fikarn of % glus^um OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY, AT HARVARD COllECB, CAMBRIIICE, MASS. / The gift of O _ ^ _, ^ No, a, "jz/o 3/, /^n' ' I) - '/ o JOURNAL OF THE ELISHA MITCHELL v^l H H Society FOR THE YEAR i883-'84. PUBLICATION COMMITTEE R. H. GRAVES, W. B. PHILLIPS, T. W. HARRIS. RALEIGH: EDWARDS, BROUGHTON & CO., STEAM PRINTERS AND BINDERS. 1884. 1883—1884. Presidea-t— R P. VENABLE, Ph. D., F. C. S. Vice-Presidext— J. A. HOLMES, B. Agr. Secretary and Treasurer — J. W. GORE, C. E. EXBCUXIVE COMMITXEE R. H. GRAVES, B. Sc, C. & M. E. W. B. PHILLIPS, Ph. D. T. W. HARRIS, A. M., M. D. JOURNAL OF THE ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY PRESIDENT'S REPORT FOR 1884. F. p. VENABLE. The Mitchell Society has completed the first year of its existence and it becomes the duty of the President to submit a report as to the work accomplished and proposed, and the general well-being of the Society. The formation of a Scientific Society was first proposed at a meet- ing of several gentlemen, connected with the scientific department of tlie University, held on September 24th, 1883. A call was then issued to all who were thought to be interested in the development ol the State or the progress of science, in order to see whether the encouragement would be sufficient to justify a permanent organiza- tion. The proposed aims of the Society were the arousing of an in- creased interest in scientific work, the building up of a spirit of research, the encotiraging of those already at work and the advan- cing of our knowledge of the State and its resources. The plan or system of work for the Society was to have the centre of the organ- izition at the University with enough resident members there for the transaction of business. Monthly meetings were to be held, at which popular treatises on scientific subjects were to be read with the hope of interesting and training up a number of. young scientific workers. An annual Journal was to be published containing all papers on original work or observations, contributed by members of the Society. At a second meeting held October 1st. 1883, a regular constitution was adopted and the first monthly meeting arranged for the second Saturday in November. Many encouraging replies were received from those to whom the call had been sent and the Society now has upon its roll of members the names of 7 life members, 75 regular members, and 74 associate members, or 156 in all, a most gratifying showing for the first year. With so cordial a support, the Society 6 JOURNAL OF THE The following officers were elected for the year beginning October, 1884 : Dr. W. C. Kerr, President; Col. W. J. Martin, Vice-President; Prof. J. W. Gore, Resident Vice-President; Prof. F. P. Venable, Secretary and Treasurer; Profs. R. H. Graves and J. A. Holmes and Dr. W. B. Phillips, Executive Committee. On recommendation of Council, the following were elected hon- orary members : Prof. Joseph LeConte, Berkely, Cal. ; Dr. James C. Southall, Richmond, Va. ; Prof. Charles U. Shepard, Charleston, S. C. Adjourned. J. W. Gore. PAPERS PRESENTED BEFORE THE SOCIETY. November lo, 1883. 1 . President's Address .F. P. Venable. 2. Biography of Dr. Mitchell Chas. Phillips. 3. Insectivorous Plants . . J. A. Holmes. 4. Action of Sulphate of Calcium on Potassium Cyanide (read by title) . . . . . J . F. WiLKES. December 8, 1883. 5. vSouthward Growth of Florida . J. A. Holmes. 6. Ptolemaic Astronomy .... R. H. Graves. 7. Artificial Milk and Butter. ... .F. P. Venable. 8. Primitive Rocks . .. ..A. E. DeSchweinitz. 9. Estimation of Phosphoric Acid and Value ot Fine Ground Phosphates read by title] Dr. W. B. Phillips. January 12, 1S84. 10. "Radiant Matter " (illu.strated by experiments) j. \V. GoRE. 1 1. South Carolina Phosphates ...H. B. Battle. 12. Singular Sunsets and Sunrises (Fall of 1883) F. B. Venable. 13. Elements and Supposed Elements (read by title)... . . J. C. Roberts. 14. Chemical Examination of Drinking Waters (read by title) A. E. DeSchweinitz. 15. Rain Storm of April 22d. 1883, (read by title) F. P. Venable. February 9, 1884. 16. N. C. Phosphate Rocks and Tinstone Chas. W. Dabnev. 17. The Pons-Brooks Comet _. R. H. Graves. 18. Applications of Electricity -- J. W. Gore. 19. Volcanic Eruptions in Straits of Sunda - -J. A. HoLMES. ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. 7 « 20. Action of Gravity on one Atom ' Chas. Phillips. Read by title : 21. Action of Ammonia on Lead Chloride.. Julian Wood. 22. Decomposition of Red Hematite (Chapel Hill Mine) F. P. Venable. 23. Barometrical Determination of Elevation of Chapel Hill J. W. Gore. 24. Stability of Filters washed by Hydrofluoric Acid F. P. Venable. 25. Observation on movement of Water J- A. Holmes. 26. Note on Lunar Halos F. P. Venable. March 8th, 188.1. 27. Rosin and Turpentine W. B. Phillips. 28. Dissolved Phosphates H. B. Battle. 29. Tornado of February 19th, 1884 J. A. Holmes. Read by title: 30. Results of Observation on Pressure and Temperature at Chapel Hill ..Chas. Phillips. 31. Estimation of Phosphoric Acid as Magnesium Pyro- phosphate : J. L. Borden 32. Alterability of Amorphous Phosphorus ...J. C. Roberts, 33. Solvent Action of Gasoline on Copper F. P. Venable. 34. Caffeine in Yeopon Leaf F. P. Venable. April 12th, 1884. 35. Rotation of the Eearth R. H. Graves. 36. The " Chatham Blood Shower" ... .... F. P. Venable. 37. Tornado of March 25th, 1884 J. A. D. Stephenson. 38. Principle and Applications of the Spectroscope (Illus- trations by Lantern) F. P. Venable. Read by title : 39. Oxyiodides of Lead J. L. Borden. 40. Time of Flowering of Plants (at Chapel Hill) Chas. Phillips. 41 . Zinc in Drinking Water. F. P. Venable. 42. Indian Mounds in Eastern North Carolina J. A. Holmes. 43. Magnetite from Orange county, N. C L. J. Borden. 44. Measurement of Amethyst Crystals .R. H. Lewis. 45. Note on Reverted Phosphate ...W. B. Phillips. MaV 7d, 1884. 46. Theory of Tornadoes .. J. W, Gore. 47. Coal-tar Products F. P. Venable. 48. History of the Observatory of the Univ. of N. C Chas. Phillips. Read by title : 49. Silk Industry JULIAN Wood. 50. Medical Practice among Indians Geo. M allett. 51. Sources of Phosphoric Acid J. C. Roberts. 8 JOURNAL {)F THK • 52. Production of Butter and Milk .J. P. Kerr. 53. Double Acetate of Copper and Barium J. C. Roberts. 54. Relative Solubility of North Carolina and South Carolina Phosphates J . L. Borden, 55. Analysis of Cotton Seeds A. E. DeSchweinitz. 56. Nature of precipitate from Phosphorus in Carbon Bi- Sulphide and Sulphate of Copper F. P. Venable. 57. Hydrate of Carbon Bi-Sulphide .F. P. Venable. 58. Analysis of Rock Salt from Virginia Thos. Radcliffe. 59. Zinc deposit in blast furnace _ . Tiios. Radcliffe. 60. Reversion of Phosphoric Acid in Superphosphate from Red Nevassa Rock W. B. Phillips. 61. Occurrence of N. C. Phosphate in Duplin and Onslow counties W. B. Phillips. 62. Geographical Distribution of Certain Plants in N. C --.J. A. Holmes. 63. Note on Indian Arrow Heads in Eastern N. C J. A. HoLMES. 64. Temperature of Well Waters at Chapel Hill F. P, Venable. 65. Note on Distribution of Earth Worms. R. L. UzzELLandE. F.Strickland. 66. Note on Food of Cat Fish W. A. Graham. 67. Note on Amount of Sand in Alimentary Canal of Birds. M. R. Braswell. TREASURER'S REPORT. Dr. Cr. Annual Fees .. $164 50 Contributions for expenses ... 7 00 Stationery and stamps .-. $23 08 Expenses of monthly meetings 14 00 $171 50 $37 08 Amount in Treasury May 1st, 1SS4 $134 42 J. W. Gore. ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. A SKETCH OF ELISHA MITCHELL. He whose name this Society bears, the Rev. Elisha Mitchell, D. D., late Professor of C-heniistry, Mineralogy, and Geology in this University, was born in Washington, Litchfield county, Conn., on he 19th day of August, 1703. He was a Naturalist by inheri- tance, by inclination, by education, and by profession. His father was a v^ery respectable farmer. His mother, a descendant of John Eliot, "the Apostle to the Indians," was the grand-daughter of the Rev. Jared Eliot, M. D. and I). D., a man distinguished in his day for a successful pursuit of knowledge in many branches of Natural Science. He was a correspoildent of learned men, such as I)r. Franklin and Bishop Berkely, and in 1762 received, from the Royal Society of London, a gold medal for improving the manufacture of iron. From this ancestor Dr. ^Mitchell inherited, besides delight in the phenomena of Nature, and curiosity for its secrets, personal qualifications t'at fitted him well for the life he chose. Like him he was of a commanding presence, great bodily vigor, quaint humor, solid and sensible piety, and liberal philanthropy. Insatiable de- sire for knowledge was the prominent characteristic of Dr. Mitchell from his boyhood. It was then his delight to spend his play -time in telhng his school-mates wdiat he had seen in his rambles, heard from his elders, or read in his books and newspapers. This tendency to- wards objective Science was wisely and skilfully strengthened by his preceptor in classical studies, the Rev. Dr. Backus, who, as a school- master, and as the President of Hamilton College, N. Y., Was, in the early part of this century, famous lor his excellent common sense, his keen wit, his large acquaintance witli Science and Litera- ture, and iiis devout deference to the teachings of Inspiration. Thus it was that the bending of the twig in Connecticut determined the inclination of the tree in North Carolina. Fortunate in his parentage, and in his pupilage, Dr. Mitchell w^as equally fortunate in his associations while a student at Yale College. There he became a marked man by the depth and breadth of his culture. Standing always at the head of his class, he was repeatedly selected by his iellow-students to represent them on public occasions. The dignity of his bearing, his handsome face, the originality of the views he set forth, the humor with which he enlivened his argu- ments, and the evident intimacy of his acquaintance with great English authors, made his orations and debates both instructive and 2 10 JOURNAL OF TITP: delightful to all men of taste and learning. To say that he was a marked man in the class of 1813. a class thai contained Dr. Olmsted of Yale College, President Longstreet of Georgia, and Mr. Thomas P. Devereux, the Rev. Mr. Singeltary and Judge Badger of North Carolina, is to say that his honors bore the signs of a vigorous and well contested race. The last year of his course at Yale College was ever memorable to him, because in it he joined the Church of his fathers. The determination to do so was formed by the earnest and gentle persuasion of a class-mate, a man by no means his equal in the grasp or activity of his mental powers. So it was all through his life. He who was often hard to move by argument, and gener- ally firmly fixed in the face of opposition, yielded a ready acquies- cence to truth addressed to his heart. He often gave what no man could take from him. Dr. Mitchell began his life long work of teaching, immediately after graduating, by becoming an usher in the school of the Rev. Dr. Eigenbrodt, a notable pedagogue of Jamaica, L. I. In the spring of 1815, he took charge of a seminary for girls in New Lon- don, Conn. There again, while busy with the head, he became in- terested in the affairs of the heart. His love for Nature found sat- isfaction in visiting the library and enjoying the conversation of Dr. North, who had a great name as a Physician and as a ^^hysicist. In Dr. North's family he also found, in the person of his daughter, the wife who, from 1819 until he died, made his home delightful to him by the wisdom, dignity, intelligence and charity with which she presided over their household. A nephew of Mrs. Mitchell, Dr. H. Carrington Bolton, is now sustaining his grand-father's reputation as the Professor of Chemistry in Trinity College, Hartford, Conn., and so adds another to the group of scientific men with whom Dr. Mitchell must be associated. In 1816 Dr. Mitchell became a tutor in Yale College. AVhile thus beginning to increase the fame and power of his Alma Mater he attracted the attention of the Rev. Sereno Dwight, at that time Chaplain of the Senate of the U. S. Mr. Dwight mentioned him, with Dr. Olmsted, to Judge Gaston, then a member of the House of Representatives, as two young men likely to become prominent Scien- tists. The Trustees of this University were, at that time, looking for men fit to fill the chairs of Mathematics and of Chemistry which they had lately established here. On the recommendation of Judge (iaston. Dr. Olmsted was chosen Professor of Chemistry, Mineralogy and Geology— while to Dr. Mitchell was assigned the Professorship of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy. Dr. Mitchell did not ELISilA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETV. II repair to Chapel Hill at once; Imtypent a year in studying Theology in the Seminary at Andover, Mass. This he did that he might be the better prepared to learn and to teaeli whatever Science might discover or Revelation inculcate. So it happened that it was Jan- uary, 1818, when Dr. Mitchell began his labors in the professor's chair and the preacher's pulpit — labors not interrupted till his death in 1857. but continued during nearly forty years with great energy, rare intelligence, and notable success — forty years of wonderful dis- coveries in Science and profound discussions in Religion. As has been already stated, Dr. Mitchell came to our University to be its Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy. The ardor with which he entered on this professorship is evident in the pages of a njanuscript volume which lies before us, entitled ''Compte oiiTert de mes etudes, mes pensees—de mon etre.'' Its first entrv is dated '' ^ept. 9, 1818," and mentions his ''mathematical studies un- eonnected with those of the classes.'' It also contains a division of the hours of each day according to the studies thereof. From sun- rise, and " apresles matins,'' till 11 o'clock— the first of his recita- tion and lecture hours — he was to study Mathematics with the reso- lution "-Jene toncherais pas aucun livre de belles lettres.''' From the hour for recitation till that for dinner he was to read newspapers, a reading that he continued till his death. No man in North Caro- was better acquainted with the useful news of the day. He was a constant reader of the N. Y. Journal of Commerce, paying special attention to its items respecting the sales of merchandise, and the coming and going of ships, that he might know what was being made and sold, and how it was transported to markets all over the world. So it came to pass that his knowledge of Geography was wonderful, for its extensiveness, minutene.'^s, and accuracy. After dinner he was to study the Spanish language and Botany with this provision — "./e lie toucherais pas aucun livre Auglais, a moins que les livres botaniques.'''' On Saturday he was to busy himself with " Greek, Latin, and Hebrevj, and the History of Greece.'" One en- try is, " 'Petals malade et Je lisais 80 lic/nes dans la traite de Cicero sur la vieillesse.'''' This book contains Dr. Mitchell's notes on New- ton's Principia, Hutton's Mathematics. Lacroix's Calculus, Vince's Fluxions, Montucla's History of Mathematics, Art. 'Optics' in the Perth Encyclopaedia," &c., &c. We have seen how Dr. Mitchell became a great Geographer. He made also a list of the years from "904 B. C, Troy taken" to "A. D. 1719, Biot commences his ob- servations at the Shetland Isles." It was made that he nnght record, for each year, the events that rendered it remarkable in his eves. 12 JOURXAL OF THE Tliis constant recording of his observations as he read as a red his becoming a trusty and universal Historian. In 1825 Dr. Ohnsted returned to Yale College. There he labored Till his death and acquired a wide spread renown. Dr. Mitchell was then transferred to the Professorship vacated by Dr. Olmsted ? while his own inst- uctions were continued by the late Rev. Dr. James l^hillips. Ardent as had been his pursuit of Science hitherto, it wa^ hereafter much more ab-orbing — for Natural Science was con- natural to him. His Botanical studies in North Carolina began at his tlrst acquaintance with its hills and vallies, its woods and mead- ows. They closed only at the close of his life. For a memorandum about one of his later trips to the mountains of North Carolina shows that he carried with him '' avasaulumfor j^lonts., and a ham- mer for rocks.''' The MS. quoted above contains a list of flowers, mosses, oaks, hickories, maples, (fcc, which he had observed about Chapel Hill, and about Hillsboroug i. A most careful observer was Dr. Mitchell. His entries concerning his collections contain gener- ally the date as well as the place of his discoveries — the n arks he noted on his specimens, criticisms of the descriptions in Pursh, Eliot, Michaux, Nuttall, &c., together with memorabilia touching points still doubtful. One page is headed — '' Catalogue of plants to he sent to Mr. Schweinitz.'''' Here then we have the data by which a useful comparison may be made between the contents of the flora in this neighborhood at this time and sixty years ago. What was in the valley of Morgan's creek, from the wli.t-stone quarry, past McAulay's mill and Kittrell's — now Purefoy's — plantation, down to Scott's hole, what on the affluents of Boiling's creek — what on New Hope — what around Hillsborough, and what "beside Haw Riv^er," are recorded with much clearness. An examination of what is now in those localiti^s might show what plants have been lost — what con- tinued, and what introduced, '^ven into the yards and gardens of Chapel Hill. The attention of the Mitchell Society is rispectfully called to this good work. Its present Professor of Botany can doubtless spend — as his predecessor spent — and with the help of ar- dent and able pupils, may utilize many pleasant Saturdays by re- viving these labors of love for Science. Dr. Mitchell left no such evidence of his work in Mineralogy. But in his day it was well known to be equally broad and deep. He had a large collection of sto es, and specimens of rock, gathered by himsslf, and sent by friends, from various parts of North Caro- lina. These — their names and their loci were very familiar to the Professor, and he introduced them fully and frequently to his pupils. ^ ELISHA MITCHEl.L SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. 1 3 But unfortunately he labelled very few of them, and what he knew ■about theui must be re-collected, because it cannot be rei ollected. But he was the principal authority, while he lived, as to th*"* con- tents of the soil and sub-soil of our hills, and plains, and moun- tains. The light that the Mineralogy of State throws on its Geology, arly engaged his attention. And he was in correspondence with Agassiz and other Scientists, to learn what their museums contained and how they explained the curiosities he sent them. It must be remembered that, to Dr. Mitchell, Mineralogy and Geology and Chemistry were juvenile members of the great family of Science. He knew them when puny inhabitants of the cradle and he helped to nurse them into their present vigorous growth, ani that without the helps in Geography, Lithology, Petrology, and Biology that a,bound in our Modern Laboratories. Hence, while the larger fea- tures of the Geology of North Carolina were well known to him, he passed away from contemplating them before the bounds of its various deposits had been ascertained, and their relations to each other settled, and the upheaval of our mountains traced with the accuracy and fulness that marks the work of our accomplished Geologist, Dr. Kerr. Here let me remind the members of the Mitch- ell Scientific Society that as the first Astronomical Observatory i-n. these United States was built at the University of North Carolina — so by a Professor of the same University, Dr. Mitchell's fellow- student and colleague, Dr. Olmsted, was planned and begun the first Geological survey of a State in our Union. Waddy Thom^-son, the brilliant Congressman from South Carolina, in conversing with Gov. Swain, gave North Carolina great credit for its early, consist- ent and persistent efiorts in behalf of political liberty. But he complained that 'SSVie has done nothing since.'''' So also in Physical Science she has exhibited an early and intelligent desire for knowl- edge both theoretical and priactical. But herein she has lost much of the ardor of her first love. Let it be the reward of the Mitchell Society that its labors have moved her to "repent and do her first works." Besides "Notes on Natural History," and " Civil and Biblical HiS' tory," intended to be guides for his students in their private studies, Dr. Mitchell published two editions of a Manual of Chemistry to be used in connection with his lectures and experiments. This was another department of Science wherein evolution was rapid all the time that Dr. Mitchell was a teacHer therein. But he was in the front line of its progressives. His library and his laboratory showed that he withheld neither time, labor nor money to keep himself C4 JOURNAL OF THE; well infonned concerning all that wasa dr)ing throughout the worFd"^ In organic as well as inorganic? Chemistry. Indeed the shelves of his Laboratory and of his ware-rooms fully illustrated the Chrono- logy of Art in that Science. They contained what instruments had been useful as well as what were the fittest to survive. His oldest Instruuients, whether of metal or of glass, were almost all made in Europe. His latest, far simpler, more elegant, and more useful, were made in Northern workshops, or were the products of his own handiwork, guided by his own ex, erienceand rertection. We should not forget the difficulties that beset a N;ituralist in North Carolina in Dr. Mitchell's time. During a great part of that lime there was- not a railroad in North Carolina, and the common roads were very- vile. Travel through the State to visit a Botanical, a Geological^ or a Mineralogical 'egion was almost entirely in private convey- ances. Books and Apparatus were sent forwards and backwards^ from Chapel Hill to Philadelphia, or New York, or Boston only thrrugh wagons to Petersburg, or New Berne, or Fayetteville, and thence by boats and schooners. In 1830 it cost more time aiid worry for Dr. Mitchell to get Chemicals, or an Instrument front Philadelphia than, in 1850, it did his successor from Berlin. It is to be regretted that Dr. Mitchell's time as a student was di- vided by his labors as a teacher into parts so small, and so separate^ that he could not engage in any work that demanded all his atten- tion for a period longer than that afforded by a vacation of the University^. IJe was much interested in the improvement of North Carolina — was always ready to give advice that was valuable, be- cause of his large acquaintance within and throughout the State. The surveys for some of its roads he superintended in person. But these exertions were limited by his duties at the University. These he regarded as of paramount importance. Very rarely was Dr. Mitchell ever absent from his office at the beginning a college term, or from his seat at College Prayers, or from his de.