; *'^- ^^ ^ ... / .■ > ■> t,'-^'.^^ >x^ ^^., !> 'i- ml! ^*^^ ^ ■ ^'i <.P- ,,.? > i-i:.^ <; .' **;•• KT JOURNAL OF GENETICS CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS C. F. CLAY, Manageu ILonDon: FETTER LANE, E.G. eiinbtirgij: 100 PEINCES STBEET aontlou: 11. K. LEWIS, i:ic, GOWKR STREET, W.C. lonBon: WIl.l.IAM WESLEY AND SON, 28 ESSEX STREET. STRAND, W.C. CljitOBo; THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PRESS Bombni) anU Calcutta: MACMILLAN AND CO., Ltd. JToronto: J. M. DENT AND SONS, Ltd. Sroltoo: THE MARUZEN-KABUSHIKI-KAISHA All rights mserved JOURNAL OF GENETICS EDITED BY W. BATESON, M.A., F.R.S. DIRECTOR OF THE JOHN INNES HORTICULTURAL INSTITUTION AND R. C. PUNNETT, MA., F.R.S. ARTHUR BALFOUR PROFESSOR OF GENETICS IN THE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRinGE Volume IV. 1914-1915 LIBRARY ^E^v YORK «<>ta,\ical tiAKUbA. Cambridge : at the University Press 1915 AT I'KINTKIi HY JOHN CL.W, M.A. AT THE UMVEKSITV PRESS CONTENTS. No. 1 (June, 1914) PAOR L. DoNCASTEH. On the Relations between Chromosomes, Sex-limited Transmission and Sex-determination in Abraxas yrossulariata. (With Plates I— III) 1 R. C. PuNNETT and P. G. Bailey. (Jn Inheritance of Weight in Poultry. (With Plate IV and 3 Text-Figures) ... 2.3 H. M. Leake. A Preliminary Note on the Factors controlling the Ginning Percent of Indian Cottons . . . . . . 41 N. I. Vavilov. Immunity to Fungous Diseases as a Physiological Test in Genetics and Systeraatics, exemplitied in Cereals . 49 H. E. Jordan. Hereditary Lefthandedne.ss, with a Note on Twinning. (Study III.) (With 80 Figures) GT George Harrison Shull. A Peculiar Negative Correlation in Oenothera Hybrids. (Witli Plates V and Vl and 1 Text-Figure) 83 M. Wheldale and H. Ll. Bassett. On a Supposed Synthesis of Anthocyanin . . . . . . . . . .103 No. 2 (October, 1914) M. Wheldale. Our present Knowledge of the Chemistry of the Mendelian Factors for Flower-Colour. (With Plate VII, and 11 Text-Figures) 109 Clifford Dobell. A Comnientary on the Genetics of the Ciliate Protozoa. (With 5 Text-Figures) 131 Arthur Ernest Everest. A Note on Wiieldale and Bassett's Paper " On a Supposed Synthesis of Anthocyanin." (With 1 Text- Figure) 191 vi ContentH Nn. ?, (Januaiy, 1915) PAGK Frank C. Miles. A Genetic and Cytological Study of Certain Types of Albinism in Maize. (With Plate VIII, and 9 Text- Figures) 19;^ H. M. Fucil.s. Studias in the Plivsiology "f Fertilization . . 215 No. 4 (April, 1915) R. P. Gregory. Note on the Inheritance of Heterostylisni in Primula acaidis Jacq. ........ 303 R. P. Gregory. On Variegation in Primn.Ut sinensis. (With Plates IX and X) 305 H. Dkinkwater. a Second Bracliydactylous Family. (With Plates XI— XV, and 3 Text-Figures) 323 C. J. Bond. On the Priniar}' and Secondary Sex Characters of some Abnormal Begonia Flowers and on the Evolution of the Monoecious Condition in Plants. (With Plates XVI and XVII) 34 1 R. RuGGLEs Gates. On the Origin and Behaviour of Oenothera ruhricalyx . . . . . . . . . .353 Arthur Ernest Everest. Recent Chemical Investigations of the Anthocyan Pigments and their bearing upon the Production of these Pigments in Plants . . . . . . . .361 M. Wheldale. Our Present Knowledge of the Chemistry of the Mendelian Factors for Flower-Colour ..... 369 ERRATA. Page 92, line ">,y'o/' "obvate" r"ad "ovate." Page 104, line 4, for " + sugar x (rtavono)" read " + sugar .)• (flavone)." Page 105, line 9, /')/• "witli roiiioval of sugar.s" read "vVilhout removal of .sugars." Vol. 4, No. 1 June, 1914 JOURNAL OF GENETICS EDITED BY W. BATESON, M.A., F.R.S. * DIRECTOR OF THE JOHN INNES HORTICULTURAL INSTITUTION AND R. C. PUNNETT, M.A., F.R.S. ARTHUR BALFOUR PROFESSOR OF GENETICS IN THE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS C. F. CLAY, Manager LONDON : FETTER LANE, E.G. EDINBURGH: 100, PRINCES STREET also H. K. LEWIS, 136, GOWER STREET, LONDON, W.C. WILLIAM WESLEY AND SON, 28, ESSEX STREET, LONDON, W.C. PARIS : LIBRAIRIE HACHETTE & c"^. BERLIN : A. ASHER & CO. LEIPZIG : BROCKHAUS CHICAGO : THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PRESS BOMBAY AND CALCUTTA : MACMILLAN & CO., LTD. TORONTO : J. M. DENT & SONS, LTD. TOKYO : THE MARUZEN-KABUSHIKI-KAISHA Price Ten Shillings net Issued July 7, 1914] The University of Chicago Press Artificial Parthenogenesis and Fertilization. By Jacques LoEB, Member of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research. 318 pages, 12mo, cloth; 10s. net. This new work presents the first complete treatment of the subject of artificial parthenogenesis in English. Professor Loeb published foui- years ago a book in German under the title Die chemische Entioickiungierregung des tierischen Eies. Mr W. 0. R. King, of the University of Leeds, translated the book into English, and the translation has been revised, enlarged, and brought u]3 to date by Professor Loeb. It gives, as the author says in the preface, an account of the various methods by which unfertilized eggs can be caused to develop by physico-chemical means, and the conclusions which can be drawn from them concerning the mechanism by which the spermatozoon induces development. Since the problem of fertilization is intimately connected with .so many different problems of physiology and pathology, the bearing of the facts recorded and discussed in the book goes beyond the special problem indicated by the title. British Medical Journal. The subject of the book is an analysis of the mechanism by which the male sex cell — the spennatozoon — causes the animal egg to develop. The author has gained a world-wide reputation for his achievements in artificial fertilization, and this work shows how, according to his observations, the action of well-known chemical and physical agencies may be substituted for that of the living spermatozoon. Heredity and Eugenics. By John M. Coulter, William E. Castle, Edward M. East, William L. Tower, and Charles B. Davenport. 312 pages, 8vo, cloth ; 10s. net. Five leading investigators, representing the University of Chicago, Harvard University, and the Carnegie Institution of Washington, have contributed to this work, in which great care has been taken by each contributor to make clear to the general reader the present position of evolution, experimental results -in heredity in connection with both plants and animals, the enormous value of the practical application of these laws in breeding, and human eugenics. Technicalities of language have been avoided, and the result is an instructive and illuminating presentation of the subject for readers untrained in biology as well as for students. Contents : I. Recent Developments in Heredity and Evolution : General Introduction. II. The Physical Basis of Heredity and Evolution from the Cytological Standpoint (John Merle Coulter, Professor and Head of the Department of Botany, the University of Chicago). III. The Method of Evolution. IV. Heredity and Sex (William Ernest Castle, Professor of Zoology, H.irvard University). V. Inheritance in Higher Plants. VI. The Application of Biological Principles to Plant Breeding (Edward Murray East, Assistant Professor of Experimental Plant Morphology, Harvard University). VII. Recent Advances and the Present State of Knowledge concerning the Modification of the Germinal Constitution of Organisms by Experimental Processes (William Lawrence Tower, Associate Professor of Zoology, the University of Chicago). VIII. The Inheritance of Physical and Mental Traits of Man and their Appheation to Eugenics. IX. The Geography of Man in Relation to Eugenics (Charles Benedict Davenport, Station for Experimental Evolution, Carnegie Institution of Washington). British Medical Journal. Those who are desirous of arriving at an estimate of the present state of knowledge in all that concerns the science of genetics, the nature of the experimental work now being done in its various departments, ...and the prospects, immediate or remote, of important practical applications, cannot do better than study "Heredity and Eugenics." The Nation, New York. "Heredity and Eugenics" may be heartily recommended to readers seeking, as beginners, to get in touch with the discussion of these subjects. ... In most of the lectures there is an admirable reserve, not to say skepticism, in the treatment of large questions which the public is often misled to regard as already and finally settled. The Cambridge University Press Agents for the British Empire London, Fetter Lane Volume IV JUNE, 1914 No. 1 ON THE RELATIONS BETWEEN CHROMOSOMES, SEX-LIMITED TRANSMISSION AND SEX- DETERMINATION IN ABRAXAS GROSSU- LARIATA. By L. DONCASTER, Sc.D., Fellow of King's College, Cambridge. In the last of a series of papers on chromosomes and sex in Abraxas grossulariata (Currant Moth), I described breeding experi- ments with a strain which in each generation produced families consisting entirely of females, and showed that in this strain all the ovaries examined, with one exception, had oogcmia with 55 chro- mosomes instead of 56, the normal number in the species'. The present paper confirms and amplifies the results previously described, gives an account of the chi-omosomes in the maturation of the egg in normal females and in the strain which produces unisexual broods, and describes an exception to the normal sex-limited transmission of the grossulariata character which can possibly be correlated with an exception in the chromosome number in such a way as to suggest a definite relation between that character and a chromosome. It also gives direct evidence of dimorphism of the eggs in respect of chromosome number, exactly comparable with the dimorphism of sper- matozoa which has now been described in so many insects of other orders. Material and Methods. The methods adopted were in general the same as described in my previous papers, except that the larvae (usually about half-grown) were dissected in most cases in tap-water instead of Ringer'.s fluid. I found by accident that this gave clearer division-figures ; I discovered that the Ringer's fluid used for the ovaries obtained in the autumn ' Journal of Genetics, VoL in. 1913, p. 1. Journ. of Gen. iv 1 2 Chromosomes and Sex hi Abraxiis of 1912 had accidentally been made up by my assistant to only one- tenth of the normal strength, and on making up the correct solution it gave very inferior results. Tap-water gave the best results of all. Sections for both ovarian and maturation divisions were stained with Heidenhain's Iron Haematoxylin ; in the latter case the stain nmst be washed out until the yolk is left almost colourless. For the maturation of the eggs, I have to thank Miss P. H. Dederer of New York for giving me full information in writing about the methods used by her in studying the maturation divisions of Philo- samia cynthia. I followed her methods in general, with modifications due to the much smaller eggs and thinner shells of Abraxas grossu- lariata. The eggs were fixed at varying times up to about 3 hours in Carnoy's alcohol sublimate (absolute alcohol, glacial acetic acid, chloroform, in equal parts ; sublimate to saturation). They were then washed in 70 % alcohol, and usually treated with iodine in 70 or 90 % alcohol to remove the sublimate, and preserved in 80 J^ alcohol. For cutting sections it is necessary to remove the shell, always a trouble- some and often a difficult operation. In some batches the egg is contracted away from the shell, and the shell can then be removed without much difficulty with needles under a binocular dissecting microscope. In some cases, eggs which had been treated with iodine seemed to have softer shells, but I am not sure that this is general. The removal of the shell seemed usually to be considerably e;isier in eggs which had been kept for some weeks in spirit. In other liatches the protoplasmic layer of the egg sticks to the shell, and to remove it without tearing it from the yolk is a matter of gi-eat difficulty. If it is once separated from the yolk, accurate orientation becomes impossible and the polar region often cannot be found in the .sections. The polar spindles are at the anterior end of the egg, w'hich in this species can generally be recognised by the less marked sculpturing of the shell. The shell was pricked and torn apart from the posterior end when this could be identified. The shelled eggs were passed through absolute alcohol into cedar oil for some hours or more, placed in xylol for a few minutes, and embedded in paraffin melting at 60'. The sections were cut transversely as a rule, with a thickness of 10 /i. a. Breeding Eivperiinents. The main facts established in the previous paper were that in a certain strain families appeared in each generation consisting entirely of females ; some of these females again have only female offspring, while others, apparently of about equal number, produce males and 1907 1908 ngs ake 1909 1910 1911 1912 '10.15 3.IO Li X G ,x Li 32 J, 27 14? The ^ 8 y Grf 9» ISi, 33 « •la.S'i '12.11 '12.1M 'IS.SI '12.15 TABLE I. Pedit/refi of All-Jifmale .Strain. (Alt-female brooda in italicK, broode with great excess of females in thick t>'i)e.) Only the ancestry in the female line is shown ; the ancestry of the male parents can be found in the Tables of Matinps in thiH and the preceding paper. The years are those iu which the matings were made. G = gross., /. = lact. For the sake of clearness, the number of offspring in the normal families of the 1912 matings arc not given ; they will be found in the Table of Matings. '07.19 Wild Gi x La •10.11 •10.H3 •10.24 ■10.25 •10.27 •lO/JH ■10.17 'lO.lO Li X Li Hi Li xOj 4t Li xLi A 22 i. 26 ? Li X Oj A 19 tT , 23 s Li xOi A, Li X r,i 62 1 Li X Li A 4 ^ . 60 ; Li ^ Li .A Tho rloBcomlnnla ot •lO.lll iiKlii '11.11 (lOj, '20?) '11,6 ( 7 )» lact. ex '11.6 97 — — — 41 1 66 '1215 '12.21 gross, ex '11.14 gross, ex '11.26 gross, ex '11.30 lact. ex '11.24 A 58 73 6 2 — 8 7 25 7 4 16 37 '12.21(2) „ '12.21 B t» )' about 94 53 7 — — 37 21 9 2 45 23 '12..3 lact. ex '11.1 lact. ex '11.11 about 100 — 16 — 28 33 28 '12.5 lact. ex '11.6 gross, ex '11.28 „ 80 17 — 18 — 26 26 '1'2.6 ,, ,, lact. ex '11.12 „ 100 — 35 — 24 40 29 '12.7 ' J n gross, ex '11.14 76 21 23 28 13 47 46 '12.9 '12.9(2) lact. ex '11.1 gross, ex '11.3 38 41 7 4 11 6 5 3 3 2 21 11 9 5 '12.9 B " ,, ,, ,, about 30 7 4 3 5 12 8 '12.16 lact. ex '11.6 gross, ex '11.14 „ 50 15 3 12 18 19 30' '12.16 (2) 'J >) i» »i „ 36 6 4 4 8 13 131 '12.18 lact. ex '11.2S gross, ex '11.28 „ 85 17 — 13 — 30 14 '12.20 gross, ex '11.11 lact. ex '11.14 121 33 — — 39 33 42 '12.10 ,, ,, 11 11 about 90 22 — — 22 26 40 '12.22 '12.22 (2) gross, ex '11.13 lact. ex ll.'22A 39 65 12 3 — — 15 7 17 13 17 13 '12.42 11 >i lact. ex '11.24 109 33 _- — 41 36 47 '12.25 gross, ex '11.15 lact. ex '11.14 69 21 — 2 14 31 23 2 '12.26 '12.26(2) '1'2.27B lact. ex '11.14 gross, ex '11.3 gross, ex '11.13 )t It lact. ex '11.24 B 36 33 65 19 2 1 1 7 4 17 9 1 20 12 3 63 17 '12.31 lact. ex '11.25 wild 68 12 — 7 — 17 13 '12.32 lact. ex '11.9 ,, 40 11 — 3 — 13 10 '12.32(2) >t ») 11 »» 45 6 — 3 — 6 6 '12.40 lact. ex '11.14 78 19 1 14 1 25 22^ '12.41 lact. ex '11.9 lact. ex '11.6 26 — 6 — 3 11 4 '12..H3 lact. ex '11.30 wild about 45 20 — 5 — 20 5 '12.37 >> )» lact. ex '11.24 B not counted 82 — 49 — 88 56 '12.28 wild lact. ex '11. '24 A 83 29 — — 29 33 31 '12.14 )j gross, ex '11.21 48 17 — 8 12 23 22 = '12.30 1) lact. ex '11.14 95 19 — — 27 20 2T> '12.39 ,, 55 Jt about 75 30 — — 25 30 27 ^ 1 The inverted ratio of gross. : lact. in males and females is noteworthy. 2 Note two exceptional gross, females. 3 Note great excess of lact. where equality is expected. Some larvae of '12.26 (2) were lost at hatching. * The male and female lact. are unexplained exceptions. ' The object of these experiments was to determine whether a male immediately descended from a unisexual family might produce unisexual offspring by a wild female. 1—2 Chi'omoHome>i V,:V 6 t *» ' '.» »» • • • . - ,*- .'I I • ' Q • • • \ /o • * • * » . « ;/ • • , • • » .».••• % • . . •• • * a ]2 13 JOURNAL OF GENETICS, VOL. 4 NO. PLATE 11 ____is4A»* ^^u- <<- '-r 15 r7?- ^'<^'^^^^^ /6a f '-^i >r /66 •y/> /7 /(S JOURNAL OF GENETICS, VOL, IV. NO. 1 PLATE III *'^— ' ^Jlff ^••^ ON INHERITANCE OF WEIGHT IN POULTRY. By R. C. PUNNETT, M.A., F.R.S., AND P. G. BAILEY, M.A, CONTENTS. PAOE Introduction . 23 The Hamburgh- Sebright Cross 25 The F-i generation 27 The F.| generation 29 The Hamburgh- Sebright x Brown Leghorn Cross .... 31 The Hamburgh-Sebrightx (Bantam X White Leghorn) ... 31 Hypothetical Explanation 33 Explanation of Plate 39 Introduction. Few experiments have been undertaken with the object of investi- gating the inheritance of size or weight in animals. Beyond the observations of Goldschmidt' and of Phillips- on ducks, and of Castle^ on rabbits practically nothing definite is known. Nor are all of these observations sufficiently extensive to advance our knowledge greatly. Goldschmidt only reared an F.. generation from one cross and that consisted of but 8 individuals. Moreover as his weight records cease at the age of 10 weeks little is to be learned from them that bears upon our present enquiry. Castle's work on the weights of rabbits is too scanty to give much definite information. Phillips' experiments however are more extensive and suggestive. From the cross Mallard x Rouen he reared 13 F^ and 33 ^2 birds. The Fi birds were inter- mediate in size as compared with the parents. The mean of the F„ birds was also near that of the Fi, but their range of variation was considerably greater. None however were as heavy as the Rouen, nor were any as light as the Mallard. The numbers however are too small to be able to state definitely that these classes do not appear in 1 Zelt.f. iiid. Abst. Vererb. 1913. 2 Journ. Exp. Zool. 1912; ibid. 1914. '■> Publ. Cameij. Inst., Wash., No. 114, 1909. 24 On Inheritance of Weight in Po^iltry F«. Nevertheless the great i-ange of variation in F.2 suggests an interpretation by means of several segregating factors, though this cannot be decided definitely without raising an F^ generation. Whether size in animals can be expressed in terms of Mendelian foctors is there- fore still an open question. The present paper gives an account of some experiments which we have been carrying out during the past few years with the object of learning something about the transmission of weight in poultry. For this purpose two breeds were selected which differed considerably in size, but not sufficiently to prevent natural crossing. At the same time it was considered advisable for reasons of economy that the larger breed used should not be too large ; otherwise it would not have been possible to rear so many oHspring to maturity. The two breeds eventually selected were the Gold-pencilled Hamburgh and the Silver Sebright Bantam. The choice was determined with the idea of following up the inheritance of other characters in addition to size, and in this set of experiments we have been investigating also the inheritance of gold and silver ground colour, and the peculiar assumption of the hen's plumage by the cock which is characteristic of the Sebright. An account of these characters and their inheritance will be given later. For the present we shall confine ourselves to what we have been able to learn from this cross with regard to the transmission of size. More correctly perhaps we ought to .say weight, since our estimation of size depends entirely on the weight of the biid. Generally speaking the bird that looks heavier will be found actually heavier when weighed, but it is not always possible to be certain from appearance alone. A taller but more slender and "leggy" bird will sometimes be fovmd to weigh less than what appears to be a smaller tliough better furnished one. Weight is doubtless a character which dejjends in some degree on structural characters capable of analysis. We have not found it practicable to at- tempt such analysis for the present. Our criterion throughout has been the weighing pan alone. Observations start with the egg weight. The newly-hatched chicken is also weighed, and a record is then taken weekly or fortnightly up to the end of the 35th week. It would of course be desirable to have a complete record of every bird from the day of hatching to the day of natural death. In practice this is not possible owing to the difficulty of keeping so many birds. A bird, especially a cock, may go on growing more than a year after it is hatched. But we have found that such growth, when it occurs, is intermittent. Birds hatched from February to May receive a check in their growth at the end of the year, R 0. PUNNETT AND P. Gr. BaILBY 25 if not before, and the weight reached by them at the age of 35 weeks is not exceeded for several months. Later on the bird may show a further period of growth, but after it has reached the age of 8 — 9 months, or in many cases even less, there is a distinct interval of several months during which the weight remains nearly constant. This is certainly true for the breeds with which we have been working, and we have consequently kept and recorded the weights of the birds bred up to 35 weeks, after which the majority have been killed. When we speak of the weight of a bird we mean this weight of the first year's gi'owth unless the contrary is stated. We may add that all our birds were kept together on the same land and were fed and treated, so far as possible, precisely in the same way. The Hamhwrgh-Sebright Gross. The original stock with which the experiments were started in 1910 consisted of a trio of Gold-pencilled Hamburghs and 2 Silver Sebright hens. The Hamburgh (/ when 3 years old weighed 1540 grams; when 35 weeks old it is likely that he would have been some 150 — 200 gxams lighter. The Sebright $ $ weighed 570 and 620 gi-ams respectively. We have no record of the weight of a Silver Sebright cock of this strain but he would probably have weighed about 750 grams. During the course of our experiments we also used some Gold Sebrights. These were procured from a different source and were markedly smaller than the Silvers, a cock weighing but 570 grams and 3 hens 455, 455, and 480 grams respectively. We raised a few birds from our original Hamburgh (/ with one of the Hamburgh hens, viz. 1 ^ and 4 $ ^ . In both sexes these birds were rather larger than the F^ ex Sebright x Hamburgh (cf Table I, p. 26). We subsequently mated up a brother and sister from these pure Hamburghs. The offspring were distinctly smaller and throughout their growth were sickly looking birds. Whether due to close inbreeding or to some other cause the phenomenon was very marked, and we have not made use of observations on these birds in our account. With healthy birds the weight of the Hamburgh is nearly double that of the Sebright. The original cross was made between the Silver Sebright hen and the Hamburgh cock (cf. PI. IV, fig. 1). From it two cockerels were reared in 1910, and in the following year 8 (/J" and 7 $ ^ were raised. With regard to size both sexes were fairly uniform. At 35 weeks old the (/'(/' ranged from 1140 to 1360 grams, while at the same age the $ % were between 940 and 1110 grams (cf Table I). 2G On Inheritance of WeUjIil in PonJfri/ oon-oosi oosi— OOZI MSI— OOTI OOII-OOOI 0001—006 006 -008 005 -OOi OOi -009 009 —OOS ooe -OOi' 0061— OOSI 008I-OOZI OOZI— 0091 009I-0OSI OOSI— oon OOH-OOEI OOEI-00".I 0031—0011 OOII-OOOI 0001—006 006 —008 008 -OOi OOi —009 009 —OOS I I -11^ I I III" ■CO ,-( X CO I I I I I 'M .-I 1— I Oi rN C^ Ol -^ iO Oi lyi I— I I II I _^ lo "3 ::! «? S s -M O -'f I I " I I I ^ I I O, ^, I I ^ I I I I I I I I I - I " ;: -^ I ro -H I TO X 'M I -t< M I tM W >-< I CO CO I TO i> I I C^l ^1 I "-I C-1 I I Tl (M rH "-H I I -" I -^ I « I ^ I I I - I -1. -* I 1^1 C. CO I I I I I ^' I I II i-l'-H^ ^^rH'-'rH'-H „iH .,-1 -" I .-I i-H rH CO I I I I I I rt w rt I I I I I I I I I I I 2 I rH ^1 -M ,-,.-( r-l Ol -i ^ --I --•.-.T-JCDr-ICSr-l tS 003 fl a fl a a o V a> oj ix> Ph Ah i:Li PM Oh pHClHp-tpHfl(CL,ei«(=MP-(Cl, I :: I on X • -a !: (O ->■ Oh Cl, 7^ ^ rH .-I C<) V rH I-H ,_( -^ CI CI o "S a fl fl rC «1> aj QJ .^ Oh 0^ Oh Oh >4 cS P a 00 J ♦XJ ^3 ^D Co, fe, CCi fe, "S O) X X X X "2 »; o* o* o+ ot 2 C — CI Tj CI 9 d ce aj a 'a n X . 60 J3 J= tic GC 00 3 & ^ a ^ > 5 & & C M ^ ■ a Ot Cw Ot (H O* fci H w ^ X a ot is It, 08 2 3 cc tlH R. C. Pdnnett and p. Q. Bailey 27 In general build and habit the -^i $ $ were all remarkably alike (cf. PL IV, fig. 3). Of the F^ cocks there were two classes, viz. those with henny plumage (PI. IV, fig. 2), and those with normal plumage. Within each class however the individual members were very similar to one another. The difference in plumage was not found to be correlated with any size difference either in Fi or in subsequent generations. The Fi birds then from this cross were rather smaller than the pure Ham- burghs, though of course very much larger than the Sebrights. Of these Fi birds 13 were bred from, viz. 1 J' J' and 6 $ $. Most of them were mated with one another but 2 (/J' were run respectively with Gold Sebright $ $ (p. 30) and with 2 i^, $ $ fi-om a bantam x White Leghorn cross (p. 31). The figure below provides a concise scheme of the experiments. Sebright ? x Hamburgh i I , , . , 1 , Fii X Fi i (Pens 21- 25, 1912—13) F2t X F2S FiS X Gold Sebright ? ? (Pen 7, 1911) i X S FiS x2Fi'i $ (Bantam x White-Leghorn) Pen 4, 1911 ? X <) Oil I nheritaiice of Weiijht in PouUnj weights by ^, a proportion which experience has shown us to express very nearly the relation between average weights of the sexes in the material we have worked with. In Table III we have interpreted the experimental results in terms of the scheme just outlined. It is clear from this table that the scheme covers the facts fairly closely. The chief (liscre[)atice is in I ho figures for the F.. generation where the j)roportion of heavy birds among the pullets is somewhat below expectation. Apart from this the actual results from the various matings, both with regard to mean weight and range of variation, tally closely with the figures deduced theoretically on our hypothesis. It is not impossible that an even closer agreement might be arrived at if the values given to the various factors were altered'. At this stage however we are more concerned in demonstrating that an explanation of these phenomena in terms of definite genetic factors is possible. To determine the action of I'ach factor with pre- cision would be a long and laborious undertaking, nor do we propose to pursue the matter so far. But if our hypothesis is a(le(juate we ought to find birds O* *X) o* •o o*- Q 9 Q Q ,V ^ r"^ J- P ^ C3 Q •e -5 r^ ^O -O "3 eq _ - - - O Si o "^^ -* "^ -2 -s c e |o_^ S -, II ;i a -' *XjO*\iO**X)0^\jO^O*^'^*\iO* ^ ^ a J3 o c X r: lu ^ (i; r: ^w a Oh g CIh a Oh 38 On Inlien'tance of \Vei)/Jit in Fotiltn/ larger F, birds the results coukl be expressed in the form of a biuiodal curve whereas a uniiiiodal curve was given by the sniallei- F., birds. These results are readily explained i>n the hypothesis we have just • • • • • • • • • • • 1 100 1 100 1 120 1 140 1 160 1 180 205 120 140 160 180 205 230 Fig. 3. outlined. The gametes produced by an F, bird are of 16 sorts, viz. ABCD, ABCd, ABcD, ABcd, AbCD. AbCd, AbcD, Abed, aBCD, aBCd, aBcD, aBcd, abCD, abCd, abcD, abed. With abed gaimtes such a series would give rise to the giades 226, 201(2), 176, 188(2), 163(4), 138(2), 150, 125(2), 100. These grades as .shown graphically in Fig. 3 give rise to a bimodal curve in which the greater mass is collected on the upper mode. It is the form of curve which we should expect when Fi or similarly constituted birds are crossed with some mufurm strain. It is the form of curve which was actually obtained when F^ (and similar F.,) birds were ero.ssed with the pure Brown Leghorn (cf Fig. 2, p. 32). Tlic' rcsulls nftci- an interesting corriiburation of our views as U> I lit- ii.it iiii' of tin- F, birds frniii the Sebright-Hamburgh cross. In connection with nur iiiti-rpii'taliiiii we may call attention to tiie following point of theoretical, and possibly also of practical interest. On our hypothesis two strains of intermediate and similar weight are possible, viz. AAbbCCdd and aaBBceDD. A cross between two such strains would I'esult in F^ biids rather larger than either, while the F., generation would be like that shown in Table II. In other words a cross between two medium sized strains of the same average size may lead in F., to the production of strains considerably lai-ger and also con- sideiably smaller than either of the parent strains, both of which can be readily fixed. It is possible that the great size of many Horal varieties, e cr. in daffodils, has been effected on these lines from crosses between medium sized forms differing in constitution for the factors affecting size. It is not impossible that the increase sometimes observed on JOURNAL OF GENETICS, VOL. IV. NO. 1 (iolJ-ijeiiciUed HamLimgh J. Fig. 1. bllvfl Seliligllt ? . Liuld-iii'iieilk'd HaiiibuiKli S. % -Ji b\ i (kx Sebunlit ■ lliuiibiiigh). Fi-. 2. 4-^- Gold-pLUciUcd Hiimbiivgh J. l\ f (ex Sebright x Iliimlmigli). Fig. A. PLATE IV V, if - L Silver Sebii.''ht ? . !■', ? (ex Sebriylit x Hamburgh; FiK. 4. Small !■:. ■! . (In Pen i;'., 1013.) Large F., i. (In Pen IL', l;il::i.) Fig. 5. Small ¥., $. (In Pen 13, 1!)13.) Large F., ?. (In Pen Pi, I'.llS.; Fig. 0. R. C. PUNNETT AND P. G. BaILBY 39 crossing strains of animals or plants of similar size is not due to in- creased vigour resulting from the cross, but to the bringing together of independent gi-o\vth factors each capable of producing some effect. Were this the case it would be apparent in the Fo generation where fixable strains both larger and smaller than the parent forms should make theii' appearance. In conclusion we may once more state that the scheme which we have put forward is a tentative one and may have to be recast in any or all of its details in the light of futuiv knowledge. Nevertheless there can be little doubt that it expresses an essential truth in connection with the inheritance of the complex character designated weight. The facts of breeding offer a clear indication that weight may depend upon the presence or absence of definite genetic factors segTegating from one another in sametooenesis on lines with which students of these matters are already familiar. The experiments of which an account is given above form part of a series of investigations on heredity in poidtry for which the means have been provided out of the Fund controlled by the Development Com- mission. EXPLANATION OF PLATE IV. In all six figures the birds are taken to the same scale. Fig. 1. Gold Pencilled Hamburgh s and Silver Sebright ? . Fig. 2. ,, ,, I? and t'l s ex Silver Sebright x Gold Hamburgh. Fig. 3. ,, ,, ? and Fi ? ,, „ Fig. 4. Silver Sebright ? and h\ ? ex Silver Sebright x Gold Hamburgh. Fig. 5. Small FoS (Pen 13, 1913) and Large F.,.l (Pen 12, 1913). Fig. 6. „ F.f ( „ ) „ t\-i ( „ )■ A PRELIMINARY NOTE ON THE FACTORS CON- TROLLING THE GINNING PERCENT OF INDIAN COTTONS. By H. M. LEAKE, M.A., Economic Botanist to Government, United Provinces, India. The cotton crop, as it is harvested, consists of the lint in which the seed is embedded. This seed-cotton is then ginned, by whicli process the seed and lint are separated. The ginning percent of a cotton, as the term is here used, may be defined as the nmnber of pounds of lint obtained ft-om 100 lbs. of seed-cotton. Now the area under a given crop is largely controlled by the price the actual cultivator receives for his produce. In the case of cotton, the cultivator parts with the seed-cotton for which the price paid by the purchaser is almost directly proportional to the ginning percent as determined by sampling'. The character, which forms the subject of the present note, is, consequently, one of great economic importance, and for this reason has formed the basis of a considerable series of experiments. From the scientific aspect the problem is an attempt to resolve a complex character into its simpler component iactors. The range of variation fovuid in the ginning percent of the different types of cotton at present cultivated may be usefully indicated. In the crop at present in general cultivation in the United Provinces — consisting of a mixture of various types of G. iieglectum Tod. — the ginning percent is 30 — 33. Improved forms, isolated by selection, are now being intro- duced for which this figure approaches 41. Races of G. cernuum Tod. have been cultivated in which the ginning percent is as high as 44 or 4.5. At the other extreme lie G. indicum Lamk. and G. arhoreum Linn. sp. PI. with a ginning percent of 25 — 26, the former giving the Bani cotton of Central India, perhaps the best indigenous cotton of India, and ' See Leake and Parr, Agri. Jouiii. of IiidUi, Vol. viii. 1. 42 Oinning Percent of Indian Cottons the latter being the sacred perennial cotton only found now in the vicinity of Hindu temples. Lastly G. intentiediuiii Ganimie, a tiinii cultivated as a mixed crop round Allahabad and the West of Bengal, has a ginning percent as low as 15. A brief consideration is sufficient to indicate that the ginning percent is not a simple character. It is directly dependent on the weight of seed and weight of lint. In {)ractice the fact becomes still more evident ; thus, among the otfsjjring of nniiierous crosses which have been made between two parent types, each having a gimiing percent of 25 — 26, forms have been isolated for which the figures diverge as much as 36 and 18. The direction of the present investigation will be most profitably indicated by a short discussion of the a priori considerations on which it was based. From the definition it is clear that the exact figm-e for the ginning percent is dependent on the weight of two distinct bodies — the lint and the seed. This weight is, in each case, dependent on the values of several characters which, in their turn, may vary. Thus, in the case of the seed, the weight depends im the volume, on the specific gravity, and on the number of seeds. In the case of the fibre the characters affecting tiie weight are not so obvious. They may, howe\er, be con- sidered as the weight of the individual fibres — clearly not a unit character as this in its turn depends on such conditions as lengtii, thickness (mean diameter), size of lumen and specific gravity of fibu- wall — and the number of fibres. The relation between the number of seeds and number of fibres in a given .sample i.s again determined by the number of fibres arising fi'om a single seed. The total number of fibres may also be derived fn>m the runnber of fibres arising from a unit ana of seed coat surface — a number tt> wliieh the term "density" will be applied. Calculated in terms of "density " tiie number of fibres will be seen to be goveiiied by the area of seed coat surface which, in its turn, is I'xprt'ssible in terms of volume. Tiiis consideration is of advantage inasmuch as it indicates tiiat the weigiits of both the seed and fibre are directly affected by the same character — the volume of the seed. Whde, however, the weight of seed will vaiy as the cube of the seed radius, the weight of lint will, if the " density " remains constant, vary as the surface area, which varies as the s(|uare of the seed radius. Hence, other factors being constant, the ginning percent will increase as the volume of the seed diminishes. The calculations in terms of " density " are, however, open to objection inasmuch as the number of fibres is probably deter- mined eail}- in the course of development of the ovule while the volume H. M. Leake 43 of the seed, and hence the surface area and " density," will, in part at any rate, be determined later by the nutrition supplied to the ovule throughout development. It seems, therefore, advisable to use the number of fibres arising from a single seed in preference to the figure obtained for the density for the fibres. From such a priori considerations, there is reason to suppose that the ginning percent actually recorded will be the resultant of at least the four characters : (1) Volume of seed, (2) Specific gravity of seed, (3) No. of fibres arising from a single seed which may be simple characters, and (4) Weight of the individual fibres, obviously a complex character. A further consideration will show that the problem is probably even more complex. The seed and lint are developed in a closed cell of the fruit, each cell of which contains a number of seeds, frequently eight. According to the conditions of environment, the nature of the tissue, and, consequently, the space in which the seed must develop, will vary. It is probable, therefore, that, during the course of development an unknown, but appreciable, effect is produced bj' the mutual pressure thus brought into play. Conclusive evidence of the exact extent of such nmtual pressure is not so far available. It is clear, however, that the effect will not directly influence the ginning percent but that such effect as it may produce will be indirect and through one or other of the four characters already noted above. The importance of a recognition of this nmtual pressure lies in the fact that the actual values obtained for the.se characters may not represent the true potential capacity of the jjlant. This has already been noticed by Balls'. The present discussion, which concerns the factors directly controlling the ginning j^ercent, is not affected therebj', and the problem as it now stands may be defined as the determination of the degree to which each severally of the four characters given above influences the ginning percent and of the extent to which they, in combination, account for the range of variation recorded in that character. Methods. In a preliminaiy note of this nature it is not possible to give in detail the precautions it has been found necessary to adopt. The main outlines of the method only can be indicated. The unit used as a sample is the seed-cotton derived from a whole and not diseased ' Balls, W. L., The iottoii plant in F.yijpt, p. 170. 44 Ginnhif/ Percent of Indian Cottons boll. The sample is gathered after the capsule has expanded thoroughly and when the lint and seed are thoroughly drj'. From this sample fibres to the number of about 2000 are accurately counted and weighed. The remaining lint is removed from the seed by a small hand gin and the weight of lint and seed recorded as is also the number of seeds. The volume and specific gravity of the seed are then determined by displace- ment in water. The data thus obtained give (1) weight of a known number of fibres, (2) weight of total fibre, (3) weight of seed, (4) number of seeds, (5) volume of seed, from which the figures required can be derived by direct calculation. The method is not ideal as, apart from the precautions necessary in the process of sampling, a single complete determination, with subsequent calculation, occupies at least two hours — a point of considerable import- ance where the value of the results is to a large extent determined by the number of the observations. During the course of the investigation it soon became apparent that the specific gravity of the seed, even within the limits of a single sample, was subject to marked fluctuation. Evidence, as far as it was obtain- able, indicated, however, that such fluctuation depends on the conditions which prevail during the process of ripening. Any inherent dift'erence in specific gravity due to the nature of the plant is small in comparison with such observed fluctuation. It has been considered advisable, therefore, to eliminate this character by reducing the specific gravity in all cases to an uniform figure of I'lO, such a correction involves a coiTesj)onding correction of the observed giiming percent. There thus remain three characters, volume of seed, number of fibres arising from a single .seed and weight of the individual fibres, which, from the given a priori considerations, there is reason to suppose might influence the ginning percent. The object of the present work is to determine how far fluctuations in the ginning percent can be accounted foi- by these characters only and whether a search for other characters must be undertaken. The units used for the expression of these values are volume of seed ... cubic millimetres. No. of fibres per seed ... in thousands, fibre weight ... weiaht «if 1000 fibres in milliorams. H. M. Leake 45 The material on which the preliminary determinations, here dealt with, have been made consists of 232 samples derived from a wide series of plants of the Asiatic series cottons, and covers, as far as possible, the full range of variation found. Full details cannot be given here, but a few typical instances illustrating the range may be recorded. Seed /olume Number of fibres per seed Fibre weight Oin percent Remarlis 67 1-2 8-1 11 A form from China 66 2-9 7-4 23 An F^ plant 45 3-3 6-6 30 G. arboreum 67 3-3 10-5 31 A form from China 36 5-2 3-7 34 G. ner/lectum, yellow fjowered 62 7-6 5-9 40 G. neglectum, white flowered 42 6-3 .5-9 44 5) n These few illustrations are sufficient to indicate the wide degree of variation found in the characters under consideration, and it is note- worthy that there appears to be no direct relation between the ginning percent and any of the remaining characters, even in the selected series here given. That this must be so is again illustrated by abstract consideration. I am indebted to Mr Udny Yule for the following formula which indicates the relation between the four characters concerned : number of fibres per seed x wt. of 1000 fibres where k = r r j • volume 01 one seed From this it is clear that the ginning percent cannot be directly measured from any single one of the characters here dealt with. It is necessary, therefore, to proceed further and calculate the coefficients of correlation. For this purpose the characters may be numbered as follows : (1) Ginning percent, (2) Number of fibres per seed, (3) Wt. of 1000 fibres, (4) Volume of seed. The correlations between these characters are found to be ri2+-7933 E±-0164 J-13+-0530 £±•0442 ru - -2208 E ± 0420 7-23 --2285 £±•0421 r24+-0966 £±•0439 r34+-5147 £±•0326 46 Gmiihif/ Percent of Indian Cottons From these tiguivs the . j)artial correlation eucfHcieiits may be ealciilated. These have been determined as follows': r,,.4+-8392 r,2.34+-!l7W) r,3.4+-1992 (-,3.24+ -9198 r23.,--3260 ru 23 -■9282 (■,2.3+ -8285 )-23.i4- -925.5 /•U-3--2898 r24.,3+-92fif. rs4.3+-2566 r3,.,..+ -9316 n3.2+-3952 In. 2- -^909 1-34.2+ -5540 '•23.1 -•■4449 (-24.1 + -4577 r34.i + -5406 From a consideiaticjii of these coefficients it is clear that the tonr characters concerned form a closely interrelated gi'onp in which variation in any one character is very fully accounted for by variation in one or other of the other three. Further, of the three characters by which the ginning percent may be affected, one only, namely the number of fibres per seed, has any marked effect on the value of the ginning percent. Certain other conclusions may be drawn from the above figures of which one or two may be mentioned here. In the first place the high negative correlation (r = — '9282) between the ginning percent and the volume of the seed indicates the validity of the conclusion, based above (p. 42) on a priori considerations, that the ginning percent, other factors being constant, will increase as the volume diminishes. Secondly, the high negative correlation between the number of fibres per seed and the weight of 1000 fibres (r = — •9255) seems to indicate that the area in which the fibre can develop is limited as a result of which any increase in the number must be accompanied by a diminution in the space occupied by each individual fibre. This conclusion has already been foreshadowed above. Lastly, while variation in the number of fibres per seed will produce a marked direct effect on the value of the ginning percent, variation in either the fibre weight and the volume of the seed can produce but a small effect in that the correlation between these and the iiund^er of fibres per seed is low (»-23= — -2285 and ?-,4 = — •0966). The main and all-important conclusion, however, to be drawn from these results lies in the fact that there is here definite proof that the ginning percent is a complex character, the variation found in which can be almost completely accounted for by the variation found in the three ' Cf. Yule, An introduction to the Theory of Statistics. 2nd edition, p. 241 et seq. H. M. Leake 47 characters, number of fibres per seed, weight of the individual fibres and volume of seed. It follows, therefore, that the determination of the ultimate causes of variation in the ginning percent cannot be made directly. Rather, those must be sought indirectly through their effect on the three characters under consideration and especially on the number of fibres per seed. The conclusion just reached opens up a wide field of investigation. Before practical use can be made of the above conclusions in plant breeding it is necessary to determine the true value which can be assigned to any given plant for these characters. In all observations involving multiple characters a considerable fluctuating variability is found in different samples from the same individual, and it is necessary to determine the extent of such fluctuations. The somewhat tedious nature of the determinations militates against any rapid conclusion being arrived at and, though considerable progress has been already made, a full exposition of the results must await further experiment. Sufficient information has, however, been obtained to show that such individual variations are of a magnitude readily distinguishable from the differences found between different races. A single instance, based on determinati»»t. " -' This character is observable also in a few races of Tr. vuhjarv, belonging to different varieties, which are cultivated in Asiatic Russia and Persia. N. I. Vavilov 55 of for the identification of barleys, all naked two-rowed barleys are represented by one variety — Hordeum distichuvi var. nudum L. To this variety we had referred, after identifying, all our naked two-rowed sorts of barley. But from observation of these barleys during two years, it was noticed that one of these parts (a pure line) was noticeably less susceptible to Puccinia simplex Eriks. than others, although growing side by side. This circumstance obliged me to pay more attention to the form in question, and in the result it was found that we had a very rare variety, which was wanting in the old classification of Koernieke. It is distinguished from var. nudum L. by weak development of the lateral spikelets (as in var. deficiens Steud.), and it was described only in the posthumous article of Koernieke (8), published in 1908, under the name of Hordeum distichum var. midideficiens Kcke. We i-eceived this variety from Caucasus (Daghestan). I now append some examples of the connection of the fungal reaction of cereals with their genetics. Ghiracteristics of the Eight Species of Wheat in relation to Rust and Mildew. After the work of Prof Biffen and Nilsson-Ehle, which proved that immunity and susceptibility to fungal diseases is subject to the Men- delian rules of inheritance, it would seem very natural to suppose that the distribution of these characters amongst hundreds of varieties and races of cereals is (piite accidental and without any definite order, as immunity and susceptibility may be combined by the aid of crossing with any group of morphological characters. Efspecially it would be natural to suppose it to be so in such a group as wheats, seven sjjecies of which {T. vulgare, T. compactum, T. durum, T. polonicum, T. tiirgidum, T. Spelta and T. dicoccum) have been proved to be fertile by crossing'. In reality, it is far from being so. After investigation of about 800 sorts (represented by pure lines) of spring and winter wheat, collected from diffei'ent parts of Europe and Asia, with regard to fungi prevalent in European Russia {Puccinia triticina Eriks. and Erysiphe graminis D.C.), and after classifying the sorts and tabulating these data, we came to the conclusion that in general each of the eight species of wheat, including dozens of varieties and races, has a definite characteristic behaviour in relation to fungi (16, pp. 29—54, 94—102). ' See works of Vilmoiin, Beijerinck, Eimpau, Tschermak, Biffen and others. 56 Inuminitf/ hi Cereah For example, all the cultivated vaiieties of T. durum and T. turgidum are relatively immune to brown rust. All known wikl and cultivated varieties of T. luonococcum are perfectly immune to brown rust. Many scattered data, which were found in old and recent literature, referring to the same or other varieties, prove the correctness of this conclusion (the literature is given in the above-mentioned paper 16, pp. 94 — 99, 5 — 6) and allow us even to apply, in some degree, this generalisation to the relation of the species of wheat to other fungi, as yellow ru.st P. glumaruin. For instance, all varieties of T. mono- coccuni, in accordance with published data, are perfectly immune to yellow rust. The different varieties of I', durum and turgidum are relatively immune to the same rust. In general, the characteristics of the eight species of wheat in relation to the fungi by which they are attacked in Russia are as follows : resistant Tr. durum Desf Tr. polonicum L. Tr. turgidum L. In relation to Puccinia triticina Eriks.' xusceptible Tr. vulgare Vill. (thei-e are a few immune races) Tr. compactum Host. Tr. Spelta L. perfectly immune Tr. manococcuiii L. Tr. dicoccum Schr. has both susceptible and inumme races. In relation to Ery.nphe gra minis D.C. tfuseeptihle resistant Tr. vulgare Vill. (with the exception Tr. durvm Desf. of a few races) Tr. polonicum L. Tr. compactum. Host." Tr. turgidum L. Tr. Spelta (a little less than the T?: monococcum L. preceding ones). Tr. dicoccum Schr. has both susceptible and iiiuuuue races^ • lu the paper (16) are given the coloured plate.s, illustrating the differences iu suscepti- bility of wheats and oats to brown, black and crown rusts. - Only one race, belonging to the variety Tr. compacliiiii var. creliciim Mazz. proved to be relatively resistant to mildew. (The same was observed in America by Prof. Keed.) '■> These characteristics of species are based on observations in fields under different conditions of manure, soil and climate. In greenhouses brown and yellow rusts do not develop to any considerable extent even by artificial infection ; on the contrary, the N. I. Vavilov 57 Only in Tr. vulgare and partly in Tr. coriipactum there are a few relatively immune races — exceptions to the general characteristic of these species, as susceptible to brown rust and mildew. One of the extreme exceptions is the above-mentioned " Persian Wheat " ; several of the other more or less immune races, without any doubt, represent products of artificial crossing in recent times (16, p. 96). Also, briefly speaking, in the group of wheats we meet with a case of specific peculiarities of whole species in their fungal reactions, not- withstanding the great polymorphism of these species. The genetic significance of these data I shall shortly touch upon. The practical importance of this generalization for the selection of immune sorts is evident, for it simplifies considerably the work of the plant-breeder. Characteristics of the Species of Oats in relation to Rusts. As in Russia, so in England and other countries, oats are attacked very severely by two species of rust : crown or leaf rust P. coronifera Kleb., and black or stem rust P. grariiinis Pers. Observations in Moscow showed that the majority of cultivated and wild oats are very suscej)tible to crown rust. Of 323 sorts of Avena sativa L. (.4. diffusa Aschr. and Gr., and A. orientalis Schreb.) examined, 297 belonging to the majority of known botanical varieties of cultivated oats (8) proved to be very susceptible ; 21 less susceptible, and 5 races (belonging to the varieties var. cinerea Kcke., var. brunnea Kcke., and var. grisea Kcke.) proved to be relatively very immune to crown rust. The great majority of these conditions of greenhouses are very favourable to mildew of cereals ; the fungus in the conidial stage lives, for example, in greenhouses much longer than in the open air, and in general the plants are always more attacked by mildew in greenhouses than in fields. And even more or less resistant races of wheat, for instance different repre- sentatives of Tr. durum, polonicum, maybe severely attacked in the greenhouse, as also under the bell-jar, by Erysiphe graminis. Immune races do not " lose" their immunity in greenhouses. The difference in susceptibility may be observed during the first days of infection, but the fungus develops better under these conditions. The most important fact is that even under these conditions such races as "Persian Wheat" or several races of Tr. dicoccum remain uninfected. By what is said above is removed the controversy relating to the characteristics of Tr. durum and Tr. polonicum in our work and that of Prof. Reed in America (Pliyto- pathology. Vol. ii, No. 2, 1912), who defined the degree of susceptibility of 78 sorts of wheat by the aid of artificial infection of seedlings under bell-jars. Tlie data of the characteristics of other species of wheat, in Russia and America, in general coincide. 58 Immunity in Cereals last 26 races belong to vaiieties with black and grey grains (Howering glumes), and in general they are morphologically different from sus- ceptible races (IG, pp. 15—18, 94—95). The various examined races of wild oats, belonging to the species A. fdtuu Ij., A. Ludoviciana Dur., and ^1. sterilis L., all pioved to be very susceptible to ciown rust. Aveiui brevis Roth., A. striyosa Schreb., and A. inula L. var. biu- ristata A.seiir. and Or. are relatively immune to this rust. A different result was obtained with black rust. Of S50 examined sorts of cultivated and wild oats, belonging to nearly all known botanical varieties, only two races of the species A. sativa L. proved to be relatively immune, (^ne of them (more resistant) belongs to the var. bruiinea Kcke., the other (less resistant) to the var. montana AL, two varieties with dark flowering glumes, and both these races are morpho- logically very different from the other susceptible races of the same varieties ; for instance, they are very low plants and are characterized by very thin straw; practically both are of small value. All other cultivated and iuitd varieties belonging to six species are badly attacked by P. graiiiinis. In other words, as a result of these observations, we come to a simple statistical conclusion as to the very slight probability of plant- breeders' finding oats resistant to black rust. This conclusion will be rpiite logical if we remember that black rust of oats is a very weakly specialized fungus, whieii lives freely not only on th(^ genus Aveiai, but also on Alopecurus, Milliuni, Bromus, Lamarckiana, I'htdaris. Koeleria, Festiica and other genera of ^t/'«- mirieae. For genetists it is (juite natural to conclude that if the fungus does not distinguish generic differences, there is ver}- little probability that it will sharply distinguish racial differences in the species A. sativa L.' ' A similar argument may be applied to the ergot of cereals — Chiviceps purpurea Tul. The same biologic race of this fungus, according to Stiiger's experiments, lives on rye, barley, wheat, Aniliojtinllium, HierochUm, Arrlii'inaherum, Daclylin, Foa, Ilri:a anil other genera of Griimineae. Theoretically, therefore, there is very slight probability for plant- breeders to find a great difference among races of rye, barley and wheat in their susceptibility to this fungus. The great difference between rye, barley and wheat in the degree of infection by ergot (the two latter are very rarely attacked by ergot), is evidently connected with tlie different modes of Howering of these cereals. Rye usually flowers with opened glumes, wheat and barley with closed glumes ; and the closed mode of flowering prevents the two latter from being infected by ergot. Eventually all the N. I. Vavilov 59 Fungal Reactions of Species of Wheat and their Genetic Relationships. Now turning again to the general characteristics of the species of wheat and oats in relation to narrowly specialized fungi, we shall see that they have not only significance for plant-breeders, but deserve serious attention on the part of students of genetics. As is known, the genetic relations of cereals are far from being solved. Every new criterion for the understanding of this problem is useful and valuable. It is especially so because the usual criterion of degree of affinity — sterility or vice versa — fertility of hybrids cannot always be used in the group of cereals. For instance, the seven species of wheat are so nearly allied that they give fertile hybrids. To understand the genealogy of this group, botanically restricted but nevertheless repre- sented by an immense number of independent forms, we must employ finer methods. On looking into the characteristics of eight species of wheat in relation to rusts and mildew, we cannot help being struck by their complete agreement with several genetic conceptions which are more or less established concerning their relationship. eight species of wheat, according to our observations in Russia, may be slightly attacked by ergot, especially when wheats are cultivated side by side with rye. In his second paper on " Studies in the Inheritance of Disease-resistance," Journ. of Agr. Sc, Vol. iv, Part 4, 1912, Prof. Biffen communicates a curious fact of the occurrence in the F„ hybrids of Eivet (Tr. tur.sii aumtigst other cultivated oats, which was suggested by its fungal reaction. Finally, the isolated genetic position of A. strujusti is proved by the fact, which we find recorded ( I I ), that it is also iniuume to smut UstiUnjo tivemte, whereas the cultivated forms of ^1. sativa are usually severely attacked by this fungus'. Some other examples might be given illustrating how, by the aid of genetic knowledge, the differences of various cereals in their be- haviour to fungi become clearer; and vice versa how fungal reaction helps us to understand the genetic relation of plant forms. But the complete enumeration of all these examples would be out of place in this paper. One objection may be raised against the broad application of fungal reaction for genetic purposes. This is the phenomenon of so-called " bridging species" — cases in which the biologic form of a fungus, after living on certain of its host- species ("bridges"), becomes capable of infecting a species, which it cannot infect after living on its other host-species. Pole Evans also showed with black rust of wheat 1\ gniminis, that very susceptible F^ hybrids of immune and susceptible varieties may serve as a "bridge" between susceptible and immune sorts. But against this, in the first place, there are only very few cases known of existence of " bridging species-." In the case of fungi of cereals, they are found oidy in Pttccinia gni minis forma sp. tntici and not in P. glumurum, r. triticimi, P. simplex {2, 5). Furthermore, we must not forget that the biologic forms of P. r/raiidnis an- relatively weakly specialized fungi; for example, /br;/i(( sp. tntici, as has been shown in different countries, can infect not only wheat but, more or less, barley also^. ' Morphologically A. slrhjusa is very like A. burbata Pott.; and Dr Trabut and ThellunR account the latter as the progenitor form of the former species. It would be very interesting, therefore, to know the fungal reaction of A. biirbatii. - "Bridging species" are found in P. Si/mphyti Bromvruiii ¥. Miill. (M. Ward and Freeman), Erysiphe graminis D.C., living on ilrnmiis (E. Salmon), in P. iirdiiiinis forma sp. tritici (Freeman and Johnson), and Si)liiier(itlii'C(i Hiiniiili on Ah-hciiiilki (Steincr). ■' One of the conclusions to which Freeman and Johnson came after their numerous experiments with biologic forms of P. yraminis is that "two biologic form.s may inhabit the same cereal without being identical" (.5, p. 75). This statement, as also the fact, well-known to mycologists, of the existence in Australia of a different race of P. firaminis /. tritici, which cannot infect Berberis, and all that is known about the difference in N. I. Vavilov 63 Secondly, as has already been remarked by Prof. Biffen (2, pp. 428 — 429), two facts speak against the great role of " bridging species " : first, the fact that immune varieties may be grown dozens of years in close proximity to susceptible ones, severely attacked by fungi, and still remain quite resistant ; the second fact is the possibility of obtaining immune races by crossing. Finally, it may well be conceded that the exactitude of fungal reactions must be studied before using them for genetic purposes, as with reactives in chemistry. With fungi of cereals, this preliminary work is happily already more advanced than it is with any other group of fungi'. In conclusion, we need only remark that the degree of sensitiveness of fungal reaction, for instance, with cereals up to the present time is not exceeded by that of the so-called "serum" methods, applied to plants. It is hardly necessary to add that fungal reaction technically is much simpler than the " serum " method in its application for the recognition of individuals. JIarc/i, 1914. Note. While this paper was being printed there appeared in the Zeitschrift fur Pflanzenziichtimg, April 1914, Bd. Ii, Heft 2, a very interesting paper by Dr Zade entitled : " Serologische Studien an Leguminosen and Gramineen." In his investi- gation with cereals, using the " serum " reactions as a chemical test for the genetics of these jilants, Dr Zade, as we understand his tables, conies to quite the same conclusions concerning the genetic relationshij) of oats and wheats, to which we came using fungal tests for the same purpose. So, the tables of experiments on dift'ereut species of Avena show that the A. fatiM gave almost the same reaction as A. sativa. A. strigosa,yi\Ac\i according to our investigation is genetically more distant from A. sativa than A. fatua, gave in the experiments of Dr Zade, when he used the weak " serum " solution of A. sativa, a much weaker reaction than A. fatua. specialization of this fungus in different countries, suggest the suspicion that it is possible, in the same biologic form, more than one race of fungus may exist, and these races differ more or less in their specialization. And, perhaps, in some instances the same phe- nomenon of "bridging species" is the result of unconscious selection of different races of fungi by the aid of different hosts. Certainly this question can be solved only by means of pure cultures of fungi. ' For the purpose of greater exactness, the conditions of the use of fungal reactions must be borne in mind too, because, like chemical reactions, they change under differing conditions ; although in general the role of external conditions (climate, soil, manure, etc.) in changing immunity is very often too exaggerated in mycological literature (16, pp. 99—102). 64 Immunity hi Cereals The similarity in tlio cjiisc of wheats is even more striking. So, Tr. monococcum, according to Dr Zade's experiments, occupies a separate place. Three species Tr. durum, Tr. polonicum and Tr. turgidnm, which have the same fungal reactions, had the same "serum" reaction. The Tr. vidgarc, Tr. com/uic/am and Tr. Spella, both in relation to fungi and in their " .serum " reaction are very similar. The similarity of " serum " reaction of Tr. dicoccum with that of Tr. durum, polonicum and turgidnm. again does not contradict our results ; for probably Dr Zade used for his experiments a variety of Tr. dicoccum which is immune to brown rust. It is to be regretted that Dr Zade does not give the nanie.s of the varieties with which he worked. This makes a complete comparison of results ditticult. On account of the great polymoi'phism of tlie species Tr. dicoccttm (and Tr. dicoceoides) which is very important for the construction of the genealogy of wheats and which was not taken into consideration by Dr Zade, we cannot agree completely with the concluding genealogical table of wheats, given on p. 144. We believe that the difference in varieties which occurs in species of cereals cannot be neglected in genetic work. The striking parallelism of fungal and " serum " reactions once more confirms the possibility of using both these methods for genetic and systematic purposes. REFERENCES TO LITERATURE. 1. BiFFEN, R. H. "Studies in the inheritance of disease-resistance." Journ. of Agric. Science, Vol. ll, Part 2, 1907. 2. . "Studies in the inheritance of disease-resi.stancc." II. Journ. of Agric. Scie7ice, Vol. iv. Part 4, 1912. 3. Beijerinck. " Ueber den VVeizenbastard Tr. monococcv.m x Tr. dicoccum." 1884. A'ederl. Kruidkund. Archif, 2 Ser. p. 200. 4. Eriksson, J. "Ein parasitischer Pilz als Index der inncrcn Natur eines Pfianzenbastards." Botan. Notizcr, 251—253, 1895. 5. Freeman and Johnson. "The rusts of grains in the United States." Bull. No. 216. Bureiiu of Plant Industry, U.S. Dep. of Agriculture, 1911. 6. KiRCHNER. " Neue Beobachtungen iiber die Empfanglichkeit verschiedener Weizensorten fiir die Steinbrandkrankheit." Filhlings btndtnrtsch. Zcitung. 1908. 7. Klebahn. " Die wirtswech.seluden Rostpilzo." 1904. 8. Koernicke, F. " Arten uud Varietiiten des Getreides." Vol. I, 188.5. 9. . " Die Entstehung und das Verhalten neuer Getreidevarietiiten." 1908. Archiv fiir Biontologic, Bd. II. 10. ScHULZ, A. " Abstammung und Heimat des Weizens." Jahrcsberic/U d. West- fiilischen Provindal-Verein, 1911, pp. 147 — 152. 11. Swingle. "Report on the loo.se smuts of cereals." Experiment Station, Manhattan, Kansas, 1889. (Report of the Botanical Department.) 12. Thellung, a. "Ueber die Abstammung, den systematischen Wert und die Kulturgeschichte der Saathafer-Arten." 1911. Vierteljahrsschrift d. Xaturf. Ges. Ziirich, Jahrg. 56. N. I. Vavilov 65 13. Trabut, L. " Observations sur I'origine des avoines cultivees." IV. Con- ference Internationale de Ge'netique, 1913. 14. TscHERMAK, Er. " Ueber seltene Getreidebastarde." Beitrtige zitr PJlanzen- zucht, 3 Heft, 1913. 15. Vasiliev, E. M. "The injuriou.s insects of maize in European Russia and in We.st Europe." South- Russian Agric. Oazette, 1911 (No. 8) and IMS. Vols. XIII and xv. 16. Vavilov, N. I. "Beitriige zur Frage tiber die ver.schiedene Wider.stauds- fahigkeit der Getreide gegen parasitische Pilze." (In Russian and German.) Arbeiten d. Versuchsstation fiir PJkinzenzilchtung am Moskauer Icaidiuirtsch. Imtitut, I Folge, 1913. 17. . "Der gegenwartige Stand der Frage nach der Immunitat der Getreide gegen Pilzkrankheiten." 1913, ibid, (in Russian). 18. . "Ueber den Weizen bastard Tr. vulgarey.Tr. monococcum L." (In Russian and German.) Bull, fiir angcvandte Botanik., 1913, Bn. vi. No. 1, St Petersburg. Journ. of Gen, iv HEREDITARY LEFTHANDEDNESS, WITH A NOTE ON TWINNING. (STUDY III.) By H. E. JORDAN, University uf Virginia. This study is based chiefly on data collected by Dr Albert Ernest Jenks, Professor of Anthropology, University of Minnesota, in the form of questionnaire blanks and filed at the Eugenics Record Office, Cold Spring Harbor Long Island. My best thanks are due to Professor Jenks for his generous contribution, and to Dr Charles B. Davenport for kindly placing the blanks at iny disposal for examination and record in the form of charts. The material includes also six pedigrees from various other sources. Respecting this body of data the primary objects here sought are to make it more widely accessible by putting it into more available form, and to analyze it with a view to testing my earlier conclusions, namely, that lefthandedness is hereditary and closely follows the behaviour of a Mendelian recessive character. The questions of the cause and anatomical basis of this trait will not be touched upon' ; these are similar to those involved in physiologic "unit characters" generally. Scarcity of data respecting ambidexterity precludes effective discussion of this character from a hereditary view- point. The pedigrees include a considerable number of twins ; this circumstan3e invites a consideration also of hereditary twinning; and explains the inclusion of pedigree chart Fig. 80. ^ This matter is discussed in my earlier papers. 5—2 68 Hefeditary Lrft handedness The main body uf data is somuwhat unsatisfactory in respect of the absence of collateral histories; these are indispensable for complete studies seeking evidence of Mendelian inheritance; however, the abbreviated histories are still of the greatest value, and warrant careful analysis and permanent record. Three remarkable five-generation discontinuous histories of heredi- tary lefthandedness are included, charted in Figs. 1 to 3. Here the absence of collateral histories and record of the total number of individuals in the several childships is especially regrettable, and precludes attempts at further analysis. Four histories of direct transmission are charted in Figs, i to 7. Chart 6 is noteworthy in that all the affected individuals are males. Chart 5 suggests recedence of the sinistrality factor, since the Icfthanded individual of the last generation is the result of a double Icfthanded mating. However, the three Icfthanded individuals of the preceding generation contradict this general deduction, since the female parent was presumably righthanded. Moreover, the fact that the mother had also 3 nieces, 1 nephew, and 3 great-nieces who were Icfthanded suggests almost equally cogently that in this family lefthandedness was dominant. This particular history will be further discussed below in an attempt to interpret apparent cases of dominant lefthandedness. The blanks include also eleven, in six of which only an uncle or an aunt of the Icfthanded individual is known to be similarly affected, and in five only a great-uncle or great-aunt. Several of these are charted and discussed below (Figs. 69 — 74). Forty-eight blanks record lefthandedness in both parent and child. The histories with more than one affected member in the fraternity are charted in Figs. 8 to 1(1 This set includes only one instance of double Icfthanded parentage (Fig. 16). The expected total frequency on Mendelian assumptions is vitiated by the presence of one " normal." In the other histories of this set, one of the parents is normal as respects use of hand. On the assumption that the " normals " are hetcrozygotes the majority of the charts fulfil Mendelian expectancy for RR x DR crosses (Figs. 10, 11, 13, 9, and 1-5). Chart Fig. 8 suggests dominance of the Icfthanded trait, as also to a lessor extent, in view of the limited childships, charts Figs. 12 and 14. A strict Mendelian interpretation of this group of charts (Figs. 8 to 16) involves the further assumptions of degrees of bias to sinisterity and variation in relative hereditary prepotency. An attempt will be made to .support the legitimacy or plausibility of these assumptions below. H. E. Jordan 09 The remaining 39 histories of parent-child "transmission" may be summarized thus : father to son ... ... 0 fiither to daughter ... 10 mother to son ... ... 13 mother to daughter ... 7 The numerical variation is small, and of no significance as indicating prepotency of one or the other parent to transmit the character differen- tially to either sex. Adding to these numbers those from cliarts 8 to 16 the same conclusions become still more obvious, thus : father to son 9 + 8 = 17 father to daughter ... 10 + .5 = 15 mother to son... ... 18-1-6 = 19 mother to daughter ... 