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' 1 “ . t Ww \ Me ‘ 4 5 i i 5 é ¥ ’ . ' ‘ : ) a ih bi 7 ® = ‘ i 1a UJ 7 Ger ta t O 7 ii t a a 4 ¥ i ' 7 T ” Ay ’ : i ' on « - i i i i : f Delay) . ‘ ies - : ai? i i i Ha ro : , rhs I ; Wl i , : | i J i a hy Au al i ; AN bet | erika f Aelia, (OUR OF GEOLOGY VOL NaAOUG OS 7, 1902 iit DEVELOPMENT OF SYSTEMATIC PETROGRAPHY IN Dae NINETEENTH CENTURY. Part IT? Beginning of the microscopical era.— Having presented the state of systematic petrography up to the time when the polarizing microscope became the instrument of prime importance in the investigation of rocks, we now proceed to the study of the more recent schemes of classification, based upon the larger knowl- edge. For all systems thus far reviewed, it must be recognized that ignorance of the characters and relationships of many rocks rendered a comprehensive and logical scheme impossible. The frame work of system was necessarily constructed without full knowledge of the applicability of some of the factors employed. With the polarizing microscope and improved methods of chemi- cal analysis this condition has now disappeared, and while the time may not be ripe for unbiased criticism it is plain that modern systems of classification must ultimately be judged with regard to the greater and almost perfect knowledge of the actual characters of rocks enjoyed by the authors of those systems. The responsibility for the choice of factors suitable for the con- struction of a comprehensive system and for a logical, conse- quent, and consistent application of those factors clearly increases with knowledge of the objects to be classified. The microscopical study of rocks, continuing for nearly four *Continued from p. 376. Vol. X, No. 5. 451 452 WHITMAN CROSS decades with ever improving facilities and methods, has added a vast store of knowledge concerning the characters of these objects. Revelations concerning the composition of types long known have often been astonishing. The essence of rock struc- tures has been made clear. The uttermost parts of the earth have been searched, and many new and interesting varieties have been discovered—not all in distant fields, but often close at hand. For new structures and new types, new terms have been proposed, and the nomenclature has thus expanded enormously. In the light of new discoveries, old conceptions have given way to new ideas, and the terms expressing them have yielded to new ones, or, in too many cases, the old nomenclature has been retained with new definitions. But while the last third of the nineteenth century may be termed the microscopical period of petrography, great additions to our knowledge of rocks were also made in this period on all older lines of study, and especially by quantitative chemical analysis and by investigations as to the modes of occurrence and the field relations of different rocks. This review, which deals with system, must trace the applica- tion of new or revised principles to classification during this. period of rapid addition to knowledge. It is perhaps quite natural that the greater part of the systematic advance was in partially worked out revisions of old schemes—grafting some new idea to the old trunk. It is also natural that the greatest work has been in the field to which the microscope has been particularly applied, so that at times petrography has been treated as though narrowed to the microscopical petrography of igneous rocks. While the flood of microscopical rock studies was at its height, it was manifestly impossible for anyone to do more than to present the new information in comprehensive form, without finished attempt to apply it to the systematic arrangement of rocks. It is with this condition in mind that the important works upon microscopical petrography, issued in the decade 1870 to 1880, must be judged. Their actual effect upon the: systematic science was, however, very great, from the mere fact SYSTEMATIC PETROGRAPHY 453 that they exerted a controlling influence over the usage of a multitude of workers. Ferdinand Zirkel, 1873.—In 1873 appeared Die mikroskopische Beschaffenheit der Mineralien und Gesteine, by F. Zirkel. The systematic point of view occupied by this authority at this time is expressed in the following tabular analysis of his larger divisions of rocks: A. Non-clastic rocks (‘‘ Nicht-klastische Gesteine”’ ). I. Simple (‘‘ Einfach” ). II. Composite ( ‘‘Gemengt”’ ). I. Massive ( ‘‘ Massig’’). a. Feldspathic (“ Feldspath-haltig’’ ). 6, Non-feldspathic (‘ Feldspath-frei’”’ ). 2. Schistose (‘Schieferig’’). B. Clastic-secondary rocks (‘“ Klastische-deuterogene-Gesteine ”’ ). Comparing this scheme with that of the Lehrbuch der Petro- graphie, we find that the microscope has convinced Zirkel that crystalline cannot be appropriately opposed to clastic. He also believes that ov7gina/ cannot be used for non-clastic rocks because they have been discovered to be at the present time in part composed of alteration products. He therefore falls back on a negative term, zonclastic, admitting that it is indefinite — “‘misslich.” JZasstve is defined as not schistose, in larger part granular — ‘nicht geschiefert, zum grossen Theil kérnig.”’ The work deals mainly with the feldspathic, massive, composite, non-clastic rocks. These are subdivided as follows: I. Orthoclase rocks. I. With quartz. 2. Without quartz, with or without plagioclase. 3. Without quartz, with nephelite ( or leucite). II. Plagioclase rocks. With hornblende. With augite. With diallage. With hypersthene. With mica. . With olivine. III. Nephelite rocks. IV. Leucite rocks. nm & WN 454 WHITMAN CROSS The use of the soda-lime feldspars—oligoclase, labradorite, and anorthite, as factors in the subdivision of feldspathic rocks, found in the Lekréuch, had been shown by the microscope to be an error, and it disappears without comment. The mineral com- position of rocks is here applied to their classification in a quali- tative way almost exclusively. Zirkel remarks: ‘‘To the non- feldspathic, non-schistose, composite rocks belong among others: eclogite, tourmaline rock, olivine rock, eulysite and saussurite- gabbro.”’ Of these only three are described and within a com- pass of two pages. The age distinction in classification of igneous rocks is freely characterized by Zirkel as unnatural and undesirable and it is not formally recognized in this work as it was in the Lehrbuch, yet he could not see his way to carry out the reform necessary to its rejection and retained in description many of the duplicate terms based on it. Structure and crystalline condition were not given a defined réle in Zirkel’s new system, but in practice the granular, porphyritic, fluidal and glassy forms were distinguished. A. von Lasaulx, 1875.—The Elemente der Petrographie,* by A. von Lasaulx, issued in 1875, is another attempt to utilize the results of microscopical study of rocks in their classification and description. Von Lasaulx believed that since there are no true rock species, and since transitions in all directions are most common, classification must consist in the establishment of tyes, about which should be grouped the intermediate kinds of rocks. He announced as his guiding principle that rocks must be classi- fied upon the basis. of simple, definitely known and easily recognized, morphological properties. Genetic criteria did not seem to him applicable because always more or less hypothetical and in some cases entirely, so; ‘He, therefore; \discardsathe primary classification of rocks on genetic principles, advocated by von Cotta and others, and returns to von Leonhard’s ele- mentary division into Szmple, Composite and Clastic rocks, omitting the Apparently simple class as no longer necessary. tElemente der Petrographie, Bonn, 1875, pp. 486. SYSTEMATIC PETROGRAPHY 455 The morphological characteristic of rocks chosen by von Lasaulx as most applicable to the systematic subdivision of the classes mentioned was the degree or distinctness of crystallinity, which is surely the most variable of all their properties, and hence least adapted to the formation of well-defined groups. The major divisions formed by von Lasaulx are as follows : Simple Rocks : A. Non-crystalline (amorphous) or semi-crystalline. B. Crystalline granular. a. Really simple. 6. Rocks forming transitions to Composite group through the appear- ance of vicariousconstituents (¢. ¢., amphibolite, serpentine, etc.). Composite Rocks : A. Massive. a. Amorphous, glassy (obsidian, etc.). 6. Semi-crystalline (including vitrophyres). c. Crystalline. 1. With abundant glassy base (basalt, etc.). 2. With microaphanitic more or less individualized groundmass, aa. Groundmass alone (felsite, etc.) 66. True porphyries (felsite-porphyry, etc.). 3. Rocks which are almost completely crystalline, mainly pseudo- porphyritic, etc. (phonolite, hornblende-andesite, etc.). 4. Crystalline granular. aa. Feldspathic (granite, etc.). 66. Non-feldspathic (Greisen, eclogite, etc.). B. Stratified Rocks: a. Feldspathic (gneiss, etc.). 6. Non-feldspathic (mica-schist, etc.). Clastic Rocks : A. Semi-clastic (clay slate, kaolin, tuff, etc.). B. Purely clastic. Mineral composition is applied as a factor to produce the commonly recognized rock types within these groups. It will be noted that many of the divisions above mentioned are not only quite indefinite but they are, also, inconsequent. Thus, three out of four divisions of crystalline massive rocks are but partly crystalline. Meteorites are described by von Lasaulx in an appendix. 456 WHITMAN CROSS Concerning this treatment he remarks that it is the first time that cosmic rocks have been givena place in a text-book of petrography, but that it seems useful, for purposes of comparison, to have them described in the same work with the terrestrial rocks. H, Rosenbusch, 1877.—Another important summary of the results of the microscopical investigation of rocks appeared in 1877, under the title Mikroskopische Physiographie der massigen Gesteine, by H. Rosenbusch. There was in this work but slight discussion of principles of classification, and the only new factor of note in the system used is the idea expressed in the title, which requires some explanation. All rocks were divided into two classes: I. Massive rocks (‘‘ Massige Gesteine”’). II. Stratified rocks (“ Geschichtete Gesteine”’). A class of Metamorphic rocks was not considered feasible. ‘‘Massive’”’ and ‘stratified,’ as used by Rosenbusch in this connection, do not refer to rock textures, as one might suppose from the historic use of the terms; for this primary division was avowedly intended to express an idea, first brought out by Lossen (which will be referred to more fully in a later section of this review), that the most important relation of rocks is the formal one to the earth sphere. Rocks may be considered as having been formed, either at the surface under the influence of gravity, in more or less concentric shells or strata, or, in eruptive bodies of irregular shape and position not determined by gravity. Under this conception all rocks are either stratified or massive. Massive rocks in this sense are also eruptive rocks, but Rosen- busch chose to use the former term in systematic petrography because free from the genetic conception involved in the latter. In view of the evolution of this master’s ideas, presented in later works, his language will be quoted: ‘‘The former name ts to be preferred because it refers only to an undeniable form of “Ter erste Name ist vorzuziehen, weil er sich lediglich auf eine unlaugbare Erscheinungsform bezieht und keinerlei irgendwie geartetes Prajudiz iiber die genet- ischen Verhaltnisse involvirt.” SYSTEMATIC PETROGRAPHY 457 occurrence, and involves no possible prejudice concerning genetic relations.” The controlling criteria in the further construction of Rosen- busch’s scheme will be apparent from the following partial tabular statement : Massive rocks. A. Orthoclase rocks. @aOlder: I. Quartzose. 1. Granular = Granite Family. 2. Porphyritic = Quartz porphyry Family. 3. Vitreous = Felsite-Pitchstone Family. II. Quartz free (3 families similar to those above). 6. Younger. I. Quartzose. 1,2. Granular or porphyritic= Liparite Family. 3. Vitreous = Family of the acid glasses. II. Quartz free (with families as above). The other large groups are the following : . Orthoclase-Nephelite, or Orthoclase-Leucite rocks. Plagioclase rocks. . Plagioclase-Nephelite, or Plagioclase-Leucite rocks. . Nephelite rocks. . Leucite rocks. . Non-Feldspathic rocks, Of the Non-feldspathic rocks Rosenbusch remarked! that they were all rich in olivine, and might therefore be called Olivine rocks. Atmuas Each of these groups has Older and Younger divisions, and, within these, families, established in a manner similar to that given for the orthoclase rocks. In this arrangement mneral composition is used, as in Zirkel’s system. The age distinction is applied without discussion. Texture is given a prominent role, and chemical composition is not used. Fouqué and Michel-Lévy, 1879.—The first effects of the microscopical study of rocks upon petrographic system in France may be seen in the Minéralogie micrographique, by F. Fouqué «Sie sind sammtlich reich an Olivin, daher kann man sie kurz als Olivinge- steine bezeichnen.” 458 WHITMAN CROSS and A. Michel-Lévy, which was published in 1879. While presented as an “Introduction a l’étude des roches éruptives francaises,”’ there is in this work some discussion of principles of classification, and a tabular view of the scheme in use by the authors. Although the system in question has not had much influence except in France, it is of interest from certain new and peculiar conceptions which are given classificatory value in it. It is first to be noted that Fouqué and Michel-Lévy abandon almost entirely the system of Cordier. Although affirming that rocks are simply the most abundant natural associations of min- erals (‘‘les roches ne sont autre chose que les associations minér- ales naturelles le plus fréquentes”’), they proceed to their arrangement under the stated principle that a rational classifica- tion of rocks in general must be based upon the following three fundamental characters, namely: (1) The mode of formation; (2) the geological age; (3) the specific mineral properties. The last named character comprises: (a) the. nature of the integrant minerals; (6) the structure of the rock.t By the application of the first factor they separate eruptive rocks from those deposited as sediments or as vein filling. By the factor of geological age (the applicability of which is not discussed) they distinguish clearly —‘‘nettement’’—between pre-Tertiary and Tertiary or post-Tertiary rocks. It is believed that the same types occur in both groups, following approximately the same order of eruption, with predominance of basic rocks and a tendency to the vitreous condition in the most recent occur- rences. In these respects the new French system is practically like others which have been reviewed, but in the use of structure and mineral composition for the main framework of their system, Messrs. Fouqué and Michel-Lévy apply certain peculiar con- ceptions requiring some analysis. Considering that in practically all eruptive rocks there have been two (or more) distinct periods of formation of the primary «Un classement rationel des roches, en général, doit s’appuyer sur les trois caractéres fondamentaux suivants: 1° le mode de formation; 2° l’age géologique ; 3° la spécification minéralogique. Ce dernier caracttre comprend: (a) la nature des minéraux intégrants; (6) Jeur structure d’association (structure de la roche.)”’ SYSTEMATIC: PETROGRAPAY 459 mineral grains, these authors proceed to give a strangely arti- ficial weight to the products of the second period, both in definitions of structure and in classifying rocks by mineral composition. The structures of eruptive rock applied in classi- fication are brought under two groups: ‘‘structures granitoides”’ and ‘‘structures trachytoides.”” The essential difference between the two is conceived to be that in the granitoid the grains of the two periods of consolidation resemble each other, because of similar conditions of consolidation in the two periods, while in the trachytoid structure there isa marked difference between the two products asa result of changed conditions in the later period. Inthe rocks commonly called granular it is thought that two generations of mineral grains of approximately the same formal character may usually be recognized. Where no distinction can be made it is rather paradoxically assumed that the grains all belong to the second period. But it is to be noted that without this assumption the scheme of Fouqué and Michel- Lévy, as it stands, could not classify such a-rock. Porphyries in which the groundmass is granular are, from that fact, classed with perfectly granular rocks. Under the granitoid group of structures three varieties are recognized: (1) Granitoid proper, in which each individual grain has approximately equal dimensions in all directions, vari- ation in size being disregarded; (2) pegmatoid, the regular or graphic intergrowth of two minerals of.simultaneous crystalliza- tion; (3) ophitic, characterized by elongated feldspar crystals, and forming a transition to the microlitic structure. The trachytoid group of structures has likewise three varieties: (1) Zype pétrosiliceux, characterized by bands of minute spheru- lites and the presence of the mysterious substance petrosilex or microfelsite; (2) type microlithique, characterized by microlites of feldspar, and of other minerals; (3) type vitreux, character- ized by predominance of amorphous substance. In explaining the microlitic type the authors point out that their synthetic experiments prove that such microlites are prod- ucts of pure igneous fusion, indicating to them a fundamental 460 WHITMAN CROSS difference between the trachytoid and the granitoid structures, since they believe that certain mineralizing agents (‘‘agens minéralisateurs’’) are necessary to the latter development. This view of rock structures makes the shape of the min- eral grains all important and casts aside the formal relation- ship prominent in the porphyritic structure as of little value. The equidimensional graim and the elongated mzcrolite are placed in fundamental opposition to each other. The mineralogical composition of rocks is applied for their classification in a qualitative way, similar in some respects to that adopted by the German petrographers, but with the all important modification that only the minerals of the second period of consolidation are considered. Such a principle may be desig- nated as subjective, extremely unnatural and highly artificial. There is in this system no attempt to express the chemical com- position of the rock in terms of its minerals, for in some cases all the minerals of a rock are used in its classification, where there was no frst period of consolidation, and in other cases only a small portion of the constituents, as in porphyries with abundant phenocrysts and microlitic groundmasses. Since in porphyries this portion of second consolidation bears no definite quantitative relation to the mass as a whole it must often happen by this system that rocks of widely different chemical composi- tion will be brought together and, conversely, that rocks of the same chemical character and even of the same magma will at times be separated. For example, certain intrusive quartzose hornblendic diorite-porphyries of the Rocky Mountain region, in which hornblende and plagioclase are developed entirely in phenocrysts, would fall among the microgranulites while their granular equivalents would be quartz-diorites. It is also clear that all but granular rocks would be classified in this scheme by their most obsure constituents, often to the neglect of every prominent megascopic character, and systematic petrography would become purely a microscopical science. It is interesting to recall at this point the principle announced by these authors and quoted above that a rational classification of rocks must be SYSTEMATIC PETROGRAPHY 461 based upon the “‘ fundamental characters’ whose application has been reviewed, In practice, Fouqué and Michel-Lévy give the first importance to the colorless constituents, quartz, feldspars, feldspathoids, etc., to produce series within which the ferromagnesian minerals are used to make subdivisions. The existence of certain phenocrysts is recognized, in the naming of rocks, in a few cases only. The petrographic system for eruptive rocks elaborated by Fouqué and Michel-Lévy in 1879 has remained the system of France to the present time, with but slight change. In 1889 Michel-Lévy compared the results of their system with those of the Rosenbusch system, soon to be discussed, in a work entitled Structures et classification des roches éruptives.* This tParis, 1889, pp. 93. discussion presented no new propositions of note excepting a plan of expressing the structure and mineral composition of any given rock bya formula. The principles which must govern the classification of eruptive rocks are concisely stated as follows: It is neccessary to base the classification and nomenclature of rocks upon positive facts, independent of all hypothesis. Modern petrography possesses the means to accomplish this end, since the principal structures or modes of association of the minerals are well known and the minerals themselves may be determined with precision. It is, then, exclusively structure and mineral composition which must be relied upon in the classification and nomenclature of rocks.* It is to be remarked, once more, that chemical composition is not taken into account by Michel-Lévy, either directly or indirectly, since the partial mineral composition used by him in classification is clearly not an expression of the chemical com- position of the magma nor of any definite part of it. The sub- stance classified is not the rock but merely that variable portion t™“Notre conclusion,. . . . est qu’il faut baserla classification et la nomenclature des roches sur des faits indépendants de toute hypothése, et de nature positive. La pétrographie moderne dispose de moyens suffisants pour atteindre ce but sans hési- tation: on est d’accord sur les principales structures d’association des minéraux des roches; on sait déterminer ces minéraux avec précision. C’est donc exclustvement sur la structure d’association et sur la composition minéralogique que nous persisterons a nous appuyer pour classer et nommer une roche.” Loc. cz¢., p. 87. 462 WHITMAN CROSS of the rock which the investigator judges was in a fluid or pasty condition at the beginning of the second period of consolidation —the ‘‘ pate.” Samuel Allport.—During this period in which Zirkel, Rosen- busch, Fouqué and Michel-Lévy were formulating more or less distinct advances in systematic petrography, the English students of rocks made but slight positive contributions in this direction. The condition of the science may be best appreciated by reference to the various short discussions of principles of classification by Samuel Allport. This careful investigator often pointed out the fallacy of the age distinction, so clearly illustrated by the long- known ancient lavas of the British Isles, and also the importance of Judd’s discovery of the intimate relationship of coarsely crys- talline and volcanic rocks. This was cited to disprove the idea that a sharp line could be drawn between the Plutonic and Vol- canic rocks. But Allport considered it premature to suggest any great changes either in classification or nomenclature. Clarence King, 1878—In America no original contributions to systematic petrography were made prior to the microscopical period. The earliest use of the knowledge gained in that period was probably by Clarence King,” whose appreciation of its value led to the report upon the Microscopical Petrography of the 4oth Parallel rocks by Zirkel, and who, also, applied certain sup- posed facts resulting from microscopical research in his own discussion of the classification of volcanic rocks. The propo- sition referred to has had little influence upon petrographic system, but has a certain importance from the standpoint of this review as illustrating again the dangers of applying genetic ideas in the classification of igneous rocks. King accepted the law of Bunsen and the law of succession of volcanic rocks advocated by von Richthofen, which have been stated. He also considered that ‘‘a sharp line is to be drawn between the so-called Plutonic rocks and the true igneous ones.” The microscopical studies of which he had knowledge led him *Report of the Geological Exploration of the Fortieth Parallel, I. Systematic Geology, pp. 705-25, Washington, 1878. SYSTEMATIC PETROGRAPHY 463 to the strongly stated conclusion that ‘all the volcanic rocks show abundant evidence of fusion in the presence of glass base and glass inclusions, while the group which is typified by granite never shows the slightest trace of the effects of fusion.” All known characters of plutonic rocks are interpreted as proving them to be extreme products of the metamorphism of sediments. After discussion of the cause of generic differences of volcanic rocks, in which certain new hypotheses concerning magmatic differentiation are developed, King proposes the following sys- tematic arrangement for the family of volcanic rocks, including therein all believed to be of truly igneous origin: Genera.—(t) Propylite; (2) Andesite; (3) Trachyte; (4) Neolite. Expressions of time, according to von Richthofen’s law of succession, and of depth owing to secular refrigeration. Species.— Expressions of chemical differentiation by specific gravity of mineral ingredients, grouping under the law of Bunsen. Three species only were recognized under each genus, repre- senting respectively the quartz, biotite or hornblende, and pyroxene-bearing forms. Varieties Expressions of range of texture according to predominance of secreted crystals, groundmass, or base. M. E. Wadsworth, 1884.— Under the title Lzthological Studies ; A Description and Classification of the Rocks of the Cordilleras, M. Ik. Wadsworth published, in 1884, the first part of a projected comprehensive work, intended to present a new classification of rocks. This first part was devoted toa discussion of principles and the beginning of the descriptive portion. Wadsworth denounced all existing systems as highly artificial, and stated, as the basis of his own more natural system, the belief that ‘the older rocks now classed as distinct species are rocks that were once identical with their younger prototypes.”’ ‘The order [of his system] will be to pass from the glassy to the most perfectly crystalline state; from the least altered to the most altered ; from the most basic toward the most acidic; from the non- fragmental to the fragmental or clastic.” He plunged at once into a description of ultrabasic rocks, without explaining the 464 WHITMAN CROSS proposed application of his asserted principle to the construc- tion of a system, and no further portions of the projected work have appeared. It is plain that the basis of Wadsworth’s conception is contrary to known facts of petrogenesis. A direct contribution to petrographic system is afforded by the proposition made by Wadsworth to group terrestrial and mete- oric masses together, applying to them a single system and nomenclature. The descriptive portion of the published work is, in fact, mainly occupied with discussion of meteorites rich in iron. Wadsworth thus goes a step further than von Lasaulx, who treated meteorites in an appendix to his discussion of ter- restrial rocks (p. 455). It is hoped that the trend of the evolution of systematic petrography during the earlier portion of the microscopical era has been fairly indicated in the preceding pages. Thetendency, most natural under the circumstances, was to overestimate the systematic importance of some of the discoveries made through the microscope, and to slight other, more fundamental, prop- erties or relations of rocks. Many mew rock names were proposed and usage became fixed and extended in directions where it had never been well grounded. Protests against the tendency of the times were numerous, and especially from the geologist’s standpoint. Many of these protests were of little influence, because based upon imperfect appreciation of the situa- tion; others were far too conservative in spirit. J. D. Dana, 1878.— As an example of the conservative geologist’s view at this time may be cited the discussion of petrographic system by J. D. Dana in an article published in the American Journal of Science in 1878 under the title ‘‘On some Points in Lithology.”* This article refers to the Mikroskopische Phystographie of Rosenbusch, and to other recent works, and may be taken as expressing the author’s view of petrography at the stage of its development just reviewed. Lithology, according to Dana, is charged with the descrip- *Amer. Jour. Sci., 3d ser., Vol. XVI, p. 335, 1878. SYSTEMATIC PETROGRAPHY 465 tion and naming of rocks. It has “to note down their distinc- tions in such a manner as shall best contribute to the objects of geology.” ‘From granite down they [rocks] are with very few exceptions mixtures of minerals, as much so as the mud of a mud bank.” ‘Strongly drawn lines exist nowhere.” ‘‘ Rocks are therefore of different Azmds, not of different species; and only those mixtures are to be regarded as distinct kinds of rocks which have a sufficiently wide distribution to make a distinct name important to the geologist.” Dana discusses the bases of classification adopted by petrog- raphers of this time, such as age, structure, and contents in certain minerals, and objects to most of them as trivial or wrongly used. He then proposes an arrangement of the ‘“‘ Crys- talline rocks, exclusive of the calcareous and quartzose kinds,” under the following groups : I. Mica and potash feldspar series — Granite, gneiss, mica schist, tra- chyte, etc. II. Mica and soda-lime feldspar series— Kersantite, kinzigite, ditroite, phonolite, etc. III. Hornblende and potash feldspar series — Syenite, hornblende-schist, foyaite, etc. IV. Hornblende and soda-lime feldspar series — Diorite, andesite, eupho- tide, etc. V. Pyroxene and potash feldspar series — Amphigenite. VI. Pyroxene and soda-lime feldspar series— Augite-andesite, norite, dolerite, etc. VII. Pyroxene, garnet, epidote, or chrysolite rocks, containing little or no feldspar, lherzolite, dunite, garnetite, etc. VIII. Hydromagnesian and aluminous rocks. Chloritic, talcose, and other schists, serpentine, etc. Wiles Danaydoes notirefer in’ this article touthe broader, grouping of rocks, it appears, from various editions of his Manual of Geology, that he uses mode of origin to distinguish the three great classes—AIgneous, Sedimentary, and Metamorphic — in discussing that question; but, in arranging rocks for description, he abandons that principle, and makes another division as more convenient. Convenience of presentation, and not expression of natural relations, is really the object of Dana’s arrangement. It 460 WHITMAN CROSS is, therefore, not strictly a petrographic system. In the second edition of the Manual (1874), igneous and metamorphic groups were separated in description; but, probably for the reason that such a course involved the splitting up of granitic, syenitic, and other types supposed to be metamorphic in part and eruptive in part, Dana had, in 1878, evidently adopted the arrangement found even in the last edition of the Manual (1895), whereby crystalline and fragmental were opposed to each other, as by Zirkel in 1866. Dana was never able to adopt the modern petrographic sys- tems, founded so largely upon erroneous assumptions, like the age distinction among igneous rocks, or upon genetic views with which he was not in accord, and contented himself with an arrangement of convenience. The main features of this order of description appearing in the Manual of Geology, 1895, are seen from the four primary groups under which all rocks were treated : . Limestones, not crystalline. . Crystalline limestones. I 2 3. Fragmental rocks, not calcareous. 4. Crystalline rocks. The crystalline rocks were described under five heads: I. Siliceous rocks, or those consisting mainly of silica. II. Rocks having alkali-bearing minerals as chief constituents. III. Saussurite rocks. IV. Rocks without feldspar. V. Hydrous magnesian and aluminous rocks. The second group was divided nearly as in the proposition of 1878, above cited. This resulted in bringing together such unlike things as granite, greisen, minette, slate, agalmatolite, porcelain jasper, obsidian, etc., in the ‘‘ Potash Feldspar and Mica Seniesi: Karl A. Lossen.— Among other protests raised by geologists against the tendency to treat rocks fom the microscopist’s alleged narrow standpoint, one of the more philosophical discus- sions had an acknowledged effect making it worthy of notice; namely, that by Karl A. Lossen, himself a petrographer of dis- SSTEMATIC PETROGRAPHY 407 tinction, yet in first degree a geologist, prominent upon the Prussian geological survey. The views held by Lossen were repeatedly expressed, and were summed up ina discussion of principles entitled Uber die Anforderungen der Geologie an die petrographische Systematik. The “demands” here forcibly expressed are based upon the idea that, because the rock 1s a geological body, the geological relations of rocks must be recognized as petrographical relations. Of all the geologi- cal relations of rocks Lossen selected that which seemed to him the most important, and claimed that that principle should be used as the primary factor in petrographic classification. The relation of rock masses to the earth sphere appealed to Lossen as all important, and on that criterion all rocks were considered as stratified or massive. Stratified rocks were defined as those accumulated upon the earth’s surface under the controlling influ- ence of gravity, causing them to assume in some degree the form of concentric strata normal to the radius of the earth. The material of massive or eruptive rocks, on the other hand, was viewed as having been forced from the depths directly against the influence of gravity, consolidating like a casting, under the control of surrounding conditions. Surface lavas, spreading out in sheets, while controlled largely by gravity in their formal relations, were referred by Lossen to massive rocks, because possessing the resemblance to a casting from one pour- ing, and not as built up by successive additions, layer upon layer. It will be seen that the molten condition of magmas was actually a leading factor in Lossen’s idea, although the avowed intention in using eruptive as an alternative for massive was to express the force opposed to gravity, and not the molten state which rendered them susceptible to that force. Lavas are not the only rock masses difficult of consistent treatment under Lossen'’s principle. Pyroclastic tuffs were con- sidered as illustrating the fact that ‘‘das Ineinandergehen zum Wesen der Gesteinsnatur gehért.” Lossen confessed, further, that rocks of the first crust of the earth, according to the nebu- 1 Jahrbuch der k. pr. geol. Landesanstalt, 1883, p. 486. 468 WHITMAN CROSS lar hypothesis, would necessarily be separated from his eruptive class, but he considered this point immaterial because he doubted whether any such rocks were known. Metamorphic rocks are of such diverse origin and present such difficulties to the system- atist that Lossen considered it inadvisable to treat them as a distinct class. In this discussion by Lossen, as in the majority of those ema- nating from geologists, no appropriate distinction is made between the rock mass as a formal unit and the material within it, the rock proper. The primary division of Lossen is one of rock masses, not of rocks. The consideration of the form and position of these masses with regard to the controlling influence of gravity or the opposing eruptive force, leads to only one of many ways in which the geologist must classify rock bodies. Other elemental subdivisions of the same bodies are necessary. The geologist is, indeed, obliged to make and discuss all such fundamental distinctions. The petrographer, on the other hand, should not only be at liberty to select, but, in order to secure logical excellence for his system, mst choose, as his primary principle, that one most closely connected with the factors which he has adopted for use in the further construction of the system- atic arrangement of rocks. It is clear that all igneous rocks, those produced by the consolidation of molten magmas, possess, from this origin, material properties most useful in their detailed classification. If arrangement by a certain characteristic due to this origin is desired, it matters not where the rocks occur in the earth. They may belong to the primeval crust, or form injected masses of whatever size, shape, or attitude, or appear on the sur- face in lava streams. If it was mode of origin, not formal rela- tions to the earth, which gave igneous rocks the common characters used in their systematic arrangement, then mode of origin is logically the principle to be used by the petrographer to bring them into one grand division. H. Rosenbusch, 1887.—As has been mentioned, the force of Lossen’s claim, as made in earlier publications, was admitted by H. Rosenbusch, in the first edition of his Mzkroskopische Physio- SYSTEMATIC PETROGRAPHY 409 graphie der massigen Gesteine, ‘‘massig”’ being used in the sense explained by Lossen, and not in that of textural condition. In the second edition of this widely-used handbook, which appeared in 1887, Rosenbusch repeated his approval of Lossen’s proposi- tion, and in the revision of his petrographic system further emphasized geological occurrence as a factor of prime classifi- catory value for eruptive rocks. The great changes in system found in this volume make it practically a new work, but a detailed statement of its scheme seems unnecessary since all petrographers may be assumed to be familiar with it. In the decade since the appearance of the first edition, Rosen- busch effected a complete change of systematic base in some important respects, the reasons for which are given in the preface. He now considers rocks as the documents in which the history of the earth is written, and petrography, as the science which teaches us how to decipher those documents, becomes to him @ historical and not a descriptive science. Yo quote his declaration: The recognition of these relations made the new edition of this book practically a new work. Its end will have been achieved if I have succeeded in procuring for this fundamental conception a general acceptance, and have demonstrated that rock structure affords the safest and most productive means for the construction of a natural system of rocks.’ A natural system of rocks must therefore be historical, z. ¢., genetic. Plainly the logical analysis of the broad science of rocks presented by Naumann was either forgotten or ignored by Rosenbusch. With this statement of controlling principles in mind, one involuntarily recalls that in the first edition of the Mkroskop- wsche Physiographie the rocks to be discussed were designated massive in preference to eruptive because the former term was considered free from expression of any genetic idea. In this second edition, while advocating the genetic basis of classifica- “Die Erkenntniss dieses Verhaltnisses machte die neue Auflage dieses Buches zu einer Neubearbeitung. Der Zweck derselben wird erreicht sein, wenn es mir gelungen ist, dieser Grundanschauung eine allgemeinere Anerkennung zu verschaffen und darzuthun, dass die Gesteinsstructur das sicherste und ausgiebigste Mittel zum Aufbau eines natiirlichen Systems der Gesteine an die Hand giebt.” 470 WHITMAN CROSS tion as all important, Rosenbusch retains the group term massive, yet in both works it is clearly the igneous origin which is first in mind and which is recognized as of prime importance in pro- ducing rock structure, chosen as the leading factor in construct- ing the new system. After having stated his belief that rock structure is the best basis of classification of ‘‘massive rocks’’ Rosenbusch proposed to divide them into three groups: (1) Deep-seated rocks (‘‘Tiefengesteine”’), (2) Dike rocks (‘‘Ganggesteine”), and (3) Effusive rocks (‘‘Ergussgesteine”’). The critic is obliged to point out that this proposition is inconsequent, for not only is structure not expressed in the terms chosen, but another distinct factor is expressed, namely, mode of occurrence. The further development of Rosenbusch’s scheme makes it clear that he did not intend to emphasize the actual facts of geological occurrence, plainly as he stated them, but rather to express in this way his conception of the genesis of structure. Recognizing that dif- ferent structures result from the consolidation of a given magma according to the attendant conditions, Rosenbusch selected the geological factor appearing to him of greatest influence among many conditions and made that the expressed basis of structural classification. Since simplicity and logical directness are surely of utmost importance in systematic constructions the unnecessary indirectness of this proposition may be designated a fatal weak- ness. Furthermore, the geologist is warranted in objecting to it because the expressed division of igneous rocks is one which he has used in the past and must use in the future, in its literal and appropriate sense, quite apart from the idea hidden in the terms of Rosenbusch’s system. To the above noted criticisms of Rosenbusch’s first applica- tion of structure in classification must be added another, based upon the fact that the division of Dike rocks was not in reality provided for rocks occurring in dikes, but for a group of rocks for which Rosenbusch assumed a certain genesis. An hypothesis of magmatic differentiation and assumptions of limited occur- rence and of characteristic structure are all involved in the dis- SYSTEMATIC PETROGRAPAY 471 crimination of the group named ‘Dike rocks.” In this light this group is certainly not co-ordinate with the other two of the same rank as defined. In the subdivision of the three classes of ‘ Massive rocks” Rosenbusch applied mineral composition as a factor, producing Families. The quantitative composition, either chemical or mineral, received no expression, so that, for example, anorthosite and the most highly pyroxenic gabbro or norite are found together in the gabbro family. Moreover in the porphyritic Dike rocks only the phenocrysts are considered in determining the systematic position of a givenrock. Thusa porphyry having the chemical composition of a granite is referred to syenite- porphyry in case its excess of silica chances to be confined to the groundmass, while had quartz phenocrysts been present it would have been called granite-porphyry. In the Effusive rocks, Rosenbusch hesitates to apply the same rule consistently. The families of these rocks are defined in very general terms as the ‘“‘equivalents”’ of certain granular rocks and described as con- taining certain phenocrysts in a groundmass of variable appear- ance. As in the earlier system, all feldspar-free rocks of the deep- seated class are united as Peridotites. The peculiar character of the Dike rocks as a division not co-ordinate or co-extensive in range with the Deep-seated or Effusive rocks appears in the fact that mineralogical groups corresponding to the granites, syenites, and diorites, only, are recognized. Geological age is acknowledged by Rosenbusch to have been assigned a higher value in classification than belongs to it, but it is retained, in the Effusive class, and the use of duplicate terms perpetuated. H. Rosenbusch, 1896.—The third edition of the “dkro- skopische Phystograplie der massigen Gesteine,” issued in 1896, contains no essentially new systematic features. The principles above set forth are reaffirmed, and, save for the elaborated dis- cussions of magmatic differentiation, which show more plainly than in the preceding edition the strong influence of hypo- 472 WHITMAN CROSS thetical considerations in giving form to this system, there is little of note to comment upon in this place. In discussing the essential characters of the three groups of Dike rocks, Rosen- busch brings out more forcibly than before the genetic idea really lying at the base of the distinction of the Dike rock class. In connection with the discussion of the Dike rocks it is sug- gested that a further class may be necessary to include the intrusive rocks of sheets and laccoliths which seem to him to possess distinctive structures. That the system of Rosenbusch does not result in a consistent and logical classification of igneous rocks is abundantly illus- trated by numerous instances, many of them freely acknowl- edged by the author. The family of the diabase rocks furnishes one of the most notable cases. In 1887 these rocks were classi- fied with the deep-seated rocks, although many of them were known to be effusive; in 1896 the same rocks are placed with the effusives, with the statement that many are intrusive. Placed in the effusive class, they are acknowledged to be partly of older and partly of younger age, but no age distinction is thought to be practicable. Justus Roth, 1883.—Shortly before Rosenbusch issued the second edition of his Phystographie, there appeared a complete systematic discussion of rocks by Justus Roth, in the second volume of his General and Chemical Geology.’ Petrography is defined by Roth as the science of the mode of origin, constitu- tion, and alteration of rocks; 7. ¢., the petrology of many English and American writers. In introducing the systematic descriptive part of the subject, Roth remarks: ‘“ The difficulty in constructing a system of rocks is completely expressed in the term aggregate, and thereby all recourse to genera and species is prohibited.” ? From the nature of rocks and the conditions of 1 Allgemeine und chemische Geologie; Zweiter Band, “ Petrographie” (Berlin, 1883-1885), pp. X + 695. 2“Die Schwierigkeit der Systematik der Gesteine ist durch die Bezeichnung Aggregat vollstandig ausgedriickt und damit alle Anlehnung an Gattungen und Species ausgeschlossen,” /oc. czt., p. 41. SYSTEMATIC PETROGRAPHY 473 their origin, he thinks that every system must so largely repre- sent individual opinion that probably no one system can ever receive universal recognition. The systematic arrangement of Roth is, in its general out- line, as follows: A. Rocks composed essentially of minerals. I. Plutonic (consolidation products of molten magmas). Free from fossils, composed of minerals or substance chemically like a mineral aggregate. 1, Eruptive. (Breaking through other rocks.) a. Pre-Tertiary. 6. Post-Cretaceous. Appendices to a and 4 contain rocks produced by weathering. Tuffs. 2. Crystalline schists. Appendix- Weathering products. II. Neptunic. 1. Partly fossiliferous ; composed of minerals and of the products of the decay, decomposition, and attrition of minerals. a, Precipitates from solution. 6. Deposits from suspension. 2. Clastic, composed of rock fragments. B. Rocks composed essentially of organic remains. ‘C, Products of contact metamorphism. It will be observed that the ancient crystalline schists are regarded as the primary crust of consolidation of the earth. The geological factors of origin, relations, or age, are variously applied in the construction of this scheme, and in constitution the distinction between mineral and rock particles is made. All Plutonic rocks are regarded as consisting essentially of silica or silicates, excepting that in the crystalline schists carbonates appear. The silica free minerals—apatite, magnetite, ilmenite, etc., are treated as accessory constituents. This exclusion of the latter group of minerals from a position of systematic importance is not discussed by Roth, but its evident result is that in certain rocks, ¢. g., those rich in magnetite, the components do not have their natural and logical weight in classification. 474 WHITMAN CROSS Of the pre-Tertiary eruptive rocks, Roth makes, for con- venience, three divisions: I. Orthoclase rocks. II. Plagioclase rocks. III. Peridotites. The first two of these groups should, logically, have been united systematically in the division of Feldspathic rocks, including all with appreciable content in feldspar, since the Peridotites are defined as free, or nearly free, from feldspar. The question of recognizing the quantitative relations of mineral constituents is not mentioned by Roth. The silicate minerals are applied by Roth for the subdivision of the three main groups in the usual way, and by means of structure the granular, porphyritic, and glassy varieties are distinguished. In the detailed treatment of Eruptive rocks, as in the arrange- ment of Crystalline schists, the Neptunic rocks and the Classes B and C, mentioned above, Roth’s order of presentation and discussion can hardly be said to be systematic. It is an arrange- ment for convenience of description, not based upon the logical application of principles; and it is, therefore, not desirable to devote more space to its analysis in this review. E.. Kalkowsky, 1856.— A condensed text-book on rocks was published by E. Kalkowsky, in 1886, with the title Alemente der Lithologie.* For the primary division of rocks the author formu- lates an original criterion, and proposes two great classes: I. ‘“Anogene’’—of which the material came to the place of rock forma- tion from below. II. ‘* Katogene’’— of which the material was derived from adove. These correspond closely to the eruptive and sedimentary divisions of other authors. For the classification of the ‘“Anogene” rocks Kalkowsky applies the following factors: (1) Chemical composition as represented in mineral composition; (2) the usual age distinc- tion; (3) structure. He rejects genetic distinctions as unsuit- * Heidelberg, 1886, pp. 316. SSL EMATTC PETROGRA PHY 475 able. In detail Kalkowsky’s scheme is similar in its results to that of Zirkel, but, as he does not define his smaller rock divi- sions, a further discussion of his arrangement seems unnecessary. The definitions are omitted, according to the author, because the student must learn to know the rocks by the study of named hand specimens and will, therefore, find out what they are with- out definitions. J.J. Harris Teall, 1886, r888.—The most extensive treatise on rocks thus far published in England is the descriptive work British Petrography, by J. J. Harris Teall, issued almost simul- taneously with the second edition otf Rosenbusch’s Massige Gesteine. This work lays no claim to being a systematic petrog- raphy, and describes almost exclusively the igneous class; but from its scope a discussion of principles of rock classification was necessary, as explanatory of the arrangement actually used. Teall considers rocks so complex and indefinite in character that in the existing state of knowledge no true systematic arrangement is possible. His order of presentation is, in fact, one of convenience, and does not express his own views of the most natural basis of classification. In discussion of principles, Teall points out that chemical composition, as the constant and primary character of igneous rocks, is the natural basis of classification and in accordance with the Bunsen law of two magmas. He, however, does not work out any new proposition to use chemical composition. The arrangement under which rocks are described is a mixture of the methods of Rosenbusch and Michel-Lévy. All igneous rocks are placed in seven groups, as follows: A. Rocks composed of the ferro-magnesian minerals: olivine, enstatite, augite, hornblende, and biotite. Feldspar absent; or, if present, occurring only as an accessory constituent. B. Rocks in which plagioclase is the dominating feldspathic constituent. Nepheline and leucite absent. Orthoclase is frequently present. C. Rocks in which orthoclase is abundant. Plagioclase usually present. Nepheline and leucite absent. D. Rocks containing nepheline or leucite; sometimes nepheline and leucite. | 476 WHITMAN CROSS £. Rocks not included in any of the preceding groups. F, Vitreous rocks. G. Fragmental volcanic rocks. It will be seen that this grouping is mainly mineralogical and does not express the quantitative element in any logical way. It practically recognizes the entrance of feldspar, in any amount above that of the undefined ‘‘accessory” réle, as creating a large group of feldspathic rocks. The subdivision of these groups is first on some further mineral distinction and after that occur- rence and texture enter combined into the system by distin- guishing rocks of granitic from those of trachytic texture, using these terms in the sense of Fouqué and Michel-Lévy, and con- ceiving that the result is practically to separate plutonic or deep- seated from volcanic or effusive rocks. Age is not introduced as a factor. Within the last twenty years several attempts have been made to apply, zz extenso, the chemical composition of rocks for their classification. These attempts have been prompted by various motives. Some appear to have no really practical object, viewed from the petrographer’s standpoint; others are connected with hypotheses of magmatic differentiation; and still others have been inspired by a realization of the complexity of the problem of a rational arrangement of rocks on the basis of their numerous and highly variable mineral constituents. It appears to the writer, however, that it may be fairly said of all these attempts that they are either not classifications cf rocks, or that they are not actually chemzcad classifications. Franz Schrockenstein, 1856, 1597.— Two peculiar attempts by Franz Schrockenstein, an Austrian writer, to discuss the chemi- cal composition of silicate rocks, irrespective of their origin, and upon that basis to classify them, are mentioned here only for the sake of completeness, as these attempts have no direct bear- ing upon a logical system of rocks. The writer has seen only the more recent of the essays in question,* depending for the tr Silicat-Gesteine und Meteorite,” Petrographisch-chemtsche Studie auf Grund- lage des neuesten Standes der Wissenschaft bearbettet. Prag, 1897. SS LAVATT EC PET ROGRAPT Y 477 earlier one* upon the summary given by F. Loewinson-Lessing.’ Schréckenstein’s view of igneous rocks will, on account of its fantastic imaginings, impress many a reader as belonging rather to the eighteenth, or a still earlier, century, than to the close of the nineteenth ; and, although his propositions are of no consequence to petrography, the fact that they have been put forth at all, in the very last decade of the period in review, has a certain melancholy interest. Schréckenstein considers the original crust of the earth to have been a szlicate of alumina, probably with excess of silica. This simple primary magma is conceived to have been first ren- dered impure by meteoric showers, introducing lime, magnesia, and iron. Ata later period the alkalies and water were precipi- tated from the atmosphere. The alkalies are considered as of very subordinate (‘‘ nebensachlich’’) importance and the chemical problem of rocks, as the author views it, is to compare the relative amounts of the original alumina silicate and the meteoric impurities. That is to say, te author proposes classes according to the degree of adulteration of the original magma and orders according to the character of the adulterant. The method followed by Schréckenstein in comparing analyses of silicate rocks appears to be somewhat as follows: First, magnetite is calculated out, as an extraneous substance, whenever the analysis is sufficiently modern, through determi- nations of both ferricand ferrous oxides, to give a basis for such calculation. When the analysis is inadequate and the iron is lumped under one or the other oxide, the result is accepted by the author and Fe,QO, is supposed to replace alumina or FeO is added to MgO and CaO. Not until magnetite is deducted does Schréckenstein consider that the real rock is under discussion. Inasmuch as he states that after deducting magnetite there is either no iron left or but one oxide appears, it is evident that the * Ausfltige auf das Feld der Geologie,” Geologisch-chemische Studie der Silicat- gesteine, II Auflage, Wien, 1886. 2“ Studien ueber die Eruptivgesteine,” Compte-Rendu, VII Cong. Géol. Internat, 1899, p. 196. 478 WHITMAN CROSS maximum possible amount of magnetite is -deducted. The remainder is then calculated to 100. The analyses are not given in their original form. The systematic plan of Schréckenstein consists, in his later publication, in establishing five classes of silicate rocks, according to the relations of Al,O, to RO (=CaO + MgO + FeO) as shown by the percentages of the calculated remainder after deducting magnetite. ROW sa RO ROM 3 TSO gee mo: ra TAO! 4 ee RO Li RO I ue Al, O, oe - Al, On i Two orders appear under each class according as lime or magnesia dominates. Although Schréckenstein professes to use the latest infor- mation, as stated in the title of his recent publication, his results are based upon the discussion of 340 analyses, many of them old, while on the other hand no single one of the hundreds of analyses made in the laboratory of the United States Geological Survey, within the past twenty years, is utilized. Hundreds of European analyses of recent date are also ignored. It seems unnecessary to give any further details concerning Schréckenstein’s propositions. He is not actually treating rocks and his superficial considerations of chemical composition can have no bearing upon true petrographic system. fl. O. Lang, 189z.— An attempted arrangement of igneous rocks on a chemical basis by H. O. Lang,’ in 1891, is founded on the idea that since the feldspars are the most important con- stituents of eruptive rocks, an appropriate and practical chemical basis of classification may be found in the relations of the bases potash, soda, and lime, the distinctive elements of the various species of feldspar. In one case Lang used the percentage *“ Versuch einer Ordnung der Eruptivgesteine nach ihrem chemischen Bestande,”’ Tscher. Min. Pet. Mitth., X11, 1891, p. 199. “Das Mengenverhaltniss von Calcium, Natrium, und Kalium als Vergleichungs- punkt und Ordnungsmittel der Eruptivgesteine,” Bull. Soc. Belge de Géol., 1891, V, p. 123. SYSTEMATIC PETROGRAPHY A79 amounts of the oxides found by analysis, and in the other the amounts of the elements potassium, sodium, and calcium. Here again is the situation that only a part of some rocks is actually under discussion, and the result can be of no real value to petrography. fF. Loewtnson-Lessing, 1890, 1897. In 1890 an attempt at a chemical classification of igneous rocks was made by F. Loew- inson-Lessing,* based upon the quantitative relations of silica to the various oxides of the bases, grouped under R,O, RO, and Rae Oi; empyrical formule the author thought to finda way of expressing as shown in percentages by bulk analysis. By means of regular relationships supposed to exist between the silica con- tents and the various oxide groups. Rocks exhibiting the following simple relationships were designated z¢ypfes, I to V being the principal ones, and VI to IX intermediate : I. SiO, = 2(R,0 + RO)+R,0,4+0. Acid | Rocks | ae Si0,=2(R.0 MRO ROO II. SiO, = 2(R,O + RO) +R,0, (11 - ES) Neutral Rocks VII. si0,= (R01 RO) RO... i ay, ( III. Si0,=R,0 + RO +R,0, (10 = i) Basic 2 Rocks Te lV | Will) SiO; —= ROl-E RO -E : R.O, (vit =e > Olen [Wess @O>— or, on ; Basic LX SiO:—— RO. Rocks 2 VS Ol -— Or Since percentages instead of molecular ratios were used, the simple relations here adopted have no real significance as expressing a regular connection between chemical and mineral composition. This fault was perceived by the author and cor- ™Ftude sur la composition chimique des roches éruptives,” Bzd/. Soc. Belge de Géol., 1890, IV, Mem., p. 221. 480 WHITMAN CROSS rected in the publication to be discussed below. These so-called types were assumed by Loewinson-Lessing to correspond more or less closely to certain commonly known rock groups. The more elaborate discussion of the chemical relationships of igneous rocks by Loewinson-Lessing, presented to the Inter- national Geological Congress at St. Petersburg, in 1897, and published two years later in the Compte-Rendu, deserves some- what fuller consideration.‘ A brief statement of the author’s point of view is desirable before explaining the system proposed. In reviewing the applicability of various factors in producing a rational system, Loewinson-Lessing asserts that the mineral composition of a rock is a function of its chemical composition. The exceptions to this rule admitted by him are of little impor- tance. Then follows the further statement that the principle or characteristic of mineral composition as a basis of classification is faulty and unsatisfactory because it does not show the relative abundance of the minerals in the various rocks. That is, how- ever, as it appears to the writer, not the fault of the principle, but of the manner in which it has been applied in existing sys- tems. If mineral composition is a function of the chemical composition, it is just as capable of expressing the constitutional relations of rocks as the latter, if properly used. The real objection to its application in the quantitative way, necessary to this expression, is simply one of practicability. The problem is too complex. As for his own system, Loewinson-Lessing starts from the idea that eruptive rocks may be considered as selicate rocks and classified as such. Whatever the facts as to predominance of silicates in these rocks may be, it seems to the writer that this conception is not complete as to its basis of fact, and is thus inadequate to serve as a means of classification. Further funda- mental propositions enunciated by the author are that: (1) sili- cate rocks should be classified by the same artificial means as the silicates themselves; (2) while rocks are not stoichiometric *F. LOEWINSON-LESSING, “Studien iiber die Eruptivgesteine,” Compte-Rendu de la VII session du Congrés Géologigue International, Russie, 1897, pp. 193-467. SYSTEMATIC PETROGRAPHY 481 compounds, they are not accidental mixtures ; (3) one must consider the relative amounts of a@// oxides of bases to each other and to silica; (4) as silica is the dominant constituent it is proper to take it as the basis for the primary classification ; (5) the next factor to be applied must be the contents in the three oxide groups, alkalies, alkaline earths, and the sesquioxides ; (6) various single oxides may be used for further subdivisions. From this statement it might be supposed that a classification created by the successive use of the chemical factors named was to be set up by Loewinson-Lessing, and such an arrangement of magmas would have claim to being a chemical classification. But the author does not do that, as we shall see. The actual system proposed by Loewinson-Lessing is to use the silica contents for the formation of four general groups: (1) Acid rocks; (2) Neutral rocks; (3) Basic rocks; (4) Ultra- basic rocks. The second division is obtained by taking a certain number of analyses representing known rock families (established on the unsatisfactory basis of mineral composition) and determin- ing the mean of these analyses, which is then set up as the com- position of a rock ¢yfe, and its formula and coefficient of acidity are ascertained. It is clear that the grist of this mill depends entirely upon what is put into the hopper. It is not a chemical classification but a chemical characterization of mineralogical rock groups arbitrarily selected by theauthor. It will, of course, be possible to secure means corresponding to any formula desired as a type, and the rocks thus having typical position could be adopted as centerpoints of groups or families. For the ordinary range of rocks these types would often coincide with recognized rocks, assigned certain names in existing systems, and these names might then be given by redefinition to the families thus indi- cated. But what would be the purpose of such ascheme? It could not express the existing relations between the mineral composition of the rock and the chemical constitution of the magma. 