. " ~~ eee nes ter ae es ee * ans epee ~ 4 LPs IL SE eos Pe WS JOURNAL lisha Mitchell Scientific Society ISSUED QUARTERLY . i ee of rete 4 ‘CHAPEL HILL, N.C., U.S. A. TO BE ENTERED AT THE POSTOFFICE AS SECOND CLASS MATTER. ‘ 4 JOURNAL OF THE Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society. ISSUED QUARTERLY Official Publication of the North Carolina Academy of Science. CHAPEL HILL, N. C.: PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA 1904 THE UNIVERSITY PRESS CHAPEL HILL . ; JOURNAL ELIsHA MITCHELL ScIENTIFIC SOCIETY TWENTIETH YEAR 1904 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NORTH CAROLINA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE. The first annual meeting of the North Carolina Academy of Science was held at Trinity College, Durham, Nov. 28 and 29,1902. A business session was called to order on the morning of the 28th in the physics lecture room. The executive com- mittee made its report and announced the election of twenty- three members. On motion the executive committee was authorized to pub- lish the proceedings of this meeting, including the constitu- tion and by-laws. - The following amendment to the consritution was proposed, to be acted on at the next annual meeting: To insert after Section 2, Article IL.: “SECTION 3. Anyindividual who shall contribute one hun- dred dollars to the maintenance of the Academy may be elected a patron of the Academy.” After the busidess session the presentation of papers was taken up and continued through the afternoon session. In the evening an address of welcome was delivered by Judge R. W. Winston of Durham; Professor Collier Cobb responding for the Academy. The retiring president, Pro- fessor W. L. Poteat, then delivered his address ; subject, ‘“Sczence and Life.” This was followed by a reception to the + ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL members of the Academy by the ladies and faculty of Trinity College. Another business session was held on the morning of the 29th. On recommendation of the nominating committee, consisting of Professor Collier Cobb, Mr. C, S. Brimley and Professor W. B. Sackett, the following officers were elected : President, C. W. Edwards. Vice-President, C E. Brewer. | Secretary-Treasurer, Franklin Sherman, Jr. Executive Committee, C. W. Edwards and Franklin Sher- man, Jr., ex-officio, F. L. Stevens, W. G. Sackett, H. H. Brimley, C. B. Williams, W. L. Poteat, Chas. Baskerville, Collier Cobb. . The following by-law was adopted : The executive committee shall jul all vacancies occurring be- tween meeting's of the Academy. It was resolved that the Academy extend its heartfelt thanks to the faculty of Trinity College and to the local com- mittee in particular for the kindness shown in arranging so admirably for this meeting. On the conclusion of business, the presentation of papers was again taken up and continued until the final adjournment at the close of the session. | The program of papers presented at this meeting is as follows : PAPERS READ. 1. A New Method of Investigating Alternating Current Phenomena. C. W. Edwards. 2. Some Recent Work on the Morphology. of the Coral Polyps. ' /. Z. Duerden. 3. Baccillary Dysentery. red K. Cooke. 4. Some Interesting Insect Captures. Franklin Sherman, Jr. 5. Notes on the Reproduction of Certain Reptiles. C. S. Brimley. 7 6. Ecological Notes on Mosquitoes with Notes on Color Preference. W. G. Sackett. fas” ; = ? > ‘ 7. Primary Nucleus in Synchytrium. Mrs. F. L. Steveus. 8. Changes in the North Carolina Coast During Two De- cades, with Notes on the Origin of the Sand- hill Topography of the Coastal Plain. Collier Cobé. 9. Predecessors of Roentgen and Becquerel. /as. L. Lake. 10. Distribution of Some Birds in Eastern North Carolina. 7. Gilbert Pearson. 11. Some Considerations of Rare Earths. Chas. Baskerville. 12. Additional North Carolina Desmids (brief). -W. Z. Poteat. | 13. Some Plant Formations South-east of Raleigh (brief). W. G, Sackett. 14. Notes on North Gwin Plants (brief). /. ZL. Stevens. The following papers were read by title: Certain Compounds in the Husk of /uglans nigra. C. E. Brewer. Prairies in North Girottha. W.:W. Ashe. Diurnal Nutation in Bidens frondosa. F. L. ewe The Animal Tuberculoses and Their Relation to Human Tuberculoses. 7Zazt Butler. The Pollen of the Gymnosperms. W. C. Coker. List of the Dragon-flies of Raleigh. C. S. Brimley. Notes on Food-habits of Reptiles in Confinement. C. S. Brimley. A Simple Device for Illustrating Jthe Periodic Law to Stu- _ dents. Chas. Baskerville. | Improvement in Determination of Halogens in Atomic Weight Work. Chas. Baskerville. | ¥ Notes on Some North Carolina Algae and ee WwW. €. Coker, | ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL 5 F RANKLIN SHERMAN, JR., Secretary. ; BUSINESS MEETING. A business meeting of the North Carolina Academy of Science was held in the office of Tait Butler, State Veterina- 6 ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL rian, Raleigh, N. C., on May 1, 1903, at 5:30 P. M., President Edwards in the chair. Dr. Baskerville reported that the Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Society, published at the State University, might be enlarged to meet the demands of the Academy publications, if the Academy could bear approximately two-thirds of the necessary increase, which was estimated roughly at one hun- dred dollars. The following amendments, as recommended by the Execu- tive committee in their meeting at Durham, Feb. 23, 1903, somewhat revised, were adopted: AMENDMENTS—ARTICLE II. SECTION 1. Any person actively interested in science, or in the promotion of science, may, upon nomination by two members, be elected a member of the Academy by a majority vote of the executive committee and shall be entitled to all. privileges of the Academy. Relatives of members or others interested in Science may become associates for the annual meeting upon payment of a fee of one dollar. Associates receive the proceedings and are entitled to all privileges of that meeting except voting and holding office. Sec. 2. The annual dues for members shall be three dollars and for associates one dollar, and any person in arrears at the date of the annual meeting for the presentation of papers forfeits all privileges of the Academy until the dues are paid. The following by-law was also adopted : BY-LAW 2. All elections to membership which take place subsequent to the annual meeting for presentation of paper shall apply to the following calendar year, and no regular dues are to be collected for the year of such election. All elections to mem- bership which take place at or before the annual meeting for the presentation of papers shall apply to the calendar yeat in which the election takes place, and dues shall be collected en eo 2 be ~ ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL accordingly, and dues regularly become payable on January 1 of each year. The following amendment was proposcd, to be acted upon at the next regular meeting: To amend Article III., Section 1 to read: ‘‘and an executive committee of five, etc.” On motion the following committee was appointed to attend to the matter of publication: C. W. Edwards, W. L. Poteat, C. S. Brimley. On motion the University of North Carolina was selected . for the next annual mecting. The meeting then adjourned. FRANKLIN SHERMAN, JR., ‘Secretary. SECOND ANNUAL MEETING. The second annual meeting of the North Carolina Academy of Scienee was held at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Nov. 12 and 13, 1903. The opening session was held in Gerrard Hall on the even- ing of the 12th. Anaddress of welcome by Dr. F. P. Venable, president of the University, was followed by the annual address of the retiring president, Professor C. W. Edwards, of Trinity College, whose subject was ‘‘Science and the State.” On adjournment a smoker was given in the Alumni build- ing to the members of the Academy by the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society. On the morning of the 13th a business meeting was held in the Physics lecture room of the Alumni building. In the absence of the secretary, Mr. J. E. Latta, instructor in Physics in the University, was made temporary secretary. The following amendments to the constitution were adopted: (1) That the executive committee shall consist of five in- stead of nine members. 8 , ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL (2) That any individual who shall contribute one hundred dollars to the maintenance of the Academy may be elected a patron of the Academy. On the recommendation of the nominating committee, con- sisting of Prof. W. L. Poteat, Prof. Collier Cobb and Mr. C.S. Brimley, the following officers were elected: President, Chas. Baskerville. Vice-President, J. I. Hamaker. Secretary-Treasurer, Franklin Sherman, Jr. Executive Committee, Chas. Baskerville and Franklin Sherman, Jr., ex-officio, and W. L. Poteat, F. L. Stevens and C..S. Brimley. Sixteen new members were elected. | i) The presentation of papers was now taken up for the re- mainder of the morning session and continued through the afternoon session. | The following papers were presented: Approaching Sun-Spot Maximum. /no. /. Lanneau, .Wake Forest. (Published in full in this Journal). Notes on Some Pacific Sponges. A. V. Wilson, Chapel Fill. Southeastern Box Tortoises. C. S. Brimley, Raleigh. (Abstract). The six species of Terrapene are enumerated and their alleged characters given with observations on specimens of Terrapene from Raleigh, N. C., several points in Florida, Mimsville, Ga., and Colmesneil, Texas, showing that these characters are frequently not diagnostic. The author is con- vinced that Terrapene ornata, T. major and T. carolina are — distinct species, and he is inclined to believe that T. bauriis at least subspecifically distinct from T. major, and that T. — . triungis is a southern form of T. carolina and not a distinct species; however he is by no means certain in either case and furthermore he is not even certain that the triungis from — Georgia are specifically identical with those from Texas. Number of specimens examined 57 in all. Terrapene triungis Mimsville, Ga, 20 living; 7 alcoholic; > ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL 9 Bay St. Louis, Miss., 1 alcoholic; Colmesneil, Tex., 3 alcoholic, 1 living, 1 shell; 7errapene Carolina, Raleigh, N. C., 7 alco- holic and numerous living examples; 7errapene Major, Talla- hassee, Fla., 2 alcoholic; Riceboro, Ga., 1 alcoholic; Jerra- pene Bauri, Orlando, Fla., 4 living and 1 alcoholic; Hastings, Fla., 7 alcoholic and 1 live specimen; Mimsville, Ga., 1 alcoholic. Poisining by Lepiota Morgani pk. /. ZL. Stevens, West Raleigh. Read by W. C. Coker. (Abstract). Account is given of a personal experience with this fungus, leaving no deubt that on some persons at least it produces an extremely active toxic effect. The article will appear in the Journal of Mycology. Chapel Hill Liverworts. W. C. Coker, Chapel Hill. This paper appears in full in next issue of this Journal. Notes on the Transformation of Some Large Moths. C. S. Brimley, Raleigh. A Simple Device for Illustrating the Periodic Law. Chas. Baskerville, Chapel Hill. (Will be published in School Science ). Action of Ultra-Violet Light upon Rare Earth Oxides. Chas. Baskerville. (American Journal of Science, Dec. 1903.) The Effects on Rare Earth Oxides of Radium-bar:um Com- pounds, and on the Production of Permanently Luminous Compounds by Mixing the latter with Powdered Minerals. Chas. Baskerville and Geo. F. Kunz. (Will appear in the Am. J. Sci., Jan. 1904). Demonstration of the Parasite in Anchylostomiasis (Hook- worm Disease). W. .S. Rankin, Wake Forest. Mendel’s Contribution to a Theory of Heredity. W. ZL. Foteat, Wake Forest. (Abstract). Gregor Johann Mendel (1822-1884) published in 1866 in an obscure Austrian Journal a paper describing ‘‘Experiments in Plant Hybridization.” Professor Hugo de Vries, of Amster- dam, who had taken up a similar line of work, brought the paper out of its long hiding in 1900. Its importance was at once apparent. ‘The task which Mendel set himself was, to 10 ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL determine how many forms of offspring hybrids would pro- duce, to arrange these forms according to their separate gen- erations, and to ascertain their statistical relations to each other. He found that the genus /rswm fulfilled the conditions essential in the experimental plants. In the work which extended over eight years the pea hybrids were found to be not intermediate between the parental forms as regards the two differentiating characters which were crossed, but one of these characters was transmitted unchanged—the ‘‘domi- nant” character of the pair, and the other seemed hardly to be transmitted at all—the ‘‘recessive” character. When a plant having a particular dominant character, as round, smootish seeds, was crossed with one having a corresponding character, namely, angular and deeply wrinkled seeds, the resulting hybrid’s seeds were all of them either round and smootish or angular and wrinkled in the proportion of three to one respectively. The next generation from the angular seeds—bred true; from the round seeds (dominant), produced all round seeds, which, however, subsequent generations showed to be of two kinds—pure dominants breeding true, and hybrids (twice as many as the dominants) yielding pre- cisely the same results as were observed in the first genera- tion of the hybrid. The results may be exhibited graphically in the following scheme, where D stands for a dominant character and R for a recessive : D =z 3D 1R Hybrid Seeds. Lp 2DR R Ist Generation.. D Ditih-Qp Riei(e R 2nd Generation. ee eS, ery . ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL 1] By substituting values the formula is deduced covering the kinds of hybrid offspring in their numerical relation for a series of generations: D+ 2DR-+ R. This experimental result accords with what the law of probabilities would lead one to expect in the average of unions of the pollen and egg cells of the two parental forms. On the average D pollen will fertilize equally often D ova and R ova, and R polien will fertilize equally often D ova and R ova. The chances and the results may be exhibited thus: POLLEN. OVUM. D B= « ®, ae Bs Be oo ey MLR D a —- R=> R,orD + 2DR + R. Mendel appears to have demonstrated that in the offspring of a hybrid 25 per cent. will show the recessive character and 75 per cent. the dominant, embracing 25 per cent. pure domi- nants and 50 per cent, hybrids. Accordingly his contribution to a theory of heredity may be stated to be the demonstration of the segregation of characters in the totality of an organism and the individuality of characters, which is preserved down the line of descent. A New Palaeotrochis Locality, with Some Notes on the Nature of Palaeotrochis. Collier Cobb, Chapel Airll. (Illus- ‘trated by specimens and microphotographs, with the micro- scopic sections displayed under a microscope). An acid volcanic rock full of spherulites closely resembling Palaeotrochis occurs on the elevation three miles west of _ Chapel Hill known as The Old Volcano. These spherulites are smaller than Palaeotrochis, but they and the rock in which = » Jet =. 4 ie hy = pe = « - ««@ © < v 6 € 12 ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL . they occur have the same general character as the specimens from the Sam Christian Mine. These from Chapel Hill are smaller and the definite Palaeotrochis form not so abundant among them. Microscopical study shows that they are com- posed of quartz, fibrous feldspar, and mica (usually green biotite), just the minerals common in the igneous rocks around Chapel Hill. These studies indicate the inorganic origin of Palaeotrochis. Secondary Radiation from Thorium Compounds. Geo. B. Pegram, New York. The following papers were read by title: The Flora of the Isle of Palms, South Carolina. W. €. Coker, Chapel Hill. (Abstract). The flora of this island, which is near Charleston, is semi- tropical in character and presents an interesting transition between that of the Florida and North Carolina coasts. The island is eutirely formed of wind-blown sand and its seaward side is furnished with high dunes which offer good advan- tages for the study of the binding action of grasses and the dune plants. Twenty-seven species of grasses were found, five of which also occur in the Bahama Islands. Thirteen species of trees and twenty-five of woody vines occur; the most abundant trees being the Palmetto (Sabal Palmetto), Live Oak (Quercus virens), Laural Oak (Quercus Jaurifolia) and the Old Field Pine (Pinus taeda). Photo- graphs were taken of various plant associations. © Theory of the Induction Coil. C. W. Edwards, Durham, The Granville Tobacco Wilt. /. LZ. Stevens and W. G. Sackett, Raleigh. (Abstract). A new tobacco disease which is exceedingly destructive is recorded for Granville County. The disease is described, the extent of the damage estimated, and its history and distribu- tion given. The diseased plants in the effected parts of the root and ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL 13 stem contain numerous bacteria, which probably cause the disease, though definite proof of this point has not yet been had, owing to the absence of tobacco plants in suitable con- dition for inoculation. The substance of this paper was issued in September as bulletin No. 188 of the North Carolina Experiment Station. Improvement of Corn by Seed Selection. .C. &. Williams, Fealeigh. (Abstract). _ For the improvement of corn there are three methods in general practice: first, by the importation of seed from some reputable grower or breeder; second, by the careful selection of seed corn from one’s own field or from a neighbor’s; third, by careful selection and growing of seed-corn in a field iso- lated at least one-quarter of a mile from any other corn field. The characters that should be taken into account in seed selection are: (1) Selection of ears from stalks that have two or more ears, as it has been demonstrated time and again that two medium sized ears froma stalk give higher yields per acre than one large ear. (2) The stalks should be large at the base and gradually tapering towards the tassel for two rea- sons: first, because it will be better enabled to withstand drought, and second, because it will stand better in a wind storm. (3) The ears should by all means be of a cylindrical form with both butts and tips filled out, as this is the form that gives the highest percentage yield of shelled corn per ear. The difference in yield, as a result of actual experience of ears of the same length, between those that had the tips filled and those that were not, was something like six bushels per acre. (4) The best shaped kernel is a medium wedge, as this fills the space on the cob most completely. Also the dis- tance between the rows of grains on the cob should be small, while the number of rows should be large, and they should run parallel the full length of the cob, with little or no dimin- ution in size either atthe butts or tips. This paper will appear in full in the Bulletin of the North Carolina Department of Agriculture, Vol. 24, No. 9. 14 ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL The Forms of Sand-Dunes as Influenced by Neighboring Forests. Collier Cobb, Chapel Fill. (Illustrated by photo- graphs). While the deforesting of the sandreefs is the primary cause of the dunes along the North Carolina coast, there are several instances in which, the trees are the obstacles which have produced the dunes. In all these cases ‘The Banks” run directly across the course of the prevailing winds, which come from the southwest, and just as soon as the vege- tation becomes so dense that it prevents this southwest wind from blowing the wave-driven sand back into the sea, a Sandwave forms equal in height to the height of the forest. This is best shown in the high dune north of Manteo, on Roanoke Island. It is also noticeable on- Currituck Beach, and at several points opposite Masonboro Sound; and forests were influential in forming the dunes at Nag’s Head. On the Kinnakeet section of Hatteras Island the dunes were started by the deforesting of a strip next the shore, when they rose to the height of the forest which they finally covered and destroyed. The barren sand- waste there is still known as ‘‘The Great Woods.” Dunes in many of these cases along our coast might be removed by thinning out the forest and removing the tangle of vines and undergrowth which prevent the west winds from driving the sands back into the sea. Even where the dunes are formed by the prevailing winds, as between Fort Caswell and Lockwood’s Folly and on Shackle- ford Banks, in every case where the forest growth is dense the encroaching bank of moving sand is at the same height as the tops of the trees. When the trees are sparse and scat- tered in clumps the moving sands form irregular sandhills instead of great waves. Work on a List of Insects of North Carolina. Avanklin Sherman, /r., Raleigh. (Abstract). The author is endeavoring to compile a card-catalogue of all species of insects actually known to occur within the State of North Carolina, Three methods are being followed: (1) - di | securing accurate identification of specimens now being col- lected; (2) compiling lists of all species from North Carolina found in the larger collections of the country; (3) making lists from all authoritative published literature. The work has only been in progress about one year, and only certain groups have yet been catalogued at all. Under the first head chief attention has been given to the State collections at Raleigh in charge of the author, and the private collections of Mr. C. S. Brimley at Raleigh, these being the only ones of any extent known to be in the state. Mr. Brimley’s work has largely contributed to make the cata- logue as complete as it now is. The work of compiling lists from the collections of the country and from the published literature is under way, though being carried on at consider- able disadvantage, Life Histories of Some Southern Birds. 7. G. Pearson, Greensboro. List of the Cicindelldae of North Carolina with Notes on the Species. Avanklin Sherman, Jr. (Abstract). During the years 1901 and 1902 the author devoted ‘consid- erable attention to collecting the Tiger beetles of the State. The species where not known positively by the author were identified by competent persons. The list, including species recorded by others as well as those collected by the author, contains nineteen distinct species and three varieties. Of these all save one species and one variety are represented in the collection of the N. C. Department of Agriculture. The list contains the following: 1 Tetvacha carolina, Linn. ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL 15 2 ¥ virginica, Linn. 3 Cicindela unipunctata, Fab. 4 ? scuttellaris var. unicolor, De}j. 4a 27% var. modesta, De}. abs) > scuttellaris var. rugifrons, Dej. 5 y 6-guttata, Fab. a 4 var. Harrissi, Leng. 6 <§ patruela, Dej. 16 ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL 7 Cicindela purpurea, Oliv. 8 ie splendida, Hentz. 9 ‘) vulgaris, Say. 10 4 reponda, De}. 11 7 12-guttata, Dej. 12 3 hirlicollis, Say. 13 re punctulata, Fab. 14 ye dorsalis var. media, Lec. 15 5 marginata, Fab. 16 bf blandada, Lec. 17 $f gratiosa, Guer. 18 4 rufiventris, Dej. 19 Ms abdominalis, Fab. : To be published in full in ‘‘Entomological Nesp” Observations on the Cytology of the Phycomcetes. Adeline C. Stephens, West Raleigh. Rare North Carolina Birds. 7. G. Pearson, Greensboro. After the presentation of papers the following resolution was adopted: ‘That the North Carolina Academy of Science hereby expresses its heartfelt appreciation of the many cour- tesies extended to it by the President and faculty of the Uni- versity, both collectively and individually.” The Academy then adjourned. At 8 o’clock in the evening a public lecture, complimentary to the Academy, was given by Dr. Baskerville, President of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society, in Gerrard Hall. Sub- ject: ‘‘Fluorescence, Phosphorescence, Action of Ultra-violet Light, Roentgen Rays, and Radium upon Minerals and Gems.” (Illustrated by experiments and stereopticon. ) This was followed by a reception to the members of the Academy by the ladies and faculty of the University in the Zeta Psi Fraternity Hall. J. EK. Arras Temporary Secretary. . + ad ' ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL 17 CONSTITUTION. ARTICLE I. NAME AND OBJECT. Secrion 1. The name of this organization shall be the “NortTH CAROLINA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE.”’ Sec. 2. The objects of the Academy shall be to promote study and scientific research and to furnish, so far as practic- able, a means of publication of such articles as may be deemed worthy. ARTICLE II. MEMBERSHIP AND DUES. SECTION 1. Any persofi actively interested in science, or the promotion of science, may, upon nomination by two mem- bers, be elected a Member of the Academy by a majority vote of the Executive Committee, and shall be entitled to all privileges of the Academy. Relatives of members, or others interested in science, may become Associates for the annual meeting, upon the payment of a fee of one dollar. Associates receive the proceedings, and are entitled to all privileges of that meeting except vot- ing and holding office. Sec. 2. The annual dues for members shall be three dollars, and for Associates one dollar, and any person in arrears at the date of the annual meeting for presentation of papers, forfeits all privileges of the Academy until the dues are paid. ARTICLE III. OFFICERS. SEcTION 1. The officers of the Academy shall be a Presi- dent, Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer, and an Executive Committee of five, including the President and Secretary, of 2 18 ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL which three shall constitute a quorum. All officers shall be elected annually, by ballot, by majority vote. Sec. 2. The duties of all officers shall be such as usually pertain to such positions. ARTICLE IV. MEETINGS. SEcTion 1. The time and place of all meetings shall be determined by the Executive Committee, but there shall be at least one meeting annually for the presentation and discussion of papers, and at least one business meeting annually. Src. 2. Two weeks’ notice shall be given of all meetings and those present shall constitute a quorum. ARTICLE V. PUBLICATIONS. Secrion 1. The official organ of the Academy shall be known. as the ‘‘Journal of the North Carolina Academy of Science,” over which the Executive Committee shall have general control, but the detail work shall be left to an Edito- rial Committee of three, whom the Executive Committee shall elect. ARTICLE VI. AMENDMENTS. SEcTIon 1. This Constitution may be amended by a two- thirds vote of those present at any regular meeting; Provided, That such amendments be submitted in writing to the Execu- tive Committee at least two weeks before the meeting at which action is to be taken. BY-LAWS. 1. The Executive Committee shall fill all vacancies occur- ring between meetings of the Academy. 2. All elections to membership, which take place subse- ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL 19 quent to the annual meeting for presentation of papers, shall apply to the following calendar year, and no regular dues can be collected for the year of such election. All elections to membership, which take place at or before the annual meeting for the presentation of papers, shall apply to the calendar year in which the election takes place, and dues shall be col- lected accordingly; and dues regularly become payable on January ist of each year. RESOLUTION OF EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Resolved, 'That upon the written request of three or more members, the Secretary shall call a meeting of the Committee to consider such matters as may be laid before it, said meeting to take place within ten days from the time the reqeust is submitted. LIST OF MEMBERS. Andrews, W. J., Raleigh. Ashe, W. W., i: Baskerville, Chas., Univ. N. C., Chapel Hill. Battle, K. P., Raleigh. Beardslee, Henry C., Asheville. Binford, Raymond, Guilford College, ‘Guilford College. ‘Brewer, C. E., Wake Forest College, Wake Forest. Brinkley, C. S., Raleigh. Burkett, Chas. W. A. & M. College. West Raleigh. Butler, Tait, Dept. Agr., Raleigh. Cain, W. M., University N. C., Chapel Hill. Chaplin. Spencer, Littleton. Cobb, Collier, Chapel Hill. Coker, R. E., Biological Laboratory., Beaufort. Coker, W.C., University N. C., Chapel Hill. Cooke, Fred K., Wake Forest College, Wake Eorest. Duerden, J. E., University N. C., Chapel Hill. Edwards, C, W., Trinity College, Durham. Garrett, Mrs. R. U., Asheville. | ees run +. ‘ 20 ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL Gore, J. W., University N. C., Hammaker, J. T., Trinity College., Haskell, A. A., A. & M. College, Henderson, A., University N. C., Hoffman, S. W., Holmes, Jos. A., Geological Survey, Howell, E. V., University N. C., *Kesler. J. L.. Kilgore, B. W. Dept. Agr., Lake, Jas. L., Wake Forest College, Lanneau, M. A., Wake Forest College, Latta, J. E., University N. C. Lewis, R. H., State Board Health, Massey, W. F., “Meade, Miss A. M., Morrison, W. G., A. & M. College, Myers, E. W., Pearson, T. Gilbert, Normal College, Pegram, W. H., Trinity College, Poteat, W. L., Wake Forest College, Rankin, W. Si! S ns f Roberts, G. A., Dept. Agr. *Royster. H. A., Chapel Hill. Durham. West Raleigh. Chapel Hill. Statesville. Chane Hill. se Raleigh. Wake Forest. Chapel Hill, Raleigh. ee ee West Raleigh. Greensboro. Durham. Wake Forest. Raleigh ee Sackett, W. G., Baptist Female University, me Shermau, Franklin, Jr., Dept. Agr., Smith, Henry L., Davidson College, * Moved to another State. ee Davidson. APPROACHING SUNSPOT MAXIMUM. J. F. LANNEAU. The condition of the sun’s surface as to spots—when most _ pronounced, most persistent—is clearly a matter of judgment, and therefore must lack precision as to date. The last maximum occurred in or near the year 1893. Thereafter, for six or seven years the spots diminished in size and number. During the past three years it has been a very rare occurrence to see on the sun even a small spot. But be- ginning last July, there is now a decided renewal of solar disturbance. My observations at Wake Forest are made with a five inch equatorial. It has a clock work motor, and also two adjust- ing rods at the eye end for movements in declination and right ascenston. A polarizing eye-piece is so used as to show the sun’s disk reversed east and west, but normal north and south. In default of a micrometer attachment for exact determina- tion of size and location of spots, approximate measurements are made by stopping the clock work, and then noting inter- vals between transit of spot and transits of sun’s east and west limb. Obviously, the distances are proportional to the inter- vals of time. Measurements are also made without stopping the clock- work, by using each adjusting rod asa micrometer screw. To so use them, I first find by careful repetition the number of turns or partial turns of the declination rod to move the hori- zontal wire of the eye-piece north and south the full breadth of the sun’s disk; and in like manner, the number of turns of the other rod to move the vertical wire east and west across the disk. Then, using the rodsin turn, relative distances at right angles are found. Points are thus located, and lengths deter- mined. 