7 -H 5 = 12 The following table summarizes the data respecting fraternities of four or more individuals: Numher of leftliamJed and rlghtlianded in fraternities of four or more individitals. Parent-child histories. Lett Right 5 4 3 7 1 4 1 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 2 2 1 5 1 7 1 5 1 6 2 4 1 4 2 7 1 3 1 5 1 4 Totals 31 79 or 1 : 2-55 70 Hereditary Lefthdiidedness Four fraternities give the expected proportion for a Dli x RR cross ; several others may be said to approximate expectancy. But only by assuming that a certain number of the normal consorts were duplex for dextrality (-D-D), and that the character is occasionally imperfectly dominant, can the ratio of the totals (1 : 2'55) be made to suggest Mendelian principles. Six blanks record lefthandedness appearing in great-grandparent, parent and child (charts. Figs. 17 to 22). Pedigi-ee chart. Fig. 22, is of especial interest in that it gives a final generation of two pairs of twins, all lefthanded. Since both pairs are severally of the same sex, they are presumably identical ; the fact that identical twins are rarely unlike with respect of use of hand, suggests very strongly the hereditary character of this trait. The facts shown in this chart as also in chart Fig. 17, again suggest dominance of the lefthandedness factor in certain strains; or "imperfection of dominance" of the righthandedness factor. Fourteen histories show transmission from great-grandparent to child (Figs. 23 to 36). The absence of information concerning collateral lines, and of complete childships in every instance, forbids deduction beyond the general statement that lefthandedness in the ancestiy presages a certain amount of lefthandedness among ofl'spring. The inference is suggested that the normal parents are heterozygous, in which event the Mendelian pioportion of 1 lefthanded to 3 righthanded would be expected. This expectation is practically met in charts 24 and 33. With the exception of charts 35 and 36, the remaining charts of this group also are in close accord with Mendelian formulae. Four blanks I'ecord a four-genei-ation history of lefthaniledness with the direct ancestors of the penultimate generation normal (Figs. 37 to 40). All show a lefthanded offspring from a double "normal" mating. The ancestry of the normals concerned, however, suggests their heterozygous nature ; one in every four would therefore be expected to be lefthanded. The histories as given are in close accord with this ratio. Sixteen blanks record lefthandedness in three consecutive genera- tions (Figs. 41 to 56). Chart, Fig. 41 is interesting in that the direct ancestors in the two earlier generations were both ambidextrous, suggesting a specificity of this condition as compared with dexterity and sinister] ty. In charts, Figs. 44, 50 and 52, the lefthanded condition is distributed in the fraternities approximately as would be expected in a DR X RR cross, most probably the actual fact. H. E. Jordan 71 Hereditary transmission from grandparent to child appears in 44 blanks. The distribution may be summarized thus : Grandfather to son's son ... „ „ „ daughter „ „ daughter's son ... „ „ „ daughter Grandmother to son's .son ... „ „ „ daughter „ „ daughter's son ... „ „ „ daughter The summary seems to show that a grand-daughter rarely inherits lefthandedness from her mother's father, and a grandson fi-om his mother's mother ; but the disproportion is due more likely to the relatively small number of histories as the grosser summaiies show (second and third columns). In this group again nothing appears sufficiently striking to indicate prepotency on the part of one or the other parent (grandparent). The fnllowing table summarizes the data for this group where the fiaternities are larger than three individuals : Grandparent — cli Ud histories Left Right 5 7 3 6 4 3 6 4 3 3 6 3 4 4 4 4 Totals 18 69 or 1 : 3-83 72 Herediturji Lefthandedness On the most probable assumption, namely, that the parents involved are heterozygous, the expected proportion of 1 to 3 is strikingly and suggestively met by 1 to 3"83. Moreover, three fraternities contain lefthanded and righthanded individuals in the exact proportion of 1 to 3 ; and six in the proportion of 1 to 4. One hundred and sixty-eight (168) blanks record absence of left- handedness in the direct ancestry; including 51 (2G % + 2.j(/ ) individuals to and including all the great-grandparents, 92 (40$ +52,/) to and including all the grandparents, and 30 blanks (43 lefthanded individuals) with statements, " unable to get information," or " so far as is known." This set includes a fraternity of three lefthanded, including a jjair of twins (Fig. 57). Of another lefthanded individual the statement is given that the lefthanded character is considered a " birth-mark," the mother having been obliged by reason of injuiy to right arm to use the left during pregnancy. Another history, in which no trace of left- handedness is said to appear back to and including the gi'eat- grandparents, includes two lefthanded males among 9 other males and 3 females, including two pairs of ordinary twins (Fig. 58). Still another records an individual " lefthanded from birth," an extraordinary fact. This latter group of data admits of three interpretations : (1) absence of hereditary influence ; (2) spontaneous origin of lefthandedness, which may be thereafter transmitted by heredity ; and (3) the " normals " may all be heterozygotes. Moreover, mild degrees of lefthandedness may have escaped notice or may have been ma.sked or lost in later life ; or the information may in a certain number of instances be inaccurate. That it does not indicate absence of hereditary influence appeal's from such pedigi-ees as the one shown in Fig. 59 where the direct ancestors for two generations on both sides are normal. This could be carried backward in time to any previous generation without violence to Mendelian principles. This chart is Fig. 10 of my paper, " Studies in Human Heredity," 1912. These three histories. Figs. 57, 58 and 59, as also Figs. 60 and 61, suggest forcibly that lefthandedness cannot be due to the absence of a factor. As stated in an earlier paper the antithetic condition due to factor absence is probably' ambidexterity. This will be further discussed below. The data in charts Figs. 60 to 62 were supplied by Professor F. A. Hodge of Winthrop College, South Carolina. Concerning the penultimate fraternity of six of chart 62 the statement is recorded that these children were " made to wear gloves on the left hand when infants H, E. Jordan 73 to keep them from becoming lefthanded. Charts 60 and 62 both contain a fraternity fulfilling expectancy from a DR x RR cross. The following table summarizes the data for this group : Histories of fraternities imth rightha DiffetZ ancestry. Left Eight Left Right 2 5 1 4 1 4 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 4 1 6 2 6 2 12 1 8 1 3 1 7 1 4 1 4 2 4 1 4 1 6 1 4 3 3 1 3 1 5 1 3 1 4 1 6 1 3 2 4 1 7 1 3 1 5 ' 1 4 2 4 1 4 1 8 1 3 1 4 1 5 I 10 1 6 1 3 1 6 1 5 1 3 X 3 2 5 2 6 1 8 2 3 3 5 2 4 1 3 1 6 1 6 2 4 2 4 2 S 1 5 1 4 2 5 1 3 2 4 1 3 1 4 1 4 1 7 1 3 2 3 2 3 1 6 — — Totals 90 321 or 1 : 3-56 The most probable assumption is that the parents involved are heterozygotes. The sum ratio, 1 to 3'56, is very close to expectancy. Sixteen fraternities actually show the 1 to 3 ratio ; and sixteen others a 1 to 4 ratio. Still other ratios are significantly close. This body of data seems all but conclusive in showing the general recessive nature 74 Hereditanj Lcftliandednean of the lefthandedness "determiner," and the general agreement with Mendelian hiws of inheritance. Charts Figs. 63 to G7 present striking histories from the foregoing group. In the first four the ancestors to, and including, the grand- parents (Fig. 64 ; also gi-eat-gi'undparents) are said to have been normal. The immediate parents may be presumed to be in the simplex condition (heterozygous dominants). These four pedigrees show unmistakeably that lefthandedness is due to a positive factor (presence of a "determiner"). The reported incidence of lefthandedness in the several fraternities defies reconciliation with strict Mendelian principles'. Similarly, pedigree Fig. 67. Here the entire childship of a double lefthanded mating is reported ntiniuil. This liistory, as also many other facts, show that righthandedness also depends upon a positive factor. Chai'ts 63 and 67 are directly contradictory, not only with i-eference to each other, but also as concerns numerous other pedigrees and the princijjles of lefthanded inheritance (Mendelian) deduced from them. These will be iinther discussed among exceptions considered below. Ciiart Fig. 68 is from the parent-child group. It is especially interesting in fulfilling the Mendelian expectation of a DR x KR, the probable cross. Chai'ts Figs. 69 to 74 ai'e tlie most important and most extensive among the "collateral" group noted above. Concerning the lefthanded male parent of 71 it is rect)rded that he "bats leftlianded in base-ball." The fraternities of Figs. 69 and 74 give the Mendelian ratio ioi' the most probable crosses involved, namely DR x DR, and the remaindi'r are not seriously at variance with exjDectanc}' in view of the pi-obable ancestry. Chart, Fig. 7"), was contributed by Professor F. A. Hodge, Winthrop College, S.C. ; and Fig. 76 by Mr Frank J. Sconce, of Fairview, Illinois (filed at the Eugenics Record Oftice, Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island). Botli histories demonstrate the recessive nature of decided lefthanded bias, and leave no doubt regarding the general valency of Mendelian laws in hereditary lefthandedness. Chart Fig. 77 (Prof. Hodge) appears to countervail this deduction ; but the reported lefthanded parents have but a mild bias, as I have learned from subsequent inquiry, since " they write with the right hand, and do only certain things with the left hand." Complete recession, under the circumstances, would hardly be expected. This pedigi-ee was charted as Fig. 32 of my " Studies in Human Heredity." ' The possibility is suggested that lefthandedness (and ambidexterity) may be degrees of the same condition due to an "inhibitor" to righthandedness. H. E. Jordan 75 Chart Fig. 78 was given to me by Professor J. P. Campbell, of the University of Georgia. It shows peculiarly well the inadequacy of only the dii-ect ancestry in a study of hereditary lefthandedness and the hereditary influence and significance of collateral ancestry, and suggests tlie rarity of " pure " strains with respect of dexterity. Also, it is of especial interest in giving a pair of duplicate twins, only one of which is lefthanded (and both " cross-eyed "). This condition is the exception of what usually obtains in the case of such twins. It suggests more forcibly perhaps than any othei' fact the verity of " degi'ees of bias " to use of hand. Chart Fig. 79 is supplied by Mr J. H. Green, of Clitlon Forge, Virginia. It is a fau-ly complete five-generation history of a large family in which appear both lefthandedness and a tendency to twinning. Nine pairs of twins appear; one member of pair 5 is lefthanded; but these are not identical twins. The other members of this fraternity are another pair of twins ; and the lefthanded condition appears in the expected ratio for the DR x DR cross. Coincidence of lefthandedness and twinning in the same fraternity is frequent ; but no very likely explanation suggests itself regarding causative relationship. The explanation of lefthanded duplicate twins however lies most probably in the ancestral presence of both conditions ; hereditary twinning would then produce a lefthanded pair when the determiner for lefthandedness was coincidently present in the case of a dujjlicate set (c£ Figs. 22 and 57). The complete absence of lefthandedness in the product of mating ^ X X J' Y is interesting as suggesting a " pure " extraction from a " tainted " stock. A summary of the 79 histories charted gives a proportion of 173 lefthanded males to 14.3 females. This result is the opposite of the one usually recorded, namely, that females show a heavier incidence of left- handedness. My earlier studies gave an approximate equality ; and the discrepancy here noted is not sufficiently great to have significance as contradicting the general conclusion that males and females are equally " susceptible " to lefthandedness. Discussion. No attempt has been made in the foregoing to explain contradictions and exceptions. In view of the present study, and of two earlier ones, no one, I believe, will seriously dispute the conclusion that lefthandedness is hereditary. That it follows in inheritance Mendelian principles, a 76 Hereditarji Leftlumiledness number of apparently serious contradictions may peiliaps still give some gi-ound for question. However, the main mass of data points to strict Mendelian hereditary conduct. The proportion of 1 lefthanded to 1^ righthanded obtained in both of my earlier studies when all histories were included cogently suggests the operation of Mendelian laws, when account is taken of the fact that the majoi-ity of the crosses were either DR X Dlt (1 : 3) or DR x RR (1:1). Moreover, a considerable number of histories gave approximately the expected proportions for such crosses, where the most pi'obable condition of the [)aients was indicated by the ancestry. Major C. C. Hurst, on the basis of a study of a number of pedigrees, confirms my conclusion that lefthandedness is a Mi'ndelian recessive'. Dr E. Stier's pedigi'ee.s of double lefthanded matings (6 cases) force the same conclusion, when allowance is made for occasional imperfection of dominance or slight degi-ees of bias. In no instance are all of the offspring lefthanded ; but with one exception the majority are left- handed. My present study gives additional, and more complete, confirmation of my earlier conclusion. A general survey of these charts permits no doubt that lefthandedness is hereditary. This conclusion is further suggested by cases of duplicate twins, where both members of the pair are lefthanded (Figs. 22 and 57 — exception Fig. 78). When therefore lefthandedness appears in a fraternity, at least one of the parents is simplex for the lefthandedness factor, frequently perhaps both. Sum- marizing the 69 pedigi'ees in the group where the ancestry is said to be normal, and where the fraternities contain four or more individuals, the ratio of lefthanded to righthanded is as 1 : 3\5G (page 73). This is so close to Mendelian expectancy for DR x DR crosses as to furnish almost a demonstration of the actual fact. The slight preponderance of righthandedness is undoubtedly to be accountetl for by the occasional DD X DR crosses with possible imperfections of dduiinance. Moreover, the inclusion of sixteen 1 : 3 ratios, and the same number of 1 : 4 ratios still more firmly supports the conclusion. Likewise, the ratios of the other two tables above discussed and the average of all, 1 : 3'31. A ruimber of the pedigi'ees here charted give also the exact ratio expected on Mendelian assumptions. Again, double lefthanded matings give complete lefthanded frater- nities (Figs. 5, 16 — almost, 75, and 76), as expected from pure recessive parents. The apparent contradiction. Fig. 77, is to be explained on ' Likewise more recently Professor Francis Ramaley (Am. Nat., Dec. 1913). H. E. Jordan 77 the basis of faulty record, since later inquiry elicited the information that the " lefthanded " parents were only slightly so, and that they wrote with the right hand. The very fact of the ability to write well with the right hand indicates slight bias, which would be expected to be only imperfectly conformable with strict Mendelian formulae- Chart 67 may perhaps legitimately be similarly interpreted, in the absence of more definite information. The contradictions, Figs. 5, 39, 63, 64, 65 and 66, still remain. Here presumably " normal " parents have all lefthanded children. Already in my first study I was led to the idea of " degrees of bias." This phenomenon has only become more clear in my second and the present studies. How shall we account for the origin of degrees, and what is their significance in inheritance ? This discussion further involves a consideration of the apparent dominance of lefthandedness in certain strains (Figs. 5, 8, 12, 14, 22, 46). Both phylogenetic and ontogenetic facts show that the ancestral condition with respect of use of hand was ambidexterity. Anthropo- hjgical data point in the same direction. Both lefthandedness and righthandedness represent variations from the ambidextral condition. The antithetic condition to both (i.e. the one characterized by nuUiplicity or absence of determiner) is natural ambidexterity. The spontaneous origin of lefthandedness and righthandedness in ontogeny suggests, gi'anting full validity to the biogenetic law, that racially these conditions also arose spontaneously, i.e. discontinuously ; not as the result of a slow accumulation of slight variations or fluctua- tions— a mutation, not an acquired character now become hereditary. The fundamental anatomic variation presumably inheres in a foetal asymmetry of the cerebral blood supply producing probably an unequal development (microscopic) of the hemispheres. This phase of the ques- tion is discussed in my former papers. The usual variation both phylogenetic and ontogenetic is toward a righthandcd bias. Ancestrally those individuals that varied toward a lefthanded bias came, perhaps, to some extent under the influence of natural selection. Present lefthanded individuals would thus trace their ancestry back to those earliest ancestors who escaped elimination. The dominance of righthandedness over lefthandedness is also in accord with the principle of progressive evolution through discontinuity. There can be little doubt that under present conditions of community life, dexterity gives considerable advantage over sinisterity or even perhaps ambidexterity. Indeed righthandedness may easily be conceived 78 HercdUanj Lr/f handedness of as having contribntcd t-i FIGURES 1—46 ?- r' I I (9) ? I 6 I f I i (3) (18) 1 1 I I ? ? i I I I n r-'^i n I I I (? c? ? ? (10) I ? I I t? (? ? i 9 (19) I i I S 6 S (20) — 6 I I i i j_ ~i — I I I i I 6 6 S f (11) t I ? I 1 1 1 r- I I I I I I rf ? ^ ? (? c? (21) _1. I I ? ? (12) i i I I ? (28) i I unknown i ? I I I I I ^ (4) (29) I ! S 6 6 I ? (2) 6 I (30) (31) I I i (1) (41) (42) J Ambidextrous I ^ (5) I 1 I I i i I i I i (2) (43) I s I (32) I 9 rf ? c? (33) ""I I ? I I I I I (? ? 9 (44) i I * (3) (45) 9-— r-c? ? I c?-T-9 n (34) (46) 4 — 7 Lefthandedness appearing in four consecutive generations. (Pour histories.) 7—22 Lefthandedness appearing in great-grandparent, parent and child. (Six histories.) 7— 40 Lefthandedness appearing in great -grandparent, grandparent, and child. (Four histories.) s is not recorded. Normal consorts are generally omitted in the charts. JOURNAL OF GENETICS, VOL. IV. NO. 1 I i f (1)* (47) I i (1) (48) I 1 1 I I I i i t I i i (1) (49) ? I I I I 6 i I -it III! ^ i i i (50) f I (51) (52) I I 9 — T — i I ? I I twins I I I I twins I i I — ^ 6 (58) : I I I ^ rf (? c? I ^ 9 — I I I (59) I — I 6 I T" 9 1 I I ? 9 9 r 1 1 1 i 6 9 1 6 1 1 6 1 1 6 (61) I I ? 9 I — I 9 I 6 i i f f- I I I I I -9 9 9 9 cJ I I 6 S (62) 41-56 liof'thaiidojiiess aiipc^iring * Tlio inunoial give.s the ureter in the fraternity; the total number in grani of indi FIGURES 47—69 ? I I t (4) (53) I i I -6 I (54) I i (1) (55) -i n^ 4^99319 ->J -i 9 i^_ 6 6 6 ^< 9 d .i 9 9 J ???c^9? 9 i 9 6 6 I 1119 t 9 i l_rf I I 4) (,'i)(y) fi r 9 9 , rubric(th/.v. (The included scale of inches was drawn from a rule photographed on the same negative ; 1 inch = 2'5 cm.) Gates has not mentioned red-spotting of the young rosette-leaves as a characteristic of 0. rahricalyx, but on the other hand he now includes this character among the features which dift'eri'Utiate 0. (/randiflura from 0. rubricalyx (Gates, 1914). The fact that half of my rubncalyx- plants had strongly spotted leaves may perhaps mean, therefore, that my original »'«6nc'«i^.r-plants w'ere hybrids. Another possibility may be suggested. Gates (1914) characterizes the rosette of 0. grandijlora G. H. Shull 89 as having "pale red blotches " ; in my cultures that species had deep red blotches. There can be no doubt that anthbcyan production is strongly influenced by sunlight and temperature, and possibly other environ- mental factors, which differ in different localities. The deeper red spots on 0. yrandiflora in my cultures might be due to genotypic differences between Gates's material of that sjjecies and mine, but it seems rather more likely that they indicate a condition in my cultures favorable to the intensification of the anthocyan colors. It is conceivable that a form which does not possess red spots at all under one condition may be strongly spotted under some other condition. This is directly illustrated by the spotted plants themselves, for the spotting is an evanescent character, which C(_impletely disappears as the rosettes grow older. The occurrence of spotting in the young rosette-leaves in my cultures of 0. ruhricalya-, does not necessarily prove, therefoi-e, that my plants are hybrid derivatives of 0. ruhricalyx instead of that species itself, although on certain giounds the assumption that they are hybrids may seem to be the more tenable hypothesis. As the ruhricalyx-^\a,\\ts in this pedigree were of two types with respect to the pigmentation of the stems, it was thought possible that such splitting might also occur in the homozygous strain discovered by Gates, but a letter from A. W. Sutton, Esq., Reading, England, informs me that all of the 0. rubnc(dyx-ph\i\ts from Gates's pure-breeding stock have the brilliant red stems'. Oenothera ruhricalyx x ruhrinervis F^. Pedigree Nos. 11410(1) x 1123(8)= 1232. The male parent was from a pure cross-bred strain of Oenothera ruhrinervis which had been full)' controlled in my cultures in seven consecutive generations, each of these ancestral generations having residted from a cross between two typical ruhrinervis-specimens, of as widely separate relationship as ray several cultures provided. All the preceding generations had been uniformly typical 0. ruhrinervis with the exception of an extremely small percentage of aberrant individuals which have appeared fi-om time to time as characteristic mutants(?). Seeds from this cross yielded 205 individuals of which 8 died unclassified. These were, like the progeny from the selfed 0. ruhriadyx ' Seeds of tliis form are now being offered for sale by Sutton and Sons under the name " Oenothera Afterglow.' 90 Negative Correlation in Oenothera Jlijhrids (No. 1231), divisible into a spotted and an unspotted group, in the ratio 103:94. No naHe//((-piants were seen, and all were similar in morpho- logical featui-es to 0. rubrine7-vis, as shown in the second I'ow of rosette.s from the top of Plate V, though in the 10-weeks-old rosettes about two-thirds of the unspotted group had somewhat broader, darker green leaves than the remaining one-third. Later, however, this distinction could no longer be seen ; the broader- and narrower-leafed groups were kept separate throughout their development, but no distinction was visible between them in the mature jjlants. With the exception of three plants which were slightly divergent in characters of foliage and branching, all were of the same vegetative form, and indistinguishable in this respect from the («) group of selfed 0. yahnculyx. In pigmenta- tion, however, a striking situation was presented. The unspotted rosettes developed into plants of the .same type as the corresponding group in the selfed 0. ruhricalyx family, having greenish stems and brilliantly pigmented buds of the ruhricalyx-ty^e. The spotted rosettes, on the other hand, produced brilliantly red-pigmented stems, with buds of the Laninrckiana-iy^e of pigmentation, the cones being merely pink in longitudinal bands of gi-eater or lesser width, and the hypanthia green. No plant of the latter group had buds as strongly pigmented as in 0. ruhrinervis, the male parent, and the minus variations ranged to cones nearly, though not quite, completely free from anthocyan. Oenothera ruhrinervis x ruhricalyx F^. Pedigree Nos. 1123(S) x 11410(1)= 1233. Seeds from this cross produced 152 plants which were likewise clearly separable into a spotted and an unspotted group, but with no other apparent distinction. Two-months-old rosettes are shown in the second row frotn the bottom of Plate V^. The two groups consisted of 62 spotted and 89 unspotted rosettes, 1 having died unclassified. Plants of both groups had red on the under side of petioles and leaf-blades, especially when the latter were going into decline. Several plants which had one or two obscure red spots or fine red specks, but 2)ro\ ed on their subsecjuent development to belong to the unspotted gi'oup, are included with that group in the ratio given above. One plant which was marked on May 2 as spotted, was found two weeks later without spots, and was transfened to the unspotted group, where its identity' was lost. Among tiie adult ])lants one indivi(hial from the unspotted G. H. Shull 91 group had the bud- and stem-characters of the spotted plants, from which I infer that the original determination of the character of this plant was the correct one, and it is therefore included with the spotted plants in the above reckoning. Only 25 of each group were set into the field to grow to maturity. All the adult plants had the branching habit and long capsules characteristic of 0. ruhricalyx and 0. rubrinervis. Eight in the spotted gi'oup had slightly broader, darker gi-een, more strongly crinkled leaves than their sibs, in these particulars more closely approaching the characters of 0. Laiiiurckianu, but their stems and buds did not differ in pigmentation from those of the other plants in the spotted group. One plant in the spotted group had the buds colored as in 0. rubrinervis, but was so heavy in all its parts as to suggest the likelihood that it was a triploid form. Its capsules were notably thicker and shorter than those of its sibs. I have no special record as to the color of the stem of this plant, but as it stood in the red-stemmed gi'oup, it would probably have been noticed if different in this respect from the rest of the group. All the rest of the spotted gi'oup had brilliant red stems and Lamarckiuna-Mke buds with pink cones and green hypanthia. The unspotted gi'oup, with the one exception already mentioned, had greenish stems and the typical r ub)'icaly x-co\ora,tion of the buds, i.e., with hypanthia and cones uniformly and intensely red-pigmented, except on the distal portion of the free tips of the sepals, which were free from anthocyan. Oenothera nihriculyx x Lamarelciana F^. Pedigree No.s. 11410(1) x 118(10) = 1234. Of this pedigree I secured 123 plants which were again divisible into spotted and unspotted groups, but the spotting was not so pronounced as in the ruhricalyx-rubrinervis-hyhrids, so that it was not quite certain whether the unspotted group was a natural group or simply the minus-end of a single fluotuating series. The gi'ouping of the young rosettes gave 97 spotted and 26 unspotted plants. None of these rosettes closely resembled 0. Luniarckiana, being more lax, the leaves having longer petioles and more tapering bases ; and they were also more ascending than in the rosettes of 0. Lamarckiana. They may be compared with 0. Lamarckiana in Plate VI, in which 0. rubri- calyx-ro's.ettes are at the top, 0. Lamarckiana at the bottom, and the present series of hybrids in the second row from the top. The foliage 92 Negative Correlation In Oenothera Ilj/hrids in the spotted group was perceptibly darker green and the leaves slightly broader and more crinkled than in the unspotted group. As the rosettes grew older, a small number were noted, which were differentiated from the rest in being rather coarsely crinkled, with the obvate to oblong-dbvate blades abruptly contracted, with a slight undulation, to a ti'iangular- winged petiole. The lea\es hylos, Cal- luna. Eucalyptus and many others Myricetin HO CO 357° Pliloroglucin Myrica (bark), leaves of and lihuji, Ilannatoxylon, gallic acid Aictostnphylos Fisetin Above 300'^' Resoroinol and protocatechuic acid Iiliu.i (wood) Chrysin 110 HO CO > 275° Phloroglucin ropulus (buds) and benzoic acid Apigenin o HO HO CO 347° Phloroglucin haavea oS Apiiim, Reseilit and p-oxybenzoic acid Luteolin . O HO HO CO OH OH > 327" Phloroglucin Leaves of Reseda, Genista, and Digitalis protocatechuic acid Kampherol O HO HO CO 27fi° Phloroglucin and p-oxybenzoic acid In flowers of Primus, Del- phitiiuin, leaves of Poly- gonum, Indigofera, Ro- bin i a M. Wheldale 113 intense yellow colour with alkalies ; this reaction is readily seen when parts of plants, which are free from chlorophyll, are immersed in ammonia vapour. White flowers under these conditions turn canary- yellow. When water extracts of glucosides of the flavones are hydrolysed by boiling with an acid, the flavone separates out from the solution owing to the fact that it is less soluble than it was when in the form of a glucoside. The flavones themselves are yellow crystalline substances, as a rule readily soluble in alcohol, sparingly soluble in ether, and almost insoluble in water. Their solutions give yellow or orange precipitates of lead salts with lead acetate and generally a green or brown coloration with ferric salts. The colour of the flavones is due to the chromophore group : o c II o in conjunction with hydroxyl groups, the auxochromes, the intensity of colour depending on the position of the latter (Smiles, 22). When the hydroxyl groups are replaced by sugar or by acetyl or benzoyl radicals a coloui'less, or practically colourless, compound is produced, since the effect of the auxochromes is eliminated. The fact that the flowers of the ivory variety of Antirrhinum become yellow in ammonia vapour suggested that the pale yellow or ivory pigment might be a flavone. Ivory pigment was prepared from the upper lips of ivory flowers in the following way (W^heldale, 32). Large quantities of material were boiled with water, filtered, and poured into lead acetate solution which precipitates the pigment as a canary-yellow lead salt. This was filtered otf and decomposed by dilute sulphuric acid which precipitates the lead as lead sulphate, the pigment being set free again in solution. After filtering off the lead sulphate, the pigment in the dil ite acid solution was boiled, by which means the glucoside is hydi'olysed, and on cooling, the free pigment is deposited as a brownish-yellow precipitate which is filtered off and dried. The crude pigment was then purified by extracting in a Soxhlet thimble over boiling ether in which the ivory pigment is soluble and 114 Chemistry of Memlelian Factors Jor Floiver-Colonr was thereb}' purified from oxidised products formed in hydrolysis. The ether extract was crystallised from alcohol, the crystals being in the form of pale yellow plates. The pigment was next converted into its acetyl derivative by boiling with acetic anhydride. The acetyl deriva- tive is pure white (owing to replacement of the hydroxyl groups by the acetyl residue) and crystallises in long needles. The pigment may be again obtained in a completely pure state by hydrolysing the acetyl derivative with alcoholic soda solution. From the analyses and melting points of the acetyl derivative and of the pure pigment (Wheldale and Bassett, 33), the latter was identified with apigenin, a fiavone of known constitution occurring in Parsley (Apium Petroselinum), and in small quantities in Reseda luteula : O HO OH HO CO The yellow pigment of the yellow variety was found to be present in the epidermis only of the lips of the corolla, the inner tissues con- taining apigenin. Hence the crude pigment, prepared in the way described above from the upper lips of the yellow variety, always consisted of a mixture of apigenin and yellow pigment. From pre- liminary experiments it seemed likely that the yellow pigment was the flavone, luteolin. On this assumption, a separation of the two pigments was brought about by means of hydrobromic acid which forms a com- pound with luteolin but not with apigenin. The yellow pigment was identified with luteolin by means of its melting point and other properties and the melting point' of its benzol sulphonyl derivative (Wheldale and Bassett, 34). Luteolin has been isolated from Reseda luteolu and it is also found in Genista tinctoria and in leaves of Digitalis. It is represented as : P ,OH HO OH CH HO CO and owes its intense colour to the ortho-position of the two hydroxyl groups in the side ring, which structui-e does not occur in apigemn. M. Wheldale 115 Hence we may regard the dominant ivory factor in Antirrhinum as the power to inhibit the formation of hiteolin. The difference between the ivory and 3'ellow varieties can however be expressed in a more fundamental way. When the flavones are fused at a high temperature with caustic alkali, a splitting of the molecule takes place into a phenol, usually phlorogiucin, and a hydroxybenzoic acid. It is most probable that the flavones, conversely, are synthesised in the plant from the same phenols and acids, or their derivatives. Hence the particular flavone synthesised depends on the hydro.Kybenzoic acid formed in the plant. In the ivory variety the constitution of the living molecule is such that only a monohydroxy acid can be formed, whereas in the yellow a dihydroxy acid is formed in addition. More than this cannot at present be said and no particular benefit is gained at present by postulating an enzyme connected with the process. From the white variety no flavone could be extracted, nor do the flowers give the canary -yellow colour when subjected to ammonia vapour. The Anthocijanin Figments of Antirrhinum and Contaurea. By crossing yellow and ivory varieties with whites carrying suitable factors, the anthocj'anin-containing varieties can be produced in F^ : ■ YYiirrbb (yellow) x yijURRhh (white) — ■*■ YyiiRrhh (orange) „ X yyiiRRBB (white) — >■ YyiiRrBh (crimson) YYIIrrbb (ivory) x yyiiRRbb (white) — ^ YyliRrbb (rose dore) „ X yyiiRRBB (white) — >■ YyliRrBb (magenta) Thus it is obvious that in each of the above cases the constituents of anthocyanin are separated in the two parents but when they come together again in F^, the pigment can be formed. The universal distribution of flavones, the similarity in properties between flavones and anthocyanins, and their intimate connection in the above crosses led to the suggestion (Wheldale, 27, 28, 30), that anthocyanins may be derivatives from flavones and that the white variety contains some factor which modifies the flavone with formation of anthocyanin. In the plant, the anthocyanins are present as glucosides, in solution in the cell-sap of the epidermis of the corolla. From water or alcohol solutions, they are precipitated as green lead salts, by addition of leac acetate. 116 Chemist ri/ of Mendelian Factors for Floicer -Colour Pure anthocyanin was prepared from five varieties of Antirrhinum in the following way (Wheldale and Bassett, 35). Crude pigment was obtained by the method described for yellow and iv(jry varieties. Since anthocyanin only occurs in the epidermis, while apigenin is found in the inner tissues of the corolla, all crude pigment consisted of mixtures of anthocyanin and apigenin, and, in some cases, of luteolin in addition. Anthocyanin was purified from flavones by extracting the mixture for several months with boiling ether. The residue of crude anthocyanin was then dissolved in the mininuim amount of alcohol and precipitated by ether in which it is insoluble. The dried precipitate was again extracted with ether to remove all traces of flavone. In this way anthocyanin was obtained in a purer condition than by crystallisation, since fi'om a mixture flavone and aiithoc\-anin readily crystallise out together. Combustions of pure anthocyanin prepared from rose dore and from bronze showed the anthocyanin pigments to be identical in both ca.ses, the difference of colour in the flowers being merely due to the presence of luteolin in the latter case. In the same way combustions of pure magenta anthocyanin from magenta and from crimson showed that crimson in the flower is a mixture of magenta anthocyanin and luteolin. The same magenta anthocyanin was also obtained from a variety — ivory tinged with magenta — which is formed from magenta by loss of a deepening factor. Hence the anthocyanin pigments in the tinged and full-coloured varieties are identical. From analyses of anthocyanin from both red and magenta varieties, both pigments were found to contain much higher percentages of oxygen than the flavone : C Red anthocyanin ... .'5r81°/„ Magenta anthocyanin .50-.50 Apigenin ... ... 66'66 A determination of the molecular weights of the two anthocyanins showed them to be of the order of magnitude of 700 for magenta and 570 for the red. Hence, if derived from flavones, of which the molecular weight is about 270, changes other than oxidation must be involved. It is most probable that there is also condensation of two or more molecules of flavone or condensation of a flavone molecule with other aromatic substances. If the latter be the case, condensation with one H 0 (by difference) 5-01 7, 4318 7„ 511 44-39 3-70 29-64 M. Whbldalb 117 substance might produce red anthocyanin and a further condensation with a second substance magenta anthocyanin, and the power to form these substances would be represented by the red and blue factors. Hjrpotheses in this connection are, however, of little value until we have more knowledge of the constitution of the pigments themselves. Nothing, moreover, can be said at present of the nature of the factors causing the deepening or dilution of anthocyanin characteristic of deep and pale varieties. At this point some account must be given of the work of Will- statter (36), on the anthocyanin of the Coi-nflower (Centaurea). The author states that in the flower three pigments are present, a red, a violet, and a blue. Willstatter is of the opinion that the anthocyanin of Centaurea contains a nucleus of the type of Fig. 1, colour being due to the presence of the quinonoid structure : OH Fig- 1. The above would represent the nucleus of the violet pigment, which is also in itself an acid. Under certain conditions a change readily takes place to a colourless isomer, the oxonium oxygen becoming divalent : Fig. 2. The isomer is really a flavone with an extra and unusual hydroxyl group in position 2. The blue pigment in the flower, according to Willstatter, is the potassium salt of the compound in Fig. 1, the position of the potassium being uncertain. If the cell-sap is alkaline, the blue salt predominates or is alone present. 118 Chemt'Mri/ of McnfleUan Factors for Flower-Colonr If there is excess of acid in the cell-sap an oxonimn salt with an organic plant acid is formed: 0-X FiR. 3. and crystalline salts, which the pigment readily forms with hydrochloi-ic acid, are regarded as artificial compounds of a similar kin and the rate of division vary with the temperature in both cases; but the general conclusions given above appear valid for all experiments, mutatis mutandis. 49. The " moment of karyoplasmic tension " is the moment at which division is determined. If this were not so, indeed, it would be difficult to understand how any division could occur'. Popotf ( 1 908) established this by ingenious vivisection experiments. The karyo- plasmic ratio of a Frontonia was changed by cutting ofif a piece of its cytoplasm. If this was done during the period oi'fitiietiunal growth, the cytoplasm continued to grow until the normal karyoplasmic ratio was again established. Division was consequently delayt^d, but finally took place in the usual way. If, however, a piece of cytoplasm was removed during the period of division growth, the animal did not regulate its karyo- plasmic ratio by compensatory growth of cytoplasm ; but it divided at the proper time (I7th hour) with an abnormal karyoplasmic ratio. This seems to indicate that the moment of karyoplasmic tension determines division. And, moreover, Popoff elicited the curious fact that the plane of division is also determined at this moment : for an animal from which cytoplasm had been removed during the period of division growth divided, into two unequal-sized individuals, at the plane which would have been median had the animal been whole. 50. Moody (1912) has made .some measurements of Spathidium which — she believes — tally with Popoff's results for Frontonia and Paramecium (§§ 47, 48). But unfortunately no real confirmation of his laborious and important researches has yet appeared. It is easy to criticize or disbelieve his conclusions, but to test them by further experiments performed in the same manner is an arduous task. And without further experimental evidence, criticism of this work becomes merely an academic discussion of probabilities — of no real value. 51. Inquiries have been instituted into the effects of chemical and physical agents upon the rate of fission in ciliates, and some results of this work may suitably be considered here. We have already seen ' In the case cited above, for example, it will be seen that the karyoplasmic ratio is normal (67) just before division. As it is the same in the uewly divided organism, one naturally asks why division should occur at all — assuming it to be determined by the karyoplasmic ratio. Some such explanation as that given above therefore becomes necessary. C. DOBELL 151 (§§ 28, 36, 37) that certain chemical (and physical ?) stimuli are able to increase the rate of division in " depressed " cultiires\ but similar effects have also been pi-oduced in normal organisms. 52. Peters (1904) has laid emphasis on the fact that the salt content of the medium in which ciliates are cultivated is a most important factor. He found as a result of numerous experiments that an excess of KCl in an otherwise normal medium accelerates the division of Stentor. Small quantities of chloroform act similarly upon Para- mecium. 53. Calkins and Lieb (1902) who studied the effects of alcohol on "depressed" Paramecium found that this substance acts, in a certain concentration, as " a continued stimulus which sustains the high rate of division even during periods of depression of the control series." But Woodruff (1908) has shown that minute doses of alcohol sometimes increase and sometimes decrease the rate of fission. In the former case, " the effect is not continuous, but gradually diminishes and finally the rate of division falls below that of the control." A larger dose of alcohol will again increase the rate of fission, but again for a limited period only-. These results may be compared with those of Daniel (1909) who finds that Stentor and Spirostomum can acquire a specific resistance to alcohol — becoming " acclimatized " to small but gradually increasing doses. Both Woodruff and Daniel found that alcohol-resistant ciliates are more susceptible to certain other chemicals. 54. The toxicity of certain salts to Paramecium has been studied by Woodruff' and Bunzel (1909). Estabrook (1910) has studied the effects of various chemicals on the growth of the same form. All the substances tried^ behaved in a similar manner: " When very weak they have no effect whatever. In greater concentrations, all retard the later stages of growth" and cause "other injury to the organism." It is surprising to find, however, that complete growth can occur in a medium consisting of nothing but distilled water and a little NaCl. It may be noted here that Piitter (1905) has found that Paramecium and other ciliates can live for many days in distilled water containing no free oxygen. 55. Many of the earlier workers found that temperature has a marked influence on the rate of fission (§ 19). All later workers have ' And the decrease in rate of fission during "depression" may also be due to chemical causes. - Cf. also Matheny (1910). ^ These were NaCl, nicotine, strychnine, and alcohol, in different concentrations. 152 On fhe Genetics of the Ciliate Protozoa reached the same conclusion. [Cf. Joukowsky (1898), Popoff (1908), Rautmann (1909), Woodruff and Baitsell (191 U), Sun (1912), etc.] The higher the temperature, the more rapid the rate of fission. For example, Popoff (1908) found that Stylonychia niytilus divides about once every 8 hours at 25° C, every 16 hours at 18° C, every 30 hours at 14° C, every 48 hours at 10° C. Woodruff and Baitsell (19116), Sun (1912) and Jollos (1913) point out that the increase in the rate of division with increase of temperature follows van't Hoff's rule for the velocity of a chemical reaction. 56. There is, of course, a maximal and a minimal temperature beyond which a ciliate cannot live and divide. These limits were determined by Rautmann (1909) for Puramecimn as 35° C' and 5°C. respectively. More recently Hutchison (1913), who has studied several forms, concludes that each species " has a resistance jDeculiarly its own," but " the amount of variation within the species may be considerable." Different strains of Paramecium caudatwm, foi' instance, showed very different powers of thermal resistance. 57. Rate of fission may also depend to some extent upon the form of nutrition (§ 19). An illustration of this is given by Joukowsky (1898) who found that Pleurotricha reproduced more rapidly when fed carnivorously on Uroiiema thari when kept in infusions of hay, flour, or albumin. 58. It was found by McClendon (1909) that the rate of fission in Paramecium is accelerated if the animal is subjected to centrifugal force for a certain time. His controls, however, seem to have been abnormally slow in dividing, and the mortality excessively high. 59. According to Peters (1904) KCl not only accelerates division in Stentor (§ 52) but also modifies its character. The organism under- goes an abnormal process of " budding " often forming very minute " dwarfs." Further information about this curious phenomenon is to be desired. The tlwarfs seem to have originated by what may be called "chemical vivisection " or mutilation of the individual. It would be interesting to know whether they are viable and able to reproduce — whether they reorganize to normal size and form — whether they produce dwarf or normal offspring. 60. According to Joukowsky (1898) the size of a ciliate may depend upon its food. Pleitrotricha was found to vary from 200 /j. to ]5 /x in ' It was found that a temperature as high as 45^ C. might be withstood if the animals were exposed to it for only a very short time. Compare also Jollos (1913). C. DOBELL 153 length — giant individuals of this species and Oiiychodronius resulting from cannibalism. 61. We may now pass to a consideration of variations and their hereditary transmission — a matter to which the foregoing facts inevit- ably lead us. The nature of " heredity " in the asexual reproductive process of a ciliate should be clearly realized, and I would therefore remind the reader of a few important facts before introducing this subject. It is often assumed that " inheritance " in a ciliate is a very simple matter — one organism merely dividing into two exactly similar organisms. A moment's thought, however, will make it clear that when a complex creature with morphologically and physiologically differ- entiated ends divides transversely across the middle, the acquisition of the parent's form by the two daughter-individuals is by no means so simple a matter as at first sight it might ajjpear. Indeed, it is probably true that all the complex buccal and appendicular structures — in fact the entire ciliary coat and all its derivatives — of the parent are resorbed or undifferentiated during division and a set of corre- sponding organs formed by new growth and differentiation in each daughter organism. Details of this process in certain complex forms have been worked out especially by Wallengren (1901) and Griffin (1910). In no known case is the differentiated protoplasm of the parent passively parcelled out or " handed down " to the offspring in the fashion contemplated by a priori speculators. Only certain inclusions' (food, symbiotic algae, etc.), behave thus. The nuclei, of course, divide during division of the organism as a whole, but in the meganucleus undiff'erentiation and subsequent re-differentiation often occur during fission. 62. Simpson (1902) has shown that when a Paramecium divides into two, the products — measured at given later moments — may differ from one another in size. But Jennings (1909) has shown that "these 'variations ' are mere temporary fluctuations, without effect in heredity " (§ 63). 63. Jennings (1908 a, 1909, 1911) has now demonstrated, by long series of careful measurements and observations, the important fact that the species of Paramecium called caudatum and aurelia are not homogeneous — that each consists of an assemblage of distinct races (Jordan's " little species," Johannsen's " pure lines ") which differ inter se, but which in se are constant. These races differ from one another not only in size and form but also in physiological respects. The ' But see § 81 et seq., infra. 154 On the Genetics of the Ciliate Protozoa distinctive characters of 6 such " pure lines " of cnudatum. and 5 of aurelia are fully set forth by Jennings and Hargitt (1910). 64. The nature of these pure lines will be instantly envisaged in the accompanying diagram (Fig. 4). We here see (upper line) outlines X340 of individuals of mean size belonging to eight different races of Para- mecium, drawn to the same scale. The differences in size are remarkable — the actual mean length of the largest race (L., caudatum) reaching 230 /ti, of the smallest (i, aurelia) only 90^. 65. Within each race the individuals may differ considerably from one another in size — as a result of growth, nutrition, and external conditions. This is shown diagrammatically in Fig. 4 (lower line), which depicts the relative dimensions of 10 individuals belonging to C. DOBBLL 155 the race D (upper line). The largest individual has a length of 256 /x, the smallest 80 ix. But the races all breed true to their mean dimensions. " Breeding from the extreme specimens — ;the largest and smallest — of a .single race, we get several hundred individuals from each. Both produce progent/ of the same mean size. Each pi'oduces a whole series of varying individuals, just like the original racial series ; the series produced by the largest individual is exactly like that produced by the smallest, or by any other. Selection within the pure race is of no effect on the size" (Jennings, 1909). All the races appear to be " singularly resistant, remaining quite constant in most respects, so far as has been determined" (Jennings, 1911). The importance of these conclusions for every worker engaged in the study of genetics in the Ciliata is obvious. There can be little doubt that Jennings's conclusions will be found to hold good for ciliates other than Para- mecium. He himself (cf. Jennings and Hai-gitt, 1910) has shown that there are many indications pointing to this conclusion : and he has also made it clear that non-recognition of the existence of pure lines in general populations of ciliates is a source of error which can lead — and probably has led — to many wrong conclusions concerning variation in these organisms. 66. Many interesting observations have been made upon the pro- duction and asexual transmission of variations, and the more important of these may now be considered. We may begin with certain normal "modifications" which are due to differences of temperature. R. Hertwig found that the value of the karyoplasmic ratio (§ 30) in a given species of ciliate varies according to the temperature at which the organisms are cultivated'. As a general rule, the size of the meganucleus is relatively larger in animals kept at a low temperature, smaller in those at a high temperature. Further, this difference is both relative and absolute, for the organisms themselves are larger at a low temperature than at a high temperature. 67. Confirmation of Hertwig's conclusions (§66) has been given by Popotf (1908, 1909) and Rautmann (1909), for Frontonia, Stylonychia, and Paramecium. An illustration may be taken from the case of Stylonychia (Popoff, 1908), summarized in the following table ^: ■ The value of the karyoplasmic ratio also appears to be different in different races of Paramecium. See note by Popoff and Rautmann (Popoff, 1909, p. 180). ^ L, B and W stand for length, breadth and width. The length of the nucleus is the combined length of its two components, the width the mean of the two widths. The units of measurement are not microns but di%'isions of the ocular micrometer used by Popoff. I have given the measurements to the first decimal place only. 156 0)1 the Genetics of the Ciliate Protozoa Mean Dimensions of Body L. Meganucleus iperature C". L. B. W. B. \V. 25 9-7 6-6 4-5 4-6 0-9 0-8 17—19 11-4 8-7 5-3 5-7 10 11 10 12 ■« 9-0 6-3 5-8 1-3 1-2 The karyoplasmic ratios f -^j calculated for these three temporatiires are respectively 807, 77'4, 74. The dimensions of the micronuclei in Fruntonia appear to vary like those of the meganucleus (Popofif, 1909), but in Stylonychia they were not studied. 68. These size-differences are not permanent ; apparently they are manifested as a direct resjjonse to temperature — like differences in rate of fission (§ 55). Rautmann (1909) has found, however, that ri.se of temperature, rise of fission-rate, and rise of karyoplasmic ratio do not all run parallel. For increase in rate of fission (in Paramecium) accompanies increase in temperature — the temperatures tried being 5° to 35° C. : whereas the karyoplasmic ratio f-v^j increases with the temperature up to 25°, but then begins to sink. When an organism is subjected to a change of temperature, it can regulate its karyoplasmic ratio to that characteristic for the new temperature in the space of time which elapses between one division and the next — for a tem- perature interval of 5° C. 69. Jollos (1913) experimenting with pure lines of Paramecium, cuudatum, has found that although differences in size are produced by- changes of temperature — as described by Hertwig, Popofif and Rautmann — nevertheless these differences are transitory. At a new temperature, a change of size is at first observable, but later it disappears. The animals appear to become adapted to the new temperature and then to readjust themselves to their original proportions. Jollos also states that resistance to extremes of temperature can be induced in Para- mecium to a slight degree. But here again the modification is impermanent — being lost if the organisms are returned to a normal temperature. 70. In one case Jollos (1913) claims to have produced a permanent change (" mutation ") in Paramecium. From a race subjected to a high temperature he obtained a small race which is permaveutly small — at high, normal, and lower temperatures. This race has conjugated without reverting to the original size. It differs also in being less susceptible C. DOBELL 157 than the original race to sudden changes of temjDerature. The original culture was derived from a single individual; and after conjugation an exconjugant was similarly isolated and cultivated, so that Jollos's belief that he has assisted at the production of a " mutation " appears' to be justified. 71. Jollos (1913) has further recorded experiments with arsenic compounds. He finds that Paramecium may acquire an increased resistance to arsenic if treated with it for some time-. An arsenic- resistant race so produced remains resistant for a considerable time if bred further in an arsenic-free medium. But the increased resistance gradually diminishes in the course of time, until it is finally lost. The loss is more rapid if the animals are subjected to sudden changes in temperature and nutrition. For such a partially permanent change Jollos proposes the name of " enduring modification " (Dauermodifika- tion). (See also infra, § 113.) 72. Estabrook (1910) has found no evidence that a race of Para- mecium of a given mean size can be transformed by chemicals (§ 54) into a larger or a smaller race. Temporary changes in size were observed, but regarded as due to " variations in the nutritive and other conditions of the normal environment." Concerning another ciliate, however, Prowazek (1909) has published a peculiar observation. Leucophr-ys patula was said by Maupas to be dimorphic — some organisms being large, others small ^ Prowazek has confirmed this : and he adds that he has been able, by treating cultures of the smaller form with minute doses of quinine, to extract from them races of the larger form. These, however subsequently reverted to the smaller form. 73. Among the records of experimentally produced variations the researches of Popoff occupy a prominent place. From studies relating to the karyoplasmic ratio (|§ 45 — 49) he surmised that variations in size might originate through alteration of the relative proportions of nuclear and cytojDlasrnic matter. Thus if an organism with a given karyoplasmic ratio ;*■ chanced to divide into two new individuals of unequal size, but each with a normal ratio («) ; then it might be supposed that the now individuals would give rise to new races of ' His paper is only a preliminary note, without adequate evidence for his statements. 2 Compare the similar but more definite results previously obtained by others with trypanosomes — reviewed in an earlier paper in this Journal (Vol. ii. p. 201, 1912). 3 Maupas thought the small forms were probably sexual individuals. Prowazek never saw them conjugate, and appears not to share this view : but what his own interpretation of the dimorphism may be (? sexual) I cannot comprehend. It is certain, at all events, that the large and small individuals are not females and males (§ 14). Journ. of Gen. iv H lofi On the Genetics of the Ciliate Protozoa larger or smaller individuals. Popoff believes that ho has actually observed this in Stentor and Frontonia (1909) and Stylonijchia (1908). As a result of unequal division, large and small races arose. They both had a normal karyoplasmic ratio, but differed in size. (See Fig. 5, which shows the relative sizes of a large (A) and small (B) race of Htentor — the animals being outlined at the moment of division. A large (C) and small (D) race of Frontonia is similarly compared — the animals outlined immediately after division.) Unfortunately, it is not clear fi-om Popoff"s statements that he actually saw the unequal divisions which Fig. .5. (From Popoff, 1909.) are supposed to have originated these new races. And the criticism of Jennings' that Popoff" may merely have isolated pure lines (§ 63) from a mixed population is one which seems both plausible and cogent. 74. More convincing are Popoff"s other experiments (1909) on Stentor. This ciliate possesses a meganucleus of a form comparable with a string of beads. By centrifuging an animal which was about to divide, Popoff' caused the nucleus to be unequally distributed to the two daughter-individuals — one receiving 16 "beads," the other only 3, whilst the latter animal was similarly only a quarter of the size of the 1 See Jennings and Hargitt (1910). C. DOBELL 159 former. Both individuals reorganized themselves successfully after fission, and continued to multiply normally for about a week'. They produced giant and dwarf races respectively, according to expectation. It was also ascertained that the individuals of the smaller race had reorganized their meganuclei so that they consisted of the normal number of " beads." 75. In another experiment Popoff (1909) suddenly cooled a Stentor which had begun to divide. The division was thus made to regress. Placed at a norma! temperature, the animal then reorganized itself in a peculiar way into a single individual. It then gi-ew to a very large size, and subsequently divided. A race of giant Stentors was obtained in this way which continued to divide and breed true for as long as the culture was kept (about li months). [The size of this race can be gauged from Fig. 5, E, which shows a dividing individual drawn to the same scale as the other Stentors, A and B.] The karyoplasmic ratio of the giant individuals ajjpeared to be the same as that of the normal race from which they were derived. One of the giant Stentors from the race just described is said to have divided unequally into a large and a small individual. From the former, an even larger race was bred. All attempts to obtain still larger races failed. 76. Popoff (1909) tried to produce new races of Stentor by cutting off pieces of protoplasm from an individual and so changing the karyo- plasmic ratio. The experiments were inconclusive, though it is stated that a small piece of a Stentor containing a small piece of nucleus can reorganize itself into a small individual capable of dividing several times — always forming small individuals. Death always followed, how- ever, and no small race was produced in this fashion'-. It is to be hoped that all Popoff's experiments will soon be repeated by other workers. 77. Somewhat similar experiments have been made on Paramecium by Calkins (1911) and Peebles (1912), and the latter concludes: "The removal of a portion of the cytoplasm does not result in the production of smaller individuals. After several generations have been produced the normal size is regained." 1 The cultures were then lost. - Kegeneration has, of course, been studied in some detail in Stentor — e.g. by Balbiani (1888, 1892, 1893), Gruber, etc. But I know of no record of the production of a race of different size as a result of mutilation. It seems probable, moreover, that vivisected Stentors sooner or later reorganize their meganuclei so that they consist of the normal number of "beads.'' (Cf. Balbiani (1888, 1893), Prowazek (1904), etc.) 11—2 160 On the Genetics of the Ciliate Protozoa 78. The two species of Paramecium called avreiia and caudatum differ fioin one another, inter alia, in that the former has two micro- nuclei, the latter one. [See Maupas (1.S88, 1889), Hertwig (1889).] Calkins (1906), however, advanced the view that both forms belong to the .same species. Of a pair of exconjiigants of caudatum. (1 micro- nucleus) he found that one reorganized after conjugation as a caudatum form, the other as an aurelia — with 2 micronuclei. The aurelia form persisted for a number of generations, but finally reverted t(j the caudatum type. Jennings and Hargitt (1910) and Woodruff (19116) nevertheless regard aurelia and caudatum as " good " species. In this I agree, and I think the conclusions of the former explain Calkins's results — " in rare cases specimens of the caudatum. races have two micronuclei, those of aurelia, races but one'." 79. It may be noted here that Sun (1912) has observed divisions in Paramecium in which the nuclei arc abnormally distributed — the daughter-nuclei all remaining in one individual whilst the other receives none. Enucleate and supernucleate forms may thus arise. The foi-ma- tion of similar enucleate Stentojs has been observed by Prowazek (1904). Individual Paramecia containing only a micronucleus have been found by Kasanzeff (1901) and Sun (1912). The former found them in starved cultures, and believed that they arose by an irregular division or through " hunger degeneration " of the meganucleus. No evidence of the production of new races in this fashion has yet been brought forward. 80. Abnormally nucleate races oi' Paramecium have, however, been experimentally produced by Lewin (1910). By cutting an individual transversely through the meganucleus, he obtained two organisms, one of which retained the micronucleus whilst the other had none. The latter continued to divide, thus producing an " amicronucleate " race. In another case, Lewin cut an abnormally dividing organism so that one-half contained a meganucleus only, the other a meganucleus and both daughter-micronuclei. The former gave rise to an "amicronucleate" race — multiplying slowly, but normally : the latter produced a race with two micronuclei. Both bred true for a considerable time-. ' It is perhaps worth noting here that Powers and Mitchell (lOlll) have described what appears to be another species of Paramecium (called P. multimicroniu-leutuin) which re- sembles candatum but possesses from 2 to 7 micronuclei. ■^ Le Dautec (1897) had previously stated that ciliates deprived of their micronuclei by cuttinK in this manner are able to regenerate this organ. A full account of his experiments has never been published, nor has any confirmation of his statements yet appeared. C. DOBBLL 161 81. Teratological variations' are not very uncommon in ciliates, especially in old cultures. One naturally wants to know the genetic behaviour of monstrous characters, and fortunately some information has already been elicited. Balbiani (1893, p. 56, PI. II, figs. 44, A— N) was, I think, the first to describe the inheritance of an abnormality. He cut a Paramecium, aurelia transversely, and the posterior individual of the two so formed regenerated and later divided. " In the course of the fourth generation an abnormal prolongation in the form of a horn developed on the anterior individual." It persisted during seven subsequent generations, passing to the anterior daughter-individual at each fission, but gradually moving further backwards. Finally it passed to the posterior end of its last possessor, which then died. The sister-organisms appear to have been normal and " hornless " in every case. 82. A comparable case was recorded by Simpson (1901). Of four descendants of a normal exconjugant Paramecium caudatwiu three were normal, but the fourth " developed a cleft tail." This animal continued to divide for several generations. The abnormality persisted in the posterior individual at each division, becoming gradually modified from a "cleft tail" into a long "dorsal lobe." After eight divisions, the abnomial animal died. In every case the anterior sister-individuals were normal. 83. More extensive investigations of the inheritance of such abnormalities have been undertaken by Jennings (1908). He isolated abnormal Paramecia" (with "horns" or "spines," truncated ends, etc.) and studied the fate of the peculiar features during subsequent fissions. In many cases the abnormality gradually disappeared — the normal form being gradually regained in a few generations. Sometimes, however, the animals or their descendants became still more monstrous, and finally died. No permanently abnormal races were ever obtained by selecting monstrous individuals. ' Attention was first called, I believe, to ciliate monsters by Tatem (1870) wbo described two specimens of Chilodon and one of Trachelius in which th'e "lip" was abnormally pro- longed. His comment is worth quoting : "Malformations such as those I have cited have, in my opinion, avalue beyond that of mere curiosities. ..for may theynot help to determine the fixity or otherwise of a species through aberrant forms ? and thus a better knowledge of what is to be regarded as essentially specific be ultimately arrived at." Curiously enough, another "monster" described by Tatem is now recognised as a distinct ppecies (Vorticella monllata). '' The species studied "had the characteristics usually attributed to Paramecium caudatum. " 162 On the Geneiics of the Ciliate Protozoa 84. The behaviour of a monstrous character during fission may be illustrated by the abnormal race a of Jennings, which is fully described for 22 generations. An abnormally bent organism divided into a normal posterior daughter-individual and an anterior possessing a dorsal "spine." In subsequent generations this spine persisted, passing sometimes to the anterior, sometimes to the posterior individual. If we write A and P for anterior and posterior individuals respectively, the transmission of the spine for the 21 generations observed may be represented thus : APAPAPAPPPPAAAPAAPAAA. The last spined animal died. All the sister-individuals were normal, save at the second generation. Here the anterior individual had a small posterior ventral " tooth," which persisted for two further genera- tions, passing each time to the posterior individual, and gradually becoming smaller. At the next division it disappeared completely, two normal individuals being formed. 85. Jennings (1908) gives particulars of other abnormalities in Paramecium and their behaviour during fission, with a long discussion of his results. Special mention may be made of a curious " race " in which the individuals showed a tendency to remain united instead of separating comjjletely during fission. This race was " extinguished by natural selection " in competition with free and more active organisms. 86. McClendon (1909) obtained some results like those of Jennings (§ 84), but in a different manner. As a consequence of centrifugiiig some Paramecia^ he obtained an abnormal individual which divided into two daughter-individuals each possessing a " hom." One of these divided for 7, the other for 5 generations — the horn persisting and passing to one of the daughter-individuals each time, the other being invariably normal. Finally the horned animals died. In position and size the horns differed in different organisms. " After each division the horn is in a different position, and we can predict the position of the horn in each generation by drawing an imaginary line bisecting the animal in the preceding generation transversely." 87. From the observations of Balbiani (§ 81), Simpson (§ 82), Jennings (§ 84), and McClendon (§ 86), the following conclusions may, I think, be drawn. Abnormal growths, however produced, in Para- mecium may be mechanically handed on for a number of generations. Whether they pass to the anterior or posterior product of division is purely a matter of chance, depending upon the position which the ' The species was P. caiidatum. C. DOBELL 163 structure happens to occupy on the parent at the moment of fission. In some cases the abnormality disappears owing to remodelling during successive generations : in other cases the abnormal forms die. Normal sisters of abnormal forms show no tendency to beget correspondingly abnormal individuals. Such teratological variations are therefore negligible as factors in the production of new races. 88. Additional information about ciliate monsters will be found in the following papers: Balbiani (1891) — double monsters in Stentor ; Balbiani (1892, 1893) — various monsters resulting from mutilation of Paramecium, Stentor, etc.; Simpson (1901) and Calkins (1904) — multiple monsters in Paramecium; Prowazek (1904) — double monsters produced by cutting Stentor, etc.; Prowazek (1904 a) — Stylonychia mon- sters with multiple hinder ends, resulting from " degenerative hyper- regeneration " ; Calkins (1911) and Peebles (1912) — multiple and other monsters produced by cutting Paramecia. Hereditary behaviour of abnormalities is hardly touched on in these papers. Yet an interesting fact is several times reported' — namely, that remodelling when it does not take place in a monster itself may occur in its offspring; so that in certain cases at least monstrosity is a temporary manifestation — the peculiarity of the individual and not of its race. This is in accord with the conclusion reached in the preceding paragraph. 89. Before leaving the events of the asexual period, I would mention an interesting observation by Fermor (1913). The authoress finds that reorganization of the nuclear apparatus may occur in Stylo- nychia during encystment — without any sexual manifestations. In the encysted animal, the meganucleus degenerates and disappears. The micronucleus then separates into two parts — one of the products subse- quently forming the new meganuclei, the other forming the new micro- nuclei. Thus the organism which emerges from the cyst has undergone a nuclear reorganization comparable with that which accompanies conjugation (§ 5). Conjugation was never observed in the race of Stylonychia studied. I know of no other similar observation-. ' This occurred, for example, in one of the double Stentors described by Balbiani (1891). ^ It is possible, however, that a similar nuclear reorganization may occur at times in unencysted, asexually reproducing organisms. Hertwig (1889) believed that such a process ("parthenogenesis") occurred in Paramecium, and a similar suggestion of the occurrence of " autogamy " in the same form has more recently been made by Woodruff (1908 a). The matter requires fuller investigation. [Whilst this article is passing through the press, an important announcement has been made by Woodruff and Erdmann ("Complete periodic nuclear reorganization without cell fusion in a pedigreed race of Paramecium," Proc. Soc. exp. Biol, and Med., Vol. xi. No. 3, 1914, p. 73), The authors state that they 164 On the Genetics of the Ciliate Protozoa B. The Sexual Period. 90. Turning our attention now to the sexual phase of ciliate life we must consider the causes and effects' of conjugation. We may begin with certain isreliminaries to the process — considering first " assortative mating." This has been proved biometrically by Pearl (1907) to occur in Paramecium caudatum. He found that conjugants are smaller^ less variable, and more alike than non-conjugants (as regards size and form). The likene.ss between a pair of conjugants is "not due to any local environmental factor" but to " homogamy " — individuals tending to pair with their likes, not at random. These observations have been confirmed by Jennings (1911 a) in both P. caudatum and P. aurelia. Watters (1912) reports similar conditions in Blepharisma. 91. That assortative mating occurs in ciliates generally has not been proved, nor has it been tlemonstratetl that conjugants are always smaller than non-conjugants^ or that they are usually of the same size. Marked differences in the sizes of a conjugating pair have often been noted — for example, by Mulsow (1913) in Stentor. He noticed that conjugants are smaller than non-conjugants, but found that only about half the pairs'* were composed of similar sized individuals. In other cases one individual was smaller than its partner — the difference being sometimes very considerable. Doflein (1907) says that " in Paramecium putrinum almost half the pairs are composed of distinctly different individuals." Indeed, he was so impressed with the dissimilarities observable between two conjugating individuals in many .sj)ecies that he enunciated a " working hypothesis " to account for them. The frequent suggestion that the differences between the members of a conjugating pair are sexual in nature — the larger being female, the smaller male — is manifestly due to a misunderstanding of the nature of a conjugant (§ 14). For my own part, I do not consider that have been able to show that " the rhythms in the division rate of Paramecium are the phj-siologieal expression of profound nnclear changes," which "involve the formation of a complete new nuclear apparatus."..." This nuclear reorganization is evidently a normal substitute for typical conjugation."] ' I use these elusive terms in their colloquial sense, without prejudice to any conception of causality. - Previously observed by Maupas, Gruber and others. ^ Maupas (1889) enumenites 10 species in which the conjugants are smaller than the non-conjugants, and 7 in which they are of the same size. ^ About 3000 pairs were studied— but not biometrically. C. DOBBLL 165 " homogamy " in Paramecium means much. It is merely an expression of the fact that a population of sexually mature individuals is more uniform in size than is a population of adults, adolescents, and children. 