■V, 1- p", JOURNAL OF THE NEW YORK ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY BtmUh t0 jEntomology in C^^nrral VOLUME XLVIII, 1940 Published Quarterly by the Society North Queen St. and McGovern Ave. Lancaster, Penna. New York, N. Y. THE SCIENCE PRESS PRINTING COMPANY LANCASTER, PENNSYLVANIA CONTENTS OF VOLUME XLVIII Page Alexander, Charles P. Records and Descriptions of Neotropical Crane-Flies (Tipulidse: Diptera), XI 105 Barber, G. W. See Phillips, W. J. Bell, E. L. Some Synonymy in Neotropical Hesperiidse (Lepi- doptera) 116 Bequaert, Joseph C. An Introductory Study of Polistes in the United States and Canada with Descriptions of Some New North and South American Forms (Hymenoptera : Ves- pidae) 1 Black welder, Richard E. Some Aspects of Modern Taxonomy 245 Breland, Osmond P. Some Parasites and Hyperparasites of the Cecropia Moth 259 Comstock, William P. Butterflies of New Jersey 47 CuMLEY, Russell W. Comparison of Serologic and Taxonomic Relationships of Drosophila Species 265 Evans, W. T. The Type of the Genus Pyrrhopyge (Lepidoptera, Hes- peridie) 405 Funkhouser, W. D. ' New Peruvian Membracidae 275 Gaul, Albro Tilton A Note on Rearing the Brood of Polistes f uscatus Fa- bricius (Hymenoptera-Vespidae) 391 Hallock, Harold C. The Sarcophaginae and Their Relatives in New York, Part I 127 iii Page The Sarcophaginae and Their Relatives in New York, Part II 201 Hatch, Melville H. Observations on Silphinse with a Note on Intraspecific Variations and Their Designations 223 Huckett, H. C. The North American Species of the Genera Lencophora Robinean-Desvoidy and Proboscimyia (Muscidae- Diptera) 335 Klots, Alexander B. A New Brenthis from Alaska (Lepidoptera, Nympha- lid^) 413 Linsley, E. Gorton A Reclassification of the Tribe Obriini of LeConte (Co- leoptera-Cerambyeidae) 367 Phillips, W. J. and G. B. Barber Seasonal Abundance of Eggs of the Corn Ear Worm Moth in Virginia 305 Pratt, Harry D. Studies on the Ichnenmonidae of New England (Hy- menoptera) 155 Rex, Edgar G. A Promising Fungous Pathogen of Adult Japanese Beetles {Popillia japonica) 401 Sanford, Leonard J. A New Record for Connecticut 244 Atrytone logan Edwards 258 SoRAci, Frank A. Distribution in New Jersey of Mylloceims castaneus Roelofs 318 Scotland, Minnie B. Review and Summary of Insects Associated with Lemna minor 319 Sherman, John D., Jr. Henry Clinton Fall 33 Spieth, Herman T. Studies on the Biology of the Ephemeroptera, II. The Nuptial Flight 379 IV Page SuGDEN, John W. Characteristics of Certain Cicadas 117 Townsend, Charles H. T. Review of “Fauna of British India” 395 Weiss, Harry B. Money Losses Due to Destructive Insects 195 The Death-Feints of Sitophilus granarius Linn., and Sitophilus oryzce Linn 37 The Death-Feint of Trox unistriatus Beauv 303 White, Ralph T. The Relation of Ants to the Japanese Beetle and its Es- tablished Parasites 85 Book Notices 32, 100, 126, 393, 403 Notice to Authors 100 Notice to Members 103 Proceedings of the New York Entomological Society 295 VoL XLVIII No. 1 MARCH, 1940 Journal of the ^ ‘ New York Entomological Society Devoted to Entomology in General Edited by HARRY B. WEISS Publication Committee HARRY B. WEISS J. D. SHERMAN, Jr. WILLIAM MOORE E. L. BELL Subscription $3.00 per Year Published Quarterly by the Society N. QUEEN ST. AND McGOVERN AVE. LANCASTER. PA. liEW YORK, N. Y. 1040 CONTENTS An Introductory Study of Polistes in the United States and Canada with Descriptions of Some New North and South American Forms (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) By Joseph C. Bequaert ... 1 Book Notice 32 Henry Clinton Fall By John D. Sherman, Jr . 33 The Death-Feints of Sitophilus Granarius Linn., and Sito- philus Oryzae Linn. By Harry B. Weiss 37 Butterflies of New Jersey By William Phillips Comstock .. .... .. 47 The Relation of Ants to the Japanese Beetle and its Estab- lished Parasites By Ralph T. White 85 Notice to Authors 100 Book Notices 100 Notice to Members 103 NOTICE: Volume XLVII, Number 4, of the Journal of the New York Entomological Society was published on De- cember 29, 1939. Entered as second class matter July 7, 1925, at the post office at Lancaster, Pa., under the Act of August 24, 1912. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Section 1103. Act of October 3, 1917, authorized March 27, 1924. JOURNAL OF THE New York Entomological Society VoL. XLVIII March, 1940 No. 1 AN INTRODUCTORY STUDY OF POLISTES IN THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA WITH DE- SCRIPTIONS OF SOME NEW NORTH AND SOUTH AMERICAN FORMS (HYMENOPTERA; VESPID^) By Joseph C. Bequaert Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass. Over ten thousand wasps have now been examined for the forthcoming revision of North American Polistes. Although I hope to study as many more before completing the work, the time has come to put on record some of the results, for the benefit of others. Moreover, the manuscript names distributed to vari- ous collections should be validated, according to the rules, without further delay. In the United States I recognize four ‘‘structural species,” only one of these entering Canada. Each species is represented by several color forms, or “varieties.” The males of the four species are readily told apart; but most of the differentiating characters of the females or workers are subtle and difficult to put in words. They become gradually more apparent as one examines more specimens. This should be kept in mind when using the subjoined key. In all social species of Polistes with which I am acquainted, the workers (when present) and fertile females (or queens) are alike, both in structure and color and often also in size. It is generally assumed that the smaller fe- males, sometimes found in the colony, are workers. Moreover, even unmated females (or workers) may occasionally lay eggs, which develop by parthenogenesis into male wasps. APR 2 1940 2 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. XLVIII KEY TO SPECIES 1. Body slender. Abdomen elongate-fusiform, widest about mid-length, more or less compressed apically; first tergite slightly convex in profile and gradually sloping onto the base, seen from above slightly longer than wide at apex. Second sternite little convex, not bulging in pro- file. Apical sternite of male without medio-basal tubercle 2. Body thickset. Abdomen ovate-fusiform, widest before middle, more or less depressed apically ; first tergite strongly convex in profile and rather abruptly sloping onto the base, seen from above as wide at apex as long or wider. Second sternite strongly convex, bulging in profile. Mesopleura with microscopic sculpture only 3. 2. Propodeum distinctly striate transversely throughout. Mesopleura with many large punctures scattered in the microscopic sculpture. Collar of pronotum high and sharp, forming raised humeral angles. Clypeus of female touching the eyes over a distance at most half the length of the oculo-malar sipace. Clypeus of male subquadrate and flattened, contiguous to the eyes P. canadensis. Propodeum very finely striate, except in the median groove. Mesopleura with the microscopic sculpture only, without larger punctures. Collar of pronotum low and blunt, weakly projecting at the humeri. Clypeus of female touching the eyes over a distance about equal to the length of the oculo-malar space. Clypeus of male irregularly heptagonal and slightly convex, broadly contiguous to the eyes P. exclamans. 3. Propodeum coarsely striate throughout, with some 20 to 22 strong trans- verse ridges. Mesopleura often with at least traces of a prepectal suture running obliquely upward on the anterior convexity. Clypeus of female touching the eyes over a distance at most half the length of the oculo-malar space. Clypeus of male subquadrate, with the anterior margin straight or very slightly convex, the sides always widely sepa- rated from the eyes. Apical sternite of male without medio-basal tubercle P. major. Propodeum finely or moderately striate, usually more strongly in the median groove, the striae numerous but not ridge-like. Mesopleura never with a trace of a prepectal suture, the anterior convexity smooth. Clypeus of female touching the eyes over a distance equal to one-half or more of the length of the oculo-malar space. Clypeus of male irregu- larly hexagonal, more or less broadly separated from the eyes (often scarcely so). Apical sternite of male with a small but distinct medio- basal tubercle P. fuscatus. Two names proposed for North American Polistes remain a pnzzle. In 1872 (Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., IV, pp. 245-246) Cresson described P. perplexits and P. generosus, both based on males only, from Texas. I have studied his types at the Phila- delphia Academy of Sciences, on several occasions. There can Mar., 1940] Bequaert: Polistes 3 be no doubt that P. generosus is only a variant of P. perplexus, as Cresson surmised, and it should be treated as a synonym of the latter. These males agree in every important structural charac- ter with P. fuscatus and at one time I regarded them as aberrant males of typical fuscatus. They are unusual, however, in being larger and especially stouter than the regular males of even var. metricus and var. ruMginosus. 1 have in my collection 12 males from Texas (some without more definite locality; others from College Station, Shiloh and Brazos Co.), 1 male from Kentucky (Woodford) and 1 male from Indiana (Bloomington), which can- not be separated from perplexus and generosus. I have also 6 females from Texas (some without more definite locality; others from Austin and College Station) and 1 female from Indiana (without more definite locality), which appear to be the other sex of Cresson ’s perplexus and generosus. These females also are unusually large and stout for forms of P. fuscatus. In both sexes these supposed perplexus wasps give the impression of being more powerful insects, with very strong striation of the propodeum, the head more swollen (particularly the outer orbits) and the legs and antennae slightly shorter and stouter. I have been unable, however, to find more tangible structural differences from P. fuscatus. I should have attached little importance to the more powerful build of these supposed perplexus, were it not for the possibility that they may represent a distinct species, living as a social parasite in the colonies of either var. metricus or var. ruhiginosus. This parasitic species may have been de- rived so recently from its social ancestor (presumably some form of P. fuscatus), that it has as yet developed no cogent structural differences. Several Palearctic species of Polistes are now known to be true social parasites (W. Weyrauch, 1937, Zool. Jahrb., Abt. Syst. Tiere, LXX, pp. 243-290) and I have suggested recently that some of the Ethiopian species have similar parasitic habits (J. Bequaert, 1938, Bev. Zool. Bot. Afric., XXXI, p. 130). No doubt parasitic Polistes will also be discovered in the New World. Carefully controlled observations in the field alone will enable one to decide whether or not my surmise is correct in the case of P. perplexus. If it is a true social parasite, the species will con- sist only of males and impregnated females. The females will build no nests nor form colonies of their own. Instead, they will 4 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii seek out existing colonies of some social Polistes, in which to de- posit their eggs. The larvae hatching from these alien eggs will then be raised by the original and rightful builders and inhabi- tants of the nest. The wasps recorded as P. perplexus, from Bermuda, by W. F. Kirby, Verrill and Ogilvie, are P. fuscatus var. nest or (Fab- ricius). Vespa Carolina Linnaeus (1767, Syst. Nat. 12th Ed., I, pt. 2, p. 948), from Carolina, was undoubtedly based upon a North American Polistes, as I have pointed out before (1931, Entomo- logica Americana, XII, p. 108). The type is so poorly preserved and the description so inadequate, that it is impossible to decide whether it was P. canadensis var. anmdaris or one of the forms of P. fuscatus (possibly a male of P. fuscatus var. ruhiginosus) . For this reason, it seems preferable to drop the name altogether. The following names have been applied erroneously to Polistes of our territory. P. crinitus (Felton). — This is a strictly West Indian wasp, structurally distinct from the four North American species. Its nearest relative in North America is P. exclamans, which has sometimes been mistaken for it. P. minor Palisot de Beauvois, described originally from Santo Domingo, is also strictly West Indian in my opinion. The wasps frequently called P. minor in the United States are usually P. fuscatus var. hunteri, sometimes P. exclamans. P. carnifex (Fabricius) is occasionally confused with P. major. True carnifex, as characterized in 1936, Rev. de Entomologia, VI, pp. 376-383, I have never seen from the United States or the West Indies. P. instahilis H. de Saussure was recorded by F. Smith (1857) from East Florida, Mount Pleasant (Ohio) and New York. True instahilis, however, is a Central American wasp (See under P. exclamans). In the enumeration of species and varieties I have inserted the published names which I regard as synonyms, without further discussing the matter. The opportunity has been used to publish the descriptions of some new color varieties from the West Indies, Central and South America. In brief, only three forms of Polistes fuscatus are known with Mar., 1940] Bequaert: Polistes 5 certainty from Canada: var. pallipes (Quebec and Ontario), var. connectens (Alberta) and var. aurifer (British Columbia). — In the United States the following occur : P. canadensis, typical, P. canadensis var. annularis, P. canadensis var. comanchus, P. canadensis var. kaihahensis, P. canadensis var. navajoe, P. ex- clamans, typical, P. exclamans var. louisianus, P. major, typical, P. major var. palmarum, P. major var. castaneicolor, P. major var. kakeri, P. fuscatus, typical, P. fuscatus var. anaheimensis, P. fuscatus var. apachus, P. fuscatus var. aurifer, P. fuscatus var. centralis, P. fuscatus var. hellicosus, P. fuscatus var. connectens, P. fuscatus var. flavus, P. fuscatus var. hunteri, P. fuscatus var. metricus, P. fuscatus var. montanus, P. fuscatus var. nestor, P. fuscatus var. pallipes, P. fuscatus yslt. ruhiginosus, P. fuscatus var. utahensis, and P. fuscatus var. variatus. The North American Polistes, like those of other parts of the world, are quite variable in the extent, arrangement and shade of color markings. The extreme case is perhaps that of P. fuscatus, in which color seems to run riot and to defy any attempt at rational analysis. The true meaning of these variations as yet escapes ns, although a theory is by no means lacking. What we really should know, before attempting to build up theories, is the genetic background of the color differences, whether or not and to what extent they are hereditary in a given population and how they behave when crossed ; also to what extent they may be in- fluenced by environmental conditions (nature and amount of food, climate, resistance to disease, natural selection by predators, etc. ) . It would seem that only experiments can furnish decisive answers to these questions. Meanwhile, from observation alone, the several color variations of one structural species appear to be of unequal value, hence probably due to different causes. At least four types of variants may be recognized. (1) Some variations may be purely individual or fluctuating and probably due entirely to environmental conditions during the ontogeny. It is frequently difficult to And two individuals colored alike in every detail, even within the same population or among the offspring of a single queen. The differences among the inmates of one nest may, however, be explained to some extent by the frequent association of two or more queens in the found- 6 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xiiVllI ing of a new colony (pleometrosis : See J. Bequaert, 1923, Bull. Brooklyn Ent. Soc., XVIII, pp. 73-80). (2) Sometimes two or more variants occur in the same locality, which, though quite distinct in the extreme or ‘‘typical” indi- viduals, yet are connected by many intergrades. In most cases the intergrades are probably hybrids. In the northeastern United States, for instance, one finds three forms of P. fuscatus:^ (a) typical fuscatus is relatively uncommon in the central part of this area, from southern Massachusetts to West Virginia; (b) the var. nestor is common from southern Pennsylvania to South Carolina and eastern Texas, with an occasional specimen in New Jersey and on Long Island; (c) the var. pallipes is characteris- tic of southern Canada, New England, and northern New York, with a few stragglers farther south in the Alleghany Mountains. Prom the distribution and relative scarcity^ it would seem that typical fuscatus (as described by Pabricius) may not be a distinct “race” at all, but merely a name or label for hybrids between pallipes and nestor, where the ranges of these two forms overlap. (3) Two or more variants of a species may occur over much the same territory, yet be so well defined that intergrades are hardly ever met with. Thus in the mid-western States, particu- larly in the drainage of the Mississippi, one finds commonly in one locality three varieties of P. fuscatus, viz., variatus, metricus and rubiginosus. Each by itself is more or less variable, but specimens that might be regarded as connecting two of them are exceedingly rare or lacking. Their scarcity rather indicates that, in this case, such intermediate specimens are merely extreme individual variants, not true intergrades or hybrids. Perhaps w^e are dealing here with ecological, physiological or even beha- vioristic races. Phil Ran has shown, for instance, that in the region of St. Louis, Missouri, three color forms of Polistes fus- catus nest in different types of environment (1931, Bull. Brooklyn Ent. Soc., XXVI, pp. 111-116). The “isolation” of such races may be enhanced by the social behavior, brothers and sisters tend- ing to mate on or near the nest, while young queens often return to their mother’s nesting site. In any case, the correlation be- 1 As is the rule in P. fuscatus, these three forms are recognizable in the female and worker only. The males of this species rarely show the color differences on which the several varieties are based. Mar., 1940] Bequaert: Polistes 7 tween such extra-morphological differences and the visible color characters can only be fortuitous.^ (4) Finally, in a few cases the variants agree fairly well with the classic concept of “geographical races” or “subspecies.” They are sharply defined, apparently without intergrades to other forms, and inhabit a limited district to the exclusion of other color variants of the same species. There are few clear-cut cases of this type among the variants of P. fuscatus, the nearest approach being perhaps the two forms of the Pacific Coast, var. aurifer and var. anaJieimensis, although the areas of both overlap to some extent. Better examples are the variants of P. canadensis: var. anmdaris (in the southeastern States), var. kaihahensis (in the Grand Canyon of the Colorado River), var. navajoe (in the Up- per Sonoran of Arizona), and var. comanchus (in the Upper Sonoran of southwestern Texas). A corollary to the differentiation of “races” on a geographical basis is the convergence in color pattern, or homeochromy, some- times exhibited by several structural species of Polistes, other wasps or other insects in general, occurring in the same area. Illustrations of this are few in the North American Polistes. There is, however, a decided superficial resemblance between P. fuscatus var. metricus and P. canadensis var. annularis, in the southeastern States ; between typical P. exclamans and P. fuscatus var. hellicosus, in the southeastern States; and between P. cana- densis var. navajoe and Miscliocyttarus flavitarsis var. navajoe in Arizona. Whether or not these are cases of “protective colora- tion, ’ ’ I shall not attempt to discuss. Polistes canadensis (Linnaeus) The most widely distributed American species of the genus, although it does not reach Canada. Linn^us was evidently misled as to the locality of his specimens, like in so many other cases. It extends from south of the Great Lakes and Utah to northern Patagonia. It is, however, unknown in California and Chile. In this vast territory it has produced several color forms, thirteen of which have been named thus far. Pour more are 2 A similar fortuitous correlation exists, for instance, between the egg-pat- tern and the physiological differences of the several races of Anopheles maculipennis. 8 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii described below. Of these seventeen varieties, five only occur in the United States. KEY TO NEARCTIC COLOR FORMS OF P. CANADENSIS 1. Abdomen either without yellow markings, or the first tergite only with an apical yellow margin 2. Abdomen more extensively yellow or orange-yellow, particularly over the third and succeeding segments, which are often almost entirely of that color 3. 2. Body fairly uniformly light to dark mahogany-brown, the head and thorax sometimes lighter than the abdomen. Yellow apical margin of first tergite more or less distinct, sometimes lacking. Wings purplish- black, sometimes with a russet tinge, which becomes gradually more pronounced apically, the veins and stigma either black or russet accord- ing to the color of the surrounding membrane typical canadensis. Head and thorax dark mahogany-brown, sometimes blotched with black; abdomen usually jet-black, blotched with mahogany-brown on the first segment and occasionally elsewhere. First tergite always with a dis- tinct yellow apical margin. Wings uniformly deep purplish-black, the veins and stigma black var. annularis. 3. Head, thorax, legs, and abdomen light reddish-brown, with extensive yellow markings on head and abdomen. Wings ferruginous, very slightly pur- plish; costal area, veins and stigma russet var. Icaihadensis. Ground color of head, thorax, and legs black 4. 4. Head black, extensively marked with orange-yellow; thorax black, only narrow margins of pronotum and tegulae orange ; abdomen mostly orange-yellow, elsewhere ferruginous, only the base of first tergite black. Wings ferruginous, slightly purplish, the veins and stigma russet. var. comancJms. Head black, extensively marked with yellow ; thorax black, the pronotum partly, tegulae and scutellum orange-yellow; abdomen mostly yellow, elsewhere black, the first and second tergites somewhat reddish at the limits of black and yellow areas. Wings strongly purplish-black, only extreme base and costal area somewhat russet, the veins and stigma black var. navajoe. 1. P. canadensis, typical. — Distributed over most of the Neo- tropical Region. I have seen it from Mexico, Guatemala, Hon- duras (Rep.), Colombia, Venezuela, British Guiana, Trinidad, Brazil, Peru, Bolivia and Paraguay. It barely enters the United States at the southern border of Arizona. Two females taken at Nogales by Dr. J. C. Bradley are exactly like a series I have received from Vera Cruz and Sonora (Bakachaka; Estrella Dis- trict, Alamos). Mar., 1940] Bequaert: Polistes 9 2. P. canadensis var. amazonicus W. A. Schulz. — Known from Brazil, British Guiana, Panama, Ecuador and British Honduras. 3. P. canadensis var. annularis (Linn^us). — Vespa cincta Drury (1773), Vespa virginiensis ‘‘Drury” Dalla Torre (1894) and Polistes annulata Moebius (1856) are synonyms. The most widely distributed form of the species in the United States. I have seen it from Connecticut (New Haven), southern New York (Ft. Montgomery; Hillburn; Orient, Long Island; Ramapo Mts. ; also taken many years ago on Staten Island by Mr. AYni. T. Davis), New Jersey (Paterson; Jamesburg; Cape May), Penn- sylvania (Pittsburgh), Maryland, Virginia, District of Columbia, West Virginia, southern Ohio (Hocking Co.; Sugar Grove, Ross Co.; Clifton, Greene Co.), southern Indiana, southern Illinois (New Columbia; Fort Chartres State Pk.), southern Iowa (Page Co.), Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Caro- lina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Oklahoma, eastern Kansas (Blue Rapids), and eastern Texas (as far west as Bexar Co.). It will be found also in Delaware, Arkansas, and south- eastern Nebraska. It is not known from south of 42°, west of the 100th Meridian, or outside the United States. 4. P. canadensis var. huyssoni BrMlies, 1909, An. Mus. Nac. Buenos Aires, (3) X, p. 456. — Syn. : Polistes cavapyta var. thoracica R. du Buysson, 1906, Ent. Medd., Copenhagen, III, p. 19. Not Polistes thoracicus Fox, 1898. This form is common in certain parts of Argentina. 5. P: canadensis var. cavapyta de Saussure. — Polistes opalinus de Saussure appears to be a synonjun. A form of northern Argentina, southern Brazil, Uruguay and Paraguay. 6. P. canadensis var. cinctus Lepeletier. — Vespa (Polistes) dominica Vallot (1802) may be the same. A form peculiar to the lesser Antilles, where it is known from Martinique, St. Vincent, St. Kitts, the Grenadines and Barbadoes. It was also introduced into Montserrat and St. Lucia, where it appears to have taken a foothold. This is one of the smaller forms of the species (fore wing 14 to 17 mm. long). 7. P. canadensis var. comanchus de Saussure. — This form is characteristic of the Upper Sonoran life zone of southwestern 10 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii Texas (Brewster Co.; Jeff Davis Co.). I have seen it also from the Sierra de los Burros, State of Coahuilla, Mexico. 8. P. canadensis var. erythrocephalus Latreille, 1817, in Hum- boldt and Bonpland, Recueil d ’Observations de Zool. Anat. Comp., II, p. 96, PL XXXVIII, fig. 3 (5; South America). — The de- scription and figure leave no doubt as to the identity of this form. It is characterized by the jet-black thorax and abdomen, the ferruginous head and antenna (except for the median black ring), the black legs with ferruginous or orange knees and tarsi, and the bluish-black wings. At one time I distributed it as a new variety with a name derived from Costa Rica. Dalla Torre overlooked Latreille ’s name. The var. erythrocephalus is found in Nicaragua (Sioux Plantation, Rio Grande; Eden), Costa Rica (common), Panama (common), parts of Colombia (Dept. Santander, Dept. Boyaca and Dept. Tolima), and southern Brazil (Sete Lagoas, State of Minas Geraes). It is sometimes called P. rufidens in collections, but de Saussure’s rufidens is structurally distinct from P. canadensis. 9. P. canadensis var. ferreri H. de Saussure. — ^Uruguay and northern Argentina. 10. P. canadensis var. kaihahensis Hayward, 1932, Proc. Utah Ac. Sci., IX, p. 89, PL IX, figs. 4, 12, 13 and 16. This interesting form is known only from the rim of the Grand Canyon of the Colorado River, Arizona, where it is common. 11. P. canadensis var. lanio Pabricius. — I have seen this from Brazil and Peru. 12. P. canadensis var. (or subsp.) mexicanus, new. Female and WorTcer. — Body and legs bright reddish-brown, only the su- tures of the thorax, a median line over anterior half of mesonotum and a narrow stripe in concavity of propodeum (widened below), black; middle of flagellum infuscated; the following markings are yellow: apical fasciae on all tergites and second to last sternites (reduced on first and second, very extensive on the others and more or less divided on each side by a wavy reddish line or sometimes emarginate) and the knees and hind tarsi more or less. Wings very strongly infuscate, purplish-black. Male. — Colored exactly like the female. Holotype: Cuernavaca, State of Morelos, Mexico, female (G. Lassman). — Allotype: Cuernavaca, male (A. L. Melander). — Paratypes: Cuernavaca, four females and two males; Teotihuacan, Mar., 1940] Bequaert: Polistes 11 State of Mexico, Mexico, two females (S. B. Jones) ; Valerio, Trujano, State of Oaxaca, Mexico, two females (M. Embury and A. Mead). — Holotype, allotype and several paratypes at Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass. ; two paratypes in Dr. R. M. Boliart ’s collection. This form is n*earest to the Argentinian varieties ferreri, cavapyta and huyssoni, but the abdomen is more extensively marked with yellow than in ferreri, while the yellow markings of head and thorax of cavapyta and huyssoni are lacking. In the North American fauna it is nearest var. kaihahensis and var. wheeleri, differing from the former in the color of the wings and from both in the reddish-brown head. 13. P. canadensis var. navajoe Cresson. — A common form in Arizona, also found in northern Mexico : south of Nogales, State of Sonora (P. P. Calvert) ; Escuinapa, State of Sinaloa (J. H. Batty). Apparently characteristic of the Upper Sonoran life zone. 14. P. canadensis var. panamensis Holmgren. — Common in Panama and parts of Colombia (Santa Marta district). 15. P. canadensis var. (or subsp.) satan, new. Female and Worlcer. — Head, thorax and abdomen jet-black, scarcely with any ferruginous or yellowish markings; a very narrow inner border of the eyes, outer orbits, lower portion of clypeus, mandibles, hind margin of pro- notum and a blotch on tegula3, very slightly suffused with reddish-brown. Antennse black, base and apex more or less tinged with chestnut-brown. Legs black; base of tibiae, outer side of fore tibiae, and fore tarsi more or less ferruginous; mid and hind tarsi dirty yellow to orange. Wings uni- formly bluish-black, with black veins and costa; stigma dark brown. Male. — Almost exactly like the female; very narrow inner orbits dirty yellow. Holotype: Lassance, State of Minas Geraes, Brazil, female (Cornell Univ. Exped.). — Allotype: Bello Horizonte, State of Minas Geraes, Brazil, male (Cornell Univ. Exped.). — Paratypes: Lassance, one male and six females; Pirapora, State of Minas Geraes, three females (Cornell Univ. Exped.) ; Fazenda do Dia- mante, Corinto, State of Minas Geraes, one female (Ynes Mefia) ; La Esperanza, Dept. Cundinamarca, Colombia, one female (E. Eoba). — Holotype, allotype and six paratypes in the Department of Entomology, Cornell University; four paratypes at Museum 12 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. XLVIII of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass., and one paratype at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. The extreme melanistic form of the species, differing from the var. erythrocephalus in having the head also practically entirely jet-black. 16. P. canadensis var. (or subsp.) weberi, new. Fe7nale and WorJcer. — Mostly black, with brownish tinges over some of the abdominal segments ; most of head, most of pronotum, tegulse, a small spot in upper corner of mesopleura, and antennse (except for median black area of flagellum), mahogany-brown. Pale sulphur-yellow markings re- stricted to the large apical margin of first tergite (emarginate in the middle and separated from the black base by a reddish-brown area), the knees, the basal half or more of all tibiae, and all tarsi. Wings strongly infuscated, purplish-black in basal two-thirds, more russet in apical third. Male unknown. Holotype: Macnto near La Gnaira, Venezuela, female (Neal A. Weber). — Paratypes: Macnto, three females (N. A. Weber) ; Caracas, Venezuela, three females. — Holotype and paratypes at the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass. ; para- types also at the American Museum of Natural History. In general coloration of body and wings the var. weheri re- sembles the varieties panamensis and amazonicus, but it differs from these in the large yellow margin of the first tergite. This margin is much more extensive than in var. annularis, which, moreover, has uniformly purplish-black wings. It recalls var. cinctus, of the Lesser Antilles, but that form is fairly uniformly reddish-brown with entirely yellowish-russet wings. The var. weheri is also larger (fore wing 20 to 22 mm. long). It was ob- tained in the arid coastal area of Venezuela, covered with xero- phytic scrub forest and characterized by the cactus, Cereus griseus. 17. P. canadensis YSLY. (or subsp.) wheeleri, new. Female. — Body and legs bright reddish-brown; only the ocellar area, sutures of the thorax, a median line over anterior half of mesonotum and a narrow stripe in concavity of propodeum (widened below), black; middle of flagellum infuscated. The following markings are yellow: clypeus, lower half of face, most of outer orbits and mandibles, under side of scape, apical fascise on all tergites and on second to last sternites (reduced on first and second, very extensive on the others and more or less divided on each side by a wavy reddish line), the knees, the basal third of all tibiae, and most of Mar., 1940] Bequaert: Polistes 13 all tarsi. Wings moderately infuscated, somewhat purplish-black and tinged with russet basally and along anterior margin. Male unknown. Holotype: Bochibampo Bay, Guayamas, State of Sonora, Mexico, female, March 3, 1937 (Wm. M. Wheeler). — Paratypes: Copete Mine, 30 Kilom. east of Carbo, State of Sonora, 4 females (F. C. Nicholas). — Holotype at Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass. ; paratypes also at the American Museum of Natural History. Related to the var. mexicanus, from the Central Plateau of Mexico, but distinct by the extensively yellow head and legs and the partly russet wings. It is also near var. comanchus (which has the thorax almost wholly black) and var. kaibahensis (which has uniformly russet wings). Polistes exclamans Viereck In 1931, G. Salt and I described a Polistes hahamensis, with two color forms, var. hilineolatus and var. picturatus, all from the Bahamas. I have since recognized that these Bahaman wasps are structurally not separable from the continental P. exclamans. Two forms of exclamans occur in the United States. Polistes instabilis H. de Saussure (Syn. : P. oculatus F. Smith), from Mexico, the Republic of Honduras and Costa Rica, resembles typical P. exclamans in color. The males are readily distin- guished by the very bulging eyes, the subquadrate clypeus and the slender antennae (with all segments of flagellum at least twice as long as thick). I have not yet found reliable structural differ- ences in the female and worker. I. P. exclamans, typical. — This is a common wasp in the south- eastern United States. I have seen it from North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Texas, Louisiana (Baton Rouge; Olivier), Oklahoma, Arkansas, Kansas, Colorado and Arizona. Although somewhat variable in color, it is always well marked with yellow, often profusely so; the propodeum bears usually four yellow stripes ; the wings lack the yellow-russet tinge of the Bahaman varieties and the mesonotum seldom bears yellow longi- tudinal lines. Some specimens from Metacumbe Key and else- where on the east coast of Florida, are somewhat transitional 14 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii between typical exclamans and the var. l)ilineolatus. Typical exclamans is readily confused with P. fuscatus var. hunteri or P. fuscatus var. ~bellicosus, and in collections it is often called also P. crinitus or P. minor. 2. P. exclamans var. (or subsp.) louisianus, new. Female and WorTcer. — ^Eeddisli mahogany brown, with only the middle of the flagellum above, the extreme base of some of the abdominal segments and the outer side of the mid and hind tibiae infuscate or blackish. Pale markings ivory-white and scanty: a narrow hind margin to the pronotum, most of tegulae, anterior angles of scutellum, linear anterior margin of postscutellum, an elongate spot on mesopleura (beneath tegulae), two nar- row median stripes on propodeum (sometimes lacking), linear apical mar- gins on first to third abdominal tergites (more extensive on the first; some- times lacking on the third), knees, bases of tibiae, and most of tarsi. Wings as in typical form, uniformly infuscate and purplish. Holotype: New Orleans, Louisiana, female (Ed. Poster). — Paratypes: two females from the same locality. — Holotype and one paratype at U. S. National Museum ; one paratype at Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass. In the absence of the male, the specific identity of this form is not quite certain. I suspected at first that these three wasps might be some form of either P. crinitus or P. versicolor, acci- dentally introduced by man. Structurally, however, the New Orleans wasps are indistinguishable from P. exclamans. On the other hand, I have never seen a specimen of either P. crinitus or P. versicolor, from Central and South America and the Antilles, colored like them. The reduction of yellow markings is quite unusual for P. exclamans. 3. P. exclamans var. l)ahamensis Bequaert and Salt (1931, Ann. Ent. Soc. America, XXIV, p. 793). — Known only from the Ba- hamas, where it occurs on Andros Island. This is the most dis- tinct of the several color forms of the species. 4. P. exclamans var. hilineolatus Bequaert and Salt (1931, op. cit., p. 796). — Known only from the Bahamas, where it is found on New Providence Island and Eleuthera. 5. P. exclamans var. picturatus Bequaert and Salt (1931, op. cit., p. 797). — Known only from the Bahamas, where it is found on Acklin Island, Mariguana, Rum Cay, Crooked Island, Long Island, Watlings Island and Cat Island. Mar., 1940] Bequaert: Polistes 15 Polistes major Palisot de Beauvois I have discussed this species on two previous occasions (1936, Ent. News, XL VII, pp. 7-13; 1937, Arch. Inst. Biol. Veget., Kio de Janeiro, III, pp. 173-174) . It occurs from the southern United States to Brazil, as well as in the Bahamas, Cuba and Santo Do- mingo. It has recently been introduced into Puerto Bico. KEY TO NEARCTIC COLOR FORMS OF P. MAJOR 1. Thorax more or less extensively marked with yellow. Abdomen with extensive yellow apical margins on all tergites, sometimes covering them almost entirely 2. Body almost uniformly dark chestnut-brown; only the tarsi and blotches on the head yellowish. Wings uniformly brownish, costal area some- what russet, veins and stigma chestnut-brown var. castaneicolor. 2. Ground color of body light ferruginous-brown. Wings uniformly russet- fuscous, slightly purplish var. palmarum. Dark areas of body cinnamon-brown to blackish-brown. Wings dark cinnamon-brown, with a russet tinge and slightly purplish 3 3. Thorax very extensively marked with yellow, particularly on the pro- podeum typical major. Thorax with reduced yellow markings, which are absent on the pro- podeum var. haTceri. 1. P. major, typical. — Known from Mexico, Guatemala, the Republic of Honduras, Nicaragua, Brazil, Cuba, Isle of Pines, Santo Domingo, Navassa Island and the Bahamas ; recently intro- duced into Puerto Rico. In the United States it has only been taken in a few localities of southern Arizona ; these specimens are colored exactly like those from farther south and from the West Indies. 2. P. major var. (or subsp.) bakeri, new. Male. — Similar to typical major, but chrome-yellow markings much re- duced on thorax, being restricted to collar of pronotum (narrowly above, very broadly on the sides) and part of scutellum and postscutellum (shad- ing into cinnamon-brown) ; mesonotum, mesopleura, metapleura and pro- podeum black; major part of pronotum, four elongate spots on mesonotum and small spot on upper part of mesopleura, reddish-brown. Female or WorTcer. — Agreeing with the male in the reduction of yellow on thorax, the propodeum being black, unstriped. The allotype is colored almost like the holotype. The female paratype has most of pronotum, scutellum and postscutellum, and a large spot in upper part of mesopleura chrome-yellow. 16 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. XLVIII Holotype: San Antonio, Bexar Co., Texas, male (G. P. Engel- liardt). — Allotype: Big Bend Park, Brewster Co., Texas, female or worker (Rollin H. Baker). — One female paratype with same data as allotype. — Types at Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass. The male was selected as the holotype, being the only perfect specimen. 3. P. major var. honaccensis J. Beqnaert (1937, op. cit., p. 174). — This form is known only from Bonacca Island, off the north coast of the Republic of Honduras. It is homeochromic with P. carnifex var. ochreata Spinola, which was also taken on Bonacca Island by Dr. M. Bates. On the neighboring island of Roatan he found only the typical form of P. major. 4. P. major var. castaneicolor J. Beqnaert. — Known only from Mexico (State of Jalisco) and a few localities in southern New Mexico (Alamogordo) and in southern Arizona (Sabino Canyon, Sa. Cataline Mts. ; etc.). 5. P. major var. palmarum J. Beqnaert. — Known only from southeastern California and Lower California, Mexico (San Jose del Cabo). Polistes fuscatus (Fabricius) The most common North American species of the genus covers the entire United States and the southern areas of the Dominion of Canada, in southern Quebec, southern Ontario, southeastern Alberta and southern British Columbia (northernmost locality: Chilcotin, in about 52° N., farthest north for any American Polistes).^ It extends southward to Mexico, Guatemala and the Republic of Honduras ; but its distribution is poorly known there. It has been introduced accidentally by man into the Bermudas, Jamaica, Barbadoes, the Society Islands and the Hawaiian Islands, where it is now more or less established. Polistes fortu- natus Kirby, described from the Cape Verde Islands, appears to be one of the color forms of P. fuscatus (probably var. nest or Fabricius), imported by man from the New World. All published records of P. fuscatus from continental South America appear to be based upon a confusion with P. pacificus Fabricius, which is structurally very different. 3 There are as yet no records of Polistes from New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. Mar., 1940] Bequaert: Polistes 17 P. fuscatus is perhaps the most variable wasp in existence, with regard to color and also to certain structural characters (par- ticularly the shape of the clypeus of the male). These matters will be discussed more fully later. In the present preliminary study, I have been as conservative as possible, retaining most of the forms named by my predecessors. I recognize eighteen varie- ties, sixteen of which occur in the United States; five are here described as new. KEY TO COLOR FORMS OF P. FUSCATUS The unusually wide range of variation of most color forms, or varieties, of P. fuscatus, makes it difficult to construct a workable key for their identi- fication. Some of the varieties are placed twice in the key; but even this device will not take care of many transitional specimens, which must be named more or less arbitrarily. The key, moreover, is based on females (queens and workers) only. The males are always more extensively yellow than the corresponding females. They should either be bred or collected from nests or matched arbitrarily with the forms known to occur in the same geographical area. 1. Thorax (including mesonotum) predominantly bright yellow or orange- yellow, with narrow russet or blackish sutures; mesonotum some- times with small ferruginous or blackish blotches. Abdomen and legs extensively or mostly yellow. Wings amber-yellow or infuscated and more or less purplish var. flavus. Thorax (at least mesonotum) predominantly black or light or dark fer- ruginous, often more or less marked with yellow 2. 2. Small forms of the Bahamas or of Central America. Very extensively yellow, particularly on the propodeum and first tergite. Fore wing 10 to 13 mm. long 3. Forms of the American continent, usually larger (except var. hunteri) , much less extensively yellow; propodeum at most Avith narrow stripes 4. 3. Form of the Bahamas. Mesonotum with four yellow stripes. Most of second tergite yellow. Wings smoky and rather strongly purplish var. maritimus. Form of Central America. Mesonotum Avithout yelloAV stripes. Second tergite mostly ferruginous. Wings yellowish-russet var. neotropicus. 4. Dark areas of thorax mainly black, Avithout or Avith yellow or reddish markings 5. Thorax mainly light or dark ferruginous, Avith or Avithout yellow or black markings 15. 5. Small form (fore Aving 10 to 18 mm. long) of the southeastern United States. Thorax with at least pronotum and scutellum ferruginous; 18 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii propodeiim almost always with yellow stripes. Most tergites with yellow margins, the third and fourth usually extensively black. Wings slightly yellowish russet, more or less purplish in the radial cell var. Jmnteri. Larger (fore wdng 15 to 20 mm. long) and of a different color 6. 6. Yellow markings scanty, often reduced to narrow hind margins on pro- notum and one or more tergites; disk of second tergite without yel- loAv lateral spots, the sides not or only narrowly yellow 7. Yellow markings extensive, at least on abdomen; disk of second tergite either with at least traces of lateral spots or extensively yellow on the sides ! 10. 7. Mostly black; thorax and second tergite without or with mere traces of ferruginous blotches; propodeum rarely with yellow .stripes; legs black or more or less ferruginous, with the tarsi conspicuously yellow var. palUpes. Body and legs more or less ferruginous; either thorax or abdomen or both distinctly blotched with ferruginous (at least on second tergite) 8. 8. Abdomen mostly ferruginous; bases of tergites black, apices of one or more margined with yellow. Thorax more or less blotched with ferruginous; mesonotum as a rule uniformly black; propodeum often with yellow stripes var. nestor. Abdomen mostly black 9. 9. Large (fore wdng 15 to 19 mm. long). Thorax rather extensively blotched with ferruginous; mesonotum either mostly ferruginous or Avith tw^o ferruginous stripes. Abdomen either entirely black or first and second tergites (or one of them) more or less blotched Avith fer- ruginous. YelloAV markings often almost lacking; propodeum with- out yelloAV stripes, usually extensively ferruginous; sometimes first tergite Avith yellow margin var. metricus. Medium-sized (fore wdng 13 to 16 mm. long). Thorax not extensively ferruginous, often only Avith small blotches on pronotum; mesonotum as a rule uniformly black. Sides of second tergite and sometimes blotches on first, ferruginous. YelloAV markings more or less devel- oped; propodeum Avith or AAdthout yelloAV stripes; one or more tergites Avith yelloAV margins typical P. fuscatus. 10. Propodeum wdthout yellow^ stripes; thorax mostly black. Second ter- gite black, with yellow margin and two large yellow lateral spots someAvhat fringed with ferruginous; third to sixth tergites mostly yellow. Wings broAvnish-yelloAv; stigma and veins rufous var. utahensis. Propodeum Avith at least traces of longitudinal yellow stripes 11. 11. YelloAV color extending over most of the tergites; lateral spots (par- ticularly of second tergite) large, either broadly connected Avith the yelloAV sides and hind margins or se]3arated by a narrow^ and usually faint line , 12. Mar., 1940] Bequaert: Polistes 19 Yellow color of abdomen restricted to sides and hind margins of ter- gites and two small, entirely free, lateral spots on some or all ter- gites (spots of first tergite sometimes lacking or connected with apical band) 14. 12. Head black and yellow only. Thorax not or scarcely marked with rufous. Black areas of second tergite as a rule not fringed with rufous. Wings amber-yellow; stigma and veins rufous var. aurifer. At least head and often also pronotum blotched with rufous. • Black areas of second tergite often more or less fringed with rufous 13. 13. Eufous color of thorax and abdomen extensive. Wings slightly smoky and more or less purplish; stigma and veins russet var. apaehus. Eufous color either absent on thorax and abdomen or restricted to blotches on pronotum and fringes around the yellow areas. Wings yellowish-gray, very slightly or scarcely purplish; stigma and veins rufous var. connectens. 14. Black areas of second tergite either more or less replaced by rufous or broadly fringed with rufous. Pronotum and head usually much blotched with rufous. Wings smoky, markedly purplish ; veins blackish, costa and stigma russet var. variatus. Black areas of second tergite not or barely fringed with rufous. Pro- notum and head scarcely rufous. Wings yellowish-gray, very slightly purplish; stigma and veins russet-brown var montanus. 15. Large (fore wing 18 to 22 mm. long). Almost wholly and uniformly light ferruginous ; only first tergite with narrow yellow margin (sometimes lacking) ; propodeum and postscutellum sometimes marked with yellow. Wings purplish-black; stigma and veins black var. ruhiginosus. Not uniformly light ferruginous and often smaller, or else several ter- gites with yellow apical margins 16. 16. Thorax and head mainly light mahogany-brown, more or less blotched with black, practically without yellow markings. Abdomen mainly blackish, usually without yellow markings; first and second tergites often partly ferruginous; first tergite sometimes with narrow yellow margin. Large (fore wing 14 to 20 mm. long) var. metricus. Blackish color of abdomen not contrasting with the light reddish-brown of head and thorax. Yellow markings usually more extensive, par- ticularly on the abdomen 17. 17. Abdomen very extensively yellow, often almost entirely so ; second ter- gite either mostly yelloAV, or extensively yellow on the sides, or with two yellow lateral spots 18. Abdominal tergites only with apical yellow margins ; second tergite without lateral yellow spots and not or only narrowly yellow on the sides. Wings slightly infuscated, somewhat purplish 20. 18. Yellow markings of thorax much reduced or almost lacking; mesonotum and propodeum without yellow stripes. Wings amber-yellow; stigma and veins russet. Large (fore wing 16 to 18 mm. long) var. centralis. 20 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. XLVIII Yellow markings of thorax extensive; propodeum nearly always and mesonotum often with yellow stripes 19. 19. Small (fore wing 12 to 15 mm. long). Wings amber-yellow. (Cali- fornia) var. analieimensis. Medium-sized or large (fore wing 15 to 18 mm. long). Wings slightly smoky and somewhat purplish. (Southern United States, from Ari- zona and Utah to Florida) var. apachus. 20. Yellow markings scanty and narrow, often reduced to hind margins of pronotum and of first tergite. Thorax mostly ferruginous, with blackish blotches on pleura and mesonotum; propodeum without or with narrow yellow stripes. Large or medium-sized (fore wing 15 to 20 mm. long) var. nestor. Yellow markings extensive on thorax and abdomen; as a rule most tergites broadly margined with yellow; propodeum almost always with broad yellow stripes 21. 21. Large (fore wing 15 to 20 mm. long). Black areas of abdomen absent or reduced to extreme bases of tergites var. hellicosus. Smaller (fore wing 10 to 18 mm. long). Third and fourth tergites usually extensively black var. hunteri. 1. P. fuscatiis, typical. — Specimens agreeing in every detail with Fabricius’ description and type, now at the University Mu- seum in Kiel,^ are by no means common. They are occasionally found, together with various slight variants, in southern Massa- chusetts (for instance, on Cape Cod and Martha’s Vineyard), Rhode Island, Connecticut, southern New York (particularly Long Island), New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Vir- ginia, North Carolina (Southern Pines; Raleigh), Ohio (Colum- bus; Cleveland), Illinois (Havana), Michigan, Indiana (Bloom- ington), southern Iowa (Decatur Co.), and eastern Kansas (Blue Rapids). I have not seen typical fuscatiis from Canada, and what has been recorded from there under that name was probably all somewhat aberrant var. pallipes. Moreover, it intergrades with var. nestor and var. pallipeSy as it covers some of the terri- tory of both. It is particularly hard to draw a line between typi- cal fuscatus and var. nestor, and it might be more rational to unite these two, at any rate. 2. P. fuscatus var. analieimensis Provancher. — This color form is peculiar to California, where it occurs as far north as 38° N. latitude. 4 Dr. Olaw Schroder kindly compared a series of North American specimens with Fabricius’ type. Mar., 1940] Bequaert: Polistes 21 3. P. fuscaUis var. apachus de Saussure. — P. texanus Cresson I regard as a synonym. This form is common in Texas, western Oklahoma (Woodward Co.; Grand), New Mexico, Arizona, south- western Colorado and southern Utah ; occasionally elsewhere (Henry Co., southeastern Iowa; Ft. Lauderdale, Florida). I have also seen it from the States of Sonora and Coahuilla, Mexico. 4. P. fuscatus var. aurifer de Saussure. — The common form of the species throughout California, Oregon and the State of Wash- ington. It extends well into southern British Columbia (Ver- non; Kaslo; Chilcotin), as well as into Idaho (Warren, Idaho Co. ; Waha ; Coeur d’Alene) and Nevada (Humboldt River) . This wasp was introduced into the Hawaiian Islands many years ago (first published record in 1884, by W. F. Kirby) and in 1928 it was reported from the Society Islands. 5. P. fuscatus var. hellicosus Cresson. — A common form of the southeastern United States, which, however, does not extend as far north as metricus. I have seen it commonly from South Caro- lina (Dewees Id.), Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas. It intergrades with var. apachus. 6. P. fuscatus var. centralis Hayward, 1933, Proc. Utah Ac. Sci., X, pp. 141 and 143, PL IX, fig. 13. — This form appears to be restricted to Utah and western Colorado. In southern Utah it intergrades with apachus. 7. P. fuscatus var. (or subsp.) connectens, new. Female and WorTcer. — Head mostly yellow; vertex, occiput, a broad, hour- glass-shaped spot about the antennae, and outer half of outer orbits, black; clypeus medially and outer orbits somewhat suffused with russet; antennae ferruginous, flagellum somewhat infuscate above, scape with black spot near upper tip. Thorax mostly black, with a few rufous blotches on dorsal areas of pronotum and on scutellum and postscutellum, variable in extent; narrow fore and hind margins of pronotum, scutellum and postscutellum anteriorly, two broad median stripes and lateral spots on propodeum, and a spot on mesopleura beneath base of wing, yellow; sometimes two yellowish or russet longitudinal stripes or lines on mesonotum; tegulse russet, spotted with yel- low. Legs mostly ferruginous; coxae black, streaked with yellow; femora, tibiae and tarsi more or less yellow on the outer side. Abdomen extensively yellow; a black spot, irregularly hourglass-shaped, in basal two-thirds of first tergite, more or less edged with ferruginous ; a larger hourglass-shaped black spot over basal three-quarters of second tergite more or less edged with ferruginous which often forms spots at the extreme sides basad of the yellow ; and median, irregularly quadrate black spots at base of succeeding tergites. 22 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii often partly ferruginous; the sternites are black with broad yellow apical margins and lateral spots. Wings subhyaline, suffused with amber-yellow; veins russet. Male. — Sometimes similar to the female, though with the face more exten- sively yellow, without black about the antennse ; mesosternum and entire under side of coxae yellow. Other males are more extensively ferruginous, being then hardly separable from those of var. variatus. Holotype: Badlands west of Grassy Butte, McKenzie Co., west- ern North Dakota, female (N. A. Weber). — Allotype: same locality, male (N. A. Weber). — Paratypes: Alberta: Medicine Hat, several females and males (F. S. Carr; E. H. Strickland) ; Lethbridge (E. H. Strickland) ; Mayberries (E. H. Strickland). — North Dakota : Badlands west of Grassy Butte ; Junction of Cannonball and Missouri Rivers, Sioux Co. (N. A. Weber) ; Me- dora, one male (0. A. Stevens) ; Fargo (0. A. Stevens) ; Mandan (0. A. Stevens) ; Medora (C. H. Waldron) ; Sentinel Butte (0. A. Stevens) ; Mott (J. R. Campbell) ; Marmartli (0. A. Stevens) ; Beach (R. L. Webster) ; Hague (M. van Soest) ; Trottem (A. C. Fox). — Montana: Laurel, Yellowstone Co. — Wyoming: Torring- ton, Goshen Co. (G. B. Fairchild). — Nebraska: Squaw Canyon, Sioux Co. (H. G. Barber) ; Lodgepole, 4,050 ft., Cheyenne Co. (H. A. Scnllen). — Colorado: Texas Creek, (J. C. Bradley); Denver (J. Beqnaert) ; Maniton (J. Beqnaert) ; Clear Creek, 7,000 to 8,000 ft., Jefferson Co. (G. P. Engelhardt) ; vicinity of Fort Collins (23 mi. up Little Pondre Canyon and Spring Can- yon) (A. B. Klots) ; Boulder (E. R. Becker) ; Boulder Co. (C. P. Custer) ; Berkeley. — Holotype, allotype and several paratypes at Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass. Paratypes also in several other collections. This color form seems to be characteristic of the northwestern portion of the Upper Sonoran life zone. It probably will be found also in parts of South Dakota and Kansas. Its occurrence in southeastern Alberta is of considerable interest.® The region is apparently an Upper Sonoran island surrounded by Transition fauna. Professor Strickland informs me that several other south- ern insects have been taken there. The solitary wasps he sent me include Odynerus anmdatus var. geminus Cresson, 0. anorniis 5 A female of the var. connectens was also taken on a window pane in a house at Edmonton, Alberta. This was certainly an accidental importation by man. No Polistes was ever found in the open in that vicinity. Mar., 1940] Bequaert: Polistes 23 Say, 0. aldrichi Fox, 0. dorsalis (Fabricius), Pterochilus quin- quefasciatus Say, and P. decorus Cresson. The var. connectens is clearly transitional between the var. aurifer and the var. variatus, and shows also some gradation to the varieties apachus, montanus and utahensis. It is most typical in North Dakota. At Medicine Hat females were taken in flight during August and September and males early in September. On November 27 a female was found hibernating “under clod.” On April 17 a female was caught at the flowers of Buffalo Berry, LepargyrcEa canadensis (Linnaeus). 8. P. fuscatus var. flavus Cresson. — This is the extreme xanthic variation of the species, common in Arizona, southern Nevada (Las Vegas, Clare Co.), southern Utah (St. George, Washington Co.; Hurricane, Washington Co.), parts of New Mexico (Rio Grande Canyon, south of Taos; Highrolls; Picacho), and western Texas (Devils River near Comstock, Valverde Co.; Big Bend Park, Brewster Co.). It should also occur in northern Mexico, but I have as yet seen no Mexican specimens. Evidently charac- teristic of the Lower Sonoran desert country, it intergrades to some extent with var. apachus. 9. P. fuscatus var. (or subsp.) hunteri, new. Average size smaller than most other forms of P. fuscatus. Length (h. + th. + 1. 1 + 2) , of female and worker, 10 to 12 mm.; of male, 10 to 12 mm. Length of fore wing, of female, 10 to 13 mm. ; of male, 10 to 13 mm. Female and WorJcer. — Variegated black and reddish-brown in fairly equal proportions and with many bright yellow markings. Head mostly reddish- brown, with the ocellar area of the vertex and hind face of occiput black, the upper side of scape and of most of flagellum fuscous, but the flagellum not ringed with black. Thorax black, with the pronotum mostly, four longitudinal stripes on mesonotum, and most of scutellum and postscutellum, reddish-brown; sometimes most of the mesonotum and blotches on mesopleura and sides of propodeum reddish; or the mesonotum entirely black. Abdomen: first and second segments mostly reddish-brown, usually with blackish base extending triangularly behind; third and fourth more brownish-black to black, turning reddish posteriorly near the yellow hind borders; fifth and sixth reddish- brown to black. Legs mostly reddish brown, with black coxse and infuscate bases of femora and apical half of hind tibiae; tibial spurs ferruginous. Yel- low markings as follows : broad apical margin of clypeus ; lower inner orbits ; entire outer orbits; narrow collar and hind margin of pronotum; broad anterior fasciae on scutellum and postscutellum; a large spot on mesopleura 24 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii beneath base of fore wing ; most of tegulse ; two broad longitudinal stripes and valvulae of propodeum ; broad apical margins of all tergites and most sternites (usually narrowed or interrupted medially on the sternites) ; lateral streaks or spots on first tergite, more or less connected with the apical band; apices of femora, outer side of tibiie and most of tarsi. Wings moderately yellow- ish-russet, somewhat darker and slightly purplish over the radial cell; veins and stigma russet. Male. — Similar to the female, but the yellow usually more extensive, cover- ing most of the face, the entire clypeus, the oculo-malar spaces and most of outer orbits, the mandibles, the under side of the scape, most of the prosternum and under side of coxae and femora. Holotype: Paradise Key, Dade Co., Florida, female (Kichard Dow). — Allotype: Cape Sable Road, 5 mi. W. of Dade Co. Line, Florida, male (Richard Dow). — Paratypes: Virginia: Falls Church. — Ohio: Hocking Co. — North Carolina: Southern Pines ; Statesville ; Raleigh ; Wilmington ; Morgantown ; Kittrell ; Kingsboro; Laurinbur; Havelock (Lake Ellis) ; Wadesboro; Conove; Aberdeen; Willard; Liberty; Ft. Bragg; Winston- Salem; Boardman; Fairmont. — South Carolina: Clemson Col- lege.— Georgia: Billy’s Id., Okefeenoke Swamp; Roswell.^ — Flor- ida: Matecumbe Key; Monticello; Paradise Key; Ft. Lauder- dale ; Gulfport ; Tampa ; Tamiami Trail, Dade Co. ; St. Peters- burg; Jacksonville; Stuart; Miami; Kelsey City; West Lake, Dade Co. ; Lutz ; Clearwater ; Titusville ; Biscayne Bay ; Char- lotte Harbor; Gainesville; Key Largo; Lower Matecumbe Key; Orlando; Cape Sable; Coconut Grove; Crescent Grove. — Ala- bama: Thomasville, Clark Co.; Mobile; Leroy, Washington Co.; Biloxi ; Auburn ; Greenville. — Mississippi : Oxford ; Winona. — Louisiana : Shriever, Terrebonne Co. ; Darrow, Ascension Co. — Texas : Williamson Co. ; New Braunfels ; Dallas ; Richmond, Fort Bend Co.; Carniso Springs; College Station (as prey of a robber fly). — Oklahoma: Quinton, Pittsburg Co.; Nowata Co. — ^Mex- ico: Mexico, D. F. ; Guadalajara, State of Jalisco; San Luis (de Potosi?) ; Cuernavaca, State of Morelos; Valle del Murz. — Holo- type, allotype and many paratypes at Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass. ; paratypes also in several other collections. This wasp is one of the most common insects of the southeast- ern United States. It looks like a diminutive var. hellicosus, with which it intergrades. In most cases it is readily distin- Mar., 1940] Bequaert: Polistes 25 guished from hellicosus by the small size and the predominance of black on the third and fourth tergites. Although the smallest hunteri are superficially very different from the other forms of fuscatus, they have all the structural characters of the species. In particular, the males always bear a minute tubercle on the middle of the seventh sternite. In addition it passes gradually into the var. hellicosus^ so that some specimens must be placed arbitrarily. Some specimens of hunteri also resemble P. excla- mans in color, but that species is structurally quite distinct (as shown in the key). In American collections and publications, this wasp is frequently called Polistes minor; but Palisot de Beauvois’ wasp of that name came from Santo Domingo and it is structurally quite a distinct species from P. fuscatus.^ 10. P. fuscatus var. (or subsp.) maritimus, new. Female or WorJcer. — Head: most of face, vertex and occiput ferruginous, somewhat black around the ocelli and over a narrow streak on the vertex ; clypeus, lower inner orbits into the ocular sinuses, oculo-malar space, cheeks (except in upper hind area) and mandibles, yellow; scape mostly and under side of flagellum ferruginous, upper side of flagellum black. Thorax : pronotum, scutellum, postscutellum and propodeum almost entirely yellow; pronotum and scutellum with small, dark ferruginous blotches; propodeum with a narrow, longitudinal black streak in the median groove; meso- and metapleura black with a series of yellow spots ; sternum black ; mesonotum black with four narrow, longitudinal yellow stripes, two median extending nearly the whole length, one short on each side above the tegula ; tegula yellow with a ferruginous spot. Legs yellow, streaked with ferruginous along femora and tibiae, the hind tibiae more infuscated; tarsi ferruginous orange. Ab- domen mostly yellow, with the following blackish or dark ferruginous mark- ings : a small, basal, irregular spot on first tergite ; narrow bases of most of the segments (more blackish on second and more ferruginous on remainder), that of second tergite expanding laterally and produced medially into an hourglass-shaped spot with three narrow apical projections; faint ferruginous lines set off yellow lateral spots from the apical margins on second to fifth tergites; sixth segment mostly ferruginous. Wings strongly infuscated, with pronounced purplish reflection, stigma and costa from base of wing to stigma, russet; remainder of veins black. Length (h. -|- th. -f- 1. 1 -F 2) : 11 mm.; of fore wing, 12 mm. * Male unknown. Holotype: Mangrove Cay, Andros Island, Bahamas, female, 6 The name hunteri, which I have adopted for this wasp, had been given to it in manuscript, at the U. S. National Museum, presumably by Ashmead. 26 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii May-June 1917 (Wm. M. Mann). — Type at Museum of Com- parative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass. Apparently a small insular form related to var. hunteri, of the southeastern United States, but much more extensively marked with yellow. It resembles superficially the West Indian P. poeyi Lepeletier and true P. minor Palisot de Beauvois. From the former it differs in the presence of the mesepisternal suture and the stronger striae of the propodeum ; from the latter in the shape of the clypeus and the striation of the propodeum. Since the male is as yet unknown, the var. maritimus is only tentatively placed under P. fuscatus. 11. P. fuscatus var. metricus Say. — There is a possibility that this wasp was described before Say as Vespa geniculata Graven- horst (1807, Vergleichende Uebersicht Linn. u. einig. neuern Zool. Syst., p. 276; without locality). Until the type can be ex- amined critically, I hesitate to adopt the name. — This form is common in the southeastern and central United States. I have seen it from New Jersey (Cape May), South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, eastern Texas (Wil- liamson Co.; Brazos Co.; Dallas; Weslaco), Oklahoma, Arkansas, Tennessee, Missouri, Kentucky, southern Ohio (Pickaway Co. ; Perry Co.; Flocking Co.; Buckeye Lake, Licking Co.), southern Indiana, Illinois (Chicago; New Columbia; Putnam; Urbana), Iowa (Mt. Pleasant), and Nebraska (Lincoln; Waverly). It should occur also in eastern Kansas. The distribution is much the same as that of P. canadensis var. annularis, which is more or less homeochromic and sometimes confused with it. The var. metricus extends much farther north in the valleys of the Mis- sissippi, Missouri and Ohio than along the eastern seaboard. In certain areas it intergrades with other forms, particularly with var. nestor. 12. P. fuscatus Ysa\ (orsubsp.) montanus, new. Female and Worher. — Closely related to var. utahensis Hayward, from which it differs mainly in the presence of yellow stripes on the propodeum. Head: mostly black; lower third and broad sides of clypeus, lower inner orbits up to ocular sinuses, two streaks above bases of antennae, a spot on upper outer corner of oculo-malar space, and much of mandibles, yellow; middle and upper part of clypeus (except the upper margin), blotches on oculo-malar space, a narrow streak on outer orbit, ocular sinuses, margins of Mar.; 1940] Bequaert: Polistes 27 mandibles (except the black teeth), and antennae (except a black streak on upper side of scape), ferruginous. Thorax: black; tegulae ferruginous, spotted with yellow; narrow anterior and posterior margins of pronotum, two small spots near anterior margin of scutellum, narrow anterior margin of postscutellum, a short vertical streak in upper part of mesopleura (be- neath base of wing), and two longitudinal stripes on propodeum (variable in extent, sometimes barely indicated), straw yellow; none of the specimens seen have any ferruginous on the thorax. Legs black; extreme apices of femora ferruginous on hind legs, ferruginous and yellow on fore and mid legs; fore and mid tibiae ferruginous with yellow outer streak; hind tibiae black, blotched with ferruginous and with yellow outer streak ; tarsi mostly yellow, ferruginous toward apices; tibial spurs and claws ferruginous. Abdomen: mostly black; moderately large apical margins of tergites 1 to 5 and sternites 2 to 4 (somewhat wavy and more or less interrupted medially) and free spots of moderate size and irregular shape on the sides of tergites 1 to 5 (very small and sometimes absent on first tergite), placed rather close to hind margins, straw yellow; sixth segment ferruginous, the tergite with two small, basal yellow spots; the black of the fifth tergite is usually tinged with ferruginous and that color may in some specimens surround more or less the free yellow spots of the other tergites. Wings moderately infuscated, with a yellowish tinge and marked purplish reflection, especially in the apical third; veins dark brown; stigma and costa from base of wing to stigma, russet. Male. — Differs only slightly from the other sex, with Avhich it is readily associated. As usual, the yellow color covers the entire clypeus, face and oculo-malar spaces, and most of the under side of thorax, legs and abdomen ; the upper side of thorax and abdomen are as in the female. Holotype: Hamilton, Ravalli Co., Montana, female (W. J. Jel- lison). — Allotype: same locality, male (W. J. Jellisoii). — Para- types: Montana: Hamilton, several females (W. J. Jellison) ; Ravalli Co., one female (AV. J. Jellison) ; AVillow Creek, Ravalli Co., four females (AV. J. Jellison) ; Blodgett Canyon, Ravalli Co., one female (AV. J. Jellison) ; Burch Creek, Ravalli Co., one female (AV. J. Jellison) ; Lake Roiian, Lake Co., one female (R. D. Eiclimann) ; Baird, Missoula Co., one female (A. L. Me- lander). — Idaho: AVallace, Shoshone Co., one female; Pine Creek, Shoshone Co., 2,600 ft., one female. — Oregon: Corvallis (J. Schuh) ; 23 mi. A\^. of Halfway, 4,700 ft. (R. E. Rider) ; Pine Creek Canyon, 4,600 to 5,300 ft.. Baker Co. (R. E. Rider) ; Uma- tilla, Umatilla Co., two females. — Holotype, allotype, and several paratypes at the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass. ; paratypes also in several other collections. 28 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii Like the var. utahensis, this is an extreme variant of var. aurifer, seemingly connecting the two. In Oregon, where it oc- curs in certain localities together with aurifer, intergrades are also met with. As it appears to be the dominant color form of the species in Montana, it would seem to deserve a name. 13. P. fuscatus var. (or subsp.) neotropicus, new. Closely related to var. hunteri, of which it has about the size, but more extensively marked with yellow, the propodeum being almost entirely of that color. Female and WorJcer. — Head and antennse ferruginous-red, the vertex more or less blackish about the ocelli ; flagellum somewhat inf uscate above ; clypeus as a rule entirely, broad lower inner orbits (as far as ocular sinuses), oculo-malar spaces, broad outer orbits and most of mandibles, pale yellow. Thorax ferruginous-red on j^ronotum and mesonotum, black on sternum and pleura (the mesonotum rarely more or less black) ; broad fore and hind margins of pronotum, tegulse, small spots on sides of mesonotum, most of scutellum and postscutellum, two spots on the mesopleura (one above the other), and most of propodeum (except a narrow median black line and broader black sides), yellow. Abdomen ferruginous-red dorsally, at most slightly inf uscate at the base of the third and fourth tergites, ventrally blackish-brown; apex and sides of first tergite very extensively (leaving only a ferruginous oval patch in the center), apical margins of succeeding ter- gites (narrow medially, much widened laterally and continued along the sides of the second tergite) and narrow spots in the hind corners of second and third sternites (sometimes continued as a complete apical margin on second sternite), yellow; sixth segment entirely ferruginous. Legs black, blotched with ferruginous; apical fourth to half of femora above, most of fore and mid-tibiae, basal two-thirds of hind tibiae, and most of tarsi, yellow; tibial spurs ferruginous. Wings moderately tinged with yellowish-russet, somewhat darker and slightly purplish over radial cell; veins and stigma russet. Male. — Similar to the female, with which it is readily associated. Yellow more extensive on the legs, the under side of fore and mid coxas being mostly of that color. Two yellow spots on sternum. Length (li. + th. + 1. 1 + 2), of female and worker, 10 to 12 mm. ; of male, 11 to 12 mm. Length of fore wing, of female and worker, 10 to 13 mm. ; of male, 11.5 to 13 mm. Holotype: Puerto Castilla, Eepublic of Honduras, female (J. Bequaert). — Allotype: Prieta, Republic of Honduras, male (J. Bequaert). — Paratypes: Puerto Castilla, three females; Prieta, one female. — Guatemala^ without more definite locality, five females and two males. — All types at Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass. Mar., 1940] Bequaert: Polistes 29 14. P. fuscatus var. nest or (Fabricius). — This form is more extensively ferruginous over the abdomen than typical fuscatus, with which it intergrades. It is found occasionally on Long Island (New York) and in New Jersey, more commonly in south- ern Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida (Tangerine; Monticello), Alabama (Mobile), Kentucky, eastern Texas, southern Michigan (Midland Co.), southern Illinois (New Columbia; Herod), Indiana (Bloom- ington) and Ohio. There are many intergrades not only with typical fuscatus, but also with the var. variatus. All specimens I have seen from the Bermudas, Jamaica and Barbadoes were of the var. nestor, rather than typical fuscatus. 15. P. fuscatus var. pallipes Lepeletier. — P. exilis de Saussure appears to be a synonym. It is the extreme melanistic form of the species, characteristic of the northeastern part of the range, throughout the Transition life zone. I have seen it from south- ern Quebec (St. Jerome; Montebello; La Trappe; Montreal; Rigaud; Outremont; St. Remy ; Queen’s Park, Aylmer), south- eastern Ontario (Frank’ Bay, Lake Nipissing; Gull Lake; Pelee Id.), Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut (Colebrook), New York (including Staten Island and Long Island), New Jersey, Pennsylvania (Bartons- ville ; Pittsburgh ; Braddock ; Green Lane, Montgomery Co. ; Mauch Chunk), West Virginia, Maryland (Plummers Id.), Ohio (Mahony Co.; Marietta), Indiana (Winona Lake), Illinois, Mich- igan (common), and northern North Dakota (Towner). It will probably also be found in Wisconsin and Minnesota. The north- ernmost locality is Towner, in about 48° 30' N. In the southern part of the range is intergrades with nestor and typical fuscatus. The extent of pale yellow markings varies greatly. Some speci- mens have only a narrow apical margin on the first tergite, nar- row margins on the pronotum, the tegulse and two lines on the propodeum of that color. There are all passages to the other ex- treme, with broad apical margins on all tergites (often continued along the sides), yellow margins of pronotum, scutellum and post- scutellum, two broad stripes on propodeum (in one case even four stripes), a spot on mesopleura, and markings on the head. A few specimens may even show small, free, yellow lateral spots on the second tergite, thus simulating var. variatus and var. 30 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii montaniis; they lack, however, the rufous blotches of the former and. the yellowish-gray wings of the latter. 16. P. fuscatus var. ruhiginosus Lepeletier. — Y espa nigripennis Degeer (1773) may have been this wasp, and if this is the case, Degeer’s name will take precedence over Lepeletier ’s. This is a common wasp of the southeastern United States. I have seen it from southern Ohio (Blue Creek; Adams Co.; Lawrence Co.), Pennsylvania (Coraopolis), Virginia (Fredericksburg), North Carolina (Raleigh; Southern Pines), South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, eastern Texas (Comal Co. ; Fort Bend Co. ; Brazos Co. ; Bastrop Co. ; Kaufman Co. ; College Station ; Williamson Co. ; San Antonio ; New Braunfels ; Austin), Arkansas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, and southern Illinois (Olive Branch). It is better defined than other color forms of the species and shows little intergradation. 17. P. fuscatus var. utahensis Hayward, 1933, Proc. Utah Ac. Sci., X, pp. 141 and 142, PL IX, figs. 1 and 3-9. — This color form is known from Utah, Idaho, Nevada, Colorado, and Wyo- ming (Lava). 18. P. fuscatus var. variatus Cresson. — This is a fairly common form of the species in the Middle West: North Dakota (Fargo; Sheldon), Minnesota (Sleepy Eye), Nebraska (Lincoln; Cam- bridge), Iowa (common), Kansas (Manhattan; Wathena; Hays), Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, southern Michigan (common), Ohio, Kentucky (Buckeye; Mammoth Cave), Tennessee, Arkansas (Spring Dale), Oklahoma (Stillwater; Woodward Co.; Grand) and eastern Texas. I have also seen a few specimens from south- ern New Jersey (Lakehurst) and New Mexico (Carlsbad). In the northern parts of its range it intergrades with var. nestor, in Iowa with typical fuscatus, and in Texas and Oklahoma with var. apachus. Hayward’s records of variatus from Canada (1933, Canad. Entom. LXV, p. 128) were, I believe, all due to a confusion with other forms of the species. Those from British Columbia referred to var. aurifer; the one male from Medicine Hat, Alberta, was my var. connect ens; and the one male from Nelles Corner, Ontario, probably an aberrant var. pallipes. It is nevertheless, possible that the var. variatus may yet be found in southern Ontario. Mar., 1940] Bequaert: Polistes 31 Postscript The following remarks may prevent needless criticism. (1) For want of space it was not possible to enumerate the many museums and private collectors to whom I am deeply indebted for material or other assistance. (2) For the same reason the distribution of most forms is given by States only, except for the new and rare forms, or when more definite localities may help to define the geographical limits. (3) Structural characters could not now be illustrated nor their variation discussed. (4) More in particular, the male terminalia are not mentioned, because the specific differences they show are slight and could not be described adequately without figures. 32 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii BOOK NOTICE Fleas of Eastern United States. By Irving Pox, Ames, Iowa. The Iowa State College Press, February, 1940. 9x6 inches. vii + 191 p., 31 pi. $3.00. This monograph on the fleas of eastern United States is a wel- come addition to entomological literature. Many working ento- mologists have little exact knowledge of the various species of fleas and are apt to assume that a specimen is a certain species because it was found on a particular host. There is no longer aii3'" necessity for inconclusive identifications because Mr. Fox’s work includes 55 species, in five families and 33 genera, found east of the one-hundredth meridian, exclusive of Texas. A brief introduction deals with the collection, preservation, morphology, terminology and life-histories of fleas in general while the balance of the book is devoted exclusively to keys to the suborders, fam- ilies, genera, and species, together with descriptions of the males and females of each species, references to the literature of each species, detailed records of distribution, and eastern host records. There is also a synonymic index, a host index and a selected bib- liography together with 31 plates embracing 166 figures, mostly of male genitalia and heads of males and females, which are of systematic importance. It may surprise many to And that vari- ous mammals are hosts to a half-dozen or more species of fleas. For example, the dog is host to six species, the cat to five, and Homo sapiens, that noble and self-important member of the order Primates, to nine. Fleas are important in view of their implica- tion in the transmission of diseases and because they parasitize various mammalian and avian hosts. Entomologists and public health technicians in the east will And in Mr. Fox’s book the facilities for identifying the various eastern species, without hunt- ing through all the literature and in addition they will no longer have to be concerned with the inadequate and piece-meal bits of descriptive matter that occur in the general text-books on ento- mology.