22 ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL Observations of the sun during July and for the past thirty days supply the material for this paper. At noon of July lst there was a single small spot on the sun’s disk. On the 9th there were 53—forming three groups. Their relative positions, and that of others observed during the month, are shown in the sixteen drawings which illus- trated ‘‘Sunspots in July,” published in Popular Astronomy for August. By the courtesy of the publishers the drawings are here re- produced; also a part of the matter of this paper. Fig. 1 rep- resents the sun’s disk at noon July 9th. Group 1, on the left, is simply indicated by three spots—the largest of its 21 spots. Group 2, o: 17 spots, and group 3, on the right, of 15 spots, are indicated each by its two chief spots. By the next noon a half dozen spots had disappeared, or had emerged with others. At noon July 11th several spots in group 3 were much enlarged, as shown in the drawing for that day. But of the 53 spots in view two days before, only 34 remained. , By July 14th group 1 had passed out of view beyond the sun’s western edge; and of groups 2 and 3 there remained only 4 spots. By the next noon, July 15, all had passed beyond view except a single spot north of the equator. But a new group of 8 spots had appeared on the disk’s south-east quarter (Fig. 5.) This group, it is interesting to note, had evidently formed since noon of the previous day—for then that part of the sun’s disk was without blemish. So too, before the next noon another new group formed in the north-east quarter—group 5, shown in drawing for the 16th. And again, on the 24th, there appeared a newly formed group of 11 spots. It was still conspicuous on the 29th, the last day of my July observations. Within that month as many as 90 spots marred the solar surface—part of them north of the sun’s equator and part south, in two fairly well defined belts or zones as shown in the drawings. Pig.d July 94,1903. Noon July 10 Noon July 11 Noon Julyl4 Noon Seven large «cts. Large spots little changed . More large spots Only four <= spots re? In $ Wor: 2 spcts Tn group 1 onty M spots seen In ee 1 only, am aeen Group q w- Limb RE" 4S | shag cnmaener rs = is rg bey re Hacer (Small spots hati) } rg bs} Fig6 Pigy fig.8 July 15 Noon. July16 Noon Tuly!7 Noon July18 Noor * Group gone -passed wlrmb Group 3, one spot gett narrow Cloud-yells hinder sesing, Group 4 muck changed 4a one aa see nm 2) Ve nip Ont up pile and. Group 5 shows a new apot. “ 12 the NES - al othe north Least eae ny e a sha ey : oe ‘i W b Fig FiglO . Figit Fig 12 JulyQO Noon JulyQi Noon July23 Noon July23 Noon Group * Ste epote Group $74 aie Group 5 showe a single epdt! Gig Mee § 5 tame two Fig Fig.l Fighd Figt6 | July24 Noon JulyQ5 Noon July 27 Noon JulyQQ Noon : Gro h g in wigw.7 : up 2 s| anh es om fone “ > Gs sn dante Real ar shows mee grep © Only gai 6 on view. mach apres alsin teeth oes fone Big al a L007 were groupe 1 % a ea S No such persistence and rapid succession of spots and groups has occurred in the past five or six years. They were certain- ly heralds of an approaching sunspot maximum. These numerous July sunspots were indeed all relatively quite small. And size as well as number is an element in such a maximum. This element of size, however, has already be- gun to appear. In October a very large group of spots darkened the sun’s disk. By using a shield of smoked glass, it could be seen with the naked eye. My first observation of it was made at noon on the 14th. It was then larger than any group seen since the 13th of February, 1892. By October 18th it reached the sun’s western limb and passed out of view. But in due time—at its earth-rise—it re- appeared to us on the sun’s eastern edge. It was there in full view when I looked inthe morning of October 30th. It had greatly altered in form. Earlier in the month it was somewhat rectangular in shape. Its vast area excited general interest. As estimated by good authorities it was 120,000 miles long and 40,000 miles broad. That is, it covered an area more than 24 times the entire surface of our earth. When again seen at Wake Forest, October 30th, just after its reappearance, it had divided intothree great spots. Four days later, when well advanced into view, it was more chang- ed—one spot had almost closed; each of the other two had ex- panded and about them were grouped 18 relatively small spots. With like mutations it remained a conspicuous object until yesterday, November 12th, when it again passed the sun’s western edge out of view. Meanwhile, two other extensive groups appeared. The first of these was observed October 26th, just as it rounded the sun’s eastern edge. It was triangular in shape and about one third the size of the great group which has now twice passed the western edge. My notes record its varied aspects from day to day until it too passed the sun’s western edge on the 7th of November. 24 ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL — 4 4 ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL 25 The other group—the third in order of these extensive dis- turbances—was seen near the east limb Nov. 4th. Next day, when more fully in view, it showed four very large spots with 15 smaller ones clustered about them. Its area exceeded tiat of its immediate predecessor and its changes in form were more surprising. These three great groups, in view during the past thirty days, had a total area more than 40 times the surface of our earth. They amply furnish the element of size, as the July sun- spots gave that of number, Number and size of spots indicate growing solar distur- bance, and evidence unmistakably an approaching sunspot maximum The period from one maximum to the next being about 11 years, we may expect the one now approaching to culminate in or near the year 1904—next year. It is not intended in this brief paper to discuss the many- sided subject of sunspots; still less to even question profundi- ties of the sun’s constitution, or to consider the sources of its seemingly exhaustless energy. Iadd, however, asingle suggestion as to the nature of sun- spots. They are often referred to as furious solar storms or cy- clones. Unquestionably, in spot arcas the surface material is tossed and torn asunder and adjacent glistening facule con- sist of solar matter thrown into wildly irregular ranges piled many times mountain high. But can there be at the sun’s fiercely hot surface any such difference of temperature as is essential to movements in any- wise analogous to storms terestrial? Moreover we note on the sun a fairly sharp boundary be- tween the dark disturbed areas and the adjoining bright re- gions; while here, on the earth, there isa gradual transition from regions of storm to regions of calm. eae storms sweep the earth’s surface; but visible mo- 26 ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL tion, in sunspots, or appearance of motion is mainly vertical. In either view allowing remoteness of resemblance, may we not liken sunspots to our earthquakes rather than to our wind storms? Is it objected that a sunspot covers a great area, and often persists for weeks or months? True our earthquakes usually produce vzszble results only in small areas, and quickly subside; but often they are /e/t throughout an extensive territory. The earthquake of last week, Nov. 4th, which caused con- sternation in the city of St. Louis, was felt in eight states— Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, Louisiana and Arkansas. In the year 357 A. D. an earthquake in that ill-fated re- gion which we now know as politically convulsed Macedonia, was So wide spread that it swallowed up 150 cities. The great earthquake of 1755 which destroyed Lisbon with its 50,000 people, destroyed or damaged several other cities in Portugal and some in Spain and in Morocco and extended its disasters east to Arabia and west to the island of Madeira. In 394 A. D. an earthquake in Europe wrought its destruc- tion of city after city for fully one month; and one in Constan- tinople in tiie year 480 A. D. convulsed that region for forty days. In point of fact, then, as regards both extent and duration there zs analogy between the sunspots and the earthquake. — From these several considerations—somewhat uniform sur- face temperature, sharp demarcation, preponderance of verti- cal motion, and analogy in extent and duration—we may say the spots are in no sense solar surface storms, but rather deep seated sunquakes. As shown, the first great sunquake in October was of vast extent, and displayed its vigor for more than a month. The sunspot maximum at hand—swnguake maximum— promises abundant opportunity for noting other such outbursts of solar energy—some perhaps on a still grander scale. THE BOX TORTOISES OF SOUTHEASTERN NORTH AMERICA. C. S. BRIMLEY. The Box Tortoises (genus Terrapene Merrem 1820—Cistudo Auctorum) comprise a group of six closely related forms, of which one is known only from Mexico, while the other five are found in the United States. The described forms are: 1. Terrapene carolina (L), 1758. 2. Terrapene triungis (Ag), 1857. 3. Terrapene mexicana (Gray), 1849. 4. Terrapene ornata (Ag), 1857. 5. Terrapene major (Ag), 1857. 6. Terrapene bauri (Taylor), 1895. The* characters of these species as given by W. E. Taylor are as follows: I. Three digits on the hind foot. 1. Zygomatic arch complete. Webs absent. Phalanges on puersote 100t, 2..3,-3, 3,2; hind foot, 2,3, 3, 2,1. Baurz. 2. Zygomatic arch incomplete. Webs absent. (a) Number of phalanges in the fore foot, 2, 3, 3, 2, 2; hind foot, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1. Carapace tectiform MWewxzcana. (b) Number of phalanges in the fore MIG Ions, 2027 Bind LOOt2)+3,.3, 2;+1.. Carapace not tectiform 77zungis. II. Four digits on the hind foot. 1. Zygomatic arch complete. Webs distinct. Phalanges iecne.1ore Toot, 2,3, 2, 3, 2; hind foot, 2, 3, 3, 3,1. . Major. 2. Zygomatic arch rudimentary. Digits slightly webbed. Phalanges in the fore foot, 2, 3,.3, 3,2; hind foot, 2, 3, 3, 3, 2. Carapace keeled. Carolina. 3. Zygomatic arch absent. Phalanges in the fore foot, *The Box Tortoises of North America by W. E. Taylor, Proc. U.S. N. M., Vol. XVII., pp. 573-588. 1895. 28 ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL 2, 2, 2, 2, 2; hind foot, 2, 3, 3, 3, 1. Carapace not keeled. Ornata. The same year *Cope, relying on the same characters, di- vided Terrapene into four genera, viz.: 1. Zerrapene Merrem, with four digits in the hind foot and zygomatic arch incomplete (T. carolina and T. ornata). 2. Onychotrea Gray. Three digits in the hind foot and zygomatic arch incomplete (T. mexicana and T. triungis). 3. Partemys Cope. Three digits in the hind foot, zygomatic arch incomplete (T. bauri). 4. Toxaspis Cope. Four digits in the hind foot, zygomatic arch complete (T. major). Both Cope and Taylor use the word ‘“‘digit” in these tables in a misleading manner. What is really meant is ‘‘claw” or ‘‘clawed digit”; all the species of Terrrpene having at least four digits from an osteological point of view, the fourth digit not being distinguishable in the flesh except when ter- minating inaclaw. Taylor’s diagnosis of the species would be satisfactory enough were it not for the fact that some of the characters relied upon are subject to variation in the same species. Having been considerably puzzled by this individual varia- tion in my endeavor to satisfactorily identify specimens of these forms, I have taken pains during the past two or three years to examine specimens of the various forms which have passed through my hands in order to ascertain so far as pos- sible with the material at my disposal their relation to one another. So far I have come to the conclusion that of the five forms inhabiting the United States, three are undoubtedly good species, viz., carolina, major and ornata. With regard to the othertwo éau7rt may be identical with major, or it may be the Florida local race of that species, or it may be extinct; I can- not tell which. - Western /rzungis I believe to be at least a *Taylor on Box Tortoises, by E. D. Cope, Am. Naturalist, 1895, August: pp. 756-7. ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL 29 well marked race of cavol/ina and not unlikely a distinct spe- cies. Z7riunguis from Georgia may be intergrades between typical ¢riunguis and carolina, or they may be possibly in part hybrids with daurz. I will now discuss the specimens I have examined in detail. Terrapene carolina. Specimens from Raleigh show the fol- lowing characteristics: carapace marked with large yellow spots, these often forming to some extent partially concen- tric figures; keel of the carapace always present, but not marked by a continuous yellow line. Plastron usually black in adults, often showing light spaces, apparently due to abra- sion; in younger specimens it is usually yellow more or less marked with dusky, head usually with yellow spots. Hind feet usually larger and stronger than in ¢rv7uwngzis, usually with four claws, but I have seen three specimens with three- clawed hind feet from this locality. Zygomatic arch incom- plete, but the quadratojugal very variable in size and shape; in five specimens examined Feb. 11, 1903, two had the quadra- tojugal long nearly extending to the jugal, nearly completing the arch; in two it was small and triangular, and in the fifth absent altogther. The newly hatched young of this species have the carapace broad with the keel marked by a row of yellow spots, the head is without yellow markings in the very young, though usually marked with yellow spots in the adult. Terrapene triungts. Five specimen of trvzungzs fromColmesneil in Eastern Texas show the following characteristics: the carapace is shorter and rounder than in any other species examined, the ground color is light brown in all, but the markings show an interesting variation—a living specimen received Oct. 22, 1902, had the carapace marked with a few radiating black lines only, no yellow spots; a shell of one of the others shows very numerous rather faint yellow spots arranged in radiating lines, the upper edges of the lateral plates with some black markings and a few black spots inter- spersed with the yellow spots; a third specimen has very 30 ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL numerous distinct yellow spots arranged in radiating lines; a fourth has a little black only, with faint indications of yellow spots; a fifth is practically unmarked. All these five have the plastron light brown unmarked and three claws on the hind feet; the edge of the hind foot beyond the third claw is straight in all five withont a notch showing the termination of the fourth digit. Feet unwebbed in all five. One of the five has only traces of a keel. These were examined with regard to the quadratojugal. In one of these it was absent; in the other two, small and trian- gular. Terrapene triungis (?) from Georgia. These are a very variable lot and I am doubtful whether they are the same species as those from Colmesneil, Texas. These Georgia specimens appear to me to be probably a three-clawed form of 7. carolina but present some differences. In twenty living specimens examined in May and June, 1903, five had the hind feet four-clawed and fifteen had them three-clawed. Nearly all the latter had a notch on the hind foot showing the termination of the fourth digit. This notch was absent in one specimen and only slightly indicated in several others. The markings on plastron and carapace are quite variable. The former is usually more or less variegated, the markings frequently assuming the regular pattern which is characteristic of 7. carolina. Often, however, they are irregular and the plastron is frequently all yellow, but in one specimen only have I seen it all dark. The carapace is dark brown usually marked with roundish yellow spots which vary greatly in size, but are never as small or numerous as in the Colmesneil specimens. These spots sometimes largely coalesce forming irregular yellow markings which may occupy the greater port of the shell to the exclusion of the ground color. The head is usually marked with large round yellow spots, sometimes, hewever, these are small or mainly absent and sometimes the head markings are similar to those of T. dau77. ——-—--- ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL 31 The specimens I have seen average smaller than Raleigh specimens of T’. carolina and the carapace is usually smooth- er and less flaring behind. The zygomatic arch is incomplete in all specimens exam- ined, but the quadratojugal is variable, in six specimens ex- amined it is absent in three, small and triangular in one and in two others long and slender nearly completing the zygoma- tic arch; one of these last two has the head and shell -mark- ings nearly as in dauwrz, the other is an average /rzungis. Hind feet narrower than in cavol/zna usually not at all web- bed. A small specimen from Hancock Co., Miss., has the hind feet unwebbed with three claws and notch; quadrato- jugal small triangular; markings much as in the average of Georgia specimens. Two specimens just hatched, from Mimsville, Ga., are indis- tinguishable from carolzna of the same age from Raleigh. Terrapene baurt. ‘This species was originally described in 1895 by Taylor from a single three-clawed specimen with zyg- matic arch present and may be identical with major or a local race of that species, however, as Florida specimens seem to!- erably constant in characters and as the few specimens of un- doubted major that I have seen, do not agree exactly with them, I think it best to treat it provisionally as distinct. Nearly all Florida specimens I have seen have constant head markings. These area yellow line from lower edge of orbit crossing the corner of the mouth, a yellow line from posterior corner of orbit backward down neck, a yellow line commenc- ing just behind nostril and proceeding just above orbits, end- ing just behind orbits, a yellow line down neck in line with foregoing. The carapace is usually darker brown than in the other species, marked with narrow yellowradiating lines; some- times these lines are broken into spots and sometimes the spots are irregular and notin rows. This latter variation seems to be due in some specimens to the animal having been ‘“‘burnt over” and the shell scarred, in which case the pattern 82 ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL on the renewed dermal plates seems to be always irregular. Keel always present, marked by a continuous yellow stripe. Plastron usually yellow, unmarked, sometimes variegated with brown. Hind feet usually slightly webbed but the amount of webbing very variable, some specimens with feet unwebbed, others with the webs comparatively well devel- oped. Hind claws three or four; of the earlier specimens received from Florida nearly all were three-clawed, in those received lately four-clawed hind feet seem to be more usual. Of four typically marked daurz received November 12, 1903 from Or- lando, Fla., one has the hind claws four on both feet, two have them three on both feet, and one has four on one foot and three on the other, zygomatic arch complete in every specimen I have ever examined from Florida. Dr. Lonnberg* however states that the skull of a specimen from Orange Co., Fla., in his possession, had no zygomatic arch, not even the slightest rudiment of a quadrato jugal being present. The carapace of T. daurz, I might add is narrower in pro- portion than that of the other forms and has a less tendency to flare outward behind. Young T. daurz just hatched show the characteristic head markings, narrower carapace, and yellow stripe down the keel of the adult. Terrapene major, 'Two specimens from Tallahassee in continental Florida are the largest Terrapene I have ever had, measuring 170 and 180 mm inlengh of shell. The shell is not as narrow and flares outwardly more behind than in dau- vi, the carapace is dark brown with yellow spots arranged radially and a yellow stripe down the keel. Head with yel- low markings, but not as in dau77. Plastron yellow with more or less black round the edges of the plates. Zygoma- tic arch complete, broad. Hind feet more strongly webbed than in any other Terrapene I have had, the webs more exten- sive in the smaller specimen. Hind feet with fourclaws. A *Is the Florida Box Tortoise a distinct species by Einar Loennberg. Proc U. S. N. M. XIX No. 1107. ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL 83 specimen from Riceboro, Ga., also apparently belongs here, length 140 mm, shell dark brown with narrow radiating yel- low stripes; yellow on the keel not forming a continuous stripe, Plastron dark brown with light variegations. Head with round yellow spots, no stripes, zygomatic arch complete, claws on the hind feet three, anda notch showing termina- tion of fourth digit, hind feet somewhat webbed, shape of the shell much as in the two Tallahassee specimens, perhaps a little shorter in proportion, flaring outwardly behind. Terrapene ornata, 'This has the shell flatter and broader than the other forms, always without a keel. Color light brown with narrow radiating yellow lines on the carapace plastron brown, marked with yellowish lines arranged in regular pattern, posterior to the hinge they are mainly long- itudinal while anterior to it they show a tendency to become transverse, zygomatic arch always incomplete. Hind claws always four. Hind feet always unwebbed. Some speci- mens, apparently males, have the first claw on each hind foot turned forward, while others, apparently females have it normal in position. I may mention apropos of nothing that male tortoise have longer and thicker tails than the females, this feature is strongly marked in the genus Kinosternon, for instance and less strongly so in all Emydoid turtles I have examined. Terrapene mexicana. 'This species I have not seen, its range is apparently confined to Mexico. The range of the different forms of Tarrapene is rough- ly as follows: Terrapene carolina. North-eastern U. S. east of the Mississippi, south to the Carolinas. Terrapene triungis. Gulf coast and Mississippi valley from Georgia to the Rio Grande, North to Missouri. Terrapene baurz. Florida and southern Georgia. Terrapene major. Gulf coast, Georgia to the Rio Grande. Terrapene ornata. Rocky mountains to Lake Michigan and Indiana, south to Chihuahua; in the southern part of its range it does not come east of Texas. 34 ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL SPECIMENS EXAMINED. Terrapene carolina. Eight alcoholic and numerous living specimens from Raleigh, N. C. Terrapene triungis. 33. living and7 alcoholic specimens from Baker Co., Ga.; five living (three of them afterwards preserved) specimens from Colmesneil, Texas, one alcoholic from Hancock Co., Miss. Terrapene baur:. Four living speeimens from Orange Co., Fla., (three of them afterwards preserved), seven alco- holics from Hastings, Fla.; one alcoholic from Orlando, Fla., and one from Baker Co., Ga. Terrapene major. 'Two from Tallahassee, Fla.; one from Riceboro, Ga. Terrapene ornata. Several each from Waco, Texas, Aus- tin, Texas, and Northern Chihuahua, Mexico. — CHAPEL HILL LIVERWORTS. W. C. COKER. North Carolina liverworts were not been neglected by the older generation of Botanists who brought so much credit to our Southern States in the early and middle parts of the last century. That excellent old Botanist, L. de Schweinitz, of Salem, not only did brilliant poineering work in the Fungi, but also found time to publish a valuable work on Hepaticeae of America (1826), many of the specimens described coming from this State. W.S. Sullivant. of Ohio, also described a number of North Carolina Hepaticeae in his publication of 1845. Dr. M. A. Curtis, of Hillsboro, N. C., in his catalogue of North Carolina plants* gives sixty-nine species of liver- worts, twenty-three of which have so far been found at Chapel Hill. The remaining nine species in the following list are not given by Curtis.+ This work of Curtis’ is, so far as I know, the only list of North Carolina Hepaticeae. In 1899 Dr. D. S. Johnson collected a few Hepaticeae from around Beaufort, N. C., among them the interesting tropical form, Cololejeunea Jooriana, which has not been found further north. In the steady of our list of Chapel Hill Hepaticeae, I have been greatly aided by Dr. Alexander W. Evans, of Yale Uni- versity, who kindly identified a number of forms, confirmed my identification of others, and given informtion as to dis- tribution. Species identified by Dr. Evans are so designated. The list follows. Frullania virginica, Lehm. On trees and rocks. Common, often with rotifers in the saccate under lobes. * Geological and Natural History Survey of North Carolina. Part III. Raleigh, N.C. 1867. 7 There is a fault in the printing in my copy of this quite rare pamphlet, by which several species are omitted. It is possible, therefore, that some of the species mentioned as not given by him were really in his list. forces 36 ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL _ Archelejeunia clypeata,(Schwein) Schiffner. On rocks near streams. Cololejeunia Biddlecormia (Aust) Evans. Bases of trees in very damp places. Vegetative parts in the center of the cir- cular growth forms numerous gemmae and disappears as the outer part increases in circumference, in this respect resembl- ing Lichens, which form soredia most abundantly in the cen- tral dying region. Not found by Curtis. (Identified by Evans. ) Radula obconica, Suliv. Given by Underwood in Gray’s manual as extending from New Jersey to Ohio. Not found by Curtis. (Identified by Evans. ) Porella pinnata, L. On rocks close to where the spray reaches, or often immersed. Not found by Curtis. Porrella platypnylla, Lindb. On trees and in woods, com- mon. Vegetative branches closely oppressed, fruiting branches becoming erect and so lifting the capsules from the substra- tum. Not found by Curtis. (Identified by Evans. ) Trichocolea tomentella, Dumort. On ground along streams. Very rarely forming fruit. Bazzania deflexa, Underw. Not found by Curtis. Cephalozia multiflora, Spruce. Not found by Curtis. Kantia trichomanis, S: F. Gray. On ground by streams. The tips of some of the branches bend upward and bear num- erous gemmae on their tips. (Confirmed by Evans. ) Scapania nemerosa, Dumort. Common on ground in damp places. Here the ordinary leafy branches turn up slightly at the ends and bear dark masses of gemmae. Evanssays of our Chapel Hill specimens, ‘‘Probably S. nemerosa although not quite typical.” Lophocolea heterophylla, Nees. (Identified by Evans.) Diplophyllum albicans. Dumort. Var. taxifolium, Nees. On rotten wood. Not found by Curtis. Chilocyphus ascendens, Hook and Wills (7). Chilocyphus polyanthos, Corda (?). Evans says in refer- ence to these two last species, ‘‘The two species of Chilocy- ~ + ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL 37 phus I am in considerable doubt about. Number five is pro- bably C. chilocyphus and number nine C. ascendens, but the leaves are more sharply lobed than I have ever seen before.” Plagiochila asplenoides, Dumort. On ground by brooks. Not common. (Confirmed by Evans). Liochlaena lanceolata, Nees. Not found by Curtis. Fossombronia salina, Lindb. Identified by Evans who says, ‘Tt seems to be preferable to F. salina Lindb. This species has a range extending from Connecticut along the coast tu Florida and is apparently found in the West Indies also.” Pallavicinia Lyelli,S. F. Gray. Not common. (Confirmed by Evans). Pellia epiphylla, Raddi. Common by streams. Metzgeria conjugata, Lindb. Curtis gives M. furcata and M. conjugata for North Carolina. Gemmae are produced in abundance on marginal cells. Anuera multifida, Dumort. In very damp places. I have found this on the floor of a mill race in South Carolina cover- ed by several inches of swiftly flowing water. (Confirmed by Evans). Aneura pinguis, Dumort. Forming large mats in springy places. (Confirmed by Evans). Anthoceros laevis, L. Common. Notothylas orbicularis, Sulliv. Not common in this region. Marchantia polymorpha, L. Very rare here. Found in only one spot by Mr. H. A. Allard. _ Fimbriara tenella, Nees. Not rare in low meadows. | Conocephalus conicus, Dumort. Plentiful, but rarely fruit- ‘ing. The gametophyte contains abundant michoriza. _ Asterella hemisphaerica, Beauv. Bases of stone walls on i orth side, and in damp old fields. _ Dumortiera hirsuta, Nees. With or without air chambers, |'depending on location. Riccia sp. Probably R. flutans. On damp open ground. _ Sphaerocarpus terrestris, Smith. Edges of cultivated ‘fields. The spores remain united in tetrads. Male plants ‘Minute, purplish. RECENTLY DISCOVERED MINERAL LOCALITIES IN NORTH CAROLINA. COLLIER COBB. I have found the following minerals heretofore unknown in North Carolina: Prase, green quartz, with included crystals of black tour- maline, one mile south of Franklin, Macon County. Hausmannite and Braunite, Liberty, Randolph County, and Siler City, Chatham County. Braunite, Hiltop, Surry County. Reported at 138th meeting of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society, January 21st, 1902. Let Elisha Mitchell Scientific Societ ISSUED QUARTERLY OHAPEL HILL, N. ., U. 8. A. iy To SE ENTERED AT THE posr STOFFICE AS SECOND CLASS MATTER. 4 4 2 oe CONTENTS. INORGANIC CHEMISTRY AND THE PHase RuLte.—Wilder _ | D. Bancroft P East AMERICAN THORNS.—W. W. Ashe ....... Inactive THorRIuM.— Fritz Zerban - ‘ Ni VOL. XX JUNE NO. 2 / JOURNAL | nceune OF THE Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society. ISSUED QUARTERLY : : | CHAPEL HILL, N. C. PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA 1904 THE UNIVERSITY PRESS CHAPEL HILL JOURNAL EvisHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY (Organ of the North Carolina Academy of Science) TWENTIETH YEAR LIBRAD 1904 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY AND THE PHASE RULE.