wave it about. Under moist conditions the just-hatched larva can remain active for as much as two days without food, but if subjected to diying, it will quickly perish. Careful experiments have shown that the just-hatched larva can crawl at least four inches through moist soil under ordinary weather conditions. There is, how- ever, no evidence to show that it crawls in any especially determined direction, except, possibly, downward. It will as readily crawl away from food as toward it, but enters the soil at the first crevice it finds. •As the larva grows, the yellow color so characteristic in early stages becomes less and less apparent until, in its later stages, it is white with- out a trace of yellow. During its entire life, the larva lives in the soil on or in the roots of its food plant, or in the stem. It is perfectly capable of passing from root to root, or even from plant to plant. So long as the larva has moist soil it can live and work for its food, but with the advent of drought it dies. Certainly these experiments and observations abundantly confirm Sirrine's statement that the larva requires moist earth to live in. When it becomes full-grown, it crawls out of and away from the plant from one-fourth of an inch to several inches, and by turning movements of its body, forms an oval earthen cell. The cell is frail, but very smooth and cozy, with no evidence of silk of any sort being used in its construction. This cell may be broken and, unless the larva has begun to shorten and stiffen for pupa- tion, it will crawl away and construct a new one. By the records of 24 individuals the length of time required to pass from hatching to larval cell was shown to vary from 26 to 38 days, with an average of 28.1. This stage was passed under an average daily mean temperature of 73° F. with sum temperatures of 2068.9° F. (read) or 2063.8° F. (measured). Pupa. The location of the pupal cell appears to vary with mois- ture. It is always, so far as our observation goes, constructed in moist soil, although later it may become very wet or very dry. The actual location of the cells varied from one-half to two and one-half inches below the surface. Records for 10 pupa? show an average of 13.9 days as the length of pupal stage. Records of 14 individuals show that an average of 24 days is required for the insects to pass from larval cell to adult, under an average mean temperature of 66° F. (read) or 65° F. (measured), with a sum temperature of 1590.78° F. (read) and 1576.78° F. (measured). SeasoTial History. The beetles were first observed in 1907, June 306 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 1st. on a small elm bush growing in a slough in the midst of heavy conifer timber. They were found in the same situation again two days later. On June 18th they were found on the blossoms and leaves of syringa near the experiment station in such numbers that we counted at least a half-dozen every time we visited the bush. Through- out June 19th and 20th they continued to feed in the same place and in about the same numbers. On June 21st the beetles were discovered in great numbers on volunteer squash near a small woodland, and by June 24th they had appeared in injurious numbers in a squash patch that lay a little farther from the same woodland. At this time they were found copulating freely. On June 25th they appeared in in- jurious numbers on the trap squash of our cucumber experimental plats. These plats were twice as far from the woodland as the squash fields first infested. By June 26th the beetles had begun to eat the cucumbers, but evidently preferred the squash plants, picking them out even from the midst of cucumber plants. On June 29th they ap- peared for the first time in the experimental plats of squash. This was fully one-eighth of a mile from any woodland and the late infes- tation points significantly to the probable \vinter quarters of the beetles. They continued in the plats from this time forward until August, in the latter part of which the remainder of the old brood practically disappeared. The new brood, particularly the males, be- gan to appear in late August and the majority were out by the middle of September. Practically all had gone into winter quarters by early October. Dissection of material collected at intervals from June until the middle of October showed clearly that the species is single-brooded in New Hampshire. It has been found that the disturbance necessary to the determina- tion of length of pupal period hastened the development of the insects. It was, of course, necessary to break the earthen cells and, once pupa- tion had occurred, no more cells were constructed. The pupae ex- posed were carefully embedded in moist earth and allowed to produce adults. Twenty-two individuals that came through to adults and were thus disturbed at pupation, occupied an average of 47.81 days under an average mean temperature of 70° F. and with an accumu- lation of 3363.04° F. (read) or 3351.5° F. (measured), while 14 speci- mens that passed without disturbance from hatching to adult required an average of 55.14 days under an average mean temperature of 69° F., with an accumulation of 3814.96° F. (read) or 3802.35° F. (measured). The specimens that were disturbed by breaking the pupal cell required an average of 56.5 days to pass from deposition of egg to adult beetle, under an average temperature of 70° F. with June, '081 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 207 an accumulation of 4016.8° F. (read) or 4002.5° F. (measured), while those that were thus undisturbed required an average of 63.8 days under an average mean temperature- of 70° F., with an accu- mulation of 4468.78° F. (read) or 4453.3° F. (measured). Injury The insect injures the plants both as an adult and as a larva, but in New Hampshire the adult is much the more serious, for it attacks the plants while they are young and when they are less able to with- stand injury. Frequently it will attack the stalk just below the sur- face of the ground and eat almost, if not quite, through it. Many an injured plant will not be eaten enough to kill it, but the wound will harden and the plant grow, even until it has begun to run, when the first hard wind snaps it off at the point of injury. If the insects are abundant and prompt measures are not taken, the whole crop will be utterly destroyed in a few days. Even when plants have reached a height of three or four inches and have grown strong and stocky, the beetles will sometimes concentrate, especially on replants, and destroy them. In New Hampshire the larvfe are rarely sufficiently abundant to do serious damage, although plants may be found every year which have been attacked and killed b}^ them. Larvte have been found among squash roots in the field, but there was little evidence that they had been feeding on the finer roots and only a few instances where they were found feeding on the larger ones. In potted squash where the larvae were relatively more abundant, they were found feeding within the roots and the stems, even going as high as three or four inches above the ground. Certainly where the larvae were sufficiently abun- dant, they would do serious damage. From the time the plants begin to flower, the beetles desert the fol- iage and feed on the pollen until driven into winter quarters in the fall. Natural Enemies Certainly at least one, if not two, dipterous parasites prey on adult beetles, and doubtless many such predaceous enemies as ground 2The average mean temperature for the whole period was determined in this case by dividing the accumulated temperature by the total number of days required for the transformation, and the accumulated temperatures were de- termined by adding the average accumulated temperature for egg-state to aver- age accumulated temperature for period extending from hatching to adult. Circumstances rendered the data such that the average mean and accumulated temperatures from egg-deposition to adult could not be computed directly. 208 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 beetles and ants feed on the larvte. Dissections, beginning with beetles collected in June and extending to the time the beetles left the plants, show first a great increase and then a decrease of parasitism, as the following per cents will indicate. Beetles collected during the first two-thirds of June showed 3% containing parasites; those on June 28th, 7% ; those on July 30th, 7^% ; those on August 5th, 18%; those on August 8th, 421/0%; those on August 13th, 50%; those on August 14th, 50% ; those on August 22d, 24% : those on August 31st, 12% ; those on September 7th, 0% ; those on September 12th, 0% ; those on September 18th, 0%. Some idea of the mortality that may well occur in nature may be gathered from the fact that in soil regularly watered and kept con- stantly producing young plants, out of 329 larvae introduced into the soil at hatching, only 34 reached maturity. Methods of Combating In the study of artificial methods we experimented with several substances as preventatives, as the solution of this problem appears to lie in prevention rather than in cure. One-half of an acre of cucumber plants and two and one-half acres of squash were used in the experiment. These were livided into plats and treated with Bor- deaux (3 pounds Copper Sulphate, 4 pounds lime, to 50 gallons of water), Bordeaux plus Paris green, air-slaked lime plus sulphur, sul- phur, "Bug Death." Hammond's "Slug-Shot," tobacco dust, road dust, arsenate of lead (3 pounds to 50 gallons), and arsenate of lead (6 pounds to 50 gallons). The Bordeaux plats were further pro- tected by plantings of squash as trap crops, according to Sirrine's suggestion. The beetles were serious enough to destroy only about one-fourth of the plants in the check plats, but the effect of their work was well shown in the setback these plats experienced. Bordeaux mixture alone or with Paris green, sulphur, and "Slug-Shot" appeared to stunt the plants. Road dust afforded but little protection, "Bug Death" and tobacco dust when used carefully enough seemed to be fairly efficient, but the air-slaked lime and sulphur mixture seemed just as successful and was certainly much cheaper. Arsenate of lead, however, gave the most efficient protection and injured the plants least of any mixture used. Three pounds seemed almost as successful as six pounds. Our experiments would lead us to advise the following treatment where fungus enemies are a serious problem: Plant trap squash for either cucumber or squash between the hills of every other row, or if the piece be small, about the edge a week or ten days before June, '08] journal of economic entomology 209 the regular crop is set out; plant other trap seed when the regular crop is put in; plant still other trap seed a week or ten days later; keep the regular crop sprayed with arsenate of lead (3 pounds to 50 gallons) until the plants begin to run, then keep s]d rayed with Bor- deaux mixture (3 pounds Copper Sulphate, 4 pounds of lime, 50 gal- lons of water). From the very nature of these materials, it is evident that in a bad beetle year, they would be insufficient to protect the plants. In such cases, the only efficient method of protection is by means of covers. Many forms have been invented, all either costly to purchase or to apply, and some both. But the market gardener, who can secure high prices for his prime cucumbers, can aff^ord to use them, so I will take a few minutes of your time in suggesting what has seemed to us a practical sort of cover. Secure yard-wide screen -wire of slightly smaller mesh than the ordinary window screening, and cut off one yard. The piece will then be one yard each way. Describe a circle on this piece, having a diameter of 36 inches, and cut off the corners. Then divide this circular piece of wire into two equal parts. Join the cut edges by drawing them together and folding them over, ham- mering them down firmly. Thus a cone-shaped wire cover costing a few cents and capable of withstanding several years' usage is ready for use. Two covers can be made from each square yard of wire. Mr. J. B. Smith suggested that the wire used for screens to protect the plants must have a very small mesh. Mr. R. L. Webster asked concerning the parasites bred from Dio- hrotica, and in reply jNIr. Headlee stated that they were Tachinids. Mr. Burgess inquired concerning the length of time that the adults deposited eggs. He had been able to secure eggs for two successive seasons from a female of Calosoma frigidum that had been kept in captivity. To this Mr. Headlee replied that as far as he had observed, the females of Diabrotica vittata deposited all their eggs in one season. A. F. Burgess. Secretary UNIFORM COMMON NAMES FOR INSECTS By A. F. BuKGESs, WasMngton, D. C. At the sixteenth annual meeting of the Association of Economic Entomologists held at St. Louis, Mo., in December, 1903, a Committee on Nomenclature was elected to secure the adoption of uniform names for our more common insects. In the past much confusion has re- 210 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 suited from the use of the same name for a number of entirely dif- ferent insects, and the work was undertaken in the hope of gradually overcoming the difficulty. Since that meeting the committee has prepared lists which have been submitted to the leading entomologists of the country for their consideration and approval. All names which were unanimously ap- proved were presented at the next annual meeting of the Association, and those that received unanimous support by that body were ordered printed in the annual report, with the recommendation that they be used exclusively in all publications. In order to accomplish the object for which this work was under- taken, it is necessary for all entomologists, publishers, editors and writers to use the approved names, and all are urged to do so. The committee, at the present time, is Prof. Herbert Osborn, Chair- man, Columbus, Ohio; Prof. E. G. Titus, Logan, Utah, and Prof. A. L. Quaintance, Washington, D. C. Communications concerning the adoption of names not already listed or suggestions should be sent to the Chairman of this committee. The following, prepared on the recommendation of the committee, is a complete list of the names which have been accepted during the past four years: LIST OF NAMES RECOMMENDED FOR EXCLUSIVE USE American cockroach Periplaneta americana L. American dagger moth Apatela americana Harr. Angoumois grain-moth SUotruga cerealcUa 01. Apple-aphis Aphis pomi L. Apple curculio Aitthouomus quadrifjibbus Say. Apple-leaf skeletonizer Canarsia haninwiidi Riley. Apple maggot Rhagoletis pomoneUa Walsh. Apple twig-borer Schistoceros hamatus Feb.a Army-worm Hcliophila unipuncta Haw. Ash-gray blister-beetle Macrohasis unicolor Kby. Asiatic ladybird Chilocorus similis Rossi. Asparagus beetle Crioceris asparagi L. Bag-worm Thyridopteryx ephemeraeformis Haw. Bean-weevil Bruchus obtectus Say. Bedbug Cimex lectularius L. Black blister-beetle Epicauta pcniisylvanica DeG. Black cutworm Agrotis ypsilon Rott. Black scale Saissetia oleae Bern. Blood-sucking cone-nose Conorhinus saiiguisuga Lee. Boll-weevil Anthonomus grandis Boh. a. Synonym, Amphicerus bieaudatus Say. (See Lesne, P. Revision des Bostrychides. Ann. Soc. Ent. France, 67: 513, 514, 1S98.) June, '08] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 211 Boll-worm Heliothis obsoleta Fab. Book-louse Troctes divinaioria Mull. Bronzed cutworm Nephelocles muiians Guen. Brown-tail moth Euproctis chrysorrhoea L. Buck moth Hemileuca maia Dru. Bud-moth Tmetocera ocellana SchifE. Buffalo tree-hopper Ceresa buialus Fab. Cabbage aphis Aphis brassicae L. Cabbage looper Autof/rapha brassicae Riley. Cabbage-maggot Pegomya brassicae Bouche. Cadelle Tenebrioides mauritanicus L. Carpet-beetle Anthrenus scrophulariae L. Carpet-moth Trichophaga tapetzella L. Catalpa sphinx Ceratomia catalpae Boisd. Cattle-tick Boophilus annulatus Say. Cecropia-moth • Samia cecropia L. Chaff scale Parlatoria pergandei Comst. Cheese skipper PiopJiila casei L. Cherry scale Aspidiotus forbesi Johns. Chestnut weevil Balmiinus rectus Say. Chinch-bug Blissus leucopterus Say. Cigarette beetle Lasioderma serricorne Fab. Clover cutworm Mamestra trifolii Rott. Clover-hay worm Hypsopygia costalis Fab. Clover mite Bryobia pratensis Garm. Clover-root borer Hylastinus obscur%i,s Marsham. Clover-stem borer Laiigiiria mozardi Lratr. Codling-moth Carpocapsa pomonella L. Colorado potato-beetle Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say. Corn root aphis Aphis maidi-radicis Forbes. Cotton-stainer Dysdercus suturellus H. Schf . Cottony cushion-scale Icerya purchasi Mask. Cottony maple-scale Pulvinaria innumerabilis Rathv. Currant borer Aegeria tipiiUformis Clerck. DingA' cutworm Feltia subgoihica Haw. Elm-borer Super da trident at a 01. Fall armyworm Laphygma fnigiperda S. & A. Fall canker-worm Alsophila pometaria Harr. Fall web- worm Hyphantria cunea Dru. Forest tent-caterpillar Malacosoma disstria Hbn. Garden webworm Loxosiege similalis Guen. Glassy cutworm Hadena devastatrix Brace. Granary-weevil Calundra granaria L. Grape leaf- folder Desmia fimeralis Hbn. Grape flea-beetle Haltica chalybea 111. Grape-phylloxera Phylloxera vastatrix Planch. Gray blister-beetle Epicauta cinerea Forst. Gypsy-moth Porthetria dispar L. Harlequin cabbage-bug Murgantia histrionica Hahn. Hessian-fly Mayetiola destructor Say. Hickory borer CyUene picta Dru. 212 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 Honey-bee Apis meUifcra L. Hop-aphis Phorodon humuli Schrank. Horn-fly HaematoMa serrata R.-D. Horse bot-fly Gastrophilus equi L. House cricket Gryllus domesticus L. House-fly Musca domestica L. Imbricated snout beetle Epicaerus imbricatus Say. Indian-meal moth Plodia interpuncteUa Hbn. Lappet moth Eplcnaptera amcricana Harr. Larder-beetle Dennestes lardarius L. Leaf crumpler Mineola indigbieUa Zell. Leopard-moth Zeuzera pyrina L. Margined blister-beetle Epicauta marginata Fab. Mediterranean flour moth Ephestia kuehniella Zell. Melon caterpillar Diaphania hyaUnata L. New York weevil Ithycerus nov&boracensis Forst. Northern mole cricket Gryllotalpa borealis Burm. Onion maggot Phorbia ccpetoriwi Meade.b Onion tbrips Thrips tabaci Lind. Orange scale Aonidiella auimtii Mask. Oyster-shell scale Lepidosaphes ulmi L. Pale-striped flea-beetle Systeiw blanda Melsh. Palmer-worm Ypsolophus ligulellus Hbn. Peach-borer Sanninoidea exitiosa Say. Peach-scale Enlecanium persicae Fab. Pear psylla Psylla pyri L. Pear-slug E rlocampoides limacina Retz. Pea-weevil Bruchus pisorum L. Pickle worm Diaphania nitidalis Cram. Pigeon-tremex Tremex columba L. Pistol case-bearer Coleophora malivorclla Riley. Plum-curculio Conotrachelus nenuphar Hbst. Plum-gouger Anthonomus scutellaris Lee. Potato stalk-borer Trichobaris trinotata Say. Putnam's scale Aspidiotns ancylxm Putu. Raspberry sawfly Monophadnoides rubi Harr. Red-legged locust Mclanoplus femur-rubrum DeG. Rice-weevil Calandra oryza L. Rose-chafer Macrodactylus subspinosus Fab. Rose sawfly Endclomyia rosae Harr.c Rose scale Aiilacatpis rosae Bouche. Saddle-back caterpillar Sihine stinmlea Clem. Salt-marsh caterpillar Estigmene acraea Dru. San Jose scale Aspidiotus perniciosus Comst. Screw- worm Chrysoviyia macellaria Fab. b. This species is placed by Coquillett in the genus Pegomya Desvoidy. (See Chittenden, Cir. 63, 2d. ed. Bur. Ent., U. S. Dept. Agr., p. 6, footnote 2, 1906.) c. For reference of this species to the genus Endelomyia see Ashmead. (Can. Ent, 30: 256. October, 1898.) June, 'OSl JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 213 Scurfy scale Chionaspis furfura Fitch. Sheep tick Melophagus ovinus L. Silkworm Boiubjjx mori L. Spring canker-worm PaleofHta vernata Peck. Squash borer Melittia satyrinifonnis Hbn. Squash-bug Aitasa tristis DeG. Stable fly Sfomoxys calcitrans L. Stalk borer Papaipema nitela Gueu. Strawberry ci'own-borer Tyloderma fragariae Riley. Strawberry leaf-roller Aucylis comptana Frohl. Strawberry weevil Aiithoiionius sigii(ituf< Say. Striped blister-beetle Epicauta vittata Fab. Tarnished plant-bug Lygus pratennis L. Tomato-worm Phlencthontms sexia Job. Turkey gnat Simulliim meridionale Riley. Variegated cutworm Peridroma saucia Hbn. Vagabond crambus Crambus vulgivageUus Clem. "Walking-stick Diapheromera feinorata Say. Walnut case-bearer Mineola juglaiulis LeB. Walnut-sphinx Cressonia juylandis S. & A. Wheat-head army-worm '. . . . .Heliophila alhilinea Hbn. Wheat midge Contarinia tritici Kby. White-lined sphinx Deilephila lineata Fab. Yellow mealworm Tenebrio molitor L. Yucca-moth Pronuba yuccmella Riley. Zebra-caterpillar Mamestra picta Harr. TICK-BORNE DISEASES AND THEIR ORIGIN By Nath.\x B.\XKS. Washington, D. C. Texas or splenetic fever was first described as a disease of cattle in this country by Dr. J. Pease about 1795 from an outbreak at Lancas- ter. He concluded that it was due to an importation of cattle from North Carolina. Gradually it was discovered that when Southern cat- tle were brought north in summer, northern cattle along the route would sicken and die, while northern cattle taken south also contracted the disease, although the southern cattle generally remained in good health. It had long been known to cattle-raisers in the southern states that cattle dying from Texas or Spanish fever were infested with ticks, and it was therefore quite natural for them to attribute the disease to the tick. Veterinarians, however, did not believe it. and Gamgee, in his extensive report on the diseases of cattle (1869), argued against the supposed connection. In 1890 Dr. P. Paquin considered the tick as one agent in transmission, but he had little actual evidence. In 1889 Dr. F. L. Kilborne of the Bureau of Animal Industry, thought 214 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 to test the popular theory and became convinced that the presence of the cattle-tick was necessary to the transmission of disease. Later, he, with Dr. T. Smith, proved that the tick was an intermediary host of the blood parasite causing the dise&se and in the same year Dr. Theo- bald Smith described the parasite as Pyrosoma bigeminum, now Piro- plasma. The southern cattle accustomed to tick infestation from birth, become immune to the disease, but if not raised in tick-infested fields they are as susceptible to the disease as northern cattle. Since 1890 many experiments by various observers have served to confirm Dr. Kilborne's results. Diseases similar to Texas fever occur in cattle in various parts of the world. In South Africa Louusbury has shown that heartwater is transmitted by the "bont tick," Ariv- hlyomma hebrceum. Later he has shown that malignant jaundice in dogs is due to the attack of a dog tick, Haemaphysalis leachi, and that African coast fever in cattle is carried by five species of Rhipicephalus. In each case there are differences in the manner of infection and the stage of the tick capable of infecting an animal, and various peculi- arities in the life history of each tick. These discoveries have served to open a wide field of suspicion and investigation, so that during the past few years ticks have been ac- cused of transmitting man}^ different diseases to various animals. The evidence, however, in many cases, is far from conclusive, but, doubtless, as experiments are carried on proof will become established of the culpability of other ticks in the diffusion of disease. Louping ill in sheep is thought to be carried by an Ixodes; spiril- losis in fowls is attributed to an Argas; spotted fever due to the pres- ence of a Dermacentor. A disease of turtles is laid up to Hyalomma mgyptium; carceag, an European disease of sheep, is supposedly trans- mitted by Rhipicephalus bursa. An undetermined Ceylonese tick is credited with producing paranghi or "yaws." Infected specimens of Ixodes ricinus have given a piroplasmosis to European cattle ; and the "moubata bug" {Ornithodoros moubata) is the inoculating agent of one of the most dangerous diseases dreaded by inhabitants of West Africa. From the known results, it is evident that the power to transmit disease is not confined to any one genus or section of Ixodidce, but common to all. Moreover, in different countries extremely similar diseases are carried by very different ticks. Therefore the diseases have not originated in the ticks. Most, if not all, of the species now acting as agents in the dissemination of disease to certain hosts were probably originally confined to other hosts. To their original or nat- ural host they brought no disease. Certain low organisms living in June, '08] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 215 the blood of the host were transmitted by the ticks to other animals of the same nature without serious danger. But when a tick contain- ing the blood parasites of one, its natural, host becomes attached to a new and different kind of host, then the blood-parasite in this alien blood may originate a disease. The occasional transference of a tick from one host to another may not be sufficient, but when a species of tick practically changes its host, then a disease may result, pro- vided, of course, that the ticks are commonly infected with a blood parasite of their old host. This theory of the origin of these diseases, though new to me, I find has been proposed by Dr. H. M. Woodcock in a paper on the Hsemoflagellates.* Doctor Woodcock was mostly concerned in the diseases transmitted by flies, but as he includes in his general review a reference to piroplasmosis, it is evident that he considers the tick- borne diseases as originating in the same way as the others. Doctor Woodcock's statement follows: "It follows, however, from what has been said above, that the animals for which these parasites are markedly pathogenic cannot be regarded as their true or natural hosts, which are rather to be sought among the native, tolerant animals of the locality concerned." In accordance with this theory then, the ticks in adapting them- selves to the march of civilization, the extermination of native ani- mals and the introduction of domestic animals, have here and there transmitted to domestic animals blood-parasites that are normally found in certain wild species. The tick is a most necessary part in the life-history of these para- sites, for in some cases (perhaps all) the sexual conjugation of the parasite is consummated within the body of the tick. It is therefore evident that all ticks are potentially dangerous. Any tick now commonly infesting some wild animal, may, as its natural host becomes more uncommon, attach itself to some domestic animal. Since most of the hosts of ticks have some blood-parasites, the ticks by changing the host may transplant the blood-parasite into the new host, producing, under suitable conditions, some disease. Numerous investigators throughout the world are studying this phase of tick-life, and many discoveries will doubtless signalize the coming years. * Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci. (N. S.) vol. 50, p. 158, 1906. 216 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 NOTES ON TROGODERMA TARSALE MELSH. By C. O. HouGiiTox, Newark, Delaware. In the fall of 1906 I found that a few shag-bark hickory nuts {Hicoria ovata Mill.) which I had in my laboratory were more or less infested with Dermestid larvie. Wishing to determine the species re- sponsible for the injury, I placed a nut that I had cracked and foimd infested in a shell \dal, which I tightly corked and set upon my office desk, where I could frequently inspect it. I occasionally saw larvae moving about in the vial and some time later observed one or more adults of T. tarsale, which finally died therein and were evidently eaten by the larvfe. Having determined the species and made a note of the injury and identification of the insect responsible for it, I set the vial, which I had not opened, aside and thought no more about it for several months. On December 24, 1907, I noticed the vial again, and upon making an examination of its contents was somewhat surprised to find that it still contained living larvae. The shell of the nut had been broken into three or four pieces, and I had supposed that the meat had been wholly removed from these long before; at least it had appeared so from the previous examina- tions I had made. Nevertheless, I removed therefrom no less than fifty-eight living larvae of various sizes, and all, apparently, in the best of condition. They were all within the pieces of shell and were unquestionably feeding upon the inside of the shell itself, for this was considerably eaten in places and not a trace of the meat of the nut could be found. In the bottom of the vial there was a consid- erable amount of dust and excrement, and I counted about fifty good- sized cast larval skins, more or less perfect, therein. In addition, there were numerous small pieces of skins, apparently the remains of some that had been fed upon to some extent by the larvae. No trace of any adults was to be found, however. The pieces of shell and the larvae were again placed in the vial, and this Avas not examined again until January 18, 1908, when I found fifty-six living larvae therein. Earl}' in February I noticed that one or more of the larvae were entering the cork in the vial at a slight crack on the lower side, and a short time later (February 19) I found four good-sized larvae snugly ensconced therein, all lying close together. They had eaten, or at least hollowed out, quite an opening at this point and I thought that possibly they were preparing to pupate therein. June, OS] JOURNAL OF economic entomology sit An examination of the pieces of shell in the vial at that time re- sulted in my finding fifty-six living larvae. Some of these were quite small, measuring but 2.5 mm. in length (exclusive of the terminal brush), and had possibly been overlooked in some of my previous ex- aminations. The largest larva measured 6 mm. in length, exclusive of the brush. About fifteen cast skins were found at this time. On March 30th I noticed the first adult of this brood in the vial, and upon making an examination of the pieces of shell I found fifty- four living larvas, one of which was about to pupate. In addition, there were four living larvge in the cork and about thirty-five cast skins mixed with the excrement and dust at the bottom of the vial. In time I expect that all, or practically all, of these fifty-seven larvae will reach maturity and pupate, with nothing but their present food supply to subsist upon ; for it is very evident that they can main- tain themselves on these rations. T. tarsale in the larval state, has been recorded* as feeding upon a variety of substances, among which may be mentioned the follow- ing: Flaxseed, castor beans, Cayenne pepper, peanut meal, wheat, etc., but as far as I am aware it has never been reported as being able to subsist and reach maturity upon such scant rations as dry hickory nutshells. FILLING THE CALYX CUP A. L. Melandek, Pullman, Wash. A year ago Dr." E. D. Ball presented before the nineteenth meeting of the Association of Economic Entomologists a most valuable paper on spraying for the codling moth (Bull. 67 U. S. Bureau of Ento- mology). His work had led him to believe that spraying for the first brood could be so effectively done as to render later sprayings unnecessary. The keynote of this treatment is that as the majority of larvae, both early and late, enter the calyx cup, that part of the apple needs poison more than any other part of the tree. To place poison below the stamens requires a high pressure of 100 to 200 pounds, a coarse driving spray, and the spray must be rained down on the flowers until the tree is drenched. Arsenate of lead must be used, but it need not be stronger than one pound to fifty gallons. A mist spray will not penetrate into the lower cup, nor will a coarse spray shot directly into the tree to fall by gravity into the upturned flowers. When the lower calyx cup is full there is enough spray on the foliage and fruit *Chittenden, Bull. No. 8, U. S. Dept. Agric, Div. of Ent., p. 19. 4 218 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 to poison practically all first brood larvse that fail to reach the lower cavity. There can then be no late larvae, and consequently apples escape late blemishing stings, as well as the chance of becoming wormy through late ineffective sprayings. Although this method of treatment has proved not only practicable but better than any other method in the Pacific Northwest, in many districts of Colorado, Utah, Idaho, Washington, and California, there are many Eastern entomologists who firmly believe that it is in- applicable to the conditions east of the Rocky Mountains. In the discussion of Dr. Ball's paper, as recorded in Bulletin 67 of the Bureau of Entomology, "]Mr. Fletcher pointed out the desir- ability of not casting any doubt on the efficiency of methods now gen- erally in vogue for controlling this insect. In Canada 70% of the apple crop is saved by the present acknowledgedly imperfect spray- ing methods. He did not Ijelieve it necessary to lay so much stress on filling the calyx, and was decidedly in favor of delivering the spray in as mistlike condition as possible. Excellent paying results were now being secured by ordinary farmers with the mist spray which has ])een used for several years." The contention is that if we can save 70% there is no use in trying for 100%. "Mr. Quaintanee pointed out that fruit-growing conditions in the Mississippi Valley and Eastern States were quite different from many sections of the West, such as Utah. The absence of rains there during the growing season largely obviated the necessity of fungicides. While he did not doubt that it was entirely practicable to use a coarse spray for the codling moth in Utah and thoroughly drench the trees, this would be a bad practice according to present ideas of spraying in the East, where a mist-like spray is desired to treat uniformly all parts of the foliage and fruit. Under present conditions of spraying, young apples are often russeted by the Bordeaux and arsenical treat- ment, especially by the one just after the petals have fallen, and a thorough drenching of the trees at this time would be likely to prove harmful in this way." Of course, it is harmful and expensive to drench the trees with Bordeaux mixture, and the conservative fruit grower feels that to apply the two mixtures separately is more trouble than the fruit crop is worth. The editor of the Fruit Grower of St. Joseph, Missouri, in com- menting on our methods of spraying in the January issue of that paper, thought it necessary to add that ' ' Professor Melander 's experi- ments were conducted in an irrigated country and therefore rains did not w^ash any of the poison from the foliage nor from the young fruit." It should be unnecessary to remind him and many others June, '08] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 319 that it rains in Washington as well as elsewhere. In fact, after the second spraying one year in the Yakima Valley three inches of rain fell in a few hours, yet where arsenate of lead was used there was no need of re-applying the spray. Last year we gave the first spraying of one orchard at Walla Walla in a hard wind and rain, yet with the same perfect results as elsewhere, for our spray at 200 pounds pres- sure penetrated below the stamens, while the rain did not. Since 1901 the Illinois Experiment Station has been comparing high and low pressures and misty and coarse sprays in treating the codling moth. They conclude that "the application which was most effective in filling the calyx cavity was that made in the form of a fine mist by means of a Vermorel nozzle under high pressure." (111. Bull. 114, p. 383, 1907.) That may be true when it applies only to the outer calyx cavity, where the larvae do not enter the apple. The fourth year of this experiment a pressure guage was secured for the pump, when it was discovered that the "high pressure was probably about eighty pounds." Even so recent and authoritative a paper as Farmers' Bulletin 247 (1906), obviously written from office experience rather than acquaint- ance with field conditions, ignores arsenate of lead, advises a fine mist spray always, and suggests six sprayings for the codling moth. And yet when a Western Experiment Station asked for an Adam's fund project on the codling moth we are assured by the Office of Experiment Stations that the Bureau of Entomology advises "that the codling moth problem is solved." Dr. Ball's paper evidently aroused interest at the New York meet- ing, for we now find in the second number of the new Journal of Economic Entomology a summary of an extended statistical experi- ment on the value of early sprayings in New Hampshire. This pro- ject was undertaken by Director E. D. Sanderson, and was an attempt to apply Western methods to Eastern conditions. "Plot 1 was given the spraying immediately after the petals fell, with a fine mist. Plot 2 was sprayed at the same time with a Bor- deaux nozzle and thoroughly drenched, the spray being applied at 100 pounds pressure. Neither of the plots were sprayed subsequently. This experiment was repeated under similar conditions in another orchard. There was but 2% or 3% difference in the results in both cases, in one orchard favoring the drenching and in the other favoring the mist, so that we are forced to the conclusion that there is very little difference in their effectiveness." . . . "Consid- ering the total benefits for the season, it was found that spraying the calyx only may give a benefit of 62%," which is surprisingly low compared with Western results. The explanation, however, is clear 230 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 when we read that "careful examination of the ealiees by Dr. Headlee failed to show any spray lodged beneath the stamens or in the calyx cavity proper." An attempt was made to apply Western methods to Eastern conditions, that is to fill the lower calyx cup with poison as the best treatment for the codling moth, but the most essential point was neglected, — the spray was not shot doivn and was not put in the only place where it was needed. All of which reminds me of the early troubles in the East over the sulphur-lime wash ; how the impractical spraying of a couple of ento- mologists induced a neglect of a tried remedy, known to be completely effective on the Pacific coast, wdth a consequent ruin of millions of dollars of orchard property. Since, "in a second bulletin from the U. S. Department of Agriculture, the chemical reactions of the wash were set forth and it was shown almost conclusively that sulphur-lime could not reasonably be expected to be of much value in the moist East" (Bull. 37, p. 55, U. S. Bureau of Entomology). This neglect might have continued until today had not Dr. Forbes' experiment of washing off the spray Avith a pump and yet finding the scale dead, or the successes of a few practical fruit growers awakened official entomologists to the fact that something was wrong. This neglect of the sulphur-lime wash in the East has had an important economic bearing, since probably as much as any one factor it has been respon- sible for the transfer of interest in fruit growing from the East to the West. Now% the purpose of this paper is not to antagonize Eastern ento- mologists, but to call attention to the fact that a most important field is still open for investigation. The success of careful filling of the calyx cup has been too universal in the far West to believe it is in- applicable elscAvhere. If some Eastern entomologist will actually spray as we do in this region and give our methods the trial they deserve, the sole purpose of this article will have been accomplished. But an apathy to successful methods if continued will be detrimental to the profession of economic entomology, especially when the insects concerned are as prominent as the San Jose scale and the codling moth. REPORT OF THE SIXTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF HORTICULTURAL INSPECTORS The sixth annual meeting of this association was held at the Windsor-Clifton Hotel, Chicago, 111., December 27, 1907. Mr. A. F. Burgess, Washington, D. C presided and Prof. James Troop, La- June, 081 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 231 fayette, Ind., secretary of the association, was also present. The fol- lowing twenty-one states were represented by the official inspectors or deputy inspectors: Connecticut, Dr. W. E. Britton; Georgia, Mr. E. L. Worsham; Idaho, Mr. J. R. Field; Illinois, Dr. S. A. Forbes and Mr. J. A. West; Iowa, Prof. H. E. Summers; Kansas, Dr. T. J. Headlee; Louisiana, Prof. Wilmon Newell; Massachusetts, Dr. H. T. Fernald ; Maryland, Prof. T. B. Symons ; Michigan, Prof. L. R. Taft ; Minnesota, Prof. F. L. Washburn; Nebraska, Prof. Lawrence Bruner; New Hampshire, Prof. E. D. Sanderson ; New Jersey, Dr. J. B. Smith; New York, Mr. P. L. Heusted; North Carolina, Prof. Franklin Sher- man, Jr.; Oklahoma, Prof. John F. Nicholson; Pennsylvania, Mr. E. B. Engle; Tennessee, Prof. H. A. Morgan and Prof. G. M. Bentley; Virginia, Prof. J. L. Phillips; West Virginia, Prof. W. E. Rumsey and Prof. Fred E. Brooks. Official entomologists not directly con- nected with horticultural inspection work were also present from Alabama, Delaware, Indiana, Maine, Missouri, Ohio and the District of Columbia. The American Association of Nurserymen was repre- sented by its President, Mr. J. L. Hill of Des Moines, Iowa, Prof. John Craig, Ithaca, N. Y., Mr. Orlando Harrison, Berlin, Maryland, and Col. C. L. Watrous, Des jMoines, Iowa. A report was presented by Mr. Orlando Harrison, chairman of the joint committee on national law for the control of introduced insect pests, as follows : "To the 3£emhers of the American Association of Horticultural In- spectors. "Gentlemen: As chairman of the committee on uniform inspec- tion of nursery stock for the American Association of Nurserymen appointed by our president at our last annual meeting, it is a pleasure to say that I sent out about Sd> letters to various nurserymen and have received 60 replies, suiScient to indicate that they are desirous of some action being taken along the line of uniform inspection, and from the information gathered, it is safe to say that the majority of nursery- men welcome inspection by the entomologists or by competent assist- ants, and also by pathologists, and a better understanding is desired on the part of the nurserymen of what is expected of them. "It was clearly shown in the correspondence which I received that the majority of our nurserymen desire a change in conflicting laws of the various states. They want one inspection, and one certificate which will permit them to ship into the various states. "It is also clearly shown by their correspondence that something 223 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 must be done for their relief, as the excessive amount of red tape is expensive under present conditions. " I am here to tell you that the nurserymen are anxious to cooperate with you in combating, controlling and stamping out, if possible, the insect pests and diseases that are liable to be found in the nursery. We realize that it is our duty to our customers, and to you horticul- tural inspectors, as our representatives who issue the certificates, that you be placed in the proper light with each other and with the grower in issuing these certificates from one state to another ; but it does seem to us that more attention should be paid by the inspectors to neglected orchards near a nursery, and the various shade, ornamental and fruit trees commonly found in a cit}^ or small town near a nursery, and in making your demand on the nurseryman, a similar demand should be made upon the owners of such property. The nursery business is now already overtaxed and we desire cooperation with inspectors in causing such places to be treated or destroyed. We pray you not to overlook the other fellow, just across the fence, who is more dangerous to us than the man who would set fire to our buildings. *'I heartily join in the sentiments expressed by our President, Mr. Hill, this afternoon at the meeting of the entomologists, and my only desire is that you will all actively cooperate in bringing about the desired legislation. "I would be pleased to see this association endorse the resolutions as presented to the Association of Economic Entomologists this after- noon. I thank you for the opportunity of presenting this matter before you. and hope for your earnest consideration of the same." This committee also presented, through Dr. S. A. Forbes of Ur- bana. 111., the following resolutions, which were the same as those en- dorsed by the Association of Economic Entomologists, and they were unanimously adopted: A. — Resolved, That the Secretary of Agi'iculture should be empowered to make regulations governing importations liable to harbor insect pests or plant diseases; to require such importations to be accompanied by the certificate of a duly accredited entomologist of the country in which said shipments origi- nate; or in the absence of such certificate, to make inspection of such ship- ments, by competent agents, at point of destination and that sufficient appro- priation be made for this purpose by Congress. B. — (1). That Congress be asked to enact a law empowering the Secretary of Agriculture to issue certificates of nursei-y inspection, as nearly uniform as possible, to all nurseries in the United States engaging in interstate trade, upon proper inspection of such nurseries by duly authorized representatives of the U. S. Dept. of Agriculture or by state officials approved by the Secretary of Agriculture for that purpose, and that sufficient appropriation be made therefor. June, '08] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 223 (2) That all state or territorial officials in charge of nursery inspection be urged to accept the certificates at their face value, and that in states where laws are now iu force which will not allow the acceptance of such certificates, the inspection departments be requested to endeavor to secure such state legis- lation as will make this possible. C— That Congress should authorize the Secretary of Agriculture to proceed to exterminate or control imported insects or plant diseases, or any insect previously native to a restricted locality, but which may become migratory and threaten the whole country, whenever in his judgment such action is prac- ticable, and that an appropriation be made for this purpose as a reserve fund for emergency use against any such pest which may arise. D — The joint committee proposes to have two bills prepared for introduc- tion in Congress, one of these embracing the subject matter of sections A and B above, and the other embracing only the subject matter of Section C, and that if the passage of both measures be found impracticable or impossible, then all efforts be concentrated in the attempt to secure passage of the bill involv- ing the certification and inspection of imports and the control of nursery stock shipments entering into interstate trade, as above outlined. As the authors of papers to be presented at this meeting were ab- sent, the questions for general discussion were considered as follows : 1. Is the method of dipping nursery stock in a contact insecticide as satisfactory as fumigation? The discussion of this question brought out the fact that in the Northwestern states the dipping of nursery stock for destroying San Jose scale is considered an efficient remedy. No extensive experi- ments along this line were reported, showing that this method was more etfective than fumigation. After general discussion the con- census of opinion was that fumigation was preferable, and that no harm would result to the trees if the work was properly done. 2. What further precautions, if any, than those employed now can be adopted to prevent the dissemination or injury caused by crown- gall? This question was thoroughly discussed, but no better plan was proposed than the one now in general use, namely, the destruction of infested trees and plants. 3. What privileges shall be allowed in the purchase and sale of nursery stock known to be scaly by both purchaser and seller? This question brought out a general discussion and exchange of views from many of the inspectors and entomologists present. The attitude taken on this matter seemed to depend largely on the local conditions. No definite action was taken by the association, but the prevailing sentiment indicated that it was unwise to allow the ship- ment of stock known to be infested. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Presi- dent, Prof. H. E. Summers, Ames, Iowa; Vice-President. Prof. F. L. 324 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 Washburn, St. Anthony Park, . Minnesota ; Secretary, Prof. T. B. Symons, College Park, Maryland. The association then adjourned to meet in joint session with the Association of Economic Entomologists at 10 o'clock the following morning, when papers and discussions of special interest to both asso- ciations were presented. The report of the joint session is included in the annual report of the Association of Economic Entomologists. James Tboop, Secretary. NATIONAL INSECTICIDE BILL As intimated in the last number of the Journal, measures looking toward the national control of insecticides and fungicides have been introduced into Congress; Senate Bill 6515 by Senator A. B. Kit- tredge of North Dakota, and BLouse Bill 21318 by Hon. Frank A. Lowden of Illinois, which bills are practically identical. The Senate bill was referred to the Committee on Agriculture and Forestry, of which Senator H. C. Hansbrough is chairman, and the House bill has been referred to the Committee on Interstate Commerce, of which Hon. William P. Hepburn is chairman. Copies of the Senate bill have been sent to all leading members of the Association of Economic Entomologists, Experiment Station directors, ofificial chemists, manu- facturers and others interested in such legislation. From an exten- sive correspondence, it is very evident that there is a widespread senti- ment among the leading manufacturers in favor of such legislation. Several minor amendments to the bills introduced are undoubtedly desirable. It now seems probable that a conference l)etween the manufacturers, chemists and entomologists will be held in the near future, at which time desirable amendments will be agreed upon. The chairman of your committee begs to request that the entomologists carefully scru- tinize this measure and send him any definite suggestions as to desir- able amendments. There seems no probability of the measure pass- ing at this session of Congress, but it will undoubtedly be re-intro- duced next December, and it is urged that it be called to the attention of state and local fruit and truck growers' organizations, and others who would be interested in its passage, and that they be urged to follow the course of this legislation and aid it as much as possible. It seems that its passage will depend very largely upon how much public sentiment is shown in its favor, as we believe that there will not be any serious organized opposition. E. DwiGHT Sanderson, Chairman, Committee on Proprietary Insecticides. June, 'OS] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 225 OBSERVATIONS ON THE GENUS CONTARINIA By E. P. Fext, Albany, X. Y. This genus is of economic importance, despite the fact that the insect Americans have hitherto known as Diplosis or Gontarinia tritici Kirby can not be referred thereto. In passing, we wish to state that there is some question as to the identity of Diplosis tritici, and the writer would appreciate most thoroughly any assistance other ento- mologists could give in the way of securing additional material this season. Similarly, Diplosis violicola Coq., though a species of much importance to violet growers, can not be retained in this genus. One of the best known members of the genus is C. pyrivora Riley, an insect which was brought into this country about 1877 and which has caused a large amount of injury to pear growers, particularly in Connecticut, Ncav York and New Jersey. This importation is a very well marked form, differing so widely from American species that one antennal segment of the male is sufficient for its recognition. Careful comparisons between American-bred insects and others received from Europe have established the identity of the two beyond question. There is but one generation annually > the larvee wintering in the ground in oval, silken cocoons, the adults appearing about the time pears are in bloom. According to Schmidberger, the eggs are depos- ited on the anthers of the closed blossom to the number of 10 or 12, and in warm weather hatch in about four days. The young larvse develop rapidly, penetrating to the core and feeding upon the interior. The affected fruit becomes characteristically deformed. June rains cause it to crack and decay rapidly, thus allowing the larva? to escape and enter the soil, imagoes developing the following spring. The recent studies of Mr. C. R. Ball have shown that Contarinia (Diplosis) sorghicola Coq. may be responsible for the failure of sor- ghum to produce a full crop of seed in our southern states. This trouble, ]Mr. Ball states, has been variously attributed to fungi, insects and unfavorable meteorlogical conditions, such as excessive precipi- tation, high humidity, severe drought and hot winds. Mr. Ball's experiments showed that heads protected from the midge were uni- formly fertile where the growth was normal, while those exposed dur- ing the first half of anthesis and then protected were sterile in the up- per portion and well seeded below. Mr. Ball succeeded in rearing from 500 to 1,160 midges from each of several infested heads. He also reared a parasite from this insect referable to the genus Apros- tocetus. 