— H. B. W. (Jour. N. Y. Ext. Soc ), Vol. XLVIII (Plate I) Mar., 1940] Sherman: Fall 33 HENRY CLINTON FALL Henry Clinton Fall was born on Christmas Day, 1862, at Farmington, New Hampshire, and spent his boyhood at this place. He graduated (B.S.) from Dartmouth in 1884, and received from the same institution in 1929 the honorary degree of Doctor of Sciences. He went to California in 1889, taught at Pomona High School 1892-1896, and was head of the Science Department (housed in its own separate building) of the Pasadena High School from 1896 through 1917. After his retirement he re- turned East and made his home with his dearly loved sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Adams Richmond, at Tyngsboro, Massachusetts, until his death, November 14, 1939. He never married. He was a corresponding member of the American Entomolog- ical Society, and a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and of the Entomological Society of America. He began to collect beetles at the age of fourteen and soon after his arrival in California, in 1889, was busily engaged in collecting and in exchanging specimens with other collectors. At the same time he was studying his beetles diligently and naming those sent to him for identification by many other collectors, the writer one of them. He continued this great service up to the very end. A few years ago there came to him, as a resulting gift of apprecia- tion, the immense collection of one of our best known collectors (still living), Charles Liebeck, of Philadelphia. Fall offered no papers for publication, however, until he was thoroughly qualified, and he was almost thirty-five years old when his first descriptions were published in the October, 1897, issue of the “Canadian Entomologist” in a paper entitled “A List of’ the Coleoptera of the Southern California Islands with notes and descriptions of new species.” His final paper, “The North American Species of Nemadus,” appeared in 1937 in the Journal OF THE New York Entomological Society. The Leng “Cata- logue of the Coleoptera of America, North of Mexico,” and its four Supplements, list the titles of one hundred and thirty papers 34 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii published by Fall during this period of forty years. Fifteen of these appeared in the pages of this Journal. Altogether Fall described 1,453 new species of North American Coleoptera and 37 new genera. This total, though exceeded only by Leconte, Horn, and Casey, is far less important than the manner in wFich these descriptions were prepared and presented after the most pains- taking study of the literature, of the Leconte and Horn types, and of all available material. As a result very few of his species have ever been challenged : what little synonymy is recorded, is of his own discovery. He did not confine his studies to any particular family but demonstrated his wide knowledge of the entire order of Coleop- tera in giving monographic treatment to a great number of diffi- cult groups, such as Acmasodera (1899), Agabus (1922), Agathidium (1934), Apion (1898), Bruchus (1910), Coelambus (1919), Collops (1912), Diplotaxis (1909), Gyrinus (1922), Hydroporus (1923), Hymenorus (1931), Lathridiidse (1899), Malthodes (1919), Pachybrachys (1915), Podabrus (1928), Ptinidae (1905), etc. Among his writings are three faunal lists of unusual value, “List of Coleoptera of Southern California” (1901), “Coleoptera of New Mexico” (with Cockerell, 1907), and a list of the species taken by him in Alaska in 1924, during his trip to that region with the Richmonds. All his papers relate exclusively to the fauna of North America ; all are taxonomic. Early in life he had the good fortune to make the acquaintance of Frederick Blanchard. Both of them were not only skillful and tireless collectors, but serious students as well, and they became the closest of friends. Soon after Blanchard’s death (November 12, 1912) the Richmonds bought the Blanchard place at Tyngs- boro, and Fall lived with them after he came back East in 1918. Their home continued to be, more and more, a shrine for students ^of Coleoptera to visit, as it had been during Blanchard’s lifetime. It was indeed a delightful home to visit, hospitable, harmonious, inspiring. Seldom does one family, under one roof, have so much of interest to offer its guests. In this home there were three work rooms of varied sorts : one for Mr. Richmond, former patent attorney for the American Telephone and Telegraph Company; another for Mrs. Richmond, an accomplished genealogist ; and the Mar., 1940] Sherman: Tall 35 third Dr. Fall ’s own ‘ ‘ den ’ ’ containing his library, his collection of both native and exotic beetles, and his other collections of butterflies, of postage stamps, and of post marks. The deepest attachment existed always between brother and sister, and he was blessed indeed to enjoy the loving devotion of this sister at all times and under all circumstances. The varied interests and hobbies of the three members of this household never precluded time and zest for other activities, and friendly discussions en- joyed by all in common. The Shermans were welcomed many times to this happy mecca on their way to and from Kandolph, New Hampshire. Our last stop-over was in May, 1939, on our return from a week-end in the White Mountains. The hurricane of September, 1938, wrought great havoc at Tyngsboro, destroy- ing nearly every tree on the Richmond acres, and the family were naturally still greatly depressed by this fact, but all w^ere full of thankfulness that they themselves and their house had escaped injury. Fall was still as interested as ever in his beetles and much pleased to receive, while we were there, a letter from Dr. Reinhard announcing the sending of some of his newly described species of Texas Phyllophaga. In 1916 or thereabouts, at my earnest request. Fall assumed the task of doing something about our much neglected Dytiscid^e. Chris. H. Roberts and I had been collecting them for a long time with great enthusiasm and success, but, at least in my own case, with very little actual study. Fall made various trips to Mount Vernon making extensive selections from my collection, and as- sembled countless other specimens from various sources. With all this material and his own collection before him, he studied at length our species of the family, in connection with the Leconte and other types, and many of Dr. Sharp’s specimens loaned by the 'British Museum. Revisions of the genera Coelambus, Agabus and Hydroporus and, later on, of Ilybius, resulted and about 100 new species of the family were thus made clearly knowm. At our various meetings during the course of these studies, besides the time spent by Fall in very deep application to his entomological problems, there were various pleasant relaxations and games, in which we could all participate, and in which Fall was always an enthusiastic and skillful contestant. 36 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. XLVIII As was expected by bis friends, and following Blanchard’s example, Fall bequeathed his collection with all his types — the largest private collection of beetles in the United States — to the Harvard Museum of Comparative Zoology at Cambridge, where he had spent so much time studying the Leconte types. A letter from Charles W. Leng pays this tribute of apprecia- tion to Dr. Fall ’s life work : — ‘‘Upon the foundation laid by Leconte and Horn, he continued for forty years with rare conservative judgment the work of making known our beetle fauna. In the uni- form excellence of his descriptions and tables he was the greatest of recent authors.” John D. Sherman, Jr. Mar., 1940] Weiss: Death-Feints 37 THE DEATH-FEINTS OF SITOPHILUS GRANARIUS LINN., AND SITOPHILUS ORYZiE LINN. By Harry B. Weiss The death-feigning instinct, which is well developed in many insects and which occurs frequently in many of the Coleoptera, is quite apparent in Sitophilus granarius Linn., and Sitophilus oryzce Linn., in their reactions to outer stimuli. The following notes constitute a summary of observations made recently on the “reflex immobilization” of numerous specimens of these species, both of which were supplied to me by the kindness of Dr. William Moore. Sitophilus granarius Linn. The granary weevil, while crawling about over grains of corn, will not feign death if the grains are disturbed so as to touch the weevils only slightly. However, if the disturbance takes place persistently and with a little force, the death-feint occurs. And it takes place instantly when the weevils are touched with the tip of a pencil, or a pair of forceps. These weevils, which have only vestiges of wings, appear to be quite sensitive to mechanical stimuli. The death-feint posture is unlike that of death. In general, the following attitude is assumed. The first pair of legs extends anteriorly close to the body and parallel to the head. The an- tennae are also parellel with and close to the beak. The femora of the second pair of legs extend diagonally anteriorly, with the femora, tibias and tarsi folded upon each other. The femora of the third pair of legs extend posteriorly diagonally, with the femora, tibiae and tarsi folded upon each other. The legs are all held close to the body. Sometimes the femora, tibise and tarsi of the flrst pair of legs are folded upon each other instead of being stretched out. Sometimes the antennae stick out at various an- gles. And sometimes the legs do not all assume the rigid and flxed positions outlined above, but stick out grotesquely, or assume somewhat different positions. Apparently the intensity of the outside stimulus is important in determining the degree of rigidity. 38 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii The death-feint response in 8. granarius may be brought about by various mechanical stimuli, such as turning the specimen over on its back, by picking it up with fingers or forceps, by dropping it from a height of two or three inches, by picking it up by one of its legs, by touching it almost anywhere on its body, although its dorsal surface is not so sensitive as its ventral one, by breath- ing upon it, by squeezing the antennse and snout together, by pressing upon the ventral surface of the thorax, by pressing the sides of thorax and sometimes by vibrating the medium upon which it is resting. As a rule, death-feints, when the specimens were on their backs, lasted longer than when they were on their ventral surfaces, but there were many exceptions to this gen- eralization. The termination of the death-feint may be gradual or sudden. Usually the antennae move first, then the first pair of legs and then the remaining pairs. In a gradual termination this sequence is easily observable. In a sudden termination, the recovery movements of these appendages appear to take place simul- taneously. During the course of the observations, the relative humidity varied from 36 to 40 per cent, the daylight or brightness from 4 to 150 candles per square foot, as measured by a Weston Pho- tronic Exposure Meter, and the temperature from 68° P., to 94° F. As the relative humidity was almost constant, no further reference will be made to it. The brightness of the field in which the death-feint reactions were noted may also be neglected. Ex- cept for an instance of brightness approaching 150 candles per square foot, with a temperature of 73° F., the observations were made in fields where the brightness ranged from 4 to 65 candles per square foot, and this range will be immediately recognized as rather low. In all cases the degrees of brightness as noted ap- peared to have no effect upon the duration of the death-feint or upon the behavior of the insects. Temperatures, however, in- fiuenced the duration of the death-feint, as will be shown. In the following Table I, there is shown the average duration in seconds of successive death-feints at various temperatures, of twenty-six weevils. The interval between the death-feints was approximately five seconds in duration. The longest number of successive death-feints was 104, after which the weevil refused Mar., 1940] Weiss: Death-Feints 39 to react. There was considerable variation in the duration of individual death-feints but the general tendency was for the death-feints to become shorter as they successively increased in numbers. It may be noted in Table I that as the temperature became higher the average duration of the death-feints declined. At temperatures of 88° F., and above, many weevils refused to feign death at all. The death-feints that did occur were short and recovery was rapid. Many refused to perform after two or three successive death-feints lasting a second or two. When the TABLE I AVERAGE DURATION OF SUCCESSIVE DEATH-FEINTS OF SITOPHILUS GRANARIUS AT VARIOUS TEMPERATURES Temperature in degrees F. Number of successive death feints Average (arithmetic) duration in seconds 68 48* 15 68 72* 27 68 49* 58 70 21 38 70 16 34 70 14 29 70 18 36 70 11 40 72 104* 11 72 52* 23 73 11 35 73 4 37 74 48* 18 80 19 7 80 16 15 80 16 19 80 18 25 88 12* 6 88 29* 11 88 5* " 3 88 2* 2 88 3* 1 94 2* 1 94 • 27* 4 94 6* 2 94 2* 2 * Indicates termination of death-feints. 40 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. XLVIII death-feint was induced at a low temperature, it was ended imme- diately when the weevil was placed under the influence of the higher temperatures. In view of the variation in the duration of successive death- feints the average time in seconds does not show how long or short some of the death-feints lasted. This omission is supplied in Table II. Depending upon the temperatures the death-feints lasted from one to as many as 207 seconds. RANGE IN duration OF SUCCESSIVE DEATH-FEINTS OF SITOPHILUS GRANARIUS TABLE II AT VARIOUS TEMPERATURES Temperatures in degrees F. Eange in seconds 68 68 68 Ito 60 2 '' 80 2 207 70 70 70 70 70 3 to 118 140 65 5 122 4^‘ 95 72 72 73 73 74 Ito 71 2 79 11 100 25 59 1‘‘ 56 80 80 80 80 Ito 14 4 ‘‘ 29 4 ‘ ‘ 45 7“ 89 88 88 88 Ito 10 2 '' 27 1 7 94 94 94 94 1 to 2 1 6 4 1“ 2 Mar., 1940] Weiss: Death-Feints 41 The frequency distribution of the variations in the length of the death-feint at different temperatures is shown in Table III. At a temperature of 68° F., most of the recorded death-feints lasted from 1 to 30 seconds. Many longer death-feints occurred at this temperature but they were comparatively infrequent. At 72° F., most of the death-feints endured from 1 to 20 seconds, and at temperatures of 88° F., and above, the durations were from 1 to 10 seconds. Although the figures in Table III present some inconsistencies and do not indicate a fixed rate of progres- sion from long to short death-feints as the temperatures increased, they do show that there is some correlation between the factors involved. It is my belief that the variations in the durations of the death- feints, within certain temperature groups (except 88° and 94°) are due principally to variations in the intensities of the outside stimuli. It is impossible, without special apparatus, for an ex- perimenter to apply mechanical stimuli, time after time, that do not vary in intensity. During the course of the work, it was TABLE III FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION OF VARIATIONS IN THE DEATH-FEINT DURATIONS OF SITOPHILUS GRANARIUS AT VARIOUS TEMPERATURES Length of death-feint in seconds Temperature in degrees F. 68 70 72 73 74 80 88 94 1-10 30 13 72 0 15 24 37 37 11-20 34 11 39 2 16 28 10 21-30 38 18 23 8 7 9 4 31-40 19 11 13 1 8 3 41-50 17 5 3 1 1 4 51-60 13 9 2 2 1 0 61-70 4 4 2 0 0 71-80 7 1 2 0 0 81-90 1 1 0 1 91-100 0 2 1 101-110 1 1 111-120 1 1 121-130 2 2 131-140 1 1 141-150 Over 150 1 42 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. XLVIII noted that long death-feints seldom resulted from slight stimula- tions. On the other hand, deliberate rough treatment such as pinching the front legs and beak together very firmly, frequently resulted in death-feints of comparatively long duration. In such cases the appearance of the weevil, with its legs drawn tightly to its body, indicated that the muscles controlling locomotion were in a tight state of contraction. As this state involved the an- tennge also, the ‘‘hypnosis’’ probably extended throughout the nervous system. When the stimulus was slight, the muscular con- traction was frequently not strong enough to draw the legs close to the body and they stuck out, sometimes at various angles. In most of these cases the death-feint was short and recovery was rapid, although in a few instances such “weak” death-feints lasted fairly long. In order to determine how long a death-feint would last under prolonged stimulation, fifteen weevils were induced to feign death, and were then continually stimulated by being moved around and by pressure applied to the ventral surface of the thorax by the tip of a pencil or a pair of forceps. The durations of these death-feints in seconds at a temperature of 70° F., were 170, 300, 120, 28, 99, 434, 630, 635, 290, 1,290, 847, 2,160, 916, 434, 420, 384. The shortest was 28 seconds and the longest 2,160 seconds, or 36 minutes. The average length of the death-feint for the 15 individuals was 591 seconds, or almost 10 minutes. Sitophihis oryzce Rice weevils in infested grain crawl over each other and allow parasites to crawl over them, seemingly without any desire to feign death. However, if touched by something foreign, death- feints occur, but they are of short duration. On the whole this species does not seem as sensitive to outside stimuli as the granary weevil. In the death-feigning attitude, the distal ends of the femora of the first pair of legs extend forward diagonally and are pressed against the base of the head. The femora of the second pair of legs extend forward diagonally and are held close to the body. The femora of the third pair of legs extend posteriorly diagonally, close to the body. In all cases the femora, tibiae and tarsi are Mar., 1940] Weiss : Death-Feints 43 folded upon each other, and held close to the body. The antennae are parallel and close to the beak. In some cases the femora of the second pair of legs extend diagonally, posteriorly instead of anteriorly. Sometimes the antennae participate only slightly in the muscular tension and do not assume a rigid attitude close to the beak. Frequently the tibiae and tarsi are not folded close to each other but extend at wide angles from each other, although held close to the body. In other cases the legs stick out hori- zontally from the body. The death-feints of the rice weevil are comparatively brief. While assuming the death-feint readily if placed on their backs and with pressure applied to the thorax, they recover quickly. If handled and stimulated a few times they refuse to do anything except make efforts to escape. They are not very sensitive to outside stimuli. However, the death- feint may be brought about by squeezing the sides of the thorax, by pressing against the ventral surface of the thorax, by squeez- ing the antennge and beak together or by dropping the weevil from a height of one or two inches. If one method fails, fre- quently another one will succeed. In some cases individuals are even susceptible to a slight touch against the edge of the body. All in all, it is a difficult insect to work with, especially if the temperature is 75° F., or above, and many individuals refuse to feign death at this and even lower temperatures, except when squeezed or pressed quite hard. During the observations with the rice weevil, the same relative humidity, light and temperature conditions prevailed as were recorded for S. granarius and the same conclusions apply to both species. Table IV shows the average duration in seconds, of successive death-feints at various temperatures of twenty-four rice w^eevils, the interval between death-feints having been approximately five seconds. The longest number of successive death-feints was 29, after which the stimulus no longer produced a reaction. Indi- vidual death-feints varied considerably but the tendency was for the duration to decline as the number of successive death-feints increased. This table also shows that as the temperature in- creased, the death-feints became shorter. At a temperature of 74° F., and above, many individuals refused to feign death at 44 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. XLVIII all. When they did, the attitude of the legs was not tense ; they were not held close to the body, and recovery was rapid. TABLE IV AVERAGE DURATION OF SUCCESSIVE DEATH-FEINTS OF SITOPHILUS ORYZ.3E AT VARIOUS TEMPERATURES Temperature in degrees F. Number of suc- cessive feints Average (arithmetic) duration in seconds 68 16* 6 68 22* 12 68 8* 4 68 9 4 72 8* 4 73 8* 3 73 9* 12 73 3* 2 73 5* 4 74 12 7 74 17* 13 74 6* 6 80 3 1 80 5 2 80 29* 6 80 3 1 88 24* 4 88 2* 1 88 2* 1 88 4* 2 88 3* 1 94 10* 3 94 9* 2 94 2* 1 * Indicates termination of death-feints. Tables V and VI deal with the range in duration of successive death-feints and with their frequency distribution with relation to various temperatures. Death-feints lasted from 1 to 40 sec- onds depending upon the temperature and the greatest number of them took place within the range of from 1 to 5 seconds. As with the granary weevil, it is believed that the variations in durations of the death-feints in Sitophilus oryzcB, within certain temperature groups are due principally to variations in the intensities of outside stimuli. Mae., 1940] Weiss: Death-Feints 45 TABLE V RANGE IN duration OF SUCCESSIVE DEATH-FEINTS OF SITOPHILUS ORYZJS AT VARIOUS TEMPERATURES Temperature in degrees F. Eange in seconds 68 1 to 12 68 2 ‘‘ 7 68 1“ 10 68 1 10 72 1 10 73 1 13 73 2 2 73 5“ 40 73 1 “ 6 74 1“ 36 74 1 “ 11 74 2 19 80 2 80 1 4 80 1“ 20 88 1 9 88 1 “ 3 88 1 “ 2 94 1“ 5 94 1 ‘‘ 3 94 1 ‘‘ 1 TABLE VI FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION OF VARIATIONS IN THE DEATH-FEINT DURATIONS OF SITOPHILUS ORYZ^ AT VARIOUS TEMPERATURES Length of Temperature in degrees F. death-feint in seconds 68 72 73 74 80 88 94 1-5 27 6 15 15 28 29 21 6-10 13 2 6 9 9 6 11-15 4 2 3 1 ■ 16-20 9 14 2 21-25 1 0 1 26-30 1 0 0 31-35 0 2 36-40 1 1 46 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. XLVIII Under continued stimulation at a temperature of 70° F., only a few could be induced to prolong their death-feints. Seven weevils, stimulated continuously, remained immobile for the fol- lowing numbers of seconds before recovering : 33, 19, 40, 11, 26, 3 and 75. The average time was 34 seconds. Although Sitophilus granarius and Sitophilus oryzce behave similarly in their reactions to contact stimuli under different temperatures, there is a great difference in the durations of their death-feints. In granarius it is brought about more readily and the locomotion reflexes are inhibited for a greater length of time. Both species exhibited the same nervous excitability after con- tinued contact stimuli had brought about a condition in which the death-feint was no longer produced. And in high tempera- tures the reflex avoiding reaction took precedence over the “instinct” to feign death. Mar., 1940] Comstock: Butterflies 47 BUTTERFLIES OF NEW JERSEY A LIST OF THE LEPIDOPTERA SUBORDER RHOPALOCERA OCCURRING IN THE STATE OP NEW JERSEY ; GIVING TIME OF PLIGHT, FOOD PLANTS, RECORDS OF CAPTURE WITH LOCALITY AND DATE By William Phillips Comstock INTRODUCTION The butterflies appeal to a great many collectors, though they probably represent only about one per cent of the listed insects of the state of New Jersey. Their numbers, as related to other insects occurring in the state, may be judged from the few pages devoted to them in the “Annual Report of the New Jersey State Museum for 1909” containing the Report of the Insects of New Jersey prepared by the late Professor John B. Smith. Here the butterflies were quite adequately covered but the list is out of print and at present copies are difficult to obtain. The present list adds few to those known to occur thirty years ago as butterflies are mostly obvious creatures and future addi- tions to the state list will probably occur more as strays than as permanent residents. The reason for this list is to record addi- tional facts about some of the species, as to their w^ay of life, and occurrence both for dates and new localities. There are recorded in this New Jersey list 132 species and 39 sub-specifically named. In the list for New York State there are 130 species and 27 sub-specifically named. For Connecticut there are listed 87 species and 11 sub-specifically named. In a list of the butterflies of the District of Columbia there are 90 species and 13 sub-specifically named. A recent list for the state of Virginia gives 133 species and subspecies.^ List of the Insects of New York, Mortimer Demorest Leonard, editor-in-chief. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, Memoir 101, 1926. ‘ ‘ Check List of the Insects of Connecticut, ’ ’ by W. E. Britton, Ph.D. State of Connecticut State Geological and Natural History Survey, Bulletin No. 31, 1920. ‘ ‘ The Butterflies of the District of Columbia and Vicinity, ’ ’ by Austin H. 48 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. XLVIII In Smith ’s ‘ ‘ List, ” as it is familiarly known, there are a num- ber of localities mentioned which no longer exist as good collect- ing areas. Notable among these are localities in northern New Jersey, the Orange Mountain area, Paterson and Garrett Rock and Snake Hill. The old, easily accessible, collecting spots about the lower end of Greenwood Lake, Hewitt and Lake Hopatcong are much impaired. The Jamestown area of pine barren terri- tory and marsh has also been injured. The same is true of the once wonderfully rich collecting area of Five-Mile Beach. These localities were formerly extensively collected in and many of the less common species recorded from them thirty or more years ago are now scarce or absent. Nevertheless in the absence of other records it has been necessary to make use of many records from these places in this list. The dates are reliable and useful as guides for search in other localities of similar nature, which have not suffered so much from despoilation. The arrangement of the species occurring in New Jersey fol- lows that of several much used text-books upon the butterflies and diverges but little from the arrangement used by Dr. Smith. The numbers given are those of McDunnough’s list.^ For the iden- tification of species there are so many excellently illustrated books, notably ‘‘The Butterfly Book” by W. J. Holland, revised edition 1931, that keys or descriptions seem unnecessary. For convenience and brevity a system of presentation is adopted in the statements concerning each species. The items to be covered after the family designation are ordered as follows: Genus — Species — Important synonym or marked change from Smith’s “List” — American popular name — General locality — Clark. Smithsonian Institution, United States National Museum, Bulletin No. 157. ‘ ^ Preliminary List of the Butterflies of Virginia, ’ ’ by Austin H. Clark and Leila P. Clark. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. Vol. 50, pp. 87-91, June 22, 1937. 2 ‘ ‘ Check List of the Lepidoptera of Canada and the United States of America,” by J. McDunnough, Ph.D. 1938. In the Hesperiidae the arrangement is that of ‘‘The Hesperioidea of North America,” by A. W. Lindsey, E. L. Bell and R. C. Williams, Jr. Denison University Bulletin, Journal of the Scientific Laboratories, Vol. XXVI, April 1931. Specific synonymy is corrected where essential. Mar., 1940] Comstock: Butterflies 49 Characteristic environment — Usual time of year when adults are most numerous — Number of annual broods — Winters as ; egg, larva, pupa, imago — Peculiarities of habit and remarks — Pood plants — Recorded dates ; earliest to latest — Selected records ; locality, date, collector — Subspecifically named forms. It is not always necessary or possible to give information on each item as outlined but each listing of a species follows this general form and if items are omitted the succession of items remains the same. In many cases species are very local, confined to very small areas where their particular food plant grows. The larvae of some apparently feed upon only one kind of plant. Thus a spe- cies may be spread over a considerable region but will be found only in scattered small areas. Eggs may be laid on the top of the leaf, underneath, singly and in groups and masses. Some Lycaenidse lay eggs in flower-heads. The larvae have varied feeding habits. Some are nocturnal feed- ers, some myrmecophilous, one carnivorous. Some larvae feed openly ; some hide by day in various ways, as in cover about base of the plant, in ants’ nests about the lower stem, or in a protec- tion of leaves spun together. Pupae are generally concealed in various ways and are difficult to find. Mostly they are of a shape and color that makes them inconspicuous. Imagoes feeding gen- erally on the nectar of fiowers and other juices are mostly fond of the bright sun and go to cover quickly at the slightest clouding over. The distribution of species in the state is often closely asso- ciated with physiography and vegetation. Dr. Smith accom- panied his report with an excellent map and text defining the faunal regions. A later and more detailed discussion by Dr. Fox^ elaborates this. The state is divided into two portions, — the Northern District and the Coastal Plain, — by the Fall Line which extends across 3 State of New Jersey Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Statistics and Inspection, Circular No. 138. ‘‘A Eevised Annotated List of the Dermaptera and Orthoptera of New Jersey,” by Henry Fox, 1928. 50 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii the state from Trenton to New Brunswick and thence to Jersey City. The term Fall Line refers to the line where the hard rocks of the northern part of the state meet and pass under the loose deposits of the southern half. The Northern District has subdivisions of physiographic char- acter which, extending north from the Fall Line, are the Pied- mont Legion, the Crystalline Highlands, the Appalachian Valley and the Kittatinny Range. The Coastal Plain is subdivided, extending south from the Fall Line, into the Middle District (inclusive of the Delaware Valley), the Pine Barrens, the Coastal District (including the Coastal Strip, Salt Marshes and Barrier Beaches) and the Cape May Peninsula. These divisions of the Coastal Plain are based on the nature of the soils and are vegetational. These terms are used for defining the general distribution of species. Information about the few butterflies which are of economic importance is given in the paragraphs on those species. A list of collectors ’ names is given with corresponding abbreviations which are used for reference in the text. In recording the plenitude of individuals of a species and date range the statements are for average conditions. There are years of scarcity and abundance; locally favorable conditions may at times produce large broods; again, normally common species may some years appear to be entirely absent. For the names of food plants Gray’s ‘‘New Manual of Botany” (seventh edition) is followed. I have searched thoroughly the pertinent entomological liter- ature for records of New Jersey captures. I have also used the data given in Smith’s “List” of 1909 as required. I am particu- larly indebted to Mr. Frank E. Watson for many records and facts and also criticism of the manuscript as a whole. Dr. Wil- liam T. M. Forbes has given good advice and added information. Others who have aided by contributing records and suggestions are Mr. Ernest L. Bell, Mr. Otto Buchholz, Mr. Austin H. Clark, Mr. Cyril F. dos Passos, Dr. Willis J. Gertsch, Mr. Sidney A. Hessel, Mr. Charles Rummel and Mr. H. E. Wilford. Other col- lectors’ records which are cited have been taken from published statements. Mar., 1940] Comstock: Butterflies 51 LIST OF COLLECTORS' (Aa.) Eugene M. Aaron. (An.) Elmer Anthony. (Ang.) John B. Angleman. (Bar.) Roy Barnett. (Bl.) E. L. Bell. (Br.) H. H. Brehme. (Bt.) Wm. Beutenmuller. (Bu.) Edward J. Burns. (By.) Ernest Baylis. (Bz.) Otto Buchholz. (C.) Wm. P. Comstock. (Ca.) J. & J. Cahalan. (Cy.) John P. R. Carney. (Dke.) V, A. E. Daeke. (Dn.) E. L. Dickerson. (Doll.) Jacob Doll. (Dow.) Robert P. Dow. (dP.) Cyril F. dos Passos. (Ds.) Wm. T. Davis. (Eng.) George P. Engelhardt. (Fr.) George Franck. (Frd.) W. G. Freedley, Jr. (Fox.) Wm. J. Fox. (Ge.) Willis J. Gertsch. (Gr.) John A. Grossbeck. (Hg.) Herman Hornig. (HI.) Gaylord C. Hall. (Hm.) Frank Haimbach. (Ho.) W.J. Holland. (Hs.) Sidney A. Hessel. (Hy.) F. Hoyer. (Jn.) Charles W. Johnson. (F.Jn.) Frank Johnson. (Kl.) Alexander B. Klots. (Kp.) Stanley T. Kemp. (Kr.) Wm. D. Kearfoot. (La.) Roy Latham. (Lt.) Philip Laurent. (Lz.) Frank E. Lutz. (Mt.) Harvey Mitchell. (N.) Alan S. Nicolay. (New.) Lloyd Newsom. (Pm.) Charles Palm. (Pk.) A. S. Pinkus. (Ort.) A. E. Ortmann. (My.) Otto Mayer. (Ru.) Charles Rummel. (Sb.) Simon Seib. (Se.) Otto Seifert. (Sh.) Ernest Shoemaker. ( Sk. ) Henry Skinner. (Sm.) John B. Smith. (St.) Witmer Stone. (Sto.) Robert W. Storer. (Su.) C. H. Sunderland. (W.) Henry W. Wenzel. (Wat.) Frank E. Watson. (Wt.) Wright. (Ws.) Henry Wormsbacher. (Wi.) Harry B. Weiss. (Wf.) H. E. Wilford. DANAID.E Danaus Kluk 89. plexippus Linnaeus. Monarch, milkweed butterfly. Through- out state. Open country, meadows. April-November. Three broods (Wi-Dn). Migrant to south in late fall, does not overwinter in state, females return in spring to start first local brood. Records of males returning in spring also. * Where (Sm) follows another reference it means that the reference occurs in Smith ’s ^ ‘ List. ’ ’ Occasionally these references are corrected to agree with the original references. 52 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii Eggs laid singly, usually on under surface of leaves. Re- ported as swarming in Florida Everglades in winter, both males and females. Larvas, Tampa, Fla., March 1-21 (Bl). Milkweeds ( Asclepias ) . Lakehurst, April 25, (Ds) — ^Newark, Oct. 7, (C). Recorded throughout state every month from spring to fall. Aberration fumosus Hulst, several captures. NYMPHALIDzE Dione Hiibner 158. vanillae Linnaeus. Gulf fritillary. Occasional visitor. Passion flower leaves (Passiflora) . Cape May; 7-Mile Beach; Camden Co. (Hm) (Sm). Euptoieta Doubleday 159. Claudia Cramer. Variegated fritillary. Coastal Plain. Moist open fields. June-October. Three broods. Eggs laid singly. Occasionally locally common. Passion flower leaves, violets, pansy (Eng), orpine (Sedum) rarely (Wat). Engelwood, July 6, (C) — South Amboy, Oct. 4, (C). Cape May, June-Oct., (Hm) ; Barnegat Pier, Aug. 7- Sept. 30, (Br) ; Runyon, Sept. 5, (C) ; Lakehurst, July 14, (C) ; Arlington meadows, July 15, Aug. 20, (Ru) ; Wood- ridge, Sept. 10, (Mt) ; Hillside, Sept. 15, 20, (Ru). Argynnis Fabricius 161. idalia Drury. Regal fritillary. Throughout state. Open country, moist meadows. Late June-September. One brood. Larva a night feeder, hiding by day. Winters as first stage larva. Eggs laid singly. The brood is long extended fresh examples appearing from late June to middle of August. Violets. Mashipacong, June 29, (C) — Fairton, Sept. 16, (Br). Jamesburg, June 30, July 1, Aug. 25, Sept. 3, (C, AVat) ; Newton, July 5, 23, (C, Wat) ; Englewood, July 13, (C) ; Ramsey, July 21, (Ge), 28, (C) ; Old Bridge, Aug. 4, (Wat) ; Waterloo, Aug. 16, (C). Aberration ashtaroth Fisher. School ey’s Mountain (Ang) (Sm). Mar., 1940] Comstock: Butterflies 53 166. cybele Fabricius. Silver spot. Throughout state. Abun- dant in southern area. Low open country. June-Septem- ber. One brood. Larva nocturnal feeder. Winters as first stage larva. Eggs laid singly. Violets. Greenwood Lake Glens, June 22, (Wat) — Bowne, Sept. 16, (C). Newton, July 5, 6, 10, 23, common (C, Wat) ; Jamesburg, July 1, 4, Sept. 3, (C, Wat) ; Ramsey, July 28, (C) ; Old Bridge, Aug. 4, (Wat) ; Atlantic Highlands, Aug. 8, (Wat) ; Waterloo, Aug. 5, 16, (C). 167. aphrodite Pabricius. Northern District. Open country and meadows. July-August. One brood. Larva noctur- nal feeder. Winters as first stage larva. Eggs laid singly. Violets. Greenwood Lake Glens, June 25, (Wat) — Bowne, Sept. 12, (C). Mashipacong, June 28, (C) ; Jamesburg, July 4, (C) ; Newton, July 6, 23, (C, Wat) ; Englewood, July 13, (C) ; Waterloo, Aug. 5, (C) ; Fort Lee, Aug. 25, (C). Brenthis Hiibner 200. myrina Cramer. Little silver spot. Throughout state. Moist fields and meadows. May-September. Two broods. Winters as partly grown larva. Nocturnal feeder. Eggs laid singly on stem or leaf. Violets. Jamesburg, May 24, (C) — Carlstadt, Sept. 23, (C). Jamesburg, May 30, June 3, 15, 20, Aug. 25, Sept. 3, (C, Wat) ; Newton, July 23, (C, Wat) ; Ramsey, July 12, (Ge), July 28, (C) ; Old Bridge, Aug. 28, (Wat) ; Dennisville, Sept. 5, (C, Wat) ; Point Pleasant, Sept. 17, (C, Wat). 212. bellona Fabricius. Meadow fritillary. Throughout state. Moist fields and meadows. June-September. Two broods. The species is long lived and broods drawn out. Winters as larvae in various stages of growth. Nocturnal feeder. Violets. Great Notch, May 2, 10, (Ru) ; Greenwood Lake Glens, May 30, (C) ; Cranford, July 10, (Ru) ; Ramsey, July 12, (Ge) ; Bowne, Sept. 12, (C) ; Andover, Sept. 16, (C). 54 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii Euphydryas Scudder 217. phaeton Drury. Baltimore. Throughout state. Swampy meadows. June-July. One brood. Sometimes locally numerous. Gregarious as small larvae, wintering in web, scattering in spring. Eggs laid in large clusters under- neath leaf on turtlehead (Chelone glahra). In spring when larvas scatter they feed more generally. On young ash shoots (Wat). Figworts {Scrophulariacem) . Greenwood Lake Glens, May 31, (C) — Ramsey, July 28, (C). Greenwood Lake Glens, June 16, 22, 25, (C, Wat) ; Ar- lington, June 5, (Ru) ; Ramsey, June 9, (Ge) ; Hemlock Falls, June 28, July 2, (C) ; Cape May Court House, July 16, (HI, Wat) ; Newton, July 23, larvge, (C, Wat). This species varies greatly from suffusion to absence of spots leading to a number of named aberrations: superba Strecker and phaethusa Hulst have been taken in the state. Melitaea Fabricius 256. harrisii Scudder. Harris’ checker spot. Locally, North- ern District. Moist meadows. June. One brood. Win- ters as young larva. Eggs laid in patches underneath leaf. Larvae gregarious. Doellingeria umhellata. Ramsey, June 9, (Ge) — Stanhope, June 12, (Ru) ; Mashipacong, July 5, (HI, Wat) ; Greenwood Lake Glens, June 22, 25, (C, Wat). Phyciodes Hiibner 263. nycteis Doubleday & Hewitson. Silver crescent. Locally, Northern District. Open grassy fields. June-July. One brood. Winters as partly grown larvae. Eggs laid in clusters up to 100 underneath leaf. Sunflowers, especially Helianthus divaricatus, occasionally aster (Wat). Millburn, June 15, (Ru) — Sloatsburg, N. Y., July 11, (C). Greenwood Lake Glens, June 16, 22, 25, 27 (C, Wat) ; Lake Lackawanna, June 20, 30 (Ru). Aberration milburni Rummel. Type locality Millburn, June 20, (Ru). Mar., 1940] Comstock: Butterflies 55 265. tharos Drury. Pearl crescent. Throughout state. May- October. Three broods. Winters as partly grown larvae, gregarious, irregular development due to lethargy makes great variation in time of emergence of adult. Various asters. Staten Island, N. Y., Mar. 29, (Ds) — Mountain View, Oct. 5, (C). Regularly on the wing from early May to middle October and our most common butterfly. Form marcia Edwards is the spring brood. Aberration packardii Saunders. Several records. Polygonia Hiibner 285. interrogationis Fabricius. Semicolon. Throughout state. Borders of woodland and scrub. March-November. Two broods. Winters as imago, hibernating in hollow trees or other cover. Abundant, fond of feeding on fallen fruit in orchards. Eggs laid singly or in chains on under surface of leaves; larvse partly gregarious. Elm, hop, hackberry. Hemlock Falls, June 23, (C) — Newark, Sept. 22, (C). Frequent from the middle of June through September. Form umbrosa Lintner is the summer brood. 286. comma Harris. Hop-merchant. Throughout state. Bor- ders of woodland and open woods. March-November. Two broods. Winters as imago. Sometimes locally abundant. Eggs laid on under surface of leaf or stem. Larva forms a nest. Nettle, hop, elm. Old Bridge, April 26, (C) — Fort Lee, Oct. 21, (C). Greenwood Lake Glens, June 22, (Wat) ; Newton, July 23, (C, Wat) ; Caldwell, Aug. 20, (C). Form dryas Ed- wards is the summer brood. 288. faunus Edwards. Green comma. Kittatinny Range. Open woodland. March-November. One brood. Winters as imago. Very scarce in state, more common northward. Eggs laid singly on top of leaf. Birch, willow, currant, gooseberry. Mashipacong Pond, July 6, (E. R. Watson in Coll. Wat) ; 56 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii Lake Lackawanna, Sept. 6, (Rn) ; School ey Mountain (Aa) (Sm). 294. progne Cramer. Gray comma. Northern District. Open woodland. March-November. Two broods. Winters as imago. Not common. Eggs laid singly in notches at edge of leaf. Currant, gooseberry. Hemlock Falls, April 20, (Wat) — Hamburg, Oct. 2, (C). Camden, April 24, (Cy) (Sm) ; Irvington, June 11, 14, (Bz) ; Greenwood Lake Glens, July 18, (C) ; Stanhope, July 23, (Ru) ; Lake Lackawanna, July 12, Aug. 13, (Ru), Aug. 19, (Bz) ; Andover, Aug. 30, (C). Form 1-argenteum Scudder is the summer brood. Greenwood Lake Glens, July 1, 2, (Wat). Nymphalis Kluk 295. j-album Boisduval & LeConte. Large tortise-shell. Throughout state locally. Open woods and wood roads. March-November. One brood. Winters as imago. Oc- casionally locally common. Gregarious larv83. Gray birch {Betula populifolia) (Wat). Hemlock Falls, April 6, (C) — Barnegat Pier, Sept. 30, (Br). Alpine, June 10, larvae abundant, (Wat) ; Newton, July 6, 10, (C) ; Ramsey, July 7, (Ge) ; Green Village, July 7, (Ru) ; Barnegat City, Aug. 16, (Br) (Sm) ; Great Notch, Sept. 5, (Ru) ; Newark, Sept. 12, (C) ; Lakehurst, Sept. 17, (Ds) (Sm). 297. milberti Godart. Small tortoise-shell. Northern District. Open fields and meadows. June-October. Three broods. Winters as pupa and imago. Eggs in masses, sometimes laid beneath leaf, larvse gregarious. Usually scarce but some seasons locally very numerous. Nettles {Vrtica gracillis and dioica). Hillside, July 10, (Ru) — Camden, Nov. 6, (Cy) (Sm). Paterson, July 20, Aug. 13, (Gr) (Sm) ; Swartswood Lake, July 25, (Ds) (Sm) ; Hemlock Palls, Aug. 17, (Wat) ; Ham- burg, Oct. 2, (C) ; Harrison, Oct. 24, (C). Mar., 1940] Comstock: Butterflies 57 298. antiopa Linnaeus. Mourning cloak. Throughout state. Open woods, wood roads and edges of wet meadows. March- November. Two broods. Winters as imago. Eggs laid usually in a single layer encircling a twig ; gregarious larvse, often making a large colony, defoliate food plant. Control by arsenical sprays. Elm, willow, poplar, hackberry. Hemlock Falls,* Mar. 23, (C)— Newark, Oct. 23, (C). On wing almost everywhere throughout season. Aberration hygiaea Heydenreich. Synonym lintnerii Pitch. Occurs in various gradations but is very scarce. Vanessa Fabricius 299. atalanta Linnaeus. Ked admiral. Throughout state. On flowers of field and roadside. April-November. Two broods. Winters as imago. Often abundant in fall. Some- what migratory. Eggs laid singly on upper surface of leaf. Larva lives in a nest. Nettle, false nettle {Boehmeria cylindrica) . Old Bridge, April 26, (C) — Mountain View, Oct. 5, (C). On the wing throughout season, but perhaps most com- mon in September. 300. virginiensis Drury. Synonym huntera Fabricius. Painted beauty. Throughout state. On flowers of field and garden. April-November. Two broods. Winters as pupa and imago. Egg laid singly on top of leaf. Larva forms a nest. Everlastings (Antennaria) . Jamesburg, May 17-Oct. 10, (C). Throughout season, but more common, July through September. 301. cardui Linnaeus. Painted lady. Throughout state. On flowers of field and roadside and in waste places. April- November. Two broods. Winters as imago. In some years it appears in considerable numbers and again seems entirely absent. A migratory species with a speed of flight 20 to 25 miles an hour. Egg laid singly on top of leaf. Larva makes a nest. Thistle, burdock, hollyhock. Newton, July 23, (C, Wat) — ^New Brunswick, Sept. 23, (Wat). There are earlier and later records for New Eng- land states (Scudder). 58 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. XLVIII Junonia Hiibner 303. coenia Hiibner. Buck-eye. Abundant south of Fall Line, more sparingly in Northern District. On flowers of field and roadside. May-November. Two broods. Winters as imago probably as it does further south. Often common in Coastal District in late summer. Eggs laid singly on tips and underneath leaves. Gerardia, snapdragon. Lakehurst, June 29, (C) — Hillside, Oct. 17, (Ru). Arlington, Aug. 5, Sept. 5, (Ru) ; Milltown, Aug. 23, (C) ; Dennisville, Sept. 5, (C, Wat) ; Point Pleasant, Sept. 17, (C, Wat) ; South Amboy, Oct. 4, (C). Basilarchia Scudder 322. astyanax Fabricius. Synonym Ursula Godart. Blue vice- roy. Throughout state. Borders of woodland and road- side. May-September. Two broods. Winters as small larva in hibernaculum formed from tip of leaf. Imagoes often numerous on fallen fruit in orchards. Wild cherry, apple, thorn, plum, poplar and willow. Jamesburg, May 30, (C) — Carlstadt, Sept. 18, (C). More numerous in July and August but on the wing through five months. Form albofasciata Newcomb flies with astyanax but is scarce. Intergrades occur. Mr. Hall records 8 specimens from Highpoint, 4 in one day. Mashipacong, June 28, (C) ; Ogdensburg, July 10, (Bl) ; Elizabeth, July 17, (Bz) ; East Brunswick, July 29, (Dow) ; Waterloo, Aug. 5, (C) ; Great Notch, Aug. 16, (Ru) ; Still- water, Aug. 5, (F. Treuting) ; Stanhope, Aug. 15, (Mrs. F. G. Ruggles). 325. archippus Cramer. Viceroy. Throughout state. Borders of woods, roadsides and meadows. June-October. Two broods. AVinters as small larva in hibernaculum. Eggs laid singly. Willow and poplar. Jamesburg, June 15, (C) — Mountain View, Oct. 5, (C). Jamesburg, June 20, July 4, Aug. 25, (C) ; Newton, July 6, 23, larvae, (C, Wat) ; Ramsey, July 28, (C) ; Old Bridge, Aug. 4, (Wat) ; Dennisville, Sept. 6, (C, AVat) ; Carlstadt, Sept. 18, (C). Aberration lanthanis Cook & Watson flies with archippus Mar., 1940] Comstock: Butterflies 59 but is scarce. Intergrades occur. Athenia, Aug. 13, (Wat) ; Elizabeth, Aug. 14, (Bz) ; Arlington, Aug. 20, (Ru). Asterocampa Rober 327. celtis Boisduval & LeConte. Locally, Northern District. Open woods. June-September. Two broods. Winters as larva and perhaps imago (Edwards). Imago rests on leaves and tree-trunks in woods. Eggs laid singly or in small clusters on under side of leaf. Hackberry {Celtis). Newton, July 10, ’36, (C), larvas, July, (dP, Wat) ; Lake Lackawanna, June 12, 28, July 5, (Ru) ; Great Notch, June 13, ’37, (Bz) ; Burlington (By) ; New Brunswick (Bar) ; South Orange, July, larvffi (Pk) ; Swartswood Lake, Sept. 4, ’37, (N) ; Lawrence Harbor, Aug. 20, fairly common (W. C. Frey). 329. clyton Boisduval & LeConte. Emperor. Locally, North- ern District. Open woods. June-July. One brood. Winters as small larva. Eggs laid in masses, sometimes 500, on underside of leaf. Larvne gregarious for three stages, then after hibernating, scattering. Imago with habits like pre- ceding species but more frequently seen. Hackberry {Celtis). Hemlock Palls, June 28-July 14, (C, Wat) ; Arlington, July 5, 15, 20, (Ru) ; Newton, July 6, 10, (C, Wat), larvae, July, (dP, Wat). Form proserpina Scudder flies with the typical form. SATYRIDiE Enodia Hiibner 96. portlandia portlandia Fabricius. Locally, throughout state. Wood paths and open spots in woods. Julj^-August. One brood. Winters as larva. Grasses. Newton, July 11, (C) ; Palisades, July 20, (Eng), portlandia anthedon Clark. This seems to be the sub- species most frequently taken in the state. Mountain Side, June 26, (Bz) ; Hemlock Falls, July 5, (Wat) ; Lake Hopatcong, July 5, Bear Swamp near Ram- sey, July 10, Green Village, July 8, (Bz) ; Millburn, July 8, 10, (Ru) ; Ogdensburg, Aug. 10, (Bl). 60 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii Note. The following records show distribution in the state without definite record of the form. Ramsey, July 23, (Ge) ; Livingston, July 26, 28, (Hs) ; Newfoundland, July 27, (Ds) (Sm) ; Paterson, July 16, Aug. 17, (Gr) (Sm) ; 5-Mile Beach, (Hm) (Sm). Neonympha Hubner 100. areolatus septentrionalis Davis. As phocion Pabricius (Sm). Pine Barrens and Coastal District. Swamps with coarse grass. June-July. One brood. Winters as larva (Wat). Grasses. Jones Mills, June 21, (St) (Sm) ; Lakehurst, June 28, (Wat), July 7, 11, 19, (Hs), type locality, July, (Ds) ; Richland, July 17, (HI, Wat) ; Brown’s Mills Jc., July 12, (Dke) (Sm) ; Da Costa, July 17, (Lt) (Sm) ; Toms River, July 27, (Dke) (Sm) ; Atlantic City, July, (Aa) ; Deal, July 9, (Ca). Megisto Hubner 103. eurytus Pabricius. Throughout state. Open woodland. May-July. One brood. Winters as larva. Eggs laid singly. Grasses. Bowne, May 28, (C) — Ramsey, July 28, (C). Common generally through June and July. Satyrodes Scudder 106. eurydice Johann. Synonym canthus Linnaeus. Through- out state. Locally common in grassy bogs. June-August. One brood. Winters as nearly grown larva and possibly pupa. Eggs laid singly. Coarse swamp grasses and sedges (Scirpus and Car ex). Jamesburg, June 30, (C) — Runyon, Sept. 4, (C). Newton, July 7, 11, (C) ; Ramsey, July 28, (C) ; Livings- ton, July 26, 28, (Hs) ; 5-Mile Beach, June (Hm). Minois Hubner 117. alope Pabricius. Blue-eyed satyr. Throughout state. Open woods and brush. July-September. One brood. Mar., 1940] Comstock: Butterflies 61 Winters as larva on emerging from egg. Eggs laid singly. Grasses. Newton, July 6, (C) — Carlstadt, Sept. 18, (C). Green Village, July 15, (Ru) ; Waterloo, Aug. 16, (C) ; Woodridge, Sept. 10, (Mt). Form maritima Edwards is more frequent below the Fall Line. Jamesburg, July 5, (C) ; South Lakewood, July 13, (Wat) ; 5-Mile Beach, July-Sept., common (Hm). Form nephele Kirby occurs in the northwestern part of state. Newton, July 5, 7, (C) ; Mashipacong, July (HI). LIBYTHEID.E Libythea Fabricius 336. bachmannii Kirtland. Snout butterfly. Locally, through- out state. June-September. Three broods. Winters as imago. Hackberry (Celtis). Avalon, July 4, (Kp) ; Camden, July 9, (Cy) ; Fort Lee, July 11, (Ws) ; Greenwood Lake Glens, July 18, (C) ; Snake Hill, July 20, (Wat) ; Lakehurst, July 21, (Ds) (Sm) ; Atlantic Highlands, July 26, (C, Wat) ; Arlington, Aug. 13, (Ru) ; Morgan, larvse (Wat). RIODINID^ Calephelis Grote & Robinson 346. borealis Grote & Robinson. Northern metal-mark. On limestone outcrops, Appalachian Valley and Kittatinny Range. Thickets and fairly thick woods. July. One brood. Winters as larva. The butterfly rests with wings open on a sun-lit leaf or a flower in small open spots in shady woods. Round leaf squaw weed {Senecio ohovatus). Newton, July 5-18, (Gr, Wt, dP, Wat, C) ; Delaware Water Gap, (Aa) (Sm). LYC^NID^ Strymon Hiibner 372. m-album Boisduval & LeConte. Occasional visitor, south- ern species. Oak. Orange Mountains, April 28, (Br) (Sm) ; Atlantic City, 62 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii June 11, (Aa) (Sm) ; Jamesburg, June 21, (Wat) ; Lake Hopatcong, July 5, (Fr) (Sm). 373. melinus Hiibner. Throughout state. Open woods and fields on flowers. May-0 ctober. Three broods. Winters as pupa. Eggs laid singly in flower heads. Flower and fruit feeder. Bush clover (Lespedeza hirta), other legumes. Pompton, April 24, (C, dP) — South Amboy, Oct. 4, (C). Jamesburg, May 8, (C) ; Camden, June 17, Sept. 17, (Cy) (Sm) ; Kamsey, July 16, (Ge) ; Manasquan, July 24, (C) ; Paterson, Aug. 3-17, (Gr) (Sm) ; Fort Lee, Aug. 23, (C) ; Dennisville, Sept. 7, (C, Wat). 380. titus Fabricius. Locally, throughout state. July-August. One brood. Winters as egg. Egg laid singly on twig (Scudder). Larva on wild cherry, by day about roots of small plants, my rmecophilous, night feeder (Wat). Pupae on wild cherry rootstalk below surface of ground, June 20, (C). Imago on flowers in bright sun. Sometimes common. Jamesburg, June 24, (C) — Old Bridge, Aug. 4, common (Wat). Kamsey, July 3, (Ge) ; Jamesburg, July 4, (Wat) ; Englewood, July 6, (C) ; Westwood, July 8-29, (Mt) (Sm) ; Dover, July 16, (Jn) (Sm) ; Paterson, July 17, (Gr) (Sm). 381. acadica souhegan Whitney. Crystalline Highlands, Ap- palachian Valley. June-July. One brood. Winters pos- sibly as egg. Larva by day on leaves and stems of small plants of willow {Salix discolor), myrmecophilous (AVat). Imago on flowers, locally common some seasons. Ledgewood, June 29, (dP) — Kamsey, July 17, (Ge). Great Meadows, June 30, (dP) ; Hewitt, July 1, (C, Wat) ; Dover, July 5, (dP) ; Newton, July 6, (C) ; South Ogdensburg, July 7, (dP) ; Newfoundland May-June, larv« (Wat). 385. edwardsii Grote & Kobinson. Northern District. June- July. One brood. Winters as egg. Larvge in ants’ nests at roots of scrub, scarlet oak, late May (Wat). Imago on flowers. Greenwood Lake Glens, June 21, 28, (C) ; Newfoundland, July 3, (Ds) (Sm) ; Newark, July 4, (Br) (Sm) ; Newton, July 6, (C) ; Hewitt, May, larvae (Wat). Mar., 1940] Comstock: Butterflies 63 387. falacer Godart. calanus Auct. Throughout state. June- August. One brood. Winters as egg. Larvae feed on leaves of oak, hickory and butternut. Paterson, June 24, (Gr) (Sm) — Camden, Aug. 1, (Cy) (Sm). 5-Mile Beach, July 3, (Hm) (Sm) ; Lakehurst, July 13, (Hs) ; Newton, July 23, (C, Wat) ; Ramsey, July 28, (C). 389. liparops strigosa Harris. Locally, throughout state. July. One brood. Winters as egg. Egg laid singly on terminal twig. Swamp blueberry (Vaccinium corymhosum) (Wat), shadbush. Jamesburg, July 4, (Ds) (Sm) — Old Bridge, Aug. 4, (Wat). Lakehurst, July 7, 13, (Hs) ; Ramsey, July 16, (Ge) ; Greenwood Lake Glens, July 18, (C) ; 5-Mile Beach, July 17-26, (Hm) (Sm) ; Hewitt, June, larvae (Wat). Mitoura Scudder 401. damon Cramer. Green hair-streak. Locally, throughout state. May and July. Two broods, second partial. Win- ters as pupa. Egg laid singly at tip of blossoming twig. Occasionally common. Red cedar {Juniperus virginiana) . Pompton, April 24, (C, dP) — Westwood, May 20, (Mt) (Sm). Almonessen, April 29, (Hg) ; Lakehurst, May 10, (Hs). Form aestiva smilacis Boisduval & LeConte. Synonym patersonia Brehme, Paterson, type locality, July 25, (Br). Greenwood Lake Glens, July 18, (C, Wat) ; Paterson, July 27, (Gr) (Sm). Incisalia Scudder 403. augustus Kirby. Throughout state. Open scrubby places. April-May. One brood. Winters as pupa. Larva flower feeder. Frequently abundant, Pine Barrens. Sheep laurel {Kalniia angustifolia) , blueberry (Vaccinium). Paterson, April 8, (Gr) (Sm) — Hemlock Falls, May 30, (Bz) (Sm). Jamesburg, April 18, 24, May 8, 17, (C) ; Lakehurst, April 29, abundant (Hs) ; Westville, April 25, (Sk) (Sm) ; Lake- 64 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. XLVIII wood, April 21, May 25, (C) ; Greenwood Lake Glens, May 3, 10, (C, Wat). 405. irus Godart. Locally, thronghout state. April-May. One brood. Winters as pupa. Egg laid singly at base of flower stem. Not uncommon. Pine Barrens. Wild indigo {Bap- tism tinctoria) (Wat), lupine {Lupinus perennis). Spotswood, April 26, (C) — Greenwood Lake Glens, May 30, (C). Kanaus Mt., May 4, (dP) ; Jamesburg, May 8, 17, 30, (C) ; Lakehurst, April 29, (Hs, Wat) ; Anglesea, May 1, (Lt) (Sm) ; Clementon, May 16, (Jn) (Sm). 407. henrici Grote & Robinson. Locally, Northern District. Open places with low vegetation. May. One brood. Rare. Huckleberry {Gaylussacia resinosa). Greenwood Lake, tops of ridges, April 25, May 10, (C, Wat). Note. The several records given in Smith’s ‘‘List” for this species are omitted as doubtful through misidentifica- tion. 409. polios Cook & Watson. Pine Barrens. April-May. One brood. Winters as pupa. Eggs laid among and about terminal flower buds. Occasionally numerous. Bearberry {Arctostaphylos uva-ursi). Lucaston, April 10, (Dke) (Sm) — ^Lakewood, May 25, (C). Type locality, Lakewood, April 21, 27, (Wat) ; Milltown, April 22, (Gr) (Sm) ; Jamesburg, April 18, 24, (C, Wat) ; Outcault, April 21, (C) ; Lakehurst, April 29, abundant (Hs). Aberration davisi Watson & Comstock. Type locality Lakehurst, April 29, (Wat). 413. niphon Hiibner. Pine Barrens. Open woods. April-May. One brood. Winters as pupa. Eggs laid singly on pine sprouts. Not common. Pitch-pine. Lakewood, April 21, (C) — Camden, June 18, (Sk) (Sm). Lakehurst, April 29, May 10, (Hs, Wat), May 2 (Bz) ; Westville, April 29, (Sk) (Sm) ; 5-Mile Beach, May 7, Mar., 1940] Comstock; Butterflies 65 (Hm) (Sm) ; Clement on, May 9, (Lt) (Sm) ; Jamesburg, May 15, 17, 30, (C). Feniseca Grote 419. tarquinius Fabricius. The wanderer. Locally, throughout state. May-October. Three broods. Winters as pupa. Found as occasional individuals resting on a sun-lit leaf in open woods. Eggs laid singly on alder twigs near lice. Larva carnivorous, feeding on woolly alder louse (Prociphi- lus tessellata Fitch), sometimes numerous. Andover, May 14, bred (C) ; Caldwell, May 26, (C) ; Hillside, May 30, July 15, (Ru) ; Newton, July 18, (C) ; Hewitt, July 19, (Hs) ; Waterloo, Aug. 16, (C) ; Ramsey, Aug., (Ge). Lycaena Fabricius 424. thoe Guerin. Large copper. Locally, Northern District. Damp meadows. June- July and August-September. Two broods. Winters as egg. Eggs laid singly on underside of leaves and petioles and among seeds. Local and not numer- ous. Yellow dock {Rumex crispus). Arlington, June 6, (Ru) — Carlstadt, Sept. 23, (C). Troy Meadows, June 7, (C) ; Paterson, June 12, Aug. 3, (Gr) (Sm) ; Snake Hill, July 23, (C, Wat) ; Rutherford, July 29, (Se) ; Woodridge, Sept. 10, (Mt) ; Waverly, Sept. 19, (Wat). 434. epixanthe Boisduval & LeConte. Small copper. Pine Bar- rens in cranberry bogs. June-July. One brood. Winters as egg. Eggs laid singly mostly underneath leaf. Fre- quently numerous in cranberry bogs. Cranberry. Brown’s Mills Jc., June 17, (Dke) (Sm) — Toms River, July 15, (HI, Wat). Lakewood, June 25, (C) ; Jamesburg, June 21, July 5, (C) ; Lakehurst, July 2, 14, (C) ; Mashipacong, July, (HI, Wat). 435. phlaeas hypophlaeas Boisduval. Common copper. Through- out state. May-October. Three broods. Winters as pupa. Egg laid singly on stem or leaf. Usually common. Sorrel 66 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii {Rumex acetosa). Almonessen, April 29, (Hg) — South Amboy, Oct. 4, (C). Jamesbiirg, May 8, 17, 24, 30, June 30, July 4, Sept. 3, (C, Wat) ; Newton, July 6, 10, (C) ; Atlantic Highlands, Aug. 8, (Wat) ; Bowne, Aug. 21, Sept. 12 (C) ; Carlstadt, Sept. 18, (C). This species is subject to considerable variation. Seven named aberrations have been captured in the state : — fasci- ata Strecker, obliterata Scudder, fulliolus Hulst, octo- maculata Dean, banksi Watson & Comstock, fulvus Rum- mel, neui Rummel. In some restricted areas the tendency to aberration seems considerable, frequent individuals show- ing divergence from normal maculation or color but in most localities the normal form is predominant and the aberra- tions are very scarce. Everes Hiibner 447. comyntas Godart. Tailed blue. Throughout state. Open country. May-September. Three broods. Winters as full grown larva. Eggs laid singly in flower heads. Usually common. Flowers of bush clover {Lespecleza) , tick trefoil (Desmodium) , other legumes. Almonessen, April 29, (Hg) — South Amboy, Oct. 4, (C). Continuously on the wing throughout season with over- lapping of broods. Lyceanopsis Felder & Felder 475. argiolus pseudargiolus Boisduval & LeConte. Common blue. Throughout state. Open moist woods. April-Sep- tember. Three broods. Winters as larva and pupa. Spring brood often very common in open woods, summer broods more scattered and less frequent. Eggs laid singly in flower buds. Larva myrmecophilous (C, Wat). Flower heads of many plants: — Cornus florida, Vihurnum aceri- folium, Cimicifuga racemosa and Prunus serotina. Form vernalis lucia Kirby. Form vernalis marginata Edwards. These two spring -forms occur with pseudargi- olus (synonym violacea Edwards). There are intergrades of every degree. Sometimes the heavily marked forms pre- dominate. Mar., 1940] Comstock: Butterflies 67 Hemlock Falls, March 29, April 20, May 4, (C, Wat) ; Greenwood Lake Glens, April 25, May 3, (C) ; Lakewood, April 21, May 18, (Wat) ; Hope, May 5, (C). Form vernalis neglecta-major Tutt. This form follows the early spring forms and is intermediate in occurrence between them and the first summer brood. Hemlock Falls, May 24, (Wat) ; Jamesbnrg, May 30, (C). Form estiva neglecta Edwards. Jamesbnrg, June 15, 20, July 4, Sept. 3, (C, Wat) ; New- ton, July 5, 10, 18, (C) ; Newark, Aug: 11, 17, (C) ; Point Pleasant, Sept. 13, (C, Wat). PAPILIONID^ The Papilionidae in New Jersey are represented by several species of the genus Pa/pilio which may be divided into three groups: Aristolochia swallowtails of which P. philenor is the representative ; Fluted swallowtails including P. ajax asterius, P. chresphontes, P. glaucus, P. troilus and P. palamedes ; Kite swallowtails represented by P. marcellus. Three genera may be used to classify the three groups, respectively : Troicles Hiibner, Papilio Linnaeus and Iphiclides Hiibner. See ‘‘A Revision of the American Papilios”, by Hon. Walter Rothschild, Ph.D. and Karl Jordan, Ph.D. (Novitates Zoologicae, Vol. 13, 1906). Papilio Linnaeus. 1. philenor Linnaeus. Green swallowtail. Throughout state. Open fields on flowers, open woods. May-October. Three broods. Winters as pupa. Sometimes common locally. Eggs laid in bunches on upper side of leaf or stem. Larvae gregarious. Dutchman’s pipe (Aristolochia) , wild ginger (Asarum canadense) . Greenwood Lake Glens, May 18, (Wat) — Andover, Sept. 16, (C). Hewitt, May 30, (C) ; Hemlock Falls, June 10, (C) ; Newton, July 23, (C, Wat) ; Ramsey, July 28, (C) ; Fort Lee, Aug. 23, (C) ; 5-Mile Beach, July, (Hm) ; Saddle River, July, (Ge). 4. ajax asterius Cramer. P. ajax polyxenes Fabricius is the Cuban subspecies. Parsley swallowtail. Throughout 68 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. XLVlil state. Open country. April-October. Two broods. Winters as pupa. Eggs laid singly. Sometimes so abun- dant as to be injurious on parsley, carrots and celery. Hand picking is the safest control. Umhelliferce generally. Pompton, April 24, (C, dP) — South Amboy, Oct. 4, (C). On wing throughout season. Note. Rothschild & Jordan record a transitional speci- men (female) to calverleyi Grote from Passaic, N. J. (Novi- tates Zoologicae, Vol. 13, p. 547, 1906). 12. cresphontes Cramer. As thoas Linnaeus (Smith’s ‘‘List”). Orange-dog, Giant swallowtail. Throughout state. Open country. June-July and August-September. Two broods. Winters as pupa. Occasional occurrence, but where prickly ash is common several may be seen in a day. Eggs laid singly, usually on upper side of leaves. Prickly ash {Zanthoxylum americanum), hop-tree (Ptelea trifoliata). Greenwood Lake Glens, May 18, 30, (Wat) ; Awosting, May 21, (Hs) ; Newton, July 23, seven specimens (C, Wat) ; Paterson, Aug. 12, (Gr)(Sm). Records of 1937 — Green Village, Aug. 12, 16, (Ru) ; Lake Lackawanna, Aug. 10, (Ru) ; Newton, Aug. 10, Sept. 6, (Ru) ; Newark, Aug. 28, (C). 15. glaucus Linnaeus. Tiger swallowtail. Throughout state. Open country. May-September. Two broods. Winters as pupa. Eggs laid singly on upper surface of leaf. Larva spins a web on top of leaf where it rests while not feeding. Wild cherry, tulip-tree, apple, ash and poplar. Jockey Hollow Park, April 20, (dP) — Bowne, Sept. 16, ( C ) . On the wing for five months. Form female turnus Linnaeus. This yellow female is more common than the black one in the state. Intergrades occur. 20. troilus Linnaeus. Sassafras swallowtail. Throughout state. Open country. May-September. Two broods. Winters as pupa. Eggs laid singly on under surface of leaves. Larva on upper side of leaf which it rolls together and fastens for concealment. Sassafras, spice bush. Hemlock Falls, May 4, (Wat) — Carlstadt, Sept. 18, (C). On the wing for five months. Mar., 1940] Comstock: Butterflies 69 22. marcellus Cramer. As ajax (Smith’s “List”). Zebra swallowtail. Occasionally throughout state. May-August. Two broods. Winters as pupa. Eggs laid singly on upper side of leaf. Papaw (Asimina triloha). Hemlock Palls, June 30, (Br) (Sm) ; Newfoundland, July, (Ds) (Sm) ; Jersey City, July 3, 4, five specimens (Ws) ; Lakehurst, July 7, (Hs) ; Woodridge, Sept. 10, (Mt) ; Anglesea (W). PIERID^ Pieris Schranck 82. protodice Boisduval & LeConte. Checkered white. Gener- ally south of and sparingly north of the Fall Line. In waste places. May-September. Two broods. Winters as pupa. Large broods frequently occur followed by years of scarcity. Eggs laid singly. Cruciferse, especially wild peppergrass (Lepidium virginicum) (Wat). Riverton, April 16, (Jn) (Sm) — Hillside, Oct. 30, (Ru). Lakewood, April 26, (Wat) ; 5-Mile Beach, May, (Hm) (Sm) ; Newark Meadows, June 1, Sept. 10, (Ru) ; James- burg, July 4, (C) ; Ramsey, July 20, (Ge) ; Paterson, July 30, (Gr) (Sm) ; West Orange, Aug. 25, (C) ; Harrison, Sept. 25, (An) ; Mountain View, Oct. 5, (C). Spring form vernalis Edwards is of sparse occurrence. 84. virginiensis Edwards. Records of oleracea (Smith’s “List”) probably refer to this species. Occasionally throughout state. May-June. One brood. Winters as pupa. Toothwort {Dentaria dipliylla). Garrett Rock, April 30, male (Wat) ; May 6, female (Kr) ; Paterson, May 6, female (Gr) (Sm) ; Blairstown, . June 2, male (Kl) ; Camden, (Cy) (Sm). 86. rapas Linnaeus. Cabbage butterfly. Throughout state. Open country. March-November. Three broods. Winters as pupa. Eggs laid singly. Introduced from Europe, this species is often injurious to cabbage, cauliflower, and kale and occurs on Cruciferse generally. Newark, April 5, (C) — Stockton, Nov. 19, (C). On the wing commonly throughout the season. In the spring specimens without spots are occasionally taken and called immaculata by various authors. 70 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii Anthocharis Boisduval 30. midea Hiibner (genutia Fabricius). Orange-tip. Locally, throughout state. Open woods. April-May. One brood. Winters as pupa. Sometimes very common in Northern District. Eggs laid singly, anywhere on plant. Rock cress {Arahis lyrata and perfoliata) (Wat), 8isym~brinm thali- ana, Westville (Hg). Manumnskin, April 24, (Dke) — Awosting, May 27, (Hs). Greenwood Lake Glens and Awosting, April 25, May 10, (C, Wat), May 22, 27, (Lis) ; Almonessen, April 29, (Hg) ; Little Falls, May 14, (Ds) (Sm) ; Old Bridge, April 26, (C) ; Pompton, May 1, (C, dP, Rn) ; Oakland, May 2, (Ge) ; 7-Mile Beach, May, (Hm). Phoebis Hiibner 57. sennae eubule Linnaens. Cloudless sulphur. Coastal area and occasionally inland. Open country. Augnst-October. Eggs laid singly on young leaves. A strong flier with migrant habits. Senna (Cassia). Princeton, Stony Brook Valley, larvae on Cassia marylandica (Ort). West Creek, Chatsworth, Hammonton, Pleasant Mills, Camden, Whitings, Aug.-Sept., (St) ; Barnegat Pier, Aug. 7-Sept. 30, common (Br) ; 5-Mile Beach Sept, ‘‘swarms” (Hm) ; Cai3e May, Sept. 18, ’32, migration observed, 50 counted in one hour (Pk) ; Beach Haven, Sept. 3, (Frd) ; Sept. 27 (Br) ; Cape May Co. and northward, Spring Lake, Aug., Sept., (Ho) ; Manasquan, Spring Lake, Sept. 2, Point Pleasant, Sept. 17, (AVat) ; Newark, Sept. 12, 13, (Ang) ; Franklin Park, Sept. 14, (Ru) ; Great Piece Meadows, Sept. 2, (C) ; La Vallette, late Aug., common (Joe Scheuerle). Colias Fabricius 41. eurytheme Boisduval. Alfalfa butterfly. Throughout state. Open country. May-0 ctober. Two or three broods. Winters as larva. Eggs laid singly on top of leaf. Of this species. Dr. Smith remarked, thirty years ago : — “hardly a regular inhabitant of the state.” Since, in the last fifteen years, this species has become almost as numer- ous as philoclice. Alfalfa, clovers. Mar., 1940] Comstock: Butterflies 71 Lakeliurst, May 10, (Hs), July 3, (Ru) ; Green Village, June 24, Aug. 12, Oct. 30, (Ru) ; Bowne, Aug. 31, Sept. 3, 16, Oct. 13, (C) ; Harrison, Sept. 25, Oct. 3, 13, (An) ; Belle- ville, Oct. 10, (C) ; Hillsdale, Oct. 20, (C). Form sestiva amphidusa Boisduval is the common form. The spring form eurytheme is rare. Form female alba Strecker occurs. 42. philodice Godart. Clouded sulphur. Throughout state. Open country. May-October. Three broods. Winters as larva. Egg laid singly on upper side of leaf. Clover and other legumes. Lakehurst, April 29, (Hs) — Fort Lee, Oct. 21, (C). On the wing throughout the season. Form vernalis anthyale Hiibner is of frequent occurrence in early spring. Form female alba Strecker occurs through- out the season. Eurema Hiibner 67. nicippe Cramer. Locally, Coastal Plain. September-Oc- tober. Eggs laid singly, usually on underside of leaf. Senna {Cassia). Barnegat Pier, Aug. 7-Sept. 30, not common (Br) ; 5- Mile Beach, Sept.-Nov., (Hm) ; New Brunswick, Aug. 23, Sept. 22, (C, Wat) ; Point Pleasant, Sept. 13, (Wat) ; Eliza- beth, Sept. 14, (Gr) (Sm) ; Hillside, Sept. 5, 16, (Ru) ; Waverley, Sept. 25, (C). 72. lisa Boisduval & LeConte. Little sulphur. Throughout state. Common in Coastal District, less numerous above Fall Line. On flowers and moist earth. June and August- September. Two broods. Eggs laid singly on upper side of midrib of Cassia marylandica and nictitens. Jamesburg, May 30, (C) — Oct. 12, (C). Occurrence is sparse until August and September when it is often common. HESPERIID^ Epargyreus Hiibner 484. tityrus Fabricius. Silver-spotted skipper. Throughout state. May-September. Two broods. Winters as pupa. 72 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii Eggs laid singly. Larva makes a nest by spinning leaves together and makes a slight cocoon to pupate. Locust and other legumes. Jamesburg, May 17, (C) — Dennisville, Sept. 5, (C, Wat). On wing throughout season. Achalarus Scudder 496. lyciades Geyer. Throughout state. Fields, meadows and wood roads. May-July. One brood. Sometimes locally abundant. Rests with open wings while feeding on flowers. Tick trefoil {Desmodium panicidatwm) preferred (Wat) and bush clover (Lespedeza) . Arlington, May 18, (Ru) — Greenwood Lake Glens, July 18, (Wat). Green Village, Jnne 6, (C) ; Lake Hopatcong, June 15, (Wat) ; Plainfield, June 21, (Ru) ; 5-Mile Beach, June, July, (Hm). Thorybes Scudder 503. bathyllus Abbot & Smith. Throughout state. May-Sep- tember. One brood. Winters as full grown larva. Bush clover {Lespedeza capitata) preferred (Wat), other legumes. Jamesburg, May 24, (C) — Dennisville, Sept. 7, (C, Wat). Cranford, June 10, (Ru) ; Newton July 6, (C) ; 5-Mile Beach, May-Aug., (Hm). 505. pylades Scudder. Throughout state. Fields and open woods. June-July. One brood. Winters as a full grown larva. Eggs laid singly on under side of leaves. Larva makes a nest by cutting and folding leaves. Clover and other legumes. Hemlock Falls, May 25, (Wat) — Lake Hopatcong, Aug. 10, (C). Great Notch, May 25, June 6, (Ru) ; Palisade Park, June 7, (Hs) ; Green Village, June 13, 16, (C) ; Greenwood Lake Glens, June 25, (Wat) ; 5-Mile Beach, May-Aug., (Hm). Pyrgus Hiibner 515. centaureae Rambur. Crystalline Highlands. April-May. Mae., 1940] Comstock: Butterflies 73 One brood. Life history unknown. Formerly numerous at Paterson and Great Notch. Normanock, April 25, (C, dP, Wat) ; Paterson, April 25, May 14, (Gr) (Sm), May 11, (Wat) ; Westwood, April 30, May 19, (Mt) (Sm) ; Great Notch, May 2, 6, (Ru) ; May 15, (C) ; Montclair, May 5, (Bent) ; Hewitt, May 18, (Wat) ; Awosting-, May, (Hs) ; Iona, April 30, (Sk) (Sm) ; Pomp- ton, May 1-6, (C, dP, Ru). 521. communis Grote. Synonym tessellata Scudder. Piedmont Region and southward. Dry fields and road sides. Aug- ust-September. One brood. Winters as larva. Sometimes locally abundant. Sida spinosa (Wat), Malva rotundifolia, Abutilon abutilon, Hibiscus trionum. Bowne, Sept. 12, 21. Eggs and larvae (C). Lakehurst, May 10, (Hs) — Bowne, Oct. 12, (C). Stockton, Aug. 8, (C) ; Bowne, Aug. 21, 31, Sept. 12, 16, (C) ; Fort Lee, Aug. 2, (C) ; Nutley, Aug.-Sept., (New) ; Dennisville, Sept. 5, (C, Wat) ; Lakehurst, Sept. 10, 11, (Ru) ; 5-Mile Beach, Aug.-Oct., (Hm) ; Cape May, Aug. 27, (Pk). Pholisora Scudder 531. Catullus Fabricius. Throughout state. Roads and waste places. May-September. Two broods. Winters as full grown larva, pupating in spring. Eggs laid singly. Larva forms a nest of leaves. Pigweed (CJienopodium album), Amaranthus (Wat). Jamesburg, May 24, (C) — Woodridge, Sept. 10, (Mt). Throughout season, generally common. Erynnis Schranck 541. icelus Scudder & Burgess. Northern District. Open woods. May-June. One brood. Winters as full grown larva, pupating in spring. Eggs laid singly on upper sur- face of leaves. Larva makes a nest of leaves and lives within for winter quarters. Willow, poplar (Wat). Orange Mountains, May 1, (Bz) (Sm) — Greenwood Lake Glens, June 26, (C, Wat). 74 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii Jamesburg:, May 8, 17, 24, 30, (C) ; Hillsdale, May 10, (C) ; Lake Hopatcong, June 15, (Wat) ; Newton, July 23, larva (C, Wat) ; Ogdensburg, May 30, (Bl), 542. brizo Boisduval & LeConte. Throughout state. Open woods. April-June. One brood. Winters as full grown larva pupating in spring. Oak. Jamesburg, April 18, (C) — Lake Hopatcong, June 15, (Wat). South Orange Mountain, April 19, (Wf) ; Jamesburg, April 18, 24, May 8, 17, 24, 30, (C) ; Hope, May 5, (C) ; Hillsdale, May 10, (C) ; Lakehurst, May 22, (Wat) ; Pomp- ton, May 1, (C, dP, Ru). 547. lucilius Scudder & Burgess. Northern District. May- August. Two broods. Larva makes a nest of leaves and when full grown so winters, pupating in spring. Egg laid singly on under surface of leaf. Wild columbine {Aqui- legia canadensis).- Paterson, April 19, (Or) (Sm) — Andover, Sept. 16 (C). Great Notch, May 3, (Bl) ; Greenwood Lake Glens, May 9, June 25, (Wat) ; Ogdensburg, May 22, June 3, July 11, Aug. 25, (Bl) ; Newton, July 5, 18, 23, larvge (C, Wat). 546. persius Scudder. Possibly throughout state. Open fields and roads. April-May. Believed to be single brooded (Dr. Wm. T. M. Forbes). Winters as full grown larva. Wil- lows and poplars (Scudder). Old Bridge, April 26, Jamesburg, May 17, 24, Runyon, May 19, 26, Lakewood, May 22-24, (C) ; Greenwood Lake Glens, May 5, (Bl). . baptisiae Forbes. Possibly throughout state. May- August. Two broods. Winters as full grown larva. Wild indigo {Baptisia tinctoria) (Wat). Greenwood Lake Glens, May 31, Fort Lee, Aug. 2, Water- loo, Aug. 5, Lake Hopatcong, Aug. 12, Hemlock Falls, Aug. 17, (C).. Note. For E. lucilius, persius, and haptisue see ^‘The Persius Group of Thanaos” by William T. M. Forbes. Psyche, Vol. XLIII, No. 4, pp. lOJ-113 (1936). The Mar., 1940] Comstock; Butterflies 75 records given for the above three species were carefully verified. 550. martialis Scudder. Northern District. Fields and wood roads. May-June and July-August. Two broods. New Jersey tea {Ceanothus americanus) . Great Notch, April 27, (Bl) — Woodbury, Sept. 5, (Sk) (Sm). Laurel Springs, April 29, (Hy) (Sm) ; Ogdensburg, May 22, 31, June 3, July 13, Aug. 11, 21, (Bl) ; Hemlock Falls, May 25, 31, June 8, (C, Wat) ; Greenwood Lake Glens, May 30, June 22, 25, (C, Wat) ; Jamesburg, June 15, (C) ; New- ton, July 23, (C, Wat) ; Waterloo, Aug. 5, (C). 551. Juvenalis Fabricius. Throughout state. Wood roads, oak scrub. May-July. Two broods. Winters as full grown larva. Eggs laid singly. Oaks, less commonly legumes (Wat). Jamesburg, April 18, (C) — Newton, July 23, (C, Wat). Jamesburg, April 24, May 8, 17, 24, 30, June 15, (C), July 17, (Pk) ; Lakewood, April 21, (C) ; Greenwood Lake Glens, May 3, 9, 30, (C) ; Bear Lake, Bamapo Mountains, May 3, (C). 554. horatius Scudder & Burgess. As petronius Lintner (Smith’s “List”). Throughout state. Open fields. May- August. Two broods. Oaks, less commonly legumes. Orange Mountains, April 25, (Ru) — Belleville, Aug. 18, (C). Old Bridge, April 26, (C), Aug. 4, (Wat) ; Pompton, May 1, (C) ; South Lakewood, July 12, (Wat) ; Jamesburg, July 17, (Pk) ; Ramsey, July 28, (C) ; Waterloo, Aug. 5, (C). Ancyloxypha Felder 567. numitor Fabricius. Throughout state. Rich grassy fields. May-September. Three broods. AVinters as larva. Eggs laid singly. Larva forms nest of a grass blade. Grasses. Jamesburg, May 30, (C) — Carlstadt, Sept. 18, (C). Jamesburg, June 15, 20, 30, (C) ; Newton, July 6, 23, (C, AVat) ; Ramsey, July 28, (C) ; Old Bridge, Aug. 4, (AA^at) ; 76 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii Bowne, Aug*. 19, (C) ; Dennisville, Sept. 6, (C, Wat) ; 5-Mile Beach, May-Sept., (Hm). Hesperia Pabricius 581. metea Scudder. Throughout state. May-June. One brood. Grasses. Hemlock Falls, May 6, (C) — ^Lake Hopatcong, June 15, (Wat). Jamesburg, May 8, 17, (C) ; Lakehurst, May 10, (Hs), May 20-27, (Ds) (Sm) ; Clementon, May 10, (Kp), May 15, (Lt) ; Millburn, May 4, 20, 28, (Ru). 591. leonardus Harris. Throughout state. Dry locations, on flowers. August-September. One brood. Winters as a small larva. Eggs laid singly. Grasses, Agrostis. Port Lee, Aug. 23, (C) — Point Pleasant, Sept. 17, (C, Wat). Jamesburg, Aug. 25, (C, Wat) ; Lakehurst, Aug. 30, Sept. 2, (Ru) ; Atco, Sept. 5, (Lt) ; Dennisville, Sept. 5, (C, Wat) ; Hillsdale, Sept. 9, (C). 595. attains Edwards. Pine Barrens. Swamps. July- August. One brood. Lakehurst, June 24, 30, Aug. 14, 29, (Ru), July 22-Aug. 5, (Wf), July 10, 17, (Bz) (Sm) ; South Lakewood, July 12, (C, Wat) ; Da Costa, July 19, (W) (Sm) ; Clementon, Aug. 3, (Fox) (Sm). 598. sassacus Harris. Northern District. Meadows and fields. May-June. One brood. Winters probably as pupa (Scud- der). Eggs laid singly on any low plant in grass. Grasses, Panicum. Newfoundland, May 29, (Ds) (Sm) ; Greenwood Lake Glens, May 31, June 16, 22, 26, (C, Wat) ; Cranford, June 9, (Ru) ; Palisade Park, June 7, (Hs) ; Alpine, June 16, (C). Hylephila Billberg 601. phylaeus Drury. Throughout state. Meadows and grassy places. July-September. One brood. Englewood, July 21, (Wat) ; Arlington, Aug. 18, (C) ; 5-Mile Beach, Aug. 20, (Hm) (Sm) ; Lakehurst, Aug. 26, Mar., 1940] Comstock: Butterflies 77 (Rii) ; Lake Hoptacong, Aug. 29, (Ds) (Sm) ; Dennisville, Sept. 7, (C, Wat) ; Bowne, Sept. 12, (C). Atalopedes Scudder 602. campestris Boisduval. Probably from Fall Line south- ward. August-September. One brood. Bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon). 5-Mile Beach, July 26, Sept. 20, (Hm) (Sm) ; Cranford, Aug. 1, (Bz) ; New Brunswick, Sept. 23, (Wat) ; Cape May, Sept. (Sk) (Sm) ; Camden, Aug., Sept., (Cy). Polites Scudder 609. verna Edwards. Throughout state. Damp, open fields. June-August. One brood. Elizabeth, June 20, (Bz) (Sm) — Janiesburg, Aug. 25, (C). Runyon, July 2, Aug. 4, (C) ; Greenwood Lake Glens, June 22, 25, (Wat), July 18, (C) ; Lakehurst, July 11, (Hs) ; 5-Mile Beach, June 23, Aug. 12, (Hm) (Sm). 610. manataaqua Harris. Throughout state. Fields and moist meadows. June-July. One brood. Elizabeth, June 20, (Bz) (Sm) — Cape May, Sept. 18, (Pk). Greenwood Lake Glens, June 22, 25, (Wat), July 18, (C, Hs) ; Jamesburg, June 30, (C), July 2, (Pk), July 4, Aug. 25, (Wat) ; Lakehurst, July 7, (Hs) ; Ogdensburg, July 9, (Bl) ; Ramsey, July 10, (Wat) ; West Cape May, July 16, (Wat) ; Dennisville, Sept. 5, (C, Wat). 611. themistocles Latreille. Synonym cernes Boisduval & Le- Conte. Throughout state. Open country. June-Septem- ber. Two broods. Winters as pupa. Eggs laid singly. Larva makes a nest and a slight cocoon for pupa. Grasses {Panicum ) . Hemlock Palls, June 8, (C) — Bowne, Sept. 12, (C). On the wing in June and again in August and in September usually plentiful. 614. peckius Kirby. Throughout state. Open country. May- June and August-September. Two broods. Winters as full grown larva and pupa. Eggs laid singly. Grasses. 78 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. XLVIII Jamesburg, May 30, (C) — Point Pleasant, Sept. 17, (C, Wat). On the wing in May and June and again through August and September, usually common. There are a few July records. 618. mystic Scudder. Northern District. In moist locations. June-July. One brood. Winters as larva. Eggs laid singly. Larva makes tubular nest of grass blades. Grasses. Cranford, June 7, 9, 20, (Ru) ; Green Village, June 9, (Ru) ; Lake Llopatcong, June 15, (Wat) ; Greenwood Lake Glens, June 16, 22, 25, (C, Wat) ; Newton, July 5, (C) ; Ramsey, July 21, (Ge). Catia Godman 621. otho egeremet Scudder. Throughout state. Open fields. June-August. One brood. Winters as larva. Grasses (Paniciim). 5-Mile Beach, June 3, Aug. 27, (Hm) (Sm) ; Jamesburg, June 21, July 4, Aug. 25, 29, (C, Wat) ; Newton, July 6, 11, 23, (C, Wat) ; Greenwood Lake Glens, June 23, July 18, (C) ; Ramsey, July 28, (C). Note, otho otho Abbot & Smith occurs in the south. Poanes Scudder 622. viator Edwards. Locally, throughout state. Marshy land. July-August. One brood. Occasionally numerous in salt meadows. Grasses. Arlington, Julj^ 19, Kearny, July 19, (Ru) ; Snake Hill, July 11, Aug. 2, (C, Wat) ; Anglesea, July 25, (Hm) ; Atlantic City (Aa). 623. massasoit Scudder. Locally, throughout state. Fresh water swamps. July- August. One brood. At times com- mon. Grasses. Westville, July 3-10, (Sk) (Lt) (Sm) — Westwood, Aug. 7, (Mt) (Sm). Jamesburg, July 5, (C) ; Englewood, July 13, 21, (C) ; Helmetta, July 27, (Hs) ; Ramsey, July 28, (C) ; Green Village, July 2-22, (Ru). Form suffusa Laurent. Type locality, Westville, July 4, Mar., 1940] Comstock: Butterflies 79 (Lt). Of fairly frequent occurrence there and at Malaga, July 17, (HI, Wat). 624. hobomok Harris. Northern District. Edges of woods, fields and meadows. May-July. One brood. Winters as egg, larva and pupa (Lt). Grasses. Paterson, May 11, (Gr) (Sm) — Westwood, July 5, (Mt) (Sm). Hemlock Falls, May 24, (C) ; Greenwood Lake Glens, May 31, June 16, 22, 25, (C, Wat) ; Jamesburg, May 31, June 1, 20, (C) ; Palisade Park, June 7, (Hs). Form female pocahontas Scudder flies with typical form. 625. zabulon Boisduval & LeConte. Locally, throughout state. Open woods and fields. May-September. Two broods. Grasses. Belleville, May 23, (C)— Hillsdale, Sept. 9, (C). Jamesburg, May 30, June 15, (C), Aug. 25, Sept. 3, (Wat) ; Cape May, May 30, (Sk) (Sm) ; Manasquan, July 24, (C) ; New Brunswick, Aug. 19, (Hs) ; 5-Mile Beach, June 19, Aug. 21, (Hm) (Sm) ; Newark, Aug. 28, (C) ; Hillside, Sept. 5, (Ru). 628. aaroni Skinner. Coastal District. Salt marshes. June- September. Two broods. Grasses. Cape May, type locality (Sk), June 14, (Sk), Sept. (St, Pk) ; Anglesea, June 12, (Lt) ; 5-Mile Beach, June 15, Aug. 22-27, common in salt meadows (Hm) ; Dennisville, Sept. 7, (C, Wat) ; Tuckerton (Ds). Atrytone Scudder. 634. arogos Boisduval & LeConte. Pine Barrens. Swamps. July- August. One brood. Brown’s Mills Jc., July 21, (Dke) (Sm) ; Brookville, July, (Ds) (Sm) ; Lakehurst, June 29, (Ru), Aug. 30, (Ds) (Sm). • . 635. logan Edwards. Dr. Smith lists vitellius Fabricius, a West Indian species. His records refer to this species. Through- out state. Damp fields. One brood. July. Grasses. Lakehurst, June 29, (Ru), July 7, (Hs) ; Jamesburg, July 4, (C, AVat), July 30, (Ds) (Sm) ; Ramsey, July 10, (Ge) ; Westville, July 10, (Lt) (Sm) ; Lakewood, July 12, 80 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii (C) ; Stockholm, July 8, (Bl) ; Ogdensburg, July 11, 13, (Bl) ; Hewitt, July 19, (Hs). 