482 WHITMAN CROSS A. Osann, 1900, rg0r.—A further attempt to utilize chemical composition as a factor in the classification of igneous rocks was made by A. Osann in the closing year of the century. Under the title ‘“Versuch einer chemischen classification der Eruptiv- gesteine ”’* Osann essays to use chemical composition as a supple- ment to mineral and textural characters, by establishing various chemical types within rock families formed upon the Rosen- busch system. The author accepts the classes of deep-seated, dike and effusive rocks, in the Rosenbusch sense, and the vaguely defined families established upon mineral composition. Realizing that by this latter factor, as currently applied, the relative abundance of the minerals is not sufficiently taken into account, Osann attempts to bring out quantitative relations, within the families, by establishing certain types upon the basis of chemical composition.’ It is clear that if the quantitative element was not sufficiently expressed in forming the families discussed by Osann, he fails to remedy the defect. A logical subdivision of the families on a chemical basis would principally serve to point out the defects in this respect, and would really weaken rather than strengthen the system as a whole. set up by Osann are in no sense systematic ” But the ‘‘types divisions of the families. The “type” of this author is simply a chosen well-analyzed rock, differing in chemical composition from other rocks within its family, according to the adopted method of comparison. To a type thus established are referred other rocks of nearly identical chemical characters. But the types bear no definite relation to each other or to the family. t Tschermak’s Min. und petr. Mittheilungen, Bd. XIX, 1900, pp. 351-469, and Bd. XX, I9OI, pp. 399-558. 2 The author’s standpoint may be sufficiently understood from the following scate- ment: “Der Hauptmissstand der mineralogisch-structurellen Classification liegt darin, dass dem relativen Mengenverhaltniss der wesentlichen Gemengtheile zu wenig Bedeutung zuerkannt wird, und es wird gerade die Hauptaufgabe der chemischen sein, in dieser Richtung erganzend und vertiefend zu wirken.” ‘‘So kann es sich bei dem hier unternommenen Versuch ebenfalls nur um ein kiinstliches System han- deln, welches in erster Linie dazu bestimmt ist, das mineralogisch-structurelle zu erganzen.” Jbzd, Bd. XIX, pp. 351-352. SYSTEMATIC PETROGRAPHY 483 They merely serve to show the chemical range found within the families so far as Osann’s examination extends. From the above statement it would appear that Osann has not, in reality, proposed a chemical classification in the sys- tematic sense, and hence it is not desirable to enter further into the analysis of this elaborate discussion of the chemical varieties represented within the families of the Rosenbusch system. This discussion of petrographic systems proposed during the nineteenth century will close with a review of three attempts to bring all known rocks into orderly arrangement. Not that the authors think to have formulated natural or logical systems, for that is expressly disclaimed by them. Yet in presenting these comprehensive arrangements of rocks, according to the light of the last decade of the century, these authors define and illus- trate in a most effective way the present condition of systematic petrography. Ferdinand Zivkel, 1593, 1894.— The second edition of Zirkel’s Lehrbuch der Petrograplie is the most comprehensive and com- plete description of all known rocks ever published, and it there- fore represents the present status of the systematic science as a whole, better than any other work, and hence deserves careful consideration. But the fact staring the student in the face is that systematic petrography is still very largely an arrangement for convenience of description, and is not, in its entirety,a logical expression of relationships. Within the division of igneous rocks there is at least some attempt at system, but the other rocks confessedly defy logical treatment by any method as yet proposed. The primary division of all rocks is on general geological grounds into four groups: I, Igneous rocks —‘‘Massige, eruptive Erstarrungsgesteine.”’ II. Crystalline schists. III. Sedimentary crystalline rocks (not clastic.) IV. Clastic rocks. This division is clearly based on geological considerations, 484 WHITMAN CROSS and is chosen in place of the primary arrangement of the first edition because, as Zirkel points out, of inconsistencies and unnat- ural associations which resulted, some of which have been men- tioned in this review. Contact metamorphic rocks are treated in connection with the igneous rocks which produced them. Fragmental igneous rocks are placed with the clastics. In the systematic classification of igneous rocks Zirkel uses the bases of arrangement in the following order: (1) mineral com- position; (2) structure; (3) age. The availability of chemical composition, alone, or in expressed combination with mineral constitution, is nct discussed. The method of applying mineral composition for the classification of igneous rocks is that com- monly used. Concerning this Zirkel remarks: In a mineralogical arrangement of massive rocks the following considera- tions are at present determinative: In the great majority of these rocks feldspars and other silicates resembling feldspars (such as nephelite, leucite, melilite) play the chief réle, and therefore it is most natural to base the clas- sification of such rocks upon the nature of these minerals, in accordance with existing nomenclature. * This procedure results in placing feldspar- or feldspathord- bearing rocks in one large group opposed to feldspar-free rocks. Whatever the facts may be as to the relative quantitative impor- tance of different minerals in igneous rocks, it is clearly arbitrary to concede to any mineral the “principal réle” where it is far subordinate to others. The result is a qualitative expression of mineral composition, bringing chemically unlike rocks together in many divisions. In the descriptive portion of the Lehrbuch, igneous rocks are grouped under seven heads : I. Rocks with alkali feldspar and quartz or excess of silica. II. Rocks with alkali feldspar, without quartz or excess of silica, without. nephelite or leucite. t¥Fiir die mineralogische Gruppirung der Massengesteine sind zur Zeit folgende- Erwagungen maassgebend: In der weitaus allergrossten Mehrzahl derselben spielen Feldspathe und andere feldspathahnliche Silicate (wie Nephelin, Leucit, Melilith): eine Hauptrolle und so scheint es am natiirlichsten, die Classification der hierher gehdrigen Gesteine auf die Natur dieser Mineralien zu begriinden, was zugleich der bestehenden Nomenclatur entspricht. — 7etrographie, Band I, p. 832. SYSTEMATIC PETROGRAPHY 485 III. Rocks with alkali feldspar, without quartz or excess of silica, with nephelite (haiiynite) or leucite. IV. Rocks with lime-soda feldspar, without nephelite or leucite. V. Rocks with lime-soda feldspar and nephelite or leucite. VI. Rocks without true feldspars, but with nephelite, leucite, or melilite. VII. Rocks without either feldspars or feldspathoid. Structure and geological age are applied by Zirkel under each of the mineralogical groups, as follows : Granular rocks. (No distinctions by age.) Porphyritic and glassy rocks. Pre-Tertiary, Tertiary and recent. The structural distinction is clearly in fact between (1) granular and (2) non-granular, the range in structure within the second division being by no means covered by the two terms porphyritic and glassy. The use of age as a factor in classification of ‘ porphyritic and glassy rocks”’ while it is not applied to the granular rocks is apparently more a recognition of the usage of the time, by which a duplicate set of terms has been provided for effusive rocks, than of any definite principle. The task of reconstructing the nomenclature of the science is still one from which the systematic petrographer shrinks. The group of the crystalline schists established by Zirkel is not founded upon definitely stated principles, and is therefore not a systematic group. It is defined by enumeration of things belonging in it or excluded from it, and must be treated as a convenient expedient for purposes of rock description. But although this is true the crystalline schist group of Zirkel is no more unsystematic than the assemblages of other petrographers given the same name. It is then germane to the present discus- sion to state the actual course adopted in the Lehrbuch. Zirkel includes in his group of the crystalline schists, and as its most important element, the pre-sedimentary gneisses, schists, etc., which cannot be inferred from their attitude to other rocks to be of igneous origin. Included with these are all rocks of the 486 WHITMAN CROSS same texture and composition demonstrably derived from sedi- ments or occurring intercalated in the sedimentary series but not clearly of igneous origin. Excluded from the group under dis- cussion are the primarily banded igneous rocks and the metamor- phic derivatives of igneous rocks whenever that origin can be established, and whatever the process of change may have been. In other words the group includes the rocks below the oldest known sediments so far as they are not visibly eruptive or igneous and all later rocks of the same characters derived from sediments or of unknown origin. This group then has nothing in texture or composition to distin- guish it. Neither of the elements of the name has any restrictive significance. The group is geologically homogeneous only in case the schists of unknown origin are actually derived from sediments. If, as many suppose, a large proportion of the Archean gneisses, etc., represent igneous masses, metamor- phosed or not, the group is not only heterogeneous from the genetic standpoint but causes the separation of identical things. In the subdivision of the crystalline schists mineral composi- tion is applied, the predominant constituent causing the reference of a rock to a certain group. The terms gneiss and schist are not defined. The group of crystalline, or non-clastic sedimentary rocks, is heterogeneous in constitution as is apparent from a partial list of the rocks referred to it: ice, cryolite, limestone, opal, quartzite, porphyroid, iron ores, coals, diatomaceous earth. That such a group lacks the unity required in a systematic division, and that its descriptive name by no means covers the case, is apparent at once. It is confessedly a grouping for convenience only, and embraces, in fact, the remaining rocks after the other three have been established. H. Rosenbusch, 1898.— A comprehensive discussion of rocks was issued in 1898, by H. Rosenbusch, entitled, Dee Elemente der Gesteinslehre Although much less detailed than the Lehrbuch of Zirkel, this work is of much interest as expressing the views of t Stuttgart, 1898, pp. 546 -+ 4. SSAA TIC PETROGRA PHY, 487 one of the great German masters, almost at the close of the century. Rosenbusch’s primary division of rocks is into four great classes : I. Eruptive rocks (‘‘ Eruptivgesteine”’). II. Stratified rocks (‘ Die schichtigen Gesteine ’’). III. Crystalline schists. III. Primary crust of the earth (‘‘ Erste Erstarrungskruste’’). Concerning the first class, it is to be noted that Rosenbusch drops the term ‘‘massig,” used for twenty-five years, as less appropriate—‘‘ weniger passend villeicht’’—than Eruptiive. In the further treatment of eruptive rocks Rosenbusch does not depart from the principles and methods of the last edition of the “ Physiographie der massigen Gesteine,’ and there is, therefore, no occasion to repeat the analysis of that work already given. The stratified rocks of Rosenbusch form a class under the general idea expressed by Lossen. It is pointed out by Rosenbusch that the character of the materials of stratified rocks is not so intimately related to the essence (‘‘ Wesen”’) of the mass as with eruptive rocks, and hence there is no corresponding firm basis for their classification. Stratified rocks are divided into seven families, as follows: 1. Precipitates — including rock salt, gypsum, anhydrite, barite, etc. 2, Psephites and Psammites or clastic rocks. 3. Szliceous rocks—not clastic, partly chemical deposits, partly organic, partly of undetermined origin, e. g., lydite, diatomaceous earth, sinter, etc. 4. Carbonate rocks —including limestone, dolomite, and impure calcare- ous rocks, loess, etc. 5. [ron rocks —including spathic iron, spherosiderite, brown hematite, bog ore, etc. 6. Clay rocks — including clay, clay-slate, phyllite, etc. 7. Porphyroid. Appendix. Coals, etc. In this arrangement Rosenbusch attempts no logical con- struction of anything which can be called a system. As he frankly admits, the porphyroids are metamorphic rocks, often associated with the crystalline schists, and as they were not 488 WHITMAN CROSS derived from sediments it is incorrect to place them in the strati- fied class. In the necessity for placing coals and other carbon- aceous rocks in an appendix is further evidence that the arrange- ment under discussion is inadequate. The Crystalline Schists are defined by Rosenbusch as alteration products of eruptive or sedimentary rocks. Both dynamic and contact metamorphism are recognized as effective in producing them. Rosenbusch further asserts that the changes have been entirely structural and molecular, and not chemical, hence by quantitative analysis of a metamorphic or crystalline schist one may arrive at a knowledge of the composition of the original rock, eruptive or sedimentary, from which that schist was derived. The designation metamorphic rocks is acknowledged to be appro- priate. The Crystalline Schists are treated under the following heads : (r\)-Gneiss,.(2)\\- Mica schist, (3) alc schist, 3(4) 7Chlonite schist, (5) Amphibole and pyroxene rocks, (6) Serpentine, (7) Lime series, (8) Magnesian series,,(9) Iron series, (10) Emery. Concerning these groups Rosenbusch remarks : In most of these large groups of the Crystalline Schists, which are held together mainly through mineral composition, there are united rocksof funda- mentally different genesis. Therefore they are not natural but rather artifi- cial series. For the replacement of these artificial groups by natural ones there is lacking, at the present time, both necessary breadth of experience and maturity of judgment, from which the need for reform in various direc- tions is evident.’ Believing that the natural classification of metamorphic rocks must develop by the historical method, with the increase of knowledge, Rosenbusch proposes, as a step in the desired direc- tion, to apply the prefix ortho to the names of gneisses derived ™In den meisten dieser grossen Gruppen von Krystallinischen Schiefern, welche lediglich durch gleichen oder ahnlichen Mineralbestand zusammengehalten werden, sind genetisch grundverschiedene Gesteine zusammengefasst. Daher sind sie nicht natiirliche sondern kiinstliche Reihen. Zur Umgestaltung dieser kiinstlichen Gruppen in natiirliche fehlt zur Zeit noch einerseits die erforderliche Breite der Erfahrung, andererseits die Reife des Urtheils und damit das Bediirfniss nach Reform in weiteren Kreisen. — Elemente, p. 461. SYSTEMATIC PETROGRAPHY 489 from eruptive rocks, and para to those derived from sediments. The enumerated divisions of Crystalline Schists are not defined in a systematic manner, and even the terms gwezss and schist are given no definite meaning. The fourth class of rocks advocated by Rosenbusch, on genetic grounds, ¢he original crustal rocks, is considered by him as not certainly represented by any known rocks. But it appears to him probable that they possess the habit of the crystalline schists. Johannes Walther, 1897. — An outline of a general classifica- tion of rocks upon a logical and consequent basis was presented to the Seventh International Congress of Geologists in St. Peters- burg, in 1897, by Johannes Walther.* Although but an outline of a system this proposition deserves attention as the most con- sistent effort yet made to formulate a system of petrography co-ordinate in method for different classes of rocks. Walther starts from the consideration that the growth of petrographic system in recent years has been very one-sided, a fact recognized by all. He believes that a natural arrangement of igneous rocks has been provided by petrographers of the modern school, while sedimentary and metamorphic rocks are still arranged upon old and partly incorrect bases. Aiming to secure a logical system, Walther formulates the following prin- ciples which he thinks should be observed in the classification of rocks: I. The petrogenesis of recent deposits and the direct observation of actual processes are the fundamental principles of classification. II. Every older rock has primary characters given It at its formation, and secondary ones derived by diagenesis or metamorphosis. III. The derived characters may so change the type of the rock as to become “essential,” while the primary characters become ‘‘ accessory.” IV. In spite of this last condition only the primary characters should determine the principal groups of petrographic system. V. Next to the primary lithologic characters the primary form of occur- rence has a classificatory value. There must be distinguished, therefore, Unstratified, Stratified, and Dike rocks. t“ Congrés géologique international,’ Compte-Rendu de la VII session, St. Péters- bourg, 1897, p- 9 (issued in 1899). 490 WAITMAN CROSS VI. The characters derived by chemical diagenesis, or by contact and pressure metamorphism, serve for distinction of lesser groups. VII. The altered rocks are to be placed with their original types. The system proposed by Walther, in accordance with the stated rules, is in outline the following: I. Mechanical Rocks. Composed of older rock fragments; divided by N oe Ge form and size of the fragments into 5 subgroups: . Breccias: (a@) Unstratified; (4) Stratified ; (¢) Dike form. . Conglomerates: (a) Stream deposits; (4) Delta deposits; (¢) Strand deposits. . Moraines. . Psammites—sands, more or less sorted: (a) Quartzose sandstone ; (4) Arkose ; (c) Olivine sands; (@) Iron ore sands, etc. Pelites— of minute particles: (a) Unstratified ; (6) Stratified —fresh- water; (c) Stratified — marine. II. Chemical rocks. Precipitates or sublimates. I. 2, 3 Calcium carbonate. Calcium sulphate. Sodium chloride. Haloid Salts (‘‘Abraumsalze’’). Silica. Carbon. Ores. Further divisions are made by occurrence—as Stratified, Unstratified, or in Dikes. III. Organic rocks. Formed of the remains of animals or plants. I. 2. Limestone: (a) Unstratified—Reef limestone; (6) Stratified — derived from plants (alge); (¢) Stratified — derived from animals. Silica : (2) Diatomaceous earth and land plants; (6) Diatomaceous earth with marine fossils; (c) Radiolarian earth. IV. Volcanic rocks — Consolidated magmas. I. Lavas—Compact rocks: (a) Unstratified —deep-seated rocks; (4) Stratified — Effusive rocks ; (c) Dike rocks. . Tuffs — Magmas consolidated in small fragments: (@) Unstratified, in streams, not sorted; (4) Unstratified, subaqueous accumulations near vent — water tuffs ; (c) Stratified, sorted according to specific gravity ; originally inclined; traversed by dikes —tuffs about a land volcano ; dry tuffs; (2) Stratified, alternating with marine deposits, without dikes; tuffs of sedimentation ; (e) tuff dikes or chimneys. In connection with these primary rocks the author mentions, SYSTEMATIC PETROGRAPHY 49! as examples, many of the forms derived from them by diagen- esis or metamorphosis, but does not outline the system for dis- criminating and naming these alteration products. Some of the metamorphic rocks, such as gneiss and mica schist, may be formed from several primary rocks. The proposition made by Walther is manifestly rather the work of ageologist than of a petrographer (as was pointed out by Brégger in discussion, when it was presented to the Congress). Like many discussions of principles concerned in the systematic problem, it is not sufficiently worked out to show a practical result, and does not fully test the adaptability of the chosen fac- tors for petrographic system. But it seems to the writer that in this renewing of effort to treat the non-igneous rocks in logical systematic manner lies ground for hope that something more than an arrangement for convenience may develop during the early years of the twentieth century. Returning to a consideration of the principles adopted by Walther, it may be remarked that the first one would be excellent if the processes of rock formation were all open to examination. Unfortunately, they are not so,in all cases. Many igneous rocks and nearly all of metamorphic origin have resulted from pro- cesses we cannot see in operation and can only imperfectly imitate in experiment. The fourth rule is not a necessary con- sequence of the facts stated under II and III. It is open to argument whether the processes which originally produced a rock are more deserving of recognition in petrographic system than the processes which have greatly or entirely changed the characters and perhaps even the composition of the original mass, making the rock now accessible to our studies. As to rule V it can hardly be said to warrant the application made of it, in establishing the three divisions of unstratified, stratified, and dike forms for all kinds of rocks. Where the relations expressed by these terms have some genetic connection with the properties of the rocks they may perhaps be adaptable to classificatory purposes, but there is no logical reason for applying this principle in unqualified form. 492 WHITMAN CROSS The system of Walther seems specially intended to express the changes rocks undergo rather than their characters as now seen, and it is not apparent that the’‘author had in mind the apt and logical analysis of the broad science of rocks which we owe to Naumann. That the general treatment proposed by Walther for igneous rocks, in naming them volcanic, and making the primary division into unstratified, stratified and dike rocks, has many objections will be sufficiently clear from the preceding discussions of this review. The same is true of the assumption that there exists a satisfactory system for the classification of igneous rocks. The definition of tuffs as composed of magma consolidated in small particles certainly applies to but a small part of the pyroclastic deposits. SUMMARY. The science of petrography, the systematic and descriptive science of rocks, was first fairly outlined by von Leonhard (1823) and Brongniart (1827) through the distinction between the rock and the geological terrane, and the setting up of logical classifi- cations for the former. Neither of these masters gave the science a name. The systems of von Leonhard and Brongniart necessarily used the condition of ignorance concerning the character of many rocks as a ground for classification. With the increase of knowledge of rocks there have been many attempts to apply new information to systematic purposes. Since both the geological relations and the properties of rocks are highly varied many unlike systems have been proposed during the century, expressing individual opinions as to the relative importance or adaptability of principles for the end in view. Up to the present time, however, no compre- hensive classification of rocks has been proposed which even pre- tends to be natural or logically consistent in all its parts. When we view past petrographic systems, to judge as to how far they possess natural or artificial features, it is first of all to be noted that the system of Cordier is practically the only one starting from the conception that rock species are natural SYSTEMATIC PETROGRAPHY 493 units and that classification consists in the grouping by more or less artificial means of these fundamental units. Others have sought to make the system of rocks in some degree natural by applying geological factors of occurrence, or genesis, as bases of classification. The view is apparently held by some that in time there will be a comprehensive system expressing all important relations of rocks and that until that result is achieved all arrangements must be regarded as unsatisfactory and temporary. It appears to the writer that those who hold this attractive and apparently philosophical view may not have in mind the distinction between the formal unit and the rock substance of that- unit,.or “that distinction :- between the various cross- classifications of petrology and the one system of petrography, with which the nomenclature is specially connected. The belief ‘ expressed by Lossen that ‘geological relations must be recog- and the assertion by Rosen- ”) nized as petrographical relations busch that ‘‘petrography is an historical science” illustrate this point. If the system of petrography is to be hierarchical, as the writer believes it should be, the natural element in system is to be provided for in the judicious selection of broad geological factors so related to important characters of rocks that the com- pleted system in the construction of which those characters have been used, will have a logical and appropriate co-ordination and sequence of parts. That this aim has not controlled in the past is evident from the following partial list of designations given to the rocks which are actually consolidation products of magmas: “Composite, crystalline-granular, and porphyritic”’ (Zirkel) ; “‘Non-clastic, composite, massive” (Zirkel) ; ‘‘Composite-simple”’ (von Lasaulx) ; Unstratified, Anogene, Massive, Plutonic, Vol- canic, Eruptive, Igneous. Here are expressed a number of nat- ural relations, to be recognized in the proper place, but only the last term refers directly to the relation most appropriate for petrographic system. It was not the fact that eruptive force was ™See “The geological versus the petrographical classification of rocks,” by WHITMAN Cross, Jour. GEOL., Vol. VI, p. 79, 1898. 494 WHITMAN CROSS exerted to bring molten magmas to the sites of the rocks we study, but the fact of the molten condition which gave its stamp of common characters to the products of consolidation. Arbitrary steps are necessary in the classification of such objects as rocks, exhibiting gradations in all directions. But that fact does not justify such artificial systems as many of those which have been reviewed. Among the most distinctly artificial systems are those of Cordier, Senft, and von Lasaulx; but scarcely less so, as regards igneous rocks, are those which, while using chemical or mineral composition as the basis of arrangement, use only a portion of the mass. For examples: some of the chemical classifications take only certain components into account; Fouqué and Michel-Lévy classify igneous rocks by the character of that variable portion of the magmas consolidat- ing during the second period; Rosenbusch uses the phenocrysts only, in certain parts of his system. The fundamental requirement that systems should be logical in construction, with consistent and consequent application of principles adopted, has been so commonly disregarded that a summary of instances in point seems unnecessary. Some of the most widely used systems of today are notably illogical as to criteria, as has been pointed out. One of the most serious defects of modern classifications of ‘igneous rocks is a matter of bad logic, and to this defect the writer wishes to allude once more. It is commonly admitted that the chemical composition of these rocks is their most funda- mental characteristic, and many authors would apparently be glad to apply this character in classification. It is generally stated, however, that the chemical is represented by the mineral composition, and as the minerals are so prominent it is con- venient to use them in system. But with no further discussion it has been the universal plan to use the minerals in so limited a qualitative way that they do not in fact express chemical com- position except in a most crude and inadequate manner. This procedure is purely and simply illogical, if the intention be to represent chemical composition by the minerals of the rock. SMS LEMATTE PETROGRAPHY 495 That some factors have been introduced into classification in a manner that is quite unscientific seems plain. The age dis- tinction is one of the factors thus abused. It has long been known that no general distinction separated pre-Tertiary and Tertiary igneous rocks. It may be that the average chemical composition of magmas erupted in successive ages has undergone some change; but neither the character of the change, nor, least of all, any special connection with the particular time limit in question, has been established. The assumption that igneous rock textures, such as the granular, porphyritic, or vitreous, are functions of geological form or place of occurrence, is known to be contrary to the facts displayed by the rocks. Both of these assumptions have been and are now used in rock classifications. Stability of system is certainly desirable, within the bounds of reason. But it is also self-evident that a system of artificial character, in which the subjective element is dominant, can be permanent only by universal consent of petrographers, and such consent is not to be expected. It is a matter of experience that genetic theories have made systems into which they have been introduced very unstable and impossible of general adoption. The danger of using hypotheses in classification has been well characterized by von Cotta, somewhat as follows: Geology is a particularly alluring field for premature attempts at the expla- nation of imperfectly understood facts ; indeed, such attempts are almost unavoidable in the study of this science. When one considers hypotheses simply as such, 7. é., as stimulants toward their possible demonstration, then they are not harmful; the danger lies therein that one may believe them already proven and» rest contented, * The danger pointed out by von Cotta has been illustrated in the classification of igneous rocks by such able men as von Richthofen, King, and Rosenbusch. As regards the interior of the earth, whence the molten magmas come, we cannot as yet be sure that what we regard as a law today may not be relegated to the status of a theory or even of an hypothesis tomorrow. ™B. VON Cotta, Gesteinslehre, 2a ed., 1862, p. vi. 496 WHITMAN CROSS The genetic theory has its proper field of great usefulness in the department of petrology dealing with petrogenesis. Ultimately we may hope and expect that genetic relations of igneous rocks may be available for a more natural classification than is now feasible. Any system of classification should be broad and thorough enough to include all the objects which it professes to deal with. But the authors of many systems outlined in this review have been obliged to resort to the expedient of appendices to bring in rocks not otherwise provided for. Such a necessity is, at once, evidence of the inadequacy of the criteria guiding the authors of such systems. Even in the class of igneous rocks, propositions for chemical and mineral classifications do not fully recognize the systematic importance of some of the relatively rare constituents. Chemical systems which consider all igneous rocks as mixtures of silicates, or reject magnetite as extraneous, are not comprehensive. Similarly, the schemes which do not provide for the due recogni- tion of titanium minerals, corundum, apatite, sulphides, etc., as important constituents in some cases, are inadequate, even for present uses, and certainly do not provide for future needs which can be clearly foreseen. In conclusion, the status of systematic petrography at the close of the nineteenth century may be summarized as follows: 1. There is as yet no comprehensive and properly systematic classification of all rocks. All so-called systems exhibit portions in which the rocks are treated in an unsystematic manner, for convenience of description.and discussion. The grand divisions are not treated by similarly logical and definite methods. 2. Rocks of igneous origin have been much more thoroughly investigated than others and they have received correspondingly more definite and systematic classification. The factors used in systematic construction pertain to genesis, age, and characters. a. The origin of the great range in chemical composition exhibited by igneous magmas, expressed in theories of magmatic differentiation, is an underlying factor of much importance in SVSTEMATIC PETROGRA PHY 497 the system of Rosenbusch, and is also seen in the desire to recognize consanguinity of the magmas of petrographic provinces, as partially worked out by Iddings and Brégger. The avail- ability of such factors in petrographic system is doubted by many authorities. 6. While the distinction of older and younger series of rocks through different sets of names is still found in the German and French systems there is practical unanimity of opinion that the real differences between the rocks are much less fundamental than was supposed. In America, Great Britain, and elsewhere, this distinction is held to be unwarranted. c. The chemical and mineral composition of igneous rocks and their textures are characters used as means of classification in present systems. Chemical composition fer se is used, but only by considering a portion of some rocks, and hence fails to provide an adequate system. The broad chemical divisions used by some authors are vague and overlapping. Mineral composition is commonly assumed to represent the fundamental chemical constitution and to be, therefore, a con- venient and practicable means of expressing the latter. In practice the qualitative method of applying mineral composition in existing systems destroys its effectiveness as expressing chemical composition. Structure is variously used in present systems. It is acknowl- edged to be the product of conditions, and not dependent in marked degree upon mineral development. When applied as a primary factor in classification (as by Rosenbusch) it separates things which are similar in more fundamental characters, and on this ground some authorities believe that structure should be applied in classification after the other characters named. 3. The rocks which have formed upon the surface of the earth by the destruction of older rocks may be viewed from so many standpoints, as regards the origin of materials, agencies of transportation, relations to the earth or to other rocks, charac- ters of materials, and processes of induration, that no consistent arrangement of these objects, deserving the name of a petro- 498 WHITMAN CROSS graphic system, has been proposed. In the existing arrange- ments the confusion of correlating various cross-classifications into one whole is quite evident. 4. Metamorphic rocks, including all such in which the derived characters are more prominent than the original ones, defy sys- tematic treatment at the present time. Since they have been formed from all kinds of original rocks, by many different pro- cesses, and at many sites in the earth’s mass, there are many standpoints from which they may be considered, and their classi- fication is a complex problem. Among the facts most difficult to recognize in system are the close resemblance or identity of metamorphic products from originally different rocks, and the similar correspondence between certain secondary and primary rocks. The proposition of Walther to classify all metamorphics with the masses from which they were derived is thus imprac- ticable at the present time, even if it be thought desirable. In relation to this class of rocks systematic petrography is in the condition that its arrangements are tentative, awaiting new knowledge concerning the genesis and essential characters of the objects. ) The review of the development of systematic petrography given in the preceding pages has been mainly a discussion of comparatively comprehensive arrangements or systems which have been proposed. It is, of course, true that these systems are but correlations of ideas from many sources, and a complete history of the subject would give to important discoveries of fact and to critical or creative suggestions their due weight in influencing the development of systems. But such influence is difficult to trace, and to have attempted such a history would have involved the expenditure of much more time than the writer could devote to the subject. For this reason a large number of important essays, bearing upon certain features of classification or devoted to discussion of principles, have been left unnoticed because they were not accompanied by general SYSTEMATIC PETROGRAPHY 499 systematic propositions. Among the essays thus disregarded are notable ones by Rosenbusch, Brégger, Becke, Michel-Lévy, Teall, Iddings, Spurr, Turner, and many others. The telling effect of searching investigations touching con- troverted points of fundamental significance and of the judicial remarks of those who have carried out such studies is often much greater than either author or reader is aware. In the course of time the influence exerted by a succession of investigations becomes evident in some proposition for the revision of classifi- cation. Petrography has thus come to its present condition by a steady natural evolution, and its future growth must undoubt- edly follow the same course. WHITMAN Cross. AN ANALCITE-BEARING CAMPTONITE FROM NEW MEXICO. DurinG the summer of 1899 the writer was a member of the field class of Professor R. D. Salisbury, of the University of Chi- cago. The party visited the Grand Canyon of the Colorado, stopping on the way at several localities of interest. The first halt was made at Las Vegas, New Mexico, where Miss Inez Rice, a member of the class, guided the party to the butte which forms the subject of this paper. I take pleasure in acknowledg- ing my indebtedness to Professor Salisbury for assistance in the field, and to Miss Rice for suggestions on the general geology of the region. The petrographic work was done in the laboratory of Columbia University, and thanks are due to Professor Kemp for much kindly advice and assistance. Special thanks are also due to Dr. F. Bascom and to Dr. H. S. Washington, for reading this paper and for suggestions concerning it. The analysis was very kindly contributed by Mr. George A. Goodell, of the College of Physcians and Surgeons; the photograph which forms the accompanying illustration (Fig. 1) was obtained through the courtesy of Mr. K. M. Chapman, of Las Vegas. Special thanks are due to both these gentlemen. The Las Vegas region exhibits the general geology and physiography typical of the eastern border of the Rocky Mount- ains. In it are represented the two great geographical provinces, the Great Plains and the Cordilleran region. These two geo- graphical districts are in close correspondence with the geo- logical structure. The Cordilleran section consists of a doubtfully Archean floor, upon the base-leveled surface of which Carboniferous lime- stones were deposited. This represents an overlap beyond the Cambrian which underlies the Carboniferous farther north. Unconformably above the Carboniferous, and situated along 500 AN ANALCITE-BEARING CAMPTONITE SOI the line bounding the two- geographic regions, are the Red Beds of Permo-Triassic age, with their associated gypsum deposits. The relation of physiographic form to geologic structure is most excellently exhibited. The hard granitic rocks stand out as rugged peaks, with occasional gentle slopes where the Carbonfferous limestones are left on their flanks. The Red Beds represent the softest rock of the region, and the position of this outcrop is marked by a valley. Fic. 1.—View of Camptonite butte, Las Vegas, New Mexico. The contrast between the Cordilleran region and the Great Plains is both structural and physiographic. The latter region is underlaid by the Dakota and Colorado formations, with occa- sional remnants of the Montana and Laramie. Except near the mountains, the Cretaceous formations are nearly horizontal, but there they are upturned. Throughout Colorado and northern New Mexico, the outcrop of the Dakota sandstone forms a series of ridges locally known as ‘“‘hog-backs.” Las Vegas is situated at the eastern base of one of them. About four miles slightly north of east of Las Vegas there is a little butte of igneous rock of exceptional interest. The struc- ture of the rock and its occurrence indicate that it was intruded into the Cretaceous beds at a considerable depth, though it now stands somewhat above its surroundings. 502 I. H. OGILVIE The rock is probably to be referred to the group described by Professor Pirsson™ as ‘the analcite group of igneous rocks,” and no similar rock has hitherto been described from this region. Similar masses are mentioned in the Elmoro folio, and termed ‘“Jamprophyres,” hence it is probable that future investigation will bring to light other related intrusions.. No elaeolite syenite nor other rock that could be related to these lamphrophyric intrusions has yet been found; hence the relationship of the rock and the magmatic history of the group to which it belongs, remain as problems to be studied in connection with the further investigation of the region. The rock is medium grained, of a general gray appearance, with large crystals of hornblende and augite which can readily be seen with the naked eye. In the predominating phase of the rock, these crystals are about .8™™ in length, but in occa- sional segregations they reach a length of as much as 1%. These ferro-magnesian minerals lie in a gray groundmass which on microscopical examination proves to be mostly plagio- clase. In thin section the rock is seen to be porphyritic, with phen- ocrysts of augite and of hornblende, occurring in equal amounts, and of rarer biotite. The groundmass consists of a network of plagioclase, with an isotropic substance which is probably analcite, filling the interstices between the plagioclase laths. Magnetite, ilmenite, and apatite are also present. The pyroxene is always idiomorphic, occurring in large phen- ocrysts and also to a small degree in the groundmass. It is a pale greenish-violet, normal augite, and is very faintly pleochroic. The cleavage is well defined. Some of the porphyritic crystals show a slight zonal structure. Twinning is very common and ; 6 cj I ies F usually the twinning plane is « P= (100). Certain complicated intergrowths also occur, which probably also represent twinning, the twinning planes being —Ps (Ton), and 75122) (igeg2)e ™L. V. Pirsson, Jour. GEOL., Vol. IV, 1896, pp. 679-690. AN ANALCITE-BEARING CAMPTONITE 503 Intergrowths of augite and hornblende are common, and so are occasional inclusions of augite in hornblende (Fig. 3). The amphibole is idiomorphic, occurring only as a pheno- cryst. It is of the basaltic hornblende type. The pleochroism is very strong, C and b = deep brown, A= pink. The terminal faces are usually lacking. These phen- ocrysts exhibit the characteristic cleav- ages of hornblende. In a few slides a very small amount of secondary horn- blende was’ found associated with the augite, but the pre- vailing hornblende is certainly an original constituent. Mica occurs in small quantity, as irregular shred-like phenocrysts. It isa very pleochroic biotite, changing from brownish-black to reddish- Fic. 2.—Twinned aggregate of augite. brown. The feldspar occurs in the groundmass, as lath-shaped, poly- synthetically twinned crystals. They form an interlocking net- work which is difficult of interpretation; a number of readings Of extinction angles onthe P face varied fromui5 to: 357, indicating a plagioclase rich in lime (bytownite or anorthite). The presence of this plagioclase is further indicated by the high lime percentage of the analysis. Lying between the laths of feldspar is an isotropic substance which appears to be analcite. It occurs in such small areas and is so thoroughly mixed with the groundmass that determina- tions of it were necessarily imperfect. In one instance it exhib- 504 Lelie nO GALE ATS ited the cubical cleavages of analcite. The rock was fresh and this mineral was undoubtedly of primary origin, being appar- ently the last to crystallize and filling all interstices. The larger grains are free from inclusions, but are sometimes surrounded by rings of magnetite and ilmenite grains; the smaller grains often contain a fine black dust suggest- ive of leucite, » This structure appears to be identical with that described: by. Mig: Cross in the case of an analcite basalt." Magnetite and ilmenite are abund- antly distributed in large crystals. Apa- tite olecurs7imatine form of elongated prisms with trunca- ted corners, and is common throughout Fic. 3.—Intergrowth of hornblende and augite, with inclusions of augite in hornblende. the groundmass. Very little alter- ation could be seen in any of the constituents. As already mentioned, very small amounts of secondary hornblende occur, derived from the augite. The plagioclase is occasionally slightly sausuritized, and small quantities of secondary epidote are occa- sionally found. Therock as a whole is, however, remarkably fresh. The most noted district for rocks of this class is the neigh- borhood of Lake Champlain, where they have been made known principally through the work of Professor Kemp.? The writer WHITMAN Cross “An Analcite-basalt from Colorado,” Jour. GEOL., Vol. V, 1897. 2J. F. Kemp, ‘Trap Dikes of Lake Champlain,” Bud. 707, U. S. Geol. Surv. AN ANALCITE-BEARING CAMPTONITE 505 has compared the slides of the Las Vegas rock with those from the Champlain region, and also with those from Campton Falls,’ from Whitehall and Fairhaven, Vt.,? and several neighboring localities ; and with a series from the Black Forest in Germany. When all these camptonites were studied and compared with the Las Vegas rock, a marked difference in texture was seen. The Las Vegas rock is coarser grained, the phenocrysts more abundant, and there ismaeless) nranked difference in size be- tween phenocrysts and groundmass. This is what might be expected since the eastern rocks occur in dikes, and the Las Vegas one ina stock. The eastern rocks are Fic. 4.—Typical section of the Las Vegas Camp- all considerabl Yh tonite, showing phenocrysts and groundmass. altered, containing calcite, serpentine, delessite, and secondary analcite. The Las Vegas rock is remarkably fresh. This comparison gives strong indirect evidence of the primary character and analcitic nature of the isotropic substance; the rock is too coarse-grained for it to be a glass and too fresh for it to be a secondary product. dv) The term ‘‘Camptonite”’ is commonly applied to the plagio- clasic lamprophyres, in distinction from minette and vogesite which are orthoclasic. Common usage has restricted the term Camptonite to the lamprophyric plagioclase rocks with horn- ™ Described by J. W. Hawes, Amer. Jour. Scz., ser. 3, Vol. XVII, p. 148. 2 Described by J. F. Kemp, Amer. Geol., Aug., 1889. 3F. Bascom, Wineteenth Ann. Rept. U.S. Geol. Surv., Part III. 506 RAIOGTEVULE ANALYSES. I II Ill IV. Vv VI SLO Mire sevan cers 44.48 38.45 41.94 45.70 45.11 42.08 IMO poacad cob Uo 20.43 19.08 15.36 20.48 19.67 20.88 In O)nepeva ace nono.0 9.72 4.01 B27) 1.99 4.32 6.77 FeO ce noiunie 2.18 II.15 9.89 4.18 8.57 Bi 1G) Ca@ renege senile 10.35 9.37 9.47 Wits 7) 10.45 12.48 Mig @ ee htencreysretets 5.51 6.65 Os 8.50 5.65 6.85 HM @ sous tierce oemereeerslene 57 deaeas 4.15 0.21 Min Orssapenceona ss aoe trace 0.25 Soin Kes Ose earn oe near 1.59 172 0.19 0.80 0.64 0.44 Nias Ore eerie sonata tee 3.61 277 5.15 3.56 Bor] 2337 Loss on ignition... 22 acta 2520 2.80 Aare ays EVs Or eeu iierereneuscpeeatae ane 1.49 ASE Byrae 0.17 3.18 COR tua eciaenee is 4.82 Aaats Stier re Soar P,0;. 0.25 otal sini sverssess 101.65 100.11 100.44 -| 99.64 100.07 99.22 I. The Las Vegas rock. II. Camptonite from Campton Falls, N. H. Published in Bull. 748, U. S. Geol. Survey, Pp. 67. III. Camptonite from Campton Falls, N. H. J. W. Hawes, Am. Jour. Sci. Ser. 3, Vol XVII, p. 150. IV. Gabbro from Rosswein, Saxony. Landwirthsch Versuchs station 40, 1892. V. Diorite from Lindenfels, Hesse Darmstadt. Chelies & Klemm, 27lauterung zur Geologischen Karte von Hesse, 1896. VI. Basalt, middle flow, Carlsbad, Bohemia. Jahrbuch der Konighch Katser- lichen Gesellschaft Kunstaustelinng, Vol. XL, p. 345, 1890. blende as the principal ferro-magnesian mineral; augite camp- tonite is applied to those in which augite equals or exceeds hornblende; analcitite to those containing primary analcite. Rosenbusch’s latest definition (1901) includes augite as an essential constituent of a camptonite, thereby departing from the original type of Hawes in which hornblende predominated. In the case of the Las Vegas rock hornblende and augite occur in approximately equal quantities. Since the tests for analcite were not conclusive, the rock could not be called an analcitite. It seems most logical to regard equal amounts of hornblende and of augite as distinctive of a camptonite, restrict- ing augite camptonite to those with augite in excess. The Las Vegas rock can thus most logically be termed an analcite bear- AN ANALCITE-BEA RING CAMPTONITE 507 ing camptonite. I am indebted to Dr. Bascom for suggestions on nomenclature. The accurate recalculation of the analysis proved impossible, owing to the combination of minerals containing the same oxides. The high Na,O is a strong indication that the isotropic constituent is analcite, and this is further indicated by the optical character of the plagioclase ; it is near the anorthite end of the series, hence, has low Na,O. Microscopically horn- blende, augite, and plagioclase are present in approximately equal amounts. Analyses two and three are typical camptonites, and it will readily be seen that the Las Vegas rock is close to them chem- ically. Analyses four, five and six are of rocks of other groups which are also similar chemically. The likeness of the last three was kindly suggested by Dr. Washington. T. A. Ocievir: GEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT, : COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY. HOLYOKEITE, Ay BURBLY SEELDSPATEHICS DUABASE FROM, THE TRIAS, OF MASSACHUSEDTDS: In the monograph of the three river counties in Massachu- setts,? the writer described a “white trap’”’ which occurs only in scanty fragments ina bed of agglomerate interstratified in the sandstone, a few feet above the surface of the great Holyoke trap sheet at the east foot of Mount Tom, and a few rods north of the station of the electric road going up onto the mountain. The small angular fragments of the volcanic rock are scattered rather distantly in the calcareous red sandstone, and seem closely like a white, horny limestone spotted with chalcopyrite. They include fragments of the coarse sandstone below the Holyoke trap sheet, up through which they must have come, and these inclusions are much coarser than the sandstone in which they are included. The weathered surfaces show the rock to be finely amygdaloidal, and acid brings out in the interior the same structure which can indeed be seen, by attentive study with a lens, on a freshly broken surface. z a ' \ . be ‘ 4 . € * “ . \ : F : \ \ 1 } . A ‘ wa x 3 ‘ m a 3 i a THE CARBONIFEROUS FISH-FAUNA OF MAZON CREP TMEEINOIS: OF the thousands of fossiliferous ironstone nodules of Coal Measure age, occurring at Mazon Creek, near Morris, in Grundy county, Illinois, only a small percentage afford indications of vertebrate remains, and these consist principally of detached fish-scales. Occasionally, however, complete individuals of fossil fishes, and still more rarely, amphibian skeletons have been brought to light, but all told the number of even tol- erably perfect specimens preserved in different museums is very insignificant. Probably the two finest series of Mazon Creek nodules ever brought together are the Lacoe collection, belong- ing to the United States National Museum in Washington, and the Strong collection, purchased by the late Professor Marsh for the Peabody Museum, at Yale College. Shortly before the decease of Professor Marsh, nearly all of the fossil fishes in the Strong collection were placed by that gentleman in the hands of the writer for study and description; and more recently some further material has been loaned for the same purpose by Pro- fessor C. E. Beecher, to whom grateful acknowledgments are due. Mazon Creek fish-scales have been exhaustively studied by E. D. Cope’? and O. P. Hay,? and the latter has also described a nearly perfect example of a Palwoniscid fish, named by him Elonichthys hypsilepis. A few other Paleoniscids and Platysomids have been described by Cope’ and by Newberry and Worthen ;* and two Acanthodian species have recently been made known by the present writer.’ These citations complete the literature references on Mazon Creek fishes. In the following paragraphs t Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., Vol. XXXVI (1897), pp. 71-82. 2 [bid., Vol. XX XIX (1900), pp. 96-120. 3 Proc. U. S. Nat. Museum, Vol. XIV (1891), p. 462. 4 Pal. Illinois, Vol. 11 (1866), and Vol. IV (1870). 5 Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., Vol. XX XIX (1902), pp. 93, 94. 535 536 C. R. EASTMAN © brief descriptions are given of two species of Acanthodes, and one each of Cwlacanthus and Elonichthys, with a list of the known ver- tebrate fauna occurring at this locality. GENUS ACANTHODES, AGASSIZ. Representatives of the Acanthodii are extremely rare in the Paleozoic rocks of North America. If we neglect the detached spines of Machera- canthus, and the in- determinable mass of scales described by jai Clarke as Acanthodes pristis,* American Acan- thodians are limited to but three species of Acanthodes and Fic. 1a.—Shag- reen granules of 4. one of Mesacanthus. marshi. X 4, Of these Acan- thodesconcinnus Whiteaves and Mesa- canthus affinis (Whiteaves) occur in the Upper Devonian of Scaumenac Bay, Canada, and the recently de- scribed Acanthodes marshiand A beecherit are from the Mazon Creek locality, in Illinois. Acanthodes marshi Eastman. Fic. 1.—Acanthodes marsht Eastm. Coal-measures, Mazon ; Creek, Ill. Pectoral fin with being one of the largest, as, on the associated actiontrichia and fin- other hand, A. dcecheri is one of the Spe smallest known Acanthodians. In A. marsha, not only are the shagreen granules much coarser than those of A. drvonni and A. wardi, which are the largest of European species, but the fin-spines are considerably longer and stouter, averaging about 9° long, and from .5 to .8°™ t Bull. U. S. Geol. Surv., No. 16 (1885), p. 42. This species is remarkable for CARBONIFEROUS FISH-FAUNA 5137. wide. In Fig. 1 is shown a very interesting pectoral fin pre- served in counterpart, and retaining the actinotrichia in natural association with the spine. The fibrous rays are quite long and numerous as compared with those of other species, and extend well up toward the point of insertion of the spine. There is no trace here, unfortunately, of a basal cartilage abutting against the proximal end of the spine, nor does this specimen display any of the dermal granules with which the fin-membrane was stiffened, although such are exhibited by a smaller specimen belonging to the Yale Museum. The scales of A. marshi are in eoeee Fic. 2.—Acanthodes beecheri Eastm. Coal-measures, Mazon Creek, Ill. Resto- ration showing outline of body and position of fins. > ?. the form of shagreen granules, averaging about one square milli- meter in size, smooth and polished externally, and gently convex or rounded on both the outer and attached surfaces. (Fig. Ia). The internal structure consists of fine layers of dentine arranged in quadrate fashion about a small central pulp-cavity. The best account of the microscopic structure of Acanthodian and Thelodus-like scales is that given by Rohon about nine years ago." Acanthodes beecheri Eastman. Description. —A very small species, attaining an extreme length of about 5.5°™. Body elongated and slender, the maximum depth being contained about nine times in the total length. Pectoral spines not much stouter or longer than the others; pelvic fins small, slightly nearer the pectorals,than the anal; anal fin slightly larger than the dorsal, which is placed immediately behind. Length of dorsal and anal spines greater than maximum depth of trunk. Caudal lobe remarkably elongate. Scales extremely minute, This species is represented by two nearly complete individ- uals preserved in counterpart and belonging to the Yale Museum, * Mem. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Petersbram, Vol. XLI (1893), No. 5, p. 22. 538 GYR ELASTUTAN, neither of which, however, exhibits the caudal region satisfac- torily, nor are the heads well preserved. Only the dorsal and anal fin-spines are displayed by the larger specimen; but in the smaller all the fin-spines are preserved, although the dorsal is slightly displaced and the distal ends of the pectorals are want- ing. The accompanying figure, based on both speci- mens, is of composite na- ture, and represents “the general outline and propor- tions of the fins, the re- Fic.—3. Celacanthus extguus, sp. nov. stored parts being indi- Coal-measures, Mazon Creek, Ill. Complete individual, lacking posterior dorsal and anal cated in dotted lines. fins. X#. GENUS CCELACANTHUS, AGASSIZ. J. S. Newberry records having received from Mazon Creek ‘‘a single specimen each of Eurylepis and Celacanthus, probably not distinct from those found at Linton, Ohio.”” No examples of the former genus have come under the writer’s observation, but ornamented scales and head-plates referable to Celacanthus sometimes occur in Mazon Creek nodules, and very rarely there are found complete fishes of small size, evidently quite distinct from other described species. In most specimens the posterior dorsal, anal, and pectoral fins are lacking, and it seemed at first sight as if the second dorsal had become lost through specializa- tion. One individual, however, shows it very distinctly, and the absence of this and the anal in the remaining examples is to be attributed to faulty preservation. Celacanthus exiguus, sp. nov. Description.—A small species, attaining a maximum length of about 4.5. Trunk narrow and elongated, the head occupying about one-fourth of the total length. First dorsal consisting of relatively few stout rays, and sit- uated slightly in advance of the pelvic pair; second dorsal midway between the first dorsal and principal caudal; the latter comprising nine stout rays above and below. [Scale-structure and ornamentation of head-bones not observed. | CARBONIFEROUS FISH-FAUNA 539 This species is represented by ten specimens in the Yale, and one in the Harvard Museum, most of them being only about BiG Moyniog, having a narrow, gradually tapering body, which terminates in and very deficient in preservation. They agree in an equilobate caudal fin, with indications that the axis was pro- longed into a supplementary caudal. The first dorsal and caudal, owing to their stronger attachment, are pres- ent in nearly all specimens, but the remaining fins have in most cases become de- Fic. 4.—Llonichthys perpennatus, sp. nov. Coal-measures, Mazon Creek, Ill. stroyed. The first dorsal has ; Complete individual, the distal portions of usually seven or eight stout median fins not fullyshown. X?. rays, and is situated near the middle of the trunk. Ten long, hollow rays are to be counted in the single specimen displaying the posterior dorsal, and nine above and below in the symmetrical caudal. The neural and hemal spines are very long in the abdominal and caudal regions. The ossifications of the axial skeleton are continued nearly to the termination of the principal caudal. The squama- tion must have been exceedingly delicate, as no indications of scales are to be observed in any of the specimens, nor do any of them have the cranial elements satisfactorily preserved. GENUS ELONICHTHYS, GIEBEL. Two closely related species are already known from Mazon Creek, 4. peltigerus Newberry, and EL. hypsilepis Hay. A study of the type-specimen of Newberry and Worthen’s so-called “ Amblypterus macropterus,’ leaves no doubt that this is only a mutilated individual of Z. d now preserved in the Yale museum, peltigerus. The type of the following new species is preserved in the Museum of Comparative Zodlogy. Llonichthys perpennatus, sp. nov. Description.—A very small species, having a total length of about 2.5°™, of which the head occupies a little less than one-fourth. Fins extremely well 540 C. R. EASTMAN developed, the pectorals unusually long, and anal much extended; fulcra minute. Scales relatively small, obliquely striated; dorsal ridge-scales enlarged. Only one individual is at present known of this interesting little form, which is shown in Fig. 4. The head is poorly pre- served, and the distal extremities of nearly all the fins are either broken away or obscured by matrix. Nevertheless, sufficient characters remain for the recognition of this as a distinct spe- cies of Elonichthys, its chief peculiarity consisting in the remark- able development of all the fins. The pectorals are fully one- fourth the total length, and the anal has a more extended base- line than in any other species of the genus. The dorsal appears to have been high and acuminate, but is largely concealed by matrix. The caudal is also unfavorably exposed, and flexed out parallel with the main axis; but it is plain that the upper lobe was much prolonged, and covered with very large, striated ridge- scales. The dorsal-fin rays appear to have been widely jointed ; the articulations of the other fins are not clearly recognizable. The dermal rays of the anal and lower lobe of the caudal are directly supported by the large haemal spines, which are firmly united with their arches. The squamation is nowhere well pre- served, but is best indicated in the anterior part of the trunk. The cranial structure does not admit of particular description. Appearances suggest that the specimen here described is an immature individual, differing however, from other known species. LIST OF CARBONIFEROUS VERTEBRATES OCCURRING AT MAZON CREEK, ILLINOIS. ELASMOBRANCHII. 1. Pleuracanthus (Diplodus) compressus Newb. (Occurs also in Ohio and Indiana.) 2. Pleuracanthus (Diplodus) latus Newb. (Occurs also in Ohio and Indiana.) - 3. Pleuracanthus (Diplodus) lucast Hay. ‘4. Acanthodes beecheri Eastm. 5. Acanthodes marshi Eastm. 6. Campodus scitulus (St. J. and W.). CARBONIFEROUS FISH-FAUNA 541 DIPNOI, 7. Ctenodus sp. indes, 8. Sagenodus foliatus Cope. g. Sagenodus lacovianus Cope." 10. Sagenodus occidentalis (Newb. and W.).* (Occurs also at Linton, Ohio.) 11. Sagenodus guadratus (Newb.).* (Occurs also at Linton, Ohio.) 12. Sagenodus guincunciatus Cope." 13. Sagenodus reticulatus (Newb. and W.)." 14. Sagenodus textilis Hay." tFounded on scales. CROSSOPTERYGII. 15. Rhizodopsts (?) mazonius Hay.t 16, Celacanthus exiguus nobis. 17. Celacanthus robustus Newb.* (Occurs also at Linton, Ohio.) ACTINOPTERYGII. 18. Eurylepis sp.indet. (fide J. S. Newberry). 19. Rhadinichthys gracilis (Newb. and W.). 20. Elonichthys hypstlepis Hay. 21. Elonichthys peltigerus Newb.?— (Occurs also at Linton, Ohio.) 22. Elonichthys perpennatus nobis. 