^^>^^: ^^^# Jf. •• * «#<» 'i >• ^■^W-.K#>-- W (ji^jk^-frt^ftrtihiv^'-^ Journal OF THE New- York Microscopical Society VOLUME IX. LIBRARY ■BOTANICAL GARDEN NEW YORK: PUBLISHED FOR THE SOCIETY, QUARTERLY. LIBRARY NEW YORK IBOTANICAL Journal °^«°^'^ OF THE NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. Vol. IX. JANUARY, 1893. No. 1. NOTES ON CORDYLOPHORA LACUSTRIS AND MELI- CERTA RINGENS. BY STEPHEN HELM. (_Read November i^ih, 1892.) CoRDYLOPHORA LACUSTRIS. — Prof. Allmaii is, I believe, the only scientist who has investigated the life-history of C. lacus- tris, and although nearly forty years have elapsed since those investigations were made public, they still stand alone. This is attributable in all probability to two causes : first, the exhaus- tive character of that memoir; and, second, the rarity of the form itself — the former rendering observers shy of entering upon ground already so ably trodden ; the latter placing a very effec- tive barrier in the path of those who might have felt inclined to investigate had circumstances favored them. Notwithstanding this, and the expressive and derisive represen- ^tation applied to certain persons who " rush in where angels fear gyo tread," I am desirous of placing on record some observations ^made during the past summer, and I venture to hope I may be ;^|forgiven for re-introducing this form to the Society after so short py^an interval. ■<5 To make the present remarks clearer I am compelled to refer ^;o my paper published in the April number of the Journal, in which I speak of my anxiety to complete my observations on cer- 2 JOURNAL OF THE [January, tain new forms therein mentioned, at the earliest possible moment. With that idea I have made repeated visits to the locality in search of specimens, although as yet without result. On one of those visits, that of July 17th, however, I took comfort to my soul, for on peering into the canal I perceived a form which, from its gene- ral aspect and enormous numbers, I at once jumped to the con- clusion was my long-desired C. coronata. But on transferring a colony to one of my bottles for closer examination, to my amaze- ment I found that instead of C. coronata I had C. lacustris, about the very last form I should have expected. In the paper referred to, on these two forms, I have said that after the most painstaking and diligent search I was only able to find one solitary specimen of C. lacustris — and that by accident — amongst the tens of thousands of C. coronata. But here I had before me C- lacustris enough to supply every microscopist in the world to his heart's content and a few millions of millions over ; for although prospecting only on one side of the canal for convenience, it was, for a couple of miles at least, literally lined with it. Wherever there was a resting- place there were the tiny but beautifully branched stems of C. la- custris. That I was pleased, nay, delighted, goes without saying, and dreams of a thorough side-by-side comparison of the two forms rose before me, being now sure that, as I had had the good fortune to find C. lacustris, I should find C. coronata also. 1% \.\\Q.XQ any unmixed ]q-^ va. \\Vi% world? I pressed the cup of joy — not canal-water — to my lips, but the pleasure was evanes- cent, being soon embittered by disappointment ; for, after two hours' careful sea,rch, C. corojiata was still " conspicuous by its ab- sence." I could not find even one solitary specimen to console me. On reaching home I prepared a tank for my new capture, filling it entirely with the water obtained in this expedition — about a gal- lon— and looked forward to a grand distribution during the week amongst the members of the New- York Microscopical Society and other friends, even going so far as to make a careful list of those who I knew would value it. Alas ! now followed my second dis- appointment. I had reckoned without my host. The next day my collection looked queer, and I thought it best to defer my distri- bution. And well it was for my friends I did so. For in three or four days C. lacustris was defunct and the water vile enough and black enough for Styx. 1893.] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 3 Nothing daunted, even though the weather was still very hot, I made another visit. That collection^ " hurried up " and went bad the following day. Again and again I tried, but, from some inex- plicable cause, every gathering went in the same manner, and finally C lacusti'is went also, gradually disappearing from the canal. I did hope to secure some germs at least, but the only re- sult I to-night have of all these rich hauls, and after some eight or ten visits, is a piece of weed in spirit, which originally carried a few hundred forms, three to six on a stem. This I exhibit to give an idea of the enormous numbers in which it was found. What investigations I was able to make confirmed a good many of Allman's illustrations. But I found two points of difference, otherwise the Society would have been spared a narration of my experiences. One point of difference relates to the general position of the tentacula, which were spread in all directions and presented a free, wavy appearance, as in C. coronata. As shown by Allman — see April Journal, plate 30 — they stand almost vertical, whilst in my "solitary specimen," exhibited November 6th, 1891, they stood out like wires from a telegraph pole. Some few specimens which I was able to retain up to ten days ago had the same free, wavy appearance. Allman's presentation, however, may have been an accidental difference, produced by exceptional environ- ments, and I do not lay much stress upon the point. But the second point, as to the numbers of the tentacula, seems to me an important one. Allman very strangely omits to specifically state the number of tentacula, except in his descrip- tion where he says, " Polypi tentaculis numerosis sparsis tereti- bus," thus leaving it to be inferred that, although numerous, their number is uncertain. And yet in his illustrations, of which he gives four, one, an immature form, is figured with thirteen, whilst of the three matured forms one is figured with twelve and two with thirteen. So that, to say the least, tentacula are " an un- certain quantity." But it is not unfair to Allman to assume that he considered thirteen the maximum number. Now, I found in these captures the tentacula varied in number from ten to twenty, and of these latter so many instances as to convince me that it was not an abnormal number, but quite common. However, that this statement might not go forth on my unsupported testi- 4 JOURNAL OF THE [January^ mony, I requested Dr. Pierson, my medical adviser, to count them also, and he confirmed my observations. To sum up : This experience is certainly one of the strangest I ever passed through. Here is one form — Cordylophora coronafa^ and a new one — existing in countless millions, and for months together, in 1891, disappearing altogether in 1892; whilst the typical form Cordylophora laciistris, represented in 189 1 by solitary specimens, appeared in 1892 in the same countless millions, but only for a few weeks. Is it possible that in these facts we have an illustration of " alternation of generations " ? Melicerta ringens. — In a contribution to the Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, Philip Henry Gosse described for the first time the building-up of the tessellated tube of this lovely form of rotifer, which took place under his very eyes. Although nearly every writer on this form since that time quotes more or less from Gosse, I am not aware that any other observer has witnessed the complete operation. I have felt a desire to do so all my life, and have searched amongst Melicertians hundreds of times, in the hope that I might . be so favored, but in vain. At last, on July 26th of this year, I had the ambition of my life gratified. At 10:30 a.m. I perceived a young specimen busily engaged in this interesting occupation. Six rows of pellets had already been completed, and the young, builder was still hard at work. I watched this combination of brickmaker, architect, and builder at work for five hours uninter- ruptedly, which I claim was, for so small and so young an opera- tor, an unparalleled feat even amongst the hard-worked mam- malians. To be sure, the object, the establishment of a home,, and that for a lifetime, was a noble one, and who would not vigor- ously labor for such a purpose ? However, dropping reflections, suffice it to say that at the expiration of these five hours the young artisan rested, evidently considering "the house '^ high enough for the present, and then proceeded to devote " the wheel of life '^ to the acquisition of food. But what had been accomplished in these five hours ? Starting with six rows of pellets at the time of first observation, twenty-one rows more were piled up, viz., fourteen rows up to 1:30 p.m., and seven more up to 3:30 p.m. These consisted, as near as I could •^1893.] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 5 count, of twenty-four or twenty-five each on the average, giving a ■total of over five hundred pellets. My experience confirmed that of Gosse, that the time occupied in forming a pellet averaged about one minute, for there were short intervals, as you will hear presently. The deposition was accomplished by a sudden jerking of the head, but so rapidly that I could not determine the precise instant of deposit. When we consider that the material for the formation of these pellets had to be gathered from the surrounding medium, in which scarcely a trace could be discovered — literally a case of " making bricks with- •out straw" — it would seem a stupendous effort. All through, the same perfect order in deposition, the same delicately graduated and enlarging diameter, which we are so accustomed to admire in Melicertians, had been maintained — one more proof of the un- erring instinct bestowed by the Omniscient Architect on the first Melicertian that ever built its case on these lines, and which had descended through countless generations to the one now before me. Prof. Williamson says the first rows of these cases are depos- ited upon a '' thin hyaline cylinder, the dilated extremity of which is attached to the supporting object." Now, with his paper and illustrations before me, I looked very carefully for this cylinder, all through the process of building, but looked in vain. A sup- port of some kind seems essential on which to agglutinate the first pellet, and from it the first caudal row of pellets. For al- though adhesion to each other by means of the viscous secretion -employed can be understood, they would hardly keep in position without some attachment. But, assuming the existence of this •*'thin hyaline cylinder," another difficulty arises, that of com- pleting the connection between the tube and the base on which it is designed to finally rest, when the cylinder would manifestly be in the way. Gosse does not mention such a " cylinder," but the omission is accounted for by the fact that he witnessed the con- struction from a vertical point of view. Whilst 1 entertain the highest regard for Prof. Williamson's paper and for his general erudition, I beg respectfully to say that the after-process I observed leads me to a different conclusion. When I first observed the tiny worker the lowest row of pellets was the y^ of an iiich from the base of operations. After three hours' labor in building, this had been reduced one-half. At the 6 JOURNAL OF THE [January^ expiration of five hours, and the termination of its labor, the in- terval had vanished altogether, and the junction of the case with the base to which the animal still adhered by its suctorial disc was complete. It seems to me that a " hyaline tube," on which the first rows of pellets are said to be deposited, must first be con- structed, and that when these rows are completed it would have to be got rid of in some way, unless the intervening space were filled up by continuing to build upon it downward, which idea was not warranted by my observations. The conclusion I am led to is that the first pellet is held in po- sition by a temporary attachment, proceeding from its own body, in some unknown manner, and so situated as not to be in the way when its purpose is accomplished. My theory was produced by observing the singularly beautiful manner in which the tube was brought down. At short intervals the little builder ceased " making bricks," and, suddenly contracting itself upon its adhering tail, pulled the tube down with it for a short distance. By these re- peated contractions and efforts the interval was gradually re- duced, until the connection with the base was made and the work finished. We have hitherto been accustomed to account for the tapering construction of the case solely by the different diameters of the body and the tail, but it is possible that a double purpose led to the conception of the design, viz., the lessening of labor in build- ing, and the facilitation of the "pulling-down process" I have de- scribed, which latter is no doubt materially aided thereby. Of course it will be asked why the Melicertian does not solve the dif- ficulty by laying the foundations of its tube upon the base on which it finally rests. I simply reply, I don't know. But I also add that, on October 2d, I had the pleasure of seeing another young Melicertian engaged in building, and I also observed the same interval between the caudal end of the tube and the base. l893-] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 7 THE CAUSE OF ASIATIC CHOLERA. BY LOUIS HEITZMANN, M.D. {Read October 2ist, 1892.) Before Koch's great discovery of the "comma bacillus of cholera Asiatica" many different views were held as to the cause of cholera: first a gas theory, then a miasma theory, a soil theory, and so on, each finding its supporters. In 1884 Koch announced the fact that a "comma bacillus," or rather a " spiril- lum," found only in the intestines of patients and their dis- charges, but neither in the blood nor in any other organ, was the sole cause of the disease. Under the microscope the comma bacillus proves to be a small, somewhat curved rod, in the fresh state often forming long curved threads, and hence its name " spirillum." It is best colored with either fuchsin or methylin blue. Microscopical examinations, however, are not conclusive. A number of other bacteria, such as Finkler and Prior's comma bacillus of cholera morbus, Deneke's comma bacillus found in cheese, Gamaleia's Vibrio Metschnikoff found in the intestines of fowls, or Miller's comma bacillus isolated from the mouth, can often not be dif- ferentiated, looking almost exactly alike. Cultures are necessary for an absolutely certain differential diagnosis. Koch has shown that his comma bacillus grows on gelatin in an entirely different manner from that of the other comma bacilli. On the plate small colonies develop in from eighteen to twenty-four hours, which have a pale color, darker in the centre, with a slightly uneven contour, and soon look as if studded with particles of glass. These increase in size, and soon the gelatin commences to liquefy in the centre, forming a small funnel, the gelatin having sunk below the level of the surround- ing portions. In a stick culture the same features take place. The funnel in the centre becomes larger and larger, the upper portions apparently becoming filled with an air bubble. The liquefaction of the gelatin goes along slowly, and only by about the sixth day the whole of the upper portion is liquefied. All other comma bacilli grow differently on gelatin. Finkler 8 JOURNAL OF THE [January, and Prior's liquefies the gelatin very quickly; Deneke's and the Vibrio Meischnikoff not quite as fast as Finkler and Prior's, but faster than Koch's; and Miller's not growing at all. Koch's spirillum also grows on agar-agar, milk, serum, potatoes, and, in fact, on almost any cultivating medium, if not too greatly diluted. It needs oxygen, grows best at a temperature between 60° and 105° F., is completely destroyed at a temperature of 140° F. in ten minutes, only grows on neutral or slightly alkaline media, and is soon destroyed by drying. The last feature shows that it cannot spread through air. It can only act when introduced through the mouth into the stomach. It can be destroyed by sublimate (i: 2,000), carbolic acid (half of one per cent), chloride of lime, sulphuric acid, etc. The disease can be prevented with comparative ease. All contact with infected material must be absolutely avoided, and such material thor- oughly disinfected. The hands must be kept scrupulously clean, and all water must be boiled before use. The stomach should be kept in good condition, as the comma bacillus will be de- stroyed in the stomach if the latter performs its functions nor- mally. PROCEEDINGS. Meeting of October 7th, 1892. The President, Mr. J. D. Hyatt, in the chair. Twenty-eight persons present. The Corresponding Secretary read a communication from Mr. K. M. Cunningham, dated Houston, Texas, September 29th, 1892, accompanying a donation to the Cabinet of the Society of a slide of pyritized diatoms and foraminifera, as follows : '* I forward a slide of marine diatoms and foraminifera, pyrit- ized, or metamorphosed. They are derived from a stratified clay, at a depth of about thirty feet, in the deepening of the slip in front of the new grain elevator at Galveston, Texas. The natu- ral submarine strata were removed by powerful suction dredges, and discharged in a continuous flow into the adjacent lowlands, with the object of securing deeper water and at the same time of reclaiming a littoral marsh for railroad purposes. In the expul- 1893.] NEW-VORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 9 sion of the liquid marine mud and sands, numerous large masses of the stratified cl^y were discharged through the twelve-inch dis- charge pipes, and an examination (71 situ revealed the presence of the pyritized diatoms and foraminifera. In order to put the in- teresting occurrence on record, I prepared a selected slide, show- ing about fifty of the fossilized remains, and this is the only one I had leisure to prepare. With a one-fourth objective and con- densed light a pleasant and instructive study may be made of the metamorphism of forms which were once of silicious and calca- reous nature. " Putting this locality upon record extends the known area of distribution for mineralized diatoms. The earlier known speci- mens were from the London clay basin. Mr. Lewis Woolman's researches in the artesian-well area of the New Jersey coast have extended the subject for that locality. What I have previously put on record with your Society, for the artesian area of Mo- bile, Ala., has disclosed its further areal extension. And my present contribution from Galveston Bay continues the chain, to be carried on by others interested in the subject. '* I noted the following genera : Coscmodisais, Actinoptychus, and Campylodiscusi but did not observe a single Tricefatium in my limited study of the material." Mr. Cornelius Van Brunt donated to the Cabinet a photographic negative of Pleurosigina angulatum, taken with a Natchet immer- sion, No. 7 lens, by the late Samuel Jackson. Mr. Van Brunt also placed before the Society a cabinet of one hundred and fifty microscopical slides, of the collection of Mr. Jackson, which his family now offered for sale to the Society, and stated that Mr. Jackson was one of the best preparers of microscopical objects, and, until near the time of his death, was one of the most active members of the American Microscopical Society of the City of New York. It was proposed to purchase the collection of slides for the Cabinet of the Society, the expense to be defrayed by subscription. OBJECTS EXHIBITED. 1. Section of leaf of Hoya carnosa., with crystals of calcium oxalate. 2. Transverse section of stem of Hoya carnosa. 3. Transverse section of petiole of Aspidestris. 10 JOURNAL OF THE [January, 4. Pipette Filter, for the easy manipulation of hgematoxylin, anilin green, etc. Exhibits 1-4 by Frank D. Skeel. 5. Codfish, entire, three days old, from the Biological Labora- tory at Wood's Holl : by H. W. Calef. 6. Photomicrograph of the epiderm of the stem of Geranium : by Carl Heitzmann. 7. Pyritized diatoms, from Galveston, Texas, prepared by K. M. Cunningham : by J. L. Zabriskie. 8. Stinging hairs of the larva of Einpretia stimtilea Clemens, the "Saddle-back Caterpillar" : by J. L. Zabriskie. Dr. Skeel stated, concerning his exhibit of Hoya, that the plant belongs to the Palm family, and that the sections were stained with anilin green, the fibro-vascular bundles taking the green, while the other structures remain unstained. Dr. N. L. Britton referred to the great abundance of sclerotic cells in the stem of Hoya, and said that Dr. Northrup, using the same stain as Dr. Skeel, was examining this stem near the time of his death, attempting to find the origin and function of these sclerotic cells. Dr. Skeel also explained the Pipette Filter contrived and ex- hibited by him. Mr. F. W. Leggett gave some observations on Paradise Fish reared by him in an aquarium, remarking upon the dissimilarity of the male and female, and upon their quarrelsome disposition. Dr. Bashford Dean stated that in 1840 a French officer brought home a pair of these fish in an ice-pitcher ; that they are now abundant in the aquaria of Europe ; and that they show most re- markable endurance of foul water and careless treatment. Dr. Carl Heitzmann explained that the photomicrograph exhib- ited by him v/as taken under a power of 1,000 diameters, and il- lustrated the reticular structure of the protoplasm, and the so- called ''intercellular connections" in the stem of Geranium, and continued as follows : "The reticular structure of animal protoplasm I demonstrated first twenty years ago, although S. Strieker, of Vienna, succeeded two years since in reproducing the reticulum in a living, colorless, coarsely granular blood-corpuscle of a proteus, by means of the electric microscope, with a power of 2,500 diameters. In Ger- 1893.] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 11 many this fact is not yet generally acknowledged. In this coun- try Dr. Alfred C. Stokes, of Trenton, N. J., has recently de- scribed the reticular structure of red blood corpuscles of man after treatment with dilute solution of bichromate of potash, as first discovered by Louis Elsberg twelve years ago. The same author has described the reticular structure in Pelomyxa, an amoeboid protozoan quite common around Trenton. "In the speaker's laboratory Mr. Maximilian Toch has studied the structure of vegetable protoplasm for more than a year, and has succeeded in photographing this structure by new methods, which he will soon publish. The specimen exhibited was treated with one-half of one per cent solution of chloride of gold, and afterward with sulphuric acid. The reticulum has assumed a dark violet color, and appears dark in the photograph. In many places numerous delicate spokes are seen traversing the cellulose, or cement substance, interconnecting the reticulum of all so- called ' cells,' and thus rendering the plant a continuous indi- vidual, from the tips of the leaves dov/n to the ends of the root- lets. This fact was first established by Louis Elsberg in 1883. The connecting threads are far more numerous than represented by Walter Gardiner, also in 1883. "Since in the animal organism all so-called 'cells' are of a re- ticular structure, and all basis and cement substances are pierced by a similar reticulum of living matter, we readily understand the fact that, after liquefaction of the basis substance, its protoplasmic condition is re-established. This happens in inflammation, as proven by the speaker in 1873. Quite recently Prof. Grawitz, of Greifswald, Germany, has rediscovered the appearance of 'cells' in the basis substance of fibrous connective tissue in inflammation, dubbing them 'slumbering cells.' The discovery is twenty years old, and was ignored in Germany for no other reason but that it proved the fallacy of the cell theory and the cellular path- ology." Prof. Edmund B. Wilson, Ph.D., of the Department of Bio- logy, Columbia College, being introduced to the Society by Dr. N. L. Britton, related some observations on the germinal cells of Amphioxus : Hans van Vleich, of Zurich, observed with regard to the sea-urchin that, at the two-cell stage of the egg, if these cells were shaken apart, each cell produced an embryo of one-half the 12 JOURNAL OF THE [January, natural size. Last summer Dr. Wilson repeated this experiment in the case of Amphioxiis. If the two cells are simply disturbed the result will be two embryos; and so, in the four-cell stage, the result will be four embryos, showing an original connection be- tween the cells. Meeting of October 2ist, 1892. The Vice-President, Mr. Charles S. Shultz, in the chair. Forty persons present. Mr. William Wales was elected Recording Secretary//-^ tern. The Corresponding Secretary presented a communication from Mr. K. M. Cunningham, accompanying a donation to the Cabi- net of two slides of diatoms, and dated Houston, Texas, Octo- ber i2th, 1892, as follows : " Notes explanatory of two slides of diatoms : " I. Slide of Terpsinoe musica Ehrbg. On the occasion of a visit to San Antonio, Texas, in the spring of 1887, I secured a specimen of a filamentous alga from the fresh water, flushing ditches permeating the streets of San Antonio. Without know- ing what I had secured, I forwarded the material to Mr. C. L. Peticolas, who returned me beautifully prepared slides of T. musica, and at the same time solicited a larger quantity of the material. I found it impossible to secure any one who could procure addi- tional material from the same locality. But recently, in August, 1892, while on an excursion to San Antonio, 1 visited the San Pedro Springs and tested for the presence of T. musica. I promptly verified the fact that it grew in the greatest abundance on the water plants choking up the shallow waters of the minia- ture lake. I secured a rake and landed a mass of Myriophyllum, which I allowed to dry in the sun. This I took to Houston, and in a month or more found leisure to make a reduction for the dia- toms therein. " A little acquaintance with the diatoms occurring in this fresh- water lake enables me to tabulate the following species, which may be seen on the slide sent herewith : Biddulphia Icevis, Cytn- bella gastroides, C. affinis, Cocconeis scutellum, Gomphonema capita- turn, Cymatopleura elliptica, Melosira crenulata, Navicula nobilis and others, Nitzschia panduriforjiiis, Synedra ulna, several species Io93-] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. IS of Suriella, Stauroneis phcenicenteron, Terpsinoe musica. But the slide is characterized by the richness of this last species. "At least forty years ago Dr. Ehrenberg noted the occurrence of T. musica in the rivers of Texas. But only a year ago it was announced in The Microscope, under the warrant of a leading New Jersey diatomist in his criticism of a popular article in re- gard to the distribution of the various genera, that T. musica was an exclusively marine genus. This statement met with no denial, so far as I am aware of. The park resort at San Antonio derives its name from the San Pedro Springs, which are bold, fresh-water springs flowing from fissures in a cretaceous, fossiliferous stratum. The flow is so great that it is conducted in bridged ditches, or small canals, through the heart of the city of San Antonio, a mile and one-half distant. The little pleasure lake is, of course, fed by these springs. " Having placed with the Society two typical representative species or varieties of that American T. musica, a field is presented to diatomists to make a comparative study of this genus, with a view of noting the biological divergence between the Mobile River, Ala., marsh deposit of T. musica, and the San Antonio T. musica. M. J. Tempere, editor of Le Diatomiste, Paris, has al- ready in print critically classed the Mobile marsh species as being more nearly related to T. i/itermedia Pantcschek than to the ordi- nary type of T. musica Ehrbg. ''2. The other slide sent herewith is derived from an exca- vated lake bottom, the result of cutting a canal, or artificial ' cut- off,^ to reclaim a large area of land subject to periodical inunda- tion, and now to be filled in for railroad station grounds, at Hous- ton, Texas. The lake traversed by the canal once formed a part of White Oak Bayou, and only in the period of high water in the bayou the bayou and lake became coterminous. In low-water periods the lake had a restricted area, containing living mussels, salamanders, etc. Through whatever period the lake may have survived, it became the receptacle for many kinds of microscopic vegetable remains and seeds, as well as a diatom deposit, sur- rounded on all sides by barren red and white, silicious, sandy strata. " The slide, while containing hundreds of frustules, was predi- cated upon the examination of a dry clod of the earth, on the sur- 14 . JOURNAL OF THE [January, face of which just one frustule could be made out. At a second visit I found streaks in which the clay partook of the nature of a richer clay, the frustules being easily seen because densely packed. " The interest in this deposit is somewhat intensified, as the apocryphal ' Navicula craticula^ or ' Suriclla cra/iciila,' is quite abundant therein, as may be noted on the slide. The other former congeners, N'avicula cuspidata and Stauroieis phcemcente- ron, form a majority, which characterizes the slide. Together with these there are species, such as T. 7iiustca, Nitzschia circum suta, Cymatopleura elUpiica, Navicula nobilis, JV. major., and a number of other species, as mentioned in the list of San Pedro Springs. Gen. J. D. (^ox has investigated the question of N. era- ticula, and, I believe, regarded it at one time as possibly an in- ternal plate or an integral part of JV. cuspidata, a matter which also interested Dr. D. B. Ward in its solution. He communicated to me, what he regarded as probable at the time, that he had found JV. craticula in the Montgomery, Ala., fossil, fresh-water earth, where he had not at the time been able to detect N. cuspi- data. " Frustules of N. craticula occur on the Society's slide, having one-eighth the length of N. cuspidata; and likewise frustules of N. craticula as large as N. cuspidata. The N. cuspidata of this deposit are relatively very large and strongly lined, and, side by side with Stauroneis ph(Enicenteron, are very striking under study. Duplicates of either of these slides, in the hands of expert system- atists, would furnish data to extend present knowledge or clear up disputed and doubtful points, as the case may be." The Corresponding Secretary also presented an additional communication from Mr. Cunningham, accompanying a dona- tion of packets of gravel, and dated Houston, Texas, October 14th, 1892, as follows: " A visitor at Houston, Texas, would be at once impressed by the immense use made of a certain kind of coarse gravel as bal- last for the various railroad tracks, and for surfacing the streets of the city ; and, if he v/ere a mineralogist, he would at once recognize the presence of petrified wood richly associated with this gravel. In order to place them before the Society, I have made a selection of about a dozen different specimen varieties of these very highly silicified woods. The specimens present some- 1893.] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 15 thing of structural interest even on casual examination, and they are likewise well adapted to making very fine thin rock sections. This gravel is brought from near Leadbetter, Lee Co., Texas, not far from the Colorado River, and the bulk of the gravel is of a flinty nature, seeming to be of calcareous fossil strata, altered through silicification. " I have sent, with the fossil wood, a specimen of oolitic and foraminiferal flint, nearly equal in translucency to the chalk flints of the British coast, which can be taken as a type of the flinty gravel of the Colorado River basin. " In another package I have sent five specimens of a cretaceous or calcareous gravel from San Antonio, Texas, where it is exten- sively used in the park walks and the pavements around the city. Most of this gravel is in the shape of ovoid or spherical balls, and, if broken in two, are found to be composed of concentric, spher- ical, concretionary layers, that may be detached continually until the central core, or nucleus, is found. In the specimens sent I have polished each face, to show the peculiar crystalline deposit, from the central nucleus to the outer margin. The two larger pieces are from the one original, and may be fitted together to illustrate the ovoid shape. Inspection suggests that thin sec- tions, when examined with the polariscope, would give concentric radial color effects, which would prove quite interesting. I noticed that children in San Antonio played with them as mar- bles, using, of course, the roundest that could be found. "These gravel specimens possibly illustrate a recomposition product of calcareous strata, as in limestone caves, and then, while in solution, redepositing upon some granule or fragment as a nucleus, and gradually augmenting by the same law of calcareous deposition indefinitely, as the balls vary from very small to very large, in the general mass of gravel as distributed. Single and double centres of concretionary action may be noted in the seve- ral specimens." OBJECTS EXHIBITED. 1. Micrococcus pneujnonicus Friedlander, under a Zeiss one- twelfth homogeneous immersion lens: by Charles S. Shultz. 2. Bacillus tuberculosis, under a Spencer one-tenth homogeneous immersion lens : by Charles S. Shultz. 3. Comma bacillus, X 900 : by Louis Heitzmann. 16 JOURNAL OF THE [January, 4. The "S" form of the same, X 1,000: by Louis Heitz- MANN. 5. Test-tube cultures of the same: by Louis Heitzmann. 6. Slide of mucous membrane of a patient in Calcutta: by L. SCHONEY. 7. Photomicrograph of the same: by L. Schoney. 8. Radial section of the thallus of Nostoc sphericum Vauch : by J. L. Zabriskie. 9. Living specimens of the same in water: by J. L. Zabriskie. Dr. Louis Heitzmann, of New York, being introduced by the Vice-President, read the paper announced on the programme, en- titled " The Cause of Asiatic Cholera." This paper is published in this number of the Journal, page 7. Dr. George M. Sternberg, of Brooklyn, being introduced by the Vice-President, gave many interesting and valuable points of information on the action and prevention of cholera. He stated, with other items, that the spirillum is quickly killed by desicca- tion. If little squares of infected blanket are exposed to sunlight two, three, and four hours, it is found that the spirillum will grow after two hours' exposure, but not after four hours' exposure. Sunlight is one of the best disinfectants. In the late operations of the quarantine of our port many articles of clean linen were injured by the steam process, when a little sunlight would have been equally effective. In future operations, doubtless, sunlight would be much employed. With ordinary care nurses of cholera patients do not contract the disease. There is no great danger from germs wafted over in the air from an infected region. A discussion of the subject also ensued, participated in by Dr. Carl Heitzmann, Dr. Louis Heitzmann, Dr. L. Schoney, Rev. George E. F. Haas, and others. On motion the thanks of the Society were tendered Dr. Louis Heitzmann and Dr. George M. Sternberg for their interesting addresses. Meeting of November 4TH, 1892 The President, Mr. J. D. Hyatt, in the chair. Twenty-six persons present. Dr. Arthur Mead Edwards was elected a Corresponding Mem- ber of the Society. l893-] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 17 The following Committee on Annual Exhibition was appointed by the Chair : Dr. E. G. Love, Dr. F. D. Skeel, Mr. Charles S. Shultz. The Corresponding Secretary read a communication from Mr. K. M. Cunningham, dated Houston, Texas, October 28th, 1892, accompanying the donation of a package of tripoli, as follows: "I forward to the Society a cabinet specimen of tripoli de- rived from a superficial outcrop near Navasota, Texas. After having submitted it to a micro-analysis I am able to present the following points of interest in relation thereto. The deposit pre- sents a striking interest geologically, as it appears to be of com- posite origin, as developed during its analysis. Ninety percent of the mass may be regarded as made up of what may be alumina in its most highly divided state, or, if not alumina, an amorphous sil- ica, all of which may be completely removed by elutriation. The heavier sediment remaining is found to be volcanic glass, or some like product of igneous fusion, as indicated by its physical char- acters, viz., complete transparency, flat angular fragments, free- dom from admixture with the ordinary silicious, rounded, and abraded grains derived from the decomposition of the azoic or granitic rocks, and whose protean distribution is known to all who have made sands a study. The particles composing this glass are further characterized as being thin plates, filled with vesicles and tubuli, which are very evident in any of the media used in an ex- amination of the same. Examined dry (in air), the vesicles or minute bubbles are very evident, while in balsam they are nearly obliterated. Likewise the tubuli in balsam are differentiated or made quite plain, and finally become indistinct as the balsam in- vades the air channels of the tubuli; and if the study is made with bisulphide of carbon as a medium, the fragments and plates show with double intensity. (The bisulphide of carbon I refer to is used for patching shoes, and costs ten cents a bottle any- where, and is called 'quick cement,' and offers a useful medium for the immediate study of diatoms, giving intense and brilliant images before evaporation takes place.) " If it be admitted that this glass is of volcanic origin, we must necessarily recur to the conditions under which it became a part of this deposit. To do so we are brought face to face with the hypothesis of volcanic dust showers, transported through aerial 18 JOURNAL OF THE [January, currents from distant centres of eruptive activity, and finally settling down on some aqueous area, as a gentle and intermitting rain of mineral particles, during a lengthy period of time. The deposit from which the specimen came is five feet in thickness, and is known to underlie a relatively wide area. Intimately asso- ciated with this mineral basis are several kinds of fossil organic microscopic remains, as smooth, non-tubercular, arcuate sponge spicules, crystalline spheres, intermediate in their characters be- tween the polycistinse and the fossil gemmules of sponges. The spheres have in some instances surface ornamentation of minute bosses, and in others short pyramidal processes or points, giving them a stellate appearance. These spherules had never hitherto been observed by me in any of the many preparations of fossil ■earths examined. I also saw a few discs, which may be diatoms, but they were unfamiliar shapes to me. " Touching what has preceded, it is a matter of geological record that in the territory contiguous to the canons of the Colorado River, and between the Rocky Mountains and Sierra Nevada, there have been observed vast deposits or strata of fresh-water in- fusorial origin, alternating between beds of volcanic tuffs, lava, and other phenomena of volcanic activity characterizing the struggle between the igneous and aqueous elements for supremacy, in that rock-ribbed region of the earth, now in a state of compa- rative quiescence. The deposit varies in its composition. Some of the material is as white as chalk and has no admixture of alumina to bind the grains together, and it can be dissipated as dust by dry brushing. When a mount of this is made it shows purely the glassy, angular plates, and nothing else. The eco- nomic value of the deposit, either as tripoli or kaolin, has not been overlooked by the commercial instinct, and a sample of the porcelain made from it, and just received from England, shows that it is not adapted to making white porcelain or china- ware, as a cube of it burned into a sort of salmon-colored, trans- lucent glass. A previous trial of it at Pittsburg reported it as unfit for porcelain ware, on account of an oxide of iron that contaminated it." On motion the thanks of the Society were tendered Mr. Cun- ningham for this donation and communication. Mr. Stephen Helm read the paper announced on the programme, 1893-.] ' NEW-YORtC MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 19 entitled " Notes on Cordylophora lacustris and Melicerta ringens.' This paper was illustrated by objects under microscopes and by blackboard drawings, and is published in this number of the Journal, page i. OBJECTS EXHIBITED. I. Octocella libertas Helm, living: by Stephen Helm. • 2. Cordylophora lacustris Allman, living : by Stephen Helm. 3. Lagotia cceruleus Helm, living : by Stephen Helm. 4. Lophopus crystalltmis, living : by F. W. Devoe- 5. Statoblasts of the same : by F. W. Devoe. Dr. Romyn Hitchcock, a Corresponding Member, being called upon by the President, gave some reminiscences of the time of his resident membership, and complimented the Society on its vitality and industry. Mr. F. W. Devoe called attention to the beautiful action of the statoblasts of Lophopus crystallinusm his exhibit, revolving inside their gelatinous sacks by means of cilia inserted on the margin of the disc between the anchors. Dr. F. D. Skeel explained a substage, made for him at his sug- gestion by the Bausch &: Lomb Optical Company, consisting of a plain circular stage with clips, to be inserted at pleasure in the substage ring of the microscope, of great usefulness in operations with low powers, avoiding the extreme racking back of the body and the risk of overturning the instrument. PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED. The American Monthly Microscopical Journal : Vol. XIII., Nos. 9, 10 (September, October, 1892). The Microscope: Vol. XII., Nos. 9, 10 (September, October, 1892). The Botanical Gazette : Vol. XVII., Nos. 5— 11 (May— November, 1892). Natural Science Association of Stalen Island : Proceedings, Meetings of September 10, October 15, 1892). Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club: Vol. XIX., Nos. 9 — 11 (September — November, 1892). Insect Life: Vol. V., Nos i, 2 (September, November, 1892). Psyche : Vol. VI., Nos. 198 — 200 (October — December, 1892). The Observer: Vol. III., Nos. 10, 11 (October, November, 1892). Anthony's Photographic Bulletin: Vol. XXIIL, Nos. 17 — 22 (September 10 - — November 26, 1892). 20 JOURNAL OF THE [January Carnell University Agricultural Experiment Station : Bulletins Nos. 42 — 44 (September, October, i8g2). Agricultural Experiment Station of Alabama; Bulletin No. •^S (July, 1892). Agricultural Experiment Station of Michigan : Bulletin No. 87 (September, 1892). Agricultural Experiment Station of Iowa : Bulletin No. 17 (May, 1892). Agricultural Experiment Station of Texas : Bulletin No. 21 (June, 1892). Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia : Proceedings , Part II, (April— October, 1892). Journal of the Franklin Institute ; Vol. CXXXIV., Nos. 803, 804 (Novem- ber, December, 1892). Bulletin of the Essex Institute : Vol. XXIV.. Nos. 4— 6(April — June, 1892). Transactions of the Massachusetts Horticultural Society : Parts i, 2(1892). The Post-1-aramie Beds of Middle Park, Colorado: by the author, Whitman Cross (October, 1892). Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society : 1S92, Part 5. International Journal of Microscopy and Natural Science : Vol. II., Part 16 (October, 1892). Grevillea : Vol. XXI., No. 97 (September, 1892). Proceedings of the Natural History Society of Glasgow : Vol. III., Part 2 (189:). Penzmce Natural History and Antiquarian .Society : Report and Transac- tions (1892). North Staffordshire Naturalists' Field Club : Report and Transactions, Vol. XXVI. (1892). Bristol Naturalists' Society : Report and Proceedings, Vol. VII., Part i (1892). The Naturalist : Nos. 206, 207 (September, October, 1892). Canadian Record of Science : Vol. V., Nos. 3, 4 (July, October, 1892). Geological Survey of Canada : Annual Report, Parts D, N (1891). The Ottawa Naturalist: Vol. VI., Nos. 5 — 7 (September — November, 1892). Le Diatomiste : No 10 (September, 1892). The Victorian Naturalist : Vol. IX., Nos. 4 — 6 (August — October, 1892). Australian Museum : Records, Vol. II., Nos. 2, 3 (August, 1892) ; Report (1892). Naturhistorische Gesellschaft zu Nurnberg : Proceedings, Vol. IX. (1892). Sociele Beige de Microscopie : Bulletin, Vol. XVI [I., Nos. 8 — 10 (June — October. 1892;; Annals, Vol. XVI. (1892). Le Botaniste : Vol. III., Nos. 2, 3 (August. 1892). La Notarisia ; Vol. VII., No. 31 (June, 1892). Nuovo Giornale Botanico Italiano : Vol. XXIV., No. 4 (October, 1892). Bulletino deila Societa Botanica Italiana : No. 7 (1892). Revus Internationale de Bibliographic Medicale : Vol. XIII., Nos. 15 — 21 (August 10 — November 10, 1892). Wissenschaftlicher Club in Wien : Monatsblatter, Vol. XIII., No. 11 — 1893.] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 21 Vol. XIV., No. I (August — October, 1892) ; Ausserordentliche Beilage, Vol. XIV., No. I (1892). L' Academic d'Hippone : Bulletin No. 24 (1888 — 1890); Comptes rendus (March 30, 1892). Sociedad Cientifica "Antonio Alzate " : Memorias, Vol. VI., Nos. i, 2 (1892). I'euille des Jeunes Naturalistes : Vol. XXII., Nos. 253 — 263 (November, 1891 — September, 1892). The Satellite: Vol. VI., Nos. i — 3 (September — November, 1S92). Indiana Medical Journal : Vol. XI., Nos. 3 — 5 (September — November, 1892). The Hahnemannian Monthly: Vol. XXVII., Nos. 10 — 12 (October — De- cember, 1892). The Brooklyn Medical Journal : Vol. VI., Nos. 10 — 12 (October — Decem- ber. 1892). Johns Hopkins University Circulars: Vol. XII., No. loi (November, 1892). The American Lancet : Vol. XVI., Nos. 9 — ir (September — November, 1892). National Druggist : Vol. XXI., Nos. 5 — 10 (September i — November 15, 1S92). Mining and Scientific Review : Vol. XXIX , Nos. 9 — 21 (September i — November 24, 1892). The Weekly Bulletin : Vol. II., Nos. 59 — 71 (September 3 — November 25, 1892). J OURN AL OF THE NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY Vol. IX. APEIL, 1893. No. 2. SUGGESTIONS IN MICROSCOPICAL TECHNIQUE. BY ALEXIS A. JULIEN, PH.D. iRead January 20ih, 1893.) In microscopical investigation of organic structures, success largely depends, sometimes entirely, on their approximately perfect preservation in the form of mounted preparations. In the living or- ganism or a freshly cut slice of tissue, details of the utmost impor- tance may be entirely invisible, which could, however, be clearly brought out only by skilful staining, by patient experiment in search of the most suitable medium for mounting, or by long-con- tinued study under varied methods of illumination or with per- sistent efforts at resolution, to which only a suitably and perma- nently mounted object could be subjected. The main object, then, in perfection of permanent mounts, must be, not beauty, nor even the permanent preservation of an interesting object, but, above all, the retention and revelation of its true structure. Un- fortunately this has not been the prevailing opinion in all labora- tories of investigation ; students are often found to have been encouraged or permitted to content themselves, and save time, with some hurried and careless method or step, at a point short of a perfectly completed mount. The way in which a microscopist finishes, or even merely labels a mount, may often indicate his degree of care and skill in the preced- 24 JOURNAL OF THE [April, ing preparation of the object, and its real value. It is from the point of view, therefore, that no pains can be taken too great for the proper completion of a mount, that the following suggestions are offered on methods devised and mostly in use, for several years past, in the Laboratory of Microbiology of Columbia College, New York. Some of these have been carried over the country by our graduates and so made known to a certain de- gree, but, to my knowledge, have not been otherwise published. I. Carrier of Cover-Impressions. In the collection of cover-impressions of various organisms, in the field, such as films of diatoms just spread upon thin covers, desmids, blood corpuscles, pollen, etc., it is sometimes impos- FlG. I. sible, while travelling rapidly, to dry the covers and safely pack them up at once for conveyance in small boxes, in the usual way. On one occasion, five years ago, while collecting upon covers the mycoderm-films of certain bacteria and fungi in the hilly country of Western Massachusetts, I felt the need of some convenient apparatus for immediate storage of the covers, while still moist, so that they might be carried with safety, without adherence, abrasion of the film, or breakage. A hint of a convenient method came from a note by F. L. James' on a simple cover-glass holder, consisting of a coil of brass spiral spring wire, bent around a groove in a cork, the whole being mounted upon a little wooden stand for laboratory use. This suggested the little car- rier here presented (Fig. i ), in which the cork (C), encircled by the ~~~~~ 1 Jour. Roy. Mic. Soc. (1887), 693. 1893.] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 25 spring (S), is wired to the bottom of a small, round pasteboard box. A thin, loose roll of soft Japanese paper against the inner side of the box prevents the dislodgment of any covers inserted in the coils of the spring ; and the box, when closed, can be easily carried in the pocket. II. Gas Mounting- Stand. In place of the small mounting-table with alcohol lamp, ordina- rily used by themicroscopist, the little adjustable mounting-stand with gas attachment, here exhibited, has been in use for several years in our laboratory, having been somewhat modified from time to time until it has reached this form. It has the advantage of economy, especially in laboratory use with young students, on account of its tiny gas-jet ; it is portable, adjustable, and easily taken apart ; convenient in the long retention of heat by the sand- box attached beneath the mounting-plate ; and affords support on the ring for small evaporations, or for gentle warming or diges- tion, when the ring is adjusted over the mounting-plate. A thumb-screw attachment to the arm of the burner, for clamping it to the upright rod, might be convenient, but is easily dispensed with. In the form here shown, the stand has been made for us for some time, both in New York and Philadelphia, and has ■probably been elsewhere supplied by the manufacturers. The improvement I have now to present consists in the conver- sion of the burner, which is often objectionable on account of its smoky flame, into a minute Bunsen burner an inch in length. This is easily accomplished by slipping over the nipple a little tube of brass foil, easily made by any one in a couple of minutes, or, better, of brass tubing, of about six millimetres in diameter, with two small air-holes, on opposite sides, near the bottom, as in a Bunsen burner. The blue, hot, and clean flame thus obtained is not only best fitted for ordinary heating in microscopical processes, as for burn- ing off the soiled point of a mounting-needle, without soot, but is particularly useful in bacteriological manipulations. Thus, the drying of bacteria-films upon covers is commonly done by passing the thin cover back and forth, three times, through the compara- tively huge flame of an ordinary Bunsen burner, at the speed of "a knife cutting bread." In place of this rough method, the 26 JOURNAL OF THE [April, covers are laid by us a certain time, say five seconds, on the mounting-plate, heated at the height of five centimetres above the miniature Bunsen burner with a flame one centimetre in height ; or directly over this flame, at a certain height for a iew seconds. The heating in this way is far more uniform than by the common method, the films are well dried but not roasted, and more satis- factory results maybe expected in the subsequent staining. What could be a more disproportionate, wasteful, and absurd process than the common one of warming a tiny thin cover, of the size of one's little finger nail, over a rush of flame six or seven inches in height ! III. Staining- Flask. The staining of films which have been dried upon covers, such as bacteria or blood corpuscles, especially when heat is re- quired, often leads, by the common methods, to imperfect or erroneous results in inexperienced hands. Sometimes the stain, after having been heated up in a test-tube, is thrown in a watch- glass, and the cover floated upon it, film downward (Gibbes' method). The usual method is to hold the cover, with the film uppermost, between the fingers or in a forceps, add a drop or two of the stain, and heat over a low flame until steaming vapors rise from the stain. Though simple, this is troublesome where many films need staining at one time or in succession. There is also a ten- dency of the stain to dry in an overheated ring around the edge of the cover as well as to deposit granules of color, which, in some cases, adhere firmly to the film and cannot be removed by washing. This is more likely to occur when long heating is needed to stain the object to sufficient depth of color ; the little drop evaporates rapidly, and constant attention is needed to keep it supplied with fresh additions of stain. In place of these methods, the following simple apparatus has been in satisfactory use in our laboratory for many years. It consists of the following parts : I . A tight coiled spring (Fig. 2, A), as a cover-holder, in which a large number of thin covers may be clamped by insertion be- tween successive coils. It is made from a spring of fine brass, copper, or steel wire, not coarser than No. 26 gauge, wound on a one quarter inch mandrel. It is best made from fine platinum '893.] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 27 wire, of the usual gauge for blowpipe-work, its temper having been removed before the winding, and restored afterward by quick annealing, plunging while red-hot into cold water. The wire at one end of the coil is bent into a little loop for suspen- sion. After long continued use, the platinum wire has the special advantage of being easily purified and retempered by heating to red heat and again plunging in cold water. 2. A small, wide mouthed flask (Fig. 2, B) to hold the staining- solution. This may have a capacity of about forty cubic centi- 0/ Fig. 2. metres, with an aperture at the mouth of at least two centimetres. To this a wide cork (Fig. 2, C) is somewhat loosely fitted, on the under side of which is stuck a pin bent into hook-form, from which the coil A may be hung. This flask, when in use, is kept about two-thirds filled with the desired staining-solution. 3. A wide mouthed, glass-stoppered bottle (Fig. 2, D), of the same aperture as the flask, to hold the second solution, which is often required, as a mordant. For example, in the staining of bacteria-films dried upon covers, the flask B will receive the solution of campechian or other stain, and the bottle D the mordant solution of sodium 28 JOURNAL OF THE [April, chromate or tannin ; or, in Luffler's method, B the hot mordant, and D the colorant. The covers are to be first firmly inserted in the coil with the help of a knife-blade, with the films downward, and so suspended from the cork. In the campechian staining method, the stain in the flask is previously brought up to the boiling point by holding it a few minutes over a flame. The cork is then in- serted, making sure that the covers remain entirely immersed in the hot stain. The apparatus is left upon a mounting-table, so heated as to keep the liquid very near or just below the boiling point, and there allowed to remain for the length of time desired in any particular case, which may even be an hour or more. A large number of covers may be thus stained at one time, with little needed attention. The cork is finally lifted out of the flask, and the coil, without removal of the covers, is plunged into successive beakers of distilled water until the covers are thoroughly washed from excess of stain. Then the glass stopper is removed from the bottle and replaced by the cork, so that the coil with its burden of covers now remains plunged in the mordant for the requisite time. It may be added that the staining-flask is useful as well in many cases where there is call for long and slow staining of films on covers in a cold solution. The handling of thin covers in mass, by this method, rather than individually, is found to diminish greatly their liability to breakage. IV. Condensed Air- Film. We have next to consider a long neglected source of the air- bubbles which form a constant annoyance to the working micro- scopist. At times they may only indicate the content of air originally dissolved in the cold preservative, expelled by warming it. and likely to be entirely reabsorbed in the course of time, after the cooling of the mount. Frequent instances of this occur, espe- cially in the use of warmed glycerin jelly, melted Canada balsam, and dammar. More commonly they may be derived from entan- glement with the fibres of a filamentous object, enclosure in the pores or empty cells of a cellular object, or simply from mechan- ical attachment to the cell-wall or to the cover, overlooked in hasty mounting without sufficient use of the pocket lens. Their neglect in such instances may injure the appearance of a mount and inter- 1S93.] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 29 fere with observation, by the coalescence of several minute fixed bubbles into a large movable one. This may lead to harm by weakening the mount, disturbing the object as the bubble rolls about, and tending to foster germ-life for its destruction. In cases, however, of extreme care toward their avoidance, the experienced microscopist has been repeatedly surprised and disgusted by the mysterious appearance of minute air-bubbles, in a hermetically sealed mount, from some unknown source. To that source I would call attention, in the film of condensed air and moisture which has been shown to be firmly attached, under ordinary conditions, to the surface of all solid bodies, and which has been best studied on the surface of metal and glass. The following precautions are taken in our laboratory against this invisible enemy : 1. As the air-film can be removed by friction, all plain slides and the interior of cells are briskly rubbed just before using. The microscopist unfamiliar with the difficulty would content himself by merely dusting an apparently clean slide. 2. The stock of glass covers is thoroughly cleaned at one time by immersion in Seller's solution (one part saturated solution of potassium dichromate in three parts of concentrated sulphuric acid) for about an hour, thorough washing successively in common and then in distilled water, and immersion in strong alcohol. In the latter the covers are allowed to remain, in a wide mouthed glass-stoppered bottle of about thirty cubic centimetres capacity. Just before use each cover is taken out and well rubbed, dried, and placed on a warm mounting-table, so that it may be applied to the mount chemically and microscopically clean and entirely devoid of the air-film, which ordinarily soon becomes condensed upon a cold glass cover. 3. All preservatives are kept slightly warmed just before use, and the object is soaked in distilled water recently boiled and cooled, and therefore strongly absorbent of air. The insertion of a mount in a vacuum, under the bell-jar of a convenient air-pump, for a short time just before it is to be cov- ered, isauseful precaution, especially with an object consisting of more or less tangled fibres, or of a cellular character with partially empty cavities. But I have not found that the condensed air- film can be removed in that way. 30 JOURNAL OF THE [April, V. Supply Can for Sterilized Non-aerated Water. A little flask, fitted as a wash-bottle, will usually suffice to supply a small quantity of water, recently boiled, cooled, and free from dissolved air. But when there is need of a less fragile apparatus for more con- stant or larger supply, and, especially in bacteriological research, it is desirable to have at hand a reservoir of sterilized water, the following apparatus will be of service. A cylindrical can (Fig. 3), made of copper or tin, and of any desired capacity, is covered with a tightly fitting cap, which can be removed for cleaning the Fig. 3. interior. In the centre of the cap an automatic escape-valve (V) for steam is inserted. From the side of the can, at the bottom, a supply-pipe runs out a few inches horizontally, ending in a fau- cet. The can, thoroughly cleaned and scalded out, is nearly filled with distilled water and heated over a burner to boiling, for a couple of hours. While the steam is actively escaping from the valve, a wad of sterilized cotton (W) is quickly wrapped about the valve, and the burner removed. The wad is fastened with a turn of a piece of wire, and a cone of filter paper thrust over the end of the supply-pipe, to protect it from dust. When sterilized water is needed, the paper cone is removed, the end of the pipe flamed, and the faucet turned. VI. Mountino^ Medium for A/gce and Fungi. The microscopic objects and structures which receive the at- 1893.] NEW- YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 21 tention of the naturalist are constituted, in by far the largest number of cases, of formed, non-contractile material. Even deli- cate tissues consist, in large part, of sacs, sheaths, or other enve- lopes enclosing protoplasm or sarcode, but themselves constituted of formed material, such as cellulose, chitin, etc., able to resist heat or partial desiccation or dehydration without much distor- tion. For the numerous objects of this vastly predominant class- many good mounting media have been found. Their sheaths, carapaces, and skeletons being tough and stout enough to resist most of the tendency to distortion produced by the contraction of the minutely divided protoplasm they contain, the processes and the preservatives employed answer a useful purpose. By selective absorption of stains, or by exceedingly delicate contrac- tions or expansions effected by treatment with acids, absorbents of water, etc., particular details of organic structure become pe- culiarly colored, swollen, or shrunk, and so rendered prominent by contrast and more easily distinguishable. Most histological preparations, for example, by their vari-colored tissues, intensified nuclei, etc., serve to convey supposed or established facts from' one observer to others. For such purpose, these methods are legitimate and most useful, but may be, and generally are, just as artificial as those of drawing and photography for the true repre- sentation of structure. But, on the other hand, for the permanent preservation of liv- ing contractile matter, without immediate or ultimate contraction and distortion, such as the protoplasmic contents of thin walled cells of fresh-water algse, water fungi, bacteria, rhizopods, infu- sorians, etc., no satisfactory medium has yet been found. This is an entirely different problem from that above considered, and for its solution the elements of the higher tissues, with their mi- nute subdivision of contractile matter in granules and cylinders often less than ten microns in diameter, afford too diminutive a field for exact microscopic discrimination of effects produced by various processes and reagents. But he who attempts to preserve an object like amoeba, the cell contents of a desmid or spirogyra, bacteria in zoogloea, etc., cannot deceive himself in regard to his limited degree of success,, as he notices the contracting contour of the comparatively huge mass of protoplasm. Only an object of this class, however, cani 32 JOURNAL OF THE " [April, serve for a sufificiently delicate test of minute movements in the outline of the protoplasm itself, which, in ordinary objects and in tissue sections, might entirely escape observation. It is surely possible to predicate and classify the main causes to which must be due the shrinking or swelling, distortion and disintegration, which, sooner or later, are seen in progress within the cells of most mounted preparations of organic material. Thence we may deduce certain principles of selection or exclu- sion, which we may apply toward the various reagents, mix- tures, and solvents which claim fitness for this service. The care- ful synthesis of formulae according to this system ought to clear out of our way, once for all, a large number of unsuitable re- agents; to put a stop to the concoction of merely experimental formulae; and to bring us much sooner into possession of satis- factory processes. It is now proposed to offer a brief statement of the chief causes of alteration of organic structures, when im- mersed in so-called fixing and hardening solutions and preserva- tives. I. Alteration by Chafige of Natural Conditions or by Death. — When we attempt to watch and unravel the lovely phenomena •of life thrilling and pulsating within the field of the microscope, great care and skill are needed to preserve those natural condi- tions, within which it is possible, even in the living organism, to recognize the normal forms and relationships of its structure. By any change of temperature, produced by the heat of the room or lamp, or the coldness of the metal of the stand; by lack or excess of moisture, oxygen, or light ; by vibration or jar ; by offensive vapors in the atmosphere, carbon dioxide gas from the observer's breath, or the volatile solvents that are kept or used in the labora- tory ; and perhaps by still more subtle but efficient causes of dis- turbance, morbid and unnatural changes in the contractile mat- ter may be produced which are difficult or impossible to avoid. But artificial trial by means of chemicals, as fixatives and stains, by dissection and vivisection, however useful or indispen- •sable for study of special elements, tends to be still more fatal to accurate discrimination of protoplasmic forms in general mor- phology. And, for this purpose, death ends all ; instantaneous coagula- tion and alteration ensue ; our slow recognition of cadaveric J893.] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 33 ichanges is due only to the imperfection of our apparatus and methods. Even the special absorption of certain stains by the living protoplasm of plants and animals is almost always attended with extreme irritation and then their death by poisoning ; it is not yet safe to assume that such a death is not accompanied by morbid change, however imperceptible hitherto, in many cases, by our best skill in observation. Partial success, it is true, has been obtained by the use of ■paralyzing reagents, such as cocain ; but in general, as Hofer observes, " a simultaneous swelling of the protoplasm occurs, so that, although the topographical conditions are retained, the his- ■tological details are in many cases destroyed." A general acknowledgment of the fact, therefore, that a mount- ed preparation, however useful as an accessory source or illustra- tion of special facts, can only be a mummy, or a slice of a mum- my, never a satisfactory substitute for the living protoplasm of the original tissue or organism, would have a tendency to clear the air of much controversial vapor, our literature of interminable 'discussion, and our life work of a vast amount of wasted labor. It seems at first discouraging, but I think it is true. The partial success in the past, however, leads us to hope that, ■by more systematically devised processes and formulse. We may succeed in arresting protoplasmic change so speedily and thor- oughly, as to cause the organisms embalmed in our cells to re- tain a far more life-like approximation to their original structure. To this end, precaution must be taken to guard against the causes of distortion yet to be considered. 2. Contraction by Chemical Reaction. — The jelly-like contents of the cells may be diminished by slow solution or by chemical reactions gradually produced through some constituent of the surrounding medium. Alcohol, in any proportion, should there- fore be omitted, on account of its known solvent action upon chlorophyll and other coloring matters ; its dilution signifies only delay in solvent attack. Any acid, moreover, especially if inor- ganic (with a few exceptions, like carbon dioxide), has a ten- dency to produce contraction ; this apparently consists of actual disintegration and destruction of sarcode in time, particularly rapid in that of protozoa, amoeba, and the coelenterata. This ■tendency may be very u-seful in bringing out certain structures 34 JOURNAL OF THE [April, by development of contrast. Of this common examples are found in the use of acetic or chromic acid in differentiation of nuclear structure ; of picric acid in direct staining of tissues ; of osmic acid in fixation of tissues, and in coloration of fat through deoxidation. But there is every reason to believe that the j^roto- plasmic elements, in the tissues or organisms so accentuated or colored, no more remain in their original condition than, for example, the threads of muscular fibre teased out with needles by a laboratory student for the purpose of more easy distinction. In this connection we may remark the significant change of opinion ' of such authorities as Berthold, Schwartz, Kolliker, and others, on the subject of the true structure of protoplasm, who now look upon the reticulum and fibrils, recognized by From- mann, Arnold, and others in sections of tissues so treated, as being only artificial products. All these acids, then, together with their salts, such as ammo- nium and potassium dichromates, and mixtures like Miiller's fluid^ Erlicki's fluid, Lang's solution, etc., need to be rejected for our present purpose. The only ones likely to be found useful, in high dilution, are such organic acids as exist in living tissues, possibly such as oxalic, malic, citric, etc., in plants, and sarcodic, lactic, butyric, etc., in animals. As a rule, the mounting medium for which we are now searching should probably be neutral in its reaction, for most objects. This conclusion condemns at once and altogether, for preserva- tion of protoplasmic forms, the use of the resinous media, so excellent for general purposes of mounting — Canada balsam (so often the refuge of the lazy microscopist, wishing to avoid the construction of a cell), gum dammar, copaiba, copal, and styrax. The objection to these is founded not only on their slight content of organic acids, as well as of turpentine or similar solvent, but also on the complicated series of processes required for the pre- liminary dehydration and subsequent clearing. A glance at the evidences of tedious torture of protoplasm in these long-drawn- out processes ought to be sufficient to account easily for their failure in the permanent preservation, without distortion, of the natural forms of contractile matter within the interior of cells. We have also to guard against the shrinking of living proto- 1 O. Blitschli, Sep. Abd. Verb. Deutsch. Zool. Gesell., 1891, 14-20. l893-] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 35 plasm in the presence of corrosive agents (in some cases, perhaps, this shrinking inside of a cell-wall being the only movement it has shown in life), as well as that due to " irritability," even after "death. The irritating properties of the gold and platinum chlo- rides, and the strong astringent properties of the alums, on which is founded their usefulness in media for other purposes, are par- ticularly objectionable, in my opinion, on account of the corre- fsponding contraction they produce upon protoplasm. Therefore, for this purpose, I am inclined to reject King's fluid for marine algae (alum, mercuric chloride, and sea water) ; Wickersheimer's preservative for algae, lichens, fungi, etc. (alum, common salt, potassium nitrate, potassium carbonate, arsenious acid, distilled water, glycerin, and methyl alcohol); an alga preservative (chloro- form, glacial acetic acid, and distilled water) ; Pacini's preservative for blood corpuscles (mercuric chloride, common salt, glycerin, and distilled water) ; Morehouse's preservative for algce, desmids, volvox, etc. (copper acetate, camphor water, distilled water, glacial acetic acid, and glycerin) ; Meckel's, for protozoa (chromic acid, acetic acid, platinum chloride, and water) ; pre- servative for algae, characeee, and infusoria (salicylic acid, wood vinegar, glycerin, and water) ; preservative for confervae (chloro- form, glacial acetic acid, and water) ; Ripart's preservative for ^pirogyra and other algae (glacial acetic acid, camphor water, and distilled water) ; preservative for algae, desmids, etc. (Deane's •compound, Ralf's liquid, glycerin jelly, and solution of aluminum acetate) ; preservative for entomostraca (carbolic acid, alcohol, and water) ; Goadby's preservative ; boroglyceride (boracic acid in glycerin) ; and a large number of others. 3. Contraciion by Absorption of Water. — This cuts off at once, it seems to me, the use of all the dehydrating fixatives, hardening solutions and preservatives, e.g.^ those in whose composition either alcohol or glycerin has been used in any proportion what- ever. The fact that some such mixtures have seemed at least comparatively satisfactory to investigators probably shows only that contraction has progressed more slowly and distortion been longer deferred. With half the percentage of the ingredient that is greedy for water, the mounted object is ruined in two years instead of one. Notwithstanding the recent recommendation of Klein' for the 1 Jour. Roy. Mic. Soc. (188^), 140, from Hedwigia. 36 JOURNAL OF THE [April^ preservation of the fresh-water algae, this is the main objection to the use of pure or diluted glycerin, glycerin and camphor water, camphor water and alcohol, glycerin jelly, Farrant's and Bul- loch's media [i.e., mixtures of gum arabic and glycerin), etc. The same objection may probably hold to the more complicated mixtures, such as Heintzch's preservative for desmids, algse, etc. (alcohol, glycerin, and distilled water), Hervey's preservative for marine algae (glycerin and sea-water), etc 4. Contraction, or, it may be. Irregular Expansion, produced by Osmotic Actiofi through the Cell Wall. — A most efficient cause of alteration in shape of the colloidal masses inside of the wall must probably lie in this interchange of liquid and soluble matters with the medium outside. The greater the difference in density (commonly aimed at for the sake of contrast in refractive index, with corresponding improvement in definition), as when the ex- ternal preservative is nearly pure water {c-g., camphor water), or in solubility, as when the preservative is a strong saline solution, the more active the osmosis and the more speedy the deforma- tion. We may consequently expect that solutions of common salt, potassium acetate, aluminum acetate, calcium chloride, etc., and the large number of preservatives made up of complex com- binations of sundry salts, must be specially objectionable in this way, where protoplasm forms are concerned; so also, perhaps, even syrup, honey, dextrin, and solutions of gums, to some degree. 5. Contraction by Heat. — The more delicate forms of proto- plasm, even after death, are commonly sensitive to very slight elevations of temperature. This presents one serious objection to the use of hot glycerin jelly, aside from that founded on the absorption of water by its content of glycerin. It is, of course, still more efficient for harm in the resinous media, like balsam and dammir, and many others of higher re- fractive index in which heat is used, such as sulphur and arse- nious acid, realgar, etc. We may, therefore, conclude that any medium requiring a temperature much above 30° C. (say 85° F.) for sufficient fluidity is unfitted for the preservation of protoplasm. 6. Disintegration by Bacteria and Minute Infusorians. — In many or most cases a living object, plant or animal, when about to be immersed in the fixing or hardening solution and the pre- I893-] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 37 servative, is already covered with myriads of these destructive agents, either mature or in the condition of gonidia, spores, or eggs. In mounts from hands inexperienced in regard to this danger, one can find, long after the preparation was made, an abundance of living forms, particularly bacteria, which must be preying upon the mounted object. To 'meet this attack some suitable and permanent germicide should be added in proper quantity as a constituent of the preservative. Mercuric chloride (corrosive sublimate), often used for this purpose, should be avoided, in my opinion, on account of its un- stable character, as it gradually loses chlorine and separates from solution in the form of particles of calomel, feebly antiseptic if at all; also on account of its corrosive nature, which tends to disin- tegrate most forms of sarcode. Most acids, like carbolic (phenol and thymol), salicylic, picric, boracic, arsenious, chromic, etc., are equally unsuitable, on account of their corrosive nature and acid reaction. Camphor may be of little permanent value, on account of its slight solubility in water solution — ^•^., in the form of " camphor water " — and also its ready absorption by organic matter of the walls of the mounting cells. As to chloral hydrate, there is increasing evidence as to its possession of antiseptic power, as well as tendency to preserva- tion of chlorophyll and coloring matters; while the satisfaction of its affinity for water by a single molecule insures the absence of farther dehydrating power. There are also several copper salts which seem to possess the same desirable qualities as chloral, especially the chloride and nitrate, and the principal objection to the acetate appears to be its instability. In our own Laboratory experience, after trial of a large variety of the preservatives in common use, we have found Petit^s solu- tion apparently the most satisfactory for the preservation of fresh- water algae and even colored fungi, with longest retention of both form and color in the protoplasmic contents of their cells. This conclusion is founded on an examination of several hundred mounted preparations of these objects during a period of about fifteen years past. The following is the well known modification ' of Ripart's published formula : ^ Internal. Jour. Micr. and Nat. Sci., 3 sen, ii. (1891), 177. $8 JOURNAL OF THE [April, Copper chloride (crystallized) 0.2 gm. Copper nitrate " 0.2 " Glacial acetic acid , 0.5 '• Camphor water 50 c c. Distilled water 50 c.c. Shake up until solution, and filter. After some time, however, we found it advisable not to use this ■solution in its full strength, but with the addition of an equal bulk of boiled distilled water. More recently two further modifica- tions of the formula have suggested themselves. First, the glacial acetic acid should be omitted. Secondly, as the two copper salts, even in the chemically pure form supplied in commerce, have ordinarily an acid reaction, the free acids should be neutral- ized in some way. It should also be remarked that the nature of protoplasm itself varies so greatly, as to constitution, density, color, transparency, contractility, and other properties, that it is not at all probable that a single preservative of universal application can ever be devised, even for the forms of vegetable protoplasm. The desirable qualities, in a mounting medium suited to pre- serve aggregates of protoplasm in their original form, size, and color, as seen within the organic cell, are the following : Neutral reaction ; absence of dehydrating power ; density ap- proaching that of protoplasm; fluidity below 30° C. ; content of ■efficient germicide ; and very low or very high refractive index. Where, then, can we find this ideal preservative medium for protoplasm? Only hitherto, 1 think, in the dreams of the hope- ful naturalist. In my own Laboratory our attention has been largely given to the preservation of the fresh-water algae and water fungi. From former experience we have hopes of success from the following preservatives, now on trial. A. Organisms with delicate walls and rather thin and watery en- doplasm {e.g., desmids, beggiatoa, etc.). — A tiny grain of naptha- lin is inserted, part way but firmly, into the inner side of the cell-wall (paraffin or wax), and only the filtered native or mother water of the organism (or boiled and cooled distilled water) is used to fill the cell. In this we hope to have a substitute for camphor water, with a more efficient and permanent germicide. 1893.] NEW-VORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY, 39 B. Organisms with endoplasm of oj-dinary density {e.g., most of the filamentous algse). — This is a solution founded on experience with Petit's preservative : Copper chloride o.i gm. Copper nitrate o. i " Cliloral hydrate o. 5 " Distilled water, just boiled 100 c.c. From this solution, however, the trace of acidity must be removed in this way: Another solution is prepared of a few grammes of any soluble copper salt ; to this a weak solution of caus- tic potassa is added in slight excess ; the precipitate of hydrated copper oxide (CuH^Oj) thus obtained is washed thoroughly, first by decantation and then upon a filter. This purified residue is then thrown into the one hundred cubic centimetres of preservative first prepared, and the whole frequently shaken at intervals un- til a neutral reaction is shown by test papers, and then filtered. C. Organisms ivith Apparently Dense Endoplasm. — To one hundred cubic centimetres of Solution B add ten grammes of gum arabic, in selected white grains, shake until solution, and filter. Possibly gelatin may be found preferable to gum arabic. The object of thickening the solution is to prevent any ten- dency to osmosis ; though, of course, the approximation of refractive index within and without the organism may tend to decrease the definition. VI [. Balsam- Paraffin for Cells. The materials commonly used for cell construction, though of excellent application, particularly shellac varnish, gold size. Bell's cement, copal varnish, and zinc cement, are open to two objections. 1. The freshly spun cells can only be used after baking or dry- ing, which may require considerable length of time. This some- times stretches into weeks or months in the case of gold size, where the process of ripening is mainly one of oxidation. 2. The material, even after thorough drying, is gradually solu- ble or liable to softening under the action of some of the con- stituents of common preservatives, ]3articularly alcohol and inor- ganic acids. Id 1880 we began the use of paraffin for spun cells, and it has 40 JOURNAL OF THE [April, been used continuously ever since in our laboratories. Its- decided neutral reaction or indifference toward most chemical reagents renders this a unique material for a cell-wall, from a chemical point of view. It is but slightly soluble in alcohol, though freely in ether, benzol, xylol, and turpentine. It is. miscible with fixed or volatile oils when melted, and, I believe, slowly when cold. Fortunately its strong solvents are rarely or never employed in the constitution of preservatives. The fitness of paraffin for cell-making has repeatedly occurred to microscopists at home and abroad. A few years ago a sug- gestion of its use for cells was published in a German scientific- journal ; and more recently it has been recommended by F. N. Pease' simply for ringing balsam mounts. Nevertheless its use appears still to be limited, if not unknown, in many laboratories, and no reference is made to it in the last edition, by Dallmger, of Carpenter's work on "The Microscope."" This has been caused, I think, by its insufficient adherence to glass. Early in its use we 'found this defect indicated,fat times, by the inability of a liquid mount in a paraffin cell to bear moderate pressure without easy rupture, generally at the bottom of the cell, next the slide. Paraffin, in cooling, does not form a homo- geneous solid, but a congeries of crystals, often comparatively coarse. Its deficiency seemed to call for the addition of some substance of greater adhesive power, whose diffused particles would also serve as nuclei to induce the consolidation of the paraffin in a more minutely crystallized mass. This was easily accomplished by previously saturating the parafifin with one of the strongest cements, balsam-cement ; the result has proved entirely satisfactory after use for nearly ten years. The follow- ing are the details of the simple method. A supply of balsam- cement is first prepared by slow evaporation of commercial Canada balsam, in a shallow tin pan, over a low flame, until the point is reached of wax-like consistence on cooling, as tested on- drops removed and cooled from time to time. For the parafifin the hardest variety in commerce is used, with highest melting point, above 45° C (113° F.). After the stock of this (say one-quarter of a pound) has been heated over a low ' Micr. Bull., vii. C1890), i. . 1893] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 41 flame to the melting point, a small lump (say nut size) of the balsam-cement is added, and the whole digested at gentle heat, with frequent stirring, for about an hour, until the saturation of the paraffin by balsam is shown by a slight yellowish tinge. This colored paraffin contains less than five per cent, of balsam and is now ready for use; a supply is poured into a shallow porce- lain capsule with broad bottom, of about thirty cubic centimetres capacity. When needed, this is heated upon the mounting-table over a very low flame and kept just at the melting point. Over- heating should be avoided, indicated by the escape of vapors, as it tends to break up the paraffin into softer forms and also to volatilize the diffused balsam-cement. At long intervals it may be desirable to add a little more of the original hard stock to the capsule, and a very small lump of balsam-cement. A com- mon camel's-hair brush (extra sup. No. 2) is used to transfer the paraffin, and, on account of the low melting point (63° C), the brush needs no cleaning after use, and, if not allowed to re- main too often in contact with the hot bottom of the capsule, it lasts almost indefinitely. In use, the turn table should be placed as near as possible to the cai)sule, and, if convenient, on the same level. The glass slides on which the cells are to be spun should also be kept warmed upon the mounting-table. If very shallow cells are needed, mere films, suitable for mounting bacteria in potassium acetate, the slides should be hot, and even a slight warming of the turn-table may be of advantage if the room should be cold. Cells may be thus spun at a single twirl of the brush, shallow or deep, in proportion to the load of paraffin on the brush and the mode of its application. A paraffin cell is immediately ready for use after it is spun ; this is one great advantage of the material overall others. Paraf- fin cells spun in this way are well suited for dry mounts, as they are free from moisture and do not give off the oily vapors whose condensation, in cells made from sheet wax, has been found in time to obscure the under surface of covers. In using a paraffin cell for a mount with a liquid preserva- tive, the first step is to flatten the top of the cell, which, if the cell is deep, is apt to be convex. This can be done with a stroke of a fine flat file, taking care to remove any loose particles which might be thrown into the cell. This flattened surface 42 JOURNAL OF THE [April, should be then moistened with a mere film of liquid marine glue; the object and preservative then introduced ; the cover applied and pressed down into contact with the sticky film of glue; the excess of preservative which has exuded cleaned away with rolled bits of absorbent paper; and a thin seal of paraffin then spun around the joint between the cover and the cell. Both to strengthen the seal, to protect the paraffin with a hard coat, and for appearance, a thin coat of some finish is then spun over the whole surface of the paraffin. This may be colored according to taste, such as red sealing-wax varnish or black asphalt ; but in our labora- tory a colorless finish is preferred, imparting a porcelain glaze to the cell, such as gold size, liquid marine glue. King's colorless ■cement, rubber cement, etc. With a paraffin cell one may thus finish the entire mount at once, without the necessity of waiting .at any point for cell or seal to dry. A limitation of the use of paraffin cells lies in the necessary avoidance of oils as preservatives, as in the case of mounting ■crystals in kerosene or castor oil ; for this a cell of shellac varnish or King's cement is best suited. Nor can liquid Canada balsam or gum dammar be used with safety in a paraffin cell, on account -of the attack of the turpentine, as a ready solvent of the paraffin wall. Colored varieties of balsam-paraffin are also of use, especially black, white, and blue, made, respectively, by intermixture with lampblack, with zinc oxide, and with Prussian blue, each thor- oughly dried and carefully sifted through a fine lawn sieve. Heavy powders, like white lead and vermillion, cannot be well used, on account of rapid settling to the bottom of the melted paraffin. Even with the three colors above mentioned, the mixture in the capsule must be rapidly stirred just before the brush is loaded. Only cells of some thickness can thus be made from colored paraffin ; but, when the mount has been finally varnished with one of the finishes already stated, the black paraffin assumes a jet-like glaze, and the zinc paraffin a white enamel of great beauty. The latter seems preferable to zinc cement, on account of its uniformity, constant insolubility and impermeability toward most preservatives. Of course, in the use of paraffin mounts with a projection mi- croscope, the insertion of the alum-cell is desirable, to prevent ele- 1893 ] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 43 vation of the temperature of the slide to a degree near the low melting-point of paraffin. The balsam-paraffin is well suited for making deep cells by means of the Chapman mould, either in the simple form or col- ored, ie., the black or the white zinc paraffin. Two precautions need attention : 1. The mould should be kept well cleaned, and its inner surface rubbed over with a very slight film of vaselin previous to use. This prevents the adherence of the paraffin cell, which comes out readily in perfect form. 2. On account of the low melting point of paraffin, it is difficult, in the ordinary way, to cause the moulded cell to adhere perfectly to the warmed slide, without partial fusion and injury. A paraffin film should be first spun upon the slide, carefully warmed just to the point of fusion, the moulded cell applied, and the whole quickly cooled. INAUGURAL ADDRESS BY THE PRESIDENT, MR. CHARLES S. SHULTZ. {Delivered January 20th, 1893.) It is with much misgiving that I now assume the duties and the honor of the Presidency of this Society. Do not expect me to reach the high scientific standard of the gentleman whose suc- cessor I have become, nor the standard of those who have pre- ceded him in the office. I desire, however, that faithfulness and energy may make partial amends for possible lack of talent. May I then, at the outset, trouble you with a few suggestions which, if heeded, may be of some service to the Society ? Let us be punctual, so that the meetings may be opened at the appointed hour. Let. exertion be made to attend all meetings, whether papers are announced or not. Meetings with unan- nounced p.ipers or addresses have usually afforded the attendants much pleasure and instruction. Also, a numerous representation infuses a spirit of emulation on the part of those in attendance, and greater results are consequently obtained. Encourage the 44 JOURNAL OF THE [April, attendance of ladies, and thereby increase the social features of our gatherings. To most of you now present the request to attend is superfluous, as you have appeared here with regularity and may be expected to do so in the future. We have, however, numerous members, and among them some of our ablest thinkers, who seldom grace these rooms with their presence, although they occasionally make amends by an excellent paper or address. Should the last-mentioned class appear more frequently, the So- ciety's work would be greatly enhanced, while it would be the means of bringing others here, who would discuss the papers and . participate in extending the desirable work now sustained by the faithful few. Exhibitions of apparatus and demonstrations of manipulation are exceedingly desirable. Even if there is not anything ab- solutely novel in such presentations, there are doubtless many, not yet adepts, who would thankfully receive the instruction. The expected address this evening by Dr. Julien on " Micro- scopical Technique," together with the novel apparatus now dis- played before us, gives hopes that the influence of this session will be a valuable incentive to the holding of many future ''working sessions " Work of this nature was frequently accomplished at the earlier meetings of this Society, the incidents of which our older members will recall with delight. Let more objects be brought for exhibition. Announcement of these on the programmes is urgently requested. But let not inability to make timely announcement prevent the desired ex- hibition. In this manner we have frequently received valuable instruction from those engaged in special research, and in the preparation and mounting of special classes of objects. There are those, whose time is not entirely taken up by their regular avocations, who might derive much pleasure themselves, and be of great service to others, if they would undertake the ex- amination of foods, food products, drugs, textile and other fab- rics, with the view of the detection of adulterations and admix- tures. In conjunction with a friend, who is an analytical chemist, I have recently had occasion to critically examine white writing papers. In the course of our investigation we have discovered? among other things, that much of the fine paper, water-marked " pure linen paper," is more or less mixed with cotton and other l893.] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 45 materials. Upon this subject I may in future give you some par- ticulars. Let us remember that photomicrography, and the various re- sults, in the form of prints and lantern slides, are always wel- come themes that may be demonstrated at the meetings, and that would be received with pleasure by the members generally. I also request that those engaged in the lines of histology, patho- logy, and bacteriology bring before us from time to time, as Dr. Heitzmann proposes to do at the next meeting, notice of their work in papers on these subjects, which we guarantee will be received with deep attention. I will not burden you with further suggestions at present. If I shall accomplish nothing more, in the future I will endeavor to infuse enthusiasm in some of our friends who are able to pre- sent their good works before you. If each of us will at least add a little toward the general interest, much usefulness and en- joyment will doubtless result, to the benefit of the Society, whose prosperity we all have at heart. PROCEEDINGS. Meeting of November i8th, 1892. The President, Mr. J. D. Hyatt, in the chair. Eleven persons present. A communication was received from the New York Camera Club inviting the Society to attend an exhibition of the Helio- chromoscope, by Mr. Frederick E. Ives, of Philadelphia, to be given at the rooms of the Club on the evening of the 21st instant. On motion the thanks of the Society were tendered the New York Camera Club for this invitation. objects exhibited. 1. Living Spider, held in a lace cage, showing circulation of the blood in the legs : by F. W. Devoe. 2. Crystals of Platinocyanide of Yttrium : by E. G. Love. 3. Cyclosis in Chara, showing'remarkably good circulation : by J. D. Hyatt. 46 JOURNAL OF THE [April, 4. Spherometer, made by the Geneva Optical Company, of Chicago : by F. D. Skeel. 5. Musical Rasps of the grasshopper, Conocephalus ensiger Har- ris : by J. L. Zabriskie. Mr. Devoe explained the construction of his lace cage for hold- ing small living insects while under observation. The top and bot- tom are removed from an ordinary paper pill box. The rings, forming the body and the lid of the box, are each covered with a piece of fine lace, kept tightly stretched by having the edges glued down on the outside, and in such manner that, when the lid is placed in its natural position on the body of the box, the two pieces of lace are brought into contact. A small insect placed between the two pieces of lace can be held firmly and yet without injury in any position, and can be examined on the stage of the microscope by either transmitted or reflected light. Mr. Zabriskie exhibited a female, and the green and brown forms respectively of the male of Conocephalus ensiger, and stated, concerning the musical rasps, that in this species, as is common in the green grasshoppers and katydids, the rasp of the left wing cover is much more prominently developed than that of the right. In the slide exhibited the left rasp has eighty teeth, while the right rasp has only fifty-seven. A brown male kept in captivity sang vig- orously on the evening of September 30th last. The wing covers were raised very slightly, but were shuffled with extreme rapidity, causing one long note. One such song, timed by the watch, was sustained loudly and continuously, without the slightest break, for the space of four minutes and twenty-five seconds. Dr. Skeel explained the mechanism and operation of the sphe- rometer exhibited by him. Meeting of December 2D, 1892. The President, Mr. J. D. Hyatt, in the chair. Twenty-two persons present. The President delivered an address on " The Origin and For- mation of the New York Microscopical Society." He read from the original copy of the call for the first meeting of the Society, dated November 12th, 1877 ; from the original copy of the consti- tution and by-laws, adopted December 21st, 1877 ; and from the minutes of the first six meetings. These papers were lately de- 1893.] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 47' livered by the first Secretary, Dr. Romyn Hitchcock, to Mr. Hyatt, who was the first President, being elected on December nth, 1877, and they were now transmitted by the latter to the Society. Mr. Hyatt in most interesting manner referred to the enthusiasm and work of the early years of the Society, and espe- cially to the efforts made in 1878, finally crowned with success through the good offices of Hon. J. D. Cox, then Congressman from Ohio, to induce the Government to rescind the postal regu- lations excluding glass slides from the mails. Mr. William Wales followed this address with reminiscences: of the American Microscopical Society of New York City ; of the report of the committee on the examination of the vertical illu- minator invented by Prof. Hamilton L. Smith ; of the persistent search by Dr. Rufus King Brown for the lines of Amphipleura pellucida ; and of the manufacture by himself, in 1868, of the -gV objective for the Army Medical Museum, which lens lay for ten years in the table draw of Surgeon-General Woodward, but which finally produced the photograph which first showed the resolution, of the famous diatom. The following Committee on Nominations of Officers was ap- pointed by the chair : J, L. Zabriskie, William Wales, F. W. Devoe. OBJECTS EXHIBITED. 1. Fragment of brown wrapping paper bleached by carbolic acid: by F. W. Leggett. 2. Musical Rasps of the Round-winged Katydid, Aviblycorypha. rotundifolia Scudder: by F. W. Devoe. 3. Section of Lapis-lazuli: by J. D. Hyatt. 4. Section of milky Quartz: by J. D. Hyatt. Mr. Leggett explained that the paper exhibited by him was originally of a deep, dirty yellow color, but by the action of the acid it bleached entirely white. This was followed by a discus- sion on the action of carbolic acid and of peroxide of hydrogen, participated in by Messrs. Ashby, Skeel, Riederer, and Zabriskie. Mr. Hyatt remarked that the difference between milky and transparent quartz was mainly like the difference between con- solidated snow and clear ice, depending upon the preponderance of the inclusions of air, giving the white appearance. 48 JOURNAL OF THE [April, Meeting of December i6th, 1892. The President, Mr. J. D, Hyatt, in the chair. Twenty-two persons present. The Committee on Nominations, appointed at the last meet- ing, reported their nominations of officers for the coming year, and the report was adopted. The Corresponding Secretary read a communication addressed to Mr. Charles F. Cox, by Mr. Frank B. Carter, of Montclair, N. J., offering to the Society the rare opportunity of purchasing sets of slides of the Radiolaria obtained from the material col- lected by the "Challenger Expedition," prepared and now for sale by Prof. Haeckel, of Germany. Dr. F. D. Skeel read an article in the Medical Record^ issued this day on Photomicrography by Dr. Robert M. Fuller, and exhibited numerous photomicrographs, and also photographic views of the apparatus by which they were taken. objects exhibited. 1. Section of tabular Quartz from Thomaston, Georgia : by James Walker. 2. Section of rock-mass, formed by the pressure of the ex- plosive in the bottom of a drill hole: by James Walker. 