226 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 A widely distributed form in the eastern states. Contarinia lirio- dendri 0. S.. is responsible for a beautiful and characteristic blister gall upon the leaves of tulip. Liriodendron. The gall is a nearly cir- cular, somewhat convex blister mine about 5 mm. in diameter. The dark brown center is surrounded by a light brown, irregular area which is slightly darker on its upper margin, the coloration of both surfaces being approximately the same. The partly developed gall has a dark brown, slightly elevated, circular central portion sur- rounded by pale green, which in turn is encircled by pale yellow, shad- ing into pale green and that again into the color of the normal leaf tissue. This species was first reared by Mr. J. G. Jack and brief de- scriptions published of the gall, larva and adult in 1889. Mr. Jack's observations show that in the vicinity of Boston there are three or more generations annuall5^ the broods so overlapping that some larvae may be found at almost any time. He states that the first eggs are probably laid in the spring on the unfolding leaves, while the last larvfe attain full growth about the end of September. The trans- formations occur in the ground, the late appearing larvae probably re- maining unchanged till spring. This gall insect is so abundant in many places as to seriously affect the foliage of its food plant. Contarinia ananassi Riley, originally described as Cecidomyia cup- ressi-ananassi , is another member of this genus, chiefly interesting because of the characteristic gall it produces on cypress twigs, Tax- odhim distichnm. This gall is a pale brown, sparsely pruinose, ovate swelling on the twig some 1.25 em. long and bearing numerous trans- verse, knife-edge-like elevations. This deformity is evidently an en- largement of the growing stem, the transverse elevations correspond- ing to the leaf scars. The normal fibers of the twig are easily detected in the central portion of the gall, which later may contain from three to eight larvae in a spongy, golden brown mass. Adults were bred in May and there is probably but one generation annually. The European Contarinia rumicis Low. was bred last July from red- dish or brown seeds of curled dock, Rumex crispus, taken at Newport, N. Y. Professor Trail states, in the Scottish Naturalist, that this species also occurs in the swollen buds of sheep-sorrel, Bumex acet- osella. This weed is abundant in our section of the country and it is somewhat surprising, if it has this habit in America, that we have not taken this species at large in our extensive collecting during the last two or three years. Contarinia gossypii Felt is a species which has recently been brought to attention because of its injuring cotton in the British West Indies. No information is at hand as to the precise character of the damage. June, 08] journal of economic entomology 237 Contarinia setigera Lintn. was bred a number of years ago by the late Doctor Lintner, from shoots of mnsk melon, the young leaves of which had been transformed into a small, irregular, subovate, downy gall, presumably made by this insect. Contarinia negundifolia Felt j\IS. was reared from the leaves of box elder, Negundo aceroides, collected in Virginia by JNIr. Theodore Per- gande May 12, 1884. Mr. Pergande states that the larvae deserted the galls May 15 and entered the ground, remaining there until the following spring. It is possible that this last named species may prove to be identical with Cecidomyia negundims Gill., a species which has been recorded by Professor Gillette as being quite injurious to box elder trees on the college campus at Ames, Iowa. It has been im- possible up to the present to obtain for comparison specimens of the last named form. There are several other American species referable to this genus, some with unknown habits. Contarinia perfoliata Felt MS. was bred in August, 1907, from the florets of thoroughwort, Eupatorium per- foliatiim. Another undescribed species, Contarinia quercifolia Felt MS., has been reared from oak, presumably in connection with a Cyn- ipid gall, though we have no exact record in respect to the same. Con- tarinia agrimoniae Felt was reared in September, 1907, from yellow- ish larvse in the florets of Agrimonia eupatoria taken at Bath, N. Y. Contarinia virginianiae Felt, originally described as Cecidomyia, was bred June 1 by Dr. James Fletcher, from the deformed fruit of Prunus virginiana. Another undescribed species, Contarinia clem- atidis Felt MS., has been reared from an irregular subglobular gall taken on clematis at Newport, N. Y., July 24. 1907. The above shows that members of the genus Contarinia, as at pres- ent restricted, display a marked preference for florets, fruits or buds, C. liriodendri and C. ananassi being marked exceptions thereto, though the latter is more apparent than real, since the gall appears to be de- veloped from the rapidly growing, more tender portion of the twig, which is consequent^ allied to floral and bud tissues noted above. There seems to be no rule as to the number of generations produced annually by members of this genus. A few forms at least breed throughout the season, while others, apparently limited by conditions presented by the food plant, have but one generation annually. This limitation of the number of generations by conditions of the food plant agrees with observations made upon better known species of the group, such as Mayetiola destructor Say. JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE ASSOCIATION OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGISTS JUNE, 1908 The editors will thankfully receive news items and other matter likely to be of in- terest to subscribers. Papers will be published, so far as possible, in the order of re- ception. All extended contributions, at least, should be in the hands of the editor the first of the month preceding publication. Reprints of contributions may be obtained at cost. Minor line figures will be reproduced without charge, but the engraving of larger illustrations must be borne by contributors or the electrotypes supplied. The receipt of all papers will be acknowledged.— Eds. The importance of accurate biological data cannot be questioned, despite the fact that all too frequently it is lacking in the case of some of our common destructive insects. Several years ago Mr. A. A. Girault commenced a series of tabulations of the number of eggs de- posited by various species and, thanks to his activity, we have exact data relating to some nine species, the majority of them being of economic importance. These are by no means the only figures in this field, yet they indicate a line of productive activity. Our attention has recently been called to another series of exceedingly timely sta- tistics, in view of the present great interest in parasitic insects. Mr. H. J. Quayle* states that the brown scale, Eulecanium armeniacum, is supposed to be controlled by its parasite. Corny s fusca, its efficiency usually being estimated at 95%. Nevertheless, a statistical study of specimens from 66 different orchards shows a range from 1.9 to 60% in the number parasitized, the average being 12.2%. This study should be continued, as figures for one year are not conclusive. Mr. Quayle calls attention to the fact th*at other agents are responsible for the destruction of a number of the scale insects, and all too fre- quently these latter appear to be unnoticed. Parasites have deserv- edly received considerable attention and occasionally there is no doubt but what they may be responsible for the destruction of 95 or even a higher percentage of their hosts. There is an abundant oppor- tunity for extensive studies of various parasites in order to establish beyond question their true value as natural checks. It is presumable that the work of importing parasites of the gipsy and brown-tail moths will give considerable additional information upon this phase of biological science. There is also great need of more extended infor- mation of this character respecting many of our native species. * Science, May 15, 1908. 27:'i June, 08 J JOURNAL OP ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 329 Reviews Third Annual Report of the Superintendent for Suppressing the Gipsy and Brown-tail Moths, by A. H. Kirkland, January, 1908, p. 1-228. This report is a State document of more than ordinary interest, since it deals with two insect pests of national importance. The local authorities have concentrated their efforts upon keeping the insects in control in the residential sections, while agents of the Federal Bureau of Entomology have given special attention to trees along some 8,000 miles of streets and those overhanging railroads and other lines of travel. The special purpose of this latter line of work is to prevent further spread by means of automobiles. Mr. Kirkland reports a most hearty cooperation as a whole on the part of local officials and citizens. A feature of special interest to entomologists is the condensed data respecting the cost of spraying operations under varying conditions, together with observations upon the adaptability of various forms of spray outfits. The cost of application ranged from $36.25 per acre or approximately 76.3 cents per tree in a woodland consisting of pine and hard wood ranging from 30 to 50 feet in height, and where it was necessary to climb 80% of the trees, down to $2.46 per acre or 3 cents per tree in a woodland along a roadside, with the trees ranging from 20 to 60 feet in height. The first treatment was under adverse conditions, while in the second instance there were comparatively few hindrances. Obviously it will be necessary to continue extensive sprayings for several years at least, and an investigation of the best and most efficient methods is of utmost importance, particularly in woodlands. The report shows that woodlands present a serious pi'oblem owing to their low valuation and to the difficulties incidental to treatment. The desirability of more economical methods of fighting the pests in such situa- tions is obvious to all familiar with the conditions. Some interesting data is given concerning the effect of spraying upon bird life, and also the danger to stock where large amounts of poison are applied, particularly with a coarse spray. The ability of the young gipsy moth caterpillars to live upon white pine has been the subject of careful investigations and the indi- cations are that in woodlands where there is a considerable proportion of pine, important modifications in methods may be introduced and the insect controlled with a resultant large saving in the cost of control. The importation of parasites has been vigorously pushed and a larger number and greater variety obtained than in any preceding year. Large num- bers of parasitized individuals of both the gipsy moth and the brown-tail moth were received, the parasites reared and liberated under favorable conditions. This phase of the work has been aptly characterized by Mr. Lounsbury of South Africa as more important than any other feature. Fourteen species of Hymenoptera and twenty-four species of Diptera were bred from the ma- terial, several species being liberated in large numbers and .some passing the winter of 1906-07 in safety. Four species of predaceous beetles, two of Calo- soma and two of Carabus, have been imported and one at least of the former has wintered in safety. The most interesting portion of the report to American Entomologists is that part giving the conclusions of various specialists invited to inspect the 230 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 work of importing parasites. Representative entomologists, not only from America but from Europe, South Africa and even Australia, personally inves- tigated the methods employed and all unanimously agreed in commending the work in all its phases most highly. There is, in all the reports, unquali- fied endorsement of the Superintendent for placing the execution of this work in the hands of Dr. L. O. Howard, Chief of the Bureau of Entomology. Fur- thermore, several have taken the pains to look into the proposition made sev- eral years ago by certain Western parties, and have unhesitatingly given a decision in favor of the work being conducted by the party now charged with its execution. Certain suggestions were made by various entomologists, such as further investigation of fungous diseases, the importance of the biological study of the various parasites, and in particular, the advisability of securing certain parasitic enemies of the gipsy moth known to exist in Japan. It is gratifying to state that the wisdom of most of these suggestions had been previously recognized and that steps have already been taken for the carrying out of some. This investigation by independent entomologists from widely separated localities should settle for all time any hostile criticism of the methods now employed. Ample funds should be made available for the work with parasites, because if it is worth doing at all it is worth doing thoroughly. No stone should be left unturned in the search for eflBcient ene- mies of these two destructive insects. The report as a whole is most commendable, presenting a maximum of in- formation in a minimum of space, and in a most accessible form. There seems to be but one omission, namely, some statement as to the territory now occupied by the brown-tail moth. E. P. F. Seventh Report of the State Entomologist, by W. E. Britton. Report of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, 1907, Part 5, p. 265-338. This report contains several valuable contributions. One on various gases for fumigating nursery trees, a summary of which was given before the Chicago meeting of the Economic Entomologists and is published on p. 110-12. The results of experiments with different brands of soluble or miscible oils are given, showing an efficiency varying from 95.7 to 100 per cent. There is a detailed, well illustrated account of the new peach sawfly, Pamphilius per- sicuni MacG., an insect which may prove of considerable economic importance. The work of exterminating a small colony of gipsy moths is described in de- tail. Indications are that it will be successfully accomplished within the next two or three years. The recent enactment concerning this pest is also included. Chemical analyses of lead arsenate and Paris green, previously published as a bulletin, form a part of the report. Observations are also given on a number of species injurious during the year. E. P. F. The So-Called Grain Bug and Other Grain Aphids in Minnesota in 1907, by F. L. Washburn. Special Report of the State Entomol- ogist of Minnesota, March, 1908, p. 1-21. This special report gives a summarized account of the grain aphid, Toxop- tera graminum. The differences between the various species are well brought June, 08] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 231 out by Illustration as well as description. The author is to be congratulated upon having produced a most admirable account of this insect and its allies, the typography and illustrations being most excellent. E. P. F. Gipsy and Brown-tail Moths, by E. D wight Sanderson, N. H. Agricultural Experiment Station, Bull. 136, 1908, p. 93-156. This bulletin gives the distribution of both species in New Hampshire. The gipsy moth occupies the southeastern corner of the State, while the brown-tail moth may be found over most of the southern third, having greatly extended its range. Excellent general accounts, with a number of original illustrations, are given of both species, together with the recently enacted law. E. P. F. Current Notes Conducted by the Associate Editor Mr. Z. P. Metcalf, Assistant Entomologist to the Michigan Agri- tural Experiment Station, has been appointed Assistant Entomologist to the North Carolina State Board of Agriculture, and wiU enter upon his new duties June 20. Mr. S. C. Clapp has been appointed Inspector of Nurseries and Orchards for the Division of Entomology of the North Carolina De- partment of Agriculture, to succeed Mr. L. M. Smith, resigned. Mr. Clapp is a native of North Carolina and has had considerable experi- ence in general nutsery and insecticide work. Mr. Ed. Kinney has begun work as Assistant in Entomology and Botany at the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. Mr. Kin- ney has been a student at the Ohio State University and will take the degree of Bachelor of Scientific Agriculture at the end of the present year. Mr. C. F. Jackson, A. M., Assistant in Zoology and Entomology at the Ohio State University, has been elected Assistant to the Entomolo- gist in the New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station. Mr. N. E. Shaw, a graduate of the Ohio State University, who has previously been employed as an Assistant Inspector by the Ohio State Board of Agriculture, was elected Chief of the Division of Nursery and Orchard Inspection, and assumed his duties April 1. Mr. W. E. Evans, a graduate of the same institution, has been retained as first Assistant Inspector. Mr. J. B. Parker, A. M., Ohio State University, has been elected Assistant Entomologist in the Kansas Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion, and took up the work May 1. The summer session of the Lake Laboratory of the Ohio State Uni- 232 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 versity will open June 22. An excellent course in Entomology is offered and abundant opportunities are provided for research work. The Laboratory is located at Cedar Point, near Sandusky, Ohio. Full information concerning courses can be secured by writing to the Director, Prof. Herbert Osborn, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. Mr. A. C. Baker of the Agricultural College, Guelph, Ontario, Can- ada, has been appointed Assistant in Entomology at the Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station. Mr. L. M. Peairs, a graduate of the Kansas Agricultural College,, has resigned as Assistant to the State Entomologist of Illinois and has accepted the position of Assistant Entomologist to the Maryland Agri- cultural Experiment Station. Mr. Franklin G. Fox has resigned as Assistant in Apicultural In- vestigations in the Bureau of Entomology, Washington, D. C, and the position has been filled by the appointment of Mr. Arthur H. McCray, a member of the senior class at the Ohio State University. Mr. R. W. Braueher, a graduate of the University of Illinois, has been appointed an Assistant in the Bureau of Entomology, and will be engaged in the investigation of deciduous fruit insects. Mr. A. G. Hammer, a post-graduate student at Cornell University, has been appointed an Assistant in the Bureau of Entomology, and will work on deciduous fruit insects. M. A. Vuillet, who is an Assistant to M. Rene Oberthur, at Rennes, France, has been secured by Dr. L. 0. Howard to rear parasites of the gipsy and brown-tail moths at that place and forward them to the gipsy moth laboratory at Melrose Highlands, Mass., for distribution in the moth infested district. Dr. Wm. M. Wheeler, Curator of Invertebrate Zoology in the Ameri- can Museum of Natural History, has been appointed Professor of Economic Entomology in the Graduate School of Applied Science of Harvard University. Mailed June 15, 1908. April, '081 JOURNAL OP ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 143 with a membranous and semi-opaque shell, and 1.5 mm. long. He says in his report : ' ' The cavity was lined with a reddish, glossy ma- terial, which seemed to be a thin skin, separable from the woody tis- sues. The sap was just beginning to run and the tissues were full of it. " Of course, it yet remained to be proven that the above egg was that of Empoasca. No more eggs were found until May 24th, when Mr. R. L. Web- ster, in charge of the insectary and a part of the field work for the depart- ]nent during the summer, found them quite numerous in three-year old apple stock in a southern Minnesota nursery. He reports these eggs as ^ ' "' being somewhat smaller than those found at St. Anthony Park, measur- in"' 4 and .75 nun. Mr. Ainslie's de- fig.6. Nymph of £i>iportscn«io(i within ^ ,. 11 ^ iU 1 ^- the pouch, the covering epidermis t)einK SCriptlOn applies so well to the later turned back, much enlarged (ongmai). found eggs that there is but little if any doubt of their being those of the same species. All these "blis- ters" or pouches containing eggs were found on old wood in the upper part of the trunk, and none on the small twigs, and their general shape varied from that of a fresh water mussel or clam shell to almost cylindrical. A small tree showing a number of these blisters was taken into the insectary, and there a young Empoasca was observed in the act of emerging. This specimen died before becoming free from the blister. A sketch was made at the time by our artist, showing the bark cut back and the body of the larva below. We cannot speak of the location of the summer egg with as much certainty as we can of the winter egg, although putting the evidence m our possession with that of others, we are inclined to the belief that the petiole and mid-rib, as well as the leaf itself, may be the places chosen for oviposition on the apple by the females of the summer gen- erations, for Ainslie found on June 25th an enlargement on a petiole which contained the remnant of an egg shell, and on September 4th Webster found a swelling in a leaf similar to that which character- ized the presence of the winter eggs. Only one was found. Webster describes it as 5 mm. long, slightly brown, with a slit in one end. On September 19th in a large nursery, Mr. Ainslie examined a num- ber of one year old apple trees. These trees were almost hidden in a N. B.— Insert iu place of pages 143. 144. 144 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 growth of buckwheat planted for winter protection. The plot had been infested with leaf hoppers earlier in the season, and a few were still in evidence. Every portion of the bark of several trees was examined most thoroughly with a hand lens without result, but on a few petioles slight discolorations, accompanied in each case by an ele- vation of the epidermis, were found. These were so small that they were hardly visible to the naked eye, and were for the most part lo- cated on the side of the petiole, and on the half nearest the leaf. One was found on the under side of the mid- rib. Empoasca larvse were found on the above trees, and the spots on the petioles were, according to Ainslie, the only abnormal thing about the trees. The buckwheat growing amongst these trees was also examined, and two similar discolored swellings found on petioles. At this date there were very few Empoasca on the trees, but they were numerous on the buckwheat. Dissection of some of this material on November 9, pre- served in alcohol since September 19, and not in very good shape, dis- closed nothing of which we can speak definitely. While^ we have found no actual pfoof, showing the locaticm of the eggs of the summer broods, it seems probable that they are laid on leaf or petiole, as is the case with Typhlocyha comes. As if in cor- roboration of Dr. Forbes' observation, Mr. Webster found on the under side of an apple leaf a swelling similar to that in which the winter eggs were found on the bark. This was found September 4th, and was the only one discovered. The swelling was .5 mm. long, slightly brownish in color, with a slit in one end. I propose during the coming summer to obtain some light upon this phase of the sub- ject, and also upon the date of egg laying by the last brood in the fall. Insectary records of the stages of Empoasca show a record of from nineteen to twenty-five days as nymphs, and five nymphal stages be- tween egg and adult. It was practically impossible for us to deter- mine the length of each instar exactly, but it may be safely said that the first brood nymphs have longer instars than those in the follow- ing broods. The average lengths of individuals in the successive nymphal stages are as follows : First stage, .8mm. ; second, 1.3 mm. ; third, 1.7 mm. ; fourth, 2.1 mm. ; fifth, 2.4 mm., and the adult 3.1 mm. Mr. Webster reports observing these hoppers hopping in the last nymphal stage, in several instances leaping a distance of over a foot. 1 Owing to an unfortunate duplication of matter, pages 143 and 144 have been reprinted so they can be inserted in corrected form when binding the volume. Prof. Washburn kindly supplied tJie above paragraph to fill an awkward vacancy. EXCHANGES. Exchanges or Wants of not over three lines will be inserted for 25 cents each to run as long as the space of this page will permit ; the newer ones being added and the oldest being dropped as necessary. Send all notices and cash to Wilmon Newell, Baton Rouge, La., by the 15th of the month preceding publication. WANTED — Will pay cash for Bibliography Economic Eutomology, Part IV; Fitcli's 12th, 13th, and 14th Reports; 3d and 5th Reports of the 111. State Entomologist, LeBaron; Lintner's third report; Report N. J. Agr. Exp. Sta. 1894; Bulletins 1, 2, 5, 8, 12 old series, Division of Entomology; Bulletin 4 Technical Series Division of Entomology; Bulletins 2 and 7 U. S. Ent. Commis- sion ; Entomological News, Vols. I, II, III. Have for exchange the Practical Entomologist, complete unbound. E. Dwight Sanderson, Durham, N. H. WANTED— Experiment Station Record: Vol. I, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13 ; Vol. II, Nos. 1, 3, 6, 10, and Vol. Ill, Nos. 3, 6, 8, 10 and 11. Will pay cash for above, or give in exchange duplicates of the E. S, Record in other volumes. Send list of numbers needed. ^» Entomological Department, Louisiana State University Experiment Stations, Baton Rouge, La. WANTED — Books or separates upon native or exotic ants, not in my library, either for cash or exchange ; also want the following copies of Experi- ment Station Record : I, 1 to 13 ; II, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 ; III, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 ; IV, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 ; V, 7, and XIII, 9. Wilmon Newell, Box 620, Baton Rouge, La. HORSEFLIES of the Family Tabanidae de.sired from all parts of North America. Material determined in exchange for duplicates. Jas. S. Hine, O. S. U., Columbus, O. WANTED— Insect Life, Vol. VI, Nos. 3 and 3; Bibliography of Economic Entomology, Parts 4 and 6; Bur. of Entomology Tech. Ser. Buls., Nos. 1 to 7 and 10. I have for exchange Insect Life, Vol. IH, No. 4; Bur. of Ent. Buls., new series, nearly all numbers from 1 to 50. R. I. Smith, Agr. Experiment Station, West Raleigh, N. C. Please mention the Journal of Economic Entomology when writing to advertisers. JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLGY OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE ASSOCIATION OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGISTS Editorial Staff Editor^ E. Porter Felt, State Entomologist, New York. Associate Editoft A. F. Burgess, Secretary- Treasurer, Association of Economic Entomologists. Business Managfer^ E. Dwight Sanderson, Director and Entomologist, New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station. Advisory Board L. O. Howard, Chief, Bureau of Entomology, United States Depart- ment of Agriculture. S. A. Forbes, State Entomologist, Illinois. James Fletcher, Dominion Entomologist, Canada. H. A. Morgan, Director and Entomologist, University of Tennesset^ Agricultural Experiment Station. II. T. Fernald, Professor of Entomology, Massachusetts Agricultural College. Herbert Osborn, Professor of Zoology and Entomology, Ohio State University. A bi-monthly journal, published February to December, on the 15th of the mouth, devoted to tlie interests of Economic Entomology and publishing the official notices and proceedings of the Association of Economic Entomologists. Address business communicatious to the Journal of Economic Entomology Publishing Co. , Railroad Square, Concord, N. H. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. In the United States, Cuba, Mexico and Canada, two dollars annually in advance. To foreign countries, two dollars thirty cents ($2.30) annually in advance. Single copies, fifty cents. To mem- bers of the Association of Economic Entomologists, one dollar annually in advance. MANUSCRIPT for publication should be sent to the Editor, E. Porter Felt, Geological Hall, Albany, N. Y. CURRENT NOTES AND NEWS should be sent to the Associate Editor, A. F. Burgess, Bureau of Entomology, Washington, D. C. SUBSCRIPTIONS may be sent to the Business Manager, E. Dwight Sanderson, Durham, N. H. ADVERTISEMENTS should be sent to the Advertising Manager, Wilmon Newell, Baton Rouge, La. Vol. 1 AUGUST, 1908 No. JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE ASSOCIATION OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGISTS Editor E. Porter Felt Associate Editor A. F. Burgess Business Manager E. DwiGHT Sanderson Advisory Board L. O. Howard S. A. Forbes James Fletcher H. A. Morgan H. T. Fernald Herf.ert Osborn JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY PUBLISHING CO. OONCORD, N. H. Emeted as second-class matter Mar. 3., 1908, at the post-office at Concord, N. H., under Act of Congress of Mar. 3, 1879. CONTENTS Page The first and last essential step in combating the Boll Weevil W. E. Hinds 233 A new predaceous enemy of the Cotton Boll Weevil Wilmon Newell and R. C. Treherne 244 The influence of minimum temperatures in limiting the northern distri- bution of insects E. Dwight Sanderson 245 Two interesting inquilines occurring in the nests of the Argentine Ant Wilmon Newell 262 The fundamental principles of spraying //. T. Femald 265 Description of new devices for rearing insects A. F. Burgess 267 Report of the committee appointed to attend the annual meeting of the American Association of Nurserymen T. B. Symons and A . F. Burgess 269 Notes on the work against the Gipsy Moth Editorial Current notes Scientific notes Grape blossom midge White marked tussock moth Bag worm Elm leaf beetle E. P. Felt 275 277 278 E. P. Felt 243 E. P. Felt 276 E. P. Felt 276 E. P. Felt 280 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE ASSOCIATION OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGISTS Vol. I AUGUST, 1908 No. 4 THE FIRST AND LAST ESSENTIAL STEP IN COM- BATING THE BOLL WEEVIL^ By W. E. HiXDS, Ph. D. The Problem of Weevil Control Statement of the Problem. — During the past fifteen years the Mex- ican cotton boll weevil has spread throughout Texas, northward to about the middle of Oklahoma and southeastward from that region through southern Arkansas nearly to the Mississippi River, them southward through Louisiana, covering practically the entire western portion of the state and even spreading across the river into a few of the southwestern counties of Mississippi. Nothing seems likely to permanently check its eastward movement throughout the other cotton-growing states. It now infests practically one half of the cot- ton-growing area and is doing damage which can hardly be esti- mated at less than $25,000,000 a year. To the entomologist the practical problem is that of reducing the injury within the infested area to the smallest possible amount and to restrict the spread of the pest so far as it may be within human power to do so by the enforcement of quarantine regulations to prevent its being carried long distances into uninfested territory by commercial agencies. Brief Survey of the Results of Investigational Work on Control Factors in Natural Control. — These factors are, by their very na- ture, inconstant and unreliable, although they may often be of prime importance and are apparently of generally increasing value. The uncertainty of climatic factors which are sometimes of greater im- iRcad before the Association of Economic Entomologists, at Chicago, 111., December, 1907. 234 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 portance than any others need only be mentioned as an illustration of this class. The general difficulty is that we cannot tell what their effect may be until it becomes too late to take proper advantage of the conditions which the}^ produce. Natural enemies, both predaceous and parasitic, may also be valu- able allies in the fight and every advantage possible should be taken of them, but it is simply folly for the cotton planter to sit idly by trusting nature to do all of the control work for him. However, it is certain that we would have a much more hopeless task in attempt- ing control Avithout the help of these natural factors and we may well stud}'' object lessons of the strongest kind, which nature fre- quently gives us as practical effects which man may himself, in some measure, reproduce. Methods of Direct and Indirect Combat. — Naturally, through their general api)]icability to similar problems, the first recourse of the entomologist and of the planter as well is to insecticides. It is sufficient to say that "hosts" of these, both promising and otherwise, have been carefully tested and invariably found practically useless in fighting the weevil. The most promising and also widely tested of them all is Paris Green dusted on the young i)lants at intervals be- ginning before squai-es form, but its use has })r()ven so constantly dis- appointing when applied that it has been practically abandoned by entomologists and by most ])lanters. The real reason for failure with Paris Green applies with equal force to all other arsenicals and to contact insecticides as well. Owing to the practical impossibility of applying it to those ])artially pro- tected places where the weevils normally feed, onlj' from one third to one half, on the average, of the adult weevils on the plants at the time of the treatment can be killed. The very long period of emer- gence from hibernation makes the number of weevils on the plants at one time but a very small fraction of the entire number which may survive and attack the crop. This renders frequent treatments neces- sary and their effectiveness is only partial at best. The immature stages cannot be reached by any insecticide, as they are surrounded constantly by several layers of vegetable tissue, and to penetrate that would require a power in the insecticide that would be fatal to the plant. Repeated applications of dry Paris Green (and of other in- secticides as well) will often do more damage to the crop through its harmful effect upon the growth of the plant than would the weevils if allowed to do their worst. No method of applying any efficient fumigant has been found ap- plicable to a field crop like cotton. Small-scale experiments with the leading fumigants have indicated that none of them could be de- August, 'OS] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 335 pended upon to kill the immature stages even if thej' would kill the adults. Trap rows are rendered impracticable by many considerations, but especially by the period of emergence from hiliei'nation extending far beyond the time of any practicable delay in the planting of the main crop. Among the multitude of machines devised, most have been designed for collecting and destroying the adults, or both adults and the in- fested fruit. Although some of them have been built at great ex- pense and with the best of mechanical skill, none has yet proven superior to the practical difficulties encountered in field operation. It may be said fairly that there is not now on the market a practicable machine for combating the weevil. It is possible that the most prom- ising device of this nature is one originated by the writer during the latter part of the season of 1907, which is now being patented by the Department of Agriculture. But this machine has not yet been tested upon a sufficiently large scale to justify its commendation for general use. However, it belongs rather to the methods of cultural control, since it combines the action of drawing the fallen, infested forms to the centers of the paths where the weevil stages will be mostly de- stroyed by the action of the direct sunshine, with the coincident cul- tivation of the crop. The constant failures experienced in applying any direct method of attack have made it necessary that primary reliance for the control of the wee\al should be placed upon indirect methods of cultural con- trol which have as constantly given more encouraging results. It is now more than ten years since Dr. L. 0. Howard first suggested the importance of cultural methods in fighting this insect. Ever since that time in all of the extensive work which has been cari-ied on by the agents of the Bureau of Entomology, particular attention has been given to this phase of the problem. The general recommendations worked out by the agents of the Bureau have ))een frequently repeated in various publications and are now widely known. They have also been demonstrated in a practical • way through the Demonstration Farm work carried on by the Bureau of Plant Industry. There is evi- dent a large increase in the proportion of the most progressive planters who have adopted part, if not all, of these recommendations. There can be no adequate measurement of the value of the results of this work al- ready obtained and it is equally certain that the possible good results are only beginning to be realized. In the best sense of the word, the methods advocated for the cul- tural control of the weevil constitute a "system." The various steps 236 JOURNAL OP ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 are so interdependent that securing the full benefit from any one of them involves the adoption of many of the others. A careful con- sideration of each step, both as to its independent and interdependent effectiveness seems to jiistify the broad general assertion that the early fall destruction of its food-supply — cotton — may reasonably be called, as it has frequently been, "the most important step in the cul- tural system of controlling the weevil." The exhaustive studies which have been made by the field agents of the Bureau on all phases of the life and seasonal histories and upon natural and artificial con- trol of the weevil indicate that the few weeks which may intervene between the maturity of the bulk of the crop and the time that is most favorable for the weevils to enter hibernation constitutes the strat- egic period for largely reducing the number of weevils which may survive hibernation and attack the crop of the following season. The application of all other steps in the sy.stem recommended is designed primarily and ultimately to render this period as long as possible and to thereby increase the practical possibility of the general adoption of this step as the final and most important thing in the work of each season, and thus open the way for the most successful results with the culture of a cotton crop with the minimum of Aveevil injury during the following year. The most convincing experiments showing definitely the possibil- ities of and urgent necessity for the adoption of this plan and also a large-scale field demon.stration of the great, practical benefit obtain- able in a community by its general adoption, have been accom- plished during the past year. A full account of the experimental work is being published by the Bureau of Entomology under the title of "Hibernation of the Cotton Boll Weevil" by Mr. W. W. Yothers and the writer. Having given but a very brief and partial vicAv of the general prob- lem which the presence of the boll weevil inevitably presents and of the general results of the investigation to secure feasible methods of control, the writer would add a brief summary of the data which support the conclusions stated as to the essential value of .stalk de- struction. For the sake of brevity much im])ortant work cannot be mentioned here. The extensive hibernation experiments of 1906- '07 will alone be considered, although mention may ))e made of the general results of other investigations when needed for comparisons. Principal Data Indicating the Importance of Stalk Destruction Hibernation Work of 1906-*07. — Some knowledge of the general plan and purpose of this work seems essential to a clear understanding August, '08] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 237 of its value and a correct interpretation of the results observed. Three localities, Dallas, Calvert and Victoria. Texas, were selected for ex- perimental work, as these represented in a general way the northern, central and southern sections of the state, and considerable work of a similar nature had been done at each place which might serve as a check or for comparison. At each place was erected a cage 20 x 50 feet and 6I/2 f^^t high, covered with 14-mesh. galvanized wire screen- ing and having cross-partitions so as to form ten sections, each having a ground area of 100 square feet. The three localities offered a con- siderable range in geographical and climatic conditions. It was planned to provide similar shelter conditions in corresponding sec- tions and to enclose weevils in each section upon as nearly the same date in each locality as might be possible. The weevils used were col- lected in the immediate locality and from 1,000 to 4,000 were placed in each section, making a total of over 75,000 in the three cages. Observations were made at intervals, from the time weevils were placed in the cage until the beginning of the general emergence movement in the spring, and daily thereafter. Suitable and reliable data as to climatic conditions were secured by providing standard types of weather bureau instruments in a shelter erected beside the cage in each locality. Temperature, rainfall, humidity and other records were thus kept throughout the period covered by the experiments. In this way it was anticipated that data might be obtained bearing especially upon the following points : 1. The effect of the time of entrance into hibernation upon the survival of w^eevils. In the first experiments either entrance upon hibernation or starvation was forced by the destruction of the food supply. The geographical range M'ould naturally increase the inter- val between the beginning of the experiment and the lime when weevils would naturally enter hibernation at each locality. 2. The effect which the complete destruction of the food supply at varying dates might have upon the success of hibernation. For these experiments the shelter conditions were made as uniform and as favorable as it was possible to make them in the different localities. It was hoped by these tests to determine the minimum interval which must elapse between the destruction of food and the successful hiber- nation of the weevils. 3. To determine the effect of exceptionally favoi'able and unfavor- able conditions of shelter upon the successful hibernation of weevils placed in the corresponding sections upon the same date in each lo- cality. It was intended that the shelter conditions provided slumld be so exaggerated as to represent the extremes of conditions which might naturally occur in or around the fields. 238 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 4. To determiue the effect which varying depths and classes of shel- ter might exert upon the success of hibernation and also upon the time of beginning" and the range in the period of emergence from hi- bernation. 5. To test the power of adaptation to climatic variations by bring- ing AveeviLs from widely separated localities and hibernating them for comparison with weevils collected at Dallas. In each section food and shelter conditions were to be similar. 6. To determine upon a large scale and in widely separated lo- calities and under various conditions of shelter the proportion of weevils entering hibernation which might survive. 7. To determine the relation of climatic conditions to the emergence period in each locality. 8. To determine the longevity of hibernated weevils after emer- gence both with and without food. In the following table are summarized the principal points relating to the installation of the experiments for this season : Table I. Installation of hibernation experimentf, 1906-1907 a o Date of Starting Experi- ments, 1906. Character of Shelter Supplied. Conditions as to Food 6^ Dallas. 1 Calvert. Victoria. Supply. 1 4 2 7 8 5 3 9 6 10 Oct.l3 Oct. 16 Oct. 19 Oct. 25 Oct. 31 Nov. 6 Nov. 12 Nov. 12 Nov. 28 Dec. 6 and 10 Oct. 13 Oct. 19 Nov. 26 Oct. 25 Oct. 31 Nov. 5 Nov. 14 Nov. 12 Nov. 25 Dec. 3 Oct. 25 Oct. 25 Oct. 28 Nov. 6 Nov. 10 Nov. 14 Nov. 21 Nov. 21 Nov. 28 Nov. 29 Leaves and grass 4-5 in. deep. do. do. Spanish moss hung around top of cage. Loose bark on ground. Leaves and grass 4-5 in. deep. do. Leaves and grass two inches deep. Leaves and grass ten inches deep. Ground absolutely bare. Three bushels, probably, infested bolls on surface of half of cage and 3 bushels buried under 2 inches dirt in other half. All cotton removed after two days. Stalks cut and left. Food removed after two days. Food present ; cut and allowed to dry. Food removed after two days. Cotton cut and allowed to remain and dry. do. do. No food supply. do. Having now followed the beginning of the experiments, it is in order to note the climatic conditions prevailing throughout them. Temperature records were the most abnormal and also the most sig- nificant and therefore only those are given in Table II. August, '08] JOURNAL OP ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 239 Table II. Mean monthly temperatures and departures from normals at Dallas, Cal- verf and Victoria, Texas, November, 1906, to June, 1907, inclusive Locality, Texas. November. December. January, 1907. February. Monthly Depar- Monthly Depar- Monthlv' Depar- I Monthlv mean°F. ture °F. mean°F. ture°F. mean °F.j ture °F. mean°F. Depar- ture °F, Dallas . Calvert . Victoria Dallas .. Calvert . Victoria 54.3 59.1 62.9 —0.6 +0.1 —1.8 51.6 56.8 59.2 +3.8 +4.1 +1.4 53.4 59.8 63.4 +8.5 +9.6 +9.8 51.2 54.8 60.2 +6.6 +2.8 +6.2 March. April. May. June. 66.7 +11.1 61.4 -4.2 65.8 -7.7 78.8 70.0 + 9.2 62.2 —5.9 66.6 -7.3 76.6 72.4 + 9.7 69.4 —3.3 73.0 —5.0 81.6 -1.9 -4.4 -0.6 The columns giving the departures from normals are particularly significant as showing the very unusuall}^ warm winter and early spring and the exceptional!}^ cold period following. It was actually much warmer in March throughout Texas than during April and May. These facts account for the unusually large percentages of survival, the remarkably early beginning of emergence and the long duration of the emergence period. At no time during the winter was hiberna- tion complete anywhere in Texas. Weevils were active both in the cages and in the fields. This has never happened before, except rarely in extreme southern Texas. Next in order will be the consideration of the general results of the observations upon the survival of weevils. Table III. Summary of Emergence records from hibernation experiments, 1906-1907 Locality, Texas. No. of Weevils put in Cages. No. of Weevils as basis for determining per cent, of Survival. 1 No. Weevils Emerged. Per cent, of Survival. Dallas 32,439 20.430 23,645 30,864 19,408 22.463 3,464 1,842 3,026 11.22 Calvert Victoria 9 49 13.47 Totals 76,514 72,735 8,332 11.45 It is probable that 11.5 is the largest percentage that has ever sur- vived in Texas considering .so large an area. In the experiments of iBasis for computing percentage of eiuergencv is 57c less than the number placed in the cage to allow for the escape of some through the wire. 240 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 the preceding season at Keachie, La., and Dallas, Texas, among 35,- 900 Aveevils, the average survival was only 2.18 per cent. The emer- gence movement began on IMarch 22 and continued until June 28, 1906. These are unquestionably closer to the normal facts regarding emergence than are the figures shown in 1907. We have thus in two seasons a range in percentage of survival of from 2 to 11 per cent and in emergence from February 15 to the end of June. These facts em- phasize very strongly the importance of reducing the number of weevils entering hibernation. In order to make the following facts represent general conditions and avoid the possibility of being misled in our conclusions by the va- riations which might reasonabh^ occur in a single experiment, we shall present the data in groups of experiments and base our conclu- sions upon the average results shown by the totals and average per- centages for each group. The chronological significance of the data may be most clearly sliown l)y groui)iiig the records for those local- ities at which experiments were started upon the same or approximate dates. The shelter and food conditions represented in each group are therefore fairly averaged and the time at which the experiments were started becomes the most significant factor in each group. The de- sired comparisons can be most briefly shown by tabular arrangement. In Table IV it may be seen that averaging all localities at which weevils were started upon approximately the same date, there is a most striking increase in successful survival from the middle of Oc- tober to the middle of November. In the interval of eleven days from October 14 to 25 the percentage of survival practically doubled. During the next ten days the percentage again doubled and a corre- sponding increase is observable between November 5 and 14. After that time hibernation might have been successful for practically the maximum possible proportion of weevils. The first freeze occurred on November 18. The facts shown may appear more emphatic if stated in another way. Under otherwise similar average conditions, the chances for survival for weevils in Texas in 1907 were : On Oc- tober 15. one ; October 25. two ; November 5, four ; November 15, six. These facts make it plainly evident that from October 15 to Novem- ber 15 constitutes the strategic period for attack upcm the boll wee- vil. The data and conclusions are here given that they may be studied carefully by those who are interested to do so. Conclusions Drawn from Data Presented Application of Conclusions. — The method of attack which has proven most effective consists of the successive steps constituting the Augu-st, '08] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 2-41 Table IV. Effect of time of entrance into hibernation, or isolation from food supply upon survival of weevils Date, 1906 Locality, Texas. o is ^o 1^ o • a.