23. Platysomus circularis Newb. and W. 24. Platysomus lacovianus Cope. 25. Platysomus orbicularis Newb. and W. AMPHIBIA, 26. Amphibamus grandiceps Cope. t Founded on scales. ? Including the so-called “* Amélyplerus macropterus’? Newb. and Worthen. C. R. Eastman. REVIEWS. SUMMARIES OF THE LIGERATURE, OF SPRUCTURAL MEMEO LAN Sse tiles EDWIN C. ECKEL. BERKEY, C. P. Origin and Distribution of Minnesota Clays. Amer. Geol- ogist, Vol. XXIX, pp. 171-177, March, 1902. Residual clays, derived either from feldspathic rocks or from limestones, are of slight importance in Minnesota. The larger clay working establishments of the state are using shales, stream deposits, or glacial lake clays; the smaller brick plants of local importance use till or loess. The shales of most importance are those of the Ordovician and Cretaceous. The Ordovician shales are found only in the southeastern portion of the state. Most beds are too calcareous for use, but one company in Minneapolis utilizes Ordovician shales in the manufacture of an exceptionally fine line of front and pressed brick. The Cretaceous shales are used in the manufacture of stoneware at Red Wing. The clays may be divided as to origin into glacial till, glacial lake clays, glacial stream deposits, recent alluvial deposits, and wind deposits. Locally the till includes clay deposits of workable size. These clays differ in character according to the drift in which they are inclosed. The “ gray drift” which has been brought by ice movements from the north and northwest carried fine-grained, calcareous, light-burning clays, though in places weathering may have removed enough lime to give red-burning clays. The “‘red drift” brought in from the north and northwest carries coarser grained clays with an excess of iron, which consequently burn red. Glacial lake clays, laid down in quiet water in interglacial periods, are confined to the eastern border of the state, where extensive deposits occur and are worked on a large scale. Glacial stream deposits include the river silts deposited during the withdrawal of the ice. Clays of this type are worked on the Mississippi river between Minneapolis and Little Falls, and on the Missouri river between Shakopee and New Ulm. These clays are obtained from the terraces bordering the present river channels, and burn cream or gray. They are the most important of the Minnesota clays, large plants using them being located at Chaska and Minneapolis. Recent alluvial deposits occur in the same areas as the last class and in many cases cannot be differentiated from them. Most of the smaller brick plants of the state work on material obtained from loess deposits. The clayey loams of this class are widely distributed, but are nowhere of great thickness or value. 542 REVIEWS 543 BLATCHLEY, W. S., AND ASHLEY, G. H. The Lakes of Northern Indiana and thetr Associated Marl Deposits. Twenty-fifth Ann. Rept. Indiana Dept. Geology and Natural Resources. Pp. 31-321, Pls. 1 and 6-12, Figs. I-70, 1901. The origin and uses of marl are first discussed, issue being taken with C. A. Davis on some points connected with the importance of Characae in the formation of marl deposits. The marl deposits of the state are then discussed separately in great detail. Marl deposits of sufficient size to justify the erection of cement plants occur in Indi- ana only in the three northern tiers of counties. Areally, the largest of these deposits is in Lake Wawasee, which contains about 1.700 acres, while the maximum thickness (45 feet) is reported from Turkey Lake, Lagrange co. A deposit of marl equal to one covering 160 acres, ten feet thick, will supply for thirty years a plant with a capacity of 500 barrels per day’ Deposits of such size are termed “ workable deposits” in the present report. Thirty-two such deposits were found and are described and mapped in detail. A number of other deposits are described which, though of sufficient size, have the larger part of their area covered by ten feet or more of water and are there- fore not at present workable. Improved appliances for raising marl from beneath such depths of water would render these deposits available. BLATCHLEY, W. S. Portland Cement. Twenty-fifth Ann. Rept. Indiana Dept. Geology and Natural Resources. Pp. 1-30, Pls. 2-5, I1gol. A summary of the history, uses, composition, manufacture, and testing of Portland cement is followed by a brief history of the industry in Indiana. Portland cement was first manufactured in Indiana at South Bend in 1877, from marl and clay burned in dome kilns. Operated with varying fortune, this plant was shut down finally in 1898. Two plants, also using marl and clay, but burning the mixture in rotary kilns, commenced operations in 1900, and at the time of report three additional plants were in prospect. CUMMINGS, UrRIAH. [Production of | American Rock Cement |in the U.S. during 1899|. Twenty-first Ann. Rept. U.S. Geol. Surv., Pt. VI con- tinued, pp. 407-411, Igol. Résumé of the condition of the American natural cement industry during 1899, with statistics of production. Analyses and tests are quoted of a Portland cement manufactured at Chattanooga, Tenn., by burning a natural rock without admixture. EcKEL, E.C. The Portland Cement Industry in New York. Engineering News, Vol. XLV, pp. 365-367, Igol. Résumé of early history of Portland cement manufacture in New York, with descriptions of the six plants operating in 1900, and notes on the technology. Until recently most New York plants used a mixture of marl and clay, burned in dome kilns. At present, however, the use of rotary kilns, operating on mixtures of hard limestone and clay, is increasing rapidly, half the plants in operation in 1900 being of this type. Slag Cement Manufacture in Alabama. Eng. News, Vol. XLVII, pp. I-62, Igo2. Description of two slag cement plants operating in Alabama, with notes on technology of slag cement in general. 544 REVIEWS The Classification of the Crystalline Cements. Amer. Geologist, Vol. XXIX, pp. 146-154, March, 1902. Reprinted in Cement, Vol. III, pp. 109-114, May, Ig02. Reprinted in part in Engineering News, Vol. XLEViIep. 354) May 1, 1902: A classification of cementing materials, with notes on raw materials, technology,. and the properties of the various products. The grouping offered is as follows: I. Simple cements; including those materials which are produced by the expulsion of a liquid or gas from the raw material; and whose set is due to the simple reab- sorption of the same liquid or gas and a reassumption of original composition. Ia. Hydrate cements; set due to reabsorption of water. Plaster-of-Paris, cement plasters, Keene’s cement, Parian cement, etc. 14. Carbonate cements, set due to reabsorption of carbon dioxide. Limes, mag- nesian limes, etc. Il. Complex cements; including those cementing materials whose set is due to the formation of new compounds during manufacture or use. Ila. Silicate cements, set due to the formation of silicates. Hydraulic limes, natural cements, Portland cement, pozzuolanic cements. 11d. Oxychloride cements, set due to the formation of oxychlorides. Sorel stone, etc. FREAR, WILLIAM, The Use of Lime upon Pennsylvania Soils. Bulletin 61, Pa. Dept. Agriculture. 170 pp., Igoo. Principally a discussion of lime in its relation to agriculture, but contains also very satisfactory accounts of limestones (in general) and lime-burning, with 273 analyses of Pennsylvania limestones, mostly compiled from reports of the Second Geological Survey of that state. Harris, G. D., and VEatcH, A.C. General Geology (of Louisiana). Geo. logical Survey of Louisiana, Report for 1899. Pp. 55-138, Pls. 1-11, Figs- 2-5, geological maps. Report on the stratigraphic and economic geology of the state. The matter of clays, limestones, sandstones, and gravels (pp. 127-132) is here summarized. Good brick clays are common in the alluvium and yellow loam, and are also found at several places in the hill-lands. The Eocene clays commonly lack plasticity, though some beds occur which will make a fair quality of earthenware. Good potter’s clay occurs in the Lignitic, near Robeline, where it has been utilized. The clays of the Grand Gulf hills seem to be more promising than any others in the state, good exposures occurring in Catahoula and Vernon parishes. The sandstones of the state are of two classes; the ferruginous sandstones of the Eocene and Lafayette, and the siliceous sandstones of the Grand Gulf. The former are widely distributed, but are unimportant as structural materials. The siliceous Grand Gulf sandstones are of greater value, and have been used for jetty work and railroad ballast. Limestones of Cretaceous age outcrop at Winnfield, Coochie Brake, and Bayou Chicot. The first is a pure limestone, which may be used for lime, but not for building stone. The other two are of greater value for structural purposes. Limestone con- cretions occurring in the Tertiary are of local importance for lime or road metal. REVIEWS 545 The gravels of the Lafayette are rather extensively used as road metal and railroad ballast. HILLEBRAND, W.F. Some Principles and Methods of Rock Analysis. Bull. 176, U. S: Geol. Surv. 8vo. Pp. 115, Figs. 15, 1900. Detailed discussion of the methods to be followed in analyses of the silicate rocks. Stress is laid on the importance of complete and thorough analyses, and the chemist is warned against neglect to determine elements (such as strontium, barium, vanadium, etc.), often disregarded as unimportant. Hopkins, T.C. Clays and Clay Industries of Pennsylvania. 111, Clays of the Great Valley and South Mountain Areas. Appendix to the Ann. Rept. Pa. State College for 1889-1900. 8vo, pp. 45, Igoo0. Over half the paper is taken up with a discussion of the white clays of the Great Valley; the remainder containing short chapters on respectively the red brick, paving brick, and tile industries; with a brief account of the economic products, other than clays, of southeastern Pennsylvania. The most valuable clay deposits in southeastern Pennsylvania are those occurring in the Cambro-Silurian areas of the Great Valley and South Mountains. These clays are typically white ; commonly bluish-white to gray on fresh exposures, but soon weath- ering pure white. Closely associated with the white clays are others stained more or less by iron oxide, and being therefore yellow to brown in color. The white clays are invariably high in silica, and low in alumina. Their iron content is also low, but the alkalies are always too high to give refractory material. Genetically, the white clays are direct decomposition products of light-colored hydromica slates which occur interbedded with other Cambro-Ordivician rocks. In certain openings the clays are shown grading into the undecomposed slates. They were originally intercalated beds in a series of quartzites, limestones, etc.; but on the weathering of the rocks the clay derived from the disintegrated slates crept down hillsides, tilled cavities in the cther rocks, etc.—so that now the deposits are somewhat irregular, lenticular masses of varying extent. At present the clays are largely used in the manufacture of paper, and to a less extent for white tiles, and white and enameled brick. Red building brick is made, in the Great Valley, from residual limestone clays, residual shale clays, and alluvial deposits. Of these classes the first is the most important. The clays residual from limestone make good brick, though often carrying numerous fragments of limestone, quartz, etc. Vitrified brick is manufactured at six plants. Three of these use Triassic shale ; one, Hudson River shale ; while the remaining two use shales from the Cambro-Ordo- vician series. Ornamental brick and tile are manufactured at several plants, various materials being in use, including clays, slates, etc. IHLSENG, MAGNus C. The Road-Making Materials of Pennsylvania. Bul- letin 69, Pa. Dept. Agriculture. Pp. 104, Figs. 1-17, relief map, col- ored geologic map, Igoo. General discussion of road materials, their qualities, and testing; influence of topography on road construction; methods of constructing and repairing roads, etc. 546 REVIEWS Scattered notes on various Pennsylvania road materials, with a section on the distri- bution, by counties, of such materials. Lewis, F.H. Aydraulic Cement Industry in the United States in 1899. Mineral Industry, Vol. VIII, pp. 84, 85, Igoo. Résumé of progress in the American cement industry during 1899. Cement Industry in the United States in r900. Mineral Industry, Vol. IX, pp. 77-82, gol. Résumé of the conditions of the American Portland cement industry during 1900— a year marked by overproduction and low prices. Lewis, F. H., NEwpBerry, S. B., and others. Zhe Cement Industry. 8vo. Pp. 235, Figs. 152. New York, Igoo. A collection of articles reprinted from issues of the Engineering Record. Detailed descriptions of a number of American cement plants, with sketches of the condition of the cement industry in various European countries; and separate chapters on the gen- eral technology of Portland cement (NEWBERRY) and the rotary kiln process (LEWIS). MERRILL, G. P, Guide to the Study of the Collections in the Section of of Applied Geology, the Non-metallic Minerals. Rept. U.5. Nat. Mus. for 1899. Pp. 155-483, Pls. 1-30, Igol. Comment.—The material contained in this handbook cannot well be summarized. The sections of interest in the present connection are those on quartz (p. 215); flint (216); limestones, mortars, and cements (pp. 264-270); dolomite (p. 274); magnesite (p. 275); feldspars (p. 281); clays (pp. 325-353); gypsum (pp. 406-411); and road- making materials (p. 482). The treatment of these subjects is, in general, excellent, that of clays being eminently so. The discussion of the cements, particularly Port- land, is less satisfactory. NEWBERRY, S. B. [Production of | Portland Cement |in the United States during 1899]. Twenty-first Ann. Rept. U. S. Geol. Surv., Pt. VI con- tinued. Pp. 393-406, Igol. Résumé of the conditlon of the American Portland cement industry during 1899, with statistics of production. The method of calculating the proportions of the ingre- dients in a Portland cement mixture is discussed and exemplified. Ries, HEINRICH. Clays of New York. Bulletin 35, New York State Museum. 8vo, pp. 455, Pls. 140, map, Igoo. Detailed discussion of the origin, properties, testing and uses of clays, and manu- facture of clay products; with descriptions of the clay deposits of New York and of the industries based on them. The section on the geologic distribution of clays in New York (pp. 275-311) is here summarized, together with the sections on shales (pp. 825-841) and feldspar and quartz (pp. 841-844). Small deposits of residual clay, of little or no economic impor:tance, have been found at various points in Dutchess county. The sedimentary clays are numerous and important, representing three geologic periods — Quaternary, Tertiary and Cretaceous. The latter two occur only on Long and Staten Islands, all the clays of the mainland being Quaternary. REVIEWS 547 Local basin-shaped deposits of Quaternary clays occur at many points in the central, western and southwestern portions of the state. These deposits are doubtless on the sites of former ponds, formed commonly by the damming of valleys, and later filled with the sediment of streams from the retreating ice sheet. A number of these deposits are of economic importance, and some are now worked. The most important and extensive clay deposits in the state, however, are those in the Hudson valley. The Quaternary deposits here are of two types (1) estuary deposits of fine stratified sand and blue and yellow clays; (2) cross-bedded delta deposits of coarser material. The clay is usually blue, weathered yellow where exposed. Itis markedly stratified horizontally, the layers of clay being separated by extremely thin laminz of sand. At many localities the clay is overlain by the delta deposits of rivers tributary tothe Hudson. The Quaternary history of the region is summed up as follows: During the retreat of the ice sheet from the Hudson valley the glacial streams deposited as kames a great amount of ground up material, princi- pally shale. Subsequent to the retreat there was a depression of the land amounting to 80 feet at New York city and 360 feet near Schenectady. During this depression a great amount of plastic clay was deposited, produced by glacial attrition of shales and limestones. The upper portion of the clay is more siliceous, and it is overlain by an extensive deposit of sand, indicating a change in the nature of the material washed into the estuary. During the period of submergence much of the siliceous matter washed into the estuary was deposited at the mouths of tributary streams to form deltas. The clays of the Champlain valley are estuary deposits of the same age as the Hudson river clays. They underlie terraces bordering Lake Champlain, and now standing at an elevation of 393’ A. T. Extension erosion has removed much of the clays and sands, and it is only at sheltered points that the terraces are now prominent. The clays are worked for brick at Plattsburg and other localities. Cretaceous clays occur on Staten Island, and have been worked extensively at Kreischerville and other points, the material being used in the manufacture of fire- brick, etc. t“ There is still some doubt as to the exact conditions under which the beds of clay and gravel which form the greater portion of Long Island were deposited, but it is probable that the clays represent shallow water marine deposits of Cretaceous and Tertiary age .... The age of theclays is stil] largely a matter of speculation, and will probably remain so in many cases unless paleontologic evidence is forthcoming. Those on Gardiner’s Island are quite recent, as shown by the contained fossils, and the clay on Little Neck is Cretaceous. The proof of the age of the Glen Cove clay is not absolute .... The clays at Center Island, West Neck, Fresh Pond, and Fish- er’s Island are very similar in appearance and composition, and are very probably of the same age, possibly Tertiary, but we lack paleontologic or stratigraphic evidence. At West Neck, the clay underlies the yellow gravel and the latter is covered by the drift, so that is pre: Pleistocene.” Shales occur in New York in the Hudson River, Medina, Clinton, Niagara, Salina, Hamilton, Portage and Chemung groups. Of these, the last three are the most tIn regard to the Long Island clays the author has been quoted verbatim, as the statements could not well be summarized,—F, C, E. 548 REVIEWS important in the present connection, though Medina shales are used in Ontario in the manufacture of pressed brick, while vitrified brick are made from Salina shales at War- ners, Onondaga county, N. Y. Hamilton shales are utilized at Cairo, Greene county, in the manufacture of paving brick; and at Jewettville, Erie county, for pressed brick manufacture. Sewer pipe, drain tile and terra cotta are made from Portage shales at Angola, Erie county. Chemung shales are utilized at Jamestown, Chautauqua county; Alfred, Allegany county; Hornellsville, and Corning, Steuben county; and Horse- heads, Chemung county. Feldspar and quartz are obtained from large pegmatite veins occurring near Bed- ford, Westchester county, and are shipped to the potteries at Trenton, N. J. Report on Louisiana Clay Samples. Geological Survey of Louisiana, Report for 1899. Pp. 263-275. Discussion of origin, composition and properties of clay, followed by reports on physical tests of six samples of clay. Allof the clays tested could be used in the manu- facture of pressed brick, while one could also be used for paving brick and two for earthenware. Clay and its Manufacture into Brick and Tile. Mineral Industry, Vol. IX, pp. 93-135, 12 figures, Igol. Detailed discussion of the manufacture of building and paving brick, roofing and floor tile, terra cotta and sewer pipe. Report on the Clays of Maryland. Special Publication, Vol. IV, Pt. III, Maryland Geological Survey. 8vo, pp. 203-507; Pls. XIX-LXIX, including six geologic maps; Figs. 5-34, 1902. A general discussion of the origin, properties, uses and technology of clays is fol- lowed by detailed descriptions of the Maryland clays, and a résumé of the industries based on them. According to Shattuck, the Pleistocene of Maryland is divisible into three forma- tions; the Talbot, Wicomico, and Sunderland. The newest of these, the Talbot, does not exceed forty-five feet in thickness ; and often carries lenses of greenish-black clay. The Wicomico, which is from forty-five to one hundred feet thick, seldom con- tains clay deposits of economic value. The Sunderland contains clay beds which are well shown in Calvert and St. Mary’s counties. None of the Pleistocene clays are used for anything except common brick, though occasionally clays occur fit for tile or terra cotta. The Neocene is represented by the Lafayette and Chesapeake formations. The Lafayette consists of gravels, sands and clays, very irregularly stratified, and changing character rapidly along the deposition planes. The Chesapeake consists chiefly of sands of marls with only local developments of clay. Clark and Martin divide the Maryland Eocene as follows: GROUP. FORMATION. MEMBER. Nanj Woodstock ee ANISM OVeeriorrscrtooehtls Potapaco. NUdGcOU Ono Hod ddaaomodes eae Pas poranea GUTal svavetenerewverctetercnsts Versione Piscat ke iscataway. Of these four members only one, the Potapaco, contains clay deposits of impor- tance. The Potapaco consists of argillaceous (and often gypseous) green sand, with a REVIEWS 549 lower clayey member which is shown south of South River. The clay isa fine grained material with occasional streaks of sand, and is in places twenty feet thick. It is fairly plastic, abundant, and exposed near tidewater; suitable for use in the manufac- ture of pressed brick and possibly of paving brick. The Jurassic and Cretaceous of Maryland are divisible as follows: Rancocas Monmouth Matawan Raritan? | Patapsco ara cel Potomac group. mersSiCd (pater tasp tater syste excievsyelaetatay eC) «la ouc lols «ve. e's ] Patuxent. | Wipers Cretaceousmrae lara cmscrr seins iele cries oierct on soi e%e NGO wera Ereta ceoOusmmmcriaicte cle e es eleieren sibue ais The Upper Cretaceous formations include no clay deposits of economic value ; but the Potomac group is of great importance. The Raritan? consists usually of white sands and light colored clays, and reaches a thickness in central Maryland of one hundred? feet. Raritan clays are found in Cecil, Kent, Harford, Baltimore, Anne Arundel, Prince George’s, Howard, and Montgomery counties. ‘They are worked at several points for use in pressed brick manufacture; while potter's clay occurs in places. The Patapsco includes brightly colored mottled clays, with light sands and clays, and has a maximum thickness of about 200 feet. In Cecil county a bed of bluish stoneware clay often underlies the variegated clays. Refractory clays, as well as brick clays, occur, and the Patapsco clays have been exploited to a considerable extent. The Arundel contains lenses of bluish, siliceous, plastic clays, often carrying iron concretions. The clays are largely used in the manufacture of common and pressed brick, terra-cotta, roofing tile, and common pottery. The Patuxent consists largely of sands, with occasional beds of sandy clay, and is,in this regard, the least important member of the Potomac. Shales from the different formations of the Carboniferous, Devonian and Silurian have been tested and found suitable for various. uses. At present only two of these formations furnish material of economic importance, these being the Pottsville forma- tion of the Carboniferous and the Jennings formation of the Devonian. Both flint clays and plastic clays occur in the Pottsville formation, the well-known Mt. Savage fire clay being an example of the former. The beds have been opened near Frost- burg, at Mt. Savage and west of Ellerslie ; and will probably become of even greater economic importance. Shales of the Jennings formation are extensively used in the manufacture of paving brick at Cumberland. Kaolin occurs at many points in the area underlain by Algonkian rocks, notably in Cecil county. These residual clays, having been derived from feldspathic rocks low in iron-bearing minerals, are light colored and burn white. Only one company is actually at work mining and washing this material, but the industry will probably increase rapidly in importance. Owing to the presence of Patuxent and Columbia beds, the kaolin is rarely exposed at the surface, the necessary stripping varying from two to forty feet. On page 397 the Raritan is excluded from the Potomac, but is included in it on pages 399 et seg.— E.C. E. 2Elsewhere in the volume stated as 500 feet.—E. C. E. 350 REVIEWS Less-pure residual clays, derived from rocks of various kinds and ages, are found at many points in the state, and are used in places for brick manufacture. SIEBENTHAL, C. E. The Silver Creek Hydraulic Limestone of Southeastern Indiana. Twenty-fifth Ann. Rept. Indiana Dept. Geology and Natural Resources Pp. 331-389, Pl. 14, colored geologic map, Igol. Divided into three sections relating respectively to the stratigraphy, topography and economic geology of the Silver Creek limestones. A historical résumé of opinions in regard to the stratigraphy of southeastern Indi- ana is followed by descriptions of local distribution and structure. The Devonian and sub-Carboniferous formations occurring in this area, with their New York and Missis- sippian (paleontologic) equivalents, are : : 3 FEN GODStOME Hai aacs cn orcheten eealsjenece ete ciapals Tage acctaetcrn ews Kinderhook. Sub-Carboniferous Rockfordlimestone tune snc eee ere cieic Choteau. (aNew\ Albany "black shalei cs 00. Sie ut.ue co cuclocstes « ctvamaalelters Genesee. | Sellersburg limestone....... sah etaoad caeted soon oscar RA AEE Hamilton. Devonian= + Silver’ Creek hydraulic: limestone > \chjenie csic= arse seye ees Hamilton. PetersonvaillemlimeStOme)sevcesleccya ciekelor sy oxelessietey ere otelons anaes culate Corniferous. WPendletom:sandstomela caytiece «rue ators uacstele cuecctat tn cscue eres Schoharie. The topography is briefly mentioned. Pleistocene terraces are described and mapped, and a possible preglacial channel of the Ohio River is pointed out. The Silver Creek hydraulic limestone is massive, very fine grained and usually fossiliferous. In color it varies from light to dark or bluish-drab, weathering buff. In composition it varies between the following limits: Calcium carbonate 52 per cent. to 62 per cent.; magnesium carbonate 16 per cent. to 35 per cent.; silica 9.5 per cent. to 18.5 per cent.; ferric oxide I.4 per cent. to 2.0 per cent.; alumina 2 to 5 per cent. The cement rock is obtained by quarrying or mining, according to the situa- tion; blasted out by dynamite and sledged to proper size (6"—12") for the kilns. The latter are continuous up-draft kilns, and require about seventy-two hours for calcina- tion. The burned rock is sent through crushers, “re-grinders,” and rock-emery mills. During 1900, thirteen plants, working 116 kilns, were in operation, the total product being 2,512,000 barrels. RECENT FUBLICATIONS. —ASHMEAD, WILLIAM Harris. Papers from the Harriman Alaska Expedi- tion XXVIII: Hymenoptera. [Proc, Wash. Acad. Sci., Vol. IV, pp. 117-274, May. 1902.]| —AsuHLEY, GEORGE H. The Eastern Interior Coal Field. [Extract from the Twenty-second Ann. Rept. of the Survey Igoo-1. Part III— Coal, Oil, Cement, Washington, 1902.] —BARLOW, ALFRED ERNEST. On the Nepheline Rocks of Ice River, British Columbia. —Bain, H. Foster. The Western Interior Coal Field. [Extract from the Twenty-second Ann. Rept. of the Survey, 1900-1. Part II1— Coal, Oil, Cement. Dept. of the Interior, Washington, 1g02.]| — Bulletin of the University of Texas, No. 15. Coal, Lignite, and Asphalt Rocks. [The Univ. of Texas Mineral Survey, May, 1902, Austin, Texas. | — BLAKE, WILLIAM P. Lake Quiburis, an Ancient Pliocene Lake in Arizona, [From the Univ. of Arizona Monthly, Vol. IV, No. 4, February, 1902. ] — BricGs, LyMAN J. and LApHAM, Macy H. Capillary Studies and Filtra- tion of Clay from Soil Solutions. [U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Bureau of Soils, Bull. 19. —CorNET, J. Note sur les Assises comprises dans le Hainaut entre la Meule de Bacquegnies et le Tourtia de Mons. [Extrait des Annales de la Soc. géol. de Belg. t. XXVIII, 1901.] Note Préliminaire sur la Composition Minéralogique des Argiles et des Limons. [Extrait des Annales de la Soc. géol. de Belg. | La Géologique du Bassin du Congo d’apres nos Connaissances actuelles (1897) t. XII, 1898. [Extrait des Annales de la Soc. géol. de Belg. de Paleontologie et d’Hydrologie, Dec., 1go1.| Notes sur des Roches du Mont Bandupoi et du Haut Uellé. [Extrait des Annales de la Soc. géol. de Belg. de Paleontologie et d’Hydro- logie.| Le Quaternaire Sableux de la Vallee de la Haine. [Extrait des Annales de la Soc. géol. de Belg. | — Dixon, RoLAND B. The Huntington, California Expedition. Maidu Myths. [Bull. of the Amer. Mus. of Nat. Hist., Vol. XVII, Pt. II, pp. 33-118, New York, 1902. ] 551 552 RECENT PUBLICATIONS — EASTMAN, C. R. Some Carboniferous Cestraciont and Acanthodian Sharks. [Bull. of the Mus. of Comp. Zodlogy, Vol. XXXIX, No. 3, Harvard Coll., Cambridge, Mass., June, 1902. ] —Hosss, WILLIAM HERBERT. Former Extent of the Newark System. [ Bull. Geol. Soc. of Amer., Vol. XIII, pp. 139-148, Rochester, 1902. ] — LAmMBE, LAwrRENCE M. On Tryonyx Foveatus, Leidy, and Tryonyx Vagans, Cope, from the Cretaceous Rocks of Alberta. [Reprinted from the Summary Report for the year 1901. Geol. Survey of Canada, Ottawa, 1g02.] —LAwson, ANDREW C. The Eparchaean Interval. A Criticism of the Use of the Term Algonkian. [Bull. of Dept. of Geol., Univ. of Cal., Vol. III, pp. 51-62, May, 1902.] — MERRILL, GEORGE P. A Newly Found Meteorite from Admire, Lyon County, Kansas. [From the Proc. of the U.S. Nat. Mus., Vol. POA PP- 907-913, 1902.] — Newton, R. B. and HOLLAND, R. On some Fossils from the Islands of Formosa and Riu-Kiu (= Loo Choo). [Reprinted from the Journal of the College of Science, Imperial University, Tokyo, Japan, Vol. XVII, article 6, 1902. | — NANSEN, FRIDTJOF. Some Oceanographical Results of the Expedition with the ‘“ Michael Sars’’ headed by Dr. J. Hjort in the summer of Igoo. [Printed by A. W. Brogger, Christiania. | The Oceanography of the North Polar Basin. IX. The Norwegian North Polar Expedition, 1893-96. [Pub, by the Fridtjof Nansen Fund for the Advancement of Science. Reprinted from Vol. III, Christiania, 1902. | —PricE, JAMES A. Observations and Exercises on the Weather. Labora- tory Work in Physical Geography and Meteorology. [American Book Company. | — RATHBURN, MARy J. Papers from the Hopkins Stanford Galapagos Expedition, 1898-g VIII: Brachyura and Macrura. | Proc. Wash. Acad. Sci., Vol. IV, pp. 275-292, June, 1902.] — Ries, HENRICH. Peat, [Extract from Mineral Resources of the United States, ‘Calendar Year, s1oo01..’ Dept:-of Interior, U.S. Geols survey, Washington, 1902. ] —TAaFF, JosEpH A. The Southwestern Coal Field. [Extract from the Twenty-second Ann. Rept. of the Survey 1goo-1. Part III] —Coal, Oil, Cement. Dept. of the Interior, Washington, 1g02.] —TurnerR, H. W. A Sketch of the Historical Geology of Esmeralda County, Nevada. [From the Amer. Geologist, May, 1902.] RECENT PUBLICATIONS 553 Notes on Unusual Minerals from the Pacific States. [From the Amer. Jour. of Sci., Vol. XIII, May, 1902.] — SPENCER, J. W. The Windward Islands of the West Indies. With eight plates and six charts. [Trans. of the Canadian Institute, Vol. VII, pp. 351-370, December, Igo. ] —VotH, H.R. The Oraibi Powamu Ceremony. The Stanley McCormick Hopi Expedition. [Field Columb. Mus. Pub. 61, Vol. III, No. 2.] — WoopworTH, JAy Backus. Pleistocene Geology of Portions of Nassau County and Borough of Queens. [N. Y. State Mus., Bull. 48, December, Igol.] —WILLIsTON, S. W. On the Skeleton of Nyctodactylus with Restoration; With one text figure. [Reprinted from the Amer. Jour. of Anat., Vol. I, No. 3, pp. 297-305, May, 1902.] — WILLIAMS, HENRY S._ Fossil Faunas and their Use in Correlating Geological Formations. [From the Amer. Jour. Sci., Vol. XIII, June, 1902.] — WRIGHT, G. FREDERICK. Origin and distribution of the Loess in North- ern China and Central Asia. [Bull. Geol. Soc. of Amer., Vol. XIII, pp. 127-138, Rochester, May, 1902. | bs LAE NOURNAL OF GEOLOGY SZ PEE MBM h-OCTOBL Ki IG02 Me OUANTITATIVE CHEMICO-MINERALOGICAL CLASSIFICATION AND NOMENCLATURE OF IGNEOUS ROCKS: CONTENTS. SUMMARY. PART I. CLASSIFICATION. Introduction. Defects of present system. Basis of classification. The facts to be considered; The existence of petrographic provinces; The principles; A brief discussion of various principles. Chemico-mineralogical classification. Standard mineral composition. Construction of the system. Outline of the system. : Class; Subclass; Order; Suborder; Rang; Subrang; Grad; Subgrad; Section. The rile of actual mineral composition and texture in rock classification. Actual mineral composition. Complete or almost complete accord between the mode and norm; Appreci- able difference between norm and mode; Varieties; Indeterminable modes. Texture. ‘ Crystallinity ; Granularity; Fabric; Heterogeneous textures. PART Il. NOMENCLATURE. Magmatic names. Termination; Root; Names. Rock names. Actual mineral composition ; Texture ; Examples of names; Type and habit. Rock names for general field use. Phanerites ; Aphanites; Glasses. Vol. X, No. 6. 555 556 CROSS, IDDINGS, PIRSSON, WASHINGTON PART III. METHODS OF CALCULATION. Chemical relations among salic minerals. Chemical relations among femic minerals. Calculation of the norm. Percentage weights of minerals; Examples of calculations. Calculation of norm from mode. Calculation of mode from chemical composition of a rock. Calculation of alferric minerals. Aluminous pyroxenes; Aluminous amphiboles; Ferromagnesian micas; Garnet. An example of calculation. Calculation of the norm; Calculation of the mode; Calculation of the norm from the mode. EPILOGUE. TABLES OF ALFERRIC MINERALS AND THE ROCKS IN WHICH THEY OCCUR. SUMMARY. WE present in this work an entirely new system for the classification and nomenclature of igneous rocks, which repre- sents the results obtained after some years of consideration and discussion of the subject in all its bearings. In uniting our efforts for this purpose we have been actuated by a sense of the seriousness of the responsibility assumed in such an undertaking, and by a conviction that the best results were to be obtained by the co-operation of several workers who agreed on fundamental principles and who were capable of har- monious collaboration. Originally Professor George H. Williams was associated with us in this work. By his death we have been deprived of a counselor whose judgment we held in the highest esteem, and whose loss we cannot cease to lament. Many attempts were made to modify in various ways the existing systems of classification in the endeavor to make them answer the demands of modern petrology, and each attempt was successively cast aside on practical trial. It came thus to be perceived by all of us that the main weakness of old sys- tems lay in their fundamental principles and methods and that any new, logical and comprehensive system based on the vast amount of knowledge of igneous rocks acquired in these later CLASSIFICATION OF IGNEOUS ROCKS 557 years must be built up from the very beginning on different lines from those heretofore employed. After many endeavors in various directions, we gradually evolved the system here presented. Along with its evolution has gone hand in hand the calculation of thousands of analyses by which it has been tested and its formation in large part controlled. It is a chemtco- mineralogical system based on its own principles, and is in nowise an attempt to reduce any one of existing systems to a chemical basis or to formulate one of them in a chemical way. Its con- cepts of rocks are in a large measure new, and hence, except in a very small degree, it demands a new nomenclature. In brief outline, what we propose is as follows: All igneous rocks are classified ona basis of their chemical composition; all rocks having like chemical composition are grouped together. The definition of the chemical composition of a rock and of a unit of classification is expressed in terms of certain minerals capable of crystallizing from a magma of a given chemical com- position, and the expression is quantitative. For this purpose the rock-making minerals are divided into two groups, consist- ing on the one hand mainly of the more highly siliceous alkali- and calci-aluminous ones, and on the other of the ferro- magnesian ones. The first group is called mnemonically the salic group, the second is the femzc group. From this category the micas and aluminous augites and amphiboles are excluded for reasons given in full. For the purpose of completely classifying a rock by this system its chemical composition must be actually known by chemical analysis, or approximately so by physical means or by microscopic, optical methods indicated by the authors. The thousands of rocks of various mineral compositions and tex- tures whose places in this system are indicated by chemical analysis become types for comparison, analogous to type speci- mens of zoology and botany, by which similar rocks may be approximately classified. Since it is known that many magmas may crystallize into quite different mineral combinations, according to the influence 558 CROSS, IDDINGS, PIRSSON, WASHINGTON of attendant conditions upon the union of the various chemical constituents of the magma, it is necessary to select avicertain set of salic and femic minerals as uniform standards of compari- son. These standard minerals are, for the most part, species commonly formed, but the aluminous pyroxenes, amphiboles, and micas are necessarily excluded. In practice, the molecular composition of a rock, obtained from its chemical analysis, is computed by a regular method into amounts of these standard minerals, and the place of the rock in the system is then easily determined. The standard mineral composition of a rock is called its norm, and this may be quite different from its actual mineral composition, or mode. Methods for obtaining the latter and for indicating its relation to the former are set forth in detail in the Part III, on Calculations. On the relative proportions of these two groups of standard minerals, the rocks are first divided into five Classes, accordingly as one or the other of these two groups alone constitutes the norm, or is extremely abundant; whether one or the other is dom- znant; or whether the two are in about egual proportions. The Classes thus formed are divided into Orders on the relative pro- portions of the minerals forming the predominant group in each case, and in the middle group on the relative proportions of the salic minerals. Thus in the preponderantly salic Classes the Orders are based on the relative amounts of quartz, feldspars, and feldspathoids. The Orders are divided into Rangs on the chemical character of the bases in the minerals of the preponderant group in each case ; thus, if these were feldspathic, as to whether they are alkalic, alkalicalcic, or calcic. The lowest division or Grad obtains only in the three intermediate Classes, and results from the con- sideration of the relative amounts of the minerals composing the subordinate group. In addition to these divisions further ones are provided for where necessary by Subclasses, Suborders, Subrangs, and Sub- grads. CLASSTFIGATION OF IGNEOUS ROGKS 559 Texture is considered of minor importance in classification, and is taken into account after the chemical and mineral composition. Nomenclature.— The system demands an entirely new nomen- clature, and it has been sought to introduce this according to a definite system, the lack of which is so painfully evident in the present nomenclature. The nomenclature proposed consists of three parts: primarily of substantive names for the magmatic units, implying the chem- ical composition and the norm, or standard mineral composition ; secondarily, two sets of adjective terms to be used to qualify the magmatic names; one set referring to the actual mineral com- position, or mode, and the other to the texture of the rocks. The magmatic name consists of a root, derived from a geo- graphical name in all cases except for the names of Classes and Subclasses; and of a sutiix. The suffixes are so chosen as to vary in a definite way with the division of the system to which the magmatic name belongs. Thus for Class, Order, Rang, and Grad, the letters 7,7, s, and ¢ in alphabetical order are used with the vowel a, giving in English ane, are, ase, ate. For Sub- class, Suborder, etc.,the vowel is changed to a, giving one, ore, ose, ote. The roots forming the names for classes are sa/ and fem, mnemonic of the salic and femic minerals constituting their norms, and are combined with prefixes yielding the following: Persalane, Dosalane, Salfemane, Dofemane, and Perfemane. The roots for the names of the divisions smaller than Class are derived from the names of geographical localities, and as far as possible from those at present in use for rock names, advantage being taken of their connotations as to magmatic character. The authors propose a nomenclature for field use based on purely megascopic characters. The work concludes with a discussion of methods of calcu- lating mineral composition from chemical composition and the reverse, and presents tables to aid such calculations. 560 CROSS, IDDINGS, PIRSSON, WASHINGTON PARW. Th CLASSIFICATION: INTRODUCTION. The commonly acknowledged unsatisfactory character of rock classifications in present use, and the unsystematic nomenclature of petrography, have convinced us of the necessity for a com- plete reconstruction of both. Recognizing the magnitude of this task, yet desiring to see it accomplished as early as possible, we have united our efforts toward the production of a new system of classification and the creation of a nomenclature to express it. Many attempts at improvement of existing schemes of classifi- cation have been made in recent years, but they have failed to accomplish important results because they have not gone to the root of the matter. The discussions of petrographers associated with the Inter- national Geological Congress have demonstrated the futility of attempting the regulation of petrographical nomenclature with- out first fixing the basis of rock classification, since the concep- tions by different petrographers of the objects to be named are diverse. And the effort to establish a systematic classification of igneous rocks by international conference and agreement has in like manner proved ineffective because of evident inherent difficulties. The recently published Compte Rendu of the Eighth Session of the International Geological Congress, held in Paris, furnishes an illustration of the diversity of views held by European petrogra- phers, while presenting in definite form the convictions of a consid- erable number of the foremost workers in this science regarding the principles that should govern the choice of bases of a sys- tematic classification. To avery considerable extent we find our- selves in accord with the opinions expressed in the report of the Russian Committee and in the discussions and report of the Paris Commission of October, 1899. And we are encouraged to hope that the system here presented by us will meet with a cordial reception by those petrographers who, sharing more or less completely our conceptions of the fundamental principles that GEA SSTFACATION OF IGNEOUS ROCES: 561 should control the formation of a systematic classification of igneous rocks, may approve of our method of applying them. We wish to acknowledge our obligations to all those whose ideas and writings have influenced us consciously or uncon- sciously; influences which will be evident in many places in the succeeding pages. It is not always possible to credit a particular conception toa particular author. The science of petrography has developed so rapidly, and so many workers have been engaged upon kindred problems, that similar ideas have forced themselves upon investigators. Especially, in our own case, fre- quent interchanges of thought have so blended and modified our ideas that is difficult for any one of us to identify his own. In particular we acknowledge our obligations. to those masters of petrography from whom we caught inspiration for our petrographical careers. To Professor Ferdinand Zirkel and to Professor Heinrich Rosenbusch, our instructors, whose work and thought have opened the way to a host of students of rocks, we are indebted for much that has influenced us in shaping the system proposed, which is in fact a natural outgrowth of present petrographical conditions. Defects of present systems.—From the review of rock classifi- cation in an earlier part of this volume by one of us, it appears that all past and existing classifications of rocks have fundamental weaknesses arising either from the use of theoretical concepts, or from an inconsequent or illogical application of the characters of igneous rocks as bases of their systematic arrangement. That a new nomenclature is required for a new system can scarcely be disputed. The present confusion in petrography is in no small degree due to redefinition of old terms, and to this confusion we have no desire to add. Without going into an extensive discussion of the vitally weak points of existing systems of petrography, upon which all of us have expressed individual opinions, some of the most unsatisfactory features may be briefly stated as follows: 1. There are few definite, clearly enunciated and generally applicable guiding principles, the consequence being that the 562 CROSS, IDDINGS, PIRSSON, WASHINGTON present systems are to a large extent arbitrary aud subjective, and are capable of being applied differently by different individu- als, as is evident from the numerous cases where different names have been given to the same rock, or the same name to obvi- ously different rocks. 2. There is a lack of uniformity in the method of application of existing systems not only among petrographers of different countries, but among those of the same country. 3. The present systems are to a certain extent founded on theory or hypothesis, while classification in order to be stable must eschew all such bases, and be founded only on ascertained facts. 4. Present systems are to a large extent qualitative rather than quantitative, the result being that some given character of rocks is arbitrarily used as a criterion beyond its natural range of application, as, for example, the use of the mere presence of feldspar to distinguish a group of rocks, whether it be the domi- nant constituent or only a very subordinate one. 5. The construction of modern systems is faulty in that the groups of rocks, or of rock families, now recognized are quite inadequate to express known relationships, and the varying groupings used by different authors are not based upon definite principles, nor are the principles applied uniformly. As a result of this condition, existing systems are highly uneven and it is often necessary to use either too specific or too general terms in naming a given rock. 6. The nomenclature of petrography is quite inadequate to express the relations between the various groups. The single termination makes it impossible to indicate in the name, fer se, whether it applies to a large or to a small classificatory division, or whether to rocks or minerals, and gives rise to great monotony. 7. As a consequence of these conditions, there is no guide as to when the use of a new name is necessary or justified, each investigator being his own judge in such matters. In some rock groups which have been recently studied, there is an abundance of new names, while in other more common and longer known CLASSIFICATION OF IGNEOUS ROCKS 563 groups, a few names are made to do duty for many obviously distinct rocks. Upon the grounds stated, a new system of petrography seems to us necessary. This conclusion has been reached by us only after many efforts to revise or remodel existing schemes. Our first conferences upon this undertaking were participated in by George Huntington Williams, and our first exchange of sugges- tions bears the date of May 1, 1893. These efforts on our part, extending over ten years, have brought us from somewhat diverse views to full accord in the system here presented. BASIS OF CLASSIFICATION. The progress in the knowledge of the composition, texture, and occurrence of igneous rocks, as well as in the conceptions of the probable causes of variation among different bodies and within one body of rock, has been such as to justify us in con- sidering the problem of the classification of igneous rocks in the light of certain established facts of a general nature. The recognition of these leads to the establishment of general prin- ciples upon which a new system of classification may be based. The facts to be considered may be stated categorically as fol- lows: The once igneous or molten condition of the magmas from which rocks of this kind have solidified. The characters of such magmas as solutions. The physical and chemical properties of such solutions. The ability of complex solutions to differentiate by osmotic diffusion, liquation, fractional crystallization, or by other pro- cesses, under varying conditions of temperature and pressure. The variations in chemical composition resulting from such differentiation. The existence of marked chemical variations within igneous masses of small volume in some instances, and of slight varia- tions within bodies of large volume in others. The absence of fixed proportions of constituents in rocks with two or more mineral components. 564 CROSS, IDDINGS, PIRSSON, WASHINGTON The gradations in the chemical and mineral composition of rocks, within limits. The limited number of the important rock-making minerals. The existence of rocks having but one mineral component. The variable crystallization of a chemically homogeneous magma, or of several chemically similar magmas, whereby differ- ent combinations of minerals may be produced from chemically similar magmas. In other words, the fact that rocks having diverse mineral compositions may be chemically alike. The fact that diverse textures develop from the same magma and from cheniically similar magmas, and conversely that similar textures develop from chemically different magmas. The incomplete crystallization of magmas or their solidifica- tion into glass in many instances. The identity of rocks of different geological ages. The identity of many rocks with different modes of geologi- cal occurrence. The existence of petrographical provinces in which the igneous rocks genetically related are distinguishable from those of other regions, when considered in connection with the occurrence elsewhere of similar petrographical provinces and with the gradual transitions between provinces, should be treated as a larger phase of differentiation. Moreover it has been shown by Broégger* that similar rocks may be differentiated from different parent magmas in several petrographical provinces, and may occur in two or more unlike series. That is, rocks belonging to distinct provinces may resemble one another so closely in their dominant characters that they would naturally be defined by the same terms. Hence, we conclude that all igneous rocks should be correlated and classified in one comprehensive system based upon principles common to igneous rocks in general. The principles which we consider applicable to the classifica- tion of igneous rocks, as criteria by which to judge of the facts * Ouart. Jour. Geol. Soc., Vol. L (1894); p. 36, and Die Eruptivgesteine des Kris- tianiagebietes, Vol. III, p. 57, Christiania, 1898. CLASSIFICATION OF IGNEOUS ROCKS 565 to be employed and their method of application, are as fol- lows: The classification should be free from hypothesis, and be based only on facts or relations determinable in the rock itself. The classification should be quantitative as far as possible, and each constituent, chemical or mineral, should be given weight in proportion to the amount present in each case, irre- spective of its rarity or unusual occurrence. The chemical composition of the rock is its most fundamental character, being a quality inherent in the magma before its solidification, and is therefore of greatest importance for its cor- relation with other rocks. All rocks of like chemical composition should be classed together, and degrees of similarity should be expressed by the relative positions or values of the systematic divisions of the classification. The mineral and textural characters, being dependent largely on external conditions attending rock solidification, are to be regarded as of subsidiary importance in classification, but should receive due recognition in the system. Since it is the chemical composition of the magma that is the fundamental character of igneous rocks by which they are to be classified, only fresh, undecomposed, or unaltered rocks are to be employed in establishing such a classification. A BRIEF DISCUSSION OF VARIOUS PRINCIPLES that have entered into systems of rock classification is introduced at this place in order to make clear our reasons for selecting those employed in creating the system proposed by us. Rocks have always been recognized as extremely difficult of systematic classification, because of their infinite variation or gradation from one kind to another in many ways. Reviewing the many factors which may be employed in their classification, they are found to fall into two groups, namely, geological rela- tions, and inherent characters; and the task of the systematic petrographer is to select the characters and apply the criteria 566 CROSS, IDDINGS, PIRSSON, WASHINGTON which will produce the most natural and stable as well as com- prehensive and elastic arrangement. Of geological relations, the mode of origin is now universally recognized as the first principle to apply to the sub-kingdom of rocks, to secure the grand divisions of which the igneous rocks are one. The further application of geological mode of origin in subdivision of igneous rocks involves the use of theoretical considerations and produces instability of system. The relations of geological occurrence have been used in the arrangement of igneous rocks, but unsuccessfully. Geological age cannot now be used without violating the known fact that rocks of many ages are identical in their material qualities. Some systems of classification now in use are based on sup- posed relationships between the material characters of igneous rocks and their modes of occurrence as geological bodies, which are only partially in accord with facts, and which therefore intro- duce serious weakness into the foundation of the systems. There are no particular kinds of rocks that invariably characterize geo- logical bodies of special shapes, such as stocks, laccoliths, dikes, etc. Nor is there any specific texture that indicates the depth beneath the surface of the earth at which a rock has crystallized. While there is unquestionably a relation between the texture and mineral composition developed ina given magma and its physical environment during eruption and intrusion and at the time of its solidification, this relationship is so intricate, and the possibili- ties of environment so manifold, that it cannot be made a basis for classification. The effort to classify rocks on a basis of their genetic rela- tionships by grouping them in such a manner as to express the fact that all the rocks of a particular center of eruptive action are the differentiates of some common parent magma introduces the utmost complexity, because each group presents a particular set of relations, and it becomes necessary to recognize almost as many groups as there are known centers of eruption. But as already stated, the members of several groups may resemble one another so closely as to be capable of the same definition and CLASSIFICATION OF IGNEOUS ROCKS 567 deserving of the same name. The consistent application of such a system of grouping would therefore separate rocks which are alike so far as intrinsic qualities are concerned. And this, according to our conception of classification, is not classification. Many of these facts are essential to the complete petrological understanding and description of rocks, but are not applicable to the construction of a petrological system. The inherent characters of igneous rocks have always been prominent in the formation of petrographic systems, and are plainly the features it is most natural to select. This was spe- cially pointed out by the fathers of systematic petrography, von Leonard and Brongniart, and has been emphasized in recent dis- cussions. Of these characters chemical and mineral composi- tion, structure or texture, are the most important, the others being comparatively trivial or accidental. Structure or texture is now known to depend so largely on variable conditions attend- ing the consolidation of magmas that it can no longer be given the prominent réle hitherto assigned to it. Chemical and min- eral composition then remain as those characters of igneous rocks most available tor their classification. Of these, it is to be noted, that while the two are most intimately related, the for- mer is more fundamental, since it pertains to a magma which may consolidate as a glass or become a holocrystalline rock, and in the latter case the mineral constitution varies with attendant conditions. CHEMICO-MINERALOGICAL CLASSIFICATION. While the chemical composition of igneous rocks is their most fundamental characteristic, it is known that there is an absence of stoichiometric proportions among the chemical ele- ments.or components.) (It 1s further clear that »there isan intricate interrelationship and serial variation among these com- ponents and an absence of chemical division lines, or of groups or clusters of similar combinations of elements. These facts show that any subdivision on a purely chemical basis must be arbi- trary, unpractical and unsatisfactory. All holocrystalline, and many of the partially crystalline 568 CROSS, IDDINGS, PIRSSON, WASHINGTON rocks derive their most obvious characters from the mineral par- ticles composing them. The varying proportions of unlike minerals in rocks are most striking, and other notable features are due to the physical properties of the minerals, their color, cleavage, hardness, etc., or to the relative or absolute size or shape of the particles.’ ‘Itv1s by reference tor theseycharacters that rocks may be most readily described and identified, and it is then desirable that the systematic classification should be constructed as far as may be by the use of mineralogical data in one form or another. There are, however, reasons why mineral constitution by itself cannot be used in the principal divisions of a compre- hensive and logical classification of all igneous rocks. The existence of vitreous rocks forms one of these reasons, because such rocks cannot be classified at all by purely mineralogical criteria. The fact that a given magma may crystallize into dif- ferent mineral combinations is another reason. Moreover, if mineral composition were a simple function of chemical compo- sition, and if all rocks were holocrystalline, the number of chemically different minerals of importance would make the task of classifying rocks by means of mineral composition alone practically impossible. It, therefore, appears that neither chem- ical composition nor mineral constitution can be independently apphed to the construction of a logical and practical classifi- cation of igneous rocks, The primary minerals in a holocrystalline igneous rock, when considered chemically and quantitatively, are a full expression of the chemical composition of the magma, and their exact determi- nation furnishes the chemical composition of the rock. To a large extent the mineral composition may be employed as a means of determining the chemical composition, and since the minerals are readily determinable optically in many cases and are a convenient means of identifying rocks, it is advisable Zo treat the chemical composition of rocks in terms of minerals, and to make the basis of primary subdivisions chemico-mineralogical. While this conclusion is, in its general terms, quite com- CLASSIFICATION OF IGNEOUS ROCKS 569 monly asserted as the purpose of existing mineralogical systems of rock classification, it requires but casual consideration to see that a qualitative mineralogical system cannot express chemical composition, and a thoroughly gwantitative scheme has never been formulated. Before stating the method of classification to be proposed, it is important to point out some of the chemical and mineralogical relationships obtaining in igneous rocks. And first it is to be noted that while the chemical composition of a magma controls in general the kinds of minerals that may crystallize from it, so that quartz forms in the more siliceous rocks, and olivine in those rich in magnesium and iron, still it does not fix absolutely the kinds or the proportions of all-of the rock-making minerals. This is due to the fact that a number of these minerals consist of similar elements in diverse proportions, so that two or more different combinations of elements may be developed in chem- ically similar magmas. Or, as is well known, some of the minerals having a complex composition may be dissociated into less complex ones. A familiar example is the experimental melting of hornblende and the obtaining in its stead pyroxene and magnetite. Another illustration of the same kind of rela- tionship is the chemical identity of some hornblende-andesites and some pyroxene-andesites. A striking illustration is furnished by the hornblendite and camptonite of Gran, Norway, described by Brégger.* The two rocks having almost identical chemical compositions are com- posed in the first case of somewhat alkalic, aluminous hornblende, and in the second of less aluminous hornblende and feldspar. The development of biotite in some rocks and its absence from others having like chemical composition is well known; as shown by its presence in some gabbros and its absence from some chemically equivalent basalts; its presence in certain diorites and its absence from equivalent andesites ;? its develop- 1 Op. cit., pp. 60, 93. 2Ippincs, J. P., ‘The Eruptive Rocks of Electric Peak and Sepulchre Moun- tain, Yellowstone National Park,” Zwel/th Ann. Rept. U. S. Geol. Surv. (Washington, 1892), p. 653. 570 CROSS, IDDINGS, PIRSSON, WASHINGTON ment in minettes and absence from certain basanites. And with this difference in biotite there is a variation in olivine, hypers- thene, magnetite and other minerals within the rocks mentioned. Other notable illustrations of different mineral development in chemically similar rocks are the madupite of Wyoming’? and venanzite of Italy,” in the latter rock melilite and olivine appear- ing instead of pyroxene and phlogopite in the madupite ; also the nephelite-syenite of Beemerville, N. J.,3and the leucite-phonolite of Bracciano.+ Indeed, instances of the same kind are well known to all, and are constantly increasing in number. It is therefore indisputable that magmas of identical chemical character may and do solidify as very different mineral aggregates, it being also a possibility that they form on solidification no minerals at all, or that they crystallize only in part. STANDARD MINERAL COMPOSITION.— Whether vitreous or crys- talline, all igneous rocks may be correlated by considering what mineral combinations may be developed from their magmas if completely crystallized. But since several mineral combinations are possible for most magmas, it is advisable to select one of these combinations as the standard of comparison. And for uniformity and simplicity it is necessary to select the same one for all rocks having like chemical composition. This may be termed the standard mineral composition, which may or may not correspond to the actual mineral composition. — Before presenting the reasons for selecting certain minerals as those best adapted for a chemico-mineralogical classification of igneous rocks, let us consider the important rock-making minerals from the general standpoint of their chemical compo- sition. They may be arranged in several groups chiefly ™Cross, W., “Igneous Rocks of the Leucite Hills, etc.” dm. Jour. Scz., Vol. 1V (1897), pp. 115-141. 2SABATINI, V. I Vulcani di S. Venanzo. Rivista di Min. e Crist., Vol. XXII Padova, 1899, pp. I-12.. Ci. RosENBUSCH. Sd. Berl. Ak, (1899) p. 113. 3 Bull. 150, U.S. Geol. Surv. (Washington, 1898), p. 209. 