^k in the lecture room, or from his duties in the pulpit, or from the weekly Faculty meeting. It was this conscientiousness, respecting duties imposed on him by authority, that circumscribed his original labors in the fields of Science, and rendered that fragmentary which otherwise might have presented a well ordered totality. A striking instance of this occasional working, and of the trouble which it caused, is to be found in the history of his examinations of the mountains of North Carolina. He had notic^Ti that the Michaux — father and son, had both surmised that in our State, on the Grandfather, or the Black Mt., would be found the highest ground this side of the Mis- ELTSHA ^IITCHELL SCiEXTIFlC SOCIETY. 1% sissippi. This conjec.ture was warranted by their finding among those heights Alpine plants which they had not seen south of Can- nda. So when, in 1830. Dr. Mitchell learned from Gov. Swain that Mr. Calhoun, of South Carolina, entertained the same opinion, because from that region rivers tlov> to all points of the compass, he resolved to verify these speculations by inimediate and instru- mental observations. But it was 1835 before he f. Guyot afterwards, in 1856. On the next •day, July 28th, 1835, he ascertained the height of this peak, and in the same year published that it w^as "5,508 feet above Morgcmton, or 6,476 feet above the level of the sea''; Morganton being then thought to be 968 feet above the same level. Since 1835, Morganton has been found to be 1,200 feet above that base. So the measure of Mitchell's peak in 1835 should be regarded as 6,708 feet. The other measures of the same peak have been, by Dr. Mitchell, in 1844^ 6,672 feet; by Gen. Clingman, in 1855, 6,941 feet; by Prof. Guyot, in 1856, 6,701 feet; by Major James Wilson, (with a spirit level) in 1857, 6,711 feet; and by the U. S. Coast Survey, 6,688 feet. Dr. Mitchell measured other mountains in 1835, viz: Table Rock, The Grandfather, Yeates' Knob, Young's Knob, and the Roan. He visited the Black Mountain again in 1838, in 1844, in 1856, and in 1857, limiting his visit each year by the length of his summer vacation. In no one of these visits did he, or could he do all he wanted to do, or all he ought to have done. Hence he became doubtful concern- ing what he did in 1835 thinking that his guides had not led him to the peak he chose from Yeates' Knob. And he lost his life in at- tempting to dispel the doubts that were in his own mind, but almost no where else. Those who wish to see the evidence respecting the measuring of Mitchell's Peak in 1835 will find it in the number of the "University Magazine" for March, 1858, and in the Memoir of Dr. Mitchell published at Chapel Hill in the fall of the same year. At this time, when there are foot-paths and bridle-paths to almost every mountan height in North Carolina, it is ditiicult to realize the hardships undergone by Dr. Mitchell in 1835. The measuring of a mountain often cost him a suit of clothes, that of July, 1835, cost him a week's hard work besides. His way was often to where the i6 JOURNAL OF Tilt: boldest mountaineers had never trod, through, under, and over thickets ■ f laurel, where only bears and snakes or iwled before^ One object before hmi in 1857 was to collect, in a southern latitude, corrections for barometrical observations on mountain heights. He proposed to connect the railroad survey across the Blue Ridge in Nortli Carolina with the rop of MitchelTs Peak by a series of stations differing from each other by 500 feet of altitude. He had sent one of Green's Smithsonian Barometers to be observed by l)r, Posey, in Savannah, Ga. Others were to be observed simulta- neously in Asheville, N. C, at these stations on he sides of the Black Mountain and on MitehelTs Peak thereof. But this, with many other plans for the increase of Science, tlie welfare of the University, the honor of North Carolina were buried and lie with him in the lonely grave on the top of the mountain whicli he has consecrated. Besides teaching in the lecture-room, Dr. Mitchell taught con- stantly from the pulpit. After he came to Chapel Hill, and through- out his life, very few week« passed without his reasoning with his fellowmen concerning "Righteousness, Temperance and the Judg- ment to come. " His sermons in the University Chapel abounded in apt illustrations of revealed Truth drawn from Natural Science, from History, and from Biography. In the village church his ser- mons and lectures were full of comparisons of Scripture with Scrip- ture, and with the daily experiences of his hearers in private or in social life. For, in all his studies and in all his instructions, Dr. Mitchell was a Physicist rather than a Metaphysician. He scouted the notion that there is — that there can be any conflict between true Science and true Revelation. He rejected the doctrine of a Natura maturans by means of innate or connate forces, but proclaimed that of a Natura ?7iaturata by a Person who, after creating all things besides Himself, still works in all things, and by all things, according to the counsel of His own will. He judged that Miracles, as the seals of a Revelation, were possible, probable and historical. His descriptions of the wisdom, power, and goodness of God in His works of Creation and Providence were often connected with novel instances of his own observation, and were always striking — although addressed to the intellect rather than the emotions. For the re- demption of mankind from its abyss of sin and misery he looked to the mystery of the Cross of Jesus Christ, inwrought by the Holy Ghost, and accepted by Faith. Ready at all times for every good word and work, his purse and his co-operation were never withheld from any reasonable and charitable undertaking. The poor, the ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. I7 widow, the fatherless and the stranger found in him a liberal bene- factor. 'Although Dr. Mitchell used his pen freely in correspondence with his friends, and published, in the newspapers of the day, much in- formation valuable especially to the citizens of North Carolina, it is to be regretted that he did not place his contributions to Science and Religion where they might have been more easily and perma- nently accessible to all Students of Nature. To the pages of Silliman's Journal, however, he contributed several interesting and instructive papers. E. g. In January, 1830, on A Substitute for Welther's Safety Tube, and on The Cxeology of the Gold Regions of North Carolina. In January, 1831, on The Causes of inds and Storms. In April, 1831. An Analysis of the Protogsea of Leibnitz. In July, 1831, A reply to Redfield's criticism of his article on Winds and Storms. In January, 1839, Observations on the Black Mountains in North Carolina. After this time the great increase in the number of students at the University, and the consequent increase of his labors as Professor, and as Bursar, precluded such work as this. To the end of his life he was, nevertheless, a close observer and a fre- quent critic of what was going on in the world of Science, Religion, and Politics. His pamphlet on "The other side of the Book of Nature and the Word of God, ' and a large quantity of unpublished MSS. show^ed that he was deeply interested in the discussions that preceded the war of Secession. Had he lived to see this great civil commotion, he would doubtless have manifested a deep sympathy with the people among whom he had cast his lot in the prime of his manhood. Dr. Mitchell perished by falling from a precipice on the Black Mountain, on the night of Saturday, June 27th, 1857. He was descending the mountain alone to visit William Wilson, his faithful guide of 1835, whom he had not seen in twenty-two years. A storm on Mitchell's Peak delayed his descent so that his watch, when he was found, marked nineteen minutes past eight. He was found on the 8th of July by Mr. Thomas Wilson, the "big Tom Wilson" of Harper's Magazine, for November, 1857, who with some. two hun- dred mountaineers was searching lor Dr. Mitchell in every glen of that fearful mountain mass. He had fallen some forty feet into a deep pool in a branch of the Sugar Camp Fork of Caney River, not far from the route he had pursued with William Wilson in his first visit to those high places. He was buried first at Asheville, N. C, on the 10th of July, but afterwards, at the solicitation of many friends — but especially of the mountain men of Yancey county — his 3 1 8 . JOURNAL OF THE remains were removed on the 16th of June, 1858, to the top of Mitch- ell's Peak. Such were some of the characteristics, and principal events in the life of Dr. Mitchell, one of the pioneers in Scientific research in these Southern States. "His bow abode in strength to the last, neither was his natural force abated." At the news of his death, men of Science marked the loss of a learned associate— while mem- bers of our Isational Cabinet and Ministers to foreign countries. Senators and Representatives in Congress, Governors of our States, with their Judges and their Legislators — Ambassadors from the court of Heaven, and men of reknown in all the liberal professions, distinguished Professors, with famous school-masters and hundreds of other pupils in the more retired walks of life rose up, in all parts of our country, to do honor to their revered preceptor. May his mantle of wisdom, energy, industry, learning, charity and piety rest on those at whose feet the young men of our country are now gath- ered, that they too may receive the plaudit : " Well done! Thou good and faithful servant."' DECOMPOSITION OF POTASSIUM CYANIDE. J. F. WILKES. Entomologists frequently find it convenient in killing insects to use a bottle containing moistened potassium cyanide over which plaster of paris is spread. The insect usually dies in a few minutes after enclosure in the bottle, the mixture assumes a brownish tint and the odor of hydrocyanic acid can easily be detected. As no expla- nation of t^his re-action could be found, some experiments were under- taken with a view to deciding the effect of the plaster of paris and how far it is necessary for the reaction. To determine the nature of the gas given off, about one grain of pure potassium -yanide (only the chemically pure was used through- out these experiments) was placed in a test-tube, moistened with water and covered with a layer of plaster. Through an accurately fitting cork two bits of tubing entered this test-tube, one extending ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. 19 nearly to the surface of the mixed substances and having its other end connected with a washing flask containing a strong solution of iodium hydroxide ; the other just entered the cork and was con-' nected w th a calcium chloride tube to which was joined a tube, 300l m m long, filled with murcuric oxide. A smaller tube from the end of this, dipped beneath a solution of potassium hydroxide. By means of an aspirator, air was drawn through this system of tubes slowly and at regular intervals for about two days. At the end of this time the potassium hydroxide was tested with the ferroso-ferric solution and no trace of prussian blue could be detected. The calcium chloride and mercuric oxide tubes were then removed and air once more drawn through into a solution of potassium hydroxide. On testing this the reaction for hydrocyanic acid with the ferroso-ferric solution was very clearly given. Here then was proof that hydro- cyanic acid and no cyanogen was formed during the reaction. As a confirmatory test, however, hydrochloric acid was added to a por- tion of the potassium hydoxide through which the gas had been drawn, then sodium hydroxide, and it was heated to boiling. No ammonia could be detected. There was therefore no potassium cyanate present and hence no cyanogen had entered the liquid. The aqueous solution of potassium cyanide can be kept unaltered in closed vessels at ordinary temperatures according to Pelou/e and rieiger^(Giuelin's Hand-book, vii, 415), but when boiled it is resolved into ammonia and potassium formate. It is well known that a strong smell of ammonia can be detected on opening a bottle containing moist cyanide, but we have seen no mention of the formaticjn of hydrocyanic acid from the cyanide by simple decomposition without the aid of carbon dioxide or any strong acid. It was noticed during these experiments that when moistened potassium cyanide was en- closed in a test-tube and air aspirated over it for several days a slight but distinct Prussian blue test was given by the solution of potassium hydroxide through which the air after leaving the tube wa-: drawn. Of course every precaution was taken to free the air from all traces of carbon dioxide or acid. It was made to pass through a wash bottle containing a concentrated solution of sodium hydroxide, then through two V tubes filled with small lumps of solid hydroxide, and lastly, fo have proof of the absence of carbon dioxide, through a small tube containing limewater. passing thence into the lube containing the cyanide. This experiiiient was repeated at various temperatures ranging from 12^ — 18^ c. and always with the same result. If the amount of moisture was small the depth of color gotten in the ferroso-ferric test was slight. ]f about 1 c.c. 20 JOURNAL OF THE of water was used to 1 grain of the cyanide a clear deep green was gotten. Witli calcium carbonate, ordinary hydrated calcium sul- phate or barium sulphate, the cyanide when mixed in about equal parts and moistened gave off apparently about the same amount of hydrocyanic acid as when alone, judging from the depth of color in the ferroso-ferric test. AVith the anhydrous sulphate a distinct blue was gotten, showing a decidedly increased decomposition, and in this case the mixture left in the tube had a purplish brown color which was not observed with the others. Since other sulphates and other calcium compounds failed to act on the potassium cyanide and no change in the anhydrous sulphate itself could be detected, it seemed probable that its action was due in some way to its \ ower of combining with a portion of the water present to form the hydrated sulphate. When an excess of water 3-5 c.c. was added to the mixture of the cyanide and the anhy- drous sulphate the test showed very little, if any, more hydro- cy nic acid to be given off than when the hydrated sulphate or the cyanide alone was used and no discoloration was produced. When barely moistened thi? evolution of hydrocyanic acid was considera- ble. If porous, partially dehydrated calcium chloride was added to the cyanide in the place of the sulphate the amount of acid evolved was still greater and .the color of the mixture almost black. Anhydrous sodium carbonate had tliesame effect, though in a lesser degree. Again, when the cyanide and the plaster had both been carefully dried, the air was drawn over them for four days and no* ' ydrocyanic test could be gotten in the final tube of potassium hy- droxide. The mixture of potassium cyanide and anhydrous calcium sulphate left after two or three days of aspirating was examined and to con- tain potassium h droxide. The reaction then is probably KCN + H.O = HCN -f- KO'H. It has been shown by Karsted (Poggendorff \s Annalan, 115, 348) and Storer (Amer. Chem. Journal v. 69) that where air alone comes in contact with corks and organic connectors carbon dioxide is formed. This would probably account for decomposition when potassium cyanide and water alone were used, but the greatly in- creased depth of test when plaster of paris is added shows a decided action on the part of that body. Chemi-al Laboratory, U. N. C, Nov., 1883. ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. 21 REVERSION OF PHOSPHORIC ACID BY HEAT, TOGETHER WITH SOME OBSERVATIONS ON THE FINE GRINDING OF ANALYTICAL SAMPLES. W. B. PHILLIPS, Ph. D. When manufactured Phosphates are analyzed immediately after preparation, the percentage of Phosphoric acid soluble in water is generally found to be higher than at any subsequent time. A por- tion of it becomes insoluble in water, but is soluble in some of the organic salts of Ammonia; i. e., in the oxalate, and citrate. To this Phosphoric acid the term Reverted is applied, signifying, as is well known. Phosphoric acid which, though at one time soluble in water, has become insoluble in that liquid, and occupies an inter- mediate position between the original tri-calcium-phosphate of the crude material, and the tetra-hydrogen-calcium-phosphate of the manufactured product. The change from Soluble to Reverted begins almost at the very moment of manufacture, and continues for an indefinite period, vary- ing among other things with the raw material used, the quantity of acid employed, &c., &c. It might be supposed that as this reversion begins when the pro- duct begins to dry, it was connected intimately with the process of drying. But it has been shown by Post (Chem. Industr. 1882, p. 217,) that it goes on even in samples enclosed in hermetically sealed bottles, and hence is not dependent on the loss of moisture, under ordinary conditions of temperature. The limits of this paper will not allow me to enter at all into the discussion of the various causes of reversion. Among the more prominent ones are the presence of unattacked oxides of Calcium, Iron, and Aluminum, and Calcium Sulphate and Carbonate. The object of this paper is to direct attention anew to the fact that a temperature of 100° c maintained for varying lengths of time on the manufactured phosphates causes a very rapid reversion. The material used was a saj'.ple of an "Acid Phosphate" pre- pared under my personal supervision at the works of the Navassa Guano Company. It was prepared as follows : \ 22 JOURNAL OF THE Fine ground Charleston Rock, - - - 1,100 pounds. Sulphuric Acid, 470 B - - - - - 950 Several tons of it we. e made November 21st, 1883, and a sample of it was drawn by myself November 22d. The sample was pulver- ized by hand as fine as possible, and analyzed at once. Fifty grains of the sample were then taken and dried at a temper- ature of 90=^-100° C. for two days. At the end of that time a sample was drawn, pulverized until it passed through a sieve of 100 meshes per square inch, and analyzed. The drying was continued for eight (8) days longer, at the end of which time a sample was drawn, passed through a 100 mesh sieve, and analyzed. Tabulating these results for convenience of reference we have : A. B. C. On a dry basis. 24 hours after prep- aration, pulverized by hand. After 2 days at 90^- loo'^ c. Through 100 mesh sieve. After 10 days at 90°-ioo°c. Thro' 100 mesh sieve. Total Phos. Acid Soluble Insoluble " Reverted ' Available " 17.31 per cent. 11.74 " 3.32 " 2.25 " 13.99 " " 17.13 per cent. 10.59 " *' 2.95 " " 3.59 " " 14.18 " " 17.32 per cent. 7.48 " 2.85 " 6.99 " " 14.47 " " We have here a loss of 4.26 per cent, of Sol. Phos. acid in days, a loss of .47 per cent of Insol. Phos. acid, and a gain of 4.74 per cent, of Reverted. Ordinarily the loss of Soluble is compensated by the gain of Reverted, while the Insoluble remains about the same. Post, in the article before referred to, claims to have found that in the course of six (6) months, in sealed bottles, some of the Soluble becomes so Insoluble as not to be dissolved by Am. Citrate at 90° C. But here it is shown that in ten (10) days at a temperature of 90 — 100° C. Some of the originally Insoluble Phos. acid, viz: .47 per cent, aas 6ecome Soluble in Am. Citrate at 40° C, that is, has changed to Reverted ! But this loss of .47 percent, of Insol. Phos. acid is doubtless due to the very fine grinding of the dry samples. For the difference in Insol. Phos. acid between the fir-t and second analyses is .37 pei cent., while the differeiice between the second and third is only .10 per cent. That is to say, the differ- ence between the Insol. Phos. acid in the sample pulverized by hand, and the sample dried for two (2) days and then passed through a 100 mesh sieve is .37 per cent, in favor of the finely pulverized. ELISHA MITCHELL SCIEx\TIFIC SOCIETY. 23 Bat the difference between the two finely pulverized samples after eight (8) days of drying is only . 10 per cent. That the Am. Citrate should dissolve more Phos. acid from the finely ground san pie is just what was to be expectei. When sufii- cient Sulphuric acid is added to the crude Tri -calcium Phosphate to render all of the Phosphoric acid Soluble in water reversion does not appear to proceed as rapidly as when there is present some of the original undecomposed phosphate. But in this casf^, when using Charleston Rock, it is very difiicult to obtain a product which will dry in a reasonable time without the aid of artificial heat, or some carbonate as a dryer. Using artificial heat there is great danger of hastening reversion, and the same is true if some chemi- cal "dryer" is used, to say nothing of the reduction of the content of total Phosphoric acid in this latter case. There is one point to which I wish to direct especial attenti- n, and that is what I conceive to be the necessity for fine grinding of the ancdytical sa7nx)le. Plants derive their food from the soil in solution*, and in these solutions the food is in a state of almost in- conceivable fineness. In estimating the value by chemical analysis of any plant food, we should, as far as practical, approximate to the degree of fine- ness to which the food must be reduced before the plant can use it. Other things being equal, the finer we grind analytical samples be- fore acting upon them with chemical reagents which in a greater or less degree represent the action of the soil the nearer do we approach to the methods of nature. Laboratory of Navassa Guano Company, \ Wilmington, N. C, Dec. 6tli, 1883. / ANALYSIS OF CHAPEL HILL WELL-WATERS. E. A. DeSCHWEINITZ, A. B. The sampl s examin d were drawn during the months of October and November, 1883. The methods of analysis given in Cairns Avere followed, as a rule. The oxidizable organic matter was roughly de- termined by titration with potassium permanganate. The results 24 JOURNAL OF THE are calculated in grains to th-^ gallon and for purposes of compari- son certain published analyses are appended. I is tlie Campus well; II the well at President Battle's; III the well at Hon. John Manning's; IV the well at Dr. Venable's; V the well at Mrs. Hendon's; VI the well at Dr. Phillips' ; VII is calculated from the analysis of a pure spring in Surrey, England, published in Watt's Dictionary ; VIII is a spring, less pure, from Yorkshire, Eng- land; IX is the lake of Geneva; X is rain-water. Na CI .... K CI Nao So^ . . Kg S04 .. - Na.3 COg . Ko C03 Mg S04 . . - Mg Clo.-. MgCo3... Ca C03 SiOo Oxidizable Org. mat. . Total .873 11 i III IV V I VI VII .416 9. 