> o > o C t, 3 C3 E- 3 Remarks. Oct. 13 Dallas Oct. 13 Calvert Oct. 1? Dallas 1 1 4 3,800 2,375 2,090 99 75 85 2.61 3.15 4.07 Totals for group 3 8,265 259 3.14 8 Oct. 19 Calvert Oct. 20 Dallas 4 2 2,375 3.610 116 226 4.88 6.26 Totals for group 2 5,985 342 5.71 7 Oct. 24 Oct. 25 Oct. 25 Oct. 25 Dallas Calvert Victoria Victoria 7 7 1 4 3,325 2,375 2,375 2,375 231 105 201 105 6.95 4.42 8.46 4.42 Totals 1 or group 4 10,440 642 6.15 5 Oct. 28 Victoria Oct. 30 Dallas Oct. 31 Calvert 2 8 8 2,389 2,850 2,375 134 250 63 5.61 8.85 2.65 Totals for group 3 7,614 447 5.87 6 Nov. 5 Dallas Nov 5 Calvert Nov. 6 Victoria 5 5 7 3,135 2,375 2,850 383 45 674 12.22 1.89 23.65 Totals for group 3 8,360 1,102 13.18 4 Nov. 10 Victoria Nov. 12 Dallas Nov. 13 Dallas Nov. 14 Calvert Nov. 14 Victoria Nov. 15 Dallas 8 3 9 9 5 11 2,850 3,040 3,040 2,375 2,850 2,.565 362 448 788 438 449 804 12.70 14.74 25.92 18.44 15 86 31.34 Totals for group 6 16,720 3,284 19.67 2 Nov. 21 Dallas Nov. 21 Victoria Nov. 21 Victoria 12 9 3 1,570 2,836 2,850 65 374 5S8 4.14 13.19 20.63 Brownsville Weevils. Totals for group 3 7,256 1,027 14.15 3 16.91 cJ without B. W. Nov. 25 Nov. 26 Nov. 28 Nov. 28 Calvert Calvert Dallas Victoria 6 2 6 6 1,425 1,358 975 1,088 359 380 46 139 25.19 27.98 4.72' 12.78 1 (Absolutely bare ground.) Totals for group 3 4,846 924 19.07 (22 54 without Dallas lot.) Cultural System. Having secured an early maturing crop, it should be picked out as soon as open, the earlier the better. If not all gath- ered before October first in South Texas, every effort should be put forth to clean up the fields by that time and the few late opening bolls should not be allowed to delay the immediate destruction of the stalks in some thorough manner. In the southern part of the state where sprout cotton commonly occurs, great care should be taken to destroy enough of the roots to prevent any sprouting in the spring. Clean 242 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 the fields as thoroughly as possible, including the turn-rows and along ditches and fences and under timber fringes. This thorough treat- ment is even more essential in sontli than in north Texas, although in the latter portion of the state it seems advisable. As has been frecjuently pointed out, this early fall destruction pre- vents absolutely the further breeding of weevils and many of those partly developed in squares or bolls will not be al)le to mature. The late developed weevils are most liable to hibernate successfully. By destroying the most favorable shelter which the weevils that escape destruction could possibly find, the chances of their surviving the winter are greatly lessened. In a variety of ways, therefore, the ac- tual number of weevils entering hibernation becomes very greatly re- duced and the chances of the successful hibernation of those entering are correspondingly decreased. The number of weevils ready to at- tack the crop the following spring Avould, with these practices, be but a small fraction of what might otherwise be present. The Demonstration. — That these conclusions are correct and prac- ticable has been proven by actual field application on a large scale. At Olivia, Texas, in the fall of 1906, about twenty planters on ad- joining farms Avere persuaded to enter into agreement to do this work by i\Ir. J. D. ]\Iitchell. All stalks were destroyed upon an area of about 40 acres between October 1 and 10. fhis area was well isolated from other cotton, but had been badly infested up to that time. A check area some six miles away across a bay received the usual treatment. No special treatment was given to the Olivia tract during 1907. In spite of the fact that the survival of weevils, as has been shown, was unprecedented during this intervening winter, they did not become numerous enough to do any considerable damage to the Olivia crop, while on the check area they were exceedingly injurious. Although the Olivia crop was grown on soil that was not as rich as that in the cheek, it yielded more than 1,000 lbs. of seed cotton per acre, whereas the check yielded but about 300 lbs. per acre. The difference in value of these two crops was fully $20 per acre, or more than enough to pay for the land upon which the crop at Olivia was grown. The Difficulties.— If there were no obstacles in the way of an easy adoption of these recommendations, it is not likely that the same neces- sity for them would exist. Any prospect for a late "top crop" of cotton is removed by the presence of the weevils. Every experience shows that the crop must be made early. The difficulty of getting sufficient labor is great in some sections. It is evident that there is necessity for the production of an efficient machine for cotton picking to meet this need. The actual destruction of stalks may be accom- August, '08 J JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 343 plished in any way possible so long as the desired results are obtained. The question is not one of method but of results. More particularis as to time and methods are given by Mr. W. D. Hunter in Circular 95 of the Bureau of Entomology. It is certain that the individual adopting the Cultural System may reap a large share of its benefits regardless of the lack of cooperation on the part of his neighbors, but it is desirable that a strong sentiment should be fostered which shall lead to united action over considerable areas. It is to be hoped that the practical difficulties presented by the tenant system may be over- come, so that every tenant will be led (or forced if need be) to con- sider that his season's work is not complete until he has added this step to the harvesting of the crop. This idea would be welcomed if there could be a general understanding by lando^vners and tenants of the fact that fields thus treated will produce better yields, as a rule. They would be better inducements to securing a good class of tenants, and such tenants having cleared their fields in the fall would be less likely to move. The question here presented is a vital one for the weevil-infested area. It demands not merely acquiescence, but action. The accuracy of the facts presented cannot be questioned, but each man must de- cide for himself as to the correctness of the conclusions. To us it ap- pears that this statement does abundantly justify the broad, general conclusion that "the destruction of stalks by some effective METHOD AND AS LONG AS MAY BE POSSIBLE BEFORE THE NORMAL TIME FOR WEEVILS TO ENTER HIBERNATION CONSTITUTES THE MOST EFFECTIVE METHOD NOW KNOWN OF REDUCING THE SEVERITY OP THE WEEVIL AT- TACK UPON THE FOLLOW^ING CROP AND THAT IT THEREFORE DESERVES GENERAL RECOGNITION AND ADOPTION AS THE LAST STEP IN THE TREAT- MENT OF EACH season's CROP AND ESSENTIALLY THE FIRST STEP ALSO IN THE PRODUCTION OF A CROP WITH THE MINIMUM WEEVIL INJURY" DUR- ING THE FOLLOWING SEASON. ' ' Grape Blossom Midge Cecidomyia Johnson i Sling. This species, uul^nowu as an adult, caused ex- ceptional injuries at Fredonia, where it destroyed 60% to 75% of the blos- soms on one acre of Moore's Early grape. The work of this species has been known for years, and the familiar galled blossoms were easily found through- out the entire Chautauqua region. The work above described is undoubtedly due to exceptional conditions and is probably explainable by the blossoms being in just the right stage of development at the time when a large number of the midges were flying. Repeated attempts to rear the adult have been un- successful, though it is probably referable to the genus Cecidomyia. E. P. Felt, Albany, N. Y. 244 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 A NEW PREDACEOUS ENEMY OF THE COTTON BOLL WEEVIL WiLMOX Newell and R. C. Treherxe, Baton Rouge, La. So far as known to tlie writers there is no published record of any Carabid which attacks the boll weevil. Anthonomus grandis Boh. While conducting some experiments with boll weevils in cages, during May of the present year, it was noticed that the adult weevils in one cage disappeared with remarkable rapidity. It may be re- marked, by way of parenthesis, that in cages of the character used, weevils dying in the cages are usually found with ease on the ground around the growing plants. Especially is this true when daily ex- aminations of the cages are made. In the cage referred to but few dead weevils could be found and the mortality among the weevils con- fined therein was several hundred per cent higher than the mortality in other cages under similar conditions. Upon close examination of this cage upon May 11th a small hole was noticed in the earth in one corner of the cage and at a depth of five inches in this hole was found a live Carabid together with elytra and other fragments remaining from the destruction of at least nine boll weevils. This beetle we have identified as Evarthrus sodalis Lee, and from the number of weevil remains found with it, it seems not improbable that boll weevils constitute an important part of its food in the weevil-infested section. A few days later another species of Evarthrus, as yet undetermined, was captured and placed in a glass jar with several live boll weevils. In the course of a few hours this Carabid caught and ate two of them. It therefore seems that the several species of this genus may be regarded as probable enemies of the boll Aveevil and the part played by them in the natural control of the latter insect may prove to be of some little importance. Baton Rouge. La.. June 27. 1908. August, 'OS] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 245 THE INFLUENCE OF MINIMUM TEMPERATURES IN LIMITING THE NORTHERN DISTRIBUTION OF INSECTS' By E. DwiGHT Sandeksox, ProfC! M 4J ID a © to :3^ — P. «J ♦ a v« CO ^ c o >» • annual-minimiim, and that the absolute-, average- and maximnm-an- niial-minimum isotherms follow approximately the same paths with the exception of the absolute minimum — 20°F. Had the average August, '08] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 253 annual-minimum and maximum annual-minimum isotherms been drawn from records from all the voluntary observers, the dip in southern New York would have extended farther south and many isolated spots in the Alleghanies would stand out with lower tem- peratures than here indicated. Upon comparing these isotherms with the boundaries of the life zones (see map 6), charted by Dr. C. Hart Merriam, many similarities become apparent, but also a number of important differences, and upon comparing the distribution of several well known injurious in- sects with the average annual-minimum isotherms, they were found to define the northern limits in some instances rather better than the life zones of Doctor ]\Ierriam. The basis for the establishment of these zones has been stated by Doctor Merriam as follows ■} ''Investigations conducted by the Biological Survey have shown that the northward distrihution of terrestrial animals and plants is gov- erned hy the sum of the positive (or 'effective temperatures,' i. e., over 43° F. — B. D. S.) temperatures for the entire season of growth and reproduction, and that the southtvard distribution is governed hy the mean temperature of a brief period during the hottest part of the year." Isotherms plotted by Doctor IMerriam on this basis were found "to conform in the most gratifying manner with the northern boun- daries of the several life zones." In Bulletin 10 (1. e.) the "govern- ing temperatures" of the zones are given and the maps previously published were slightly modified in agreement with this hypothesis, which map does not seem to have been revised in any subsequent pub- lication. The distribution of many common insects, some of which will be noted below, shows that there are numerous exceptions to the first part of this law, and leads us to question its validity as regards north- ward distribution. Is the sum of the positive temperatures for the season of growth and reproduction, the only or most important fac- tor governing distribution northward? At least three fundamental objections to this law being of first importance will be illustrated by the examples below. First. Many insects which have two or three generations at 35° to 40° N. Lat. might readily reproduce in southern New Hampshire (about 43° N. Lat.) were their existence merely dependent upon a sufficient summation of temperature over 43°F. (6°C.) which do not iBuIletin 10, Division of Biological Survey, U. S. Dept. Agr. (1898), p. 54. 254 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 Map 5 occur north of Long Island, N. Y., southern Connecticut and Rhode Ishind in appreciable numbers. Other species which might have one generation and exist in abundance if merelv so limited occur but August, 'OS! JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 255 sparingly in southern New Hampshire, if at all. That the "sum of effective temperatures" is an important factor is not disputed, but evidence accumulates that the ''critical point" (in the sense of phenology) from which the ''thermal constant" should be computed varies with groups and species of animals and plants. For example, melons and egg-plants are grown in eastern Massachusetts, but cannot be matured successfully at Durham, N. H. They are planted in Massachusetts about :\Iay 20 to '25 and in New Hampshire about June ], and mature in :\Iassachusetts about September 1. The effective temperature over 43°F. for Boston for the three months is 234'3°F. and for Durham, N. H.. 206PF. The effective temperature in May and September is of no value in this connection. That these plants cannot be grown in New Hampshire is due to the fact that there is not sufficient "effective temperature" over 60°F., which is the tem- perature above which these plants must be grown, or their "critical point." Boston has 801°F. over 60° in summer, while Durham, N. H., has only 525°, or lacks 35% of the requisite effective temperature. Other examples will be given below. Second. But even if the "effective temperatures" be accumulated above the true "critical points" instead of over 43°F., still there are numerous cases in which there is a sufficient positive temperature for the development of species in southern New Hampshire which are not known to breed there or in eastern Massachusetts commonly. Some other law must therefore determine the limitation of these species to a more southern clime. Third. It is well known that the main question in the introduc- tion of horticultural varieties northward is one of "hardiness." Many varieties will fruit and mature at latitudes where they cannot grow on account of lack of hardiness. Probably as large a number are dis- • qualified for northern growth on this account as by the shortness of the season. If the southern spread of some species is controlled by the heat of summer, which is undoubtedly the case, why should not the di- rect opposite be true, and why may not the northward spread be con- trolled bv the cold of winter ? The following species have been studied with reference to these objections and as t.^ whether the influence of minimum temperatures offers anv explanation of their northern limits. The Harlequin Cabbage Bug {Murgantia histriouica) has migrated from Mexico around the Atlantic coast to Long Island, N. Y., and up the :^Iississippi Vallev to southern Ohio, where it occurred in five counties bordering the Ohio River in 1895.^ ^ In 1899 the temper- iBulletin 68. Ohio Agricnlturul Experiment Station, p. 36 (1896). 256 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 Map 6 atures at Cincinnati dropped to — 17°F. and in these counties to about — 20°F. As a result, Prof. F. M. Webster stated that the insect had ''certainly sustained a severe repulse by the low temperature of last winter. While observed breeding in Clermont County, south- August, '08] JOURNAL OP ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 257 crn Ohio, last May, its almost entire absence has been reported in lo- calities where last year it was clisastronsly abundant."^ Later Pro- fessor Webster stated- that it "had spread at one time as far north as Chicago, 111., and had almost reached the shore of Lake Erie in Ohio. A very severe winter, however, had killed it off in southern Illinois and Ohio, and it has not recovered this lost ground, and might not again in years." It probably still occurs in extreme south- ern Ohio according to Prof. H. A. Gossard and was noted by Professor Webster in 1901. Doctor Chittenden^ noted its scarcity in Washing- ton, D. C, in 1899, foHowing a minimum of — 15°F., and the writer made the same observation in Delaware. This was the lowest tem- perature which had been experienced at Washington for over twenty years. As it was accompanied by heavy snow, the harlequin bug was largely protected from the severest cold, otherwise it would doubtless have been exterminated. The harlequin bug emerges from hibernation at Newark, Del., about May 1, when the temperature is about 55°F. In midsummer, at 74°F., the life cycle there occupies about one month. The life cycle thus consumes 1236°F. over 43°F. At Durham, N. H., there is 2925 °F. over 43° from the middle of May to the middle of Sep- tember, during which time the mean is over 55°F., and according to Merriam's law the species might exist -there wdth two generations. But even if we take 55° as the critical point, there is required but 726° for a life cycle in Delaware and there is available 1119° at Dur- ham, N. H., enough for one brood. But the harlequin bug does not occur north of Long Island, N. Y., and is not spreading there. The northern limit of this species follows the average annual-minimum isotherm of 0°F. (map 2) much more closely than the Upper Austral Zone. It may yet migrate to northern Ohio and Ontario, but further progress seems doubtful. The Cotton Boll Worm or Corn Ear Worm {Heliothis ohsoleta Fab.) is injurious throughout the upper and lower Austral zones, but only exceptionally in the transition. It has been injurious at Lon- don, Ont., near Boston, Mass., in 1894, and rarely in Michigan. It does not winter in Minnesota and no records of injury occur in Da- kota, ]\Iontana or Wyoming.* Professor Quaintance remarks, "The severe character of the winters of the more northern states coupled with the relatively low sura of effective temperatures, no doulit has iBulletin 20, Bureau of Entomology, U. S. Deyt. Ayr., p. 72 (1899). 2Bulletin 60, Bureau of Entomology, U. S. Dept. Agr., p. 130 (1906). sBulletin 22, n. s., Division of Entomology, U. S. Dept. Agr., p. 55. •^Bulletin 50, Bureau of Entomology, U. S. Dept. Ai;r., p. 26-27. 258 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 an important bearing on the comparative immnnity of this territory from serions injnry. " Doctor Chittenden reported the species rare on corn at Washington, D. C. in 1899 following — 15°F. in February, where it is usually very abundant. Eggs of H. ohsoleta were laid at Newark. Del., about June 12, 1900, and moths from them emerged July 15, at a mean temperature of about 73°F., thus requiring approximately 900° above 43°F. Quain- tance (1. c.) found the average effective temperature in Texas to be 1417 °F. He also shows (1. c. p. 86) that the sum of the effective temperatures for pupal development are more nearly equal for dif- ferent temperatures when computed above 58° or 60° than above 43° F. He also shows that at Boston, Mass., there could be two gen- erations with a total effective temperature of 2967 °F. over 43°, commencing when the monthly mean has reached 62°F., or ]\Iay 1. Further, if 58°F. were taken as the critical point, there would have been required in 1900 only 450° at Newark, Del., while there were 801° at Boston and 525° at Durham, N. H. Yet the species breeds only rarely in eastern Massachusetts, according to Dr. H. T. Fernald, and is practically unknown at Durham. The summer temperature evidently does not control the northern limit in this case, though the distribution of the species is practically that of the Austral zones. May not the minimum temperature be the controlling factor? Prof. F. ^I. Webster records^ that the West Indian Peach Scale (Aiilacaspis pentagona Targ.) withstood — 9° during 1897-'98 suf- ficiently to increase in numbers the next season at Wooster, Ohio, but that in 1899 the temperature fell to — 21° one night and to — 12° to — 18°F. in several successive nights, with the result that all of the scales succumbed. ]\[r. C. L. ^larlatt'- calls attention to the influence of the minimum of 1899 (— 15°F.) at Washington, D. C, on scale insects, 95 to 100%, of such species as Diaspis pentagotia, D. rosae, Aspidiotus perniciosus, and others being killed. He points out that such mortality is more likely to occur at AA^ashington where the hibernation of these scales is short and where low temperatures are rarer thaii further north.'' At Nashua and IManchester, N. H., during the past winter some- thing over 60 per cent of the scales were killed by — 13°F.. but are breeding abundantly now. The northern limit of the San Jose Scal-e is shown on map 7. The iCaiiaflian Entomologist, XXXI, p. 130 (1899). -Bulletin 20, n. s., Division Entomology, U. S. Dept. Agr., p. 76. 3See also Voyle, Bulletin 4, old ser., Div. Entomolojjy, U. S. Dept. Agr., p. 70-75, "Low Temperatures vs. Scale Insects." August, '08] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 259 Map 7 hope, as expressed by Dr. L. 0. Howard,^ that this species would be limited to the upper Austral has not been realized, though the excep- iProe. Wash. Ent. Soc. Ill, p. 222 (1895). 260 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 tions occur only iu JNIichigan, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and southwestern New York. The average-anuual-minimum isotherm of — 15°F. corresponds much more closely with the northern limit of this species than the upper Austral as given, with the exception of northern ^Michigan and Ontario, but approaches the limit of the scale much better in Iowa and Nebraska, which are wholly within the upper Austral, but where the scale is practically unknown. The annual- minimum temperature of its native home in China is about 5°F., according to Bartholomew's Physical Atlas, Vol. Ill, Meteorology, Plate II. Based upon the data given by ]\larlatt^ concerning the life history of the scale, there can be two generatiims in southern New Hamp- shire, with an effective temperature of 1570°F. over 53 °F., a single brood requiring 600°F. over 53°F. at Washington, D. C, and repro- duction commencing at both points when the mean is about 63° F., — at Washington ]\Iay 15. at Nashua, N. H.. about June 15. Two gen- erations occur in southern New Hampshire according to our observa- tions. The Asparagus Beetle (Cnoceris asparagi) was first imported near New York City. It occurs in southern New Hampshire, but is very rarely injurious, often dying out for several years. Chittenden re- cords that it was introduced and comjiletely died out at Rock Island, 111., many years ago. Its northern limit agrees quite closely with the average-annual-miuimum isotherm of al)out — 10°F. (see map 3). It occurs in southwestern New York and northeastern Ohio in the tran- sition. Doctor Chittenden- quotes C. W. Prescott of Concord. IVIass., as stating that "innnense numl)ers are killed in winter during se- verely cold spells following open weather" and states that the beetles are quite susceptible to low temperatures. Indeed Doctor Chittenden^ definitely attributes the limitation of the northward spread of this insect to "cold snaps." At Washington, D. C, the beetles emerge from hibernation in April with a mean of about 55°F. The life cycle fr(mi egg to adult occupies three weeks, or an effective temper- ature of 420°F. over 55°, or 300° over 60° F. at Washington, yet it is not common at Durham. N. H., though 1119° over 55° and 525°F. over 60°F. are available. The distribution and data concerning the life history of the Elm Leaf Beetle (Galerncella luteola ]\Iiill. ) practically duplicate that given for the asparagus beetle and do not need to be enumerated here. iBulletin 62, Bureau of Entomology. ^Yearbook U. S. Dept. of Agr. 1896, p. 347. sBulletin 22, p. 63, note. August, 'OS] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 261 In its northern spread the Cotton Boll Weevil {Anthonomiis grandis Boh.) had reached the northern bonndary of I'exas at the end of 1904. In February. 1905, the temperature dropped to 1°F. at Dallas and 1J:°F. at College Station, Texas. As a result, I am in- formed by Prof. A. F. Conradi that it seemed to have been killed out entirely north of Dallas and the spread of the previous season was off- set, while as far south as College Station so few hibernated success- fully that but comparatively little damage was done the following season. The advance of the weevil was also given a decided set-back in Louisiana the same winter, though only in the northern part can this be attributed to Ioav temperature. Again in June, 1906, the agents of the Bureau of Entomology were unable to find weevils which had hibernated successfully in Dallas, Ellis and Navarro coun- ties, Texas, which had been infested for three or four years, following a minimum of 12°F.^ It is also interesting to note that from the first, the boll weevil and other southwestern insects have spread much faster eastward than northward. - About 1903 the Morellos Orange Fruit Worm {Anastrepha ludens Loew) was introduced from ^Mexico and became established near Brownsville. Texas. Prof. A. F. Conradi, state entomologist of Texas, advises the writer that it had become quite abundant in this region, out since the freeze of February, 1905, when a minimum of 22°F. occurred, he has been unable to find any evidence of the pest. It is probable that the absolute minimum temperature is not the controlling factor in limiting the northward spread of insects, for many individuals would always survive in sheltered situations, and these absolute minima occur at very 'long intervals. But it would seem evident that where the average-annual-minimum temperature is below that at which a species can exist, that it will never become abundant. Inasmuch as the extreme cold of winter is usually in spells of short duration, the average-annual-minimum temperature of any locality is probably a better index of the effect of winter temper- ature there than the average mean temperature, average dail.y mini- mum, etc. Were thermograph records available for the different sta- tions, a summation of the temperatures below a certain point might possibly be more accurate, for it must be remembered that, as Bach- metjew has shown, an insect may be killed by more protracted cold at iFor further discussion see a forthcoming bulletin of the Bureau of Ento- mologj-, '-Some Factors in the Natural Control of the Mexican Cotton Boll Weevil." ^Webster, et al, Bulletin 60, Bureau of Entomology, p. 130. 263 ^ JOURNAI. OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 a temperature considerably above its "critical point," or absolute minimum. Snowfall wiU exercise an important influence in limiting the effect of minimum temperatures. Thus the present season the Rose Chafer (Macrodactylus suhspinosus), whose larva winters in the soil, has been exceptionally abundant, and the Striped Cucumber Beetle (Diahrotica vitatta), which hibernates in the earth, has been as injurious as usual, in spite of the low temperatures of last winter, both having been protected by the deep snow blanket. Species hibernating above ground will therefore be most susceptible to minimum temperatures. Humidity will also materially affect the influence of minimum tem- peratures. From the above discussion it seems that the following conclusions may safely be drawn : — First, that the present Upper Austral Zone of Doctor Merriam does not extend far enough to the northeast and extends too far to the northwest. Second, that there is strong evi- dence against the effective temperature of the growing season being the only or controlling factor in detei'mining the northern limits of life areas. Third, that minimum temperatures often limit northern distribution. Indeed, is it not probable that the laws governing the disti-ibution of life are a ccmiplex resulting fi-om many different causes which are of variable im])ortance with each species? Though hypotheses concerning the general principles involved are of the great- est value in forming a basis for further investigation, yet the true life zones can only be ascertained by a patient accumulation of data concerning the actual distribution and spread of life as found, when a comparison with the known physiographical and meteorological con- ditions will make apparent the laws underlying the distribution of life. TWO INTERESTING INQUILINES OCCURRING IN THE NESTS OF THE ARGENTINE ANT WiLMo.N Newell. Buton Rouge. La. In the February is.sue of the Journal quite lengthy mention was made of the habits of the Argentine ant, Iridomijrmex humilis Mayr, M'hich has become a pest of serious nature in the southern parts of Louisiana and jNIississippi. Although the writer has had this species under constant observation for the past ten months, not a single parasitic or predaceous enemy of it has been discovered. The insects which dwell with this ant, in its colonies, are verv scarce and none of the true insects are as yet posi- August, '08] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 263 tivel.y known to be persistent guests or constant dwellers in the colonies of this species. Certain Stapliylinidce are found in decaying logs and in nil)bish heaps which are literall.y honeycombed with the galleries of the Argentine ant, yet these beetles, when confined in the artificial formicaries with populous colonies of this ant, fail to sur- vive. In fact, when placed in a formicary they are invariabl.y at- tacked by the worker ants. Whether this is due to the unnatural conditions surrounding the ants is a question, as the ants live, thrive and increase in the artificial formicaries with apparently the same freedom and facility as in the purely natural outdoor colonies. The first and only true guests as yet observed in the colonies of the Argentine ant were found by the writer in March of the present year. Upon examining a large colony located in a heap of decaying cotton seed and straw, thousands of brown mites w^ere found and while the first impression was that they were breeding in the decaying vegeta- tion, examination of the entire heap showed that the mites occurred only in the heart of the ant colony. Specimens of these mites were sent to Dr. L. 0. Howard, who sub- mitted them to Mr. Nathan Banks of the Bureau of Entomology. Mr. Banks found that there were two distinct species, both new, and he kindly prepared descriptions of them as follows : Uropoda ac/itaiis ii. sp. "Body oval, in the female slightly more pointed behind than in the male; about one and one half times as long as broad, broadest behind coxae III and IV; the anterior tip of the body frequently depressed a little so as to appear slightly emarginate in front. Dorsum smooth, two little bristles in front un- der anterior margin; venter with a few short, stiff bristles, a pair slightly in front of the anus and a pair more widely separate behind. Peritreme very large at stigma, a slight projection beyond, anterior part at first curved, then extending obliquely forward and outward, then suddenly turned upon itself it runs back and diverges toward coxa II. Female genital aperture large, occupying all the area between coxae and reaching to the camerostome, and behind to middle of coxa IV; the male genital aperture is only a little longer tnan broad, and about its length from the camerostome. Legs .short, I with many hairs near tip, one as long as tarsus, other legs with short spines, most numerous on the tarsi. Hind tarsi about as long as space between hind cox£e. Length 9 nnn. "Baton Rouge, La.; associated with the Argentine ant." Uropatld provocdiis n. sp. "Body elongate oval ; tip more acute, anterior end sliglitly produced in the middle. Dorsum with many prominent bristles; the two bristles under an- terior margin are very long, two thirds as long as tarsus I; venter with a number of bristles. Peritreme large, with a very small inner prolongation, anteriorly it runs nearly straight at first, then curves outward and turns 264 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 on itself and runs toward coxa II. Female genital aperture not quite reach- ing the camerostome, and behind hardly extending to coxa IV. Male genital aperture one and one-fourth times longer than broad, and still farther from the camerostome. Legs of moderate length; the tarsi quite slender, I with many bristles hear tip, one of them as long as the tarsus, other tarsi with short spines, the hind tarsus fully as long as space between hind coxae. Length 1. mm. "Baton Rouge, La.; associated with the Argentine ant." For the purpose of determining the habits of these mites and the part played by them in the economy of the ant colonies, several hun- dred were placed in a colony of the Argentine ants, confined in a modified Janet cage, cast of plaster of Paris and containing five chambers, four of Avhich connect with each other by means of small tunnels, the fifth chamber being for the reception of water to main- tain humidity in the nest. In a cage of this character one chamber, usually the one furthest from the entrance, is invariably "set aside" by the ants as a cemetery, in which all dead individuals, refuse matter from the nest, etc., is deposited from time to time. It has been our custom to leave the chamber nearest the entrance covered only with glass, to form a sort of "vestibule" to the nest proper. Fine trash, containing eggs, larva and pupa? of the Argentine ant as well as hundreds of the two species of mite were placed in the vestibule of one of these cages on March 11th. The workers imme- diately selected all ant larva?, eggs, and pupae from the trash and car- ried them into the nest proper, paying no attention to the Uropodas and neither attempted to destroy them nor carry them into the nest. The vestibule, or outer cham])er. was by far the dryest compartment and during the two following days the Uropodas which failed to find their way through the small tunnel into the nest proper perished, either of starvation or lack of moisture. On the third day following their introduction, some of the living mites were in the nest with the workers and young, but the great majority had found their way through the two living chambers and three tunnels to the back cham- ber or "cemetery," where they were feeding upon the refuse matter placed there by the ants. Since that date, a period of about 100 days, the mites have continued to thrive in this colony. The mites never attack the immature stages of the ant nor do they seem to cause any annoyance or inconvenience to the latter. The ants, for their part, seem to be entirely indifferent as to the welfare of the mites. They never attempt to remove them or care for them, but appear to regard them with a spirit of kindly toleration. Observations made upon these mites in other colonies but served to verify these conclusions. In the case of one Janet cage the solvent action of the water, which August, '08] JOURNAL OP ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 265 was added from time to time to preserve the requisite amount of moisture within the cage, resulted in small cavities being formed outside the nest. From time to time a mite would find its way into one of these cavities and would remain there for a longer or shorter time. Such mites were constantly watched over by a detail of from two to six workers from the colony and while the workers never fed or in any other manner cared for the mites, so far as could be deter- mined, they were nevertheless unremitting in their self-imposed guardianship both day and night. That the mites were in no way dependent upon the ants for food or for care was determined by placing several hundred of the former in a plain glass bottle with a small supply of worker and larva "cad- avers" and other refuse matter taken from the cemeterial chamber of a large artificial formicarj'. Water was added from time to time to keep the mass sufficiently moist and the bottle isolated by water to prevent any living ants from obtaining access to it. On this dead and decaying matter the mites lived and thrived for over sixty days, when other duties caused us to neglect the daily application of moisture and the death of the mites resulted. We therefore feel safe in venturing the opinion that these two mites are scavengers, pure and simple, in the colonies of the Argentine ant and as such they are tolerated by the latter, although their pres- ence is not necessary to the welfare of the community and no effort is made by the ants to secure or retain their services. Careful search in the colonies of other species of Formicina has thus far failed to reveal the presence of either of these two species of Uropoda. Baton Rouge, La., June 22, 1908. THE FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES OF SPRAYING By H. T. Ferxald, Amherst, Muss. The use of arsenical poisons in the control of insect pests has now continued for nearly half a century. During that period, start- ing with but a few pounds a year, the demand has increased until many tons of these materials are now annually consumed and their use is one of the fundamental principles of economic entomology. Yet, a careful examination of our actual knowledge of arsenicals in their relation to insect and plant life gives surprising results, showing how little is really known and how much is merely empirical, and in- 3 266 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [VoL 1 dicates that a broad field for chemical, entomological and physio- logical research is waiting for explorers. Everyone who sprays is aware how variable are the results he ob- tains at different times; how one treatment may be very successful while another, under apparenth' similar conditions, may prove much less satisfactory. Some writers advise spraying on warm, cloudy days ; others on bright days to obtain the best results. The addition of one or two pounds of lime to each pound of Paris Green to prevent burning the foliage is generally urged; yet, even then, injury some- times follows, and the only explanation generally offered seems to be that the materials were not sufficiently well mixed. It is generally claimed that injury to foliage is due to the presence of free (uneombined) arsenic in the spray, l)ut it is interesting to note that even this has not been conclusively proven. And when the na- ture of the action of the poison on the insect is questioned, the an- swer seems to have been drawn entirely from human toxicology rather than from a study of the poisoned insects themselves, while differences in the ease with which different pests are killed by poisons have been explained as due to varying powers of elimination of the poisons from their bodies, — only a guess, though one which may prove to be correct. Even the chemical aspect of the insecticides has its uncertainties. Dictionaries of solubility state that copper arsenite is insoluble in Avater, whereas everyone who has used this substance as a spray knows that it is necessary to add lime to prevent burning the foliage. It would seem then, either that such statements as to solubility are very- loose in their nature, or that the burning is due to some of the im- purities always present in commercial articles. Which is the truth? What are the impurities and what parts may they play when used as sprays ? These and many other questions must be settled by the chemist and entomologist working together. . Weather conditions have already been mentioned. How far do these affect or modify results when other factors remain fixed? Is it sunlight, temperature, humidity or all these and perhaps other con- ditions in addition which are involved? The meteorologist must also contribute his share toward the solution of spraying problems. At the present time there are too few data of experiments made under conditions known with exactness; with materials of fixed and known composition ; and with careful studies of the results, to enable us to draw safe conclusions on this subject. INIany factors are in- volved and these must each be studied separately in their changes while the others remain fixed, thus involving long series of experi- August, '081 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 267 ments, before we shall have a knowledge of the fundamental princi- ples which will enable us to attain the best results. Such an investi- gation has already been begun at the Massachusetts Experiment Sta- tion with the anticipation that five or ten year's work may give re- sults which will help place spraying on a firm and scientific basis. DESCRIPTION OF NEW DEVICES FOR REARING INSECTS By A. F. Blugess. WaHhingtoii. D. C. One of the serious problems which it was necessary to solve in order to successfully rear the parasitic and predaceous insects which were being shipped from Europe to prey on the gypsy and brown-tail moths was to secure apparatus by means of which these insects, as well as their hosts, could be successfully reared in large numbers. All of the old style equipment in general use hy entomologists for rearing work was tested, but in 'many cases it was found that radical improvements were necessary in order to accomplish the results de- sired. It was of primary importance to place the insects under as nearly as possible natural conditions and at the same time to keep them in confinement where they could be studied and observed and not allowed to escape from captivity. The purpose of this paper is to call the attention of working entomologists and others who may be interested in rearing insects to several devices which are now in use at the Gypsy Moth Parasite Laboratory, Melrose Highlands, Mass., and which have been found to meet some of the serious defects of the equipment that is in general use in insectaries and insect-breed- ing laboratories. The most important of these is a tray for rearing insects which was devised by Mr. W. F. Fiske of the Bureau of Entomology. Wash- ington, D. C, who is in charge of the Parasite Laboratory. It is illus- trated in PI. 3, Figs. 1 and 2. The standard size used at the labor- atory is 14 in. square and 3 in. high. The bottom is covered with cheese-cloth which is attached by paste to the sides of the tray. With the exception of a 2-in. rim around the upper edge, the top is open ; while directly beneath this rim a band of sticky Tanglefoot is placed in order to prevent the escape of the insects. This band is applied before the cheese-cloth bottom is attached and it is a simple matter to re- place the bottom with a new^ piece of cheese-cloth when desired. The tray is built of one half inch white wood stock and the joints are se- curely nailed ancf glued in order to make it tight. A modification 268 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 of this tray has been used with excellent results for rearing larvi'e in large numbers. This form is 5 feet long, 2 feet wide, and 4 inches high. Approximately 300 trays of these two sizes have been in use this season and the results have been entirely satisfactory. The ad- vantages of this device over the ordinary Riley cage are very pro- nounced. Any one who has used the latter for rearing large quan- tities of larva? has been confronted with the difficult problem of feed- ing the caterpillars without allowing them to escape. It is impossible in one of these cages to secure reliable data on feeding habits of the insects. Avhich are being reared, and information concerning the habits of their parasitic enemies cannot be readily obtained because of the small area contained in the cage and also on account of the inability of an observer to watch the oviposition of parasites on their larval hosts. The Fiske tray overcomes practically all of these difficulties. The caterpillars are made to feed in such a way that they are exposed to the view of the observer, the Tanglefoot band preventing them from escaping from the tray. In case it is desired to make observations on the oviposition or habits of parasitic insects which attack the caterpil- lars, these trays can be placed in a tightly screened room or house in which the parasites may be liberated and where the observer can have ample opportunity to observe their operations. For the purpose of rearing some insects, such as beetles which spend a part of their life in the ground, it is usually desirable to use glass jars partially filled with earth. We have in the past used cheese- cloth covers. Avhieh Avere held in place by rubber bands or string. Both of these methods of fastening are objectionable, the former on account of the continual breaking of the bands and the latter because of the annoyance in untying the string to remove the cover. Some in- sects are able to cut through the cheesecloth and make their escape and this has often caused the loss of specimens from which valuable data was being secured. This year we have used a circular, wooden cover made of one inch planed pine. (See PI. 4, Fig. 3.) A groove was turned one half inch from the outer edge of the cover and of sufficient width to admit the upper edge of the jar. A 2-ineh hole was then cut or bored in the center, the under side of which was cov- ered Avith wire mosquito netting. This furnishes a cover which can be easil}^ removed and replaced and is tight enough to prevent the escape of insects which are being reared. The wire netting in the top furnishes sufficient air supply to prevent condensation of moisture on the inside of the jar. Another cage which has been successfully used this season for rear- ing Calosoma larva? is illustrated in PL 4, Fig. 4. It is 10 inches in Plate 3 FiSKE Tray: 1. — Top view of Fiske Itreediiig tray. Fig. 2. — Bottom view of same before chceseelotli bottom is put on. A indicates wliere the cloth will be placed on the bottom. It must be large enough to lap over and be pasted on th(- sides. X indicates wliere the band of Tanglefoot should lie ap- plied. Plate 4 Bketle Cages: Fig. 3. — No. 1, jar with wooden top. No. 2, j;u' with cheescloth top lielrt in place with rubber bjind. No. 3, construction of under- side of wooden top. Fig. 4. — Illustrntes construction of wire cage for rearing insects in the ground. The side figures show the top and bottom mology, Parts 4 and 6; Bur. of Entomology Tech. Ser. Buls., Nos. 1 to 7 and I have for exchange Insect Life, Vol. Ill, No. 4; Bur. of Ent. Buls., new jries, nearly all numbers from 1 to 50. R. I. Smith, Agr. Experiment Station, West Raleigh, N. C. WANTED — Riley's fourth, seventh, eighth, and ninth Missouri Reports. Have first and third to offer in exchange or will pay cash. W. D. Hunter, Box 208, Dallas, Texas. WANTED — To correspond with those desiring to exchange life-history ser- ies of important insects for economic collections. W. E. Hinds, Auburn, Ala. WILL EXCHANGE — Several different species of insects with anyone hav- ing insects for exchange. Send for list. Also have Insects for Study and Dissection. Send for list. Lloyd V. France, Platteville, Wis. Please mention the Joufnal of Economic Entomology when xuriting to advertisers. JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLGY OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE ASSOCIATION OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGISTS Editorial Staff Editor, E. Porter Felt, State Entomologist, New York. Associate Editor, A. F. Burgess, Secretary-Treasurer, Association of Economic Entomologists. Business Managfer, E. Dwight Sanderson, Director and Entomologist, New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station. Advisory Board L. O. Howard, Chief, Bureau of Entomology, United States Depart- ment of Agriculture. S. A. Forbes, State Entomologist, Illinois. James Fletcher, Dominion Entomologist, Canada. H. A. Morgan, Director and Entomologist, University of Tennessee Agricultural Experiment Station. H. T. Fernald, Professor of Entomology, Massachusetts Agricultural College. Herbert Osborn, Professor of Zoology and Entomology, Ohio State University. A bi-mouthly jourual, published February to December, on the 15th of the mouth, devoted to the interests of Ecouoraic Entomology and publishing the official notices and proceedings of the Asvsociation of Economic Entomologists. Address business communications to the Journal of Economic Entomology Publishing Co. , Railroad Square, Concord, N. H. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. In the United States, Cuba, Mexico and Canada, two dollars annually iu advance. To foreign countries, two dollars thirty cents ($2.30) anmially in advance. Single copies, fifty cents. To mem- bers of the Association of Economic Entomologists, one dollar annually in advance. MANUSCRIPT for publication should be sent to the Editor, E. Porter Felt, Geological Hall, Albany, N. Y. CURRENT NOTES AND NEWS sliould be sent to tlie Associate Editor, A. F. Burgess, Bureau of Entomology, Washington, D. O. SUBSCRIPTIONS may be sent to the Business Manager, E. Dwight Sanderson, Durham, N. H. ADVERTISEMENTS should be sent to the Advertising Manager, Wilmon Newell, Baton Rouge, La. Vol. I OCTOBER. 1908 No. 5 JOURNAL OF lECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE ASSOCIATION OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGISTS Editor E. Poster Felt Associate Editor A. F. BUKGESS Business Manager E. DwiGHT Sanderson Advisory Board L. O. Howard S. A. Forbes James Fletcher H. A. Morgan H. T. Fernald Herbert Osborn journal of economic entomology publishing co. Concord, N. H. Eoteied u Kcond-dan matter Mar. 3., 1908, at the pott-office at Concord, N. H.. under Act of Congrest of Mar. 3, 1879. CONTENTS Page The importation of Tetrastichus xarithomela-ense (Rond.) L. 0. Howard 281 The introduction of Indomp-mex humilis (Mayr) into New Orleans E, Foster 289 Notes on some cecropia cocoons and parasites John B. Smith 393 Notes on the lesser clover leaf beetle, Phytonomm niginrostris Fab. C. 0. HougMon 297 The oviposition of Chilocorus bivtdnerus (Mulsant) A. A. Girault 300 Notes and descriptions of some orchard plantlice of the family Aphididae C. P. Gillette 302 Sawfly larvae in apples R. L. Webster 310 Notes on maple mites P. J. Parrott 311 Notes from Connecticut W. E. Britton 31E Factors controlling parasitism, with special reference to the cotton boll weevil W. Dwight Pierce 315 The citrus white fly of Florida consists of two species E. W. Berger 324 A flea beetle attacking hops in British Columbia H. J. Qiutyle 825 The eggs of Empoasca mali (Le B.) R. L. Webster 826 Annual meeting of the Association of Economic Entomologists 327 Annual meeting of the Entomological Society of Ontario 328 Scientific notes Shade tree work in Brooklyu ./. ,/. Lerhon 328 Muscina stdbuJans (Fallen) W. R. Walton 329 Collections from human excreta W. R. Walton 330 Snow white linden moth, Ennomos mbsignnrius (Hubn.) 1 latero- caudal margin of one side, making that margin of the egg somewhat obliquely truncate. The eggs are larger than with the more common species of the 302 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 CoccinellidEe aud appear to be similar to those of Chilocorus similis Rossi (Marlatt, 1906). Fiske (1903) states that they are browu in color. Literature Referred To 1859. Glover, Townend. Report Commissioner of Patents for the year 1858. (Executive Document No. 105, House of Representatives, 2d session 35th U. S. Congress), Washington, p. 261. "The eggs of this lady-bug being deposited by the female on the leaves or trunks of trees infested, hatch in from three to six days." 1897. Smith, John Bernhard. Report of the Entomologist (for 1896), in 17th Annual Report, New Jersey Agric. Experiment Station, for year end- ing Oct. 31, 1896, p. 522. "The eggs are bright yellovi' in color, and quite large in proportion to the size of the beetle. They are elongate-oval in shape, set on end in little groups, something like those of the Potato Beetle, and in a general way resembling the eggs of other lady-birds, which are not uncommonly found on leaves infested by plant lice." 1902. Marlatt, Charles Lester. Proceedings of the 14th Annual Meeting of the Association of Economic Entomologists, Pittsburg, Pa., June 28, 1902. Bull. No. 37, N. Series, Div. Ent., United States Department of Agricul- ture, Washington, D. C, p. 81. 1903. Fiske, William F. Proceedings of the 15th Annual Meeting of the Association of Economic Entomologists, Washington, D. C, Dec. 26, 1902. Bull. No. 40, N. series, Div. Ent, United States Department of Agricul- ture, Washington, D. C, p. 31. 1906. Dimmock, George W. Algunas Coccinellidae de Cuba. Primer In- forme Auual de la Estacion Central Agronomica de Cuba, Habana, pp. 291 -292. Mentions the observations of Glover (1859), Smith (1897), and Fiske (1903). 