4WASHINGTON, H.S., “Italian Petrographical Sketches,’ Jour. GEOL., Vol. V (1897), pp: 43, 49. CLASSIFICATION OF IGNEOUS ROCKS 571 distinguished by chemical characters, but also by associations in thesrocks-| Bheyeare:: a) Silica and alumina uncombined, quartz (tridymite) and corundum, together with zircon, which, though commonly present in very small amount, is.oftenest found in rocks rich in silica or alumina. b) Aluminous non-ferromagnesian minerals; orthoclase, albite, anorthite and mixtures of these, leucite, analcite, nephelite, soda- lite, hauynite, noselite, cancrinite, and muscovite. c) Aluminous ferromagnesian and calcic silicates (interme- diate between 6) and d@) ): aluminous pyroxenes and amphiboles, biotite, garnet, tourmaline, melilite, some spinels, etc. a) Non-aluminous ferromagnesian and calcic silicates: hyper- sthene (including enstatite), diopside (including hedenbergite), acmite, olivine (including fayalite and forsterite), and aker- manite. : €) Non-siliceous and non-aluminous minerals with titanosilicates ; magnetite, hematite, ilmenite, apatite, titanite, perofskite, and fluorite, together with the native metals, and certain other metallic oxides and sulphides. If igneous rocks are considered from the standpoint of their mineral composition, they are found to consist of graduating series of quantitatively different mixtures of several groups of minerals, and since they are all necessary to an exact expression of the chemical composition of the rock,.each mineral or group of minerals should receive proper recognition according to its quantitative value. Owing to the number of minerals in most rocks, this is a very intricate problem and we have made repeated attempts to solve it by recognizing several independent mineral factors at one time, involving the problem of handling three or more co-ordinate quantities. This was found impracticable as a basis of classification, and it was seen that the most feasible pro- cedure is to recognize such factors successively according to certain degress of qualities or magnitudes possessed by them in comparison with one another. This has been done by grouping them on a basis of chemical identity or resemblance, and of 572 CROSS, IDDINGS, PIRSSON, WASHINGTON established affinities or associations, and by successively sub- dividing these groups by subordinate chemical differences or quantitative values. For this purpose it is necessary to assemble all rock-making minerals into two chemically distinguished groups. : These have been made by uniting quartz, corundum and zircon with the aluminous non-ferromagnesian minerals— feld- spars, feldspathoids and muscovite—in one group, and by placing the non-aluminous ferromagnesian and calcic minerals —hypersthene, diopside, acmite, olivine, and akermanite — with the non-siliceous and non-aluminous minerals, and titanosilicates, —magnetite, hematite, ilmenite, apatite, etc.—in the other group. This leaves the aluminous ferromagnesian minerals to be treated in another manner. The reasons for this separation of the minerals, biotite, amphibole and augite, are discussed at length in a later part of this article, but it may be said here that their variable composition and occurrence, together with the fact that they may be considered as mixtures of aluminous and non- aluminous molecules, make it advisable to defer their introduction into the system of classification until the actual mode of crys- tallization of the rocks is taken into account. Since it is possible that a magma of any given chemical composition may crystallize without the development of these minerals, and_ since the chemico-mineralogical expression of igneous magmas is greatly simplified by not considering these minerals until the particular crystallization of the magma is to be expressed, we are justified in omitting them from the two groups of minerals which are to be employed in determining the standard mineral composition of an igneous rock. These two groups of standard minerals are: GROUP I: SALIC MINERALS. Quartz, SiO,” - - - : : S = = S i Q Zircon, ZrO, .SiO2 - - = L c 2 : 2 Uj Corundum, Al,O3~ - - - - - 3 : é M (e Orthoclase, K,0.A1,03.6S5i0O,_~—- - erie < == Or Albite, Na,O.A1,03.6SiO, —- - - 2 : 2 ab} F Anorthite, CaO. A],03.2510, : - - - - - an CLASSIFICATION OF IGNEOUS ROCKS 573 Leucite, K,0.Al,03.4SiO, ~~ - - - - - - leq} Nephelite, Na,O.Al,03.2SiO,_~—- - - - - - ne| KealiophilitepKeOMAleOn25iOs, 9 = = = i kp -L Sodalite, 3(Na,O.A1,03.2Si0,).2NaCl oie «ies pe emSOU Noselite, 2(/Na,O.A1,03.2Si0,).Na ,SO,4 - - - no GROUP II: FEMIC MINERALS. Acmite, Na,O.Fe,03.4Si0O, . - - - - - ac) Sodium metasilicate, Na,O.SiO, - - - - - ns | Potassium metasilicate; K,0.SiO, - - - - = eeksi| p Diopside, CaO.(Mg, Fe)O.2SiO,_~—- - - - - di Wollastonite, CaO.SiO, - - - - - - WO Hypersthene, (Mg, Fe)O.SiO, - = - - - hy J Olivine, 2(Mg, Fe)O.SiO, - - - - - - - ol 0 Akermanite, 4CaO.3Si0, - - - - - - am Magnetite, FeO. Fe,0; - - - - - - - mt Chromite, FeO.Cr.0O; - - - - . . - cm a Hematite, Fe,O; - - < - - - - - - hm) i IImenite, FeO. TiO, De ee il) pe Titanite, CaO.TiO,.SiO,~ - - - - - - Be eats | 10 Perofskite, CaO. TiO, - - - - . - - pf [. UMMA OPM ee ea Apatite, 3(3€aO. P,O;).CaF; - - - - - ap Fluorite, CaF, - - - : - - - - fr | Calcite,CaO.CO, - < A 4 2 : Z - CGE A Pyrite, FeS, - - - - . - - - =) pr Native metals and other metallic oxides and sulphides. J Sal, Fem, and Alfer.—For convenience in subsequent discus- sion, we will anticipate the question of nomenclature, and introduce here three terms which will be frequently used. To express concisely the two groups of standard minerals and their chemical characters in part, the words sa/ and fem have been adopted. The former is employed to designate Group I, mnemonically recalling the siliceous and a/uminous character of its minerals. Fem indicates Group II, since its minerals are dominantly /errosmagnesian. As adjectives to express these ideas the words salic and femic will be used. In certain formule employed later the words sa/ and fem will be used in the sense just explained, as indicating any one or all of the minerals of the respective groups. Subsequently other mnemonic syllables will be similarly treated. 574 CROSS, IDDINGS, PIRSSON, WASHINGTON The intermediate group c) of aluminous ferromagnesian and calcic silicates will be designated a/fer or alferric group, this name recalling the fact that these minerals are characterized by the presence of a/umina and ferric oxide. Group [—The minerals of groups a) and 6) have been united to form the salic group (I) because of the well-recog- nized relations between the development of quartz, feldspar and feldspathoids in rocks and the available silica in the magmas ; these minerals forming frequent series of rocks with a regular range of silica. It is also done because of the association of notable amounts of zircon and corundum with these minerals in the more quartzose and feldspathic rocks. And further it is in accord with the stronger affinities of the bases, potassium and sodium, for silica and alumina, which will be discussed later. The kaliophilite molecule is recognized, since its presence is necessary in a few magmas so low in SiO, as not to allow the formation of both leucite and akermanite. Muscovite is omitted from the list in order to simplify the process of calculation. It may be considered as made up of orthoclase with corundum and water. Analcite is also omitted for a similar reason. It may be considered to be composed of albite, nephelite and water. Hauynite is omitted because it may be regarded as calcic nose- lite, and because it introduces needless complications into the calculation. The standard SO,-bearing feldspathoid is there- fore considered to be a purely sodic noselite. Cancrinite is likewise omitted as being in most cases of. secondary origin, as well as for purposes of simplification. Group [I—TYhe minerals of groups @) and e) have been united to form the femic group (II) because of their freedom from alumina and their association in notable amounts in rocks low in silica and alumina. They are in this sense antithetical to the salic minerals. Wollastonite (CaSiO,) is added to the list of femic minerals in order to simplify the calculation of standard minerals in rocks rich in calcium, which may actually enter aluminous molecules, such as garnet. CLASSIFICATION OF IGNEOUS ROCKS 575 The simple metasilicate molecule Na,O.SiO,, analogous to that of wollastonite, is assumed to be present in rocks in which tere Wiswanwexcess of alkalies: over Al,O, and Fe,O,. It appears in the arfvedsonite molecule, which develops in such rocks. But this mineral, being alferric, is not included among the standard minerals for reasons already given. In like manner the simplified akermanite molecule, 4CaO.3SiO,, is included among the standard minerals in place of melilite, because of the alferric character of .the actual melilite, our uncertain knowledge of its real composition, and its complexity. The Na,O and-Al,O, with 2SiO, of melilite are calculated as entering into a nephelite molecule, the Fe,O, is referred to magnetite or hematite, leaving the CaO, partly replaced by MgO, and the remaining SiO, in approximately the aker- manite ratio of 4:3. The introduction of this molecule into the calculation is necessary in rocks so low in SiO, that a sub- silicate must develop. The molecule (Mg, Fe)O.Fe,O,.SiO,, which is character- istic of augite, has been omitted for the reason that the ferric oxide is largely replaced by alumina, and because its introduc- tion complicates the problem of calculation. Method of calculation—In order to determine the kinds and amounts of standard minerals that may express the composition of a given rock, to establish its place in the system, we may proceed by a consideration of its chemical composition as given by chemical analysis, or by a consideration of its actual mineral composition as determined by optical investigation, or we may compare it with known rocks whose compositions have been previously determined. And since it is advisable to select the same mineral combina- tion for the basis of comparison of chemically similar rocks, as already stated, and since there are gradual transitions among igneous rocks, it is necessary to follow the same method of procedure in calculating the kinds and amounts of the standard minerals for all rocks. The method adopted by us is explained in detail in a later part of this paper. It is based upon certain 576 CROSS, IDDINGS, PIRSSON, WASHINGTON well-known chemico-mineralogical relations affecting the salic and femic minerals, both as regards the proportions of their chemical constituents, the relative affinities of the bases for silica, and the frequent associations of certain of the rock-making minerals. The method has been developed by considering, first, the chemical composition of igneous rocks, and by devising a plan for the calculation of standard minerals from it. Then, the actual mineral composition of holocrystalline rocks has been taken into account, and a plan devised, after reckoning the pro- portions of these minerals, for estimating their approximate chemical composition and from these data calculating the stand- ard mineral composition of the rock. It is evident that rocks that are not holocrystalline, or those in which the proportions of the actual minerals cannot be determined, must be classified in the first instance by means of chemical analysis. Subsequently similar rocks may be classified with greater or less precision by comparison with rocks having similar textures and the same actual mineral compositions, which have been analyzed chemically. In comparing the relative quantities of different minerals in rocks, either their mass or their volume may be made the basis of comparison. In calculating the mineral composition from the chemical composition of the rock, the mass is the natural unit of comparison. The same is true if mechanical separation of the mineral constituents is undertaken. When a comparison is made by the eye, megascopically or microscopically, the basis of comparison is volume. This may be transformed into mass by multiplying the volume by the specific gravity of the mineral. The optical methods of estimation being less exact than those first mentioned, the basis of comparison should be mass. CONSTRUCTION OF THE SYSTEM. It is proposed to arrange igneous rocks by a system which shall express their quantitative chemical and mineral constitu- tions. With the known range and degree of variation in these CLASSIFICATION OF IGNEQUS ROCKS 577 characters it is plain that any system of classification must be arbitrary. As has been pointed out, the efforts to express the quantita- tive variation in rocks by means of several variables have shown that such a method is undesirably complicated. And we have sought to find a way for making groups of different taxonomic value by subdivision in a dichotomous manner based on the comparison of successive pairs of factors, since the simplest mode of construction is best. The mineral constituents of igneous rocks may exist in all proportions from oO to 100 per cent. whether considered as part of the whole rock, or as part of the group of standard minerals to which they may belong. For example one rock may consist entirely of feldspar, while another has none. And there are intermediate rocks containing all possible percentages of feld- spar between these extremes. There are equally wide ranges for some of the chemical constituents, considered either with reference to rocks or to mineral groups. Thus the feldspars of one rock may be wholly alkalic, those of another wholly calcic, and between these extremes there are all possible gradations. Among alkalic feldspars are those purely potassic, others wholly sodic, besides all possible intermediate mixtures of these. On account of the absence of natural division lines in such series of two variable factors, it is necessary to establish arbitrary divisions. We have accomplished this by considering certain simple proportions as center-points, about which variations may be allowed within limits, which limits become the boundaries between petrographical units. The simplest proportions are: first, those two in which one fac- tor constitutes the whole, and the other factor is absent; second, that in which both factors are present in equal amounts. Other center-points should be selected with equal respect to these, and may be placed either midway between the three just mentioned, or at shorter intervals. It has appeared to us best to select those midway between the first three, namely, at points representing the proportions three to one, and one to three, making in all five divisions. 578 CROSS, IDDINGS, PIRSSON, WASHINGTON It will be noted that the rocks, or mineral or chemical groups, corresponding to the center-points of these divisions seem to have a special value as classificatory types, but we wish to point out that this is not actually the case. Such rocks or such groups, are not more important, considered quantitatively, than those occurring in any other part of the system, even on the boundary between neighboring divisions. This fivefold method of subdivision may be expressed graph- ically as follows: These divisions or units may be described as: I, One in which the center-point is where the first group is present alone, 8:0. II. One in which the center-point is where the first group is three times the second, 6:2. III. One in which the center-point is where both groups are present in equal amounts, 4:4. IV. One in which the center-point is where the second group is three times the first, 2:6. V. One in which the center-point is where the second group alone is present, 0:8. The dividing lines between these center-points will occur at the following: ratios39 7:1, 5/1313). 5nanGi ia 7a, hes rancesmor the five divisions are given by the expressions : ZL NH ZA ERS ZO Bic 8 Alay 6 Gr HA seal WV) aa aS. rae) Vi) == Sain mg =) , such a manifold subdivision is not advisable, since one-fourth of the factor in question would be less than one-eighth of the pair, and hence negligible. In this case we have adopted a threefold division, by retaining the central division of equal proportions (<25 5), and uniting the dominant and extreme divisions. In these divisions there is one where two factors are equal or nearly equal (<> 3), and two where one factor dominates or is extreme (> 3). Strictly, the 580 CROSS, IDDINGS, PLRSSON, WASHINGTON subdivision here should be into thirds, but, in view of the con- fusion liable to arise from the change in proportions the method adopted seems the most advisable one. No subdivision need be made of a factor which is present in negligible amount, the other factor being extreme, since the whole subordinate factor falls within the allowable limit of variation. It may be noted in this place that certain prefixes are used in connection with mineralogical and chemical terms to indicate that a factor is extremely abundant, or is dominant. In the first case the prefix is fer. In the second case it is do or dom. When comparison is made on a threefold basis, and one factor pre- dominates over another (> a the prefix is pre. Since this classification is largely a chemical one, and since in all the calculations of minerals the molecular amounts of each constituent only are used, it must be borne in mind that all chemical comparison is made on the basis of the relative num- ber of molecules, that is, it is purely molecular. For this purpose all percentages in analyses must be reduced to molecular ratios, by dividing each percentage by the proper molecular weight. OUTLINE OF THE SYSTEM. The subdivisions of igneous rocks proposed by us, based upon the principles discussed in the preceding pages are as follows: CLASS, SUBCLASS. ORDER, SUBORDER. RANG, SUBRANG. GRAD, SUBGRAD. The word Rang, which is an obsolete form, equivalent to Rank, has been chosen instead of Rank to avoid confusion, since it is desirable that the technical term should differ from one which is in common use for other purposes. The same is true of Grad which is an old form of Grade. The four terms— Class, Order, Rank and Grade —were at first selected because they are of the same category, the first two CLASSIFICATION OF IGNEOUS ROCKS 581 being commonly used in classification. But Rank and Grade are so frequently employed in a general sense that it is advisable to substitute archaic forms in their stead. These divisions, which are successively smaller, are based on characters of the magma of less and less importance. In other words, the highest divisions express the broadest and quantita- tively most important magmatic characters, those next to them less important ones, and so on. It has been our aim to select the sequence of characters in accordance with this plan, and also to have homologous divisions throughout the system based on the same kinds of characters. The broadest distinguishing chemical characteristics are expressed by the aluminous non-ferromagnesian minerals and their associates, quartz and zircon, the sa/ic minerals, on the one hand; and by the ferromagnesian non-aluminous minerals and their associates, titanite, apatite, etc., the /emizc minerals, on the other. Consideration of the salic and femic mineral groups shows, however, that the former is more simple in composition than the latter, so that certain modifications, not of the principles, but of their application, will be necessary in places. Thus the salic minerals are composed chiefly of SiO, as representing the acid radical, with small amounts of Cl] and SO, in the sodalite group, and of K,O, Na,O and CaO as represent- ing the bases, these last being always accompanied by an equal amount of Al,O,, except in the sodalite group, where this is slightly less than the soda. The alumina, in most cases, reckoned among the bases, may play the role of acid to some extent in certain cases. On the other hand in the femic min- erals, leaving apatite, fluorite, sulphides, etc., out of account, SiO);, be, O, and 11©, represent the acid radicals (the last two possibly uncombined with a base as hematite and rutile), and K,O, Na,O, CaO, MgO and FeO represent the bases. Consequently, to keep to our system of two factors, already described, a more numerous subdivision of the divisions in which the femic minerals preponderate is necessary. But, as will be 582 CROSS, IDDINGS, PIRSSON, WASHINGTON seen, this can readily be done without transgressing the general principles on which the system is based or affecting the homol- ogous characters of the various divisions in different parts of the scheme. The principles on which the divisions enumerated above are made may be stated as follows: Class.—This, the broadest division, expresses the most gen- eral chemico-mineralogical character of the magma, and is therefore based on the relative proportions of the salic and femic mineral groups as calculated in the standard mineral composition of each magma. In Classes all the salic minerals calculated for a magma are contrasted with all the femic minerals. Subclass —This division is based on certain broad chemical distinctions in the salic and femic groups, which make it possible to divide each of them into two parts. These will be explained in detail when these divisions are described at length later. Classes and Subclasses exhibit the broadest and most general characters of the magma, and are based only on the salic and femic mineral groups, and the parts into which these may be most broadly divided on certain chemical lines. More special chemical characters of the salic and femic minerals in each class are next to be distinguished, and since both cannot be indicated at once, according to our principle of dealing with only two factors at a time, we consider first one group of characters and then the other. In accordance with the principle of giving importance to constituents on the basis of their relative propor- tions, the characters of the preponderant group, salic or femic, will be considered first until they are fully described, and then those of the subordinate group, femic or salic, will be taken up. The divisions from Order to Subrang are based on the chemical characters of the preponderant standard mineral group, while the divisions from Grad to Subgrad will be based on the chem- ical characters of the subordinate mineral group. Order.—The salic minerals being in the great majority of cases silicates and quartz, and the silica being the most abundant CLASSIFICATION OF IGNEOUS ROCKS 583 component of these silicates, it is quantitatively the most important chemical character of the salic minerals. Moreover the femic minerals in most rocks are silicates, and in them also silica is quantitatively the largest factor. Less abundant femic minerals are ferrates, titanates, and silicotitanates, besides still less frequent minerals of other kinds. For these reasons the chemical characters of the salic and femic minerals of first importance quantitatively are the acid com- ponents, SiO,, TiO,, Fe,O,, which might be expressed uncom- bined with bases, or by mineral molecules. In order to express as far as possible the mineral composition together with the chemical it is advisable to express the relative amounts of these acids by means of mineral subgroups. Orders in Classes with preponderant salic minerals are conse- quently based on the proportions of quartz to the feldspars, and of feldspars to feldspathoids, since these proportions correspond to differences of SiO, in the salic minerals. In Classes with preponderant femic minerals Orders are based on the proportions between silicate and non-silicate minerals in the first instance, and the recognition of the other acid components occurs in sub- divisions of Orders. Suborder.—In those Orders in which there are preponderant amounts of acid components other than silica, the most frequent of these being Fe,O, and TiO,, we may distinguish the relative proportions of these in Suborders. They occur in those parts of the system where minerals of the M subgroup preponderate. Rang.— Having thus recognized the acid components, with the exception of the radicals Cl and SO;, which can only be present to a subordinate extent, we have now to take up the recognition and expression of the bases in the magma. Conse- quently, Rangs are formed on the chemical characters of the bases in the minerals of the preponderant salic or femic group, according to the Class under consideration. And since there are several of these bases generally present it is necessary to treat them in successive groups. The first and most general division constitutes Rangs. 584 CROSS, IDDINGS, PIRSSON, WASHINGTON Subrang.—The comparison of those bases which are united to form the groups of bases recognized in forming Rangs con- stitutes Subrangs. Grad.—The characters of the subordinate mineral group, femic or salic, will be treated in a manner analogous to that employed when considering the preponderant, salic or femic, group, the only difference being that as the group under con- sideration is subordinate fewer distinctions will be needed. Grads will be based on the general acidic proportions in the minerals of the subordinate group, and will follow the plan of the divisions for Order in the preponderant group. Subgrad.—These divisions will follow the lines of the sub- divisions for Rang and Subrang, and will express the general and special chemical characters of the bases of the minerals of the subordinate mineral group. Sections.—The application of the above principles shows, however, that in certain points more numerous subdivisions are needed. This necessity is met by the formation of Sections of any of the divisions above described. These Sections will be based on more special characters according to circumstances. No general rule can be laid down for them, but they will be explained in their respective places in the subsequent descrip- tion of the various divisions. Family and Series —TYhe grouping of rocks proposed in this system of classification is for the purpose of bringing together rocks that are alike chemically, and also mineralogically and texturally. There is need, however, in the broader treatment of igneous rocks, especially with reference to their genetic rela- tions and to their occurrence in petrographic provinces, to group them in other ways. For these purposes the terms Family and Series are appropriate, and it is proposed that they be used as follows: The term Family may be applied to a group of rocks that have been developed genetically from a common magma by processes of differentiation. In its broadest sense it may be applied to all the rocks of a petrographic province. But it is CLASSIFICATION OF IGNEOUS ROCKS 585 evident that there may be genetic groups of several degrees. of consanguinity, for which more specific designations will be necessary. It is suggested that for these groups terms analog- ous to Family be used. The term Sevres may be used, in an extension of Brégger’s sense," for groups of rocks characterized by similar ratios of cer- tain constituents, as alkalies, but with varying amounts of other constituents, as silica. These series will be of very different characters dependent on the petrographic province, and will have no place in the system proper, since they will traverse it in all directions. They may be designated, as at present, by the use of the names of the extremes, with or without that of an intermediate member. CiassEs.—It is proposed to divide igneous rocks into five Classes, according to the calculated proportions of the standard mineral groups above defined. As previously stated, these groups are designated as sa/ and femin formule, and the descrip- tive adjectives derived from these are given below. (Css 2 ] ae i , persalic. This Class contains rocks extremely rich in the salic minerals —quartz, feldspars, feldspathoids, and corundum. l hi i >? , dosalic. Class IT: fem I /\ In the rocks of this Class the salic minerals are dominant and the femic minerals subordinate. C1ASS BITTE: cal <@ 5 >= 3 , salfeniic: fe mipe 3595 In this Class fall the rocks in which the salic and femic min- erals are equal or nearly equal in amount. Glass IV: al << 3 S e , dofemic. fem Gee <7, * Die Eruptivgesteine des Kristiantagebtetes, Vol. I (1894), p. 169. 586 CROSS, ID DINGS, PIRSSON, WASHINGTON. The femic minerals are here dominant and those of the salic group subordinate. sal Class Vs ——< e , perfemic. fem The rocks of this Class are extremely rich in the femic min- erals —pyroxenes, olivine, magnetite, etc. SuBCLASSES.— The next step in the systematic subdivision takes account of the distinctions among the standard minerals constituting the salic and femic groups. There being a consid- erable number of these minerals in each group, it is necessary for reasons already given to divide each group into two parts. Of the salic minerals, quartz, feldspar and the feldspathoids form a closely associated series when considered petrographically and chemically, and may be contrasted with corundum, zircon or other salic ‘minerals. (Group 1, therefore, falls) into Part; quartz, feldspars and feldspathoids, indicated in certain abbrevi- ated expressions by the letters QO, F and L, and into Part 2, corundum, zircon, etc., indicated respectively by C and Z. Part 1. Quartz (Q), Feldspars (orthoclase, albite and anorthite) (F). Seldspathoids (leucite, Group I. 4 nephelite, sodalite, noselite) (L). | | Part 2. Corundum (C) and Zircon (Z). Similarly, of the femic minerals, the pyroxenes, olivine, akermanite, magnetite, ilmenite and titanite are closely associ- ated in rocks, and form frequent transitional series of rocks with different proportions of these minerals. They may be grouped together as Part 1 of Group II, and contrasted with apatite, fluorite, pyrite, the metals and other femic minerals constituting Part 2. In abbreviated expressions minerals of Part 1 are indi- cated by the letters P,O and M, those of Part 2 collectively by A. ( Part 1. Pyroxenes (diopside, hypersthene, wollas- | tonite and acmite) (P). Olvine and aker- Group II. J manite (O). Magnetite, hematite, tlmentte, | rutile, perofskite and ¢titanite (M). ( Part 2. Apatite, fluorite, pyrite, etc. (A). CLASSIFICATION OF IGNEOUS ROCKS 587 Subclasses in Classes I, II and III are made on a fivefold basis by considering the relative proportions of the two parts of the salic group, just described. The reasons for using the salic minerals in Class III, instead of the femic, are given in the dis- cussion of Orders. In Classes IV and V Subclasses are formed on the proportions of the two parts of the femic group. In Classes I, II and III the divisions will be as follows: Subclass 1: “= tl Subclass 2: Sap 8. Subclass 3: a : ‘ Subclass 4: —e : : Subclass 5: a << ; ; In Classes IV and V the divisions will be: Subclass 1: las > i : A I Subclass 2: ee 5 . Srey Tein? ROM 57. 33 Subclass 2: KOS SS a ; A Ban 85 POM 2 I Subclass 4: ——<=>-. A 5 7 Subclass 5: = Ki : In the first three ;classes the distinctions between corundum and zircon may be made in those subclasses in which they are present in notable’amount, by the formation of Sectzons as follows: Cae, Section 1: oe ; Section 2: Ce ee Tieeetas 61 CROSS, IDDINGS, PIRSSON, WASHINGTON Ul ee) oe) aE aee Cig Sas t Bun hae ee ae ta Section 3 Pie Cache Sections: Jap Section 5: Sipe on 5: 5 ae In Classes IV and V, Sections may be made analogously, when it is necessary to recognize distinctions between notable amounts of apatite and various metals and sulphides. They need not be given here as the principles controlling them are the same as above. It will be noted that the vast majority of igneous rocks of all Classes belong to the first Subclass in each Class. There are few rocks known belonging to most of the Subclasses here proposed, but if ever found their classification is thus provided for and will not disturb that of the rocks already known. In the remainder of this article the classification set forth pertains to Subclasses I of each of the five Classes, unless other- wise stated. OrpeErS. —The division of Subclasses to form Orders is made on a basis of the relative proportions of the standard minerals in the preponderant group. For Classes I and II the preponderant minerals are salic; and in Class III salic minerals are considered before femic, and since minerals of Part I are preponderant over those of Part 2 the former are made the basis of subdivision, which is as follows: a) Quartz, Q. 6) Feldspars (orthoclase, albite, anorthite), F. c) Feldspathoids (lenads) (leucite, nephelite, sodalite and nosel- ite); le: Owing to the fact, already discussed, that quartz and the feldspathoids (lenads) aré in almost all cases antithetical, so that they do not occur together, these three factors may be employed serially and in the first three Subclasses of Classes I, II and CLASSIFICATION OF IGNEOUS ROCKS 589 III the Orders are formed bya double application of the plan of fivefold division, resulting in nine Orders. Owing to the cumbersomeness of the phrases necessary to describe Orders when the mineralogical group-names are employed quantitatively, it is advisable to use abbreviated terms mnemonic of these mineralogical groups. For these we suggest the following syllables: guar, mnemonic of quartz; fe/, mne- monic of feldspar; J/en, mnemonic of leucite and nephelite, which is understood to include the other standard feldspathoids, sodalite and noselite. From these syllables, with the addition of the proper quantitative prefixes already mentioned, are formed adjectives descriptive of the several Orders as given below. On account of the resemblance between the words feldspar and feldspathoid, in such frequent use, we suggest for the latter the term /enad. Order) 1): = > i ; quartz extreme, perquaric. eae S : Order 2:: F <4 . > r , quartz dominant, doquaric. ee Ole 543 Order 3: F < 3 > << quartz and feldspar equal, quarfelic. Ox esa or : ‘ Order 4: F << 3 > Ao feldspar dominant over quartz, quardofelic. L Order 57: a << . , feldspar extreme, perfelic. De as aaa ; : Order 6: =< +=>-—, feldspar dominant over lenad, lendofelic. Breasu 8 L Onder. 7: Fr << : > ; , feldspar and lenad equal, lenfelic. eee Figews aia? : Order 8: FE 3 , lenad dominant, dolenic. Me) : Order 9: 7 > Ae lenad extreme, perlenic. It will be noted that in Class III, in which the salic and femic minerals are present in equal or nearly equal proportions, 590 CROSS, IDDINGS PIRSSON, WASHINGTON Orders are established as though the salic minerals were pre- ponderant. This has been done for the reason that both groups of minerals being present in nearly equal amounts, it is neces- sary to select one group arbitrarily for the basis of division to form Orders. Preference is given to the salic group because the greater number of rocks belonging to this class, so far as known, contain slightly more salic minerals than femic, within the range of 3 and 3, Moreover, the present custom of classifying these rocks primarily on a basis of the feldspathic constituents may be allowed to influence the choice. The division of Class III to form Orders is therefore the same as those in Classes I and II. For Classes IV and V the dominant minerals are femic, and the division to form Orders must be based on the relative pro- portions of minerals of the first Part of this group. They may be grouped into silicates, 1,and non-silicates with titanosilicates, 2. The silicates are further divided into a) metasilicates, and 6) lower silicates, as follows: i [ a) Pyroxenes, diopside, wollastonite, hypersthene, and acmite, P. 13) Olivine and akermanite, O. 2 Magnetite, hematite, ilmenite, titanite, etc., M. Orders in these Classes are formed by comparing subgroups 1 and 2, the silicates and non-silicates. For adjectives to describe these Orders we suggest the following syllables mne- monic of the subgroups of femic minerals: fol, to indicate pyrox- ene and olivine with akermanite; zzz, to indicate magnetite, ilmanite, titantite and the other minerals of this subgroup. For adjectives to describe Sections of Orders, based on a comparison of the two parts of the silicate subgroup we suggest the sylla- bles: pyr, denoting the pyroxenes, and o/, denoting olivine and akermanite. Orders3«: 2 = 2 = i ; femic silicate extreme, ' perpolic. Order 2: P - O z i S : , femic silicate dominant, dopolic. Order at P+0O Z 5 = 3 MeN silicate and non- a M 3° 5 silicate equal, polmitic. CLASSIFICATION OF IGNEOUS ROCKS 59I P+O 1 : A Order’ 4: ali < : >- , femic non-silicate dominant. domitic, M ay PO.) 1 : ae Orders: = : ; pyroxene extreme. perpyric, Sas yet ake Ee 5 . ' ectione2': 0 << : > ae pyroxene dominant. dopyric. Secti : i 3 3 ivi i on 3: 6 < 5 > a) pyroxene and olivine equal. pyrolic. ; | eed baee ec Lae ‘ Section 4: v7) < ; ac , Olivine dominant. domolic. i Piast Ha Section 5: r6) < as olivine extreme. perolic. SUBORDERS.—In Orders 4 and 5 of-.Classes IV and V the non-silicate, mitic, minerals preponderate. The subgroups of these minerals, in greatest abundance and most characteristic of rocks belonging to these Orders, contain Fe,O, and TiO,. The first subgroup includes magnetite and hematite, and is indicated by the symbol H. The second subgroup includes ilmenite, titanite, perofskite and rutile,and is indicated by T. For these subgroups we suggest the syllables “em and #7, mnemonic of the minerals composing then. The relative proportions of these minerals are recognized in Suborders on a fivefold basis, as follows : Suborder 1: ; perhemic. 592 CROSS, IDDINGS, PIRSSON, WASHINGTON Suborder 2: = x t = : , dohemic. H Suborder 3: = < 3 > 3 , tilhemic. pees nS Suborder 4: Hi x , dotilic. Tt etd Suborder 5: = << , pertilic. Ranc.— The division for Rang is based on the general chem- ical character of the bases in the minerals of the preponderant group in each C/ass, that is, in the salic or femic minerals used for the formation of Orders. For salic minerals this is expressed by the terms a/kalic and calcic, which relate to the feldspars and lenads. Divisions are based on the proportions of molecules of K,O’ + Na,O', to CaO”-in these minerals, K, 0"; Na, 0" “and a0, being the parts of these rock components allotted to salic min- erals. The divisions in Classes I, II and III are fivefold: Rang 1: a > ; peralkalic. Rang 2: —— : , docalcic. Rang 5: ead Sea < : ‘ percalcic. In Order 6, where feldspar is dominant over the lenads, only the first four Rangs will occur, in Order 7 only the first three, in Order 8 only the first two, and in Order 9 only the first one. For femic minerals the general chemical characters of the bases are commonly expressed by the terms ferromagnesian, calcic, and alkalic. But three independent factors are not to be employed CLA SSTFICA TION OF IGNEOUS ROCKS 593 in this system at one time, and it is necessary to combine two of the three to form a dual basis fora first subdivision. This is accomplished by uniting the first two and comparing the pro- portions of MgO, FeO, CaO", and the alkalies, K,O", Na,O". In this case CaO", K,O" and Na,O", are the parts of these rock components allotted to femic minerals. For the adjective expressing the first named quality, corresponding to alkalic, we propose to use the word murlic, referring to the magnesium, zron and dime. Upon a fivefold basis of comparison of these two sets of chemical constituents we form Rangs of Classes IV and V, although the more alkalic Rangs here provided are not yet known. They are: Rang 1: a EEL > i permirlic. Rang 2: Sao < i > ; , domirlic. Range 3) Sa < ; = : , alkalimirlic. Rang 4: SS aa ee << : = , domalkalic. Rang 5: Se <_or < : peralkalic. Sections of Rangs in Classes IV and V are necessary to recog- nize the varying proportions between the ferromagnesian and calcic characters of femic minerals, since the magnesium and iron are so closely associated chemically and characterize certain femic minerals free from calcium. For the word ferromagnesian, which is used in a somewhat loose manner in petrography, we propose to introduce the word, muric, to indicate strictly the magnesium and zvon content in femic minerals, and to be mne- monic of these two metals. These Sections of Rangs in Classes IV and V have been made on a fivefold basis as follows : (Mg, Fe)O Section 1: Cad® >2 ; permiric. a 594 CROSS, IDDINGS, PIRSSON, WASHINGTON Section 2: (Mentoe Us 2 , domiric. CaO aga} Section 3: a : , calcimiric. Section 4: Ss 5 » docalcic. Section 5: we SG : ; percalcic. SUBRANG.— Subrangss are made on a basis of the special char- acter of the variable or compounded chemical quality used in forming Rang. In Classes I, I] and III this variable quality is in the ratio of alkalies, potash and soda, and the following sub- divisions are recognized for Rangs I, II and III. Subrang 1: ae a ; perpotassic. Subrang 2: 0" << Z = : , dopotassic. Subrang 3: 0" < a ; , sodipotassic. Subrang 4: woo? ze : 5 ; anata: Subrang 5: ney? : , persodic. In Rangs IV and V of Classes I, II and III only three divisions are used because of the subordinate amount of alkalies. These Subrangs are: ; Oy oes . Subrang 1: Na, 0” > A A prepotassic. OF Se 8 i 4 2 J J Subang 49 Na, 0” Ke : = ee sodipotassic. KeO7 Subrang 3: Na,O” < 5° presodic. In Classes IV and V the variable quality is in the miric: content. The alkalies are so preponderantly sodic that they do not require subdivision, and no distinction on‘a basis of the rela- CLASSIFICATION OF IGNEOUS ROCKS 595 tive amounts of soda and potash are needed. For the present at.least when femic minerals are said to be alkalic, it may be assumed that they are presodic. The divisions in Sections 1 and 2 of Rangs I and II are: Subrang 1: — >? ) permagnesic. Subrang 2: a= < i De ; , domagnesic. Subrang 3: = < ; > : , magnesiferrous. Subrang 4: — =< : > 5 , doferrous. Subrang 5: = ae F perferrous. In Sections 3 of Rangs I and II and in other Rangs of Classes IV and V only ¢hvee divisions are used, because of the subordinate amount of miric component. These are: MgO Subrang 1: rae SF 3 premagnesic. Subrang 2: a << : = : , magnesiferrous. Subrang 3: - gO a 3 preferrous. He@hay 5. Sections of Subrangs.—In certain Subrangs a division into Sections is necessary on account of the presence of various acid radicals or for other reasons. In Classes I, II and III the salic mineral groups, quartz, feldspar and lenads, may be considered as: (a) silica and simple silicates, and (0) silicates combined with some other salt, or silicates containing some other acid, as Cl and SO,. The latter are confined wholly to the lenads. This distinc- tion is advisable here, rather than at Suborders, where it might otherwise fall, because of the great change in the mineralogical character of the lenad group induced by the presence of very small amounts of Cland SO, (often less than 1 per cent. 596 CROSS, IDDINGS, PIRSSON, WASHINGTON of Cl yielding a notable amount of sodalite), and because, so far as has been observed, or seems @ priort possible, the minerals of the sodalite group are only present in the sodic or sodipotas- sic Subrangs of Classes I, II and III. it may be pointed out that the sodalite minerals are also characterized by the presence of more Na,O than Al,O,. The lenads to be contrasted are the simple silicates, nephelite and leucite,on the one hand, and the more complex silicates, sodalite and noselite, on the other. The former may be desig- nated by the symbols me and /c, and the latter by so and xo, and the mnemonic syallables indicating these subgroups are ne/ and son. The division will be needed only in Orders 6, 7, 8 and g, which contain notable amounts of lenads, and will be five- fold in the sodipotassic, dosodic and persodic Subrangs of the peralkalic, domalkalic and alkalicalcic Rangs. 3 ne, le : Section.) ae ; pernelic. SOMnO | ait : ne, lc : Section 2: a < i ss 5 , donelic. SO) MO". E93 2 ne, Ic : Section 3: ad 5 2 , sonnelic. SO) TOs aes : ne; lc I : Section 4: a ees ee , dosonic. sSouno. 5 99 é ne, Ic I : Section 5: , chl Iphic. ubsection 2 Son ee chlorsulphic : Cl 3 dee SS Iphic. Subsection 3 SOF < : presulphic Rocks belonging to each of the five Classes here proposed have been fully characterized mineralogically and chemically, as far as the preponderant salic and femic groups of minerals are concerned. There remains the consideration of the subordinate group, femic or salic, in each case, in order to complete the chemico-mineralogical classification of the rocks. In Classes I and V since the preponderant group is present in extreme amount, the subordinate group is negligible, and no further division is necessary. In Class II the subordinate group is present in notable amount, and is femic, while in Class III the femic group is given second place, after salic, so that in both cases we have to do with femic minerals, and further division will take place in this group and will be in general along the lines laid down in the preceding pages in the description of the divisions from Order to Subrang in Classes IV and V. In Class IV the subordinate group is salic and is present in notable amount, so that further division will take place in this group, following the lines of division from Order to Subrang in @lassessl- Il and 11 It will furthermore be seen that, since in Classes II and IV the subordinate femic and salic minerals respectively are not equal to the preponderant salic and femic, it will not be neces- sary in these Classes to make the divisions, at least for the pres- 598 CROSS, IDDINGS, PIRSSON, WASHINGTON ent, more than threefold, nor will it be useful to make in all cases the finer distinctions which obtain in the divisions based on the preponderant group of minerals. In Class III, on the other hand, where the femic minerals are equal to the salic, and may in fact exceed them in some cases, the fivefold subdivision will be employed, and, as far as possible, the distinctions made in the first divisions of Classes IV and V will be recognized. It may be noted here that it appears that in actual practice these later divisions will be used comparatively seldom in Classes I] and IV, and it will be remembered that they do not exist in Classes I and V, but that they become important in the inter- mediate Class ITI. Graps are based on the proportions of the standard minerals of the subordinate femic and salic groups in Classes II and 1V and of the femic group in Class III. For Class 1] they.are: iP Grad 1: a > : ; femic silicate predominant, prepolic. Ging +O y 5 S 3 femic silicate and non-sili ee M Bude as cate equal polinitic. Gide lee ©) oe Hoe non-silicate predom- 2 M 5 inant, premitic. In Class III they are: Grad 1: Z - 2 > i ; femic silicate extreme, perpolic. | Grad 2: E 4 2 << Z = : , femic silicate dominant, dopolic. Grew P+0O Z 5 S 3 . femic silicate and non-sili- * M rages cate equal polmitic. Grad 4: aa < 5 > : , femicnon-silicate dominant, domitic. Grad 5: eee < e femic non-silicate extreme, permitic. CLASSIFICATION OF IGNEOUS ROCKS 599 ‘In Class III it is also necessary to discriminate further between pyroxene and olivine, corresponding to the Suborders of Orders 1, 2 and 3 of Classes IV and V. This will be necessary only in Grads 1, 2 and 3 of Class III]. They are: Bree 5 : Section 1: rel > ae pyroxene predominant, prepyric. Secti i Leas beee3 ae ection 2: re < = Be pyroxene and olivine equal, _ pyrolic oe eB te ; Section 3: re Sa ; olivine predominant preolic. In Class IV the subordinate minerals belong to the salic group. Their division into Grads is of the same kind as that forming Orders in Classes I, II and III, but since their amount is considerably smaller than in rocks of these Classes, the divi- sion is on a threefold basis, resulting in five Grads, as follows: Grad 1: > ; 5 quartz predominant, prequaric. ie One S18 . Grad 2: 7 oo feldspar and lenads equal, lenfelic. Mos ‘ : Grad 5: F ae ; lenads predominant, prelenic. SUBGRADS are formed on the general chemical character of the bases of the minerals employed to form Grads, and bear the same relation to the latter that Rangs bear to Orders. On account of the smaller amount of the minerals involved in Classes II and IV it is not thought desirable to give the distinc- tions as great a taxonomic value as when the preponderant minerals are concerned, and so they are made the basis of Sub- grads rather than of a new taxonomic division. In Class II the subordinate minerals being femic the chemi- cal divisions are similar to those forming Rangs in Classes IV 600 CROSS, IDDINGS, PIRSSON, WASHINGTON and V:. but are on. a. threetold.“basis’ because of: the. smaller amount of femic minerals, as follows: 2 (Mig hejOri CaO" 2 5 aN Subgrad 1: K,0" + Na,0" oe ; premirlic. Mg, Fe)O + CaO" 5 2 Rig tan Subgrad 2: ( K.O" + Na,0" Xe ; > : , alkalimirlic. mea Mig e) Or pea Or nas in Subgrad 3: K,0" + Na,O” ee prealkalic. In Class II] Subgrads are formed ona basis of the chemical characters of the femic minerals by analogy with those of Class II, but because of the greater proportions of these minerals the division is on a fivefold basis, yielding : Subgrad 1: Sore ae > : ; permirlic. Subgrad 2: eare or < ! > : , domirlic. Subgrad 3: Sere mor = : > : , alkalimirlic. Subgrad 4: Se — < ae : , domalkalic. Subgrad 5: SEsrr oR << : peralkalic. In Class IV the minerals forming Grads are salic, and since they are subordinate to the femic it is advisable to make only three divisions instead of five, as follows: K,0' +Na,O’ 5 Subgrad 1: CaO F prealkalic. Pri Once Na, Ou 5s : Subgrad 2: Cad’ < ; S 5 , alkalicalcic. K5O7-- Na, O% 3 Subgrad 3: 2 Cad’ go aD precalcic. Sections of Subgrads in Class II] are established because the amount of femic minerals is equal or nearly equal to that of the salic, and it is desirable to make further chemical distinctions as in. the case of Sections of Rangs in Classes 1V and V. The divisions are the same in both cases, and are based on the pro- CLASSIFICATION OF IGNEOUS ROCKS 601 portions of miric and calcic constituents. They need only be used in Rangs I, 2, and 3. Mg, F dot: Sectionwct: ae : 3 4 premiric. Mg, F Section 2: (Mg, 2° 2 , calcimiric. CaO Bees (Mg, Fe)O SEectiont.2e= — : : precalcic. Subsections of Sections I and 2 are based on the proportions of magnesic and ferrous components as in the case of Subrangs insGlasseslV and Vie They are’: M Subsection 1: fe > : ‘ premagnesic. MgO 3 Subsection 2: oD 18 Sinay Fuses Salfemane: Equally salic and femic — D2 353 3: ae Fem) > 3ng@icee S 4. Dofemane: Dominantly femic— eae Bema 50a Perfemane: Extremely femic eal < : * y Kem. 700 For other magma units names derived from geographical localities have been used, as already explained. Those sug- gested by us apply to the more important divisions of the sys- tem, and to those based on the best established data, derived from the collection of several thousand analyses already referred to, and from older analyses where available. There are numer- ous divisions for which we have not sufficient data to warrant our suggesting names at this time. Owing to the large number of names selected, they are presented in tabulated form, in such manner that they can be understood without difficulty. 624 CROSS, IDDINGS, PIRSSON, WASHINGTON A list of all new words proposed by us, with their definitions, will be found in a Glossary which will appear with a reprint of this essay, to be published in book form by the University. of Chicago Press. The Glossary and the Tables to aid the calcula- tion of norms are too voluminous to be printed in this JOURNAL. ROCK NAMES. As just explained, the names to be applied to the systematic divisions, or magma units, are formed from names of geographi- cal localities modified by a series of terminations, and designate rocks so far as their chemical composition and standard mineral composition are concerned, but do not indicate their actual min- eral composition or their texture. The methods of expressing these latter characters in the systematic nomenclature remain to be stated. As already said, each is treated independently of the other. We take up first the expression of the actual mineral composition. ACTUAL MINERAL COMPOSITION.—A nomenclature that will express the mode of a rock must indicate the kinds of minerals present and their quantity. The question then arises: How far is it necessary to modify, or qualify, the magmatic names in order to accomplish this, and further: What exactness is desir- able in expressing the quantity of the actual minerals present? When the name of the magma unit to which a rock belongs is given, there is implied in it the standard mineral composition, or zorm, and in order to describe the actual mineral composi- tion, or mode, of the rock it is only necessary to state the extent to which this differs from the norm. And since quantitative distinctions within a petrographical unit of the smallest magmatic division established by this system would further subdivide these units, it does not appear desirable in the present state of petrographical science to carry such sub- division to any considerable extent, however desirable it may become in the future. If the mode be xormative, that is, if there be complete or almost complete accord between the standard mineral composi- aS 8, F ~~ a > 3 ONTARARE. RANG I, PERALK, Subrang 1, . Subrang 2) | Subrang 3, Subrang 4,e Subrang S|. a | RanG 2, DoMAl . Subrang 1! Subrang 2] | Subrang 3, . Subrang 4, . Subrang 5,_. RANG Subrang 1). ae Subrang al Subrang 3... Subrang 4,|... Subrang 5,|... 1 3,, ALKA]. RANG 4, Subrang 1,| _. Subrang 2, Nes “Subrang Bales —| Docar¢ | RANG 5, PERCAL). SN SE SE SE Note.— X indicz SAL x JFL 7] CLASS I, PERSALANE, >->7. SUBCLASS I, PERSALONE, wa >t. : ; Qv7 O Ais 5 Q U5 3 QU3\: OMe ae 8 1 AGS hy Se Lee ; ae a 3 pod soundda dowsuy cotcaullagnatondtate open leo eee Eee cece ie, x Dee y sodi ion ees 3 2. x Din SBOE OOOEORD DE RRA OR OCOS CREO ara trac om eGo cd Hel inceeroraeoned aillarerarsr es GoeaPeera Subrang 2, Sodipotassic, NakOnsaoare SxOdOC OBR Udogh05|loAsOauE 06s Dads Coma enter eens $ i KiO 3 3 3. Labradorose | 3. XO || brevacecsvehereteverorae cere Wihc aMutarane) cleiott loadsa) |fevertssicavasvere oii Pres ETN NAT CTO TCTs ee To PANT TT aol foycet cco drsvay ohevst asec] ckeraiakevelaslopare) oc as oVsuai| | Basie ase ersea ee oy, x ; f Subrang 3, Presodie, Na,0 < goiter nesses cece seeereee|ece sees 3 3 3 | | RANG 5, Percarcic, So < Reno bs ates iad | eGicds as eer te a eye a ie Nagau TODS ob aciel hosdaeS SERRE He Gnriine © \llSanowourectacod| |komonmboo net oS IGascioncooaarseullcack Norr,.— X indicates that analyses are known which belong to this division, but that no name is suggested by us. Mile sis Cts * ma Pe ah nat el es 8, es Sa CAMPANARE. LAPPARE, RANG I, PERALKALIC, I. X I. Urtase Subrange ry Perpd'l Tees cae cet. lis oratc: praigiadcoatn a) Subrang 2, Dopo DENS eal ph ols PO aera te Uy co tee Subrang 3, Sodip | 3. x 3. Arkansose ‘Subrang 4, Dosol |-4----.-.---.: 4. x Subrang 5, Bere 5. x 5. Urtose NANG 325 DO OMATICATIG |i 2 eszvase. ||. a. cack. os a SUI mney Gi, eS aonlle oeoploon decal Gene veneers ded Subrangy 2p Dopo: ||. 2+ VeSUVOSE, aes 2 susie ica: Subrang 3, Sodip | 3-.------ aol te sea St ae Need Subrang 4, Doso | 4- > Sols RAT ME Gree ar a AR Ree tea Subrang SETS Gel [ee biaccierror saety esta ater eee nasser ke: RANG 3, ALKALICALC! Pints pene ont eieetece al | Orcresat ee eRe eE SEAS SubranenesPerpkilsie 22 2s ees (aasen ea Subrang 2yDopiel tase. 8s). se ales eek eai ae Sue ee gee te ee ee Subramea! MDGSdille gests a aealeecckm eee ek cd Soimene Eee i peieeas Womn Rranager ys oh ee RANG 4, DOcaALcic, ly soniay eee conan eae at Dae SubranetlaiPrepl Wine Goose -tleseasen eyecare Subrane peo gSodip ale sacar o-oo Subrang 3, Dee Bases, ota C WRU Seta agen RANG 5, PERCALCIC, Norte.— X indicates tk cee | ; 3 it i él : Men at ; i ot - : SAL (QF CLASS II, DOSALANE, 23- 7) 3 1 8) Les ORDERE wien e ls, eu nee a Ry Og Gee DSA oP; De Se ORSESs mE3 pay 95>? HISPANARE. AUSTRARE, GERMANARE. NORGARE. ITALARE. CAMPANARE, LAPPARE, , K,0+Na,0 7 ; RANG 1, PERALKALIC, a O ta Sie AIO GOSODGS OOOO COOOL OOO CAPT ETRE Te eee reer ees 1. Varingase 1. Pantellerase | 1. Umptekase 1. Laurdalase 1. Lujavrase No x I. Urtase er K,O 7 Subrang 1, Perpotassic, Na,O> x Dd000 GGdo ody Addo OObS0.4l loge Gama AOS Erte | tee ate ee Teaco ci Ils SOD ao eae Tener eee Dy fee atercseteeeten ek Ticesetessiomeeyareeacip Tictepefcrexsroceetiate Toeccor eee ee . i ee so : Subrang 2, Dopotassic, Na,0 < Ps SUMO aR ese Eed boLetesouoved | fay save stausvaysiei's;eisicici| cscicic aiceevenele ater stars A eetals Oca neh Su Day ects a cyst) 7ehoi ee 2Highwoodose.| 2. Fergusose Visonenopnscosy|| “bosssoagenos PV Rar eicey Seat ar ee G K,O Sree} F z: . Subrang 3, Sedipotassic, REO Sao B Guniced d4A0o4ODe 000 |lan Beale ado BoCee Semen Eerie eteeieneae Varingose 3. Grorudose 3. Imenose 3. Judithose 3. Janeirose 3 x 3. Arkansose A . K,O ape Subrang 4, Dosodic, Na,0 ee scab dn 6p 45 U6 CoGaOpoddollopue Todo oe dade laeeetesn a caer 4. x 4. Pantellerose | 4. Umptekose | 4. Laurdalose 4. Lujavrose AN era Pace 4 x R c K,0 1 e : Subrang 5, Persodic, Na,0 <7 JU DODOS A908 OO DEROOm OOogEH Doaee daar domenellaaaaacneamoncce CRAeDi corde mee Glohce acinar Giaahe seni Me Si Serecnsmre ee Sopaencreaeces 5 x 5. Urtose K,0+Na,O z RANG 2, DOMALKALIC, = Le 6 SHATAODO CUD WEDD HID | ces SrA meters beer cel brea ees Mees 2. x 2. Dacase 2. Monzonase 2. Essexase 2. Vulturase 2 MEMLUASAY ||(acancrierantee K,O 7 Subrang 1, Perpotassic, Na.O 780.0000 3H0000 dunoH0 Aébvel|padoudsobenobdullaacoanbasoos 004 HosnSoso0ccn0796 I SG oeerelgee ems LATA eae Oncaea aoe ceniercc hort imowal anne ca nik t tks : é K,O rae Subrang 2, Dopotassic, NOS 0005 00 uOoD CUD Dopo0 domo Ge NEn Mad clases ocobaa De otc Dp x Dc dn ooo Geneon 2. Ciminose 2 x 2. x 2 OVESUVOSCuml|hictprt reste 3 AiG é 20 = Subrang 3, Sodipotassic, N 2,0 5 Meee eAceMct Wels fol shciaToyeNeToneya)| auspsreesne iets ts AcieutierslloeeP tvsse emer ae Br x 3. Adamellose | 3. Monzonose 3. Borolanose 3 x Hapagctod nod looduows daddGan r K,O = Subrang 4, Dosodic, KO as) SMR I ete ker Resets Ce nete¥ eros sl| (vce reszs)3 casas tsusre tel eaves sheiey obs ore setae Aine hers facie 4. Dacose 4. Akerose 4. Essexose 4. Vulturose 4. Xo Pilate ares a x 0 Ke Ome Subrang 5, Persodic, Na,O Fvod es jndhen onda nodoucond|lbanedegeadecenallpascGG0o50 bes Ca Geetinvent dois olon Gounccadoesane 5. x Sign creeciteaene Bn Rodccramnh avd) loqooons Hosos ; Na.O y RANG 3, ALKALICALCIC, psloaaal = 3 naacon boom RODIN Foto loos o Geena me tol (Necoe aericineE te ie tam garcons oocanoddosood Tyensyatyoter te clate I x Mie banon Go00d lo cag GHOROUOORG ond OpidocaAgdor sane a LSA) 75 : Subrang 2; Dopotassic, Na,O “173 cabo coonadoolooconsoullssaposonanes on dlloocObononE Ge Abe PE oHEneD eddoaa ne 2 x 2. x 2 x onasnaadooas © WoXefeke aiciehatatsfaters|| Kintersierurciteir rele ‘ Gg. = ASf0) ~ Subrang 3, Sodipotassic, WHOSco C105 0.0 HOG COU O.CT.07 OSD orRC noc anal GeO Ce eee eecRere 3. Almerose 3. Harzose 3. Shoshonose | 3. x sh Se |roncandoudonac ncatocemorcicctt 2 Subrang 4, Dosodic, MnO <5 acbooo onde ay oon Ves bodlbeae DDAROS eC Odd GOO ROORSA RE aeE 4. Sitkose 4. Tonalose 4. Andose 4. Salemose 4. Cee || ocopenonttabed| Iforcrtinootn Coen 7 2 : Subrang 5, Persodic, Na wo! 6 ato BRON) OS GAIN ORE CTO | TCC Ee ene era eee Ap x 4. Bandase 4. Hessase 4. See | WI MaraSaA Ga cores o| oon GEER EE | MEO Mecreriocete . Ks OFS . ] Pr 2 yo Con 7o O.6bnEd. 60.00 DO0O110.6 [DOU UDDIOMA ETH IF are 5 6 SEPEIMOR || Wogcenoabcaqnad GRC POOCoIOn DDO Om co oo ton fol (coccinremboordnng looboonodn caro ce Subrang 1, Prepotassic, Na,0> 3 dcop dd CONT ROD OR Ome I x I. Sagamose I : i Ish) 55 Subrang 2, Sodipotassic, Na Oisarae 5.000 6d 0.00.00 OSH 0.0 |OKoRO OID sec Croce | MET ERNe HeeeneRerE PAS Cae 000 2. x 2. x Adtiootdo uoddiid| bnoocmnccndas (olla ancodnadn onal iu axcoanddo dior Subrang 3, Presodic, so) Ere eopond bG00H kao edoad bos 6 SC EOC e OeHE teeta 3. xR 3. Bandose 3. Hessose 3. Se |Innocaseddooon, «|.ccontocncnamanloncgods bonbdor Na,O ~5 a = = ae Fh Kane 5, PERCAL CIC, pe Bdddoocgoedh 6800000605] obor eH Aon Cotten [NOE Eee Aer res Be (GUAR? lnc nono onan Sp OLa02 llGoaobo oD aCObenG bonnOnae oct: lloanodnaxadognd landunen ation coer = = Nork,—X indicates that analyses are known which belong to this division, but that no name is suggested by us. n mt} eh aa aerial ry AR seal ei nua erat a . 8, g8 FD! BOHEMARE. FINNARE, RANG I, PERALKA| I. Chotase 1. /jolase Subrang te | Teetototepecetccereg- st | ea Subrang 2, | 2. Chotose 2. Madupose Subrantaign i Sitisst hone. ces BEM Cres Suibidanyes vik || Cpa on eomisns orc 4. liwarose Subrang 5 | aeeupencintertetaeer 5. Ijolose RANG 2, DomaLk 2. Albanase cle aaa cee stn Eee Subrang 2, | ZA banose yh |leisecter apps cisternal oys Subrang 38 3: EX aie a ata | cenerstatersy cheated sles Subrang 4, lbaeiC@ovose youn siete. ee. ay Subrang 5, | 5: Sb RUGS Fall) ee ane cts ra siva\ewe Pci alc = RANG: 3, Avcrenen ado osIoo oboe Io donna ne aoun One shou 1 is - Subrang 2, | Baa ey P Ras ceee stall Uiibing Aer rec hi aeAeg Pe eo a SUR am cael citer Mare ea dane ae Subrang 5, | eaeae oh cuereleXoMoul-Hopohchll-Reysheiienen iieusteacicncieits Tess Sea RANG 4. Docatd Bo wt 6 cad ooo ole.ool ere aaisid elenee gees ey Shiloiesaer See rere oes or cts baler a ae eas cis ae Subrang 2, | born und op > Dame ow re Sem aaa e ede Subrang 3, | AGdS'oCOnIoDaoOnUd|laoIs Oe djoG Noo. RANG 5, BeRCArG aco Uden odvugodlacduooUdeooCe eG L Nore.—X indica | | an i | ' cynic rs ne SAL > FL CLASS III, SALFEMANE, wee J SUBCLASS I, SALFEMONE, OBE Syl , . BEM S35 CZ I 7 ORS} Q 155 ~ O23. 3 Qe 31 QL Lx Wey ie My Ga Tieazees Ts See ORDER aaa DIES on 3 Cy a hr Sa 6 F; nRSS>S 8 F