90S 2.3202.264 3.283 .722 .260 .128 .261! .I4II .327 .211 VIII. 43- 246 I. 121 .212 084 .303 -- .227 .092 .106 .359 .486! -.210 3.066 .987 .420 2.493 •438 5-915 .905 4.485 7.740 .666 1.942 2.841 .279 .162 .138 • 003 1.078 38.414 IX ----- .253 --- i 1-235 .583; 1.220I 9.005 2.963! 2.676 trace. trace. 162' .579 3.202 19.956 14.603 ♦7-456 17-172 .829 Ca 804 = . 899 •754 3-34 .656 1.767 I 525 .185 2.465 •504 4-693 .058 Ca 804 = . 746 87.243! 8.466 X. Organic matter - -- 040 Chemical Laborator5\ U. N. C, ) January 12th, 1884. j ACTION OF AMMONIA HYDRATE UPON LEAD CHLORIDE. JULIAN WOOD. The lead chloride for these experiments was gotten by precipita- ting pure lead nitrate with hydrochloric acid. The precipitate was thoroughly washed and dried. To about 7 grains of thi> chloride 140 c.c. of ammonia solution was added, the mixture being heated ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. 2$ then some six hours upon a sand bath. The residue was washed, dried and analyzed with the following results : I. ,6200 grams of substance gave .3585 grams AgCl. p, c. C1. = I4.20. The water was determined and CI. calculated on a dry basis=:i4.68. II. .5003 grams of substance gave .2950 grams AgCl. p. c. CI. = 14. 57. No water in the specimen. III. .5650 grams of substance gave .3265 grams AgCl. p. c. CI. = 14.29, Calculated water free= 14.54. IV. 1.3345 grams of s\xbstance gave i. 5340 grams PbSO 4 p. c. Pb. 78.52. Free of waters 81. 14, V. HgO in air-dried substance = 3.33 p. c. I. II. III. IV. V, Pbg calculated p. c. 82.56 found p. c. 81.14 O ^' " 3-31 " CI2 " *' 14.13 " " 14.68 14-57 14-54 HgO '' " 3-46 '• " 3.33 Again between ten and eleven grams of the chloride was heated wth 175 c.c. ammonia solution for twelve hours on a water-bath, then washed and dried as before. I. .145 grams of substance gave .0525 grams AgCl. p. c. CI. = 8.61, Water-free = 8. 70. IL .4935 grams of substance gave .1490 grams AgCl. p. c. CI. = 7.48. Water-free=7.56. III. .5035 grams of substance gave .1594 grams AgCl. p. c. CI. = 7.81. VVater-free=7.89. • IV. 1.5353 grams of substance gave 1.9420 grams PbSO^ p. c. Pb=86.3l. Water-free=87.26. I. II. III. IV. Pb4 calculated p. c. 87.53 found p. c. 87.26. CI2 " " 7.48 " 8.70 7.56 7.89 O3 '* " 4.99 These two experiments then would point to the formation of two entirely different bodies, the first having the formula PbCl.,. PbO. HgO., the second the formula PbCL. SPbO. HoO. ^To test the correctness of these results two equal amounts of the chloride (about five grams) were taken, ammonia solution added and the two then heated, one upon sand-bath and the other upon water-bath. As the one on the sand-bath was kept at a brisk boil, evaporation was faster and more of the ammonia had to be added to replace that which was thus lost. Hence to the chloride upon 4 26 JOURNAL OF THE the sand-bath 145 c.c. were added, whereas 65 c.c. sufficed for that heated on the water-bath. The object was to keep the ammonia, solution strong enough to give always a decided ammonia smell. Once or 1 wice, however, that upon the sand-bath became very weak. The residue from the sand-bath mixture was washed. The sub- stance was creamy yellow and was unchanged, by heating up to 200=^ C - I. .5060 grams of substance gave .2745 grams AgCl. p. c. Q.=^i3.4i Water-free= 13.89. II. 1.2700 grams of substance gave 1.4730 grams PbSO^ p. c. Pb=78.45 Water-free = 81.26. I. II. Pb ealcuTated p. c. 82.56 found p. e. 81.26 CI2 " " 14.13 " i-3-8g 0 "' " 3.31 '" The formula then is PbClg. PbO. The residue from the water-bath was much yellower and becante a deep yellow on heating. The analysis gave the foll6wiiig results : I. .520 grams of subs-tance gave .1370 grams AgCl. p. c. CI, =6. 51 Water-free=7.28. Thi« corresponds with the per centage of chlorine calculated for the tribasic chloride Pbclg. 3Pbo. As Mr. Wood had to leave the research at this point, further iik- quiry into this formation of the oxysalts of lead was left to Mr, Borden, who contributed the next paper. Chemical Laboratory, U. N. C, Feb. 9, 1.884. EXAMINATION OF IRON ORES FROM CHAPEL HILL MINE. ^ J. C. ROBERTA. I'he samples were not selected so as to ^ive the eommefcial valu0 Of the mine but were chosen to illustrate the different grades of the ore and its decomposition so far as possible. The samples taken were as follows: 1° A fairly compact Brown Hematite; 2° A crum- ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. 27 bling, siliceous, nearly decomposed ore ; 3=> Fairly compact, purplish browii ; 4:° Compact, representing mass of ore; 5° Very compact, showing crystalline structure; 6° Compact and siliceous; 7° Com- pact and siliceous; 8° Very compact. As to magnetic properties, 1^ was not at all magnetic— 2, 3, and 4 very slightly so — 5, 6, and 7 rather more magnetic — 8 decidedly magnetic. The general charac- ter of the ore is compact, crystalline with a slight action upon the needle. Tests were made for titanium an^ chromium but none found in the specimens examined. The solubility (relative) was tested by putting a gram of each ore in a small loosely stoppered flask, covering with 5 c.c. of hydrochloric acid (Sp. Gr. 1.15) and heating on a sand-bath two hours. All were heated at the same time, so the same temperature was maintained as nearly as possible. As a rule, the methods recommended in Cairns^ Quantitative Analysis were followed for the various determinations. In the colunm headed *' Solubility,'' the figures show what percentage of the total amount of iron present was dissolved. G g a. • > c3 0 0 Cm t/5 p. c. Fe, p. c, Siog p.c. HgO p.c.S. p.c. P p, c, Mn. p. C. AI2O3 3 '0 CD I 2 3 4 5 6 3-19 3-74 4.16 4-30 4-79 3-74 3-70 4-45 46.47 46.07 50.45 57-41 61.99 39-94 37-48 52.71 21.35 29.81 2a. 60 17.09 1 11.96 .40 1.26 -72 -25 I races .09 .03 .06 .01 .05 none. none, none, none, none. none. 3-97 3-93 none. 100.00 100.00 100.00 90.16 63-31 95-89 85-64 7 8 25.65 The figures for the percentage of silica were gotten by analysis only in the case of Nos. 4 and 8, In the other cases they were got- ten by difference, Nos, 5, 6 and 7, were determined only so far as the iron was concerned, since they seemed merely siliceous varieties of No. 4. In No. 8 the silica is probably a little high as the ore is somewhat magnetic. The difiiculty of reaching exactly the same w X t— I CO o a O o CO O <; 5 H Q < U <; w '^ t-i o w J- ^ '-' 1-1 C S:5 -z' U. p— 1 J O E TtI e! < Cm i^ fe < - w Q ffi n H crt fe O :i C/3 < 2< Q > o K a IS > pq Q W > en P3 o •sa'Bai\[ o ^£> -r c X '-^ X 'X^^ -^ -^ >tt' t- o--ixcct^i:sc1t-Hccoo:C"^ O JC s: C: 1- ^i CK ^ O oc O c^ "* f -r O -^ t- 1- 1^ t- '^ lO -ti CO •scany b CS "M r^ O "M ;£ >C CO "M C3 1^ •— 1 oi ■>! t^ oq -»<_ 00 >q t-; CO CO t)<^ r-_ O O CO -<< CO 01 o"( l-^ l-O — <" O Ci 'T Cj 05 ic 29 ^ '-0 r; iM -r — 1 en o:si^cno — oioi-^s;xo § ! "" 1 -- 1 f— < I o •y 3- lO CO o ~ 0 1 CO ~ :c c; 'O C-. — ' CO oi oi ■-= oi — . I~-; cs -r ;c o "C -i< ■St 30 CO X i-o s :;: 01 — TT mc o « t- r- 1^ t^ icic '^^ 1 0 ^ ^- r: ?^ — ?^ '-S ^ ' ~ ^ i^ S -f* -^ --c x' X c; =; x" r-' oi o' — " 0 1 uo LO X cn 1- o — o CO X — X -r s; 1.0 c; OI x x "O: -~ c: l.o -"_ X* o* id oi :=' --c o i--^ — < --c 1^ t-^ c-i lO -f ic :c 1^ r^ J> t- ic Tr rfi 1^ , si 1 ■4 00 o c; — SI -H 1^ X t^ — --o X X !:n X o c; 1.0 oi 0^1 00 --^ CO r-; x lo x' 1^ CO — t-^ t>^ — ' '-C o 00 o: 00 IS 1855. 0 ClOt^COCC'-OXOOr-O t- -r< ic O r^ — 1 OI :c LO iC X O _; --■ _: -r* t-' -* o -d CO* x' CO* co' ^ CO -7< :r :c l^ X t- t- lO iC -f 1-. lO OO CO X OI U5 X X o 00 CI X O — t^ X O CO t- O O 1.0 t^ — ; '-S 1- CO I-- X 1^ c; o CO s: OI — ' i.o» i — o i.o -" " X lo — X -r OI ~ c; -r -r L.0 1.0 :s 1^ X 1^ i^ ^ -r CO o CO lo o — 1^— <— <-^ — COOO-1C0 1C Ici . ^ ..........I . O':ccr'0~cot^^~-"coo X ■<^ -r n" ^ CO 1^ t^ 1- ^ 'C O T I uo I 1 !„ O1XO1C5-+<^'-'0-^XX0pC |2< O o LO t- -1" X uo -r< OI t^ X ~ O O ' I » X . . . • . . ■ ^ • • " ! ^^' ;£ lO-co " X ou^ -o 1-- OI 1^ :c Ci 1 co^iO>-Oi:oi>t^l^'-o:o-r'ti o I o OI OI — 1 'C o X -r o o -H 55 -^ 01 OI ~ OI X X OI s; uo X Ci X C5 X i-O „ O tO O O 00 X -^ O X ® i-O •-© I CO o OI o -n OI X CO LO c; o «© C5 OI I o LO O 00 lO* co" co' X* — ' o" OD — * LO i X rr "^ -T lO ^ t- t^ 1^ I^ LO LO -1 I LO „ -tih-CLOLO-f— 'tOOIOO-H O OOl^COt-^ — — 'COLOXCOI^ O-l 1- O X — • X lO <:S ^ LO X I-- LO OI I X ■-t* Oi XX ■■^ CO . -r -T< •n< CO CO I^ 1- 1~ io-^-*< . xo-i — CO X — to * -f- CO CO — ^ X ^' r- 0-. -r r?t -r 1^ — »- CO ^ ~; Ol X ._ CIO^ ^ O o* '^ t- CO I^Ol LO o " -f •t< IC CO 1^ 1^ C^ 1- 1^ ICIO-^ CO _ CO Ol -t- Ol CO lO ~ lO 1^ f lO 01 ' '~ ~ 1 "^ "^^ — '""."". ■^. "•. '^. ~. —i LO CO oi t^ X O '-< 1^ •-< X CJ LO rr-f'Ocoeooxi^i^-LO'rco CO _05t-CCC0O0CSl-1't--.C0OCro5 s d 1 Ss^ » hU Ol , , S o ! Oco ^ CO tccc c; — (U o; ' i X ipco ■ >?o ^ j go s i> i cj ®' 1850. -* P .lO ft o r-'O — ; ^^..\ P 1 ! « >--o 2 ^•^ X ? o CO '-' I-: 1- &,^ ^ >?o s .X X S ■-1 i i-s t^ bto CO .Ol ^C5 -r ? l~ OO X < 1- '( 36 JOURNAL OF THE A TABLE OF HIGHEST AND LOWEST THERMOMETERS AT CHAPEL HILL. N. C, Together with the Dates and Degrees of the Highest and Lowest Daily Means of Thermometer for Six YeArs — 1 8 54-' 59 — as OBSERVED BY ReV. Dr. JaMES PhILLIPS. Highest Therm. Lowest Therm. | 1 Warmest Day Coldest Day. Years. Date. Ther. Date. Ther. Date. Ther. Mean. Date. Therm. Mean. 1854. June 30 ) July 6f 100^ Jan. 24 16° July 5 89.60° Jan. 9 26° 1855. April 19 102° Feb.27 ) Feb. 28 f 18° Jun.30 ) July 19 ) 86.67 Feb. 28 25 1856. July 30 105° Feb. 4 5° July 30 92.67 Feb. 4 5 1857. Aug. 17 99° Jan. 23 1° Aug. 15 87.67 Jan. 23 10.6 1858. Aug. II 98° Mar. 3 18° June 30 86.67 Mar. 3 25 1859. July 18 ; July 22 ) 99^ Jan. 23 130 July 18 S9.67 Jan. 23 18.7 RAINFALL AT CHAPEL HILL FOR FOUR YEARS. 0 3 s 1-3 • cS X! £1 (3 1 S 1-^ < « c »-3 In. 2.369 2..536 3.754 0.602 • s •-5 X 1 < c 0 a a; m u 0 0 0 0 2 0 > 0 ^. In. 3.740 2.766 3.293 2.704 0 P In. a 1856 In. 2.811 2.596 3.126 In. 0.139 ' 5.280 3.353 In. 2.304 2.817 5.281 In. 1.656 2.792 2.763 ' 3.435 In. 3.835 4.381 2.405 3 659 In. 1.454 4.403 6.148 3.946 In. 3.788 3.656 2.716 5.6S6 In. 7.460 In. 2.777 In. 1857 4.931 6.009 2.981 1858. 1819. 4.115 4.069 1.947 22:39 43.941 42.171 A TABLE OF MONTHLY MEANS OF THE BAROMETER FOR SIX YEARS, As Observed by the Rev. Prof. James Phillips, D. D., at Chapel Hill, N. C. Months. 1854. 1855. 1S56. 1857. 1858. 1859. Sums. Means. January February March .. . April... May . June Tuly. . ... 30.157 30.142 30.041 30.029 29.975 29.927 29.972 29.964 30.018 30.073 29.967 30.038 30.076 29.973 29.956 29.991 29.946 29.920 29.983 29.978 30.050 29.976 30.072 30.074 30.001 29.948 29.953 30.063 29.897 29.920 29.941 29.887 29.984 30.056 30.086 30.094 30.161 30.175 30.031 29.924 29.918 29.856 29.937 30.035 30.142 30.090 30.158 30.118 30.204 30.122 30.110 29.986 30.046 30.074 30.044 30.064 30.166 30.133 30.171 30.230 30.279 30.134 30.010 29.9S6 30.096 30.200 30.075 30.059 30.83 30.128 30.224 30.186 180.896 180.494 180. lOL 197.979 179.898 179.897 179.952 179.987 180.484 180.456 180.678 180.740 30.149 30.0S2 30.016 29.996 29.983 29.983 29.992 J J August ... September October November December 29.998 30.074 . 30.070 30.113 30.123 Means 30.024 29.985 29.997 i 30.947 1 30.104, 30.125 180.282 30.047 ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY 37 A TABLE OF YEARLY MEANS AND RANGES OF BAROMETER AT CHAPEL HILL, N. C. Years. Means. Range. 1854- 1855- 1856. 1857- 1858. 1859- .30.024 .29.985 29.977 30.047 30.106 30 125 1. 12 1. 19 1.20 1. 58 1.24 1.23 ALTERABILITY OF AMORPHOUS PHOSPHORUS. J. C. ROBERTS. Authorities are at varience as to the alterability of amorphous phosphorus. Fresenius says : (QuaL AnaL) "Red phosphorus does not alter in air. " Miller, (voL ii, p. 261), " The red phosphorus, if pure, absorbs oxygen slowly, the oxidation being more rapid if the powder is noist; phosphoric acid is formed and from its deliques- cent character, the powder becomes damp. This oxidation occurs so slowly that it was at first imagined that the body underwent no change on exposure to air." Gmelin (vol. ii, p. 109,) says: '*It is unalterable in the air." Fownes (ed'n 1878, p. 216,): " Nor has it any tendency to coit bine with the oxygen of the air." Roscoe & Schorlemmer (vol i, 479): " This substance can be exposed to air for years without undergoing any change. All commercial amor- phous pljosphorous, however, contains traces of the white modifica- tion and this undergoes oxidation in the air so that the mass always has an acid reaction owing to the formation of phosphoric and phosphorus acids." W^tts (vol. vi, 934): "Groves found that amorphous phosphorus whi^h had been kept for two years in a cracked vessel was converted to the extent of 16. p. c. into phos- phorous and phosphoric acids." So-called pure amorphous phosphorus, gotten from Marquart in Bonn, was left a year in a loosely stoppered bottle, then a portion of it transferred to a glass-stoppered bottle. At the end of another year it was noticed that the first lot was becoming pasty and deli- quescent, a } in. layer of a yellowish liquid covering the surface 38 JOURNAL OF THE of the ma«!S in the bottle. This was poured off and examined. It gave : bundant tests for phosphoric acid reduced silver solutions and gav^* phosphine on heating so that it was seen to consist of phosphoric and phosphorous acids. A strong solution of phosphoric acid was then made and some dry amorphous phosphorus added to it. This gave reactions for phosphorous acid after standing over night and quite strongly on standing three or four days. Some of the phosphorus was then washed well with water and then alcohol. It was then washed with carbon bisulphide, this latter filtered off and washed away and the phosphorous got. en thus quite free from the yellow variety. When this was treated with a strong solution of phosphoric acid, it showed signs of oxidation but the dry powder exposed under a beaker and placed in a damp room was still dry at the end of three months. ''FALL OF BLOOD" IN CHATHAM COUNTY. F. P. VENABLE. A singular shower of some red liquid, supposed to be blood, which fell in Chatham on February 25th, 1884, was mentioned in some of the State papers, but little notice was taken of it. Nearly a week after the fall, Dr. Sidney Atwater brought a small specimen of sand soaked with this liquid to the University, to be examined. It was looked upon rather as a joke and no analysis was made for some time. When it was taken up several days afterwards there seemed to be sufficient interest attaching to it to warrant paying a visit to the locality w^iere the matter fell. Meairtime nearly three weeks had elapsed, and several heavy rains had fallen, so that when the place was reached (a small negro-cabin in New Hope township, about a quarter of a mile from the Raleigh and Pittsboro road) no vestiges of the matter could be found on the ground, and only one or two marks of drops on the fence. The woman who saw it fall was, however, examined and inquiries were made of the neighbors who visited the spot soon after. The fall came from a cloudless sky, when the wind was so slight as to be almost imperceptible. ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. 39 The position of the drops seen on the fence indicated a very slight wind from the south or southwest, across some plouglied land. The woman was standing on this ploughed land, near a fence, along which some small pine bushes were growing 8he noticed some- thing falling between her and the ground, saw it leave a red splash on the sand, heard a pattering like rain around her, looked up, but it was all over and she could see nothing. She was a good deal frightened and aifected, taking it as a portent of deat or evil of some kind. Mr. S. A. Holleman visited the spot the next morning, (the fall took place about mid-day), and has kindly given me the following facts observed : The space covered was about fifty by seventy feet, and nearly in a rectangular form. The drops were of sizes varying from that ol a small pea to that of a man's finger and averaged about one to the square foot. Smaller drops were in- stantly absorbed, larger ones, with those on the wood, coagulated. Some fell in the bushes and coagulated upon the limbs. Dr. Robin- son, living near, collected some of the freshly fallen material and made certain simple tests which satisfied him that it was blood. It even had the smell, he says, of fresh blood. Now as to the samples which I could procure for analysis : One from Mr. Holleman was gotten by some third person and consisted only of a few grains of stained sand. The other, also stained sand, was somewhat larger in quantity and came indirectly into the hands of Dr. Atwater, who gave it to lue. It is a pity that a sample could not have been gotten more directly — one whose origin would have been placed beyond all dispute. The analysis is detailed at length, as it is important to see on what foundation rests the claims of this material to be blood. The sand placed in cold water gave a brown-red solution, which coagulated on heating. The coagulum, a dirty brown, was soluble in caustic alkalis, giving an indistinct green solution — treated with an acid solution of mercury nitrate, it gave a brick-red color. Nitric acid also caused the formation of this coagulum and gave the characteristic yellow tint on heating. The original solution in water was brightened in color, not turning green or crimson on adding ammonia. On leaving the solution two or three days, it readily putrefied, showing under the microscope a great swar of bacteria. Examined by the microscope, the appearance of small, slightly al- tered corpuscles was seen, corresponding well with those gotten from slaughter-yard soil. The spectrum of this substance when the solu- tion was perfectly fresh gave a line in the yellow, none in the green, and a faint one in the red. On standing, the first two disappeared, and the red absorption band or line became very distinct; nn add- 40 JOURNAL OF THE ing ferrous sulphate the red line disappeared and the two first be- came distinct. To explain now: The yellow and green lines are characteristic of reduced hsematine (the red coloring matter of the blood). The red line is characteristic of acid hcematine. If you take fresh blood and add tartaric acid to it you get the red line— if you then add ferrous sulphate you get the yellow and green. The material then, according to the spectroscope, is partially decom- posed blood. The test known as haemin crystals could be gotten only indistinctly, if at all. This leaves little or no reasonable doubt then that the samples examined had blood upon them. The question arises, were they carefully taken; had no animal ever bled on the same ground; had pigs never been slaughtered in that quarter of the field ? etc. As to theories accounting for so singula^r a material falling from a cloud- less sky, I have no plausible ones to offer. It may have been some bird of prey passing over, carrying a bleeding animal, but a good deal of blood must have fallen to cover so large a space. If a hoax ha;^ been perpetrated on the people of that neighborhord it has cer- tainly been very cleverly done and an object seems lacking. On the possibility that it is not a joke, I have deemed this strange mat- ter worthy of being placed on record. Other similar observations hereafter may corroborate it and combined observations may give rise to the proper explanation. Chemical Laboratory, U. N. C. NOTES ON THE PHENOMENA ACCOMPANYING THE TORNADO AND HAIL STORM, WHICH PASSED ACROSS CATAWBA AND IREDELL COUNTIES, N. C, MARCH 2STH, 1884. J. A. I). STEPHENiSON. On the morning of the 25th nothing unpsual could be observed about the weather. The sun rose clear at 7 a. m., temperature 50^ with light wind from the south. Very few clouds appeared before 12 o'clock noon; wind still light ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. 4I from the south. About 1 p. in., clouds commenced to form: at 2 p. m., temperature 78° and heavy clouds and thunder in the south- west; at 3 p. m., commenced raining with considerable wind from the southwest and lightning and thunder. This lasted about twenty minutes, and then cleared o£E. At 5 p. m. , heavy clouds in the west and southwest, very black on the north side and copper colored to- wards the south side. The cloud advanced rapidly toward the east but was accompanied by no sound. It commenced raining at 5:30 p. ra., still without any wind, but with lightning and heavy thunder and a fearful roaring. Hail commenced falling almost as soon as the rain. At first, hail stones very small, but they increased in size tiJl the end of the storm. The hail stones were of a great variety of forms and size; the smaller ones were mostly of the shape of a small mush-room, with stem attached by which they could be held and examined, and were from one-half inch to one and a half inches in diameter. Most of the larger stones were of the following forms: Plane convex, circular, and three inches in diameter. 2d. Double concave, thin in the middle and three inches in diam- eter. 3d. Elliptical, solid, six inches in circumference on the longer diameter, and five inches on the shorter. 4th. Spherical, and roughened on the surface, presenting the ap- pearance of a conglomeration of small cubes. Others were flat and irregular in outline and covered with small spines of ice. Those of the first f Oi m or plane convex were opaque and the others of clear ice with a white opaque center or core. Many stones were reported larger than those the dimensions of which are here given, which are from actual measurement, but when the largest were falling it was dangerous to try to secure them. Fortunately, there being no wind, the hail fell perpendicularly, and did but little damage, ^ Just before it stopped hailing, a dense fog commenced rising from the surface of the ground, and this continued for some time aftei the rain and hail was over. During the continuance of the storm it looked dark towards the north and light towards the south, pro- ducing the impression that the storm center had formed to the north, which was not the case. These developments were as follows: In a few minutes after the rain and hail ceased, reports were re- ceived that a cyclone had passed three miles south of Statesville prostrating everthing in its course. Carefully collected facts and incidents from a number of intelli- gent persons living immediately in and very near its track, show 6 42 JOURNAL OF THE that this tornado formed a few miles west of the town of Newton, in Catawba county, N. C, which town is distant twenty miles, nearly west from Statesville. Before reaching Newton it destroyed several houses and struck Newton on its southern limits, destroying twenty- five or thirty houses, some of them large buildings, such as churches and mills, injuring many more, and damaging fences, fruit trees, and timber. Continuing its course nearly east it destroyed almost everything in its track for an average width of one hundred and fifty feet. The full width of prostrated timber being nearly a quar- ter of a mile, but outside ihe width of one hundred and fifty feet the de truction was much less complete. The north side of the one hundred and fifty feet, was much more sharply defined than the south side, fre{iuently on the north tearing off part of a house and leaving the rest slightly damaged. Crossing the Catawba river, near to and north of Buffalo shoals, it entered Iredell county, and continuing its general course and destructive work, it crossed the Atlantic, Tennessee and Ohio Railroad three miles south of the town of Statesville. At ^this point, it turned more to the north, crossing the Western North Carolina Railroad about two and a half miles east of the town. About one mile after it crossed the railroad it stopped in the valley of Fourth Ci*eek, a small stream which runs nearly parallel with the railroad towards the northeast. This seems to be the end of this storm, but it is certain that a cloud had formed near Elm wood, a station on the W. N. C. Railroad, eight miles east of Statesville, and nearly five miles southeast of the point where the described storm stopped ; and this second storm went in an east direction as far as the Yadkin River, and perhaps farther. From evidence collected from persons along the track of the tor- nado after it crossed the Catawba River, it appears that it did not come in contact with the rain and hail storm until it reached the vicinity of Statesville, at which point it appeared to enter the track of the hail storm. The general appearance of the tornado as described by persons who had the best opportunity of observing its approach, was that it resembled a mass of dark clouds boiling upwards from the sur- face of the earth, and some say assuniing a funnel shape with a. rapid rotary or whirling motion. Others describe it as resembling the smoke from a gigantic coal burning locomotive. It struck the bravest with terror by its terrible appearance. Duration — At any fixed point from one to two minutes. PrecijJitation — Most persons say none ; a few say a little. Noise — All accounts say the roaring of the storm would have drowned the loudest thunder in the vicinity of its track. ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. 43 Contour of Ground — The ridges in the track o! the storm present their more gentle slopes to the direction from which the tornado was approaching, the eastern faces being much more abrupt. On the western slopes the trees were blown down with their tops to the east, but on the more abrupt eastern slopes they were crushed to the ground lying in every direction, and s. lintered as if the force had been applied perpendicularly. Generally the greatest destruc- tion was observ^ed on the abrupt eastern slopes and in the hollows where ground was lowest. Velocity — It has been very difficult to get the exact time the storm left Newton and passed the various points on the way, but from the best information at hand it left Newton at 5 o'clock p. m,, and in the last dwelling destroyed where it crossed the W. N. C. Railroad, two miles and a half east of Statesville, a clock stopped at 5 :43 p. m. Showing if these data are correct that its velocity was thirty and seven-tenths miles per hour. Soon after the hail storm, I learned that many substances had been thrown outside of the track of the cyclone far to the north of it. On inquiry, I ascertained from more than one source of un- doubted reliability, that many of the hail stones contained small quantities of clay and sand. The general course of the storm agrees exactly with that laid down as generally followed by similar storms in this latitude, by Prof, Elias Loomis, of Yale College. Statesville, N. C, April 5th, 1884. ACTION OF AMMONIA OF LEAD IODIDE, J. L. BORDEN. Lead iodide was prepared by precipitating pure lead nitrate with pure potassium iodide and thoroughly washing and drying the pre- cipitate. In the first set of experiments three portions were taken. One was heated on the sand-bath ten hours, the second a similar time on the water-bath, the third was covered with ammonia solu- tion and set aside for three days at a temperature of 15^20^ c. In the first two instances no precautions were taken to keep a strong solution of ammonia over the iodide. In the analyes, lead alone was 44 • JOURNAL OF THE determined as pointing suflBciently accurately to the nature of the body formed. Corrections were made for the percentage of water retained in the powders analyzed. Generally two simultaneous lead determinations were made of each substance. The means of con- cordant analyses are given : 1. Substance heated on water-bath gave 62.50 p. c. Pb. 2. Substance heated on sand-bath gave 60.11 p. c. Pb. 3. Substance standing in the cold ga,ve 58.82 p. c. Pb. Calculated for Pbl^. PbO p. c. Pb = 6o.5i. Calculated for Pblg. 2PbO p. c. Pb. =68.45. From this it would seem that the ammonia which was only mod- erately heated had the greatest effect ; that which was not heated at all had the least. In the second set of experiments the heating lasted only seven hours (the mixture stood three days before heating) but care was taken to insure a strong solution of ammonia covering always the iodide. The results were as follows : 1 . Substance heated on water-bath gave 64. 1 3 p. c. Pb. 2. Substance heated on sand-bath gave 63.25 k( Another set heated ten hours without previous standing were analyzed : 1. Substance heated on water-bath gave 61.60 p. c. Pb. 2. Substance heated on sand-bath gave 60.37 (( From these results it is seen that the longer ammonia is allowed to act upon the iodide, the more iodine is removed, and hence the more oxide of lead formed. To test this, two portions were taken and the ammonia allowed to act on one for 38 hours (heating it on the water bath) ; on the second 68 hours. The analyses were as follows : 1. Substance heated 38 hours gave 74.10 p. c. Pb. 2. Substance heated 68 hours gave 78-94 " " Calculated for Pblg. 3PbO 73-26 p. c. P6 ; for Pblg. 4PbO 76.38 p. c Pb. ; for Pblg. 5 PbO 79.31 p. c. Pb. These experiments then would lead to the following conclusions : 1. By the action of ammonia in the cold the monobasic oxyiodide of lead is formed. 2. By heating the solution we get oxyiodides, the basicity of which is determined by the length of heating. If, by the more active boiling upon the sand-bath, the ammonia solution becomes weak, then the ELISHA MITCHEI-L SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY 45 tendency is to form the monobasic oxyiodicle. The oxide of lead previously formed reacts upon the ammonium iodide, forming lead iodide and setting free ammonia. In the case of the action of ammonia on lead chloride as exam- ined by Mr. Wood (see this Journal), it seems that the oxychloride formed is not dependent upon the time of heating, but a definite oxychloride is formed whether heated six, ten or fifteen hours, pro- vided the chloride is kept covered with an excess of ammonia. If by active boiling on the sand-bath the ammonia solution becomes too much weakened, then a definite oxychloride is formed, indepen- dent of the number of hours the solution is heated. Some of Mr. Wood's experiments were repeated to test these conclusions. Chemical Laboratory, U. N. C, May, 1884. DATES OF THE FLOWERING OF PLANTS; Collected r.v Rev. Dr. James Phillips, K. P. Battle and R. H. Batlte. Plants. | Day. Month. Acer rubrum, L. (Red Maple) ■] ; ^ Aeculus glabra, wild. (Ohio Buckeye) lo Ailanthus glanrlulosus, Desf. (Tree of Heaven).. 26 Amelanchier Canadensis, L. 'Shad-Bush) j 20 Amygdalus nana (Flowering Almond) i 20 Carya alba. Nutt. (Shellbark Hickory) j 7 Cercis Canadensis, L. (Red-Bud. Judas Tree) < | 30 Chionanthis Virginica, L. (Fringe Tree) 20 ( ^9 Cornus Florida, L. (Flowering Dogwood) < \ 14 ( ! 12 Epigaia repeus, L. (Trailing Arbutus) .. 20 Erythroninm Americanum, Smith. (Dog-tooth Violet) < \ ^^ Fragaria Virginiana, Ehr. (Virginia Strawberry^ ; 24 Geranium maculatum, L. (Cranesbill) 24 Houstania coerulia, L. (Innocence, Bluets'^ \ ^^ Ins versicolor, L. (Large Blue Flag) 16 Kalmia latifolia, L. (Calico Bush. Ivev'. , 23 Liriodendron Tulipifera, L. (Poplar, Tulip Tree) j 25 Morus rubra, L. (Red Mulberry)...'.. 28 j 3 4 4 5 *^ 3 3 4 4 3 3 4 4 4 4 3 3 4 4 4 2 4 4 4 4 4 ear. 46 JOURNAL OF THE Plants. ' Day. ( 27 Prunus Peisica (Peach) '_. - iS ( 15 Pirus malus (Apple) -] ^^ Quercus alba., L. (White Oak) ' 4 Rhododendron Catawbiense, Michx. (Laurel) 20 Rhododendron nudiflora, Torr. (Azalia. False j 12 Honeysuckle) . -i I7 Robinia Pseudacacea, L. (Common Locust).. 22 Robinia Viscosa, Vent. (Claming Locust) . . .. 25 Rubus Villosus. Ait. (Blackberry) -j 'g Sambucus Canadensis, L. (Common Elder) i banguuiaria Canadensis, L. (Blood Root) -j | Sassafras officinale, Nees. (Sassafras) .'. 20 Syringa ulgaris. (Lilac) . .^- -j ^ { 7 Taraxacum Dens-leouis, Desf . (Dandelion) --■ i 3 (7 Vitis jestivalis, Michx. (Summer Grape) __ 14 Month. Year. 2 1851. 2 1883. 4 1858. 3 1853- 4 1858. 4 1853. 4 1858. 4 1857. 4 1853. 4 1857. 4 1858. 4 1853- 4 1858. 6 1853- 3 1853- 3 1858. 3 1855- 4 1853. 4 1852. 2 i»53- 4 1S54. 4 1858. 5 1853. DATES OF THE FOLIATION OF PLANTS; Collected near Chapel Hill, N. C, by the Rev. Dr. James Phillips, K. P. Battle and R. H. Battle. Plants. Acer dasycarpum, Ehrh. (Silver Maple) Acer rubrum, L. (Red Maple) Achillea millefolium, L. (Yarrow, Milfoil) Ailanthus glandulosus, (Desf. (Tree of Heaven) -j Amclanchier Canadensis, L. (Shad-bush) Aniygdalis nana. (Flowering Almond) Asclepius cornuti, Decaisne (Milk Weed) Carya Alba, Nutt. 1 Shell-bark Hickory) Cercis Canadensis, L, (Red-Bud, Judas Tree) Chionanthus Virginica, L. (Fringe Tree) -] Cornus Florida, L. (Flowering Dogwood) < Day. Month. Year. 30 3 1858. 2 4 1S53. 23 3 1853. 20 4 1853. 8 4 1858. 18 4 1853. 23 3 1853. 7 5 1853. 3 4 1858. 20 4 1853. 30 4 1858. 16 4 1859- 20 4 1553. 15 4 1858. 18 4 1853. 5 4 1858. ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY 47 Plants. Dav. iMonlh. i ^'ear. Crataegus Crus-galli, (Cockspur Thorn) Crataegus Oxycanthus, L. (English Hawthorn) Erythronium Americanum, Smith. (Dog-tooth Violet). Fragaria Virginiana, Ehrh. (Virginia Strawberry) Fraximus Americana, L. (While Ashe) . . Houstoniri Cacerulea, L. (Bluts, Innocence) Iris versicolor, L. (Large Blue Flag) ... . Benzoin odoriferum, Nees. (Spice Bush) ... i Liriodendron Tulipifera, L. (Tulip Tree. Poplar) Morus rubra, L. (Red Mulberry) j Platanus occidentalis, L. (Sycamore) Pirus communis, (Pear) -j Pirus malus, (Apple) - -] Quercus alba, L. (White Oak) -| Rhododendron nudiflorum, Torr. (Azalea. False Hon- eysuckle) Robinia Psendacacea, L. Common Locust) Rosa rubiginosa, L. (Sweet Brier. Eglantine) Rubus villosus, Ait. (Blackberry) I_ •] Sambucus canadensis L. (Common Elder) Sanginaria candensis, L. (Blood Root -j Sassafras officinale, Nees, (Sassafras) Syringa Vulgaris (Lilac) -] Taraxacum Dens-leonis, Desf. (Dandelion) Ulmus Americana L. (American Elm) -! Viburnum Opulus (Snowball) 29 7 20 I 9 15 12 20 28 19 25 6 10 II 7 28 25 12 9 20 24 I 26 I II 20 30 17 23 28 I I 3 10 3 4 3 4 4 2 4 4 3 3 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 3 4 J 3 3 4 3 3 4 4 4 5 85S. 858. S53. 853. S58. 853. 853. 853. 853. 858. 854. 858. 853. 853. 8^8. 853. 853. 853. 858. 853. 853. 153- 853- 85S. 853. 853. 85S. 853. 853. 858. 855. 853- 858. S53. ZINC IN DRINKING WATER. The increase in the use of galvanized iron, especially in the form of water tanks and pipes, has lead to a reopening of the question as to the possible injurious effects from the use of such water. It is a matter of importance then to us how far our knowledge extends on this subject, and I will collect here all of the known facts so far as I have been able to get at them. The so-called galvanized iron is of course nothing more than iron 48 JOURNAL OF THE dipped in a bath of zinc and so superficially coated with it and to a certain extent alloyed ^vith it. The character of the protection afforded the iron is galvanic (hence the name), the two metals form- ing a galvanic couple, so that under the action of any exciting liquid, the zinc and not the iron is attached. That zinc dissolves in potable waters h is long since been shown by the experiments of Boutigny, Schaueifele and Langonr^e. Distilled water and rain water dissolve it more readily than hard water. Especially is water containing carbonic acid capable of this solvent actior. So much may be taken up that the water becomes opalescent and acquires a distinctly me- tallic taste. It seems that by the action of water, hydrate and car- bonate of zinc are gradually formed, and that this action is more rapid in the presence of certain saline matters, but is weakened by the presence of calcium salts. As to the injurious effect of such waters, authorities differ. Fons- sagrives has investigated the question, consulting the statistics of the French Navy and the recorded experiments of other, adding, however, none of his own. The French Government had, before this, appointed a committee to make a special report on the subject, and the investigations of Roux in 1865 and 1866, furnished evidence enough of possible injury to health from water stored in galvanized iron tanks to lead to an order, from the Minister of Marine, prohib- iting the use of such tanks on board of ships of war. Boutigny attributed grave effects to the use of these zinc-containing waters, looking upon it as probably resulting in epilepsy. Fonssagrives, however, maintains that the zinc is not cumulative and produces no bad effects unless taken in large doses. Doubt is thrown on this position though by the fact that Ms assertions as to the limited solu- bility of zinc in ordinary drinking water are not sustained by experi- ments. Without doubt such waters have been used for considerable lengths of time and no injurious effects have been noticed. This may have been due, however, to the hardness of the water, and hence the small amount of zinc dissolved. Pappenheim states in contradiction to the assertion of Fonssagrives that zinc vessels are dangerous and must be carefully avoided. Dr. Osborne, of Bitterne, has frequently observed injurious effects from the use of waters impregnated with zinc. Dr. Stevenson has noticed the sol- vent action of rain-water on galvanized iron and states that proba- bly its continued use would cause injury to health. He recommends as a convenient test for the presence of zinc in potable w^aters, the addition of potassium forocyanide to the filtered and acidulated water. Zinc gives a faint white cloud or a heavier precipitate when ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. 49 more is present. Dr. Frankland mentions a case of zinc poisoning where well-water, containing much dissolved oxygen and but little •carbonic acid, was used after passing tlirougli galvanized iron pipes. Prof. Heaton has recorded the analysis of a spring water in Wales, and a second analysis of the same water after pas ing through half a mile of galvanized iron pipe, showing that the water had taken up 6.41 grains of zinc carbonate per gallon. A similar instance of zinc impregnated water has come under my own observation, and I append the analytical results. The water from a spring 200 yards distant was brought by galvanized iron pipes to a dwelling house and thera stored in a zinc lined tank which was painted with white lead. The water became somewhat turbid and jnetallic-tasting and its use for drinking purposes was discontinued. Analyses were made after the pipes had been in use about one year. A somewhat full analysis of the spring water was made under my direction by Mr. J. C. Roberts. The analyses of water from the tank and directly from the pipe, I (tarried out only so far as zinc, iron, and tests for lead were concerned. The results are calculated in grains per gallon of 231 cu. in. : ANALYSIS OF SPRING. Silica . .2.45 grains. Lime.. • .23 Magnesia.. .17 Alkalies .43 Chlorine .35 Sulphuric acid _ .19 Carbon dioxide (calculated) .45 Total residue on evaporation . — 4.34 The tank contained 4.48 grains of zinc carbonate per gallon with a trace of iron and no lead. Water from the pipe gave 4.29 grains of zinc carbonate per gallon and a trace of iron. It is evident then, when the dangerous nature of zinc as a poison is taken into consideration, that the use of zinc-coated vessels in connection with water or any food-liquid should be avoided. .7 so JOURNAL OF THE AN ATTExMPT AT FORMING COPPER AND BARIUM ACETATE. J. C. ROBERTS. The double acetate of copper and calciuiu is described in Watts'" Dictionary (I, 15), but no mention is made of a corresponding dou- ble acetate with barium. The preparation of this body was under- taken as an exercise in manipulatioii and an account of the experi- ments is here given as showing some of the difficulties which pre- vented its formation. Pure, crystallized copper acetate was prepared and also a supply of pure barium acetate. A mixture of the concentrated solutions of these salts with an excess of barium acetate was evaporated on a water-bath to thick syrupy consistence, giving a deep blue liquid^ from which after four days' evaporating a mass of crystals settled out. Thesr crystals seemed blue but on thorough washing with alcohol proved to be barium acetate. The two salts in concentrated solution were then mixed in the proportion of their molecular weights. One portion was still further concentrated by evaporation on a water -bath and then exposed in a crystallizing dish to a temperature of 20^ — 25° c. The other was placed under a glass receiver over sulphuric acid. Green crystals formed in both of these dishes, alternating with the settling out of flocculent masses of some bluish substance. These masses had a silky, crystalline appearance. All green crystals were removed, the blue mass washed and copper and barium d terminations made. A little Licetic acid was generally added to effect complete solution before analysis. The barium in three different samples ranged from 3.90 to 4. 10 per cent. , but seemed an accidental impurity from in- sufficient washing. The copper in two determinations gave 48.82 and 45.85 per cent. The amounts procurable for analysis were how- ever very small. The mass seemed to be then a basic acetate. It was found that the production of this blue settling out could be greatly hastened by adding alcohol to the mixed solutions and allow- ing the dish to stand in a free current of air at about 20° c. Two specimens gotten in this way were analysed giving copper=35.47 per cent. ; bariup = .OOper cent., and from the second copper=34.25 ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. ^1 per cent. ; barium = 1. 12 per cent. The percentage of copper in tlie mormal acetate is 34.49. According to Watts the acetate of copper and calcium is prepared t)y simple evaporation at 25"^ — 27^ c. of the mixed (in molecular pro- portions) solutions of the two salts. It would seem from these ex- periments that the barium double acetate cannot be gotten in the same way. The tendency to form a double salt of copper and barium is not so great as in the case of copper and calcium. Time was lacking for a further examination of the subject. Chemical Laboratory U. N. C, May, 1884. A THEORY OF TORNADOES. J. W- GORE. Tornadoes are phenomena accompanying a great disturbance of the atmospheric eciuilibrium. A centre of minimum pressure travels across the continent, say in a northeast direction, and any where south and east of its track tornadoes may occur. This centre of low pressure produces and tends to produce a cyclonic movement of the air over a large area of country. The wind to the south and east will be southwest, warm and moist. Suppose a given area to be within the region of the cyclonic currents, which are from the north and west and therefore cold and dry. The meeting of these winds of different temperatures and hygrometric states will cause condensation, liberation of heat and a consequent fall of the barom- eter. Thus a cloud will be formed, gradually extending southward, for simplicity we will suppose this cloud to be bounded on the south by an»east and west line. Along this line the air is rarified, thereby accelerating the southwest wind and causing the air on the north side to move towards this line, the slowl , moving cyclonic current giving an eastern component of motion ; hence it will be a w ind west of north. The condensation of moisture will thus be increased by the accelerating and producing of those winds, and in their turn these velocities will be augmented until they attain considerable violence. 5^ JOURNAL ()¥ THE Suppose A B (in the fig.) to be the line of the southern edge of the cloud formation and the line along which the wind S, S, S, &c., from the southwest meet QJ A from the wind N, N, &c. the north and west. Let S O and N Q repre- sent these winds in mag- nitude and direction. &• Q is necessarily greater than N Q. The effect of these winds upon the air at the place of meeting will be best determined by resolv- ing them in directions perpendicular and paral- lel to A B. NX and S Y will be the components perpendicular to A B, and (^^ X Q and Y O those paral- ' lei. If N X is equal to S Y the air at (O Q) will not be urged out of the line A B, and also Y O will be greater than X Q ; hence the air at (O Q) will be made to rotate opposite the hands of a watch. A rotating mass of air may be regarded as an isolated mass and capable of be- ing acted on by the pres- sure of wind, especially as these forces tend to ^ preserve and accelerate this motion. Hence the components N X and S Y being equal and opposite neutralize "^ each other, leaving X Q and Y O as the effective components, which because they are unequal in magnitude produce rotation and because they act in same "direc- tion A B produce translation. ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. 53 As long as the components N X and S Y are equal, the rotating mass of air is driven forwards in the Hne A B and is constantly acted on by these forces S, S, &c., and N, N, &:c., which may be similarly resolved, the components in direction of A B will be forces continu- ously acting, aec' lerating the velocities of rotation and translation. The maximum of each motion is reached when the accelerating force is equal to the resistance to motion by friction, &;c. The actio necessarily begins along the southern edge of the cloud, and -the whirl may reach the surface of the earth both by friction against the air underneath and by the winds producing it extending down to the earth. The tornado cloud is formed by the cooling of the air in the centre of the rotating mass, which is the result of diminished pressure, owing to the so-called centrifugal force. The upward rush of air along the axis of rotation is also due to diminished pressure along that line. Electric phenomena would seem to be results and not agents. The greater extent of destruction on the south side of centre of tornado track is also accounted for, since the supposition requires that the wind on south side shall have a greater velocity than that on north side and is able to prostrate trees, &c., before it begins to w^hirl. University N C, May 3d, 1884, SOLUBILITY OF NORTH CAROLINA PHOS- PHATE ROCK. J. L. BORDEN. In the American Chemical Journal (v. 6, p. 3), Gladding rei ords certain experiments on the amounts of various natural phosphates dissolved by ammonium citrate solution under different conditions. With a view to comparing the newly found North Carolina phos- phates with these a corresponding series of experiments were carried out with some specimens in the possession of the University. The conditions of the experiments were the same as is in the paper men- tioned above. One gram of phosphate was used and ammonium 54 JOURNAL OF THE citrate solution of the specific gravity 1.09. 