92. Is there a "eugamic period," or period of "karyogamic maturity," in the life-cycle of a ciliate ? Many experiments could be quoted to show that there is not. For instance. Calkins (1902) concludes: " ' Karyogamic maturitj' ' does not signify much when fertile unions occur with individuals' in the 350th, the 410th, the 4.67th, and .500th generations of the same culture." And Jennings (1913) records an experiment (No. 9) in which he studied two lines of P. awelia, both derived from one original ancestor, but only one of which had been allowed to conjugate. "Under the proper conditions both sets con- jugate at the same time, in spite of the fact that one has conjugated at least four times since the other." These and similar observations (especially those on reconj ugation — § 120 infra) seem to indicate clearly that a " eugamic period," as conceived by Maupas, does not exist°. 93. R. Hertwig (190.5) states that when Dileptus is starved^ two rapidly succeeding divisions ("hunger divisions") take place, resulting in the formation of four small individuals from each original individual. This is said to occur also in Didinium (Prandtl, 1906) and Paramecium (Kasanzetf, 1901). "Since Infusoria which have undergone hunger- divisions proceed to conjugate, a causal connexion seems to exist between the two phenomena. The hunger-divisions correspond in this respect with the maturation divisions of multicellular organisms." It is true that these " hunger-divisions " may account for the smaller size of conjugants — when they are smaller: but the remainder of Hertwig's argument seems based on a false analogy. For since the conjugant is not a gamete but a sexual individual (§ 12), it cannot properly be compared with a germ-cell. The phenomena in a ciliate . which are homologous with the two meiotic divisions in a metazoon are the micronuclear divisions preceding fertilization (§ 13). ' Paramecium caudatum. " It is possible, however, that under normal conditions conjugation maj' occur with fairly regular periodic frequency. Jennings (1910) describes a race of Paraimeium which, under suitable conditions, will conjugate again 5 days after conjugation: in other races there was an interval of "a year or more." Something like a "eugamic period "may couceivably exist, therefore, though it seems very improbable that this is the "explanation" of these facts. ' Hunger, it will be recalled, is a condition conducive to conjugation, according to Maupas (§ 20). 166 On the Genetics of the Ciliate Protozoa 94. Hunger was believed by Maupas (§ 20) to induce conjugation in cultures containing sexually mature individuals. The ert'ects of hunger upon the organism have since been specially studied by Wallengren (1901 a, — Paramecium and Colpidium) and Kasanzeff (1901, — Paramecium). Wallengren finds that hunger produces de- generative changes in the cytoplasm (vacuolation, etc.) and meganucleus (fragmentation, etc.), but not in the micronucleus. Starved individuals are of conspicuously smaller size. These observations are confirmed by Calkins (1904). Kasanzeff finds that starvation leads to an increase in the size of the meganucleus. And R. Hertwig (1899, 1902, 1905, etc.) has been led by these and similar observations to formulate the following raisoii d'etre of conjugation — based upon his hypothesis of the karyo- plasmic ratio (§ 30) : In the course of normal functional activity of the organism, or as a result of hunger, the meganucleus grows at the expense of the cytoplasm, thus causing an increasing disproportion in the mass-relations of the one to the other. This disproportion may be compensated by a reorganization of the nuclear apparatus : and conjugation therefore takes place in order to bring about this result. Conjugation is thus regarded as a means of regulating the karyoplasmic ratio. Some remarkable experiments inspired by this idea have since been made. 95. It will be recalled that the meganucleus is relatively larger in ciliates kept at a low temperature than in those kept at a high temperature (§ 66). It therefore occurred to Prandtl (1906) that if he were to subject organisms adapted to a low temperature suddenly to a higher, they would find themselves in an abnormal condition in which the meganucleus was too large. In other words, the condition which normally leads to nuclear reorganization through conjugation could be thus brought about experimentally. A sudden change of this sort ought, therefore, to lead to conjugation. The experiment was tried with Didinium and Dileptiis, and with successful results. Conjugation took place at the higher temperature. It should be noted that in these experiments temperature was not the only factor con- cerned. For Prandtl supplied his animals with plentiful nourishment at room temperature, and then starved them at the subsequent tem- perature of 25° C. Similar experiments were made on the vorticellid Carchesium' by Popoff (1908 ((), with a like successful result. He found further that starvation coupled with lowered temperature favoured the production of males : whereas coupled with raised temperature it led to ' Wrongly stated to have been Epixti/lis in an earlier paper (Popoff, 1907). C. DOBBLL 167 the production of females \ In all his experiments, however, starvation introduces a complication : so that after carefully studying the facts which he, Prandtl, and Hertwig have so far recorded, I am still unable to understand the real significance of these interesting observations. They seem to me suggestive rather than demonstrative. 96. The method employed by Maupas (1889) for inducing ciliates to conjugate consisted in the simple procedure of transferring some individuals from a large stock culture to a small culture on a slide. As soon as the food in the smaller culture was exhausted, conjugation occurred — provided the animals were " sexually mature." Essentially the same measure has been frequently used with success by other workers (Hamburger, 1904 ; Calkins and Cull, 1907 ; Enriques, 1907 ; Jennings, 1913; Calkins and Gregory, 1913; Woodruff, 1914; etc.). Jennings (1913) describing his method says: "In the evening large numbers of the animals [P. caudatum and P. cmrelia] were taken from the large cultures and placed in watch glasses; early the following morning they were usually beginning conjugation." He believes that conjugation occurs " not as a result of starvation, but at the beginning of a decline in the nutritive conditions, after a period of exceptional richness that has induced rapid multiplication" (Jennings, 1910). Calkins had earlier (1902) concluded that "hunger is not a pre-requisite for union, it apparently prevents conjugation." 97. Enriques has long maintained that " the necessary and sufficient conditions for conjugation are environmental conditions" (1909 a). He states (1907) that Colpoda steini will conjugate only when the depth of the culture is 2 — 3 mm.- — never in deeper cultures. He further states that the liquid from a culture in which conjugation is taking place, when added to a non-conjugating culture, brings about conjugations in it : and reversely, liquid from a non-conjugating culture, added to a conjugating culture, causes cessation of conjugation. He concludes that the onset of conjugation "does not depend upon mysterious con- ditions developing themselves in the infusoria, but the modifications of the circumambient liquid play the chief part." 98. Pursuant of this train of thought, Enriques (1909) has per- formed a number of experiments with Gryptochilum nigricans. He ' Popoff incorrectly (§ 14) calls males aud females " microgametes " and "macro- gametes." ^ Compare in this connexion the much earlier experiments of Everts (1873) on Vorticella. He believed that conjugation was caused by the drying up of the water iiu which the animals lived. 1G8 On the Genetics of the Ciliate Protozoa says that this ciliate will thrive in an infusion of hay in distilled water: but in this medium conjugation cannot occur. Conjugation depends upon the presence of salts. Addition of NaCl, NaBr, or Nal in certain concentrations causes epidemics of conjugation — the efficacy of these salts being in the order given. [That is, the order of efficacy corre- sponds with the order of the halogens in the periodic sy.steni, and is the reverse order of their toxicity.] The effects produced by CaClj and FeoCls were surprising. One part (by weight) of either salt in one million parts of medium was sufficient to inhibit conjugation: but stronger doses (1 : 10,000) caused intense epidemics of conjugation. Addition of iron to the cultures had the most pronounced effect. 99. Similar but more extensive experiments have been made with Paramecium caudatum by Zweibaum (1912). Stripped of detail, his results are as follows. If a pure line oi Paramecium is richly nourished in hay infusion, it will continue to multiply for an indefinite period without conjugating. If organisms are from time to time tested by placing them in solutions free from hay but containing (1) salts' in strong or (2) salts in medium concentrations or (3) no salts, then still no conjugations result. If however, the richly nourished culture is changed — by removing the hay — into a " hunger culture," and if this is similarly tested after the lapse of a considerable time (5 — 6 weeks), then the trials result thus: in (1) and (3) no conjugations; in (2) abundant conjugations. In other words, the conditions necessary for conjugation in Paramecium, are — plentiful feeding, followed by starva- tion, followed by treatment with salts in medium concentration. Con- jugation can occur at temperatures from 9° C. to 29° C. (optimum 20° — 23°). There is an optimum concentration for each salt — which was determined — and successful results can be obtained by substituting glucose for salts. The most effective salt was found to be AICI3, which in concentrations of N/24000 to N/48000 gave "always almost complete epidemics" of conjugation. As they stand, these experiments appear to be conclusive, though it is difficult to reconcile them with other observations. It is to be hoped that the work of Ernnques and Zweibaum will soon be repeated by independent investigators. 100. Some additional evidence of the influence of external con- ditions in causing conjugation is given by Baitsell (1912). He found that two lines of Stylonychia, derived from the same original organism but kept in different media, behaved differenti}' as regards conjugation. ' Many different salts were tried, their several effects being described at length and enumerated in 36 tables of experiments. C. DOBELL 169 The line bred in hay infusion refused to conjugate : whereas the parallel line in beef extract conjugated. He concludes that " the determining feature was the medium used." '' Conjugation is induced by external conditions." 101. Jennings (IJ)IO) has come to the conclusion that "the con- ditions determining conjugation differ greatly in different races of Paramecium {aurelia or caudatuin). Some races conjugate frequently, and under conditions readily supplied in experimentation. Others, under the same conditions, conjugate very rarely or not at all." Calkins and Gregory (1913) also share the view that there are con- jugating and non-conjugating lines of Faramecmiii. Such a hypothesis would help us to comprehend the extraordinarily different observations made by different workers : but there is a very serious difficulty in the way of accepting it — namely, we have absolutely no proof that any race exists, which, under suitable conditions, is unable to conjugated Un- doubtedly the weightiest evidence for the existence of such a race was that furnished by Woodruff (§ 39), whose pedigree line of P. aurelia consistently refused to conjugate for over 4000 generations. We now hear, however, that after more than this number of generations, conjugations have at last taken place (Woodruff, 1914). The likelihood that anybody will ever succeed in demonstrating with any plausibility that any given race of ciliates is incapable of conjugating, seems there- fore immeasurably remote. 102. We may now pass to a consideration of the effects of con- iugation. We have already seen that Maupias considered the chief result of conjugation to be " karyogamic rejuvenation " (§ 17). His work has frequently been misinterpreted as showing that conjugation reinvigorates the stock in which it occurs — that after a number of asexual generations the stock becomes weakened with age and divides more slowly, but may be restored to its former vigour and rate of reproduction by means of conjugation^. The work of Maupas does not show this. Calkins (1904), however, has adopted this standpoint, concluding from his work "that conjugation does actually rejuvenate and overcome the conditions of so-called ' old age '." He appears to be • I do not, of course, herebj' controvert the general statement of Jennings (1910) that "the conditions for conjugation are different in different races." '■' This view was first definitely advocated by Biitschli (1875, 1876) who believed that conjugation resulted in "eine erhohte Teilungsfahigkeit," which he interpreted as a sign that "Verjiingung" had been brought about. Balbiani's views were — for a time, at least — similar. 170 On the Genetics of the Oiliate Protozoa still of the same opinion {vide Calkins and Gregdry, lOK^), and many others have at various times concurred. 103. Yet R. Hertwig (1889) clearly showed that such a conclusion is not justified. He found that the rate of fission is not diminished before conjugation, but rather increased. He performed the ingenious experiment of forcibly separating a pair of prospective conjugants soon after they had united, and cultivating them further. Far from dying, they continued to divide noi-mally for many generations — thus showing that they were not incapable of further multiplication, or in need of " rejuvenation " through conjugation. Hertwig's conclusion was the opposite to that generally drawn (§ 102). He believed that the rate of fission becomes abnormally high before conjugation, and that the sexual act has the effect of diminishing and normalizing it. 104. Hertwig's experiment has been repeated by Calkins (1902), and on a large scale by Jennings (1913). The latter has dealt with the facts exhaustively, and his conclusion can hardly be disputed. He writes : " In view of the large number of experiments made by Maupas on this point, the absolute agreement of his results with those of Richard Hertwig ; the fact that these men are perhaps the most thorough investigators that have ever worked along these lines ; the further fact that there exist no careful experimental results opposed to these ; and finally, the very large body of evidence presented in the present paper^ all giving the same results — is it not time that the statements or implications that in the infusoria conjugation results in increased reproduction should disappear from the literature of .science ? " The answer is emphatically affirmative. And it should be noted that it sweeps away all arguments that conjugation causes "rejuvenation," " increased vitality," and the like : for this " vitality " itself is ultimately measured by the rate of fission. 105. The effects of conjugation have been studied in elaborate detail by Jennings (see especially Jemiings 1911a, 1913: Jennings and Lashley, 1913, 1913 a). The extensive nature of his researche.s, the large number of details which he has endeavoured to elucidate, the vast array of facts which he has recorded — all these make his work excessively difficult to understand or to summarize. It can be appre- ciated in the original only. Comparison of experiment with experiment, conclusion with conclusion, leaves me — after devoting much time and attention to the matter — still in doubt as to what all this work really amounts to. Analysis in detail is here impossible, and I must be ' Jennings (1913). C. Do BELL 171 content with the baldest statements and criticisms of Jennings's general conclusions. It may be said at once that the programme of his work is admirable. He has studied both "wild" and pure strains of Furamecium caudatum and P. aurelia, by means of observation and experiment and where possible by biometric methods. Certain characters (fission rate, size, etc.) were studied in individuals or their progeny belonging to the four classes (a) non-conjugants, (6) conjugants, (c) exconj ugants, (d) "split" or "unpaired" conjugants — i.e. individuals forcibly separated, and bred further, after they had united for conjugation \ Knowledge of the behaviour of all these classes of individuals should obviously give definite information concerning the effects of conjugation. 106. The first general conclusion to which Jennings comes is that conjugation causes variation'^ — " Conjugation produces within a pure race heritable differentiations ; so that as a result races diverse in their heritable characters arise from a single race with uniform heritable characters." This conclusion is drawn — speaking generally — fi-om the demonstration that, in a given race, the progeny of non-conjugants and split conjugants are alike, but differ from the progeny of exconjugants. There is greater variability among the progeny of the last. Since conjugation is the only known factor which differentially affects the two groups, it seems justifiable to conclude that it is in some way a " cause " of variation. Yet this conclusion is remarkable. We have seen that non-conjugating "pure lines" are constant in character — the differences which the constituent individuals display being temporary and not heritable (§ 65). We have seen further (§ 90) that within the pure line " assortative mating " occurs, so that the members of a con- jugating pair of organisms are more alike than those of a non-conjugating pair selected at random. And yet after conjugation these like individuals produce progeny which are unlike themselves and their race. 107. Jennings's second conclusion is at first sight even more strange. It is that " conjugation results in biparental inheritance." (See Jennings and Lashley, 1913, 1913 a.) The meaning of this misleading expression^ will be clear from the evidence upon which the conclusion rests. We have seen (| 106) that the progeny of non-conjugants and split con- jugants, within a pure race, are alike : and that the progeny of conjugants 1 E. Hertwig's experiment {§ 103). '' This, of course, is a doctrine long ago promulgated by Weismann. ' I say "misleading" although Jennings explains the term (Jennings and Lashley, 1913, p. 457): for nothing is here "inherited" from the "two parents" save the power to differ from them in a given respect. 172 On the Genetics of the Ciliate Protozoa tend to be different. But biometric proof is now offered that the progeny of one member of a pair of conjugants tend to be like the progeny of the other, owing to the hereditary influence of both " parents " (con- jugants) on all the progeny. It thus appears that conjugation simul- taneously produces uniformity and diversity. I take this paradox to mean that if two similar individuals of the same race conjugate, then the ])rogeny of both will ditt'iT fniiii the original race, though the progeny of one will resemble the progeny of the other in whatever respects it diff'ers from the original race. Or, in other terms, a pair of conjugants a, and a„, belonging to a race a, produce after conjugation progeny forming races bi and h., — differing from a, but resembling one another in both being b. lOS. Both the fundamental conclusions reached by Jennings appear to me unproved. My chief difficulty is that I cannot find convincing evidence of a single concrete instance in which, from a known race — constant in a certain character — a new race — permanently diverse in this character — has arisen as a result of conjugation. As an abstract biometric proposition, it is no doubt demonstrated "that conjugation among the members of a pure race does result in differentiations that are inherited," so that from a uniform race diverse races might seem to arise. Now the diversity of the new races is manifested mainly in (1) mortality, (2) size, (3) rate of fission. In the first case, Jennings (like others) has found that many exconjugants, or their immediate descendants, die. The consequence of conjugation in these cases is really death. It is true there is increased variation in mortality among the progeny, but the individuals which manifest this diversity merely die out, so that no new races are produced in this fashion. Concerning the second character — size — the evidence' seems to me unsatisfactory. All that it appears to show is that although conjugants are smaller than non-conjugants of the same race, their progeny are not : and that there is greater variability in the size of individuals formed by fission from exconjugants during the first few days after conjugation, than is seen in the progeny of ordinary non-conjugants. Definite evidence of the production of a new race of permanently different size — as a result of conjugation — I can nowhere find. Perhaps the best is that which can be extracted from the paper of Jemiings and Lashley (191:3 a), from which it can be inferred that the descendants of 43 pairs of exconjugants, ' .Jennings (1911a). Further evidence is given in 1913 (expt. 9), but of this .Jennings himself says "the results there given are by no means conclusive, the matter requires further study." C. DOBBLL 173 measured 25 days after conjugation, all possessed a smaller mean size than that of the race from which they were derived. The number of individuals measured is not great, however, and one may doubt whether permanently smaller races^ had been produced as a result of conjugation. 109. Concerning the third character — rate of fission — the evidence appears at first sight conclusive. The biometric results show clearly that there is a difference (greater variability) in the fission rate of the descendants of exconjugants as compared with those of non-conjugants or split conj ugants — all of the same pure line. But as Jennings himself points out " conjugation increases the variation mainly toward the lower extremity of the range" — that is, the effect of conjugation is to retard the rate of fission. Is not this merely another aspect of the same condition which is otherwise manifested as " high mortality " and " loss of vigour" after conjugation? Jennings's "Experiment 6" seems to me the key to the matter. " This exjDeriment as a whole shows the fact that after conjugation the organisms are in a condition such that many may die, while those that have not conjugated live ; and the further fact that the rate of reproduction is made slower by conjugation, remaining in this condition for about two months," after which it " has regained about the usual rate." If the result of this experiment may be regarded as typical, then it indicates that the lowering in fission rate following conjugation is transient, recovery occurring sooner or later. It is demonstrated that after conjugation the organism and its progeny are weaker, or less resistant to external conditions (shown by higher mortality, lagging fission rate, unstable size, abnormalities, etc.) for a certain time ; and that complete recovery to the normal state preceding conjugation occurs subsequently : but I find no proof that from a race with a given fission rate, another race with a permanently different fission rate has arisen as a result of conjugation'-. 110. Turning now to Jennings's second proposition (§ 107), I can make criticisms of only a very general nature. I am not able to judge of the validity of the biometric methods employed for its demonstration. It appears to me, however, that to prove " biparental inheritance," the ' The fact that all the races are smaller is significant. One can hardly suppose that conjugation in this race always leads to a permanent reduction of size. It seems much more likely that there was some environmental factor (e.g. food or temperature — cf. §§ 60, 66 et seq.) affecting all the cultures alike. 2 A similar criticism to the above has already been made by JoUos (1913 a). It seems to me unfortunate that Jennings should have selected for his chief study a physiological character— fission rate — which is so greatly influenced by environmental conditions (§ .51 et seq.). Journ. of Gen. iv 12 174 On the Genetics of the Ciliate Protozoa descendants of a pair of exconjugants must form two fairly homogeneous lots — in order that any comparison between them is possible. By taking the mean for some lines descended from each exconjugant, such a homo- geneity may be introduced when it does not really exist. For if the progeny of an exconjugant differ from one another — the differences being, urgumenti causa, caused by conjugation — how can any real comparison be made between all the different organisms which could be obtained from one exconjugant — the number is unlimited — and those from its partner ? It is physically impossible to study the rate of fission in more than a few lines descended from an exconjugant, for at each fission the number of possible lines to be studied is multiplied by two. Granted that conjugation causes variation, so that the lines derived from different progeny of one individual exconjugant display different fission rates, how is it possible to reach any definite conclusion by studying certain arbitrarily selected lines representing only an in- finitesimal fraction of all possible lines ? It seems to me that if conjugation gives rise to variations of this sort — as certain experiments seem to show — then any real demonstration of " biparentaj inheritance " in fission rate is impossible. I cannot comprehend how Jennings's results in this connexion can have any value beyond suggestiveness. 111. Calkins and Gregory (1913) have recently published an account of the variations observable in different lines of Paramecium derived from a single exconjugant. In one case as many as 30 lines from one exconjugant were studied — that is, a single line from each of 30 out of the 32 individuals formed by the first five fissions after con- jugation. The authors conclude: "The results of this study show that physiological and morphological variations in the progeny of a single exconjugant of Paramecium caudatum are fully as extensive as the variations between progenies from different exconjugants. The argu- ments based upon the latter variations to the effect that conjugation is for the purpose of originating variations cannot therefore be sustained." The authors appear to believe that they have invalidated Jennings's general conclusion that conjugation causes variation. If so, their argument is a palpable non sequitur. What they have shown is that the progeny of an exconjugant differ from one another — that there is considerable variability among them. Whether the variability is the effect of conjugation or not, there is no means of judging: for no comparative study of non-conjugants and split conjugants of the same race appears to have been made — a study which is es.sential if the effects of conjugation are at issue. The real importance of these observations C. DOBELL 175 seems to me to lie in the fact that they afford additional grounds for doubting the validity of Jennings's conclusions concerning " biparental inheritance "(§ 110). It maybe noted further that some evidence is given that the differences between the surviving lines derived from the same exconjugant tend to disappear in the course of time — a tendency which is of interest in view of what has previously been remarked (§ 109). 112. It is noteworthy that Pearl's (1907) biometric study of Paramecium led him to a conclusion diametrically opposed to that of Jennings (§ 106). He says: "There is no evidence that conjugation tends to produce increased variability in exconjugants. All the evidence indicates, on the contrary, that conjugation serves... to preserve relative stability of type." The same standpoint is taken up by Enriques (1907), though chiefly on a priori grounds. 113. A curious observation bearing on the effect of conjugation has been made by Jollos (1913). He states that his arsenic-resistant race of P. caudatum (§ 71) has lost its resistance as a result of conjuga- tion\ Progeny of exconjugants displayed merely ordinary resistance, whereas progeny of non-conjugants (a pai-allel line) continued to display their acquired increased resistance for a long period. If this observation is substantiated and confirmed, it appears to indicate that conjugation is a barrier to the transmission of an acquired physiological character — that it eliminates rather than originates variation. 114. It was believed by Calkins (1902) and Cull (1907) that the effects of conjugation are not the same on the two members of a pair of exconjugants — the progeny of one tending to survive, of the other to die out. This was interpreted as evidence of " incipient fertilization " in Paramecium — the form studied. When the nature of a conjugant is properly understood, however, it is clear that this is based on a con- fusion of ideas. The conjugant is neither a male nor a female, nor a gamete of any category (§12 et seq.). To speak of " incipient fertiliza- tion " or " incipient sexuality- " in this connexion is meaningless. It is of interest, however, to know whether there is really a difference in the fate of the progenies of a pair of conjugants, and the matter has been exhaustively studied by Jennings and Lashley (1913). They conclude that "if one member of a pair survives, the other member tends to survive also ; if one dies out the other tends to die out also." The ' After conjugation the resistance is said to disappear "mit einem Schlage": but it is also stated that the progeny of the exconjugants were not tested until two weeks after conjugation, so that the "suddenness" of the loss is hardly demonstrated. - Jennings and Lashley (1913). 12—2 1 76 On the Genetics of the Ciliate Protozoa effects of conjugation tend to be the same — not different — for both members of a pair. This deimmstration furnishes the chief evidence for " biparental inheritance" in I'amineciuiii^ (§107). 115. Enriques (1908) states that in CliUodim, the two conjugants are alike at the beginning of conjugation: but during conjugation they become differentiated into a longer and a shorter. This phenomenon is called "hemisex" — Enriques regarding the longer conjugant' as "half female," the shorter as "half male." What the significance of this "se.Kual differentiation as an effect of conjugation" may be, is obscure. It is quite certain, however, that the phenomenon has nothing to do with sexual differentiation properly so called. For from the point of view of sex, the conjugants are identical — both being hermaphrodite (§ 14). It may be noted that Jcimings (1911 «) has observed a tendency to " equalization " during conjugation in Paramecium. The two members of a pair of conjugants tend to become more alike — not less alike — during the process. 116. We have seen (| 20) that Maupas regarded "inbreeding" or " interconjugation^" as productive of harmful consequences. Some observations bearing upon this matter have since been made, though they are recorded for the most part incidentally. Cases of apparently successful conjugation between closely related individuals are recorded by Joukowsky (1898), Calkins (190'2), Jennings (1913)-' and others. In other cases, however, such conjugations ajjpear to have been harmful. Baitsell (1912), for example, found that the descendants of a Stylonychia interconjugated readily: but all the exconjugants dietl. Calkins (1912) made similar observations on closely related individuals of Blepharisma : "conjugation is equivalent to a death warrant." Nevertheless, if inter- conjugation really has harmful effects, it is impossible to reconcile this with the facts (1) that conjugation occurs normally between individuals belonging to the same pure line — not between those of different lines ' It is important to notice what the characters are which are "biparentally inherited" — namely death, or survival. The characters are not racial characters — save in so far as " survival " is a character of every living race. - Enriques incorrectly — and inconsistently — calls the conjugants "gametes." When he speaks of an organism as being "half male," I do not understand what he considers the other half to be. The term " hemisex " seems to me ambiguous — or else incorrect. ' I use this term to denote conjugation between closely related organisms — i.e. between descendants of the same ancestor. The term "inbreeding" is equivocal, and " intercon- jugatiou " seems to me a more suitable word. Conjugation is not an act of reproduction (§ 1.5), and therefore there is really no breeding in the process. * In Paramecium putrinum, P. caudatum, and P. aurelia respectively. C. DOBBLL 177 (Jennings, 1911 a) ; and (2) that homogamy occurs in addition (Jennings, 1911a). The inference ft-om these two facts seems clearly to be that " inbreeding " is the rule — at least in Paramecium. 117. An extreme case of interconj ligation has been recorded by Jennings'. He obtained no less than nine successive interconjugations in the descendants of the same individual. " The progenitor of the race vfas a single individual ; its progeny conjugated among themselves ; from these conjugants a single exconjugant was taken and allowed to multiply till there was conjugation among these." An exconjugant was again isolated and allowed to multiply — and so on, nine times in succession (in the complete experiment). It appears — though Jennings does not emjjhasize the fact in this connexion — that the mortality among the final descendants was excessively high. 118. A case of conjugation between very closely related individuals is recorded for the colonial Vorticellid Opercularia by Euriques (1907). He states that male and female conjugants (§§ 6, 14) are formed by an original " indifferent " individual'- — incapable of conjugating — dividing into a large and a small product, the latter dividing again into two smaller individuals. The large individual becomes a female conjugant, the two small individuals males. It is stated that conjugation may occur between males and females formed in this manner from the same indifferent individual''. Calkins (1912) has even recorded a case of conjugation in Blepharisma in which the two conjugants were the products of fission of the same individual — " the closest case of paedo- gamy in ciliated protozoa on record." Death followed conjugation — as in all eases observed in Blepharisma. 119. The general conclusion to be drawn from the recorded cases of interconj ugation is by no means clear. It is evident that closely related individuals will conjugate readily with one another : but the ultimate effect of such conjugation on the jjrogeny is not evident, 1 Jennings (1913, expt. 13). Jennings speaks of this interconjugation as " self- fertilization — which it certainly is not. He obtained eight successive interconjugations — " to avoid, so far as possible, the heterozygotic condition "' — and then studied the effects of conjugation at the ninth. Since the general conclusion from this was that conjugation "increases greatly the variability," I cannot understand how previous conjugations are supposed to eliminate "the heterozygotic condition." The mathematical treatment of "self-fertilization" seems to have no bearing on the actual phenomena concerned. '^ It may be noted that Enriques (1907) states that in the Vorticellid Carclieshini, the branches of the colony are differentiated as males, females, and " indiflerents." This was not confirmed by Popoiif (1908 «). ^ I do not know how it was possible to make this extremely difficult observation with any certainty. 178 On the Genetics of the Ciliafe Protozoa because the effects of conjugation with uurehited individuals have never been studied simultaneously. 120. This seems the proper place at which to mention the i)heno- nienon of "reconjugation" discovered by Enriques (1908). He found that exconjugants of Chilodon, instead of dividing, sometimes proceed to conjugate again — either with other exconjugants or with ordinary conjugants. The same thing has been recently observed in Paramecium by Klitzke (1914). Conjugation may be effected by an exconjugant or by the products of its first fission. These observations clearly show that the stimulus to conjugation — whatever it may be — may exist without a series of asexual fissions having intervened since a preceding conjugation. The fate of the progeny of " ex-reconjugants" has not been adequately described. 121. I may here mention some cases of what may be called "mis- conjugation." Doflein (1S)()7) says that if conjugating Parainecia are forcibly separated, they will reunite with other individuals — either non-conjugants or conjugants of a different staged Abnormal con- jugations may thus be brought about, the results of which are not recorded. Many observers have reported abnormal conjugations of three or more individuals-. Several such unions of three individuals were observed by Mulsow (1913) in Stentor: but to my knowledge no investigator has yet ascertained the consequences of these misconjuga- tions. Doflein (1907) further describes, in Paramecium piitrinum and Styloiiychia mytilus, "agamic fusions" of two individuals, "cytoplasm with cytoplasm, nuclei with nuclei, so that an apparently quite normal, but relatively very large individual resulted." The subsequent be- haviour is not described'. 122. In conclusion, a word may be said about "hybridization" in ciliates — I mean cross-conjugation between two individuals of different specie-s. I know of but a single case in which this is alleged to have happened. Apart from this, there appears to be no recorded case of "crossing" even between individuals belonging to different pure lines ' Doflein gives an illustration of this, which, according to Klitzke (1914), really depicts a conjugation between an ordinary eonjugaut and a "reconjugant" (§ 120). This inter- pretation certainly appears plausible. - These are described, for instance, by Stein, Eugelmann, Jickeli, Gruber, Plate and Maupas — among the older observers — and generally in Stylonychia or P. putrinum. ' But Engelmann said that these compound organisms {Stylonychia) can grow and multiply — a statement as yet unconfirmed. Maupas believed that such fusions have nothing to do with conjugation — the fused animals being monstrous, and their divisions irregular and incomplete. C. DOBELL 179 of the same species'. The case to which I refer is given by Simpson (1901), who states that twice (out of 21 attempts) he succeeded in getting conjugations between Paramecium caudatum and P. aurelia. "After separation each of the exconjugants divided once: on the third day they died off." The account is extremely unconvincing, and I think it is infinitely more probable that Simpson was deceived than that cross-conj ugation occurred. CHAPTER IV. General Conclusions. 123. In this final chapter I propose to consider very briefly certain results of the genetic study of the Ciliata. I would point out that this chapter is not a summary of previous chapter.s ; nor is it intended to be a substitute for them — to enable the reader to dispense with the facts there set forth. Each of the preceding chapters is itself a series of very brief and incomplete summaries, which form — in part — the premisses from which the following conclusions are drawn. If my conclusions appear absurd and wrong, they may nevertheless incite further inquiry into the evidence upon which they rest. This is my desire. 124. It is quite clear to me — and I have every confidence that sooner or later it will be equally clear to others — that many of the problems now associated with the ciliates do not exist in nature. They are really dialectic — not problems of concrete biology. They are off- shoots of the fallacies involved in the " cell theory," and of the unbridled academic speculations concerning evolution which were fashionable at the end of last century. 125. The fundamental error in the conceptions of Maupas and his followers is due to the "cell theory." The ciliate has been called a " cell," and certain constituent elements of the metazoan body have been given the same name. Consequently it has been assumed that an exconjugant is the homologue of a fertilized metazoan ovum ; and that the whole succession of its descendants is homologous with the entire body of a multicellular animal^. It has thus become possible ' "Assortative mating has clearly the effect of keeping differentiated races from mixing. ...When a culture containing two species conjugates, the two as a result of the assortative mating remain quite distinct" (Jennings, 1911a). - This view has been advocated most strongly in recent times by Calkins (1909). The reader who wishes for a fuller analysis of the matters here merely touched upon, will find it in an earlier publication (Dobell, 1911). 180 On the Genetics of the CUktte Protozoa — and even necessaiy — to look for periods of adolescence, maturity, senescence, and death, in the successive generations of individiuils derived from an exconjugant. But as soon as it is realized that a ciliate is a non-cellular but complete organism, homologous with a whole metazoan ; as soon as it is realized that the only resemblance between a ciliate and a metazoan cell was created by biologists when they gave the name " cell " to both : then it will also be realized that there is no reason to expect that successive generations of ciliate individuals will manifest the same series of phenomena as is manifested by a single individual metazoon during its life-time. One of the chief results of the researches recorded in previous chapters is the demonstra- tion that events, whose occurrence we have absolutely no reason to expect, do not, in fact, occur. 126. It has been shown (§ 48) beyond all reasonable doubt that under suitable conditions ciliates are able to live and multiply, in their own fashion, for an unlimited time' — like all other organisms that are well adapted to their environment. To ask whether they become "senile" m the course of successive generations, whether "protoplasmic old age " sets in, whether " rejuvenation by fertilization " is a periodic necessity, and so on — to ask such (juestions is to propound problems which are either unanswerable or meaningless. Among ciliates, off- spring are formed by the division, growth and differentiation of the protoplasm of their parents — as in all other organisms. If "immortality " can be predicated of the ciliates, it can also be predicated of all other organisms in the same sense. "Are the descendants of a ciliate older than their progenitor ? " is the same question as " Is the child older than its father?" There is no jjroblem here at all, for the answer is self-evident as soon as the (juestioner intimates what he means by "old." 127. That conjugation is able to "rejuvenate" is a belief whose origin is revealed in the word " fertilization." Conjugation is accom- panied by " fertilization," and has consequently become confounded with the original connotation of that term". Probably no living biologist would care to advocate the view that the cytological phenomenon now called " fertilization " is a process of " revitalizing the germ " — though more than one can be found to discuss whether "conjugation results in rejuvenescence." But quite apart from any mental or verbal tangles 1 I believe there are no a priuri reasons, or arguments from analogy with other non- cellular organisms, which indicate that the ciliates arc incapable of continuing to multiply asexually— in favourable circumstances— for an unlimited number of generations. ^ This was, of course, pointed out long ago by Weismann. C. DOBELL 181 such as this, it may be stated now with considerable confidence, as a concrete proposition, that conjugation in the ciliates does not result in rejuvenation — no matter whether a literal or metaphorical meaning be attached to the word. 128. Experimental inquiries into the factors which determine division and hereditary transmission of characters ; into the factors which deter- mine or inhibit conjugation ; into the results which conjugation itself determines, whether in originating or eliminating variations ; and into the origin of variations, — all these investigations have yielded a great mass of facts of great interest and suggestiveness. But these facts — in my opinion — throw little light upon the great central problems concerned. Rather do they throw into vivid relief the formidable complexity of all biological problems as presented by the Protozoa. It is safe to prophesy that when the known facts have been doubled or trebled, the ironical statement — which now prefaces so many memoirs on the ciliates — that " the Protozoa are the simplest organisms in which to study the great problems of biology " will disappear from biological literature. 129. The tradition which finds expression in such statements as this is at present almost universally received. It is believed that the non-cellular organisms display vital phenomena in a more elementary and therefore more easily comprehensible form than other organisms. From his earlier physiological studies Jennings (1906) rightly con- cluded that " the behaviour of the Protozoa appears to be no more and no less machine-like than that of the Metazoa." " Action is as spontaneous in the Protozoa as in man." This truth should never be forgotten. It is vain to seek for simple mechanical factors which " induce conjugation " in ciliates. For conjugation is the resultant of many external and internal factors — environmental opportunities, inherent inclinations and potencies — which are no less complex and no more easily comprehensible than the factors which result in com- parable phenomena in man. They are really less easy to understand, because we have no conception of what the " motives " may be which actuate a brainless, non-cellular creature. 130. In the foregoing pages I have confined myself to recording and analysing facts and concrete questions. It is often asked " What is the significance, or meaning, of conjugation?" This question is itself meaningless. As well might one inquire the meaning of the moon. I have purposely avoided all such questions, though they have been freely debated by others. I have also avoided all discussion of 12—5 182 On the Genetics of the Ciliafe Protozoa teleological interpretations of conjugation and other phenomena. Whether conjugation is for the purpose of originating variations, or for any other purpose, is to my mind an idle discussion : and I have little liking for the "explanations" which have been given of the phenomenon — explanations which seem to me to explain nothing and lead nowhere'. So many real problems which may be attacked by means of experiment are still unsolved, that I think the discussion of more remote problems may be profitably postponed. 131. No new light has been thrown upon the great problems of organic evolution by a study of the ciliates. They have revealed no real indication of the manner in which evolution has proceeded, or is proceeding, within the group": a fortiori, they tell us nothing of the process of evolution in general. The facts so far determined could, indeed, be used with far greater force to support the doctrine of the fixity of species. Moreover, even if it were possible to draw any general conclusions from the ciliates themselves, it would not be justifiable as yet to extend them even to the other groups of Protozoal The ciliates are so curiously organized that in many ways they stand alone among animals. What is true of ciliates is not necessarily — or even probably — true of most other organisms. These will be unwelcome sayings to many, but I believe they are true. And all will admit that it is better to face the facts, however distasteful and uncontbrmable to theory they may be, than to veil them with that former assurance con- cerning organic evolution which, as is fast becoming evident, was chiefly begotten of ignorance. ' Compare for example ihe following: "Conjugation should be regarded as a set of phjsico-chemical phenomena resulting in a sort of cellular purification" (Loisel, 1903). "Conjugation appears to us as above all a set of chemical phenomena which counteracts another set of chemical phenomena — .senescence" (Loiael, 1903 b), etc. ^ I leave out of account the numerous fanciful speculations concerning the phylogeny of the ciliates which, I know, afford satisfaction to many. I am here considering the facts relating to the ciliates on their merits — apart from any preconceived interpretations. ^ I believe there are few prutozoologists who would eudorse the opinion of Calkins (1909) that Paramecium is "a typical protozoou." Imperial College of Science, London. March, 1914. C. DOBELL 183 ANALYSIS OF CONTENTS. N.B. 7%e numbers refer to paragraphs. Preface. Chapter I. Organization and Life of a Ciliate 1 — 1.5. , " Structure 1 — "2. Eeproduction 3. Encystation 4. Conjugation .5 — 8. Meiosis 7. Ciliate compared with Metazoon 9 — 15. Chapter II. Life-cycle acCoirding to Maupas 16 — 22. Life-cycle 17—18. Division 19. Conditions for conjugation 20. Senescence 21—22. Chapter III. Results of later investigators 23—122. A. Asexual period 24 — 89. Duration of period; "senescence," " depression," — causes and effects 24 — 44. Mechanics of division 45 — 50. Effects of chemical and physical agents on division and growth 51 — 60. Variation and inheritance 61 — 88. Normal inheritance 61. Pure lines 62—65. Production and inheritance of variations 66 — 88. Monsters 81—88. Nuclear reorganization without conjugation 89. B. Sexual period 90—122. Conjugation 90 — 115. Assortative mating 90—91. "Karyogamic maturity" 92. "Hunger divisions" 93. "Causes" of conjugation 94—101. Internal 94—96. External 97—101. "Non-conjugating races" 101. " Effects " of conjugation 102 — 115. " Bejuvenescence " 102 — 104. Efl'ects on variation 105 — 115. "Biparental inheritance," 107, 110—111, 114. " Hemisex " 115. Interconjugation ("inbreeding") 116 — 119. Eeconjugatiou 120. Misconjugation 121. Cross-conjugation ("hybridization") 122. , ■Chapter IV. General conclusions 123 — 131. Analysis of Contents. .Bibliography. 184 0)) the Genetics of the Ciliate Protozoa BIBLIOGRAPHY. N.B. The numbers appended to the references indicate the paragraphs in which the works theinselms arc. mentioned in the text. Baitsell, G. a. (1912.) "Experiments on the reproduction of the hypotrichous Infusoria. I. Conjugation between closely related individuals of Stylonychia pmtwlata." {Journ. exp. Zool. Vol. xin. p. 47.) 42, 100, 116. . (1914.) "■Idem. II. A study of the so-called life cycle in Cvytricha fallax and Pleurotricha lanceolata.'" (Ibid. Vol. xvi. p. 211.) 42. Balbi.vni, E. G. (1860.) " Observations et experiences sur les phenomfenes de reproduction fissipare chez les Infusoires cilies." (C. K. Acad. Sci. Paris, T. L. p. 1191.) 17 n., 19 n. . (1888.) " Recherches experimentales sur la nierotomie dos Infiisoires cilids. Pt. I." {Recueil zool. Suisse, T. v. p. 1.) "(in. . (1891.) "Sur la formation des nionstres doubles chez les Infusoires." {Journ. Anat. Physiol. T. x.YVli. p. 169.) 88, 88 n. . (1892.) " Kouvelles recherches experimentales sur la merotomie des Infusoires cilies." {Ann. Microgr. Paris, T. IV.) 76 n., 88. . (1893.) ''Idem. Pt. 2." {Ibid.T.x.) 76n., 81, 88. BuTscHLi, O. (1875.) " Vorliiufige Mitteilung einiger Resultate von Studien uber die Conjugation der lufusorien und die Zelltcilung." {Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. Bd. XXV. p. 426.) 102 n. . (1876.) "Studien iiber die ersten Entwicklungsvorgange der Eizelle, die Zellteilung und die Conjugation der Infusorien." {Abhandl. d. Senckenb. naturf. Oesellsch. Bd. x.) 102 n. . . (1887-89.) "Protozoa. III. Abt. IwiwaorvA," m: Bronn's Klass. u. Ordn. (Leii)zig). Preface n., 20 n. BusCHKiKL, A. L. (1911.) "Beitriige zur Kenntnis des Ichthyophthirius multifiliis Fouquet." {Arch. f. Protistenk. Bd. xxi. p. 6\.) 9 n. Calkins, G. N. (1902.) "Studies on the life-history of Protozoa. I. The life- cycle of Paramecium caudatzim." {Arch. f. Entw.-Mech. Bd. XV. ■p. \S9.) 28,29, 92,96,104,114,116. . (1902 «.) "■ Idein. III. The six hundred and twentieth generation of Paramecium caudatuni." {Biol. Bidl. Vol. III. p. 192.) 22 n., 28. . . (1904.) ''Idem. IV. Death of the A series. Conclusions." {Journ. e.i:p. Zool. Vol. I. p. 423.) 28, 29, 88, 94, 102. . (1906.) "Paramecium aurelia und Paramecium caudatvm." {Biol. Studies by the Pupils of W. T. Sedgwick. Chicjigo.) 78. . (1909.) "Protozoology." (New York.) 12.5 n., 131 n. . (1911.) " Eftects produced by cutting Paramecium cells.'' {Biol. Bull. Vol. XXI. p. .36.) 77, 88. . (1912.) "The paedogamous conjugation of Blepharisma undulans St." {Journ. Morph. Vol. xxiii. p. 667.) 116, 118. 0. DOBELL 185 Calkins, G. N. and Cull, S. W. (1907.) "The conjugation of Paramecium aurelia (caudaium).'' {Arch. f. Protistenk. Bd. x. p. 375.) 5 n., 7 n., 13, 96. and Gregory, L. H. (1913.) "Variations in the pi'ogeny of a single excon- jugant ai Paramecium caudatum." [Journ. exp. Zool. Vol. XV. p. 467.) 36, 96, 101, 102, 111. and LlEB, C. C. (1902.) " Studies on the life-history of Protozoa. II. The effect of stimuli on the life-cycle of Paramecium caudat'iim." [Arch. f. Protistenk. Bd. I. p. 355.) 28, 53. OLAPARfeDE, E. and Lachmann, J. (1860.) 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"The principles of protistology." {Arch. f. Protistenk. Bd. XXIII. p. 269.) 9, 125 n. DoFLEiN, F. (1907.) " Beobachtungen und Ideen iiber die Konjugation der Infusorien." {S.B. GeseUsch. f. Morph. u. Physiol. Miinchen, Bd. xxill. p. 107.) 91, 121. Ddjardin, F. (1841.) " Histoire naturelle des Zoophytes Infu.soires." (Paris.) 17 n., 22 n. Ehrenberg, C. G. (1838.) " Die Infusionsthierchen als voUkommene Organismen." (Leipzig.) 22 n. Engelmann, T. W. (1875.) " Onderzoekingen over Ontwikkeling en Voortplanting van Infusoria." {Onderzoek. Physiol. Lab. d. Uoogeschool. Utrecht, Vol. 3.) 12 n. Enriques, P. (1903.) "Sulla cosi detta degenerazione senile dei Protozoi." {Monitore Zool. ital. Vol. xiv. p. 349.) 33. . (1905.) "Delia degenerazione senile nei Protozoi." {R. C. Accad. Lincei, Vol. XIV. (2), p. 351.) 33. . (1905 a.) "Ancoradella degenerazione senile uegli Infusori." {Ibid. yi. 390.) 33. . (1907.) "La coniugazione e il difterenziamento sessuale negli Infusori.'' {Arch. f. Protistenk. Bd. ix. p. 195.) 7, 33, 96, 97, 112, 118, 118 n. . (1908.) "Die Conjugation und sexuelle Dififerenzierung der Infusorien. II. Abhandl., Wiederconjugante und Hemisexe bei Chilodon." {Ibid. Bd. xii. p. 213.) 33, 115, 120. 186 On the Genetics of the Ciliate Protozoa Enriqces, p. (1909.) " La coiiiugazione e il differenziamento sessuale negli Infusort. III. Azioiie dei sali siille epidemie di coniugazione nel Cryptochilum nigricans." {Mem. R. Acatd. Sci. hi. Bologna, Ser. vi. T. vi.) 33, 98. . (1909 a.) "Autorreferaf in: Arch. f. EnUo.-Meck. Bd. xxvil. p. 320. 33, 97. . (1910.) "La coniugazione e il difl'ei-enzianiento sessuale negli Infusort. IV. Trattazione critica delle piii iniportanti questioni." (Mem. H. Accad. Sci. /st. Bologna, Ser. vi. T. vii.) 33. EsTABROOK, A. H. (1910.) "The effects of chemicals on growth in Paramecium." (Journ. e.rp. Zool. Vol. viir. p. 489.) 54, 72. Everts, E. (1873.) " Untersuchungen an Vorticella nelndifera." (Inaug.-Diss. L'niv. Erlaugen.) 97 u. Fermok, X. (1913.) "Die Bedeutuug der Eucj-stierung bei Slyloiiychia pustulata Ehrbg." {Zool. Anz. Bd. xlii. p. 380.) 89. Gregory, L. H. (1909.) " Ob.servations on the life-history of Tillina magna." {Joum. exp. Zool. Vol. vi. p. 383.) 36. Griffin, L. E. (1910.) " Euplotes worcesteri sp. nov. II. Division." {Philippine Journ. Sci. Vol. v. p. 315.) 61. Hamburger, C. (1904.) "Die Konjugation von Paramecium bursaria Focke." {Arch. f. Protistenk. Bd. I v. p. 199.) 96. Hertwig, R. (1889.) " Ueber die Conjugation der Infusorien." {Ahkandl. bayer. Akad. Wiss. Munchen, Bd. xvii. Abt. I.) 90 n.. 103. . (1899.) " Was veranlas.st die Befruchtung der Protozoeu ? " {S.B. Oesellsch. f. Morph. u. Physiol. Munchen, Bd. XV. p. 62.) 30, 31, 94. . (1902.) "LTeber Wesen und Bedeutung der Befruchtung." {S.li. Akad. Miinchen, Bd. xxxil. p. 57.) 30, 94. . (1903.) "Ueber das Wechselverhiiltnis von Kern und Protoplasma." {S.B. Gesellsch. f. Morph. u. Physiol. Miinchen, Bd. xvill. p. 77.) 30, 31. . (1903 a.) " Ueber Kurrelation von Zell- und Kerngrosse und ihre Bedeutung fur die geschlechtliche Differenzirung und die Teilung der Zelle." {Biol Centralbl. Bd. xxill. p. 49.) 30, 31. . (1905.) "Ueber das Problem der sexuellen Differeuzierung." {Verhandl. deutsch. zool. Gesellsch. xv. Vers. Breslau, p. 186.) 30, 93, 94. . (1908.) "Ueber neue Probleme der Zellenlehre." {Arch. f. Zellforsch. Bd. I. p. 1.) 30. HoYER, H. (1899.) "Ueber das Verhalten der Kerne bei der Conjugation des Infusors Colpidium colpoda St." {Arch. mik. Anal. Bd. Liv. p. 95.) 6 n. Hutchison, R. H. (1913.) " The specific difference among Protozoa with respect to their resistance to heat." {Journ. exp. Zool. Vol. xv. p. 131.) 56. Jennings, H. S. (1906.) "The behavior of the lower organisms." (New York.) 129. . (1908.) "Heredity, variation and evolution in Protozoa. I. The fate of new structural characters in Paramecium, etc." {Journ. exp. Zool. Vol. v. p. 577.) 8.3, 84, 85, 87. . (1908 a.) '^ Idem. II. Heredity and variation of size and foriu in Para- mecium, etc." {Proc. American Phil. Soc. Vol. XLVii. p. 393.) 63. ■ . (1909.) "Heredity and variation in the simplest organisms." {American Nat. Vol. XLlll. p. 321.) 62, 63, 65. C. DOBBLL 187 Jennings, H. S. (1910.) "What conditions induce conjugation in Paramecium V {Journ. exp. Zool. Vol. I.x. p. 279.) 92 n., 96, 101, 101 n. . (1911.) " Pure lines in the study of genetics in lower organisms." {American Nat. Vol. XLV. p. 79.) 63, 65. . (1911a.) "Assortative mating, variability and inheritance of size, in the conjugation of Paramecium." {Journ. exp. Zool. Vol. xi. p. 1.) 90, 105, 108 n., 115, 116, 122 n. . (1912.) "Age, death and conjugation in the light of work on lower organisms." {Pop. Sci. Monthly, June, p. 563.) [Summary and discussion.] . (1913). "The eflect of conjugation in Paramecium." {Journ. exp. Zool. Vol. XIV. p. 279.) 92, 96, 104, 104 n., 105—109, 116. and Haegitt, G. T. (1910.) "Characteristics of the diverse races of Para- mecium:' {Journ. Morpli. Vol. xxi. p. 495.) 63, 65, 73 n., 78. and Lashley, K. S. (1913.) " Biparental inheritance and the question of sexuality in Paramecium." {Journ. exp. Zool. Vol. xiv. p. 393.) 105, 107, 107 n., 114, 114 n. . (1913a.) "Biparental inheritance of .size in Paramecium." {Ibid. Vol. XV. p. 193.) 10.5, 107, 108. JoLLOS, V. (1913.) " Experimentelle Untersuchungen an Infusorien. (Vorl. Mitteil.)" {Biol. Centralbl. Bd. xxxui. p. 222.) 55, 56 n., 69, 70, 71, 113. . (1913 0!.) "Ueber die Bedeutung der Conjugation bei Infusorien, usw." {Arch. f. Protistenk. Bd. xxx. p. 328.) 109 n. JoCKOWSKY, D. (1898.) " Beitriige zur Frage nach den Bedingungen der Vermehrung und des Eintritts der Konjugation bei den Ciliaten." ( Verhandl. nalurhist.-med. Ver. Heidelberg, Bd. vi. (n. F.), p. 17.) 25, 55, 57, 60, 116. Kasanzeff, AV. (1901.) "Experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber Paramecium caudatum." (Inaug.-Diss. Zurich. Summarized by Piitter, Zeitschr. allg. Physiol. Bd. 1, 1902, p. 251.) 79, 93, 94. Klitzke, M. (1914.) "Ueber Wiederconjuganten bei Paramecium caudatum." {Arch. f. Protistenk. Bd. xxxill. p. 1.) 120, 121 n. KOLAGIN, N. (1899.) "Zur Biologie der Infusorien." {Le Physiologiste Russe, T. I. p. 269.) 26. Le Dantec, F. (1897.) "La regeneration du micronucleus chez quelques In- fusoires cilies." {C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, T. cxxv. p. 51.) 80 n. • Lewin, K. R. (1910.) "Nuclear relations of Paramecium caudatum during the asexual period." {Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. Vol. xvi. p. 39.) 80. Loisel, G. (1903.) " Experiences sur la conjugaison des Infusoires." {C. R. Soc. 5^;. T. LV. p. 53.) 130 n. . (1903 a.) " Sur les causes de senescence chez les Protozoaires." {Ibid. \>. bb.) 130 n. . (1903 6.) "Sur la senescence et sur la conjugaison des Protozoaires." {Zool. Anz. Bd. XXVI. p. 484.) 130 n. McClendon, J. F. (1909.) " Protozoan studies." {Journ. exp. Zool. Vol. VI. p. 265.) 58, 86. Matheny, W. a. (1910.) "Effects of alcohol on the life-cycle of Paramecium." {Ibid. Vol. VIII. p. 103.) 53 n. 188 On the Genetics of the Ciliate Protozoa Madpas, E. (1888.) " Recherches experimentales sur la niultiiilication des Infusoires cilies." {Arch. Zool. e.vp. T. vi. (2' sdr.) p. 165.) 16 — 22, 12.'). . (1889.) " Le rajeunissement karyogamique chez les Cilife." {Ibid. T. vii. (2" s(5r.) p. 149.) 5 n., 6 u., 11, 15 n., 16—22, 91 n., 96, 121 nn., 125. Metcalf, M. M. (1909.) " Opalina, etc." {Arch. /. J'rotistenL Bd. ■am. i>. Wb.) 9n. MiDDLETON, A. R. (1913.) 'M\'ork on genetic ])roblems in Protozoa at Yale." [Review of work by Woodrutt' and as.sociate.s, witli bibliogi-aphy.] {American Nat. Vol. XLVii. p. 434.) 39 n. Moody, J. E. (1912.) "Observations on the lifu-history of two rare ciliates, Spathidium spathula and Actinobolus radian.^." {Juurn. Morph. \'ol. ,\xili. p. 349.) 36, 50. MuLSOW, W. (1913.) "Die Conjugation von Stentor coerulens luid Stentor poly- murphus." {Arch. f. Prtitixtenk. Bd. xxviii. p. 363.) 7 n., 8, 91, 121. Neresheimer, E. (1907.) "Die Fortpflanzung dor Opalinen." {Ibid. Suppl. Bd. I. ]). 1.) 9 n. . (1908.) "Der Zeugungskreis des Ichthyophthirius." {Ber. kgl. buyer, biol. Versuchsstat. MUnchen, Bd. I. p. 165.) 9 n. Pearl, R. (1907.) "A biometrical study of conjugation in Paramecium." {Biometrika, Vol. v. p. 213.) 90, 112. Peebles, F. (1912.) "Regeneration and regulation in Paramecium cavAatum." {Biol. Bull. Vol. XXIII. p. 154.) 77, 88. Peters, A. W. (1904.) " Metaboli.sni and division in Protozoa." {Proc. American Acad. Arts and Sciences, Vol. xxxix. p. 441.) 52, 59. POPOFF, M. (1907.) " Depres.sion der Protozoenzellc und der Geschlechtszellen der Metazoen." {Arch. f. Protistenk: Suppl. Bd. I. p. 43.) 32, 95 n. . (1908.) " E.xperinientelle Zellstudien." {Arch. f. Zellforsch. Bd. i. p. 245.) 45, 46, 55, 67. . (1908a.) "Die Ganietenbildung luid die Conjugation von Carchesium polypliiam L." {Zeitschr. W'iss. Zool. Bd. Lxxxix. p. 478.) 7, 95, 118 n. . (1909.) " Experiraentelle Zellstudien. II. Ueber die Zellgrosse, ihre Fixierung und Vererbung." {Arch. f. Zellforsch. Bd. in. p. 124.) 48, 66 n., 67, 75, 76. . (1909 a.) " Ueber den Einfluss chemischer Reagentien auf den Funktions- zustand der Zelle." {S.B. Gesellsch. f. Morph. a. Physiol. Miinchen, Bd. xxv. p. 55.) 34. . (19096.) " E.\perimentelle Zellstudien. III. Ueber einige Ursachen der physiologischen Depression der Zelle.'' {Arch. f. Zellforsch. Bd. iv. p. 1.) 34. Powers, J. H. and Mitchell, C. (1910.) "A new species of Paramecium {P. multimicronucleata) experimentally determined." {Biol. Bull. Vol. xix. p. 324.) 78 u. Prandtl, H. (1906.) "Die Konjugation von Didinium uasutum (). F. M." {Arch. f. Protistenk. Bd. vii. p. 229.) 7, 13, 93, 95. ProwazeK, S. (1904.) "Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Regeneration und Biologie der Protozoen." {Ibid. Bd. iii. p. 44.) 76 n., 79, 88. . (1904a.) "Degenerative Hyperregeueration bei den Protozoen." {Ibid. p. 60.) 88. C. DOBELL 189 Prowazek, S. (1909.) " Formdimorphismus bei ciliaten Infusorien." {Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz, Bd. i. p. 3.) 72. Putter, A. (1905.) " Die Atmung der Protozoen." {Zeitschr. f. allg. Physiol. Bd. V. p. 566.) 54. Rautmann, H. (1909.) "Der Einfluss der Temperatur auf das (Jrosseiiverhaltnis des Protoplasmakorper.s zuni Kern." {Arch. f. ZMforsch. Bd. III. p. 44.) 55, 56, 67, 68. Simpson, J. Y. (1901.) "Observations on binary fi.ssion in the life-history of Cihata." {Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, Vol. xxiii. p. 401.) 27, 82, 88, 122. . (1902.) "The relation of binary fi.ssion to variation." [With a note by Karl Pearson.] {Biometrika, Vol. I. p. 400.) 62. Sun, a. (1912.) " Experimentelle Studien iiber Infusorien. (Vorl. Mitteil.) " {Arch. f. Protistenk. Bd. xxvn. p. 207.) 35, 41, 55, 79. Tatem, J. G. (1870.) "A contribution to the teratology of Infu.soria." {Monthly microscop. Journ. (April), p. 194.) 81 n. Wallengren, H. (1901.) "Zur Kenntnis des Neubildungs- und Rosorptions- processes bei der Teilung der hypotrichen Infu.sorien." {Zool. Jahrb. (Anat. Abt.), Bd. XV. p. 1.) 61. . (1901a.) " Inanitionserscheinungen der Zelle. Untersuchungen an Pro- tozoen." {Zeitschr. allg. Physiol. Bd. I. p. 67.) 94. Waiters, F. A. (1912.) "Size relationships between conjugants and non-con- jugants in Blepharisma uiidulans." {Biol. Bull. Vol. xxni. p. 195.) 90. Woodruff, L. L. (1905.) "An experimental study on the life-hi.story of hypotrichous Infusoria." {Journ. exp. Zool. Vol. ii. p. 585.) 37. . (1908.) "Effects of alcohol on tlie life-cycle of Infusoria." {Biol. Bull. Vol. XV. p. 85.) 53. . (1908a.) "The life-cycle of Paramecium wlien subjected to a varied environment." {American Nat. Vol. XLll. p. 520.) 39, 90 n. . (1909.) In: Proc. American Soc. Zool. (jSci'tiHce, March 12, p. 425.) 39. . (1909«.) " Further studies on the life-cycle of Paj-aniecjMHi." {Biol. Bull. Vol. XVII. p. 287.) 17 n., 22 n., 39. . (1911.) "The effect of culture medium contaminated with the excretion products of Paramecium on its rate of reproduction." {Proc. Soc. e.vp. Biol. Med. Vol. VIII. p. 100.) 41. . (1911a.) "The effect of excretion products of Paramecium on its rate of reproduction." {Journ. e.vp. Zool. Vol. x. p. 557.) 41. . (1911?).) "■Paramecium aurelia and Paramecium caudatum." {Journ. Morph. Vol. xxii. p. 223.) 39 n., 78. . (1911c.) " Two thousand generations of /"araraeaMjn." {Arch. f. Protistenk. Bd. XXI. p. 263.) 39. . (1911 rf.) "Evidence on the adaptation of Paramecia to different environ- ments." {Biol. Bull. Vol. XXII. p. 60.) 39, 43. . (1912.) "A five-year pedigreed race of Paramecium -v/ithoxxt conjugation." {Proc. Soc. exp. Biol. Med. Vol. IX. p. 121.) 39. 190 On the Genetics of the CUiate Protozoa Woodruff, L. L. (li)12a.) "A sumniary of the results of certain physiological studies on a pedigreed race of Paramecium." {Biockem. Bull. Vol. I. p. 396.) 39. . (1913.) " Dreitausend und dreihundort (Jcnerationoii von I'tiramechim ohno Konjugation oder klinstliche Reizung." (liial. Centralhl. x.x.xiil. I'd. p. 34.) 39. . (1913(f.) "The efJ'ect of e.xcretion products of Infusoria on the same and on different species, with special reference to the protozoan sequence in in- fusions." {Journ. exp. Zool. Vol. xiv. p. 575.) 39, 41. . (1913 6.) "Cell size, nuclear size and the nucleo-cytoplasmic relation during the life of a pedigreed race of 0.x-ytricha fallax." {Ibid. Vol. xv. p. 1.) 38. . (1914.) "On so-called conjugating and non-conjugating races of Paramecium." {Ibid. Vol. XVI. 11. 237.) 39, 96, 101. and Bait.sell, G. A. (1911.) "The reproduction of Paramecium aurelia in a 'constant' culture medium of Vjeef extract.'' {Ibid. Vol. xi. p. 135.) 40. . (1911 «.) " Rhythms in the reproductive activity of Infusoria." ylhid. \<>\. XI. p. 339.) 40. . (1911 6.) "The temperature coefficient of the rate of reproduction of Paramecium aurelia." {American Journ. Phydol. Vol. xxix. p. 147.) 55. and BuNZEL, H. H. (1909.) "The relative toxicity of various salts and acids toward Paramecium." {Ibid. Vol. xxv. p. 190.) 54. ZwEiBAUM, J. (1912.) "La conjugai.son et la differenciation sexuelle chez le.s Infusoires (Enriques et Zweibaum). V. Les conditions neces.saires et suffisantes pour la conjugaison du Paramecium caudatum " {Arch. f. Protistenk. Bd. xxvi. p. 275.) 99. A NOTE ON WHELDALE AND BASSETT'S PAPER "ON A SUPPOSED SYNTHESIS OF ANTHO- CYANIN'." By ARTHUR ERNEST EVEREST, M.Sc, Ph.D. Before the above-mentioned paper of Whelclale and Bassett came to hand, the author had forwarded for publication elsewhere, a paper, the contents of which very largely answer the criticism directed by Wheldale and Bassett against his earlier paper (Roy. Soc. Proc. 1914, B, vol. 87, p. 444). There are however a few points to which, in view of Wheldale and Bassett's publication, the author feels it necessary to draw attention. It must be pointed out that as the result of the recent publication of Willstatter and his collaborators (Sitzber. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1914, XII, 402) wherein the chemical examination of anthocyan pigments (obtained pure and crystalline in every case, both as glucoside and non- glucoside) from no fewer than ten flowers or fi'uits was briefly described, and in which it was conclusively proved that these pigments were not HO- Cl \/\^/ C-OH OH I H HO- OH \ C-H C-OH ./ n 1 Journal of Genetics, 1914, Vol. iv. No. 1, p. 103. 192 Oil a Supposed Synthesis of Aiifhocyanin oxidation products of flavonols, but were indeed related either to /3-phenyl-benzo-7-pyrone or ;8-phenyl-benzo-a-pyrone, in the manner suggested by the present author {loc. cit), and were derivatives of either I or II, it becomes necessary that the work of Wheldalc and Bassett upon the pigments of Antirrhinum should be continued until crystalline substances having the characteristics of chemically pure compounds are obtained, and these examined, before it can have any weight in favour of the hypothesis which those authors support. Doubtless Wheldale and Bassett were neither aware of the publica- tion of Willstatter and his collaborators, nor present when Professor Willstatter lectured on this subject at the University College, London, in May last. It is perhaps advisable to note that in the passage quoted by Wheldale and Bas.sett, from the author's paper, viz. : " one would expect that by taking the yellow gluco.'iide, hydrolising, then reducing \vith removal of sugars, the anthocyanidin produced would combine with the sugar present to form an anthocyanin. This is not the case," the original reads: " , then reducing xvithout removal of sugars, " {loc. cit. p. 445). The authoi's recent work proves at least that Rutin — a disaccharide of quercetin — passes by reduction, without hydrolysis at all, into a red disaccharide pigment whose properties are those of an anthocyanin. No satisfactory evidence is available to suggest that, in general, higher glucosides of these pigments occur in plants, and until such evidence is forthcoming, hypotheses demanding their existence are not likely to receive much support from chemists. It appears necessary to point out that the author does not use the solubility or insolubility of these pigments in amyl alcohol as a test to distinguish between anthocyanidins and anthocyanins, the test used depends upon the distribution between dilute aqueous sulphuric acid and amyl alcohol, coupled with the change in such distribution when a glucoside pigment is hydrolysed ; this was clearly described in the author's paper (loc. cit). Chemical Laboratories, Univer.sity College, Reading. H. K. LEWIS, 136, Gowep St. London, W.C. Close to Euston Square Station, Warren Street (Tube Railways), and University College. Telephone No. : Museum 1072. Publicavit, Eusroad, London." ("I Telegrams : < MEDICAL AND SCIENTIFIC CIRCULATING LIBRARY. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION from ONE GUINEA. The Library Includes the widest range of subjects connected with Medicine, Chemistry, Biology and General Science. Subscriptions may commence at any date, and booh can be had A T ONCE. 