s a annd sod 66h O00 E560] lag Boodond onadnaSC ATLANTARE., VAALARE, GALLARE, PORTUGARE, | KAMERUNARE, BOHEMARE, FINNARE, K,0+Na,O ; ; f RANG I, PERALKALIC, — ee 2 éodanagdquanbocoaduancean||gusccocdoDadead cacao eenodeaicd 1. Rockallase Tia stsrejsi'a, sates s/airoye 1. Orendase 1. Wyomingase| 1. Malignase 1, Chotase 1. Jjolase Subrang 1, Perpotassic, ISOS sous on God pH abdbedchoncdl lpouacapadcandoulaouay cemguctana Maso voddéuvoco|lacosanoanogeaoe 1. Orendose Wem Wyny ONIN FOSE) | eLivereteterey etc referenere Liperefeseieversvaerseys Teapercrertercieretree P Na,O~ 1 y gs Subrang 2, Dopotassic, 0 Lk SS EP RT eS | iy Ee cia nell RE ee Poacscddooordalodaubedd SesOw Din jaVavareteyaevcterats Dh tircveparscerateyepedate||le2meelersyacaterseren tad 2. Chotose 2. Madupose INE{O) St Gj : P K,O 3 Subrang 3, Sodipotassic, REO Soe §dco Geran ep Abie oaamy| |Paaeoe ohn Corens| io bate nas Deaeern sh x 2. kote acoantetane Rican ooDneTce 3: x Snood asuoucodn sloqnonnontnood Gnbanpadoanne Subrang 4, Dosodic, se) GEESE a nig acl sob SH OGENG SASS PE] ROSE Re Eee eral CRE ce eres Pa eerie oer cit (peice acto tiers 4. x 4. Malignose (aqonaeocas doc 4. liwarose Na,O ~5~ 7 Subrang 5, Persodic, # ee. «58 Reb oca nna oon Re ate | RoGee oats CaO ean MTeoR cee eine 8, Rodlelose |ljsooccovsavendan Ciena: motion SOUnO TE Genco oroteucne Genaomouneadsd 5. Ijolose a,0 47 RANG 2, DOMALKALIC, a s pdoonG CaooDOSUDONONE||SuP0 SDD Aeoscoss||sovudccovKsdodollae aude qocccsce DIM Se fevelcfies toe 2. Kilauase 2. Monchiguase| 2. Kamerunase | 2. Albanase |... ieee veeeees I : K,O Subrang 1, Perpotassic, a <- nooo dcacadoaoubdsoyandlnvoudida soos Galleapucsssdoos eullapagubosecuo00 olbconadeoxon@ueD Meat syste Li epevete sPigetscsts wees EGA OROO G a sevononEouCn lopne bade cnonoeG Subrang 2, Dopotassic, mo <2>S SOO eGOEOaS Hose oea Udon OoecuDoealleae.ccmed Coad ots] sendin ticicld oS oth oq] (oh Gn abe eee 2, OOM |) As secon onaan oe 2. 2. vAlbanose) iiixaes creates Subrang 3, Sodipotassic, T0< : SG es Obs aA aeons an Sern oconcde dane bo cdonaadnrtrbolld uoacodao cote e.d | taed apeemotnrnts 3. Lamarose 3. Shonkinose | 3. x 3: x Subrang 4, Dosodic, mao ? spodUOHOow Ad Donoso eHOUpUoCOdanODaNoaAS>oohononnoDddobioaoaonnano coool bounoooodosan OU 4. Kilauose 4. Monchiquose Asma menunose|irav GOMOSEs | vesiaekeienrerensies ‘ Subrang 5, Persodic, mo < poouduoDoTAnUDbDUOFOUGEoGdS||aoDUDb cODdDORGDldonbosenoapoood lountoon000000CKlloocanb00 000000H 5. x GedanasOnbs Ot Gp x os ee ditondarwac couche RANG 3, ALKALICALCIC, a ? reir cescop stays cauth su cher cletekes|\ctekevoussanececsysWsvey stata] |lonoe cesta une reel /sqesoes | eecnay steccrat keeconerer ae 3. Vaalase Ss (HAR || By SEARED | 3 (AHR Wenen coacoan adan|loooonnon Nias oot $i, PO SSO oo oo od toe Ron TOE ER Ree REN Dee eA G5 hah ot. Ss Rin Ra | re nO cr ner ae ge ee ee Oe Subrang 1, Perpotassic, Na.O7> 1 asHbbnGUs06o HUGdoUENoD loDObOUUoUED DOO ppoUdcoddapanocllognoboonpacoaDe UWosanacodpoade iteoaanacopomas Wagqonced 080bD Mognaadponoood adeno ngouoocoRo||go bono on 5 K 4 Subrang 2, Dopotassic, WO : Sd LOO UTS Clans tol | POUT COM CMEt ohn! OsitD SomnOM OO ome On EOO OSU Fs oo HORTON DeAbSarOkOse|e2irtereiesiencciee 2 nano COGOmGNnO nO prodded pUon on OaD Subrang 3, Sodipotassic, Tao = svoodentoccngnevdelooanerndbao nhacalloscanedoteaancsldacgbuhoodoooo7 B cco DB GmeOuA 3. Kentallenose| 3. Ourose SJooguv 00 G00 UUlloone boododurbon|oovooonocosgoan Subrang 4, Dosodic, Hao 3 Hold dua. ppb UMe Sole een cllUpoome tena dn Siial Pom acmatenecaEr ae laoo moos orn e-can 4: Vaalose 4. Gamptonose! |) 4. Limburgose | 4. Etindose) fees w seen eweveul|ioesere esse seen 2 = : K a = Subrang 5, Persodic, NEO rece Sayed Page es suentuelyee n59 gsaanol| Seas.909Hs oULb os) hang dnRtauaeDtahobgonsnecy aac: Gasosendoonand 5 OLNOSe meer Gj x Ea En lyondosonconounlmoombaancd cx RANG’ 4, Docatcic, oe <3>? ropcodoa nade noocaaddeallauoonoo boos onoolloonnhee ondroooD goddocdo ded 4. x 4. Auvergnase | 4. x 4. SA lospo tooopticomdcl|ino aces rovaratnareteay S ¥ ’ i K,0 5 eee eelieo eee eee eesessne Subrang 1, Prepotassic, Na,O> 3 sonencoADaUcpDoocObocONolonHoUDD DODO wa Godage cedopouEooboaesoDAa oud fooagcundscoud Tictyete(aisketeversieteve ite eon condoodddlluoconodonaoconolanamyun0 ~ 43 c K,0 Subrang 2, Sodipotassic, NaO Soe So ooEns pa co ees plod lbons ore pole acolo oo more bo eocotl Sarco an os Darah (ov etel a s)sciuel ex 2, x Pe x 2 S Wilanrb Ooooh pt oduollnauboUrcootinedn _ ~ Ky 2 Subrang 3, Presodic, NEO Se IngpoOOyUgooO Ao ooMcebad aden doeHooaend| Toten soar seee al Sens onanecdnnooo 3. x 3. Auvergnose | 3. x denn codccocon|lonoenoenooode ud |oodecndon oconcao RANG 5, PERCALCIC, RaG a Nard << WWOTIOSEY OOOOH IOVS SHoooOpElbeoodCODcADEbsAl>oDEbONSUDE DO DRaBooboACOpOoOOG||boogo00dcDA00gn i ACHHCOLE? WKeaaeenougnuoos|ooo0 sods sun 00n0||ocoo 0n00005nK0n|joboaodpg00 00000 Nore.—X indicates that analyses are known which belong to this division, but that no name is suggested by us. ae CES hee Eas Sees ak B SAL > FEN =—__——- 2S gS. EEE a SCOACKARE, ORDER s Se sais HU3N1 Ht aes 5 sop pS, are. Es Xe Mes May (Nits rare pacers te tye | RAtse BOND e's Wa linet emi ticctoy ceaner cH fetunculbcdtae ventas pa | S(webhlasemase tens mer ue selncaceceun aan | Wiis Ps at docs Tee OS eb ety x hareeem a ire uettose DIN maior afteteite sonal lhavepeandensicemerenerens Saal ee Bi ales at NE eA ial Ria arner Da ASE ane TeE \ = Sab a ose Al crevisiies e\\s}\s\4e)i0i40| lls) Il vj,0/\e\i='{e\det) sisi je ioj (eis 2) ay} wn ¥ Aas oy] fo) ian (o) Z : a % | » SAL I = POM CLASS IV, DOFEMANE, FEM =o SUBCLASS I, DOFEMONE, x = : ‘ é P,O_7 sO) 758 OB Olswca : ORDER 1, PXO57, HUNGARARE, ORDER 2,-4,-<; >; SCOTARE. ORDER 3,-7-<= >=) SVERIGARE. ORDERy, Be? | ADIRONDACKARR, ORDER ; Fs! Palys Pei>3 IP AS Per Wo IT RES D555 Pivgq Don Ro F ee G eae Tae — = ~-- = = i 10>: Lire nee Dire eee "ONG Dee b 5) Sea D 2 7OS: Nope (Oe ee Ney SSS) ~ aa ~~ 7 He S H SECTION .iecisssecse seer x O71 3 ON1>3 395375 if O: 2 08:73 3 O<3-s5 4905.77 ro Suborder NP y ipsa mee inst Cece Minnesotiare. x Hongariare. x Pyreniare, x Paoliare. Texiare. x x Bergeniare, S| sonconahsraassacas x Svetigiare® 4|||" 5) ten Reape ase Ndivondackore Champlatnors te U 7 R I, PERMIRLIC CHO SOD aE 1, Minnesotase | 1 x 1, Wehrlase 1. Cortlandtase | 1. Lherzase v4 x 1. Paolase 1. Texase 1. Casselase I x 1. Bergenase | 1 x r I Taber; | oa aie . 5 a ANG I, i Na,O Parrees tpeeves| Te 5 é ‘ « Lherz . : e : b : cy . XK | Tee erences . x Mes LaCereaser lice vwene Soo] Koboonpieend 1. ddirondackase | 1. Champlatate | roo cc is leccs cay cane : o MgO-+ FeO. 7 ered re a: : a ; é é, F : oe . Section 1, Permiric, On O eae 2 Ye(atatetey s1atstatsTej oie ef cLay 1. Minnesotiase| 1............. 1. Wehrliase 1, Cortlandtiase| 1. Lherziase Maeacanoonmoo000 1 Valbonniase | 1. Marquettiase} 1. x 1. Kalteniase || 1. Bergeniase] 1............ Mogsdussaocac Gon don voobds 1. Tabergiasel]......... Ooo doadoneeonc 1, Adirondackiase) 1, Champlaininse) no... ......cdecce cece cree Subrang 1, Permagnesic, BOIS date agoay ao aust TE RR nt ean lL. x 1, Cortlandtose | 1. Lherzose * sere eae. ae 1. Valbonnose | I......-....-. I. x Tigges aratinese Goan adanodad onacivopdodccn puodoboccs cond donbons aco acue Sosnscobunpon |sasitGubances Siralevuscerafare: sie G I I Subrang 2, Domagnesic, MeO E.. noon atHdA00 2. Cookose Aanooouomos ton 2. Wehrlose 2. Custerose 2s INFAINCEO. | Ibenanvocages condlopnencdocavcean 2. Marquettose | 2 x Poo san isooued Phan daa aoagad so doosdsqaoge0d s0o0dcOHSaRGdd4n00r 36 Abcisnnage Kors | Seateserateretereteneter] mtemrtereret creverayeye 2. 2 2 Subrang 3, Magnesiferrous, me } ALUTOOOUDOGO k F Dotonguccooun aheah oocoodnten Goi ICG DDOAAS Qhesadoccdoybl|Iyoocavouoadadsnqaa WoandspidcidDot Onoscecoassoud Bipavspotentelevervebees 3. Kaltenose 3p JHOFHSNCRA ls ocoooedoncous sxc shakeeieteiessisl| alateteet ener meterarte Choonasosnon Wlasouaeonnoos 0 peers JRveuio oeona brn cHaabn sade Fie iic|| 3 3 See DO ten eee ; te ‘| -] Subrang 4, Doferrous, TO s eh a Seo GRR RCO Te 2 =x 2s - ix 2. x BN h rer costes Biera qelstetcisatessi fis Bi 9X 2. Uvaldiase | 2. Casseliase | 2. x Die ves eae 2. =x PE teeR at 2s Bs EX 0 ae el anny a ee a wee ra wee eee sete eee COCO ORO aC CS i) b TTC Mens MCI Steer rd i=i 5 p sic, MBOS7 Belcherose ° Subrang 1, Permagnesic, TeO ogi role Opdhocows nyanaterd 1, Belcherose I. x Tevessesesseee 2 Degeneres eerecee Too. sees I. x I. x p SSeS icin | cic iCcI eine icin TeferetohegeretePaietets) (theretecredatetehereratere lGondsosaraddicods onaaoono ae cies RAEN RTE NCRGERY S) Qe 4G 5¢ |) Me ooeniontipogel| Sn crenbdenoon) || )sorcconpencoune|| Monenbodouncoo | > | 8) PQ eee | Tb Goa Geno bodell Eadoooooecoonol) fon agusosonbllopooounoo GUNN! Toonococuraballdoas onaabnandd|llonnaconsuncelsonaannencup Cay ee eC ty veeee See eee eee baie Subrang 2, Domagnesic, MET SIDS eee. REA entender | 2. x A POROSBWEINOSEH WAN ver cepacia clare | siz a(elsisicievele/= c7e1s/e Pronkvooasboonns Py 5K 2, Uvaldose 2. Casselose Pe att all nanan aavyneie piers © 9 lleccanndurenas Be) sts OI ean aee mere [lee Roose roe cece eee aa Seite Subrang 3, Magnesiferrous, me 3 HOaTHIHO BAe Godot Brvre cece eeees Bev ierree sees 3. Si Wen onocedoncnan wdado odcUdebDooG LensoadanadeD Bneicehscicis)eiel= Quocagcac 5 BhocaooDLdeDhl||soGaqcaboadood Khoabaonduceal booed OS TOnoG Ghocuc conaep 4 laangopddoueedalllaccaccne a Pieters SOCOM OG areal laraininto score 4 Subrangs 4 and § not represented, eres AG . ag \aPedeetea Section 3, Caleimiric, me ? Pa A alta oo nrRee deat olwontdaneomennan lopade orravivie 06 Ob POR EEO 3. Venanziase ab IE ESO! Sb IEECMTERS lb con cpoadoagnun||baspano0cn5acadllscooos se andacal|lscopncasosacos 3. Avezaciase |..... Poe Saoe acoaccudanscan MA accanaa rot | Gareheon mare at : aililectete gatvnas lees vac Mie oa wcers A Gal - - + MrOw 7 Subrang 1, Permagnesic, PEO ects nelle sesine ne yafedtata linaiereuneereinisvelove pYydon) cOvooroEb080 AapHOMeOHeE Hoonaogegancco | ihonguosocdosoge Kocnsedopgeooa|looadocne jon g000|loobEgD00Gob Coad janudbADacDHoHallloobacdnoeS onl! Hosgadoonco0e SDOOnGebHob Anobiids odaon wo fe (aveta ein osacseisfoeal laccturearenete Gob Moan igae onllodeanABpUrAnNTGE APE TaEe «ud! obi cRo tics eRe ares cela hn Subrang 2, Domagnesic, Wes MOOG CAEL hondllonnaacsodn anno DOsrBDObSRODLnO|apmre cca aeuany olltea oGonpooodste 2. Venanzose 25) Brandbergose)|;2'y\ Ra closeimmmnyltterteeeerese tote tcystor-l Cl-telelsveseretsleZsveiecsra\| wists ove octatareystetell | erat lerel ave rete lerevetorel| 2m etcetera |e SrooooAbeon|ltie LaDudouNhoS Bac clotereiesiarter Subrang 3, Magnesiferrous, me ?. Mesa | eect te teietitota| hierar vteisjeiss eis Bonobo ndcco60l hp pe Seetbre eee sloade ourrea0n0 SBoaonenouecasn Glan bedooonbocdllbocconnase donaclodosdnic qgnEcdE| 6a0cen%co0opod||sonoonontar noolp kb ANECCRS IIs ond gocacesacd}faonn. ahnoongr Baler Zeinfercinraweyel | ete cone Ree LSC QOMIBOCe TusCeNOOTC RACH Gr Ren hanic Pent si inera Baise ONG Subrangs 4 and 5 not represented, = je - Me i 7 ; —— ee ~ ——— = ae arene nn 4 t pn ee En Derr Seen at a some Ae a CLASSIFICATION OF IGNEOUS ROCKS 625 tion and the actual, there is obviously no need of mentioning details of the actual mineral composition, since this is fully CEASS2V;, PER SECTIOD RANG I, PERMIRLIC, =a0 + Met Feo as Section 1, Permiric, SEvGiO eg © a SubIeng 1, Permagnesic, FeO SSS Subrang 2, Domagnesic, eos Subrang 3, Magnesiferrous, 5 < Subrang 4, Doferrous, Fo = MeO I Sub me Sg rang 5; Perferrous, FeO Se tee || SN .. MgO+FeO 5 Section 2, Do so Ouse eee el S miric, CaO < : >, 3 z NV Subrang 1, Permagnesic, ee ag Subrang 2, Domagnesic, <2>2... Teas Subrangs 3, 4, and § not represented ae,| yi \ NO Ty > 1) | SAL I ‘ 10 = Py \T POM . CLASS V, PERFEMANE, Fey; <;. SUB-CLASS I, PERFEMONE, —— > ae ORDER 1. ft, MAORARE. I : PW Pes Pees P32 le gee 7 eA ep) Lye Ree aS Sore a SECTION Se ee ee ee ee ee te ee 10°; 2, OS7- 5 3) eae 4 Once” 7 6) >2...........+0000+- 2. Cecilose EMOTO Sw cocoac:. .. Biigecanae aves 6 qo oooucts cor 3 Subrangs 3, 4, and 5, MON, NEORESSMICl so sno ee bh one oD Spall Ovic eta sleet ieetirnle RR rs Ba stuido oan eel gues eae ep ecg Wed oat iy chee cua eens _-Other-orders~of~-Glass-V--not-represented~by-analyses, dl s < RS bees rs v< Neb ds er era eS are Sy CLASSIFICATION OF IGNEOUS ROCKS 625 tion and the actual, there is obviously no need of mentioning details of the actual mineral composition, since this is fully expressed by the norm. To indicate this mode it is only neces- sary to use the word normative, before the magmatic name and connected with a hyphen. As has been already remarked, though all the various possi- ble combinations of the feldspar molecules are regarded as standard, yet it will often be found needful to indicate the special feldspars actually crystallized. In this case, since the albite most often crystallizes with the anorthite molecule, form- ing a soda-lime plagioclase, and since the character of this will condition that of the alkali-feldspar, it will in general only be necessary to name the soda-lime plagioclase which is present. If, however, it is desirable to indicate the presence of microline or anorthoclase, this can also be done. To express the extent to which the mode of a rock differs from the norm it is necessary to state the kinds of minerals which are different as well as the amount to which they have been developed. It is proposed to use the names of the minerals in question as adjective qualifiers of the magmatic name, as has been the custom with such names as mica-diorite, and to express their quantitative relations by means of prefixes or suffixes, or by the order of their arrangement when several mineral names are employed. Owing to the interdependence of the minerals in any rock on each other and on the chemical composition of the magma, it is evident that, given the norm of a rock, which is involved in its magma name, it 1s only necessary to state the presence and amount of certain minerals developed, which are not in accord with the norm, in order to determine the modifications of the standard minerals consequent upon the development of these particular ones. And since such modifications take place in all degrees, from the slightest possible change to the greatest possible, it is neces- sary to recognize in a systematic manner differences of degree. 626 CROSS, IDDINGS, PIRSSON, WASHINGTON Those already suggested in the chapter on classification with respect to actual mineral classification are two: (1) modifica- tions of the norm, which are so slight as not to interfere with the classification of the rock directly from the mode; and (2) modifications of the norm so considerable that the rock cannot be classified directly from the mode without readjustment of the molecules in accordance with the method of calculation for obtaining the norm. In other words, we may distinguish (1) variations among the actual minerals which fall within the limits possible in rocks with normative modes, and (2) those variations among the minerals which cause the rock to possess an abnormative mode. 1. Minerals of the first kind may be termed varietal minerals. They may be defined as minerals whose presence serves to char- acterize and distinguish different rocks of one magma unit, but whose amount is so small that they do not affect the character of the mode as normative or abnormative. Varietal minerals include: standard minerals whose presence is not indicated by the general expression of the norm, that is, the magmatic name, though an exact statement of the norm would recognize their presence; or they may include any of the non-standard minerals. For example: small amounts of quartz or feldspathoid in rocks of Order 5, in Classes I, II, II]; or small amounts of horn- blende and biotite, etc. It is proposed to express in the nomenclature the presence of varietal minerals in the rock by adding to the name of the mineral the suffix -zc. When it is necessary to use several varie- tal qualifiers at one time the mineral names are to be connected by hyphens and the suffix applied to the last, as hornblende- biotitic alsbachose. 2. Minerals of the second kind, whose presence and amounts are such as to produce abnormative modes are called critical minerals, as already mentioned. They are for the most part alferric, but may be salic or femic, according to the mode of the rock. It is proposed to express the presence of a critical mineral CLASSIFICATION OF IGNEOUS ROCKS 627 in a rock by using the name of the mineral without modification, compounding it with the magmatic name by means of a hyphen. In case there are several critical minerals present, their names are to be used in such order that the most abundant stands nearest to the magmatic name, and the least abundant the farthest from it. It may become desirable when the number of mineral names is considerable to abbreviate and compound them in the manner suggested by Chamberlin,* and Jevons.? It is to be remarked that it will not always be necessary to state the exact character or species of the critical mineral. It will often merely be necessary to mention the mineral group, whether augite, hornblende, mica, garnet, etc. This is because experience shows that in a magma of a given character the augite or hornblende formed will in general be of a more or less constant character. Thus in highly calcic magmas the augite will in general be of one kind, in sodic magmas of another, and in magnesic magmas of another. The critical minerals, especially the alferric, may be devel- oped within wide limits, which in the more femic Classes may be illustrated by three rocks of the dosodic Subrang of the alkali- calcic Rang of the Order portugare, of the salfemane Class. In this we find the hornblendite of Gran, which consists entirely of an alkalic hornblende, with no visible salic or femic minerals. Here also belongs the olivine-gabbro-diabase of the same locality, in which much of the feldspar has actually crystallized as such, and in which the hornblende consequently is less alkalic, and augite is present. We also find here a nephelite-basanite of Colfax county, New Mexico, in which the actual composition corresponds quite closely with the norm. The chemical analyses of these three rocks show their chemical likeness. In the first case all the possible alferric mineral has been formed, as hornblende, in the second case only a part, approxi- t Geology of Wisconsin, Vol. 1. pp. 30-40. Madison, 1883. ? Geol. Mag., Vol. VIII, p. 304, 1901. CROSS, IDDINGS, PIRSSON, WASHINGTON No. Ts 2, 3. No. ts 2. 3. SiO, 37.90 43.65 42.35 P.O; tr tr -99 AOR Meaty 11.48 12.29 KONE eemmecull: -..dieoard 205 Fe,0, 8.83 6.32 3.89 SOs Sel Merson, ct alieetewiercrees tr FeO 8.37 8.00 FOG Er sO aii scene aelategses .10 MgO 9.50 TQ 2 13.09 WADE =a 566000 ill. ocane .04 CaO 10.75 14.00 12.49 INI @)> alii eevee MMe .03 Na,O P68 2.28 2.74 Min Oye | oN eet ren tcnegedrss PON K,O 2D 1.51 1.04 Ba@l sic cola emcee 5 H,O+ 1.40 cei TSO SEO a) | Segcece ny |earoeeees .09 lal ORAL tou orte ; 132 TST SO} Oa Mestere ele itches sere tr COR ina is eee ety ale Seis wae —_——-|—__— -— | -——-— AKO} 5.30 4.00 1.82 99.69 | 100.16 100.19 No. 1. Hornblendite, Brandberget, Gran, Norway. V. Schmelck, anal.; BROGGER, Lrupt. Gest. Kryst. Geb., Vol. III (1899), p. 93. No. 2. Olivine-gabbro-diabase, Brandberget, Gran, Norway. V. Schmelck, anal.; BrOGGER, Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., Vol. L (1894), p. 19. No. 3. Nephelite-basanite, Ciruella, Colfax Co.,N.M. W.F. Hillebrand, anal.; Au//. Z08, Cs SiGe'Ss(LO00)5 pel 71. mately half, chiefly as augite, while in the last very little such modification of the norm has taken place. It is possible to devise a method of expressing in the nomen- clature relative amounts of critical minerals for a comparatively simple case such as the one just given. But the problem is more complicated when several of these hornblende, time, which frequently happens. minerals, as augite, «ands jmica, are. present) at #the same The development of one modifies the maximum that may be attained by another, so that the expression of the relative degrees of development of each is a function of the others, and an exact expression in the nomen- clature becomes extremely difficult, and is perhaps imprac- ticable. It will often be found useful to be able to indicate the presence of certain minerals in rock groups, when the relative amount which determines the Order, or lesser division, is not Thus we may want to speak of the persalanes or the dosalanes which carry quartz known or needful for the purpose in view. or nephelite, without specifying the relative amounts of these, z. €., without making use of the ordinal divisions. In these CLASSIFICATION OF IGNEOUS ROCKS 629 cases it is proposed that the name of the mineral be given fol- lowed by the word -dearing. So the cases just mentioned would be quartz-bearing or nephelite-bearing persalane and dosalane respectively. Such names indicate only that the rocks belong to these Classes and carry quartz or nephelite, with no implica- tion of their other characters. TEXTURE. As already explained, the texture of a rock is to be expressed in the nomenclature by a qualifying term applied to the name of the magmatic unit, and connected with it by a hyphen. There are now in use terms expressing some of the com- monest and most characteristic textural features of igneous rocks. It is proposed to use these in their present form, or to modify them by abbreviation in some cases with the addition of syllables indicating the degree of granularity. The syllable -o is added to indicate that the texture is recognizable megascop- ically ; -2 is added when it is microscopic. For example: Granitic = xenomorphic and hypautomorphic granular ; grano = mega- scopically granitic, megagranitic ; gvauzZ = microscopically granitic, micro- granitic. Trachytic = panautomorphic with tabular feldspars ; ¢vacho = mega- scopically trachytic, megatrachytic ; ¢rachi = microscopically trachytic, microtrachytic. Graphic = pegmatitic = granophyre in the Rosenbusch sense ; grapho = megagraphic ; grapht = micrographic. Potkilitic ; potkilo = megapoikilitic ; ozk¢éz2 = micropoikilitic, Ophitic ; ophito = megophitic ; opfzt¢ = microphitic, Felsitic = aphanitic; /e/so = megafelsitic ; fe/s¢ = microfelsitic, micro- scopically homogeneous, but not isotropic glass. Vitreous , vitro = megascopically vitreous ; vztr¢ = microscopically vit- reous. Spherulitic; sphero = megaspherulitic ; sper¢ = microspherulitic. Porphyritic; phyro = megaporphyritic ; AkyrZ = microporphyritic, that is, the phenocrysts are not megascopically notable, or are quite insignificant. With the term pyr may be combined one indicating the tex- ture of the groundmass as follows: Porphyritic granitic; granophyro = megagranitic, megaporphyritic ; 630 CROSS, IDDINGS, PIRSSON, WASHINGTON graniphyro = microgranitic, megaporphyritic (granophyric in the Vogelsang sense); gvanipfhyri = microgranitic, microporphyritic. Porphyritic graphic; graphophyro= megagraphic, megaporphyritic ;. graphiphyro = micrographic, megaporphyritic ; graphiphyrzt = micrographic, microporphyritic. Porphyritic felsitic , felsophyro = megascopically felsitic and porphy- ritic ; felsophyr¢ = megafelsitic, microporphyritic; fe/szphyrz = microscopically felsitic and porphyritic. Porphyritic vitreous; vitrophyro, vitrophyri, vitriphyro, vitriphyrt. Porphyritic potkilitic; potkilophyro, potkiliphyro, etc. Porphyritic ophitic , ophitophyro, ophitiphyro, etc. Aphyro = megascopically non-porphyritic, or aphyric. Afphyri = microscopically non-porphyritic, or aphyric. Salphyro = megascopically porphyritic with salic phenocrysts, sa/phyrtc.. femphyro = megascopically porphyritic with femic phenocrysts, /fem- phyric. Alferphyro = megascopically porphyritic with alferric phenocrysts, alferphyric. Salfemphyric, alfersalphyric, alferfemphyric etc. From the foregoing statement we may summarize the method of formulating the nomenclature here proposed as follows: 1. The magmatic name, of whatever division is to be indicated, which is formed by the use of the locality root and appropriate termination, stands as the basis of nomenclature, and is the substantive part of the terminology. This is because the fundamental character of igneous rocks is the chemical composi- tion of the magma, which persists whatever be the mineral development or the texture determined by conditions obtaining during solidification. 2. According to the information at hand, or to be conveyed,. the magmatic name must be selected which represents the Class, Order, or other division to which the rock belongs. And this name may be qualified by mineral and textural adjectives. Thus it is possible to indicate the Class of a rock, when first observed in the field, and to describe its chararteristic mineral compo- nents, and its texture. If the relative proportions of its domi- nant minerals, salic or femic, can be readily determined, the magmatic name for the Order can be used. Subsequently more CLASSIFICATION OF IGNEOUS ROCKS 631 specific magmatic names can be given to it. In each of these cases the critical mineral and the texture can be indicated by the same qualifying terms, or more precise ones if needed. In this respect this system possesses a distinct advantage over former ones, in which no attempt has been made to indicate in the nomenclature the degree of exactness with which the rock is known or is to be described. 3. To indicate the actual mineral character of a rock when its magmatic name is given it is only necessary to express either the fact that it is standard or the departure from the norm by mentioning those critical minerals whose presence induces changes in the norm, or those varietal minerals which may be present. When such exactness is desired: a) If the rock possesses a normative mode the actual mineral composition is expressed by using the word normative before the magmatic name. 6) If the rock does not possess a normative mode and it is desired to indicate the critical minerals present, it is proposed that such mineral qualifiers be used in some cases without intro- ducing quantitative modifications. These mineral qualifiers may be used as full names attached to the magmatic name by a hyphen, as is the present practice, or they may be abbreviated and compounded. c) It is suggested that the presence of small amounts of important minerals be indicated by adding the suffix-zc to the mineral name. 4. The texture is to be indicated by adjectives expressing the fabric, the crystallinity, and the granularity, and may be the terms in common use, those suggested above, or abbreviations of these. 5. Either mineral or textural qualifiers may be placed next to the magmatic name according to the emphasis to be given them, it being generally understood that the term nearest the magmatic name carries the strongest emphasis; the magmatic name coming last. The same rule is to be applied to the arrangement of several mineral qualifiers, that nearest the mag- matic name is to be considered the most important. 632 CROSS, IDDINGS, PIRSSON, WASHINGTON Examples —TVo illustrate the methods proposed, the follow- ing examples may be given, especial stress being laid on the possibility of expressing the exact amount of knowledge which is at hand or is to be conveyed. 1. The typical monzonite of Brégger, from Monzoni—an evenly granular, phaneric rock, composed, as seen in the field, of dominant feldspars, with only traces of quartz, considerable pyroxene, hornblende, and less biotite, with insignificant amounts of magnetite and apatite. From the analysis by V. Schmelck* the following norm is calculated : Orthoclase - - - - - 26 Albite - - - - - =n? OD 68.1 Anorthite’— - - - - - 15.8 Diopside - - - - - = TS. 43) | Hypersthene - - - - Bu 3°e 20575 || Olivine” - - - - - a Din \ ; Magnetite - - - - - a eral 332 Ilmenite - - - - - = 10/6 | Apatite - - : - - T3832) ies 3 ira 100.0 The rock belongs, therefore, to Class II, the dosalanes, with salic minerals dominant over femic, and this is evident even in the field. Since, among the dominant salic minerals, neither quartz nor feldspathoids (lenads ) are present, it belongs to the fifth Order, and is consequently, germanare. ‘his, likewise, can be deter- mined from the megascopic examination. On referring to the analysis it is seen that the alkalies are to lime in normative anorthite as the ratio 0.0907:0.057=1.70. “Che rock, therefore, belongs to the second Rang, the domalkalic, to which we have given the name of smonzonase. ‘This, and the fol- lowing points, could not be determined in the field. As K,O’;Na,O” :: 0.047: 0.050, the two are in nearly equal amount, and the Subrang is thus the third, sodipotassic, which we have called monzonose. We have thus characterized the rock completely, as far as the dominant minerals are concerned. Taking up the subord1- * W.C. BROGGER, Eruptivgest. Kristianiageb. Vol. II, p. 24, 1895. CLASSIFICATION OF IGNEOUS ROCKS 633 nate ones, we see from the norm that the pyroxenes and olivine are together dominant over the non-silicates, magnetite and ilmenite, the apatite being in negligible amount. The Grad is therefore the second, and this might be called sonzonate. Coming to Subgrad, we have to deal with the chemical char- acter ofethe femic minerals, \ Thisis (Mg, Fe)O:Ca@Q" :: 0.160: O1094—1.702,,° The Subgrad is the second, domiric, and: this might be named monzonote. Taking up next the mode and texture, it has been seen that the mode is normative as far as the salic minerals are concerned, but that hornblende, with a little biotite, largely replaces the normative femic minerals. Hornblende is therefore the critical mineral and biotite the varzetal. The texture is simply a normal granitic one and rather coarse, for which we use the term grano. In the field, then, the rock would be referred to either its Class, as dcotetic hornblende-grano-dosalane, or its Order, as biotitic hornblende-germanare, or as a grano-hornblende-germanare, if we wished to disregard the sma!l amount of biotite and emphasize | the hornblende content. Further study with the microscope and in the laboratory would allow us to speak of the rock as gvano-hornblende-mon- zonase, or biotitic hornblende-grano-monzonose, according to what information we wished to convey. The augite-latite of the Dardanelle Flow, in Tuolumne county, California,t which belongs to the same Subrang, would be spoken of as normative phyro-monzonose, since the augite is almost wholly diopside. Since, however, in the norm of this rock pyroxene and magnetite are present in equal amounts, it would belong to the third Grad, which might be called darda- nellate. Similarly, confining ourselves to the same Subrang, the olivine-trachyte of the Arso, in Ischia, would be olvvinic-phyro- monzonose, the gauteite of Hibsch’, a hornblende-trachiphyro-mon- 1F, L. Ransome, 4. /. S., Vol. V, p. 363, 1898. 2, HBSCH,) 7, 10.02. 07.5 Viol. XV IL, p. 84, 1897. 634 CROSS, IDDINGS, PIRSSON, WASHINGTON gonose,and the mica-basalt of Santa Maria Basin, Arizona,’ a felsophyro-biotite-monzonose. A glassy facies of any of these, with hornblende phenocrysts, for example, would be hornblende-vitro- monzonose. A pure glass of this composition would be simply a vitro-monzonose, OY aphyrovitro-monzonose; if microlitic it would be a phyrivitro-monzonose. To take another example, the normal, lithoidal, micro-spher- ulitic and porphyritic rhyolite of the Yellowstone National Park is spheriphyro-alaskose, which is a very concise expression for a rock that is microscopically spherulitic, megascopically porphy- ritic, having the chemical composition of a rock whose norm consists of extreme salic minerals, of which quartz and feldspar are nearly equal, the feldspars extremely alkalic, and soda and potash in nearly equal proportions. An example of intermediate rock is to be found in the granite of Butte, Mont., whose composition is discussed at length in connection with the calculation of norm and mode. This rock belongs near the border line between Classes I and II, and the : : ] rock from Walkerville Station, Butte, has — = 7a Ane et siSeec persalane near dosalane, and may be called dosalane-persalane, which contracts to do-persalane. The Order is quardofelic, Se 3 it is britannare (Class I) near austrare (Class II), or austrare britannare. The Rang is alcalicalcic, K,O’+Na,O’ _ Bemea se j CaQ’ = 1.38, Sa it is coloradase (Class 1) near tonalase (Class II), or tonalase- coloradase. The Subrang is sodipotassic, KOs! ice Na,O sare I, < 3 > ee it is amiatose (Class I) near harzose (Class Il) or harzose-amiatose, BU TAS On SiGe Se Pa LOA on G.a WO) elS.O 76 CLASSIFICATION OF IGNEOUS ROCKS 635 Type AND Hapit.—It is clearly obvious that if great pre- cision or completeness be desired, so that both mineralogical and textural qualifiers are used, the polynomial name resulting will be of considerable length, comparable to such present names as quartz-hornblende-biotite-diorite-porphyry. This will probably not be as great a practical difficulty or inconvenience as may appear at first sight, since after a given rock has been described and named in full in any given article, it may be referred to subsequently by its magmatic name alone, or by this in conjunction with a textural or modal term, according to circumstances. However, since the same or similar assemblages of modal and textural characters are found in many localities it will be as well to be able to express these concisely. This is, after all, what is accomplished by many of the names in the present systems of nomenclature, although it has not been done systematically. Thus the names granite, rhyolite, tinguaite, laurvikite, etc., convey primarily an idea of the qualitative mineral composition and the texture of the respective rocks, with a very rough one of the magmatic character. It is to be noted that there are two degrees of similarity among rocks which can be easily recognized and made use of. One is almost complete zdentity, the other a general resemblance which suggests identity. Type.—For the first of these, zdentity or almost complete identity, we propose the use of the term “ype. Rocks of the same type are identical in norm, mode, and texture, or almost completely so. They are of the same grain, have the same fabric, the same actual mineral composition, and are so much alike that they may be mistaken for one another or might have been parts of one rock body. Many examples of such close similarity are familiar to all petrographers. The particular modal and textural features which characterize rocks of a given type are to be expressed by a single adjective word, composed of a root derived from a geographical locality in which a rock of the type occurs, but not already employed to designate a magmatic unit, and the termination -a/. 636 CROSS, IDDINGS, PIRSSON, WASHINGTON Habit.—In order to express the fact that one rock resembles in general appearance another well-known rock by exhibiting some of its characteristic features without being identical in composition or mode we propose to use the term adit, formerly in constant requisition among petrographers. The features of a rock characterizing its habit may be both textural and mineral. For example: one rock may be porphyritic, with a dark-colored, aphanitic groundmass, and the phenocrysts rhombic feldspars. Another rock may have these features, but belong to a chem- ically different magma. The two may be said to have the same habit. And the second may be sufficiently described by giving its proper magmatic name qualified by an adjective indicating the habit of the first rock. To accomplish this we propose that the habit of a rock be expressed by a word formed similarly to one expressing type but with the termination -ozd. The root of the word is to be taken from some geographical locality. It may be the same as one used for a type, since a common type rock may be one whose habit will often be used in describing another, less common, rock. Thus a particular form of rock belonging to the Order russare, of the persalanes, may constitute the tngual type, with definite norm, mode, and texture; while a somewhat similarly appearing rock belonging to the Order norgare, of the dosalane Class may possess a tinguoid habit. The habital qualifier may be applied to a magmatic name of any systematic division, since it does not specify the composition of a rock. Thus we may describe a rock as a tinguoid dosalane, or a tinguoid norgare, a tinguoid laurdalase, etc. There may be tinguoid persalanes and salfemanes. It is obvious that, with the use of types and habits, the nomenclature will tend to become binomial, and hence much more easy of application than in the present systems, or in the full one proposed here. It will, however, differ radically from the binomial nomenclature in use in the organic sciences, since the habital qualifier will not correspond to the specific terms of CLASSIFICATION OF IGNEOUS ROCKS 637 these, applicable only to the generic name, but will be applicable to any division of the classification from Class to Subgrad. ROCK NAMES FOR GENERAL FIELD USE. It is obvious that a considerable part of the system of clas- sification and nomenclature here proposed can only be applied upon microscopical or chemical investigation. This is equally true of a large part of that in present use. There are many distinctions based on characters that cannot be observed with the unaided eye, such as differences among the plagioclase feld- spars, and the mineral composition of aphanitic rocks. It is also clear that the system demands a more detailed knowledge of rocks than many geologists, mining cngineers, and Others. interested in geology, may care to. acquire. This isa natural consequence of the advance in petrological science, which requires a corresponding advance in specialization and in petrographical classification and nomenclature. For these reasons, which might be elaborated at consider- able length, we are convinced of the need of general petro- graphical terms which will be serviceable in the field work of the petrologist, and which will be of use to the general geologist and to those who may not be able to carry on microscopical and chemical investigation. Such general terms should be based on megascopic char- acters of the rocks and should be limited to such characters. Their application should be purely objective and everything of a subjective nature should be eliminated. It follows from this that such terms cannot be correlated with those used in the systematic nomenclature based on chemical and micro- scopical properties. They must be understood to have a totally different scope, and to indicate no more than the general mega- scopic characters with which they are connoted. The attitude of the person using such terms is the same as that of geologists who studied rocks before the introduction of the microscope, and most of the distinctive features exhibited megascopically by igneous rocks were well known and appro- 638 CROSS, IDDINGS, PIRSSON, WASHINGTON priately named by the early geologists, and most of the terms used by them are in use at the present time, though their appli- cation has been variously modified by repeated redefinition. We recommend that those terms which are needed for gen- eral field purposes, and are to be based on purely megascopic characters, be selected from the terms originally proposed by the founders of geology, and be given their original significance so far as possible, with only such modifications as a somewhat more systematic treatment of the matter may suggest. When all igneous rocks are considered with reference to their megascopic characters their most generally recognizable features appear to be their fexture and color, and in some Cases, and to various degrees, their mzneral constituents. If we attempt to group them according to texture we find them falling into three large divisions: 1. Those whose mineral components can be seen with the unaided eye. 2. Those whose mineral components cannot all be seen with the unaided eye, and that are composed of a greater or less amount of lithoidal material not resolvable into its component parts. 3. Those with vitreous luster in the whole or a part of the mass. The first have been called by Hauy phanerogéne, and may be termed phanerites. The second have been called by d’Aubuisson (1819) aphant- tes, a name which cannot be improved upon. The third have been long known as volcanic glasses — obsidian, pitchstone, etc. All phanerites, whether igneous or metamorphic, massive or schistose, were at an earlier time called granite. But at the beginning of the last century a number of kinds of phanero- crystalline (phaneric) rocks were recognized, the distinctions being based upon the minerals that could be identified mega- scopically. These minerals are: quartz, feldspar, leucite, ‘nephelite, mica, »hornblende, -augite, the. iron ores, ete: 1t CLASSIFICATION OF IGNEOUS ROCKS 639 is to be remembered that there were no specific distinctions among the feldspars. It is equally true at this day that no specific distinctions can be made with the unaided eye among the lime-soda-feldspars, and that albite, oligoclase, andesine, and labradorite cannot be identified as such without optical or chemi- cal tests. It follows from this that phaneric rocks cannot be classed by purely megascopical means as having alkali-feldspars, or more calcic feldspars. We must not attempt to subdivide these rocks on the basis of characters not recognizable mega- scopically and must content ourselves with employing mineral groups, such as feldspar, mica, amphibole (hornblende), pyroxene, etc., as bases for their field designation. For these reasons we suggest the following use of familiar terms when rocks are to be named on a purely megascopical basis. I, PHANERITES—phanerocrystalline (phaneric) rocks. 1. Granite —all granular igneous rock composed of dominant quartz and feldspar, of any kind, with mica, hornblende, or other minerals in subordinate amount. This is the granite of Werner, von Leonhard, and other early geologists, and will include what is now termed granite, granodiorite, tonalite, and most quartz- diorites. It will embrace all light-colored, granular rocks with dominant feldspar and a noticeable amount of quartz. It will include the quartz- (hornblende) -syenites of earlier geologists. 2. Syenite—all granular igneous rocks composed of dominant feldspars, of any kind, with subordinate amounts of mica, horn- blende, pyroxene, or other minerals, and without noticeable amount of quartz. This is the syenite of Werner, von Leonhard, and others, with slight modification, and will include modern syenite, anorthosite, and the more feldspathic monzonites, diorites, and gabbros. If it is desirable to distinguish the plagioclase rocks when recognizable, such as the coarse-grained anorthosites, they may be called plagioclase-syenites, or anor- thosites. 3. Diorite—all granular igneous rocks with dominant horn- blende and subordinate feldspar of any kind. This is the 640 CROSS, IDDINGS, PIRSSON, WASHINGTON diorite of d’Aubuisson (1819) as defined by von Leonhard (1823). It will include the less feldspathic diorites and horn- blende-gabbros. 4. Gabbro—all granular igneous rocks with dominant pyrox- ene and subordinate feldspar of any kind, with or without horn- blende and mica. Essentially the gabbro of von Leonhard. Since it is not possible to identify pyroxene as distinct from hornblende in many cases, megascopically, it will probably happen that all of those rocks which can be clearly seen to contain dominant hornblende will be called diorite, and all doubtful ones will be grouped with the distinctly pyroxenic gabbros. These rocks will include the less feldspathic gabbros and norites, and some diorites. 5. Peridotite, pyroxenite, and hornblendite—all granular igneous rocks composed almost completely of olivine, pyroxene, or hornblende, in variable proportions, with little or no feldspar. These names are to be applied as at present. Other names in common use, which can be applied without confusion upon the basis of purely megascopical determination, may be used. I]. ApHANITES—lithoidal, aphanitic rocks. These may be non-porphyritic or porphyritic, the aphanitic character being confined to the groundmass. A. Non-porphyritic forms, having no recognizable mineral con- stituents, must be subdivided, if at all, upon the basis of color, luster, or other physical properties. The early distinctions were in reality on a basis of color, and were two: 1. Felsite (Gerhard, 1814), Phonolite (Klaproth, 1801), Petro- silex of the French geologists. /e/szte includes all aphanitic igneous rocks that are non-porphyritic and are light-colored, in various tones, and with various lusters other than vitreous. They include lithoidite (von Richthoven, 1860), or lithoidal rhyolite, non-porphyritic trachite, and phonolite, and the lighter colored non-porphyritic andesites, latites, etc. 2. Basalt—all dark-colored, aphanitic, igneous rocks without phenocrysts. This will include the dark-colored andesites, non- CLASSIFICATION OF IGNEOUS ROCKS 641 porphyritic basalts, diabases, and other lavas known by a num- ber of names, which before the classic studies of Zirkel were grouped togther as basalt. B. Porphyry—porphyritic forms may all be embraced within the general term of porphyry. They may be separated on a basis of color to correspond to the divisions above mentioned into two groups. 1. Leucophyre (Giimbel, 1874) and 2. Melaphyre (Brongniart, 1813). Gumbel applied the term leucophyre to certain altered dia- bases of light color, which would not be included within the group here proposed, but the term was applied to altered rocks and has never been in general use, and may advantageously be redefined. Leucophyres would include all porphyritic, aphanitic, igneous rocks, with light-colored groundmass, and with phenocrysts of any kind. Melaphyres would include all porphyritic, aphanitic igneous rocks with dark-colored groundmass, and with phenocrysts of any kind. According to the kinds of phenocrysts which may be identi- fied megascopically these rocks may be named without reference to the color of the groundmass as: Quartz-porphyry or quartzophyre. Feldspar-porphyry or feldsparphyre, but not felsophyre, since this name is in common use for a porphyry with felsitic ground- mass. Hornblende-porphyry or hornblendophyre. Mica-porphyry or micaphyre. Augite porphyry or augitophyre (von Buch, 1824). Olivine-porphyry or olivinophyre (Vogelsang, 1872). If it is intended to indicate the color of the groundmass as light or dark, we may use the terms: Quartz-leucophyre or quartz-melaphyre. Feldspar-leucophyre or feldspar-melaphyre. Hornblende-leucophyre or hornblende-melaphyre. 642 CROSS, TDDINGS, PIRSSON,;, WASHINGTON It is to be remembered that these terms leucophyre and melaphyre imply nothing as to the composition of the ground- mass. They strictly indicate nothing but its color. III]. THe GLAssEs—glassy rocks have been classified on a basis of luster and texture as follows: 1. Obsidian—vitreous rock of any color, usually black, often red, less often brown and greenish. 2. Pitchstone—resinous and less lustrous than obsidian, and consequently lighter colored. 3. Perlite—glassy rock with perlitic texture produced by small spheroidal fractures. 4. Pumice—highly vesicular glass, usually white or very light-colored. Each of these varieties may be non-porphyritic or porphyritic. The latter may be called Vitrophyre (Vogelsang, 1867) and may be qualified by mineral terms indicating the character of the prominent phenocrysts, yielding guartz-vitrophyre, feldspar-vitrophyre, etc. They may also be called porphyritic obsidian, pitchstone, perlite, or pumice. PART Tih, sMETHODS OF ‘CALCULATION: In order to obtain concordant results in all cases in the determination of the kinds and amounts of standard minerals that correspond to a magma of any given chemical composition, a uniform method of calculation is necessary. This calculation may be made either from the chemical analysis of the rock or from the quantitative estimate of the minerals actually pres- ent inert. The calculation of standard minerals belonging to the salic and femic groups, rather than that of the actual minerals which may be present in the rock, is warranted not only by the fact of the variable possibilities of crystallization in one magma, but because of the difficulty of determining the quantity and chem- ical character of the minerals actually present in many rocks. It is further warranted because of the impossibility of determin- ing the minerals in a great number of rocks in which they are CLASSIFICATION OF IGNEOUS ROCKS 643 too small, and because of the incomplete crystallization of all more or less glassy rocks. The variability in the development and chemical composi- tion of the alferric minerals justifies us in treating them as com- binations by readjustment of salic and femic molecules. Their chemico-mineralogical relations and the method of calculating their proportions will be stated later on. The method of calculation adopted is based upon a number of commonly observed chemico-mineralogical relations that obtain in the rock-making minerals, which may be stated as follows: CHEMICAL RELATIONS AMONG SALIC MINERALS.—1!I. The con- stant relation between the molecules of Al,O, and K,O and Na,O in orthoclase and albite, leucite and nephelite (Al,O, Ke Ore Nan Or cap). 2. The somewhat similar relation between these constituents in the sodalites, where the soda is slightly in excess. The ratio imegsodalite isweAl Oo 2 Cho: Na, O --4+Na,0 2 i) is tain Hosclite tes wl, On pe oO 0 Na, Or ---tNa,O: 2 bir, 3. The constant relation between Al,O, and CaO in the anorthite molecule (Al O; 4), CaO; 3 1: 1). 4. The development of corundum under favorable conditions in rocks with excess of Al,O, over K,O, Na,O, and CaO. 5. The relation between the development of alkali-feldspar (polysilicates) and of feldspathoids (meta- and ortho-silicates ) and the available silica in the magma, so that free silica (quartz) does not crystallize together with leucite and nephelite. 6. The stronger affinity of Al,O, for K,O and Na,O than for CaO, Al,O, forming alkali-feldspars and feldspathoids (lenads) in preference to anorthite. 7. sehesconstanty ratio; between ZrO, and SiO lmin zircon; /BSO) 8 SWOAIS 2 Wate CHEMICAL RELATIONS AMONG FEMIC MINERALS.—1I1. The con- stant relation between Fe,O, and Na,O in the acmite molecule (HenOne-tN a OF celas lo). 2. The general fact that this molecule is developed in mag- mas when K,O and Na,O are in excess of Al,O,. 644 CROSS, IDDINGS, PIRSSON, WASHINGTON 3. The constant relation between Fe,O, and FeO in magne- tite (Ke, O;oaticOr: 1.11) 44 Dhe relation between FeO and iO > in dmenite (he@:: TOR peel, 5. The relation of TiO, and CaO in titanite and in perofskite (AiO cee € ans mica ne)): 6. The development of the titano-silicate, titanite, in the more siliceous rocks, and of the non-siliceous perofskite in its place in the less siliceous ones. 7. The constant relation of P,O, to CaO in apatite (P,O, CaO : 3313) 8. “ie relation of CaO and (Mg, Fe)O i in monoclinic pyrox- ene, - enough Fe@™ to) satisfy the ratio TiO, : FeO™: Ieee tormilmenite- li; there isexcess of I10,, allot. to it equal CaO for titanite or perofskite according to available silica, to be determined later. If there is still an excess of TiO, it is to be calculated as rutile; 6) tov PR, ©, allot enough €aO\-to satisfy the ratio P,O, : CaO :: 1 : 3.33 for apatite. Allot F to satisfy CaO = 0.33P,0, ; ad) to F not used in apatite allot CaO to form fluorite, Ca@eork 223322" eto CleallotwNal © im thewratio Cl, : Na,(O) S2m03 rior sodalite ; 7 ito= SO allotNa.© ine proportion SO, : Na,O Sear sn tor _ noselite ; g) to Sallot FeOin proportion S : Fe(O) :: 2:1 for pyrite; h) to CO, in undecomposed rocks allot CaO in the propor- tionyt : 1 tor calcite. (CO, may. occur in primary ‘caleite and cancrinite. If these minerals are secondary, the CO, is to be neglected, since it is understood that analyses of decomposed rocks are not available for purposes of classification. Having adjusted the minor, inflexible, molecules, there remain the more important but variable silicate molecules, which form the great part of the standard mineral composition, or norm, of most rocks. 4. To Al,O, are allotted all the K,O and Na,O, not already disposed iotjin the propertion of Al, O,)..K;O taNa Ores 1 : 1 for alkali feldspathic and feldspathoid (lenad) molecules. 646 CROSS, IDDINGS, PIRSSON, WASHINGTON 5- Withsexcess of All @. (Al O77 Ke OF Nas @)): a) to extra: Al,.O, -allot,€aO in. proportion of Al, Ou: ‘€a® >: I: 1 for anorthite molecules. o) Wtthere is durther excesson Al; O. it isto ibe considered as corundum, Al,O,. It it is not advisable to calculate muscovite with excess of Al,O, instead of corundum, since it requires a readjustment of orthoclase molecules, and muscovite may not occur in the rock, the extra Al,O, entering alferric minerals. Its calculation is considered subsequently. 6) Withwnsufiicient, Al, @., (Al, O, << K.@ —=Na,O): a), Extra Na, Ou1s allotted to FeO] in: proportion HexOr: Na, O71) Tforacmite molecules: 6) If there is still extra Na,O it is set aside for a metasili- cate molecule (Na,SiO,). é) When: there is am excess.of K,Ovover Al, ©, itis treated in the same manner. It is an extremely rare occurrence. 7. In working with reliable analyses in which Fe,O, and FeO have been correctly determined : a) To Fe,QO, is allotted excess of Na,O under conditions6,). 6) To remaining Fe,O, is allotted available FeO in equal proportions for magnetite. c) If there is any excess of Fe,O, it is calculated as hema- tite. Analyses in which all the iron has been determined in one form of oxidation, when it occurs in two, are of little value when considerable iron is present. When the amount of iron is very small the analyses may still be used as a means of classifying the rock. For this purpose all the iron, if given as ferric oxide, is to be calculated as FeO, except that necessary to be allotted to Na,O for acmite, and then used as below. 8. a) Extra CaO after the foregoing assignments is allotted to (Mg, Fe)O in proportion CaO : (Mg, Fe)O :: 1 : 1 for diop- side molecules. In all molecules where (Mg, Fe)O is present, MgO and FeO are to be used in the same proportions in which they are found CLASSIFICATION OF IGNEOUS ROCKS 647 after FeO has been allotted to the molecules previously men- tioned. That is, they are to be introduced into diopside, hypersthene and olivine with the same ratio between them. 6) If there is still an excess of CaO it is to be set aside for calcium metasilicate (CaSiO,) or subsilicate (¢CaO. 3 SiO,), equivalent to wollastonite or akermanite. Such extra CaO will in most cases actually enter garnet, an alferric mineral. g. With insufficient CaO, (CaO < (Mg, Fe)O): a) Extra (Mg, Fe)O is to be set aside for metasilicate or orthosilicate, hypersthene or olivine, according to the amount of SiO, present. The allotment of SiO, to form silicates begins with the bases which occur with silica in but one proportion, and is carried on as follows: 10... Ko ZrO), allot Si@), 1 proportion of 1:: 1 for zircon: 11. To CaO and Al,O, in anorthite is allotted equal SiO, to fonm~eCa@ Al On 2510) 12. To CaO and (Mg, Fe)O in diopside is allotted equal Si@_-to form CaOi7( Mg, Me) O. 25103: 13. To Na,O and Fe,O, in acmite is allotted SiO, to form Nag On Fe, On as1O7: 14. To Na,O (or K,O) set aside for metasilicate molecules allot Si@; to:tormeNasOusiO, or Kj Orsi©,. 15. To Na,O and Al,O, in sufficient amount to form with NaCl sodalite, or with Na,SO, noselite, is allotted SiO, to satisfy the formulas : 3 (Na,O.AI,O, 2SiO,).2NaCl, sodalite, Zina OP Al Or 2510), \i Na, SO) noselite: The allotment of silica to bases which may form two or more silicates, ortho-, meta- or polysilicate, is controlled in part by the amount of available silica, in part by the affinities of the bases for silica as explained below, in accordance with certain commonly observed facts, as follows : a) Quartz does not occur with nephelite and leucite, that is, the feldspathic molecules will be polysilicates, orthoclase and albite, if there is sufficient available silica. 648 CROSS, IDDINGS, PIRSSON, WASHINGTON b) OF the feldspathoids (lenads), the metasilicates—leucite and analcite—are rarer than the orthosilicates, nephelite and the sodalites. Analcite is so rare as a primary mineral that it may be omitted from the discussion, and may be regarded as com- posed of albite and nephelite + 2 water. Nephelite is more frequently associated with orthoclase than leucite with albite, from which it appears that potassic feldspathic molecules become polysilicate when sodic ones form orthosilicate. If there is not enough available silica to form orthoclase, leucite forms. c) The method is also based on the infrequent occurrence of orthorhombic pyroxene with the feldspathoids, and the frequent occurrence of olivine with these minerals. From which may be deduced the ruie that the development of metasilicate or orthosilicate of (Mg, Fe)O is controlled in most cases by the available silica after satisfying the feldspathic molecules. d) Finally, the occurrence of melilite (akermanite) in rocks free from the polysilicate feldspars and the metasilicate, hyper- sthene, indicates that this subsilicate mineral is produced because of insufficient silica to form the lowest normal silicates com- monly developed in igneous rocks. The order of affinity of the common rock-forming oxides for silica, which is well established by the foregoing and other facts, as well as by such investigations as those of Lagorio* and Morozewicz,’ is as follows, beginning with that which has most affinity, KO} Nas©;CaO; MgO,’ BeO. ~ The oxides Al @ wand Fe,O, to some extent are analogous to SiO, and play in certain respects the rdle of acidic oxides. The validity of this order is illustrated and confirmed by the following facts: K,O and Na,O alone form polysilicates (ortho- clase: and albite)) with the ratios (K, Na),O 2 Si@, a. 12 3G: They also form the metasilicates (leucite, analcite and acmite) with the ratio (K,Na),O: SiO, :: 1: 4. Na,O also forms the orthosilicate nephelite, as well as the minerals of the sodalite group, with the ratio Na,O: SiO, :: 1: 2. The corresponding * TSCHENMAK’S Min. Petr. Mitth., Vol. VIII, pp. 421 ff., 1887. ? [bit., Vol. XVIII, pp. 221 ff., 1899. CLASSIFICATION OF IGNEOUS ROCKS 649 potash compound, kaliophilite, is rare and not a rock-making mineral, though K,O enters into the composition of nephelite to some extent. If potash and soda are present and there is insuf- ficient silica to form polysilicates of both, then as a general rule, K,O takes all the silica it can get to form orthoclase, or ortho- clase and leucite, the soda taking the rest to form nephelite, together with albite in some cases. The occurrence of K,O in the micas appears at first thought to be an exception to this rule, but further consideration shows that in the muscovite molecule, CHAS) O- Al On 2Si@F when Ti—2K the SiO), -is six times K,O, as in orthoclase; and when H = K, the SiO, is four times K,O, as in leucite. CaO forms the orthosilicate anorthite with the ratio CaO: SiO, :: 1: 2, and controls an amount of SiO, equal to itself in the wollastonite molecule. Inakermanite the CaO: SiO, :: 4: 3. MgO and FeO can, at most, control only their own amounts of silica, in the hypersthene molecule, and also form the ortho- Silicate olivine, with the, ratio (Pe, Mg) O: SiO, i: 2:1. Finally, FeO crystallizes out in non-siliceous and non-aluminous min- erals, magnetite and ilmenite. It is noteworthy that the order of affinity of these oxides for alumina is the same in relative order as that for silica. So K,O forms muscovite with an excess of alumina over potash, the analagous paragonite being rare and only found in meta- morphic rocks, Na,O being slightly in excess of Al,O, in the sodalites, CaO largely so (3:1) in garnet, and MgO and FeO having little affinity for it. MgO and FeO can, it is true, form the non-siliceous, alumin- ous mineral, spinel, RO. R,Ogj. In the calculation of the ania mineral composition the allotment of silica to the alternative molecules is, therefore, as follows : 16. To CaO set aside for wollastonite or akermanite is allot- ted tentatively SiO, to form wollastonite (CaO.SiO,). 17. To extra (Mg,Fe)O is allotted SiO, to form orthosilicate, olivine (2(Mg,Fe)O.SiO,). 650 CROSS, IDDINGS, PIRSSON, WASHINGTON r8. TovAl, Ovand KIO Na, © is) allotted ’SiO; to: male polysilicate, orthoclase, albite (K, Na),O.Al,O. 6 SiO;: a) If there is excess of SiO, it is added to the orthosilicate of (Mg, Fe)O to raise it to the metasilicate (Me, FelOrsiOn: If SiO, is insufficient to convert all the olivine into hypersthene it is distributed according to the following equations : x + y = molecules of (Mg,Fe)O. x + = available SiO,. where — hypersthene, y = olivine molecules. 6) Further excess of SiO, is to be allotted to TiO, and CaO to form titanite. These constituents remain as perofskite when there is nosexcess.o0f SiOe* c) Further excess of SiO, is reckoned as quartz. 2 1g. If there is insufficient SiO, to form polysilicate feldspar out of all the K.O and Na,@ with Al,O.: a) To K,O.AI1,O, is allotted tentatively enough SiO, to form polysilicate, orthoclase (K,O.AI,0O,.6SiO,) and the remaining SiO, is distributed between albite and nephelite molecules by means of the equations: x-+-+y =molecules of Na,O. 6x + 2y = available SiO,. where z =-albite, and'y —-nephelite’ molecules. 6) If the available SiO, in case 15, 2) is insufficient to form nephelite with the Na,O, then enough SiO, is first allotted to the Na,O to form nephelite and the remaining SiO, is distrib- uted between orthoclase and leucite molecules by means of the equations : xy —= molecules ot KO: 6x + 4y =available SiO,. where « = orthoclase, and y = leucite molecules. 20. If there is insufficient SiO, to form leucite and nephelite with olivine it is necessary to reduce a sufficient number of molecules to form the subsilicate akermanite, 4CaO.3SiO,. a) In case there is no wollastonite this is done after dis- GLA SSIFICA TION OF IGNEOUS ROCKS 651 tributing SiO, tentatively to form leucite, nephelite and olivine and noting the deficit of SiO, by means of the equation: y =; of the deficit of SiO,. y = molecules of akermanite. (4CaO.3SiO,). . CaO is to be taken from diopside, and the MgO and FeO so liberated are to be calculated as olivine. 6) In case an excess of CaO has been set aside for wollas- tonite this is first converted to akermanite by means of the equations: y= the deficit of SiO,. y = molecules of akermanite (4CaO. 3SiO,). c) If there are not sufficient molecules of wollastonite to satisfy the deficit of silica, recalculate the molecules of diopside and wollastonite so as to make olivine, diopside and akermanite by means of the formule. 2ax+ 3y += = available SiO,. xta4ay = molecules of CaO. x z = molecules of MgO + FeO. Where *=molecules of new diopside, y= molecules of aker- manite (4CaO.3SiO,),and = molecules of olivine. 21. If there is still not enough SiO,,all the CaO of the diopside and wollastonite must be calculated as akermanite, the (Mg, Fe)O being reckoned as olivine and the K,O distributed between leucite and kaliophilite by the equations: “ty — molecules of K,O. 4x + 2y = available SiO,. where + is K,O in leucite and y = K,O in kaliophilite. 22 In case there is insufficient SiO, and an excess of Al,O, and (Mg,Fe)O, which might form aluminous spinel, an alferric mineral, the excess of Al,O, is to be calculated as corundum, and the uncombined (Mg,Fe)O is to be estimated as femic min- erals, being placed with the nonsilicate, mitic, group, magnetite, ilmenite, etc. — It will be noted that as a result of the methods given above the following minerals are not found together in the norm, standard mineral composition, of igneous rocks; in other 652 CROSS; TD DINGS, -PIRS SON, WASHING LOM, words, that the calculation of the former of each pair precludes that of the latter, and conversely. With quartz there will be no nephelite, leucite or olivine. With hypersthene there will be no nephelite or leucite. With corundum there will be no diopside or acmite. With anorthite there will be no acmite. With wollastonite there will be no hypersthene or olivine. With leucite there will be no albite. Percentage weights of minerals—Having estimated the rel- ative number of molecules of the various mineral components, their relative masses may be obtained by multiplying each by the molecular weight. This is readily accomplished by means of tables, both for finding the molecular proportions corre- sponding to percentages of the chemical components given in analyses, such as those lately published by J. F. Kemp* and others, for finding the percentage weights of the minerals with constant composition when their molecular proportions have been calculated. The weights of minerals like olivine and pyroxene in which the component (Mg, Fe) O is variable must be calculated from the proportions of MgO and FeO present in the rock after deduction of FeO allotted to magnetite and ilmenite, the same ratio between these oxides being used for each kind of molecule containing both of them. The weights of diopside, hypersthene and olivine, in which MgO and FeO occur in varying amounts, may be computed from the sums of the simple molecules CaSiO,, MgSiO,, FeSiO,, and Mg,SiO,, Keo On. Tables for finding the molecular proportions of the constitu- ent oxides, and those for the percentage weights of the standard minerals will be found in the reprint of this paper, already alluded to. EXAMPLES OF CALCULATIONS. It will be useful to give some examples illustrative of the method of calculation and of the various possibilities, selected from several thousand calculated by us. To simplify "Kemp, J. F., “The Recalculation of the Chemical Analyses of Rocks,” Schooe of Mines Quarterly, Vol. XXII, pp. 75-88. CLASSIFICATION OF IGNEOUS ROCKS 653 them, the molecular weights of the minerals which have fixed molecules, as orthoclase, anorthite, magnetite, etc., are multiplied by the number of molecules of the unit oxide in each case to arrive at the percentage weight. For general purposes very small amounts of the component oxides may be neglected. But for close work it is necessary to take into account even small percentages of P,O,, TiO,, SO,, etc., that is, where any one of them amounts to two units in the scaleiot molecular proportions; when P,O, = 0.28, TiO, — 0.16, SO; —/0.16, CO, — 0:08, Cl — 0.07, F' = 0.04 of a per cent. The introduction of these into the calculation is important in proportion as the amounts of the bases with which they com- bine are small in the rock. A check on the results is furnished by the agreement of the sum of the calculated mineral components and the components not included in the calculation with the sum total of the analy- sis. This check cannot be absolutely exact because of errors in the determination of the last decimal figure in the calcula- tion of each component throughout the process. The rocks chosen to illustrate the method represent several cases. That of the toscanose (granodiorite), Table I, is the sim- plest case. Al,O, and SiO,, being in excess, yield normative corundum and quartz; the femic silicate being hypersthene. The hessose (amphibole-gabbro), Table II, illustrates the method of adjusting SiO, between hypersthene and olivine. The nordmarkose (litchfieldite), Table III, illustrates the method of distributing SiO, between albite and nephelite after reckoning the femic silicate as olivine. All the Na,O is first allotted to Al,O,, and SiO, is allotted to orthoclase, anorthite, and olivine; the remainder, 0.680 mol., is distributed according to the formule. In the case of the laurdalose (laurdalite), Table IV, insuffi- cient Al,O, necessitates the formation of acmite molecules. After allotting SiO, to orthoclase, acmite, diopside, and olivine, the remainder, 0.522 mol., is distributed between albite and nephelite. 