3. Transverse section of the stem of Helianthus annuiis: by F. D. Skeel. 4. Transverse section of the stem of Sassafras officinale: by F. D. Skeel. 5. Satin leaf from Cape Town, Africa: by F. W. Devoe. 6. Section of oolitic Chert from England: by J. D. Hyatt. 7. Tulip wood, in natural condition, showing tracheids and medullary rays : by T. B. Briggs. Meeting of January 6th, 1893. The President, Mr. J. D. Hyatt, in the chair. Twenty-two persons present. The Treasurer and the Librarian presented their annual re- ports, and the reports were adopted. The President appointed Messrs. William E. Damon and F. W. Leggett tellers of the election. At the closing of the polls 1893.] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 49 the following persons were declared elected officers of the So- ciety for the year 1893: President, Charles S. Shultz. Vice-President, Edw. G. Love. Recording Secretary, George E. Ashby. Corresponding Secretary, J. L. Zabiiskie. Treasurer, James Walker. Librarian, Ludwig Riederer. (Curator, George E, Ashby. ( F. W. Devoe. Auditors } w. E. Damon. ( F. W. Leggett. The retiring President, Mr. J. D. Hyatt, delivered the Annual Address, entitled "Hints of Intelligence in the Movements of Plants." The address was discussed by Messrs. C. Van Brunt, W. J. Lloyd, Rev. G. E. F. Haas, and Drs. Carl Heitzmann and N. L. Britton. Dr. Carl Heitzmann exhibited a photomicrograph of the endosperm of the Ivory Nut, and remarked upon it as follows : " It is a curious coincidence that, while the President dwells on the puzzle of the movements of plants, I hold the solution of the puzzle in my hand. It is a photomicrograph made by Mr. Maximilian Toch. The object is a section through the ivory nut, or vegetable ivory, prepared by a method peculiar to Mr. Toch, and to be published by him in due time. " In an address last May I showed in this Society a photo- micrograph by S. Strieker, of Vienna, illustrating the reticular structure of living protoplasm, discovered by myself twenty years ago, and now accepted even by French histologists, as proven by a letter published by Dr. Alfred C. Stokes in the last number of Science. What the French term ' hyaloplasma ' I have de- signated as the living or contractile matter, and their * paraplasma ' with me is a lifeless liquid filling the meshes of the reticulum. The same features, in a meeting of last October, I demonstrated to be present in the protoplasm of plants, and I showed the delicate, thread-like connections piercing the cement or cellulose, which I have claimed to be formations of living matter, uniting the reticulum in the protoplasm of our so-called ' cell ' with that of all neighbors, thus rendering the plant an uninterrupted con- 50 JOURNAL OF THE [April,, tinuity of living matter — one individual — and not made up of millions of individuals, as the cell theory had suggested. " My present photograph demonstrates the interconnection of the protoplasm by threads of living matter traversing the bulky layers of the so-called ' sclerotic cells ' of the ivory plant, to per- fection, with a power not exceeding five hundred and twenty-five diameters. Even the hardest wood, therefore, is not only sup- plied with protoplasm, but is rendered a continuous mass of living, or contractile matter. ** A peripheral irritation of this substance in certain plants will suffice to produce its contraction, either locally in the leaves or petals, or throughout the whole plant. What we call nervous action is probably based altogether on the contraction of the liv- ing matter which, running centripetally, is termed 'neuration,' and running centrifugally leads to motion in the apparatus termed 'muscles.' Motion is again nothing but contraction of the heavy masses of living matter stored up in the muscles. " The contraction of the living matter is all that is needed for the understanding of the peculiar ' intellectual ' movements of plants, which are destitute of both nerves and muscles. The voluntary actions, even in the highly-developed animals, are only automa- tic." Meeting of January 2oth, 1893. The President, Mr. Charles S. Shultz, in the chair. Twenty-eight persons present. Dr. H. G. Piffard was elected a resident member of the So- ciety. The following were appointed by the chair as Committee on Admissions: F. W. Devoe, William E. Damon, George F. Kunz, William Wales, F. D. Skeel. The following were appointed Committee on Publications: J. L. Zabriskie, William G. De Witt, Waller H. Mead, John L. Wall, Charles F. Cox. Dr. Alexis A. Julien read the announced paper, entitled " Sug- gestions in Microscopical Technique." This paper was illus- trated by the exhibition of many pieces of apparatus, and is pub- lished in this number of the Journal, page 23. il893-] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 51 Dr, Carl Heitzmann replied to certain statements of Dr. Julien, on the uses of acid preservatives, as follows: " The essayist has spoken rather slightingly of certain acids and their dilute solutions as preservative fluids. Still there is nothing better for the preservation of both animal and vegetable tissues than a half of one per cent solution of chromic acid. Sections through any portion of the pldnts will be preserved, with- out noticeable change, by being dipped into the named solution for one or two hours. The most delicate animal tissues, such as chick embryos, from the very beginning of development, can be preserved by being kept first in a one-tenth of one per cent so- lution of chromic acid, gradually being transferred to stronger solutions, never exceeding one-half of one per cent. " The brain, spinal cord, the eyeball, and especially the retina are best preserved in Miiller's fluid, consisting of one per cent bi chromate of potash, two per cent sulphate of soda, and ninety- seven per cent distilled water. This fluid preserves admirably, though it hardens but slowly. Alcohol may be in turn resorted to for the latter purpose. The preservation in alcohol alone is ob- jectionable for microscopical purposes, on account of pronounced shrinkage and abstraction of color. " Another excellent preservative fluid is a one to two per cent so- lution of osmic acid, which keeps the minutest structural features unchanged, even in the most delicate (nerve) tissues of animal organisms. Theo. Eimer, of Tubingen, has succeeded in preserv- ing, by means of osmic acid solutions, evcn the most minute structures of jelly-fish, transferred directly from sea water to the solution. I have specimens of the retina and the spinal cord of man and rabbit, perfectly preserved by osmic acid solution for a number of years. *■ As regards mounting media, I concur with the essayist in the statement that we are lacking perfection. The worst used is Can- ada balsam, strictly objectionable because clearing up the spe- cimens far too much. For the last twenty years I have used nothing but chemically pure glycerin of Merck in Darmstadt, Ger- many, which, though expensive, yields excellent results. Of course great skill is needed for finding the proper amount of glycerin to fill the space between slide and cover glass. The slightest sur- plus, oozing forth at the borders of the cover glass, must be re- 52 JOURNAL OF THE [April, moved carefully with moist filtering paper, lest the varnish used for sealing together the glasses peel off after a few years. Gly- cerin jelly has not answered our expectations, since it renders the specimens blurred. " For sealing I use nothing but asphalt dissolved in spirits of turpentine. Although black and not looking handsome, this dries within twenty-four hours, and keeps unchanged for a number of years, provided that even the slightest film of glycerin has been carefully removed "around the edges of the covering glass. Pretty sealing, although very pleasant to the eye, I consider superflu- ous.'^ OBJECTS EXHIBITED. 1. Many pieces of apparatus explained in the paper as above : by A. A. JuLiEN. 2. Insect in amber : by F. D. Skeel. 3. Sections of antenna of the Wasp, Vespa macidata L. : by L. Riederer. 4. Zentmayer Centennial Stand, with large aluminum stage and certain improvements : by William Wales. PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED. The American Monthly Microscopical Journal : Vol. XIII., No. Ii — Vol. XIV., No. I (November, 1892 — January, 1893). The Microscope : Vol. XII., No. 11— Vol. I., No. i (November, 1892 — January, 1893). The Observer: Vol. III., No. 12— Vol. IV., No. 2 (December, 1S92— Feb- ruary, 1893). The Botanical Gazette : Vol. XVII., No. 12 (December, 1892). Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club: Vol. XIX., No. 12 — Vol. XX., No. I (December, 1892 — February, 1893). Insect Life : Vol. V., No. 3 (January, 1893). Psyche : Vol. VI., Nos. 201 — 203 (January — March, 1893). Anthony's Photographic Bulletin : Vol. XXIII., No. 23— Vol. XXIV., No. 4 (December 10, 1892 — February 25, 1893). Natural Science Association of Staten Island : Proceedings (November 12, 1892— February 18, 1893). School of Mines Quarterly : Vol. XIV., No. i (November, 1892). 1893.] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. SS. Cornell University Experiment Station : Bulletins Nos. 39— 49 (November^ 1892— January, 1893). Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station : Bulletins Nos. 87—89 (Sep- tember— December, 1892). Texas Agricultural^Experiment Station : Bulletins Nos. 22—24 (Septem- ber— December, 1892). Iowa Agricultural Experiment Station: Bulletins Nos. 18,19 (August, November, 1892). American Museum of Natural History : Bulletin, Vol. IV. (1892). Boston Society of Natural History: Proceedings, Vol. XXV., Parts 3, 4 (November, 1891 — May, 1892). Rochester Academy of_^Science : Proceedings, Vol. II., No. i (1892). Museum of Comparative Zoology: Animal Report (1891 — 1892). Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society : Journal, Vol. IX,, No. i (1892). Journal of the Franklin Institute : Vol. CXXXV., Nos. 805, 806 (January,. February, 1893). Colorado Scientific Society : Proceedings (January, 1893). Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society ; 1892, Part 6; 1893, Part i. International Journal of Microscopy and Natural Science : Vol. III., Part 17 (January, 1893). The Naturalist : Nos. 20g — 211 (December, 1892 — February, 1893). Transactions of the Canadian Institute : Vol. III., Part i (December, 1892). The Ottawa Naturalist : Vol. VI., Nos. 8 — 10 (December, 1892 — Febru- ary, 1893). Natural History Society of New Brunswick : Bulletin No. 10 (1892). The Victorian Naturalist : Vol. IX., Nos, 7 — 9 (November, 1892 — January,. 1893)- Johns Hopkins University Circulars : Vol. XII., No. 103 (February, 1893). Brooklyn Medical Journal : Vol. VII., Nos. i — 3 (January — March, 1893). Indiana Medical Journal : Vol. XI., Nos. 6 — 8 (December, 1892 — Febru- ary, 1893). Universal Medical Journal : Vol. I., No. i (January, 1893). National Druggist : Vol, XXI., No. 11— Vol. XXII., No, 5 (December i, 1892 — March i, 1893). American Lancet : Vol. XVI., No. 12 — Vol. XVII., No. 2 (December, 1892 — February, 1893). Weekly Review: Vol, III., Nos. 76—85 (December, 1892 — March, 1893). Mining and Scientific Review : Vol. XXIX., No. 22— Vol, XXX., No. 9 (December, 1892 — March, 1893). Wissenschaftlicher Club : Monatsblatter, Vol. XIV., Nos. 2 — 4 (November, 1892 — January, 1893) ; Ausserordentliche Beilage, Vol. XIV., No. 3 (No- vember, 1892). Societe Beige de Microscopie ; Bolletin, Vol, XIX., Nos. i — 3 (November, 1892 — January, 1893). Societa Botanica Italiana : BuUettino, 1892, Nos. 8, 9 — 1893, No. I. La Nuova Notarisia : Vol. IV. (January, 1893). 54 JOURNAL OF THE N.-Y. MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. [April, 1893.] Nuovo Giornale Botanico Italiano : Vol. XXV., No. i (January, 1893). Societa Africana d'ltalia: BoUettino, Vol. XI., Nos. 7— jo (July — Octo- .■her, 1892). Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein, Frankfurt-aOder : Helios, Vol. IX., No. 7 — Vol. X., No. 9 (October, 1891 — December, 1892) ; Societatum Litterse, Vol. v., No. 9 — Vol. VI., No. 129 (September, 1891 — December, 1892). Bericht des Vereins fur Naturkunde zu Kassel: Vol. XXXVIII. (1891 — 1892). Naturforschende Gesellschaft des Osterlands : Proceedings, Vol. V. (1892). Societe des Naturalistes de Kiew : Bulletin, 1892, No. 2 ; Memoires, Vol. XII., No. I (1892). Sociedad Cientifica "Antonio Alzate '': Memorias, Vol. VI., Nos. 3 — 6 (1892 — 1893). Actes de la Societe Scientifique du Chili : Vol. II., Nos. i, 2 (July, Octo- Iber. 1892). Revue Internationale de Bibliographic Medicale : Vol. III., No. 22 — Vol. rV., No. 3 (November, 1892 — February, 1893). Journal OF THE NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY Vol, IX. JULY, 1893. No. 3. SOME PHENOMENA IN EXUVIATION BY THE REPTILES. BY SAMUEL LOCKWOOD, PH.D. (Read May iqth, 1893.) In a run through Europe I saw upon a peasant boy clothing that had come down from an ancestor. The garment seemed ■defiant of wear, but it was painfully malodorous. In nature it is a law for every living thing that the old covering shall give place, at some pretty regular period, to a new raiment. It is sim- ilar in principle, whether it be the shedding of the bark of a tree, or the moulting of the feathers of a bird, or the casting of the hard encasement of a crab, or the soft skin of a snake. For this, if the condition is normal, each has its period for laying aside the old and appearing in the new. In the human subject the opera- tion is continuous. I have been surprised, by actual test, at the amount of dermal epithelia floating in the air of a school room, due to the friction from the natural activity of childhood. Some animals have periodic castings, when the entire outer skin is shed, and the creature then appears in brighter attire. When this process is entire, science, through Huxley, I believe, has given to it the term exuviation. In what will be said on this subject, in the term Reptilia I 56 JOURNAL OF THE [July, shall follow the older meaning, as when it included the Amphibia or Batrachia, simply, however, for convenience. I recall with what interest, then a young man, the late distin- guished palaeontologist, B. F. Meek, told me of his witnessing near Albany an old toad taking off his shirt and then swallowing it. He narrated the fact to James Hall, the geologist, who seemed almost incredulous. Since then the spectacle has been seen by a number of naturalists. The sight is truly comical. Bufo, when the time for undressing comes, has his own difficulties, suggest- ing his need of a valet. The batrachian head is a very immobile thing, much as if it were soldered to the shoulders ; for one can hardly say that a frog or a toad has any neck at all. By certain contortions of the creature the skin is caused to crack. The limbs aje brought, one at a time, to the mouth, and so the denud- ing is at last accomplished. The old garment is now badly torn. As the funniest part of the play should come last, so it is now, for Bufo begins a quasi rolling-up process with his cast-off linen, literally tucking it into the mouth, alternately with his right and his left hand. It is at last got into the chest, with as much regard for order as when the husband does the packing of the wife's trunk. The toad loves the land, but the frog gives much of its life to the still waters ; hence the former affords better opportunities for observation when shedding. Like the toad, the frog divests its cuticle in tatters, and devours it, although a contrary statement may be found in the books. It is a puzzle to divine what may be the significance of this eating its own skin by the reptile. If a stalk of corn be returned to the ground the cuticle gives up a silicate and a phosphate for vegetable alimentation. Is there in the toad's case some conser- vation of alimentary chemistry ? In a day when exact science was not yet born there seems to have been a belief that an extra- ordinary virtue resided in a cast-off, dirty shirt ; for, said a Dr. Van Helmont, "if you put into a vessel a few grains of corn, and stuff into it a dirty shirt, after about twenty-one days the ferment from the dirty shirt, modified by the odor of the corn, effects the transformation of the wheat into full-grown mice." Of course, whatever the marines may do, sailors won't believe that yarn. 'But the skin of the toad has in it a virtue of a different nature — 1893.] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 57 the ability to exude an acrid liquid for its defence. It is amusing to note the experience of a dog on his first acquaintance with the creature. If rash enough to seize it in his mouth, the animal will drop it with grotesque expressions of surprise. Perhaps this acrid liquid is a condiment to the cast-off skin, so that what is pungent to Ponto's nose may be piquant to Bufo's tongue. The frog, which is more aquatic, utilizes its skin to aid the lungs in respiration. Thus its cuticle plays an important role in the ab- sorption of oxygen from the water, and perhaps the air, and in the evolution of carbonic acid gas. The true frogs and toads are called Anourians, meaning the tailless frogs ; for they dispense with this appendage soon after leaving the larval life. They do not, however, drop it or cast it off, but literally take it in. They begin their adult career as se- vere economists. Sitting on the shore, having for the first time ventured from their watery home, they enter on a veritable new- ness of life. Each now is a lung-breather. His tail, otherwise useless, is his pabulum for the nonce. This appendage is ab- sorbed— that is, taken into the assimilation, literally eaten, as truly as in his coming days his cast-off cuticle will be taken in.' But there is another branch of this Batrachian gens — the Uro- delia, the tailed frogs. Such are the efts, the newts, and the sala- manders, which retain their tails through life. Thanks to that little eft, the crimson-?potted Triton, which takes so kindly to the aquarium, the act of exuviation may be often witnessed. This Triton, the Die?nyctiliis vindescens,a.'s, it seems to me, sheds its skin with an irregular periodicity, doubtless due to food and tempera- ture. Living in the water, it is much easier for these creatures to doff their old clothes than for those animals which do it on the land. When the cuticle has become effete, which in the Tri- tons is very thin, a little muscular exertion will cause it to stretch,, and so admit the water between it and the body, when some wriggling movements will cast it off. It will leave the limbs like tiny gloves, the very toes being preserved in form. Thus this filmy thing floats in mid-water, expanded even to the toes. If we could suppose the tiniest efts doing laundry work, we might liken it to a garment on a clothes line and inflated with the wind. It must be a canon of Urodelian propriety, for the little Triton ' See rote at end. 58 JOURNAL OF THE [JubS proceeds to tuck the cast-off vestment into his chest. Ikit this is not allowed by his two companions, so each one seizes a limb. And now all three are pulling on the filmy thing, which in conse- quence gets put away into three chests instead of one. It is noticeable how much brighter the colors are after exuvia- tion. The crimson spots are very pronounced and the bronzy green has more of a living hue. In some stained mounts of the Tiger Triton, Amblystoma tigri- nu//i, kindly lent me by Rev. J. E. Peters, the cells generally showed distinct nuclei. Although feeling my ignorance of their significance, I would venture to remark : the Urodelce shed their skin quite often, at least several times in the season. A person told me that he had seen the Red Triton {Spelerpes ruber) in an aquarium shed every month. He may possibly have exaggerated. But would not the known frequency indicate a high-growing or vegetative activity in the cuticle ? And has not the nucleated cell a higher vital energy than that one whose protoplasm is all simple or homogeneous ? Hence this earlier maturing of the Triton's epiderm. So it is here as with the plants — the more rapid the growth the sooner the effete stage is reached. Leaving these Batrachians, we now come to the Lacertilians, or true lizards, the highest in rank of the Reptilia. Here, too, we find this shedding of the skin, from the great Monitor of the Nile to the little pine lizard that runs on the fence. I will first instance the so-called Horned Toad, the Phrynoso- ina, which is a true lizard and no toad at all. The sharp- pointed and spike-like projecting scales, which give to the inno- cent little thing so formidable an aspect, make exuviation of the cuticle in anything like large patches impossible. And so, ex- cepting from the abdomen, which has none of these sharp pro- jections, the cuticle is divested in small pieces and deliberately stowed away. I wish here to narrate what was witnessed by a friend in the Great Plains. The incident has a psychological interest, and, as will appear, a physiological bearing on our subject. Owing to its sluggishness in captivity the Phrynosoma is generally re- garded as an utterly stupid creature. My friend saw a female with her young, for which she manifested a striking maternal regard. Alarmed by his presence, she put forth persistent efforts iSqS-J NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 59 to get her little ones out of clanger by sidling first against one, then against another, until she had them all pushed into a rut of the road. Here the little mother with her young squatted so that they were nearly flat. Had it been a sand bed they would have burrowed out of sight. In this instance the effort was to get out of observation — a quite different thing. In color like the soil, with the tint a little intensified by emotion, they were apparently mere excrescences of the ground. As the chromic mimicry of the Phrynosoma is confined chiefly to one color, I shall speak of it as a monochrome, in distinction from the chameleon, whose mimic power of color is very marked and so is to be called a polychrome. We know that soils in some regions maintain a preponderating color over a large area. It is an interesting fact that Phrynosomas of the same species have the one fixed color corresponding to that of their natal soil. As I understand it, the pigment cells, or, literally, color tubes, of the chameleon are of several kinds and deeply seated in the true derm or nether skin. I have under the microscope a mount of the cast skin of the horned toad, P. cornutum. It is composed of semi-transparent spaces, erroneously called scales, which, how- ever, is a convenient term. Each of these spaces is bordered by a very much thicker cuticle. The whole is suggestive of a window sash, the transparent parts being the panes and their thick bor- ders the lattice-work. In this thin tissue, more or less crowded to one side of each pane, may be seen the brown pigment gran- ules. They are of one predominating hue and of great quan- tity, being in the cuticle, while the specimen of cast cuticle of Anolis now under the microscope shows no pigment grains what- ever. In Anolis principalis the panes, as I have called the thin parts of the scales, are much thinner and more transparent, serv- ing, as I conceive, their function for a window through which the color changes can appear when the pigment of the under derm is brought up against them. I think we may regard the true or under skin of Anolis func- tionally as a palette, in which the different colors are like collapsi- ble tubes set side by side, the tints being produced by pushing the colors against this window of almost membranous tissue, for to such I have likened the transparent vestment. Suppose a mosaic of microscopic discs or hexagons of more colors than one 60 JOURNAL OF THE [luly, set side by side, say yellow and blue. The effect would be green, and as perfect to the eye as if these two pigments were mingled on a painter's palette. Thus 1 think we find a constitvition in these two specimens of exuviated lizard skin which stands in phy- siological relation to the animal's mimetic functions, in Phrynoso- ma as a monochrome and the superficial situation of the pigment, and in Anolis as a polychrome with the deeper location of the color cells. One of my Anoles long outlived the others, getting to know us, and even to take flies from our fingers. We called him No- lie, When awake, especially if he were active, the color was a sombre gray or brown ; but if taking a siesta he would put on a suit of green. In his night sleep this would be often a frosted pea-green, very rich, having a sort of bloom not unlike that of oxidized bronze. The Anoles belong to the family Iguanida, and, like the large Iguanas, they have a fold under the throat, which, though imperceptible for the most part, can be suddenly developed into a dewlap of large size and of flaming color. I have seen Nolie wake from sleep, perhaps from an amatory dream, for he would assume his gayest courting suit, a vivid green, with here and there a tint of orange, and in some places the green would be nearly blue, and that improvised dewlap in blazing scarlet — a cravat perfectly stunning for color and dimensions. Indeed, the suddenness of the development and the intensity of the color were simply remarkable. One day he got out of his cage, and a prolonged search failed to find him. But when the night set in that whitish-green gave him away, it was in such marked contrast with the rung of the black-walnut chair to which, almost flattened out, he was adhering sound asleep. Here cer- tainly mimicry was all at fault. As my hand seized him the green flashed out and the normal brown took its place. It was well no worse thing happened to our pet, for in the shock of sudden fright these little lizards sometimes dislocate their tails. " This is owing to a thin, unossified, transverse septum which traverses each vertebra," the vertebra breaking easily through this brittle plane. A very near cousin to Anolis is our New Jer- sey Pine Lizard.' This pretty little thing will sometimes get on the door sill in the pines, and should the good housewife take the '^ SceU^arus undulatus (Harlan), one ol the "Tree Swifts." l893-] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 61 broom the little swift darts off, occasionally leaving its tail. I have been assured by an old woman " that it does this so it can run faster, but that if the tail is let alone it will come back at night and put it on again/' I once had an Anolis get out of a box containing several when I was travelling in a rail car. As it was on the floor of the car, my movements in its capture had to be quick and almost violent. This entailed disaster, for the run- away was returned to his companions minus his tail. In about three months the lost member was replaced by a new one. This curious condition ensued. While all the rest of the body was polychromatic, the tail was a simple monochrome. It could not take on any hue other than its one normal brown. Nature had restored the tail, but she could not duplicate "the true in- wardness " of the lost member. The palette of living colors and the muscular system for the collapsible tubes were wanting. The little fellow would go to sleep in his night robe of green, but that tail was always the one sober brown. The cast-off skin of the Ajiolis is a pure, gauzy white, and to the unaided eye not unlike lace in structure, but in fineness far beyond the possibility of any human fabric. But under the micro- scope this delicate tissue displays a beautiful complexity of struc- ture. The lattice-work is not so coarse as in Phrynosoma^ and each window pane seems to be made up of irregular lesser panes, and these with extremely delicate lattices. The panes, too, are very thin and clear, with no pigment granules. Exuviation is started at the head generally, although T have seen instances where the skin began cracking first in other parts. Having got broken at the head, which presents the appearance of a very ragged and highly starched night cap, the rent proceeds along the neck and back. As the Anolis is a lithe and extremely agile creature, it can undress with facility, for its mouth can reach any part of the body and detach the loose skin. It doffs the old suit in a very leisurely way, stopping to swallow each piece as soon as it is detached. Nor does it gulp down the cuticular morsel, but eats it slowly, not unlike the refined epicure who gives his food the sauce of gustatory contemplation. Strange, too — exuviation of the new tail is less facile than was that of the old one. We have left the Ophidia, or serpents, for the last. From the Q2 JOURNAL OF THE [July, huge Boas and Pythons down to the little snake met with in a rural walk, each and all without exception shed the skin, and, as a rule, cast it whole if the animal is in a healthy condition. It is observable, too, that these reptiles have no polychrome power whatever. The green snake while in the grass finds its color pro- tective, but the reverse when upon the naked soil or crossing the white lichen patches in the pines. The scales of fishes are distinctly different from the true skin, as our nails differ from our skin. Let us repeat that, as with the reptiles already considered, the scales of serpents are simply thickened dermal tissue, over which is spread the true epiderm or thin scarf skin. Now, having found in the woods just where its owner left it a good specimen of a cast snake skin, four interesting facts may be observed : (a) It is shed entire and in one piece, (d) It is untorn, except about the head, (c) It is turned inside out, as a long stocking might be. (d) And fourthly, even the very eyes have moulted, the thin scarf even in shedding preserving their form per- fectly in inverted relief. As to the way in which serpent exuviation is accomplished, the popular idea, and generally even that of the books, is simply this: 'Svhen the moulting time has come the animal draws itself be- tween two objects, anything that will suffice for a purchase, such as sticks and stones, and thus manages to rub off its skin." To such a notion the simplest reasoning upon common observa- tion must demur. At time of shedding the scarf is very moist, and as frail almost as tissue paper. If a lady could have full- length arm gloves of as thin and frail a tissue, it would be impos- sible for her maid to remove one by any process of friction or rubbing down without tearing them into fragments. And even if the tissue could resist such treatment, would it be possible that they would thus come off turned completely inside out? Then, as to the serpent's eyes, since they must be moulted too, could such friction do less than injure them ? Moreover, the places in which these exuviffi are found are not consonant with this friction hypothesis. For they are quite often found on the plain soil, where there are no objects that could be used for friction ; and even the ground where the moult is left hardly shows signs of movement. Having witnessed the operation in very favorable circum- 1893.] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 63 stances, I gave an account of it to the American Naturalist, Janu- ary, 1875, and also in Nature, November, 1879. The serpent, in fact, is the only creature that can denude itself with the peculiar results which have just been mentioned. The anatomy and phy- siology of the animal are singularly fitted for the operation. The ophidian eye is immobile. Though the books speak of the ser- pent's eyelids, it is simply accommodating language, for it has no true eyelid. Citing P. Martin Duncan in substance, the so-called eyelid of the serpent is an immovable covering of three superposed layers. First, there is the outer one, the epiderm, which is moulted; this is elastic, and is the thickest over the middle of the eye, manifestly for protection. Under this is the second or middle membrane, which is very delicate and soft, and at the centre perfectly transparent. Under this is the third layer, a mucous lining. This is functionally the palpebral lubricant. Thus the outer covering of the eye is really a part of the scarf, extending from the snout to the end of the tail. In an old Boa or Python are over two hundred pairs of ribs. These begin immediately back of the atlas or first vertebra and extend to the beginning of the tail — that is, where ihe dorsal vertebras end and the caudal series begins. The abdomen of a snake is covered with transverse parallel scales, or scutes. These, when set on edge and acted upon by the ribs, become a vast mechanism of motor propulsion. For this purpose the ribs are all functional. A pair of serpent's ribs form almost a circle, and can perform a fore and aft movement, and can be operative through the circumference of the body except immediately in the dorsal region. We shall see that the ribs have all to do with the act of exuviation. It is hardly a figure of speech to say, as will be shown, that with his ribs the serpent creeps out of his old clothes. In the pines of New Jersey is a fine colubrine serpent, the Pity- ophis melanoleticiis. I have kept these for years in my study, and will give substantially a paragraph from my article already re- ferred to as in the American Naturalist. It describes the exuvi- ation of the Pine Snake as I witnessed it on the floor of my library: When I first saw it I noticed that the skin at the snout was torn, and that denudation had proceeded from the head to some two inches of the neck. The divesting at first glance had a sort of 64 JOURNAL OF THE [July, rolling aspect. What surprised me was the fact that there was not the least friction in the process — that is, there was no rubbing against any object. As the old skin at this time is moist and a little elastic, any swelling of the body stretches and loosens it. So soon as the exuviating reaches the body, where are the larger ribs, the process goes on rapidly and with a singular system. It is done in this way : Exactly at the place where the skin seems to be moving backward a pair of ribs expands. This action swells or enlarges the body at that place, and thus by slightly stretching loosens the skin there. In this movement both ribs in the pair engaged act together — that is, they expand at the same time. This action is instantly followed by a second movement, very different from the first. One rib of the pair, say the one at the right side, slips out of and forward of the constriction just made by the swelling. The advanced rib is then drawn backward with a jerk against the neck of the old skin. The rib then rests, hold- ing this side of the skin backward. The left rib advances, and repeats for its side the action which has taken place on the right side. Thus the action of the ribs, which at first is together, is now alternate. The next hinder pair of ribs now takes up these movements. So close are these consecutive actions, and so rapid, that, while the entire body does not make any perceptible advance on the ground, it seems, at the places where the ribs are acting, to be crawling tremulously out of a double tube. It is noteworthy that unless the philosophy of the process be considered, whether it be the eating or the undressing of the ser- pent, the eyes of the observer will be deceived. One smiles at the man who said " he never felt so good as when he had got himself outside a beefsteak." Now, this ''getting outside" is a literal fact as respects the serpent with its prey. By a hitching on and pulling upon its victim with each side of the mouth alter- nately, the body is actually drawn over the prey. So is it with this action of the ribs in exuviation. Apparently it is a pushing the old garment backward, while really it is a pushing or advanc- ing of the body forward. The old hose evolves from itself for- ward, though it seems to be rolling on itself backward. Herein is revealed how it is that a serpent is at the finish of an exuviation practically where it was at the beginning of the process. The ribs forward of the pair which is acting on the skin are oc- l893-] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY, 65 cupied, each pair with its own abdominal scute, which has a pur- chase or hold on the ground; hence the curious fact that, however long a serpent may be, it comes out of its skin without much forward movement of its body. When the tail is reached this peculiar play of the ribs is wanting to act upon the skin. But the caudal tapering makes the shedding easier, as, in fact, the skin can then be shaken off. As the end of the tail of the Pine Snake is a hollow spike, this, for obvious reasons, cannot be turned inside out, so it is left turned inside of the skin, all else being turned inside out. Truly my Pityophis, in its new attire, seemed transformed in beauty, such was the contrast between the old coat and the new in the freshness of color. The white ground had a rich creamy hue, not unlike that which the ladies so admire in antique lace. There was, too, a soft warmth in the brown, the chocolate, and the chestnut. With some serpents the new skin shows a fine iridescence in the light. But this soon gives out, the old skin getting dull and lustreless, for the serpents have no power of color mimicry. With many others I have not been able to see " the wisdom of the serpent." Still, I think we may claim for it better manners than are found among its reptilian cousins of higher rank, for in the disposition of its cast-off linen no serpent ever mistook the bread-bin for the laundry basket. A certain eloquence has of late descanted upon ''the mis- takes of Moses." Might it not be pleasanter to look into the wisdom of this great leader of his race ? I can only accept evo- lution as a method'in which the Creator works His will, as when He makes one vessel to honor and another to dishonor. Appear- ing almost the last of the vertebrates, the serpent comes a limb- less, a degraded creature. Hence this Moses struck upon a vast cosmic law which only the biology of to-day could formulate — the evolution of progression and the evolution of retrogression — that in the Creative purpose there is a differentiating backward and a differentiating forward. It surely, then, was retrospective wisdom Avhich said of the serpent : " Doomed above every beast of the field, upon thy belly shalt thou go." Note.— Up to within a few years the physiologies taught that the tadpole's tail, just be- fore the transformation into the frog, was dropped or lost by atrophy. Even yet thisidea appears in some natural histories. During the last year I read a description, by a well- 66 JOURNAL OF THE [July, known and elegant writer, of a great number of little toads leaving the water and drop- ping their tails on the ground ! He drewupon his imagination, not his observation. In April, 1861, I contributed to The Rutgers College Quarterly a paper, under the title " Crangasides : A Batrachian Biograpby." In that paper was shown the use of the tail as pabulum to the frog during a few days at the beginning of a critical change in life, this appendage being absorbed into the animal as condensed alimentation. NERVES AND NERVE ACTION. BY CARL HEITZMANN, M.D. iRend February ■^d, 1893.) 'When, twenty years ago, I made the discovery that so-called protoplasm, at that time considered as the living matter', was of a highly complex structure, being traversed by a delicate reti- culum, the points of intersection of which were the nucleus and the granules, my assertion met with incredulity and scorn. By and by histologists satisfied themselves that I was right. Even the French now admit the presence of such a reticu- lum, dubbing it "hyaloplasma." All doubts must vanish upon looking at the photomicrograph published by S. Strieker, of Vienna, in 1890, taken by means of electric light with a power of 2,500 diameters. The photograph, which I here exhibit, is that of a living, or fresh, colorless blood corpuscle of a newt, Proteus, from the Adelsberg grotto in Austria. The reticulum is exactly of the appearance which I described and illustrated in 1873. Since I saw the reticulum in con- tinuous movement during the life of a protoplasmic lump, my conclusion was that the reticulum is made up of the living or contractile matter proper ; whereas the meshes contained a liquid, as such destitute of properties of life, filling the meshes of the sponge-like structure, and permitting the contraction of the solid portions — /.^., the living matter. The contractions consisted in a narrowing of the meshes, an increase of the size of the points of intersection, the so-called granules, and a shortening of the con- necting threads. The extension, on the contrary, proved to be a widening of the meshes, a decrease in the size of the granules, and an elongation of the threads. The protoplasmic lump being en- sheathed by an extremely thin layer of the same substance that builds up the reticulum and the meshes, the fluid filling the l893-] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 67 meshes could nowhere escape from the protoplasmic lump, but was simply pressed from one portion, when contraction took place, to another portion at rest, causing the distention of the reticulum in the latter part. Should such an extremely thin, ex- panded flap or pseudopodium find attachment to the slide, a point of fixation is given, toward which the lump is dragged as soon as the contraction ceases and rest is established. On this principle is obtained an easy understanding of the form-changes and locomotions of the amaba, as well as of any other living protoplasmic lump. The question, what living matter really is, no one can answer. Neither can we enter the discussion of the query. What causes its contraction ? It is the innate property of the living matter in the lowest plant, as well as in the highly organized human form, that it contracts, thereby causing change of shape and locomotion. 'The second essential property is that it is able to produce its own kind by taking in food and by generation. The latter feature will not be considered in my address. When we analyze, with high powers of the microscope, the structures termed " nervous," we come to the conviction that all these structures are made up of living matter in an extremely delicate reticular arrangement. Usually the nervous system is divided into a central portion, the brain, spinal cord, and the sympathetic ganglia ; a conducting portion, the nerves proper ; and a terminal portion, often consisting of knob- or bud-like for- mations in the peripheral organs and tissues. Undoubtedly the nervous system is continuous throughout the whole animal organ- ism— in other words, the brain and spinal cord are continuous with all the nerves traversing the body, and these again with the terminal apparatus. Long since the nervous system had been compared with the telegraph, the central stations of which were considered to be the brain and spinal cord, whereas the wires were represented by the nerves. So close is indeed the resem- blance that some physiologists have claimed that the nerve action is an electric one — an hypothesis, however, never proven The brain and spinal cord consist of a gray and a white sub- stance. The white substance is composed altogether of so-called medullated nerves, and is merely a conductive apparatus. The gray substance, on the contrary, is the only central apparatus of 68 JOURNAL OF THE [July, the nerve system. In the gray substance, again, we meet with innumerable protoplasmic bodies, the so-called "ganglion cells," or ganglionic elements, from which, as is to-day generally con- ceded, arise the nerves proper in the shape of so-called axis cylinders. All these bodies, therefore, are unquestionably cen- tral organs. In analyzing the ganglionic bodies we see them composed of a dense, delicate reticulum, first recognized by C. Frommann, of Jena, in 1867. Each ganglionic body sends out a thread-like prolongation, the axis cylinder, and a varying number of branching offshoots, termed, in honor of their discoverer, Die- ters' offshoots. All the latter run into the gray substance at large, and only the axis-cylinder offshoot is a nerve, running from the central ganglion uninterruptedly to the periphery of the body. I exhibit such a body with a power of 500 diameters, fully sufficient to recognize the offshoot, though not the central reticulum. Again, the gray substance is made up of a tiny reticulum of liv- ing matter, not quite as dense as that of the ganglionic elements. I was the first to discover this reticulum in perfectly fresh sec- tions of the brain of just killed rabbits, twenty years ago ; but this is an assertion of mine that has not as yet met with the con- firmation of other microscopists. The reticulum is easily made visible by a stain with osmic acid, as shown here, with a power not exceeding 300 diameters. This reticulum is connected with all the Dieters' offshoots of the ganglionic elements, and again sends out axis cylinders, the same as do the ganglionic elements. This my assertion has recently found corroboration by Edinger, of Germany. It is plain that contraction, originating in the ganglionic ele- ments, will be conducted partly to the gray substance by the off- shoots of Dieters, and partly to the periphery through the axis- cylinder offshoot, the nerve proper ; for the structure of the latter is reticulated the same as is that of the ganglionic bodies and the gray substance in general. Many facts, obtained either by experiments on animals or by observations in morbid changes of the brain, have led us to the conviction that the ganglionic elements are the seat of all our knowledge, called positive, brought into our brain from without by the organs of sense. Such a positive knowledge is, for in- stance, the a, b, c by means of which we read and write, the 1893.] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 69 I, 2, 3 by means of which we calculate and heap up dollars. Should the ganglion of a, in the so-called claustrum, be destroyed by a blood effusion, the capacity of pronouncing or writing an a is lost. Should the ganglion of number 3 be destroyed, the idea of number 3, or the capacity of writing it, will be lost. From these facts the inference can be made that the ganglionic bodies are central organs for concrete or positive facts ; whereas the gray substance is central for diffuse nerve action, such as fancy, religion, dreaming, fears, hopes, etc. The gray matter of the frontal lobe is the seat of intelligence, as first maintained by Th. Meynert, the regulation of our acts by judgment and adapta- tion. Hence all mental diseases — disturbances of the intellect — are located in the frontal portion of the brain. In all nerves running from the central organs to the periphery of the body the most essential and only conducting thread is the central axis cylinder, which is either bare, such as in non- medullated nerves, or supplied with a sheath of nerve fat, or myelin — an insulating substance seen in the medullated nerves, furnishing them with a whitish tint, due to the opacity of the myelin in surface illumination. The axis cylinders, I said, have a delicate reticular structure. Any nerve, though originally medullated, will, upon approaching the surface, lose its myelin coat and split up into a number of extremely delicate so-called axis fibrillae, best rendered conspicuous by a stain of chloride of gold, introduced into histological technique by the late Jul. Cohnheim, of Germany. All we can recognize on such axis fibrillae, with the highest powers of the microscope, is a beaded or rosary-like appearance, a series of minute dots, interconnected by the most delicate threads. Evidently this feature is a reti- culum transformed into a linear projection of threads and gran- ules, eminently fit for contraction. I exhibit here the cornea of a cat, stained with chloride of gold, showing the axis fibrillae as they inosculate with the protoplasmic formations, termed cornea corpuscles. With these facts at hand we may reasonably assert that what we call nerve is a complex reticulum of living matter, either ar- ranged diffusely, as in the gray substance ; or condensed into a bulky formation, termed ganglionic element ; or arranged in rows, as in the axis cylindeis ; or in a linear projection, as the axis 70 JOURNAL OF THE [July, fibrillge. Since contractility is one of the main properties of the living matter, we again must come to the conclusion that the nerve action is altogether due to contraction of living matter. Should the contraction start in the periphery, as, for instance, by a prick with the needle, or a burning match, the contraction is carried centrifugally and results in the sensation of pain. By complex systems of association through the gray substance, the motor centres, which are the largest ganglionic formations, are brought to contraction, which they convey toward the periphery, especially to the muscles, and the result of this centrifugal con- traction is motion, either involuntary or reflex motion, or a motion controlled by the gray matter of the brain, mainly its frontal lobes. While I was publishing my works on protoplasm in 1873 in the Vienna Academy of Sciences, where these views were laid down for the first time. Prof. Th. Eimer, in Germany, published his re- searches on jelly-fish of the Mediterranean Sea. He succeeded in fixing the minute tissue relations by means of osmic acid. As you see in his illustrations, he claims that in these animals nerves and muscles are continuous formations to such an extent that the beaded axis fibrilla directly changes into striped muscle. This goes far to prove the correctness of my own view. Both nerve and muscle work upon one and the same principle of con- traction of the living matter. I have demonstrated the con- tinuity of motor nerves with the sarcous elements of the striped muscle fibres ; but the majority of histologists do not as yet ad- mit such a continuity. In a previous meeting Mr. Hyatt claimed that plants exhibit a certain amount of intelligence and voluntary movement, though they lack both nerve and muscle. My views will easily explain the phenomena. The protoplasm of the plant has a reticular structure exactly the same as that of animals. The reticulum is the living or contractile matter in plants as well as in animals. A contraction, being induced at some peripheral point of the plant, is conducted by the threads of living matter, piercing all cement substances throughout the whole organism, and the motion, so striking in some plants, will result. No intelligence and no voluntary action are needed to perform what the plants do. What we call voluntary action in animals, especially also in 1893.] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 71 men, is to a great extent only automatic or reflex action. What we do we must do, owing to the contraction of our brain, and so-called will plays a trifling part in controlling our actions, mainly under the guidance of the frontal lobes of the brain. THE OCCURRENCE OF MARINE DIATOMS IN FRESH WATER. BY ARTHUR M. EDWARDS, M.D. (Read February iiik, 1893.) Even the amoeba, that formless mass of jelly, begins somewhere and somehow. The diatomacese have a beginning, but what that beginning is, and when, and how, is uncertain. But when they began, was it as inhabitants of fresh water, in ponds and rivers, or of salt water, in the ocean ? This can be determined with a certain degree of assurance by examining the strata where their silicious loricas are preserved. Since I began studying the diatomacese, now some forty years ago, their beginning was a subject of constant inquiry, and I think I can now determine with positive certainty that their origin was in fresh-water strata. The sea, that formed from the falling rain, was fresh, of course, and became salt by the solution of hydrochloric acid and sul- phurous acid, and Ihen, further, by the solution of certain salts from the earth. After a time the rain which collected fell as fresh water on the earth and formed ponds, lakes, and rivers. But whether they or the salt sea were formed first is undecided. Fresh-water diatomacese formed in some places first, and were carried downward and became brackish and at last salt, as can be proved by examining the strata, as I shall show. At least, such is the inference. The gathering of which I speak now is from Hatfield Swamp, on the Passaic River, New Jersey. It is about thirty miles above Newark, following the tortuous course of the stream, but only nine miles distant across the country, the Hatchung Mountains, in two ranges, intervening. At Paterson are situated the Passaic Falls, seventy feet in height, and at Little Falls, four and one-half 72 JOURNAL OF THE [July, miles up the stream, an additional fall of fifty feet occurs. Hat- field Swamp is about three and one-half miles long by one and one-half miles broad, and the deposit is clay, about three feet and eight inches deep, where I took the 'specimens. At Columbia Bridge, four miles further, is a small patch of similar clay, per- haps one hundred feet broad. Besides the ordinary fresh-water forms, Navicicla {Fmnularia) viridis and similar species, there are found two salt-water forms of Actinocycliis Ralfsii and Campylodiscus echeneis. These are both common in the Hatfield Swamp clay, the Actinocycliis as brilliantly colored discs, and the Campylodiscus as large, white, saddle-shaped forms.' These are also both common on the coast in salt water. And the first is further well known in the guano at Ichaboe, at the Cape of Good Hope. 'Ihese diatoms cannot be carried up the stream by the tide, as that does not reach higher than ten miles above Newark, some distance below Pater- son, and there intervene between the tide and the swamp more than one hundred feet of falls, seventy feet of which are perpen- dicular at Paterson. I present some of the clay, and a slide mounted to show the mixture of fresh-water and salt-water forms. Diatoms having originated in fresh water, they may present the same character- istics when transferred to salt water, or they may change totally. How this change goes on has not been determined, but the Hat- field Swamp clay shows that recognized marine forms may live in fresh water, and fresh-water forms have been seen living in the ocean. PROCEEDINGS. Meeting of February 3D, 1893. The President, Mr. Charles S. Shultz, in the chair. Forty four persons present. The Corresponding Secretary presented a donation of dia- tomaceous material from Mr. K. M. Cunningham, of Mobile, Alabama, with an explanatory communication, dated January 30th, 1893, as follows : " I forward specimens of a new fossil marine diatomaceous de- posit, with the object of putting the find upon record, and of l893-J NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 73 providing such members as are interested in diatomology with the means of verifying my own study of the same. " As far back as the year 1878 my attention had been called to the statement made by Prof. J. W. Bailey, in his microscopical observations made in the year 1852, and recorded in the Smith- sonian ' Contributions to Knowledge,' that he had detected evi- dence of marine diatoms in an indurated clay found by him on the shores of Hillsborough Bay, in the vicinity of Tampa, Florida, but from which he had been unable to isolate the diatoms on ac- count of the stony character of the material. Through the inter- vening years I, from time to time, tried to secure specimens of the material as noted by him, but such specimens as I secured failed to corroborate the fact of diatom contents. " As a consequence, however, of faith in his statement, I per- sisted in the hope, and my hopes were realized very recently, as the casual outcome of finding a schooner discharging here a cargo of Florida River pebble phosphates. Examining the com- position of the pebble aggregations, I noted the recurrence of flattened, water-worn, and rounded nodules of a clay-like sub- stance, which I found could be easily split into thin layers in- definitely. Applying a hand lens, the clay yielded its secret, as each fractured surface showed innumerable diatomaceous bodies, indicating its marine origin as well as fossil nature. " The interest in this find is emphasized, as it possibly throws new light on a geological question — i.e., as to whether fossil marine, diatomaceous strata of miocene age could be found on the United States Gulf coast of the same character as those on the Atlantic coast. While the generic assemblage of species does not agree with the Maryland and Virginia miocene diato- maceous clays, the geological horizon may be the same, as the phosphate deposits of the Florida peninsula were laid down upon eocene limestone strata. It is known that the valuable phos- phate rock nodules and organic vertebrate remains are embedded in a clay that must be removed by washing, and the presumption is that the clay, whenever this is the case, is of the infusorial or diatomaceous kind. " The clay material, as sent to the Society, maybe conveniently studied in various ways. Split into thin layers and examined by condensed light, analogy will suggest a resemblance to the dia- 74 JOURNAL OF THE [.Iuly> tomaceous clays of Richmond, Virginia, in the profusion of dis- coidal forms covering the surface. These forms, however, are but spectral, as they vanish on wetting. The nodule, rubbed down in water with a brush, will leave a sandy sediment contain- ing sponge spicules, polished sand grains, ovoid amber-like grains, and species of disc forms of the following genera : Coscinodiscus, Actinopktychus, Actinocydits, Triceratiitm^ and minute plates show- ing a plexus of Me/osira and Rap/ioiieis, the diatoms having been metamorphosed in such manner as to be soluble in nitiic or other acids, the same as the organic phosphatized remains of the vertebrates associated with the clay. Finally, the clay may be thoroughly disintegrated by boiling in strong soap solution, and after standing for ten hours it will be reduced to a homogeneous sediment, readily washed and cleaned for examination. '' Concentration of the diatoms from the sand is very difficult, on account of the similarity of the specific gravity of the diatoms and of the sand and other grains associated therewith. Acid treatment, being in this case impracticable, must be avoided. The material is adapted for selected or for strewn mounts. In the latter method a few of the prevailing species may be studied with interest and satisfaction, thereby affording something novel in the marine fossil diatomaceous line of research apparently not heretofore recorded." Dr. Carl Heitzmann addressed the Society on " Nerves and Nerve Action." This address was illustrated by exhibits, as noted below, and an abstract of the address is published in this number of the Journal, page 66. OBJECTS EXHIBITED. 1. Diatomacien genus-platte. Trice7-atii(m trhmcria, 280 forms, prepared by E. Thum, Germany : by Henry C. Ben- nett. 2. Mouth-parts of Tapeworm : by L. Schoney. 3. Photomicrograph of Navicula crassinervis (Spencer ^) : by H. G. PiFFARD. 4. Motor ganglion of spinal cord of child. 5. Transverse section of gray substance of spinal cord of rab- bit. 1893] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIEl'Y. 75 6. Transverse section of white substance of spinal cord of bear. 7. Cornea of cat, stained with chloride of gold. Exhibits Nos. 4-7 all by Carl Heitzmann. Meeting of February 17TH, 1893. The President, Mr. Charles S. Shultz, in the chair. Nineteen persons present. Mr. George H. Blake was elected a resident member of the Society. The Corresponding Secretary read a communication from Mr. K. M. Cunningham, of Mobile, Alabama, dated February 8th, 1893, and accompanying the donation of a slide of selected dia- toms from the Florida diatomaceous clay, as follows : '"With the view of placing upon record in a more definite man- ner the recent find of a fossil marine diatomaceous deposit de- rived from the phosphate area in the vicinity of Tampa, Florida, and of which I duly forwarded specimens to your Society, I have made a further study of the same by microscopical preparations, one of which is sent you herewith, and I would offer as a result of that study the following observations as illustrative of the character of the deposit. " From a portion of the cleaned material I selected free-hand about seventy perfect and fractional discs, and, upon studying the same in detail with a |- Zeiss objective, I can state that the surface ornamentation on the various species of Coscinodiscus found in the deposit prove to be hexagonal scales, which may be partially or wholly detached from their discoidal bodies, thus leaving smooth surfaces, with or without traces of the striate- punctate places of union of the scales with the frustules. In many cases where the reticulated ornamentation is wanting and the surface of the disc is left smooth, innumerable minute diatoms of various species may be seen, overlying the surface, or pos- sibly forming a part of the internal or histological structure of the shell, during the secretion or growth of the silicious layers of the frustrule during its living state. Were this view to be enter- tained, it would introduce an element of doubt in the present view 76 JOURNAL OF THE [July, of the diatom being a plant instead of belonging to the infusorial group, as Ehrenberg had at first placed it. "As tending to prove that the minute diatoms, visible through, or upon, or in the body of the disc, are not casual surface debris of the deposit in which the discs grew, I would mention the fol- lowing as a very delicate test. In one of the discs on the slide there is a minute Dictyocha partly overlapped by a minute diatom of the Naviciila didyma shape. To view either of these small diatoms distinctly, a material movement of the fine ad- justment must be made ; for while one is in focus the other is out of focus, thus showing that they are not on the same superficial plane. Again, many of the minute diatoms offer a strong con- trast with the transparent disc, as would be the case where dia- toms are seen in such a refractive medium as liquid sulphur, in which the diatoms look black by contrast with the enclosing medium ; or where mediums are compounded with phosphorus, giving the highest refractive value. If a lens of high power, say a j'g or a y^g-, is used, these minute diatoms will prove of greater interest than the larger discs with which they are associated. My experience with the new diatom material has given me an en- tirely novel field of interest and study, which is within the reach of all whose forte is to unravel new truths and evolve new lines of thought in relation to the histology of the diatom. " In having placed this new source of diatoms on record with the New- York Microscopical Society, we have types of diato- maceous deposits from the three principal geological eras of the tertiary period : the eocene, by the diatoms from St. Stephens, Alabama (tripoli); themiocene, from the Florida phosphate clay; and the pliocene, from the clays encountered at a depth of seven hundred feet in the Mobile artesian wells ; not to mention the recent, or living, species surviving through these long periods of sedimentary deposition. In summing up the result of a limited amount of study of this miocene fossil diatomaceous clay, I find the following genera represented : Craspedodiscus, Coscinodiscus, Actinopti'cus, Inceratiu/n, Biddulp/iia, Afelosira, Navicula^ Ra- p/ioueis, Pleurosigma, Synedra, etc." Dr. Arthur Mead Edwards, of Newark, New Jersey, being introduced by the President, addressed the Society on "The Occurrence of Marine Diatoms in Fresh Water." This address 1893.] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 77 was illustrated by preparations exhibited, as noted below, and is published in this number of the Journal, page 71. Dr. Edwards also donated to the Cabinet of the Society a packet of the clay of Hatfield Swamp and a prepared slide of diatoms from the same. Dr. Edwards further gave an account of his experience with the use of Gum Thus, from Pinus tceda L., as a mounting medium in place of Canada balsam. On motion the thanks of the Society were tendered Dr. Ed- wards. OBJECTS EXHIBITED. 1. Seven slides, containing 1,021 diatoms, prepared by E. Thum, of Germany : by Henry C. Bennett. 2. Holler's Probe Platte, 80 diatoms, arranged in lines with names photographed beneath : by Charles S. Shultz, 3. Diatoms from California : by Frank D. Skeel. 4. Bacillaria paradoxa, living in aquarium since October, 1892 : by Stephen Helm. 5. Fossil diatoms from Manatee River, Florida, prepared by K. M. Cunningham : by J. L. Zabriskie. 6. Diatoms from Hatfield Swamp, N. J. 7. " " Nutley, N. J. 8. " " South Plainfield, N. J. 9. " '* '^ Kettle Hole," near Plainfield, N. J. 10. " '• Columbia Bridge, N. J. Exhibits Nos. 6-1 1, all mounted in Gum Thus, prepared and exhibited by Dr. Arthur Mead Edwards. Meeting of March 30, 1893. The President, Mr. Charles S. Shultz, in the chair. Thirty-eight persons present. The Corresponding Secretary read a communication from Mr. Charles S. Fellows, of Minneapolis, Minnesota, accompanying the donation of a slide of Terpsinoe musica to the Cabinet of the Society, and dated February 19th, 1893, as follows : "I noticed in the Journal a letter, read October 21st, 1892, from Mr. Cunningham, regarding Terpsinoe musica Ehr. '' In 1883 I found this form in Florida. A spring took its rise 78 . JOURNAL OF THE [July, in a limestone ledge, and on the edge of the crevice, where the water ran through, I scraped off the dark sHme and examined it when 1 arrived home. "In looking over my slides I found one put up by J. D. Moller, marked ' Terpsinoe nmsica Ehr. A. dulce, Porto Rico,' showing that at that date it was known as a fresh-water diatom. ''I find only one slide in my collection, a very poor one, put up by me in 1883, which I forward with this. Your members can compare it with the Cunningham mount. I would like to know if it differs from his." The Corresponding Secretary also read a communication from Mr. K. M. Cunningham, dated Mobile, x\labama, February 24th, 1893, as follows : " The information in your favor of the 20th instant suggests, the propriety of my stating upon what ground I reported the diatomaceous clay of miocene age. " In effect, possibly eight years ago, and also at a later period, Mr. Lewis Woolman. of Overbrook, Pa., member of the Phila- delphia Academy of Sciences, opened a correspondence with me to secure my assistance in collecting material to aid his geological inquiries. He intimated that he had a theory which he desired to verify — namely, that the great diatomaceous stratum of 300 feet, more or less, in thickness, studied by him as underlying New Jersey, Maryland, and Virginia, would possibly be found existing on the Gulf coast — and that he had special reasons for holding this theory. After several years nothing confirmed his hopes until I communicated to your Society and to him the occurrence of the polycystinous, diatom, and foraminiferal clay stratum at St. Stephens, Alabama. This fact renewed his hopes, and, while the clay was associated with undoubted eocene strata, it was not what he desired to corroborate his hypothesis. He wanted a clay of miocene age, which the former was not. "Next I followed the subject through the boring of several artesian wells at Mobile, and sent him the micro-fossil organic evidence of the strata encountered at 700 feet — the foraminifera, and a special minute bivalve whose specific name is still in con- troversy— indicating that the pyritized marine diatoms found in the clay were of pliocene age. So to this point we had not reached a miocene clay. 1S93J NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 79 '* But when I made my last find of Tampa fossil diatomaceous clay, I communicated with Mr. Woolman, and told him that an illustrated article in the Engineering Magazine noted that geolo- gists had stated that the productive phosphate area had been 'laid down upon eocene limestone strata, which had not been sub- merged after the upheaval.' I do not know what construc- tion Mr. Woolman put upon this, but he replied that, if the peb- ble phosphate was dredged from the Manatee River, Dr. Dall had found distinct miocene fossil shells at Manatee. After he had an actual inspection of the clay, he replied that it struck him as equivalent in age to the Virginia outcrop of miocene clay strata, the same as that which he had studied at Atlantic City and else- where, and that he had also consulted Dr. W. H. Dall's latest map of the geology of the Florida peninsula, in which the Fer- nandina and St. Augustine coast was designated as 'newer mio- cene,' and the Tampa coast as 'older miocene,' and he proposed making a communication touching the new clay, based on these recently collected data, to the Philadelphia Academy of Sciences as promptly as possible. ''Mr. Woolman had in preparation a paper on a diatom de- posit encountered at depths between 90 and 150 feet, in artesian borings at Ponce de Leon Hotel, St. Augustine, Florida, but said that he had not fully settled upon the age of the foramin- iferal forms found in his boring samples, and this is why his work has not been put upon record. " Mr. Woolman was highly gratified at my discovery, as he said that geologists, for two years past, had tried to trace the diato- maceous clay or rock near Tampa on Hillsboro Bay, mentioned by Prof. J. W. Bailey in his microscopical researches about 1852, but without success. He said that he would defer to me, and if I would inform him when my find was put upon record with the New- York Microscopical Society, he would then make his com- munication to the Philadelphia Academy, giving me full credit for the discovery. So far as he could ascertain, this fossil marine deposit had not been announced by any one previous to myself, although he had been studying diatomaceous and foraminiferal forms from St. Augustine, secured more than a year ago. " Dr. Edwards wrote me that he thought the clay of eocene tertiary age, and I wrote in reply the material points contained 80 JOURNAL OF THE [July, herein in reference to its being of miocene age. However, if the clay is not of miocene age, it can be so put provisionally until other proof is adduced to the contrary." OBJECTS EXHIBITED. 1. A substitute for the camera lucida: by H. G. Piffard. 2. A microscopical electric illuminator : by H. G. Piffard. 3. Arranged spines of Echiims: by H. G. Piffard. 4. A Zentmayer portable microscope : by Walter H. Mead. 5. A simple form of compressor : by Walter H. Mead 6. A Tolles micrometer ruling: by George S. Woolman. 7. A Rogers micrometer ruling ; by George S. Woolman. 8. A home-made dissecting microscope : by F. W. Leggett. 9. A Beck microscope lamp : by Charles S. Shultz. 10. An enlarged model of Smith's vertical illuminator : by Charles S. Shultz. 11. A metric scale, ruled by Prof. W. A. Rogers on speculum metal, shown by means of the Beck lamp and the vertical illumi- nator : by Charles S. Shultz. 12. Aselhis aquaticiis.Xw'vsx'g-.hy Yi^^'sci C. Bennett. 13. Sections of spines of Echinus: by James Walker. 14. Automatic revolving stage : by James Walker. 15. Automatic revolving polariscope: by James Walker. Dr. Piffard explained his substitute for the camera lucida — a right-angled prism fitted in place of the eyepiece of the micro- scope, through which the image is projected downward perpendic- ularly upon the drawing paper lying upon the table; also his electric illuminator — a cylindrical glass bulb, three inches in length by one inch in diameter, the illuminating filament, of the ordinary horseshoe form, being composed of copper wire, with the exception of three-quarters of an inch in-length of the middle portion of one limb of the horseshoe, which portion consists of carbon. This carbon, when incandescent, gives a streak of light of intense brilliance about three-quarters of an inch long and apparently about one-eighth of an inch wide. The magnified image of this, focussedupon the object, gives '^ critical" illumina- tion. Diffuse illumination is obtained by racking the condenser a little out of focus. Mr. Mead described his exhibits — a Zentmayer portable micro- 1893.] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 81 scope, made twenty years ago, of exquisite workmanship, having no fine adjustment, but an excellent coarse adjustment ; also a stage compressor of unusually easy operation. Mr. Leggett described his home-made dissecting microscope, comprising adjustment for the lens, swinging mirror, and firm, ample stage. President Shultz explained his greatly enlarged model of Smith's vertical illuminator, which he had constructed for the occasion, exhibiting plainly, at one view, to the entire audience the operation of the apparatus. Mr. William Wales said that, in conjunction with Prof. Hamil- ton L. Smith and Mr. George Wale, he was engaged during two years in carrying out Prof. Smith's ideas of the vertical illumina- tor. They made both forms — glass and metal reflectors. The apparatus was patented by Prof. Smith and the patent was assigned to Mr. Wales. Mr. George S. Woolman corroborated the statement of Mr. Wales, and said the credit of the invention was due our country. Mr. Shultz stated concerning his exhibited metric scale that' Prof. Rogers worked for a year over this admirable scale. It was soon found that speculum metal afforded the best lines, and the most uniform power for actuating the ruling machine was obtained from a weight elevated high in the building contain- ing the machine. Mr. Walker explained the method of cutting his sections of spines of Echinus — the spines were thrust firmly into the holes of ordinary pearl buttons, cemented in place with balsam, cut off close to the buttons with a saw, and then spines and buttons together were ground down to proper thinaess on successive stones. Mr. Walker also described his automatic revolving stage and polarizer, actuated by clockwork. Dr. F. D. Skeel explained with blackboard drawings his im- proved attachment for moving the fine adjustment of the micro- scope in photography ; the main point of which improvement consisted in carrying the long, endless cord, at the side of the camera, to a grooved pulley on the stand below the fine adjust- ment, and then coupling this pulley with the grooved milled head of the fine adjustment by means of an additional short, endless 82 JOURNAL OF THE [July, cord. This arrangement gives very easy, uniform motion, and avoids all unequal strain upon the fine adjustment. Meeting of March 17TH, 1893. The Vice-President, Dr. Edw. G. Love, in the chair. Twenty-six persons present. Mr. Frederick Kato was elected a resident member of the Society. Dr. Arthur Mead Edwards read a paper entitled "On Mount- ing Objects in Substances of High Refractive Index." Dr. Edwards also donated specimens of Gum Thus to the Cabinet and for distribution. OBJECTS EXHIBITED. 1. Brass slips for diffusing heat in mounting : by Arthur Mead Edwards. 2. A super-stage for elevating the object above the stage of the microscope, allowing very oblique light from beneath : by Arthur Mead Edwards. 3. Inexpensive slides of diatoms, prepared by P. Klavsen : by Arthur Mead Edwards. 4. Samples of purified Gum Thus, Styrax extracted by xylol, and of Iodide of Methyl : by H. G. Piffard. 5. Diatoms mounted in Styrax : by H. G. Piffard. 6. Human skin undergoing calcification : by H. G. Piffard. 7. Pleurosigma Genus Platte, 70 forms, mounted in mono- bromide of naphthalin : by Henry C. Bennett. In reply to the question by Dr. F. D. Skeel, "Can diatoms be stained ? " Dr. H. G. Piffard replied in the affirmative, referring to the accounts by M. Tempere, of Paris. Dr. Skeel stated that agate can be stained by successive immersions in honey and sulphuric acid> and that many carnelians and agates are thus stained. Rev. J. L. Zabriskie gave some points of his experience on the ease and rapidity of mounting in glycerin. In case of ob- jects coot of an inch or less in thickness, permanent glycerin 1893] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 83 niounts can be made without the employment of any cell. Spin with the turn-table a guide ring of India ink, about one-sixteenth of an inch larger in diameter than the intended cover, upon either the upper or lower surface of the glass slip ; place a mi- nute portion of the glycerin — the proper quantity for different sized covers being soon found under a little practice — in the centre of this ring with a rubber bulb " dropper " to avoid bubbles ; insert the object in this glycerin by means of needles ; lower the cover glass upon the object very slowly ; avoid squeezing out the glycerin beyond the cover, using only deli- cate pressure with the needles, sufficient to cause the fluid to spread to the entire periphery of the cover ; seal the mount at once with a solution of brown shellac in alcohol, used as thick as will flow easily, which shellac will form a jelly by union with the glycerin at the edge of the cover, thus preventing the run- ning in of cement subsequently applied ; set the mount aside for twelve or twenty-four hours ; and then finish with a cement consisting of equal parts of Japan gold size and ordinary asphalt varnish. One coat of this cement will hold for a long time, but it is belter to use successive coats, laid on at intervals of twelve or twenty-four hours, until a smooth, bevelled ring covers the edge of the mount. In the use of a cell of any considerable depth, where it is not so easy to avoid excess of glycerin, after the cover is gently pressed down, apply a spring clip of very moderate force, only sufficient to maintain its own position when the slide is handled ; wash away the excess of glycerin by holding the mount slightly in- clined under a gentle stream of water, about the diameter of a lead pencil ; avoid drawing out the glycerin by attempting to wipe the cover or its joints, but blow away the adhering water with smart puffs of breath ; place the mount on the turn-table, with the spring clip still in its position, and seal at once with the shellac solution, and after twelve or twenty-four hours cement with the black mixture as before. Journal OF THE NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY Vol. IX. OCTOBER, 1893. No. 4. NOTES ON SOME RESEARCHES AMONG THE DIATOMACE^. BY K. M. CUNNINGHAM. (^Read November i-jth^ 1893.) By a peculiar trend of events my attention had recently been called to the question of the plant or animal nature of the dia- toms. This question had hitherto been of little interest to me, very nearly all of my interest having been directed merely to an accumulation of specimens of fossil or recent deposits and the study of their distribution. But certain favorable opportunities have enabled me recsntly to devote some attention to the study of living diatoms. With this object in view I have prepared, and, after due study of the same, I send herewith the series of slides illustrating this paper as a donation to the Society. It may be of historic interest to recall the fact that in the " Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge " there is a publica- tion, bearing the date of 1850, and entitled " Microscopical Obser- vations made by J. W. Bailey, of West Point, N. Y., during a tour through the States of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida," in which work were listed and tabulated all infusorial and other microscopic forms of life encountered in his travels through the said territory, including the diatoms and the desmids, with fig- ures of the new species found by himself. Since the year 1878, 86 JOURNAL OF THE [October^ when I became aware of the existence of the publication, its sub- ject has lain as a dream in my mind. Years after, when I had become quite familiar with the diatoms of both the South and the North, I recalled that in his tabulation from all sources he had listed about ninety-four species, including both marine and fresh- water, and never exceeding more than twenty-five species from a given locality. It has also been a matter of curious interest to me as to the methods of preparation for study in vogue in or about 1850. In the present day, as proved by my slides, I have been able to get eighty species in a single mount from Mobile Bay marine muds, and nearly seventy-five species from the brack- ish material from the shore of Mobile Bay — the same material as apparently examined by him from Mobile Bay. In alluding to this, I do so with full respect for the eminence of the most prom- inent investigator, in his day, of the diatoms of North America, and not with any desire to detract from the honor of his laborious researches ; but the thought calls up the question as to whether the methods of to-day are in advance of those of nearly a half- century ago. In the preparation of this paper I could not well omit the name of Prof. J. W. Bailey, as its interest turns largely upon a diatom described and figured by himself from material derived from Mobile Bay, and shown in the plates to his work referred to above ; and likewise shown in Wolle's " Diatomacese of North America." The opening during the present summer of a resort on Mobile Bay, known locally as Monroe Park, by the Electric Railway Company, enabled me to visit a strip of the shore of Mobile Bay a few miles south of the city. While there, and looking around for something of interest microscopically, I came upon a stratum of lignite exposed on the beach at low tide. I repeated my visits to this place to study it geologically. With a desire to trace its extension, I made short excursions somewhat further down the shore line from the Park, especially on occasions when the tide was out in the evening. In this area the bay bottom was covered, so far as the surface was free from the tide, with a species of a moss-like water plant, which condition induced me to test whether this moss-like growth would prove a source of diatoms. I therefore gathered a portion of a plant, and by pressure forced the fluid to fall on a spectacle glass used for such tests in the 1893.] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 87 iield. On dr3'ing the glass I examined it, and was rewarded by finding an abundance of diatoms, including a species which I had nearly despaired of ever finding or seeing. This proved to be Bailey's Amphiprora or/iata, as figured in his " Microscopical Observations, etc., in 1850." During all the previous years of my diatom researches I had desired to find Amphiprora of any kind whatever, but apparently in vain. Having my " treasure trove," I secured one full plant with its complement of mud, and it is from this, and a second supply of the clean plants, that I have prepared the series of six slides typical of the original mate- rial that Bailey must certainly have examined, as he referred to material often gathered from bogs or on shores where the diatom ooze abounded. On the very same evening that I secured this moist water plant I spent some hours in its examination, applying myself more particularly to the character of the motion of the living diatoms. It took me but a moment to find on the slide specimens of living Amphiprora and Navicula. Confining my attention closely to the appearance and structure of Amphiprora ornata, I was enabled to observe that, if a bacterium drifted toward it and made contact, it would be held as a prisoner in the full power of the protoplasm covering the diatom externally. As is well known through mounted specimens, as well as figures, Amph'prora has delicate, hyaline, and rather broad alate lateral processes. Bacteria and rotifers, once in contact with the peripheral edges of the alae of the Amphiprora, are kept in a ■constant state of alternate or reciprocal motion from either diametrical extremity. That is to say, the bacterium or oher organism is rapidly transported from the middle constriction to one or other of the extremities of the diatom, all the way, or part of the way, in an alternating manner ; when it may, after an interval of detention, be rejected by what appears to be a voluntary impulse of the Amphiprora itself. Having seen this phenomenon, I at once became aware of its importance in any discussion involving the plant or animal nature of the diatom, and more particularly as all my previous acquaintance with the Diatomaceae had permitted me to remain content with the gene- rally accepted opinion that the diatom was " a lowly unicellular plant." 88 JOURNAL OF THE [October, This accidental discovery of the motility of the protoplasmic covering of the Afuphiprora induced me to see what was already of record in relation to the cause of the directive motion of many genera of the Diatomaceae, but more particularly the Naviculse. I forthwith consulted all the available references to the life history of the Diatomaceae within reach. Neither the " Encyclopaedia Britannica," latest (ninth) edition, " The Columbian Cyclopaedia " (1892), "Micrographic Dictionary" (1856), " Carpenter on the Microscope" (1856), Rev. Francis Wolle's "Diatomaceae of North America" (1890), " Generalities, on the Diatomaceae," of Count Abbe Francesco Castracane (1884), nor the address of ex-President Charles F. Cox before this Society, entitled " What is a Diatom ?" and published in full in the Journal (January, 1892), contained the slightest reference to, or a suggestion of the phenomena partially described in the preceding introduction, but most or all of the authorities confined their notice to the distinct and evident motion of translation of the diatom trustule in a simple direct or retrograde motion. The mystery of its motion was left involved in hypotheses, and no satisfactory solution was offered by the various observers. That any diatom had a dual or a sub- sidiary motion was everywhere regarded in the negative or not entertained at all. The Amphiprora, which clearly exhibits this dual power, is not mentioned at all. The fact that Amphiprora has some of the attributes of protozoan life, rather than that of plant life, had been hitherto overlooked, or at least seems to not have been specifically alluded to, especially as appears in Wolle's "Diatomaceae of North America," which presumably should give the highest reach of experimental research obtaining on this sub- ject to the year 1890. In the opinions submitted therein the cause of the motion of diatoms remains a mere hypothesis re- quiring elucidation. And no authors so far have touched upon the subject of the dual or compound motion exhibited by Amphi- prora ornata or any other species of Amphiprora. After my initial experience related above, I made a second visit to the bay shore, and carried along a collecting bottle, into which^ from a new supply of the peculiar moss-like water plant, I ex- pressed as much fluid from it as I deemed necessary, and at night proceeded to study it de novo. By the most delicate manipulation known to me I freed the material from sand, and by repeated 1893.] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 89 washings in water and by a special form of concentration I secured a dip to examine on an uncovered slide. For a period of three hours I watched the various living and moving diatoms, noticing closely every condition presented by such as appeared, but seek- ing especially to keep in the field an Amphiprora ornata, which is one of the smallest of its genus, but sufficiently large to study clearly. The same phenomena were presented as in the first experiment, but with this variation: after observing a bacterium that had touched the edge of the ala on the left side, it was oscil- lated a few times alternately, and was then transferred along the edge of the ala to the constriction, and then continuously across the broad central portion of the frustule to the ala on the right side, always along the periphery, and on to the opposite extremity of the diatom, where it disappeared. Immediately after this a good-sized, motionless rotifer drifted into contact with the left ala and was rapidly rotated along the edge of the ala on the left side, and was then carried to the middle constriction, where it was retained some time, when it was rejected by the diatom. While the rotifer was being manipulated on the left side a bacterium was performing its oscillations on the right periphery, and what appeared to be a cluster of bacteria were held prisoners above and around the middle portion near the constriction of the alae. Another feature of interest attaching to the motion of Amphi- prora is that in the event of its being capsized by striking some obstacle in its path of motion, if thrown on its narrowest edge — front view — it at once struggles to regain the position, which dis- plays its side view, and then its motion continues direct and rapid. This action intimates an intelligence akin almost to that of a beetle on its back exerting itself to regain its natural position on its feet. While shifting the field in order to observe some other indi- cations of the life motions, I observed a simple, small Navicula having in contact at one of its sublanceolate ends a Nitzschia closteriiim — closely agreeing with Wolle's figure. The Navicula seemed to be rapidly driving the Nitzschia, in the manner that a violin bow is rapidly drawn by rising and falling strokes, or in a see-sawing motion, while the Navicula was quiescent. This pro- duced the illusion of the source of motion being situated at the prow or apex of the Navicula. But a moment later the illusion 90 JOURNAL OF THE [October, was explained by seeing another Nitzschia closter!um, having attached to its exoplasmic layer foreign particles that were being rapidly transported around its entire periphery, from the right side around to the left, sometimes direct, sometimes alternating. At another time I saw a small rotifer held a prisoner by a small Navicula. At times the rotifer moved away a space equal to its diameter, but was drawn back each time into a fresh contact with the edge of the diatom, as if by some invisible force. While still in contact with the Navicula, it drifted or was drawn between the Navicula and an Amphiprora into a sort of cul-de-sac. I saw also that under this mysterious fore? it vibrated rapidly between the two diatoms — the rotifer, being inert, had not an independent power of motion to release itself from its captors. In the drop of water on the slide there were numerous and very active small Naviculce, whose motions presented nothing of special interest, except possibly that they often came in contact with larger Navi- culce and passed by in contact with the protoplasmic sheath of the larger diatoms, and soon parted company with them, as their motion was swifter and not retarded by the sliding contact. This will suffice to record such observations as were derived from a painstaking study of material taken from the shore of Mobile Bay and examined within an interval of six hours. Desiring to gather additional data bearing upon the behavior of the living diatom under the lens, I had, about a week pre- viously, secured some fresh-water diatoms directly from a natural spring at the village of Whistler, Ala., five miles north of Mobile. On a visit to the same locality in March last I casually found a beautiful, clear spring flowing from a grassy, sloping hillside into a barrel sunk flush with the grassy surface of the adjacent ground. Selecting a small sample of the algge through which the spring flowed away, I expressed the fluid therefrom on a spec- tacle glass, and examined it with a pocket lens. I was surprised to find the glass surface covered with a pure gathering of Navi- cula viridis, all united in fours, or what I would call " tetradel- phia." I then collected in a bottle a portion of the material and took it to Mobile for examination as to the number and associ- ation of species. But too much extraneous matter prevented a suitable slide from being prepared, and the beautiful phenome- non of the spectacle glass could not be repeated. On a recent l893-] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 91 visit to the same spring, in the early part of September, I took with me a one-ounce bottle with parallel sides and semi-cylindri- cal ends, which form was useful in the subsequent observations. Having in mind the subject of the motility of the brackish-water diatoms of iMobile Bay, I desired to pursue the subject further with a distinctly fresh-water variety of diatoms. The material expressed from the algje of this spring I studied for five consecu- tive days. On the evening of the day that I secured the Whistler material I prepared a portion for examination, by repeated washings, settlings, and changes of water, and then placed a drop on a slide, when I found an abundance of living Navicula viridis — single large individuals, and shorter ones grouped in fours and adherent to each other. The first fact verified was that during the interval between March and September the diatoms were still largely rep- resented by the fourfold combination seen on my first visit to the spring in March. The following is a resume of what I observed during a close study of the living material. On the first night of my study I sought to detect, if possible, the presence of the protoplasmic mantle or sheath as demonstrated and observed by Cornelius Onderdonk, and recounted by him in Ilie Micr>. scope (1890). Having the living diatoms at hand, I made a concentration and removed as much water as possible, in order not to weaken the dye. I also had convenient a bottle of aniline violet ink. to use in the attempt to differentiate the protoplasmic mantle as indicated by Onderdonk. On adding a few drops of the aniline dye to the living frustules, I quickly placed a drop of the diatoms on the slide and covered the same with a three-quarter inch cover glass. My surprise was great when I observed that the diatoms had been instantly killed by the liquid. All that portion of the field not occupied by the diatoms or debris gave no color indication. After a fruitless search for any indication of an evident proto- plasmic layer, I came to the conclusion that it was of such exceeding tenuity that it did not extend sufficiently far from the silicious frustule to indicate its presence at all. But the dye took at once on the diatoms, and on every other particle of matter, vegetable or otherwise. The only inference I drew from this experiment was that the aniline paralyzed instantaneously the 92 JOURNAL OF THE [October, life function of whatever protoplasmic coating that might have previously given rise to the power of locomotion in the frustules. It then occurred to me to test the effect of the aniline as a means of differentiating the diatoms, the strong and robust, as well as the hyaline forms, which are sometimes nearly lost to view in balsam mounts. For this purpose I allowed a liberal amount of the material to remain in a concentrated solution of aniline for a period of five hours, when I washed them repeatedly in changes of water until no more color was evident in the fluid removed. The result of this staining has furnished me with a wide range of interesting data, fairly recorded in a mount forming a part of the whole series of slides made to accompany these notes. Notably among the phenomena presented may be mentioned that on the slide may be seen numerous large, solitary specimens of Navicula viridis, and specimens of a smaller size of the same grouped mostly in fours, adherent together, and others by twos alone. In addition to these there are many specimens of Eunotia, Fragillaria, Navicula radiosa, and other smaller forms, all showing an elegant amethystine color by daylight and a reddish violet by student's-lamp light, and demonstrating that the stain had taken satisfactorily. This staining with aniline violet differenti- ated certain structures that would not have been modified in balsam mounts. The living diatoms, dried on the slide and covered with balsam, present the endochrome in a uniform layer of color, filling the whole internal part of the frustule, in the various shades of green, olive green, or brownish hues. AVhereas, with the aniline stain, the endoplasm has been rent asunder and driven to the side walls of the frustule, and is there densely stained and banked up against the separating walls of the quad- ruple-grouped diatoms, there being a distinct hyaline or clear line of silex separating the frustules where in contact, thus differ- entiating separately the collapsed endoplasm of each separate frustule. This action of the aniline on the larger frustules was identical for all. But on the smaller forms the endochrome is merely indicated by two central patches highly stained, with a clear bisecting line of silica separating the two masses of endo- chrome, the sides of the frustules also showing hyaline borders internally. I said above that there was no appreciable thickness of the layer of exoplasm on the frustules, yet it is evident, by the l893-] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 93 frustules taking the stain in such a dense and beautiful manner, that there must have been an infinitely thin layer of protoplasm, which appropriated the dye. My reason for this conception is, that in the two slides of the Montgomery, Ala., fossil fresh-water earth, which also form a part of the series of slides, the silica, no longer having any plasmic coating, refused to take the aniline dye, except in a manner to be referred to further on, the plain surfaces separating the lines of ribs being almost devoid of any show of stain. The above is about all of interest that I could determine as to the effect of an aniline dye on the living frustules. The bottles containing the living diatoms from Whistler, as well as the fresh brackish-water material from Mobile Bay, were allowed to remain over-night on the mantel near the window. On the next morning I observed the contents of the two bottles with a band lens, and noted that hundreds of the Whistler dia- toms had left the sediment and algae at the bottom, and were travelling around near the line of the surface of the water in the bottle in preference to any other part of the sides. At this mo- ment I recalled the common statement that diatoms, as well as desmids, will congregate at the lighted side of the vessel holding the mud with which they are mingled. To verify this I success- fully used the following expedient: Thrusting the bottle previously described tightly down into a parlor match-box, I cut a hole in the paper of the box, a quarter of an inch in diameter, at a point about the middle height of the fluid, and on the reverse side I cut a similar hole, taking care not to detach the pieces of paper, so that they might be opened and shut as little windows, so as to admit transmitted light through the fluid on subsequent examina- tions. Having done this, I excluded all light from every part of the bottle, except from the central quarter of an inch hole. When this was done I exposed the bottle to the diffused light of the day, toward the south, and at convenient intervals during the daylight, for the balance of the day, I observed such changes as went on at the orifice admitting daylight. The first phenomenon of interest, after about one hour's ex- posure, at about 9:30 a.m., was that the diatoms had already congregated at the spot of clear glass in fair numbers and were travelling across the field in all directions, with an easy, steady, direct motion. There were also groups of the " tetradelphia" 94 JOURNAL OF THE fOctobcr, JV. viridis, and the single larger N. viridis was seen. But the most unexpected thing noted was that seven Cyclops and Cypris, and the young of the former, had gathered at the light spot. In a moment the Cyclops scattered, but the Cypris kept on its lively feeding and remained constantly within the spot admitting the light. At other intervals during the day the Cyclops could always be seen playing around or darting across the light spot, and early in the day a few desmids appeared attached to little strands of algge, and also a few large desmids — Micrasterias rotata and Closterimn mottiliforme. At a time when the diatoms were noted as being quite abun- dant, I arranged the microscope by bringing the tube to a hori- zontal position, and placed the bottle upright between the thin metal stage and the substage. I then was enabled to observe the travelling motion of all the diatoms congregated within the radius of the quarter of an inch circular opening admitting the light directly through the centre of the liquid. A Beck & Smith half-inch lens gave a sufficient magnification, of, say, two hundred diameters, enabling me to view all of the diatoms, large or small, while in active motion. This method of examination has the advantage that the diatom is in actual contact with, and is adherent to, a smooth glass surface, and, as its movement pro- gresses in a straight line for the whole distance of a quarter of an inch, the rate of movement can be timed by a watch. As this was relatively slow, it will be needless to state how many seconds were consumed in traversing the width of the opening. And as there were quite a number simultaneously crossing, there seemed to be no interruption to a continuous direct motion, as would happen when a slide is examined in a horizontal position and the field littered with particles of debris. When such is the case the direct motion is usually interrupted. An obstacle inter- cepting the path of the diatom causes it to reverse its propelling power, whatever that may be. But in the bottle there was no debris adhering to the sides, and the only obstacles to be en- coun'ered were other diatoms travelling at will in the general field. The desmids were never adherent to the glass, for if the bottle was held in the hand on any occasion they were always in a tremulous state, chiefly attached to minute threads of algae, while the diatoms kept up a constant motion, always in contact 1893.] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 95 with the glass, while being examined with a moderately high- power hand lens. This movement of the diatoms in contact with the smooth inte- rior surface of the glass bottle will, I think, not yield to any other interpretation, except that the gelatinous character of the envel- oping protoplasm permitted them to adhere safely to the glass without impeding their motion at pleasure ; and this is probably why there was little or no evidence of the jerky or retrograde motion often seen in a restricted field, as would appear under a one-sixth lens. The facts developed here, and in the preceding account of the motility of Amphiprora ornata, I propose to utilize in the closing portion of these notes, when I will present my argument in favor of the plea that the diatom has as much right to be regarded as a protozoan as any of the other already acknowledged rhizo- pods. I return for the moment to note additional studies of the character of the motion of the large N. viridis. While contem- plating the movements of a large specimen, I kept the diatom constantly in the field to test even a suspicion of any sheath or protoplasm covering. Noting very closely its perimeter, I was able to distinctly make out that the diatom was surrounded by a barely perceptible aureole, its outline being indicated by a row of three or four minute particles of debris — not bacteria. These remained continually at a permanent line close to one edge of the frustule, leaving a hyaline space separating them from actual contact with what would be regarded as the silicious edge of the frustule. While still keeping my attention fixed steadily on this line of minute debris, additional particles were gathered and took their position in line with the others. But for this phenomenon it would have been practically impossible to differentiate the ex- tension of the gelatinous and pellucid covering from the surround- ing water. On another occasion I watched the action of drifting bacteria and other particles passed during the transit of the diatom. These were constantly drifting by, either above or under the frustule. Eventually the progress of the diatom was stopped for a few moments by collision with a mat of debris, when a large, motionless, gelatinous globule was arrested at its free extremity. At the moment I recognized that the globule was under and in 96 JOURNAL OF THE [Octobcr, contact with the diatom, and about half-way freed from its end. Now, while the diatom was at rest, the globule, without any motion of its own, was transported back to a point under the central nodule of the diatom. After resting there a moment it was carried back to the free end of the diatom. Meanwhile the diatom freed itself from the obstruction, and the globule was liberated, and I then again saw that the globule was inert and incapable of motion of its own. Therefore it is reasonable to suppose that its motion was due to a propelling influence exerted over it by the exoplasm of the Navicula viridis. With regard to the momentum of the diatom in motion, I saw a rapid traveller, a small Navicula radiosa, forge along and strike a large, quiet JV. viridis about the middle, with such an impetus as to throw the IV. viridis through an arc of more than forty-five degrees to the left of the point of impact It immediately re- gressed after the shock. The mathematical physicist could tell the nature of the impact — as impact is a resultant of weight and velocity, and motion is the opposite of inertia, one indicates life and action, the other inability to change position without some ' extraneous force. Still drawing upon my study of the Whistler fresh-water gath- ering, I examined closely the behavior of the " tetradelphia " groups of Naviculae. I observed that the quadruple brotherhood of so-called single cells could turn around in their own length, that they could also travel in straight lines, and that if capsized or thrown on their " beam ends " they struggled to bring them- selves to the normal position of bodies swimming horizontally. While they were struggling to regain the plane of flotation I was enabled to study them in every aspect. In these frustules the characteristic endoplasm, endochrome, oil globules, vacuoles, etc., were clearly seen, more particularly through the cingula, or connecting band, as this is less lined than the frustular faces. This combination of four frustules would seem to suggest that the directive force of the quadruple frustules is controlled largely by the two external frustules, and for the four to move in a direct line the protoplasmic, propelling force (?) must be syn- chronous in all four; and when it is not so, or when the quadruple frustules are moving in a circle of their own length, the rapid, undulatory vibrations of the protoplasmic sheath of the two 1893.] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 97 outer frustules must certainly operate inversely to each other, or are not, at least, synchronous and impulsing in the same direction. This is merely suggested as an hypothesis of cause of motion. As expanding further the subject of motion in the diatom, I will offer another phase that may have a useful bearing on cer- tain of such hypotheses long in print and subject to revision. At another tifne, while seeking clues to the presence of the proto- plasmic covering, I followed a large Navicida viridis in its move- ments through the water, as seen in the field of the microscope, the slide being uncovered. In the wake of the retreating end of the diatom there appeared to be a form of attractive suction over minute particles along its line of transit. A train of minute par- ticles lagged along after the passage of the diatom, at a distance to the rear of about the width of the diatom, until the attracting power had ceased to act, when they would become still. The particles vvere drawn in semicircular arcs from either side of the axial line of the diatom's passing range, the axial line being tan- gential to the opposing arcs of motion of the particles following in the wake of the diatom. It would have been impossible for this movement of particles to have taken place if the motion of the diatom was caused by the expulsion, at any time, of infini- tesimal jets of water. Likewise it offers an insuperable objection to the theory of motion accredited to Prof. Hamilton L. Smith and quoted from Wolle's " Diatomacese of North America " : '^that the motion of the Naviculae is due to injection and expul- sion of water, and that those currents are caused by different ten- sion of the membranous sac in the two halves of the frustule," etc. Wolle also quotes Cornelius Onderdonk as ascribing the movements of diatoms to "a thin fluid mass in rhythmical mo- tion," which Onderdonk had elsewhere proved to his own mind by experimental dyeing tests : " The fluid rhythmical mass cov- ered the surface of the diatoms.'' I looked up the original com- munication of Onderdonk and read it. While his experiments were very interesting, he had made no reference whatever to the power of the protoplasmic layer to capture and tenaciously hold and transport, at its own volition, appreciable masses of living particles. It may not be inappropriate to introduce herein a transcript of 98 JOURNAL OF THE [October, Rev. W. Smith's views in regard to the motion of diatoms, quoted in Carpenter, edition of 1856: "Among the hundreds of spe- cies which I have examined in every stage of growth and phase of movement, aided by glasses which have never been surpassed for clearness and definition, I have never been able to detect any semblance of a motile organ, nor have I, by coloring the fluid by carmine or indigo, been able to detect in the colored particles sur- rounding the diatom those rotary movements which indicate in the various species of animalcules the presence of cilia " ('' Syn- opsis of British Diatomaceae," Introduction, p. xxiv.). This quo- tation would also seem to indicate that the Rev. W. Smith was not acquainted with the peripheral motion of the protoplasmic \z.y^x oi Amphiprora, for if he had been acquainted with this he would have had to modify the above opinion and substitute a form of motility independent of any easily seen ciliary processes. The theory which the sum total of my experience so far sug- gests is that the motion is probably caused by an infinitely rapid undulatory motion of the protoplasmic sheath, which I assume to exist, covering the diatom on all sides, which vibratory pulsations are too minute to be seen under any degree of magnification, and whose reactionary beats against the water cause the forward or retrograde movements at the instinctive will of the diatom. Returning to the theory of propulsion advanced by Prof. H. L. Smith, and with all due regard for his long and signal experi- ence in the study of living and other diatoms, I would respect- fully call attention to some points calculated to weaken, or even vitiate, the claims of any expulsive action connected with a me- dian diaphragm separating any two frustules that are united and in motion. The quadruple frustules are fairly quick in their pro- gression. Were the hypothesis actually true for a single indi- vidual, we would, in the quadruple instance, have four frustules propelled by tv/o exterior sides, and eight opposing prows, leaving the three central enclosed walls in "innocuous desuetude" until each frustule was allowed to shift for itself. Before finally disposing of the question of motion of diatoms, I would like to advance two more points of interest bearing strongly upon the subject. In the brackish material containing Amphiprora ornata there were numerous specimens of Nuviciila Smithii. I gave some attention to one of these, and if the rela- l893-J NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 99 tively slow motion of a iV^. viridis can interest and hold the at- tention, this interesting form must in a higher degree give cause for admiration. Conceive a beautiful, strongly lined, golden- hued oval rushing through the water with a speed outdistancing all other forms that I have ever seen in motion. When this is seen it is almost impossible to disassociate the idea of a strongly pulsat- ing life and animal energy from this little creature. To call it a "simple lowly plant " would be to treat it with a presumptive in- dignity. If one were permitted to speculate as to the character of its motion, the mind might conceive of vibratile pulsations as swift as the undulatory waves of light, or as the rapid alterna- tions of the electric arc current in producing its light, if we take into consideration the diatom's minute size and its energetic prog- ress through the water by the imagined pulsations of its invisi- ble protoplasmic sheath. Lastly, in relation to another character of motion — that of the Bacillaria paradoxa. When we have seen that the ribbon of con- jugate frustules is brought to a straight line with terminal frus- tules, taking the order of "right dress, '^ and that suddenly the end file leader darts off at a rapid stroke to the end of its neigh- bor, and that the others do the same in quick succession, until the whole line or group have passed each other, and then repeat the same movements in a retrograde manner, we have viewed a life movement of the most curious interest and truly paradoxical in its nature. If we carefully analyze the consequences of these successive phases of motion, we are forced to admit that each frustule has a sheath of a colloid or gelatinous character (some- what like the coleoderma of De Brebisson) that allows the con- tiguous sides of each frustule to coalesce or anastomose and sep- arate with equal facility. If this were not the case they could not live in collective communities. These facts substantiate, without staining or other experimental expedients, the truth that this diatom, and possibly all diatoms, are invested with a proto- plasmic mantle imbued with life, and capable of being paralyzed or killed instantaneously by staining agents, and that this proto- plasm has some of the characteristics of the protoplasni of the protozoa. In the brackish material I witnessed a small Amphora, quiet and motionless, upon the flat surface of which a bacterium seemed to 100 JOURNAL OF THE [October, be struggling to cross its body, being apparently held by the resistance offered by the protoplasmic layer of the Amphora. It is well known by those who have made a study of the simple Bacillus leptoihrix buccalis of the teeth, that if these are taken directly from the teeth and put in a small drop of violet ink, and a cover glass placed over them, their power to travel will be evi- dent. They move along in a kind of scintillating way, and change their position moderately fast while being observed, so that there is no need of mistaking a bacterial movement for what is known as the Brownian movement of powdered or finely divided inert or mineral particles. The bacterial movement has a distinct and peculiar character. The bacterial form alluded to as traversing the surface of the little Ajnphora was evidently under the restraining influence of a power lodged in the external covering of the Amphora. I did not, however, follow it until it freed itself from the Amphora. I may remark that this closes an interesting variety of experimental and ocular evidence bearing on the character of motion in the diatom, and also of its proto- plasmic surface. Resuming the thread of my study of the diatoms in the bottle of material from Whistler, Ala., late in the evening of the fifth day of my experimental studies, giving the final examination to the condition of the diatoms at the spot admitting daylight, I was surprised to find that during the interval since I had last ■examined it exactly fifty desmids had come up and fixed them- selves in the illuminated area of one-quarter inch diameter. These were all of one species — Micrasterias rotata. The diatoms still had life. But on the next morning — the sixth day — I found that all of the desmids had dropped back into the sediment and were no longer visible, and that the diatoms were all dead and glued to the sides of the bottle by what I took to be colonies of bacteria or some fungoid matter. A new class of life had usurped the territory in continuing the struggle for existence. Collaterally with the living Whistler diatoms, I studied occasion- ally the bottle containing the Mobile Bay brackish-water diatoms, and I incidentally observed that the rhizopod, Arcella vulgaris^ was quite common on the sides of the bottle. From the same source I studied the movement of the living pseudopodia of Dif- Jlugiapyriformis. I was previously familiar with Amoeba proteus, 1893.] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 101 but what struck me with most interest durin'g a portion of the time was the presence of beautiful vorlicellae in the sediment at the bottom angles of the bottle. Above the sediment there appeared to be a silvery cloud of monad-like infusoria; and while viewing the vorticellse with a powerful compound hand lens, the bottle being vertical, I observed that the coronal cilia of the vorticellae, when expanded and revolving, produced a sort of whirlpool, into which poured a funnel-shaped stream of the minute infusoria. The vorticellae were attached to debris, and were constantly whirl- ing their cilia and retracting their soft, elongated body. The exuviae of dying infusoria or bacteria, even from the first day of securing the brackish-water specimens, were rapidly covering everything with a flocculent, ochreous pellicle, which accumulated so rapidly that on the fifth day all the vorticellce were dead. The cause of motion in the Diatomaceae has eluded, so far, a direct and positive solution, and the endosmotic and exosmotic theory seems to be the most favorable hypothesis in the case. The idea of exosmose and endosmose action would occur spon- taneously to any one studying the biological functions of the diatom. That there is, and can be, endosmotic action is demon- strated by mounting the dried frustules with thin balsam. The larger Pmnularice. of the Mobile Bay brackish source have the major part of the air within the frustules replaced in a few min- utes with the balsim; and this action of displacement of air continues for days after the slide is prepared. This is proved by the so-called canaliculi showing very clearly aid distinctly the rib-like markings filled with air bubbles (That these spaces are not canaliculi, but rather corrugations or flutings, I will endeavor to sustain when I reach the subject of my experiments in charging the markings of the diatoms with coloring matter.) Gradually, after days, there is a full and complete expulsion of all air from the frustules, provided the balsam is thin when first used. If the balsam is quite thick, and dries readily, the air will remain permanently. In regard to the substances designated as endochrome, chloro- phyll, and a substance, derived from the chlorophyllaceous matter of the diatom, known as phycozantina, I have thought it proper to suggest that the contents of diatoms are not identical with the chlorophyll of the desmids or of the leaves of plants, but 102 JOURNAL OF THE [October, are characteristic products of the feeding of the living diatoms among the water plants, or other sources of food supply peculiar to their habitat. I would advance the following, bearing upon the subject, viz.: If the diatoms are expressed from the common green algae of springs, or slimy confervae of ditches where the plants are exclusively green, the endochrome is mostly of a dull or bright green, and even emerald gieen. But the student of the Diatomaceae is also, almost always, taught to seek for them wherever moist surfaces are covered with a rusty or ochreous color. It is certain that a brown or ochreous color is not indi- cative of chlorophyll, as the name itself means the "green of a leaf." On the contrary, the contents of the living diatoms de- rived from brackish mud are mostly brown, or possibly olive brown. While one is contemplating diatoms containing brownish contents, he will also note that the associated vegetable debris in various stages of decay is also brown and matches with the color of the endochrome. So, then, the color of the endochrome is probably a result of the character of the food supply found in the local habitat of the diatom, and it may be a product of morphological assimilation and digestion. On examining certain species of Surirella on the Mobile Bay slides, emerald-green stains may be seen at the wedge-shaped end of the frustule, while the balance of the frustule is colorless ; but the slides also illus- trate brown- or green-colored contents of various shades in ex- treme profusion. Having, to my own personal satisfaction, witnessed the indispu- table evidence of an intelligence in three representative species of three genera of the Diatomaceae, and having stated in plain terms the manner in which the proof was adduced, and which is duly capable of verification by any one who will take the trouble to review and corroborate the facts and phases established by my experiments, I will now endeavor to make an expansion of these biological phenomena, to draw attention to the fact that any diatomist, expert or amateur, who sees fit to regard the dia- toms as belonging to the protozoa rather than to the unicellular plants, can feel some satisfaction in his own mind, notwithstand- ing all that is upon record excluding the diatoms from the lowest order of the animal kingdom. This inclination with me has been the outcome of accumulated experience in the study of the 1893.] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 103 Diatomaceae, as a purely scientific pursuit or pastime, for the past fifteen years. If the aggregate result of one's efforts in any line of study is of any value, it certainly entitles him to enter the field of generalization, if he finds a reasonable or substantial basis to induce such action. To within about a year ago I felt satisfied with the common- ly conceded position of the Diatomaceae among the unicellular algae, and assigned them to the vegetable kingdom in prefer- ence to the animal kingdom. Less than a year ago Dr. Arthur Mead Edwards, in a letter to me, propounded the query, *' What is a diatom ?" and also answered his own question by saying, " I believe that the Diatomaceae are the Protista." Through an im- politic impulse I replied that it would scarcely be possible to ad- mit that the diatoms were other than " unicellular plants." When, in order to substantiate his conception of their animal characters, he announced in a microscopical journal that he had actually seen the animal occupant of a frustule of Coletonema eximium leave and re-enter its shell on several occasions, I wrote him that the species of that name were so small that it would seem hope- less to take that view of one of the smallest among the genus Pleurosigma. When we mention the name of this eminent phy- sician, who has devoted forty years of his life to the study of the Diatomaceae, and who might justly be styled the Nestor of Ameri- can diatomists, he must be credited with valid reasons for refus- ing to accept the diatoms as single-celled plants, and for using his abilities in opposition to the continuance of such a view. I would feel better satisfied to have the station of the Diatoma- ceae removed from the domain of doubt which surrounds their position, by irrefragable proof. I would be more contented in re- alizing that this special class of animated matter was ranged with animal life rather than with' plant life. It would tone down and remove from the realm of triviality the enthusiasm of those whose mind has become captivated with the beauty and mystery attached by the Creator to this mystical unit of the universe. If genius could demonstrate beyond cavil the ajiimal nature of the Diatomaceae, then one would find the objects of his favorite study placed a scale higher than the simple Amoeba and in near relation to the beautiful Radiolaria. Who will undertake to ex- plain why the Diatomaceae so strongly appeal to intellectual 104 JOURNAL OF THE [October, minds? Upon what common grounds of interest have clergymen of all denominations, soldiers, physicians of the cultured races, and many others who were gifted with the naturalistic instinct, been incited to connect their names and fame with a perpetuation of the study of this department of invisible nature, if not through that natural bent which impels the intellectual faculty in certain individuals to an eternal expansion of the philosophical spirit or the conquest of abstraction over matter, space, and time ? Passing to the staining of living diatoms, I will refer to some results accomplished by a few experiments. Having already tried the diatoms derived from a fresh-water spring, I thought proper to extend the process to some fossil fresh-water deposits, on account of their richness and the large size of the contained species. I selected for trial an ounce or two of the fossil fresh- water deposit, discovered by myself two years ago, occurring at Montgomery, Ala., being the most conspicuous deposit of fresh- water forms found in the Southern States. This deposit contains the largest and most beautiful variety of Pinnularia nobilis, whose form was not yet known up to the date of publication of Rev. Francis Wolle's " Diatomaceae of North America," and, therefore, is not shown in that volume. While employed as draughtsman of the machine shops of the Mobile & Ohio Railroad Company at Whistler, Ala., five miles distant from Mobile, I daily made an extensive use of chemicals in pre- paring paper for the " blue copying process." I was prompted to use the bath of this process for staining the diatoms. The proportions are these: To an ounce each of red ferriprussiate of potassium and ferrocitrate of ammonia add four ounces of water. The two ounces of diatomaceous earth were boiled in a strong soap solution for an hour or more. Then the boiled diatoms were washed in repeated changes of water to remove objec- tionable debris and traces of alkali — as the alkalies discharge the blue color of the stain. The diatoms were then freed of water, and decanted on a piece of common blotting paper to remove the remaining water. In this state they were transferred to the "blue process" liquid. The material, in small quantities, was poured on common china plates, and constantly moved about until the liquid and diatoms were spread as a thin layer over the whole surface of the plates, and then exposed to the direct rays l893-] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 105 of the bright sunlight for a quarter of an hour or longer. When the rays of the sun had acted sufficiently upon and had thor- oughly dried the diatoms, the next step was to recover them by washing the material in pure water and collecting the residuum together again. The experiment proved successful, and the diatoms were seen to be duly stained a beautiful light shade of blue. I next mounted a slide in balsam and viewed it under the microscope, and was well pleased with the result. The internal corrugations held the stain, differentiating the various markings in a moderately satisfactory manner, and gave the frustules a far better appearance than when unstained. But, not being fully satisfied with the effects of the blue stain, it occurred to me to restain a portion of the material already stained blue. Before having accomplished the blue staining I feared that it would be a failure, and thought to substitute aniline violet for the blue liquid. Taking a pipette, I deposited a quantity of aniline into the blue liquid containing the diatoms, when I observed that the liquids would not mix, but the aniline at once gathered in round drops. Failing in this, I drew off all the blue staining fluid from the diatoms and removed the moisture by decanting again on blotting paper. I next put the diatomaceous mass into pure aniline, and allowed it to be immersed for about five minutes or more. I then removed the excess of aniline dye, and washed the diatoms in repeated changes of pure water until no more stain came off in the water. I then dried the stained material and mounted a slide in balsam. When I submitted the violet-stained diatom slide to microscopic inspection I was pleased at my suc- cess, as there was in many frustules a perfect differentiation of all markings of every character; the punctate striae o{ Cymde/ia, the pinnulse of all the Pi?inulari(B, and the ribs of Surirella, were, in many cases, so perfect that every individual rib could be easily counted, the markings called canaliculi, or costge, having the appearance of a dark, short line with distinct semicircular ends, each perfectly differentiated from its neighboring rib by a deli- cate, clear line of silex showing no stain ; nor was the median smooth surface, divided by the raphe, stained, but the lines of the raphe and its terminal dots were filled with color. I offer this as my view of the staining : The internal chemi- 106 JOURNAL OF THE [October, cal deposit of the blue stain had thrown down or coagulated the aniline wherever the blue stain had taken effect. Otherwise, where there were no markings visible on the frustules, as on the smooth median surface divided by the lines of the raphe, there was no stain worth noticing. The raphe was in many cases well differentiated, as well as the two central nodular and two terminal dots of the larger Pinnularice. These two stained slides were the only ones made to test the possibilities and ad- vantages to be derived from staining. As they have given ad- mirable results, it adds another kind of interest in the study of diatoms. Had the material in the slides containing Amphiprora ornata been stained either blue or violet, the Amphiprora therein could have been readily located on the slides, but in the un- dyed state they are extremely hyaline and somewhat difficult to locate in balsam mounts under high powers. The two stained slides were prepared for the series illustrat- ing these notes. In connection with these two slides it may be noted that there is little affinity on the superficial surface of the fossil diatoms for the dye, but the external surface of living dia- toms, after drying and mounting, indicates that such surfaces ab- sorb and retain a perceptible amount of dye, which fact suggests that the external layer of protoplasm must have retained it. On an examination of the frustules in the slide stained by the com- pound process, it will be noted that there is an indication of coagula of the dye adherent to the frustules, while this appear- ance is entirely wanting in the Whistler fresh-water living dia- toms as stained with aniline alone, and in the blue-stained fossil diatoms from Montgomery, Ala. If my language has been clear, it will be understood that the salient feature of this article is that the diatom is endowed (pos- sibly all diatoms) with two non-interfering motions, qualities in- dicative of life — namely, the direct and retrograde, which is the generally known and universally acknowledged motion of the whole frustule, single, double, or quadruple, and also the sub- jective motility of the exoplasm or protoplasmic covering. The principal characteristics of this latter motion have already been given. This claim is, however, not advanced in the case of the discoidal forms, found adherent by countless thousands to ma- rine algse and the leaves of Valisneria, such as Arachnoidiscus, 1893.] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 107 Actinocychis, Coscinodiscus, and Biddulphia Icevis, which appear to pass their life cycle attached to water plants. But we also know that millions of the travelling frustules are removed from water plants which, when dried, exhibit the frustules in illimit- able numbers, as may readily be determined from the mass of moss-like water plants sent herewith to the Society for distribution to such members as may desire to study them in the dry state. Now, I would suggest that the character of the subjective motion of the protoplasm of the diatom possibly has its homo- logue in the cilia, pseudopodia, and other admitted protoplasmic appendages of the true Infusoria, and the Rhizopoda, and, in fact, the Protozoa generally; that is to say, in a contractile and ex- tensile power common to the lowest forms of microscopic ani- mal life. Since the activity of the protoplasmic sheath of the Amphiprora ornata is now clearly pointed out, it is within the range of verification by the simplest means. One is certain of witnessing a phenomenon that has for many years been of mys- terious interest to observers. But there are two kinds of proto- plasm, that of plants and that of animals. And the simplest in structure of the animal protoplasms is that associated with the Rhizopoda, which, barring the nucleus, are structureless, gelatinous masses, having an inherent extensile and retractile power, and presenting various modifications of outline. When employed in seeking their food, then their characteristics are best shown and appreciated. Amosba proteiis offers us protoplasm in one of its simplest con- ditions, that is, where it is devoid of the power of secreting a mineral covering, or even the rudiments of an internal skeleton. From this simple stage protoplasm passes through rising grades of complexity, ending in its power sometimes to secrete a chitin- ous covering, and sometimes a silicious shell or a shell built up of grains of silex. There is also the simple, structureless proto- plasm of the Foraminifera, which is endowed with the power of secreting a shell from calcareous sources, and that of the sponge, which exercises the power of assimilating the molecules of car- bonate of calcium or silica disseminated in the fluids of its habitat. To further expand the relation between animal protoplasm and its peculiar power to secrete silica, I will offer my illustrations 108 JOURNAL OF THE [October^ from the domain of the Protozoa. I have consulted as many sources of information as the limited literary resources of my surroundings would admit. First of all, possessing a copy of Joseph Leidy's " Rhizopods of North America," I consulted that for a portion of my data. In the said monograph is a general account of the classification of the Protozoa and their characteristics, as adapted from the greaf work of Prof. Haeckel. In this I find that, of the true Rhizopoda alone, the following species are characterized as having a proto- plasm capable of secreting silicious shells, skeletal coverings, or external appendages — \\z., Euglypha alveolata and Euglypha olex; Clathuralina elegansj Acafithocystis (minute silicious spicules); Challengeria (single-celled silicious organisms); Acanthometrina (having its spicules arranged in geometrical patterns, such as might be developed in a space of three dimensions, or on the sur- face of a sphere, and, owing to their extreme delicacy, collapsing or falling apart on drying and handling, and which were appa- rently only found in the material dredged by the C/ialletiger); and also the Thallasicola, together with the numerous genera of the Radiolaria. In connection with these I would refer to the fact that the peculiar open-meshed and stellate silicious skeletons known as Dictyocha, hitherto classed with the diatoms, likewise the forms called Eucainpia, are stated in WoUe's " Diatomaceae of North America" to be no longer regarded as diatoms, but are excluded therefrom. This dictum would relegate them to the Protozoa. But they are nearly always present in recent as well as fossil diatoma- ceous earths, as I have put upon record in the Journal of the Society in some remarks upon a small Navicula didyma overlap- ping a Dictyocha fibula in the body of a Coscinodiscus from the Tampa fossil earth slide, filed with and donated to the Society. What expert diatomist will undertake to clear up the puzzle pre- sented by the fifty or more discoidal forms on the same selected slide, exhibiting, either upon or through the internal structure of the diatom, hundreds of minute diatoms of many distinct species held therein ? How did they get there, and why was the selec- tion limited exclusively to the minutest of forms ? Has any one, up to the noting of this peculiar characteristic of the discs of the Tampa marine fossil earth, made any observation of a similar con- 1893.J NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 109 dition in the fossil deposits of any other known region of the globe ? Notice also the power of the Foraminifera to secrete cal- careous shells, and of the Spongidge to secrete calcareous spicules, and we can infer that the animal protoplasm of the Protozoa has the power to elaborate out of their surrounding fluids the neces- sary shields or frames best adapted to their vicissitudes. Against all of these positive and convincing data we can con- trast nothing of an analogous kind in plant life. It would be useless to refer to the power of certain plants that flourish in ditches and marshes, and in tropical and semi-tropical regions, as the Eqiiisetacece, or the canes, bamboos, and cereals, whose cuti- cular surface is a layer of vegetable silica. I believe that there is not any analogy between the power of the protoplasm of the Diatomacese to assimilate oxide of silicon as an integral part of its life, and the power of the plants named above to secrete what- ever silica there may be in their woody structure; while there is abundant evidence of the animal protoplasm having in an eminent degree, and almost exclusively so, the power to appropriate from fresh or salt water the requisite silica needed in its life cycle. But what has already been adduced does not reach the inferen- tial bounds of the subject. Convictions often arise from fortui- tous sources to round up a final conclusion. And as the diatomist accumulates fresh experiences year by year, he may group his facts in aiding him to some final conclusion or to reinforce some spe- cial view. It is at this stage of the inquiry that the question comes up, Why is it that in nearly every known marine fossil diatomaceous deposit the silicious skeletons of the Diatomaceae form the major part of the deposit, with few exceptions ? The main exception is where the proportion of the diatoms in the deposit is less than the other fossil organic remains derived from the recognized rhi- zopods. What construction and interpretation are we justified in putting upon the fact that when we analyze any given fossil marine deposit we invariably find the following derivatives of the Rhizopods, viz., silicious Polycystinse, or more properly Radio- laria, silicious sponge spicules, and silicious Diatomaceae, to- gether with calcareous foraminifera, invariably, or at least with few exceptions, associated in deposits of extraordinary thickness ? Of two of these typical deposits I can justly claim that, at the 110 JOURNAL OF THE [October, date of writing these notes, I am more familiar with two marine fossil deposits, discovered by myself, than any one else who has made the study of the diatoms a specialty. In one of these the Polycystinae predominate above the Diatomaceae, sponge spicules, and Foraminifera. This is the St. Stephens, Ala., eocene de- posit, of which this Society possesses selected slides. Yet the diatoms are very abundant therein, and of many species. The other is the marine fossil deposit existing in the Florida phosphate rock area around Tampa, Fla., wherein the Diatomaceae pre- dominate above the Polycystinae and silicious sponge spicules, and where calcareous Foraminifera seem to be entirely absent. The egg-shaped or ovoid silicious gemmules of sponges (?) are also very abundant therein. Taking an example right at hand, the world has been supplied with cleaned diatoms from the harbor clays and muds of Mobile Bay, in which are always associated diatoms, a few species of Polycystinge, silicious sponge spicules, and rhizopods of several species, and more particularly the sili- cious shell-building ones known as Difflugia pyrifor7nis^ Arcella, and others. The silicious bodies called Dictyocha also abound, and the marine Foraminifera which secrete calcareous or chitin- ous shells. The mineralized calcareous cementstein of Sendai, Japan, and of the islands of Mor and Fur, situated off the northern coast line of Europe, when dissolved in acid, yield masses of Dia- tomaceae, sponge spicules, and Polycystinse, the diatom in the several cases predominating. The fossil diatomaceous clays of the Atlantic seaboard, from Southern New Jersey to Charleston, S. C, at Richmond and other points, always yield a small pro- portion of Polycystinae in combination with a tenfold percentage of the Diatomaceae. The fossil deposits of the Californian coast line yield diatoms in combination with Polycystinae and sponge spicules, and so on ad infinitum. Passing from the fossil marine deposits which I have put upon record, I will mention two extensive and rich deposits of fresh- water origin. First, the lacustrine fossil deposit at Montgom- ery, Ala., where billions of sponge spicules are associated with a stratum of diatom frustules over twenty feet in thickness and of extraordinary extension. Second, the marine marsh fluviatile deposit found by myself a year or so ago about a mile north of Mobile, on the western bank of Mobile River, which deposit is 1893.] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. Ill characterized by the extraordinary richness of its diatoms, si- licious sponge spicules, and billions of silicious rhizopod shells, Difflugia and other species. At this point it might be appropriate to allude to a deposit situated at Montgomery, Ala. — the great artesian basin, about fifty feet in diameter and at least fifteen feet in depth. During a visit to Montgomery I observed that the basin was being cleaned out and that laborers wearing rubber boots were bailing out the ooze that had accumulated at the bottom, which ooze was at that time about eighteen inches deep and of about the consistence of gruel. Desiring to ascertain whether the ooze was a diatom ooze, I secured a quantity of the material and sent it to Mr. C. L. Peticolas, who sent me back beautiful slides of a pure gathering of Epethemia gibba. He remarked that it was the prettiest gath- ering he had ever seen of that species, and likewise the hardest to clean. Associated with the Epethemia gibba were a few species of smaller diatoms. This basin has been a feature of Montgom- ery, Ala., for over fifty years, and it is a remarkable fact that the basin held but one conspicuous species of diatoms through so many years. As a last resort to defend the thesis that the Diatomaceae ought to be regarded as belonging among the lower orders of animal life rather than among plant life, we can bring to our aid the es- tablished rules of the logician and of the mathematician ; the former granting the use of the syllogism, and the latter that of the " theory of probabilities," either of which I believe would force the solution of the question in favor of an animal status. The fact that the earliest algologists had classed certain genera of the filamentous diatomaceous groups among the Confervoideee, such as Melosira, Schizonema, Homeocladia, Masiogloia, etc., on ac- count of their algaceous habit, does not necessarily compel those to fall into line with their views who choose to regard all dia- toms having a distinctive motive power and a motile protoplas- mic sheath as belonging to the Protozoa. Besides Leidy's excellent work, " Rhizopods of North Ame- rica," I have consulted the able articles of various specialists in well-known encyclopaedias, and I am under especial obliga- tions to the paper of the eminent diatomist, Count-Abate Fran- cesco Castracane, entitled " Generalita su le Diatomee^' (1884). 112 JOURNAL OF THE [October, I have also consulted the article by Prof. H. L. Osborn, entitled "The Protozoa — a Phyllum of the Animal Kingdom considered Biologically " {American A'lonthly Alicroscopical 'yoitrnal, October, 1892), and the presidential address by Mr. Charles F. Cox, pub- lished in the Journal of this Society, January, 1892. I have not had access to the recently published work of Messrs. Frede- rick W. Mills and Julien Deby, "An Introduction to the Study of the Diatomacese " (London and Washington, 1893), so that to this fact must be attributed any lack of acquaintance with the theories which may have been lately proposed. Before closing I fain would refer to the use made by certain animals of the Diatomaceas as a part of their food supply, with the view of determining whether the nourishment adapted to car- nivorous animals is made up of microscopic plant protoplasm, either of what is called the ectosarc or endosarc of the Dia- tomacese. The most striking example within my own experience is that source of the Diatomaceae derived from the gizzard or craw-like organ of the mullet of the Gulf bays From such gullets I have secured hundreds of pear-shaped pellets which were literally masses of pure diatoms, and of which I sent many in exchanges, both to foreign countries and also to Mr. C. L. Peticolas, of Richmond, Va., who returned to me at times beau- tiful preparations of the same. I have never found anything else but diatoms and sand grains in these fish gizzards, so this, as far as my experience goes, was the only food supply preyed upon by the mullet. I have also demonstrated that the desiccated ex- crementitious matter left by sea gulls on clusters of pilings in Mobile Bay has been a rich source of marine diatoms, after the undigested particles of fish bones, etc., are dissolved away with acid. As the diet of the sea gulls is principally fish, we can readily account for the presence of diatoms in such a recent source as the living sea gull. The stomach of the oyster some- times yields diatoms, but the green masses found in the stomach are preferably marine algae. The digestive tracts of the sea cucumbers — Holuthurige — have been justlv celebrated for yield- ing immense numbers of marine diatoms. The trepang of the China Sea (which is dried abroad and sold in Mott street, New York, as a Chinese delicacy) is a sun-dried sea cucumber. From several sources we learn that in the Arctic and Antarctic regions 1893.J NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY, 113 the Diatomaceae float on the surface of the seas as a dense foamy sheet and are the sole food of some kinds of fish. The Abbe Castracane, already referred to, has written a special paper on the presence of the Diatomaceae as the sole and exclusive food of Echinus and Echinodermata and Holothurite, dredged by the Challenger from depths of 2,000 and 5>740 metres. His abject was to prove, contrary to common belief at that period, that plant life vegetated at a depth where the rays of the sun never penetrated. The fact of his finding rich masses of Synedra thallassiotrix Cleve. and Coscinodiscus in the Holothuriae and Echini taken from these depths confirmed his belief. As the Abbe was a firm believer in the plant nature of the Diatomaceae, he could not well do otherwise than regard this kind of food as plant life. He proved that the diatoms passed their life cycle at the bottom of the ocean, at 5.740 metres, on the feeding ground of the Echini and Holothuriae, as the endochrome had not been removed by the digestive juices of the Echini or Holothurise after their removal by the dredge from their habitat at the bot- tom of the ocean, thus drawing another illustration of the use of the Diatomaceae as a food supply. I would note that at least four of the slides prepared from Mobile Bay brackish-water material, and sent herewith, show a number of rhizopods, Euglypha alveolata, within whose transpa- rent and glass-like shells may be seen several varieties of very minute diatoms — viz., Cocconeis pediculus and Naviailce. Also in a more pronounced manner, in the beautiful plates of Leidy's *' Rhizopods of North America," various amoebae are depicted at the moment of enveloping within their fluent protoplasmic layers large Pinnularice and other diatoms. And I have put upon rec- ord with this Society a selected slide of Difflugia pyriformis and other species, in which minute diatoms are seen to form a part of the solid shell covering the soft pseudopodial parts of the animal protoplasm when in its living state. In the slides referred to above a pair of shells of Euglypha alveolata are mounted, showing the mouths of the shells in contact, or in the position usually regarded as that of conjugation. In the same slides will be noted an extraneous class of minute ani- mals found in Mobile Bay — viz., minute shrimp, whose chitinous 114 JOURNAL OF THE [October, cases have been turned a light hue of pink through immersion in balsam. Before quitting the rhizopods I would make one more reference to an interesting feature that will have its application in summing up the consequences of these notes. I quote certain paragraphs in the article by Prof. Osborn, noticed above: " In its chemical nature the covering of Hyalosphenia is interesting, being a\bu?nin- oid and less unlike the chemical nature of compounds in the protoplasm than are the skeletons of lime or silica found in Ratalia (foraminifera) actinospherium and many other specialized rhizopods. // is, therefore, a less specialized act of the secretory power to produce a c hit i no us than a calcareous or silicious skeleton." And again: " Liberkuhnia is a naked body of rather definite out- line, with one end prolonged into pseudopodia. Thepseudopodia are never strictly radial, but are branching, the branches leading out into finer and finer divisions which often anastomose or join together. The food is caught upon the network of pseudopodia and digested there.'' Or, in other words, we may put this interpreta- tion on the concluding sentence, that an infinitesimal thread of protoplasm has a digestive, and as a consequence an assimilative, power. Can we not then inquire whether the living and moving protoplasmic layer of Amphiprora ornata has not an identical power, and is it not performing this digestive and assimilative function when it carries from point to point on its perimeter such particles as a motionless rotifer or a bacterium ? From the preceding restricted reference to animal life depend- ent on the Diatomacege, we are led to inquire whether an animal protoplasm would not be better associated with the idea of the sustenance of carnivorous animals, rather than that they should seek the sustenance of a purely plant protoplasm to build up and sustain their own changes of growth or waste. This problem of the true nature of the sarcode of the Diato- macege is now respectfully submitted to those observers who care to take the pains to strive for a solution through observation, until no doubt shall remain as to what it is, whether absolutely plant or absolutely animal in its nature. I would offer a few words explanatory of the contents of the six slides exhibiting the diatoms from the edge of Mobile Bay shore. They are prepared in duplicate, two of a kind, to show the l893-] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 115 smallest species, the intermediate, and the largest discs. And the following genera are represented by from two to ten or more species each : Ac/inanthes, Amphora, Amphiprora, Actinocydus, Actinoptychus , Cocconeis, Cyclotella, Coscinodtscus, Campylodiscus, Cymbella, Epethemta, Eunotia, Gomphonema^ Melostra, Nitzschiay Navicula, Odontidium, Pleurosigtna, Steuroneis, Surirella, Synedra, Terpsinoe, Tabeilaria, the Naviculae, however, being in the major- ity. In the observations of the living diatoms detailed herein I used a Zeiss D lens and at a magnification of about 600 diameters. PROCEEDINGS. Meeting of April 7TH, 1893. The President, Mr. Charles S. Shultz, in the chair. Twelve persons present. Mr. Noah Palmer was elected a Resident Member of the So- ciety. Dr. Samuel Lockwood, who was expected to deliver the ad- dress announced on the programme, was by illness prevented from attendance. An informal session was held. Annual Exhibition, April 19TH, 1893. The Fourteenth Annual Exhibition of the Society was held at the American Museum of Natural History, Central Park, New York City, on the evening of April 19th, 1893. Objects and apparatus, as noted in the programme below, were displayed in the large hall on the first floor of the Mu- seum. At 9 o'clock Rev. E. C. Bolles, D.D., in the Lecture Room adjoining, gave an explanation of the projection of nu- merous microscopic objects on the screen. PROGRAMME. 1. Water Wood-louse, ^j^//«j aquattcus, showing the circula- tion of the colorless blood: by H. C. Bennett. 2. Section of Human Scalp, showing hair follicles, sebaceous glands, and ducts : by H. C. Bennett. 3. Transverse Section of a Cat's Tongue : by Wm. Wales. 116 JOURNAL OF THE [October^ 4. Section of Soap Bark, Quillaya saponaria^ showing long prismatic crystals : by G. H. Blake. 5. Sulphate of Copper, shown by polarized light : by N, Pal- mer. 6. Coal. Vascular Cylinder of a Young Stigmaria: by F. W. Leggett. 