638. dion Edwards. Pine Barrens, Appalachian Valley. July- September. Grasses. Great Meadows, June 30, July 4, (dP) ; Anglesea, July 7, (Hm) ; Stockholm, July 8, (Bl) ; Lakehurst, July 22, Aug. 5, (Bz, Wf), July 19, (Hs), July 29, (Ds) (Sm) ; James- burg, Aug. 24, 31, Sept. 3, (Wat) ; Brown’s Mills Jc., Sept. 15, (Dke) (Sm). 640. conspicua Edwards. Synonym pontiac Edwards. Through- out state. Damp meadows. June-August. One brood. Grasses. Green Village, June 20, July 14, (Ru) ; Jamesburg, July 4, (Lt) (Sm) ; Westville, July 4, (Sk) (Sm) ; Westwood, July 4, 28, (Mt) (Sm) ; Newton, July 6, (C) ; Englewood, July 7, 13, (C) ; Lakewood, July 13, (C, Wat) ; Malaga, July 17, (HI, Wat) ; Ramsey, July 24, (Ge) ; Old Bridge, Aug. 4, (Wat). 641. bimacula Grote & Robinson. Pine Barrens, Appalachian Valley. Swampy spots. June-July. One brood. Grasses. Greenwood Lake Glens, June 16, 22, (C, Wat) ; Lake- hurst, June 22, (Ru), June 24, (Wf), June 27, (Ds), July 7, 11, (Hs) ; Oak Ridge, June 26, July 3, (Sh) (Sm) ; Mashipacong, July 3-5, (HI, Wat) ; Ogdensburg, July 7, (Bl) ; Stockholm, July 8, (Bl). 642. vestris Boisduval. Synonym metacomet Harris. Through- out state. July. One brood. Grasses. Runyon, July 2, (C) ; Jamesburg, July 4, (C) ; Newton, July 10, 18, 23, (C, Wat) ; Green Village, July 15, (C) ; Newark, July 25, (C) ; Greenwood Lake Glens, July 18, (C) ; Ramsey, July 26, (Ge) ; 5-Mile Beach, July 27, (Hm). Atrytonopsis Godman 644. hianna Scudder. Pine Barrens. May-June. One brood. Grasses. South Lakewood, May 20, (Wat) ; Brown’s Mills Jc., May 27, (Dke) (Sm) ; Iona (Dke) (Sm). Mar., 1940] Comstock: Butterflies 81 Amblyscirtes Scudder 660. vialis Edwards. Throughout state. Moist roadsides. May- June. One brood in New England but in south two broods (Scudder). A single brood probably in New Jersey. Grasses. Clementon, May 15, (Hg) ; Lakehurst, May 20, June 4, (Ds) (Sm) ; Lakewood, May 22-25, (C, Wat) ; Jamesburg, May 24, (C) ; Newfoundland, May 29, (Ds) (Sm) ; Ogdens- burg. May 30, (Bl). 661. hegon Scudder. Synonym samoset Scudder. May-June. Ogdensburg, May 31, (Bl) ; Green Village, June 8, (Ru). Lerodea Scudder 671. fusca Grote & Robinson. Coastal Plain and a little above the Pall Line. Moist meadows. June- July and August- September. Two broods. Grasses. 5-Mile Beach, June 9, (Hm) ; Green Village, June 13, 16, (C), Aug. 19, (Ru) ; Jamesburg, June 15, 20, (C), June 22, (Ds) (Sm), July 4, (Sk) (Sm), Aug. 25, 29, Sept. 3, (Wat) ; Camden, June 18, (Sk) (Sm) ; Cape May Court House, July 17, (HI, Wat) ; Ramsey, Aug., (Ge) ; Mana- squan, Aug. 24, (C) ; Tuckerton, Sept. 2, (Ds) (Sm). Prenes Scudder 680. panoquin Scudder. Coastal District. Salt marshes. June- September. Two broods. Atlantic City, June 25- July 1, (Aa) ; 5-Mile Beach, June-Sept., common in salt meadows (Hm) ; Palermo, July 17, (HI, Wat) ; Dennisville, Sept. 7, (C, Wat). 683. ocola Edwards Bowne, Aug. 21, Sept. 12, ’37, (C) ; Lakehurst, Aug. 24, ’22, (Ru) ; Camden, Sept., common 1899 (Cy) (Sm) ; Salem (Aa) (Sm) ; Atlantic City (Aa). Supplemental List Included here are species of which sixteen have been captured in the state of New Jersey and three on Staten Island or Long Island. Of these fifteen species are of regular occurrence south of New Jersey. The records of these are given and under favor- 82 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. XLVlii able circumstances more records of their occurrence may be ex- pected but none of these species can now be regarded as a regular inhabitant of the state. Phyciodes Hiibner 266. batesii Reakirt. One brood. Wavy-leaf aster (Aster undulatus). The only record is from Gloucester in the original description in 1865. The species is of regular oc- currence in western Pennsylvania and central New York State. Basilarchia Scudder 321. arthemis Drury. White admiral. And form proserpina Edwards. In the last edition of Smith’s ‘‘List” these were recorded. This is a northern species, frequent in the Cats- kill region of New York state and northward. It is believed to be out of range, even in the northwestern part of New Jersey. The reported captures are believed to be referable to B. astyanax albofasciata Newcomb. The recorded food plants of arthemis are black and yellow birch, basswood and willow. Two broods. Winters as larva. Megisto Hiibner 101. mitchellii French. Dover, Charles W. Johnson, July 10, 1890 (Sm). Identified by Dr. Henry Skinner. Woodport. 102. sosybius Fabricius. Southern New Jersey. Grasses. Mount Holly (Aa) (Sm). The species is abundant in the southern states. Atlides Hiibner 356. halesus Cramer. Occasional visitor, southern species. Mistletoe. Cape May, Gloucester, AYestville (Aa) (Sm). Strymon Hiibner 365. cecrops Fabricius. Occasional visitor, southern species. Manasqnan, June 29, one male (Br) (Sm) ; East Marion L. I., N. Y., Aug. 14, two specimens (La). 374. favonius Abbot & Smith. Occasional visitor, southern spe- cies. Anglesea, Sept. 1, two specimens (Hm) (Sm). Mar., 1940] Comstock: Butterflies 83 376. autolycus Ontario Edwards. Newark, bred from larva found on oak, May 29, emerged June 13, 1892 (Doll collec- tion). This is a very scarce form of which there are about a score of records during a half century. These records extend from Missouri to Massachusetts and Canada. Erora Scudder 418. laeta Edwards. Atlantic City, July 1, (Aa). Two broods. This species is apparently rare but extends over a very wide range occurring abundantly in Arizona, and recorded scat- ter ingly in Pennsylvania, New York, New England states and eastern Canada. Papilio Linnaeus 21. palamedes Drury. Pare visitor from south. Red bay {Per sea borhonia). West Hoboken, July 8, 1908 (Ws?) ; Delaware, Aug. 20, 1934, (Sto) ; Fort Wadsworth, S. I., N. Y., June 18, (Bu). Appias Hiibner 78. ilaire Godart. Southern species. Canarsie, L. I., N. Y., June 10, 1906, two specimens (My) (det. Wat). Phoebis Hiibner 58. philea Linnaeus. Southern species. Asbury Park, Sept. 9, (Eng) ; Riverside Park, New York City, Oct. 13, (Eng). 60. agarithe Boisduval. Southern species. Beach Haven, Sept. 3, male (Frd). Zerene Hiibner 55. caesonia Stoll. Dog-faced butterfly. Southern species. Eggs laid on under side of end leaves. False indigo {Amor- pha fruticosa), also reported on clover. Flushing, L. I., N. Y., July 12, (Bl) ; Staten Island, N. Y., June, July, 1896 (Ds) (Sm). Goniurus Hiibner 486. proteus Linnaeus. Coastal District. August-September. Very rare as far north as New Jersey. Injurious to beans 84 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. XLVIII in the southern states. Legumes. 5-Mile Beach, (Hg) (Sm) ; Cape May (Aa) (Sm). Cecropterus Herrick-Schaeffer 500. cellus Boisduval & LeConte. Southern species. Hog pea- nut {Amphicarpa pitcheri), Breweria aquatica. Newark (Sm). Polites Scudder 619. brettus Boisduval & LeConte. Southern species. August- September. Camden, 1 female, Aug. 10, 2 males. Sept. 7, (Cy) (Sm). Oligoria Scudder 652. maculata Edwards. Southern species. Camden, 1 male, 1 female, July 15, (Cy) (Sm). Lerema Scudder 653. accius Abbot & Smith. Southern species. Grasses. Salem (Aa) (Sm) ; Atlantic City, July, (Aa). Calpodes Hiibner 677. ethlius Cramer. Canna skipper. Southern species. No record in state but taken at several places on Long Island in 1911. Occasionally destructive to canna. Yaphank, L. I., May 27, (Fr) ; Floral Park, L. I., larva. Sept., Oct., (Eng). Mar., 1940] White: Japanese Beetle 85 THE RELATION OF ANTS TO THE JAPANESE BEETLE AND ITS ESTABLISHED PARASITES^ By Ralph T. White Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, U. S. Department OF Agriculture INTRODUCTION It has long been known that many ants derive most of their food from dead and dying insects, and ants have been observed molesting both adult and larval stages of the Japanese beetle (Popillia japonica Newm.). Many observations and experi- ments have therefore been conducted in the vicinity of Moores- town, N. J., both in the field and in the inseetary, to determine what relationship, if any, exists between ants (Pormicidse) and the Japanese beetle or its established parasites in the field. Observations and diggings of the common ants, chiefly those frequenting habitats favorable to the various stages of Popillia japonica in this area, are recorded herein. OBSERVATIONS OF ANT COLONIES IN 1933 In 1933 diggings were made in and near certain ant colonies in grub-infested areas in late summer and early fall to determine the grub population within the colony itself as well as in the area immediately surrounding such colonies. In general the grub population within the colonies was about the same as that near the colonies, although in some cases more grubs were found in the colony. The following detailed account of three large colonies examined in 1933 will give the reader a true picture of an average ant community in pastures of this area. 1 The ants used in this study were identified by M. E. Smith, C. F. W. Muesebeck, W. M. Mann, and the late W. M. Wheeler. Acknowledgement is given to E. J. Sim, formerly with the Japanese Beetle Laboratory, for assistance in collecting specimens from various points in New Jersey, and to J. L. King for helpful suggestions and counsel in the preparation of this manuscript. 86 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviiI Colony Site G-5 (Hercher’s Pasture) Herclier’s pasture, located 3 miles from the Moorestown lab- oratory, was chosen for these studies because of its nearness to the laboratory and the willingness of the owner to permit the making of periodic surveys. Diggings in this pasture on August 8, 1933, showed the grub population to range from 1 to 32 per square foot, and according to seasonal surveys the average popu- lation ' for August 1933 was 9 per square foot. In the 18- square-foot area covered by this colony the average grub popula- tion was 12.2 per square foot. Grub populations in 10 diggings at random within a 25-foot radius of this infested area, but con- taining no ants, were as follows : 2, 8, 12, 16, 1, 8, 5, 11, 9, and 6 per square foot, or an average of 7.8 per square foot. The species of ants in the main colony chosen was Formica pal- lide-fulva schaufussi var. incerta Emery, and small colonies of Lasi'us (Acanthomyops) claviger (Roger), and L. niger var. americanus Emery were living within the same area. The main colony of Formica covered 1 square foot. Only one entrance was visible, and the Lasivs colonies were unnoticed until some soil was removed. The Formica workers had previously been seen bringing a dead larva of the eastern tent caterpillar {Malacosoma americana (F.) ) to their formicary, and also a dead adult ground beetle {Calosoma sp.). They fed readily on the juices of a freshly killed Japanese beetle grub placed upon their mound, and later dragged it beneath the ground. Colony Site G-3 (Hercher’s Pasture) This colony, of Formica fiisca var. suhsericea Say, was also in Hercher ’s pasture but 200 yards to the west and on a lower well- sodded area. During the summer the refuse heaps were examined and elytra of various Coleoptera, including one Japanese beetle, were found. Japanese beetle grubs were found at the edge of this colony throughout the summer. Diggings within the colony were limited during the summer, as the colony was under obser- vation for feeding habits and general activities. On June 6, however, a small clump of grass within the colony boundary was removed very carefully, and one grub was found among the roots just beneath the surface. Ants were comparatively numerous Mar., 1940] White: Japanese Beetle 87 here, and when the grub was exposed they attacked it eagerly. Within one-half hour they had dragged the much weakened grub into an entrance, and ant activity again quieted down to normal. Freshly killed grubs were placed directly upon the mound as well as very near to it. The body walls of some had previously been punctured to allow the body fluids to exude, and in such cases the ants would swarm over the remains, first feeding upon the contents and then dragging the remains into an entrance hole. The unpunctured cadavers were unmolested until foraging work- ers later chanced upon them and dragged them within their formicary. When a living grub was placed upon the surface of the mound or at the edge where ants were continually passing, it was at- tacked by these ants and taken into their formicary. If, on the other hand, the grub was placed barely beneath the surface of the soil, it remained unmolested. On July 14 at the colony site a living Japanese beetle was ob- served in combat with several ants. The beetle alighted upon the bare ground, where two ants immediately offered battle, and for half an hour a struggle was carried on during which other ants were attracted to the scene. The beetle was Anally overpowered and dragged into the entrance. On July 18 a section of the colony was excavated, revealing a Japanese beetle pupa. This pupa had been unmolested by the ants, although egg galleries and runaways formed a netwmrk around it. As soon as it was disturbed, however, ants immediately attacked and carried it away. In another section of this colony three Japanese beetle larvse were found unharmed just below the surface. Three were also found at the edge of the main colony area. A dead Japanese beetle was also found within the colony and may have been the one observed 4 days previously. On September 11 the remainder of this colony was examined. Systematic diggings extended 4 feet to the north and to the south of the area of concentrated activity. The colony area was shaded at times during each day by two trees growing nearby. The area at the south, being covered by shorter grass than that at the north, was more attractive to the beetles for oviposition, and consequently grub population was denser. The total area dug in this colony was 52 square feet and contained 139 grubs, or an 88 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii average of 2.6 per square foot. In the central area, where the ants were consistently most numerous, the grub population aver- aged 1.5 per square foot, while in the bordering bare-ground area, where fewer ants existed, only 1 grub was found per square foot, probably because bare ground is unfavorable for oviposition. If the ants had molested them, there would have been fewer grubs within the colony than in the adjacent area with identical ground cover. Colony Site S (Haddonfield Pasture) This colony was in a pasture near the Tavistock Golf Course, Haddonfield, N. J. It was on a sodded knoll, the surrounding area sloping toward a swamp. The ants comprising this colony were the common Lasius (A.) claviger, and were hidden com- pletely by an old burlap bag, beneath which the ground was en- tirely devoid of vegetation. When examination of this colony was begun, on November 1, 1933, thousands of winged males and females were present. The area not covered by the bag was densely sodded, and because this species was more or less hy- pogeal, its presence was not evident. Diggings showed these ants to be established over an area of approximately 8 square feet. Grubs in this area averaged 3 to a square foot, whereas the aver- age in a 17-square-foot area immediately surrounding was only 2.6 per square foot. Additional diggings at random around the periphery of this colony and not more than 20 feet from the col- ony center showed an average of 1.3 beetles per square foot. The observations made in the course of these diggings further exem- plify the negative effect of this species upon grubs in the soil. FIELD SURVEYS IN 1934 AND 1935 In 1934 surveys were continued in areas infested with ants and corresponding areas not thus infested. The data in Table 1 show that in 35 separate diggings of 1 square foot each a total of 210 grubs, or an average of 6 per square foot, was found where no ants were present, while in the same number of diggings of the same size and in the same localities with various species of ants present there was a total of 213 grubs, or 6.1 per square foot. These surveys indicate rather conclusively that at least these species of ants had no ill effect upon grubs present in the soil. Mar., 1940] White: Japanese Beetle 89 TABLE 1. — Field surveys of populations of Japanese beetle grubs in areas in New Jersey infested with ants and in surrounding uninfested areas, 1934 Grubs per square foot Date and location in areas — of digging With ants With- out ants September 18: ' 8 6 3 7 Vincentown cemetery Formica f usca var. subsericea Say 4 5 5 9 4 0 Vincentown pasture Pheidole pilifera (Koger) 4 3 Pheidole vinelandica Forel 3 2 September 19 : 7 4 Vincentown pasture Lasius niger var. neoniger Emery 3 4 5 7 ^ 11 10 . 9 9 Vincentown roadside Aphcenogaster fulva subsp. aquia 7 7 (Buckley) 7 2 5 2 September 26: Pemberton pasture 1 f ^ 0 Lasius (Acanthomyops) claviger ^ 0 1 (Roger) 1 2 0 r 1 ■4 Formica pallide-fulva subsp. ] 27 31 schaufussi var. incerta Emery [ 21 16 September 27 : 27 26 Pemberton pasture Lasius niger var. neoniger Emery j 1 3 Pemberton orchard Formica fusca var. subsericea Say •< 1 3 1 4 2 7 1 1 0 October 3 : r 2 0 Haddonfield pasture Myrmica group 1 1 1 3 1 0 1 0 2 October 4: r 2 4 Haddonfield pasture Lasius {Acanthomyops) claviger (Roger) 1 0 ] 3 0 2 1 5 6 Total 213 210 90 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii During June and July 1935, 42 colonies of ants were examined as well as corresponding areas containing no ants. Table 2 gives data obtained from these surveys. In both the areas containing ants and in corresponding check areas the average grub popula- tion was 4.3 per square foot. Although this was less than the population in 1934, it seems evident from these surveys that the ants had no ill effect on the grub population. Established Beetle Parasites in Relation to Ants EFFECT OF ANTS ON ADULT TIPHIA Ants are frequently seen foraging in the field on blossoms of wild carrot {Daucus carota L.) and on the leaves of maple trees (Acer spp.). Tiphia popilliavora Roh. obtains nectar from the former and T. vernalis Roh. feeds upon the honeydew found on the latter. Twice during the 1934 season the writer witnessed conflicts between T. popilliavora adults and the common black ant Formica fusca var. suhsericea. In each case a single ant had obtained a firm hold on a female Tiphia and both fell helplessly to the ground. In one case the Tiphia gained her freedom* as they struck the ground, but in the other the ant retained its hold and, after several minutes of fierce battling, with the aid of two other worker ants carried the Tiphia to the formicary. Her wings became ver}^ badly damaged before she was finally lost to sight. In May 1934 a battle between individuals of the same species of ant and a pair of Tiphia vernalis adults was observed at Phil- mont, Pa. This male and female were mating on a maple leaf directly over a mound of these ants, when they suddenly fell to the ground, landing in the midst of ant activity, where they were instantly seized by workers. During the melee the male escaped, but the less fortunate female was injured and dragged within the formicary, where presumably she succumbed. Since Tiphia adults spend considerable time in the soil and on low grass above the soil, ants probably cause the death of some. One such instance was observed at the Overbrook Golf Course in May 1934, while the author was collecting Tiphia for coloniza- tion. A female was just emerging from the soil, presumably to feed on honey solution sprayed on foliage nearby. Several for- aging ants of Formica fusca var. suhsericea were present, and a -Field surveys of 'populations of Japanese beetle grubs in areas in Neiv Jersey infested with ants and in surrounding iininfested areas, 1935 Mar., 1940] White: Japanese Beetle 91 !=) CO C3 o t: o o rO 0 a m O § ^ -^COCOt^Ot^CirHTjHCO 03 lOi— (GO 03 O Tt( 03 LO 00 Cl lO CO 03 CO 03 t}H O Cl l-i cc a; b£) o s s S 5£ O O <11 <11 Si Si Ph' c3 cii > > 11 11 .^_CSl § ’i &J0 o As s OH ^ o 1-4 Pi Vs^ CC I S tl P< a: 6"^ S: P. Si O Pu S 03 O 't'. S si <3 s- e § 2e pi e g CO O 'S i o 'S fcJD <^ s i C g =0 rH •| -S S 11 ?Sj O 11 e Eh Ph C o o S-i CB ci Pi p Q <1^ o -t-0 o CO 01 p-l be 2 § O O P4 m Formica fusca var. subsericea Say TABLE 2 — {Continued) 92 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii S'S 2 o ^ (Xl m L o "g bJD § ^ -M o TiH lo lo cq 05 od CO tJH CO (M o fH <05 U) o <35 ^ CQ ^ .5? S rO C3 W o =0 S l>l^ -§1I ^ s ^15 :^ ' 5J e 50 ?i, S Sij <15 g 5S 2 o O *» 5 o o e P ^ b’§ <35 New York Entomological Society Devoted to Entomology in General ^ Edited by HARRY B. WEISS Publication Committee HARRY B. WEISS J. D. SHERMAN, Jr. WILLIAM MOORE E. L. BELL \ Subscription $3.00 per Year Published Quarterly by the Society N. QUEEN ST. AND McGOVERN AVE. * LANCASTER, PA. NEW YORK, N. Y. 1940 I i CONTENTS Records and Descriptions of Neotropical Crane-Flies (Tipulidae, Diptera), XI By Charles P. Alexander 105 Some Synonymy in Neotropical Hesperiidae (Lepidoptera) By E. L. Bell 116 Characteristics of Certain Western Cicadas By Dr. John W. Sugden 117 New Fleas 126 The Sarcophaginae and Their Relatives in New York, Part I By Harold C. Hallock 127 Studies on the Ichneumonidae of New England (Hymen- optera) By Harry D. Pratt 155 Money Losses Due to Destructive Insects By Harry B. Weiss 195 NOTICE: Volume XLVIII, Number 1, op tpie Journal op THE New York Entomological Society was published on March 29, 1940. Entered as second class matter July 7, 1925, at the post office at Lancaster, Pa., under the Act of August 24, 1912. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Section 1103. Act of October 3, 1917, authorized March 27, 1924. JOURNAL OF THE New York Entomological Society VoL. XLVIII June, 1940 No. 2 RECORDS AND DESCRIPTIONS OF NEOTROPICAL CRANE-FLIES (TIPULID^, DIPTERA), XI By Charles P. Alexander Amherst, Massachusetts The preceding: instalment under this title was published in September, 1938 (Journal op the New York Entomological Society, 46 : 327-337 ) . The crane-flies described at this time are from Potrerillos, “The Valley of the Clouds,” in Chiriqui, northern Panama, where they were collected by Mr. D. V. Brown, February to May 1934, and Mr. J. W. MacSwain, May to June 1935. My deep thanks are extended to the collectors of this rich material. All types are preserved in my private collection of the Tipulidae of the World. Only a portion of the novelties are described at this time, the entire collection being rich and varied in species. Genus Tipula Linnasus Subgenus Neotipula new. Frontal prolongation of head slender; nasus elongate. Antennae 13-seg- mented; flagellar segments three to nine, inclusive, with a conspicuous lobe on distal half, this lobe exceeding one-half the length of the segment and producing a weak pectinated appearance; setae of flagellum reduced, re- stricted to a series on outer face of segment on opposite side from the pecti- nation; no basal enlargement on any of the segments; verticils lacking; terminal segment elongate, subequal in length to the penultimate. Tibial spur formula 1-1-2 ; claws large, each with an obtuse lobe before midlength. Sternopleural setae sparse, small and pale. Wings with squama naked; veins unusually glabrous, beyond cord including a very restricted series of tiny trichia on vein -R4 + 5. Venation: Bs shorter than m-cu; B^ before fork of ^3 + 4; veins B^ and -R4 + 5 nearly straight, not sinuous at near midlength, as in juN *1 m 106 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii Holorusia, cell consequently not constricted at this point; vein M con- spicuously arched before fork; m-cu long, cell unusually wide, at margin only a little shorter than cells Jfi to M3, combined. Type of subgenus. — Tipula (Neotipula) pectinella new species. (Neotropical Region). Besides the subgenotype, it would appear that Tipula maya Alexander likewise belongs here. The strict affinities are very uncertain. The nature of the antennte, as the lack of a basal enlargement and accompanying verticils on the flagellar seg- ments, is more suggestive of Holorusia than of Tipula but the venation of the radial fleld precludes its reference to the former genus. I prefer to consider it as being more closely related to Tipula while emphasizing these points of difference. It seems entirely possible that the group will eventually be elevated to full generic rank. Tipula (Neotipula) pectinella new species. Size large (wing over 35 mm.) ; general coloration of notum reddish brown, the scutum behind traversed by a blackened band; pleura yellow, with a narrow dorso-longitudinal brown stripe; halteres brownish black, the knobs obscure yellow; legs brownish yellow, the femora with tips broadly blackened, preceded by a slightly narrower pale yellow ring; wings with a rich brown suffusion, variegated by sparse darker brown and more abundant cream-colored areas; E^, shortly before fork of ^^3+4; abdominal tergites dark reddish brown, with narrow, more blackish stripes. Male. — Length about 30 mm.; wing 36 mm.; antenna about 4 mm. ■ Frontal prolongation of head and the palpi black. Antennae dark brown, the first flagellar segment paler; structure as above described. Head dark brown, the posterior orbits dull yellow; anterior vertex relatively narrow, about one-half wider than the diameter of the scape. Pronotum yellow, narrowly darkened on median border. Mesonotal prae- scutum with the ground-color obscure yellow, almost covered by four reddish brown stripes, the sublateral portions of the sclerite deepening to black, the extreme border yellow; scutum with median area obscure yellow, the lobes reddish brown, the entire distal fourth of scutum traversed by a blackened band; scutellum dark gray, parascutella brown, the cephalic and caudal por- tions yellow; mediotergite plumbeous gray, the posterior and lateral por- tions broadly brownish black. Pleura yellow, with a narrow, dark brown, longitudinal stripe extending from the cervical margin across the dorsal pleurites, passing through the anterior spiracle, ending at wing-root. Hal- teres long, brownish black, the extreme base of stem and apex of knob obscure yellow. Legs with the coxae and trochanters yellow; femora brown- ish yellow, darker outwardly, the tips broadly blackened, preceded by a June, 1940] Alexander: Crane-Flies 107 slightly narrower pale yellow ring ; tibise light brown, the bases more whitened, the tips narrowly infuscated; tarsi light brownish yellow. Wings with a strong rich brown suffusion, sparsely variegated by darker brown and more numerous cream-colored areas; the chief dark spot lies at near two- thirds the length of cell M ; the cream-colored areas occupy cell M before and beyond the dark spot, across the cubital and anal cells, and in the outer medial field; Cell Sc uniformly dark brown; veins reddish brown, the ob- literative areas at cord small but conspicuous. Venation: Petiole of cell a little longer than m ; cell 2nd A wide. Abdominal tergites dark reddish brown, with three narrow blackish stripes that are more or less interrupted at the posterior borders of the segments, especially the median stripe; basal tergite brightened medially; extreme caudal margins of segments pale; sternites more uniformly reddish brown; hypopygium a little brightened. Male hypopygium with the eighth sternite conspicuously produced beyond the level of remainder of hypopygium. Holotype, J', Potrerillos, altitude 3,000 feet. May 20, 1935 (MacSwain). The most similar species seems to be Tipula maya Alexander, of Guatemala, still known only from the unique female type in which the antennae were broken. The essentials of venation of the two species are very similar and it seems certain that maya will likewise be found to belong to this new group. Tipula browniana new species. Belongs to the glaphyroptera group ; general coloration yellow, the prae- scutum with four pale brown stripes, the intermediate pair irregular, broken before midlength, behind this point closely approximated or fused; antennae short, bicolored; halteres yellow; femora brownish yellow, with a narrow pale brown subterminal ring, preceded by a clearer yellow annulus; wings light yellow, with a tesselated brown pattern; entire; Bs long; abdomen yellow, the basal tergites narrowly lined sublaterally with dark; male hy- popygium with a small median lobe in membrane between eighth and ninth sternites, this bearing long conspicuous setae. Male. — Length about 13 mm.; wing 14 mm.; antenna about 3 mm. Frontal prolongation of head yellow; nasus distinct; palpi with basal three segments yellow, the terminal segment dark brown. Antennae rela- tively short, if bent backward extending about to wing-root; basal three seg- ments light yellow, the remainder of flagellum bicolored, yellow, with the small basal enlargements abruptly black; verticils a little longer than the segments. Head obscure yellow; posterior orbits and a slight cloud on anterior vertex pale brown; anterior vertex relatively wide, approximately five times the diameter of scape; vertical tubercle low, its cephalic end very feebly notched. Pronotum yellow, faintly darkened medially above. Mesonotal praescutum 108 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. XLVIII yellow with four pale brown stripes; intermediate stripes irregular in outline, on cephalic third of sclerite widely separated, slightly broken at this point and thence forming a single median stripe to the suture; lateral stripes narrow, the margins laterad of these stripes less evidently darkened; scutum yellow, the lobes and a narrow but conspicuous median vitta pale brown; scutellum broadly pale yellow, the parascutella darker; mediotergite yellow, with a broad, conspicuous, pale brown, median line. Pleura yellow, the dorsopleural region a little darker ; pleurotergite weakly inf umated. Hal- teres pale yellow. Legs with the coxae and trochanters yellow; femora brownish yellow, the bases clearer yellow, with a narrow pale brown sub- terminal ring, preceded by a much wider, clearer yellow annulus ; tibiae yellow, the tips weakly infumated; tarsi yellow, the outer segments brown. Wings light yellow, the costal and prearcular fields more saturated yellow; a conspicuous tesselated pale brown pattern, as follows: Four subcostal areas, the first postarcular, including bases of cells and M ; second area at about one-third the length of cell M, reaching vein M behind; third area at origin of Bs, not reaching M ; fourth area stigmal, confluent with a major darkening on anterior cord; remaining cells of wing with zigzag brown clouds, subequal in extent to the yellow ground; outer half of cell B^ and most of Ms uniformly pale; veins yellow, infuscated in the clouded areas. Venation: + o pale but entire; Bs long, about two and one-half times m-cu; petiole of cell Mi subequal to m. Abdomen yellow, the basal tergite narrowly lined laterally with darker; hypopygium yellow. Male hypopygium with the ninth tergite transverse, the caudal margin crenulate, with a very shallow U-shaped median notch; dorsal surface of tergite with a median furrow. Outer dististyle relatively long, narrowed on basal third, sinuous. Inner dististyle relatively broad, the posterior angle at base rounded. Basistyle produced into a setiferous lobe, its dorsal angle prolonged into a conical spine immediately behind the inser- tion of the inner dististyle. Membrane between eighth and ninth sternite with a small subglobular or short-oval median lobe that bears more than a score of very long strong setse. Holotype, J', Potrerillos, altitude 3,500 feet, May 12, 1934 (Brown). Tipula hrowniana is named in honor of the collector, Mr. D. V. Brown. The species most resembles forms such as T. absona Alexander, of Ecuador, and allies, differing especially in the pattern of the mesonotum and wings, and in the structure of the male hypopygium. There are several species of the group having a checkered wing-pattern, these differing among themselves in the presence or absence of vein the coloration of the femora, the wing-pattern and venation, and in the structure of the male hypopygium. June, 1940] Alexander: Crane-Flies 109 Tipula scriptella new species. General coloration of thorax obscure yellow, the prsescutum with dark stripes; pleura with a complete dark brown girdle on mesepisternum ; hal- teres obscure yellow; femora yellow, with a relatively narrow and ill-defined pale brown subterminal ring; wings brown, streaked longitudinally with whitish and variegated with small darker brown areas; abdominal tergites yellow, with three brown stripes, the sternites with a similar median vitta. Female. — Length about 17 mm.; wing 15 mm. Head behind obscure yellow, the anterior part destroyed. Mesonotum obscure yellow pollinose, with dark brown stripes on prae- scutum; central portion of mediotergite darkened, the sides broadly pale. Pleura obscure yellow, variegated with dark brown, including a complete transverse girdle from lateral margin of praescutum across the dorsopleural membrane, involving most of the mesepisternum; pleurotergite slightly darkened. Halteres obscure yellow. Legs with the coxae and trochanters yellow; femora yellow, with a relatively narrow and ill-defined pale brown subterminal ring; tibiae yellow, the tips narrowly darkened; basal two tarsal segments yellow, the tips very narrowly darkened, the outer tarsal segments uniformly brown. Wings with the ground color brown, conspicuously varie- gated with darker brown and whitish subhyaline, the latter chiefly dis- tributed as a central streak involving the middle third of wing, including cell 1st M2 and bases of all outer medial cells, reaching the margin in cell cubital and anal cells likewise extensively whitened; cell C uniform medium brown; cell Sc with four small dark areas, the second at origin of Bs, all but the last involving the radial field behind; cells B^ and B^ chiefly and almost uniformly infumated; darker brown areas at anterior cord, outer end of cell 1st Mz and as broad seams on outer half of vein Cu, distal section of Cu-i_ and m-cu; outer medial field infumated, with pale marginal droplets in outer ends of cells 2nd Mz and M^ ; veins yellow, darker in the clouded areas. Venation: + a entire; M^ + i only a little shorter than the basal section of M3. Abdominal tergites obscure yellow, with three brown stripes, the median one broad on basal and intermediate segments, narrowed on outer tergites, ending on tergite seven, slightly interrupted at the posterior margins of the segments; lateral stripes narrow, becoming obsolete behind; sternites yellow, with a median brown vitta. Ovipositor with cerci nearly straight, very slender. Holotype, 5? Potrerillos, altitude 3,500 feet, May 12, 1934 (Brown). In its general appearance, especially the wing pattern, the present fly is most similar to the Chilean Tipula pliilippiana Alexander, differing in the details of coloration and venation. It is probable that this species will be found to belong to the glaphyroptera group of species. 110 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii Tipula ctenopyga new species. General coloration of mesonotum reddish brown, the usual stripes reduced to three conspicuous black spots; antennae elongate; femora obscure yellow, the tips very narrowly but conspicuously black; wings with a brown tinge, the stigma dark brown, conspicuous; ^1 + 2 entire; abdomen with a subtermi- nal black ring; male hypopygium with the conspicuous tergite parallel-sided, the apex convexly rounded and set with abundant black setae; a conspicuous black lobe on mesal face of basistyle; eighth sternite produced ventrad into scoop-like flattened lobes that bear marginal spinous setae; aedeagus trifid at apex. Male. — Length about 12 mm.; wing 11.5 mm.; antenna about 4.8 mm. Frontal prolongation of head short and stout, without nasus, obscure brownish yellow; palpi dark brown. Antennae relatively long; basal three segments obscure yellow, succeeding segments black, the apices very restrict- edly brightened; at and beyond midlength of the organ the segments are uniformly black ; flagellar segments incised ; terminal segment very small. Head chestnut brown; anterior vertex wide. Mesonotum reddish brown, the praescutum with three black spots, one representing the anterior fourth of a narrow median stripe, the others occupying the anterior ends of the usual outer praescutal stripes, extending laterad to the margins; scutellum and mediotergite darkened. Pleura ob- scure reddish yellow. Halteres dusky. Legs with the coxae and trochanters yellow; femora obscure yellow, the tips very narrowly but conspicuously black, the amount subequal on all legs; tibiae obscure brownish yellow, the tips very narrowly blackened; basitarsi brownish yellow, the outer tarsal segments brownish black. Wings with a brown tinge, prearcular region and cells C and Sc more yellowish; stigma oval, dark brown, conspicuous; veins brownish black, paler in the more brightened costal portions. Wings with conspicuous basal petiole; macrotrichia on veins -E2+3, ^3, -K4 + 5 and very restricted or lacking elsewhere beyond cord. Venation: i^i + 2 entire; cell 1st M2 long and narrow; petiole of cell Ifi a little exceeding m; cell 2nd A very narrow, reduced to a linear strip. Basal abdominal tergites reddish, with a broken black median stripe, on tergites two and three including the narrow posterior borders; tergites six and seven uniformly black; sternites reddish yellow, segments seven and eight black; hypopygium obscure reddish yellow. Male hypopygium with the ninth tergite unusually long, obliquely elevated, projecting caudad to opposite or beyond the outer level of the dististyles; parallel-sided, the caudal margin gently convex, blackened by an abundant concentration of setae. Lower and inner face of basistyle with a conspicuous, elongate, black lobe, its margin microscopically • roughened. Outer dististyle small, slender, black. Inner dististyle a compact compressed blade. Eighth sternite exten- sive, the apical portion directed ventrad into two flattened scoop-like lobes, separated from one another by membrane, their margins with several black spinous setae that pass into longer normal setae on mesal portions. Aedeagus small and slender, before apex on either side with a slender spinelike arm, presenting the appearance of a delicate trident. June, 1940] Alexander: Crane-Flies 111 Holotype, J', Potrerillos, altitude 3,00d feet, May 20, 1935 (MacSwain). Tipula ctenopyga is most nearly related to T. detecta Alex- ander, of Venezuela, differing in the wing-pattern and venation, and in the coloration of the body and legs. The male sex of detecta is still unknown to me. Limonia (Limonia) paucilobata new species. Belongs to the apicata group; general coloration of mesonotum yellow, the praescutum with a black median stripe and shorter, confluent lateral stripes; pleura chiefly yellow; fore femora black; wings with a strong dusky tinge, the stigma and outer radial field darker; m-cu at fork of M; abdomi- nal tergites brownish black, the sternites obscure yellow; male hypopygium with basistyle simple, provided with a single lobe. Male. — Length about 6 mm.; wings 6.5 mm. Eostrum and palpi black. Antennae black throughout; basal flagellar segments oval, the outer segments subcylindrical ; segments with short glabrous apical necks; terminal segment longer than penultimate, its outer end pointed. Head gray, clearer gray along posterior orbits and on the linear anterior vertex; central portion of posterior vertex blackened. Pronotum obscure yellow, narrowly blackened medially. Mesonotal praescutum polished yellow laterally, with a conspicuous entire black median stripe and short confluent lateral stripes; scutal lobes blackened, the median area obscure yellow; scutellum obscure yellowish brown, paler on posterior margin; mediotergite infuscated. Pleura and pleurotergite obscure yellow, the anepisternum and ventral pleurotergite slightly darkened. Halteres dark brown, the base of stem restrictedly yellow. Legs with the coxae and trochanters yellow; fore femora black, the bases narrowly yellow; middle and posterior femora dark brown, pale basally, the tips pa,ssing into black; tibiae and tarsi brown, the terminal segments of the latter darker. Wings with a strong dusky tinge, the outer radial field more evidently infumated; stigma oval, darker brown; veins dark brown. Venation: Sc long, end- ing shortly before fork of Es, Sc^ close to its tip ; Es exceeding twice the basal section of -^4 + 5; m-cu at fork of M. Abdominal tergites brownish black; sternites obscure yellow; hypopygium darkened. Male hypopygium with the basistyle simple, the mesal face on proximal half with a single stout lobe. Dististyle simple, gradually nar- rowed to a slender curved beaklike point. Gonapophyses unusually broad and flattened, the terminal beak short and curved. Aedeagus narrow. Holotype, J', Potrerillos, altitude 3,000 feet, May 5, 1935 (MacSwain). In the structure of the male hypopygium, Limonia {Limonia) paucilohata is quite distinct from the other members of the 112 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlyiii apicata group. The relatively simple nature of the basistyle is likewise found in L. (L.) acuminata Alexander, L. (L.) hoffmani Alexander, L. (L.) rapax Alexander, and others, but the details of structure of all parts of the hypopygium are distinct. Orimarga (Orimarga) melampodia new species. General coloration gray, the lateral margin of praescutum, together with the pleura, striped longitudinally with blue-gray; legs brownish black; wings whitish subhyaline; Sc short, B1 + 2 relatively long, approximately three times Bo+s; abdomen brownish black. Male. — Length about 9 mm. ; wing 6.5 mm. Eostrum and palpi black. Antenna3 black throughout; flagellar segments oval, with short verticils; terminal segment larger than the penultimate. Head gray. Mesonotum almost uniform dark plumbeous gray, the lateral margins of praescutum more blue-gray pruinose; a blackened spot on lateral margin of prsescutum before suture. Pleura above light gray, with a broad blue-gray stripe extending from behind the fore coxae, passing above remaining coxae to base of abdomen, narrowly bordered above by blackish; ventral sterno- pleurite blackened. Halteres with stem pale yellow, knob dark brown. Legs with coxae and trochanters black; remainder of legs brownish black, the femoral bases not or scarcely brightened. Wings whitish subhyaline; veins brown. Venation: Sc short, /Sci ending about opposite one-fifth the length of Bs and before level of m-cu; B^+z fully three times B2+3 and about one-third the length of Bs. Abdomen brownish black, the sternites a little paler. Male hypopygium with the outer dististyle acicular, blackened, scarcely sinuous on distal half. Blades of gonapophyses narrow, the tips pale, long-attenuate. Holotype, J', Potrerillos, altitude 3,500 feet, May 14, 1934 (Brown). Orimarga {Orimarga) melampodia is closest to 0. (0.) dampfi Alexander, of Mexico, differing in the blackened legs, details of venation, as the short B2 + 3 and long B1 + 2, and in slight details of the male hypopygium. Helius (Helius) distinervis new species. General coloration brownish black; legs dark brown, the outer tarsal seg- ments paling to obscure yellow; wings with a weak brown tinge, stigma oval, medium brown; m-cu lying far distad, nearly twice its own length beyond the fork of M ; male hypopygium with numerous small spinulse sur- rounding the two major apical spines of the outer dististyle. Male. — Length about 4.5 mm. ; wing 4.6 mm. Eostrum not apparent in the unique type. AntenngB small, dark brown, the outer segments broken. Head dark brown. June, 1940] Alexander: Crane-Flies 113 Thorax uniformly brownish black, without stripes. Halteres dusky throughout. Legs dark brown, the outer tarsal segments paling to obscure yellow. Wings with a weak brown tinge, the prearcular region and cells C and Sc slightly darker brown; stigma oval, medium brown; veins dark brown. Costal fringe of moderate length. Venation: Sc long, Scj^ ending about opposite five -sixths the length of the long Bs, Sc2 at its tip; branches of Bs rather strongly diverging at outer ends, cell B^ at margin wider than cell Bo; inner end of cell 1st M2 strongly narrowed; m-cu lying far distad, about opposite r-m and nearly twice its own length beyond the fork of M. Abdomen black; hypopygium and sternites a little paler. Male hypo- pygium with the outer dististyle unequally bifid at apex, with numerous additional spinulse grouped around the apex. Inner dististyle subequal in length, gradually narrowed outwardly. Lateral tergal arms directed mesad as parallel-sided flattened blades, the tips obtusely rounded. Holotype, J', Potrerillos, altitude 3,000 feet, May 20, 1935 (MacSwain). Helius {Helms) distinervis is very different from other de- scribed species, especially in the unusual position of the m-cu crossvein. The rostrum is invisible in the unique type but the generic reference seems undoubtedly to be correct unless a new group might be deemed necessary to receive the species. Ischnothrix (Ischnothrix) patens ucav species. General coloration of thorax medium brown; antennse (female) elongate, exceeding one-half the body in length; legs pale brown; wings with a strong brownish yellow tinge, the long-oval stigma pale brown ; B^ short, nearly erect; cell M2 open by atrophy of basal section of M^; m-cu shortly beyond fork of M; abdominal segments dimidiate, brown, the caudal half light yellow. Female. — Length about 5.5 mm.; wing 5 mm.; antenna about 3 mm. Eostrum pale brown; palpi dark brown. Antennae (female) exceeding one-half the length of body; scape and pedicel pale, flagellum black; flagel- lar segments long-cylindrical, with relatively short verticils scattered through- out the length. Head pale brown. Mesonotum medium brown, unmarked, the pleura a little brighter. Halteres yellow, the knobs infuscated. Legs with the coxae testaceous brown; trochanters obscure yellow; remainder of legs pale brown, the ter- minal segments dark brown. Wings with a strong brownish yellow tinge, the long-oval stigma pale brown; cells C and Sc brighter yellow than re- mainder of ground; veins pale brown. Sc more yellowish. All veins beyond cord with macrotrichia. Venation: Sc relatively long, Sc^^ ending beyond midlength of the arcuated Bs, SC2 about mid-distance between origin of Bs and tip of Sc-^_', E2+3+4 elongate, gently arcuated; -K3 short, nearly erect; distance on margin between veins B^ + 2 and B^ a little greater than the 114 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii length of latter; a little shorter than -K2+3+4; cell open by atrophy of basal section of M3; cell 2nd M2 about three times its petiole; m-cu shortly beyond fork of M. Abdominal segments dimidiate, brown, the caudal half of each segment light yellow, the extreme base of the segments more vaguely brightened, cerci slender. Holotype, J, Potrerillos, altitude 3,000 feet, May 5, 1935 (MacSwain). Ischnothrix (Ischnothrix) patens is readily distinguislied from all previously described Neotropical species by the open cell M2 of the wings. Except for this character, it much resembles I. (I.) argentinicola (Alexander) of Argentina. It is entirely distinct from the two species previously known from northern South America, I. (Z.) hrevisector Alexander, of Venezuela, and Z. (Z.) Iloydi (Alexander), of Colombia. The genus Ischnothrix Bigot had not been found in America north of Colombia and is not included in Curran’s “North American Diptera,” 1934. Lipsothrix neotropica new species. General coloration pale yellow; legs whitish; wdngs whitish subhyaline; m-cu at near two-thirds the length of cell 1st M2; male hypopygium with the interbase pale, long and sinuous, gradually narrowed to hairlike points. Male. — Length about 6.5 mm.; wing 7 mm. Eostrum pale yellow; palpi a little darker. Antennse with scape and pedicel pale yellow, flagellum brown; flagellar segments oval, the verticils exceeding the segments in length. Head pale yellow. Thorax uniformly pale yellow. Halteres pale yellow, the knobs weakly darkened. Legs whitish, even the last tarsal segment scarcely darkened. Wings whitish subhyaline, unmarked; veins brown. Macrotrichia of veins long and conspicuous. Venation: ending just beyond fork of Ms, Sco a short distance from its tip; Ms in longitudinal alignment with -E2 + 3 + 4; E2 + 3 subequal to M^+2’, veins M^ and M^ diverging at margin so cell M^ is only a little more than one-half as extensive at margin as cell E3; m-cu at near two -thirds the length of cell 1st Mo. Abdominal tergites pale brownish yellow, sternites whitish; hypopygium pale except for the blackened outer dististyle. Male hypopygium with the interbases pale, long and sinuous, gradually narrowed to hairlike points. Holotype, J', Potrerillos, altitude 3,000 feet. May 7, 1935 (MacSwain). Lipsothrix neotropica is the first Neotropical member of the genus to be discovered. It is very distinct from the only known Nearctic species, L. sylvia (Alexander), differing markedly in June, 1940] Alexander: Crane-Flies 115 the venation, as the distal position of m-cu, and in the structure of the male hypopygium, especially of the interbases. The in- dividual, while pale, is certainly not in teneral condition. Gonomyia (Gonomyia) remota obtusistyla new subspecies. Male. — Length about 4.5 mm. ,• wing 4.5 mm. Close to typical remota Alexander, of southern Mexico and Salvador, dif- fering in details of structure of the male hypopygium. Inner dististyle with the outer arm stouter, less spine-like in appearance; inner arm obtuse at apex, not extended into an acute spine as in the typical form. Aedeagus with apical blade more expanded. Holotype, c?, Potrerillos, altitude 3,500 feet. May 12, 1934 (Brown). Paratopotypes, 2 J' J', altitude 3,000 feet. May 14-15, 1935 (MacSwain). Gonomyia (Lipophleps) macswaini new species. Belongs to the manca group; general coloration dark brown, the pleura with a longitudinal whitish stripe; antennse black throughout; legs brownish black to black; wings with a strong brownish tinge, the stigma a trifle darker but very poorly delimited; >Sci ending opposite origin of Bs; male hypopygium with outer apical angle of basistyle produced into a long fleshy lobe; dististyles subterminal, asymmetrical on the two sides; phal- losome with a single blackened rod. Male. — Length about 3.5 mm.; wing 4 mm. Eostrum and palpi black. Antennae black throughout. Head dark, variegated on posterior portion by yellow. Pronotum and lateral pretergites light yellow. Mesonotal praescutum and scutal lobes dark brown; median area of scutum testaceous; scutellum yellow, dark at base; mediotergite darkened posteriorly, slightly paler on cephalic portion. Pleura dark brown, with a broad whitish longitudinal stripe extending from behind the fore coxae to the abdominal sternites; dorsopleural membrane pale. Halteres dark, the knobs broken. Legs with the coxae brownish testaceous; remainder of legs brownish black to black. Wings with a strong brown tinge, the stigma a trifle darker but very poorly delimited; prearcular region and costal field slightly paler than the ground; veins brown. Venation: /Sci ending opposite origin of Bs, Scs re- moved from its tip; Bs relatively long, exceeding one-half its anterior branch; cell 1st M2 closed; m-cu at fork of M. Abdominal tergites dark brown, sternites obscure yellow. Male hypo- pygium with outer apical lobe of basistyle long and slender, subequal in length to the body of style. Dististyles of the two sides asymmetrical, one side terminating in two slender rods, the inner of which is heavily blackened, the outer straight and paler; at base of these rods an additional tiny black spine; style of opposite side with a long base, at apex expanded into an 116 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii asymmetrical head that is conspicuously bispinous. Phallosome complex, asymmetrical, with a single blackened rod. Holotype, J', Potrerillos, altitude 3,000 feet, May 5, 1935 (MacSwain). Gonomyia (Lipophleps) macswaini is named in honor of the collector of many of the interesting species discussed in this report. The species is readily told from all other members of the manca group by the structure of the male hypopygium, especially the prolonged lobes of the basistyles, in conjunction with the strongly asymmetrical dististyles. SOME SYNONYMY IN NEOTROPICAL HESPERIID^ (LEPIDOPTERA) By E. L. Bell Kirby in his ‘‘Catalogue of the Collection of Diurnal Lepidop- tera Formed by the Late William Chapman Hewitson,” p. 243, 1879, lists Nisoniades selma Hewitson’’ from “Cayenne, Ama- zon, Venezuela, Rio.” The writer could find no published description of this name by Hewitson and wrote to Brigadier W. H. Evans of the British Mu- seum for information about it and has received a reply stating that it is a manuscript name and that the specimens in the Hewit- son collection labelled “se^ma” are Chiomara mithrax Moeschler. Mabille, “Genera Insectorum,” xvii, p. 74, 1903, lists Chio- mara salma Hewitson,” an evident misspelling of ‘‘selma.’’ Nisoniades selma Kirby (Hewitson ms.) and Chiomara salma Mabille are thus disposed of as synonyms of Chiomara mithrax Moeschler. June, 1940] SuGDEN: Cicadas 117 CHARACTERISTICS OF CERTAIN WESTERN CICADAS By Dr. John W. Sugden University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah Many differences exist in cicadas other than the morphological characters nsed in the taxonomic differentiation of genera and species. The habits, broods, locations, songs, seasons, plant as- sociations, time and activities may be so constant that they may be typical of certain groups and may even be of value in the determination of closely allied species. With a knowledge of these factors, one may be reasonably certain of what species or group of species may be expected to be found under certain conditions. The season for most of the far western cicadas is chiefly the early summer and by the latter part of the season, most of their visible activities are over with. Okanagana and the allied genera are dominant and Tibicen is represented by only a few species which are not typical of the genus in the east. By the latter part of July, the broods have scattered and only rarely can a song be heard. A record for Okanagana hella Davis is therefore unusual both for time and altitude. It was observed on September 19, 1932 in Utah County, Utah, east of Mt. Timpanoogas (altitude 11,957 ft. ) in the valley known as Little Provo Hole at an altitude of approximately 9,000 feet. All the determinations of the species considered here have been made by Mr. Win. T. Davis of Staten Island, New York and he has reviewed the manuscript. Dr. Walter Cottam of the Uni- versity of Utah determined the plants and John W. Sugden, III assisted in the collection. The author’s thanks is expressed. Cacama crepitans Van Duzee This cicada was found (June 24, 1938) on the hills of the Coast Range, Orange County, California, east of San Juan Capistrano. They were on the steep hill densely studded with Opuntia cactus, but no insects were found on the cacti notwithstanding the 118 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii popular name ‘‘cactus dodger,” but were always located on the other plants of the region and often were on dead twigs. The song of the Cacama, markedly different from that of Okanagana, was given in sequences of ten to twelve seconds. During the first five or six seconds, the song was rapid and shrill and then it decreased through the remaining interval to be again repeated without break in the continuity. The change from the low, dull song to the high, shrill interval was rapid and that from the opposites was considerably longer, taking about one second of time. During the first part, the full song, the abdomen was elevated and the opercula widely opened. During the remaining period, the abdomen was depressed and the opercula were then closed. The depression of the abdomen and the closure of the opercula damped the sound and with the alternate opening and closing, the song had an undulating character. The same insect observed at Point Loma, California, several years ago (June 12, 1931) had the same undulating character but the variations were slight. Only in cicadas with opercula covering the tympanal cavities is such a song possible. When captured there was a high-pitched, shrill, continuous song. Flying was during the low part of the song, not during the height with the abdomen raised. Fig. 1. Song of Cacama crepitans Van Duzee. Clidophelps pallida Van Duzee Clidophelps pallida was found in the valleys of Southern Cali-_ fornia (near Elsinore, Calif. June 24, 1938) on Eriogonum. There was a definite plant association and the insects were found wherever the plant occurred. When the insects flew they in- variably lighted on the plant and not on other bushes or plants in the vicinity. The characteristic song was a loud rasping rattle, very similar June, 1940] Sugden: Cicadas 119 in quality to the rattle of the rattlesnake. Many other cicada songs have been described as resembling this sound. Putnam (1881) writes that the note of 0. rimosa is a “rattling noise, ex- ceedingly like that of a rattlesnake. This resemblance was so close that one day in 1873, in the Shoshone Mountains, I was at- tracted by a noise which I took to be one of those insects, and stopped to pick it up, when I suddenly discovered a large rattle- snake in its stead” (quotation, Myers, 1929 p. 221 and Davis 1921 p. 50). Englehart states that the song of 0. schoefferi “closely resembles the whirring noise produced by a rattlesnake and that on one occasion in June, 1917, in Washington County, Utah, he came very near being bitten by a snake while searching in a small bush for the supposed cicada” (quotation, Davis, 1921, p. 50). My notes concerning the same Clidophelps, ob- served in San Diego County, California (June 12, 1931) were much the same. The similarity to the rattlesnake rattle was definite. With the song of any of the Okanaganas, I have never had the impression of hearing a rattlesnake, however, the dif- ference in the sounds may be more marked because of familiarity with the reptile. During the time of the rasping rattle, the wings were flattened and slightly opened. This occupied about ten seconds of time and none that were timed continued longer than twelve seconds. Many of the insects in a location would give the rattle sound in unison. When it was started, several could be heard to start within a fraction of a second and all would stop at almost the same instant. In addition, there was a clicking sound, during which the ab- domen was jerked up and down. This sound was repeated at a rate as frequent as 140 a minute and could be counted with a watch, much the same as taking a fetal heart tone. When dis- turbed by being too close, the clicking was less frequent or dis- continued. The insects depended upon concealing coloration and sometimes they could be picked from the stem without attempting to fly. Okanagodes gracilis Davis From a few miles north of Boulder City, Nevada (June 25, 1938) until off the plateau, the insects were found or heard 120 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii wlierever a plant association occurred. Three plants predomi- nated and were always together. The cicadas were found only on the first two. 1. The Bottle-plant, Eriogonum inflatum, a pale green, spindly plant with swollen hollow stems. 2. Burro-weed, Franseria dumosa, a small, grey, sage-like plant, growing from six to eight inches in height. 3. Creosote-bush, Covillea trident at a, an evergreen shrub with deep green leaves, growing about two feet in height and giving the only color to the region. It is the characteristic plant of the area, the Covillea belt. At the time, the temperature was estimated to be 110° F., which was apparently too conservative as at Boulder City, the official reading in the shade was 114° F., and at Las Vegas, it was considered “very warm.” Of course in the desert there was no shade. Time 11 A. M. The song, a series of short “zips,” was repeated, when not disturbed, at intervals of 160 a minute. When approached, the song was usually stopped or reduced in frequency and when it was resumed, a few chirps were given rather cautiously before starting the full song. Invariably the song seemed to be coming from a plant nearer than the one occupied by the insect. Even when allowance for error was considered, the site often was beyond the estimated location. When disturbed and flying, the male would give a short, rapid, continuous song or as often would fly without making any noise. The song seemed to resemble a mechanism that was wound up and released at frequent intervals for a split second, e.g., a movie camera with the lever repeatedly pressed. Protective obliterative coloration was especially marked ; a pale insect on pale plants on a hot desert. The songs of many of the Okanagana are very similar and have few distinguishing characteristics. As a rule, the song is given only during the hottest part of the day, never at evening and rarely unless the insects are in the bright sunlight, even being stopped when the shadow of a cloud comes over. Captive specimens of Okanagana bella and Okanagana striatipes have been induced to sing when a vacuum cleaner was started. Oka7iagana ruhrovenosa Davis At Gold Kun, California, (elevation 3224 Ft., June 13, 1938) June, 1940] SuGDEN: Cicadas 121 Okanagana ruhrovenosa were on the manzanita bushes, which in this locality grew from three to six- feet in height. The cicadas were usually on the smaller branches and were often out toward the ends carrying the leaves. The song, a shrill whistle, was stopped when the insect was ap- proached and resumed if the observer remained quiet. During the song, the abdomen was elevated which had the effect of open- ing wider the tympanal cavities. Sometimes it woidd be con- tinued while the insect was flying. In addition, a clicking sound was made by flicking the wings. The females probably can make the same sound, but those that were observed were quiet and did not even try to fly when collected. The same insects collected on manzanita in Washington County, Utah (July 6, 1930 and June 11, 1932) acted much the same, but did not click their wings. Okanagana hella Davis Okanagana hella as frequently observed in the canyons about the valleys of the Great Salt Lake and at Fish Lake, Sevier County, Utah (July 2, 1930) and Mt. Hood, Oregon (July 23, 1935) had the same even, high-pitched song of Okanagana ruhrovenosa. If the two could be heard together, a difference might be detected. Okanagana hella is found on willows {Salix sp.) birch, quaking aspen {Populus tremuloicles) and other trees in the canyons and often at higher elevations than other cicadas. The wing clicking, however, has not been observed with this species. Okanagana vanduzeei Distant Okanagana vanduzeei were found at several localities. At Mill Valley and Muir Woods, California (June 17, 1938) they were on the grass covered hills. The song was more even, but about the same pitch as that of Okanagana striatipes and their actions were very similar. They were active, flew readily and were difficult to approach. After flying, the insects would often circle back and alight, head upward, at a not very great distance from the starting point. At Union, Oregon (July 21, 1935) on a sage brush covered hill, the flight was often at a level above the sage, when suddenly they would drop to a lower level and continue until they crashed into another bush. At Soquel and Elsinore, California (1938) the insects were also on grass. 122 • Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii Okanagana calif ornica Distant Okanagana calif ornica at Elsinore, California (June 24, 1938) was on grass and had a song and actions indistinguishable from those of Okanagana vanduzeei. Okanagana luteokasalis Davis Okanagayia luteohasalis is only associated with the sage brush and is found over these areas on the plateaus of southern Utah. The type brood of this species was observed near the town of Hatch, Garfield County, Utah (June 5, 1931) on the Paunsaugunt Plateau. (Davis, 1935 p. 302. The type locality is in Garfield County, not Davis County.) The brood had emerged just south of the town and to the east of U. S. Highway 89. In the area, which was about 100 feet in diameter, the sage was scrubby and only a foot or less in height and was quite definitely demarcated from the surrounding country. In this limited area were found thousands of exuvia, although the adults were beginning to spread out, the skins exactly marked the limits of the brood. Five to twenty could be found around every sage brush. It seemed probable that the large number of nymphs, feeding on the roots, had caused the plants to suffer over the limited area. With this in mind, the site was examined from an elevation west of the road and the area of scrubby sage and exuvia was essentially the same. Most of the insects were easily captured as is usually the case with recently emerged broods. Some were copulating and others had just emerged and were still green, with limp, ghostly, pale green wings. The pronotum on either side of the mid line was the first to become dark. The ocelli stood out as orange spots and the compound eyes were brown. Some of the females were ovipositing on the sage, but most of them had chosen the rabbit brush. They would usually take about three minutes to the nest. One continued to work for ten minutes, but this may have been the last nest, as it was not filled with eggs and there were several other completed nests in a line on the stem above. All the ovipositing females were head down on the stems. Just north of Nephi, Utah (June 26, 1938) in a sage brush field, a cicada was heard and when collected, was found to be June, 1940] Sugden; Cicadas 123 Okanagana luteohasalis. It was on the stem of the central part of the sage. No other of this species was found, although they were searched for. Other broods of the same species have always been in large numbers so this specimen may have been from a more distant location. In the same general region, Okanagana utahensis was also collected, but these insects were always on the leafy parts of the plant. Okanagana utahensis Davis and Okanagana striatipes (Haldeman) Most of the Okanagana songs are very similar and tend to be even and continuous. When they are singing in the same locality, slight differences in the quality become more evident. Both Okanagana utahensis and Okanagana striatipes are found on the sage brush and grass-covered foothill of the Wasatch Mountains, on the terraces of old Lake Bonneville, east of Salt Lake City. The songs have enough contrast to distinguish the insects by the sound alone. At Fort Douglas, Utah (July 4, 1938) Okanagana striatipes were fairly numerous, alert and well scattered. A few exuvia were found on the ground or clinging to the plants. A female flew to a singing male, alighted on the stem, approached the male and then assumed a parallel position. The male’s song was re- duced to a few feeble clicks and copulation began. The act was timed and found to continue for 10 minutes, during which they were quiet and could be handled without attempting to escape. In Okanagana striatipes, the song is loud for the size of the insect and it has a definite rapid undulating character giving a quivering effect. That of Okanagana utahensis is finer, more even and somewhat weaker even though the insect is larger. Okanagana utahensis was the common cicada along the Wasatch Drive, southeast of Salt Lake City (July 3, 1938) on the sage brush flats. Most of the insects were located on the leafy parts of the plants. Only an occasional Okanagana striatipes was found. A female, Okanagana utahensis, was first observed as it crawled along side of a male whose song had been heard. Copu- lation immediately took place and the song was instantly dis- continued. The act was timed and took 14 minutes during which time the insects clung to the sage in parallel positions. 124 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii Okanagana synodica (Say) A large brood of Okanagana synodica was observed in Emery County, Utah (June 7, 1928). At first, the sound was mistaken for the humming of the carburetor of the car. In the field, so many were buzzing that it was impossible to locate the position of any individual. After examining the low, sage-like bushes, thousands of the insects were found. Fifteen or twenty could be easily collected on a bush not over a foot high. The note, similar to the typical Okanagana song, was not very loud, but shrill and long continued and what the individual lacked in volume was made up for by the large numbers. Very few would fly if disturbed, but would remain on the bushes and could be collected by hand. Others would become quiet when disturbed and fall to the ground, where their color closely resembled the buff colored soil. Many were mating. The exuvia were on the ground or attached to the stems. Okanagana fumipennis Davis Okanagana fumipennis as observed in San Juan County, Utah (June 8, 1928 and by H. W. Pickett, June 22, 1932) were on the wide sage brush flats of the region. They were easily captured, were poor flyers and if thrown in the air, they would fall to earth a few feet away. None voluntarily took to wing. The song was strong and long continued. Many exuvia were on the ground and clinging to the sage. This species was originally con- fused with Okanagana schxfferi, (Davis, 1932, 251). Okanagana schcefferi Davis The habits and songs of Okanagana schcefferi were entirely dif- ferent from Okanagana fumipennis when the former was ob- served along the Mt. Carmel-Zion Park Highway in Utah (June 5, 1931). The insects were found only on the junipers {Juni- peris utahensis) which were very common in the region. They were active and flew readily. A few were copulating. The song had a distinct metallic quality and when several were singing, the sound resembled the noise made by the safety razor blade sharpeners in the boot-black stands a few years ago. It was long-continued and louder than that of the smaller Okanaganas. JUNEj 1940] Sugden: Cicadas 125 Platypedia mohavensis Davis Platypedia mohavensis were in the same juniper trees with Okanagana schcefferi. Both sexes made a clicking sound by flicking the wings and because of the large number, the sound resembled a shower of hail or shot dropped on wrapping paper. These insects were not singing. Platypedia putnami lutea Davis and Neoplatypedia constricta Davis Both Platypedia putnami lutea and N eoplatypedia constricta were collected in South Willow Creek Canyon, Tooele County, Utah. In May (May 24, 1931) only the former had emerged and the next month (June 14, 1931) both were present. The songs were similar, not loud and both sexes of both species were making the wing-clicking sounds. They were found on rabbit brush {Chrysothamnus sp.) and sage (Artemisia trident at a) . Platy- pedia putnami lutea have been collected on juniper in the Kaibab Forest (June 11, 1924) and on willow (Salix sp.) in the canyons of Salt Lake County, Utah (May 30, 1930) . i Tihicinoides mercedita (Davis) and Tihicinoides cupreo- sparsus (Uhler) Tihicinoides mercedita at Dixon, California (June 13, 1938) had a song very similar to that of Okanagana vanduzeei and other allied species. The smaller Tihicinoides cupreo-sparsus in San Diego County, California (June 12, 1931) had an even song, which was not very loud and was usually stopped before the insect could be located. The dark color gave a remarkable con- cealing coloration when the insect was clinging to the dark, dry twigs and branches of a small shrub. Eighteen western species of seven genera of cicadas have been considered. Ten species were observed and collected during 1938 and to these notes have been added other observations made in recent years. 126 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii NEW FLEAS West Coast Crested Fleas Corypsylla and Nearctopsylla (Pacific Univ. Bull. Vol. 37, No. 1, Mar., 1940, 10 p., 1 pi.) . American Mole and Shrew Fleas (Pacific Univ. Bull. Vol. 37, No. 2, April, 1940, 9 p., 2 pL). West Coast Catallagias (Pacific Univ. Bull. Vol. 37, No. 3, May, 1940, 4 p., 1 pi.) by C. Ander- son Hubbard. In these three papers. Doctor Hubbard describes one new genus and nine new species of fleas, examples of which have been deposited in colleges, universities and museums in the eastern, southern, western and central areas of the United States, as well as in Canada and abroad, thus making the future study of them easier for students and specialists. Doctor Hubbard questions the taxonomic value of the “ incrassation ” in Corypsylla and in his paper on American mole and shrew fleas, presents information designed to improve the host records, for certain species, as given by Irving Pox in ‘‘Pleas of Eastern United States,” noted in this Journal in volume 48, No. 1, p. 32. Other information is presented, adding to the taxonomic and biologic knowledge of our American Siphonaptera. — H. B. W. June, 1940] Hallock: Sarcophagin^ 127 THE SARCOPHAGIN^ AND THEIR RELATIVES IN NEW YORK, PART I^ By Harold C. Hallock Pennsylvania State College INTRODUCTION An attempt is made in this paper to define the limits of a small group of muscoid files, the Sarcophagince and their relatives in so far as the species, which occur in New York, are concerned. A study of the structures of the male hypopygium of the Sarcophaga has been included in the hope that a better understanding of the relationship of the species to each other might be obtained. The correct understanding of North American SarcophagincB must be based upon the work of Dr. J. M. Aldrich. Twenty-two years ago Aldrich (1916) published his Sarcophaga and Allies” which produced an orderly arrangement of the group for the first time. Several years later he had an opportunity to visit the European Museums and study the types of the early authors. As a result of this study Aldrich (1924, 1930) pointed out the synonomy of many names that were in common use in American literature. Reference must also be made to the important studies by Dr. R. R. Parker which were published in many widely scattered papers from 1914 to 1923. Parker described several new species and made a careful study of the structures of some species of the Bavinia and Boettcheria groups of the genus Sarcophaga. We must also depend upon Parker (1916, 1919) for our understanding of Sarcofahrtia. A discussion of North American Sarcophagince would not be 1 As this study was completed while the writer was at Cornell University this article is a contribution from the Department of Entomology, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. The writer desires to acknowledge assistance from Prof. Eobert Matheson, Prof. O. A. Johannsen, Cornell University: Mr. David G. Hall, U. S. National Museum; Dr. Eichard Dow, Boston Soc. Nat. History; and Mr. H. G. Eeinhard, Texas Agricultural Experiment Station. The writer is also grateful for the valuable assistance of his wife, Mabel M. Hallock, during the proof reading. 128 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii complete without reference to Mr. David G. Hall who has pub- lished (1926-1937) about a dozen papers dealing with American SarcophagidcB. The most important of his papers are ‘[Sarco- phaga pallinervis and related species in the Americas” (1928) and ‘‘The Sarcophagince of Panama” (1933). There are also many taxonomic papers by Dr. C. H. T. Town- send which must be considered for a complete understanding of the New York species. The remaining taxonomic, biological and economic papers, which have been consulted, are widely scattered in the literature. As a result it seems wise to give a summary of this information dealing with New York Sarcophagince and their relatives. The tribe, Miltogrammini, of the SarcophagidcB will not be con- sidered in this paper as these flies have been very well treated by Allen (1926). Very little new information about the New York Bliltogrammini has been obtained during the past twelve years. The remaining species of SarcophagidcB, which are known to occur in New York and a few others which are likely to be found in New York, are discussed in this paper. Keys are given to separate the genera of this portion of the family and the species occurring in the different genera. The discussion of the species will deal largely with a few distinctive characters, their distribution in New York and the known hosts or other larval food habits of the SarcophagincB. The male genitalia will be considered in so far as they tend to aid in the illustration of the group relationships and help in the determination of the species. The known distribution for each species and the total seasonal occurrence of the adults is given for New York. Credit for the collection of the different species is not repeated, as this informa- tion has been given by Leonard (1928) and Hallock (1937). The writer has found that special methods of preparing the male genitalia for study are necessary. A combination of several of the published methods with some variation has proved most satis- factory. When there is an abundance of material the genitalia of a few specimens of each species are dissected, soaked in potas- sium hydroxide to remove the soft muscle parts, etc., washed in several ch^^nges of water to remove the potash, transferred to cello- solve and then mounted on slides in Canada balsam in such a June, 1940] Hallock: Sarcophagin^ 129 manner as not to flatten ont the parts. The minute details of the specimen, which cannot be seen plainly with a binocular, may now be examined to advantage with the higher powers of the compound microscope. This method has been used by Patton (1933) and Senior- White (1924) but Hardy (1927) objected to the use of potash. Other specimens should be studied with the genitalia in situ as described by Parker (1914) and Aldrich (1916) to cor- rect any errors. The potash may dissolve some of the more deli- cate parts of the aedeagus or as a result of the dissection and soak- ing in potash a portion of a sclerite may drop off and be lost. This is very likely to occur in the case of the portion of the sclerite immediately surrounding the lower portion of the V of the flfth sternite. LIFE HISTORY The Sarcophagince, as all other Diptera, are insects with com- plete metamorphoses. They pass through four stages, egg, larva, pupa and adult during their life cycle. Egg : Most Sarcophaga do not lay eggs but larviposit flrst instar larvag, upon the host or larval food. In this case the entire em- bryological development has taken place within the female fly and the larvse have hatched before larviposition. In cases where there is an abundance of meat or other proper food for the larvae the female fly may oviposit eggs upon the meat. This oviposition was observed by Smith (1933) during his study of Sarcophaga securifera. He observed that these eggs either hatched immediately or within the following eight or nine hours. The writer has dissected female flies of Sarcophaga bullata, S. latisterna, and S. misera var. sarracenioides and found larvae which had already hatched. Several other species of Sarcophaga have been observed to larviposit when upon the point of death in a killing jar. Larva: Each larva passes through three instars during the development. The first instar is normally very short. Smith (1933) pointed out that the first instar was completed in thirteen to sixteen hours at a temperature of 80° F. He also found that the second molt occurred ten to twenty hours later. The larvae became completely developed in about six days after deposition and migrated to the soil to pupate. 130 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii Under normal temperature conditions Hallock (1929) found that the larvae of S. latisterna developed in four to five days. At the same time the larger species, 8. hullata, took an average of eleven days to develop. It was also observed that hullata devel- oped slower during cool periods in the summer but its develop- ment was completed in six to ten days during the hot periods of the summer. This should be contrasted with the slow develop- ment of the larvae of 8. fletcheri in pitcher plants. Larvae which had already reached the third instar stage during July, 1936, were observed to feed for a period varying from six to ten days before pupation. This would indicate the possibility that the entire larval stage may last about a month. Pupa : The sarcophagid pupal period is subject to considerable variation at different seasons of the year. The writer found in early September, 1935, that 8. hullata pupated but the flies did not emerge when kept at the normal fall temperatures. During the summer months the pupal period lasted normally ten to four- teen days. Smith (1933) found that 8. securifera remained in the pupal stage from ten to thirteen days when kept at a tempera- ture of 80° P. Adult : There is very little information available about the length of life of the adult fly. Smith (1933) reported that the maximum length of life of 8. securifera was about a month. He also found that oviposition did not take place until eight to four- teen days after emergence. It also appears that meat must be included in the diet of the adult fly in order that larvae will develop. The writer’s experience in rearing 8. hullata, 8. sar- racenioides and 8. securifera agree with Smith’s findings that meat is a necessary part of the fly diet in order that larvae may develop. The number of generations in any season depends upon the species, availability of suitable larval food, and temperature. 