•II JOURNAL OF GENETICS CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS C. F. CLAY, Manager LONDON : Fetter Lane, E.C. 4 LONDON : H. K. LEWIS AND CO., Ltd., 136 Gower Street, W.C. 1 LONDON : WILLIAM WESLEY AND SON, z8 Essex Street, Strand, W.C. 2 CHICAGO : THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PRESS BOMBAY, CALCUTTA, MADRAS : MACMILLAN AND CO., Ltd. TORONTO : J. M. DENT AND SONS, Ltd. TOKYO : THE MARUZEN-KABUSHIK.I-KAISHA All rights reserved JOURNAL OF GENETICS EDITED BY W. BATESON, MA., F.R.S. DIRECTOR OF THE JOHN INNES HORTICULTURAL INSTITUTION AND R. C. PUNNETT, MA., F.R.S. ARTHUR BALFOUR PROFESSOR OF GENETICS IN THE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE Volume VII. 1917— 1918 Cambridge : at the University Press 1918 . an AIJ6A- CONTENTS No.. 1 (October 1917) PAGE Robert K. Nabours. Studies of Inheritance and Evolution in Orthop- tera. II. (With Plates I and II) 1 Robert K. Nabours. Studies of Inheritance and Evolution in Orthop- tera. Ill 47 A. W. Bellamy. Studies of Inheritance and Evolution in Orthop- tera. IV. (With Plate III) 55 No. 2 (February, 1918) A. B. Stout. Fertility in Cichorium Intybus : Self-Compatibility and Self-Incompatibility among the OfiFspring of Self-Fertile Lines of Descent. (With Plates IV— VI) 71 JoHS. Schmidt. Racial Studies in Fishes. I. Statistical Investi- gations with Zoarces viviparus L, (With Plate VII and seven text-figures) .......... 105 J. S. W. Nuttall. a Note on the Inheritance of Colour in One Breed of Pigeons — An Attempt to Demonstrate a Mendelian Type of Transmission . . . . . . . .119 W. O. Backhouse. The Inheritance of Glume Length in Triiicum Polonicum. A case of Zygotic Inhibition. (With Chart) . 125 Mrs Oneba A. Merritt Hawkes. Studies in Inheritance in the Hybrid Philosamia (Attacus)ricini(Boisd) V 4 4-8 2(2-8) V 2(4-8) /3 T' n /3(2-s)2 ''^^ V 4 43^ «^2l2::8) = V nJ^S) ' " ^' •^'"'' v A "^i \/i '■^"^ s/re "^'i = vl • Volume VII OCTOBER. 1917 No. 1 STUDIES OF INHERITANCE AND EVOLUTION IN ORTHOPTERA. 11^ By ROBERT K. NABOURS. (With Plates I and II.) Due to the efforts of many able and earnest workere the approximate end breeding results in numerous groups of plants and animals may now be predicted. If the ancestry of parents for one generation be known the characters and ratios of a resulting complex progeny may be approximately prognosticated. As well also may the characteristics of parents of unknown ancestry be analyzed by the appearance and ratios of their offspring. Although there is an approach to agreement in the matter of end results one finds wide diversity of judgment regarding the fundamental causes. Most, if not all Mendelians consider the proof of the segregation of the germ plasm as an insulated substance in embryonic development adequate. It is considered a fundamental principle that the units con- tributed by two parents separate in the germ cells of the offspring without having had any influence on each other. The ideas of the defi- nite location in the chromosomes of the factoi-s giving rise to characters and explaining Mendelian phenomena by means of the manoeuvres of the chromosomes are thought to be satisfactorily supported by a large body of evidence. (Morgan and students.) On the other hand the idea of the insulation and continuity of the germ plasm as an entity independent of the rest of the organism is seriously questioned. There does not seem to be justification for the attempts to connect particular factors with particular chromosomes or parts of chromosomes, and the factorial hypothesis does not necessarily involve the assumption of factors as distinct entities in the germ. (Child.) These diametrically opposed ideas, each the consequence of extensive constructive experi- mentation and consideration, serve to indicate the difficulties involved in attempts to solve the problems of the mechanism of heredity, or the physiology of heredity, or both. 1 Contributions from the Zoological Laboratory of the Kansas State Agricultural College and Experiment Station. No. 10. The first instalment was published in the Journal of Genetics, Vol. iii. pp. 141 — 170. Journ. of Gen. vii I , 2 Inheritance and Evolution in Ortlioptera II There is much confusion regarding the use of the terms dominant and recessive, the interpretation and application of ratios, and the definition, or determination, of characters. The terms dominant and recessive remain part of the nomenclature, as if they were realities,' whereas they can have doubtful application only in crosses between characters allelomorphic to each other in which one character is more apparent (epistatic) and the other less apparent (hypostatic) ; or in case of characters which are allelomorphic only to their absences, a character being considered dominant and its absence recessive. Part of the con- fusion in this matter has undoubtedly resulted, as will be shown later, from the failure to recognize the distinction between the two classes of characters. The 9:3:3:1 and 3 : 1 ratios are used freely and with assurance, whereas there are in reality no such ratios. There appears to be a lack, in usage at least, of appreciation of the distinction between characters which are allelomorphic to each other, never to an absence, and those characters which are allelomorphic only to their absences, never- to each other or any other characters, and which exist only in relation with, and in addition to, characters allelomorphic to each other. , These matters are considered in the following paper which presents further records of end results and some applications of the breeding work with the Grouse locust, Paratettix Bol. The colour patterns of the pronota and femora of the jumping legs are the characters considered. Observations have been continued on the characters of long and short wingedness, but nothing further has been ascertained than that these characters appear to be conditioned by the environment, a tentative conclusion supported by evidence pre- sented in my former paper. The suggestion that these forms be designated as species seems to have been premature and should be withdrawn ; not that it is thought they may never be considered as such, but Orthopteran taxonomists are as yet uncertain regarding the taxonomic position these forms should occupy, and especially because this matter is not germane to the present study. No names are assigned to the true breeding forms, or hybrids. They are designated by letters, the first eight being the same as before, with six additional ones, two of them, LL and NN, not being figured. (The G, BG and CG illustrated (Journ. Gen. Vol. ill. PL VI), but not other- wise used, in the first instalment have subsequently been proven to have been A A, AB and AC carrying homozygous doses of (i), respectively.) Each letter means that the pattern for which it stands is a unit which R. K. Nabours 3 cannot further be broken up, that the pattern is allelomorphic to each of the others (all of them having been tried with several, and some with all) ; in other words each letter represents one of a series of multiple allelomorphs, fourteen being used. The Gre'ek letter 0 represents a melanic pattern which can exist either in the single or double dose only with, and in addition to, the true breeding patterns or their hybrids. This pattern is allelomorphic only to its absence, if indeed it may be con- sidered allelomorphic at all. It shows well with any of the multiple allelomorphs, but perhaps best with BB, BG and CC where it is shown both in single and double doses (heterozygous and homozygous). At a given time soon after moulting, it can be determined whether most of the forms are heterozygous or homozygous for S, but after a few days those carrying only a single dose of © become melanic to the extent that they are not readily distinguishable from those carrying a double dose. The distinctions were not attempted except in a few instances, because it would have required practically constant watch to make the records at the proper time subsequent to moulting which occurs irregularly after the third or fourth instar. However, the groups were separated in matings (242), (244), (345), (246), (247), (254) and (255) (see table at end of summaries on p. 40), and this is being continued with extant cultures. In most of the crossings between different pure types the resulting hybrid is readily discernible from either parent, usually intermediate, though in some cases the one pattern is more apparent than the other. In all crosses between any of the forms and A A, the hybrid superficially resembles A A less than the other parent form, and in some instances cannot be distinguished by casual examination; e.g., the crosses AA x II, AA X PP, and AA x SS produce progeny that can scarcely be discerned from //, PP, and SS, respectively. However, this is only an apparent dominance of /, P, and S and others over A ; for when careful exami- nations are made it is found that the pigmental elements of each pattern are present in the hybrid in about equal proportions (5). In most instances where A and single and double doses of 0 were involved I grouped together in the records the members of a progeny superficially similar in appearance. On this account some groupings were made that should give the apparent 9:3:3:1 ratio (matings (175), (176), (177) {ABS x ABS), and (185) {AC^ x ACS)). Also on this account there were from two to nine- possibilities, including reci- procals, in the parents, and from one to four in the progenies (in matings (315), (446), (220), (221) and others), where the four kinds 1—2 4 Inheritance and Evolution in Orthoptera IT {AB®, A®B®, BBS, BSBS) so closely resemble each other that they were grouped together, and their progenies not bred out. On Plate II it is attempted at this time to illustrate only twelve of the fourteen true forms (multiple allelomorphs) used in this paper and thirty-six of the hybrids, and those forms and hybrids carrying 0. The distinctness of patterns is nowhere overdone and in some instances underdone. Some of the forms illustrated in my former paper appear again, a few of them, e.g., EE, II, and some of the hybrids, much better represented. The form QQ resembles CO greatly except for the red legs which are conspicuous, but it behaves as a true form.- The form LL (not illustrated) has three light brown stripes running longitudinally along the pronotuiu, with the rest of the pattern somewhat mottled as in most of the others. The form NN (not illustrated) has a rufous brown, somewhat bronzed, pronotum as the striking feature of its pattern. Along with LL and NN, many hybrids, and forms and hybrids containing S, used in the matings are not illustrated. The results are given in the form of tables. The arrangement is such that the ancestry of the individuals of any mating may be traced back, and the progeny traced forward, as far as there are any records. In the matings the gametic composition of the parents and the somatic composition of the offspring are given, and, unless marked (R), the male is on the left and the female on the right. The first line of figures (totals) gives the actual numbers and the second line the Mendel ian expectation. The letters indicating the progeny are placed alpha- betically, fi-om left to right. At this time the arrangements of the tables will suffice for the presentation of the data. Matings 1-159 show exclusively the behaviour of multiple allelomorphs, a continuation of the first instalment. Matings 160-468 exhibit the behaviour of the character © (or the factor for it). This part also indicates further the behaviour of the multiple allelo- morphs; for there is no possibility of observing such a character, or factor, as © except along with characters like A, B, G, D, etc., and their hybrids, from which it is, by its nature, inseparable. (Two other characters apparently of the nature of 0, one of them appearing as white specks on the femora and anterior pronotum and inconspicuous, the other a bright redness all over, head, body and legs, as well as pronotum, almost as conspicuous as @, have been discovered, but the forms bearing them are only now being bred.) The cultures of both groups have been carried on simultaneously, and, as the cross references indicate, individuals from one group were frequently used for matings in the others. R. K. Nabours Table for Use in Making Pedigrees. One or both of the parents of the numbers inside the parentheses came from the number outside. This table, with the source numbers in connection with the matings, enables one to trace the ancestry of any matings as far back, and the progeny as far for- ward, as there are any records. 1 (2, 314); 4 (6); 6 (7); 8 (9); 10 (15); 11 (1, 198); 13 (187); 14 (6, 12, 18, 45, 46, 47, 48, 53, 82, 131, 231); 15 (68); 17 (3); 18 tl6, 54, 105; 338); 19 (112); 21 (115, 116, 117); 22 (25, 40, 189) ; 23 (69); 24 (52, 57, 58, 71, 292) ; 26 (74, 80, 106, 135) ; 27 (33, 53, 80, 145,146,147); 28(71); 29(64); 30(4,31,211); 31(152); 34(100,108,406); 36(115, 117); 37 (38, 197, 200, 201, 202, 203); 39 (11, 96); 40 (51); 43 (437); 44 (39, 40, 122, 186, 441, 444) ; 47 (37) ; 48 (41, 83, 144) ; 51 (81, 102, 123) ; 52 (77, 93, 334, 337, 372) , 53(103); 59(92); 60(67); 68 (136, 137); 69 (91, 119, 206); 70 (73, UO, 194); 71(77); 72 (70, 76, 78) ; 73 (69, 84) ; 74 (75, 139, 142, 143) ; 78 (23) ; 85 (42, 43, 91, 287) ; 85 (38, 223, 224, 225, 349) ; 86 (76, 87, 348) ; 90 (283, 288, 289) ; 96 (42, 43, 95, 99, 155) ; 100 (107, 156, 279, 280, 408, 409, 412) ; 106 (93); 107 (109, 172, 407, 465); 108 (110); 114 (111); 115 (118); 116 (113, 114, 149, 428, 429); 119 (79); 120 (78, 141); 121 (267); 124 (434); 127(67); 129(138); 133(128,134); 135(130); 137(129); 140(29,92); 146(144,148, 464); 147(463); 149(150); 152(109,360,415); 154(110,151); 156 (32) ; 157 (18, 131, 132,133,135); 158(159); 165 (8); 166 (167) ; 169(5,161,162,163,164,168,170,177); 170 (172, 465) ; 173 (176, 178) ; 175 (1, 166, 173, 220) ; 176 (179, 181, 205) ; 178 (315) ; 179(180, 192,277, 405); 180(160); 181(195); 184(192,388); 186(248,249); 191(15, 348, 434); 192 (163, 193); 194 (175); 196 (236); 198 (242, 243); 205 (156, 168, 183, 374); 206 (207, 215); 208 (89, 183, 195, 196, 209, 317); 211 (342, 264); 213 (427); 214 (363); 216 (217, 218,219, 222, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228); 220 (221); 221a (239); 231 (464); 232 (210); 233 (268); 234 (132, 187, 231, 247, 359, 406); 235 (89, 270, 317); 236 (28,234, 265, 425); 237 (257); 242 (199, 208, 211, 235, 258, 278); 243 (199); 244 (223); 245(334); 249 (214, 250, 251, 358, 368); 256 (284); 258(264, 279, 409, 412); 264 (32, 213, 236, 407, 415) ; 265 (85, 244, 245, 256, 286, 344, 357, 365) ; 266 (63, 222, 371) ; 268 (66, 320, 380) ; 275(260,261); 276(280); 278(374); 279(408); 280(360); 282(25,64,188,229,233, 237, 283, 294, 295, 300, 305, 309, 354, 370, 375, 376, 377, 382, 389); 283 (49, 51, 268, 310, 316, 378, 431) ; 289 (299, 311, 381); 292 (88, 338, 369, 372, 463) ; 296 (291, 297, 313, 430, 431, 432); 300 (173); 303 (433) ; 305 (206, 221a, 316, 323, 324, 331, 453); 310 (66, 123, 238, 269, 321); 312 (62, 239, 240, 241, 304, 318, 325, 332, 385, 387, 391, 392, 393, 430, 452); 314 (235, 404); 315 (174, 196, 293, 322, 436, 438, 442, 443, 446); 316 (306, 319, 327, 328, 329,330); 317 (213); 320 (315); 324 (212, 325); 325 (314, 333, 445, 455); 331 (240, 390, 392); 333 (298, 326); 335 (50, 52, 104, 232, 254, 255, 263, 271, 272, 273, "274, 275, 281, 285, 290, 396, 397, 398, 400, 401, 402, 403); 339 (193) ; 341 (37, 158, 216, 281, 290, 340, 343, 344, 345, 346, 357, 396, 467, 468) ; 348 (44, 282, 373) ; 351 (352) ; 360 (395, 413); 363 (252, 253, 258, 262,270, 276, 277); 364 (198); 365 (200, 201, 202, 203, 210, 226, 227, 349, 366, 367, 371) ; 368 (363) ; 373 (94, 389); 380 (278) ; 382 (84, 221a, 364, 383, 884, 448); 383 (332, 385, 390); 384 (126, 391, 440); 386 (387, 393); 389 (457); 393 (184, 333,445,455); 395(394,428); 396(197,336,337); 397(350,399); 407(82,265,335, 341, 347, 355, 356, 411, 416, 417, 425, 426, 427) ; 408 (416) ; 411 (292) ; 413 (351, 353, 361, 362, 414, 423, 424, 429, 466); 416 (340, 410, 418, 419, 420, 421, 422); 417 (286); 425 (230, 246, 266, 343) ; 426 (263, 346, 397) ; 434 (439) ; 435 (312, 331, 379, 386) ; 436 (190); 439 (122, 125, 435, 441, 444, 447); 441 (296, 301, 302, 303, 307, 312); 444(257); 445 (388); 447 (288, 289); 448 (287, 449); 449 (437, 450, 451); 453 (454) ; 457 (456, 458, 459,460,462); 465(356); 468(228). 6 Inheritance and Evolution in Ortlioptera It Explanation of the Tables. Matings of the same kind are grouped. The NN 1 1 1 1 1 1 36 107 108 1 1 GG CS 9 31 48 77 SS CN 99 12 Expect. 10 ' NN 8 10 12 100 37 34 Totals Expect. 57 108 53-5 107 49 53-5 CN > . SS CS X JJ CS NS 1 lOO 44 R lOl 19 46 32 N N 109 R IIO CJ 7 3 JS 7 107 152 Totals 63 70-5 78 70-5 10 154 108 Expect. Totals 10 17 GP X BP Expect. 13-5 13-5 DD X DD 1 \ BC BP GP PP 1 DD 102 103 6 11 6 7 8 5 11 8 51 53 • 111 32 DD X . AD X J 114 Totals Expect. 11 18 13 15-2 15-2 15-2 19 15-2 DD, DD or • GP > < GP DD X AD DD or AD and DD CC C P PP 112 40 19 104 19 1 9 16 335 Expect, 13-5 2 CQ 7 13-5 X CQ DD X DJ R 113 DD 2 DJ 1 0 116 CC G 20 Q QQ 18 114 31 36 116 105 57 Totals 33 36 Expect. 19-2 o7-7 Expect. 34 5 34-5 12 Inheritance arid Evolution in Ortkoptera II DJ X AS Fl BF ^ X BP 1 1 1 1 AD 1 AJ DS JS FF 115 42 32 43 39 21 36 123 8 10 310 51 Expect. 39 39 59 39 Expect. 9 9 DJ > < DJ FI ' X FF 1 1 FF DD L J JJ 124 33 1 in. 116 49 6 5 22 21 125 20 439 Expect. 34'li 68-5 34 -a DJ X DS ' Total 126 3 384 FI 56 r DD 1 1 1 1 X FH DJ 10 DS 5 JS 12 21 36 j 117 9 1 1 Expect. 9 9 9 9 FF FH 127 1 1 N DS X JS S/Sf Expect. 1 HH 1 DJ DS JS X HH 118 0 0 1 3 115 HH Expect. 1 1 1 i 128 18 133 EI X BE HI 129 I X SS 1 BE 119 7 1 BI 9 EE 11 1 EI 10 69 HS 37 137 Expect. 9-2 9-2 9-2 9-^ Hi ' X HI EI < EI r HH ] 1 ~ r 1 1 HI II EE E 1 I 11 130 3 2 2 135 120 Expect. 16 3 25-5 3 0 16 1 in. 1 15-5 Expect. 1-7 3-5 1-7 FF> < BG 1 in. 439 44 131 R 132 BH 4 12 HQ X BG BQ 11 4 GH CQ 7 2 157 14 9 6 234 157 121 122 1 BF 7 45 52 CF 8 35 43 Totals Totals Te" 15 16 8 Expect. 47-5 47-5 Expect. 13-7 13-7 13-7 13-7 t ai R. K. Nabours 13 HQ xHQ HH HQ QQ 133 30 56 16 157 134 10 1 133 Totals Expect. 31 26 56 52 17 26 Total HS X BI r BH 135 21 Expect. 18-5 BS 14 18-5 HI 30 18-5 IS 9 157 26 18-5 HS X BS BH BS HS SS 136 86 80 72 67 68 Expect. 76-2 76-2 76-2 76-2 HS X HS I I 1 1. i I • I HH HS SS 137 27 51 38 138 4 9 1 II X II I II 141 16 142 18 143 90 120 74 74 I BI 144 3 Expect. 4-2 68 129 Totals Expect. 31 32-5 60 65 39 32-5 AL 145 0 Expect, i I IJ 146 3 R 147 5 124 IJ X BG BJ 6 4-2 — I — I CI 4 4-2 IP X AP AP PP 3 2 IP X JS IS 9 5 — \ — I JP 7 6 — 1 I CJ 4 146 48 4-2 "1 I IP 1 1 27 — I I PS 9 27 N 11 N 27 Totals 8 14 13 20 Expect. 13-7 13-7 137 13-7 139 Expect. II X BI BI 29 20-5 II 12 20-5 74 IS X IS r-t-1 II IS SS 14S 18 5 146 Expect. 3-5 7 3-5 140 Expect. II X CI CI 10 11 II 12 I in. 11 149 Expect. JJ X 1 1 DJ 1 DJ 1 1 JJ 3 4 3-5 3-5 116 14 Inheritance and Evolution, in Orthoptera II 151 Expect. JJ X J J I JJ ISO 12 149 JJx JS I JJ JS 23 20 ^i-5 21-5 154 A A X 449 1 1 1 AAQ 160 9 13 180 161 30 26 169 162 11 20 169 Totals 50 59 Expect. 54-5 54-5 AAQ X AAQ 152 153 154 r JJ 3 6 14 Totals Expect. JS X JS I — +— I 11' 10 40 1 SS 6 5 25 23 30 61 60 NN X NN 36 30 155 NN 23 96 NS X AB 31 N N 4iV 156 5 Expect. 4-<^ — I — I AS 4 4-2 BN 4 4-^ 163 164 165 r' I AA 13 2 10 449 4949 54 169 192 1 169 34 N Totals Expect. 25 28-5 89 85-5 449 X AB "1 4 100 205 4-2 166 167 168 169 170 171 r AA 0 10 1 10 27 13 AB 1 4 4 12 11 15 AAQ 2 2 2 17 23 24 1 4E9 1 175 2 1 9 31 166 169 205 N 169 16 N Totals 61 47_ 70 60 Expect. 59-5 59-5 59-5 59-5 % QS X AH 449 X SS AQ 18 y-L-r- 157 4.S HS 21 20 QH 22 N AS 172 6 ASQ 5 170 107 Expect. 20-2 20-2 20-2 20-2 Expect. 5 '5 5-5 SS X SS 1 SS 158 127 159 95 341 158 AQAQ X BF ABQ 173 11 Expect. 9 AFQ 7 9 175 300 Tptal 222 R K. Nabours 15 174 3PCt. AB X BFBOFe .• r T AB BB 32 30-7 AF 12 15-3 1 1 BF ABQ BBQ T 1 AFQ BFQ Exi 10 35 15-3 30-7 18 16 N 315 15-3 15-3 ABAeBOxABAQBe 1 ■■ i AA 1 1 AB BB 26 AAQ AQAQ ABQ 1 1 AQBQ BBQ 1 1 BQBQ 175 25 49 194 176 0 6 4 19 173 177 1 11 14 48 169 Totals 2 43 43 116 Expect. 12-7 38-2 38-2 114-6 i 1 i AA AB AF 178 0 Expect. 1-1 ABAQBQ X AFAQFQ 4 11 I . I I I I I I I I BF AAQ AQAQ ABQ AQBQ AFQ AQFQ BFQ BQFQ 0 3 11 11 2 3-3 3 3-3 3 5-3 3 3-3 173 179 180 ABAQBQ X AS I . I I I I I I I AA AB AS BS AAQ ABQ ASQ BSQ 0 0 2.1 2 4 0 0 176 N 26 11 19 6 9 20 8 17 179 N Totals 26 11 21 7 11 24 8 17 Expect. 15-6 15-6 15-6 15-6 156 15-6 15-6 15-6 AQBQ X AAQ, or ABAQBQ X AQAQ I 11 I AAQ AQAQ ABQ AQBQ 181 Expect. 176 16 Inheritance and Evolution in Orthoptera II AQBQ X AFAQBO, or ABAOBe X AQFQ • I I I I I I I I I ABAO AAG AQBO ABQ AQFQ AFQ BQFQ BFQ 182 2 2 3 3 N Expect. 3-5 2-5 2-5 2-5 AQBQ X BB, or AC x CQFQ BQBQ X BB J^ 1 r III. ACQ AFQ CCQ CFQ 184 10 0 1 393 BBQ ABQ 183 19 205 208 Expect. OS 0-5 0-5 0-5 ACAQGQ X ACAQCQ I I I I I I I I A A AC CC AAQ AQAQ ACQ AQCQ CCQ CQCQ 185 0 3 9 14 Expect. 1-6 4-8 4-8 ' 14-6 ACAQCQ X BB AB BC ABQ BCQ 186 2 1 0 3 N 44 Expect. 1-5 1:5 IS 1-5 ACAQCQ X BC , I I I I I I I I AB AC CC BC ABQ ACQ CCQ BCQ 187 17 29 10 9 24 21 234 13 Expect. 13-7 27-5 13-7 13-7 27S 13-7 ACAQCQ X BF t . , I , . , , AB AF BC C'F ABQ AFQ BCQ CFQ 188 11 6 9 7 8 8 8 10 N 282 Expect. 8-3 8-3 8-3 8-3 8-3 8-3 8-3 8-3 R K. Nabours 17 AE X cce AC CE ACQ CEQ 189 6 8 9 7 22 N Expect. 7-5 7-5 7-5 7'5 AF X AFABFO AA AF FF AAQ AFQ FFQ lOO 0 Expect. 2 436 AFAQFQ X BFBBFe I 1 r — n 1 r -^^ i \ ~i, 1 i I I I I I I I II I I \- AB AF FF BF ABB AQBS AFQ AQFO FFQ FOFO BFQ BOFB 191 5 2 0 5 18 16 N Expect. 2-8 5-7 2-8 8-6 17-2 8-6 AS X ACAOCe I AA 192 9 Expect. 7-3 -~l i 1 — 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I I AC AS CS AAQ ACQ ASQ CSQ 10 12 7 6 5 9 1 7-3 7-3 73 7-3 7-3 7-3 7-3 179 184 ASAQSe X ASAQSQ 193 Expect. r" AA 3 0-3 .1 I r I I I I I AS SS AAQ AQAQ ASQ AQSQ SSQ SQSQ 0 1-1 0 I'l 3 3-3 192 339 BB X AAQ I , L_ AB 194 19 196 8 ABQ 16 70 N 10 208 181 BB X BFBQFQ r BB Totals 27 26 196 Expect. 26-5 26-5 Expect. Journ. of Gen. vji BF BBQ BFQ 19 24 20 16 208 315 19-7 19-7 19-7 19-7 2 18 Inheritance and Evolution in Orthoptera II BB X BPBQPQ I BE HP BBQ BPQ 197 12 11 17 9 37 396 Expect. 13-2 12-2 12-2 12-'2 BOBe X AS 211 Expect. ABe 15 16 1 Bse 17 242 30 16 BB X cece 1 Bce 198 34 11 364 R 199 19 242 243 200 310 37 365 201 131 ' 37 365 R 202 217 365 37 203 38 37 365 Total 749 BBe X A RAQBQ ! ! r-^ \ i 1 III I II AB BB ABQ AQBQ BBQ BOBO 205 17 44 176 Expect. 15-2 45-7 Total - BRe X BBQ 1 r 1 1 BB BBe BQBG 206 1 11 305 207 7 13 206 208 8 23 242 209 0 2 208 Totals 16 49 Expect. 16-2 48-7 BBQ X CQCQ 1 \ BCe BQCQ 210 42 32 232 365 Expect. 37 37 Total BQBQ X BQBQ, BBQ X BQBQ, or BQBQ X BBQ r \ BQBQ BBQ 212 89 324 213 1 317 264 214 4 249 215 40 206 134 BQBQ X BQBQ I BQBQ 216 171 341 217 106 216 218 172 216 219 150 216 599 ABAQBQ X BQBQ, BQBQ X ABAQBQ, BBQ X AQBQ, AQBQ X BBQ, AQBQ X BQBQ, BQBQ X AQBQ, BQBQ X BBQ, BBQ X BQBQ, or BQBQ X BQBQ 1 1 lJ5e AQBQ 1 1 BBQ BQB^ 220 45 175 221 .30 220 Total 75 R. K. Nabours 19 BBQ X Cece, or BOBe X GCQ I Bce 321 a 1 305 382 Total BBBQ X CG • 223 224 R 225 I Bce 104 91 114 244 85 216 85 216 85 309 Bese X BFBQFe ~i BBS BOBQ BFQ BOFO 222 7 Expect. 7 7 216 266 BQBQ X cece I Bece 226 52 216 365 R 227 9 365 216 Total 61 BeBe X SS . I Bse 228 48 216 468 BCBece X BC 1 1 BB BC i 1 CC BBe 1 cce 229 15 13 5 3 21 17 282 230 27 46 12 10 30 15 425 231 2 10 10 8 15 1 234 14 R 232 1 4 4 4 5 2 335 Totals 45 73 31 25 71 35 Expect. 35 70 35 55 70 35 BCBece x^C 1, 1 1 AB 11 AC 1 1 cc BC 20 1 A Be 4 1 ■ 1 yice cce Bce 233 3 29 8 229 N 234 8 15 10 3 16 7 236 N Totals 19 18 30 7 45 15 Expect. 16-7 35- 5 16-? J6-7 33-5 16-7 BCBece X AFAeFe 235 Expect. I 1 1 1 1 1 ^-1 1 1 1 1 j I I I I I I I I I I I I AB AC BF CF ABe AeBe Ace Aece BFe BeFe CFe ceFe 6 3-1 3 3-1 1 3-1 1 3-1 7 9-3 14 9-3 9 9-5 9 242 314 9-3 2—2 20 Inheritance and Evolution in Orthoptera II Bcsece X BBe BE 1 1 ~l BBO BBBO BCe BOCe 236 7 3 7 5 9 7 264 196 237 1 0 7 6 282 N Totals 8 3 19 22 Expec t. 6- 5 6- 5 i9-5 Bc/yece X 1 BCBece 19-5 BB 1 1 BC OC i BOBQ BBe \ Boce Bce 1 cece cce 238 0 0 1 2 3 2 310 239 1 0 0 1 3 1 312 221 a 240 9 7 3 9 15 5 312 331 241 2 5 2 17 27 10 312 242 0 2 1 5 6 3 198 243 4 6 1 4 10 3 198 244 1 7 6 8 11 8 265 245 1 5 3 8 20 5 265 246 6 3 0 6 13 7 425 247 2 5 1 3 11 6 234 248 2 4 0 1 11 4 186 249 9 18 5 20 65 30 186 250 2 1 0 2 6 1 249 251 1 0 1 1 5 3 249 252 2 5 4 8 16 8 363 263 1 0 0 2 3 2 363 254 3 4 1 11 36 18 335 255 13 13 7 27 49 20 335 Totals 59 85 36 135 310 136 Expect. 4?-5 95 47:5 142-5 BCBQCQ X 285 BF 142-5 1 \ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 BB BC BF CF BBe Bce BFe CFe 256 3 3 2 3 5 0 4 1 265 N Expect 2-6 2-6 2-6 2-6 2-6 2-6 2-6 2-6 BGBece X BFBQFe 1 T j T T ~~\ 1 1 — 1 — 1 1 1 BB B'G BF OF BJie BQBB Bce Bece BFB i>e/''e CFe cofb 257 4 0 1 0 2 2 5 5 237 444 Expect. 1-1 J-1 1-1 1-1 3-5 3-5 3-5 3-5 R. K. Nabours 21 BCBOCe X BQCe r T T"^^T T — 1 BBO BOBQ BCe BQCQ CCQ CQGQ 258 4 10 5 363 242 Expect. 4'7 9-5 4-7 BCBQCe X BP T~T~T T' ~"T~i BB BC BP CP BBO BCQ BPO CPQ 260 390 12 7272 275 R 261 35143323 275 Totals 6 14 1 16 10 5 9 5 Expect. 8-2 8-2 8-2 8'2 8-2 8-2 8-2 8-2 BCBOCe X BS r~T~T~T"^T~T~T~l BB BS BC CS BBO BCO BSO CSQ 262 5 3 3 6 13 2 363 N . 263 89 233857 335 426 Totals 22 5 6 9 9 8 9 Expect. 17 8-5 8-5 8-5 8-5 8-5 8-5 BCBeCQ X BSBOSQ BB BS BC CS 4 0 1 BBe BeBQ Bse bqsq 5 3 BCQ BeCQ 1 CSG • CQSe 264 4 4 5 258 211 pect. 3-1 1-5 1-5 4-6 4-6 Bcsece X cce 4-6 36 4-6 BC iS 2 1 1 1 CC Bce Bece 4 15 1 cce cece 26 15 2 407 Expect 4-5 4-5 13-5 13-5 22 Inheritance and Evolution in Ortlioptera 11 BCBeCQ X CF 1 1 BC 1 BF CG CF i^C'0 BFO 1 GGQ CFG 266 22 9 0 10 13 2 25 13 425 N 267 0 1 2 1 3 2 1 0 N 121 TotalB 22 10 2 11 16 4 26 13 Expect. 13 13 i3 13 13 i5 13 25 BCBeCQ X CFCeFG 1 BG BF 14 4 CC ' 6 ■CF . 8 T T Bce Bece r T BFQ BQFe ( 1 j'ce c< 1 BGQ C T 1 7^9 C'GFe R 268 9 19 15 30 283 233 269 2 0 1 2 0 3 2 2 310 R 270 0 1 0 1 1 0 5 1 235 363 Totals IG 5 7 11 10 22 22 33 Expect. 7-8 7-8 7-8 7-8 23-6 ^5-6 ^3-6 23-6 BCBOce y CP BC BP T CC 1 CP iice BPe 1 CCQ cpe 271 18 8 5 1 6 5 7 12 335 272 10 3 1 4 3 1 3 9 335 273 25 22 "4 1 5 2 20 19 335 R 274 1 3 6 4 5 2 6 6 335 R 275 14 8 6 2 6 8 2 10 335 Totals 68 44 22 12 25 18 38 56 Expect. 35-3 35-3 35-3 35-3 35-3 35-3 35-3 35-3 Bece X Bece, BCBece X Bece, or Bece X BCBece BQBQ BBS Bece Bce 21 17 cece cce 276 8 Expect. 8-3 5 ; 8-5 363 Bece X Bs BBe Bce Bse cse 277 37 28 27 25 363 179 Expect. 39-2 29-2 29-2 29'2 II. K. Nabours 23 BCQ Bece 278 Expect. BQCe X CQFQ, BCBQce X cere, or BQCQ X CFCQFQ 242 380 BQCe X CS we BSQ CCQ CS* R 279 3 280 2 Totals Expect. .ve 1 100 258 6 276 100 BC X BSBQSe r~T^T~T"^~T"~T~l BB BC BS CS BBQ BCe BSO CSG 281 31525 2 54 335 341 Expect. 3-3 3-3 3-3 3-3 3-3 3-3 3-3 3-3 BC X CFCQFQ r~"T~"T"-T T~T~T^1 BC BF CC CP BCQ BFQ CCQ CFQ 282 11 3562436 348 R 283 3 0 0 10 2 0 2. 282 90 284 2 13 5 4 4 4 5 3 256 Totals Expect. 16 11 16 11 10 U 11 U 6 11 10 11 11 11 11 BC X CPGQPQ 285 Expect. BC 23 BP 27 T CC 21 T CP 30 ~V BCQ 30 BPQ 24 CCQ 28 "1 CPQ 20 335 25-3 25-3 25-3 25-3 25-3 25'3 25'3 25-3 BC X CSCQSQ 286 Expect. I — I BC 7 3-7 "T" BS 4 3-7 CC 3 3-7 CS 4 3-7 BCQ 2 3-7 "T" BSQ 4 3-7 CCQ 2 3-7 "1 CSQ 4 265 417 3-7 24 Inheritance and Uvolution in Orthoptera 11 BC X FFQ BC X FQFe BF GF BFQ CFQ BFQ CFO 287 37 49 25 28 84 448 288 0 2 90 447 289 21 15 90 447 Expect. 34-7 34-7 '34-7 34-7 Totals 21 17 Expect. 19 19 BC X SSQ Bs cs Bse cse 290 25 25 31 26 335 341 Expect. 26-7 26-7 26-7 26-7 BE X BEBOSe BB BE BBQ BEQ EEQ EE 291 4 12 6 9 17 296 Expect. 6 12 6 12 12 BE X cce r-rV BC CE BCe CEO 292 6 11 14 8 24 411 Expect. 9-7 9-7 9-7 9-7 BFBQFQ X AC r~T~T~r^T~T-T~i AB AF BC CF ABO AFO BCO CFQ 293 3 71 4 3430 315 N Expect. 3-1 3-1 3-1 3-1 3-1 3-1 3-1 3-1 BFBQFQ X BBQ r~T~T~ T~T 1 BB BF BBe BeBQ BFQ BQFQ 294 7 2 16 10 282 N Expect. 4-3 4-3 IS'l 131 R. K. Nabours 25 295 Expect. BFBQFe X BC BB BC BF OF BBQ BFQ BCO CFQ 79245346 282 55555555 BFBQFQ X BE 1 BB BE BF r T EF BBS BEQ 1 BFQ 1 296 11 8 1 0 2 1 4 8 441 69 297 6 6 2 0 2 0 5 7 296 Totals 17 14 3 0 4 1 9 15 Expect. 7-9 7-9 7-9 7-9 7-9 7-9 7-9 7-9 BFBQFQ X BS 1 BB BF BS T T FS BBO BFQ B5:e FSQ 298 2 0 1 1 0 1 1 2 333 N Expect. 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 i BFBQFQ X BFBQFQ 1 BB 3 BF 7 I FF T T B2}e £050 T T T ] BFQ BQFQ FFQ FQI 16 9 ^0 299 7 289 800 11 13 1 29 58 32 282 301 0 1 0 0 3 2 441 . 302 1 1 0 3 5 6 441 303 1 0 1 1 0 0 441 304 7 5 4 19 11 13 312 305 14 24 4 35 69 40 282 306 6 0 4 5 0 3 316 307 0 4 2 7 4 4 441 Totals 43 55 17 106 166 109 Expect. 31 62 5i Bj BC 95 F50F0 X GC 1 186 95 CF BCQ CFQ 309 31 7 3 19 282 Expect. i5 i5 25 i5 26 Imheritance and Evolution in Orthoptera It BFBQFe X GFCQFe i 1 BG BF 9 GF 9 FF 8 BGQ Bece BFB 1 • BQFQ 1 CFe 1 ) GQFO 1 FFe 1 1 1 ii^eFe R 310 18 16 25 12 26 283 R 311 3 0 0 0 4 1 2 4 289 312 14 12 4 0 11 12 11 23 441 435 Totals 35 21 13 8 31 38 25 53 Expect. 14 14 14 14 4ii 4ii 4^ 41i BFBBFQ X EFEOFe r~T^T~T~T~T" T~T- T~T~T~1 BE BF EF FF BEQ BOEQ BFQ B^FQ EFB EQFO FFQ FQFO 313 3 5 0 1 3 5 11 Expect. 1-7 1-7 1-7 1-7 5-^ 5-2 BQFe X A A J 10-5 • 1 1 ABO AFQ 314 2 1 325 1 Expect. 15 15 296 BOFe X BFBQFQ, or BFBOFQx BOFO r~T~T T~t~l BQBe BBQ BOFQ BFQ FQFQ FFQ 315 3 10 4 178 320 316 5 18 6 305 283 Totals 8 28 10 Expect. 11-5 23 115 BQFQ X BQBO, BFBQFQ X BQBQ, or BQFQ X BFBQFQ BBQ BQBQ BFQ BQFQ 317 1 0 235 208 Expect. 0-5 0-5 R. K. Nabours ^7 BQFe X Bece, BFBQFQ X BQCQ, or BQFQ X BCBeCe r~T~T~T-^T~T~T~l BBe BOBO BCe BQCe BFQ BOFQ CFQ COFG 318 11 14 21 11 312 Expect. U-2 U-2 14-2 U-2 BFBOFe X BQFQ BBe BOBQ BFQ BQFQ FFQ FQFQ 319 12 1 316 Expect. 12 1 BOFQ X i^eJFe, BFBeFe X BQFQ, or BQFe X BFBQFQ BQBQ BBe BeFe BFe 2 FeFe FFe 320 0 1 268 321 i 1 1 310 322 18 35 12 315 323 3 4 1 305 324 2 4 1 305 325 31 46 33 324 312 326 3 4 1 333 327 26 88 31 316 328 5 21 2 316 329 10 19 8 316 330 6 13 6 316 Totals 105 237 97 Expect. 109-7 219-5 109-7 BeFe X cFceFe r~T"~T~T~^T~T~T~l Bce Bece BFe seFe CFe ceFe FFe FeFe 331 10 2 0 305 435 Expect. 0-7 0-7 0-7 0-7 28 Inheritance and Involution I71 Orthoptera II BOFe X cere, BFBOFe X GOFe, or BQFe X CFOOFQ i r r~T^ r r~i Bece Bce bqfq bfq cqfo cfq fqfq ffq 332 9 17 16 16 312 383 333 12 0 0 325 393 Totals 10 19 16 16 Expect. 15-2 15-2 15-2 15-2 BP X BBCQ BP X CCQ r~T^"T~i r^T^"T~"i BBO Bce BPe cpe bc gp bcq cpq 334 14 13 9 6 52 245 335 27 35 29 25 N 407 Expect. 10-5 ' 10-5 10-5 10-5 Expect. 29 29 29 29 BPBQPQ X BPBQPQ r~T~T~T~T^"T~T~"T~'l BB BP PP BBQ BQBe BPe BOPO PPO PGPG 336 3 5 4 5 9 3 396 Expect. 1-8 3-6 1-8 5-4 10-8 5'4 BPBQPQ X CP r^T^T~T"^T~r~T"l BC BP GP PP BGQ BPe CPe PPQ 337 0 2 8 5 10 8 1 4 396 52 Expect. 4-7 4-7 4-7 4-7 4-7 4-7 4-7 4-7 BQ X BG BBGe r~T~T~T^T~T~T~l BB BG BQ GQ BBe BGe BQQ GQB 338 21 22 12 14 15 17 16 22 18 292 Expect. 17-3 17-3 17-3 17-3 17-3 17-3 17-3 17-3 Bs X AAe Bs X cece AB AS ABO ASe BCe GSB 330 6 5 2 7 N 340 18 16 341 416 Expect. 5 5 5 5 Expect. 17 17 341 Expect. BB 5 4:5 R. K. Nabours BSBOSe X BSBOSe T~T~T-^T~T^T— T— 1 BS SS BBQ BQBe BSQ BQSe SSe SQSQ 7 4 4 13 16 14 6 4 407 9-1 4-5 9-1 4-5 18-2 91 9-1 4-5 29 BSBQSQ X BSBOSe 1 BB' BS 0 4 3 0 1 BQBe 1 4 BSQ Bese 3 10 1 sse 1 1 sese 842 1 343 3 1 211 7 425 341 Totals ' 4 4 3 5 13 8 Expect. 2-3 4-6 2-3 6-9 13-8 6-9 BSBeSQ X 00 00 X BFBeFe r- T" T^ Bc cs Bce cse 344 1 6 11 1 341 265 Expect. 4-7 4-7 4-7 4-7 r~T"^T~i BC CF Bce CFe 348 5 4 2 6 86 191 Expect. 4-2 4-2 42 4-2 Bese X BB CC X oeoe 1 1 1 cce 1 1 BBe Bse 349 209 85 365 345 32 21 341 Expect. 26-5 26-5 CC X OP0 Bese X BS T 1 z?/>'e iise sse CC T i cp cce CFe 350 14 22 18 18 397 Expect. 18 18 18 18 346 22 30 13 341 426 Expect. 16-2 32:5 16-2 CC X Gscese 1 cs cce cse cc X BCBece 1 i BC CC nee cce 1 — CC R 351 43 5 12 34 413 352 9 12 14 5 351 847 81 36 34 29 407 Expect. 32-5 32-5 32-5 32-5 Totals 52 17 26 39 Expect. 33-5 33-5 33-5 33-5 30 Inheritance mid Evolution in Orthoptera II CO X sse cs cse 353 E xpect. 413 354 355 cce X Bc r"~T^~T~i BC CO BCe GC9 20 20 16 '19 N 282 5 10 10 12 407 cce X JS r~T- T~i cj cs cje cse R359 30 30 28 27 N 234 360 0 8 6 3 280 152 Totals 30 33 34 30 Expect. 31-7 81-7 31-7 31-7 cce X SS I R 361 362 CS 18 22 cse 10 413 26* 413 Totals 25 Expect. 28 30 28 26 28 31 28 Totals Expect. 40 38 36 38 cce X , 1 BS BC 1 CS BCQ --CSQ 356 3 11 7 5 407 465 357 37 38 30 30 265 341 Cece X BQBQ, cce X BOBO, or cece X BBO Bce Bece 363 12 368 214 Totals 40 49 37 35 Expect. 40-2 40'2 40-2 40-2 CCQ X CCQ cc ccQ cece cece X cece, cce X cece, or cece X cce cce cece 358 1 0-5 1 1-5 249 364 365 366 367 368 1 89 135 114 26 382 265 365 365 249 Total 365 CE X BCBece BC BE CC CE Bce BEe cce CEe 360 12 6 6 6 6 Expect. 6-2 6-2 6-2 6-2 6-2 4 6-2 6 6-2 4 6-2 292 R. K. Nabours 31 CFCeFO X AC I r~T~T" T"~T~T~1 AC CC AF CF ACS CCO AFQ CFQ 370 45 1 4 17 23 14 282 N Expect. 26 13 13 26 13 13 CQCe X BF BCe CFQ 371 42 48 365 266 Expect. 45 45 CECeEO X CE CC CE EE CCe CEO EEQ 372 15 6 3 4 0 292 52 Expect. 2-3 4-7 2-3 2-3 4-7 2-3 CFCQFQ X A J r~T~T~T"^T~T- AC AF CJ FJ ACQ AFQ CJQ FJQ 373 41401301 348 N Expect. 17 1-7 1-7 1-7 1-7 1-7 1-7 1-7 CFGQFQ X BE r~T""^T~i BC BF BCQ BFQ 374 5 5 5 3 278 205 Expect. 4-5 4-5 4-5 4-5 CFCQFQ X CCQ r~T~T^-T— T~l CC CF CCQ CQCQ CFQ CQFQ 375 15 4 22 22 282 N Expect. 7-8 7-8 23-6 23'6 32 Inheritance and Evolution in Orthoptera II 376 377 378 GFGQFQ X GF r~T~T^~T~T~"1 GC GF FF GCe GFG FFQ 47 35 12 6 33 25 282 9 18 7 4 10 7 282 18 25 7 2 25 16 283 Totals 74 78 26 12 68 48 Expect. 38-2 76-5 38-2 38-2 76-5 38-2 GFGQFQ X GFGQFQ 1. r 1 GC 0 1 1 1 FF 0 GGQ 1 1 cece 1 1 CP^e CQFQ 0 1 i Fi^e i^eFe 0 379 1 435 380 4 5 0 4 10 4 268 381 2 1 0 4 15 5 289 382 383 12 0 7 4 4 0 16 3 37 9 20 4 282 382 384 385 0 1 0 0 2 1 0 3 1 8 1 2 382 312 383 386 387 0 0 4 6 2 0 0 7 2 11 1 6 435 386 312 Totals Expect. 19 14 28 28-1 9 14 38 42-1 88 84-3 43 42-1 Ci^CeJ^e X GQFQ r~T~T T~T~1 GGQ CQGQ CFQ CQFQ FFQ b'QFQ 388 15 33 19 184 445 Expect. 16-7 33-5 GFGQFQ X FJFQJQ i 16-7 ' GF 389 2 "^T T r GJ FF FJ 3 12 T T T T GFQ CQFQ GJQ GQJQ 6 1 T T T [ FFQ FQFQ FJQ FQJQ 8 7 282 373 Expect. 1 S 1-8 1-8 1-8 5-6 B-e 5-6 5-6 GQFQ X GQFQ, GFGQFQ X GQFQ, or GQFQ X ci^cei^e r~T~T^"T~T"1 cece GGQ GQFQ CFQ FQFQ FFQ 390 7 7 10 383 331 391 3 4 1 312 384 392 15 40 15 331 312 393 12 36 18 312 386 Totals 37 87 44 Expect. 42 84 - 42 R K. Nabours 33 cj X cQce 394 Expect. cce 7 5-5 I CJQ 4 395 5-5 395 Expect. I CC CJCQJQ X cjceje "T~T— r^T~T~T~T~1 CJ JJ CCQ CeCQ CJQ CQJQ JJQ JQJQ 3 la 13 10-1 20-3 10-1 30-5 79 61-1 19 30-5 360 CP X BBe BG BP BCe BPQ 396 33 31 44 36 335 341 Expect. 36 36 36 36 CC 397 16 Expect. 14 CP X CCQ "T-"^T~1 CP CCQ CPQ 13 14 13 335 426 14 14 14 CPCQPQ X BCBQCQ nT~T"T-T~T T~T ~T~T~T~1 BC BP CC CP BCQ BQCQ BPQ BQPQ CCQ CQCQ CPQ CQPQ 398 12 0 1 3 3 Expect. 'i-i 11 11 11 3-3 3-3 2 3-3 6 3-3 335 399 400 401 4oa 403 I — I CC 1 0 0 0 0 CPCQPQ X CPCQPQ "T""T"T"^T~T~T~T— 1 CP PP CCQ CQCQ CPQ CQPQ PPQ PQPQ 1 4 3 10 2 1» 5 0 6 2 0 10 2 23 7 2 10 2 34 15 Totals 1 20 14 42 63 Expect. 10-3 20-6 lOS 30-9 61-8 Joum. of Gen. vii 0 397 5 335 1 335 11 335 8 335 25 30-9 34 Inheritance and Evolution in Orthoptera II CS X ABAQBB AG AS BC T T T Bs Ace Ase BCQ 1 404 0 3 0 3 0 2 3 6 N 314 405 2 3 6 8 7 15 8 6 N 179 Totals 2 6 6 11 7 17 11 12 Expect, 9 9 9 9 9 9 CS X ACAQGe 9 9 AC , 1 CC AS CS ACQ CCQ Ase cse 4oe 17 7 9 27 4 6 34 234 Expect. i: ■5 S-? 8-7 17-5 8-7 «•?■ CS' X BCBece r""T~T~r T~T~T~1 ■ BC BS CC CS BCe BSe CCQ CSQ 407 1 2 32 2 2 63 107 264 Expect. 2-6 2-6 2-6 2-6 2-6 2-6 2-6 2-6 CS X BSBese r~T~T~T T-T~T"n BC BS CS SS BCQ BSQ CSS SSO 408 00000010 100 279 CS X CCQ CC CS CCQ cse 409 5 4 4 3 100 258 410 6 5 13 11 N 416 411 21 28 26 25 407 412 5 5 100 258 CS X CQCQ I I c'ce CSQ Totals 32 37 43 39 ~ Expect. 5 5 Expect. 37-7 37-7 37-7 37-7 CS X CSCQSQ ' r~T~T^-T^T^l CC CS SS CCQ CSQ SSQ 413 20 30 19 16 30 15 360 R 414 2 11 4 4 11 1 413 Totals 22 41 23 20 41 16 Expect. 20-3 40-7 20-3 20-3 40-7 20-3 R. K. Nabours 35 cesQ X js ' T T ^ cjo cse jse sse \ 415 2 6 3 2 264 152 Expect. 3-2 3-2 3-2 3-2 cscese x cce 1 — 1 CC T T T T 1 cs cce cece cse cese ' , ' *■ , ' tf 416 18 1 26 41 408 407 417 1 3 17 8 407 Totals 19 4 43 49 Expect. U-3 14-3 43-1 43-1 cese X cese, cscese x cese, or cese X cscese T "V J ^ cece cse cese sse ses 1 — CCQ re 418 11 38 14 416 419 3 9 1 416 Totals 14 47 15 Expect. 19 38 19 cscese x cscese r~T~T~T~^T~T~"T~T-n CC cs ss cce cece cse cese sse sese 420 0 4ai 2 422 2 1 0 1 1 4 0 Totals Expect. 4 3-8 6 7-7 14 11-6 4 4 21 29 23-2 0 416 0 416 8 416 8 11-6 CS X sse 423 R 424 CS' 9 14 .1 SS 6 18 cse sse 9 9 17 25 413 413 cscese x be r- I BC 425 7 Expect. 8 Totals 23 24 26 34 Expect. 26-7 26'7 26-7 267 Bs Bce Bse 8 13 4 407 236 8 8 8 3—2 I 36 Inheritance and Evolutio7i in Orthoptera II cscesQ X BCBoce r~T~T~T-T~T T~T^T~T^T— 1 Bc Bs cc cs Bce Bece bsq boso cce cece cse cese 426 0 4 1 Expect. 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 0 4 3 6 1-2 3-7 3-7 3-7 cscese x bqbo " T T 1 Bce Bece Bse Bose 427 2 4 40*7 ■ 213 Expect. 3 3 2 3-7 407 DJ X cjceje r~T^T~T-^T~T~T~l CD CJ DJ JJ CDS CJe DJQ JJQ 428 0 2 0 12 0 3 116 395 Expect. 1 1 i 1 1 1 DJ X cscese 2 ^T~T~T T~T~T~1 CD CJ Ds js cue cje use jse 429 7 6 4 7 8 11 11 6 116 413 Expect, 7-5 7-5 7-5 7-5 7-5 7-5 7-5 7-5 EFEOFO X BC ± BE BF CE CF BEQ BFQ CEO CFQ 430 11210 5 04 296 312 431 2 0 1 2 0 4 0 2 296 283 Totals 31330906 Expect. 3-1 3-1 3-1 3-1 3-1 3'1 3-1 3-1 I — I EE 432 1 Expect. 2'5 EFEOFQ X EFEQFQ EF FF EEQ EQEQ EFQ EQFQ FFG FBEQ 4 0 5-1 2:5 11 7-6 14 15-3 11 7-6 296 R. K. Nabours 37 FF X BBQ BF BFQ 433 2 1 Expect. 1-5 1-5 303 FF X BQFQ \ 1 BFG FFQ 434 1 3 124 191 Expect. 2 2 FF X CCQ r-i-n CF CFe 435 56 47 439 N Expect. 51-0 51-5 FFQ X ABAQBQ AF BF AFQ AQFQ BFQ BQFQ 436 6 4 Expect. 6-5 6'5 FFQ X BB Expect. 437 8 7 BFQ 6 449 43 7 FFQ X BS -T^r L'F i^Sf 5Fe FSQ 438 9 9 4 14 315 N Expect. 9 9 9 9. FFQ X FFQ 439 440 FF 0 1 FFQ FQFQ 10 434 . 2 384 Totals Expect. 6 4-5 12 13-5 20 22 315 N 19-5 i9-5 2<^0Fe X 55 BFQ ■ 441 80 439 44 FQFQ X 5050, ^'^0 X BQBQ, or JTOF0 X 550 1 BQFQ BFQ 442 14 315 R 443 112 315 Total 126 FQFQ X BG r "1 BFQ CFQ 444 20 17 439 44 Expect. 18-5 18-5 38 Inhei'itmice and Evolutio7i in Ortho2)te7'a II FQFQ X ceFQ, FFQ X CeFe, or FQFQ X r T CQFQ CFQ CFCOFQ T 1 FOFO FFO 445 1 0 325 393 Expect. 0-5 0-5 FQFQ X BQFO, FFQ X BOFO, or FOFQ X BFBOFe r T BQFQ BFO 446 22 21 . 315 Expect. 21-5 ^i-5 FOFO X FOFQ FFe X FeFO FOFe X FFQ 1 — 1 -— — 1 FOFQ FFQ 447 22 439 448 16 382 449 .11 448 450 45 449 451 56 449 452 13 312 453 8 305 454 50 453 455 3 393 325 Total 224 FJFQJQ X FJFQJQ r~T-~T"T~T T~T~T^ FF FJ J J FFQ FQFQ FJQ FQJQ JJQ JQJQ 456 2 4 6 Expect. 1-5 3-1 1-5 4-6 5 9-3 0 457 4-6 FJFQJQ X FQJQ, or FQJQ X FJFQJQ r~T~T T~T~] FQFQ FFQ FQJQ FJQ JQJQ JJQ 457 12 14 7 389 Expect. 8-2 16-5 8'2 FQJQ X FQJQ FJFQJQ X FQJQ FQJQ X FJFQJQ FQFQ FFQ FQJQ FJQ JQJQ JJQ 15 5. 10 5 457 4 457 3 457 Totals Expect. 22 16 30 32 12 16 U. K. Nabours 3d nsHese x ss 1 r HS -rV ss use — 1 1 SSQ 461 2 4 5 4 N »ect. 3-7 3-7 3-7 3-7 463 Expect. I I BJ 42 31-7 48 5i7 JQJO X JGJG jje X JQJe joje X jje CJ 29 I 1 I 1 jQje jjQ 462 40 457 jp X BCBece 'T^"T^T~T~1 CP Bje BPQ eve CFQ 27 28 28 25 27 147 292 31-7 31-7 31-7 31-7 31-7 PS X iiiJe SS X cscesQ BP iJS iiPe BSQ 1 1 CS "^^ T 1 SS CSQ SSQ 464 7 9 5 6 146 231 466 17 7 11 13 Expect. 6-? 6-7 6-7 6-7 Expect. 12 12 12 12 SS X ABAQBe SS X sse T 1 JSS ASQ Bse 1 "I AS - ss sse 465 3 1 1 1 107 170 467 6 8 34 Expect, i-5 15 1-5 15 Expect. SSe X SSQ r - 1 ss sese ssq 7 7 468 25 78 341 Expect. 25-7 77-2 413 In a few matings separations of BBS from BSB%, BGS from B®GS, and C(7H from G@G@ were made in the records. As has ah-eady been indicated, this is a very tedious and difficult undertaking, as the dif- ference between an individual homozygous for 0 and one heterozygous for it is only slight at best. If the determinations are not made within a few days after moulting it is necessary to group them, as was done in most of the matings. Mating (341) {BS& x BS®) was separated with special care, the result being shown in the table. The following matings, grouped in the table, were thus separated, but the mortality GC BG BBQ Bej5e Gce CQce BGO Bee 1 2 4 1 2 1 3 3 G 7 6 2 4 4 8 3 3 5 6 2 5 0 15 5 0 3 5 1 3 4 9 4 1 5 2 1 6 0 8 3 1 4 5 6 10 8 23 13 7 13 19 8 11 9 34 15 40 Inheritance and Evolution in Orthoptera II of the individuals mated from them was so great that the correctness of the separations was not adequately proven by further breeding. BGQ X BCQ BB 242 0 244 1 245 1 246 6 247 2 254 3 256 13 Totals 2fi 19 39 47 21 41 26 100 46 Expect. 23 23 ' 46 46 23 46 23 92 46 Note. The mortality on the whole due to fungus and other disease, lack of proper care, etc., was very great. However, recently, considerable improvement has been made. Of the 974 matings made in this experiment only 470 produced young that could be recorded. Of the 43,914 young transferred from the mating jars only 21,686 (those used in this paper) were recorded. The nature of this material permits us to observe the difference in behaviour between the multiply allelomorphic characters, allelomorphic to each other, never to absences, and the character ©, allelomorphic only to its absence, never to anything. Application of this conception may be made outside the Paratettix material ; the case of inheritance of combs in fowls, for instance. Allowing P to represent the factor for pea, 8 the factor for single, each allelomorphic to the other, and ^ the factor, allelomorphic only to its absence, which, when present, modifies 8S to make the two kinds of rose, and PP and PS to make the four kinds of walnut, w^e have the same situation that is produced by B, G, or any other two multiple allelomorphs and @ in Paratettix. We then secure the same ratios, and exact parallelism in all respects. When Mr Bateson (2), p. 63, describes a cross, rose x single, with the resulting dominance of rose in F^ and the usual 3 rose : 1 single in F^, he really shows a cross of single homozygous for the modifying factor and pure single {8^8^ x 88) which produces 88^. Then when these are inbred there results in F^, SS SS^ S^S^ S^S^ X SS Parents 12 1 I ^1 13 I ^ "* SS