654 CROSS, IDDINGS, PIRSSON, WASHINGTON The vesuvose-albanose (leucitite), Table V, illustrates the case in which akermanite (melilite) is required to satisfy the calculation. After allotting SiO, to leucite, nephelite, anorthite, diopside, and olivine, there is a deficit of 0.069 mol. SiO,. This is adjusted by the introduction of akermanite according to the formula, and the recalculation of diopside and olivine. It also illus- trates the case of an intermediate rock, between Classes IJ and II. AWASBASS Ir TOSCANOSE (GRANODIORITE) EL CAPITAN, YOSEMITE VALLEY, CAL. Bull, 168,..U. S.. Geol. Surv., p. 208. Per cent, | Mol. Ilm, Mag. Orth. Alb. An, | Cor, Hyp. | Quartz. SHOREoe cll eee Ole) | to JUSS eente-0 see: 258 342 Oy 5 ose 27 464 IMO mal CEO) SSO Caco thane 43 57 47 9 HesOne: TOD sl eOOAl| tant: 4 pNee 5 saates hemes niche ai He@re Dasa Oe, 3 4 ieblehs Neecs coe Resets II MeOne: SrA Ws ta(O)) 67a ire ON se ate Lica Aor att Phe oie 14 Ca@i 7) OO} || -aoy-ty/ Passa lla ae Runde ae Nat 47 ail Na,O.. eS Aaalb OSifnalienee che Taps dee (57) eae Ke Ore AOS) als OA2', lsrecae Sees A eae H,O-+ 3 Of esticrAecn elf walerercial | Maver ssp beware 20. || none COR tex tr Boer ol Meenceae ABOR ar D2 2a OOR 3 ep O) irs -10 | .000 ; SOw ce MONE |i everens Cle vseias SOD OOO pl ccssscereens| pe ieee Ni costars ill rere oa lhesepere Reach eater ie MnO... LSS ruil eae OO 2s |erener ses ter SAI eeeet ea ae areas wae 2 Ba@ 2. .04 | .000 : SIO ne VO Zig esOOOE Il seemacsee deere allare’|eercheia,-a, Mill weyescacean tet et cu cea | ueraine ace wall naearoees Ts Oe LOSei pe OOO sc ceaccial Wer Gr tall, Ssete.sel|| US Syonoy ao lecteur ein | ureter eem | eee, 100.60 FORMULA, MOL. WT. NORM, SiO, - - - - - 464 X 60 = quartz 127/04, ©) 27.84 | K, Peace, .65i0, : - - 43 X 556 = orthoclase = 23.91 Na, 20.A op, 6SiO, - - 57 X 524 = albite = 29-87 F 66.85 | Sal 95.61 CaO. Al, 20; 2. $i0, - - - 47 X 278 = anorthite = 13.07 Al, 26) Se. a - : = 9 X 102 = corundum =" Roz C a) Mg iO, - - = de LOO; | an wee (Fe, Mn)O.SiO, 4 ie ; aA Se Seals hypersthene = eine 12 3-11 a FeO. Fe.Q3 - - - 4X 232 = magnetite = 23 M 8 & 4-49 FeO. TiO, - - - - 3 X 152 = ilmenite 1) 7S t3 100,TO CLASS I, ORDER 4. RANG 2. SUBRANG 3. Sal = 95° Onee7. F 66.8 7 K,O’+Na,O' _ 100 5-7 K,0' _ 43 -5 3 Fem Bee Q°> 27 Teo a CaO’ w47 ae REAC! ge Persain ne. Britan Be re. Toscanase. Toscanose. CLASSIFICATION OF IGNEOUS ROCKS 655 TABLE II. HESSOSE (AMPHIBOLE GABBRO) BEAVER CREEK, BIG TREES QUAD- RANGLE, CAL. A. J. S., Vol. VIII (1899), p. 297; Budl., 168, U.S. G.S., p. 206. Per Cent. | Mol. | Apat.| Ilm. | Mag. | Orth,| Alb. | An. | Diop. Remy Hyp. | Oliv. SOs. vesoll y/s27 sfsksy {I a. se Be U2 |'2604) BOG) LIS? | Soh | eszanlhe SL SOR eee 20 so2 2 OMY Navas ate Se 2) 44 | 158 se ie a Be WEAO)n 6 ai 1.85 -OI1 a ou II a Meme ten Uren) (ye a | | 3, 2 hse |e ar [eee CAO Sasa. 13.02 P2225 eT Sale eas ah ae See |iees Ko) Nias Oe eS .044 Re as Te a 44 a as ISO) sear 22 O02 7s Name es HE Diels H,O+ .. Wes2y 7s H,O— .. o8 snr a a IMKO)S cae .92 .OI1 fe II IO nte.65 6 .74 .005 5 Clee ata: tr Nae : Gin tr MnO tr Sr@O™: tr WoO 02 FeS» 20 99.86 x +2 = 88 SiO, z+ y = 139 (Mg, Fe) O Ve—T1O2 x= 37 FORMULA, MOL. WT. NORM, K,0.A1,0,.6Si0O,_— - - - 2% 556 =orthoclae = aco Na,O.Al,0,;.6Si0, = - - 44 X 524 = albite = 23.06{ F 68.09 Sal 68.09 CaO.Al,0,.2SiO.— - - 158 X 278 =anorthite = 43.92 CaO.SiO, - - - - 59 X 116 MgO.Si0, .- - - 48 X 100} = diopside _ 13.10} FeO.SiO, - - - = Er X32 | j Se Stee We aes cry ae oe S ae = hypersthene = 3.92 { P +O 24.77 2MgO.SiO, - - - 83° Jor!) ae. Dink Fem 30.74 AROHO 6 Ae RS ee = olivine ey auc r FeO.Fe,0, - - - - II X 232 =magnetite = ae M Bs FeO. TiO, - - - - mr X 152 =ilmenite = 1.67 o? i ACO IPO), c - - - 5 X 310 = apatite —_ se | iN : J FeS, - - - - - pyrite = .20 “75 etc. - 1.37 100,20 X CLASS Il. ORDER5. | RANG 4. SUBRANG 3. Saliva 08500 7.5005 Bis 08 ,00)na7, K,O'+ Na,O' _ 46 ey au ake KO; 2 I Pom sega nee S Ome a an Ca0! marco 5 NaSORT ca Sa Dosalane. Germanare, Hlessose. Flessose. 656 CROSS, [DDINGS, PIRSSON, TABLE III. WASHINGTON NORDMARKOSE (LITCHFIELDITE), LITCHFIELD, ME. Bull. 168, U.S. Geol. Surv., p. 21. Per cent. SOG io avon 60.39 AT Oi ees « 22.57 Fe,Og .42 He @eaeacres 2326 Mig Oren “13 CaO: 132 Nas@aeee. 8.44 eae Ae 77, 2 AO 37 Vin Oe: .08 99.95 10 Mol. Orth. | Alb. | Nep. An, 612s “768 ——_,,--—— 1.006 300 680 To2") |) 34 ——--—“ .221 50 136 .003 ale é .030 .003 .005 ues 2s 102 34 ——_{,---—S "126 tye 136 .050 50 .OO1 r.006—(0.300 + 0.010 + 0,016) =0.680 64 + 2y = 680 (SiO,) z+ y= 136 (Na,O) t= BL eis 102 Cor. Mag. Oliv. 16 30 teh a 2 ie 3 27 3 In the rock the extra Al,O, enters mica, combining with the olivine and magnetite molecules and because of low magnesia making lepidomelane. FORMULA. K,0.AI, O3 .6SiO, - - Na, 20. Al,O CaO. Al,0,. SiO wae Na,O.Al,O,. 2Si0, Al, On - - FeO, Fe,0, - - 2Mg0.SiO, - - 2FeO.SiO, - - CLASS I, 95/357 3 Bios Persalane, Sal’ Fem 3-6SiO, - Bos 16 ORDER 5. 82.64. 7 heen Wa Canadare. ‘ = olivine NORM, orthoclase albite anorthite nephelite corundum magnetite Hl dl wet Hl tu H,O RANG I. K,0O'+Na,O' _ 186 CaO’ Was Nordmarkase. F L Sal 95.35 (G; M Oo Fem 3.81 SUBRANG 4, K,O' Na,O' = ee Se Nordmarkose. CLASSIFICATION OF IGNEOUS ROCKS 657 AB ICn, TV; LAURDALOSE (LAUDALITE), WEST OF POLLEN, LAUGENDAL, NORWAY. BrOGGER, W. C., Die Eruptivgesteine des Christiania Gebietes, Vol. III, p. 19. Per cent. Mol. | Ap. | Ilm. | Orth. | Alb. Nep. | Acm.| Mag.| Diop.| Oliv. 366 | 156 SS ee SiO, 56.35 -939 336 522 16 62 3 61 |. 78 ——-~)-— XY Al;O, 19.85 -195 56 139 sc = Fe,O, I.QI .O12 sr Sis é vie 4 Sol vers GOV aelgns 2.03 .028 12 ae 8 Gi I MgO Ti oL7, .029 me 24 5 CizOr.,. 2.60 .046 | 15 siete aye 31 61 78 Sena een) Na,O 8.89 .143 Sie 139 4 ik Onewa 5.31 .056 56 ‘se H,O y/o) rae ue nok EKO Fc 1.00 sOUZ I) as 12 BOR. .67 .005 5 ae Bi 100.68 62 + 2y = 522 (SiO,) a+ y=139 (Na,O) a Or 778 FORMULA, MOL. WT. NORM, K,0.AI,03.6Si0O, - - 56 X 556 = orthoclase = 31-14) p ¢ Na.O. Al, 203.6SiO, - 61 X 524 = albite -- 31.96 ee Sal 8 Na.O.Al, “ON .2510, - - 78 X 284 =nephelite = 22.15 L 22.15 a: 5-25 Na,O. Fe,0,. 4Si0. - 4% 462. '—acmite = 1.85 CaO.SiO, - - 31 X 116 P 8.77) } Med, SiO, - - = 24 X 100 = diopside = 6.92 FeO.SiO, - - ap eaey) SHO SiO, fue Een . a2 olivine -46 O 46 Fem 14.45 FeO. Fe, 0; - - 8 X 232 = magnetite = 1.86 FeO. TiO, - - =u t2) 52h —almenites == 1,82 M 3.68 3CaO.P.0, - - Sip 3r0=8 apatite, —— 1.55 A 1.55 iE Oe .70 100, 41 CLASS II. ORDER 6, RANG I, es 4s Sal _ 85.25 cy K63.10 5 K,O'+Na,O' _ 195 7 K,0" _ Fem 14. wee ee 1 = Eee ree ee CaO’ ey rae Na,O' =2<3 Ss Dosalane. Norgare. Laurdalase. Laurdalose. 658 CROSS, IDDINGS, PIRSSON, WASHINGTON TABLE V. VESUVOSE-ALBANOSE (LEUCITITE). CAPO DI BOVE, ITALY. A, J. S., Vol. 1X (1900), p. 56. Tentative. i Final. Per cent. | Mol. | Ilm. | Leuc.] Nep. | An. | Mag eo Diop.| Oliv.| Q | Ak.t | Diop.| Oliv. 510% || 45-99.||.767 276i v7Oe |) 7S 298| 14 | 69 | 69 | 114] 60 AIS Oat 7/2 eos OAs | PUBS Ue 2 Oily cr alhoees er [a tewee |) Sarai [aches syol lteter Ke,0, AN STi 9 | OZ OF a sere tenetens Be CIO eA eee eee Prices ieee FeO.. 53 On OSU iS 26 37 7 14] 30 MgO.. SesOmlMigenls. Bah Pre IN 2) | oNk ate 43 90 CaO arora ziGro7 Speer ltnnteXa) .| 148 g2 56 NasOel 7) 2218 |s02'5 Bop eet syial tanner ii Leet eat ISO) 5c 8.97 1.094 OG Parsee H,O . AIS So [eacetbcns| tenn cea [Pease ye MOn: 3371x005 1 5 MnO.. tr Sorc reset fe fe BaO.. -25 |.001 I I Sr@ sai, none an? 100.65 : 69 ‘Mol. of akermanite = y = = 122, K,0. eS 6 MOL, WT. NORM 48iO, 94 X 436 = leucite = 40.98 | oe Na,O. Al 1,0,2Si0. - 35 X 284 = nephelite = see P0082 ' SAGES CaO. Al,O,. zSi@s - - 39 X 278 = anorthite = 10.84 F = 10.84 ‘7 CaO.SiO, - - 57 X 116 } MeO, SiO, - 43 X 100 ¢ = diopside = 12.70.) Py— "12.70 FeO SiO. - - 14 X 132 2MgO.Si - - QOR GIN 7O}/ (asl yemese ic § 2FeO. SiO. - - - = Ol GITO2 s\n olivine = 9-36 ‘ O = 18.65 > Fem 38.20 4CaO.35i0, - - 23 X 404 = akermanite = 9.29 FeO. Fe,0, - 26 X 232 = magnetite = 6.03 ‘ MoaiG FeO. TiO, - - - - 5 X152 = ilmenite = 76 pees) Ee Oa 5 100. 4I CLASS Ill, ORDER 6. RANG 2. SUBRANG 2, Sal = 6170 503 re 10:84 573 K,O'+Na,O' _ 129 -7~ 5 K,O' _ 94 5 Fen es oe 1 Gers eatge ce CaO' Fay Skee Na,O' ae Pix Dosalane- Campanare- Vesuvase- Vesuvose salfemane, bohemare. albanase. albanose. The janeirose (pseudo-leucite-sodalite-tinguaite), Table VI, illustrates the method of calculating leucite and orthoclase, as well as sodalite and noselite. After allotting SiO, to nephelite, acmite, diopside, and olivine, the remainder of SiO, is 0.546 mol. CLASSIFICATION QF IGNEOUS ROCKS 659 TABLE. VI. JANEIROSE (PSEUDO-LEUCITE-SODALITE-TINGUAITE ) BEAVER CREEK, BEARPAW MOUNTAINS, MONT. Bull. 168, U. S. Geol. Surv., p. 136. *” Per cent. Mol, | Im. |Fluor.| NaCl. Bee Cal” Orth, | Leuc.] Nep.t) Acm.| Diop.| Oliv. 4. | cites 390 | 156 —~--Y SHOs 51.93 866 546 192,-| 88 |" 38 2 65 | 39 — Tr’ ALO: | 20.20 200 104 OO trae Hen Or 3.59 .022 3 cs 22 ee ae HeOh. 1.20 .018 2 14 2 MgoO.. G22. 006 ae 5 I CaAOe. 1.65 0) 7 Ms ae 6 etal ene PA ae 17 Na,O 8.49 137 ime) Che hae seb leo 96 | 22 65 | 39 er’ IO) ge 9.81 104 104 H,O-+ IO : H,O— -99 iO}. .20 002 2 PO: .06 000 se STO: .07 OOI I BaO.. .09 OOo! 6 I SOer: 597) 009 9 as COs £25 .006 M Boe 6 Gi. .70 .020 Fist || 20 TP 27 .O14 14 100.58 : 27 ae BPM ese “As 100.31 i | As 2 * For nephelite, sodalite, and noselite. 6x + 4y = 546 (SiO,) x+ y= 104 (K,0) OS, d= 39 FORMULA. MOL, WT. NORM, K,0.A1,03.6SiO, = - - - 65 X 556 = orthoclase = 36.14 F 36.14 K,0O.A1,0,. 48i0, - - - 39 X 436 = leucite= 17.00 Sal. 82.75 Na,O. Al, O,.25i0. - 48 X 284 = nephelite = 13.63 4 7 BRE A(NakOvAILO2Si0,)2(NaGI to 669) = sodalite 9.69 Gk 2(Na,O. Al,O3. 2SiO,)Na,SO, 9 X 699 = noselite 6.29 Na,O. Fe,O9. 4SiO2 - 22 X 462 acmite 10.16 CaO.SiO, - - - 17 X 116 Pt r4r4s MgO. SiO, - - - - - 5 X 100 diopside 4.32 Et eae ate Fem, 15.60 2MgQ0.51 - - co el oe Xa) e em, 15. 2FeO.SiOy - - - - aX oh olivine #4 oat FeO.TiO, - - - - = 2X 152 ilmenite .36 M 30 CaF, 3 zs = < = 7X 78 fluorite 355 A “55 CaOxXCOs - =e ie = =" OX TCO. calcite .60 H,O 1.09 660 CROSS, IDDINGS, PIRSSON, WASHINGTON CLASS Il. ORDER 7. RANG I, SUBRANG 3. Sal _ 82.75 3 OSTA 5 eg K,0'-- Na,O'-. 219 7 Ke On 104 Fem I5. ae ae 16, ICE Sone CaO’ Meo Zar Na,O' are =e Dosalane. ltalare. Lujavrase. Janetrose. na The calculation of the norm from the mode—— Having described the process by which the norm may be calculated from the chem1- cal analysis of a rock, there remains the discussion of the process by which it may be calculated directly from the actual mineral composition of the rock without having the chemical analysis. The first requisite in this case is a knowledge of the actual mineral composition of a particular rock, and it is evident that not every rock is sufficiently well crystallized to permit even an approximate estimate of the kinds and quantities of all the min- erals present. Consequently there are very many rocks in which the norm cannot be calculated directly from the rock without recourse to a chemical analysis. These are partly glassy rocks, and those that are so fine-grained that the individual min- eral components cannot be identified and measured. But it is possible with some rocks to determine very closely the proportions of the minerals present in them. Such rocks are holocrystalline, and the crystals are sufficiently large to permit their individuality and outline to be recognized. With such rocks the method of determining the quantity of all the mineral components is as follows: Estimate by accurate measurement the volumetric propor- tions of all the component minerals. This may be accomplished by measuring with a micrometer the diameters of each crystal in lines across thin sections of a rock, care being taken to measure a distance at least one hundred times the average grain of the rock.’ The proportions found for the lengths of diameters of the various components will correspond to those of their volumes. Several other methods have been devised which are less accurate and need not be described here. The volumetric proportions are to be reduced to relative masses by multiplying the volume of each mineral by its specific gravity and reducing the total to one hundred parts. TROsIWAL, Verh. Wien. Geol. Reichs-Anst., Vol. XXXII, pp. 143 ff., 1898. CLASSIFICATION OF [GNEOUS ROCKS 661 Accurate quantitative determination of the mineral compo- nents of rocks by optical methods is difficult with coarse-grained and coarsely porphyritic rocks as well as with extremely fine- grained ones. When the rock contains large crystals a com- paratively large area of it must be measured to obtain correct proportions of the component minerals. A few thin sections are not adequate. The measurements must be made mega- scopically. The same is true when there are large phenocrysts. A sufficiently large area of surface must be measured to furnish a correct estimate of the relative proportions of the several kinds of phenocrysts and the groundmass. Subsequently the ground- mass may be studied and measured with a microscope and the two sets of measurements combined. In very fine-grained rocks, where the kinds of minerals com- posing them can all be identified, the accuracy of measurements of the diameters of crystals with a microscope is affected by the overlapping of crystals within the section, and it is found by experience that the amount of the colored crystals is overesti- mated, while that of the colorless ones is underestimated. This is particularly the case where the thickness of crystals is a frac- tion of the thickness of the rock section, as with microlites and minute inclusions. It will be necessary to determine corrections to be applied in such cases by working on microcrystalline or microlitic rocks whose chemical composition has been deter- mined. If all of the minerals actually present in a holocrystalline rock are standard minerals, salic or femic, there may still be uncertainty as to the norm, since the proportions of the standard minerals actually developed may not accord with those consti- tuting the norm. In all cases it is necessary to calculate the norm from the actual mineral composition quantitatively deter- mined by estimating the chemical composition of the rock from that of each of its component minerals, and from this analy- sis deducing the norm as in the first method described. This involves the determination of the chemical composition of the actual minerals present in the rock. Fora certain num- 662 CROSS, IDDINGS, PIRSSON, WASHINGTON ber this may be based on optical investigation. The com- position of minerals with constant or comparatively simple molecules may be taken as that of the ideal molecule, as, for example, in such minerals as quartz, orthoclase, albite, anorthite, leucite, nephelite, apatite, zircon, titanite, etc. The proportions of the chemical components reckoned as oxides belonging to each of these minerals must be multiplied by the percentage weight of each mineral to furnish the chem- ical components of the whole rock. Thus 35 per cent. of quartz == 35 per cent. of SiO, 5 lO percent, of orthoclase,— 074 77.pen cent. of SiO), 133 percent. Al O7, 1.69 per cent 1G. ©. When the mineral has no fixed chemical molecule, as, for example, olivine, in which Mg and Fe are variable, it is neces- sary to consider the composition most likely to obtain for the mineral in a rock of about the character of the one under inves- tigation, or to observe more specifically the optical properties of the mineral where these are characteristic of the chemical composition. For the plagioclase feldspars the optical properties have been elaborately investigated and are well known. It is neces- sary to determine as accurately as possibly by Michel-Lévy* methods, aided by Becke’s? method, the composition of the stri- ated feldspars, noting the variation in zones, and estimating approximately the average composition of the crystals. The ratios of Ab to An must be transposed into ratios between Na,O and CaO by halving the value of Ab. For the reason that Ab stands tor the formula NaAlSi,O, and An for the for- mula CaAl,Si,O,- In the first there is only one, Na, hence Ab): An::Na:Ca. When we express the composition of albite by Na, 0. Al, O; -Osi0,).we are using 2AbP “And in’ estimating, Na,O from the albite combined with anorthite in a plagioclase feldspar we obtain one-half as many molecules of Na,O as we have Ab derived from the familiar symbol of a plagioclase, JE OSE Tae «Etude sur la détermination des feldspaths (Paris), 1% fasicule, 1894; 2™° fasi- cule, 1896. ? Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien., Vol. CII, Part I, pp. 358-76, 1893. CLASSIFICATION OF IGNEOUS ROCKS 663 A less precise method may be used, which is sufficiently accurate considering the inaccuracy of the approximation to the average composition of zonally built feldspars, namely, to apply the ratio Ab / An obtained optically directly to the percentage weights of plagioclase. Thus 50 per cent. of plagioclase, whose average composition has been estimated at Ab,An,, may be separated into 30 per cent. albite and 20 per cent. anorthite with approximate correctness. In the case of hornblende, augite, and mica, the color and optical properties are undoubtedly equally characteristic, but they have not received sufficient attention to permit of the same direct application. They are, however, guides to the choice of typical formulas or chemical analyses, which may be used tem- porarily in place of more exact methods. For this purpose tables have been arranged giving the chemical analyses of certain rock-making alferric minerals, and also the analyses of the rocks in which these minerals occur. From these it is possible to select cases corresponding more or less closely to those in the rock whose norm is to be deter- mined. For it appears from data already at hand that the chemical composition of each mineral in a rock bears sucha relation to the chemical composition of the whole rock, that minerals of the same kind, for example the hornblendes, when they occur in similar rocks have very nearly the same composi- tion. The compositions of the hornblendes and micas in the granodiorite of the Sierra Nevada, California, and of those in the very similar quartz-monzonite of Butte, Montana, are nearly the same. For minerals with variable composition, then, select from Tables of Analyses the analysis of the mineral corresponding most closely to the one in the rock in question, considering both its optical characters and the general character of the rock in which it occurs, and reduce its several chemical constituents to the proper amount by multiplying by the percentage of the mineral as determined from the rock. Having reduced each mineral to its chemical constituents 664 CROSS, I(DDINGS, PIRSSON, WASHINGTON the sum of the constituents will represent the chemical compo- sition of the rock. From this the salic and femic minerals may be calculated as in the first instance, and the norm ceter- mined. In many cases it will not be necessary to reduce all of the minerals to their chemical constituents in order to determine the norm. For the minerals may be largely salic or femic as they occur in the rock. This is the case with the feldspars, feldspathoids (lenads), and quartz, with orthorhombic pyroxenes, olivine, diopside, magnetite, etc. It is chiefly the aluminous ferromagnesian minerals that require reduction. And for first approximations the proportions of salic and femic constituents contained in these minerals are given in Tables XII, XIII, and XIV at the end of this Part. From these it is seen that in aluminous pyroxenes the pro- portion of the salic component is often 0.10, and does not exceed 0.23. The femic component is 0.90 in most cases, and farely) 0.77. For hornblende and closely related amphiboles the salic component is from 0.20 to 0.34, and in the more sodic amphi- boles it is about 0.10. For micas the two components are nearly equal, that is, 0.50 each. When the amounts of salic and femic components are known the Class of the rock is established. For rocks of the first three Classes. the next step is the determination of the relative amounts of quartz, feldspar, and feldspathoid. For persalane rocks this is comparatively simple, since the other minerals are present in small amounts. But as the amount of mica, amphi- bole, and augite increases it becomes necessary to determine more accurately the nature of the salic component involved in each, in order to adjust the silica before reckoning the propor- tions of quartz, feldspar, or feldspathoids. In such cases the first method must be followed, or the aluminous ferromagnesian minerals must be resolved into aluminous and non-aluminous portions and the silica adjusted to these portions and to the CLASSIFICATION OF IGNEOUS ROCKS 665 other salic and femic components, according to the method given for calculating the standard minerals. The determinations of Rang and Subrang as well as of Grad and Subgrad follow the calculation of the chemical components. THE CALCULATION OF THE MODE FROM THE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF A_LROCK. This is often desired in order to compare the two, and to determine the amount of the chemical composition of some of the component minerals, not otherwise determinable. But it is evident that the knowledge of the actual minerals present in the rock cannot be learned directly from the chemical analysis, since various mineral combinations may be formed within certain limits. It is therefore necessary to determine the presence of these minerals by a study of the rock, and this involves microscopical investigation in nearly all cases, This has generally meant the simple enumeration of the kinds of minerals present, with the crudest statement of their relative proportions. In some instances this would furnish data enough for the solution of the problem, but it is clear that such cases must be those in which all the minerals present are salic and femic, with- out intermediate, alferric, kinds, or those cases in which the alfer- ric minerals are developed to their limit, as for example, horn- blende present to the exclusion of diopside, or to the exclusion of hypersthene and olivine; biotite present to the exclusion of hypersthene and olivine, or to the exclusion of potash-feld- spathic minerals, or to the exhaustion of available alumina. Under such circumstances it would be possible to calculate the composition and proportions of the actual minerals. But even in these cases the variable chemical character of amphiboles and micas renders the solution of the problem untrustworthy unless the composition of the particular amphi- bole or mica be known exactly or approximately. This involves the separation and analysis of one or both of these minerals, or the reasonable assumption that they have 666 CROSS, IDDINGS, PIRSSON, WASHINGTON approximately the same composition as other amphiboles and micas which have been analyzed. Further consideration of the problem will convince one that where augites, amphiboles, and micas occur with femic minerals, such as diopside, hypersthene, and olivine, the problem cannot be solved by simply determining the kinds of minerals present in the rock. The algebraic equations involve too many unknown quantities. In other words, there may be variable amounts of the same minerals developed from chemically similar magmas. It becomes necessary then to determine the relative amounts of several of these minerals, according to the number of them, in order to reduce the number of unknown quantities in the alge- braic equations. Then it is possible, with part of the problem solved by microscopical study, to complete it by estimating the remaining factors from the chemical analysis of the rock. That is to say, in most cases the microscopical and chemical methods must supplement one another. Thus it is possible to calculate the probable composition of a hornblende in a given rock when all the other minerals have comparatively simple, or fixed, molecules, and when the quantity of the hornblende has been determined optically. In another case, if hornblende has been separated from the rock and analyzed, it is possible to calculate the probable composition of a biotite present, when the proportions of these two minerals are known, and the other minerals in the rock have fixed molecules. The same process may be used to determine the composition of the groundmass, when the character and percentages of the phenocrysts have been determined. The method of calculation, which is illustrated by the case of the Butte granite given on a subsequent page, may be stated as follows: Starting with the chemical analysis of the rock, reduce it to molecular proportions by dividing the percentage of each chemi- cal component by its molecular weight. Deduct from these molecules the molecules belonging to such minerals as have been chemically and quantitatively determined. CLASSIFICATION OF IGNEOUS ROCKS 667 The remaining oxide molecules are to be distributed among the minerals with fixed molecules, whose quantity, however, is undetermined, by assigning to each mineral its proper oxide molecules in the proportions in which they occur in the ideal mineral molecule, as, for example; for orthoclase, 1K,O. 1Al1,0,.6Si0,, and further, by indicating the number of mole- cules of each mineral by an algebraic symbol or letter. Thus, if there are x molecules of orthoclase, there must be assigned to then Oz Al On6z7s510.. “The sum of all these assigned oxide molecules must equal the total amount of a particular chemical component in the rock after deducting that belonging to the minerals whose composition and quantity have been deter- mined. If there are more variable quantities than equations, that is, in general, more kinds of minerals than chemical components, it is necessary to reduce the number of unknown quantities by fix- ing the relative amounts of several minerals, or by stating their actual amounts. THE CALCULATION OF ALFERRIC MINERALS. As pointed out in the discussion of the classification of igneous rocks on a basis of salic and femic minerals, the reasons for omitting the alferric minerals are their variable and complex composition, our inadequate knowledge of the chemical charac- ter of the amphiboles and micas, and the inconstancy of their crystallization from magmas of any given chemical composition. The questions naturally arise, How may these minerals be introduced into the calculation of the mineral composition of rocks from rock analyses ? And what modifications of the norm would follow their introduction ? These questions, though not important for the classification of rocks according to the system here proposed, are of interest because of their relation to the general problem of chemico- mineralogical classification and the possibilities of its assuming a more elaborate form than that given it by us. The discussion of them emphasizes the relations between the aluminous ferro- 668 CROSS, IDDINGS, PIRSSON, WASHINGTON magnesian minerals and the salic and femic minerals, and makes evident the effect of the crystallization of the alferric minerals in a given magma upon the proportions of the other minerals. We shall consider the problem of converting portions of salic and femic minerals, already calculated from the analysis of a rock, intoalferric minerals. The minerals in question are: alumi- nous pyroxenes, aluminous amphiboles, micas and garnets. Rarer minerals of this kind will not be considered. As to the chemi- cal composition of these minerals, it is known that the amounts of alumina and ferric oxide in monoclinic pyroxenes, amphiboles, and micas vary considerably in different cases, so that no simple statement can be made regarding the ratios of alumina to other constituents in these minerals. Moreover, there is no fixed rela- tion between the amount of aluminous ferromagnesian minerals actually crystallized in a rock and the chemical composition of its magma. However, a study of the chemical composi- tion of these minerals, so far as they have been analyzed, shows that their composition bears some relation to that of the magma from which they crystallized. In order to present this relation- ship as clearly as possible, Tables XII, XIII, and XIV have been arranged, as already mentioned, giving the chemical analyses of aluminous pyroxenes, amphiboles, and micas, and those of the rocks from which they were separated. It is evident from these tables that there is need for much thorough chemical investiga- tion of the rock-making pyroxenes, amphiboles, and micas before we shall be in a position to cope successfully with the problem before us. For the present we can explain the method of deal- ing with the known factors in the problem and indicate that which may be pursued in doubtful cases. The solution of the problem involves the transfer of alumina from salic to femic molecules, the necessity of introducing it in proportions corresponding to the known composition of these minerals in each case, the consequent readjustment of molecules among the femic minerals, and the disarrangement and readjust- ment of molecules among the salic minerals. The process appears at first sight complex, but only involves CLASSIFICATION OF IGNEOUS ROCKS 669 simple algebra, and when applied to a concrete example is not very intricate. Its value consists in familiarizing the student or investigator with the interdependence of the various mineral molecules in an igneous rock, and with the ranges of variation possible within rocks of the same chemical composition. The minerals in question being characterized by a variable content of alumina, it is of first importance to note the amount of alumina present in different cases and to consider what trans- fer of chemical elements from salic to femic molecules would be necessary in order to produce such aluminous ferromagnesian minerals without destroying the stoichiometric proportions in the remaining salic and femic minerals. In the case of a rock in which the calculation of the standard mineral composition showed the presence of an excess of Al,O, over that required to form salic minerals it is evident that Al,O, may be introduced into the ferromagnesian minerals by trans- ferring it from this extra Al,O,. But in the great majority of rocks there is no excess of Al,O, in the sense here employed, and the production of aluminous ferromagnesian minerals affects the standard feldspathic mole- cules, so that the transfer of Al,O, necessitates the transfer of those chemical bases united with it in equal proportions, namely, calcium, sodium, and potassium. Each of these elements may enter into the composition of the minerals to be developed, whose molecules are more complex than those of femic minerals. A study of the analyses of the minerals in question shows that sodium enters into aluminous amphiboles independently of the acmite-riebeckite molecule (Na,O. Fe,O, .4SiO,), and that potassium also does, but to so small an extent in most instances that the error of estimating all of the alkali molecules as Na,O is negligible. Conversely, potassium enters largely into the micas, and the sodium present is so small that the alkali molecules in mica may be calculated as though wholly K,O without notable error. Several chemico-mineralogical relations appear to control the amount of alumina, lime, and alkalies that may be transferred 670 CROSS, IDDINGS, PIRSSON, WASHINGTON from salic to femic minerals to form alferric minerals.. And since the transfer of Al,O, involves the CaO, K,O, and Na,O to various degrees, it is convenient to compare the amount of Al,O, to be transferred with the principal one of these com- ponents taking part in the aluminous ferromagnesian mineral. This component becomes a unit of comparison for the other con- stituents of the particular mineral. In the pyroxenes and amphiboles CaO is the component next to Al,O, most involved in the change. It becomes the unit of comparison in these min- erals. In the micas K,O plays this rdéle. The molecular relations which must be taken into account are expressed by ratios in the Tables XII, XIII, XIV at the end of this Part, and may be summed up as follows: Aluminous pyroxenes (Table XII).—1. The ratio of Al,O, to CaO ranges from almost nothing to 0.23. From these data the maximum limit is 2. The nearly equal proportions between Fe,O, and Na,O indicate that the soda is present in the acmite molecule. 3. The generally small ratio between Na,O and CaO. The NasOre f —.*— is less than 0.1 in most cases. Moreover, the pres- CaO ence of a notable amount of acmite molecule is indicated by the ratio optical properties of the pyroxene. 4. The nearly constant ratio between MgO+FeO and CaO, which is approximately Wilfed Oe TKO) : CaO 5. The SiO, + TiO, is approximately equal to the number of molecules of MgO + FeO + CaO + 4Na,O, corresponding to pyroxene molecules (MgFe)O.. CaO. 2510, and Na, O. Fe, On. AsiO., and (Me, re \On (Al, Fe),.O. > SiOx. Aluminous amphiboles (Table XII1).—The relations are less definite. There is a wide range in chemical composition, and it CLASSIFICATION OF IGNEOUS ROCKS 671 will be necessary to consider special kinds of amphibole in dif- ferent cases. a). 1. For hornblende occurring in rocks with lime-soda-feld- spar the ratio of Na,O to CaO ranges from 0.08 to 0.21, while for hornblende in one alkali feldspathic rock it is 0.28, and for somewhat similar amphiboles, barkevikite and hastingsite, it reaches 0.35 and 0.43. 2. The ratio of Al,O, to CaO ranges from 0.32 to 0.67 in the first mentioned cases, common hornblende, and from 0.44 to 0.85 in the second. 3. The ratio of MgO +FeO to CaO ranges trom 1.73 to 2.72, being nearly 2.2 in most cases. It is not 3, as given in the text- books generally. 4. It is to be noted that in hornblende in the more calcic rocks the ratio of MgO to FeO is 2 or more (from 2 to 4), while in those in the perfelic, alkalic rocks, this ratio is less than 1 (from 0.1 to 0.6). In other words, magnesia dominates ferrous iron in amphiboles of the first kind, while ferrous iron largely prepon- derates in those of the second kind, 5. The SiO, + TiO, is equal to the MgO +FeO + CaO plus an amount sometimes equal to 4Na,O, but not always. 6. The ratio of Fe,O, to CaO is quite variable. 6) For soda-amphiboles of various kinds, excepting that occur- ring in comendite. 1. The ratio of Na,O to CaO ranges from 1.23 to 4.6. That is, the lime is considerably less than the soda. 22 he matio of All ©, to; Ca© ranges from 0.23) topm3: 3. The ratio of MgO + FeO to CaO ranges from 4.6 to 21.6, and the FeO is greatly in excess of MgO. 4. The variation in the SiO, indicates that Na,O is partly present in the riebeckite molecule, and partly replaces CaO and (Mg, Fe)O in the RO .SiO, molecule. Micas ( Table XIV ).—For these, as already said, the chemical component associated with Al,O, which may be transferred from the feldspathic minerals is K,O, and for purposes of calculation 6:72 CROSS, IDDINGS, PIRSSON, WASHINGTON it is convenient to compare other components with K,O. The micas included in Table XIV are of three kinds — biotite proper, lepidomelane, and phlogopite. a) For biotite: Al,O, ranges from 1.3 to 1.9, and the ratio of Fe,O, to K,O is 0.28 to 0.33, that is, nearly constant. The ratio of MgO + FeO to K,O is 4.5 to 5.9 and magnesia is in excess of ferrous iron. The ratio of MgO to FeO is 1.1 to to"l:6: Average, i.5: The SiO, nearly conforms to the theoretical molecule (Koad) 07 (AL Be) ©. 25107 47 2(Migj He) @.s10.. b) For lepidomelane: The ratio of Al,O, to K,O is nearly the same as in biotite, but that of Fe,O, to K,O is higher in two cases. (Mg, Fe)O is lower, and ferrous iron dominates over magnesia. c) For phlogopite: The ratio of Al,O, to K,O is nearly the same as for biotite and lepidomelane, but that of Fe,O, to K,O is lower. The ratio of MgO + FeO to K,O is nearly the same as in biotite, but magnesia greatly predominates over ferrous iron. The ratio of SiO, to K,O, although nearly the same as in biotite, does not conform to the formula given for biotite. From these relations we may deduce the following method of transferring aluminous molecules from salic and non-aluminous molecules from femic to form molecules of augite, amphibole, and mica. For the calculation of aluminous pyroxene: The kind of pyrox- ene to be calculated should depend upon the kind of rock in which it occurs. a) If the femic minerals already calculated for the rock include acmite molecules, sufficient Na,O and equal Fe,O, are to be combined with diopside molecules to satisfy the ratio Na Ou CaO (D standing for datum, the value given in the pyroxene or other mineral to be calculated); CaO in the ratio being equal to CLASSIFICATION OF IGNEOUS ROCKS 673 CaQOj,, in diopside, plus CaO,,, derived from anorthite, in conse- quence of the transfer of Al,O, insufficient amount to satisfy the ratio AO _p CaO, CaO Moreover, the ratio (Mg he) Oia. D CrOne CaO 7 7 approximately I, must be maintained by transferring (Mg,Fe)O from femic hypersthene or olivine. If the amount of these min- eral is comparatively small a limit is set to the amount of alu- minous pyroxene that can be produced. 6) If there are no acmite molecules estimated among the femic minerals, sufficient Na,O must be transferred from soda- feldspathic molecules to satisfy the ratio Na,O Ci@7 == CaOx =D, where + Ca©, is the lime transferred from, or to, anorthite, If iransterred ‘trom: anorthite to diopside the sign is: =>), 1f to anorthite from diopside the sign is —. This follows from the fact that the transfer of Na,O from soda-feldspathic molecules liberates equal molecules of Al,O and if all of these are not needed to satisfy the ratio ALO; Ca@), == CaO... 3°? —D, as is the case in a number of pyroxenes given in Table XII, the Al,O, not required withdraws CaO from diopside molecules to maintain the stoichiometric proportions obtaining in the salic minerals by making additional anorthite. Fe,O, is to be transferred from extra Fe,O, (hematite) or from FeO. Fe,O, (magnetite) in sufficient amount to satisfy the ratio. Ke, OF CHORE CHOON ae ee 674 CROSS, IDDINGS, PIRSSON, WASHINGTON The liberated FeO is to be added to sufficient (Mg, FeO) from hypcrsthene or olivine to maintain the ratio (Mg,Fe)O on CaO, tex (CROs ire : When the sign of CaO,, is—the transfer of (Mg,Fe)O and the liberated FeO is to hypersthene or olivine from diop- side. A readjustment of SiO, is necessary according as (Mg,Fe)O is transferred from or to hypersthene or olivine, and as Na,O is transferred from albite or nephelite. If there is extra SiO, it is placed first with the bases having strongest affinity for it unless these are already satisfied, when it appears as quartz. In case the transfer is to be made to the complete exhaustion of one of the limiting components, the algebraic formule which can be devised for a particular case can be solved, but it fre- quently happens that augite occurs in rocks together with hypersthene or olivine, lime-soda-feldspars, and magnetite. The algebraic problem is indeterminable, since there are more unknown quantities than equations to satisfy them, unless the quantity of one or more of the minerals mentioned be given. More or less aluminous pyroxene within the limits of the magma appears to develop in different instances. The factors controlling the amount of augite crystallized in such cases are not at present known. The same statement may be made with reference to other aluminous ferromagnesian minerals. For the calculation of aluminous amphiboles: a) Hornblendes contain more Al,O, than Na,O, and in the great majority of cases occur in rocks not having acmite molecules among the femic minerals. To transform diopside molecules into those of hornblende sufficient Na,O must be transferred from soda-feldspars, and enough CaO from anorthite with their equivalent Al,O, to satisfy the ratios NO ieee, ON a Ca@q ff eaOs CaOz +) CaO. CLASSIFICATION OF IGNEOUS ROCKS 675 Furthermore Re, OF COME C204 2 must be satisfied by transferring Fe,O, from Fe,O, (hematite), or from FeO.Fe,O, (magnetite). The liberated FeO with (Mg,Fe)O from hypersthene or olivine must be transferred to satisfy the ratio (Mg,Fe)O ClOMNGIOR, ee SiO, must be adjusted in the manner already indicated for the case of pyroxene. 6) The calculation of the more alkalic amphiboles which occur in rocks rich in soda and iron and comparatively poor in lime and magnesia is to be made in the following manner : Sufficient acmite molecules are transferred to satisfy the ratio Fe, Or, ee CaO; ==] C20 Equal Na,O from acmite plus sufficient Na,O from soda feldspars is transferred to satisfy the ratio Na,O = CaOzia= CaO. Al,O, equal to Na,O transferred from soda-feldspars is liberated and enough of it is transferred to amphibole to satisfy the ratio ASO; (CHON Se CHO aE ee If all the liberated Al,O, is not required to satisfy the last named ratio, CaO must be withdrawn from diopside to form additional anorthite, and the sign of CaQO,, is minus. If more Al,O, than that liberated from soda feldspars is needed to satisfy the ratio in question additional Al,O, with CaO is transferred from anorthite, and the sign of CaO in the expression is plus. 676 CROSS, IDDINGS, PIRSSON, WASHINGTON The ratio (Mg,Fe)O on CaO, + CaO,, must be established as well as that of MeOie mC since the latter is highly characteristic. The adjustment of SiO, follows the ratio SiO 2 hee CaO; + CaO,, D and the requirements of the other molecules. For the calculation of ferromagnesian mica.—The process 1s essentially the same for various kinds, the values of the ratios varying for biotite, lepidomelane, and phlogopite. In most cases Al,O, is in excess of K,O, and in transferring K,O from feldspathic molecules the accompanying equal Al,O, is not sufficient to satisfy the ratio ADO fuk K,O nee Extra Al,O, may be derived from corundum when estimated present, and this will be the case in numerous rocks in which muscovite and biotite have developed. If=there isino, extra Alo O. of this; kind .Al)@7 — a gq r s t Rock. | Pyrox. | Rock. | Pyrox. | Rock. | Pyrox, | Rock. | Pyrox. | Pyrox. Rock. | Pyrox. | Rock, | Pyrox.| Rock. | Pyrox,| Rock. | Pyrox | Rock, | Pyrox, | Pyrox.| Rock. | Pyrox.| Rock. | Pyrox. | Rock. | Pyrox, Rock. | Pyrox. | Rock s yIOx, ock. | Pyrox.| Rock. | Pyrox.| Rock. Pyrox. | Rock. Pyrox.'| Rock. Bie 50.23 0.8 58.68 SOD. 61.93 Srey 42.30 See Saas sess | $0.41 oe 67.42 531297 53:73 46.73 45.59 49:20 42.46 | 44.55 39-92 | 45.23 42.78 | 44.65 48.25 | 49.10 7.964 || Kc 6 * 4 é 6 c : : .821 +742 J ; ‘ e . 47.54 7.01 . 2 s 11.22 | mone} 19.50 Be 13.18 | oie 12.63 om ara0e wile 12.30 os 15.88 | 2.38 20.35 10.05 12.98 | 6.01 18.49 | 7.27 8.60 Ae 8.66 gee Gre een 5 A) 784 RD Bi SEMIS SIG) 3 J d J J 023 vo O71 4 i e +73 95 14.82 | 7. 16. , , 34. | 3-19 3.63 5658 3.63 | 3-33 | 15:48] 5.86 | 8.5x 9000 5.71 | 3.08 1.37 | 9.25 3.74 3-53 4.97 ae 3.35 6.06 4.40] 2 ae 7065 -078 .077 eS cee 16.09 | 9.04 | 22.55 | 1.92 oes “007 .020 1036 | .053 ,0r9 .057 S555 : ‘038 EE || coca | ee 3-99 | trace| 2.40 | 3.8r Gay} mee Bs et 1018 1.84 | 1.82 2.58 | 12.37 2.31 | 8.39 5.07 | 3.23 | none} .... | 3.06] 4.34 1.14 | 5-15 2.13 8.20 4.70) 4:23 6.31 | 5.91 Eco)! cecr || panes || apes 024 1008 pea) cose eases zen 1025 .172 i} owes O44 060 071 059 .082 1055 ae en Oe) Big 7.52 4-53 6.67] 8.15 3.62 Aes ast 7-09 | 17-42 +79 | 10.98 EE) || EELS G28 || eg || PUR) 8.69 | 14.21 1.435] (9-43 “47 9.68 8.36 | 12.40 3-64 | 10.44 20.17 | 12.25 OHS Weve 3 115 | > -063 113 “028 ca seeer 435 274 .325 -309 321 355 .236 {310 eer "306 se 5:77 | 12.37 6.98 | 12.71 6.38 | 13.52 5.53 | 12.09 X I 3 5.99 | 23-32. | 3.03 | 22.01 3.48 | 21.30 8.42 | 18.49 | 18.42 s-- | 7-08 | 22.58 3-49 | 17-81 2.72 13.22 11,09 | 2r.79 8.70 | 22.83 | 10.68 | 23.37 | x29 0) +309 318 33 302 32 leas 416 303 3.80 -330 | .329 403 | 318 389 “407 gry | 9 | 722386, | 8:32 | 22st) 0.8 | 20.84 || 8.74] x9133 | 10.68 | 21.78 | 1.85) 4/25 aay 196 5.73 | 2-14 2.67 | 1.02 5-19 | 3.80 2.56 oe: 97 67 6.42 | 2.63 7-94 1.81 4.53 9 2] 41.4 1.gt 393 = 402 .336 345 “38 PES GES ¥ “o12 034 o16, o6r O41 o10 042 : nee de ue : se CESS 280) 3.24 | trace | 3,08 1,29 2.81 ner} 4.46 qice 8.10 Bien g.8r 42 4.50 -94 6.11 -5° 2.73 | 1.03 -78 S506 7:53 -06 2.65 38 6.05 3.76 1.04 v4t 4.58 ga 1.03 bot S 021 ‘ Sar base San . el 004 .o10 -005 .OIL .008, .000 004 004 006 Fear y yo 4.01 trace | 2,90 49 1,10 ebahe 4.05 56 7.05 1.05 1.72 31 1.01 odes L.14 3-59 bene r,80 | undet. | ( os or Ce? 1.24 3.40 | undet. 2,31 Ia. I.45 .37 3.96 poe. 005 oot 006 e ac Seas -46 none |) °~ tote oon -5r | undet, ewes Bae +43 soe aren xe ale oe *26 EX) a 24 <31 66 1.47 +70 +09 -78 1.32 1.53 pone 1.36 2.70} 4.28 28 “86 ps poss tase sete A006 .003 009 1019 ‘O19 1053 ay 2.85 2.76) 1,82 62 see -46 07 3.51 553 eae aon ee “5st | none 68 -036 : 008 none one ans 2.44 “sires 5 A O00 x0 | trace BSG 18 105 52 trace a5 trace none ee is te 14 Oh a Sonn 04 -03 oso iele 06 . cis trace “15, -28 trace 28 a pee ae 24 o ee gon oe 000 Sar trace Agdd 004 . 001 005 CO 2: Se race aH09 tees +38 219 -20 trace 1.23 eno agse os Car06 aon oeO8 Sate ea0 arta +23 none sean pao e500 da6 po60 dnan 4 none gbos 13 ? ae wate 06 none Peer sp BoC) +003 24 StORs 06 none pone eed dade Snd0 o0d0 oubd 236 none daa 12 06 wae 25 04 none ie rot 523) od 3605 103 ZxO,. none none Boy whee 959 A600 aeee Soa0 S none mae 03 Kone ents ab00 Sines oan Sent eae Glen ‘¢ 8 8 | < 68 1 a Mataree eeece : 100. : 04 101.42 101.00 |100.90 100,42 }100,2 92 |100.2 : 0 100.97 |100.21 00, : . : : oo 99.16 | 100.99 | 99.73 | 99:04 | 99.84 4 9° 4 7 | 99.9) 3 | 99.98 | 99.74 97 1 100.21 | 99.42 | 99-87 | 99.79 | 99.92 |x00.41 |F. 07 |100.96 | 99.87 99:95 _|100.16 [00.26 |100.23 | 99.3r | x00.51 | 99.85 r00.42 |100.78 | 99.70 | 99.01 FB. .50 100.45 100.62 2038) 22 100.42 5 100,40 68 alae ——— Pp. 2r..| 2.779 3.401 ere see 2.074 3.227 3.2 ade 2. 3.45 pnd bate Bach og00 60.08 56.00 2.79 3-43 hod aane teat aes 46 mie G00 8: ; ae ee ssa eel ee 55a coerced lena lemeneee ice oss al es sab oesee ee Seno I Seeees ee Seema een nega en [eee | eae | meee ieee Pe een | esc eee Oe CUES SEY a) Diopside {rom mixed wyomingite and madupite; 10ck analysis of wyomzugite (felsophyro-wyomingose) , ¢:a=37° for colorless, c:a=22° for green, from augite-soda-granite (grano-lassenose) Kekequabic Lake, n) Augite from nephelrte-basalt (uvaldose), Black Mountain, Uyalde county, Texas, ui. 108 U. S. Geol Leucite Hills, Wyo, A.J. S., Vol. IV (1897) p. 130. Minn. Am. Geol,, Vol. XI (1893), p. 385. 5 > y, Texas, » S. Geol. 93), P. 395; Surv., p. 63, 6) Diopside (A. Merian) from /aurvékeite (grano-laurvikose) Byskoven near Laurvik, Norway, BrocGEr, W.C., h) Aegirite-augite from nephelite-syentte (grano-laurdalose), Zwart Koppies, Transvaal, RosENBuscu, ZZ, Gest., 0) Augite from lzmburgite, Limburg, Kaiserstuhl, Rosenpuscn, 2/. Gest. p. 363 : 5 BON. \s SCH, Zl. Gest., p. 363. ; Rruptiogesteine Kristianiageb, Vol. 111, pp. 23 and 3. Pp. 122, 126, 5 p) Augite from dolerite (shoshonose), Valmont, Colo. Budd, 150 U. S. Geol, Surv. p. 264, and Bull. 18 U, S c) Diopside from pyroxene-granitite, Laveline, Vosges, Rosenbusch, El. Gest., p. 73; rock analysis of azgzte- 2) Augitte from shonkintte (grano-shonkinose), Square Butte, Mont. Pirsson, Bu/?. Geol. Soc. Am., Vol. VI Geol, Surv., p. 140. re granitite (grano-adamellose), Laveline, Vosges, RoseNpuscH (v, Werveke), Neues Jahrb. Min. und : (2895), Pp. 410, 414. } q) Augite from monchiguite (ourose), Rio do Ouro, Serra de Tingua, Rio de Janeiro, Rosennuscn, £7. Gest., pp: Pal., etc. (1881), Vol. I, p. 235. J) Augite from tinguazte (?) (laurdalose), Two Buttes, Colo, Bull. 168 U. S, Geol. Surv., p. 165. 234, 235. d) Augite, ce 9°30 2 Hus : 0" i fromtccareciaraincdinephelitesbasald(eranormaliencsoys hk) Acgirrteangete from leucitophyre, Burgberg, near Rieden. Rosensuscn, £2. Gest., p. 278, ry) Augite trom basalt (auvergnose), six miles N. E. of Grants, N. M. Bull. 108 U.S. Geol. Suri, p. 170, €) Augite, c: C=34", 2 Ha=84°50' (yellow) 2) Augite ftom analerte-basalt (monchiquose), The Basin, Colo, Bl? 108 U. S. Geol. Surv, p. 146, and Jour, 5) Augite (c:C=54°) from /euctte-tephrite (monchiquose), Falkenberg, near Tetschen, Bohemia, Rosennuscu Katzenbuckel, Odenwald. Rosrnsuscn, 27. Gest., pp. 354, 357+ Gezot., Vol. V, p. 684. El. Gest., p. 346. . ; ; T) cee from syenttre-lamprophyre (prowersose) Two Buttes, Colo. Bull. 168, U. S. Geol. Surv, p. 16s. m) Augite, yellow, c: C=39°, from nefphelinite (hauynophyre) (vulturose), Melfi, Italy. Rosenpuscu, 22, Gest., t) Aegirite from nefphelite-syenzte (grano-janeirose) , Barreros, rock analysis from tunnel between Prata and Cascada, &) Augite, bottle green, in part colorless, with slight pleochroism, a and b bottle green, c yellowish green, a= b>. Pp. 357. Serra do Pocos de Caldas, Las Paolo, Brazil. Rosennuscu, 2? Gest., pp, 122, 126. TABLE XIla. MOLECULAR RATIOS IN PYROXENES. |_sio. |i on | mice ne Al,O, | Fe,O, |(NaK).0]| MgO | FeO | SiO. | TiO. | pemic | satic Rien A1,0,,| Fe,O, | (NaK),0] MgO |_FeO_|_Si0s | TO. | pemic | ‘Satie Rast CaO CaO CaO CaO CaO CaO CaO SiO. CaO CaO CaO CaO CaO Cad CaO SiO, 3 were sees phyro-wyomingose Wyomingite .00 ol 03 1,04 06 2.03 .0g 1.00 .00 cheer 50050 odcna|| HOLA. ..+.+++.] Leucitophyre . Eas 12 .10 14 52 49 2.25 .02 +881 +12 | —,013 Bs peaks grano-laurvikose Laurvikite ....... .00 .00 .It 69 -44 2.13 .02 1.00 .00 monchiquose , Analcite-basalt . .-... © 15 os Of 79 16 2.11 +05 .8at 18 +000 d) eae grano-adamellose - Pyroxene-granitite. .02 105 .05 85 +31 2.22 102 . 9861 Org vulturose .. Nephelinite 17 09 07 64 20 1.82 Of Bat «18 | —,053 i) nets grano-malignose .... Nephelite-basalt ... . 04 II +21 -93 14 2.66 107 -95t .0S uvaldose Nephelite-basalt 18 Of 02 723 Th 1.80 113 Br 19 —,039 nwt gite grano-malignose Nephelite-basalt 06 16 “15 +97 Or 2.64 +12 881 | 112 (poor analysis Limburgite... 18 08 .07 1.01 15 2.05 10 842 10 —,040 ‘) pes prowersose ..... .., Syenitic lamprophyre ..... 07 +04 03 -88 +16 2-11 +02 grit 09 shoshonose . Dolerite |. 19 . oo 17 28 2.03 ou Bre +19 | —.036 WA iene grano-lassenose. - Augite soda granite. ... -07 .18 114 +74 +22 2.78 .00 831 +17 ourose ... Monchiquite . .- 22 07 o7 94 20 2.26 «10 Bar 18 —.067 1) iM ee grano-laurdalose.. Nephelite-syenite .. ° +09 44 “34 +26 -6r | 3.23 +00 871 “13 auvergnose,.. . Basalt ...... 4 22 02 02 98 33 | 2.27 170 1792 | .ar 1000 aN A gite...0. . 2 grano-shonkinose . Shonkinite ... .10 204 .05, 85 +19 2.06 102 .got .10 monchiquose , Leucite-tephrite.....- i 22 Ir .06 +79. Tq 1.95 02 764 24 —.028 ugite ... 500 laurdalose. . ....| Tinguaite (?).. 10 09 .06 65 124 2.05 10 ,80r ara grano-janeirose ... Eleolite-syenite . 23 2.16 2.02 38 76 | 11.34 +00 864 iy 000 —= 2 = All femic Ca, Mg, Fe calculated as metasilicate. 2 Femic Ca, Mg, Fe calculated partly as orthosilicate and partly as metasilicate. Deficient SiO, is that required to raise part of the salic components to leucite or nephelite. a me 7) p a iY ee d- Cossy- | Ainig- _ |Amphi- Rock. | Hornbl. Re Rock. | “vite. | matite.| Rock: | bole aa] SiO, ...| 66.83 | 47-49 6 | 70.30 | 43.55 | 37-92 | 74.76 | 49.x0 791 I 726 632 .818 Al,O3..| 15.24 |- 17.07 q 6.32 4.96 3.23 11.60 5.50 .069 3 048 O31 054 Fe.O,.. 2.73 | 4.88 9.23 7.97 5.81 3.50 4.20 .030 : 045 ( ,036 FeO.... 1.66 |. 10.69 1.40 | 32.87 | 35.88 .Ig | 27.7u .148 -456 .498 385 MgO... 1.63 | 13.06 .89 . 86 33 .18 17 .326 > O21 008 004 CaOMe: Bash |ert.92 | 84 2.01 1.36 .07 pane} 2253 5 036 024 002 Na,O.. 3.10 75 } 7.70 5.29 6.58 AEE iil|tO50 .O12 i 085 . 106 169 K,O 4.46 -49 2.50 B33 Lor 4.92 1.60 .005 003 005 O17 H,O+ -56 1.86 82 5 64 H.O — none ys (CO ee See cn TiO; 54 1.21 Bt stale 7.57 trace .O15 . 004 PrOF 18 | none ans HS: trace SOME Wits: Clan .02 saoe t Cr,0, Bays none NioO.. 02 MnO. Io Riche 1.98 100 50 +007 027 o13 .007 BaO. ares none | i SrO -03 | mone gaoe ZrO. .04 | F.06 | Curso) ane ao pee ff 100.82 |V,O3.04 10g.00 | 100.21 | 100.19 | 100.21 | 99.40 100,05 3-74 3.80 22 | 3-75 | _ 3-852 100,03 lh | a) Hornblende from quartégrano-liparose), Quincy, Blue Hills, Mass., analysis from gvartz- p, 181. Yosemite Valley, Calz#e, San Miguel, Azores, Rosenpuscu, £7. Surv., p. 208, and A b) Hornblende from guartzbelite-syentte, Kangerdluarsuk, Greenland, tion, Butte, Mont. p. 122, c) Hornblende (green) from) paxntellerite (felso-varingose) Khartibugal, blende-dactte (bands, El. Gest., p. 257. Gata, Spain, RoSENBe-syenzte, Julianehaab, Greenland, RosEN- ad) Hornblende from guard, Table Mountain, Oa felso-liparose), San Pietro, Sardinia, RosEN- \ TABLE XIII. ANALYSES OF AMPHIBOLES AND THE ROCKS CONTAINING THEM. b : ‘ @ G a C i & h Z J & Zz m n ° p Rock. | Hombl.| Rock. | Hornbl.) Rock. | Hombl,| Rock. | Hornbl.| Rock. | Hornbl.| Rock. | Hornbl,| Hornbl.| Rock. | Hornbl.| !445t- | Rock, | Barke- Riebeck}] Kato- | Arfved- Cossy- | Ainig- Amphi- ingsite, vikite. Rock. ite. | phorite.| sonite. Rock. red mative: Rock reaies —_ SiO, ...|, 66.83] 47-49 ,| 63.88 A573 as AE ne) so.c8 oY A6:08F Se 39-62 41.35 | 59-37 | 46.22 34:18 49-65 | 45.53 | 43-85 | 70.30 74.76 | 49.10 791 . «762 -835 +7! -660 689 +779 -569 ine F : 5 : Al,Og..| 15-24 7.9] 15.84 Su, 15.60 B8e. 12,06 7.97, -82 | 10.52 | 13.59 | 14.92 | 13.48 | 17-92 8.12 | 11.52 at (oe? AI 6.32 re oo .069 d .0} .07' -103 1.46 132 -079 113 : E ° 2.73) 4.88 2.11 | 4.94 5.26 5-32 7.81 2.69 85 2.81 5-55 | 10.28 5-14 6.77 9.33. | 12.62 uae 9 se ae 9.23 © 2054 030 .031 033 016 017 094 032 058 -079 550) ‘os8 <024 oes Ag 1.66 |. 10.69 2.59 | 10.39 1.36 11.23 5-03 6.71 .26 8.30 4.03 7.67 | 10.33 2.02 15.18 | 21.98 19.55 23.72 33-43 1.40 2 148 144 -156 093 101 - 106 143 +210 +395 -271 301 404 a 1.63 | 13.06 2.13 | 12.32 2.61 14.08 11.86 16.31 +44 14.40 1.66 11.32 | 11.44 1.83 5-20 1.35 =a 2.46 81 -89 18 .326 -308 +352 408 360 -283 . 286 130 -034 io6n 020 3.59 | 11.92 3.97 | 11.25 6.55 | 10.62 7-74 | 11.21 .02 | 12,64 5.13 | 12.65 | 10.93 4-16 | 10,08 9.87 3.16 4-89 4.65 84 07 213 201 189 - 200 226 226 195 180 176 1056 .087 083 . 3.10 “75 2.81 17 2.50 1.3 2.35 1.22 +75 1.62 5.31 t.12 | 2.10 | 1.24 2.46 3-29 7.61 6.07 | 8.15 | 7.70 4.35 O12 o12 -022 O19 026 018 034 039 053 “122 1098 13K 4.46 49 4.23 1,22 1,63 -26 1.01 46 -22 -34 4.64 2.18 .62 6.68 1.23 2.29 6 1.06 2.50 4.92 005 013 -003 005 004 023 007 +012 024 O11 -56) 1.86 -66 | 2.29 | 2.25 -85 2.44 £.40 +27 1.97 1.25 -48 48 238 1.36 +35 1.67 15 .82 64 none “ane .22 49 epee Shon .12 aoe .08 “17 Ste ar ong 680 400 Pash ee 4a “orl ceeve || eB “% 1.43 | .6x (76 | .92 "7 119 ‘26 | 7108 | 1.53 O15 .o18 -009 -009 -002 013 -O1g .18 | none 2 ab 08 trace +74 18 SDA -58 - - trace -02 aut trace a es 43, : none oe on -16 dda a tes 102 00 o8N ooiee 205 areere ago da00 trace trace 9505 S00 10 151 .07 54 -57 +13 .49 124 63 .09 +15 trace 45 .007 008 .008 007 .003 -009 -002 .006 .t1 | none .og | none 05 none ; suas none oon .03 | none .o2 | none trace o0U8 ab 00 .04 | F.06 55a oar Ve OFos lees sa ae 100.82 |V,0,.04| 99.82 |I". .28 | 99.97 100,31 | 100.01 | 100.46 | 99.86 | 99.99 |100.38 |100.67 | 100.84 | 101.21 | 100.26 | 99.61 100.45 | 99.91 100.91 | 100.64 | 99.96 | 100,80 | 109.00 r00.2t | 99.40 O15 oe 10 100.05 98.77 |Sp. Gr..| 3,212 2.74 3.266 3.25 | 2.710 | 3.157 | 3.433 | 100.35 | 3.437 | 2.642 3-43 3.44 ~O2 .12 100,03 98.65 *Al,O, and TiO, estimated from rock analysis. a) Hornblende from quartz-monzonite, S. E, Mt. Hoffmann, Cal.; rock analysis from guarts-monzonite (grano-toscanose), Nevada Falls Trail, Yosemite Valley, Cal, (average rock of region). Bull. 168 U. S, Geol. Surv, p, 208, and A./,S., Vol. VII,(1899), p. 297- 6) Hornblende from guarts-monsontte (grano-amiatose), Walkerville Sta- tion, Butte, Mont. Bz//. 108, U. S. Geol, Surv., p. 116. ©) Hornblende (green) from daczte, Grenatilla, rock analysis from horn- blende-dacite (bandose), San Pedro, Sierra del Cabo, Cabo de Gata, Spain, Rosensuscn, 77. Gest,, pp. 285, 286. - d) Hornblende from quartz-dtorite (grano-camptonose), 46 miles south of Table Mountain, Cal. e) Hornblende from hornblende-gabbro (grano-hessose), Beaver Creek, Big Tree Quadrangle, Cal. A.J, S, Vol. VII (1899), p. 297. }. Hornblende from andesite (umptekose), Stenzelberg, Siebengebirge, Rosensusch, £2. Gest., pp. 290, 292. g. Hornblende from “ hornblende-diabase,”’ Rosenpuscu, ZZ. Gest., p. 306. h) Hornblende from syentte, Biella, Piedmont, Italy, Rosenpuscu, 2, Gest., Ppp. 103, 106, . 7) Hastingstte (deep blue) from nefphelzte-syenzte, Dunganon, Ontario, Rosensuscu, Z/. Gest., p. 122. Graveneck, near Weilberg. Al,O, determined as 17.65 including TiO,. k) Riebechite from granite (grano-liparose), Quincy, Blue Hills, Mass., A. F. S., Vol. VI, 1898, p. 18x. 2) Katophortte from santdintte, San Miguel, Azores, Rosensuscn, £7. Gest., p. 266, m) Arfvedsonite from xnephelrtte-syentte, Rosensuscu, £/. Gest,, p. 122. n) Cossyrtte (ainigmatite) from fantellerzte (felso-varingose) Khartibugal, Pantellaria, RosenpuscuH, £7. Gest., p. 257. 0) Ainigmatite from nephelite-syenite, Julianehaab, Greenland, RosEN- BuscH, £/, Gest., p. 122. Kangerdluarsuk, Greenland, Bull, 108 U.S. Geol. Surv. p. 190, Jj. Barkeutkite from sodalite-syentte (grano-pulaskose), Square Butte, Mont. p) Amphibole from comendite (felso-liparose), San Pietro, Sardinia, Rosen- A,J.S., Vol. XLV, 1893, p. 292. BuscH, Z/. Gest., p, 257: TABLE XIIla. MOLECULAR RATIOS IN AMPHIBOLES. Minerals Rocks Al,O5 | Fe,0; |(Na.K).0)_ MgO FeO/ | SiO5, | TiO, Femic. | Salic “ick CaO CaO CaO. CaO CaO CaO CaO i sio, ~oo — a Hornblende grano-toscanose....... Quartz-monzonite .. +32 14 08 1.53 69 3.71 771 23 000 é Hornblende grano-amiatose.. ....| Quartz-monzonite, +32 +15 12 1.53 “71 3-79 owes 23 +000 c Hornblende . grano-bandose .. Dacite. : +45, “17 13 1.86 82 4.03 09 .24 | —.007 d Hornblende .... grano-camptonos Quartz-diorite 39 08 12 2.04 46 4.17 6506 .22 | —.or4 e Hornblende grano-hessose Gabbro......... +: = “45, .07 13 1.60 +44 3.46 29 —.003 7 Hornblende ...... grano-umptek Andesite (?) trachyte.. 64 <4 18 1.25 47 2.92 6980 +39 | —-095 & Hornblende .. no analysis Diabasetaecet 67 16 ~21 1.46 73 3.53 -31 $43 .000, / Hornblende (?) analysis . Syenite. ...... -44 132 28 72 1.16 4.28 07 +34 .000 z Hastingsite no analysis Nephelite-syenite. 64 45 43 EB} 1.60 3.23 10 +33. | —-040 e grano-pulas Sodalite-syenite. .85 12 .35 19 1.73 3.40 238) ||| 2165, i grano-liparose . Soda granite. +23 1.9 2,18 .0 4.84 14.76 06 .000 7 Katophorite A no analysis Sanidinite. . -46 66 1.23 +70 3.46 8.72 .18 | —,030 mt Arivedsonite .... no analysis... Nephelite-syenite «5 -29 1.71 24 5 59 8.80 19 .000 2 Ainigmatite felso-varingose Pantellerite, _ 1-3 1.3 2.4 +58 | 12,60 | 20.01 pons +24 -000 o Ainigmatite no analysis.. Nephelite-syenite. 1.3 1.5 4.6 33 | 20.75 | 26.33 3-9 16 000 p Amphibole .... felso-liparose. . Comendite........- «+ .| 27-0 18.0 93.0 2.0 |192. 409- Sc 29 900 1 All Pemic Ca, Mg, Fe, calculated as metasilicate. Deficient SiO, is that required to raise part of the salic components to leucite or nephelite. 2Wemic Ca, Mg, Fe, calculated partly as orthosilicate and partly as metasilicate. Sr ee i ) aan yd iat ns f a ; PTs i ot a UN 7 erat ema h) it TABLE XIV. ANALYSES OF MICAS AND THE ROCKS CONTAINING THEM. 6 . $ a c dad e f rg hk t } , Rock. | Mica. | Rock. | Mica. | Rock. | Mica. | Rock. | Mica. | Rock. | Mica. | Rock. | Mica Mica, Rock. | Mica. 63.88 Bae 66.91 | 35-62 | 77-61 | 31-96 | 60.39 | 32.09 | 54.55 | 34-37 | 56.26 | 33.24 | 36.42 $0.23 G 594 -533 -535 +574 , 554 - 15.84 13.70 15.24 11.94 | 15.93 | 22.57 18,52 19.07 6.84 | 23.59 14.90 17-92 11.22 +134 .149 -117 “1 .067 -146 <175 2.1% 5-22 : 4.69 +55 8.06 -42 | 19.49 2.4 | 24.89 85 5.92 2.83 3-34 032 .029 .050 12 -156 +037 017 2.59 13-72 é 13.67 .87 30.35 2.26 14.10 3-12 7-47 2.61 23.57 7-4 r.84 -1g0 .190 -421 196 .104 -327 .098 EXE}, |) FErEE} =. || 12.70 trace 05 13 1.01 1.98 4.05 +27 5-15 | 20.52 7.09 +303 -317 -0o1 -025 ror 129 +513 3.97 05 | 3.5% +95 -31 +23 +32 ibe 3.15 .78 “54 -40 oo 5-99 -OO1 .O17 004 .OT4 .007 2.81 “15 3-59 .5° 3-80 1.54 8.44 7.67 2.13 7-77 1.45 2.60 1.37 -002 .008 .025 034 .023 042 4.23 9.09 3-13 7-72 4.98 8.46 4:77 4.84 9.03 5.72 7-77 6.54 9.81 097 .082 -090 -096 .082 .069 66 3.64 4.36 trace 4.25 -57 72 2.27 -37 2.19 2.50 1.72 ~242 .127 22 1.21 94 +23 3€ Sood ees 93 ae B50 : 4000 came, Ao 5 1.37 tel .65 3.52 -25 1.40 4.68 “47 2.27 O44 oe a 058 2X 10 cc 1.89 34 + -74 trace 20 +03 | on . a 10 107 119 ees ||| cae || oy | eye || ee Wack || fen || ces 105 OIL 002 -010 -003 020 034 013 BaO..... -O4 trace .It 12 .09 +13 ee a5 1.23 1.00 006 SrO)..... 02 none +03 (?) 02 none aden trace Bae tees pone \PSoNeEE!! sce aode e S10 .2 trace Ogres .08 |F, .26 |ZrO,.04) none «. |F..76 eee GaSe sec eee wae Ota © i ea O14 032 100,60 }ro0. 11 100,82 |F. .17 99.82 99-59 100.00 |100.54 |100.46 99.95 |100.92 99.82 98.92 99.91 |100.27 V..0,.05 Sp. er 3.084 99.90 07 99.83 a) Biotite from granodiortte (grano-toscanose), El Capitan, Yosemite Valley, Cal. A. J. S., Vol, VII (1899), p. 294. 4) Brotite from guarts-monzontle (grano-toscanose), Nevada Falls Trail, Yosemite Valley, Cal. A, J. S., Vol. VII (1899), p. 297, and Bull. 168, U. S. Geol. Surv, p. 208. c) Brotite from guarts-monsonite (grano-amiatose), Walkerville Station, Butte, Mont, Jour. Gron., Vol, VII, and Bud? 168, U. S, Geol, Surv., p. 116. d) Birotite from quarts-monsontte (grano(?)toscanose), Bloods Station, Alpin Co., Cal. A.J. S. Vol. VII (1899), p. 294. ¢) Lefpidomelane from grantte (grano-liparose), Cape Ann, Mass. A, J. S., Vol. XXXII, 1886, p.359. Rock analysis, H. S, Wasuincton, Jour. Grot., Vol. VI, /) Lepidomelane from nephelite-syentte (grano-nordmarkose), Litchfield, Me. Bxé?, 108, U. S, Geol, Surv, p. 21. &£) Lefidomelane trom syenite-pegmatite, Barkevik, Langesundfjord, Norway; rock analysis from /aurdalrte (laurdalose), north of Love, Laugenthal. Briccer, Eruptivgest. Kristianta geb. Wl, pp. 19 and 34. h) Lepidomelane {rom (?) nephelite-syenite, Miask, Dana, System, p. 630; rock analysis from arascrt (grano-miaskose), Mt, Lobatchia, Siberia. A. KARPINSKI, Guide Excurs. VII, Cong, Geol. Int, V (1897), p- 22. 4) “‘Biotite’’ from monchiquite, Horberig, Oberbergen. Rosenpuscn, 2%. Gest., pe 234. J) Phlogopite from wyomingite (phyro-wyomingose), Boar's Tusk, Leucite Hills, Wyo. Pp. 793+ A.J. S., Vol. IV (1897), p. 130, and Bull. 108, U. S. Geol Surv., p. 85. TABLE XIVa, MOLECULAR RATIOS IN MICAS. Al,O. | Fe,0, | MgO FeO SiO, TiO, Rami: Salic. evo KyOm | mxgON | Ke ON |KGOueKGON|NKaO SiO, @) Biotite ....................| grano-toscanose ........ Granodiorite... anaes 1.8 -33 “47 2.07 5.71 -13 “$4 | «46 4) Biotite... grano-toscanose. Quartz-monzonite 1.4 -28 3-15 2.00 5.78 38 52 -48 ¢) Biotite, grano-amiatose .| Quartz-monzonite 1.3 +32 12 1.96 6.01 44 52 48 ) Biotite... no analysis .... .| Quartz-monzonite 1.9 32 .86 2.31 6.60 -30 54 46 ¢) Lepidomelane. grano-liparose . Granite ..... 1.0 43 0 4.07 4.63 37 g8) |||) 245 7) Lepidomelane grano-nordmarkose Nephelite-syeni 1.6 tt -29 | 2.28 4.82 ah 40 | .60 #) Lepidomelane, grano-laurdalose Nephelite-syenite . 5% 1.2 1.05 1.07 4.26 -44 02 +38 A) Lepidomelane. grano-miaskose Nephelite-syeni' rem +35 1.57 3.98 5:27 .56 | 53 47 1) “ Biotite’’. no analysis Moachiquite. 1.5 15 7-42 1.42 5.46 FY |) oe | .48 J) Phiogopite. phyro-wyorr Wyomingite -98 14 4.9% 10 5.86 ar | 149 5% i mn 8 chy abet oy Fkok eo eae Heavens pe) Ibis. WOWRNAL OF GEOLOGY OGROLERA_NOVE UBER, To02 CARTOGRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF GEOLOGICAL FORMATIONS. AS CARTOGRAPHIC units, in the representation of geological structure, the lithologic individual, the faunal stage and the geological formation are commonly regarded as practically iden- tical. In reality, they are fundamentally distinct from one another. Moreover, these are not the only units which it is pos- sible and practicable to map and bring out clearly the geological structure of the area investigated. In the recent discussions on the units of geological mapping, one of the most important fundamental factors appears to be entirely overlooked. The two leading phases of the subject are admirably summed up in the recent articles of Messrs. Willis! and Cross.