* WILDER D. BANCROFT, PuH.D. Professor of Physical Chemistry, Cornell University. As we look back over the history of chemistry, we see always the result of the two opposing forces, one that compli- cates and one that simplifies. The discovery of new facts makes the science more complex and more difficult to grasp. The discovery of new relations makes the science more simple because it enables us to correlate facts and thus to get a bet- ter grasp of the subject. The effect of the generalization in simplifying a single science or in unifying a group of sciences is overlooked by those who complain that the scientific man of the future will be a narrow specialist, knowing only a small part of a single division of one science. While this is always possible, it does not seem probable to me and I think it is much more likely that the chemist of the next generation will be a much better all-round man than any of us can hope to be. In inorganic chemistry there is one great simplifying gen- eralization with which we are all familiar, the Periodic Law. It has its imperfections and there are some who think that its *A lecture delivered before the Scientific Faculty and students, Univer- sity of North Carolina, February 12th, 1904. 40 ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL shortcomings over-balance its merits. Despite all hostile crit- icism, the periodic law is today the basis of classification for all advanced work in inorganic chemistry and its influence is marked even in the teaching of elementary chemistry. The periodic law enables us to correlate, more or less well, a large number of facts in regard to the properties of the elements and of their compounds. Yet people were slow iw recogniz- ing the full bearing of the statements that ‘‘the properties of the elements are a periodic function of their atomic weights” and I do not know what would happen if the law were being advanced today for the first time. There is a mathematical sound about the words ‘‘periodic function” which I fear might stamp the law as ‘‘too theoretical for the chemist.” While the Periodic Law enables the chemist to predict what the properties of certain substances will be, it concerns itself with these only and has nothing to do with the methods of preparation and separation in use by the chemist. This gap is filled by the second great simplifying generalization, the Phase Rule. So long as we are considering only the cases most studied by the chemist, those involving changes of con- centration, pressure and temperature, we may state the phase rule in a relatively simple form: ‘‘When passive resistances to change are eliminated, the degrees of freedom of the system are two less than the difference between the number of phases and the number of components.” Each chemically and physi- cally distinct mass in the system constitutes a phase. ‘Thus we may have the vapor phase, one or more liquid phases, and one or more solid phases. With ether and water we get two liquid phases; red and yellow phosphorus are two solid phases; so are ice atid salt; while sodium sulphate decahydrate is only a single phase. The statement that ‘‘the degrees of freedom are two less than the difference between the number of phases and the number of components” does not sound like a very important one. I can remember the time when I thought that people made a good deal of unnecessary fuss over the phase rule. It: ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL 41 seemed to me an interesting mathematical relation but noth- ing more. That was ten years ago, Today, I am willing to say that the phase rule offers the rational basis for the classt- fication of phenomena in inorganic chemistry and that it is perhaps the most valuable instrument of research that we possess. In view of the fact that probably ninety-nine per - cent of the inorganic chemists make no use of the phase rule, these may seem rather bold statements. I am going to try to justify them. We will consider the phase rule first as a basis of classification and then as an instrument of research. There are two criteria by which we may judge a method of classification. It must cover the whole ground and the divis- ions must be rational and not arbitrary. Our first division of ’ the subject is by components. We consider separately sys- tems composed of one, two, three, four or:more components. Under each of these divisions we make further sub-heads depending on the number of phases. Thus under one-com- ponent systems we should take up first one-phase systems and should discuss the general and specific properties and characteristics of gases, liquids and solids. ‘When consider- ing the specific properties of specific substances, these sub- _ stances can be taken in an order based on the Periodic Law. In the one-phase one-component systems and in all the other divisions we can arrange our material, in so far asis desirable, according to the Periodic Law. Under two-phase one-com- ponent systems, we classify liquid and vapor or boiling-point phenomena, solid and vapor or sublimation phenomena, liquid and solid or freezing-point phenomena, solid and solid or allo- tropic phenomena. Under three phases we describe such phe- nomena as the freezing-point of water, the equilibrium between monoclinic sulphur, rhombic sulphur and vapor or melt. Under this same heading comes the general question of monotropic and enantiotropic forms. .While chemical act- ion appears to be excluded in one-component systems, such polymerized vapors as acetic acid, sulphur and nitrogen diox- ide introduce changes involving the law of definite and multi- 42 ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL ple proportions, and form an introduction to two-component ‘systems. Under two-component one-phase systems we have mixtures of indifferent gases, dissociation of gases, mixtures of liquids with and without formation of compounds, solid solutions. With solid and vapor we can have a dissociating solid com- pound, or a compound existing in the vapor only, such as the oxides of carbon in equilibrium with carbon, or nickel car- bonyl. Under solution and vapor we get Henry’s law, the law of van’t Hoff and Raoult, the phenomena of osmotic pressure, all boiling-point phenoma and the theory of electro- lytic dissociation. ‘The other cases of two-phase equilibria involve solubility under pressure. With three phases we have the dissociation pressures of compounds such as hydrated salts, calcium carbonate, etc.; solubility relations, freezing- point determinations, etc.; while with four phases we get the characteristic properties of the quadruple point. With three components we get more of the characteristic reactions of chemistry. The reaction between carbon monox- ide and water belongs under the heading of vapor phase; the formation of esters in organic chemistry is referred to systems involving a liquid phase; the solubility of gases in solutions belongs under two phases, liquid and vapor. With three com- ponents and three phases, we get the precipitation of a salt by another salt or by a liquid, the conditions of existence of double salts, the blast-furnace reactions, the reduction of chlorides or sulphides by hydrogen, the facts in regard to shaking out, many of the facts concerning dyeing, fractional crystallization, occlusion, theory of indicators, etc. With four components we get the solubility changes with two salts having no ion in common, fractional precipitation and also many cases of fractional crystallization. A very large number of chemical reactions involve only four compon- ents and therefore come in here. It will probably seem as though I have laid more stress on physical chemistry than on inorganic chemistry. This is how- : ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL 43 ever more apparent than real. Inorganic chemistry, as a present practiced, consists chiefly in the preparation and study of certain compounds, and to a lesser extent in the study of reactions, usually a qualitative study. In so far as we are dealing with single substances, all that is inorganic chemistry as well as much more finds its place under one-component sys- tems. The preparation of compounds involves phase separa- tion by definition and is therefore included under what 1s called physical chemistry. The study of reactions 1s physical chemistry pure and simple. In fact, inorganic chemistry 1s merely one part of what should be called chemistry, but which unfortunately is called physical chemistry. I quite appreciate that many people take physical chemistry to mean the theory of dilute solutions. That is a very vatural mis- take which is made even by some who call themselves physical chemists, If one accepts my definition of physical chemistry as the science of chemistry, it is clear that it includes inor- ganic chemistry and that it includes very much more than the theory of dilute solutions. I have tried to show that the phase rule offers asatislactory basis for the classification of practically all the phenomena of inorganic chemistry. For the present, we cannot include much of organic chemistry any more than we can include potassium chlorate, because we are dealing with passive resis- tances to change in tlrese cases. I look upon this as a tein- porary limitation and I have hopes that some day it will be possible to present organic chemistry as a system made up. of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen as the independently variable components, The recent work of Sabatier and Senderens on the catalytic action of nickel and copper makes the applica- tion of the phase rule to organic chemistry a problem of today; but the work has not yet been done and for that reason I have discussed the phase rule only in its bearing on the classifica- tion of inorganic chemistry. It is now in order to ask what use the phase rule has been and will be in promoting research. 44 ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL We will start with an apparently complicated case of solu- tions containing three or more components. Here the phase rule has brought order out of chaos. It is merely a question of time to determine the conditions of existence for all the possible compounds or solid solutions. The experiments of ‘van’t Hoff on the Stassfurt deposits have shown what the composition of the original sea was, why the salts have come down as they have, and even the temperature at which the water was evaporated. His work has furnisned the scientific explanation for the methods of separation worked out empiri- cally at Stassfurt and led to new methods. There are today many chemists who throw up their hands in despair when they encounter a double salt which cannot be recrystallized without change and yet this is a very simple problem with the phase rule to guide one. The pbase rule enables us to tell whether a given solid is a mixture, com- pound or solid solution. When we reflect on the number of imaginary double salts and basic salts which encumber the literature, we see how sorely such a criterion has been needed in the past. We are now able to attack the problems of frac- tional crystallization and precipitation in a rational manner. Today new methods of separating rare earths are coming into use; but, in the past, it has been largely a matter of fractional crystallization and of fractional precipitation. These methods have been slow and not-very certain; but how much of that is due to the man and how much to the method? How many of those who have worked with rare earths could take such a relatively simple problem as to separate NaCl and KCl by fractional crystallization, getting the whole of each pure? If one cannot do that, why should one expect to make rapid headway in the separation of an unknown number of unknown substances, which may or may not crystallize to- gether as compounds or solid solutions? Here is a simple instance of the confusion which may easily arise. If one takes a certain solution of copper chloride, potassium chloride and water, cool it to a certain temperature and filter, there ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL 45 will be left on the filter the redsalt KCICuCl,. If the solution is cooled to a slightly lower temperature before filtering, the crystals will be a mixture of the red salt and a vreen salt CuCl,.2KC1.2H,O. If the filtration had taken place ata still lower temperature, the precipitate would have been the green salt alone. That is confusing enough but it is not all. If’ the red salt is washed with water, the green salt is formed -while cupric chloride will go into solution. If the green salt is washed with water, a white salt, KCl, isleft behind. This is bad enough when the three salts are colored differently; but it is nothing to the difficulties that would beset a man if the salts were all colorless, had the same properties, and could be distinguished chiefly by their unknown atomic weights. This is not mere fancy. I could cite an instance in which two distinguished chemists analyzed what was in all proba- bility a mixture of two salts, believing it to be homogeneous. They were thus led to assume the existence of two new ele- ments, the presence of which could not be shown in any other way. The whole question of alloys has been put on a rational basis by means of the phase rule. Roozeboom has outlined the methods for studying iron and steel; Heycock and Neville have cleared up the question of the bronzes. We can now distinguish in a way tbat we uever could have done before between states of hysteresis and states of equilibrium. When we eliminate hysteresis, the densities of alloys vary with the composition just as they should. It seems not unreasonable to hope that the tensile strength and other engineering prop- erties of annealed alloys will also vary regularly with the per- _ centage composition. The experience we have gained with salt solutions and with fused alloys will stand us in good stead when we come to consider fused magmas. I feei cer- tain that many of the problems of geology can be solved only by an intelligent application of the phase rule. Recently some people have tried to make certain minerals synthetically by fusing together the components in the proportions in 46 ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL which they occur in the mineral. This can be successful only in case the chilled meit is annealed thoroughly. Merely allowing the melt to cool will not give the desired result. Another matter in which the phase rule has been of great value is in analysis in cases where a pure compound cannot be isolated. Under these circumstances, the ordinary methods of gravimetric and volumetric analysis are inapplicable. By methods based on the phase rule, it has been possible to deter- mine with accuracy the composition of compounds crystalliz- ing from a molten mass of metal. Analyses of efflorescent salts containing water or acid of crystallization are necessarily inaccurate because there is no way of drying the compounds enough to remove all the mother liquor without running the danger of removing some of the volatile component. By the new methods this difficulty no longer exists because the compound can now be aualyzed while in the solution. As yet no one has applied these methods to the analysis of colloidal precipitates, but there seems to be no reason to sup- pose that this cannot be done. The methods of the phase rule have already been used with success in determining the composition of hydrated beryllium sulphate. The whole question of colloidal precipitates has taken on a new aspect since van Bemmelen began the study of the equilibrium rela- tions with reference to the phase rule. No matter where one turns, in the whole field of inorganic chemistry, one finds the phase rule useful as an instrument of research. This has come about in the last few vears and ts but an earnest of what is to be done in the future. When the domain of the phase rule has been extended to cover the whole of organic chemistry and of electrochemistry, ‘every one will then admit the truth of my theses ‘‘that the phase rule offers the rational basis for the classification of all chem- ical phenomena and that it is perhaps the most valuable in- strument of research that we possess,” EAST AMERICAN THORNS.* | ;GRARY NEW YORK BOTANICAL TOMENTOSAE. GARDEN W. W. ASHE. CRATAEGUS OBESA. A slender narrow crowned tree, seldom exceeding 4m in height, with nearly black scaly bark on the armed trunk and slender orange or russet pubescent twigs sparingly armed with short 2-3 cm-long thorns. Leaves broadly ovate or nearly orbicular, 7-10cm long, 5-7 cm wide, rounded or broadly cuneate at base, with many pairs of short ascending notches above the middle, dark green above, paler and tomentose beneath, petioles margined above. Flowers, appearing usually the first week in June in large compound tomentose corymbs, are about 16 mm wide; stamens small, 20. Fruit, borne in large compound clusters, ripening in September and falling after the leaves, is globose or slightly oblong, 8-9 mm thick, scarlet, often capped by the very small narrow reflexed lobes, or the lobes and tube projection decidu- ous; fleshy pulpy, seed usually 2, hemispherical. St. Louis County, Missouri. Dr. N. M. Glatfelter. Appar- ently frequent in eastern Missouri. TENUIFOLIAE. CRATAEGUS UBER. A slender tree 3-6m high with thin gray scaly bark on the trunk, and slender dull chestnut twigs sparingly armed with 3-6 cm-long thorns. Leaves thin, glab- rous, ovate or oval, 5-6 cm long, 4-6 cm wide, rounded or nar- rowed at the broad, often oblique base, several pairs of short acute ascending lobes from near the base; petiole slender, 3-4cm long. Flowers, appearing about the 20th of May in small loose compound many-flowered pubescent corymbs, are about 20mm wide; stamens 5-8, usually 5, anthers purple. Fruit, borne in small compound clusters on long slender * Issued June 15, 1904. 48 ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL drooping pedicels, ripening late in September and falling - with and before the leaves, is oblong, 14-18 mm long, 12-15 mm thick, full and rounded at the ends, dark dull red, mottled with orange at apex, capped by the long narrow brown spreading or ascending lobes which are finely and sharply serrate above the middle; flesh firm, white, juicy and sweet, seed 4-5, 7-8 inm long, narrowed at base, the face narrow. Summerville, St. Clair Co., Mich. W. W. Ashe, Oct., 1902; C. K. Dodge and W. W. Ashe, Oct. 1903; C. K. Dodge, May, 1903: ; CRATAEGUS .PERLEVIS. A shrub seldom 3m high, with ascending branches and purple-brown twigs, armed with numerous 2—5cm-long thorns. Mature leaves glabrous, pale green, thin but firm, broadly to narrowly ovate, 3-5 cm long, 2.5-5 cm wide, rounded at the broad base, 3 to 4 pairs of short acute lobes, sharply and finely serrate; petiole short but slender. Flowers, appearing the middle of May in glabrous, many-flowered compound corymbs, are about 15 mm wide; stamens 8-10: anthers light red-purple. Fruit, ripening late in September and falling in September and October with and | after the leaves, borne in small compound or simple clusters on very slender, rather long pedicels, is pyriform, obovate or rarely oblong, 11-13 mm long, 8-12 mm thick, dark dull red or scarlet, the apex usually much blotched with orange or russet, the narrow entire glabrous lobes short-stalked and appressed, Berks County, Pennsylvania. Sept., 1901, W. W, Ashe; May and Sept., 1902, May and Sept., 1903, C. L. Gruber; W. W. Ashe, Sept., 1903. CrRATAEGUS OTIOSA. A much branched shrub 3 m in height with a large spreading crown, and slender glabrous, dull red-brown twigs sparingly armed with 2 cm long thorns. Leaves glabrous, rather firm, broadly oval to ovate, the blades 4-6 cm lone, 3.5-5 cm wide, truncate to broadly cuneate at base, sharply doubly serrate; many pairs of short broad ascending lobes from near the base; petiole slender, 2-3.5 es Oo eS ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL 49 cm long. Flowers, appearing the last of May in large loose compound many-flowered glabrous ciusters, are about 16 mm wide, stamens 5-8. Fruit, borne in loose compound many- fruited pendent clusters, ripening from the first to the middle of October, is oblong, 11-13 mm long, 8-10 mm thick, russet or at length scarlet, the flesh firm, white and juicy; lobes natrow, entire, reflexed or deciduous, seed 3 or 4, small. Summerville, St. Clair County, Michigan; W. W. Ashe and C. K. Dodge, September, 1902, and October, 1903; C. K. Dodge, May and September, 1903. CRATAEGUS RETRUSA. A shrubby tree seldom more than 4m in height with slender chestnut twigs and stout 2—4 cm- long slender ascending thorns. Leaves thin, glabrous, ovate or broadly ovate, 4-6 cm long, 3.5-—4.5 cm wide, rounded or broadly cuneate at base, with several pairs of short broad notch- es, finely doubly serrate. The flowers, appearing about the 20th of May in loose glabrous compound many-flowered clusters, are about 22 mm wide; stamens 5-7, anthers pale purple. Fruit, borne in loose few-fruited slightly compound long-ped- iceled clusters and ripening late in September, is oblong or usually obovate, full and rounded at the ends, 13-15 mm long, 12-14 mm thick, orange-scarlet, often mottled with orange at apex, capped by the erect fleshy bases of the lobes; flesh thick, sweet, orange; seed 3-4, thick and coarse, grooved on back, about 7 mm long. Summerville, St. Clair County, Michigan, where very com- mon. C..K. Dodge and W. W. Ashe, Sept., 1902; Oct., 1903; Cake Dodge, May, 1903, Sept., 1903. CRATAEGUS GRAVIS. A tree 6-7 m high with thorny scaly bark on the trunk, ascending fluted gray branches, and’stout dull chestnut glabrous twigs, freely armed with stout 3-4 cm- long slightly recurved thorns. Leaves thick, firm, bright green, pubescent above when young, otherwise glabrous, ovate to nearly orbicular, 3-5 cm long, 2.5—5 cm wide, rounded . or obtuse at base, finely and obtusely doubly serrate, several pairs of very shallow notches, turning dull yellow or brown 50 ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL and falling in October. Flowers, appearing the last week in May in small loose slightly compound glabrous clusters, are about 20 mm wide; stamens 10, seldom 5-10, anthers rose- purple. Fruit, borne in small nearly simple clusters on rather long spreading pedicels and ripening in October, is slightly oblong, 8-10 mm long and 7-9 mm thick, flattened at the ends, dark red or crimson, seldom with orange spots at apex, capped by the closely sessile appressed lanceolate entire lobes, which are often appressed pubescent above; flesh firm, sweet, juicy, pale yellow; seed 4-5, small, 5-6 mm long, sometimes grooved on the back. Port Huron, Michigan: common. W. W. Ashe and C. K. Dodge, September, 1902, October, 1903; C. K. Dodge, May and September, 1902, and 1903. CRATAEGUS SEQUAX. Arborescent, 4 min height, with a round crown of ascending flexuous branches; the purplish- brown usually glabrous twigs armed with many 1-5 cm-long rather stout thorns. Leaves soon nearly or quite glabrous, firm, deltoid, broadly ovate or ovate, 3-6 cm long, 2.7-5.5 cm — wide, rounded or truncate at the base, usually 3-4 short acute lobes, sharply serrate, petiole slender, rarely puberulent. Flowers, appearing the second week in May in small compact slightly compound cymes, are about 20 mm wide; stamens 5-10, frequently 8, anthers purple. Fruit, ripening the last of September and falling with and after the leaves and borne in short compact usually simple clusters, is globose or sub- globose 12-15 mm long and thick, dark red or crimson, often blotched with green or russet at the apex, the narrow suben- tire lobes spreading, reflexed or ascending. C. L. Gruber and W. W. Ashe, Berks county, Pa. CRATAEGUS VITTATA. Arborescent, 4-5 m high, with rather stout red-brown glabrous twigs sparingly armed with 5-6 cm-long stout thorns. Leaves ample, thin, firm, soon glab- rous, broadly oval, the blades 5-7 cm long, 5-6 cm wide, rounded or truncate at the broad base, abruptly acute at apex, . 3-4 pairs of broad short lobes; petioles very slender, 2.54 ELISHA MITCHELL. SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL 51 emjong. Flowers, appearing the first week in May in glab- rous simple or compound compact corymbs, are from 15-20 mm wide; stamens 5-10, usually 8-10;.anthers bright red- purple. Fruit, ripening early in September and gradually falling before the leaves, borne in simple few-fruited clusters on slender 1-2 cm-long pedicels, is subglobose or short cylin- drous, 14-18 mm thick and long, red scarlet blotched with olive or russet, sparingly glaucous, capped with the narrow glabrous entire or serrulate spreading or erect lobes; flesh soft, thick, edible, acid, orange, often tinged with pink; seed 3-4, 6-8 mm long, deeply grooved on the back. 3 Pennsylvania, Berks county, frequent. W. W. Ashe and Cy L. Gruber, Sept., 1902, and Sept., 1903; C. L. Gruber May and Sept., 1902, and May, June and Sept., 1903. CRATAEGUS MINIATA. A shrub 2-3 min height with ascend- ing branches, with dark brown glabrous slender twigs armed with 3-4-cm long slender thorns. Leaves thin, glabrous, dark green, oval or broadly oval, 4-6 cm long, 3-5.cm wide, rounded at the usually broad base, abruptly acuminate at apex, 4-6 pairs of very short lobes beginning tear the base. Flowers, appearing about the middle of May in glabrous com- pound rather small corymbs, are about 15 mm wide; stamens 5-10, usually 8; authers pink. Fruit, borne in small compact usually compound clusters, ripening early in September and falling with the leaves, is oblong, 12-14 mm long, 9-13 mm thick, scarlet, sometimes spotted with olive or russet at the apex, glossy, capped with the small glabrous narrow entire reflexed or spreading lobes, or lobes deciduous; flesh yellow or pinkish; seed 2-3, 6-7 mm long, grooved on the back. Penusylvania, Berks county. C. L. Gruber and W. W. Ashe. CRATAEGUS RUFiPES. A shrub about 2m in height with glossy slender purplish-red @labrous nearly straight twigs, armed with numerous 2-4 cm-long thorns. Leaves thin but firm, bright green, lucid, when young silky, pubescent above, but at length glabrous, the blades ovate to oblong ovate, 5-7 52 ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL cm long, 4-6 cm wide, rounded, rarely truncate or acute at base, acuminate at apex, 4-7 short very acute lobes beginning near the broud ‘base; petiole stout, usually margined and glandular, purplish, as is the midrib. Flowers, appearing about the middle of Mzy in mauy 6-—20-flowered compound or simple glabrous corymbs are about 15 mm wide; stamens 5-8, anthers dark rose. Fruit, borne in small simple or compound clusters, ripening about the middle of September, is oblong, 12-14 mm jong, 9-11 mm thick, scarlet frequently mottled with green or russet at the apex; the linear subentire nearly glabrous lobes reflexed; flesh soft, orange or reddish; seed 2-3, 6-7 mm long, 2—4 shallow grooves on back. Pennsylvania, Berks county. C. L. Gruber and W. W. Ashe, Sept., 1903, C. L. Gruber, May and July, 1903. CRATAEGUS MULTIFIDA. A shrub 1-2 m in height, with slender slightly zigzag red-brown glabrous twigs, sparingly armed with 4-7 cm-long thorns. The leaves are thin, firm, bright» green, soon glabrous, broadly ovate in outline, the blades 4-5.5 cm wide, acuminate at apex, round or cordate, seldom obtuse at the broad base, 3—5 pairs of deep acuminate lobes, the lower pair spreading and with reflexed tips, sharply serrate or doubly serrate. Flowers, appearing the last week in May in rather small compact slightly compound glabrous corymbs, are about 15 mm wide; stamens usually 10. Fruit, borne in small compact compound drooping clusters, ripening late in September and falling with and after the leaves, is oblong, 11-14 mm long, 9-11 mm thick, rounded at the ends, crimson, capped by the closely sessile appressed, narrowly triangular usually entire lobes; flesh yellow, soft and pulpy, seed 4-5 mm, 6-7 mm long. Sandy soil near the St. Clair River, Port Huron, Mich. W. W. Ashe, and C. K. Dodge, September 1902; Cre Dodge May 1902, May and September 1903. CRATAEGUS TENERA. Arboresceut in habit, about 3 m high, with rather short spreading branches; twigs red-brown, freely armed with short rather stout 2-3 cm-loug ascending thorns, ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL 58 Leaves glabrous, thin, ovate or broadly ovate, the blades 3-5 cm long, rounded or truncate at the broad serrate base, 3-4 pairs of short acute lobes, finely and sharply serrate. Inflor- escence a many-flowered very compound glabrous drooping corymh; stamens small, usually 5-8. Fruit, borne in large compact compound drooping clusters, is oblong, 11-13 mm long, 9-10 mm thick, brightscarlet, sparingly pruinose, ripeus about the the first of October and at once falls; lobes very long and narrow, usually entire, spreading, or are with decid- uous tips and keeled base; flesh thick, pale yellow, white or pink, at length soft and pulpy, seed 3, rounded on the slightly grooved back, small, 5-6 mm long. Sandusky, Ohio; E. Mosely and W. W. Ashe. CRATAEGUS MARCIDA. Arborescent, 3-4 m high, with hori- zontal branches, and red-brown ylabrous sparingly armed twigs. Leaves thick, firm, dark green and lucid above, gla- brous, ovate, narrowed to the acute point from the broad rounded base, few shallow lobes, sharply doubly serrate, 4-6 em long, the lower pairs of thin veins, arched. Inflorescence a large compound many-flowered glabrous corymb; stamens 10. Fruit, borne in large loose compound drooping corymbs, is | depressed globose, 13-15 mm thick, 11-12 mm long, dark crimson with green apex, glaucous, lobes sub-entire, spread- ing from a broad base; flesh deep orange, firm and juicy; seed usually 4, shallow groved on the back. Ohio: Leverettsburg, W. W. Ashe; Sandusky, E Mosely and W. W. Ashe; Garrettsville, R. J. Webb and W. W. Ashe. This beautiful thorn will probably prove to be common throughout Northern Ohio. CRATAEGUS PROPINQUA. Arborescent in habit, 2-3 m high, branches slender, spreading, twigs slender, glabrous, red- brown, armed with slender 3-4 cm-long thorns. Leaves gla- brous, thin but firm, light green, broadiy ovate or rhombic, rounded or cuneate at the subentire base, the blades 3-5 cm long, very few shallow ascending lobes and deeply impressed straight ascending primary veins; sharply doubly serrate. 