S^S^ 2 1 Bose 3 PP^ PP* P^S^ PS^ 2 12 4 Walnut 9 This situation is exactly paralleled by matings (198), (242), and (243) in Paratettix: Paratettix. BB X cece I (198) Bce 34 I BC Bece X BCBQCQ BB BC 2 CG 1 BBQ BOBO Bce Bece QC Fi 1 1 PSP^S^ X PSP^S'P r 1 1 1 »P PS |.. ... 1 SS PP* 1 1 1 P^P^ PS* 1 PS* 1 1 SS^ S-PS^ 1 2 1 2 1 4 2 2 1 3 1 9 3 Pea Single Walnut Bose (See also matings at end of summaries, where those containing single and double doses of 0 were separated.) 42 hiheritaiice and Evolution in Orthoptera It The mating RF x S, (2), p. 65, could not have been other than P/S^ X i^S which would produce P^ SS PS^ and S8^ 1111 Pea Single Walnut Rose Another case is that of comb behaviour in experiments 33, 40 and 41, (1), pp. 103, 106, 107. The $ in experiment 33 was well proven to have been homozygous for the mo which makes rose of single (experiments 30-33) and her composition therefore should read S^S*i> and the cT was single {SS). A pedigree arrangement of these experiments would appear as follows : ? .S'4>S PS^ ss^ P$S* s^s^ R. K. Nabours 43 The essential difference between this conception and those prevailing in most of the literature and practically all text books on the subject is that two factors, P and S, which are paired, each with the other, and one factor, , which is not paired, unless it be with its absence, are considered. Rose is a modified single and in no sense a character. Walnut is a modification by the factor of pea and the combination of pea and single. The same consideration may be given to the crossings of round yellow with wrinkled green peas. Having in mind the behaviour of @ and any two multiple allelomorphs in ParateUix, it appears that Mendel's experiment, (2), pp. 333, 334, consisted of one pair of factors, round and wrinkled, each allelomorphic to the other, and a factor for yellow which is allelomorphic only to its absence as © in Paratettix and in combs of fowls. Allowing R to represent the factor for round and W the factor for wrinkled, the two making an allelomorphic pair, and A the unpaired factor for yellow, we have a case of crossing RARA x WW, with the product in Fi,R WA. These inbred produced in F2, considering only those tested by Mendel, RR RW WW RRA RARA RWA RAW A WW A WAWA 35 67 30 65 38 138 60 68 28 33 66 33 30 66 33 132 66 66 33 102 301 96 99 33 297 99 Round Wrinkled Eound yellow Wrinkled green green yellow Green is common to the albumen of peas. It may be that peas are all homozygous for the factor, or factors, causing green, but the green does not pair, as an allelomorph, with yellow. It does not matter, in this consideration, whether the factor for yellow causes yellowness in addition to, and to the obscurity of, gTeen, or whether it inhibits or destroys something to prevent the green from showing. It may be remarked, in this connection, that if all fourteen Paratettix multiple allelomorphs, so far discovered, should be made homozygous for ©, which could be easily accomplished, and all of them segregated, there would be no chance of securing pure multiple allelomorphs again from this group. As a matter of fact the forms with the double doses of ^ would themselves become multiple allelomorphs. This may be true now with respect to certain characters in Paratettix, e.g., the triangular black spots on each side of the mid-pronotum which are common to all forms. However, since all of them appear to have it 44 Inheritance and Evolution in Orthoptera II there is no possibility of proving the matter, unless a form without it, or only heterozygous for it, should be discovered. There are two classes of characters, the one such SiS A, B, C, D, etc., in Paratettix, pea and single in combs of fowls, and round and wrinkled in peas, and the other class such as B in Paratettix, in combs of fowls and A in colour of the albumen in peas. In the first class two factors for any one suffice to make the whole character, and two for different ones produce a hybrid, intermediate in fact, though the one may be more apparent (epistatic) and the other less apparent (hypostatic). Two factors for either A, B, C, or either of the others in that series, suffice for a complete pattern ; one factor for one and another factor for another make a hybrid. Two factors for pea make a complete pea comb ; two factors for single produce a complete single comb ; while one factor for pea and one factor for single produce the hybrid comb (with pea epistatic, though this hybrid is said to appear somewhat intermediate). Two factors for roundness produce the character of roundness, two factors for wrinkledness produce a wrinkled pea; one factor for wrinkledness and another for roundness produce an inter- mediate in fact (with the round epistatic, though this hybrid is said to be somewhat intermediate). In the other class (@, <1> and A) no one can exist except in connection with, and in addition to, characters of the first class. As already stated these factoids are allelomorphic to their absences, never to any other character. For instance, in Pat^atettix, when BB contains a 'single dose of @ (heterozygous for it), in the gametogenesis, every other gamete receives a dose of @, half the gametes formed carrying it and half without it. In neither case does the @ factor affect the normal behaviour of the B gamete. The same conditions prevail for hybrids, such as BG ; if @ be present in the single dose, only every other gamete receives it, if @ be present in double dose, no gamete is formed without it. In either case the gametogenesis in BG proceeds as though @ were not present. (In the use of the word " dose " or " fector " there is no intention at this time of attempting to convey any conception of the condition or situation in the germ cells of the factor 0.) It requires two gametes of any one multiple allelomorph to make a homozygote for that form, or a gamete of one and a gamete of another multiple allelomorph to make a hybrid or heterozygote. The situation is entirely different with regard to such characters as ©, in Paratettix, fp in combs of fowls and A in colour of peas; these are mere appur- tenances of the gametes of the multiple allelomorphs. This conception, if acceptable, has wide application. Besides applying R K. Nabours 45 to colours of Paratettix, combs of fowls, and colours of the albumen of peas, it as readily applies to all the inheritance behaviour exhibiting the 1 : 3 (actually 1 : 2 : 1) ratios, and the 9:3:3:1 (actually 1:1:1:1:2:2:2:2:4) ratios described in the literature which I have had time so far to examine. I suggest also that those matings which result in the apparent 27:9:9:9:3:3:3:1 ratios actually consist of one pair of allelomorphic characters, each allelomorphic to the other and two non-allelomorphic or unpaired characters, of the nature of ©, each allelomorphic only to its absence, and neither one allelo- morphic to the other, nor to any other, character. One multiple allelomorphic factor of the nature oi A, B, C, or others of this series, and two non-allelomorphic factors of the nature of @, or three factors of the nature of 0 and the factor, or factors, of the nature of A, B, C, etc., unnoticed, or ignored, though necessarily present, proT- duce the 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 : 2 : 2 : 2 : 2 : 4 (9 : 3 : 3 : 1) ratios. One multiple allelomorphic factor and three non-allelomorphic factors like 0, or four factors of the nature of 0 and the factor, or factors, like A, B, C, D, etc., unnoticed or ignored, will give the 27 : 9 : 9 : 9 : 3 : 3 : 3 : 1 ratios. In no instance can more than one multiple allelomorphic factor (^, B, C, D, etc.) be found in one gamete, or two in a zygote ; but any number of factoi's like © can be accommodated in a gamete or zygote. The behaviour of these factors as illustrated in the tables lends emphasis to these distinctions which are of fundamental importance in studies of inheritance. During the last three years of the breeding work, and in the pre- paration of the data and illustrations, Mr A. W. Bellamy has given me the most valuable help. The initiation of the work at the Kansas Experiment Station was made possible by the open-minded and helpful consideration of Dr T. J. Headlee, now of the New Jersey Station. The Adams fund has cared for part of the expenses, and State funds for the balance. Director W. M. Jardine has given the most complete encourage- ment throughout. 46 Inheritance and Evolution in Orthoptera II EXPLANATION OF PLATES. PLATE I. BBQ and JSOBG, BGQ and 50(70, and GCQ and CQ)CQ were photographed in pairs, respectively, on the same plates and were printed in pairs. All nine kinds are here easily distinguishable. The series of phenomena is here represented as due to the combinations of one pair of allelomorphic characters, or factors, B and C, and a third character, or factor, 0, which is not paired, or allelomorphic, except with its absence. This conception is widely different from that which represents the phenomena as due to the combinations of two pairs of allelomorphic characters or factors. According to Mr Bateson (2), p. 65, GQCQ, or BQBQ might be considered one character of an allelo- morphic pair. PLATE M. The top row (first twelve figures) represents the patterns which breed true and cannot be further analyzed. The form AA is most abundant in nature, most of the others being comparatively rare. Therefoi'e it is common to find the other forms hybridized with A A, though they are sometimes found pure, or in combination with others than A A. The eighteen figures (BE — JS) represent simple hybrids resulting from combinations of the pure forms. The remaining fifteen figures (BFQ — CV0) represent the pure forms and their hybrids carrying the melanic pattern 0, heterozygously or homozygously, as indicated. For an explanation of the three figures ISIS, BIS, and IIS see third instalment, Journal of Genetics, Vol. vii. p. 47. LITERATURE CITED. 1. Bateson, W., and Saunders, E. R. 1901. "Experimental Studies in the Physiology of Heredity." Report to the Evolution Committee of the Royal Society. 2. Bateson, W. 1909. MendeVs Principles of Heredity. Cambridge University Press. 3. Child, C. M. 1915. Senescence and Rejuvenescence. University of Chicago Press. 4. MoRCi AN, T. H., and others. 1915. Mechanism of Mendelian Heredity. Henry Holt and Co. 5. Nabours, R. K. 1914. "Studiesof Inheritance and Evolution in Orthoptera. I." Journal of Genetics, Vol. in. No. 3, pp. 141 — 170. JOURNAL OF GENETICS, VOL VII. NO. 1 Gametes - B c Be PLATE I ce I Bce Bce cce Bce cce BBBe BBCe Bece cece JOURNAL OF GENETICS, VOL VII. NO. 1 PLATE II STUDIES OF INHERITANCE AND EVOLUTION IN ORTHOPTERA. HP. By ROBERT K. NABOURS. In the first instalment of this study, Journal of Genetics, Vol. ill. pp. 141 — 170, the crossing of the hybrid (/ GE with a hybrid % BI, Table III (b\ was reported which produced the approximate normal expectation of BG 12, BE 11, GI 7, and EI 10, and an unexpected individual, a male, showing the combination of the three patterns B, E, and / {BE I). This aberrant individual was discovered at an early age and its pattern was clearly marked at all times, and especially well soon after moulting when patterns are always at their best. It became adult, but was lost before any matings were made. It was suggested in the report that perhaps the female had produced an abnormal gamete con- taining the factors for both B and /, and that this was fertilized by a normal gamete from the male containing the factor for E^. Explanations of the causes of this phenomenon have been proposed by Dexter ('14), and Bridges ('16), and comments have been made upon it by Castle ('14), and Morgan ('14). No other such individual was observed in any of the Paratettix cultures until the summer of 1915, when a form combining the patterns of B, 8, and a modified / appeared among the progeny of a mating (472) of 18 X BS. This aberrant BI8 individual, a male, was mated to three females, BG (mating 486), B8 (mating 488), and BB (mating 482), respectively. Reference to the accompanying tables and to the tables in the second instalment will indicate the ancestry of the parents in this mating (472) and also show the breeding behaviour of the progeny and relatives. (See Plate II in second instalment.) 1 Contribution from the Zoological Laboratory of the Kansas State Agricultural College and Experiment Station, No. 11. . The first instalment appeared in the Journal of Geneticx, Vol. in., and the second in Ibid. Vol. VII. pp. 1 — 46. 2 The other apparent exceptions referred to in the first instalment were those cases involving the factor 9, which are considered in the second paper. 48 Inheritance and Evolution m Ortlioptera III Table for Use in Making Pedigrees. One or both of the parents of the numbers inside the parentheses came from the number outside. This table, with the source numbers in connection with the matings, enables one to trace the ancestry of any mating as far back, and the progeny as far forward, as there are any records. 470 (471, 472, 474); 472(473, 479, 480, 482, 486, 488, 489); 473 (481, 490, 495, 496); 475 (476, 477, 478, 490, 504, 505, 506, 531, 532) ; 479 (494) ; 480 (481); 482 (483, 484, 485, 497, 498, 499, 502, 503, 528); 485 (487, 501, 512, 513, 536, 539) ; 486 (484, 509, 510, 515, 516, 517, 522); 488 (498); 489 (504, 505, 507, 508, 519); 491 (518); 492 (506, 508); 493 (519); 502 (518, 530) ; 503 (529, 531, 532, 533, 534, 538); 509 (525); 610 (487, 500, 514, 523, 524, 527, 529, 530, 535, 536, 540) ; 515 (500, 511, 520, 521, 523, 535) ; 522 (512, 513, 526, 537, 538, 540).^ Explanation of the Tables. Matings of the same kind are grouped in summaries. The (? parent is on the left and 'the ? on the right of the x , except when (R) is used, which indicates a reciprocal. Below the line, beginning at the left, (R) when used = reci- procal ; the number in heavy type (e.g. 470) is that of the mating ; the next number, or numbers, indicate the progeny; the last number, or numbers, in square type (e.g. 26), indicate the sources of the parents, the Si 14. The / and S in this mating had come through one generation from the mating (472) which produced the original BIS (see table). This CIS was in all observable respects similar to the other CIS individuals produced by descendants of the original BIS aberrant form. It died before reaching adult stage. When this CIS nymph, mating (507), was first observed, during its third instar, consideration was given to the possibility of its having been introduced into the breeding jar acci- dentally from some contemporaneous jar containing CIS, as matings (486), (510), and others. However, careful examination of the other breeding jars containing CIS disclosed that none of these had arrived at the third instar stage, and, furthermore, this jar (507) had not been near enough these jars to make it likely that any accidental exchange might have been made. However, there remains the bare possibility of an accident in this case. It appears that this strain of /, or S, or both, is subject to abnormal behaviour, and that the linkage, or modification, is permanent, thereby making a new and true breeding pattern. It may be that some of the numerous multiple allelomorphs in Paratettix have been developed in a similar way. The form QQ (see plate in second instalment) which so much resembles the form CG, may hava secured the redness of its legs from some other fofm, just as the SS, in the experiment, mating (472), has become greatly modified through linkage with I. (In the new form, IS, the *Si pattern is more conspicuous than the I pattern.) I am under obligation to Mr A. W. Bellamy (1910 — Fellow in Zoology in the University of Chicago) for valuable help during the 54 Iiiherita^ice mid Evolution in Ortlioptera lit progress of the experiments and arrangement of the data. The expenses have been carried by the Adams fund and State fund of the Kansas Experiment Station, and I have had the most open-minded and complete encouragement from Director W. M. Jardine. LITERATURE CITED. Bridges, C. B. 1916. " Non-disjunction as a proof of the Chromosonae Theory of Heredity." Genetics, Vol. i. pp. 1—52 ; 107—163. Castle, W. E. 1914. " Nabours' Grasshoppers, Multiple Allelomorphism, Linkage, and Misleading Terminologies in Genetics." Ainer. Nat. Vol. xlviii. pp. 383, 384; 503, 504. Dexter, John S. 1914. " Nabours' Breeding Experiments with Grasshoppers." Artier. Nat. Vol. xlviii. pp. 317—320. Morgan, T. H. 1914. "The Theoretical Distinction between Multiple Allelo- morphs and Close Linkage." Amer. Nat. Vol. xlviii. pp. 502, 503. Nabours, R. K. 1914. " Studies of Inheritance and Evolution in Orthoptera. 1." Journal of Genetics, Vol. in. pp. 141 — 170. 1917. " Studies of Inheritance and Evolution in Orthoptera. 11." Journal of Genetics, Vol. vii. pp. 1 — 46. STUDIES OF INHERITANCE AND EVOLUTION IN ORTHOPTERA. IV\ MULTIPLE ALLELOMORPHISM AND INHERITANCE OF COLOR PATTERNS IN TETTIGIDEA^. By ALBERT WILLIAM BELLAMY. (With Plate III.) Introduction. According to Bateson each character of an alternative pair is an allelomorphic one. He says ('09, p. 11) "The dissociation of characters from each other in the course of the formation of the germs, we speak of as segregation, and the characters which segregate from each other are described as allelomorphic, i.e. alternative to each other in the constitution of the gametes." According to Morgan, allelomorphic characters are characters, the determiners for which have identical loci in homologous chromosomes. Shull ('15, p. 55) speaks of allelomorphism as " A relation between two characters such that the determiners of both do not enter the same gamete, but are separated into sister gametes." If instead of a single pair, a series of several characters exists, each of which behaves towards another as one of an alternative pair, it is said to constitute a system of multiple allelomorphs ; the relation of the characters to one another being known as multiple allelomorphism. Triple systems of allelomorphs have been described in rats, guinea- pigs, rabbits, Drosophila, beans, snapdragons, Lychnis, et al. Quadruple ^ Studies I, II and III of this series were published by Robert K. Nabours, Journal of Genetics, Vols. iii. and vii. •^ Contribution from the Zoological Laboratory of the Kansas State Agricultural College and Experiment Station, No. 12. 56 Inheritance and Evolution in Orthoptera IV systems are equally well known, having been studied in mice, guinea- pigs, Drosophila, and corn. Nabours ('14) published an account of his work with Paixitettix in which he described what has since been recognized (Dexter, '14) as a system of multiple allelomorphic charac- ters,— the most extensive system yet reported. Nabours showed the existence of eight colour patterns, each allelomorphic to any of the others. Since that time, not only has the behaviour of the eight characters been fully confirmed, but the system has been extended to include in all, at least fourteen patterns and probably several more (Nabours, 17). Material and Method. The material used in this study was collected near Houston, Texas, by Dr Robert K. Nabours and turned over to the writer in October, 1914. I am under deep obligation to him for aid by way of suggestion, encouragement, and criticism. All the specimens used in the laboratory appear to conform most closely with Hancock's description of Tettigidea parviperinis pennata Morse. Occurrence and distribution. The Tettigidea are widely distributed, frequenting the damp surfaces of more or less deeply shaded areas, where mosses, lichens, algae, and decaying vegetation, upon which they feed, are to be found. Life History. That part of the life cycle from the egg to the adult may be completed in five or six weeks, although mating and deposition of eggs may not occur, at least in the laboratory, for several weeks after the last moult. In one instance, e.g. series (9) of Table I, the first young of the parental generation hatched February 9, 1915. Two females became adult March 9, one of which was mated on March 11, to her father, producing the second generation of young April 22, a little over eleven weeks from the hatching of the first generation to the hatching of the second. Technique. In the laboratory the grasshoppers are bred in cylindrical screen or glass jars set in pots of moist sandy loam, the surfaces of which are covered with a thin layer of peat. The bottom of a small three-inch pot protrudes about one-half inch above the surface of the soil in the centre of each jar, affording a clean place upon which to A. W. Bellamy 57 place the food. Some algae also grow upon it. The jars are of two sizes, the mating jars being 8" x 11" and the offspring jars 9" x 15" (cf. Nabours, 14, pp. 143, 144, and Fig. 1). The grasshoppers are fed on various filamentous algae which grow in abundance during the early spring, throughout the summer, and until late fall, in small streams, live-stock watering troughs, and similar places. In the winter, as well as in the summer, special troughs kept in the greenhouse supply a great deal of the food. If these food sources fail the supply is supplemented with algae and lichens that grow upon flower pots. Characters under observation. The characters used in this study are the colour markings of the pronota and of the femora of the jumping legs. For present purposes, they may be considered as polyomate " forms " of the species parvipennis. For the sake of convenience in reference and recording, the different patterns are represented by capital letters. In instances where these letters are used apparently to indicate a single factor, or gene, it is to be understood that they indicate only the initiative reaction or impulse, or whatever it is, that ultimately results in the character as it appears in the adult animal. The different patterns may then be indicated as follows (see Plate III) : G = yellowish white striped pronotum. D = white lined pronotum (bilineata), i.e. two whitish lines extend the full length of the lateral carinae. E = slightly fulvo-aeneous plus blackish striped pronotum, i.e. the whole pronotum has an ill-defined blackish stripe on a pallid or slightly fulvo-aeneous background. F= narrow banded femora ; this is subject to considerable variation, and in some individuals the pattern approaches a circle in outline, while in others it may appear as a white line. H (present only in connection with and in addition to some one or two of the other patterns) = light brownish-red pronotum and femora of the jumping legs. M = melanic, i.e. the whole animal is a dirty-brown to almost black individual. Homozygous individuals, since they receive their determiners for the character in question from two parents, are indicated by doubling the letter representing that pattern and heterozygotes are indicated by a combination of the letters corresponding to the patterns represented in their constitution. 58 inheritance and Evoliitio7i in Ortlioptera IV Experiments. Analysis of the original material. One male of the appearance of BF (see plate), one male of the appearance of GF, three females of the appearance of MM, and one female of the appearance of EEH, con- stituted the original material. They were mated as follows : (3) GF X MM, (5) DF' X MM, (13) DF^ X MM, (9) DF xEEH. These and the subsequent matings are shown in the table of matings which shows how all of the analyses were carried out. It may be said that many of the matings were made, not so much in accordance with a previously arranged schedule, but because they represented the only available material. No doubt many of the analyses could have been carried out to better advantage, especially if one could have counted on having the right male and female adult at the same time, and if the contingency of the death of a valuable specimen did not tiave to be reckoned with. Explanation of Table I. This table gives the entire pedigree. The matings are arranged in serial order reading in columns down the page and from left to right. The number in parentheses immediately above the horizontal line is the mating number ; the number in parentheses above the mating is the mating from which the parents came. Take for example : (9.3) EF X EF (9.16) ~1 EE EF FF 7 21 8 Expectation 9 18 9 This is mating number (9.16), the parents coming from (9.3). The actual numbers are 7 : 21 : 8 and the expectations 9:18:9 respectively. The original male DF was used in (5), (9), (9.1), and (13) and is indicated thus : *DF. ^ Same male. 4 A. W. Bellamy 59 TABLE I. Expect. Expect. Expect. Expect. Expect. Nature CF X MM I 1 ^ I (3) CM FM 78 79 78-5 78-5 (3) CM X CM I (3.4) r H n I I I CC CM MM ^~67 18 65 -75 ^i-^5 (3) FM X FM (3.5) 1 FF FM MM 68 70-5 (3) CM X CM 26 (3.6) CC CM MM 82 75 18 :25 (3) FJM X FM I (3.7) I ! I I I FF FM FM 110 57 lii5-25 41-75 Expect. (3.6) CC X CC I CC 9 9 (3.8) Expect. Expect. Expect. Expect. Expect. Expect. (3.8) CC X CC 1 (3.10) CC 29 29 (3.10) CC X CC 1 (3.11) CC 10 10 . Nature *DF X MM (5) r DM \ 1 FM 39 50 44-5 44-5 (5) DM X DM 1 (5-2) r 1 MM DD DM 63 27 67-5 ;82-5 (5) FM X DM (5.3) r -- - 1 y j DF DM FM MM 7 14 15 14 12-5 12-5 12-5 12-5 (5) FMx FM (5.5) r 1 FF FM 1 MM 30 12 31-5 10-5 60 Inheritance and Evolutio7i in Orthoptera IV TABLE I (continued). Expect. Expect. (5.2) MM X MM I (5-6) MM 50 50 (5.3) DF X DF I (5.7) Expect. Nature *DFxEEH 1 (9) DE EF DEH EFH 15 12 8 11 11-5 11-5 11-5 11-5 r~T~i DD DF 'FF 2 5 3 2-5 5 2-5 (9) *DF X DEH I (9.1) r^T"~T~T ~T""T""T~] DB DE DF EF DDH DEH DFH EFH 9 13 13 5 14 16 8 27 Expect. 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 Expect. (9) DEH X DE -T-V (9.2) T" DD DE EE DDH DEH EEH 4 4 3 9 i6 12 6 12 6 6 12 6 Expect. (9) EF X EF 1 (9.3) 1 1 1 1 1 1 EE EF FF 35 81 42 39-5 79 39-5 (9) EF X DE I (9.4) r~T "T~ I DF DE EE EF Expect. 38 33-5 71 67 25 33-5 (9) EFH X DE I (9.5) Expect. DE DF EE 5 5 5 7-3 7-3 7-3 T~1 EF EEH DEH DFH EFH 5 4 10 12 13 7-3 7-3 7-3 7-3 7H 1 A. W. Bellamy 61 Expect. Expect. Expect. (9.4) DE X DE I (9.8) TABLE I (continued). DD DE EE 28 61 26 28-7 57-5 28-7 (9.4) (9.1) DFxDD (9.9) DD 10:5 DF 13 10:5 (9.4) DF X DF I (9.11) I I DD DF 25 39 19-5 39 FF 14 19-5 Expect. Expect. Expect. Expect. (9.4) (9.3) EE X FF I (9.12) EF 4 4 (9.3) (9.1) FF X DF» DF 18 16-2 T (9.15) T FF DFH 17 19 i6'^ 16-2 FFH 11 (9.3) EF X EF I 7 9 I 21 18 (9.16) — I I FF 8 9 (9.3) B£ X EE EE 2 ;3 (9.17) DD Expect. 1'56 Expect. Expect. (9.4) EE X EE I (9.21) EE 5 .5 (9.4) EF X EF EE EF 9 43 16-7 33-5 (9.22) — I I FF 15 16-7 Expect. (9.3) (9.5) FF X FFH (9.24) EF i<^jr FFH i FFH 9 8 3 10 7:5 7-5 7-5 7-5 62 Inheritance and Evolution in Orthoptera IV Expect. TABLE I (continued). (9.6) DEH X DEH (9.25) r~T~T~T T ~T T T 1 DD DE EE DDH DHDH DEH DHEH EEH EHEH 2 1 0-56 1 1 0-56 1 1-69 3 3-37 1 1-69 Expect. (9.5) (9.1> EEH X DDH I ^9.26) T DE 9 10-25 DEH 22 20-'5 DHEH 10 10-25 (9.3) (9.1) FF X EFH 1 (9.29) EF FF EFH FFH 10 16 24 20 Expect. 17-5 17-5 17-5 17-5 Expect. (9.3) (9.2) FF X DEH I (9-27) DF EF DFH EFH 6 18 18 8 12-5 12-5 12-5 12-5 Expect. DF 9 16 (9.3) (9.8) FF X DEH I (9.30) EF 16 16 DFH EFH 33 6 16 16 Expect. (9.5) (9.1) EF X DD (9.28) 1 ~i DE DF 6 5 5-5 5-5 Expect. (9.8) DE X (9.47) DEH (9.37) 1 Expect. DD DE EE DDH 3 8 4 2 4-25 8-5 4-25 4-25 (9.11) (9.18) DD X FFH I (9.31) I 1 DF DFH- 0 2 DEH EEH 12 5 8-5 4-25 A. W. Bellamy 63 TABLE I (continued). (9.6) (9.17) FFH X EE I (9-44) r "1 Expect. EF 13 15 EF» 17 15 DD Expect. 2 -5 "T~T^T" DE EE DDH DHDH DEH 5 2-6 (9.26) DEH X DEH I (9.47) T ~T — T" 4 i-5 3 3-9 4 7-8 T DHEH EEH EHEH 4 3-9 Expect. (9.18) • (9.29) DFH X FF I (9.49) Df jFi*' DFH FFH 7 4 3 7 5-^.5 5-;?5 5-25 5-25 Expect. I — ! DD 0 1 (9.11) (9.31) DF X DFH I (9.51) "T~"T"~T~T^] DF FF DDH DFH FFH 3 1112 2 112 1 Expect. DF 2 11 EF 0 1-1 (9.26) (9.24) D£H X FFH (9.52) T— T T- DFH DHFH FFH FHFH 2 3-3 5 3-5 64 Inheritance and Evolution in Orthoptera TV TABLE I (contimied). • Expect. (9.6) (9.15) EFH X FF I (9.53) EF FF EFH FFH 0 4 2 3 1-75 1-75 1-75 1-75 Nature *DF X MM I (13) r ] Expect. BM 47 46 FM 45 46 Expect. Expect. (13) BM X FM I (13.1) r~"T T"~i BE BM FM MM 9 8 10 15 10-5 10-5 10-5 20-5 (13) BE X BM 1 (13.2) r""T ~T~i BB BM BE FM 16 8.8 16 . 8 8 (3) (5) FM X FM I (17) I I FF EM MM Expect. 32 32-25 11 10-75 Expect. Expect. Expect. (3) (13) C3I X FM I (18) r^T" T""1 CF CM FM MM 11 17 13 8 12-2 12-2 12-2 12-2 Nature 3IMH X MMH I (19) I H -1 I I I MM MMH MHMH 7 4-5 11 13-5 (19) MMH X ilfilf H I (19.1) I 1 1 I I I MM MMH MHMH 2 2-25 7 6-75 Expect. (3.6) (5.2) CM X BM I (22) r""T""T~i CB CM BM MM 18 18 18 15 17-2 17-2 17-2 17-2 Expect. GE CF EM 9 5 5 7-5 7-5 7-5 (3.6) (9.1) CM X EFH I (24) T~ T~"T"T"~1 FM CEH CFH EMH FMH 10 11 7 7 6 7-5 7-5 7-5 7-5 7-5 A. W. Bellamy 65 Expect. TABLE I (continued). (9.1) (5.3) DFH X DF I (25) r""T"~T~^~"T~~l DD DF FF DDH DFH FFH 1.111 5 3 1-5 3 1-5 15 3 15 Expect. (3.6) (9) , CC X EFH 1 — 1 •(27) T " 1 CE CF CEH GFH 7 9 0 10 Expect. 6-5 6-5 6-5 6-5 (17) (9.1) (3.6) (9.2) Fif X DD CC X EEH 1 (28) DF 62 cm 1 CE CEH 52 Exp€ set. 23 26 24-5 24-5 I — I CC Expect. 2 T CE EE 3 2 Expect. (29) CEH X CEH I (29.1) "T T T T T 1 CCH CHCH CEH CHEH EEH EHEH 3 6 (3.8) (9.26) CC X DHEH I (38) i I GDH CEH 23 20 21-5 21-5 11 12 CF 0 Expect, 0-87 Journ. of Gen. vij "T" EF (9.18) (29) FFH X CEH "T Cf'H (39) T 1 CHFH EFH EHFH 1 0-87 3 2-6 8 ;?-6 66 Inheritance and Evolution in Orthoptera IV TABLE I {continued). (19) (9.17) MMH X EE I (40) r ~i Expect. Expect. Expect, Expect. EM 1 3 EMH 5 3 (3.8) (5.6) CC X MM I - CM 29 29 (41) (3.8) (38) CG X GDH I (42) GC GD GQH GDH 4 2 4 4 3-5 3-5 3-5 3-5 (3.8) (9.47) GG X £HEH CEH 90 90 (43) Expect. Expect. Expect. (22) (28) CD X DF (44) 1 1 CD B T"~T 1 Ci^ DD .DF 5 4 5 4-75 4-75 4-75 4-75 (44) CDx CD (44.3) — I r CC CD DD 8 16 9 S-i?5 16-5 8-25 (9.49) (29.1) DjFH X CG I (56) r""T"~T~i CD GF GDH GFH 5 5 3 5 4-5 4-5 4-5 4-5 Table II. Combination of matings (3.5), (3.7), (17), and (5.5). FM X FM 1 I FF FM MM 240 106 Expect. 259-5 86-5 hie III. Combination of matings (3.6) and (3.4). CM X CM 1 h i li- ce CM MM 149 36 Expect. 138-75 46-25 A. W. Bellamy 67 A combination of the results given in Tables II and III gives for the first two classes 389 and for the third class, composed entirely of MM, 142 ; the expectations being 398*25 and 132*75 respectively. Table IV. Combination of the results of the matings giving a " 3 : 1 " ratio, viz. (3.4), (3.5), (3.6), (3.7), (5.2), (5.5), and (17). The apparent dominance and recessiveness of certain of these patterns will be men- tioned in another connection. I II III 552 169 1 Expect. 540-75 180-25 Combination of matings giving a " ] DD DF FF 2 ^ 5 3 (5.7) 25 39 14 (9.11) DD DE DF 28 61 26 (9.8) EE EF FF 35 81 42 (9.3) 7 21 8 (9.16) 9 43 15 (9.22) CC CD DD 8 16 9 (44.3) Totals 114 266 117 Expect. 124-25 248-5 124-25 In Tables I, II, III, and IV, the results have been tabulated as though C, D, and F were each " dominant " or epistatic, and M " recessive " or hypostatic. This was due, in part, to the fact that when these records were made the writer lacked experience and familiarity with the material, which, because of the gi-eat similarity in the case of CC and CM, of the homozygous and heterozygous forms, made it seem desirable to record the two classes together ; and in part due to the fact that CC and CM are not readily distinguishable until about a week after the last moult, and even then there are a few individuals which cannot readily be dis- tinguished. In the case of FF and FM, the pattern FF is so small that it would be difficult to distinguish between FF and FM, even though the hybrids were exactly intermediate between them. The case is rare, if it ever occurs, where some detectable difference does not occur between a homozygous form and the hybrid. The behaviour of H. An examination of Table I shows that the female EEH in (9) gave two sorts of gametes, viz. E and EH ; that the female DEH in (9.1) gave four sorts of gametes, D, E, DH, EW, and that all the 68 Inheritance and Evolution in Orthoptera IV possible combinations with the two gametes of the male give eight classes of young. However, (9.2), DEH x i)-£', produced six classes of young, which meets the expectation, because when all the possible combinations have been made the classes BE and DEH will each have occurred twice. Homozygotes, or heterozygotes containing H, are better analyzed by mating with homozygous individuals as has been dune in (9.15) and (9.27), FF x DFH, and a number of others. The mating (9.18), DFH xBFH, is of interest because among the nine possible combinations of gametes we should obtain three combinations in which H occurs twice, viz. DHDH, DHFH, and FHFH ; i.e. these individuals should have a double dose of H. In the sense that when inbred, all of the gametes will receive the factor (or factors) for H, they will be homozygous for it. It is interesting to note in this connection that a number of individuals appear in such matings as this which have the reddish pigmentation in an appreciably more intense condition than other individuals containing H in the same culture or other cultures. That such individuals may have a double dose of H is shown by matings (38), CO X BHEH, and (43), CC x ^H^H ; (38) producing CBH 23 and CEH 20 ; and (43) producing GEH 90. Homozygotic individuals with a single dose of H, as regards the characters in question, always give two sorts of gametes, while hetero- zygotic individuals with a single dose of H always give four sorts of gametes. Homozygotic individuals with' a double dose of H always give one sort of gametes, while heterozygotic individuals with a double dose of H always give -two sorts of gametes. It is seen that while the zygotic constitution of, e.g., BFH is either B : FH or F : Z)H, its gametic formula is always B:F:BH: FH. All the possible combinations of such a mating as has just been described may be obtained in the usual manner from the " 16-square" as for an organism differing in two " independent " characters, or the^ may be derived in the following manner and the ratios be made some- what more apparent : D: F: DH-.FH X D:F: DH: FH .1 1 — 1 1 T 1 ■ DD DF FF DDH DHDH DFH DHFH FFH FHFH DF DDH DFH DFH DFH DHFH FFH 1 2 1 2 1 4 2 2 1 1 3 3 3 3 6 3 1 9 JOURNAL OF GENETICS, VOL. VII. NO. 1 PLATE III A. W. Bellamy (59 This ratio of 4:2:2:2:2:1:1:1:1, or, when the single and double doses of H are counted in the same class as was done for (9.18) and others, of 6 : 3 : 3 : 2 : 1 : 1, is actually a 9:3:3:1 ratio ; or better, as has been emphasized by Nabours ('17), the 9:3:3:1 ratio is actually a 4:2:2:2:2:1:1:1 :l"ratio. Discussion. The chief purpose of this paper has been to record the inheritance behaviour of several colour patterns in Tettigidea which constitute a system of " multiple allelomorphs " ; and of another pigmental character- istic (H) '^ which exists in connection with and in addition to the other patterns" ■ The theory of multiple allelomorphism as set forth by the Morgan school, postulates that the determiners for all the characters of a given system of multiple allelomorphs shall have identical loci in a pair of homologous chromosomes. There may be as many sets or groups of characters as there are chromosomes in the matured gametes. It is stated that the same results may be explained equally well by assuming that there is complete linkage, i.e. that the determiners lie so close together in the chromosomes that crossing over never takes place, and that the end results would be the same in either case. If one wishes to interpret these results in the light of this hypothesis, ' it may be assumed that the " determiners " for the characters C, D, E, F, and M have identical loci in a single pair of homologous chromosomes. In the case of H it need only be assumed that its determiner is borne by some other chromosome. H is not sex linked and is apparently, as stated by Nabours for his @ in Paratettix, allelomorphic only to its absence. This report is based upon 3,219 recorded individuals. EXPLANATION OF PLATE III. Five " forms " of Tettigidea parvipennis arc represented in the first five figures on the Plate, viz. CG, DD, EE, EF, and MM. The six figures, CE, CF, CM, BE, BE, EF, represent hybrids between certain of the preceding forms. The remaining six figures show the result of the addition of the factor H. For fuller explanation see text, p. 57. 70 Inheritance in Evolution and Orthoptera IV LITERATURE CITED. Bateson, W. 1909. MendeVs I'rioiciples of Heredity, i>. W. Camb. Univ. Press. Blatchley, W. S. 1902. " The Orthoptera of Indiana," pp. 215—232. 21th An. Rep. Deft. Geol. Nat. Resources Indimux. Dexter, J. S. 1914. "Nabours's Breeding Experiments with Grasshoppers." Amer. Nat. Vol. xlviii. pp. 317—320. Hancock, J. L. 1902. Tettigidea of North America. Chicago. Morgan, Sturtevant, Muller, Bridges'. 1915. The Mechanism of Mendelian Heredity. Henry Hplt and Co., N.Y. Nabours, Robert K. 1914. "Studies of Inheritance and Evolution in Orthop- tera. I." Journal of Genetics, Vol. lii. pp. 141 — 170. 1917. "Studies of Inheritance and Evolution in Orthoptera. II." Joicrnal of Genetics, Vol. vii. pp. 1 — 46. Shull, G. H. "Genetic Definitions in the Nevi^ Standard Dictionary," Amer. Nat. Vol. XLix. pp. 52 — 59. I Volume VII FEBRUARY, 1918 No. 2 FERTILITY IN CIGHORIUM INTYBUS: SELF- COMPATIBILITY AND SELF-INCOMPATIBILITY AMONG THE OFFSPRING OF SELF-FERTILE LINES OF DESCENT. By a. B. STOUT. (With Plates IV— VI.) CONTENTS. PACK Introduction 71 Material, Methods, and Terminology 72 Results of the Experimental Studies 73 1. Performance of a family of Barbe de Capucin x wild white-flowered : the {&mi\y (E3xA)-4r- • . 73 2. Performance of families descended from crosses between the wild white- flowered plant A and plant E22 of Barbe de Capucin ... 76 (a) The family (A x E22)-4- 76 (b) The family (A x E22)-9- 78 (c) The family (E22 x A)-10- 83 3. Fertilities in various Vegetative Types or Baces .... 88 4. General Summary of Results ........ 89 Discussion .............. 94 Conclusions .............. 100 Bibliography 102 Introduction. The results presented in this paper pertain to the variation, the heredity and the results of selection in respect to seed production in progenies of self-fertile plants of chicory, such self-fertile plants having first appeared sporadically among the descendants of self-sterile parents. It has already been noted (Stout, 1916, 1917) that the type of sterility involved in my studies with chicory can best be ascribed to a physiological incompatibility operating between sex organs that are Joom. of Gen. vii 6 72 Fertility in Cichorium intybus fully formed, anatomically perfect, potentially functional, and of simul- taneous development. It is quite evident that the incompatibilities are not due to anatomical incompatibility (structural differences such as hercogamy) or to impotence (degeneration of sex organs or sex cells). Emh^yo abortion which results from a real gametic incompatibility that develops after fertilization may also be concerned in the decreased seed production and in the poor germinations observed. Such a type of abortion is to be considered as quite distinct from that which more purely involves nutrition. As I have already shown (Stout, 1916, 1917) this sort of sexual incompatibility is very general in chicory. It is in evidence in the many instances of cross-sterility and in a very pronounced self-sterility both in wild and in cultivated varieties. Self-fertile plants arise, however, among the progeny of self-sterile parents, and in some of my cultures of the variety •' Red-leaved Treviso," such self-fertile plants first appeared after three generations of self- sterile parentage. Thus far, ' in my cultures, the self- fertile plants arising spontaneously have been relatively few in number, and they have exhibited various, grades of self-compatibility as judged by seed production. In the lines of descent grown as offspring of the self-fertile plants, as already reported, the inheritance of self-compatibility was very irregular ; self-incompatibility appeared in all progenies, even when these were offspring of two generations of highly self-fertile plants. I have now to report the results of another generation obtained in 1916. As is pointed out in my previous papers, the behaviour of known progenies with reference to the development of compatibilities and incompatibilities is of special interest in its bearing on fundamental problems of sexuality and fertilization, especially as they are seen in the bisexual higher plants. Material, Methods, and Terminology. All of the plants for which data are here presented descended from three self-sterile parents. Two of these parents were of the common unimproved cultivated chicory (Barbe de Capucin) designated in the records as E3 and E22\ these were crossed with a wild white- flowered plant designated as A. There are, therefore, two main families which may be referred to according to parentage as the A x E3 family and the A x E22 family (including reciprocals). A. B. Stout 73 The group of sister plants grown from the same plant or from the same cross in any one season is called a series, and in these reports such a group bears the number of the plant that was the immediate parent, together with the numbers in" serial order designating the previous parentage. Thus, for example, series {A x E°22) is a generation of plants derived by using pollen of plant E22 on pistils of plftnt A ; series {A x E'22')-Jp- is a group of sister plants grown from self- fertilized seed of the F-^ plant (J. x E'22) no. 4- Thus the series {A X E2^2)-J^-3-ll-, for which data are given in Table II, has had three generations of self-fertile ancestry, of the different series and numbers as designated, which indicate the line of descent from the original cross between A and E^^. Although somewhat cumbersome, this treatment presents a complete record of pedigree, from which the performance of individuals, of lines of descent as a whole, and of families may be ascer- tained. All the plants of a sub-family will be given the designation of the common ancestor, thus all the descendants of plant {A x E22) no. 4- may be considered as family {A x E22)-4--, and all the descendants of plant (A X E22) no. 10 will be designated as family {A xE22)-10-, both, however, being sub-families in the main family {A x E22) but descend- ing from two different sister plants. The data in detail for any parents, or for any series referred to, but which were grown previously to 1916, are given in a report already published (Stout, 1916). Results of the Experimental Studies. 1. Performance of 'a family of Barhe de Gapucin x wild ivhite-fiowered : the family {E3 x A)-^-. In 1916 two series from two generations of self-fertile ancestry were grown in the family {ES x A)-4--. The results obtained from the self- pollinations of these 49 plants are compiled in Table I. Of the 23 plants of the series first presented in this table, all but five were self-fertile with percentages of fertility ranging from 4 to 48, and with an average fertility for the self-fertile plants of 20 °/^. The percentage of fertility, frequently referred to in this paper, is determined on the basis of the proportion of seeds produced by the flowers involved in the con- trolled pollinations. Of the other series, 16 plants were self- fertile, and 10 were self-sterile ; the fertilities of the self-fertile plants ranged from 2 to 60 °l^ with an average of 15 °/^. 6—2 74 Fertility in Cichorium intybus TABLE I. Self-compatibility and incompatibility in two series of a family of Barbe de Capucin (E3) X wild white-Jlowered (A) ; from, two generations of self- ferlile ancestry. Record for heads pollinated Plant with Flower Total With no With Fertility pedigree colour heads seed seed Seed per head per cent. (E3 X J [)-4-4- B — — — — 0-43 No. 4 W 8 5 5 3, 5,5 0 09 8 B 10 10 0 — — 12 B 11 5 6 4, 4, 5, 5, 7, 11 0-18 14 W 11 4 7 4, 4, 4, 11, 12, 14 , 18 0-23 16 'B 9 9 0 — — 17 B 10 2 9 1, 3 + B, 4, 7, 7, \ ?, 12, 15 0-30 18 W 10 1 9 1, 2, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13 0-29 19 W 6 0 6 2, 2, 5, 5, 5, 6 0-22 20 B 11 11 0 — — 21 B 11 3 8 4, 4, 5, 5, 8, 8, 9, 12 0-27 22 W 7 2 5 3, 5, 6, 10, 11 0-28 23 W 13 8 5 1, 1, 8, 9, 12 0-31 26 B 11 11 0 — — 27 W 7 4 3 1, 2, 4 0-04 28 B 10 10 0 — — 29 W 9 0 9 1, 2, 5, 5, 9, 12, 12, 12, 16 0-48 30 B 10 0 10 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 7, 13, 15 0-32 31 B 12 10 2 3, 4 0-03 32 B 9 4 5 2, 3, 4, 5, 5 0-12 34 W 10 8 2 2,5 0 07 35 B 10 4 6 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 0-10 37 W 10 2 8 2, 2, 2, 4, 5, 5, 6, 9 0-19 38 W 8 5 3 1,3,8 0-09 (E3 X A)-4- Ser. II. 20 B _ _ _ _ 0-50 No. 1 B 9 9 0 — — 2 B 12 12 0 5 H 7 3 4 3, 3, 5, 5 012 6 B 10 2 8 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 5 012 7 B 10 10 0 — 8 B 10 5 5 1,"2, 4, 7, 17 0-17 10 B 12 4 8 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 015 11 B 6 0 6 5, 11, 11, 12, 15, : 15 0-60 14 B 9 9 0 — 16 B 10 5 5 1, 3, 5, 6, 6 0-21 17 B 12 10 2 2,3 0-02 18 B 9 5 4 1, 1, 3, 4 0-05 19 B 7 3 4 2, 2, 5, 6 Oil 21 B 9 6 3 1, 1, 2 0 03 22 B 11 11 0 — 23 B 9 0 9 4, 4, 5, 5, 7, 8, IC ), 10, 14 0-42 24 B 9 3 6 2, 2, 3, 3, 5, 17 0-19 25 B ' 8 8 0 — — 26 B 10 7 3 1, 2, 4 0 03 27 B 11 10 1 12 0-06 29 B 10 10 0 — — 32 B 10 10 0 — 33 B 11 9 2 1, 7 0 04 34 B 15 15 0 — — 35 B 9 9 0 — 36 B 9 4 5 1, 1, 2, 2, 10 010 A. B. Stout 75 A glance over this table shows that a rather large proportion of plants are self- fertile. Especially is this true of series {E3 x A)-4^-4--, which in this respect is perhaps the most highly self-fertile of the various series thus far grown. The more complete summary of the record for the family {E3 y. A) is presented in Table VII. As there indicated, the family is not a large one. From the cross between the two self-sterile plants ES and A, 21 plants were grown in the F^, of which four were self- fertile with fer- tilities of 2, 4, 13, and 48. Progeny were grown only from one plant having the highest fertility. Of the 18 grown, 10 were self-fertile, and the fertilities determined for 9 of these ranged from 3 to 50°/^, with an average at 26. Selection for parents for the next generation was confined to the two plants most highly self- fertile. Thus the immediate parents of the two series were 43 and 50 % self-fertile respectively, and the common Pj parent was 48 °/^ self-fertile. The selection has here been continually of plants with highest fertility. The regression to a condition of complete self-sterility and to feeble self-sterility is most noticeable. The number of plants is perhaps not sufficient to determine the mathematical expression for such regression with accuracy, but the records indicate an irregular and incomplete inheritance of self-com- patibility. However, the proportion of self-fertile plants is higher in the series grown from self-fertile parents than that of the self-fertile plants appearing sporadically among the progeny of the original self-sterile parents. The average fertility for each of the two series from two generations of self-fertile ancestry is lower than that of the preceding generation {E3 x A)-4.