* Although, at first glance, these authors seem to present radically different views, they are not, actually, so far apart in their contentions as they would have us believe. Mr. Cross’ conception is the more philosophical of the two; it is based on genetic grounds ; and it is the one which must finally prevail, though the local criteria of discrimination may be diverse in different cases. In actual practice, Mr. Willis’ expressed idea has the greater force and must be the one which must neces- sarily long be followed. But the two conceptions are not incompatible. In the practical application of the principles, the final results become very nearly identical. To every one who has given the subject critical attention, it tJour. GEOL., Vol. IX, p. 557, 1901. 2'Tbzd., Viol. XZ p: 22251902. Vol. X, No. 7. 691 692 CHARLES Rk. KEVES must be quite evident that no standard yet proposed for the delimitation of geological units in cartographic representation exactly expresses the essential features of a complete and rational scheme. As in all classifications of natural objects, that of geological units, formations, or terranes should be in its highest type genetic in character. Moreover, it should be strictly stratigraphic, depositional or sequential, using these terms in their broadest sense to include all rock-masses, igneous, meta- morphic and sedimentary. With this understanding of the theme, the most obvious characteristic of a stratigraphic scheme is not the terranes or rock-masses themselves, nor any of their contents, but their geometric elements, their bounding or strati- graphic planes. In order not to carry with it the usual narrow idea, some such term as depositional or sequential planes should , be used in place of the name stratigraphic, and these titles, will be hereafter given preference. The sequential, depositional or sedimentation planes have different taxonomic values according to the general scheme of classification adopted’. A cross-section of the cartographic units, or geological for- mations, as they occur in nature, may be represented by the following sketch: * Fic. 1.—Geologic units in cross-section. In the general, abstract or ideal instance, each lens-shaped figure is the unit established ‘with regard to all the facts and conditions of the case, and not upon the restricted basis of any part of those facts. It represents as much of the geological development of the earth recorded in the area covered as is practicable.” The net-work of formations coincides with the "American Geologist, Vol. XXIV, p. 294, 1899. REPRESENTATION OF GEOLOGICAL FORMATIONS 693 lines and planes of sedimentation, or natural s€quence, to use a more comprehensive term. It gives a foundation for deter- mining geologic structures and deciphering geologic events. This foundation is the same as that governing sedimentation and the sequential arrangement of rock-masses. The scheme is, therefore, genetic. It is of secondary importance to consider the composition and contents of the various lens-shaped figures. In some cases most value must be placed upon the lithologic character of a terrane. In other instances, the contained fossils, or minerals, are the determining factors. Under certain con- ditions still different features must be taken into consideration. The cardinal fact to be always recognized is that the cartographic unit, the geologic formation, is essentially an abstract concep- tonne Tt may also be a lithologic, or faunal, or mineralogic, or physiographic, or some other kind of unit capable of being represented on maps. As a matter of fact the lithologic features, the faunal char- acters, the mineralogic contents, as well as many other criteria of discrimination, are so grouped genetically to the depositional units which it is desired to represent on the map, that if the decipherable record of each were perfect, a cartographic repre- sentation of the one set of facts would in a general way indicate the probable outline of each of the other sets. But the fact that the records of all of these groups of data for the determination of the geologic formations are at best comparatively so meager, makes it incumbent upon the geologist to delimit his carto- graphic units at first according to the most obvious features presented in the several areas covered. It so happens that in the field the most obvious and most useful single feature in recognizing and tracing a geological for- mation is the lithologic. Checked by other criteria, then, the lithologic unit corresponds very closely to the ideal cartographic unit established. For all practical purposes for which the geologic map is constructed lithologic individuals are amply sufficient and accurate. When more refined investigation is taken up some slight changes in the lines of formational delimi- tation may be necessary; but if the lithologic determinations 694 CHARLES Ks LEVEES have been made with ordinary care it will probably be rare that radical alteration will be demanded. In the present stage of geologic inquiry it is neither prac- ticable nor desirable to map all districts with uniform refinement. Among geological formations, we shall no doubt eventually establish and indicate on all geological maps about five degrees of taxonomic rank. The division lines in any one area can only be fixed after very careful comparisons with those of all the neighboring districts. In the main, these terranal lines will be found to correspond to, or can easily be adjusted to, the divisional lines separating the lithologic individuals ordinarily recognized. When the lithologic features of formations gradually merge into those of others, or when there is a rapid alternation of dif- ferent kinds of rock layers, fossils or minerals, other criteria may have to be resorted to in order to properly delimit the ter- ranes. But this fact certainly in no way invalidates the general principles involved in the recognition of the lithologic individual as the leading object to be represented in cartography. When, for example, it was found upon detailed faunal exami- nation’ that the great St. Clair limestone of Arkansas, which had long been considered by the workers of that state as a single lithologic unit, was in reality two great limestones of almost identical lithologic appearance, the one Ordovician in age, and the other Silurian, it did not render worthless the maps upon which these two terranes had been represented as a single cartographic unit. Nor is the principle of mapping the htho- logic individual to be given up on this account. Early observa- tion was merely insufficient.- In the case of the ferruginous sandstone of southeastern Missouri and southwestern Illinois there is not a single con- tinuous stratum, but a large number of disconnected deposits, lithologically indistinguishable, and lying, at least, at two very dif- ferent geologic horizons. One horizon is below the Kaskaskia limestone and the other above that great rock-mass. The one is early Carboniferous; the other mid-Carboniferous. The lower continuous terrane is known as the Aux Vases sandstone; the Am. Jour. Sct. (3), Vol. XEVILL, p. 327, 18094. REPRESENTATION OF GEOLOGICAL FORMATIONS 695 other is formed by the basal sandstones of the Coal-measures. Farther southward, in Arkansas, the difference in the strati- graphic horizons of the two is upwards of 20,000 feet. Yet, because of peculiarities of position, the existence of an interven- ing unconformity plane, and the nearly same level above the sea of neighboring outcrops, of the two horizons on the Missis- sippi river, Worthen’ and others were led to erroneously ascribe to the Kaskaskia (Lower Carboniferous) an extensive flora of the Coal-measures. A different example is that of the Carboniferous of Arkansas. There is the enormous thickness of 26,000 feet of sediments. Sedimentation has been uninterrupted throughout the entire sequence. In the last formed terrane of the Lower Carbonif- erous, there begins an alternation of sandstones and shales, with some coal seams, continuing to the top of the section. About 24,000 feet of this section may be regarded as a litho- logical individual quite ‘‘uniformly varied in character.” Data obtained farther north in Missouri show that 23,000 feet of this enormous section are unrepresented. The Arkansas sec- tion belongs to at least three great terranes, each having a tax- onomic rank of series. Measured in feet, the median one alone is five times as great as all the rest of the Carboniferous repre- sented in the Continental Interior. The conditions presented are represented below. Viewed from Arkansas alone the lines separating the distinct geological formations might forever remain unnoticed in the great Fic. 2.—Carboniferous Sedimentation in Missis- sippi Valley. lithologic individual. It is only by a com- parison with sections in other localities that the terranal divisional lines may be properly drawn. There seems to be only one answer to the question: ‘‘What should a geological map represent?” That is Mr. Cross’ obser- vation that ‘‘it should represent as much of the geologic develop- ment of the earth recorded in the area covered as is practicable.” ~ "Illinois Geol. Surv., Vol. I, p. 79, 1866. 696 CHARLES Ri KE VES. In considering every unit that is a possible basis for carto- graphic representation, a number of conditions have to be fully satisfied, in order that the best results may be obtained. As nearly as possible the unit adopted should be an abstract one, since schemes which have been elaborated, or may be in the future proposed, may not have different factors or different kind of factors to appose when the new facts are compared. The unit should be practically adaptable in order that knowledge once acquired may not have to be worked over anew in the field with each change of ideas necessitated by the constantly increasing use of more and more refined methods. The unit should be elastic, because too great rigidity of plan often breaks down the best of schemes. The unit should be easily recogni- zable and rapidly delimitable in the field; it should be of such character as to be readily traced from point to point, quickly run in on the map, and easily followed on the ground by sub- sequent investigators who may use the map. It has been asserted that the lithologic map is a return to the so-called geological map of a century ago. It does not appear that the facts of the case warrant this statement. The geological map of today based strictly upon lithologic indi- viduals is very nearly asfundamentally distinct from the mineral- ogical map of a hundred years ago, as is the modern map in which so-called geological formations are depicted. In map- ping the geological features of an extensive region, work such as the federal government and some of the state geological surveys are engaged upon, the lithological individual for carto- graphic representation necessarily takes precedence over all other features. It will be along time after the geological map based upon lithology principally is ready to be issued, that the perfected map of ideal geological formations can be made. In the majority of cases the delimitation of the latter must always rest very largely on the lithologic characters. A map of units recognizable in the field only after about as much study as was devoted to the terranes in the first place by the expert stratigrapher is of small ? practical use. For a long time yet in modern areal work, the lithologic indi- REPRESENTATION OF GEOLOGICAL FORMATIONS 697 vidual, delimited if necessary by the aid of other criteria, appears amply comprehensive and exact for all purposes to which the ordinary geological map is put. As an aid in the development of the mineral resources of the country—the primary object of work of this kind—maps in which the litho- logic individual is the unit amply suffice. In practice in the field, the units broadly defined by the lithologic characters, and those indicated by the more philosophical geologic formations, are generally near enough alike to enable future investigators to do their work without hindrance or uncertainty. The suggestion of a faunal map eventually following the lithologic map as an integral part of a complete geologic atlas appears somewhat infelicitous. There is certainly no room whatever for such a dual planin mapping. Such ascheme merely leads to others, maps based upon every criterion known or which may be devised. This is a proposition for which there is not the slightest demand. It is beyond all probability that parallel subdivisions should ever be found that are based upon radically different criteria. When we consider a dual scheme with a structural phase and a time phase based entirely upon fossils we are considering incongruous things. And there is not necessarily any logical connection. In Europe, there is a classification generally presented that is dual in character, though with singular nomenclature. Thus, all the subdivisions of terranes and of time are strictly paralleled. The International Geological Congresses have adopted the same plan. It must be quite evident to the practical field geologist that there are very serious objections to this scheme. The critical criteria in the rock-scheme and in the time-scheme are fundamentally distinct. In fact, they have no genetic relation- ships whatever. In reality, we have more than a dual scheme of classification in geology. There is a triple scheme, a quadruple scheme, and schemes multiple according to the number of standards involved. Each standard gives rise to a different scheme. The principle underlying the classification of natural phe- nomena is that different kinds of criteria give rise to different 698 CHARLES TR. KEVES taxonomic groups. The arrangement of rock-masses affords no exception to the rule. Ifthe life phases be used as the pre- dominant feature in delimiting the subdivisions of one order, prevailing lithologic character may be given greatest weight in another; physiography or specific biotic aspect in a third. Matters are greatly simplified by regarding the larger subdivis- ions of the geologic scale as essentially arbitrary, abstract time divisions, in which lithology has no place. With the smaller subdivisions, which are best considered as essentially structural divisions, the time element may be practically neglected. While we have to allude to the time-interval, during which every rock-mass was formed, we have only universal structural units represented in the major two of the five taxonomic cate- gories usually recognized. On the map, the expression of the time of formation of the terrane is by a distinctive color. The smaller of the universal time-units is thus represented. In like manner, only one of the rock categories becomes important on the map, and this is commonly represented by a standard pat- tern. This, too, is the smallest unit that is of broad geologic significance. While this plan does not always meet every case, it only needs slight adjustment from time to time in order to make it the most serviceable, the most practical, the most elastic, and most nearly in accord with local facts, of any scheme yet devised. After all, the cartographic unit, like the species in zoology or botany, is necessarily a matter of convenience. In the exact delimitation of both, there enters very largely an element of personal judgment. Through the consensus of opinion we finally arrive at a tolerably good idea of what each unit should be. It is commonly recognized that the principal criteria followed in delimiting the several taxonomic orders of units and in geo- logical classification are (1) the relative progress of life in general as compared with that now existing; (2) the prevailing biotic type; (3) the general lithologic phase; (4) the specific lithologic character; and (5) the specific fossil feature. Reference is here made to our most approved ideal classi- fication because the lithologic individual fits closely into this scheme as the taxonomic subdivision of the fourth order. The REPRESENTATION OF GEOLOGICAL FORMATIONS 699 case of the St. Clair limestones of Arkansas, already referred to, and the formations of the Rico mountains, mentioned by Mr. Cross, are good examples in which strict lithologic separation was not obvious at first glance. In reality, Cross and Spencer’s “Hermosa,” ‘Rico,’ and ‘‘Dolores’’ formations approach definite geological formations only approximately. They repre- sent no nearer the real geological formation than do purely litho- logic individuals. Exact faunal studies in the Rico and neigh- boring districts are likely to require the divisional lines to be drawn at quite different horizons. When the fuller geological history of the region shall have been made out further rectifica- tion will doubtless be found necessary. As a matter of fact, the lithologic individual based primarily upon lithology and secondarily upon fossils contained, and the ) “geological division’ based upon the fossil characters have essentially the same kind of values as geological elements. But Mr. Cross, in his delimitations, does not depend entirely upon the faunal features, for he goes on to reénforce his statements by giving other reasons for drawing his lines where he does. Lithologic features are manifestly among the most important criteria in tracing the ‘‘formations.”’ In the same way it is quite apparent that the advocates of strictly lhthologic individuals in mapping do not and cannot depend wholly upon a uniform rock character. This phase of the question leads to the statement of a more general one, that the main thing is to give clearer definition, than has usually been done, of each cartographic unit proposed. The unit should be defined according to (1) geographic distri- bution, (2) topographic expression, (3) lithologic nature, (4) stratigraphic delimitation, (5) biotic definition, and (6) mineral content. When this shall have been done the foundation will have been laid for the establishment of real Geological Formations expressive of the geological history of the area mapped. The approximate ‘‘lithologic”’ map will not have to be materially changed, but only accompanied by a few words of additional explanation. CHARLES R. KEYEs. THE MISNAMED INDIANA ANTICLINE.? Recent work by the United States geological survey in western Pennsylvania has revealed a number of unsuspected facts of geologic structure. The results are being published in folios in which the lay of the rocks is shown by deformation contours, but it is thought desirable to call attention here to the finding of a syncline where formerly there was considered to be an anticline. The map of Indiana county issued by the second geological survey of Pennsylvania shows the Indiana anticline to extend in a straight line through the town of Indiana. This supposed fold has been thought to be continuous on the southwest with the Fayette anticline in Westmoreland county and on the north- east with the anticline which is well marked near Richmond, on Little Mahoning Creek. The name Indiana anticline, therefore, has been applied to the entire fold. This term has passed into geologic literature and is still being used. In the area adjacent to the type locality of the fold, how- ever, the structure, as indicated by the accompanying sketch map, is quite different than. previously interpreted. The Rich- mond and Fayette anticlines are not continuous, but the former pitches southwestward and the latter pitches northeastward, and the area between the Conemaugh River and Crooked Creek, along the extension of the axes of these folds is occupied by the Latrobe syncline. It is an odd coincidence that the axes of the Richmond and Fayette anticlines fall in line with each other, and it is not surprising that these folds have been thought to be continuous, for in the intervening region surface exposures are poor and the structure can be deciphered only by detailed work. The present determination is fully proved by the records of some fifty diamond drill holes lately put down by the Rochester and Pittsburg Coal and Iron Company. Structural details will be published in the forthcoming Indiana * Published by permission of the director of the United States geological survey. 700 THE MISNAMED INDIANA ANTICLINE 7OI SKETCH MAP OF PARTS OF INDIANA & WESTMORELAND COUNTIES PENNSYLVANIA f altsburg,°" > ey 20 7S 4a Seo MINEES SCALE 702 GEORGE B. RICHARDSON and Latrobe folios, so that only a few words need be added in explanation of the map. West of the Chestnut Ridge anticline the Latrobe syncline forms the northern extension of the Con- nellsville basin. This syncline rises and flattens out between Blairsville and Indiana, displacing the two westward succeeding folds. These folds are the Fayette anticline and the Greensburg syncline. Well developed where they cross Loyal Hanna Creek, northward in the vicinity of the Conemaugh River they fade away and merge into the western flank of the Latrobe syncline. The next fold to the west is the Jacksonville anticline, which has its maximum development near the town of Jacksonville. South- west of Indiana there is an offset in the axis of this fold. Thence the arch continues northeastward, as the McKee Run anticline, and forms a low fold separated from the Chestnut Ridge anti- cline by the extension of the Latrobe syncline. Northeast of Indiana this syncline is divided in two by a south-plunging anti- cline, which, passing between Decker’s Point and Marion Center, is well marked near the town of Richmond. GEORGE B. RICHARDSON. WASHINGTON, D.C. REVISE DCU ASSIMCATION OF THE UPPER PAE O@= ZOIC FORMATIONS OF KANSAS. INTRODUCTION. CLASSIFICATION, Wabaunsee stage. Burlingame limestone. shales. Emporia limestone. formation. Americus limestone. Elmdale formation. Neva limestone. Eskridge shales. Council Grove stage. Alma limestone. Garrison formation. Chase stage. Wreford limestone. Matfield shales. Florence flint. Fort Riley limestone. Doyle shales. Winfield formation. CONTENTS. Sumner stage. Marion formation. Wellington shales. Table of the Upper Paleozoic forma- tions of Kansas. Correlation of the Cimarron series. THE PERMIAN QUESTION. Correlation of the Upper Paleozoic of Kansas with the Russian Permian. Opinions of various geologists. Correlation of the Kansas and Texas beds. Provisional correlation of the Kansas formations. Conclusions of Dr. Keyes. Conclusions of Dr. Frech. Usage of Russian geologists. Opinions of other European geologists. INTRODUCTION. In 1895 the writer published a paper on ‘The Classification of the Upper Paleozoic Rocks of Central Kansas”’ in the Jour- NAL OF GEoLoGy.* Additional field work and study of the Cot- tonwood Falls quadrangle render it advisable, in compliance with the custom of the United States Geological Survey to designate each lithologic individual capable of representation on the topographic map as a formation, to subdivide three of the units which were described as formations in that article. A few changes in classification or nomenclature have been made which are also explained in this paper. Dr. J. W. Beede, * Vol. III, pp. 682-706, and pp. 764-801. 793 704 CHARLES: S. PROSSER of Indiana University, who has been associated with the writer in this later study, has rendered most efficient service in the field and other work necessary for this revision. Dr. George I. Adams, of the United States Geological Survey, spent several days with Dr. Beede in examining part of the area of the Cot- tonwood Falls quadrangle, and Mr. F. B. Weeks has also kindly furnished the author with references to the descriptions of forma- tions from the United States Survey card catalogue of geologic formation names. CLASSIFICATION. WABAUNSEE STAGE.’ None but the upper rocks of this stage are exposed on the Cottonwood Falls quadrangle and the lower ones, exposed to the eastward, have not been carefully examined by the writer. Burlingame limestone—At the base of the Wabaunsee is a conspicuous and persistent limestone from seven to twelve feet in thickness, the lower limit of which is regarded as the lower line of that stage. It was named and briefly described by Hall in 1896? from outcrops near Burlingame and since then it has been traced from Nebraska across the state to Oklahoma. 3 This limestone is frequently composed of two layers, gray to brown in color, separated by shale, and forms a massive ledge. This is apparently the division which was termed “limestone number g”’ by Professors Haworth and Kirk, in 1894, exposed near the junction of the Cottonwood and Neosho rivers, which they stated ‘‘may be called the Wyckoff lmestone .... on account of its great exposure in the vicinity of Wyckoff.t”” This name, however, ought to be considered a synonym, for Dr, Sar- deson had already given an almost identical one to a division of * The word stage is used in the sense adopted by the International Congress of Geologists. See Work Inter. Cong. Geologists, 1886, p. 50; GILBERT, in Proc. A. A. A. S., Vol. XXXVI, 1888, p. 186; Congrés Géologique International (8° Session), Procés-verbaux des Séances, 1901, p. 35; and zbid., Comptes Rendus, 1% Fasc., 1901, p. 196. 2 Untv. Geol. Surv. Kansas, Vol. I, p. 105. 3 See, ‘Map of Limestone Outcroppings,” by PRoFEssoR HawormTH, Vol. III, Univ. Geol. Surv. Kan., 1898, Pl. VII. 4 Kan, Univ. Quart., Vol. I, Jan. 1894, p. III. Cimarron series Big Blue series Missourian Sel 1 (Upper part of *(Ajuo yred (¢) ‘wayshs ueruieg saddn) wiajysks snosayruc e mae ay) v a ar nt Mea aye ANA CLASSIFICATION OF THE UPPER PALEOZOIC FORMATIONS OF KANSAS. —-\\ ( Kiger Stage * - | | Cimarron series? - Cragin, ’96. | Salt Fork Stage - Permian system. (?) cn | | | | * Big Blue series3 - Cragin, ’96. 4 Chase Stage - - Council Grove Stage. Missourian Series - Keyes, '96. (Upper part of series) 4 Wabaunsee Stage - Carboniferous system (upper part only) U L 1The classification of the formations from the top of the Kiger to the Wellington shales. inclusive, is that of Dr, Cragin, except that he termed Kiger and Salt Fork d7vzstons of the Cimarron series (Cod. Coll. S/udies, Vol. VI, March 27, 1896, pp. 3, 16-49). The following year Dr, Cragin revised the classification of the Cimarron series. changing the limits and names of some of the formations and drawing the line of separation between the Salt Fork and Kiger divisions at the of of the Dog Creek formation instead of at its base, as in the former classification (A. Geol., Vol. XIX, May, 1897, PP. 351-64). 2Col. Coll. Studies, Vol. VI, pp. 3, 18, 48; and see additional account in Am, Geol. Vol, XIX, May, 1897. pp. 351-64. 3Col. Coll, Studies, Vol. V1, March 27, 1896, pp. 35 5,6. In July, 1896, Dr. Keyes proposed ‘‘ to recognize in the ‘upper > Carboniferous of the Western Interior province three series having equal taxonomic rank,’’ the upper one of which was named the ‘‘ Oklahoman”’ (Am. Geol., Vol. XVIII, p. 25). In defining the series it was stated that “In suggesting the name ‘Oklahoman’ as a serial geological term it is intended to apply to all those rocks of Carboniferous age which occur north of the Canadian river in Oklahoma, and which lie interval of the top of the Missourian series and the base of the Cretaceous. It may be regarded as essentially covering the same succession of strata that has long been vaguely known under the title of ‘Permian,’ The name is derived from the territory in which the formation has its best development and in which the most complete sequence is represented ”? (zbrd.. p. 27). In October, 1891, Dr. Keyes recognized the Cimarron series and gave the Oklahoman and Cimarron as the two closing series of the Carboniferous (A7. Jour, Sct., 4th ser.. Vol. XTI, pp. 306, 309), Stating that ‘* The so-called Permian of the Western Interior basin (Oklahoman and Cimarron, the latter generally known as the Red Beds) is composed largely of shales and shaly sandstones. ... . The conditions existing were identical with those under which the original Permian beds of Russia were formed’’ (77d... p. 309). The following month Dr. Keyes published a ‘General Geological Section of the Carboniferous of the Mississippi Valley,” in which a complete list of the series and terranes of the system is For the portion under consideration it is as follows: SERIES. between the given. TERRANES. ¢ Kiger shales. Cimarron “2 Salt Fork shales. Wellington shales, Marion limestone. Chase limestone. Neosho shales. Carboniferous system (upper portion). Oklahoman, ..---+..+++++5* Cottonwood liinestone. Missourian (upper part).--+- Atchison shales. Cragin, ’96. + Day Creek dolomite - - 2 3 - = s Cragin, ’96. + ( Summer Stage - Cragin, 96. | Prosser, ’95. Prosser, ’95. Taloga formation- - - - - - - Cragin, ’97 Cragin, ’96. ( Red Bluff formation - - - - - Cragin Cragin, '97. Amphitheatre dolomite, { Chapman dolomite,5 Cragin, 97. Shimer gypsum j Jenkins clay - - Cragin, 96. Cragin, 96. | Dog Creek formation, Cragin, 96. j Medicine Lodge gypsum, Cave Creek formation, Cragin, '96. Cragin, ’96. Cragin, ’96. Cragin, ’97. © Cedar Hills sandstone, Cragin, ’96. Salt Plain member - Cragin, ’96. Harper sandstone ® - Cragin, '96. 4 | i L Glass Mountain formation, } Flower-pot shales - Kingfisher formation, Cragin, ’97. | Wellington shales? - - - - - Cragin, 96. Marion formation - - - - - - - - Prosser, ’95- Winfield formation = 2 = = = = -. Doyle shales - : = - = = Prosser, '97. Prosser and Beede. Swallow, 66. Prosser, '95. Prosser and Beede. Hay, ’93. Fort Riley limestone - = - - - - = Florence flint - - - : = - : t S Matfield shales - = E : 2 = j Wreford limestone - - - - Garrison formation, | Neosho member - Prosser, '95. Prosser and Beede. ( Florena shales, Prosser and Beede. Alma limestone - - - - - - - Prosser, ’94. ’ Eskridge shales - - - - - - Prosser and Beede. Neva limestone - - - - - Prosser and Beede. Elmdale formation - - - - - - Prosser and Beede. J Americus limestone - - - - - - - Kirk, ’96. \ formation - - - - - - Emporia limestone - - - - - - - - Kirk, ’96. shales - - - - = > E (Burlingame limestone - - - - - - Hall, ’96. (Am. Geol. Vol. XXVIII, p. 302.) It will be seen that the Oklahoman series, as precisely defined above is identical with the Big Blue series proposed by Dr, Cragin in 1896, and therefore his name. which has priority, is adopted for this classification. only ch: nge from Professor Cragin's classification of the Big Blue series is that the Neosho member at its base is put in the Missourian series, ‘he Rrazos series proposed by Prof, Hill in 1902 (/wenty-first Ann. Rept. U. S. Geol. Surv. Pt, VII, p x00) for the Red Beds is apparentl. the same as the Cimarron series of Cragin. In my revision the 4°* Missourian”? was proposed as the name of a series by Dr. Keyes, in July, 1896 (Am. Geol., Vol. XVI11. pp. 25-27). This was an outgrowth of the Missouri stage or for- mation which was proposed by him in 1893 (/owa Geol. Surv., Vol. 1, pp. 85, 114; and Mon. Rev. lowa Weather Service, Vol. lV. p. 3). s Nearly three years later Professor H. S. Williams gave the name ‘* Chapman sand- stone’ to a formation occurring in northeastern Maine (Am, Jour. Ser., 4th ser., March, 1900, Vol, IX. pp. 203, 205, which was more fully described in Budi, U. S. Geol, Surv., No. 165, 1900, p. 78). 6It is not probable that ‘* Harper sandstone’’ can be retained for this subformation, because the very similar term of ** Harper’s shale’’ was published by Keith two years earlier as the name of a formation occurring near Harper's Ferry (Geologie Atlas United States, Harpers Ferry /olio (Folio 10), 1894, pp. 3. 5)» 7 The term ‘Wellington shales.’ apparently applied to this formation. first appeared in an article by Professor Cragin, in the Kansas City Reusew o/ Science and Industry, Vol. VIII, April, 1895. p- 679; anda little later he published it in the Budd. Washburn College Laboratory of Natural History, Vol. I, May (?), 1885, p. 86. An Iie nf i \ yd AYsneS v AGN OANA TU MANY ete i rai hint aap cucam ; Me aE EEA ey a are intel tH Piling ary Nari UPPER PALEOZOIC FORMA TIONS OF KANSAS 705 the Cincinnati series of the Ordovician in Minnesota, for which he proposed “‘a new name .. . . Wykoff beds — from the town near which the best exposure known occurs.’’* and this he later called the Wykoff formation.? The only difference is that the name of the Minnesota town is spelled without ac. In 1895 Professor Haworth proposed the name ‘Osage City shales”’ for the rocks included between the top of the Topeka limestone and the base of a thin limestone overlying the Osage coal; while about 150 feet of the superjacent rocks in the vicinity of Bur- lingame were named the Burlingame shales.3 Later in the same year both divisions were more fully described by Professor Haworth ;* but the upper limit of the Burlingame shale was not precisely defined. The following year Mr. Hall applied the term ‘‘ Burlingame limestone ” to eight feet of limestone which ‘covers the third and last heavy bed of shales in this section”’ with a thickness of 150 or 200 feet. 5 This shale was apparently regarded by Mr. Hall as the Bur- lingame, since he used that name in the list of subjects at the beginning of his chapter, ° and then the heading following that of the Burlingame limestone is the ‘Systems above the Bur- lingame shales.” 7 In 1898 Professor Haworth stated that ‘‘ subsequent work has shown the unimportance of” the thin limestone overlying the Osage coal, “so that it will not do to depend upon it as a division line marker. Neither will the Osage coal serve such a PUEPOSE,-as) it is by was referred to Popano- ceras by Professor James P. Smith® who stated, on the authority of Professor Cummins, that the Popanoceras Parker beds are in the Strawn | Richland] division and therefore of the age of the Lower Coal-measures.? The occurrence of this type in the Texas beds, however, led Karpinsky in 1889 to write as follows: Since the Popanoceratide up to the present time have not been found in other countries in deposits which are older than the Permo- Carboniferous (in which the commonest Ammonites occur), t Trans. Texas Acad. Sct., Vol. I, 1897, p. 97. Also see JAMES P. SMITH, Proc. Am. Phil. Soc., reprint, 1896, p. 13. 2 Trans. Texas Acad. Sci., Vol. Il, 1897, p. 97. 3 Geol. Surv. Texas, Fourth Ann. Rept., p. 225. Also see Trans. Tex. Acad. Sci., I, 1897, pp. 94, 95. 4 Geol. Surv. Texas, Fourth Ann. Reft., p. 223. 5 Proc. Acad. Nat. Sct. Philadelphia, 1884, Vol. 36, pp. 53-5. 6Jour. GEOL., Vol. II, 1894, p. 194; and see “ Correlation Table” on p. 204. 7 Proc. Am. Phil. Soc., Vol. XXXV, 1896, reprint, p. 16 f *. Vol. =— 726 CHARLES. Si PROSSER therefore in my opinion the Texas deposits must rather be assigned to the Permo-Carboniferous.* In 1891 came Dr. C. A. White’s description of ‘thirty-two species of invertebrates <9). trom, (thes fexany Rermnani of which four Cephalopods belonging to the family Asmmonoidea were recognized as new. It was stated that two of these types, Waagenoceras Cumminsi and Popanoceras Walcott, ‘‘are so generally regarded as indicating the Mesozoic age of the strata containing them that if they alone and without any statement of correlated facts had been submitted to any paleontologist he would not have been warranted in referring them to an earlier period than the Trias if he had followed the usually accepted standard of refer- ence: 4 In conclusion Dr. White stated that ‘‘ The evidence upon which the Texan strata have been referred to the Permian is fuller than that which has been adduced with regard to any other North American strata: that have been so referred. That is, the evi- dence both of the vertebrate and invertebrate fossils is in favor of such reference, and the difference in the character of the strata from those of the underlying Coal-measures, although not great, is conveniently distinguishable ;’’ 3 while he was inclined to con- sider the Texan Permian as of younger age than the Indian and Sicilian strata containing the commingled Mesozoic and Carbon- iferous forms which were described by Professors Waagen and Gemmellaro. Waagen correlated the ‘‘ Red sandstones and shales of Texas, with many remains of Vertebrates, Amphibia and Repttla and Gontatites Baylorensis, Hyattoceras Cumminsi, Medhcottia Coper and Popanoceras Walcott’’ with the ‘‘Weissliegendes and marl slate”’ which he put at the base of the magnesian limestone, that formed the upper division of his Permian system.# Marcou stated ‘It is certain that the Wichita division belongs tVWém. Acad. Imp. Sciences St. Pétersbourg,VI1® Sér., t. XX XVII, No. 2, 1889, p. 93. Also see the correlation of the Texas deposits as shown in Table C, p. 94. 2 Bull U.S. Geol. Surv., No. 77, p. 31. 3 Lbid., p. 38. 4 Mem. Geol. Surv. India, Pale, India, ser. xiii, “Salt-Range Fossils,” Vol. IV, Pt. II, “Geological Results,” 1891. Tabular View showing the relations of the Salt- Range Upper- Paleozoic strata to the deposits of other countries, op. p. 238. UPPER PALEOZOIC FORMATIONS OF KANSAS 727 yy to the Dyas (Permian)’’*; while in considering the list of fossils given by Cummins he said: ‘It isa fauna related with the Russian fauna of the Artinsk beds, and may be considered as the American representative of a part of the Russian Dyas (Permian).’” Professor James P. Smith stated that “the Ammonite-bearing beds of northern Texas, described by Dr. C. A. White . belong above the Artinsk stage, and in the true Permian, and are probably of the same age as the middle division of the Mzddle Productus limestone of the Salt Range | India ].’’3 Dr. Keyes in discussing the parallelism between the Texas and Kansas beds said, ‘‘The Double Mountain beds are, in a broad way, manifestly approximately equivalent to Cragin’s Cimarron series. This leaves a considerable part of the Clear Fork beds representing the Chase and Marion of Kansas.”* Professor de Lapparent considered that in northern Texas the Uralian with Productus cora and Athyris subtilita is succeeded conformably by 300 meters of sandstones and shales, occasionally calcareous, in which the red color predominates, the base of which appears to belong in the Artinsk.s He stated that the red gypsiferous beds with Pleurophorus which in the western part of Texas sur- mount the Wichita formation belong in the Upper Permian.° Finally, Dr. Frech puts the Wichita and Clear Fork beds in the Palaeo-Dyas and the Double Mountain beds in the Neo-Dyas’ and states that the Ammonoids described by Dr. White — Medh- cottia Copei, Popanoceras Walcotti and P. ( Hyattites) Cumminsi have their nearest relatives in the marine Dyas of Sicily.® Provisional correlation of the Kansas formations.—The above statements indicate clearly enough the differences in opinion among geologists more or less acquainted with the Upper Paleo- zoic formations of the Great Plains, regarding their correlation. It is to be noted, however, that there is a more general agreement regarding the Permian age of the Texas deposits, and if Professor t Amer. Geol., Vol. X, 1892, p. 370. 27 G70: 371 Uc 3Jour. GEOL., Vol. II, 1894, p. 194; and see ‘Correlation Table” on p. 204. 4Jour. GEOL., Vol. VII, 1899, p. 325. 5Traité de Géologie, 4th ed., 1900, p. 981. 6 Jozd., p. 994. 7 Lethaea paleozoica, Bd. Il, 3 Lief., 1901, p. 514. 8 Jbid., p. 515. 728 CHAKLES S. “PROS SH Cummins has correctly correlated the Fort Riley limestone with the Texas deposits it furnishes a strong argument in favor of referring the Upper Paleozoic formations of Kansas to the Permian. Furthermore, the number of American geologists who believe that these Upper Paleozoic formations should be correlated with the Permian and given the rank of a period or system is probably still smaller than the number of those who would retain the name Permian but classify it as the upper series of the Carboniferous. The writer had hoped to carefully study the fossils of these formations and to present their complete evidence regarding these questions, but other duties have prevented the execution of this plan. It has appeared to me, however, that the weight of evidence favored correlating the upper formations with the Permian. Whether the Permian should be assigned the rank of a sys- tem coordinate with the Carboniferous or regarded as the upper subdivision of it is not quite clear, and the line of division between the Permian and the Carboniferous is in doubt, as indi- cated on the chart p. 730. The opinions of some of the lead- ing European students of the Upper Paleozoic, who regard the Permian as a distinct system and correlate certain American formations with it, has seemed to the writer sufficient authority for provisionally regarding it as a system, which was done in the table of classification opp. p. 704. It is probable, however, that the U. S. Geological Survey will retain the name Permian, but will classify it as the last series of the Carboniferous system. Conclusions of Dr. Keyes No one has, perhaps, insisted as strenuously as Dr. C. R. Keyes that the name Permian should be dropped from American geology. In 1897 he attended the sessions of the International Congress of Geologists at St. Peters- burg and participated in the excursions to the Carboniferous and typical Permian of Russia. Later he prepared a paper on the ‘‘ American homotaxial equivalents of the original Permian,” and quotations from this cannot be regarded as from one favor- ing the retention of the name “Permian.” Regarding the litho- logic features Dr. Keyes said : UPPER PALEOZOIC FORMATIONS OF KANSAS 729 The original Permian strata are indistinguishable, lithologically, from the so-called Permian of Kansas. In both there are the same gray and varie- gated sandy shales and marls, passing locally into sandstones, that are often copper-bearing. Occasionally there are present thin bands and beds of buff earthy limestone. Gypsum is abundantly developed in the beds and inter- spersed everywhere through the rocks. Saline shales are of not infrequent occurrence. On both continents all these pass upward into ‘‘Red Beds”’ that are almost destitute of fossils. And in another paragraph is a striking statement that ‘In the Russian district one finds it difficult to imagine that he is not wandering through some part of Kansas. Only the presence of the Russian peasant or sudden contact with a village of the steppes dispels the illusion.” Secondly, under the heading, ‘‘ Range of faunas,” Dr. Keyes reported as follows regarding the fossils: The succession of faunas appears to be essentially the same in the Russian Carboniferous and Permian as in the Mississippi valley. The composition of each of the faunas is also strikingly comparable. The most noteworthy feature of the organic remains, viewed as a whole, is the gradual replace- ment of a purely marine type by a shore and brackish water phase, as the change from open sea to closed water conditions took place, and finally to those in which life could not exist. The most prominent characteristic of the biotic change from a Carboniferous phase to a Permian one seems to be the replacement of a predominantly brachiopod fauna by one in which lamelli- branchs formed the preponderant element.* While in another article Dr. Keyes said: ‘In lithological and faunal characters the rocks are so nearly alike that it is difficult to fancy that in the Urals one is on the opposite side of the earth from our Iowa and Kansas beds.’’? Under the general heading, ‘‘Comparison of the Russia and Mississippi Valley Carboniferous,’ and subheading, ‘ Strati- graphic parallelism,” Dr. Keyes stated that ‘(In Russia and in the Mississippi valley the general geological sections of the Upper Paleozoic are remarkably alike. The basins occupied by these rocks are very nearly of the same size. As already stated in the first-mentioned area, the Permian very greatly predomi- ‘Jour. GEOL., Vol. VII, 1899, p. 334. 2“ Permian Rocks of Eastern Russia,” in Proc. Jowa Acad, Sciences, Vol. VI, 1899, p. 231. 730 CHARLES S. PROSSER nates as the surface rock; in the last-named, the Coal-meas- ures. While the above paragraph is followed by the following ‘Comparison of general sections”’ in Russia and the Mississippi yy valley, which may evidently be regarded as Dr. Keyes’s idea of the correlation of the upper Paleozoic rocks of the central United States and Russia. Russia. CHARACTER OF TERRANES, MissIssipP1 VALLEY, Tartaran, Permo-|Shales and marls, red and variegated,|Cimarron Series Trias, or Up-| shaly sandstones; fossils rare; per Permian, P, “Red Beds” Middle Permian, P,|Limestones, some dolomitic, sepa-|(Marion li.) | rated by calcareous marl Lower Permian, P,-b|Shales (only 200 feet thick in Kama|-————? + Series Valley) | Upper Permo-Car-|Limestone, heavy dolomitic (Chase li.) J boniferous (base of original Per- mian) CP. Artinsk, CP Shales, sandstones, some thin lime-|/(Neosho) stones (Cottonwood) } Series (Wabaunsee) Upper Carbonifer-|Limestones and shales, highly fossil-|Missourian Series? ous. iferous Finally, in his “‘ Recapitulation”’ it is stated ‘‘ That while we have in America a great succession of deposits identical in all essential respects to the original Permian of Russia, the two great basins merely had similar histories that are not necessarily connected and doubtless were wholly independent of each other and unrelated.’’3 Dr. Keyes’s description and comparison of rocks and faunas apparently support the correlation of the Upper Paleozoic of the Great Plains with the Permian of Russia, providing one follows tJour. GEOL., Vol. VII, 1899, pp. 331, 332. 2 [bid., p. 332; Proc. Iowa Acad. Sciences, Vol. VI, p. 230. 3Jour. GEOL., Vol. VII, p. 341; Proc. Lowa Acad. Sciences, Vol. VI, p. 231. UPPER PALEOZOIC FORMATIONS OF KANSAS 731 the rules of correlation generally observed by geologists.* The evidence is apparently about as conclusive as for other systems in this country which are correlated with the Carboniferous, Devonian, or Silurian of Europe. Apparently the main point of Dr. Keyes’ contention is ‘That [the | Permian, as originally proposed, applies to a provincial series, and, according to our usual standard, has, at best, a taxonomic rank below that of sys- tem.’’? Yet he states it is probable that its main subdivisions will be elevated ‘to the rank of series,’’ which, instead of caus- ing the name Permian to be dropped, as he suggests, will more probably leave it with the rank of a system as originally defined by Murchison. A geologist familiar with the Kansas formations wrote as follows concerning the provincial series question : ‘Grant, as Keyes maintains, that Permian is the name of a provincial series, then where a similar series is found with simi- lar fossils the same name ought to be given. All our names were names of provincial series at first. What was Devonian but the name of a series of rocks in Devonshire, England ? When found in New York, by this argument, they should be called New Yorkian or some other American name.” The conclusions of Dr. Frech.— On the other hand, the conclu- sions of Dr. Fritz Frech, the eminent professor of geology and paleontology in the University of Breslau, may be considered. He has carefully studied, both in the field and laboratory, the Permian of Germany and Russia and examined in the field the Permian of the United States, at least sas shown in the Grand Canyon and near Salt Lake City, Utah. Dr. Frech gives these rocks the rank of a system, which is also the usage of Dr. Kay- ser, of the University of Marburg,+ but instead of Permian he * For instance, if his account be compared with the list of physical and biotic methods of correlation given by Professor Gilbert at the Washington meeting of the International Congress of Geologists, it will be seen that several of the methods are fulfilled (Congrés Géologique International, Compie Rendu, 5™° session, Washington, pp. 68, 69). 2 Loc. cit., p. 341; and p. 231. 3See Congrés Géologique International, Compte Rendu, 5™° Ses., Washington, 1891, 1893, p. 481; and Lethaea paleozoica, Bd. II, 3 Lief., 1901, p. 515. 4See Text-Book of Comparative Geology, by E. KAYSER, translated and edited by Philip Lake, 1893, p. 164. 732 CHARLES S, PROSSER uses the later name of Dyas proposed by Marcou on account of the sharply marked separation of the system into two divisions in Germany. Dr. Frech’s classification of the Upper Paleozoic of Kansas is as follows: Red shales and clays. Marion. Lower Dyas Chase. Transition to Carboniferous (distinct line fails.) Upper Dyas Neosho. Cottonwood beds. Upper Carboniferous~ Wabaunsee." Later Dr. Frech reviewed Professor Cragin’s classification of the Permian, and termed the Cimarron series the ‘‘ Neo-Dyas,”’ and the Big Blue series the ‘“‘ Paleo-Dyas.”* He stated that the Dyas equaled the Permo-Carboniferous plus the Permian of many authors, and that by general agreement at the St. Peters- burg International Congress of Geologists the names Paleodyas (=Permo-Carboniferous) and Neodyas (=Zechstein) are em- ployed. Under the discussion of the boundary line between the Dyas and Carboniferous Dr. Frech said: The dividing line between the Carboniferous and Dyas formations cannot be drawn with full certainty in every region, since especially in the Dyas the development of the local flora is nearly always the rule, and decisive differences do not exist in the Brachiopod fauna. Yet an agreement seems to be gradually forming every- where. .... Where the characteristic Dyas bivalves (Pleu- vophorus, Schizodus, Bakewellia, Pseudomonotis) appear in masses (Kansas), there cannot be any doubt about the dividing line.* Under the description of the Dyas of the northern hem- isphere and the Arta stage of Russia, as Dr. Frech prefers to call the Artinsk, he said: That the animal remains of the Permo- * Lethaea baleozoica, Bd. II, 2 Lief., 1899, p. 378, as translated above. 2 [bid., 3 Lief., 1901, p. 514. 3 [bid., p. 453 f. 4Jbid., pp. 490, 491. Iam greatly indebted to Charles W. Mesloh, associate professor of Germanic languages and literatures in the Ohio State University, who very kindly translated for me several pages of Dr. Frech’s description of the Dyas. UPPER PALEOZOIC FORMATIONS OF KANSAS Yiss Carboniferous are in general more nearly related to the Carbon- iferous than the Zechstein, finds its explanation in the poverty of the species of the inland seas. The Arta stage occupies a large space on the western slope of the Ural mountains from the Arctic ocean to the Kirghiz Steppe and the Donetz River, and was correctly classified with the Dyas by older investigators (Pander). The plant remains described by Schmalhausen speak quite decidedly for a comparison with the western Rothliegende* Murchison considered the Arta sandstone the Millstone grit, while the modern Russian authors mostly call it an intermediary stage from the Carboniferous to the Dyas, Permo-Carboniferous. If the latter assumption were correct, then the Cusel and Lebach strata would also have to be regarded as transitional from the Carboniferous to the Zechstein, z. ¢., the most important and best known part of the formation would becomea transition and only the equivalent of the German Zechstein would be desig- nated as Permian.’ Usage of Russian geologists—Among the recent Russian geolo- gists who have described transitional deposits between the Car- boniferous and Permian systems, may be mentioned the follow- ing: Krotow, who in 1888 described the Permo-Carboniferous and Permian on the western slope of the Urals in the region of Tscherdyn and Solikamsk.3 Th. Tschernyschew, in 1889, described the Permo-Carboniferous of the western slope of the central Urals, which he lettered C P, and gave as composed of the Artinsk (C Pg), and superjacent Dolomitic limestone (C Pc), the latter forming the base of Murchison’s Permian system.‘ Krasnopolsky, the same year, described the Permo-Carboniferous and Permian deposits of another portion of the western Urals,5 which was followed two years later by a further description.® Stuckenberg, in 1890, described the Permo-Carboniferous of another region, which he gave as composed in ascending order tJbid., pp. 493, 494. 2 [bid., p. 493, f. 2. 3 Mém. Comité Géologigue, Vol. V1, pp. 553-9. 4 /bid., Vol. III, No. 4, Blatt 139, pp. 356-66. 5 [bid., Vol. XI, No. 1, Blatt 126, pp. 506-18. 5 Jbid., No. 2, 1891, pp. 28-30. 734 CHARLES S. PROSSER of the Artinsk and Kungur stages." Sibirzev, in 1896 carefully described the Permian deposits near Nishny-Novgorod on the Volga, together with those of the Permo-Carboniferous farther to the west ;” while Stuckenberg two years later described ina similar manner the Permo-Carboniferous and Permian formations of the Kama basin.3 Since then Dr. Keyes has very clearly summarized the Russian classification of the Upper Paleozoic terranes of eastern Russia in the following table :+ Terrane. Symbol, Character, Tartaran | PT or P, | Shales and marls, “‘ Red Beds,” very few fessils. Zechstein Be Marls, limestones, and sandstones. (in part.) Seaton eae Pb Sandstones, shales, and marls with nodular limestones. Been match iets € Pe Dolomitic limestones (base of Murchison’s Permian). Artinsk Gig Shales, shaly sandstones. This and next terrane above are called Permo-Carboniferous. Spo cw OF Limestones. Dr. Keyes states that following ‘the so-called true Carbon- iferous of the ‘Urals’... 9. are, the transition) faunas: to ithe Permian, according to the Russians, and by them called Permo- Carboniferous. The two members which comprise it contain, as pointed out by Tschernyschew, very nearly the same organic forms, consisting largely of lamellibranchs, gasteropods, and brachiopods. The lower terrane, termed the Artinsk is notable for the ammonites that are found in it, which the author just mentioned compares with those lately found in the Texas Permian. “The bottom terranes of the Permian, as now recognized by the members of the Russian geological survey, present a great paucity of fossils. The forms are chiefly lamellibranchs, yet in some layers are fragmentary plants. “The median part of the Permian carries what has been regarded as the typical German Zechstein fauna. t Ibid., Vol. IV, No. 2, Blatt 138, pp. 111-14. 2 [bid., Vol. XV, No. 2, Blatt 72, pp. 242-65. 3 [oid., Vol. XVI, No. 1, 1898, pp. 309-21. 4Jour. GEOL., Vol. VII, 1899, p. 330. UPPER PALEOZOIC FORMATIONS OF KANSAS 735 “About the upper terrane there is much dispute as to age. The Russian geologists are about equally divided. Amalitzky considers it Permian. By others it is regarded as Triassic. Fossils occur rarely. Those found are chiefly lamellibranchs.”’* OPINIONS OF OTHER EUROPEAN GEOLOGISTS. There are other noted European geologists, however, whose conclusions are in general accord with those of Dr. Frech. Waagen, in his magnificent work on the geological classifi- cation of the Upper Paleozoic rocks of the Salt-Range in northern India, ranked the Permian as a system which he divided into the three following groups, arranged in ascending order: Permo- Carboniferous, Rothliegendes and Magnesian limestone. He published a table showing the correlation of the Upper Paleozoic strata of the Salt-Range with similar deposits of other countries on which the ‘‘red sandstones and shales of Texas,’ vertebrates and invertebrates which have been described by Cope 5) containing and White, were correlated with the lower part of the Magnesian limestone, or upper group of his Permian system. The ‘“lime- stones and shales, with Pseudomonotis hawni (—— speluncaria) of Kansas, red gypsum beds of Texas’ * were regarded as equiva- alent to the remaining portion of the Magnesian limestone group and consequently represent the upper part of the Permian system. De Lapparent, in the last edition of his comprehensive treatise of geology, gives the Permian the rank of a system to the lowest stage of which, the Artinskien or Autunien, he refers the Neosho, Chase and Marion terranes of central Kansas. It is stated that it would be difficult to class elsewhere than in the Artinskien, the Neosho and the Chase, although there may be a doubt regarding the correlation of the Marion.* On his table of ‘“Synchronism of Permian assises,’ beds with Plewrophorus and with Pseudomonotis of Kansas are given as in the Thuringien or Upper Permian stage,> while on the following page it is stated t Lbid., pp. 330, 331. 2 Mem. Geol. Surv. India, Pale., India. Series 13, Salt-Range Fossils, Vol. IV, Pt. II, Geol. Results, Calcutta, 1891, op. p. 238. 3 Traité de Géologie, 4thed., Pt. II, 1900, pp. 759-963. 4 Joid., pp. 980-1. 5 [bid., p. 993. 736 GHAREES S.-PROS SPR that in the Upper Permian is, perhaps, also the horizon of the upper limestones and shales of Kansas with Pseudomonotts Hawnt, which surmount 75 meters of variously colored shales and marls, with gypsum (assise de Marion de M. Prosser) ." It is to be noted, however, that de Lapparent is in error in correlating the sandstones and shales of Nebraska with the lower part of the Penjabien or Saxonien, which he classifies as the Middle Permian.? Such a classification puts the Nebraska City beds at least above the Neosho and Chase, as is clearly indicated on his table of synchronism, while as a matter of fact it has been shown by Dr. Beede and the writer that they are probably equivalent ‘‘to the Topeka limestones and Osage shales of the Kansas river section, which form the upper part of Professor Haworth’s Shawnee formation of the Upper Coal-measures.”’ 3 The rocks included between the top of the Shawnee formation, which is marked by the base of the Burlingame limestone, and the top of the Chase stage have an approximate thickness of 950 feet in eastern central Kansas, which gives an idea of the strati- graphic error when the Nebraska City beds are assigned to a position above the Chase stage. In discussing the rank of the Permian de Lapparent wrote : The marine types of the Permian, scarcely known until recent years, show in Asia as in the United States greater and greater development. Finally, the well confirmed discovery of Ammon- ites with arborescent septe gives to the pelagic fauna of the period a special character, at the same time that by the first appearance of true reptiles the terrestrial fauna shows a higher order than that of the preceding period. Therefore, we, agreeing with the excellent arguments of Neumayr in his Ardgeschichte, raise to the rank of system this last division of Primary time. Finally, from among the other famous European geologists who rank the Permian as a system and have written in support * [bid., p. 994. 2 Jbid., pp. 986-93. 3JouR. GEOL. Vol. VII, Aug., 1899, p. 346. Also, see PROSSER, 262d., Vol. V, March, 1897, p. 148; and BEEDE, Kan. Univ. Quart., Vol. VII, Oct., 1898, Series A, p- 231; and Zrans. Kan. Acad. Science, Vol. XVI, 1899, p. 70. 4 [bid., p. 964. UPPER PALEOZOIC FORMATIONS OF KANSAS Loh of this proposition may be mentioned the following: Credner,’ Prestwich,? Neumayr,3 Sir Archibald Geikie,t Ed. Suess,’ and Karl v. Zittel.® CHARLES S. PROSSER. COLUMBUS, OHIO, June, 1902. The question as to whether the Alma limestone should be substituted for the Cottonwood limestone on account of the earlier name of Cottonwood Creek beds in Texas was submitted to the U.S. Geological Survey Committee on Formation Names and under date of October 29, 1902, Dr. C. Willard Hayes has sent me the following report of the committee: This committee approved the name Coftonwood limestone at its meeting March 29, 1902, and at that time considered the priority of Cottonwood Creek beds, Texas. It decided at the time that, although the latter name had priority of usage, it probably was not a clearly-defined formation but merely a bed of unmapable dimensions. Also that inasmuch as Cottonwood Creek beds has not occurred in literature since its first usage in 1893, and whereas Cottonwood (Cottonwood Falls) formation has been used thirteen times since its first usage in 1894, the latter name has acquired a place in literature on the grounds of prescription. The committee therefore decided to adhere to its former decision in favor of Cottonwood limestone.” In compliance with the above decision the writer withdraws the name Alma limestone and retains Cottonwood limestone as the name of the Kansas formation. CS) Pp: October 31, 1902. * Elemente der Geologie, 6th ed., 1887, pp. 382-507. 2 Geology, Chemical, Physical and Stratigraphical, Vol. Il, 1888, pp. 8-131. 3 Erdgeschichte, Bd. Il, 1890, pp. 37-199. 4 Text-Book of Geology, 3d. ed., 1893, ‘The Geological Record,” op. p. 679 and p. 841. 5 La face de la terre, translated by EMM. DE MARGERIE. T. II, 1900, p. 407. 6 History of Geology and Paleontology, translated by MARIA M. OGILVIE-GORDON, IgOl, p. 453. ON SOME GLAUCOPHANE AND ASSOCIATED SCHISTS IN, THE COAST RANGES OF CALTFORNIEAZ Tue blue amphibole or glaucophane schists of the California Coast Ranges, with which are genetically associated actinolite and garnet schists, have been objects of considerable geologic interest since they were first observed in 1877. They have been cited by Mr. H. W. Turner,? Dr. H. W. Fairbanks,3 and by others from many parts of the Coast Range mountains, throughout which they are abundant. The schists occur to a large extent as rather massive isolated outcrops, and, in general, do not show their schistose structure except upon a near examination. They vary in texture from layer to layer; a hard, compact quartzose sheet being succeeded by a wrinkled, elastic, micaceous layer, which may be followed by a dense massive variety containing but little mica. These schists are for the most part entirely crystalline, and are princi- pally characterized by the abundance of blue amphibole or glau- cophane, which they contain. Whether this blue amphibole is mainly glaucophane, crossite or riebeckite the writers have not determined. There appear to be at least two varieties of the blue amphibole present in the series, one with a wide angle between the optic axes and strong double refraction, and another with a very narrow angie and weak double refraction. For the sake of convenience, however, and in accordance with the gen- eral practice, the blue amphiboles will be referred to in this paper as glaucophane. tThe writers are indebted to Dr. J. P. Smith, of Stanford University, for assist- ance and advice. 2“Notes on Some Igneous, Metamorphic and Sedimentary Rocks of the Coast Ranges of California,” H. W. TURNER, JOUR. GEOL., Vol. VI, p. 488 e¢seg., “The Geology of Mount Diablo, California,’ H. W. TURNER, Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., Vol. I, p- 385. 3“ The pre-Cretaceous Age of the Metamorphic Rocks of the California Coast Ranges,” H. W. FAIRBANKS, Am. Geol., Vol. IX, p. 160; “ Notes ona Farther Study of the pre-Cretaceous Rocks of the California Coast Ranges,’ H. W. FAIRBANKS, Am. Geol., Vol. XI, pp. 70-73. 738 ———ooe-)hMh lh —_— GLAUCOPHANE AND ASSOCIATED SCHISTS 739 Of less importance though widely distributed and intimately associated with the glaucophane is the light green actinolite schist which occurs with the glaucophane schist in irregular layers and masses. Both of these schists have garnets abun- dantly developed in them. Dikes of serpentinized peridotite and also of diabase are com- monly found in apparent association with the schists. It was on such an association that Dr. F. L. Ransome’ based his hypothesis that the Angel Island glaucophane schist is the result of the contact action of fourchite and peridotite intrusions in the Golden Gate or Franciscan sandstones. Ransome’s conclusions are questioned, however, by Turner,? who says: “It is yet to be demonstrated that these schists are the result of contact metamorphism.”’ In a short note in his paper on metamorphism, Professor C. R. Van Hise? refers to the glaucophane schists of the northern end of Calaveras Valley, in Alameda county, as resulting from dynamic agencies, and says they are formed from igneous rocks by crushing. The writers have examined several localities where the schists occur, and where their relationship with accompanying rocks is clear. The principal ones are four in number: one about two miles southwest of Healdsburg, Sonoma county, one at Camp Meeker, Sonoma county, one mentioned by Van Hise in the northern end of Calaveras Valley, Alameda county, and one on Tiburon Peninsula, Marin county, in which the lawsonite described by Ransome‘ occurs. Besides these, many smaller exposures have been studied between Healdsburg and San Luis Obispo county, and especially in the region around the bay of San Francisco. ™ The Geology of Angel Island,’ F. LesLre RANsoME, Bull. Dept. of Geod, Univ. of Calif., Vol. I, No. 7, p. 211. ? Loc. cit., p. 491. 