7. Head of Tape-worm, Tcefiia solium, showing the Rostel- lum and Suckers, with drawings of the same. Also specimens of the Head in alcohol : by L. Schoney. 8. Butterfly Scales and Diatoms arranged in the form of a Vase of Flowers : by G. S. Woolman. 9. Transverse Section of the Head of a Moth, Utetheisa bella : by L. Riederer. 10. Longitudinal Section of the Antenna of a Wasp, Vespa maculata : by L. Riederer, 11. Transverse Section of the Head of a Fish, Ai/ierina : by L. Riederer. 12. Transverse Section of the Body of a Fish, Aiherina: by L. Riederer. 13. Microtome, manufactured by Aug. Becker, Gottingen^ Germany : by L. Riederer. 14. Selection of Serial Sections : by L. Riederer. 15. Young of Marine Crustaceans : by E. J. Riederer. 16-18. Bacilli of Asiatic Cholera : by J. A. Gottlieb. 16. From a Culture in Bouillon, x 1,550. 17. From a Gelatin Culture, x 1,200. 18. Cultures in Nutrient Gelatin in Various Stages of Development. 19. Human Blood, x 590 : by J. A. Gottlieb. 20. Blood of Seventeen-day Embryo Chick, x 480 : by J. A. Gottlieb. 21. Frog's Blood (stained), X 330 : by J. A. Gottlieb. 22. The LeitzPhotomicrographic Apparatus : by J. A.Gott- lieb. 23. Projection Apparatus, after Edinger : by J. A. Gott- lieb. 24. Large Dissecting Microscope with Abbe's Camera Lu- cida: by J. A. Gottlieb. 25. Six Sections of Building Stones, shown on Automatic Re- 1893.] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 117 volving Stage by polarized light. Also specimens of the stones from which the sections were cut : by J. Walker. 26. Polycystina: by J. Walker. 27. Section of the Human Tongue : by C. S. Shultz. 28. Eggs of Various Insects, arranged : by C. S. Shultz. 29. Type Slide of Diatoms, arranged by D. B. Ward : by A. M. Edwards. 30. Circulation of Protoplasm (Cyclosis) in Nitella : by M. M. Le Brun. 31. Young Codfish, one to three days old : by H. W. Calef. 32. Transverse Section of the Leaf of the East India Rubber Tree, Ficus elastica, showing fibres, ducts, stomata, and cell tissue : by Frederick Kato. 2,Z-2>^. Living and Pictorial Illustrations of Several of the Lower Forms of Animal and Vegetable Life : by Stephen Helm. 37. Pond Life : by A. D. Balen. 38. Cinchonidine, shown by polarized light: by Miss M. V. WORSTELL. 39. Circulation of Protoplasm (Cyclosis) in Chara : by J. D. Hyatt. 40. Ciliary Motion on the Gills of the Mussel : by J. D. Hyatt. 41. Tongue of a Cricket : by W. D. Macdonald. 42. 43. Pond Life : by H. C. Wells. 44. The Curious Aquatic Insect, Rheu7natobates Rileyi Berg- roth, captured at Flatbush, L. I. ; named by E. Bergroth, M.D., Tammerfors, Finland ; and until recently the only re- ported specimen in the world : by J. L. Zabriskie. 45. Arranged Group of Diatoms, illuminated by parabola : by C. F. Cox. 46. Crystals of .Sugar, shown by polarized light : by C. F. Cox. 47. Leaf of Deutzia scabra, showing stellate hairs : by W. E. Damon, 48. Spines of Echinus: by H. G. Piffard. 49. Circulation of Blood in Tail of Tadpole : by F. W. De- VOE. 118 JOURNAL OF THE [October, 50. Circulation of Protoplasm in Vallisneria spiralis : by F. W. Devoe. 51. File-tongue {Odontophore) of the New Jersey Conch, Sycotypus canaliculatus, with the shell : by Samuel Lockwood. 52. File-tongue {Odontophore) of California Trochus, Calli- osfotna canaliculatum, with the shell : by Samuel Lockwood. 53. File-tongue {Odontophore) of Patella, or Limpet Shell, Acmcea ieshidinalisy New England coast, with the shell : by Sam- uel Lockwood. 54. Photomicrographic Apparatus : by F. D. Skeel. 55-59. Star-fish and Sea-urchins, illustrated by living forms, microscopic specimens, and drawings: by G. W. Kosmak. 60-66. Etchings of Steel Rails, showing Structure : by P. H. Dudley. 60. A .60^ carbon Rail, with broad, shallow head. Dense structure. 61. A .45^ carbon Rail, with deep head. Porous structure. 62. A good wearing Rail, made in 1863. 6t,. a rapid wearing Rail, made in 1880. 64. Nickel Armor Plate. 65. Specimens of Tests of Armor Plate, Ordnance, and Rail Steel. 66. Photographs of Drop Tests of a .60^ Carbon Rail, etc. 67, 68. Sections of Silicified Wood, Araucaria Briggsii, from Arizona : by T. B. Briggs. 67. Transverse Section. 68. Radial Section. 69. Section of Wood, Araucaria excelsa, from Norfolk Isl- and : by T. B. Briggs. 70. Platino-cyanide of Yttrium, shown by polarized light: by E. G. Love. 71. Seeds of Orthocarpus purpurascens : by E. G. Love. 72. Pollen of Mallow, Malva rotundifolia : by E. G. Love. 73. Foot of Spider: by E. G. Love. 74. Photomicrographs : by E. G. Love. 75. Pond Life : by W. C. Kerr. 76. A^Living Diatom, Bacillaria paradoxa: by T. Craig. l893-] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 119 77. Hydra viridis : by J. C. Thompson. 78. Circulation in Frog's Foot : by J. C. Thompson. 79. Pond Life : by O. H. Wilson. 80. Circulation of Protoplasm in the Skin of the Onion : by M. DupuY. 81. Colored Drawings of Microscopic Objects: by M. Du- PUY. 82-86. Microphotographs, selected : by S. N. Ayres. 87. Fossil Vegetable Structure in Coal Shale : by Geo. E. ASHBY, 88. Section of Stalactitic Chalcedony, shown by polarized light : by J. W, Freckelton. 89. Desmids : by E. J. Wright. 90. Quartz Inclusions in Mica, shown by polarized light : by A. H. Ehrman. gi. Microphotograph of Niagara Falls: by H. Fincke. 92. California Gold Sand : by H. Fincke. 93. Arranged Diatoms : by H. Fincke. 94. Nitroprusside of Sodium, shown by polarized light : by H. Fincke. 95. Section of Malacca Cane from Malay Peninsula: by A, Woodward, 96. Ash Block containing Living Termites, Calotermes flavi- collis, taken at the Isthmus of Panama, August, 1890 : by J. Beaumont. 97. Specimen of Termite Tree Nest, Termes minimus Beau- mont, with alcoholic specimens of queen, soldiers, and work- ers : by J. Beaumont. 9B, Cultivation, Staining, and Mounting of Bacteria : by P. H. Lyon. 99. Circulation in the Tail of a Gold-fish : by W. H. Mead. 100. Tooth of Fossil Fish in Coal: by The Society. Meeting of April 2ist, 1893. The President, Mr. Charles S. Shultz, in the chair. Fourteen persons present. Dr. Frank Abbott. Jr., was elected a Resident Member of the Society. 130 JOURNAL OF THE [October, On motion the thanks of the Society were tendered Mr. Mor- ris K. Jesup, President of the Board of Trustees, and the Offi- cers of the American Museum of Natural History, for their kindness in granting the use of the Halls of the Museum, and for their generous assistance in the matter of the late Annual Exhibition of the Society. OBJECTS EXHIBITED. 1. Gas carbon filaments, deposited on the edge of a burner: by E. G. Love. 2. Diatoms from the Bay of Bengal: by H. C. Bennett. 3. Section of Cementstein from Sendai, Japan : by H. C. Bennett. 4. Living diatoms : by C. S. Shultz. Meeting of May 5TH, 1893. The President, Mr. Charles S. Shultz, in the chair. Sixty persons present. Dr. George M. Sternberg delivered the address announced on the programme, entitled "Bacteria." This address was most admirable for its comprehensiveness and its perspicuity, and was beautifully illustrated by a most remarkable series of lantern projections. On motion the hearty thanks of the Society were tendered Dr. Sternberg. Meeting of May 19TH, 1893. The President, Mr. Charles S. Shultz, in the chair. Twenty-four persons present. Dr. Samuel Lockwood addressed the Society on *' Some Phenomena in Exuviation by the Reptiles." This address was illustrated by specimens and objects under microscopes, as noted in the programme below, and is published in this volume of the Journal, page 55. objects EXHIBITED. I. Bronze, life-size representations of Snake, Lizard, and Frog. 1893.] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 121 2. " Scarf " of Anaconda. 3. Skin of the Lizard, A noils principalis, under a \ objective, showing "the windows." 4. Skin of the Horned Toad, Phrynosoma cornuta, under a \ objective, showing pigment grains. Exhibits Nos. 1-4, inclusive, were by Samuel Lockwood. 5. Photomicrograph, half-tone print, of scale of Podura, Lepidocyrtis curvicollis, x 3,000 : by H. G. Piffard. 6. Photomicrograph of pygidium of Flea, taken by Dr. Henri Van Heurck, who regards this object as a test, second in value only to the Podura scale : by H. G. Piffard. 7. Various Diatoms : by Noah Palmer. Some points on the changeability in color of the skin of the Chameleon, in Dr. Lockwood's address, were discussed by Messrs. J. D. Hyatt, L. Riederer, and W. J. Lloyd. Mr. Riederer suggested that the changeableness may be somewhat on the principle of " Newton's rings," since there are two films in the skin of the chameleon. Meeting of June 2D, 1893. The President, Mr. Charles S. Shultz, in the chair. Twenty-four persons present. Dr. H. G. Piffard read a paper entitled *' An Improvement in the Correction of Lenses for Photomicrography, Photogra- phy, and Photoastronomics." This paper was illustrated by many photomicrographs, as cited below. OBJECTS EXHIBITED. 1. Watson's Van Heurck Stand : by H. G. Piffard. 2. Navicula rhomboides, under a William Wales -^^, made eighteen years ago : by H. G. Piffard. 3. The same ; resolution of " beads," with parabola : by H. G. Piffard. 4. Podura scale : by H. G. Piffard. 5. Photomicrographs : blood of Amphiutna, Echinus spine, probe platte, histological section, Podura scale, Amphipleura pellucida, Limulus, copy of a painting, street scene, interior view : by H. G. Piffard. 122 JOURNAL OF THE [Octobcr, 6. Amphipleura pellucida : by Henry C. Bennett. 7. Probe platte by MoUer : by Henry C. Bennett. 8. Photomicrographs : Amphipleura x 1,500, Pleurosigma angulatum x 6,000, section of human eye : by F. D. Skeel. 9. Frustula saxonica, yL homogeneous immersion lens and ver- tical illuminator : by Charles S. Shultz. Meeting of June i6th, 1893. The Vice-President, Dr. E. G. Love, in the chair. Dr. F. D. Skeel was elected Secretary /r^ tem. Surgeon. General George M. Sternberg, U. S. A., was elected an Honorary Member of the Society. Dr. E. G. Love, chairman of the Committee on Annual Ex- hibition, reported for the Committee, and the Committee was discharged with thanks. objects exhibited. 1. According to previous appointment, the entire collection of "Jackson Slides," recently purchased by the Society, were exhibited in succession. 2. Photomicrographs of Triceratium favus X 1,500, and of Pleurosigma angulatum x 750 and 6,000 : by Frank D. Skeel. The Society adjourned to the first Friday of October, 1893. PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED. American Monthly Microscopical Journal: Vol. XIV., Nos. 2 — q (Febru- ary— September, 1893). The Microscope: Vol. I., Nos. 2 — 10 (^February — October, 1893). San Francisco Microscopical Society: Proceedings (April 9 — March i, 1893) ; Transactions, Part I. (1893). Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club: Vol. XX., Nos. 3 — 10 (March — October, 1893). Insect Life: Vol. V., Nos. 4, 5 (April, July, 1893). Psyche: Vol. VI., Nos. 204 — 211 (April — November, 1893). The Observer: Vol. IV., Nos. i — 10 (January — October, 1893). Proceedings of the Natural Science Association of Staten Island: Index of Vol. II. (November 10, 1888 — October 10, 1891); Meetings (March 18 — October 14, 1893). 1893.] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 123 Anthony's Photographic Bulletin : Vol. XXIV., Nos. 5 — 21 (March 11 — November 11, 1893), School of Mines Quarterly: Vol. XIV., Nos. 2 — 4 (January — July, 1893). American Museum of Natural History: Annual Report (1892). New York Academy of Sciences: Index of Vol. XI. (1892); Transactions, Vol. XII. (1892, 1893). Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences : Vol. XXVII. (1892). Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History: Vol. XXVI., Part I, (November, 1892 — May, 1893). Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia : 1893, Parts I. and II. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College : Vol. XXIV., Nos. 6, 7— Vol. XXV., No. i (July— September, 1893). Journal of the Franklin Institute: Vol. CXXXV., No. 807— Vol. CXXXVI., No. 815 (March — November, 1893). Transactions of the Massachusetts Horticultural Society: Part II., 1892; Part I., 1893. Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society : Vol. IX., Part II. (1892). Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences: Vol. VIII., Part II.; Vol. IX., Part I. (1893). Report of the Missouri Botanical Garden (1893). United States Geological Survey: Eleventh Annual Report, Parts I. and II. (1889-90). Proceedings of the Rochester Academy of Science: Vol. II., No. 2 (1893). Bulletin of the Essex Institute: Vol. XXIV., No. 7— Vol. XXV., Nos. 1—6 (July, 1892— June, 1893). Journal of the Cincinnati Society of Natural History: Vol, XV., No. 3-— Vol. XVI., No. 3 (October, 1892— October, 1893). Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, Bulletins : Nos. 50 — 57 (March — September, 1893). Bulletin of the Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station: Nos. go — 99 (February — July, 1893). Bulletin of the Iowa Agricultural Experiment Station: Nos. 20, 21 (1893). Bulletin of the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station: Nos. 41 — 47 (December, 1892 — July, 1893), Bulletin of the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station: No. 26 (March, 1893). Bulletin of the Division of Entomology, U. S. Department of Agriculture: Nos. 29, 30(1893). Colorado Scientific Society: Six pamphlets (1893). Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society: Parts II. — V. (1893). International Journal of Microscopy and Natural Science: Vol. III., Nos. 18 — 20 (April — October, 1893). Journal of the Quekett Microscopical Club: Vol. V., No. 32 (July, 1893). Manchester Microscopical Society: Transactions and Report (1892). 124 JOURNAL OF THE [Ociober, The Naturalist: Nos. 212 — 220 (1893). Penzance Natural History and Antiquarian Society: Report and Transac- tions (1893). Proceedings of the Bristol Naturalists Society: Vol. VII., Part II. (1893). Canadian Record of Science : Vol. V., Nos. 5-7 (1893). Geological Survey of Canada : Catalogue of Rocks prepared for Columbian Exposition (1893); Catalogue of Minerals in the Museum (1893). Transactions of the Canadian Institute: Vol. III., Part 2 (1893). Historical and Scientific Society of Manitoba : Annual Report (1892); Transactions, No. 44 (January, 1893). The Ottawa Naturalist: Vol. VI., No. 11— Vol. VII., No. 8 (March- November, 1893). Nova Scotian Institute of Science: Vol. I., Part II. (1892). Royal Society of New South Wales: Journal and Proceedings, Vol. XXVI. (1892). The Victorian Naturalist: Vol. IX., No. 10— Vol. X., No. 5 (February — September, 1893). Australian Museum: Annual Report (1892); Records, VII., No. 4 {February, 1893). Actes de la Societe Scientifique du Chili : Vol. II., No. 3 (February, 1893). Revista del Museo de la Plata: Vol. III. (1892). Brooklyn Medical Journal: Vol. VII., Nos. 4— 11 (April — November, 1893). American Lancet : Vol. XVII., Nos. 3— 11 (March — November, 1893). Indiana Medical Journal: Vol. XL, No. 9— Vol. XII., No. 5 (March- November, 1893). Le Diatomiste: Vol. I., No. 12 — Vol. IL, No. 2 (March— September, 1893). Johns Hopkins University: Studies from the Biological Laboratory, Vol. v., Nos. 2— 4 (March — October, 1893); University Circulars, Vol. XII., Nos. 104 — 107 (March — June, 1893). National Druggist: Vol. XXII., No. 6— Vol. XXIII., No. 11 (Maich— November, 1893). The Mining Review: Vol. XXX., No. 10— Vol. XXXI. , No. 19 (March 9 — November 9, 1893). Revue Internationale de Bibliographic Medicale : Vol. IV., Nos. 4 — 20 {February — Ociober, 1893). Annual of the Universal Medical Sciences: Vols. I. — V. (1893). Universal Medical Journal: Vol. I. (February — October, 1893). Societe Beige de Microscopic : Bulletin, Vol. XIX., Nos. 4—7 (March — May, 1893); Annales, Vol. XVII., No. 1(1893). La Notarisia : 1892, Nos. 33, 34; 1893, Nos, i — 4. La Nuovo Notarisia: Vol. IV. (May, 1893). La Botaniste: Vol. III., Nos. 4, 5 (June, September, 1893). Societe Royale de Botanique de Belgique : Bulletin, Vol. III., No. 12 {December, 1892). Societa Botanica Italiana: BuUetino, 1893, Nos. 2 — 7. 1893.] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 125 Nuovo Giornale Botanico Italiano: Vol. XXV., Nos. 2,3 (April, July, 1893). Societa Africana d'ltalia : BuUetino, Vol. XL, No. 12— Vol. XII., No. 6 (December, 1892 — June, 1893). Wissenschaftlicher Club in Wien: Monatsblatter, Vol. XIV., No. 6— Vol. XV., No. I (March— October, 1893); Ausserordentliche Beilage, Vol. XIV., No. 6— Vol. XV., No. I (i8q3); Jahresbericht (1893). Feuille des Jeunes Naturalistes : Vol. XXIII., Nos. 269 — 277 (March — November, 1893). Societe Nationale des Sciences Naturelles de Cherbourg: Memoires, Vol. XXVIII. (1892). Societe des Sciences Naturelles de la Creuse: Memoires, Vol. VII. (1892). Societe des Sciences Naturelles de Beziers: Bulletin, Vol. XIV. (1891). Societe d'Etudes Scientifiques d' Angers: Bulletin, Vol. XXI. (1891). Societe les Amis des Sciences et Arts: Bulletin, Vol. III., Nos. 2, 3 (1893). Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein des Reg.-Bez. Frankfurt- a-Oder: Helios, Vol. X., No. 10— Vol. XI., No. 5 (January — August, 1893); Societatum Litterse, Vol. VII., Nos. i — 7 (January — July, 1893). Gesellschaft zur Beford. der gesammten Naturwissenschaften zu Marburg : Sitzungsberichte (1892). Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein zu Osnabriick : Jahresbericht (1892). L'Academie Royale des Sciences, Stockholm: Transactions, Vol. XIV., No. 3— Vol. XVII., No. 4(1889—1892). Societe Imperiale des Naturalistes de Moscou: Bulletin, 1892, Nos. 3, 4. Societe des Naturalistes, Kiew: Memoires, Vol. XII., No. 2 (1892). Naturhistorische Gesellschaft u. Nurnberg : Abhandlungen, Vol. X., No. i (1892). Nassauischer Verein fur Naturkunde, Wiesbaden : Jahresbericht (1892). Sociedad Cientifica "Antonio Alzate"; Memorias, Vol. VI., No. 7 — Vol. VII., No. 2 (1893). L'Academie d'Hippone, Bone; Bulletin, No. 25 (1892). Journal of the Hamilton Association : No. 9 (1893). Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia: Vol. XVI., Part II., Vol. XVII., Part I. (1893). Berichte der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft zu Freiburg; Vol. VI., Nos. i —4 (1892). Davenport Academy of Natural Sciences; Proceedings, Vol. V., Part II. (1889). Vassar Brothers' Institute : Transactions, Vol. VI. (1893). Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters; Transactions, Vol. IX., Part I. (1893). California Academy of Sciences; Proceedings, Vol. III., Part II. (July, 1893); Occasional Papers, IV. (1893). IJSIDEX TO VOLUME -IX. PAGE Acid preservatives 51 Adjustment in photography, Move- ment of fine 81 Agate and diatoms, Staining of 82 Amphioxus, Germinal cells of 11 Annual Exhibition 115 Bacteria, Address on 120 Bleaching of paper by carbolic acid. . . 47 BoLLHS, E. C, Explanation of projec- tions 115 Britton, N. L., Hoy a carnosa 10 Cage, Lace, for living animals 46 Camera Club, Invitation from the New York 45 lucida. Substitute for 80 Carbolic acid. Paper bleached by 47 Cholera, Causes of Asiatic 7 Clay, Miocene, of Tampa 78 Committee on Annual Exhibition. ..17, 122 on Admissions 5o on Nominations 47, 48 on Publications , 50 Concretionary gravel of Leadbetter. . . 15 Conocephalus ewsigfer, Musical rasps of 46 Cordylophora lacustris. Notes on 1 Correction of lenses. Improvement in. 121 CoNNiNGHAM, K. M., Diatoms from Galveston 8 from San Antonio and Hous- ton 12 from Tampa 72, 75 Researches among the Diatoma- cea8 85 Silicifled wood, oolitic flint, and concretionary gravel from Leadbet- ter 14 Tampa miocene clay 78 Tripoli from Navasota 17 Dean, Bashford, Paradise flsh 10 Dbvoe, F. W., Statoblasts of Lopho- pus crystallinus 19 Lace cage for living insects 46 Diatomacese, Researches among the . . 85 PAGE Diatoms from Galveston 8 from San Antonio 12 from Houston 13 Marine, in fresh water 71 from Tampa 72, 75 and agate, Staining of 82 Dissecting microscope, A home-made, 81 Donations to the.Cabinet ; K.M.Cunningham, 8, 12, 14, 17, 72, 75 Cornelius Van Brunt 9 Arthur Mead Edwards 77, 82 Charles S. Fellows 77 Echinus spines. Sections of 81 Edwards, Arthur Mead, Marine dia- toms in fresh water 71 Mounting objects in highly re- fractive media 82 Election of Officers 48 Electric illuminator 80 Endosperm of ivory nut 49 Exhibition, The Annual 115 Exuviation by reptiles 55 Fellows, Charles S., Terpsinoe mu- sica... , 77 Filter, Pipette 10 Fine adjustment. Movement of ,in pho- tography 81 Fuller, Dr. Robert M., Article by, read 48 Galveston, Diatoms from 8 Geranium, Epiderm of 10 Glycerin, Mounting in 51, 82 Heitzmann, Louis, Cause of Asiatic cholera 7 Heitzmann, Carl, Epiderm of gera- nium 10 Endosperm of ivory nut 49 Acid preservatives 51 Mounting in glycerin 51 Nerves and nerve action 66 Helm, Stephen, Cordylophora lacus- tris and Melicerta ringens 1 128 INDEX. PAGE Hitchcock, Romyn, ReminisceDces by, 19 Houston, Diatoms from 13 Hoya carnosa 10 Hyatt, J. D., Origin of New- York Mi- croscopical Society 46 Milky quartz 47 Annual address . . 49 Illuminator, Electric 80 Model of Smith's vertical 81 Improvement in correction of lenses . . 131 Intelligence, Hints of, in plants 49 Ivory nut. Endosperm of 49 Jackson slides 9, 122 JuLiEN, Alexis A., Suggestions in mi- croscopical technique 23 Lace cage for living insects 46 Leadbetter, Specimens from . . 14 Leggett, F. W., Paradise fish ... 10 Paper bleached by carbolic acid . . 47 Home-made dissecting micro- scope 81 Lenses, Improvement in correction of . 121 Librarian's report 48 LocKwooD, Samuel, Exuviation by reptiles 55 Lophopus crystaUinus, Statoblasts of. 19 Mead, Walter H., A Zentmayer mi- croscope 80 Melicerta ringens. Notes on 1 Microscope, A Zentmayer 80 Home-made dissecting 81 Microscopical technique. Suggestions in S3 Society, Origin of the New-York. . 46 Miocene clay of Tampa 78 Mounting in glycerin 51,82 in highly refractive media 82 Navasota, Tripoli from 17 Nerves and nerve action 66 New York Camera Club, Invitation from 45 OflBcers, Election of 48 Oolitic flint of Leadbetter 15 Paradise fish 10 Photography, Movement of fine ad- justment in 81 Photomicrography 48 PiFPARD, H. G., Substitute for camera lucida, and electric illuminator 80 PAQK PiFFARD, H. G., staining of diatoms.. 82 Improvement in correction of lenses 121 Plants, Hints of intelligence in 49 Preservatives, Acid 51 Proceedings: Meeting of October 7th, 1892. ... 8 21st 12 November 4th 17 18th . 45 December 2d . 46 16th . 48 January 6th. 1893. . . 48 20th 50 February 3d . 72 17th 7T March 3d....... . 75 17th .. 82 April 7th . 115 21st 119 May 5th . 120 19th .. 120 June 2d .. 121 16th .. 122 Publications received 19, 52, 122 Quartz, Milky 47 Rasps, Musical, of Conocephalus ensiger 46 Refractive media, Moimting in highly, 82 Reports of Treasurer and Librarian.. 48 Reptiles, Exuviation by 55 Researches among the Diatomaceae.. 85 RiEDERER, L., Color changes in cha- meleon 121 Rogers, A, metric scale 81 San Antonio, Diatoms from 12 Scale, A Rogers metric 81 Sections of echinus spines 81 Shultz, Charles S., Model of Smith's vertical illuminator 81 Rogers metric scale 81 Silicifled wood of Leadbetter 14 Skeel, Frank D. , Hoya carnosa 10 Pipette filter 10 Improved substage. , 19 A spherometer 46 Photomicrography 48 Movement of fine adjustment in photography 81 Staining of agate 82 Smith's vertical illuminator. Model of, 81 Spherometer, A 46 INDEX. 129 PAGE Spines, Sections of echinus 81 Staining of diatoms and agate 82 Statoblasts of Lophopus crystallinus .. 19 Sternberg, George M., Action and prevention of cholera , 16 Address on bacteria 120 Tampa, Diatoms from.. 72, 76 Miocene clay 78 Technique, Suggestions in microscopi- cal 23 Terpsinoe musica, — 77 Treasurer's report 48 Tripoli from Navasota 17 PAGE Vertical illuminator. Model of Smith's 81 Wales, William, Reminiscences of the New-York Microscopical Society, 47 Walker, James, Sections of echinus spines 81 Wilson, Edmund B., Germinal cells of Amphioxus 11 Zabriskie, J. L., Musical rasps of Conocephalus ensiger 46 Mounting in glycerin 82 Zentmayer microscope 80 JOURNAL OF THE NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY Vol. X. JANUARY, 1894. No. 1. ON UNIFORMLY STAINED COVER-PREPARATIONS OF MICRO-ORGANISMS, FREE FROM DISTORTION. BY ALEXIS A. JULIEN, PH.D. {Read November -^d, 1893.) The morphological differences between the kinds of bacteria will be probably found as distinct as in all other micro-organ- isms. Recent investigations have begun to emphasize their spe- ■cific peculiarities in internal structure and enclosures and in their outer organs of motion, and the value of these in diagnosis of -species. A common impression to the contrary, long and often expressed among bacteriologists, is certainly based, I think, on unsatisfactory results which have been naturally derived from some present easy methods of preparation of material, the use of lenses of easy- working distance but narrow aperture, and easy but ineffective methods of manipulation. The higher needs of modern bacteriology surely call for methods of patient and pains- taking treatment analogous to those long used on histological preparations. There are serious objections to the process, now in almost universal use, for the mounting of pure growths of bac- teria and micro-organisms, and enjoined in most text books' — the smearing of covers with droplets of the growth under the edge of a slide drawn across the surface, or by rubbing the droplet IE. M. Crookshank, " Manual of Bacteriology," 3d Ed. (1890), 65. G. M. Sternberg, " Mmual of Bacteriology " C'Sgz), 26, 27. 2 JOURNAL OF THE [January, between two covers, afterward drawn apart ; the completion of the drying of the fihn on the cover by passing it to and fro through a flame ; and the staining in simple solutions of anilin colors in water, anilin-water, or alcohol. No worker should any longer waste his time and labor on such a process, with its known miserable results in imperfect mounts and the unsatisfactory con- clusions they must yield. 1. The material is spread irregularly. On account of its ordi- nary glutinous character and excessive richness in forms, the film on most bacteria mounts is either rendered too dense, crowded, and opaque, or, at the other extreme, is represented by a few scanty wisps or streaks, for which a tedious search must be made all over the cover. 2. The true structure and grouping of the bacteria are dis- turbed or destroyed. In the rough process of smearing, the deli- cate attachment of the elements of bacterial filaments and of groups of cocci, often loosely aggregated, is rudely broken up. In place of bacterial chains, the student often obtains a film, partly or wholly consisting of desiccated and widely scattered bacilli ; in place of streptococci, groups of four, grape-like bunches and cubical packets, he finds solitary cocci and perhaps^ a few lonely diplococci ; and, very likely, his original spirilla and even vibrios have been nearly all rent apart into isolated curved bacilli ; there is now a question whether some of the so-called spirochaete may not be but the paddles torn away from the bodies of roughly handled hsematozoa. As the discrimination of bacterial species, still very difficult, depends partly, often largely, on recognition of original forms and grouping, the present destructive and clumsy process of smearing has often long delayed the detection of important facts {e.g., the spirillum form of the organism connected with Asiatic cholera) and ought to be entirely rejected. For these reasons several writers have recently recommended the previous dilution of the original bacterial growth with sterilized water upon the cover, or before its application to the cover. In fact, we have had one truthful process, in preservation of bacterial forms, that of cover-impressions from the surface of solid and liquid media ; but these have been of limited and often difficult application. 3. Further distortions of form occur during the processes of l894-] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 3 drying of the film. The elements of groups are falsely disturbed, even with those lucky organisms which have escaped injury dur- ing the preceding rough treatment. These may be due to con- traction during drying, and it may affect even forms and groups whose shapes allow them to be pressed down upon a plane sur- face without distortion, such as rods, cocci, chains, and merismo- pedia. The bacteriologist is familiar with the faulted lines and short offsets which signify irregular shrinking during overhasty drying of these delicate watery organisms, and with ghostly lines and spots showing where they have drawn aside or often split entirely away from the cover. But with those forms which must obviously become distorted when flattened upon a plane surface, such as many vibrios and all spirilla, spirochete, staphy- lococcus bunches, and sarcina packets, any process of drying upon covers must be objectionable on account of this distor- tion. Still further, during the drying of ciliated forms in active motion, even at the natural temperature of the laboratory, a seri- ous cause of deformation arises from the writhing toward the end of the drying, especially in forms which become cemented at one end to the cover, while the remainder continues twisting and wriggling into strange, often fractured shapes. These contortions and dislocations can be actually watched during the struggles of the entrapped micro-organisms, and are abundantly displayed on any film of dried spiral bacteria and in numerous published pho- tomicrographs ; spirilla are shown twisted into a curve, spiro- chsete actually bent at right angles, etc. A recent example of such distortion is shown in the photomicrograph of Sp. volulans by Dr. R. L. Maddox, accompanying his interesting paper in the Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society for December, 1893 ; he had already shown the true form in his previous paper in the International Journal of Microscopy and Natural Scietice, iii, (1893), page 233. The needed precautions, in my opinion, are, first, that all micro-organisms, including bacteria, should be suddenly killed and fixed before evaporation of the film or any other process of mounting, especially those of active movement ; secondly, that such evaporation should be carried on very slowly and at a low temperature, especially with curved and thick organisms. One purpose of the evaporation, especially the later heating in or over 4 JOURNAL OF THE [January, a flame, has been the coagulation of albuminoids in the liquid of the drop, to prevent general coloration of the field during stain- ing. But this is the common cause of resistance to staining by delicate inner details and the cilia, while it can be well effected by immersion in a proper fixative. A second purpose of this excessive drying has been the supposed necessity to insure adherence of the film to the cover. But I have found that when a film is well dried at low temperature, as explained beyond, no peeling away or loss afterward occurs. 4. The staining is irregular and unsatisfactory. In most bac- teria mounts, as met everywhere on exhibition, these forms are greatly overstained and look all alike, presenting mere silhouettes of the contours, with few or no traces of inner structure and with cilia entirely invisible. For a long time it has seemed to be the acme of effort to render tliese microbes visible at all. This has been followed by special efforts to effect satisfactory staining of spores or of cilia, in separate preparations. Nor is it strange that many bacteriologists have concluded that these silhouettes show the prevalence of such a sameness of form among the kinds of bacteria that the main dependence, for discrimination, must be placed on other characteristics of a physiological nature, modes of growth on different media, etc. But these opaque caricatures of the bacteria are as unworthy of modern science and as unnecessary as similar misrepresentations of the infusoria or other micro-organisms would be considered. The improvement of modern lenses of wide aperture, and increas- ing facility in their manipulation, are gradually leading as well to more successful approach toward the i)reparation of an ideal bac- teria mount. This should of course present the groups or chains dispersed over the whole cover, with natural arrangement undis- torted and unbroken, with normal mode of interconnection, and with constituent rods or cocci just sufificiently stained to display both inner structure and external organs. To this end the anilin stains are commonly misused, being greedily and excessively ab- sorbed by the plasm within the cells, while cellulose, callose, etc., remain unaffected. With a dried bacteria film, therefore, the preliminary use of some mordant is indispensable for staining, to restore the absorbence in all parts of the organism. However, it is probable that the drying and heating of the bac- 1894. J NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 5 teria nlm, perhaps to any degree, must cause such contraction of the sensitive plasm within the cells and of that connected with the cilia as to involve just this known resistance to coloration. In several recent investigations there has been a return to simple processes by which, without drying or heating, the living bacteria have been successfully stained throughout, including the cilia ; for example, that of N. Sjobring,' who, in studies of their structure and nuclei, used nitric acid as fixative, stained with carbol-meth- ylen-blue or carbol-magenta-red, decolorized with nitric acid, and examined in glycerin and water ; that of Straus,^ who merely added diluted Ziehl's solution to a loopful of bouillon culture of several kinds of spirilla ; that of Klein,' who used, on the living spirillum of Asiatic cholera, a mixture of equal parts of absolute alcohol and a solution of gentian-violet in anilin water, during five to ten minutes ; and that of R. L. Maddox,* who used satu- rated solution of tannic acid as fixative, and then added a satu- rated solution of iron sulphate, containing about two per cent of citric acid, for the staining of spirilla. Not only, therefore, is it certain that the process of drying and overheating bacteria on thin covers long delayed the discovery of cilia and other details and is yet impeding their investigation, but it is probably responsi- ble for some of the varying conclusions of modern workers con- cerning distribution of chromatin, septa, nuclei, spores, and cilia through artificial and false structures developed by contraction. To recapitulate, the new steps suggested by these considera- tions, when it is thought desirable to prepare a dried bacteria film, are as follows : preliminary dilution of a droplet of the bacterial growth in sterilized distilled water ; killing and fixation of the bacteria, in a drop upon a thin cover, by addition of suitable fixa- tive ; slow evaporation at a low temperature ; and immersion in a mordant before staining. As to the selection of fixative, I have tried weak aqueous solu- tions of the following reagents, in succession or in comparative series, during the recent preparation of two hundred and thirty mounts of several species of ciliated bacteria, spirilla of Beggiatoa, spirilla undula, etc. As the fixative cannot be removed from 1 Centralbl. f. Bikt. u. Par., xi. C189O1 65- ' Idem, xiv. (1893), 257. ^ Idem, xiv. (189O. 618. < Jour. Roy. Mic. Soc. (1893), 718. 6 JOURNAL OF THE [January, such minute bodies as the bacteria, before evaporation, but must be evaporated with the drop on the cover, the results of such con- centration of each fixative must be considered in determining its value. The following were found to be efficient in killing instan- taneously and as fixatives, but were all objectionable in that their intermixture with the bacteria in the form of crystalline tufts or flakes, by concentration during the evaporation of the drop, seemed to lessen the adherence of the film, which separated in spots during subsequent processes of the preparation : viz., so- dium chloride, iron sulphate, iodine in solution of potassium iodide, chloral hydrate, quinine sulphate, morphia sulphate, hy- droxylamin, Loefifler's mordant, and fuchsin solution. Of these sodium chloride was the simplest, and often quite efficient. Os- mic acid, picric acid, ether, and chloroform were more satisfac- tory, but especially absolute alcohol, though this last reagent was objectionable on account of the violent currents produced on its addition in a droplet. The best results were obtained with hot water, tannin, chromic acid (in water solution, diluted until color- less by daylight), and hydrogen peroxide. As to the staining process, that of Loeffler, with two solutions, mordant and colorant, though specially devised for the staining of cilia, appears well adapted for the staining of the entire bac- terium. However, in place of the unstable salt, iron sulphate, recommended in his formula, it seems better to use, as suggested by L. Luksch,' a cold saturated solution of ferric acetate, with addition of a few drops of acetic acid. The further addition to the mordant — on which Loeffler lays so much stress — of a few drops of solution of sodium hydrate or of hydrochloric acid, ac- cording to the alkaline or acid reactions of the natural products of growth of the bacterium which is to be stained, has been found unnecessary by M. Nicolle and V. Morax.^ With this my own experience coincides ; no actual change of reaction is produced in the mordant, nor any improvement in the results ; the variable and uncertain staining of cilia, often observed, seems to be dependent on quite other conditions, probably connected with the anterior drying of the film. The two solutions as simplified 1 Ceitralbl. f. Bakt. u. Par., xii. (i8g2\ 430. 2 Ann. de I'lnst. Past., vii. (1893), 554. l894-] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY, 7 by Loeffler in his second method,' and modified as already sug- gested, are now made in the laboratory of Micro-Biology at Co- lumbia College as follows : Mordant. — To lo c.c. of solution of tannin (20 per cent in water) add commercial solution of iron acetate, drop by drop (about 5 cc), until a violet-black is produced without precipi- tate. Then add 5 to lo drops of acetic acid and 4 c.c. of solution of carbolic acid (12 per cent in water), and filter. With ordinary protection from the air, the solution is stable for a long time. Loeffler also adds i c.c. of fuchsin solution to the mordant, and so also NicoUe and Morax, with the special purpose to insure staining of the cilia. As my own object is the more general one of effecting a uniform and harmonious coloration of the enfire bacterium, I find the results under better control by confining the anilin color to the colorant proper. Colorant. — To 100 c.c. of anilin water add solution of sodium hydrate (i per cent in water), drop by drop (about 5 c.c), until a neutral reaction is obtained with test papers. Then add \ gramme of fuchsin and shake until solution; but filter every time just before using. From time to time, as the solution loses color by decomposition, add a little more fuchsin and shake up before filtering. In the original process, with exclusive object of staining cilia, Loeffler uses 4 grammes of fuchsin, and Nicolle and Morax, Zielil's fuchsin — both solutions being saturated with stain and opaque. On films prepared by my method, fixed and dried with little or no heat, the results appear more satisfactory with an alkaline solution like that of Loeffler, though containing but one-eighth of the amount of stain he prescribes, brightly colored but transparent. A supposed improvement of Loeffler's process has been ad- vanced by A. P. Brown, ^ who substitutes as mordant a cold alcohol solution of tannin and anilin oil, in which- the dried bacteria film is to be immersed for two to five hours or over night. This method also I have tried for about a month, and, although it often yields excellent results, it has appeared to be less certain and uniform than the hot mordant recommended by Loeffler. 1 Joar. de Micrographie, xv. (1891), 269. 2 The Observer, iii. (1892), 29s, and Jour. Roy. Mx. Soc. (1893), 268. 8 JOURNAL OF THE [January, The latter has also the great advantage of speed, as the mordant- ing is effected in less than a minute. Both Loefider, and Nicolle and Morax, have advised the repeti- tion of application of the mordant two or three times in some cases. In this I have found no apparent gain ; the entire action of the hot mordant on these minute bodies seems to be completed during a single brief immersion. In all these methods much loss of time would be incurred from treating the covers, as advised, one by one, with drops of mor- dant and of colorant over a flame. I have elsevvhere' already indicated the far easier, quicker, and more convenient staining carried on in a wire spring holding a dozen or more covers, with film downward, in the hot mordant or hot stain in a small flask. The dried coloring and overstaining may be thus obvi- ated, for which Loefiler prescribes washing in absolute alcohol. We may now consider the application of these methods to various micro-organisms, availing ourselves of useful suggestions from the writers referred to. Preparatmis of Bacteria. — In making mounts from pure cul- tures the following process is now used in our laboratory. After drying of the film it ordinarily requires only ten to fifteen min- utes for the staining and complete mounting of the preparation. In three or four drops of sterilized water, in a flamed watchglass, stir very gently a particle or droplet of the pure bacteria culture (taken preferably from the surface of a growth on potato or agar) on a platinum wire loop or use until a slight cloudiness is produced ; then take it all up at once within a sterilized drop- tube with rubber bulb. Lay a series of thoroughly cleaned thin covers (treated in Seiler's solution and washed in distilled water and pure alcohol) on the bottom of a shallow two-inch Petri dish. Apply to each, and spread very gently, a drop of the diluted culture, and immediately add to the centre of the drop a drop- let of the selected fixative (say, tannic acid or chromic acid solu- tion). If a sparser distribution of the bacteria is desired, allow the drop to settle a few minutes, take up and incline each cover, and remove excess from lower edge. Allow to dry, with pro- tection from dust, at the natural temperature of the room, or ' "Suggestions In Microsc-ipical Technique," this Journal, ix. C1893). 26. l894-] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 9^ over concentrated sulphuric acid within a desiccator, or, still better, in vacuo over sulphuric acid, under an air-pump. When thoroughly dry, insert all the covers in the brass wire coil, with film surfaces all directed toward its lower end, and with arranged and noted succession for identification, if different kinds of bacteria are included in the series. With some species it appears desirable to hold the coil a few seconds in a current of warm air to complete the drying. Dip the coil for a moment in sterilized water, to dissolve away excess of fixative, remove the water drops by touching absorbent paper, and again dry the covers. Hang the coil for one-half to one minute in the flask of mordant, heated nearly to boiling. Remove the co'l and take up excess of mordant by touching absorbent paper ; wash by swing- ing gently, for about five seconds, in a vessel of distilled water, then in solution of acetic acid (20 per cent), again in water, and remove water drops by touching absorbent paper. Without drying, hang the coil in the flask of hot colorant for five to sixty seconds, according to depth of staining desired and the readiness of absorbence of the species, determined by trial. Remove the coil, take up excess of stain by touching absorbent paper, and wash as before in another vessel of distilled water. Remove the covers from the coil, and lay, film downward, on a soft filter paper. Dry by pressing gently under another filter. Clean the upper face of each cover by rubbing with corner of rag moistened with alcohol, keeping the cover stationary to avoid rubbing away the underlying film. Lay upon a glass slide, remove to stage of microscope, and examine and select the covers preferable for mounting. Mount in hardened balsam, or in a saturated solution of potas- sium acetate within a very shallow spun cell of balsam-paraffin, King's cement, or Hollis glue. In cases, delicate details of struc- ture may be best shown by mounting in air — e.g., over a filmy ring of paraffin. The fugitive character of staining effected by anilin colors has recently led E. Van Ermengem to devise the following process' of staining the cilia of bacteria, founded on the reduction of silver from a solution of its nitrate. 1 Ann. de Micrographie, v. (1893), 394- 10 JOURNAL OF THE [January, The well-dried bacteria films are immersed half an hour (or, if need be, five minutes at 60° C.) in the Fixing Bath. Osmic acid (2 percent solution) i part. Tannin (10- to 25-per-cent solution) 2 parts. They are then washed with utmost care in water and in alcohol, and placed a few seconds in the Sensitizing Bath. Silver nitrate, a very weak solution (0.5 to 0.25 percent). Without washing, they are next subjected to the action of the Reducing Bath. Gallic acid 5 parts. Tannin 3 " Melted sodium acetate 10 " Distilled water 350 ' ' After a few moments they are returned to the silver bath, re- ;moved when the bath begins to blacken, washed thoroughly, dried, and mounted in balsam. I have made trial, with some success, of this promising method, in reference to the more general object of the present paper. So far I find an objectionable tendency to blackening and over- staining of the whole preparation, which I think may be obviated by reducing the strength of the baths. The successful results already obtained in direct staining of living bacteria by simple processes, like those of Sjobring, Straus, Klein, and Maddox, warrant the prophecy that some such pro- cess, with or without application of mordant, as tested on each kind, will yet come into general use when the utmost perfection is desired in a preparation. In other cases such staining of living bacteria may well precede their drying on covers in the ordinary way, when the containing liquid is sufficiently free from substances inclined to absorb the stain. Preparations of Spirilla. — In regard to spirochgete, spirillum, and vibrio forms, the preliminary process of killing with a fixa- tive, before evaporation of the film, was found to have materially 'l894-] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 11 a-educed the number of distorted spirals, apparently all that would have been produced by writhing movements of organisms par- -tially adhering to the cover. Only those remained that were inseparably connected with the process of flattening down spiral forms upon a plane surface. To eliminate this last source of deformation the following process has been devised, which requires some care and patient manipulation, but yields the spirilla in perfect preservation. There is, of course, greater difficulty of studying a spiral under a high magnifying power, and a trouble- some tendency of these spiral forms to intertwist in bunches dur- ing concentration. Put a sufficient quantity, say 20 c.c, of the liquid containing the living bacteria in a conical sherry glass or in a urinary deposit tube. Add a little fixative, say 5 c.c. of tannic acid or chromic acid solution, mix by shaking gently, and allow to settle for at least half an hour. Draw off the supernatant liquid, with utmost care not to disturb the light invisible deposit, and wash by a change of sterilized water, allowing to settle as before. Draw off the liquid and transfer the deposit to a number of slides with very shallow cells. Add to each a drop of cold colorant, remove excess by slips of absorbent paper, and wash by changes of sterilized water, removing each by absorbent paper. Then add saturated solution of potassium acetate, cover, and seal. Preparations of Amoeboid Organisms. — The difficulty of pre- paring permanent mounts of amoebse, foraminifera, etc., is shown by the rarity of such preparations in all collections and exhibi- tions. The long-accepted but unfounded conviction as to the constitution of such forms of but slightly differentiated and there- fore unstable protoplasm has probably led to discouragement of much effort'in this direction. Certes has advised the following process' for preparation of mounts of amcebse. To 30 c.c. of the water containing the liv- ing amoebse about i c.c. of osmic acid solution (i per cent) is added. After settling a few hours, the deposit is washed, con- centrated, stained, and mounted in distilled water containing a trace of osmic acid. I have not succeeded by thismethod, partly perhaps on account of the loss of amoebee in the confusedly heaped-up mass of asso- 1 R. G6rard, Trait6 pratique de Micrographie (1887), 383. 12 JOURNAL OF THE [January, dated alg^e and infusorians, the bending and distortion of the flexible pseudopods, and the obscuring effect of the common black deposit of reduced osmic oxide. My discovery, on exami- nation of preparations of bacteria by the method already ex- plained, that accidentally I had also successfully mounted some associated amoeboid forms, has resulted in the following process. It has so far been found satisfactory with Amoeba radiosa, small forms of A. princeps, Arcella acuminata, Actinophrys sol, and some amoeboid forms. From present want of proper material I have been unable to determine what modifications may be needed with the larger forms of amoebae, and of other rhizopods with bulky gelatinous material, to prevent distortion by contraction during the drying of the film. The thoroughly cleaned thin covers are laid on the bottom of a small Petri dish or similar shallow tray ; to each a large drop of the water containing the living organisms is added, and then set aside in a '' moist chamber," in a quiet, dark, but warm place, for fifteen to sixty minutes. The object is to allow sufficient time for the rhizopods to recover from alarm and to creep about, projecting their pseudopods in a natural way, and yet to prevent any evaporation of the drops. A simple method is to fill a com- mon finger bowl half full of warm water (at 30° to 35° C), to set the shallow dish or tray floating upon the surface of the water, and to cover the whole from the light with a large wet towel folded several times. The vessel is then gently uncovered, without jar, and to each drop a droplet of fixative is added quickly by touching from a drop-tube, but not by dropping, as that would tend to cause tremor in the drop. As fixatives, hydro- gen peroxide, absolute alcohol, chromic acid solution, and, per- haps best of all, osmic acid solution (i per cent), were" used. The tray is then removed from the "moist chamber," the drops are allowed to evaporate, as in the process for preparations of bac- teria, and the films treated as before explained. Also, to a drop of water containing rhizopods under observa- tion, on the stage of a microscope (an inverted stand is prefer- able), under a half-inch objective, the droplet of fixative may be directly applied at the proper moment of the projection of the pseudopods, and the evaporation, etc., then carried on as already described. 