54 ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL Inflorescence a 5-10-flowered slightly compound glabrous corymb; stamens 10. Fruit, borne in simple few-fruited clusters, is globose, 12-13 mm thick, green, russet and dull red, capped by the narrowly triangular, ascending, dry, sub- entire lobes; flesh pale yellow, firm; seed usually 3, 7-8 mm long, with shallow furrows on the broad rounded back. Hillsides, Milan, Ohio. While this plant has characters which ally it to the Pruinosae, as is the case also with the preceding, it is probably best placed with the Tenuifoliae. PRUINOSAE. CRATAEGUS INGRATA. A bushy tree, 3-5 m in height, with red-brown twigs, occasionally slightly pubescent the first spring, but glabrous by fall, armed with numerous short 2-4 cm-long stout thorns. Leaves thin, pale green, pubescent below, especially on the viens, when young, ovate or broadly ovate, the blades 5-9 cm long, lobed above the middle with few very short teeth, rounded at the base, sharply serrate, petiole slender, pubescent, 3-4 cm long. Flowers, appearing about May 18th, in nearly simple 5-10-flowered, pubescent corymbs, are about 18 mm wide; stamens: 20, anthers white. Fruit, borne in simple clusters on slender 2-3 cm-long pedicels, is subylobose, 12-14 mm thick, dullred; tube slightly project- ing, the narrow lobes reflexed or dccider ae: seed 3-5, the large ones ridged on the back, 7-8 mm long, narrowed at the base. Near Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. J. A. Shafer, May 18, and October 26, 1902. J. A. Shafer and W. W. Ashe, September, 1901. CRATAEGUS SITIENS. A _ stoloniferous shrub, seldom arbor- escent, forming thickets 2-4 m in height with thorny nearly black scaly bark and very slender brown-purple geniculate twigs, fully armed with slender 3-4 cm-long thorns. Leaves glabrous, thin, broadly ovate, truncate or rounded at the very broad base, 3-5 cm long and wide, with many pairs of deep lobes above the base, coarsely serrate. Petioles slender, 2-3 ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL 55 emlong. The flowers, appearing about May 20th in simple glabrous, 3-5-flowered cymes, are about 24 mm wide; stamens 20, anthers purple. The fruit, solitary or in few-fruited clus- ters on strict slender 1.5 to 2 cm-long pedicels, is obovate, 12-14 mmm thick, ereen mottled with russet; cavity very broad, the short broad entire lobes reflexed; the tube long projecting or often deciduous; flesh hard and green, seed 4-5, small, 6 mm long, lateral faces broad and flat. St. Clair County, Michigan. Not common. W. W. Ashe and C. K. Dodge, Oct., 1902; C. K. Dodge May 23, 1903, Oct., 1903. BOYNTONIANAE. CRATAEGUS RESES. A many-stemmed shrub, forming thick- ets about 2 m high, the rather stout chesnut twigs glabrous, and like the stems almost unarmed. Leaves glabrous, thick, soft, very dark green above, very pale beneath, the blades elliptic or ovate or oblong ovate, 6-9 cm long, 4-6 cm wide, gradually narrowed’ from near the middle to the narrow rounded base, crenate, 2-3 pairs of short broad obtuse notches above the middle, turning red bronze or yellow and falling late in autumn; petiole short and stout, winged above. Flow- ers appear about the middle of May in simple long-pedicelled glabrous 5-10-flowered cymes; stamens 10; anthers cream. Fruit ripening in October and falling largely after the leaves, borne in 1-5 fruited clusters, on long stout, often strict pedi- cels, is subglobose, usually slightly narrowed at the base, 13-16 mm thick, dark red mottled with russet or green, dull and glaucous, or giossy, capped by the oblong, coarsely glan- dulaI serrate glabrous lobes borne on the projecting tube, or. often lobes deciduous; flesh firm, orange or reddish, bitter; seed usually 4-5, 7-8 mm long, shallow 1-3 grooved on the back. Pennsylvania, Berks County: C. L. Gruber and W. W. Ashe, Sept., 1903; C. L. Gruber, May, 1903. Ie, rf 2 56 ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL AMARAE. CRATAEGUS OLipA. A flat bushy tree 5 m in height, with glabrous bright purple-brown twigs armed with numerous slender 4-5 cm-long darker tiiorns. Leaves glabrous, thick and ‘firm, the blades 4-6 cm long, ovate, obovate or nearly orbicu- lar, 2-3 pairs of shallow lobes above the middle, obtusely serrate nearly to the base; petiole stout, J.5-2 cm long, broad- ly margined and glandular. The flowers are borne in 5-12 flowered glabrous compound strict corymbs; stamens normally 10, filaments stout, 5-6 mm long, lobes narrowly triangular, subentire, reflexed after anthesis. Fruit, falling after the leaves, and borne in slightly compound clusters, is obovate or pyriform, 15-19 mm long, 14-16 mm thick, golden yellow; flesh yellow, firm, slightly bitter; seed 2-4, usually 3, 7-8 mm long, thick and coarse, the broad back grooved. J. A. Shafer, May 30 and Nov. 9, 1902; Pyler Falls, Penn- sylvania. ae a iy INACTIVE THORIUM.* FRITZ ZERBAN, PH.D., (CARNEGIE RESEARCH ASSISTANT). It was soon. after the discovery of the well-known X-rays by Roentgen, that Becquerel, in Paris, observed that remark- able property of Uranium potassium sulphate by which it affected the photographic plate through light-tight black paper, when the sun shone on the salt. At first he thought that this action was brought about by the fluorescence of the Uranium salt, but very soon discovered that nonfluorescent Uranium compounds and the metal itself effected the same action, and that the concurrence of the sun’s rays was not necessary,-the aforementioned phenomenon appearing also in a thoroughly dark room. He called this peculiar property of the Uranium ‘‘radioactivity”, and for the rays, which produce the blackening of the photographic plate, the name of ‘‘Bec- querel rays” was adopted. It was shown then that the Uran- ium compounds had still another remarkable property, namely of diminishing the conductivity of the air for electricity, so that a charged electroscope loses its charge more rapidly than usual, if a Uranium compound is brought near it. Thirdly, the Becquerel rays excite, like the X-rays, the fluorescence of a Barium platinocyanide screen. Three methods for testing the radioactivity of bodies were thus acquired and. different investigators discovered, besides the Uranium, some other radioactive substances. Mr. and Mrs. Curie found in Pitchblende two such bodies;. Polonium, which is similar to Bismuth, and Radium, which soon brought to its discoverers great fame all over the world. The Radium occurs with Barium, and is separated from it by very laborious and protracted operations. _As Radium is the most strongly * Read before the North Carolina Academy of Science, Wake Forest Meeting, May 4th, 1904, 58 ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL radioactive body, one can show with its salts in the best man- ner the action of the Becquerel rays. According to the investigations of Rutherford and his col- laborators, the different actions of the radioactive bodies are not caused by one kind of rays, but.by different ones. The rays which cause the discharge of the electroscope he called a-tays. ‘They are easily absorbed by different substances and only slightly deflected by a magnet. The B-rays on the other hand produce chiefly the photo- graphic action, even penetrating thin metal sheets, wood, and so on, and are deviated easily in a magnetic field. Rutherford found also a third kind of rays, the y-rays, the source of which is not clearly defined. Perhaps these, according to the sug- gestion of Dr. Baskerville, are derived from the f-rays, as the Roentgen rays arise from the cathode rays. acid. 12. AgCl found 0.1732, Temp. 30; excess AgNO. 0.2399; acidity, 20.4cc. sti acid. 2 ‘ 14. AgCl found 0.1800, Temp. 78; excess AgNO, 0.2183; acidity 25.6cc. > acid. 18. AgCl found 0.1754, Temp. 60; excess AgNO, 0.0171; acidity 25.6cc. a acid. There were twenty-five determinations carried out, all giv- © ing too high results, as may be seen from the figures given. © By another series of experiments carried out at thirty degrees — with rapid filtration, it was found that the results in general agreed with the theoretical. But the conditions were very hard to attain. | We now returned to our thorium and made a series of exper- iments to determine the chlorine of the tetrachloride. But the results were not concordant, which fact was explained by finding that even aldehyde-free alcohol decomposes silver nitrate, causing finely divided silver to deposit. Of course this method was immediately abandoned. Now once again we turned our attention to determining the 2 4 < evaporation of the chloride solution and the subsequent igni- tion of the residue to the oxide. But noting that the hard ' glass tube, in which the chloride was formed, seemed to be ) attacked by the chlorine at the temperature required for the 4 formation of the chloride, it seemed possible that the disa- ' greement of our values might be due to the formation of other _ chlorides from the glass. A series of experiments confirmed _this view that the glass was causing a contamination of our thorium compound. Hence we set about to eliminate this trouble. Quartz tubes were imported especially for the work. These } were about 2 cm. in diameter and 25 cm. long. In one end of one of these was placed the carbon boat with the mixture of carbon and thorium oxide, and the whole inserted in a porce- lain tube and placed in the furnace. The porcelain tube was heated while a stream of dry chlorine was passed through. The ‘‘Weisser-dampf{” settled on the walls of the porcelain For weighing the chloride, special weighing bottles, 39 cm. _ long, were obtained. Into one of these the quartz tube was " quickly inserted on withdrawing it from the porcelain tube, _ and after removing the carbon boat. A second weighing bot- _ tle was used as counter-poise. The solution of the chloride was evaporated and the final ignition to constant weight was _ the same as when the glass tubes were used. ‘The water used for the solution of the chloride was purified by redistillation ina platinum still. The quartz tubes also showed signs of attack by the chlo- Tine.at the high temperature used, and so the oxide, after becoming constant in weight, was treated with hydrofluoric acid and the loss in weight, usually very small, applied as a _ correction to the weights of both the chloride and oxide. Using every precaution in the work we still failed of con- _ Stant values, most of them falling between 221 and 230; yet 54 JouRNAL oF THE Mircuett Socrery. [March some came lower and some higher than those values. The crystals that seemed to be purest gave values within the lim- ~ its named. From the inability to obtain a constant value, it © seemed that the crystals of chloride must be contaminated. It will be remembered that the crystals of chloride were the mid- dle portion in the formation of the chloride: that is, a light — ‘‘Weisser-dampf” passed to and condensed on the front of the — tube, just beyond the boat were the crystals of the chloride — used for the work, and there still remained a residue, mixed with the carbon in the boat, that could not be volatilized. In — other words, by distilling thorium oxide in chlorine, three fractions were obtained. After the first distillation was performed, a determination — of the equivalent of each of the end products was made by the © sulphate method. The following results were obtained: Oxide from non-volatile part. sulphate. At. Wt. 1.636725 gm. 2.595223 241.44. Oxide from most volatile. 0.794692 1.309245 212.70. As the complexity of thorium had been indicated by Basker- — ville and the name ‘‘Carolinium” proposed for the heavier ele- — ment, we have applied the name of Carolinium to the heaviest — portion. For the lightest the name ‘‘Berzelium” was used, — and Thorium for the middle portion. After the redistillation of our carolinium, thorium and ber- — zelium fractions three times, a determination of the atomic weight of each was made by the sulphate method. Inchang- ~ ing the oxide into sulphate, sulphuric acid (1:1) was used. This was then carefully evaporated. The berzelium seemed _to be rapidly changed; but the thorium and carolinium were more persistent, requiring about four evaporations. In every case sulphuric acid was added and evaporated at least four times, to be sure that all the oxide was converted into sul- phate. The carolinium sulphate was perfectly soluble in 190: J Davis—Atomic WEIGHT OF THORIUM. 55 _ water, thus showing that all the oxide had been converted into sulphate. Two determinations of each, carolinium, thorium and ber- zelium were run at the same time and subjected to the same conditions as nearly as possible. The sulphate of each was heated at 350°C. to constant weight. The platinum bath already described was used and also some large porcelain _ crucibles with a platinum ring suspended in the center to hold _ the crucibles. ‘The crucible with the sulphate was placed onthis ring, the large crucible covered with a punctured _ clock glass, and a thermometer suspended through the hole _ in the glass just above the sulphate inside the small crucible containing it. The results obtained are given below. The oxides of the three fractions were different in appear- ance. The carolinium invariably was gray with pink tinge, the thorium slightly greenish, and the berzelium a little more pronounced green. ‘The sulphates of all are pure white when cold, but that of the thorium is yellow while hot. The following are the results from the determinations: (1) Carolinium. Oxide. Sulphate. At. Wt. 1.559290 2.434914 255.5 0.524254 0.819365 255.9 0.549331 0.854810 255.6 (2) Thorium. Oxide. Sulphate. At. Wt. 0.425456 0.694936 220.62. 0°740052 1.210405 220.1 (3) Berzelium. Oxide. Sulphate. At. Wt. 0.306778 0.507505 213.6 0.320618 0.530890 212.0 From this it seemed that we were accomplishing the sepa- ration of the thorium into three frabtieits of ee nt weights. The atomic weight of genuine thorium is fore not yet established. _ kerville not only for his sympathy and assistance in — but for the privilege of taking part in an investigation, whi has been so fruitful in its results. | ee University of North Carolina. a a a ces Sree ae — Nt ; Seat JOURNAL OF THE Ls ISHA MircHELL SCIENTIFIC SocieTy. JUNE, 1905 NO, 2 PROCEEDINGS OF THE FOURTH ANNUAL MERTING | a 4 aie OF THE _ NORTH CAROLINA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE HELD AT MAY '13,. 1905. a eeting called to order by President Stevens at 8:30 P. M., ut adjourned for informal conference during which a PN of | i matters were discussed. MAY 14,1905, ; Meeting called to order at 10 A. M. by President Stevens, : hi once appointed Messrs. C. S. Brimley and W. C. Upon proper presentation of names, Messrs. G. M. Bentley, a the North Carolina Department of Agriculture, at Raleigh, ys ay G. Boomhour, of the Baptist Female University also | Raleigh, were elected members. ‘he Academy then proceeded to the presentation of papers, whi rich were given in the following order: [Issued September 20th, 1905. ] 58 JouRNAL OF THE MITCHELL Society. [ June 1. ABNORMALITIES IN THE EMBRYO-SAC OF LILLIUM TIGRI- NUM: F. L. Stevens. Three abnormalities were noted. In one case the nucleus at the micropilar end of the embryo sac was undergoing constriction while in the spirem stage without any sigu of spindle formation. In another case five nuclei, three of these cut off by walls, were | in the antipodal end of the embryo sac. Another slide exhibited an excessively long nucleus in the © micropilar end of the embryo sac. No explanation © was offered. Slides showing the structures referred — to were exhibited to the Academy. . ley a & <0 @ =o 2. NoTeEs ON THE FoopD AND FEEDING-HABITS OF SOME ~ NortH AMERICAN REPTILES: C. S. Brimley. — Personal observation describing how a snake swallows an animal or egg apparently too large for such pro- — cess. Mentions the food upon which snakes, lizards — and turtles have been observed to feed. Describes © how a king snake kills another snake. ; 3. ON THE RECORDED DISTRIBUTION OF CERTAIN INJURIOUS InsEcTs In NortTH CAROLINA: F. Sherman, /r. Attention was called to the value of positive data con- — cerning the distribution of injurious insects determin- — ing the probable results of sporadic out-breaks andin- — forming the prospective planter or orchardist of the © pests to be encountered in any particular locality. — The Division of Entomology of the North Carolina Department of Agriculture has been keeping accurate records of all reported insect outbreaks for over four © years. Some species appear to be generally dis- tributed, others so meagrely recorded as to furnish no conclusions as yet, while still others show fairly : well-defined limits. , Notes and maps to illustrate distribution were given — as follows:—Chinch Bug occurs probably throughout the state east of the mountains, but most destructive in the piedmont section. Corn Sill-beetle, probably — occurs throughout eastern half of the state, but is — chiefly destructive along rivers and streams subject — to overflow in the eastern section. Oyster-shell Bark-louse, probably occurs throughout the moun- } ‘ * a 1905] ProcrEpincs N. C. Acapemy or SCIENCE. 59 tain and piedmont sections, but chiefly destructive in the mountains. San Jose Scale, occurs in various localities in all sections of the state and has been spread largely by shipment of infested plants, Strawberry Weevil, occurs in the strawberry-growing region in the southeast with questionable records for the counties of Wilson, Richmond, and Buncombe. 4, A New APPLE-TREE DISEASE. fF. L. Stevens. A disease designated as scurf was described. It is an infection of the bark on young twigs, causing a wrinkling and cracking, somewhat resembling the San José scale in appearance. The fungus causing this disease was exhibited in pure plate and tub cul- ture before the Academy. Inoculation experiments are in progress, and a canvas of the state is being made in order to determine the extent of distribution and seriousness of the disease. Remainder of the papers were withheld to be read at the Joint Session with the North Carolina Section of the Ameri- can Chemical Society. The Academy then proceeded with the business of the regular business meeting and upon report of the nominating committee and by ballot the following officers for the next year were elected: President, Pror. Jno. F. LANNEAU, Wake Forest. Vice-President, Dr. Tarr ButLER, Dept. Agr. Raleigh. Secretary- Treasurer, Dr. F. L. Stevens, A. & M. College, West Raleigh. Executive Commitice:—Pror. Jno. F. LANNEAU, ex officio, Dr. F..L. STEVENS, Pror. COLLIER Coss, Chapel Hill; Mr. H. H. Brimixry, Dept. Agr., Raleigh; Mr. F. SHERMAN, Jr., Dept. Agr., Raleigh. At this point the members of the Chemical Society entered and the Academy proceeded to the business of the joint ses- Sion, at which the following papers were presented: 1. THe Screnck or Prant Parsorocy, (Presidential Address of President) 4. L. Stevens for the Academy, (Appears in full in this issue. ) 60 JOURNAL OF THE MrrcHELL Socrery. [ June 2. A New Cotor REACTION FOR LIGNOCELLULOSE: A. S. Wheeler. PHYSICS OF SHOOTING STARS: Jno. F. Lanneau. CORROSION OF IRON: R. O. FE. Davis. CONDENSED Form oF Fat ExTRACTOR AND ETHER RECOVERER: J. M. Prickel. 6. BuTrerFLIES OF RaLeicn, N. C.: C. S. Brimley. In this paper the number of species belonging to each of the families of butterflies was enumerated. Paper was illustrated by specimens prepared in Riker | mounts. af 7. A PHARMACIST’S VIEW OF PATENT MEDICINES: (summar- ized only) E.V. Howell. At the conclusion of this program President Williams of the Chemical Section announced the adjournment of both bodies to Giersch’s Café where a lunch was tendered the visi- tors by the Raleigh members of both organizations. FRANKLIN SHERMAN, JR., eetiring Secretary. THE SCIENCE OF PLANT. PATHOLOGY .* BY PROFESSOR FRANK LINCOLN STEVENS, PH.D., North Carolina College of Agriculture. From the time men first had interest in plants, knowledge of their imperfections or premature death has existed, with- out, however, definite conception that the imperfections in question really constitute a condition of disease. The Bible and the early writings of the Greeks and Romans contain references to what we now recognize as wheat rust, fig blight, insect galls and other of the more strikingly con- Spicuous plant ailments. Such references are more abundant in the literature of the seventeenth century, and in the latter - part of that and the eighteenth century a few papers giving careful descriptions of malformations due to insect invasion appeared. Even the law was invoked to aid in combating the wheat rust in France as early as 1660. Prior to the nine- teenth century, however, knowledge of plant diseases can hardly be said to consist of more than mere observation of the fact that such diseases occur, and the little real knowledge that did exist was swamped by rampant superstition. It is natural that the first attempts to explain imperfections were founded upon climatic and soil relations. Vestigial beliefs prevail to this day throughout the country among the untutored to the effect that the various blights, rusts, rots, _ mildews, etc., are cattsed solely by untoward conditions of weather, or the unpropitious position of celestial bodies or some other occult influence. The significance ef one great factor in the production of plant disease, namely the parasitic fungi, remained quite unrecognized until the second decade of the nineteenth cen- *Reprinted from The Popular Science Monthly, September, 1905. 1905) 61 62 STEVENS—SCIENCE OF PLant Paruotocy. [/une tury. Fungi had been seen upon the plant and had been described in some detail during the preceding decade, but instead of being recognized as casual agents of disease they were, as was the fate of bacteria in the case of animal dis- eases, by many regarded as products of disease. Before the study of plant diseases could be scientifically undertaken, the basic facts of plant nutrition were to be discovered, the para- sitic habit of the fungi proved, the minute anatomy of the plant disclosed. Epoch-making in the disclosure of these des- iderata, which may be said to have given birth to plant pathology as a science in the second decade of the nineteenth_ century were the investigations of the early Dutch, French, German and English botanists. Like bacteriology, plant pathology is an infant science of the last century, owing its being to the perfection of the microscope. In the last two decades of the last century, scientific effort concerned itself chiefly with accumulating knowledge con- cerning fungi and insects. Vast numbers of these were clas- sified, catalogued and described. In other words, the means of diagnosis were perfected and diseases were grouped into natural classes according to their casual agents. Attempts toward the development of methods of treatment by the use of various sprays were more or less effective. Indeed, spray- ing had been advocated to some slight extent for a century or more as a remedy for insect and other plant diseases. The variety of spraying substances ranged from clay, ashes and cow manure to sulphur, lime, salt, etc. One writer recom-. mended ‘‘The applying around the base of the tree; flax, rub- bish, sea weed, ashes, lime, sea shells, sea sand, mortar, clay, tanner’s bark, leather scraps, etc.”—evidently not a homeo- pathic prescription. The variety of substances recommended raises suspicion that the efficiency of no formula was demon- strated. In 1787 we find the heroic advice, ‘just wet the trees infested with lice, then rub flowers of sulphur upon the insects, and it will cause them all to burst.’ Some decided progress was, however, made. As early as 1842, a whale 7905] JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY. 63 soap was used and retained favor; quassi, hellebore and tobacco were standard insecticides as early as 1855, Sulphur was used for the mildews and bluestone for wheat smut. The last twenty years of the nineteenth century mark the beginning of a new epoch in plant protection. For this there are three reasons: first, the increased aggressiveness of a certain fungous disease, the grape mildew, in Europe; sec- ond, the rapid spread of the potato bug, somewhat pedanti- cally termed the Colorado beetle, and, third, resulting from these two, revolutionary changes in materials and methods for treating plant diseases, both fungous and insect, in the new world and in the old. It is a matter not entirely without interest that the revolution in European methods may be definitely traced to typical American aggressiveness, inas- much as the activity arousing fungus was of American importation. In Europe the invasion of the downy mildew of the grape in 1878 was unchecked by the most vigorous fungicides then used, All are familiar with the story of the great benefit conferred upon humanity through the predatory habits of the French boys in the vineyards that produce the famous Bor- deaux wines. The rows lying nearest the roadway were sprinkled with verdigris or a mixture of lime and bluestone, to give the impression that the fruit was poisoned. In 1882 Millardet, of the faculty of the sciences, noticed that the vines thus treated held their leaves while others succumbed to the mildew. He ascribed this effect to its proper cause, and conducted carefully systematized experiments, which resulted in giving to the world bouzlle bordelaise, Bordelaiser Bruhe, or Bordeaux mixture, a proved fungicide of great effi- ciency; one that has not yet been surpassed. In the new world the extension of the potatoe belt west- ward connected the eastern potato belt with the region of the native food plant of the familiar potato bug. Finding the potato plant a more abundant and wholesome food than the wild solonaceous plants that it had formerly fed upon, the “a 9 64 STEVENS—SCIENCE oF PLant Patuorocy. [/une — potato bug began its eastern migration. In 1859 it was found east of Omalfa City, in 1868 it had reached Illinois, in — 1870 Ontario, in 1872 New York and in 1874 it was upon the _ Atlantic seaboard. The potato bug ate ravenously and man ~ was stimulated to new activity in the search for more effec- — tive means to overcome insect pests. The use of Paris green — and London purple followed as a direct result of this stimu- 7 9 lus. . The development of efficient fungicides and insecticides in — Europe and America led naturally to the perfection of the © machines used in applying these mixtures, and not the least — important part played in the development of a practical plant ; pathology is concerned with the evolution of spraying machines. The first sprayer consisted of a bunch of switches. — This was dipped into the spraying mixture which was dis- — tributed over the foliage by vigorous shaking. It gave place 9 to an improved spraying broom or brush with hollow handle, the liquid flowing from a reservoir to the brush, from which it was applied to the leaves. Sprayers and pumps followed in turn. Then came the improvement of the nozzle. We may recognize two periods in the development of plant pathology: the first or embryonic period extending from pre- historic times to the beginning of the truly scientific investi- gations in the middle of the eighteenth century, and contrib- uting chiefly observations, collections, descriptions; the sec- ond or formative period, during which the foundations of the science were laid, the chief factors of it determined, and the chief lines of future progress marked out. It is in no way my purpose to call attention to the part the Carolinas have played in botany as a science, yet I can not refrain in passing from mentioning that prominent place in — the history of American mycology is assured to de Schwein- © itz, a minister of Salem, N. C., who in 1818 published the first important paper on American fungi; to M. A. Curtis, a tutor in Wilmington, N. C., who in 1830, with Berkeley in i) «] ‘i (1905) JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY. 65 England, described many fungi of the Carolinas; to Ravenal, | of South Carolina, the first to publish exsiccati of American ’ fungi, and to Louis Bosc, of South Carolina, who published a descriptive list in 1811. _ ‘The embryonic and formative period prepared the way for _the third period, beginning about 1885, which may be called the period of growth. It is marked by the development and ' perfection of the rudimentary principals and discoveries of _ the preceding periods. It was during this period that the most spectacular conquests were made; that popularization ' and extension of methods occurred. So great, so numerous, so wonderful were the advances made during the past decade, that we frequently see the statement that little or no progress had been made in plant pathology prior to 1885. The pres- _ ent day student should, however, bear in mind that it was | the persistent, arduous, patient work of the preceding years _ that rendered possible the progress of the closing years of the century. _ My denomination of this period as ‘the period of growth’ indicates the nature of the changes which it inaugurates; growth in every direction and concerning every phase of the subject. There has been growth in the list of plant mala- ' dies. New diseases have been discovered by scores, and old diseases have been found to affect new plants, and diseases hitherto insignificant have taken prominent places as danger- ous foes. The alteration of the plant constitution by .high selection and breeding, the bringing of plants into new cli- “matic or soil relations, the more intensive cultivation, the bringing of a susceptible plant into a region where a parasite ‘is already growing upon one of its botanical relatives, thus exposing it to a possible new foe, are conditions that operate to admit of the evolution of new diseases. The growing of plants in large quantities in solid blocks, rather than spar- ingly in scattered gardens, brings about a congested condi- _ tion comparable with the crowding of our cities, and favors 66 STEVENS—SCIENCE OF Plant PatHoLtocy. [ /une the development of epidemics* by furnishing abundant mater- ial for the parasitic organisms to attack, abundant nutriment upon which they may multiply, and abundant opportunity for them to reach new hosts and spread the contagion. With potatoes, for example, raised merely as garden crops, the probability of an epidemic affecting the majority of gardens is not so great as when potatoes are raised in vast fields. A single field crop, once infested, so contaminates the air with spores that other fields are almost sure to become infected. The contagium becomes sufficiently multiplied to break the quarantine, and a general epidemic results. Any factor which tends to increase the occurrence of epidemics may quickly raise a given disease from obscurity to a position of commanding importance. ‘So, too, dces the increase in value of hitherto comparatively insignificant crops. The pecan and cranberry are at present objects of particular solicitude by the plant physician. With the importation of plants from foreign countries and the transportation of plants from one part of the country to another comes the possibility of increased disease transfer- ence. Recent years have seen the San José scale spread from the Pacific to the Atlantic; the asparagus rust from the Atlantic to the Pacific; the hollyhock rust has invaded us from Europe; the chrysanthemum rust from the Orient; the watermelon wilt is now moving northward and the peach yel- lows southward. In nearly all cases where the soil is dis- eased the affected region is annually enlarging, so that soil diseases a decade ago insignificant in the territory of their occupation are fast assuming control of alarmingly large regions. The growing of plants in larger quantities also increase the amount of germ-bearing refuse to the ultimate end that the very air and soil become germ laden. Civilization, higher culture and community life, especially *The use of the word epidemic in relation to plant diseases while ety - mologically incorrect, seems justified since no other word conveys the desired meaning and the meaning of this word is clear to all. a ge Ore eae ye ae a ee \ j a ee a ge 1905] JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL, SOCIETY. 