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It deals with heredity of colour, heredity and sex, gametic coupling and spurious allomorphism, double flowers, evidence as to Mendehan inheritance in man, biological conceptions in the light of Mendelian discoveries and practical application of these principles. An appendix contains a biographical notice of Mendel and translation of his papers on hybridization and hieraoium. The work is beautifully illustrated." — Chicago Medical Journal "A. new impression cannot fail to be welcomed. ...Jl/enders Principles of Heredity is already a classic. It marks a position of stability towards which previous work is now seen to have logically converged, and from which new and active research is to-day no less logically diverging. The various waves of biological thought are constantly intersecting, mingling, and passing on with altered rhythm, but it rarely happens that so many meet together at a nodal point as during the last decade. ...As an analysis of that point, as a picture of how it has come into being, and as a foreshadowing of happenings in the near future, Mendel's Principles stands alone, and it is good to know that the generation of students now growing up cannot be cut off from the posses- sion of a book so full of inspiration." — Gardeners' Chronicle THE METHODS AND SCOPE OF GENETICS By W. BATESON, M.A., F.R.S., V.M.H. Grown Svo. Is. 6d. net. " Professor Bateson tells how Mendel's law works out with the colours of certain flowers, moths, and canaries, and with colour-blindness in men and women. More than this, he describes the outlook over this field of research in a manner that will greatly interest and attract all in- telligent people, for, as he rightly says, ' Mendel's clue has shown the way into a realm of nature ■which for surprising novelty and adventure is hardly to be excelled.' " — Morning Post Cambridge University Press, Fetter Lane, London 0. F. CiiAY, Manager CONTENTS All Bights reserved M. Wheldale, Oui- present Knowledge of the Chemistry of the Mendelian Factors for Flower-Colour. (With Plate VII, and 11 Text-Figures) Clifford Dobell. A Commentary on the Genetics of the Ciliate Protozoa. (With 5 Text-Figures) 131 Arthur Ernest Everest. A Note on Wheldale and Bassett's Paper " On a Supposed Synthesis of Anthocyanin." (With 1 Text-Figure) 191 109 The Journal of Genetics is a periodical for the publication of records of original research in Heredity, Variation and allied subjects. The Joiu'ual will also, from time to time, contain articles summarising the existing state of knowledge in the various branches of Genetics, but reviews and abstracts of work published elsewhere will not, as a rule, be included. Adequate illustration will be provided, and, where the subject matter demands it, free use will be made of coloured plates. The Journal will be issued in parts as material accumulates, and a volume, appearing, so far as possible, annually, will consist of four such parts. Volumes I — III (1910 — 14) are now ready. Price in four parts, paper covers, 30s. net per volume ; bound in buckram, 34s. 6d. net per volume. Bucki'am binding cases can be supplied at 2s. 6d. net each. Subscribers' sets can be bound for 4s. 6c^. net per volume, including the case. Papers for publication may be .sent either to Mr Bateson, Manor House, Morton Park, Surrey, or to Professor Punnett, Whittingehame Lodge, Cambridge. Other communications should be addressed to the University Press, Cambridge. Papers forwarded to the Editors for publication are understood to be offered to the Journal of Genetics alone, unless the contrary is stated. Contributors will receive 50 separate copies of their papers free. A further 50 may be had at cost price : these should be ordered when the final proof is returned. The Subscription price for a volume is 30s. net (post free) payable in advance ; separate parts 10s. each net. Subscriptions may be sent to any bookseller, or to Mr C. F. Clay, Manager, Cambridge University Press, Fetter Lane, London, E.G. The Cambridge University Press has appointed the University of Chicago Press agents for the sale of the Journal of Genetics in the United States of America, and has authorised them to charge the following prices :— Annual subscription, $7.50 net; single copies, 12.50 net each. CAKBRIDGB: printed BT JOHN CLAY, M.A. AX THE UNIVERSITY PRESS Vol. 4, No. 3 January, 1915 JOURNAL OF GENETICS EDITED BY W. BATESON, MA., F.R.S. DIRECTOR OF THE JOHN INNES HORTICULTURAL INSTITUTION AND R. C. PUNNETT, M.A., F.R.S. ARTHUR BALFOUR PROFESSOR OF GENETICS IN THE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS C. F. CLAY, Manager LONDON : FETTER LANE, E.C. EDINBURGH: 100, PRINCES STREET also H. K. LEWIS, 136, GOWER STREET, LONDON, W.C. WILLIAM WESLEY AND SON, 28, ESSEX STREET, LONDON, W.C. CHICAGO : THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PRESS BOMBAY AND CALCUTTA : MACMILLAN & CO., LTD. TORONTO : J. M. DENT & SONS, LTD. TOKYO : THE MARUZEN-KABUSHIKI-KAISHA Price Ten Shillings net Issued February 3, 1915] THE L.MVf:f<»SITV OF CHICAGO SCIENCE SERIES VA* '.! \!.r: f'.ii.yi-.f-.iXy ij-Kkt. it* r/ri(po to a .■:-'.\.';!, vy;;(/yif/n » y/ttlirju burtween the ' tb« itAmai» will r»ii(!« frvio flf '. THE FIBHT PUBLJHHED VOLUME OF THE HEniES The Evolution oit Sex In Plants. P.v Johw Mkkle Coi;i-tkr, If««i'l of •;,■•, />':)/•;»/ t./(i Kt/mli 12//JO, ck/lJi ; 4*. ii'rt, i/j t;.,* J-/ift v'/l«in« '/I U»* »»** " (;rjl»«-r«ity of di\PMV.'> V^iwrvM Hirrum" Protwuor Oiuluw, th* (j^iU/r 'rf t>** /ir/UinlfMt O/artU mid iiiK vsliif/r lA nomef'/u« volurm^ on kf/tar;:/;*! v:\KtiK*:, Suui ({iv«i K |//<-t<;nU»wi r/f the rocjlU of rt:Vi^t<:ii (sbowini/ thmt all ri ; ■ ja tli* e«f(U: In lt« *««*-muil ItAtirim an/l alJ m/rtfj/ylj! of mfir'jduKlUtri are f,: -,»*« l/y t>»« VKirjriiJi; jf [danU in t>»'Wr li(<: hixUjrUM, (v:i M-j,.",, ,'.-tw/n, t^i<: a'jOi/yi- (tarn, 1* ^inifAy oru-. kind of r<«(y/nw:, t)w: wjr feature nM (/ri.li«I t/y /'r(/r«xjjj«ti//n, out 1 1 xMr!: »yf tti* s'jt>j<-/rt iiM. Th* Uutt e/., /J offc^fit a iW/ry of wjz, riv'iuv* tb« r/t/>r<: promlntnt fa/rt« ic^ fortb in (/rii<;.(.i/ ^AlU of tii« volliMM!, fti>4 nnntift both ai> a (uronury an/1 a working; hytx/t^M^iJi. '/IHKC. VOI.i'.MI'H I.'.- IM'.KI'AIiATIOX FOH KAIlLV I'lJllLKJATION The Origin of the Earth. My Thomajj C. fJnA»mK(£i,i», Wt-M of th'; />«{;arH««?f*t iwf iitta\(>\gy in tli<-, IJniv«;nsity of Chicago. The liolation and Meairarcment of the Electron. Ji>^ JIoukhi A '•//)■>-. 7.:-. .Mn.i./KA '.. }';',(" :i;::'/f ',( J'hysiic!) in ih'; I/iiiv(;r«ity of (Jhi(,'»«j{0. Finite Colllneatlon aroupi. liy J1av« K. iU.u:iivv,i.\fr, Profewsor of Malti'ii/iit.iKJi i/j J>;i.-u/'l rjt.anfor'J .iuiiior L'»iiv«!r»iity, O'lllKK VOLL'MEK PLANNED AND IN PKEPAHATION Tht Evolution of Reptllei. liy Kaiick», Wk.vuki.l WiLurros. Fofi'l PolBonlnK- i'-, l-'-^w.^ Oako Jomimm The Problem of Individuality In OrganiiimB. l5y ('usuhtM Makkiso The Development of u New Synttt-m of Or($anlc Chemistry, Baaed on DUsodatlon Concepta. Uy .ions L'luic Nkf, with t.),'; ", <,|,':/iUI<,;i '-f .1. VV. h, hl.Mlfl'.U). The Living Oyoada. Uy C»a«i-k» .htnv.i'u Chamiikklaix. iyi«rf;hiifi)<,«i of D«:l;iytd Germination In Beed*. I',y Wu.uam Cmdukvm. The RlKldlty of the Earth and of Material*. iJy Alkkut A, Ml'.lfKIA'/.'i' The Problem of Fertilization, liy l•'('.A^K It Lim.ik. Linear Integral Equallonx in General Analyals. I'-y Kuakim llAHTIVfiN MoOUK. The IJnIverHity » 3407 31 8 — — „ 3410 63 22 — — Totals .. 162 56 — 2 AaBb 3400 25 5 10 — »» 3408 52 17 23 — .. 3409 55 14 23 — Totals 132 36 56 1 Previous tests have shown that similarly occurring striped plants were merely hetero- zygous green plants, and no doubt the striped plants listed in this column should be included with the green plants. 202 Albimsm in Maize families. Two of these progenies' consisted only of green plants ; three consisted of green plants and pure white ones in the ratio 3"2 : 1 ; three were composed of green plants and j^ellowish-white ones in very nearly the three-to-one ratio ; and three progenies yielded green plants, yellow- ish-white ones, and pure white ones in a pro])()i-tion closely approximating the 9:3:4 ratio. Theoretically the individuals of the four classes of F^ plants should occur in equal numbers. Of the eleven self-pollinated Fy ears tested, three classes were represented by three each and one class by two. This result is as near the theoretical expectation as would be possible in a test of eleven ears. Thus from the study of crosses in the foregoing description, between plants of a family in which pure white seedlings occur and those of a progeny where yellowish-white ones are found, it appears that the production of normal green may be due to the presence of at least two factors : in the absence of one the plant is pure white, while if the other be absent the plant is yellowish-white, often becoming greenish and occasionally, after a time, fully green. Further tests have been made with the yellow-green plants (PI. VIII, fig. 7) described by Emerson (10). In this category the seedlings have the normal green colour at first, but later the leaves turn a distinct yellowish colour and because of the striking resemblance to the "golden" varieties of some of the horticultural plants the term " golden " will hereafter be used in describing this type. In the summer of 1912 the F.> of a cross between a green plant and a golden one yielded 40 green jjlants and 11 golden ones. Two of the green plants were crossed with pure golden plants and in one of these crosses the green plant was heterozygous, as shown by the fact that the progeny resulting from the cross consisted of 50 pei' cent, green plants and 50 per cent, golden ones. None of the F^ plants showed any of the golden colour, thus indicating that green is completely dominant. Eight of the F^ plants were self-pollinated. It would be expected that seed from each of the Fi ears would yield a progeny consisting of 75 per cent, green plants and 25 jDer cent, golden plants, but the progeny from one ear was composed entirely of green plants. Many seedlings of this progeny were destroyed by mice and only 12 plants grew to the age of eight weeks, or the time when the golden individuals can usually be identified. Since only one out of four plants should be of the golden type, it is 1 One of these progenie.s (No. 3iOo) consisted of too few individuals to show con- clusively that it was of the pure green type, yet it is probable that such was the case. F. C. Miles 203 barely possible that there might be 12 green plants without the occurrence of any golden ones. But there is also the possibility that the single grain which gave rise to the F^ plant was accidentally either self-pollinated (the cross was green % x golden ^) or crossed by a grain of pollen from a green plant. Seed from seven of the F^ ears gave 230 green plants and 67 golden plants. This is a ratio of 3-4 : 1 instead of the expected 3 : 1 ratio, but since nearly all of the plants were grown in the greenhouse under rather crowded conditions not all of the golden individuals may have been identified. A cross of an F^ plant with one of the golden plants yielded some interesting results. The resulting ear had 195 grains which lacked aleurone colour, and 36 grains which had black aleurone. When seed lacking aleurone colour was planted there resulted 15 green plants and 15 golden ones, just as is expected when an F^ plant is crossed with the recessive parent, but the seed having black aleurone gave eight plants, all of which were green. It would be interesting to note whether or not there is any coupling between the factors concerned in the develop- ment of green in the leaves and the various factors involved in the formation of aleurone colour. Several of the golden plants were self-pollinated, but only three small ears resulted as this type of plant rarely produces ears. The three ears produced progenies of 4, 20, and 21 plants, respectively, and all 45 plants were of the golden type. This, together with the various other tests herein reported, indicates rather clearly that a simple Mendelian recessive is being dealt with. The cross between ordinary green plants and striped plants of the race known as Zea japonica (PL VIII, figs. 8«, Hb) is affording interesting study. The first generation is green, and when self-pollinated yields a second generation consisting of both green plants and striped' plants similar to the japonica parent. The results thus far obtained indicate that the percentage of striped segregates in a progeny depends, to some extent at least, upon whether or not aleurone colour is developed in the grains planted. In the original cross part of the grains lacked aleurone colour, and part of them had dark aleurone. These were separated and F^ plants were grown from each lot. In the second generation the family which developed no aleurone colour in the grains consisted of 94 green plants and 30 striped ones, ' At first the striped segregates, as well as the individuals of Zea japonica, cannot be distinguished from green plants, but about five to eight weeks after planting the new leaves begin to show the prominent longitudinal stripes. 204 Albinism in Maize approximating closely the monohybrid ratio. Fifteen of the green plants and five striped ones were self-pollinated. Ordinarily one would expect the striped segregates to breed true, and of the green plants one-third should breed true green, while two-thirds should segregate into green plants and striped plants in the ratio three green : one striped. Of the fifteen progenies grown from self-pollinated ears of the green F.^ plants five consisted only of green plants ; nine consisted of both green plants and striped plants, the total numbers being 262 green and 86 striped ; and one progeny consisted wholly of striped plants. The fact that one progeny consisted of striped plants can easily be accounted for, because in the original cross one of the parents was a very dark-purple plant and in the F.^ there were a number of purple plants appearing. It was noted during the summer of 1912 that it was often difficult to distinguish the striping on some of the purple plants, and in occasional cases it might have been overlooked. The records show that the individual which gave a progeny of striped plants was a dark-purple plant, and consequently it may have been faintly striped, but the fact was overlooked when notes on plant colour were taken. Of the five progenies grown from the five self-pollinated striped segregates four bred true to the striped condition, there being 288 plants in all four families. But one progeny consisted of 34 striped plants and eight green ones. This condition appears somewhat similar to the results obtained by Baur(4) and Correns(6) in crosses between variegated and green plants, for they reported that not all of the variegated segregates bred true. Emerson(ll) reports results of a comparable nature in the case of variegation in pericarp colour of maize grains. As regards plant colour, there is the possibility that the green individuals were the result of accidental cross-pollination of the varie- gated plants with green plants. The second-generation family descending from those grains which in the original cross had dark aleurone consisted of 87 green plants and 10 striped ones. Thirteen gi-een plants and five striped ones were self-pollinated. The results from these pollinations are shown in Table IV. It is seen that too large a percentage of the green plants bred true green for this to be interpreted as a simple case of inheritance. Also, only one of the striped plants bred true to the striped condition, and the fact that four of the striped plants threw some green individuals indicates that the green plants probably were not due to accidental cross-pollination. The peculiar behaviour in this case is not understood F. C. Miles 205 at present, but careful study should be made to determine whether or not some of the factors for aleurone colour may in some way be related to the factor (or factors) concerned in the development of the variegated leaves, for in the instances in which aleurone colour was not involved the variegated condition of leaves appeared to be a simple Mendelian recessive. TABLE IV. Colour of F„ plants and the aleurone colour of grains home on the self-pollinated F.-. plants, together with results obtained in F^ of the cross betvOeen Zen japonica and ordinary green maize. Results obtained in F:i Colour of Fz plants Green Colour of aleurone in grains of ear of F^ plants Lacked aleurone colour Number of green plants Number of striped plants 30 — 36 — 39 — 39 — 26 11 51 12 25 7 21 6 Striped 3 black grains to 1 non-coloured one 9 black grains to 7 non-coloured ones Black aleurone colour Lacked aleurone colour 9 black grains to 7 non-coloured ones 27 30 45 57 35 31 13 5 16 12 27 31' 6 16 63 57 32 24 23 A study has been made of the behaviour of the peculiar green- striped plants (PI. VIII, fig. 9) described by Emerson (10). When crossed with green plants the Fj plants are fully green, and in the F^ there occurs the regular segregation. In a total of 466 plants of nine progenies there were 357 green plants and 109 which had 1 The parent which yielded this progeny of striped plants was also one of the purplish plants, and if any stripes were present they were so very faint that they were overlooked when notes were taken. 20f> AlMnisw in Maize the characteristic green striping. This approximates very closely the 3 : 1 ratio and indicates that a simple Mendelian recessive is being dealt with. Crosses between plants of the different categories were made as follows : Ze(( jciponica x golden. Green-striped x golden. Green-striped x yellowish-white, later turning green. In tliese cases neither parent in any of the crosses was fully green, yet all the F-^ plants resulting from each cross were of normal green colour. The F., generations were grown from the respective crosses, and notes were taken concerning the seedlings until five weeks after date of planting. Since the japonica-striped plants, the green-striped ones, and the golden ones cannot be identified with extreme accuracy until they are from eight to ten weeks old, it was unfortunate that no notes could be taken at a later date. But the absence of the writer from the State during the remainder of the growing season prevented such notes being taken. At the date when the last notes were made, however, one could distinguish individuals of the various categories. In the F.. of the cross between plants of Zea japonica and those of the golden type there were 102 green plants, five of the japonica type, 37 golden ones, and four golden plants striped after the manner of Zea japonica. The second generation of the cross between green-striped plants and golden ones consisted of 63 green plants, 14 green-striped ones, 22 of the golden type, and four golden plants which had the peculiar striped pattern of the green-striped category. In F„ of the cross between green-striped and yellowish-white plants there were 146 green plants, 25 green-striped, and 42 yellowish-white. In these cases there were too few individuals in the various F., families for one to place much dependence in the ratios, yet it seems probable that they arc merely modifications of the dihybrid ratio. A further study of these crosses must be made, in order to fully understand the relation between the various types. An Anatomical Study of the Leaves of Certain Types of Maize. At the suggestion of Professor Emerson the writer undertook a histological study of the leaves of some of the various types of albescent maize. It was soon found that a more satisfactory study could be made F. C. Miles 207 if the specimens were first killed and then prepared according to the paraffin method. Experiments were made with several different killing reagents, but the most satisfactory method was to allow the leaf sections to remain for about two and one-half hours in a modification of Carnoy's killing fluid composed of absolute alcohol 50 per cent., chloroform 25 per cent., and glacial acetic acid 25 per cent. After killing, the specimens were washed in absolute alcohol, cleared in xylol, infiltrated and embedded in paraffin. Cross sections of the leaves were made of from three to fifteen microns in thickness, but those sections which were either ten or twelve microns in thickness proved the best for a study of the plastids. Of the stains employed Lichtgriln appeared to be most satisfactory, yet some good results were obtained from Delafield's haematoxylin, and also from acid fuchsin. Camera lucida drawings were made from the prepared slides by Miss Lucille Goodloe, Washington, D.C., to whom the writer desires to express his thanks at this time. Examination of leaves from the pure white plants showed that the plastids apparently were almost, if not entirely, lacking (Fig. L). Even leucoplasts could not be differentiated with any of the stains which were used. This is an extreme condition, yet the conclusion that no Fig. 1. Cross section through a leaf of a pure white seedling, such as is illustrated in PI. VIII, fig. 1. No plastids could be differentiated, x 360. plastids are present is substantiated by the fact that these pure white plants have never been known to turn green, or even greenish, in colour, but always die as soon as the young seedlings have exhausted the food stored in the kernel planted. The condition found, however, in the leaves of the yellowish-white 208 Albinism in Maize plants is somewhat different. Preparations were made of leaves of different ages. Fig. 2 shows the cross. section of a leaf of a very Fig. 2. Cross section through a leaf of a .young yellowish-white seedling at the stage illustrated in PI. VIII, fig. 3. The plastids are small and are comparatively few iu number. They were differentiated in the same manner as the plastids of the guard cells of the stoma shown at " S." x 380. young seedling such as that shown in PI. VIII, fig. 3. Even though the leaf was only yellowish, there was a differentiation of small granular bodies resembling diminutive plastids. It will be noted that these small bodies react to the stain in the same manner as do the plastids shown in the guard cells of the stoma. The material illustrated in Fig. 3 was taken from an older plant which was turning greenish. Fig. 3. Cross section through a leaf of an older yellowish- white plant, such as illustrated in PI. VIII. fig. 4a. The plastids have increased in size and number, x 360. F. C. M1LE8 209 Hero it is seen thut the granular bodies in the cells have increased both in size and in niunber. In some cases, perhaps under especially favourable conditions, the plants became almost, if not fully, green (see PI. VIII, fig. (i). Preparations from the leaves at this time appear as shown in Fig. 4. Here apparently normal plastids are present, and they resemble very closely those found in ordinary green corn leaves (Fig. 5). Thus in the case of the yellowish-white plants which may Fig. 4. Cross section through a leaf ot a still older yellowish-wbite plant which is becoming greenish. Leaf from which the section was taken was almost green, x -llO. Fig. .5. Cross section through a leaf of a normal green plant, x 380. Jouru. of Oen. iv 14 210 Albinism in Maize turn greenish or green the studies indicate that the gradual develop- ment from small and comparatively few granular bodies into apjwrently normal plastids is synchronous with the changing of the plants from the yellowish-white condition of the young seedlings to the green condition of the older plants. This condition differs from that in plants which are yellowish-white because of being grown in darkness. Seed which was known to produce only normal green plants was j^lanted in a flat and was germinated in the dark. The young seedlings were yellowish in colour (no green showing), and preparations of the leaves showed that plastids were in abundance (Fig. 6). Fig. 6. Cross section through a leaf of a seedling made yellowish by being germi- nated and grown in darkness, x 380. The leaves of the race of maize known as Zea jrqyonica have stripes of dark green, pale green, and white ( PI. VIII, fig. 86). In the dark-green area of these leaves chloroplasts are present in approximately the same number, and are about the same size as in ordinary green leaves (Fig. 7), while in the white portion there are very few, if any, plastids. There were noted, however, a very few small bodies which may have been leucoplasts. The pale-green stripe afforded an interesting study. Fig. 8 shows the position of the plastids which are present. They are seen to be in only those cells next to the lower epidermis. Since this is the case, the intensity of the green colour is diminished as the F. C. Miles 211 light passes through the several layers which are void of plastids. It was noted that the stripe which appeared a pale green on the upper surface of the leaf was of a more intense green colour on the Fig. 7. Cross section through a greeu portion of a leaf of the striped race Zea japonica. Plastids are dis- tributed through the different cell layers. x 3.50. Fig. 8. Cross section through a pale green stripe of a leaf of the striped race Zea japonica. Apparently normal plastids are found in the cells near the lower epidermis, and light passing through the colourless layers above causes a reduction of the intensity of the green colour, x 300. lower surface. This would be expected because if the leaf be viewed from the lower surface the cells containing chloroplasts would be immediately underneath the epidermis, and consequently the green would show more vividly than if the light had ti) pass through several layers of cells. 212 Albinism in Maize Fig. 9 shows a portiou of a white stripe and also a portion of a green stripe in a variegated leaf of maize. It is not at all difficult to note the boundary between the white and the green portion.s, for well- differentiated plastids are present in the green portion and are ab.sent in the white portion. Fig. 9. Cross section through a striped green and white leaf. The boundary between the green and the white stripes is distinct, as is shown by the absence of plastids in the white portion, x 380. Summary. From the studies of the various categories it appears that in all cases, with the possible e.xception of the striped leaves in Zea japonica, the several degrees of albinism in corn leaves behave as simple Mendelian recessives; the first generation of a cross with ordinary green races giving fully green plants, and the second generation segi'egating in the ratio of three green plants to one plant of the particular type which was used in the cross. The study of the manner of inheritance of variegated leaves of Zea japonica in crosses where aleurone colour is involved has not been completed. A rather definite relation has been pointed out between a pure white type -of maize plant and a yellowish-white type, the results indicating that the presence of at least two factors is necessary for the development of normal green in the leaves of maize. In the F. O. Miles 213 absence of one of these factors the phmt is pure white and soon dies, while in the absence of the other factor the plant at first is yellowish- white, but is capable of developing into a greenish condition and sometimes into a pure gi-een plant. Studies of the relation between the other categories have not been completed. Crosses of striped plants of the japonica type with golden plants, and those of the green-striped plants with golden plants, and also the crosses of green-striped plants with yellowish-white individuals which turn green have all resulted in first generation plants which were of the normal gi-een colour. Although it was impossible to note the second generation plants, except during the first five weeks of their growth, it was possible at that time to identify segregates of the respective categories. The results secured in these crosses, however, add further evidence to the hypothesis that more than one factor is concerned in the production of normal green cohjur in the leaves of maize. Apjjarently there is lacking in each parent some genetic factor (or factors perhaps) which is concerned in the development of chlorophyll, and, since the F^ plants are normal green, it appears as if that facti.>r which is lacking in one parent may be present in the other. In the pure white plants no plastids could be differentiated. In the yellowish-white plants which later may become green plastids apparently are present from the fii'st, although they are few in number and are very small, gradually increasing in number and size as the leaf turns green. In Zea japonica the manner of distribution of plastids may be compared with the condition which Trelease (14) has described in certain variegated Agaves. He found that the normal green condition was due to the presence of plastids in the subepidermal region of the leaf. In variegated leaves, if the stripe was pale greenish, there was found to be a suppression of jalastids through several of the subepi- dermal cells, while in a pure white stripe there was " all but complete suppression of recognizable plastids." EXPLANATION OF PLATE. PLATE VIII. Fig. 1. Pure white seedling. Fig. 2. Ordinary green seedling. Fig. 3. Yellowish-white seedling 12 days after planting. Figs. 4« and ib. Yellowish-white seedlings 15 days after planting. 214 Albinism in Maize Fig. 5. Yellowish-wlutc scedliiii,' wliicli is tuining greenish; 20 days after plautinf,'. Fig. 6. Yellowisli-wliite seedling wliicli has become nearly t;reen ; 2".) days after planting;. Fig. 7. Golden plant. As the plants rrrow older they become even more golden in colour. Fig. Ha. Striped plant of Xea japonica. Fig.Hh. Section of a leaf of Zea japonica. Note the stripes of white, yellowish, pale green and dark green. Fi^s. 7 and 8 in the text show the distribution of plastiJs in the dark-;jreen and in the pale-green stripes, "r/" and "p," respectively. Fig. 9. Section of a leaf of a green-striped plant. LITERATURE CITED. 1. Badr, E. " Unter.siichungen iiber die Erblichkeitsverhiiltnisse einer luir in Bastardform lebensfiihigen Sippe \'ou Antiriidnuin nmjus." Ber. d. IJeutsch. Bot. Ges. Bd. XXV. liJOT. 2. . "Die Aure;i-Sippen von Antirrldnuia niajus." Zeitschr. f. ind. Ahs. it. Venrbungslehre, Bd. I. 1908. 3. . " Vererbungs- und Bastai'dieruug.sver.suche mit Antirrhimtm iivtjus." Zeitschr. f. ind. Ahs. u. Vererlmngslchre, Bd. III. 1910. 4. . " Untersuchungen iiber die Vererbung von Chromatophorenmerkmalen bei Melandriuin, Antirrhinum uud Aquilegia.' Zeitschr. f. ind. Ahs. n. Vererhungslehre, Bd. iv. 1910. 5. . " Das Wesen und die Erblichkeitsverhaltnisse der ' varietates albo- ina,rgma,ta,Bhort' von Pelargonium zonale.'" Zeitschr. f. ind. Ahs. u. Verer- hungslehre, Bd. I. 1909. 6. C0RREN13, C. " Vererbungsversuche mit blass(gelb)griinen und bunlblattrigen Sippen boi Mirabilis Jalapa, Urtica pilulifera und Lunaria annua." Zeitschr./. ind. Ahs. v. Vererhungslehre, Bd. I. 1909. 7. Davis, B. M. " Genetical Studies on Oenothera." III. /I men iVai. July, 1912. 8. . "Genetical Studies on Oenothera." IV. .4mer. Nat. August and September, 1913. 9. East, E. M. and Hayes, H. K. " Inheritance in Maize." Conn. Agr. E.cpl. Station, Bull, clxvii. 1911. 10. Emerson, R. A. "The Inheritance of Certain Forms of Chlorophyll Reduction in Corn Leaves." Nuhr. Agr. Expt. Station, Twenty-fifth Animal Report, 1912. 11. . " The Inheritance of a Recurring Somatic Variation in Variegated Ears of Maize." Amer. Nat. Vol. XLVlir. pp. 87 — 115, 1914; Ncbr. Agr. Expt. Station. Research Bull. iv. pp. 1 — 3.5, 1914. 12. (JiERNERT, W. B. The Auali/sis of Characters in Corn and their Behaviour in Transmission. Published by the author, 1912. 13. Nii.sson-Ehlb, M. "Einige Beobachtungen iiber erbliche Variationen der Chlorophylleigcnschaft bei den Getreidearten." Zeitschr. f. ind. Ahs. u. Vererhungslehre, Vol. ix. 1913. 14. Thki.ease, William. ^^Variegation in the Agaveae," Sonderabdruck aus der " Wiesuer- Festschrift," 1908. (Verlag Carl Konegen in Thien.) JOURNAL OF GENETICS, VOL. IV. NO. 3 r t IP' \- -4'' Al> \ 5 PLATE VIII r^ \ i^ \. s/> 'J STUDIES IN THE PHYSIOLOGY OF FERTILIZATION. PART I. ON THE CONDITIONS OF SELF-FERTILIZATION IN GIONA. By H. M. FUCHS (Shuttleworth Student of Gonville and Cwius College, Gamhridge). CONTENTS. PAGE I. Introduction ......... . • 215 II. Methods; importance of exactness ..... . 221 III. Factors influencing the extent of self-fertilization ..... 232 1. Sperm-concentration ......... 232 2. Length of time that eggs and sperm lie in water before fertilization 234 3. Position of genital products in their ducts ..... 237 IV. The effect of a sperm suspension on the eggs of the same individual . . 240 v. Comparison of the subsequent development of eggs self- and cross-fertilized under various conditions ......... 244 1. Eggs cross-fertilized at different intervals after the removal of the genital products from the body of the animal .... 244 2. Eggs and sperm from different parts of genital ducts . . . 249 3. Comparison of development after self- and cross-fertilization . 249 VI. Summary of experimental results ........ 253 VII. Conclusion 254 Beferences ............. 258 I. Introduction. The main problems presented by the fact of self-sterility — that is to say, the difficulty or impossibility of fertilizing the female gametes of certain hermaphrodite animals and plants with male gametes derived from the same individuals — can be divided under five heads. First, the determination of the degree of self-sterility shown by the individuals liK) Studies in the rinjdohMpi of FertiUzatioii of a given race ; second, what factors influence the degree of self- sterility ; third, the causes of the self-sterility; fourth, the inherit- ance of self-sterility ; and fifth, the effect of self-fertilization on the offspring. The present investigation was commenced in the belief that IJiamt intestitiuliH is almost, if not coniplet(>ly, self-sterile, in which case the first, seci.md, and fifth of the problems just eiuinierated would be non-existent. It was proposed to investigate the inheritance of the self-sterility on the lines of the extremely interesting work b}^ Correns (4) on Cardamine pratensis. That is to say, separate cross- fertilized families would be raised to maturity, and then the membei-s of a family be crossed inter se, with individuals of the family derived from the reciprocal cross and with unrelated individuals. Castle (1) originally demonstrated the self-sterility of Ciona in- testinalis when making fertilizations to obtain stages in the development of the embryo. The animals used were from Newport. A number of specimens were isolated in separate dishes, where they discharged eggs and sperm simultaneously nearly every day. In the majority of cases none of these eggs were found to have been fertilized, although in some as many as 90 "/„ segmented. In contrast with this, when several animals were placed together in an aquarium, usually 100°/^ of eggs which were discharged segmented. Repeating the observations with eggs and sperm artificially removed from the genital ducts, he found that self-fertilization usually caused few or no eggs to segment, although in one instance 50 " j ^ were self-fertilized. Similar observations were made by Gutherz in 1903 (7a). During the course of an extensive investigation on the phenomenon of self-sterility in Ciona, Morgan never found such high percentages of eggs self-fertilized as Castle had done. The first part of Morgan's work was done at Woods Hole in 1903, when he states (9, p. 138) with regard to artificial fertilizations, that " I have rarely seen more than from one to ten per cent, of self- fertilized eggs segment, and in the greater number of cases not a single egg segmented.'' The second part of the work was done at Coronado Beach, California, in 1905. Here, in makingr fertilizations w"ith eggs and sperui removed artificially from the bodies of the animals, " in only one case out of many hundreds of eggs mixed with their own sperm did fertilization occur." The final part of the investigation was carried out at Woods Hole in 1909 (11), and this time cases of self-fertilization were exti-emely rare. Castle himself suggested that when high self-fertilization per- centages were obtained, tho result may really have bc^en due to the H. M. Fuoiis 217 C7'oss-fertiliKation of soiiie °l^: Ae 0% and 100%. In Exp. XV, Ea gave 2 7„ and 0 7„ : De 90 7, and 100 7„ : Ae 0 % and 100 7„. In Exp. XVI, Ea 5°/, and 70 7„: De 100 7„ and 30 7„: Ae 75 7o ^■nd 100 7o- It seems extremely probable that these divergencies are due to inexact experimentation, although Morgan suggests (10, 230 Studies iti tlie Phjidoloffy of Fertilization p. ;^20) that the extreme difference of 0 "/r '"''f' ")f*"/ in one combina- tion in Exp. XIV anrl again in Exp. XV "is due no doubt to the faihu'e to add sperm to the first lot, which might easily occur." How art' we to judge of the exactness of the results of the crosses which were not made twice over? The conclusion clrawn from 240 combinations was that the sperm of an individual ('iaitd is not capable of fertilizing the eggs of all other individuals to an equal extent, although some of the results, according to Morgan, may have been due to the presence with the eggs of "body-fluids." It would seem, however, that the equality of conditions for each of the cro.sses should be made very much mon' exact before this conclusion is justified. The way in which the percentages of segmenting eggs were counted is not given. Nor are there usually any details as to about how many eggs were used in the experiments, nor how many of these were counted. In some few cases, however, the number of eggs present is given in brackets after the percentages. Apparently these were the cases in which exceptionally few eggs were used, as the following citations would seem to show. From the 1904 paper: p. 14.5, 0°/,^ (only 3 eggs); p. 149, 0 7, (1 egg); p. 150, 10% (only 10 eggs); p. 151, 25% (only 4 eggs), 50 7, (only 8 eggs), 12 7„ (only 8 eggs), etc. From the 1910 paper: p. 218, 100 7„ (3 eggs), 0 7„ (1 egg); p. 219, 100 7„ (2 eggs), 50 7o (2 eggs), 100 7o (4 eggs)'. How many eggs were present in the other lots is not stated. In all work on fertilization under ditferent experimental conditions, the complete absence of genital products of other individuals than those used in a particular experiment is an absolutely essential condition. This is, if possible, more than ever important in work on self-fertilization in comparatively self-sterile organisms, where the presence of the most minute trace of " foreign " spermatozoa upsets the whole results. The importance of this precaution is fully realized by Morgan. He says (9, p. 137), "The individuals to be used were isolated, as a rule, from 24 to 48 hours, and in most cases were rinsed in fi-esh-water before opening," and that instruments were properly sterilized. Nevertheless, throughout the work the expression of doubt recurs that such and such a result may have been due to contamination with " foreign " sperma- tozoa. There is no necessity for such doubt at all, for if unfertilized controls are kept of every lot of eggs employed, and unfertilized eggs are left lying in samples of every fluid used, if none of these segment ' On the same page is recorded " 60% (no eggs)," hut this must be a printer's error. H. M. FucHS 231 there can be no reasonable question of the accidental presence of spermatozoa which would vitiate the results. Experiments were made by Morgan to test the influence of ovary- extract on the extent of self-fertilizations. In two out of eight cases some of the eggs segmented, but " there may have been contamination in the latter case" (9, p. 139). Again, it was tried whether water in which eggs had been violently shaken would favour the self-fertilization of the eggs of another individual. In several cases self-fertilization did occur in the presence of such water (10, p. 325); but "There is, in fact, a source of contamination in this experiment that may fully account for all the cases observed. In removing the eggs from the oviduct .some of the sperm from the vas deferens may be accidentally squeezed out and become mixed with the eggs, and remaining in the follicle water fertilize the other eggs." Whj^ were not unfertilized eggs from another individual left lying in the water in which the eggs had been shaken (follicle water) to test whether it contained siJermatozoa or not ? Again, the question recurs (11, p. 207) as to whether the few cases of self-fertilization may not have been due to contamination with " foreign " spermatozoa retained in the branchial basket of the animal, which might then come into contact with the eggs removed from the oviduct. But if unfertilized samples of these eggs had been kept as controls the possible presence of such " foreign " spermatozoa would have been made known. The repetition of such examples serves no further purpose, but in conclusion it should be pointed out that some of the experiments made to yield results by comparison were not comparative at all. For example, eggs were fragmented by pressui-e under a cover-slip and many of the eggs which had been broken in this way were self-fertilized on the addition of " own " sperm, thus " indicating that the resistance to self-fertilization is due to something in the membranes surrounding the eggs " (10, p. 326). But the second half of the experiment, which would justify such a conclusion, is missing. It is not mentioned whether some of the same lot of eggs, which had not been crushed, showed no self-fertilization when inseminated with an equal amount of the same sperm-suspension. Again, a number of experiments were made to see whether subjection of the genital products to low temperatures would increase the percentages of eggs self- fertilized. In some cases a considerable proportion of eggs showed self-fertilization after such treatment, but apparently the second half of the experiment was again missing, in which some of the same lot of eggs untreated with cold 232 Studies in the Phystobxjii of Fertilization should have bprn fertilized with a like ainount nf the same suspension of "own" sperm, also untreated. Morgan concluded that the variation in the extent of self-fertilization in the dificient experiments of this series was probably due to contamination with sperm contained in the branchial baskets of the animals from which the eggs and sperm had been removed. But this possibility could have been tested by leaving " foreign " unfertilized eggs in sea-water containing a piece of the branchial basket. III. Factors influencing the Extent of Self-fertilization. From the foregoing it is plain that Ciona intestinalis at Naples is not absolutely self-sterile, but that self-fertilization occurs to a con- siderable degree. Moreover the extent to which it takes place is very variable. The experiments described in this section are attempts to analyse the factors which influence the extent of the self-fertilization ; that is to say, they are exact comparisons between the proportion of eggs to a given individual self-fertilized under a certain set of condi- tions, and the proportion when one of the conditions is altered. At the same time a comparison is made between the percentage of some of the same lot of eggs cross-fertilized by sperm of a "foreign'" individual, or of eggs of a " foreign " individual cross-fertilized by sperm of the first one, under similar conditions to those used in the self-fertilizations. 1. Sperm-concentration. Each of the first series of experiments made to test the influence of sperm-concentration on self-fertilization was carried out as follows. Appi-oximately equal amounts of eggs to a given individual were placed in equal quantities of water in four dishes. Fertilization was effected by the addition of sperm as follows : to dish (1), five drops of a milky suspension of " own " sperm ; to dish (2), 4 cc. of ditto ; to (3), five drops of a milky suspension of " foreign " sperm of approximately TABLE I. (7.8.1.) Eggs selfed Eggs crossed Cross Ajm Bjm Cjm Djm ■ " Own " sperm is used to dsnotc sperm taken from the same individual as the eggs: "foreign " sperm is that from anoilier individual. Cross 5 drops sperai 4cc. sperm Exp. 1. Aja 0 oH Exp. 2. Bjb 0 22 Exp. 3. CIc 12 100 Exp. 4. Did 0 r,tj 5 drops sperm 100 ■tec. sperm 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 H. M. FucHS 233 the same concentration as the suspension of " own " sperm ; to (4), 4 cc. of ditto. The results of these experiments are shown in Tabic I. The Table shows that in each of the e.xperiments an increase in the concentration of " own " sperm caused an increase in the number of eggs self-fertilized, the percentage in Exp. 3 being raised to 100, a proportion which subsequent experiments proved to be uncommon. The fertilizations of the eggs with " foreign " sperm demonstrate the ease with which cross-fertilization is effected as compared with self- fertilization by an approximately equal concentration of sperm, 100 °/^ of the eggs segmenting in each experiment, even with the more dilute sperm-suspensions. Further experiments were then carried out confirming this con- clusion. The results are shown in Tables II, III and IV. The method used in the experiments of Table II, which was the same as that used in those of Tables III and IV, was as follows. Six dishes were prepared, containing equal amounts of water. To the first three were added approximately equal amounts of eggs E to be selfed, and to the last three, approximately equal' amounts of eggs of another individual F to be crossed. Fertilization was effected by the addition to each dish of the amounts of sperm-suspension e given in the Table. In this case the comparison between the proportion of eggs selfed and the proportion crossed with the same amount of sperm was exact, since the same sperm-suspension was used in each fertilization. Cross Eje TABLE II. (8.9.1.) Self-fertilization 2 drops sperm 2 25 drops sperm 24 10 cc. sperm 100 Cross-fertilization Cross Fje 2 drops sperm 100 25 drops sperm 100 10 cc. sperm 100 Cross Gl9 1 drop sperm TABLE in. (8.9.1. Self-fertilization 5 drops sperm 20 drops sperm 100 drops sperm 11 ajg 1 drop sperm 100 Cross-fertilization 5 drops sperm 100 20 drops sperm 100 100 drops sperm 100 TABLE IV. (lO.U.l. Self-fertilization Cross Cross-fertilization L'ross 3 drops sperm + 10 cc. water 1 cc. 5 cc- sperm sperm +10 cc. +10 cc. water water 10 cc. sperm 3 drops .sperm + 10 cc. water Ice. sperm + 10 cc. water 5 cc. sperm + 10 cc. water 10 cc. sperm Jh <1 -=1 47 89 Kij 19 77 100 100 sin 0 0 U 43 Ojii 100 100 100 100 234 Studies in the Pkysiology of Fertilization 2. Length of time that eggs and sperm lie in water before fertiliz- . ation. The next factor investigated was the length of time the eggs and sperm lay in water before they were brought together. The eggs and sperm of one individual and the eggs of another were removed separately from the genital ducts and fertilizations were made at definite intervals after these genital products had been brought into the sea-water. The exact procedure in Exp. 1 was as follows : The genital products were removed at 2.55 — 3.10 p.m. : at 3.45 — 3.50' the first fertilizations were made. A certain quantity of eggs A was placed in water, after which 3 cc. of a thick .sperm-suspension a was added. At the same time an approximately equal quantity of eggs D was placed in 10 cc. water in another dish and 1 cc. of a dilute sperm- suspension a was added. In the previous section it was shown that a considerably greater concentration of sperm is necessary to effect self- fertilization than would cross-fertilize 100 % of foreign eggs, and therefore the sperm a used for cross-fertilization with eggs D had to be made much more dilute than that used to self-fertilize eggs A. The details just given were repeated exactly at each subsequent fertilization, the times of which are given in the Table below. The same sperm- suspensions were of course used to effect the self- and cross-fertilization after each interval. The other four experiments were carried out on the same lines as Exp. 1. The details of the quantities of sperm and water used and the intervals at which the fertilizations were made are given in Table V. As in all the experiments dealing with self-fertilization, more trials were made than the successful ones I'ecorded below, owing to the fact that there are always a certain number of individuals in which none of the eggs will self-fertilize. In this series, five successful experiments are recorded, but besides these there were three in which the self- fertilization percentages were nil throughout. The first point brought out by the experiments of Table V is that in every case the percentages of eggs self-fertilized rose with succeeding fertilization.s. In four cases it fell again after having reached a maximum, but in Exp. 3 at 4^ hours after removing the eggs and sperm from the animal the maximum had not yet been reached. The corresponding cross-fertilizations with the sperm from the same animals showed in no case a rise in percentages with successive fertilizations. In Exps. 2 ' The fertilization times given in Table V were taken at the end of eacli operation, which occupied 3 — 5 minutes. H. M. FiTCHS 235 and 3 there was an excess of sperm throvighout in the cross-fertiliza- tions, 100% of eggs segmenting every time. In Exps. 1, 4 and 5, however, the percentages fell — in the last two, rapidly. TABLE V. Fert. Fert. Fert. Fert. 3.50 4.50 5.45 6.50 Cut outl 2.55-3.10 p.m. (19-5"C.) (20"C.) (20"C.) (20-5'C.) Exp. 1 Self-fert. Aja, 3 cc. thick sperm, 10 cc. water 4 6 9 0 Cross-fert. Z)/a, 1 cc. dilute sperm, 10 cc. water 100 100 79 89- Exp. 2. Self-fert. Clc 3 cc. thick sperm, 10 cc. water 21 23 — 12 Cross-fert. F/c, Ice. dilute sperm: 10 cc. water 100 100 — 100 Fert. Fert. Fert. Fert. Fert Cutout 1.0— 1.10 p.m. 1.45 2.30 3.15 4.0 4.44 Exp. 3. Self-fert. G/fl, 3 cc. thick sperm, 10 cc. water 4 23 75 78 83 Cross-fert. if /.17, 1 cc. dilute sperm, 10 cc. water 100 100 100 100 100 Fert. Fert. Fert. Fert. Pert. Fert. 12 20 1.20 2 20 3.20 4'20 5'20' Cut out 11.45-11. 55 am. (18°C.) (IVC.) (18°C.) (18° C.) (18°C.) {18-5°C.) Exp. 4. Self-fert. 7//, 3 cc. thick sperm, 10 cc. water... 0 <1<1 0 0 0 Cross-fert. J/t, 4 drops dilute sperm, lOcc. water 97 96 80 23 2 0 Fert. Fert. Fert. Fert. Fert. 12.20 1.20 2.20 3.20 420 Cut out 11.30-11.45a.m. (18°C.) (18°C.) (18-6°C.) (18-5-C.) (19° C.) Exp. 5. Self-fert. A'/fc, 4 cc. thick sperm, 10 cc. water ... 6 10 29 1 <1 Cross-fert. 7j/i, 2 drops dilute sperm, 10 cc. water 100 05 23 8 0 From the experiments already described on the length of time that sperm and eggs remain capable of fertilizing, it appeared that the sperm loses its capability rapidly, while the eggs "go off" much more slowly. From this it would seem that the falling off of the cross-fertilization percentages in Exps. 1, 4 and 5 is to be attributed to the failure of the sperm rather than of the eggs. From a comparison of the coiTCsponding self- and cross-fertilizations in Exps. 1, 4 or 5 it seems that the self-fertilization percentages continue to increase until the sperm begins to fail (as indicated by the decreasing cross-fertilization percentages) after which they decrease again. In Exp. 3, where the cross-fertilization percentages show that the sperm did not commence to lose its fertilizing power during the progress of the experiment, the proportions of eggs self-fertilized continued, to rise steadily. 1 By "cut out" is meant tlie time at which the genital products were removed from the duets. " Tliis last fertilization showed much polyspermy, which may account for the irregu- larity in the percentages. In all other cases recorded in this paper segmentation was regular, unless otherwise mentioned. 2'SQ Sfifflirs in the Phi/siolof/i/ of Fertilization III Exjis. 1, 4 and 5 the tempenitures of the water at thu moments of fertilization are recorded. Table V shows that the maximum varia- tion is only 1 C, and as there is no rise and fall correlated with the rise and fall of the fertilization percentages, there can be no connection between the two. The conclusion can thus be drawn ft'om the experiments that lying in water increases the self-fertilizing capacity of eggs and sperm. This increase continues up to a maximum, after which it falls off again, , probably due to the loss of both self- and cross-fertilizing power by the sperm. Although it is certain that there is an increase in the extent to which self-fertilization takes place after the eggs and sperm have been for some time in sea-water, yet the experiments do not decide whether it is due to a change in the eggs or in the sperm. It was thought that further experiments to decide this point could be made as follows : About half the eggs contained in the oviduct are removed and placed in sea-water. The hole in the oviduct wall through which the eggs were removed is then clipped and the sperm removed from the sperm duct to make up a suspension. At regular intervals equal amounts of this sperm-suspension are used to fertilize (1) some of the eggs already lying in water, and (2) some more eggs, just removed from the oviduct. If the eggs (1) showed the typical rise and fiill in self- fertilization percentages, while the eggs (2) did not, the phenomenon would be due, at any rate in part, to an alteration in the eggs during their stay in sea-water. The experiment was trietl and was a comjjlete failure. The eggs which had been for varying lengths of time in sea-water showed the usual increase and decrease in fertilization percentages, but the propor- tions in eggs taken from the oviduct immediately before each fertilization were quite irregular. The reason for this will be apparent when the results of experiments to be described below are seen; for it will be shown that eggs and sperm taken from different parts of the genital ducts of a given animal behave quite differently in their capacity for self-fertilization. Now, whereas the eggs lying in water are thoroughl}' mixed together before being used, and are thus homogeneous material, every time that eggs are removed from the oviduct for comparison, a sample is obtained having a ijuite different behaviour. The reverse experiment, namely that of removing all the eggs and half of the sperm from an animal and then taking samples of the remainder of the sperm from the vas deferens at each fertilization, is H. M. FucHS 237 impracticable for a further cause. It is impossible to make up sperm- suspensions of identical concentrations each time that sperm is removed from the duct. Thus it cannot be decided whether the change in the capacity for self-fertilization shown by the genital products on lying in water is due to a change in the eggs or in the sperm. 3. Position of genital products in their' ducts. The iiTegular variation in the self-fertilization percentages obtained on successive days when an isolated animal is allowed to lay eggs and sperm naturally must be explained in part at least by the differences in the concentration of sperm, depending on the amount ejected on each occasion. The importance of the sperm-concentration has already been shown (pp. 232-233 above), but this may not be the whole reason for the differences in the percentages just referred to. The phenomenon suggests that the genital products of a given animal vary in their capacity for self-fertilization from, day to day. This hypothesis can be tested as follows. The eggs lying at the inner end (base), in the middle and at the outer end (top) of the long oviduct are removed separately from the animal and brought into sea- water. The sperm is then removed from the sperm duct and used to fertilize the three lots of eggs separately. If equal amounts of the three lots of eggs showed the same amounts of self-fertilization with equal concentrations of the sperm, it would argue a uniformity of behaviour in one animal : although the possibility would not be excluded that the eggs given off from the ovary at a later occasion might act diffei-ently. If, on the other hand, the three lots gave irregular differences in the percentages, it would be clearly shown that eggs produced at one time have a different capacity foi- self- fertilization from those produced at another time, since eggs lying at the top of the oviduct are older than those lying at its base. Thei-e is also a third possibility, namely that a regular gradation in percentages from base to top would be found. Experiments were made on this plan, and also the reverse ones of testing samples of eggs, taken from the whole oviduct and well mixed together, with sperm from different positions in the vas deferens. The details of the first series of experiments were as follows : The oviduct of an animal was clipped in one or more places and the eggs removed separately from the different lengths thus divided off. Comparative tests were made of the self-fertilizing capacities of these 238 Studies in the Phusiolofjjf of Fertilization, different lots of eggs, iiiid dtlicr tests of their cross-fertilizing capacities. For the former, sperm was removed from the sperm duct of the same animal from which the eggs were derived, and a suspension of it made up. Approximately equal quantities of the different lots of eggs were put into di.shes containing 10 cc. of water, and to each 1 cc. of a thick " own " sperm-suspension was added. For the cross-fertilizations a dilute spcrm-susi)ension of another individual was made up. Fifty drops of this were added to each of a number of dishes containing approxi- mately equal amounts of the different lots of eggs in 10 cc. water. The results of the experiments are shown in Table VI. TABLE VI. (7.6.1 and 8.11.1.) Vart of oviduct from wliich eggs were taken Base Middle To|j ( J eggs selfed, Aja 4 — 12 ( .-1 eggs crossed, Ajh lUO — 100 \ C eggs selfed, Cjc i 1 — ( C eggs crossed, Cjd 100 lUO — E eggs selfed, Kje 9.i 90 — E eggs crossed, £.'/.' 5 20 — Exp. 4. G eggs selfed, (ijg 89 85 — Exp. 1. Exp. 2. Exp. 3. Part of oviduct from which eggs were taken Exp. Lower Upper Base middle mituile Top \ H eggs selfed, ///7i 0 0 0 0 ^ K eggs crossed, Hji 00 IS 17 1 The Table shows at a glance that there is no uniformity in the self- fertilization percentages of eggs taken from the base and from the top of an oviduct of a given animal. Nor do the different animals agree in the eggs from the top being always either more or less readily self- fertilizable than those from the base. Exps. 3 and 5 show that the same conclusions apply to the cros.s-fertilization percentages (in Exps. 1 and 2 an excess of sperm was present and no comparisons are possible). Finally there is no correspondence between the self-fertilization per- centages of eggs of a given animal, taken from the base and from the top of the duct, and the cross-fertilization percentages of these eggs. In Exp. 8 eggs from the base were more readily self-fertilizable than those from the top, while the reverse held fir the cross-fertilizing capacitii'S. Besides the above, further experiments were laadu in which, not only the eggs were removed separately from the different regions of the H. M. FucHS 239 duct, but the sperm was treated similarly. It must be pointed out, however, that comparisons between the effects of sperm from the base and from the top of the vas deferens on any given lot of eggs are necessarily very inexact. This is owing to the fact that it is impossible to make up two different sperm-suspensions of exactly equal concentra- tions, since the latter can only be judged by the eye, a comparatively inaccurate method. In each experiment the eggs were removed separately from the different regions of the oviduct. Approximately equal quantities of each of the lots of eggs were fertilized (1) by equal concentrations of sperm from the base of the sperm duct, (2) by equal concentrations of sperm from the top of the sperm duct, (3) by equal concentrations of a sperm-suspension of another individual. Besides this, equal amounts of the sperm-suspensions from the base and from the top of the sperm duct were tested with " foreign " eggs. See Table VII. TABLE VII. (12.16.1.) Exp. 1. Eggs A selted with sperm from base of duct, AJoi Egga .-1 selfed with sperm from top of duct, Aja-^ Eggs /I crossed, Ajm ... ... Eggs C crossed with sperm «i from base of duct ... Eggs G crossed with sperm a^ from top of duct ... Part of oviduct from which eggs were taken Part of oviduct from which eggs were taken Base 6 U 97 (87) Lower middle 1 0 81 (87) Exp. 2. Eggs B selfed witli sperm from base of duct, Bjhi Eggs B selfed with sperm from top of duct, B/b.^ Eggs B crossed, Bjii Eggs D crossed with sperm bi from base of duet Eggs D crossed with sperm 62 from top of duct Eggs E crossed with sperm &i from base of duct . Eggs E crossed with sperm 62 from top of duct These experiments are a further confirmation of those of Table VI in showing the irregularity in behaviour of eggs from different parts of an oviduct both in respect to self- and cross-fertilizing capacities — see ' The figures in brackets are tlie number of minutes after fertilization when the 4-eell division was completed. See p. 245. l^pper middle <1 0 85 (87) "Jl 42 90 31 Top <1 0 81 (87) 240 Studies in the Phusiohxjji of Fertilizatioti Exp. 1, A/a„, Exp. 2, Bjbi, and B/n. The further point which these two experiments were made to test, namely the behaviour of • sperm from different regions of the vas deferens, must remain undecided for the reason that the different suspensions cannot be made up to exactly equal concentrations. In Exp. 1 sperm from the base failed to self- fertilize, while that from the top fertilized the eggs of the same animal to varjing degrees. In Exp. 2 exactly the reverse was the case. Further, the tests of the two sperms in each ex)ieriment with "foreign" eggs showed that the self-fertilizing powi'r went hand in hand with the cross-fertilizing power. Whether, however, the behaviour of the two sperm-suspensions means that there is a real difference between them or whether it is due to a slight difference in the concentrations of the suspensions must remain unsettled. The final conclusion to be drawn from the experiments described in this section is that eggs from different regions of the oviduct have quite different self- (and cress-) fertilizing capacities, when treated with equal concentrations of sperm. Whether or not there is a similar difference in the behaviour of th^' sperm is undecided. The varying behaviour of the eggs is in no way correlated with their position in the oviduct, i.e. with their age, and we must therefore conclude that an animal produces eggs which are at one time more and at another less prone to self-fertilization. IV, The Effect of x Sperm-Suspension on the Eggs OF THE .S.\ME INDIVIDUAL. As soon as it was found tiiat Cimut intentiixtli/y at Naples is not totally self-sterile, but is self-fertile to a very varying degree in different individuals, the proposed heredity experiments referred to in the introduction had to be postponed until the limits and conditions of self-fertility had been settled. In the preceding sections some of the main factors have been described which influence the degree of self- fertility, and although the latter is very variable, it has been shown that a very much greater concentration of sperm is always necessary to bring it about than is required to effect cross-fertilization. Moreover a considerable proportion of individuals are always present, the eggs of which cannot be self-fertilized at all. The causes of this self-sterility have been investigated before, but although the problem has been narrowed down considerably, they remain fundamentally as obscure as ever. It was with a view to H. M. FucHS •241 attacking tlie problem of the moans by which the immunity of eggs t(j fertilization by " own " sperm is brought about that expei'iments on the influence of egg-secretions on fertilization were begun. This investiga- tion forms Part II of this paper. As the work progressed, so many preliminary questions with regard to the effects of the egg-secretions on normal cross-fertilizations in Ciona and other forms had to be settled, that, at the time of writing, not enough experiments on the influence of the secretions of " own " and " foreign " eggs on self-fertilization had been made to justify publication. In Part II it will be shown that the eggs of Ciona secrete a substance into the water which stimulates spermatozoa, both of the same and of other individuals, to effect cross-fertilization. Whether this secretion fails to have the same effect on the self-fertilizing power of spermatozoa of the same individual, or whether some other substance is secreted which actually inhibits self-fertilization has not as yet been settled. But whether such a possibilitj-' is true or not, there seems to be another fiictor intimately connected with the difficulty of self-fertilization, and that is a change brought about in the eggs by the presence of " own " sperm. The experiments which will be described in this section seem to show that if eggs be brought into contact with a sperm-suspension of the same individual, their capability of being subsequently fertilized by " foreign " spermatozoa is diminished as compared with that of eggs not so treated. The first series of experiments was carried out as follows. In each instance the eggs of an individual were divided into two lots, which were placed respectively in (1) plain water, (2) an opalescent suspension of "own" sperm. At definite intervals 1 cc. of a "foreign" sperm- suspension was pipetted into each of two dishes containing 22 cc. water. The liquids so prepared were then poured separately on to (1) a drop of eggs from the water, and (2) a drop of eggs fi-om the suspension of "own" sperm. These fertilizations were repeated at intervals given in Table VIII, so that the effects on the eggs of remaining for different lengths of time in "own'' sperm could be compared. The percentages of segmenting eggs were counted 80 minutes after each fertilization, and at the same time the percentages of self-fertilized eggs lying in "own" sperm-suspension (2) were counted. Table VIII gives the results of the experiments. It should be noted in the first place that the Table shows a decrease in the percentages at each subsequent fertilization, a fact which, as has already been pointed out, is almost certainly due to a gradual decline Joiuii. of Geu. IV l(j 242 Studies in the Physiologn of Fertilization in the fertilizing power of the sperm. The striking point in the results is however that, for each pair of fertilizations, the percentages are Time ( mixing € Exp. 1. BIc Exp. 2. Ajb Exp. 3. D/« Exp. 4. Fl9 Exp. 5. Hji Exp. 6. Jjk Exp. 7. Ljm TABLE VITI . {\i.-21.Q et sKq.) ition, after own" sperm I'ercentage fertilization in egK8 from water Percentage fertilization in eggs from "own " bpemi Percentage selfed 5 minutfs 1)7 84 <;1 25 100 97 2 45 100 95 3 65 „ 96 87 3 85 94 9 3 105 72 66 3 125 47 38 3 145 21 14 3 165 6 5 3 ' 10 minutes 100 100 — 30 100 100 — 50 „ 100 95 10 70 98 58 13 90 51 89 16 130 6 20 i.e. all selfed) 20 ( 5 minutes (25 „ 84 79 5 13 9 7 ( 5 minutes 75 13 — ) 35 „ 40 30 28 j 5 minutes 16 6 0 ( 35 4 <1 <:1 I 5 minutes ( 35 „ 17 9 0 5 «:1 0 S 10 minutes 90 68 0 Wo 0 0 0 lower with eggs which have been previously treated with "own" sperm than with those not so treated. In most cases, moreover, the cross- fertilization percentages of the former should be still lower than those actually counted and recorded in the Table, since during their stay in "own" sperm-suspension a certain number of the eggs had already been self-fertilized. In order to allow for this factor the proportion of eggs remaining in "own" sperm, which had been self-fertilized, was calculated at the same time as the cross-fertilization percentages were counted. These figures are given in the last column of the Table. In the last fertilization of Exp. 2, the treated eggs show an apparently higher cross-fertilization jDercentage than the untreated ; but on examining H. M. FucHS 243 the last column it is seen that all these eggs had already been selt'ed. Again in Exp. 4, although the treated eggs show for both fertilizations lower percentages than the untreated, in the previously treated eggs the second percentage is higher than the first. This is, however, really due to the presence in the treated eggs of 28 '/^ already self-fertilized. When the presence of self-fertilized eggs in the lots which have been treated with "own" sperm is allowed for, the fall in cross-fertiliza- tion percentages of the latter is even more marked than appeared at first sight. This might be due to one of two causes. Either the presence of "own" spermatozoa calls forth a reaction on the part of the eggs hindering the entrance of the former, and also — although to a much lesser degree — hindering the entrance of "foreign" spermatozoa: or the presence of the small amount of sperm-suspension which is necessarily carried over with the drop of eggs removed for cross-fertili- zation itself inhibits the "foreign" spermatozoa. For spermatozoa in the vas deferens are motionless, and this must be due either to the absence of sea-water, or to the presence of a substance inhibiting move- ment. If the latter exists, it must be present in a dilute form in the suspension of "own" sperm, and might conceivably act on the "foreign" spermatozoa when these are added to the drop of eggs taken from this suspension. In order to test whether this is the explanation of the diminished cross-fertilization pei'centages of the treated eggs, or whether the latter have really been altered in their capacity for cross-fertilization by their sojourn in "own" sperm, further experiments were made. Before being cross-fertilized, the treated eggs were thoroughly washed in a comparatively large volume of water. As in the previous experiments, the eggs of each individual were divided into two lots, and placed respectively in water and in opalescent "own" sperm suspension. After a definite interval (10 mins. in Exps. 1 and 2; 15 mins. in Exp. 3) Ice. of "own" sperm containing eggs was removed to 100 cc. of plain water in a finger-bowl, in which the eggs were allowed to settle in order to remove excess of sperm. A definite quantity of "foreign" sperm-suspension (given in Table IX) was pipetted into each of two dishes containing 10 cc. water. These were then poured on to separate approximately equal quantities of eggs (1) from plain water, (2) from the finger-bowl. In these experiments fertilizations were not made at different intervals of time as in the former ones, but each was made double, two different amounts of sperm being used. The results of the experiments are recorded in Table IX. i«— 2 244 Studies in the F/if/siolof/i/ of Fertilization TABLE IX. (46.-2.7.) Exp. 1. A'/o Exp. 2. Pjq Exp. 3. Ills Eggs from Kkks from ' own " water sptrm, washed \ :i (iiojjs s)K'im ... 9.T 70 \ \ cc. spfiiii ... 100 100 ( 3 drops sperm ... 3 <1 I 1 cc. spcnii ... II 4 ( .H drops sperm ... 40 18 ( 1 cc. sperm ... 82 64 The Table shows that the egg.s whicli have been in the presence of "own" sperm behave in subsequent cross-fertilization in the same way after the "own" sperm has been removed by washing as they did in the previous experiments when this was not done. This makes it extreinely probable that the real reason for the diminished capacity for cross- fertilization is a change brought about in the eggs by the sperm of the same individual. An examination of Tables VIII and IX .shows that the change in the eggs, as indicated by the lowered cross-fertilization percentages, is comparatively small, and that when an excess of "foreign" sperm is present, as in Table VIII, Exp. 2, and Table IX, Exp. 1, 1007„ of these eggs can be fertilized. That the eggs can be cross-fertilized after the treatment, although with rather less ease, does not mean that there may not have been a large change in them, as regards their receptivity to their "own" sperm. Whether this is so or not cannot be tested, as our only criterion is that of comparing the extent to which they can be cross-fertilized, with and without the previous treatment. The facts certainly point, however, to the sperm having caused an alteration in the eggs of the same individual, and to this alteration being at any rate one of the means by which self-fertilization is effected. V. Comparison of the Subsequent Development of Eggs self- AND cross-fertilized UNDER VARIOUS CONDITIONS. 1. Eggs cross-fertilized at different intervals after the reiiiuvul of the genital products from the body of the animal. The foregoing investigations, concerning some of the conditions which favour and limit the extent of self-fertilization, and the reasons for the self-sterility itself bring the main part of this division of the work to a conclusion. A considerable number of observations were, however, also made on the subsequent development of eggs self- and H. M. FucHS 245 cross-fertilized under different conditions. It was thougiit that these experiments were worth recording, and the details, together with the conclusions to be drawn from them, are given in the following sections. The first series of observations concerns the comparative rates of development and the condition of the larvae hatched out when different lots of eggs are cross-fertilized at regular intervals after the genital products have been removed from the body of the animal into sea-water. The fertilizations were made in exactly the same way as those described on p. 234 above, and indeed several of the experiments in this section are identical with those recorded in Table V, the subsequent develop- ment of the eggs having been noted. The method it will be recalled, was briefly as follows. P^or each experiment eggs were removed from one individual and sperm from another. At definite intervals (given in the Table below) approximately equal quantities of the eggs were fer- tilized by the addition each time of exactly equal amounts of the dilute sperm-suspension. The subsequent observations were as follows : III the first place, the percentages of eggs fertilized were counted as usual. Secondly, the rates of segmentation of the eggs were compared by noting the length of time after fertilization at which the 4-cell division took place. This stage was fixed upon as it is the easiest to observe rapidly and accurately under a low power of the microscope. Now, although all the eggs in a given lot do not complete the 4-cell division at a given moment, yet in general the majority divide almost simul- taneously, and for this reason the criterion adopted for the comparison of the rates of segmentation was the time at which the first few eggs in a given sample were seen to have completed their second division. This naturally involves a certain latitude of experimental error, and in con- sequence the figures given in the Tables below are not correct to a minute. The extent of this error, however, does not exceed two minutes, and it will be seen that the differences between the times taken to complete the second divisions in the different fertilizations in a given experiment are usually considerably larger than this. The rapidities of development of the embryos up to hatching were compared by noting the lengths of time after fertilization at which the first larvae emerged from the eggs in the different dishes. It is usually about half an hour after the first has come out before the majority have emerged from the eggs, and when the larvae are weakly, this time is considerably longer. The comparisons were made by observing when 246 Studies in the Phji.vology of Fertilhntioii the first larva of each lot hatched out. In the cx})criiiieiits in wliich the times of hatching were notefl tlie conrlitions of the resulting- larvae were also recorded. The figures for these experiments are given in Table X. TABLE X. ExplanatidH of Tnhli\ "Time of fertil." The approximate time in liouis, after the genital products had been removed from the body of the animal, at which the fertilization was made. "Percent, fertil." Percentage of eggs fertilized. "Time of 4-cells." Time in minute.