3“ Metamorphism of Rocks and Rock Flowage,” C.R. VAN Hise, Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., Vol. IX, p. 313. 4“On Lawsonite, a New Rock-Forming Mineral from the Tiburon Peninsula, Marin county, California,’ F. LESLIE RANSOME, Bull. Dept. Geol., Univ. of Calif, Volo Now 10; ip.63'tr 740 EDWARD H. NUTTER, WILLIAM B. BARBER Flealdsburg.—At Healdsburg the schist area is nearly a mile wide and more than four miles long. The thickness of the schist is several hundred feet, though no exact measurements have been made. From about half a mile south of the Junction Schoolhouse, which is two miles southwest of Healdsburg, the schists form a range of hills which extend ina general north- westerly direction for several miles. In the southern end of this area the schists are in contact with serpentine, and overlie a boss or laccolite of it. The contact is clear and unmistakable, as the rocks stand up above the soil, and hand specimens may be secured which show the parting between the schist and ser- pentine in a single fragment. In the serpentine boss is an irregular mass of gabbro—possibly a result of magmatic differ- entiation. In addition there are at least three serpentinized dikes in the schist area northwest of the Junction Schoolhouse, and also a small outcrop of diabase. With the exception of one place where it grades into shale, the schist is entirely crystalline, and is composed mainly of glaucophane, actinolite, garnet, epidote, and various light-colored micas. Some layers are very quartzose and are composed mainly of quartz, glaucophane, garnet, epidote and a little white mica. The schists vary much in texture and mineral composi- tion, but are easily recognized, as there are no other rocks like them in this locality. South of the Junction Schoolhouse a fragment of actinolite schist was found in the serpentine, and its plane of schistosity makes a large angle with the planes of neighboring masses of schist. It is clearly an inclusion and points definitely to the serpentine being intrusive in and younger than the schist. Ransome, in his paper on the geology of Angel Island, men- tions similar inclusions in the serpentine there." About a quarter of a mile southwest of the Junction School- house the schists appear to be overlain unconformably by Golden Gate or Franciscan? sandstones. This relation is not entirely ‘Loc. cit., p. 225. 2, As the Franciscan or Golden Gate rocks are unfossiliferous, their identification away from the type localities is based on lithologic features and field relations, and is consequently uncertain. a ee GLAUCOPHANE AND ASSOCIATED SCHISTS 741 certain, however, as the rocks may have been faulted into their present position. About two miles north of the Junction School- house, on the eastern flanks of the hills, are jaspers intruded by a serpentinized. dike which has apparently had but little meta- morphic effect. In a hillside cut on the Healdsburg road about half a mile east of the Schoolhouse, there is an excellent gradation from slightly altered shale to entirely crystalline glaucophane and actinolite schist. Specimens can be collected showing every degree of alteration. Thin sections of the least altered shale show incipient development of glaucophane in crystalline tufts and radiate aggregates. Camp Meeker— At Camp Meeker, Sonoma county, about twenty-five miles southwest of Healdsburg, glaucophane and actinolite schists are developed over an area which appears to be at least a mile wide and several miles long, though the limits were not determined. Intrusive in the schist are small dikes of a pyroxene rock which are themselves somewhat schistose, and have glaucophane, actin- olite, chlorite and mica developed in them. On each side of these dikes the schist is of the normal glaucophane type and contains glaucophane, actinolite, garnets and white mica. North- east of the schist area is a mass of serpentine, but at no point examined was the relation between the two rocks clearly shown. About half a mile north of Camp Meeker there is a gradation from schist to shale in a distance of about three hundred feet. The shale ts hard and wrinkled, and contains some secondary mica, but no glaucophane or actinolite. Tiburon.—Vhe glaucophane schist area on the Tiburon penin- sula is about two hundred yards wide, and extends more or less continuously from Tiburon to north of Reed’s station. Northeast of the schist is serpentine which caps the hills; and southwest are sandstones and shales. Near Reed’s station, however, there isa small area of the sandstone and shales, which, on the surface, lies between the schist and the serpentine, and is in contact with the serpentine. At the immediate contact the shale is somewhat hardened but is unaltered at a distance of three feet. ZAZ EDWARD H, NUTTER, WILLIAM B. BARBER Calaveras Valley.—I(n the northern end of Calaveras Valley, northwest of Mount Hamilton, in Alameda county, there is an area of glaucophane and related schists, which can best be studied in the canyon of the Arroyo Hondo. There are two series of glaucophane-bearing rocks in this locality; one a massive crys- talline rock, one facies of which is an eclogite containing, princi- pally, garnet, omphacite, glaucophane and actinolite. The other facies is a medium grained, light colored, banded rock composed principally of quartz, glaucophane, garnet, and white mica. The garnets are in the form of very small crystals which are included in the quartz and glaucophane. The other series of glaucophane-bearing rocks overlies this massive one unconformably, and consists of thin bedded sandy shales having a vertical dip and a northwesterly strike. They are much contorted, however, and are hard and schistose in places. These beds are unfossiliferous, but are overlain unconformably by Lower Miocene sediments. They resemble toa large extent the sandy shales of the Golden Gate or Franciscan series, and it seems probable that they belong with those rocks. Glaucophane is developed in them irregularly, one bed being blue with it, while the adjoining one oneither side may contain but little glaucophane. White mica is developed in these beds in many places, and narrow quartz veins are common. In the southern end of the canyon are masses of serpentine, but the contacts between them and the adjoining rocks are not exposed. In contact with the massive banded rocks is a hard, heavy, compact, greenish rock, with bands and stripes of glaucophane plentifully distributed through it. It may be an altered serpen- tine, but thin sections of it show no definite minerals. It is apparently a dike intrusive in the banded rock, but it has probably been altered since, and may have been subjected to the same agencies that produced the banded rock. Conclusions. — No one explanation seems to satisfactorily ac- count for the many different aspects and occurrences of the glaucophane and related schists. That there has been some development of glaucophane at the contact of basic igneous GLAUCOPHANE AND ASSOCIATED SCHISTS 743 masses seems certain. It seems improbable, however, that the main portion of the normal glaucophane and actinolite schists is a-result of contact action. That the schists have not resulted from contact action by peridotite masses seems probable, for at some points the same masses have certainly produced but slight alteration in adjoining sandstones and shales, and the thickness and character of the schists is such that they could only have been produced by metamorphosing agents acting ona large scale. It seems difficult to believe, also, that the schists could be formed by serpentine dikes which are smaller than the schist masses themselves. Besides, the inclusions of schist in the Healdsburg and Angel Island serpentines render it almost certain that the schists are the older of the two rocks. In addition, the evidence points to the massive glaucophane rocks and normal schists being older than the Golden Gate or Franciscan series of rocks, for the schists are unconformably beneath what appears to be the Golden Gate or Franciscan rocks in the Calaveras Valley, and they prob- ably have similar relations at Healdsburg. Finally, serpentinized dikes are frequently found intrusive in Golden Gate or Franciscan rocks, while at Mount Diablo,’ near Gilroy,? andin San Luis Obispo county,’ there are serpentine dikes intrusive in the Knoxville beds. This would of course make the dikes younger than the schists, if the schists are older than the Golden Gate or Franciscan series, In some cases the schists have been formed directly out of sedimentary rocks, and probably in some cases out of tuffs or other igneous material. The writers have observed cases in which basic igneous dikes have had glaucophane and other sec- ondary minerals developed in them, and have become more or less schistose. It can hardly be doubted that glaucophane schists have been developed in rocks of different ages, and older than the Knoxville. It seems probable, also, that there is a series of tLoc. cit., p. 390. Communicated by Dr. J. P. Smith, Stanford University. 3“ The Stratigraphy of the California Coast Ranges,’ H. W. FAIRBANKS, JOUR. GEOL., Vol III, p. 428. 744 EDWARD H. NUTTER, WILLIAM B. BARBER glaucophane schists older than the Golden Gate or Franciscan, and the possibility suggests itself that these may be but isolated outcrops of extensive masses which underlie the Coast Ranges. The only hypothesis that seems to satisfactorily explain the occurrences of these rocks is that they are the result of dynamic agencies, and may or may not be the products of widespread regional metamorphism. Epwarp Hoir NUutTTeErR, WILLIAM BourRTON BARBER. STANFORD UNIVERSITY, CALIFORNIA, May, 1902. tee GEOVOGIG RELATIONS OF THE’ HUMAN RELICS OF LANSING, KANSAS. UNDER the title “A Fossil Man from Kansas,” Professor Wil- liston announced in Sczence of August 1, the discovery of human remains in alluvium near the mouth of a ravine opening on the flood plain of the Missouri river near Lansing, Kansas. He gave a careful description of the circumstances of the discovery, of the nature and condition of the skeleton, and of the enveloping deposit. He confidently excluded all forms of intrusion and of burial by creeping or sliding, attested fully the true fossil nature of the remains, and referred them to that stage of the postglacial period when the Missouri river was running forty or fifty feet higher than now. Previous to this there had been references to the discovery in the press, which had attracted the attention of Mr. M. C. Long, curator of the museum of Kansas City, who visited the locality, secured as many of the bones as practicable, brought the matter to the attention of neighboring scientists, and through them to the scientific world. In Sceence of August 29, under the title, ‘‘Man in Kansas During the Iowan Stage of the Glacial Period,’’ Mr. Warren Upham gave a brief statement of his observations and conclusions based ona visit to the locality on August 9, in company with Professors Winchell, Williston, Haworth, Mr. Long and others. Mr. Upham regarded the overlying deposit as loess of the Iowan age, and concluded that the skeleton had been ‘‘entombed at the beginning of the loess deposition, which would refer it to the Iowan stage of the glacial period, long after the ice sheet had receded from Missouri and Kansas, but while it still enveloped northern Iowa and nearly all of Wisconsin and Minnesota.” In the American Geologist for September, he presented the subject with greater fullness under the title, ‘‘ Man in the Ice Age at Lansing, Kansas, and Little Falls, Minnesota.” As before, the inhumation was referred to the Iowan stage of glaciation, 745 740 TC CLLAMBLRIELN: comparison was made with other human relics regarded as dating from the glacial period, and estimates in years of the duration of the several glacial stages were added. In the same number of the American Geologist, Proicssor Win- chell commented at length editorially upon the Lansing skeleton. He referred with implied approval to the article of Mr. Upham, Fic. 1.—Side view of skull and femur found in the tunnel. From a photograph furnished by Mr. M. C. Long. supplied additional information relative to the history of the dis- covery, to the deposit embracing the relics, and to the nature and condition of these. He regarded the main material penetrated by the tunnel as common loess, and located the skeleton in the unstratified limestone débris that lies below it. ‘It is hence pre- loessian, but probably not much older that the loess.” He discussed at some length the age and relations of the loess, and concluded: “It will require, therefore, considerable further and careful examination of the loess sheets of Iowa, and of their relations to the till-sheets, as well as the marginal features of the till-sheets themselves, to enable any one to fix with any certainty HUMAN RELICS OF LANSING, KANSAS 747 the age of the Lansing skeleton more exactly than is above indi- cated. That it dates from glacial time, at some remote point in the complex history of that age, is about all that can be affirmed from the present state of knowledge of the drift deposits.”’ On September 20 the locality was visited by Professors Samuel Calvin, W. H. Holmes, Erasmus Haworth, R. D. Salis- bury, .W: €.tioad; Dr.G: A. Dorsey, Messrs. M. C:\Long, F.R.- Feitshaus, Martin, R. T. Chamberlin, and the writer. This visit was made at the request of Dr. Haworth and other geologists. A second visit was made on October 26 at the request of Pro- fessor Holmes and Mr. Gerard Fowke to inspect the excavations which the latter had made under the direction of the former. Mix eone, Mr S.J: Hare,-and Dr. Haworth joined in. this inspection. The Messrs. Concannon tendered all necessary privileges, as well as aid and hospitality. The following dis- cussion is based on the data collected in these visits. PRELIMINARY CONSIDERATIONS. While the development of the science of river action in most of its phases is one of the gratifying achievements of recent decades, it is still to be confessed that a certain few of its aspects are among the laggard features of our science, and, as it happens, these are the ones most critically involved in the interpretation of the Lansing remains. It may not be amiss, therefore, at the outset to consider academically these special phases of fluvial action so far as essential to the present discussion. 1. Scour-and-fill—One of these scantily appreciated subjects is the great depth and important function of scour-and-fill in certain of our large rivers. In this action both erosive and depositional work proceed szmultanecously. It is well recognized that erosion and deposition may take place simultaneously in the stream bed and upon the flood plain, but the great depths and wide extent to which certain river bottoms are scoured out and promptly refilled is not always realized, nor the quick and con. stant reversals of this action. This is true especially of powerful rivers that flow upon a deep bed of loose material, as is the case with most of the large rivers whose bottoms were built up by 748 TC. CHAMBERLIN: glacio-fluvial deposits during the ice age. The great examples are the larger members of the upper Mississippian system, and pre-eminent among these, the Missouri river whose bottom deposit is mainly sand and silt of an unusually mobile type. The vain struggle of the United States engineers to restrain the destructive shiftings of this river within bounds amenable to navigation and to permanent improvement on its banks, has brought out data which amply illustrate this profound instability, but this can only be fully appreciated by a detailed study of the reports of the chief of engineers:s Mr: LE: Cooley, in his report tor 1570; (p. 1066), makes the following among many other pertinent statements: ‘To understand the difficult nature of the problem presented here [Eastport bend, on the Missouri river much above Lans- ing, but where the conditions are not essentially different |, it is necessary to consider that at high-water, the banks are under water to a depth of three or four feet, and the current velocity is as great as seven or eight miles an hour. The erosion of the banks for several years past has been at the rate of about 1,100 feet per annum. When this was stopped by our revetment, a tremendous scour was set up, carrying the bed of the river thirty or forty feet below its normal position; in fact, the scour undoubtedly extended to the solid rock underlying the valley.” And again (loc. cit., p. 1071), “‘In many of the borings which have been made here, indurated clay balls with vegetable matter covered with a coating of sand, along with a motley collection of gravel stones, are found within a short distance of permanent strata. A precisely similar collection containing gumbo balls in a soft state was dredged from sixty feet depth at the works. These balls are from cutting banks, and the proof is conclusive that since the river has been running in silt banks as at present, scour has occasionally, at least, reached permanent strata at seventy to ninety feet depth.” Mr. Concannon informed me that eleven years ago the «Professor Todd has called attention to some of these remarkable facts in his bulletin on the ‘‘Moraines of Southeastern Dakota and their Attendant Deposits,” Bull. U.S. Geol. Survey, No. 158, pp. 150, 151. FEET ABOVE SEA HUMAN RELICS OF LANSING, KANSAS 749 engineers found a depth of water of ninety feet in the Missouri at a point about a quarter of a mile from his house, in what was then the channel of the river, but which is now abandoned and filled so that water covers the spot only at the highest stages of the river. Until about eight years ago the course of the river lay near the mouth of the valley in question, but is now diverted to the opposite side of the bottoms. PIER, PIER PIER a ye SU I NBS ee he mrmye PGA? BAY Sree oe ae lie 7 eae | yy f / Jf ad = bed rock mgs 5 Carponiferous 4 limestone Fic. 2,—Diagram of the changes in the bottom of the Missouri river at Blair Bridge in 1883, as recorded by Engineer E. Gerber. Figure taken from Todd’s Bu/- letin United States Geological Survey, No. 158, p. 15]. An accurate demonstration of the extent and rapidity of bottom changes is furnished by the accompanying diagram- matic record of the soundings at the Blair bridge, Nebraska, at the intervals indicated, in the year 1883, quoted by Todd on the authontyrot Mr “Gerber, assistant engineer (h> i Ga MV. railroad. An inspection of this will show that a skeleton might have been deposited on the surface of the Carboniferous rock bottom, much as in the case of the skeleton at Lansing, on the 28th of 750 T. C. CHAMBERLIN July, 1883, and have been buried in alluvium as deeply as the Lansing skeleton by August 18, only twenty-one days later. Without doubt, within a few years it would be covered by sixty feet of alluvium through the migration of the channel of the river. 2. The prevalence of this profound reworking.— To illustrate how fully and effectually the whole of the bottoms of the Mis- souri river in this region are involved in its meanders and their shiftings, and how its bordering bluffs are being forced to retire by the impingement of the currents at its bends, a reduced copy of the United States Engineers’ map is here introduced (Fig. 3), the section being about forty miles north of the locality in ques- tion, but representative of the conditions in all this portion of the river. It will be noted that practically the whole valley bottom is involved in the migrating loops, and that every part of its silt bed is liable to be disturbed again and again by scour and redeposit; indeed, it is probable that this has happened repeatedly to many portions, if not to most portions of the alluvial filling. It is perhaps not greatly beyond the facts to regard the whole bottom filling as being shifted, step by step down stream by successive scour and fill. ‘This is more espe- cially true of the borders of the bottom filling next the bluffs where the arrest and turn-about of the powerful stream gives the greatest rotatory and deep-disturbing effects. 3. The absence of the great Dakota system of terraces—In the widening of the bottoms thus still in progress doubtless lies the reason why so few distinct remnants of the grand systems of glacial terraces and glacio-fluvial deposits of Dakota, described by Todd,? are found in this lower portion of the Missouri river. It is probable that the whole tract once occupied by these, and more besides, is now embraced by this widened, and still widen- ing, zone of lateral encroachment. This is the less remarkable when we recall that the Missouri river was formed by the union of many preglacial streams of various connections whose lower courses were blocked up by the ice invasion so that they were * Loc. cit. pp. 128-140. The general nature of these is given in a later portion of the present paper. a “eh SSR AzON \ CE Ki he Lae 7 ne Miey, Wi de ZY bt COLE. MAP oe the MISSOURI RIVER in dhe vicinity of REFERENCE. HUN'TOWN: Peanut nuopened tomptehed PHRRaE kor nar RD MONT e WATHENA AM, PHOTO-LATME.CaNY (ZEDMENCY PHCTE RE Fic. 3.—Reproduction of map of the Missouri bottoms at St. Joseph, Mo. From the Annual Report of the Chief of Engineers for 1879. 752 T. C. CHAMBERLIN forced to unite and flow along the ice border. At first the newly assembled streams flowed either in the valleys of the smaller streams that entered into the combination, or in a new trench cut by the new stream across the cols between the united valleys. Thus at first it would not as a rule come into possession of a valley bottom of capacity adequate to the united floods, and in normal adjustment to them, and hence found little opportunity to make deposits. To the limited extent provided, its burden of glacial detritus was thrown down in these new and inadequate valleys, and as a natural consequence, it has been removed in the later process of working out an adequate valley and a suitable adjustment. The river is still engaged in making this adjustment. 4. The significance of valley adjustment.—lf a great change is brought about in the drainage system of a region, such as the creation of the Missouri river by the junction of numerous ante- cedent rivers, and a newchannel is developed to fit the new river, there at once arises the question whether the existing features of the valleys tributary to the new channel belong to the old or the new régime. In part they usually belong to both, and it becomes necessary to discriminate between these parts. This may be done by the study of their adjustments, a method espe- cially applicable to small tributaries that have no permanent streams, as in the present case. The tributaries of the old system were adjusted to the old channel and cannot be presumed to be adjusted to the new channel, except in the rare case of exact coincidence of the old and the new channels. Inrelation to the new system, inherited tributaries usually present either the buried or the hanging type, or else they have become refashioned into adjustment to the new system. Such refashioning affects espe- cially the mouths of tributaries. It often so happens therefore that refashioned configuration in conformity to the new system may dominate the mouth of a tributary, while its upper portions retain almost wholly the old configuration. These facts warn us of the danger of assiguing great antiquity to fluvial deposits in the znumediate mouths of tributary valleys if these valleys are adjusted to the present river or the present bottoms; especially is this true if the tributary is scarcely more than a ravine, and HUMAN RELICS OF LANSING, KANSAS 75 ios) its erosion and deposition are intimately conditioned by its rela- tion to the river. In all such cases there is a strong presump- tion that the erosions and depositions at the mouth of such a tributary, such especially as have brought it into adjustment to the present and to the recent stages of the river, were contem- poraneous with those stages and not accidental inheritances. 5. Meandering as a cause of alternate erosion and deposition.— A meandering river with a deep, readily-shifted, bottom-filling of the Missouri type imposes upon its tributary valleys alternate stages of excavation and filling. These result (1) from the action of the aggressive bends of the river loops against the mouths of the tributaries, and (2); the replacement of these, after a time, by the flood-plain peninsulas that lie within the loops. More specifically, it is the alternate cutting of the stream itself, work- ing hard against and under the mouth of the tributary valley, followed by the building up of the river’s higher flood-plain across the mouth of the valley. The first causes the waters of the adjusted tributary to erode; the second to make deposits in the mouth of the tributary; for in the first stage the axis of the tributary opens out on the river itself, which may be twenty or thirty feet, or more, lower than the upper flood-plain, and hence the tributary then has its lowest and best opportunity to discharge its waters and their detrital burden. Besides this, the river itself, while in this aggressive attitude, sweeps into the mouth of the tributary in its flood stages and aids in its excavation, and the rushing by of the river’s strong current drags out by friction, on the principle of draught, the waters of the tributary, and, by acceleration, aids their excavating action. It is at this stage pre- eminently that the tributaries cut down their valleys into adjust- ment with the main stream bed. On the other hand, when the active impinging bend of the river has shifted elsewhere, and in its stead a flood-plain is being built up across the mouth of the tributary the drainage of the latter is checked, and if the tribu- tary be small and its waters incompetent in comparison with the flood-plain aggradation of the river, the valley mouth will be filled to a height corresponding to thatof the highest flood-plain. Now, the difference between low water and high water for the 754 T. C. CHAMBERLIN Missouri river is given by Abbott as twenty feet at St. Joseph, above Lansing, and as thirty-five feet at its mouth; its extreme range is somewhat greater than this. Further, if the mouth of the tributary be blocked by the upper flood-plain beyond the time of the latter’s growth the wash from the tributary will build a delta, or fan, upon it, and this further growth will continue until the waters from the tributary valley have built up a suitable gradient for themselves across the flood- plain to the river. This only holds good in valleys of incompe- tent drainage which cannot cut and maintain a trench for them- selves. If the tributary valley has a large, competent stream it will maintain a channel-way across the flood-plain to the river, and less aggradation will result from the shifting of the meanders, but that is not the case in hand. If excuse for this academic statement is needed it is found in its special application to the case in hand; for either action of the kind just set forth is to be accepted as an elucida- tion of the case, as in the preferred interpretation that follows, or it is to be shown incompetent for such elucidation before we permit ourselves to go back of this action to earlier agencies. It is a vital principle of good practice that the agencies and phe- nomena nearest at hand be first considered, and, if the case requires, be eliminated, before recourse is had to more remote agencies. This is peculiarly true when, as in this case, the agencies closest at hand in time have quite certainly swept away the most of a more ancient record in making their own. THE SPECIAL CASE. The topographic environment of the relic-bearing deposit.—The site of the human remains is at the bottom of a small, short, rather steep-sided valley opening out on the flood-plain of the Missouri river. More specifically, the valley is less than a mile long, and less than half a mile wide, measured from crest to crest, and is about 160 feet deep at its mouth. The slopes on either hand are rather steep and nearly meet at a rather sharp angle in the axis of the valley, except that this is modified by the channel or dry run which forms narrow bottoms and little bluffs near the mouth, HUMAN RELICS OF LANSING, KANSAS 755 Fic. 4.—Topographic map of the tributary valley at Concannon’s. From a sketch by Professor W. H. Holmes. 750 T. C. CHAMBERLIN for the valley is not occupied by apermanent stream. The slope on the southward side is about as steep on the average as can be profitably cultivated; that on the north side is steeper, so that while the upper slope is cultivated the lower slope is left to nat- ural growth and is partially occupied by quarries. On this steeper portion there are some small, vague, bench-like lines of uncertain interpretation; quite likely they are structural features depend- ent on the alternation of the more and the less resistant layers of the underlying strata. About twenty-five feet from the base of the slope there is an ill-defined bench that seems to be made up Fic. 5.—Section through the mouth of the tributary valley and the ridges on the north and south. Merely diagrammatic. of lodgment matter adjusted toa former higher axis of the val- ley. There is a correspondingly vague bench on the opposite side. The ridges are composed of Carboniferous limestone, mantled by Pleistocene deposits (Fig.5). The glacial drift is represented by some bowlders and smaller rubbish, but it is so scant and patchy as to be negligible as an element of the topography. The upland surface is mantled with loess and loam, the main portion of which is probably referable to the Iowan stage. The lower slopes are covered by wash from the uplands and by the skeleton-enclosing deposit which lies near the axis of the tributary valley and con- stitutes the vague benches above mentioned. The back country is strongly rolling, the valleys fairly sharp, and their debouchures into the Missouri bottoms abrupt but well adjusted, and in their adjustments they represent the sev- eral normal types as well as several different stages. The bottoms of the Missouri are sharply defined by bluff faces. This is particularly so where the little valley in question joins it. The Missouri here runs southeastward, and the ridges bounding HUMAN RELICS OF LANSING, KANSAS 757 the tributary valley on either side have been abruptly truncated by the waters of the Missouri and present a sharp talus face toward the bottoms. The recency of this face is a declared feature and is significant. Where not occupied by rock, the slope is formed of talus marked by slides and slump terraces so new as still to preserve their distinctive features. A very per- sistent slide terrace runs along the base of the south ridge at Fic. 6.—View looking northward across the mouth of the tributary valley, show- ing Concannon’s house at the left, and the truncated slope under it, the mouth of the valley just beyond, and in the center the north bluff with its truncated face overlook- ing the Missouri bottoms, on the edge of which the railroad lies. The bluff is about 160 feet high. about the horizon of the skeleton’s burial, ending nearly opposite it, and about ten rods distant. It is not intended here to suggest an immediate connection between this slide action and the burial of the relics, but merely to show the recency of the Missouri’s work across the mouth of the tributary valley and within a few rods of the critical locality. This propinquity is brought into greater emphasis by noting that if a line be drawn from the crest of the talus slope of the north bluff to the crest 758 T. C. CHAMBERLIN of the talus slope of the south bluff, it will run back of the skeleton’s ‘site.: The significance off this close relation jes. in the alternate depositional and aggradational work presumably done by the Missouri river at and in the mouth of the valley when it was truncating the adjacent bluffs on the one hand, and forming the adjacent bottoms on the other, in accordance with the principles of action outlined above. The accompanying contour map and photographs (Figs. 4 and 6-11), with their explanations, make these relations more definite. The precise locality of the relics is more closely defined by an additional feature. A deep ravine starts near the crest of _ the ridge bounding the tributary valley on the south, and running nearly parallel with the truncated face overlooking the Mis- souri bottoms, joins the axis of the valley a few rods west of Concannon’s. house (see Fig, 7). East of this ravines there was doubtless once a round-back ridge of the usual erosion type with another ravine still to the eastward, but the encroachment of the Missouri has cut away the eastern half and substituted a steep ‘talus. slope.) There now ‘remains a sharp-edged spur descending toward the axis of the tributary valley, with a talus face on the side next the Missouri bottom, and a more gentle, yet rather steep slope to the ravine on the other side. Follow- ing down this sharp-edged spur, it is found to flatten somewhat for a few rods at about sixty feet above the bottom of the valley, much as though the flattened portion might be a remnant of a small terrace, structural or otherwise. Farther on, this breaks down, with rock exposure, for about ten feet to another flattening for another few rods. On this lower shoulder Mr. Concannon’s house stands, beyond which the spur ends in a sharp descent of about thirty feet to the dry run of the valley. On the west side of the house the surface descends more gently to the ravine above described. It is under this westward slope, about one hundred feet back from the edge of the talus slope facing the Missouri bottoms, and about seventy feet southward from the little bluff facing the dry run of the valley, that the human remains were found buried about twenty feet deep. These details are given with some tediousness because they bear HUMAN RELICS OF LANSING, KANSAS 759 upon the interpretation of the time and mode of deposition of the formation embracing the relics. As already stated, the tributary valley is not occupied by a constant stream, but by periodic run-off. The channel at present is in a slightly aggraded and apparently still aggrading stage. It opens out upon the Missouri bottoms about two hundred feet Fic. 7.—View of Concannon’s house and environment seen from the south-south- west. In the foreground and center is the ravine leading down from the south, described in the text. The locality of the skeleton is nearly under the small white spot near the dark clump of trees on the slope at the left of the house. The ravine joins the tributary valley just at the left of this and the latter joins the Missouri bot- toms in front of the house. The Missouri bottoms stretch across the upper part of the view, with the river (in its new course) and the opposite bluff in the extreme back- ground. from the locality of the relics, with perfect adjustment, and its recent deposits were slightly fanned out upon the bottoms of the main valley on our first visit, but had been largely washed onward by the rain that intervened before the second visit, illus- trating the nature of the present adjustment. The depth of the 760 LC. “CHAU BERIEEN: aggradation deposit is unknown to me, but it is probably not many feet, as the aggradation stage has but recently been inaugurated by the detour of the river. On the north side the spur next the Missouri bottoms grades down to this lower grada- Fic. 8.—View from near the mouth of the tunnel looking northeastward across the bottom of the tributary valley, showing the gradation of the footslope of the north bluff into the Missouri bottoms seen at the right. tion plain and the combination of lower slope and present bottom deposits is similar to that of an earlier date on the south side which contains the human bones (Fig. 8.) | The present aggrading washes have made a little bottom in the lower twenty rods of the valley, with meanders and little HUMAN RELICS OF LANSING, KANSAS 761 bluffs where the loops bear against the older deposits of the valley. It is in the face of the little bluff on the south side, and about four feet above the valley bottom, that the mouth of the tunnel that disclosed the human remains is located. The base of the tunnel at its mouth is ten or twelve feet above the Fig. 9.—View in the mouth of the tributary valley looking out upon the Missouri bottoms and showing the entrance to the tunnel at the extreme right. The material from the tunnel modifies the natural bottom, as seen in the foreground. adjacent Missouri bottoms (Fig. 9). The lower four feet of the little bluff is formed of a thick bed of Carboniferous limestone; above this there is shale. The tunnel was started just above this limestone and driven back on its gently rising surface. It was carried by the Concannons seventy-two feet back from the face 762 DAC. CLAVIER RAEN of the bluff, and at its inner end its base is twenty-one feet five inches below the surface, an air-shaft permitting a tape-line meas- urement. : The relics found in excavating the tunnel represent an adult who had lost several teeth and a child whose teething stage, according to Professor Williston, implies an age of about nine Fic. 10.—Front view of the skeleton of the adult and two of the associated bones, with the fragment of the child’s jaw in the foreground. From a photograph furnished by Mr. M. C. Long. years. The former is represented by a skull, femur, and other bones; the latter only by a fragment of a jaw (Fig. 10.) The bones of the adult are said to have been found near the inner end of the tunnel, and between one and two feet above its base. They were disarranged and at slightly different depths, but it is suffi- cient for present purposes to locate them at seventy feet from the entrance and twenty feet from the surface. The fragment of the child’s jaw was found about sixty feet from the entrance and within a foot of the bottom of the tunnel. These state- ments relative to the discovery of the bones rest upon the testt- HUMAN RELICS OF LANSING, KANSAS 763 mony of Michael T. and Joseph F. Concannon, who dug the tunnel. There is no ground to question their authenticity. The associated deposit. At the mouth of the tunnel the lower three or four feet of the deposit is composed mainly of lime- stone fragments and earthy débris, a part of the latter seeming to come from the Carboniferous beds, a part from the glacial drift or the loess, and a part from the river and valley wash ; in short, a rather heterogeneous mixture. Some parts are highly oxidized and iron-stained and some parts are relatively fresh and calcareous. At about three feet above the floor on the western side there is a definite layer of dark, highly calcareous clay less than three inches thick, but it does not appear on the opposite side. It is thinner in the inner portion of the tunnel, where the cross cut of Mr. Fowke shows that it rises on the west side and pinches out irregularly within a few feet. The upper part of the deposit at the entrance is a mottled silt of loess-loam aspect, containing occasional stony fragments. Its response to acid is irregular, sometimes giving no obvious effervescence, sometimes a feeble action, and sometimes a prompt and marked response. Sometimes the action is concentrated in definite spots, as though it came from a bit of limestone. The action is not that charac- teristic of typical loess. Even in the top of the tunnel some limestone fragments were seen seven or eight feet from its base. Even in the inner end of the tunnel the silt is notably mottled, in part irregularly, and in part in bands, more or less horizontal, as though controlled by stratification, though the staining is probably secondary. Acid tests indicated that calcareous matter is present, but that it is not abundant. These observations were made on the tunnel as seen on our first visit. Under the direction of Professor Holmes, Mr. Gerard Fowke later made a series of supplementary excavations in dif- ferent directions to develop the formation further and secure additional fossils. and R.F. The Carbonic pes of the Rameteher Review by Thomas L. Watson - Bownocker, J. A. The Oil- and Gas-Producing Rocks of Ohio - Branner, J. C. Review. Chile Briggsville, Mass., British Columbia, The Landslides of Mt. Greylock and. Glaciation in the Atlin District. 925 J. C. Gwillim H. F. Cleland Ensayo de una bibliografia historica i jeografica de PAGE 220 397 182 252 500 144 700 186 423 839 117 318 139 434 738 77 918 325 325 318 160 822 g21 513 182 926 INDEX TO VOLOME X Brogger, W. C. Om de senglaciale og postglaciale Nivaforandringer i Kristianiafeltet (Molluskfauna). Review by R. D. S. Y = - Brower, J. V. Kakabikansing. Review by T.C.C. - - - - - California, Neocene Deposits of the Klamath Region. Oscar H. Hershey California, On Some Glaucophane and Associated Schists in the Coast Range of. Edward H. Nutter and William B. Barber - - - - California, The Marine Pliocene and Pleistocene Stratigraphy of the Coast of Southern. Delos Arnold and Ralph Arnold - - - - Calvin, Samuel]. Note on the Human Relics of Lansing, Kansas - - - Camptonite from New Mexico, An Analcite-Bearing. I. H. Ogilvie - Canada, The Summary Report of the Geological Survey, pects of. For the year 1901. Review by R. D. George - e Carbonic Anhydride of the Atmosphere, The. E. A. Letts and R. F. Blake. Review by Thomas L. Watson - - - - - - - Carboniferous Fish Fauna of Mazon Creek, Illinois. C. R. Eastman - Carboniferous of the Sangre de Cristo Range, Colorado, Note on the. Wil- liste leee - - - - - - - - - - Cartographic Representation of Geological Formations. Charles R Keyes - Case, E. C., Paleontological Notes - - - - - - - - Cement Industry, The. A Reprint from the Engineering Journal. Review by F, A. Wilder - i = - = - - . - - - Chamberlin, T. C., Editorials: Antiquity of Man in America - - - Recent Development of Petrography — - - - - - - - The Geologic Relations-of the Human Relics of Ee Kansas - Review: Kakabikausing. J. V. Brower. - 2 - - - Champlain Valley, Glacial Phenomena in the Adirondacks and. I. H. Ogilvie Chemico-Mineralogical Classification and Nomenclature of Igneous Rocks. Whitman Cross, ues P. Iddings, Louis V. Pirsson, Bate Ss. Washington - - - - - - - - - Chile, Ensayo de una bibliografia historica i jeografica de. Review by Jn€- Branner - - - - - - - - - - - - Classification and Nomenclature of Igneous Rocks, A Quantitative Chemico- Mineralogical. Whitman Cross, Joseph P. Iddings, Louis V. Pirs- son, Henry S. Washington - - - - - - - - Classification of the Upper Paleozoic Formations of Kansas, Revised. Charles S. Prosser . : = - - - - - = - - Clavicorn Coleoptera from the Tertiary Deposits of Florissant, Colo., Adepha- gous and S. H. Scudder. Review by S.W. - - - = - Cleland, H. F. The Landslides of Mt. Greylock and Briggsville, Mass. - Coast of Southern California, The Marine Pliocene and Pleistocene Stratig- raphy of the. Delos Arnold and Ralph Arnold — - - - - Coast Ranges of California, On Some Glaucophane and Associated Schists. Edward H. Nutter and William Bb, Barber - - - - - Coleoptera from the Tertiary Deposits of Floressant, Colo., Adephagous and Clavicorn. S.H. Scudder. Review by S. W. - - - - Collections of the Geological Department of the American Museum of Natural History, The Paleontological. Edmund O. Hovey - - - - PAGE 323 794 377 738 100 7/ 777 500 913 318 535 393 691 256 219 793 433 745 794 397 555 g21 555 703 220 513 117 738 220 252 INDEX TO VOLUME X 927 Colorado and Northern New Mexico, The Morrison Shales of Southern. ie Walliseieers = - - - - - - - - - - 36 Colorado Meteorite, The Franceville, E] Paso County. H.L. Preston - - 852 Colorado. Note on the Carboniferous of the Sangre de Cristo Range. Wil- lisimlceleee - - - - - - - - - - 5. 3H0)33 Composition, Origin and Relationships of the Corniferous Fauna in the Appa- lachian Province of North America, The. Stuart Weller - - = e232 Conglomerates, Etching of Quartz in the Interior of. M. L. Fuller - - 815 Cora, Crotalocrinus, Hall. Stuart Weller - - - - : : = 85332 Corniferous Fauna in the Appalachian Province of North America, The Com- position, Origin and Relationships of the. Stuart Weller - - = 423 Cretaceous Pterodactyl, On the Skull of aon ae An Upper. S. W. Williston - - - - 2 - - - - - Ee 520) Cross, Whitman, Geologic Formations verszs Titologié Individuals - = 222 The Meche of Systematic Petrography in the Nineteenth Cen- tury - = = © = 2 = = = 331, 451 Cross, Whitman, jocephy P. Iddings, ‘Louis V. Pirsson, Henry S. Warren A Quantitative Chemico-Mineralogical Classification and Nomen- clature of Igneous Rocks - - - - : - - - - 555 Crotalocrinus Cora, Hall. Stuart Weller - - - - - - - 532 Crystalline Schists, The Mapping of the. William Herbert Hobbs. Ranta - - - - - - - - - - - - 780 Part II - - - - - - - - - - . - 858 Davis, W. M., Baselevel, Grade, and Peneplain- - - - - 77 Development of Systematic Petrography in the Nineteenth Gnas The. Whitman Cross - - - - - - - - - 331, 451 Development of the Profile of Equilibrium of the Subaqueous Shore Terrace. N. M. Fenneman - - - - - - : - - - I Diabase from the Trias of Massachusetts, pooper A Purely Feldspathic. B. K. Emerson - - - - - - - - 508 Eastman, C. R. The Carboniferous Fish- Fauna of Mazon Creek, Illinois - 535 Eckel, Edwin C., Summaries of the Literature of Structural Materials - 442, 542 The Preparation of a Geologic Map - - - - - - - 59 EDITORIALS: T. C. Chamberlin. Antiquity of Man in America - - - - =) 7.98 Recent Development of Petrography - - - - - - 433 C. R. Van Hise. Upon ‘The Nomenclature of the Lake Supe For- mations,’ by A. B. Willmott — - - - - - eel E] Paso County, Colorado, Meteorite, The Franceville. H.L. Preston - eee O 52 Emerson, B. K. Holyokeite, A Purely aS ewe Diabase from the Trias of Massachusetts - - - - - - - - 508 Ensayo de una bibliografia historica i jeografica de Chile. Review oF Jel. Branner - - - - - - - - - =2 O21 Etching of Quartz in the Interior of Conglomerates. M. L. Fuller - - == 815 Explosion Near Waldron, Indiana, A Natural Gas. J. F. Newsom - OOS 928 INDEX TO VOLUME X Fenneman, N. M. Development of the Profile of Equilibrium of the Subaque- ous Shore Terrace - - - - - - . - - - The Arapahoe Glacier in 1902 - - - - - - - - Fish-Fauna of Mazon Creek, Illinois, The Carboniferous. C. R. Eastman Florissant, Col., Adaphagous and Clavicorn Coleoptera from the Tertiary Deposits of. S.H. Scudder. Review by S. W. - - - - Fossil Vertebrata of North America, Bibliography and Catalogue of the. Oli- ver Parry Hay. Bull. U.S. G.S. No. 179. Review by S. W. W. Franceville (E] Paso County, Colorado) Meteorite. H.L. Preston - - Fuller, M.L. Etching of Quartz in the Interior of Conglomerates - - - Gas Explosion Near Waldron, Indiana, A Natural. J. F. Newsom - - Gas-Producing Rocks of Ohio, The Oil- and. J. A.Bownocker — - - : Genesis of Ore Deposits. Review by H. Foster Bain - - . Siaodtane Geological Department of the American Museum of Natural History. The Paleontological Collections of the. Edmund O. Hovey - - - Geological Formations, Cartographic Representation of. Charles R. Keyes Geologic Formations versus Lithologic Individuals. Whitman Cross - - Geologic Map, The Preparation of a. Edwin C. Eckel - - = - - Geologic Relations of the Human Relics of Lansing, Kansas, The. T. C. Chamberlin - - - - - - - - E 2 - Geology and Water Resources of the Southern Half of the Black Hills and Adjoining Regions in South Dakota and Wyoming. N. H. Darton. Review by E. B. - - - - - - - - - - George, R. D. Review: The Summary Report of the Geological Survey, Department of Canada. Forthe Year19go1_ - - - - - Georgia, On the Occurrence of Aplite, Pegmatite, and Tourmaline Bunches in the Stone Mountain Granite of. Thomas L. Watson - - = Glacial Phenomena in the Adirondacks and Champlain Valley. I. H. Ogilvie Glaciation in the Atlin District, British Columbia. J.C. Gwillim - = = Glacier in 1902, The Arapahoe. N. M. Fenneman - - - - - Glaciers, The Variations of. VII. Harry Fielding Reid - - - - Glaucophane and Associated Schists in the Coast Ranges of California, On Some. Edward H. Nutter and William B. Barber - - - - Grade and Peneplain, Baselevel. W.M. Davis - - - - - - Gwillim, J.C. Glaciation in the Altin District, British Columbia - - - Hall, Crotalocrinus Cora. Stuart Weller - - - - - - : Hay, Oliver Parry. Bibliography and Catalogue of the Fossil Vertebrata of North America. Bull. U. S.G.S. No. 179. Review by S. W.W. - Hershey, Oscar H., Boston Mountain Physiography. - - - - : Neocene Deposits of the Klamath Region, California. - - - - Hobbs, William Herbert. Studies for Students: The Mapping of the Crystal- line Schists. Part I - - - - - - - - - Part II. - - - - - - - - - - - - Holyokeite, A Purely Feldspathic Diabase from the Trias of Massachusetts. D. K. Emerson - - - - - - - - . - PAGE 325 913 186 397 182 839 313 738 77 182 532 918 160 377 780 858 508 INDEX TO VOLUME X Hovey, Edmund O. The Paleontological Collections of the Geological Depart- ment of the American Museum of Natural History - - - - Human Relics of Lansing, Kansas, The Geological Relations of the. T.C. Chamberlin — - : - - - - - - : : - Ice Work in Southern Michigan. eo Nerzel = - - Iddings, Joseph P., Louis V. om Henry 5S. Washington, Whitman Cross. A Ouantiative Chemico-Mineralogical Classification and Nomen- clature of Igneous Rocks - - . - : - - : Ulinois, The Carboniferous Fish-Fauna of Mazon Creek. C. R. Eastman Indiana, A Natural Gas Explosion near Waldron. J. F. Newsom - - Indiana Anticline, The Misnamed. George B. Richardson - - Individuals of Stratigraphic Classification: Discussion. H. Foster Bain Interior of Conglomerates, Etching of Quartz inthe. M.L. Fuller - - Kakabikansing. J. V. Brower. Review by T.C. C. - - - - - Kansas, Revised Classification of the Upper Paleozoic Formations of. Charles S. Prosser - - - - - - : . : : Kansas, The Geologic Relations of the Human Relics of Lansing. T. C. Chamberlin - - - - - - - - - - Keyes, Charles R. Cartographic Representation of f Geological Formations Klamath Mountains, The Physiographic Features of the. F.M. Anderson Klamath Region, California, Neocene Deposits of the. Oscar H. Hershey - Knight, Wilbur C., The Laramie Plains, Red Beds, and Their Age - Lake Superior Formations, Nomenclature of. A. B. Willmott - - - Landslides of Mt. Greylock and Briggsville, Mass. H. F. Cleland - - Lansing, Kansas, The Geologic Relations of the Human Relics of. T.C. Chamberlin — - - - - - - - - - - Laramie Plains, Red Beds and Their ee The. Wilbur,C. Knight - - Lee, Willis T., Note on the Carboniferous of the Sangre de Cristo boas Golsrads - . - - - - - - The Morrison Shales of Southern Colorado and Northern New Mexico Letts E, A. and R. F. Blake, The Carbonic Anhydride of the Atmosphere. Review. Thomas L. Watson - - - - - = - - Lithologic Individuals, Geologic Formations versus. Whitman Cross - - Loess With Horizontal Shearing Planes. J. A. Udden - - - Lowlands of Southeast Missouri. Evolution of the Northern Part of the. C. F. Marbut. Review by A. H. Purdue - - - = ; Map, The Preparation of a Geologic. Edwin C. Eckel - - - = Mapping of the Crystalline Schists, The. William Herbert Hobbs. Part I - Part II - - - - - - - - : - - Marbut, C. F., Evolution of the Northern Part of the Lowlands of Southeast Missourl University of Missouri Studies, Vol. I, No. 3. Review by A. H. Purdue - - - . - - - - - - Marine Pliocene and Pleistocene Stratigraphy of the Coast of Southern Cali- fornia, The. Delos Arnold and Ralph Arnold - - - - - 793 745 691 144 377 413 67 513 745 413 393 30 318 223 245 919 59 780 858 919 117 930 INDEX, TO VOLUME X Massachusetts, Holyokeite, a Purely Feldspathic Diabase from the Trias of. ee B. K. Emerson- - - - - - - - - 508 Massachusetts, The Landslides of Mt. Greylock and Briggs H.F.Cleland 513 Mazon Creek, Illinois, The Carboniferous Fish-Fauna of. .R. Eastman - 535 Meteorite, Niagara. H. L. Preston - - - - - - Bile ithe Meteorite, The Franceville (E] Paso County, Colorado). H. L. Preston - 852 Michigan, Ice Work in Southeastern. W.H. Sherzer - - - 194 Microscope, A New Combination Wedge for Use with the ee oeaeiem Fred Eugene Wright - - - - - - - - - 33 Mineralogical Classification and Nomenclature of Igneous Rocks, A Quanti- tative Chemico-. Whitman Cross, ei Pe Sey Louis V. Pirs- son, Henry S. Washington - - - - - - 555 Misnamed Indiana Anticline, The. George B. Richardson - - - = 7100) Missouri, Evolution of the Northern Part of the Lowlands of Southeastern. C. F. Marbut. University of Missouri Studies, Vol. I, No. 3. Review by A. H. Purdue - - - - - - - - - 919 Morrison Shales of Southern Colorado and Northern New Mie The. Wil- liSielleee - - - - - - - - - 36 Mt. Greylock and Briggsville, Mass., The Landslides of. H. F. Cleland Shr Gy} Natural Gas Explosion near Waldron, Indiana, A. J. F. Newsom - - - 803 Neocene Deposits of the Klamath Region, California. Oscar H. Hershey - 377 New Combination Wedge for Use with the Petrographical Microscope. Fred Eugene Wright - - - - - - - - - - 33 New Mexico, An Analcite-Bearing Camptonite of. I. H. Ogilvie - - - 500 New Mexico, The Morrison Shales of Southern Colorado and Northern. Willis Wels) fe - - . - - - - - - - - 36 Newsom, J. F. A Natural Gas Explosion near Waldron, Indiana - - - 803 Niagara Meteorite. H. L. Preston : - - - - - - - 518 Nomenclature of Igneous Rocks, A Quantitative Chemico - Minerological Classification and. Whitman Cross, Joseph P. Iddings, Louis V. Pirsson, Henry S. Washington - - - - 555 Nomenclature of the Lake Superior Formations. A.B. Willmot - - - 67 North America, The Composition, Origin, and Relationships of the Corniferous Fauna in the Appalachian Province of. Stuart Weller - - - 423 Note on the Carboniferous of the Sangre de Cristo Range, Colorado. Willis A wlee en ia - - - - - - - - - - - - 393 Notes, Paleontological. E.C. Case - - - - - - - - 256 Nutter, Edward H. and William B. Barber, On some Glaucophane and Asso- ciated Schists in the Coast Range of California - - - - 738 Nyctodactylus, An Upper Cretaceous Pterodactyl. S. W. Williston - - 520 Ogilvie, J. H. An Analcite-Bearing Camptonite from New Mexico - - 500 Glacial Phenomena in the Adirondacks and,Champlain Valley - = 30/7) Ohio, The Oil-and Gas-Producing Rocks of. J. A. Bownocker - - - 822 Ohio, The Sunbury Shale of. Charles S. Prosser - - - - - - 262 Ohio, The Sunbury Shale of, Note on. Charles S. Prosser - - - =e 2S INDEX TO VOLUME X 931 PAGE Oil- and Gas-Producing Rocks of Ohio. J. A. Bownocker «= < 2822 Ore Deposits, Genesis of. Review. H. Foster Bain - - - - - 434 Paleontological Collections in the Geological Department of the American Museum of Natural History, The. Edmund O. Hovey - - - 252 Paleontological Notes. E.C. Case - - - - - - : - 256 Paleozoic Formations of Kansas, Revised Classification of the Upper. Charles S. Prosser - - . - - - - - . - - 703 Pegmatite and Tourmaline Bunches in the Stone Mountain Granite of Georgia, On the Occurrence of Aplite. Thomas L. Watson - - : - 186 Peneplain, Baselevel, Grade and. W.M. Davis _ - - 77 Petrographical Microscope, A New Combination Wedge for Use with the. Fred Eugene Wright - - - - - - 33 Petrography in the Nineteenth Century, The Tpeelonne of Seaiencae Whitman Cross - - . - - - - - - 331, 451 Physiographic Features of the Klamath Mountains. F.M. Anderson - - 144 Physiography, Boston Mountain. Oscar H. Hershey - - - - 160 Pirsson, Louis V., Henry S. Washington, Whitman Cross, Toone P. Iddings, A Quantitative Chemico-Mineralogical Classification and Nomen- clature of Igneous Rocks - - - - - - - - 555 Pjettursson, Helgi, Morzener i den Islandska eat pamaaiat Review by J. A. Udden - = - - - : : Se Aliite) Pleistocene Stratigraphy of the Coast of Southern California, The Marine Pliocene and. Delos Arnold and Ralph Arnold - - - Seely / Pliocene and Pleistocene Stratigraphy of the Coast of Southern California. Delos Arnold and Ralph Arnold - : - - - - =a ToL7, Preparation of a Geologic Map, The. Edwin C. Eckel - - - So SYS) Preston, H. L., The Franceville (E] Paso County, Colorado), Meteorite - =i O52 Preston, H. itp Niagara Meteorite - - - - - - - Se Gitte! Profile of Equilibrium of the Subaqueous Shore Terrace, Development of the. N.M. Fenneman- - - - - - - - - - - I Prosser, Charles S., Note on the Sunbury Shale - - - - - - 328 The Sunbury Shale of Ohio - - - - : - 262 Pterodactyl, On the Skull of ead An ee Cretaceous. S. W. Williston - - - - - - - - - - 520 Publications, Recent - - - - - I14, 221, 329, 450, 551, 799, 922 Purdue, A. H. Review: Evolution of the Northern Part of the Lowlands of Southeastern Missouri. By C. F. Marbut - - - : - gIg Quantitative Chemico-Mineralogical Classification and Nomenclature of Igneous Rocks, A. Whitman Cross, Joseph P. Iddings, Louis V. Pirsson, Henry S. Washington - - - - - - - 555 Quartz in the Interior of Conglomerates, Etching of. M. L. Fuller - - 815 Recent Publications - - - - - 114, 221, 329, 450, 551, 799, 922 Red Beds and Their Age, The Laramie Plains. Wilbur C. Knight - - 413 Reid, Harry Fielding, The Variations of Glaciers - - - - =o TK 932 INDEX TO VOLUME X Relics of Lansing, Kansas, The Geologic Relations of the Human. T. C. Chamberlin - 5 - = - - - - - - Representation of Geologic Formations, Cartographic. Charles R. Keyes - Reviews: Adephagous and Clavicorn Coleoptera from the Tertiary Deposits of Florissant, Colorado, etc. S.H. Scudder (S. W.) : : - Bibliography and Catalogue of the Fossil Vertebrata of North America. Bull. U.S. G.S. No. 179. Oliver Parry Hay (S. W. W.) : - Carbonic Anhydride of the Atmosphere, The. E. A. Letts and R. F. Blake (Thomas L. Watson) - - - = - Ensayo de una bibliografia historica i jecoeonce de Chile. By Nicolas Aurique R. I. L. Ignocio Silva A. (J.C. Branner) — - - - Evolution of the Northern Part of the Lowlands of Southeast Mieeeer University of Missouri Studies, Vol. I, No. 3. C. F. Marbut (A. H. Purdue) - - - . - - - - - - - - Genesis of Ore Deposits. (H. Foster Bain) - - ~ = = Influence of Country Rock on Mineral Veins. Walter Harvey Weed (Frank A. Wilder) - - - - - - - - - = Kakabikansing. J. V. Brower (T.C.C.) - - - - - = Moreener i den Islandska Palagonitformation. Helgi Pjettursson (J. A. Udden) - - - - - - - - - - - Om de Senglaciale og Postglaciale Nivaforandringer I Kristianiafeltet (Molluskfaunan), W. C. Brogger (R. D. S.) - - - - - Summaries of the Literature of Structural Materials(Edwin C.Eckel) 442, The Cement Industry. Engineering Journal. Reprint. (F. A.W.) - The Summary Report of the Geological Survey, Department of Canada for the Year 1901. (R. D. George) - - - - - - Revised Classification of the Upper Paleozoic Formations of Kansas. Charles S. Prosser. : - - - - - - - - Salisbury, R. D. Review. Om de Senglaciale og Postglaciale Nivaforand- ringer I Krestianiafeltet (Molluskfaunan). W. C. Brogger - - Note on the Human Relics of Lansing, Kansas - - - - Sangre de Cristo Range, Colorado, Note on the Carboniferous of the. Willis (ele enime= - - - - - - - - - - - Schists in the Coast Ranges of California, on Some Glaucophane and Associ- ated. Edward H. Nutter and William B. Barber’ - - = - Schists, The Mapping of the Crystalline. William Herbert Hobbs. Part I - - - - - - - - - - - - Part II - - - - - - - - - - -. = Shearing Planes, Loess with Horizontal. J. A. Udden - - - - - Sherzer, W. H. Ice Work in Southeastern Michigan — - e - > - Shore Terrace, Development of the Profile of Equilibrium of the Subaqueous. N. M. Fenneman - - - - - - - - - - Skull of Nyctodactylus, An Upper Cretaceous Pterodactyl, On the. S. W. Williston - - - - - - - - - - - - South Dakota and Wyoming, Geology and Water Resources of the Southern Half of the Black Hills and Adjoining Regions in. N. H. Darton. Review (E. B.) - E = : : a E 2 s = is PAGE 745 691 220 918 318 g21 919 113 325 INDEX TO VOLUME X Stone Mountain Granite of Georgia, On the Occurrence of Aplite, Pegmatite and Tourmaline Bunches in the. Thomas L. Watson - - Stratigraphic Classification: Discussions, Individuals of. H. Foster Bain Structural Material, Summaries of the Literature of. Edwin C. Eckel - 442, STUDIES FOR STUDENTS: Baselevel Grade and Peneplain. W. M. Davis The Mapping of the Crystalline Schists. William Herbert Hobbs. PartI - - - - = = - - = - = Part II - - - - - - - - - . . - Subaqueous Shore Terrace, Development of the Profile of Equilibrium of the. N. M. Fenneman - = - - - - - - - - Summaries of the Literature of Structural Materials. Edwin C. Eckel - 442, Sunbury Shale of Ohio, The. Charles 5. Prosser - - = - - - Sunbury Shale of Ohio, The, Note on. Charles S. Prosser - - : Systematic Petrography in the Nineteenth Century, The Devclopment of. Whitman Cross- - - - - - - - - 22i1, Terrace, Development of the Profile of Equilibrium of the Subaqueous Shore. N. M. Fenneman~ - - - : - - - - - - Tourmaline Bunches in the Stone Mountain Granite of Georgia, On the Occur- ence of Aplite, Pegmatite and. Thomas L. Watson - - - Trias of Massachusetts, Holyokeite, A Purely Feldspathic Diabase from the. B. K,. Emerson - - - - - - - = Udden, J. A. Loess with Horizontal Shearing Planes” - : - - - Review: Morzener i den Islandska Palagonitformation. Helgi Pjettursson Van Hise, C. R. Editorial: On the ‘‘ Nomenclature of the Lake Superior For- mations,” by A. B. Willmott — - - - - - - . Variations of Glaciers, The. VII. Harry Fielding Reid - - - - Vertebrata of North America, Bibliography and Catalogue of the Fossil. Bull. U.S. G. S.No. 179. Oliver Parry Hay. Review by S. W. W. - Waldron, Indiana, A Natural Gas Explosion near. J. F. Newsom - - - Washington, Henry S., Whitman Cross, Joseph P. Iddings, Louis V. Pirsson. A Quantitative Chemico-Mineralogical Classification and Nomen- clature of Igneous Rocks - - - - - - - - Watson, Thomas L. On the Occurrence of Aplite, Pegmatite and Tourmaline Bunches in the Stone Mountain Granite of Georgia - - - - Review: The Carbonic se of the Atmosphere. E. A. Letts and R. F. Blake . - - - - - - Wedge for Use with the Petrographical Nimes A New Combination. Fred Eugene Wright - - = : - - - - Weller, Stuart, Crotalocrinus Cora, Hall - - - - - - Review : Adephagous and Clavicorn Coleoptera from the Tertiary Deposits of Florissant, Colorado, etc. S.W. Scudder - - - The Composition, Origin and Relationships of the Corniferous Fauna in the Appalachian Province of North America - - - - 245 218 112 313 918 803 934 INDEX TO VOLUME X Wilder, Frank A. Reviews: Influence of Country Rock on Mineral Veins. Walter Harvey Weed - - - . - - - - : The Cement Industry. Engineering Journal. Reprint - - . Willis, Bailey. Editorial: Reorganization of the United States Geological Survey - - - 2 : - i : 2 : Williston, S. W. On the Skull of Nyctodactylus, An Upper Cretaceous Pterodactyl = - = - - - = : = : : Review: Bibliography and Caisieees of the Fossil Vertebrata of North America. Bull. U.S.G.S.No.179. Oliver Parry Hay - - - Willmott, A. B., The Nomenclature of the Lake Superior Formations - s Wright, Fred Eugene, A New Combination Wedge for Use with the Petro- graphical Microscope = - - - - : : > - Wyoming, Geology and Water Resources of the Southern Half of the Black Hills and Adjoining Regions in South Dakota and. N. H. Darton. Review by E. B.~ - - - See - - - PAGE 113 219 217 ~ 520 918 67 33 325 aa “hy, ty ‘ ache Po Re | TH x Qe : a | eo) > “y Be Lk &, ag Se eile Gl 7 a Ho ith “> a aR 2 é, oe) “by ; aN a ~s EN eee. i et i: : ee # ey es EAP BS eae ERTS _ %s tay eB ey ro Sh “te era) os ee Eres ay / Ss wee 4a - Shin aia FN ant k v ere, en APE se op, tail may on slp penile ! | I ‘ i | Ht i i ey Rta arian Eee: Mp se eS al Th geet ‘ igh L NW es < yt. 1) ey: ro Baa pay Pine = SS NSE = all il (i i a> y o% Z dil: tf Teak, Lg = iets Sn AS Fy S, ‘geil TE Ler ‘ Oper : > Ree d o> : fe) oO Hie aT a py if wy” ey a its ale % s Jd he Six ie: s, Moy * S¢ > i 4H, “no, “ft H a 6 ie | ae ae ee MITHSONIAN INSTITUTION LIBRARIES WL ih = = _ 390 8 01366 9 i ma ts TU HeAh ! NA oARAy MAAC ai i rich iy i 1 2 Sete ih is nth rng if hh ; uk Ned) eh Wk Meni ylosl ADA nah d +f i i Hh rd Ss Mi , ) He Pat i Ry i Vee CN Nini i Sei rt AAI Ahab