-. (A series was grown in each of two different years from seed of the plant {E3 x A) no. If.; data for both are here compiled as for a single series.) The range of self-fertility has, how- ever, been extended in the case of one plant to 60 7o- This plant, however, is of the series which, as a whole, is of lowest average fertility. The summary for the progeny of the plant {E3 x ^)-^-, as a whole, shows that 65 °/^ of all the plants were self-f(3rtile in some degree, with a distribution on the basis of self-fertility that is decidedly irregular and skew, and with an average fertility of 0*197. It has already been suggested by the writer that there is evidence that complete self- sterility may involve different intensities of incompatibilities If there were some means of determining comparative values for these, the distribution for a family and for the different series might be found to be more in agreement with a normally fluctuating variability. As 76 Fertility in Cichorium intybus it is, the comparison may be based on the proportion of self-fertile plants and their fertilities, as has been done above. 2. Performance of families descended from, crosses between the wild white-fiowered plant A and plant E22 of Barhe de Capucin. By far the greater number of plants of the cultures were derived from crosses between the two plants A and E22. Among the 75 F^ progeny of the reciprocal crosses .between these two self-sterile plants, there were 8 plants self-fertile to some degree. Progenies of three of these plants constituting three families, (A x E£2y4--, (^ x E22)-9-, and {E^2 x A)-10-, have now been grown for three further genera- tions. With the one exception of series {E22 x A)-10- Ser. II. 10- all the dififerent series of these families grown in 1916 had three generations of self-fertile parentage. The data for these various series will now be presented together with a discussion of the results obtained for these (sub) families. (a) The family {A x E22)-4.-. Data for the three series of this family grown in 1916 are presented in Table II, and a summary of all the series of the family is given in Table VII. Of the series (A x E22)-4--3-6- only two plants were grown. These were both self-sterile. The fertilities of the parental line of descent were respectively 4, 13, and 5. The series (A x E22)-^-3-ll- comprised 29 plants, of which 20 were self-sterile and 9 self-fertile. Not only was the proportion of self-fertile plants low, but the fertilities of such plants were low, ranging from 1 to 26% with the average at 8°/^. For this series the immediate parent was of rather high fertility (32 °l^), but the ancestry previous to this was of 4 and 13 "j^. The feeble self-fertility of the series as a whole and of the various individuals comprising it is most noticeable, especially in comparison with the behaviour of such a series as {E3 x A)-4--4-- reported in Table I. Of the 16 plants of series {A x E22)-4-0-3-, eight were self-fertile with range from 2 to 62 °l^,8ind with an average of 25 °/^. The relative number of self-fertile plants, the range of fertilities, and the average fertility are all higher for this series than for (A x E22)-4--3-ll-. A consideration of the family history shows that there has been no parent in this family with a fertility higher than 32 7o- The fertility A. B. Stout 77 TABLE II. Record' for three series descended fro in plant (^A x E3), No. 4. All have three generations of self fertile parentage. Becord for heads pollinated Plant with Flower Total With no With Fertility pedigree colour heads seed seed Seed per head per cent {A X E22)- -4-3-6- W . 0-05 No. 1 W 4 4 0 — 5> 2 W 11 11 0 — — {A X E22)- -4-3-11- ■ W _ _ _ 0-32 No. 1 W 2 2 1 6 0-16 ,j 3 W 14 12 2 2, 3 0-02 ,, 5 W 7 7 0 — >) 6 W 6 C 0 7 W 10 7 3 1, 3, 4 0-04 J J 8 w 8 8 0 — — .\ J, 9 w 5 1 4 3, 5, 8, 10 0-26 ,, 10 w 7 2 5 1, 1, 3, 3, 10 0-14 ,, 13 w 6 6 0 . >> 14 w 6 6 0 — — ,j 15 w 8 8 0 — >> 16 w 6 6 0 — ' -- >) 17 w 8 8 0 — >> 18 w 12 10 2 1, 1 0 01 »> 19 w 3 3 0 - — - >> 20 w 10 10 0 __ — 99 21 w 5 3 2 4, 6 0-10 9 9 22 w 4 4 0 — 99 24 w 6 6 0 — . ■ 99 25 , w 10 9 1 2 0-01 99 27 w 8 8 0 — ■ 99 28 w 6 6 0 — 99 29 w 8 8 0 — " ■ — 31 w 7 7 0 — — 9) 33 w 12 12 0 . — ■ — 34 w 7 7 0 — — ,j 37 w 3 3 0 — — 38 w 6 6 0 . — 9',' 41 w 9 8 1 1 001 [A X E22)-4-6-3- w __ ^- — • 0-31 No. 1 w 3 0 3 5, 6, 12 0-41 99 2 w 10 ;o 0 — — 3 w 4 4 0 — — 9 w 2 2 0 — — ' 11 w 8 5 3 1, 1, 1 0 02 / 12 w 3 0 . 3 3, 8, 9 0-41 , 13 w 5 3 2 5, 8 0-16 9 9 14 w 2 2 0 — — 15 w 7 7 0 — • — 16 w 6 0 6 1, 1, 2, 5, 8, 8 0-21 17 w ■9 6 3 2, 4, 5 0 07 18 w 2 0 2 8, 14 0-62 20 w 2 2 0 — — 21 w 6 4 2 2, 11 0-11 . 9) 22 w ■ 3 3 0 — ,^ 23 w 10 10 0 — • — 78 Fertility in Cichorium intybus of the first self-fertile parent {A x E21) no. J^ was very low, being only 47^. Although 7 of the 10 plants grown from its seed were self-fertile, the highest individual fertility was 237o> and the average was 14 7o- The four plants selected from this series as parents had fertilities of 12, 13, 16, and 22. The numbers of plants grown from these were too small for an adequate judgment of the various series, but from the two most highly self-fertile plants were derived the series (J. x E22)-4--3-ll- and {A x E22)-4--6-3- reported above. The first self- fertile parent was very feebly self-fertile, but with one exception parents for subsequent series were selected for highest individual fertility. The behaviour of the various series indicates an irregular inheritance of the characteristics of self-compatibility and the frequent and decided regression to self-sterility. The range of the degree of self-fertility was rather decidedly extended in the series (A x E22)-Ji.-6-3-, and the average fertility was also high. This series was decidedly more fertile in every comparison than the series {A x E22)~Jf.-3-l 1- : the ancestral fertilities were only slightly higher, being 4, 22, and 31 as compared with 4, 13, and 32. Considered as a whole, the family (A x E'22)-4-- had 40 7o of the total plants self-fertile. The distribution on the basis of fertilities of the self-fertile plants is irregular and skew, the percentage of self- fertility observed in an individual is extended to 62, and the average percentage for all self- fertile plants is ]6*5, {h) The family {A x E22)-9-. As indicated in Table VII, the third filial generation in this family consisted of six series, which were derived from as many different plants of the second generation which had in turn descended from two plants of the first generation. Thus the series are of the two main sub- families {A X E22)-9-Ji,~ and {A x E22)-9-5-. The data for the series which descended from plant {A x E22)-9- no. 4- are given in Table III. Of the 10 plants in series (A x E22)-9-4.-4-- , four were self- fertile ; of 13 in series (A x E22)-9-4-i0-, seven were self-fertile; and of the 4 plants in series (A x E22)-9-4-ll-, two were self- fertile. The fertilities of the immediate parentage were quite alike, the complete record of ancestry being 23, 43, and 20 for the first mentioned, 23, 43, and 1 7 for the second, and 23, 43 and 20 for the last named. As shown in the tables, the proportional number of self-fertile plants varies, as do the individual fertilities. The number of plants is perhaps insufficient for adequate comparisons of differences. It is to be 1 1 A. B. Stout 79 noted, however, that self-sterile plants appear in large proportions, and that there are various degrees of self-fertility in each series. TABLE TIL Record for three series descended from plant (A x E22)—9—, No. 4. All from three generations of self -fertile parentage. Record for heads pollinated Plant with pedigree Flower colour Total heads With no seed With seed Seed per head Fertility per cent. {A X E22)- 9-4-4- B — — — — 0-20 , No. 1 B 11 5 6 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 0 12 ,, 2 W 11 11 0 — — >> 3 W 10 10 0 — — 1 6 W 10 10 0 — — , 7 w 5 0 5 1, 2, 3, 7, 8 0-28 J 8 B 7 0- 7 1, 1, 2, 4, 4, 5, 5 0-18 , 11 W 10 10 0 — — > 12 B 7 6 1 6 0-06 > 13 B 12 12 0 — — » 15 B 12 12 0 — — (A X E22}-9-4-10- B* 0-17 No. 1 B 10 10 0 — — 2 B 2 0 2 1, 5 0-20 3 B 11 11 0 — — 4 B 14 14 0 — — 5 B 12 11 1 3 0-02 6 B 9 5 4 1, 2, 4, 4 0-08 8 B 10 9 1 2 0 01 10 B 8 0 8 2,4,6,6,9, 10, 12,12 0-51 12 B 3 3 0 — — 13 B 10 10 0 — — 14 B 10 6 4 1, 3, 4, 8 0-10 15 B 10 3 7 1, 3, 4, 4, 5 ,6, 14 0-25 19 B 11 11 0 — — {A X E22)- 9-4-11- B — — 0-20 No. 1 B 9 7 2 1, 1 0-01 j» 2 W 8 6 2 1, 3 0 03 ,, 3 W 10 10 0 — — . > 4 W 11 11 0 — — Considering the three series together, 13 plants were self- fertile, and 14 were self-sterile. In only one plant was the fertility higher than 28 7o. and in this case the percentage was 51. The average for * In a former publication (Stout, 1916, Table 5) this plant was by error reported as white-flowered. 80 Fertility in Cichorium intybus TABLE IV. Record for three series descended from plant {A x U22)-9-, No. All from three generations of self fertile parentage. ftecord for heads pollinated 5. Plant with pedigree Flower colour Total lieada With no seed With seed Seed per head Fertility per cent. (^ X E22)- 9-5-1- W — — — — 0-07 No. 1 W 12 10 2 1, 2 002 ,, 2 W 12 12 0 — — ,, 3 W 10 10 0 — — ,> 4 W ' 12 12 0 — — M X E22)- ■9-5-6- W — — — — 0-46 No. 2 W 12 12 0 — — „ 3 W 7 7 0 r— — )> 4 w 11 11 0 — — ,, 5 w 10 10 0 — ,, 6 w 11 10 1 2 0-01 ,, 7 w 8 3 5 2, 4, 7, 11, 14 0-29 >5 8 w 9 9 0 — — >> 9 w 10 10 0 — — ,, 10 w 12 12 0 — — ,, 11 w 11 11 0 — — ,, 12 w 11 9 2 3, 5 0-05 ,, 13 w 11 4 7 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 10, 10 0-21 >) 14 w 6 6 0 — — >> 15 w 11 11 0 — — >S 16 w 10 10 0 — — ,, 17 w 11 5 6 2 + 7i, 3, 6, 8, 8, 11 0-23 >> 19 w 9 6 3 1, 6, 14 . 0-15 >> 20 w 10 8 2 3, 7 0-06 ,, 21 w 9 0 9 B, B, 1, 3, 4, 5, 9, 12, 13 0-42 )» 22 w 15 9 6 1, 2, 4, 4, 4, 7 0-09 >» 23 w 10 7 3 2, 10, 18 0-20 >» 24 w 11 11 0 — — >5 25 w 11 11 0 — — >> 26 w 11 11 0 — — ,, 27 w 10 10 0 — — ,, 28 w 13 13 0 — — »> 29 w 11 9 2 3, 5 0-05 JJ 30 w 13 13 0 — — M 31 w 6 0 6 4, 10, 13, 14, 14, 15 0-77 A. B. Stout 81 TABLE lY— [continued). Record for heads pollinated PUnt with pedigree Flower colour ^ Total heads With no seed With seed Seed per head Fertility per cent. (A X E2ii)-9-5-12- W — - — — — 0-70 No. 1 w 6 0 6 5 + 7J, 5,7, 12, 13, 18 0-65 „ 2 w 11 7 4 1, 5, 5, 6 0-09 ,, 3 w 12 0 12 7, 9, 9, 10, 10, lO; 11, 12, 13, 13, 14, 15 0-66 „ 4 w 13 11 2 1,5 0 03 ,,- 5 w 13 13 0 — — „ 6 w 12 12 0 — ' — M 7 w 10 10 0 — ' — „ 8 w 10 10 0 — — „ 9 ^v . 11 5 6 5, 8, 10, 12, 14, 15 0-36 „ 10 w 9 7 2 2,4 0-04 „ 11 w 13 1 12 1,4,5,5,6,6, 7, 8, 8, 9, 11, 12 0-38 » 12 w 12 6 6 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3 0 10 „ 13 w 9 4 5 2, 2, 4, 5, 8 0-13 ., 14 w 10 0 10 2, 5, 7, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11, 14, 15 0-o6 ,, 15 w 10 0 10 2,2,2,7,8,9,10,12,13,14 0-50 ,, 16 w 11 11 0 — — „ 17 w 9 3 6 6, 6, 6, 8, 10, 15 0-34 „ 18 w 10 10 0 — — ,, 19 w 14 0 14 1,2, 2,2,3,3,3,4,5,5,6, 6, 6, 7 0-25 „ 20 w 9 8 1 2 0-01 ,, 21 w 10 10 0 — — „ 22 ' w 13 8 5 1, 1, 2, 3, 5 0 06 „ 23 w 10 10 0 — — „ 24 w 10 10 0 — — „ 26 w 10 4 6 2, 2, 2, 3, 5, 6 0-12 ,. 27 w 12 12 0 — — ,, 29 w 13 13 0 — — „ 31 w 14 14 0 — — „ 82 w 12 12 0 — — „ 33 w 11 0 11 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 10, 10, 12, 12, 13, 15 0-54 „ 34 w 12 12 0 — — „ 35 'W 15 15' 0 — — ,, 37 w 11 11 0 — — „ 38 w 12 12 0 — — 82 Fertility in Oichorium intybus all self-fertile plants was 14 7o- This sub-family therefore is one of rather low self-fertility. The parents have all been somewhat above the average of self- fertility, and that of the second ancestral generation was much higher than the average. Data for the three series of the third filial generation derived from the plant {A x E22)-9- no. 5 are given in Table IV. The immediate parent of one series was selected for low self-fertility ; the parents of the other two were selected for high self-fertility, one in fact having the highest percentage of any plant thus far utilized in the cultures as a seed parent. Of series {A x E2^)-9-6-l-, only four plants were grown, of which one was very feebly self-fertile. Twenty-nine plants were grown and tested in series {A x E22)-9-'5-6-. Seventeen were self-sterile ; twelve were self-fertile. As further shown in Table IV, the individual fertilities were below 30 °/„ , except for two plants. One of these was 42 7o self- fertile, and the other gave the percentage of 77, which is the highest thus far realized in any of the cultures. The line of parentage has been one of rather high fertility, being 23, 33, and 46, and the series to which the parents belonged have given high values for average fertility (38 and 29). Except for the one highly self-fertile plant regression has been very decided in this series. The series {A x E£M)-9-5-12- is of special interest, for the imme- diate parent was one of 70 °/^ self-fertility, the ancestral record being 23, 33, and 70. The series is also the largest of any thus far grown in these families. Of the 34 plants, exactly half were self-fertile. The fertilities range to 66 °/^ , and are somewhat more evenly distributed than is usual. The average of the self- fertilities is 28 '^/^. A comparison of the data for all the various series (Table VII) shows that, on the whole, this series is one of high fertility. However, half of the plants were self-sterile, a large number of the self-fertile plants were feebly self-fertile, none of the self-fertile plants were more self-fertile than the immediate parent, and. the average is below that for any one of the line of self-fertile parentage. Still the fertilities of the two series as a whole are decidedly greater than that of the three series (Tables III and VII) derived from (A x E22)-9- no. If,. Considered as a whole, this family has been grown from parents selected for high self-fertility. With the exception of one series of four plants, no series had any parent of less than 17 % self- fertility. The value for the first parent in line of descent was 23 ; the values of the two parents of the next generation were 43 and 33 : and the values for the A. B. Stout 83 parents of the next generation ranged from 7 to 70. Self-sterile plants appeared in every series, and after three generations of ancestry of highest self-fertilities the proportional number of such plants was high. Of the total of 125 plants, 61 were self-fertile. The distribution of individual self-fertilities is decidedly skew. The average fertilities of self-fertile plants is 0-223. (c) The family {E22 ^ A)-10-. In 1916, seven series were grown in this family. One of these was of the second generation in descent. This series consisted of 15 plants, all but one of which were self-sterile. The fertility of the one self- fertile plant was one of feeble self-fertility. Self-sterility was almost complete, although the plants had two generations of self-fertile parents with fertilities of 51 and 13. TABLE V. Record of a series having two generations of selffertile ancestry. Record for beads pollinated Plant with Flower Total With no With FertUity pedigree colour heads seed seed Seed per head per cent. {E22xA)-10-Ser. II. 10- jr — — — — 0-13 No. 1 TF 11 11 0 — — „ 3 IF 14 14 0 — — „ 4 IT 10 10 0 — — „ 5 W 7 0 7 1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 8, 8 0-26 „ 6 ir 10 10 0 — — „ 7 • IF 11 11 0 — - „ 8 IF 10 10 0 — — „ 9 IF 11 11 - 0 — — ^ „ 10 IF 12 12 0 — — ,, 11 IF 10 10 0 — — „ 12 IF 12 12 0 — — . „ 13 IF 7 7 0 — — „ 14 IF 12 12 0 — — „ 16 IF 10 10 0 — — „ 17 IF 9 9 0 — — The data for the six series of this family, having three generations of self-fertile ancestry, are given in Table VI. As shown in the pedi- grees, the first two series given have the same parentage for the first two generations. The immediate parents of these series were therefore two sister plants, which, it may be noted, were very nearly identical in all vegetative characters, but differed considerably in the degree of self- fertility. From the parent of 15 ""/„ fertility, 16 plants were gi'own and tested for self- fertility. All but two were self-sterile, and those were 84 Fertility in Cichorium iiitybus TABLE VI. Self-Gompatihility a^iid self-incovipatihility in six series descended froin plant {.E22 X J), No, 10. All series from three generations of self fertile parentage. Record for heads pollinated Plant with pedigree Flower colour Total heads With no seed With seed Seed per head Fertility per cent. {E22kA)-10- -8-U- W — — — — 0-15 No. 1 w 9 9 0 — — ,, 2 w 11 11 0 — — ,, 6 w 9 9 0 — — ,, 4 w . 10 10 0 — — >> 0 w 11 11 0 — — )) 6 w 11 11 0 — — ,, 7 w 12 12 0 — — ' ,, 8 w 10 10 0 — — >> 9 w 9 9 0 — — )) 10 w 12 12 0 — — ,, 11 w 11 11 0 — ^ _ — ,, 12 w 10 10 0 — — » J 13 w 11 11 0 — — ,, 15 w 9 2 7 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 7 010 >> 16 w. 8 4 4 1, 3, 3, 6 0-10 " 18 w. 12 12 0 ■ — — {E22 .X A)-10-8-15- w — — — — 0-40 Nj. 1 w 14 14 0 — — ji 2 w 10 2 8 3,6,7,8,10,12,15,17 0-43 )» 3 w 10 5 5 1, 2, 2, 2, 7 0-08 ,, 4 w 10 0 10 1,2,3,4,5,7,7,13,1) 0-36 ,, 5 w 9 3 6 2, 2,3, 3,4, 5 0 12 ,, 6 w 13 10 3 1, 3, 9 *0-06 )) 7 w 12 12 0 — — ,, 8 w 8 1 7 i+B, 3, 3, 3,4, 7,9. 0-24 ,, 9 w 10 9 12 0-07 ,, 10 w 11 11 0 — — ,, 11 w 3 1 2 6,5 0-23 ,, 12 w 7 1 6 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 12 0-23 ,, 13 w 5 1 4 3, 5, 9, 12 0-31 ,, 14 w 11 8 3 5, 7, 9 0-11 ,, 15 w 6 0 6 1, 3,3,4, 4, 7 0-22 ,, 16 w () 3 3 2, 2, 11 013 " 17 w 9 1 8 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 9 0-15 {IL22 X A)-10-13-5- B r 0-29 No. 1 B 7 4 3 4, 5, 8 ' 014 ,, 3 B 5 5 0 — — ,, 4 B 10 10 0 — — A. B. Stout 85 TABLE VI- -{continued). th Flower cx)lour Record for beads pollinated Plant wil pedigree Total With no heads seed With seed Seed per head FertiUty per cent. No. 0 W 10 10 0 — — ,, 6 B 10 7 3 4,5, 6 0 09 >» 8 W 7 2 5 1, 7, 8, 8, 9 0-28 >i 11 B 8 8 0 — — ,, 12 W 6 6 0 — — >» 13 B 10 10 0 — — ,, 15 W 9 9 0 — — ,, 16 W 10 10 0 — — ,, 17 B 8 5 3 2, 5, 9 012 u 19 B 8 8 0 — — ,, 20 B 8 8 0 — — 1> 21 B 6 6 0 — — ,, 22 W 10 10 0 — — ,, 23 B 10 10 0 — — >» 24 B 5 5 0 — — )> 25 W 7 5 2 1, 1 0-02 „ 26 B 10 10 0 — — ,, 27 B 11 11 0 — — »' 30 W 9 8 2 1,2 0-02 ,, 81 B 8 3 5 1, 2, 2, 3, 4 0-09 >» 33 B 11 11 0 — — ,, 35 B 5 5 0 — — ,, 37 B 10 10 0 — — ,, 88 B 10 10 0 — — ,, 39 W 11 4 7 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6 013 »J 40 B 9 9 0 — — ,, 41 B 9 7 2 1,5 0-04 ; ,-. >» 44 B 5 3 2 2,2 0-05 E22 x A)-10-13-12- - W — — 0-25 No. 1 w 10 10 0 — — 2 w 14 14 0 — — 8 w 12 12 0 — — 4 w 8 8 0 — — 5 w 10 10 0 — — 6 w 10 10 0 — — 7 w 10 8 2 1,5 0-04 8 w 4 2 2 4, 0 013 10 w 11 11 0 — — 11 w 9 4 5 1, 2, 2, 3, 4 0-08 12 w 1) 10 0 — — 13 w 12 12 0 — — 14 w 11 6 5 2, 2, 5, 7, 8 0-13 15 w 10 0 10 1,1,2,3,3,6,7,9,9,13 0-33 ,, 16 w 11 5 6 3, 3, 5, 5, 6, 7 0-15 jj 17 w 11 11 0 — 86 Fertility iii Cichorium intybus TABLE VI -{continued). Record for heads pollinated Plant .with pedigree No. 18 Flower colour W (E22xA)- Total liearts 11 With no seed With seed 11 Seed per head 3, 4, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 8, 9, 12, 13 Fertility per cent. 0-42 „ 19 W 10 10 0 — — ,, 20 W 12 12 0 — — „ 21 W 10 8 2 1, 5 0 03 ,, 22 W 10 10 0 — — „ 23 W 12 12 0 — — „ 25 W 10 10 0 — — )-10-13-13- B , — — — — 0-56 No. 1 B 10 10 0 — — ,, 2 B 7 3 4 5, 7, 9, 15 0-33 » 4 B 9 5 4 7, 9, 10, 14 0-28 ,, 5 W 10 10 0 — — „ 6 B 10 9 1 5 0 03 ,. 7 B 7 0 7 3, 5, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14 0-58 ,. 8 B 11 8 3 6,7,9 0-13 „ 9 W 10 10 0 — . — „ 12 B 9 9 0 — — „ 15 W 12 12 0 — — „ 16 W 11 11 0 — — „ 17 B 11 11 0 — — „ 18 W 11 11 0 — — „ 19 B 12 12 0 — — ,, 20 B 13 13 0 — — ,. 21 W 10 6 4 7, 8, 10, 12 0-25 „ 22 B 15 3 12 1, 1,2,2,2,3, 4,5,6, 7, 8, 11 0-22 ,, 24 B 7 3 4 1, 2, 3, 5 0 10 „ 26 B 9 4 5 4, 6, 7, 7, 9 0-24 „ 27 W 9 6 3 2, 2, 11 0-12 „ 28 W 11 11 0 — — ,, 30 w 9 2 7 2, 2, 2, 4, 8, 9, 13 0-30 „ 31 B 11 3 8 1, 2, 2, 3, 5, 5, 11, 13 0-25 „ 32 B 9 4 5 1, 2, 7, 7, 9 0-18 ,, 33 W 8 8 0 — — „ 3i B 9 9 0 — — „ 35 W 12 12 0 — — „ 36 B 10 9 1 2 001 (E22xA)-10-14 6- No. 4 6- W — — — 1 W 12 12 0 2 W 13 13 0 4 W 15 15 0 5 W 12 12 0 6 W 10 10 0 7 W 12 12 0 8 W 6 2 4 0-13 1, 1, 3, 5 0-10 A. B. Stout 87 rather feebly self-fertile. Of the 17 plants derived from {E22 x A)-10-8- no. 15, all but 3 were self-fertile. The difference in self-fertility seen in these series is most marked, especially in respect to the number of plants self-fertile. Results in such individual cases as these seem to indicate that selection may be effective in increasing or decreasing the development of self-compatibilities. The next three series recorded in Table VI were all descended from the plant {E22 x A)-10- no. i^, which had a fertility of 38%. The immediate parents of the three series had fertilities of 29, 25, and 56. Of series (^".^.^ x A)-10-1S-S-, in a total of 31 plants, 21 were self- sterile. The fertilities of the 10 self-fertile plants were low, giving an average of 10 ''/^ and a range extending only to 28 %. Considering the record of the line of parentage, with percents of 51, 38, and 29, and the series in the line of descent, the fertility of this series is decidedly low. The ancestral record for series (E2^^ x A)-10-13-l^- is quite iden- tical to that for the series just noted. Of the 23 plants in the series, 15 were self-sterile. The fertilities of the self-fertile plants ranged to 42 °/^, but the average was 16 "Z^. This is also a low performance con- sidering the parentage. Of the 28 plants of series {E2'2 x A)-10-13-13- , exactly half were self- fertile with percentages that extended to 58 and an average of 19. There has been, perhaps, no series grown with a more highly self-fertile ancestry. Here the selections have been from parents with percentages of 51, 38, and 56. Yet half of the series was self-sterile, and only one plant exhibited a percentage of self- fertility higher than 33. The 7 plants of series {E'22 x A)-10-14--6- were derived from an ancestry with fertilities of 51, 14, and 13. Only one plant was self- fertile with a percentage of 10. A summary of the ancestral records of the various lines of descent shows that although the various parents exhibited a considerable range in fertilities, the larger series and the greater number of plants in the family have an ancestry of rather high fertilities. The results in summary emphasize the irregular heredity and the continual sporadic or ever-sporting nature of self-fertility and self-sterility in chicory. Of the 196 plants descended from the highly self- fertile plant {E'2^2 x A) no. 10, a total of 118 were self-sterile. The percentage of plants self- fertile is therefore 40. The distribution of the self-fertile plants on the basis of percentages is decidedly skew. Much the greater number of plants are feebly self-fertile, and the average fertility of all plants self- fertile is 0-185. Journ. of Gen. vii . 7 88 Fertility hi Cichorium intybus 3. Fertilities in various Vegetative Types or Races. The continued growth of line progenies by self-fertilization of parents, as practised in my chicory cultures, has led to the isolation or segregation of various vegetative types or races that are very distinct, not only from each other but from the general character of the original parents crossed, or even from the first self-fertile parents of the Fi. Marked uniformity among the sister plants of a single series first appeared in the Fs generation, which was the second generation after self-fertile plants appeared. For example, the plants of series (A X F22)-10-13- Were very uniform in habit of growth, as is very well shown in Plate IV. (The field number of this series was 41.) The plants were abundantly branched, making rather bushy compact indi- viduals constituting a semi-dwarf bushy race. In respect to flower colour, this series was variable. In the foreground of Plate IV, im- mediately in front of field label 41, is a typical plant of series (E22 X A)-I0-8-. The habit of growth here shown is very different from that of the semi-dwarf bush race. It is characterized by a tall well developed main stem with large conspicuous leaves. The branching is somewhat sparse and is erect ; at the time the photograph was taken the branching of the plant in question had not developed. More mature plants of this type are shown in Plate V (see field label no. 49). As has been noted above, and as shown in Table VII, two plants of (E2^ X A)-10-8- and three plants of {E'22 x A)-10-13- were selected as parents for a further generation. A part of each series of the latter is shown in Plate V. To the right of field label 49 is a row of {E22 X A)-10-13-5- which, it may be said, had not fully developed when the photograph was taken ; in front of this label are plants of {E22 X A)-10-13-13-, and to the left are shown plants of {E22 X A)-10-13-12-. All the plants of these three series were quite alike in having a general habit of growth that was quite identical to that of the parents. The very different vegetative habit of the series {E22 x A)-10-8- and of the next generation, series {E^^ x A)-10-8-14'- and -15-, is shown in Plate V in the plants of field number 49. Other equally well marked vegetative types appeared in the F^, and bred as true in the F^. Series {A x E22)-9-6-6- is one of rather medium but scraggly growth, and with brittle branches and stems. (See Plate V, field number 53.) A. B. Stout 89 Other races are shown in Plate VI. In the right foreground, extending to field label 63, are plants of (A x E22)-4-6-3-, which were of a very decided dwarf habit with few brittle branches, and a very marked susceptibility to a stem-rot due to fungous or bacterial infection in the tips of the branches. The field no. 63 designates the 15 plants of {E22 x A}-10 Ser. II. 10-, all but one of which were self- sterile ; these, it will be noted, are of a rather tall and much-branched habit. Field no. 57 is for series {A x E'22)-9-4-10- , which exhibited the rather incongruous combination of large vigorous erect rosette leaves with a weakly developed and sparsely branched main stem. To the left of field no. 57 is a row of series {A x E2i^4-3-ll-. This series was somewhat like the dwarf series already noted, but was of more vigorous growth. The branches were brittle and very susceptible to the same disease. The dying tips of the branches are quite well shown in the reproduction of plants in the foreground. The above rather brief description will give some idea of the various vegetative forms that have appeared in the various lines of descent. It is to be noted that the plants of each series of this Fi generation and of most of the series of the F^ are very uniform among themselves in general vigour and habit of growth, but that various vegetative types are very different fi:om each other. The general data for flower colour are given in the various tables, which show that for some of the series the flower colour was quite uniform, while for others white-flowered and blue-flowered plants were both in evidence. The data in detail given in Tables I — VI, and the summary of Table VII, show that self-incompatibility develops in these various races in quite the same degree. The most dwarf and the most robust races or lines are quite alike in performance. Plants that are widely dissimilar may be self-fertile or self-sterile. Also the performance within the various series indicates that plants that are quite identical in all vegetative characters may be either self-fertile or self-sterile. 4. General Summary of Results. In Table VII, the results obtained in 1916 are compiled together with those obtained in previous years, thus presenting a summary for the various series and generations of each family. Here the summary for the Fi generation derived by crossing the self-sterile plants A and E3 or A and E22 is presented in italics for comparison, but is not included in the summaries of families of self-fertile lines of descent, for 7—2 < o o o O I ^ =8 SS I I * © I "* IM

rH (jq C3 © e €9 l-l 6 ■o SI-^OrHioooaoia® iooooo 000 O a < 1 0 !w ^ OJ 1 Tl ^ -<+( ^^ f) -tj -^ a- X X P-i "SJ =»? *; l»q I Co 5 t' o o '^ o U5 iH JJ rH O 0 CO O -u O C! 00 ^ C9 tooeqcocoo^ooorj o o 00 t^ cc ; I I I I I I I I =s I I I I ' I ^ I I s I >« O '3' "5 CO CO ! ^ ^ (N (M >f5 rt i-( t-( r»( t--< 7 •o 7 33 ci ^ :>5 C) cL 0 0 i I I I I I I I ctj -* J? "-( M OS ~^i i i-l i-l >-< g A. B. Stout 91 the self-fertile plants in the F^ series appeared sporadically. In the columns giving fertility of ancestry, the individual percentages are given for the parents in line of descent and the performance of the series to which these belonged is, of course, to be found from the pedigree. A general summary is given in bold face type for each family as a whole. It is a most noticeable fact that at least some self-sterile plants appeared in every series but one, and this was a small series of only two plants. The proportion of self-fertile plants varies considerably. Considering the families as a whole, it is highest in the family (£";? xA)-^.-. In the three sub-families of J. and E22 parentage, the percentages of the proportions are quite the same (40, 49, and 40). The distribution of the self-fertilities is quite similar in all families with the larger number of plants of low fertility. The range extends into somewhat higher values in the family {A x E22)-9-. On the basis of the average fertility of the self-fertile plants, there is a range from 0"165 to 0"223. Considering all these data, there appear to be no very decided family differences in regard to the heredity and variability of self-compatibilities and incompatibilities. It is to be recognized that the data are not sufficient to give an adequate judgment of the performance of a family or a line of descent constituting a considerable progeny and having an ancestral record of feeble fertility. As I have conducted the experiments, to select con- tinually for very feeble fertility is to greatly limit the number of the progeny. When the pollinations are made, there is no way of knowing with any certainty what the degree of fertility is. When this becomes known, it is usually too late to make in that year the large number of pollinations necessary for the production of considerable seed by feebly self-fertile plants. It would be quite possible, however, to keep feebly fertile plants, and by making large numbers of pollinations in succeeding years to obtain considerable seed. Of the families gi-own thus far (A x E22)-4.- has an ancestry of the lowest fertility. The data for the first self-fertile ancestor (Stout, 1916, Table III) are quite adequate to establish its low fertility. Of 26 different heads pollinated on eight different days, 20 set no seed ; in the six heads the number of seed were 1, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, giving a percentage of 4. Of the ten plants grown to maturity from such seed, 7 were self- fertile, but the highest individual fertility was 23. In the next genera- tion from four parents, 28 plants were grown. Ten plants of one series were all self-sterile, and in another series of 8 plants, 6 were self-fertile, 02 Fertility in Cichorium intybus the widely different results in this case being obtained from almost identical ancestral records. After three generations of self-fertile parents with a record of 4, 13, and 32, one rather large series of 29 plants gave 31 7o of plants self-fertile, but with ranges only to 26 %, and the very low average of 8 "Z^. A sister series with ancestral record of 4, 22, and 31 °/q gave 50 °l^ of plants self- fertile, of a range extending to 62 "/^ and an average of 25 °/^. Such irregular and sporadic results seem character- istic so far as my data go. However, on the whole, this family was one of relatively low ancestral fertility. Only three of the members have shown a fertility above 26°/^, and the average of 0*165 is for all offspring lower than that of any other family. The record of ancestry for the family {E2'2 x A)-10- is one of high fertility. The fertility of the first self-fertile parent was 51 7o- The 23 plants of the first generation, 16 of the second, and 82 of the third all had self- fertile parents with no fertility lower than 25 °/<,, yet of these the percentage of self- fertile plants was 41, which was almost identical with the record for the whole family. The most highly self-fertile series yet obtained in regard to the percentage of self-fertile plants was in this family (see {E^2^2 x A)-10-8-15-), but there were also two series that were almost completely self-sterile. In the family {A x E22}-9-, the plants selected for parents have been, as a rule, of medium fertility, although, of course, these have been above the average. The range of fertility is considerably higher in the family, and the average fertility of self-fertile plants is also higher than in any other family. Certain aspects of the results are perhaps clear. In every family, as a rule, the total fertility (proportion of plants self-fertile, range of fertilities, average percentage of fertility) is increased over that which evidently occurs in the progeny of self-sterile parents ; at least the pro- portion of self-fertile plants is much greater. This increase is, as a rule, marked in the first generation of offspring grown from self-fertile parentage. Continued selection for parentage high in individual self- fertility does not steadily and continuously increase the fertilities of the progeny either as to individual or to average fertility. The marked tendency to the development of self-incompatibility has not been eliminated. An inspection of the data presented will show that in several series the numbers of plants that are self-fertile are relatively high. For example, in series having 83, 78, and 77 °/„ of the plants self- fertile it A. B. Stout 93 might seem that the fertilities have been very much increased and that further selection might yield a race all of which would be self-fertile, at least to some degree. In eveiy case, however, a large number of the ofifspring grown from highly self-fertile plants selected from such series have been self-sterile, and on the whole the record for such progeny has not been above that of the preceding generation. In certain cases also, high records of fertility seem to be correlated with an ancestral record that is high. While the results in this respect are not uniformly in agreement, a number of the most highly fertile series do have an immediate parent of high self- fertility. Some evidence on this point may be gained by grouping the results according to the fertilities of the immediate parentage and without regard to the family or generation. This has been done in the following table. TABLE VIII. [ Summary according to deg ree of self-fertility of immediate parentage. Record for progeny Total no. plants Number self- sterile — ? — M umber self- fertile Per- centage self- fertile Frequency distribution, Percentage fertility Average fertility Fertility of parent 1-5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 -35-40 -45 -50 -55 -60 -65 -70 -75 -80 of self- fertile 0-01— 0-10 0-11— 0-20 19 101 10 70 9 31 0-49 0-31 3 6 3 5 1 2 2 3 0-12 6 5 1 1 — — 1 0-17 0-21— 0-30 0-31— 0-40 97 91 55 44 42 47 ' 0-43 0-52 12 9 10 5 8 7 3 — 2 8 1 3 A 1 9 1 0'14 4 1 ^ ± — 2 4 3 1 — 1 1 1 — — 0-21 O-43-OoO 108 46 62 0-57 13 8 8 8 7 8 2 _ 3 2 — 1 — — — 1 0-19 Ool— 0-56 51 26 25 0-49 4 2 4 3 5 2 1 2 1 — — 1 _ ^ _ _ 0-22 0-70 34 17 17 0-50 3 3 2 — 1 — 12—12 2 — — — — 0-22 The results show that in respect to the proportion of self-fertile plants there were only slight differences in the progeny of parents of high or of low fertility : the lowest percentage (31) was obtained in the progeny of parents whose self-fertility ranged from •11-20. In regard to the range of the self-fertilities, the offspring of parents of the lowest fertilities (-Ol-lO) extended only to 23 7o- The highest range is seen in offspring of the class 0*43-0'50. The number of offspring, especially of the lowest class of parentage, is not as large as one would wish. The evidence is quite conclusive, however, that there is strong regression, especially in the offspring of plants of high fertility, and that the various progenies do not differ in the degree that is decidedly correlated with the performance of the respective parents. Still the data are suggestive that the higher ranges and averages are to be 94 Fertility in Cichorium intybus obtained in the offspring of parents whose self-fertility is higher than 30%. Discussion. Physiological sexual compatibility in chicory is decidedly sporadic in its heredity. That its expression in the individuals of self-fertilized lines of descent is continually fluctuating is clearly in evidence from the behaviour of the various self-fertilized lines of descent reported above. The number of gener^itions and the number of plants in the main sub- families have been, it would seem, sufficiently large to establish these points. Starting with self-compatible plants that arose sporadically among the J^i progeny of self-sterile parents, lines of descent have now been grown through three further generations {F^, t\, and ^^4) and in every generation, and in every series (excepting a single one of only two plants) of each family, self-sterile plants have appeared, and usually these have been in considerable numbers. A general summary of the different generations and families shows that about half of the plants have been self-sterile : that is, there has been considerable regression in each generation, in each family, and in each series to the condition of self-incompatibility which appeared to be the rule in the original stocks from which these plants descended. Furthermore, the average per-^ formance has been quite the same for the successive generations. , The first self- fertile parents of these families and lines of descent were offspring of parents whose self-sterility had been thoroughly tested and found to be complete. As individuals they appeared to be com- pletely self-sterile ; the races or strains to which they belonged, however, are not to be considered as absolutely self-sterile. The self- fertile plants used as the first parents for the cultures here reported had thus one generation of parentage known to be self-sterile, but I have elsewhere shown (1917) that self- fertile plants may arise after three generations of ancestry self-sterile on both male and female sides. In the develop- ment of self-compatibility, these plants then differed sharply from their immediate parents, and from the greater number of their sister plants. The extremes, self- fertility and self-sterility, it would seem, are two quite decidedly contrasted characters. In the apparent suddenness of the occurrence of self-fertile plants among the offspring of self-sterile parents there is much that is suggestive of what is quite generally called mutation. A. B. Stout 95 When the first self-fertile plants appeared in my cultures, I was of the opinion that the characteristic of self- fertility would be decidedly discontinuous, and that it would be transmitted as a fixed quality. In other words, it was thought that the occurrence of such self-fertile plants could be interpreted as " mutation," or possibly as a recombination of fixed heredity units which had been separated as a result of previous crossing. However, the various self-fertile plants which first appeared exhibited various gi-ades of compatibility which are suggestive rather that compatibility is a highly variable q-uality. Furthermore, the self- fertilities of the offspring of self-fertile plants in all lines of descent are also of various gi-ades. There is obviously a series of quantitative variations in the behaviour of the plants as wholes that grade from complete self- incompatibility to a very decided self-compatibility. Such a variability of expression of fertilities and such incomplete transmission of the characteristic of self-fertility, as is revealed in all my self-fertilized lines of descent, indicate that occurrence of self- fertility is not due to mutations which are at once fixed, or to recombinations of hereditary units. At least, such recombinations are decidedly not stable. Darwin (1SG8, 1877) held that all the facts regarding the occurrence of self-incompatibility then known in such plants as Eschscholtzia californica and Reseda odorata show that the phenomenon is widely distributed and is of decidedly sporadic occurrence. In his opinion, self-sterility is due to " some change in the condition of life acting on the plants themselves or on their parents." The causes were held to be environmental, and the self-incompatibility was assumed to rest in too great a uniformity or similarity of the two kinds of sexual organs pro- duced by a plant. The characteristic of functional fertility, according to Darwin, exhibits fluctuations and chance variation as do other characters. Jost's (1907) theory of individual stuffs assumes that the causes of self-sterility (physiological incompatibility) are individual, internal, and epigenetic in that the sex organs fail to function because they are produced on the same plant : the sex organs have the same chemical individual stuff, and thereby lack the differentiation assumed to be necessary for successful fertilization. The causes were fluctuating, but were held to be solely internal. Morgan's (1904, 1910) studies of self-incompatibility in the animal Ciona intestinalis, led to much the same conclusion as was reached by Jost. The failures to function are assumed to be due to too great similarity that involves cytoplasmic relations established in the 96 Fertility in Cichorium intybus individual. The similarity is thus considered as independent of the degrees of dissimilarity in the germ plasm brought about by the crossing necessary to give fertility. Beginning about 1910, the attention of various investigators was especially directed to a study of the breeding performance of plants with respect to self-sterility in the attempts to determine its heredity and obtain clues as to the nature of the processes involved. In 1911, Baur claimed that the self-sterility of Antirrhinum molle was recessive to self-fertility in A. majus, giving complete self-fertility in all plants of the F^. The F2, it was reported, was composed of a large proportion of self-fertile plants. Compton (1912, 1913) likewise supports the view that self- fertility is a simple dominant over self- sterility, and further interprets breeding results in Reseda on the basis of a simple presence and absence hypothesis, the absence of some sub- stance, either nutritive or stimulating to the growth of pollen-tubes giving self-sterility, while the presence of such a substance gives self- fertility. Neither Baur nor Compton presents adequate data for his conclusions, and evidently both assumed a Mendelian behaviour of self- sterility and self-fertility on a priori grounds. In regard to the later generations of these Antirrhinum hybrids, Lotsy (1913) reports that the i^'a generations are composed of self-fertile and self-sterile plants, and that there are various degrees of self-fertility in evidence. The state- ment is made by both Baur and Lotsy, however, that all plants of the species A. molle are self-sterile. Such interpretations have an advantage of appearing definite, simple, and conclusive. However, the performance in chicory of pedigreed cultures of offspring of self-sterile plants does hot show any such simple and regular behaviour. Similar methods of study may reveal quite identical conditions and results in the above named species, Correns, in 1912, announced the very important discovery of physio- logical cross-incompatibility among sister plants grown in the F^ seed progeny of a cross between two self-sterile plants of Cardamine pratensis, a species which had previously been known as self-sterile. Correns thus proved, for the first time, that cross-sterility may exist within a variety among plants of seed origin which exhibit no dimorphism or trimorphism. By a grouping of the results, Correns arrived at a Mendelian analysis of the hereditary performance. Line stuffs were assumed to be represented and transmitted in the germ cells by anlagen, and it was assumed that there could be no fertilization between gametes carrying the same line stuff. An examination of Correns' actual results A. B. Stout 97 (Stout, 1916) shows that the inter- fertilities and sterilities do not fall into four nearly equal classes such as Correns has grouped them. Compton (1913) has also pointed out that if Correns' assumption holds, one-fourth of the F^ generation which he studied should have been self-fertile. On this particular point Correns' data are incomplete : he seems to consider all plants self-sterile, but his report includes data for self-pollinations of only 13 out of 60 of the F^ generation. Of these, however, three were partly self-fertile. The interpretation that self- sterility and cross-sterility are due to a few line stuffs that are transmitted as single hereditary units is obviously inadequate. The conclusion, however, has been given considerable credence, especially in Mendelian circles. East (1915a and h) very soon pointed out the inadequacy of Correns' interpretation, and formulated a " near