1894J NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 13 Preparations of Jnfiisorians. — Excellent methods have been devised for preparations of these organisms by Certes, Kiinstler/ Fabre-Domergne/ and others. My method, by evaporation, is perhaps only applicable to the smaller forms. With the larger, hitherto, in my experiments, the dried organisms become injured by bursting and outflow, or by irregular contraction, the contour of the sac even parting often from the cilia. With smaller forms the process specified for bacteria may be followed, with use of the special fixative found by trial best suited to each species — e.g., concentrated solution of osmic acid (Kiinstler), boiling solu- tion of tannic acid, 3 per cent (C. O. Sonntag),^ equal parts of osmic acid solution (i per cent) and acetic acid (20 per cent), Kleinenberg's solution, alcohol, chromic acid, picric acid, etc. The dried minute infusorians, like the smaller rhizopods thus prepared, seem as well adapted for study as the bacteria in a dried film, as they display the cilia, sac, vacuoles, nuclei, enclosed food particles, etc., in a satisfactory state of preservation, with no visible distortion. In place of drying the larger infusorians, the following method has been found useful. They are first narcotized in the drop of water, under observation with a low power, after the method of E. A. Schultze,* by addition of a neutralized solution of hydroxyl- amin hydrochloride (0.25 to i per cent), or by Rousselet's method '" for rotifers, by addition of a weak solution of cocain hydrochloride. At the moment the cilia cease to move the organisms are suddenly killed, after Schultze's method, by add- ing a drop of alcohol, picric acid, or acetic acid ; or, after Rousse- lefs method, by a drop of osmic acid solution (i per cent), or by a drop of Flemming's mixture (15 parts of chromic acid, i-per- cent solution ; 4 parts of osmic acid, 2-per-cent solution ; and i part of glacial acetic acid). The organisms are then washed and stained, as described in preparations of spirilla. The use of Loeffler's mordant on the infusorians is found of the highest advantage, as the cilia become readily absorbent of stain to any depth of coloration desired. A serious difficulty is found in the 1 Jour, de Micrographie, x. (1886), 59. 2'' Notes techniques sur I'etude des Protozoaires," Ann. de Micrographie, ii. C1889), 545. 3 Internal. Jour, of Mic. and Nat. Sci., iii. (1893), 306. * This Journal, viii. (1892), 28. 6 Jour. Quek. Micr. Club, 2, v. (1893), 205. 14 JOURNAL OF THE [January,. greedy absorbence of the anilin dye by the protoplasmic sarcode ; but the overcoloration may be controlled by proper dilution of the stain. The infusorians are then mounted in balsam, Wickers- heimer's fluid, or other preservative, in the usual way. NOTE ON THE STRUCTURE OF THE ENDOSPERM OF PHYTELEPHAS MACROCARPA RUIZ AND PAVON, AND OF SMILACINA RACEMOSA DESF. BY J. L. ZABRISKIE. (^Presented December 15//;, i?930 I. Fhytelephas macrocarpa. — The seed of this plant, popularly- known as the ivory nut, is an irregular ovate body about one and. one-half inches iYi diameter by two inches in length. When it is- cut through the middle transversely and longitudinally the endo- sperm discloses a ''grain," easily seen with a hand lens, resem- bling in miniature the "grain" of the wood of an exogenous tiee. The transverse section shows concentric circles sweeping around the longitudinal axis of the nut. The longitudinal section, through the middle portion of the nut excluding the poles, shows minute longitudinal bands nearly parallel with the axis. Close inspection shows why the poles must be excluded in referring to the bands as. parallel with the axis. Rings and bands are found to conform quite accurately with the dark outer surface of the nut, so that when the poles are approached the bands sweep around the latter. It is as if the entire substance of the endosperm were composed of tenuous films or shells of " vegetable ivory," these shells conform- ing to the outer surface, closely fitting one within the other, and therefore gradually decreasing in size as they approach the axis. The ''grain" is caused by a remarkably uniform arrangement of similar, lengthened cells composing the entire endosperm. But the arrangement is diametrically opposite that which causes the "grain" in the tree. In the tree the cells of the fibre generally overlap each other, and all lie parallel with the axis, and of course parallel with the bark. And a ring or band is caused by the assembling of some of these cells, which are comparatively smalL JOURN. N.-Y. MIC. SOC. Jan., 1894. PLATE 38, w PHYTELEPHAS AND SMILACINA. 1894.] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY, 15 in diameter, nearly consolidated by internal deposit, giving a darker hue and firmer texture to that portion of the structure and marking the cessation of the periodical growth of the organ- ism; and so standing strongly contrasted with the immediately superimposed layer of thin-walled, larger cells which mark the periodically resumed activity of growth. In the ivory nut the cells are also somewhat lengthened, but, instead of lying parallel with the axis, they radiate from the axis, and all extend outward toward the dark outer surface and normal to its curve. The cells do not usually overlap each other, but with remarkable uniformity they lie side by side, and meet each other end to end. And the appearance of rings and bands is caused by dense clusters of tubules at the ends of these cells, the members of one cluster accurately meeting the members of another cluster from the ends of adjoining cells, the extremities of the approaching tubules, however, always being separated from each other by the middle lamella between two adjoining cells. These clusters are so dense and are so regularly arranged, on account of the usually regular position of the cells side by side, as well as end to end, that, by contrast with the portion of the cell intermediate between the ends — which intermediate portion, however, is also well furnished with tubules — the transverse section shows attenuated but un- broken, daikened circles sweeping around the axis. Description of Plate 38. Fig. 1.— Longitudinal section of two entire cells of the endosperm of Phytelephas, with four extremities of adjoining cells, meeting end to end. The cells are split longi- tudinally and cleared of cell contents. The darker shaded, portions represent the upper surface of the section, showing the thickness of the cell walls. The lighter portions rep- resent the semi-cylindrical cavity of the cell, like a minute trough, and also many of the tubules, which lie near the upper surface of the section and pass outwardly to the lamella or boundary of each cell. The small circles represent the openings of such tubules as are passing downward at various angles through the remaining thickness of the section. Many of the tubules at the ends of the cells are cut off at various lengths by the plane of the section. Fig. 3.— Transverse section of a number of cells of the endosperm of Phytelephas, cleared of cell contents and showing the polygonal outlines. The plane of the section passes through the clusters of tubules at one end of the cells. The shaded portions represent the thickened cell walls, and the clear spaces the contracted lumen of this region of the cells. Fig. 3.— Section of the endosperm of Smilacina, with its irregularly globular or ellip- soidal cells, cleared of cell contents. The darkest shaded portions represent those portions of the cell walls which rise directly upward to the upper surface of the section,, and which, therefore, exhibit at best advantage the thickening of the cell walls and the abundance of tubules. The three sketches are all of the same magnification— 250 diameters. 16 JOURNAL OF THE [January, Of course in multitudes of instances the end of one cell must meet the ends of two or more cells, to allow for the interposition of radii, as the view advances from axis to periphery — from one ring or film to the next outlying ring or film; but these instances are rare compared with the abounding number of regularly dis- posed cells in any one section when magnified. These cells will average about .004 of an inch in diameter by .014 of an inch in length. The cell walls are so thickened by internal deposit that frequently the lumen, or cavity, is left of a diameter of only about one-third of the entire diameter of the cell. It is this deposit which causes the bone-like density of this remark- able vegetable product. The tubules, resulting from the avoid- ance of this deposit at certain points, are frequently curved and branched, and the clusters of these tubules at the ends of the cells are especially branched and tortuous, as they meet the members of similar clusters not only from the cell which lies directly in advance, but also from those which lie surrounding its polygonal periphery. It is not easy to count them, but the tubules of the cluster at one end of one cell undoubtedly often reach the number of twenty or more. 2. Smilacina racemosa. — This plant, of the lily family, and one of the common woodland herbs of our region, reaches a height of one to three feet, with a slender, simple stem, well furnished with oval leaves, and bears small white flowers in a terminal racemose panicle. The berries are pale red, speckled with pur- ple, containing one or two seeds. A section of these seeds discloses a very homogeneous but confused mass of irregularly globular or ellipsoidal cells, about .003 by .005 of an inch in dimensions, with greatly thickened cell walls, abundantly furnished with tubules, which latter are of large diameter compared with their length. The deposit averages not quite one-half of the thickness of that found in the ivory nut, but it is sufficient to make a near approach to the density of "vege- table ivory." The endosperm of this seed of Smilacina is prob- ably the hardest of any recorded instance among the indigenous plants of our region. The seed is so hard that it can be easily driven with one blow of a hammer, and without fracture, flush into the substance of pine wood. l894-] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 17 PROCEEDINGS. Meeting of October 6th, 1893. The President, Mr. Charles S. Shultz, in the chair. Twenty-one persons present. The Recording Secretary read a communication from Prof. W. Goold Levison, requesting the appointment of a committee by this Society to meet with committees of allied societies for the purpose of conference on the adoption of a uniform size for boxes, cases, and cabinets for the display and preservation of microscopical and mineralogical specimens, Mr. James Walker was appointed as such committee. objects exhibited. 1. Capsules of Canada balsam, m situ, in the bark of Abies balsamea Miller: by Alfred M. Mayer. 2. Acineta tuber osa. 3. Bacillaria paradoxa. 4. Megalotrocha albo-flavicans. 5. Octocella liber tas. 6. Urnatella walker ii. 7. Cordylophora coronata. 8. The form, No. i, of Plate 29 (see Journal, viii., 43). Exhibits Nos. 2-8 from the water of the Morris and Essex Canal, New Jersey, and all by Stephen Helm. 9. Melicerta ringens, living, and in the act of building its tube: by James Walker. 10. Flumatella s^.: by James Walker. 11. Conochilus volvox : by James Walker. 12. Pollen of Mallow : by Henry C. Bennett. 13. Photomicrograph of statoblasts of Lophopus crystallinus : by E. G. Love. 14. Mexican ''Jumping Beans," Sebastiania palmeri |lose ("Insect Life," iii., 431), or S. pavoniana Mull. Arg. (Bull. Torr. Club, xx., 25), showing active motion : by F. D. Skeel. Mr. Helm remarked that specimens of his exhibit No. 7 had been very scarce in the canal during the present year. They had multiplied in one of his tanks during that time, but had 18 JOURNAL OF THE [January, suddenly died. On the 4th of this month a few specimens were found in the same tank/ Also, the exhibit No. 7 showed a peculiarity of this form " No. i " — twice the usual length, having twice as many processes, with small processes inter- spersed among the larger ones. Mr. Walker said that he took his exhibits Nos. 9, 10, and 11 at Glendale, Long Island ; and also that he had taken Bacil- laria paradoxa in abundance in an undoubted fresh-water pool of the tunnel of the Northern Railroad of New Jersey, near Fairview. Mr. F, W. Leggett stated that he had kept sea water pure in an aquarium for two years. Mr. William E. Damon stated that he had kept sea water pure in an aquarium, without changing, for fifteen years, by means of floating specimens of Ulva. Prof. Alfred M. Mayer donated specimens of the bark of Abies balsamea with capsules of balsam for distribution. Meeting of October 2oth, 1893. The President, Mr. Charles S. Shultz, in the chair. Fourteen persons present. Dr. F. D. Skeel having offered to temporarily store at his residence the exchanges of the Society now being received, and for which there was no shelving now provided at the rooms of the Society, it was resolved that the kind offer of Dr. Skeel be accepted with thanks. OBJECTS exhibited. 1. Peristome of Moss, Funaria hygrometrica. 2. Peristome of Moss, Mniu??i undulatum, 3. Spores and antherozoids of Chara. 4. Podura, entire insect. 5. Embryo Oysters. 6. Section of fresh-water Pearl from Norway. Exhibits Nos. 1-6 from the Cabinet of the Society. 7. Sections of cast skin of Chameleon, Iguana, showing two principal layers of the same : by L. Riederer. 8. Photomicrographs : Gonococci in leucocytes of human l894-] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 19 blood, X 500 ; Tubercles of tuberculosis in masses attached to walls of human veins ; Head of Tapeworm, Tania serrate, showing double row of hooks ; Section of bud of Tiger Lily ; Transverse section of petiole of Aspidestris ; Sclerotic cells in pith of stem of Hoya carnosa ; Transverse section of stem of Helianthus ; Longitudinal section of stem of Lima Bean : by F. D. Skeel. 9. Pond-life : by A. D, Balen. 10. Glass slips with engraved monogram : by H. G. Piffard. Dr. Piffard explained the engraving of his glass slips as accomplished by a loop of platinum wire heated to incandes- cence by electricity, and used as a pen in writing. Dr. E. G. Love stated that he marks glass slips by means of a rubber stamp charged with diamond ink — hydrofluor- silicic acid. Meeting of November 3D, 1893. The President, Mr. Charles S. Shultz, in the chair. Twenty-five persons present. Messrs. Thomas S. Nedham and Chas. W. Plyer were elected Resident Members of the Society. The following were appointed by the chair as Committee on Annual Exhibition : Messrs. Henry C. Bennett, Thomas B. Briggs, and L. Riederer. Dr. Alexis A. Julien read a paper entitled " On Uniformly Stained Cover-Preparations of Micro-organisms free from Dis- tortion." This paper was illustrated by exhibits, as noted in the programme below, and by a demonstration of the method of mounting, and is published in this number of the Journal, p. I. The paper was discussed by Mr. Henry C. Bennett and by Drs. H. G. Piffard and F. D. Skeel. OBJECTS EXHIBITED. 1. Amoeboid decorated with a garland of cladothrix. 2. Flagellated vibrios (n. sp.) with stained flagella. 3. Living spirilla of Beggiatoa — the largest known. 4. Amoeboid resembling Difflugia. 20 JOURNAL OF THE [January^ 5. Spirillum of Beggiatoa, sliowing stained flagella, 6. Arcella. with pseudopodia projecting. Exhibits 1-6 by A. A. Julien. 7. Living Volvox globator : by C. S. Shultz. 8. Photomicrographs : Podiira, entire ; Navicula rhomboide^, X 2,000, taken with a lens of extreme under-correction. The same, taken with a Spencer J^-, N. A. 1.35 : by H. G. Piffard. 9. Home-made, convenient trays for bottles containing microscopical specimens 1 by J. L. Zabriskie. Mr. Zabriskie explained his trays as follows : Four trays of a set are here exhibited, each tray being eleven and one-quar- ter inches long, one inch wide, and two and one-half inches high, all being intended to stand upright, closely adjoining each other, on the shelves of a cabinet twelve inches in depth Tray for small bottles. inside. The bottom and the one side of each tray are made of white wood one-eighth of an inch thick ; the rear end of white wood one-quarter of an inch thick ; and the front of walnut three-eighths of an inch thick. This thin wood may be pur- chased of hardware dealers who supply scroll-saw material; the white wood at about four cents a square foot, and the walnut at about twelve cents. The entire inner surface of each tray is pasted with white paper, the reflected light from which allows the easy and rapid examination of an entire set of bottles while in position, by means of a hand lens. These trays each contain seventeen one-drachm homoeopathic bottles. Each bottle is held in place by a brass spring clip clasping the bottle near the middle. The clips are made from soft, thin sheet brass, cut in oblong strips about one-quarter of an inch wide and one and one-quarter inches long, of such size 1894.] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 21 that, when they are bent round, they enclose about two-thirds of the circumference of a bottle. Each brass strip has a hole punched in the centre, through which is passed a screw, one- quarter of an inch long, for holding the clip in position in the tray. These spring clips hold the bottles with sufficient firm- ness to prevent the bottles from falling out, and still to allow any one bottle to be extracted and replaced easily without dis- turbing any of the others. An additional piece of white wood is inserted behind the bot- tles, one-eighth of an inch thick, and as long as the long side of the tray, but of such width that it reaches from the bottom of the tray only up to the necks of the bottles. Wood more than.one-eighth of an inch thick would appear clumsy for such small trays. This additional piece of wood, which is scarcely noticeable behind the bottles, together with the thickness of the brass, prevents the screws, one-quarter of an inch long, from passing entirely through the wood and projecting at the outer side of the tray. Screws less than one-quarter of an inch long would be too small to handle with convenience. If larger bottles are needed, larger trays and larger clips must be employed. Some of the specimens exhibited are pre- served in dilute alcohol and others in dilute glycerin. But the arrangement is equally convenient for dry specimens in bottles, as diatomaceous material, etc. An easily interchangeable label is very desirable for such a collection. The method here exhibited can be recommended for ease of construction and satisfaction in use. A slight cir- cular cavity is bored in the face of the front piece of each tray with a centre bit, seven-eighths of an inch in diameter ; a disc of white paper is dropped into the cavity ; and the paper is re- tained in position by a single coil of brass wire, which has suffi- cient spring to resist falling out from any accidental jar, and yet will allow of easy extraction by means of the finger nail, in order to insert another label. A convenient draw pull, to extract any tray from the cabinet, is made with a three-eighths inch brass screw ring, the screw of which is passed through a small washer, and inserted in the front of the tray below the label. 22 JOURNAL OF THE [January, When all are arranged in a cabinet, any one of a thousand bottles can be quickly selected and extracted. Meeting of November 17TH, 1893. The President, Mr. Charles S. Shultz, in the chair. Twenty-seven persons present. The Corresponding Secretary read a paper by Mr. K. M. Cunningham, of Mobile, Alabama, entitled " Notes on some Researches among the DiatomaceEe.'^ This paper is published in the Journal, vol. ix., p. 85. Mr. Cunningham donated to the cabinet and for distribution dry diatoms stained blue, and a packet of the " moss-like plant " referred to in the paper. OBJECTS EXHIBITED. 1. Section of foot of human embryo: by Henry C. Bennett. 2. Photomicrographs: Gonococcus, x 900 ; Spirillum of Beggiatoa, x 2,000, showing hyaline membrane surrounding the spirillum : by H. G. Piffard. 3. Photomicrograph of group of Pleurosigma, by Powell and Lealand's -^ dry objective, supposed to show great diffraction : by F. D. Skeel. 4. Living Volvox globaior : by Charles S. Shultz. 5. Mounted specimens of the same : by Charles S. Shultz. 6. Circulation in Nitella : by A. D. Balen. Dr. Piffard donated to the cabinet the photomicrograph of Spirillum of Beggiatoa, and twelve slides prepared by Thum. Mr. Shultz distributed living specimens of Volvox among the members. Meeting of December ist, 1893. The President, Mr. Charles S. Shultz, in the chair. Sixteen persons present. Dr. John A. Fordyce was elected a Resident Member of the Society. The following Committee on Nominations of Officers was ap- pointed by the chair : F. W. Devoe, William E. Damon, F. D. Skeel, A. Woodward, William G. De Witt. l894-] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 23 OBJECTS EXHIBITED. 1. Diatoms from Croton water in November, 40 forms: by H. G. PiFFARD. 2. Living specimens of Ophryolegna sp., from human urinary tract : by H. G. Piffard. 3. Tv/o photomicrographs of the same : by H. G. Piffard. 4. Diatoms from '' Queen Silver Polish": by H. G. Piffard. 5. Amphiprora conspicua, var. pulchra Van Heurck, and other forms, from Harlem River : by J. D. Hyatt. 6. Diatoms from Honey Meadow Brook, Dutchess Co., N. Y.: by J. D. Hyatt. 7. Diatoms from ** Silver Polish,^^ under a William Wales -^-^ : by J. D. Hyatt. 8. A fruiting fungus on a photographic film : by J. L. Zabriskie. 9. Section of lung of dog, injected : by Frank Abbott, Jr. 10. Section of kidney of cat, injected : by Frank Abbott, Jr. 11. Spirillujn undzila : by Frank Abbott, Jr. 12. Anthrax bacillus in liver of rabbit : by Frank Abbott, Jr. Of his exhibit Ophryolegna, Dr. Piffard said that these ciliated infusoria had been preserved alive for ten days in distilled water, and were now exhibited in the same medium ; they were fur- nished by Dr. F. Tilden Brown, of this city, who obtained them from the discharges of the urinary passages of one of his patients ; that they had been submitted to Dr. Alfred C. Stokes, who determined them as an undescribed species of the genus Ophryolegna Ehrb. ; and with regard to the photomicrographs of these organisms, that they illustrate the remarks of Dr. Julien at the last meeting respecting the difficulty of mounting deli- cate organisms without distortion. These photomicrographs show distortion of two kinds — after slow and rapid death. Dr. Brown, present at the meeting, said that these organisms are found when shreds are cast in pus-laden urine ; the shreds come probably from a more remote source than the urethra ; the organisms resist the action of slightly acid urine ; and that he and Dr. Piffard both saw what they took to be conjugation in some of these organisms. Mr. Hyatt said of his exhibits of diatoms that this Amphi- 34 JOURNAL OF THE [January, prora was common in tide pools of Harlem River ; that Dr. Van Heurck gives a figure of the diatom, and the locality as "Harlem River, New York" ; that the diatoms of Honey Meadow Brook arise in warm weather as a scum, consisting quite purely of diatoms, one field, as then under the micro- scope, showing fifty species of the following genera : Navicula^ Cyclotella, Cymbella, Surirella, Gomphonetna, Cocconeis, Synedra, Achnanthes, and Fragilaria ; and also that the " Silver Polish " in question affords multitudes of diatoms, some of them very fine test objects. Mr. Zabriskie explained his exhibit of fungus as follows : This photograph is a dry-plate lantern slide, one of a set of about one hundred made from negatives by Mr. Leffert Lef- ferts, taken by him on a trip to Mexico in the fall of 1889. These slides were neatly mounted with mat and cover, and were securely bound with gummed strips around the edges. They were at first frequently used in the lantern, but have been left undisturbed for about one year and one-half, stored in a velvet-lined box on the second floor of the maker's residence. Having occasion to examine them recently, he observed on the film of many of them white, radiating, dendroid patches, one- half of an inch in diameter or less, like some form of crystal- lization. On examination with the microscope it was at once seen that each patch was a matured fungus, consisting of white hyphas, radiating with more or less regularity from a centre, and fur- nished with numerous branchings, gradually decreasing in size to the attenuated tips. With a magnification of 250 diameters numerous clusters of elliptical, light-brownish spores were found, lying detached upon the film in the neighborhood of the delicate extremities of the branches. This slide was submitted to Mr, J. B. Ellis, of Newfield, N. J., and from his reply this is probably an undescribed spe- cies of fungus. He says it is near Botrytis reptans. Meeting of December 15TH, 1893. The President, Mr. Charles S. Shultz, in the chair. Twenty-three persons present. l894-] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 25 The President announced the death of Dr. Paul Hoffman, a Resident Member of the Society, which event occurred on the ist inst., and appointed the following committee to formulate action of the Society : Dr. F. D. Skeel, Mr. J. D. Hyatt, and Rev. J. L. Zabriskie. Mr. William E. Damon, of the Committee on Nominations of Officers, reported for said committee, nominating the present Officers of the Society for re-election to their respective offices in 1894. OBJECTS EXHIBITED. 1. A simple centrifuge for separating urinary sediment, dia- toms, etc. : by H. G. Piffard. 2. A Leitz loup, of excellent definition and unusually large field, recently manufactured by Craft on Steinheil's plan : by H. G. Piffard. 3. Section of oolitic chert from Dutchess County, New York : by J. D. Hyatt. 4. Section of a variety of the same, from the same locality : by J. D. Hyatt. 5. Section of oolitic chert from Pennsylvania : by J. D, Hyatt. 6. Micrococci in canaliculi of human tooth : by Frank Abbott, Jr. 7. Spirillum in canajiculi of human tooth : by Frank Ab- 'BOTT, Jr. 8. Transverse and longitudinal sections of the seed of PJiy- telephas macrocarpa Ruiz and Pavon, Ivory nut : by J. L. Zabris- kie. 9. Transverse section of the seed of Smilacina ra^emosaDesL, False Solomon's Seal : by J. L. Zabriskie. 10. The fungus y^cidium adoxce, on the leaf of Adoxa tnos- chatellina : by Henry C. Bennett. 11. Q,y(^\o€\s\'s\ Anacharis : by A. D. Balen. 12. Circulation in Daphnia : by A. D. Balen. 13. Helices of fine wire for supporting cover-glass prepara- tions : by F. D. Skeel. Dr. Frank Abbott explained that the centrifuge exhibited was manufactured by Ernest Leitz, of Wetzlar, Germany, and he demonstrated its action by rotating the instrument for about 26 JOURNAL OF THE [January^ one minute, after having inserted a test tube containing urine, and then exhibiting the deposit in the bottom of the test tube. Mr. J. D. Hyatt remarked on his exhibits that the material belonged to the silurian age, and was formed in shallow seas by the grinding of calcareous matter, acquiring the oolitic form from the concretions of varying colors depositing around a nucleus, and being rolled upon beaches ; that in ex- hibit No. 3 the nuclei are usually minute grains of sand, with the spheres of generally uniform size, and the structure be- tween the spheres like chalcedony ; in exhibit No. 4 the nuclei are minute particles of organic matter, with the crystallization radiating from the nuclei, giving the appearance of hornstone ; and that the specimen No. 5, from Pennsylvania, has its nuclei of carbonaceous matter with remarkably uniform spheres. Mr. Bennett explained his exhibit as follows : The slide con- tains two preparations, opaque and transparent, of the fungus yEcidium adoxce. The opaque preparation shows the peridia in various stages of growth, and the transparent preparation shows a perpendicular section through a burst peridium. The fungus is found in the spring and summer on the under side of the leaf of Adoxa moschatellina — Hollow-root — a little, incon- spicuous plant, 4 or 5 inches high, growing in woods and moist, shady places in cooler regions. The pale, green flowers have a musky smell, whence its common name, Moschatel. Dr. Skeel donated for distribution samples of wire helices, of his own construction, for supporting cover-glass preparations. PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED. American Monthly Microscopical Journal: Vol. XIV., No. 10 — Vol. XV.,, No. I (October, 1893 — January, 1894). The Microscope: Vol. I., No. 11 — Vol. II., No. i (November, 1S93 — Janu- ary, 1894). The Observer: Vol. IV., No. 11 — Vol. V., No. i (November, 1893 — Janu- ary, 1894). Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club: Vol. XX., No. 11— Vol. XXI., No. I (November, 1893 — January, 1894). Natural Science Association of Staten Island: Proceedings (November 11,. 1893 — January 13, 1894). l894-] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 2 Anthony's Photographic Bulletin: Vol. XXIV., No. 22— Vol. XXV., No. 2. (November, 1893 — February, 1894). Insect Life: Vol. VI., Nos. i, 2 (November, December, 1893). Psyche: Vol. VI., No. 212— Vol. VII., No. 214 (December, 1893— Febru- ary, 1894). Museum of Comparative Zoology : Bulletins, Vol. XXV., Nos. 2 — 4 (December, 1893 — January, 1894) ; Annual Report (1892 — 93). American Museum of Natural History; Bulletin, Vol. V. (1893). Kansas Academy of Science: Transactions, Vol. XIII. (1891 — 92). Wisconsin Academy of^Sciences: Transactions, Vol. IX., Part 2 (1893). Essex Institute: Bulletin, Vol. XXV., Nos. 7—9 (July— September, 1893). Academy of Science of St. Louis: Transactions, Vol. VI., Nos. 9 — 11 (November — December, 1893). Franklin Institute: Journal, Vol. CXXXVI., No. 816— Vol. CXXXVIL, No. 818 (December, 1893 — February, 1894). Cornell University Experiment Station: Bulletin, Nos. 58 — 61 (October — December, 1893). Alabama Experiment Station: Bulletin, Nos. 49 — 52 (October, 1893 — Janu- ary, 1894). Michigan Experiment Station: Bulletin, Nos. 100 — 102 (August — Decem- ber, 1893). Iowa Experiment Station: Bulletin, No. 22 (1893). State University of Iowa: Bulletin of Laboratory of Natural History, VoL II., No. 4 (November, 1893). Texas Experiment Station: Bulletin, Nos. 27, 28 (June — December, 1893). " Thoracic Legs of Triarthrus": from the author, C. E. Beecher (December, 1893). Colorado Scientific Society: Proceedings (December 4 — 18, 1893). Johns Hopkins University Circulars: Vol. XIII., No, 109 (February,. 1894). Pacific Medical Journal: Vol. XXXVIL, Nos. i, 2 (January — February^ 1894). American Lancet: Vol. XVII., No. 12 — Vol. XVIII., No. 2 (December, 1893 — February, 1894). Brooklyn Medical Journal: Vol. VII., No. 12 — Vol. VIII., No. 2 (Decem- ber, 1893 — February, 1894). Indiana Medical Journal: Vol. XII., Nos. 6, 7 (December, 1893 — January, 1894). National Druggist: Vol. XXIII. , No. 12— Vol. XXVI., No. 2 (December, 1893 -February, 1894). Universal Medical Journal; Vol. I., No. 12 — Vol. II., No. I (December,. 1893 — January, 1894). Mining Review; Vol. XXXI., No. 20— Vol. XXXII., No. 7 (November,. 1893 — February, 1894). Royal Microscopical Society: Journal, 1893, Part 6. Quekett Microscopical Club: Journal, Vol. V., No. 33 (October, 1893,). ^8 JOURNAL OF THE [January, International Journal of Microscopy and Natural Science: Vol. IV., Part 20 (January, 1894). Scottish Microscopical Society: Proceedings (1891-93). The Naturalist: Nos. 221—223 (December, 1893 — February, 1894). Natural History Society of Glasgow: Proceedings: Vol. III., Part 3 (18.92). North Staffordshire Naturalists' Field Club: Annual Report and Transac- tions (1893). Records of the Australian Museum: Vol. II., No. 5 (September, 1893). Geological Survey of Canada: Report, Vol. V., Parts i, 2 (1S93). Ottawa Naturalist: Vol. VII., No. 9 (December, 1893). Natural History Society of New Brunswick: Bulletin, No. 11 (1893). Victorian Naturalist: Vol. X., Nos. 6—9 (October — December, 1893). Bulletin de la Societe Beige de Microscopie: Vol. XIX., No. 10 — Vol. XX., No. 3 (1893-94). LeBotaniste: Vol. III., No. 6 (January, 1894). Societe Royale de Botanique de Belgique: Vol. XXXII., No. i (1893). Societe d'Etude des Sciences Naturelles de Beziers: Bulletin, Vol. XV. (1893). Societe les Amis des Sciences et Arts de Rochechouort: Bulletin, Vol. III., No. 4 (1893). La Notarisia: 1893, Nos. 5, 6. Feuille des Jeunes Naturalistes: Vol. XXIV., Nos. 278—280 (December, 1893 — February, 1894). Societe Imperiale des Naturalistes de Moscou: Bulletin, 1893, Nos. i — 3. Le Diatomiste: No. 15 (December, 1893). Revue Internationale de Bibliographic Medicale: Vol. IV., No. 22 — Vol. v., No. 2 (November 25, 1893 — January 25, 1894). Actes de la Societe Scientifique du Chili: Vol. III., Nos. i, 2 (October, 1893). Wissenschaftlicher Club in Wien: Monatsblatter, Vol. XV., Nos. 2—4 -(November, 1893 — January, 1894). Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein, Frankfurt-a-Oder: Societatum Litteroe, Vol. VII., Nos. 8—12 (August— December, 1893); Helios, Vol. XL, Nos. 6 — 9 (September — December, 1893). Siebenblirgischer Verein fiir Naturvvissenschaften in Hermannstadt: Mit- theilungen. Vol. XLII. (1892). Verein filr Naturwissenschaft zu Braunschweig: Jahresbericht, Vol. VII. , c, d, e,/ denote successive stages. C, stratum corneum; M, stratum Malpighii; D, derma; F, hair follicle; B, blood vessels; K, hair knob: G, sebaceous gland; P, hair papilla— in e and / are indicated two stages in its formation; in / it has become vascular. JOURN. N.-Y. MIC. SOC. April, 1894. PLATE 41. Figj VERTEBRATE SKIN. JOURN, N.-Y. MIC. SOC, April, 1894. PLATE 42 £ af^l'^'g^ VERTEBRATE SKIN. JOURN. N.-Y. MIC. SOC Aprjl, 1894. PLATE 43 VERTEBRATE SKIN. 1894.] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 43 it all, as there is no general work on the subject that I have yet found — no manual which treats of the anatomy and physiology of the skin in a comparative sense, with a section devoted to micro- scopical methods. The need for such a work is evident. Owing to this magnitude I can only speak of generalities. I will first say a few words of the skin in general ; then take up the several types of vertebrates, and speak of their most characteristic structures as derived from the skin ; and finally make brief men- tion of the theories of homologies and correlations that have been noted in the higher types. II. The Skin in General. The vertebrate skin, as derived from the embryo, consists of two layers, a superficial ectodermal and a deeper mesodermal layer. The former is called the epidermis (scarf-skin), the latter the dermis (corium or cutis). The skin, like a mucous mem- brane, consists of an epithelium resting on a connective-tissue basis, the epithelium forming the epidermis made up of a few or many layers of cells. The surface of the dermis is thrown up into a number of elevations, called papillae, which differ in form, size, and complexity in different regions of the body and with the position in the animal scale. I'he epidermal or outer layer does not follow this papillary contour of the dermis, and when the two layers are carefully pulled apart and examined ie-g., in the human skin) the papillae appear to plunge into and be covered by the more even epidermis, although the outer sur- face is well marked by ridges and furrows, such as we can plainly see in the palm of the hand. These papillae are the end organs of that most important sense, touch, and in the lower forms may also function as other sense organs, which will be spoken of later on. The outer or epidermic layers always consist of cells only, while the derma is made up also of connective-tissue fibres, as well as of elastic and contractile elements. In the epidermis two layers can' always be distinguished — an outer, composed of horny cells, and therefore called the stratum corneum j and an inner, made up of soft protoplasmic cells, the stratum Malpighii. The latter really serves as a matrix for the regeneration of the outer, horny layer, the superficial part of which is continually scaling 44 JOURNAL OF THE [April, off. Nerves, glands, pigment cells, bony structures, and blood vessels occur principally in the dermis. So-called epidermic structures, such as skin glands, hairs, feathers, nails, hoofs, claws, bristles, etc., are formed from the epidermis or outer layer. These will be treated of in those types in which they are most •characteristic, and we can then also see how environment, both natural and artificial, has brought about many changes both in their form and function. This need not appear strange or won- derful when we consider how accessible the outer surface of the skin is to external modifying influences. Before beginning with our types of animal life and illustrating the modifications that occur, the two primary divisions of the skin must be borne in mind — an outer layer, protective, and an inner layer, nutritive in function. A few words in regard to the general physiology. Broadly speaking, the waste products of the body are urea, carbon di- oxide, water, and various salts. These leave the body by one or other of three main channels : the luugSy the kidneys, or the skin. The lungs discharge most of the carbon dioxide and some water ; the kidneys, the urea and allied bodies ; the skin, a small amount of the salts and nearly all the jvater. The skin is therefore the great evaporating agent, and the discharge of waste products by this channel we know as perspiration or sweat. It has been proven that death would ensue in an animal in which this cutaneous evaporation was prevented by covering its body with an impermeable varnish which retained the sweat in the glands, which thus acted as a poison. The skin in the lower forms can also take the place of lungs. If the lungs of a frog be removed he will continue to live for some time, consume oxygen, and produce carbon dioxide, as in the ordinary mode of breathing, thus showing that respiration can be carried on efficiently by means of the skin. Having briefly noticed its main anatomical and physiological features, we will now take up the skin comparatively in the five great classes of the vertebrates, and examine its most prominent characters in each. l894-] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 45 III. The Classes of Vertebrata. A. Fishes. In certain members of this class we find conditions which have undoubtedly been inherited from invertebrate ancestors. Thus in the outer epidermic layer of many Fishes {Aiiiphioxi/s, e.g.) we find a striated border, which can be imagined to consist of coalesced cilia, and in the larval condition we find the free-mov- ing cilia themselves on the outer surface of the epidermis (Fig. I, S C). Here, as in many other instances, we can see gradual transitions from lower to higher forms. Glands, such as we find in higher vertebrates, are usually not present in Fishes. The skin secretions which we do find come from single cells or canals (Fig. r. A). The fluids which they contain probably protect the skin from the action of the water or ward off the attacks of fungoid growth ; and it has lately been determined that certain of them function also as sense organs. Other secreting cells are also present, the so-called '"'' goblet cells'' (Fig. I, K), whose function has not been definitely determined. The most marked characteristic of the integument of Fishes is in the scales. These lie in connective-tissue pouches of the derma, and are formed as ossifications of the latter. In the higher types of Fishes they are covered by the epidermis throughout life, but in Ganoids (Gar-pikes, etc.) and Elasinobranchs (Sharks and Rays) this is only the case in the larva. In the adult they are free and projecting. The primitive form of the common fish scale, as we see it in the Perch, for example, was probably an ossification in the derma, which we call the basal plate with projecting processes, the derm denticles. The transitions which these have undergone from one form to another constitute a very interesting series. In many Fishes, especially fossil, they form a complete protective armor by their fusion, as in the well-known armored South American catfishes. The next factor to consider is pigment. This always originates in the derma, and to it is due coloration. In endeavoring to ac- count for its presence in the epidermis it has been asserted and observed that white blood corpuscles carry pigment granules to the outer layer, where they take on amoeboid movements, and then break up into many small pigment-containing particles, 46 JOURNAL OF THE [April, which are taken up by the epithelial 'cells. The distribution of pigment over the body varies with the species and individual. It is also subject to changes in environment, and is under direct control of the nervous system. That it changes in order that the animal may adapt itself to its surroundings, has lately been demonstrated in the case of the common English Sole. As is well known, the color of its upper side approximates very closely the tint of the muddy bottom upon which it lives. However, when placed under conditions which permit the access of light to the lower as well as the upper side of its body, pigment will also be developed on that side which formerly showed no trace of it. We now take up a very important derivation of the integument — sense ori^afis. Their main function is probably the perception of mechanical irritations of the surrounding water, but they may also have to do with the perception of sound. As elements we have two kinds of cells : rod-shaped sensory cells, connected by nerve fibres with the central nervous system, and the supporting cells, which lie between the others and serve as connecting and isolating material. The surrounding medium is always kept moist by various secreting cells In those animals which give up an aquatic life in the course of their development and come to live on land, the end organs of the nerves pass further inward, the rod-shaped cells disappear, and we have two kinds of nerve end- ings in the skin : terminal ganglion cells and free nerve endings. With Fishes we must include Amphibia in the consideration of these sense organs, as the two types are very closely related. " They consist of a central mass of cells, arranged in the form of a rounded and depressed pyramid, and of a peripheral mass grouped around the former. The central cells are in connection with nerve fibres, and each bears on its free end a stiff, cuticular hair ; these are to be looked on as the proper sensory cells, and the others merely as a supporting medium." Where these hairs project freely from the epidermis they are surrounded by a deli- cate, protective, hyaline tube, which opens into the surrounding water, and into one end the sensory hairs project. These organs are at times distributed over the whole body, but as a rule only in certain well-defined tracts ; those along the sides from the head to the tail form the so-called organs of the lateral line. Others are found in depressions or canals formed by scales, and l894-] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 47 then, of course, the protective hyaline tube disappears. Another form of sensory organs are the end bulbs, which in Fishes serve as tactile organs, but in higher forms develop into organs of taste. B. Amphibia. The skin of Amphibia, as in the Salamander, exemplifies a transitionary stage from Fishes to Reptiles. Thus, in the aquatic larval forms, two sharply differentiated layers of the epidermis can be made out, the superficial one with that same striated cuticular border which we find in Fishes (Fig. 2, S C). Later, with ad- vancing development, the layers of the epidermis become more numerous, involutions toward the derma take place to form a great number of globular and tube-shaped glands (Fig. 2, X, Y, N). This richness of glands is a marked feature of the skin of Amphibia, and to it they owe their moist and slippery nature. Their secretions serve a variety of purposes, from merely supplying moisture, to a protective function in the form of poison. Pigment is deposited in great quantities, partly in and partly between the cells of the derma. Here, as in other forms, we see that wonderful adaptation to environment, as exemplified in the well-known green tree-frog and the sandy-colored horned toad of our Western deserts. Calcifications may also occur in the derma, but they were more abundant in fossil than in modern forms. Some of the integu- mentary sense organs of this group have already been mentioned in connection with those of Fishes. Another form, which is first met with in the tailless Amphibia {Anura), is the tactile spot, con- sisting of a group of cells in a typical form of papilla, which func- tions as an organ of touch. C. Reptiles. In taking up this group for examination we notice two promi- nent characters : the formation of scales and other horn-like structures, and the almost total absence of integumentary glands. Scales can here be dismissed with a few words. They are all formed by a change in the epidermis, in which the derma takes part later on. Many widely differing forms all originate in this manner, and can be classed in general with the feathers of birds 48 JOURNAL OF THE [April, and the hair of mammals. The scales and rattles of snakes, the tortoise shell of chelonians, claws, prickles, and warts, are all epidermal. In this group pigment plays an important role. The chame- leon is a time-honored and well-known example of the change of color to agree with surroundings. In addition to pigment the formation and structure of the scales in relation to the light-rays may also have something to do wdth the general effect. Integumentary sense organs are represented in Snakes, and also in Birds, by tactile cells surrounded by connective-tissue pouches, wuth septa separating the individual tactile cells and thus form- ing a tactile corpuscle. Dermal ossifications were more developed in ancient reptiles than in those of the present day. Crocodiles, some lizards, and principally the chelonia, still maintain dermal structures. D. Birds. When we come to examine this group the most characteristic integumentary structures are the feathers, and these \v\\\ there- fore require the greater part of our attention. Ordinarily feathers appear to be inserted over the entire body of a bird, but on closer view they will be found, with but few exceptions, in certain regions only, called feather tracts, sepa- rated from each other by naked stretches of skin. These tracts vary in number and position with different genera, as do also the shape and size of the individual feathers. In a general way feathers develop as follows : At the point where one is destined to be formed occurs a slight upheaval of the dermal tissue, fol- lowed by the epidermal layer, and thus creating a papilla. As this papilla grows outward and forms a bluntly-pointed cone (Fig. 3, a), its base sinks gradually inward ; the epidermis imme- diately surrounding follows and forms a pocket around the elon- gated papilla. This papilla is \.h.t feather germ (Fig. 3, b, F), and the pocket constitutes the feather follicle (Fig. 3, b). The papilla is thus made up of the two layers of the epidermis on the outside, acting as a covering for the mass of dermal cells in the interior, Xhtptilp (Fig. 3, b). As the feather germ grows the cells of the inner epidermal or Malpighian layer increase rapidly in number, and grow toward l894-] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 49 the centre of the germ in a series of ridges, thus forming folds between them which run the length of the genu. Immediately surrounding this is the outer, horny layer of the epidermis (Fig. 3, c). Each separate ridge of these internal cells now becomes horn-like, and the central pulp substance dries up. We thus have a bundle of horny rays surrounded by an outer sheath, and of these the pencil-like structures seen on the bodies of newly-hatched birds consist. The outer, horny covering finally breaks off, the rays or barbs become free, and a down-feather is formed (Fig. 3, d). The lower portion remains in the skin as the quill, and the entire structure may remain or be replaced by defi- nite feathers. In such case a second germ forms at the base of the first, the papilla grows rapidly, undergoes nearly the same •changes as the other, the embryonic down-feather is pushed out and may often be found attached to one of the barbs of the new feather. At first the two kinds are much alike, but, in the second, •one of the rays becomes rapidly thickened and forms a stem, to which the barbs are attached on each side, with their barbules (Fig. 3, /). This theory of feather development, as advanced, with perhaps some slight differences of detail, by Studer (1873) and Kerbert (1876), has been, and is to a great extent even to this day, accepted as the simplest and most probable. In Birds we have no trace of true dermal bones, and also a marked deficiency in glands, the only ones being the uropygial glands at the base of the tail, whose secretions serve to oil the feathers. Many important epidermal structures, in addition to feathers, are found in this group ; such are : claws, spurs, foot scales, and beak sheaths. E. Mammals. ' We now come to the highest class of the vertebrata, and, as in Birds, we will consider first its most prominent feature — namely, bair. Histologically this is quite distinct from the hair-like struc- tures of Birds and Reptiles, which have no true hair. Its devel- opment is very interesting. At the spot where a hair is to be formed an increase in the number of cells of the inner epidermal or Malpighian layer takes place, forming a dome-like mass directed toward the interior -(Fig. 4, a, b, c, M). The cells of the derma now arrange them- 50 JOURNAL OF THE [April, selves in mantle form around this mass in a kind of pocket, des- tined later to become the outer hair sheath. This proliferation of Malpighian cells now assumes a bottle-shaped form, and a dif- ferentiation of the constituent cells into central and peripheral portions takes place (Fig. 4, e, F, K). The central part consists of elongated cells and grows rapidly outward to form the hair shaft ; the peripheral layer now becomes a sheath. The base of the shaft will now be observed to have assumed a knob-like form; an infolding of its base occurs to contain the nutrient blood ves- sel (Fig. 4, Poplar fibre, Cotton Linen Cotton Linen Cotton Linen Spruce Fibre of fil- ter paper. stained with acetate of alumina and brazihoood. " " fuchsin and tannic acid and tartar emetic. " " tannic acid and stannate of soda and ywir/^jiw. " " fuchsin and tannic acid and tartar emetic. " " tannic acid and stannate of soda and ywif/w/w. " " HofmanrCs violet, no mordant. " " tannic acid and stannate of soda and Hofmann' s violet, " *' methyl green, no mordant. " " methyl green and tannic acid and tartar emetic. " " tannic acid and stannate of soda and wf//y/^^^ri?