1906. Marlatt, Charles Lester. The San Jose or Chinese Scale. Bull No. 62, Bureau Ent., United States Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C, fig. 11, d-g. NOTES AND DESCRIPTIONS OF SOME ORCHARD PLANT LICE OF THE FAMILY APHIDIDAE^ By C. P. Gillette The Aphididffi have been the most destructive family of insects attacking Colorado orchards for several years past. Consequently thej^ have been objects of sjiecial study by the writer and his assistants for the last two or three years. I am giving here some of the more technical information, especially descriptions, that would be of little interest to the fruit grower. *This paper is supplemental to Bull. 133 of the Colorado Agricultural Experi- ment Station, which deals more specially with the life habits and the means of control of orchard plant lice. October, '08] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 303 I am specially indebted to Mr. L. C. Bragg and Mr. E. P. Taylor for many of the life-history and food-plant records, and Miss M. A. Palmer has made all the drawings for the illustrations. APHIDS INFESTING APPLE AND PEAR TREES The Green Apple Aphis, Aphis pomi, DeGeer ; Plate 5, figs. 1-8. Some of the More Important Literature Aphis pomi, n. sp. DeGeer, Memoires, III, 1773. Aphis pyri mali. Fab. Systeuia Eutomologica, 1775. Aphis mall, Kaltenbach, Mon. cler Fam. Pflanzenlouse, p. 72, 1843. Aphis mali, Koch, Die Pflauzenlouse, p. 107, 1857. Aphis mali, Buckton, Mon. British Aphides, II, p. 44, 1879. Aphis mali, J. B. Smith, Bull. 143, N. J. Exp. Sta., 1900. Aphis padi, Sanderson, 12th Rep. Del. Exp. Sta., p. 191, 1901. Aphis pomi, Sanderson, 13th Rep. Del. Exp. Sta., p. 130, 1902. Aphis mali, Quaintauce, Circular 81, Bureau of Ent., 1907. Eggs — The eggs vary little from .60 mm. in length by .26 mm. in trans- verse diameter. When first deposited, they are light green in color, but in the course of a few days change to deep polished black. They are scattered promiscuously over the smooth bark of the twigs. Upon hatching the shell splits longitudinally at one end, as shown on Plate 6, Fig. 20. Hatching begins several days before the apple buds open at all, or with the opening of the earliest apricot blossoms in the same neighborhood. Young Stem-mother — Plate 5, fig. 1. The young stem-mothers, before the first molt, are very dark green in gen- eral color; antennae and legs dusky yellowish green; cornicles very short and black; antennae stout, 5-jointed,^ and with sensoria at the distal ends of joints 3 and 4. Length of body, in specimens described, .GO mm.; length of antennae .28 mm. From eggs taken at Paonia, Colorado, on appl^, March 2, 1907. Adult Stem-mother— Plate 5, fig. 2; and plate 6, fig. 1. From the same source as the preceding and hatched and reared in the insectary, probably a little under size. Color a bright green with a little tinge of yellow, head moi'e or less con- spicuously dusky brown; cornicles, cauda, eyes, base and tip of beak, tarsi, distal portions of tibiae, and antennae, the knees and genital plates, black or blackish; remaining portions of legs and antenna? a little dusky. The lateral thoracic tubercles are present, and similar ones occur on part or all the ab- dominal segments to the 7th; cornicles nearly straight and gradually tapering to their distal ends. The antennae are short and G-jointed, as is usually true with stem-mothers in this genus. The third joint is very much the longest (Plate 6. fig. 1) and is really the union of joints 3 and 4. Sometimes the suture is present, cutting this joint into two. Length of body varying little from 1.50 mm.; width, .80 to .90 mm.; antenna, .75 mm.; antenna joints: three, ,26 mm.; four, .13 mm.; five, .11 mm.; six, .14 mm.; cornicles, .25 mm. Young of Stem-mothers — Plate 5, fig. 4. 'For convenience I shall refer to the flnfrelliiin of the last joint of the antenna as a separate joint. 304 JOURNAL OP ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 The young lice of the second generation, before their first molt, are a very- pale yellowish green with light to dark red eyes and with legs and antennae pale dusky. Antenna? with third joint longest, nearly equaling joints four and five together, whole number of joints five, sensoria at distal ends of joints three and four. The head is large and broad, the thoracic tubercles are well de- veloped and about five similar tubercles occur along either lateral margin of the abdomen; the cornicles are very stout, being about as broad as long and about parallel sided. Length of body, .60 to .65 mm.; antenna .35 to .40 mm. Adult Apterous Viviparous Female — Plate 5, fig. 3; and Plate 6. fig. 2. Described from same lot as preceding young. General color light green or yellowish green with head, or head and thorax, distinctly yellowish, the head in some specimens somewhat dusky; cor- nicles, eyes, tarsi, genital plates, cauda, knees, distal ends of tibiae and more or less of the distal ends of joints four, five and six of the antennae dusky brown to deep black. Thoracic tubercles distinct, about four to six similar but smaller lateral abdominal tubercles upon either side; cornicles sti'aight and slightly tapering to the outer ends, where there is a moderate flange; cauda upturned, tail-like; vertex gentl,y rounded, antennal tubercles very slight; body pyriform in general shape. Length varying from 1.60 to 2 mm.; length of antenna, 1.20 mm., joint seven usually a little the longest, joints four and five sub-eriual (Plate 6, fig. 2) ; length of cornicles somewhat variable but differing little from .40 mm.; cauda, .19 mm. The orange color at base of cornicles as described by Sanderson in Thirteenth Annual Report, Del. Experiment Station, 1901, I have never seen at any time of the year in this species. Pupa of Viviparous Female — Plate 5, fig. 6. In third generation, bred from stem-mothers described above. Color of abdomen green, more or less tinged with yellow; thorax, above and below, yellowish brown, to pale carneous, the color being deepest on prothorax and middle portion of mesothorax; head of same color with more or less dusky brown that is separated into two lateral patches more or less distinctly by a median lighter line; distal ends of antennae, eyes, cornicles, wing pads, tarsi, distal ends of tibiae, most of the femora, and beak, and genital plates black or blackish; cauda green, more or less infuscated about the margins; thoracic and abdominal tubercles as in Apterous Viviparous female. Length of body about l.SO to 2 mm.; antenna, 1 to 1.10 nun.; cornicles, .32 mm. Winged Viviparous Female— Plate 5, fig. 6; and Plate 6, fig. 3. Third generation as in case of pupa described above. Color of abdomen deep green, without black markings above,' head, thorax above and below, cornicles, cauda, genital plates, tarsi and distal ends of tibiae and femora, black or blackish; costal vein and stigma dusky; venation normal; eyes a very dark red, usually appearing black; lateral tubercles pres- ent on prothorax and most of the abdominal segments; middle ocellus upon vertex rather prominent, antennae upon slight tubercles, third joint with about 6 to 9 rather large flat circular sensoria in a single row, cornicles very grad- ually tapering to the distal ends, where there is a moderate flange. Length of body, 1.50 to 1.60 mm.; antenna, 1.15 to 1.25 mm. Joints of antenna about ^In some of the specimens there are, upon either lateral margin of the abdomen, three or four darker green or dusky spots, but not the good black spots that occur in many species. October, '08] JOURNAL OP ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 305 as follows: Three, .25 mm.; four, .20 mm.; five, .19 mm.; six, .12 mm.; seven, .30 mm. (Plate 6, fig. 3). The auteum^ and cornicles of seven alate females from Mr. J. T. Monell taken at St. Louis, Missouri, June 10, 1908, measured as follows in hundredths of millimeters: Joint 3. Joint 4. Joint 5. Joint 6. Joint 7. Cornicle. 26 20 20 12 33 31 29 19 20 33 31 29 20 20 31 29 27 19 19 29 29 26 20 19 31 26 27 20 20 34 29 31 20 20 12 33 29 The antennse and cornicles of nine alate females taken at Fort Collins, Colo- rado, July 10 to August 14, 1908, measured as follows: Joint 3. Joint 4. Joints. Joint 6. Joint?. Cornicle. 27 20 20 12 29 30 26 20 20 11 30 29 34 23 21 11 34 30 28 20 20 11 29 30 29 20 20 11 34 29 27 21 20 12 31 29 29 20 20 11 31 29 31 21 21 12 34 30 29 21 20 11 31 29 Oviparous Female — Plate 5, fig. 8; and Plate 6, figs. 5. 6. "Wingless, variable, but usually dull green in general color with a tinge of rusty yellow; head dusky brown, quite dark in some individuals; eyes, distal half of antennae, cornicles, cauda, knees, distal ends of tlbise, tarsi and genital plates black or blackish; thoracic tubercles prominent and a row of smaller cues along either lateral margin of the abdomen; cornicles straight and tapering gradually towards distal ends, where there is a slight flange. Length of body varying little from 1.40 mm.; antenna, .85 mm.; seventh Joint fully one-third longer than joint three (Plate 6, fig. 5). Sensoria at the distal ends of joints five and six only. About 10 oval sensoria on hind tibiae (Plate 6, fig. 6). Apterofls Male— Plate 5. fig. 7 ; and I'lato 6. fig. 4. General color brownish yellow with dusky brown head. Eyes, cornicles, cauda, genital plates, tarsi, distal ends of tibiee, and more or less of distal ends of antennae black or blacKish; older individuals darker llian the younger; length of body, 1.10 mm.; antenna, .90 mm.; cornicles, .15 mm., cylindrical, 306 JOURNAL OP ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 moderate flange at distal end. Antenna joints: Three, .19 mm.; four, .17 mm.; five, .14 mm.; six, .09 mm.; seven, .23 mm. long. The sensoria are difficult to see and appear to be variable in number. Near distal end of joint three I have usually found 2 and upon joints four and five about 7 or 8 each (Plate 6, fig. 4). Described from specimens taken September 15, 1907, at Fort Collins. The Woolly Apple Aphis, Schizonenra lanigera Hausm., Plate 5, figs. 9, 10, 11. Some of the More Important Literature Aphis lanigera Hausm., Illigers Mag. I, p. 229, 1802. Schizonenra lanigera Hartig, Germar's Zeit. Ent. Ill, p. 367, 1841. Pemphigus pyri Fitch, 1st Rep. Ins. N. Y., p. 5, 1856. Aphis lanigera Harris, Ins. Inj. to Veg., p. 242, 1862. Eriosoma lanigera Verrill, Pract. Ent. I, p. 21, 1865. Eriosoma pyri Riley, Ins. Mo. I, p. 118, 1869. Schizonenra lanigera Lowe, Ann. Rep. N. Y. Exp. Sta., for 1896, p. 570. Schizonenra lanigera Marlatt, Circ. 20, Second Ser., Div. of Ent., 1897. Schizonenra lanigera Garman, Bull, 80, Ky. Exp. Sta., p. 208, 1899. . Schizonenra lanigera Alwood, Spec. Bull. (C. P. C. 45), Va. E. S., 1904. Schizonenra lanigera Smith, R. I., Bull 23, Ga. State Board of Ent., 1907. In the warmer fruit growing sections of Colorado this louse lives over winter regularly upon the trunks and limbs as well as on the roots of the trees. Upon the roots it lives in all stages of growth, but upon the top all the lice die except the last brood born in the fall. These leave the places of their birth before molting, and apparently without feeding or growing, to hunt a hiding place that will give them pro- tection for the winter. The hiding places are beneath the dead bodies of the partly or fully grown lice (which all die from the cold), beneath scales of the bark, or about the crown of the tree between the bark and loose dirt. These over-winter lice do not secrete any cot- tony covering until they begin to feed and grow the following spring. In this respect the woolly aphis has a habit similar to CJiermes coweni, the last brood of which (var. coweni) rest upon the leaves of the red spruce, or (cooleyi) on the bark of the blue spruce, without growing or secreting a covering of wax threads from the late summer until they are warmed into activity the following spring. Plate 5, fig. 11, was drawn from one of these over winter young after it had begun to grow in the spring, so it is a little too light in color and a trifle broad across the abdomen for the typical over-winter condition. We have had no trouble to get the alate females to deposit* the true sexual forms in confinement. We have been utterly unable to keep these alate females upon the apple trees to deposit their young. They seem possessed of a controlling instinct to get away from the tree. October, 'OS] journal op economic entomology 307 so that the sexual forms have always been deposited upon the walls of the breeding cages.^ NATURAL ENEMIES The most active natural enemies of the woolly aphis in Colorado have been predaceous insects. We have reared no parasite from it, but, Aug. 21, 1908, Mr. L. C. Bragg brought into my office a female ApJielinus mali- busily ovipositing in apterous females of this louse. Among the Coceinellids, Eippodamia convergens is by far the most abundant destroyer of this louse both upon the eastern and western slopes of the mountains. Mr. E. P. Taylor also took H. sinuata, Coc- cinella 9-noiata, C. monticola and C. transversalis feeding on this louse in the orchards about Grand Junction, and we have noted H. transversalis, C. 9-notata, C. monticola, C. frigida, and C. 5-notata {transversalis and transversoguttata) feeding upon it in eastern Colorado. ]\Ir. Taylor also reared two syrphus flies at Grand Junction on this louse, namely, Catdbornha pyrastri Linn, and Eupeodes volucris 0. S. Lace-wing flies (Plate 5, figs. 15 and 16) are also very destructive to Scliizoneura lanigera in Colorado, and especially upon the western slope in the Grand Valley, where Mr. Taylor concluded that they did more than all else to subdue the unusually severe outbreak of this louse in that valley during the early summer of 1907. The Capsid, Campfohrochus nebulosus LThl, we have found a common feeder upon this and some other plant lice in Colorado. Alate Female— Plate 5, fig. 10. General color nearly black to naked eye, but the abdomen is really a dark yellowish or rusty brown. Leg, eyes and antennae are black or blackish, prox- imal ends of femora and tibiae may be yellowish, nerves of wings black, the subcostal being very heavy, and the stigma dusky brown to the naked eye, but really a dark green. Third cubital vein sub-obsolete half way to the fork. Cauda and cornicles nearly obsolete. The yellowish brown color of the abdomen is due mainly to the female embrj-os showing through, the two sexes being present in about equal num- bers, usually four or five of each, but the numbers may vary from three to six. Sixteen winged females dissected gave a total of 66 females and 48 males. Joints three to six of the antennae are strongly annulate, as shown in Plate 6. ' Since writing the above, I have succeeded in obtaining numerous examples of light orange yellow sexual females and the smaller duslty brown males, and a few j-ellow eggs upon leaves and barli of twigs that had been inclosed six weeks before in small cheese cloth sacks in the orchard. The first egg was obtained Sept. 18, at Ft. Collins, Colorado. 2 Determined for me by Dr. L. O. Howard. 308 JOURNAL OP ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 fig. 19. Length of body, 2.20 mm.; wing, 2.80 mm.; antenna, .80 mm.; joints: three, .40 mm.; four, .12 mm.; five, .13 mm.; six, .07 mm.; joint three with about 21 annulations; four with 3 or 4; five with about 5, and six with 1 or 2, or none. The sexual females are brown ochre in color ;s4Jie males are dark green, or a greenish brown; both sexes without beaks. Over Winter Young— Plate 5, fig. 11. The' following description is from specimens brought from Delta, Colorado, where they were taken March 28, 1908: General color a dingj' yellowish brown, the head and prothorax being darker, and in some specimens almost black, the head being the darkest part. The antenna?, legs and the distal end of the beak are dusky brown. Length of body, .65 mm. to .75 mm.; the width, .35 mm.; length of body to the end of the beak, which pi-ojects caudad some distance beyond the abdomen, is .77 mm.; antenna five-jointed and .27 in length, rather stout and set with a few stout hairs. There are very few hairs over the body. There is some varia- tion in the general color, some specimens being considerable darker than others. As soon as these little lice begin to feed, the color of the abdomen becomes much lighter. A pair of hairs arising at the bases of the tarsal claws of each foot are slightly knobbed at the distal ends. The European Grain Aphis, Aphis^ avenae Fab., the Clover Aphis, A. hakeri Cowen, the Rosy Apple Aphis, A. pyri Boyer, and the Sweet Clover Aphis, A. medicaginis Koch, all occur to some extent in Colo- rado apple orchards. A discussion of these species is deferred for a later number of the Journal. AP7TIDS INFESTING THE PEACH The Black Peach Aphis, Aphis persicae-niger Smith ; Plate 5, figs. 12. 13, 14. Some of the More Important Literature Aphis persicw-niger n. sp. Smith, E. F., Ent. Amer. 1890, pp. 101, 201. Aphis persicw-niger Smith, J. B., N. J. Exp. Sta., Bull. 72, 1890. Aphis persicw-niger Johnson, Md. Exp. Sta., Bull. 55, 1898. Aphif! persicie-niger Froggart, Miscel. Pub. No. 760, Agrl. Gaz. N. S. W., 1904. This louse occurs in a few orchards only in Fremont, Delta and Mesa counties. Early in the spring it attacks the tender bark of small limbs and sprouts and often becomes quite numerous before any of the buds open. We have searched in vain for males, sexual fe- males or eggs of this louse. ^This louse seems to me to fall readily into the genus Aphis. It does not have the very long clavate cornicles characteristic of Passerini's genus Sipho- coryne. According to Schouten and Kirkaldy Siphoconjne becomes a syno- nym of Hijddfiphis. Kirkaldy. See Mem., Soc. Entom, Belgium, XII, p. 229. October, '08] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 309 Adult Apterous Females — Plate 5, fig. 12. When fully mature these females appear deep shining black, but under a hand lens the margins of the abdomen, the thorax and the basal portions of the antennae are more or less yellowish or amber brown in color. The legs are dusky yellow with distal ends of tibiae and tarsi black; cornicles black; Cauda dusky brown to blackish, hardly distinguishable; cornicles straight, en- larged slightly towards the base, and with distinct flange at tip. The general shape of the body is very broad for the length, especially in the older indi- viduals. These females are not black until after the final molt. During the nymph stages they vary from very pale to rather dark yellowish brown. Newly Born, Viviparous Females — Plate 5, fig. 13. When first born the young lice are very pale, almost a lemon-yellow in color, becoming darker as they gi-ow; eyes dark red; antennae, cornicles and feet a little dusky. When ready to molt they measure about .70 mm. Cor- nicles short, stout and with a wide flange; beak extending to a point half way between hind coxae and tip of abdomen. Length of antenna, .35 to .50 mm.; joints one and two, short, cylindrical, joint one being much the thicker, joint three about as long as one and two together; joint four short, but little longer than two, and with a sensorium at distal end; joint five a trifle longer than four, stout, and with a cluster of sensoria at the distal end; joint six is long spindle-shaped and is about equal to three and four together; division between three and four sometimes wanting. After first molt the lice become darker, a good salmon color, and measure from 1 to 1.40 mm. in length; antennse 7-jointed and about two-thirds the length of the body, distal half ])lackish, cornicles equaling tarsi in length, broad at base and with wide flange. Winged Viviparous Female — Plate 5, fig. 14; and Plate 6, fig. 7. General color of body deep shining black; bases of femora, tibiae, cauda and usually the eighth abdominal segment in front of it, yellowish. No lateral tubercles upon prothorax or abdomen, middle ocellus rather prominent, an- tennae upon slight tubercles. Length of body about 1.75 mm.; antenna, 1.80 mm.; cornicles, .23 mm.; the cornicles are a little stouter at base and have a moderate flange; length of wing, 3 mm.; stigma yellowish; venation normal; joints of antenna about as follows: three, .46 mm.; four, .31 mm.; five, .21 mm.; six, .11 mm.; seven, .55 mm.; cauda very small, hardly longer than broad at base; joints three and four of antenna strongly tuberculate with many sensoria, and joint 5 with 2 to 6 similar sensoria (Plate G, fig. 7). (Continued in next number.) EXPLANATIONS OF PLATES Plate 5: Figs. 1 to 8, Aphis pomi; 1, stem-mother, first instar; 2, adult stem- mother; 3, apterous viviparous female of the second generation; 4, young, first instar, second generation; 5, winged viviparous female of second genera- tion; 6, pupa of third generation; 7, adult male; 8, adult oviparous female. Schizoneura kinigera — 9 and 10, apterous and alate viviparous females; 11, the small over-winter form. Aphis persicw-niger — 12 and 14, adult apterous and alate viviparous females; 13, young viviparous female, first instar; 15, Chrysopa sp. and eggs; 16, Chrysopa cocoon. The enlargement in each case is marked beneath the figure. This plate is from Bull. 133, Colo. Exp. Sta., by Gillette and Taylor, M. A. Palmer, artist. 310 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 Plate 6: Anteun;p, tibiae aud cornicles of Aphis pomi, 1 to 6 ; Aphis per- sicw-niffer, 7; Myzus cerasi, 8; Myzus persicce, 9-17; ScMzoneurq, lanigera, 18-19; egg shell of Aphis pomi, 20. Enlarged 80 diameters in each case, except the shell, which is enlarged 20 diameters. This plate is a modification of Plate IV, Bull. 133, Colo. Exp. Sta., by Gillette and Taylor, M. A. Palmer, artist. SAW FLY LARVAE IN APPLES By R. L. Webster, Ames, loiva The saw fly, Taxo)ius nigrisoma Nort., sometimes called the "Dock False-worm," has been reported several times as eating into apples. Doctor Fletcher and Professor Lochhead have already noted this rather peculiar habit, so that it is by no means unknown. Three years ago I found several saw fly larvaj in Greening apples, which larvae turned out to be the above species. The apples were shipped from New York state and were kept in the cellar at my home during the winter. The larvae were studied in the entomological laboratory at the University of Illinois in March and Apjril, 1905. The burrow containing the larva extended about half the distance from the skin to the core of the apple. From the exterior the burrow was characterized by a circular, brownish, discolored patch, in the center of which was the small hole made by the larva when entering the apple. The burrow w^as considerably larger in diameter than the larva itself, and the larva was partially curled up within. None had pupated when they were found early in ]March. On ]\rarch 7th several larv« were placed in a breeding cage in the laboratory. Small holes were made in the apples, to serve as burrows. The larvae, however, would not remain in these holes, but pupated, without forming a cocoon, on the damp sand of the breeding cage. Larva? pupated on the 27th and 29th of March in the laboratory, and the adults emerged the 1st and 3d of April. The average length of the pupal stage was 5.6 days. Chittenden and Titus have already given an excellent description of the larva in Bulletin 54 of the Bureau of Entomology, so that it is unnecessary to give it here. About the same time Prof. E. S. G. Titus, then connected with the Bureau of Entomology at Washington, reared this species in the insec- tary there, from an apple purchased by INIr. Couden in Washington. The adults reared from the apple in Illinois were sent to Professor Titus and were pronounced to be the same species, Taxomis nigrisoma Nort. JOURNAL OP ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY Plate 5 S 2 r- Colorado Expt. Station BuUetiuNo. 133-lyOS PLATE I X15 PLANT LICE JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY irem 9 XSO Plate 6 20 Hatched e^g of A ponii yureau of Entomology-. Bulletin 72. October, '08] JOURNAL OP ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 317 Margaropus annulatus Say, in which the oviposition period is shown to range from eight days in summer to forty-two days in winter. 2. Relative rapidity of development. A host which passed through its developmental period more rapidly than any of its parasites has the greatest chance for safety, and conversely, the parasite with the most ra[)id development must be considered first in a scheme of para- site utilization. The development of the boll weevil may be best illustrated l)y a curve which shows 38 days from oviposition in April as necessary before maturity, 13 days in July, and 30 days in October. The development of Bracon mellitor Say beginning in June takes about 25 days, in July and August 10-18 days, in late October 175 days. A similar curve may be plotted for each of the five other important species. Among one-generation weevils, Lixus musculns Say may be con- trasted with Desmoris scapaUs Lee. The former completes its devel- opment in the fall and hibernates as an adult, but its principal para- site, Glyptomorpha rugator Say seldom matures until the following spring. The Desmoris takes about ten months to develop, and yet it is parasitized by Bracon mellitor, which develops in mid-summer in 15 days, and is hence capable of breeding several generations at the expense of the more retarded individuals of the Desmoris. 3. Relative rapidity in sequence of generations. An instance of greater rapidity in sequence of generations in parasite than in host has just been cited. In the case of the boll weevil and most of its parasites a rapid sequence of generations takes place, but at prac- tically the same rate. There is a notable exception in the cases of the two species of Pediculoides, which attack the weevil. These spe- cies reproduce at the rate of a new generation every foiir days. If other factors did not interfere, the mites could become very efficient enemies of the boll weevil. 4. Retardation of development. It is very common among insects for some individuals to develop more slowly than others of the same age. There are many causes for this phenomenon, among which may be classed the character of the food supply. The boll weevil breeds both in squares and bolls, but the development in the latter is much more retarded than in the former. If a cold spell finds immature stages of the boll weevil in dry bolls, the development may be retarded and prolonged until the following spring, but if the individuals are in squares at this time, they will more than likely mature under the heat of the sunshine in the succeeding warm spell and hibernate as adults. When the parasite species has a short period of activity, this char- 318 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 acteristic would tend to increase the chances of the host species. The phenomenon of retarded development is often observed also in para- site species. Entomologists may take advantage of this factor by re- frigeration of immature parasites until they are needed for work, 5. Possible parasites per Jiost. A host may support one or many parasite individuals at a time. When a parasite places a single egg in a very young host and that egg subdivides as the host grows, some- times forming a sufficient number of parasites to entirely consume the host, the case is designated as polyembryony. This property is suspected as occurring in Tetrastichus on Orthoris crotcJm Lee, and in several species of Horismenus which attack bruchids and Lixus. The boll weevil is seldom capable of furnishing food for more than one parasite, although sometimes two are bred. On the other hand none of the boll weevil parasites are able to recognize the existence of another parasite egg or larva upon a prospective host. In fields where the percentage of parasitism has reached a very high point, such evidences of duplication are very numerous. In one instance thirteen eggs of a single species were found on one larva, although only one could possibly mature, cannibalism settling the fate of the rest. A very striking example is presented by Pediculoides. If a single mite finds a weevil larva, two generations of its offspring can be bred on the original host ; in the case of wasp larvae, even more generations may be reared. 6. Proportion of sexes. In computing the possible gains of parasite over host, a very important consideration is the proportion of sexes in the two species. The most striking phenomenon in sexual relation- ships is of course parthenogenesis, which is supposed to occur with many parasite species, and among hosts is most prominent in the aphids. In Pediculoides males and females born ovoviviparously from the same parent, mate upon the body of the parent, after which the males die. Large series of examinations in the boll weevil problem have shown the following percentages of males : the host, Anthonofnus grandis, has 58 per cent of males, Bracon mellitor Say 39 per cent, Catolaccus hunteri Cwfd. 22.8 per cent, Cerambycohius cyaniceps Ashm. 26.7 per cent, Enrytoma tylodermatis Ashm. 35.4 per cent, Microdonto- merus anthonomi Cwfd. 15.3 per cent. The last named species has shown the most remarkable gains, 7. Condition of Itost. Wlien the parasite species requires a certain stage of the host for attack, its activity is sharply limited. This lim- October, '08] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 319 itation is greatest in egg parasites, especially when the eggs are laid separately, less so when they are in clusters. Parasites which attack adults are not as a rule very numerous, although occasionally recorded. The hymenopterous parasites of the boll weevil will attack either larva or pupa, although Bracon mellitor generally attacks the younger larvae. By this habit, this species frequently loses some of its value through accidental secondary parasitism by other species. 8. Dissemination. A migratory host species may frequently remove itself many miles from its hereditary enemies by rising in flight. The boll weevils disperse in all directions in the fall of each year, being capable of moving fifty to a hundred or more miles. It is not probable that the parasites can do this, because at present they are known to be more or less limited in their distribution. Some of these parasites certainly can not keep up with such a spread. On the other hand, a migratory host may carry its parasites, as Toxoptera gra- minum Rond. spreads its parasite Lysiphlehus tritici Ashm.^ 9. Adaptation to new climates. In the event of a dispersion by either host or parasite, or of an accidental or intentional introduction of either species, it is of course necessary to understand the ability of the species to accommodate itself to the new conditions of weather and perhaps even of food. Although it is a very adaptable species, the boll weevil frequently loses a good part of the territory gained by the last dispersion of the year. 10. Adaptability to changed food supply. When the food-plant of a one-plant species, or the host of a one-host parasite, is checked by any agency, a corresponding check is immediately placed upon that insect also. Therefore, when either the host or parasite is thus re- stricted and the other is capable of adjusting itself to other food- supply, a decided advantage exists in favor of the adjustable species. The boll weevil is al^solutely confined to one species of host-plant, but its parasites without exception are able to propagate on several other species of weevils. I have previously called attention to a sudden adaptation of Ceramhycohiiis cushmani Cwfd., to the boll weevil, because of the absence of its original host; of Eurytoma tylodermatis Ashm., because of the cutting of weeds containing its host; and to the rapid adaptation of Microdontomerus antJionomi Cwfd., which in two years has become the predominant boll weevil parasite in certain portions of central Texas. - •Webster, F. M., 1907. The spring grain-aphis, or so-called "green bug." U. S. D. A., Bureau of Ent, Circular 93, p. 15. 2The economic bearing of recent studies of the parasites of the cotton boll weevil. Jour. Econ. Ent., Vol. 1, pp. 117-122. 330 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOxMOLOGY [Vol. 1 11. Aestivation and liibentation. The varying conditions of food supply or species habit, which render a resting period imperative, bring about a factor of extreme variation. With the boll weevil the entrance into hibernation in a given locality may extend over two months in the fall, and the emergence frequently lasts from jMarch to July. Even though a parasite species should carry off all of the developing weevil offspring of the earliest weevils, there would still be many more weevils in hibernation, to continue the species. 12. Endo- and ecto-parasitism. Although a minor factor, still the location of attack by a parasite must be taken into consideration. Zygoharis xanthoxyli Pierce breeds in the l)erries of Xanthoxylum clavahercidis, and pupates in the ground. It is parasitized internally by Sigalpkus zygobaridis Cwfd., which does not kill it until the earthen pupal cell is formed. Thus the host prepares a safe retreat for its parasite. The weevil is also parasitized externally by Catolac- ciis hunteri Cwfd.. which kills the host larva while it is still in the berry. This instance will suggest how this factor may be important. 13. Premature death. In considering the numerical ratio between two species, there should be prepared data to show the percentage of each species which die before fulfilling their sexual functions. II. Other Biological Factors 1. Insectivorous vertebrates. Insects have many enemies among the vertebrates, such as batrachians, reptiles, birds, and mammals, which show very little discrimination between hosts and parasites. Parasitized insects, being uneasy or frantic in their movements, are moie open to attack by birds than healthy individuals. 2. Other plant feeding insects. The existence of other plant-feed- ers on the same host plant is an element which has a direct bearing upon the status of the given insect. For example the cotton squares and ])olls are l)()red by the boll weevil, the boll worm, several square borers, such as Calycopis and Uranotes, and even by the leaf worm. The activity of any of these Lepidoptera in squares necessarily cuts down the food supply of the boll weevil. When the leaf worms defo- liate the cotton, they stop its gi'owth. eliminate the weevil's food supply, and remove the shelter from the sun, with the result that the survivors nuist disperse. An extended region of defoliation may cause the starvation of multitudes of flying weevils in search of fresh fields. Finally, the limiting of the food supply and the off- spring of the weevils limits the parasites, while the work of the sun made possible by defoliation forestalls them, and the dispersion leaves them still less of a chance for great multiplication. Other examples October, '08] journal of economic entomology 32 1 of this class may be given. Anthonomus sqiiamosus Lee. breeds in the heads of GrindeJia squairosa, which heads are frequently entirely riddled by a \avge noctuid caterpillar, Lygranfhoecia mortua Grote, at the expense of the developing weevil. This same noctuid consumes the larva* of Desmoris scapalis Lee. in the heads of Sideranthus rubiginosiis, after the same manner. Lixus muscidus Say breeds in stem galls of Polygonum pennsijlvwmcwm, but is frequently in the path of a stem mining pyralid, which invariably consumes the weevil stage or its parasites. Any such interference with the host insect, of course, affects the welfare of its parasite species. 3. Predatory insects. With certain striking exceptions predatory insects do not show much discrimination between insects which might become their prey. The most valuable of all predators are probably the ants. In fact in the boll weevil problem they rank very high as an element of control. Ants carry away every vestige of insect mat- ter from the cell. They may devour larvae killed by heat or para- sites. There is a question therefore as to the mortality to be accred- ited to them, since some portion might have been accomplished by heat or by parasites. The problem of utilizing ants is as complicated as that of utilizing true parasites, because of the social economy of these insects. 4. Hyperpara^ites. The existence of hyperparasites is always very provoking when the question of controlling an injurious insect is to be solved. Before utilizing the primary parasites the worker must attempt to eliminate the secondary parasites. The entire effective- ness of a given parasite may be destroyed by its hyperparasites, and again these may be almost completely checked by tertiary parasites, and they by quaternary species. Still more provoking are the many cases of species which act according to conditions as primary and secondary, also even tertiary, or as secondary, tertiary, and quater- nary, as shown by Howard, Fiske, Silvestri and others. Accidental secondary parasitism, or that phase which is rendered so by the pri- ority of another individual, occurs in the habits of Cerambyeobius, Eurytoma, and Microdontomerus on the boll weevil. Frequently the eggs of three species are found on a single weevil larva. Thus it may he seen how the several co-parasites of an insect, although all working to the same end may frequently work at cross purposes, by each destroying some of the others. 5. Co-Jiosfs. The sulijeet of co-hosts has received little attention in the past. Not only do phytophagous insects frecpiently have many host-plants, but it is also common for parasites to attack numerous closely related species, or insects with similar haliits. In considering 323 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 the inter-relationships between a given host and a given parasite, it must be remembered that this relationship is intimately connected with the status of all the host-insects or host-plants of the given host, and with all the co-hosts of the given parasite, and all of the host- plants or host-insects of these co-hosts. Thus in the boll weevil prob- lem the weevil has only one food plant to be considered, but it has twenty-three primary parasites, three of which are sometimes acciden- tally supernumerary ; also seven predators, which attack the l)oll wee- vil or its parasites. Two parasites are known to attack these preda- tors. Forty-one weevils are known to serve as co-hosts of the primary parasites, some of them- harboring three or four species. Twenty-one parasites, unknown to the boll weevil, attack these co-host weevils. Ninety species of plants are known to serve as hosts to the forty-one co-host weevils. The relationships do not stop here, for we know other weevil hosts of the co-parasites of the co-hosts, and also other parasites to these weevils, and finally hyperparasites on some of these parasites. 6. Fungous and hacterial diseases. Although very little is known of the diseases of insects, the fact remains that many are carried off by this factor. III. General Factors of Control 1. Climate. Above all other factors and holding a definite relation- ship to each, stands climate. As an agency of mortality it displays its powers in many different manners. Frosts, rains, droughts, sun- shine, shade, floods, storms and winds may be fatal, under the proper conditions. That these factors do not influence different species in the same manner is well known. The boll weevil is easily killed by the direct rays of the sun falling upon it, or upon the square contain- ing it, when the air temperature is in the nineties. The parasites are not so easily affected. A frost in November, 1907, killed fifty-five per cent of the weevil stages, but had no apparent effect upon the parasite stages present. The relative fecundity, length of oviposition period, rapidity of development, rapidity in sequence of generations, proportion of sexes, dissemination, and aestivation or hibernation are directly controlled by climatic conditions, and more or less arbitrary formula? may be worked out after much study to represent each rela- tionship. At the same time every plant and animal species involved in the given problem is directly controlled by the same conditions. 2. Plant conditions. The condition of the host-plant may very greatly influence the given problem. For instance, it frequently hap- pens that the cotton plant fails to form a complete absciss layer be- neath an injured square or boll, and this injured part therefore is al- October, 'OS] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 32JJ lowed to dry and hang. Here the heat is not so great, and the ants are less likely to find the weevil stage within, but the sun-loving Hy- menoptera choose this situation for their attack, in preference to fal- len squares. Certain varieties of cotton mature very early, and hence drive the weevils out sooner. Some varieties have less extensive foli- age than others and hence permit greater mortality from the sun's rays. Under some conditions proliferation also destroys the immature stages by crushing. Examples of these kinds abound throughout our literature. The protection afforded insects by the plant is often a great protection against manj^ factors, e. g., the protection of cotton bolls compared with squares. The thickness of the carpels and the mass of the fiber in the bolLs afford considerably more protection against cold than the squares. 3. Cultural conditions. Insect control is frequently effected by means of certain cultural or field practices. In the boll weevil prob- lem it is possible to make parasite control supplement this cultural control, as has been shown in my paper, previously quoted. Our idea is to kill all of the boll weevils that can be killed, and to do this Ave must add every factor, which can do even a little bit. The parasites can take a given per cent which can not be touched by any given cul- tural method and furthermore are facilitated in part of their work by definite cultural practice. 4. Food supply. In a general way the amount and nature of the food supph' of an insect determines its size, its fecundity, its ability to withstand climatic conditions, the rapidity of development, and its movements. The food supply is in turn controlled by climate. 5. Duplicated mortality. It goes without demonstration that, with so many factors of mortality possible in the case of a given insect, there will be more or less duplication. Ants carry off the evidence of mor- tality by both heat, fungus and parasites. Parasites attack and breed upon hosts already killed, and upon those which would have been killed by other factors. Heat kills stages which would have been otherwise killed, and in fact kills these other agencies also. Never- theless it must be considered that, whether a parasite was needed or not in order to kill a given stage, having done so it is capable of pro- ducing offspring which may be of direct and positive value. 334 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 THE CITRUS WHITEFLY OF FLORIDA CONSISTS OF TWO SPECIES By Dr. E. W. Berger, Gainesville, Fla. That the citrus whitetiy of Florida represents two distinct *^^"'1 ''-ell- defined species is a fact well authenticated by careful observations now extending over some months. Each species has been found by itself in several localities of the state, but both species may occur in the same locality and live on the same tree. The presence of a delicate net, consisting of hexagonal meshes, covering the eggs of whitefly in certain localities, while the eggs from other localities were perfectly smooth and glossy, is the character which first directed the writer's attention to the subject. Careful comparisons of the larvae of the first stage revealed the fact that the larva hatched from the reticulated egg develops a waxy border between the marginal spines about as broad as the length of the shorter spines; whereas the larva hatched from the smooth egg develops no such border. Differences in the number of marginal spines of the first stage larvae of the two species have also been noted, together with differences in the size of these larvae. Well-marked differences between the larvje of the fourth stage and also between the pupre have been recognized. One or two charac- ters for distinguishing the adults also appear to be established. The species with the smooth eggs is no doubt the one' described in 1893 by Riley and Howard in '^ Insect Life" as Aleyrodes citri. The species with the reticulated egg appears to be undescribed. It is neither Aleyrodes aurantii IVIaskell, A. marlatti Quaintance, nor A. spinifera Quaintance, living on citrus in the Northwestern Himalayas, Japan, and Java, respectively; nor is it A. howardii Quaintance, from Cuba ; nor any other Aleyrodes living on citrus, so far as the writer has been able to determine. It is therefore probably a new species, unless it is some hitherto little known species described as occurring on other plants than citrus. That the undescribed species in question also exists in Louisiana is evident from Professor H. A. Morgan's figure of the reticulated egg;^ but Professor Morgan was evidently not aware of the existence of two types of eggs, representing two species seriously affecting citrus. He gives the name "Aleyrodes citrifolii (Riley, MS.)" to the species observed hy him in Louisiana. The manuscript here referred to is evidently the one later published in "Insect Life," the name of the insect having in the meantime been changed to Aleyrodes citri. iSpecial Bulletin of the Louisiana State Experiment Station, 1893. October, '08] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 325 The writer plans to prepare a careful description of this new species for publication in some entomological paper. The foregoing state- ments are essentially abstracts from a paper presented by the writer before the Florida State Horticultural Society at Gainesville, on May 14, 1908. A FLEA-BEETLE ATTACKING HOPS IN BRITISH COLUMBIA By H. J. QuAYLE, Whittier, Cal. A Flea-beetle {Psylliodes punchdata Melsh), which occurs widely over the northern part of the United States, but hitherto has not been, apparently, a very important pest of cultivated crops, has been seri- ously injuring hops in British Columbia during the past year or two. The loss this year in the Chilliwack and Agassiz Valleys is estimated at about 80% of the crop. During a brief visit to the territory in July it was the writer's chief mission to find the younger stages of the insect, and the eggs, larvae and pupae were consequently taken at a depth of from three to six inches from the surface of the ground. The larv« feed, appar- ently, on the roots of the hop as well as other plants growing in the yard. But they are not restricted to the growth in hop yards, as may be inferred from finding the beetles widely separated from any hop vines. The adult beetle was found to feed upon the nettle, potato, mangel beet, turnip, dock, lamb's quarter, pigweed and red and white clover, as well as upon the foliage of the hop. There are two points that militate against an effective remedy. First, the continual emerg- ence of the beetle, making a contact spra^' or mechanical means of capture, such as jarring, of but temporary value; and second, the rapid growth of the hop vines, making frequent repetitions of a poison spray necessary. Mr. Thomas Cunningham, the provincial fruit inspector, and Mr. Charles Hayes, of the Oregon Station, are at work upon this insect, and we may expect in the near future, a more complete knowledge of its life historv and the remedies available for its control. 326 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 THE EGGS OF EMPOASCA MALI LE B. By R. L. Webster, Ames, Iowa Last year, while connected with the Minnesota Experiment Station, and doing some work with the apple leaf -hopper, Empoasca mali LeB., I succeeded in finding a number of new facts regarding the life his- tory of that species. During the present year, 1908, I have had some opportunity to study the same insect at the Iowa station, and am able to offer some additional data concerning the egg stage of this leaf- hopper. The results of last year's work were given in a paper by Prof. F, L. Washburn at the Chicago meeting of the Association of Economic p]ntomologists, and were pul)lished in the April, 1908, num- ber of the Journal of Economic Entomology. It is clear that the winter eggs, and those of the rest of the year, are deposited in different parts of the tree. On young apple nursery stock the eggs for the winter are deposited in the bark on the lower portion of the trees, below the first branches, and form tiny pockets or blisters on the bark. These egg blisters I found at Albert Lea, Minnesota, May 20, 1907, on three-year-old apple stock at the Wedge nursery. A young nymph was caught in the act of emerging from one of these egg blisters, so there is no doubt of their identity. This year I have found similar egg blisters on apple stock shipped to Ames from Shenandoah, Iowa. In Minnesota last year Mr. George G. Ainslee found similar egg pockets on an apple tree which at that time were supposed to be those of Empoasca mali. These were much larger than the ones found by myself at Albert Lea, and I now think that they were the eggs of some Membracid which had oviposited in the bark of the apple tree. The egg pocket found and described by Mr. Ainslee measured about 1 mm. by 2 mm., much too large for a nymph, which is only .8 mm. long in the first stage. Those egg pockets found by myself, which I know certainly to be those of Empoasca mali, measured .4 mm. by .75 mm., approximately. Mr. Ainslee found last year in September egg slits in the petioles of apple leaves which he thought to be those of Empoasca mali. This observation I have been able to corroborate during the past summer. On July 17th, in the insectary, I noticed several young Empoasca of the first nymphal stage dead on the petiole of an apple leaf, which had been immersed in water for several days. On looking closely over the petiole I found tiny slits in the epidermis near each one of the dead hoppers. These were .6 mm. in length and were a long oval in October, '08] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 327 outliue. The long axis of the slit was parallel to that of the petiole. Evidently the young hoppers had emerged from the egg, but were drowned in the water as soon as they had gotten out. Later, on July 26, under similar conditions, I found a dead nymph of the first stage which was only half way out from the egg slit in the petiole, thus making certain that the true egg slits had been found. These egg slits were found in the green twigs, petioles and lower portion of the mid rib of apple leaves. Dr. Forbes mentions what he supposed to be the summer eggs of the apple leaf -hopper in slight swellings in the petioles of the leaves.^ It is probable that the egg slits found by Mr. Ainslie and myself are the same as those referred to bv Dr. Forbes. ANNUAL MEETING OF THE ASSOCIATION OF ECO- NOMIC ENTOMOLOGISTS The Twenty First Annual Meeting of the Association of Economic Entomologists will be held in Baltimore, Maryland, December 28 and 29, 1908. A further announcement giving detailed information con- cerning the place of meeting and hotel accommodations, railroad rates, etc., will be forwarded to all members about the first of November. As it is desired to publish the program of the meeting in the next issue of the Journal, and as a copy is also desired for publication in the official program of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, it will be necessary for members desiring to present papers to forward the titles so that they can be in the hands of the Secretary November 15. In accordance with a resolution passed at the last meeting applica- tion blanks for membership have been printed and will be furnished on request. Baltimore furnishes excellent facilities for holding a convention, and it is hoped that all members will make a special effort to be pres- ent at this the Twenty First Annual Meeting of the Association. S. A. Forbes, President, Urhana, III. A. F. BtTRGESs, Secretary, Washington. D. C. iTwenty-first Rep. State Ent. Illinois, 1900, p. 78. 