67 if it verge upon congestion of population, exacts an inevita- ble forfeiture by increased mortality. ‘Thus does the list of diseases that comes within the horizon of the practical men enlarge. Wonder, often scepticism, is expressed at the exist- ence of unfamiliar diseases of man, other animals and plants, as though these afflictions were conjured up by the examina- tion of the over zealous practitioner. The increase of afflic- tion is more apparent than real, as it is in the case of appen- dicitis, which is now recognized, named and cured, conse- quently, heard of, whereas under the old régime it was not recognized as a distinct disease, therefore it was unheard of, though the patient died. Parallel cases might be cited among the plants. The work of DeBary on polymorphism among the fungi is being extended. Knowledge of the life histories of various pathogenic fungi is being slowly expanded. Summer forms, are connected with winter forms, and thereby the hibernating condition, often the most vulnerable point of attack, exposed. The discovery of heteroecism in the rusts, the alternation from wheat to barberry, from apple to juniper is of classic antiquity in the annuals of plant pathology. It emphasized the need of close study of life histories of all parasites. Such study has given abundant fruit, notably in disclosing the _ relation between the apple cankers and the bitter rot of the apple, and revealing the winter condition of the brown rot of the peach. The lead so fortunately made in the discovery of the Bordeaux mixture has been assiduously prosecuted. The original Bordeaux mixture has been greatly modified, changed, indeed, from a thick paste to a thin solution, and so thoroughly tested in all its modifications, that it has now reached its ultimate perfection. Hundreds of other chemi- cals, both dry and wet, have been tested as fungicides, with the adoption of a few adapted to special conditions, ¢. g., sul- phur and sulphides for powdery mildews and the ammoniacal copper carbonate for use as the fruit ripens, thus avoiding unsightly spotting. A happy combination of insecticide and 68 STEVENS—SCIENCE OF PLANT PATHOLOGY. [ Juné | fungicide has been found in the various sulphur washes. There has been very remarkable growth in the perfection of — spraying appliances; pumps and dusters of many kinds are upon the market. Particularly is the improvement in nozzles to be noted. Nozzles constructed upon scientific principles, capable of applying the liquid in the form of the finest spray to the tops of the highest trees. In the place of the old hand pump and pail we find barrel pumps on wheels, tanks on wheels with pumps operated by gearing attached to the wheels, and finally for the larger fruit farms and for munici- pal care of shade trees are multiple pumps driven by steam power. The treatment of seeds to kill adhering spores has been improved upon in many details. It illustrates especially well the nature of the development during the present epoch of plant pathology. Originally the treatment for wheat smut was based purely upon superstition. Pliny, for example, says that ‘if branches of laurel are fixed in the ground the disea 3 will pass from the field into the leaves of the laurel.’ Tull in 1730 says that there are but two remedies proposed, brin- ing and changing the seed. The avoidance of certain kinds of manure because of their effect upon the host plant and because they carried the smut spores was also advocated about that time. The scientific demonstration by Brefeld that the plant is susceptible only when very small, gave rise to the thought that by hastening the early growth the period of susceptibility could be shortened, and methods of planting and tilling in accord with that idea were advocated. In addi- tion to cultural methods mechanical treatment of seeds, such aS passing the wheat loosely between millstones, violent fan- hy ning, etc., were suggested about 1786. The chemical treat- ment of seeds, says Tull, was accidentally discovered about ~ 1660 by the sinking of a shipload of wheat at Bristol, and afterwards, finding it unfit for breadmaking, it was used for seed wheat. The following harvest in England was very smutty except in the case of this accidentally brined seed, He Aa tn a ei ag Sh es Wi at eghim :- Re el ee ee ; se tae “aes 6D 7905] Journal oF THE MrrcHELy Society. 69 which made aclean crop. Then followed brining with lim- ing and liming without brining, soaking in lime, arsenic, salt, arsenic and lye, and various other treatments, none of which, however, came into general use. Accident coupled with acumen again aided in hastening a discovery. Provost while attempting to germinate some spores placed some of them in water distilled in a copper vessel. These failed to germinate, though similar spores placed in water which had not touched copper germinated well. Following this lead he and numerous other investigators experimented extensively with copper compounds during succeding years. Such is the history of the development of a treatment effec- tive for smut of wheat and barley, but not for that of oats. The next marked advance was made by Jensen, a Dane, who in 1887 developed the famous Jensen hot water treatment, a treatment which though requiring considerable accuracy of manipulation was thoroughly effective. This method, if no easier were to be had, was well worth to practical agriculture all that the experiment stations of the world have ever cost. Within only a few years, however, the Jensen treatment was supplanted by the formalin treatment; a treatment so simple, inexpensive and effective that, save for minor improvements of detail, the end seems to have been reached in the search for preventives for the particular diseases to which the method applies. Growth of knowledge concerning bacterial diseases has occurred, beginning with the pear blight which baffled all horticulture prior to the assertion of its bacterial nature by Professor Burrill. The proof that bacteria can and do cause plant diseases has been definitely adduced, and a large num- _ ber of such diseases have been recognized upon many plants. Not only from the scientific side have these ailments been studied, but from the practical as well. and preventive and palliative measures have in many instances been found. The soil is often spoken of as the living earth. Not only may it live, but it also partakes of those chief accompani- 70 STEVENS—SCIENCE OF Prant Paruoroecy. [ /une ments of life, viz., health, sickness and death. A _ healthy soil may, from an agricultural point of view, be regarded as one capable of fulfilling all its vital functions; a sick soil, one in which some functions are impaired. Of only one class of soil sickness may I speak, namely, that which results in pro- ducing sick plants by harboring pathogenic germs. The cot- ton wilt, the Texas root rot, the watermelon, tobacco, tomato and cabbage wilts, the cabbage club foot and the onion smut are conspicuous examples of diseases so propagated. Dis- eases of this type not only destroy the crop, but they preclude the possibility of successful culture of the plant in question, or of its close botanical relatives for many years. Such foes to agriculture have completely destroyed the possibility of tobacco growing on many farms otherwise eminently adapted to this crop and ill adapted to any other, resulting in great depreciation in the value of the land. This encroachment upon valuable soil will proceed yearly, and with geometrically increasing rapidity, until means of prevention are discovered, as they have now been in sonie instances, and the method of prevention becomes common knowledge. Soil diseases, the most dreaded of all dangers to the plant, are prevalent to much greater extent in the south than in the north. One field is known to exist in South Carolina upon which neither melons, cotton nor cow-peas can be grown. It is conceivable that many other germs could infest one and the same field, but no greater affliction concerning such staple crops seems possible. Growth in popular appreciation of the importance of plant diseases and of the value of remedial and prophylactic meas- ures is perhaps the most striking characteristic of plant path- ology in the last twenty years. At the beginning of this per- iod spraying was in no wise general. It was of rare occur- rence. Man sufferea unresistingly the attacks of the molds, mildews, rots and blights. The circulation of thousands of state experiment station bulletins and similar bulletins from 1905] JourNAL OF THE MrrcHELt’ Society. 71 the national department of agriculture, the vigorous cam- paign of farmers’ institutes, farmers’ reading circles, farmers’ extension courses, and the extended use of farmers’ periodi- cals and agricultural papers have served to bring the latest discoveries of science to the use of him who will heed. As is to be expected, it is the man who most closely studies his business, he who has most at stake, the large specialist in the culture of any crop, who first embraces the offered aid. The orchardist or vineyardist leads the way in the adoption of new methods and new machinery. The revolution looking toward recognition of the value of plant treatment is now so thor- oughly inaugurated that the treatment of such diseases, -both insect and fungous, in the case of fruit and trucking crops is of general occurrence. The movement, too, is world-wide. The practical outcome of all the investigation and propa- ganda up to the present time is that many hundreds of plant diseases have been recognized; for a hundred or more have been prescribed remedial or preventive measures, many of which are eminently successful; witness, the treatment of cereal smuts, the peach curl, the grape black rot, the powdery mildews. The saving occasioned by any one of these, as is true of scores of others, would amply suffice to pay all the expense of investigation and propaganda incurred in the development of the whole field of plant pathology. By oat smut alone the estimated damage in the United States yearly is $26,766,166, a loss avoidable by an annual expenditure of less than four cents an acre. The saving actually made in Dakota, Minnesota and Wisconsin in one year is placed at $5,000,000. The future problems of plant pathology are manifold. The period of growth must continue long before the work now undertaken is done. Many diseases of even the culti- vated plants are not yet recognized. ‘The diseases of wild plants, particularly the weeds, must too be studied to ascer- tain the possibility of intercommunication of diseases between 72 STEVENS—SCIENCE OF PLANT Parsoxtocy. [June weeds and crop plants. The life histories of all disease pro- ducing fungi must be closely studied, particularly to deter- mine their hibernating condition. As yet the merest begin-— ning has been made. The interrelation of host and parasite must be studied, the periods, points and modes of infection © made known. The biology of the fungi, their life habits, — conditions of spore formation, characters of growth, relation — to light, heat, moisture, nutriment, etc.; their resistance to adverse conditions, their longevity under various conditions of environment are all problems of ultimate practicality. The question of species is unsettled and the recent demon- stration of biologic varieties among the rusts, mildews and j fusariums opens a large and important field of research. The © agencies operating as disease distributors, the wind, insects, soil, man, water or what not must be known that such distri- © bution be more readily controlled. The causes of resistance and susceptibility to certain diseases rest in obscurity, except © in a few cases where the responsibility has been fixed upon some particular structure or chemical. The breeding of plants resistant to specific diseases not readily amenable to_ other means of control must proceed. Such work is now in — progress with cotton, melons, tomatoes, tobacco, grains, flax — and other plants. The relation existing between many root — fungi and bacteria and the roots they inhabit remains to be studied. Aside from parasitism there is also mutualism, a ~ kind of beneficial disease falling to the province of Pasi pathology. It needs much further study. i Specific problems also abound, the peach yellows and ros- ette, the mycoplasm theory of rusts, the grape Brunnisure. q Differences of opinion now exist or the technique or scientific data are insufficient for an adequate solution of these ques- tions and many other similar oes. Work on timber protec- tion, while not strictly a question of disease, but rather a post-mortem problem, falls to the lot of the pathologist for the want of a more appropriate place. That intensive stumay 4 1905] JouRNAL oF THE MrtcHErtr, Socrery. 73 of a disease, however thoroughly it may seem to have been studied before, may lead to important development is well illustrated in the case of the familiar pear blight, which, though known for ages and the topic of masterly classic research, has recently, under trained observation and critical interpretation and experimentation, revealed new secrets leading to more masterful and complete control. The large fields of plant pathology, grouped under the term ‘physiologi- cal disorders,’ are still practically unworked; diseases due to false nutrition, absorption or assimilation, or to impaired car- bon assimilation owing to improper enviroument, to crowding or shading or to hereditary inabilities. A start has been made sufficient to show the importance of the results await- ing. The recent discovery of the ultramicroscopic organisms or filterable enzymes which has robbed the bacteria of the dis- tinctioin of being the smallest of living things opens a new field in both plant and animal pathology comparable in kind, though probably not in magnitude, with the creation of bac- teriology by Pasteur. It is yet unknown whether we have to do here with organisms or enzymes, and contemplation of the problems awaiting in this realm places us in a position to appreciate more fully than ever before the great controversy of spontaneous generation as fought in the sixties. The announcement in a recent periodical of the discovery of solu- ble protoplasm emphasizes the existence of a vast unknown covered by the words protoplasm, enzymes, invisible organ- isms. Is it coincidence of fate that with the growing impor- tance of the problem of the invisible organism there comes the invention of a microscope of surpassing excellence with which the seeing of molecules is a hoped for possibility? The science of plant pathology is indeed young. It has yielded much, and it is still full of promise. In the achieve- ment of the results to come draught will be made upon the sister sciences even more than in the past. Plant physiology a ~~ 74 Stevens—Sciznce oF Prant Patuonocy. [ June waits upon chemistry; plant pathology upon plant physiol- ogy, and chemistry in return receives valuable contribution from both. Mathematics, physics and geology all contribute to the general upbuilding. The sciences, though becoming more divergent instead of becoming more independent, are yearly becoming more dependent, each using the discoveries © of the others to gain new foothold or new tools in the search © for truth. Often it is the frontier territory lying between — two sciences which, belonging distinctively to neither, is — least worked, and therefore presents most promising territory — for conquest, Such is the history of the comparatively new sciences of physical chemistry, physiological chemistry and biometrics. Nor does the field belong exclusively to either the devotee of pure science, so-called, or of applied science. The study of problems seemingly most remote from any practical ends has often proved fundamental in the upbuilding of vast indus- trial growth. Bacteriology was born of crystallography. The father of galvanic electricity was derided as the frog’s dancing master. Nor does the avowed object in view give a sure key to the ultimate outcome. Alchemy, though never attaining the end sought, hastened immeasurably the era of industrial chemistry. Nor may it be said that applied science is inferior, for without the application the fundamental prin- ciples are of no avail in the promotion of the welfare of man. Intensive laboratory study with no object other than the increase of knowledge of molecular construction has led to — the commercial production of many important compounds. The present oat smut treatment by formalin owes its prac- © ticability equally to pure science in the chemical study that — rendered the production of formalin practicable at moderate © cost, and to pure science of the botanist who from mere interest in fungous growth discovered the nature of para- sitism, and to the practical scientist who applied the know- ledge of the chemist and the botanist to the solution of a 1905] JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY. 75 definite agricultural problem. The distinction between pure science and applied science is invidious. It is not a differ- ence based upon the nature of the knowledge; rather upon the motive of the worker. All true science is practical, either remotely or directly, and the man of applied science is but completing the work of the pure scientist. Especially does the future of plant pathology rest with both. A MEMOIR ON THE TWENTY-SEVEN LINES UPON A CUBIC SURFACE. ARCHIBALD HENDERSON, PH.D. HISTORICAL SUMMARY. Although it is probably true that the classification of cubic surfaces is practically complete, the number of articles yearly appearing upon these surfaces furnish abundant proof of the fact that they possess much the same fascination as they did in the days of the discovery of the twenty-seven lines upon the general cubic surface. The literature of the subject is very extensive and in a bibliography* on curves and surfaces, compiled by J. E. Hill, of Columbia University, the section on cubic surfaces contained 205 articles. The first paper that deals specifically with the cubic surface is one by L. Mossbrugger,{ ‘‘Untersuchungen tuber die geo- metrische Bedeutung der constanten Coefficienten in den all- gemeinen Gleichungen der Flachen des zweiten und dritten Grades,” which appeared in the first volume of the Archiv der Mathematik und Phystk, 1841. The theory of straight lines upon a cubic surface was first studied in a correspondence by the English mathematicians Salmon and Cayley and the results were published, Camb. and Dublin Math. Journal, Vol. TV. (1849), pp. 118-132 (Cayley), pp. 252-260 (Salmon). ‘The observation that a definite num- ber of straight lines must lie on the surface is initially due to Cayley, whereas the determination of that number was first made by Salmon.{ ; *Bull. Am. Math. Soc. Vol. III. (1897) pp. 186-146. ;J. E. Hill, lc. tSalmon, Geom. of Three Dimensions, 4th edition, 6580, note. Of. also Oayley, Ooll. Math. Papers, Vol. I., note p. 589. 7905] HrENDERSON—A MeEmorr. 77 The basis for a purely geometric theory of cubic surfaces was laid by Steiner* in ashort but extremely fruitful memoir, containing many theorems, given either wholly without proof or with but the barest indication of the method of derivation— a habit of ‘‘ce celebre sphinx,” as he has been styled by Cremona, On account of the ‘‘complicated and many-sided symmetry” among the relations between the twenty-seven lines upon the cubic surface, great difficulty was at first experienced in obtaining any adequate conception of the complete configura- tion. The notation first given by Cayley was obtained by starting from some arrangement that was not unique, but one of a system of several like arrangements, yet it was so com- plicated as scarcely to be considered as at all putting in evi- dence the relations of the lines and triple tangent planes. Hart gave a very elegant and symmetrical notation for the lines and planes, au account of which is to be found in the original paper of Salmon,{ who also gave a notation of limited usefulness. Schlafli? it was who invented the nota- tion that might be called epoch-making—that of the donble- six,|| which has remained unimproved upon up to the present time. This notation is one out of a possible thirty-six of like character among the twenty-seven lines. Taylorj has recently given a notation for the lines independent of any particular, initial choice but this cannot be regarded as an improvement upon the Schlafli notation. The foundations for subsequent analytic investigations con- cerning the twenty-seven lines were laid, as has been seen, by Cayley and Salmon, and in fact Sylvester§ once said in *«‘Ueber die Flachen dritten Grades,’’ read to the Berlin Academy, 81st January, 1856; Orelle, Bd. LITI. tInfra, §4. PQuarterly Journal, Vol. 2 (1858), pp. 55-65, 110-120. ||For, the history of the double-six theorem see infra, §6. +Philos. Trans. Royal Soc. Vol. OLXXXYV., (1894), part I. (A), pp. 37-69, §Proc. London Math. Soc. Vol. 2, p. 155, 78 JoURNAL OF THE MrrcHELL Socre'ty. [ June his habitually florid style, ‘‘Surely with as good reason as had Archimedes to have the cylinder, cone and sphere engraved on his:tombstone might our distinguished country- men leave testamentary directions for the cubic chosineta gram to be engraved on theirs.” The first significant papers on cubic surfaces from the syn- thetic standpoint, after Steiner’s memoir above mentioned, were by Cremona and Rudolf Sturm. These were two of the four papers submitted in competition for the prize offered by Steiner through the Royal Academy of Sciences of Berlin in 1864, which was divided between Cremona and Sturm on Leibniz Day, 1866. The beauty and simplicity of many of the methods employed in these papers eminently justified Steiner’s original remark, ‘‘Es ist daraus zu sehen, dass diese Flichen fortan fast eben so leicht und einladsslich zu behandeln sind, als bisher die Flache zweiten Grades.” Cremona’s ‘‘Mémoire de géométrie pure sur les surfaces du troisieme ordre” is found in Crelle’s Journal,* whereas Sturm’s paper was subsequently expanded into a treatise.f Schlifli (4 c.) first considered a division of the general surface of the third order into species, in regard to the reality of the twenty-seven lines, but he then contented himself with a mere survey of the problem. This was in 1858. But in 1862, F. August} gave a rather extended investigation of the subject. In 1863 appeared a valuable memoir by Schlafli,§ treating the subject in great detail. He also,’as the title indicates, makes there a division of the surface into types, depending upon the nature of the singularities,—a classifica- *Vol. LXVIII. (1868), pp. 1-183. +“Synthetishe Untersuchungen iiber Flachen dritter Ordnung.” B. G. Teubner, Leipzig, 1867. +*‘Disquisitiones de superficiebus tertii ordinis,’’ Dissert. inaug. Berolini, 1862. §On the Distribution of Surfaces of the Third Order into Spegies, in reference to the presence or absence of Singular Points and the reality of their Lines,’’ Philos. Trans. Vol. OLIII. (1863), pp. 193-241. 8 905] HENDERSON—A MeEmorr. 79 tion used by Cayley* in his ‘‘Memoir on Cubic Surfaces.” If Cayley and Salmon had wished to follow Sylvester’s advice and to insert a clause in their wills, directing that a figure of the cubic eikosiheptagram be engraved upon their monuments, they would have had no certainty of the correct fulfilment of their directions until the year 1869 when Dr. Christian Wiener{ made a model of a cubic surface, showing twenty-seven real lines lying upon it. This achievement of Dr. Wiener, Sylvester? once remarked, is one of the discov- eries ‘‘which must forever make 1869 stand out in the Fasti of Science.” Since that time, there have been constructed models of all the various types of the cubic surface, showing the lines lying entirely upon them. The list of those who have written on the mechanical construction of the configu- rations of the lines upon a cubic surface and the general sub- ject of the collocation of the lines upon the surface includes the names of Salmon, Sylvester, Cayley, P. Frost, Zeuthen and Blythe.|| The configuration of the twenty-seven lines is not only of the highest interest Der se, but also on account of its close association and relation to other remarkable configurations. It was also in the year 1869 that Geiser§ showed the mutual interdependence of the configurations of the twenty-eight bitangents to a plane quartic curve and the twenty-seven lines upon a cubic surface, and the method of derivation of each from the other. By making use of Geiser’s results, Zeuthent obtained a new demonstration of the theorems of Schlaflijf upon the reality of the lines and tripletangent planes *Philos. Trans. Royal Soc. London, Vol. OLIX. (1869), pp. 231-326. $Of. Oayley, Trans. Oamb. Philos. Soc. Vol. XII. Part I (1873), pp. 366-383, where a description of the model is given. PProc. London Math. Soc. Vol. 2, p. 155. \|Of. infra, §§18-21. §Math. Ann. Bd. I. (1869), pp. 129-138. +Math. Ann. Bd. 7 (1874), pp. 410-482. +7Quarterly Journal, Vol. 2, (1858); Philos. Trans. Vol. 153 (1863), 80 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY. [ June of a cubic surface. Indeed, it is*feasible to derive the proper- ties of one configuration from the known properties of the other.* In 1877 Cremonat first showed that the Pascalian configu- ration might be derived from the configuration of the twenty- one lines upon the surface of the third degree with one coni- cal point (Species II., Cayley’s enumeration) by projection from the conical point. The theory of varzeies of the third order, that is to say, curved geometric forms of three dimensions contained in a space of four dimensions, has been the subject of a profound memoir by Corrado Segre.? The depth of this paper is evinced by the fact that a large proportion of the propositions upon the plane quartic and its bitangents, Pascal’s theorem, the cubic surface and its twenty-seven straight lines, Kum- mer’s surface and its configuration of sixteen singular points and planes, and on the connection between these figures are derivable from propositions relating to Segre’s cubic variety, and the figure of six points or spaces from which it springs.f Other investigators on this beautiful and important locus in space of four dimensions and some of its consequences are Castelnuovo and Richmond.§ The problem of the twenty-seven lines is full of interest from the group theoretic standpoint. In 1869 Camille Jordan|| first proved that the group of the problem of the trisection of hyperelliptic functions of the first order is isomorphic with *Crelle’s Journal, Vol. 122 (1900), pp. 209-226. tReale Accademia dei Lincei, Anno COLXXIV. (1876-77). Roma. Also cf. infra, §§47, 48. PpAtti d. R. Accad. di Scienze di Torina, Vol. XXII. (1887), pp. 547-557. Memorie d. R. Accad. di Scienze di Torino, Series 2, Vol. XXXIX. (1889), pp. 3-48. 7Richmond, Quarterly Journal, Vol. XXXIV. No. 2 (1902), pp. 117-154. §Of. Richmond l. c. for references. |\Comptes Rendus, 1869. Of. also Traite des Substitutions, p. 216 et seq., p. 365 et seq. oe 7905] HENDERSON—A MeEmorr. 81 the group of the equation of the twenty-seventh degree, on which the twenty-seven lines of the general surface of the third degree depend. Felix Kleinf in 1887 sketched the effective reduction of the one problem to the other. In 1887-9 Maschke} in a series of papers set up the complete form-system of a quaternary group of 51840 substitutions, and in 1893 Burkhardt,|| on the basis of Klein’s paper above mentioned, these papers of Maschke and one by Witting,§ carried out the work sketched by Klein—the reduction of one problem to the other. Since Jordan’s first paper appeared in 1869, a number of writers have studied the Galois group of the equation of the twenty-seven lines. Dickson** has led in this investigation, publishing a number of papers on the subject. Other writers on the same subject are Kithnen,}}t Weber, {{ Cartan and, more recently, Kasner. ‘This last paper is in close contact with the investigations of Moore and Slaught on the cross-ratio group of Cremona transformations. INTRODUCTION. The problem of the twenty-seven lines upon a cubic surface is of such scope and extent and is allied to so many other problems of importance that to give a veswme of all that has +Extrait d’une lettre addressee a M. C. Jordan, Journal de Liouville, series 4, tome IV. (1888), p. 169 et seq. tMath. Ann. Bd. XXX. (1887), pp. 496-515; Gott. Nach. (1888), pp. 76-86; Math. Ann. Bd. 33, (1889), pp. 317-844. ||Math. Ann. Bd. 41 (1898), pp. 309-848. §Math. Ann. Bd. 29 (1887). ° **Trans. Am. Math. Soc. Vol. 2 (1901), pp. 187-138; Quarterly Journal Vol. 33 (1901), pp. 145-173; Bulletin Am. Math. Soc. Vol. 8 (1901), p. 68 et seq.; Linear Groups Ch. XIV. pp. 303-307. +7‘‘Uber die Galois’che Gruppe der Gleichung 27 Grades, von welcher die Geraden auf der allgemeinen Flache dritter Ordnung abhangen,’’ Diss, Marburg, 1888. ttMath. Ann. Bd. XXIII., pp. 489-503. 