8arcophaga cimhicis has been found flying in New York from May until October. It attacks a wide variety of hosts so it should be able to find larval food easily. The larval development is rapid and a cool period, during the summer, does not appear to delay development as much as in the case of some of the species, such as hidlata, for example. There must be several overlapping genera- June, 1940] Hallock: Sarcophagin^ 131 tions although the complete life history of the parasite, cimhids, has not been worked out. This long period of adult abundance may be contrasted with Sarcophaga aldrichi which occurs in New York from late May until early July. This species appears to be limited to a few Lepidopterous hosts and Malacosoma disstria is the preferred one. Although the life history has not been com- pletely studied, available data points to one generation with a fairly long period of adult emergence. The scavenger groups, including the dung and dead animal feeders, have several over- lapping generations. THE MALE HYPOPYGIAL STRUCTURES The terminology which has been followed in this study is adapted from Snodgrass (1935). A few terms which seem more descriptive of the structure have been adapted from Patton (1933- 1935) after studying his series of papers in the ‘‘Annals of Trop- ical Medicine and Parasitology. ” A comparison of the terms which have been used by workers on the Sarcophagidse, is given in Table 1. A careful study was made of the hypopygium of about 30 species from New York and the internal hypopygial structures are illus- trated in this paper (Figs. 1-97). The structure of Hypopelta scrofa is described and compared with the variation found in the other species of Sarcophaginm. The visceral part of the abdomen of H. scrofa consists of seg- ments one to five, but the first segment has been obscured by re- duction and union with the second. As a result the segments (one to four) mentioned in all systematic papers are segments two to five of the Dipterous abdomen. In order to avoid confusion the systematic system has been adapted in the systematic part of this paper when referring to the first four segments of the abdomen. The references to the hypopygial structure will be made by a name assigned to the part or, when mention is made by segment number; the true abdominal segment number will be used in the case of all h3rpopygial segments. Segments six to ten and the fifth sternum are included in the hypopygial structures and many of these structures have valuable taxonomic characters. There has been considerable reduction, obliteration, and modi- fication of the male genitalia structures in H. scrofa and the other 132 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii Sarcophaginm so it is difficult to correctly name the structures. The fifth sternum (Fig. 2) is a convex sclerite with a deep U cut in its caudal margin. Hypopelta scrofa has two raised projections on the base of the U, which are lacking in the majority of the Sarcophagince. The U of H. scrofa becomes a V in the Sarcophaga as illustrated by S. bullata. Segment six appears to be obliterated as in the case of Pollenia rudis studied by Snodgrass (1935) and segment seven consists of a smaller tergal plate than in the case of rudis. The seventh spiracle is present in the membranous walls on the lateral side of the body just cephalad of the eighth segment. The eighth segment has a well developed tergum which has often been mentioned in American taxonomic literature as the first seg- ment of the hypopygium. The sternum of the eighth segment, which helps to support the fifth sternum, is reduced to a narrow sclerotic band, which is incomplete on the right side. The eighth sternum has no taxonomic value and is not illustrated. The ter- gum of the ninth segment has been called the second segment of the hypopygium in taxonomic literature. The sternum of the ninth segment projects forward and upward from the lower angles of the ninth tergum and forms the dorsal wall of a large pouch which is invaginated within the eighth sternum. The phallic organs normally extend into this pouch. The ninth sternum (Fig. 4) is a broad plate with its posterior angles produced as two arms which embrace the base of the sedeagus. The plate in the case of H. scrofa has been reduced and the arms enlarged but Sarco- phaga hcemorrhoidalis has a normal ninth sternum (Fig. 62). There are two lateral bars which connect the ninth sternum to the tenth segment. The tenth segment has been reduced to a mem- branous area surrounding the anus. There are two lobes con- nected with this tenth segment which Snodgrass has termed lateral lobes but in this paper they are called anal forceps (Figs. 1, 3). The term, forceps, has been used by Aldrich and Parker and is very descriptive of the sclerite. The lobes which are attached to the ninth segment and given no definite name by Snodgrass, are called accessory plates (Fig. 1) which is the name used by Parker (1914) and Aldrich (1916). The phallic organs of Sarcophagincc consist principally of a well developed aedeagus and supporting basal structures. The struc- June, 1940] Hallock: Sarcophagin^ 133 ture which has been termed sedeagns by Snodgrass has been called phallosome by Patton, and penis by Aldrich, Parker and several other taxonomic writers. The sedeagus is a large irregular struc- ture (Fig. 1). The sclerites called anterior and posterior claspers (Fig. 1) by taxonomic writers are the lateral processes of the asdeagus. The shape of the claspers has considerable value as a taxonomic character but is less important than the aedeagus. There is a very small sclerite at the base of the claspers which Parker (1914) termed the fulcral plate. This plate, which varies very little in the species studied, has no importance in classification and is not illustrated. The basal apodeme (Fig. 5) is represented by a low thecal fold. The free end of the basal apodeme extends cephalad and the attached end surrounds the base of the sedeagus. The basal apodeme of H. scrofa is broader and shorter than the average Sarcophagince which is illustrated by Sarcopliaga htUlata (Fig. 54), a typical Sarcophaga species. The basal apodeme serves for muscle attachment. The sperm pump sclerite (Fig. 6) is situated above the basal apodeme and serves for muscle attach- ment. The sperm pump sclerite is connected with the ejactula- tory bulb, which connects with the ejaculatory duct. Distal to the ejaculatory bulb the duct enters the base of the phallus and thus connects with the asdeagus. Most of the structures discussed above have been illustrated for the species of Sarcophaga which occur commonly in New York. These structures will be discussed further under the genus to show the relationship of the groups. CLASSIFICATION The limits of a small group of New York Muscoid flies, the Sarcophaginm and their relatives, will be outlined in the follow- ing pages. These flies belong to the order Diptera and the family SarcophagidcB. All the flies in this group have a longitudinal seam along the upper outer edge of the second antennal segment. The arista is generally plumose half its length but in some cases it may be only pubescent or even entirely bare. The mouth parts are well de- veloped and functional. There is a row of strong bristles on the hypopleura. The postscutellum is not distinct and the metanotum Comparison of Hypopygial Terminology Used by Writers on SarcophagincB 134 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. XLVIII b£) a Oi -tJ B CO „ Jh Wo O pH CO -rH O CO CO ^ O O ^ -M O o S > be 02 -i-H CO <32 p a a be JH CO 02 rP "a -M rP rP be a a « 02 ■+J ft ft CO o ^ a' o p CO be*' ■ g p ^ •V p ^ ® !=3 « P ’a p p o2 p p <02 02 a 42 02 p Pi ■Pi ® ft hH Cj 3 P «H rP base imp sclerite central apodeme sperm pump sclerite June, 1940] Hallock: Sarcophagin^ 135 has only a single convexity. There are three or four notopleural bristles present. The species found in this group are generally grayish with a more or less tessellated abdomen and three to five longitudinal stripes on the thorax. The CalliphoridcB are considered as a distinct family at the present time. When the world fauna has been completely studied it may be found necessary to unite the Sarcophagidce with the CalliphoridcB. As there are always border line forms which can be placed only with difficulty the Sarcophagidce will be considered here as a separate family. In this study the tribe Miltogrammini, of the Sarcophagidce will not be discussed. This tribe includes species with the accessory plate as long or longer than the anal forceps. The impression of the bucca, near the vibrissal angle, is small and not deeply sub- merged beneath the parafacials and remainder of the bucca. The sternopleuron never has more than two bristles and the segments of the abdomen lacks discal bristles. The group studied in this paper is divided into twelve genera. In order to make identification as simple as possible all the species in the several genera are included in the same key (which will be given in Part II), although keys to the species are given for the individual genera in some cases. Key to Genera 1. Arista long plumose 2 Arista short plumose 5 Arista bare or only short pubescent 7 2. First, third and fifth veins with a row of bristles Jolinsonia Coquillett The fifth vein always bare 3 3. Fourth vein ending at the tip of the wing Opsodexia Townsend Fourth vein ending far before the tip of the wing 4 4. Front strongly produced, antennal axis strikingly greater than the vibrissal and frontal profile sloped ; the caudal end of male abdomen appearing truncate Metoposarcopiiaga Townsend Front normal ; abdomen not truncate in appearance Sarcophaga Meigen 5. Fourth vein ending at the tip of the wing Opelousia Townsend Fourth vein ending far before the tip of wing 6 6. Some pale hairs on back of head; epaulets black Hypopelta Aldrich Only black hairs on back of head ; epaulets light colored. Sarcofahrtia Parker 7. Median marginal bristles present on first abdominal segment; frontal bristles not descending below base of antennae; ovipositor of female drawn out like an awl Macronichia Eondani 136 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii Median marginal bristles absent on first abdominal segment; frontal bristles extend below base of antennse 8 8. Abdomen with three rows of shining spots on the second, third, and fourth segments; these are sometimes confluent; fifth sternite entire Wohlfahrtia B. & B. Abdomen pollinose, at most the hind part of segments shining black in certain lights 9 9. Paraf acials without bristles ; antennae yellow ErytJirandra B. & B. Parafacials with a row of bristles; antennae black 10 10. Second abdominal segment with median marginal bristles; anterior acrostichals present; scutellum with a pair of apical bristles. Oppiopsis Townsend Second abdominal segment without median marginal bristles; anterior acrostichals lacking; apical bristles lacking on scutellum. Laccoprosopa Townsend DISCUSSION OF GENERA AND SPECIES Macronichia Roiidani 1859. Eonclani, Dipt. Ital. Prod., vol. 3, p. 229. 1931. Townsend, Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist., vol. 8, p. 379. Townsend (1931) pointed out that the Amohia of authors is Macronichia Rondani. As a result onr New York species, aurata and conf undens, fall in the genus, Macronichia. Genotype. — Macronichia ungulans (Pand.). Macronichia aurata Coq. 1902. Coqnillett, Proc. U. S. N. M., vol. 25, p. 119. The two species of Macronichia found in New York are easily separated as aurata has the fourth abdominal segment and re- mainder of abdomen posterior to it golden yellow pruinose. The fourth abdominal segment is crossed longitudinally by brownish spots. Length. — 7 to 8 mm. Records. — Owego ; Ithaca ; Tuxedo. Last of June through August. Type.— Cat. No. 6233, U. S. N. M. Macronichia conf undens Town. 1915. Townsend {Amohio'psis confundens), Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., vol. 28, p. 20. The gray pollinose thorax of this species is marked by three to June, 1940] Hallock : Sarcophagin^ 137 five black vittse. The abdomen is gray pollinose, marked with three rows of black spots on the dorsum of the four abdominal segments. Length. — 7 to 9 mm. Records. — Tuxedo. July 24-28. Type.— Cat. No. 19134, U. S. N. M. Opelousia Townsend 1919. Townsend, Proc. U. S. N. M., vol. 56, p. 547. There is very little known about the habits of the Opelousia. Townsend (1935) recorded that Opelousia have been reared from snails. Genotype. — Opelousia ohscura Townsend. Opelousia ohscura Townsend 1919. Townsend, Proc. U. S. N. M., vol. 56, p. 547. This species was originally described from three males taken in Louisiana and one male from North Dakota. The species is mod- erately common in the south. The writer has seen four specimens taken near Atlantic City, New Jersey. As the species has a fairly wide range of distribution it may be expected to occur in New York. Length. — 4 to 4.5 mm. This fly was recorded by Reinhard (1929) as a parasite of the snail, Succinea luteola. The parasite passed the winter in . the pupal stage within the shell of its host. Type.— Male, No. 22249, U. S. N. M. Opsodexia Townsend 1915. Townsend, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., vol. 28, p. 20. The host relations of this group are unknown. Townsend (1935) described the female reproductive organs for Opsodexia and pointed out that the fecundity was very small, ‘‘at most a dozen at a deposition.” The adult flies have been recorded on Solidago, Baccharis and other Compositoe. Genotype. — Opsodexia hicolor (Coq.). Opsodexia hicolor Coquillett 1899. Coquillett, Jour. N. Y. Ent. Soc., vol. 7, p. 221. 138 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii 1915. Townsend, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., vol. 28, p. 20. 1935. Townsend, Manual of Myiology, Pt. 2, p. 256. The legs are largely yellow and in the light form the abdomen is yellow except a dark line along the apex of each segment. The dark form has the femora largely black and the abdomen mostly dark wdth gray pollinose. Length. — 5 to 6 mm. Records. — Ithaca; Hancock; Millwood; Corinth; Lake George; Kaaterskill; L.I.: Cold Spring Harbor; Wading River; Babylon. June to September. Type.— Cat. No. 4121, U. S. N. M. Opsodexia abdominalis Reinhard 1929. Reinhard, Proc. U. S. N. M., vol. 76, art. 20. The type locality of Opsodexia abdominalis is Fabyans, N. H., so the species can be expected to occur in northern New York. The fly was taken on flowers of Solidago. This species may be readily separated from 0. bicolor by the black densely gray pollinose abdomen. It differs further in that the fourth vein is broadly bowed and lacks a definite angle, and the arista has shorter hairs and is practically bare beneath. Length. — 7 mm. Type.— Male. Cat. No. 41986, U. S. N. M. Laccoprosopa Townsend 1891. Townsend, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc., vol. 18, p. 366. 1935. Townsend, Man MyioL, Part II, p. 180. Curran (1934) placed the species found in this genus in the Brachycoma although in the New York State List, 1928, he used the name Laccoprosopa avium Curran for a manuscript species. It seems best at this time to retain the genus Laccoprosopa. Genotype. — Laccoprosopa sarcophagina Townsend Laccoprosopa sarcophagina Townsend 1891. Townsend, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc., vol. 18, p. 366. The genus Laccoprosopa is represented by a single species in New York. Leonard (1928) recorded this species in New York as L. avium Curr. (manuscript name). Mr. David G. Hall, U. S. June, 1940] HALLOCK: SARCOPHAGIN.E 139 National Museum, lias kindly studied the specimens and deter- mined them to be Laccoprosopa sarcophagina Townsend. The specimens also were compared with a homotype (determined by Dr. J. M. Aldrich) in the U. S. National Museum. Length. — 7 to 8 mm. Records. — Ithaca. Five adults reared from larvae parasitic on young crows. “Ithaca, N. Y., Cornell University, Exp. No. 1023, sub. 272 (I. Dobroscky).” Plath (1922, 1934), Frison (1926) and Townsend (1936) recorded L. sarcophagina as heavily parasitising five species of bumblebees (Bombus auricomus, B. feroidus, B. americanorum^ B. bimaculatus, and B. vagans). Oppiopsis Townsend 1915. Townsend, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., vol. 28, p. 20. 1916. Aldrich {Harbeckia) , Sarcophaga and Allies, p. 47. 1918. Townsend, Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., vol. 20, p. 20. The genus was erected by Townsend (1915) and in 1918 he pointed out that Harbeckia Aldrich was synonymous. A single species Oppiopsis sheldoni has been taken on Long Island. Genotype— Oppiopsis sheldoni (Coq.). Oppiopsis sheldoni Coq. 1898, Coquillett {Brachycoma sheldoni), Can. Ent., vol. 30, p. 233. 1915. Townsend {Oppiopsis sheldoni Coq.), Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., vol. 28, p. 20. 1916. Aldrich {Harbeckia tesselata), Sarcophaga and Allies, p. 47. 1918. Townsend, Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., vol. 20, p. 20. Specimens of 0. sheldoni have been recorded from many locali- ties throughout the northeastern part of the United States but the species does not appear to be numerous at any one time. Length. — 6 to 8-| mm. Record. — ^Babylon, July 15. Type.— Cat. No. 4069, U. S. N. M. Erythrandra B. & B. 1891. Brauer and Bergenstamm, Denkschr. Kais. Akad. Wiss. AYien, vol. 58, p. 368. 140 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii 1897. Coquillett {Brachycoma) , U. S. D. A. Tech. Ser. No. 7, p. 131. 1916. Townsend (Eubrachycoma) , Ins. Ins. Men., vol. 4, p. 19. 1924. Aldrich (Erythrandra B. & B.), Ann. Ent. Soc. Am., vol. 17, p. 211. Aldrich studied the type from the Vienna Natural History Museum and pointed out in 1924 that onr American species which Coquillett (1897) described as Brachycoma apicalis belonged in the genus Erythrandra B. & B. This genus is represented by a single species in New York. Genotype. — Erythrandra picipes B. & B. Erythrandra picipes B. & B. 1891. Brauer & Bergensta, Denkschr. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 58, p. 368. The synonymy of this species is discussed by Aldrich (1924) in detail. Townsend (1935) states that Eubrachycoma apicalis C. is distinct from Erythrandra picipes B. & B. on the ground that Eubrachycoma apicalis has the third longitudinal vein bristled at least half way to first cross vein while Erythrandra picipes has the third longitudinal vein bristled only at the base. The specimen of E. picipes (det. by Aldrich) which the writer has examined from New York has the third longitudinal vein bristled only at the base. Length. — 7 mm. Records. — Black Mt., Lake George. September. Type. — Vienna Natural History Museum. Johnsonia Coquillett 1895. Coquillett, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., vol. 47, p. 316. Hall (1933) pointed out that the diagnostic characters of this homogeneous genus were the setulose fifth vein and the long bristles on the cheeks. Genotype. — Johnsonia elegans Coq. Johnsonia borealis Reinhard 1937. Reinhard, Bull. Brooklyn Ent. Soc., vol. 32, p. 62. Reinhard (1937) described Johnsonia borealis from two female specimens which were taken in Ohio and Michigan. As the spe- June, 1940] Hallock; Sarcophagin^ 141 cies of this genus are nearly all southern in their distribution this was the first species of Johnsonia known to occur in northeastern United States. Hallock (1938) described the male of Johnsonia borealis and gave the additional distributional records from New York and Pennsylvania. It should be noted that this species has been found chiefly in the Upper Austral and Transition Zones. Length. — 6.5 to 10 mm. Records. — Poughkeepsie. June to the middle of August. Figure 7. Type. — University of Michigan Museum. Sarcofahrtia Parker 1916. Parker, Psyche, vol. 23, p. 131. 1916. Aldrich (Thelodiscus) , Sarcophaga and Allies, p. 63, 302. The genus, Sarcofahrtia, was described in detail by Parker (1916). Later in the same year Aldrich (1916) redescribed the genus as Thelodiscus and then on page 302 of his ^‘Sarcophaga and Allies” pointed out the synonym. Parker (1919) added three new species to the genus. It is apparent that the genera, Sarcofahrtia and Wohlfahrtia, are closely related. Both genera have the fifth sternite of the male undivided, epaulets yellow or brownish, vestiture or back of head black, the membrane connecting the genital segments to the re- mainder of the abdomen is unusually short which makes it some- what more difficult to examine the genitalia of the species in these two genera than in the case of the Sarcophaga. Parker (1916) pointed out this relationship. The habits of the Sarcofahrtia are unknown while the Wohl- fahrtia are parasites of man and animals and often cause human myiasis. Genotype. — Sarcofahrtia ravinia Parker. Sarcofahrtia ravinia Parker 1916. Parker, Psyche, vol. 23, p. 123. 1916. Aldrich {Thelodiscus indivisus), Sarcophaga and Allies, p. 64 and p. 302. 1919. Parker, Ent. News, vol. 30, p. 203. There are numerous records of S. ravinia throughout New Jersey, New England states, and Quebec, Canada. Although it 142 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii has never been taken in New York it undoubtedly occurs in the state. Length. — 7 to 11 mm. Type. — Male and female in Mass. Agr. Coll, collection. Wohlfahrtia B. & B. 1889. Brauer and Bergenstamm, Denkschr. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 56, p. 123. 1893. Brauer and Bergenstamm, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, vol. 43, p. 501. When this genus was erected by Brauer and Bergenstamm in- sufficient distinguishing characters were listed. As a result the validity of the genus was doubted until Aldrich (1916) stated the generic characters very clearly. Townsend (1935) pointed out that the maggots were usually deposited on the upper lip of man and entered the nostrils, though at times occurring in the ear and at other times causing dermal myiasis. Genotype. — Wohlfahrtia magnifica Walker. Wohlfahrtia vigil Walker 1848. Walker, List of Dipterous Insects in British Museum, vol. 4, p. 831. 1895. Coquillett {Paraphyto chittendeni) , Jour. N. Y. Ent. Soc., vol. 3, p. 105. 1895. Coquillett {Paraphyto chittendeni), U. S. D. A. Ent. Tech. Bull. No. 7, p. 122. 1916. Aldrich, Sarcophaga and Allies, p. 29. The three rows of shining black spots on the abdomen separate this species from all other Sarcophagids found in New York. Length. — 8 to 14 mm. Records. — Syracuse; Rochester Junction; Ludlowville; Ithaca; Lockport; Williamsville ; Utica; Florida. June to August. This fly has been recorded as a parasite attacking humans by Walker (1920, 1922, 1931), Felt (1924), Gertson (1933), Mathe- son (1932) and Ford (1936). Shannon (1923) and Johannsen (1926) published accounts of W. vigil as a parasite of young rabbits. Kingscote (1932) gave an account of W. vigil causing June, 1940] Hallock: Sarcophagin^ 143 myiasis in young fox and mink which resulted in considerable loss in Canada. Walker (1937) gave a careful description of the immature stages of W. vigil. Type. — Male in British Museum. Hypopelta Aldrich 1916. Aldrich, Sarcophaga and Allies, p. 49. When Aldrich (1916) described the genus, Hypopelta, he fully listed the characters with the exception of the detailed genitalia differences. The hypopygial studies help to show that the genus is entirely distinct from other Sarcophagince. The fifth sternite has a large raised circular projection on each side of the lower part of the U. The basal apodeme tends to be circular instead of long and narrow as in the Sarcophaga. The plate portion of the ninth sternum is much reduced in comparison to its arms which are larger than the average Sarcophaga. The anterior clasp er is fused for two- thirds of its length with the ninth sternum. This fusion has not been observed in the case of any other Sarcophagince examined. Genotype. — Hypopelta scrofa Aldrich. Hypopelta scrofa Aldrich 1916. Aldrich, Sarcophaga and Allies, p. 50. The males of this species can be easily determined by the row of very long bristles on the anterior clasper and one long bristle on the posterior clasper. Both sexes have on each antennae a very long, thin arista with short plumosity which extends about two thirds its length. Length. — 6 to 8 mm. Records. — Ithaca; Owego. Figures 1 to 6 inclusive. Type. — Male and female. Cat. No. 20491, U. S. N. M. Metoposarcophaga Townsend 1917. Townsend, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., vol. 30, p. 46. 1919. Parker, Can. Ent., vol. 51, p. 154. The external characters for separating Metoposarcophaga from related genera were given only briefly by Townsend when the 144 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii genus was erected. Aldrich (1916, 1930) placed the genotype, importuna, in the genus, Sarcophaga. Parker (1919) recognized Metoposarcophaga, described two new species, and gave a key to separate the four species placed in the genus. The study of hypopygial structures helps to show that the genus is valid. It is unfortunate that M. importuna was the only spe- cies of Metoposarcophaga available for this study. The V of the fifth sternum, which is U-shaped in the case of M. importuna, is much more deeply cut than the average Sarcophagince. The ninth tergite is very large and gives the abdomen a truncate appearance. The arms of the ninth sternum are fused at the tip and more heavily chitinized than the other SarcopJiagince. The internal portion of the Eedeagus curves around and fuses to the arms of the ninth sternum as shown in the illustration of the ninth sternum (Pig. 11). The tip of the sedeagus has a distinct brush-like ap- pearance on its front side. The pump sclerite is unusually large, as its diameter is twice the length of the sedeagus, and it has a definite cap on the small end (Pig. 13). All other Sarcophaginm studied have a small pump sclerite when compared with the other hypopygial structures. Genotype. — Metoposarcophaga importuna (Walker). Metoposarcophaga importuna (Walker) 1848. Walker {Sarcophaga importuna) , List Dipt. Brit. Museum, vol. 4, p. 819. 1916. Parker {Sarcophaga pachyprocta) , Jour. N. Y. Ent. Soc., vol. 24, p. 171. 1916. Aldrich {Sarcophaga larga, S. pachyprocta), Sarcophaga and Allies, p. 147, 302. 1919. Parker {M. pachyprocta) , Can. Ent., vol. 51, p. 154. 1930. Aldrich {Sarcophaga importuna), Proc. U. S. N. M., vol. 78, p. 15. The large abdomen which appears truncate behind, distinguishes M. importuna from all other Sarcophaginoe which have been found in New York. Length. — 6 to 10 mm. Records. — L.I. : Babylon ; Heckscher State Park ; Dix Hills ; Long Beach ; Sands Point ; Oak Island. May to August. Pigures 8 to 13 inclusive. June, 1940] Hallock: Sarcophagin^ 145 LITERATUEE CITED Aldrich, J. M. 1916. SarcopJiaga and Allies in North America, vol. I. Thomas Say Foundation, illus. . 1924. Notes on some types of American Muscoid Diptera in the collection of the Vienna Natural History Museum. Ann. Ent. Soc. Am., 17: 209-211. . 1930. Notes on the types of American two-winged flies of the genus SarcopJiaga and a few related forms, described by the early authors. Proc. U.S.N.M., vol. 78, art. 12, no. 2855, pp. 1-43, illus. Allen, H. W. 1926. North American species of the two-winged flies be- longing to the tribe Miltogrammini. Proc. U.S.N.M., vol. 68, pp. 1-106, illus. CoQUiLLETT, D. W. 1897. Revision of the Tachinidse of North America. U.S.D.A. Tech. Ser. No. 7. Curran, C. H. 1934. North American Diptera. The Ballou Press, New York, p. 1-512, illus. Felt, E. P. 1924. Wohlfahrtia vigil Walker attacking man. Jour. Econ. Ent., 17: 603. Ford, N. 1936. Further observations on the behavior of W olilf aJirtia vigil (Walker) with notes on the collecting and rearing of the flies. Jour. Parasit., 22: 309-328, illus. Prison, T. H. 1926. Contribution to the knowledge of the interrelations of the bumblebees of Illinois with their animate environment. Ann. Ent. Soc. Am., 19 : 203-234, illus. Gertson, G. D., Lancaster W. E. B., Larson, G. A. and Wheeler, G. C. 1933. Report of two cases of W oJilf alirtia myiasis in North Dakota. Jour. Am. Med. Ass., no. 7, pp. 487-488. Hall, D. G. 1928. SarcopJiaga pollinervis and related species in the Americas. Ann. Ent. Soc. Am., 21 : 331-352, illus. . 1933. The Sarcophaginae of Panama. Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., 66: 251-285, illus. Hallock, H. C. 1929. Notes on methods of rearing Sarcophaginae and the biology of SarcopJiaga latisterna Parker. Ann. Ent. Soc. Am., 22 : 246-250, illus. . 1937. A list of the Sarcophagidae of New York (Diptera). Ent. News, 48 : 258-262. . 1938. New Sarcophaginae (Diptera). Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash. 40: 95-99, illus. Hardy, G. H. 1927. Notes on Australian and exotic Sarcophagid flies. Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, 52 : 447-459, illus. JoHANNSEN, O. A. 1926. W oJilf aJirtia vigil a parasite upon rabbits. Jour. Parasit., 13: 156. Kingscote, a. a. 1932. Myiasis in ranch raised foxes. 62nd Ann. Rep. Ent. Soc. Out., Toronto, pp. 91-93. Leonard, M. D. 1928. A list of insects of New York. Cornell Univ. Agr. Exp. Sta. Mem. 101, pp. 1-1121. 146 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii Matheson, E. 1932. Medical entomology. Charles C Thomas Press, Balti- more, Md., pp. 1-489, illus. Parker, E. E. 1914. Sarcophagidae of New England. Males of the genera Ravinia and Boettcheria. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 35: 1-77, illus. . 1916 Sarcopliagidae of New England. III. Sarcofahrtia ravinia, new genus and new species. Psyche, 23 : 123. . 1919. North American Sarcophagidae; New species of the genus Sarcofahrtia. Ent. News, 30: 203. . 1919. North American Sarcophagidae: flies of the genus Metopo- sarcophaga Townsend. Can. Ent., 51 : 154-158. Patton, W. S. 1933. Studies on the higher Diptera of medical and veterinary importance. Ann. Trop. Med. & Parasit., 27 : 334-337, illus. . 1934. Studies on the higher Diptera of medical and veterinary importance. Ann. Trop. Med. & Parasit., 28: 579-588, illus. . 1935. Studies on the higher Diptera of medical and veterinary im- portance. Ann. Trop. Med. & Parasit., 29: 517-532, illus. Plath, O. E. 1922. Notes on the nesting habits of several North American bumblebees. Psyche, 29: 189-202. . 1934. Bumblebees and their ways. The Macmillan Company, New York City, pp. 1-201. Eeinhard, H. J. 1929. Notes on the Muscoid flies of the genera Opelousia and Opsodexia with descriptions of three new species. Proc. U.S.N.M., vol. 76, art. 20. . 1937. New North American Muscoid Diptera. Bull. Ent. Soc. Brooklyn, 32: 62-74. Senior- White, E. 1924. A revision of the sub-family Sarcophagince in the Oriental region. Eec. Indian Museum, 26 : 193-284, illus. Shannon, E. C. 1923. Non-human host records of Wohlfahrtia vigil (Diptera). Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., 25: 142. Smith, C. N. 1933. Notes on the life history and molting processes of Sarcophaga securifera. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., 35: 159-164. Snodgrass, E. E. 1935. Principles of insect morphology. McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York City, pp. 1-667, illus. Townsend, C. H. T. 1915. Proposal of new Muscoid genera for old species. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 28 : 19-23. . 1918. Some Muscoid synonymy, with one new genus. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., 20: 19-21. . 1931. Notes on Old-world Oestromuscoid types. Part I. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist., 8 (10th ser.) : 369-391. . 1935. Manual of Myiology, Part II. Charles Townsend & Pilhos Press, Itaquaquecetuba, Sao Paulo, Brasil, pp. 1-296, illus. Townsend, L. H. 1936. The mature larva and puparium of Brachycoma sarcophagina (Town.). Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., 38: 92-98, illus. June, 1940] Hallock: Sarcophagin^ 147 Walker, E. M. 1920. WoJilfaJirtia vigil (Walker) as a human parasite. Jour. Parasit., 7 : 1-7, illus. . 1922. Some cases of cutaneous myiasis, with notes on the larvae of WoJilfahrtia vigil (Walker). Jour. Parasit., 9: 1-5, illus. . 1931. Cutaneous myiasis in Canada. Can. Pub. Health, pp. 504- 508, illus. . 1937. The larval stages of WoJilfahrtia vigil (Walker). Jour. Parasit., 23: 163-174, illus. 148 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii Figure 1. Figure 2, Figure 3. Figure 4. Figure 5. Figure 6. Figure 7. Figure 8. Figure 9. Figure 10. Figure 11. Figure 12. Figure 13. Figure 14. Figure 15. Figure 16. Figure 17. Figure 18. Figure 19. Figure 20. Figure 21. Figure 22. Figure 23. Plate II Lateral view of external genitalia of Hypopelta scrofa. Fifth sternum of Hypopelta scrofa. Eear view of anal forceps of Hypopelta scrofa. Ninth sternum of Hypopelta scrofa. Basal apodeme of Hypopelta scrofa. Pump sclerite of Hypopelta scrofa. Lateral view of external genitalia of Johnsonia loorealis. Lateral view of external genitalia of Metoposarcophaga im- portuna. Fifth sternum of Metoposarcophaga importuna. Eear view of anal forceps of Metoposarcophaga importuna. Ninth sternum of Metoposarcophaga importuna. Basal apodeme of Metoposarcophaga importuna. Pump sclerite of Metoposarcophaga importuna. Ninth sternum of Sarcophaga misera var. sarracenioides. Basal apodeme of Sarcophaga misera var. sarracenioides. Pump sclerite of Sarcophaga misera var. sarracenioides. Ninth sternum of Sarcophaga hisetosa. Basal apodeme of Sarcophaga hisetosa. Pump sclerite of Sarcophaga hisetosa. Ninth sternum of Sarcophaga cimhicis. Basal apodeme of Sarcophaga cimhicis. Pump sclerite of Sarcophaga cimhicis. Ninth sternum of Sarcophaga latisterna. (Plate II) (Jour. N. Y. Ent. Soc.), Vol. XLVIII SAECOPHAGIN^ 150 Journal New York Entomological Society Figure 24. Basal Figure 25. Pump Figure 26. Ninth Figure 27. Basal Figure 28. Pump Figure 29. Ninth Figure 30. Basal Figure 31. Pump Figure 32. Ninth Figure 33. Basal Figure 34. Pump Figure 35. Ninth Figure 36. Basal Figure 37. Pump Figure 38. Ninth Figure 39. Basal Figure 40. Pump Figure 41. Ninth Figure 42. Basal Figure 43. Pump Figure 44. Ninth Figure 45. Basal Figure 46. Pump Figure 47. Ninth Figure 48. Basal Figure 49. Pump Figure 50. Ninth Figure 51. Basal Figure 52. Pump Figure 53. Ninth Figure 54. Basal Figure 55. Pump Figure 56. Ninth Figure 57. Basal Figure 58. Pump Figure 59. Ninth Figure 60. Basal Plate III apodeme of Sarcopliaga latisterna. sclerite of Sarcopliaga latisterna. sternum of Sarcopliaga latisetosa. apodeme of Sarcopliaga latisetosa. sclerite of Sarcopliaga latisetosa. sternum of Sarcopliaga I’lierminieri. apodeme of Sarcopliaga I’lierminieri. sclerite of Sarcopliaga I’lierminieri. sternum of Sarcopliaga pusiola. apodeme of Sarcopliaga pusiola. sclerite of Sarcopliaga pusiola. sternum of Sarcopliaga stimulans. apodeme of Sarcopliaga stimulans. sclerite of Sarcopliaga stimulans. sternum of Sarcopliaga sueta. apodeme of Sarcopliaga sueta. sclerite of Sarcopliaga sueta. sternum of Sarcopliaga alcedo. apodeme of Sarcopliaga alcedo. sclerite of Sarcopliaga alcedo. sternum of Sarcopliaga aldriclii. apodeme of Sarcopliaga aldriclii. sclerite of Sarcopliaga aldrichi. sternum of Sarcopliaga atlanis. apodeme of Sarcopliaga atlanis. sclerite of Sarcopliaga atlanis'. sternum of Sarcopliaga harhata. apodeme of Sarcopliaga harhata. sclerite of Sarcopliaga l)arl)ata. sternum of Sarcopliaga hullata. apodeme of Sarcopliaga hullata. sclerite of Sarcopliaga hullata. sternum of Sarcopliaga flavipalpis. apodeme of Sarcopliaga flavipalpis. sclerite of Sarcopliaga flavipalpis. sternum of Sarcopliaga fletcheri. apodeme of Sarcopliaga fletcheri. [VoL. XLVIII (Plate III) I OUR. N. Y. Ent. Soc.), Vol. XLVIII SAECOPHAGIN^ 152 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii Figure 61. Pump Figure 62. Ninth Figure 63. Basal Figure 64. Pump Figure 65. Ninth Figure 66. Basal Figure 67. Pump Figure 68. Ninth Figure 69. Basal Figure 70. Pump Figure 71. Ninth Figure 72. Basal Figure 73. Pump Figure 74. Ninth Figure 75. Basal Figure 76. Pump Figure 77. Ninth Figure 78. Basal Figure 79. Pump Figure 80. Ninth Figure 81. Basal Figure 82. Pump Figure 83. Ninth Figure 84. Basal Figure 85. Pump Figure 86. Ninth Figure 87. Basal Figure 88. Pump Figure 89. Ninth Figure 90. Basal Figure 91. Pump Figure 92. Ninth Figure 93. Basal Figure 94. Pump Figure 95. Ninth Figure 96. Basal Figure 97. Pump Plate IV sclerite of Sarcophaga fletcheri. sternum of Sarcophaga hcemorrhoidalis. apodeme of Sarcophaga hcBmorrhoidalis. sclerite of Sarcophaga hcBmorrhoidalis. sternum of Sarcophaga houghi. apodeme of Sarcophaga houghi. sclerite of Sarcophaga houghi. sternum of Sarcophaga hunteri. apodeme of Sarcophaga hunteri. sclerite of Sarcophaga hunteri. sternum of Sarcophaga johnsoni. apodeme of Sarcophaga johnsoni. sclerite of Sarcophaga johnsoni. sternum of Sarcophaga parallela. apodeme of Sarcophaga parallela. sclerite of Sarcophaga parallela. sternum of Sarcophaga rapax. apodeme of Sarcophaga rapax. sclerite of Sarcophaga rapax. sternum of Sarcophaga reversa. apodeme of Sarcophaga reversa. sclerite of Sarcophaga reversa. sternum of Sarcophaga scoparia var. nearctica. apodeme of Sarcophaga scoparia var. nearctica. sclerite of Sarcophaga scoparia var. nearctica. sternum of Sarcophaga securifera. apodeme of Sarcophaga securifera. sclerite oi Sarcophaga securifera. sternum of Sarcophaga sinuata. apodeme of Sarcophaga sinuata. sclerite of Sarcophaga sinuata. sternum of Sarcophaga uncata. apodeme of Sarcophaga uncata. sclerite of Sarcophaga uncata. sternum of Sarcophaga ventricosa. apodeme of Sarcophaga ventricosa. sclerite of Sarcophaga ventricosa. Four. N. Y. Ent. Soc.), Vol. XLVIII (Plate IV) SAECOPHAGIN^ 97 June, 1940] Pratt: Ichneumonid^ 155 STUDIES ON THE ICHNEUMONID^ OF NEW ENGLAND (HYMENOPTERA) PART V THE EXTERNAL MORPHOLOGY OF AROTES AMCENUS CRESSON By Harry D. Pratt INTRODUCTION The ichneumon-flies make up unquestionably the largest and most extensive family in the order Hymenoptera, and it is com- posed of a vast number of minor groups, representing hundreds of genera and thousands of species in North America alone. Un- like other families, the ichneumon-flies, without a single excep- tion, are all genuine parasites, and destroy or devour the eggs, larvae, pupae, or imagoes of other insects. Almost every insect, whose biology is known, has at least one ichneumonoid parasite, and the more important economic insects (as the gypsy and browntail moths) have dozens of ichneumon-fly parasites. The family is, therefore, of the greatest economic importance from the viewpoint of biological control, and in some cases, as with the Oriental fruit moth, parasitic control is the only practical type that is used. Arotes amoenus Cresson was chosen as the subject of this study because it is common throughout New England, so that an abun- dance of material could be collected for study. It is one of the larger and more primitive of the ichneumon-flies and, for this reason, is well-suited for such a study. One of the greatest difficulties in the study of the systematic groups is the lack of uniformity in the terminology used to de- scribe the various morphological features of the insects concerned. This fact is especially noticeable in the descriptions of the Ichneumonidas when one attempts to use the keys of Asmead, Schmiedeknecht, or some of the other nineteenth century taxono- mists, whose descriptions are based either on a purely artificial system of termiology (as is the case in the naming of the wing 1 Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment for the degree of Master of Science in 1938 at the Massachusetts State College, Amherst, Massachusetts. 156 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii veins according to the Cressonian system), or on a system con- taining a great many incorrect terms (as is the case in the mis- application of the terms “prothorax,” “ postscntellnm, ” “meta- notnm, ’ ’ and ‘ ‘ metatarsus. ’ ’ The great advances which have been made in comparative morphology have made it not only wholly unnecessary, but highly undesirable, to continue such a type of taxonomic work. The following detailed, purely morphological study of one species has been made to serve as a basis for future taxonomic work, and it is hoped that this study will be an aid in determining the morphological status of many structures which have heretofore been misnamed, and in clarifying the terminology used in describing the ichneumon-flies. The writer wishes to express his indebtedness for the invalu- able help given by Dr. G. C. Crampton in the morphological study. To Dr. J. C. Bradley and to Dr. Herbert H. Ross the writer wishes to express his appreciation for their help in the study of the wing venation ; and to Dr. Richard Holway for his help in the study of the pretarsus. To Dr. C. P. Alexander the writer is indebted for his constant enthusiasm and kindly criti- cism throughout the course of this research. THE HEAD The head of the male is slightly more than two-thirds the size of that of the female, and its features are less strongly developed than are those of the female. When viewed from in front, the head appears somewhat broader than long and is flattened dor- sally along the parietals. In lateral aspect the compound eyes appear to be of almost exactly the same width as the gena. The sutures which demark the areas of the cranium in a typical or- thopteroid insect have become obsolescent in Arotes, so that the head is remarkable for its lack of sutures. Two of these sutures, the occipital and hypostomal, have been replaced, however, by distinct carinse which are of great importance in bounding the sclerites of the head. Head Capsule The principal areas of the cranium (Pig. 1) are the dorsal parietals, the median facial, or front o-cly peal area, the lateral June, 1940] Pkatt: Ichneumonid^ 157 genm, the occipital arch (composed of the occiput and postgence) and post-occipnit surrounding the foramen magnum, and the narrow hypostomal areas upon which the mouth-parts articulate. The parietals and front o-cly peal areas extend cephalad from the occipital carina between the compound eyes to a line drawn between the anterior tentorial pits. The parietals (pa) (Fig. 1) include the dorsal surface of the epicranium between the occipi- tal carina and the antennal sclerites, with the exception of the post-frons which is a more or less pentagonal area extending caudad from the antennal sclerites to the median ocellus, as will be explained in greater detail in the discussion of the frons. The frons (af and pf) is a median unpaired sclerite extending from the two anterior tentorial pits to, and including, the median ocellus. According to Crampton (1921), ‘‘When the frontal suture is absent, if a line be drawn across from the top of one antennal fovea to the other, and at either end of this line an angle of forty-five degrees is constructed, the sides of the isosceles triangle thus formed correspond in a general w^ay to the Y-shaped epicranial suture.” In Arotes these antennal foveae are rather deep depressions which serve for the reception of the scape of the antenna when the antennae are curved back over the body. These foveae extend caudad almost as far as do the eyes, and then the frons narrows quite rapidly so as to include the median ocellus. Because of the noticeable constriction of the frons at the an- tennae, Crampton (1921) divides the frons by a line drawn be- tween the bases of the antennae into an antefrons (af) and a ptost- frons (pf). In Arotes amoenus such a line occurs naturally, ap- pearing as a darkly-colored hair line extending to the middle of each antennal sclerite, from the distinct carina on the middle of the post-frons. Therefore the post frons (pf) is a roughly pen- tagonal area extending caudad to the median ocellus, while the ant'efrons (af) is a more or less quadrangular area extending cephalad to the anterior tentorial pits. For taxonomic purposes, the morphological antefrons extend- ing caudad to the base of the antennse might well be called the “frons.” Similarly, the wdiole dorsal surface of the head could be called the “vertex,” since the post frons merges completely with the parietals and the epicranial suture has also disappeared 158 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. XLVIII doing away with the necessity of the term ‘‘parietals’’ which should be used for the paired dorsal sclerites. Therefore, for taxonomic purposes in Ichneumonidge, it would seem best to use but two terms, ‘‘vertex” and “frons,” for the frontal aspect of the head, and to use the antennae as the line of division : the dor- sal part above the antennae, the ‘ ‘ vertex ’ ’ ; the ventral part below the antennae, the “frons.” On either side of the true antefrons (af) lie the areas known as the parafrontals (paf). These extend caudad to the antennal sclerites, cephalad to the base of the mandibles, and laterad to the ocular sclerites (asc) and the suhocular suture (sos). Taxo- nomically the parafrontals, known as the “inner orbits,” are important in specific determinations. The narrow space separating the compound eye from the base of the mandible, known taxonomically as the “malar space,” is a very important character in both generic and specific deter- minations because its length in relation to the basal width of the mandible is constant. Cushman (1920) sul) ocular suture, which arises from the ventral margin of the ocular sclerite and extends ventrad to the dorsal articulation of the mandible, the ‘ ‘ malar suture. ’ ’ The compound eyes are large and convex, with their inner mar- gins parallel and not emarginate within, or only very slightly so opposite the antennae. Their surface is reticulate, being com- posed of the hexagonal facets of the large number of ommatidia. They are surrounded by narrow, poorly-demarked, elliptical ocular sclerites (osc) which extend shelf-like into the head cap- sule. These chitinous ingrowths appear lens-shaped and are pierced in the middle by a foramen through which the optic nerves pass connecting the optic lobes with the nerve endings of the ommatidia. The endoskeleton of the head, which braces the lower portion of the head capsule, is called the tentorium. In Arotes two pair of cuticular invaginations, known respectively as the anterior and posterior arms of the tentorium, unite within the head to form a framework arching over the ventral nerve cord, but pass- ing beneath the stomodceum and supporting the latter. The body of the tentorium, formed by the fusion of the anterior and poste- June, 1940] Pratt: Ichneumonid^ 159 rior arms, is not clearly demarked and seems to be composed only of that portion of the tentorium immediately cephalad of the foramen. The anterior arms arise from the anterior tentorial pits. Each anterior arm extends candad as a long arched chiti- nous bar to the body of the tentorium, and serves for the attach- ment of the muscles moving the mouth-parts. The posterior arms arise as short invaginations of the hypostomal region, one on each side of the midgular suture. They are barely distinguishable as short chitinous bars before they fuse into the body of the ten- torium which lies immediately cephalad of the foramen. The dorsal arms are secondary outgrowths of the anterior arms and are strongly developed in Arotes. They extend cephalad from the anterior arms to the lateral portions of the antennal sclerites, and serve as points of attachment for the antennal muscles. The anterior tentorial pits (at) (frontal pits of Crampton, 1921) are well defined depressions that outwardly mark the two points from which the anterior arms of the tentorium arise. As determined by a study of the ental surface, the lateral prolonga- tions of these arms extend obliquely ventrad to the base of the mandibles as a pair of lines demarking the clypeus within, but as in most parasitic Hymenoptera (see Snodgrass, 1935, p. 297), these ‘‘bars are not connected between the pits.” Posteriorly, these epistomal bars are continued externally as strong marginal ridges, differentiated into a pleurostoma (plst) bearing the man- dibular articulations, and a hypostoma (hp) supporting the max- illae and labium. In the discussion that follows, the pleurostoma is considered as the ventral portion of the gena ; while the hypo- stoma is considered as a separate hypostomal area originally derived from the postgenae. The clypeus (cl), which is a flat, trapezoidal area extending cepahalad from the anterior tentorial pits to the base of the mandible, is bounded laterally by a line drawn from these depres- sions to the base of the mandible. The clypeus is slightly in- flexed at the apex, but since there are no distinct sutures or Carinas, nor any ental thickenings, it is rather difficult to divide it satisfactorily into a postclypeus and an anteclypeus. Taxono- mists usually describe the clypeus as “truncate,” but specimens boiled in potassium hydroxide and examined under high magnifi- 160 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii cation show that the clypeus is shallowly emarginate with a slight median projection, as is shown in the figure. The gence (ge) are long, rounded sclerites beneath and behind the *eyes and are of about the same width as the compound eyes when seen from a lateral viewpoint. They are not demarked from the parietals but may be said arbitrarily to begin on a line drawn from the most dorsal point of the compound eyes to the occipital and hypostomal caringe, and to extend anteriorly to the base of the mandible and the snbocular suture. The ventral part of the genge, therefore, is the pleurostoma (plst) (Fig. 2) of Snodgrass (1935). Just laterad of the snbocular suture is a short, blunt tooth forming the pleurostomal condyle, or the cranial portion of the dorsal articulation of the mandible. Immediately posterior to this tooth is a distinct emargination and elevation of the chitin. Careful examination with high magnification reveals that there is a corresponding elevation on the mandible, while in between the two lies the slender extensor muscle which opens the man- dibles. The reason for this outpouching of the chitin will be ex- plained in the discussion of the mandible. Many taxonomists call the genge the “cheeks” or the “outer or posterior orbits.” The coloration and striation of the gense is much used in the sepa- ration of subgeneric groups and species of Ichneumonidge. The occiptal arch. On the postero-caudal surface of the head (Fig. 2), between the occiptal carina and the postoccipital suture, is a horseshoe-shaped sclerite called the occipital arch. Although there is no suture dividing it, the occipital arch is generally said to be composed of a dorsal part, the occiput (oc), and the ventro- lateral extensions of this, lying posterior to the genge, called the postgencB (pg). The narrow posterior rim surrounding the foramen and de- marked from the occiput by a post-occipitat suture (pcs) is called the post-occiput (pc). Snodgrass (1935, p. 112) suggests that, “The post-occiput probably is a sclerotic remnant of the labial segment.” If this statement is true, then the postocciput is the only sclerite entering into the composition of the head to retain the primitive Annelid alignment. In Arotes, since there is no subgenal suture, it seems best to consider the subgenal area as the hypostomal area composed of June, 1940] Pratt: Ichneumonid^ 161 the narrow marginal area on the sides of the cranium upon which the mouth-parts are articulated and demarked posteriorly by the hypostomal carina (hpc). The postgenal region of the cranium has become greatly elongated, thereby creating a long space be- tween the foramen magnum and the base of the mandibles and, at the same time, displacing the labium ventrally by mesal out- growths of the subgense, called the hypostomal bridge, so that the bases of the labium and the maxillae have become united into a labio-maxillary complex. According to Snodgrass (1935) the hypostomal bridge consists of “expansions of the hypostomal parts of the subgenal margin of the cranium and each is sepa- rated by a distinct carina from the corresponding postgenal region. ’ ’ The hypostomal carina (hpc) starts at the base of the mandible mesal to the mandibular condyle, and extends posteriorly joining onto the occipital carina and then curving inward towards the foramen where is finally ends on the midgidar suture determined by the posterior arms of the tentorium. Due to the approxima- tion of the posterior arms of the tentorium on the ventral margin of the foramen, the gula itself has become atrophied and is repre- sented only by the midgular suture. Appendages of the Head The appendages of the head include the antennge, labrum, man- dibles, maxillge, and labium. Just as the characteristic feature of the head capsule of Arotes is the development of the hypos- tomal bridge, so the characteristic feature of the mouth-parts is the close association or union of the maxillae, the labium, and the hypopharynx to form the underlip complex, in which the ligula and hypopharynx are combined in a median lobe on which the salivary ducts open. Each antenna (Fig. 4) is composed of about forty segments and may be divided into three principal parts. The first and largest segment, by which the antenna is attached to the head, is termed the scape (scp). Externally it has somewhat the shape of a funnel with flaring sides, cut diagonally across the top ; in- ternally, it expands into a basal bulb so that the antenna articu- lates with the antennal sclerite (as) by a ball and socket joint 162 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii allowing free movement in all directions. The basal bulb has an opening through which run the muscles moving the scape. These muscles have their origin on the dorsal arm of the tentorium, while other muscles arising on the base of the pedicel, move the pedicel and flagellum together, thus controlling the movements of the antennae. The pedicel (pdc), or second segment, is quite short and is sometimes almost hidden from sight, so deeply is it inserted in the scape. The remainder of the antenna is collec- tively termed the flagellum (fl) or clavola. The reason for con- sidering the greater part of the antenna as one of the three prin- cipal divisions has been explained by Snodgrass (1935, p. 132) who wrote, ‘‘Since the flagellar divisions in Orthopteriod insects increase in number from one instar to the next, they appear to be secondary subdivisions of one primary antennal segment.” The first flagellar segment is weakly sclerotized a short distance above the base, giving the effect of a very short segment suggestive of the ring- joints of Chalcidoidea and high Hymenoptera, but there is no real articulation or segmentation at this point. The basal flagellar segment is three and one half times as long as broad, and each succeeding segment is somewhat shorter than the preceding one, so that the segment preceding the terminal on.e is but one and one half times as long as wide. The antennae, therefore, may be called attenuate. Note that the terminal segment is twice as long as the preceding one, due, most probably, to a fusion of the last two segments. The lahrum (Im) is attached (Fig. 1) to the inner surface of the clypeus by membrane and projects below it as a semicircular sclerite. A study of the inner surface of the clypeus reveals that the labrum is attached to the clypeus at about its middle dorso- ventrally. The posterior limits of the labrum seem to be deter- mined by membranous thickenings which have their origin just mesad of the dorsal articulations of the mandibles. These mem- branes curve posteriorly a short distance, paralleling the episto- mal bars, and then converge medially and ventrally on the cly- peus to form the epipharyyix, a flexible, triangular membranous lobe which projects below the labrum as a short, sharp, pointed protuberance about as long as the dorsal and outer tooth of the mandibles. Along the apical margin of the labrum, on both the June, 1940] Pratt: Ichneumonid^ 163 inner and outer surfaces, are a few long hairs which may be sensory in nature. The mandibles (md) (Fig. 7) are placed just behind the epi- pharynx, one on each side of the mouth opening. They are of medium size, somewhat curved, and taper apically ending in two blunt teeth, of which the ventral one is the longer, being half again as long as the outer and dorsal tooth. Each mandible has two principal articulations with the head capsule ; an anterior, or dorsal articulation, and a 'posterior, or ventral articiUation. Both of these are of the ‘‘ball and socket” type of joints. The dorsal articulation consists of a pleurostomal condyle situated just laterad of the subocular suture which fits into a shallow socket, or ginglymus, on the mandible. The ventral articidation consists of a deep socket on the pleurostomal region of the gena, just cephalad of the hypostomal carina, and mandibular condyle (hypocondyle of Crampton, 1921) which fits into this socket. Each mandible is moved by two muscles : an extensor or abductor muscle which opens the mandible ; and a flexor or adductor mus- cle which closes the mandible. The extensor muscle is relatively small. It is inserted on a chitinous outpouching of the outer face of the mandible between the dorsal socket and the ventral condyle. The outer and anterior face of the mandible is almost flat between the two articulations and parallels the axis line be- tween the two so closely that this outpouching is necessary in order that the base of the extensor muscle be placed sufficiently far outside the axis line to give effectiveness as a muscle. The insertion of the extensor muscle is contiguous to the anterior articulation of the mandible, but it is twice its width from the posterior articulation. The flexor muscle is huge and is com- posed of several bundles of fibers inserted on a large apodeme attached at the inner angle of the mandible almost posterior to the anterior articulation. When not in use the tip of one man- dible extends over and covers the tip of the other. There seems to be no special arrangements as to which is outer, for, in speci- mens examined, the right seemed to cover the left as often as the left covered the right. The labio-maxillary complex of Arotes is attached to the poste- rior wall of the head between the postgenal margins of the era- 164 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii Ilium by ample membranes, which allow it free movement on the snspensoria formed by the maxillary cardines. As explained by Snodgrass (1935) a line of flexure crosses the posterior part of this complex through the stipito-cardinal sutures of the maxilla. The basal portion composed of the cardines is bent abruptly toward the head, where it is attached ; and the distal portion com- posed of the labium and the body of the maxillae lies parallel with the ventral surface of the head. The entire organ can thus be extended by swinging distally on the maxillary cardines. The maxillEe lie one on each side of the labium and are connected to it by the membranous submental area and by maxillary mem- branes. Maxillce (Fig. 6). In each maxilla the car do (cd) is a heavily sclerotized sclerite, somewhat triangular in shape, which tapers to the base and is bent entally. Its extreme base is modifled to form two processes which articulate deep in the head capsule with two arm-like projections of the hypostomal bridge, one on each side of the midgular suture. There is apparently no cardo- condyle by which the cardo articulates with the post-genal area, but the whole maxilla is capable of some movement due to the concavity of the hypostomal area and the convexity of the cardo and stipes. The cardo (cd) articulates with the stipes (st) by means of a distinct membranous hinge, and their planes form a distinct angle at the union. The stipes (st) is the broad and elongate sclerite forming the body of the maxilla. On its ventral surface is a distinct carina, or ridge, extending diagonally across the stipes from the cardo to the palpus (mxplp). There is no trace of the parastipital area. The 5-segmented palpus (mxplp) is inserted latero-ventrally on the distal end of the stipes. Just distal to the base of the palpus is attached a large, fleshy lobe called the galea (ga), which is distinctly hollowed out for the reception of the lacinia. The lacinia (la), which is hinged to the distal end of the stipes, is a large, flat, weakly sclerotized lobe with two slight tooth -like expansions (as is shown in Fig. 6). Lahium (Fig. 5). The labium (lb) is composed of a mem- branous sul)niental region (smt) and a distal prementum (prmt) bearing the palpi, glossa, and paragloss^e. The submentum is not sclerotized and probably is situated in the membranous re- June, 1940] Pratt: Ichneumonid^ 165 gion attached posteriorly to the stipes at the cardostipital suture and extending anteriorly about two-thirds of the length of the stipes. The jjrementum (prmt) (mentum of many authors) is a large, strongly convex, heavily sclerotized plate, the basal and lateral portions of which are strongly produced and bent over so as to extend dorsally to meet the hypopharynx which is situated on the dorsal surface of the labium. The prementum (prmt) is expanded centrally and is very convex, sloping abruptly to the glossas beyond. At about the middle of the prementum are at- tached the 4-segmented labial palpi (laplp) which are only about as long as the first three segments of the maxillary palpi and are much shorter and somewhat more slender than the latter. The glossa (gl) is a large, bilobed, membranous pad attached to the distal portion of the prementum. Its apical margin is covered with short, plush-like hair, while the rest of the glossa lacks this covering. The ventral surface of the glossa lacks this covering. The ventral surface of the glossa seems to be longitudinally striate throughout, but the dorsal surface is transversely striate on the distal two-thirds and is smooth and rather heavily sclerotized on the basal third. On either side of this narrow sclerotized base of the glossa occurs a small membranous pad, very similar in struc- ture to the glossa, and these pads apparently represent the paraglosscB (pgl). These paragloss^e are closely appressed to the prementum and are best seen from the dorsal view. Viewed from below, they appear as membranous lobes dorsal and cephalad to the palpi (Fig. 6). A membranous papilla-like protuberance, which is the hypopharynx, occurs on the median line of the dor- sal surface of the prementum just caudal to the base of the glossa. The identity of the hypopharynx is determined by the presence of the opening of the salivary duct at the base of this distinct papilliform protuberance. NECK OR CERVIX The neck or cervix connects the head with the thorax and covers the antero-ventral region of the thorax. It is composed of a single pair of plates known as the lateral cervicals (Ic) (Fig. 9) which articulate with the head by means of the cephaligers and with the cox^ by a coxal process. 166 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii The lateral cervicals (Ic) are broad, truncate sclerites, taper- ing from base to apex, and are joined with membrane along the median line. As shown by Crampton (1926), each lateral cer- vical results from the fusion of the enlarged lateral cervical, the proepisternum, and the proepimeron; while the prosternum, for which the lateral cervicals have so frequently been mistaken, is represented by a tiny plate partially concealed between the coxae. At the anterior end of the lateral cervicals, the cephaligers arise on the inner surface and enlarge into knob-like projections which are the actual fulcral points of the head with the cervix. A blunt, tooth-like projection, which is called the coxal process, is found on the ental surface of each lateral cervical near the lat- eral posterior angle of the sclerite and this projection forms a part of the apparatus for the attachment of the coxa of the fore leg. THORAX Prothorax In Arotes the prothorax (Pig. 9) consists largely of the pro- notum (Ni) for the propleura have fused with the lateral cervi- cals, as explained before in the discussion of the cervix, and the prosternum is reduced to a tiny sclerite lying between the cox®. The pronotum (Ni) is a narrow transverse plate produced lat- erally and posteriorly into distinct, triangular lobes which extend posteriorly to the tegulse, and ventrally to the bases of the fore cox£e. The anterior margin of the pronotum is broadly emargi- nate, while the posterior margin is arcuately emarginate and overlaps the front margin of the prescutum of the mesothorax (pSCs). The pro sternum is a small sclerite composed of an anterior hasisternum and a posterior furcasternum. The triangular basisternum seems to send chitinous processes to the basal end of the lateral cervicals, while the furcasternum forms a broad rounded lobe between the fore coxae and is the base to which the sternal apophyses of the endoskeleton of the prothorax are attached. Mesothorax The tergum of the mesothorax (9) is divided into a prescutum, scutum, scutellum, and parascutellum. June, 1940] Pratt: Ichneumonid^ 167 The prescutum (psca) is the large, arched, anterior plate of the tergum which extends cephalad under the pronotum and there gives rise to the prephragma of the mesothorax. It is sepa- rated from the scutum by the notaulices (usually called the notauli by systematists and variously called the V-shaped suture, convergent sutures, or the parapsidal sutures by morphologists). The scutum (SC2) is the large, rather convex plate rather defi- nitely divided by the notaulices into two lateral portions some- times called the parapsides, to which the tegidce and the wings are attached. Behind the scutum lies the scutellar fovea which is twice as long and contains several indistinct longitudinal carinae along its middle. The scutellum (scB) is twice as long as this scutellar fovea and is connected with the scutum by a chitinous bar on each end of the fovea. Its apex is truncate. The postscutellum is hidden beneath the scutellum, where it is fused with the endoskeleton of the mesothorax. The parascutellum consists of two triangular plates extending from the scutum and scutellum to the wing bases, where they form the posterior margin of the fore wing base and the anterior margin of the hind wing base. The mesepisternal and mesosternal plates are fused into a single sterno-pleural plate making the identification of the lateral and sternal plates rather difficult. Snodgrass (1910) states that the “mesopectus consists of three principal plates, the combined sternum and episterna, and the two epimera. ’ ’ The mesepisternum and mesepimeron were originally sepa- rated by a pleural suture corresponding to the strong, internal pleural ridge, forming the wing process above and the coxal proc- ess below. In Arotes this suture is represented by a row of small, pit-like depressions similar to those in Trogus which are well shown in the fine figures by Snodgrass (1910). Although this row of punctures is scarcely recognizable as a suture, the pres- ence of the pleural ridge directly beneath it proves that it is the pleural suture, the important landmark on the mesopleura in the division into mesepisternum and mesepimeron. The mesepisternum (eps2) is the large, more or less triangular plate forming the greater part of the mesopleura. Its anterior 168 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii margin lies concealed beneath the lateral portions of the prono- tnm (Ni) while its posterior, or dorso-caudal, margin, is de- marked by the pleural suture extending from the wing base to the coxal process. While the mesepisternum is not definitely de- marked from the mesosternum, it is divided into an anterior and posterior part by the prepectal carina (pete). This is a strong, transverse carina originating on the median line of the sternum, which curves posteriorly away from the coxa, and then curves dorso-cephalad on the mesepisternum. Viereck (1916) used the presence or absence of this carina as a primary character for the separation of the various Ichneumonoid families in his Hymen- optera of Connecticut key, but this view is not accepted today by most taxonomists. The mesepimeron (epm2) is the narrow band lying dorso- caudad of the mesepisternum and separated from it by the pleural suture. The mesosternum, as already mentioned, is fused with the mesepisternum to form a single sterno-pleural plate and there is no line of demarkation between the two areas. Along the median line of the sternum, starting at the prepectal carina, there is a row of pit-like depressions which outwardly mark the line of attachment of the apophyses of the mesothoracic endoskeleton. The pleurosteriial plate is modified posteriorly to form a coxal process projecting into the mesothoracic coxal cavity from its antero-median margin, while the pleural coxal process, formed at the end of the pleural ridge, projects into the coxal cavity from the postero-lateral margin thus forming the two points of articulation for the mesathoracic leg. Mesad of the coxal cavities lies a triangular sclerite known as the furcasternum which is poorly demarked by carin^e from the rest of the mesosternum (eusternum of the mesothorax). This is deeply invaginated along the median line and bears the internal structure called the furca. Metathorax The tergum of the metathorax (Fig. 9) is composed of four sclerites which are called the prescutum, the scutum, the scutel- lum, and the postscutellum (all designated in figure 9 as Ns). June, 1940] Pratt: Ichneumonid^ 169 The prescutum is the depressed area directly behind the meso- scutellum and attached beneath it to the mesopostscntellum. It merges into the large, convex plate composed of the fused meta- scutum and metascutellum. This plate has usually been called the “ postscutellum ” or “metanotum.” Crampton (1931), how- ever, has shown that in the closely allied genus Megarhyssa the large dorsal plate lying directly posterior to the prescutum is the metascutellum while the narrow saddle-like hand extending over the tergum between the metascutellum and the propodeum is the metapostscutellum. The metapostscutellum curves cephalad as a narrow band forming the posterior margin of the hind wing base and at the lower margin of the wing base fuses with another narrow sclerite. This last plate, which lies between the wing base and the meta- thoracic spiracle (sps), Crampton (1931) has shown to be com- posed of the fused anepisternum and anepimeron of the meta- thorax (aess and aemg). Below the spiracle the band widens out into a broad, slightly convex plate, usually called the ''meta- pleura,” but actually composed of the katepisternum and katepi- meron of the meta thorax (kess and kerns). The lateral longitudinal carina extending cephalad from the metathoracic coxal cavity to a point just posterior to the meso- thoracic coxal cavity seems to mark the line of division between the metapleural and metasternal regions. On the metasternum the line of attachment of the sternal apophyses is clearly demarked. THE WINGS The system of wing venation proposed by Boss (1936) has been used in this paper in preference to the artificial Cresson system usually used by taxonomists, or the Comstock-Needham system which is often figured in the older text-books. The system pro- posed by Bradley (1931) is somewhat similar to that of Boss (1936), but the latter seems to have worked out the origin of the main veins, particularly in the posterior portion of the wing, more carefully and on sounder grounds — i,e., axillary sclerites instead of axillary furrows — and, for this reason, the Boss (1936) interpretation is used in this paper. The discussion of the wings follows the interpretation which Dr. Boss outlined to me in a 170 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii letter dated December 22, 1936, while the drawings of the wings are exact copies of a figure which he labelled at the same time. Fore-Wings Costa (C) (Fig. 12) forms the thickened anterior, or front, margin of the wing. It arises just distad of the basicostal plate and extends along the anterior margin of the wing to the ptero- stigma, from which it is separated by a distinct break, the costal hinge. Subcosta (Sc), present in the wings of primitive sawflies, has frequently been considered as fused into a ‘ ‘ principal vein ’ ’ with radius and media, but Bradley (1931) writes, “It is both sim- pler and more probably truthful to consider that it has atrophied entirely . . . therefore the marginal vein should be labelled C.” Many writers have shown that Sci becomes atrophied at an early stage in the phylogeny of the Hymenoptera, either in the Cim- bicidas or in the Siricidae, while in the primitive Macroxyela type Sc2 becomes separated from Ri and extends along the ante- rior margin of the wing forming with Ri the cell Sc2 and Ri. This cell has been retained in the intermediate forms becoming gradually thickened and growing by fusion, so that in Arotes the cell labeled Sc2 and Ri is actually the pterostigma, or “stigma.” The break in the chitinization just before the pterostigma is called the costal hinge. It marks not only the termination of costa and the point at which Sc2 attains the costal margin of the wing, but also indicates the point at which the radial sector turns inward. Badius (R) is the second longitudinal vein. It forms the poste- rior margin of the very narrow costal cell, a cell so narrow that in most family keys to the Hymenoptera it is regarded as absent or “lost through coalescence,” in contradistinction to the much wider costal cell of Aulacid^ and Gasteruptionidse. Basally radius (R) (which is united with costa before the latter articu- lates with the basicostal plate) articulates with the second axil- lary sclerite. R forks but once, giving off an anterior branch Ri (which marks the posterior margin of the stigma and continues beyond the stigma albng the anterior margin of the wing, and a posterior branch, the radial sector (Rs), which fuses with the June, 1940] Pratt: IcHNEUMONiDiE 171 first abscissa of Media just basad of the costal hinge. In all the Chalastogastra the first abscissa of Rs + M (indicated in the figure by the dotted line ) cuts across the cell R5 + 1st M and touches the first medio-cubital cross-vein (1 m-cu) ; but this first abscissa of Rs - M has been lost in all Ichneumonidse and only a spur, called the ramellus, remains to prove the former existence of such a vein, as in Cryptus and Exetastes. In Arotes this spur is very tiny. Rs 4- M now extends antero-distad for a short distance and then divides into Rs and M, with Rs forking at almost a right angle just beyond 2 m-cu and then continuing in a gentle arc to the apex of the wing where it joins Ri to form cell Ri. The cross-vein arising from the middle of the stigma, and con- necting it with the radial sector, is the second radial cross-vein 2r. The areolet, present in the wings of most Ichneumonidse, is formed with the first abscissa of radius by the second radio- medial cross-vein. Media (M), fused basally with cubitus, forms the third longi- tudinal vein. At its origin, media forms part of the compound vein complex just distad of the basicostal plate (bp), and is more definitely associated with the median plate (m). Just distad of the pteralia, media and cubitus separate from radius and proceed postero-distad along the basal third of the wing. Here media and cubitus fork, cubitus continuing to the anal angle, while media turns abruptly toward the stigma and joins the radial sector (Rs) a short distance from the costal hinge. (Note that according to the Ross interpretation, media never actually attains the base of the stigma, or the costal margin, although it does come very close.) As previously explained, Rs + M cuts across the cell Rg and 1st M in the primitive Hymenoptera, but this ab- scissa of Rs + M has atrophied leaving only the tiny stump to mark its former location. From here Rs + M proceeds antero- apicad dividing abruptly into the radial sector (Rs), which eventually attains the apex of the wing, and M which extends in a gentle arc to the outer margin of the wing. The first and second medio-cubital cross-veins connect the medial and cubital fields, 1 m-cu marking the terminus of the first abscissa of Rs + M and 2 m-cu marking the terminus of the second abscissa of Rs + M. 172 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii Cuhitus (Cu), as explained previously, is associated with the base of radius and media, so that actually none of the four prin- cipal veins, namely costa, radius, media, and cubitus, arise inde- pendently. Cubitus apparently articulates with the anterior- distal corner of the median plate (m), and after proceeding for the basal third of the wing as a fused vein with M, divide into M and cu. Eoss, following Tilljmrd’s hypothesis of the loss of Cu2 in the fossil Permoraphidia and Martynovia, and the re- sultant carry-over in modern Holometabola, believes that Cu2 has been lost in Hymenoptera and that the apical division of Cu should be called merely a division of Cui, with an anterior branch Cuia and a posterior branch Cuib. The first cubito-anal cross- vein (1 cu-a) lies between cubitus and the first anal vein and connects the cubital and anal fields. The position of 1 cu-a with reference to the first abscissa of M is of considerable taxonomic importance, i.e., whether 1 cu-a (called the nervulus by taxonomists) is opposite M (interstitial), proximal to it (antef ureal), or distal to it (postfur cal). Anal Veins. The homologies of the anal veins are indeed a dif- ficult problem. According to Eoss (1936), there were originally four anal veins in the Macroxyela type, all articulating with the third axillary sclerite. In the lower Hymenoptera — Macroxyela as figured by Eoss (1936) and Itycorsia (a pamphilid) as figured by Snodgrass (1910) — the' bases of these anal veins are all dis- tinct and separate. In the higher sawflies, however, a fusion of the bases of these anal veins begins to develop, associated with the dropping out of the second anal vein. In the Ichneumonidae, as shown by Megarhyssa and Arotes, this fused base of the anal veins becomes very large and triangular in shape as a result of the fusion of the anals and only the first anal remains distinct. Both Snodgrass (1910) and Eoss (in a personal letter) have shown that in Ichneumonidse this is the first anal vein (lA). The second anal vein has dropped out in the sawflies (Eoss, 1936) while the third anal vein has been identified as the tiny stub in the basal membrane arising from the middle of the fused base of the anals. The fourth anal vein is present only in the mem- bers of the Xyelidse, and even in them is represented by only a tiny stump in the basal membrane. June, 1940] Pratt: Ichneumonid^ 173 The first anal vein (lA) is the fourth longitudinal vein and follows almost a straight course parallel to the inner margin of the wing, ending some distance before the anal angle of the wing. The anal fold, or furrow, lying anterior to the first anal vein is indicated in the figure by a dotted line. It is clearly demarked by a line of dark setffi, which contracts strongly with the hyaline membrane at the base of the wings. As it extends to the anal angle of the wing, this anal fold breaks the chitinization of the veins 1 cu-a and Cuib, and the resulting membranous areas in these veins are called hullce. There are three other bullag in the fore-wing, one in the middle of the second abscissa of Rs + M, and the two others about equidistant from each other on the second medio-cubital vein (2 m-cu). Hind Wings Although at first glance the venation of the hind wing (Fig. 13) appears to be radically different from that of the fore-wing, yet a closer examination shows that the scheme of modification has been essentially similar in both wings. Costa (C) is the slightly thickened, anterior margin of the wing, extending at most only along the basal third of the wing. Suhcosta (Sc) is completely fused with radius. Radius (R) divides into Ri (which bends toward the anterior margin of the wing, and attains it, at the apical third) and Rs, which attains the outer margin of the wing just below the apex of the wing. The radio-medial cross-vein (r-m) connects the radial sector (Rs) with the medial field (M). The hamidi, a row of a dozen tiny hooks which fit into a pocket in the fore wings and hold the two wings together in flight, are borne on the basal part of Ri. Media (M) separates from radius near its base, fuses with Cui for a considerable distance, then separates from it and proceeds to the margin of the wing. It is connected to Rs by r-m, but the medio-cubital cross-veins are lacking. Cubitus (Cu) is represented only by Cui, which does not di- vide into Cuia and Cuib, as in the fore wing, but continues to the margin of the wing simply as Cui. It is fused to Media to about 174 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii the middle of the wing and then separates sharply at a right angle, until it touches the cnbito-anal cross-vein (cu-a), at which point it again becomes a longitudinal vein which parallels M to the outer margin of the wing. Cui and cu-a make up the very important structure known to taxonomists as the nervellus. In using this important structure for the separation of genera and species, taxonomists have three alternatives: it may be ‘‘broken above the middle,” i.e., first ab- scissa of Cui shorter than cu-a ; it may be ‘ ‘ broken at about the middle,” i.e., first abscissa of Cui about equal to cu-a; or it may be “broken below the middle,” i.e., first abscissa of Cui longer than cu-a. In Arotes taxonomists describe the nervellus as “broken at about the middle, and reclivous. ” This last term was first de- fined by Cushman and Rohwer (1920) with two other alterna- tives, as follows: “A 'perpendicular nervellus is one in which the anterior end is opposite the posterior end, that is, one in which a line drawn touching both the anterior and posterior ends is at right angles to the longitudinal axis of the submediallan cell (Cell Kg). Other authors have called this a continuous or interstitial ner- vellus. “An inclivous nervellus is one in which the anterior end is nearer the base of the wing than is the posterior end. This has been spoken of as a postfurcal nervellus. “A reclivous nervellus is one in which the posterior end is nearer the base of the wing than is the anterior end. This has heretofore been spoken of as a postfurcal nervellus.” The anal furrow is indicated in the figure by a dotted line. Behind it lies a distinct longitudinal vein arising from the third axillary (3 Ax). This is the first anal vein (1 A). Behind this first anal vein, extending into the first anal cell is a tiny spur of the third anal vein (3A). Pteralia of the Fore- Wing Each wing is attached to the thorax by a membranous basal area containing several tiny sclerites which Snodgrass (1935) has called the pteralia. These include in Hymenoptera an anterior hasicostal plate (which Snodgrass calls the humeral plate), a June, 1940] Pratt: Ichneumonid^ 175 group of four axillary sclerites, and a single median plate (which would seem to be the outer median plate, labeled m' by Snod- grass (1935, p. 219)). In the fore wing (Fig. 11) the hasicostal plate (bp) lies be- tween the anterior notal process and the base of costa. It is a large plate resembling a second tegula somewhat and has a deep suture crossing it diagonally so that there appear to be two basicostal plates. The first axillary sclerite (1 ax) is a peculiar twisted sclerite which articulates on its inner margin with the thorax and on its outer margin with the axillary sclerites and the base of the prin- cipal veins. Its inner margin articulates with the anterior notal process and with the tergal margin. On its outer margin, its anterior process forms a fulcral point for the basicostal plate and the second axillary, and on its under side it apparently also forms a fulcral point for a portion of the enlarged base of costa, radius, media, and cubitus. The second axillary sclerite (2 ax) is hinged obliquely to the outer margin of the first axillary. Anteriorly it articulates with the base of radius and media (and through these with costa and cubitus) and with the median plate. Posteriorly, the second axillary articulates with the median projection of the third axillary. The third axillary sclerite (3 ax) lies in the posterior part of the articular membrane just before the axillary cord. Ante- riorly it articulates with the enlarged, triangular base of the first and third anal veins, mesally with the posterior end of the second axillary, and posteriorly with the fourth axillary. The fourth axillary sclerite (4 ax) is a small sclerite lying be- tween the third axillary and the posterior notal process. The median plate (m) is probably the distal median plate labelled m' by Snodgrass (1935, p. 219). It is a triangular plate lying in the median area of the articular membrane. By its basal corner it articulates with the second axillary; but its anterior- distal corner, with the base* of Cu; and by its posterior-distal corner, with the large, triangular base of the first and third anal veins. Pteralia of the Hind Wing The pteralia of the hind wings (Fig. 10) are similar to those 176 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. XLViii of the fore-wings. There is apparently no tegula in the hind wing and the base of the wing continues simply the articular membrane. The hasicostal plate (bp) articulates by its apex with the com- bined bases of costa, radius, media, and cubitus. The first axillary sclerite (1 ax) is a V-shaped sclerite which articulates with the basicostal plate by its anterior process and with the second axillary by its posterior arm. The second axillary sclerite (2 ax) in addition to its articula- tion with the first axillary, articulates by its anterior corner with the fused base of radius and media. The third axillary sclerite (3 ax) articulates anteriorly with the base of the anal vein, mesally with the second axillary and posteriorly with the posterior notal process. There is no fourth axillary in the hind wing, as shown by Salman (1928) and Snodgrass (1910). Posterior to the third axillary the membrane is thickened to form the axillary cord. The median plate (m) articulates posteriorly with the fused base of media and cubitus, and more particularly with the latter, and anteriorly with the base of the first anal vein. Cells of the Wings The names of the various cells have been figured by Cresson (1887), Comstock (1930), Bradley (1931), and Boss (1936). A comparison of the various systems as they apply to Arotes is given below. Cells of the Fore Wing Cresson Comstock- Needham Bradley Eoss Pterostigma Pt SCa "t" El SCa Marginal, or Eadial 2nd El - Eg 2nd El + Eg 2nd El Cubito-discoidal M^ 1st Ml + 1st El 1st El + 1st M Median M M E Third Submarginal Rs 1st + 2nd + 3rd Eg R5 First Apical 2nd Mo 2nd Ml CUia Second Apical M, .2nd Ma 3rd M Second Discoidal Cui Cui Cuib Third Discoidal 1st Ma 1st Ma 2nd M Submedian Cu Cu + 1st A Cui Anal A 2nd A 1 A June, 1940] Pratt: Ichneumonid^ 177 Cells of the Hind Wing Costal C C C Median M M R Radial Ri 4" R2 El Ri Cubital or submarginal R5 R5 R5 Submedian M4 + 1st M2 + Ml M + Cu + Cui 1st Cui First Discoidal Ml M2 M Second Discoidal M2 Ml 2nd Cui Anal 1st A 2nd A 1st A THE LEGS The legs are rather long and slender in proportion to the size of the body. The front pair is the smallest while the hind pair is the longest and largest, the hind femora of the male reaching to, or almost to, the tip of the abdomen. Each leg (Fig. 8) is made up of a rather large coxa (cx), a distinct two-segmented trochanter (tr), a rather short and almost cylindrical femur (fe), an elongate tihia (ti), a five-segmented tarsus (ta), and a pretarsus (ptar) bearing a pair of claws. In the hind legs the coxae are almost pear-shaped. On the large basal end, each coxa is deeply incised on its postero-laterad surface by a hasicoxal suture. The narrow band of chitin thus demarked expands above this suture into a semi-globular hasi- coxite which fits into the metathoracic coxal cavity, so that the articulation strongly resembles a ball and socket joint. The coxo- trochanteral articulation is dicondylic, for the distal end of the coxa is emarginate on either side and into these emarginations fit peg-like projections of the trochanters, sometimes known as trochanter-condyles acting as pivotal points. Posteriorly a leva- tor muscle is attached to the trochanter ; anteriorly the depressor muscle is attached. The trochanter (tr) is almost as long as the coxa but is more slender and almost cylindrical. As in all Ichneumonidse, the trochanters are two-segmented. Cushman (1929) calls the apical segment the trochantella, which is a very appropriate term since in this genus and in most other Ichneumonidse the second segment is the smaller of the two segments. Snodgrass (1935), by a study of the muscle attachments, has shown this two-seg- mented trochanter is formed not by a division of the trochanters (as in Odonata) but by a basal subdivision of the femur; and Crampton (1925) thinks it is preferable to call this segment the 178 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii hasifemur “rather than by the terms which imply that it is a part of the trochanter.” The two segments are joined to each other by an articular membrane. The femur (fe) is a strong, robust segment attached by articu- lar membrane to the trochanter along a trochantero-femoral hinge. It is perhaps the most important leg segment from a taxonomic viewpoint because the coloration of this segment offers primary characters for the separation of the eight species of Arotes occurring in North America. The femora-tibial articu- lation is similar to that between the coxa and trochanter. The pivotal points of the femur, sometimes known as the tihiafers, are found on the anterior-lateral portions of the apical margin. Basad of this articulation, the proximal end of the tibia is pro- duced into a distinct head, called the tibiacaput (Crampton, 1923), which is received in a distal pocket of the femur or the “femur cup.” This device allows the tibia to be indexed close to the under side of the femur. The tibia (ti) is the longest and slenderest segment of the leg. It is narrower at the base and gradually expands toward the tip where it is of about the same diameter as the trochanter. On the apical margin of the tibia are two immovable spines about as long as the third tarsal segment. The mid tibia is similar to the hind one, both bearing two immovable, apical spines usually known as tibial spurs. The fore tibia, however, is relatively broader at the apex and bears on its apex one movable spine which is modified to form a part of the antennal cleaner. This spine is drawn between it and the modified inner basal surface of the basitarsus. The apex of the tibia is hollowed out to form a tibiatJieca, or cup of the tibia, which receives the head of the basitarsus; so that the tibio-tarsal joint is in the nature of a ball and socket joint. The tarsus (ta) is composed of five segments, of which the basal one, known as the basitarsus (formerly metatarsus) , is as long as the next three segments together. The tarsal segments each expand slightly from base to apex. They are clothed with a fine short pubescence, but I have seen no trace of tarsal pulvilli or euplantulce. The fourth tarsal segment (ta4), which is the shortest segment of the tarsus, is half as long as the apical tarsal segment. The subsegments of the tarsus are freely movable on June, 1940] Pratt: Ichneumonid^ 179 one another by inflected connecting membranes, but apparently as Snodgrass (1935) states, ‘‘the tarsus never has intrinsic muscles. ’ ’ The fifth tarsal segment, or distitarsus, bears the pretarsus which is composed of two lateral claws and a complex series of structures between them. The dorsal surface of the distitarsus (Fig. 14) bears on its apical margin a triangular-shaped sclerite, the unguifer (uf) to which the claws, or ungues (un), are attached. On the ventral surface of the distitarsus, and partially con- cealed by it, lies a median plate, the unguitractor (ut). On its base it bears an apodeme (ap) to which is attached the depressor muscles of the pretarsus, often called the retractor of the claws. The claws, or ungues (um), which are attached by flexor mem- brane to the unguifer and unguitractor, are large and curved. Each claw is noticeably cleft at the apex and typically bears two or three long spines on its base just laterad of the flexor mem- brane. The plant a (pi) is a rather broad sclerite attached distally to the unguitractor plate. It is rather easily seen because of the three or four setae it bears. The orhicida (or), which is apparently attached to the unguifer, lies above the planta on the dorsal surface, and the girdle-like camera lies between the two. The camera (cm) is a heavily sclerotized band which by its contractions and expansions changes the arolium (ar) from a small, membranous pad into a large, bilobed structure. THE ABDOMEN The propodeum (Pig. 3), long, erroneously, called the “meta- notum” by taxonomists, is morphologically the tergite of the first abdominal segment. It is derived entirely from the tergum, the pleural and sternal plates having become atrophied as ex- plained by Crampton (1931). Its hind margin broadens out into a semicircular band forming the dorsal half of the aperture through which the petiole of the abdomen projects and articulates with the thoracic region. The propodeal spiracles are situated on the anterior lateral margin of the propodeum. These are long, oval, or slit-like spiracles, as contrasted with the short oval, or circular spiracles 180 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii of Coleocentrus, the other genus in the Acoenitini. The spiracles are about twice their own length from the base of the propodeum, and are connected with the base by carinae. Various systems of naming the areas of the propodeum have been proposed from time to time. The systems introduced by Davis (1897) and by Morley (1903) seem to be most used by modern taxonomists, and for this reason are used in this paper. 