-i after fertilization at which the first fonr-ccll division was completed. "Time of hatching." Time in hours and minutes after fertilization at whieh the first larvae hatched out of the eggs. Time of fertil. Percent, fertil. Time of 4-cells Time of hatchini,' Condition of larvae Series A. (9.13.1.) 1 100 115 22, 8 Good (Temp. 19 -.5— 21-5=^0.) ■J 100 108 22, 3 Good Exp. 1. .-I/m 3 100 101 22, 20 Good . 4 100 100 23 Fair f 1 100 no 22, 48 V. weak, few hatched Exp. 2. C/m 2 100 98 21, 43 Good 4 100 95 22, 10 V.weak, fewhatohed, malformed { 1 100 113 22, 48 V. weak, few hatched Exp. 3. FIc 2 100 98 22, 28 Good ( = Table V, Exp. 2, Fjc) 4 100 95 21, 40 Good f 1 100 108 — Eip. 4. Bjm 1 1 ■> 100 98 — . 1 4 100 95 — — Time of fertil. Percent, fertil. Time ( 4-cells 3f Series B. (11. l.").!.) 1 '' 90 105 Exp. '.. ./ /«, - 25 100 [ 2.i -^ 1 (88) 1 100 99 Exp. C. (,7« • If 100 100 81 I Hi 1 -f 100 93 90 97 Eip. 7. a /" - If, 19 5 100 100 98 89 90 91 Exp. 8. Hh - ■■i'i 100 80 ( = Table III, Exp. 8. . fJIfi) ■i 100 87 H 100 76 H. M. FucHS s TABLE X {co7itinned). Time of fertil. Temp. Percent. fertU. Time of 4 -cells Series C. (13.17.1.) ' 1 18° C. 100 82 2 do. 100 86 Exp. 9. Aim S do. 100 87 4 do. 85 88 ■, 5 do. 3 93 ' 1 2 18° C. 96 83 Exp. 10. C'/a - do. 3 86 3 do. <1 (92) 1 i 18° C. 100 84 14 do. 100 86 Exp. 11. J/o - 24 do. 100 85 34 do. 84 89 ^ H do. 12 88 f 4 18° C. 97 78 1* do. 96 85 Exp. 12. Jji - 24 do. 80 87 { = TableV, Exp. 4. Jji) H do. 23 88 I 44 do. 2 87 Series D. (14.18.1.) f ^i 18° C. 100 88 Exp. 1.3. B/m < 3i do. 18 -5° C. 78 16 !)1 91 I 4J do. 4 86 Exp. 14. DIh \ - H 18° C. 4 87 2* do. 15 89 ■ 3i 18-5° C. <1 (95) 247 Considering first the four experiments forming Series A, it will be noticed that in each case the eggs fertilized later completed the 4-cell division in a shorter time than those fertilized earlier. Thus in Exp. 1, eggs fertilized one hour after being removed fi-om the animal into sea- water took 115 minutes to complete the 4-cell division, those fertilized after two hours in sea- water took 108 minutes, those after three hours 101 minutes, and those after four hours only 100 minutes. The figures for the other three experiments show a similar increase in rate. This point has already been recorded by Morgan (9), although he made no exact observations on the times of segmentation. With regard to the later development, the hatching rates of this series show that the second fertilization continued to have a more rapid rate than the first ones. In Exps. 1 and 2, the parallel with the earlier segmentation ceased here, for in the latest fertilized eggs the rate of development of the embiyo slowed down again. In Exp. 3, on the other hand, the 248 StitfJirs ill the PhjiHioIiKin of Fcrtilizatioii eggs fertilized after ;i previous stay of four lioiirs in srawater hatched quickest of all, just as the 4-cell division of these eggs had been com- pleted in the shortest period. In comparing the last column of Table X, whieJi givi's the condition of the larvae, with that in which the times of hatching are recorded, it is seen that those larvae which emerge from the c^gg in the shortest time from fertilization are the healthiest. In the four experiments of Series B the i-ates of early segmentation were noted, but not the times of hatching. The general result is th(' same as that of Series A, namely that the later fertilized eggs segment quicker, but Exp. 8 shows a marked irregularity difficult to account for. There is a fall from the 91 minutes of the 1^-hour eggs to 80 minutes of the 2|-hour eggs, after which the next fertilized lot give 87 minutes, and then the final batch drop to 76 minutes again. Finally in Exp. 6, there is a decrease in the times at which the 4-cell stage was attained from the 1-hour lot (99 minutes) to the 2^-hour lot (81 minutes), after which there is a rise to 90 minutes again. This is a phenomenon similar to the change in the hatching rates in Series A. The segmen- tation time of the last fertilization in Exp. 5 is given in brackets, as it is not really justifiable to compare this observation, made on the very few eggs that were fertilized in this case, with the large numbers in the other batches. Exps. 5 and 7 show that the increasi' of segmentation rates with succeeding fertilizations went hand in hand with a decrease in the per- centages of eggs fertilized. The experiments of Series C show an exactly reverse phenomenon to those of Series A and B. In every case the segmentation rates become slinver with successive fertilizations. This is especially marked in Exp. 9, where there was a gi-adual rise from 82 minutes of the 1-hour fertilization to 93 minutes of the 5-hour lot. The two experiments forming Series D behaved similarly, although there was a final increase in the rate for the last fertilization of Exp). 13. It was thought that there might be a connection between the change in temperature during the progress of the experiments and the alterations in the rate of segmentation. The evidence, however, seems to point rather against this. In Series A the temj)erature rose from 19*5" to 21-5° C. during the experiments. In Series C it remained constant, and in Series D rose from 18 to 18'5"C. If the rise of two degrees in the experiments of Series A will account for the increase in the segmentation rates, there is no fall in temperature in the later H. M. FiTCHS J+O series correlated with the decrease in th(> latter. Moreover in the first series, although thi' segmentation became more rapid in later fertili- zations, the time taken to complete the 4-cell division was longer than that of the slowest segmentation in Series C. Nevertheless the tem- perature during the latter was throughout lower than during the fomner series of experiments. The possibility is, however, not excluded, and unfortunately time would not allow of a fiirther investigation. Never- theless the difference in behaviour of the eggs would seem to depend rather on some condition of the animals from which they are taken. The four series were made on four different days, and each with a different batch of animals brought into the laboratory. This, taken together with the fact that the experiments of each series agreed in general with one another, seems to support this view. 2. Eg(js and sperm from different parts of genital ducts. During the experiments made to investigate the effect of the " age " of eggs and sperm, as indicated by their relative position in the genital ducts, on the extent of self- and cross-fertilization, the segmentation rates of the fertilized eggs were noted. The lengths of time after fertilization at which the first 4-cell divisions took place are recorded in Table VII ( p. 239) for some of the lots of eggs. A comparison between the times taken by 6* eggs cross-fertilized : (1) by sperm a, from the base of the sperm duct, and (2) by sperm a„ from the top of the sperm duct, in Exp. 1, shows that the segmentation rates were identical, although the percentages of eggs fertilized were very different in the two cases. Again, eggs from (1) base, (2) middle, and (3) top of the oviduct cross-fertilized by the same sperm, all segment at the same rate, although the jiercentages fertilized may be different. This is shown by the segmentation times in Exp. 1, cross Ajm and Exp. 2, cross Bjn of Table VII. Thus, neither the position in the genital duct of the sperm used to make a cross, nor that of the eggs crossed causes any variation in the early rate of division of the segmenting eggs. 3. Gojnparison of development after self- and cross-fertilization. The first experiment consisted in a comparison of the segmentation rates of (1) eggs self-fertilized (Kjk), (2) eggs of the same individual cross-fertilized (K/p), and (3) eggs of another individual cross-fertilized by the same sperm as that used for the self-fertilization {L(k). In each case the eggs were fertilized at four different intervals after the genital 250 ShidieH hi the Phjiaiolofiji of Fertilization products had been removetl into the sea-water. The details and results of the experiment are recorded in Table XI, and it will be noticed that the experiment is the same as that given in Table V, Exp. 5. In addition, the cross Kjp was made, and is tabulated here only, as the percentages of eggs fertilized were immaterial to the matter under discussion in the previous section. TABLE XI. (14.18.1.) For explanation of headings of Colamns see Table X. Eggs A', croes-fertilized, Kjp Self-fertilization, Kjh Sperm k, cross-fertilized, Ljk rime of fertil. Temp. Percent. fertiL Time of 4-ceUs i 18° C. 100 90 If do. 86 92 2i 18-5° C. 30 92 3? do. 7 91 ? 18'- C. 6 87 If do. 10 87 n 18-5° C. 29 87 n do. 1 91 1 18° C. 100 87 If do. 65 87 2| 18-5° C. 23 87 35 do. 8 85 The variations in the segmentation times of the eggs fertilized at different intervals in any of the three crosses were small. It is seen by comparing Kjk with Ljk that there is practically no difference in the rate of early segmentation of eggs self- and cross-fertilized. The four fertilizations Kjp took rather longer to divide than the other two com- binations. The results further emphasize the fact that the rates of segmentation do not depend on the percentages of eggs fertilized. As was explained in the Introduction, the original scheme of work has not yet been carried out, namely that of rearing reciprocal cross- fertilized families to maturity, in order to find the degi'ee of cross- fertility of sisters inter se and of members of one family with those of the reciprocal. This has not yet been attempted owing to the many preliminaries to be settled first, the investigation of which forms the substance of this paper. A number of families were, however, reared, partly in order to settle the optimum conditions of food, etc., (G), but more especially to compare the later development of animals derived from cross- and from self-fertilized eggs. The details of two t3'pical experiments are given below. H. M. FiTCHS 251 It should be noticed in the first place that, whereas in all previous experiments in cross-fertilization very dilute sperm-suspensions were used so that the percentages of eggs fertilized should lie between 0 and 100, thus allowing of comparison, the fertilizations in the following cases were all made with an excess of sperm. The reason for this was, of course, that the object of the experiments was not to compare per- centages of eggs fertilized under different conditions, but to obtain the maximum number (100°/,_,) of developing eggs for rearing purposes. In the first experiment (Table XII) A eggs were self-fertilized (A/a) and B eggs were self-fertilized (B/b). At the same time the reciprocal cross-fertilizations were made between these two individuals (A/b and B/a) and eggs of a third individual G were cross-fertilized with a sperm (G/a). TABLE XII. (15.20.1.) Percent. Time of Time of Settled Alive, Alive, fertiL 4-cells hatching down 8 days old 20 days old „ ,, , . f Ala 7 86 19, 37 V. few None — Self-fert. ... ' ' ,, \ Bib < 1 83 19, 30 None — — ^ Ajb 100 83 19, 15 Most / Equal number , Fevfest of Ajb, Cross-fert. \ Bja 100 83 19,27 Many J of .-1/6 and B/a, | medium num- \ Gja 100 86 19, 26 Most i more of C/a \ ber Bja, most '^ Cja The Table shows that the excess of sperm gave in each cross-fertili- zation 100°/'(, of segmenting eggs. The second column of the Table shows that there was very little difference in the early segmentation rates of the five fertiliza.tions. Both when b sperm was used to self- fertilize B eggs and to cross A eggs, the 4-ceU stage was reached at the same time — 83 minutes. Again, when a sperm was used to self A eggs and to cross G eggs the segmentation rates were identical (in this case 86 minutes for 4-cell stage), but when the a sperm fertilized B eggs the latter segmented a little quicker (83 minutes). Thus the early segmentation was not slower in the self-fertilized eggs than in the cross-fertilized, but the times of hatching (given in the Table in hours and minutes after fertilization) show that the segmenta- tion rate of the former slowed down a little in the later stages. In the column headed "Settled down" is given the proportion of larvae in each case which fixed themselves after their brief free- swimming period. The proportions were roughly estimated by eye — the only method practicable — and are independent of the absolute . numbers of larvae pi-esent in the different cultures, which varies, of course, with the percentages of eggs fertilized. It is striking that none 252 Studies in the Plijisiolofiji of Fertilization of the few larvae present in the Bjb culture settled down, and very few in the Aja, whereas a large proportion fixed themselves in the cross- fertilized lots. The next examination was made eight days afterwards, when no individuals derived from self-fertilized c'ggs were found to have survived, while those from cross-fertilizations were growing rapidly. The second experiment, made on the same lines as the first, is recorded in Table XIII. TABLE XIII. (15.22.1.) Percent. fertil. Time of 4 -cells Time of hatcliiriK Condition of larvae 8 cIaj-8 old 20 days old Self-fert. ICjc ^1 41 81 21, 48 Good, but not so vigorous as crosses One or two alive No survivors (BIc 100 82 21, 29 V. good Many alive Many alive Cross-fert. Clb 100 82 21, 31 V. good Many alive Many alive Cja 100 80 21, 39 V. good Many alive Few alive .Ale 100 80 21, 19 V. good Many alive Few alive In this case, of the self-fertilizations only C/c gave enough seg- menting eggs to make observations on. The rate of early segmentation was here slightly slower than in the crosses, and the time of hatching was considerably later. Moreover the G/c larvae hatched out were not so vigorous as those of the crosses, which were about equal to one another in this respect. Eight days later one or two only of the self- fertilized individuals which had fixed themselves were surviving, and after 20 days these were found to have died ofi". It should be mentioned here that after the majority of the larvae had settled down in their different dishes, the latter were washed in a stream of sea-water to remove all larvae which had failed to fix them- selves together with all that had settled on the surface-film'. The dished were then sunk in a large tank of water, so that the different cultures should be exposed to identical conditions during the growth of the young animals. In the last column of Table XIII it will be noticed that after 20 days fewer of the crosses G/a and A/c were living than of B/c and C/fc. Nevertheless, the former had shown a slighth' quicker rate of early segmentation than the latter, and the time of hatching o{ A/c had ' In later experiments, where a strict comparison between the states of development in the various cultures was not wanted, the animals which settled on the surface-film were not discarded. They were indeed in most cases found to grow more rapiilly than tliose on the walls of the dishes. H. M. FucHS 253 been the earliest in the crosses, although that of Cja had been the latest. There seems to be little or no correspondence between the relative rapidity of segmentation and the subsequent development. The larvae of each cross which settled down on the first, on the second and on the third day after hatching were reared separately. Those from the first and second days developed equally well, but those from the third much worse in each case. Besides the two experiments given in Tables XII and XIII, a con- siderable number of other similar ones were carried out. All agreed in showing that the early segmentation of self-fertilized eggs is little if at all slower than of cross-fertilized, but that the larvae of the former hatch out somewhat later. Very frequently, however, the larvae from the self-fertilizations do not fix themselves at all, but die off. When they do settle down they fail to develop further, perishing in the course of a few days. One exception only was found to the last statement. A self-fertilized culture {Aja) made on June 20th gave a low percentage of fertilization. Some of the larvae fixed themselves, and on June 22nd — more than a month later — four individuals were still alive. They had attained the length of 1 cm. and appeared to be very healthy. Young from both of the cross-fertilizations, Ajh and Bjh, however, grew nuich moi'e rapidly. VI. Summary of Experimental Results. (1) A greater concentration of sperm is usually necessary to bring about any self-fertilization than would cross-fertilize 100°/^ of "foreigTi" eggs. (2) An increase in the concentration of the sperm-suspension causes an increase in the number of eggs self-fertilized. (3) The proportion of eggs self-fertilized increases with the length of time the eggs and sperm have been in sea-water before fertilization is effected. The percentages rise to a maximum and then decrease again, the time of the maximum being different for each individual. The subsequent decrease in the percentages is probably due to a falling off of the "fertilizing power" of the sperm-suspension. It cannot be determined whether the rise in self-fertilization percentages is due to a change in the eggs or in the sperm. The cross-fertilization percentages decrease as the time the eggs and sperm lie in sea-water before fertili- zation increases. 254 Studies in the PhiisioUxjij of Fertilization (4) There is no ui)iJbriiiit,y in the fertilization percentages of eggs from different parts of an oviduct, fertilized with equal amounts of a given sperm-suspension. Sometimes eggs from the outer end, at others eggs from the inner end are more readily self-fertilizable. Nor is there any correspondence between the relative ease of self-fertilization and that of cross-fertilization of eggs from different parts of the duct. Pnjbably the same applies to sperm t;iken from different regions of the vas deferens. Thus the degree to which eggs of a given individual can be self-fertilized varies with each batch produced. (5) Contact with a suspen.sion of "own" spca-ni decreases the ease with which eggs can subsequently be cross-fertilized. (()) The rates of segmentation of eggs cross-fertilized at increasing lengths of time after the eggs and sperm have been brought into sea- water either increase or decrease. (7) Cross-fertilized eggs from different regions of the oviduct seg- ment at the same rates. This is also true for eggs cross-fertilized by sperm from different parts of a vas deferens. (8) The rates of segmentation are independent of the percentages of eggs self- or cross-fertilized. (9) The early segmentation lute is not slower in self- than in cross- fertilized eggs, but the former hatch out a little later. Many of the larvae from the self-fertilizations fail to settle down, and those which do almost always die off in the course of a few days. (10) There is little or no relation between the relative rapidities of segmentation and the stdisequent developnu'nt of different lots of cross- fertilized eggs. In a given cultuiv, however, the larvae which .settle down last develop worst. VII. Conclusion. In comparing Castle's and Morgan's work with the present results, it is evident that there are races of Ciona intestinaUs which differ con- siderably with reganl to their capacity for self-fertilization. This is not exactly the same phenomenon as that originally discoveivd by Darwin in Reseda and recently reinvestigated from a hereditary standpoint by Compton (2). Here there are individuals which are completely self- sterile and others which are completely self-fertile. Compton's work is not as yet finished, but the results so fir obtaiiii'd indicate that in H. M. FucHS 255 Reseda self-fertility is a Mendelian dominant to self-sterility. For Clona, however, in those individuals where self-fertilization can most easily be brought about, it takes place to a very much lesser degree than does cross-fertilization. A much greater concentration of sperm is needed to induce a comparatively high percentage of self-fertilized eggs than would easily cross-fertilize all the eggs of another individual. On the other hand many individuals were experimented upon at Naples in which no eggs at all could be fertilized with sperm from the same animal, although in general the Naples Ciona seems to be much more self-fertile than the races used by Morgan. Again, in Reseda apparently an individual is either self-fertile or self- sterile. This is not at all the case with Ciona at Naples, where a given animal may vary widely in its capacity for self-fertilization with each lot of eggs and sperm produced'. The question arises as to whether the sterility of hermaphrodite animals is confined to the genital products of the same individual; whether all individuals are equally fertile when crossed with one another, presupposing of course that the eggs and sperm are mature and in good condition. Morgan attempted to investigate this question in Ciona and concluded that all individuals are not equally fertile inter se. A discus- sion of Morgan's methods has already been given (Section II) and it is considered that his conclusions are unjustified. The question is not an easy one to attack owing to the difficulty of making different sj^erm- suspensions of nearly equal concentrations ; for a small difference in the strength of a sperm-suspension makes a large difference in the pr(_)- portion of eggs cross-fertilized. Nevertheless if there be considerable variations in the degree of cross-fertility, variations at all comparable with the extent of self-sterility, they would certainly be detected. It was not attempted to investigate the question in the present work, but it can be stated that in practically every case 100°/^ of segmenting eggs could be obtained as a result of cross-fertilization, provided that enough sperm was used. There were of course a few cases in which some of the eggs were obviously pathological and could therefore not be fer- tilized, but this does not affect the question. It is possible that the degree of cross-fertility may be much less in nearly related individuals (cf. Correns (4)), but this naturally cannot be decided with material taken from the sea. It is hoped that the laboratory cultures now being reared will shed further light on the subject. ' This may have been somethhig like the same phenomeuou ia Correus' Cardaiiiiite, for repeated poUmatious with the same plant did not alv^ays give the same result. 256 SfncUes iu the P/ij/s'iolo(/i/ of l-'ertilizatioii, The fact that self-fertilization can usually only bi' brought about at all in concentrated sperm-suspension suggests that in the water containing the crowded spermatozoa there may be a substance which favours the self-fertilization. This cannot be connected with the reaction of the water, however, as the following test shows. A milky suspension of Ciona sperm was filtered. Five minutes after the suspension had been made the filtrate gave the same reaction as normal sea-water with neutral red and with phenolphthalein. An hour and a half afterwards the latter indicator showed that a freshly filtered sample of the same thick suspension was very slightly more acid than normal sea-water- But, as will be shown in Part II, acid diminishes, not increases, the fertilizing power of a sperm-suspension. Experiments also will be made in the following way to test whether the thick sperm-suspension contains substances which favour fertilization. A concentrated sperm-suspension will be made up and then filtered through a porcelain filter which keeps back spermatozoa. Exact comparative experiments will then be made to compare the effect of this filtrate with that of ordinary sea- water on the proportion of eggs fertilized by a definite concentration of sperm. It may be, however, that self-fertilization takes place only with con- centrated sperm-suspensions because only one .spermatozoon out of a very large number has the power of fertilizing eggs derived from the same individual. The usual (though not invariable) progressive increase in capacity for self-fertilization shown by eggs and spermatozoa as they lie in sea- water suggests a connection with the maturation of the eggs. Golski (7) has shown that in the unfertilized egg of Ciona the first maturation spindle is already formed, but the first polar body is not given off until the spermatozoon has entered'. It might be that the increase in self- fertility is connected with the preparation for the first maturation division. At all events some change must come about in the eggs or spermatozoa or both after thty have bi'cn shi-d into tht- sea-water. It is very interesting to note in this coiuiection that self-fertilization can only take place to a very small extent in nature. For the only time that the eggs are in the presence of concentrated sperm of the same individual is for the few moments alter the genital products have been exuded from the ducts beibre they are ejected through the atrial aperture: but at this time the eggs are usually not yet in a condition to allow of any si'lf-fertilization. When tjioy hav(> reached this condition ' I have not been able to obtain a copy of (loLsUi's iiaiHT, but beliew this .statement to be correct. H. M. FucHS 257 some time after having been deposited, the eggs are no longer in the presence of the concentrated "own" sperm, which has become diffused in the surrounding water and washed about by waves and currents. In allowing an animal to deposit eggs and sperm when isolated in a small dish, the conditions are quite otherwise, for the water into which the eggs are deposited becomes at the same time charged with spermatozoa. The latter can subsequently self-fertilize the eggs, to a greater or less extent according to concentration and individual capacity, when the optimum time has been reached. The cause of self-sterility is hardly touched upon in this investi- gation. The search for a cause led to the investigation of substances secreted by eggs into sea-water. The results of this work form the substance of a separate Part, which, however, deals with cross-fertili- zation alone. So many points had to be settled with regard to the effects of the egg-secretions on spermatozoa used to effect ordinary cross-fertilization in Giona and other forms, that hardly any self-fertili- zation experiments had been made. It is therefore really premature to discuss possible means by which self-sterility is brought about. The experiments detailed in Section IV above indicate, however, that one of the factors may be a change set up in the egg by contact with sperma- tozoa of the same individual — a change which inhibits the entrance of such spermatozoa, and also, although to a much lesser degree, hinders the entrance of " foreign " spermatozoa. As is well known, Darwin (5) first made a thorough investigation of the effects of self-fertilization on the offspring, showing that in flowering plants such offspring are not in general so vigorous as those derived from cross-fertilization. In Giona this effect of self-fertilization was veiy striking. As has been shown above, the early segmentation is not usually slower in self- than in cross-fertilized eggs. It is interesting to note also that there is no difference in the segmentation rates of self- fertilized eggs from different parts of an oviduct, although the various lots may show quite different capacities for self-fertilization. The later segmentation of self-fertilized eggs is usually a little slower than that of cross-fertilized. In a few cases the larvae failed to hatch well, that is to say, they had difficulty in breaking out of the egg membranes, but this was not usually the case. In many cultures derived from self- fertilizations the larvae failed to settle down after their free-swimming period, but in most instances they settled down in the same way as those from cross-fertilizations. It was after the settling down and metamorphosis, however, that the marked effect usually showed itself. Journ. of Gen. iv 17 258 Studies in the P/iysiolof/i/ of Fertilization With one exception, in which four individuals were reared for over a month, in all the cultures derived from self-fertilizations the young metamorphosed animals died off during the first week. This was very striking in contrast with cultures from cross-fertilizations in which the animals grew rapidly from metamorphosis onwards. Potts (13) states that " The pathological development which Castle found characteristic of self- fertilized embryos did not occur in my experiments." It is plain, however, that the effect of self-fertilization does not usually manifest itself in the embryo, but at, or more usually after, metamorphosis. REFERENCES. 1. Castle, W. E. "The Early Embryology of Ciona intestinalis." Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., Harvard, Vol. xxvn. 1896, p. 203. 2. CoMPTON, R. H. " Preliminary Note on the Inheritance of Self-.sterility in Reseda odorata." Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. Vol. xvii. 1912. 3. " Phenomena and Problems of Self-sterility." A^ew Ph/tol. Vol. xil. 1913, p. 197. 4. CoRRBKS, C. "Selbststerilitiit imd ludividualstoffe." Festschr. d. med.-nat. Ges. z. 84, Versanmil. deutsch. Naturf. u. Arzte, MUnster, 1912. 5. Darwin, C. The Effects of Cross- and Self-fertilization, 1876. 6. FncHS, H. M. "The Effects of Abundant Food on the Growth of Young Ciona intestinalis." Biol. Centralbl. Bd. xxxiv. 1914, S. 429. 7. GoLSKi, St. " Reifung und Befruchtung de.s Eies von Ciona intestinalis," Bull. Acad. Cracovie, 1899, p. 124. 7a. GuTHERZ, S. " Selbst- und Kreuzbefruchtmig bei solitaren Ascidien." Arch, f. mikr. Anat. Bd. lxiv. 1904, S. 111. 8. Hartmeyer, R. Fauna Arctica, Bd. ni. 1904, S. 301. 9. Morgan, T. H. " Self-Fertilization Induced by Artificial Means." Journ. E.vp. Zool. Vol. I. 1914, 1). 13,5. 10. " Some Further E.xperiment-s in Self- Fertilization in Ciona." Biol. Bull. Vol. VIII. 1905, p. 313. 11. "Cross- and Self-Fertilization in Ciona intestinalis." Arch. f. Entw.- Mech. Bd. xxx. 1910, S. 206. (Festschrift.) 12. Van Name, W. G. "SimjJe Ascidians of the Coasts of New England." Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. Vol. xxxiv. p. 439. 13. Potts, F. A. "Notes on Fi-ee-Living Nematodes." Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci. Vol. LV. 1910, p. 481. 14. Seeliger, 0. "Tunicata" in Bronns Tierreich, Bd. in. H. M. FucHS 259 PART II. THE ACTION OF EGG-SECRETIONS ON THE FERTILIZING POWER OF SPERM. CONTENTS. PAGE I. Introduction 260 II. Methods 261 III. Effects of egg- and ovai'y-extracts on fertilization percentages . . . 264 1. Cross-fertilization of Ciona in egg-extract 264 2. Cross-fertilization of Ciona in boiled egg-extract .... 266 3. Cross-fertilization of Ascidia in egg-extract 266 4. Cross-fertilization of Ciona in ovary-extract ..... 267 5. Comparison of the effects of egg- and ovary-extracts on fertilization in Ciona ........... 268 6. Comparison of the effects of "foreign" and "own" extracts on fertilization in Ciona ......... 268 IV. Does the extract affect the eggs or the sperm ? 270 1. Effect of extract on the sperm of Ciona ...... 270 2. Effect of extract on the eggs of Ciona 272 3. Effect of extract on the fertilizing power of the sperm of Strongy- locentrotus ........... 273 V. Effects of "egg- waters" on the fertilizing power of sperm .... 276 1. Experiments with Ciona 277 2. Experiments with Arbacia ........ 277 3. Experiments with Strongylocentrotus 278 VI. Effect of Ciona blood on the fertilizing power of Ciona sperm . . . 279 VII. Influence of "egg-waters " and egg-extracts of other animals on the fertilizing power of Ciona sperm 282 1. Phallusia egg-extract 282 2. Arbacia egg-extract 282 3. Arbacia egg-water 283 4. Strongylocentrotus egg-extract 284 5. Strongylocentrotus egg-water 285 Vin. Further experiments to test the specificity of the egg-secretions . . . 287 1. Comparison of the effects of Strongylocentrotus and of Ciona egg- extracts en the fertilizing power of Strongylocentrotus sperm . 287 2. Comparison of the effects of Strongylocentrotus and Sphaerechinus egg-extracts on the fertilizing power of Strongylocentrotus sperm 288 3. Comparison of the effects of Strongylocentrotus and Echinus egg- extracts on the fertilizing power of Strongylocentrotus sperm . 288 4. Comparison of the effects of Strongylocentrotus and Echinus egg- extracts on the fertilizing power of Echinus sperm . . . 289 17—2 260 Studies in the Physiology of Fertilization PACE 5. Comparison of the effects of Stron/iiilocenlrotus and EchimiK eg;,'- extracts on the fertilizing power of Strungylocentrotus sperm used to fertilize Echinus eggs 289 6. Comparison of the effects of Strongrjloeentrntus and Asleria^ egg- extracts on the fertilizing power of Strongiilocentrolus sperm . 291 7. Comparison of the effects of Strotipyloceiilroliif and Asterias egg- waters on the fertilizing power of Strongylocentrotus sperm . 292 IX. Effects of the H-ion concentration of the water on the fertilizing power of sperm ............ 293 1. Effect of a decrease in H-ion concentration ..... 293 2. Effect of an increase in Hion concentration 294 8. The reactions of Ciona and -■l-stcrins egg-extracts and of Cioiia blood 296 X. Conclusion 298 XI. Summary of experimental results 300 References 301 I. Introduction. The investigations described in this paper arose out of experiments on self-fertilization in Ciona intestinalis, an account of which is given in the previous part of this paper. The present experiments were carried out in part over the same period as those on self-fertilization, namely during the spring and summer of 1913. The whole of the work was done at the Zoological Station, Naples, and to the staff of this institution I owe my very best thanks for the willing advice and help given to me throughout my stay. The fact of self-sterility in Ciona, whether comparative or absolute, suggested that some substance may be exuded by the eggs which paralyzes the spermatozoa of the same individual, but does not affect those of other individuals — or there might be something within the egg envelope which acts in the same way. To test this hypothesis experiments were commenced by trying the action of suspensions of crushed eggs in sea-water on the spennatozoa. It was soon found that there was a very large number of questions with regard to the action of such egg-extracts on spermatozoa used to effect ordinary cross-fertiliza- tion which must be investigated and cleared up before the more special question of the mechanism of self-sterility could be attacked. The outcome of these investigations with cross-fertilization is recorded in this part of the paper. The results obtained are all based on numerical data. They depend on the comparison of the proportions of eggs fertilized by sperm- H. M. FucHS 261 suspensions after either the eggs or the sperm have been subjected to certain preliminary treatments. Thus the validity of the results depends altogether on the way in which the experiments were carried out ; that is to say, on whether the conditions of experiment allowed of any such numerical comparison of the after-effects and of deductions to be drawn from them. For a detailed description of the precautions taken to ensure that the experiments should be of an exact nature the reader is referred to the Part on " The conditions of self-fertilization in Giona intestinalis " since the methods used were identical with those employed in this case. A short resum^ of the technique is, however, given in the following section. It is thought that these methods will break a new road for the investigation of fertilization phenomena, for work hitherto done on this subject, in which the results have been based on numerical counts, seems to have been carried out under such comparatively inexact conditions that it is usually extremely difficult to judge the extent to which the results are valid. II. Methods. The method of experimentation was the same as that employed in investigating the conditions of self-fertilization in Ciona intestinalis. For a detailed account of these methods reference should be made to Part I. Essentially the method consisted in an exact comparison of the per- centages of eggs fertilized by sperm-suspensions of identical concen- trations, after either the eggs or the sperm had been treated in different ways prior to the fertilization. The results of such treatment were judged by the relative ease or difficulty with which fertilization could subsequently be brought about. The sperm-suspensions used were always so dilute that they would not cause the fertilization of all of the eggs to which they were added. In this way comparisons could be instituted, since the percentages of eggs fertilized in the different lots lay between 0 and 100. The term " fertilizing power " of a sperm-suspension is employed in the following sense. If a sperm-suspension of a certain concentration can bring about the fertilization of say 40°/„ of the eggs after it has been treated in a definite way, whereas another suspension of the same sperm, of identical concentration but not having been subjected to the treatment, only causes 20°/^ of the eggs to be fertilized, it is said that the "fertilizing power" of the sperm has been increased by this treatment. 2*82 Studies in the Physioloffj/ of Fertilization A capital letter (e.g. ^) is used to denote the eggs of a certain female, and a small letter (e.g. 6) the sperm of a certain male. An experiment to test the effect of solution X on the fertilizing power of sperm b would be carried out as follow.s. The object is to inseminate approximately equal quantities of A eggs with (1) a plain dilute suspension of b sperm, and (2) a suspension of b sperm of identical concentration as suspension (1), but to which solution X has been added. To obtain (1) and (2), one sperm-suspension is made up and diluted to the required amount by the further addition of sea-water. Equal quantities are pipetted into two dishes. To the first dish is added a certain quantity (n cc.) of sea- water; to the second an equal quantity (n cc.) of solution X. These two suspensions (1) and (2) are then added to the two lots of eggs and the effect of solution X is judged by the relative numbers of eggs fertilized in the two dishes. It is obvious that the whole validity of this method depends on the degi-ee of exactness with which all other conditions are kept identical for the two fertilizations, while the one fiictor alone — here the presence or absence of solution X in the sperm-suspension — is altered. Of especial importance is the identical concentration of the two (or more) sperm- suspensions, and the complete mixing of the eggs and spermatozoa in making the different fertilizations, so that all eggs have an equal chance of being fertilized. The precautions taken to ensure this exactnessi that is to say, the method of making up the sperm-suspensions, of sub- dividing and treating the eggs and sperm, the way in which insemination is effected, together with the method of counting the proportions of fertilized and unfertilized eggs, are given in full in the Part on the " Conditions of self-fertilization in Ciona." The results of each series of experiments are tabulated, the numbers in the Tables being the percentages of eggs fertilized, unless otherwise stated. Eggs from a single individual and sperm from another single individual were used in each experiment. It goes without saying that the presence of genital products of any other individual was always rigidly excluded. All glassware and instruments were sterilized with hot water before each operation, and the hands were dipped into hot water. All sea-water employed was taken from the circulation and passed through a Berkefeld filter. The method employed in removing the eggs and sperm from Ciona intestinalis has already been described in the part (Part I) on self-fertilization in this form. Similar methods were used in taking the genital products from the other Ascidians used H. M. FucHS 263 in the investigation, namely, Ascidia mentula and Phallusia mamillata. Besides these forms, four species of Echinoids — Strong ylocentrotus lividus, Sphaerechinus granuhiris, Echinus microtuherculatus, and Arhacia pustulosa — were made use of, together with one Asteroid, Asterias glacialis. The procedure in obtaining the eggs and sperm of the sea- urchins was this. Each individual was washed under a stream of fresh- water to destroy any adherent spermatozoa, after which it was opened by an equatorial cut. The aboral half was then reversed over a dish of sea-water, so that the genital pores just dipped beneath the surface. If the animal was mature, large quantities of eggs or sperm as the case might be were shed into the dish of water, with very little admixture of body cavity fluid'. The eggs of Asterias were obtained by cutting open the body wall, after the animal had been washed in fi-esh-water, and removing portions of the ovary. These were placed in sea-water, which was presently filtered through bolting silk to strain off the pieces of ovarian tissue from the eggs. The efficacy of these precautions was tested in every case by keeping a sample of eggs separate, to which no sperm had been added. In no experiment recorded here did a single egg in the control segment. By " egg-extract " is meant a suspension of crushed eggs in sea- water. The eggs were crushed between two sterilized glass plates and the substance so obtained washed off the glass into sea-water. By this means a veiy finely divided suspension can be made, and presumably soluble substances present in the eggs go into solution in the sea-water. The suspension was examined after having been made up, to be certain that no uncrushed eggs were lying in it, the subsequent fertilization of which would destroy the value of the percentages. Throughout the work the egg-extract was made up of more or less the same concentra- tion, although it is impossible to make up two samples of absolutely identical strength. For every 12 cc. of suspension, two drops of eggs were crushed between the plates and then added to the water. " Ovary-extract " of Ciona was made up in the same way as the egg- extract. In this case special precautions are necessary that none of the spermatozoa from the testis have been removed with the ovary. To check this possible source of error, unfertilized eggs from another individual were in each case left lying in a sample of the ovary extract and afterwards examined to see that none had segmented. "Egg-water"isused to designate sea-water in which eggs have been lying for a longer or shorter interval. 1 I am indebted to Dr Otto Koehler for bringing this method to my notice. 264 Studies in the Physiology of Fertilization Giona blood was removed from the body in the following way. An animal was washed in a stream of fresh-water. After this an incision was made in the body-wall in the region of the heart, which then bulged out through the cut. The animal was held over a small glass dish with the cut downwards, and the projecting heart was then punctured, so that the contained fluid flowed out into the dish. The comparatively small volume of blood obtainable from one animal was usually in- sufficient for carrying out an experiment, and in such cases the volume of liquid was increased by the addition of sea-water. The possible presence of spermatozoa in the blood was checked in the same way as with the ovary-extract. Unfertilized eggs from another individual were placed in a small quantity of the blood and later on examined to make sure that none had segmented. III. Effects of Egg- and Ovary-Extracts on Fertilization Percentages. 1. Cross-fertilization^ of Ciona in egg-extract. The first experiments were made to try whether, when cross-fertili- zation of Giona was brought about in the presence of crushed eggs of the same species, the percentage of eggs fertilized was raised or lowered. As in all subsequent experiments the method was strictly comparative. In each experiment, approximately equal numbers of eggs of one individual were placed in equal quantities of (1) sea- water, and (2) extract of the eggs of another individual. After a certain interval equal quantities of well-mixed dilute sperm-suspension from a third individual were added simultaneously to the two lots of eggs and mixed. When in the 4-cell stage, the percentages of eggs fertilized in each lot were counted ^ TABLE I. (The bracketed numbers give the time in minutes after fertilization at which the first 4-eell division was completed.) In each experiment the eggs lay in (1) water, (2) extract for forty minutes before fertili- zation. Water Egg-extr&ct 37 (87) 100 (87) 12 (89) 95 (89) 3 ly is here used to mean the fertilization of the eggs of a hermaphrodite animal by the spermatozoa of another individual. No self-fertili- zations were made in this investigation. 2 As in all the experiments described in this paper, samples of the lots of eggs were kept unfertilized as controls, to guard against accidental contamination with foreign sperm. This is to be taken as granted in the descriptions of subsequent experiments. Exp. I. (IG.27.1.) Exp. II. (16.28.1.) Exp. III. (16.29.1.) 1 The term "cross- fertilization H. M. FucHS 265 The Table shows that in each of the experiments more eggs were fertilized in the water containing the egg-extract than in plain sea- water. The suggestion at once arose — were the eggs in the egg-extract developing in part parthenogenetically { This was ruled out of court by controls of unfertilized eggs in egg-extract, none of which segmented- The egg-extract present at fertilization and during the early stage seems to have no baneful effect on development. Table I shows that in Exps. I and II the eggs in plain water completed the 4-cell division simultaneously with those in the egg-extract. Moreover, in a further experiment (17.29.1) in which the eggs B were fertilized by sperm a in (1) water, (2) B egg-extract, (3) A egg-extract, (4) C egg-extract, the resulting larvae all developed equally well. Evidently some substance extracted from the eggs by breaking them up in sea-water so affects the eggs or the sperm or both that more eggs are fertilized than is the case in plain sea-water, when other conditions are equal. An experiment (22.7.2) was then made, in which equal quantities of A eggs were put simultaneously into (1) fouV dishes, each containing 12 cc. sea-water, (2) four dishes, each containing 12 cc. B egg-extract. At given successive intervals one drop of b sperm was added, at the same moment, to (1) a dish of water containing A eggs and (2) a dish of B egg-extract containing A eggs. Each was then well mixed. TABLE II. (The numbers in brackets give the time in minutes after fertilization at which the first 4-celI division was completed.) Eggs tried out into dishes containing (1) water, (2) extract at 12.20. (1) Water (2) Extract Cross: A/b, B extract. Fertilized 12.20 62 (88) 91 (88) Fertilized 12.40 53 (89) 57 (89) Fertilized 10 31 (89) 57 (89) Fertilized 1.20 24 (84) 52 (84) This experiment was, in the first place, a confirmation of the previous ones, in that the eggs fertilized in the egg-extract all showed higher fertilization percentages than those fertilized after a corresponding length of time in water. In this case the egg-extract was obtained from the same individual from which the sperm was used. The Table also shows that although the fertilization percentages decreased with each fertilization, the length of time taken to attain the 4-cell stage became shorter in the last fertilization (see Part I). As 266 Studies in the Phjisiology of Fertilization in the last experiments, the segmentation rates were identical in each pair of fertilizations for eggs in water and in egg-extract. Finally the experiment shows that the extract has an immediate effect in raising the percentage, since the first pair of fertilizations was made as soon as the lots of eggs had been tried out into water and extract. The falling off of the percentages in subsequent fertilizations was less rapid in the eggs in extract than in those in water. 2. Cross-fertilization of C'iona in boiled egg-e.rtract. An experiment was made (21.3.2) to discover whether heating the egg-extract altered its effect on fertilization. Extract was made of C eggs and a portion heated to boiling-point. Approximately equal numbers of j4 eggs were placed in (1) 12 cc. water, (2) 12 cc. unboiled egg-extract, (3) 12 cc. boiled egg-extract. After 33 minutes one drop of diluted sperm-suspension b was added to each. TABLE III. Water Extract Boiled extract Cross: Ajb, C extract 19 8 The counts of eggs fertilized show that both boiled and unboiled extracts raised the percentages to an almost equal extent. The difference of 1°/^ between the two Ijes within the limits of experimental error. Thus the value of the egg-extract is not destroyed by boiling for a short time. No further experiments were made on the stability of the extract as there were more imjjortant questions to be decided first. 3. Cross-fertilization of Ascidia in egg-extract. The question then arose as to whether the effect of egg-extract on fertilization percentages was confined to Ciona or was to be found in other forms as well. The next animal to be tried was Ascidia mentula. Approximately equal numbers of eggs D were placed in each of (1) two dishes containing 17 cc. of sea- water, (2) two dishes containing 17 cc. C egg-extract. Thirty-three minutes afterwards, two drops of a weak sperm-suspension c were added (1) to a dish of water containing eggs, (2) to a dish of egg-extract containing eggs. At the same time five drops of a stronger sperm-suspension c were added (1) to a tlish of water containing eggs, (2) to a dish of egg-extract containing eggs. The experiment was thus double, the comparison being made first with weaker and then with stronger sperm. H. M. FucHS 267 TABLE IV. (1.2.2.) (I) Water (2) Extract Cross : D/c, C extract Weaker sperm 0 8 Stronger sperm < 1 36 In both parts of the experiment the fertilization percentage was greater in egg-extract than in water. It will be shown later on that this is not only the case for Ciona and Ascidia, but is the same for all the forms tried. 4. Gross-ferlilization of Ciona in ovary-extract. In the following experiment, a comparison was made between the percentage of eggs fertilized (1) in plain sea- water and (2) in ovary- extract, instead of egg-extract. Approximately equal amounts of A eggs were placed in (1) 12 cc. water, and (2) 1^ cc. C ovary-extract. After 38 minutes each was fertilized by the addition of one drop of b sperm-suspension. Besides the usual control of unfertilized eggs A, some of the latter were also put into C ovary-extract to guard against the accidental presence in this of sperm from the testis of the same animal'. TABLE V. (20.L2,) (1) Water (2) Ovaiy-extraet Cross:_ Ajh, C extract ... 86 98 As shown by Table V, the presence of the ovary-extract caused an increase in the percentage of eggs fertilized. The next experiment was made on similar lines, but three different concentrations of ovary-extract were used. Approximately equal amounts of eggs E were tried out into four dishes containing respectively equal quantities of water and of three different concentrations of D ovary-extract, as is shown in Table VI. After 34 minutes, each was fertilized by the addition of one drop of _/ sperm-suspension. TABLE VL (20. L2.) 15 cc. water S cc. water 16 cc. water 1 cc, extract 8 cc, extract 16 cc. extract Cross: £//, D extract 68 91 92 94 As is seen from the above Table, this experiment was a confirmation of the last. (The weakest extract was here almost sufficient to raise the percentage of fertilization to the maximum.) ' This was done in all other experiments in which o\ary-extract was used. 268 Studies in the Phijsiology of Fertilization 5. Gomparison of the effects of egg- and ovary-extracts on the fertilization in Ciona. The increase in the number of eggs fertilized in the presence of the extracts might be due to some substance contained in ripe eggs alone. In the case of the ovary-extract, it would then be derived from ripe eggs present in the lumen of the ovar}'. Whether this is so, or whether the substance is contained in the ovarian tissue itself can be determined by making a comparison of the effects of equal concentrations of egg- and ovary-extracts on the fertilization. The following experiment was made to determine this point. Approximately equal numbers of B eggs were placed in 16 cc. of (1) water, (2) A egg-extract in three concentrations, (3) A ovary-extract in three corresponding concentrations. The strongest egg- and ovary- extracts were made up in approximately equal conceritrations by taking as nearly as possible equal volumes of eggs and ovary, and washing the juices into equal quantities of water. Fertilization was effected by the addition of one drop of c sperm-suspension to each of the dishes. TABLE VII. (20.4.2.) 16 cc. water IS ec. water 8 cc, water 0 cc. water 0 cc. extract 1 cc. extract 8 cc. extract 16 cc. extract Cross : ll/c, A extract Egg-extract...) ^ (2 13 33 Ovary-extract ( (3 21 36 The Table shows that an increasing number of eggs were fertilized in increasing concentrations of both egg- and ovary- extracts. The numbers were, however, not identical in corresponding concentrations of the two extracts, so that the presence of the substance which aids fertilization in equal amounts in both ripe eggs and ovary is not proved. Indeed the ovarian extract had a greater effect than that derived from the eggs. It must be remembered, however, that it is exceedingly difficult to obtain egg- and ovary-extracts in exactly equal concentra- tions, and to such a difference in concentration the differences in effect shown in the Table might easily be due. 6. Cumparison of the effects of "foreign" and "own" egg-extracts on the cross-fertilization percentages in Giona^. The experiments with egg-extracts were originally made to test whether there is some substance in the eggs of Giona which hinders ' "Foreign" means from another, and "own " from the same individual. H. M. FucHS 269 fertilization by their " own " sperm, i.e. by sperm from the same indivi- dual. It was thought that if there were such a substance, its presence in the sea-water should prevent sperm taken from the same individual as itself from cross-fertilizing the eggs of another individual. That such is not the case is demonstrated by the experiments shown in Tables II and IV, in which the extracts were taken from the same individuals as those from which the sperm was derived. These extracts caused an increase in the number of eggs fertilized in their presence. It might be, however, that an egg-extract from the same individual as the sperm had a lesser stimulating effect than one from a " foreign " animal. In the much smaller concentration in which the substance must be present at the surface of eggs in the sea than in artificial egg- extracts, "own" extract might have no perceptible favouring influence on fertilization, while the influence of that from another individual would be great enough to be effective. In this way, the difficulty of effecting self-fertilization could be accounted for. The h3rpothesis was put to the test in the following experiment. Approximately equal amounts of ^ eggs were put into (1) 10 cc. water, (2) 10 cc. of egg-extract derived from the same animal as the eggs (A), (3) 10 cc. of egg-extract derived from the same animal as the sperm (B), and (4) 10 cc. of extract derived from a " foreign " animal (C). After 35 minutes, one drop of b sperm-suspension was added to each dish. It should be noted that the three extracts were made as nearly as possible of equal concentration. TABLE VIII. (17.29.1.) Water A extract B extract C extract Cross : Ajb ... 21 63 62 63 The Table shows that the extracts derived from the three indivi- duals had practically the same stimulating effect on fertilization. The difference of 17o li^s within the limits of experimental error.- The foregoing experiments show that self-sterility in Ciona cannot be accounted for by the presence of a substance in the eggs of an individual B, which not only prevents the union of B eggs with b sperm, but also of "foreign" eggs (A) with b sperm. Nor is it due to something contained in B eggs which favours fertilization of eggs A by b sperm relatively less than does a substance contained in the " foreign " eggs. At any rate, if such an inhibiting substance be present, its effect is masked by stimulating substances contained in the egg-extracts. 270 Studies in the Physiology of Fertilization The most important experiments in regard to this question, however, are those to find the influence of egg-extracts, both from " own " and '' foreign " eggs on self-fertilization itself Some such experiments have been made already, but these must be extended and confirmed before being published. IV. Does the Extract affect the Egos or the Sperm ? The experiments already described have shown that if a given number of eggs be mixed with a certain concentration of sperm- suspension in sea-water, fewer eggs segment than if approximately the same number of eggs are inseminated by exactly the same con- centration of sperm in egg- or ovary-extract, other factors remaining the same. Now this result might be due to a " stimulating " effect of the extract on the spermatozoa alone, or to some change brought about in the eggs so that they can be more easily fertilized, or to a combination of both causes. The experiments described in the following sections were made to settle this question. 1. Effect of extract on the sperm of Ciona. In each of the experiments recorded in Table IX, a sperm-suspension was made up in the usual way. 5 cc. of this was mixed with 5 cc. of water (= Sperm a), and at the same time 5 cc. was mixed with 5 cc. TABI.E IX. (23.10.2.) a=5 cc. sperm-susp< ^ = .5 cc. sperm-suspeusion + .5 cc. extract. „ . , . ^ I a= 5 cc. sperm-suspension + 5 cc. water, Sperm in each experiment : < (1) a sperm (2) n spbnn + l drop extract added to water at fertilization (3) ^ sperm Exp. 1. £//. D extract ... <1 stigation must be of the highest im- portance for the understanding nf the fertilization process. In the experiments recorded below, eggs were allowed to remain in a relatively small amount of water for some time, and this water was then used in the same way as the extract had been in previous experiments. Such sea-water, in which eggs have been allowed tn stand, I call "egg- water" for the sake of brevity. H. M. FiTCHs 277 1. Experiments luith Cioiiu intestinalis. In Exps. 1 and 2 (Table XVI), eggs from three individuals' were kept in 3 — 4 times their volume oi water for 5} hours, to obtain the " egg-water." Given amounts of sperm-suspension were dropped into (1) 10 drops of plain water, (2) 10 drops of the egg- water. 10 cc. water was then added to (1) and (2), and they were poured on to appi-oximately equal amounts of eggs from a given individual. In Exp. 3, eggs from several individuals lay in 3 — 4 times their volume of water for two hours. The rest of the treatment was the same as in Exps. 1 and 2. For Exp. 4 an individual was found with an exceptionally large number of eggs. Some of these were allowed to stand in 10 times their own volume of water for two hours to obtain the egg- water. Given amounts of sperm-suspension were dropped into (1) 1 cc. of water, (2) 1 cc. of egg-water. (1) and (2) were then poured on to equal amounts of eggs from the same individual from which the egg-water had been obtained. The results of the experiments are given in Table XVI. TABLE XVI. Plain water Egg-water n , , „ »r- 1 . I 3 drops sperm ... 2 11 Exp. 1. Alb, Mixed egg-water -' „ ,„ ( o ,, ,,-,.. o io TH 1 ^;j «»• 3 i I 2 di'ops sperm ... 0 0 Exp. 2. C/rf, Mixed egg-water • , T-. o r, 1 ■ .»•• -1 X I 2 drops sperm ... 2 5 Exp. 3. EU, Mixed egg-water -j ^ ^ ^ ^.^ ^^ Exp. 4. Glk, G egg-water ... ^^ ^'"J' ^'-"^ ' • ^J ^J These experiments show that for Ciona, water in which eggs have lain has the same stimulating effect on spermatozoa that artificial egg-extracts have. 2. Experiment with Arbacia pustulosa. This experiment was made on exactly the same lines as those just described with Ciona. Egg-water experiments are, however, much more easily made with Echinodejms than with Ciona, since a much greater volume of eggs can be obtained, and hence more water containing the egg-secretions for experimentation. ' I need hardly repeat that as in all other experiments recorded in this paper, controls were kept. Unfertilized samples of all the eggs used for egg-waters were put on one side and afterwards examined to see that none had segmented. 278 Studies in tlie Phtjuioloyi/ of Fertilization Eggs A were washed twice by allowing them to settle in finger- bowls full of watt'r. They were then placed in a tube in 3 — 4 times their volume of water. After 35 minutes, this water was drawn off and a .second lot added to the eggs. When the latter had been in this water for one hour, it was drawn off and used for the experiment. Given amounts of sperm-suspension c (.see Table XVII) were added to (1) 2 cc. plain sea-water, and (2) 2 cc. egg-watei-. To each of these 10 cc. of plain sea- water was added, and they \\i-\e poured on to separate equal lots of eggs B. TABLE XVll. (1.2.5 ) I'lain water Kgg-wat«r „, , X t ^ drops sperm ... 35 89 Blc ^egg.water ^ j,, ^^ ^ ^^ g^ ,,,j Thus Arbacia eggs behave as Ciona in secreting a substance into the water, which increases the fertilizing power of the sperm of the .same species. 3. Experiments with Strongylocentrotus lividus. The four experiments given in Table XVIII were all made with the same egg-water. Eggs were taken from three females and washed twice to remove all coelomic fluid and ovarian tissue, by allowing them to settle in finger-bowls full of water. They were then put in about five times their volume of water, which was drawn off at varying intervals (given in the Table) to be used for the experiments. Just before the fertilizations were made, given amounts of sperm- suspension were added to (1) 2 cc. plain water, and (2) 2 ec. egg-water. After 1 — 2 minutes 10 cc. plain water was added to each, and they were then poured on to approximately equal lots of eggs. TABLE XVIII. (3.14.5.) Plain water Kgg-water „ , ,„ ,, . rr ■ , 1 3 drops sijerm 48 7H Exp. 1. Ah, t-gg-water 55 miuutes on eggs ' „„ ,„„ I 1 cc. sperm 97 100 „.,,,,, L ^r- ■ L 1-5 drops sperm 45 58 Exp. 2. Ale Lgg. water 65 m.nutes on eggs -j ^ ^^ ^^ J^ ^^ ^^^ „ ., ,, n ■ ,„/^ • . 1 3 drops speriii 18 30 Exp. 3. A e. Egg-water 100 minutes on eggs ' ' ' • be *'^ I 1 cc. sperm ... 5!» 84 ]-, . , ,^. T^ .,,<>■ i I 3 drops sperm 8 17 Exp. 4. Ah, Egg-water I'iO minutes on ego-s-i , I 1 cc. sperm . . 3.j .53 Table XVIII shows that the eggs of Strongylocentrotus give off a substance, or substances, into the sea-water which stimulates the sperm of the species in the same way as we saw the case for Civna and Arhacia. H. M. FucHs 270 VI. Effect of Ciona Blood on the Fertilizing Power of Cjona Sperm. Trials were next made to see whether there is an agent which increases the fertilizing power of the sperm in the blood, as well as in the eggs of Giona. Owing to lack of time no other tissues of the body were tested, but it will be important to do so in the future. The blood was removed from the body by the method already given (see p. 264). In each experiment the blood of one particular individual (given in the Table) was used. After removal from the body it was diluted to varying extents, according to the amount obtained. Given amounts of sperm -suspension were added to (1) 2i cc. water, and (2) 2i cc. blood. T(i each was added 10 cc. water, after which (1) and (2) were poured on to approximately equal numbers of eggs. Each experi- ment was made double, two different amounts of sperm being used. The results of the experiments are given in Table XIX. The Table shows that this series is an extensive one, there being 22 double experiments, or 44 comparisons in all. The reason for this is not that this investigation is more important than previous ones, but that, as will readily be seen from the Table, the results of each of the Series A, B, C, D and E contradict one another, although the experi- ments within each series agree. For the experiments in Series A and D show an increase in the number of eggs fertilized as a result of the treatment of the sperm with blood, while in Series B, C and E the per- centages are decreased. The only exceptions to this statement are that in Series D, all other experiments of which showed an increase in the percentages as the result of the blood treatment, the second parts of Exps. 10 and 15 gave no change'. Owing to the contradictory results of the different series, the experiments were continued until a reason for this behaviour was found. At first it was thought that an explanation of the different effects of the blood on the sperm might be that the behaviour of the former differed according as it was derived from the same animal as the eggs used in the same experiment, or as the sperm, or from a third individual. That this is not the explanation is seen from the fact that Series D, in which the percentages were raised by treatment of the sperm with blood, there are experiments in which the blood was derived from (1) • The first parts of Experiments 9 and 13 allow of no comparisons, as too little sperm was used. The same is the case with the second parts of Experiments 20 and '21, where too much sperm was used. •J8() Studies ill the PliijHiolotjy of Fertilization TABLE XIX. (41.4.6 e< seq.) Series A. Exp. 1. Exp. 2. Exp. 3. Ajb, A blood C/rf, C blood Elf, F blood 3 drops sperm 1 cc. sperm j 3 drops sperm / 1 cc. sperm ( 3 drops sperm j 1 cc. sperm Series B.. Exp. 4. Exp. 5. Exp. 6. Exp. 7. /(/i, B blood C/d, D blood A'/;, F blood «/''- ^/ blood ( 3 drops sperm / 1 cc. sperm J 3 drops sperm I 1 cc. sperm \ 3 drops sperm ( I cc. sperm \ 3 drops sperm I 1 cc. sperm Series C. ^Exp. 8. "- Exp. 9. Ilk, K blood Ljm, L blood 3 drops sperm 1 cc. sperm 3 drops sperm 1 ce. spenii Series D. Exp. 10. Exp. 11. Exp. 12. Exp. 13. E.\p. 14. ^ Exp. 15. Exp. 16. Exp. 17. Alb, C blood Ajd, D blood FIf, G blood E/li, J blood A/A-, ./ blood M/ii, M blood .l//i>, a blood J//P, P blood 3 drops sperm 1 cc. sperm S 3 drops sperm ( 1 cc. sperm ( 3 drops sperm ( 1 cc. sperm j 3 drops sperm \ 1 cc. sjierm 3 drops sperm 1 cc. sperm \ 3 drops sperm ( 1 cc. sperm \ 3 drops sperm ( 1 cc. sperm I 3 drops sperm ( 1 cc. sperm Series E. Exp. 18. Exp. 19. Exp. 20. Exp. 21. E.\p. 22. Qjr, S blood Il/q, S blood V/(, T blood I'/w, W blood A/r, .V blood ( 3 drops sperm ( 1 cc. sperm 3 drops sperm 1 ce. sperm i 3 drops sperm ( 1 cc. sperm ( 3 drops sperm ( 1 cc. sperm { 3 drops sperm ( 1 cc. sperm Water 41 85 0 <1 0 0 39 89 46 84 44 96 14 22 16 62 <1 10 71 31 83 12 37 0 0 1 7 3 14 18 49 <;1 4 33 95 7 57 lOU 100 100 100 77 100 Hlood 74 88 <1 10 <1 6 5 7 23 68 27 75 5 10 <1 23 <1 6 27 70 65 89 26 48 0 2 21 27 8 14 33 74 8 19 <:1 5 5 9 93 100 94 100 51 89 H. M. FucHS 281 the same animal as the eggs, (2) the same as the sperm, and (3) a third animal. Similarly in Series E, where the blood caused a decrease in the fertilization percentages, all three types are present. What must be the true explanation of the phenomenon is seen from the following list giving the times after they were brought into the Aquarium at which the animals were used for experimentation. Series A. Animals brouglit in from the sea the same day as the experiments were made. Series B. Animals liad been in the laboratory two weeks. Series C. The same lot of animals as Series A, but used the following day. Series D. Animals brought in from the sea on the same day as they were used. Series E. The remainder of the same lot of animals used for Series D, but experi- mented with two days afterward.s. For Series A and D, in both of which the blood caused an increase in the percentages of eggs fertilized, the animals were brought in fresh from the sea on the same day. For Series B, C, and E, on the contrary, the animals used had been in the Aquarium circulation for lengths of time varying fi-om one day to two weeks, and it was in these experiments that the blood produced a decrease in the percentages. Evidently, then, even one night in the Aquarium water caused some change in the composition of the blood of Ciona, causing it to reverse its effect on the fertilizing power of the spermatozoa. It can hardly be that this change is the first stage in the death of the animal, since all unhealthy looking individuals were discarded, and animals such as were used for the experiments were capable of living in the Aquarium circu- lation in apparently good condition, for weeks after they were brought in. That physiological changes occur in these animals, however, is seen not only in the different behaviour of the blood described above, but in the progressive decrease in egg-production, and in the fact that the eggs are less and less pigmented each day'. For the experiments on egg-extracts and egg-waters of Ciona, which have been described in the jjreceding sections, animals were used which had been in the circulation for varjring lengths of time after they were brought in from the sea, although most were used fresh the same day. Results were, however, uniform, and the following experiment, made with animals which had been five days in the Aquarium is further proof that there is no change in the eggs as there is in the blood. ' The eggs of Ciona which has been reared in the Aquarium are always more or less unpigmented. Water Egg-extract 1 3 drops sperm <1 .3 1 1 cc. sperm 2 10 282 Studies in the Phjisiolorjii of Fertilization Given amounts of sperm-suspension (see Table XX) were added to (1)5 cc. water, and (2)5 cc. egg-extract. To each was then added 5 cc of water and they were poured on to separate lots of eggs. The experi- ment was made with two different amounts of sperm. Table XX gives the result. TABLE XX. (42.4.7.) Cross: .///; VII. Influence of Egg-waters and Egg-extracts of Other Animals ox the Fertilizing Power of Cioxa Sperm. The reason why eggs can, in general, only be fertilized by sperm of the same species has always been a puzzle to physiologists. The experiments on egg-secretions suggest that the action on the .spermato- zoon of a substance given off by the egg is a necessary- preliminary to fertilization. Now, if the secretions of the eggs only affected the sperm of the same species, but had no action on the spei'm of other species, this might be an explanation of the specificity of the fertilization process. To te.st thi.s hypothe.si.s, the actions of the egg-extracts and egg-waters of Phallusia, Arbacia and Strongylocentrotus on Giona sperm used to cross-fertilize Giona eggs were tried. 1. Phallusia egg-extract. This experiment was made before it had been settled that the action of extracts was on the sperm and not on the eggs. In consequence the eggs of Giona (A) were allowed to stand in five dishes, the first of which contained 16 cc. of sea-water, and each of the others IG cc. of different concentrations of Phallusia egg-extract, f 2. Arbacia egg-extract. In the next series of three experiments, the Giona sperm was treated with Arbacia egg-extract before being used to cross-fertilize Giona eggs. 1() 15 10 -*) 0 0 1 l> 11 16 4 8 20 21 27 H. M. FucHS 283 Given aniaunts of Ciona sperm-suspension (set' Table XXII) were added to (1) 3 cc. plain sea-water, and (2) 3 cc. Arbacia egg-extract. 10 cc. water was then added to each, and they were poured on to approximately equal amounts of Ciona eggs. Each experiment was double, two different quantities of sperm being used. From Tables XXI and XXII it is seen that percentages of eggs fertilized in Ciona by a certain concentration of sperm is raised by treatment of the sperm with Phallusia or Arbacia extract, in the same way as it was by treatment with extract of the eggs of the same species. TABLE XXII. (38.6..5.) ( 3 drops sperm Exp. 1. Ajh ^ ^2 Exp. -1. C/d j.^ 3 drops sperm 2 ( 3 drops sperm k'ater Arhuria egg-extract 76 88 90 97 2 15 25 46 0 2 <^1 10 Exp. 3. t'A -^ ^^ 3. Arbacia e(/g-water. To obtain the egg-water, the eggs (jf Arbacia were allowed to stand in little more than their own volume of water for 4£ hours. Given amounts of Ciona sperm-suspension (see Table XXIII) were added to (1) 1 cc. plain sea-water, and (2) 1 cc. Arbacia egg-water. The latter contained the Arbacia eggs, and was not drawn off free of them, as in previous egg-water experiments. To each of the dishes was then added 10 cc. water, and they were poured on to equal amounts of Ciona eggs. The experiment was double, being made for two different concentrations of sperm. TABLE XXIII. (35.25.4.) Egg-water contaiuing Water Arbacia eggs _ , ,, \ 3 drops sperm ... 