338 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF ONTARIO The Forty Fifth Annual Meeting of this society will be held at the Agricultural College, Guelph, on the 5th and 6th of November under the presidency of Dr. James Fletcher of Ottawa. The first session will be held on Thursday afternoon and the meeting will continue during that evening and the whole of the following day. On Thurs- day evening a popular address will be given by Dr. Felt, State Ento- mologist of New York, and short addresses will also be given by Presi- dent Creelman of the College and ]\Ir. C. C. James, Deputy JNIinister of Agriculture for Ontario. At the morning and afternoon meetings papers will be read by various members of the society on a variety of topics, both economic and scientific. Visitors from a distance will be very heartily welcomed, and any papers they wish to bring forward will be gladly received. Those who intend to be present are requested to inform Professor Bethune, Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, Canada, some time during the week previous to the meeting, and to let him know the titles of any papers they wish to present. C. J. S. Bethune. Scientific Notes Shade tree work in Brooklyn. The work of this city in the cave of its shade trees was extended last year to include a systematic warfare aiiainst the tussock moth (our worst enemy) and other insects. In the winter, spring and during the last few weeks, egg masses of the tussock moth have been collected from trees over a large area and burned. The owners of adjoining property have been asked to clean their fences and house walls, throujih the medium of a postal card and also by verbal notification. The results have been most encouraging. There appears to be a sad lack of knowledge among people as to the simplest methods of caring for their trees and fighting in- sect pests. Our work has thus served as a very efficient object lesson, if one is to judge from the numerous letters requesting attention from other sections of the city and the hundreds of queries regarding methods and formulae. On the hatching of the first brood of caterpillars early in June, all the trees within the cleaned area were banded with cotton batting in order to prevent reinfestatiou by caterpillars hatching from egg on neighbor- ing fences. A series of chemical and field tests with some of the most important brands of arsenate of lead purchased in the market revealed some very important facts regarding the worthlessness of some that were thought genuine and the good quality of others. This information will prove very helpful another October, '08] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 329 year. Our sprayiug apparatus will also be increased by several more gas spraying machines and many barrel pumps, which will enable us to treat all the trees within the infested area within a very short time, thus destroy- ing the larvae when still young and most susceptible to poison. The past season has been a bad one for most insects and many species have been abundant this year that were not injurious last season. The elm leaf beetle has been controlled by spraying with arsenical poisons for the destruc- tion of adults and larvae, supplemented by destroying the pupae with kerosene emulsion in August. The bag worm was very abundant in certain centers early in the season, and serious injury was averted by collecting the bags before the eggs hatched. Several rainy days during the winter were utilized by lectures to the men employed in this work. Not only were the fundamental principles of arboriculture presented but also the work against insect pests, their cbaractei'- istics, etc., were duly discussed. These talks were copiously illustrated with specimens and colored slides. The gypsy and brown-tail moths were dis- cussed so that should either of these species ever invade Brooklyn, the more intelligent of our men might be able to identify them and call attention thereto. The beneficial effects of these meetings have been proven by the numerous "new" insects brought in for identification, and by the better grade of work done by the men. At present there is a force of 163 men attending to the street trees of Brooklyn alone. J. J. Levison, Arboriculturist, BrooJdyn, N. Y. Muscina stabulans (Fallen). During the month of July, 1907, my wife in preparing beets for the table discovered that the stems were infested with maggots and called my attention to the matter. The larvae were placed in a breeding jar, together with the stems, which were not decayed at this time, though they speedily became so. The larvae began pupating on July 14, the first fly appearing on the evening of July 22. Dr. L. 0. Howard, to whom the adults wei'e submitted for identification, pronounced the insect to be the above named species. They were all undersized individuals and some half dozen or so were reared from the stems. During the past summer I found some very young dipterous larvae upon a leaf of the common rhubarb or pie plant, which had begun to decay. There issued therefrom no less than 35 full-sized specimens of Muscina stabulans. The larvae were found on the 25th of May and the flies began to issue on June 10. This species seems to be most common in houses about Harrisburg during the months of May and June, almost completely disappearing by July 1. W. R. Walton. "The mosquito lit on the sleeping man, And looked for a place to drill, 'The world owes me a living,' he said. And at once sent in his bill." — Cornell Alumni News. 330 JOURNAL OP ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 Collections from human excreta. The following species of Calypterje were collected by the writer from human excreta during the months of July and August, 1907, and may properly be added to the list of such flies given by Dr. Howard in his paper concerning the Fauna of Human Excrement. The determinations are by Mr. Coquillett through the kindness of Dr. Howard: Lucilia sericata, very numerous, collected in large numbers. Lucilia sylvarum, found but sparingly. Phormia regina, rather abundant. Anthomyia radicum, swarming in great numbers. My endeavors to rear any of these species from excrement have met with failure so far. In the rearings made during the past summer large numbers of a hymenopterous parasite were reared from the pupae under observation. Mr. H. L. Viereck has identified the same as Aphacreta muscae (Ashm). It issued in one instance from an unidentified species of Sarcophaga. W. R. Waltox. Snow-white linden moth, Ennomos suhsignarius Hubn. This pest was re- sponsible for serious injuries to beech in the Catskills last year. Extensive defoliation occurred in both the Catskills and the Adirondacks this year. The moths have been exceptionally abundant over wide areas, having been numer- ous at New York, Kingston, Hudson and Utica, and also have attracted atten- tion in Albany and Troy. The insect does not appear to have been especially destructive in the last two named localities. It may be recalled that this spe- cies was well known as a shade tree pest about 1870, and has been remarkable chiefly in later years because of its scarcity. This unusual outbreak is cer- tainly worthy of more than passing notice. The English sparrow, as is well known, feeds readily upon the moths and undoubtetUy is an important factor in preventing extensive injuries to shade trees. E. P. Felt. Aphid on Gladioli Bulbs. A unique injury by a plant louse, referable to the genus Aphis, was brought to attention last spring. The aphids breed in large numbers on the base of the bulbs around the origin of the roots, be- ginning in early spring as soon as the temperature of the storage warehouse warms up and continuing to reproduce till toward the end of July. The insect is so abundant on certain varieties as to almost fill with exuviae many of the interstices in small boxes containing a dozen or so bulbs. Exuvipe and dead plant lice can be swept up in large numbers in a badly infested warehouse. Bulbs affected by this insect are sickly, weakened nnd may fail to flower. E. P. Felt. JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE ASSOCIATION OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGISTS OCTOBER, 1908 The editors will thankfully receive news items and other matter likely to be of in- terest to subscribers. Papers will be published, so far as possible, in the order of re- ception. All extended contributions, at least, should be in the hands of the editor the first of the month preceding publication. Reprints of contributions may be obtained at cost. Minor line figures will be reproduced without charge, but the engraving- of larger illustrations must be borne by contributors or the electrotypes supplied. The receipt of all papers will be acknowledged.— Eds. The accurate characterization and delineation of destructive insects is one of great importance to the economic entomologist. We believe that the policy of the Journal should be rather broadly construed in this matter, and it is therefore a pleasure to present in this number a well illustrated, descriptive paper by Prof. Gillette — the first part of an important contribution to our knowledge of certain destructive plant lice. This article is quite distinct from the usual and highly serviceable economic account ; nevertheless papers of this character are most useful to the practical entomologist who is frequently called upon to discriminate between closely allied, injurious forms. General sys- tematic papers are very serviceable, but comparative descriptions of all stages such as given in the above-mentioned article will do much to make our identifications more accurate. We hope that others will give attention to this more technical side of economic entomology. The next session of the Association of Economic Entomologists is not remote, and the editor takes this opportunity of calling attention to the desirability of having papers written out prior to presentation. The Journal was started primarily for the purpose of affording a more prompt- means of publication for the proceedings, and this end can be attained only by the cooperation of all. The period between the meet- ing and the issue of the first number in 1909 is limited, and unless the major portion of the papers are in the hands of the secretary at the close of the meeting, the prompt issue of the proceedings will be a matter of considerable difficulty. . We trust that all those contem- plating the preparation of papers will bear this in mind. 332 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 Reviews Report of the Government Entomologist for the year 1907, 1908, by C. P. LouNSBURY, p. 45-57. This summarized report shows that a large amomit of work has been per- formed during the past twelve months. Nursery inspection occupied consid- erable time and is briefly considered, together with a discussion of measures for excluding undesirable stock. A number of destructive insects are briefly noticed and a most interesting method of destroying locust swarms by spray- ing with an arsenical poison is discussed in some detail. Considerable space is devoted to a Plasmopara or downy mildew affecting grape. Brief obser- vations are given on the value of the codling moth parasite, Calliepliialtes messor, introduced several years ago into California. Attempts have been made to secure the introduction into South Africa of a red scale pai'asite from California. South Africa offers immense opportunities to the economic entomologist, since he has to do with a fauna almost imknown to the practical scientist. Those acquainted with the brilliant work of Prof. Lounsbury in the study of African ticks and other injurious insects, and possessing some knowledge of tlie possibilities, will agree with the reviewer that it is a mistake and dis- tictly unwise to insist that the entomologist's reports be cut down to mere summarized statements, as has been true in the case under consideration during the past three years. Records of extended investigations can not be stored to advantage in manuscript form. There is alwjiys grave danger that important observations may thus be buried beyond recovery. The results of studies should be published, in order that they may become available to others working along the same lines. They in turn would be of service to the original investigator, since the truth is seldom fully established by one series of experiments, but rather by a number of students, each testing the results of the others. Those cognizant of the immense number of injurious insects and the variations in their habits and methods of work will agree in emphasizing most strongly the value of illustrations as a necessary supple- ment to the text. Frequently the figure of a destructive form leads a man to consult accounts which would otherwise be ignored. An entomological office unable to issue well illustrated, detailed accounts of its work has its use- fulness circumscribed in a most deplorable manner. E. P. F. Preliminary Report upon Experiments with Powdered Arsenate of Lead as a Boll Weevil Poison, by Wilmon Newell and T. C. Barber. Circular No. 23. State Crop Pest Commission of Louisiana, 1908, 40 pp. This circular gives a brief summary of the results secured by using Paris Green for controlling the boll weevil in Texas and Louisiana since this insect has become a serious pest. A statement of the results of field and cage ex- periments in Louisiana is given. The work led to the experimental use of powdered arsenate of lead in the spring of 1908. The results of a series of cage experiments where this substance was used are reported, but the data October, '08] JOURNAL of economic entomology 333 on the field experiments will be published later. In the cage experiments 70 per cent of the weevils present were destroyed by applying powdered arsenate of lead just before the squares were formed, at the rate of 1% pounds per acre. The use of this substance also proved cheaper and more effective than Paris Green in controlling the cotton caterpillar, Alabama argillacea. The circular sets forth that the application of poison can be considered as only one of the methods of controlling the boll weevil. The results secured should be of great value to the cotton planters of Louisiana and the South. A. F. B. The Mound-Building Prairie Ant, by T. J. Headlee and George A. Dean. Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station Bui. 154, 1908, p. 165-80. This bulletin makes substantial additions to our knowledge of the life his- tory and habits of this ant, Pogonomyrmex occidentalis Cress., a species which has proved of some economic importance because of its injuries to grain fields and also on account of the annoyance Inflicted upon man and domestic animals. Experiments have resulted in perfecting a modification of the usual treatment with carbon Insulfid, in that an inverted tub is used to confine the volatile insecticide. There are a number of excellent illustrations, but unfortunately they and the general appearance of an otherwise most ex- cellent bulletin are somewhat marred by the illustrations being on a poor grade of paper. E. P. P. State Crop Pest Commission of Louisiana, Second Biennial Re- port of the Secretary for the years 1906-1907, by Wilmon New- ell, 1908. p. 1-31. This summarized account of two years' work shows that much has been accomplished. The major portion of the time has been given to the study of the more important pests, such as the cattle tick, boll weevil, white fly and Argentine ant. Nursery inspection is another very important line of work. The report shows that the entomologist has at his disposal the ser- vices of five assistant entomologists, in addition to a clerical staff. These men, in cooperation with the United States Department of Agriculture, have done much toward bettering entomological conditions in the southern states. The report, together with the fourteen circulars bound therewith, as an appendix, are well printed, excellently illustrated and most ((immendahle on account of the clear, succinct style. E. P. F. A Record of Results from Rearings and Dissections of Tachi- nidae, by Charles H. T. Townsend, U. S. Dept. Agric, Bur. Ent. Tec-h. S. 12, Prt. 6. 1908, p. 95-118. This bulletin is an extremely important addition to our knowledge of the Tachinidae, a compact group which many entomologists have tacitly assumed to possess much similarity in habit. Mr. Townsend's investigations show such to be very far from the case. A most striking result is his confirmation 334 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 of Sasaski's rtisoovery of the leaf-oviposition habit, it occuiTing not only in exotic forms, but also in a number of native species. Aside from the well known, and commonly supposed characteristic, host-oviposition habit of many species, Mr. Townsend describes supracutaneous host-larviposition, subcut- aneous host-larviposition with an accompanying acute ovipositor, and, most interesting of all, leaf-larviposition. This bulletin likewise records remark- able variations in the habits of the larvw in different stages. The variations in the number of generations annually and differences in habit are not only interesting to the scientist, but, as shown by Mr. Townsend's observations, are of great importance to the biologist engaged in establishing or propagat- ing these forms. The expex'iments in providing species producing more than one generation with alternate hosts is another exceedingly practical matter. A most intimate knowledge of parasites is a necessity if the imported ma- terial is to be used to the best advantage. The entire bulletin is a credit to all concerned in the investigations as well as to the bureau having charge of the work. It is, we trust, but the precursor of a more extended discussion of this group, and probably the foi-erunner of equally valuable contributions to our knowledge of other groups of parasites and other natural enemies. It illustrates in an emphatic manner the necessity of exhaustive studies of the biology and various stages of economic insects, and suggests most strongly that an extremely rich field awaits the student of biology' in various sup- posedly well known groups. E. P. P. Third Annual Report of the State Entomologist, 1907, by E. F. HiTCHiNGS, Maine State Department of Agriculture, 1908. p. 1-105, plates 20. Tills rei)ort. as indicated upon its title page, deals largely with the gj'psy and brown-tail moths, besides discussing a number of attractive or de- structive species. A detailed account of the work is given, the methods be- ing similar to those in vogue in Massachusetts. A number of excellent plates illustrate this feature of the report. The entomologist reports upon the nursery inspection work, gives interesting notes upon birds, and some de- tails relating to the exhibition of insect collections at state fairs. An un- usual feature for an entomological report is an essay on apple orcharding, in which considerable attention is given to various fertilizers, manures, methods of trimming, grafting, thinning, etc., in addition to a discussion of some of the principal injurious insects and fungous diseases. E. P. F. The More Important Insects Affecting Ohio Shade Trees, by J. S. HousER, Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station Bull. 194, 1908, p. 169-243. 21 plates. This bulletin comprises most excellent summarized discussions of most of the more injurious species affecting shade trees in Ohio. The introductory matter discusses the necessity of and difficulties in controlling insect pests in cities and emphasizes the advisability of municipal work. It also discusses the relative immunity of trees from insect injuries and advises mixed plant- ing. A new shade tree jiest noticed is the ( 'ataxia bud gnat, Crritloiiniia October, '08] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 335 catalpae Comst. The bulletin closes with a discussion of spray apparatus and of the standard contact and internal isecticides. The plates are com- posed mostly of original, well selected figures. The process illustrations would have been materially improved had they been printed upon a better grade of paper. The bulletin as a whole is most commendable and should prove of great service to all interested in shade tree protection. E. P. F. How Insects Affect Health in Rural Districts, by L. O. Howard, U. S. Department of Agricnlture, Farmers' Bulletin 155, 1908, p. 1-19, 16 figures. This authoritative, summary discussion deals particularly with mosqui- toes as carriers of malaria and yellow fever, and with the house fly as a dis- seminator of typhoid fever. The comparative discussion of the sanitary con- ditions prevailing in city and country is a particularly valuable feature. Current Notes Conducted by the Associate Editor During the past summer several members of this association have been honored in foreign countries. Among these the following should be men- tioned: Prof. Wm. B. Alwood, Charlottesville, Va., has been awarded a sil- ver medal and diploma of the Societe National d'Agriculture de France, and the president of the French Republic has conferred upon him the cross of Officer du Merita Agricole. Dr. L. O. Howard, chief of the Bureau of Entomology, has been made an honorary member by the Societe National d'Acclimatation de France. An entomologist highly honored. It is very gratifying to note that Dr. W. J. Holland, member of the Association of Economic Entomologists and former chancellor of the Western University of Pennsylvania, now director of the Carnegie Museum, has been recently honored by both Emperor William of Germany and President Fallieres of the French Republic, who conferred upon him the orders of the Knight of the Crown and Officer of the Legion of Honor. Doctor Holland is the first man in the United States to be thus doubly honored. These decorations will be worn by Doctor Holland only on very special occasions, since we do not, like Europeans, make a practice of wearing such insignia on public occasions. Brother entomologists will unite with us in congratulating Doctor Holland upon the high honors which have befallen him. Mr. G. D. Smith, a graduate of the Louisiana State University, class of 1908, has been appointed assistant entomologist to the Louisiana State Crop Pest Commission. Mr. R. C. Treherne of the Ontario Agricultural College, who has been em- ployed by the Louisiana Crop Pest Commission as temporary assistant, has retui-ned to Guelph, Canada, to complete his course of study. 33g JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 3 Mr. W. F. Fiske, who was in charge of the Gypsy Moth Parasite Laboratory at Melrose Highlands, Mass., sailed for Europe August 25. He will travel in England and France, visiting the museums and securing information which will be of especial value in the work of importing parasites of gypsy and brown-tail moths. Mr. Charles W. Flynn, who is taking a medical course at the University of Pennsylvania, has been employed during the summer by the Bureau of En- tomology as temporary assistant in the cotton boll weevil investigations. Mr. W. Harper Deane has been appointed special field agent of the Bureau of Entomology, and will be connected with the investigation of cereal and forage crop insects. Dr. Jas. A. Nelson, formerly honorary fellow in entomology and inverte- brate zoology at Cornell University, has accepted an appointment with the Bureau of Entomology, Washington, D. C, and will investigate certain prob- lems in the embryology of the honey bee. Dr. E. F. Phillips and Dr. G. F. White of the Bureau of Entomology spent the summer in southern California, carrying on experiments in treating American foul brood. Mr. Burton M. Gates and Mr. A. H. McCray, who have been employed in the agricultural investigations of the Bureau of Entomology, were granted a furlough October 1. The former will attend Clark University and the lat- ter will finish his course at the Ohio State University. Mr. Robert Newstead, lecturer in economic entomology and parasitology in the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, will visit Jamaica in November to investigate the ticks and other insects which transmit animal diseases. At a recent meeting of the Association of Economic Biologists held at Edin- burg, Mr. A. E. Shipley, president of the association, delivered an address on "Rats and Their Parasites." Mr. W. R. Thompson, who has been employed during the summer at the Gypsy Moth Parasite Laboratory, Melrose Highlands, Mass., has returned to Guelph, Ontario, to finish his course at the Ontario Agricultural College, where he is specializing in economic entomology. Mr. Douglas H. demons, who has for the past two years been employed at the same laboratory, has been appointed assistant in the Division of In- sects at the U. S. National Museum, Washington, D. C. He will work princi- pally on the coleoptera. Mailed October 15, 1908. EXCHANGES. Exchanges or Wants of not over three lines will be inserted for 25 cents each to run as long as the space of this page will permit ; the newer ones being added and the oldest being dropped as necessary. Send all notices and cash to Wilmon Newell, Baton Rouge, La., by the I5th of the month preceding publication. WANTED — Will pay cash for Bibliography Economic Entomology, Part IV; Fitch's 12th, 13th, and 14th Reports; 2d and 5th Reports of the 111. State Entomologist, LeBaron; Lintner's third reporti; Report N. J. Agr. Exp. Sta. 1894; Bulletins 1, 2, 5, 8, 12 old series, Division of Entomology; Bulletin 4 Technical Series Division of Entomology; Bulletins 2 and 7 U. S. Ent. Commis- sion ; Entomological News, Vols. I, II, III. Have for exchange the Practical Entomologist, complete unbound. E. Dwiglit Sanderson, Durham, N. H. WANTED — Vols. X & XI, complete, of American Naturalist, also Jan. No. of same publication for 1902. Also want Bibliography of Economic Entomology, Parts 4, 5, 6 and 8 and new Series Bulletins 6, 21, 39 and 71 of the Bur. of Ento- mology. Have for sale or exchange complete set of Insect Life and various Nos. of Exp. Station Record. State Crop Pest Commission, Baton Rouge, La. WANTED— Experiment Station Record, Vol. Ill, Nos. 8, 10, 13; Vol. V, No. 7; Vol. Xin, No. 9: also American or foreign papers upon Formicina and Bibliography of Economic Entomology, Parts 4 and 5. Have for exchange Vol. VI (bound) of Entomogical News and Vol. V, No. 9 and Vol. XIV, No. 4 of same magazine. Wilmon Newell, Baton Rouge, La. HORSEFLIES of the Family Tabanidae desired from all parts of North America. Material determined in exchange for duplicates. Jas. S. Hine, O. S. U., Columbus, O. WANTED— Insect Life, Vol. VI, Nos. 2 and 3; Bibliography of Economic Entomology, Parts 4 and 6; Bur. of Entomology Tech. Ser. Buls., Nos. 1 to 7 and 10. I have for exchange Insect Life, Vol. Ill, No. 4; Bur, of Ent. Buls., new series, nearly all numbers from 1 to 50. R. I. Smith, Agr. Experiment Station, West Raleigh, N. C. WANTED — Riley's fourth, seventh, eighth, and ninth Missouri Reports. Have first and third to offer in exchange or will pay cash. W. D. Hunter, Box 208, Dallas, Texas. WANTED — To correspond with those desiring to exchange life-history ser- ies of important insects for economic collections. W. E. Hinds, Auburn, Ala. WILL EXCHANGE — Several different species of insects with anyone hav- ing insects for exchange. Send for list. Also have Insects for Study and Dissection. Send for Ust. Lloyd V. France, Platteville, Wis. Flease mention the Journal of Economic Entomology wlien writing to advertisers. JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE ASSOCIATION OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGISTS Editorial Staff Editor, E. Porter Felt, State Entomologist, New York, Associate Editor, A. F. Burgess, Secretary-Treasurer, Association of Economic Entomologists. Business Manager, E, Dwight Sanderson, Director and Entomologist, New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station. Advisory Board L. O. Howard, Chief, Bureau of Entomology, United States Depart- ment of Agriculture. S. A. Forbes, State Entomologist, Illinois. James Fletcher, Dominion Entomologist, Canada. H. A. Morgan, Director and Entomologist, University of Tennessee Agricultural Experiment Station. H. T. Fernald, Professor of Entomology, Massachusetts Agricultural College. Herbert Osborn, Professor of Zoology and Entomology, Ohio State University. A bi-monthly journal, published February to December, on the 15th of the month, devoted to the interests of Economic Entomology and publishing the official notices and proceedings of the Association of Economic Entomologists. Address business communications to the Journal of Economic Entomology PuBLiSHiNQ Co., Railroad Square, Concord, N. H. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. In the United States, Cuba, Mexico and Canada, two dollars annually in advance. To foreign countries, two dollars thirty cents ($2.30) annually in advance. Single copies, fifty cents. To mem- bers of the Association of Economic Entomologists, one dollar annually in advance. MANUSCRIPT for publication should be sent to the Editor, E. Porter Pelt, Geological Hall, Albany, N. Y. CURRENT NOTES AND NEWS should be sent to the Associate Editor, A. F. Burgess, Bureau of Entomology, Washington, D. C. SUBSCRIPTIONS may be sent to the Business Manager, E. Dwight Sanderson, Durham, N. H. ADVERTISEMENTS should be sent to the Advertising Manager, Wilmon New^ell, Baton Rouge, La. Vol. 1 DECEMBER. 1908 No. 6 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE ASSOCIATION OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGISTS Elditor E. Porter Felt Associate Editor A. F. Burgess Business Manager E. DwiGHT Sanderson Advisory Board L. O. Howard S. A. Forbes H. A. Morgan H. T. Fernald Herbert Osborn JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY PUBLISHING CO. Concord, N. H. Ejiteied u tecood-dui matter Mar. 3., 1908, at the pott-ofice at Concord, N. H., under Act of Congrea of Mar. 3, 1679. CONTENTS Page A European ant (Myrmica leninodis) introduced into Massachusetts W. M. Wheeler 337 Wasp storing katydids in a well e. S. Tucker 340 Notes on Aspidiotm destructor (Sig.) and its Chalcid parasite in TalrLti R. W. Doane 341 Work of the Bureau of Entomology against forest insects A. D. Hopkim 343 Cyanide as an insecticide R. S. Woglum and William Wood 348 The economic entomologist in business //. jr^. Frost 350 Must the calyx cup be filled? m. y, Slingerland 352 The army worm at Durham, North Carolina Z. P. Metcalf 354 Notes on the hen flea (Xestopsylla gallinaceu) Glenn W. Herrick 355 Notes and descriptions of some orchard plantlice of the family Aphididge (Contimied) c. P. Gillette 359 Dimples in apples from oviposition of Lt/gus pratensis L. Estes P. Taylor 370 Notes on the gi-ass mite, Pediculopsi« graminum H. E. Hodgkiss 375 Experiments for the control of the red spider in Florida, Tetranychus himocnlatus Harv. jj. M.' Russell 3^7 A list of parasites known to attack American Rhynchophora W. Ihvight Pierce 380 Annual meeting of the Entomological Society of Ontario 397 Journal of Economic Entomology Publisliing Co. 401 Annual meeting of the Association of Economic Entomologists 402 Scientific notes p^ jr Washbum 358 Editorial ^rj Obituary Dr. James Fletcher ^Qg William Harris Aslmiead 409 Alexander Craw 4j0 Francis Huntington Snow 412 Reviews ^^2 Current Notes 42:^ ' JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE ASSOCIATION OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGISTS Vol. I DECEMBER, 1908 No. 6 A EUROPEAN ANT (MYRMICA LEVINODIS) INTRO- DUCED INTO MASSACHUSETTS It is surprising that very few ants have been introduced into North America from Europe, notwithstanding the great facilities for trans- portation between the two countries, the similarity of their climatic and physiographic conditions and the close affinities of their ant- faunas. One species only, Tetramorium cespitum, has been recorded as of European provenience, and this, though of many years' resi- dence among us, is still confined to the Atlantic States (Connecticut to Maryland). I have recently come upon a second ant which must have been introduced into Massachusetts. Early in September I found a large colony of Myrmica levinodis Nylander in the grass at the edge of the Arnold Arboretum, a few steps from the Bussey Institution, at Forest Hills, Mass. The workers were attending plant-lice {Aphis sp. near rumicis) on a few stalks of Chenopodium album very near their nest. Some days later a second colony was discovered at the edge of Franklin Park, about a mile from the Arboretum. Early in October a third colony was seen on a lawn near the postoffice in Jamaica Plain. Though by no means common, it is certain that this ant has begun to spread over the country about Forest Hills. M. levinodis was formerly regarded as one of a number of sub- species of a single circumpolar species, Myrmica rubra L. Emery^ has recently raised the subspecies scabrinodis, sidcinodis, etc., to specific rank, but has retained levinodis and ruginodis as subspecies of rubra. It is clear, as he remarks, that Linne must have described one or both of these forms as rubra, since he introduced into his diagnosis the ^Beitrage zur Monographle der Formiciden des palaarktischeu Fauuen- gebiets. Deiitsch. Ent. Zeitschr., 1908, pp. 165-182. 338 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 words " pessime nosfratum pungit," and it is now known that none of the other European or North American forms of Myrmica (except riibida and mutica, which form a group by themselves) has well-devel- oped stinging powers. As there are no means of telling to which of the two forms Linne referred, and as they are connected by numerous intermediate varieties, known to European myrmecologists as levino- dis-ruginodis, we had best adopt Emery's interpretation. A few years ago I described^ a form of levinodis from Woods Hole, Mass., as var. hruesi. On comparing workers of this and of the levi- nodis from Boston with workers from a number of colonies from various parts of Europe (Scotland, England, Norway, Sweden, Ger- many, Austria, Switzerland and Russia), I find that the Boston speci- mens are indistinguishable from the typical Old World form. They are yellowish, with brownish head, feebly sculptured head and tho- rax, and with smooth and shining epinotal declivity and postpetiole. These characters will serve to distinguish levinodis from any of our American Myrmicas. The workers of the var. hruesi have the head and thorax somewhat more coarsely rugose, and the postpetiole, though smooth, is subopaque, so that this variety is more like some of the European intermediates between levinodis and ruginodis. The males of hniesi, however, have prominent, suberect hairs on the legs, like the males of the true levinodis. I believe there can be no doubt that both the Boston and Woods Hole specimens are the offspring of females that were accidentally imported from Europe. The mothers of the Boston colonies were in all probability introduced into the Arnold Arboretum with European trees or shrubs, and as the few colonies observed by I\rr. C. T. Brues and myself at Woods Hole occupied a very circumscribed locality adjoining Mr. Fay's rose-garden, they probably had a similar history. -Forel has described two subspecies of rubra from North America as neolevinodis and champlaini, and if these be regarded as indigenous to the eountr}', it is clear that the Massachusetts colonies of levinodis and hruesi might be similarly interpreted. The Swiss myrmecologist states that M. neolevinodis was introduced into Hamburg "from New York with iris roots." The worker is described as having thicker and shorter antennae than the typical levinodis, with more decidedly bent scapes, a shorter petiole, with nearly straight anterior declivity and somewhat coarser cephalic and thoracic sculpture. As I have never been able to find any form of levinodis in New York state, and as the ^New Ants from New England. Psyche, XIII, 190C, pp. 38-41, pi. IV. -Formiciclen cles naturhistoi-is<-lien Museums zu Hamburg. :\Iittlieil. aus d. naturhist. Mus. Hamb. XVIII, 1901, pp. 45-82. December. "08] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 339 iris roots in which Forers form were found may have reached Ham- burg from Japan or Siberia by way of New York, I am not convinced that neolevinodis is an American insect. M. champlaini was taken by Forel himself in a meadow near Quebec. The worker of this sub- species is described as being very similar to that of neolevinodis, but as having teeth instead of spines on the epinotum. The sculpture of the head and thorax is coarser than in the European ruginodis, the petiole and postpetiole are smooth except for a few lateral furrows, and the antenna are as short as those of neolevinodis or even shorter. As Quebec has long been in direct and intimate communication wdth Europe, it is not at all improbable that M. champlaini is merely a rather pronounced imported variety of levinodis. Finally, I may state that although I have brought together a very large collection of Myrmicas from all parts of temperate North America, I have never been able to find any forms allied to levinodis except the two men- tioned above. I am therefore of the opinion that the true M. rubra, as recently defined by Emery, is not indigenous to North America. The preceding remarks have merety a theoretical bearing, but the introduction of M. levinodis into the United States may have some economic importance, for this ant is the most disagreeable of the pale- arctic Myrmicas. It forms much more populous colonies than scahri- nodis, sidcinodis, hrevinodis and their numerous varieties, and its workers are aggressive and sting severely. It is very fond of attending aphicls and, unlike our timid native Myrmicas which live in the retirement of woods, bogs, heaths and waste places generally, it prefers to nest in cultivated soil. Hence it may become a nuisance in lawns and dooryards, like the fire-ant (Solenopsis geniinata) of the Southern States. It is, of course, im- possible to ascertain how long the typical levinodis and its variety hriiesi have been living in Massachusetts, or whether their spread will be checked by any of our native ants. The aggressive character of the imported forms would seem to indicate that they will meet with little or no opposition from the allied indigenous species, and as levi- nodis flourishes in Norway and the Alps, it will hardly find our severe winters a serious obstacle to the growth and multiplication of its colo- nies. It may be advisable, therefore, to keep this belligerent immi- grant under observation. W. M. Wheelee. Bussey Institution, Forest Hills, Boston,' Mass., October 1, 1908. 340 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 WASP STORING KATYKIDS IN A WELL By E. S. Tucker, Bureau of Entomology, U. 8. Dcpt. of Agric. Two years ago in August a correspondent at Osage City, Kansas, sent me some specimens of a narrow-winged katydid, wliicli were identified as Scudderia curvicauda De G., and in his letter he stated that they had been drawn up in a bucket of water from a well 30 to 35 feet deep, where the insects were floating. A few days before these bodies were taken he had observed a large black wasp in the act of carrying one of the same kind of katydids into the well and saw the wasp drag its prey into a cranny of the rocks, about a yard below the surface of the ground. No definite description of the w^asp was given further than that it was over an inch long and "slender-waisted. " One or two torpid katydids were seen lying on the very edge of rocks in the wall near the spot where the above example had been stored away, from which position any of the bodies might easily slip and fall off into the water below. The number of bodies floating in the well had been increasing during the week until twenty or thirty were vis- ible. In the meantime some of them, probably a dozen specimens, had been drawn up in buckets of water and thrown away. One of these specimens evinced faint indications of life by movements of its mouthparts. The question was asked if these bodies showed signs of having been stung and if eggs had been laid upon them by the wasp. To prove that the bodies were stung, the act of stinging must be witnessed, and since the specimens had become partly macerated, no evidence of eggs could be detected, though there remained no doubt, judging from the habits of rapacious wasps, but that the katydids had been stung when captured, and the wasp's intent upon storing them would naturally be for the purpose of depositing an egg in a safe place with each body. Having concluded that the wasp had appropriated the well as her rightful property, the correspondent wanted to know if she intended to stock the crannies of the wall with paralyzed katydids so that her progeny when hatched from the eggs laid with these stored bodies could be reared upon them. In such a case, he asked if a host of wasps would likely hatch out soon as perfect insects. A brief ex- planation of the life history of robber-wasps was given in reply. How- ever, as the matter stood, the bodies of katydids which fell into the water became decomposed and rendered the water objectionable for use on account of danger of pollution. According to the owner's state- ment, this trouble had never happened before to his knowledge, at least within fifteen years. He had already considered the advisabil- December, "OS] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 341 ity of cleaning out the bodies of the insects in order to keep the water pure. The wasp, of course, should be caught and killed to prevent further introduction of bodies into the well. My desire to obtain the specimen if possible and know definitely what kind of wasp was doing the work led to further correspondence, which brought the information that unsuccessful attempts had been made to capture a specimen because the insect was exceedingly wary, although two wasps then frequented the well. They were mentioned as being the largest black kind of solitary digger-wasp common to the country. They flew very sAviftly and were seen to alight only when they entered the well. Shortly after the receipt of this com- munication the correspondent visited me and pointed out in a col- lection of insects the wasp known as Proterosphex pennsylvanica L., which he positively declared was the kind that came to the well. NOTES ON ASPIDIOTUS DESTRUCTOR (SIG.) AND ITS CHALCID PARASITE IN TAHITI By R. W. DoAXE, Stanford University For many years the Transparent Cocoanut Scale, A. destructor Sig., has been an important enemy of the cocoanut and other palms in many parts of the tropics. During the last few years it has been do- ing particular damage to the cocoanut trees in the Society Islands. On some of these islands many of the trees have been killed and others so badly affected that they bear no nuts. On some of the coral islands the conditions are still so bad that practically no crop is gathered. On Tahiti and some of the more important of the other islands, plan- tations that a few years ago were yielding no nuts are now in full bearing again and the trees are looking fine and thrifty. In the in- terests of one of the planters I visited these islands last summer to study the conditions that controlled the appearance and disappear- ance of this pest. None of the planters has any idea of when the in- sect was introduced there, but few of them, in fact, realize that it is an insect that is causing the so-called "blight" on their trees. But as it is now common on practically all of the South Sea islands it prob- ably found its way into the Society Islands very early, as Tahiti is a central point, from which ships come and go to all south Pacific ports. A few years ago it must have begun increasing very rapidly. I was told that in Tahiti the "blight" was so bad and spread so rapidly from one part to another that it seemed that all the trees would be de- stroyed. At one time so many of the plantations were affected, par- 342 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 ticularly on the leeward side of the island, that it was even difficult to get eoeoanuts to drink, and of course no copra was exported. The insect attacks all parts of the tree, except the roots and old trunk, in all stages of its growth. The first few leaves of the young plant are often completely covered on the underside with the scales, causing them to turn a characteristic yellow color and usually killing the young plant unless relief comes. On the older trees all parts of the leaves may be infested, the flower-spike is usually well covered and the husk of the nut is often so completely covered that it would seem impossible for another insect to find lodgement. On some parts of the island I found many of the trees thus covered, some of the younger ones dying, the older ones having no nuts, but on most of the plantations the scale seems to be disappearing at a very rapid rate. Trees that three years ago bore no fruit are now in fine foliage and bearing their full quota of nuts. The planters say that this change was brought about by different weather conditions, but my studies there show that the primary cause of this sudden change was the introduction and development of the chalcid parasite Aspid- iotipJiagns citriniis Craw (identification kindly confirmed by Doctor Howard). Whether the parasite was introduced with the scale and did not find conditions favorable for its development until the scales were very abundant or whether it was introduced later, w'e could not tell, but it is there in immense numbers now. On some trees 50 to 75 per cent of the scales were parasitized and on many others practi- cally all the scales were dead, but I could not find indications of the parasites' work on all of them. As the parasite may sometimes escape between the upper and lower scales instead of making the character- istic round hole in the upper scale, it is not always easy to tell by simply examining the scale whether the insect has been killed by the parasite or not. Many of the dead insects under scales that show no signs of the parasite having issued will exhibit unmistakable signs of its work when they are examined with the microscope. On a badly infested leaf I have seen as many as ten adult parasites within a radius of 3 or 4 inches walking about over the scales, stopping now and then on one, presumably to deposit an egg. I have seen specimens of this scale more or less badly parasitized from Tahiti, Morea, Titioroa, Kaiatea, Tahaa Huaheine and Flint Island. As the parasite is already so well distributed the only recom- mendation made to the planters was that they introduce it into groves where it does not seem to be present or occurs as yet in small num- bers. I believe that, under normal conditions, the parasite will soon have this scale so well under control that it will no longer be a men- ace to the trees. I December, "08] JOURNAL OP ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 343 WORK OF THE BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY AGAINST FOREST INSECTS By A. D. HoPKixs, Washington. D. C. Historical Prior to 1902 the work in the United States on insects affecting for- est trees consisted of local observations by state and government en- tomologists in connection with general studies of insects in their re- lation to agriculture, but no one, up to that time, had given special attention to the investigation of the forest insects of the entire coun- try and very little was then known of the principal insect enemies or the character and extent of their depredations. Under the act establishing the Entomological Commission of the Department of the Interior, and under subsequent acts to March 3, 1881, two publications were issued, one of 275 pages on insects injuri- ous to forests and shade trees, issued as Bulletin 7 of the Department of the Interior in 1861; the other, an enlarged and extended edition of the first, entitled "The Fifth Report of the Entomological Commis- sion," containing 855 pages and issued by the Department of Agri- culture in 1890 (under joint resolution. Congressional Record, July 7, 1882). These publications comprised a compilation of practically all of the available literature on the subject up to the date of submittal, in 1887, but included little of practical value on the control of the insect enemies of the forest proper. In 1891 the investigation of forest insects was inaugurated as a special entomological feature of the work of the West Virginia Agri- cultural Experiment Station, and was continued until July 1, 1902. In the meantime the Division (now Bureau) of Entomology employed the entomologist of the West Virginia Station to conduct special in- vestigations in California, Oregon, Washington and Idaho in the spring of 1899 ; in ]Maine in the spring of 1900 ; in New York in 1901 ; and in the Black Hills of South Dakota in the fall of 1901 and spring of 1902. Up to July 1, 1902, the West Virginia station had issued 49 publications of 855 pages, with 16 plates and 236 figures, and the Division of Entomology 3 publications of 99 pages with 23 plates and 10 text figures, based on the results of original investigations of forest insects. On July 1, 1902, the office of Forest Insect Investigations was estab- lished under the general appropriation for entomological investiga- tions, as one of the special branches of the work of the Division of Entomolog}'. The objects, as set forth in the general project, were to 344 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 conduct original investigations in the forest and laboratory to deter- mine (1) the principal insect enemies of forests and forest products; (2) the character and extent of the problems which, on account of the losses involved, demand special attention; and (3) the more important facts in the life and habits of the destructive insects, local forest man- agement, lumbering operations, beneficial insects and other natural in- fluences upon which to base conclusions and recommendations relating to practical methods of preventing losses. Up to the present time investigations have been conducted in all of the principal forest regions of the country. The subjects which have received special attention are indicated by the titles of the fol- lowing projects : 1. Insects of the Black Hills Forest. 2. Insects of the Southern Forests. 2a. Relation of Sulphur Dioxid in Smoke to Injuries by Insects to Forest Trees. 3. Insects of the Middle and Eastern Forests. 4. Insects of the Northwestern and Pacific Coast Forests. 5. Insects of the Southwestern Forests. 6. Insects of the Northern Section of the Eocky Mountain Forests. 7. Explorations and General Study of Forest Insects in the U. S. 8. Forest Reproduction Insects. 9. Relation of Environment to Injury to Forest Trees by Insects. 10. Interrelation of Insects and Forest Fires in the Destruction of Forests. 11. Insect Injuries to Forest Products, 12. Bark Weevils of the Genus Pissodes of North America. 13. Hickory Insects. 14. Ash insects. 15. The Scolytid Bark and Timber Beetles of North America. 16. The Buprestid, or Flat-Headed, Bark-and-AVood-Borers of the United States. 17. The Cerambycid, or Round-Headed, Wood-Borers of the United States. 18. Beneficial Forest Insects. 19. Black Locust Insects. 20. Trap Tree Experiments of Biltmore Estate, N. C. 21. Investigations of Damage by Wood-Boring Insects to Deadened and Felled Cyprus Timber in the Southern United States. 22. Breeding Insect-Resisting Black Locust. 23. Larch Sawfly in Northern Michigan. 24. Relation of Storm-Felled Timber in jMississippi to Depreda- Decembei-, '08] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 345 tions by Barkbeetles, and General Study of the Forest Insect Fauna of Western Texas and Southern New Mexico. 25. Investigations in the National Forests. 26. Inspections and Estimates of Insect-Killed Timber in the National Forests of Colorado. 27. Injuries by Bark- and Wood-Boring Insects to Trees Defoliated by the Gypsy Moth and Browntail Moth. 28. Diseases of the Larch Sawfly. 29. The Fauna and Flora of a Larch Swamp at Cranesville, W. Va. 30. Breeding Insect-Eesistant Forest Trees. 31. Practical Application of Results of Forest Insect Investigations — Forest Insect Control as Applied to Private Interests. 32. Insect Control of the National Forests — Cooperative project, Bureau of •Entomology and Forest Service. 