82 JOURNAL OF THE MrrcHELL Society. [ June been done upon the subject would enlarge the present paper into a book. It was found impossible to cover even the geometrical phases of the problem, in their extension in par- ticular to the cognate problem of the forty-five triple tangent planes, although the two subjects go hand in hand. In this memoir, however, is given a general survey of the problem of the twenty-seven lines, from the geometric standpoint, with special attention to salient features, i. e., the concept of trihedral pairs, the configuration of the double-six, the solu- tion of the problem of constructing models of a double-six and of the configurations of the lines upon the twenty-one types of the cubic surface, the derivation of the Pascalian configuration from that of the lines upon the cubic surface with one conical point, and certain allied problems. In §§ 1-4 are given certain preliminary theorems concerning the existence and number of the twenty-seven lines and forty- five planes for the general cubic surface, and upon the-first notation employed. In §§ 5,6 and 7 are given an account of Schlafli’s notation, a history of the double-six theorem and an analytic proof of it, independent of cubic surfaces; in §8 follow certain interesting results on the anharmonic ratios of the con- figurations. In §9 appear two conditions that five lines lie upon a cubic surface and in §10 is the description of the formation, and the tabulation of the thirty-six double-sixes. In §11 occur certain auxiliary theorems for special features of the general configuration of the twenty-seven lines. In §12 are given the definition and number of trihedral pairs, and in §13 the actual formation of the tables of the 120 forms. In §14 these are grouped together in such a way (sets of three) as to determine in forty ways all the twenty-seven lines. In §16 is given a discussion of a special form of the general | equation of the cubic surface and the determination of the equations of the forty-five triple tangent planes. In §§18 and 19 the methods for the construction of a model et a ieee I i ce ee ee ed — - ~—) ce eS ee Si Pt em On a Tate = et es ee | | | ee re eee 7905] HenNDERSON—A MeEmorr. 83 of a double-six are discussed and a practical method is there - given in detail. In §§20 to 45 the general problem of constructing thread or wire models of the configurations of the lines upon all twenty- one types of the cubic surface is fully considered, and a com- plete solution of the problem given. In §46 is given a discussion of the derivation of the Brianchon configuration from two spatial point triads, and in §§47-8 the discussion of the derivation of the Pascalian configuration from that of the straight lines upon the second species of the cubic surface (Cayley’s enumeration) and a graphic representation of the same. Finally, in §49 appears a theorem on the number of cubic surfaces with one conical point passing through the lines of mutual intersection of two triheders. CHAPTER I. PRELIMINARY THEOREMS. §1 Existence of Straight Lines upon a Cubic Surface. In order to find the conditions that any straight line, whose equations are MRED ile Are OS TUT sey KAO r nf wen lie entirely upon a surface, we substitute x = x, -+ Az, y=y,+per, 2=—2,+ in the equation of the surface, arrange the terms of the resulting equation according to powers of v and then set all the coefficients of 7 equal to zero, 84 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY. [ sune since the equation in 7 must be identically satisfied, i. e., for all values of 7. Since in this case the equation of the surface is of the third degree, there result four conditions. But the equations of a straight line involve four disposable constants, and, as the number of conditions to be fulfilled is exactly equal to the number of disposable constants in the equations of the straight line, it follows that every surface of the third order must contain a finite number of straight lines, real or imaginary, lying entirely upon it. . §2. Mumber of Straight Lines upon a Cubic Surface. Suppose we pass a plane z through a point P outside the surface and through a straight line / lying upon the surface. Then 7 meets the surface in the line 7, and a conic C besides (since the curve of intersection is a degenerate cubic), i. e. meets the surface in a section having two double-points and therefore by definition is a double-tangent plane. These double-tangent planes z to the cubic surface are also double- tangent planes to the tangent cone, vertex P. Now since to every plane z corresponds one straight line / lying entirely on the surface and as there are twenty-seven* (7 = 3) double- tangent planes to the tangent cone, vertex P, therefore there are twenty-seven straight lines / on the cubic surface.f §3. Triple Tangent Planes. By properly determining the plane passed through any straight line / upon the cubic surface, the conic C (§2) will *Salmon, Geom. of Three Dimensions, 4th edition, §286 gives F(n — 1)(n — 2)(n8 — n? + n — 12) as the number of double-tangent planes, drawn through a point P toa surface of the nth degree. +For other proofs compare R. Sturm, Flachen dritter Ordnung, Kap. 2, §20, and Cayley, Ooll. Math. Papers, Vol. I., No. 76 (445-456). | | | f f { [ 1905) | HxEnpERSON—A MeEmotrr. 85 degenerate into a pair of straight lines. Here the plane intersects the surface in three intersecting straight lines (a degenerate curve of the third order having three double points) and the points of intersection of the lines taken in pairs are the points of contact of the plane with the surface. Now through each of the three lines in the plane there may be drawn, besides the given plane, four triple tangent planes. For these twelve new planes give rise to twenty-four new lines upon the surface, making up with the former three lines, twenty-seven lines upon the surface. It follows that every straight line on the surface is met by ten others. If all the twenty-seven lines intersect in pairs, there would be 351 points of intersection. But since each line is met by ten other lines, there remain 16 lines by which it is not met 27 X 16 2 not intersect. Consequently there are 135 points of inter- section. Since these 135 points, by threes, determined the triple tan- gent planes, there are 45 triple tangent planes. Consider the three lines a, 6, and c say, the complete inter- section of the triple tangent plane 7 with the surrace. Then every other line / upon the surface must meet the triple tan- gent plane in a point upon one (a say) of the three lines a, d, and c, and accordingly must lie in a plane 7,, passing through a. Since the intersection of the surface by the plane 7; must be a cubic curve, which is already composed of two straight lines, the plane 7; meets the surface in a third straight line /, and therefore must be a triple tangent plane. Hence /’ must be one of the given 27 lines and it appears that there can be but 27 lines upon a cubic surface. aud therefore there are = 216 pairs of lines that do $4. Salmon’s Notation for the Twenty-Seven Lines.* Lemma. The general equation of the cubic surface may be *Qamb. and Dublin Math. Journal (1849), Vol. IV., pp. 252-260, 86 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY. [ June reduced to the canonical form uvw — &f = 0, where u, " v, w, &, n, £ are linear polynomes. The number of independent constants in the general equa- tion of the third degree is 9 ME for z= 3}. Since the linear polynomes wu, v, w, €, y, £ contain 18 ratios of coefficients and there is one other constant factor implicitly contained in one of the products uvw, &f, therefore the forms uvw — yf — 0 contains 19 constants and is one into which the general equation of a cubic surface may be thrown. It will appear later (§15) from geometrical considerations that the problem to reduce the base cubic to the form uvw — nf = 0 is soluble in 120 different ways. Noration. Consider the canonical form of the surface of the third degree ace — bdf = 0, where a, 8, c, d, e, f are linear polynomes. By inspection it is patent that this surface contains the nine lines ad, ad, af, cb, cd, cf, eb, ed, ef where ab, for example, represents the line of intersection of the planesa@=0,6=0. If we suppose a = pd to be the equa- tion of one of the triple tangent planes through the intersec- tion of the planes a and 4, the plane a = ué meets the surface in the same lines in which it meets the hyperboloid pce — df = 0, that is, the two lines in the plane are gener- ating lines of different species, and consequently one of them meets the pair of lines cd and ef, and the other of them meets the pair of linescfanded. Let us now denote each of the remain- ing eighteen lines by the three lines which it meets, the line meeting ab, cd and ef being denoted by the symbol ad - cd - ef. Since » has three values, there are three lines that meet ad, cd, ef. Applying the same reasoning to the planes through © bc and ca, we employ the following symbolism for the twenty- — seven lines ab, ad, ----- ef; (ab-cd-ef):, (ad-cf-eb)i, (af-ch-ed);, (ab-cf-ed);, (ad-ch-ef)i, (af-cd-eb);, where «= 1, 2, 3. . g - lel = Pac: oe) eeleks J 1905] HEeNDERSOoON—A MeEmorr. 87 Unfortunately our information as to how these suffixes are to be applied is inadequate and certain postulates have to be made as to how the intersections occur.* This notation of Salmon was the first one that was given for the twenty-seven lines, and was superseded by a very superior one to be explained in the next article. *Of. Salmon, 1. c. MOLECULAR ATTRACTION, IV., ON BIOT’S FORM- ULA FOR VAPOR PRESSURE AND SOME | RELATIONS AT THE CRITICAL TEMPERA TURE.* J. E. MILLS. — nog oF og HE yay OF A LIQUID. In a preceding paper* we examined the following equation, which had been proposed on theoretical grounds by Mr. H. Crompton, Vv [1] 2| piv =2RT og. a ee cals. (L is heat of vaporization, v and V denote volume of liquid and vapor, d and D the density of liquid and vapor, pis pres- sure, T is temperature, 7 is molecular weight, R is the con- stant of the gas equation, PV = RT.) It was there shown that this equation gives at low temper- atures where the pressure is small, results for the heat of vaporization that are invariably and usually very considerably too large. But at the higher temperatures examined, that is as the critical temperature is approached, the results given by the equation appeared to be correct. The evidence there given as to the correctness of this equation at high tempera- tures was very considerable and justified further use of the equation. Therefore in this paper we combined the usual thermodynamical equation for calculation of the heat of vaporization, 1Reprinted, with omission of a Table, from Jour. Phys. Chem., 9, p. 402, 1905. 2Jour. Phys. Ohem. 8, 593 (1904). 88 [June 1905) MiLLs—MOoLEcuLAR ATTRACTION. 89 Sy sP 5P [2] Lo= ain (V a vam = .0,31833 Ai (V oa ~) Ar cals. with the equation of Crompton given above, and obtained equation 15 of that paper, viz.: 13] 8P _ 287500 °° ST: om 'V—v We there showed that the limit approached by this equation as the critical temperature was approached and V approached v in value, was, SP 124860 [4] 8T mv We at that time overlooked the fact that this equation 4 could be expressed in the very simple form, oP ZR 2 37 Here V is the critical volume and R is the usual gas constant, and we have ea striking conclusion that at the critical tem- ir perature the = * of the liquid (vapor) ts exactly twice kvhat at would be for ee substance as a perfect gas occupying the same volume. Expressed in this form the bearing of equation 3, or its limiting forms, on the kinetic relations of a liquid and its | vapor, assumes more importance and justifies a closer study. Accordingly by means of equation 4, we calculated, and | give in Table 1, the values of the ee at the critical temper- ature for twenty substances. The critical data used is that given by Dr. Young’. This data is more correct than that given in earlier papers. (We would here note that in the third paper on Molecular Attraction* we overlooked this corrected _ data, but have since repeated the calculations there given 1Phil. Mag., [5], 50, 291 (1900). 2Jour. Phys. Ohem., 8, 593, (1904). 90 JouRNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY. using the corrected data and find no material change in the results or conclusions there expressed. ) , 8 For comparison with these values the a3 can be calculat from any equation connecting vapor pressure and tempera ture. Of the numerous equations that have been propose the one usually known as Biot’s has proved by far the mos serviceable. It takes the form, [6] Log P=a+ b.at+e. P. By differentiating and changing to Naperian logarithms get, dP [7] yy — 95-3019 P(O. log a.a!+ c. log B. B*). Since we had previously used Biot’s formula for calculating heats of vaporization more directly, we found it easier t throw equation 7 into the form, [3] ae — 031414 PA, where, A = 168.775 (6. log a.at+ clog 8. B*). The constants for this equation have already been given’ for all of the sub: 1Jour. Phys. Ohem., 8, 383 (1904). stances examined except those noted below. Ethyl oxide. § A = antilog (1.9882227 — .001725412) + antilog (1.7399799 — .00869664 ) fie i. Benzene. A = antilog (1.4256719 + .000130202972) — + antilog (0.1799122 — .00410411 i— 5 a : Methyl alcohol. A = antilog (1.5561254 — .000115847) + antilog (.2.51667 — .00400204 Z) eh ae bs Ethyl alcohol. A = antilog (2.3965216 + .00337753872) + antilog (0.3342413 — .00317576#) pF ey 2 a 1905) ° Mit1rs—MorEcuLar ATTRACTION, 91 'Propyl alcohol. A = antilog (2.8340346 + .001641423 2) | + antilog (.03135244 — .00342975 2), ye = 2° C — 20, _ The constants for ethyl formate and methyl acetate were kindly sent me by Dr. Young (work yet unpublished) and the tants for methyl formate I have calculated and will pub- hich later. | | The values of the ee at the critical temperature as obtained from these Biot equations are shown in Table 1. Of the ed substances compared in Table 1 it will be ‘seen that the ) im 4 Bo = sa Md 2H Oy Ou le = | ie) al\ce a\ea : Ethyl oxide... ................ 194.45°O} 441.9 391.6 50.3 . 46068 Di-isopropy] .............c000+ 227.35 849.6 321.0 28.6 48798 Di-isobuty] ..............cc000 276.8 258.8 261.6 —2.8 446 Tsopentane .........cc.ccceeeee 187.8 405.7 367.8 37.9 4682 Normal pentane ............ 197.2 402.3 864.8 37.5 46383 Normal hexane.............. 234.8 839.9 315.9 24.0 4482 Normal heptane............ 268.85 291.9 286.9 5.0 4478 Normal octane.............0. 296.2 254.5 256.8 —23 4364 BONZONG. ...iasdcceantekamadesn 288.5 487.0 445.4 41.6 38961 Hexamethylene ............ 279.95 406.0 376.0 80.0 89583 Fluo-benzene .............6+- 286.55 460.1 480.7 29.4 -4042 Carbon tetrachloride...... 283.15 452.7 416.7 ° 36.0 .B8808 | Stannic chloride............ 818.7 855.2 382.5 22.7 8768 Methyl formate............ _.| 214.0 725.6 619.2 106.4 48872 | Ethyl formate............... 235.8 545.0 479.7 65.3 4809 Methyl acetate............... 233.7 548.3 502.38 46.0 4545 Methy] alcohol............... 240.0 1061.1 971.1 90.0 51729 ‘Ethyl alcohol................. 243.1 747.0 796.7 —49.7 52998 | Propyl alcohol............... 268.7 568.3 562.4 5.9 4718 ACebIC AGId..........-.-.000 96 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SocIETy.. [ June curve of observed vapor pressures cuts the curve of calculated vapor pressures in the neighborhood of the critical tempera- ture, the observed vapor pressure curve haying, of course, the steeper trend. This is at once evident by the change from positive to negative values of the differences between the calculated and observed vapor pressures. We would here point out the great accuracy of these meas- urements made by Drs. Ramsay and Young and by Dr. Young and his co-workers. The conclusion that the calculated minus the observed vapor pressure should be negative near the critical temperature was wholly theoretical on our part. That we should be able at once to verify this conclusion from the measurements when the differences were so small as to have been laid by the observers themselves on the errors of measurement (the regularity of the differences having escaped observation) speaks for itself as to their accuracy and skill. The observed and calculated vapor pressure lines are almost indistinguishable even at the critical temperature and when drawn to a large scale. In order to show that equation 4, or the more general form equation 3, does give results in accord with Biot’s formula at points considerably below the critical temperature we have published in Table 2, Jour. Phys. Chem. 9, p. 408 (1905), the values of the ee calculated from both formulas at inter- vals for some 50° C below the critical temperature. We have already pointed out that equation 3 itself becomes inaccurate — at yet lower temperatures. CORRECT VALUES FOR p’ NEAR THE CRITICAL TEMPERATURE. Since equation 3 enables us to obtain in the neighborhood of fag critical temperature more nearly correct values for the 7 aan we had been able to obtain in previous papers when 7905] Mirits—MoLEcuLAR ARTRACTION. "97 working with Biot’s formula we concluded to use these values and test more thoroughly the equation, . L-EK, _ Aha [9] Yroes constant = yp’. : dP discussed in previous papers’. If the value of the = oT from equation 3 be substituted in the thermodynamical equation 2, the values of the heat of vaporization so calculated are the same as those obtained from equation 1. Therefore using these values and substituting them in equation 9 we obtain the corrected values for the constant. The results so obtained at those points nearest the critical temperature are given in Table 2 under the heading ‘‘New”. For comparison we give under heading ‘‘Old” the values that we had previously obtained for p’ at this same temperature when using the S obtained from Biot’s formula in calculating the heats of vaporization thermodynamically. Also we give, under the heading ‘‘Mean”, the average value of the constant pre- viously adopted. Agreement is not of course to be expected for the four associated substances last shown in the table. For the other substances there is little question but that the constants so obtained agree with the mean values to within the limit of experimental error except in the cases of di-iso- butyl, normal heptane, normal octane, and methyl acetate. We are unable to explain the smaller values obtained from these four substances, but the proof that equation 9 does hold as near the critical temperature as it is possible for measure- ments to be made is now complete for ethyl oxide, di-iso- propyl, isopentane; normal pontane, normal hexane, benzene, hexamethylene, fluo-benzene, carbon tetrachloride, stannic chloride, methyl formate, and ethyl formate. 1Jour. Phys. Ohem., April, 1902; June, 1904; Dec., 1904. 98 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY. [ June THE VALUE OF » AT THE CRITICAL TEMPERATURE. It is possible to extend this proof quite to the critical tem- perature itself. Substituting in equation 9 the value of L given by the thermodynamical equation 2, and the value of E, = .03183 P(V — v), we have ty) éP agus (118 —)(v—2) ee & es and obtaining the limit of this equation as V approaches v7 in value we have for the equation at the critical temperature, where V = v, the form [10] w= yr, pO P can ye) [11] .0,955 V4 (iE P| =p’. As we have shown the most correct value for the = availa- ble at this temperature is that given by equation 4 and sub- stituting this value in the equation we get, 11.924 T m [12] p = Vis = o9ssPV), This equation is the same as equation 17 of the third paper’. Here V, T, and P, are the critical volume, temperature, and pressure respectively, and m is the molecular weight of the substance under consideration. The equation is interesting because it gives a method for calculating the constant of molecular attraction, »z’, in terms of the critical constants and the molecular weight of the substance. Since the molecular weight enters into the equation it evidently cannot be applied to associated substances. Again using the critical data, already referred to, given by Young, the values obtained from this equation are shown in Table 2 above. Except for di-isobutyl, normal heptane, normal octane, methyl acetate, iJour. Phys. Chem., Dec., 1904. 7905] Mirt~ts—Mo.ecuLar ATTRACTION. 99 and to a less degree for ethyl formate, the agreement with the mean values of w’ is excellent and we may therefore regard the truth of equation 9 as having been established at the critical temperature itself for fifteen of the nineteen sub- stances under consideration. (Ethyl formate decomposes slightly at the higher temperatures which is sufficient to account for the divergence, three per cent., there observed.) We have already shown that normal heptane and normal octane give constant values for »’ in equation 9 over a range of more than 200° C in temperature. We have unpublished results showing the same to be true for methyl acetate. Di- isobutyl did give a variation of several per cent. at low tem- peratures, a divergence that we think was sufficiently explained’. It would seem probable therefore that the diver- gences shown by these four substances at the critical temper- ature must be due to some change or decomposition taking place in the substance at that temperature and that equation 9 is applicable for all normal substances quite up to the criti- cal temperature. RATIO OF THE THEORETICAL TO THE ACTUAL CRITICAL DENSITY. In a preceding paper*® we showed that the molecular attrac- tion at unit distance, w, was equal to cy’ f/m. ‘Therefore we have from equation 12, [13] w=cPmv ae — 0,955 pv} In the same paper on the assumption that the critical tem- perature was the point where the kinetic energy of the mole- cules was just balanced by the molecular attraction we derived equation 24 of that paper, viz.: 1 Jour Phys. Chem., 8, 595 (1904). 2 Jour. Phys. Ohem., 8, 630 (1904). 100 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL, Soctrety. [ June [14] a mv i Ke where T is the critical temperature and d is the critical den- sity. Wecan now combine this value of » with the value of » giveu in equation 13 and obtain, Tih ate a O24 [15] Avert wae mv pga — agssPV} whence, [16] Sa = constant. Vm We show the values of = in Table 2 and it will be seen that hexamethylene and carbon tetrachloride alone (the associated substances being excepted) give a value more than three per cent. from the average value 16293. sate Ba th is the theoretical critical density and equation 16 is really the ratio of the theoretical, D., to the actual crit- ical density, d,, and can take the form, [17] De = constant. de The relation in this form has been fully discussed by Dr. Young’. It here appears as a necessary consequence of the ideas that we have advanced though we did not foresee that such would be the case, and hence are justified in considering the deduction of this relation as further evidence that those fundamental ideas upon which this series of papers is based are correct. It may seem unusual that we should have been able to derive two different equations for » (equations 13 and 14) in terms of the critical constants. This is due to the fact that the critical temperature besides possessing the property that the molecular attraction just balances the kinetic energy of the molecules—the relation upon which equation 14 is based Phil. Mag., [5], 50, 291 (1900). 1905) Mitis—Mo.EcuLar ATTRACTION. 101 —can also be viewed as the boiling point and from this point of view permits the deduction of equation 13. We hope shortly to complete a paper applying these ideas of molecular attraction more fully to the boiling point. We should also point out that by combining equation 11 with equation 14, we get, [18] 5 nV (te -?} where cis aconstant. This equation can be solved so as to give any one of the variables at the critical temperature in terms of the others and the molecular weight. It is not feas- ible now to further examine this equation, since the only cor- rect values for the ee AY are obtained from equation 4 and this at once reduces the equation to the form of equation 16. Dr. Young has shown that the average constant of equa- tion 17 is say Since the theoretical critical pressure is therefore 3.827 times the actual critical pressure it follows from the gas law and equation 5 that at the critical tempera- ture, OP 7.654? [19] Ne re This equation can be obtained directly from equation 18 but the constant is then unknown. SUMMARY. 1. It is shown that the Pe for a liquid (vapor) at the crit- ical temperature is exactly twice what it would be for the same substance as a gas occupying the critical volume. 2. It is shown that Biot’s formula for vapor pressure can- not be made exactly to fit the true vapor pressure curve in the immediate neighborhood of the critical temperature. When 102 JouRNAL oF THE MrircHeLt Socrety. = [ June * the pressure is considered the proportional error is very small. _ When the a is considered the proportional error is large, e and the values obtained from Biot’s formula are too small. ia 3. The equation, gt =v', where p’ is the con- 7% stant of molecular attraction, is shown to be applicable with exactness in the immediate neighborhood of and at the criti- cal temperature for fifteen out of nineteen substances consid- ered. The equation has already been proved accurate at lower temperatures. | It is shown that the constant of molecular attraction, p’, can be calculated from the critical constants and the molecu- lar weight. 5. The known fact that the ratio of the theoretical to the critical density is a constant for all substances is shown to follow necessarily from the fundamental ideas and equations upon which this series of papers is based. University of North Carolina, April 8rd, 1905. o_, rae rae JOURNAL EvisHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY, NOVEMBER, 1905 VOL. XXI NO. 3 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ELISHA MITCHELL SCIEN- TIFIC SOCIETY. 155TH MEETING, OCTOBER 11, 1904. Professor William Cain, President, in the chair. The following papers were presented: The Construction of a Double Six—A. Henderson. The Geological History of Currituck Banks—Collier Codd. A. S. WHEELER, Recording Secretary. 156TH MEETING, NOVEMBER 8, 1904. Professor William Cain, President, in the chair. The following papers were presented: Molecular Attraction—/. &. Mills. Experiments on the Development of the Skeleton in Sponge Larvae—H. V. Wilson. _ The Theories of Dyeing with Special Reference to the Con- stitution of Cellulose—A. S. Wheeler, : A. S. WHEELER, Recording Secretary, 104 JOURNAL OF THE Mrrcueity Society. (Noo. 157TH MEETING, JANUARY 10, 1905. Professor William Cain, President, in the chair. The following papers were presented: The Theory of Metal or Re-enforced Concrete Domes— William Cain. Steel Hardening Metals—/. H. Pratt. A. S. WHEELER, feecording Secretary. 158TH MEETING, FEBRUARY 14, 1905. Professor William Cain, President, in the chair. The following papers were presented: Mode of Inspection of the Hookworm Disease—f. Z. Whitehead. The Mystic Hexagram—Archibald Henderson. Statistics of Cotton Manufacturing in the South—C. Z. Reaper. A. S. WHEELER, keecording Secretary. 159TH Mretinc, Marcu 14, 1905. Professor William Cain, president, in the chair. The following papers were presented: Normal Paper—A. S. Wheeler. The Mutation Theory—W. C. Coker. Chemical Affinity: A Method for Distinguishing Chemical Energy from Simultaneous Physical Energy Changes—/. Z. Mills. A. S. WHEELER, frecording Secretary. 160TH MEETING, APRIL 11, 1905. Professor William Cain, president, in the chair. A motion was made and carried that the old arrangement 7905) ProckEepINGs oF THE MircHeEtt, Society. 105 with the North Carolina Academy of Science be changed to read as follows: The Mitchell Journal to publish minutes and abstracts of papers for the annual meeting of the North - Carolina Academy of Science for the sum of fifty dollars a year and that The Journal be sent to all members of the Academy, but not to the associate members. The following papers were presented: The Edison Storage Cell—/. 2. Latta. The Organization of the Ovum—H. V. Wilson. Autophytographs— Collzer Cobb. A. S. WHEELER, Recording Secretary. BusINESS MEETING, SEPTEMBER 27, 1905. Professor William Cain, president, in the chair. Officers for the ensuing year were elected as follows: President, H. V. Wilson. Vice-President, Archibald Henderson. Corresponding Secretary, ¥. P. Venable. krecording Secretary, A, S. Wheeler. Editorial Committee on The Journal: W.C. Coker, Chair- man; Archibald Henderson, J. E. Latta. A. S. WHEELER, FReecording Secretary. SOME PROBLEMS IN THE CELLULOSE FIELD.* ‘ BY ALVIN S. WHEELER. Professor of Chemistry, University of North Carolina. The vegetable cell is a laboratory in which are carried out a most remarkable series of chemical reactions. As we con- template the immense number of organic compounds of all degrees of compounds which are formed within the walls of the plant cell we are convinced that this is the chemical lab- oratory par excellence. Two features impress us particularly: first, the silence in which the operations are carried on; sec- ond, the narrow range of medium temperatures required. Notwithstanding this apparent simplicity of conditions the products are of the most various kind. Some of these man is able to synthesize in his own crude way; others are still the secrets of nature. It is utterly impossible for man to prepare certain naturally occurring compounds except at a tempera- ture which would burn the plant tissue. We are led to wonder whether forces exist of which we are unacquainted or whether we are merely unable to control the forces already familiar to us. It would be difficult to say which supposition is the more probable. It will be granted that investigation into the activities of the cell is of profound importance. In fact it has been said that ‘‘it is in the plant cell where synthetical operations are predominant that we have to look for the foun- dations of the ‘new chemistry’ which may be expressed broadly as the relation of matter to life.” Among the products which result from the activities of the cell is cellulose, an essential constituent of all plant tissue. Plant physiologists have been accustomed to identify cellulose *Reprinted from The Chemical Engineer, Vol. 1I., No. 3, July. 1905. 106 [Nov. 7905) WHEELER—PRoBLEMS IN CELLULOSE FYELD. 