67 0 Oross, A/lj ^ ^Q ^^^p^ ^p^^,^ ^^ ^^^ ^ The complete inhibition of cross-fertilization of Ciona by sperm treated with Arbacia egg-water, as seen in Table XXIII, was unex- pected, more especially as A rbacia egg-extract had had the opposite effect. It was thought that the result might be due to the presence of numerous Arbacia eggs in the sperm-suspension which was used to effect the fertilization. The Ciona spermatozoa might conceivably have become entangled in the jelly surrounding these eggs. A second 284 Studies in tjic Phiisioloyn of Fertilization possibility was this. The comparatively small \iil\iiiic of water in which the Arhacia eggs had stooil for a relatively long time may have become acid enough to inhibit the fertilizing power of the spermatozoa (see p. 294). The acidity of this egg-water was not tested when it was used for the experiment, but 1| hours afterwards it gave a pink colour with a-Naphtholphthalein, whereas normal sea-water gives gi-een. Owing to these two possibilities of error, the experiment w;is repeated. After remt)val from the ovary, the Arbacia eggs were washed by allowing them to settle twice in finger-bowls of water. They were then placed in 3 — 4 times their volume of water for 55 minutes only. When this egg-water was di-awn ott' the eggs, it was still green to a-Naphtholphthalein. Given amounts of sperm-suspension were added (see Table XXIV) to (1)3 cc. plain sea- water, and (2) 3 cc. Arbacia egg- water, which was quite free from Arbacia eggs. 10 cc. of water was added to each, after which they were poured on to sejjarate equal quantities of eggs. The experiment was double as last time. TABLE XXIV. (39.6.5.) i 3 drops sperm ... Cross, F/y ^ ,„ , „ (12 drops speiin ... The Table shows that, under the conditions of this experiment, the Arbacia egg- water increased the fertilizing power of Ciona sperm in the same way as the A rbacia egg-extract had don<' in the experiments of Table XXII. 4. Strong ylocentrotus egg-extract. The two experiments recorded in this .section were made to test the action of Strongylocentrotus egg-extract on Ciona sperm, used to cross- fertilize eggs of the same species. Definite amounts of Ciona sperm - suspension (.see Table XXV) were added to (1) 10 cc. plain sea-water, Exp. 1. Bjc t'ater Arhacia ee8-»'ater 10 42 13 77 Exp. 2. (7(/ TABLE XXV. (31. 25 .3.) Water Stroiigylo'entrtAu. egK-extract , 3 drops sperm ... ■ i-^ ;: :: :. 27 55 02 !)6 81 100 j ■) drops .sperm ... 12 „ •-20 „ „ ... 0 0 83 97 0 100 H. M. FrcHS 285 unci (2) 10 CL-. Strongylocentrotus egg-extract. Each was then poured on to approximately equal quantities of Ciona eggs. Each experiment was made triple, three different strengths of sperm being used. In both experiments, involving six comparisons between the effects of plain water and of the egg-extract on the fertilizing power of the Giona sperm, the percentages of eggs fertilized were raised by treatment with the extract. The results are especially marked in Exp. 2. 5. Strongylocentrotus egg-water. The first experiment with Strongylocentrotus egg-water was made in the same way as that with Arhacia egg-water recorded in Table XXIII. Strongylocentrotus eggs (previously washed twice in finger-bowls of water) were kept in little more than their own volume of water for "2^ hours. Five drops oi' Ciona sperm-suspension b were added to (1) 1 cc. normal sea-water, and (2) 1 cc. egg-water, containing Strongylocentrotus eggs. 10 cc. of water was then added to (1) and to (2), and each was poured on to separate equal amounts of Ciona eggs A (see Table XXVI). TABLE XXVI. (. Egg-water containing Water Sir'nioytoccnirMus eggs Cross, A/b ... 27 26 The Table shows that the egg-water had practically no effect on the fertilization percentages. The conditions of the experiment were the same as those for the experiment shown in Table XXIII, in which the Arhacia egg-water inhibited the fertilizing power of the Giona sperm. That is to say, the egg- water was prepared by keeping the eggs for a comparatively long time in a relatively small volume of water, and Strongylocentrotus eggs were present in the sperm-suspension used to effect the fertilization. At the time of fertilization the egg-water gave a pink colour with a-Naphtholphthalein, in.stead of the green of normal sea-water. For the reasons already given on p. 283 it was thought that there was in this experiment some other factor influencing the Ciona sperm than the Strongylocentrotus egg-secretion. A further series of experiments was therefore made, in which the acidity of egg-water which has stood for some time on a relatively large volume of eggs was eliminated, and in which the egg-water used to influence the sperm did not contain eggs. Eggs from two females of Strongylocentrotus were washed twice in finger-bowls of watei-, after which they were placed in tubes with 4 — .5 286 Studies in tli< Physiolofiti of Fertilization their own volume of watn-. At lengths of time vaiying fnjm 65 — 120 minutes portions of this water were drawn off and used in the experi- ments. At the time of the last fertilization made, this water was still green to a-Naphtholphthaleiii. Definite equal amounts of Ciona sperm- suspension (see Table XXVII) were added to (1) 2 cc. of plain sea-water, and (2) 2 cc. tif the Strongylocentrotm egg-water, this time not contain- ing any Strongylocentrotus eggs. 10 cc. water was then added to each', and they were poured on to separate equal amounts of Gioud eggs. 'I'he experiments wei'e made double. TABLE XXVII. (40.16.5.) troius Water egg-water Egg- water 65 minutes on eggs... 3 drops sperm ... 28 77 , 3 drops sperm... 20 73 Exp. 1. Alb. Exp. •2. lijc. Exp. 3. CI<1 Exp. 4. F.jf. Exp. r,. F!ci. Exp. I!. H/i. Egg-water 80 minutes on eggs Egg-water 95 minutes on eggs Egg-water 120 minutes on eggs Egg-water 120 minutes on eggs Egg-water 120 minutes on eggs ) 1 cc. sperm ... 74 9t; (3 drops sperm... 2fi 65 I 1 CO. sperm . 31 99 ( 3 drops sperm ... 60 86 } 1 cc. sperm ... 91 100 \ 3 drops sperm . - 1 73 / 1 cc. sperm ... 8 79 ( 3 drops sperm... 80 lOO I 1 cc. sperm . 94 100 In all the e.xperiments of Table XXVII the Cioita sperm which had been treated with Strongylocentrotus egg-water had its fertilizing pow(;r increased to a marked extent. As has already been stated, there are two possibilities to account for the absence of this effect in the experiments of Tables XXIII and XXVI. It would seem, howevei-, that the possible entanglement of the spermatozoa in the jelly of the Echinoid eggs present, although it might conceivably account for the complete inhibition of fertilization in Table XXIII, could hardly cause no change in the percentages, as seen in Table XXVI. Considering the .strong inhibitor}' effect of the presence of small quantities of acid (jn the fertilizing power of spermatozoa, as will be shown (jn p. 294, it is extremely f)robable that the cause of the anomalous results obtained in these two experiments was the presence of acid in the egg- water. It was shown that the egg- water of Table XXVI gave a pink colour with a-Naphtholphthalein at the moment when it was used. Thus, jircsuniably owing to the fact that it had ' In Experiments 5 and 6 the sperm was added to 5 ec. (1) water, (2) egg-water, after which -5 cc. water was added to eacli. H. M. FiTCHs -287 stood for a considerable time with a large volume of eggs, this egg- water had an acid reaction, and it is not to be wondered at that this acidity counteracted the stimulating effect of the egg-water on the sperm, which latter is clearly shown in the other experiments (Tables XXIV and XXYII)i. The end result of the experiments described in the preceding five sections is therefore that treatment of the spermatozoa of Giona with egg-extracts of Phallusia, Arbacia or Strong ylocentrotus or with the egg-waters of the two latter, increases its fertilizing power. VIII. Further Experiments to test the Specificity of the Egg-secretions. The experiments described in the last sections seem to show that the general specific capability of spermatozoa for fertilizing eggs of the same species only is not due to their being unstimulated by the egg-secretions of other species. There remains, however, one other possibility in this connection. It might be that the specificity of fertilization phenomena depends on the relatively greater excitation of the spermatozoa by secretions of the eggs of the same species than by those of others. This suggestion can be tried by making strict comparisons between the effects on the fertilizing power of sperm -suspensions produced by extracts from the eggs of the same and of other species. The hypothesis was thoroughly tested in the experiments described below. 1. Comparisons of the effects of Strongylocentrotus and of Ciona. egg-extract on the fertilizing power of Strongylocentrotus sperm. The chief difficulty encountered in making these experiments is the practical impossibility of making two different egg-extracts of exactly equal concentrations. They were made as nearly as possible of the same strength by taking approximately equal ([uantities of the eggs of the two species to be experimented upon, crushing them to the same extent, and then washing off the juices into exactly equal quantities of water. Diffei-ences of one or two per cent, in the fertilization percentages of eggs fertilized with sperms treated with two different extracts are probably to be accounted for by slight differences in the concentrations of the extracts. ' It should be noted that all other experiments with egg-waters described in this paper were made under the same conditions as those of Tables XXIV and XXVII, thus eliminating the acidity factor. 288 Studies in thr Physiohujii of Fertilization In the first experiment ilu-ce drops of Strongylocentrotus sperm-sus- pension were added to I'ach of three dishes containing (1) 5 cc. water, (2) 5 cc. Strongylocentvotus etrg-extract, and (3) 5 cc. Ciona egg-extract. 5 cc. water was tlien addefi to eacli and they were poured on to three separate equal lots of Strongylocentrotus eggs (see Table XXVIII). TABLE XXVIII. ( SI rotujt/hvfittrtitus Ciona Water extract extract Cross: Strongylocentrotus A/h ... 68 87 88 Both extracts increased the fertilizing power of the sperm In the same extent. 2. Comparison of the effects of Strongylocentrotus and SphaereclrinKS egg-extracts on the fertilizing power of Strongylocentrotus sperm. In each of the two experiments made (Table XXIX), definite equal amounts of Strongylocentrotus spei-m-suspension were added to (1) 5 cc. water, (2) .5 cc. Strongylocentrotus egg-exti-act, and (3) 5 cc. Sphaer- echinus egg-extract. To each was then added 5 cc. water, and they were poured on to three approximately equal quantities of Strongylocentrotus eggs. Each experiment was made doid^le. two different strengths of sperm-suspension being used. The results of the experiments aix' given in Table XXIX, which shows that both exti'acts increased the fertilizing pnwer of the sperm equalh'. TABLE XXIX (L30.5.) Exp. 1. SiriiiigijhtreiitiotKK ll/f Exp. 2. StroiK.niloccMrotus ll/il 3. Comparison of the effects of Strongylocentrotus and Echinus egg- extracts on the fertilizing power of Strongylocentrotus sperm. In each experiment definite amounts of Strongylocentrotus sperm (see Table XXX) were added to (1) 5 cc. water, (2) 5 cc. Strongylocen- trotus egg-extract, (3) 5 cc. Echinus egg-extract. To each was then added 5 cc. water, after which they were poured on to three approxi- mately equal lots of Strongylocentrotus eggs. The results shown in this Table are not sn unifcirm. In the first part of Exp. 1 the Echinus egg-extract raised the fertilization percentage Water Si,-lHttl]llOVVlU, extract mht^ S/)Ii(n'rfchi)\ti: extract i •(; ce. spei-m 22 85 S7 ( 2 ec. sperm 49 100 100 J -6 cc. sperm Ul 100 100 / 2 cc. sperm 88 100 100 H. M. FucHS 289 7 °l^ more than did the Strong ylocenU'otus extract. As the other three comparisons in the Table show an equal effect of the two extracts this difference is probably due to an error in the experiment. TABLE XXX. (2.30..^ and 3.9.6.) strong Water e 1 cc. sperm 40 88 95 Strongt/locentrotus Echinus Water extract extract ■r. , r, ■ . ,, ( 1 CC. sperm Exp. 1. Stroiuiylocentrotus Ah { ( 3 cc. sperm 62 96 95 ■r, , .. , ,,,, ( 3 drops sperm 13 25 26 h,xp. 2. Stroiiqiiloceiitwtus C a ■ , ^ ^■' ' ( 1 cc. sperm 29 78 77 4. Comparison of the effects of Strongylocentrotus and Echinus egg- extracts on the fertilizing power of Echinus sperm. In the following experiment Strongylocentrotus and Echinus extracts were again used, but in this case a comparison was made between their effects on the fertilizing power of Echinus sperm. Definite equal amounts of Echinus sperm (see Table XXXI) were pipetted into (1) 6 cc. water, (2) 5 cc. Strongylocentrotus egg-extract, and (3) 5 cc. Echinus egg-extract. To each was then added .5 cc. water, and they were poured on to separate equal quantities of Echinus eggs. Table XXXI shows that both extracts had the same effect on the Echinus sperm. TABLE XXXI. (-2.31. .5.) strongylocentrotus Echinus Water extract extract Echinus B/c •6 cc. sperm ... 41 79 78 2 cc. sperm ... 66 84 83 5. Comparison of the effects of Strongylocentrotus and Echinus egg- extracts on the fertilizing power of Strongylocentrotus sperm, used to fertilize Echinus eggs. The experiments detailed in the preceding sections have shown clearly that the fertilizing power of sperm-suspensions is as much increased by treatment with egg-extract from another species as it is by an approximately equal concentration of the egg-extract of the same form. Evidently then the specificity of fertilization can in no way be due to any differential effect of egg-secretion from the same and from other species, and the cause of the general difficulty of effecting inter- specific hybridizations must be sought for elsewhere. Now, suppose two species, X and Y, which hybridize with com- parative ease. Fi'om what has just been said, it would be expected Journ. of Gen. iv 19 290 Studies in the Physiol (xjn of Fertilization that tl;e percentage of X eggs fertilized by Y speriii would be increased to an equal extent by previous treatment of this sperm (1) by X egg- extract, and (2) by an equal concentration of Y egg-extract. That such is the case is proved by the following three experiments in which the cross Echinus microtuherculatus $ x Strong tjlocentrotus lividus unproved. Finally, colour tests were made with the blood of Ciona to see whether the change in its effect on the fertilizing power of Ciona sperm, according to the time the animals from which it is taken have been in the Aquarium, is correlated with any change of reaction. It will be remembered (see p. 281 seq.) that the blood of animals taken fresh from the sea increased the fertilizing power of sperm-suspensions, while a sojourn of the animals for even one night in the Aquarium water reversed the etfect of the blood on the sj^erm. For the colour tests the blood was first centrifuged in order to obtain the liquid fairly clear and colourless. The plasma showed a red colour with Neutral Red, yellow with Methyl Orange and pink with a-Naph- tholphthalein. There was no alteration in the reaction when the animals had been kept in the Aquarium, the latter experiments being made with animals from the lot used in Series D and E, Table XIX. The fact that the blood gave a pink colour with a-Naphtholphthalein shows that it has a concentration of H-ions considerably greater than that of normal sea-water. Tables XXXVI and XXXVII showed that if acid is added to the latter until it gives a pink with this indicator, the fertilizing power of sperm-suspensions made up in it is completely inhibited. From this it follows that there must be something in the blood of fresh Ciona which ct)unteracts the effect of this acidity as well as stimulates the spermatozoa. It might be added as a suggestion that if this stimulating substance disappeared from the blood after the animal had been kept in the Aquarium water, the acidity of the blood would have the effect of paralyzing the spermatozoa, which would be a possible explanation of the observed phenomena. 298 Studies In the Phj/Kiolugn of Fertilization X. Conclusion. Soon Jifter the prefsent work was commenced a pioliminary .•tccount of an investigation by F. R. Lillie published some months previously (2) came to my notice. Before my experiments were completed the full account of this very important work was published (3). It consisted of a study of the reactions of spermatozoa to substances secreted by the eggs, and was thus concerned with the same general problem as the one I was attacking. Lillie's methods, were, however, quite different from mine. The main results were based on observations of the activity of the spermatozoa made both with the naked eye and more especially under the microscope, when the spermatozoa were treated with egg- extracts, substances secreted by the eggs, and chemical agents. Besides this, the effects of the treatments on the subsequent capability of the sperm for fertilizing eggs were tried. Thus, whereas Lillie's results depended mainly on direct observation, mine were based on indirect methods. The effects of the different factors on the spermatozoa were in my case investigated by comparing the subsequent fertilizing powers of the suspensions of sperm experimented upon. The main result of Lillie's work was to show that substances are secreted by the eggs of Arbacia and of Nereis which cause intense activity of the spermatozoa, agglutinate them in masses and to which the spermatozoa are positively chemotactic. Now Lillie found evidence for a specificity in the egg-secretion.s. The Nereis "agglutinin" did not agglutinate Arbacia sperm, but the Arbacia substance was agglutinative for Nereis sperm. The Arbacia extract, however, probably contained two agglutinins, one specific for the Arbacia sperm and the other not specific ; for if the substances from Arbacia eggs were kept for some days, Nereis sperm was no longer agglutinated, while Arbacia sperm was. Moreover, the coelomic fiuid of Arbacia contained an agglutinin for Nereis sperm, which did not affect Arbacia sperm. It will be remembered that I could find no evidence for specificity in the effects of egg-secretions on the fertilizing power of the sperm. On the contrary, in all the forms tried, the fertilizing power of a sperm- suspension was increased to an exactly equal extent by equal concentra- tions of the egg-secretions of the same and of another form, the two H. M. FucHS 299 forms being sometimes as widely different as Ascidians and Echinoderms. The factor in the egg-secretions, then, which increases the fertilizing power of the sperm, has no connection with the specificity of the fertili- zation process. It may well be that this specificity is due to the " iso- agglutinins" of Lillie — that for a spermatozoon to fertilize an egg, there must be a reaction between it and the iso-agglutinin of the egg, the visible effect of which is agglutination. In the one point in which Lillie's experiments and my own coincide there is complete disagreement. All my experiments have shown that treatment of a sperm-suspension with egg-secretions, or with substances artificially extracted from the eggs, increases the fertilizing power of the suspension — that after this treatment more spermatozoa can fertilize eggs than before the treatment. Lillie, however, states that there is a loss or diminution of the fertilizing power of the sperm as an effect of the egg-extract. Special experiments were made on the exact lines as those of Lillie (see p. 275), but they too gave the invariable result, — the fertilizing power was increased. I am therefore at a loss to explain this after-effect on the sperm described by Lillie for his experiments. The end result of my own investigations is that eggs of Ascidians and of Echinoids secrete substances into the sea-water in which they lie. These substances increase the fertilizing power of sperm-suspensions. If a sperm-suspension of a certain concentration be taken and divided into two equal portions, to one of which is added some plain sea-water, and to the other an equal amount of sea-water containing egg-secretions, the latter portion can fertilize more eggs than can the former. Further, the egg-secretions of a foreign species increase the fertilizing power to an exactly equal extent as those of the same species, provided they are equally concentrated. This increased fertilizing power of sj)erm-suspen- sions was shown for a number of ordinary intra-specific cross-fertilizations and for one case of hybridization. In conclusion, it should be pointed out that the conditions in nature must be somewhat different from those in the laboratory. For as the substances in question are secreted by the eggs lying in water, the secretions must be continually washed away by currents and wave action. It follows that at a small distance from the surface of the egg the secretions will be present in the water only in minimal concentra- tions. The action on the spermatozoa must therefore take place on, or at a very small distance from, the surface of the egg. 300 Studies in (lie Phyxiolvf/n of Fertilization XL Summary of Experimental Results. 1. It" a certain number of eggs of an individual A nf Cioun, in a given aniount of plain sea-water, are fertilized l)y the addition of a certain quantity of a sperm-suspension h of another individual, fewer eggs segment than when approximately the same number oi A eggs in the same amount of sea-water, but this time containing egg-extract, are fertilized by an equal amount of sperm-suspension h. 2. The rate of segmentation of the eggs is the same in jilain water and in egg-extract. 3. The extract has an immediate effect in raising the fertilization percentage. 4. The phenomenon described in (I) is the same in the case of Ascidia. 5. Ovary-extract of Ciona has the same effect as egg-extract. 6. In Ciona the fertilization percentage is raised by exactly the same amount by equal concentrations of extract derived from the same animal as the eggs used in the cross, from the same animal as the sperm, and from a third animal. 7. The extract acts as a aperiir " stimulant " in Ciona and does not affect the eggs. Its presence in a sperm-suspension of a certain concen- tration causes more spermatozoa to fertilize eggs than is otherwise the case, i.e., it increases the " fertilizing power " of the sperm. 8. The sperm of Strong ijlocentrotus is affected by the egg-extract of the same .species in exactly the same way as is that of Ciona. 9. In Stvongylocentrotus the stimulating action of the extract con- tinues as long as the sperm-suspension is capable of effecting fertili- zation. 10. The eggs (if Ciomt, Arbacia. and Strdiigi/locentrotus secrete a substance or substances into the water which increase the fertilizing power of the sperm of the same species, in the same way that the egg- extracts have been shown to do. 11. The effect of the blood of Ciona on the fertilizing power of the sperm depends on the time that the animals from which the blood is taken have been in the Aquarium. The blood of freshly caught animals increases the fertilizing power of the sperm, while that of H. M. FucHS 301 animals which have been in the Aquarium fur one night or longer decreases it. 12. Egg-extracts of Phallusia, Arbacia and Strongylocentrotus and egg-secretions of the two latter increase the fertilizing power of sperm- suspensions of Giona. 13. The fertilizing power of a Strongylocentrotus sperm-suspension used to fertilize eggs of the same species, is increased to the same extent by egg-e.xtracts of Strongt/locentrutus, Sphaerechinus, Echinus and Ciena. The fertilizing power of an Echinus sperm-suspension used to fertilize the eggs of that form is increased to an equal extent by the extracts of both these forms. 14. Asterias egg-extract completely inhibits the fertilizing power of a Strongylocentrotus sperm-suspension. The egg-secretion of Asterias, however, increases the fertilizing power of the latter to the same extent as does Strongylocentrotus egg-secretion itself. 15. A small rise in the H-ion concentration of the water gives an increase in the fertilizing power of a sperm-suspension of Giona; while a small fall causes a very marked decrease in the latter. 16. Water containing Giona, egg-extract has a very slightly greater concentration of H-ions than normal watei'. Asterias extract, however, has a considerably greater concentration. The blood of Giona shows no change in reaction con-elated with its changed effect on the fertilizing power of sperm-suspensions. REFERENCES. 1. Vox DuNGERN, E. "Neue Versuche zur PhysiologiederBefruohtung." Zeitschr. f. ally. Physiol. Bd. i. 1902, S. .34. 2. LiLLiE, Frank R. "The production of sperm i.so-agglutinins by ova." Science, Vol. xxxvi. 1912, p. 527. 3. "Studies of Fertilization." V. /oura. E/;;^ .^oo^. Vol. xiv. 191.3, p. 515. 4. SoRENSEN, 0. R. C. R. Lab. Carlsbery, Tom. viil. 1909, p. 1. Also Biochem. Zeitschr. Bd. xxiv. 1910. Cambridge University Press THE DETERMINATION OF SEX By L. DONCASTER, Sc.D., Fellow of King's College, Cambridge. Demy 8vo. With frontispiece in colour and 22 plates. 7s. 6d. net. Contents: The Problem. — The Nature and Function of Sex.— The Stage of Development at which Sex is detei-mined. — Sex-limited Inheritance. — The Material Basis of Sex-determination. — The Sex-ratio. — Secondary Sexual Characters. — The Hereditary Transmission of Secondary Sexual Characters. — Hermaphroditism and Gynandromorphism. — General Conclusions on the Causes which determine Sex. — The Determination of Sex in Man. — Glossary. — List of Works referred to. — Index. HEREDITY IN THE LIGHT OF RECENT RESEARCH By the same author. Royal 16mo. With 12 figures. Cloth, Is. net; leather, 2s. 6cl. net. Cambridge Manuals Series. ' ' Mr Doncaster has performed a remarkable feat in condensing into so small a space such an admirable introduction to the study of heredity in the light of recent research. He writes clearly, without dogmatism, he treats fairly both the Mendelian and the biometric schools." — Nature MENDEL'S PRINCIPLES OF HEREDITY By W. BATESON, M.A., F.R.S., V.M.H., Director of the John Innes Horticultural Institution. Tliird impression with additions. With 3 portraits, 6 coloured plates, and 38 other illustrations. Royal 8vo. 12s. net. " A. new impression cannot fail to be welcomed.. ..il/sntiers Principles of Heredity is already a classic. It marks a position of stability towards which previous work is now seen to have logically converged, and from which new and active research is to-day no less logically diverging. The various waves of biological thought are constantly intersecting, mingling, aud passing on with altered rhythm, but it rarely happens that so many meet together at a nodal point as during the last decade.. ..As an analysis of that point, as a picture of how it has come into being, and as a foreshadowing of happenings in the near future, MendeVs Principles stands alone, and it is good to know that the generation of students now growing up cannot be cut off from the posses- sion of a book so fuU of inspiration." — Gardeners' Chronicle THE METHODS AND SCOPE OF GENETICS By W. BATESON, M.A., F.R.S., V.M.H. Crown 8vo. Is. 6d net. " Professor Bateson tells how Mendel's law works out with the colours of certain flowers, moths, and canaries, and with colour-blindness in men and women. More than this, he describes the outlook over this field of research in a manner that will greatly interest and attract all in- telligent people, for, as he rightly says, ' Mendel's clue has shown the way into a realm of nature which for surprising novelty and adventure is hardly to be excelled.' " — ilorning Post Cambridge University Press, Fetter Lane, London C. F. Clay, Manager CONTENTS All Bights reserved Frank C. Miles. A Genetic and Cytological Study of Certain Types of Albinism in Maize (With Plate VIII, and 9 Text- Figures) 193 H. M. FucHS. Studies in the Physiology of Fertilization . . 215 The Journal of Genetics is a periodical for the publication of records of original research in Heredity, A'ariation and allied subjects. The Journal will also, ft-om time to time, contain articles summarising the existing state of knowledge in the various branches of Genetics, but reviews and abstracts of work published elsewhere will not, as a rule, be included. Adequate illustration will be provided, and, where the subject matter demands it, free use will be made of coloured plates. The Journal will be issued in parts as material accumulates, and a volume, appearing, so far as possible, annually, wiU consist of four such parts. Volumes I — III (1910 — 14) are now ready. Price in four parts, paper covers, 30s. net per volume ; bound in buckram, 34s. 6c?. net per \olume. Buckram binding cases can be supplied at 2s. 6d. net each. Subscribers' sets can be bound for 4s. 6c?. net per volume, including the case. Papers for publication may be sent either to Mr Bateson, Manor House, Morton Park, Surrey, or to Professor Punnett, Whittingehame Lodge, Cambridge. Other communications should be addressed to the University Press, Cambridge. Papers forwarded to the Editors for publication are understood to be offered to the Journal of Genetics alone, unless the contrary is stated. Contributors will receive 50 separate copies of their papers free. A fm-ther 50 may be had at cost price : these should be ordered when the final proof is returned. The Subscription price for a volume is 30s. net (post free) payable in advance ; separate parts 10s. each net. Subscriptions may be sent to any bookseller, or to Mr C. F. Clay Manager, Cambridge University Press, Fetter Lane, Loudon, E C. The Cambridge University Press has appointed the Univeraity o-f Chicago Press agents for the sale of the Journal of Genetics in the United States of America, and has authorised them to charge the following prices :— Annual subscription, $ 7.50 net ; single copies, $2.50 net each. CAMBRIDGE: PRINTED BY JOHN CLAY, M.A. AT THE UNHERSITY PRESS Vol. 4, No. 4 April, 1915 JOURNAL OF GENETICS EDITED BY W. BATESON, M.A., F.R.S. DIRECTOR OF THE JOHN INNES HORTICULTURAL INSTITUTION AND R. C. PUNNETT, M.A., F.R.S. ARTHUR BALFOUR PROFESSOR OF GENETICS IN THE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS C. f; clay, Manager LONDON : FETTER LANE, E.C. 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On the other hand they will differ from detailed treatises by confining themselves to specific problems of current interest and in presenting the subject in as summary a manner and with as little technical detail as is consistent with sound method. They wUl be written not only for the specialist but also for the educated layman. The size of the volumes will range from fifty to one hundred and fifty pages. THE FIRST PUBLISHED VOLUME OF THE SERIES The Evolution of Sex in Plants. By John Mehle Coulter, Head of the Department of Botany in the University of Chicago, viii + 140 pages, small 12mo, cloth; 4s. net. In this first volume of the new "University of Chicago Science Series" Professor Coulter, the editor of the Botanical Gazette and the author of numerous volumes on botanical science, has given a presentation of the results of research showing that all reproduction is the same in its essential features and all methods of reproduction are natural responses to the varying conditions encountered by plants in their life histories. Sex reproduction, the author says, is simply one kind of response, the sex feature not being essential to reproduction, but securing something in connection with the process. Various phases of the subject discussed include the evolution of sex organs, the alternation of generations, the differentiation of sexual individuals, and parthenogenesis. The last chapter, which offers a theory of sex, reviews the more prominent facts set forth in preceding parts of the volume, and serves both as a summary and a working hypothesis. OTHER VOLUMES IN PREPARATION FOR EARLY PUBLICATION The Origin of the Earth. By Thomas C. Chamberlin, Head of the Department of Geology in the University of Chicago. The Isolation and Measurement of the Electron. By Robert Andrews Millikan, Profes.sor of Physics in the University of Chicago. Finite Collineation Groups. By Hans F. Blichfeldt, Professor of Mathematics in Leland Stanford Junior University. OTHER VOLUMES PLANNED AND IN PREPARATION The Evolution of Reptiles. By Samuel Wendell Williston. Food Poisoning. By Edwin Oakes Jordan. The Problem of Individuality in Organisms. By Charles Manning Child. The Development of a New System of Organic Chemistry, Based on Dissociation Concepts. By John Ulric Nef, with the co-operation of J. W. E. Glattfeld. The Living Cycads. By Charles Joseph Chamberlain. Mechanics of Delayed G-ermination in Seeds. By William Crocker. The Rigidity of the Earth and of Materials. By Albert A. Michelson. The Problem of Fertilization. By Frank R. Lillie. Linear Integral Equations in General Analysis. By Eliakim Hastings Moore. The University of Chicago Press The Cambridge University Press Agents for the British Empire London, Fetter Lane Volume IV APRIL, 1915 No. 4 NOTE ON THE INHERITANCE OF HETEROSTYLISM IN PRIMULA ACAULIS J ACQ. By R. p. GREGORY, M.A. Fellow of St John's College, Gamhridge; University Lecturer in .^ Botany. ,jj The experiments with the wild Priimose, which it is the purpose of aAKUK"-^* this note to record, were begun by Mr Bateson and the writer con- currently with our exj)eriments on Primula sinensis^. The results obtained in the two species are exactly similar ; the inheritance of the characters of short and long style is of a simple Mendelian type, the short style being dominant, the long style recessive. The two forms of the wild Primrose are about equally numerous in nature-. Among the wild plants used for experiment were nine short- styled plants, all of which proved to be heterozygous. Darwin' found the " illegitimate " mating short-style x short-style to be relatively even less fertile in the Primrose than it is in P. sinensis; my experiments have given a similar result, and from numerous matings of this kind only five families have been obtained ■*. Two of these families were the offspring of wild plants ; they consisted of 13 short-styled, 4 long- styled plants. Of these 13 short-styled plants, only two produced any offspring ; one of them shewed itself to be heterozygous, giving 1 1 short- ' Bateson and Gregory, Roy. Soc. Proc, B. Vol. Lxxvi. p. 581, 1905 ; Gregory, Journal of Genetics, Vol. i. p. 73, 1911. 2 Darwin, Forms of Flowers, p. 34. I have counted the two forms in several localities where the plant grows wild, without finding any significant departure from equality of numbers. » L.C., p. 37. * The plants used for experiment were grown out-of-doors, in pots covered with muslin bags, ao that flowers which had been operated upon were exposed to the weather at a time of year when frosts are common. As a consequence a great number of the experiments were unsuccessful, and the whole of the crosses made in 1905, and again those made in 1907, were lost. Journ. of Gen. iv 20 304 Heterostylisni in Primula style and 4 long-style when self-fertilized, and 9 short-style, 1 1 long- style, when crossed by the recessive. The other short-styled plant, when crossed by long-style, gave 4 short-style, 0 long-style ; other experiments with this plant failed, so that '\i remains doubtful whether it was pure or heterozygous. It was the only short-styled plant, from which seeds were obtained, which was not definitely shewn to be heterozygous. Altogether, the heterozygous short-styled plants, self- fertilized, gave 39 short-st3'le, 13 long-style. The crosses of hetero- zygous short-style % x long-style (^ gave 1 1 9 short, 138 long ; the reciprocal crosses gave 110 short, 96 long; or a total, for the matings in both forms, of 229 short, 234 long. The results of my experiments are shewn in tabular form below. Form of Mating dumber of Families Short-style Long-style Expectation Long X Long 21 0 199 All Long Short X Short (heterozygous) ... 5 39 13 3D : IR Heterozygous Short 9 x Long i 17 ll!t 138 W -.IR Long ? X Heterozygous Short M 306 Varicf/atioii in Primula sinensis Antirrhinum the yellowish-white plants, which are entirely devoid of normal chloroplasts, do not survive beyond the seedling stage, in Primula it has been found possible to raise a few examples of the corresponding ])ale-coloured typo to maturity and to use them both as the female and as the male parents in crosses. The pale yellow or yellowish-green plants oi Primula differ from the normal green type in having smaller chloroplasts, which are of a pale yellowish-gi'een colour, instead of being bright green. There is some variation among the yellow-leaved plants as regards the degree of chlorosis'; some are very pale, others are a greenish -yellow, the differences in appearance being due to difference in the size and pig- mentation of the chloroplasts. The variegated plants consist of a patchwork of cells of two kinds, containing respectively bright green and pale-c(jlour(xl chloroplasts. In the mature organs of the variegated plants, the individual cells, at any rate in the great majority of cases, contain chloroplasts of one kind only, but evidence has been obtained that in the very young leaves two kinds of chloroplast may be present together in the same cell. The bearing of this observation on the genetic problem of the maternal transmission of variegation is dis- cussed on pp. 314-317. As in Mirabilis and Antirrhinuni, the \ariegated plants oi Primula, when self-fertilized, give three kinds of offspring, namely, self-coloured green, variegated and self-coloured yellow, in irregular proportions. The green offspring of a variegated plant give only green progeny in succeeding generations, the variegated continue to give all three types. Most of the yellow-leaved plants die at an early stage, but a few indi- vidtials have been brought to flower; I have not succeeded in obtaining seeds from the self-fertilization of these plants, but they have been crossed with normal green plants. The result of these experiments is to shew that, apart from any question of variegation, the character of the chloroplast is transmitted through the egg-cell only ; when the yellow plant is used as the female parent all the offspring are yellow ; when it is used as the male parent, in a cross with a green plant, both the Fi and the succeeding generations consist entirely of self-coloured green plants, the yellow character not having been transmitted to the ' As the term "chlorosis " in some sense connotes disease, it should be said that the term is used in this paper in a purely descriptive sense, applied to a condition of the plants. The chlorosis in Primula is inherent in the plant and is not due to methods of culture. Nor has it anything to do with the "infectious chlorosis" of some plants (see Baur, loc. rit.). R. P. Gregory 307 offspring through the pollen of the male parent. This result con'e- sponds with the similar results obtained by Correns and Baur when crosses were made with flowers taken from the j)ure white (yellowish- white) shoots sometimes bonie by the variegated plants of Mirahilis and Antirrhinum. It is to be noticed that crosses between green and yellow plants do not give variegated heterozygotes ; all the oft'spfing are pure for the character borne by the female parent used in the cross. The original variegated plant, from which my variegated race has been bred, appeared in the F„ of a cross between two normal green races, Ivy-leaf and Snow- drift" ; with this exception, variegated plants have invariably been the I >ffspring of a variegated mother. As might be expected, the character of the chloroplast is found not to be affected by the presence or absence of anthoeyanic pigment in the cell-sap. The original variegated race was without sap-colour; it has, however, been brought in through matings with other races, and the various combinations of green and of yellow plastids with sap-colour have been obtained in the progeny. The variegated character of the stems and leaves, again, is quite independent of the flaked or striped flowers, which result from the development of sap-colour in some cells and its absence from others. The two characters, in fact, stand in contrast to one another, for the flaked character of the flowers is inherited through the male, as well as through the female parent. Here again my results agree with those described by Con-ens in Mirahilis-. The plastids of the green and of the pale yelloiu or yellowish-green cells. In the fully grown organs of the plant, the plastids contained in any individual cell are, in general, of one kind only; those of the chlorotic cells are smaller than those of the green cells and are of a pale yellowish-green colour, instead of being bright green. The difference between the normal and chlorotic plastids is very strikingly shewn if a variegated plant be examined after exposure to bright sun-light ; the plastids of the normal cells are then packed with rounded or oval starch-grains, while those of the neighbouring chlorotic cells contain only a few small granules of starch (PI. X, iig. 7). The differences in the ' A description of these races is given in Journ. of Genetics, Vol. i. p. 102, 1911. - Zeitschr.f. Induktive Abst.- u. Vererbungslehre, i. p. 322, 1909. 308 Varief/ation in Primula sinensis size of the plastids persist after tiie starch has been removed by keeping the plants dark for some days (PI. X, iigs. 3 — 6). In the young leaf of the variegated or yi^llow plants the ])lastids of the chlorotic cells are very small and almost colourless (?1. X, figs. !), 13) ; in the older leaves they have increased in size (PI. X, fig. 2) and their pigment is obvious, though they always remain smaller and paler than the typical green plastid. Cells have been found containing plastids which exliibit intermediate degrees of chlorosis (PI. X, figs. 8,10); plastids of this kind are rather larger than in the extreme case and they form lai'ger quantities of starch, though not so nnu-h as do the normal green plastids. The variegated and yellow-leaved plants. The variegated plants oi Pnviida sinensis shew \ery much the same series of forms as those described by Correns in Mirahilin Jaliipa albo- macidata. The green and yellow cells are mingled in a mosaic, which may be finely divided, small groups of cells of one kind forming tiny flecks scattered among cells of the other kind; or may be coarse, cells of one kind forming patches of considerable size, or even whole leaves or sectors of the plant. When the mosaic is coarse, the component parts may be quite irregularly arranged, but generally there is a tendency towards the formation of a pattern, which, however, is usually not very definite. The rather rare case of a more or less definite sectorial arrangement is illustrated in PI. IX, fig. 2. More coiiiinonly there is a tendency for cells of one kind, either green or yellow, to be distributed about the median line of the leaf the peripheral parts consisting of cells I if the other kind; the boundary between the two parts is nearly always irregulai'. A plant in which the green tissue occupies the middle of the leaf is shewn in PI. IX, fig. 1. In such a plant, yellow cells constitute the whole of the jjeripheral parts of the leaf, and very often the sub-epidermal layer in the green region is also yellow, only the internal layers being green. The plants are not, however, true periclinal chimaeras; the yellow cells are not confined to the peripheral layers, but occur also in other layers and may be scattered sporadically among the green cells, while, conversely, isolated groups of green cells may occur among the yellow cells. As is the case in most plants, the cells of the epidermis (other than the guard cells of the stomata) contain only colourless plastids, even in the normal green leaves ; one curious exception to this rule has, however, been found. The case was that of R P. Gregory 309 a variegated plant, in which the central parts of the leaves were green. In one very young leaf, besides the central patch of green, there was a faint green stripe along the margin of the leaf, and in this region it was found that the epidermal cells alone contained definitely coloured plastids (PL X, fig. 9), those of the deeper layers being nearly colourless, as they usually are in the very young stages of the yellow tissues. In most of the variegated plants there occur patches which are intermediate in colour between the full gi-een and the clear yellow (PL IX, figs. 1 — 3). Gradations of this kind are due to the presence of more or fewer layers of normal green cells in particular regions. In one variegated plant the mosaic consisted entirely of patches of full green and lighter green ; that is to say, green cells were present in some layers, at least, in all parts of the plant. In the variegated plants, the stems, sepals and other organs, the cells of which contain chloroplasts, have a structure similar to that of the leaves. In the pure yellow-leaved plants (i.e. plants which have no normal green plastids at all), the very young stems and leaves are always of a pale yellowish-white colour. The rate of growth of these plants is very slow as compared with that of the variegated plants, and still more so as compared with that of the pure green plants (see PL IX, fig. 3, in which three sister plants of the same age ai-e shewn). Most of the yellow- leaved plants die at an early stage ; in such as survive, the pigmentation of the plastids increases somewhat in the older leaves, which become yellowish-gTeen. Apart fi'om this change with age, various yellow- leaved plants may also shew some slight gi-adation, from a less to a more pronounced greenish tint, which is no doubt due to different degi-ees of chlorosis of the constituent cells. In some ca.ses, plants, which have no normal green cells, have, side by side, cells of different degrees of chlorosis (PL X, fig. 8) ; thus the plant is built up of a patch- work of different kinds of cells, and in that respect is comparable witii a variegated plant, although it is, nevertheless, chlorotic throughout. So far as the fully gi'own organs of the variegated plants are con- cerned, no exception has been found to the rule that any particular cell contains chloroplasts of one kind only, though there may be minor variations in the size of the individual chloroplasts. But in the very young, actively growing leaves, evidence has been obtained of the existence, side by side in the same cell, of chloroplasts of different kinds, which differ from one another in the same way as do the chloro- plasts of the normal and of the yellow cells in the mature organs. 310 Variegation in Primula sinensis Cells containing different kinds of plastids have been foinul to occur along the lines of junction between gi'oups of green and yellow cells. In such cells, as seen in sections taken from fresh material, the differ- ences are readily recognizable, not only in the size, but also in the colour and starch-content, of the chloroplasts. Fig. 10, PI. X, is from a fresh preparation. In this case, the cells 6', D. E and F contained only chlorotic plastids, but each of the cells A and B contained both large bright-green chloroplasts of the normal type and also smaller pale- coloured plastids (c, c, c), indistinguishable in appearance from the pale-coloured plastids of the chltinitic cells. The chlorotic plastids of the cells C, D, E and F were not all exactly alike, the majority of those contained in the cell C being definitely of a pale yellowish-green colour, while most of those contained in the cell D were nearly or quite colour- less; in each cell, however, both kinds of chloroplast were represented, C containing a few colourless plastids (d, d, d), T) containing a few pale- coloured plastids (c, c, c). The j^lastids of E were jjale-coloured, those of F colourless. The difference between these two kinds of chlorotic plastid is, of course, by no means so sharp as the difference between the chlorotic and the normal plastids; too much stress should not be laid upon it, but it suggests that the plastids of the cells C and D represent a mixture of two kinds of chlorotic plastids, analogous to the mixture of normal and chlorotic plastids found in A and B. The use of fresh material for observations ol' the kind just described is open to certain objections, chiefly on account of the risk of confusion due to the displacement of chloroplasts from the cells to which they rightly belong. The observations have, therefore, been checked by the examination of fixed material, cut in parafBn and stained. By the use of this method under suitable precautions the risk of error due to dis- placement of the chloroplasts can be almost eliminated, and systematic searching is much facilitated. The method suffers from the disadvantage that differences of colour between the chloroplasts are no longer recog- nizable and the only distinction is one of size. Even in the very young leaves examined, the enormous majority of the cells contain only one kind of plastid, either large or small, but a certain number of cells have been found, always near the boundary between patches of normal and chlorotic tissue, in which there is no doubt that chloroplasts of different sizes exist side by side. Some of these cells are illustrated in PI. X, figs. 11—18. In view of these observations, and their probable significance in relation to the maternal inheritance of variegation, it is desirable that R. P. Gregory 311 investigations should be made, with the object of tracing back these differences between the plastids to the earliest stage in development at which they can be recognized. At the present time no material is available for this purpose, but I hope some may be obtained next year. Breeding Experiments. The original variegated plant, from which my variegated race has been bred, appeared in the F., from a cross between the two normal green races Ivy-leaf and Snowdrifts The F^ from this mating consisted of normal green plants, two of which were selfed ; one of them gave a large family, consisting of 160 plants, one of which was variegated. The variegated plant was selfed and gave a family containing green, variegated and yellow plants. Two of these variegated plants again were selfed, and gave families containing the same three classes of offspring. The foregoing results are set out in detail in Table I. TABLE I. Ivy-leaf x Snowdrift I F, 45/09 13 plants, all green 451 452 59/10 129 plants, all green 93/11 38 plants, all green I I 99/12 GO/10 159 green 1 variegated I I 602 601 92/11 25 green ti variegated 7 yellow 92' 92-' 92" 92''* I I 100/12 48 gi-een 12 variegated 10 yellow 993 251 green 16 variegated 38 yellow 1003-8* 1001 100- « 991 99- The plants were selfed but in each case the inflorescence died * Used in crosses ; see Tables II and III. ' For a description of these races see Journ. of Genetics, Vol. i. p. 102, 1911. 312 Variegation in Primula sinensis There is one further point in connexion with these experiments which should be mentioned, namely, the fact that the flaked type of flower- coloration was contributed to the original mating by the Ivy-leaf parent, and this character appeared in each of the subsequent gene- rations. In families containing green, variegated and yellow plants, both self-coloured and flaked flowers occurred in each of the three classes of offspring. The flaked character of the flowers is seen, there- fore, to be quite independent of the variegation of the leaves, and it is, in fact, a character of a different nature from that of variegation, for it is inherited through the male, as well as through the female, gamete'. The extracted variegated and yellow-leaved plants have been used both as male and as female parents, in crosses with normal green plants. The results of these experiments are shewn in Tables II and III. It will be seen that when the yellow-leaved plant is used as the male parent, both the Fi and the succeeding generations consist entirely of normal green plants ; neither variegated nor yellow-leaved j^lants appear among the progeny of these matings. When, on the other hand, the yellow-leaved plant is used as the female parent, the Fi is yellow. Owing to the slow growth of the yellow-leaved plants, and the con- sequent lapse of time before they bear seed, I have only just obtained the seedling i^i-plants from crosses in which the yellow-leaved plants were the female parents ; but there can be no doubt, I think, that the yellow-leaved plants can only give yellows in succeeding generations. It will be noticed that matings between green and yellow, whichever way they are made, do not lead to the production of variegated plants ; the progeny are all either self-coloured green or self-coloured yellow, according to the character of the mother. For the sake of simplicity, I have omitted from the Tables any reference to characters other than those of green, variegated and yellow leaves. Each of the F^'s was, however, heterozygous in respect of a series of factors, some of which were derived from the male, some from the female parent. All these factors underwent normal segregation in the F.Js shewn in Table II. This result is quite in accordance with anticipation and the only point upon which it is necessary to remark is the fact that the flaked coloration of the flowers, observed in the families 106/18 and 107/13, was derived from the male parent used in the flrst cross. ' See also Correns, Zeitschr.f. Intl. Abst.- u. Vercrhungslehre, i. p. 322, 1909. R. P. Gregory 313 TABLE II. Matings of Normal Green 9 '■'• Variegated or Yelloiv-haved $ . Mating Fi Rosy-magenta* X 92711 28/12 24 plants. Normal Green Yellow- All Green leaved ditto X ditto 29/12 17 plants. All Green ditto X 92«/ll 30/12 2 plants. i'ellow- All Green leaved Crimson King* x 92"/ll 159/12 27 plants. Normal Green Yellow- All Green leaved 11/13 78 plants. All Green; no Varie- gated; no Yellow 12/13 (not sown) j 106/13 114 plants. All Green 1 107/13 85 plants. I All Green ( 101/14 28 plants. j All Green -J 162/14 40 plants. All Green 163/14 5 plants. All Green * For a description of these races, see Journal of Genetics, Vol. i. p. 102. TABLE III. Matings of Variegated or Yellow-leaved 9 x Normal Green $ . Mating 100/12 X Variegated Number of flowers pollinated 4/12 5 Normal Green No seeds 100/12 Variegated X ditto 4 No seeds 100/12 Yellow-leaved X Crimson King Normal Green 7 21714 5 plants. All Yellow 100/12 Y'ellow-leaved X ditto 2 41714 5 plants. All Yellow 100/12 Yellow-leaved X ditto 2 33714 1 ijlant. Yellow 100/12 Yellow-leaved X 32/12 Normal Green 2 No seeds 100/12 Yellow-leaved X ditto 1 No seeds Discussion of an hypothesis. 1*116 work of Correns on Mirahilis^ ha,s given results of particular interest, because of the relations which the form albomacidata has been shewn to po.ssess, not only with the normal green type, but also with the chlorina races. The form chlorina is distinguished from the normal green type by the pale green colour of its leaves, which is due to the relatively small amount of pigment developed in the chloroplasts. In crosses between the normal gi-een and the chlorina form, the normal is dominant to the chlorina character, and segregation takes place in the 1 Zeitschr. f. Ind. Abst.- u. Vererbungslehre, i. p. 291, 1909; and 11. p. 331, 1909. 314 Varieqathn In Primula sinensis usual way. When the cidorina $ is crossed with albumuculata ^^ , the hybrids so formed are indistinguishable from hybrids between the chlorina and the normal green races, both in appearance and in the progeny to which they give rise. That is to say, the pollen grains of the albomaculata race, even when they are produced by flowers borne on the white branches, nevertheless caiTy the fiictor for normal green, as distinguished from the pale green of the chlorina. In these races there are, therefore, two distinct characters of the chloroplasts, one of which is inherited through the mother only, while the other is inherited in the usual maimer. Correns suggests' that these facts may be explained by means of an hypothesis based on the assumption, which has received some degree of support from cytological observations, that in the process of fertilization in the higher plants the nucleus of the male gamete passes over to the egg-cell alone and unaccompanied by any cytoplasm, so that the cytoplasm of the zygote is entirely of maternal origin. The germ-cells of the albomaculata race are regarded as possessing nuclei which are perfectly normal and carry the factor for the typical green leaf-colour ; the cytoplasm of the germ-cells, however, in correspondence with the mosaic of which the plant consists, is either normal or chlorotic ("gesund oder chlorotischkrank ") and, accordingly, either permits or prevents the development of normal gi-een chloro- plasts. Assuming the cytoplasm of the zygote to be entirely of maternal origin, the offspring of a variegated albomaculata plant are, therefore, green, variegated or yellow, according as the cytoplasm of the egg-cells is entirely normal, a mosaic of normal and chlorotic components, or entirely chlorotic. In formulating this hypothesis, Correns'' leaves it an open question whether the seat of the abnormality in the chlorotic plastids is to be looked for in the plastids themselves, or in the cytoplasm which surrounds them. Baur, in discussing his experiments on Pelargonium", inclines to the former alternative ; Correns regards the latter as at least equally possible in Mirabilis. In Primula no form is yet kno^vn corresponding with the chlorina races of Mirabilis, but the maternal inheritance of the variegated and yellow-leaved characters in Primula corresponds exactly with that of the albomaculata character in Mirabilis and is, I think, to be explained on lines similar to those put forward by Correns. But the evidence ' Zeitschr. f. Ind. Abst.- u. Vererbunr/slehre, ii. p. 331, 1909. = L.C. p. 332, footnote (2). ' Zeitschr. f. Ind. Abst.- ii. Vererbvngslfhi;; i. pp. 348 ff., 1909. R P. Gregory 315 which I have obtained, in the very young leaves of variegated Primulas, of the existence of normal and chlorotic chloroplasts side by side in the same coll, appears to me to afford definite support for the view that the abnormality is localized in the chloroplasts themselves, and is not a function of the cytoplasm as a whole. In the present state of our knowledge of the functions of cytoplasm and nucleus, the question is one of some importance. If the maternally inherited character pertains to the cytoplasm in general, as contrasted with the nucleus, the consequence is, as Correns has remarked, strongly to emphasise the importance of the part played by the nucleus, at the expense of any part the cytoplasm might be supposed to play, in the transmission of characters which are inherited through the male and female equally. The hypothesis that this function is limited to the nucleus is, on diverse grounds, regarded favourably by many cytologists, but there are still difficulties to be solved before its complete acceptance can pass unquestioned. Moi-eover, for the present purpose, no assump- tion in this respect need be made, if the view be justified that the abnormality of the chloroplast, which is inherited through the egg-cell only, is localized in the chloroj)last itself. Such a view permits of a modification of Correns' hypothesis, which would serve to account for the' maternal inheritance of the character with which we are dealing, while leaving untouched the question as to the relative functions of nucleus and cytoplasm (apart from the chloroplasts) in the transmission of characters which are inherited in the usual way. Since the work of Schimper' and others thirty years ago, the view has gained general support and acceptance that the jDlastids of a plant- cell are persistent cell-organs, in the sense that they are invariably formed by the division of previously existing plastids and are handed down from mother to daughter cell. It is, then, reasonable to suppose that an abnormality inherent in the plastid itself would be handed on to the products of its division^, so that abnormal plastids would give ' Jahrb.f. wissensch. Bot. xvi. pp. 1 — 247, 1885. Keferences to recent literature con- nected with this subject are given by Cavers, Neic Phytologist, xiii. pp. 96 — 106 and 170—180, 1914. - If it be granted that the abnormality, with which we are deahng, is inherent in the chloroplast itself, the genetics of the normal, variegated and chlorotic plants provide what amounts to a proof of this proposition. The original variegated plant, which was the offspring of pure green parents, is an exceptional case. But the rarity of such exceptions — only one has occurred among many thousands of plants — and the fact that the partially or completely chlorotic progeny of that plant has continued invariably to throw plants with chlorotic plastids, is additional support for the view that normally the products of the division of a plastid are like the plastid to which they owed their origin. 316 Variegation in Primula sinensis rise by division lo further abnoniial ones, while the products of the division of a normal plastid would be normal. In order to explain the maternal inheritance of this abnormality, it is necessary to adopt the hypothesis, which has met with general acceptance as an cxtcnsiffn of tihe general theoiy of the persistence of plastids, that the plastids of the zygote are derived solely from those present in the unfertilized egg. Thus we should reach an explanaticjn of the fact that thi^ progeny of pure-green normal and pure-yellow chlorotic plants are, respectively, all green and all yellow, no matter what was the character of the male parent. The variegated plants are invariably the offspring ot \aiiegated mothers and they give rise to green, variegated and yellow offspring. The green and the yellow offspring may be explained as originating from egg-cells formed in the pure green or pure yellow patches of tissue which occur in the variegated mother-plant. The variegated offspring must be supposed to have their origin from egg-cells, which are endowed at their formation with a mixture of plastids of different kinds, such as has been found in the cells of the young leaves of the variegated Primulas. The segmentation of a fertilized egg containing different kinds of plastids, each giving rise by its division to plastids of its own kind, would tend to a gradual soi'ting out of the different kinds of plastids into different daughter cells. Eventually, as Baur has pointed out', the great majority of the cells would contain plastids of one or other kind only, and the adult tissues would be a mosaic of cells, the pattern of which would depend upon the distribution in the embryonic cells of the different kinds of plastids. The foregoing hypothesis rests primarily upon the general theory of the persistence of plastids from cell to cell in a series of cell-divisions, and the extension of that theory to the effect that the plastids of the adult are genetically derived from those present in the egg. Both the theory and its extension have formed the subjects of an extensive literature with which it is impossible to deal in detail here. Suffice it to say, that the theory of the persistence of the plastids has met with very general support and acceptance for many years. The question has, in some respects, been re-opened by recent investigations on chon- driosomes in plants", but the work which has been done in this direction has not as yet yielded any well-established results ; such as they are, 1 L.C. p. 349. " A general review of this work has recently been given by Cavers, New I'ln/toluyixt, XIII. pp. 96—106 and 170 — 180, 1914. I am greatly indebted to Dr Cavers for his kindness in giving me an advance proof of the second part of his article. R. P. Gregory 317 they tend, I think, not so much to call in question that aspect of the theory with which we are concerned, as to support the view that the plastid-origins arc handed on from parent to offspring as definite bodies. Granting that the plastids are persistent cell-organs, the existence of mixtures tif plastids of different kinds in certain cells renders it difficult to resist the inference that the abnormality lies in the plastid itself and not in the surrounding cytoplasm. The inference is supported, I think, by the fact that different degrees of chlorosis may occur in the same plant, and by the fact that some entirely chlorotic plants have been found to be mosaics of cells, the plastids of which exhibit well- marked differences in the degree of chlorosis. The hypothesis that, in the higher plants, the plastids of the s^ygotc are genetically derived fi-om those present in the unfertilized egg-cell has, like the general theory of which it forms an extension, been widely accepted ; but it is obvious that it remains an assumption for any particular species, until that species has been the subject of special investigation. In any case, however, the assumption that no plastids (or plastid-origins) pass over in fertilization, from the male to the female gamete, demands less than does the alternative assumption that no cytoplasmic structures of any kind accompany the male nucleus into the egg-cell. In many cases the nucleus of the male cell has been described as becoming disengaged from the cytoplasm, which does not enter the egg-cell ; on the other hand, there are cases among the higher plants, in which the male generative cell as a whole enters the egg, and, in some cases, bodies resembling leucoplasts have been observed in the mass of cytoplasm brought into the egg with the male cell'. This may, however, be compared with the behaviour of the chloroplasts in certain species of the alga Spirogyra. In this genus, the two gametes contribute almost equally to the cytoplasm of the zygote, the chloroplast (oi- chloroplasts) of the male gamete passing into the zygote along with the other structures of the male cell ; but Chmielewsky- and Trondle^ have shewn that the chloroplast of the male gamete degenerates after entering the zygote, while that of the female gamete alone persists and becomes the chloroplast of the zygote. " For instance in Pinus. See V. H. Blackman, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. B. Vol. 190, 1898, pp. 395—426. 2 Bot. Zeit., Jahrg. xlviii. pp. 773—789, 1890. » IM. Zeit. Jahrg. lxv. pp. 187—216, 1907; Zeitschr.f. Hot. iii. pp. .593—019, 1911. 318 Variegation in I'rinmla sinensis In the present connexion, the i-ecunt investigations on chondriosomes in plants, to which reference has already been made, rexjuire some con- sideration, which, however, need only be of the briefest, as the subject has recently been dealt with fully in a general review by Cavers'. The chondriosomes are bodies, the presence of which in the cytoplasm of many organisms has been demonstrated by means of appropriate methods of fixation and staining, 'fhey have been described as persistent cell- organs and are regarded by some writers as homologous with the mitochondria of animal cells, to which Meves and others have attributed important functions in the determination of heritable characters. In another direction, the suggestion has also been made that the plastids of plants are derived from the chondriosomes present in the embryonic cells. At the present time, however, our knowledge of chondriosomes has by no means reached the stage at which any definite conclusions can be drawn as to their sigiuficance. The real nature of the bodies which have been described under this name is still a matter of con- siderable uncertainty'; whether they are persistent cell-organs, and whether the chondriosomes of plants are homologous with those of animals, still remains to be proved, while the suggested relations be- tween the chondriosomes of plants and plastids are very much open to (luestionl Moreover, apart from the uncertainty attaching to the fore- going points, there is, so far as I know, no definite evidence of the transference of chondriosomes from the male generative cell to the egg- cell, in the fertilization of higher plants, even in those cases in which chondriosomes have been described as occurring in the developing gametes of both sexes. So far, then, the study of cliDndriosomes has not afforded any results sufficiently well established ti> be adduced either in support of, or in opposition to, the hyf)othesis which has been put forward in explanation of the maternal inheritance of certain forms of \ariegation and chlorosis. It is much to be desired that investigations should be made on variegated plants, by means of the improved methods employed in the stud}- of chondriosomes, with the object of tracing back the ditt'erences between the plastids, which, have been observed in the cells of the young leaf, to the earliest stages in development at which they can be recognized. It ' '■ Chondriosomes (Mitochondria) and their significance,'" Ncio Phijtolotiist, xiii. pp. 