33. Systematic and Economic Investigations of the Bark Lice of the Genus Chermes. Work on a number of these projects has been completed, and full reports and recommendations published, as well as expert informa- tion and advice given out in correspondence. Encouraging progress is being made on the remainder, some of which it will take many years to complete. Results Satisfactory progress has been made towards the attainment of some of the fundamental objects of the investigations, one of which has been the laying of a substantial foundation for forest entomology in this country, on which future progress can be made along the lines of acquiring, disseminating, and applying information of immediate practical value in the protection of our forest resources. The prin- cipal results of the past six years' work which have contributed to this end may be summarized as follows : Acquired New Information (1) The principal insect enemies of the forest and forest products of North America, and the general character and extent of their depredations have been determined; (2) Evidence has been accumulated which indicates quite clearly that insects are now causing a greater average annual loss of matured timber and forest products in the United States than that resulting to the same class of resources from forest fires. It has been deter- mined that many extensive denuded areas of the Rocky Mountain region, supposed to have been caused by fire, were primarily due to 346 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 widespread depredations by insects on the living timber previous to the fire. In fact, the results of the investigations have clearly shown that in the future successful management of American forests the insect problem must rank with the tire problem, as well as with many other problems which heretofore have received far greater attention by expert foresters and the public. (3) Many of the problems which, on account of the losses involved, demand special investigation, have been located, and much informa- tion of practical value relating to them has been acquired. (4) The more important facts in the life history, habits, and prac- tical methods of control relating to some of the more destructive in- sects have been determined. (5) It has been demonstrated that some of the most destructive enemies of American forests can be controlled with little or no cost over that involved in ordinar}- forest management and business methods if the expert information now available is properly utilized. (6) A mass of original data has been collected relating to forest insects in general, including not only those which are destructive or injurious, but those which are beneficial or neutral in their relation to the forest, and represented by a collection of more than a million specimens of insects and their work. (7) The accumulated evidence clearly indicates that the insect damage to forest growth and manufactured commercial and utilized forest products of the United States represents losses aggregating more than $100,000,000 annually. (8) As a direct result of the investigation of forest insects (con- ducted by this Bureau) during the past six years, at a cost of less than $53,000, there has been accumulated a reserve fund of informa- tion now available through publications, correspondence, and field demonstrations, which, if properly utilized for practical application, will evidently prevent a large per cent of the annual losses at a very small cost. Practical Application The increasing interest in the subject of preventing losses from depredations by forest insects manifested by owners of forests and farmers' wood lots, and by manufacturers and consumers of forest products throughout the country, also by the Forest Service in its efforts towards the control of extensive depredations in the National Forests, indicates that there is a quite general practical application of some of the disseminated information and that there is an increasing tendency to rely on expert advice as a guide to securing the best results. December, '08] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 347 Some of the results of the practical application of information based on entomological investigations which have been reported or observed may be mentioned as follows : The control of the eastern spruce beetle in northeastern Maine and the saving of $100,000 to one firm ; the complete control of the hickory bark beetle on Belle Isle Park, Detroit, Michigan, where the total destruction of one of the attractive and valuable features of the Island was threatened. The complete control of an alarming outbreak of the Black Hills beetle in the vicinity of Colorado Springs and Palmer Lake, .Colorado, and the adjoining National Forests, thus protecting the pine timber, which is one of the valuable and attractive features of the region, representing a cash value of several million dollars. The complete control of the same insect, which was threatening the destruction of the pine timber on an extensive estate in the vicinity of Garland, Colorado, which would have resulted in a loss of timber and reduced value to the state of perhaps more than a million dollars. Our recommendations for the control of powder post insects have been adopted by many of the leading manufacturers of seasoned hardwood products and by dealers and consumers of the same, and it is evident that it has resulted in the saving of many millions of dollars' worth of property. The real value, however, of these examples of successful control is far greater than that represented by the amount of property pro- tected, since they have served to demonstrate : That some of the most destructive and dangerous enemies of the east- ern and western forests can be controlled at slight or no expense when- evei* the infested timber can be utilized within a given period after it is attacked; That manufacturing and business methods can l)e so adjusted that without additional expense a very large per cent, and in many cases all, of the great losses from powder post injury can be avoided ; That by the adoption of improved methods of forest management and the proper adjustment of certain details in such management to meet the requirements for prevention of insect depredations, a large per cent of the losses may be avoided without additional expense; That, as a rule, it is useless and undesirable to attempt the extermin- ation of an insect enemy of the forest. It is only necessary to reduce and weaken its forces so that it cannot continue an aggressive invasion but must occupy a defensive position against its own enemies and become dependent upon favorable conditions resulting from the 348 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 negligence and mismanagement of the owners of the forests and the manufacturers of forest products; The absolute necessity of expert entomological advice as a guide to doing the proper thing at the proper time and at the least expense to secure the best results. CYANIDE AS AN INSECTICIDE By R. S. WoGLUM, U. 8. Bureau of Entomology, and William Wood, Lo.s Angeles Hoiiicultural Commission Cyanide of potassium has been used for many years as one of the ingredient chemicals for obtaining hydrocyanic acid gas, the most powerful and successful of gaseous insecticides. The writers are not aware of cyanide of potassium having been previously suggested in literature as an insecticide in itself. From experimentation we have found it most efficient in the destruction of a common form of red ant. In the rear yard of the California Citrus Substation, of the United States Bureau of Entomology, at AVhittier, is a spot of hard-packed bare ground about 20 by 30 feet. This ground contained several scores of exit burrows of a common red ant. During the cooler part of the day ants were so numerous on this spot that it was impos- sible for a person to walk here without stepping on as many as fifty at every move. The insect became such a nuisance that steps were taken for its control. Carbon bisulphide was first tried, but the ex- pense of the material made it prohibitive for so many burrows. Later a spray of cyanide of potassium, one half of an ounce to a gallon of water was used on part of this ground and resulted in destroying almost all ants running about on the part sprayed. This solution, although successful, acted so slowly that it was decided to double its strength. The next evening when the ground was seemingly alive with ants the entire spot was thoroughly sprayed with a solution of one ounce to the gallon of water. This not only very quickly de- stroyed all ants on the ground, but also such as emerged from the burrows several minutes afterward were overcome by the fumes which were given off from the damp ground. The following day less than a quarter as many ants were moving over the ground as previously. The dead ants had been collected into heaps at different places by those which remained alive. No farther efforts to exterminate were made for two weeks, at the end of which the ants had become almost as numerous as ever. Then a pit large enough to hold a quart of solution was hollowed out at the December, '08] JOURNAL OF economic entomology 349 exit of each burrow and filled with the poison. The whole ground was gone over in this manner. An examination was made the next day and resulted in finding less than twenty-five live ants on all the ground treated. In and around some of the pits were heaps of dead ants which apparently had been carried out by such members of the colony as escaped destruction. A second treatment of these colonies usually reached what still remained alive. Where no dead ants had been brought out, probably the entire colony was destroyed. One of these burrows was opened up with the result of finding pockets filled with dead ants as much as one and one half feet below the sur- face. A few days after using this insecticide the pits were refilled and the ground leveled. Ten days later an examination showed about a dozen fresh burrows of apparently very weak colonies. A second yard was treated after the same manner with almost complete eradi- cation. Our success with this cyanide solution in almost freeing ground of ants by the use of one, or a partial second, application leads us to believe that under favorable conditions ants (at least some species) can be entirely eradicated from a piece of ground by repeated appli- cations. The poisonous gas from this solution must penetrate deep into the ground. A strong odor of the gas was evident in a burrow opened up two days after the solution was applied. It is entirely possible that this solution will prove of some value against the ground colonies of the Argentine ant. The success obtained against the ground form of ants suggested that the insecticide might be put to some use against various ground forms of insects as woolly-aphis, thrips, etc. To determine this point it was first necessary to learn if the solution was injurious to plant life. Two gallons were poured around the base of a large orange tree; Jerusalem cherry bushes and nursery trees of the orange and peach were treated with from one to two quarts of the solution. The orange tree was severely injured, some of the nursery stock was killed while the Jerusalem cherry bushes were injured more or less. This result would appear to demonstrate that the solution is injurious to plant life, which fact would place a limit upon its usage. The cost of the solution is from Ij^a to 2 cents per gallon. The use of potassium in powdered form for the destruction of ants was recommended in 1904 by Prof. H. A. Gossard in Bulletin 76, Florida Agricultural Experiment Station, pages 215-16. The trial of this substance against white ants is suggested in 1905 by the same 350 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 writer in the Florida Bulletin 79, page 313. Professor Gossard also mentions this method of destroying ants in the third issue of the Journal, June, 1908, page 190. A solution possesses certain advan- tages over a dry powder. There is no danger for example of chickens picking up the particles if the former is employed. It is evident that this insecticide can be used to some extent at least against subterranean insects. ]More experiments are necessary to determine the limitations of this powerful insecticide along this line. E. P. Felt THE ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGIST IN BUSINESS By H. L. Fkost, Arlington, Mass. Each year as transportation facilities improve and natural products from all parts of the globe are assembled in one place, the prob- lems of the economic entomologist are increased. "With the changes of habitat of the various species of plant growth comes the unbal- ancing of Nature's control of both injurious and beneficial insects. Thus, the entomologist of today cannot be simply the man of scientific knowledge, but must debase his profession by combining his science with practical business in order to fill his position to the best advan- tage. Will he gain or lose by this change f His remuneration will be increased to a greater or less extent according to his business ability, but his glory of achieving honors by scientific research will be less- ened because of his lack of time to carr^^ on both branches of the work. It is the purpose of this article to show in brief the great need of commercial economic entomologists. The profession is in its infancy and might be compared to the day of the medical profession when the patient Avas bled for every disease. Injurious insects have increased faster than remedies or natural enemies, and this is the problem to be overcome by our scientific and trained men. The value of all kinds of trees which suffer most from insect depredations has developed a hundred fold in the last decade. Owners everywhere are calling in vain for help, to save trees which have required years to mature. Fortunately, we have had a generation of scientific men, peers to none, who have devoted their lives to the study of insects. They have given and are giving us information, which is both complete and accurate. Our failure is our inability to make use of this research by securing and applying practical remedies. This is the field which offers unlimited opportunities to the present generation. A proper preliminary training will be found of great service, but should be verv broad in order to make a success of this work. Even December, "08] JOUKXAL ov ECONOMIC i:.\ roMOLOG\ 351 with this preparation one is, in reality, dependent to a great degree upon the specialists who are devoting their lives to the scientific study of insects. The average land owner is not equipped by either training or experience for carrying out the ideas of the economic entomologist. He requires a specialist who can accomplish the desired end. Unless injurious insects are checked our fruit trees, many of our ornamental trees, and, in New England, our forest trees, will be largely destroyed. The scientist, chemist, and trained workman, must all combine forces if the loss to agricultural interests is to be reduced. No one should undertake a business of this description without sup- plementing his entomological training with a knowledge of some affiliated subject, such as Horticulture, Forestrj^, or Tree-surgery. His work of fighting insects, as a rule, covers only a short season, and must necessarily be carried on Avith the least possible delay. In the East, unfavorable weather conditions may deprive him of all his profits. On the other hand, very favorable conditions will give him most remunerative returns. Thus, he should make one of the above- mentioned branches the basis of his business, using his entomology as his speculative step toward the success of his enterprise. As an illustration : A man owns a valuable orchard which is being stripped by the canker worm. He calls in a contractor, who recom- mends spraying with an arsenical poison.' The season is so wet while the insect is feeding that it is impossible to do any spraying, and, consequently, the job is lost. If the contractor is equipped for horti- cultural work, he can benefit the orchard in other ways, even though he was unable to check the. ravages of the insect. He wall secure immediate results by pruning, fertilizing, and improving the general health of the trees, thus making them better able to resist insect attacks. This is one instance where he has lost nearly his entire spraying season, which happens about once in seven or eight years. The strongest argument against his depending on entomological work alone is the necessity of his having skilled men. In fighting insects, a very high standard of trained laborers is required to obtain the best results. It is impossible to hold such men without giving them steady emploj-ment. To do this, work must be secured which can be held over, without injury to the tree, to be carried on at the con- venience of these workmen. Tree-surgery or affiliated branches make this plan possible. The business of caring for trees has made a tremendous advance- ment in the last ten years, but we still have many problems to solve. The least progress has been made in handling the various insects, as 352 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 there are still many pests which cannot even be suppressed. Chem- icals used for spraying purposes very often act differently under different climatic conditions. Whether this is due to chemical changes in the poisons or to varying pathological conditions seems to be unknown. For example, tests have been made of nearly every brand of arsenate of lead (supposed to be a perfectly safe poison) and in each case, under certain conditions, burning of the foliage has lesulted. If our most perfected remedy cannot be depended upon under all conditions, even when applied by trained men, the great necessity of advancement is readily apparent. This can be assured only by the entrance into business of economic entomologists. MUST THE CALYX CUP BE FILLED ?i By M. V. Slixgerlaxd, Coniell University More than a decade has elapsed since I studied the codling-moth and monographed the then existing knowledge of the insect in Bulle- tin 142 of the Cornell Agricultural Experiment Station. Since then I have closely followed the excellent work done, both in the East and the far West, by which much new information has been gleaned re- garding the life-history and methods of controlling this pest. But I was hardly prepared for the accusations that Eastern entomologists were lax and not up to date in their advice to their constituents, as set forth in the article entitled ' ' Filling the Calyx Cup, ' ' in the June, 1908, number of tliis Journal. Fortunately I had been making some photographs of the calyx ends of developing apples for my class work Avhen the above article ap- peared. The pictures at A, A, A, A, B and C on the plate well il- lustrate the outer and inner calyx cavities, which are separated by the ring of stamens, with the large fleshy pistil extending up through the center. The bases of these stamens set ver^^ closely together and come up close around the pistil. I was also surprised to find that even after their tips had withered and the calyx lobes had closed in, the stamens remained fresh and plump at the base, and around the pistil, and thus still formed a partition or wall between the two cavi- ties, as shown at C. In fact so tight a barrier did the stamens form between the two cavities that I became a "doubting Thomas" as re- gards the assertions of some entomologists that it was absolutely neces- sary to drench a tree with a spray sufficiently forceful to drive the ^Contribution from tlie Entomological Laboratory of Cornell University. December, "08] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 353 poison into the lower calyx cavity in order to obtajn satisfactory re- sults against the codling-moth. After reading the assertive and accusing article above mentioned, on June 27, I went to Nature for the facts as regards the feeding habits of the young codling-moth larv£e. Do they feed any in the upper calyx cavity after scpieezing through between the closed calyx lobes ? Or do they go on down through the closely set row of stamens into the lower calyx cavity for their first meals? The answer to these questions would determine if it was necessary to drive the poison spray into the lower calyx cavity. I found that in every case where the young larva had entered the apple at the calyx end it had stopped to feed in the outer calyx cav- ity. Furthermore, the larva had fed in the outer cavity for several days, or through the first larval stage. The only ones I found go- ing farther into the apples had a head diameter of about .54 mm., which corresponds almost exactly to Simpson's recorded diameter for the head of codling-moth larvae in the second stage. At D on the plate is shown such a larva in the second stage that was just going into the lower calyx cavity. It had fed quite extensively around in the upper cavity, partly on the fleshy stamens, and a few pellets of its ex- crement had dropped into the lower cavity. I was unable to obtain any evidence that the larva? worked their way into the lower calyx cavity without first taking several meals in the outer cavity. Several other Eastern entomologists with whom I have discussed these facts have made similar observations. The young codling-moth larvae may have different feeding habits in recently-set apples in the far West, but thus far I have not seen any definite facts or pictures to prove that they do not first stop to feed in the outer calyx cavity w'hen they enter young apples at this point. Remarkable results have been recorded from thorough, drenching, forceful arsenate of lead sprays in the West, perhaps better results than Eastern fruit-growers usually get, but is it not due more to the thoroughness and method of application than to the 200 pounds of pressure which is supposed to be necessary to drive the spray into the lower calyx cavity? All entomologists and many progressive fruit- growers now understand the great importance and necessity of the application of a poison spray for the codling-moth soon after the petals have fallen and before the calyx lobes close up. But there still remain many apple growers who do not spray thoroughly enough or direct the spray properly into the calyx cups, and it is not because of the laxity or proper advice of entomologists. Such is human nature. Finally, from recent codling-moth literature and from the facts I 354 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 have been able to glean from Nature (as illustrated in the figures on the plate), I am not vet convinced that it is wise to assert that a fruit- grower must drench his trees with arsenate of lead only and that the spray must be applied with a force necessary to drive it into the lower calyx cavity of young apples. The evidence submitted in Bulletin 131 of the Colorado Experiment Station to show that fruit trees are being poisoned and killed by excessive use of poison sprays should be seriously considered by both entomologists and fruit-growers in alka- line regions. Under similar conditions cannot just as satisfactory re- sults be obtained against the codling-moth with either Paris Green or arsenate of lead applied as a fine spray in moderate quantities evenly over the trees, at about 100 pounds pressure, if the spray is properly directed downward into the open outer calyx cavities of the recently- set apples? I have not yet seen sufficient evidence to warrant ento- mologists in answiering this question in the negative. THE ARMY WORM AT DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA By Z. P. Metcalf, Assistant Entomologist, State Department of Agric-ulture, Raleigh, N. C. The occurrence of the Army Worm {Eeliopliila unipuncta) in de- structive numbers at Durham, in the east central part of this state, on August 9, 1908, presented three interesting points : (1) The occurrence of this species so far south and so far east in the state; (2) its occurrence so late in the season; and (3) the per cent of worms parasitized. Our office records covering the last eight years show that this in- sect does not occur in destructive numbers very far east of the moun- tains. It was reported as being injurious in INIay, 1907, from the ex- treme southwestern portion of the state. Although the Army Worm has been reported as being destructive as late as the last of September, it rarely occurs in injurious numbers after the last of July. As is usual during such oiitbreaks, large numbers of Tachina flies {WintJiemia quadripustidata) were to be found in the fields laying eggs on the worms. With the intention of making a more careful study of these parasites 491 larvae were brought back and placed in cages. The following data gleaned from the records of these cages are presented as being of some interest. Of the 491 larvae, 442 were infested with the eggs of the dipterous parasite, Winthemia quadripus- Plate Must the Oalyx Cup be Filled V December, '08] JOURNAL OP ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 355 fulaia, leaving only 49 larva, or 10 per cent of the whole number, nninfested; yet 61 larvae were able to pupate. From these 61 pupas, however, only 7 adult moths emerged, showing a total mortality among the Army AVorm from larva to adult of 98.6 per cent. And since 90 per cent of the larva? were infested with the eggs of this parasite, it would seem to indicate that, in this case at least, the parasitic fly was decidedly the most important factor in causing the high mortality of the Army Worm. In a few cases it was found that where only a single parasitic egg was attached to a larva, that the host Avas able to complete its transformations. The greatest number of parasitic eggs observed on a single larva was 12, with an average of 8 for the entire number (1:4:2) infested. The 442 infested larva yielded 709 parasitic puparia, or an average of nearly two for each infested larva. The 709 pwparia yielded 556 adult parasites. The greatest number of adult flies from a single Army Worm was four. These figures show that the mortality with the parasitic fly from egg to puparium was 52 per cent, and from puparium to adult 22 per cent, making a total mortality from egg to adult of 73 per cent. This shows that the tendenc}^ would be for the fly to continually gain in relative numbers, owing to the lighter mortality, and easily accounts for the complete subjugation of the Army Worm in normal years by this one natural enemy. No other parasites were found in the course of these experiments. NOTES ON THE HEN FLEA (XESTOPSYLLA GALLIN- ACEA) By Glkxn W. Herrick During the summer of 1907 the ground beneath one of the dwelling houses on the campus of the Mississippi Agricultural College be- came infested with fleas to such an extent that the occupants were greatly annoyed by these pests. On examination I found that two species were present beneath the house, namely, the hen flea and the dog flea. The house, of course, stood on brick pillars some distance above the ground, and thus gave opportunity for hens to go under, where they would lay eggs and rear chickens. Dogs and cats also had free access to the space beneath the house. To secure relief the space under the house was treated with a thorough dusting of slacked lime and nothing more was heard from the occupants until the summer of 1908, when the fleas again became troublesome. 356 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 On investigation a hen was found sitting beneath the house and she and her nest were literally alive with the hen flea. Xestopsylla gal- linacea. I do not mean to say positively that this flea was annoying the oc- cupants of the house, for no specimen of this particular species was ever found by me in the rooms. In fact, I was unable to get hold of any of the specimens in the house that were actually causing the trouble. The fleas on the hen were confined to the face, ear lobes and wattles. These parts of the fowl were almost black with them. By actual count there were 164 on the right wattle, 65 on the right ear lobe, and by estimate, 200 or more on the right side of the face. The pests stood at right angles to the surface, with their heads embedded in the skin, nor were they at 'all easy to remove. They could not be brushed off nor scraped off with a knife without hurting the hen. I removed some with tweezers, but even with these instruments they came off with difficulty. We placed the fowl in a large box containing some sawdust and kept her there several daj^s, during which time she managed to free herself from a good many by scratching her head with her toes, and I suspect some of the older, engorged females dropped off to deposit eggs. I dissected some of the engorged females and found they contained, apparently, well developed eggs. In one I found three white oval- shaped eggs. In another I found five. On June 22 I placed two en- gorged fleas in each of three vials. On the morning of June 23 (8.30) I found five eggs in vial a, five eggs in vial h, and three eggs in vial c. The eggs were white, oval and considerably longer than broad. They measured from .35 to .4 mm. in length. It appeared so easy to obtain the eggs that I thought a more extended observation might be worth while. Accordingly, on the morning of June 23 I placed one large, ap- parently engorged female flea in each of fifteen vials, to ascertain their egg-laying capacities. To my surprise and gratification, eggs were obtained in every ease but one and in most cases the larvae hatched readily, as shown by the following table : December, '08] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY OviPOSiTiON Record of Hen Flea. SS"/ June 23. June 24. June 25. June 26. Fleas placed in vials. No. eggs. No. eggs No. larvae hatched. Vial a 2 2 2 Vial b 2 2 I Vial c 1 1 0 Vial d 3 3 3 Vial e 4 4 0 Vial f 7 7 5 Vial g 3 3 0 Vialh 1 1 Vial i 4 4 Vial j 4 4 2 Vial k 5 5 5 " Vial 1 4 4 Vial m 2 2 0 Vial n 1 1 0 Vialo 3 3 2 It will be seen from the foregoing table that the fleas laid all of their eggs on the day following their placement in the vials and that the larvffi hatched within forty-eight hours after the eggs were de- posited. At 9.30 a. m. on June 26 I found most of the larvae just wriggling out of the egg shells. Some had not yet gotten clear of the shells. The larvse were white, very active and from 1.5 mm. to 1.8 mm. in length. They were nearlj- of the same diameter throughout, with the thorax slightly larger. I placed them in separate vials along with sawdust, feathers and filth, but, owing, very likely, to unfavorable conditions of moisture and temperature, none of them developed. Professor Osborn in Bulletin 5, n. s., of the U. S. Bureau of Ento- mology, p. 145, quotes the observations of Judge Johnson on the life- history and habits of this flea. Judge Johnson says regarding them that "the females bury themselves in the skin of their victims. From the tirst they hold on with such tenacity that no ordinary brushing will remove them. It seems to be at this stage in their existence that impregnation takes place. The males now are often seen in copula with them and so remain apparently for days, or until the tumefac- 358 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 tion of the skin excited by the embedded female closes around her so as to shove them otf . Here ends about all actually known of their his- tory. ' ' From my observations this account is very probably accurate, except the latter part. I found the males present on the head of the fowl, but did not actually observe them in copulation with the females, although fecundation must have taken place under these conditions. So far as my observations go, however, no tumefactions of the skin of the fowl take place. Judge Johnson farther says : ' ' From anal- ogy we may infer that the period of gestation being completed, the gravid female lays her eggs in this well prepared nidus, or more par- ticularly that they remain or are hatched in her distended stomach, af- ter which they crawl out and drop to the ground." From the ease with Avhich the females were induced to lay eggs in the vials, I believe they simply drop off when engorged, like a cow tick, and lay their eggs among the debris in the nests of the fowls. At no time was there a tumefaction of the skin or a so-called nidus formed. It seems to me that Judge Johnson must have ascribed the disease known as ''the wart disease" to this flea or possibly confused it with that of Sarcopsylla penetrans. Scientific Notes Toxoptera graminum Rond. has been found very generally distributed over Minnesota during the last summer, wherever wheat is grown, and eggs which were collected out of doors in the early spring near St. Anthony Park hatched in due season, showing that the species can survive our winters, or at least, did survive last winter. Insectary work upon this insect shows it to be much more prolific than Macrosiplium granaria. Three species of locust, namely M. femur-rubrum, M. atlanis and M. hivi- tattus, have been locally quite destructive in Minnesota this season. In work M'ith stalk borers, Genus Papaipema, during the summer several species have been found to be common in Minnesota, among them P. fiircata has injured hundreds of young ash in nursery rows by boring in the center, and so weakening the tree that a slight wind breaks it. F. L. Washburn, St. Anthony Park, Minn. December, "08] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 359 NOTES AND DESCRIPTIONS OF SOME ORCHARD PLANT LICE OF THE FAMILY APHIDIDAE By C. P. Gillette (Continued) The Green Peach-Aphis, Myzus-persicae, Plate 8, Figs. 4 to 11. Some of the More Important Literature Aphis pcrsiciB Sulz., Kennzeichen Insecten, p. 105, 1761. Aphis diaiithi Schr., Fauna Boica, II, 1801. Aphis dianthi Schr., Mouograpbie der Fam. Pflanzenlause, Kalt., p. 42, 1843. Rhopalosiphum dianthi Schr., Die Pflanzenbuise, Koch, p. 42, 1857. Myzus prrsiccc Sulz., British Aphides, Buclvton, I, p. 178, 1876. Megoura solan i Tho8., Eighth Rep. Ent. III., p. 73. 1879. MU!Siis pcrsiew Sulz., Thomas, Eighth Rep. Ent. 111., p. 76, 1879. Siphonophora achyiantes Monell, Bull. U. S. Geol. Sur. Vol. V, No. 1, p. 18, 1879. MyzHS nialvw Oest., Geol. Sur. Minn., 14th Rep., p. 31, 1886. MyzKS persicw Sulz., Taylor, Jour. Ec. Ent., I, p. 83, 1908. Myzus pcrsicw Sulz., Gillette and Taylor, Bull. 133 and 134, Colo. Exp. Sta., 1908. This louse h&s the widest range of food plants of any species known to me, and it is peculiar in possessing cylindrical cornicles in the spring migrant and distinctly swollen cornicles in the return migrant and the male in the fall. This difference in cornicles, the wide range of food plants, and the remarkable variations in color, together with only a partial knowledge of the life-history by the different writers, fully explain how it is that this louse has been described under so many different names in Europe and America. Young Stem-Mother — before first moult; Plate 8, fig. 4. Specimens from peach and native plum. Fort Collins, Col., March 25, 1908. Color dull and rather dark green, becoming lighter, tinged with yellowish, as it feeds and grows; head, legs and antennae somewhat dusky brown in color; on the middle of the head a pale median line; eyes dark red. MEASUREMENTS OF SIX STEM-MOTHERS THAT HAD GROWN LITTLE IF AT ALL, RAN AS FOLLOWS: Body. Antenna. Antennal Joints. Leftside. | Right Side. .72mm .65 .51 .62 .65 .72 .35mm .35 .35 .35 .34 .35 5 5 5 5 5 6 5 5 360 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC KNTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 A larger specimen that possibly had shed once measured .80 mm., and the antenna .45 mm.; joints of antenna 6 on each side; others, as shown above, were mostly 5-jointed on each side. The' .80 mm. louse began to show the carneous color, which usually appears after the first molt. Cornicles short, keg-shaped, being slightly bulged in the middle; length .03 mm.; antenna hair- less; 3d joint about equal to 4 and 5 combined; body smooth, free from hairs and without distinct markings. < Adult Stem-Mother— Plate 8, fig. 5. Specimens taken in peach blossoms. Fort Collins, Col., March 30, 1907. Length of body varying little from 1.70 mm., width 1 mm.; length of an- tenna .80 mm.; cornicles .14 mm., cylindrical or slightly clavate; anteunal joints: III, .33; IV, .16; V, .13; VI, .17 mm.; 5th joint barely larger than base of 6th; no indication of joint being divided into two; one sensorium near distal end of 4th joint, and the usual cluster on the 5th; color pale green, more or less washed and mottled with light salmon. In many cases the red color predominates, and in others the green. Cornicles rather strongly converging, slender, slightly larger at base, black at extreme tips; legs very pale, with distal ends of tibiae and tarsi black; antennge very pale, a little dusky towards distal ends; no tboracic or abdominal tubercles, antennge on moderate though well developed tubercles; cauda slightly curved upwards and with velvety appearance, duo to the surface being densely set with minute points; beak l)arely attaining hind coxae, and black at extreme tip. Apterous Viviparous Female, Second Genei-ation — Plate 8, fig. 7. Specimens taken from peach leaves. Fort Collins, Col., September 16, 1908. General color a very pale yellowish green without black markings, even upon the legs; eyes dark red. These females usually exhibit one or more small red dots on the abdomen, due to the colors of the eyes of the eml)ryos. General shape of the louse rather long and tapering posterioiHy; surface of the body finely reticulated; length of body 1.86 and greatest width 1 mm.; antennae 2.09 mm.; joints: III, .43; IV, .31; V, .57; VI, .10; VII, .88 mm.; cornicles .60 mm.; hind tibiae 1 mm.; antennae upon rather strong frontal tubercles; first joint of the antennae with a prominent angle or gibbous en- largement; prothorax without lateral tubercles; a few scattering hairs upon the body, most of which are capitate. The cornicles are slender, nearly uni- form in diameter thi-oughout, slightly swollen on tbe inner margin near the distal CTid, at which point they curve slightly outward. The suinnier apterous females upon various vegetable and green- house plants differ from the spring form by being pale yellovi^ish in color and having the median and two dorsal longitudinal green stripes upon the abdomen obscure or wanting. Spring Migrant— Plate II, fig. 8; Plate 6, figs. 11, 12. The spring migrant differs from the fall migrant described below by being more green in ground color, having tlie dark markings blacker and more ex- tensive, the Cauda and cornicles being black or blackish, and, most important of all, the cornicles are cylindrical. December, '08] JOrUXAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 361 Winged Viviparous Female, Fall Migrant —I'late 8, fig. 9. Plate 6, figs. 13, 14. Specimens taken at Fort Collins, Col., October 13, 1906, from plum, peach and cherry trees. Head, entire thorax above, mesothorax below, distal portions of all femora and tibiag, the tarsi, antennae and a large spot on the pleurum beneath the insertion of the fore wing black or blackish; abdomen pale yellow or green- ish yellow, with a large dusky brown patch upon the dorsum of segments 4, 5 and G, and often extending upon segments 3 and 7; spots of a similar color upon the lateral dorsal margins of segments 2, 3 and 4 ; the metasternum, genital plates, middle and hind coxae, cornicles, style, distal half of beak, and sometimes two or three spots on either side of venter, dusky brown; eyes very dark red; stigma; of wing slightly dusky; third joint of the antennae lighter than other parts; lateral tubercles of thorax wanting, or appearing as very small points; length of cauda .14 mm.; cornicles distinctly constricted in basal half, giving them the form of a ball club. Joint 3 of the antenna with 10 to 12 circular sensoria in a single row. No others except the regular ones on joints 5 and 6 ; see Plate 6, fig. 14. MEASUREMENTS IN MILLIMETERS OF FOUR NORMAL SPECIMENS Body. Antenna. Wing. Cornicles. 1.8 2.2 3.7 .36 2.1 2.7 4.0 .43 1.8 2.3 3.6 .38 2.0 2.3 3.7 .41 MEASUREMENTS OF ANTENN.AL JOINTS IN MILLIMETERS Jt. 1. Jt. 2. Jt. 3. Jt. 4. I Jt. 5. Jt. 6. Jt.7. .08 .06 .54 .42 .32 .16 .58 .08 .06 .52 .40 .30 .14 .56 .08 .06 .52 .38 .30 .16 .£6 .10 .06 ..52 .40 .32 .14 ..56 .085 .06 .525 ! 1 ■'' .31 .15 .565 Averages. Oviparous Female— Plate 8, fig. 10 and Plate 6, figs. 16 and 17. Specimens from peach and native plum. Fort Collins, Col., November 2, 1906. The young, when first born, are green with red eyes, but soon change as they grow to bright flesh or even salmon-colored apterous individuals, with distal half of antennae, tarsi and extreme tips of cornicles black or dusky. The cornicles of these apterous females, when resting quietly, usually con- verge strongly towards their tips, lying close to the sides of the body, and each is bent distinctly outward near the distal end, where they are usually a trifle thicker than near the proximal end. Fully grown examples are 3(52 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 bright salmou red in color. The antenna is about two thirds as long as the body, or approximately 1.45 millimeters; length of body 1.70 to 2 mm.; cor- nicles .33 mm. I have not been able to see any sensoria upon 3d joint of an- tenna, but altout 25 small circular sensoria occur upon each hind tibia. See Plate 6, figs. 16 and 17. The eggs are deep green when first laid but become shining black in a few days. They are .66 mm. long by .33 mm. broad and are deposited chiefly in the axils of the buds. See Plate 8, fig. 11. Male. Taken on peach leaves by L. C. Bragg. Ft. Collins, Colo., November 4, 1908. Colors practically the same as in spring migrant but with the black or blackish markings, at least in some specimens, more extensive; cornicles dusky to black, moderately swollen, as in fall migrating female. Lengths: Body, 1.85 mm.; wing, 3.20 mm.; cornicles, .34 mm.; antenna, 2.30 mm. Joints: III, .56; IV, .49; V, .40; VI, .14; VII, .60 mm. Numerous small cir- cular, modei'ately tuberculate sensoria upon joints 3, 4 and 5. See Plate 6, fig. 15. Frontal tubercles and 1st antennal joints are rather strongly swollen. The male is a fall migrant, going to the trees from the summer host plants, and is not the offspring of the female fall migrant. The latter gives birth to the apterous oviparous females only. The Black Cherry Louse, Myzus cerasi Fab. ; Plate 8, Figs. 1, 2, 3. Some of the More Important Literature Aphis cerasi Fab. Syst. Ent., p. 734, 1822. Aphis cerasi Fab. Kaltenbach, Mon. Fam. Pflanzenlause, p. 45, 1843. Aphis cerasi Fab. Koch, Die Pflanzenlause, p. 87, 1857. Myzus cera-Ki Fab. Buckton, British Aphides, V. I, p. 174, 1876. Myzios cernsi Fal>. Fitch, Cat. Homop. N. Y., 1851 (Lintner's 9th Rep. Ent. N. Y., p. 405). Myzus cerasi Fab. Thomas, Ent. 111. Sth Rep., p. 75, 1880. Myzus cerasi Fab. Oestlund, Apb. of Minn., p. 73, 1887. Myzus cerasi Fab. Weed, C. M., Bull O. Expt. Sta. Tech. Ser., V. I, No. 2, 1890. Myzus cerasi Fab. Theobald. Rep. Econ. Zool., p. 48, 1908. This coal black louse is the only aphid of any importance as a pest upon the cultivated cherry in Colorado. It continues upon cherry foliage throughout the season and neither my assistants nor myself have been able to discover it upon any other tree or plant. EXPLAXATION OF PLATE Plate 8: Figs. 1-3 Myzus cerasi; 1, adult, apterous viviparous female; 2, winged viviparous female; 3, winged male. Figs. 4-11 Myzus persicce; 4, young stem-mother ; 5, adult stem-mother ; 6, recently hatched young of stem- mother ; 7. apterous viviparous females, second generation ; 8, spring migrant ; 9, winged viviparous female, fall migrant; 10. oviviparous female; 11, egg. Figs. 12-15 Hippodamia conrcrgens; 12. adult; 13, larva; 14, pupa; 15, cluster of eggs. M. A. Palmer, artist. Original plate in Bui. 133, Colo. Exp. Station. JOURNAL OF ECUXOMK" ENTOMOLOGY Plate 8 > , { X15 Colorado E.xpt. Station Bulletiu No. 133-190S FLA-TE U PLANT LICE December, '08] JorRXAL OF ECONOMIC entomology 363 Adult Apterous Viviparous Female ^Plate 8, fig. 1. From specimens taken at Fort Collins, April 18, 1908. Color deep shining black with tibise, anterior femora and basal portion of antennae beyond 2nd joint, pale dusky yellow: surface of body finely rugulose; measurements vary little from the following: Body 1.90 mm. by 1.40 mm.; antennae 1.25 mm.; cornicles .50 mm.; cauda short, conical, .17 mm. in length. Joints of antennae: III, .36; IV, .21; V, .18; VI, .10; VII, .25 mm. The cornicles taper a little towards tip and near the end are distinctly constricted and turned outward and have a moderate flange at end. Body and an- tenna without hairs, and the hairs on legs short and weak; no tubercles upon thorax or abdomen, except in some specimens upon joint 7 of the abdomen, as shown in colored figure. When at rest the cornicles usually converge strongly, almost touching at their distal ends. Antennae upon distinct frontal tuber- cles which are moderately swollen, as are the first antennal joints on the inner side. Winged Viviparous Female. Described from siiecinieus taken at Fort Collins, September 28, 1907. General color deep black, with the tibiae and basal portions of the femora pale yellowish in color; prothorax with slight lateral tubercles or none; cornicles cylindrical, black, with moderate flange at distal end and varying little from .37 mm. in length; cauda black, up-turned, tail-like, about as long as hind tarsus; length of body varying little from 1.40 mm.; antenna a little longer than body, averaging about 1.70 mm.; joints measure approximately as follows: III, .50; IV, .31; V, .24; VI, .13; VII, .43 mm. Wings about 2.80 mm., stigma of wing blackish; venation normal; third joint of antenna with about 14 moderately tuberculate sensoria in a broken row and none upon joint 4. Winged Male. Specimens taken from sour cherry. College orchard. Fort Collins, Col., November 17, 1907. Length 1.30 mm.; general color deep black, the abdoinen a little lighter than the other portions of the body and in some specimens appears to be dusky brown, with narrow transverse bands upon the segments between the cornicles, and back of them it may be entirely black; eyes very dark red; tarsi and distal portions of tibiae and femora black; prothorax with lateral tubercles weak or lacking; wings hyaline, stigma a little dusky brown, nerv- ures dark brown; length of antenna 1.70 mm.; joints of antenna: III, .40; IV, .28; V, .23; VI, .11; VII, .50 mm.; length of wing 2.50 mm.; length of cornicles .23 mm., cylindrical and black. Joints 3, 4 and 5 are strongly tuber- culate, with a large number of similar circular sensoria. The sensoria are most abundant on joint 3. Antennae on distinct frontal tubercles that are slightly swollen, first joint distinctly gibbous. 364 JOURNAL OP ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 Aphis bakeri Coweu Some of the More Important Literature Aphis halcerV Cowen, Bull. 31, Tech. Ser., Colo. Ex. St., p. 118, 1895. Aphis cephaUcola Coweu, ibid., p. 118. Aphis hakeri, Huuter, Aphid. N. A., Bull. 60, la. Ex. St., pp. 93, 132, 1901. Aphis cephaUcola, Huuter, ihid., pp. 95, 132. Aphis hakeri, Sanboru, Ks. Univ. Scl. Bull., Vol. Ill, No. 8, pp. 251, 255, 1906. Aphis cephaUcola, Sanborn, ihid., pp. 251, 256. Aphis hakeri, Gillette & Taylor, Bull. 133, Colo. Ex. St., p. 28, 1908. Mr. Cowen collected this louse from stems of red clover (Trifolium pratense), and from the heads of white clover {T. repens). During the past three years we have taken this louse many times in the vicin- ity of Fort Collins, Denver, Delta, Paonia, Montrose, Grand Junction and Rocky Ford, Colorado. It occurs early and late in the season in greatest numbers upon the stems of red clover close to the ground, where, in mild seasons at least, it doubtless spends the winter as vivipa- rous females and young. It has lived and done well all winter upon clover plants brought into the laboratory by Mr. Bragg. As I have succeeded, with the aid of good observers, in working out the life history of this louse quite fully, a list of our written records for Colorado might be worth printing. The additional observations that we have made, but which have not been written down, far exceed the written records which follow in chronological order, disregarding the year : March 22, '07, Fort Collins, apterous and alate females and alate males, on red clover (insectary). — Bragg. April 2, '08, Fort Collins, apterous females on Bursa B. -pastor is. — Bragg. April 11, '08, Eckert, stem-mothers, young to fully grown, also some 3d generation lice half grown on pear buds. — Gillette. April 13, '08, Delta, stem-mothers, small to fully grown, many exam- ples on pear and apple buds. — Gillette and Weldon. April 26, '08, Fort Collins, alate and apterous females, on apple (in- sectary) . — Gillette. May 9, '07, Fort Collins, apterous and alate females, on sweet clover. —Gillette. jMay 15, '07, Fort Colli??s, alate and apterous females on red clover. — ^ Gillette. 'It is not improbable that Oestlun(r.s .1. trifolii was an immature apterous example of this species, but trifolii was given as a root louse, which bakeri is not; neither is it pulverulent, and the more statement that it was a pink louse, quite similar in other respects to A. niiddleloni. does not seem to be a characterization sufficient to identify it. Deeeiiibei-, "08] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 365 Maj' 21, '08, Delta, apterous and alate females on apple. — Gillette and Weldou. ]\ray 22, '08, Coiy, stem-mothers and alate females, on apple and pear. — Gillette and Weldon. May 22, '08, Austin, Delta County, apterous and alate females, on pear and apple. — Gillette. May 26, '08, Rocky Ford, pupa3 and winged females on apple. — Bragg. June 8, '08, Fort Collins, apterous and alate females on Crataegus occidentalis, very abundant. — Gillette. June 22, '08, Fort Collins, apterous and alate females on red clover. — Gillette. July 8, '08, Fort Collins, apterous females on apple. — Gillette. July 10, '08, Grand Junction, alate females on apple, very scarce. — Weldon. July 12, '08, Delta, alate females, on apple. — Weldon. Aug. 3, '98, Fort Collins, apterous and alate females on red clover. — Gillette. Aug. 16, '08, Fort Collins, apterous females on apple sprouts. — Gillette. Aug. 21, '08, Paonia, apterous and alate females, on red clover. — Weldon. Sept. 28, '08, Fort Collins, apterous and alate females on red clover. — Gillette. Oct. 1, '08, Grand Junction, return migrants and young oviparous females, on apple and pear. — Weldon. Oct. 6, '08, Delta, return migrants, male and female, on apple. — Weldon. Oct. 14, '08, Fort Collins, apterous and alate females on red clover. — Gillette. Oct. 22, '06, Fort Collins, apterous and alate females on red clover. — Bragg. Oct. 26, '08, Delta, return migrants, male and female, and oviparous female, also eggs, on apple. — Weldon. Oct. 29, '06, Fort Collins, alate males, and apterous and alate females on red clover. — Bragg. Oct. 31, '06, Fort Collins, alate and apterous females on red clover. — Bragg. Nov. 4, '08, Delta, return migrants, male and female, and oviparous females, on apple. — Weldon. Nov. 8, '08, Fort Collins, return migrants, male and female, and ovip- arous females, on Crataegus occidentalis. — ]Miss Palmer. Nov. 26, '06. Fort Collins, alate males and females and apterous fe- males, on red clover. — Bragg. I have also received examples of this louse from Mr. J. T. Monell that were labeled ''^Manhattan, Kansas, 8-27- '08, Ainsley; taken on red clover"; and specimens from Mr. J. J. Davis marked "Urbana, Illinois, 3-ll-'08; on clover, in insectary." From our records and observations there seems to be no doubt but what this louse spends the winter chietly in the egg stage upon apple. 