1. Basal, or first median area (basareola) 2. Superior, or second median area (areola) 3. Apical, petiolar, or third median area (petiolarea) 4. External, or first lateral area 5. Area dentipara, external median, or second lateral area 6. Internal, middle apical, or third lateral area 7. Spiracular, or first pleural area 8. Lateral, middle pleural, or second pleural area Snodgrass (1935) divides the abdomen proper into three groups : The pregenital , or visceral segments which, in Arotes, comprise the second to seventh segments; the genital segments, composed of the eighth and ninth segments in the female, and the ninth in the male ; and the postgenital segments. The abdomen in both sexes is slightly petiolate at the base. In the male (Fig. 17), the abdomen is more or less cylindrical throughout, expanding but slightly from base to apex, and is only slightly compressed apically. The abdomen of the female (Fig. 15) is cylindrical at the base, but expands medially, and becomes compressed from side to side on its apical third, in a manner suggestive of the Ophioninse. The most remarkable feature of the female abdomen (and the structure by which the female Acoenitini may be at once separated from all other Ichneu- monidse) is the very large vomeriform hypopygium which is heavily sclerotized and acute at the apex. The abdomen consists of nine distinct segments, exclusive of the propodeum, which is the true first tergite, and it is possible that the membranous area around the anus may well represent the eleventh tergite, in which case the abdomen proper is com- posed of ten segments. The connection between the abdomen proper and the pro- podeum is made by the insertion of the basal end of the petiole, or true second abdominal segment, into the aperture formed by June, 1940] Pratt: IcHNEUMONiDiE 181 the propodeum and the metasternum. The petiole apparently articulates with the propodeal part of this aperture by lateral projections of the base of the petiole. On the base of the petiole lies a median, dorsal ligament, called the funicle, which is at- tached anteriorly to the endoskeleton of the metathorax by muscles, and acts as a levator of the abdomen. The petiole, or second abdominal segment (2t), according to Crampton (1931) is composed entirely of the second tergite which has extended ventrally and fused in the anterior region, crowd- ing the second sternite (2s) backward in the process. The petiole is about three times as long as it is wide at the apex, and expands from base to apex. The oval spiracles lie in the middle of the petiole. Female Abdomen In the female (Fig. 15), the tergite is bent at its basal third, and is produced into a small protuberance somewhat similar to the large basal protuberance in the petiole of such Mutillidae as Dasymutilla. The second pleurite is a narrow, longitudinal band of membrane originating beneath the spiracle, and extending caudad to the third pleurite. It is demarked by a fold from the membranous second sternite. The third to fifth abdominal segments are similar in general form and structure, each consisting of a tergite, sternite, and a pair of sclerites of uncertain affinities, which in this paper are called the pleurites. These three segments increase noticeably in size and sclerotization as they extend caudad. The tergites grow successively shorter, wider, and more convex; the pleurites be- come more strongly sclerotized; and the sternites show larger sclerotized areas in the sternal membrane. In the sixth segment, the tergite (6t) fuses with the pleurite. The spiracle of the sixth segment, however, is just as far from the^ latero-pleural line as are the spiracles of the three preceding segments (which fact may indicate either that the pleurites are of recent origin, or more probably that the fusion of the sixth tergite with the pleurite has taken place quite recently), whereas the spiracles of the seventh, and eighth segments are quite near the latero-pleural line. The sixth sternite is almost completely sclerotized. 182 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii In the seventh abdominal segment, the tergite is similar to that of the sixth. The seventh segment is the largest segment of the abdomen, and combines the two features by which the females of this tribe are easily told from all others : the abdomen begins being compressed from side to side with the seventh tergite, and the seventh sternite (7s) is enormously elongated, very heavily sclerotized, and acute at the apex, producing what taxonomists call ‘Hhe large, vomeriform hypopyginm characteristic of the tribe Acoenitini. ” It is about one-third as long as the whole abdomen, or about as long as the three preceding segments to- gether. This plate is concave, so that the ventral portions of the genitalia fit into it, and are concealed and protected by it. For this reason, it is often called the suhgenital plate or hypopyginm. Female Genitalia The genital segments of the female (Fig. 16) are composed of the eighth and ninth tergites and their appendages, for in Arotes, as in all Hymenoptera, there are no pleural or sternal plates on these segments in the females. The eighth tergite (8t) is slightly smaller than the seventh and its spiracle lies on the anterior edge of a distinct fovea. The ninth tergite (9t) is an elongate plate forming the fulcral point for both the ovipositor and the valves of the ovipositor. It has no spiracle. The basal part of the ovipositor consists of the first and second valvifers (1 vf and 2 vf), which lie beneath the ventral margin of the ninth tergite. The first valvifer articulates by its dorsal angle with the ninth tergite, and by its posterior, ventral angle with the second valvifer. Anteriorly, the first valvifer has the form of a very thin, transparent plate, which is continuous with the ramus of the first valvulge. The second valvifer (2 vf) is a narrow, elongate plate, which lies half hidden beneath the ninth tergite. Anteriorly, it widens into a large, rounded process articulating with the first valvifer so that there is actually no articulation with the ninth tergite as in most typical insects; posteriorly, it broadens very slightly and becomes modified to form the long, slender third valvulce (3v). It is continuous with the ramus of the second valvulse along its extreme anterior margin, and its antero-dorsal margin June, 1940] Pratt: Ichneumonid^ 183 is produced into a long, pointed apodeme for the attachment of muscles. The shaft of the ovipositor is elongate and compressed with an acute apex. The ovipositor itself is composed of the first and second valvuloe (1 v and 2 v) which form respectively the ventral and dorsal parts of the ovipositor. The apical portion of the ovipositor is usually enclosed between the concave third valvulce (3v) which are often called the valves or sheaths of the ovipositor. Postgenital Region This is a membranous, apical area surrounding the anus. At the base there are weakly sclerotized dorsal and ventral sclerites which may represent the tenth tergite and sternite (lOt and 10s) (Pigs. 15, 16, 17). The cerci (ce) are borne in the membranous area between them and the anus at the extreme apex. Male Genitalia In Arotes the copulatory ossicles are located on the ventral side of the genitalia, and studies of the more primitive Macro- xyela and certain Cephid genera would indicate that this is the more primitive, orthandrous condition, and that the torsion of the parts that occurs in some sawflies in the family Tenthredinidag is a secondary development characteristic of the Tenthredinid complex called the Strophandria by Crampton (1919) and by Ross (1937). The basal ring (hr) (Pigs. 18, 19) is a narrow, basal band en- closing the rest of the genitalia. According to Snodgrass (1935, p. 605), “it is said to differentiate as a circular fold of the wall of the genital chamber.” The genital claspers, or parameres, were first homologized with the parameres of Coleoptera by Wheeler in 1910, and his views on the subject have been accepted by Pruthi (1924), Balfour- Brown (1932), Snodgrass (1935), and Crampton (1936). The parameres (pr) arise on the ventral side of the basal band or ring and expand laterally into wide basal plates, which narrow again on the dorsal side meeting along a dorso-median caudal groove. Apically the parameres are lengthened into blunt, tooth-like pro- jections which serve somewhat similar functions as the distal 184 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii segments of the parameres in lower saw-flies. These tooth-like projections, however, are probably not homologous with the distal segments of the parameres (which Crampton, 1919, called the cochlearia in the lower saw-flies) since these distal segments seem to drop out in the phylogeny of the Hymenoptera at about the Cephid level. The copulatory ossicles are composed of a large basal portion known as the volsella (vol) and a smaller, slightly cylindrical apical segment called the sagitta (sag), which is connected to the volsella by membrane and is the true copulatory ossicle. They arise mesally on the parameres and project posteriorly, one lying on either side of the sedeagus. It should be emphasized especially, however, that in Arotes and also in Coleocentrus, which two genera comprise in America the tribe Acoenitini of Cushman and Rohwer, there is no distivolsella. Therefore, the inner forceps structure is lacking, although it is present in all the other Ichneumonidas known to the present writer. The absence of the distivolsella in these two genera would seem, therefore, to be a character of tribal value in separating the Acoenitini from the other tribes of Ichneumonidae, and it is pos- sible that this character may be correlated with the huge development of the plow-shaped, or vomeriform, hypopygium in the female. The central structure of the male genitalia is the cedeagus, which is composed of a pair of penis valves (ae). At the base of the asdeagus, on the dorsal side are a pair of parapenes (pap) which help to strengthen the pallic structure. Postgenital Segments The postgenital segments (Fig. 17) are membranous but do include small sclerotized areas which would seem to be the tenth and eleventh tergites (lOt and lit) and the corresponding sternite. Snodgrass (1935) and other writers would call the small cercus-like appendages of the postgenital segments socii and would homologize them with similar structures in Trichoptera and Lepidoptera, but it is more reasonable to compare these ap- pendages with those of male Mecoptera (since the genitalia of Hymenoptera are closest to those of Mecoptera) and to call them June, 1940] Pratt: Ichneumonid^ 185 true cerci as Crampton (1936) has done. The anus is situated at the very apex of the abdomen in both sexes. LITERATUKE CITED Balfour-Browne, F. 1932. A Textbook of practical entomology. E. Arnold and Co., VIII + 191 pp., 161 figs. Bradley, J. C. 1931. Laboratory Guide to the study of the wings of insects. Daw, Illston and Co., Ithaca, N. Y. Comstock, J. H. 1918. The Wings of Insects. Comstock Publishing Co., Ithaca, N. Y. 1930. An introduction to entomology. Comstock Publishing Co., Ithaca, N. Y. Crampton, G. C. 1918. The genitalia and terminal abdominal structures and genitalia of male Neuroptera, and Mecoptera, with notes on the Psocidae, Diptera, and Trichoptera. Psyche S5: 47-59, No. 3 ; Pis. II, III. 1919. The genitalia and terminal abdominal structures of males, and the terminal abdominal structures of the larvae of Chalasto- gastrous Hymenoptera. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., SI: 129-151; Pis. 9-12. 1920. A comparison of the genitalia of male Hymenoptera, Mecoptera, Diptera, Trichoptera, Lepidoptera, Homoptera, and Strepsip- tera, with those of lower insects. Psyche S8 : 34-44 ; PI. IV. 1921. The sclerites of the head and the mouthparts of certain immature and adult insects. Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer., 14 : 65-103 ; Pis. 2-8. 1923a. Preliminary notes on the terminology applied to the parts of an insect’s leg. Can. Ent., 65: 126-132; PI. 3. 1923b. A phylogenetic comparison of the maxillae throughout the orders of insects. Journ. N. Y. Ent. Soc., 31: 77-106, Pis. 12-17. 1923c. A comparison of the labium in certain Holometabolous insects from the standpoint of phylogeny. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., S5: 171-180; PI. 15. 1925. A phylogenetic study of the labium of Holometabolous insects, with particular reference to the Diptera. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., S7: 63-91; Pis. 6-8. 1926. A comparison of the neck and prothoracic sclerites throughout the orders of insects from the standpoint of phylogeny. Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., 5S: 199-243; Pis. 10-17. 1928. The eulabiuiji, nientum, submentum, and gular region in insects. Pomona Journ. Ent. and Zoo., SO: 1-18; Pis. 3. 1929. The terminal abdominal structures of female insects compared throughout the orders from the standpoint of phylogeny. Journ. N. Y. Ent. Soc., 37: 453-496; Pis. 9-16. 186 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. XLVIII 1931. A phylogenetic study of the posterior metathoracic and basal abdominal structures of insects, with particular reference to the Holometabola. Journ. N. Y. Ent. Soc., 39: 323-357; Pis. 20-24. 1932. A phylogenetic study of the head capsule in certain Orthopteroid, Psocoid, Hemipteroid, and Holometabolous insects. Bull. Brook. Ent. Soc., S7 : 19-55 ; Pis. 4-8. 1936. Suggestions for a new interpretation of the postabdomen in male cyclorraphous Diptera. Bull. Brook. Ent. Soc., 31 : 141-148 ; PI. VII. Cresson, E. T. 1887. Synopsis of the families and genera of Hymenoptera of America north of Mexico. Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., Supplementary volume for 1887. Cushman, E. A. 1929. A revision of the North American Ichneumon-flies of the genus Mesostenus and related genera. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 74: 1-58 ; 8 flgs. Cushman, E. A. and Eohwer, S. A. 1920a. The North American Ichneumon-flies of the tribe Acoenitini. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 57 : 503-523. 1920b. Holarctic tribes of the Ichneumon-flies of the subfamily lehneu- moninae (PimplinaB). Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 57: 379-396. Davis, G. C. 1897. A review of the Tryphoninae and descriptions of new Ichneu- monidae. Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., 24: 193-372. Franklin, H. J. 1912. The Bombidae of the New World. Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., 38: 178-486. Holway, E. T. 1935. Preliminary note on the structure of the pretarsus and its possible phylogenetic significance. Psyche 42: 1-20; Pis. 1-3. Hooker, C. W. 1912. The Ichneumon-flies of America belonging to the tribe Ophionini. Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., 38: 1-177 ; 3 pis. MacGillivray, a. D. 1906. A study of the wings of Tenthredinoidea. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 29 : 569-653 ; figs. 49 pis. Merrill, J. H. 1913. On some genera of the Pimpline Ichneumonidae. Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., 41 : 109-154. Morley, Claude 1913. The fauna of British India including Ceylon and Burma. Hymenoptera III, Ichneumonidae I. Taylor and Francis, London. June, 1940] Pratt: Ichneumonid^ 187 Peck, Oswald 1937. The male genitalia in Hymenoptera especially the family lehneu- monidae. Can. Journ. Eesearch 15: 221-274; Pis. 5-10. Pruthi, H. S. 1924. On the post-embryonic development and homologies of the male genitalia of Tenebrio moUtor L. Proc. Zool. Soc. London: 857-868, 3 pis., 3 figs. Eoss, H. H. 1936. The ancestry and wing venation of the Hymenoptera. Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer., £9 : 99-109 ; Pis. 1-2. Salman, K. A. .r- 1929. The external morphology of Pepsis elegans Lepeletier. Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., 55: 119-153; Pis. 6-9. Snodgrass, E. E. 1910. The thorax of the Hymenoptera. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 39: 37- 91; Pis. 1-16. 1935. Principles of insect morphology, first edition. McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York City. ViERECK, H. L. 1916. The Hymenoptera of Connecticut. Bull. 22 State Geo. and Nat. Hist. Survey, pp. 1-825; figs., 10 pis. Wheeler, W. M. 1910. Ants, their structure, development, and behavior. Columbia Uni- versity Press, New York. XXV -t- 663 pp. LIST OF ABBEEYIATIONS ae — aedeagus 0 — ocellus aem — anepimeron oc — occiput aes — anepisternum or — orbicula af — ^antefrons osc — ocular sclerite ap — apodeme ar — arolium P — pleurite as — antennal sclerite pa — parietals at — anterior tentorial pits paf — parafrontals ax — axillary sclerite pap — parapenes pc — postocciput bp — basalar plate pcs — postoccipital suture br — basal ring pctc — prepectal carina C — Costa pdc — pedicel cd — cardo Pf — postfrons ce — cercus Pg — postgena cl — clypeus Pgl — paraglossa cm — camera pi — planta Cu — Cubitus plst — pleurostoma Cx — coxa ppct — prepectus pr — paramere 188 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii epm — epimeron print — prementum eps — opisternum psc — prescutum pscl — postscutellum fe — femur ptar — pretarsus fl — flagellum E — Eadius ga — galea Es — radial sector ge — gena gl — glossa s — sternite sag — sagitta hp — hypostoma Sc — Subcosta hpc — hypostomal carina sc — scutum scl — scutellum kem — katepimeron scp — scape kes — katepisternum smt — submentum SOS — subocular suture la — lacinia sp — spiracle laplp — labial palpus st — stipes lb — labium Ic — lacinia t — tergite Im — labrum ta — tarsus ti — tibia M — Media tr — trochanter m — median plate m-cu — medio-cubital cross-vein uf — unguifer md — mandible un — ungues mxplp — maxillary palpus ut — unguitractor n — notum V — valvula vf — valvifer vol — volsella Plate V Figure 1. Dorsal view of the head. Figure 2. Ventral view of the head. Figure 3. Dorsal view of the propodeum. Figure 4. Antenna. Figure 5. Labium. Figure 6. Maxilla. Figure 7. Mandible. Figure 8. Fore Leg. (Jour. N. Y. Ent. Soc.), Vol. XLVIII (Plate V) 7 190 Journal New York Entomological Society [VoL. XLVIII Figure 9. Figure 10. Figure 11. Figure 12. Figure 13. Figure 14. Plate VI Lateral view of the pro-, meso-, and metathoraces. Pteralia of the hind wing. Pteralia of the fore wing. Fore wing. Hind wing. Pretarsus of the hind leg. (Jour. N. Y. Ent. Soc.), Vol. XLVIII (Plate VI) 192 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii Plate VII Figure 15. Lateral view of the female abdomen (ovipositor and sheaths cuts off at tip of the abdomen). Figure 16. Lateral view of the female genitalia. Figure 17. Lateral view of the male abdomen. Figure 18. Dorsal view of the male genitalia. Figure 19. Ventral view of the male genitalia. (Jour. N. Y. Ent. Soc.), Vol. XLVIII (Plate VII) June, 1940] Weiss: Insect Losses 195 MONEY LOSSES DUE TO DESTRUCTIVE INSECTS By Harry B. Weiss It is customary, from time to time, for entomologists to call attention, in text books, special articles, newspapers, etc., to the enormous money losses due to destructive insects. These figures sometimes reach dizzy heights and carry the conviction that cold type seems to have for many readers. Without meaning to lessen the importance of destructive insects in their ability to create real crop losses of considerable magnitude, we would like, in this little article, to cast a few doubts upon the accuracy of the method in use at present whereby these losses are converted into dollars. In arriving at the percentage of loss by insects, it is customary to obtain estimates indicating to what extent a particular insect has reduced the normal production of a crop to the production actually harvested. Having arrived at a figure indicating a loss in bushels, the value of this lost portion is obtained by basing it on the prevailing average farm price of the crop actually har- vested, disregarding the reduction in value which usually follows the marketing of a larger crop. A few authors of papers on the subject of crop losses due to insects admit this error in their figures, but hold to them because of the absence of a better method and because they believe that the enhanced value given to the destroyed portion is offset by other losses chargeable to insects, such as the cost of control, which they have not included. A quite recent publication cites the potato crop of the United States for 1936 as having been damaged to the extent of 15 per cent by insects. The total actual production of potatoes for that year was estimated at approximately 330,000,000 bushels. Be- cause the supply was below the average that year the farm price went up and was about $1.13 per bushel. Now, if the total pro- duction for that year had been 388,000,000 bushels, i.e., the actual production plus 58,000,000 bushels, the estimated loss due to insects, the farm price would, in all probability, have gone down to around 60 cents per bushel, as it was in 1935 or 1937 or 1938, when production stood in proximity to 388,000,000 bushels. The 196 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. XLVIII farm value in 1936 reached a figure of about $370,000,000. If there had been no insect injury and if the production had been 388,000,000 bushels, the farm value at the lower price per bushel, provided the production could have been absorbed by the market, would have been about $233,000,000, which is $137,000,000 less than the farm value of the crop that was reduced by insects and actually produced. To mention another example, apple production in the United States was supposed to have suffered a loss of 20 per cent in 1936 due to insects. Production for 1936 was estimated as 117,506,000 bushels, or 80 per cent of what the production should have been had there been no insect injury. The farm price for 1936 is quoted as $1.05 per bushel. If the insect damage had been elimi- nated, the total production would have reached 146,883,000 bush- els. Taking into account the purchasing power of the population since 1933, if 146,883,000 bushels had been thrown on the market, the price, in all likelihood, would not have gone higher than 75 cents per bushel, and even this is a generous allowance. The estimated farm value of the apple crop in 1936 was about $123,381,000. With insect injury eliminated, resulting in a crop of 146,883,000 bushels, the total value at 75 cents per bushel would have been $110,162,000, or more than $13,000,000 in favor of the status quo. Of course having a crop of 146,883,000 bushels, more labor would be required to harvest, grade, pack and deliver it, provided the bottom did not drop out of the apple market com- pletely. With the complete elimination of insect damage, a state of affairs not likely to happen, there would be some violently painful and long adjustments in the economics of the apple indus- try. A smaller number of trees would suffice, less labor would be employed and there would be changes all along the line. We have no desire to forecast what would happen to the farm and retail prices, or to the growers, etc., but if insect damage to crops were eliminated or greatly curtailed beyond the present amount, during the adjustment period surpluses would arise to plague us. But of course these could be handed over to some ‘‘Agricultural Surplus Commission” to worry about and would be of no concern to entomologists. If the large surpluses could be sold to countries where there were shortages, this would solve the problem, but in June, 1940] Weiss: Insect Losses 197 the case of perishable crops, the surpluses might easily be calami- tous. In the case of commodities that could be stored, the situa- tion- would be better, but even stored commodities in large amounts have a depressing effect upon market prices. The percentages of damage, to various crops in the United States as a whole, by insects, as given in our text books, seem, for the most part, to run in multiples of 5, such as 5, 10, 15 and 20. Estimates seldom are less than 5 per cent or more than 20 per cent, and these are said to be conservative. To us, these estimates, for the most part, appear rather high for the country at large. They probably represent the opinions of a comparatively small number of technical men rather than the observations of numer- ous producers. The difficulty of obtaining reliable estimates from either source is fully appreciated. Numerous factors con- trol production and the hazards of farming include not only insects, but plant diseases, defective seed, deficient moisture, ex- cessive moisture, frost, hail, hot winds, storms, etc. Of the fac- tors reducing normal production to the production actually harvested, adverse climate is the most important, and for the most part the effects cannot be avoided. Factors such as insects, plant diseases, poor seed, etc., may be overcome to a certain extent and the losses, due to them, reduced. If the yield of a certain crop is 10 per cent less than the so-called normal yield, how is one going to apportion this loss to insects, plant diseases, deficient moisture, etc., etc., etc., on the basis of our present knowledge, with any degree of accuracy? With stored products, of course, where only one factor is at work reduc- ing the volume, the operation is not difficult. And there are other instances where insect damage is apparent and separable from injury by other causes and where it can be estimated or arrived at fairly accurately. In the case of a growing crop being injured by one species of insect, perhaps the loss in yield due to the insect can be estimated with some degree of accuracy, but even in this instance, there may be other factors tending to reduce the yield, including adverse climate, plant diseases, etc., and the assignment of loss due to each would be difficult. In the case of a growing crop being injured by several species of insects, the case becomes more difficult, in fact, the difficulties increase as the num- 198 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii ber of factors increases. Experimental work designed to isolate, and measure the effect of, single adverse factors in reducing yields would be costly, difficult and perhaps inconclusive. Even if we obtained, by counts in sample areas of a field, some idea of the numerical abundance of different species of insects, there would still remain the difficulty of converting this information into terms of bushels lost due to specific, adverse agents. The possibility of arriving at a solution seems almost out of the question. On the other hand it would appear to be possible to increase the accuracy of the estimates of the percentages of insect damage to crops, by increasing the number of estimators and by giving them some common, fundamental basis for their estimates and by educating them in the importance of weighing the dif- ferent factors. We have no confidence in the flat estimates by single individuals covering widespread areas, even whole states, unless it can be shown that such estimates are based upon ex- tensive field observations and counts, where it has been possible to make them, and a full appreciation of the various factors in- volved. In the case of some estimates we have no doubt that such care is exercised, but entomologists as a rule are not conservative in estimating insect damage, and are inclined to extend to a very large area the estimates that have been based on a very small and unrepresentative sample, and that may represent a special case. In Mr. J. A. Hyslop’s useful paper on ‘‘Losses Occasioned by Insects, Mites, and Ticks in the United States” (U.S.D.A. Bur. Ent. and PL Quar., Wash., D. C., July, 1938, mimeographed) there is a wide variation in the percentage losses, due to various insects, as gathered by him from different sources and this one would expect. They are, no doubt, as correct as existing facili- ties and interest in the subject permitted them to be. Many of them seem conservative, especially if one has no definite informa- tion with which to check them. Some were no doubt arrived at on the basis of surveys and counts. And they forcibly call at- tention to the seriousness of insect injury to crops. However, we do not believe that they are all as accurate as it is possible to make them. When these losses are converted into dollars they total to a staggering sum which includes the enhanced value given to the June, 1940] Weiss: Insect Losses 199 destroyed portions of the crops. It is the enhanced values that we believe should be written off in the interest of accuracy. As a matter of fact, the destroyed portions have no market or other value. They donT exist. If insect damage could be eliminated completely, the larger production during the readjustment period would result in a lower price. In trying to give a unit value to something that does not exist, and did not actually come into existence, we either have to give it the same unit value of the crop that does exist, which is not correct, or assume that the in- creased production due to the elimination of insects could ac- tually be marketed at the lower price. As this is only an assump- tion and as increased production through elimination of insects, in many cases, would result in a farm value much less than if the reverse happened, i.e., lower production due to insect damage, why is it necessary to attempt to convert bushel losses into dol- lars? Why not allow these losses in production, when they are arrived at as accurately as possible, to remain in bushels ? It is too bad that our standards of value require so many things such as insect damage, college educations, etc., to be valued in terms of dollars. From an economic viewpoint large farm surpluses at present would not be regarded as blessings. If our present surpluses, due to better methods of production, etc., the dislocation of for- eign trade, industrial unemployment, etc., are still further aug- mented by the elimination of all insect damage, which is highly theoretical, our social and economic life would have to undergo severe readjustments. Before large surpluses can be sold to low income groups, a change in our methods of distribution will have to take place. Economic entomologists should not dream of the complete elimination of all losses due to insects, nor talk as if it would really be desirable for this to happen. They should be content to see their recommendations employed sufficiently to prevent insect damage from reaching the proportions of disaster, or in seeing that such damage is kept doAvn to a reasonable level. Even though they are more ambitious than this, there are always enough lax producers, and insects, to keep production at a level more or less consistent with the economics of the times. The New York Entomological Society Organized June 29, 1892 — Incorporated June 7, 1893 Certificate of Incorporation expires June 7, 1943 The meetings of the Society are held on the first and third Tuesday of each month (except June, July, August and September) at 8 P. m., in the American Museum of Natural History, 77th Street and Columbus Avenue. Annual dues for Active Members, $3.00; including subscription to the Journal, $4.50. Members of the Society will please remit their annual dues, payable in January, to the treasurer. Honorary President, WILLIAM T. DAVIS Officers for the Year 1940 President, DE, ALEXANDER B. KLOTS College of the City of New York, N. Y. Vice-President, MAX KISLIUK, JR Federal Bldg., New York, N. Y. Secretary, LUCY W. CLAUSEN American Museum of Natural History Treasurer, DR. HERMAN T. SPIETH College of the City of New York, N. Y. Librarian, DR. R. E. BL ACK WELDER American Museum of Natural History Curator, C. E. OLSEN American Museum of Natural History EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE H. F. Schwarz Dr. F. E. Lutz Dr. Wm. Procter Dr. Herbert Ruckes Henry Bird Harry B. Weiss Dr. W. J. Gertsch Dr. J. L. Horsfall J. W. Angell PUBLICATION COMMITTEE Dr. Wm. Moore E. L. Bell PBOGEAM COMMITTEE F. A. SORACI AUDITING COMMITTEE E. L. Bell FIELD COMMITTEE A. S. Nicolay John D. Sherman, Jr. E. Teale G. B. Engelhardt G. Rau DELEGATE TO THE N. ¥. ACADEMY OF SCIENCES William T. Davis JOURNAL of the NEW YORK ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY Published quarterly by the Society at N. Queen St., and Mc- Govern Ave., Lancaster, Pa. All communications relating to manuscript for the Journal should be sent to the Editor, Harry B. Weiss, 19 N. 7th Ave., Highland Park, New Jersey; all subscrip- tions to the Treasurer, Dr. Herman T. Spieth, American Museum of Natural History, New York, N. Y. Orders for back issues should be sent to the Librarian, Dr. B. E. Blackwelder, American Museum of Natural Historj^, 77th St. and Columbus Ave., New York, N. Y. The society has a complete file of back issues in stock. The Society will not be responsible for lost Journals if not noti- fied immediately of change of address. We do not exchange publications. Terms for subscription, $3.00 per year, strictly in advance. Please make all checks, money-orders, or drafts payable to New York Entomological Society. Twenty-five reprints without covers are furnished free to authors. Additional copies may be purchased at the following rates : 4 pp. 8 pp. 12 pp. 16 pp. 24 pp. 32 pp. 25 copies $2.40 $5.22 $5.58 $5.58 $9.00 $9.60 Additionals 100 ’s .60 1.44 1.92 1.92 3.00 3.00 Covers 50 copies, $2.00 ; additional 100 's, $1.50. Half-tone prints It^ cents for each half-tone print. Authors whose papers are illustrated with text figures or full page plates will be required to supply the electroplates or pay the cost of making the same by the Journal and also to pay the cost of printing full page plates on coated paper, when advisable. No. 3 1^ /ol. XL VIII SEPTEMBER, 1940 Journal of the New York Entomological Society Devoted to Entomology in General Edited by HARRY B. WEISS Publication Committee HARRY B. WEISS J. D. SHERMAN, Jr. WILLIAM MOORE E. L. BELL Subscription $3.00 per Year Published Quarterly by the Society N. QUEEN ST. AND McGOVERN AVE. LANCASTER, PA. NEW YORK, N. Y. 1940 CONTENTS The Sarcophaginae and Their Relatives in New York, II By Harold C. II alloc k 201 Observations on Silphin^ with a Note on Intraspecific Variations and Their Designation By Melville H. Hatch 233 A New Record for Connecticut Leonard J. Sanford 244 Some Aspects of Modern Taxonomy By Richard E. Blackwelder 245 Atrytone logan Edwards Leonard J. Sanford 258 Some Parasites and Hyperparasites of the Cecropia Moth By Osmond P. Breland 259 Comparison of Serologic and Taxonomic Relationships of Drosophila Species By Russell W. Cumley 265 New Peruvian Membracidae (Homoptera) By W. D. Funkhouser 275 Proceedings of The New York Entomological Society 295 The Death-Feint of Trox unistriatus Beauv. By Harry B. Weiss 303 NOTICE: Volume XLVIII, Number 2, of the Journal of The New York Entomological Society was published ON June 19, 1940. Entered as second class matter July 7, 1925, at the post office at Lancaster, Pa., under the Act of August 24, 1912. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Section 1103. Act of October 3, 1917, authorized March 27, 1924. JOURNAL OF THE New York Entomological Society VoL. XLVIII September, 1940 No. 3 THE SARCOPHAGIN^ AND THEIR RELATIVES IN NEW YORK. II^ By Harold C. Hallock Lancaster, Pa. Sarcophaga Meigen 1826. Meigen, Syst. Beschr. Zwei. Ins., vol. 5, p. 14. 1916. Aldrich, Sarcophaga and Allies, p. 5. Aldrich (1916) gave a fnll account of the history of the genus, Sarcophaga, and the distinguishing characters which will not be repeated here. The hypopygial studies have given additional evi- dence that there can be some grouping of the species within the genus. These structures are more important as the final char- acters to be used in distinguishing some of the closely related species. The New York species {hisetosa, cimbicis, and latisterna) , which Parker (1914) placed in the genus Boettcheria, have several com- mon genitalian characters. There is a small rounded projection on each side of the V of the fifth sternum a short distance before its point of union. The sperm pump sclerite of each of these three species is thickened along the margin of its larger end and they are similar in size and shape. The posterior claspers of the three species are more or less enlarged on the front side near the base. 1 This article is a continuation of ‘ ^ The Sarcophaginse and their relatives in New York. I.’’ Jour. N. Y. Ent. Soc. vol. 48, pp. 127-153, 1940. Contribution from the Entomological Laboratory, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. SEP i t mo 202 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii The New York species {laakei, latisetosa, Vherminieri, pusiola, stimulans, and suet a) of the Ravinia group have many similar li3^popygial structures. When the anal forceps are viewed from the back it is noticeable that each is united near its base, becomes widely separated and then generally tend to be closer together at the apex. There is a remarkable resemblance in the shape of the aedeagus of these five species as will be seen by examining the illustrations. Three species, Vherminieri, sueta, and pusiola have a similar arrangement of short, stout bristles along each inner margin of the V of the fifth sternite. The species, laakei, lati- setosa, and stimulans, do not have this striking bristle arrange- ment but are similar to each other as they have an enlargement on the inner margin of the V of the fifth sternite. It is evident that harhata and securifera are closely related. Although the anal forceps can be distinguished they have a strik- ing resemblance in their shape. Each species has a broad acces- sory plate, a row of bristles along the posterior margin of the anterior claspers, two bristles on the front margin near the apex of the posterior claspers, considerable similarity in the shape of the fifth sternites and the arrangement of the bristles along the inner margins of the V of their fifth sternites. There is some similarity in the aedeagus aiid anal forceps of alcedo and uncata but the shape of the fifth sternites would not lead one to expect very close relationship between these two spe- cies. Aldrich (1916) compared both of these species to excisa. There are several species in this group that have many characters in common but they are not as closely related to each other as the species within the Ravinia or Boettcheria groups. It is true that there are distinct groups within the genus Sarco- phaga. Yet it does not seem wise to attempt to express this rela- tionship by creating separate genera for these related species. In almost all the cases it would be nearly impossible to find generic characters which would place the females in the proper genus. The writer desires in the near future to study the hypopygial structures of the female Sarcophaga which may help to show rela- tionships within the group. It would also be wise to supplement these characters by comprehensive larval studies of the type con- ducted by Knipling (1936) and studies of the habits of the related species. Sept., 1940] HALLOCK: SARCOPHAGINiE 203 Although there is a very striking similarity in the appearance of the adult Sarcophaga, the habits of the immature stages show considerable variation. As Aldrich (1916) brought to our atten- tion these flies are now in the interesting transition from the habit of devouring dead animal tissues to parasitism upon living tissue. The larvae of the Bavinia group develop in excrement. There are many Sarcophaga which have the habit of developing in dead flesh as illustrated by Sarcophaga hullata. The aquatic Sarco- phaga, which develop in pitcher plants, feed largely upon dead insects but they will attack and kill living insects which occur in the water found in the pitcher plant. There are many true para- sitic forms in the Sarcophaga and these may be illustrated by S. atlanis, which attacks grasshoppers, S. aldrichi, which attacks chiefly the forest tent caterpillar, and S. ciml)icis, which has a wide variety of hosts. Although S. cimbicis may develop as a true parasite the larvge have also been reared on meat. The habits of the New York species will be discussed more fully under each individual species. The keys given in the present paper include all SarcophaginaB known to occur in New York state in order that the identification of the flies may be made simpler and confusion avoided. Char- acters other than those found on the genitalia have been used whenever possible in the first key to the males. A second key to the males, which is based entirely upon genitalia characters, has been given in order to aid the student in the study of this group. The third species key deals with the female Sarcophaginge of New York where known material has been available for study. Genotype. — Sarcophaga carnaria (Linn.) Key to Separate Male Sarcophagin^ 1. Three distinct postsutural dorsocentrals 2 Four postsutural dorsocentrals, or else the anterior ones of the post- sutural series indistinct, scarcely differentiated from hairs 31 2. Hind tibiae with villosity, the hairs of which are at least longer than the diameter of the tibiae 3 Hind tibiae without erect villosity (the appressed hairs at most not longer than the diameter of the tibiae) 9 3. Hypopygium entirely black 4 At least the second segment of the hypopygium red or yellow 5 204 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. XLVIII 4. Abdomen pollinose, at most the hinder parts of the segments shining black ; middle femur with a patch of yellow hairs on the apical third of front sides SarcopJiaga sinuata Meig. Abdomen with three rows of shining black spots on the second, third, and fourth segments ; middle femur without yellow hairs Wohlfahrtia vigil Walker 5. Anterior acrostichals present 6 Anterior acrostichals absent 8 6. Prescutellar bristles present, the third abdominal segment with a com- plete row of marginal bristles SarcopJiaga sarracenice Eiley Prescutellar bristles absent, the third abdominal segment with only median marginal bristles 7 7. Accessory plate long, slender, finger-like, only the distal end of the row of median bristles on the hind femur present SarcopJiaga latisterna Parker Accessory plate not finger-like, a complete row of median bristles on hind femur SarcopJiaga cimloicis Townsend 8. Third abdominal segment with a complete row of marginal bristles, fourth abdominal segment yellow apically SarcopJiaga sima Aldrich Third abdominal segment with only a median pair of marginal bristles, fourth abdominal segment entirely black SarcopJiaga bisetosa Parker 9. Hypopygium entirely black 10 At least second segment of the hypopygium red or yellow 17 10. The frontal bristles extending below the base of the antennae 13 The frontal bristles not extending below the base of the antennae 11 11. Arista short plumose 12 Arista long plumose; legs largely yellow; abdomen largely yellow in the light form and abdomen dark in the dark form Opsodexia bicolor Coq. 12. Legs entirely black ; palpi brownish and nearly as long as the proboscis Oppiopsis sJieldoni Coq. Tibiae yellow; palpi yellow and only about one-third the length of proboscis Opelousia obscuria Town. 13. Anterior acrostichals wanting 16 Anterior acrostichals present and well developed 14 14. Ground color of ventral portion of abdomen largely red, second and third abdominal segments with only median marginal bristles SarcopJiaga fletcJieri Aid. Ground color of ventral portion of abdomen black 15 15. Accessory plates nearly as long as anal forceps; the V lacking on the fifth ventral sternum Laccoprosopa sarcopJiagina Town. Accessory plates short; fifth sternite has a well developed V SarcopJiaga nox Hall 16. Palpi yellow, forceps with strong protuberances on dorsal half, on which are striking tufts of long black hair SarcopJiaga Jmnteri Hough Sept., 1940] Hallock: Sarcophagin^ 205 Palpi black, forceps slender, protuberances and tufts of hair lacking Sarcophaga atlanis Aid. 17. First, third and fifth longitudinal veins hairy, fourth abdominal segment and hypopygium yellowish red Johnsoni horealis Reinhard Only first and third longitudinal veins hairy 18 Third longitudinal vein only hairy 19 18. Anterior acrostichals well developed, second abdominal segment with median marginal bristles MetoposarcopJiaga import una Walker Anterior acrostichals not differentiated from the surrounding hairs, sec- ond abdominal segment without median marginal bristles Sarcophaga rapax Walker 19. Palpi yellow 20 Palpi black 22 20. First segment of hypopygium with a row of stout bristles near its base, fifth sternite entire 21 First segment of hypopygium without row of bristles near base, the row of bristles at apex often indistinct, fifth sternite deeply cleft form- ing a distinct V Sarcophaga hunteri Hough 21. Arista plumose; parafacials and paraf rentals light golden yellow pol- linose Sarcofahrtia ravinia Parker Arista bare or slightly pubescent; parafacials and paraf rentals gray pollinose Erythrandra picipes B. & B. 22. Arista long and thin, short-plumose; the second segment of the large hypopygium red and with long bristles Hypopelta scrofa Aid. Species not as described 23 23. Anterior acrostichals absent or scarcely differentiated from surrounding hairs Sarcophaga parallela Aid. Anterior acrostichals well developed 24 24. Epaulets yellow, frontal rows of bristles not divergent below Sarcophaga pusiola V. d. W. Epaulets black, the frontal rows of bristles suddenly divergent in the last two or three bristles 25 25. The third abdominal segment with a pair of median marginal bristles, median marginal bristles absent on the second abdominal seg- ment 26 Species lacking the above combination of characters 29 26. Wings slightly smoky, hind calypters light brown with a white margin, parafacials and parafrontals yellow pollinose Sarcophaga alcedo Aid. Species lacking the above combination of characters 27 27. Fourth abdominal segment yellow apically; accessory plate broad and deeply excised at apex Sarcophaga excisa Aid. Fourth abdominal segment black; accessory plate round at apex 28 28. Apex of sedeagus with a long tube-like portion which is incurved at end to form a loop that can be seen through Sarcophaga reversa Aid. Tip of sedeagus without loop, but with thin expanded margins which are whitish or transparent Sarcophaga uncat a V. d. W. 206 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii 29. Euf0e-like expansions lacking on aedeagus, the minute incurved copula- tory tube concealed by the stout divergent prongs at the tip of the aedeagus Sarcophaga aculeata Aid. On the discal portion of the aedeagus appear lateral, thin expanded margins which are white or transparent and shaped similar to a ruffle 30 30. A pair of erect median marginal bristles on the second abdominal seg- ment, the distal portion of the aedeagus distinctly notched to form two sharp points at the apex Sarcophaga setigera Aid. Median marginal bristles rarely present on second abdominal segment (when present small and widely separated) ; distal segment of aedeagus swollen and whitish at end with no sign of notch Sarcophaga coloradensis Aid. 31. Hind tibiae with villosity, the hairs of which are at least longer than the diameter of the tibiae 32 Hind tibiae without erect villosity (the appressed hairs are at most not longer than the width of the tibiae 45 32. Hypopygium entirely black 33 At least the second segment of the hypopygium red 37 33. Middle tibiae with long dense villosity; front approximately as wide as one eye Sarcophaga johnsoni Aid. Middle tibiae without villosity; front much narrower than the width of the eye 34 34. Anal forceps broad, approximately the same width for three-fourths their length; anterior claspers deeply grooved on back Sarcophaga aldrichi Parker Species lacking the above characters 35 35. HSdeagus globose with several long slender processes at apex Sarcophaga misera var. harpax Pand. The long slender processes at apex of the aedeagus lacking 36 36. The aedeagus with a large hump on the back ; second abdominal segment with median marginal bristles Sarcophaga houghi Aid. The aedeagus without conspicuous hump on the back; the second ab- dominal segment without median marginal bristles • Sarcophaga montanensis Hallock 37. First segment of hypopygium black on apical half 38 Both segments of hypopygium yellow or reddish in color 41 38. The prescutellar bristles absent; the forceps with a notch behind near base Sarcophaga hcemorrhoidalis Fall. Species lacking the above characters 39 39. A single row of black hairs back of eyes, abundant white beard which extends over the back of the head up to the row of black hairs behind eyes Sarcophaga securifera Vill. With more than one row of black hairs back of eyes and white beard less extensive 40 Sept., 1940] Hallock: Sarcophagin^ 207 40. Forceps without emarginatioii and hump behind; sedeagus with slender processes at tip; two rows of black cilia behind eyes; white hair on posterior portion of cheeks Sarcophaga misera var. exuberans Pand. Forceps with an emargination behind followed by a hump, terminal portion of aedeagus much enlarged and no slender processes Sarcophaga harhata Thompson 41. The middle tibiae with long villosity, which begins about the middle 42 Middle tibiae without long villosity 43 42. The length of villous hair on hind tibiae approximately twice the diameter of the tibiae; length of villous hair on middle tibiae approximately equal to the diameter of tibiae Sarcophaga scoparia var. nearctica Parker The length of villous hairs on hind tibiae approximately three times the diameter of the tibiae; length of villous hairs on middle tibiae twice the diameter of tibiae Sarcophaga fulvipes var. triplasia V. d. W. 43. Third abdominal segment without median marginal bristles Sarcophaga cooleyi Aldrich Third abdominal segment with median marginal bristles 44 44. Forceps not tapering to a point but with an apical tooth formed by an excision on the front edge; distal segment of aedeagus not unusually broad, with long slender processes at tip ; three rows of black cilia behind eyes; hairs on cheeks black Sarcophaga misera var. sarracenioides Aid. Forceps tapering to a sharp point ; distal segment of aedeagus broad and blunt Sarcophaga bullata Parker 45. First vein hairy 54 First vein bare 46 46. Epaulets yellow 47 Epaulets black 48 47. Fourth segment of abdomen and first segment of hypopygium widely yellowish red; parafrontals and parafacials yellow pollinose Sarcophaga sueta V. d. W. Fourth segment of abdomen and first segment of hypopygium black; parafrontals and parafacials gray pollinose Sarcophaga I ’herminieri Eob.-Des. 48. Palpi yellow, pale hairs of beard conspicuous in front of metacephalic suture Sarcophaga flavipalpis Aid. Palpi entirely black 49 49. Scutellum with a pair of apical bristles between the large marginal bristles 50 The apical bristles on the scutellum lacking 52 50. Frontal bristles extending below the base of the antennge and the last two or three bristles in the frontal rows divergent; parafrontals and parafacials gray pollinose 56 Frontal bristles not extending below the base of antennae and not diver- gent; parafrontals and parafacials golden yellow pollinose 51 208 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii 51. Fourth abdominal segment and the hypopygial segments covered with golden yellow pollinose hairs Macronidhia aurata Coq. Fourth abdominal segments and the hypopygial segments covered with only gray pollinose Macronicliia confundens Town. 52. Front approximately as wide as one eye Sarcopliaga cistudinis Aid. Front much narrowed below the ocelli so that it is about half as wide as one eye 53 53. Anterior acrostichals present; fourth abdominal segment black apically; legs yellow Sarcopliaga ventricosa V. d. W. Anterior acrostichals absent; fourth abdominal segment yellow apically; legs black Sarcopliaga cingarus Aid. 54. First segment of the hypopygium red and fourth abdominal segment partially red Sarcopliaga laalcei Hall First segment of the hypopygium black and fourth abdominal segment black 55 55. Outer vertical bristles present Sarcopliaga latisetosa Parker Outer vertical bristles absent Sarcopliaga stimulans Walker 56. Forceps with dense erect short hairs almost at tip Sarcopliaga utilis Aid. Short erect bristly hairs lacking near tip of forceps 57 57. Forceps parallel to the tip, cut bluntly at tip, and the two forcexis curved beneath so as to give a spoon appearance when viewed beneath Sarcopliaga niagarana Parker Forceps parallel more than three-fourths the length but tips widely separated so as to form a semi-circle when viewed from behind Sarcopliaga yorMi Parker Key to Separate Male Sarcophagin^ Based on Hypopygial Characters 1. Fifth sternite cleft, so that two lobes extend caudad, generally forming a V 3 Fifth sternite entire with no sign of a V on its caudal margin 2 2. Both segments of hypopygium black W olilf alirtia vigil Walker Both segments of hypopygium red Sarcof alirtia ravinia Parker 3. First segment of hypopygium large, flat behind so that the abdomen apears truncate; pump sclerite unusually large as its diameter is twice the length of the sedeagus Metoposarcopliaga importuna Walker First segment of hypopygium normal; pump sclerite small 4 4. Fifth sternum with a pair of median pad-like projections at the point where the gradual sloping V suddenly becomes nearly parallel sided on the caudal margin {Bcettclieria group) 5 The V of the fifth sternum without pad-like projections 7 5. The tip of the gedeagus long and extending cephalad with a number of slender processes beneath; posterior claspers normally slender Sarcopliaga latisterna Parker The tip of the sedeagus strongly curved back caudad; posterior claspers with a decided enlargement near their middle 6 Sept., 1940] Hallock: Sarcophagin^ 209 6. Anal forceps short and wide, basal half or more with tufts of very striking long, black hair; anterior clasper with tooth of apex SarcopJiaga cimhicis Town. Anal forceps longer, curved at tip and without striking tufts of hair; anterior claspers curved at apex Sarcophaga bisetosa Parker 7. Apex of sedeagus with two black transverse arms which curve around forward and make an almost perfect ring and each arm is divided into two points at the apex Sarcophaga scoparia var, nearctica Parker .^deagus without the chacteristic arms 8 8. Anal forceps cleft approximately two-thirds or more of the distance from the tip to the base 9 Anal forceps cleft only a short distance or not more than half way from the tip to the base 22 9. Anal forceps nearly straight in profile with a notch behind near base of cleft; arising from the front side of the sedeagus a little before the tip are a pair of curved arms reaching forward which together with the flat and enlarged tip suggest the figure of a small dog sitting up in the attiude of begging Sarcophaga hcemorrhoidalis Fall. Species lacking the above characters 10 10. Distal segment of the aedeagus in the form of a long tube which is incurved at the end and forming a loop that can be seen through in profile beyond the lateral processes Sarcophaga reversa Aid. Distal portion of asdeagus without loop that can be seen through 11 11. Forceps when viewed from back show a deep depression on the caudal side about the middle 12 Forceps without the depression 16 12. The yellow forceps rather square at the tip, and the base of the forceps enlarged into a prominent lobe which bears a striking tuft of straight black hairs twice as long as the forceps Sarcophaga hunteri Hough Anal forceps without lobe and tuft of black hairs 13 13. Fifth sternite large, the V is cut out somewhat in the form of a semi- circle, the lower portion of the V margined with strong bristles; distal segment of aedeagus large with a keel-like hind margin which extends in a curve over the tip into a pronounced free hook turned forward Sarcophaga flavipalpis Aid. Species lacking the above characters 14 14. Inner margins of anal forceps parallel for half of distance to the points, then suddenly turned outward so that the points of forceps are widely separated; the margins of the V of the fifth sternite parallel over half the distance to the point and then suddenly divergent so that points are widely separated, a group of stout bristles on inner margins about one-third distance from points Sarcophaga alcedo Aid. Species lacking the above characters 15 210 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol, xlviii 15. Fifth sternite with a bristly projection on each of the inner margins of the V at about its middle; sedeagus without ruffle SarcopJiaga ailanis Aid. Fifth sternite without projection on the inner margins of the V ; sedeagus with a lateral white fringe or ruffle on its apical half Sarcophaga uncata V. d. W. 16. Anal forceps widely separated from each other at tip and at base attached to each other only for a short distance; bristles confined largely to outer margins of forceps; the usual V-shaped cleft of the fifth sternite is a linear fissure in this species and on each side of the fissure behind is a small black hood-like point Sarcophaga fletcheri Aid. Species without these characters (Eavinia group) 17 17. Anterior claspers with a row of bristles extending the entire length of caudal margin 18 Anterior claspers without bristles on caudal margin 19 18. Aedeagus when viewed from behind decidedly narrowed before the apex; anal forceps less widely separated at tip than at one-fourth of distance toward base Sarcophaga I’herminieri E.-D. .^deagus when viewed from behind not narrowed; anal forceps gradually divergent toward apex Sarcophaga sueta V. d. W. 19. ^deagus ending in two rounded enlargements separated by a median notch, on front side well before the apex are two pairs of processes projecting forward Sarcophaga pusiola V. d. W. The sedeagus without rounded enlargements 20 20. Anterior clasper terminating in point and nearly as long as aedeagus; posterior clasper slender and smooth on front side; fifth sternite broadly excised Sarcophaga stimulans Walker Anterior clasper much shorter than aedeagus; posterior clasper with two small humps on front margin near tip ; the fifth sternite less broadly excised 21 21. Anterior clasper hallowed out or dished on front margin at tip so that it has the appearance of being toothed Sarcophaga latisetosa Parker Anterior clasper ending in a point without any dished appearance on front margin Sarcophaga laakei Hall 22. The V of fifth sternite narrowed almost to a linear fissure ; forceps when viewed from side are turned back near the apex to appear somewhat like the barb of a hook Sarcophaga ventricosa V. d. W. The V of fifth sternite normal; anal forceps without barbed-like ap- pearance 23 23. Anal forceps black, broad and with shining area on lower half when viewed on the caudal side; anterior claspers large and deeply grooved on front side almost to the apex Sarcophaga aldrichi Parker Anal forceps without broad shining area; anterior claspers not deeply grooved 24 Sept., 1940] Hallock: Sarcophagin^ 211 24. Hypopygium very small; a single very long bristle on anterior margin of posterior claspers; a few long curved bristles at tip of V of fifth sternite Sarcophaga rapax Walker H}T)opygiuni normal size; posterior claspers without long bristles; fifth sternite without long curved bristles at apex of V 25 25. .liEdeagus with a large hump on the back side near the apex; the diverging lobes of the V of the fifth sternite covered with short, stout, black bristles Sarcophaga houghi Aldrich .i3Edeagus without hump 26 26. Arms of the V of the fifth sternite very widely divergent, the portion of sternite around the union of V covered with strong bristles; distal segment of sedeagus very broad and blunt 27 Species with different characters 28 27. Accessory plate covered with short bristles only; tip of sedeagus with a process curving forward which is cut off bluntly on front apex and .aedeagus only slightly narrowed at junction of its two segments Sarcophaga cooleyi Parker Accessory plate with long bristles at its apex; the process at tip of aedeagus ends in a sharp point and the aedeagus is very much nar- rowed at junction of the two segments Sarcophaga hullata Parker 28. Arms of V of fifth sternite long, slender and sparsely covered with slender hairs, at the union of the V arms are two circular pads which are densely covered with bristles; anal forceps have abundant short, stiff erect hairs on the front and back sides just beyond their lower angle but the extreme tips of forceps are bare Sarcophaga johnsoni Aldrich Circular pads lacking on fifth sternite and some true strong bristles on fifth sternite; characteristic groups of short, stiff erect hairs lack- ing on anal forceps 29 29. Tips of aedeagus with five characteristic slender processes {miser a group) 33 Tips of aedeagus without the -long slender processes 30 30. The entire hypopygium black 31 At least the second segment of hypopygium red 32 31. Posterior clasper with a long bristle near base; apex of aedeagus with a raised light colored piece extending around its tip Sarcophaga nox Hall Posterior clasper without long bristle near base; raised light colored piece lacking on apex of aedeagus Sarcophaga sinuata Meig. 32. Anal forceps with a hump on the caudal side just before the apex; and the front side concave to form a hooked tip ; the apex of the aedeagus with two long slender processes which are distinctly widened at the apices Sarcophaga securifera Vill. Anal forceps without hump ; processes when present on the aedeagus lack the enlarged apices 35 212 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii 33. Both liypopygial segments black; processes arising from apex of sedeagus slender and the ones curved around to the front are toothed at the apex Sarcophaga misera var. harpax Band. At least the second segment of hypopygium wholly red; processes at apex of sedeagus not toothed at tip 34 34. First segment of hypopygium generally brownish black; distal processes of aedeagus long and very slender Sarcophaga misera var. exuherans Band. Both segments of hypopygium red ; distal processes of the aedeagus shorter and thicker Sarcophaga misera var. sarracenioides Aid. 35. Anal forceps in back view contiguous to the tip 41 Anal forceps not contiguous to the tip 36 36. Bosterior claspers much enlarged and attached to ninth sternite for at least half their length, a row of long bristles on caudal margin of posterior claspers; anterior claspers greatly curved, toothed, and with a long bristle near the base Hypopelta scrofa Aldrich Anterior and posterior claspers normal 37 37. Anterior clasper slender, widened apically, the tip excised to form a distinct claAV ; arms of fifth sternite black Sarcophaga sarracenice Biley 38. Apex of aedeagus ending caudad in a keel which turns sharply forward in the form of a hook; anal forceps excised in front to form an apical tooth 40 Apical segment of aedeagus very wide and without a distinct keel at apex; anal forceps not excised in front to form an apical tooth 39 39. Apex of anal forceps with a row of short bristles on front and back sides just back of tip; tip of anal forceps from side view resembles a head of a bird Sarcophaga utilis Aldrich Apex of anal forceps without bristles and not resembling a head of a bird 42 40. Anterior clasper dished on the anterior surface; the anterior process of the apex of the aedeagus, when viewed from the back, appears like a broad scoop with its center curved back and the caudal keel comes up around it Sarcophaga sima Aldrich Anterior clasper not dished but with a notch at the apex, the front margin of apex of aedeagus somewhat rectangular in shape Sarcophaga parallela Aldrich 41. Forceps with a lateral process near tip Sarcophaga cm gar us Aldrich Forceps without lateral process near tip Sarcophaga niagarana Barker 42. Forceps cleft nearly half their length; aedeagus large and apical circle lacking Sarcophaga harhata Thompson Tips of anal forceps separated only a very short distance; aedeagus moderate size and its apical end shaped to form a semicircle when viewed toward the tip Sarcophaga yorlcii Barker Sept., 1940] Hallock: Sarcophagin^ 213 Key to Separate Female Sarcophagin^ 1. Three distinct postsutural dorsocentrals 2 Four postsutural dorsocentrals, or else the anterior ones of the post- sutural series indistinct, hardly differentiated from hairs 19 2. Genital segments mostly black 3 Genital segments red or reddish yellow 5 3. Arista bare; epaulets yellowish brown Laccoprosopa sarcopliagina Town. Arista long plumose; epaulets black 4 4. Anterior acrostichals absent, mid-femur with patch of yellow hairs on apical third of front side Sarcophaga sinuata Meig. Anterior acrostichals present; mid-femur without yellow hairs; palpi yellow Sarcophaga hunteri Hough 5. Anterior acrostichals absent, not differentiated from hairs 6 Anterior acrostichals present 10 6. First vein hairy, scutellum with apical bristles, small species Sarcophaga rapax Walker First vein bare, larger species 7 7. Second abdominal segment with median marginal bristles, ground color of ventral portion of abdomen largely red Sarcophaga fletcheri Aldrich Second abdominal segment without median marginal bristles, ground color of abdomen largely black 8 8. Prescutellar bristles absent; arista long and thin, short plumose; palpi black Hypopelta scrofa Aldrich Species lacking the above grouping of characters 9 9. Palpi black ; arista long plumose Sarcophaga bisetosa Parker Palpi yellow; plumosity of arista only median length Sarcofahrtia ravinia Parker 10. Second abdominal segment with erect median marginal bristles 11 Second abdominal segment without erect median marginal bristles ... 13 11. Epaulets yellow, abundant whitish beard Sarcophaga atlanis Aldrich Epaulets black, beard black 12 12. Median marginal bristles on second abdominal segment erect and close together, fourth abdominal segment entirely black, larvipositor sharp and bent forward Sarcophaga setigera Aldrich Median marginal bristles when present on second abdominal segment not erect and considerable distance apart, fourth abdominal seg- ment yellow apically, larvipositor rounded and not bent forward Sarcophaga excisa Aldrich 13. Three maginal pairs of bristles on scutellum 14 Two long marginal pairs of bristles on scutellum 16 14. Sides of fourth abdominal segment nearly covering fourth sternite, apical edges of fourth segment rapidly separating, forming a V, and exposing the red fifth sternite Metoposarcophaga importuna Walker 214 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. Fourth sternite widely exposed as the fourth tergites are widely sepa- rated ventrally 15 Anterior cross-vein infuscated SarcopJiaga cimbicis Town. Anterior cross-vein not infuscated SarcopJiaga latisterna Parker Epaulets yellow, mid tibiae with two bristles on outer front side SarcopJiaga pusiola V. d. W. Epaulets black 17 Wings slightly smoky, hind calypters light brown with a white margin SarcopJiaga alcedo Aldrich Wings hyaline, calypters white 18 Fourth abdominal segment yellow apically, genital orifice rounded and surface of dorsal half without bristles SarcopJiaga excisa Aldrich Fourth abdominal segment entirely black, yellow larvipositor pointed and the surface of dorsal portion covered with bristles SarcopJiaga reversa Aldrich Impression of the bucca, near the vibrissa! angle, large, conspicuously submerged below the surface level of surrounding sclerite; vibris- sae placed at least the length of second antennal joint above the oral margin; ovipositor drawn out into a long slender point 20 Species lacking the above combination of characters 21 , Fourth abdominal segment and the hypopygial segments covered with golden yellow pollinose hairs MacronicJiia aurata Coq. Fourth abdominal segment and the hypopygial segments covered with gray pollinose hairs MacronicJiia confundens Town. Genital segments mostly black 22 Genital segments ■ entirely red or reddish yellow 24 Palpi black SarcopJiaga aldricJii Parker Palpi yellow 23 Third abdominal segment with only a pair of median marginal bristles SarcopJiaga joJinsoni Aldrich Third abdominal segment with complete row of marginal bristles; ab- domen with three rows of shining black spots on second, third, and fourth segments. Eastern species ...WoJilfaJirtia vigil Walker Anterior acrostichals present 25 Anterior acrostichals absent 29 Epaulets black, dark yellow palpi which are rather long and broad SarcopJiaga flavipalpis Aldrich Epaulets largely yellow; palpi black 26 First vein hairy 27 First vein bare ' 28 Middle femur with two bristles on outer front side SarcopJiaga stimulans Walker Middle femur with more than two bristles on outer front side SarcopJiaga latisetosa Parker Sept., 1940] Hallock: Sarcophagin^ 215 28. Parafrontals, parafacials and front half of bucca with strong ochraceous pollinose; thorax and abdomen with yellowish pollen Sarcophaga sueta V. d. W. Yellowish pollen replaced by gray pollinose, with reflections that are rather brownish than yellow Sarcophaga I’herminieri Eob.-Des. 29. Prescutellar bristles present 30 Prescutellar bristles absent Sarcophaga hcemorrhoidalis Fall. 30. Fifth vein with strong setae along vein on the upper side of the wing Johnsoni horealis Eeinhard Fifth vein without setae 31 31. At least one-fourth of beard white 32 Beard containing no white hairs 37 32. Whitish beard of metacephalon extends well forward of the suture, blending with the black hairs 33 Whitish beard not extending beyond the suture and blending with the black hairs 35 33. Single row of black bristles behind eyes, bucca with abundant white beard which also extends over back of head up to row of black hairs, dorsal marginal bristles lacking on third abdominal segment Sarcophaga securifera Vill. Not with above combination of characters 34 34. A single row of bristles in cheek groove extending nearly the entire height of parafacials Sarcophaga harbata Thompson Bristles on lateral sides of parafacials irregularly arranged and not in a single row , Sarcophaga bullata Parker 35. Middle tibiae with three bristles on the outer front, a group of para- facial macrochaetae present, three distinct rows of black hairs behind eyes, genital orifice triangular in shape and fringed with bristles above Sarcophaga misera var. sarracenioides Aid. Characters not in the above combination 36 36. Fourth abdominal segment yellow apically, parafacial bristles not ar- ranged in a distinct row Sarcophaga cistudinis Aldrich Fourth abdominal segment entirely black, a row of strong bristles ex- tending nearly the entire length of parafacials Sarcophaga scoparia var. nearctica Parker 37. The hind and mid-femur yellowish red Sarcophaga ventricosa V. d. W. The hind and mid-femur dark colored (black) Sarcophaga cingarus Aldrich MISERA GROUP The species placed in this group have been recognized only as varieties of misera, the first species described in the group. Parker (1919) and Hardy (1927) gave the history of this group and so it will not be repeated here. Although there is an unusu- ally close resemblance of the male hypopygium in all the species 216 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii in the misera group the males may be separated from each other. On the other hand it is very difficult to separate the females from other Sarcophaga which do not belong in the misera group. Additional studies may show that these species should be raised from the rank of varieties to species and place them in a sub- genus. The writer would not go further as it does not seem wise to erect a genus based upon the characters of only one sex. A clear understanding of the group can be secured only by exten- sive rearings and a careful study of all stages. Sarcophaga misera var. exuherans Pand. 1896. Pandelle, Rev. Ent., vol. 15, p. 186. 