107 with the cell wall, but modern investigation has demonstrated the error of this belief by showing that the ultimate products of hydrolysis of different cell walls are not the same. Cotton, for instance, yields dextrose; the cell wails of the seeds of Lupinus lutevs, and many other plants give galactose, while the seeds of the cereals and leguminous plants yield arabinose and xylose. It is clear that cell walls are not of uniform com- position. How they actually differ has not yet been deter- mined, their differentiation being an extremely difficult prob- lem. The name cellulose does not apply to a single individual, existing in only one form, like ethyl alcohol. Analyses of various bodies regarded as cellulose give figures leading to the empirical formula (C,H,,O,)n in which the carbon percent- age is 44.2 and the hydrogen is 6.3. ‘The highest percentage of cellulose is obtained from cotton, the yield being approxi- mately ninety per cent. Most of the remainder is water, and there are very small amounts of ash and complex organic compounds. Flax, hemp and ramie also give large yields of cellulose. Again, cellulose is used to designate combinations of the body already mentioned with highly complex radicals of unknown constitution. These are compound celluloses and are more specifically termed lignocelluloses, muco-celluloses, pectocelluloses, adipocelluloses and cutocelluloses. Some pro- gress has been made in the constitutional study of these com- pounds, more especially the lignocelluloses. Cross and Bevan have studied the lignocellulose of jute, selecting this form because it seemed likely to be the simplest representative since jute matures in one season. They recognize the follow- ing general constituents: (a) a-cellulose, an oxidized cellulose; (b) B-cellulose, a less resistant form and yielding a large amount of furfural on hydrolysis; (c) lignone, a radical con- taining the carbonyl group and about one-third of which is of the benzeneoid type. The difficulties surrounding the experimental study of the celluloses are very great. Their insolubility in the ordinary solvents precludes purification in the usual way and renders 108 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY. [Vov. impossible any molecular weight determinations by the freez- ing or boiling point methods. They dissolve in a concen- trated aqueous solution of zinc chloride and in cuprammonium, forming colloidal solutions from which they may be precipi- tated as gelatinous hydrates. The fact that they are colloids presents one reason why chemists have not been more attracted to their study. Colloids have been very unmanage- able, but it is very noticeable that an increased amount of work is being done upon them. In the year 1890 only three communications upon colloids appeared, while in 1900 there were twenty-three. A brief statement of their properties is sufficient to show their unattractiveness. They possess little affinity, do not crystallize, dissolve to an indefinite degree in a very limited number of solvents, are filtered by animal membranes and form gelatinous precipitates. According to one view which is held by many we have in the colloidal solu- tion not a solution at all, but a suspension of very finely divided particles which are much iarger than simple mole- cules. In view of their precipitation by electrolytes their study is being prosecuted by electro-chemists and, although more attention is being paid to the inorganic colloids, the whole subject is undergoing development. As new light is obtained, a deeper insight into the character of the celluloses will necessarily follow. It will help to make possible a scien- tific classification, something which is lacking at present. The formation of the celluloses is one of the most interest- ing problems connected with them and a very fundamental, one, too. What is the antecedent of cellulose? Durin has ~ observed the formation in beet juice of a white insoluble sub- stance, possessing the characteristic of cellulose. If this substance is transferred to a pure cane sugar solution, more of it is formed. These observations point to cane sugar as the predecessor of cellulose. The more elaborate investiga- tions of Brown and Morris point more clearly to the same con- clusion. Their study of foliage leaves persuaded them that starch is not the raw material ont of which cellulose is built 1905) WHEELER—PROBLEMS IN CELLULOSE FIELD. 109 up, but that is rather a reserve material to be drawn upon in case of cell starvation, that is, when all the cane sugar has been translocated as dextrose and levulese. The problem can not be regarded as settled and further work in this direction is highly desirable. As already stated, the simple celluloses are represented by the empirical formula (C,H,,O.)n, the letter n standing for a number which is wholly problematical, although Bumcke and Wolffenstein have suggested 12. As for a constitutional for- mula this has yet to be worked out. How much progress has been made and what remains to be done? The great stability of cellulose, made familiar by its almost universal use as a filtering medium, has precluded in the minds of many of us a realization of the chemical activity which it really possesses. Its attraction for water is very strong, cotton cellulose retain- ing from six to twelve per cent, in the air-dried condition, and if this water is driven off, it will be reabsorbed on expos- ure to the atmosphere. This hygroscopic property bears an undetermined relation to the presence of hydroxyl groups because it decreases as the number of hydroxyl groups is diminished by substitution of acid radicals. Since the tetrace- tate seems to be the highest normal acetate, it is probable that there are four hydroxyl groups. The other oxygen atom is combined with carbon to form a carbonyl group, although this is not in the usual reactive condition. In the easily derived hydro- and oxy-celluloses it appears at once in natural character of a reducing agent. The large proportion of acetic acid obtained when cellulose is fused with alkaline hydroxides indicates the presence of CO-CH, groups. Its resistance to the action of halogens and alkalies shows it to be a saturated compound. Owing to the similarity of the empirical formula of cellulose and starch and to their association in the pro- cesses of nature, it has been customary to regard them as very closely related in constitution. However, there is undoubtedly a fundamental difference between them. Vignon has subjected purified cotton and starch to hydrolysis with 110 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SocrEty. [Vov. dilute hydrochloric acid at 100°. The percentage yields of reducing products equal to dextrose were as follows: cotton, 3.29; starch, 98.6. Fenton and Gostling have brought out another striking behavior. Cotton cellulose is acted upon by dry hydrobromic acid in ethereal solution producing w-Brom- methylfurfural, a 33 per cent. yield being obtained. Under the same treatment potato starch yielded only 3.7 per cent. The belief is growing that cellulose does not belong to the straight chain compounds with the sugar and starches, but is instead a ring compound. Three formulae have been proposed for the unit group, C,H,,O., as follows: 10°" 5? CO rite CHOH CHOH Cross and Bevan’s, _| | CHOH CHOH Py CH, O——-CH—-CHOH b ee : du —du—cHo# CHOH—-CH—CHOH Green’s, . | O O | CHOH—CH—CH, Vignon’s, Any general theory of dyeing must take into account the constitution of cellulose. The three theories which have been held are (a) the mechanical, (b) the solid solution, and (c) the chemical. In view of the diverse chemical character of the three most important textile materials, silk, wool and cotton, it seems improbable that one theory will ever occupy the field to the exclusion of the other two. There are no reasons a priori for not combining the three by select- 7905) WueEter—Prosiems In CeLLutose Freup. 111 ing what truth there may bein each one. ‘The attempts to hold to one theory have been attended with serious difficul- ties. As for cellulose (cotton and linen fabrics) its nature as a chemical compound comes into play in certain dyeing pro- cesses. It behaves as a weak acid and if this acid character is increased by conversion into oxycellulose, it exhibits an increased affinity for basic dyes. On the other hand, Vignon has caused cotton by treatment with ammonia under various conditions to take up as much as 2.86 per cent. N which is not extracted by dilute hydrochloric acid and now, possessing basic properties, it will take an acid dye from an acid bath. These reactions seem to be cases of simple salt formation. As for the solid solution theory Witt regards substantive dyeing aS a case of one solid dissolving another. The dye, being more soluble in the fibre than in the water, is extracted there- from by the fibre and in the fibre the dye exhibits the same characteristics which it shows in aqueous solution. Accord- ing to this view the chemical nature of the textile is of no consequence except as it affects its solvent capacity. The behavior of cellulose with certain dyes does not seem to mili- tate against this view. The general question is constantly under investigation. . Although cellulose is distinguished by its permanence, it is attacked by a great variety of oxidizing agents. The pro- duct, called oxycellulose, is not uniform in character and experimenters seldom agree in their analytical data. Bumcke and Wolffenstein recently discarded the term oxycellulose and re-opened the whole question. The action of hydrogen perox- ide upon filter paper was studied. They came to the conclu- sion that cellulose can not undergo simple oxidation without hydrolysis. They substitute the name hydracellulose for oxycellulose, this name indicating the hydrolytic production and aldehydic properties of the product. It bears the same relation to cellulose as glucose to cane sugar. Tollens has also recently investigated the oxycellulose and proposes the 112 JouRNAL oF THE MrrcHEL Society. (Wow. ; name celloxin for a body with the formula C,H,O,, or C,H,,O, believing that the oxycelluloses are varying mixtures of cellu- lose with celloxin. Attempts to isolate celloxin have been unsuccessful. Vignon suggests that oxycellulose consists of three molecules of cellulose associated with the group CHO(CHOH),CHCO NZ O which is at once an aldehyde, an alcohol and a lactone. The unsettled state of this part of the field is apparent. The fermentation of ceilulose, although an important ques- tion, has been studied by a few investigators only, notably Hoppe-Seyler, Tappeiner, Omelianski and Van Senus. Insuf- ficient work has been done upon pure cellulose and I have undertaken this phase of the investigation. Van Tieghen states that the cellulose ferment corresponds in properties with ‘‘amylobacter,” a bacterium described by him, and it has been commonly asserted siuce that this was the cellulose ferment. Van Senus regards this as extremely doubtful, since these bacteria do not attack cellulose suspended in a meat extract solution. The fermentation is anaerobic and the products of decomposition are hydrogen, carbon dioxide, methane, acetic and butyric acids, the proportions varying with the conditions. If the fermentation can be carried out so that an intermediate product like alcohol is obtained, a discovery of tremendous importance will have been made. The subject of fermentation is also important in its relation to digestion not only in the human species but more especially in herbivorous animals. Through the decomposition of cellulose by chemical rea- gents there are obtained oxalic acid, alcohol and sugar, according to the conditions employed. Classen has gotten out a number of patents for the production of sugar (dextrose) from wood and he makes the startling claim that sulphuric. acid converts all of the cellulose in wood into sugar. When. OS GG A i905) WuxrrLer—Prostems tm CxLLuiose Frei. 113 we consider the vast waste of cellulose in the form of sawdust (acres of it about a single saw mill) the possibilities of a new source of sugar (and from that, alcohol) are extremely inter- esting. Cellulose is acquiring a greater and greater importance in the arts and manufactures. Its use as a paper stock and as a raw material for clothing place it in the front rank of indus- trial products. Some of its derivatives also find extensive application, the nitro-celluloses for explosives, artificial silk and celluloid, and the thiocarbonate for artificial silk. The tetracetate has been found to possess insulating powers supe- rior to gutta-percha and it is now a commercial product. If a solution of the acetate is allowed to evaporate a film of great tenacity is obtained which may be used in photography and for laquering metals. An acetate may also be obtained in the form of a powder, soluble in chloroform and nitro- benzol. This is used for preparing substances resembling celluloid and as a substitute for collodion. Its advantages lie in the fact that it is odorless and is not inflammable. Two problems which have not been seriously attacked are the con- ductivity of pure cellulose and the use of cellulose as a mem- brane in osmotic work. Many other questions of varying degrees of importance might be mentioned. In concluding this brief survey I wish to express my agree- ment with the idea now often expressed that the demarcation line between the scientific and the practical has hitherto been too sharply drawn. Professor Jordan recently said: ‘‘It is often a temptation to distinguish radically between pure Science and applied science and to look upon the latter as unworthy the attention of the philosophically minded. True science can admit of no such distinction,” and President Jor- dan says, ‘‘Applied science can not be separated from pure science, for pure science may develop at any quarter the greatest and most unexpected economic values, while, on the other hand, the applications of knowledge must await the 114 JouRNAL OF THE Mrreueii Socmty. ho ky acquisition of knowledge before any high achievement i in any quarter can be reached. * * * Whatever is true is lke sometime to prove useful and all error is likely sometimes t prove disastrous.” UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA, Chapel Hill, N. C. ¥ EXPERIMENTS ON THE PRODUCTION OF CRUDE TURPENTINE BY THE LONGLEAF PINE. BY CHAS. H. HERTY, PH.D. With the hope of improving the method of distillation com- mouly practiced in the production of spirits of turpentine from the crude resin of the Longleaf Pine, the writer, at that time connected with the University of Georgia, began a sys- tematic study of conditions throughout the turpentine belt. Information was gathered from publications of the U. S. Department of Agriculture and from correspondence with leading men in the naval stores industry, railroad officials and others. It. soon became apparent that the industry, which had started on a rather small scale in eastern North Carolina, had grown to large proportions, affording employment to thous- ands of laborers and furnishing the world with at least nine- tenths of the spirits of turpentine and rosin used in manufac- tures. It also became evident that during this period of growth the forests of North Carolina and South Carolina had been almost completely exhausted, while those of Georgia were being rapidly destroyed. Throughout the territory methods of operation were absolutely uniform. A visit to different sections showed at once the explanation of the com- plete destruction of the forests in the Carolinas, for in addi- tion to the removal of timber by the lumbermen, fires and storms following in the wake of the turpentine operator had completed the destruction. It needed no close observation to determine at once that the chief cause of this destructive action by fires and storms was the ‘“‘box”, a large and deep hole cut into the trunk of the tree at its base to receive the 1905] 115 116 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY. [Nov. resin which exudes during the spring and summer months from the freshly scarified trunk above. In the cutting of the ‘‘box” or ‘‘boxes” in the base of the tree its trunk is partly severed and in storms splits off at the top of the box, breaking usually three or four feet higher. Again, the turpentine belt is characterized by a complete ground covering of ‘‘wire grass’ whose exposed blades die during winter and are annually burned off in the early spring months to furnish better grazing for cattle. So long as tur- pentine operations are active, these ground fires do not dam- age the trees, for during the winter the laborers remove with hoes all wire grass and fallen strawa safe distance from each tree; but when the forest is abandoned, this precaution is no longer taken and with the next fire the resin which has gradually accumulated in the old ‘‘box” takes fire, the heat melts the resin on the scarified surface above which, flowing into the box, adds fuel to the flames until the tree falls; or if the case is not so extreme, until the tree is weakened to.such an extent that it can no longer resist the attacks of injurious insects which soon kill it. The evident loss from this factor was so much greater than from imperfections in the method of distillation that common sense prompted that immediate efforts be diverted from the matter of distillation to that of a practical device for collect- ing the resin which would render unnecessary the cutting of the ‘‘box”. Many evidences were found of unsuccessful efforts to introduce a form of a cup system, some of these being iden- tical with the cup system used in the turpentine forests of France since 1860. But none had found any permanent place in the industry. With a simple apparatus somewhat like the French, con- sisting of a cup and two metallic troughs, preliminary experi- ments were begun during the summer vacation of 1901 at Statesboro, Ga. The metallic troughs or gutters, consisting of two inch strips of sheet galvanized iron, bent along the middle to form a trough, are inserted in inclined shallow cuts 1905] HERTY—PRODUCTION OF TURPENTINE. 117 across flattened surfaces of the tree and serve to lead the resin to acentral point. One of the gutters is slightly higher than the other, delivering its resin into the lower gutter, from the - end of which all the resin drips into the cup suspended on a nail just below. Such an apparatus can at the end of each season be easily raised to a point near the scarification sur- face. With this apparatus tests were made primarily of its practicability and effectiveness. Further, the quality of the resin exuding from the trees in successive years of operation was determined. Under the ‘‘box” system the resin of the second, third and fourth years of operation shows gradually. increasing coloration and the rosin left after distillation of the volatile spirits of turpentine is a deeper red and less valu- able. With the cup and gutters placed near the freshly scarified surface, it was proved that the quality of the resin so far as. concerns color is as good in the fourth as in the first year, the color of the resin from the old ‘‘boxes” being due to absorp- tion of the highly colored oxidized resin on the long surface above the ‘‘box’”’.. Quantitative experiments were made upon ‘the loss of resin which falls outside of the ‘‘box”, due to trunks not perpendicular, and of the loss of volatile spirits of turpentine during the long flow to the ‘‘box’”. It was also shown that different portions of the circumference of a tree, in many cases, vary greatly in ability to produce resin, and that the underside of a leaning tree is much more productive than the upper side. The daily rate of flow after scarifica- tion was studied and it was found that in general, sixty per cent. of the flow takes place during the first period of twenty- four hours, twenty-five during the second and after seven days, the flow practically ceases. Numerous other studies were projected and some were partly carried out, but the sum- mer vacation being ended, it was necessary to discontinue the work in the field. The interest of the U. S. Bureau of Forestry was aroused by these preliminary experiments and by the promise of prac- 118 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SocrEety. [Mou ticability in the simple apparatus used. This led the writer during the following winter to accept a commission from the Bureau to undertake field experiments on a commercial scale to test further the usefulness of the appartus in the hands of the average turpentine laborer, and to determine the import- ant question of whether or not the cutting of the box decreases the productive power of the tree. Crude turpentine (resin) is a pathological product, result- ing from the wound given the tree in scarification.. It is nec- essary to wound the tree to get the flow of resin, but the cut- ting of the ‘‘box” is an unnecessary and intense wound and it seemed reasonable to expect that in comparative experiments trees which are not ‘‘boxed” would, with all other conditions equal, show an increased yield. These field tests were carried out at Ocilla, Ga., on the place of Messrs. Powell, Bullard & Co. About twenty-five thousand trees were used during the first year. From one- half of these the resin was collected in the usual ‘‘box”; on the other half cups and gutters were placed. Four distinct sets of experiments were made corresponding to first, second third and fourth years of operation, five thousand cups and five thousand boxes in each set. Every precaution was taken to insure uniformity of conditions between the two halves of each set, or ‘‘crop” as designated in turpentine operating. Careful record was kept of the yield from all of the eight half ‘‘crops”, each being separately distilled and the products sold separately. The results of the year’s tests were published by the Bureau of Forestry as Bulletin No. 40, entitled ‘‘A New System of Turpentine Orcharding”. After the first year, the experiments were continued only on one of the four sets, that designated ‘‘first” above, for only in this set did full conditions for comparative results obtain, one-half of the trees in this set never having been ‘‘hoxed”, while in the other three sets, all of the trees had been boxed in previous years of operation. After conducting the tests three years, the experiments ~~ nig? oor is ag wit el 1905] | Hurty—Propvcrion oF TURPENTINE. 119 were discontinued and the results published by the Bureau of Forestry as Circular No. 34 entitled ‘‘Practical Results of the Cup and Gutter System of Turpentining”. The summary of ‘these results shows the total value of the products (spirits of turpentine and rosin) trom three years of operation to have been from fue cupped half-crop...................:..$2,688.55 Beremoned Halfecrop. 166.052 ich. ey ees. «<> 2046.53 Gain from cupped half-crop.....$ 642.02 an iticrease of about 32 per cent over the ‘‘box” system. The results of the first year of operation of these two half- crops, during which time conditions were identical in each except that in one half crop ‘‘boxes” had been cut in the trees, showed an increased yield from the unboxed trees of 23.5 per cent., thus confirming the hypothesis that the cutting of the box decreased the productive power of the tree. The publication of these results has resulted in the com- mercial introduction of the system on a large scale, and in many cases the results obtained with the apparatus have exceeded those obtained in the experimental tests. But the introduction of the cup system cannot of itself save the forests of Longleaf Pine from destruction. If too great a proportion of the circumference of the tree be removed in scarification, or ‘‘chipping” as it is termed, the tree will die whether a ‘‘box” has been cut or acuphung. Further exper- iments have, therefore, been begun by the Bureau of Forestry to determine to what extent the wound given in ‘‘chipping” . can be decreased in width, height and depth without decreas- ing the production. It is possible that by moderate reduction the production may even be increased. These experiments are now in progress. | A MEMOIR ON THE TWENTY-SEVEN LINES UPON A CUBIC SURFACE. y 1 ,* r Ny PART II. eS i ARCHIBALD HENDERSON, PH.D. CHAPTER II. THE CONFIGURATION OF THE DOUBLE-SIX. AUXILIARY — . B THEOREMS. $5. The Double-Six Notation. Let us write down, in Salmon’s notation, two systems of — non-intersecting lines 4 . co, cd, ef, (ad - ee eb),, (ad - fs eb), (ad - of - eb). cf, €b, ad, (ab - - ef), (ab - - of), (ab - cd + & aR In this scheme, according to former postulation (§4), each — line of one system does not intersect the line of the other sys- — tem, which is written in the same vertical line, but does — intersect the five other lines of the second system. The configuration was first observed by Schlafli* and wasq given by him the name it has since borne—a ‘‘double-six The concept of the double-six lies at the very basis of the 4 study of the lines upon a cubic surface and the notation *«*An attempt to determine the twenty-seven lines upon a surface of the — third order, and to divide such surfaces into species in reference to the © reality of the lines upon the surface’’, Quarterly Journal of Math C888) i vol. II, pp. 55-65, 110-120. Nov.) 120 7905] HENDERSON—A Memoir. 121 derived therefrom is the most simple and convenient that has yet been discovered for the 27 lines and 45 triple tangent planes. Notation. Starting with the double-six, written A, Ay Ay Ay Ay A b,, b, by By by b, we are enabled to express the complex and diversified symme- try of the 27 lines and 45 triple tangent planes in unique and simple form. Returning to the double-six, written in Salmon’s notation, it appears that the lines ad, cb, and ed lie in the same plane and are the only three of the 27 lines that lie in the plane 3. In like manner cd, cd, and cf all lie in the plane c and hence the line that lies in the plane of ad and ed is identical with the line that lies in the plane of cd and c/, viz., the line cd. In the new notation, we shall call the third line in the plane of a,, and J, which intersect, the line c,, and the trian- gle so formed shall be designated by 12. As has been shown above, the side c,, forms with a, and 6,a triangle, designated 21. Hence we have 15 (=,c,) lines c, each of which inter- sects only those four lines a, 0 the suffixes of which belong to the pair of numbers forming the suffix of c. For suppose c,, should intersect any other line, say a, of the eight lines a, a, @, 43; 6,6, 6, 6, Then c,, intersecting a, 6,, a, and 6, already, c,,a,6, and c,, a, 6, form two triangles, and since they have two lines in common, their planes are identical and consequently 4, intersects 6,, contrary to hypothesis. Any two c’s, the suffixes of which have a number in com- mon, do not intersect. For suppose c,,, c,, intersect; they form a plane in which a, and 0, lie and therefore a, meets 3, contrary to hypothesis. It may also be shown that any two cs, the suffixes of which have no number in common, do inter- sect. oo: 122 JOURNAL OF THE MrtTcHELL SociEry. Nov. These facts may be briefly put as follows: c;; intersects ai, 6;; a;, 6; ) cy intersects Cy / ee c; does not intersect cx (4 J j a a ue PAS Cij — Ci : 9 f3 a Aj; is not equal to Aj; J i We see then that there are triangles of the form c¢,,, c,, €. which may be briefly represented by 12 - 34 - 56. Hence there are thirty (,/) triangles of the type 12 and fifteen of the type 12 - 34.- 56. The latter arises from the fact that, 2. if we fix our attention upon 12, the other two sets may be written in only three ways. §6. History of the Theorem. In 1858 Schlafli (/. c) proved the double-six theorem inci- dentally in connection with his investigations on the 27 lines on the cubic surface. He enunciated the theorem in the fol- lowing form:— 3 Given five lines a, 6, c, d, e, which meet the same straig 1b line X: then may any four of the five lines be intersected by uioiher line. Suppose that A, B, C, D, E are the ie lin es intersecting (b, c,d, e), (c, d, é, a), (d, €, a, b,), (é€, a, 6 , 6a and (a, b, c, d) respectively. Then A, B, C, D, Ewill all be met by one other straight line x. The double-six in this case is written Fae Ngee ant EP Ais, C, TA, te, Schlafli then proposes the question—‘‘Is there, for this e 2 mentary theorem, a demonstration more simple than the one derived from the theory of cubic forms?” Sylvester* states that the theorem admits of very simple *Note sur les 27 droites d’une surface du 3¢ degré,’’ Comptes Rendu 1s S, vol. LII (1861) pp. 977-980. ‘ #905) Henpzrson—A Memoir. 123 geometrical proof but he did not give the proof. Salmon* has given a method for geometrically constructing a double-six but I do not understand it to be a proor of the theorem, inde- pendent of the cubic surface. In 1868 Cayley? gave a proof of the theorem from purely sta- tic considerations, making use of theorems on six lines in involution. Again in 1870 Cayley{ verified the theorem, using this time his method of the six co-ordinates of a line. Kasner|| has recently given a proof by using the six co-ordi- nates of a line. The method I have adopted in the following is indepen- dent of the theory of cubic surfaces. {Notgr. This proof and a model of the configuration constructed in Nov. 1902, were presented by me before the Chicago Section of the Am. Math. Society on April 1ith, 1903. I had not at that time seen Kasner’s article in the April, 1903, number of the American Journal, an article having points of contact with mine. | §7. Proof of the Double-Six Theorem. Representing the double-six in the Schlafli-Cayley notation B32 s.4 5 & 5 J ay 4’ 5/ 6’ it is seen that these 12 lines have the thirty intersections Py’, *Geometry of 8 Divisions, 4th edition, p. 500. +‘‘A ‘Smith’s Prize’ Paper; Solutions’’, Coll. Math Papers, vol. VIII (1868) pp. 430-431. +**On the Double-Sixers of a Cubic Surface’’, Coll. Math. Papers, vol. VII., pp. 316-330; Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, vol. X, (1870) 58-71. \|‘*The Double-Six Configuration Connected with the Cubic Surface, and a Related Group of Cremona Transformations’’, American Journal of Mathematics vol. XXV, No. 2 (1903), pp. 107-122. 124 JouRNAL OF tHE MrrcHELL Socre’y. [Nov. Nine flak ee Q' | e ag e geet Fide oa meee es stat ie Daas Fa ° and determine thirty planes I,;', (formed by the lines z and 7’). Using quadriplanar co-ordinates, I choose for the lines 1’, 3’, 4’, 5’, 6’ the following equations: I’: 88Cx 4+ 80’ Az — (a'y'd — ayd’)w=0, y=0 3’: yy Dy — (fyi — KBy'8)z + y/ Bu = 0, x =0 4’: ea el eee So: 8e&—dw=0, yy— fz=0 6: &&—aw=0. yy — Be =0 where we set Ag, hy ede = (a’ — Ke), (p’ — AB), (y’ 7% Fy), (o a FB) ; respectively. These five lines have a common tractor* since the determ- inant *Cayley uses the word ‘tractor’ to denote a line which meets any given lines. 2 a 4 4 i —— ee nae (a eS ET pegs ga ME ns =) i905] Henpersox—A Memon. 