50 c.c. of this was taken, a closely stoppered Hask was used and tlie digestion lasted 30 minutes. 1st, One gram witli neutral solution at 40° e. 2d, One gram with neutral solution at 65° c. 3d, One gram with ammoniacal solution at 65° c. 4th, One gram with acid solution at 65° c. The specimens taken were : 1st, A light colored sandy friable phosphate from North Carolina. 2d, A liglit colored sandy friable phospliate from South Carolina (land rock.) 3d, A compact hard grey friable phosphate from North Carolina. 4th, South Carolina river rock (Gladding's results quoted). No. of Specimen. Dissolved by 1st solution. Dissolved by 2d solution. Dissolved by 3d solution. Dissolved by 4th solution. Total per ct. present. I 2 /^ J 4 2-95 i.6i I.OO I.og 3.21 2.83 1.07 1.35 I.OO .46 1.06 4.61 7.69 2.48 2.89 21.37 28.48 20.64 The analyses were carried out in the ordinary way (precipitation with ammonium molybdate and then with magnesia mixture, &e.). The results are given in percentages of P2O5. Chemical Laboratory U. N. C, May, 1884. COTTON-SEED ANALYSES. E. A. DeSCHWEINITZ. The interest attaching to the variation in the percentage of fats yielded by different varieties of cotton-seed, has led to the analysis of several American and foreign seeds, with results as tabulated. Table I gives a food stuff analysis of the kernel, and table II the value of the raw seed as to its ash, and possible yield of fats. In all cases the fats were extracted with ether, the proteins calcu- ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. 55 lated from the percentage of water, the fat-free residue was washed with NaHO and H2SO4 to find the crude cellulose and the carbohy- drates obtained by difference. The calculations are all made on the air-dried seed. Eight varieties in all were exainined. No. 1. Belongs to the botanical species Gossypiun hirsutum ; generally supposed to be a variety of the Gossypimn Barbadense. It is called the "Duncan" cotton, comes from the eastern part of the State, was grown on sandy land with a yield of 400 pounds to the acre. No. 2. Also Gossypiun hirsutum, known as the "Heavy Boll Prolific," was grown on sandy loam in the central part of the State with a yield of 300 pounds to the acre. No. 3. Gossypimn hirsutum, known as "Sea Island" cotton, grown for one year on clayey loam in the central part of the State with a fair yield. No. 4. Is known as the "Hodge" cotton, was grown on sandy upland with a yield of between 300 and 400 pounds to the acre. No 5. Known as the "American Cotton Tree," is a varietv not cultivated for commercial purposes but grows wild on marsh land in warm districts. The seed show's a noticeably high percentage of ash and fats. The tree being fairly large probably concentrates a large amount of mineral matter in tlie seed for its use in germin- ating. No. 6. Gossypium Barbadense, is an Egyptian cotton. No. 7. Belonging to the same variety is from the West Indies; and No. 8, is from the "Red Cotton " of Southern Russia. These last seeds were small, of a gray color and had a slightly musty odor, showing that they had probably undergrne a slight change. This may account for the very high percentage of fats. Experiments in selecting seed and cultivation with a view to in- creasing the yield of fats ani 1h© nutritive ratio would be inter- esting and valuable. As the use of a dominant ingredient, potash, in the fertilizer is found to increase the percentage of sugar in the beetroot, so the use of a special fertilizer on the cotton might be made to increase the value of seed as well as of the fibre. As soil and climate afl"ect the quality and yield of the cotton, so is the seed influenced. The same variety consequently shows variations in differ- ent seasons and localities and even in the same field. 56 JOURNAL OF THE I. Kernel, No. i.jNo. 2. No. 3. Moisture @/ 212° F.. Ash Fats Crude Cellulose . , — Protein Nitro. Matter Carbohydrates N. free Extract No. 4. 7.08J 7.25; 7.50 7.23 4.9IJ 4.15J 3.51J 4-23 34.42! 40.39' 39.76I 38.09 4-7oi 3-43 4.24! 4-21 30.251 27.941 23.44i 27.68 Nitrogen Equiv. to NH3 Nutritive Ratio II. Whole Seed — Kernel, Hull. 13.64 16.84 21.55 18.56 100.00 100.00 4.47 5.42 100.00 100.00 4.84 5. 87 3-75 4.55 4.43 5.38 1:1.90 1:2.17 1:2. So 1:2.19 Ash. Fats 4.26 3.46I 3.26 19.71 20.19 19.88 No. 5, 6.45 5.41 44.70 4.06 21.62 17.76 100.00 No. 6. 1 No, 7. No. 8. 8.81; 7.46, 6.94 4.96; 4.45! 4.92 38.54I 36.77; 32.71 4.33 5.12; 5.00 27.25 16. II 28.81 35.18 17.29 15.25 100. 00! 100.00 100.00 3-46 4.20 1:3.07 4.38 5.29 4.61 5-59 5-63 6.81 1:2.13 1:2.05 1:1.50 3.-40 4.27 19.04 22.35 3-62 3-47 19.271 1S.38 4-12 RATE OF REVERSION IN SUPERPHOSPHATES PREPARED FROM RED NAVASSA ROCK. W. B. PHILLIPS. (Abstract from Part of Thesis for Ph. D.) The manufacture of a high grade superphosph: te from Red Na- vassa Rock is one of those problems which, appearing easy of an- swer, yet present great difficulties. How great these difficulties are, only the manufacturer knows. Working formulae which on other natural phosphates give entire satisfaction, on Red Navassa give curious and rather discouraging results. In this Rock we have to deal with a mixture of the phosphates of Calcium, Iron, and Alu- minum, and the oxides of Iron, and Aluminum. The superphos- phate made from it is consequently of a more complicated structure than that made almost entirely of Tri-calcium Phosphate, i. e., from bone, or Apatite, or Charleston Rock. In a high grade superphos- phate made from Red Navassa Rock, the Soluble Phosphoric acid ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY, 57 exists in a more easily decomposable form than it does in any other superphosphate with which I am acquainted. It is reverted in- stantly on diluting the aqueous solution. The same is true, to a limited extent, of similar articles made from Charleston Rock. In the superphosphate itself, the rapidity with which reversion takes place is largely dependent upon the content of Iron and Aluninum. In most cases, if all the phosphoric acid has been ren- dered soluble, the reversion proceeds slowly. But if any unattacked Iron and Aluminum oxides are present, the reversion proceeds rap- idly. (Compare H. Joulie, Compt. Rendus 88, 1879, p. 1324, and Carl Ferd. Meyer, Zeit. An. Chem. 1880, p. 309.) I have recorded in the following tables the results of some observa- tions made on Superphosphates prepared from Red Navassa Rock. The material used was of uniform fineness, the whole of it passing through a 60 mesh sieve. The samples were prepared so that in one there should be about 5 per cent. , in another about 8 per cent. , and in the third about 14 per cent, soluble phosphoric acid. The same method of analysis was used in every case. All the phos. acid determinations were made with Ammon. Molyb. For the estimation of insol phos, acid there was used a slightly alka- line solution of Ammon. Citrate, 100 c. c. to 2. Gms. time 30 mins. Some of the comparative determinations of insol. phos. acid had to be omitted from lack of time, but it is hoped that those that ap- pear will prove to be sufficient for the end in view. The reverted phos. acid was determined by difference. TABLE I. Calculated on a dry 3d day after loth day after 17th day after 4th wk. after basis. Mixing. Mixing. Mixing. Mixing. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Total Phos. Acid 19.42 19.42 19.42 19.42 Soluble " i « 4.6S 4.08 4.65 3-36 Insol. " " 40° 7.04 4.46 3-59 5-97 < i t ( " 60° 4-15 3.48 3.50 5-03 < < it ' ' lOO^ 1.96 3.81 2.86 Reverted " " 40° 7.70 10 88 II. 18 10.09 ( i t ( " 60" 10.59 11.86 11.27 11.03 < i ( < " 100" 12.78 ir-53 II. 91 Available" " 40° 12.38 14.96 15-83 13-45 1 ( < ( " 60° 15-27 15.94 15.92 14-39 It 1 1 " IOO« 17.46 15.61 16.56 Moisture . . 32.85 29.63 24.07 21.50 8 58 JOURNAL OF THE TABLE IL Calculated on dry basis. Total Phos. Acid. Sol. " " Insol. " Rev'd " Avail. " Moisture . " 60° "100° ♦' 60° "100° " 60° " 100° p. c. 21.77 7.83 8.46 5.48 p. c. 21.77 6.16 8.72 8.76 6.89 6.84 13.31 1 13.05 1 13.00 3i.49i26.16 p. c. 21.77 5.40 9 06 8.97 7.31 7.40 12.71 12.80 30.77 C !1^ p. c. 21.77 5 10 8.71 8.31 7.96 8.33 13.06 13.43 16.14 C .. 41.61 28. 90 The sample yielding about 8 per cent. sol. phos. acid was exam- ined through a much longer time than either of the others. For comparison, therefore, we must consider them at the end of the same time, i. e., at the end of the 4th week. During this time, as indeed throughout the experiment, the samples worked on stood in large earthenware 1: ans in the Laboratory and were protected from dust. ELISHA MITCHEIX SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. 59 Table IV shows the rate of reversion for 4 weeks, absolute and comparative, and the accompanying loss of moisture; TABLE IV. Soluble Phosphoric acid. i-i 1 3 6 "rt .'S 1 weeks aft mixing. OSS of So] ble. everted p. of origin Soluble. OSS of mo ture in 4 weeks. < "i- hJ ci 1 p. c. p. c. p. c. p. c. p.c. 4.68 3-36 I 32 28.21 11-35 7.83 5-40 2.43 31-03 10.72 14.02 11.60 2.42 17. 26 12.75 S5 o . eS o_c (u 'So ;:: o p. c. 34-55 34-05 30.61 TABLE V— COMPARE TABLE II. Behaviour of Insol. Phos. Acid. -|- denotes gain — - denotes loss. End of weeks. 3 4 5 & 7 8 9 10 II — 12 13 14 + P-c. .26 + P-C- .60 -h P-Cj-h P-c. •25 ' ..2 p.c. .41 p.c. 1.22 — p.c. .60 p.c. •37 p.c. .28 p.c. -83 p.c, 1. 14 p.c. .80 TABLE VI— COMPARE TABLE II. Behaviour of Soluble and Reverted Phos. Acid, 60°. , . . • ^ . i£ • .is! M ^ ^ "3 J4 Ol tD s> O) (V 0 a> 01 ^ ID 0 0) 0 ^ ^ ^ ^ p: ? r^ j3 A A J2 •*^ 1.3 'C ••^ ^^ ■1-^ •^^ ■^-^ -1.^ ■^ •—1 i-i cc -r cc -r IC "~ t^ 00 c; "^ ^^ i-H p. c. p. C. p.c. p. c, p.c. p. C. p.c. p.c. p.^. p. e. p. c. p. 0. Loss of Phos. acid L67 2.43 2.78 2.81 3.66 4.04 4.34 4.73 4.66 4.74 4.79 4.58 Gain Rev'td " 1.41 1.83 2.48 2.69 4 07 5.26 4.94 5.10 4.94 5.57 5.93 5.38 The most striking fact brought out by these tables is that the Insol. Phos. acid is not stationary, but oscillates from week to week. Thus from Table V it is seen that this oscillation of Insol. Phos. acid is from a gain of .60 per cent, to a loss 1.22 per cent., the inter- val between being four weeks. The oscillation of Insol. Plios. acid has been touched upon by J. Post, (Chem. Industr. 1882, p. 217), who states, among other most interesting facts, this, that during the first month the phosphates which have become insoluble in water remain soluble in citrate at 40*^; but later on a part of the Reverted Phos. acid insoluble at 40^ 6o JOURNAL OF THE becomes insoluble in citrate even at 90°. In other words, the per cent, of Insol. Phos. acid varies from time to time. In reflecting upon this subject, there was reason to suspect that this variation was largely controlled by the mechanical condition of the analytical sample. Some experiments w^ere begun on this point, but could not be carried through, owing to the pressure of routine work. In pass- ing an article of 6 per cent, or 8 per cent, moisture through a 40 mesh seive, a good deal of it must necessarily be pulverized finer than the seive. The less moisture the article holds, other things being equal, the more will tlipre be of it much finer than the seive. The citrate acts upon this fine stuff more effectually than upon the coarser, and in this way the variation of the Insol. Phos. acid may be partially explained. Doubtless this has some eifect, for from the 7th through the 14th week, Tables II and Y, when the moisture varied from 8.22 per cent, to 5.17 per cent., there was a loss of insol. phos. acid all the time. Other interesting points might well be considered did this space allow. Such as they are the careful reader will recognize. It is hoped to follow up this discussion with some parallel observations as soon as possible. Laboratory of the Navassa Guano Company, ) Wilmington,, N. C. ^ NORTH CAROLINA PHOSPHATES. W. B. PHILLIPS. {Abstract from Thesis for Ph. D.) So much has been said and written about North Carolina Phos- phates during the last six months, that it appears necessary now only to give an abstract of the first detailed investigation of the subject, together with such additional infonnation as has been acquired by t'ie writer up to this time. It can hardly be said that the true Phosphate Rock (of value to be worked without concentration) had been noticed in North Caro- ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. 6 1 lina, prior to August, 1883. Coprolites more or less rich had indeed been found and in more or less advantageous localities. But the supply of these was wholly insufficient for the demands of a mod- erate size factory even. Some hand specimens of very good phosphate had been examined, and endeavors made to find the de^josit from which these were said to have come. The hand specimens and the analyses were good enough, but the deposit — well the deposit has not been found yet. Some fairly good hand specimens from Duplin county had been examined before tlie investigation into the subject began, but they were regarded perhaps as from some pocket of coprolites, and hence as of no great importance. It was not until August, 1883, that the matter assumed sufficient importance to demand careful recognition. On the 10th of that month in the Morning Star of Wilmington, N. C, appeared a letter from Major W. L. Young, Chief Engineer of the Duplin Canal Com- pany, in which he gave an account of what he took to be Phosphate Rock in Duplin county. This was the first public intimation of the discovery of the true Phosphate Rock in North Carolina. Major Young considered it Phosphate, and my examination of about 75 pounds of it confirmed his judgment. The Roc v he brought to me had been selected Avith care, for it fell readily into 3 (three) varieties, which varieties I afterwards fully verified from several tons. 1° A hard, heavy, block, fine grained sub-crystalline Rock, most frequently watsr-worn, and generally perforated to the depth of ^ inch to 1 inch with cylindrical holes of a diameter from i to 4^ inch. These perforations are generally, though not always, filled, and the filling material is sand and mud. It is the richest in Phosphoric acid of all the varieties. On concussion it has a slight Phosphatic odor. 2°. A hard, heavy, fine grained sub-crystalline Rock, with whitish and somewhat softer exterior, a black, hard core, and not so dis- tinctly water worn as No. 1. This core generally comprises four- fifths of the mass of the Rock, and probably nine-tenths of its weight. Similar perforations occur in this variety filled with the same material, but they do not extend into the black core. It is likely that this variety is a modification of No. 1. It contains less Phosphoric acid than No. 1, and has on concussion a decided but not strong Phosphatic odor. 3.° A light to dark grey Rock, neither as heavy, nor as hard, nor as distinctly marked as the two former varieties, nor as good. The time at my disposal did not allow me to make complete analyses of these varieties. But No. 1 is composed of about equal parts of 62 JOURNAL OF THE sand and tri-calcium phosphate, Tvath some calcium carbonate, and small quantites of Iron and Aluminum. Quantitative estimations were made of sand, and phosphoric acid, as the samples were very dry. Variety i 2 Number of Analyses. 9 8 I Average Phospho- ric acid. per cent. 19.36 17.42 12.79 Average Tri -Cal- cium Phosphate. per cent. 42.13 38.52 • 37.92 Average Sand. per cent. 42.64 51-31 64.70 An analysis of the white shell marl (Miocene ?) occurring above variety at W. H. Kornegay's gave me, air dried Per cent. Calcium Carbonate ..41.84 Sand -30. 15 Phosphoric acid .50 On the 27th day of August, I visited Duplin county in company with Major Young, and began an investigation into the Phosphate Rock. This was the first attempt at any thing like a systematic con- sideration of the subject, and although from the very nature of the case it could not be as full as was desired, still every fact herein stated about the Rock is the result of careful personal experience. The beds I visited are located in the western part of the county of Duplin, North Carolina, 50 miles north of Wilmington, and from 2^ to 7 miles east of the line of the Wilmington and AVeldon Rail- road. The places visited were the farms of W. H. Kornegay, Geo. McClammy, Halstead Bowden, Alonso Middleton and David Chest- nut, all within 4 miles, a little N. of E. of Magnolia, a station on the W. & AV. Ry., 48 miles N. of Wilmington. Arminius Johnson, 5i miles, John W. Murray, 8 miles, a little N. of E. of Magnolia. A similar Rock occurs also in Kenansville, 7 miles N. of E. of Magnolia. All these places are located a little east of the divide between the Cape Fear and the North East Rivers, but much nearer the latter, from which they are distant from 4 to 8 miles west. The beds so explored appear to occupy the bottoms of former streams or lagoons, whose positions are now occupied by "branches," "runs," and ditches, emptying their waters into the North East River, or one of its numerous tributaries. The configuration of the surface of the county is that of a broad, flattish plateau, intersected by ci eeks, branches, "runs," and swamps. Its elevation above sea level is ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. 63 from 50 to 125 feet. From the line of the W. & W. Ry., which tra- verses ihe county from N. to S. in its western part, it slopes E. and AV. with a general tendency towards the east, so that most of the streams empty into the North East River. On nearly every little stream and creek between Maxwell Swamp and the North East River, 11 miles the Rock can either be seen or exposed with very little trouble. Its average depth below the sur- face is from 3 to 5 feet with clay, sand and soil above. At one pit I found as follows : Feet. Inches. Cultivated soil and earth i o White sandy clay - o 6 Light-yellowish-red clay I O Mottled white and red clay 4 6 Phosphate in its sand and gravel - o 10 7 10 The Phosphate Rock is imbedded in a coarse, whitish sand, mixed with water worn quartz pebbles, and minute garnets. ABSTRACT OF COJS'CLUSIONS. (a). The Rock is to be found in the ditches, dry "runs," and branches, and long their banks at a depth of from 3 to 5 feet. (b). It is overlaid by clay, sand and soil. (c). Its upper surface is level, the lower appears to be slightly inclined. (d). It is imbedded in a garnetiferous sand, with coarse and fine water worn quartz pebbles. (e). The slopes of the enclosing hills vary within wide limits from tV (0.10, 5f') to ^V (0.50 2fr') and below ^V (f). The thickness of the stratum of Phosphate Rock varies from 8 to 12 inches. * From some experiments which 1 have made in manufacturing this rock into superphosphate, I am inclined to think well of it. It takes kindly to sulphuric acid, and dries well. Whether it can be used or not on a large scale remains to be seen. Laboratory Navassa Guano Company, ) Wilmington, N. C. ) 64 JOURNAL OF THE NORTH CAROLINA PHOSPHATES. CHARLES W. DABNEY, Jr. History. — All the writers upon North Carolina geology have re- ferred to the coprolites found in the coal stratas and in the marl beds. Dr. Emmons, in his report published in 1852 (p. 46) mentions the coprolites in the marl on the south of the Cape Fear md one- half mile below Elizabeth City. The specimen he analyzed con- tained 71.59 per cent, of phosphate of lime and 9.68-per cent, of sand. He describes them as rounded or spiral in form, and con- cludes that they must be true coprolites and not pseudo-coprolites or modified marls, as the distinction was in his day. On p. 63 of the same report, he mentions coprolites as occurring in the marl on the banks of the Tar at Greenville. Dr. Emmons refers, on p. 6, to the coprolites of the coal and marl in the following words : ' ' They do not exist in sufficient abundance in either formation to warrant the expense of extracting them ; still the facts are impor- tant and should never be forgotten." The knowledge of the subject remained virtually in this condition from that time (1852) to February, 1883, when the writer had the beds at Castle Hayne, New Hanover county, opened and examined. Dr. Kerr refers to the coprolites in the marl beds in two places. On 193 of his Geology of North Carolina, 1875, Vol. I, he says, speak- ing of the specimen of marl from Dr. Roberts, near Mount Olives, Wayne county : " It is a good representative of the marl beds of the immediate neighborhood. =;= * * in this region the eocene marl has been commingled with a considerable percentage of the underlying green- sand, and contains numerous sharks' teeih, rounded fragments of bones and coprolites." In another place he refers to the small coprolites in the marl in the north bluff of AVaccamaw Lake, Columbus county. He says : "The lower portion =^ * contains many black, smooth phos- phatic (probably coprolitic) nodules. Such nodules are of frequent occurrence in the marls of both this and the preceding age — miocene and eocene ; they are of no more value agriculturally than so many flint pebbles, unless ground and treated with acid. ' ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. 