1912. Bottcher {S. tuberosa var. exuherans P.), Deutsch. Ent. Zeitschr., p. 735. 1916. Aldrich, Sarcophaga and Allies, p. 232. 1919. Parker {S. dux var. exuherans P.), Bull. Brooklyn Ent. Soc., vol. 14, p. 41. 1927. Hardy {S. misera var. exuherans P.), Proc. Linn. Soc. N. k Wales, vol. 52, p. 452. There are several very closely related forms that have been placed in the misera group by the different students of Sarco- phaga which can be separated only by close study. Their separa- tion depends largely upon genitalia characters which have been given in the keys. It should be kept in mind that exuherans has two rows of black cilia behind the eyes and white vestiture on the posterior portion of the cheeks. Records. — Ithaca. June to August. Figure 98. Jack (1935) reports this species to have been reared from dead insects in South Rhodesia, Africa. Callot (1935) reared the species from adults of Stauroderus hicolor Ch. Type. — In the Pandelle collection in Paris. Sarcophaga misera var. harpax Pand. 1896. Pandelle, Rev. Ent., vol. 15, p. 189. 1912. Bottcher {S. tuherosa var. harpax P.), Deutsch. Ent. Zeitschr., p. 735. 1916. Aldrich {S. tuherosa var. harpax P.), Sarcophaga and Allies, p. 171. Sept., 1940] Hallock: Sarcophagin^ 217 1919. Parker {S. dux A^ar. harpax P.), Bull, Brooklyn Ent. Soc., vol. 14, p. 41. 1927. Hardy {8. misera ysly. harpax P.), Proc. Limi. Soc. N. S. Wales, vol. 52, p. 452. 1930. Aldricli, Proc. U. S. N. M., vol. 78, p. 27. Only a single specimen of Sarcophaga misera var. harpax P. has been taken in New York State. This form is easily distin- gnished from all other varieties of misera that occur in America. The genitalia segments are entirely black. The processes at the apex of the ^deagns, which curve anteriorly, are distinctly toothed at their tips. The cheeks are clothed with black hairs. Length. — 8 to 12 mm. Record. — Pelham Park, New York City. Figure 99. Aldrich (1916) states that the fly has been reared from Gypsy moth caterpillars. Senior- White (1927) records the rearing of harpax from decaying snails. Type. — In the Pandelle collection in Paris. Sarcophaga misera \mr. sarracenioicles Aid. 1916. Aldrich {8. tuherosa var. sarrace7iioides) , Sarcophaga and Allies, p. 227. 1919. Parker {S. dux var. sarracenioides A.), Bull. Brooklyn Ent. Soc., vol. 14, p. 41. 1927. Hardy {S. misera var. sarrace7iioides A.), Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, vol. 52, p. 452. This species, sarrace7iioides, is one of the most common Sarco- phaga occurring in New York. There is a single row of strong black cilia and two other rows of weaker black cilia behind the eyes. The vestitnre of the cheeks is black. Length. — 8 to 13 mm. Records. — Axtoii; Ithaca; New York City; L. I.: Cold Spring Harbor ; Babylon ; Half-way Hollow Hills. May to September. Figures 100, 101 and 102. A very Avide range of rearings have been reported for this spe- cies. It is certain in many cases that living insects have been parasitized. Aldrich (1916) reported 45 adults from grasshop- pers at widely distributed localities; 1 adult from the western cricket in British Columbia; 5 adults from Heliopila imipuncta in Oklahoma ; 23 adults from Lachnosterna sp. in Kansas ; 2 218 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii adults from Eleodes tricostata in Oklahoma ; 2 adults from Allo- rhina nitida in Virginia and 66 adults from carrion in Texas. Davis (1919) found the fly parasitizing Phyllophaga sp. in Illi- nois. Treherne and Buckell (1924) reported parasitism by this fly on grasshoppers in British Columbia. Knipling (1936) reared this species from meat. The writer in 1935 found that sarraceni- oides would larviposit on the inner surface of a funnel of a beetle trap above dying Asiatic garden beetles and that the first instar maggots would drop about six inches to reach the bodies of the beetles. Holotype and allotype. — Male and female, No. 20551, U. S. N. M. BOETTCHERIA GROUP Parker (1914) described Boettcheria as a new genus and placed three species, hisetosa, cimhicis T. (fernaldi P.) and latisterna, in the genus. The females were excluded from consideration in Parker’s (1914) paper. Aldrich (1916) stated that the species are closely allied but expressed the doubt, ‘‘if the fact is best expressed by raising them to generic rank.” The writer, under the discussion of the genus Sarcophaga, has pointed out addi- tional hypopygial characters which are common to the flies in this group. It is hoped that opportunity may be secured to conduct additional studies later with the immature forms and the adult female flies which may show that it is advisable to place these species in a separate genus. Sarcophaga hisetosa Parker 1914. Parker, Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 35, p. 69. 1916. Aldrich, Sarcophaga and Allies, p. 81. Parker (1914) separated this species from the closely related cimhicis mainly by the absence of anterior acrostichals and only two sternopleurals while cimhicis has three sternopleurals. The enlarged tip of the aedeagus, which turns back caudad, separates this species from all the closely related species. Length. — 8 to 12 mm. Records. — Ithaca ; Albany ; White Lake ; Trenton Falls ; Yon- kers ; L. I. : Half-way Hollow Hills. May to September. Figures 103, 104 and 105. Sept., 1940J Hallock : Sarcophagin^ 219 Information is not available about the immature stages. Type. — Mass. Agri. College. Sarcophaga cimhicis Townsend 1892. Townsend, Can. Ent., vol. 24, p. 126. 1896. Van der Wulp {8. sehUosa), Biol. Cent. Am., vol. 2, p. 276. 1914. Parker {8. fernaldi), Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 35, p. 72. 1916. Aldrich, 8arcophaga and Allies, p. 79. 1930. Aldrich, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 78, p. 32. The characters given in the two male and female keys easily separate this species from the two very closely related species {hisetosa and latisterna). In most localities cimhicis is more plentiful than either hisetosa or latisterna. Length. — 5 to 10 mm. Records. — Brie Co. ; Ithaca ; Albany ; Carmel ; W. Nyack ; New York City; Tuxedo ; Brewster; Poughkeepsie; Oneonta; Rome; Troy; 8.1. : Watchogue; Ft. Wadsworth; L.I.: Babylon; Jericho; Riverhead; Heckscher State Park. May to October. Figures 106, 107 and 108. Kelly (1914) recorded the species as a parasite of adult grass- hoppers in Kansas. Aldrich (1916) recorded that the type spe- cies was reared at Brookings, S. Dak., from pupa of Cimhex amer- icana. Hayes (1917) found the fly breeding in dead insects. Davis (1919) reared this species in Illinois from adult Pliyllo- phagd sp. Sherman (1920) reared cimhicis from the green clover worm larva {Plathypena scahra). Breakey (1929, 1931) re- corded the larva of the iris borer as a host of cimhicis. The writer (1929) found 40% of the adult beetles (Xyloryctes satyr us) had been parasitized by this fly at Jericho on Long Island. Experiments at that time tended to indicate that cimhicis would not larviposit upon dead insects. Knipling (1936) pressed larvae from the female flies and reared them on meat. Decker (1931, 1932) in Iowa recorded the parasite from Papaipema nehris and Epihlema otiosana. Type. — In University of Kansas. 8arcophaga latisterna Parker 1914. Parker {Boettcheria) , Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 35, p. 67. 220 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. XLVlir 1916. Aldrich, Sarcophaga and Allies, p. 77. Two striking characters distinguish this species from the closely related forms found in New York. It has a long slender acces- sory plate and on the hind femur a group of striking long bristles which are present only on the distal end of the median row. Length. — 8 to 13 mm. Records. — Grand Island; Ithaca; Karner; King Perry; Rens- selaer; S.I.: Arrochar; Wadsworth; New Dorp ; New Brighton; Watchogue; Richmond; L.I.: Babylon; Half-way Hollow Hills. May to August. Figures 109, 110 and 111. Aldrich (1916) and Chittenden (1926) listed the species as a parasite of the imported cabbage worm {Pieris rapce). Phillips and King (1923) reared latisterna from the corn ear worm. Porter and Alden (1924) recorded a rearing from the larva of the canker worm. Breakey (1929) gave a record of rearing latisterna from the iris borer larva in Wisconsin. Knull (1932) reared the fly from the pupae of Ennomos suhsignarius in Penn- sylvania. The writer (1929) recorded on October 1, 1926, adult latisterna flying thickly around the larvae of Anisota sp. at Taunton Lakes, New Jersey. Although gravid female flies were abundant no parasitism was secured. Maggots were removed from gravid female flies and placed on dead insects. These mag- gots developed normally. Knipling (1936) also reared this spe- cies on meat after removing larvse from the fly. Type. — Male, in Mass. Agri. College. RAVINIA GROUP The genus Bavinia was erected by Desvoidy (1863) with Sarco- phaga haematodes Meig. as genotype. Bottcher (1912, 1913) recognized the group only as a sub-genus. Parker (1914) re- turned Bavinia to generic rank and pointed out that, in addition to the frontal bristles diverging anteriorly, there was a striking resemblance in the male copulatory organs. Aldrich (1916) and Hall (1928) reduced the genus to sub-generic standing because as Aldrich stated, “the characters of the frontal row is less devel- oped in the males,’’ and, “there are many species outside the group which show it.” Hall (1928) added the statement, “the course of the frontal bristles range from parallel in some species Sept., 1940] Hallock: Sarcophagin^ 221 to strongly divergent in others; all species possessing striking similar copnlatory organs.” No additional characters have been observed so the group is considered only as of sub-generic rank. Sarcophaga laakei Hall 1931. Hall, Ann. Ent. Soc. Am., vol. 24, p. 181-182. It is difficult to separate this species from the closely related form, latisetosa. The characters given in the key will separate the two species. This species occurs fairly common in the south but it has been taken only a few times on Long Island, New York, by Mr. F. S. Blanton. Length. — 6 to 7 mm. Records. — L.I.: Babylon. June, August. Figure 112. Knipling (1936) reared larvae of laakei on meat. Holotype.— No. 43264, U. S. N. M. Sarcophaga latisetosa Parker 1914. Parker (Ravinia), Proc. Boston Soc. N. H., vol. 35, p. 63. 1916. Aldrich, Sarcophaga and Allies, p. 299. 1928. Hall, Ann. Ent. Soc. Am., vol. 21, p. 343. The outer vertical bristles are present in this species but they are lacking in the closely related stimulans and the posterior clasper is much longer in latisetosa than in stimulans. This species is very common in the northern part of the United States and Canada but it is taken in fewer numbers south. Length. — 6 to 7 mm. Records. — Ithaca ; McLean ; Duck Lake ; Herkimer ; Tuxedo ; Troy; Poughkeepsie; L.I.: Cold Spring Harbor; Babylon. June to September. Figures 113, 114 and 115. Aldrich (1916) states that the larvae of this species are excre- ment feeders. Professor G. W. Herrick reared twelve adults of this species at Ithaca from dog excrement in July 1912. Holotype. — Male, in collection of Mass. Agri. College. Sarcophaga Vherminieri R.D. 1830. Robineau-Desvoidy, Essai Sur les Myodaires, p. 339. 1837. Walker (anxia, querula, avida, rediviva, aspera, rahida, acerka, comes), Trans. Linn. Soc., vol. 17, p. 818-825. 222 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii 1868. Thompson {8. pallinervis) , Eugenies Resa, p. 535. 1914. Parker {Ravinia communis), Proc. Post. Soc. N. H., vol. 35, p. 55. 1916. Aldrich {8. communis), 8arcophaga and Allies, p. 253. 1930. Aldrich, Proc. U. S. N. M., vol. 78, p. 13, 27, 28. .This scavenger species is the most common Scarophagid in New York State. It occurs in all parts of the state. Length. — 6 to 12 mm. Records. — Tuxedo ; Middleport ; Rome ; Trumbull Corners ; Tear; Potsdam; IJnionport; Buffalo; Ithaca; Mosholu; 8.1. : New Brighton; Port Wadsworth; L.I.: Flatbush; Sea Clift; Cold Spring Harbor ; Gardiners Island ; Wyandanch ; Brooklyn. May to September. Figures 116, 117 and 118. Parker (1914), Aldrich (1916) and Wilson (1932) have all recorded this species abundantly feeding and larvipositing on all kinds of mammal excrement. Knipling (1936) found that larvae of this species would develop when placed upon either excrement or meat. Type. — Museum of Natural History in Paris. 8arcop}iaga pusiola V. cl. W. 1896. Van der Wulp, Biol. Cent. Am. Dip., vol. 2, p. 278. 1914. Parker {Ravinia peniculata) , Proc. Bost. Soc. N. H., vol. 35, p. 58. 1916. Aldrich {8. peniciilata) , 8arcophaga and Allies, p. 121. 1930. Aldrich, Proc. U. S. N. M.,vol. 78, p. 33. The superficial characters of this species are similar to riierminieri. This species belongs to the three postsutural dorso- central group while I’herminieri has four postsutural dorsocen- trals. The average size of pusiola is smaller than I’herminieri. Length. — 6 to 9 mm. Records. — Redhook; Tuxedo; Tear; Upper Ausable; Olcott; Ithaca ; L.I.: Cold Spring Harbor. June to September. Figures II9, 120 and 121. Parker (1914) recorded rearing the larvas of this species from dung. Knipling (1936) found that larvae normally developed upon excrement but that they could develop upon meat. 8arcophaga stimulans Walker 1848. Walker, List of Dip. Brit. Mus., p. 817. Srpt., 1940] Hallock; Sarcophagin^ 223 1895. Van der Wulp (S. vagabunda) , Biol. Cent. Am. Dip., vol. 2, p. 270. 1900. Coqnillett {S. quadrisetosa) , Ent. News, vol. 12, p. 17. 1914. Parker {Bavinia quadrisetosa)^ Proc. Bost. Soc. N. H., vol. 35, p. 60. 1916. Aldrich {S. quadrisetosa) , Sarcophaga and Allies, pp. 296. 1917. Townsend (Cheetoravinia quadrisetosa), Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., vol. 30, p. 195. 1928. Hall (S. quadrisetosa) , Ann. Ent. Soc. Am., vol. 21, p. 346. 1930. Aldrich, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 78, p. 15, 29. Although this species occurs in New York it has never been taken as commonly as the closely related latisetosa. Hall (1928) reported stimulans more numerous south of the Ohio River than in the northern part of its range. Length. — 6 to 8 mm. Records. — Yonkers; 8.1. : Clove Valley; L.I.: Babylon. August. Figures 122, 123 and 124. Aldrich (1916) and Greene (1926) reported that this fly is a very common excrement feeding species in its larvae stage. Knip- ling (1936) reared this species from excrement but failed to secure development of larvae upon meat. Type. — In British Museum. Sarcojjhaga sueta V. d. W. 1896. Van der Wulp, Biol. Cent. Am. Dip., vol. 2, p. 281. 1916. Aldrich {8. communis var. ochracea), 8arco])Jiaga and Allies, p. 255. 1928. Hall {8. ochracea), Ann. Ent. Soc. Am., vol. 21, p. 340. 1930. Aldrich, Proc. U. S. N. M., vol. 78, p. 34. For many years sueta was considered in America as a variety of Vherminieri but Greene (1926) pointed out distinct differences in the immature stages. Hall (1928) raised this form to the rank of species. This species occurs commonly from southern Ohio to the southern part of the United States. It has been taken on rare occasions on Long Island, New York. Length. — 6 to 12 mm. Records. — L.I.: Babylon. August. Figures 125, 126 and 127. Aldrich (1916), Lindquist (1936) and Knipling (1936) have pointed out that the larvse of this species develop in excrement. 224 JOURNAL New York Entomological Society [Vol. XLVIII typical sarcophaga group The remaining species of the genus Sarcophaga are placed in this group. Additional study may show that it is desirable to divide this residuary group into smaller groups. Sarcophaga aculeata Aldrich 1916. Aldrich, Sarcophaga and Allies, p. 143. Although this species has not been recorded in New York State it is so widely distributed in the United States and Canada that it can be expected to occur here. According to Aldrich (1916) this species has been reared from the adults of several species of grasshoppers. Holotype and allotype. — Male and female. No. 20526, U. S. N. M. Sarcophaga alceclo Aldrich 1916. Aldrich, Sarcophaga and Allies, p. 132. This species is close to S. excisa but it can be separated by the distinct yellow cast on the parafrontals and parafacials, wings slightly smoky and hind calypters light brown with a white mar- gin. The genitalia differences are illustrated in the figures. Length. — 8 to 9 mm. Records. — Although this species is widely distributed in the United States it has only been recorded in New York at Babylon, L.I., where Mr. F. B. Blanton has taken 12 specimens. August. Figures 128, 129 and 130. The hosts of alcedo are not known. Holotype and allotype. — Male and female, No. 20517, U. S. N. M. Sarcophaga aldrichi Parker 1916. Parker, Jr. Econ. Ent., vol. 9, p. 438. 1916. Aldrich, Sarcophaga and Allies, p. 167. This species belongs to a small group of flies with four post- sutural dorsocentral bristles, hind tibiae villous in the males and the hypopygium entirely black. The males of this species may be separated from the closely related species in this group by the broad anal forceps with a large bare, shining area on their lower central portion and the deep groove on the large thick anterior Sept., 1940] Hallock; Sarcophagin^ 225 clasper. The female has black genital segments with an oval aperture which is surrounded by dense bristles. Length. — 8 to 10 mm. Records. — Ithaca ; Oneonta ; Axton ; Mt. 'Whiteface ; L.I. : Babylon; .Herscher State Park. May to the middle of July. Figures 131, 132 and 133. Adults of this species occur commonly around infestations of the forest tent caterpillar {Malacosoma disstria). C^sar (1916) reported in Ontario that 90% of the larvae of the forest tent cater- pillar were parasitized by this fly. Parker (1916) recorded a rearing from Porthetria dispar. It has also been reared accord- ing to Glendenning (1914) from Stilpnotia salicis in British Columbia. Holotype. — Male, in collection of Mass. Agri. College. Para- types are in the U. S. N. M. Sarcophaga atlanis Aldrich 1916. Aldrich, Sarcophaga and Allies, p. 100. Although this species may be confused with hunteri it may be distinguished by the black palpi and the lack of a tuft of long black hair which is found on each anal forcep of hunteri. Length. — 5 to 8 mm. Records. — McLean; Herkimer; L.I.: Islip. June to August. Figures 134, 135 and 136. Aldrich (1916) pointed out that this species was a parasite of grasshoppers. Mi^ J. W. H. Rehn very kindly permitted the writer to publish data taken during the summer of 1936 when he secured information by roarings to show that approximately 25% of the adults of Dendrotettix quercus P. at Mt. Misery, New Jer- sey were parasitized by Sarcophaga atlanis. Holotype and allotype. — Male and female. No. 20506, U. S. N. M. {To he continued) 226 Journal New York Entomological Society [VOL. XLVIll Figure 98. Figure 99. Figure 100. Figure 101. Figure 102. Figure 103. Figure 104. Figure 105. Figure 106. Figure 107. Figure 108. Figure 109. Plate VIII Lateral view of external genitalia of Sarcophaga miser a var, exuberans Pand. Lateral view of external genitalia of Sarcophaga misera var. harpax Pand. Lateral view of external genitalia of Sarcophaga misera var. sarracenioides Aid. Fifth sternum of Sarcophaga misera var. sarracenioides A. Eear view of anal forceps of Sarcophaga misera var. sar- racenioides Aid. Lateral view of external genitalia of Sarcophaga bisetosa Parker. Fifth sternum of Sarcophaga bisetosa Parker. Eear view of anal forceps of Sarcophaga bisetosa Parker. Lateral view of external genitalia of Sarcophaga cimbicis T. Fifth sternum of Sarcophaga cimbicis Townsend. Eear view of anal forceps of Sarcophaga cimbicis Town. Lateral view of external genitalia of Sarcophaga latisterna Parker. SAECOPHAGIN^ 228 Journal New York Entomological Society [VoL. XLVIII Figure 110. Figure 111. Figure 112. Figure 113. Figure 114. Figure 115. Figure 116. Figure 117. Figure 118. Figure 119. Figure 120. Figure 121. Plate IX Fifth sternum of Sarcopliaga latisterna Parker. Eear view of anal forceps of Sarcopliaga latisterna Park. Lateral view of external genitalia of Sarcopliaga laalcei Hall. Lateral view of external genitalia of Sarcopliaga latisetosa Parker. Fifth sternum of Sarcopliaga latisetosa Parker. Eear view of anal forceps of Sarcopliaga latisetosa Park. Lateral view of external genitalia of Sarcopliaga I’lierminieri E.-D. Fifth sternum of Sarcopliaga I’lierminieri E.-D. Eear view of anal forceps of Sarcopliaga I ’lierminieri Eob.-Des. Lateral view of external genitalia of Sarcopliaga pusiola V. d. W. Fifth sternum of Sarcopliaga pusiola V. d. W. Eear view of anal forceps of Sarcopliaga pusiola V. d. W. (Jour. N. Y. Ent. Soc.), Vol. XL VIII (Plate IX) IIT SAECOPHAGIN.^ 230 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii Figure 122. Figure 123. Figure 124. Figure 125. Figure 126. Figure 127. Figure 128. Figure 129. Figure 130. Figure 131. Figure 132. Figure 133. Figure 134. Figure 135. Figure 136. Plate X Lateral view of external genitalia of Sarcophaga stimulans Walker. Fifth sternum of Sarcophaga stimulans Walker. Eear view of anal forceps of Sarcophaga stimulans Walk. Lateral view of external genitalia of Sarcophaga sueta V. d. W. Fifth sternum of Sarcophaga sueta V. d. W. Eear view of anal forceps of Sarcophaga sueta V. d. W. Lateral view of external genitalia of Sarcophaga alcedo Aldrich. Fifth sternum of Sarcophaga alcedo Aldrich. Eear view of anal forceps of Sarcophaga alcedo Aldrich. Lateral view of external genitalia of Sarcophaga aldrichi Parker. Fifth sternum of Sarcophaga aldrichi Parker. Eear view of anal forceps of Sarcophaga aldrichi Parker. Lateral view of external genitalia of Sarcophaga atlanis Aldrich. Fifth sternum of Sarcophaga atlanis Aldrich. Eear view of anal forceps of Sarcophaga atlanis Aldrich. (Jour. N. Y. Ent. Soc.), Vol. XL VIII (Plate X) SARCOPHAGIN^ Sept., 1940] Hatch : Silphin^ 233 OBSERVATIONS ON SILPHIN^ WITH A NOTE ON INTRASPECIFIC VARIATIONS AND THEIR DESIGNATION By Melville H. Hatch The following observations on Silphinae are supplemental to two previous papers on the same group. ^ I am indebted to Mr. Roy D. Shenefelt for permission to study the collection of Wash- ington State College. Apteroloma tenuicorne LeC. — While I have taken this species from as low an elevation as 1900 feet at Cle Elum, Washington, and Mr. M. C. Lane has taken it at about 1800 feet at Ritzville, Washington, it appears to be especially prevalent at somewhat greater elevations in extreme eastern Washington and northern Idaho. Thus I have a series of thirteen specimens taken by Mr. Lane at an elevation of about 4000 feet on Cedar Mt. near Moscow, Idaho, on May 25, 1935 ; and Mr. Clifford J. Burner and I se- cured fifty or more specimens on May 30, 1937, at an elevation of from five thousand to fifty-two hundred feet on Mt. Spokane, northeast of Spokane, Washington. In this latter situation the beetles occurred on the damp or wet ground under the edges of the melting snow fields. Silpha (Thanatophilus) tritiiherculata Kb^c — A second Wash- ington specimen was taken by Mr. Joseph Bruzas near the Dry Falls of the Grand Coulee, May 7, 1938, and given to me. Silpha {Thanatophilus) lapponica Hbst. — There are, in the Washington State College collection, two series of this species taken in Chicago by A. L. Melander and in '‘N. 111.” by F. M. Webster. This extends the range of this species in this direction and makes its absence from Indiana and southwestern Michigan more noteworthy than ever. Silpha {Blitophaga) opaca Linn, and hituherosa LeC. — Essig^ 1 Hatch, Melville H. Studies on the Silphinae. JouR. N. Y. Ent. Soc., XXXV, 1927, pp. 331-371. Hatch, Melville H., and William Eueter, Jr. Coleoptera of Washington: Silphidae. Univ. Wash. Publ. Biol. I, 1934, pp. 147-162. 2 Ins. w. N. Ainer., 1926, pp. 381-383. 234 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii lists the first of these species from Alaska to California and the second from .Washington. I have no knowledge of either oc- curring in Washington. Nicrophorus (Necropter) vespilloides Hbst. {defodiens Mann, of Portevin and Hatch). — I follow Leech^ in his inability to dis- tinguish specifically the Nearctic and Palaearctic forms of this species and in his use of defodiens Mann., as a Pacific Coast sub- species of the same. Leech’s notes are incorporated in the following revised tabulation of the Nearctic forms of this species, which should be used in connection with my original table vespilloides Hbst. {defodiens Mann, of Portevin and Hatch) typical form {hehes Kby., pygmceus Kby., humeralis Hatch) ab. ruher Hatch ab. near cticns HOY. {defodiens typical form Port, and Hatch, nec. Mann.) ab. nicolayi Hatch ab. oregonensis Hatch subsp. defodiens Mann. typical form {nunemacheri Hatch, nunenmaclieri Leech) ab. Mnotoides nov. {hinotatus Hatch nec. Port.) ab. conversator Walk, {defodiens var. b of Mann., lateralis Port.) ab. pacificce Hatch ab. gaigei Hatch ab. walkeri nov. {conversator Port, and Hatch, nec. Walk.) ab. kadjakensis Port, ab. mannerheimi Port.^ ab. hmotatus Port.^ It should be noted that, with the exception of the typical form, none of the Nearctic aberrations of vespilloides occur hi the Palaearctic Region and that, moreover, the types of variation in the two regions are very different. None of the Palgearctic aber- rations, for instance, appear to lack an orange spot from the base 3 Bull. Brook. Ent. Soc., XXXI, 1936, p. 156. 4 Hatch, Jour. N. Y. Ent. Soc., XXXV, 1927, p. 356. 5 The anterior elytral fascia in this aberration is divided into two. I was in error in describing it as constricted. 6 The posterior elytral spot is absent, the anterior fascia reduced to a single spot in this aberration. Sept., 1940] Hatch: Silphin^ 235 of the epipleuron/ which is lacking in all the American aberra- tions except the typical form and the ab. ruher. Leech® suggests that the subsp. defodiens extends to Japan, and the ab. sylvivagus Reitter from that locality may be referable to that subspecies, ap- parently resembling the ab. lateralis Port. On the other hand, sylvivagus is, according to Portevin,® related to the eastern Asiatic varieties, borealis Port, and sylvaticus Reitt., in which the abdominal pubescence is yellow rather than black. Leech’s observations^® on the habits of defodiens are of great interest. They confirm to a suprising degree those previously published by Pukowski^^ for a series of European species, in- cluding vespilloides. These observations of Pukowski’s are ab- stracted at length in English by Balduf in the Bionomics of Entomophagous Coleoptera (John S. Swift and Co.), 1935, pp. 69-75. Nicrophorus (Necropter) investigator Zett. subsp. investigator Zett. and nigritus Mann. — have now seen examples of both these forms from Pullman and the latter in addition from Spokane and Wawawai, all in eastern Washington. Nicrophorus {Necropter) guttulus Mots. — Of the subsp. guttu- lus, I have a single example of the ab. vandykei Angell from Pullman and ab. woodgatei from Port Townsend, both in Washington. INTRASPECIFIC VARIATIONS AND THEIR DESIGNATION^^ Intraspecific variation should be studied for the following reasons : (1) The fundamental obligation of taxonomy is to describe accurately and precisely the variation presented. 7 This term is, according to Torre Bueno’s Glossary of Entomology, 1937, pp. 92, 132, definitely superior to “hypomeron,” which I used formerly. 8 Lx., p. 156. 9 Bull. Mus. Paris, XXX, 1924, p. 375; Encycl. Ent., VI, 1926, p. 235, 259. 10 Proc. Ent. Soc. B .0., XXXI, 1935, pp. 36-40. 11 Zeit. Morp. Okol. Tiere, XXYII, 1933, pp. 518-586. 12 These remarks are supplemental to my original statement in Jour. N. Y. Ent. Soc., XXXV, 1927, p. 341, and are largely prompted by Leech’s com- ments on my classification of the aberrations of Nicrophorus vespilloides subsp. defodiens Mann, in Proc. Ent. Soc. B. C., XXXI, 1935, pp. 36-40, and Bull. Brook. Ent. Soc., XXXII, 1937, pp. 156-159. 236 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii (2) What appear at first to be intraspecific variations are fre- quently the elements out of which subspecies and species are later recognized. The indication of such forms by one author, though he holds them to be entirely intraspecific in nature, may enable a subsequent author to reach conclusions of a very different sort. (3) Many intraspecific variations are the materials out of which new species evolve in the course of geologic time. Their detection and study is the first step in their consideration as fac- tors in evolution. To argue that this is more suited to genetics than to normal systematic entomology^^ is to adopt a wholly untenable view of the discreteness of taxonomy from other branches of biological knowledge. It is in important measure the taxonomist passing in review large series of different life forms who is in a position to discover this sort of data. There are several ways in which intraspecific variation may be treated. (1) It can be entirely ignored! Every working taxonomist can probably bring to mind descriptions in highly variable groups Avhich mention only the supposed specific characters with never a word as to the variation. (2) Then there is the traditional method, which is a prevalent procedure in America, of devoting a special paragraph to the intraspecific variation. This method is applicable to strictly continuous variation, where it can be supplemented by curves of variation and other graphs. It is also useful where the variation is vague or extremely complicated. When applied to more or less discontinuous variation, it shows that the study of the vari- ants is in an early pre-Linn^an stage, since subsequent references to the variations mentioned must repeat the entire definition of the variety. (3) The early coleopterists lettered intraspecific variations. Thus Illiger, in his Verzeickniss der Kdfer Preussens (1798), and Schonherr, in his Synonymia Insectorum (1806-1817), and LeConte as late as 1880 gave Greek letters to their varieties, “alpha” being reserved for the typical form. The current pro- 13 Leech, l.c., p. 39. Sept., 1940] Hatch : Silphin^ 237 cedure would undoubtedly be to substitute Latin for Greek letters, and I have employed letters myself on several occasions. (4) The transition from letters to names was gradual. One author would describe a species which another author would regard as a variety. The extra name would be retained as a varietal name and the tendency would be to invent new names for other varieties of similar rank. For about half a century continental coleopterists have em- ployed the term aherratio (English, aberration) to apply for the most part to color varieties. Most of their valid species were described, so they turned to the problem of intraspecific vari- ation. Aberrations were used by Ganglbauer in Die Klifer von Mitteleuropa in 1892 and are to be found employed in practically every continental work on coleopterology that has appeared since 1900, but only during the past decade has this usage made much headway in English speaking countries. Leech^® finds the term so unusual that he puts it in quotation marks and there is an unfortunate tendency^® in some quarters to substitute the English for the Latin meaning of the word and thus limit it to freakish, monstrous specimens. In reality the word is to be derived from the figurative use of the verb aberro, ‘‘to wander, deviate, depart from.” There has been a general tendency to regard all intraspecific names as being nomenclatorially on a par with specific and sub- specific names,^^ and this is, perhaps, one of the chief sources of the prejudice against them. Many systematists have disliked seeing names based on trivial or supposedly trivial features on a par with names based on supposedly fundamental characters. There is, accordingly, some cogency for : (5) The procedure suggested in the Entomological Code of Banks and Caudell (1912, p. 9, sec. 37) and that of the British National Committee on Entomological Nomenclature^® releasing 14 Tech. Publ. N. Y. St. Coll. For., 17, 1924, p. 307 ; Univ. Wash. Publ. Biol., I, 1932, p. 100. 15 Bull. Brook. Ent. Soc., XXXII, 1937, p. 158. 16 Guilder, Ent. News, XXVIII, 1927, p. 265; Carter, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 104, 1934, p. 552. 11 This is my own preference. 238 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. XLVIII aberrational names from the application of priority. The British code would release them entirely, the Banks and Candell code would require priority to operate within the limits of the single species. (6) The logical consequence of releasing aberrational names from the operation of priority are the somewhat similar proposals of BlaisdelP® and Heikertinger^® who suggest the use of de- scriptive or semi-descriptive words in place of aberrational names, these words being used over and over again in different species even of the same genus as often as required, being purely de- scriptive, and absolute synonyms of ordinary specific and varietal names entirely free from the operation of priority or other nomen- clatorial rules. Blaisdell called the category to which he applied these names a ‘‘forma,” employed words like typica, glahra, interstitialis, punctata, annectans, catalince, communis, emar- ginata, horealis, etc., and accompanied them with descriptions. He used them in connection with his monograph of the Eleodini referred to above, and where it has become subsequently desirable to elevate some of them to the rank of variety or species, he considers^^ the names so used to date from the , time of their elevation rather than from that of their original proposal. Heikertinger calls his terms “ Kennworten, ” “recognition words, ’ ’ and has attempted to use words of self-evident meaning, not requiring attendant descriptions. He works out this sug- gestion in the Halticinae section of Winkler’s Catalogus Cole- opterotnim regionis palcearcticce (1930, pp. 1317-1352), using terms like viridicollis, ruficollis, vitipennis, maculipennis , nigro- suturata, latilimbata, etc. Heikertinger ’s system would appear 18 Proc. Ent. Soc. London, III (1), 1928, p. HE. 19 U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull., 63, 1909, pp. v-vi. 20 Kol. Eund, XV, 1930, pp. 213-230. In this connection it is interesting to note the suggestion of Croneis in Science (LXXXIX, 1939, pp. 314-315) of a series of categories paralleling the LimiEean ones for use in classifying fossil remains whose true biological affinities are not ascertained. This is significant as an insistence that taxonomy not neglect its basic function of describing, classifying, and designating for the important but sometimes impossible task of interpreting. Hubbs’ arguments (Science, LXXI, 1930, pp. 317-319) in favor of a uninomial as opposed to a binomial system of species designation is another suggestion looking in the same direction. 21 Pan-Pac. Ent., II, 1925, p. 77. Sept., 1940] Hatch : Silphin^ 239 to be applicable only to relatively simple types of variation rather than to those involving complicated color pattern changes. (7) For complicated color pattern variations formnlse can be used. The spots or other elements of the pattern are numbered or lettered, various combinations of these symbols indicating the different forms. This system was used by Johnson in Coccinel- lidas^^ and I have myself employed it on several occasions. (8) The ultimate stage in the nomenclature of intraspecific variation is attained when it can be defined in terms of the constituent genes or other hereditary or environmental factors involved. This is possible at present for only a very few species, like some of the Drosophila and a few of the Chrysomelidse and Coccinellidse. The principal requirement of a nomenclature for intraspecific variations is that it be clear cut, unequivocal, and of such a na- ture as to make it possible for subsequent authors to refer to the forms described precisely without having to repeat the entire description in pre-Linnaean fashion. Any one of the last six methods cited is available with the second one in reserve for vague or imperfectly understood variation. Whether one uses numbers, letters, formulae, or names with or without priority, or all in combination, is of secondary importance so long as is met the initial requirement of precision. Objections to studies of intraspecific variation are voiced on various grounds. It is said that many variation studies, espe- cially those involving scarcely more than the pointing out of the existence of the several variations, are of little value because of their superficial preliminary nature, because they are confined to a single prominent variable character, or because no attempt is made to correlate them with the environment or heredity of the form under consideration. One might equally criticize the describer of a new species because he fails to work out its life history or genetics before going on to the next species. These problems are important and some day will be studied by some- body. But the task, or one of the tasks, of taxonomy is a descrip- 22 Johnson, Eoswell H. Determinate evolution in the color-pattern of the lady-beetle, Carnegie Inst, of Wash. Publ. No. 122, 1910, 104 pp. 23 Jour. N. Y. Ent. Soc., XXXV, 1937, pp. 347-348 ; Univ. Wash. Publ. Biol., I, 1932, pp. 98-99. 240 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii tive survey of the animal kingdom — a survey that would be indefi- nitely delayed if each investigator attempted to see each of his problems through to an ultimate ecological or genetical conclu- sion. It is stated, again, that such studies are ‘ ‘ genetics ’ ’ rather than “normal systematic entomology”! They are criticized because they are of no use to the economic entomologist.^^ Ap- parently “normal systematic entomology” may “make up” to the economic entomologist, but must “shy off” from the geneticist ! One of the main results derived from designating a form an aberration or color variety or forma is that it is thereby almost certainly removed from the attention of the economic entomologist and the general ecologist,^® except as they find it convenient not to be led astray by extreme phases that the species may assume, melanistic, immaculate, or depauperized forms that might at first be mistaken for distinct species. The classification of aberrations is usually of no more significance for such persons than, for in- stance, the designation of sex; in fact, it may be of far less im- portance, since the recognition of the sexes is of practical concern in many experimental procedures. Thus, in citing an insect like the asparagus beetle, Crioceris asparagi L., for the Insect Pest Survey Bulletin, it would be absurd to give more than the species. The numerous aberrations of the asparagus beetle^® and other species are available for those who need or are interested in such matters ; they may be overlooked by others. A more cogent objection to the validity of studies in intraspe- cific variation is that such variations may intergrade; they may intergrade in series, the right and left side of the body may exhibit different variations, different variations may occur in the progeny of the same pair of parents. A good deal of the force of this objection is due to a misapprehension. The principal difference between species and intraspecific forms of all sorts is that the 24 Hopping, Proc. Ent. Soc. B. C., XXXI, 1935, p. 34. 25 The person making a detailed ecological study of a single species may be very much interested in aberrations, especially if any of them prove to have an origin that is immediately environmental. 26 See Hatch, Bull. Brook. Ent. Soc., XXII, 1927, p. 211; Univ. Wash. Publ. Biol., I, 1932, pp. 72-74, for some account of these aberrations and their literature. 2" Leech, lx., p. 158. Sept., 1940] Hatch: Silphin^ 241 former are characterized by an absence of intermediates, at least in theory. If the intraspecific variations were marked off as distinctly as it is intimated they should be, they would not be intraspecific variations but species. The matter, then, comes to this : Is it worth while to attempt to distinguish characteristic phases of a more or less continuously varying series? And, if we do, what is to prevent us from run- ning off into non-significant ^‘unnamables” and individual vari- ants? The question of ‘‘unnamables” in Lepidoptera has been discussed by Guilder^® and Forbes^^ and should offer little diffi- culty in the long run. Unless the causes of the variation have acted acted from within the living organism,®® the forms produced are clearly of little significance®^ for the student of intraspecific variation. Moreover the variation must be of such a type that it occurs or probably occurs in series. Otherwise it is ‘ ‘ individual ’ ’ or ‘Mnnamable.” Even as regards size, it is sometimes con- venient to designate minor or depauperized specimens, especially when this is accompanied by the specific characters in an en- feebled form. Leech (?.c.) specifically questions the utility of distinguishing four stages in the disintegration of the anterior elytral fascia in one of the Pacific Coast forms of Nicrophorus. In 1927 I de- scribed these and other aberrations of this species on the basis of series too small to show their nature. In 1934,®® in a series of 178 specimens' from western Washington, I showed that these four stages form an approximately normal curve of variation with the apex of the curve close to one of the intermediate types. Leech could have continued the analysis in other portions of the range. He preferred, however, sim^^ly to express the view that such a studjq based on color pattern variation alone, was without signifi- 28 Ent. News, XX’XIX, 1928, pp. 201-204, pi. VII-X. 29 Bull. Brook. Ent. Soc., XXIX, 1934, pp. 65-67. 30 By which I do not mean to limit the causes to hereditary ones. En- vironment may, for instance, produce melanism, which I would tend to regard as ^ ‘ significant. ’ ’ 31 1 prefer ‘^significance” to “ nameability ” because, throughout the present discussion, I maintain that whether a variant is ‘ ‘ named ’ ’ or merely designated by a number, letter, or formula is of no importance. 32 Univ. Wash. Publ. Biol., I, 1934, p. 158. 242 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii cance, and a large number, perhaps the majority, of American coleopterists would agree with him. The principal objection to studies of intraspecific variation is not directed against the studies as such but against the naming of the variations. As has been noted, the author’s contention is that whether or not the variants are named is a matter of sec- ondary importance, so long as they are precisely designated. This, however, is not the view of opponents of names of this class. They consider the so-called ‘ ‘ cluttering up ” of the literature with such names an olfense than which scarcely any other is greater ! as though naming a variant could give it any importance and dignity it did not have before ! Names are merely combinations of letters — symbols for designating biological concepts. They are symbols, however, that, because of their great associational pow- ers, are so much more convenient than letters or numbers or formulas that the tendency to use them for this class of variation is very great. They, varieties, color varieties, aberrations, forms — the precise term applied is of little moment — named or merely designated — should be taken at their face value for exactly what they are — categories intermediate between the subspecies and the individual. Where then are we going to stop ? Lacking data derived from genetical experimentation, we must depend on our judgment. The benefit of the criterion of the presence or absence of inter- mediate specimens is denied to us, since all intraspecific variations are subject to such a connection. Forbes {l.c.) suggests that if we can recognize 90 per cent of the specimens from a given area as belonging to a given geographical race the race is valid. Per- haps that or some other percentage will serve for the recognition of aberrations. The matter is really akin to that of genera and subgenera. As many are recognized as are convenient. And the number, as with the higher taxonomic categories, is almost certain to increase as more and more extensive series of specimens are passed in review and more and more precise methods of study are employed. There seems to be concern in some quarters that a continued accumulation especially of named varieties, aberrations, etc., will involve the literature in hopeless confusion. Such a fear is Sept., 1940] Hatch: SiLPHiNiE 243 groundless. The matter is self-correcting, just as is the over multiplication of categories at any of the other systematic levels. Only such designations persist as subsequent authors find recog- nizable and useful. Authors who do not care to pay attention to non-geographical intraspecific variations ignore them, treating such names as may have been proposed as absolute synonyms, which, indeed, they truly are, from their point of view. Other authors, who are interested in such categories, recognize as many of their predecessor’s “designants” as the nature of the charac- ters cited in the original descriptions or inherent in the types, where types are available, and the nature of the organisms them- selves permit — exactly as with categories of other types. It is probably too much to expect that there will be any cessation of vituperativeness between persons holding different views ! The whole matter may come down to personal preference. But the groiying continental usage would seem to indicate that, as the beetle fauna becomes better and better known, more attention is directed to intraspecific variation. Studies of these intraspecific categories may be largely over- looked by the economic entomologist and the ecologist, and must be overlooked by the naturalist whose aim is simply to get into his cabinet a ‘‘set” of two, six, or any other fixed number of specimens of each species. They are, however, almost inevitable for the student who desires to study his material with some regard for its complexity — an inadequate forecast of the time when taxonomists will analyze their species genetically. SUMMARY It is held that intraspecific variants, such as varieties, color varieties, aberrations, forms, etc., should be as precisely described and designated as the material will permit. Whether this desig- nation is accomplished by means of numbers, letters, formulae, or names with or without priority is secondary. The author pre- fers to allow the principal of priority to operate as generally as is conveniently possible, but this likewise is a secondary con- sideration. I must not close this discussion without acknowledging the invaluable critical assistance I have received in its preparation 244 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii from two of my former students, Dr. Donald L. Frizzell and Dr. Harriet Exline Frizzell, especially the former, neither of whom, however, are responsible for any of the opinions expressed herein. A NEW RECORD FOR CONNECTICUT Along a wooded road near Sharon, Conn., on June 16, 1940, a small skipper, Carterocephalus palmmon, race mesapano Scndder was discovered. This is a rather nnnsnal record for this butter- fly which hardly ever ocnrs south of the Adirondacks or the White Mountains. So far as is known, this is the one and only instance that it has ever been found in Connecticut. — Leonard J. Sanford. Sept., 1940] Blackwelder: Taxonomy 245 SOME ASPECTS OF MODERN TAXONOMY* By Richard E. Blackwelder It should not be nepessary to define for the readers of this jour- nal the word taxonomy. Perhaps we have not each taken the trouble to think out what it means to us, but we nevertheless un- derstand it well enough. I was therefore somewhat surprised recently to find out that I was attaching to the word in my own thoughts certain meanings which it did not hold for some other taxonomists to whom I talked. So I desire to make it clear that I am now using the terms taxonomy, classification, and systematics as absolutely synonymous, since they all inherently refer to the science of arrangement or classification. The study of taxonomy in its broadest sense is probably the oldest branch of biology or natural history as well as the basis for all the other branches, since the first step in obtaining any knowl- edge of things about us is to discriminate between them and to learn to recognize them. It is therefore natural that for the first one hundred years or more of the existence of this branch as a science, it was concerned primarily with the segregation and recognition of species. The direct results of this trend are some- times underestimated, for they include the following among others : First, taxonomists made known some idea at least of the tremendous number of organisms that exist or have existed upon the earth. This fact has had a very great influence on some of man’s long-established and much-cherished conceptions. In par- ticular, it gave a very great impetus to the warfare of science with theology. Second, the knowledge accumulated by the taxonomist was the principal basis for Darwin’s ‘‘Theory of Evolution.” It is not necessary for me to point out the tremendous affect on human thought which was produced by that series of studies. Third, taxonomists have built up an enormous mass of knowledge which is in some degree classified and available. The system is far from perfect, we must admit, and many of its parts are of very inferior quality, but, nevertheless, the general pattern has stood the test of time and has proved its usefulness. Fourth, * Delivered before the New York Entomological Society, December 12, 1939. 246 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii taxonomy lias furnished to other biologists many of the funda- mental questions to which they are seeking answers. The geneti- cists and experimental biologists spend much of their time on problems which are fundamental to taxonomy today and yet were recognized because of the implications of studies on classification and evolution. We might multiply these examples at some length, but surely this is sufficient to show that taxonomy during its early years was a worthy subject for research, and that it did actually contribute greatly to the advance of knowledge in many fields. As I have said, there was a time when taxonomists made large contributions to scientific thought through the mere naming and cataloging of species. As the other branches of biology devel- oped, the relative importance of this study of faunas and floras diminished, not because fewer people worked at it, not because there was less work to be done, not because there were fewer con- tributions to scientific thought to be made, but simply because the growth of these other branches was more rapid, and they sur- passed it in popularity and possibly in the quality of the work. We must then consider whether taxonomy is no longer capable of contributing to biologic science, whether it has lost its position of fundamental importance among all the branches of biology. In a practical way, then, let ns outline the place of taxonomy at the present time. Consider the plight of experimental biologists, geneticists, students of geographical distribution, stratigraphers, and workers in the applied natural sciences if they had no means of recognizing and recording the various species with which they deal. It would be absolutely necessary for them to develop for themselves a system that would serve them and they would therein become systematists. How could the tremendous mass of experience be recorded and consulted without the taxonomists to name, identify, and classify the organisms with which all the others deal. A few examples should not be out of place here. Many problems of the geologist have been solved at least in part by the taxonomist. Properly used, the distribution of animals can aid in the problem of the distribution of ancient land masses and the seas of past geologic eras. Stratigraphy, or the correla- tion of rock formations, depends in large part on the recognition Sept., 1940] Blackwelder: Taxonomy 247 and classification of fossil organisms. The physical anthropolo- gist, with his problems of human races and human origins, is merely a specialized taxonomist working in a very limited field. Many problems of the geneticist, such as the recognition and separation of mutants and the experimental unfolding of the processes of evolution, are really specialized problems in taxon- omy. I have not mentioned the sciences of comparative anatomy, embryology, and evolution which are so closely interwoven into taxonomy that frequently they must be considered to be part of it. There remains a branch of biology which is of unusual interest to many entomologists. This is applied biology. Just as the dis- crimination of species is the basis of systematic work, it is also the starting point of many of the problems of the economic entomol- ogist. If an insect pest be discovered, taxonomy tells us whether it is native or introduced, what its natural enemies are, where they will be found, what its normal distribution is, and many other things. Without taxonomy how could w^e have biological control, which depends upon identification of both the pest and the parasite or predator. We have then several aims in systematic biology which are also our basis for a claim to recognition as one of the important sci- ences. It is our aim first to name and describe species so that they can be recognized and referred to, so that we may study them and catalog them, and assemble data about them. It is our second aim to discover through any means at our disposal the facts of descent and blood-relationship between species. And our third aim is to arrange these facts and these species into a classification or scheme of arrangement which will express as nearly as can be the relationships and the lines of descent of these species. It is obvious that if we merely asemble a multitude of data con- cerning a multitude of species, we ourselves, not to mention scien- tists in other fields, will be unable to comprehend the larger im- plications of our discoveries, the interrelation of them, and their vast significance in related studies unless we arrange them in some sort of order, one based on some fundamental concept to which all are related. The concept which we have used for this is the theory of evolution, the assumption of the community of 248 Journal New York Entomological Society LVol. XLVIII descent of organisms. We will return to this subject of classifica- tions after considering the means to be employed in fulfilling the aims we have outlined. In the study of the relationships of insects, which we call tax- onomy, data from various sources have been used. Among tlies'e we find characters of morphology, of geographical distribution, of geological distribution, of genetics, of ontogeny or development, of ecology, of physiology (which includes chemical and serolog- ical studies), of host-parasite relationships, of teratology (or de- formities), and of experiment. All of these have been used in de- fining species or in building classifications, but by far the greater number of species and classifications are based entirely upon the first one — morphology. This is at it should be, since it has been found that none of the others yields as readily as complete a pic- ture of relationships as does structure. The other fields are em- ployed in special cases in which morphological data are not suffi- cient. There is a real danger, however, that taxonomists will for- get that morphological data do not invariably furnish us with the complete picture. We should remember that situations can easily arise in which data from the other fields can be properly and usefully utilized to supplement the characters of morphology. Still more important, however, is an understanding of the in- escapable fact that the taxonomist is absolutely bound to consider all the data that may be of value in whatever problem confronts him. If we had, for example, spread out before us, all the species that exist on the earth of a certain group of animals, it would suf- fice for some purposes to select one or two characters that distin- guish each from its fellows, and consider that these were enough to make the species known. In actual practice, however, we can never say with certainty that we have all the species that exist before us and the best of us will often not be able to anticipate what the missing ones will be like. It therefore becomes neces- sary for us to record all the characters of each species that can be of use in separating it from the others (whether known or not). In most cases and particularly in the case of categories higher than species, a careful study of comparative morphology of the group will show definitely which characters are of sufficient con- stancy to be used for separating the known groups, and these are the ones which we must record. Sept., 1940] Blackwelder: Taxonomy 249 The ideal, then, is to record in each instance all the characters on the insect which the stndy of comparative morphology shows to be significant for the systematic work at hand. It should not be necessary for me to point out how far from this goal nearly all of onr taxonomic work today really is. But inasmuch as the com- monly accepted standards do not come even close to fulfilling the above requirement, let us pry a little into the reason for this failure. During the early years of the study of taxonomy the investiga- tion of insects was strictly limited by the equipment available. Microscopes such as we use today were unknown, and technique of various sorts had not been discovered. Many of the early tax- onomists strived toward the goal of recording all the characters that they could see, and, because of the limiting factors mentioned above, a certain standard of description was gradually set up. Taxonomists became used to these standards and when better ap- paratus and techniques were devised they were not commonly util- ized. The result is that the large majority of our systematic work today is at exactly the level of much of the better work of 100 years ago. For example, it is difficult to find among modern studies on Coleoptera one which can stand comparison with that of Erichson in 1840. This is not an exceptional case, for the ma- jority of large groups of insects are being studied today in exactly the same way and in only slightly greater detail than they were 50 or 100 years ago. Two things seem to be responsible for this situation. The first is our reticence to change our methods of study. It is not pos- sible to examine the intersegmental membranes of the abdomen of a beetle, or the waxy capsule of a scale-insect, or the muscula- ture of any insect, or the minute dermal organs which are so commonly present but so seldom seen, or any of hundreds of other structures, without subjecting the insect to some preparation or technique which is not commonly employed. Yet these structures are of great significance in nearly every group in which they have been studied and often are clearly worthy of consideration in our scheme of classification. We have simply been content with the established way of doing things and have forgotten our ideal of constructing a classification that will reflect relationships and which, therefore, must utilize all possible characters. 250 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. XLVIII The second factor which has held our descriptions down to the old standards is the lack of knowledge of comparative morphol- ogy. Is there a single large order of insects in which the funda- mental nature of all the parts has been worked out and in which the variation of each character throughout the group has been determined ? It is certainly not so in the beetles, one of our best known orders in some respects. If it is true of any order the fact has escaped me. Several smaller groups, such as the Coc- coidea, do come near to this ideal. Ten years ago it was not known that the order Coleoptera con- tains two radically different types of thoracic structure. Even at the present time there are numerous questions of homology that have not been settled in this order or any of the others. If we should look at a complete series of drawings of the morpho- logical details of a beetle, I think you would be surprised at the number of structures which have not been used in classification, and yet this condition is typical of nearly all the orders. Let me recall to you the ideal which I mentioned before for finding the characters we are to use in reconstructing the rela- tionships of species. We must use all the characters which the study of comparative morphology shows to be significant. We are exceedingly far from that ideal. In addition to the segregation and description of species the taxonomist should be engaged in something much more far-reach- ing in science, something which will be more universally accepted as a truly scientific endeavor. This is classification. It is the arrangement of species into groups to show their relationships. The groups are then brought together into larger groups and so on, until the degree of relationship is expressed by the category in which union takes place. In spite of the fact that the organ- izing of our data into systems or classifications, into a form which will make it useful in other branches of science, is much the most important part of taxonomy from the point of view of the ad- vance of knowledge, entomologists have been very slow to make contributions of this sort. If a certain group of animals, for example an order, has been so thoroughly studied that a com- plete classification is available, with definitely known and de- scribed categories throughout, all we would need to do upon the Sept., 1940] Blackwelder; Taxonomy 251 discovery of a new species would be to describe it and place it in its proper genus. This would automatically place it in the rest of the system. In reality this is the way in which many taxon- omists appear to work. The assignment of a new species to a genus is taken to be sufficient indication of its relationships. I venture to say that there is not a single large order of insects in which there is more than the flimsiest classiflcation in the sense that I have tried to give to that word. Let me illustrate with an example from my own field, the StaphylinidaB. In the very large subfamily Aleocharinse there has been a large amount of work done by several profilic taxon- omists. They have established more than 1000 genera, which contain over 7000 species. New species are being added con- tinually and each is being placed by its describer in what he deems to be its proper genus. There is nothing unusual in this ; it is being duplicated, perhaps on a smaller scale, in many other groups of insects. However, if we take the trouble to probe more deeply, we may be surprised to find that not a single one of these 1000 genera has ever been adequately described, and many of them not described at all, being based merely upon known species. And further, when we examine other groups we find that this is not an exception drawn from a badly neglected group but is in fact the ‘‘ normal’ ’ condition, or at least the “usual” one. In a family which is as well known as the Coc- cid^, the scale-insects, a study of the genera is even now being published that will for the first time enable us to make generic assignments with certainty. The large amount of taxonomic work which has been done in this group and its great economic importance would have led us to imagine that its classification must by now be on a firm basis, yet a recent article on the sub- ject states: “. . . the student of the Coccoidea ... is forced to wander in a maze of generic names the application of most of which can not be determined from the existing literature.” If this is true in the Coccidse, where can we find a group which can claim to be better known in these respects. Certainly not any- where in the Coleoptera. Hoav can we have any confidence in the validity of the horde of new species that are described each year if we know in ad- 252 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii vance that their generic assignments are based entirely upon the author’s conception of the genus to which he assigns it. How often is the same species described in different genera by dif- ferent workers, merely because the genera have never been firmly established? As one would expect, it happens with great fre- quency in groups of wide distribution and accounts for a large part of our overburdened synonymy. You may think that I have painted a very dark picture. But it is a picture of a condition which exists and which will con- tinue to exist until taxonomists take the necessary steps to cor- rect it. I am glad to be able to say that there is evidence of in- creasing realization of the seriousness of this condition, and there are an increasing number of attempts to help correct it. I have mentioned the study of the genera of the Coccidae, and we may note also an increasing number of studies of genotypes and of groups of genera. There have even been a few studies on the principles and bases of higher classification. This is the track that we must follow if taxonomy is not to continue to merit the bad reputation it has acquired among biologists. We must be more than mere describers of new species and lawyers on arbi- trary points of procedure. There is one more point that should be mentioned in this regard. A division of labor is not the solution of this problem. It will not suffice for us to describe new species ad infinitum and leave the classification to someone else. We cannot possibly claim to know that a species is new unless we know definitely where it belongs in our classification. And we will have a hard time to justify our labors to science in general if we do not complete our work so that the results are available for others to use. If I have succeeded in convincing you that our taxonomy has fallen far short of its ideal and that we come close to deserving the scorn of our fellow biologists, if I have established in your minds the idea that taxonomy must be more than the mere de- scription of new species, then you will ask what is to be done and how can we do it. My answer is, of course, that we must make classification a major part of our work; we must arrange our knowledge, as our species, in a system which will express what we have been able to discover, by all means in our power, of their Sept., 1940] Blackwelder : Taxonomy 253 interrelationships, of their origins and potentialities, and conse- quently of their evolution. This is the logical goal of systematic work and one which is in all respects fully worthy of onr en- deavors. If we can attain this goal we will find that most of our other problems in taxonomy, such as the identification of species, will be solved as by-products of the major problems. Let ns see, then, what a classification is and how it is made. A classification is a grouping or arrangement of things with regard to some group of attributes. We can classify insects ac- cording to their food, their place or means of living, their distri- bution in space or in time ; or by their structure. In taxonomy we are interested primarily in a classification based upon amount of similarity in structure because we believe that this will give us the truest and most complete picture of lines of descent and degree of relationship. There are two principal methods of recording a scheme of classification. They have different uses and different advantages and disadvantages. The first is a purely linear arrangement. We place the most primitive at the first of our list, next to these the ones which resemble them most, then the next, and so on to the most highly specialized. Our arrangement is rather arbi- trary because one group must follow after another. Relationship can be shown with only two other groups, the one preceding and the one following, and it is not possible to give any indication of the degree of relationship, the amount of similarity. This system is most commonly employed because it is readily adapted to printing. Examples are to be found in all our catalogs and check-lists and all our textbooks of taxonomy. The other system of recording a classification is by means of a branching arrangement, usually called a ‘ ‘ tree. ’ ’ There are two kinds of trees in use. The most familiar is that used in paleon- tology to indicate the relationships of animals in time. As one passes down the time-scale the various groups merge to form a tree which indicates in some measure the degree of relationship, the time at which the separation of the two groups occurred, the number and proximity of related groups, the lines of descent, and perhaps even the ancestors of each group. This tree is gen- erally based upon very meager information, but is useful and illu- minating in proportion to its accuracy. 254 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. XLVIII The type of tree which can help us most is one which we see very seldom in entomological literature. It is not of exceedingly great importance in itself but serves several very useful pur- poses— or might serve them. Its preparation would crystallize and demonstrate many of the broader aspects of classification in the mind of the creator of the tree. It would enable other entomologists as well as other scientists in general to see the results of the detailed work of taxonomy. This type of tree is in a strict sense ‘ ‘ a classification. ” I do not want to start a dis- cussion of what a species is, so let us take the word species as each of you would define it for yourself. Among these species those which have certain characters in common we group to- gether into a genus ; genera which are more like each other than they are like still others we group together into a family ; and so on through orders, classes, phyla, and kingdoms. This is a classi- fication. If we examine simply the species, they appear in a linear arrangement but the other categories can show us the degree of interrelationship and can bring this meaningless series of species into a system in which each is related by one degree or another with every other. Such classification as this gives us a broad picture which in- cludes not only our own species but all the others as well, relating them to each other and to the entire scheme of life and of evo- lution. Such a classification can help to demonstrate to us in- consistencies in our use of such categories as genus and species, it can demonstrate the need for a real understanding of the higher categories and the limits of each. It is obviously not practicable to draw diagrams of this sort for all the groups of insects. But it is not the diagram that is of value so much as it is the idea of relating our groups to each other by means of successively higher categories. For example : In one subfamily of the Staphylinidse we have four readily recognized groups which have all been named as tribes, thus : Xantholinini, Staphylinini, Xanthopygini, and Quediini. There is no question that these groups exist and that they are more like each other than any of them is like any of the other subfamilies of the Staphylinidse. At first glance then it would seem to be adequate to rank them all as tribes as has been done heretofore. Sept., 1940J Blackwelder : Taxonomy 255 However, careful examination of many characters shows that the Xantholinini differ more from any of the others than they do from themselves. Some writers, recognizing this, have made it a separate subfamily, but I have already pointed out that it is more like the rest of the subfamily Staphylininae. If we separate it, we obscure the fact of its similarity in subfamily characters, and if we make it a tribe we obscure the fact of its greater divergence. What is really needed in this case is another category between subfamily and tribe — we may use supertribe. This is what we get then : The subfamily Staphylininae composed of tAVO super- tribes, the Xantholinina and the Staphylinina. The Xantholinina contains only a single tribe, the Xantholinini, but the Staphy- linina contains three tribes, the Staphylinini, the Xanthopygini, and the Quediini. Now we are able to see how much each of these groups resembles the other and how great the degree of difference is in each case. The point I wish to show here is that there is much more to taxonomy than the segregation and naming of species. These should be used merely as tools to enable us to handle the groups Avhile Ave combine and arrange them into a scheme Avhich Avill show their interrelationships. How are we to knoAV Avhether a particular group of specimens is a species unless Ave knoAV in just what degree they differ from or resemble the numerous other groups we call species? We must knoAv more than just the tail- end of the scheme of CA^olution if we are to be able to say that a group of individuals is a species, a subspecies, a genus, or some other category. The study of classifications Avill not, of course, be a cure-all for our problems of speciation, of descent, or of relationship, but it will go a long way toward giving us an understanding of hoAV groups relate to each other, of what rank should be assigned to each group, and of AAdiat the course of evolution of these groups has probably been. It is more the attitude of mind which is important, and \Adien new facts are brought to light which affect our established system, we must not only be prepared to accept them for what they are worth, but Ave must have a background of thought Avhich will en- 256 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. XLVIII able ns to see how they affect our ideas. To many a taxonomist the idea that he has consistently misused a category such as a genus or a species, giving it a higher or a lower rank than is con- sistent with the facts, is something that he is utterly unable to understand. The standard that he uses is so firmly fixed in his mind as the true standard of that category (let us say of a spe- cies) that he cannot believe that any facts could upset the standard. On the other hand we have a taxonomist who is used to think- ing in terms of a more or less complete classification, where the categories indicate the degree of known relationship. If evidence is discovered that shows that his species are in reality only sub- species (or races), he is not so likely to object because the groups are still intact and usable but are simply changed slightly in the system and a further opportunity is opened for showing the development of the system. This subject of classification is a very broad one. It has rami- fications in many directions. I have touched on certain phases only, without intending to give these an exclusive claim to im- portance. But let me summarize some of the principles that should be basic in the study of taxonomy. First of all, we must consider all the available data. This means that we must use characters from whatever field of science we can; in the case of morphology, which is most important, we must aim to use all the structures on the insect, whether they are obscure or hard to ex- amine or little known, and our only guide here shall be that com- parative studies must show them to be of value for what we are trying to do. This principle, then, demands a complete knowl- edge of morphology and homology as basic to any study of sys- tematics. The second principle is this. Kegardless of other considera- tions, we must use methods of study or procedures in working that will give the most complete and accurate results. We must not let our methods depend on the habits of the past. The im- portant thing is not to follow any set procedure, but to treat every case on its merits and requirements and to employ every means possible to arrive at the complete truth. For example, if we find an important character on an insect that requires dissec- Sept., 1940] Blackwelder : Taxonomy 257 tion of our specimens, we cannot neglect to dissect them if we are to be worthy of the name of scientist. Or if we should find that facts from genetics, ecology, development, or paleontology are sig- nificant, we must not fail to consider them adequately. Our third basic step is to carry our work on to its logical con- clusion, at least as far as taxonomy is concerned. If we merely describe species and genera and are not able to show exactly how they relate to other known species and genera, where they fit into the whole structure of evolution, how they add to our knowledge of the whole scheme of life, we will have missed our principal op- portunity to make real contributions to science. We speak of the species that are “known to science,” yet how many of these are really known in any sense beyond the publication of a name and description ? Many are, of course, but not a very large per- centage of the enormous numbers named. The placing of a spe- cies in a genus, and the genus in a family, without very careful consideration of the foundations of these groups, adds little to the general picture of relationships which we are attempting to set up. This brings us to the fourth, and in some ways the most impor- tant, principle. We must make our results available for other scientists to see and understand. Endless series of new species and new genera not only do not aid the workers in other branches of science but actually serve to make taxonomy appear to them as meaningless and purposeless. I’m sure you will agree that this is the condition in which we find ourselves today, for many other biologists have no conception of the part which taxonomy can play in science and are inclined to look upon taxonomists merely as egotists trying to attach their own names as authors of ueAv species. Taxonomy was once much more than that and can be again, but we will have to enlarge our horizons, raise many of our standards of thinking, and make our results available and useful to the rest of science. 258 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. XLVIII ATRYTONE LOGAN EDWARDS Another record for Sharon, Connecticnt, is a pair of Atrytone log an Edwards caught July 21 and 22. These two specimens as well as the Carterocephalus palaemon race mandan were caught by the author and are now in the collection of The American Museum of Natural History, New York City. — Leonard J. San- ford. Sept., 1940] Breland: Parasites 259 SOME PARASITES AND HYPERPARASITES OF THE CECROPIA MOTH^ By Osmond P. Breland The University of Texas When parasitic insects are bred from a lepidopterons cocoon or chrysalis, it is too often concluded that these insects are para- sites of the lepidopteron, without much thought of hyperpara- sitism. Thus any worker interested in the specific parasitic reac- tions of a particular group of insects is prone to regard with sus- picion reports which simply state that a certain insect is a para- site of a certain moth or butterfly. This study was undertaken in the hope of indicating some of the possibilities that may be obtained from one of the larger moth cocoons. The writer of course realizes that a study of this kind from a limited locality, in which only the end results are ex- amined, is far from being complete. However, it is hoped that some of these results may be suggestive. Some of this work was done at the North Dakota State College. So far as the writer could determine, the most thorough recent work on the parasitism of the cecropia moth was done by Marsh (1934). Parts of this investigation have been published (1936) and (1937). The cecropia moth cocoons which were used in this study were all collected at Brooklyn, New York, by Mr. J. H. Cohen of 1532 Sterling Place. During the summer of 1937, some parasites bred by Mr. Cohen were examined, so he was really responsible for the writer’s initial interest in the problem. Three lots of co- coons were received from Mr. Cohen : one lot collected November 11, 1937, one collected March 19, 1938, and the third lot Decem- ber 15, 1938. The first group contained 113 cocoons, most of which were supposedly parasitized. Mr. Cohen stated that in 1 The writer Avishes to express sincere appreciation to the following men for assistance in determining some of the insects mentioned in this article : Mr. C. F. W. Muesebeck, Mr. A. B. Gahan, who determined the chalcidoids; Mr. E. A. Cushman, who determined the ichneumonid, and Mr. D. G. Hall, who determined the Diptera. 