366 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 pear and Crataegus; but also, to some extent, upon the clovers, and in some cases upon Bursa, as alate apterous and viviparous females and young, when given sufficient protection and when the weather is not too cold. The stem females hatch very early, so that many are fully grown and giving birth to young by the time the apple buds begin to open. The fully developed stem-mother is usually rather dark red in color. Winged spring migrants begin to appear in considerable numbers in the second generation, and are abundant in the third generation. By June 30, they have nearly all left the trees, but small colonies do sometimes continue thi'oughout the season upon the apple. The spring migrants go to the clovers as their summer host plants, and the female fall migrants begin returning to the apple, pear and Crataegus about the last of September. A little later the alate males which develop upon the summer food plants, follow to fertilize the apterous oviparous females, which are the offspring of the fall migrants. The oviparous females begin to deposit eggs about October 20. ]\Ir. George P. Wel- don reported finding the first eggs at Delta. Colorado, on October 26. and states that they are at first green like the eggs of Aphis pomi, but soon become black. The striking characters Avhich readily separate this species from others that infest the apple and pear are the light yellow to pink color of the body in the larvae and apterous adults ; the minute dark specks which occur upon the dorsum of the apterous forms, both larvae and adults ; the large dark green to blackish quadrate patch upon the dor- sum of the alate forms ; and the short cornicles. In case of the larvae and apterous lice there is also a light area at the base of each cornicle which is often quite conspicuous. During last spring this louse was the most abundant species upon the apple and pear trees on the western slope in Colorado. Adult Stem-Mother— Plate 9, figs. 1 and 5. Specimens taken at Eckert, April 11, 1908. Gi'ound color darl< green at first, and more or loss streaked and mottled with deep red both above and below, but there is much more red on the dor- sal than on the ventral side; cornicles and cauda very short and pale yel- lowish green, almost colorless; legs and antennae pale green, with distal ends of the tibiae and antennae and the tarsi black; general form rather long and tapering posteriorly when just mature; old lice more robust and nearly all dark red, even legs, prothorax and antennae in some cases; length of body about 1.90 mm.; antenna .70 mm.; joints: III, .37; IV, .13; V, .11 mm. There is some variation in length of antenna and in some cases joint 3 is divided into two making 6 joints. In some cases there will be 5 joints in one antenna and 6 in the other on the same louse. Near the end of joint 3 (or Deeembei-, '08] JOURNAL OF KCOXOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 367 4 if G-jointed) is the large sensorium which commouly occurs upon joint 5 in the aphididti^ ; length of cornicle .11 mm., stout, tapering, largest at base. Apterous Viviparous Female — Plate 9, fig. 2. Specimens from clover. Ft. Collins, June 23, 1908. General color pale yellowish or greenish yellow, with a slight tinge of pink or light orange, especially in the region of the cornicles; upon the dorsum a sprinkling or mottling of dark green or rusty brown specks irregularly dis- tributed, and in some the faint dusky specks at the bases of the abdominal hairs also show; in some of the older individuals, the dark markings form a transverse dash upon the segments posterior to the cornicles, and joints 1 and 2 of the antennae and the dorsum of the head are often blackish. The lai'ge yellow to pale orange blotches surrounding the cornicles are not as sharply outlined as in the larvae and pupae; cauda and cornicles entirely con- colorous with body, not marketl with black; distal half of antenna more or less blackish; distal ends of all tibiae, the tarsi and tip of beak black; eyes ap- pearing black but really very dark red; length of body 1.70 to 2.20 mm.; length of antenna .90 to 1.10 mm.; cornicles .11 to .14 mm.; joints 3 and 7 of antenna sub-equal, either being a trifle longer than the otlier. Pupa. Specimens taken with the preceding apterous females. The pupae in all stages are decidedly pink in color and the deeper color mark- ings that are usually deep green in case of the apterous females are usually reddish here, but may be dusky, the darkest color coming next to the well defined yellowish or pale orange blotches surrounding the cornicles. The body generally is quite strongly tinged with pink; the dusky specks so con- spicuous upon the larvae are entirely absent, as are all the heavier dark markings of the adult forms. Alate Viviparous Female— Plate 9, figs. 3 and 6. Specimens from Delta, Colorado. Sent by Mr. Weldon May 23, 1908. Head, thorax, antennae, tarsi, distal ends of femora and tibiae, sternum of mesothorax, anal plates and coxae deep shining black; the middle portion of . the dorsum of segments 3, 4 and 5 and transverse bands on segments 6, 7, and 8, small spots and dashes upon joints 1 and 2 and the lateral margins of joints 2 to 7 also black or blackish; abdomen light olive to yellowish green ; cornicles short, cylindrical or somewhat tapering, dark green to black in color and with moderate flange; cauda of moderate length, green at the base, black about the margins, upturned; lateral tubercles of prothorax moderate in size; strong tubercles upon lateral margins of abdominal seg- ments 3 to 7, helping to make the margins of the segments prominent and well defined; length of body 1.75 mm.; width .75 mm.; length of antenna 1.12 mm.; joints: III, .30; IV, .19; V, .16; VI, .10; VII, .30 mm.; length of wing 2.50 to 3 mm. ; hind tibiae, .90 mm. ; cauda, .11 mm. ; cornicles, .11 mm. ; third joint of antenna strongly tuberculate on inferior surface with about 24 circular and oval sensoria; joint 4 with about 6 sensoria in middle por- tion; joints 3 to 7 quite strongly transversely wrinkled; wing venation normal; 2nd fork about equally distant from 1st fork and the margin of the wing. 368 JOL'RXAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 Apterous Oviparous Female— Plate 9, fig. 4. Specimens taken by Mr. Geo. P. Welclon at Delta, Colo., October 26, 1908, ou leaves of apple trees. The general color varies from a dull green to bright pink or even dark salmon, with the numerous minute dusky spots characteristic of this species. The dorsal surface is more or less mottled in many of the specimens due to the ova which show through. The head is noticeably dusky brown in color; anal plates and a transverse dash on the eighth abdominal segment, the tarsi, distal ends of the tibiae, eyes, and distal half of the antennae black or black- ish; antenna 6 or 7-jointed; cornicles slightly dusky; color beneath about the same as above except that it is a little lighter; length of body 1.35 mm.; antenna, .51 mm.; joints: III, .10; IV, .07; A^ .08; VI, .07; VII, .12 mm.; no sensoria on antenna except the usual ones at the distal ends of joints 5 and 6 (or 4 and 5 in those that are 6-jointed). When there are but 6 joints, joints 3 and 4 are united. Winged Male. Specimens from red clover, Ft. Collins, November 2, 1906. The general color is light yellowish brown; head, thorax, cornicles, an- tennae, distal end of beak, coxae, tarsi, distal ends of femora and tibiae, eyes, mesothorax below and a large spot on either side of the mesopleurum black; style, anal plates, a row of spots on the lateral margins of abdomen, about six transverse dashes on the abdominal segments above, dusky brown to black ; length of body about 1.70 mm. ; length of wing 2.20 mm. ; length of an- tennae 1.40 mm.; joints of antennae as follows: I and II, .11 mm.; Ill, .41 mm.; IV, .26 mm.; V, .21 mm.; VI, .12 mm and VII, .29 mm; style .10 mm.; cornicles .07 mm. The cornicles are cylindrical in form and are about twice as long as broad; joints three, four and five of the antennae strongly tubercu- late, with numerous circular sensoria; on joint III about 30 to 40; IV, 15 to 18 ; V, 8 to 10 : Plate 9, fig. 7. EXPLANATION OF PLATE Plate 9. — Aphis haJceri; 1, stem-mother; 2, apterous viviparous female; 3, alate female; 4, oviparous female; 5, the 5-jointed antenna of the stem- mother; 6, antenna of alate viviparous female; 7, antenna of male. Fig- ures 1, 2, 3 and 4 are enlarged 30 diameters; figures 5, 6 and 7, 80 diameters; M. A. Palmer, artist. Figures 3 and 5 were used in Bulletin 133 of the Colo. Exp. Sta. Errata: On i>late 6, figure 4, for alate read apterous. JOURNAL OP ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY Plate 9 370 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 DIMPLES IN APPLES FROM OVIPOSITION OF LYGUS PRATENSIS L. By EsTES P. Taylor, Mountain Grove, Missouri To one conducting experiments against insect pests infesting fruits it is especialty important that the cause of all external blemishes upon the fruits be known. Failure to recognize the cause of such injuries has often been responsible for misleading and incorrect conclusions regarding the effectiveness of insecticidal sprays. Mistaken identifi- cation of insect work is often brought about by superficial examination of fruit at picking. At this time the growth of the fruit has often so completely altered the appearance of the injury that its true cause is never suspected. Careful and almost continuous observations in an apple orchard this season from the time of the formation of the fruit to harvest re- sulted in the discovery that an injury of doubtful nature but re- sembling and formerly classed as that caused by the plum or the apple curculio was, instead, the result of egg punctures made in the very early dcA^elopment of the apple by the common tarnished plant- bug {Lygus pratensis L.). On account of their direct bearing upon the examinations of apples by those conducting spraying experi- ments in the control of curculio upon apple, the results of these ob- servations are herein reported. The observations also add new in- formation upon the egg-laying habits of the tarnished plant-bug, one of the oldest recorded insects in North America. Late in IMareh at Mountain Grove, Missouri, my attention was called to the great abundance of the tarnished plant-bugs about the .buds and newly opened blossoms of early blooming varieties of peach. They were noted in great numbers about the blossoms of peaches in the station orchard by the director of the station, while engaged in hand pollinating blossoms. Many blossoms were seen at this time which had evidently been blasted by this insect having pierced the tissue and sucked away the juices of the essential organs of the bloom. A very noticeable percentage of the blossoms were noted at that time darkened and shrunken and falling away, evidently from this cause. At Olden, on INIarch 27, I noticed numbers of the bugs about the buds of peach, plum, apple and pears, and in making jarrings for curculio under peach and plum trees a number of the bugs were collected upon the jarring sheet. On April 10, while examining with an assistant, Mr. C. B. Dull, fruit buds in an apple orchard selected for a spraying experiment with curculio and codling-moth, small dark-colored spots Avere noticed upon the sides of the ovary of the apple bloom. These December, '08] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 371 spots were first noticed upon apples of the Blue Pearmain variety, which had only within the past two or three days completed the shed- ding of the petals, and upon none of which were the calyces closed. At first the spots w^ere taken as the first evidences of apple scab. A closer inspection suggested the feeding punctures of the plum cur- culio. Examining the spots under a hand lens I discovered to my sur- prise that in the center of the discolored area there was a distinct opening in the skin of the apple and that within this opening and just beneath the surface was an oval, elongate, bottle-shaped egg. At first I did not recognize the egg as any with which I was familiar. The abundance of the tarnished plant bug upon the blossoms of the different orchard trees mentioned suggested their association with the eggs found, which was substantiated a moment later by the cap- ture on these trees of gravid female specimens of Lygus pratensis, from which eggs were dissected. These eggs corresponded perfectly with the ones found deposited within the minute apples. By dissec- tion two females yidomin:ilis Riley. Phloeosinus graniger Chap Spathius canadensis Ashm. Phloeotribus frontalis 01 Secodes phloeotribi Ashm. Euphorns phloeotribi Ashm. Phytonomus punctatus Fabr Empusa sphaerosperma. Entomophthora phytouomi. Pissodes strobi Peck Bracon pissodis Ashm. Pityophthorus spp Cosmophorus hopkinsii Ashm. Rhyssalus pityophthori Ashm. Pityophthorus cariniceps Lee Heterospilus pityophthori Ashm. Pityophthorus consimilis Lee Cerocephala pityophthori Ashm. Pityophthorus minutissimus Zimm. . .Secodes phloeotribi Ashm. Platypus compositus Say Isaria tomicii Lugger. Podapion gallicola Riley Sigalphus copturi Riley. Polygraphus rufipennis Kirby Cosmophorus hopkinsii Ashm. Spathius clavipennis Ashm. Rhodobaenus tredecim punctatus 111. .Habrocytus rhodobaeni Ashm. Rhyssematus lineaticollis Say Bracon rhyssemati Ashm. (Scolytus auct.= Eccoptojiaster Hbst. 1793.) Smicronyx tychoides Lee Eutrichosoina albipes Cwfd. Bracon smicronygis Ashm. *Spermophagus robiniae Sch Eurytoma tylodermatis Ashm.. Cerambycobius cyaniceps Ashm. Urosigalphus bruclii Cwfd. Heterospilus spermophagi Ashm. hyperpai-. ? Horismenus popenoi Ashm. *Sphenophorus parvulus Gyll Myiophasia aenea Wied. (Phasioclista metallica Towns.) Sphenophorus robustus Horn Myiophasia robusta Coq. *Tachypterellus quadrigibbus Say. .. .Cerambycobius cyaniceps Ashm. Catolaccus hunteri Cwfd. (Tachypterus Dietz 1891 preocc.= Tachypterellus Ckll. & Fall 1907.) Tomicus sp Spathius canadensis Ashm. Tomicus pini Say Bracon strobi Ashm. ? *Trichobaris compacta Casey Pediculoides sp. Cerambycobius cyaniceps Ashm. ^Trichobaris texana Lee Eurytoma tylodermatis Ashm. Cerambycobius cyaniceps Ashm. *Trichobaris trinotata Say Sigalphus curculionis Fitch. Tychius semisquamosus Lee Tanaostigmodes tycliii Ashm. *Tychius sordidus Lee Cerambycobius cyaniceps Ashm. *Tyloderma foA-eolatum Say Eurytoma tylodermatis Ashm. Cerambycobius cyaniceps Ashm. Catolaccus incertus Ashm. Bracon inellitor Say. Tylodernia fragariae Riley Bracon analcidis Ashm. Zygobaris xanthoxyli Pierce Catolaccus hunteri Cwfd. Sigalphus zygobaridis Cwfd. December, '08] JOURXAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 893 Bibliography Aldrich, J. M., 1905. Catalogue of North Ameriraii Diptera. Suiithsoiiiau Misc. Coll. vol. XLVI, no. 1444, p. 427. Ashmead, William H., 1888. Descriptions of new Braconidae in the collection of the U. S. National Museum. Proc. U. S. N. M., no. 760, p. 619. 1893a. A monograph of the North American Proctotrypidae. U. S. N. M. bul. 4.5, p. 49, 296, 451. 1893b. Descriptions of new parasitic Hymenoptera bred by Prof. F. M. Webster. Ohio Exp. Sta., tech. bul. I, part 3, p. 159-165. 1896a. Descriptions of new parasitic Hymenoptera II. Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, vol. XXIII, p. 218, 219, 220, 227, 326. 1896b. .On the genera of the Eupelminae. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., vol. IV, p. 18-20. Baker, Carl F., Biological notes on some Colorado Coleoptera. Ent. News, vol. VI, p. 27-28. Banks, Nathan, 1906. A revision of the Tyroglyphidae of the United States. U. S. D. A., Bur. Ent, tech. bul. 13, p. 17. Brooks, Fred E., 1906. The grape curculio. W. Va. Expt. Sta., bul. 100. Chittenden, F. H., 1893a. The strawberry weevil. Insect Life, vol. V, p. 167-186. 1893b. Observations on some Hymenopterous parasites of Coleoptera. In- sect Life, vol. V, p. 247-251. 189d. The potato bud weevil. Insect Life, vol. VII, p. 350-352. 1897. A foreign parasite of the grain weevils. U. S. D. A., Div. Ent. bul. 8, p. 43-45. 1898. On the parasites of adult Coleoptera. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., vol. IV, p. 75-79. 1899. Insects injurious to beans and peas. U. S. D. A., yearbook 1898, p. 233-260. 1900a. The bronze apple-tree weevil. U. S. D. A., Bur. Ent., bul. 22, p. 37-44. 1900b. Some insects injurious to garden crops. Notes on the imbricated snout beetle, p. 31-32. A note on the Mexican bean weevil, p. 37-38. The cabbage curculio, p. 39-50. Remarks on the food habits of species of Ceutorhynchus, p. 50-53. The common rhubarb curculio, p. 61-69. JJ. S. D. A., Bur. Ent. bul. 23. 1902. The potato stalk weevil. U. S. D. A., Bur. Ent. bul. 33, p. 9-18. 1904. The chestnut weevils, with notes on other nut feeding species, p. 24-38. The cowpea pod weevil, p. 39-45. Additional observations on the tobacco stalk weevil, p. 44-46. U. S. D. A., Bur. Ent., bul. 44. 1908. An injurious North American species of Apion with notes on related forms. U. S. D. A., Bur. Ent., bul. 64, part IV, p. 29-32. Comstock, J. H., 1881. Report of the entomologist. U. S. D. A., yearbook 1880, p. 273. 394 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 Coquillett, D. W., 1897. Revision of the Tachiuidae of America north of Mexico. U. S. D. A., Bur. Ent, tech. bul. 7, p. 18, 23. Crawford, J. C, 1907a. New Hymenopterous parasites of Anthonomus grandis Boh. Can. Ent., vol. XXXIX, p. 133-134. 1907b. New North American Hymenoptera. Journ. N. Y. Ent. Soc, vol. XV, p. 178-181. 1908. Some new Chalcidoidea. Proe. Ent. Soc. Wash., vol. IX, p. 157-160. Currie, Rolla P., 1905. Catalogue of the exhibit of economic entomology at the Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition, Portland, Oregon, 1905. U. S. D. A. Bur. Ent, bul. 53. Felt, E, P., 1905. Insects affecting park and woodland trees. N. Y. St. Mus. Mem. 8, vol. I. Fletcher, James, 1900. Notes from Canada. U. S. D. A., Bur. Ent., bul. 26, p. 96. Ganglbauer, Custos L., 1903. Systematisch-koleopterologische studien. Miinchener. Koleop. Zeitsch., vol. I, p. 271-319. Gillette, C. P., 1890. Insects from Iowa. Insect Life, vol. II, p. 280-281. Girault, A. Arsene, 1905. Anaphes conotracheli species novum. An important egg-parasite. Ent. News, vol. XVI, p. 220. Glover, Townend, 1865. Report of the entomologist. Rep. U. S. Comm. Agr. 1864, p. 90. Hamilton, John, 1894. Mononychus vulpeculus Fab. and its parasites. Ent. News, vol. V, p. 287-288. Harrington, W. Hague, 1891. Hymenoptera parasitica. Ent. Soc. Ont., 21st ann. rep., p. 64-73. Hopkins, A. D., 1892. Some bred West Virginia Braconidae. Insect Life, vol. IV, p. 256- 259. 1896. Some notes on insect enemies of trees. Can. Ent., vol. XXVIII, p. 243-250. 1899. Report on investigation to determine cause of unhealthy condition of spruce and pine from 1880 to 1893. W. Va. Exp. Sta., bul. 56. Howard. L. O., 1888. A commencement of a study of the parasites of cosmopolitan insects. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., vol. I, p. 118-136. December, '08] journal of ECONOMIC entomology 395 1894. Some rearings of parasites. Insect Life, vol. VII, p. 280. 1900. A note on tlie cocklebur bill-bug. U. S. D. A., Bur. Ent., bul. 22, p. 104-105. Hubbard, H. G., 1874. Notes on the habits of Magdalinus armicollis Say. Psyche, vol. I, p. 56. Hunter, W. D. (trans. P. L. Moreau), 1906. Medios para combatir el picudo del algodon. Mex. Com. de Par. Agr. circ. 32. Hunter, W. D., and Hinds, W. E., 1904. The Mexican cotton boll weevil. U. S. D. A., Div. Ent, bul. 45. 1905. The Mexican cotton boll weevil. U. S. D. A., Bur. Ent., bul. 51. Johnson, W. G., 1898. Notes from Maryland on the principal injurious insects of the year. U. S. D. A., Bur. Ent, bul. 17, p. 93. 1900. Notes on insects of economic importance for 1900. U. S. D. A., Bur. Ent, bul. 26, p. 81. Jiilich, William, 1887. Ent Am., October. Knaus, Warren, 1886. Notes on Hylesinus aculeatus and Phloeosinus dentatus. Ent. Amer., vol. II, p. 76-77. Mally, F. W., 1901. Report on the boll weevil. Texas State Printer. Authorized by Special Act of the Twenty-sixth Legislature of Texas, p. 1-30, supplement p. 35-45. Meraz, A., 1905. El barrenillo del chili (Anthonomus eugenii). Com. Paras. Agr. Mex., cire. 33. Packard, A. S., 1890. Insects injurious to forest and shade trees. U. S. Ent Comm., 5th rep. Pierce, W. Dwight, 1907a. Notes on the biology of certain weevils related to the cotton boll weevil. U. S. D. A., Bur. Ent, bul. 63, pt. II. 1907b. On the biologies of the Rhynchophora of North America. Studies from the Zoological Laboratory, Univ. Nebr., no. 78. Proc. Nebraska State Hort Soc, 1907-8, p. 247-319. 1907c. Contributions to the knowledge of Rhynchophora. Ent. News, vol. XVIII, p. 356-363; 379-385. 1908a. Studies of parasites of the cotton boll weevil. U. S. D. A., Bur. Ent., bul. 73. 1908b. The economic bearing of recent studies of the parasites of the cotton boll weevil. Journ. Econ. Ent., vol. I, p. 117-122. Pratt F. C, 1907. Notes on the pepper weevil. U. S. D. A., Bur. Ent., bul. 63, pt. V, p. 55-58. 396 JOURXAL OF ECONOMIC EXTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 Psyche, 1904. Note, vol. XI, p. 122. Rangel, A. F., 1901a. Tercer informe acerca del picudo del algodon ( Insanthonomus grandis I. C. Cu. ) Bol. Com. Paras. Agr., vol. I. No. 6. p. 197-206. 1901b. Cuarto informe acerca del picudo del algodon (Insanthonomus grandis I. C. Cu.) Com. Paras. Agr., vol. I, no. 7, p. 245-261. Riley, C. V., and Howard, L. 0., 1890-1. Some of the bred parasitic Hymenoptera in the national collection. Insect Life, vol. II, p. 348-353; vol. Ill, p. 15-18, 57-61, 151-158, 460-464; vol. IV, p. 122-126. 1893. A curious seed-pod deformation.- Insect Life, vol. V, p. 286. Townsend, C. H. T., 1895a. Report on the Mexican cotton-boll weevil in Texas. Insect Life, vol. VII, p. 299. 1895b. Some Notes on Bruchus in New Mexico. Can. Ent., vol. XXVII, p. 277. Webster, F. M., 1889. Some studies of the development of Lixus concavus Say and L. macer Lee, Ent. Am., vol. V, p. 11-16. 1893. Notes on some species of Ohio Hymenoptera and Diptera heretofore undescribed. Ohio Exp. Sta., tech. bul., vol. I, no. 3, p. 157-158. 1900. The grape cane gall maker and its enemies. Ohio Exp. Sta., bul. 116. Wickham, H. F. 1895. On the larvae of Lucidota, Sinoxylon, and Spermophagus. Bull. Lab. Nat. Hist. St. Univ. Iowa, vol. Ill, pt. III. The following papers should be consulted for European parasites of weevils which have been imported or are liable to be imported into this country : Ratzeburg, J. T. C, 1844-1852. Die ichneumonen der forstinsecten in forstlicher und entomolo- giseher beziehung, als anhang zur abbildung und beschreibung der forstin- secten. Berlin, Nicolai. Taschenburg, E. L., 1879. Die Kafer und Hautfiiigler. Bargagli, Piero, 1883-1884. Rassegna Biologica di Rincofori Europei. Firenze. Tipografia Cenniniana. Howard, L. O., 1888. A commencement of a study of the parasites of cosmopolitan insects. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., vol. I, p. 118-136. Elliott, Ernest A., and Morley, Claude, 1907. On the Hymenopterous parasites of Coleoptera. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1907, pt. I, p. 7-75. December, '08] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 397 THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF ONTARIO The forty-fifth annual meeting- of the Entomological Society of Ontario was held at the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, on November 5 and 6. The meeting was most enthusiastic and inter- esting, and was well attended. The late Dr. James Fletcher, the President, had for some time been working to make this the best meeting in the Society's history. His illness, which took an aggrav- ated form just before the meeting, was the one disappointment in connection with the gathering. The Society has always counted a great deal on his genial presence and almost unfailing store of knowl- edge on all matters under discussion. Apart from this, however, the serious nature of his illness aroused grave apprehensions in the minds of the members. The first afternoon was devoted almost entirely to a conference on "Some of the Chief Insect Pests of the Season." The first of these discussions was the Leaf -Blister Mite (Eriophyes pijri). This insect was reported from most of the fruit-growing districts of Ontario and in some localities was said to be very abundant. In discussing methods of control it was stated that though present last year in the College orchard, it had this year apparently disappeared entirely. This result w^as thought to be due to a spring application of lime- sulphur. Several speakers recommended the use of this wash or of kerosene emulsion, either in the fall or spring, as satisfactory remedies. The Shot-hole Borer {Scolytus rugulosus) was the next pest dis- cussed. Mr Ctesar gave an account of his observation last autunni on the ravages of this pest in cherry orchards in the Niagara district. He cited several cases where the beetles had attacked perfectly healthy clierrj^ trees of both the sweet and sour varieties. Last year this attack began in August. This year, when in the neighborhood of St. Catherines, on June 10th, he discovered that the beetles were again very abundant and were attacking both diseased and healthy trees. The latter were already at this date thickly spotted with gum exuda- tions and had evidently been attacked in May. Egg-laying, however, was still to some extent going on in weakened and badly diseased trees. Again this autumn the beetles have caused serious damage to both cherry and plum trees, and to a lesser extent to peach. IMont- morency cherries are, however, exempt. The attack this fall began as last year in August, and continued for several Aveeks. The experi- ence of the two seasons suggest : that the months of May and August are probably the times when fruit-growers in infested districts should 398 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 be on the look-out for these insects. Wherever badly infested dead or dying trees were cut down and burned last winter and the other trees thoroughly sprayed in the spring with lime-sulphur or an oil- wash, there was no damage this year until August, when swarms of beetles again appeared. The necessary breeding grounds were prob- ably provided in the many dead trees to be found within a radius of a few miles. Dr. Felt cited cases of Scolytids having been reported migrating for several miles in large swarms. Something of this nature appears to be what has taken place in the Niagara district. The Apple Maggot (Bhagoletis pomonella) occupied considerable attention. It is not, however, widespread in Ontario, and though present for several years in considerable numbers in Prince Edward County and several neighboring districts along the shore of Lake Ontario, it does not seem to have spread to any known appreciable extent during this time. The Lesser Apple- Worm {Enarmonia pninivora) had been re- ported by several orchardists as doing much damage to their apples and a considerable amount of supposedly infested fruit had been for- warded to be examined. Only a small percentage, however, of the injuries could, with any degree of certainty, be charged against this insect. It seems, nevertheless, to be present to at least some extent in very many orchards in different parts of the province. Another subject of much interest briefly discussed was the ''Mal- formations of Apples and Pears due to Insects." Specimens of work of the Plum Curculio on Apples were exhibited and also of some unknown sucking insect on Snow apples from British Columbia. This injury, according to the sender of the fruit, had been warded off from his own orchard to a very large extent this year by the use of lime-sulphur, whereas the neighboring orchards where Bordeaux instead had been used were as severely attacked as last year. The cause of another class of distortion on apples and pears not uncommon in Ontario orchards was debated. Some attributed the irregular depressions and knotty appearance of such fruit to a culculio, others were just as firmly convinced that it was a sucking insect that was to blame. The discussion brought out very clearly the need of much further careful investigation of such injuries. The Oyster-shell Scale {Lepidosaphes uhni) was another topic. This is one of the worst pests in Ontario orchards. Farmers are at least aware of the need of combatting it. In addition to the common practice of using either a double application of whitewash on the trees in the fall or kerosene emulsion when the larvae are running, a number of farmers in Ontario County claimed excellent results during the last two years from spring applications of Gillet's Lye. December, '08] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 399 Further pests briefly discussed were the Codling-moth, the Turnip and Pea Aphids, and a Leaf Hopper {Empoasca sp.) attacking the foliage of potatoes. Nothing of special interest in regard to the Codling-moth was reported. Its ravages this year have, as usual, been severe in unsprayed orchards and even in some sprayed orchards in the Niagara district. The Turnip and Cabbage Aphis was reported from every part of the province, and has done unprecedented damage, especially to the turnip crop. The ordinary methods of control were recommended by some, but others believed that in a season like this no known means could keep these insects from spreading in countless numbers over turnip fields. The Pea Aphis has done much damage, especially to late peas, whole fields of these having been destroyed. It was found that a very large number of the aphids, in some cases nearly 100%, were attacked and destroyed by a fungus disease that spread with great rapidity in some districts. Mr. A. Gibson of Ottawa reported much damage to potatoes in the eastern part of the province from the attacks of a Leaf Hopper (Em- poasca sp.) which seriously injured the foliage. The chief speaker on the first evening was Dr. E. P. Felt of Albany, N. Y., who gave an illustrated lecture on "The Interpretation of Nature." The first part of the lecture was devoted to showing the work and habits of bark-boring insects. Many beautiful views made these points clear and revealed a most interesting field for insect study, and one new to most of the audience. In addition to the bark- borers many other kinds of insects of economic interest, especially to residents of towns and cities, were shown and their importance briefly pointed out. The lecture closed with an account of the House-fly as a source of danger to public health. The morning and evening of the second day were devoted chiefly to the reading of a number of papers, mostly of a technical nature. Among those of an economic or popular character were the following : "The Economic Importance and Food-Habits of American Ceci- domyiidffi," by Dr. E. P. Felt, Albany, N. Y. ; "Observations on the Sorghum Midge in Louisiana," by Mr. E. C. Treherne, Guelph; "Natural Enemies of Some Ontario Coccidee," by Mr. A. Eastham, Guelph; "Parasite Work on the Gypsy and Brown-tail Moths in Massachusetts, ' ' by Mr. W. R. Thompson, Guelph ; and ' ' Some Beetle- haunts," by Mr. F. Morris, Port Hope. In his paper on the Cecidomyiidas, Dr. Felt discussed first a number of destructive genera and species, such as the Hessian Fly {Mayetiola 400 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 destructor). Wheat Midge {Cecidomyia tritici), Pear Midge {Contar- inia pyrivora), Violet Midge (C. violicola), Sorghum Midge (C. sorg- hicola), Cotton Midge (C gossypii), Box Elder Midge (C. negundi- folia), and other still unnamed species attacking various plants. Attention was then called to several beneficial species, especially those of the genus Aphidohtes, which live on aphids. Towards the close of the paper, the interesting preferences in regard to food plants shown by Cecidomyiids were referred to. For instance, 39 species have been reared from Solidago, 28 from Salix, 16 from Aster, and 10 from Grape. The wide field for study in this great family of tiny insects was shown from the fact that there are already 700 American species known, representing 50 genera. In his address on "Natural Enemies of Some Ontario Coccida?," Mr. A. Eastham gave the results of a year's careful rearing and study of the chief enemies of the more common scales in the vicinity of Guelph, viz.: Lepidosaphes ulmi, EnJecanium ccrasifex, E. caryae, E. fletcheri, Pulviiiaria innuyyierabilis, and Aspidiotus ostreacformis. Each paper was followed by a discussion so far as time permitted. At the evening meeting of this day. Professor W. Lockhead, of ]\racdonald College, St. Anne cle Bellevue, Que., read a paper on "What Entomology the Farmer and Fruit-grower Should Know." He was followed by Dr. Fyles, of Levis, Que., with a popular address entitled, "The Farmer's Woodlot." Dr. Bethune then read a paper from Dr. L. O. Howard, of Washington, D. C, on "The Present Con- dition of the Work Connected with the Importation of Foreign Para- sites of the and Brown-tail Moth." In this paper. Dr. Howard mentioned certain very important innovations made in the work the last year or so. These were as follows: (1) The laboratory has for greater convenience been removed to Melrose Highlands, Mass. (2) A man thoroughly equipped in the biology of his special group has been put in charge of each division of the work, so that now a Hyraenopterous expert looks after the Hymenopterous parasites, a Dipterous after the Dip- terous, and a Coleopterous after the Celeopterous. (3) In order that parasites shall leave Europe in a better condition to stand the ocean voyage and arrive in a good state at New York, a general lab- oratory depot has been established at Rennes, France, under a trained man. All shipments are looked over and properly packed by him and forwarded in the quickest and best way possible. (4) An agent has been sent to Japan, where parasites are known to keep the Gypsy Moth under complete control, and these insect allies are now arriving in large numbers. Not a fcAv of them have alreadv been colonized. December, '08] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 401 (5) Active winter work with parasites is being carried on. The parasites are secured from nests of Brown-tail Moths from Europe. These are bred in artificially heated rooms and fed upon native hibernating Brown-tail larvne, the latter being fed upon vegetables obtained chiefly from greenhouses. (6) The eggs of Brown-tail ]\IotlLS are being retarded in development by keeping them in cold storage until the arrival of egg-parasites from abroad. These readily oviposit and breed in such eggs. This and the preceding innovation permit of numerous generations of parasites being produced at times of the year otherwise impossible. The important predatory European beetle, Calosoma sycophanta, has been successfully reared and has established itself. Over 200,000 of the most active enemies of the Gypsy and Brown-tail Moths have been liberated this year under most favorable circumstances. At least 7 of the 57 species intro- duced are already known to have established themselves. Many others will, it is believed, soon be found to have done likewise. Dr. Howard considers the outlook more favorable than ever, and ultimate success certain. The paper was greatly appreciated, and a vote of thanks to Dr. Howard, coupled with a statement of the Society's deep interest in and appreciation of this great work, was unanimously carried. A vote of thanks to Dr. Felt was also passed for his kindness in coming so far to attend the meeting and for the great assistance given by him in helping to throw light on the many difficult problems that arose during the discussions. The evening meeting was concluded by a short account by Dr. Bethune of ' ' The Insects in Ontario that had Attracted Notice During the Past Season." L. Caesak, Ex-Secretary. JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY PUBLISH- ING CO. The annual meeting of the stockholders of this company will prob- ably be held Monday evening, December 28th, the precise time and place being announced at one or more sessions of the Association of Economic Entomologists. Members of the Advisory Board are hereby notified that it devolves upon them to nominate the elective officers. E. P. Felt. President. E. DwiGHT Sanderson, Secretary. 402 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 TWENTY-FIRST ANNUAL MEETING ASSOCIATION OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGISTS Baltimore. Md.. December 28. 1908 The twenty-first annual meeting of the Association of Economic Entomologists will be held in Baltimore, Md., on IMonday and Tues- day, December 28 and 29, 1908. The sessions will open at 10 a. m. Monday at the Eastern High School, corner of Broadway and North Avenue. The afternoon session will begin at 1 p. m. and meetings will be held on the following day at the same hours. Arrangements will be made to hold a session ^Monday evening if it is necessary to do so in order to transact all the business. Other Meetings The American Association for the Advancement of Science and its affiliated societies will hold meetings throughout the week. The American Association of Horticultural Inspectors will hold sessions at 8 p. m. Tuesday, Dec. 29. and at 9 a. m. Wednesday, Dec. 30. The Entomological Society of America will meet Wednesday and Thursday, Dee. 30 and 31. Railroad Rates A railroad rate of oue fare and tliree-tifths for the round trip, on the cer- tificate plan, has been granted by the Trunk Line Association, the New Eng- land Passenjrer Association (exceptinj: via N. Y.. Out. and W. Ry., the Eastern Steamship Company and the Bangor and Aroostook R. R.), the Eastern Can- adian Passenger Association, and the Central Passenger Association. The Western Association has on sale revised one-way fares in effect to Chi- cago, Peoria and St. Louis, with the understanding that persons can repurchase from these points and take advantage of any reduced fares that may be author- ized therefrom. The fares to Chicago. Peoria and St. Louis from a large part of the Western Passenger Association territory are now on the basis of two cents per mile; heuce, with the reduced fares from the three cities named, the net rate amounts practically to a rate of fare and three-fifths for the round trip. A rate of fare and three-fifths has also been requested from the South- ern and the Trans-Continental Passenger Associations, but decisions have not yet been received. The following directions are submitted for your guidance: 1. Tickets at full fare for the [loing journey may be secured within three days prior to, and during the first three days of the meeting. The advertised dates of the meeting are December 26, 1908, to January 2, 1909, consequently, you can obtain your tickets not earlier than December 23, 1908, and not later than December 28, 1908. From points located at a great distance, from which it takes more than December, "08] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 403 three days to reach Baltimore, going tickets may be purchased on a date which will permit members to reach Baltimore by December 26, 1908. 2. Present yourself at the railroad station for ticket and certificate at least thirty minutes before departure of the train. 3. Certificates are not kept at all stations. If you inquire at your station you will find out whether certificates and through tickets can be obtained to the place of meeting. If not obtainable at your home station, the agent will inform you at what station they can be obtained. You can in such case pur- chase a local ticket thence, and there purchase through ticket and secure cer- tificate to place of meeting. Be sure that, when purchasing your going ticket, you request a certificate. Do not make the mistake of asking for a receipt. 4. On your arrival at the meeting, present your certificate to Mr. F. S. Hazard, assistant secretary. It has been arranged that the special agent of the Trunk Line Association will be in attendance at the office of the Perma- nent Secretary, to validate certificates daily (9 a. m. to 6 p. m.) from Tues- day, December 29, 1908, to Saturday, January 2, 1909, both dates inclusive. A fee of 25 cents icill &e charged at the meeting for each certificate validated. If you arrive at the meeting and leave for home prior to the special agent's arrival or if you arrive at the meeting later than January 2 after the special agent has left, you cannot have your certificate validated and consequently you will not get the benefit of the reduction on the home journey. "No refund of fare will be made on account of failure to have certificate validated. If the necessary minimum is in attendance, and your certificate is duly validated, you will be entitled, up to and including January 6, 1909, to a con- tinuous passage ticket to your destination via the route over which you made the going journey, at three-fifths of the limited fare. Hotel Headquarters The hotel headquarters of this Association and of the Association of Horticultural Inspectors will be at the Rennert Hotel, Saratoga and Liberty streets, where a rate of $1.50 a day and upwards, on the European plan, has been secured. Special The meeting at Baltimore will be the twenty-first annual meeting of this Association. A large number of members have signified their intention of being present and an excellent program is assured. All members or other persons interested in entomology are urged to attend and to assist in making this the largest and most successful meeting in the history of the Association. Program Monday, December 28, 1908, 10 a. m. Annual address of the President, by Dr. S. A. Forbes, Urbana, 111. Report of the Secretary. Report of the Committee on Constitution, by J. B. Smith, New Brunswick, X. J. 404 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 Repoi't of the Committee on National Control of Introduced Insect Pests, by Wilmon Newell, Baton Rouge, La. Report of the Committee on Nomenclature, by Herbert Osborn, Columbus, Ohio. Report of the Committee on Testing Proprietary Insecticides, by E. D. Sanderson, Durham, N. H. Report of the committee appointed to attend the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Nurserymen, by T. B. Symons. Report of the committee appointed to attend the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Promotion of Agricultural Science, by A. F. Burgess, Washington, D. C. Miscellaneous Business. Appointment of Committees. Reading of Papers ''Biological Notes on INIurgantia histrionica," by R. I. Smith, Raleigh, N. C. Statement of observations and experiments made during 1908, with particular reference to egg-laying and number of broods and their rela- tion to remedial measures. 15 minutes. "Pemphigus tessellata Fitch." By Edith M. Patch, Orono, Me. Items in regard to the life history heretofore unrecorded, including notes on migrants, true sexes and eggs. 10 minutes. Adjournment. Program Monday, December 28, 1 p. m. Discussion of the Presidential Address. Reading of Papers "The Economic Status of the House Fly." By E. P. Felt, Albany, N. Y. A discussion of the economic importance of this insect. 15 minutes. "Notes on Cranberry Pests." By H. J. Franklin, St. Anthony Park, ]\Iinn. Notes on life histories of some of the insects concerned and some gen- eral observations on parasitism. 15 minutes. "Means Whereby the Economic Entomologist Can Advance Apiculture." By E. F. Phillips, Washington, D. C. 15 minutes. December, '08] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 405 "A Method of Securing Apicultural Statistics." By Burton N. Gates, Washington, D. C. Description of a method which has been successfully tried in Massa- chusetts. 10 minutes. "Notes on Empoasca mali LeB." By F. L. Washburn, St. An- thony Park, Minn. New facts concerning the life history of this insect. 15 minutes. "Do We Need the Insectary?" General Discussion, which will be opened by E. D. Sanderson, Dur- ham, N. H. "Relating to Parasites." By L. 0. Howard, Washington, D. C. Adjournment. Program Tuesday, December 29, 10 a. m. Reading of Papers "The Identity and Synonymy of a Few of Our Common Soft Scales (Coccidae)." By J. G. Sanders, Washington, D. C. 12 minutes. "Notes on Photomicrography and Insect Photography." By J. G. Sanders, Washington, D. C. 5 minutes. "Photomicrography of the Diaspinae." By R. A. Cooley, Boze- man, Mont. Advantage of photographs over drawings; preparing the microscopical slides ; camera lenses and illumination ; plates, developer and exposure ; prints. 15 minutes. "The Importance of Proper Methods in Entomological Inves- xtgation." By F. M. Webster, Washington, D. C. 15 minutes. "Additional Experiments with the Corn Field Ant (Lasius NIGER americ anus)." By S. A. Forbes, Urbana, 111. 15 minutes. "Fumigation Dosage for Tomatoes and Cucumbers." By H. T. Feruald, Amherst, Mass. Factors influencing the resistance of these plants to fumigation and the strength of gas under which satisfactory results can be obtained at dif- ferent ages. " 15 minutes. "Experiments in the Control of the Codling Moth." By E. D. Sanderson, Durham, N. H. A discussion of the recent experimental work in spraying for the cod- ling moth. 15 minutes. Adjournment. 406 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 Program Tuesday, December 29, 1 p. m. Reading of Papers ' ' Tree Crickets and Injury to Apple Wood. " By P. J. Parrott, Geneva, N. Y. 15 minutes. "The Distribution of San Jose Scale in Iowa." By H. E. Sum- mers, Ames, Iowa. Notes on localities and amount of injury at northern limit of scale in this region. ' _ 5 minutes. "The Self Boiled Lime-Sulphur Wash as a Summer Treat- ment for the San Jose Scale. ' ' By A. L. Quaintanee, Washingtou, D. C. 15 minutes. "Summary of Eesults of Fumigation and Dipping Experiments." By T. B. Symons, College Park, Md. 10 minutes. "Does Arsenical Spraying Injure Apple Trees?" By E. D. Ball, Logan, Utah. A review of Bulletin 131, Colorado Agricultural Experiment Station, with further evidence on the matter. 15 minutes. "An Experiment in the Control of Curculio on Peach." By E. P. Taylor, Mountain Grove, Mo. Results of a remarkably successful experiment conducted in the Ozark peach belt in the control of C'onotrachelus nenuphar Hbst. on peach by using a reduced formula of lead arsenate. 12 minutes. ' ' Notes of the Year from North Carolina. ' ' By Franklin Sher- man, Jr., Ealeigh, N. C. 10 minutes. "Entomological Notes from Georgia." By E. L. Worsham, Atlanta, Ga. 10 minutes. "Insects of the Year in Iowa." By R. L. Webster, Ames, Iowa. 10 minutes. Reports of Committees. Miscellaneous Business. Election of Officers. Final Adjournment. JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE ASSOCIATION OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGISTS DECEMBER, 1908 The editors will thankfuUv receive news items and other matter likely to be of in- terest to subscribers. Papers will be published, so far as possible, in the order of re- ception All extended contributions, at least, should be in the hands of the editor the first of the month preceding publication. Reprints of contributions may be obtained at cost Minor line figures will be reproduced without charge, but the engraving of larger illustrations must be borne by contributors or the electrotypes supplied. The receipt of all papers will be acknowledged.— Eds. The successful completion of the first volume of the Journal has been rendered possible only by the hearty co-operation on the part of all. The Business Manager and the Advertising Manager have both been obliged to put a large amount of time and energy into the enterprise. The hearty co-operation of all contributors and the readiness with which a number complied with requests, have materially lightened the burden of the editors. The Journal, judging from the matter already published, has proved a most useful medium for the presentation of matter of great interest and impor- tance to the practical or economic entomologist, though perhaps of only secondary value to the general public. The latter is true only because technical' matters relating to biology and identity, while absolutely necessary to the establishment of correct methods of control, possess little significance to a man simply interested in protecting a crop. Furthermore, this serial affords a ready medium for the frank dis- cussion and free criticism of results. This latter, so long as the ordin- ary rules of courtesy are observed, cannot but react in a most bene- ficial manner. This enterprise has also made possible the prompt publication of the Proceedings of the annual meeting. This in turn should lead to a desirable modification in at least certain of the papers, and result in the presentation at the meetings of a synopsis of extended contributions rather than the submission of numerous details requiring careful study and consideration prior to intelligent discussion. We trust that there will be more time than heretofore for the presentation of methods and principles, leaving the numerous details to be recorded in the published proceedings. 408 .TOURXAI. OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 Obituary DR. JAMES FLETCHER The death of Dr. James Fletcher comes as a sense of personal loss to all who ever met him. and of the older American entomologists there are few that have not met him. And no one who ever came into any close contact with James Fletcher failed in deriving some benefit from that contact. Big in body and mind, he abhorred littleness of all sorts and would believe ill of no one until the evidence was overwhelming. Thoroughly good-natured himself under all conditions, he brightened up all about him, and no meeting was dull where he had part in it. Practical in all things and impatient of indirection and complications, a few pertinent words from him would often straighten out a tangle and bring agreement where disagreement seemed inevitable. Dr. Fletcher began his work in entomology as did so many of the generation now largely passed away, by field ol)servations — as a col- lector in fact. The writer made his acquaintance by correspondence nearly twenty-five years ago, while he was yet in the Library of Par- liament at Ottawa, and when, later we met personally at one of the meetings of the Entomological Club of the A. A. A. S., a friendship was formed that lasted so long as both lived. But Dr. Fletcher was not an entomologist only — he was quite as much of a botanist and knew i)lants perhaps even better than he did insects ; while few birds and other animals of his country were unfam- iliar to him. He loved nature in all its aspects and his observations in the field were accurate and reliable. A characteristic feature in his make-up was his ability to inspire enthusiasm and to carry conviction. People believed him and in him, and he justified their faith. No one less able than he could have accomplished in Canada the work that he did. and the extent of that work can scarcely be appreciated by any one who has not followed it step by step. In 1887 he became officially what he had been practi- cally for some time before, Entomologist and Botanist to the Domin- ion, and his territory extended from Nova Scotia to Vancouver, with all the problems that such a range opened up. And while demands upon him increased as the Experimental Farm developed, assistance was given slowly until he carried a burden that can never again be imposed upon any one man. Fletcher was never a systematist and his works are largely in his official reports and in the publications of the Entomological Society of Ontario. Conserva- tive always, he was never backward in adopting approved practice. /7^^-^-coi December, '08] JOUKXAL OF ECOXOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 409 He made haste slowly and feared only to do that which might weaken the faith of his constitnencj'- in his honesty and the effectiveness of the practice recommended. His idea was to prove all things first and, so far as possible, recommend only from personal experience. The justification of his course so far as his constituency is concerned is the universal respect and regard in which he was held from Atlantic to Pacific. He encouraged collectors and students always and every- where to the full extent of his ability; he assisted in founding such organizations as the Ottawa Field Naturalist's Club, and served as an officer in associations of all kinds. He was for a time Secretary and Treasurer of the Royal Society of Canada, and in the Entomological Societies in the United States he has presided over the Association of Economic Entomologists and the Entomological Society of America. It is the function of others more closely associated with him to give biographical details and lists of papers : the present is a tribute to the man and his work. Dr. Fletcher was ])orn ]\Iaroh 28, 1852, at Kent in England, and died November 8th. at Montreal, Canada, leaving a widow and two daughters. j. b. Smith. WILLIAM HARRIS ASHMEAD "We regret to note the decease of Dr. Wm. H. Ashmead at St. Elizabeth's Hospital, Washington, D. C. on October 17. Dr. Ash- mead in his earlier days was deeply interested in economic ento- mology, while his labors of recent years have given him a command- ing position among Hymenopterists. His numerous determinations have been of greatest value to all economic workers. The general esteem in which he w^as held is admirably expressed in the following resolutions : Whereas. The Entomological Society of Washington has lost by death its former president, William Harris Ashmead ; and Whereas, Doctor Ashmead was one of the oldest members of the Society and had, by his extraordinary activity and genius in entomo- logical investigations, especially of a systematic character, contributed very greatly to the interest of the meetings of the Society and to the importance of its publications; and Whereas, His warm-hearted enthusiasm and his kindly, helpful character had brought him to occupy a high place in the affections of all of the members of the Society ; therefore, be it Resolved, That in the death of Doctor Ashmead the Society has suffered a very great loss ; that the field of systematic entomology has been deprived of one of its most prominent workers, and that the 410 .TOURXAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY • [Vol. 1 development of that branch of science not only in this country but throughout the world will be retarded by h^ untimely end ; and be it further Resolved. That the members of the Society who loved and admired him w^ill ahvays profit by the memory of his indefatigable energy and his untiring effort to bring order out of the chaos of described and undeseribed forms ; be it further Eesolved, That a committee be appointed to prepare a sketch of Doctor Ashmead's life (including bibliography) for publication in the Proceedings of this Society, and that copies of these resolutions be sent, with an expression of sincere s.ympathy, to his family. L. O. Howard. Washington, D. C, October 19, 1908. E. A. Schwarz. N. Banks. ALEXANDER CRAW^ With the death of this remarkable man passes away another prom- inent figure from the horizon of American horticulture and economic entomology. Few economic entomologists are better known and no one more favorably than was he during his life work. Few entomo- logical workers passed through California without seeking out and making his personal acquaintance, and all were charmed with the man. His unvarying amiability has won for him a lasting abode in the heart of every one that knew him. By early training a capable and suc- cessful horticulturist, his indomitable love for plant life later led him to form the vanguard of a fight again>st horticultural enemies on a scale that was never undertaken before. Alexander Craw was born in Ayr, Scotland, August 3, 1850. In 1873 he emigrated to California and after a two years' residence in San Diego, moved to Los Angeles, where he took charge of the famous Wolfskin orange grove. His early training stood him in good stead in the early days of California's growth as a horticultural center. His authority in matters horticultural was never c[uestioned and his advice ever eagerly sought. Presently Icerya imrcliasi, which had pre- ceded his arrival in California by about five years, threatened the destruction of the citrus industry. It is difficult to determine at pres- ent who started the movement which culminated in the introduction of Novius cardinalis from Australia into California by Albert Koebele in 1888. But it is certain that Mr. Craw was a powerful factor in that movement. Never in our conversation in the office did he credit himself with the conspicuous role, yet it is quite evident to me that his constant agitation of the matter before the California horticultural 'Haw. Ent. Soc. Trof. 2 :24-26, 1908. December, "08] JOrRXAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 411 organizations, and the incessant pressure he brought to bear hj means of these upon authoritie:- m Washington was to a considerable degree responsible for Koebele's victorious mission. Once victory w^as achieved and that so completely and in such an unusual manner he was possessed with the idea of controlling all horticultural insect pests by means of their natural enemies. About 1890 he was prevailed upon to accept the office of inspector and entomologist under the California State Board of Horticulture, a line of work not previously undertaken anywhere and in which he spent the remainder of his life. Always kindly, yet always firm in the performance of his duty, he stood for fourteen years like a rock at the Golden Gate and jealously guarded his adopted state from hor- ticultural pests of the world. All opposition he swept aside with a smile, without making a foe or losing a friend. He was a keen ob- server, so that by 1891 we find him not only familiar with the com- mon garden and orchard pests but describing a species of his favorite group, Hymenoptera Parasitica {Coccophagus [=Aspidiotiphagus] citrinus, Bull. 57, California State Board of Horticulture, 1891). His writings are not profuse, and are confined almost entirely to periodical reports, in which he aimed principally to enlighten his horticultural readers on their insect problems as he viewed them. In Bull. 4, Tech. Ser., Division of Entomology, U. S. D. A., he published a list of the Coccidas which he found in course of inspection at San Francisco. A number of species and varieties named Craivii may be observed in catalogues of this family. In 1904 he was induced to enter the service of the Hawaiian Board of Agriculture as Superintendent of Entomology and Inspector. This office he filled in the same efficient manner that he had carried on the work in California, proving of great benefit to Hawaii in the exclusion of dangerous insect pests, and resulting in a better quality of fruits and vegetables being shipped here. His devotion to duty had the bet- ter of discretion, so that when on October 11, 1907. he was overtaken by the serious illness which on June 28, 1908, terminated his life, it was largelj" the result of overwork. Jacob Kotixsky. FKAXCIS HUNTINGTON SNOW We regret to record the death on September 28, of Dr. F. H. Snow, for many years head of the Department of Entomology and Chan- cellor of the University of Kansas from 1889 to 1901. A more fitting notice of Dr. Snow and his work will appear in a subsequent issue. 