Mendelian " interpretation for the almost complete self-sterility and the almost complete cross-fertility which he observed in hybrids between two species of Nicotiana. While discarding the conception of factors directly concerned with fertility and sterility as such. East considers that these conditions arise as indirect properties of Mendelian units ; plants are self-sterile because the male gametophyte produced by a plant can possess no hereditary unit not possessed by the somatic cells of the pistil. He assumes that this degree or element of similarity between pollen-tube and pistil in self-pollination prohibits the formation of secretions in the pistil which are necessary for the nourishment and growth of the pollen-tubes. As to the facts of breeding performance, we may note that neither East nor Correns gives adequate data as to the fluctuations in the degree of fertility, or in the behaviour of pedigreed lines of descent from self- sterile parents of a variety or a species, and there have been no data published regarding the behaviour of pedigreed lines of descent from self-fertile individuals which originated sporadically from self-sterile parentage. A few such plants were in evidence in the ^i crop studied by Correns quite as 1 found them in chicory. It is especially to be noted that there are no published data regarding the performance with reference to sterility and fertility of cultures of the so-called self-sterile species Antirrhinum niolle and Nicotiana Forgetiana. Detailed studies of the performance of these, as well as of other species reported self-sterile, are greatly to be desired. Moore (1917) recently reports that: "The species of Tradescantia, alsike clover, alfalfa, and Shirley poppy showed different degrees of self- sterility. Tradescantia was completely self-sterile ; in alsike clover about 98 Fei^tility in Cichorium intybus 2 °/^ of the flowers set seed when self-pollinated ; in alfalfa 27 °/g of the flowers were fertilized with self-pollen, and when Shirley poppies were self-pollinated 39 "/^ of the flowers set seed." The performance of in- dividual plants is not indicated in these results, so it is impossible to judge of the variability in fertility that occurs in the various individuals involved. Evidently some individuals are self-sterile (except in Trade- scantia ?) and some are self-fertile. At this point one may venture to recognize that most of our mis- understanding (and assumed understanding as well) of the transmission of characters and of the nature of variation of all sorts is, no doubt, due to attempts to analyze all sorts of characters in terms of hereditary units. There has been a tendency to ascribe all sorts of characters, superficial, fundamental, all sorts of pattern effects in pigment dis- tribution, minutely qualitative or quantitative differences of highly specialized organs, and general qualities of an organism as a whole to factors which, it would seem, are mostly thought of as corpuscular units serially arranged in the germ plasm. The inadequacies of the attempts to analyze self-sterility on this basis are quite apparent both as to methods and results. To speak of the occasional appearance of self-compatible individuals in an ordinarily self-sterile race as sporadic, and to refer the processes determining the possibility of fertilization to variable interactions between tissues and cells as such, may to many seem less definite than an interpretation on the basis of assumed hereditary units. But the irregular behaviour of compatibility and incompatibility both in ontogeny and heredity in chicory is clear. Neither compatibility nor incompati- bility are fixed and unchanging characters in transmission and in expression, and are not to be considered as directly represented in the germ plasm by hereditary elements. In general it has been held that functional sex-vigor is congenital, and that fertility in the sense of ability to produce large numbers of offspring is hereditary. In many hermaphrodite plants, perhaps the majority, self-fertility appears complete; within many species cross- compatibility is perhaps complete ; the functional compatibility between the sexes is so general in the plant and animal kingdoms that it has been held to be congenital. The presence of sexual incompatibility, therefore, between individuals of a single race or variety, or even single line of descent, as it is found in chicory, strikes one at first as a decided anomaly, and it seems still more .an anomaly that the sex organs produced on the same plant, and A. B. Stout 99 even in the same flower, may be as incompatible in function as though they were produced by plants of unrelated genera. There has been much speculation as to the nature and operation of the physiological processes operating in such incompatibilities as are seen in physiological self- and cross-sterility. In many cases of self- incompatibility it has been reported that there is a limited or restricted growth of pollen-tubes. These facts have led to views that the de- termining factors in compatibility and incompatibility are limited to the relations between pollen-tubes and pistils alone. Jost (1907) con- siders that the poor growth of pollen-tubes in such cases is due to the action of individual stuff which inhibits growth of pollen-tubes having the same stuff. Compton (1912, 1913) believes that self- sterility is due to the absence of a stimulating stuff, the presence of which gives fertility. East (1915 a) attributes self-sterility to absence of food stufis which are not secreted because the pollen-tubes involved do not possess any hereditary element not possessed by the diploid cells of the pistil. Moore (1917) considers that the limited growth in length of pollen-tubes observed in self-sterility in Tradescantia is really due to the presence of too much food. Some of these views appear to regard the determining factors as conditions of the pistil alone ; others consider that the conditions arise through a reciprocal reaction between tubes and pistil. All of them fail to recognize that a critical period in the growth of the pollen-tube may result from secretions of the egg, and that the diflferent qualities of the pistil may be due to the diffusion of hormones from the gameto- phytes. As I have earlier pointed out, there is some evidence that some cases of embryo abortion may be due to incompatibility, expressing itself after fertilization and during the development of the embryo. This may be true in some- cases in chicory. Further studies are in progress on this point. Cross-sterility (within a species) without self-sterility might be explained as are isoprecipitation phenomena on the basis of an intra- specific specificity of individuals, or groups of individuals, as such. Self-compatibility, however, shows that an equally- marked differential specificity may develop in sex organs and gametes produced by a single individual : such specificity is not characteristic of the sporophytic individual as a whole, but of the pollen-tubes, pistils, embryo sacs and eggs as such. 100 Fertility in Cichorium intybus Conclusions. 1. Self- and cross-incompatibilities in chicory develop independently of either (a) anatomical incompatibility with its marked structural differences and adaptations for cross-pollination ; or (b) embryo abortion, at least of the sort that is due to the malnutrition of embryos by the parent plant, and which in many fruit-bearing plants involves various conditions of seed and flesh formation. 2. There is some evidence that both impotence and embryo abortion are also present in some degree in chicory. 3. The experiments with chicory already reported (1916, 1917) indicate (a) that self- and cross-incompatibilities are strongly in evidence ; (b) that a few self-compatible plants may arise sporadically from parents that are self-sterile, even after three generations of self- sterile parentage ; (c) that the progeny of such self-fertile plants do not breed true as to this character ; (d) that the degree of self-compatibility varies; (e) and that selection for increased self-fertility after two generations was not effective in isolating a completely self-fertile strain. 4. The new data reported in this paper are fully in accord with the results obtained in previous years. A new generation, the third having self-fertile ancestry, exhibited quite the same irregular heredity and sporadic development of self-sterility (or regression to the condition of self-sterility) as was seen in the former generation. In this respect every family, every line, and every series were in close agreement. 5. Self- compatibility is entirely independent of differences in vege- tative vigor. The various series of the crops grown in 1915 and 1916 showed widely different types in respect to vegetative vigor. Self- sterility appeared in all these races with practically equal frequency. Sister plants of the least vigorous dwarf race or sister plants of the most vigorous vegetative race were either self-fertile or self-sterile indiscriminately. 6. Self-compatibility and self-incompatibility operate independently of potential sex-vigor. The total production of flowers varied greatly among the various series. Plants with large numbers of sex organs were either self-sterile or self-fertile, as were plants with the fewest number. 7. Self-compatibility and self-incompatibility operate independently of the purely nutritive relations Of the embryos to their parent plants. A. B. Stout 101 Ten flower heads self-pollinated on a completely self-sterile plant will set no seed, while ten heads on the same plant pollinated on the same day with pollen from a highly cross-compatible plant will set abundant seed. The fruits are rather small achenes having no endosperm, and are practically composed only of the embryo : provided the pollination is compatible, they develop equally well throughout the season (Data, see 1916, Tables XV and XVI). 8. Self-Gornpatibility and self-incompatihiiity appear independently of any combination of germ plasm elements in so far as these can be judged by the expression of characters. Each operates alike between gametes that are similar or those that are dissimilar in respect to hereditary units of genetic analysis. Plants widely different in such qualities as colour of flowers, type of branching, shape of leaves, etc. are either self-fertile or self-sterile, and plants of a sister series quite similar in all respects are either self-fertile or self-sterile. When an F^ plant of hybrid origin is self-fertile in any degree the evidence indicates that any of the sex cells may function in any recombination; on the other hand in self-sterile sister plants whose sex cells must, it would seem, be of much the same diversity none are compatible. Also all the sex cells of an F^ plant which must have much the same germ-plasm constitution may fail to function together, while those of a sister plant may be highly functional. Two self-sterile plants, sisters of an F^ cross or sisters of any generation, may be cross-fertile or cross-sterile quite indiscri minately. 9. The development of either self compatibility or self-incompati- bility occurs in both cross-bred and inbred races, the latter often being highly constant races for vegetative characters. Both self -fertile and self-sterile plants occurred among sister plants that were Fi hybrids of rather wide crosses (Stout, 191G, 1917); they also appeared among inbred strains derived by crossing self-sterile parents for as many as three generations (1917), and they occurred, as here reported, among the progeny of self- fertile plants, even after three generations of self- fertile parentage. The positive evidence at hand, however, makes it clear that self-compatibilities do not decrease in self-fertilized lines of descent which are so uniform that they constitute decidedly pure races. 10. The results obtained in the cultures of chicory make it clear that self-incompatibility and self compatibility are here not to be described as dominant and recessive characters, or paired allelomorphs, and that there is no simple Mendelian formula that fits the results. The evidence 102 Fet'tility in Cichorium intybus at hand for the behaviour of similar phenomena in other species is also quite in agreement with this conclusion. 11. The conditions controlling sex-fusions, ']Mdigedi by the behaviour of compatibilities and incompatibilities in such species as Cichorium Intybus, arise in connection with the development of the sex organs and sex cells as such. In this sense the controlling factors are of epigenetic and individual development. 12. The factors which determine or prohibit successful fertilization in chicory, whatever their essential nature may be, are highly variable as to degree, specificity, and transmission in heredity. New York Botanical Garden, Jfai/ 10, 1917. EXPLANATION OF PLATES. PLATE IV. View of series {A x E22)-10-13- of the semi-dwarf bushy race showing very decided uniformity in general vegetative habit. Ten of this series were self-sterile and six were self-fertile. In the foreground is a plant of series (A x E22)-10-8- showing a tall sparsely branched habit of growth. These plants are from two generations of self-fertile ancestry. PLATE V. View of chicory in eicperimental plot. Crop of 1916. Several races are shown. PLATE VI. Another view in experimental plot. Crop of 1916. Dwarf and semi-dwarf races are especially prominent. Plants shown in Plates V and VI are from three generations of self-fertile ancestry. Plants here shown were self-compatible or self-incompatible quite indiscriminately. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Bauk, E. 1911. Einfiihrung in die experimentelle Vererhungslehre. CoMPTON, R. H. 1912. "Preliminary note on the inheritance of sterility in Reseda odorata." Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. x\u}. 1913. " Phenomena and problems of self-sterility." Neto Phytologist, Vol. XII. pp. 197—206. CoRRENS, C. 1912. " Selbststerilitat und Individiialstoffe." Festschr. d. Med. Nat. Oes. z. 84. Versamml. Deutsch. Naturf. u. Arzte. *1 JOURNAL OF GENETICS, VOL VII. NO. 2 PLATE IV JOURNAL OF GENETICS, VOL. VM. NO. 2 PLATE V JOURNAL OF GENETICS, VOL. VM. NO. 2 PLATE VI A. B. Stotjt 103 Darwin, C. 1868. Animals and Plants under domestication, Vol. ii. Edition by Orange Judd Co., New York. 1877. Cross and self-fertilization in the vegetable kingdom. Edition by D. Appleton Co., New York. East, E. M. 1915a. "The phenomenon of self-sterility." Amer. Nat. Vol. xlix. pp. 77—87. 19155. "An interpretation of sterility in certain plants." Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc. Vol. Liv. pp. 70—72. JosT, L. 1907. " Ueber die Selbststerilitat einiger Bliiten." Bof. Zeit. Vol. Lxv. pp. 77—117. LoTSY, J. P. 1913. " Hybrides entre especes &' Antirrhinum.^^ IV" Conference Internationale de Genetique, pp. 416 — 428. Moore, C. W. 1917. " Self-sterility." Jour, of Hereditij, Vol. viii. pp. 203—207. Morgan, T. H. 1904. "Some further experiments on self-fertilization in Ciona. Biol. Bull. Vol. VIII. pp. 313—330. 1910. "Cross and self-fertilization in Ciona intestinalis.^' Arch. Entwicke- lungsmech. Organ. Bd. xxx^. pp. 206—234. Stout, A. B. 1916 "Self- and cross-pollinations in Cichorium Intyhus with reference to sterility. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Oard. Vol. vi. pp. 333—454. PI. 30. 1917. "Fertility in Cichorium Intyhus: The sporadic appearance of self- fertile plants among the progeny of self-sterile plants." Amer. Jour. Bot. Vol. IV. pp. 375 — 395 (in press). Journ. of Gen. vii RACIAL STUDIES IN FISHES. I. STATISTICAL INVESTIGATIONS WITH ZOARCES VIVIPARUS L By JOHS. SCHMIDT, D.Sc. Director of the Carlsberg Physiological Laboratory, Copenhagen, Denmark, (With Plate VII and seven text-figures.) During the past few decades, variation-statistical investigations have been carried out on a large scale with several species of the food fishes having their habitat in our northern seas ; a classical example is the great work by Heincke on the Races of the Herring {Clupea harengus). This appeared in 1898, and was of great importance, both in methodical respects and also by reason of the results arrived at, Heincke's work, with that of several others dealing with the same question^ showed that the herrings of North and West Europe do not make up a single coherent and homogeneous shoal. They are on the contrary divided up into numerous more or less highly localised " com- munities " or " populations," each leading an isolated existence, and each to be characterised as distinct from other populations by average struc- tural conditions, spawning time, etc. Similar, more or less marked differences have been found among practically all the species of fish which have been sufficiently investi- gated in detail. A characteristic exception from this rule, however, is the common freshwater eel (Anguilla vulgaris) which will be referred to later on. ^ Eeaders wishing for further informatiou on the subject of Herring investigations may refer to the recent paper by H. Chas. Williamson : "A short resume of the researches into the European Races of Herrings and the method of investigation " (Fishery Board for Scotland, Scientific Investigations, 1914, No. I. Edinburgh, 1914). 8—2 106 Racial Studies in Fishes In trying to characterise these populations, various quantitative features are employed, both such as are determinable by counting (e.g. the number of vertebrae or of fin rays), and such as involve measure- ment (as for instance the size and shape of the head). We have thus in the former case to deal with integrated, in the latter with graduated variates. Where two populations have been found, by statistical examination of a great number of specimens, to differ- in the mean of one or more characters, it is customary, in fishery biology, to say that each belongs to its own race of the species in question. The word " race " is, how- ever, not employed by all writers ; some prefer the term " local forms " or " families," while others again use all three indiscriminately. This uncertainty in the terminology itself serves to indicate the in- completeness of our knowledge as to the true nature of races in fishes. We do not even know whether they are genotypically determined or merely phenotypical phenomena. And a genetic analysis is still wanting in this sphere. The reason for this lack of knowledge must be sought, partly in the great experimental difficulties attending investigation of our marine food fishes, partly also in the fact that fishery biologists most frequently regard their problems as solved when once they have shown that two or more populations actually are distinct and biologically inde- pendent. The question then is still before us : What is the cause of the racial difierences found ? Why, for instance, should the race of herrings living on the east coast of Scotland have a higher average number of vertebrae than that — or those — of the Baltic, and why have the Baltic herrings again a higher figure for this character than the herrings of the White Sea ? Or how is it that the plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) in the North Sea manage to develop a greater number of rays in the anal fin than the plaice of the Baltic waters ? The generally accepted view among fishery biologists is that racial differences arise from the influence of differing external conditions under which the races in question live, such as for instance salinity of the water, its temperature, etc. It is thought that the average values for the differing qualities, i.e. the racial characters, are actually dependent upon. this or that temperature, salinity, or the like, which happens to be peculiar to the water in question. Certain writers, such as Heincke, imagine these external conditions as exerting a directly determinative effect ; others are more inclined to regard them as acting indirectly, through a process of selection. In this latter case, the variates not JoHS. Schmidt 107 suited to the surroundings would be rejected, whereby the average values for the different characters would of course be indirectly altered. The object which I had set before me was to elucidate as far as possible, by means of suitable material, some of the conditions respon- sible for the racial differences found among our marine fish species in nature. From the outset, I had a clear appreciation of two points; first, that the investigation would have to be of an even more detailed character than any of those previously carried out (though these might seem detailed enough, for instance, in the case of the herring and plaice investigations !). And secondly, that experimental aids would be neces- sary, as without such, it would hardly be possible to arrive at any decisive result. The necessity of experimental investigations again forced me to abandon the two species in which the question of race has been best investigated (statistically), viz. the herring and the plaice, since experi- ments with these seemed out of the question at present, at any rate with the means at my disposal. In addition, I wished to have a species even more " variable " and more local than the herring or the plaice. Both of these are, as we know, pelagic for a more or less considerable part of their life, and consequently subject to important passive or active dis- locations which may lead to an intermingling of the individuals from different populations. A species which appears to fulfil the required conditions is the com- mon Viviparous Blmny {Zoarces vivipamis, L.) with which I have now been working since the autumn of 1914. I have made both statistical and experimental investigations with this species ; only the former, however, have up to the present been brought to a conclusion, and only these are therefore so far advanced as to be suitable for publi- cation. In course of time, a great number of specimens, over 25,000, have been examined, with regard to several characters. A detailed account, with the figures pertaining thereto, appears in Vol. xiii of the Comptes rendus des travaux du Laboratoire de Garlsherg, Copenhagen, and I must here restrict myself to mentioning some of the principal results. Zoarces viviparus is an extremely common fish in our Danish waters, where it plays a far greater part than in the British. It lives as a rule in quite shallow water, inside the 10 metre curve. Its distribution in Eurojie has a marked north-easter.ly character. It is found from the 108 Racial Studies in Fishes White Sea in the north to the English Channel in the south, is common on the east coasts of Scotland and England but rare on the west, and is not known with certainty from Ireland. Eastward, however, it pene- trates into the innermost waters of the Baltic, to the base of the Gulf of Bothnia and Gulf of Finland. A striking feature is the fact that it is not found at the Faroes or Iceland. One of the most prominent points in the natural history of Zoarces is that it is viviparous. Pairing takes place late in the summer, and by the close of the winter a considerable number of young, up to 400, are brought into the world. These are at birth 4 — 5 cm. long, exactly resembling their parents in all main features, and, like these, keeping to the bottom from the very first. The quality of being viviparous is almost unique among our northern teleosteans, and this is also one of the essential reasons for my taking Zoarces for the purposes of investi- gation, as we have here the great advantage of being able to examine the progeny of a single female and compare the qualities with those of the mother. For the young have, before they are born, all the qualities with which we are here concerned fully developed in numerical respects. Besides a great number of characters which have not been investi- gated throughout in all samples, we have devoted particular attention to the following four: (1) number of vertebrae ("vert"), (2) of rays in the right pectoral fin (" Pd "), (3) of hard rays in the dorsal fin (" D^ "), and (4) of pigment spots on the dorsal fin (" Pigm. D^ "). All these qualities are determined by counting, so that we have only to deal with integrated variates. This is an advantage, as the qualities in question are not altered from long before the birth of the individual until its death. The characters investigated are of essential physiognomical impor- tance, the number of pectoral rays, however, to a lesser degree than the others. This will be seen from the three sketches (PI. VII, figs. 1 — 3). The specimen shown in Fig. 1 has a large number of vertebrae, viz. 121, and thus appears much more slender than those in Figs. 2 and 3, with 105 and 109 vertebrae respectively. Highly characteristic of Zoarces is the fact that the dorsal fin has an incurvation extending for a more or less considerable length down its posterior part. This portion of the fin contains only hard rays, the number of which will thus determine the length of the incurvation. In the specimen Fig. 1, where there are no less than 12 hard rays, the incurvate part is long ; in the specimen Fig. 2, where the number is only 5, it is much shorter. Finally, the dorsal fin in the specimen Jons. Schmidt 109 Fig. 3, where hard rays are altogether lacking, exhibits no incurvation at all. The number of pigment spots is also, as will be seen from the figures, of physiognomical importance. The number of vertebrae has been found to vary from 101 to 126 inclusive, a range of variation which is very considerable, and greater than in any other species of fish hitherto investigated. The other characters also have a wide range of variation. Thus we find, for the hard rays 0—17, for the pigment spots 7 — 21, and for the pectoral rays 16 — 22. For the sake of brevity I will here restrict myself mainly to the mention of a single character, viz. the number of vertebrae. Preliminary investigations soon showed that there was no difference between the sexes in respect of the characters here in question. It was further found, on repeated analyses of the same population, that most of the characters exhibited a high degree of constancy from year to year, as far as the scope of the investigations extends up to now. An instance of such constancy is shown in "the graphs of Fig. 4, representing the number of vertebrae in the years 1914, 1915 and 1916 for the same population (St. 31, Ise Fjord, Sealand, Denmark). The number of vertebrae is noted in figures along the vertical lines, each dot denoting a single specimen of Zoarces. It will be seen that the three graphs agree excellently well together, and therewith also the average values for the three years, viz. 11342 (±0-49), 113-23 (±0-43) and 11340 (±0-44). Altogether about 80 population analyses were made, embracing material from the greater part of the area of distribution of Zoarces. The separate population samples consisted as a rule of about 200 specimens, which permit of a very good degree of accuracy in the determinations. For vertebrae, the highest mean found was 119-44, and the lowest 107-98 ; similar results were arrived at in the case of the other characters, least in the case of the pectoral rays, where there are also, it must be noted, very rarely more than four variates. The mean values for the various characters may appear in highly differing combinations in the different populations. Disregarding the pectoral rays, where the range of variation is but slight, and using A, B and C to denote a high value, a, b and c a low mean value for number of vertebrae, hard rays and pigment spots respectively, we find, out of the eight possible combinations, six were realised in our 80 population analyses: ABC, ABc, AbC, Abe, abC and abc. Up to the present, however, we have encountered no instance of aBc and aBC, 110 Racial Studies in Fishes and of the six combinations noted above as found, not all were of the same frequency. An attempt has been made to characterise the various larger regions of sea within the Zoarces area by means of the average qualities of the 118 116 114 0 • ' . .' 112 110 108 1914 • Population • • a = 113-42 (±0-49). 118 116 114 • • • 112 110 108 ' Population 1915 •• • • a = Ji5-^5(±0-43). 118 116 114 112 110 108 Population 1916 a = ii5-40(± 0-44). Fig. 4. Zoarces vivipants, L. Number of vertebrae. Population analyses for three successive years from Station 31, Ise Fjord, Sealand, Denmark. EASTERN PART OF (1=117-37 (±0-48). Outside Fjord Mouth of Fjord 122 120 118 116 114 Population • • • • 126 124 122 120 118 Population ******* ••••-• 116 114 112 • t • 112 110 108 •• • • •• • • • a:^ 117-10 (±0-62). Fig. 5. Zoarces viviparus, L. Number of vertebrae. Four population analyses from th from the moi ISE FJORD WITH R( Mouth of Fjord 120 118 116 114 !..,. Population Popula •••••••<•••.•.••••••••••••••• 114 • « * 112 110 108 112 110 108 106 104 • • • • •' a = llP01 (±0-i6). . a = 109-it6(±0-4 Fig. 6. Zoarces vivipanis, L. Number of vertebrae. Three population analyses from I«e Fjord, Roskih LM FJORD, DENMARK. Inner part of Fjord Population Population 10 . 18 • 10 114 • 14 12 112 110 108 1(1 08 m 104 •• • • • a=113-ll{±0-o9). a = 109-69 (±0-io). ein part of Liiin Fjord, Jutland, Denmark. Showing how the number of vertebrae decreases the fjord inwards. ILDE FJORD, DENMARK. Inner part of Fjord Population « 112 110 108 106 104 102 • • a =107-98 {±0-36). 3rd, Sealand, Denmark. Showing how the number of vertebrae decreases from the mouth of the fjord inwards JoHS. Schmidt 111 populations there found. Dividing up the area into four parts, and utilising the same symbols as above, we obtain the follovv^ing : (1) western North Sea, Abe; (2) eastern North Sea, abc; (3) west Baltic region, ABC ; (4) east Baltic region, ABc. On taking together three popula- tions, typical as far as possible, from each of the four regions, we obtain the following mean values : TABLE I. Average value for Vert. Pd iJj Pigm. Di I. Noith Sea 1. Western part 116-2 18 71 7-2 12-7 „ 2. Eastern part 111-2 18-48 6-0 12-3 II. Baltic 3. Western part 1177 19*35 8-0 14-3 4. Eastern part 117-2 18-66 11-1 123 On going into details, we find many discrepancies and irregularities in the geographical distribution of the mean values. A certain regu- larity, on the other hand, and also highly peculiar conditions are noted in the shallow Danish and other fjords of the western Baltic. The rule here is that the average number of vertebrae, hard rays and pig- ment spots will be essentially lower up in the ^ords than outside, and this applies even where the distance between the two populations only amounts to some few miles. The graphs in Figs. 5, 6 show some in- stances of this as regards the number of vertebrae. Table II, giving the values for Manager Fjord, east coast of Jutland, Denmark, shows the same also for the other characters. TABLE 11. Mariager Fjord, Denmark. Average value for Vert. D.^ Stat, 14 li7-37 9-21 r„ 15 115-43 8-74 J „ 16 110-99 7-21 {_ „ 17 ■ 110-18 6-87 „ 19 109-30 6-40 St. 14 lies outside the jQord ; the remaining stations up in the ^ord ; St. 19 at its base. The lower number of vertebrae in the Zoarces of the ^ords gives them a physiognomy differing greatly from that of their relatives on the coasts, the former being of short and stumpy build, the latter slender and elongated in shape. 112 Racial Studies in Fishes Our population analyses have thus shown that Zoarces is split up into numerous " races," often highly localised, and differing widely one from another. In this respect, however, there is no difference of prin- ciple between Zoarces and the other well investigated fish species such as herring and plaice. The difference is only one of degree, depending upon the fact that Zoarces is an even more " variable " and even less migratory species than either of the other two. One species of fish, however, to which I have also devoted particular attention, viz. the common freshwater eel {Anguilla vulgaris), does differ in principle, and a comparison with this species, which has about the same number of vertebrae, etc. as Zoai'ces, is therefore highly instructive. On going through a large amount of material, it was found that in contrast to Zoarces, which, as we have seen, is split up into numerous local races, all the eel populations of Europe are identical (see graphs. Fig. 7). The explanation of this most remarkable fact must be sought in the great biological difference between the two species; Zoarces spends the whole of its life in the same very restricted area, whereas all the freshwater eels of Europe undertake migrations of thousands of miles out into the Atlantic to' spawn, the young thereafter journeying the same way back. Long before the young, or rather larvae {Lepto- cephalus hrevirostris), reach the coasts of Europe, they have developed their full complement of vertebrae, etc., and we have here a natural explanation of the fact that all the eel populations of Europe are identical, or belong to one and the same " race." As mentioned above, Zoarces gives birth to a great number of young, which have already, long before they are born, developed their full number of vertebrae, fin rays, pigment spots, etc. This renders it possible for us to carry out individual offspring analyses with this species, the offspring of each gravid female being separately investigated. Examples of such individual offspring analyses will be found in the graphs (Fig. 8). The material is from the same population (St. 31) as the three population analyses for 1914, 1915 and 1916 in Fig. 4. On comparing Fig. 4 with Fig. 8 we find that the average number of vertebrae in various offspring samples can exhibit considerable variation among themselves, and differ greatly from the average for the popula- tion. Thus in the case of the three offspring samples in Fig. 8; the mean values for number of vertebrae were about 117-83, 112-36 and 109-48 respectively, whereas the number for the population was in all the three years 1914-16 between about 113-2 and 113-4. JoHS. Schmidt Iceland 113 118 116 • Population -" 114 112 . a^ll4-73 (±0-32). Copenhagen 118 116 W 112 Population Bayonne ll8 116 114 112 Population • a = 114-67 (±0-21). Azores 116 114 112 Population . 118 116 liT 112 ... Population 1 ..... a = 114-77 (±0-31). Fig. 7. Common freshwater eel {Anguilla vulgaris). Number of vertebrae. Five population analyses of material from Iceland, Copenhagen, Bayonne (France), Azores, Comacchio (Adriatic). Showing that the eel populations of Europe are identical. 114 Racial Studies in Fishes a = n7-83 {±0-o5). a = 112 -36 (±0-S2). / 114 $108 • «..*.....>..■• 110 >in..»n...i_. 110 108 (continued from above) 106 • • • a=109-48.(±0-i5). Fig. 8. Zoarces viviparu.o, L. Number of vertebrae. Three individual offspring analyses of gravid females from the 1914 population at St. 31, Ise Fjord, Sealand, Denmark ; the same population as shown in Fig. 4. On comparing with P'ig. 4 it will be seen that the number of vertebrae in individual offspring samples may differ greatly from that of the population. For each of the graphs of offspring samples, the number of vertebrae in the mother is noted. n JoHS. Schmidt 115 My own interpretation of the offspring analyses, which is supported by the results arrived at in 1903 by W. Johannsen in his studies on bean communities, is roughly as follows. It was found possible by population analyses to subdivide Zoarces viviparus into numerous local " races." The individual offspring analyses showed that the smallest unit hitherto considered, the " race," may be resolved into still smaller elements, ex- pressed by the means of the offspring samples. These smaller elements may differ widely one from another, and likewise from the average of the population (" race "), but when added together they reproduce the picture of the race itself as the latter is expressed in the results of the population analyses. As already mentioned above, it is a generally accepted view among fishery biologists that racial differences are due to the differing external conditions under which the various races live. The salinity of the water is here as a rule considered of great importance, and as this factor is also the best elucidated up to date, I have endeavoured to ascertain how far any agreement could be found to exist between the salinity and the average values characterising the races of Zoarces. A few examples may be quoted. Of the populations we have analysed, that of St. 57 in the North Sea (Anstruther, Scotland) is the one living in saltest water, St. 52 in the Gulf of Bothnia in the Baltic (Hudiksvall, Sweden) that with lowest salinity. The difference between these two places is very great, the salinity at the Scottish station being about 34 °/^^, and in the Gulf of Bothnia about 5 °/„^ only. The population at St. 57 thus lives in a salt solution more than six times the strength of the water at St. 52. The graphs in Fig. 9 show the values for number of vertebrae in these two populations. It will be noticed that there is no difference to speak of between the two graphs, either as regards course or average values, the latter being about 1160 and about 116-4 respectively. This example thus seems to suggest that the salinity is not of any real im- portance. Another example is illustrated in Fig. 10. The two populations here shown are from Roskilde Fjord, Sealand, Denmark, and Kjelds Nor, Langeland, Denmark. At these two places the salinity is very nearly the same and rather low, viz. about 12°/^^. But it is at once noticeable that the values for number of vertebrae exhibit an enormous difference as between the two populations, amounting to no less than about 11-5 mean. So great is the dissimilarity indeed that the two populations have not a single common variate. The picture presented 116 Racial Studies m Fishes is such that the uninitiated might well take it as representing two distinct species, and yet as a matter of fact we have here only to deal with two populations living within the same area of sea, and, as far as we are aware, under uniform external conditions. St. 52. Gulf of Bothnia (Sweden). 120 1 1 o • • Population 1 lO 116 114 • • e o St. 57. a = ii6'40(±0-47). Scotland (Anstruther). 120 118 • • • • • Population 116 114 • • • • • 112 rt = ii6-iO(±0-45). Fig. 9. Zoarces viviparus, L. Number of vertebrae. Two population analyses from St. 57 (Anstruther, Scotland) and St. 52 (Hudiksvall, Gulf of Bothnia). At St. 57 the salinity of the water is about 31 °l^^; at St. 52 only about 5 %o. Our investigations thus by no means support the hypothesis that the racial characters are determined exclusively by environment. On the contrary, they seem rather to indicate that differences of environ- ment are not sufficient to explain the structural differences between the races, and that the importance of the salinity especially has doubt- less been greatly over-estimated. JoHS. Schmidt 117 On the other hand, the very distinct gradation of average qualities found in the ^ord populations seems to suggest that the surroundings may be of importance, either directly or indirectly, but what factors here come into play we cannot as yet determine. My view then, with regard to the nature of " races " in fishes, as characterised by our population analyses, is briefly this: A fish "race" 124 122 120 118 116 114 • ' — • • •• • Population 112 110 108 106 104 • • • • • Population •• • • •• • •• a = 119-M (±0-75) a = 108-06 {±0-69) Fig. 10. Zoarces viviparus, L. Number of vertebrae. Two population analyses from Kjelds Nor, Langeland, Denmark (above), and Koskilde Fjord, Sealand, Denmark (below). At both places the salinity is about 12 7oo- The boundary between the populations indicated by a dotted line. is largely a statistical conception. It implies a mixing of different genotypes, and the average values characterising the " race " arc pri- marily dependent upon the quantitative proportion between these; only secondarily on the environment. It should nevertheless be pointed out that we cannot expect to arrive at any final decision before the results of the experimental 118 Racial Studies in Fishes analysis are available. I hope therefore to revert to the question on a subsequent occasion, after conclusion of the experiments, of which the individual offspring analyses briefly referred to above form a part. DESCRIPTION OF PLATE VII. Fig. 1. Zoarces viviparus, L. Sketch of a specimen about 26 cm. in length from the Sound. Number of vertebrae 121, of hard rays 12, and of pigment spots on dorsal 16. Fig. 2. Zoarces viviparus, L. Sketch of a specimen about 25 cm. in length from Roskilde Fjord, Sealand, Denmark. Number of vertebrae 105, of hard rays 5, and of pigment spots on dorsal 11. Fig. 3. Zoarces viviparus, L. Sketch of a specimen about 33 cm. in length, from Gullmar Fjord, Sweden. Hard rays lacking. Number of vertebrae 109. In all three figures the foremost pigment spot is situated on the front margin of the dorsal fin. Note. In calculating the probable fluctuation of the average number of vertebrae etc ; following formula was employed, viz. =*= -p x 0-67449 x 5. 1 in brackets after each average value of the character in question the following formula was employed, viz. =*= -p x 0-67449 x 5. This value is always given JOURNAL OF GENETICS, VOL VII. NO. !2 Fig. 2. Fig. 3. w ^^r ^9^^ ^ PLATE VII S^'' -■^. A NOTE ON THE INHERITANCE OF COLOUR IN ONE BREED OF PIGEONS— AN ATTEMPT TO DEMONSTRATE A MENDELIAN TYPE OF TRANSMISSION. By J. S. W. NUTTALL, MB. The inheritance of feather colour in domestic pigeons having proved so difficult to fit into any scheme, I determined, in 1914, to investigate the matter afresh, confining my energies to one breed and to a small series of colours. I am strongly of opinion that when distinct types or breeds are crossed, the results are complicated by the occurrence of reversion. The matter is obviously complex ; a simple beginning was indicated. The work done completes the preliminary stage only; the onset of war, of necessity, seriously interrupted further experiments. The results are given in bare outline, but it was thought advisable to publish some details of what has been done. The breed of pigeons used is known to fanciers as the " Racing Pigeon," a variety which is being used in the present war in the Over- seas Pigeon Service, and is doing useful work. This breed has been firmly established in this country, and more firmly in Belgium, for many years. Various colours are to be found, but the vast majority of the hundreds of thousands bred yearly are of the following colours — blue, blue chequered, red chequered and mealy. A short description of these colours is necessary. The blue birds are similar in colouring to the Columba livia, except that the ground colour is, as a rule, brighter or " cleaner " in appearance, though distinctly slaty-blue. They present, in common with Columba livia, the typical wing-bars, the white (albescent) or blue croup and the tail-bar. The ground colour of the primary and secondary wing-quills, and the tail-quills, is dark blue. The blue chequered birds are similar to the blues with the addition of chequering. The wing-bars of the blue are mainly due to spots on the outer sides of the secondary wing feathers ; the chequering arises from an extension of these spots to the Journ. of Gen. vii 9 120 Colour Inheritance in Pigeons smaller wing coverts and other feathers. The wing-bars and the tail- bar are present as in the blue. The colour of the so-called mealy birds is difficult to describe. The ground colour is somewhat like that of fine oat-meal ; the wing-bars are reddish — approaching the colour of damp sand. The mealy birds differ in two salient points from the blues — the wing- and tail-quills are, as a rule, pale in colour, and the tail-bar is absent. The red chequered birds stand in the same relation to the mealies as the blue chequers do to the blues, i.e., they are mealies with the addition of chequering. The wing-quills and tail-quills are generally pale in colour ; there is no tail-bar. The colour of the birds used being of unknown composition, the results have been based on group, rather than individual, matings. The calculated results have been arrived at by considering all the types of gametic combinations theoretically possible, and by assuming that each pair of birds produces 16 offspring. The experiments have led to the following conclusions : 1. Red (of red chequer or mealy) is dominant to blue. 2. Presence of chequering is dominant to absence of chequering. 3. Red chequers may be homozygous or heterozygous for colour or chequering. 4. Mealies may be homozygous or heterozygous for colour. 