260 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. XLVIII procuring this material he handled 228 cocoons and determined the parasitized insects by shaking the cocoons. The second lot, which were selected for parasitic Ichneumonidae, contained only 20 selected cocoons. In obtaining these, 250 cocoons were ex- amined. The third group consisted of 40 cocoons, most of which were parasitized. In most instances, a parasitized cecropia cocoon is somewhat lighter in weight than a healthy one. Parasitized cecropia larvae, after they spin a cocoon, will in many cases become hard and dry, and break into several parts. Thus, the cocoon will rattle if it is shaken. Actual dissection of cocoons indicated that one can de- pend upon the “shaking test” to a very high degree in distin- guishing between parasitized and healthy cocoons. In obtaining the following results, all the cecropia cocoons were opened, and the parasites examined. The parasitic larva© and pupae were then placed in watch glasses in the laboratory until they emerged as adults. Since these insects were kept in the lab- oratory at a fairly constant temperature, they presumably emerged earlier than they would have in nature. It has been thought best to center this discussion about several of the insects which were primary parasites of the cecropia, and which also served as hosts for some other parasite. Pseudogaurax anchora (Lw.) (Chloropidae) This insect was by far the most prevalent parasite of the cecropia cocoons examined. Out of 100 cocoons upon which ac- curate records were kept, this dipteron occurred in 54. The larvae occurred within all parts of the dried tissues of the host. The number of parasites present varied from only a few in some cases to 81 in one cocoon. Many of the dipterous larvae were dead when discovered, and many were themselves parasitized. Possibly because of laboratory conditions, and because of the heavy parasitism by a small chalcidoid, only one adult specimen was obtained from the first shipment of cecropia. Several adults, however, emerged from the second and third groups. It is inter- esting to note that Kaston and Jenks (1937) report this same species as a parasite of spider egg cases. The chalcidoid parasitizing the larvge of Pseudogaurax anchora Sept., 1940] Breland: Parasites 261 has been determined by Mr. Gahan as a new species of Pleuro- tropis (Enlophidae). This insect is an internal parasite, and is difficult to discover until the host forms a puparium, or just before the puparium is formed. The pnparia, although small, may easily be dissected without injuring the parasites to any great extent, by partially burying the pnparia in household cement, and allow- ing this to dry. Dissecting needles may then be used to pull away the puparial skin. The number of parasites found within, or emerging from, a single puparium, varied from 2 to 10. Achcetoneura samice Web. (Tachinidas) This insect occurred occasionally, as a primary parasite, within all three lots of cocoons, and several adult specimens were reared. In addition, a single specimen of Sarcophaga misera var. sarra- cenioides Aid. (Sarcophagidae) emerged. A large number of dipterous pnparia were found which varied somewhat in size and coloration. Since many of these did not emerge as adults, the writer could not determine to his entire satisfaction that these were all of the same species. It is thought probable, however, that most of these puparia were those of Achcetoneura samice, since only a single specimen of any other large dipteron was obtained. But the possibility that other species might have been represented should not be overlooked. From the first lot of cocoons, only 19 out of 100 cocoons were parasitized, or showed signs of having been parasitized, by a large dipteron. The para- sitized cecropia in some instances had formed a pupa within the cocoon before dying. In a few cases, the parasites had emerged from the host and formed puparia loose in the cocoon; in other cases, puparia were formed within the body of the host. Several of the dipterous puparia were parasitized. Within one puparium, 22 chalcidoid pupae were found, and several other dis- sected puparia yielded additional parasites. In addition, many of these insects emerged in the breeding bags. This parasite proved to be Dimmockia incongrmis Ashm. (Enlophidae). All these insects were in the pupal stage, and some of these pupae were likewise parasitized. Within the pupal skin of some of these insects were the larvae or pupae of Pleurotropis tar satis (Ashm.). Normal pupae of D. incongrmis were of a uniform glossy black 262 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii color, but the parasitized pupae were brownish, and the pupal skin was broken in many cases. Pleurotropis iarsalis was thus in this instance a tertiary parasite. Spilocryptus extrematus Cress. (Ichneumonidae) From the first lot of cecropia cocoons examined, only a single cocoon was parasitized by this ichneumonid. Within this one cocoon, however, there were 54 cocoons of this parasite, all of which were still in the larval stage when they were examined January 6. None of these ichneumonids was parasitized. The second lot of cecropia, however, had been collected spe- cifically for this parasite in a somewhat different region, and some of the cocoons had been opened in order to determine defi- nitely the nature of parasitism. Thus, in the second lot, there were 12 cocoons, out of the 20 received, which were parasitized by Spilocryptus extrematus Cress. Two species of chalcidoid parasites were parasitic upon ichneumonids from 6 of these 12 parasitized cecropia cocoons. These insects were Dihrachys cavus (Walk.) (Pteromatidce) , and Monodontomerus sp., (F) (Calli- momidae) . The pteromalids were present within two of the cecropia co- coons, and at the time of dissection, March 31, these insects were in the pupal stage. Possibly because of the warm laboratory temperature, these insects emerged a few days later as adults. Females oviposited readily into living ichneumonid larvae. Monodontomerus sp., was obtained from 4 of the parasitized cecropia cocoons. Presumably these insects were external para- sites of Spilocryptus extrematus, and at the time of dissection, March 30, occurred in both the larval and pupal stages. The parasites were loose in the ichneumonid cocoon, and in most in- stances the shriveled-up larva of the host was still present. In the laboratory, the females did not show particular interest in cocoons or naked larvae of Spilocryptus extrematus, and no attempt was made to oviposit. When, however, a cecropia cocoon containing ichneumonid cocoons was placed with the females, several attempts were made to oviposit through the cecropia co- coon. One female also crawled into the cocoon and stayed sev- eral minutes. Whether or not oviposition occurred is not known. Sept., 1940] Breland: Parasites 263 It would seem, however, that in this case, the combination of the cecropia cocoon plus the ichneumonid cocoons, was a stronger stimulus to oviposition than the ichneumonid larvse or cocoons alone. It is thought probable that the females of Monodontomerus sp., since these insects possess a comparatively short ovipositor, crawl through the valve of the cecropia cocoon, and oviposit directly into the cocoon of their host. In all cases of parasitism examined, the callimomids were inside the host cocoon. Only a few of the total ichneumonid cocoons were parasitized. MULTIPLE PARASITISM In a few cases, cecropia cocoons contained several types of parasites. One cocoon was of particular interest. Within this cocoon were several cocoons of Spilocryptus extrematus, all in- sects of which were in the pupal stage. In addition there were several larvae of Pseudogaurax anchora, and some large dipterous puparia. Within two of these dipterous puparia were pupae of Dimmockia incongruus, and some of these in turn were para- sitized by Pleurotropis tarsalis. This cecropia had, therefore, directly or indirectly, supported insects of 5 species. It is prob- able that under normal conditions most of these insects would have emerged as adults. But in this particular case, there was a hole in the cocoon, indicating that a bird had enjoyed a meal at the expense of the enclosed occupants. Consequently several of these insects were dead. I believe this study emphasizes the fact that parasitic popula- tions of a given host may var}^ considerably from locality to local- ity and even may vary in regions of the same locality. Marsh (1934), in a study of cecropia cocoons collected in the vicinity of Chicago, reared 9 species of parasitic insects. Of the 9 species reared by the writer, only three, Dimmockia incongruus, Spilo- cryptus extrematus, and Pleurotropis tarsalis, were identical with species obtained by Marsh. In the Chicago area. Marsh dis- covered that Spilocryptus extrematus was the principal primary parasite of the cecropia. In the present study, the principal primary parasite was Pseudogaurax anchora, and parasitism by Spilocryptus extrematus was extremely limited. 264 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii LITEEATURE CITED Kaston, B. J. and Jenks, G. E. 1937. Dipterous parasites of spider egg cases. Bull. Brook. Eiit. Soc., 32: 160-165. Marsh, F. L. 1934. A regional study of Sarnia cecropia L. and nine asso- ciated parasites and hyperparasites. A master’s thesis. North- western University library, Evanston, Illinois. . 1936. Egg placing by DihracJiys Itoucheanus Eatzburg. Can. Ent., 68: 215-216. ■ . 1937. The biology of the ichneumonid Spilocryptus extrematus Cresson (Hymenoptera) . Ann. Ent. Soc. Am., 30: 40-42. Montgomery, B. Elwood. 1933. Preliminary studies of insect parasites of Indiana. Can. Ent., 65: 185-190. Sept., 1940] CUMLEY: Deosophila 265 COMPARISON OF SEROLOGIC AND TAXONOMIC RELATIONSHIPS OF DROSOPHILA SPECIES* By Bussell W. Cumley The University of Texas INTRODUCTION During the past two years studies have been made of extracts prepared from various species of Drosophila with the view of dis- tinguishing the species through the use of serological procedures. Several different technics have been tried, and the reagents which were tested have been prepared in different ways. The results of these experiments have been published in several reports, to which reference will be made later. The purpose of this work is to com- pare the species relationships, as revealed by the serologic investi- gations of their antigens, with the relationships which are recog- nized on the basis of the more commonly accepted taxonomic criteria. Although the different serological tests have yielded similar results, seldom have they offered exactly the same relations among the several species. It is impossible, at the present time, to state with certainty which technic reveals most nearly the real bio- chemical relationships among the species. Boyden (1936) has stated that no two technics are of equal worth; and Chester (1937), in his extensive review of plant serology, has been unable to conclude which of the many technics and modifications most nearly reveal the truth. This lack of agreement of the various tests and the consequent indecision regarding the relative value of serologic technics present a problem not greatly different from that of the taxonomist. The taxonomist is confronted with the difficulty of determining w^hich characteristic or group of charac- teristics relates most truly the various species. * The methods herein discussed were presented in demonstration at the Sixth Annual Meeting of the Genetics Society of America, Indianapolis, 1937. An abstract may be found in Eecords of the Genetics Society of America, No. 6, p. 146, 1937. This article was taken from the author’s Ph.D. Dissertation, The Univer- sity of Texas, June, 1938. 266 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. XLVIII Aside from the difficnlty in appraising the systematic worth of any morphological characteristic, another problem of species inter-relations presents itself. A given characteristic which is thought to be of specific value may serve well to distinguish one species from a second, but may in turn be shared by a third spe- cies. This fact, no doubt, has contributed considerably to the confusion regarding onr knowledge of evolution and inter-rela- tions of species. In serological investigations of animals relation- ships the same feature has been noted by Irwin (1938), who found that each dove or pigeon species possessed cellular sub- stances, determined by the agglutinin-absorption technic, which were not found in any of the other species. Also, he showed that some of the serological characteristics which distinguished one species from another could in turn be shared with still other spe- cies. Hence, difficulties of evaluating specific qualities are com- mon to both the morphologic and immunologic procedures. In serologic tests, however, the reactive substances are biochemical elements of the body tissues of the animal. Through the applica- tion of technics which assay these fundamental chemical proper- ties of the organism, we should be able ultimately to determine with a reasonable degree of exactitude the extent to which the protoplasm of one species is similar to that of others. MATERIALS AND METHODS In the serological tests that have been performed the relation- ships of about a dozen Drosophila species have been studied. Extensive data, however, have been accumulated only for the four species: D. carMea, D. melanogaster, D. mulleri, and D. virilis. At least a dozen tests, representing several different pro- cedures, have been performed on the antisera to each Of these species. The taxonomic data used in this report were taken largely from Professor Sturtevant’s work (1921). These data were supplemented by those of other authors (Metz, Moses, and Mason, 1923) and by some of my own observations. Recognizing our incapacity to appraise the relative specific worth of any mor- phological unit or serological reaction, I have assumed that all of the various immunological tests are of equal value, and that all of the fourteen taxonomic characters are of equal value. Sept., 1940] CuMLEY: Drosophila 267 The serological reactions which were employed in this com- parison were as follows : 1. Complement-fixation reactions, using as antigens the saline extracts of dried flies, without any further extraction (Cnmley and Haberman) ; 2. Precipitation reactions — ring tests, using the same antigens as in the preceding (Haberman and Cnmley) ; 3. Complement-fixation reactions, using as antigens the saline extracts of the ether-insoluble fractions of dried flies (Cnmley, 1939) ; 4. Optimal antigen-antibody ratio reactions, using the same antigens as in the tests immediately above (Cumley, 1938) ; 5. Precipitin absorptions, using the same antigens as in the preceding (Cumley, 1939, a). The systematic characteristics employed in this comparison were as follows : 1. Costal index : Length of 2nd section of costal vein/Length of 3rd section of costal vein ; 2. Fourth-vein index: Length of 4th (distal) section of 4th vein/Length of 3rd section of 4th vein; 3. 4c index: Length of 3rd section of costal vein/Length of 3rd section of 4th vein ; 4. 5x index: Length of 3rd (distal) section of 5th vein/ Length of posterior vein ; 5. Number of branches of arista ; 6. Approximate width of the “front ’’/width of the head; 7. Size of 2nd orbital bristle/Size of the other two; 8. Size of the 1st oral bristle/Size of the 2nd ; 9. Greatest width of the cheeks/Greatest diameter of the eyes ; 10. Number of rows of acrostichal hairs ; 11. Number of filaments on eggs ; 12. Body length ; 13. Wing length ; 14. Number and type of chromosomes. In order to rank the species serologically, each serologic test was considered separately, and the species were arranged in the order of the extent of reactivity of their antigens to the particu- lar antiserum in question. This procedure was repeated for each 268 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. XLVIII of the several tests. Since all the tests of a given antiserum did not rank the species in the same order, the result was that any one species would sometimes assume second, and sometimes third or fourth place. From data taken in this way from the various tests, it was possible to observe the number of times a particular species assumed each of the four serological ranks made possible by a consideration of only four species. The percentage ranks were calculated from these observations and are shown in Table 1. TABLE 1 SEROLOGIC RANKING Percentage ranks Species foi comparison 1 2 3 4 Species in question; Drosophila melanog aster D. melanogaster 100.0 0 0 0 D. carihhea 0 96.5 3.5 0 Z>. mulleri 0 3.5 64.3 32.2 D. virilis 0 0 32.2 67.8 Species in question: Drosophila carihhea D. carihhea 100.0 0 0 0 D. melanogaster 0 71.1 13.5 15.4 D. mulleri 0 11.5 57.8 30.7 D. virilis 0 17.4 28.7 53.9 Species in question : : Drosophila mulleri D. mulleri 100.0 0 0 0 D. virilis 0 88.5 11.5 0 D. carihhea 0 7.7 69.3 23.0 D. melanogaster 0 3.8 19.2 77.0 Species in question : Drosophila virilis D. virilis 100.0 0 0 0 D. mulleri 0 82.2 3.6 14.2 D. carihhea 0 17.8 50.0 32.2 D. melanogaster 0 0 46.4 53.6 In this table one may observe that, with reference to D. melano- gaster, the four Drosophila species are ranked as follows : melano- gaster, 1st place in 100 per c«nt of the tests; carihhea, 2nd place in 96.5 per cent, and 3rd place in 3.5 per cent of the tests ; mulleri, Sept., 1940] Cumley: Drosophila 269 2nd place in 3.5 per cent, 3rd place in 64.3 per cent, and 4th place in 32.2 per cent of the tests; virilis, 3rd place in 32.2 per cent and 4th place in 67.8 per cent of the tests. The same type of informa- tion is to be seen in the remainder of the table. That is to say, all four of the species are ranked in their respective relations to a given species. The taxonomic ranking has been accomplished in much the same way, except that instead of considering serological tests, the individual morphological units have been applied. The species are then ranked in the order of their relationship in terms of a given systematic criterion. As in the preceding rankings, the percentage ranks of the various species with reference to a given species have then been calculated. These percentage ranks have been presented in Table 2. In this table one may see that the TABLE 2 TAXONOMIC RANKING Percentage ranks SpociGS f 01 C’Omp9.(Tison 1 2 3 4 Species in question: Drosophila melanogaster D. melanogaster 100.0 0 0 0 D. carihhea 0 77.0 23.0 0 D. mulleri 0 7.6 42.4 50.0 D. virilis 0 15.4 34.6 50.0 Species in question : Brosophila carihhea D. carihhea 100.0 0 0 0 B. melanogaster 0 84.8 11.5 3.7 D. mulleri 0 7.6 46.2 46.2 B. virilis 0 7.6 42.3 50.1 Species in question: Brosophila mulleri D. mulleri 100.0 0 0 0 B. virilis 0 69.3 7.6 23.1 B. melanogaster 0 11.5 53.8 37.7 B. carihhea 0 19.2 38.6 42.2 Species in question : Brosophila virilis B. virilis 100.0 0 0 0 B. mulleri 0 77.3 4.5 18.2 B. melanogaster 0 9.1 59.1 31.8 B'. carihhea 0 13.6 36.4 50.0 270 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii various Drosophila species are related to D. melanogaster as fol- lov^s: melanogaster, 1st place in 100 per cent of the characters; carihhae, 2nd place in 77.0 per cent and 3rd place in 23.0 per cent of the characters; mulleri, 2nd place in 7.6 per cent, 3rd place in 42.4 per cent, and 4th place in 50.0 per cent of the characters ; and virilis, 2nd place in 15.4 per cent, 3rd place in 34.6 per cent, and 4th place in 50.0 per cent of the taxonomic characters. Similarly, all four of the species are ranked taxonomically in their relations to a given species. RESULTS Figure 1 has been prepared in order that a more graphic viev7 may be obtained of the comparison of the serologic and taxonomic rankings. From a perusal of this figure and the data of Tables 1 and 2 several facts become apparent : 1. The serological and taxonomic technics have always pre- sented the same species for second rank. 2. With reference to ranks three and four, the taxonomic and serologic methods have given essentially the same results in two of the comparisons (Z>. melanogaster and D. carihhea), and have failed to correspond, apparently, in the other two comparisons. In the two cases where the results failed to coincide, however, there is some doubt as to the real ranking on the basis of taxo- nomic data. That is to say, when the species were ranked taxo- nomically in relation to D. virilis, the species caribhea assumes fourth rank in 50.0 per cent of the characteristics, whereas melanogaster ranks fourth in only 31.8 per cent of the tests. By virtue of these figures alone, caribbea obviously would receive fourth rank. However, caribbea also ranks second in 13.6 per cent of the systematic features, whereas melanogaster ranks second in only 9.1 per cent. Therefore, it is impossible to deter- mine offhand which of the two species should be considered as ranking third place. The same situation exists when the species are given morphological ranks, with reference to D. mulleri. In general, then, we may conclude that the taxonomic and sero- logic methods agree definitely to the extent of the second rank, and when they disagree as to the third and fourth ranks, the taxonomic method has not clearly indicated which order of rela- tionship is correct. FIGURE 1 SEROLOGIC BANKING OF DROSOPHILA SPECIES Sept., 1940] CuMLEY: Drosophila 271 272 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii 3. The results of the serologic ranking apparently are more specific than are those of the taxonomic ranking. This fact is indicated by several features of Figure 1 and Tables 1 and 2. First, a species which ranks third serologically always is repre- sented by a sharply-peaked curve. Not only is that not the case with the taxonomic ranking, but there is always some doubt as to which species really ranks third. This fact is readily apparent since all of the curves representing the third and fourth places, taxonomically, cross each other or coincide in at least three points; whereas in the curves representing the serologic ranks, only twice do the 3rd and 4th rank curves coincide more than once. Furthermore, in none of the taxonomic rankings, as ob- served in Table 2, is it possible to determine which species ranks third and which fourth ; whereas in the serologic data of Table 1, in only one ranking (carihhea) is this the case. Second, in two of the serological rankings those species which rank fourth never ranked second in any of the tests. In the case of the taxonomic ranking, all the species that ranked fourth on the basis of some morphological unit, ranked second on the basis of some other. Third, those species which are ranked fourth serologically are so ranked by virtue of from 53.6 per cent to 77.0 per cent of the tests indicating this rank. Those species ranked fourth taxonomi- cally are so ranked by virtue of 42.2 per cent to 50.1 per cent of their characteristics. Similar figures may be observed for the second and third ranks. 4. The two subgroups designated by Sturtevant (1921) as sub- group 1 and subgroup 2 of Group F have been definitely indi- cated by the serologic methods, as well as by the taxonomic studies. Sturtevant ’s subgroup 1 includes the yellowish or red- dish species of which D. melanogaster and D. carihhea are mem- bers. Subgroup 2 includes the blackish or grayish species of which D. virilis and D. mulleri are members. In the serologic ranking as well as in the morphologic ranking, D. virilis and D. mulleri always rank close together, and D. carihhea and D. mel- anogaster always rank close together. If one assumes that these two subgroups arose from a common stock and that the species of each subgroup diverged much later, then this is more or less the relation one would expect to find. Sept., 1940] CuMLEY: Drosophila 273 CONCLUSIONS Serologic technics recently have been employed by several investigators in relating or ranking species of molluscs (Makino, 1934), helminths (Eisenbrandt, 1936), amphibia (Boyden and Noble, 1933), moths (Martin and Cotner, 1934), and other animal species. Problems of hybrids, likewise, have been attacked by these biochemical methods (Irwin, 1938; Irwin and Cole, 1936 a & b; Irwin, Cole and Gordon, 1936). In general the results have been sufficiently encouraging to warrant the application of serologic technics to an analysis of Drosophila species. The pres- ent paper and those which have preceded serve to indicate the results which may be expected from such procedure. Obviously, the work has only begun, and several refinements are necessary. It is believed, however, that these methods eventually will provide valuable data relative to problems of speciation and phylogeny. Furthermore, the recent work of Levit, Ginsburg, Kalinin, & Feinberg (1936) suggests the possibility of applying immuno- logic technics to the study of the expression of individual chro- mosomes or even genes. To what extent the method may be uti- lized remains at present a matter of conjecture. These comparisons have demonstrated that on the basis of morphology, species cannot always be ranked to the third and fourth places, but with the serologic methods this can be accom- plished. In cases where morphological differences are insignifi- cant or absent, the serologic technics may provide adequate means of determining species relationships. LITERATUEE CITED Boyden, A. A. 1936. Serology and biological problems. Sigma Xi Quar., 24: 152-160. Boyden, A. A., and Noble, G. K. 1933. The relationships of some com- mon Amphibia as determined by serological study. American Museum Novitates. No. 606, pp. 1-24. Chester, K. S. 1937. A critique of plant serology: Part I, The nature and utilization of phytoserological procedures, Quar. Rev. of Biol., 12 : 19-46 ; Part II, Application of serology to the classification of plants and the identification of plant products. Ihid., 165-190; Part III, Phytoserology in medicine and general biology, — bibli- ography. Ihid., 294—321. CuMLEY, R. W. 1937. Serology of Drosophila. Rec. of the Genetics Soc. of America., No. 6, p. 146 (Abstract). 274 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii . 1938. Serological Investigation of Drosophila Antigens. Dis- sertation, The University of Texas. . 1939. The relations among Drosophila species, as determined by the complement fixation reaction using ether-insoluble fractions. Jour. Exp. ZooL, 80: 299-314. . 1939, a. Precipitin absorption with Drosophila antigens. The American Naturalist, Vol. LXXIII, pp. 375-380. CuMLEY, E. W., AND Haberman, S. 1938. Serological investigation of Drosophila antigens Avith the complement fixation reaction. Jour. N. Y. Ent. Soc., Vol. XLVI, pp. 401-415. Eisenbrandt, L, L. 1936. Precipitin reactions of Helminth extracts. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol, and Med., 35: 322-325. Haberman, S., and Cumley, E. W. 1939. Serological investigation of Drosophila antigens using the precipitation reaction. Jour. N. Y. Ent. Soc., Vol. XLVII, pp. 219-226. Irwin, M. E. 1938. Immuno-genetic studies of species relationships in Columbidse. Jour, of Gen., 35: 351-373. Irwin, M. E., and Cole, L. J. 1936a. Immunogenetic studies of species and of species hybrids in doves, and the separation of species-spe- cific substances in the backcross. Jour. Exp. ZooL, 73: 85-108. . 1936b. Immunogenetic studies of species and of species hybrids from the cross of Columha livia and Streptopelia risoria. Jour. Exp. ZooL, 73: 309-318. Irwin, M. E., Cole, L. J., and Gordon, D. D. 1936. Immunogenetic studies of species and of species hybrids in pigeons, and the separation of species-specific characters in back-cross generations. Jour. Exp. ZooL, 73: 285-308. Levit, S. G., Ginsburg, S. G., Kalinin, V. S., and Feinberg, E. G. 1936. Immunological detection of the Y-chromosome in Drosophila melanogaster. Nature, 138; 3480; 78-79. Making, K. 1934. Beobachtungen uber die Immunitatsreaktionen bei Mol- luskenarten. Zeit. fur Immunitats. Bd. 81, Heft 3/4, 316-335. Martin, S,, and Cotner, F. B. 1934. Serological studies of moth proteins with special reference to their phylogenetic significance. Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer., 27 : 372-383. Metz, E. W., Moses, M. S., and Mason, E. D. 1923. Genetic studies on Drosophila virilis with considerations on the genetics of other spe- cies of Drosophila. Carnegie Institution of Washington. Publ. No. 328, 94 pp. Sturtevant, a. H. 1921. The North American Species of Drosophila. Carnegie Institution of Washington. Publ. No. 301, iv 1-150 pp. Sept., 1940] Funkhouser : Membracid^ 275 NEW PERUVIAN MEMBRACID^ (HOMOPTERA) By W. D. Funkhouser University of Kentucky A large collection of Membracidse recently received from Peru contains several new species which are here described and figured as follows : 1. Lycoderes luteus sp. nov. (Fig. 1) Large, yellow, coarsely punctate, not pubescent; head quad- rate, subf oliaceous ; pronotum extended into flattened porrect horn; posterior process flattened, tectiform, separated very little from anterior portion of pronotum and reaching to the internal angles of the tegmina ; tegmina hyaline with basal and anal areas coriaceous; legs yellow and f oliaceous; undersurface of body yellow. Technical description : Head quadrate, broader than high, roughly sculptured, finely punctate; base feebly arcuate and sinuate; eyes flattened, brown; ocelli small, incon- spicuous, much farther from each other than from the eyes and situated close to the upper margin of the head, far above a line drawn through centers of eyes ; inferior margins of gense lobate, f oliaceous and sinuate ; clypeus broad, subovate, not extending below inferior margins of gense, tip truncate. Pronotum flattened laterally, yellow tinged with brown, coarsely punctate, not pubescent, bearing a porrect frontal horn and a strong posterior process with very little constriction between the two ; pronotal horn porrect, sub- triangular, laterally flattened, tip blunt with a weak lateral extension on each side; posterior process heavy, laterally flattened, coarsely punctate but not laterally carinate, sharply tectiform, median carina strongly percurrent, tip blunt and extending just to the internal angles of the tegmina; humeral angles weak and rounded ; scutellum well exposed on each side, below a weak inferior constriction between the frontal horn and the posterior process. Tegmina broad, entirely exposed, hyaline; base broadly brown, coriaceous and punctate ; anal margin narrowly brown, translucent and punctate ; five irregular apical cells ; one discoidal cell ; apex rounded ; anal margin truncate ; no apical limbus. Legs yellow and f oliaceous; all tarsi about equal in length. Sides of mesonotum and metanotum extended into pointed teeth. Under-surface of body yellow; abdomen greenish. 276 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii Length from front of head to tips of tegmina 6.2 mm,; width between humeral angles 2 mm. Type: Female. Type locality: Guaybamba, Amazones, Peru. Described from a single specimen collected in August 1936, Type in author’s collection. 2. Stylocentrus rubrinigris sp. nov. (Fig. 2) Shining black with the tegmina and abdomen strongly marked with red ; base of head strongly bitubercnlate ; pronotnm gibbous with a pair of slender, curved frontal horns and a slender, arched posterior horn, all three arising from a very short stalk; no pos- terior process ; scutellum entirely exposed ; tegmina hyaline with heavy black veins and with membrane strongly tinged with red ; legs and undersurface of body rufous ; abdomen red. Technical description : Head triangular, black with white pubescence, roughly sculptured, finely punctate; base arcuate and sinuate and bearing two prominent tubercles; eyes large, globular, glassy; ocelli small, amber-colored, situated on rounded elevations more than twice as far from each other as from the eyes and located near the base of the head far above a line drawn through centers of eyes ; inferior margins of genge straight and sloping ; clypeus sharply pointed, extending for one-third its length below inferior margins of gense. Pronotum convex and gibbous, black, finely punctate, and bearing a linear white tomentose patch below the horns ; a very short porrect stalk gives rise to a pair of long, slender, recurved frontal horns and a slender, tri- carijiate posterior horn which arches high above the body and then curves downward, well above the abdomen and reaching almost to the internal angles of the tegmina; scutellum entirely exposed; triangular, tip sharp; humeral angles weak and rounded; inferior margin of pronotum projected downward in a tooth. Tegmina entirely exposed, long, narrow, hyaline; base and entire clavus coriaceous and punctate; membranes of basal half bright red; veins heavy and black ; five irregular apical and two irregular discoidal cells ; anal margin truncate; no apical limbus. Sides of thorax reddish-black with white pubescence; legs simple, reddish- black, hind tarsi longest ; abdomen red. Length from front of head to tips of tegmina 7.2 mm.; width between tips of frontal spines 5 mm. Type: Male. Type locality: Callanga, Peru. Described from a single specimen in the author’s collection. This species is close to S. championi Fowler but is much larger and differs particularly in the structure of the pronotal spines. Sept., 1940] Funkhouser : Membracid^ 277 3. Alchisme laticornis sp. nov. (Fig. 3) Heavy bodied, reddish-brown mottled with black, coarsely punctate, sparingly pubescent; humeral angles produced into long, sharp horns ; median pronotal horn broad, flat and ridged ; posterior process heavy, tectiform and nearly straight; tegmina subhyaline, bronze, with very broad veins ; legs and undersurface of body reddish-brown ; hind tarsi very short. Technical description: Head subquadrate, twice as broad as high, roughly sculptured; base arcuate and sinuate; eyes large, gray, globular; ocelli large, prominent, glassy, much nearer to each other than to the eyes and situated about on a line drawn through centers of eyes; inferior margins of gense straight and swollen ; clypeus reflexed, extending for half its length below inferior margins of genae, tip blunt. Pronotum convex, rounded, reddish-brown with a transverse black band extending across the top of the metopidium and covering the dorsal surfaces of the humeral spines, coarsely punctate, sparingly pubescent, produced at the shoulders into long spines, above into a broad median horn and behind into a heavy posterior process; metopidium sloping, broader than high; median carina strongly percurrent ; humeral angles extended into heavy, flattened, sharp spines extending outward and forward; median pronotal horn erect, laterally flattened, irregularly ridged on both sides, higher than its breadth at base, anterior margin nearly straight, posterior margin rounded, tip blunt; posterior process heavy, nearly straight, tectiform, tip sharp and extending a little beyond the internal angles of the tegmina. Tegmina subhyaline, smoky-brown, entirely exposed ; basal and costal areas coriaceous, brown and punctate ; veins very broad ; five apical and three discoidal cells ; apical limbus narrow. Hind wings with four apical cells. Legs reddish-brown, stout ; femora cylindrical ; hind tibiae flattened and spatulate at distal end ; hind tarsi very short. Length from front of head to tips of tegmina 8.2 mm. ; width between tips of humeral spines 4 mm. Type : Male. Type locality: Pumamarca, Peru. Described from a single specimen in the author ’s collection. 4. Alchisme pinguicornis sp. nov. (Fig. 4) Small, uniformly dark brown, punctate, pubescent; humeral angles cylindrical, blunt, extending outward and slightly for- ward; dorsal crest erect, thick, heavy, rounded, tricarinate on each side with the posterior ridge extending to the inferior lateral margin of the pronotum ; posterior process long, slender. 278 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. XLVIII acute, reaching beyond the internal angles of the tegmina ; tegmina dark brown with strongly pilose veins; legs and under- surface of body brown. This species is near the preceding but is much smaller and differs particularly in the structure and sculpturing of the head and pronotal process. It is also apparently near A. turrita Ger- mar but is not identical. Technical description : Head subquadrate, three times as broad as high, black, finely punctate, sparingly pilose; base arcuate and feebly sinuate; eyes large, black, ovate; ocelli small, inconspicuous, amber-colored, equidistant from each other and from the eyes and situated about on a line drawn through centers of eyes; inferior margins of genae regularly curved; clypeus short, rounded, extend- ing only a little below inferior margins of genae and continuing the rounded inferior outline of the face made by these margins. Pronotum dark brown, coarsely punctate, sparingly pubescent ; metopidium sloping, broader than high; median carina strongly percurrent; humeral angles extended into heavy, subconical, blunt horns projecting outward and slightly forward; median dorsal crest thick, heavy, arising from just behind the humeral angles, only slightly flattened laterally, about as high as its width at base, tip broadly rounded, three ridges on each side, the posterior ridge very heavy and reaching to the inferior lateral margin of the pro- notum; posterior process long, slender, tectiform, nearly straight, tip acute and reaching to a point about half-way between internal angles and tips of tegmina. Tegmina entirely exposed, long, narrow, brown; basal and costal areas coriaceous and punctate ; veins strongly pilose ; five apical and three discoidal cells ; apical limbus broad. Undersurface of body dark brown; legs simple, slender, very dark brown; hind tibiae spatulate; hind tarsi much shorter than the others. Length from front of head to tips of tegmina 6.8 mm.; width beUveen tips of humeral spines 3.5 mm. Type: Male. Type locality : Santo Domingo, Peru. Described from a single specimen collected in November 1937 by Mr. Felix Woytkowski. Type in author’s collection. 5. Alchisme spinosa sp. nov. (Fig. 5) Large, pale greenish-yellow, coarsely punctate, not pubescent; humeral angles long, slender, projecting outward, upward and forward; dorsal spine long, sharp, slightly curved; posterior process tectiform, straight, sharp,' just reaching tips of tegmina ; tegmina hyaline, free ; undersurface yellowish-green. Sept., 1940] Funkhouser: Membracid^ 279 Technical description : Head subovate, twice as broad as high, yellow, smooth; base high and strongly bisinuate ; eyes large, ovate, brown ; ocelli large, conspicuous, yellow, equidistant from each other and from the eyes and situated on a line drawn through centers of eyes; inferior margins of genae sinuate and sloping; clypeus extending for half its length below inferior margins of genae. Pronotum greenish-yellow, coarsely punctate, not pubescent, margins smooth and strongly carinate; metopidium triangular, higher than broad; median carina strongly percurrent; humeral angles extended into long spine- like processes, longer than the width of the metopidium, extending strongly outward and slightly upward and forward, base impinging on the eyes, some- what flattened dorso-ventrally, tips rounded ; dorsal spine long, acute, arising from behind humeral angles, laterally flattened, slightly recurved, margins ridged; posterior process long, slender, tectiform, straight, tip sharp and just reaching tips of tegmina. Tegmina hyaline, entirely free ; basal and costal areas narrowly coriaceous and punctate ; veins strong ; five apical cells ; discoidal cells small and vari- able in number ; apical limbus broad. Sides of thorax and undersurface of body yellow; legs yellow, simple; hind tarsi much shorter than the others. Length from front of head to tips of tegmina 12 mm.; width between tips of humeral spines 9 mm. Type: Female. Type locality: Santo Domingo, Peru. Described from two females collected at the type locality in November 1937 by Mr. Felix Woytkowski. Type and paratype in author’s collection. 6. Paragargara nigra sp. nov. (Fig. 6) Small, black, finely punctate, sparingly pubescent; anterior pronotum strongly convex ; median carina very sharp ; no anterior processes ; posterior process sharply set off by a deep indentation ; tegmina hyaline with inconspicuous veins ; legs simple. Technical description: Head subf oliaceous, smooth, black, finely punctate, not pubescent, vertical ; base arcuate and weakly sinuate; eyes large, globular, white; ocelli small, inconspicuous, glassy, twice as far from each other as from the eyes and situated high up near the base of the head far above a line drawn through centers of eyes ; inferior margins of gense short, sinuate and sloping ; clypeus very broad, flat, extending for two-thirds its length below inferior margins of genae, tip truncate. Pronotum strongly convex, gibbous, dull black, very finely punctate, spar- ingly pubescent, slightly carinate on each side ; metopidium vertical, broader than high; median carina sharply percurrent; humeral angles heavy, tri- angular, blunt; no anterior horns or processes; posterior process arcuate, 280 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii carinate, short, separated from the anterior pronotum by a deep depression which gives it an up-turned appearance, tip sharp, depressed and extending just to the internal angles of the tegmina. Tegmina broad, hyaline, entirely exposed; base broadly black, coriaceous and punctate; veins indistinct; five apical and two discoidal cells; apical limbus very broad. Sides of thorax and undersurface of body black ; legs simple, ferruginous ; all tarsi about equal in length. Length from front of head to tips of tegmina 3.8 mm.; width between tips of humeral angles 1.7 mm. Type: Female. Type locality : Leonpampa, Peru. Described from two specimens, a male and a female, the female from the type locality and the male from Marcapata, Peru. The male agrees with the female in all respects except that it is slightly smaller. Type and allotype in author’s collection. 7. Aconophora erecta sp. nov. (Fig. 7) Large, ferruginous, punctate, pubescent; anterior horn long, porrect, laterally flattened, tip recurved ; posterior process heavy, decurved, reaching almost to tips of tegmina; tegmina fuscous- hyaline, entirely exposed; sides of thorax ferruginous; legs fer- runginous, heavy, femora cylindrical, tibige triquerate ; tarsi equal. Technical description : Head triangular, punctate, puebscent; base arcuate and sinuate; eyes globular, black ; ocelli large, conspicuous, brown, equidistant from each other and from the eyes and situated somewhat above a line drawn through centers of eyes; inferior margins of genee sloping and strongly sinuate; clypeus broad, extending for half its length below inferior margins of genae, tip pointed and hirsute. Pronotum uniformly ferruginous, finely punctate, pubescent; metopidium projecting forward, triangular, broader than high; median carina percurrent; humeral angles heavy, rounded, blunt; anterior pronotal horn slender, later- ally flattened, edges subfoliaceous, extending strongly upward and slightly forward, as long as the distance from its base to the humeral angles, tip broadly rounded, slightly recurved; posterior process heavy, convex, not carinate, tip sharp, depressed, and reaching almost to the tips of the tegmina. Tegmina entirely free, fuscous-hyaline; base coriaceous, brown and punc- tate; basal area slightly pilose; tip pointed; veins strong; five apical and two discoidal cells; apical limbus broad. Sides of thorax, undersurface of body and abdomen uniformly ferruginous ; legs heavy, ferruginous; femora cylindrical; tibiae triquerate and spined; all tarsi equal in length. Sept., 1940J Funkhouser : Membracid^ 281 Length from front of head to tips of tegmina 6.3 mm. ; width between tips of humeral angles 3.2 mm. Type: Male. Type locality: Napo Eiver, Peru. Described from a single specimen collected in June 1920. Type in author’s collection. 8. Aconophora brunnea sp. nov. (Fig. 8) Small, brown, punctate, pubescent ; anterior horn thick, heavy, curving forward; posterior process stout, reaching to a point half-way between internal angles and tips of tegmina; tegmina entirely exposed, hyaline with brown markings ; legs and under- surface of body brown. Technical description: Head triangular, dark brown, punctate, pubescent ; base arcuate and feebly sinuate; eyes ovate, glassy; ocelli small, inconspicuous, amber-colored, equi- distant from each other and from the eyes and situated a little above a line drawn through centers of eyes; inferior margins of gense sloping and sinuate; clypeus broad, extending for half its length below inferior margins of genae. Pronotum light brown, finely punctate, densely pubescent; metopidium extending forward, subtriangular, broader than high; median carina per- Qurrent ; humeral angles weak, rounded, blunt ; anterior pronotal process heavy, stout, as long as the distance from its base to the humeral angles, flattened laterally, extending upward and forward and curving distinctly forward over the head and metopidium, tip broadly rounded ; posterior process heavy, weakly tectiform, tip acute and reaching half-way between internal angles and tips of tegmina. Tegmina narrow, entirely free, hyaline with a brown transverse band across the center, a brown spot half-way between this band and the base, and the apex tinged with brown; base narrowly coriaceous and punctate; veins strong and brown ; five apical and two discoidal cells ; apical limbus broad. Sides of thorax, undersurface of body, abdomen and legs all uniformly brown. Legs stout; femora cylindrical; tibiae triquerate and pilose; all tarsi about equal in length. Length from front of head to tips of tegmina 5 mm. ; width between hum- eral angles 2.7 mm. Type: Female. Type locality: Celendin, Peru. Described from seven females and four males, three females collected at the type locality in May 1936, all of the others collected at Limon, Peru in June of the same year. Type, allotype and all paratypes in author ’s collection. 9. Sundarion nigromacula sp. nov. (Fig. 9) Large, dull brown, coarsely punctate, not pubescent, with a large black spot on each side of the inferior margin of the pro- 282 Journal New York Entomological Society *[Vol. xlviii notum just behind the middle; suprahumerals short, sharp, extending directly outward ; posterior process slender, tectiform, reaching half-way between internal angles and tips of tegmina; tegmina free, smoky hyaline; sides of thorax and undersurface of body brown; legs simple, brown, hind tarsi longest. Near S. hrunniventris Fairmaire but smaller and with very differently shaped suprahumerals. Technical description ; Head subtriangular, rough, brown with coarse black punctures and a black spot on each side of upper margin; not pubescent; base regularly arcuate; eyes large, ovate, glassy ; ocelli conspicuous, a little nearer to each other than to the eyes and situated about on a line drawn through centers of eyes; in- ferior margins of gense strongly sloping and weakly sinuate; clypeus feebly trilobed, extending for half its length below inferior margins of genae, tip broadly rounded and weakly pilose. Pronotum dark brown, coarsely punctate, not pubescent, convex in front; metopidium vertical, broader than high; median carina percurrent; humeral angles weak, triangular, acute; suprahumeral horns short, triquerate, not half as long as the distance between their bases, tips very sharp and black; dorsum roundly sloping; sides of pronotum weakly impressed near margin behind humeral angles; posterior process slender, tectiform decurved, tip acute and reaching to a point half-way between internal angles and tips of tegmina. Tegmina entirely exposed, smoky hyaline; base narrowly brown, coriaceous and punctate; veins strong; five apical cells, median apical cell truncate at base ; one elongate discoidal cell ; apical limbus broad. Sides of thorax light brown; undersurface of body brown; legs simple, brown; hind tarsi longest. Length from front of head to tips of tegmina 8 mm.; width between tips of suprahumerals 5.3 mm. Type: Female. Type locality : Tingo-Maria, Peru. Described from a single specimen taken in September 1937 by Mr. Woyt- kowski. Type in author’s collection. 10. Ceresa luteimaculata sp. nov. (Fig. 10) Small, brown with yellow markings, punctate, pubescent ; pronotum convex, strongly impressed above lateral margins; suprahumerals short, sharp extending directly outward ; posterior process long, acute, decurved, reaching beyond internal angles of tegmina; sides of pronotum and tip of posterior process marked with bright golden yellow ; abdomen black ; legs ferruginous. Sept., 1940] Funkhouser : Membracid^ 283 Technical description: Head subtriangular, wider than high, roughly sculptured, shining, brown mottled with black; base feebly arcuate; eyes large, globular, black; ocelli large, prominent, brown, much nearer to each other than to the eyes and situated about on a line drawn through centers of eyes; inferior margins of genae sinuate and sloping; clypeus extending for half its length below inferior margins of genae, tip rounded and pilose. Pronotum brown, gibbous, coarsely punctate, sparingly pubescent; metopidium vertical, subquadrate, a little wider than high; median carina strongly percurrent; humeral angles heavy, triangular, blunt, extending out- ward slightly farther than the eyes ; suprahumeral horns short, conical, blunt, no longer than half the distance between their bases, extending di- rectly outward; a broad yellow band extending from base of suprahumerals to the lateral margins of the pronotum; sides of pronotum impressed and black; posterior process slender, subconical, not ridged, tip sharp, bright yellow, somewhat depressed and reaching to a point about half-way between internal angles and tips of tegmina. Tegmina entirely free, hyaline; base narrowly yellow, coriaceous and punctate; veins heavy and curved; five apical and two elongate discoidal cells; apical limbus broad. Sides of thorax brown and pubescent; legs uniformly ferruginous, simple, pilose; abdomen black. Length from front of head to tips of tegmina 6 mm.; width between tips of suprahumerals 2.7 mm. Type : Female. Type locality: Shishmay, Peru. Described from a single specimen collected in September 1937 by Mr. Felix Woytkowski. Type in author’s collection. 11. Ceresa grisescens sp. nov. (Fig. 11) Greenish with dark grizzly markings, coarsely punctate, spar- ingly pubescent; suprahumerals robust, extending directly out- ward, distinctly depressed at tips; sides of pronotum deeply impressed above lateral margins ; posterior process heavy, strongly depressed, reaching to a point half-way between internal angles and tips of tegmina; tegmina hyaline with tips clouded; sides of thorax greenish; undersurface griseus; hind femora strongly marked with black. Technical description: Head subtriangular, lightly punctate, green with strong black longitudinal striae; base regularly arcuate; eyes globular, greenish; ocelli large, amber- colored, conspicuous, equidistant from each other and from the eyes and situated a little below a line drawn through centers of eyes; inferior mar- 284 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. XLVIII gins of genae strongly sloping and weakly sinuate; clypeus long, greenish with black stripe on each side, extending for more than half its length below inferior margins of genae, tip blunt and densely pilose. Pronotum convex, greenish with strong black scattered punctures which give a grizzly appearance; metopidium sloping, broader than high; median Carina percurrent; humeral angles strong, triangular, blunt; suprahumeral horns robust, subconical, as long as half the distance between their bases, extending directly outward, tips blunt and strongly depressed; sides of pronotum strongly semicircularly impressed above lateral margins; dorsum regularly arcuate; posterior process heavy, subconical, distinctly curving downward, tip sharp and reaching a point half-way between internal angles and tips of tegmina. Tegmina entirely free, hyaline; base narrowly coriaceous and punctate; apical and anal areas marked with brown; veins strong and curved; typi- cally five apical and two discoidal cells but with the costal apical cells inclined to be subdivided; apical limbus broad. Sides of thorax greenish, abdominal segments black edged with white ; legs simple, hind femora strongly marked with black; hind tarsi longest. Length from front of head to tips of tegmina 8 mm,; width between tips of suprahumerals 4.2 mm. Type: Male. Type locality: Limon, Peru. Described from two males and one female all taken at the type locality by Mr. Woytkowski in June 1936. Type, allotype and paratype in author’s collection. The female is a little larger and less griseus than the male. 12. Stictolobus nitidus sp. nov. (Fig. 12) Brilliant shining reddish-brown with a golden spot in the middle of the dorsum ; pronotum convex anteriorly and tectiform posteriorly ; no suprahumerals ; posterior process straight, reach- ing just beyond internal angles of tegmina; tegmina smoky- hyaline clouded with shining brown ; undersurface and legs bright shining brown. Technical description : Head subquadrate, twice as broad as high, smooth, shining, not punctate nor pubescent; base lightly arcuate and sinuate; eyes large, globular, glassy; ocelli conspicuous, amber-colored, about equidistant from each other and from the eyes and situated on a line drawn through centers of eyes; inferior margins of genae sloping and sinuate; clypeus broad, not extending below lateral margins of genae and continuing the inferior outline of the face made by those margins, tip truncate and pilose. Pronotum bright shining reddish-brown with a golden mark in the center of the dorsum, weakly punctate, not pubescent; metapidium sloping, much broader than high ; median carina almost obsolete over metapidium but Sept., 1940] Funkhouser : Membracid^ 285 sharp on posterior process; humeral angles weak and rounded; sides of pronotum strongly impressed behind humeral angles; posterior process straight, tectiform, tip acute and reaching just beyond internal angles of the tegmina. Tegmina entirely free, smoky-hyaline ; base, central area and tip marked with shining brown ; veins heavy and much curved ; five apical and two discoidal cells; median apical cell petiolate; apical limbus broad. Sides of thorax, undersurface of body and abdomen bright reddish-brown; legs simple, shining brown; hind femora strongly marked with black; hind tarsi longest. Length from front of head to tips of tegmina 7.2 mm.; width between humeral angles 3 mm. Type : Female. Type locality: Limon, Peru. Described from a single specimen collected in June 1936. Type in author’s collection. 13. Stictolobus marginatus sp. nov. (Fig. 13) Shining jet-black with a bright yellow stripe on the inferior lateral margins of the pronotum, coarsely punctate, sparingly pubescent ; pronotum convex anteriorly and rounded posteriorly ; no suprahumerals ; sides of pronotum deeply impressed above lateral margins ; posterior process subcylindrical, depressed, reaching to a point about half-way between internal angles and tips of tegmina ; tegmina entirely free, subhyaline ; undersur- face of body black; legs slender, ferruginous; hind tarsi very much longer than the others. Technical description; Head subquadrate, black, broader than high, roughly sculptured, shining, not punctate nor pubescent; base weakly arcuate and sinuate; eyes ovate and gray; ocelli large, amber-colored, nearer to each other than to the eyes and situated on a line drawn through centers of eyes; inferior margins of genae sloping; clypeus extending for half its length below inferior margins of genae, tip pointed and pilose. Pronotum shining black with a bright yellow stripe on lateral margins, coarsely punctate, sparingly pilose with long bristly hairs ; metopidium sloping, wider than high; median carina very faintly percurrent; humeral angles heavy and rounded, edged with yellow; no suprahumeral horns; sides of pronotum deeply impressed in a semicircle above lateral margins; posterior process swollen at base, then suddenly narrowed and extending to a point about half-way between internal angles and tips of tegmina, a yellow band just before the tip. 286 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. XLVIII Tegmina entirely exposed, cloudy hyaline ; base narrowly coriaceous, brown and punctate ; veins weak • five apical and three discoidal cells ; apical limbus broad and wrinkled. Sides of thorax dark brown; abdomen black; legs simple, slender, fer- ruginous, tibiae margined with yellow; hind tarsi very long. Length from front of head to tips of tegmina 6 mm.; width between tips of humeral angles 2.4 mm. Type: Female. Type locality: San Martin, Peru. Description from a single female collected by Mr. Woytkowski in August 1936. Type in author’s collection. 14. Amastris peruviana sp. nov. (Fig. 14) Large, dull green, punctate, pubescent; pronotum roundly arcuate, laterally compressed, highest behind humeral angles; metopidium nearly vertical ; posterior process triangular as seen from the side, almost reaching the tips of the tegmina; tegmina about half covered by sides of pronotum, smoky-hyaline ; under- surface and legs ferruginous. Near A. project a Funkhouser but the pronotum does not overhang the head, and the tegmina are distinctly clouded. Technical description: Head subtriangular, finely punctate and pubescent; base weakly arcuate and strongly sinuate; eyes large, ovate and black; ocelli conspicuous, equi- distant from each other and from the eyes and situated slightly below a line drawn through centers of eyes; inferior margins of gense sloping and weakly sinuate; clypeus subtriangular, projecting very little below inferior margins of gen^ and continuing the apical outline of the face made by those margins, tip rounded and pilose. Pronotum dull green, finely punctate, sparsely pubescent; metopidium triangular, about as broad as high, nearly vertical above the head with only a slight backward slope; median carina strongly percurrent; humeral angles strong, triangular and sharp ; pronotum highest behind humeral angles, roundly arcuate and then gradually sloping to the tip of the posterior process; sides of pronotum without ridges or impressions; posterior process heavy, tectiform, apex acute and extending almost to tips of tegmina. Tegmina about half covered by sides of pronotum; dark smoky hyaline with brown spot at tip; base narrowly coriaceous and punctate; veins not prominent; five apical and three discoidal cells; apical limbus broad. Sides of thorax and undersurface of body ferruginous; legs stout, simple^ ferruginous, hind tarsi longest. Length from front of head to tips of tegmina 6.5 mm.; width between tips of humeral angles 3.4 mm. Sept., 1940] Funkhouser: Membracid^ 287 Type: Female. Type locality: San Martin, Peru. Described from a single specimen collected by Mr. Woytkowski in August 1936. Type in author’s collection. 15. Tynelia nigra sp. nov. (Fig. 15) Large, entirely black, punctate, pubescent; head projecting strongly forward with lateral margins distinctly flanged ; dorsum gradually arcuate; posterior process extending just to tips of tegmina ; tegmina about half exposed with very heavy black veins ; legs and undersurface of body black. Technical description: Head very long and projecting strongly forward, smooth, shining, dark brown, deeply sulcate on each side of lateral margin; base curved downward in middle; eyes large, subtriangular, gray-black; ocelli large, prominent, glassy, about equidistant from each other and from the eyes and situated above a line drawn through centers of eyes; genae foliaceous, thin, plate- like, strongly flanged; inferior margins of genae strongly sloping and sinu- ate; clypeus flat, not extending below inferior margins of genae, tip rounded and hirsute. Pronotum black; flnely punctate, sparingly pubescent; metopidium slop- ing, wider than high; median carina strongly percurrent; humeral angles heavy, triangular, blunt; dorsum low, gradually arcuate, somewhat flat in middle; sides of pronotum without ridges or impressions; posterior process heavy, subconical, apex sharp and just reaching tips of tegmina. Tegmina about half exposed; hyaline with very heavy, black veins; base narrowly coriaceous and punctate; flve apical and three irregularly shaped discoidal cells; third apical cell petiolate and transverse; apical limbus narrow; extreme tip black. Sides of thorax and undersurface of body black ; legs heavy, simple, black; hind tarsi longest. Length from tip of clypeus to tips of tegmina 7.8 mm.; width between humeral angles 3 mm. Type : Female. Type locality: Leonpampa, Peru. Described from a single specimen taken in December 1937 by Mr. Woytkowski. Type in author’s collection. 16. Vanduzea decorata sp. nov. (Fig. 16) Jet black with a bright orange band across the middle and with the humeral angles edged with yellow ; eyes white ; dorsnm slightly depressed at middle; posterior process heavy, blunt and not reaching the tips of the tegmina; tegmina about two-thirds ex- 288 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. XLVIII posed, hyaline with heavy black veins; undersurface of body black ; legs yellow. Technical description: Head vertical, subtriangular, shining black edged with yellow, smooth, not punctate, not pubescent; base extended slightly downward at middle, feebly sinuate; eyes large, ovate and white; ocelli large, prominent, conspicuous, pearly, farther from each other than from the eyes and situated about on a line drawn through centers of eyes; inferior margins of gense rounded, slop- ing, edged with bright yellow; clypeus broad, not extending below inferior margins of genae, tip rounded and pilose. Pronotum shining black with a large orange band across the middle, very finely punctate, not pubescent; metopidium sloping, twice as broad as high; median carina obsolete; humeral angles large, triangular, acute, edged with yellow; dorsum nearly straight but with a slight indentation at middle; posterior process heavy, broad, tip rounded and reaching a point about half- way between internal angles and tips of tegmina. Tegmina about two-thirds exposed; hyaline with heavy black veins; base narrowly black, coriaceous and punctate ; five apical and three discoidal cells ; base of median apical cell petiolate and transverse; apical limbus narrow. Length from front of head to tips of tegmina 4.5 mm. ; width between humeral angles 2.2 mm. Type: Female. Type locality: Leonpampa, Peru. Described from a single specimen collected in December 1937 by Mr. Felix Woytkowski. Type in author’s collection. 17. Thrasymedes virescens sp. nov. (Fig. 17) Large, green, coarsely punctate, not pubescent; femora and abdomen marked with black; dorsum flat and nearly straight; posterior process acute and reaching beyond internal angles of tegmina; tegmina entirely free and entirely hyaline with one discoidal cell ; under surface strongly marked with black ; legs simple. Technical description : Head subquadrate, three times as broad as long, yellow, smooth, shining; base irregularly sinuate, lowest just mesad of the eyes on each side; eyes large, ovate, black; ocelli small, glassy, equidistant from each other and from the eyes and situated below a line drawn through centers of eyes; inferior margins of genas sloping and sinuate ; clypeus ovate, extending very little below inferior margins of genae and continuing the ventral outline of the face made by these margins, tip rounded and pilose. Pronotum low, flat, green, coarsely punctate, not pubescent; metopidium sloping, twice as wide as high; median carina obsolete; humeral angles Sept., 1940] Funkhouser: Membracid^ 289 weak, rounded, broad; posterior process long, heavy, cylindrical at base and tricarinate at apex, tip tectiform, sharp, reaching to a point about one- fourth the distance from the internal angles to the tips of the tegmina; sides of pronotum concolorous, not ridged nor impressed. Tegmina broad, entirely free, hyaline; base narrowly coriaceous and punctate; veins weak and brown; five apical cells; one discoidal cell; tip rounded; apical limbus broad. Sides of thorax and undersurface of body black; margins of abdominal segments black; legs simple and fuscous; femora cylindrical and strongly marked with black; tibiae triquerate; hind tarsi much longer than the others. Length from front of head to tips of tegmina 7 mm.; width between humeral angles 2.7 mm. Type: Female. Type locality: Santo Domingo, Peru. Described from two females both collected at the type locality in Novem- ber 1937. Type and paratype in author’s collection. 18. Micrutalis nigromarginata sp. nov. (Fig. 18) Fuscous with margins of head and pronotum bordered with black, finely punctate, not pubescent; metopidium broad and sloping; dorsum straight; posterior process acute and reaching just beyond internal angles of tegmina; tegmina hyaline, veins weak and obscure ; undersurface of body yellow ; legs simple and yellow. Technical description : Head subquadrate, three times as broad as high, yellow, smooth, not punc- tate, not pubescent, shining; base weakly sinuate and strongly margined with black; eyes large, ovate and greenish; ocelli large, prominent, yellow, a little farther from each other than from the eyes and situated above a line drawn through centers of eyes; inferior margins of gense sloping and sinu- ate; clypeus subovate, smooth, extending for about one-third its length below inferior margins of genaB, tip rounded. Pronotum fuscous, shining, finely punctate, darker on metopidium; meto- pidium sloping, twice as broad as high; median carina obsolete; humeral angles broad, heavy and blunt; sides of pronotum strongly margined with black; dorsum straight and only weakly convex; posterior process straight, very sharp, tip black and reaching just beyond the internal angles of the tegmina. Tegmina entirely free, hyaline; base narrowly coriaceous and punctate; veins weak and very obscure in basal area; four apical and no discoidal cells; tip roundly pointed; apical limbus broad. Sides of thorax and undersurface of body yellow; area of abdomen marked with black; legs simple and uniformly yellow; hind tarsi longest. 290 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. XLVIII Length from front of head to tips of tegmina 4.4 mm.; width between humeral angles 2 mm. Type: Female. Type locality: Tingo-Maria, Peru. Described from a single specimen collected in September 1937 by Mr. Woytkowski. Type in author’s collection. Plate XI 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Lycoderes luteus sp. nov. Stylocentrus rubrinigris sp. nov. Alchisme laticornis sp. nov. AlcMsme pinguicornis sp. nov. Alchisme spinosa sp. nov. Paragargara nigra sp. nov. Aconophora erecta sp. nov. Aconophora hrunnea sp. nov. (Jour. N. Y. Ent. Soc.), Vol. XLVIII (Plate XI) 7 292 Journal New York Entomological Society [VoL. XLVIII Plate XII 9. Sundarion nigromacula sp. nov. 10. Ceresa luteimaculata sp. nov. 11. Ceresa grisescens sp. nov. 12. Stictolohiis nitidus sp. nov. 13. Stictolohus marginatus sp. nov. 14. Amastris 'peruviana sp. nov. 15. Tynelia nigra sp. nov. 16. Vandusea decorata sp. nov. 17. Thrasymedes virescens sp. nov. 18. Micrutalis nigro'marginata sp. nov. (Jour. N. Y. Ent. Soc.), Vol. XLVIII (Plate XII) Sept., 1940] Proceedings of the Society 295 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NEW YORK ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY Meeting op January 3, 1939 The annual meeting of the New York Entomological Society was held on January 3, 1939, in the American Museum of Natural History; President Moore in the chair with thirty members and visitors present. The following were elected to active membership: Mr. A. Davidoff, Mr. M. Gadol, Dr. J. Johnston, Dr. R. E. Blackwelder, Mr. George E. McKenna. The report of the auditing committee was accepted as read. The following officers were elected for the year 1939 : President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Librarian Curator Dr. H. T. Spieth William T. Davis Lucy W. Clausen Paul T. Richard Frank E. Watson A. Glenn Richards Executive Committee: H. E. Schwarz Dr. William Procter Dr. F. E. Lutz Dr. A. B. Klots Henry Bird Publication Committee : Harry B. Weiss John D. Sherman, Jr, E. L. Bell Dr. William Moore Auditing Committee: Dr. J. L. Horsfall Max Kisliuk G. B. Engelhardt Delegate to the New York Acad- emy of Sciences: William T. Davis The resignation of Mr. G. C. Hall was accepted with regret. A report of the Richmond meetings was given by Dr. Horsfall, Dr. Argo, Dr. Spieth and Mr. Engelhardt. Lucy W. Clausen, Secretary. Meeting of January 17, 1939 A regular meeting of the New York Entomological Society was held on January 17, 1939; President Spieth in the chair with forty-three members and visitors present. Mr. Mutchler was appointed chairman of the meeting. Dr. Spieth spoke on ‘‘Some Methods of Biological Control.’’ He gave the factual evidence upon which the theory of control is built, the methods of control of pests, relative state of present development and relative importance of each pest, 296 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. XLVIII history of biological control, mechanical problems, and concluded his talk on the general value of biological control. Lucy W. Clausen, Secretary. Meeting of February 7, 1939 A regular meeting of the New York Entomological Society was held on February 7, 1939 ; President Spieth in the chair with fifty-five members and visitors present. Mr. Baumann spoke on color photography, and showed about 220 colored pictures, explaining the lens, timing, aperture and equipment used. Mr. F. S. Blanton brought a breath of spring to the meeting by giving narcissus blooms to those present. A. Bacon, Secretary pro tern. Meeting of February 21, 1939 A regular meeting of the New York Entomological Society was held on February 21, 1939; President Spieth in the chair with forty-five members and visitors present. The Secretary was instructed to write a letter of sympathy to Dr. William Moore and to extend wishes for his speedy recovery. Dr. Payne, the speaker of the evening addressed the members on ‘ ‘ Differ- ential Growth in the Locust, Locusia migratoria.” Lucy W. Clausen, Secretary. Meeting of March 7, 1939 A regular meeting of the New York Entomological Society was held on March 7, 1939, in the American Museum of Natural History; President Spieth in the chair with sixty members and visitors present. Dr. Euckes announced with regret the death of the eminent zoologist. Dr. Wilson, of Columbia. The speaker of the evening, Mr. Edwin W. Teale, before showing his motion pictures, related some of the trials and tribulations he went through in his attempts to record the ways of insects on colored motion film. He felt, however, that the studies he made last year were only a beginning and this year he hopes to accomplish a great deal more because of his experience. Dr. Louis Pyenson of the School of Applied Agriculture, Farmingdale, Long Island was nominated for membership. Lucy W. Clausen, Secretary. Meeting of March 21, 1939 A regular meeting of the New York Entomological Society was held on March 21, 1939, in the American Museum of Natural History; President Spieth in the chair with eighty members and visitors present. Mr. Kisliuk reported the death of Dr. W. E. Britton. Dr. L. Pyenson of the Institute of Applied Agriculture, Farmingdale, Long Island, was elected to active membership. Sept., 1940] Proceedings of the Society 297 Dr. Blackwelder presented a suggestion whereby all the old accumulated books, pamphlets and separates could be offered for sale to interested parties and in this way the Society would be able to realize some money on an other- wise unusable collection of material. Dr. Blackwelder and Dr. A. Glenn Kichards were appointed by Dr. Spieth as a committee to consider this sug- gestion, and act upon it. Mr. Vladimir Tuma then spoke upon the ‘ ‘ Breeding of Cockroaches ’ ’ the title of which, he explained, hardly covered the subject. Mr. Tuma’s chief concern was to standardize tests for roach insecticides. In order to do this he used two types of roaches, German and American, but so far has concen- trated on the German. Over a period of three years work he found that German roaches 17 weeks of age (at which time the females are about to lay their eggs) are the least susceptible to insecticides. This is also true of the Periplaneta. Although his work is not yet as complete on the American as on the German, Mr. Tuma found that the resistance of the American roach is greater to liquid insecticides as well as to pastes than that of the German. Mr. L. E. Chadwick of Harvard University gave a very detailed account of his work on the flight of insects. By the use of lantern slides he pointed out the course of movement of the wings. This was then followed by high speed motion pictures. As an added lesson in flight he showed Dr. Emerton ’s motion pictures of homing pigeons' and humming birds. Lucy W. Clausen, Secretary. Meeting of April 4, 1939 A regular meeting of the New York Entomological Society was held on April 4, 1939, in the American Museum of Natural History; Vice-President W. T. Davis in the chair with thirty-five visitors and members present. The committee in charge of the sale of the Society’s books and pamphlets reported that bidding was brisk and that there was every prospect of a good income from this sale. Bids may be received until the close of the meeting, Tuesday, April 18. Dr. E. E. Blackwelder then spoke on ^^The Wiles and Trials of a West Indian Staphylinid Collector.” His talk was illustrated by lantern slides. A motorcycle with a fully equipped side-car was his chief mode of traveling while on the islands. Dr. Blackwelder utilized all the well known tricks of collecting and improvised a few of his own. One of the innovations was the use of a large net on the top of a car driven along the countryside slowly at dusk. In that way he was able to get numerous rare and desirable species. It was his impression that Island entomologists were conspicuous by their scarcity. A general discussion of Dr. Blackwelder ’s paper brought the meeting to a close. Lucy W. Clausen, Secretary. 298 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii Meeting of April 18, 1939 A regular meeting of the New York Entomological Society was held on April 18, 1939, in Eoosevelt Memorial; President Spieth in the chair with forty-five members and visitors present. It was reported that the sale of books and pamphlets sponsored by the Society was proceeding at a rapid pace and bids would be received only until the close of the evening’s meeting. Mr. H. L. Fellton, Box 207, Liberty Corners, N. J., was proposed for membership. Dr. Bromley spoke upon the ^ ^ Hurricanes and Their Effect on Insects. ’ ’ The effect of hurricanes are felt by trees as well as insect life. After the Texas hurricane of 1933 the insects most affected were those of large and- more fragile structure such as Lepidoptera, certain Orthoptera, Neuroptera and Odonata. Some insects which were favored were the soil-inhabiting species which were aided by rainfall accompanying the storm. There was also an increase of mosquitos. The hurricane of 1938 was too late in the season, however, to affect insects adversely. We will probably experience an increase in bark borers and beetles. In a survey of the territory hit by the hurricane of last fall Dr. Bromley f)ointed out that the youngest and oldest trees survived. There had been four days of rain preceding the hurricane and thus tree roots pulled easily. He predicted an increase in woodland insects, followed by a similar increase in predators and parasites. After a general discussion of Dr. Bromley ’s paper the meeting was adjourned. Lucy W. Clausen, Secretary. Meeting of May 2, 1939 A regular meeting of the New York Entomological Society was held on May 2, 1939, in the American Museum of Natural History; President Spieth in the chair with forty-eight members and visitors present. Mr. H. L. Fellton, Box 207, Liberty Corners, N. J., was elected to active membership. The program committee announced that the next meeting of the Society would be in the nature of a social gathering. Dr. Needham had kindly consented to address the members at this time. Dr. Eichards reported that the income from the sale of books and pamph- lets of the Society was $42.06. The question of what to do with this money was referred to the Executive Committee. Mr. Dietrich as chairman of the Field Committee announced that plans were being made for a field trip of the Society to take place on June 10 at the home of Mr. Olsen of West Nyack. The speaker of the evening, Mr. Girth, began his discussion with a history of the entrance of the Japanese beetle into this country about 1916. The adult beetles begin to emerge about June 25 and reach a peak about July 25. Sept., 1940] Proceedings of the Society 299 Since the eggs hatch in the fall the larvae do the most damage in the fall and early spring. After experimenting with various media it was found that the nematodes, Neoplectana glaseri, grow best in a veal infusion agar. Feeding upon this substance nematodes will increase 20 fold within a week. After being aer- ated and agitated for a week the nematodes are then ready to be placed in the soil. It takes one week to culture them and one week to aerate them and then they may be stored for three months. Upon being spread on soil infested with Japanese beetles in the grub form the nematodes enter the grubs. They then begin to multiply in the host. In a week it dies and the nematodes enter the soil and are ready to attack other grubs. The nematodes are applied to infested areas with ordinary sprinkling cans. This gives immediate quick coverage of areas. A period of two weeks is allowed to elapse before a recount is made. Mr. Girth’s talk was illustrated with slides showing the laboratory phase of the work. Lucy W. Clausen, Secretary. Meeting of May 16, 1939 A meeting of the New York Entomological Society was held on May 16, 1939, in the American Museum of Natural History; President Spieth in the chair with seventy members and visitors present. Because of the social nature of the meeting it was decided that the read- ing of the minutes of the last meeting be omitted. Mr. Dietrich announced that there would be a field trip on Sunday, June 11, to West Nyack. Notices of routes and train schedules Avere sent out giving further details. Dr. Spieth brought to the attention of the Society the fact that there were twenty-five members and subscribers who have been delinquent for at least the past three years. A motion was made and carried that these members receive a letter asking them to pay their debts and either pay for the Jour- nals they have received or return them. Mr. M. H. Sartor was elected to membership. Dr. Needham addressed the members on his recent trip to the West Indies. Lucy W. Clausen, Secretary. Meeting of October 3, 1939 A regular meeting of the New York Entomological Society Avas held on October 3, 1939, in the American Museum of Natural History; President Spieth in the chair with twenty-six members and visitors present. Dr. Blackwelder reported that the Society Avould sponsor another auction. Bids may be made in three ways: (1) on the Avhole volume (2) on individual issues and (3) on individual articles. Mr. Edwin Hunger of 4341 Eichardson Ave., N. Y. C., was proposed for active membership. 300 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. XLVIII The Secretary read a letter from Mr. Paul Sampson, Manager of the DuPont Co., extending to the members of the Society an invitation to visit the DuPont building at the New York World’s Fair. Of particular interest is the Pest Control Section under the direction of Dr. M. D. Leonard. Mr. F. E. Watson was elected to honorary membership and the Journal was included in this membership. The meeting was then given over to a discussion of notes on summer col- lecting by members. Lucy W. Clausen, Secretary. Meeting of October 17, 1939 A regular meeting of the New York Entomological Society was held on October 17, 1939, in the American Museum of Natural History; President Spieth in the chair with forty members and visitors present. Dr. Blackwelder reported that more issues of the ‘‘Canadian Entomolo- gist” had been found and were now in the auction. The auction was ex- tended to the meeting a month from now. Mr. Edwin Hunger was elected to active membership. Dr. Spieth spoke to the members on his trip to Europe this past summer, especially his work on the Walker and Eaton types of mayflies in the British Museum of Natural History. The meeting was adjourned at 9 : 00 p.m., and then turned over to the auction and informal discussion. Annette Bacon, Secretary pro tern. Meeting of November 21, 1939 A regular meeting of the New York Entomological Society was held on November 21, 1939, in the American Museum of Natural History; President Spieth in the chair with fifty-five members and visitors present. Dr. Spieth appointed a nominating committee consisting of Mr. E. L. Bell, Dr. C. H. Curran and Dr. Herbert Euckes. Miss Majorie Schwarz spoke on her trip through East Africa. Her talk was illustrated with lantern slides. Lucy W. Clausen, Secretary. Meeting of December 5, 1939 A regular meeting of the New York Entomological Society was held on December 5, 1939, in the American Museum of Natural History; President Spieth in the chair with twenty-eight members and visitors present. Mr. William Bjerke, 655 E. 233rd Street, New York City, was proposed for membership. Upon informing the Society of the death of Dr. Fall, Mr. Angell made a motion, which was carried, that the Secretary be instructed to write a letter of condolence to Mrs. Richmond, sister of Dr. Fall. Sept., 1940] Proceedings of the Society 301 A motion made by Mr. Bell, and carried, instructed the Secretary to write a letter to Br. Moore telling him that the Society is happy to learn of his recovery from his recent illness. Mr. Davis exhibited a cave cricket, Tachycines asynamorons Adelung, new to the state of New York. Lucy W. Clausen, Secretary. Meeting of December 19, 1939 A regular meeting of the New York Entomological Society was held on December 19, 1939, in the American Museum of Natural History; President Spieth in the chair with thirty-five members and visitors present. A motion was made by Mr. Sherman and carried that the recommendations of the Executive Committee be accepted as follows: 1. That the sums realized from the auctions of publications recently held by the Society be placed in the general fund of the Society. 