'Jfi— 106 and 170—180, 1914. - See Cavers, I.e. p. 175, on the resemblance of chondriosomes to myeUn forms. ■• See, for instance, the recent paper of Scherrer, "Untersuchungen iiber Ban und Vermehrung der Chromatophoren und das Vorkommen von Chondriosomen bei Antho- ceros," Flora, N. F. lxx. pp. 1— 50, 1914. R. P. Gregory 319 may be hoped that such investigations will lead to opportunitfes for observing the distribution of plastids to the daughter cells, during the division of cells containing mixtures of plastids of different kinds. In- vestigations should also be made into the development and structure of the egg-cells formed in the green, variegated and yellow parts of the plant, and into the process of fertilization. In the hypothesis which has been put forward above, the suggestion has been made that the character, which is inherited through the egg- cell only, is inherent in the plastid itself and is therefore handed on to the products of its division ; in other words, that the plastids are self- determining in respect of the character under consideration. But if this is so in regard to characters of a particular class, there are other characters in which it is not the case. The chlorina character of Mirabilis, and the plastid-colours of many flowers, are inherited through both sexes equally and undergo normal segregation. Their inheritance may be expressed in terms of Mendelian factors, and it may be presumed that the means by which they are transmitted is the same as that of other Mendelian characters, whatever that may be. The hypothesis of Correns would assign to the nucleus the function of transmitting the factor, which distinguishes the normal green from the chlorina races of Mirabilis; at the expense, however, of making the assumption that the nucleus alone passes over from the male cell to the egg-cell in fertiliza- tion. The modification of the hypothesis indicated above would suggest that this assumption is unnecessary, in order to explain the jjurely maternal transmission of certain chai'acters of the chlorojjlast, such as those with which we are dealing. On the other hand, it leaves un- touched the question as to the relative parts played by nucleus and cytoplasm in the transmission of ordinary Mendelian characters, among which certain other characters of the plastids are included. Part of the expenses of the experiments described in this paper was defrayed by means of grants from the Royal Society and from the British Association. A large number of plants were grown for me at the John Innes Horticultural Institution and I desire to express my great gratitude to the authorities for the facilities which they have continued to extend to me. •Journ. of Gen. iv 21 320 Variegation in Primula sineiihiis DESCRIPTION OF PLATES. PLATE IX. Fig. 1. A variegated plant with the green tis.siie nccu|iying the central regions of the leaves, the yellow tissue occupying the peripheral part. Fig. 2. A variegated plant shewing a sectorial arrangement of the pure yellow tissue. Fig. 3. Three sister plants from the family 99/12. The plants were of the same age and were grown together under the same conditions. They illustrate the difference in the i-ate of growth between the pure green (on the left), the variegated (on the right) and the pure yellow-leaved (above) plants. In the foregoing figures, the arrows point to lines of junction between full green and paler green areas. This difference in colour is due to the presence of more layers of normal green cells in the full green areas than are present in the areas of a lighter green colour. PLATE X. Figs. 1 — 8 and 10 are from sections of fresh material. Figs. 9 and 11 — 18 are from .stained preparations. All the figures were drawn with the aid of a camera lucida. Fig. 1. Chloroplasts from the palisade cells of the leaf of a normal green plant, after exposure to bright sunlight, shewing the starch grains. x 650. Fig. 2. Chloroplasts from the palisade cells of a yellow-leaved plant, similarly treated. The plastids are much smaller and contain much less starch, x 650. Fig. 3. A palisade cell from the leaf of a normal green plant, shewing the chloroplasts after the starch had been removed by keeping the plant dark for some days, x 440. Fig. 4. A cell from the mesophyll of the same plant, x 440. Fig. .5. A palisade cell from the leaf of a chlorotic plant for comparison with tig. 3. x440. Fig. 6. A cell from the mesophyll of the same chlorotic plant, x 440. Fig. 7. Cells from the mesophyll of the leaf of a variegated plant after exposure to sun- light. Two of the cells shewn contain normal green chloroplasts ; the others contain plastids exhibiting various degrees of chlorosis, x 440. Fig. 8. Palisade cells from a pure yellow-leaved plant. This yellow-leaved plant con- sisted of a mosaic of cells of different degrees of chlorosis, and in that respect was comparable with a variegated plaut, though it was, nevertheless, quite without normal chloroplasts. Of the three cells shewn, the middle one contained plastids exhibiting an extreme degree of chlorosis; in the plastids of the other two cells the chlorosis was of a less extreme type, x 650. Fig. 9. Section through a very young variegated leaf, in a region in which the epidermis alone contained coloured chloroplasts. The well-developed plastids of the epidermal cells are shewn ; all the other cells in this region of the leaf contained only small, chlorotie plastids (see p. 309). x 650. R P. GrRECxORY 321 Fig. 10. Section of a very young variegated leaf, examined in the fresli state. The section represents a group of cells at the junction between a patch of green tissue and the surrounding chlorotic tissue. The cells A and B contained (1) bright green chloroplasts of the normal type, with well-developed starch-grains, and also (2) smaller plastids, c, c, c, of a pale colour and with little starch, which were indistinguishable from the pale-coloured plastids of the cell C. In most of the plastids of the cell C the pigment was readily recognizable, but in a few, d, d, d, no colour could be detected with certainty. The plastids of the cell D were, for the most part, nearly colourless in appearance, but three or four, c, «, c, could pass for the pale-coloured kind found in C. The cells C and D, therefore, contained plastids differing from one another in the degree of chlorosis. E and F were also chlorotic cells, as were all the cells on this side of the section. The plastids of E were of the pale-coloured type ; in none of those of F could any colour be detected with certainty, x 650. Figs. 11 — 18 are drawn from very young variegated leaves, examined in fixed and stained preparations. The material was cut in hard paraffin, so as to avoid, as far as possible, the risk of crushing the cells and consequently displacing the chloroplasts from the cells to which they properly belonged. No indication was obtained that any dis- placement had taken place, and all cells, the walls of which were ruptured, were rejected. The sections were cut so as to pass through adjacent patches of normal and chlorotic tissue. The stains employed were Carbolic Fuchsin and Light Green. This method did not give any definite differential coloration as between the normal and chlorotic plastids, BO that it was necessary to rely upon differences in size as the distinguishing feature. The figures represent cells containing chloroplasts of different sizes ; all these cells were found at the junction between the normal and the chlorotic tissues. In certain cases, where two smaller chloroplasts lie close together in a pair, it was not always possible, with the method of staining employed, to say whether they were chlorotic plastids, or whether they were the products of a recent division of a normal plastid ; but it is clear that the possibility of accounting for some of the small plastids in this way only applies in the minority of cases. This sort of difficulty is much less in preparations of fresh material, where the differences in colour form an additional guide. Figs. 11 — 18 are all x 650. Fig. 11. The chloroplast, x, is a large one seen in end view. Near it is another large one and also a small one, both seen in face view. The two smaller chloroplasts to the left of the cell may be the products of the recent division of a normal one. Fig. 12. Cell containing two large chloroplasts and several small ones. The two chloro- plasts at (/) were in different planes, near the upper and the lower walls of the cell respectively. Fig. 13. The palisade cells (above) contain only small chloroplasts. Below, to the right, are three cells containing large chloroplasts, some of which are seen sideways or end-on. To the left are two cells each containing both large and small chloroplasts. Fig. 14. Cell containing several large and one small chloroplast. All the chloroplasts contained in this cell are shewn in the figure. Fig. 15. The four chloroplasts shewn were in focus together. Fig. 16. Cell containing four large and five small chloroplasts. Fig. 17. Cell with three large chloroplasts and several small ones. Fig. 18. The cell shewn in the middle had chloroplasts of different sizes ; those above had chlorotic plastids, those below large ones only. 21—2 JOURNAL OF GENETICS, VOL. IV. NO. 4 PLATE IX i'lg. 1. Fig. i'ig. 3. JOURNAL OF GENETICS, VOL. IV. NO. 4 PLATE X 0 t^ d) 8 A SECOND BRACHYDACTYLOUS FAMILY. By H. DRINKWATER, M.D., F.R.S. (Edin.), F.L.S. I HAVE already published accounts of three families showing an inherited symmetrical shortness of the fingers and toes in individuals who are also below the average in stature. In one — the " Brachy- dactylous Family'" — the fingers are reduced to about half the normal length : in the other two families they are intermediate in length between these very shoi-t ones and the fingers of average normal individuals, a condition which I have designated by the term "Minor- Brachydactyly^" In both types, the shortening was shown to be due chiefly to an abortive condition of the middle phalanx. The main features are represented in the outline illustrations in Fig. 1, where A shows the bones of the middle finger of a normal adult, C the Brachydactylous condition, and B the Minor-Brachydactylous. In G the middle phalanx (2) is seen to have become ankylosed to the terminal phalanx (3). In the Summer of 1913, my friend Dr J. D. Lloyd informed me that he knew of some people resident in his neighbourhood whose hands closely resembled those of one or other of the above-mentioned families; and he not only afforded me an opportunity of examining some of them at his own surgery, but very generously consented to allow me to cany out whatever investigations I might be disposed to undertake with regard to them. Examination at once made it evident that the abnormalities in these new cases are identical with those described in my paper on " Braehydactyly " ; there is, namely, the maximum amount of shortening of the digits, and the same characteristic shortness of stature. The essential peculiarities are so exactly similar that one cannot resist the ' "An account of a Brachydactylous Family," Proc. Roy. Soc. Edin. Vol. xxviii. Part i. " "Account of a Family showing Minor-Brachydactyly," Journal of Genetics, February, 1912. " Minor-Brachydaetyly " No. 2, Journal of Genetics, February, 1914. 324 A Second Brachydactjjlons Family conviction that the two families must have descended from the same original stock. The connection between them unfortimatejy cannot now be established, for there is not a single surname common to the two families. This difference in names may be accounted for by the ABC Fig. 1. Normal and Biachjdactylous Phalanges. (Natural size.) A. Normal. B. IWinor-Brachydactylous. C. Bracbjdactylous. fact that the inheritance in the second famil}- has been almost ex- clusively through the female line, so that the suinaiin- has changed (through mari'iage) at each generation. Both families reside in the same part of the country: a fact which would seem to give some support to the theory of their common origin. Dr W. C. Faraboe was the first to describe the condition of Brachy- dactyly in a fiimily that he studied in 190.S' in North America. Is ' Published in March 1905 by tlie Peabody Institute, Harvard, U.S.A. H. Drinkwater 325 there any blood relationship between this American family and either of the English families ? The cases observed by Farabee were ap- parently identical as regards the anatomical and hereditary features with those described in my first paper in August 1907. I was not aware of Farabue's work until my own investigations were nearly completed, and there was not time to decide the question of relation- ship before presenting my paper to the Royal Society of Edinburgh. His reply to my enquiries did not come for several months afterwards, for he happened to be in some out-of-the-way part of Peru engaged on a scientific expedition. However, it was found that no surname was common to the two families ; nor was it possible to make my chart fit in with his : so that, assuming that there had been a common ancestor of the Brachydactylous type (and this hardly admits of doubt), he or she must have lived pi'ior to the earliest member now traceable in either of the two families. A study of Farabee's account made me think it likely that his family had descended from "an abnormal member of the English family, four generations back, who had migrated to America, but of whom no tidings have since been received by his relatives in this country," but as this man's name does not occur in Farabee's family, he was obviously not the connecting link. So far, therefore, I have not been able to prove any blood relationship as existing either between my two families or between the first of these and Farabee's. There still remains the question whether the second family (about to be described in the present communication) is related to Farabee's. Farabee informed me that the name amongst his people which most nearly approached any name in the English family was Hyde. Now the man marked 2 in the chart on page 327 was named Benjamin Hyde. In November of 1913 when the chart was almost complete, I forwarded Dr Farabee a copy of the earlier generations, numbering each individual 1, 2, 3 etc. My letter was a long time in reaching him, for again he was away from home on another scientific expedition — this time in Brazil. I asked if there was a Benjamin Hyde in the American family ? At the end of May I received a letter from him from Barbados, dated May 16th, 1914, in which he says: " Your letters of November 26th, 1913, and February 9th, 1914, have just reached me. For the past ten mouths I have been in the interior of Northern Brazil and Southern British Guiana, out of touch with the rest of the world.... FoM haee settled the iphole question. 2 is Benjamin Hyde. His mother had short fingers, and she was the only one of her family who had. She had eleven children, but I was 326 A Second BracJii/dactt/lons Famllji uiial>le to learn even the sex of three of them marked ??? as tlioy died young. 1 had hoped to U)ok up the Enghsh branch of this family, but am glad to know you have found it. You will have plea.-^ure in tlie comparative study...." Now, as the name Benjamin Hyde is a vi^y i-arc cinnbinjition, tliei'e can be little doubt that Farabee's family and this .second English family are blood relations and belong to the .same stock; the only difficulty with regard to it is the fact that in tiie English there is one generation more than in the American family. This may be owing to thi' fact that it is eleven years .since the American chart was constructed, and also because maniage may not have occuiued at such an early age over there as in this country, for in the English family many of the women have married whilst still "in their teens." Moreover the relative proportion of abnormal males and females is exactly the same in these two families, viz. 61 per cent, of women in the American family and 61 per cent, in the English family. This may be a mere coincidence, but nevertheless it seems rather remarkable, and differs from the proportions found in my first family, where there were 19 females to 25 males. Ficr. 2 shows Farabee's chart, of the American family, and Fig. 3 the English family. I I I I I n \ I I I I d* W" (/ c/ c? ? ? T ? ? ? I 1 h 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 XX 1 — I — ^ — I 1 — I I — I — I — I — I X. X I I I I I I I I I I r I I I I I I I I I I I r I I I I I I Fig. 2. Farabee's Chart. It will be observed that the second generation in the English family is incomplete compared with the second generation in Farabee's chart, but there is no real discrepancy. It was Benjamin Hyde's sister, who removed from America and settled in this country, who became the ancestor of the English branch. My informants know that her maiden name was Hyde, that she had a brother named Benjamin Hyde, and that their mother had several other children, but do not know their type or sex. As the rest of the family remained in America and lived in H. Drinkwatbr 327 h 328 A Second Braclii/dacti/lons Famihi Farabee's neighbourhood, he would bo liktdy to get a more complete record than I could obtain, and hence the difference in the second generation in the two charts is accounted for. It will be observed that Farabee has here indicated the descendants of abnormals only ; my chart includes the offspring of norinals us well as ahnormals. The rest of this paper i-efers exclusively to the English family which I have recently studied. The abnormality, wherever it exists at all, affects hotli hands and both feet, as well as the stature. Both hands and both feet are always affected symmetrically. The chart includes 50 abnormal individuals, of whom .S4 are living. Through the great kindness of these people I have been able to obtain photographs of the right hand of 30 of them, and radiographs of the hand and foot of 29, as well as a few full length portraits ; — a most satisfactory record, when one considers their very natural reluctance to do anything calculated to draw attention to them individually. In fact there are only two adults whom I have failed to persuade to pay a visit to the photographer and radiographer. An Example of Mendelian Inhekitance. Students of Mendelism will at once recognise that Brachydactyly as illustrated by this family conforms in a remarkable degree with certain laws enunciated by Uregor Mendel. One of these laws states that a ' dominant" character is transmitted only by a member showing that character, and not by a member showing the " recessive " character, and that the recessives always breed true to the recessive character. In this family the normal individuals are "recessives," and according to the theory cannot bear abnormal (short-fingered) children; and the chart shows that the normals have had normal children only. In other words, every abnormal child has an abnormal parent. As there has been no inter-uiarrying oi abnormals, it follows that each abnormal child has had one abnormal and one normal parent — one showing Brachydactyly, and one with the normal type of hand and foot. When abnormal individuals — the offspring of parents of two distinct types — marry normals, the offspring (in conformity with Mendel's Law) should be of both types, in appi'o.ximately equal numbers — 50 per cent, of normals and 50 per cent, of abnormals. That is what Mendel found H. Drinkwater 329 in the case of two types of sweet-pea, and his i-esults have been repeatedly confirmed by other observers. The normals (recessives) should produce normals only : the abnormals (dominants) should pro- duce normals and abnormals in about equal numbers. The chart at once shows that the types produced accord with this theory. What about the relative proportion of the two types among the children of the abnormals ? The short-fingered children of abnormal parents ought to be equal or very nearly equal in number to the normal- fingered children of the same parents. As a matter of fact this equality is not usually exact, and theory does not require it to be so, for there is a chance element which comes into play which makes this precise number uncertain and variable. According to Mendel the germ cells of any individual, such as one of these abnormals, are of two kinds. One kind of cell carries the factor which can produce the abnormality, and is inherited from the abnormal parent ; the other kind of cell, being inherited from the normal parent, lacks this factor : and these two kinds of germ cells are present in the individual in equal numbers. If this be true, it must of necessity follow that the particular kind of germ cell which will take part in any given fertilization, will depend, so far as we can tell, upion a chance meeting ; just as there is a chance of drawing a black or a white marble out of a hat which contains an equal number of each. It is a lottery with equal chances for both kinds. Sometimes one kind will pre- dominate, sometimes the other, but in the long run the numbers will be apjjroximately, if not exactly, equal. In this family there are 50 abnormals, so that according to Mendel's theory there ought to be ahoid 50 normals. The actual number of normals is 48. Thus, instead of the exact 50 per cent, of abnormals which miglit occur in strict accordance with theory, we have 51 '02 per cent. This is sufficiently near to constitute this family a striking instance of Mendelian inheritance in the human subject. This remark applies also to the other instances of Brachydactyly published by Farabee and mj'self, as well as to my illustrations of Minor-Brachydactyly. If a normal member of this family were to ask whether if married to another normal (relative or non-relative) there would be any risk of having Brachydactylous children, one would be justified in replying that there was no risk whatever of such children resulting from the union, for, not in a single case has a short-fingered child been bom of two normal parents. This abnormality thus differs in a remarkable 330 A Second Bracliydactyloxis Famil;/ manner fi'om certain liereditary diseases (such as colour-blindness and haemophilia) which are known to appear in the male children of a woman, who, though showing no sign of these diseases herself, is yet able to transmit them from her affected male parent to her children. There are six generations shown in the chart. All the individuals of the first, second and third generations arc dead : of the abnormals of the fourth generation, only two are still living (Nos. 8 and 9); of the fifth and sixth generations, nearly every niembei- (of both fy[)es) is still alive. Of the 34 normals living at the present time, I am able to give fairly complete details of 30, and very incomplete details of the re- maining four. I am greatly indebted to Dr Geoffrey Williams of Wre.xham, Dr John of Stoke-on-Trent, and Drs Bythell and Boydell of Manchester for the excellent radiographs, without which it would have been impossible to arrive at a correct interpretation of the exact nature of this interesting abnormality. "The hands' and feet, as already stated, are abnormal in each affected individual, and the feet are, if anything, more abnormal than the hands, at least as regards their digits. The middle phalanx is practically or virtually — though not actually — absent from each finger and toe. The metacarpal bones are short and otherwise abnormal, but the metatarsus is .scarcely, if at all, affected. Nor is the variation limited to the hands and feet, for all the individuals, with the exception of young children are below the average stature, as shown by a reference to the table of measurements " (page 33 few from which to calculate a reliable average. There is no doubt, howi;ver, that the short Stature is entirely accounted for by the shortness of the luwi'r limbs. When the adults are seen seated they do not strike one as being particularly short people, but on standing up it is at once apparent that they are considerably below the average height. The spinal column is therefore approximately of the normal length. This fact seems fairly clear fi-om the j)hotographs of the t\\ o brothers (PI. XI): the one on the right (No. 37) is 17^ years old, 59^ inches in height, and is Braehydactylous ; the other one is 14 years old, 3 inches taller, and is not Braehydactylous. The difference in the length of the legs is very obvious, which no doubt accounts for their difi'erence in stature. The infant (No. 48) is three-quarters of an inch taller than his normal twin sister, in this respect presenting a striking and unexpected H. Drinkwater 337 contrast to the rule that holds good in adults and youths, so that the arrest of growth occurs in some later period of life, probably beginning at or soon after the age of 2 years. The shortness of hands is well shown in PL XII, Nos. 23, 37 and 41, where they are represented with normal relatives for the sake of comparison. Symmetry. " In every instance the hands are exactly symmetrical, as shown both by photography and radiograjjhy (PI. XV); and I believe the same rule holds true with regard to the feet, though both feet were not examined in all cases." This remarkable symmetry obtains even in those cases that show special peculiarities of any of the bones, either in shape or ossification, or in the presence and time of union of the epiphysis. Persistence. There is no apparent tendency to revert to the normal type, for the hands and feet of No. 9 are no more abnormal than those of her grandchildren ; neither is there any other indication of the abnormality disappearing : on the contrary the numbers seem to be on the increase, the abnormals in the last four of the six generations in the English branch being as follows : 3 in the third generation. 8 „ fourth „ 12 „ fifth 23 „ sixth „ One would expect a priori that individuals whose fingers are short, stumpy and below the average in strength would be so much handi- capped in the " struggle for existence " that they would be swamped by the general population, and in an uncivilized state of society this surely must have occurred ; but the conditions of modern society have afforded them such chances of survival that their numbers are steadily increasing, yet it seems clear that they are handicapped to some extent, for all the employed men and women are engaged in occupations where there is no great need for manual dexterity : their social position is below that of their normal relatives. 22—2 ;338 A Second Brachijdaclylous Family Marriiir/e. Mai-riagu is the thshioii aiiioiigsl. thusu sliorL-fingerod peu])lc :uh\ ihcy " go off," as oin' '<[' the women expressed it, before their normal relatives. The great iiiajority of those shown in the chart as not having had children died in infancy. Several adult noi'nials remained uiimari-ied. Why should this be ? There must be some special fascina- Measurenwitta of AhimnuaU hi iiichus. Hand Initials in Chart .Se.v Age linger Lengtli Wi.ltll l!lna Tibia Heiglil Mrs E. T. ... VI ' funuile 64 14 5 3 7i 10 52 Mrs M. 16 ,, 37 Is H 3J — — 585 M. H. 17* ,, 33 1* 5 31 — — 58A M. H. 18' ,, 31 1^ H H 9 114 60i MrsM.A.L... 19' ,, 43 n H H 7; — 55i Mrs R. F. .. 20* ,, 41 14 19 ■i\ 9 13 59A Mrs S. E. J..., •il* )i 39 li 4 n H 9 56 Mrs O.K. .. 23* ,, 26 ^ 4| u 74 10^ 57J W. H. 24 male 39 is — — — — — MrsO. G.F... 25* female 37 14 44 3J 8 "i 57 MrsE. T. .. 26* ,, 28 13 5 U 75 — 59 H. H. 27* 19 !■; 5 31 84 11.^ 59 S. H. 28 male 18 2 6 4 64 .^ E. M. 2!)* female 12S 2 5 J 3 — — 58 E. M. HO ,, lOJ lis ■414 2; — — 52^ J. M. 31* male 8A n. n n — — 474 P. M. 32' 5A li H 2| — — 42 W.L. 33 „ 17 ^ 54 31 94 — 60.^ E. L. 3.5 M 10| ), 14 44 24 — — 43 L. L. 36* female 7 n 4 24 H 8A 43 C. F. 37* male l"i 1; 54 H 9 13 594 W. F. 38* 8 ^i\. 4 24 63 9 454 E. F. 39* female 6 1.\t '^X 2-' 6 7J 424 A. F. 40* ,. 2A \, n 2 44 6 32i S. J. 41* ., 15 14 5 3 74 11 54.1, A.J. 42* :^S IJ 3 2,V, 5 iij; 32 E. R. 43* ,, ■li n ■ih n 5^ 8 38J W.H. 44 male 8 14 — — — — — D. H. 4.5 , J 1 1 1 — — — — . — J. A. F. 46 12 ij 4i 2S 7.', 11 5U A. F. 47' ,, •iV 1,'. 3-:; 2] «i 8 41 A. F. 48 >> 1>V "< n 1:^ 34 4i 28J C. C. T. 49* ,, 7 15 4 24 5S n 44i * Individuals marked bj au asterisk are illustrated on Plates XII — XV. H. Drinkwater :339 tion that compensates for the manual defects, but what it is I am unable to say. It might be suggested that their amiability and obliging disposition (of which this paper is sufficient evidence) will afford an explanation, but I should not like to say that the normal members fall short of them in this respect. Of the first family there are 27 or 28 abnormals now living: so that altogether there are at least 60 people of the Brachydactylous type in England at the present time. The normals do not appreciably differ in the above dimensions from the general population, and I give the details of only a few children and adolescents for comparison with their short-fingered relatives. Measurementg of Normal Members of the Famih/. Initials Sex Age finger Lengtli Width TTlna Tibia Heiglit A.J. male 17 H 74 34 94 m 674 W. J. 12 24 6 2| U 10| 51 A. F. female 16 2i 6 2| 9 12 58| F. W. F. . male 14 2S 6 3 8i Hi 54J L. 0. F. .. female lA 14 3 li 3S 54 274 E. F. male 19 2J 62- 3* 9 12 6O4 J. P. ,, 14 3 64 34 94 m 62i K. F. female 10 24 5| 2| 74 11 50 E. H. ) J 20 3i 7 n — — 6I4 H. H. ,, 17 3 7 34 — — 594 S. M. male 2i 1| — — — — 33i Part of the exj)ense of this investigation has been defrayed by the " Earl of Moray Fund for Original Research " of the University of Edinburgh. I veiy gratefully record my thanks to the Trustees for their generous help. 340 A Second Brarfn/dactylous Family EXPLANATION OF PLATES. The numbers are those given in the chart on p. 3'J7 and also in the Tahle on p. 338. PLATE XI. i'ig. 1. Shows three braclijdactylous females ; a cliild, its motlier and grandmother (No. 43, 23 and 9). The sliort stature of the women is evident when compared with that of the author which is 5 feet 8?. inches. Fig. 2. Shows two brothers. The one on the right is brachydactylous and two years older than tlie one on tlie left, who is normal. PLATE XM. Photographs of hands and a foot. The numbers refer to those in the cliart. Their ages and other particulars are given in the table of measurements on page 338. The same applies to the following plates. PLATE XIM. All these hands are brachydactylous. PLATE XIV. Eadiographs of hands and feet, all abnormal. PLATE XV. Radiographs of hands. Both hands are shown in order to illustrate the bilateral symmetry. JOURNAL OF GENETICS, VOL. IV. NO. 4 PLATE XI JOURNAL OF GENETICS, VOL. IV. NO. 4 PLATE XII .No. 2:1 and normal. No. S7 and mirmal. Nu. -JU. No. 43. No. 311. Xo. 27. No. 41 and nouual. JOURNAL OF GENETICS, VOL. IV. NO. 4 Nd. 'J. ^o. -21. No. 17. No. ■>:i No. is. No. 2.5. No. ly. .No. -Jlj. PLATE XII N"o. No. i-2. No. 30. No. 43, No. 38. No. 47. No. 4U. No. 4'J. JOURNAL OF GENETICS, VOL. IV, NO. 4 No. 20. Jfe^^P^^ Nu. S9. Xo. 37. PLATE XIV No. -21). No. 27 Xo. 31. No. 41. JOURNAL OF GENETICS, VOL. IV. NO. 4 No. 1«. Ku. 27. PLATE XV No. 29. v*S. No. 31. ON THE PRIMARY AND SECONDARY SEX CHAR- ACTERS OF SOME ABNORMAL BEGONIA FLOWERS AND ON THE EVOLUTION OF THE MONOECIOUS CONDITION IN PLANTS. By C. J. BOND. PART I. My attention was first directed to the problem of Sex Dimorphism in the Begonias when noticing that certain flowers in which the process of Sex Differentiation was incomplete were almost invariabl}^ accom- panied by an abnormal or supernnraerary Floral Bract. This accessoiy and asymmetrical Floral Bract occurs on the pedicle which bears the abnormal flower. It seems to mark the situation in the growth of the flower stalk where under normal conditions the Male and Female Sex Organs are segregated out into flowers of opposite sex. (PI. XVI, fig. 1.) The importance of this abnormal floral bract lies in the indication it affords of the fact that the differentiation of the Sex Character is a matter of qualitative cell division in somatic as well as in germinal cells. The next point is that partial or complete failure to undergo quali- tative cell division in these abnormal flowers is associated with abnor- mality of another kind. This secondary abnormality may take the form of modification in, or increased number of accessory floral parts, or elongation of the staminal axis with increased number of stamens, or petallody of stamens (doubleness in the male flower). In the female flower it may take the form of an increased number of carpellary leaves, as indicated by an abnormal number of ovarian loculii, or (by failure of these carpellary leaves to close) an exposed condition of the ovules, a partial return in fact to the Gymnospermous condition. Any of these changes may afford the earliest indication in male and female flowers respectively of a distuibance of sex equilibrium, in other 342 Sex Characters in Begonias words a disturbance in the regularity of the qualitative cell divisions by which the male and female sex organs are normally differentiated out into different flovv'ers. A further stage in abnormality may be the appearance of male gamete bearing organs on female flowers, or more rarely the appearance of female gamete bearing organs on male flowers. Finally, a complete ring of stamens, functionally active, may surround the gynoecium of a flower of female type. (PL XVI, fig. 7.) This association in the same flower between abnormalities of ac- cessory and of essential floral parts is important because it shows that instability of equilibrium in the primary sex elements carries with it in nearly all cases instability of equilibrium of somatic tissues also. The association between sexual instability or hermaphroditism and modification of accessory floral parts is also shown genetically thus: — The Fi seedlings of a cross between a Begonia with double male flowers as the seed parent and a single flowered variety as the pollen parent are for the most part single flowered plants. A certain number, how- ever, show indications of a tendency to doubleness by the presence of one or two extra petals in the male flowers, while others exhibit an elongation of the axis which bears the otherwise normal stamens. In other words singleness is only partially dominant over doubleness in the F^ generation of such a cross. Of the seedlings of the F., generation so raised an abnoimal per- centage shows a tendency to hermaphroditism and abnormal flowers. It is more difficult by cross fertilization to transfer the ddiible character to female flowers, that is to convert a sex limited character like doubleness in the Begonias, into a specific character. In the female as in the male flower however the earliest indication of sexual instability or hermaphroditism is often the presence of an increased number of pistils and carpellary leaves. Thus in plants (as in animals) any disturb- ance in the structural if not in the functional characters of the primary sex organs is usually associated with changes in the secondary flur.il characters. Primarily Male and Primarily Female Flowers. The question now arises whether the arrangement and distribution of the male and female sex organs in these hermaphrodite Begonia flowers throw any light upon the central position of the Ciyno(>cinm in our modern hermaphrodite flowering plants. C. J. Bond 343 It is a matter of considerable interest to find that two types of abnormal flowers exist in the Begonias : — 1. The common type in which, round a central more or less per- fectly developed gynoecium, rudimentary organs of the male type occur. (PI. XVI, fig. 7.) 2. A far less common type in which rudimentary female organs are gathered round a centrally placed androecium. (PI. XVI, figs. 3, 4, 5, 8.) Flowers of the first type are here called primarily female. Flowers of the second type are called primarily male. The criterion being the relative position of the male and female sex organs to each other on the common floral axis. It is here suggested that the almost universal central and terminal position of the female organs in hermaphrodite flowers is a fact of considerable phylogenetic importance. It would seem that the female portion of the flower represents the undifferentiated reproductive rudiment from which the male portion has during evolution segregated off. This suggestion receives some support from the frequent (though not invariable) occurrence of vestigial remains, or rudimentary organs of the opposite sex, in the female rather than in the male flower in monoecious and in some dioecious plants. It would be interesting to know how many of these cases in which vestiges of the opposite sex organs are found in the male and not in the female flower represent a return to, rather than a step forward towards, the hermaphrodite form. Further the question of the homozygous or heterozygous nature of the male and the female plant, in respect of sex in the Mendelian sense, assumes additional importance from this point of view. Bearing in mind the fact that sex difterentiation is one of the earliest stages in plant, as in animal evolution, and that the difteren- tiation of male and female sex organs on different individual plants or on different parts of the same individual plant, was probably already established in the Cycads, Ginkgos, Sphenophylls and other possible ancestors of our flowering plants, the problem of the sex evolution of the hermaphrodite flower is probably not so much a question of differentiation of sex organs into male and female, as of bringing together into close juxtaposition on one common floral axis, male and female sex organs formally located in different plants or in different parts of the same plant. Though the active factor in bringing about the evolution of the hermaphrodite flower was probably a necessity for adaptive capacity on .144 Sex Characters in Beffonias the p;ut 111 phiiils Lo iindcrgu fertilization by means of insect instead of wind agency, in association with the great evohition of insect life which occurred in cretaceous and precretaceous times, the essential factor which determined this adaptive change along primarily' female rather than primarily male lines was probably, not any superior capacity for fertilization so obtained (though this may have been a point in its favour), but the greater facility afforded by the central position of the gynoecium on the floral axis in providing for the longer retention of the embryo in contact with the tissues of the parent plant. This growing tendency to retain the embryo in contact with the mother plant, and thus provide it with a better start in the world, forms a striking feature of plant development in recent times, just as the tendency to retain the embryo in contact with the maternal tissues is a marked characteristic of the mammalia, the highest order of animals. The ultimate aim, if one may be allowed the teleological expression, has been the production of the largest number of offspring with the best chances of successful separate existence, along with the greatest economy of material, and the chief steps towards this end have been: — (1) The replacing of the naked ovule by the ovule enclosed in an ovary, i.e. the evolution of the Angiosperms. (2) The provision of nourishment in an available form to as late a stage as possible in the growth of the embryo, and this was secured by placing the ovary in the centre of the floral axis. The provision for the passing of the jirothallus or asexual repro- ductive stage while the embryo remains in contact with the maternal tissues is also in harmony with this scheme. The ultimate test of the respective value of the unisexual as against the hermaphrodite type of flower, is capacity to ensure, not merely the fertilization of a large number of ovules but the survival of a large number of embryos, and the central position of the gynoecium in the hermaphrodite flower favours such survival. In this connection one is reminded of Baur's conception of hybrids as Clinal and Periclinal Chimaeras. It is possible to apply this con- ception to the hermaphrodite flower which would then be a sex-chimaera built up on a clinal or central female basis with periclinal male accessory organs. The problem of the central position of the gynoecium in the her- maphrodite flower when I'educed to cytological terms becomes a question 1 "Primarily" iu the sense described above in reference to the position of tlie gynoecium. C. J. Bond 345 of the relative position assumed by the factors for maleness and feinale- ness in those qualitative cell divisions which control the segregation of the sex organs. Thus if maleness passes into the lateral daughter cells, while femaleness is retained in the cells which continue the axial line of growth the flower although hermaphrodite is primarily female. If on the other hand (as in these abnormal Begonia flowers) femaleness is thrown off into the lateral daughter cells and maleness remains in the central cells then the flower although still hermaphrodite is primarily male. It is in fact even more true of plants than animals that sex is a function of the position of the factor or factors which control it. These abnormal Begonia flowers, primarily male and primarily female, also show that under certain conditions the qualitative cell divisions which determine sex may be imperfect or incomplete. Thus if the type of the division has been settled by the passage of the factor for maleness into the central daughter cells, then any remnant of the female factor if present must apparently pass into the lateral daughter cells. This fact suggests some association between the volume of the ftxctor and the position assumed by that factor in cell division. The conception is indeed forced upon us that the sex of a unisexual flower on a monoecious plant partly depends on the relative volume of the sex factors present in that flower. Whether the male organs shall occupy a central or a circumferential position on the floral axis (in other words whether the flower shall be male or female) seems to depend partly on whether the factor for maleness is present in greater volume than the factor for femaleness. If it is, then maleness is handed on to the daughter cells in the direct line of growth and the flower is primarily male, whereas if the volume of the female factor is greater than that of the male factor, then femaleness continues in the line of growth and maleness is cast off into lateral daughter cells. The importance of this matter lies in the fact that sex segregation in the flowers of monoecious plants seems to be associated with a definite position assumed by the alternative fixctors which control sex either in one or in a series of qualitative cell divisions. One may perhaps hazard the suggestion that if future cytological research should associate the male (or the female sex) in the Begonias with the presence of an accessory chromosome, then the position taken up by that accessory chromosome in the qualitative cell divisions which divide the growing cell into end on and lateral daughter cells will determine the primary sex of the flower, just as the passage of such 34G Sex Characters in Begoniaa an accessoiy chromosome into one of two alternative gt'iiii cells deter- mines the sex of the individual. At present we are ignorant as to the stage in the growth of the floral parts at which this segregating division occurs. Neither do we know the difference in nuclear or factorial con- .stitution between the primarily male and the primarily female flower oi- whether this difference is of a genetic or a somatic character. Primanly Male and Primarily Female In florescences. This concef)tion of a flower as primarily male oi- primarily female may also be extended to the Inflorescence. In the normal inflorescence of the tuberous Begonia the flower which terminates the floral peduncle is a male flower. A few abnormal examples occur in which on cui-sory examination it appears that a female flower terminates the inflorescence, but careful inspection will show that even in these cases a rudimentary or abortive male terminal flower really exists. If in some varieties with double male flowei-s the inflorescence is apparently entirely composed of one male flower, careful examination will reveal however rudimentary or abortive female flowers in the axils of the bracts of the floral peduncle which carries this flower. Further, in some varieties both in the tuberous and fibrous kinds (e.g. Mrs J. Heal, Beg. Socotrana, Gloire de Lorraine, and others) only male flowers are present. In these cases the inflorescence is not symmetrical and tripartite, but asymmetrical with male flowers given oflf on one side only. In some climbing Begonias the male flowers nonnally appear at the fourth or fifth dichotomous division of the floral peduncle while female flowers appear later at the sixth or seventh division; further, as the male flowers fall early the result is that the inflorescence appears to be composed of female flowers only. The point of physiological and cytological interest about the inflorescence thus becomes (as in the flower) a problem of the relative position of certain organs. In other words the disposition of sex organs in flowers of opposite sex like the disposition of sex organs on a ccmimon floral axis in the hermaj^hrodite flower is a problem of qualitative cell division. In the inflorescence, as in the flower, we find two types : — (a.) A male type in which the terminal flower is a male flower and the female flowers are thrown oft' laterally, as in the Begonia. (6) A female type in which the terminal flower is a female flower and the male or hermaphrodite flowers are thrown off laterally, as in some caryophyjlaceous plants. C. J. Bond 347 The type of inflorescence and the type of flower may vary in the same individual plant, and the question arises whether the Begonia (and other monoecious plants) may not have attained their present monoecious condition in two ways: (1) by diverging from the herma- phrodite stage along primarily female lines as far as the flower is concerned, and (2) by developing along primarily male lines as far as the inflor- escence is concerned. In the walnut and some other monoecious trees the occasional occurrence in some individual trees of a rudimentary gynoecium in a central position in a male floret, suggests that these plants have passed through a hermaphrodite stage in which the flowers were built up on a primarily female type. Sex Dimorphism thus becomes a problem of (1) the kind of units among which the sex differentiating process takes place, and (2) the period in the life history of these units at which this process occurs. If the diffei-entiating cell division occurs in the germ cell stage the dioecious variety of sex dimorphism results, if it occurs a little later during the development of the flowers the monoecious form results, while if it occurs at a still later stage during the development of the sex organs on the common floral axis the hermaphrodite flower is formed. We are ignorant of the factors which determine the stage at which this all-important segregation shall occur, but of the three stages at which it has up to the present taken place in the history of plant evolution, the middle or monoecious stage seems to have been the most unstable of the three. For it is in monoecious plants that we find the greatest number of vestigial remains or rudimentary organs of the opposite sex. In some monoecious plants, e.g. the Box, indications exist that the plant is now on the way to or away fi-om the hermaphrodite condition. It is a matter of considerable interest to find that in plants as in animals a close association exists between a sex abnormality like hermaphroditism and a delayed occurrence of those differentiating cell divisions which determine sex. Postponement of the sex differentiating cell division from the germ cell to the zygote stage may not only bring about hermaphroditism in the individual, but the actual period in the development of the zygote at which the differentiation of sex organs occurs also influences the type of hermaphroditism which results, for instance, if the differentiation of the factors for maleness and femaleness is postponed to the stage of blastomeric division, in which the right and left halves of the animal body are laid down, then a lateral gynandro- morph is produced. Many such cases have been recorded among insects, and quite a number have now been recorded among the vertebrates. 348 JSex Characters in Begonias especially in birds. (See H. Poll, "Zur Lehre von den sekundaren Characteien " (Stzgtibei: Ges. Naturf. Freunde zu Berlin, 1909) ; C. J. Bond, "On a case of Unilateral Development of Secondaiy Sex Characters in a Pheasant" {Journal of Genetics, Feb. 1914).) In this connection also the limitation of paternal and maternal characters to opposite sides of the body in the larvae of some sea urchin hybrids reared by Herbst as the result of artificial fertilization is of great interest. (See J. Loeb, Artificial Favthenogenesis.) Although I am not aware of any recorded observations of the limitation of paternal and maternal characters to apposite halves of the individual in the cotyle- donary .stage in seedling plants, yet such limitation does undoubtedly occur at a later stage of growth, for both individual leaves and opposite branches may sometimes show a hemilateral arrangement of paternal and maternal characters. Certain conditions in animals suggest that in addition to the bilateral type of architecture, the individual organism is also built up on a serial or segmental plan, thus sex abnormalities like hermaphro- ditism may show a segmental distribution in birds. (C. J. Bond, Journal of Genetics, Feb. 1914.) In plants also the distribution of the unisexual florets in the compound inflorescence follows in some abnormal cases a distinctly segmental or periodic type. This is well seen in the irregular inflorescence of some abnormal maize plants. Plate XVII, fig. 1, shows a serial alternation on the same peduncle of male and female florets. Plate XVII, fig. 2, shows a magnified view of the same th ng. PART II. Secondary Sex Characters in Begonias. It has already been pointed out that the normal male flower of the monoecious Begonia has four petals and the normal female flower five. Although this association between the sex of the flower and the number of petals seems characteristic of most Begonias under normal conditions, yet it is not an absolutely constant feature. For instance a flower may develop an outer whorl of pistillate structures on its staminate floral axis. It may even show exposed ovules on some of these pistillate leaves, it majf in fact be partly a female flower and yet retain the four petals characteristic of the male flower. (See PI. XVI, figs. 8, 4, 8.) In the same way the jjrimarily female flowei' may have a row of .stamens C. J. Bond 349 outside the central pistil and yet retain the five petals characteristic of the female flower. (PI. XVI, fig. 6.) Although doubleness chiefly affects male Begonia flowers, and is therefore a sex limited character, it is possible under certain conditions, by cross pollination, to transfer this character of doubleness to the female flower. Double female flowers so produced, however, retain secondary male characters. The structure and arrange- ment of the accessory floral parts are not influenced by being linked up with maleness. In fact a primarily female flower with a well-formed ovary and a central gynoecium may develop a complete ring of stamens and yet retain the five petals characteristic of the female flower. (PI. XVI, fig. 6.) From these facts we are I think justified in concluding that the presence of male organs does not necessarily modify the secondary sex characters of female flowers. The same is true of male flowers which develop female organs. The secondary characters seem to depend on the primary sex of the flower as shown by the central position of the gynoecium or androecium on the floral axis. The accidental occurrence, so to speak, of rudimentary, or even well developed, organs of the opposite sex, does not affect the growth of the secondary sex characters. That this should be so is not surprising when we recall the apparent absence in plants of any secretion corresponding to the sex hormones in animals. There is, however, evidence pointing to the existence of enzymes in plants. Keeble (Plant Animals, 1910) suggests that the cambium cells influence the neighbouring cortex cells and stimulate them to undergo cell division by means of some secretory substance. He also suggests that the green algal cells in Convoluta roscoffensis supjjly the bio- chemical stimulus on which the later development of that organism depends, and in the absence of which it fails to grow. There are also the important facts concerning the influence of fer- tilization on the growth of accessory floral structures. Darwin showed long ago that some kinds of foreign pollen can act as a poison to the stigmata and pistils of certain flowers. The rapid wilting and the falling within 36 hours of the petals of a successfully fertilized female flower provides us with a practical indication as to whether the pollen artificially introduced has " taken," and whether the flower is adequately/ fertilized in any given case. But these latter examples are examples of an inhibitory rather than a stimulatory influence. In the other direction we have the stimulating eflect of the fertilized and growing ovule on the tissues of the floral peduncle, and this influence is 350 Sex Characters in Begonias transmitted through the tissues which connect the ovule with the mother plant. In the dioecious Lychnis if pollination and fertilization of the ovules be prevented the female flower falls on the fifth or sixth day after opening. This falling of the unfertilized flower (like the falling of the autumn leaf) is brought about by a degenerative change in the collar cells which form the neck of the floral peduncle at the point where this swells out into the thalamus or cone on which the ovules are imbedded. If on the other hand the ovules have been fertilized active growth occurs in these cells. Either the absence of a stimulus derived from the growing ovules or possibly the presence of an inhibitory sub.stance formed by the atrophying and degenerating ovules brings about the death and degeneration of these collar cells, and this results in the fall of the unfertilized or insufficiently fertilized Hower. In the falling corolla after pollination, and the falling flower in the absence of pollination, a quantitative relationship can be observed between the number of pollen grains which gain access to the pistil and the rapidity of the wilting of the stigma and corolla in the one case, and the number of ovules which undergo fertilization and the rapidity of the falling of the flower in the other. If only a few pollen gi-ains are allowed to gain access to the pistil the petals may remain erect and vigorous for several days, while if the stigmata be dusted with a larger quantity of pollen they fall in 24 to 48 hours. In the case of the flower, if only 5 or 6 ovules (in Lychnis) undergo fertilization the degenerative change in the collar cells may not be prevented and the flower may fall although it has been partly fertilized. A minimaJ number of ovules must in fact undergo fertilization and begin to grow in order to prevent those changes in the cells at the root of the thalamus which lead to the falling of the unfertilized flower. This fjict, viz. that a quantitative relationship e.xists between the factor which stimulates or arrests cell growth and the stimulated or arrested cell activity which results from its influence is an important one. It is unlike the behaviour of an animal enzyme which when introduced into a fermentable solution serves to hydrolyse its whole volume. It is also unlike the method of action of speciflc sex hormones, where the .smallest quantity of the substance, if present in the blood stream, is capable of influencing the metabolism of the whole body. In fact these chemical substances which stimulate and arrest cell growth in plants seem to be incapable of self multiplication and seem to exercise only a local influence on the tissues of the plant. C. J. Bond 351 PART III. The question now arises whether the factor, or factors, which control sex segregation in the monoecious plant are the same as those which determine sex in dioecious plants and in animals. In animals and dioecious plants segregation of the factors con- trolling sex takes place among germ cells either before or during fertilization, whereas in the Mowers of monoecious plants segregation takes place among cells which present the external characters of somatic cells although they no doubt retain germinal material capable not only of forming new individual plants by bud formation, but also of acting as the carriers of hereditary characters. But both processes depend essentially on qualitative cell division. In one case this takes place in the meristematic cells of the plant stem and results in maleness passing into the terminal and femaleness into the lateral daughter cells, or vice versa ; in the other case it occurs amongst male and female bearing gametes at an earlier stage of their life history, probably at the period of maturation. The chief distinction between the two processes is one of time of occurrence rather than one of kind. One affects the germ cell at or before fertilization, the other affects the zygote which results from the repeated division of this germ cell after fertilization. It seems clear that the association between the segregation of primary and the segregation of secondary sex characters is less intimate in plants than in animals. Both depend on qualitative cell division, but the primary sex organs do not exercise such continuous control over and are not so indispensable to the growth of the corresponding secondary sex characters in plants, as in animals. In the higher animals, unlike some invertebrates, a very elaborate system of inter- dependence and control is present between those cell divisions which represent primary maleness and femaleness and those metabolic pro- cesses which underly the production of male and female secondary sex characters. The functional activity of the latter is dependent on the functional activity of the former, whereas in the case of the monoecious plant the determination of the sex of the flower, and the number and arrangement of its petals, although both may be primarily under the control of a common genetic factor, are more or less independent processes. Journ. of Gen. iv 23 352 Sex Characters in Begonias EXPLANATION OF PLATES. PLATE XVI. Fig. 1. Shows to the liglit an abnormal hermaphrodite flower in association with an asymmetrical floral bract. Fig. 2. Shows "exposed ovules'" in a partially hermaphrodite flower. Fig. 3. Shows female sex organs, ovules, in a peripheral position on a primarily male flower. (See also Fig. 8.) Fig. 4. A primarily male abnormal flower with a ring of pistillate structures peripheral to the central androecium. This flower, although partly hermaphrodite, preserves the four petals characteristic of the male flower. Fig. 5. A ijrimarily male flower partly hermaphrodite with oue or two pistillate structures periijherally situated on the floral axis. This flower had four petals only. Fig. 6. Abnormal primarily female flower with a peripheral ring of stamens round a central gynoecium and the Ave petals characteristic of the female flower. Fig. 7. Two primarily female hermaphrodite flowers. A peripheral ring of stamens surrounds the gynoecium in each case. Fig. 8. Terminal primarily male flower with abnormal stamens, multilocular anthers, and ovules peripherally placed on the petals. Though partly hermaphrodite it has the four petals characteristic of the male flower. PLATE XVII. Fig. 1. Inflorescence of maize plant showing a serial alternation on the same peduncle of male and female florets. Fig. 2. Magnified view of same. JOURNAL OF GENETICS, VOL. IV. NO. 4 l-V- 1. Fig. -2. i'lg. -i. PLATE XVI Fii'. i. msm '4 ^ Fig. 5. Fig. 0. JOURNAL OF GENETICS, VOL. IV. NO. 4 PLATE XVII ON THE OKIGIN AND BEHAVIOUR OF OENOTHERA RUBRICALYX. By R. RUGGLES GATES, Ph.D., F.L.S., University of London. In a recent paper which purports to deal with F^ hybrids of Oe. rubricalyx, Shull (1914) takes occasion to attack my conclusions regarding the origin and hereditary behaviour of this mutant. I may remark that I have been studying the hereditary behaviour of Oe. mut. rubricalyx ever since it appeared in my cultures in 1907. The results of these studies, portions of which have been published in several papers (1909 — 1914), are perfectly clear and definite, and the main conclusions to which they have led are, in my opinion, irrefutable. Among my crossing experiments is an extensive series of ^i and F^ hybrids be4;ween ruhricalyjc and Oe. grandiflora, Solander (Gates, 1914) num- bering nearly 3000 plants. I have also gi'own a still more extensive series of F-^ families, whose results confirm the previous conclusions from the Fo, families and will be summarized in a book which is now in press. Before entering further into the evidence on which my conclusions rest, it may be well to examine for a moment the nature of the evidence which Shull brings forward as the basis for his criticism and for con- clusions which are contrary to mine. In the first place, the internal evidence from the author's own paper, as well as other facts, shows that his supposed pure rubricalyx was in reality Oe. rubricalyx x grandiflora. This in itself of course vitiates in toto the " results " stated in his paper, for in every cross mentioned one must read " rubricalyx x grandiflora" instead of "rubricalyx." For example, when he describes what he states is rubricalyx x rubrinervis F^ he is really describing (rubricalyx x g7-a7i- diflora) x rubrinervis. What must one think of observations which pretend to be critical, and yet which make the fundamental error of 23—2 354 Oritjin and Behaviour of Oenothera rubriealyx failing to distinguish between pure rnhncalyx and its iiybrid with a wholly distinct species ? These two things are so different that the veriest amateur could have no difficulty in distinguishing between them, either as rosettes or as mature plants. Such looseness of observation as ShuH's paper displays is inexcusable when put forward with such a show of confidence in the soundness of his results. I have stated repeatedly in previous papers that rubncalj:'; is morphologically identical with rubrinervis, of which it is in fact a very marked and striking colour variety. Photogi-aphs have also been published (see Gates 1911, Figs. 4 and 5) which prove these assertions. However, Shull evidently had occasional misgivings regarding the real nature of his supposed rubriealyx rosettes, as when he says (footnote, p. 84) : " Several features of my plants suggested a relationship to 0. grandijtora, particularly the rather lax rosettes, strong red spotting of the young rosette-leaves, and the development of buds more slender and rounder than in my 0. rubrinervis cultures." As I pointed out several years ago (1909), these are all conspicuous features of Oe. grandiflora, and this knowledge should have given him pause, par- ticularly when he was aware that his " ruhriwlyx " plants were fi'om unguarded seeds. In several places through his paper Shull wavers between the assumption (which he knew was doubtful) that his " rubriealyx " was pure, and the admission that it may have been a cross with yrandifiora. Yet he must have realized that his results were almost valueless if the latter was the case, and quite so if he was unable to determine between these two alternatives. It is difficult to understand how the paper coidd have been brought forward as a contribution to genetics under these circumstances. Since the author states that it was originally written before my last paper (Gates, 1914) dealing with rubriealyx and its hybrids was published, the references to that paper, as well as certain other changes, must have been made later. The plants which Shull assumed to be pui'e rubriealyx were obtained by him from Dr A. F. Blakeslee, of Storrs, Connecticut, who grew them from unguarded seeds of rubriealyx received from me. Dr Blakeslee has kindly sent me the original seed packet, from which I find that the seeds in question were collected from a plant grown in 1909. I grew several families of rubriealyx in that year, and one of these was adjacent to a culture of grandijloi-a. These unguarded seeds were not intended for genetic experiments, and were sent (marked " open-pollinated ") in answer to a request for any plants which would show the red-budded E. RuGGLEs Gates 355 character for demonstration purposes. In using them for breeding experiments, knowing they were unguarded, Shull took his own chances, with unfortunate results. Though I did not record on the packet the pedigree number of the plant from which these seeds came, I have other reasons than the subsequent results for believing that they were from the culture next to the grandiflora plants, where the opportunities for crossing with that species were of course greater. So far as can be learned, Shull's plants were probably derived from seeds directly from this packet, in which case they would be r uhri calyx x grandiflora, F^. I have already (1914) published an extended account of several years' experiments with this cross and the reciprocal in F^ and F.,, as well as sesquireciprocal and double reciprocal crosses. Although the same strain of Oe. grandiflora was not available for all these crosses, yet all the features of buds, foliage and development were the same in the F., families from ruhricalyx x grandiflora and grandiflora x ruhri- calyx, so that any disadvantages from this source are more theoretical than real. A glance at Shull's published figures of his "ruhricalyx" shows clearly by their bright red spots that they have been crossed with grandiflora, and the leaf-shape also shows some effect of this cross, even in the young rosettes. Since the differences between Shull's conclusions and mine result from the fact that I was dealing with ruhricalyx while he experimented with ruhricalyx x grandiflora under the misapprehension that it was ruhncalyx, his conclusions obviously fall to the ground, and his criticisms of my experiments on the basis of his "i-esults" are worth nothing. Nevertheless, the origin of ruhncalyx is a matter of such signifi- cance and has been so much discussed that it seems worth while to restate the evidence on which rests my conclusion that ruhricalyx originated from ruhri7iervis through a single unit-change. The ulti- mate nature of this change will be discussed in my forthcoming book. In his anxiety to find a basis for doubting that ruhricalyx originated as a simple Mendelian dominant, Shull does not treat the observed data faii-ly. Instead of considering all the data, he omits entirely certain of the, ratios which disprove his unsupported assumption that ruhricalyx can have originated through the union of two independent factors for red. The data, if all taken into account, are however ample to show that ruhricalyx when it appeared . did actually differ from ruhrinervis in a single Mendelian factor. It is, indeed, decidedly amusing to find a Mendelian repudiating his own method of argument when it happens 356 Oriffin and Behaviour of Oenothera rubricalyx to lead to conclusions which he docs not wish to accept. But if the Mendelian argument holds in nthcr cases (as I think it docs), then it will have to be admitted to hold also in this case. The significance of mathematical ratios can no more be suspended for the convenience of some one, than can the law of gi-avitation. I hold no brief for Mendelism, but when the fiicts point so clearly to a 3 : I ratio in the offspring of the rubricalyx mutant, and a 1 : 1 in the cross of a heterozygous rubricalyx individual with another species, I am not loath to draw the inevitable conclusion that the mutation originated through a single dominant unit-change antl that heterozygous plants were pro- ducing two types of germ cells in equal numbers. The evidence is as follows : The offspring of the original rubricalyx mutant which were not accidentally destroyed numbered only 12. Of these, 10 came into bloom, and 9 of them were shown by their buds to be rubricalyx and 1 ruhrinervis. Two other plants remained losettes, and I formerly classed them as undetermined or doubtful because they showed only a small amount of "ventral" red. Subsequent examination of many rosettes, however, has shown that whenever there is even a trace of ventral red on the rosettes the plants invariably develop red buds. Hence all rosettes which were formerly classed as doubtful because they showed only small amounts of ventral red, were really rubricalyx. The above ratio in the F^ of the 7-vhricalyx mutant was therefore 11 rubricalyx : 1 rubrinervis. This number is of course too small to determine a ratio. But three of the rubricalyx plants in this culture were selfed and yielded F.^ families containing rubricalyx and rubrinervis in the ratios respectively of 10 : 5, 14 : (5 and .33 : 11. These three ratios are all very closely in accord with 3:1, and even the 11:1 ratio is not a wide departure. Adding these four ratios we have a total ratio of 68 : 28, which is extremely close to a 3 : 1 ratio, while the chances against it representing a 15 : 1 are enormous. This evidence in itself is clearer and more indubitable than that on which many conclusions from Mendelian ratios rest. But there is still more evidence, which Shull omits to quote. Two of the rubricalyx plants in the F^ culture which gave the ratio 33 : 11 and thereby proved the monohybrid character of rubricalyx, were crossed reci- procally with Oe. (jrandiflora. They both proved to be heterozygous in regard to a single character-difference, for in both cases the F^ contained about 50 % red-budded and 50 % green-budded plants. Thus in rubricalyx x grandijlora, of 67 plants 58 came into bloom, and of the latter 30 were red-budded and 28 green-budded. This is a far R. RugCtLES Gates 357 closer approach to equality than Mendelians frequently regard as sufficient to prove their point. In the reciprocal cross, yrandiflora X ricbr{calyx\ the F^ contained 147 plants, of which 58 bloomed. The latter were in the ratio 34 red-budded to 24^ green-budded. Anyone can decide for himself whether this ratio is nearer 1 : 1, as it should be on my view, or 3 : 1 as it should be on Shull's view. The full data from this femily, however, prove the situation still more conclusively, for all the plants were carefully examined in the rosette stage and 42 were found to show clearly red on their ventral surfaces, 71 were without any trace of red, and 37 were doubtful, i.e. showing the red faintly. We now know that the latter must be classed with the first, for all alike develop red buds, and plants with very little red on the rosette have the usual deep red buds. In this family there were there- fore 79 with the ruhricalyx character {R) to 71 withotit it ()•), a close approach to equality. • These ratios are exceptionally close to expectation and, taken together, they furnish abundant evidence as will, I think, be agreed by all Mendelians, to establish the very high probability that a single unit-difference was concei'ned in the origin of ruhricalyx from rubri- nervis. On the other hand, the evidence is sufficient to establish absolutely the impossibility that two Mendelian fixctors could have been concerned. These facts are shown in the following Table Actual ratios Expectation on autlxor's view Expectation on Shull's view 11 : 1 9 : 3 11-25 : 0-75 10: 5 11-25: 3-75 14 06 : 0-94 14 : 6 15 : 5 18-75: 1-25 33 : 11 33 : 11 41-25 : 2-75 Total ... 68 : 23 68-25 : 22-75 85-31 : 5-69 30 :28 29: 29 43-5 : 14-5 79 :71 75 :75 112-5 : 37-5 From this Table it will be seen that there is not an atom of evidence for the presence of duplicate factors in Oe. ruhricalyx, while the evidence for a single factor is of the kind which is universally regarded by Mendelians as conclusive. In addition to the records presented above, several other ratios were given in my paper (1914, Pedigi'ee 1). These are of families ' A full account of these crosses is given in my former paper (1914). ^ In a previous paper (Gates, 1914, Pedigree 1) this was given as 23. I have not the original records at hand for determining the cause of this discrepancy, but the difference is immaterial to the argument anyway. 358 Origin and Behaviour of Oenothera rubricalyx descended from rahricnlyx individuals in the cultuu' having a ratio of 33 : 11. They were all observed only as rosettes, and as they were not observed with the same care as the family of 147 above-montionod it is obviously unsafe to attempt to draw any conclusions from them. It is certain, however, that the number of rubrinervis rosettes was over- estimated, for the reasons given earlier in this paper. As recorded, the seven cultures total 91 R : 78?-. In any case the numbers do not support Shull's hypothesis of duplicate factors. Turning now to certain other statements in Shull's paper, we find (p. 8.5) the statement "Gates (1914) wavers between the treatment of the ruhricahjx type of pigmentation as a Mendelian and as a non- Mendelian character. His most positive declarations on the subject are that it is non-Mendelian ; but if he sincerely {sic) holds to this conviction it is strange that he should continue to treat the genetic behavior of this character as if it 'threw valuable sidelights on Men- delian phenomena." It is difficult to realize the frame of mind in which such a statement could be written, showing as it does entire failure to grasp the points of view developed by me in the paper in (juestion. One can only conclude, as other statements also indicate, that it was not carefully read or digested. Among the "facts" presented in Shull's paper we find the statement that the offspring of his " rubricalyx " (which we now know to be rubricalyx x grandifloru) yielded (in F., or a later generation) 117 individuals, of which 107 were red-budded and 10 green-budded. This ratio, 10'7 : 1, is rather close to the ratio 9'.5 : 1 obtained by me (1914, p. 235) in an F., family of grandifiora x rubncalyx numbering 157 plants, and confirms my results in obtaining various aberrant ratios from these ci'osses. It is astounding to find that although Shull is unwilling to recognize 33 : 11 as a 3 : 1 ratio, yet he is capable of sug- gesting that 107 : 10 represents a 15 : 1 ratio ! Without entering further into the extensive data in my paper (1914), it may be remarked that two things appear to be clearly proven; (1) that Oe. mut. rubricalyx originated through a single unit-change producing a new character-difference which is dominant ; (2) that when the new form is crossed with a distinct species — Oe. grandiflora — having a different physiology, the red-budded feature comes out in F„ in varj'ing ratios in different families, 3:1, 4:1, 5:1, and about 10 : 1. Not only is this the case, but occasionally inter- mediate individuals as regards bud-pigmentation occur, and it has since been found that these when selfed breed true to their intermediate R. RuGGLBs Gates 359 condition, without reversion to either the ruhrinervis or the rubricalyx type of pigmentation. Moreover, back-crosses of the original F^ hybrids with rubricalyx intensify the pigmentation, while back-crossing with [irandiflora dilutes and modifies it, producing a spotted condition of the sepals in certain cases. I may perhaps be pardoned for main- taining that all these facts confirm my view that, (1) the rubricalyx pigmentation originated through a unit-change, as demonstrated by the ratios before crossing and in the F^ hybrids; (2) this sharj) unit-character may be modified and broken up by crossing with a physiologicall\- diverse species. An adequate e.xplanation has not yet been found for the F., ratios, such as .5:1 and 10:1, found in these hybrids, but a little thought will show that any argument is fallacious which attempts to argue backwards, as Shull has done, fi-om these ratios to the original condition of the unit-character R before it was crossed. . In Shull's paper he devotes considerable attention to the red spotting of the rosette leaves in his hybrids. This is a conspicuous feature of Oe. grandifiora, and I have devoted much time to the study of its inheritance in hybrids with rubricalyx. There is an evanescent stage in the development of the rosettes of these F^. hybrids, when on superficial examination it seems easy to classify them into red-spotted and non-red-spotted. But more intensive study shows that every degree of spotting exists, from rosettes in which all the leaves are well spotted to those in which only one or two tiny sjoots appear on the whole rosette. In other words, there is a continuous series from rosettes with a large amount of spotting to those with none at all. This feature was not found to be correlated with any well-marked condition of the adult plants (as is the case with the ventral red of rubricalyx rosettes), and as the classification of the rosettes is neces- sarily more or less arbitrary and hence not dependable, it was not considered worth while publishing ratios in which there was such a large margin of eiTor. When Shull speaks of " negative correlation " between the pig- mentation of the buds and of the stems and rosettes in his triple hybrids, he is observing complex phenomena which have not been analyzed. I have observed a large number of similar phenomena in F.2, and F^ hybrids of grandiflora and rubricalyx, but have awaited further data on the subject before publishing. It means, of course, that red pigmentation in different parts of the same plant may be separately inherited, as is known to be the case in various other plants. Shull's " negative correlations " appear to depend, in part at least, upon 360 Origin and Behaviour of Oe.nothcra rubricalyx the fact that (jrandifiora frequently has dark rod stems while in Oe. Lamarckiana and its derivatives (except rubricalyx) the stems have very little diffuse red, though they are covered with red papillae. I have not, however, found this " negative correlation " to be uni- versal, since for example in some families the liybrid plants have red buds and red stems as well. It is probable that the alternation in Shull's hybrids is really between the dark red stems of some grandiflora races and the green or nearly gi-een stems of forms in the Lmnarckiana series. Finally, it must be made clear that ShuU's results, such as they are, can only be used for reference if in every case, for ruhricalyx, we read rnhricalyx x grandijiora. LITERATURE CITED. Gates, R. R. 1909. " An Analytical Key to some of the Segregates of Oenothera." Ann. Rept Missouri Dot. Garden, Vol. xx. pj). 