5. Blue chequers may be heterozygous or homozygous for chequer- ing, but are homozygous for colour. 6. Blues are homozygous. Two pairs of allelomorphic factors may therefore be considered : R (domt.), presence of red. r (rec.) absence of red. C (domt.), presence of chequering. c (rec.) absence of chequering. Red chequer may then be represented by EC, blue chequer by rC, mealy by Re, and blue by ro. Group 1. Red Chequer x Red Chequer. Composition of parents, RGRC, RCRc, RCrC, RCrc, RcrC. Types of mating possible, 15. Number of offspring (16 from each mating), 240. Calculated appearance : (240) 196 Red cheq. : 20 Blue cheq. : 20 Mealy : 4 Blue. (70-8) 57-9 : 5-9 : 5-9 : 11. J. S. W. NUTTALL 121 Observed appearance of 71 birds produced in this group : (71) 50 Red cheq. : 11 Blue cheq. : 8 Mealy : 2 Blue. Group 2. Red Chequer x Blue Chequer. Composition of parents — five red chequers as in group 1, two blue chequers rOrC and rCrc. Types of mating possible, 10. Number of offspring, 160. Calculated appearance : (160) 100 Red cheq. : 44 Blue cheq. : 8 Mealy : 8 Blue. (94-8) 59-3 : 261 : 4-7 : 47. Observed appearance of 95 birds produced in this group : (95) 41 Red cheq. : 50 Blue cheq. : 2 Mealy : 2 Blue. Group 3. Red Chequer x Mealy. Composition of parents, red chequers as in group 1, mealies RcRc and Rci'c. Types of mating possible, 10. Number of offspring, 160. Calculated appearance : (160) 104 Red cheq. : 46 Mealy : 8 Blue cheq. : 2 Blue. (44-9) 29-2 : 129 : 2'2 : 06. Observed appearance of 45 birds produced in this group : (45) 28 Red cheq. : 11 Mealy : 4 Blue cheq. : 2 Blue. Group 4. Red Chequer x Blue. Composition of parents, five types of red chequers as in group 1, a single type of blue, rcrc. Types of mating possible, 5. *" Number of offspring, 80. Calculated appearance : (80) 40 Red cheq. : 16 Mealy : 16 Blue cheq. : 8 Blue. (40) 20 : 8 : 8 : 4. Observed appearance of 40 birds produced in this group : (40) 17 Red cheq. : 7 Mealy : 11 Blue cheq. : 5 Blue. Group 5. Mealy x Mealy. Composition of parents, RcRc and Rcrc. Types of mating possible, 3. Number of offspring, 48. 9—2 122 Colour Inheritance in Pigeons Calculated appearance : (48) 44 Mealy : 4 Blue. (33) 30-2 : 2-8. Observed appearance of 33 birds produced in this group : (33) 28 Mealy : 5 Blue. Group 6. Blue Chequer x Blue Chequer. Composition of parents, rCrC and rcrC. Types of mating possible, 3. Number of ofifspring, 48. Calculated appearance : (48) 44 Blue cheq. : 4 Blue. (72) 66 : 6 Observed appearance of 72 birds produced in this group : (72) 67 Blue cheq. : 5 Blue. Group 7. Blue Chequer x Blue. Composition of parents, rCrG, rcrG, rcrc. Types of mating possible, 2. Number of offspring, 32. Calculated appearance : (32) 24 Blue cheq. : 8 Blue. Observed appearance of 32 birds produced in this group : (32) 20 Blue cheq. : 10 Blue : 1 Red cheq. : 1 Mealy. Group 8. Blue x Blue. Composition of parents, rcrc. Types of mating possible, 1. Number of offspring, 16. Calculated appearance : (16) 16 Blue. Observed appearance of 32 birds produced in this group : (32) 32 Blue. Group 1. In this group the observed red chequer and mealy figures are lower, the blue chequer and blue higher, than the estimated figures. To my mind there is a simple explanation of this. Fanciers generally object to this type of mating, prefeTring to " mix the colours" ; it thus naturally follows that the majority of red chequers are heterozygous for colour, and when mated red to red, they will produce less than the J. S. W. NUTTALL 123 expected number of red chequers and more than the expected number of blue chequers. The experiments having been for the present almost suspended, the testing of the extracted colours is incomplete. As far as this has been carried out, the anticipated results have been obtained. The blue chequers have proved to be homozygous for colour, some being heterozygous for chequering ; the mealies homozygous for absence of chequering, some giving rise to blues ; the blues have proved to be homozygous for colour and absence of chequering. (See comments on group 6 for occurrence of white in these extracted colours.) Group 2. The heterozygous composition of red chequers may be expected to have a greater effect in this type of mating than in group 1 type. The blue chequers being homozygous, and probably the majority of the red chequers heterozygous for colour, it follows that the observed red chequer figure will be low and that for blue chequer high. It is worthy of mention that the colour of red chequers bred from dissimilarly coloured parents (red chequer and blue chequer, or red chequer and blue) is, as a rule, richer than that of birds bred from two reds. This probably accounts for the popular aversion to red chequer and red chequer mating. Red chequer cock birds from red chequer x blue chequer almost in- variably possess black ticks. I have not found an example of these black ticks in hen birds ; brown ticks may however sometimes be met with. All the red chequered cocks which have come under my notice, having one parent blue or blue chequered, present some degree of ticking. A proportion of those from two red chequers and of those from red chequer x mealy, are free fi'om ticks and do not appear to develop any with age. On this may rest the possibility of separating the homozygous and heterozygous red chequers of the male sex. Group 3. As, in this group, red may come from either parent, the effect of the heterozygous composition of red chequer is modified and the observed approaches closely to the estimated result. The extracted blue chequers and blues have so far proved to be pure for colour. Group 4. The results obtained in this group and in group 3, suggest that chequering depends on a single factor, and that it may produce its full effect even when contributed by one parent. The eleven blue chequers in this group were typical of the chequered type. Group 5. A correlation was observed between paleness of plumage (ground colour especially) and light coloured beaks and claws in some of the mealies in this group. Of the blues, however, two in particular were exceptionally sound in colour with dark beaks and claws. Blues 124 Colour Inheritance in Pigeons from this group have been tested at greater length than most of the extracted colours and have been found to be pure. Group 6. The results from this group do not support the generally accepted view of fanciers that almost any colour may arise from blue chequer x blue chequer. I have examined the results of many breeders, and where cross-mating can be definitely excluded, the results agree with my own. The majority of the birds used in this group had at least one red parent. This fact is strong evidence of their recessive and homozygous nature. Some blue chequers from two reds have a reddish brown tinge in some of the wing-quills especially. I expected to obtain reds from these, but so far have failed. This type of blue chequer appears to give an increased proportion of reds when mated to reds. Pied types. The behaviour of white is difficult to follow. Two main types are met with, the " gay " pied and the type with a few white feathers. The majority of gay pied birds follow a fairly uniform pattern in the distribution of white. This " pattern " type is probably dominant to self colour. On the other hand the type with a few white feathers is recessive. In testing the extracted colours several examples of this recessive type arose. No pied birds were used in any of the experi- ments. Group 7. The red chequer and mealy in this group arose from the same pair and in the same nest. Their occurrence is disconcerting as the likelihood of cross-mating was no greater in their particular case than in any other. However, that cross-.mating is the explanation, I feel assured of by the subsequent offspring of the parents of these two exceptions. Thus far 14 birds have been produced from this one pair in complete isolation. The seventh pair of young now (Mar. 15th, 1917) three weeks old provides no single atypically coloured specimen. The appearance of this single family is : (14) 8 Blue cheq. : 6 Blue. It may be allowed that the composition of the blue parent is rcrc and that of the blue chequer rCrc. Group 8. In this group one of the birds had two white primary wing-quills. Of the remaining 31 birds, 30 were typical blues, one had grizzle primaries and a general colouring approaching more closely to grizzle than blue. Grizzle being a macroscopic admixture of blue and white, all the birds in this group have been considered to be substantially blue. THE INHERITANCE OF GLUME LENGTH IN TRITICUM POLONICUM. A CASE OF ZYGOTIC INHIBITION. By W. O. backhouse, Economic Botanist to the Argentine Government. (With Chart.) The sub-species of THticum known as T. polonicum is characterised by long glumes which, in extreme cases, can attain a length of 40 mm. whereas that of an ordinary wheat is in the neighbourhood of 10 mm. only. There is a large number of varieties of T. polonicum known, varying considerably in minor characters such as colour of leaf, colour and shape of grain, degree of felting, etc., also in glume length itself, some having an average length of about 19 mm., others as high as 28 mm. The sub-species T. polonicum hybridises easily with both T. durum and turgidum and shows \ by the total lack of sterile indi- viduals in F2 when crossed with varieties of the former, that it might be considered, genetically speaking, merely an aberrant form of the sub-species T. durum. The result of hybridising the long and the short glume lengths is a first generation intermediate in this respect, splitting in the second into long, intermediate and short in the ordinary 1:2:1 ratio, but not, in a manner possible to classify by eye and necessitating the plotting of a curve to show the segregation. When at Verrieres, in 1911, through the kindness of M. Ph. de Vilmorin, the writer was able to examine a collection of varieties of T. polonicum grown there and was struck by the fact that there were none with perfectly smooth glumes and, furthermore, that the shorter the glume of the variety, the more felted did it seem to be. The longest glumed varieties, being only faintly pubescent, would roughly speaking 1 R. H. Biffen, Journal of Genetics, Vol. v. p. 225, 126 Glume Length in Triticum Polonicum be classed as smooth. With the object of investigating this, in 1912 a cross was made between a variety of T. polonicum, with an average glume length of 29 mm. and very faintly pubescent, and a variety of T. durum, which will be referred to in this paper as Kubanka. This last is a smooth and otherwise typical example of T. durum, with an average glume length of 12 mm. The first generation was a hybrid of inter- mediate length — actually of an average of 18 or 19 mm. It was, how- ever, remarkable in that it was distinctly pubescent — very much more so than the polonicum parent. The second generation was surprising, for it was soon observed that there was a proportion of plants bearing fully pubescent ears— pubescence, be it remembered, is a dominant character — yet the variety of Polish wheat used as a parent would have been classed as smooth in comparison with such a wheat as Rivet or Essex Rough Chaff. At harvest time, a middle glume in the ear of each plant was mea- sured and a curve plotted of the number of plants of each glume length in millimetres (Charts Fig. la). The plants were also classified into pubescent, intermediate and smooth, by means of a hand lens. The polonicum parent would have fallen among the intermediates in this classification, while the smooths were, as far as could be seen, perfectly glabrous. The numbers observed, considering glume length alone, were as follows : Long and Intermediate Short 172 55 170-25 56-75 Expectation A glance at the curve of this family will show that there is no dividing line between the longs and the intermediates but, actually, the shorts can be distinguished by eye-^that is to say, an extra short glumed heterozygote. A starved plant, for example, which might fall in the 14 or 15 mm. lengths class, has an indefinable something about it which points to its really belonging to the heterozygote class. The carrying of large numbers of plants into the F^ generation showed that, while only two mistakes were made at the short end of the curves, it had been impossible to pick out any but the extreme longs with the certainty that they would be pure to their particular length. Considering those with a glume length varying between 10 and 14 mm. as being pure short segregates and those between 15 and 31 mm. as including both the longs and the heterozygotes, a count of the proportion of pubescent individuals shows that in the short glumed ^ See pp. 130, 131 and explanation on p. 133. W. O. Backhouse 127 class, the roughs predominate in the ordinary 3 : 1 proportion (Chart, Fig. 1 b). Felted Glume Smooth 40 15 Expectation ... 41-25 13-75 Examining 56 individuals, the theoretical expectation of homozygous longs, and beginning at the extreme long end of the curve, it was found that there were, among them, no individuals which could be called felted, though with a lens a short velvety pubescence was seen on most. Among the individuals with glume length between 15 mm. and 22 mm., which may roughly be said to comprise the heterozygotes, the proportion was 85 felted to 31 smooth; but here there were only 15 individuals which could confidently be called felted — in the majority of cases the closest scrutiny was needed to determine to which category they belonged. Finally the long class were examined critically — with the help of a lens and the individuals selected which appeared to be absolutely smooth — as smooth as the original short glumed Kuhanka. These plants were grown the succeeding year and found to be all pure longs except two, and, what is more important, a careful inspection with a lens showed them to be also breeding true to this smoothness ; a smoothness which, however, turned out to be only apparent in some cases. Test crosses were made between these smooth lines and the original Kuhanka, also other durums, to see whether the presence of the pubes- cence in any way affected the segregation of glume length. The second generations from these test crosses were surprising for, while some were all smooth, others behaved in the same way as the original cross (giving a 3 to 1 proportion of roughs and smooths among the short glumed class), differing only in that the pubescence was of a minor degree, as exemplified in the Canadian variety Prelude. From this it will be seen that the long glume was able to inhibit the expression of a dominant character and, furthermore, that there was a direct relation between the length of the glume and the degree of felting — the greater the glume, length, the less being the pubescence, even among the variable heterozygotes. This will be better illustrated in the following case. The- same variety of T. polonicum used in the first experiment was crossed with a felted, black glumed variety of T. turgidum, not unlike Rivet wheat of which it is, in fact, a descendant. The average glume length of the turgidum is 11 mm. and of the polonicum 2S or 29 mm. The first generation was intermediate in glume length — vaiying between 14 mm. and 17 mm. It was fairly felted and in colour white or faintly 128 Glume Length in Triticum Polonicum tinged. In this experiment the polonicum will be considered smooth, as indeed it is in comparison with the other ; the classification was done by eye, unaided by a lens. The second generation was plotted as a curve (Chart, Figs. 2, 3, 4 and 5) in the. same way as the Kubanka Polish cross. Here again it was impossible to separate the pure longs from the heterozygotes and statistically there is no sharp dividing line be- tween the shorts and the heterozygotes (Chart, Fig. 5). However it is fairly safe to say that the pure shorts are comprised among those with a glume length between 9 and 13 mm. — though undoubtedly several of 13 mm. are poorly grown heterozygotes. The ratio of short glume to long is : Long and Intermediate Short 614 178 Expectation ... 519 173 There were 692 plants in this family, besides 39 which were not noted, being too green at the time of harvesting to determine the colour. The second curve (Chart, Fig. 4) shows the total analysed into those individuals which were felted like the short glumed parent and those (shown by the dotted line) which were practically smooth, like the Polish parent. Here again, it will be seen, the length of the glume has acted as an inhibitor of pubescence. A study of the colour shows this inhibiting nature even more clearly (Chart, Figs. 2 and 3). With the single exception of one plant of 16 mm. glume length, all the fully coloured individuals are between 8 and 13 mm. — among the shorts, in fact. The proportion is : Tinged and White Coloured J29 49 Expectation ... 133-5 44-5 It was impossible to draw a really satisfactory distinction between the heterozygous tinged or faintly coloured, and the colourless, as the faintly tinged individuals were easily confused with stained whites, but the pure blacks were easily classified. Nevertheless Chart, Fig. 3, shows a curve of those individuals which were considered to be tinged. The point of interest which attaches to this curve is the distribution of the tinged individuals ; it will be seen (Fig. 3) that they are not quite evenly distributed among those with glume length varying between 13 and 20 mm,, but that they occur with greater frequency at the short end of the heterozygote curve. The colour seemed to be quite independent of the pubescence. To ascertain whether, among the W. O. Backhouse 129 longs, there existed some which, though they could not show it, were, in fact, homozygous for colour, five long glumed individuals were crossed with the short glumed Kubanka and the first generation plants grown this year (1916). There is no need to wait for the second generation for the results. Two individuals gave all tinged, one gave all white, and two gave a mixture of tinged and whites. There can be no doubt, therefore, that when the second generation is groAvn and true shorts appear, there will also appear fully coloured individuals. Only two families of long x short have been described but they are typical of no less than seven second generations grown, all of which show that the long glume in- wheat behaves as an inhibitor which, in extreme cases, is as complete as though it were a case of genetic repul- sion. There remains only one thing more to note — that from such long and short glumed crosses it is possible to isolate a number of pure lines, each with a different average length and breeding perfectly true to its particular length. It is possible that the gi-eater variation in length of glume among the polonicums is merely due to the effect of magnified small differences, these escaping observation in the ordinary short glumed wheats. If a curve be plotted of the variation in short glumed wheats, this is always steep and acute ; long glumed varieties, on the other hand, however often reduced to single plant cultures and so purified, always give a long low curve. The heterozygote curve is more or less intermediate in shape between the two parents'. Should it be the case that the apparent greater variation in glume length is only due to a magnifying effect of the extra long glume, then it seems possible to regard T. polonicum, which has always been con- sidered a good sub-species in wheat, as merely a number of variations of T. durum, differing from the short glumed type in one single unit character which makes the long glume. Thus, had the existence of black and fully pubescent polonicums been possible, a separate sub- species would possibly never have been created. Further experiments with T. polonicum throw some light on the strange behaviour of Polish Rivet crosses 2. I have been able to examine some of Professor R. H. Biflfen's material and am familiar with the behaviour of this cross in England. When leaving for this country, I took with me, in the form of grain, hybrids 1 R. H. BiffeD, Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. i. Part 1. ^ " Suppression of Characters on Crossing," R. H. Biffen, Journal of Genetics, Vol. v. Part 4. 130 Glume Length in Triticum Polonicum 1 1 1 r cc txX) g: CO CO 00 o CO o CN o o O O O o O o o CO - CO in -"t CO CN T*- 00 r> CD lO -<* CO 04 132 Glume Length m Triticum Polonicum already made with the same strains of Rivet and of Polish wheats as used by Biffen. The first generation was grown at Pergamino, in 1913, and was notable from the start as being decidedly tinged. The second generation was divided and grown, in 1914, in three different places, viz, in the north, centre and south of the wheat producing area of the Argentine Republic. In the north, all the individuals were colourless, as in England. In the centre, at the latitude of Buenos Aires, some of the short glumed individuals were tinged. In the south, in the Pampa, the coloured ones were fairly clearly defined and could be classified, giving the following proportions : Rivet X Polish F^. Guatrache, Pampa. Long and Intermediate glume length Short glume length 72 30 Coloured "White Coloured White 0 72 7 23 Three doubtful shorts grown in 1915, to test, bred true to short glume, but not to colour, and gave a total of 7 white to 13 coloured. The proportion is peculiar but it is always difficult to distinguish the homozygous coloured individuals from the heterozygous tinged ones. * Polish X Rivet t\. [Reciprocal of the other cross.) Long and Intermediate glume length Short glume length 25 9 Coloured White Coloured White 0 25 4 5 It will be observed that here again the coloured individuals are only found among the short glumed category. The coloured segregates of these crosses are never quite so deeply coloured as Pedigree Rivet wheat itself and grade almost imperceptibly from coloured to tinged and tinged to colourless. The interest of the experiment, however, lies in the fact that, whereas in England the colour disappears and does not return in any subsequent generation, the result of growing ^^s, obtained in identically the same way, in the Argentine, is to prove that at any rate the colour is there and, given suitable climatic conditions, will show itself. Rivet wheat, grown for comparison, had the same peculiar mouse-grey colour as in England and was no darker in this climate. W. O. Backhouse 133 The cause of the suppression of colour in this particular cross must be sought for in the shape of an inhibitor, brought in, either by Polish wheat and meeting something in Rivet to release it, as it were, or vice versa ; for this particular strain of polonicum crossed with coloured varieties other than Rivet gives coloured descendants, in climatic con- ditions under which, crossed with Rivet, they are colourless. EXPLANATION OF CHART (on pp. 130, 131). Fig. la. Family 74/14. Kubankax Polonicum. Curve of glume length plotted for 227 individuals, showing that, whereas the short glumed individuals, namely those whose glume length varies between 9 and 14 mm., are easily distinguished from the rest, there is no discontinuity in the curve between the heterozygotes (of, say 15 mm. to 22 mm.) and the bulk of the homozygous longs. Fig. lb. Curve of those individuals which were completely felted. It will be seen that there are few of heterozygote glume length and no longs. Fig. 2. Family 104/16. Polonicum x Turgidum 179. The fully coloured individuals. These, with one single exception, are among the short glumed plants. Fig. 3. Those individuals which were not fully coloured and classed as tinged. Owing to gradation in colour from plainly tinged to faintly tinged or stained white, this curve is only of relative value, but serves to show that among the real longs there were only three or four with a trace of colour. Fig. 4. The same curve as in Fig. 5, resolved into felted individuals — shown by the whole line — and those classified, without the aid of a hand lens, as smooth — shown by the dotted line. Fig. 5. Curve of the whole family of 692 plants, plotted for glume length alone. STUDIES IN INHERITANCE IN THE HYBRID PHILOSAMIA (ATTACUS) RICINI (BOISD) $ xPHILOSAMIA CYNTHIA (DRURY) ?. By Mrs ONERA A. MERRITT HAWKES, M.Sc, B.Sc. Number I. ON LARVAL CHARACTERS. (With Plate VIII and two text-figures.) Section I. On the Inheritance of Spots in the Larva. The larvae of P. ricini and P. cynthia are alike in general body colour but differ from one another as regards the ribmber of black spots present in the last instar. When an adult larva, P. cynthia has seven longitudinal series of black spots, consisting, in all segments except the anal and cephalic, of two mid-dorsal, two upper lateral, two or three spiracular and one or two lower lateral spots. The upper lateral, spiracular and lower lateral are arranged bisymmetricall3^ The spots of the lower lateral series occur above the thoracic legs, on the abdominal legs and at a low level on the legless segments. In the thoracic segments there is an extra spot on each side at the base of the thoracic legs (Fig. 1). I have not been able to breed P. cynthia (Drury) from Ning-po, so give this description from the verbal statement of Mr J. W, Watson. Packard (9) gives a description and figure of P. cynthia advena (Walkeri), the nearly related American species, but does not mention the moth from Ning-po. Packard's descrip- tion of P. cynthia advena would do perfectly for the Ning-po variety, not only as regards spots but also in other details, but as I have found the scales of the Ning-po cynthia considerably different fi'om those of advena, and as they may differ considerably in genetic consti- tution, it is possible that further observation may show an increasing number of distinguishing points between the two. Jonrn. of Gen. vii 10 136 Inheritance in Philosamia Hybrids F. ricini differs from P. cynthia in the absence of the mid-dorsal, upper lateral and spiracular series of spots. I bred a number of the wild P. ricini and found that the lower lateral spots varied considerably — there was every condition between two spots in each segment and none. (Text-figure 1.) I did not inbreed the ricini, hence do not know whether, M.D.Sp. Fig. 1. Diagrammatic drawing of the second and third thoracic segments in P. cynthia. D.r. = Dorsal tubercle. I.)S?p.r. =Infra-spiracular tubercle. L.L.Sp. = IjOwei lateral spots. L.iS. =Leg spots. M.D.Sp. = Mid-dorsa,l spots. Sp. S"!). -- Spiracular spots. T/i.r.^ Thoracic tubercle. {7.L..^ -^fxR-S . SxBS RS ^ RS Types of larvae ... P S RS P S RS P S RS PS RS M ... 76.194.56 _ _ _ 58. 125. 29 — — — Mi.ll — 40.138.36 — — — 19. 63.18 — ■ — M 4 — — 18. 44. 23 — _ — ,14. 25. 13 — 1/3.9.10 _ _ — 64.123.49 — • — —29. 51. 86 Ratio of P to SxRS 1 : 3-28 1 : 4-35 1 : 3-72 1 : 3-18 Ditto l:2-65 1:4-26 1:2-71 1 : 3-0 The first column contains the numbers given to the matings and used throughout the records ; thus M 5 means mating five. The ordinary numerals refer to the larvae and the italics to the imagines. The Fi generation. Twelve matings produced twelve F^ families, which consisted of 8, RS and P types of larvae in the proportions 3 (S x RS) to 1 P. Every variety of mating (see Table I) was made to test whether S and RS had different hereditary values, but these few matings gave no indication of any difference. It is equally clear that no mating took place between homozygous forms of either /if or RS. This generation only showed that some type of spotted form was dominant. The particular S and RS parents used in these particular'matings appear to have the same inherit- ance value, as judged by their offspring. It was observed that there appeared a regularity in the disappear- ance of the spots, for example, when only one spot was lacking, it was O. A. Merritt Hawkes . 139 usually from the mid-dorsal region of the second abdominal segment. The mid-dorsal spots had usually entirely disappeared before the upper lateral series were affected, although there might be a simultaneous diminution in the size of the spots all over the body. This suggested that one was not dealing with spottedness (S) as a simple character but as a compound of a large number of characters, each of which was related primarily to a definite segment and subsequently to a segment as a part of a longitudinal series. The above statement, " every variety of mating," must be qualified— the RS condition represents the loss of anything between 1 and 140 (approx.) spots. On account of the small space and limited amount of food at my disposal, I have had to experiment as if the S condition acted as a heritable unit ; ideally, the matings should have been made between each different type of reduction. But as the S and P types occur naturally, the method of experiment used may be considered as a useful and justifiable introduction to further detailed and more analytical ex- periments. Also, as the lower lateral row of spots occurs in riciiii and the upper rows are absent, may it not be that there is a connecting link between the gens for the upper rows of spots, which has, somewhere in the past, made them act as a unit, in appearance or disappearance, independent of the lowest rows of spots ? Table I shows that the proportions among the larvae and imagines are approximately the same, in spite of the numbers, which appear so small when compared with those of the Japanese workers. This means that, under domesticated conditions, there is no selective death rate as regards spotted and plain larvae in the pupae : this in an important point in deducing results from an animal which appears in three stages in its life history and where, in artificial conditions, the death rate is so great. It should not be forgotten however that, even in its native haunts, the death rate must be very high. Thus Crampton(2) states in reference to Philosamia cyrdhia (advena) — " the perfect imagines constituted only 166°/o of the whole number of individuals which entered the cocoons, from which we may gain an idea of the severity of the conditions under which the quiescent pupa exists." In the early stages the majority of deaths are due to the strain at ecdysis, but in the later stages, deaths are mostly due to disease. An attempt was made to find if there was a differential death rate for the S, RS and P types during the first instars, but it was unsuccessful. The larvae are all spotted when they emerge and become RS and P at later ecdyses ; but whereas these changes take place at regular and 140 . Inheritance in Philosamia Hybrids known stages in the pure-bred larva, in the hybrid the reductions took place at various stages in the same and in different families. Although Table I shows that there is no differential death rate in the pupal stage, one cannot make any deduction from it as regards the larval death rate. The plain (P) larvae usually appeared in the third and fourth instars, but in one family the change took place in the second instar. Lefroy(8), p. 21, writes: "From the second stage onwards, the black spots are retained by some larvae, while in others they entirely dis- appear in the second stage : in a few, a few black spots may be present faintly till the third stage and then disappear." This irregularity sup- ports Mr Watson's contention that the commercial Eri worm is a hybrid and hence makes it imperative that scientific work should be done only with the wild ricini, collected from the forests. The R8 condition is particularly difficult, as close observation showed that during the last stage itself spots may disappear. Entomologists usually consider that any larval change in colour and marking only takes place at an ecdysis, but that is certainly not the case in this hybrid. It is this which has made the work of separating the S from the RS very difficult and has allowed possibilities of error to creep in. Thus a larva labelled 8 may, between examination and spinning-up, have lost some spots and should therefore be called RS, or again, a larva labelled RS may, during the same period, have lost all its few spots and hence be a P. The latter occurrence is much rarer than the former. The daily examination took place in the morning, on account of the light, and the spinning usually began in the late afternoon or evening ; as the changes noted took place between the daily examinations, they may have taken place without my cognisance before spinning up. Healthy larvae are covered with a white powder which does not hide the black spots ; nevertheless, in all intermediate (RS) conditions the powder was brushed off before the final decision was made. The Fa generation. Nineteen matings were made to produce this generation, seven were between plain parents and the others were as follows : S X S—H matings (if 27, 15, 17, 42, 47, 41, 25, 30). S X S—2 matings {M 24, 22). RS X RS~2 matings (M 49, 52). O. A. Merritt Hawkes 14r No "matings produced only full spotted (S) larvae, but three raatings (30, 47, 17) produced 8 and R8 larvae but no plain ones — -the results of these matings are as follows : Types of larvae P s RS Mating 30 ... 0 34 14 „ 47 ... 0 19 4 „ 17 ... • 0 6 6 Totals ... — 59 24 The history of mating 30 is interesting, for it had a series of descendants,, all of which were 8 and RS, none being F, until in F^ there appeared a family consisting entirely of .Si larvae (see Table II). Evi- TABLE II. Table to show the Inheritance of a Pure S Family. P (ricini) x S {cijnthia) I !— ^ * r I I Fi SI (67) X .9 1 (68) and RS larvae , ^-r II i?2 8 6 (22) X S 6 (19) and RS and P larvae I " r- RS 30 (15) and S and RS but no P larvae x Sf 42 (7) and RS and P larvae I I S 75 (12) X S 75 (11) and RS but no P larvae I S 93 (1) X S 93 (2) and RS but no P larvae . j^^ The offspring of mating 107 which consisted entirely of S larvae The formulae used are to be interpreted thus : for example, RS 30 (15) and S and RS but no P larvae means, the individual was a larva with reduced (RS) spots, the offspring of mating 30, of which it was the fifteenth member, and in its fraternity were produced S and RS, but no P larvae. dently the parents of this mating (30) had all the reproductive cells supplied with some factors or gens for spots, but it was only in the .^5 generation that two parents were chosen, which had all the gens which are necessary for a complete (>S^) or cynthia type of larva. It ma}'^ be that the results would have been reached more quickly if there had been 142 Inheritance in Philosamia Hybrids more brother and sister matings, but these were not always possible, as in each family the males tended to emerge some days before the females and as the time during which the males will mate is only a few days even when retarded by dark and cold, no matings could be effected ; secondly, I did not wish at first to go contrary to the advice of ex- perienced entomological breeders who were sure that inbreeding was disastrous for moths. , The F^ generation. Ten families were reared but only three produced only S and R8 larvae, the results being as follows : Types of larvae ... P S RS Mating QO RSxRS ... 0 8 5 64 SxRS 76 RSxS 12 15 Totals 36 12 The proportion of ^S* to RS is very different in this generation from that in F3, but the numbers here are excessively small and the constitution is doubtless different. Mating 64 had no fertile descendants and so the family came to an end. Mating 75 is the descendant of mating 30 mentioned above. Mating 60 is interesting as a demonstration that the RS form may be either homo- or heterozygous as regards the character of full spots. The probability is that full spots are due to a series of unit characters, which are linked to one another rather more closely than they are to other characters. To demonstrate this would have required much more space than was at my disposal. Mating 60 was produced by mating ^^ 25 (3) RS with $ 22 (7) RS; a large number of eggs were laid, but there was great mortality at the first three ecdyses. No P larvae were produced. Only 13 larvae spun up, eight S and five RS, and of these few only ten moths emerged, viz. 1 S,S RS. If RS is a constantly heterozygous form, some P larvae would be expected in the family. But as there was such a large mortality all the P larvae might have died, especially if there was an extra large death rate for the P type. Two members of this family, 60(5) and 60 (6), mated (mating 88, F^ generation), and produced all types of off- spring, viz. S, RS and P, hence one of the grandparents was a hetero- zygote. But, when another member of the family, 60 ( 1 0), mated with the heterozygote 79 (23) S, in mating 90, only S and RS larvae were pro- duced. This suggests that the other RS grandparent was a homozygous O. A. Merritt Hawkes 143^^ form for full spots, otherwise P larvae would have been found since 79(23) is a heterozygous form although an 8 larva, being produced by the union of an R8 and a P parent. The heterozygous nature of this R8 parent is shown by the number of the offspring — 40 P to 44 iS + R8, approximately equal numbers of the recessive and the other types. The heterozygous nature of these 8 types was proved by the P, 8 and R8 larvae which appeared in the subsequent generation (matings 92, 91, 84). One of the disadvantages in breeding animals with a short life is that they are dead long before one knows their genetic content, as judged by their progeny — on the other hand the families should be large and hence certain judgments can be made as a result of a study of the fraternity. The Fs generation: In this generation, for the first time, I did a large amount of fraternal inbreeding, but the results, as far as the numbers were concerned, were very poor, thirteen matings producing only 171 imagines. A much smaller number of eggs were laid — in one case as few as 25 — but this may have been due to the fact that I was also doing selective breeding for a smaller type of moth. There was also a much reduced percentage in the number of eggs hatched, which was as low as 25% and never higher than 45 "Z^. In this generation only one mating (90) was not fraternal, but that also was non-productive ; only 45 eggs were laid of which 40 hatched, but in the end only one imago resulted. The fraternal matings (90, 93) produced only 8 and R8 offspring. Three matings between brother and sister, both 8 (84, 85, 91), produced all types of larvae. The Fs generation. This generation has been a failure for several reasons ; mice ate more than two-thirds of the F^ cocoons, the moths that did emerge could not be kept, on account of war conditions, at an adequate temperature, very few eggs were laid, and finally the larvae grew so slowly in the cool breeding room that many succumbed to disease. This generation pro- duced one family (107), whose adult larvae all had the full complement of spots. The larvae, numbering 23, were about to cocoon when they died of cold. As the number of larvae which hatched was only 50, the 23 which reached maturity were probably a good average lot, so that one is justified in supposing that at last two parents with all the 10—5 144 Inhentance in Philosamia Hyhrids gens for full spots were isolated and mated. It is clear that forms which are homo- and heterozygous for the full number of spots may appear either as aS or as RS larvae. It is possible that P. cynthia may have two forms, one with the full range of spots and another or others in which certain spots are missing; no picture or description indicates that this is the case, but as entomologists seek " type" such variations may well pass unnoticed. No families have been bred which produced only R8 forms. Eleven matings have been made between R8 parents in F2, F^, F^,a,nd F^ genera- tions, nine of which produced all types of larvae, the proportion being as follows : S \Q2 : US ^1 : P 90, or SxRS:P= 249 : 90, approximately the same proportions as were found in the F^ generation. Revieio of literature. Lefroy at Pusa(8) evidently made experiments to segregate spotted and unspotted larvae, for he writes, p. 22 : " The offspring of either has been seen to be spotted and unspotted mixed. If only unspotted ones are bred, the majority tend to be unspotted. On the other hand, if spotted ones are bred, the majority tend to be spotted... it is possible to eliminate either spotted or unspotted worms wholly... of worms from the eggs of these moths (spotted), more than 50 "/^ (but not all) were black spotted." These observations were made from mass matings, not from individual matings as in this present work, hence the somewhat confused statements. It would be surprising to find that Lefroy was right in his statement that spotted larvae appear in the progeny of unspotted forms. He makes no distinction between completely and partly spotted larvae. Kellogg(7) crossed white (plain larvae) and inoricaud types of silk- worm, and as a result of his work he says, p. 16 : " White is regularly recessive to all the other larval colour pattern types. And white larvae mated with white never produce any but white larvae." He does not distinguish between a homo- and a heterozygous type and indeed, con- sidering the nature of the markings, it does not seem possible to do so, except by breeding and judgment from the offspring. Whilst Kellogg found that white cocoon colour might be dominant or recessive, according to race, the white colour of the larva was always recessive. But Tanaka(ll) states, p. 24, "the quail factor is partially dominant and partially recessive to the plain. These facts show that the relation of dominance and recessiveness is more complex than is generally sup- posed." The Japanese workers have made the following general state- O. A. Merritt Hawkes 145 ment(12), p. 148 : " In the first generation of the crossing between white and common marking worms, all the worms were of the common marking and in the second generation two kinds appeared ; of the common marking 77°/^ and of the white 23°/^. In the fourth generation the worms produced by the mating of the white worms were all white." This looks like a case of simple dominance, but later work of Tanaka(ll),p. 211, states: "There is great variation of pigment intensity in the normal... type. In this we find almost every gradation from the lightest to the darkest, apparently presenting a continuous variation.... Provisionally I have divided the normal, according to the heritable characteristics into four sub-types; namely normal 1, 2,3, 4." At the bottom of the series is a form " hardly distinguishable from the pure plain " and he further adds in a footnote, p. 211, "I assume the existence of different genes respectively for the different sub-types of marking. and colour," Now this is what I also am inclined to do as regards the series of spots, although it is stated already that there have not been enough experi- ments done to prove the point, but it is strongly suggested by the fact that the spots disappear in an orderly and continuous manner. The experiments in Japan by Tanaka, Toyama, etc. and those above recorded all confirm ttie statement of Kellogg, p. 68 : " In larval colour-pattern characters, the inheritance behaviour is rigorously alternative and Mendelian, dominance always being consistent in relation to a given colour pattern as related to another." Experiments have been made in crossing certain allied Saturnians ; thus Joutel(6) and Pollard crossed Philosamia cynthia (advena) and Callosaniia promethia, but as this cross was made for the sake of the imago rather than the larva, the results with regard to the latter are not stated in detail, but it seems clear that there is a sex-linked inherit- ance as the reciprocal crosses gave different results. Soule(lO) also crossed these species, but her findings are different from those of Joutel. Her results are shown in Plate LXXI of Packard (9), which shows plain larvae as a result of the cross between a plain (P) and a spotted (*S) parent. This indicates that although P. cynthia advena and its Chinese relative P. cynthia (Ning-po) appear so alike, genetically they are very different — if these results are confirmed it will be an interesting point in insect heredity. 