2. That the residue of odd numbers of the Casey Memoirs still in posses- sion of the Society be placed with the individual in charge of Coleoptera at the American Museum with power to give these odd numbers to any individual or individuals interested in beetles who in his estimation can use them to advantage. 3. That it be recommended to the Society that an announcement be in- serted in the Journal to the effect that the line-cuts and half-tones of illus- trations published in the Journal in years past shall, in so far as they are still in existence, be available to the authors of the articles in connection with which they originally appeared provided that the cost of packing and shipping such line-cuts and half-tones shall be defrayed in advance by those claiming them. If claims for such plates are not made within six months of the time when the issue of the Journal containing the announcement makes its appearance, the Society reserves the right to destroy the plates that are unclaimed. 4. That it be recommended to the Society that the insect parts of volumes 73 and 74 of the Zoological Eecord for the years 1936 and 1937 be purchased (payment to be made preferably on delivery) in order to insure the continu- ity of this series, from which the volumes in question have unfortunately disappeared apparently beyond recovery. A motion was made by Mr. Bell, and carried, that the offer of $30.00 for 600 signatures on hand belonging to the Society be accepted. A motion was made by Mr. Kisliuk, and carried, that the residue of these signatures be distributed to anyone interested. Mr. William Bjerke was elected to active membership. Dr. Blackwelder then addressed the members on ‘ ‘ The Modern Basis of Taxonomy^’ which will appear in the Journal. Lucy W. Clausen, Secretary. ,\) ■ ; . • , j v; ■ ’ i> r ; '’'t> r r? vi.f .(lAt ■ ■ •S'i^llUp* ?;■/ • ’s/’/H;, . " . •. '.f . f «•! ■ 'W‘ ..a-. './:::(')? f " 5SV^. - j>n', Sept., 1940] Weiss: Trox Unistriatus Beauv. 303 THE DEATH-FEINT OF TROX UNISTRIATUS BEAUV. By Harry B. Weiss These brief notes represent the results of some observations made upon the death-feints of six specimens of Trox unistriatus. These beetles feign death readily upon the slightest touch, unless they are handled constantly. In the death-feint attitude Duration of Successive Death-Feints of Trox unistriatus Beauv. Beetle A Beetle B Beetle C Beetle D Beetle E Beetle F (Seconds) (Seconds) (Seconds) (Seconds) (Seconds) (Seconds) 25 70 112 20 930 6 45 55 61 4 70 4 10 30 17 5 125 1 14 29 21 4 30 1 90 10 29 3 21 25 22 9 4 8 22 14 12 ' 2 7 15 13 23 1 8 9 11 14 1 7 4 6 35 1 5 5 4 10 4 2 2 7 2 2 1 6 3 7 6 4 4 1 2 3 1 1 4 5 2 1 268 267 394 20 20 15 45 1,220 12 4 94 3 Total Average ... 304 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii the head is bent down and the femora of the first pair of legs advance toward the head. As the head bends down, the antennae take a position under it, and before the femora of the first pair of legs move up, the tibiae and tarsi assume a position parallel to and close against the anterior edges of the femora. The second and third pairs of legs are held close to the ventral surface of the body, with the femora, tibiae and tarsi in the positions com- monly assumed by other beetles in death feigning attitudes. The termination of the death-feint is usually gradual, the antennae emerging first, or the tarsi of the first pair of legs. This relaxa- tion then extends to the other legs more or less simultaneously. The foregoing table exhibits the duration in seconds of the suc- cessive death-feints of six beetles, with an interval of four seconds between each death-feint, at a temperature of 80° F., and a rela- tive humidity of 60 per cent. Apparently there is a wide variation in the length of the death- feint of different specimens. In the above cases, it varied from one second to as many as 930 seconds, when the intensities of the outside stimulations were approximately constant. With the exception of beetles C and F, the number of successive death- feints ranged from 10 to 13. In F it was 4, and in C, it was 26. At the end of these numbers the death-feints were no longer produced and the beetles made continuous efforts to escape. It may also be noted that the tendency is for the death-feints to become shorter as they successively increase in numbers. The New York Entomological Society Organized June 29, 1892 — Incorporated June 7, 1893 Certificate of Incorporation expires June 7, 1943 The meetings of the Society are held on the first and third Tuesday of each month (except June, July, August and September) at 8 p. m., in the American Museum of Natural History, 77th Street and Columbus Avenue. Annual dues for Active Members, $3.00; including subscription to the Journal, $4.50. Members of the Society will please remit their annual dues, payable in January, to the treasurer. Honorary President, WILLIAM T. DAVIS Officers for the Year 1940 President, DR. ALEXANDER B. KLOTS College of the City of New York, N. Y. Vice-President, MAX KISLIUK, JR Federal Bldg., New York, N. Y. Secretary, LUCY W. CLAUSEN American Museum of Natural History Treasurer, DR. HERMAN T. SPIETH College of the City of New York, N. Y. Librarian, DR. R. E. BLACKWELDER American Museum of Natural History Curator, C. E. OLSEN American Museum of Natural History EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE H. F. Schwarz Dr. F. E. Lutz Dr. Wm. Procter Dr. Herbert Ruckes Henry Bird Harry B. Weiss Dr. W. J. Gertsch Dr. J. L. Horsfall J. W. Angell PUBLICATION COMMITTEE Dr. Wm. Moore E. L. Bell PROGBAM COMMITTEE F. A. SORACI AUDITING COMMITTEE E. L. Bell FIELD COMMITTEE A. S. Nicolay John D. Sherman, Jr. E. Teale G. B. Engelhardt G. Rau DELEGATE TO THE N. Y. ACADEMY OF SCIENCES William T. Davis JOURNAL of the ^ NEW YORK ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY Published quarterly by the Society at N. Queen St., and Mc- Govern Ave., Lancaster, Pa. All communications relating to manuscript for the Journal should be sent to the Editor, Harry B. Weiss, 19 N. 7th Ave., Highland Park, New Jersey; all subscrip- tions to the Treasurer, Dr. Herman T. Spieth, American Museum of Natural History, New York, N. Y. Orders for back issues should be sent to the Librarian, Dr. R. E. Blackwelder, American Museum of Natural History, 77th St. and Columbus Ave., New York, N. Y. The society has a complete file of back issues in stock. The Society will not be responsible for lost Journals if not noti- fied immediately of change of address. We do not exchange publications. Terms for subscription, $3.00 per year, strictly in advance. Please make all checks, money-orders, or drafts payable to New York Entomological Society. Twenty-five reprints without covers are furnished free to authors. Additional copies may be purchased at the following rates : 4 pp. 8 pp. 12 pp. 16 pp. 24 pp. 32 pp. 25 copies $2.40 $5.22 $5.58 $o.58 $9.00 $9.60 Additionals 100 ’s 60 1.44 1.92 1.92 3.00 3.00 Covers 50 copies, $2.00 ; additional 100 ’s, $1.50. Half-tone prints It^ cents for each half-tone print. Authors whose papers are illustrated with text figures or full page plates will be required to supply the electroplates or pay the cost of making the same by the Journal and also to pay the cost of printing full page plates on coated paper, when advisable. VoL XLVIII No. 4 DECEMBER, 1940 Journal of the New York Entomological Society Devoted to Entomology in General Edited by HARRY B. WEISS Publication Committee HARRY B. WEISS J. D. SHERMAN, Jr. WILLIAM MOORE E. L. BELL Subscription $3.00 per Year Published Quarterly by the Society N. QUEEN ST. AND McGOVERN AVE. LANCASTER, PA. NEW YORK, N. Y. 1940 CONTENTS Seasonal Abundance of Eggs of the Corn Ear Worm Moth in Virginia By W. J. Phillips and G. W. Barber 305 Distribution in New Jersey of Myllocerus castaneus By Frank A. Soraci 318 Review and Summary of Studies of Insects Associated with Lemna minor By Minnie B. Scotland 319 The North American Species of the Genera Leucophora Robineau-Desvoidy and Proboscimyia Bigot (Muscidae, Diptera) By H. C. Huckett 335 A Reclassification of the Tribe Obriini of LeConte (Cole- optera, Cerambycidas) By E. Gorton Linsley 367 Studies on the Biology of the Ephemeroptera. II. The Nuptial Flight By Herman T. Spieth 379 A Note on Rearing the Brood of Poilstes fuscatus Fabricius (Hymenoptera, Vespidae) By Albro Tilton Gaul 391 Book Notices 393 Book Review — “Fauna of British India” By Charles H. T. Townsend 395 A Promising Fungous Pathogen of Adult Japanese Beetles (Popillia japonica) By Edgar G. Rex 401 Book Notice 403 The Type of the Genus Pyrrhopyge (Lepidoptera, Hes- periidae) By W. T. Evans 405 A New Brenthis from Alaska (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae). By Alexander B. Klots 413 NOTICE: Volume XLVIII, Number 3, of the Journal of The New York Entomological Society was published ON September 18, 1940. Entered as second class matter July 7, 1925, at the post office at Lancaster, Pa., under the Act of August 24, 1912. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Section 1103. Act of October 3, 1917, authorized March 27, 1924. JOURNAL OF THE New York Entomological Society VoL. XLVIII December, 1940 No. 4 SEASONAL ABUNDANCE OF EGGS OF THE CORN EAR WORM MOTH IN VIRGINIA By W. J. Phillips and G. W. Barber Cereal and Forage Insect Investigations Bureau of Entoaiology and Plant Quarantine INTRODUCTION The determination of the seasonal abundance of the different stages of the corn ear worm {Heliothis ohsoleta (F.)) is attended by so many difficulties that, in studying the seasonal history of the insect, investigators have usually restricted themselves to insectary rearings of isolated individuals under artificial condi- tions. A more complete knowledge of the seasonal history and abundance of the insect as it is found in nature was needed. The fact that this insect passes part of its life in the soil makes field counts of pupation and emergence impracticable. The moths are rapid fliers and move about so freely that it is difficult to make accurate observations of their habits. Observations on the infestation of corn ears in the field may give information rela- tive to seasonal abundance and life history, but it is by no means certain with what degree of accuracy the numbers of larvas occur- ring at any time may be determined. On the other hand, obser- vations to determine the abundance of eggs can be made much more easily and with much greater accuracy. The seasonal vari- ations in egg abundance should indicate the prevailing moth population with a fair degree of exactness and should also indi- cate what the subsequent larval population will be. The occur- 306 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii rence of eggs, therefore, should give the most accurate informa- tion obtainable of seasonal history and abundance of the insect. One of the difficulties encountered in the determination of the seasonal history and abundance of the insect by observation of oviposition lies in the fact that corn is more attractive to the moths for egg laying at certain stages of its growth than at others. It is most attractive while the plants are in the fresh-silk stage, and least attractive while the plants are small or after they have ripened. In the latitude of Virginia corn may be planted during a period of more than 2 months. An early-maturing variety planted the first of April may begin to silk by mid- June, whereas corn planted in June may not begin to silk until September. Since plants with fresh silks are more attractive than others for oviposition, the concentration of eggs on plants during June, for instance, would be far greater on the early-planted than on later- planted corn. Therefore, the examination of a single planting of corn would not show the actual abundance of moths through- out the season, for, though eggs might be laid late in the season in great numbers, they would be deposited on plants in fields that were in more attractive stages of growth. To determine the seasonal occurrence and abundance of eggs, numerous plantings of corn were made throughout the growing season at Charlottesville, Ya., each year from 1921 to 1927, ex- cepting 1923. Similar plantings were made at Richmond, Ya., from 1924 to 1927. Such plantings, except during the early part of a season, provided plants continuously in the stages of growth favorable for oviposition. Fresh silks often appeared by the second or third week of July and were continuously present there- after until the first week in October. A number of representative plants were chosen from each plot, and, except when weather prevented, daily records were made of the number of eggs deposited on each plant. All eggs were re- moved each day except those on certain plants set apart for deter- mination of the fate of the eggs. These eggs were marked and their positions noted, so that new depositions could be easily recognized. Observations of a given plant were discontinued 3 days after the silks had completely dried, or somewhat before roasting-ear stage. From these records it was possible to deter- Dec., 1940] Phillips and Barber: Corn Ear Worm 307 mine the average deposition of eggs per plant per day and to chart the seasonal occurrence and abundance of eggs. The ad- vantage of this method of recording the eggs deposited on a num- ber of plants in various stages of growth was that field conditions as found in the section in which these studies were made were approximately simulated except, of course, for seasonal variation in acreage. No definite planting date for corn is usually observed by farmers, and for this reason plants in various stages of growth are present in the field over a period of several months. In the manner described, 16 studies were made of the local seasonal occurrence of the eggs of the corn ear worm in the locali- ties and years mentioned. In all, complete oviposition records on 891 corn plants, representing 267 plots, were obtained. A total of 43,828 eggs were recorded, or an average of 49 eggs per plant. A total of 52,818 plant observations were made. The average rate of oviposition per plant per day was 0.83 for all years and localities. PERIODS OP OCCURRENCE OF THE CORN EAR WORM IN VIRGINIA In the latitude of Virginia several generations of the insect occur annually. Moths appear first between the last of May and the middle of June, and they continue to emerge from hibernation throughout June and July. Emergence is somewhat irregular because of the operation of several natural factors, such as pre- cipitation and soil temperature. Since a generation may be com- pleted in about 5 weeks, an overlapping of broods occurs from July onward through the season. For convenience in this study, and because generations cannot be recognized, the season was divided into two periods. The first period comprised roughly May, June, and July, and the second period consisted of August, September, and October. CORN PLOTS USED IN THESE STUDIES At Charlottesville, Va., three series of plots were used. These were designated as upland, bottom, and garden plots. The up- land plots were located in a field of clay loam which sloped toward the west. Each plot consisted of three rows of field corn across the field. The bottom plots, also of field corn, were located in a river-bottom field about one-half mile south of the upland plots. 308 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. XLVIII The garden plots each consisted of two rows of sweet corn in a vegetable garden in rich loam about 600 yards south of the upland plots. The plots at Kichmond, Va., on level upland in sandy loam soil, consisted of field corn, and were similar in size to the upland plots at Charlottesville. The upland and bottom plots at Charlottesville were planted to the same varieties of field corn and on similar dates. Common varieties of sweet corn were used in the garden plots, plantings being started earlier and being made at greater intervals than in the other plantings. The plantings in four localities, in different soil types, and at dates spread throughout the season, covered as wide a range of environment as it was possible to observe. SEASONAL OCCURRENCE OF EGGS The studies were begun each year when the earliest corn plants were about 8 inches tall, and continued until all corn had lost its attractiveness to the moths and egg laying on it had ceased. The date when eggs were first found on corn in any year de- pended on two factors, (1) when moths emerged from hibernating pup80, which was dependent on spring weather, and (2) the time when corn was planted and the rate at which it grew, also depen- dent on spring weather, making for earliness or lateness of the season. The date on which the first eggs were laid on corn varied about a month in different years. The earliest occurring eggs were found on May 21, 1925, at Richmond. The lateness of oc- currence of corn in attractive stages of growth in the fall, and consequent occurrence of ear worm eggs on it, varied for similar reasons. The latest egg recovered on corn was on October 10 in Charlottesville upland plots in 1927. A record of egg recovery is given in table 1. A general summary of the results of this study is given in table 2. Eggs were deposited on many days in each period. For each period, however, the proportion of days on which eggs were de- posited, based on the total number of days of observation applica- ble to that period, was variable. Figure 1 shows the percentage of days in each period on which eggs were deposited. Within the first period the range was from 16.67 (bottom plots at Charlottes- ville in 1925) to 100 per cent (upland plots at Charlottesville in TABLE 1. — Average occurrence of corn ear worm eggs on corn plants during each 5-day period during the season {nuniher of eggs per plant per day) TABLE 2. — Summary of seasonal occiirrence of eggs of the corn ear worm in Virginia poTjad ;s.ip Qq:; JO osoqj oj puooos oqj JO sSSo JO oou^punq-B jo oij^^ 'rfiirocqt^t^ooiHfOOOoo OOiOiXiiHlOOCOCOt^OCO oi GO rH rH CO (>i M cd r-5 tH T-i iH . CO o CQ 1— 1 rH oi I— i ci CO Ci lO rH O GO cq rH l>- rH noTjnAJOsqo jo s^np JO Aoqninn injo OTH'^t-lOlOOlCOCiOlOOl lOTtHTtH'^HiOtOCOCO'^tOCOi-O CO rH HH rH HH to rH lO First period i!np ono vCnn no jnn^d rod sSSo JO joqninn ninniTXBj/\[ COOCOCOTHCqOirHCvlt^OCO COCOCOCO^rHrHCSlOL'^iqiO oi I-H 1-i ‘ id iH 00 CO CO tr. o cq cq iq 00 ’ rH 03 rH Xnp rod jnnjd rod sSSo JO joqnian oSniOAy rHrHOOlOCOCvJr-1i— ICvICilO^ LO rH O rH O O O CO rH rH Ol O d r-i " oi H- LO rH CO o iq iq cq noTjnAJOsqo jo si!np JO joqninn tnjo j, CO O CO lO lo 01 0-1 lo CO 01 t- CO cot^-co^coT^^^lO'ct^tr:l^oco 03 CO CO rH t- CO CO Seasonal dates nopnntninxo jsnq[ aiCOCiCOTt^CiO;GiC5C.OOOlO I— 1 rH 1— 1 I— 1 0-1 03 03 03 rH . .-H-H Qj CL Qj Oj Qj Oj-H -H Oj Oj -H 000000^0 o aToTo o mmaiuimaiOOmmOO Sept. 5 Sept. 24 Sept. 20 Oct. 2 poTiod pnooos n jo sSSo JO noTjTSodop rHl>-tHiHTHCOCOCOlHt^t^t^ brbjobrbjobrbrbjDbrbjo^^^ GO ira rH tH 03 ^ ^ ^ ^ <1 <1 q]^TS JO oonninoddn jsjT^q; June 19 July 13 July 11 July 23 July 29 Aug. 1 July 28 June 24 July 22 June 18 July 21 June 23 July 28 June 12 July 11 June 24 sSSd JO ^lOAOOOI JSJT^ May 30 May 29 June 2 June 18 June 30 June 27 June 13 June 15 June 18 J line 9 J line 7 J line 3 June 13 May 21 May 27 May 27 noTjnnininxo jsii^ May 30 May 29 June 2 June 17 June 27 June 25 June 25 June 12 June 16 J line 9 J line 4 May 25 June 10 May 21 May 27 May 27 notjBAJOsqo .lopiin sjuB]^d JO joqiunn jejo C003H^030T^^H^Tl^OT-lTtlt^ COrHCOHHCOlOl0030>03l003 1 — 1 O lO O rH CO Ci 05 IH pnnoj o.iOAv. sSSd qoiqAV no SiCnp jo joqnmjsj rHTHC0l0C0C0C0l003lHOl0 iHOGOtHlOCOCOCOastHOSlH 1 — 1 tH rH lO O rH ICl 03 rH O rH rH rH poAJOsqo s^Cnp jo joqninjq COi— I0030t>-Ht00l00303l0 rHrHrHCiOiOJOi— l05003rH iHrHiH iHrH iHrHiH GO L- rH O GO 03 rH 03 1 — 1 1 — 1 1 — 1 S9jnp Snijnn^d jo joqmnj^ Ciooot^iooiaiooaic^aiai tH lO 0:1 Gi rH rH sjO]^d JO loquinj^ TtHrHt^'^OOCOOOOOOtr^OOCi CQ 1 — 1 T— 1 rH rH i — 1 rH i — 1 10 O: 00 CO rH rH juoranojTAug OjOhO OjO Pjo c3 PjcS OjcS OOrOOCCOCCbJDCiajOOU) 173! 03 Hi s c! d cS cj cS & & d d d d iH03 03rcll^lOlOiracOCOlHl^ 03 03 03030303030303030303 OOCiOiOidClCiOiCiOlCiCi tHi— IiHtHi — li — li — I"— li — IrHi — li — i rH 10 CO tH 03 03 03 C3 05 05 05 d5 1 — 1 I — 1 1 — 1 ' — 1 noTjnoo'q auuiAsaMOuavHO aNOHHOia 312 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. XLVIII 1921 and at Richmond in 1927). In the second period the range was from 53.85 per cent to three records of 100 per cent. These studies showed that, because of the widespread occur- rence of the eggs throughout each season, corn plants would probably receive eggs regardless of planting date. SEASONAL ABUNDANCE OF EGGS The abundance of eggs in the first period was frequently some- what irregular, but in 10 of the studies the distribution was so uniform that no definite peaks of occurrence were found. In four of the seasonal histories, where eggs were less evenly distributed, more than one peak of occurrence was found, and a single definite peak of abundance was found only in two instances. DESCRIPTION OF LOCALITY VIRGINIA 1921 CHARLOTTESVILLE UPLAND 1922 CHARLOTTESVILLE UPLAND 1922 CHARLOTTESVILLE BOTTOM 1924 CHARLOTTESVILLE UPLAND 1924 CHARLOTTESVILLE BOTTOM 1925 CHARLOTTESVILLE UPLAND 1925 CHARLOTTESVILLE BOTTOM 1925 CHARLOTTESVILLE GARDEN 1926 CHARLOTTESVILLE UPLAND 1926 CHARLOTTESVILLE GARDEN 1927 CHARLOTTESVILLE UPLAND 1927 CHARLOTTESVILLE GARDEN 1924 RICHMOND UPLAND 1925 RICHMOND UPLAND 1926 RICHMOND UPLAND 1927 RICHMOND UPLAND PERCENTAGE OF DAYS ON WHICH PLANTS RECEIVED EGGS FIRST PERIOD 0 20 40 60 80 100 SECOND PERIOD 0 20 40 60 80 100 1 i ■ 1 — 1 — 1 — 1 — 1 — 1 — 1 — \ — 1 — 1 — 1 — r- HHB Figure 1. Percentage of days during the several studies of the seasonal history of the corn ear worm on which moths deposited eggs on corn plants. Based on the total number of days on which observations were made for the respective periods. Numbers of eggs in the second period began to increase from the middle to the last of August, and reached clearly defined peaks of abundance from the middle to the last of September. During a period of about a month eggs usually were laid very plentifully. The egg laying during the second period was, there- fore, usually concentrated within a relatively few days, in con- Dec., 1940] Phillips and Barber: Corn Ear Worm 313 trast to that of the first period, which was usually distributed over a larger number of days. The time of maximum abundance of eggs of the second period in 12 of the seasonal histories occurred either on a single date or extended over several days. However, in four instances the eggs were deposited more or less evenly dur- ing several weeks, and no well-marked peaks of abundance were found. In all the seasonal occurrences studied, several days were found when the plants were relatively, sometimes entirely, free of eggs. The duration of the egg-free days, which usually occurred during the last week of July or the first week of August, ranged from a few days to 2 weeks or more. In figure 2 the relative abundance of eggs of the first and second periods for each of the 16 seasonal histories studied is given. Eggs of the first period ranged in abundance from 0.01 egg per plant per day (bottom plots at Charlottesville in 1925) to 2.04 eggs per plant per day (garden plots at Charlottesville in 1927). In the second case eggs were 204 times as abundant as in the first. Eggs of the second period ranged in abundance from 0.06 egg per plant per day (upland plots at Richmond in 1924), to 7.89 eggs per plant per day (upland plots at Richmond in 1925). Second- period eggs at Richmond in 1925 were, therefore, 131.5 times as plentiful as in the same location in 1924. NUMBERS OF EGGS DURING THE TWO PERIODS A comparison of the numbers of eggs which occurred per plant per day in the two periods showed remarkable variation. This is illustrated graphically in figure 2. In each period, in the differ- ent seasonal histories, eggs ranged from scarce to abundant. Eggs of the second period were more abundant than those of the first period in 5 out of 6 years at Charlottesville, and in 2 out of 4 years at Richmond, and in 13 out of the 16 seasonal histories studied. In one seasonal history eggs of each period were equally abundant (Charlottesville upland plots of 1927). The numbers of eggs of the second period ranged from 0.13 to 92 times the number of eggs of the first period. These data are given in table 2. The years 1924 and 1927 were apparently unfavorable for increase of this insect, while 1925 was the most favorable by far. 314 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. XLVIII COMPARISON OF ABUNDANCE OF CORN EARWORM E0GS DESCRIPTION OF LOCALITY VIRGINIA FIRST PERIOD SECOND PERIOD 1921 CHARLOTTESVILLE UPLAND ■ ■ 1922 CHARLOTTESVILLE UPLAND ■ ■ 1922 CHARLOTTESVILLE BOTTOM ■ ■ 1924 CHARLOTTESVILLE UPLAND ■ ■ 1924 CHARLOTTESVILLE BOTTOM ■ ■ 1925 CHARLOTTESVILLE UPLAND • ■ 1925 CHARLOTTESVILLE BOTTOM • B 1925 CHARLOTTESVILLE GARDEN ■ ■ 1926, CHARLOTTESVILLE UPLAND ■ ■ 1926 CHARLOTTESVILLE GARDEN ■ ■ 1927 ) CHARLOTTESVILLE UPLAND ■ ■ 1927 CHARLOTTESVILLE GARDEN ■ ■ 1924 RICHMOND UPLAND ■ ■ 1925 RICHMOND UPLAND ■ ■ 1926 RICHMOND UPLAND ■ ■ 1927 RICHMOND UPLAND ■ ■ Figure 2. Comparison of abundance of eggs of the corn ear worm during two periods of the year for 16 seasonal-occurrence studies. The areas of the squares indicate the number of eggs deposited per plant per day. RELATIONSHIP OP PRECIPITATION TO ABUNDANCE OP EGGS While many factors influence the population of this insect, as determined by the number of eggs found on corn plants, none seems to be more important than precipitation during the oviposi- Dec., 1940] Phillips and Barber: Corn Ear Worm 315 tion period. Dry weather is definitely favorable in enabling the moths to lay their full complement of eggs, and in permitting a high rate of hatching and survival of young larvae. Since drought is usually accompanied by high temperatures, such con- ditions cause more rapid development of the various stages of the insect. During the course of these studies one year of severe drought occurred, 1925, especially during September. The insect, in response to favorable conditions, built up enormous popula- tions in September. Eggs of the second period at Charlottesville were 15.17 times, and at Kichmond 14.35 times, as plentiful as eggs of the first period. The greatest rainfall occurring during any year of the study was at Richmond in 1927, and as an effect of this, eggs of the second period were 0.13 times as plentiful as eggs of the first period. The records of 4 years of study at Richmond showed that the proportion of eggs of the second to those of the first period varied directly with the precipitation during the months from June to September. For Charlottesville this relationship was less direct, probably because of the influence of other factors. These data are given in table 3. summary Because of the habits of the corn ear worm, it is not easy to determine the seasonal occurrence or abundance of the insect by means of counts of the pupae, moths, or larvae. It was thought that this information could be obtained by counts of eggs de- posited on corn plants, as the numbers of eggs might reflect moth abundance and later larval populations indirectly. Daily examination of selected corn plants of successive plant- ings in two localities and four environments, during 6 years, gave data on 16 seasonal records of egg occurrence. Much difference was found in the seasonal occurrence of eggs. This depended in part on earliness or lateness of the spring or fall. In each seasonal occurrence studied there were a number of days in the last week of July or the first week of August when eggs were extremely scarce or wholly wanting. This time of egg scarcity was used to divide each season into two periods, the first 316 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii CO .1^ S'R |S .g. S PrH 5Q cS m ,0 O) O) > observation). Dec., 1940] Phillips and Barber: Corn Ear Worm 317 comprising roughly May, June, July and the second consisting of August, September and October. Abundance of eggs varied greatly in different years. Eggs of the first period ranged from 0.01 to 2.04 per plant per day. Eggs of the second period ranged from 0.06 to 7.89 per plant per day. When most plentiful, eggs of the first period were 204 times as numerous as in the year of least abundance, and eggs of the second period were 131.5 times as numerous as when least plentiful. While eggs of the second period were usually more plentiful than those of the first period, in 3 of 16 instances they were less abundant, and in one case the numbers were equal. Numbers of eggs of the second period ranged from 0.13 to 92 times those of the first period. Precipitation seemed to be a principal factor in determining the abundance of the eggs. During seasons of much rain the ear worm population increased little. During seasons of little rain populations increased greatly. DISTRIBUTION IN NEW JERSEY OF (MYLLOCERUS) CORIGETUS? CASTANEUS RCELOFS This weevil, catalogued in the “Fourth Supplement 1933 to 1938 (inclusive) to the Leng Catalogue of Coleoptera of Amer- ica, North of Mexico,” by Richard E. Blackwelder, Mount Ver- non, N. Y., Dec. 1939, as “ Curculionidse : Myllocerus castaneus Roelofs. Jap. Sib.? N. A.,” was taken (probably from oaks) at Montclair, N. J., in July, 1933, by A. S. Nicolay. A note by A. C. Davis, Takoma Park, Maryland, appearing in Bui. Brooklyn Ent. Soc., Vol. 30, 1935, p. 19, recorded this find, and the fact that L. L. Buchanan, of the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine of the United States Department of Agriculture, to whom a specimen was submitted for identification, “states that it evidently does not belong in the genus Myllocerus, and refers it tentatively to Corigetus. ” In November 1939, a New York State Nursery Inspector, Mr. R. L. Clement, reported to the New Jersey Department of Agri- culture that this insect had been found on Long Island and that it appeared to be causing considerable damage by feeding on oak foliage. In the late summer of 1940, a rough survey was made in New Jersey to determine the distribution of the insect and the amount of damage caused by it. The present infestation can be described as extending from the northern tip of Bergen County to Denville in Morris County to Plainfield in Union County to Port Lee in Bergen County. The insect was also found, close to the New Jersey shore, from Atlantic Highlands to Allenhurst. The few observations on feeding habits of this insect would indicate that although it does feed extensively on deciduous foliage (the oaks, primarily), heavy damage is not apparent until late in the season (late August or early September) and therefore injury to the host would be slight. — Frank A. Soraci. REVIEW AND SUMMARY OF STUDIES OF INSECTS ASSOCIATED WITH LEMNA MINOR* By Minnie B. Scotland N. Y. State College for Teachers, Albany, N, Y. From 1931 to 1939 I have made observations of the animal population of Lemna minor found in the vicinity of Ithaca, New York. My interest has been centered upon insects that were more or less dependent upon Lemna, especially upon the Lemna fly, Lemnaphila scotlandce Cress. This concentration led to the further study of parasites that emerged from the Lemna fly’s puparia. In making these surveys I have had little difficulty in obtaining duckweed, Lemna minor, for it abounds generally where there is quiet water, as in ditches, marshes, ponds, and small nooks along the banks of slowly flowing streams. Associated with Lemna minor are often large amounts of Wolffia and Spirodela, and infrequently small quantities of Lemna trisidca. The rain- fall of a summer determines the available regions of quiet water on which Lemnacese can propagate. I have found tanks at the Cornell University fish hatchery (Plate XIV, Figure 4) and small ponds entirely covered by dense growths. The summer of 1939 was an unusually dry one for the vicinity of Ithaca and conse- quently many previous collecting spots were entirely bare. However, there was enough Lemna minor gathered to continue my records of animal life of this interesting association. When I began these studies relatively few species of insects had been recorded as associated with duckweed. Among these there were tw(5 beetles entirely dependent upon this plant. A duckweed beetle, S dries tibialis Guer., was described in 1918 by W. C. Kraatz, who found it feeding entirely on Lemna minor in waters near Madison, Wisconsin. The other, a duckweed weevil, Tanysphyrus lemnce Fab., was reported by C. von Urban in the Entomologische Blatter (1922) as dependent upon duckweed for food. Lemna had been listed as the food plant of two aphids. * Contribution of the Entomology Laboratory, Cornell University, Ithaca, 320 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. XLVIII In 1910 T. A. Williams gave duckweed as food of Bhopalosiphum nympJmm Linn, and in 1918 H. F. Wilson and R. A. Vickery re- corded Lemna minor as a food plant of Aphis samhuci Linn. Records of other uses of duckweed by insects include a paper in 1911 by Wm. T. M. Forbes in which be mentioned Lemna thalli as the material used for making the case of the aquatic caterpillar Elophila. In the same report he said of this case, “It is distin- guished from those of Nymphula and Hydrocampa by the lack of a sharp lateral edge,” implying that the cases of these aquatic caterpillars were also constructed of Lemna. He observed that the “leaves of the case do not seem to be eaten.” Another paper which appeared in 1919 was H. B. Hungerford’s, “The biology and ecology of aquatic and semi-aquatic Hemiptera,” in which he reported the use of the under surface of Lemna thalli for the attachment of the eggs of the aquatic bug, Trepohates pictus H. S. These appear to have been the only definite references to the relations of insects with Lemna minor before my observations be- gan in 1931. Since that time I have published one general paper (1934) on “The Animals of the Lemna Association,” in which I listed fifteen species of insects, and a second more specialized paper (1939) on “The Lemna Fly and Some of its Parasites.” In 1938 F. X. Williams described and figured a similar Ephydrid, Hydrellia williamsi Cresson, as being found “on Lemna-covered water” in Hawaii and having “much the same habits as Lemnaphila scotlandce Cress.” My own observations have been made on the following more permanent resident insects in the Lemna association : one Collembolan {Sminthurus aquaticus Bourlet), one Hemipteran {Mesovelia hisignata Uhl.), one Homopteran {Bhopalosiphum nympJmce Linn.), one Coleopteran {Tanysphyrus lemnce Fab.), one Lepidopteran {Nymphula ohliteralis Wlk.), one Dipteran {Lemnaphila scotlandce Cress.), and three Hymenopteran parasites {Opius lemnaphilce Muesebeck,, Trichopria angusti- pennis Muesebeck, Trichopria paludis Muesebeck). The habits of these Lemna insects may be summarized as follows : The diminutive spring-tail, Sminthurus aquaticus Bourlet, Dec., 1940] Scotland: Lemna Insects 321 jumps about on the floating mats of duckweed. Occasionally pairs will be seen to jump together, the yellow colored male being carried by the mauve colored female. The male has a clasping device on the second and third antennal segments composed of hooks and tubercles. These lock around the straighter antennae of the female. The pair meet face to face, lock antennae, and then, the female raises the male at an angle varying from a few degrees to as many as ninety. Sometimes a pair will remain to- gether in this fashion for more than an hour. Duckweed serves this species as a source of food and also as a place for depositing the eggs. Many small holes are made in the thalli in the process of the prolific egg laying. Some idea of the damage to the plant can be gained from Plate XIII, Figure 3. The bright green nymphs of the water strider, Mesovelia bisignata Uhl., are common on duckweed. The nymphs run quickly over the thalli and can easily dart out over the open water without breaking through the surface film. Lemna minor functions as a convenient plant in which the adults can lay their eggs. The elongate-oval eggs with curved necks are inserted singly between the epidermal layers of the Lemna thallus, their tips being exposed on the upper side, where they appear as shiny, membranous, ringed spots. Kelatively little destruction of Lemna is caused by these carnivorous bugs. The “pond-lily Aphid,” Ehopalosiphum nymphcece Linn., is always very abundant in my collections. These aphids move about on the thalli and on the water, apparently unhindered by any moisture on their tarsi. They are very prolific. Viviparous females produce young almost daily during August. They feed upon the sap in Lemna thalli. One aphid may remain on a single plant for hours. No appreciable injury to the duckweed seems to result from the microscopic feeding punctures of this aphid and evidently the loss of sap is easily overcome by the natural metabolic processes in the plant. The duckweed weevil, Tanysphyrus lemnce Fab., is commonly found in the egg, larva, and adult stages on floating Lemna. The pupa is less frequently seen. In the laboratory pupge were obtained by placing grown larvae in masses of sphagnum and leaving them there to pupate. This is the method I offered 322 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. XLVIII in 1937 (Culture Methods, p. 480). Scattered clumps of Lemna thalli on moist earth also served as satisfactory cover under which wandering larvae pupated. The mining larvae devour the green interior of the thalli, leaving whitened plants, while the adults use their snouts to eat out spherical holes from the upper side of the Lemna. The destruction is very great, as may be seen in Plate XIII, Figure 2. An aquatic case-making moth, Nymphula {Ilydrocampa) ohliteralis Wlk., is usually present in collections of duckweed. A dirty-whitish larva binds together overlapping thalli for a case. When deprived of one case, it proceeds to make a new one imme- diately. It nibbles off bits of duckweed for food. In the labora- tory a single larva was placed with a quantity of Lemna in a Syracuse watch glass. This insect ate so many of the plants that only a few were left for its pupal case. Certainly Lemna minor is used for the growth of this moth. The Lemna fly, Lemnaphila scotlandm Cress., was discovered by me in 1933 and sent to Mr. E. T. Cresson for determination. It was found by him to be a new genus and species of the Ephydridae. It is very small (length 1.2 mm.) ; so small that it has the unique ability among all the Lemna insects of being able to pass through its whole life cycle on and within a single thallus. However, it is not strictly limited to a single plant. It may be found moving from one thallus to another, even crossing intervening stretches of open water. The larva is a miner, and on hatching it bores into the center of the thallus for food and shelter (Plate XIV, Figure 9). Here, also in the mine, the amber-colored puparium is found (Plate XIV, Figure 6). Nor- mally there is only one pupa in a plant. However, recently, I found two pupae crowded in a single thallus. The adult fly (Plate XIV, Figures 7, 8, 10-12) crawls out of the puparium be- tween the epidermal layers of the plant and walks about on the duckweed. Very soon it begins to eat by gouging out portions of Lemna, leaving characteristic parallel streaks (Plate XIII, Figure 1 ) . These peculiar markings on thalli prove an aid in detecting the presence of the Lemna fly in any quantity of duckweed. The feeding activities of this fly result in the almost complete de- struction of the thalli. The female attaches her dainty melon- Dec., 1940] Scotland: Lemna Insects 323 shaped eggs to the margin of the thallus, as shown in Plate XIII, Figure 1 and Plate XIV, Figure 5. Three specific parasites on the Lemna fly (Plate XVI) were likewise unknown. One has been determined as a new species of Opius (0. lemnaphilce Muesebeck) and two as new species of Trichopria (T. angustipennis Muesebeck and T. paludis Muese- beck). All of these parasites emerge from fly puparia, leaving tell-tale holes in the empty shells, as shown in Plate XVI, Figures 20 and 21. Comparison of the numbers of these parasites in 1938 and 1939 revealed a marked reduction in the total number found in 1939 but a relatively constant ratio of the different species. In 1939 as in 1938 there were more individuals of Tri- chopria than of Opius. Of the Trichopria there were three times as many T. angustipennis as T, paludis. Males predominated. In addition to these resident Lemna insects, all of which are of some importance in the economy of the plant, there are several transient visitants and chance associates commonly present. These are included below in a comprehensive list^ of insects of the Lemna association. COLLEMBOLA Sminthurus aquaticus Bourlet Podura aquatica — Larger than 8. aquaticus, found rarely. ORTHOPTERA Undetermined nymphs of crickets — Observed running over a mat of duckweed. Captured individuals nibbled edges of the thalli. EPHEMERIDA and ODONATA Undetermined nymphs — Foragers among the roots of duck- weed. thysanoptera Limothrips cerealium Hal. — Probably from nearby grasses. * The taxonomic sequence is that followed by Leonard in A List of the Insects of New Yorh. Cornell Univ. Agr. Ex. Sta. Mem. 101, Aug. 1926. 324 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. XLVIII HEMIPTERA Mesovelia hisignata Uhl. Trepohates pictus H. S. — Hungerford (1919) described and showed figures of eggs on the under surface of floating duck- weed. Gerris sp. Found on surface of Lemna mat. Notonecta sp. Plea striola I Common aquatic bugs that move among the Banatra sp. ( roots of Lemna. Corixa sp. HOMOPTERA Aphis saml)uci Linn. Not observed by me. Bhopalosiphum nymphcece Linn. Very common. COLEOPTERA Tanysphyrus lemnce Fab. Scirtes tibialis Guer. Not observed by me. Haliplus sp. Larvae and adults scurry among roots. Laccophilus sp. Larvae. Hydroporus sp. Lays its eggs singly on the pendant Lemna roots. Tropistermis lateralis Fab. Larvae observed foraging among roots. TRICHOPTERA Limnophilus combinatus Walk. Used bits of Lemna in con- structing its case. LEPIDOPTERA Nymphula obliteralis Wlk. Elophila sp. Not observed by me. DIPTERA Lemnaphila scotlandce Cress. Hydrellia williamsi Cress. Not observed by me. Corynoneura scutellata Winn. Larvae, pupae, adults. Dasyhelea traverce Thom. Larvae, pupa. Tetanocera sp. Culex sp. Eggs, larvae, pupae. Dec., 1940] Scotland; Lemna Insects 325 Anopheles sp. ‘‘ “ “ Chironomus sp. Cases. Odontomyia sp. Larvae and pupae. Eristalis tenax — Larvae. HYMENOPTERA — All parasltes. Opius lemnaphiloe Muesebeck 1 Trichopria angustipennis Muesebeck ^Parasites of Lemna fly Trichopria paludis Muesebeck J Undetermined genus near Aphanta Foerster Polynema sp. Parasite of Mesovelia eggs embedded in Lemna thalli. Tiphodytes gerriphagus Anaphoidea pullicrura In a summary like this I cannot refrain from mentioning the unexpected manner in which new fields of investigation often present themselves. It was while I was searching for Hydro- porus eggs in 1931 that these studies of the Lemna association began. I found the beetle eggs glued to the roots of duckweed. Upon looking through library sources I could discover no ecolog- ical study of the very common pond plant, Lemna minor. Thereupon, I undertook what has been a labor of love and what promises to be a life long inquiry into the wonders of this diminu- tive society. BIBLIOGEAPHY Cresson, E. T. 1933. A new genus and species of the dipterous family Epliydridse reared from duckweed. Ent. News 44: 229-231. Forbes, Wm. T. M. 1911. Another aquatic caterpillar (Elophila). Psyche 18: 120-121. Hungerford, H. B. 1919. The biology and ecology of aquatic and semi- aquatic Hemiptera. Kansas Univ. Sci. Bull. 11: 99-106. Kraatz, W. C. 1918. Scirtes tibialis Guer., (Coleoptera-Dascyllidae), with observations on its life history. Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 11 : 393. Muesebeck, C. F. W. 1939. Three new hymenopterous parasites of the Lemna fly. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash. 41: 58-62. Scotland, M. B. 1934. The animals of the Lemna association. Ecology 15 : 290-294. . 1937. The duck -weed weevil, Tanysphyrus lemncB, in Culture meth- ods for invertebrate animals by J. G. Needham and others, Ithaca, N. Y.: pp. 480-481. . 1939. The Lemna fly and some of its parasites. Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 32: 713-718. 326 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. XLVIII Urban, C. von. 1922. Zur lebensweise der Tanysphyrus lemnce Payk. Ent. Blatt. 18 : 73-75. Williams, F. X. 1938. Biological studies in Hawaiian water-loving insects. Part III. Biptera or flies. A, Epliydridse and Antliomyiidse. Proc. Haw. Ent. Soc. 10 : 86-90. Williams, T. A. 1910. The Aphididae of Nebraska. Univ. Studies 10: 71. Wilson, H. F. and E. A. Vickery. 1918. A species list of the Aphididae of the world and their recorded food plants. Wis. Acad. Sci., Arts and Letters, Trans. XIX : 153. Plate XIII Figure 1. Figure 2. Figure 3. Infested Lemna, showing injuries The work of the adult Lenina fly, Lemnaphila scotlandce Cress., which appears as parallel gougings. Nine of the thalli show eggs of this fly on their margins. The work of the duckweed weevil, Tanysphyrus lemnce Payk., showing the round feeding punctures made by the adult weevil and the irregular linear mines of the larva. One larva is visible through the transparent epidermis in a mine in the upper right. The work of the collembolan, Sminthurus aquaticus Bourlet. The round holes are the excavations in which the eggs were de- posited singly. (Jour. N. Y. Bnt. Soc.), Vol. XLVIII (Plate XIII) 328 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. XLVIII Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 6 Figure 7 Figure 8 Plate XIV . A tank at the Fish Hatchery of Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y., showing a thick floating mat of lemna, the joint habitat of the lemna fly, the case-bearing moth, the Lemna weevil, the pond-lily aphid, the water strider, and the Collembolan. . The ribbed and sculptured egg of Lemnaphila scotlandce Cress. The micropyle is seen on the right. . Empty puparium showing the rupture through which the fly has emerged. . Wing of the Lemna fly. . Antenna of same. (Jour. N. Y. Ent. Soc.), Vol. XL VIII (Plate XIV) 330 Journal New York Entomological Society [VOL. XLVIII Plate XV Figure 9. Tip of the mouth-hooks of the larva of Lemnaiihila scotlandce Cress., showing the serrated margin of the inner surface of one hook. The other hook of the pair, diverging in position, shows dimly, being out of focus. A palpus shows faintly in the lower left. Figure 10. Adult Lemna fly. Figure 11. Tip of proboscis of same with labella retracted. Figure 12. The same, more enlarged and with labella expanded, showing the hooks that gouge the parallel rows of holes in the Lemna ^ thallus. A labial palpus appears at the left below. (Jour. N. Y. Bnt. Soc.), Vol. XLVIII (Plate XV) 332 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. XLVIII Figure 13. Figure 14. Figure 15. Figure 16. Figure 17. Figure 18. Figure 19. Figure 20. Figure 21. Plate XVI Parasites of Lemnaphila scotlandce Cress. Opius lemnaphilce Muesebeck, adult female. Antenna of same. Terminal segments of same, showing sensillae. Antenna of Trichopria angustipennis Muesebeck. Terminal segments of same, showing pit-like sensillse. Wing of Opius lemnaphilce Muesebeck. Wing of Trichopria angustipennis Muesebeck. Empty puparium of Lemnaphila scotlandce Cress., showing the large hole from which Opius lemnaphilce Muesebeck has emerged. Empty puparium of Lemnaphila scotlandce Cress., from which Trichopria angustipennis Muesebeck has emerged. (Jour. N. Y. Ent. Soc.), Vol. XLVIII (Plate XVI) 20 21 ' ''v. ’ T-'^ '' ' '^ . ". '"'r • # m V THE NORTH AMERICAN SPECIES OF THE GENERA LEUCOPHORA ROBINEAU-DESVOIDY AND PROBOSCIMYIA BIGOT (MUSCID^, DIPTERA) By H. C. Huckett Eiverhead, N. Y. The genus Leucophora Robineau-Desvoidy^ belonging to the subfamily Anthomyiinge is of particular interest to students of insect life on account of the fact that the larvae, so far as is known, live as inquilines^ or parasites® in the nests of solitary bees and wasps. It is recorded that the flies of many of the species be- longing to this genus have the habit of shadowing bees and wasps as the latter approach their burrows, which are situated in sandy or gravelly soils.^ In this way the nests of hymenopterous hosts are probably detected by the female for purposes of oviposition. Despite these peculiar habits the adults of the group are not to be readily distinguished on the basis of generic characters from many species occurring in allied groups associated with Hylemyia sens.-lat. The flies of the genus Leucophora differ principally but not invariably by having the genal, facial and occipital regions of the head more buccate, interfrontalia in female narrower, frons in this sex approaching the proportions of that in male. The thorax is robust and abdomen in male conical and rarely longer than thorax, ovipositor armed with recurrent spines on anal palpi except in maculata, legs proportionately stout, wings with costal thorns vestigial, m-cu cross veins in many species 1 In the sense of Hylephila and Hammomyia (Eondani) Coqnillett. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1910 XXXVII p. 560. 2 Huie, L. H. The habits and life history of Hylemyia grisea Fall., an anthomyid fly new to the Scottish fauna. The Scottish Naturalist, 1916 No. 49 Jan. p. 13-20. 3 Seguy, E. Contribution a Petude des dipteres anthomyides du genre Hylephila. Comptes rendus du Congres des Societes savantes en 1925, 1926 p. 474. 4 Collin, J. E. A contribution towards the knowledge of the anthomyid genera Hammomyia and Hylephila of Eondani (Diptera). Trans. Ent. Soc. London, 1921 Pt. Ill p. 305-326. 336 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. XLVIII oblique and sinuate and veins B. 4 + 5 and M. 1 + 2 convergent distad. Hypopygiuni and copulatory appendages in male of normal structure, not shining; in both sexes the apical scutellar setulag are more robust than those of Prosalpia. The arbitrary nature of such a combination of characters may, without further knowledge, serve only to confuse rather than to clarify the definition of the genus. Undoubtedly one of the most important sources of information relating to the scope of the genus is to be found in the facts concerning the peculiar habits of the species. Most authors have treated the group as composed of two segregates, and have aiDplied to them Rondani’s names Hylephila and Hammomyia respectively. In dealing with North American species this classification seems scarcely practical owing to the intergrading of many of the characters proposed for the separa- tion of the different segregates. I have been unable to find addi- tional characters that might help to support Rondani’s action, and hence have assembled the species into one genus under the name Leuocophora Robineau-Desvoidy, as proposed earlier by Coquillett.® The following species are recorded as occurring in North America Leucophora alhiseia (von Roser) johnsoni (Stein) maculata (Stein) marylandica (Malloch) ohtusa (Zetterstedt) sociata (Meigen) unilineata (Zetterstedt) unistriata (Zetterstedt) fusca n. sp. annexa, n. sp. Genus Leucophora Robineau-Desvoidy Leucophora Robineau-Desvoidy, Essai Myod., 1830 p. 562 . . . Coquillett, Jour. N. Y. Ent. Soc., 1901 IX p. 138 .. . Coquillett, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1910 XXXVII p. 560. 5 Loc. cit., p. 560. Q Hammomyia setigera Johannsen (Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., 1916 XLII p. 387) belongs to Hylemyia, being closely related to H. inornata Stein. Dec., 1940] Huckett: Leucophora 337 Chortophila Macquart, Hist. Nat. d. Ins. 1835 II p. 328 . . . Meade, Descr. List Brit. Anth., 1897 II p. 43. Anthomyia Schiner, Faun. Austr., 1862 I p. 638. Hylephila Rondani not Billberg, Dipt. Ital., Prodr., 1877 VI p. 13, 233 . . . Strobl, Verb, zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, 1893 XLIII p. 263 . . . Schnabl and Dziedzicki, Abb. K. Leop. -Carol. Deutscb. Akad. Naturforsch., 1911 XCV Nr. 2 p. 91 . . . Stein, Arch. f. Naturgesch., 1916 (1915) LXXXI A belt 10 p. 158, 222 . . . Johannsen, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., 1916 XLII p. 388 .. . Stein, Arch. f. Naturgescb., 1920 (1918) LXXXIV A heft 9 p. 84 . . . Collin, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lon- don, 1921 Pt. Ill p. 311, 306 . . . Seguy, Faune de France, 1923 VI p. 72 . . . Seguy, Compt. Congr. Soc. Savantes, 1926 p. 473 . . . Karl, Tierwelt Deutschlands, 1928 XIII Pt. 3 p. 192 . . . Malloch, Diptera of Patagonia, 1934 Pt. VII fasc. 2 p. 187 . . . Seguy, Gen. Insect., 1937 Fasc. 205 p. 135. Hammomyia Rondani, Dipt. Ital., Prodr., 1877 VI p. 13, 236 . . . Strobl, Verb, zool-bot. Ges. Wien, 1893 XLIII p. 265 . . . Aldrich, Misc. Coll. Smithsn. Inst., 1905 XLVI No. 1444 p. 554 . . . Stein, Kat. Paliiark. Dipt., 1907 III p. 698 . . . Williston, Man. N. A. Dipt., 3rd ed., 1908 p. 336 . . . Schnabl and Dziedzicki, Abh. K. Leop. -Carol. Deutscb. Akad. Natur- forsch., 1911 XCV Nr. 2 p. 91 . . . Stein, Arch. f. Natur- gesch., 1914 (1913) LXXIX A heft 8 p. 32 . . . Stein, Arch, f. Naturgesch., 1916 (1915) LXXXI A heft 10 p. 163, 222 .. . Johannsen, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., 1916 XLII p. 387 . . . Stein, Arch. f. Naturgesch., 1919 (1917) LXXXIII A heft 1 p. 152 . . . Stein, Arch. f. Naturgesch., 1920 (1918) LXXXIV A heft 9 p. 84 . . . Malloch, Canad. Ent., 1921 LIII p. 78 . . . Collin, Trans. Ent. Soc. London, 1921 Pt. Ill p. 306, 307 . . . Seguy, Faune de France, 1923 VI p. 70 . . . Huckett, Mem. 77 N. Y. (Cornell) Agr. Exp. Sta., 1924 (1923) p. 13 . . . Karl, Tierwelt Deutschlands, 1928 XIII Pt. 3 p. 191 . . . Malloch, Diptera of Patagonia, 1934 Pt. VII Fasc. 2 p. 189 . . . Curran, Fam. Gen. N. A. Dipt., 1937 p. 391. Anthomyia (Hammomyia) Pandelle, Rev. ent. France, 1901 XX p. 203, 299. 338 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. XLVIII Genotype Leucophora cinerea Eobineau-Desvoidy ( = Aricia albescens Zetterstedt). The genus Leucophora was described by Eobineau-Desvoidy (1830)^ for the reception of five nominal species, none of which have since been recognized with any degree of confidence by sub- sequent authors. A careful study of the original description of genus and species has lead me to the conclusion that the same general group is here depicted that was later to be described by Eondani as two segregates. Macquart (1835) apparently did not recognize Eobineau- Desvoidy ^s genus, and forthwith cited the first four species of Leucophora as a part of his heterogeneous group Chortophila. Eondani (1877) in dealing with the classification of Italian diptera erected the allied genera Hylephila and Hammomyia, and designated Musca huccata Fallen as the type of the former genus and Aricia albescens Zetterstedt as the type of the latter. In the case of albescens the author included in synonymy the species Leucophora cinerea Eobineau-Desvoidy. Coquillett (1901) in a preliminary list of the types of anthomyid genera designated L. cinerea, the third of five original species, as the genotype of Leucophora. Stein (1907) in his catalogue of palagarctic diptera cited Leucophora and Hylephila as synonyms of Hammomyia Eondani, and recorded cinerea and albescens among the synonyms of Hammomyia albiseta (von Eoser). Coquillett (1910) in his later compilation of the type species of North American genera of Diptera included both of Eondani ’s genera as synonyms of Leucophora, accepting the name Leucophora cinerea in the sense of Aricia albescens Zetter- stedt. Subsequent authors (Stein, 1916, 1920) (Collin, 1921) (Seguy, 1923, 1925) (Malloch, 1921, 1934) (Karl, 1928) have main- tained in a large measure the classification proposed by Eondani, although some doubt has been expressed concerning the validity of Hylephila as a name for one of the genera, owing to its possible preoccupation in Lepidoptera. 7 Citations of literature are given in abbreviated form in the synonymy, the year of publication being inserted within parentheses. Dec., 1940] Huckett: Leucophora 339 Seguy (1937) in his recent monograph on the Muscidse of the world combined both of Rondani’s segregates into one genns under the name Hylephila Rondani. In my opinion the name Leucophora was rendered valid by Coquillett’s action in designating Leucophora cinerea Robineau- Desvoidy as the type of the genus. I have regarded the identity of cinerea as equivalent to that of Aricia albescens Zetterstedt, according to the concensus of opinions expressed in the literature. Zetterstedt ’s species is the genotype of Hammomyia Rondani, and on that account I have considered Hammomyia as a synonym of Leucophora. I have come to the conclusion that the generic name Hylephila as used by Rondani cannot stand owing to its preoccupation by Billberg.® If Rondani’s group is to be main- tained it seems that a new name should be proposed to displace Hylephila. This genus possesses priority over Hammomyia, hence in any attempt to merge the two groups it would appear that the name Hammomyia would be sunk in synonymy. How- ever in my opinion the need for a new name does not arise, if for no other reason than the fact that there already exists the prior claims of Leucophora Robineau-Desvoidy. I have not thought is advisable, at least for the purposes of this study, to make any further reference concerning the possible status of the remaining species described in Leucophora because of lack of evidence or authority regarding their probable identity for specific purposes. 8 The name Hylephila was employed firstly in 1820 by Billberg (Enumer- atio Inseetorum in Museo Billberg, 1820 p. 81) to denote a genus in Lepi- doptera. Although the validity of Billberg ’s genera has been indirectly questioned by Walsingham and Durrant (Eevision of the nomenclature of micro-lepidoptera. Ent. Month. Mag., 1902 XXXVIII p. 163-170) and later by others on account of the unfortunate circumstances surrounding Billberg ’s work these authors evidently did not take into consideration the attempt made by Scudder (Historical sketch of the generic names proposed for butterflies: A contribution to systematic nomenclature. Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts Sciences, 1875 X p. 193) to revive Billberg ’s genus Hylephila. In Scudder ’s treatment of the genus the names of three original species are retained, of which Papilio pJiylaeus Drury is selected as the genotype of Hylephila. The authorship of the genus is credited to Billberg. In my opinion this action served to validate the name Hylephila Billberg for the group. 340 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. XLVIII Key to Males 1. Mid tibia with a bristle on anteroventral or mid ventral surface 2 - Mid tibia with no bristle on either ventral surface 7 2. Notopleural callosity with several setulse 3 - Notopleural callosity devoid of setulae 4 3. Scutellum fuscous on lateral and ventral surfaces; lower caudal sterno- pleural bristle weakly developed fusca n. sp. - Scutellum uniformly grayish on lateral and ventral surfaces; lower caudal sternopleural bristle stoutly developed annexa n. sp. 4. Tibiae, parafacials and cheeks normally largely reddish; aristal hairs longer than basal diameter of arista; prealar bristle absent; cross veins cloudy; cruciate setulse present johnsoni (Stein) - Tibiae normally largely blackish; arista minutely pubescent or bare; cross veins clear 5 5. Mid tibia with a bristle on anteroventral surface; fore tibia with a robust apical posterodorsal bristle; cruciate setulae present. unilineata (Zett.) - Mid tibia with a bristle on mid ventral surface ; fore tibia lacks a robust apical posterodorsal bristle; cruciates absent 6 6. Prealar bristle as long as posterior notopleural bristle; planes of dorso- central and acrostical bristles usually noticeably setulose; abdominal vitta blackish ohtusa (Zett.) - Prealar bristle shorter than posterior notopleural bristle, or absent; planes of dorsocentral and acrostical bristles not noticeably setulose; abdominal vitta brownish unistriata (Zett.) 7. Prealar bristle present 8 - Prealar bristle usually absent 11 8. Notopleural callosity with several setulae; parafacials broader ventrad than at base of antennae; proboscis slender annexa n. sp. - Notopleural callosity invariably devoid of setulae; parafacials broader at base of antennae and narrower ventrad; proboscis not slender 9 9. Processes with a fringelike series of long bristles from base to apex that is ventrally directed; prealar bristle short maculata (Stein) - Processes with no pronounced series of longish bristles directed ventrad, if long directed caudad; prealar bristle as long as posterior noto- pleural bristle 10 10. Bristles on inner border of processes short and stiffish, stouter developed than bristles on outer border (fig. 13) ; bristles on antero- and postero- ventral surfaces of hind femur not longer than greatest breadth of femur alhiseta (von Eoser) - Bristles on inner border of processes fine and slender, not stouter devel- oped than those on outer border (fig. 15) ; bristles on antero- and posteroventral surfaces of hind femur longer than greatest breadth of femur sociata (Meigen) 11. Aristal hairs longer than basal diameter of arista; tibise reddish tinged; processes with no noticeable series of bristles directed ventrad 12 Dec., 1940] Huckett: Leucophora 341 - Aristal hairs not longer than basal diameter of arista; tibiae black; processes with a noticeable series of downwardly directed bristles. maculata (Stein) 12. Processes reddish yellow ; mid tibia with apical anterodorsal bristle more robust than apical posterodorsal; m-cu cross vein usually cloudy and semierect joJmsoni (Stein) - Processes blackish; mid tibia with apical posterodorsal bristle more robust than apical anterodorsal; m-cu cross vein clear and usually obliquely directed marylandica (Malloch) Key to Females 1. Mid tibia with a bristle on anteroventral or mid ventral surface 2 - Mid tibia with no bristle on either ventral surface 7 2. Tibiae reddish yellow; cross veins cloudy; aristal hairs longer than basal diameter of arista johnsoni (Stein) - Tibiae blackish; cross veins clear; aristal hairs not longer than basal diameter of arista 3 3. Notopleural callosity with several setulae 4 - Notopleural callosity devoid of setulae 5 4. Scutellum fuscous on lateral and ventral surfaces ; fore tibia with at least three well developed apical bristles; setulae on mesopleura encroaching cephalad onto declivity dorsad of mesothoracic spiracle fusca n. sp. - Scutellum grayish on lateral and ventral surfaces, concolorous with dorsum; fore tibia with two well developed apical bristles; meso- pleural setulae not encroaching onto declivity dorsad of mesothoracic spiracle annexa n. sp. 5. Fore tibia with a robust apical posterodorsal bristle; mid tibia with bristle on anteroventral surface; cruciate setulae present; outer pair of verticals bristlelike unilineata (Zett.) - Fore tibia lacks a robust apical posterodorsal bristle; mid tibia with bristle on mid ventral surface; cruciates absent; outer pair of verti- cals setulose 6 6. Prealar bristle as long as posterior notopleural bristle; abdominal vitta blackish; first abdominal sternum with several setulae; middle four bristles of marginal series on tergum 5 situated further from caudal margin than those laterad obtusa (Zett.) - Prealar bristle shorter than j)Osterior notopleural bristle, or absent; abdominal vitta brownish; first abdominal sternum bare; middle four bristles of marginal series on tergum 5 situated about the same dis- tance from margin as those laterad unistriata (Zett.) 7. Prealar bristle present 8 - Prealar bristle usually absent 9 8. Palpi flattish, narrowly spatulate; hind femur with a stoutish bristle on posteroventral surface sociata (Meigen) - Palpi slender, filiform; hind femur with no stoutish bristle on postero- ventral surface albiseta (von Eoser) 342 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. XLVIII 9. Erons at narrowest about equal to one-third width of head viewed from above; aristal hairs longer than basal diameter of arista; ovipositor armed with recurrent spines on anal palpi marylandica (Malloch) - Erons less than one-third width of head ; arista minutely pubescent ; ovi- positor lacks recurrent spines on anal palpi (figs. 19, 20). maculata (Stein) Leucophora alMseta (von Eoser) Leucophora cinerea Kobineau-Desvoidy, Essai Myod., 1830 p. 563 . . . Coquillett, Jour. N. Y. Eiit. Soc., 1901 IX p. 138 . . . Coquillett, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1910 XXXVII p. 560. Chortophila cinerea Macquart, Hist., Nat. d. Ins., 1835 II p. 328. Anthomyia alhiseta von Poser, Wiirttemb. Corrbl., 1840 I p. 59. Aricia albescens Zetterstedt, Dipt. Scand., 1845 IV p. 1520. Anthomyia albescens Scbiner, Faun. Austr., 1862 I p. 638 . . . Neuhaus, Diptera marchica, 1886 p. 228. Hammomyia albescens Rondani, Dipt. Ital., Prodr., 1877 VI p. 236 . . . Strobl, Verb, zool.bot. Ges. Wien, 1893 XLIII p. 265 . . . Collin, Trans. Ent. Soc. London, 1921 Pt. Ill p. 308 . . . Seguy, Faune de France, 1923 VI p. 71 . . . Karl, Tierwelt Deutschlands, 1928 XIII Pt. 3 p. 191. Chortophila albescens Meade, Ent. Month. Mag., 1882 XIX p. 146 . . . Meade, Descr. List Brit. Anth., 1897 II p. 44. Anthomyia {Hammomyia) albescens Pandelle, Eev. Ent. France, 1901 XX p. 300. Hammomyia albiseta Stein, Kat. Palaark, Dipt., 1907 III p. 698 . . . Schnabl and Dziedzicki, Abh. K. Leop.-Carol. Deutsch. Akad. Naturforsch., 1911 XCV Nr. 2 p. 91 . . . Stein, Arch, f. Naturgesch., 1914 (1913) LXXIX A heft 8 p. 32 . . . Stein, Arch. f. Naturgesch., 1916 (1915) LXXXI A heft 10 p. 163 . . . Tiensuu, Acta Soc. Faun. Flor. Fenn., 1935 LVIII No. 4 p. 14. Hylephila albiseta Seguy, Gen. Insect., 1937 Fasc. 205 p. 136. Records Alaska, 2J', Fairbanks, July 1 1921 (J. M. Aldrich). British Columbia, 3J', Nicola, June 27 1923 (C. B. D. Gar- rett) ; Seton Lake, Lillooet, June 2 1926, 2^?, June 4 1926 (J. McDunnough). California, IJ, Felton, St. Cruz Mts., 300-500 ft.. May 15-19 1907, (J. C. Bradley). Dec., 1940] Huckett: Leucophora 343 Colorado, IJ', IJ, Campus of University of Colorado, Boulder, July 1910, (T. D. A. Cockerell). Idaho, 1$, Clementsville, July 22 1926 (R. W. Haegele). Nova Scotia, IJ', Kentville, Aug. 14 1917. Oregon, IJ, Niger’s Island, June 11 1925 (J. Wilcox). Washington, SJ', Clarkston, June 12 1930 (J. M. Aldrich) [U. S. N. M.] The male of all)iseta has been commonly characterized as hav- ing a plain dove gray color on thorax and whitish dust on frontal regions of head. The above specimen from Nova Scotia is typical in these respects, but those from Alaska and British Columbia possess a much darker aspect and resemble in many ways the allied species sociata (Meigen). If it were not for the structure of the copulatory appendages (figs. I, 12, 13) and for the fact that many of the species represented in this study exhibit a similarly wide range in tonal forms it would be a difficult matter to reconcile the fact that these western specimens represented the same species as the dove gray examples of albiseta from Europe. The female of albiseta has the palpi filiform, whereas in sociata they are narrowly spatulate in this sex. Leucophora johnsoni (Stein) Hylemyia johnsoni Stein, Berl. Ent. Zeitschr., 1898 (1897) XLII p. 215 . . . Aldrich, Misc. Coll. Smithsn. Inst., 1905 XLVI p. 552 . . . Britton, Bull. 31 Conn. Geol. Nat. Hist. Surv., 1920 p. 198 . . . Johnson, Occ. Pap. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., No. VII 1925 p. 234. Hammomyia johnsoni Stein, Arch. f. Naturgesch., 1919 (1917) LXXXIII A heft 1 p. 152 . . . Stein, Arch. f. Naturgesch., 1920 (1918) LXXXIV A heft 9 p. 84 . . . Malloch, Canad. Ent, 1921 LIII p. 78 . . . Huckett, Mem. 77 N. Y. (Cornell) Agr. Exp. Sta., 1924 (1923) p. 13 . . . Hallock and Parker, Circ. 103 N. J. Dept Agr., 1926 p. 16. Hylephila johnsoni Seguy, Gen. Insect., 1937 Ease. 205 p. 138. Records Idaho, 2J^, Mt. Moscow, June 1924 (J. M. Aldrich) [U. S. N. M]. New York, IJ', Glen Head, Long Island, April 14 1921; 13J', 1?, Valley Stream, Long Island, April 27 1921; 3^;^, Lake- 344 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. XLVIII ville, Long Island, May 22 1921 ; IJ, Babylon, Long Island, May 22 1933, 1?, June 15 1935 (F. S. Blanton) ; 3c?, Heck- scher State Park, Long Island, May 30 1935, IJ, Babylon, Long Island, May 24 1934, Ic?, May 22 1935, IJ', May 26 1935, 1$, June 9 1934, 1$, June 15 1934, Half Way Hollow Hills, Long Island, May 18 1935 (Blanton & Borders) ; 4c?, Middle Island, Long Island, May 30 1931; 15, Kiverhead, Long Island, May 27 1934, IJ', June 26 1927 ; IJ', 15, Ithaca, May 28 1922. Ontario, Ic?, Niagara Glen, June 23 1926, 1$, June 24 1926 (G. S. Walley). Quebec, IJ, Covey Hill, June 15 1927 (G. S. Walley). Texas, 2J', College Station, April 13 1935, 2c?, April 18 1935, 15, April 10 1932, !V^! rVm WB J7 ■■■ ’.' , "■ ■ ;>i "'h ' '':'? »'( \ ' ' ir;:. - ^ 'f- « ? r-,; ■ ;ii{ h u,t ? " ■■ ■ - r. "j.;-. 'i""i\l 'Vei/Xv ■' »/' "'■/} I (?VT'.yy-- ; i;> ' ■ '■ ."'V , .'• .’ .. ' j>/; ,'V y- '(. <> '■■•;' ‘ p';. •■•>• ~ , V , : tmi .. ^ '• ■; - '■=/'. ■ >P'' f ,1 -r-- '■■<';'(!, • '! r, ofl' ' ...,-: i, • :,y<\ ■ .O.i ,' I i ' H. ■' 7 ,f;■^ ! ::■'■■■?;.' 7/- iT' ^ ^ ' ''7':r , ;■■•■, 'W-/- *■'■;•' ‘ . ' ' ■-'!■ ' .'^. ~j J- ■ \' ■' ^ (t"' v' ‘•'•■■'‘! .>V''r':,:7' ■,, ' ,;■ ■ ■■■■ , ; ■ ■■■^!-..ti^!'. ’ ■ ' ■ KM:,' ■>■ 77/'. .'■ •! VV l/'J 7':' . i > .'A. If •-•••i’ !•■• •V'i'j ■'.•! ;[• '..■.:i;,i 7 •■ . i . 'n '■ ■ ' -7 •; 7 .7;l:i ’i'.l-' • ■ /.'M '■ . ■ /-.7 ’ '7 'A,^v.i 0 .], '' ■ ■'K''' ! -77 7 .; 7 • -7 . ^ . '7 / ‘-'V' ''7 f; 7‘4;' '• 7 '> .77'V’ t1,77'! ;7;%.' 7?7-? '.t. • ■ -.' . .- -. "■ . ’■ ■ 1 7' .'.i ■{■'■', >;■ ; :' ■ ‘‘■- ; -J 1|?> , T ■’m-7'77 .f/'.; '7?77;7r;7 M'..p»X)7 rt ft ■v7f' .7 T .; f.''l ' ,v \ r. 7 vK7;'7 '/■' 7 , ' ‘7777 v;.*.iiibf'; r. •■ ■; ? 1.'. ; ■'. • ' ■ . ', ■ ' •M':;.. v.N .' . 7:.'V>7*-i - ,, :;■> ■I ". '. ' ; t. ^7, ''■■ .f'7 ,r. ■■ ' ' -7..717 1 ■•■; ,77; ;■ '-» 7^. i7 .' ' 7-;.(7 i'7 ■' ■ ' ' 7 7T '7^777'^^ :V7-.,„M'|7 ' hi 7 ;U\ (^; ,7'-" Y. . 77 • >‘ ''“■ ' . ' '1 #ViK . ■ 'V ' ^ ■'■ ;.7'•Vii^.^ ,7 7;:■7^ :.K: ; ' •/ , ,77 m,4' 77t.-7 ''7 ,.7^ 4. .77 ; .■. ;, >; '/y 7^;7:7,7 A NEW BRENTHIS FROM ALASKA (LEPIDOPTERA, NYMPHALID^) By Alexander B. Klots College of the City of New York Breuthis (Clossiana) aphirape denali, new subspecies. While the writer feels a certain hesitation at adding another snbspecific name in aphirape to the already rather long list, the form named here is so utterly distinct from any other members of the species that there is no doubt of its validity. From other subspecies of aphirape in North America, denali may be differen- tiated as follows : Male — Upper side: Ground-color pale yellow-brown, the black markings fine and clear-cut. The ground-color is lighter than that of any other apM- rape subspecies except laddi Klots (Snowy Eange, Wyo.) and caelestis Hem- ming (Colorado). In the fineness and sharpness of the black markings denali likewise resembles laddi and caelestis most closely, for the other North American subspecies all have heavier markings with considerable suffusion, as well as a deeper orange-brown or red-brown ground-color. In the basal and anal regions of the hind wings denali has slightly more fuscous dusting, and is more hairy, than laddi and caelestis. Female — Upper side: The ground-color is somewhat duller and the black markings heavier and more suffused than in the males. Compared with females of other North American subspecies, denali females average paler with lighter markings and less fuscous suffusion than those of any subspecies other than laddi and caelestis; their marking are slightly more suffused, and the basal dusting of the hind wings more extensive, than in these two latter. Both sexes — ^Under side: The fuscous or black markings, repeated from the pattern of the upper side, are slightly heavier in the females than in the males. In other respects the females show no essential differences from the males. In both sexes the fuscous or black markings are more reduced than in any other North American subspecies, including laddi and caelestis. The ground color is much paler than in any other North American sub- species, having a very “washed out“ appearance. On the hind wings the post-basal and median rows of darker spots are of a light, yellow-brown color, much lighter than in any other North American subspecies except caelestis. The submarginal area which, in all other North American subspecies is largely filled in with dark orange-brown or red-brown in cells Ei, Eg, Mi, Cui, and Cin, at least outwardly, is in denali almost entirely of the very light, yellowish ground-color with only a slight brownish tinge in the costo-distal corner of cell El. The row of round, ocellate spots in this submarginal area is very much obscured, being almost entirely faded out in some specimens. The marginal and the irregular sub-median rows of light-colored spots are of a pale, yellowish-white with only an occasional trace of pearly luster. 414 JouKNAL New York Entomological Society [Vol. XLVIII Denali is almost the most distinct subspecies of aphirape in North America, the extremely pale, “washed out” appearance of the under side of the wings sufficing for its recognition at a glance. Of the 43 specimens of the type lot, only two show suffi- cient dark coloring beneath to be in any way confnsable with any other North American subspecies; and the resemblance of these is to caelestis, the Colorado subspecies, rather than to nichollm or triclaris, the closest subspecies geographically. Two specimens from Atlin, B. C., are intermediate between denali and nichollm. They are not to be considered as representa- tive denali, or as part of the type lot. Leiissler’s reference (Bull. Brooklyn Ent. Soc., 1935, 30: 52) to a male and a female of aphirape from the Mackenzie Delta under the name of alticola Barnes & McDunnongh (a homonym, = caelestis Hemming) is inadmissible, as pointed out by the pres- ent writer (Journ. N. Y. Ent. Soc., 1937, 45: 325). The pale coloration which led Lenssler to use the name alticola for these specimens is here seen to be characteristic of denali. It is there- fore quite probable that the Mackenzie Delta specimens should be referred to denali or, at least, that they represent a transitional population between denali and triclaris. The name of this new subspecies is the Indian name for Mount McKinley. Types : Holotype J', July 25, 1931, and allotype 5? J^Jy, 1931, McKinley National Park, coll, by Frank Morand, ex Guilder Collection. Paratypes : 21 the same locality and collector, July, 1931 ; 1 the same locality and collector, 24 July, 1931 ; 1 the same locality and collector, 25 July, 1931 ; 1 the same locality and col- lector, 28 July, 1931 ; 4 the same locality and collector, July, 1931 ; 1 2, the same locality and collector, 24 July, 1931 ; 3 and 1 2, the same locality, coll, by G. P. Engelhart, 3500 ft. alti- tude, 5 July, 1938; 1 J' and 1 $, the same locality, coll, by D. Fraser, 29 July, 1930; 1 Cantwell (S. of Fairbanks) Alaska, coll, by D. G. Nicholls, 14 July, 1937 ; 3 ,c?c? and 1 ?, Alfred Creek Camp, Alaska, coll, by R. A. Pope, 15 July, 1922 ; 1 Alfred Creek Camp, Alaska, coll, by R. A. Pope, 21 July, 1922. The holotype, the allotype and most of the paratypes are in the American Museum of Natural History. Paratypes are in the collections of Cyril dos Passos and the author. INDEX TO NAMES OF INSECTS AND PLANTS IN VOLUME XLVIII Generic names begin with capital letters. New genera, subgenera, species, subspecies, and new names are printed in italics. Achsetoneura samiae, 261 Aconopliora hrunnea, 281 erecta, 280 Alchisme laticornis, 277 pinguicornis, 277 spinosa, 278 Amastris peruviana, 286 Ants, relation to Japanese beetle and parasites, 85 Apteroloma tenuicorne, 233 Arotes amoenus, 155 Butterflies, list of New Jersey, 47 Beauveria bassiana, 401 Benthis aphirape denali, 413 Cacama crepitans, 117 CalliphoridaB, 395 Carterocephalus palaemon mesapano, 244 Ceresa grisescens, 283 luteimaculata, 282 Chiomara mithrax, 116 salma, 116 Clidophelps pallida, 118 Ephemera guttulata, 384 vulgata, 382 Ephoron album, 384 Erythrandra picipes, 140 Eumichthini, 368 Euphoron ladogensis, 385 Gonomyia macswaini, 115 remota ohtusistyla, 115 Heliothis obsoleta, 305 Helius distinervis, 112 Hyboderini, 371 Hypopelta scrofa, 143 Insect losses, 195 Insects, of Lenina minor, 320 Ischnothrix patens, 113 Japanese beetle relation of ants to, 85 parasites, relation of ants to, 85 Johnsonia borealis, 140 Laccoprosopa sarcophagina, 138 Lemna minor, insects of, 320 Leucophora albiseta, 342 415 416 Journal New York Entomological Society [Vol. xlviii annexa, 355 fusca, 353 johnsoni, 343 maculata, 347 marylandica, 344 obtusa, 350 sociata, 346 unilineata, 348, 352 Limonia paucilohata, 111 Lipsothrix neotropica, 114 Lycoderes luteus, 275 Macronichia aurata, 136 confundens, 136 Metoposarcophaga importuna, 144 Micrutalis nigromarginata, 289 Myllocerus castaneus, 318 Neoplatypedia constricta, 125 Neotipula, 105 Nicropliorus guttulus, 235 investigator, 235 vespilloides, 234 Nisoniades selma, 116 Obriini, 367 Okanagana bella, 121 calif ornica, 122 fumipennis, 124 luteobasalis, 122 rubrovenosa, 120 schafferi, 124 striatipes, 123 synodica, 124 utahensis, 123 vanduzeei, 121 Okanagodes gracilis, 119 Opelousia obscura, 137 Oppiopsis sheldoni, 139 Opsodexia abdominalis, 138 bicolor, 137 Orimarga melampodia, 112 Palingenia longicauda, 379 Paragargara nigra, 279 Platanus occidentalis, 384 Platypedia mohavensis, 125 putnami lutea, 125 Pletliogenesia papuana, 384 Polistes canadensis mexicanus, 10 satan, 11 varieties, 7 weheri, 12 wheeleri, 12 exclamans louisianus, 14 varieties, 13 fuscatus, 391 connectens, 21 hunteri, 23 maritimus, 25 montanus, 26 neotropicus, 28 varieties, 17 major haJceri, 15 varieties, 15 Popillia japonica, 85, 401 DEC., 1940] Index 417 Proboscimyia irevis, 357 siphonina, 356 Pseudogaurax anchora, 260 Pseudopilema, 373 Pyrrhopyge, 405 Ehopalocera of New Jersey, 47 Sarcofahrtia ravinia, 141 Sarcophaga aculeata, 224 alcedo, 224 aldrichi, 224 atlanis, 225 bisetosa, 218 cimbicis, 219 laakei, 221 latisetosa, 221 latisterna, 219 1 ’herminieri, 221 misera exuberans, 216 liarpax, 216 sarracenioides, 217 pusiola, 222 stimulans, 222 sueta, 223 Silpha bituberosa, 233 opaca, 233 trituberculata, 233 Siphloplecton basale, 382 Sitophilus granarius, 37 oryzae, 37 Spilocryptus extrematus, 262 Stictolobus nitidus, 284 marginatus, 285 Stylocentrus rubrinigris, 276 Thrasymedes virescens, 288 Tibicinoides cupreosparsus, 125 mercedita, 125 Tipula browniana, 107 pectinella, 106 scriptella, 109 ctcnopyga, 110 Trox unistriatus, 303 Tynelia nigra, 287 Wohlfahrtia vigil, 142 k. ■ Sif j I ' ■ f Y The New York Entomological Society Organized June 29, 1892 — Incorporated June 7, 1893 Certificate of Incorporation expires June 7, 1943 The meetings of the Society are held on the first and third Tuesday of each month (except June, July, August and September) at 8 p. m., in the American Museum of Natural History, 77th Street and Columbus Avenue. Annual dues for Active Members, $3.00; including subscription to the Journal, $4.50. Members of the Society will please remit their annual dues, payable in January, to the treasurer. Honorary President, WILLIAM T. DAVIS Officers for the Year 1940 President, DR. ALEXANDER B. KLOTS College of the City of New York, N. Y. Vice-President, MAX KISLIUK, JR. Federal Bldg., New York, N. Y. Secretary, LUCY W. CLAUSEN American Museum of Natural History Treasurer, DR. HERMAN T. SPIETH College of the City of New York, N. Y. Librarian, DR. R. E. BLACKWELDER American Museum of Natural History Curator, C. E. OLSEN American Museum of Natural History EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE H. F. Schwarz Dr. F. E. Lutz Dr. Wm. Procter Dr. Herbert Ruckes Henry Bird Harry B. Weiss Dr. W. J. Gertsch Dr. J. L. Horsfall J. W. Angell PUBLICATION COMMITTEE Dr. Wm. Moore E. L. Bell PROGRAM COMMITTEE F. A. SORACI AUDITING COMMITTEE E. L. Bell FIELD COMMITTEE A. S. Nicolay John D. Sherman, Jr. E. Teale G. B. Engelhardt G. Rau DELEGATE TO THE N. Y. ACADEMY OF SCIENCES William T. Davis JOURNAL of the NEW YORK ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY Published quarterly by the Society at N. Queen St., and Mc- Govern Ave., Lancaster, Pa. All communications relating to manuscript for the Journal should be sent to the Editor, Harry B. Weiss, 19 N. 7th Ave., Highland Park, New Jersey; all subscrip- tions to the Treasurer, Dr. Herman T. Spieth, American Museum of Natural History, New York, N. Y. Orders for back issues should be sent to the Librarian, Dr. B. E. Blackwelder, American Museum of Natural History, 77th St. and Columbus Ave., New York, N. Y. The society has a complete file of back issues in stock. The Society will not be responsible for lost Journals if not noti- fied immediately of change of address. We do not exchange publications. Terms for subscription, $3.00 per year, strictly in advance. Please make all checks, money-orders, or drafts payable to New York Entomological Society. Twenty-five reprints without covers are furnished free to authors. Additional copies may be purchased at the following rates : 4 pp. 8 pp. 12 pp. 16 pp. 24 pp. 32 pp. 25 copies $2.40 $5.22 $5.58 $5.58 $9.00 $9.60 Additionals 100 ’s .60 1.44 1.92 1.92 3.00 3.00 Covers 50 copies, $2.00; additional 100 ’s, $1.50. Half-tone prints It^ cents for each half-tone print. Authors whose papers are illustrated with text figures or full page plates will be required to supply the electroplates or pay the cost of making the same by the Journal and also to pay the cost of printing full page plates on coated paper, when advisable. i - .5 j i i J ^V5)v- '3b 1^ <:m- /;i.».'.s ' 6< ,.K.‘ li ' Jh' " ■ I