125 iP I (21), 0, (23), (24), (25) (31), (32), 0, (34), (35) | Gi C0e Chany: (T4),.' (15) | =21\0 (41), (42), (43), 0, (45) | (S51), (52), (53), (54), 0 this being the condition* that any five lines 1,-2, 3, 4, 5 say, have a common tractor, where the equations of lines7 and 7 are eet eee. ene ey + ye + yw 0 {ee OF) and (a xtbhytogoz+dw=0 | Ay tet Beso ec) respectively, and we understand by ( 77 ) the determinant Qi ys b; , Ci a; | | Wig ys este ayy | Gia Opes COR Os | Sy eae aaa The fine lines 1’, 3’, 4’, 5’, 6’ constituting the co-tractorial quintuple do not mutually intersect, since in forming the determinants ( 27 ), none of them are found tovanish. A pos- sible difficulty arises from the fact that the hyperboloid through any three of these five collinear lines might touch a fourth, that is to say that certain four of the lines might have a dou- ble tractor.t That such is not the case appears in the sequel. Determining now the common tractor, 2, of these five lines, we find it to have the equations *Sylvester, ‘‘Note sur l’involution de six lignes daus l’espace’’, Comptes Rendus, vol. LIT (1861), pp. 815-817. Cayley, ‘‘On the Six Co-ordinates ofa Line’. Trans. Oamb. Phil. Soc., yol. XI, part IT (1869) pp. 290-323. i36 JourNAL oF tHE MrtciEett Socrmty. [Now { YB8'n — aw) — 8A (yi— Beh 0 1 he (8x — aw) — 8A (yy — Bz) = 0 nN Now, in general, four given lines have a pair of tractors. Since the five lines 1, 3’, 4’, 5’, 6 already have a single trac- — tor 2, they have, in sets of four, five more tractors, thus:— a the. lines: 1, 3,-4, 5,6 are, tractors ofthe, -sets_ (3.455.000 (, oe a5 6’), (AG ai a. 6’), (1, S; 4, 6), fag 3, 4, 5’) respec- 4 tively. _ Let us proceed to determine the equations of the five lines 1, 3, 4, 5, 6. Recalling the values of A, B, C and D above, it is obvious by inspection that the equations of lines 1 and 3, meeting the quadruples (3’, 4’, 5’, 6’) and (1’, 4’, 5’, 6’) respee- tively, are dS #=0, w=0 on: y=0, z= 0. The equations of line 4, since it meets the lines 5’ and 6’, are of the form x ¥ w | ey Ae A ee ee ' MO A A x y z w a B r 8 The conditions that this line meet the line 1’, written in. q . the form a x a: wrt iM a ‘Bie dete ¥ are given by A=], pet Then the line 4 has the equations 1905] Hrnpgerson—A Menmorr. | 127 [ #« y Ba a0 | EE sik a lee PSS a a B Y 8 4 ee oe Bop is) 25k LAN a and we see by inspection that this line meets the line 3’ when we write its equations in the form ™ ae ea i f — — — -— — & — — + — + = 0, Bp’ y’ 8’ Bs B Y 8 B's’ == OF Line 5, since it meets the lines 4’ and 6’, has equations of the form z—Aw= 0 | A ah coe Meeting line 3’ (see form last written), it is necessary to identify the equations p ns rn w i een Sas CT B Y eh: -(- — =) (B's — ky’ B8) w = y+ ————#— — =0 8 \B' — kB vv 8(8" — &B) 8 wherefore ue — 28 1 (yB'8' — hy’B3) a ___., eat ts eee 8 — kB ys Bp’ — &B giving y:y=6:8B 128 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY. Nov y (8 — = for which i + rd 8 \ y' — ky and accordingly Applying similar reasoning to the equation z—aAw—0 with respect to the lines 1’ and 3’, we finally obtain U = Y A= —. ey Then the equations of line 5 are vz—yuw=—o0 Be | BOBx — aw) — aD(yy — Bz) = 0. Determining in a precisely similar fashion the equations of line 6, we find | 8z — yw = 0 B Cex — a’w) — a’ D(7'y — B'z) = 0 It remains to show that the five lines 1, 3, 4,5, 6 have a common tractor (in other words are collinear). Writing out the various determinants (77) and substituting in the formula for 4., we obtain (after reduction) 4.= 0 and hence these five lines have a common tractor (but are mutually intersecting, since no (7) = 0). | Determining now the equations of the line, called 2’, which meets these five lines, we find EE eS OO gee ee Oe ee ST a ee PFE ee a 1905] HENDERSON—A MEmoIR. 129 2! | (ap! — a'B)88' Cx + (78 — 7'8)aan’ Bu = 0 LGB — eB) yy'Dy + (8 — 78) BR Az = 0 Hence we reach the following conclusion, which is Schlafli’s theorem:— The five lines determined from five co-tractortal lines by choosing the remaining tractor tn each set of four of the latter lines, are themselves co-tractorial. In the above proof, the complete set of lines was derived from the five co-tractorial lines 1’, 3’, 4’, 5’, 6’, but it is imma- terial from which five of the primed or unprimed lines we start. Moreover the relation between the sets 1’, 3’, 4’, 5’, 6’ and 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 is a reversible one—the lines of one set are the tractors of the other set by fours and vice versa. §8. Anharmonic Ratios. Let us next find the co-ordinates of the points of intersec- tion of the lines 2’, 3’, 4’, 5’, 6’ with the line 1. Determining these in the usual way and writing down also the co-ordinates of the vertex C of the fundamental tetrahedron ASCD, we tabulate them as follows;— Pz: 0 BB(Yi—y8)A yy (eB! —e'B)D 0 P 0 pi'y— EBs yD 0 13/ Fs er: 0 1 0 0 r4/ oe a 0 B’ y’ 0 15/ , a - 0 B Y 0 EE 0 1 0 _ The anharmonic ratio of the four collinear points P ,P , P 12/ 13/ 15/ FP is identical with the anharmonic ratio of the four para- > 16/ meters I A ee 130 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SOCIETY. yy (aB’ — a'B)D yD BB (Yi — y8)A _B'B'y — HBS 4—-A AHA, Calculating the value A, aR tig “Netto ratio of these four parameters numbered in the order in which 4 they are written, we find (P gy. OP sie Des J? - 16/ Ft B8 intersection of the lines 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 with the line 4’. follow in the table below: Bly o dig — 7 (Ph —a pj) le ‘3 0 1 7 A B 24! P 1 0 34/ } Ai ayD BSC sa SUC ay’ D BIC 64 The anharmonic ratio of the four collinear points P , P , 24) 34h 54! parameters B ae 0, A ph, Calculating the value Nias ratio of these four parameters numbered in the order in which | they are written, we find BC BL DDI Nhe et: i HB, 0 0 0 0 0 [Nov. ps’ —| B(y'8 — y8')A — y(ap! — a'B)D These { : 0 0 0 0 0 pol vi P ,P , is identical with the anharmonic ratio of the four _ 64! Bi) Ree a RS x a u. of the anharmonic P a a 2 ad \ te . 1905] HENDERSON—A MeEmorr. 131 Bs ( BSAC—ayBD er Ae ye) Ya mr 24! 34! 54! 64/ BS BSAC a4: a'y’ BD Recalling the fact that A, B, C, D= (a — Ka), (8 — KB), (7 —Ay), (8 — £8) respectively, it is easily verified that B73 — y8)A — 7 af’ — o'B)D B's’ BSAC — ayBD ' aa Bs BSAC — ay BD pe | Blvd — 8')A — yap’ — a’B)D KBD Accordingly Pee Pi Pi yes PPP’), 1s/ 16/ 24/ 34/ 54’ 64! 12/ 13/ or expressing this in a briefer fashion (2', a Bi 6’), = (2, By 5, 6) Since the configuration is a symmetrical one, we have the general conclusion Pb bree AP Raa ey (2, t 9 Z. b Z, di I == (2, Ly Pe) a,)4 2? and this theorem may be phrased as follows:— The anharmonic ratio of the points in which any four out of jive co-tractorial lines cut the common tractor of all five ts equal to the anharmonic ratio of the points where the fifth line ts intersected by the correspondents of the first four. Let us designate the anharmonic ratio of the four planes formed by the plane z,’ with the lines z,, z,, z,, 7, by the symbol (2, 2, 2 %)i',, Recalling next the known theorem concerning the two tractors of four lines, viz. that the four points of either tractor and the four planes of the other tractor have the same anharmonic ratio, we obtain i33 JouRNAL oF THE MrtcH#LL Soctery. (Now. (25, diy Ls tei! = (2,, ly 2, t5)i' s and have by our last theorem ry Ge ah Tee iu. peers aca oe ee ae : (2,; a) 2. ’ Z5 Ji eet (2, Les Zs Te ge which may be phrased as follows:— The anharmonic ratio of the four points, on one of five co-tractortal lines, which are collinear with three of the rematin-, ing lines is equal to the anharmonic ratio of the four planes determined by these remaining lines and their common tractor.* For other interesting results on the anharmonic ratios con- nected with the double-six configuration consult the paper of Kasner just referred to. $9. Five Co-tractorial Lines as Primitive. Given any five co-tractoriai lines, these determine uniquely, as was shown in § 7, the double-six configuration. Then if we consider the plane of 27’, it will be met by the lines z, 7 in points which lie on the line 77. Since ,P, = 15, the 12 lines of the double-six together with the 15 new lines make up 27 in all, the total number upon the cubic surface.t Then the condition A. = 0 (§7,), which is the condition that five lines be co-tractorial, is likewise the condition that five given lines may lie in a cubic surface. ‘The result of Sylvester, viz. that A. = 0 is the condition that five given lines be co-tractorial, is found in a paper on the ‘‘Involution of Six Lines”,{ a sub- ject first studied by him in connection with a theorem in the Lehrbuch der Statik, by Mobius (Leipzig). If we are given five lines, defined by their six co-ordinates *Kasner, Am. Journal Math. vol. XXV, No. 2 (1903), p. 114. +Sylvester, Comptes Rendus, vol. LII (1861), pp. 977-980. Cf. also Sal- mon, Geom. of Three Dimensions, 4th edition, pp. 500-501 and R. Sturm, Flachen Dritter Ordnung, pp. 57-59. tOomptes Rendus, vol. LII (1861), pp. 815-817. ’ i905] | HenpErson—A Meworr. i33 (2,, b., eet ay He’) cee (@,, b., Co tha &s) h.), then the condi- tion that these five lines be co-tractorial is also 0,12, 13,14,15 [=0, 21, 0, 23, 24, 25 31, 32, 0, 34, 35 41, 42, 43, 0,45 | 51, 52, 63, 54, 0 | where we set af-+a@af,+62,+ 62,+ ¢6,+ ¢6,=12, &c.,* which is also the condition that these lines may be in a cubic surface.t The virtual identity of this condition with that of Sylves- ter (A. = 0 of §7) is on account of the fact that Cayley’s determinant at the fifth order above written is the square root of Sylvester’s 4..{ *Cayley, Coll. Math. Papers, vol. VII (1867), pp. 66-98. +Cayley, Coll. Math. Papers, vol. VII (1870), p. 178. $Sylvester, Comptes Rendus, vol. LII (186:), p. 816. <> 4 ie CROPS vin 8. Whee ts z *_ = < GOI 9 ATE | | | 1905] BrimLEY—FrEpING Hasits oF REPTILES. 153 ida Blindworm (/’Aineura floridana) which superficially looks more like an earthworm than a lizard, apparently eats earth- worms, as in 1900 I kept some for several months and used to put earthworms in the box of earth in which they were kept, and the said worms uniformly disappeared without leaving any trace behind. Only one other lizard has come under my notice in captiv- ity,viz.: the big Gila Monster( Heloderna suspectum) of Arizona and this in captivity seems to confine itself mainly, if not entirely to hens’ eggs, which when broken on a plate are lapped up by its broad fleshy tongue. My notes on this species are as follows:—1898, July 9, one large one received, drank water; July11, ate 3 eggs; July 12, ate two; ate noth- ing from July 13, when he ate one egg, till July 22, when he ate another, not in the meanwhile eating eggs when offered tohim. From July 23 to Oct 25 he ate 25 eggs, eating one every three or four days and fattened on the diet. 1899, three Heloderma received May 2, sent off May 9, ate 17 eggs in 8days. 1899, three more received May 23, sent off May 30, ate 21 eggs in 8 days. The Testudinata, of which the different species are indis- criminately known as turtles,tortoises, and terrapines the last name being in the South applied to nearly all species except the Snapping Turtle, comprise both omnivorous, carnivor- ous, and herbivorous species. The Gopher of Florida (Xerobates polohemus) is a good ex- ample of the first group, feeding only on succulent plants of various kinds, those I had showing most partiality to nut- grass, although they would also eat corn leaves, zinnia leaves and stems, sowthistles (Sonchus) and also apple peel and pieces of apple. Several of the aquatic species are also mainly her- bivorous, especially the Painted Turtle, Chrysemys picta, which in 1900 ate greedily of cabbage leaves,although they also have been observed to eat raw flesh, chicken offal, corn bread, pieces of watermelon and canteloupe. They usually drag their food into the water and eat it with the head under 154 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL SocrEty. [Dec water. On July 16, 1900, however, I saw one eating a piece of canteloupe on land without taking it into the water. Pseud- emys concinna, the large smooth terrapin of our rivers, is also apparently herbivorous, at least I have never detected one in the act of eating flesh. Our other species of Pseudemys, how- ever, the Rough Terrapin (Pseudemys scripia) is an omnivorous feeder eating raw flesh, ripe fruit, and the leaves of succulent plants. Like the two preceding it eats its food, mainly at least, under water. Theterrapins of the genus Chelopus seem to be more omnivorous than Chrysemys or rather to show a less decided preference for vegetable food; The Speckled Terra- pin (Chelopus guttutus) has been observed to eat apple, pieces of watermelon, sonchus leaves, dead snakes, fish scraps, etc, usually taking its food into the water to eat it; the other two species of the genus, however, (Chelopus insculptus and C. muhlenbergit) seem tc eat their food mainly on land, but are however more terrestrial than C. gutfatus which is in its turn less aquatic than Chrysemys picta. The Box Tortoises or Highland Terrapins of the genus Terrapene (Cistudo) which are terrestrial and not aquatic have been seen to eat raw flesh, dead birds, ripe and unripe fruit such as apple, tomato, watermelon, canteloupe, plum and persimmons and also occasionally the leaves of succulent plants. June bugs are also eaten during the period of their abundance. Their usual method of eating isto stretch the head forward towards their food,seize a piece in the jaws,and then jerk or pull the head backward so as to tear or cut the piece away, the forefeet being usually braced against the food or placed on it, while the portion to be swallowed is torn away. The morsel of food is then crushed sufficiently by the masticating surfaces of the jaws (turtles have no teeth) and swallowed. ‘There is no difference so far as I have been able to observe in the food of the different species of 'Terrapene, and I have had opportunities for observing 7. carolina, T. major, T. triunguis, T. ornato, and 7. bauri. The Mud Turtle (Aznosternon pennsylvanicum) is apparently 1905] BrimLEyY—FEEDING Hasits oF REPTILES. 155 like the rest of its family carnivorous, never having been ' observed: by me to eat vegetable food. This species.and the others of the same genus are the only turtles that cannot sup- port themselves in deep water without something to rest on, and if one is placed in a tub of water where it cannot support itself on something so as to get its head out of the water, will soon become exhausted from its struggles to reach the surface anddrown. All our other genera of turtles both aquatic and terrestrial, including the nearly related Aromochelys which by the way is thoroughly aquatic, float without any difficulty whatever. Of our other species of eetiidlincita I have no observations to record except that a Suapping Turtle in the posession of the State Museum used to eat live toads, dragging them under water to swallow them. THE SOUTHERN APPALACHIAN FOREST RESERVE. BY JOSEPH HYDE PRATT. ee The forest wealth of North Carolina and Tennessee makes the establishment of a Southern Appalachian Forest Reserve of very great interest to these States; but as these forests affect industries throughout all of the Southern States, and thus affect the industries of the entire country, the estab- lishment of this Forest Reserve is a matter also of national interest and concern. One hundred years ago there was lit- tle or no attention given in this country to the method or means by which its forests were cut away; that is, whether they were cut for lumber or ruthlessly destroyed in the clear- -ing of land for agricultural purposes. ‘There was no thought paid to the prevention of forest fires because they were harm- ful to the forests themselves; and no thought whatever was given to the influence that forests exert on the flow of streams and rivers. At that time there seemed to be a super- abundance of lumber for all purposes, the wasteful destruc- tion of which could not then be felt. Forest fires were not considered as doing any particular harm as long as they did not come too near the habitations of men. The streams and rivers always contained plenty of water and for a quarter of a century not enough land was cleared of their forests to demonstrate the effect their removal had upon the water sup- ply. | At the beginning of the 20th century, however, there has been a decided change in the views and ideas regarding the value to a country of its forest resources. Thus, our leading 156 [ Dec. wre ee eS oe 1905] §PRatTt—APpPaALACHIAN Forest RESERVE. 157 statesmen and our citizens realize and appreciate not only the commercial value of the perpetuation of our forests, but also the vast influence that these forests exert in the preservation of the water supply of the country. Perhaps their most noticeable influence is in mountainous and hilly countries, which, when covered with abundant forests, prevent the soil from being washed away and by the decay of their leaves form a loam which prevents the waters from running off the surface toorapidly. Itis these forest-covered mountains that are extremely valuable because of the effect they have upon water supply and water powers. By the removal of the forests there is no longer a protec- tion for the soil on the slopes of the mountains and hills except that produced artificially in the form of ditches, etc. There is no longer a layer or bed of leaves to act as an absorbent for the water and a preventive to its evaporation and it runs off for the most part as fast as it falls, causing high freshets and floods and periods of extreme low water; causing the streams and rivers to be higher at times of floods but very much lower the greater part of the time than they were before the removal of these forests. This is well illus- trated at the present time in many parts of eastern United States where many of the rivers are not navigable to the extent that they formerly were and many of them are a con- stant expense to the government in keeping them open to navigation due to low water. While a greatdeal of harmhas already been done in this way, a still greater harm will be done if the remaining forests are not protected. It is not only the navigation of the streams and rivers that is hurt by the removal of the forests but also the water supply for our cities and towns. Many of our largest cities are already beginning to find some difficulty in storing a sufficient supply of water for their use. This preservation of the forests means also the mainte- nance of the water powers, which, if reduced or destroyed, will seriously injure many of our manufacturing interests, 158 JOURNAL OF THE MITCHELL Society. (Dee. These defects in the watersupply are not due to the lack of rain but to the removal of the natural agencies that nature has provided for the storing of this water which has resulted from the removal of the forests. Again, these defects are not due to any considerable extent to the clearing of land for farming purposes for the farmer must of necessity protect the soil from being washed away and the only loss to the water supply that he would cause would be the greater evaporation to which it would be exposed. They are, however, due to the wasteful and destructive removal of the forests by the lumber companies who leave large tracts of land stript in some cases of every vestige of a tree. The present method of cutting timber and the subsequent forest fires is causing a scarcity of lumber, especially of the hard woods, and there are now but few sections in this coun- try where virgin forests of this character are to be found. This total destruction of a forest in lumbering is not neces- sary but it is a wasteful destruction of property, and a forest- covered area which should be a constant source of revenue, becomes in the end waste land and in many cases an impover- ished, barren tract. This scarcity of hard woods can be remedied by the appli- cation of practical forestry which would be adopted in any forest reserve established in the Southern Appalachian Moun- tains and is now being practiced in the forest reserves of the western part of this country. ‘There is little or no doubt but that the forests of the Southern Appalachian mountains can, by systematic and conservative measures, be made to yield profitable returns to the State and country. The forests of North Carolina and Tennessee are, and have for many years, been one of the chief resources of revenue to the people of these States and thus their preservation and perpetuation means a constant source of revenue to these States. Thus the two main and vital reasons for forest reserves are first, the protection of the water supply of our streams and Wg! goa A amy 1905] PratTr—APPALACHIAN Forest RESERVE. 159 rivers; and second, the protection of our supplies of lumber, especially the hard woods. The region that is to comprise the proposed Appalachian Forest Reserve lies for the most part in Western North Caro- lina and eastern Tennessee, with smaller areas in southwest- ern Virginia, northeastern Georgia and northwestern South Carolina. The slopes of the mountains in this region are the sources of many large rivers, as the Tennessee, the Savan- nah, the Broad and the Catawba. The water-power and navigation of these rivers are seriously affected by the removal of the forests in the mountainous districts as is also the water supply for the towns and cities in the vicinity of the moun- tains and of these rivers. This southern section of the United States has not been subjected to glacial action as the northern States have and there are, therefore, no glacial drifts in this region to act as storage reservoirs for water. Thus, in the removal of the forests we are practically removing all the natural resources for storing water. In speaking of forest reserves and particularly of the pro- posed Southern Appalachian Reserve, President Roosevelt in his address at Raleigh, N. C., October 20, 1905, pointed out how vital the preservation of the forests is to the welfare of every country and that the upper altitudes of the forested mountains are most valuable to the nation as a whole, not only on account of their commercial value as supplies of lum- ber, but especially because of their effects upon the water supply. He further said: ‘‘Neither state or nation can afford to turn these mountains over to the unrestrained greed of those who would exploit them at the expense of the future. We cannot afford to wait longer before assuming control, in the interest of the public, of these forests; for if we do wait, the vested interests of private parties in them may become so strongly intrenched that it may be a most expensive task to oust them. If the Eastern States are wise, then from the Bay of Fundy to the Gulf we will see, within the next few years, a policy set on foot similar to that so fortunately car- 160 JouRNAL OF THE MITCHELL Socrety. (Dec. ried out in the high Sierras of the west by the national gov- ernment. All the higher Appalachians should be reserved, either by the states or by the nation. I much prefer that they should be put under national control, but it is a mere truism to say that they will not be reserved either by the states or by the nation unless you people of the South show a strong interest therein.” North Carolina, which would give the largest area to the Appalachian Forest Reserve, is unequalled in its variety of hardwoods and conifers by that of any other State or Terri- tory. Throughout the whole area of the State, the great variety of soils and climate has brought together trees from all parts of eastern America so that 24 kinds of oaks are to be found in the State, which is three more than occur in any State to the north of this one, and two more than are to be found in any State to the south; of the nine kinds of hickories known to occur in the United States, eight have been found in North Carolina; here are all six maples of the eastern United States; all the lindens; all six of the American magno- lias; three of the birches; eight pines out of eleven; both spe- cies of hemlock and balsam-fir; three elms out of five; six arborescent species of plum and cherry; and three of pyrus (apple). . The bleak and exposed mountain summits, bear forests of trees which there find their southern limit, but extend north- ward through northern New York and New England to Can- ada. Such trees are the black spruce (the balsam), striped and spiked maples, mountain sumac, which is really an apple, balsam fir and aspen, all unless sheltered by other trees or by, the slopes of the mountain above them, rugged and dwarfed from the cold and constant wind to which they are exposed. ‘The commercial forest trees are on the slopes of the moun- tains and in the ravines and valleys. Some of these trees have wide distribution to the north of North Carolina or to the south of it, or in both directions, and some of them are ‘ OU Ey tr em. 7905] PRATT—APPALACHIAN ForEST RESERVE. 161 restricted in their distribution to North Carolina or to the region around the southern Appalachian mountains, The mossy cup, yellow and shingle oaks, white linden and big shag-bark hickory, prominent trees of the central States, extend as far to the southeast as central North Carolina; while trees of the north, like hemlock, sugar or hard maple, northern red oak, cherry, birch and white pine, and of the northeast, like the pignut hickory, chestnut, northern pitch pine aid balsam enter more or less largely into the composi- tion of the forests of the western parts of the State. Many trees of wide distribution, and among them some of the most valuable, extend from this State in all directions, the white, post, black, scarlet and Spanish oaks, the red and white maples, the white hickory and brown heart and shag- bark hickories, short-leaf pine, yellow poplar, red cedar, black chetry, and black walnut. The cypress, water and willow oaks, downy poplar, swamp-white oak (Q. Michauxii, Nutt.) southern elm, and planer trees are trees having a great range to the south and southwest. A few trees are found only in this State, or extend but a short distance beyond its bound- aries, the yellow-wood, the large-leafed umbrella tree, the Carolina hemlock, the clammy locust, the last being entirely confined to this State. Altogether there are 153 kinds of woody plants, which form a Simple upright stem and attaining arborescent proportions growing naturally within the State; and of these over seventy are trees of the first size, and fifty-seven are trees of great economic value. Fourteen of these are known to attain in this State a height of over 100 feet, three of them a height of _ over 140 feet, sixteen of them reach in this State diameters of five feet or over; and five reach diameters of seven feet or over. The areas of the other States included in the proposed For- est Reserve also contain a large variety of trees and thus this region contains the greatest variety of hard woods to be 162 JOURNAL OF THE MitcHE ii Socrery. (Dee. found anywhere on the American Continent for it is here that there is an intermingling of the sylvaof the north and south. Here trees that are common to New England are found in close proximity to those that are common to the more South- ern States. Here is the largest area of virgin forests to be found in the Southern Appalachian region. Here are trees from five to ten fieet in diameter which often tower to a height of 140 feet. The destruction of such a forest would be an almost irreparable loss, for once destroyed it would take generations for its restoration, with a great probability of failure; and then again the chances are that it would not be attempted. | These areas of timber are being rapidly acquired by those whose one object is to make the most profit possible out of them at the present time with no thought for the future. Many of the older countries, as Germany and England, have suffered to such an extent by the destruction of their forests that they, especially Germany, have begun already to take measures to preserve their forests and to make them such that they will be a constant source of lumber, and Germany has shown that by her system these forest reserves become self-supporting. England has become so depleted of her tim- ber that she is obliged to import the greater part of her lum- ber. ‘ The only remedy for the protection and preservation of our forests is for the National Government to obtain possession of them and to care for them by the application of scientific methods. Such a forest reserve under the management of trained for- est experts will demonstrate how these forests can be perpet- uated and at the same time be made to pay. Such an exam- ple will have an influence on the several States and individ- uals by encouraging them to practice forestry and to use those lands for growing timber that are more suited for this purpose than for farming industries, It will be an object les- > > 6 OS te ee? Su eee) 1905) Pratr—APPALACHIAN Forest RESERVE. 163 son and a laboratory for those studying or interested in for- . estry. The acquirement of this land by the national government for a forest reserve will not be setting a precedent for, ‘nearly 50,000,000 of acres of forest covered lands have been set aside (in the Western States) as National Forest Reserves and parks for the purposes of perpetuating a timber supply in the Western States and territories and for preserving forever the sources of their more important streams.” Thus what is now proposed is not new either in principle or practice. There are a number of reasons that can be given why this should be a National Forest Reserve. First, the problems and dangers that it is intended to meet are national; second, this tract of land lies in several States and the streams that rise in them flow through many States and it would be diffi- cult, even if possible, for these States to control and operate such a reserve successfully; third, these States are not so sit- uated financially that they could even make the attempt to carry out this plan. Thus if the forest reserve such as is contemplated is established it must be done by the National Government. The several States have conferred upon Con- gress the necessary authority to acquire land within their respective borders. These lands can at the present time be purchased at a very reasonable price; but they are increasing in value from year to year. While there are these fifty mil- lions of acres in National Forest Reserves and Parks in the West there is not a single National Forest Reserve in the East. (There are a few State Reserves. ) The withdrawal of this large amount of land and putting it into the hands of the Government will not prevent the devel- opment of its other resources (mineral and agricultural) for these can be developed as fast as capital desires but under the judicial guidance of the Government and it is possible for large industries to become established in them. Besides being a forest reservation, this tract of land will also be a large National Park, though this is a secondary ae _ scenery of rare natural beauty and will contain the ed ae “3 nutty wl a A a : oe #5 alee a x. ¥ 164 JOURNAL OF THE Meee Sc ae ; “ . ~ © he consideration. It will be a National Park thal mountains east of the Rocky Mountains and which ered with trees and shrubs to their summits. The healt 11 ness of this region is already kuown throughout the « and this and the i conditions are very favorable % Park. ‘ Bete 2 Saye a eT ak ee, ee ‘. as, 7, é& - “ ¥ he ee 4 ty 3 (5185 00265 =