146 Inheritance in Philosamia Hybrids Section II. The Inheritance of the Plain Larvae. The plain larvae, as stated in Section I, appeared in the F^ generation in the proportion of a simple Mendelian recessive, viz. one of the reces- sive to three of the other types. The matings of plain to plain produced only plain larvae ; of such matings, there were six in the F^ generation, one in the F^, seven in the F-a, and six in the F^ generation. These results agree with those of Kellogg and the Japanese workers (see p. 144). Mr J. W. Watson crossed P. ricini (^ (plain larva) with P pryeri % (spotted larva) and produced a hybrid which he called Rothschildi (13). These F^ larvae were all spotted, there being both S and RS forms. He inbred the Fi generation and gave me some of the eggs. These &g^^ produced an F.2 generation which consisted of P, >S^ and RS larvae in the proportion of 1 P to '6Sx RS. Only one mating was made between P parents, but that produced only P larvae. In this mating with pryeri, ricini behaved genetically exactly as in the mating with cynthia.- Section III. On Larvae with reduced Tubercles (Scoli). P. cynthia and P. ricini have throughout their larval life six com- plete longitudinal series of tubercles, three on each side, the upper rows being the best developed ; the lowest row is shorter than the others. In the three thoracic segments there is also present a fourth bi-lateral series of tubercles, situated at the base of the thoracic legs ; these are very short, especially the first pair, which may be reduced to mere knobs. The setae borne by the tubercles vary in proportionate length in the various stages, being fewest and shortest in the last. (Text-fig. 1.) . The tubercles of the two species are alike in all anatomical features, but differ in colour, those of cynthia (Ning-po) having a slightly pink tip. The tubercles in P, were normal in appearance, but among the twelve families of Pg five matings produced a few larvae with abnormal tubercles. These larvae were very variable, the tubercles being entirely absent, very short or varying in length on the various segments of the body. (Plate VIII.) Before proceeding to a statement of the breeding experiments, it will be as well to define the term tubercle, which is often used very vaguely, and hence denotes a variety of larval appendages. Fracker(3), p. 44, states that the term " tubercle has been used to mean any cuticular O. A. Merritt Hawkes 147 projection of the body wall, from a minute papilla to a conspicuous prominence," but he considers that the word tubercle should be used, p. 16, "as a general term to indicate the location of a seta or a group of setae or a process of the body wall bearing such a group." Fracker has given the name scoli to the particular tubercles which occur in Satur- nian and Nymphalidian larvae, scoli being defined as thorny processes bearing spine-like setae. The three upper rows of scoli of both cyvthia and ncini are, to use Fracker's words, " well developed, conspicuous, cylindrical higher than wide," but the infra-spiracular series are short and the thoracic are dumpy. The larvae with reduced tubercles appeared after the last ecdysis and seemed, within their individual lives, to reverse the process by means of which the typical Saturnian scolus has been developed within the species. Fracker(3), p. 44, states that the scolus has been evolved from papillae, i.e. " setae surrounded at the base by a small chitinized ring." The larvae which had the most perfectly reduced tubercles showed in some segments, on careful examination, traces of the chitinized ring, but the setae had disappeared, just as they have disappeared on the short infra-spiracular papillae of the normal larvae. The number of abnormal larvae in F2 was small, only 47 occurring out of a total number of approximately 900 adult larvae. Only the adult larvae can be counted as this condition appeared in the last instar. These 47 larvae were S, RS, and P forms, of both sexes and gave rise to both dark and light moths ; this particular phenomenon was therefore not correlated with any of the other characters studied in this series of papers. In order to know the anatomical value of the scoli, Dr A. D. Imms, of Manchester University, very kindly cut sections for me, as I did not have the adequate apparatus at my disposal. The scoli (Fig. 2) consist of two parts, a basal portion with a greatly thickened cuticle, pre- sumably for support, and a distal portion over which the cuticle is thinner and quite smooth. This cuticle is evidently different from that on the basal portion and the general body surface, as it stains much less deeply. The hypodermis consists of columnar cells, among which are the large trichogenous cells with their large flattened nuclei — this layer is at places invaginated to form what are apparently glands, although they are not connected with any opening in the cuticle. The general body cavity extends into the distal portion of the tubercles, through a somewhat narrow passage, which perhaps acts as a 148 Inheritance in Philosamia Hybrids B. C. = Body cavity. 7i.C'e. = Blood cells. C.C. = Corrugated cuticle. C, S. = Smooth cuticle. C. Se. = Cell (trichogenous) which pro- duces a seta. J?.J5.C.= Extension of body cavity into the distal part of the tubercle. ^.7^. = Fat-body. G. = Gland of unknown nature. Jf?/. = Hypodermjs. L.M. = Section through muscle. ^. = Nerve. N. T. = Narrow passage between gene- ral body cavity and that of the distal part of the tubercle. Se.^Seta. T. = Tracheae. T.M. = Transverse sectionofaniudole. B.C. Fig. 2. Semi-diagrammatic drawing of a well developed tubercle (Scolus). 1 O. A. Merritt Hawkes 149 valve in the erection of the tubercles. The tubercles are well supplied by tracheae and nerves. The fat-body and muscles extend into the basal, but not into the distal portion of the tubercles. The tubercles are similar to those of the Tortoise-shell butterfly {Vanessa urticae), described by Berlese(l). This being their anatomy the tubercles are not arsimple character like colour, etc., but they have a certain anatomical importance, and must be represented in the chromosome by a large number of correlated factors. An attempt was made to mate these abnormal forms, but two were never fit for mating at the same time and it was not until the following generation {F-^ that resort was finally made to a mating between a normal and an abnormal larva. The abnormal form used in the suc- cessful mating (m. 79) was not one with perfectly reduced tubercles, but had them represented only by stumps (papillae) except in the infra- spiracular row, where the position of each tubercle was indicated by a chitinous ring. In this family 86 adult larvae were reared (see Table III). These larvae all had normal tubercles, the abnormal form had disappeared. These were then inbred, ten families being reared, and amongst them, larvae occurred with long, with short, and with no tubercles — an obvious Mendelian segregation. The individuals with some or all tubercles absent were separated from those that had tubercles, but the long and short tubercled forms were not separated from one another — partly because of lack of space and partly because I had no satisfactory standard of size by which to effect a satisfactory separation. The tubercles vary in distention and also in individuals. Unfortunately the completely non-tubercled forms failed to mate with one another. A large number of the long and short tubercled forms were eaten by mice, and those that appeared as imagines did not mate well and laid very few eggs. These results, as stated in the earlier section, may have been due to inbreeding for five generations or simply to the unsatis- factory heat of the breeding room. As a result of breeding in Fetween Moths of the Geometrid sub-family Bistoninae, etc." Journ. of Genetics, Vol. lir. 1914. Smith, G. " Studies in the Experimental Analysis of Sex, Part 9. Spermatogenesis and the Formation of Giant Spermatozoa in Hybrid Pigeons." Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., Vol. LVlii. 1912. Smith, G. and Thomas, R. Haig. "Sterile and Hybrid Pheasants." Journ. of Genetics, Vol. ili. 1913-14. Thomas, R. Haig. " Experimental Pheasant-breeding." Proc. Zool. Soc., Vol. iii. 1912. Wodsedalek, J. E. "Causes of Sterility in the Mule." Biol. Bull., Vol.xxx. 1916. A FUETHEE NOTE ON THE GENETICS OF FRAG ARIA. By C. W. RICHARDSON. My work on Fragaria has been somewhat intermittent in character for the last three years owing to other calls on my time, accordingly many experiments I hoped to continue, when I wrote my first " note " to this Journal (Vol. ill. No. 3, Feb. 1914), I have been obliged to leave on one side for a future date ; also a considerable amount of seed gathered from plants in 1914 has either failed to germinate or germinated badly. But there is an ever growing bundle of facts which time might tend to render stale or to submerge under fresh detail, and it is this accumu- lation I would add to the record. Once again I express my gratitude to the John Innes Horticultural Institution for the facilities they have afforded me in carrying on my work, at a time when labour is very short and there are few to answer the numerous calls of a garden " in being." Flower Colour. It is difficult to distinguish between very light pinks and pure whites, so much so that I have found it impossible to draw a clear line between them after 5 p.m. in June, when, as a rule, in England the light tends to become red. As stated, in my previous paper, the cross pink flowering vesca x white tiowering vesca produced pink flowering F^h. These selfed produced 20 Pink, 57 Pale pink, 10 White or very nearly white (of the latter at least 3 were absolutely white). Expectation 1 to 15 — 8157 Pink to 5-43 White. Double jioivering. My original double vesca parents were hardly so consistent in their double quality as one might desire, but they were quite as double as any I have seen elsewhere or obtained in my F., generations, the leading flowers in a truss are generally the most double and are frequently perfect. 168 Further' Note on Fragaria The cross double flowering vesca x single produced in the Fi gene- ration single flowers with occasional extra petals. The Fi's selfed pro- duced 60 Single 24 Double 37 Single 13 Double Total 97 Single 37 Double. Expectation (3 to 1) lOO'S Single 33"5 Double. The cross Single x Double produced /^/s single. The Fi generation selfed produced 58 Single 25 Double. Expectation (3 to 1) 62'25 Single 20-75 Double. It is worth noting that some dark pink doubles were very beautiful flowers : my experiment was not on a large enough scale to make certain of my figures but they pointed to a 1 to 15 ratio, the white double being the 1. Hairy leaf stems and front of leaf . In reality all, stems are to some extent hairy, but some appear to be " hairy " because the hairs stand out from the stems and are more numerous. On the other hand, the front of the leaf may be quite glabrous. In a cross Virgihiana x Chiloensis the F-^h had " hairy " stems and the front of the Ifeaves was hairy. The i^i's selfed produced 32 " Hairy " stems 10 not " hairy " 29-1-3 (marked ? " consider hairy ") Hairy front of leaf 10 Glabrous. Clearly a 3 to 1 in each case. An F., generation, from a selfed F^ of a cross Chiloensis x Virginiana, have yielded plants showing marked segregation of numerous characters — too numerous for me to go into carefully in the short time at my disposal. Leaving these simple matters I pass to the much more difficult problem — Sex. Chine nsis $ x Chiloensis ^ gave 26 $ 21 c/ or ? . Chinensis $ x Virginiana 1. Oedot/iorax/«.«c«« Bl. 6 . After Kulczynski. 2. ,, ,, ,, a— epigyne of normal $ ; & — genital area (after Kulczynski). 3. Maso simdevallii Vfestr. a — ^ epigyne; b — ^ genital area (after Falconer). 4. Lophomma herbigradum Bl. o . 5. ,, ,, ,, a — 9 Epigyne; b — o genital area. 6. ,, ,, ,, g sternum. 7. ,, „ „ 6 frons and falces. 12—2 174 Gyiiandry in Arachnida ceptible. Looked at from the front the cephalothorax seems a little distorted, because the front row of eyes is more strongly curved on the left than on the right, and the lateral slope of the caput is steeper. The mandibles are about equal in length (330 /i), but the right is rather broader (190;i) than the left (170/i), and the setae are somewhat differently distributed. The fore margin of the fang-groove bears on the right mandible 4, and on the left 5 teeth: the former are slightly larger and unequally spaced ; the latter are equidistant, the first and last being obviously smaller than the three between them. The sternum is asymmetrical ; the left maxilla, seen from below, appears shorter than the right. The left palp is a completely normal and fully developed male palp ; the right is female without trace of abnormality. It is remarkable that in spite of the marked inequality of the two body-halves the corresponding legs have joint for joint exactly the same length : but there is an obvious difference between the metatarsi, and more particularly between the tarsi of the first pair. The latter differ both in shape and pubescence : the left is slightly clavate, at the base 55 /i, near the apex 70 /x wide ; while the right is of uniform thickness (55 /x) except for the very apex ; the pubescence of the male (left) tarsus is much denser and finer than that of the female right.... The asymmetry of the abdomen (1270/x long, 880 /x broad) is pretty obvious, the right half being broader and more strongly curved than the left : a line from the pedicle bisecting the fore part of the abdomen leaves all the spinners on its left side. The right inferior spinner is 138 /x long, the left 130 /x, the former 95 /i, the latter BO^x wide at the base. Very striking is the asymmetry of the genital area. The right half is more strongly chitinized, the hind margin from the middle to the right dark, to the left light ; the fissure on the left in which lies the entrance to the spermatheca, is abnor- mally bent inwards, whereas in the normal female it runs straight forward ; on the outer side of this fissure are two conspicuous spots — that in front oblong blackish, reaching the fissure ; that behind it round reddish and at some distance from the fissure. The latter spot is caused by the underlying spermatheca, the former by the duct leading from it to the external aperture. Of all this the left half of the genital area shews no trace. This careful description simply means that (externally)^ the spider was wholly and completely male on the left side and female on the right, the structures being strictly normal except for junctional distortion. It is interesting to note that the careful examination of this spider revealed the sexual differences in tarsus I which had previously escaped notice. 2. As 1, hut one side imperfectly developed before, the other behind. This is exemplified (according to my own reading of it !) by Falconer's Maso sundevallii, — a British example captured by Dr A. Randell Jackson, time and place unknown. But I have not seen the actual specimen, and Falconer's opinion is different. I quote his brief description : 1 This qualification is to be understood throughout this paper. No dissections have been made of any of the gynandromorphs here enumerated. J. E. Hull 175 The left palpus is of the male form, the palpal organs being well developed ; the right palpus is somewhat tumid with the appearance of being loosely covered at the apex, and is thus not quite of the normal female shape. The epigyne is very im- perfect, the parts on the left side being obsolete, and those on the right being very much distorted. ...The specimen is thus male on the left side, but not quite female on the right. It should be remarked that asymmetry of the body is not to be expected in this species as the two sexes are of approximately the same size ; indeed sexual dimorphism is very feeble. Not having seen the specimen, I can only judge the description of the genital area — loosely called the 'epigyne' — by the figure given. To me this figure (in the explanation of the plate — Naturalist, 1910, p. 229 — described by error as ' epigyne of female ') presents much the appearance one would expect from an amalgamation of the right half ■perfectly developed) of an epigynium with the left half (probably im- perfect) of an epiandrium. The spermatheca on the right seems quite normal — in fact nothing abnormal save the inevitable disturbance of the median septum. If there be defect it seems to me to be on the left, which in a normal epiandrium is wholly covered by the dark pubescent cuticle of the epigaster, but here unmistakably exhibits vestiges of a female element of about the same strength as the male element in the right palp. If I interpret it rightly this particular gynandromorph presents a reciprocal combination — a left side perfectly male in front, imperfectly male behind ; and a right side imperfectly female in front and perfectly female behind. I am the more confirmed in this opinion because it seems to agree with a Hilaira excisa Cb. taken by me near Haltwhistle, Northumber- land, in August 1898. The specimen was accidentally destroyed and never recorded. It was certainly male on the right as regards palp and carapace, the tarsus of the left palp being crassate and the occipital tuber (characteristic of the male) nearly bilaterally perfect ; so that the left anterior region was, at most, predominantly female. I unfortunately cannot speak with certainty of the genital area. There was asymmetry both of cephalothorax and abdomen, but I have no accurate note of it. 3. One side perfectly female before and male behind, the other per- fectly male in front and female behind. This is the condition of things in my Lophomma herbigradum. I reproduce my original note. A fine gynandrous example of this common species was taken at Ninebanks in the spring of 1910. For the most part this specimen exhibits the usual phenomena 176 Gynandry in Arachnida of bisexuality ; that is, one side is male and the other female, with no atrophy or distortion of parts except where mutual accommodation is necessary on the median line. Naturally this disturbance of structure shows itself chiefly in the sexual region of the epigaster. In the present instance the female side of the external genitalia suffers less modification than the male side. In one particular, however, this indi- vidual differs from all other bisexual spiders I have ever seen or heard of ; for while the right side of the cephalothorax is male and the left female, in the case of the abdomen the sexes are reversed — the right side being female and the left male. In view of the unusual character of this specimen I now supply further details. The first two pairs of appendages of the cephalothorax, being uncon- nected, retain their sexual characters undisturbed. Thus the right falx (or mandible) is typically male — attenuate and divergent distally, with four teeth on the forward border of the fang-groove, a proximal pair of which the first is smallest of all and the second largest, and a distal pair of intermediate size, the larger (the third) being slightly out of the line of the rest on the side farthest from the fang-groove. The left falx is typically female, equal in breadth to the right at the base, but wider at the apex (i.e. not attenuate or divergent), with five fang-teeth, all in the same line and equal, except the last, which is smaller than the rest. Similarly the right palp is typically male. In this particular specimen the copulatory organs were nearly fully exserted at the time of capture and are so shown in the figure. They are fully developed in every detail without the slightest variation from the normal. The same may be said of the left palp which is completely and perfectly female. As the cephalothorax differs in form and dimensions in the two sexes, there is inevitably asymmetry of the carapace. In the first place the clypeus of the male is rather higher than that of the female; conse- quently there is in our gynandromorph a certain distortion of the ' face.' The front row of eyes is straight but tilted upwards on the right (male) side, on which side also the eyes are slightly nearer together and more prominent. Another effect of the distortion is that the larger part of the eye area falls to the left of the median line ; but it must be remem- bered that part of this excess is normal, the eye area of a female being slightly wider than that of a male. In the group of genera to which the present species belongs it is usual for the occipital area (including the two posterior middle eyes or not) of the male to be raised into a tuber varying in form according to the species, limited on either side by a furrow or indentation or pit. In several species this occipital tuber is so slightly developed as to be scarcely perceptible, though the lateral grooves (called the post-ocular J. E. Hull 177 furrows) are generally well marked. This is the case in Lophomma herbigradum ; and accordingly in our gynandromorph the right post- ocular furrow is present, quite normal in form and dimensions. But on the left side there is a corresponding longitudinal impression, very slight but still obvious, which of course does not exist in a normal female. This I take to be a merely mechanical effect, and not due to a subordinate male element on the left side. The normal female exceeds the male more in breadth of cephalothorax and abdomen than in length, so that there is less displacement of the axis of the body than in Kulczyiiski's Oedothorax (where the difference of the sexes in length is considerable); but the difiference in breadth makes itself visible in carapace, sternum, and abdomen. In the last, the sexes being reversed, the lateral gibbosity is of course on the right side. It will suffice to give illustrative dimensions of the sternum. The greatest width of the left half is 263 /i, of the right 236 /i. The legs present no special feature, but I append measurements of the five distal articles — tarsus, metatarsus, tibia, patella, femur — in the order named. As it is the proportiatis that matter, I take no definite unit of measurement but use the length of metatarsus I (= 100) as a standard of reference : First pair of legs j Right : 1 Left : 95 90 100 106 133 132 50 49 153 158 Second pair of legs ... j Right : 1 Left : 85 85 95 95 112 110 49 48 135 140 Third pair of legs . . . j Right : 1 Left : 75 73 80 80 92 85 45 44 120 115 Fourth pair of legs ... J Right ; 87 105 140 45 155 1 Left : 85 105 135 45 150 To these three I must add a fourth of more dubious nature — an example of Oedothorax retusus Westr. taken by Mr W. Falconer on the sandhills near Southport in May 1904, and included by him in the paper on Ahnormality in Spiders already quoted above (see Naturalist, 1910, p. 199). He describes it thus : The cephalothorax is raised behind the eyes as in a normal male, but the eleva- tion is much less lofty, not so massive and totally devoid of the lateral impressions which are [noty so conspicuous in the latter, while the descent to the ocular area is also less abrupt. Both palpi are of the male form, but some of their parts, including the palpal organs, are abnormal in shape, size, and structure. In a normal example the tibial joint is shorter than the patella, and provided at the extremity with an 1 The brackets are mine. The 'not' is obviously a printer's error. 178 Gynandry in Arachnida angular prominence directed outwards, and ending in a small pointed apophysis, a little distance from which is a small, black, sharp-pointed, slightly curved spine, directed downwards. In the abnormal specimen both palpi are without the angular prominence, possessing only the curved spine ; the right [tibia] ^ is equal in length to the patella ; the left [tibia] i is in normal proportion, but towards the extremity has an irregular false articulation.. ..The epigyne is imperfectly formed but all the details may be distinctly traced. It will be observed that the sexual development is everywhere im- perfect, and that the two halves are sexually dissimilar. Both palps superficially resemble a normal male palp, but neither is fully developed. The right palp, for instance, is farther from the normal than the left, as is indicated by the form of the tibial joint, which makes an approach to the dimensions of the normal female palpail tibia. If the explanation of the arrest of male development be the presence of a female element, it is stronger on the right than on the left. Similarly the genital area has a general resemblance to that of the normal female (so much so that Falconer as above quoted calls it an epigyne), slightly imperfect on the right and still less perfect on the left. If a male element is the disturbing cause, it is stronger on the left than on the right. This state of things may be represented diagrammatically thus : Anterior Left M.F. M.Fo F2M2 j FsMi Right Posterior Here M and F represent the male and female element respectively, the subscript figures varying degrees of influence, of which the figures may or may not be a measure. iii. The following British records stand in the names of the Rev. O. Pickard Cambridge and Dr A. Randell Jackson. Hilaira excisa Cb. Cambridge : Proc. Dorset, etc., Field Club, 1902, p. 21. Adults of both sexes found near Glamorgan 2 and sent to me by Dr A. R. Jackson in 1901. Among them was a remai-kable bisexual form. One of the palpi was that of the male spider, the other that of the female ; the form of the caput was that of 1 'Palpus' in the original ; obviously a slip of the pen. '■^ I quote verbatim. The specimen was actually taken on Maendy Hill, near Ystrad in the Rhondda valley. J. E. Hull 179 the male, and the abdomen was of the male form. I have seen a somewhat similar form in an exotic spider, but never before among the many thousands of British spiders I have had occasion to examine. In all probability this specimen will still be preserved in the Cam- bridge collection, now (or presently to be) in the Hope Museum at Oxford. Dr Jackson mentions this spider in a list of the spiders of Glamorgan {Cardiff Nat. Soc. Trans., Vol. xxxix. 1907). Like Cambridge he says the caput is the caput of a male, but he does not mention the abdomen. Poprhomma pallidum Jacks. Jackson: Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Northd. etc.. Vol. I. (new series), part iii, p. 384 {sub P. oblongum Bl.). A gynandrous specimen taken at Hexham. It has one male palpus, one female palpus, and a distorted epigyne. Probably this specimen is still in existence, but Dr Jackson is on active service and his collection for the time being inaccessible : so it is impossible to say whether this gynandromorph falls into Class 1 or 3. Leptyphantes pallidus Cb. Jackson: Trans. Nat Hist. Soc. Northd. etc., vol. ill (new series), part ii, p. 435. A fine gynandrous form occurred at Cudham at the end of May (1908). In this specimen the right palpus was of the male form with well-developed palpal organs. The left palpus was of the female type. The epigyne was large but asymmetrical. The central portion was of the normal female type, and so was the left part of the scapus. The right portion of the scapus was quite short. Thus the specimen was male on the right side and female on the left. Agroeca ppoxima Cb. Cambridge: Proc. Dorset, etc.. Field Club, 1913, p. 112. No figure or description is given — merely the record of the capture (in Dorset) of a ' hermaphrodite ' of this species. It is, however, im- portant as being the only definite record of a gynandrous spider which does not belong to the family of the Linyphiidae. iv. I believe Dr Thorell somewhere casually records the occurrence of a ' hermaphrodite ' of the family Lycosidae {Lycosa sp.), but I cannot trace the reference. The authentic cases here included may be classified thus: Linyphiidae : § LInyphiina — 2 species. Leptyphantes pallidus Cb. Porrhomma pallidum Jacks. § Hilairina — 1 species (twice). Hilaira excisa Cb. ] 80 Gynandry in Arachnida § Copyphaeina — 2 species. Oedothorax fuscus Bl. Oedothorax retusus Westr. § Nerienina — 2 species. Maso sundevallii Westr. Lophomma herbigradum Bl. Drassidae : § Clubionina — 1 species. Agroeca proxima Cb. Kulczynski's Oedothorax was taken in Galicia in 1880 : the rest are British (England, 7 : Wales, 1) ; and of these eight species seven belong to one family, Linyphiidae. It is perhaps important to have a just conception of some reasons why the Linyphiidae should take so large a place in this list. The family is only one of seventeen represented in Britain ; but it is by far the largest. I have just completed a revision of the British list of spiders, and make the total of British species 539. Of these the Liny- phiidae claim no less than 232 : proxime accessit, the Drassid family, 58 — exactly one-fourth of the Linyphiid total. Thus, of every 5 British species, 2 are Linyphiids. In the north of England, which supplies 5 of our 8 gynandromorphs, the proportion of Linyphiids is still higher; in Northumberland quite a half Moreover, the family includes nearly all the very small and critical species, which the collector finds it necessary to take for closer examination. I shall not be over the mark if I say that in an ordinary way 80 per cent, of my own captures (in Northumber- land) are Linyphiidae. Still the difference in size of the sexes is so general that the conse- quent asymmetry of the body, together with the conspicuous difference of the palps (to say nothing of every collector's keen interest in practi- cally every adult male !) would make it difficult for a gynandromorph to be overlooked whatever family it belonged to. On the whole therefore we may conclude that the preponderance of Linyphiidae in the records of gynandry fairly represents the actual state of things. And, briefly, the British figures stand thus — in 232 species of the Linyphiidae we have 7 cases of gynandry ; in 377 species of other families 1 only. Taking the figures as they stand, they indicate that cases of gynandry are a little more than nine times as frequent among the Ijinyphiidae than in all the rest taken together. J. E. Hull 181 Whatever the reason may be, it is obviously indisputable, after making every allowance for the imperfection of the numerical test, that the liability to gynandry (in Britain) is strikingly greater in the Linyphiid family than in any other. But I do not think that the tendency can be ascribed to any particular alliance within that family, for the two great branches into which it is divided — the Linyphiine and the Erigonine — are about equally represented among the known gynandro- morphs. V. Examples of gynandry in other orders of the Arachnida are yet to seek. In recent years I have had through my hands many thousands of specimens, chiefly Acari (particularly Gamasidae, Thrombidiidae, Oribatidae, and Tyroglyphidae) and have never seen a true gynandro- morph; nor do I know of any record of one. I may, however, here refer to an observation of Canestrini (Prospetto delV Acarofauna Italiana, in, p. 364) on a Tyroglyphid — Rhizoglypkus echinopus F. and R. — which has some bearing on the subject. In maintaining that Hypopus dujardinii of Claparede and Rhizoglypkus rohinii of Michael are dimorphic males of the same species, he says : " My conviction is strengthened still more by the discovery of a male in which one leg of the third pair is incrassate as in Rhizoglypkus rohinii, while the other is of ordinary dimensions " (which is the case with both in the female and in the other form of male, i.e. Hypopus dujardinii Clap.). It would be interesting to know something of the genitalia of this abnormal individual ; for the normal third leg might be either male or female. But the total lack of records of gynandry in orders other than Araneae is by no means surprising, for (the Gamasidae and a few other Acari excepted) sexual dimorphism is so slight that the sexes cannot be separated without very close examination. Indeed, in the case of the Oribatidae, it is impossible to distinguish male from female by an external examination, however close. v NOTES ON THE GENETICS OF TEUCRIUM SCORODONIA CRISPUM (STANSFIELD). By M. C. RAYNER, D.Sc. (With Plate X.) An interesting variety of the common " Wood-sage " came into my possession some years ago and has since been crossbred with typical plants of the species in order to investigate the genetic behaviour of the varietal leaf characters. The results of these experiments are recorded in the present note which is preliminary to a more detailed account of the structural peculiarities and behaviour of the plant. The type species, Teucrium Scorodonia L., the " Wood-sage " or " Ger- mander," is a common plant, especially of dry open woods, commons and heaths, locally abundant but often absent from certain areas. The leaves are variable as to size, details of shape and incision ; two charac- teristic examples are figured in Plate X, fig. 1. A variety, Teucrium Scorodonia dentatum Bab., with deeply cut leaves, is recorded but does not appear to be common. The variety under discussion, recorded as Teucrium Scorodonia cris- pum (Stansfield) is of rather more compact habit than the species, the leaves are broader and blunter and the leaf margins are characteristically " crisped " or " crested " as shown in the photograph (Plate X, fig. 2). The inflorescences, flowers and fruits resemble those of T. Scorodonia. The variety is very distinct and is of some interest for taxonomic reasons, inasmuch as there appears to be no previous record of such a form of Teucrium in this country, nor have I noticed any tendency towards leaf variations of this kind in wild plants in localities where the plant is abundant. The deviation from type is quite clean and well- marked in the variety and I have not been able to find a reference to a 184 Notes on Teucrium Scorodonia crispum " crested " variety of Teucrium Scorodonia as a local form, or to the species as one in which the abnormality of leaf-structure known as " cresting " has been observed. For the original material, I am indebted to Dr F. Stansfield, in whose garden the plant has been cultivated for many years. Dr Stansfield's plants are vegetative descendants of a wild plant found in Devonshire at least 50 years ago, — exact date and locality unknown. The plants are readily increased by division and by cuttings and have remained true to type during this long period of vegetative propagation. There is no tendency for the leaves to revert to the type normal for the species, such as is exhibited, for instance, in similar crested leaf- varieties of Anemone japonica and of Viola sp., in both of which corresponding forms with crisped leaves are known but are not per- manent under cultivation. The flowers of these crested Teucrium plants are normal, viable seed is formed and the plant sows itself freely under cultivation. Dr Stansfield has observed many generations of such self-sown seed- lings in his garden, and they are invariably of the normal type, showing no trace of the " crested " character. The possibility of accidental crossing appeared to be excluded, since the nearest wild plants of 2\ Scorodonia are at least two miles distant. The correctness of this view is confirmed by the results of the experi- ments recorded below. In 1913 flowers of a "crested" plant were pollinated from wild plants of T. Scorodonia and also from plants growing in the Cambridge Botanic Gardens. These crosses gave about 20 seeds, the majority of which germinated, yielding an Fi generation with normal leaves (PI. X, fig. 3). These Fi plants have been under cultivation since that time and have never given the slightest indication of their hybrid origin. The cross has not been made in the reverse direction. In 1915 several of the F^ plants were selfed and were also crossed with the " crested " grandparent, using the latter as pollen parent. These crosses yielded an F^ generation of approximately 200 seeds in the first case and of 12 seeds in the second case. From the 200 seeds 89 seedlings were raised, all of which grew to maturity and have continued to grow without showing any trace of the " crested " habit (PL X, fig. 4). None of the seeds obtained from the other cross germinated. M. C. Rayner 185 The experimental results may be tabulated briefly as follows : Crested x Type Fi , 20 seeds, of which the majority germinated giving plants exactly like the pollen parent. Fi selfed. -Fi crested. I i F-i , 200 seeds, of which 89 reached 12 seeds, none of which germinated, maturity giving plants exactly like parents : no trace of ' crest- ing.' The experiments are obviously incomplete and must be repeated and extended before exact hypothesis can be founded upon them. The mortality among the Fq generation seedlings may be significant or may be accidental : it requires investigation and analysis and there is at present no evidence as to its cause. It is conceivable, for instance, that the seeds carrying the " crested " character are not viable or die off soon after germination. This would account for the non-appearance of " crested " plants under experimental conditions and also for their absence in a wild state. Such a hypothesis, however, offers no explanation of the apparent non-inheritance of the " crested " character wheij the variety is selfed. If, on the other hand, the mortality was due to accidental causes and the " crested " character is never inherited by seedlings, the possibility that the original plant was of the nature of a periclinal chimaera suggests itself as an explanation. Microscopic examination of the epidermal tissues of the two parents has not yielded any evidence in support of this view, nor is it easy to imagine how a plant of this constitution could have arisen in the first instance. The possibility is being experimentally tested. The case seems to be worth recording at this stage if for no other reason than to put on record the appearance of a well-marked and apparently isolated case of leaf- variation in a wild plant. A tendency to excessive marginal growth of the leaves resulting in the " crested " or " crisped " habit is common among ferns and not uncommon among Angiosperms and in the former it is often inherited by the sporelings. There is no record, as far as I have been able to ascertain, of such a general tendency showing itself in Teucriiim Scorodonia, in which plant it seems to have manifested itself as a sudden and rare variation. University College, Reading, November 1917. 186 Notes on Teucrium Scorodonia crispum DESCRIPTION OF PLATE X. Fig. 1. Leaves from a wild plant of Teucrium Scorodonia L. Fig. "2. Leaves from a plant of the "crisped" variety of T. Scorodonia L. recorded as T. Scorodonia crispum (Stansfield). Fig. 3. Leaves from plants of the Fi generation of the cross T. Scorodonia crispum x T. Scorodonia. Fig. 4. Representative leaves from plants of the Fg generation resulting from the selfing of plants of Fig. 3. JOURNAL OF GENETICS, VOL. VH. NO. 3 PLATE K SOME EXPERIMENTS ON THE ROTIFER HYDATINA. By EDITH E. HODGKINSON. Six years ago I began some tests and experiments on the rotifer Hydatina which were brought to a close in the summer of 1913- The principal object was to test for strains producing no arrhenoto- kous females. Many tests were made but arrhenotokous females occurred in all the families tested ; no pure theljrtokous strain was found. The Rotifers were isolated in watch glasses during the tests and the food used was a horse manure solution prepared in the same way as that used by Whitney^ for his experiments on Hydatina. The results of the testing of one family are given in the table below (p. 188). The rotifer laid 42 eggs six of which hatched into arrhenotokous females. The descendants of the thelytokous females from these eggs were tested through a varying number of generations. The generations were rarely completed. The table shows the number of generations tested from each female and the number of thelytokous and arrhenotokous females in these generations. Out of the thelytokous females tested all gave arrhenotokous females in the first generation except I, XXXIV and XXXIX and these gave them subsequently. Attempts were made to alter the relative proportion of arrhenotokous and thelytokous females by using solutions of horse manure of different ages and concentrations, but the results were not definite. Other methods were tried to produce an increase in the number of arrheno- tokous females but also with no definite results. Protozoa bred in horse manure solution were removed from the solution and put in spring water and these served as the liquid and food for the rotifers. The protozoa were removed from the horse manure solution by centri- fuging some of the solution in a tube. The protozoa sank to the 1 Science, xxxii, No. 819, 1910. Journ. of Gen. vii 13 188 Experiments on the Rotifer Hydatina bottom of the tube and as much liquid as possible was drawn off with a pipette, then spring water was added. The process was repeated several times until it could be assumed little or no horse manure solution remained. Judging from Shull's^ results, it was thought this method would give a very definite increase in arrhenotokous females, as the horse manure liquid was practically removed ; but very few were hatched. The rotifers were kept well supplied with fresh protozoa during this experiment. Again, the temperature was varied, the horse manure solution was oxygenated, but no definite change in the pro- portion of the sexes' could be produced. No. of gene rations tested T females A females No. of gene- rations tested T females A females I T 5 39 16 XXII T 2 33 14 II T 4 60 9 XXIII T 4 29 8 III T 5 70 13 XXIV T 3 20 5 IV T 4 45 8 XXV A — — — V T 5 48 11 XXVI T 2 16 9 VI T 5 42 9 XXVII T 3 7 5 VII A — — — XXVIII T 3 20 8 VIII A — — — XXIX T 2 27 7 IX T 3 46 13 XXX T 15 134 9 X T 5 56 7 XXXI T 2 19 5 XI T 4 32 11 XXXII T 4 20 3 XII A — — — XXXIII T 4 21 3 XIII T 5 50 16 XXXIV T 17 115 5 XIV T 2 24 7 XXXV T 14 104 17 XV T 5 51 9 XXXVI T 4 18 12 XVI T 5 34 14 XXXVII T 4 23 7 XVII T 5 26 16 XXXVII] [ T 2 8 2 XVIII A — — — XXXIX T 12 93 11 XIX T 5 28 14 XL T 2 19 5 XX T 4 31 11 XLI T 3 23 7 XXI A — — _ XLII T 2 11 6 During one period of the testing of the family given in detail above no arrhenotokous females were produced. A very concentrated solution of horse manure was used but it was not an old solution. This was suspected of producing the results and on the completion of the test rotifers were bred in a highly concentrated solution of horse manure which was swarming with protozoa. The solution was more concen- trated and the protozoa more numerous than in any test previously made. No arrhenotokous females were produced by these rotifers. I then decided to try the effect of a culture of green protozoa used as food instead of the colourless protozoa in the horse manure solution 1 Journ. Exp. Zool. 1911. Edith E. HooaKiNSON 189 and subsequently learned that in his paper of 1910 Whitney stated that an apparently thelytokous strain could be made to produce arrhenotokous $ $ when fed upon the green flagellate, Chlamydomonas. I found that rich cultures of green protozoa could be made by the following method. Bones and meat are covered with water and allowed to stand for a few days. A little of the solution is put in a glass jar, filled up with spring water and infected with green protozoa — Euglena, etc. This is placed in sunlight and in 3 to 5 days a rich culture is formed and is ready for use. By this means cultures of different ages and in different conditions can be used, if required. Experiment I. A thelytokous female, a descendant of XXX in the test given above, was selected, as few arrhenotokous females had occurred in this line, and put in the green protozoa culture. The details of the descendants of XXX when in the horse manure solution are given Generation T female , A female 1 8 1 2 3 0 *3 1 0 4 3 0 5 6 0 6 12 0 7 6 0 •8 15 0 9 5 0 10 10 0 11 17 2 12 10 4 13 26 2 14 8 0 15 5 0 Totals ... 