412 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 Revie^vs Arsenical Poisoning of Fruit Trees, by William T. Headden, Colorado Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin 131, 1908, p. 1-28. This bulletiu is of particular interest to entomologists, since the writer sub- mits evidence showing that under certain conditions at least, repeated applica- tions of arsenical poisons may result in serious injurj- to the trunks and roots of fruit trees. It is probable that the injuries from arsenical applications recorded by the author have been caused, in large measure, by the alkaline elements of Colorado soils reacting upon the arsenical compounds and produc- ing combinations deleterious to the welfare of the trees ; nevertheless the sub- ject is one of much importance to all economic entomologists and there should be a careful watch for the appearance of any such trouble in other sections of the United States. The Catalpa Midge, b}' H. A. Gossard, Ohio Agricultural Experi- ment Station, Bulletin 197, 1908, p. 1-12. The life history and work of Ceeidomtjia cataJpae Comst. is discussed in detail. The author recommends cultivation, fei'tilization and close planting in order to overcome in a large measure injuries by this midge. He provi- sionally advises the application of kainit in May and June for the destruction of the larvse in the soil. The value of this bulletin is greatly increased by an excellent series of original illustrations. The California Grape Root Worm, by H. J. Quayle, California Agricultural Experiment Station, Bulletin 195, 1908, p. 1-26. This is a detailed account of the European Adoxtts obscurtts Linn., a species working in a very similar manner to the eastern grape root worm, Fidia viti- cida Walsh. The life history and habits of this insect are given in detail and the value of the publication is much enhanced by a fine series of original illustrations. Remedial measures advised by the author are deep cultivation for the destruction of pupae, the application of a strong arsenical spray for destroj'ing the beetles or the employment of a beetle catcher. The Grape Leaf Hopper, by H. J. Quayle, California Agricultural Experiment Station, Bulletin 198, 1908, p. 177-216. This is an extended biologic and economic discussion of Ti/phlocyha comes Say, illustrated by an excellent series of original figures. The author con- cludes that the most satisfactory method of controlling this species is by the use of a screen cage, a wire covered device especially adapted for the capture of leaf hoppers. Fumigation for the Citrus White Fly as Adapted to Florida Con- ditions, by A. W. ^Morrill, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Bur. Ent. Bulletin 76, p. 1-73. This bulletin gives the results obtained from two winters of experimentation on the white fly in Florida. There is an extended discussion of the conditions and chemicals necessary to obtain good results. The description of the equip- ment and its method of operation is exceedingly helpful. The large amount of Deoeniber, "08] .ToURXAL of economic entomology 413 data condensed in a series of tables afCords an excellent basis for estimating the dosage. The work of the past two years has demonstrated the practica- bility of solving this big insect problem of Florida and other citrus districts on the Gulf coast. The practical value of the bulletin is greatly increased by the excellent series of original illustrations. It can not but prove of great service to citrus growers. The author is to be congratulated upon having covered the subject in such a comprehensive manner. A Few Orchard Plant Lice, by C. P. Gillette and E. P. Taylor, Colorado Agrieultiiral Experiment Station. Bulletin 103, 1908, p. 1-48. This bulletin gives in concise form the results of extended observations and experimentation upon a number of the more injurious plant lice occurring in orchards. Two well executed colored plates constitute an extremely valuable addition to this publication. The life history notes and the results secured with various insecticides will be especially valuable to the entomologist. An abbreviated edition of this publication without the colored plates has been Issued by the station as Bulletin 134. The European Elm Scale, by Samuel B. Doten, Nevada Agricul- tural Experiment Station, Bulletin 65, 1908. p. 1-34. This bulletin gives a detailed biological account of Gossyparia spuria Mod. based on original observations. Its value is greatly enhanced by excellent reproductions from an extensive series of enlarged photographs and numerous drawings showing structural details. Experiments with lime-sulphur wash, kerosene emulsion and scalecide are discussed, the last named apparently giving the best results, though the author inclines strongly to recommend thorough spraying with a forcible jet of water just before the leaves begin to show and again in June before the young scale insects appear. This bulletin is an important contribution to our knowledge of this pest. A Contribution to Our Knowledge of Insecticides, by C. T. ]\Ic- Clintock, E. M. Houghton and H. C. Hamilton. A Reprint from the Michigan Academy Sci. 10th Eeport, 1908, p. 197-208. This paper records the results obtained in a very suggestive attempt to stan- dardize the insecticidal properties of a number of contact insecticides and to show the relationship existing between insecticidal, germicidal and toxical values. The authors conclude that there is not any close connection between the three and urge the importance of establishing standard tests for the accu- rate comparison of insecticides. They found in their work that the common bedbug was a most satisfactory insect for making comparative tests. They state that chemical standardization of contact insecticides is at present im- possible, since two substances having essentially the same chemical composi- tion may vary enormously in their insecticidal values. It is to be hoped that this paper will stimulate other investigations along similar lines. Fungous Diseases of Scale Insects and White Fly, by P. H. Rolfs and H. S. Fawcett, Florida Agricultural Experiment Station, Bulle- tin 94, 1908, p. 1-17. Climatic conditions in Florida are unusually favorable for the development of fungous diseases. The authors have in this bulletin given brief popular 414 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 accounts of several beneficial fungi living at the expense of scale insects and white fly. This bulletin contains an excellent series of original illustrations. Hawaiian Honeys, by D. L. VanDine and Alice R. Thompson, Hawaii Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 17, 1908, p. 1-21. This is a study of the physical and chemical composition of Hawaiian honeys in an effort to establish some standards for comparison with honeys from other parts of the world. Dipping of Nursery Stock in the Lime-Sulfur Wash, by P. J. Par- ROTT, H. E. HoDGKiss, W. J. ScHOENE, New York Agricultural Ex- periment Station Bulletin 302, 1908, p. 175-202. The results of a series of experiments are given in some detail, the authors concluding that the dipping of nursery stock in the standard lime-sulphur wash for the purpose of destroying San Jose scale is of doubtful value. They advise the fumigation of trees with hydrocyanic acid gas. Some Destructive Shade Tree Insects, by F. L. "Washburn, Minne- sota Agricultural Experiment Station Press Bulletin 33, p. 1-32. This bulletin gives summarized, practical discussions of a number of the more injurious insects affecting shade trees, remedial measures receiving special attention. The bulletin is printed on an excellent grade of paper and the large series of original illustrations come out in a most gratifying manner. Insects and Diseases of Vegetables, by Melville Thurston Cook and William Titus IIorne, Estaciou Central Agronomiea de Cuba, Bulletin 12, 1908, p. 3-28. Brief illustrated accounts of a number of injurious insects and fungous dis- eases affecting various crops. The value of this bulletin is greatly increased by a number of process illustrations, .some of which are susceptible of consid- erable improvement. Injurious Insects, by Fabian Garcia, New Mexico Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 68, 1908, p. 1-63. This bulletin notices a large number of the more injurious insects and is designed in particular to meet the needs of gardeners, fruit growers and farmers. It is illustrated by numerous cuts, most of them being reproductions from various entomological publications. Some Insect Enemies of Garden Crops, by II. I. Smith, North Car- olina Agricultural Experiment Station, Bulletin 197, 1908, p. 1-64. This bulletin consists of brief eccmoiiiic illustrated accounts of a large num- ber of injurious insects, being especially adapted for tlie use of gardeners. Caterpillars Injuring Apple Foliage in Late Summer, b}' E. Dwight Sanderson, New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion, Bulletin 139, 1908, p. 207-228. This bulletin consists of a series of popular economic accounts of a number of the more injurious leaf feeders occurring in late summer. It is admirably illustrated by a series of mostly original figures. December, '08] JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 415 Current Notes Conducted by the Associate Editor Professor John Bernard Smith, state entomologist of New Jersey, passed his fiftieth birthday November 21. A fortnight prior he confided to a friend that he proposed to celebrate the event by calling a special meeting of the Brooklyn Entomological Society, of which he has always been an active mem- ber, and entertaining them at dinner, a surprise party. The news leaking out, action was taken by the three societies of the Metropolitan district, Brooklyn, New York and Newark. A joint committee arranged a surprise for Professor Smith at a dinner given in his honor at the Imperial Hotel, Brook- lyn, on the evening of his birthday. Fifty entomologists assembled. Charles W. Leng, president of the New York Entomological Society, acted as chairman of the meeting. R. F. Pear- sail, president of the Brooklyn Entomological Society, and H. Wormspacher, president of the Newark Entomological Society, assisted. E. L. Graef, the veteran Brooklyn lepidopterist, acted as toastmaster. A silver loving cup, the gift of individual members of the three societies, was presented with fitting remarks by C. H. Roberts, the authority on aquatic Coleoptera, who, with Professor Smith, is a charter member of the Brooklyn Society. A stein, capacious enough for a draught by all those present, was sent by Dr. R. Ottolengui, the monographer of Piusia. Among those present were Dr. Henry Skinner and Mr. Daacke of the Feldman Social, Philadelphia; Prof. R. C. Osburn of Columbia University; F. A. Lucas, chief of the museum of the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences ; Wm. Beutenmuller and Mr. Muehler of the American Museum of Natural History; E. B. Southwick, entomologist of Central Park; Edward Moore, Brooklyn city entomologist; L. A. Best, president of the department of entomology of the Brooklyn Institute; G. P. Engelhardt, curator of the Brooklyn Children's Museum; Rev. J. L. Zabriskie, Geo. Franck, Jacob Doll, lepidopterist of the Brooklyn Museum, and J. J. Levison, forester of Pros- pect Park. The New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station was repre- sented by J. A. Grossbeck, E. L. Dickerson and H. H. Braehme. Letters of congratulation came from Dr. L. O. Howard, Washington; Dr. E. P. Felt, Albany; Prof. W. M. Wheeler, Harvard University; Karl Fuchs, San Francisco; Prof. J. H. Comstock, Cornell University; Dr. William Barnes, Illinois, and many others. The occasion was most pleasurable to all and Professor Smith was forced to admit that the testimony of his loving friends almost compensated for the crossing of the fiftieth year mark. A. H. Kirkland, Superintendent for Supi)ressing the Gypsy and Brown Tail Moths, has, we learn through the press, resigned his position on account of ill health. Mr. Kirkland has been a most conscientious official and we feel that his resignation means a serious loss to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, since it will be very difficult to fill the position he has made vacant. Prof. Glen W. Herrick has resigned the office of State Entomologist of Mis- sissippi and accepted the position of State Entomologist of Texas. Address, College Station, Texas. 416 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 1 Ml". R. W. Harned. who was Assistant Entomologist under Prof. Herrick, has been placed in charge of the entomological work in Mississippi. Prof. C. E. Chambliss has resigned as State Entomologist of South Carolina and has accepted a position with the Bureau of Plant Industry, United States Department of Agriculture. He will have charge of rice investigations. Ad- dress, Washington, D. C. Dr. E. V. Wilcox, who had charge of preparing data on entomological pub- lications for the Experiment Station Record, has been appointed Director of the Haw-aiian Agricultural Experiment Station at Honolulu, Haw^aii. He is now in charge of the work there. Mr. W. A. Hooker of the Bureau of Entomology is now in charge of the work formerly carried on by Dr. Wilcox for the Office of Experiment Stations. Address. Washington, D. C. Prof. C. F. Adams, Professor of Entomology at the University of Arkansas, has, in addition to his present duties, been made Acting Director of the Agri- cultural Experiment Station and Acting Dean of the College of Agriculture of that institution, vice Prof. W. G. Vincenheller, resigned. Mr. H. L. Yiereck has accepted a position as Entomologist for the Parke, Davis Company. Detroit, Mich. Mr. Jacob Kotinsky has been appointed Superintendent of Entomology by the Board of Commissioners of Agriculture and Forestry of Hawaii. The position was made vacant by the death of Alexander Craw. Mr. D. H. Kuhns has been ap]tointed assistant inspector under Mr. Kotin- sky. Mr. George G. Ainslee, a graduate of the University of Minnesota, and Mr. T. D. Urbahns. a graduate of the Coloi'ado Agricultural College, are now em- ployed by the Bureau of Entomology as Special Field Agents and are working on insects which affect cereal and forage crops. Mr. J. B. Garret. Associate Entomologist of the Louisiana Agricultural Ex- periment Station at Baton Rouge, has been appointed Assistant Director of the North Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station, Calhoun, La. Prof. Carlos E. Porter, editor Revinta Chilena de Historia Natural, Ca- silla 2352, Santiago. Chili, has recently written Dr. L. O. How-ard that he is anxious to secure papers published in the last twelve or fifteen years on Acari, Longicorns, Centipedes, Hemiptera, Algse, Fungi and Crustacea. He also states that specialists w-ho may desire to study the collections in the newly formed Museum of Valparaiso will be allowed to do so under the fol- lowing conditions : (a) Specialist to retain duplicates ; (b) Specialist to return one male and one female determined; (c) Specialist to send typewritten diag- nosis of new species for i)ublication in the Remsta. One hundred separates of each article will be furnished. An examination made by Mr. J. C. Crawford of the United States National Museum of the work of the late Dr. W. H. Ashmead brings out the fact that he has described over 500 new genera and over 3,100 new species of insects. Mailed December 15, 1908. INDEX Acarids, 19, 311. 375. Acer neguudo, 311. platanoides, 311. rubrum, 146, 311. saccharum, 311. sacchariuum, 311. Acetylene gas, 112. Adobe tick, 44. Adoxus ob.scurus, 175. vitis, 175. African coast fever, 70, 71, 214. Agriculture, Relation of the Econ- omic Entomolgist to, 11-15. Agrimonia eupatoria, 227. Air-slaked lime, 208. Alabama argillacea, 152. Aleyrodes aurantii, 324. citri, 154, 324. citrifolii, 324. howardii, 324. marlatti, 324. spinifera, 324. Alfalfa, 153, 181, 191, 194. Alsophila pometaria, 313. Alysiidfe, 126, 127. Amblyomma, 39, 45, 48, 55. americanum, 43, 48, 72. cajennense, 48, 49. hebraeum, 35, 38, 43, 48, 55, 70, 214. maculatum, 43, 48, 49, 55. tuberculatum, 48. variabilis, 43. Ambrosia trifida, 121, 180. American gadfly, 155. locust, 251. Anastrepha, 172. ludens, 172, 261. serpentina, 171. Ancylis nubeculana, 149, Anisota rubicunda, 150. Anogra albicaulis, 181. Anopheles, 65, 67. maculipennis, 155. Ant, red. 348. Anthomyia radicum, 330. Anthonomus grandis, 151, 244, 261, 318. quadrigibbus, 374. signatus, 121. squaraosus, 321, Anthrax, 65, 155. Anthribida?, 120. Antlered maple caterpillar, 150. Ants, 13, 82, 83, 87, 118, 190, 321, 323. Apharaeta, 172. muscae, 330. Aphelinus mail, 307. Aphididse, notes and descriptions, 302-310, 359-369; mention, 26, 83, 84, 176. Aphidiinse, 126, 127. Aphids, 13, 19, 26, 82, 83, 84, 87, 88, 303, 330. Aphis, 330. avense, 308. bakeri, 308, 364. carbocolor, 178, 180. forbesi, 178, 179. gossypii, 152, 176-181. medicaginis, 177, 178, 180, 308. oenotherlse, 178, 180. persicse, 85. persicse-niger, 308, 309, 310. pomi, 303, 309, 310, 366. pyri, 308. rumicis, 178. Apple curculio, 370, 374. leaf folder, 149. leaf hopper, 326, 327. maggot, 398. tent caterpillar, 154. Aprostocetus, 225. Araschnia levana, 59. Arbor vitae, 148. Argas, 36, 39, 42, 44, 214. miniatus, 39, 40, 42, 44, 71. persicus, 35, 39, 42, 44. sanchezi, 44. Argasidae. 36. 42. 44. Argentine ant, 21-34, 152, 262-65, 289, 349. Army worm. 13, 14. 148, 354, 355. Arsenate of lead, 136, 140, 156, 160, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 208, 209, 217. 218, 219, 314, 328, 354. Arsenic, white, 113, 114, 115, 266. Arsenical poisons, 265, 329. Aschersonia, 158. Asclepias, sp., 180. Ashmead, W. H., 409. Asparagus beetle, 260. 418 Asphondylia monacha, 18. Aspidiotiphagus citrinus, 342. Aspidiotus aucylus, 153. britannicus, 154. destructor, 341-42. forbesi, 153, 300. ' junglans-regiae, 153. obseurus, 157. ostreEeformis, 153. perniciosus, 146, 147, 149, 153, 258. Aster, 19, 20. Aulacaspis peutagona, 153, 258. rosae, 154. Bacillus larvae, 103. Bagworm. 148, 276. Baldratia, 19. Bauks, Nathau, 213-15. Bark borer, 184. Barnacle scales, 154. Bean leaf beetle, 148. Beech, 150, 330. Bee diseases, 102-05. Bees, 32, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197. Berger, E. W., 324, 325. Beets, 329. mangel, 325. Benzine, 171. Bicarbonate soda, 114. Biliary fever, 70, 71. Birds, 40, 42, 46, 48, 49, 129. Bishopp, F. C, 91-101. Bisulpliide carbon, 25. Blackberry, 121, 148. Black cherry louse, 362. leaf extract of tobacco, 91. peach aphis, 85, 308. wasp, 340. scale, 117. walnut caterpillar, 188. Bladder maple gall, 312. Boll weevil, 21, 22. 52, 113-16, 117, 118, il9, 120. 121, 122, 151, 152, 233-43. 244, 261, 316, 317, 318. 319, 320. 321, 322. Bollworm, 117. 145, 151, 152, 155. Bombycids, 296. Bont tick, 55. 70, 72, 214. Boophilus, 67. Bordeaux mixture, 136, 140, 185, 186, 187, 188, 190, 208, 209, 218, 398. Box elder, 181, 227, 311. Brachytarsus (see Anthribus), 390. Braeonidae, 126, 171. Bracon mellitor, 119, 120, 317, 318, 319. Britton, W. E., 110-12, 313-15. Brown dog tick, 43, 46. earfly, 155. Brown tail moth, 21, 56, 59, 140, 158, 245, 248, 249, 251, 267, 329, 401. tick, 71. Bruchidae, 120. Bruchus (see Laria), 390. Brues, C. T., 123-28. Bubonic plague, 65. Buckwheat, 144. Burgess, A. F., 209, 213, 267, 269. Bursa, 180, 366. Butterfly larvae, 124. Cabbage, 85, 145, 153. Calandra oryzae, 152. Calosoma, 269. frigidum, 209. sycophanta, 276, 401. Calypterae, 330. Camellia scale, 154. Camponotus herculeanus, 34, 290, 291. Campsomyia macellaria, 155. Camptobrochus nebulosus, 307. Cane borer, 152. Canker worms, 59. Canteloupe. 176, 180. Carabids, 172, 244. Carbolic acid, 81, 82. Carbolineum avenarius, 184. Carbon l)isulphide, 110, 111, 190, 348. Carbon tetrachloride, 110, 111, 312. Carceag, 71. 214. Carnation, 85, 375, 376. Carolina poplar, 301. Carpenter ant, 290. Carpocapsa pomonella, 56. Castor beans, 217. Catabomba pyrastri, 309. Catalpa, ISO, 181, 182. bud maggot, 181, 182. Catolaccus hunteri, 318, 320. insertus, 119, 120, 121. Cattle, 45, 46, 213. tick, 38, 42, 52, 55, 65, 66, 67, 70, 214, 316. Cayenna tick, 49. Cecidobia, 311. Cecidomyia catalpse, 181, 182. cupressi-ananassi, 226. johnsoni, 243. negundlnis, 227. ocellaris, 19. pellex, 18. Cecidomyiidfe, 18-21, 399, 400. Cecropia, parasites of, 293-297. Cerambvcids?. 120. Cerambycobius, 119, 120, 121, 321. cushmani, 319. cyaniceps. 119, 120, 318. Ceratixodes, 39-49. 419 Ceratixodes borealis, 49. putus, 49. signatus, 49. trifurcata, 148. Ceroplastes cirripecliformis, 154. floridensis, 154. Ceylouese tick, 214. Chaff scale, 154. Chalcids, 124, 125, 128, 182, 282, 283, 342. Chalcodermus aeueus, 152. Charbon, 155. Chermes cooleyi, 306. Cherry scale, 153, 300. Chenopodiimi, 181, 337. Cherry, 84, 85, 86, 89, 148, 361, 362, 363, 397. Chestnut, 314. Chilocorus bivuluerus, 300-02. slmilis, 300, 302. Chinch bug, 187. Chinese scale, 302. Chionaspis furfura, 146, 300. Chlorine, 110-12. Choke cherry, 85. Cholera, 65. Chrysomphalus ficus, 154. obscurus, 154. tenebricosus, 146, 154, 156. Chrysomyia macellaria, 35. Chrysopa, 309. Chrysops, 155. brunneus, 155. flavidus, 155. lugens, 155. obsoletus, 155. pikei, 155. vittatus, 155. Cinnamon, 83. Circular scale, 154. Citrus white fly, 324-325. Citrus plants, 154, 324. Clematis, 227. Clinorhyncha, 19, 20. millefolii, 19. Clove oil, 83. Clover, 20, 191. 297, 298, 299, 367. Clover aphis, 308. Clover hay worm, 149. red, 181. 325, 364, 365, 368. sweet, 180, 364. white, 178, 180, 181, 325, 364. Coal oil emulsion, 13. Coccids, 26, 153, 154, 300. Coccinella frigida, 307. 9-notata, 307. monticola, 307. 5-notata, 307. transversalis, 307. Coccinellids, 160, 302, 307. Cockle burr, 155. Cocoanut, 341, 342. Codling moth, 56, 57, 65, 129-40, 141, 151, 185, 186, 217, 218, 219, 220, 352-54, 370, 374, 399. Coleoptera, 119, 128. Colorado potato beetle, 153. Conotrachelus, 172. nenuphar, 154, 374. Conradi, A. F., 191-203. Contarinia, 225-27. agrimoniae, 227. ananassi, 226, 227. clematidis, 227. gossypii, 226. liriodendri, 226, 227. negundifolia, 227. perfoliata, 227. pyrivora, 19, 225. quercifolia, 227. rumicis, 19, 226. setigera, 227. sorghicola, 225. tritici, 225. violicola, 19. virginianise, 227. Convolvulus sp., 180. Cook, M. T., 414. Copper arsenite, 266. sulphate, 113, 115, 185, 186, 188, 208. Corn, 145, 152, 155, 156, 191. bill bugs, 148. ear worm, 257. root aphis, 14, 81-83. root worm, 14. Cotton. 22, 26, 113, 114, 116, 117, 118, 119, 121, 122, 151, 152, 153, 155, 180, 233, 234, 236, 241, 242, 263, 322, 323. aphis, 152. batting, 328. boll weevil. 14, 52, 56, 83, 91, 94, 109, 112, 117-22, 244, 261, 290. boll worm, 14. 257. caterpillar, 152. plant lice, 26. square-borer, 152. Cottony maple scale. 17.. Cowpeas, 52. 152. 153. 155. Cowpea pod weevil, 152. Crab-apple. 85. Cranberry insects, 21. Crataegus, 20. 121. occidentalis, 365. Cratospila rudiluinda, 171. Craw, Alexander, 410. Cream, 25. Crioceris asparagi, 260. Crude carbolic acid, 190. Cryptus extremetatis, 124. Cucumber, 112, 182, 206, 208. Cucumber beetle, 203-09. 420 Curculio, 186. Curculionidse, 120. 172. Cucnrbita fcetidissima, 180. Cultivation and insect attack, 15-16. Cutworm, 14. Cyanide of potassium. 348-349. Cylas formicarius, 153. Cynipid gall. 125. 227. Cynthia, 293. Cypress, 226. Datana angusii, 145. integerriuia, 154, 188. ministra, 148. Dasyneura, 20. flavotibialis, 20. leguminicola, 20. pseudacaciie, 20. trifolii, 20. Davis, John J., 160. Dengue, 65. Dean, G. A., 333. Dermacentor, 45, 46, 214. nitens. 37, 40. 42. 43, 46, 47. occidentalis, 35, 46, 72. reticulatus, 70. variabilis, 43, 46. 47, 50, 72. Desmoris scapalis, 317, 321. Dewberry, 121. Diabrotica, 209. 12-punctata, 152. vittata. 91. 148. 209. 262. Diaspis pentagona, 258. rosse, 258. Dlatreae saccharalis, 14, 152. Dibrachys boucheanus, 296. Differential locust, 152. Digger wasp, 290, 341. Diplosid, 20. Diplnsis tritici, 225. violicola, 225. Doano, R. W., 341, 342. Dock, 226, 325. false-worm, 310. vellow, 85, 178. Dogs, 43, 46, 47, 48, 50, 214. Dog tick, 38. 47, 70, 214, Donkeys, 46. Doten, S. B., 413. Earflles, 155. Economic entomologists, proceed- ings, 1-65, 81-159, 169-209; program, 402-06. Egg-plant, 85. 255. Elateridae, 172. Elm. 147. 150, 180. 189. 206, 282. 287, 288, 313, 314. Elm, Camperdown, 154. Elm, 147. 150, 180. 188, 206. 282, 260, 280, 281, 282, 284, 285, 288, 329. Empoasca, 142, 143, 144, 399. mali. 142-45, 326, 327. Enarmonia, 142. caryana, 154. prunivora, 398. English sparrow, 330. walnut scale, 153. Ennomos subsignarius, 150, 330. Entomological notes, 148-50. records, key, 91-101. Society of Ontario, Annual Meeting, 397-401. Entomologist, Economic in Business, 350-52. Epicauta vittata, 148. Epitrimerus, 311. Epizeuxis semula, 149. denticularis, 149. lubricalis, 149. Epuraea labilis, 172. Eremotylus maciurus, 124. Erigeron, 19, 20. canadensis, 180. Eriophyes, 311. acericola, 312. quadripes, 312. pyri, 397. Eriophyidae, 311. Eulecanium nigrofasciatum, 146, 153, 188. Eupatorium perfoliatum, 227. Eupelmus, 125. Eupoodes volucris, 307. Euproctis chrysorrhoea, 56, 245. European ant, introduced, 337-39. castor-bean tick, 35, 70, 72. chalcid fly, 125. fruit scale, 153. grain aphis, 308. Eurytoma, 121. 321. tylodermatis, 119, 121, 318, 319. Evarthrus sodalls, 244. Fall army worm, 152. canker worm. 313, 314. webworm. 154, 188. False-mallow, 85. Feed stuffs, 25. Felt, E. P., 18-21. 148-50, 225, 227, 243. 276, 280. 330, 349-50. Fernald, H. T., 265-67. Fidia viticida, 149, 175. Figs, 26. Filiariasis, 65. Fiorinia fiorinise, var. camellise, 154. Fire ants, 122, 339. Fish oil soap, 184, 190. Flax seed, 217. Fleas, 38, 65, 66. Fletcher, .Tames, 408. Flour moth, 17. Forbes, S. A., 81-83. INDEX 431 Forest insects, 343-48. Formalin, 81, 82, 103. Formica sangiiinea, 290, 291. Formicidae, 290, 292. Fossorial wasps, 290. Foster. E., 289-93. Foul brood, American, 103. European, 103. Fowls, 38, 39, 40, 44, 50, 67, 214. Fowl tick, 38, 40, 44, 71. Frost, H. L., 350-52. Fungicides, 218, 224. Fungus diseases, 110, 129, 140, 157, 158. Fusiform maple gall, 312. Galerucella luteola, 147, 150, 260, 280, 281. viburni, 281, 282. Garcia, Fabian, 414. Garden web-worm, 152. Gasoline, 171. Gelatine, 158. Gillette, C. P., 176-81, 302-10, 359- 69, 413. Gipsy moth, 9, 21, 59, 109, 159, 267, 275-76, 314. 339, 401. Girault, A. A., 3D0-02. Gladioli, 330. Gloomy scale, 154. G. (lossina) palpalis, 66. Glycerrhiza lepidota, 178, 181. Glyptomorpha rugator, 317. Goats, 46, 47. Gossard, H. A.. 181, 182, 183-91, 412. Grain louse, 191. Grape, 154. 175, 180, 183, 187, 188, 190, 201. 400. berry worm, 187. blossom midge, 243. leaf hopper, 182-83. root worm, 149, 175. Rcuppernong, 154. Grass, 20, 51, 149, 337, 375, 376. Grasshopper, 14. Grass mite, notes on, 375-77. Greater elm leaf beetle, 147. Green apple aphis, 303. Green-head horsefly, 155. Greenhouse white fl.v, 188. Green striped maple worm, 150. Green peach aphis, 83-91. Grindelia squarrosa, 321. Guavas, 171. Gulf coast tick, 43, 49, 55. Hajmaphysalis, 39, 40, 42, 45, 46, 47. chordeilis, 47. leachi, 35, 47, 70, 71, 214. leporis palustris, 40, 47. Hsematobia serrata, 155. Haemoflagellates, 215. Hamilton, H. C., 413. Harlequin cabbage bug, 153, 255, 257. Harrisina americana, 154. Hazel, 20. Headden, William T., 412. Headlee, T. J., 203-09, 333. Heartwater, 70-73, 214. Heliophila unipuncta, 148, 354. Heliothis obsoleta, 145, 151, 257, 258. Hemerocampa leucostigma, 145, 150, 276. Hen flea, 355-58. Herrera. A. L.. 17. 169-74. Herrick. Glenn W., 355-58. Hessian fly. 14. 19. 61. 187. Heterocampa guttivitta, 150. Hexamerocera brasiliensis, 172. Hicoria ovata, 216. Hickory, 19, 20, 216, 314. bark beetle, 347. twig girdler, 154. Hinds, W. E., 91-101. Hippodamia eonvergens, 307. sinuata, 307. Hitchings, E. F., 334. Hodgkiss, H. E., 375-77, 414. Homalota, 172. Honey, 25. 102. plants, list of. 191-202. Honey-dew, 26, 87. Hooker, W. A., 34-51, 65-73. Hop, 179, 325. Hopkins, A. D., 343-48. Hormomyia, 19, 20. crataegifolia, 20. Home, W. T., 414. Hornfly, 155. Horseflies, 155. Horses, 40. 45, 46, 47. Horseweed, 20. Horticultural inspectors' report, 220 -24. Houghton, E. M., 413. Houghton, r. O.. 216-17. 297-300. Household insects. 51. Houser, J. S., 334. Human tick fever, 67, 71. Hunter, W. D., 51-55, 117. Howard, L. 0., 281-89, 335. Hyalomma, 39. a^gyptium, 38. 72. 214. H.vdrocyanic acid gas, 111, 188, 348. Hydrcecia nitela, 148. Hvmenoptera, 23, 123, 124, 127, 128, 290. Hyphantria cunea, 154. Hypoclinea, 293. humilis, 22, 292. Hypsopygia costalis, 149. 423 Ichneiimou, 124, 125-28. Ichneumon cyaneus, 125. Imported grape flea beetle, 175. Insecticide, legislation, 224. Insects, description of rearing de- vices, 267-269. Insects of the season. 145. Insects, common names, 209-213. Iridomyrmex. 293. analis. 30. 33. dispertitus, 30. humilis. 21-34. 152. 262, 289-93. iniqnus, 30. keiteli. 30. melleus. 30. Iron sulphate. 115. 116. 185, 186. Iron weed, 160. 180. Ixodid ticks, 55. Ixodes, 39, 43. 45. 48, 50, 214. ricinus, 35, 43, 48, 70, 71, 72, 214. scapularis. 43. 48. Ixodidas, 34-51. 44-45, 66, 214. table of adaptations, 41. bibliography, 73-6. .Taundice. malignant. 67, 70, 73, 214. Johnson, W. G., 163. Katykid. 340. Kermes galliformis. 154. pubescens. 154. Kerosene. 81-82. Kerosene emulsion. 90. 91, 188, 329, 379, 397. 398. Kirkland, A. H.. 229. Kotinsky, Jacob. 203. Lace-wings. 89. 307. Lachnosterna fusca. 150, 154. prunina, 154. Lady beetles. 89. 176, 300, 302. Lamb's quarter. 325. Laphygma frugiperda, 152. Lasioptera. 19. 21. vitis. 20. Lasius flavus. 290. Lawn grass. 181. 186. Leaf blister mite, 397. Leaf-footed plant-bug, 152. Leaf hoppers. 142. 144, 145, 399. Lecanium nigrofasciatum, 156. Lemon, oil of. 81-82. 83. Lepidoptera, 120-127. Lepidosaphes beckii. 154. gloveri, 154. ulmi, 146, 301, 398. Le|)idium virginicum, 180, 181. Leptinotarsa decimlineata, 153. Leptoglossus phyllopus, 152. Lesser apple worm. 141, 398. Levison, J. J.. 329. Lime-sulphur washes. 91, 107, 149, 156, 158, 184. 189. 220, 377, 397, 398. Limneria. 128. Lined horsefly.' 155. Liriodeudron, 226. Lissorhoptrus simplex. 152. Little earfly. 155. Lixus, 318. musculus, 315. 321. scrobicollis. 121. Locust, 148, 358. black, 20, 181. Lone star tick, 48. Lounsbury. C. P.. 332. Louping ill. 72. 214. Loxostege similalis. 152. Lucilia sericata, 330. sylvarum, 330. Lygranthoecia mortua, 321. Lygus pratensis, 370-375. Lysiphlebus tritici, 319. Macrodactylus subspinosus. 262. Macrosiphum granaria, 191. Maggots, 181, 187, 329. Malacosoma americana, 56, 154. Malaria, 65. Malarial mosquito, 155. Malvastrum coccineum. 181. Mammea americana, 170. ^langos. 171. Maple, 17, 145. 146, 147, 148, 150, 157, 188, 314. mites. 311-313. Norway. 146, 147, 156. red, 146, 311. soft, 156, 181. 311, 312. stem-borer. 160. sugar, 19, 150, 311. 312. Margaropus. 37. 40. 45, 46. annulatus. 35. 36, 42, 43, 46, 49, 51-55, 65, 66, 67, 70, 317. decoloratus. 71. Maryland. Entomological Notes from. 14.5-148. Mastigophora. 68. May beetles. 154. Mayetiola destructor, 19, 227. McClintock, C. T.. 413. Melander, A. L., 217-220. Melanoplus atlanis, 358. bivitattus, 358. differentialis. 152. femur-rubrum, 358. Melanotus, 172. Melon. 176. 255. Mesquite trees. 121. Metcalf, Z. V.. 354-55. Microdontomerus. 321. anthonomi. 119. 120, 318, 319. I 423 MitTogaster, 128. Mitchell. E. G., 79. Mites, 263. 264. 265, 311, 312, 313. Monoeesta coryli, 147. Monomorium pharaonis, 290, 291. Monoptilota uubilella, 148. Morellos orange worm, 261. Morgan, H. A., 11-15. Morrill, A. W.. 413. Mosquito campaign, 21. Mosquitos, 65. Mnrgantia histrionica, 153, 255. Muscina stabulans, 329. Muskmelon, 180, 227. Myrmica brevinodis, 339. bruesi, 339. champlaini. 338, 339. levinoflis, 337. 338. 339. levinodis, var. bruesi. 338. levinodis ruginodis. 338. mutica. 338. neolevinodis. 338, 339. rubra, 337, 338, 339. ruginodis, 337. 338. 339. scabrinodis. 337, 339. sulcinodis, 337, 339. Myzus achyrantes, 84. cerasi, 310, 362. persicfe, 84, 85, 310, 359. Nagana, or tsetse fly. 65. Nectarine, 85. Nectarophora pisi, 153. Negundo aceroides, 227. Neolecanium cornuparvum. 154. Newell. Wilmon. 21, 24, 113-16, 150- 155, 244, 262-65, 332, 333. Nitidulidae, 172. North American cattle tick, 14. North American fever tick, 35, 37, 55. 57, 70. Norway maple, 311. Nurserymen's Assoc, report, 269-74. Oak, 154. 157, 227, 246, 249, 314. kermes, 154. swamp post. 155. Oleander scale, 154. Oligarces. 20. Oligotrophus asplenifolia, 20. Oncideres cingulata, 154. Onion thrips, 153. Ophion, 294, 295, 296. macrurum, 295. Orange. 26, 154, 158, 169, 171, 173, 349. Orange-dog, 154. Orange worm, 17, 169-174. Orioles, 89. Ormyrus tubulosus, 125. Ornithodoros, 44, 45. coriaceus, 45. megnini, 36, 37. 40, 42, 45, 51. Ornithodoros moubata, 214. savignyi. 44, 45, 72. talaje, 45. turicata, 45. Orthoris crotchii, 318. Osborn, Herbert, 145. Oxypleurites serratus, 311. Oyster shell scale, 108, 146. Palaeotorymus, 128. Paleacrita vernata, 314. Pamphilius persicum, 160, 314, 315. Papilio thoas, 154. Oyster-shell scale, 398. Papaipema furcata. 358. Paris green. 13, 136, 156, 184, 185, 208, 234, 354. Parasites. 380-396. Parasitic Hymenoptera, 123-28. Parasitism, Factors controlling. 315- 23. Parlatoria pergandii, 154. proteus. 155. Parrott, P. .T., 311-313, 414. Pavement ant, 290. Pea aphid. 153. 399. Peach. 17. 83. 84, 85. 86, 87. 88. 89, 90. 91. 110, 153, 154, 157, 158, 160, 300, 308. 349, 359, 360, 361. 362. 370, 397. Peach aphis, 359. borer, 59. 154, 189. sawflv. 160. 314. 315. Pear. 85. 181. 225, 303, 364, 365, 366, 398. midge. 19. Pecan, f54, 156. Pecan huskworm, 154. Pediculoides, 318. dianthophilus, 375, 376. Pediculopsis graminum, 376, 377. Pegomyia brassicse, 186. Pepper, cayenne, 217. Peridroma saucia. 186. Pheidole megacephala, 33. Phillips, E. F., 102-05. Phlox divaricata, 160. Phormia regina. 330. Phorodon humnli, 179. Phyllocoptes. 311, 312. aceris-crumena, 312, 313. gymnaspis. 311. quadripes, 312, 313. Phylloxera vastatrix, 180. Phytonomus nigrirostris. 299, 300. punctatus. 297. 298, 299. Pierce, W. D.. 117-122, 165, 315-323, 380-396. Pieris napi. 59. Pimpla. 127. inquisitor, 188. Pine, 150. 347. Piroplasma, 67, 68, 214. 434 Piropliisiua bigeuiinum, 67. 70. canis, 67, 70. parviim. 67. Piroplasmosis, 214. 215. Piagionotus speciosus. 150. Plant lice. 112. 160. 302, 307. 337. Plum, 84. 85. 86, 89. 148, 179, 181, 359, 361, 370, 397. Plum curculio. 59, 133, 154, 374, 390. Polyclesmidfe, 190. Polyphemus, 293. Poutia rapje. 153. Poplar, 20, 147, 301. Potato, 85. 325. 399. beetle. 58. 61, 302. Powder post insects. 347. Priophorus acerfeaulis. 160. Privet. California, 314. Proftotrypes. 128. 172. Promethea. 293. Proterospliex penn.sylv.-iuica, 341. Prunus virginiana. 227. Pseudococeus calceolariae, 22, 27, 152. Psylliodes i)unctulata, 325. Psyllobora. 20. macnlata. 160. Pterom.-ilus sallerucae. 281. puparum. 124, 125. oootonus, 281. Public si>rayers. Should State De- partments conduct, 106-10. Pnlvinaria innumorabilis, 17. Pnri»l(> scale, 154. Putnam's scale. 153. Pyrosonia bigcminum. 214. Quayle. H. .T.. 17.5-176. 182-183. 325, 412. Rabbit tick. 38. 40. 47. Radish maggot. 186. Red humped api)le worm. 148. Red-legged tick. 71. Red Spider. Experiments for Con- trol, 377-380. Red water. 70. Red-winged black bird. 156. Resin soap sticker, 187, 188. Rhabdophaga. 19. 20. Rhagoletis pomonella. 398. Rhamnus cathartica. 180. Phiiiicephalinae. 37. 43. 45. 46. Rhipicephalus. 43. 45. 46, 214. ai^pendiculatus. 35, 71. bursa. 37. 40, 71, 214. capensis. 71. evertsi. 37. 40. 46, 71. nitens, 71. sanguineus, 46, 70. simus. 71. Rhogas lefroyi. 117. Rhopalomyia, 18-20. Rhopalosiphum dianthi, 84. solaui. 84. Rhubarb. 85. Rhynehophora. parasites of. 380-396. Rice. 152. maggot. 152. weevil. 152. Robber-wasp, 340. Rocky mountain spotted fever, 68, 72. Rolfs. P. H.. 414. 85. 148. Rosebug. 190. Rose chafer. 262. scale, 154. Rosy apple aphis. 308. Rumex. 19. 178. 180. 181, 226. 311. Russell, H. M.. 377-380. Saissetia olea>. 117. Salix. 20. Sambucus. 20. Sand-cherry. 85. Sanderson. E. D.. 56-65, 129-140, 159, 224. 245-262, 412. Sanninoidea exitiosa. 154. ' San ,Tose scale. 16. 21. 106. 107. 108. 110. 149, 153. 158, 183. 220. 223. 258. 302. Sap beetles. 172. S.iwtly larvae. 310-311. Scale insects. 145. Scalecide. 90. Scpli()nida\ 126. 127. Scliistocerca americana. 251. Scliizoneura americana. 180. lanigera. 154. 180. 306, 307, 309. 310. Scbizura concinna. 148. Scolytids. 398. Scolytus (see Eccoptogaster). 392. rugulosus. 154. 184. 397. Screw worm fly. 3.6. 155. Scudderia cnrvicauda. 340. Scutollista cyanea. 117. Seed corn. 81. Sheep, 45. 46. 214. Sheep sorrel. 226. Shepherd' 85. 180. 181. Shoene. W. .T.. 414. Shot hole I)orer. 154. 397. Sideranthns rubiginosus, 821. Sigalphus zygobaridis. 320. Simulium pecuarum. 155. Siricidee. 125. Slaked lime. 355. Slingerland. M. Y.. 352-54. Smicra. 128. Sill! til. .John B.. 15-16, 293-297. Smith. R. I.. 414;. Snap-dragon. 85. Snow. F. H., 411. INDEX 435 Suow white linden moth, 150, 330. Solenopsis gemlnata, 22, 33, 290. 291. 339. Solldago. 18, 19, 20, 400. Sophia sp.. 181. Southern buffalo gnat. 155. cattle tick, 51. corn root-worm. 152. Soy beans, 155, 156. Spanish fever, 213. Sphaerostilbe coccophila, 157, 158. Sphenophorus sp.. 148. Spllochalcis. 128. marlae, 296. Spilocryptus extremis. 296. Spinose ear tick, 36, 40, 45, 51. Spirillosis, 71, 72, 214. duttoni, 72. Splenetic, see Texas fever, 72. Sporotrichum pose, 376, 377. Spotted fever, 214. Spraying, fundamental principles of, 265-67. Spruce, blue, 306. red, 306. Squash. 180. 207. Squirrels, 50. Stalk borers, 148, 358. Staphylinidse, 172, 263. Stegomyia calopus, 51, 155. Stelidota geminata, 172. Strawberry, 180, 191, 374. weevil, 121. Streptococcus pyogenes, 44. Striped cucumber beetle, 148, 262. Striped earflv, 155. Sugar cane. 22, 27, 151, 152, 171. cane borer, 14. maple borer, 150. Sulphuretted hydrogen, 110, 112. Surra. 65. Sweet clover aphis, 308. fern, 20. olive. 155. potato borer, 153. Sycamore. 17. Symons, T. B.. 106-10. 269-274. Syrphus flies, 89, 176, 307. Tabanidfe. 155. Tabanus. 128. 155. abdominalis, 155. americanus, 155. annulatus, 155. atratus, 155. coffeatus, 155. costal is. 15o. fulvulus. 155. fuscicostus, 155. quinquevittatus, 155. sulcifrons, 155. Tabanus lineola, 155. sagax. 155. Tachina flies, 156, 276, 354. Tachypterus. see Tachypterellus, 392. Tampan tick, 44, 72. Tanglefoot. 88. 189, 268. Tansy mustard, 181. Tar. 83. Tarnished plant-bug, 370, 371, 373. Tarsonemid.T. 375. Taxonus nigrisoma, 310. Taylor, E. P., 83-91, 370-75, 413. Telenomus, 128. Temperatures and insects, 56-65, 245-62. Tent caterpillar, 56, 58. 59. Terrapin scale, 153, 188. Tetramorium cespitum, 337. Tetrastichus. 318. xanthomelsena. 281-89. Texas cattle tick, 55. Texas fever. 67, 70, 72, 213. Thalessa, 125. Thisumena lepida, 89. Thompson, A. R.. 414. Thoroughwort. 227. Thrips. 191, 349. tabaci, 153. Thyridopteryx ephemerreformis, 148, 276. Tick-borne diseases. 213-215. Ticks, 35-39, 40, 43, 49, 50, 51, 53, 55, 65-76. 213, 214, 215. Tobacco, 189, 190. dust. 28. 187, 208. water, 90. worm. 14. Tomato, 85, 145. Torymus. 128. Townsend. C. H. T.. 333. Toxodium distichum, 226. Toxoptera graminum, 319, 358. Trap rows. 235. Trap squash, 206. Trichogramma. 126. pretiosa, 127. Trifolium pratense, 364. repens, 364. Trogoderma tarsale. 216-17. Troop, James. 220-224. Tropical horse tick. 47. Trypeta acidusa. 171. ludens, 17, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173. bibliography, 173, 174. Tsetse-fly. 68. disease, 68. Tucker. E. S., 340-41. Tulip, 226. Turnips, 85, 325. 426 INDEX Turtles, 214. Tussock moth, 328. Typhlocyba comes. 144. Typhoid fever, 65. Uranotes melinus, 152. Uropoda, 265. agitans, 263. provocans. 263. VanDine. D. L., 414. Variegated cutworm, 186. Viburnum. 20. Violet, 225. Violet gall midge, 19. Walden. B. H.. 160. Walnut, black, 156. Walnut caterpillar, 145, 154. Walton. W. R., 329, 330. Washburn, F. L., 17, 142-145, Zoi 414. Wasps, 318, 340-41. Watermelon. 180. Water Oak, 154. Wax beans. 181, 377, 379. Webster. R. L.. 310-11. 326-27. Weevils, parasites of, 380-396. Welden, G. P., 145-148. West Indian peach scale, 153. 258. Wheat, 14, 190, 217, 358. Wheat-joint worm. 182, 187. Wheeler. W. M., 337-339. White auts, 349. White fly. 154, 158, 324. White grubs, 150. White marked tussock moth. 145, 150. 188, 276. Willow. 20. 85. Winthemia quadripustulata, 354. Wireworm. 14. Woglum, R. S.. 348-49. Wood, William, 348-49. Wooly aphis, 154, 306, 307, 349. Xanthoxylum clavaherculis, 320. Xestopsylla gallinacea, 356. Yaws, 72, 214. Yellow fever. 65. Yellow fever mosquito, 52, 54, 155. Yellow-necked caterpillar, 148. Yellow or "pavement" ant, 290. Zatropis catalpae, 182. Zygobaris xanthoxyli, 320. Arsenate of Lead (DISPARENE) The Original and Best Brand N this brand, we offer an article of standard strength and purity that mixes easily and smoothly in cold water, remains in sus- pension with normal agitation in the spraying tank, and does not clog the nozzles. In other words, a scientifically prepared mixture of practical value to the practical man; — and that does not burn. Prof. Slinglerland, of New York, says: ** There has been some injury to foliage resulting from the use of arsenate of lead, but so far as I know your Disparene brand seems to have caused no injury/^ ^^PvrOX^^ is a combination of arsenate of lead (Disparene) and Bordeaux mixture. It is giving grand results in the field as a double header in destroying insects and checking blights and rusts. BOWKER INSECTICIDE COMPANY BOSTON NEW YORK and CINCINNATI W^e ship also from St. Louis and St. Joseph, Mo. Flense mention the Journal of Economic Entomology wlien writing to advertisers. success. 48th yr. The monthly AMERICAN BEE JOURNAL tells how to make the most money with bees. Contributors are practical honey-producers who know how. Doz.dejits. 75c a year, or 40c for a new trial trip of 12 mo. Sample free. ^American Bee Journal, 118 W , Jackson, Chicago THE KNY-SCHEEKEK CO. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL SCIENCE G. LAGAI, PH. D. 404 West 27lh Street NEW YORK ENTOMOLOGICAL SPECIMENS AND SUPPLIES Largest stock of perfect insects in America. Specialties : Collections illus- trating protective Coloration, Miniicrj^ Dimorphism, Life Histories of Insects, Collections of Typical Forms, specimens for dissection, etc. Boxes, Cabinets, Nets, Pins, etc., in superior quality. Catalogues and Estimates on Application. \VV PUMPS A FEW OF OUR POWER SPRAYS We arc also licachiuartcrs for Hiu-kct, li.ii- rel and Knapsack .Spray Pumps, Tainting Machines, Nozzles, Fitting.s, etc. RELIEF VALVE Write for Complete Spray Catalogue and Prices. RELICF VALVE -:2i^.^ _ ASHLAND, OHIO Advertise in tiie JOURNAL Of ECONONiC ENTOMOLOGY It pays others-It wiii pay you Please mention the Journal of Economic Entomology wlien writing to advertisers. Ill BECKCEPING FOR PROFESSIONAL MEN many professional meu were taking up beekeeping ; some for study, some for honej' and some for money. Their number has largely increased, and to inform these who are inquir- ing we have prepared the following : Check My First Season's Experience •with the Honey Bee. By "The Spec- ***'■* tator"ofThe Outlook, New York. A ten-page leaflet detailing Q the experiences of this well-known writer. You will read the leaflet through before you lay it down. Free. A Clergyman and His Bees. By "Olericus." A thirty-two-page O illustrated booklet telling how a clergjonan kept bees to reheve a tired mind, and incidentally secured a crop of honey. Free. Q Beekeeping for Women. Giving the experience of successful women beekeepers in various parts of the United States. Q Facts About Bees. By F. Danzenbaker. A sixty- four-page illus- trated booklet. A practical treatise for the amateur. 10 cents. O Habits of the Honey Bee. By Dr. E. F. Phillips. A somewhat scientific handling of the habits and anatomy of the bee. 10 cents. ^~ The ABC and X Y Z of Bee Culture. A complete encyclopedia O on bees of 536 pages, fully illustrated. $1.50, postpaid; half leather, $2.00. O Catalog of Beekeeper's Supplies. Our 1908 catalog, 94th edition, will be mailed free to any address on request. Gleanings in Bee Culture. A sixty-four-page illustrated semi- O monthly magazine, the leading exponent of bee culture, $1.00 a year, but to new subscribers we will furnish it six months for 25 cents. Sample copy free with pleasure. Are Bees Reflex Machines ? Experimental Contribution to the O Natural History of the Honey Bee. A translation of " Sind die Bienen Reflex-machinen ? " by Dr. H. v. Buttell-Reepen. This paper first appeared in the " Biologischen Centralblatt " Vol. XX, 1900, and was reprinted, with the addition of a table of contents and index, in the same year hy Arthur Georgi, of Leipzig. Foot- notes in this English edition which are marked " E. F. P." are by Dr. E. F. Phillips, United States Department of Agriculture. Price 50c postpaid. This sheet may be used as an order sheet by proper checking on the margin and your signature and remittance, if required. THE A. I. ROOT COMPANY. MEDINA. OHIO Please mention the Journal of Economic Entomology when' writing to advertisers. IV BRIDGEPORT NURSERIES ^ We can offer one of the best assortments of Nursery Stock, both fruit and ornamental, in the United States. ^ For fall, 1908, and spring, 1909, we have an unusually fine stock of Norway Maples, Box Elders, 2 yr. Cherry and Paeonias. ^ Correspondence solicited ; inspection invited. C. M. HOBBS & SONS, (Successors to Albertson & Hobbs) BRIDGEPORT. - IND. D D I AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL CO. I % 55 Stuyvesant Ave. M» I BROOKLYN. N. Y. 1 % GEO. FRANCK, Mgr. Sjj^ i a- t 4S ^ % ^ Dealers in insects, cocoons, pupae, biological and ento- ^j^ 4> mologfical material and supplies. ^ % II Manufacturers of the ONLY GENUINE SCHMITT | S BOXES, insect cabinets, cases and the AMERICAN w I ENTOMOLOGICAL CO. 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Exchanges or Wants of not over three lines will be inserted for 25 cents each to run as long as the space of this page will permit; the newer ones being added and the oldest being dropped as necessary. Send all notices and cash to Wilmon Newell, Baton Rouge, La., by the I5th of the month preceding publication. "WANTED— Will pay cash for Bibliography Economic Entomology, Part IV; Fitch's 12th, 13th, and 14th Reports; 2d and 5th Reports of the 111. State Entomologist, LeBaron; Lintner's third report; Report N. J. Agr. Exp. Sta. 1894; Bulletins 1, 2, 5, 8, 12 old series, Division of Entomology; Bulletin 4 Technical Series Division of Entomology; Bulletins 2 and 7 U. S. Ent. Commis- sion ; Entomological News, Vols. I, II, III. Have for exchange the Practical Entomologist, complete unbound. E. Dwight Sanderson, Durham, N. H. WANTED — Vols. X & XI, complete, of American Naturalist, also Jan. No. of same publication for 1902. Also vfant Bibliography of Economic Entomology, Parts 4, 5, 6 and 8 and new Series Bulletins 6, 21, 39 and 71 of the Bur. of Ento- mology. Have for sale or exchange complete set of Insect Life and various Nos. of Exp. Station Record. State Crop Pest Commission, Baton Rouge, La. WANTED— Experiment Station Record, Vol. V, No. 7; Vol. XIU, No. 9; also American or foreign papers upon Pormicina and Bibliography of Eco- nomic Entomology, Parts 4 and 5. Have for exchange Vol. VI (bound) of Entomogical News and Vol, V, No. 9 and Vol. XIV, No. 4 of same magazine. Wilmon Newell, Baton Rouge, La. HORSEFLIES of the Family Tabanidae desired from all parts of North America. Material determined in exchange for duplicates. Jas. S. Hine, O. S. U., Columbus, O. WANTED— Insect Life, Vol. VI, Nos. 2 and 3; Bibliography of Economic Entomology, Parts 4 and 6; Bur. of Entomology Tech. Ser. Buls., Nos. 1 to 7 and 10. I have for exchange Insect Life, Vol. HI, No. 4; Bur. of Ent. Buls., new series, nearly all numbers from 1 to 50. R. I. Smith, Agr. Experiment Station, West Raleigh, N. C. WANTED — Riley's fourth, seventh, eighth, and ninth Missouri Reports. Have first and third to offer in exchange or will pay cash. W. D. Hunter, Box 208, Dallas, Texas. WANTED — To correspond with those desiring to exchange life-history ser- ies of important insects for econor&ic collections. W. E. Hinds, Auburn, Ala. WILL EXCHANGE — Several different species of insects with anyone hav- ing insects for exchange. Send for list. Also have Insects for Study and Dissection. Send for List. Lloyd V. France, PlattevUle, Wis. WANTED— Reports of the State Entomologist of Illinois, Nos. 2, 5, 7-11, 20. I have for exchange Nos. 18 and 19. C. R. Crosby, 43 East Ave., Itliaca, N. Y. Please mention the Journal of Economic Entomology when u/riting to advertisers. JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE ASSOCIATION OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGISTS Editorial Staff Editor, E. PoRTBR Felt, State Entomologist, New York. Associate Editor, A. F. Burgess, Secretary-Treasurer, Association of Economic Entomologists. Business Manasfer, E, Dwight Sanderson, Director and Entomologist, New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station. Advisory Board L. O. Howard, Chief, Bureau of Entomology, United States Depart- ment of Agriculture. S. A. Forbes, State Entomologist, Illinois. H. A. Morgan, Director and Entomologist, University of Tennessee Agricultural Experiment Station. H. T. Fkrnald, Professor of Entomology, Massachusetts Agricultural College. Herbert Osborn, Professor of Zoology and Entomology, Ohio State University. A bi-monthly journal, pubUshed February to December, on the 15th of the month, devoted to tlie interests of Economic Entomology and publishing the official notices and proceedings of the Association of Economic Entomologists. Address business communications to the Journal of Economic Entomology Publishing Co., Railroad Square, Concord, N. H. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. In the United States, Cuba, Mexico and Canada, two dollars annually in advance. To foreign countries, two dollars thirty cents ($2.30) annually in advance. Single copies, fifty cents. To mem- bers of the Association of Economic Entomologists, one dollar annually in advance. MANUSCRIPT for publication sliould be sent to the Editor, E. Porter Felt, Geological Hall, Albany, N. Y. CURRENT NOTES AND NEWS should be sent to the Associate Editor, A. F. Burgess, Bureau of Entomology, "Washington, D. C. SUBSCRIPTIONS may be sent to the Business Manager, E. Dwight Sanderson, Durham, N. H. ADVERTISEMENTS should be sent to the Advertising Manager, Wilmon New^ell, Baton Rouge, La. New York Botanical Garden LIbrar 3 5185 00265 1857