65 Br. Kerr evidently adopts the views of Dr. Emmons in full, and, believing them to be only the stray specimens of the true coprolites or fossil excrements which may be found in any of the later forma- tions, attached no importance to them. Such coprolites, sprinkled through a number of formations, seldom occur in suiflciint quantity to be of interest industrially. These writers do not appear to have known of the existence of phosphates bedded in layers similar to the South Carolina phosphates, and distinguished from the true coprolites as pseudo-coprolites (the phosphatized marls of Holmes). Distribution. — Since my investigations started, phosphate rock has been found so far (January, 1884,) in larger or smaller quanti- ties, in Sampson, Duplin, Onslow, Pender, New Hanover, Bladen, Columbus and Brunswick counties. The same rock probably ex- tends into the southern portion of Wayne county, and possibly into liCnoir and Jones. The Phosphatie Conglomerates of Pender and New Hanover. — The phosphatic rock is found in two distinctly different relations. In the lower country, as in Pender and New Hanover, we find rounded, phosphatic nodules imbedded in a shell marl, which all of the writers on North Carolina geology have classed as Eocene. At Castle Hayne, for example, this bed occurs from one to four feet below the surface and four to five feet thick. It looks just as if the water-worn phosphatic nodules, sharks^ teeth and quartz pebbles had been deposited here upon the bottom of the sea, and that the broken and ground-up shells which were depos- ited on top of them had then filled all the interstices and cemented them together- At places, where the smallest nodules are deposited, the shell-powder did not reach the bottom of the layer, and we find loose nodules at the bottom. At other places the shell-powder did not suffice to cover the layer, and we have a lot of loose nodules on top. At another place the lime deposit rises far above the layer of nodules, and we find a limestone, nearly pure carbonate, on top. The lime formation evidently had a different niveau from the nodule bed, as we find it at many places without a trace of the nodules. The bedding of the nodules and the lime did not go on exactly to- gether, therefore. We do not find nodules disseminated here and there through the carbonate of lime, as the coprolites are found in the marl beds, but we find the nodules touching in the layer and the powdered-shell only filling the interstices. These nodules are of all conceivable sizes, from the size of a pumkin to a grain of wheat, though mostly about the size one's fist, and rounded or kidney shape. They are all considerably water, 9 66 JOURNAL OF THE worn, and they are bedded with water-worn pebbles, sharks" teeth, and pieces of bone. Their composition is pecuh*^ar and renders the supposition that they are coprolites in anything like their original! condition untenable. The characteristic thing about all af them is 20 to 50 per cent, of silica, as rather course, sliarp-grained sand. They are by no means of uniform composition. The two chief Tariants are the insoluble matter (sand) and the phosphate of lime» The phosphate of lime varies from 10 to 60 per cent. The fallowing: complete analysis shows the composition of one of them taken at random. It proves one of the poorest ones i Insoluble matter (sand) 43-66 Carbonate of Lime 3A-S^ Magnesia o.86» Potash and' soda . Ov39' Oxide of iron and alumina 0.56- Phosphate of lime ^g-Q^" Sulphuric acid . trace. Cnlorine ..1_ Jrace.. L0a.02 Another specimen contained 31.66 per cent, of insoluble matter^. 15.94 of carbonate, and 42.09 of phosphate of lime. Nodules representing the extremes in eomposition are found side by side. While they are all characterized by the same general prop- erties, and especially by tMs coarse sand, one can find in a cubic foot of this tiongfomerate every grade of phosphate nodule. All are- more or less impregnated with the carbonate of lime and some con- tain as much as' 40 per cent, Tlie cmiclusion seems irresistible that this is not the first estate of the nodules. They would appear to be- the result of the breaking up, wearing, commingling and rebedding- of phosphate beds of different localities. The bedded phosphates^ tvhicli their composition shows these nodules represent,, never vary so much in composition in the same bed. The various individuals found here must have come together from distinet and possibly widely separated beds. The cement between the nodule is made from broken and, for the most part, finely-ground shells. It is mostly quite pure. At French Bros.* quarries, the lime deposit on top of the nodules gives from 95 to 97 per cent, of carbonate of lime. The cement broken from be- tween the nodules at Castle Hayne was found to contain : Sand and insoluble matter -„---^ 3.04 per cent. Carbonate of lime.. ... ...90.80 Phosphate of lime .... . 1.46 '* ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. 6^ The Phosphate Rock of Sampson and Duplin. — The question sug- gested by the above : Whence came the original phosphate rock ? was quickly answered by the discovery in the up-country (in Samp- son, Duplin and Onslow counties,) of continuous beds of phosphate of a similar character, separate and distinct from the lime forma- tion. A gentleman from Duplin county sent me, August 7th, some pieces of dark, gritty phosphate, which he said existed there in a bed in large cakes and lamps. A visit to the location showed that they were the very things we were looking for. This phosphate varies in composition as did the first described, thougli it is mostly richer, on account of the impregnation of the former with carbonate of lime. It contains from 15 to 40 per cent, of coarse sand, 2 to 4 per cent, of carbonate oi lime, and from 30 to 60, and even 70 per cent, of phosphate of lime, with smaller amounts of oxide of iron, alumina, magnesia, &c. The lumps occur in continuous horizontal layers, varying in depth Irom the surface to 15, and possibly 20 feet deep, the layer being usually 8 to 16 inches thick. The cakes and lumps have been partially dissolved and rounded at the corners. They are occasionally perforated, though not so frequently, or to anything like the same degree, as the South Carolina phosphates. The unbroken lumps weigh frequently 200 to 500 pounds; there are very few small ones, that is smaller than a hickory nut. The sur- t face is a very sandy loam, the subsoil is a stiff or yellowish clay. The phosphate rock is found immediately underneath a stratu n of 2 to 4 feet of this clay imbedded in a coarse sand. Underneath this is another stiff, fine-grained, blueish clay. At other places the rock occurs underneath the marl. What the extent of these beds is it is impossible to say at present. The rock occurs mostly in the coves along the little creeks, and is exposed in the ditches, creek banks or marl pits, although in some localities it is upon the uplands. The rock of a given locality is of very uniform composition, though it varies considerably mile by mile. We find in this up-country rock corresponding to all of the different grades and qualities of the jjhosphate of the conglomerate beds of Pender and New Hanover. The two rocks can be shown to be similar, when sufficient allowance is made for the changes to which the rebedding has subjected the one and the action of the soil-waters in the porous sand has modified the other. There can be little doubt, then, that the phosphate first describvid came origi- nally from beds similar to those existing to-day in Sampson and Duplin. This is not the place to discuss the industrial features of this dis- 6S JOURNAL OF THE eovery. The possibilities ahead of us in this direction will be thoroughly tested by our State Board of Agriculture. It must be enough to say now that some of the poore t of this rock has already been shown, by the writer,^ to produce very good superphosphate^ and that, as soon as the question of a sufficient supply is settled,, large phosphate mining and manipulating works will be established in this section. EXPERIMENTS AS TO THE AMOUNT OF BUT- TER FROM WEIGHED AMOUNTS OF MILK. JAMES P. KERR Some discussion having arisen as to how much buiter could be gotten from a pound of milk, a series of experiments was under- taken to see if an answer could be given to the question. In these experiments the milk of several cows was mixed ; the cows were pyartly thorough bred Devons and partly Devon and Jersey. Ire every ease the milk of the same cows w^as taken. Two experiments were carried out early in the spring, the feed of the cows being care- fully measured for several days prior t ) each experiment. In the first ease 23.12 pounds milk or 10.86 quart.s produced one pound of butter. In the second, 17.59 pounds or 8.28 quarts produced one pound of butter. These experiments were not made on consecutive days. In the second series of experiments, the milk was taken for three consecutive days (April 28th, 29th, 30th). Experiment 1.— Amount of milk taken was 40.5 pounds. This milk was kept at a temperature of 60^ F. for two days, when it was churnedv It was put in to the chum at 60° F. and churned for nearly an hour, then it was gradually heated to 66° F. and churned forty minutes longer. The yield of butter was 1\^^ pound. Experiment 2. — Amount of milk 42f pounds. Management of milk the same as in Experiment 1, except the milk was put into the churn at 66° F. instead of 60° F. Time of churning 45 minutes. Amount of butter produced 2 pounds. ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. 69 Experiment 3. — Amount of milk 42^ pounds. Management of milk same as in 2^. Yield of butter ly^^ pounds. SYNOPSIS OF EXPERIMEXTS. 23 12 pounds milk or 10.86 quarts produced 1 pound butter. 17.59 " '* 8.28 " " 1 " " 24.36 " " 11.41 " " 1 *' 21.37 " " 10.06 " " 1 " " 20.42 " " 9.60 " " 1 " <' Average 21.35 pounds milk (10.04 quarts) produced 1 pound butter. The approximate daily amount of food fed during the experiments and for two days prior to their beginning was as follows, viz : 12 lbs. cut food, consisting of 2 parts wheat straw and 1 part shucks; 13 lbs. corn-meal ; 6i lbs. wheat-bran ; 10 qts. cotton seed ; green feed (short pasturage with a small feed of rye). Haw River, N. C, April, 1884. HYDRATED CARBON BISULPHIDE. F. P. VEIN^ABLE. This body discovered by Berthelot (Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] 46 490) and Wartha (Bull. Soc. Chim. [2] 8, 258) has been examined also by Duclaux (Ber. Chem. Ges. 3, 80) and by Ballo (Ber. Chem. Ges. 4, 118). The descriptions of it given in our text-books show, how- ever, that our knowledge of it is still somewhat indefinite and in- complete. The following experiments, undertaken at first for pur- poses of class illustration, may serve to clear up some of the doubt- ful points concerning this body. In filtering carbon bisulphide, a sensation of decided cold will be noticed whenever the filter paper is touched. To determine the lowering of temperature caused by the rapid evaporation of the carbon disulphide, a thermometer bulb was wrapped with filter paper and then suspended over a shallow vessel dipped beneath the disulphide contained in it. The mercury sank rapidly to 18° c. and the paper became covered with a peculiar cauliflower like growth of a snow-white substance which was seen JO JOURNAL OF THE to be the same as that produced by forcing a current of air across the surface of the disulphide. In farther experiments with the ther- mometer the paper was discarded as uselessly cumbrous, the ther- mometer was hung just touching the liquid, and evaporation was started by blowing through a tube obliquely into the disulphide so that the little waves struck against the bulb. The formation of the snow-like solid soon commenced. The blowing could then be stopped, and the growth went on rapidly until it reached a height of 5-6 cm., above the surface. If a current of air was directed upon this growth, it increased most rapidly on the side exposed to the current, forming little tufts resembling miniature, compactly-formed trees and reaching in some cases a length of 7 — 8 mm. One point observed was that the amount of moisture in the air had a decided effect upon the ease of causing this formation and the rapidity of the growth. A simple and effective mode of showing as a class experiment the abstraction of heat by the rapid evaporation of the disulphide, or more properly speaking, by the formation of the hydrate, is to take a small glass tube with thin walls about 90 m. m. long and having a diameter of 10 m. m. This tube is provided with a collar of cop- per wire having two projecting points which turn easily in the ends, bent into rings of a strong copper wire attached to a support. The ring of one of the ends of the longer and stouter wire should not be closed, so that the tube can be easily unmounted. This arrange- ment gives stability and the tube is much easier to tilt than when simply suspended by threads. The tube is wrapped with a single layer of filter paper for two-thirds its length, the paper ex- tending about 1 cm. beyond the closed end. This lower edge dips just beneath the disulphide when the tube is in position. The tube is filled about half or two-thirds full of water, is placed in its swing and in a few minutes the water will be frozen and will not flow out when the t ube is inverted. In one experiment, with the tube arranged as above, the water was frozen within four minutes. The original temperature of the water was 30° c, and the relative humidity of the surrounding atmosphere was 74 per cent. Ballo has recorded one or two experiments to prove that this cau- liflower-like growth is a hydrate and not solid frozen carbon disul- phide. The following experiment confirms his results, and may be regarded, I think, as conclusive of the dependence of this body for its formation upon the moisture of the air. An open-necked bell- jar, ground, greased and tightly fitting to a ground glass plate, was provided with a large rubber stopper which was pierced with two ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. J I holes. Through one of these a calcium chloride tube was inserted, through the other a glass tube with a glass rod working tightly in it and bound to it means of rubber lubing so as to be air-tight. The calcium chloride tube was 250 mm. long, and was filled with freshly dried calcium chloride. Inside the bell-jar, a glass acid-holder was filled with concentrated sulphuric acid and on a triangle placed over it wslS supported a watch glass containing carbon disulphide purified by tlie method of Cloez (Compt. rend. 69, 1356). The glass rod had attached to it by a bit of wax a strip of filter p^aper 25 mm. broad, 100 mm. long, which had been previously dried in an air-bath for two hours at lOO'' — lOo'^ c. After this was put in the bell-jar, the latter was fitted tightly to the glass plate and the whole allowed to stand about thirty minutes so that every trace of moisture might be removed from the enclosed air. At the expiration of this time, the slip of paper was lowered by the movable rod until it touched the carbon disulphide. The liquid rose rapidly in the pores of the paper, but even after some minutes no sign of the solid incrustations could be seen. As the confined space might have interfered with the evaporation, an aspirator was attached to the calcium chloride tube, but no formation of the solid could be induced. The sulphuric ac id was then taken from the jar and water substituted for it. The solid commenced to form almost immediately after the lowering of the paper. The liquid did not rise quite so high as in the first case, and aspirating increased the rate of formation but slightly. If the as- piration was continued until the ja,r was filled with aqueous vapor, the solid formation suddenly and completely melted away. Several difi'erent ways were tried of forming this hydrate. First, carbon disuljjhide mixed with about 25 per cent, of water, in a test tube, was placed in a mixture of ice and hydrochloric acid ( — 2'6° c), and for purposes of comparison a tube containing distilled water wa- placed beside it. The first tube became very milky and turbid and was frozen to an opaque solid ; in the second tube the water remained transparent until completely frozen. A second tube of water and the disulphid'^ was stirred whilst freezing, so as to freeze only on the sides and leave a channel open from the bottom to top. All that refused to freeze was poured out, the tube corked and its contents melted. After melting, a layer of disulphide was observed beneath the water. Of course no great reliance can be placed on such an experiment alone, as the oil may have been mechanicallv -entangled and retained. Again, if a few c.c. of carbon disulphide be poured through 2-3 cm. of 90 per cent, alcohol in a tube the two form clear and distinct layers. Let this tube gently down into a 72 JOURNAL (J¥ THE freezing mixture of ice and hydrochloric acid and the carbon disul- phide becomes turbid, while delicate cloud -masses form in the alco- hol and if the alcohol contains more than 10 per cent, water, it be- comes milky and opaque. These cloud-masses disappear above -10^ or -9° c, but the temperature could.not be accurately fixed as it seemed to depend upon the amount of carbon disulphide and water held in suspension or solution. If the alcohol and disulphide stand for some time, all disulphide apparently settles out as the cloudiness cannot be again produced by cooling. Care was of course exercised to prevent any agitation or mixing of the liquid layers in sinking the tube into the freezing mixture. A mixture with ether containing a small percentage of water gave also a turbid appear- ance on being cooled, but the layers were not distinct, nor, on taking the tube from the freezing mixture, did the cloudiness disappear so easily as in the case of the alcohol. Experiments with it then could not be so easily observed nor so rapidly repeated. The temperature of formation or decomposition given by Wartha (-12° c.) needs additional data to make it correct, according to the following experiments. Even when evaporation and the formation of hydrate was rapidly going on in a shallow watch glass full of the disulphide, the temperature of the liquid itself did not fall below -6° c. For these experiments a Geissler thermometer graduated to ^ degrees was used, the bulb was nearly spherical and from its under-surface a small bead of glass projected. With this bead touch- ing the surface of the carbon disulphide and the evaporation started by blowing upon it for a short time, the incrustations soon covered the bulb and the mercury sank rapidly to about O'^c. It then sank very slowly. Seemingly more carbon disulphide was drawn uxDon the bulb than was used in forming the solid, as the latter had an oily appearance and this probably tended to keep up the tempera- ture. If the thermometer was raised entirely above the liquid the oily look disappeared, the tufts of the solid, before thick and short, branched and grew stiff and strong while the mercery rapidly sank to a constant point. To determine this point, then, the solid was allowed to form over the bulb and some extra disulphide was taken up. By a crank arrangement the thermometer was then raised sev- eral inches above the surface of the liquid and the lowest temi^era- ture reached noted. The stny at this point sometimes lasted one or two minutes before the rapid rise commenced. If the thermometer was blown upon whilst the mercury was sinking, the temperature* could be reduced several degrees below the point of decomposition. If the constant point had been reached and the mercury was beginning to rise, even if only yV degree, blowing caused a very rapid rise and ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. 73 melting of the hydrate. The lowest temperature reached by blow- ing was — 19.5"C., the relative humidity of the room being 75. When the thermometer was wrapped with filter pajjer and this dipped in disulphide, the reduction went on regularly to the constant point of decomposition. The slow sinking at -9 C. was not noticed. Several observations showed that the reduction was in a measure dependent upon the relative humidity of the surrounding atmos- phere. This was determined at each observation of the point of decomposition, but the exf)eriments could not be made accurately enough to deduce any fixed law. Air saturated with moisture gave no hydrate. From this point the temperature of decomposition seemed to sink, the lowest points being reached when the air con- tained between 70 and 80 per cent, of moisture. Below 60 per cent, the temperature in a number of observations rose once more. Even if the current of air was too slight to affect a small candle flame, it would still show upon the delicate thermometer used, the varia- tions caused being shown by shielding the bulb on one side or the other. Entire surrounding and protection of the bulb interfered with the evaporation, and of course the evaporation itself caused currents. Some other way must then be devised for determining this point. Guarding against draughts as carefully as possible, the determinations made, some twenty-five or thirty in all, ranged from — 14°C. to — 17^C. No point such as that mentioned by Wartlia ( — 13=C.), to which the mercury would rise and remain constant, was observed, the rise being rapid and regular till the temperature of the room was reached. Berthelot gives the point of decomposition as about — S'^C. Chemical Laboratory, U. N. C. NOTES ON THE INDIAN BURIAL MOUNDS OF EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA. J. A. HOLMES. .So far as is known to me, no account of the Indian burial mounds, which are to be found in portions of Eastern North Carolina, have, as yet, been published. This fact is considered a sufficient reason 10 74 JOURNAL OF THE for the publication of the following notes concerning a few of these mounds which have been examined in Duplin and a few other coun- ties in the region under consideration. It is expected that the examination of other mounds will be carried on during the present year, and it is considered advisable to postpone generalized statements concerning them until these additional examinations have been completed. It may be stated, however, of the mounds that have been examined already, that they are quite different from and of much less interest, so far as con- tents are concerned, than those of Caldwell and other counties of the western section of the State. As will be seen from the following notes, they are generally low and rarely rising to more than three feet above the surrounding surface, with generally circular bases varying in diameter from 15 to 40 feet; and hey contain little more than the bones of human (presumably Indian) skeletons, arranged in no special order. They h ive been generally built on somewhat elevated, dry, sandy places, out of a soil similar to that by which they are surrounded. No evidence of an excavation below the gen- eral surface has as yet been observed. In the process of burial, the bones or bodies seem to have been laid on the surface or above, and covered up with soil taken from the vicinity of the mound. In every case that has come under my own observation charcoal has been found at the bottom of the mound. Mound No. 1 — Duplin county, located at Kenansville, about one- half mile southwest from the courthouse, on a somewhat elevated, dry, sandy ridge. In form, its base is nearly circular, 35 feet in diameter; height 3 feet. The soil of the mound is like that which surrounds it, with no evidence of stratification. The excavation was made by beginning on one side of the mound and cutting a trench 35 feet long, and to a depth nearly 2 feet below the general surface of the soil, (5 feet below top of mound) and removing- all the soil of the mound by cutting new trenches and filling up the old ones. In this way all the soil of the mound and for two feet below its base was carefully examined. The soil below the base of the mound did not appear to have been disturbed at the time the mound was built. The contents of the mound included fragments of char- coal, a few small fragments of pottery, a hand-full of small shells, and parts of sixty human skeletons. No implements of any kind were found. Small pieces of charcoal were scattered about in dif- ferent portions of the mound, but the larger portion of the charcoal was found at one place 3 or 4 feet square near one side of the mound. At this place the soil was colored dark, and seemed to be mixed with ashes. There were here with the charcoal, fragments of bones, ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. 