12.3 — 137. 1910. "The Material Basis of Mendelian Phenomena." Amer. X(tt., Vol. XLIV. pp. 203—213. 1911. "Studies on the Variahility and Heritability of Pigmentation in Oenothera." Zeitsckr. f. ind. Abst. u. Vera-b. Bd. iv. pp. 337 — 372, pi. 6, 5 figs. 1912. " Mutation.s in Plants." Bot. Jour. Vol. II. pp. 84—87, fig. 1. 1913. "A Contribution to a Knowledge of the Mutating Oenotheras." Trans. Linn. Soc. London, Botany/, Vol. vill. pp. 1 — 67, pis. 1 — 6. 1914. "Breeding Experiments which show that HyliridiKition and Muta- tion are Independent Phenomena." Zeitschr. f. ind. Abst. u. Vererh. Bd. xi. pp. 209—279, 25 fig.s. Shhll, G. H. 1914. "A Peculiar Negative Correlation in Oenothera Hybrids." Journal of Genetics, Vol. IV. pp. 83 — 102, pis. 5, 6. REGENT CHEMICAL INVESTIGATIONS OF THE ANTHOCYAN PIGMENTS AND THEIR BEARING UPON THE PRODUCTION OF THESE PIGMENTS IN PLANTS. By ARTHUR ERNEST EVEREST, M.Sc, Ph.D. {Lecturer in Chemistry, University College, Reading). The relationship— if any — which exists between the red, purple and blue plant pigments (Anthocyans) and those of the yellow plant pig- ments which are of the flavone or flavonol class is of considerable interest to students of genetics. Until quite recently all ideas upon this subject were based of neces- sity upon evidence obtained from botanical investigation, as reliable chemical investigation upon this subject was entirely lacking. At last however definite chemical evidence bearing upon the relationship existing between these two important classes of naturally occurring pigments has been obtained, and in the present paper the author summarises briefly the important points that have been investigated, and points out their bearing upon the theories previously put forward. Up to the present the consensus of opinion has been in favour of the theory that the anthocyans are produced by oxidation of yellow pigments of the Havone or flavonol series. The fact that these ideas have failed to stand the test of chemical investigation — in every case that has been examined in a chemically satisfactory manner — must now be realised. Attacking the problem with a view to establishing the chemical nature and structure of the anthocyan molecule, Willstatter and Everest (Liebig's Annalen, 1913, 401, 189) investigated a number of these pig- ments, and in particular that of the corn-flower. Their results contain 362 Chemistry of Aiit/iocyati Plgmetitx in Plants much that is of interest to those studying these pigments tiimi the standpoint of genetics. The corn-flower pigment, which was obtained pure and cr3'stailine, was proved to be a glucoside, which on hydrolysis with acids yielded two molecules of glucose and one molecule of the true pigment — a fine crystalline substance — and it was also shown that in all the cases examined the pigments occurred in the jjlants only as glucosides. These results have been fully confirmed by later work, and the idea, so fre- quently put forward, that the pigments occur together in plants both as glucosides and non-glucosidcs, must as a result be abandoned. In cases where previous workers obtained mixtures of glucoside and non-glucoside, e.g. Heise, Glan, it was due to partial hydrolysis during the processes of isolation. This generalisation simplifies somewhat the problems to be dealt with when the processes going on within the plant tissues come to be considered, but by no means so much as the proof that the blue anthocyan pigments are alkali salts of compounds which in the free state are violet or violet-red in colour, and which are capable of uniting with acids to form oxonium salts which are red in colour. Beyond these results the same authors demonstrated that, at least in the case of the corn-fiower pigment, the decolourisation which so readily takes place in aqueous solution was not due to reduction as has been assumed so frequently. It was further shown that by oxidation the pigment of the corn-flower readily passed to a yellow pigment which had properties similar to those of the fiavone or flavonol derivatives. This work brought the present author to the opinion that the anthocyans were reduction products of the fiavone or flavonol com- pounds, whereas Willstatter favoured rather the idea that they were related to some unknown flavone or flavonol derivatives in which a hydroxyl group occurred in the benzopyrone nucleus in the para position to the linkage of the oxygen atom of the pyrone ring. The relationship is clearly shown by the formulae I and II, and it will be seen that this makes the anthocyan an oxidation product of the com- pound II. OH ■Ch HO- MO I. Antliocyau. II. Flavone derivative. A. E. Everest 363 The present author's idea that the anthocyans were reduction products of flavone derivatives was deepened by consideration of the work of Keeble, Armstrong and Jones {Roy. Soc. Pruc. 1918, B, 113). Working upon these ideas he carried out exjjeriinents that clearly showed that by the careful reduction of flavone derivatives a series of red pigments having the properties of anthocyanidins could readily be obtained ; moreover, contrary to the almost generally accepted idea, he showed that quite similarly glucosides of the flavone series yielded — without intermediate hydrolysis — glucoside red pigments in every way similar to anthocyanins. From these investigations the present author put forward the scheme : OH VOH HOY H " reauchon H O H +Tm5 III. Flavone derivative. IV. Colourless or faintly V. Anthocyan pigment, coloured intermediate product. to represent the change from flavone derivative to anthocyan, and the formula V as that of a typical pigment of the latter group (Everest, Roy. Soc. Proc. 1914, B, 444). As further support for these conclusions the work of Watson and Sen (J. Chem. Soc. 1914. 389) and Combes {ComjJt. Rend. 1913, 157, 1003) were cited. Shortly after the appearance of the above mentioned paper by the present author, Willstatter and his collaborators published a short but important paper (Sitzher. k. Akad. Wiss., Berlin, 1914, xil. 402) describing the continuation of the work on the isolation of pure anthocyans from flowers and fruits. They had obtained in a chemically pure and crystal- line condition the anthocyan pigments from no fewer than nine flowers or fruits, all of which pigments proved to be glucosides, and by hydrolysis of the glucosides obtained the colour components also chemically pure and crystalline. They described the decomposition of the non-glucoside pigments (anthocyanidins) by the action of warm alkalis, and the products produced thereby. As the result of their work they put forward for the anthocyan molecule a formula identical with that previously proposed by the present author. They pointed out however that their results did not allow them to finally decide between it (V) and VI. They further concluded that the scheme previously put forward by the present author (see above) should represent the passage of a flavonol derivative to an anthocyan pigment, and additional support to this was 364 Chemistry of Anthocycui Piymeiits in Plants brought by their showing that the decolourisalioii of anthocyans in aqueous solution was produced by the addition of a molecule of water HO VI. to the anthocyan molecule, the addition causing loss of a molecule of hydrochloric acid ; addition of hydrochloric acid to the decolourised product causes reversal of these changes, thus : ■^'i -<^« -^ -o/Y'°-S ^IJJ- -^ -o^-, i^A t"" °" • — \XJ-o„^-o' ^- \XJ-'" -<'" ■q -< V-OH o o H M Despite this they criticist-d the present author's conclusious that the pigments obtained by hiiu by the reduction of flavone derivatives and their glucosides were true anthocyanidins and anthocyanins. They stated that such pigments were soluble in ether, and also differed in stability from the natural anthocyans. To this criticism, Whcldale and Bassett {Journal of Genetics, 1914, iv. No. 1, p. 103) added their support, but in a paper recently read before the Royal Society (forwarded for publication July 15, read Nov. 12) and in a note in the Journal of Genetics (1914, iv. No. 2, p. 191^ the present author has shown that these criticisms are not well founded. Since these papers were sent for publication, a further paper by Willstittter and collaborators has come to hand (Sitzber. k. Akad. Wiss., Berlin, 1914, 769), in which, after repetition of the present author's experiments, they withdraw their criticism of his conclusions, for they find indeed that by reduction Quercetin really does produce the anthocyan pigment Cyanidin. Their experiments show that whilst at temperatures below 0°C., the hydrochloride of a new substance — which they term Allocyanidin — is produced, at higher temperatures the product of reduction of quercetin consists of a mixture of allocyanidin chloride and cyanidin chloride, and moreover they were able to show that the A. E. Everest 365 latter is in every way identical with the natural cyanidin chloride obtained from the com-flower or rose. Thus the structure of all the pigments of this group at present known in a pure condition becomes evident, and the manner in which they are related to naturally occurring flavone derivatives is clearly shown by the following formulae : HO Flavone derivative. O HOy Kaempferol. Quercetin. OH Anthocyan. CI HO OH Pelargonidin chloride. HO-i? Cyanidin chloride. HO Myricetin. HO- Delphiuidiu chloride. Myrtillidin chloride has one, Oenidin chloride two methoxy groups in place of hydroxy groups in Delphinidin chloride, but the position of these groups is, as yet, uncertain ; Willstatter tentatively gives them as: C H,o- OH 0CH3 OH Myrtillidin chloride. Oenidin chloride. 3(56 Cheinistry of Anthocyaii Pigments in Plants It will bo noticed that all these are derivatives of flavonol VI and thus tar no anthocyans corresponding to flavone itself VII have been C-OH c II o VI. II o VII. C— H obtained from natural sources. As the pi-esent author has already pointed out in previous publications, in that flavones occur naturally and on reduction yield red pigments, doubtless anthocyans related to flavones will be found as the result of further investigation of the naturally occurring pigments. The anthocyan pigments thus far isolated in a chemically plire and crystalline condition, and whose structures have now been definitely established, are : (1) Cyanin, obtained from the corn-flower, and identical with that obtained from the rose (gallica). A glucoside which on hydrolysis yields the non-glucoside pigment cyanidin and two molecules of glucose. (2) Pigment of the cranberry, a mono-saccharide of cyanidin, wiiich on hydrolysis yields cyanidin and one molecule of galactose. (3) Pelargonin, obtained froin Pelargonium zonale, yields on hydrolysis pelargonidin and two molecules of glucose. (4) Oenin, from deep-coloured wine grapes, gives oenidin and one molecule of glucose. (.5) Delphinin, from larkspur (pur])lt'), yields delphinidin, two molecules of glucose and two molecules of ^j-oxybenzoic acid. (6) Myrtillin, from bilberry, gives myrtillidin and one molecule of glucose. (7) Pigments from two types of hollyhock, one of which j-iolds one miilecule, the other two molecules of glucose and the non-glucoside pigment myrtillidin. The chemical investigatinns above mentioned having established the relationship which the anthocyans bear to the flavone derivatives, the fact that the distribution of oxidases and pei'oxidases in the plant in many cases coincides with the ilistribution of the anthocyan pigments A. E. Everest 367 can no longer be accepted as favouring the suggestion that the antho- cyans are oxidation products of the fiavones; its true interpretation has yet to be sought. Chemical evidence has now established the facts : (1) That the anthocyans always occur asglucosides (anthocyanins). (2) That the same pigment may be capable of showing a blue, purple or red colour, according as it exists as alkali salt, free pigment or oxonium salt of some acid. All anthocyans do not, however, form blue alkali salt.s. (3) That the anthocyans may be obtained from flavonols by reduc- tion followed by spontaneous dehydration as shown above. (4) That glucosides of flavonols can pass, by reduction, toglucoside anthocyans (anthocyanins) without intermediate hydrolysis. The points (3) and (4) doubtless apply also to flavones, but as no natural anthocyans related to these have, as yet, been isolated, proof of this is naturally unavailable. (5) All analytical evidence points to the molecular weights of the anthocyanidins being of the order of those of the flavonols. The author does not propose to go deeply into the Mendelian significance of the chemical results discussed above, but would suggest that they appear to show that the factors R and B so frequently used to represent the power to produce red and blue anthocyan pigment respectively, are really complex factors representing power to produce different conditions of acidity and alkalinity in the cell sap, together with the power to produce anthocyan pigment independent of whether it is in the red, purple or blue form. It ought also to be noted that the factors R and B if looked upon thus must affect the production of ivory and yellow, for it is well known that in many ivory flowers the pigment of the flavone series is present, and it is only necessary to make the cell sap alkaline in order to produce a fine yellow flower. These are however matters that are better left for those researching upon ISIendelian problems to deal with, but now that chemical investi- gation has thus far cleared the ground, the problems involved in the production of these pigments become somewhat more clear, and research in this field of botanical work should be stimulated and helped thereby. Journ. of Gen. iv 24 OUR PRESENT KNOWLEDGE OF THE CHEMISTRY OF THE MENDELIAN FACTORS FOR FLOWER- COLOUR. PART II. By M. WHELDALE, Fellow of Newnham College, Cambridge, and formerhj Research Student of the John Innes Horticultural Institution, Merton, Surrey. Since the appearance of Part I of the author's paper on this subject^ further work on anthocyanin has been published by Willstatter, in conjunction with Bolton, Nolan, Mallison, Martin, Mieg and Zollinger. The present paper is concerned with the bearing of these later results on the genetics of flower-colour. In Part I of the author's paper reference was made to Willstatter 's first publication on anthocyanin" and the views contained therein, namely, that anthocyanin is an oxonium compound, which is purple in 1 Wheldale, M., "Our Present Knowledge of the Chemistry of the Mendelian Factors for Flower-colour." Journal of Genetics, Cambridge, 1914, Vol. iv. (No. 2), p. 109. This communication was delayed six months in the press, and at the time of writing, Willstatter's second communication was not available and his third communication was not yet published. The question as to the identity of the red products, formed artificially by reduction from flavones, with natural anthocyanins is considered in a separate paper in this journal : — Wheldale, M., and Bassett, H. LI., " On a supposed Synthesis of Anthocyanin." Journal of Genetics, Cambridge, 1914, Vol. iv. (No. 1), p. 103. Owing to the above-mentioned delay, the latter paper appeared first and as regards this particular question of identity expresses the author's more recent views. - Willstatter's communications referred to are : — (1) Willstatter, E., und Everest, A. E., "Ueber den Farbstoff der Kornblume." Liehigs Ann. Cliem., Leipzig, 1913, Bd. 401, p. 189. (2) Willstatter, E., " Ueber die Farbstoffe der Bliiteu und Friichte." SitzBer. Ah. Wiss., Berlin, March 1914, p. 402. (3) Willstatter, E. , und Mallison, H., "Ueber die Verwandtschaft der Anthocyane und Flavone." SitzBer. Ak. Wiss., Berlin, July 1914, p. 769. 370 Chemist nj of Menclelian Factors Jor Flotver-Colour its neutral state and forms red oxonium salts with acids and blue salts with alkalies. Willstatter's second and third papers deal with the preparation and constitution of a number of anthocyanins in addition to the pigment of the Cornflower. The main facts of importance in both communications will be set out first as follows. The analyses, published in Willstatter's first paper, of the cyani0H HO "°? t2H„ PH ^ OH /H OH °^^/C H„0 Allocyanidin forms a crystalline compound with hydrochloric acid and it is apparently on the analysis (by combustion) of this compound that Willstatter bases the above constitution of allocyanidin. Allocyanidin chloride is unstable on heating in dilute hydrochloric acid but when the crude solution from reduction of quercetin with nascent hydrogen is diluted and heated in order to decompose allo- cyanidin chloride the solution does not entirely lose colour owing to the presence, according to Willstatter, of a small amount of a second substance. The latter formed with hydrochloric acid a crystalline product which on isolation and analysis proved to be identical with cyanidin chloride. From 33 gms. of quercetin, 0"165 gm. only of the product was obtained. The identity was established on the results of analysis (by combustion), appearance, solubilities and properties in general. It is suggested by Willstatter that the reaction proceeds as follows : HO +-H.,0 Since the constitution of quercetin is known, Willstatter considers the formula for cyanidin chloride to be established by the above reaction and very probably also the formulae for delphinidin and pelargonidin clilorides : OCl OH OCl -°fY]-< >OH OCl OH HO^^^X / -\oH ^ X>H \A/OH HO C H HO C H HO C H Cyanidin chloride. Pelargonidin chloride. Delphinidin chloride. 374 Chemistry of Meudelian Factors for Floicer-Colour Other anthocyanins are represented as methyl deri\atives of delphinidin : OCl OH ^°C' OH OCl OH \ HO/VS /OH OH Myrtillidin chloride. Onidin chloride. He points out moreover that the anthocyanidins in the acid-free form may be regarded as forming a series of reduced Havones : Luteolin, kampherol, and fisetin CsHjoOs — *- CisHijOj pelargonidiii. Quercetin CisHjoO^ — »■ C,5Hi„0s cyanidin. Myricetin CjsHjoOg — *- CisHinO, delphinidin. Bringing Willstatter's views to bear upon the Mendelian factors for flower-colour, we necessarily come to the following interpretations. The chromogens of the pigments are flavones and the factor for colour is the power to bring about a simple reduction of the flavone accompanied by a change from divalent to tetravalent oxygen and a pyrone to a quinonoid structure. If the cell-i5ap is neutral the anthocyanin has the structure of an inner oxonium salt and is purple. A reddening factor must be interpreted as one which produces an acid cell-sap whereby the anthocyanin is enabled to form a red acid oxonium salt. Similarly a bluing factor is one which produces an alkaline cell-sap, blue antho- cyanin being an alkaline salt of the purple neutral compound. With the exception of the view that the anthocj'anins are derived from flavones which was first suggested in 1909', the author's results are not in agreement with those of Willstatter. In the case of Antirrhinuin investigated by the author in conjunction with Ba-ssett, there is no doubt that the chromogen is the flavone, apigenin. On Willstatter's hypothesis that the anthocyanins are reduced flavones, the formula for Antirrhinum anthocyanin should be CijHioOj (apigenin being C15H10O5), giving the percentage composition : C ... 70-86%, H ... 3-94 7,, O ... 2.5-20 7„ ' Wheldale, M., "On the Nature of Anthocyanin." Proc. Phil. Soc, Cambridge, 1909, Vol. XV. p. 137. M. WlIELDALK 375 whereas the percentage compositions actually found for the two forms of Anth-rhinum anthocyanin are : Red Magenta C ... 51-81% C ... 50-50% H ... 5-01 7^ H ... 511 % O ... 43-18% O ... 44-39 7„ Moreover the artificial red product prepared from apigenin by reduction with sodium amalgam does not give the qualitative reactions nor has it the percentage composition of the natural anthocyanin. The red and magenta anthocyanins from Antirrhinum were not obtained in crystalline form, nevertheless their purity was guaranteed by the concordance of analysis results when the pigments were prepared independently from entirely different varieties. Also the products analysed were the pigments themselves and not the hydrochloric acid salts. The analyses show that both red and magenta contain more oxygen than apigenin. Moreover the red pigment is not an acid salt of the purple or magenta : both are precipitated from acid solutions. Nor is the magenta an alkaline salt of the red. They are different substances, and cannot be converted the one into the other by such means. In the work on Antirrhinum, the problem which has been before the author may be exjjressed thus : — What are the actual processes which lead to anthocyanin formation in the living cell ? Only the answer to this question will enable us to interpret the Mendelian factors correctly. Willstatter's percentage formulae for several anthocyanins coupled with the production, from quercetin by reduction, of a very small quantity of a substance claimed to be identical with cyanidin are not convincing reasons for regarding the natural process of pigment for- mation as one of reduction. In this respect the important point is whether cyanidin is formed from tfuercetin, delphinidin fi-om myricetin, etc., in the living plant. Willstatter makes no mention of the flavones accompanying the anthocyanins he has isolated. Myricetin which should be the chromogen of delphinidin is at present known in Myrica, Rhus, Haematoxylon and Arctostaphylos. From Delphinium consolida kampherol has been isolated but it is quite possible that other flavones may be present in addition or different flavones in other species. Further evidence is still needed of the connection between antho- cyanin and flavone in the same plant, and between the natural o7H Chemistrif of Menddian Factors for Floiver -Colour anthocyanin and the artificial pigment prepared from the same Havone. Only in Antirrhinum are such relationships knuwn and they arc not so far in accordance with the reduction hypothesis. Willstjitter dismisses as disproved the hypothesis suggested by the author" some years ago, with a view to explaining some of the phe- nomena, both physiological and chemical, of anthocyanin production. The hypothesis supposes several of the hydroxyls of the flavones in tlie living cell to be replaced by sugar and that only after hydrolysis of certain hydroxyls can changes take place at these points with the production of pigment. The hypothesis is more within the province of plant physiology than chemistry and was the outcome of observations upon the distribution of pigment in the tissues and the effect of factors such as light, temperature, drought, injury, sugar feeding, etc., on anthocyanin formation. The hypothesis has been said to be rendered valueless by the fact that in the formation of artificial anthocyanin, mono- or even di-glucosides of flavones can be employed and the pig- ment is formed on reduction in the cold without hydrolysis. The existence of stable di-glucosides of quercetin which can be isolated and which, when treated in hot acidified alcoholic solution with nascent hydrogen, give a red product is no criterion of the con- ditions in which the quercetin exists in the living cell, nor of the reactions which convert it into anthocyanin. Note. I should like to take this opportunity of correcting two errors made by me in a previous paper written jointly with Mr Bassett, i.e. "On a supposed Synthesis of Anthocyanin " and published in this Journal, Vol. IV. No. 1, p. 103. On page 104, line 3, of the above paper, read : " glucoside (of flavone) -I- water '*~7 chromogen (flavone) + sugar X (flavone) + oxygen = anthocyanin." On Jjage 105, line 9, read : " then reducing without removal of sugars." ' Wheldale, M., " On the Formation of Anthocyanin." Journal of Genetics, Cambridge, 1911, Vol. I. p. 133. CAMBRIDGE: PRINTBD BY JOHN CLAT, U.A. AT THE UNIVEBSITY PRESS 376 Chemistry of Menddian Factors /or Flower-Colour anthocyanin and the artificial pig^nent prepared timn the sune tiavone. Only in Antirrhinum are such relationships known and they are not so far in accordance with the reduction hypothesis. Willstiitter dismisses as disproved the hypothesis suggested by the author' some years ago, with a view to explaining some of the phe- nomena, both physiological and chemical, of anthncyanin production. The hypothesis supposes several of the hydroxyls of the flavones in the living cell to be replaced by sugar and that only after hydrolysis of certain hydroxyls can changes take place at these points with the production of pigment. The hypothesis is more within the province of plant physiology than chemistry and was the outcome of observations upon the distribution of pigment in the tissues and the effect of factors such as light, temperature, drought, injury, sugar feeding, etc., on anthocyanin formation. The hypothesis has been said to be rendered valueless by the fact that in the formation of artificial anthocyanin, mono- or even di-gluco.sides of flavones can be employed and the pig- ment is formed on reduction in the cold without hydrolysis. The existence of stable di-glucosides of quercetin which can be isolated and which, when treated in hot acidified alcoholic solution with nascent hydrogen, give a red product is no criterion of the con- ditions in which the quercetin exists in the living cell, nor of the reactions which convert it into anthocyanin. Oiving to an error in alignment it is requented that this slip be substituted fur the Note on p. 376 of Vol. IV. Note. I should like to take this opportunity of correcting two errors made by me in a previous paper written jointly with Mr Bassett, i.e. " On a supposed Synthesis of Anthocyanin " and published in this Journal, Vol. IV. No. 1, p. 103. On page 104, line 3, of the above paper, read : " glucoside (of flavone) -l- water ±:^ chromogen (flavone) + sugar X (flavone) + oxygen = anthocyanin." Ou page 105, line 9, read : " then reducing without removal of sugars." cambkidge: printed by john clay, m.a. at the dniversity press THE CAMBRIDGE BULLETIN No. XXXII May MCMXIV Cambridge : at the University Press The Bulletin will be regularly sent to any address on application to Mr C. F. Clay, Cambridge University Press, Fetter Lane, E.C. RECENT WORKS HISTORY The Cambridge Medieval History. Planned by J. B. BuKV, M.A., Regius Professor of Modern History. Edited by H. M. GwATKiN, M.A., and J. P. Whitney, B.D. Volume II, The Rise of the Saracens and the Foundation of the Western Empire. Royal 8vo. With a portfolio of maps. 2av. net ; to subscribers 15.1-. net. Bartolus of Sassoferrato, His Position in the History of Medieval Political Thought. By Cecil N. .Sidney Woolf, M..-\., Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, Lecturer at the London School of Economics and Political Science. The Thirl- wall Prize Essay, 191 3. Crown 8vo. Js. 6d. net. Early Wars of W^eSSeX. 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The additional essays are entitled : " Aaron s Rod Blossoming or Jus Divinum in 1646," " Erastus and Erastianism," and " Bartolus and the Development of European Political Ideas." I I THE CAMBRIDGE BRITISH FLORA Published Price per -volume Price per 'volume to suhscriben to the 'Whole luork £2. I OS. £6 net net £1. 5i. net £s- $!■ >"' £i '"■' £z. 15s. net £6 net £s- 5^- '""f The Cambridge British Flora. By C. E. Moss., D.Sc, F.L.S., assisted by specialists in certain genera. Illustrated from Drawings by E. IV. Hunnyhun. This work will be completed in about ten folio volumes, which, so far as is practicable, will be issued annually. The styles of binding and the prices will be as follows : — Paper boards, with canvas back and paper label, each volume in two parts, the first containing the text and the second the plates ... 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Such a set of drawings is quite unique in the history of botany. The high artistic merit and scientific value of the drawings are admitted by all who have seen them. The Flora will be written by Dr C. E. Moss, Curator of the Cam- bridge University Herbarium. Engler's system of classification will, generally speaking, be followed. This system is becoming very generally adopted : already there are German, Swiss, American and other Floras based upon it. The systematic descriptions will be in -English, not in Latin; and the geographical distribution of important groups will be fully stated. Distribution-maps will be freely provided. The critical elucidation of the more diflicult genera will receive careful attention. A large number of botanists have kindly promised their aid, and, in order to keep a uniform standard of treatment, Dr Moss will act as Editor of the genera treated by the various specialists. 2 THE SECOND VOLUME Volume II is now ready. 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The second chapter deals with the Text of the Old Testa- ment, and seeks to trace, in outline, the history of its different writings; endeavouring to grasp, on the one hand, what were the causes which determined their form and contents ; and, on the other hand, how they came to be combined in a single volume to which a peculiar sanctity was attached. The third chapter deals with the New Testament upon similar lines. And, in the last chapter, it is attempted to show what were the influences which contributed to the development of the Jewish and Christian religions, in so far as the books of the Old and New Testaments exhibit this sort of dependence. Incidentally a great many other subjects are touched upon." The Poem of Job, translated in the metre of the Original. By Edward G. King, D.D., Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge. Pott +to. Paper boards, parchment back. pp. xii-|-ii6. Price 5J. net The system of translating Hebrew poetry according to the principle of accented syllables the author has previously explained in his volume on Early Religious Poetry of the Hebrews in the series of Cambridge Manuals. " It appears to me," he says, " that the English language well lends itself to this rhythm, and that much of the beauty of our Bible Version is due to the fact that the translators, from time to time, fall into it, all unconsciously; e.g. Job iii. iq : 'The small and great are there ; And the servant is free from his master.' Here, as in Hebrew, the rhythm depends not on the number of syllables but on the beat of the accent." " Dr King's book will be valued by all who want to read the great dramatic poem from end to end at one sitting, as it ought to be read It should receive a cordial welcome from all who can appreciate a really useful and illuminating rendering ot the great dramatic poem ot which Carlyle said, ' I call it, apart from all theories about it, one of the grandest things ever written with pen.'" — The AherJeen Journal 5 THE CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC HEALTH SERIES Isolation Hospitals. By H. Franklin Parsons, M.D. (Land.), D.P.H. (Carnb.). Formerly First yfssistant Medical Officer of the Local Government Board. Demy 8vo. pp. xiv + 276. With 55 text-figures. Price 12J. 6J. net 111 writing this book the special aim of the author has been to produce a work which shall be of practical use to members of local authorities, medical officers of health, hospital superintendents and others interested A gMiiiJiJiiiJiiiii Fig. 29. Elevation of part of a sanatorium pavilion of Doecker construction for 20 beds. The administration buildings are not shown in the establishment or management of hospitals for infectious diseases ; and he hopes that the experience gained during a long official career may have enabled him to include some useful information and suggestions not otherwise readily obtainable. — Extract from the Preface The Bacteriological Examination of Food and Water. By JVilliam G. Savage, B.Sc, M.D. (Land.), D.P.H. County Medical Officer of Health, Somerset. Late Lecturer on Bac- teriology, University College, Cardiff". Demy Svo. pp. x+174. With 16 illustrations. Price ys. dd. net The author feels that existing text- books upon Bacteriology, lucid and complete as they are, are concerned chiefly with the pathological aspect ; whereas the treatment given to the bacteriological examination of water, air, foods, and the like is commonly inadequate. " The aim of this volume is to remedy this defect and to make available a practical manual dealing not only with the examination of these substances but also with the deductions to be drawn from the bacteriological data obtained from their examination. Much of the available information is only at present to be found in original papers not always readily ac- cessible." 6 10. B. euteritidis sporogencs enumeration jar DRYDEN— ROMAN LAW Lectures on Dryden. Delivered hy A. IV. Ferrall, Litt.D., King Edivara Vll Professor of English Literature and Felloiv of Trinity College, Cambridge. Edited hy Margaret De G. Verrall. Demy Svo. pp. viii + zya. Price yj. (ni. net "In October and November 191 1, Dr Verrall, as King Edward VII Professor of English Literature, delivered a course of twelve lectures on Dryden, thus carrying out the intention which he formed as soon as he was appointed to the English Chair. The reason for the selection of this subject was not only his own long-standing admiration for Dryden, but the importance of his work in the development of English prose and verse, and its comparative neglect among the younger lovers of literature at the present day The present volume reproduces strictly the original manu- script notes as arranged for delivery." — Preface Contents : I. Dryden's Work, Character and Influence. II. The Epiules. III. Absalom and Achitophel. IV. The Quatrain Poems; Stanzas on Cromnxel/ and Annus Mirabilis. V. Literary Criticism in the Age of Dryden ; the 'Unities' ; the Essay of Dramatic Poesy. VI. The Religious Poems; Religio Laid and The Hind and the Panther. VII. The Development of the English Ode ; Dryden's Influence on Lyric Poetry. VIII. The State oj Innocence ; Dryden and Milton. IX. All Jor Lo've ; or the World Well Lost. Index. "Verrall's passion for literature as a living thing, his detestation of pedantry of all kinds, his love of the parado.x that stimulates thought... all these things combined with his great power of lucid exposition and his almost uncanny gift of declamation to make it impossible that he should fail." — The Morning Post Hisiory of Rotnan Private Laiv. Part IL Jurisprudence. By E. C. Clark., LL.D.., soynetime Regius Professor of Civil Law in the University of Cambridge, also of Lincoln s Inn, Barrnter-at-Law. Crown Svo. In two volumes. Vol. I, pp. xiv-l-432. Vol. II, pp. iv-l-370. Price 2!i. net "This work," says the author in his Preface, "was written as part of a History of Roman Private Law, which I can scjircely hope to complete, but for which I have been collecting notes and other materials during many years. It is therefore intended primarily for readers who take the study of Roman Law with Jurisprudence, and necessarily involves some considerable acquaintance with the former subject. It does not affect to be a Manual, being intended rather for students than candidates for examination." The Glasgow Herald describes the book as an " elaborate, erudite, and leisurely examination of the nature of jurisprudence under constant refer- ence to the Roman Law and the English institutional writers, at once analytical, descriptive, and comparative. If it has little of the formal precision of Holland's well-known text-book, its discursive method admits of wise and full discussion of such problems as the relation of moralit) to law, and of law to the state, which are of immediate interest to man] other persons than students." 7 GREEK SCULPTURE AND MODERN ART Greek Sculpture and Modern Art. By Sir Charles IValdstein^ Litt.D., Ph.D., L.H.D. Fellow and Lecturer of King's College, Cambridge. Sometime Slade Professor of Fine Art, Reader in Classical Archaeologx, Director of the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, and Director of the American School of Archaeology, Athens. Demy Svo. pp. xii + 70. With 7S plates. Price js. 6J. net The book comprises two lectures, delivered by the author in Februar\- 1 91 3 to the students of the Royal Academy Art School ; these are now published in a more permanent form, as it is thought that the)- will prove useful, not only to students of art, but also to the general public, as an introduction to the study of sculpture. The author's aim has been to show that " whatever justification there be in the new aspirations, in the new methods, and in the new outlook, the study of Greek sculpture still remains, and will always remain, as far as its fundamental principles and its main achievements are con- cerned, a subject which you can study with profit and at some stage you must study." The author's allusions to the famous examples of both ancient and modern art are illustrated by a very large number of pho- tographs. " These," says The Times, " are judiciously selected, and the text supplied is helpful ; ...the book will be a welcome additioxi to the libraries of those to whom Greek art is a source of undying joy." As an Appendix, Sir Charles Waldstein reprints a leading article which appeared in The Times on the subject of his lec- tures, and his own reply to some Le Penseur by Rodin criticisms which it contained. ''^:i' DYNAMICS - P HOTO-ELECTRICITY Dynamics. By Horace Lamb^ Sc.D., LL.D., F.R.S. Formerly Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. Professor of Mathematics in the Victoria University of Manchester. Demy 8vo. pp. xii+344. Price loi. (sd. net In dealing with his subject the author, avoiding the abstract treatment, which he regards as " likely to bewilder rather than to assist the student," has preferred to follow the method adopted by Maxwell in his Matter and Motion. Some account of the more abstract, if more logical, way of looking at dynamical questions is given at the end of the book. The author has been at pains to collect useful examples for practice, preference having been given to those which are simple rather than elaborate from the analytical point of view. Contents, — I. Kinematics of Rectilinear Motion. II. Dynamics of Rectilinear Motion. III. Two-Dimensional Kinematics. IV. Dynamics of a Particle in Two Dimensions. Cartesian Co-ordinates. V. Tangential and Normal Accelerations. Constrained Motion. VI. Motion of a Pair of Particles. VII. Dynamics of a System of Particles. VIII. Dynamics of Rigid Bodies. Rotation about a Fixed Axis. IX. Do. Motion in Two Dimensions. X. Law of Gravitation. XI. Central Forces. XII. Dissipative Forces. XIII. Systems of Two Degrees of Freedom. Appendix. Note on Dynamical Principles. Index. "Professor Lamb has now fulfilled the promise made about a year ago to issue the companion volume to his 'Statics,' and the two treatises together will carry a student as far as he needs to go for all except special purposes A special feature of the book is the avoidance of what the author rightly calls 'algebraical and trigonometrical puzzles in disguise,' which are so often found among the examples for exercise. Here we find questions of theoretical and practical interest, such as lead to a result worth the trouble of solving, and not to a mere barren coincidence." — The Manchester Courier Photo-Electriciiy. By Arthur Llewelyn Hughes, D.Sc, B.A., Assistant Professor oj Physics in the Rice Institute, Houston, Texas. Demy Svo. pp. viii+144. With 40 text-figures. Price 6s. net Since the account of the photo-electric effect given by R. Ladenburg in the yahrbuch fiir Radioaktivitcit for 1 909, no complete resume of the subject has been written. During the past five years, however, consider- able progress has been made, and it is therefore thought desirable to give some account of the condition of the subject at the present time. Such an account is attempted in this book, all forms of ionisation by light being considered, whether in solids, liquids or gases. — Extract from the Preface "This volume belongs to the CambriJge Physical Series, and to say that is enough to commend it to all who need lucid and exact information on the subject which it dis- cusses....A clear and admirable summary ot the work done up to date." — The Spectator THE RESPIRATORY FUNCTION OF THE BLOOD The Respiratory Function of the Blood. By "Joseph Barcroft, M.J., B.Sc, F.R.S. Fellow of King's College^ Cambridge. Royal Svo. pp. x+320. With a plate and 156 text-figures. Price 18;. net " At one time," says the author, " most of my leisure was spent in boats. In them I learned what little I know of research, not of technique or of physiology, but of the qualities essential to those who would venture Fig 133. — View of Matterhorn from the Capanna Margherita at sunset beyond the visible horizon. The story 01 my physiological 'ventures' will be found in the following pages." The book is divided into three parts — I. The Chemistry of Haemoglobin^ II. The Passage of Oxygen to and from the Blood, III. The Dissociation Curve considered as an '■^Indicator" of the ^^ Reaction" of the Blood. A specially interesting portion is that which deals with the effect of exercise and of altitude on the action of the blood. "The investigation of the respiratory function of the blood is one of the most difficult and yet one of the most interesting lines of physiological research, and Dr Bancroft's volume is worthy of the subject. His work along these lines is already well known, but the issue of it in book form is a welcome addition to the literature of the subject The volume is more than a mere chronicle of experiments performed by the author and his colleagues, though considered from this aspect alone the results are indeed valuable. To the specialist in this branch it provides much matter of far- reaching importance, and contains many valuable suggestions for further research." — The Scotsman 10 SHAFTESBURY— ENGLAND AND GERMANY Second Characters ; or, The Language of Forms, by the Right Honour- able Anthony), Earl of Shaftesbury. Edited by Benjamin Rand, Ph.D., Harvai'd University. Demy 8vo. pp. xxviii + 182. With a frontispiece. Price ys. 6J. net The publication of this book is the result of a discovery among the Shaftesbury Papers of a MS volume containing the plan and fourth treatise of a work intended as a complement to the famous "Characteristics." " The book was to consist of four treatises. These were : I. ' A Letter concerning Design ' ; IL 'A Notion of the Historical Draught or Tablature of The Judgment of Hercules'; IIL 'An Appendix concerning the Emblem of Cebes ' ; and IV. 'Plastics or the Original Progress and Power of Designatory Art.'...' Plastics,' regarded by the author as the chief treatise of the four, has never previously been published. The definite grouping of these various treatises in the form of a single work, as intended when written, is also here first made known." Mr Edmund Gosse, writing in The Morning Post, says : "Dr Rand has been a faithful servant to the memory of Shaftesbury. It was he who, in 1900, discovered at the Record Office the treatise called 'Philosophical Regimen,' and published his discovery. He now comes forward with a still more important and interesting disclosure. ...Dr Rand, like a very clever architect, has found pillars and capitals scattered by earthquake over a plain, and has so put them together that they form, though still unhappily imperfect, the outlined structure of a temple. ...What is peculiarly interesting is the evidence given to us by the text of 'Plastics,' here printed exactly as it was written, with regard to the author's style. This, in Shaftesbury's revised works, published in his own lifetime, is polished to the extremity, and, indeed, beyond the extremity, of elegance, worked upon till the surface is as smooth and as frigid as marble. We are now able to observe how completely this last effect was the result of labour after a false ideal, and how entirely different his style was when it expressed his unsophisticated thought." The Literary Relations of England and Germany in the Seventeenth Century. By Gilbert JVaterhouse, M.A. Formerly Scholar oj St 'Johri s College, Cambridge, First Tiarks University Gennan Scholar, English Lecturer in the University of Leipzig. Demy 8vo. pp. xx+190. Price -js. 6d. net This work is inspired by Professor Herford's well-known volume on the Literary Relations of England and Germany in the Sixteenth Century, and investigates their nature during the century which followed. In the earlier period the literary influence of Germany upon England was stronger than that of England upon Germany, whereas in the eighteenth century the reverse is the case. The object of the present work is to bridge the gulf which lies between these two periods. Contents : Introduction. Early Travellers. Earlier Lyrical Poetry. Sidney's "Arcadia" in Germany. The Latin Novel. The Epigram. History in Literature. English Philosophers in Germany. The Theologians. Later Travellers. The Awakening of Germany and the Growth of English Influence. Later Lyrics. Later Satire. Milton in Germany. Conclusion. Appendixes. Index. II NAVAL AND MILITARY SERIES The first two volumes of tin's series, under the a:eneral editorship of J. S. Corbett, LL.M., F.S.A., and H. J. Edwards, C.B., M.A., are now ready. Ocean Trade and Shipping. By Douglas Owen, Barrhter-at-Law, Lecturer at the Royal Naval IFar College, and to the Army Clan the London School of Economics and Political Science, formerly Secretary of the Alliance Marine Assurance Co., Ltd. Demy 8vo. pp. X + 27S. Witli 5 illustrations. Price loi. 6i. Edited by the Rev. W. A. L. Elmslie, M.A., and the Rev. John Skinner, D.D. Fcap. ^vo. pp. xxxiv + 138. Price is. bd. net. Two new voluines in the Re-oiseil Fersioii for Schools series, under the general editor- ship of Dr A. H. McNeile ; the aim of the series is to explain the Revised Version to young students and at the same time to present, in a simple form, the main results of the best scholarship of the day. A Commemoration Sermon preached 9 Decetnber 191 3, in the Chapel of Trinity College, Catnbridge, by Henry Jackson., a Fellow of the House. Large crown 8vo. pp. 12. Paper covers. Price bd. net. LATIN Terence: Phormio. Edited by John Sargeaunt, M.A., Assistant Master at Westminster. Extra fcap. Svo. pp. xxiv -\- 1 30. IVith or without vocabulary. Price t^s. This edition, in the Pitt Press Series, should prove of general use in schools, especi- ally for those students who are making their first acquaintance with this author. The editor has been concerned less with matters of textual criticism than with a presentation of the author's style in its modern equivalent and his general literary value. Livy : The Revolt and Fall of Capua. Edited by T. C. IVeatherhead., M.A., sometime Headmaster of King'' s College Choir School, Cambridge ; formerly Belt University Scholar. Extra fcap. ivo. pp. xxvi + ibb. IVith 3 maps. Price 2s. This book, which consists of Selections from Livy xxm-x.xvi, is one of the Cam- bridge Elementary Classics. The text of Livy has not been simplified, but the editor's object has been to give to those who are beginning this author such assistance as will serve to bridge over the undoubtedly serious transition from Caesar to Livy. Caesar : Gallic War. Book VI. Edited, with introduction, notes, and vocaiiulary, by E. S. Shuckburgh, Litt.D. Fcap. "ivo. pp. xxii + I 1 6. With illustrations and a map. Price I j. bd. In the new Cambridge Elementary Classics edition, in whicli, lo aid pronunciation, vowels long by nature are marked throughout the text. 16 ENGLISH— FRENCH— GERMAN ENGLISH Lectures on Dryjden. By A. IV. Verrall, Litt.D. See p. 7. The Literary) Relations of England and Germany in the Seventeenth Century. By Gilbert JFaterhouie, M.A. See p. 1 1 . Charles Kingsley: The Heroes or Greek Fairy Tales for My Children. Pitt Press Series. Text, with 18 illustrations and pronouncing dictionary of proper names. Extra fcap. ivo. Limp cloth, pp. xx -^ 162. Price is. Edmund Spenser: The Faerie Queene. Book H. Edited by Lilian JVinstanley., M.A.., sometime Fellow of the Victoria University oj Manchester. Lecturer in English in the University College of JVales, Aberystwyth. Extra fcap. 8i'5. pp. Ixxii + 294. Price 2s. bd. A new volume in the Pitt Press Series. There are many problems still remaining in Spenserian scholarship, but the editor hopes that this edition may serve as a genuine help towards elucidating a few ; the essay on Spenser and Aristotle is original, and will, it is hoped, be found of interest to Spenserian scholars generally ; while the investigation ot the sources of Book II is much more full than can be found elsewhere. Second Characters or The Language of Forms. By the Right Honourable Anthony, Earl of Shaft eshurx. Edited by B. Rand, Ph.D. See p. II. Precis-Writing. By W. Murison, M.A., Senior English Master, Aberdeen Grammar School. In three parts. Crown ivo. Part I, pp. xvi + 138. Price IS. bd. Part II, pp. xvi -^ 196. Price 35. Part III, pp. xvi + 264. Price y. bd. This series is intended tor a course extending over two or three years. The three books are graded and are specially designed tor students preparing for the examinations of the Oxford and Cambridge Schools Examination Board, Army Entrance, Navy Clerk- ships, Civil Service Clerkships (Div. II), Society of Arts and other bodies. Each part contains an introduction with worked examples, and the exercises are all taken from Government Examination-.flapers and Blue-Books. FRENCH Six Contes par Guy de Maupassant. Edited by H. N. P. Sloman, ALA., Headmaster oj Sydney Grammar School. Large crown %vo. pp. xii + 120. Price is. bd. The first volume of the CambriJge Modern French Series (see p. 20) contains the following stories : Le Horla — Le Trou — Les Prisonniers — Qui Sait? — Mentiet — UA-uenture de Walter Schnajffs, with exercises and a vocabulary ot less known words. GERMAN Julius Stinde. Die Familie Buchholz. Edited by G. H. Clarke, M.A. Large crown ?iVo. pp. xii + jb. Price 2s. bd. In the Cambridge Modern German Series [see p. 21). Formal introduction to Julius Stinde, says the editor, is rendered unnecessary by his European fame. Part I of Tbe Bucliliolz Family having gone through 89 editions. HISTORY— LAW— ART— MANUALS— MATHEMATICS HISTORT The Reign of Henry) the Fifth. By J. H. IVylie. See p. i. The Divine Right of Kings. By J. N. Figgis, Litt.D. See p. i. Naval and Military) Essayts. See p. 13. Ocean Trade and Shipping. By Douglas Owen. See p. 12. LyiW History) of Roman Private Laiv. Part H. Jurisprudence. By E. C. Clark, LL.D. See p. 7. Practical Jurisprudence. ^ Comment on Austin. By E. C. Clark, LE.D. Croiun %vo. pp. xii + 404. Price 5^. A re-issue at a reduced price. ART Greek Sculpture and Modern Art. By Sir Charles IP'althtein, Litt.D. See p. 8. CAMBRIDGE MANUALS Vols. 81 — 86. See p. 13. MATHEMATICS AND PHYSICS Dynamics. By H. Lamb, Sc.D., LL.D., F.R.S. See p. 9. An Introduction to the Study of Integral Equations. By Maxime Bkher, B.A., Ph.D. Demy 8w. pp. viii +,^. Price 2s. bd. net. A second edition ot No. 10 in the series of CamhriJge Mat/iemaiical Tracts. Photo- Electricity. By A. LI. Hughes. See p. 9. First Steps in the Calculus. By C. Godfrey, M.F.O., M.A., Headmaster of the Royal Naval College, Osborne, formerly Senior Mathematical Master at Winchester College, and A. W. Siddons, M.A., late Fellow of Jesus College, Cambridge, Assistant Master at Harrow School. Crown ?iVo. pp. 88. Price \s. bd. Being Chapters XXII to XXVI ot Elementary Algebra by the same authors, together with a set of miscellaneous exercises. There are many excellent elementary books on Calculus in existence ; but there appear to be none that contain only the amount ot matter that an average non-specialist can reasonably be expected to cope with ; namely the ideas of gradient and rate of change as related to the differentiation and integration of simple powers of a variable. This is what the present volume contains : it may be useful to students who do not use the Elementary Algebra of which it forms a part. 18 CHEMISTRY— MEDICINE— GEOGRAPHY— JOURNALS CHEMISTRY Notes on Elementary Inorganic Chemistry. By F. H. Jejfery, M.A., Trinity College, Cambridge. Demy 2)Vo. pp. viii + 56. Price 2s. bd. net. A ho published with blank pages interleaved. Price y. net. These notes are short summaries of certain facts and reactions which are commonly included in a course on elementary inorganic chemistry. They are intended to be used in connection with a properly organised series of lectures and laboratory work. MEDICINE The Respiratory Function of the Blood. By J. Barcroft, F.R.S. See p. 10. Isolation Hospitals. By H. F. Parsons. See p. 6. The Bacteriological Examination of Food and Water. By IV. G. Savage. See p. 6. GEOGRAPHT An Atlas of Commercial- Geography. Edited by Fawcett Allen, Assistant Map-Curator to the Royal Geographical Society. With an Introduction by D. A. 'Jones, Librarian to the Royal Geographical Society. This Atlas, containing an Introduction, 4S coloured maps and an Index, has re- cently been reduced in price to zs. 6J. net. Devonshire. By F. A. Knight and L. M. Dutton. JVtth numerous maps, diagrams and illustrations. Price Is. i>d. net. A pocket edition with limp covers and rounded corners for the convenience of tourists and others. The statistics of population have been brought up to date. BIBLIOGRAPHY Supplement to the Catalogue of Manuscripts in the Library of Gonville and Caius College. By Montague Rhodes James, Litt.D., F.B.A., F.S.A., Hon. Litt.D. 'Dublin, Hon. LL.D. St Andrews, Provost of King's College, Cambridge. Royal Svo. pp. xxiv + 56. Price ^s. net. JOURNALS The Modern Language RevieTu. Edited by J. G. Robertson, G. C. Macaulay and H. Oelsner. Vol. IX, No. 2. Price \s. net. The Journal of Genetics. Edited by W. Bateson, M.A., F.R.S., and R. C. Punnett, M.A., F.R.S. Vol. Ill, No. 3. Price los. net. The Journal of Hygiene. Edited by G. H. F. Nuttall, M.D., F.R.S. Vol. XIV, No. I. -js. net. The Journal of Physiology. Edited by J. N. Langley, Sc.D., F.R.S. Vol. XLVII, No. 6, and Vol. XL VII I, No. I. Price bs. bd. net each. 19 JOURNALS The Biochemical Journal. Edited for the Biochemical Society bv IV. M. Bay/iss, F.R.S., and Arthur Harden, F.R.S. FoL Flfl, No. l. Price "5. net. The British Journal of Psy>chology). Edited by Charles S. Myers. Fol. FI, Parts 3 and 4. Price lOs. net. Parasitology. Edited h George H. F. Nuttall, F.R.S., and Arthur E. Shipley, F.R.S., assisted hy Edward Hindle, Ph.D. Vol. VI, No. 4. Price lOs. net. The Journal of Ecology. Edited for the British Ecological Society hy Frank Cavers. Vol. II, No. I. Price 5$. net. The Annals of the Bolus Herbarium. (South African College.) Edited hy H. H. W. Pearson, Sc.D., F.L.S. Vol. I, Part I. Price 51. net. The first number of the first South African journal entirely devoted to botanical work. Two parts will probably be published each year and four parts will constitute a volume. The subscription price per volume is 15J. net. Announcements THE ROYAL SOCIETY Vol. XIII of the Royal Society's Catalogue of Scientific Papers is the first of the fourth series, which will comprise the titles of papers published or read during the period 1884 — 1900, and will conclude the work under- taken by the Royal Society, namely a complete collection of the titles of papers for the whole of the 19th century. The present volume, which will shortly be published, covers the letters A and B. Vol. Ill, Part II of the Subject Index, arranged under the superin- tendence of Dr Herbert McLeod, Director of the Catalogue, will also be ready immediately. It deals with Electricity and Magnetism and contains 23,300 entries, thus making in all 56,644 entries for the subject Physics for the years 1800 to 1900 inclusive. THE CAMBRIDGE MODERN FRENCH SERIES The aim of this series, which is under the general editorship of Mr A. Wilson-Green, is to provide Modern French texts equipped with exercises on the lines of the direct method. The volumes are divided into three groups and comprise : — 1. A short biography in French of the author. 2. A series of e^^ercises, each containing passages for translation into French, and questions in French on (a) the narrative, (/>) the words and idioms, [c) the grammar. 20 ANNOUNCEMENTS 3. A French-English vocabulary for those who desire translation into English, instead of reading all in French. Mr Sloman's edition of Six Contes par Guy de Maupassant is now ready (see p. l"), and the following volumes are in the press: Senior Group. Ce que diseni les li-vres, par Emile Faguet. Edited by H. N. Adair, M.A., Senior French Master, Strand School, London. Middle Group. Causeries du Lundi (Franklin et Chesterfield), par C. A. Sainte-Beuve. Edited by A. Wilson-Green, M.A., Senior French Master, Radley College. Junior Group. La Maison aui Panonceaux, par Mrs J. G. Frazer. (Exercises by A. Wilson-Green.) THE CAMBRIDGE MODERN GERMAN SERIES This series, which is under the general editorship of Mr G. T. Ungoed, is primarily intended for use on the direct method by pupils who have completed at least their first course in German. The texts are short and suitable for schools without being trivial in subject matter. In addition to a short sketch of the career and works of the author, each volume contains questions on the narrative, grammatical exercises, and subjects and outlines for free composition. In the most elementary texts appear phonetic transcriptions of short passages for reading and dictation. The exercises are based entirely on the corresponding sections of the text. They consist of : 1. Questions [a] on the narrative, [/>) on the use of words and phrases. 2. Exercises on Accidence, Syntax and Word-formation. 3. A subject for free composition suggested by an incident in the text, the main outline being also given for beginners. A German-English \ocabulary is supplied with each volume for those who desire it. Words which a pupil may be expected to know are not included. The following two volumes have already been published : Hacklander : Der Zuave. Adapted and edited by G. T. Ungoed, M.A. (\Vithout vocabulary.) 2s. ■ Stinde: Die Familie Buchholz. Edited by G. H. Clarke, M.A. (Seep. 17.) Der tolle Invalide auf dem Fort Ratonneau, edited by A. E. Wilson, is in the press. ENGLISH LITERATURE FOR SCHOOLS Several volumes in this series have recently been reduced in price. A special prospectus will be forwarded on application. 21 ANNOUNCEMENTS FORTHCOMING BOOKS Volume XI of The Cambridge History of English Literature will be ready shortly. It will deal with the writers of the closing years of the eighteenth century, and the early years of the nineteenth, notably the poets and politicians who were influenced by the French Revolution — Wordsworth, Coleridge, Burke. It will also contain sections devoted to Burns, Cowper, Crabbe, Blake, Bentham, Southey. The Life, Letters and Labours of Francis Galton has been compiled b}- Professor Karl Pearson, Director of the Galton Laboratory, and the former friend and colleague of the great scientist. The work will be complete in 2 volumes, of which the first will be ready shortly. Clio Enthroned, by Mr VV. R. M. Lamb, deals with Thucydides — his style and the literary influences under which his work was composed. The writer emphasises the view that the aim of Thucydides was not merely to produce a truthful document, but to set the Muse of history upon her rightful throne. The Philosophy of Biology, by Dr James Johnstone, is described by the author as "an attempt to understand the descriptions of the Science in the light ot its later investigations"; the point of view and the methods of treatment adopted by him are those suggested by Driesch and Bergson. Professor E. J. Rapson's work on Ancient India is written in a manner intelligible to all who take an interest in Modern India, and contains an outline of the history of the national, religious, and social systems of India which flourished between 1200 B.C. and the first century A.D. Two maps are included, together with several photographs of ancient monuments and inscriptions. In Professor E. G. Browne's new book on The Press and Poetry of Modern Persia, the first part will contain a complete list of Persian news- papers, with particulars concerning each, whilst the second part will consist of specimens ot the political and patriotic poetry of Modern Persia. The six hundredth anniversary of the Battle of Bannockburn will be celebrated in June of this year, and the Press will shortly publish a work by Dr J. E. Morris in which the story of the battle is re-told in the light of recent investigations into the site of the struggle, the number of men engaged, and so on. The book will be illustrated by plans and photo- graphs. The same author has written a Modern History of Europe from J558 for school use, which will also be ready shortly. Dr J. R. Clark Hall, author of a prose translation of Beoivulf, has now made a metrical translation of the same poem into modern English, in which he attempts to get as close as possible to the rhythm of the 22 ANNOUNCEMENTS original and at the same time to make the rendering acceptable to those who are unfamiliar with the peculiar structure of Old English verse. A book on English Folk-Song and Dance, by Mr Frank Kidson and Miss Mary Neal, should be of special interest in view of the recent efforts which have been just in time to rescue a valuable, but rapidly disappearing, national inheritance, and which are now giving it a renewed vigour in the life of the people. Perception, Physics, and Reality, by Mr C. D. Broad, Fellow of Trinity College, is an enquiry into the information that Physical Science can supply about the Real. Philosophy: What is it? by Dr F. B. Jevons, consists of five lectures delivered before a branch of the Workers' Educational Association which had expressed a desire to know what Philosophy is ; the truth, implied in this request, that Philosophy is the concern of the average man and of practical life is one which this book seeks to emphasise. The British Revolution, by Dr R. A. P. Hill, deals with the political problems of the moment from the philosophical standpoint. The author seeks to show that Theory, so commonly the suspect of practical men, " is a draught-horse and will drag a load." Pragmatism and French Voluntarism, by Miss L. S. Stebbing, is an essay written with especial reference to the notion of Truth in the de- velopment of French Philosophy from Maine de Biran to Prof. Bergson. Dr F. R. Montgomery Hitchcock has written a study of the teaching of Irenaeus of Lugdunum. A book on Elementary Logic by Mr Alfred Sidgwick gives some account, for beginners, of both the old system and the new in the study of this subject : i.e. it treats Logic (i) as a carefully limited subject to get up for an examination, and (2) as a free study of some of the chief risks of error in reasoning. Dr A. R. Forsyth's lectures delivered before the University of Calcutta during January and February 191 3, will be published under the title of Lectures introductory to the Theory of Functions of Tivo Complex Variables. A second edition of Volume I of Dr A. Russell's Theory of Alternating Currents will shortly be published in the Cambridge Physical Series. Besides many additions to the earlier chapters, four new chapters have been added to the book, including one on High Frequency Currents. Dr Hobson'« lecture on John Napier, and the Invention of Logarithms, 16t4, commemorates the tercentenary of the publication of John Napier's work which embodied this great discovery. 2 3 ANNOUNCEMENTS Complex Integration and Cauchy's Theorem, by Mr G. N. Watson, Fellow of Trinity, is an addition to the series of Cambridge Mathematical Tracts. Two volumes in the Cambridge Technical Series will be ready in the autumn : Mr Dales's book on Mechanical Draiving and Mr Hale's on Household Science. The English Borough in the Ttvelfth Century consists of two lectures delivered in the Examination Schools at Oxford in October, 191 3, by Mr Adolphus Ballard, Town Clerk of Woodstock, and author of a larger volume on British Borough Charters. To the Cambridge Archaeological and Ethnological Series will be added a volume on The Place-Names of Sussex by Mr R. G. Roberts. Mr David Hannay has written a work on Naval Courts Martial, of which the purpose is to make from the reports of Courts Martial some picture of what the old Navy was down to the end of the Napoleonic wars. The book will include reproductions of old engravings. A work entitled Outlines of Ancient History, by Mr H. Mattingly of the British Museum, is a survey of history from the earliest times down to the fall of the Roman Empire in the West in 476 a.d. In the autumn will be published new school histories of Greece and of Rome. The History of Greece is by Mr C. D. Edmonds, of the Royal Naval College, Osborne, and the History of Rome by Mr E. E. Bryant, of Charterhouse School. Each will contain a large number of illustrations and maps. In the Cambridge Bible for Schools series, the \'olume on Genesis, by the Dean of Westminster, will shortly be ready. In addition to full notes and introduction it will contain a number of illustrations and maps. An edition of Lucan, Book VHI, by Prof. J. P. Postgate, will be added to the Latin volumes in the Pitt Press Series. The first volume of A Picture Book of British History, compiled by Mr S. C. Roberts, will contain nearly 200 illustrations (including portraits, reproductions of MSS, brasses, seals, coins, etc., and photographs of historic sites and buildings) with short descriptive notes. A Children's Book of Verse, compiled by Miss Alys Rodgers, has the double aim of supplying pieces suitable for recitation and general reading in both secondary and elementary schools, and of providing a collection of verses for out-of-school enjoyment. Other new school books nearlv ready are : Dr Alort's geography of The British Isles; Mr D. B. Nicolson's Handbook of English; and volumes in the Cand>ridge Nature Study Series on Pond Problems and Bird Studies by Mr E. E. Unwin and Mr W. P. Westell respectixelv. 24 RECENT WORKS ON ART AND ARCHAEOLOGY Byzantine and Roman- esque Architecture. By Sir Thomas Graham Jackson, Bart., R.A., Hon. D.C.L. Oxford, Hon. LL.D. Cambridge, Hon. Fel- low of Wadham College, O.xford. Crown 4to. In two volumes. With 165 plates, 4 of which are coloured, and 148 illustrations in the text, a large number being reproduced from the author's own drawings. Bound in cloth, with parchment back lettered and ornamented in gold, gilt top. £1. 2s. net. /iNG-OULEME An Account of Medieval Figure-Sculpture in Eng- land. By E. S. Prior, A.R.A., Slade Professor of Fine Art in the University of Cambridge, and Arthur Gardner, M.A., F.S.A. 4to. With 855 photographs. ^3. y. net. Demy Scythians and Greeks. A survey of ancient history and archaeology on the north coast of the Euxine from the Danube to the Cau- casus. By Ellis H. Minns, M.A., Fellow of Pembroke College, Cam- bridge. Member of the Imperial Rus- sian Archaeological Society. Royal 410. With 9 maps and plans, 9 coin plates and 355 illustrations. ^3. y. net. Cambridge University Press C. F. Clay, Manager London : Fetter Lane, E.C. Edinburgh: loo Princes Street Cambridge University Press THE DETERMINATION OF SEX By L. DONCASTER, Sc.D., Fellow of King's College, Cambridge. Demy Svo. With frontispiece in colour and 22 plates. Is. Qd. net. "A timely account of all that ia at present known with respect to a very interesting problem. . . . Dr Doncaster's exposition is lucid, and in discussion and criticism he holds the scales with equal poise." — Westminster Gazette " The whole book is worthy of careful study, and it shows the sound progress which is being made by the scientific school at the University of Cambridge. ... It is well illustrated." Athenaeum HEREDITY IN THE LIGHT OF RECENT RESEARCH By the same author. Royal 16mo. With 12 figures. Cloth, Is. net; leather, 2s. Qd. net. Cambridge Manuals Series. " Mr Doncaster has performed a remarkable feat in condensing into so small a space such an admirable introduction to the study of heredity in the light of recent research. He writes clearly, without dogmatism, he treats fairly both the Meudelian and the biometric schools." — Nature MENDEL'S PRINCIPLES OF HEREDITY By W. BATESON. M.A., F.R.S., V.M.H., Director of the John Innes Horticultural Institution. Third impression with additions. With 3 portraits, 6 coloured plates, and 38 other illustrations. Royal 8vo. 12s. net. " A. new impression cannot fail to be -neXaovaeA. .. .Mendel's Principles of Heredity is already a classic. It marks a position of stability towards which previous work is now seen to have logically converged, and from which new and active research is to-day no less logically diverging. The various waves of biological thought are constantly intersecting, mingling, and passing on with altered rhythm, but it rarely happens that so many meet together at a nodal point as during the last decade. ...As an analysis of that point, as a picture of how it has come into being, and as a foreshadowing of happenings in the near futuie, Mendel's Principles stands alone, and it is good to know that the generation of students now growing up cannot be cut oft from the posses- sion of a book so full of inspiration." — Gardeners' Chronicle THE METHODS AND SCOPE OF GENETICS By W. BATESON, M.A., F.R.S., V.M.H. Crown Svo. Is. %d. net. " Professor Bateson tells how Mendel's law works out with the colours of certain flowers, moths, and canaries, and with colour-blindness in men and women. More than this, he describes the outlook over this field of research in a manner that will greatly interest and attract all in- telligent people, for, as he rightly says, ' Mendel's clue has shown the way into a realm of nature which for surprising novelty and adventure is hardly to be excelled.' " — Morning Post Cambridge University Press, Fetter Lane, London 0. F. Clay, Manager CONTENTS All Bights reserved PAGE R P. Gregory. Note on the Inheritance of Heterostylism in Primula acaulis Jacq. . 303 R. P. Gregory. On Variegation in Primula sinensis. (With Plates IX and X) 305 H. Drinkwater. a Second Brachydactylous Family. (With Plates XI— XV, and 3 Text-Figures) 323 C. J. Bond. On the Primary and Secondary Sex Characters of some Abnormal Begonia Flowers and on the Evolution of the Monoecious Condition in Plants. (With Plates XVI and XVII) 341 E. RuGGLES Gates. On the Origin and Behaviour of Oenothera ruhricalyx .......■■■• 353 Arthur Ernest Everest. Recent Chemical Investigations of the Anthocyan Pigments and their bearing upon the Production of these Pigments in Plants . 361 M. Wheldale. Our Present Knowledge of the Chemistry of the Mendelian Factors for Flower-Colour 369 The Journal of Oenetics is a periodical for the publication of records of original research in Heredity, Variation and allied subjects. The Journal will also, from time to time, contain articles summarising the existing state of knowledge iu the various branches of Genetics, but reviews and abstracts of work published elsewhere will not, as a rule, be included. Adequate illustration will be provided, and, whore the subject matter demands it, free use will be made of coloured plates. The Joui-nal will be issued iu parts as material accumulates, and a volume, appearing, so far as possible, annually, will consist of four such parts. Volumes I — IV (1910 — 15) are now ready. Price in four parts, paper covers, 30s. net per volume ; bound in buckram, 34s. Qd. net per volume. Buckram binding cases can be supplied at is. 6rf. net each. Subscribers' sets can be bound for 4s. 6rf. net per volume, including the case. Papers for publication may be sent either to Mr Bateson, Manor House, Merton Park, Surrey, or to Professor Punnett, Whittingebame Lodge, Cambridge. Other communications should be addressed to the University Press, Cambridge. Papers forwarded to the Editors for publication are understood to be offered to the Journal of Oenetics alone, unless the contrary is stated. Contributors will receive 50 separate copies of their papers free. A fiu-ther 50 may be had at cost price : these should be ordered when the final proof is returned. The Subscription price for a volume is 30s. net (post free) payable in advance ; separate parts 10s. each net. Subscriptions may be sent to any bookseller, or to Mr C. F. Clay, Manager, Cambridge University Press, Fetter Lane, London, EC The Cambridge University Press has appointed the University of Chicago Press agents for the sale of the Journal of Oeii^tics in the United States of America, and has authorised them to charge the following prices : — Annual subscription, $ 7.50 net ; single copies, 82.50 net each. CAMBRIDGE: PRINTED BY JOHN CLAY, M.A. AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS New York Botanical Garden Lit 3 5185 00266 2060 ¥■' Ik ^f'i^lK, < U:t ,' ' '-/*V. i-J*'^ .<*, .%^ If^^> ■<^\r' ^ , J /■ ^■: -J-'ii ^vk^ l>t>':>. •»^? M '*^:^Ci^