185 9 * A break occurred here in the continuity of the generations as generations 3 to 7 were bred away from the laboratory. These are the details of the descendants of the thelytokous female in the green protozoa culture. T A AAAAAAAAAAATTTAAAATTAATTTTATAAAATTAAAAA 12 27 ATTTATATTTAAAAAATAAATATA 10 14 i 1 A A AAA A A A A (parent died) 0 9 A A A A A AAATAAAAAAAA 1 16 A T T T T A 4 2 13—2 190 ExpermienU on the Rotifer Hydatina These are the details of a similar experiment. A thelytokous female was taken from XXXIV shown in the detailed test, which was producing few arrhenotokous females. The results in the horse manure solution were 115 thelytokous females and 5 arrhenotokous females. The table shows the results of a thelytokous female in the green protozoa culture. T T A -. \ AAAATTTTTAAAAAAAAAAAA 5 16 \ AAT^'TTATTAA 6 5 These experiments indicate that the increase in the number of arrhenotokous females is due to the change from the horse manure solution to the green protozoa culture and this is proved by subsequent experiments. It is to be noted that an increase takes place in the first generation. Experiment II. A thelytokous female not taken from a tested family was put in the green protozoa culture. A thelytokous female of the second generation was transferred to the horse manure solution which was very concentrated and the protozoa of which were very numerous. The family was continued in this solution T in green protozoa food T A **TTAATTATATATTAAAA 8 9 _J ** A A A A A*T T A A A AT AT 4 10 * r in horse manure solution T A \ A A AT T T 33 \ T T T AT T T T T T T A T T T T T 15 2 T T T A T AT T T A T T AA A T A T A T T A A A A A T T T T T T T T T A 22 14 I T T T T T T T T ATT T T T T T T T T A T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T 34 2 2^ j^ X X T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT 40 0 T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T 37 0 T T 2 0 J T TT T T T T T T T T T T T T T TTT T T T T T T T T T TTTTTTTTTTT 39 0 J T TTT TT T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T TT T TT T TT 33 0 ** The parents and many eggs in these two generations were killed through being exposed to the sun's rays on a hot day. Edith E. Hodgkinson 191 It is to be noted that the arrhenotokous females persisted through 4 generations when the rotifers were transferred to the horse manure solution, after which none were produced. Experiment III. A thelytokous female was put in green protozoa culture ; after laying a certain number of eggs it was transferred to concentrated horse manure solution in which the remainder of the eggs of that generation were laid. This was repeated through two more generations, the parent in each case being a rotifer that had hatched out in the green protozoa culture. The table gives the results Green protozoa culture T Horse manure solution TAAAAAATTT yrrrrrrrrrTrrrrrTTrrrrr J AAAAAAATT yrrrrrrrjTrrrTT \ TTTAAATTTATATT j (6) The solutions of these equations are, ■cr^"^ , /30"(1 — p)-\- p- 2(2- a) ^""UJ ^""^ 2(2"^^"^ ^^^ -(1)"".+"^^^^^ («) .^(i)%..<^--'>^-:-^-^-> («) The constants Co, d^, e^ are determined by the initial conditions and are c„ = ro + p(/jo--p-o-)/2(2-o-), (10) rf„ = So + p(2-p)(o--l)/(2-o-), (11) eo = 4 + (2-p)(p + cr-po--2)/2(2-o-) (12) Equations (7), (8), (9) give the results for our problem of combined selfing and random mating. Incidentally we may specialize these Rainard B. Robbins 201 equations so as to get the results for random mating and for self- fertilization. If we set cr = 0, we have, for random mating, r„=(2ro + 6-„)V4; «„ = (2ro + s„) (2^o + 5o)/2 ; tn = {2t, + s„y/'^. Setting a = 1 gives for self-fertilization rn = r„-|-6-o(l-l/2")/2; Sn = So/2^; tn^t, + s,(l - l/2'')/2. The results for brother and sister mating, starting with a family VqAA + SoAa + toCia, have been published by the present author (2). They are r„ = />/2-Z„/4«+', (13) s„=2X„/4»+\ (14) ^„ = (2-p)/2-X„/4"+S (15) in which Ln = ^[^3(1 + V5)«+i -K,{1- V5)«+^] , ^^ (H-V5) (1-V5), . ,, and Ks = ^ ^ So + ^ — ^ — - (so - 4ro«o) , From these results we readily calculate that as n increases indefinitely, rn, Sn, tn approach respectively the values 2ro-fSo, 0, 2tQ + s^ In words, the heterozygous type tends to disappear in brother and sister mating and the homozygous types approach a proportion equal to that of their respective gametes in the original population. But equation (8)) shows that in our combination of self-fertilization and random mating, the heterozygous type can never disappear, if a is different from unity. In fact equation (8) shows that lim*« = p(l-cr)(2-p)/(2-o-). n=oo Thus it is clear that no such combination of random mating and self- fertilization can represent brother and sister mating. In every case of inbreeding which the present writer has examined, the proportion of heterozygotes approaches zero as the number of generations increases. Equation (8) shows that so long as a- =^1, i.e. so long as we have a fixed proportion of each generation mating at random while the others are self-fertilized, the proportion of homozygotes cannot vanish. It would 202 Brother and Sister Mating therefore seem unwise to assume without pretty good evidence that any form of inbreeding is equivalent to such a problem. However, as Bruce points out, the combined problem of random mating and self-fertilization is directly important, since it is just the sort of mating which occurs in certain problems. REFERENCES. 1. Bruce, A.'B. Journal of Genetics^ A^'ol. vi. 1917, p. 195, 2. ROBBINS, R. B. Genetics, Vol. n. 1917, p. 489. November 23, 1917. GENIJTIC STUDIES IN POULTKY. I. INHERITANCE OF LEG-FEATHERING. By R. C. PUNNETT, F.R.S, and the late Major P. G. BAILEY, R.F.A. [The results recorded in this paper are the outcome of some experiments started in 1910 and designed to throw light upon the inheritance of certain features in poultry, more particularly of weight, broodiness, and egg-colour. The data presented here are but a by- product of these other investigations, but in view of the economic im- portance of the species to which they relate I have thought it worth while to place them on record. From 1911 until the outbreak of war the work was carried on jointly by Mr Bailey and myself. Thence- forward he was unable to take any active part in it though his interest never flagged until his death in action last year. Nevertheless, deep as is my regret that it must be so, responsibility for the views expressed in this paper rests with me alone. R. C. P.] The data recorded below were derived from two distinct crosses. In each case the Langshan was the parent with feathered leg, the clean- legged parent being in one case the Brown Leghorn and in the other the Gold-pencilled Hamburgh. Some of the later experiments involved a mating between a bird derived from the Langshan-Hamburgh crosses and an F^ hen ex Langshan x Leghorn. The relation between the various birds used in the whole series of experiments is set out in the pedigree on p. 204 ; the actual data are given in the tables on pp. 206-207. The type of Langshan used was what is known as the Croad Lang- shan. In our experience the leg-feathering is not very heavy but extends fairly uniformly down the leg. It was found in all the birds Journ. of Gen. vii 14 204 Leg -feathering in Poultry 50 O CO ■* C<1 (N -* ^ r* '2 !:1 05 "3^ oi S 2 2 55 -^ ^ -^ ^ " . T . T . T i-H ?0 ,-1 ^^ J -- -^ i~ *"' O CO W »<3 ^ OS: -( ^ «IH «-<' Sh S X X X ^ s ^- <«• c «4-.* fl «t^ «<-l X X X X <^' ** E2 S »-l iH rj OS 05 OS 5 "-I (In Oh CO i-H OS 1— 1 I-H OS I-H CO I-H rH CO 1— 1 OS I-H CO >-H C5 r-l CO I-H C5 I-H to OS I-H CO 1-H OS CO I-H OS I-H CD i-H «5 I-H «o I-H -Hi" 00 I-H o c 1 a c 0-1 1 c CM X Oh X Jii *< f*! &H 6h a (M SO CO s? iH I-H c 50 CO « J2 CO CO r, CO -H !-H 60 -H rH -t" ^ •2 eS -^ "S '^ ■* -2 S c S c8 c3 o3 W K W ffO CO CO -H -H rH X? «? I-H 1* Cq Ca TO PM OS I-H l»t ^ t> &C a P^ a Ph ^ a a CL, K W W .J3 O OS iffl CO ift iii PM p^ Ph Ph 208 Leg-feathering in Poultry below, was recorded as clean-legged. F^ birds with feathered legs were mated together in Pen 7, 1914 and 1915, Pen 14, 1915, Pen 6 and Pen 7, 1915. Of the 148 birds produced 117 had feathered and 31 had clean legs — expectation being 111 and 37. F^ birds were also mated with pure Hamburghs in Pen 7, 1915, Pen 14, 1915, and Pen 6, 1916, They gave 93 offspring of which 37 were feathered and 56 were clean in the leg, the latter class being more numerous than was expected. One F2 bird, $ 250/13, was mated with a Hamburgh cock and gave 7 chickens, all with feathered legs. Probably she was homozygous for the character ^ Of her sons, one, (/ 35/15, was mated with $ 487/13, an F^ bird from the Langshan-Leghorn cross (cf p. 204). Two birds from this mating were tested in Pens 10 and 20, 1917. Both proved to be heterozygous. (/ 271/16 was mated with $ 454/13, an F^ Langshan-Hamburgh hen. The result, 18 feathered and 8 clean-legged chicks, is close to the expected 3 : 1 ratio on the assumption that he was heterozygous. Further, with $ 210/16, a hen of mixed Hamburgh- Sebright-Leghorn origin, he gave 12 chicks with feathered and 9 with clean legs — a proportion near the expected equality of the two classes — ^ 44/16, a brother of ^ 271/16, was mated with a sister of $ 210/16. The 36 chickens produced are nearly equally distributed between the two expected classes. So far the results of the Langshan-Hamburgh crosses may be said to have borne out those derived from the cross between the Langshan and the Leghorn. There is however the aberrant case above referred to where a clean-legged bird, % 64/12, came from the Langshan- Hamburgh cross. This bird behaved as though she had feathered legs; with her brother she gave (in Pen 18, 1913) 55 chickens of which those with and those without feathered legs were almost exactly in the proportion 3:1. In the following year she was mated with a pure Hamburgh (Pen 5, 1914). Of the 25 chickens produced 13 had feathered and 12 had clean legs. One of her daughters, $ 250/13, has already been referred to as being in all probability homozygous for the feathered leg. Occasionally therefore a heterozygous bird may fail to put up any leg-feathering. Sometimes the leg-feathering may be reduced to one or two small feathers at the base of the outermost toe. In two cases chicks on hatching were recorded as clean-legged though subsequent 1 She was also mated with ) 162 4 75 4 ,, 49 5 55 6 47 Total 777 7 46 8 37 9 32 10 30 11 28 12 26 13 12 14 87 15 47 16 43 17 41 18 39 19 29 20 21 21 21 22 19 23 19 24 12 Total 1166 None Edith R. Saunders 219 TABLE II. Results obtained when crossbreds were self-fertilised or bred back with the hairy-stemmed form. Experiments* shewing that nudicaulis crossbreds x self or fertilised inter se yield both forms in the simple Mendelian ratio of 3 nudicaulis : 1 pubescens. Offspring Experiment 4 * shewing that nudicaulis crossbreds when crossed hAckwith pubescens, in accordance with expectation yield the two forms in the ratio of 1 nudicaulis : 1 pubes- cens. Parentage No. of family 1 2 imbescens 15 16 nudicaulis 55 37 Parentage nudicaulis cross No. of family - 1 Offspring nwdjca/zi/s cross- breds X self or piibescens 388 nudicaulis 394 fertilised inter se 3 24 65 breds x pubescens 2 377 343 4 36 104 3 205 228 5 8 42 4 15 18 6 28 75 5 74 62 7 21 69 6 83 88 8 36 94 7 116 146 9 28 78 8 145 173 10 47 128 9 40 38 11 27 73 10 145 158 12 10 64 11 177 156 13 24 53 12 140 144 14 50 191 13 55 57 15 18 75 14 70 48 16 10 25 15 41 33. 17 14 42 16 68 87 18 1 7 17 31 31 19 28 108 18 74 60 20 1 6 19 144 141 21 15 57 20 103 116 22 6 22 21 11 12 23 24 25 6 5 53 23 13 130 22 13 9 Totals 2515 2542 Expectation 2528-5 2528-5 Totals ... 527 1636 Expectation 541 1622 * Beciprocal crosses were made in each case. and Continental Floras and in numerous works devoted to detailed descriptions of British Wild Flowers and Garden Plants for any hint as to the definite nature of the variation above mentioned. In descriptions containing direct reference to this character of the stem as apart from the plant as a whole, and such are the exception rather than the rule, it is usually stated simply to be tomentose or pubescent, or at most with the amplification "especially above," but without in such case precise Journ. of Gen. vii 16 2*20 Smooth-stemmed Form of Foxglove reference to any sharp contrast presented by the lower region. This is the more surprising as the two forms very frequently occur together in copses, woods and hedgebanks through the length and breadth of England. I had hoped to be able to give a more or less full list of the areas in this country where the smooth-stemmed form occurs mixed with the hairy, and where it appears not to accompany it, but I have been obliged to postpone further investigation in this direction owing to the difficulties which have arisen in consequence of the war. That it is widely dis- tributed as a wild or naturalised plant there is no doubt. I have myself observed it as far north and south as Northumberland and the New Forest ; in the Midlands ; and as far east and west as Kent and Surrey and Somersetshire and Carnarvonshire. Also wherever I have chanced to examine plants in gardens I have invariably found both forms growing mixed together. In herbarium material, whether British or Continental, I find purpurea represented by either form indifferently and without dis- tinction. In the Cambridge collections, for example, specimens from Surrey, Gloucestershire, Wales and Scotland, and from the Black Forest and the Vosges appear to be smooth S while other specimens from Scot- land and Germany, from Gibraltar and Castile, Portugal, France and the English counties Shropshire, Sussex and Worcestershire (Malvern Hills)^ are hairy. Again in the Kew collections, out of some score of specimens examined, about two-thirds were found to be nudicaulis and one-third only of the recognised type. There appear, however, to be localities in England, and no doubt abroad, where pubescens occurs alone — nudicaulis alone I have never met'*. For the following information on this point I am indebted to the kindness of friends who were good enough to make observations in response to my enquiries. Dr J. C. Willis tells me that of some hundreds of plants examined on Worcestershire and Hereford- shire Beacons (Malvern Hills) he and his daughter noticed only pubescens. Statements to the same effect were sent to me by Dr O. Withers in regard to the neighbourhood of Sidmouth and to his own garden there where plants had appeared spontaneously from self-sown "wild" seed; by 1 Although in some of these specimens only the upper part of the stem is preserved, I have no doubt as to the identification being correct in these cases. 2 On the Lickey Hills on the other hand I found both forms. 3 In the only two districts where I attempted an actual count over a small area — a copse at Holmwood (Surrey) and a cleared piece of land near Stocksfield (Northumberland) — I found in the former case a slight, and in the latter a considerable predominance of the smooth form. Information kindly sent to me by a friend in regard to a wood in Somerset- shire on the other hand was to the effect tbat pubescens was much more abundant than nudicaulis. 1 Edith R. Saunders 221 Dr D. H. Scott regarding a wood near Oakley (Hampshire), although both forms were to be found in his garden about a mile away, here however commercial seed had been introduced^ ; by other correspondents in regard to the plants which occur abundantly on shingle in the neigh- bourhood of Dungeness and in woods and coppices around Peasmarsh (Sussex). These facts naturally give rise to the question as to when and where the smooth-stemmed form first appeared. Did it arise spontaneously as a wild plant or did it originate in cultivation and then become generally distributed as a " garden escape." Or is the premise here involved not really established and should we more properly enquire whether indeed pubescens, as seems to be always assumed, or nudicaulis represents the original type ? Whichever be the view adopted there remains to be con- sidered the further question whether the one form arose from the other by direct mutation, or as the result of hybridisation either with a hairy species on the second supposition, or with a glabrous or partially glabrous one on the first. If a direct mutation has taken place, then, according to the accepted view we should have the case of a dominant mutant arising from a recessive type. As a comparable case in another member of the Scrophulareaceae we may cite Linaria alpina where the self-coloured form concolor, though dominant, is regarded as a variety., the recessive form with the orange patch on the lower lip as the type^ Here as in Digitalis the two forms are distinguished by a solitary characteristic, in every other respect they are identical. Such instances of mutation — if mutation it be, and in Linaria there seems no ground for regarding it otherwise — from a recessive to a dominant form, when only one factor appears to be involved, are exceptional, and it is obvious that on the "pre- sence and absence " theory of factors they present a certain difficulty. But the alternative hypothesis which supposes that the smooth-stenimed Fox- glove or the self-coloured Linaria is derived from a cross with another species is also not free from difficulty. On this supposition we should look in these forms for larger or smaller differences from the parent type in a considerable number of characters such as are enumerated by Neilson Jones^ as characterising his artificially raised (and hence authentic) 1 I am indebted to Dr Scott for the f urtlier information that this was essentially an oak and hazel wood, and that the soil was "clay with flints" resting upon qhalk. So far how- ever the results of investigation do not seem to indicate that the appearance of nudicaulis is conditioned by the character of the soil. 2 See The Neio Phytologist, Vol. xi. 1912, p. 1G7. 3 " Species Hybrids of Digitalis," J. of Genetics, Vol. ii. No. 2, 1912. 222 Smooth-stemmed Form of Foxglove 'purpurea-grandiflora (= -ambigua Murr.) hybrids which were found to differ to a greater or less extent from the parent species in every par- ticular: by Henslow^ in his detailed comparison of a spontaneously occurring garden hybrid with its supposed parents purpurea and lutea : and again in the still earlier account by Roth^ of the wild form media presumed to be a hybrid between ambigua Murr. and lutea. In the case of Digitalis certainly we should look too for some trace of that sterility which is so marked a feature of indubitable species hybrids in this genus^*. But we do not find either the one or the other. For except as regards surface character the two forms nudicaidis and pubescens are precisely similar, and both set seed abundantly. Moreover it is to be noted that such spontaneously occurring forms as are judged to be of hybrid origin exist for the most part in small numbers, only a single plant perhaps being found wild or in a garden from time to time^ whereas, as stated above, purpurea nudicaulis is not only of very general occurrence, but where it occurs it is abundant. Furthermore, reference to other species of Digitalis makes it evident that the nature of the differentiating character in the present case cannot be taken as in itself necessarily 1 Tram. Camb. Phil. 'Soc, Vol. iv. Part 2, 1831, p. 257. 2 Cat. Bot. II. 1800. * Among mauy references to this fact since the early work of Koelreuter and Gartner may be mentioned Focke's account of the following hybrids — purpurea-lutea, ambigua- "purpurea, ambigua-nbscura, ambigua-lutea, ambigaa-lanata, ambigua-laevigata, laevigata- lanata [Die Pjianzen-Mischliiige, 1881). In each case greateror less difficulty was experienced ■ in obtaining the hybrid artificially, and the hybrids themselves proved in most cases to be completely sterile. Of these various forms purpuri'a-lutea has been recorded from time to time by various observers in the wild state. It was noticed by A. Saint-Hilaire and de Salvert growing mixed with purpurea and lutea in a valley in the Auvergne district in 1808, and for several consecutive years the capsules were examined for seed, but each season they were found to be shrivelled and to contain only aborted ovules (" Observations sur la St^rilite des Hybrides," Mem Soc. d'hist. nat. Paris, i. 1823, p. 373). It is stated by Wilson who raised a number of hybrids between these two species that the stamens were often wanting, and that when present the pollen was found to be bad and he obtained no seed (see Report of the third International Conference on Genetics, Roy. Hort. Soc, 1906). ■* Among such cases may be instanced the single plant identified as D. piirpurascens Roth, found by Le Jolis growing in the environs of Cherbourg amid plants of D. purpurea (Ann. Sci. Nat., 3rd Ser. T. vii. 1847, p. 220) : the single specimen of D. longiflora noticed by Lejeune near Verviers and regarded by him as answering closely to Koelreuter's hybrida (Revue de la Flore des Environs de Spa, 1824, p. 126) : the single purpurea-lutea hybrid described by Henslow which appeared in his garden among plants of the two parent species (loc. cit.) : and other similar records to be found scattered through the literature of the subject which emphasise the rarity of occurrence of these natural hybrids, their variability of form, and the fact that when they arise they are often little durable (see Lamarck and De CandoUe, Flore Fran^aise, Vol. vi. 1815, p. 412, and Vaucher, Histoire Physiologique des Phintes d'Europe, T. iii. 1841, p. 520). Edith E. Saunders '223 pointing to a hybrid origin. For we find within the genus, besides the group of types closelyallied to purpurea andlikejju6esce/7.s' having the stem pubescent or tomentose throughout, as e.g. Thapsi L., tomentosa Link and Hoffmgg., Mariana Boiss., nevadensis Kze. and duhia Rodr.\ and those on the other hand which like laevigata W. and K., laciniata Lindl., obscura L. and ferruginea L. are smooth-stemmed throughout, a considerable number of forms which exhibit as a recognised normal feature a similar transition from a glabrous condition in the vegetative to a hairy condition in the flowering region of the stem. Well-marked examples of this class are D. lanata Ehrh., a Hungarian species, and the Portuguese form D. miniana discovered by Sampaio and described by him in 1905, in both of which the transition in surface character is definitely recognised as a diagnostic character. Among cases less pronounced or possibly only less clearly recognised we may probably include ambigua Murr., sibirica Lindl, leucophaea Sibth., parvijiora Jacq.- and perhaps orientalis Lam. and lutea L.^; also purpurascens Roth, considered by some as a hybrid form and fuscencens W. and K., the last-mentioned a rare Hungarian plant 1 All these types appear to be closely related to purpurea. Beautiful illustrations of tomentosa and Thapsi are given in Flore Portugaise by Link and Hoffmansegg, where tomentosa and purpurea are compared in detail. According to Brotero [Phytographie, T. ii. 1827, tab. 149, p. 159) tomentosa is not to be regarded as distinct from puipurea but merely as a southern race of that species to which it is linked by intermediate forms. Thapsi is described by Lindley {loc. cit.) as also very similar to purpurea, and by Koelreuter (Acta Acad. Petropol., 1777) is regarded in the same light as tomentosa. G. W. F. Meyer takes the same view {Ghloris Hanoverana, 1836, p. 323). Mariana is another form, according to Boissier {Voy. Bot. T. n) closely akin to purpurea, while dubia is considered by Rodriguez {Plantas vasculares de Menorca, 1874) to be intermediate between Thapsi and minor, the flowers of the latter species being described by Linnaeus as again very similar . to those oi purpurea. ^ From systematic descriptions of these species where little importance attaches to the nature of the stem surface as a diagnostic character it is less easy to gather the precise degree of difference between the upper and lower region. Though no specific statement may be met with in the text reference to the illustration, where such is given, will some- times clearly show that the plant exhibited this transition character, as is seen, for example, in the case of D. ochroleuca described and figured by Jacquin in Fl. Aust. i. p. 36, pi. 58, 1773. 3 Though lutea is generally spoken of as glabrous Lindley describes the stem as very glabrous or pubescent, and Henslow also draws attention to the possibility that absence of hairs in this species is not a fixed character. Specimens from near Siena in the Bunbury Collection (Cambridge) show numerous hairs on the margins and on the veins of the under surface of the leaves, and on bracts and sepals, but the stem appears to be hairless. Whether the appearance of hairs on the stem in this case is a fluctuating character and varies with conditions or whether there are two distinct and constant forms I have not sufficient data to determine. It is possible that the same question may arise in regard to orientalis and perhaps also with laevigata as well. 15—3 224 Smooth-stemmed Form of Foxglove universally regarded as a hybrid, but whether on other grounds than its intermediate character does not appear. It has not yet apparently been artificially bred since statements as to its parentage commonly indicate uncertainty as to whether it should be regarded as derived from a cross between amhigua and lanata or ambigua and laevigata. D. lanata was originally described by Ehrhart' as having the stem glabrous, the raceme woolly. The figure and description of this plant in Curtis's Botanical Magazine" emphasises the same character, the stem being described as " smooth at the lower part, woolly above." So also does the account given by Waldstein and Kitaibel"' of the plant referred by them to this species. They describe the stem as naked but woolly with white hairs among the flowers, this feature being also clearly seen in the coloured plate which shows the stem destitute of hairs and purplish-red in the lower portion, becoming green and covered with hairs in the region of the inflorescence. Similarly Sampaio's description of D. miniana as quoted by Coutinho states that the stem is everywhere glabrous except the axis of the inflorescence which is more or less tomentose*. Comparison of the descriptions by numerous writers of the other forms enumerated above and examination of herbarium material indicate that this same feature is characteristic of all of them in varying degree. Now to several of these types, if not to all, systematists are agreed in according specific rank, hence in the particular case of purpurea the stem character cannot be held to afford ground for regarding nudi- caulis as a crossbred. But there is yet another alternative supposition which is not excluded and which appears to me worthy of consideration. May it not be that nudicaulis is a precursor rather than a derivative of pubescens ? As between such forms our conception of which is type and which variety, in the absence of any historical record is largely deter- mined by our knowledge of the relative numerical abundance of the two forms and possibly may not invariably reflect the true genealogical order. A mutation in this reverse direction, i.e. from nudicaulis to pubescens would on the " presence and absence " view be simply the usual case of variation by the loss or dropping out of a factor. Once in existence the new recessive (on this supposition pubescens), in any area to which it chanced to spread unaccompanied by nudicaulis, might well continue to ' Beitrdge vii. p. 152. 2 Vol. XXIX. PI. 1159. 3 Descript. et Icon. Plant, rar. Hungariae, i. p. 76, pi. 74. * I have been unable to see or obtain Sampaio's original paper in A Revista, Porto, iii. 1905, but his account is quoted by Coutinho in the Bol. Soc. Broter., xxxii. p. 199, See also Coutinho, A Flora de Portugal, 1913, p. 561. Edith R. Saunders 225 remain pure for a considerable period, and be taken in such areas to represent the type form of the species. It is possible that the Malvern Hills afford a case in point, for according to Anne Pratt the Foxglove suddenly appeared in abundance on one of these hills after, for some reason, the soil had been turned up\ The same argument may be advanced in the analogous case of Linaria alpina mentioned above, where indeed a hybrid origin seems even more improbable. How far a fuller knowledge of the geographical distribution of the two D. purpurea forms will serve to throw light on their genealogical relation remains to be seen. The home of the genus appears to be in Central and Southern Europe, numerous species occurring in Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Austria ; it is also represented by several forms in Russia, Belgium, and Portugal, purpurea itself being found in all these cuuntries, as well as in England, Denmark, Norway and Sweden where it is the only recorded species. I have already drawn attention to the wide distribution over Great Britain of purpurea nudicaulis in company with purpurea pubescens. The further fact that herbarium material examined at Kew was found to include specimens of nudicaulis as well as pubescens both from Norway and Sweden, taken together with the descriptions of the species in Neuman's Swedish Flora (stem cylindrical, hairy above) and in Blytt's Norwegian Flora ([plant] covered with short downy hairs especially above) renders it highly probable that nudicaulis will very generally be found with pubescens in these countries, as in England. If this should prove to be the case it strengthens still further the argument against hybridisation as an explanation of the appearance of nudicaulis. It may be urged no doubt that the absence of all mention of glabrousness as a feature of the stem in the early descriptions of D. purpurea, such as those of the older herbalists, renders the view here suggested improbable. But seeing that neither in modern works do we find any clear reference to the existence of two forms despite the abun- dance and wide distribution of nudicaulis this objection may be put aside. A similar omission is very general in the case of Linaria alpina ; many botanical works dealing with the flora of regions where both forms are to be found make no mention of the concolor form. And here perhaps the matter must rest until further evidence throwing light on the question is available. ^ The Flowering Plants and Ferns of Great Britain, Vol. iv. 226 Smooth-stemmed Form of Foxglove Summary of Conclusions. 1. Digitalis purpurea occurs ^ under two distinct forms, the one commonly accepted as the type with the stem grey and densely pubes- cent throughout, and the leaves very hairy, here designated pubescens ; the other, not apparently hitherto distinguished, with the stem green, polished and smooth from the base to the flowering region where it becomes pubescent, and leaves less hairy, designated nudicaulis. 2. The two forms are similar in every respect except as regards surface character. 3. No difference in fertility was observed between the two forms which set seed abundantly. 4. The distinguishing feature of purpurea nudicaulis is a character common to several other species within the genus. 5. Both forms, when of pure parentage, breed true. 6. Nudicaulis behaves as a Mendelian dominant when crossed with pubescens and the erossbreds yield the monohybrid ratio 3 nudi- caulis : 1 pubescens when self-fertilised and 1 nudicaulis : 1 pubescent when crossed back with the recessive pubescens. 7. The facts stated under 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 do not support the idea that nudicaulis is of hybrid origin. 8. The alternative hypothesis of the origin of the one from the other by direct mutation raises the question as to which represents the original type, unless we postulate parallel development from a common ancestor. 9. In the absence of conclusive historical or geographical evidence to the contrary, and in view of the fact that there is a certain difficulty in supposing the origin of a dominant mutant form a recessive type, the view that nudicaulis may be the earlier form and pubescens the derivative seems at least worthy of consideration. 10. The same argument may be advanced in the case of Linaria alpina where also, according to the accepted view, we have in the recessive spotted form the type and in the dominant concolor form the variety. Edith R. Saunders 227 And further in regard to certain abnormal features : — 11. That the two modifications of the corolla, peloria and heptandry, both recessive to the normal, are inherited quite independently. 12. That as a rare occurrence the margins of the sepals may be thickened and bear structures having the appearance of rudimentary ovules. The expenses incun'ed in the course of this investigation have been defrayed in part by grants from the Royal Society and from the British Association for the Advancement of Science. After the foregoing account had been written I received from Professor Coutinho, to whom I here wish to tender my most cordial thanks, in response to my enquiry, a specimen of D. miniana obtained from the same region as Sampaio's original plant (Duriminia, Serro de Castro, Laboreiro, near Alcebaga, about lat. 42° N.), and also further interesting information regarding the occurrence of this form. Professor Coutinho writes that D. iiiiniana is a rare plant, occurring within a very restricted area mixed ivith purpurea ; that it was found again last year by one of his assistants in the original locality, the specimen sent being one of those obtained on this occasion. The appearance of the specimen, taken together with Sampaio's account, and the further details supplied by Professor Coutinho, make clear the close affinity of this form with purpurea. In fact whether it is really distinct from that species seems to me open to question seeing that the smooth stem emphasised as the distinctive character of miniana is a constant character of purpurea nudicaulis. The dimensions given for the stem (2 cm. in diameter at the base, 17 dcm. in height), the deeper colour, smaller size (10—18 mm. long) and narrower form of the corolla which is only slightly ventricose may possibly be fluctuating characters, and in that case may be discovered associated with the pubescens habit, although having hitherto escaped detection. The description of the leaves of miniana would be quite applicable to a plant of purpurea. Although the length of the pedicels in purpurea is generally not more than equal to that of the bracts whereas in this particular specimen of miniana they far exceed the bract-length, this appears to be a decidedly variable character since in his description of miniana Sampaio states the precise contrary, and in purpurea I have occasionally found a pedicel exceed the bract by perhaps 2 mm. or more. Beyond the corolla characters therefore there seems to be no very sharp distinction between purpurea nudicaulis and miniana, and it remains to be seen whether the latter 228 Smooth-stemmed Form, of Foxglove form will remain constant under different conditions, a point which I hope now to be able to test on the material received from Professor Coutinho. Hybridisation as an explanation seems improbable since D. Amandiana Samp., the only other native form with a glabrous habit, is not mentioned by Sampaio as an inhabitant of this region but as occurring in arid and stony places along a certain part of the course of the Douro, and the Tua and elsewhere. Volume VII AUGUST, 1918 No. 4 THE INHERITANCE OF TIGHT AND LOOSE PALEAE IN AVENA NUDA CROSSES\ By A. St CLAIR CAPORN. (With six text-figures.) Experiments were conducted with three varieties of ordinary oats with tight paleae, viz. : — Thousand Dollar. Ligowo. Nubischer Schwarzer (Nubian Black). As the F.2 generation of the cross with Nubischer Schwarzer has not yet been harvested, being part of this year's crop, it may be necessary to issue the results obtained from it in a supplementary account, though reference to its earlier stages will be made in this paper. A short description of each of the parents will indicate the nature of the characters involved. Thousand Dollar. This is a typical tight grained oat of the spreading, or open, panicle kind. The grains are of good size, fairly long, and firmly ensheathed in the paleae. They do not, except when it is exceptionally prolonged and violent, become naked on threshing. The inner paleae are thin but stiff, the outer thick and curled round the edges of the inner. So well developed is the intervascular sclerotic tissue that the fine longi- tudinal ribs of the outer paleae appear only as faint markings, the whole surface, save at the extreme tip, being perfectly smooth. The spikelets are usually two-grained, though a panicle will often contain a few which are 3-grained. Very rarely a plant will be found which has two or three 4-grained spikelets. In this case the upper- most grain is generally very small and all the peduncles are short and 1 The work herein described was taken up at the F-, stage. The data concerning the parents and the Fi generation, however, were rather vague and scanty, and had to be reinvestigated by me concurrently with the analysis of the F3 crop. Joum. of Gen. vii ♦ 16 230 Ifiherltance of Tight and Loose Paleae in Oats straight. It is important to note this condensation of the occasional large spikelet in the tight oat as compared with the extreme laxity of the Avena nuda type. Ligowo. In all its essentials this variety resembles Thousand Dollar. It also has white, tight, awned outer paleae and spreading panicles. The grain, however, is somewhat plumper and there seems a greater tendency towards 3-grained spikelets, though no 4-grained have been noticed, possibly because no large field crop has been available for inspection as in the case of Thousand Dollar. Fig. 1. Characteristic spikelet from' a "pure loose" containing 8 flowers. Nuhischer Schwarzer is a shorter strawed oat than the two just described. It also differs in being a black tartarian. Save for the size and shape of the grain all other points are similar, Avena nuda. Two distinct features characterise the spreading panicles of this species: — {a) The long, dangling spikelets in which there may be as many as nine flowers (cf. Fig. 1), and (h) The readiness with which the grain drops out from between the paleae when mature. A. St Clair Caporn 231 The parental stock used showed impurity if the "nuda" type be taken as one in which the paleae are all absolutely membranous, that is to say, with no trace whatever of intervascular sclerosis. For some plants had at least one obviously tight grain, often more, the pro- portion of tights even rising to 40 "/^ in extreme cases, while others would have a grain or two with paleae moderately stiffened in a broadened midrib region. One important character, however, is common to all these forms : they never throvj offspring with all the grains tight. In this respect, therefore, even if not in others also possibly concerned in the partial tightening of the paleae, they may be regarded as constituting a pure line. In colour the parent plants were mixed greys and whites. Greys are very easily overlooked in Avena nuda because colour is developed only on the small inner paleae. The ^1 Generation. Spikelets. The panicles of the F^ plants contained a varying proportion of many-flowered spikelets of the " nuda " type. In the basal regions the two-flowered spikelet predominated. Paleae. Every conceivable gradation from the "pure tight" of the tight grained parents to the wholly membranous palea occurred. On rubbing out, it was noticed that sometimes there was an excess of tight grains, and sometimes not. Six separate panicles, which all threw the same range and similar proportions of F^ types, and must therefore have been Fi heterozygotes of the same factorial composition, were constituted as follows TABLE I. Avena nuda 9 x Thousand Dollar ^ . Panicle 1. Excess of loose grains. Tights about ^ of total j> 2. ,, ,, ,, ), •§• ,1 „ 3. ,, tight ,, ,, i ,, Ligowo 9 X Avena nuda $ . Panicle 4. Excess of tight grains. Tights about f of total )j &• )i »> >> >) 2 ' >> ,, 6. ,, loose ,, ,, 1 ,, It was at first thought that the reason for this fluctuation might lie in the fact that single panicles were examined instead of whole plants ; but 16—2 232 Inheritance of Tight and Loose Paleae m Oats a more detailed analysis of the entire plants in this generation of the Nubischer cross proved that, although there are cases in which the exact nature can only be ascertained when the basal tillers are also taken into consideration, the main panicle is generally indicative of the whole plant. The necessity for inspecting the other panicles arises chiefly when the excess of either tight or loose grains is very great. In such cases all, or most, of the paleae of the preponderating type may be concentrated into the largest panicle, and the opposite extremes have to be searched for on the subsidiary j)anicles. In the detailed analysis just referred to the panicles on each jPj plant were taken separately, in the manner shown in Table II, and the paleae borne on the different branches classified node by node, com- mencing at the base. A " pure tight " palea has no paperiness, a "pure loose " is entirely membranous, while an " intermediate " is a very variable mixture of these two extremes (cf Fig. 2). ABC Fig. 2. Types of paleae found on F^ plants. A = pure tight; a grain is shown in both dorsal and ventral view, the latter showing the margins of the outer pale clasping the inner one. B = intermediate forms. C = a pure loose palea. The sclerotised parts are repre- sented black. The percentage of " pure tights," it will be observed, ranges from 20-4% to 68-7 7 J that of the "pure looses" from 7-8% to 46-8%. The rise of the one appears to be correlated by the fall of the other, not only when different plants are compared, but also in different zones in the same plant. In plant A, for example, the first nodes of the four panicles bear 77 pure tight and 7 pure loose paleae out of a total of 115, i.e. the relative proportions are as 67 7o '■ 6"! Vo- In the case of the second nodes they are as 45'8 °/^ For the third nodes they are as ... 268 % For the fourth they are as ... ... 5 °/^ And for the last they are as *^'^°lo 20-8 7, 39 7o- 45 7o. 44-473 A. St Clair Caporn 233 TABLE 11. JVubischer Schwarzer x Avena nuda. Analysis of paleae on 5 Fi plants. [P. t. = pure tight. P.l. = pure loose. Int. = ± membranous.] Distribution of paleae at 1st node 2nd node 3rd node 4th node 5th node Plant Panicle P.t. Int. P.L P.t. Int. P.l. P.t. Int. P.l. P.t. Int. P.I. P.t. Int. P.l. A 1 27 8 2 22 15 15 2 4 5 0 1 3 0 0 0 2 16 18 49 10 9037025024 3 23 51 15 30532131157 4 11 009 12 144. 2040161 Percentage P.t. P.l. D Totals 77 31 7 55 40 25 11 14 16 1 10 9 2 13 12 45-2°/, 21-4°/, 1 4 17 12 5 9 20 2 5 7 0 5 8 0 3 8 2 27 4 2 13 11 0 5 10 11 1 1 12 2 7 19 3 4 7 6 5 17 10 5 10 11 5 5 6 0 5 18 4 4 2 1 0 8 10 1 3 7 0 2 8 0 2 14 Totals 39 30 21 23 45 40 13 28 36 6 13 34 2 17 59 20-4% 46-8% 1 7 10 7 2 13 12 1 8 10 0 5 7 0 1 10 2 26 9 4 13 9 7 7 8 5 0 6 7 0 2 4 3 11 14 9 7 15 6 3 8 5 0 3 2 0 3 5 4 6 8 0 10 6 2 9 4 1 5 3 0 2 3 7 5 10 6 2 3 8 5 10 1 5 2 3 6 0 4 6 6 13 2 2 5 12 10 1 5 3 6 5 15 0 0 8 7 7 2 0 11 11 5 8 4 4 3 3 8 3 2 7 8 24 1 0 11 7 2 8 6 8 4 1 2 4 1 2 Totals 104 47 24 62 81 49 47 44 36 20 29 47 9 16 49 36-4% 30-9°/o > 1 30 0 0 18 0 0 5 2 2 1 1 0 1 1 0 2 10 8 2 12 12 2 3 4 3 0 2 6 0 2 0 3 12 0 0 6 0 0 10 1 1 1 1 2 0 2 4 Totals 52 8 2 36 12 2 18 7 6 2 4 8 1 5 10 63% 16-2% ; 1 11 8 0 16 5 0 10 3 0 2 0 0 2 2 2 2 3 0 0 4 1 0 4 1 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 3 19 1 5 5 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 tip broken off Totals 38 9 5 25 1 15 12 4 2 68-7% 7-8°/o 234 Inheritance of Tight and Loose Paleae in Oats % Fig. 3. Diagrammatic representation of an Fi plant as a single panicle. For purposes of the diagram the different types of paleae are indicated each in a separate spikelet, though naturally all three kinds frequently recur in the same spikelet. ^k =Pure tight type of paleae. B^ - Intermediate type of paleae. y^ - Pure loose type of paleae. A. St Clair Caporn 235 This gradual diminution in the number of tight paleae, and increase in the number of loose, towards the tip is a tendency noticeable in every heterozygous panicle. Colour. Owing to the impure condition of the Nuda parent as regards colour, the plants raised from the crosses with the white husked varieties, Thousand Dollar and Ligowo, were a mixture of greys and whites. The presence of greys, however, demonstrated the dominance of the grey colour whenever the cross grey x white actually occurred. In the case of Nubischer Schwarzer x Avena nuda the F^ colour was a bright brown sometimes overlaid with a faint greyish flush. Here the variability of the i\ may also be due to the fact — established in another experiment — that the black parent is really made up of at least three different kinds of blacks, represented zygotically by the formulae BBB'B' GG BBB'B'gg BB b'b'gg where B and B' are factors for blackness, and G for grey colour. The F^ and F^ Generations. Paleae. No meticulous examination of the pales in the F^ generation was made. The mixture of types looked so bewildering that there seemed no alternative but to rub out the panicles and note the actual propor- tion of tight and loose grains. This w^as done. TABLE III. 1 Thousand Dollar y The first care- in the direction of the long axis of the fruit and with pitted lateral walls. At the apex of the grain it bears a few hairs. The Hypoderm and Mesocarp. Similar to the epi- carp but with fewer pits and firmly united to it. ful peeling generally re- moves these three as one skin. Joarn. of Gen. vii * 18 262 Inheritance of Glume Length and of Colour' in Oats The second skin. The Girdle Cells. Very regular, delicate cells with ' pitted lateral walls and long axes at right angles to those of the components of the first skin. The Tube Cells, or Endocarp. Scattered vermiform cells, often coalescing, running lengthwise in the grain. They resemble later tubes and the longer the grain the more conspicuous they are. They are always best developed at the embryo end and on the side remote from the groove. To them often adhere The Spermoderm and the Perisperm, two delicate cell laminae which are not strictly pericarp, but the outermost layers of the seed. The purple colour is found in the sap of the girdle cells, staining all or part of it according to the distribution and intensity. The position of this pigmentiferous layer is shown in Plate XIV, figs. 9 and 10, the first of which shows it in a transverse section of the grain, and the other in a superficial view of the girdle cells, more particularly where they are not covered over by the fragment of epicarp. After immersion in dilute sulphuric acid (1 in 20) for a short time, the grain turns a deep crimson. This reaction, in conjunction with microscopical exami- nation, has proved very useful in the detection of faint purple tinges in grains which showed a slight streak to which the overlying portions of the pericarp gave a doubtful, brownish appearance. For whereas the acid produces a distinctive coloration, water causes the antho- cyanin first to fade and then to become dull green, — a colour which is much commoner than crimson, far less vivid, and by distinctive. In both figures the acid reaction colour is illustrated. no means fl The F^ Generation. A type of ^1 ear is shown on Plate XIV, fig. 5. All the ears approxi- mate to this type, of which the glumes are intermediate in shape and size between those of the parents, though the fluctuations range from glumes slightly longer than those of Eloboni to others a little shorter than the minimum Polonicum glume. Plate XIV, fig. 6, illustrates these two types (c and a) as well as the more general average (6). The grain is also of intermediate dimensions, as will be seen fi-om Plate XIV, fig. 7, m which it is placed between the parent grains for comparison. The ^1 grains were all purple. A. St Clair Caporn ' 263 The F^ and Fr^ Generations. Glumes. 