75 some of which were dark colored, and may have been burned; but they were so nearly decomposed that I was unable to satisfy myself as to this point. I could detect no evidence of burning in case of the bones in other portions of the mound. Fragments of potrery were few in number, small in size, and scattered about in different parts of the mound. They were generally scratched and cross- scrated on one side, but no definite figures could be made out. The shell "beads" were small in size — 10 to 12 mm. in length. They are the Marginella roscida of Redfield, a sniall gasteropod which is said to be now living along the coasts of this State. The specimens, about 75 in number, were all found together, lying in a bunch near the skull and breast bones of a skeleton. The apex of each one had been ground off obliquely so as to leave an opening passing through the shell from the apex to the anterior canal — probably for the pur- pose of stringing them. The skeletons of this mound were generally much .softened from decay — many of the harder bones falling to pieces on being handled, while many of> the smaller and softer bones were beyond recogni- tion. They were distributed through nearly every portion of the monnd, from side to side, and from the base to the top surface, without, so far as was discovered, any definite order as to their ar- rangement. None were found below the level of the surface of the soil outside the mound. In a few cases the skeletons occurred singly, with none others within several feet; while in other cases several were found in actual contact with one another; and in one portion of the mound, near the outer edge, as many as twenty-one skeletons were found placed within the space of six feet square. Here, in the case last mentioned, several of the skeletons lay side by side, others on top of these, parallel to them, while still others lay on top of and across the first. When one skeleton was located above another, in some cases the two were in actual contact, in other cases they were separated by a foot more of soil. As to the position of the parts of the individual skeletons, this could not be fully settled in the present case, on account of the de- cayed condition of many of the bones. The following arrangement of the parts, however, was found to be true of nearly every skele- ton exhumed: The bones lay in a horizontal position or nearly so. Those of the lower limbs were bent upon themselves at the knee, so that the thigh bone (femur) and the bones of the leg (tibia and fibula) lay parallel to one another; the bones of the foot and ankles being found with or near the hip bones. The knee cap or patella, g:^nerally lying at its proper place, indicated that there must have been 76 JOURNAL OF THE very little disturbance of the majority of the skeletons after their burial. The bones of the upper limbs, also, were see- ingly bent upon themselves at the elbow; thosf of the fore-arm (humerus) gen- erally lying quite or nearly side by side with the bones of the thigh and leg; the elbow joint pointing toward the hip bones, while the bones of the two arms below tiie elbow joint (radius and ulna) were in many eases crossed, as it were, in front of the body. The ribs and vertebi'se lay along by the side of, on top of, and between the bones of the upper and lower limbs; generally too far decayed to indicate their proper order or position. The skulls generally lay directly above or near the hip bones, in a variety of positions ; in some cases the side, right or left, while in other cases the top of the skull, the base or front was downward. But two of the crania (A and B of the following table) obtained from this mound were sufficiently well preserved for measurement; and both of these, as shown by the teeth, are skulls of adults. C of this table is the skull of an adult taken from mound No. 2, below. Crania. Length. Breadth. Height. Index of Breadth. Index of Height. Facial Angle. A B C 193 mm. 172 mm. 180 mm. 151 mm. 133 mm. 137 mm. 144 mm. 136 mm. 147 mm. .746 .772 .761 .746 .790 .816 74" 66° 633 The skeletons were too much decomposed to permit the distin- guishing of the sexes of the individuals to whom they belonged ; but the size of the crania (adults) and other bones seem to indicate that a portion of the skeletons were those of women. One small cranium found was evidently that of a child — the second and third p-air of incisor teeth appearing beyond the gums. Mound No. 2, located If miles east of Hallsville, Duplin county, on a somewhat elevated, dry, sandy region. Base of mound nearly circular, 22 feet in diameter; height, 3 feet, surface rounded over the top. Soil similar to that which surrounds the mound — light sandy. Excavations of one-half of the mound exposed portions of eight skeletons, fragments of charcoal and pottery, arranged in much the same way as described above in case of mound No. 1. The bones being badly decomposed, and the mound being thoroughly penetrated by the roots of trees growing ovei it, the excavation ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. -JJ was stopped. No implements or weapons of any and were found. There was no evidence of any excavation having been made below the general surface, in the building of the mound, but, rather evi- dence to the contrary. The third cranium (C) of the above table was taken from this mound. Mound No. 3, located in a dry sandy and rather elevated place about one-third of a mile east of Hallsville, Duplin county. In size and shape, this mound resembles those already mentioned. Base circular, 31 feet in diameter ; height 2^ feet. No excavation was made, other than what was sufficient to ascertain that the mound contained bones of human skeletons. Mound No. 4, Duplin county, located in a rather level sandy region, about one mile from Sarecta P. O., on the property of Branch Williams. Base of mound circular, 35 feet in diameter; height 2^ feet. Soil sandy, like that which surrounds it. Around the mound, extending out for a distance varying from 5 to 10 yards, there was a depression, w ich, in addition to the similarity of soils mentioned above, affords ground for the conjecture that here, as in a number of other cases, it is probable the mound was built by the throwing on the soil from its immediate vicinity. Only a partial excavation was made, witli the result of finding human bones, and a few small fragments of charcoal and pottery. Since the above mounds were visited, I have obtained information as to the localities of mounds similar to those described, in the east- ern, southern and western portions of Duplin county; and I can hardly doubt but that a closer examination of this region will prove them to be more numerous than they are now generally supposed to be. In Sampson county, the localities of several mounds have been noted; but one of these, however, so far as I am informed, has been examined with care. This one (Mound No, 5), examined by Messrs. Phillips and Murphy of the Clinton School, is located about 2.V miles west of Clinton (Sampson county), on the eastern exposure of a small hill. In general characters it resembles the mounds already described. Base circular, 40 feet in diametei- ; height 3i feet ; soil sandy loam, resembling that surrounding the mound. Contents con- sisted of small fragments of charcoal, two bunches of small shell "beads," and the parts of 16 human skeletons. These skeletons were not distributed uniformly throughout the portion of the mound examined. At one place there were 9, at another 6, and at a third place 5 skeletons, lying close to, and in some cases on top of one another. In this pqint as in the position of the parts of the skele- yS JOURNAL OF THE tons ("doublecl-up'') this mound resembles those described above. The bones were generally soft from decay. The small shells were found in bunches under two skulls; they are of the same kind (Mar- ginella roscida, Redfield) as those from Mound No. 1, and their ends were ground off in the same way. No bones were found below the surface level, and there was no evidence of excavations having been made below this point. No stone in plements of any kind were found in the mound. One-half this mound was examined. In Robeson and Cumberland counties several mounds have be- n examined; and for information concerning these, lam indebted to Mr. Hamilton McMillan, of Dora, Robeson county. Five mounds are reported as having been examined in Robeson county, averaging 60 feet in circumference, and 2 feet high, all located on elevat. d, dry ridges, near swamps or water-courses ; and all contained bones of human skeletons. One of these mounds, located about two miles east of Red Springs, examined by Mr. McMillan, in 1882, contained about 50 skeletons. Many of these bones near the surface of the mound, in Mr. McMillan's opinion, had been partly burned— those nearer the bottom were in a better state of preservation. There was an "entire absence of skulls and teeth" from this mound — a somewhat remarkable fact. A broken stone "celt" was found among the re- mains ; bu' with this one unimportant exception, no mention has been made of implements having be#n found. In addition to the above, Mr. D. Sinclair, of Plain View, Robeson county, has informed me that he has seen four mounds in the south- ern portion of this county — two near Brooklyn P. O., and two be- tween Leesville and Fair Bluff, about five miles from the latter ^ lace. In Cumberland county, two mounds are reported by Mr. McMil- lan as having been examined. One of these loccated about ten miles south of Fayette ville, was found to contain the crumbled bones of a single person, lying in an east and west direction. There vvas also found in this mound a fragment rock rich in silver ore. The other mound, located ten miles southwest from Fayetteville, near Rock- fish Creek, was examined by Mr. McMillan in 1860, and found to contain a "large number of skeletons," — "bones were well preserved and, without exception, those of adults. ' The mound was located on a high sandy ridge, its base about 20 feet in diameter; height 2A^ feet. In Wake county one mound has been reported as being located on the northeast and several on the southwest side of the Neuse River, about seven miles east from Raleigh ; and from the foi-mer it ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. 79 is stated that large numbers o stone implementshave been removed. But I have been unable to examine these or to obtain any definite information concerning them. One mound in this county, examined in 1882 by Mr. W. S. Primrose, of Raleigh, is worthy of mention in this connection, as it resembles in general characters the mounds of Duplin county. This mound is located about ten miles south of Raleigh, on a small plateau covered with an original growth of pines. Base of mound circular, about 14 feet in diameter; height 2 feet. The contents of the mound consisted of small fragment of charcoal, and the bones of 10 or 12 human skeletons, much decayed, and ar- ranged, so far as could be determined, without any reference to order or regularity. No weapons or implements of any kmd were found. NOTE ON CASSITERITE FROM KING'S MOUN- TAIN, N. C. CHARLES W. DABIS^EY, Jr. Mr. Robert Claywell, a student from Burke county at the high school at King's Mountain, on the line between Cleveland and Gas- ton counties, found in a street of that village a piece of mineral, which he sent me for determination, A specimen which Mr. Claywell gave Col, S. McD. Tate was sent me by that gentleman along with some other minerals, listed by the words, "No , Tin?" Still other specimens fell into the writer's hands while in Burke county in July last collecting for the Boston Exposition, which also undoubtedly came from Mr. Claywell, who was the first to recognize it as a new mineral, unknown to him. These specimens were determined by the writer to be massive cas- siterite, the first found in this State. It was not known to me at first where the mineral came from, and I supposed they were isolated specimens from the gold bearing gravel. In January, Mr. Claywell communicated to me through a friend the source of the specimens. Ascertaining that there was a considerable amount of it scattered through the surface-soil there, I visited the locality and instituted some explorations. 8o JOURNAL OF THE My expectations were more than verified when I found pieces of Cassiterite from the size of an egg to the finest sand, loose and stick- ing in quartz, scattered over the surface in a belt beginning about the centre of the village, and extending southward a mile or more. When the clay of the hills or the gravel of the neighboring creeks was panned, a heavy black sand was obtained which yielded more or less tin. A number of shafts have been sunk and trenches dug along the course of the hill-tops whence the tinstone appears to have come. The rocks : re mica schist and slate, with frequent veins and streaks of quartz and quartzyte. The rocks are nearly vertical, direction of out-crop northeast and southwest with all of the rocks of this coun- try. The tinstone is disseminated through the quartz and quartzyte vein matter occurring in a belt of the rock 100 to 150 yards wide. The chief tin-bearing territory is limited on the northwest by a large out- crop of micaceous quartzyte, on the southeast side by very large out-crop of tourmaline-bearing or massive toui-maline-stained quartzyte. A number of these tin-bearing quartz veins have been exposed in this territory^. The surface is covered with fragments of them which the decaying mica schist and slate have left. These veins are from 2 — 4 feet in width. They run mostly with the other rocks, though there are frequent cross and string- veins. At places these quartz or quartzyte veins are left by the mica schist and stand up through the clay nearly to the surface, while at other places they are broken down to the level of the mica schist, Al still other places where the schists and slates contained more silica, the whole formation is found now near the surface. According to Dr. Emmons, the village of King's Mountain is near the dividing-line between the Laurentian granite and the Huronian slates. To the east of the village the rocks are micaceous and slaty quartzytes, talcose slates and bluish crystalline limestone. A few miles west are the hornblende slates, gneiss, etc. Nearly all of the adjacent rocks, the mica schists and slates, the tourmaline-bearing quartz, and the massive black quartz— all show amounts of tin varying from distinct traces to 1 — 2 per cent. The only remark on tin which I find in writings on North Caro- lina mineralogy is the following from Dr. Genth (Mineralogy of North Carolina) : "No tin ore has been found in North Carolina as yet; traces of this metal have been found in the tungstates of Ca- barrus county, and in a micaceous slate (Huronian) in Gaston county^ jassociated with garnet and columnar topaz." [The italics and pa- ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. 8 1 renthesis are mine.] The observation is very interesting in the light of the recent discoveries. Have we not here at King's Mountain, at or near the junction of these slates and the older gneiss and granite a concentration of this diffused tin ? The Cassiterite is mostly massive or semi-crystalline; occasionally crystals are found. Hardness, 6.5 to 7; Specific gravity, 6.6 to 6.9; color, generally dark brown, but varying from this to light yellow and cream-colored, or almost colorless. Composition, mostly an impure Cassiterite, with 50 to 60 per cent, of tin, some dark brown silicious specimens running as low a.s 46 per cent, of tin. The some- what rarer light colored specimens are richer in tin coming nearer the per cent, of metal (78.66) in pure dioxide of tin (SnOa). Out of a large number of analyses, I take the following, i retty much at random : 1. Is a rather light-colored (not the lightest I have seen, however,) yellowish specimen, with a high lustre and distinctly marked cleav- age. 2. Is a rich brown-colored specimen, not the^ darkest. Analyzed by Prof. G. B. Hanna, U. S. Assay oflSce, Charlotte, for me. I. Light-colored, 2. Rich brown-colored. Silica 1.76 per cent. 2.36 per cent. Arsenic none. . trace. Sulphur trace. 0.46 per cent. Iron 0.62 per cent. 1.76 " Tungstic acid .0.92 " 1. 14 Tin (by wet method) 74.41 " (by fusion) 65.21 The tinstone is remarkably free from those worst ingredients of tin ore, sulphur and arsen c. The lower-grade specimens do not show appreciably more than the above, TUe accompanying minerals are tourmaline, very abundant ; titanic iron in more immediate relation with the Cassiterite ; lithia mica, generally immediately around the larger lumps of the tinstone in the quartz ; and more rarely zirkon and rutile. Raleigh, N. C, February, 1884. 11 82 JOURNAL OF THE NOTES. TEMPERATURE OF WELL WATERS IN CHAPEL HILL. Observations were taken during one year about the middle of every month, excepting July. A very accurate Geissler thermometer was used, graduated into tenths of a degree. The wells examined w^ere College (1), Dr. Phillips' (2), Prof. Venable's (3), Mrs. Hendon's (4), Prof. Manning's (5), ani President Battle's (6). These vary con- siderably in depth and most probably tap different strata. The fol- lowing table gives the results of the observations : Seasons. Spring . . Summer Fall .... Winter . Annual . I 2 3 4 5 57.6 58.5 58.2 58.9 5S.3 90.2 59-8 60.5 59-8 59-5 59-1 59-7 59-8 58.8 58.0 57-0 58.1 56.8 55.5 1 59-1 585 59-3 59-1 58.1 55-9 58.6 58.5 55.8 57.2 University of North Carolina. F. P. Venable. ELEVATION OF CHAPEL HILL. Determined by computation (using Guyot's tables) from Barom- etric observations for the year September, 1882, to August, 1883, inclusive, taken at Wilmington, Charlotte and Chapel Hill ; and de- termining approximately the correclion to be made by comparing the known elevation of Charlotte with the computed elevation. Elevation of Chapel Hill by comparison with Wilmington is 491.56 feet. By comparison with Charlotte, it is 495.84 feet. Mean of the two computations is 495.2 feet. Known elevation of Charlotte is 838 feet. Computed elevation of Charlotte by comparrison with Wilming- ton 806.61 feet. Difference = 31.39 feet. Making proportional correction to the computed elevation of Chapel Hill, which is found to be 13.27 feet, we have an approximate elevation of Chapel Hill 514.47 feet. Chapel Hill, N. C. J. AV. Gore. ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. 83 ANALYSIS OF ROCK-SALT FROM SALTVILLE, YA. A specimen of this rock-salt sent by the Superintendent of the salt-works in the valley of the Holston, yielded on analysis some- what different results from the previously published analysis (Chem. News," No. 1038) and in view of this and the claim made for this Virginia brine, that it exceeds in purity nearly all others of which analyses are on record, the analysis made in this laboratory is pub- lished. The specimen was brownish-red in color, with a crystalline structure and was obtained whilst deepening one of the salt- wells. This rock-salt is not mined, the brine alone being used for the man- ufacture of salt. The capacity of the works is at present 450,000 bushels per year, though at one time, during the late war, the yield was as high as 10,000 bushels per day. According to this analysis the rock-salt contained : Na CI 93.05 K CI ■ -- trace. CaS04.2H20 - 2.40 MgSO* 07 FegOg--.. .83 SiOg .-- '....: 2.Sr • HgO .30 99.46 An analysis of the salt as marketed gave 98.89 per cent NaCl with a small perentage of CaS042H30 and a trace of MgSO^ showing it to be a high-grade salt. Chemical Laboratory, U. N. C. Thos. Radcliffe. THE STORM OF APRIL 22d, 1883. This storm is remarkable for its exce?^sive rain-fall. The barometer fell slowly on on 2 1st and between three and four-tenths on 22nd. The depression lasted during 23rd and 24th. The temperature was normal before and at time of storm, but a fall of 16^F. in daily mean followed it. The percentage of moisture in the atmosphere on 21st was lower than for two weeks previous. A rapid rise in this per- centage was noticed on 22nd and the air remained nearly saturated until 24th, when there was a sudden falling off. Surface winds were light during 21st and 22nd coming from S. E. The cirrus clouds 84 JOURNAL OF THE moved from N. W. during 20th and 21st, lower clouds from S. W. During 22nd the air felt "close" and the clouds were threatening, though not very heavy. They were flying fast and at times veered westerly. Towards nightfall they massed heavily in the west. Ve- locity of the wind was ten miles per hour and this remained nearly constant throughout the storm. Discharge of electricity wag very vivid and the thunder violent. Precipitation began at 11 P. M. and lasted in its greatest violence until 1 A. M., or a little later. By 2 A. M. it had lulled into a gentle rain lasting into the next day. At the time of greatest rainfall the wind fell off to four miles per hour. The rainfall during the night was 4.19 in. This is the largest re- corded at this Station. The damage done in the immediate vicinity was great. All mill-dams and bridges on neighboring streams were washed away. Haw River, Deep River, and the Neuse were reported deeper than in many years before. Referring to the charts of the U. S. Signal Service, we see that this storm approached from the N. Pacific coast on the 18th and swept across the country. Violent local siorms and tornadoes were reported South and East, especially in the Mississippi and Georgia. Dangerous gales were reported off the coast from Jacksonville, Fla., to Boston, Mass. Nine Stations in different parts of the State re- ported a rainfall of over three inches, showing the storm to be very- general. Two tornadoes Avere reported also, one in Martin county, and one in Sampson county. The auroral display on the 24th, following the storm, was very widely observed and was especially noted for the southerly latitudes in which it was seen. It was rather faint at Chapel Hill being visi- ble between 8 and 9 P. M. University Meteorological Station. F. P. Vexable. ANALYSIS OF A DEPOSIT OF ZINC OXIDE. As is well known these deposits of impure zinc oxide are some times found in furnaces where zinc-bearing ores are used. The name cadmia is given them in Dana's mineralogy. The green flame of burning zinc is noticed at the tymp of these furnaces and was formerly looked upon by furnace-men as indicative of sulphur — es- pecially as this burning left on substances in the near neighborhood of the tymp a coating of zinc oxide which was yellow whilst hot. The specimen examined was sent through the courtesy of the man- ager of the Longdale Iron Co. 's furnaces. According to analysis no ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. 85 zinc is contained in the ores used by this Company, the said ores being ordinary brown hematite. Nor has zinc been found in the coke and Umestone used — evidently occurring then in minute traces, probably in the ore. The deposit was very large, nearl ; choking the mouth of the furnace. The specimen had a laminated appear- ance, as if deposited in layers, and was greenish-brown in color. It was quite hard, breaking in thin plates, like shale, m the direction of the lamination and the specific gravity was 5. 0405 (temp, of water 16°C.). The analysis gave : ZnO - . - 93. 34 PbO 2.37 Fe (metallic) 1.09 CaCOg 1. 01 C --- -- .20 SiOg --- - i-ii 100.02 Chemical Laboratory, U. N. C. Thos. Radcliffe. CAFFEIN IN YEOPON LEAVES. Having in my possession a small sample of the leaves of the Yeopon (gathered in January), a qualitative examination for CaHein was made. The leaves were boiled with water for one to two hours (condensing the water in an upright cooler). This infuv^ion was neutralized with magnesia then shaken with chloroform and the two layers of liquid separated. The chloroform was then evaporated off and the residue purified by dissolving in alcohol, then in water, and lastly in alcohol once more. The residue thus purified was .31 per cent, of the whole dried at 100='C.,.but the original sample was so small that no great reliance could be placed on these figures. The residue was carefully compared with caffein from Powers & Weightman, and presented a close rese oblanceto it in every respect. It was sparingly sohrble in water, more so in alcohol and quite so in chlorolorm. It gave a very distinct murexid reaction. When a larger sample of the leaves can be obtained at a more favorable time of the year, a thorough quantitative examination will be made. Chemical Laboratory, U. N. C. F. P. Venable. 86 JOURNAL OF THE FILTERS WASHED WITH HYDROFLrORIC ACID. The removal of silica from filters by washing with hydrofluoric acid was first recommended by Austen (Zeitschr. x\nal. Chem.). Acting upon this suggestion, Schleicher & SchuU have prepared since Spring of 1883. filters washed with both hydrochloric and hy- drofluoric acid. An .lamination of these filters shows that the ash can in most cases be disregarded. The published analysis gives the ash of a 11 c. m. filter as 0.00017 grm. Burning five and weighing on a fair balance gave 0.0002 as the weight of one ash. They are a little difficult to burn thoroughly. The average weight of the dried filter, same size, is 0.6284. The washing with hydrofluoric acid has decreased to a slight extent the power of retaining fine precipitates. The unwashed paper of the same number and grade fail to catch such a precipitate as calcium oxalate, even after standing several hours, that is, the first few drops are turbid. With the washed filters the turbidity is greater and more lasting. Several sets of experi- ments were carried out with papers from different packs, some pro- cured from Germany, some from the New York agents, and it was found that all ordinary difficult precipitates except calcium oxalate were retained when the proper precautions were taken, the filtrate running through with great rapidity. The folding of the filters must be done carefully, as they break somewhat easily. The filter fibres, too, are apt to rub off. When accurately fitted, with a plati- num cone, to a funnel in a filtering flask, they were found to stand well the pressure caused by an ordinary water air-pump. The head of water was about twenty-five feet. The advantages of these filters then are the rapidity of filtering and the extremely low ash-weight. The disadvantages are the ease of breaking and the necessity of care to prevent the passage of certain fine precipitates. Chemical Laboratory, U. N. C. F. P. Yenable. OCCURRENCE OF ABIES CANADENSIS AND PINUS STROBUS IN CENTRAL NORTH CAROLINA. Abies Canadensis, MirJix. (Hemlock Sjjruce). —in many parts of the mountain region of North Carolina this tree occurs in consider- able abundance— especially in the mountain valleys, along the bor- ders of streams and swamps; and it has been observed about the base of mountains at some distance east .of the Blue Ridge proper. So far as I am aware, how^ever, it has not been recorded as occur- ring at any point east of the ' ' Mountain Region. " Recently ) was ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. 8/ informed that a few small trees of thi- species were to be found growing in Wake county, on Swift Creek, about ten miles southwest from Raleigh, and on visiting that place I found the real Abies Canadensis growing there, at an elevation of not more than 350 feet, latitude a little south of 56*^. The locality was the northern ex- posure of a bluff about 100 feet high and 350 yards long, extending in a nearly east by west course, with its eastern end curved around toward the northeast and its western toward the northwest, thus quite effectively shutting out a portion of the sun's heat. There were four or fiv»^ trees growing on this northern exposure that measured 12 to 15 inches in diameter near the base, and about 50 feet high. These with several smaller individuals were all that could be found. The larger trees do not present a heathy, vigorous appearance; and are quite certain to be shortlived. The smaller trees are few in number. Piniis Stobiis, L. {White Pine). — Distribution in mountain region of the State much the same as that of the Hemlock Spruce, men- tioned above; and like that tree the White pine has not, so far as I know, been recorded as occurring at any point in this State east of the "Mountain Region." Recently, however, as reported to me by several reliable persons, it has been found in Chatham county, grow- ing on the northern exposure of the steep, rocky, southern bank of Rocky River, near the junction of the latter with Deep river, at an elevation of less than 500 feet. University of N. C. J. A. Holmes. MAGNETITE FROM ORANGE COUNTY. This magnetite is found on the farm of Cheek, about three miles south of Chapel Hill. Pieces ranging up to ten or fifteen pounds in weight are found scattered over the field. One of these was analysed with the following result : Magnetic iron oxide 96.03 Silica _ 3.02 Water .52 Sulphur ig Phosphorus trace. 99.76 Chemical Laboratory, U. N. C John L. Borden. 88 JOURNAL Of THE ACTION OF GASOLINE ON COPPER. W. H. Watson (Chem. News 42-190) has recorded the action of various oils on iron and copper. Tliinking it of interest to add to the list the action of gasoline, some was drawn from the bottom chamber of the generator in a Springfield Gas Machine and exam- ined for copper. The oil was 88° and had stood in the chamber about six months. It was deeply colored. One litre was carefully- distilled down to 5 — 10 c. c. This was then saturated with nitric acid and evaporated to dryness, the temperature being finally raised high enough to charr and burn off most of the organic matter. Washing out the residue with nitric acid and water and testing for copper, gave no indications of copper, showing that the gasoline exerted extremely slight or no solvent action on copper. Chemical Laboratory, U. N. C. F. P. Venable. ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. 89 LIST OF SCIENTIFIC PERIODICALS KEPT AT THE UNIVERSITY OF N. C. FOR REFERENCE. American Chemical JournaL American Chemical Society Journal. American Journal of Science. American Journal of Agricultural Science. American Microscopical Journal. American Naturalist. Annalen der Chemie, (Liebig's). Annals of Mathematics. Astronomical Register. Berichte der dentschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Boston Journal of Science. British Geological Magazine. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club. Chemical News. Chemical Review. Electric Review. Franklin Institute Journal. London Chemical Society Journal. Journal fur praktische Chemie. Mathematical Magazine, Erie, Pa. Mining Record. Nature. Observatory. The, Popular Science Monthly. Science. Science Observer. Zeitschrift fur Analytische Chemie. 12 90 JOURNAL ()P^ THE CONSTITUTION Name: This Society sihall be known as the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society. Members: There shall be three classes of members — Honorary, Rej^iular and Associate. Hoj*roRARY Members shall be elected by a three-fourths vote of the members present at the time of the pnnual election of officers. They shall be recommended to the Society by the Council. They shall not be required to contribute to the funds of the Society. They shall receive the publications of the Society. Regular Members: These shall be nominated by at least three Regular Members, and must receive a th'ee-fourths vote of the members present at the meetings appointed for election. They must have been connected with the University of North Carolina as stu- dents or instructors; or be residents of the State of North Carolina, interested in scientific pursuits and actively engaged in scientific work. They cannot at the time be undergraduates of any College or University. They shall pay the annual fee within three months after notification of their election. They shall receive copies of the publications of the Society. They shall have the privilege of voting at all the elections of the Society and hold any of its offices. Associate Members : To encourage taste for scientific wor . among the undergraduates, they may join the Society as Associate Members, on the nomination of three Regular Members. They shall pay the fee for Associate Members and receive the puljlications of the Society, and may attend the Society's meetings. They shall have no power of voting nor of holding office. They may become Regular Members after leaving the .university by payment of the proper fee. If a Regular or Associate Member sh ill have paid no fees for one year and . hree months, his name shall be stricken trom the list of members; and he cannot be re-elected a member until his past dues are paid. Any proposition to remove a member for other cause than the non- payment of dues must come from the Council. It shall be read at an ordinary Scientific Meeting and can only be voted on at an Elec- tion Meeting. The removal can only take place by a tlu'ee-fourths vote of the members present at such meeting. ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. 9I Election of Officers: All officers of the Society shall hold oflftce for one year and shall be voted for during the month of May. The Secretary shall prepare lists of offices, leaving blanks for names opposite President and Vice-President, and tilling in the others with the nominations of the Council. These lists shall be sent to the members, to be filled and returned by them. Absent members may vote by proxy. Twenty votes must be cast in an election and a majority of the votes cast is sufficient to elect. Officers : The officers shall be a President, two Vice-Presidents, a Secretary and Treasurer, and an Executive Committee. President: The President shall preside at the meetings of the Society. He shall be a member of the Council. He shall draw up an address for the members, to be delivered at the annual meeting, stating the year's progress of the Society, plans for its improvement, &c. He shall be a Regular Member and need not reside at the Uni- versity. He shall be eligible for re-election after one year. Vice-Presidents : Of the two Vice-Presidents, one shall be resi- dent at the Univirsity to preside over rhe meetings in the absence of the President. Both shall be members of the Council. They shall be eligible for re-election after one year. Treasurer: The Treasurer shall receive all money due the So- ciety, and shall pay out such sums as maybe ordered by the resident Vice-President. He shall keep an account of such receipts and dis- bursements, and shall make an annual report to the Society. His account shall be audited by the Executive Committee. Secretary : The Secretary shall record the proceedings of the Society and conduct its correspondence. He shall reside at the Uni- versity. The offices of Secretary and Treasurer shall be held by one person, who shall be eligible for immediate re-election. Executia'e Committee: This Committee shall consist of the res- ident Vice-President and three other members. The Committee shall see to t e publication of the Journal ; shall audit the Treas- urer's accounts ; and with the President, Vice-Presidents, Secretary and Treasurer, shall form the Council of the Society. Council : At all meetings of the Council, four shall constitute a quorum. Special meetings of the Society may be called by the Council. Nominations for officers and Honorary Members are to be made by the Council. Meetings : There shall be an annual meeting of the Society for election of officers. This meeting shall be held during the month of May, and two weeks' notice of it must be given by the Secretary. There shall be two meetings for the election of members, one in 92 JOURNAL OF THE December and one in April. Members may also be elected at the annual meeting. There shall be monthly Scientific meetings, at which times Scien- tific papers and contributions to the Journal shall be read and dis- cussed, and lectures delivered on subjects of general interest for the benefit and improvement of Associate and other members ; also re- ports on progress in the various branches of Science, and brief biographies of distinguished scientific men. Fees: The annual fee for Regular Members shall be two dollars. The annual fee for Associate Members shall be fifty cents. Any member can become a Life Member by the payment of twenty-five dollars. Journal: The Journal shall be published before October. It shall contain original contributions from the members of the So- ciety on Scientific subjects. These papers must have a scientific intei est and be subject to the approval of the Executive Committee. There shall also be published a list of officers and members, together with the President's address and reports of other officers. All other matters relating to Journal shall be left to the Executive Committee, Amexdmexts to the Constitution : This Constitution can be amended only by a two-third's vote of all members present at an election meeting. EUSHA MITCHEIX SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY 93 ROLL OF MEMBERS. LIFE MEMBERS. Green, Rt. Rev. W. M. Sewannee, Tenn. Hardin, Wm. H Ralei.t^h, N. C. Hooper, Prof, J. DeBermlr Chapel Hill. Hubbard, Dr. F. M Raleigh. Manning, Hon. John.. Chapel Hill. Morrison, Rev. Dr. .. Phillips, Dr. Chas Chapel Hill. REGULAR MEMBERS. Battle, Kemp P., LL. D., Chapel Hill. Battle, Dr. K. P., Jr., Marine Hospital, Stapleton, S. J., N. Y. Battle, H. B Raleigh. Batile, R. H Raleigh. Battle, T. H Tarboro. Barringer, Rufus Charlotte. Bingham, Maj. Robert Bingham's Scnool. Blake Prof. J. R.Davidson College. BuRGWYN, W. H. Henderson. Cameron, J. D Asheville. Cameron, Hon. P. C Hillsboro. Carr, J. S Durham. Cheshire, Jos. B Charlotte. Coble, Prof. A. L. . ..Chapel Hill. Craige, Kerr Salisbury. Dabney, Dr. C. W Raleigh. Dancy, F. B. .- Raleigh. Deems, Dr. C. F. 4 Winthrop Place, N. Y. Deems, Dr. F. M. 4 Winthrop Place, N. Y, Fries, J . W. . . . Salem. Gore, Prof. J. W Chapel Hill. Grady, Prof. B. F., Jr Albertson. Graves, Prof. R. H Chapel Hill. Hanna, Geo. B Charlotte. Harris, Dr. T. W. Chapel Hill. Hays, John W Oxford. Herff, Dr. B. Von... Raleigh. Hill, W. E Faison. Holmes, Prof. J. A Chapel Hill. Horner, Prof. J. H. Oxford. Jackson, John W Raleigh. John, Rev. R. L ...Chapel Hill. KExNAN, W. R. Wilmington. Kerr, T. P. .. ..Haw River. Kerr, Dr. W. C Raleigh. Ledoux, Dr. A. R. ID Cedar St., N. Y. Lewis, Dr. R. H Kinston. Lewis, Dr. R. H. ...Raleigh. McAllister, Capt. A. W. Bingham's School. Mangum, Prof. A. W... Chapel Hill. Manning, Dr. J. M Pittsboro. Manning, J. S. Durham. Martin, Col. W. J Davidson Col. Mitchell, Prof. Geo. O... Raleigh. Morehead, Eugene ..Durham. Phillips, Rev. A. L Chnton. Phillips, Hon. S. F. Washington, D. C. Phillips, Dr. W. B Wilmington. PiNNix, M. H Lexington. Primrose, W. S. Raleigh. Radcliffe, Thos. Cronley. Saunders, Hon. W, L. Raleigh. SCHWEINITZ, Prof.E.A.DE..Ch. Hill. Shipp, Dr. A. M. ..Nashville, Tenn. SiMONDS, Dr. W. F...San Jose, Cal. Smedes, E. B .Baltimore, Md. Smith, P. E Scotland Neck. Spainhour, Dr. J. M. Lenoir. Stamps, P Baltimore, Md. Stedman, C. M ...Wilmington. Stedman. T. H Wilmington. Steele, Col. W. L Rockingham. Stephenson, J. A. D. ...Statesville. Summerville, Rev. J. H. N. Salisbury. Thomas, C. R. Newbern Thomas, Dr. Geo. G. ..Wilmington. Thompson, S. H ..Lexington. Vance, Hon. Z. B Charlotte. Venable, Dr. F. P Chapel Hill. Wheeler, Col. J. B. West Point, N. Y. Wilkes, J. F Hoboken, N. J. Wilson, Maj. Jas. W...Morganton. Winston, Prof. Geo. T. .Chapel Hill. Withers, W. A W^ood, Dr. Thos. F Wilmington. 94 JOURNAL OF THE ASSOCIATE MEMBERS. Baker, J. H., Jr. Baker, F. A. Beckwith, S. L. Borden, J. L. Braswell, M. R. Bryan, J. A. Butler, M. Bynum, O. C. Cox, P. B. Dockery, C. dunston, w. s. Eaton, O. B. Eller, a. H. Everett, W. N. Field, A. J. Fields, A. Gill. E. J. Graham, W. A. Grandy, L. B. Grimes, J. B. Harris, A. J. Howard, George Jackson, Max. John, M. L. Latham, H. A. Little, F. M. Love, J. L. Mallett, G. H. Mann, J. S. Manning, P. B. McDonald, W. H. McGehee, L. p. McNiELL, D. H. McNiell, W. H. Mehane, G. a. Miller, J. D. Monroe, E. D. Monroe, J. R. Moore, j. M. Morgan, A. R. Morris, J. A. norris, w. l. Patrick, G. L. Patterson, F. F. Patterson, G. B. Pou, E. W., Jr. Randall, W. G. Roberts, J. C. Scull, St. Leon Simmonds. a. M. Slocumb, j. C. Smith, C. F. Thomas, James uzzell, k. s. UZZELL, R. L. Vann, L. Ward, A. D. Warlick, L, M. Weill, S. C. West, J. F. White, B. F. White, W. H. Whitehurst, W. W. Wilkinson, W. S. Wilson, N. H. D. Jr. Wood. Julian ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. 95 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. PAGE Abies Canadensis, Occurrence of ..86 Acetate of Copper and Barium 50 Action of Ammonium Hydrate on Lead Chloride 24 Action of Ammonium Hydrate on Lead Iodide 43 Action of Gasoline on Copper 88 Alterability of Amorphous Phosphorus 37 Analyses of Cotton-seed 54 Analysis of a Deposit of Zinc Oxide 84 Analysis of Chapel Hill Well-waters ^ .23 Analysis of Rocksalt from Saltville, Va., . 83 Analytical Samples, Fine-grinding of' _.2i Barium and Copper Acetate 50 Barometric Means at Chapel Hill for six years 36 Burial-mounds, of Eastern N. C, Indian ..73 Butter from weighed amounts of Milk.. ..68 Caffeine in Veopin Leaves 85 Carbon Bisulphide, Hydrated 69 Cassiterite from King's Mountain, N. C 79 Constitution 90 Copper and Barium Acetate 50 Copper, action of Gasoline on. 88 Cotton-seed, analyses 54 Dates of Flowering of Plants ^5 Dates of Foliation of Plants 46 Decomposition of Potassium Cyanide 18 Deposil of Zinc Oxide, Analysis of 84 Drinking-water, Zinc in ^ 47 Elevation of Chapel Hill .82 Examination of lion Ores from Chapel Hill Mine 26 Fall of Blood in Chatham county 38 Filters washed with Hydrofluoric acid 86 Fine-grinding of Analytical samples 21 Flowering of Plants ^5 Foliation of Plants 46 Gasoline on Copper, action of .88 Hydrated Carbon Disulphide 6q Hydrofluoric acid, Filters washed with 86 Indian Burial Mounds of Eastern North Carolina 73 Iron Ores from Chapel Hill Mine 26 Lead Chloride, action of Ammonium Hydrate on.. --24 96 JOURNAL OF THE PAGE. Lead Iodide, action of Ammonium Hydrate on 43 List of Scientific Periodicals 89 Magnetite from Orange county, N, C... 87 Members, roll of . 93 Milk, Butler from weighed amounts of ._ 63 Mitchell, Elisha D. D., sketch of... _... 9 Navassa Rock, Reversion in Superphosphates from 56 Notes 82 Notes on Tornado of February 19th, 1884 28 Occurrence of Abies Canadensis -. 86 Occurrence of Pinus Strobus ... 87 Papers presented befors the Society 6 Periodicals, List of 89 Phosphates, North Carolina ..60 Phosphates, North Carolina 64 Phosphate Rock, Solubility of 53 Phosphoric acid. Reversion of by Heat .21 Phosphorus, Alterability of Amorphous .. 37 Pinus Strobus, Occurrence of 87 Potassium Cyanide, Decomposition of iS Rainfall at Chapel Hill for four years 36 Reversion of Superphospates from Red Navassa Rock 56 Reversion of Phosphoric acid by Heat 21 Report of President _ 3 Report of Secretary 5 Report of Treasurer 8 Rock-salt from Saltville, Va., analysis of 83 Roll of members -' 93 Sketch of Elisha Mitchell, D. D 9 Solubility of North Carolina Phosphate Rock 53 Storm of April 22d, 1883 .1 83 Superphosphates, Rate of Reversion in 56 Temperature of Well-waters at Chapel Hill, N. C ..82 Thermometric Means at Chapel Hill for sixteen years 35 Tornado of February 19th, 1884 ..25 Tornado of March 25th, 1884. .40 Tornadoes, Theory of .51 Well-waters, analysis of 23 Well-waters, temperature of 82 Yeopon Leaves, Caffeine in _ 85 Zinc Oxide, Analysis of Deposit of 84 Zinc in Drinking-water 47 ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. 97 INDEX OF AUTHORS. Battle. H. B. — 8outh Carolina Phosphates, 6 ; Dissolved Phosphates, 7. Battle, K. P.— Flowering of Plants, 45 ; Foliation of Plants, 46. Battle, R. H. — Flowering of Plants, 45 ; Foliation of Plants, 46. Dabney, C. W. Jr. — N. C. Phosphates, 64 ; N, C. Tinstone, 79. Gore, J. W. — Secretary and Treasurer's Reports, 5 ; Radiant Matter, 6; Ap- plications of Electricity, 6; Theory of Tornadoes. 51 ; Elevation of Chapel Hill, 82. Graves, R. H.— Ptolemaic Astronomy, 6 ; Pous-Brooks Comet, 6 ; Rotation of Earth, 7. Holmes. J. A.— Insectivorous Plants, 6 ; Southward Growth of Florida, 6 ; Volcanic Eruptions in Sunda Sts,, 6 ; Movements of Water, 7 ; Tornado February iglh, 1884, 28 ; Indian Burial Mounds, 73 ; Ahien Canadensis and Pinus Strobus, 86. Kerr, J. P. — Butter from weighed amt)unts of milk, 68. Mallett, Geo. — Medical Practice among Indians, 7. Philliss, Chas. — History of Observatoiy at U. N. C, 7 ; Action of Gravity on an Atom, 7 ; Sketch of Elisha Mitchell. D. D., q. Phillips, J as. — Meteorological Tables, 35 ; Flowering of Plants, 45 ; Folia- tion of Plants, 46. Phillips, W. B. — Rosin and Turpentine, 7; Reversion of Phosphoric acid by Heat, 21 ; Rate of Reversion in Superphosphates, 56 ; N. C. Phoe- phates, 60. Radcliffe, THoS. — Rock-salt Analysis, 83; Zinc Oxide Deposit. 84. Roberts, J. C— Elements and supposed Elements, 6 ; Sources of Phosphork acid, 7 ; Examination Iron Ores, 26 ; Alterability Amorphous Phosphorus, 37 ; Copper and Barium Acetate, 50. DeSchweinitz, E. a. — Primitive Rocks, 6 ; Analysis of Well-waters, »3 ; Analysis of Cotton-seed, 54. Stephenson. J. A. D. — Tornado March 25th, 1884. 40. Venable, F. P. -^Report of President, 3 ; Artificial Milk and Butter, 6 ; Strange Stinsets and Sunrises, 6 ; Lunar Halos, 7 ; Coal Tar Products, 7 ; Fall of Blood, 38 ; Zinc in Drinking-water, 47 ; Hydrated Carbon Disulphide, 6g ; Temperature of Well-waters, 82 ; Siorm of April 22d, 1883, 83 ; Caffeine in Veopon, 85 ; Filters washed with Hydrofluoric acid, 86 ; Solvent Action of Gasoline, 88. Wilkes, J. F. — Decomposition of Potassium Cyanide, 18. Wood, Julian. — Silk Industry. 7 ; Action of Ammonium Hydrate on Lead Chloride, 24. 13 3 2044 072 223 175 Date Due MM 1 0 1955