183 F2 plants were examined. As is usual in T. polonicum crosses, it was found that, while certain ears were clearly long- or short- gluraed, there was a very large proportion which verged on these extremes, as well as those which were obviously intermediates. The glume lengths were therefore measured and plotted in the form of a curve (Table II and Chart II). The curve (dotted), it will be seen, falls into three periods, indi- cating that segregation, although indistinct, has nevertheless taken place. Professor Biffen^ has already explained the real significance of such a curve in other crosses of this kind. It results from the over- lapping of three separate curves representing the lengths of homo- zygous short, homozygous long, and heterozygous short-long glumes. Where the curves overlap there is a piling up effect equal to the sum of the values of the constituent curves ?it these points. Thus : — Curve t Curve X. The triple nature of this type of compound curve is more plainly recognisable when a greater number of glume lengths is available for measurement. The dot-and-dash curve on Chart II represents the glume lengths of 151 F^ individuals derived from 10 heterozygous F., ears, and when added to the first curve, produces the large continuous- line curve in which the three periods are far more distinct. It must be admitted that the third region is far from smooth. This is due to its diffuse character. By adopting the smoothing line (sm), however, one can indicate the real position. The point P marks the summit of the overlapping curves — always very pronounced where a high curve overlies a very low one. 1 Biffen, R. H., Jo\xrn. Agr. Sc„ 1905. 18—2 264 Inheritance of Glume Length and of Colour in Oats TABLE II. Glume Lengths in Millimetres 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Numbers] 1 13 3 4 6 5 11 13 9 7 5 7 6 2 2 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 below 0 i 0 3 6 4 24 2 3 4 3 3 n h n n h 1 4 0 1 4 1 0 0 1 above ^ 0 3 6 4 2i 2 3 4 3 3 2i \ n ^ i 1 I 0 1 4 1 0 0 4 elcitngth} i 24 4 22 13 IO4 IO4 10 18 20 15 I24 8 CHART XL 4 34 24 4 3 14 14 1 0 4 39 ' 38 _ 37 _ 11 36 _ 1 A 35 1 1 \ 34 _ 1 1 \ 33 _ 1 1 1 32 _ 1 1 \ 31 _ 1 1 \ 30 1 1 \ 29 _ 1 I \ 28 - 1 \ 27 _ \ 1 \ 26 _ \ I \ . 25 \ j \ W) 24 a .•- — •, 2 1 /l Ir'-r'' 1 ^^ / ( 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 \ V' \ 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 'ni 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Glume Length in mms. Average Length of Extracted Longs = 24 -15 mms. Parent = 29-23 mms. Briefly, the result of crossing a long-glumed wheat with a short- glumed is this : — Along with the ordinary segregation there is established in the F^ generation a kind of telescopic effect, whereby the means of the two homozygote curves are brought nearer to that of the heterozygotes than the means of the parents would actually be. This condensation persists right through into the F^ generation in which, owing to the possibility of isolating the ' pure long ' and ' pure short ' curves, it can A. St Clair Caporn 267 be the more readily observed. There is thus every indication that this slight change in regard to the average glume length of extracted pure types as compared with the parents is a permanent one. Grain Colour. Before detailing the numerical results of this aspect of the experi- ment it will be convenient to describe here the different colour types found in the F2, generation. Full coloured purples resembling the Eloboni parent, but of light and dark shades, were thrown. Besides these, however, a number of streaked individuals appeared. The colour of the streak is a dull brownish purple. The purple element is always intensified by treatment with dilute sulphuric acid, which turns it bright crimson. In Plate XIV, fig. 8, the various colour types are shown. Grain a is the ordinary Polish type, of a light yellow translucent appear- ance, but with no purple colour in the girdle cells, and hence, as far as this cross is concerned, classifiable as ' Non-coloured.' The grain 6 is a full purple, or ' Flushed ' form, while c and d illustrate the ' Streaked.' h', c', d' show the colour changes in acid. The streak shown in d is by no means the minutest recognisable, which may be so extremely faint, possibly because the place for the strongest streak on the plant may be on an unripe secondary tiller grain, as to be nearly invisible to the naked eye, even when treated with acid and examined in the brightest light. In such a case microscopic inspection reveals crimson stained nuclei in a small cluster of girdle cells, but very little pigmen- tation of the sap. (Plate XIV, fig. 10, x.) Care has to be taken, in circumstances like these, to ensure that the colour is really crimson in acid, not reddish or pinkish-brown ; for nuclei and their adjacent proto- plasm often take on these tints in the grains of non-coloureds which have been much weathered or somewhat rusted. In Plate XIV, fig. 10, some of these potentially misleading colours have been introduced for the sake of comparison with the acid reaction of the real purple pigment. A noticeable feature in ears containing full coloured purple grains is the way in which the same kind of flush stains the glumes. The glume purple is most intense just before the grain hardens. As com- plete maturity is slowly attained it fades away altogether. In pale or particoloured forms its presence is less vividly marked, a faint purplish margin to the glume being the sole indication. Development of colour in the grain seems to be dependent to a variable extent on direct exposure to sunlight. This is especially the case in streaked forms where the width of the gape of the paleae. 268 Inheritance of Ghime Length and of Colour in Oats occurring when the grain is at its plumpest, appears largely to deter- mine the size and intensity of the streak. No doubt this also accounts for the fact that only some of the grains in the ears of a streaked plant actually bear the streak,* as but few get exposed in this way, in the long-glumed plants particularly. That direct sunlight exposure does not alone determine colour production, however, is proved -by the existence of the flushed forms, wherein the greatest colour area is de- veloped in well covered up portions of the grain. The action of direct light may start in these grains the chemical change which renders the colour visible, but that it is essential for its continuance is a matter of doubt. On the basis of the colour classification already indicated the F^ generation consisted of 28 Flushed, 8 Streaked, 136 Non-coloured. Or, eliminating all which gave less than F^ plants next season, 27 Flushed, 8 Streaked, 123 Non-coloured. The nature of these F2 plants was determined firstly by examination of their grain in the ordinary way, and subsequently, after the more accurate acid test had been adopted, by re-examination of any seed left over from sowings for the F^ rows, or, when none remained, by considering the F^ segregations analogically. Thus, in the case of the 8 streakeds, only one (which had a very strong streak) was detected on rubbing out by the rough, hurried, unaided eye test then used. Later, after the sowings for the F.^ generation had been made, the grain left over from three of these was tested in acid and streaks were discovered microscopically. Now as no grain remained over from the other four F^ sowings, that the streak was present in their F^ parents was deduced from the fact that the progeny showed exactly the same type of segregation as that of the undoubted streaked forms. In the same way the 123 non-coloureds were definitely identified as such. After sowing, surplus seed was left over from 37 F^ plants. It averaged about 8 grains per plant, and, coming from short-, inter- mediate- and long-glumed forms indiscriminately, constituted a good random sample. All these grains gave a negative colour reaction in sulphuric acid, and the analogous segregation in the F3 rows of the remaining 86, — roughly eye-tested even though no grains were left over for subsequent microtesting, — settled the correct classification of the whole group. A. St Clair Caporn" 269 It should be emphasized that whenever an insufficient number of plants forjudging was present in an ^3 row of which the parental colour was doubtful, or roguing was suspected, these cases were not included in the count; so that the 27 flusheds, 8 streakeds, and 123 non- coloureds contain no individuals about which any uncertainty exists. Furthermore, although no particular note was made regarding the matter, very probably the grains from which these 180 or so F^ plants were derived all came off a single F^ plant. For, in spite of poor tillering power, plants of later generations with a fair amount of room, such as those at the end of rows, were observed with five or six well filled ears; whereas among the ^1 individuals the encouragement to tiller is considerably greater, since they are always purposely well spaced. Apparently, then, one, and only one, heterozygous combination gave rise to the -^2 generation. This conclusion is supported by the sim- plicity of the ratio : it is too even to be a fortuitous mixture of different F2 segregation systems. For 27 : 8 : 123 is, considering the not very large number of plants involved, a reasonably close approximation to 3 : 1 : 12, the actual expectation being 30 : 10 : 118. In view of the full purple colour of the F^ grains, the minor pro- portion of flushed forms in the F^ generation is very striking. No less so is the behaviour of the 123 non-coloureds, of which 111 threw non-coloureds only, and 12 „ „ „ -f- streakeds. [In the 12 non-coloureds absence of colour was apparently a dominant, as the streakeds made up the smaller part of the offspring.] Now if the ratio 3 : 1 : 12 be expressed in the form 48 : 16 : 192, the third term can be conveniently split up on a 1.5 : 1 basis so that the whole may be restated thus, 48 : 16 : (180 -f 12). On applying this to the F^ results the comparison with expectation reads as follows : Observed. 27 flusheds : 8 streakeds : (111 -|- 12) non-coloureds. Expected. 30 „ : 10 „ : (111 -f- 7) While, therefore, the probability cannot be pressed to the verge of certainty, there is still ground for believing that the two kinds of non- coloureds in the F^ generation were to each other as 1-5 to 1. To speculate on the Mendelism of these figures at this stage were 270 Inheritance of Glume Length and of Colour in Oats eminently unsound. Additional data are needed. Further breeding on of all the colour-yielding forms in the cross furnishes us with them ; but, as will be seen from Table IV, into which they have been gathered, although of precise and distinctive kinds, by their very multiplicity they tend rather to complicate than to clarify the problem. For the sake of convenience letters have been used to denote the various glume and colour types in the table. Whenever the parental colour is enclosed in brackets, the identity of the ^3 segregation with others of definitely known parentage has been the means of its deter- mination. In the first part of Table IV are the flushed forms which bred true. They are followed by one which gave rise to 18 flusheds and 6 streakeds. The possibility that this may really belong to the next group, which possesses non-coloured elements besides and conforms to the ratio 12F : SS : IN, is admitted; but other examples of the same sort of segregation (picked out of Fi results and therefore not included here) show that in any case a type throwing SF : IS does exist. Some members of the 12 : 3 : 1 section, perhaps, by reason of their incom- pleteness will call for a few words of explanation. No. 4 has 17 flusheds and 4 streakeds but no non-coloured. Although it is quite conceivable that it may belong to the 3^ : IS class, the low proportion of streakeds gives cause for hesitation in so placing it. Unfortunately only one of the 17 flusheds was carried on for another generation; but as it yielded 15 flusheds and 3 streakeds — again a low proportion of the latter — with one of the streakeds very faint indeed and very likely hetero- zygous, it was decided to retain No. 4 where originally placed. In No. 3 there were no streakeds. Out of four of the flusheds which were grown on for another year, however, one gave rise to 14 flusheds and 6 streakeds. The other three bred true. If it were a case of two cumulative factors making for the ' flush ' character, and no ' streak ' factor in the zygote at all, this type of segregation could not have been produced. -415 flushed : 1 non-coloured ratio must therefore be rejected. Moreover, as the single non-coloured forms less than one quarter of the total. No. 3 goes to the 12^ : SS : IN group instead of to the following set, wherein the non-coloureds are produced in considerably greater relative numbers and the streakeds constitute the smallest term in the ratio 27 : 9 : 28. By analogy No. 7 does likewise. Two more groups bred from flushed parents remain. In neither do any streakeds appear. The first has flusheds to non-coloureds in the ratio 3:1, the second 9:7. A. St Clair Caporn 271 TABLE IV. [L = Long. il/= Intermediate. -St = Short. F= Flush. S = Streak. ^= Non-coloured.] >■„ irlUIllC No. of J'^s plants m row Colour Segregation Group Totals Parental Fa - ^ >I08. character F .S N grain colour F S N Ratio 13 St 8 8 — — F 14 St 23 23 — — F 72 FureF 20 M 21 21 — — F 102 St 20 20 — — F 8 St 24 18 6 — F 18 6 — 3: 1 2 L 16 12 2 2 F \ 3 M 10 9 — 1 F 4 M 21 17 4 — F 6 L 25 22 2 1 F 7 L 13 12 1 F F 119 22 13 12 : 3 : 1 9 M 21 15 3 3 (115-4) (28-9) (9-6) 10 L 12 8 3 1 F 12 St 15 8 4 3 F 15 M 21 16 4 1 F , 17 St 25 9 6 10 F 18 M 22 8 2 12 F 44 15 38 27 : 9 : 28 21 M 26- 12 5 9 F F " (40-9) (13-6) (42-4) 106 M 24 15 2 7 11 M 25 19 — 6 F 16 M 26 20 6 F 70 — 21 3 : — : 1 19 M 18 14 — 4 F (68-25) (22-75) 103 L 22 17 — 5 F 1 L 20 11 — 9 F \ 101 M 25 16 — 9 F 43 — 37 9:— :7 105 L 12 5 — 7 F ' (45) (35) J M 23 11 — 12 F 72 St 8 — 8 -- [S] 86 M 6 — 6 — [S] 63 — Pure S 93 M 27 — 27 — S 100 M 22 — 22 — s 60 St 23 — 17 6 SI 129 M 21 — 15 6 s 71 21 — :3 :1 9 M 21 — 17 4 IS] (69) (23) h M 27 — 22 5 IS] 45 M 7 — 2 5 im' 49 St 22 — 6 16 [N] 21 66 — : 1 :3 84 L 11 — 1 10 [N] - (21-75) (65-25) and 110 M 23 — 6 17 N or 3 : 13 112 St 24 — 6 18 [M> 74 L 16 — 8 8 N 85 M 25 — 8 17 N 96 M 16 8 8 [N] 109 M 25 — 11 14 N - 58 78 (59-5) (76-5) — :7:9 136 M 17 — 7 10 [N] 145 M 18 — 8 10 m 159 31 19 — 8 11 N 104 M 4 2 — 2 F — — — — 35 ? 1 1 — — ? — — _ — a St 5 2 — 3 F — — — — 160 M 8 2 — 6 N — — — — 146 M 23 1 5 17 N — — — — 34 M 5 1 1 4 Very ? faint. '~~ — 272 Inlieritance of Glume Lengtli and of Colour m Oats The 8 F2 plants with streaked grains were divisible into two classes of 4 each : — (1) Pure streakeds. (2) Heterozygous streakeds. The latter provided a mixed progeny exhibiting a 3 : 1 segregation. The next two groups of F3 generations, both derived from non- coloured parents, have already been mentioned. Their chief character- istic is the dominance, or pseudo-dominance, of absence of colour. The first is composed of one quarter streakeds ; in the second the proportion is seven-sixteenths. At the base of' the table all the anomalous colour-throwing Fq plants have been collected. That the cause of the anomaly is traceable in several would sufficiently justify their being cast out altogether, but in the interests of exactitude and to avoid criticism on the score of de- liberate omission, they have all been inserted. No. 104 contains only 4 plants — too small a number for an accurate determination of the proper ratio. No. 35 has a similar fault. In addition the three or four parental grains were so badly shrivelled and rusted that the colour question had to be left unanswered. The mere germination of the one was in itself a surprise. In three out of the remaining four the facts all point to certain roguing. T. polonicwn and its derivatives are clearly susceptible to more roguing than most wheats on account of the wide gaping apart of the flowering glumes when the anthers are dangling out. It is quite likely that sometimes cleistogamy has not been effected before this occurs, and that very occasionally a stigma receives foreign pollen. In certain cases this roguing and its origin are readily discoverable. For instance, a purple-grained F^ ear with long glumes derived from a long-glumed F2 ear gave an F4, row con- taining 14 plants, all of which were long-glumed and bearded. The exception had slight scurs, intermediate glumes, and purple grain — obviously the result of one of the stigmas on the parent ear receiving pollen from a beardless, short chaffed non-purple belonging to another culture altogether. Something similar happened to No. a in which it would seem that a purple F^ grain was contaminated with pollen from a beardless non-purple. For the F.^ ear was a beardless purple which threw an F.^ row containing 4 beardless plants, of which one was plainly of Squarehead origin. No. a may be a pure purple, and the unravelling of the F^ figures would doubtless result in the settling of this point ; but they are too few. More troublesome to explain is No. 160. Beard- less in the F^, thus indicating roguing of an Fi grain, and of a very 4 A. St Clair Caporn 273 dark, translucent colour, which, however, was not purple, it nevertheless gave rise to an F^ in which two flushed purples appeared (both beardless). It is of course not at all unlikely that here the foreign pollen came from another kind of non-coloured altogether, namely, one possessing an inhibitory factor ; but in a case like this, with only 8 F^ plants to study and the roguing as far back as the jPj generation, it is not safe to attempt deductions. In No. 146, on the other hand, the roguing took place later, — in a single F^ grain to judge by the bearded nature of the F2 ear and the F^ of 22 bearded + 1 beardless flushed. Hence if the purple plant be not a stray from some other row, and the rogue pollen from a non-coloured form, the F^ segregation may possibly be correct, though I doubt it. Bearded like the parent the last F^ row, No. 34, came from one of about half a dozen F^ ears with such shrivelled, sprouted grains that it was not thought they would grow, and they were consequently planted speculatively with the colour undetermined. In any case, however, five plants are scarcely enough on which to decide the dominance or otherwise of purple in this particular row. But although extraneous pollination does not appear to have taken place, it is not unlikely that the purple individual came out of No. 35 which possessed but a single plant : mistakes are easily made in harvesting two adjacent rows such as these with extremely few and scattered plants in each. To sura up this gi"oup of doubtfuls : of the six, Nos. 104, 35, a, and 160 can be totally rejected on account either of insufficient numbers or of hopeless roguing at an early stage, while only the remaining two, in which the degree of doubt is slightly less, though still very strong, may qualify for a few further words in the following discussion of the results. At the outset let it be understood that no attempt is being made to formulate a theory to tit the facts. Tentative suggestions and inter- pretations may have to be adopted to explain some of them and also to aid in the readier appreciation of certain aspects of the problem ; but for all that, the contradictory nature of the figures makes them so thoroughly baffling that at present it must be honestly confessed no scheme which will embrace them as a ivhole can be advanced. In some general features the colour inheritance has points in common with that of aleurone colour in maize. East and Hayes', in dealing with a case involving purple, red, and non-coloured forms, write that " the only difficulty in alining the results obtained with the ordinary 1 East and Hayes, 1911, p. 83. 274 Inheritance of Glume Length and of Colour in Oats behaviour of the known factors, is the fact that almost none of the ^3 generation show the same ratios as the F^ generation." They then instance a ratio of 1843 purples: 188 reds: 545 non-purples obtained from ^1 seeds which is obviously 12 : 1 : 3. Nothing like it appeared in the following generation, but, while admitting later that the de- ficiency of reds is too great to justify this step fully, they seize upon the slender chance of their figures representing a ratio of 9 : 3 : 4 and thence unfold a carefully formulated theory with which most of the other results accord fairly well. Now a 12 : 1 : 3 ratio appeared in the F^ generation of this wheat cross, but the opportunity for harmonising it, — or, at any rate, attempting to do so, — with any even remotely similar F^ segregation was absolutely lacking. For in all the subsequent 12 : 1 : 3 ratios the colours of the terms were transposed. In F^, 12:1:3 represented non-coloureds, streakeds, and flusheds respectively; in F^, flusheds, non-coloureds, and streakeds. The nearest approach to the F^ ratio, if one ignore the far too high proportion of streakeds, was in the rogued row, No. 146 ; but because of the adulteration no confidence can be put in it. Further- more the F^, seeds which gave rise to the row differed from the F^ grains in one vitally important point. They were not purple. In any case, however, even were as many as 4 factors involved in the pro- duction of colour, out of 256 plants 16 heterozygotes identical with the Fi type would be expected, — in other words at least 9 out of 158. It may be pretty definitely asserted, therefore, that as far as this particular purple x non-purple cross is concerned no F^ ratio arising from purple seeds like those in Fi and resembling the ratio of the F^ generation exists. If the full flushed purples yielding offspring free from streaked forms be lifted out of Table IV and separately studied, it will be noted how very much akin in their behaviour they are to certain of the dark maize purples investigated by East and Hayes. The production of flusheds to non-coloureds in the ratios 3 : 1 and 9 : 7 indicates F^ mono- and di-hybrids which are functions of two complementary colour-making factors. When also these data are taken in with those of the remaining full coloured plants in the F^. generation, 4 pure purples out of 27 give further support to this idea. Nevertheless, as East and Hayes point out in a very similar situation \ as soon as these individual ratios are taken in conjunction with the main mass of data, it has to be recognised that " tri-hybrids and tetra-hybrids are possible which give such results." ^ East and Hayes, p. 85. I i A. St Clair Caporn 275 This is particularly conceivable when some of the relations of the streaked forms are considered. In maize certain 'splashed' purples are found; but "they are zygotic variations which are not inherited, for their progeny are exactly like the progeny of the dark purple seeds. Further, the patches are not in a regular pattern nor does the selection of seeds of this nature have the slightest tendency to fix the phenomenon as a separate character^" Evidently, then, in wheat the streaked plants, many of which are capable of being bred true, are of an entirely different kind. But there is another colour type in maize with which the appear- ances of structural affinity are in some respects quite well developed, though only in some. This type is known as ' particoloured,' the colour being a very faint purple. If we imagine such diluted pigmentation localised in one or two areas, and may be occasionally a little intensified owing to this concentration, the ' streaked ' form results. In view of certain similarities in the behaviour of their segregates which will now be described, the visible differences between particoloureds and streakeds are thus best likened to those between chemical allotropes. East and Hayes describe the occurrence of particoloureds in two crosses ^ In the second they aye designated ' light purples,' not because they are unlike particoloureds in outward appearance, but presumably to emphasize an important difference in the gametic formulae. Where two factors, P and a colour factor C, are concerned in the production of colour, it is held in the first cross the absence of C from the combinations ccPP and ccPp does not prevent the formation of a very small amount of colour. Hence the particoloureds. The ratio of 9 purple : 3 particoloured : 4 non-coloured in the F2 genera- tion lends support to the theory. Moreover, if allowance be made for the fact that "particoloureds especially when non-starchy are not always distinguishable fi-om whites," the agreement is fairly good. It is better in ^3 if pure starchy groups be chosen. Again, ratios of 3 purple : 1 particoloured, 3 purple : 1 non-purple, and 3 particoloureds : 1 non-purple, as well as pure purples and particoloureds, occurred in the ^3 generation. All these facts uphold the theory. But there is clearly a weakness when it is stated" later that pure white races, apparently devoid of any inhibitor of colour, may also have the gametic formula cP. Moreover in yet another family, wherein it is alleged 1 East and Hayes, p. 68. 2 „ „ p. 67, Family (8 x 54) and p. 81, Family (60 x 54). =* „ „ p. 102 (foot)— 103. 276 Inheritance of Glume Length and of Colour m Oats particoloureds of exactly the same nature are thrown, the selfed whites gave one particoloured ear out of every four in the next generation ^ Now this last is a feature which marked certain non-purples in the second cross. One is inclined to ask whether there is really any difference between the particoloureds of the two crosses. Surely in the circum- stances the cP hypothesis cannot alone account for the particolouring in the first maize cross any more than, as will shortly be questioned, the action of an inhibitor can alone be responsible in the second. Here, however, a useful interpolation may be made to note that nearly all the above segregations of the first cross, with the exception of the 9:3:4 ratio, are also to be found among the results set out in this paper. It is even possible that the ratio 9 flushed : 3 streaked : 4 non-coloured is present too; for if the two groups in Table IV throwing all three colour types be added together, then comparison with expectation is as follows : — Observed. 163i^ : Z1S : blN. Expected. 141i^ : 47>Sf : mN. Bearing in mind the small number of plants, one can hardly say the discrepancy is very much worse than in East and Hayes' Observed. 638 purple : 210 particoloured : 306 non-coloured. Expected. 649 „ : 216 „ : 289 „ ^ To return to the second maize cross. Here East and Hayes hold that the cP seeds are whites and that the particoloureds develop when the colour inhibitor I undoubtedly operating in this cross is present heterozygously along with P and C. The fact that in this case no particoloureds breed true favours the conception. But if this be so, why do quite as many of these light purples (particoloureds) yield ratios of 3 particoloured : 1 non-purple and 1 particoloured : 3 non-purple as give 1 : 1 (possibly 9 : 7 or 7 : 9) ? [Note that the first of these is also thrown by streakeds in the wheat cross, but not the others, which come from non-coloureds.] Also, unless the non-purples lacked P and C, they must by the theory be homozygous for I and therefore incapable of throwing particoloureds. But this is not so. For in two cases the following proportions were found ^: ' East and Hayes, p. 78. ^ East and Hayes, p. 72. Table 21 A. Starcliy seeds only, i e. the most favourable Eelection. » East and Hayes, p. 100. Table 25 E. i A. St Clair Oaporn 277 Non-coloureds throwing 80 particoloured : 294 non-coloured 80 „ :216 160 „ : 510 „ =1:3 (^""^ 3 : IsV \ or / While another had 105 particoloured : 204 non-coloured, which is probably equal to 7 : 9 as the classification would err on the side of the non-coloureds \ Again this is a point of similarity to the wheat : the non-coloureds shown in Table IV behaved in this manner. In brief, then, the ' streaked ' and ' non-coloured ' aspect of the wheat cross in its relation to the same in the two maize families can be synopsised thus : — Resemblances to 1st cross. Streakeds (particoloureds) throwing All particoloureds. 3 particoloureds : 1 non-coloured. Resemblances to 2nd cross. Streakeds (particoloureds) throwing 3 particoloureds : 1 non-coloured. Non-coloureds throwing 1 particoloured : 3 non-coloureds ( 3 : 13) i „ + 1 ,, (approx.). The outstanding point is that in one and the same cross (wheat) the inheritance of streaking gives support to two separate, radically opposed theories on the transmission of particolouring (maize). The conclusion is either that one of these two schemes is incorrect and the other as yet imperfectly elaborated, or that both are incomplete ways of expressing what may be in reality two kinds of particolouring de- pendent on the same system. The evidence of this paper seems to support the latter idea. For as at present expressed by East and Hayes, although each does so in part, neither hypothesis by itself will fit the wheat cross completely. On the cP hypothesis the origin of streakeds from non-coloureds is left unexplained, while the full flushed purple of the ^i grains and the failure of F2 non-coloureds to throw flusheds are against the presence of the usual type of inhibitor. To the 1 East aud Hayes, p. 96. Table 25 A. Journ. of Gen. vii 19 278 Inheritance of Glume Length and of Colour in Oats writer it seems not at all impossible that streaking is dependent on an entirely different factor (or factors) from flushing, and that apparent reversal of dominance in the non-coloureds throwing streakeds may be due to an inhibitor affecting 'streak' alone. For I cannot inhibit ' flush ' as in maize, because, as has just been remarked, no non-coloured forms throw flusheds, nor do any streakeds \ But whether or not this same factor I affects flushing to any extent in an indirect manner is not clear. It plainly has no visible action in the Ft^ generation, where the purple flush is fully dominant; but the remarkable deficiency of full coloured forms in the F^ generation is a puzzle to explain otherwise. That, and the lack of any F^ segregation with the F^ ratio, is the snag on which every theory so far launched seems fated to founder. Stabilisation. Several pure lines have been extracted during the experiment. Most are full coloured purples with long glumes. That no pure long- glumed flusheds appeared in the F2 generation is to be attributed to the very small number of pure flusheds produced rather than to any coupling of ' short glume ' with ' flush.' The glume distribution in the intermediate No. 20 disproved the latter suggestion and no difficulty was experienced in obtaining them in numerous F^ cultures. Outwardly similar, genetically they are very varied. Three pure flushed lines which were bred from the \'2F : SS : IN group, for instance, may or may not be alike. They may give ^1 mono- or di-hybrids on crossing, they may mask a streak even as a black oat will contain, but not show, hypostatic grey, or they may be pure for the flushed character alone. The same remarks apply to the pure purples of the 27F : 9S : 28iV section in Table IV, although no ^''4 cultures of them were actually isolated in quantity. No streaking occurred in the SF : IN and 9^ : *7N groups, and, assuming that in both cases the colour is due to the interaction of the factors C and P, then the extracted pure purple races must all have the formula CCPP. As for the various pure cultures obtained from No, 20, all that can be said of them is simply that they are pure flusheds, but whether alike or different and of exactly what nature can only be decided from their behaviour after being crossed with whites of known constitution. Pure streakeds, both long- and short- glumed, have also been stabilised, and lastly non-coloured Elobonis. ^ An extremely doubtful exception which may or may not contain a stray, and of unknown parentage, is No, 34. But see remarks on p. 273. JOURNAL OF GENETICS, VOL VII. NO. 4 PLATE XIII n JOURNAL OF GENETICS, VOL VII. NO. 4 PLATE XIV a ^ Cambridge nnrv«r»irty Press A. St Clair Caporn 279 SUMMAKY. In the first part of the paper the parents are fully described ; an accurate method of measuring and tabulating glume lengths explained ; and it is shown how in the F^ generation a marked change in the average glume length of homozygous ' longs ' as compared with the average of the parent, T. polonicum, under equal conditions persists right through into the ^3 generation. The second half is concerned with the purple pericarp colour, — the manner and extent of distribution in the tissues, its development and detection in minute quantities, and the inheritance. The latter is dis- tinguished by one cardinal and unaccounted for anomaly : segregations analogous to the F^ segregation have not been found in the F3 gene- ration. Streaking, a character which suddenly appeared in the F^ generation, has resemblances to particolouring in maize. These are discussed. Various cultures have been stabilised in respect of colour and glume length. EXPLANATION OF PLATES. PLATE XIII. Fig. 1. Ear of T. polonicum. Spikelets in frontal view. Natural size. Fig. 2. „ „ „ lateral ,, „ Fig. 3. Ear of T. eloboni. „ ,, ,, „ PLATE XIV. „ . ^ . , rr, , . T ( a. 32 X 4i mms. Fig. 4. a, a'. Extreme forms of T. polonicum glumes ^ , „, . ° (a. 21x4 ,, b. Typical T. elohoni glume. 10 x 4 mms. Fig. 5. An Fi ear. Spikelets in lateral view. Natural size. Fig. 6. a. 'Long' type of intermediate glume. 17|x4|mms. b. 'Average' ,, ,, „ 16x4^ „ c. 'Short' ,, „ ,, 14^x4 ,, Fig. 7. a. T. polonicum grain, llj x 3^ mms. b. Fi grain. 10 x 4 mms. c. T. eloboni grain. 9x3^ mms. Fig. 8. Colour types. a. T. polonicum grain \ b. ' Flushed ' grain I vt i. 1 1 , , . > Natural colours. c. 'Streaked gram I d. Faintly 'streaked' grain J b', c', d'. Acid colours. 19—2 280 Inheritance of Glume Length and of Colour in Oats Fig. 9. Portion of transverse section of a purple grain showing pericarp and adjacent tissues. X 190. ^Z = aleurone. Ep—e^\CBX^. (J = girdle cells. iH=me8odenn and hypoderm. P = perisperm. \ ISSI lo|ooooooj,-| I fi >> 00 § o o ^ K; X iS O tH S w (jq o> «o : a 43 •£* - « p. I I I I I I 43 _?- cS'l I I I I I O fl Q -S « 3 » 2 1^ 2 "S -n I ^ ,S -S |>0t-00 l«DOOcgt^O§000:^ >. p a> ■a O _M ■H TS 02 .03-2 5^ • ^ 02 I 111! ^ ^JiS-^-l i lili ^%l\^l -2 I ^ ^ "11 -'1.2^1 "rtQ^pq gp^OWOSpHP-i^pH p^H:]aHO o >^ p^S pqpqAnO •iH S o o . o o I g s ^ "" o . .^ ca ' cQ o o Ida Sutton 287 a r-IOlOiSool I loW^O*^*!'^ ' ' It-I lOOlOl I I I I l«SOO(N(M (N(MlrH^ (M(Ml-l'-'t-l >Cl-lr-l ^lOr-llHi-H o a :::© .•::::o '-S Q Q t3 C > <= O . «' „ fl o fl I I c o .2 .S = I ai .. U> &C M s Q d'Agen Empero gh Dam c fl " in c3 >4 Golden g 00 a> CD t*s >. -TJ ; 5 '^ "3 > ^ -^ a. scflflo „ Jooooo |o;^M«|oo I I |mg|||=?^|>g=^ocoo^oooooo I s — >: >: t> > f> > iH „ i-HjH rHlMWi-ICO • a t^= «^ -SO ^-^ ^ '^fl®|fl •S « S I j>>=3^§§ S-S ^.2 0.^ § 2 g 2 § f \ I ^ o o : ^ • O r'S "aj a « , !>H - fl fl ji -S C3 d - .a -J .^ - o * o ~ 00 O S s o ^ cl > 2 « o S S -I « O O Ha 288 Self-Sterility in Plums, Cherries, and Apjfles O O O ^ i-H >-. t>^ >^ a a a n1 as (T! CO S o CO "* •^ S S S<) O t- U5 ^ § ■* »o I CO t- i-t CO l-l (N I I I I I I I >« S 5S "-^ us 00 JO t~ (M 00 TJH •^ PI ® is El O H S 0) !> TJ 08 ^ P4 o Q a fl < -o ri o o a iti a o MO >^ d^ o " « a g •2 ;2 ^ O 03 o OHO !« O C5 O P^ Ph O o o o > O O 1 ■^ o 05 T-l •^ (T) 00 o o 1-1 o CO 00 -* -* ICI CO , • ■ * • P^ «3 •cs : 'o ri fe 1 Ph 03 60 o T! ^ >5 C3 a P5 fcH 01 s a 60 < 0) a ft a f > = 2 Ci5 a o _6p '3 O :; o S > T3 *! a Si c3 ,>^ O Ph O 1-5 Ph ^ N I 9 pa IIIIIIM^SSIIII Ph pq P5 P5 60 6p c CD O ^3 a g S Ph H c5 S;^ S '^ o a TJ >. S •S -S Ph O pq Ph t> Ph I 5 0*0(8 0 ^s CO ^ 5 00 00 ^ ^ fe !>> S 2 § -Bo k2 00 a a S S S_ 3 --I o S S 03 ta OS o Ph 08 I— I o 'a P3 e3 Ph 2 C5 C(3 C5 S3 c3 •J 03 Ida Sutton 289 1112 s s 1^ > I I I I I I I I [i< S l> (N I I «> rH I I Oi 00 I I i I I "^ I I I I I I I I I M I I I I c3 « JS o ec a CD « i a a> !3 ^. toil 1 1 o ^ 1 °° ^ § ■» J^ TS y >> "v H 0 «a »? O «3 o H pq o fe &^ ^5 -a .2 o > O w w o o I I I I I I I I i 13 a O rt 2 OQ O « T) O O ^ o 6 « o > •iH o^ : r^ s m w a leans yanst ine C o U U V Plh o m rt lO "* tH ^i >, . . . l§lg'o'H§§§1'B'B [i, g CO o ^ ^ iH (M ® .^ C- C- PM 2 rjt rH I r.2 I I i I s I I I I I I I P^ pq I I I I I I I I I § 9 o o a> « « 8 3- H « 2 -» -g I o -H »-i O M fe a O » s O H? : O O O f> ^ fM d^ o »^ .2 "o > C5 O Q S -_ c I I I I I I I i ^ 0) M ." 0) c3 ^ S 6C ^ S pLj fii m pq fi4 O O i-t o o ft o ?o O § «o CC O O OJ o S S ^ H ::) o o iH « eg C5 CS O o n 5 I o >» 290 Self -Sterility in Plums, Cherries, and Apples a a ^ ^SS §^ (M ^ S!>>So>5 5^f^ d o D • . 1 ^ = O 0 fl . a 1 2 C5 >^ 5n rt ^0 0) o "^ W ►^ tj ^■> s ^ o ^ •3 (4 «5 tH 05 (M (N r-l O O (M -* t> t- CO H »H ea (^ (1| Pm I I I I a a g a a § g? 2 >•■ g > ;^ >■* S >: PtH I I ^ 'i '^ a S Ts . O O ^ eS . O > 1^ s ^ IS p> a I I o ^ ti a S P-. 0) =3 "S a '3 S a; O >> c3 M O c>-, "-t ^ o k4 Pm Ph H ^J PL, o be 00 a a .2 W c3 a o a 0) a 2 a S o o O !=- "rr c3 2. -2 2 F O >^. on ." s> ^3 rn a > s O c8 o O O Ph ^ o Q fiH S' o H cc C5 %. « o .« O P5 ■^ i-l 05 U5 CO >> >5 >J >^ >» a a a a a 05 oS CO cd CO l^gjo I I Ig^g^^o J^ f> f> > t> p> S Oh- ^ : (^ (U « a 03 a c3 Q ^ 2 60 - M a >H ►^ H O Plh Pm Us ^ 2 « ^ g a eS s*- a> N •U' u « o §^ t T) o o rt A. I I o a ^ oj 60 ^ a >»;a 2 ta S ^ CJ a o H oQ ^ !tt oj > a H Hs U rt PlH ::^ 56 §1 II I ^ I I I I I I I I I I I m O O o 01 D3 Pi o .15 >^ § P4 Pm » >s t/2 Si X a o M o d eg > too 53 O S tJ « a> ca T3 CO v ns ^ a n ^ W) a •s H o ^ o g Ida Sutton 291 00 (N t- « O ^ >S <-" t> C «o »o >o ■^ 05 CD O "-I t- r-l -* CO IN -* "H O 00 -* OJ 0«D»OiMOt^t~00>0 I Oi«0»0>-Ht~C-CO-^JH-c^O I i-H i-H (M e-> c3 &: Q g ft . O 05 : 2 2 c 'o 2 'o o O o j^ (u ID " Cab - O Ph ►^ O Pq O f^ (30 S _o c S a ft ^ £ a a -s » „ g; c3 a> ^ 8 O) ® rt e3 OB C5 a a g tS 03 ^ "J o S 2 i § &I lU a .s O H g S b (1h a '-* a > '^ r< ^ \S O 2 -SjH Ph o '^ (-1 " "^ a 2 .-M H « § o "^ "« "3 !§ O H »^ o §• d rt O 2 >»o 3 -o H O I I I I I I (N 05 O I I I CO IM t^ 00 O IM O I I I I I I 1 I I ^ I I I I I I CC ^ "^ y-* It-wSCOcO I I I I Tj(r-I'<1<<>'IN Q0J >5 P>1 >> a a a a c8 CO cd c3 s s s ^ p^ >^ t> >^ o4 ■* t» O t» CO CQ Tjt CD o eo I I S rO to Si 1 O Pi Pli fP {1. s s s s B : S • -a O P4 >H (4 a o s 292 Self-Sterility in Plums, Cherries, and Apples T)(OCD050 <=^ "3 1-1 CC IM fO >Ci « 1 1 I O o ns O >-• r-l N C(5 «0 >0 X5 (M a "S '^ SO 9 fl O 2 S3 & o o B >-. I»( O 0) i 1 :h; o o I I I I I a. ^ Ph (3 "^ g >> S m ^ H O 2 -^ a S ,i«) •? 6C OJ 5 « T3 ;z; fc( O ^ -T3 rfl . . ■« O . ^ S 3 ^ S S 5~ cd cS ^ cS cd CO 03 CO w Co CO s s § s s g > > > > I I h O IM 05 I rH o o o S 00 ? O ?0 ® -« > a s ^ •-H K t4 tn 1-s O O Ph P^ Ph O a 5 I bo ^ !§ a CO ki ^ PM a a ^ :^2«s 1-4 b o o Q 0) S ^ •:3 '^ (^ O cd Ml.> S CO o O 5 OC 00 CO m S o ph S S ^ Ph " pq pq pq H :^ s 3 §o a o) a) <'^ -^ 0) o W a ^ >^ o s s 1^ a-S W) ti) te iM lO o o O 00 t- CO 00 03 fO s s s «2 P4 a OS n too 1^ a • CQ o 09 o H d :=! t-i n o •S ^ o S H 2 >s » ^ o Pm » f3i3 -fi >ij ^ -c « o S^ ni <{M m a •c eS m ^ eS too g toocjj Ida Sutton 293 i-l -H «3 •* O Ci CO O I I a (MiHTjli-IOSeOt-OO t~ i-l 00 o o o so 00 e« 05 »!z; ^ 0 ^ ^i^« y w S, m 2 >H TS fi oj ^ 2 «^ S ^ -2 (i ^ 1 m ^ « t I i. I I III m >H ^ PQ r^g o pq 1^ -2 ^ :^ « :5 .SP S o S S .SP cs o eqMgH ;=; flS o o •^ ^ J(5 t- to I I I H .5 3^ « 3 O "^ >» 5" 2 a « S W H S : ^ r^ a 5 j«; 03 M) ^ W .2 I Q ^ [^ ft [S I I I £ ft Q ^ >. w Mil H cS 0 ci3 0 a> >) ^ ^ h ^ eS eS oS c3 tax) tUD bApq CQ 00 n t P^ ^ o o H Journ. of Gen. vii 20 294 Self-Sterility in Plums, Cherries, and Apples ■^io-^«ooosco-^««o IN CO t- fO O «0 CO o te iM P4 rt(000'®OCO(M-^"SO O OO CCOiOO-^QO-^OOiftt- lO (NO eo iH Oi 05 CO C- 1-H (N 1-1 (N C<1 i-l 05 "J lO 5 .2 ^ 0) Q .2 ■ 5 ,5 5P H5 pc. 03 §^ «.iyo ^oo .1-4 f-4 '^ k_J w w c5 ^ H s fl -+^ o s Ti Ol CD s 0} P3 ,d s o 60 ' '3 o pq i-H to i-H IC CO o o CO -«J( [-. O CO -* 00 05 "* CO S S I I rH tH CO CO CO t- CO 05 CO Tj( IN CO CO IM IN PH ' Ph Q ;S .2 fi P5 >^ 2 a ^ g g S PL, Hi S ^ i O H : ;^ C4 a 3ll0 ish ;mor 1 0.2 o g S 2 "g .2 g M O O J -^ *-5 >s *^ 'S I^ • 2 >. S . 60 5 S^ ^ (N CO SQ Ic 1-H 05 C- O I le-< I 1—1 CO i-l ^ i-l iH Ph 03 It go £ S) > .rt O P CJCB 73 a a> •M M ^ E3 0 n Q , ^ S o 9 ^ ? a 5 w ^ 0) cs 1:53 H ^^ Ida Sutton 295 I I o 00 1-1 o + 0> 00 o o ^ + 1-1 CO o » o 00 e*i 05 « a o _ -t- I— I I— I »H •— I 1-H r-< CO I I 2 * I 00 t^ .H g I 00 1-1 r-l Oh J :=! c S£ J Wh C3 02 1 03 o >i u a> ( > 3 s _00 pq PQ S o o I g I I ^ >C O IN CO lO (M iH •s '^ S >» 02 _g _C -f^ c ^^ Oi ?5h Oh' o <1 o a •a O w ■ S 03 s ^ m s ^ a «o o r-- o >.o (T) o r^ 1 «» Ol 1 us i-t CO ■* § fH rH r- 1 on w~^ 1-1 CO i-H eo C^ 1-1 1-1 <2 Tl ci -a OD 0) .9 a P4 p< (U a &< o. ^ ^ ^ S fr i a o a o O O 3 2 130 00 Q T1 o no g 0) a n1 ^< ;-• fl O - •^ a <1) o rri O O ^. < O < « :z; i-:i ^ rt o O + g a s o 32 02 02 1-1 05 CO 1-1 tH O t^ iH CO O -* OJ I I I |,-(00oa>^-^-=0'M■*lO■* S ft s^ = s a £ '^ ■" a COcOCD>OC> CM o X e &4 a s dn eg A S! Sh too 5* 03 o o :§ o »4 CD oa a> o ^ o O o O o 296 Sdf-Sterility in Plums, Cherries, and Apples (1A (M ^ iM o o 1 2 ee lO i-H o ^"^ § CO o 00 S i s g s ss g s »o o CIS 1 t^ 1 tr- 8 00 OS 1 0) 1 1 1 o : P' P< a . a o) tc O J a o o "^ f-* t~ + O 05 O O 00 rH r-l -• O O rH -^ !?« »-l + + + rH CO C O r-l rH 13 r:! «3 fM ft a TJ -" ^ a 2 o -a p^ .? = 2 S 5 £ i o I g^ ^ • a « i^c s : ^ a > .9 g a 3 .£3 08 i^ o o M 5 ^ m - a o a fe 211 Mini fi ft O a^ a 'ft • : ft Ph ® 0) 60 *-i .j^ a cu ^ o _o o O O i-:i ft ft Xi C ft ft a Ph Ph .^ 1) Tl a 00 n « 60 S O 4) tc ^ t3 0) o O 60 a o no - J3 3? ft CO a tx) »H >4 (Tl )H ra C *j5 O !-l o OS O 02 w. o W m I-) t-l a> "ft CO < d o :^ o 00 CO ra >i a 2 o a> ^ o -rs u CO cs c8 o Q o O Ida Sutton 297 i I I I I I -^ i ^ ^ ^. « ^ I I I I + + th th e« -* >si M O t- C3 I I I «0 I t> r^ rH lllllli|3SIS§^ig§ll|ll§iM|S§§llllglo| r-^ en Qi iH THi-lrH i-(S' Ph m o -5 ::> a "5 e i :S .o A, "S 2 OS ? o -^ o 3 a) o O CC O O >H Q a> I-c • — - !S B = o £ 2 !»« i^ (S o o O O iJ 60 S cS o c3 P-I . .- ^ § v< 1^ « o o ? h5 O C HI ^ CO ^ 00 -.!j» piH p^ iM (M (M OJ ijq I I I ! 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