^«. " " /«^/'/i!j'/^;-^,?« and tannic acid and tartar emetic. " " tannic acid and stannate of soda and methyl green. " " tannic acid and tartar emetic and Paris violet. " " tannic acid and stannate of soda and Paris violet. " " " " " " " z.n6. fuchsin. " " " " " " " SiXiA methyl green. " " " " " " " and Paris violet. " " " " " " " SinA fuchsin. " " " " u " <« znd methylgreen. " " " " " " " and Paris violet. PROCEEDINGS. Meeting of April 6th, 1894, The President, Mr. Charles S. Shultz, in the chair. Forty-six persons present. A communication was presented from the Secretary of the Scientific Alliance, asking the concurrence of the Society in an application to the postal authorities to reduce the postage on mailable scientific specimens, and also in requesting scientific societies in foreign lands to act in the same matter at the ap- proaching postal union. The Board of Directors unanimously resolved on such concur- rence. Mr. Stephen Helm addressed the Society on '' Marine Life.'^ This address, being introductory to an intended series on this subject, was illustrated by numerous enlarged diagrams and dried specimens. • 1894.] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 77 OBJECTS EXHIBITED. 1. Section of chalcedony : by J. D. Hyatt. 2. Male and female Copepods from Wood^s Holl, Mass. : by H. W. Calef. 3. Young of Limulns from Cold Spring Harbor, N. Y. : by Mrs. M. O. Le Brun. 4. Hydroid form of Obelia coiiimisuralis from Cold Spring Harbor, N. Y. : by Mrs. M. O. Le Brun. 5. Sertularian from Cold Spring Harbor, N. Y. : by Mrs, M. 0. Le Brun. 6. Globigerina from "Challenger Expedition'' soundings, 1,450 fathoms : by James Walker. 7. Male and female forms of pond life from Crotona Park, N. Y. : by F. W. Leggett. Annual Exhibition, April 17TH, 1894. The Fifteenth Annual Exhibition of the Society was held at the American Museum of Natural History, Central Park, New York City, on the evening of April 17th, 1894. Objects and apparatus, as noted in the programme bslow, were displayed in the halls of the second floor of the Museum. At 9 o'clock Dr. Edw. G. Love, in the main lecture room, gave an ex- planation of numerous projections of photomicrographs upon the screen. It was estimated that about two thousand persons were present at the exhibition. EXHIBITS. 1. Volvox Globator, living ; these hollow vegetable spheres seen in active rotary motion, caused by innumerable cilia arranged upon the surface of the globe : by Charles S.. Shultz. 2. Fossil Coal, section from Bowling-on-the-Clyde, Scotland. From its appearance it is undoubtedly a portion of a Stigmaria plant retaining its original cell structure : by Charles S. Shultz. 3. Arranged Group of Diatoms forming Pleurosigma Rosette, 130 forms : by E. A. Schultze. 4. Tongue, Odontophore, of Snail : by J. D. Hyatt. 78 JOURNAL OF THE [July, 5. Grappling-hook Spicules of Sponge, Hyalonema : by J. D. Hyatt. 6. Atacamite {Chloride of Copper) : by J. W. Metcalf, M.D. 7. Ruby Copper from Morenci, Arizona, shown with an aluminium microscope, weight two pounds. Stage can be lowered to the base to allow use of low-power objectives in searching over large mineral specimens : by Prof. Wallace GooLD Levison. 8. Circulation of Protoplasm {Cyclosis) in the water plant Nitel- la : by H. S. Woodman. 9. Section of Human Intestine from a Case of Arsenical Poisoning : by J. A. Gottlieb, A.M., M.D. 10. Longitudinal Section of the Cells of the Endosperm of Ivory Nut, Phytelephas viacrocarpa Ruiz and Pavon, shown with polarized light, magnified 250 diameters : by Rev. J. L. Zabris- KIE. 11. 12. Two Slides of Blood of Amphiuma stained by differ- ent methods. In the Amphiuma, as in all amphibia, the blood corpuscles are nucleated and of enormous size compared with those of human blood : by F. D. Skeel, M.D. 13. Fresh Water Shrimp, Gammanis pulex, by polarized light : by William Wales. 14. Tooth of Fossil Fish in Coal : by Frederick Kato. 15. Eggs of Umbre Moth : by C. H. Denison. 16. Skin of Sole, by polarized light : by F. Collingwood. 17. Calamine (zinc silicate) from Franklin Furnace, N. J., by polarized light : by J. W. Freckelton. 18. Arranged groups of Diatoms : by George H. Blake. 19. Head of Tapeworm, Tania Solium, showing the Rostel- lum and Suckers : by L. Schoney, M.D. 20. Trichina Spiralis, encysted in human tissue : by Thomas S. Nedham. 21. Pond Life : by W. J. Lloyd. 22. Six Sections of Serpentines' from different localities, shown on automatic revolving stage by polarized light : by James Walker. 23. Polycistina from Barbadoes Earth, illuminated by parabola: by James Walker. 24. Section of Bud of Lily : by Horace W. Calef. 'l894-] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 79 25. Opal from Australia: by George E. Ashby. 26. Tillandsia {Hanging Moss) : by F. W. Leggett. 27. Young Spiders : by W. D. Macdonald. 28. Transverse Section of Optic Nerve of Human Infant : by William Beutenmuller. 29. Transverse Section of Stomach of Frog : by William Beutenmuller. 30. Poison of Viperine Snakes : by Raymond Ditmars. 31. Vinegar Eels, living : by A. Beutenmuller. 32. Palm Leaf, transverse section : by Anthony Woodward, Ph.D. 33. Advertisements, Travelling in Olden Time : by Anthony Woodward, Ph.D. 34. Plasmodium of one of the Myxomycetes : by William Craig. 35. A living Diatom, BacUlaria paradoxa : by Capt. O. H. Wilson. 36. A New Pond Fishing Outfit for catching Pond Life : by Capt. O. H. Wilson. 37-39. Etchings of Steel, showing structure : by P. H. Dud- ley and Thomas B. Briggs. 37. Manganese Steel for Car Wheels. 38. A 0.60^ Carbon, with o.i8^ Silicon, for Steel Rails. 39. A 0.50^ Carbon, with 0.15^ Silicon, for Steel Rails. 40. Crystals of Silver precipitated on Copper from the Nitrate : by Michel M. Le Brun. 41. Transverse Section of Yellow Water Lily, Niiphar advena : by Maria O. Le Brun. 42. Crystals of Cinnabar in Chalcedony (opaque) : by Artis H. Ehrman. 43. Young Sea Horse, Hippocainpus Hudsonius, born in the Aquarium, ten days old : by W. E. Damon. 43A. Suction Cups from the Arms of the Devilfish {Archi- teuthis princeps), showing the serrated, saw-like edge with which the animal fastens itself to its prey : by W. E. Damon. 44. Butterfly's Wing, showing arrangement of Scales. Magni- fied one hundred times : by Walter H. Mead. 45. Circulation of Blood in Tadpole of Newt : by A. D. Balen. 46. 47. Pond Life : by Stephen Helm. 80 JOURNAL OF THE [July, 48. Mounted Specimen of Larval Sea Urchin, Arbacia punctu- lata, stained with haemacalcium : by Ernest V. Hubbard. 49. Older Larvae and Ova in Early Segmentation Stages, preserved in Alcohol : by Ernest V. Hubbard. 50-53, Microphotographs, selected : by Sereno N. Ayres. 54-58. Animal and Vegetable Fibres, Wool, Silk, Linen, and Cotton : by E. G. Love, Ph.D. 59-61. Studies of Utricularia : by C. L. Pollard. 59. Mature Plant. 60. Slide showing the modified leaf forming a bladder- like trap for catching minute animals. 61. Slide showing the organs of digestion. 62-63. Anatomy of the Stem of Polygonum : by John K. Small. 62. Longitudinal radial section of Polygonum Persicaria. 63. Transverse section of Polygonum aviculare. 64-65. Histological Features of Biitttieria fertilis : by T. H» Kearney, Jr. 64. Section of pericarp of the seed. 65. Transverse section of the seed. 66-69. Study of Nitella : by A. E. Anderson. 66. Growing plant. 67. Slide showing antheridium and archegonium. 68. Slide showing manubrium, capitulum, antheridial fila- ments, antherozoids, etc. 69. Slide showing oospore and pericarp. 70-71. I. Formative Stages of the Thallus of Cladonia mitrida : by Carlton C. Curtis, Ph.D. 2. Phegopteris Phegopteris : illustration of the differ- entiation of the elements of the leaf and the optical penetration that may be secured in histological work. 72. Cuprite (Oxide of Copper) : by H. Fincke. 73. Gold Ore : by H. Fincke. 74. Arranged Groups of Diatoms : by H. Fincke. 75. Microphotograph, the Descent from the Cross : by Hr Fincke. 76. Diamond Beetle : by H. Fincke. 77. Human Retina : by H. Fincke. 1894.] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 78. Triceratium Trifoliatum. Diatom from Lloyd's Neck, L. I. This diatom has never been found except at Wellington, New Zealand : by Heinrich Ries. 79. Melosira Granulata. Diatom Ehr , Ralf's cretaceous clay, from Glen Cove, L. I. : by Heinrich Ries. 80. Transverse Section of the Head of Embryo Garter Snake, Eutania Sirtalis : by Ludwig Riederer. 81. Section of Head of Honey-Bee, Apis mellifica : by Lud- wig Riederer. 82. Sagittal Section of Abdomen of an Ichneuman-Fly, Cryp- tus Samice : by Ludwig Riederer. 83. Sagittal Section of Abdomen of a Dragon-Fly, Libellula semifasciata : by Ludwig Riederer. 84. Microtome, manufactured by Aug. Becker, Gottingen^. Germany : by Ludwig Riederer. 85. Selections of Serial Sections : by Ludwig Riederer. 86. Exuviated Cuticle from De Kay's Brown Snake, Storeria Dekay j showing cornea, scales, etc. : by Henry C. Bennett, 87. Insect Scales, arranged in form of a Vase of Flowers : by G. S. Woolman. ^^. Proboscis of Blow-Fly : by G. S. Wooi,man. 89. Crystals of Copper : by G. S. Woolman. 90. Head of Mosquito, male : by G. S. Woolman. 91. Saw of the Rose Saw-Fly : by G. S. Woolman. 92. Foot of Spider : by G. S. Woolman. 93. Circulation of Blood in a Frog's Foot : by Joseph C. Thompson, F.R.M.S. 94. Pond Life : by Joseph C. Thompson, F.R.M.S. Alcove A. Six Photomicrographs, selected, taken by the late Gen. Wood- Avard about twenty years ago : by George H. Blake. Alcove Q. 1. Tongue of Butterfly : by William Krafft. 2. Hypopus Muscarum, parasitic on flies : by William Krafft. 3. Calcareous Corpuscles, from Cucumaria pentactes, shown with polarized light : by William Krafft. 82 journal' of the [July, 4. Asparagine, shown with polarized light : by William Krafft. 5. Pond Life, consisting of Hydras, etc.: by G. Duruv. 6. Collection of Designs : by G. Dupuy. Alcove R. 1. Spider's Foot, illustrated by an accompanying photograph: by P. Lyons. 2. Specimens to be used for Microscopic Mounting (animal and mineral) : by P. Lyons. 3. Sectioned Specimens ; after having been treated and sec- tioned with microtome ; and minerals ground : by E. J. Rie- DERER. 4. Specimens under Microscope, polarized light, and also top- light for mineral and naked-eye drawing : by E. J. Riederer. 5. Drawings of Microscopic Objects by the use of Zeiss' Camera Lucida : by G. W. Kosmak. 6. Camera illustrating Process of Photographing Microscopic Objects with Use of the Microscope : by G. W. Kosmak. 7. Thyroid Gland, illustrated by charts and drawings : by W. W. Boyd, Jr. 8. Human Lung, sectioned with Microtome : by E. Gold- BACHER. Alcove S. The Frog and the Fern. Two types of animal and plant life, to illustrate the similarities and differences between these two great divisions or kingdoms of animated nature. The gross and minute structure of each will be examined and explained by charts, mi- croscopic preparations and dissections, with special attention to nutritive and respiratory processes, and the general development of both types : by George William Kosmak. Meeting of April 2oth, 1894. The President, Mr. Charles S. Shultz, in the chair. Twenty persons present. Mrs. Virginia B. Gibbs was elected a Resident Member of the Society. l894-] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY, 83 The Committee on Annual Exhibition presented its report, the report was adopted, and the committee was discharged with thanks. On motion the thanks of the Society were tendered to those who, although not members of the Society, exhibited specimens and apparatus at the late Annual Exhibition. On motion the thanks of the Society were tendered President Morris K. Jesup and the members of the Board of Trustees of the American Museum of Natural History for their kindness in granting the use of the halls of the Museum, and to Mr. William Wallace, superintendent of the buildings, and his assistants, for their kind offices on the occasion of the late Annual Exhibition. Dr. Edw. G. Love read a paper entitled " Notes on the Stain- ing of Cellulose." This paper, published in this number of the Journal, was illustrated by the exhibition of many bottles of stains ; by many macroscopic samples of stained fibres (see con- clusion of the published article) ; and by eight slides of mounted ''icuned fibres under microscopes, as noted below. OBJECTS EXHIBITED. r. Linen fibre ; stained, acetate of alumina and logwood. 2. Linen fibre ; stained ; mordant, tannic acid and stannate of soda ; stains, fuchsin, Paris violet, and methyl green. 3. Cotton fibre ; stained, acetate of copper and logwood. 4. Cotton fibre ; stained, acetate of alumina and brazilwood. 5. Cotton fibre ; stained; mordant, tannic acid and stannate of soda ; stains, fuchsin, Paris violet, and methyl green. 6. Cotton fabric, Turkey red. 7. Wool, silk, cotton and linen ; mordant, tannic acid and stannate of soda ; stains, fuchsin, Paris violet, and methyl green, 8. Poplar fibre ; stained, acetate of copper and logwood. Ex- hibits Nos. 1-8 by Edw. G. Love, 9. Living colony of Megalotrocha: by James Walker. 10. Living colony of Melicerta rlngens : by James Walker. Mr, Walker stated that the water and mud supplying the colony of Melicerta were collected six weeks since and were placed in glass battery jars. The water of this particular jar was changed after four days. He lately found fifty colonies of Melicerta at- tached to the sides of the jar ; but four days previously he could 84 JOURNAL OF THE [July, find none. These specimens built their tubes with remarkable rapidity. Large aquatic worms infested all the colonies, writhing amid the bases of the tubes, and continually startling the rotifers to contraction, as could be seen under the microscope. Meeting of May 4Th, 1894. The President, Mr. Charles S. Shultz, in the chair. Sixteen persons present. Mr. James C. Gregory was elected a Resident Member of the Society. The Recording Secretary read a communication from the Council of the Scientific Alliance requesting the concurrence of the Society in the arrangement of a co-operative course of ten lectures, to be delivered at the American Museum of Natural History or the Cooper Union Building. On motion such concur- rence was granted. The Recording Secretary read a communication from the Citi- zens Committee of Brooklyn on Entertainment of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, inviting the Society to attend the receptions, meetings, and excursions of the Associ- ation. On motion the invitation of the Citizens Committee was accepted with thanks. Mr. James Walker reported for the Committee on Uniform Cases, Drawers, Trays, and Labels, and the report was accepted and adopted. OBJECTS EXHIBITED. 1. Rare living form of Hydra with rudimentary tentacles : by Henry C. Bennett. 2. Living Flumatella, developed from statoblast in aquarium : by James Walker. 3. Living Fredericella from Croton water : by A. D. Balen. 4. Section of Labradorite : by George E. Ashby. From the Society's Cabinet. 5. Sunstone : aventurine feldspar, internal reddish, fire-like reflection from disseminated crystals of hematite or gothite, 6. Aventurine, artificial ; glass mixed with filings of copper. l894-] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 85 7. Hypersthene ; silicate of magnesia containing iron. 8. Oolite from India. 9. Oolitic sand from Great Salt Lake. Mr. Ashby said of his exhibit of Labradorite : " The play of colors, especially remarkable in much Labradorite, indicates, according to Reusch, the existence of a cleavage structure of extreme delicacy, transverse to the median or brachydiagonal section. The play of color appears to be that of thin plates ; yet the linings of what he regards as a cleavage system appear to be of indistinguishable minuteness ; and although the existence of thin plates can hardly be established by means of the micro- scope, it is proved by their effects in the play of colors, nebulous images within, and the phenomena of inflection or diffraction which result from their regular grouping. This play of colors is independent of the disseminated microscopic crystals of foreign substances which occasion the aventurine effect." Meeting of May i8th, 1894. The President, Mr. Charles S. Shultz, in the chair. Eighteen persons present. The Recording Secretary read a communication from the American Geographical Society relative to the Sella collection of mountain photographs now on exhibition at the American Mu- seum of Natural History. The Recording Secretary stated that he had replied to this, and had received tickets of admission which he would distribute to the members. On motion the Recording Secretary was directed to express the thanks of the Society to the American Geographical Society. The President called the attention of the Society to the pro- posed meeting of the American Microscopical Society, to be held in Brooklyn three days before the meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. After an address on the subject by Mr. George S. Woolman, and the reading by the Recording Secretary of a communication from the Secretary of the American Microscopical Society to Mr. Woolman asking for information regarding accommodations, on motion the Chair appointed the following committee to consider and report any 86 JOURNAL OF THE [July^ possible action on the matter : Dr. Edvv. G. Love, Messrs. George S. VVoolman and L. Riederer. OBJECTS EXHIBITED. 1. Mounts, in toto, of chick embryos of 36 and 54 hours' incu- bation : by George W. Kosmak. 2. Series of cross-sections of the 54-hour embryo : by George W. Kosmak. 3. Insect in amber : by James Walker. 4. Living embryo leech : by Henry C. Bennett. 5. Living Plumatella : by A. D. BALENand Frederick Kato. 6. Curious green-colored sand from Kentucky : byF. D. Skeel. 7. Insect in fossil gum copal from Zanzibar, Africa : by George E. Ashby. Mr. Kosmak explained the method of preparation of his sec- tions of chick embryo. Meeting of June ist, 1894. In the absence of the President and the Vice-President, Rev. J. L. Zabriskie was elected Chairman. Fifteen persons present. Mr. E. Gerber was elected a Resident Member of the Society. The Recording Secretary read the report of Mr. George S. Woolman, of the Committee on Entertainment of the American Microscopical Society, stating that the said society would be accommodated at the Polytechnic Institute, Brooklyn. The report was accepted and adopted. objects exhibited. 1. Serpentine from Meissen, Saxony, polarized : by Henry C. Bennett. 2. Sunstone : by F. D. Skeel. 3. The common scarlet leaf-hopper, Diedrocephala coccinia Forst., entire : by J. L. Zabriskie. 4. Hairs of sea mouse, Aphrodite acideata : by H. W. Calef. 5. Pond life : by James Walker. 6. Living cheese mites : by Thomas S. Nedham. 7. Living Pectinatella magnifica : by A. D. Balen. 1894-] NEW-YORK MICROSCO'PICAL SOCIETY. 87' Meeting of June 15TH, 1894. The President, Mr. Charles S. Shultz, in the chair. Thirteen persons present. The Corresponding Secretary read a communication from Mr. K. M. Cunningham, dated Mobile, Ala., June 7th, 1894, an- nouncing to the Society that he had, in a manner most satis- factory to himself, just succeeded in perfecting the proof that the diatom belongs to the animal kingdom. OBJECTS exhibited. 1. Section of conglomerate from the drift of Long Island, N. Y. : by James Walker. 2. The curious parasitic wasp, Ceratomiis sp.? by J. L. Za- BRISKIE. 3. Flowers of Viiicetoxicum acuminatum with captured mosqui- toes : by.T. B. Briggs. 4. Androconium scales of wing of the butterfly, Pieris rapce. .' by E. G. Love. 5. Circulation in Nitella, from Crotona Park, N. Y. : by F. W. Leggett. 6. Living Volvox globator : by A. D. Balen. Objects from the Society s Cabinet. 7. Group of foraminifera. 8. Group of foraminifera and spicules. 9. Group of foraminifera^ Spirolina austriaca. 10. Foraminifera from the Levant. 11. Section of orbitolite. 12. Section of Polystomella scrobiculata. Mr. Briggs stated that his specimen of Vincetoxicum was from the gardens of Mr. Charles A. Dana. The mosquitoes are at- tracted and held captive by the very viscid nectar of the flowers. Dr. Love with blackboard drawings explained the situation and structure of the " androconium^^ scales of the butterfly wing. They are found only on the wing of the male, and are supposed to be scent organs. Mr. Leggett said that his specimen of Nitella was taken from a small pool of exceedingly foul water in Crotona Park, where the plant was growing in astonishing luxuriance. 88 JOURNAL OF THE l]^^, Mr. Balen stated that his specimens of Volvox were also taken from a pool with water so foul that the Volvox could not be seen. They appeared to thrive under the circumstances, and many spe- cimens showed that they contained within an astonishing number of young forms. The Society adjourned to meet on the first Friday .of October, 1894. An Introduction to Structural Botany. By Dukinfield Henry Scott, Jodrell Laboratory, Kew, London. 113 fig- ures. London : Adam & Charles Black, 1894. Pp. 288. Trice, $1. This is intended to be a first guide to the study of the structure of plants in schools. It treats of three types of phanerogams — the Wallflower, the White Lily, and the Spruce Fir — and seems well adapted to its purpose. Practical Botany for Beginners, By F. O. Bower, Profes- sor of Botany in the University of Glasgow. 13 figures. New York : Macmillan & Co., 1894. Pp. 275. Price, 90 cents. An excellent condensed guide to biological laboratory work for beginners, conducting them through the microscopical examination — sectioning and mounting — of many selected types of plants, from the highest to the lowest orders. A Manual of Microchemical Analysis. By Prof. H. Beh- RENS, Polytechnic School, Delft, Holland, with an introduc- tory chapter by Prof, John W. Judd, Royal College of Sci- ence, London. 84 figures- New York : Macmillan »& Co., 1894. Pp. 246. Price, $1.50. The English translation of this work is by the author, Prof. Behrens, and it is devoted mainly to the qualitative microchemical wet methods of the examination of the rock-forming minerals. Part I, contains the general method, and the reactions of sixty-three minerals. Part II. contains the ana- lytical examination of mixed compounds. The work is one of Macmillan's Manuals for Students, under the division of chemistry, and is a late sum- marization of the labors of most eminent men in this branch of study. To those who are engaged in crystallography and petrography it would seem to be invaluable. l894-] new-york microscopical society. 89 Systematic Survey of the Organic Coloring Matters. By G. ScHULTZ and P. Julius. Translated and edited with extensive additions by Arthur G. Green, London Institute, London. New York : Maxmillan & Co., 1894. Pp. 205. Price, $5. This work is devoted to the exposition of the products of coal tar. It states that the average quantity of gas tar worked up per annum by the whole world is 530,000 tons. In three divisions it explains the manufacture and gives the formulce of the raw products, the intermediate products, and the coloring matters; under this latter division tabulating 454 colors by means of parallel columns under the headings : commercial name, scientific name, empirical formula, constitutional formula, method of preparation, year of discovery, discoverer, patents, literature, behavior with reagents, shade and dyeing properties, method of employment. JOURNAL OF THE NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. Vol. X. OCTOBER, 1894. No. 4. THE CRETACEOUS FORAMINIFERA OF NEW JERSEY. PAR I' II. ORIGINAL INVESTIGATIONS AND REMARKS. BY ANTHONY WOODWARD, PH.D. (,Presented April 6tk, i8g4.) After a number of years of close and careful study a vast amount of rough material has been worked over. I have suc- ceeded in identifying twenty-six genera and fifty-nine species of Foraminifera from the cretaceous formation of New Jersey. The material examined was in part kindly sent to me by the late Prof. Geo. H. Cook, State Geologist of New Jersey, and col- lected by Dr. N. L. Britton ; it was also received in part from Wm. E. Chase, of Franklin, N. J , and James Walker, of Brook- lyn, N. Y., besides many other sources. I spent two days at Mullica Hill, a beautiful Quaker village, collecting marls from the terebratula, gryphsea beds, and the one just above it. From these beds I identified most of the species mentioned in this paper. The marls from certain localities are very rich in Nodosaria, Crislettaria, and Polymorphina, especially those from Mullica Hill and the yellow limestone from Timber Creek. My most es- teemed friend, the late H. B. Brady, F.R.S., of London, Eng- land, aided me greatly by verifying such species as I doubted. 92 JOURNAL OF THE [October, LITUOLID^. Sub-family TROCHAMMIN^. TROCHAMMINA Parker and Jones. Trochammina inflata Montagu, sp. Nautilus inflatus Montagu. 1808. Test. Brit. Suppl. 81. pi. xviii. fig. 3. Rotalina inflata W\\\\a.n\sor\. 1858. Rec. Foram. Gt. Brit. 50. pi. iv. figs. 93, 94. Rotalina {^Trochammina) inflata Yzxk&x and Jones. 1859. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 3. iv. 347. fig. F. Trochammina inflata. Carpenter. 1862. Introd. Foram. 141. pi. xi. fig. 5. Troshammina sqiiamata, var. inflata Parker and Jones. 1862. Introd. Foram. Appendix. 310. Trochammina inflata Brady. 1865. Nat. Hist. Trans. Northd. and Durham, i. 95. Trochammina inflata (.') Tate and Blake. 1876. Yorkshire Lias. 452. pL xvii. fig 18. Trochammina inflata Brady. 1884. Report on Foram. H. M. S. Challenger. Zool. ix. 338. pi. xli. fig. 4. a-c. Trochammina ijiflata Woodward and Thomas. 1893. Final Re- port Geol. Nat. Hist. Survey Minn. iii. 28. pi. D. fig. 31. " Test free ; trochoid or convex, depressed, rotaliform ; con- sisting of about three convolutions, the outermost of which is formed of five or six very ventricose segments with deeply exca- vated septal lines. Inferior face somewhat concave, with sunken umbilicus : peripheral margin lobulated. Aperture small, arched ; situate on the inferior side of the final segment, close to previous convolution, a little within the periphery. Color pale brown, the small primary segments much darker than the rest.'' — Brady, loc. cit. Locality. Stratton's marl pit, near Mullica Hill, in the shell layers of the green marl. Rare. Timber Creek, yellow lime- stone. Rare. WEBBINA d'Orbigny. Webbina rugosa d'Orbigny. Webbina rugosa ^Ox\n^x\y. 1839. Foram. d. lies Canaries. 125. pi. i. figs. 16-18. 1894.] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 93 Webbina rugosa d'Orbigny. 1846. Foram. Foss. Vien. 74. pi. xxi. figs. II, 12. Test depressed, elongate, twisted, white, above convex rugose, below complanate, with three pyriform chambers ; spinose, round aperture, peristome elevated, enlarged. Locality. Timber Creek, in the yellow limestone. Rare. Also in the teredo bed. Rare. TEXTULARIDiE. Sub-family TEXTULARIN^. TEXTULARIA Defrance. Textularia agglutinans d'Orbigny. Textularia agglutinans d'Orbigny. 1839. Foram. Cuba 144. pi. i. figs. 17, 18, 32-34. Textularia agglutinans Seguenza. 1862. Atti dell' Accad. Gi- senia. ser. 2. xviii. 112. pi. ii. fig. 4. Plecanium sturi Karrer. 1864. Sitzungsb. d. K. Ak. Wiss. Wien. i. 704. pi. i. fig. i. Textularia agglutinans Parker and Jones. 1865. Phil. Trans. civ. 369. pi. XV. fig. 21. Plecanium agglutinans Reuss. 1869. Sitzungsb. d. K. Ak. Wiss. Wien. lix. 452. pi. i. figs, i, 2. Textularia agglutinans G. M. Dawson. 1875. Report Geol. Resources 49th Parallel, British N. A. Boundary Comm. 79. Textilaria agglutinans Moebius. 1880. Foram. von Mauritius. 93. pi. ix, figs. 1-8. Textularia agglutijtans Brady. 1884. Report on Foram. H. M. 5. Challenger. Zool. ix. 363. pi. xliii. figs. 1-3. vars. figs. 4, 12. Textularia agglutinans Woodward and Thomas. 1885. Geol. Nat. Hist. Survey Minn. 13th Ann. Report. 167. pi. iii. figs. 6, 7- Textularia agglutinans Tyrrell. 1890. Trans. Roy. Soc. Can. vii. 114. Test elongate, conical, rugose, agglutinous (from grains of sand), white, laterally convex, posteriorly cuneate, segments large, the last convex, aperture semi-lunate. Jx)cality. Timber Creek, in the yellow limestone. Rare. 94 JOURNAL OF THE [October, Textularia carinata d'Orbigny. J extidaria cari?iata d'Orbigny. 1826. Ann. Sci. Nat. vii. 263. No. 23, Textularia carinata d'Orbigny. 1846. Foram. Foss. Vien. 247. pi. xiv. figs. 32-34. Textularia lacera Reuss. 185 1. Zeitschr. d. deutsch. geol. Ge- . sell. iii. 84. pi. vi. figs. 52, 53. Textularia atteiiuata Reuss. 185 1. Zeitschr. d. deutsch. geol. Gesell. iii. 84. pi. vi. fig. 54. 7 extilaria carinata, and T. carinata, va.r. attenuata Reuss. 1870. Sitzungsb. d. K. Ak. Wiss. Wien. Ixii. 489. No. i. Schlicht. 1870. Foram. Pietzpuhl. pi. xxxiii. figs. 1-4,8, 9. Textilaria carinata Hantken. 1875. Mitth Jahrb. d. k. ung. geol. Anst. iv. 66. pi. vii. fig. 8. Textularia carinata Brady. 1884. Report on Foram. H. M. S. Challenger. Zool. ix. 360. pi. xlii. figs. 15, 16. Textularia carinata Woodward and Thomas. 1893. Final Re- port Geol. Nat. Hist. Survey Minn. iii. 30. pi. C fig. 11. Test cuneiform, lingulata, convex, punctate, anteriorly dilate, truncate, posteriorly obtuse acuminate, laterally carinate, acute, lamellose ; foramina narrow, oblique, arcuate, marginate. Locality. Stratton's marl pit, near Mullica Hill, in the shell layers of the green marl. Quite rare. Textularia gramen d'Orbigny. Textularia gramen 6.' Oihigny. 1846. Foram. Foss. Vien. 248. pi. XV. figs. 4, 6. Textularia gramen Brady. 1884. Report on Foram. Fl. M. S. Challenger. Zool. ix. 365. pi. xliii. figs. 9, 10. Test ovate-lingulate, compressed, punctate, anteriorly dilate, rotund, posteriorly obtuse, laterally angular, subcarinate ; with wide chambers, obliquely transverse, arcuate, somewhat convex. Locality. Timber Creek, in the yellow limestone. Not com- mon. Textularia turris d'Orbigny. Textularia turris d'Orbigny. 1840. Mem. Soc. geol. France, iv. 46. pi. iv. figs. 27, 28. r894-] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 95 Tex^ulari'a turn's Vsivker send Jones. 1863. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 3. xi. 97. Textularia turris Brady. 1884. Report on Foram. H. M. S. Challenger. Zool. ix. 366. pi. xliv. ngs. 4, 5. Textularia turris Woodward and Thomas. 1885. Geol. Nat. Hist. Survey Minn. 13th Ann. Report. 167. pi. iii. fig. 8. Textularia turris (?) Tyrrell. 1890. Trans. Roy. Soc. Can. vii. 114. Textularia turris Woodward and Thomas. 1893. Final Report Geol. Nat. Hist. Survey Minn. iii. 30. pi. C. figs 9, 10. Test elongate, conical, turriculate, rugose, non-compressed, posteriorly acuminate, anteriorly truncate ; chambers complanate. Locality. Timber Creek, in the yellow limestone and gryphgea bed. Not abundant. « Textularia sagittula Defrance. '' Polyuwrphum sagittula " Soldani. 1791. Testaceographia. i. 120. pi. cxxxiii. fig. T. Textularia sagittula yyeixdincQ. 1824. Diet. Sci. Not. xxxii. 177; liii. 344 ; Atlas Conch, pi. xiii. fig. 5. Textularia sagittula Blainville. 1825. Malacologie. 370. pi. v. fig- 5- Textularia sagittula d'Orbigny. 1826. Ann. Sci. Nat. vii. 263. No. 20. Textularia saulcyana^Oxh'xgxi)-. 1839. Foram. Cuba. 137. pi. i. figs. 21, 22. Textularia cuneiformis d'Orbigny. 1839. Foram. Cuba. 138. pi. i- figs. 37.- 38. Textularia ?iussdorfensis d'Orbigny. 1846. Foram. Foss. Vien. 243. pi. xiv. figs. 17-19. Textularia broniiiana d'Orbigny. 1846. Foram. Foss. Vien. 244. pi. xiv. figs. 20-22. Textularia deperdita d'Orbigny. 1846. Foram. Foss. Vien. 244. pi. xiv, figs. 23-25. Textularia prcelonga Czjzek. 1847. Haidinger's Naturw. Ab- handl. ii. 149. pi. xiii figs. 28-30. Textularia acuta Reuss. 1849. Denkschr. d. K. Akad. Wiss. Wien. i. 381. pi. xlix. fig. i. 96 JOURNAL OF THE [October, Textularia cuneiformis Williamson. 1858. Rec. Foram. Gt. Br. 75. pi. vi. figs. 158, 159. Textularia agglutinans, var. sagittula Parker and Jones. 1865. Phil. Trans, civ. 369 pi. xvii. fig. 77. a, b. Textularia sagittula Brady. 1884. Keport on Foram H. M. S. Challenger. Zool. ix. 361. pi. xlii. figs. 17, 18. Test elongate, somewhat compressed, very rugose, posteriorly acuminate-carinate, anteriorly subcylindrical-truncate ; with nar- row chambers, arcuate, limbate above, aperture linear. Locality. New Egypt, in the green marl. Rare. Timber Creek, in the gryphsea bed. Quite rare. SPIROPLECTA Ehrenberg. SptROPLECTA AMERICANA Ehrenberg. Spiroplecta ainericajia Ehrenberg. 1854. Mikrogeologie. pi. xxxii. I. figs. 13, 14 ; II. fig. 25. Spiroplecta americana Brady. 1884. Report on Foram. H. M. S. Challenger. Zool. ix. 376. pi. xlv. fig. 24. a, b. Spiroplecta americana Woodward and Thomas. 1885. Geol. Nat. Hist. Survey Minn. 13th Ann. Report. 168 pi. iii. fig. 9. Spiroplecta americana Woodward and Thomas. 1893. Final Re- port Geol. Nat. Hist. Survey Minn. iii. 31. pi. C. figs. 12, 13. 14. " The test is usually much compressed, and widens rapidly towards the distal end ; the lateral edges are thin and slightly lobulated, the chambers somewhat inflated, and the septal lines correspondingly depressed on the exterior ; the walls are thin and smooth." — Brady, loc. cit. Locality. Timber Creek, in the gryphsea bed. Rare. GAUDRYINA d'Orbigny. Gaudrvina pupoides d'Orbigny. Gaudryifia pup }i lies d'Orbigny. 1840. Mem. Soc. geol. France. iv. 44. pi. iv. figs. 22-24. Gaudryina pupoides d'Orbigny. 1846. Foram. Foss. Vien. 197. pi. xxi. figs. 34-36- Gaudryina subglabra Giimbel. 1868. Abh. d. K. bayer. Akad. Wiss. II. cl. X. 602. pi. i. fig. 4. 1894.] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 97 Gaudryina pupoides Brady. 1884. Report on Foram. H. M. S. Challenger. Zool. ix. 378. pi. xlvi. figs. 1-4. Gaudryina pupoides Woodward and Thomas. 1885. Geol. Nat. Hist. Survey Minn. 13th Ann. Report. 168. pi. iii. fig. 10. Gaud?yina pupoides y^ood-wdixdi axid Thomas. 1893. Final Re- port Geol. Nat. Hist. Survey Minn. iii. 31. pi. C. figs. 15, 16. Test elongated, rugose, (young) rotund, (adult) compressed ; spire obtuse ; chambers convex, (young) narrow, transversely oblong, (adult) globular. Locality. Stratton's marl pit, near MuUica Hill, in the shell layers of the green marl. Quite rare. VERNEUILINA d'Orbigny. Verneuilina triquetra Miinster, sp. Textularia triquetra Miinster. 1838 (in Romer's paper). Neues Jahrb. fiir Minn. etc. 384. pi. iii. fig. 19. Textularia triquetra Reuss. 1845. Verstein. Bohm. Kreid. pt. I. 39. pi. xiii. fig. 77. Textularia atlantica Bailey. 185 1. Smithsonian Contrib. ii. art. 3. 12. figs. 38-42. Textularia ( Verneuilina) triquetra Parker and Jones. 1863. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist, ser, 3. xi. 92. Verneuilina triquetra Brady. 1884. Report on Foram. H. M. S. Challenger. Zool. ix. 383. pi. xlvii. figs. 18-20. Test carinate, acutely triangular with a curved lateral side (or face) in the centre, so that a cross section presents the appear- ance of a triangle, with somewhat concave sides. On every side seven to eight very low, somewhat rough chambers, whose sutures are slightly elevated, the uppermost chamber somewhat arched; aperture a slit on the inner side of the last chamber, parallel to a side face of the pyramid. Locality. Stratton's marl pit, near Mullica Hill, in the shell layers of the green marl. Very abundant. Timber Creek, in the gryphsea bed. Abundant. TRITAXIA Reuss. Tritaxia tricarinata Reuss. Textularia tricarinata Reuss. 1845. Verstein. Bohm. Kreid. i. 39. pi. viii. fig. 60. 98 JOURNAL OF THE [October, Verneuilina dubia Reuss. 185O;. Haidinger's Naturvv. Abhandl. iv. 40. pi. iv. fig. 3. Tritaxia tricariuata Reuss. i860. Sitzungsb. d. K. Ak. Wiss. Wien. xl. 228. pi. xii. figs, i, 2, Tritaxia tricariuata Brady. 1884. Report on Forarp. H. M. S. Challenger. Zool. ix. 389. pi. xlix. figs. 8, 9. Test very rough, elongate elliptical, triangular, tricarinate, on either side attenuate, walls somewhat concave, sutures obsolete, aperture small, subelliptical. Locality. Timber Creek, in the yellow limestone. Quite rare. CL.WULINA d'Orbigny. Clavulina communis d'Orbigny. Clavulina communis d'Orbigny. 1826. Ann. Sci. Nat. vii. 268. No. 4. Clavulina communis d'Orbigny. 1846. Foram. Foss. Vien. 196. pi. xii. figs. I, 2. Verneuilina communis Jones and Parker, i860. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. xvi. 303. No. 82. Clavulina communis Fischer. 1870. Actes Soc. Linn. Bordeaux. xxvii. 393. No. iz- Verneuilina communis Van den Broeck. 1876. Ann. Soc. Belg. Micr. ii. 136. pi. iii. fig. 14. Clavulina communis Brady. 1884. Report on Foram. H. M. S. Challenger. Zool. ix. 394. pi. xlviii. figs. 1-13. Test elongate, clavate, rugose, cylindrical anteriorly, posteriorly inflated, obtuse, convex chambers, terminal one anteriorly sub- acuminate. Locality. Stratton's marl pit, near MuUica Hill, in the shell layers of the green marl. Common. Timber Creek, teredo bed. Abundant. Sub-Family BULJMIN.*:. BULIMINA d'Orbigny. BuLiMiNA PUPOIDES d'Orbigny, Bulimina pupoides d'Orbigny. 1846. Foram. Foss. Vien. 185. pi, xi. figs, II, 12, 1894.] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 90 Bulimina pupoides Williamson. 1858. Rec. Foram. Gt. Br. 62. pi. V. figs. 124, 125. Bulimitia tortilis Reuss. 1861. Sitzungsb. d. K. Akad, VViss. Wien. xliv. 338. pi. viii. fig. 3. Bulimina presli, wo-x, pupoides Parker and Jones. 1862. Introd. Foram. Appendix. 311. Bulimina pupoides Terrigi. 1880. Atti dell' Accad. Pont, xxxiii. 193. pi. ii. figs. 30-34. Bulimina pupoides Brady. 1884. Report on Foram. H. M. S. Challenger. Zocl. ix. 400, 401. pi. 1. fig. 15. a, b. Bulimina pupoides Woodward and Thomas. 1885. 13th Ann. Report Geol. Nat. Hist. Survey Minn. 169. pi. iii. fig. ir. Bulimina pupoides Tyrrell. 1890. Trans. Roy. Soc. Can. 114. Bulimina pupoides Woodward and Thomas. 1893. Final Report Geol. Nat. Hist. Survey Minn. iii. 32. pi. C. figs. 20-24. Test oblong ; obtuse, especially at the inferior lateral surface ; composed of numerous segments, arranged in an indistinct spiral, and exhibiting a tendency to form three oblique vertical rows ; segments remarkably ventricose and prominent ; the anterior one usually more oblong than the rest, from its anterior part not being embraced, as all the preceding ones, by the next segment. Septal plane convex ; semilunar. Septal orifice single, placed near the umbilical border of the septal plane, and usually characterized by a curious obliquity at its part, owing to the two lips of the orifice not meeting at their umbilical extremities, but passing one behind the other. Locality. Stratton's marl pit, near Mullica Hill, in the shell layers of the green marl. Rare. Fragments only. Bulimina pyrula d'Orbigny. Bulimina caudtgera d'Orbigny. 1826. Ann. Sci. Nat. vii. 270. No. 16 ; Modele No. 68. Bulimina ovula d'Orbigny. 1839. Foram. Amer. Merid. 51. pi. i. figs. 10, II. Bulimina pyrula d'Orbigny. 1846. Foram. Foss. Vien. 184. pi. xi. figs. 9, 10. Bulimina auriculata Bailey. 1851. Smithsonian Contrib. ii. Art. 3. 12. figs. 25-27. Bulijnina turgida Id. Ibid. 12. figs. 28-31. 100 JOURNAL OF THE [October, Guttulina prunella Costa. 1856. Atti dell' Accad. Pont. vii. 274. pi. xiii. figs. 32, T,i, 37, 38. Guttulina mutabilis Id. Ibid. 275. pi. xviii. figs. 1-3. Buliniina auriculata Dawson. 1859. Canad. Nat. iv. 31. fig. 22. Bulimina auriculata Id. i860. Can. Nat. and Geol. v. 190. Bulimina presli, var. pyrula Parker and Jones. 1865. Phil. Trans, civ. 372. pi. xv. figs. 8, 9. Bulimina pyrula Brady. 1884. Report on Foram. H. M. S. Challenger. Zool. ix. 399. pi. 1. figs. 7-10. Bulimina py rill a Wh\tQdiV&'&. 1887. Trans. Roy. Soc. Can. iv. 114. Test ovate, anteriorly and posteriorly acuminate, smooth, short spire, obtuse ; with three narrow convolutions ; with three some- what convex segments. Locality. Timber Creek, teredo bed. Rare. PLEUROSTOMELLA Reuss. Pleurostomella subnodosa Reuss. Nodosaria nodosa (pars) Reuss. 1845. Verstein. Bohm. Kreid. pt. I. 28. pi. xiii. fig. 22 {^fide Reuss). Dentalina subnodosa (pars) Id. 1850. Haidinger's Naturw. Ab- handl. iv. 24. pi. i. fig. 9 {^fide Reuss). Pleurostotnella subnodosa Id. i860. Sitzungsb. d. K. Ak. Wiss. Wien. xl. 204. pi. viii. fig. 2. a, b. Pleurostomella subnodosa yidix^tson. 1878. Mittheil. Naturw. Ver- eine Neu-Vorpom. u. Riigen. x. 133. Pleurostomella subnodosa Brady. 1884. Report on Foram. H. M. S. Challenger. Zool. ix. 412. pi. Hi. figs. 12, 13. Test elongated, nearly straight ; chambers quite regularly in- creasing, slightly convex, the last one the largest, convex, shortly acute ; the first chamber smallest, rather obtuse ; aperture naked. Locality. Timber Creek, gryphsea bed. Rare. BOLIVINA d'Orbigny. BoLiviNA PUNCTATA d'Orbigny. Bolivina punctata d'Orbigny. 1839. Foram. Amer. Merid. 61. pi. viii. figs. 10-12. Bolivina antiqua d'Orbigny. 1846. Foram. Foss. Vien. 240. pi. xiv. figs. 11-13. l894-] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 101 Grammostomum polystigma Ehrenberg. 1854. Mikrogeologie. pi. xix. fig. 84. Grammostovium caloglossa Ehrenberg. 1854. Mikrogeologie. pi. XXV. figs. 17, 18. Bolivina punctata Brady. 1864. Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. xxiv. 468. pi. xlviii. fig. 9. a, b. Bulimina presli, var. {Bolivina) punctata Parker and Jones. 1865. Phil. Trans, civ. 376. pi. xviii. fig. 74. ■ Bolivina elongata Hantken. 1875. Mittheil. Jahrb. d. K. ung. geol. Anstalt. iv. 65. pi. vii. fig. 14. Bolivina antiqua Terrigi. 1880. Atti dell' Accad. Pont, xxxiii. 196. pi. ii. fig. 40. BoliviJiapunctataM.oth'wis. 1880. Foram.vonMauritius.94.pl. ix. figs. 9, 10. Bulimina {Bolivina) punctata Goq's. 1882. Kongl. Sv. Vet. Akad. xxix. 69. pi. iv. figs. 1 14-126. Bolivina punctata Brady. 1884. Report on Foram. H. M. S. Challenger. Zool. ix. 417. pi. Hi. figs. 18, 19. Bolivina punctata Woodward and Thomas. 1885. Geol. Nat. Hist. Survey Minn. 13th Ann. Report. 169. pi. iii. fig. 12. Bolivina punctata Woodward and Thomas. 1893. Final Report Geol. Nat. Hist. Survey Minn. iii. 34. pi. C. figs. 27, 28. Test elongated, compressed, conical, obtuse anteriorly, acu- minate posteriorly, white, punctate, sub-carinate on sides ; with numerous oblique undulate segments, the last obtuse ; aperture simple. Locality. Lower marl bed, light gray, sandy marl at Bruere's pits, Crosswick's Creek. Rare. LAGENID^. Sub-family LAGENIN^. LAGENA Walker and Boys. Lagena globosa Montagu, sp. ^^ Serpula{Lagena) Icevis globosa" y^z\ktx diV^Alioy?.. 1784. Test. Min. 3. pi. i. fig. 8. ^^ Ossicula madreporaria" So\6.2Lm. 1795. Testaceographia. i. pt. 3. 245. pi. clxxii. figs. B, C, etc. 103 JOURNAL OF THE [October, Vermicitlum globosum yionidigvi. 1803. Test Brit. 523. Oolma inornata d'Orbigny. 1839. Foram. Amer, Merid. 21. pi. V. fig 13. Oolina simplex Reuss. 185 1. Haidinger's Naturw. Abhandl. iv. 22. pi. i. fig. 2. Miliola sphczroidea Ehrenberg. 1854. Mikrogeologie. pi. xxxiii. fig. I. Cenchridiiwi oliva Ehrenberg. 1854. Mikrogeologie. pi. xxiv. figs. 3» 4- Phialina oviformis Costa. 1856. Atti dell' Accad. Pont. vii. 123. pi. xi. figs. 8, 9. Fissurina obtusa Egger. 1857. Neues Jahrb. fiir Min. etc. 270. pi. V. figs. 16-19. Entosolenia globosa Parker and Jones. 1857. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 2. xix. 278. pi. xi. figs. 25-29. Entosolenia globosa Williamson. 1858. Rec. Foram. Gt. Br. 8. pi. i. figs. 15, 16. Fissurina solida Seguenza. 1862. Foram. Monotal. Mess. 56. pi. i. fig. 42. Entosolenia globosa Dawson. 1859. Can. Nat. and Geol. iv. 28. figs. 4, 5- Entosolenia globosa Dawson. 1862. Proc. Portland Soc. Nat. Hist, i 83. Fissurina rugosula Seguenza. 1862. Foram. Monotal. Mess. 56. pi. i. fig. 43. Lagena sulcata, var. {Entosolenia) globosa Parker and Jones. 1865. Phil. Trans, civ. 348. pi. xiii. fig. 37; pi. xvi. fig. 10. Lagena globosa Jones, Parker, and Brady. 1866. Monograph of the Foram. of the Crag. 32. pi. i. fig. 32. Cenchridium aargovense Kiibler. 1870. Foram. Schweiz. Jura. 13. pi. ii. I. fig. 2. Lagena parkinsoni Kiibler. 1870. Foram. Schweiz. Jura. 17. pi. ii. in. fig. I. Lagena minutissiina Kiibler. 1870. Foram. Schweiz. Jura. 19, 21. pi. ii. IV. fig. I. Lagenulina globosa Terquem. 1876. Anim. sur la Plage de Dunkerque. fasc. 2. 67. pi. vii. figs. 3, 4. Lagena globosa Brady. 1884. Report on Foram. H. M. S. Chal- lenger. Zool. ix. 452. pi. Ivi. figs. I, 2, 3. l894-] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY, 103 Test ovato-globose, sometimes projecting slightly at the apex ; smooth, and without surface-marking. Tube entosolenian. Walls thin and hyaline. Locality. Stratton's marl pit, near Mullica Hill, in the shell layers of the green marl. Rare. Sub-family NODOSARIN^. NODOSARIA Lamarck. NoDOSARiA (D.) COMMUNIS d'Orbigny. Nodosaria {Dentalina) communis (?) d'Orbigny. 1826. Ann. Sci. Nat. vii. 254. No. 35. Dentalina communis diOrh\gx\Y. 1840. Mem. Soc. geol. France, iv. 13. pi. i. fig. 4. Nodosaria linearis Romer. 1842. Verst. Nordd. Kreidegeb. 95. pi. XV. fig. 5. Nodosaria communis ^QViS?,. 1845. Verstein. Bohm. Kreid. pt. i. 28. pi. xii. fig. 21. Nodosaria legumen Id. Ibid. 28. pi. xiii. figs. 23, 24. Dentalina inornata d'Orbigny. 1846. Foram. Foss. Vien, 44. pi. i. figs. 50, 51. Dentalina badenensis Id. Ibid. 44. figs 48, 49. Dentalina ferstliana Czjzek. 1847. Haidinger's Naturw. Ab- handl. ii. 140. pi. xii. figs. 10-13. Dentalina intermedia Corn. 1848. Nouv. Foss. Microsc. Cret. ; Mem. Soc. geol. France, ser. 2. iii. 251. pi. i. fig. 20. Dentalina gracilis Alth, 1849. Umgeb. Lemb. ; Haidinger's Naturw. Abhandl. iii. (2) 269. pi. xiii. fig. 27. Dentalina mutabilis Bailey. 1850. Smithsonian Contrib. ii. Art. 3. 10. fig. 7. Marginulina ensis Reuss. 185 1. Haid. Nat. Abhandl. iv. p. ii. figs. 16-18. Dentalina haueri Neugeboren. 1856. Denkschr. d. K. Akad. Wiss. xii. 81. pi. iii. fig. 12. Dentalina orbignyana Id. Ibid. pi. iii. figs. 1-3. Dentalina subarcuata y^\\\\zmson. 1858. Rec. Foram. Gt. Brit. 18. pi. ii. figs. 40, 41. Dentalina torta Terquem. 1858. Foram. du Lias, i" mem. 599. pi. ii. fig. 6. 104 JOURNAL OF THE [October, Dentalina vetusta Terqueni. Ibid. 598. pi. ii. 4. DentaUna legumen Reuss. i860. Sitzungsb. d. K. Akad. Wiss. Wien. xl. 187. pi. iii. fig. 5. Dentalina intermedia Id. Ibid. 186. pi. ii. fig. 8. Dentalina communis Id. Ibid. 186. Dentalina colligata Reuss. i86[. Sitzungsb. d. K. Akad. Wiss. Wien. xliv. 334. pi. vii. fig. 4. Dentalina deflexa Reuss. 1862. Sitzungsb. d. K. Akad. Wiss. Wien. xlvi. 43. pi. ii. fig. 19. Dentalina inornata Id. 1863. Ibid, xlviii. 45. pi. ii. fig. 18. Dentalina boettcheri Id Ibid. 44. pi. ii. fig. 17. Dentalina cequalis Karrer. 1865. Foram. Griinsandstein. N. Zealand; Novara Reise. geol. ii."74. pl.^xvi. fig. i. Dentalina communis Jones, Parker, and Brady. 1866, Mono- graph of the Foram. of the Crag. 58. pi. i. fig. 13-18, 20 ; pi. iv. fig. 10. Marginulina ensis Reuss. 1861. Sitzungsb. d. K. Akad. Wiss. Wien. xliv. 335. Nodosaria neugeboreni Schwager. 1866. Novara Exped. geol. ii. 232. pi. vi. fig. 67. Nodosaria gracilescens Id. Ibid. 234. pi. vi. fig. 70. Dentalina intorta Terquem. 1870. Foram. du Syst. Oolith. 3'^'"Lmem. 262. pi. xxvii. figs. 26-34. Detitulina budensis Hantken. 1875. Mittheil. Jahrb. d. K. ung. geol. Anstalt. iv. 34. pi. iii. fig. 12. Nodosaria {D.) communis Brady. 1884. Report on Foram. H. M. S. Challenger Zool. ix. 504. pi. Ixii figs. 19-22. Test elongated, arched, smooth ; posteriorly acuminate, cau- date ; numerous chambers, oblique, last very convex, acuminate, first convex ; sutures subcomplanate ; very small aperture, ra- diate. Locality. Stratton's marl pit, near Mullica Hill, in the shell layers of the green marl. Not abundant. New Egypt, green marl. Fragments. Lower marl bed, gray sandy marl at Bruere's pits, Crosswick's Creek. Fragments. Timber Creek, in the yel- low limestone. Fragments. Teredo bed. Quite abundant. Gryphsea bed. Not rare. l894-] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY, 105 NoDOSARiA (D.) FiLiFORMis d'Orbigny. '* Orthoceratia fillformia ant capillaria " Soldani. 1798. Testa- ceographia. ii. 35. pi. x. fig. e. Nodosaria filiformis d'Oxhigny. 1826. Ann. Sci. Nat. vii. 253. No. 14. Dentalina acutissima d'Orbigny. 1839. Foram. Amer. Merid. 23. pi. iii. fig. 15. Dentalina acuta Id. Ibid. fig. 16. Dentalina gracilis Id. 1840. Mem. See. geol. France, iv. 14. pi. i- fig. 5. Dentalina elegans Id. 1846, Foram. Foss. Vien. 45. pi. i. figs. 52-56- Dentalina reussi Neugeboren. 1856. Denkschr. d. K. Akad. Wiss. Wien. xii. 85. pi. iii. figs. 6, 7. Dentalina prcelonga Costa. 1856. Atti dell' Accad. Pont. vii. 163. pi. xii. fig. 21. Dentalina vetustissima Terquem. 1858. Foram. du Lias, i'^'"'^ mem. 600. pi. ii. fig. 8. Dentalina baccata Id. Ibid. 601. pi. ii. fig. 9. Dentalina pseudomonile Id. Ibid. 606. pi. ii. fig. 18. Dentalina gracilis Reuss. 1861. Sitzungsb. d. K. Akad. Wiss. Wien, xliv. 334. Nodosaria elegans Sch wager. 1866. Novara Exped. geol. Theil ii. 233. pi. vi. fig. 68. Dentalina jiliformis Parker, Jones, and Brady. 187 1. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 4. viii. 156. pi. ix. fig. 48. Nodosaria {D.) jiliformis Brady. 1884. Report on Foram. H. M. S. Challenger. Zool. ix. 500. pi. Ixiii. figs. 3-5. Test elongate, arcuate, smooth, shining white, anteriorly ob- tuse, posteriorly acuminate, very acute, with numerous chambers, laterally semi-distinct ; aperture round simple. Locality. Stratton's marl pit, near Mullica Hill, in the shell layers of the green marl. Rare. Timber Creek, in the yellow limestone. Fragments only. Teredo bed. Rare. Nodosaria obliqua Linne, sp. '^ Orthoceras fnininmm," etc. Gaultieri. 1742. Index Test. pi. xix. fig. N. 106 JOURNAL OF THE [October, Nautilus obliquus lAnr\€. 1767. Syst. Nat. 12th ed. 1163. 281 ; 1788. Ibid. 13th (Gmelin's) ed. 3372. No. 14. Nautilus jugosus Montagu. 1803. Test. Brit. 198 pi. xiv. fig. 4. Orthocera obliqua Lamarck. 1822. Anim. sans Vert, vii 594. No. 4. Nodosaria sulcata Nilsson. 1827. Petrif. Suec. 8. pi. ix. fig. 19. Nodosaria elegans Roemer. 1838. Neues. Jahrb. fiir Min. etc. 382. pi. iii. fig. I. Dentalina bifurcata^&\x%%. 1849. Denkschr. d. K. Akad. Wiss. VVien. i. 367. pi. xlvi. fig. 10. Dentalina priiimva d'Orbigny. 1850. Prod. Paleont. i. 242. No. 260. De?italina kingii Jones. 1850. King's Monogr. Permian Foss. 17. pi. vi. figs. 2, 3. Dentalina steenstrupi Reuss. 1855. Zeitschr. d. deutsch. geol. Gesellsch. vii. 268. pi. viii. fig. 14, a. Dentalina sulcata Id. Ibid. 269, pi. viii. fig 14, b. Dentalina haltica Id. Ibid. 269. pi. viii. fig. 15. Dentalina bifurcata Costa. 1856. Atti dell' Accad. Pont. vii. 162. pi. xii. fig. 27. Nodosaria mutabilis Id. Ibid. 150. pi. xiii. fig. i. Nodosaria siphunculoides Costa. 1857. Mem. Accad. Sci. Nap. ii. 135. pi. i. fig. 27. Nodosaria {^Dentalina) obliqua Parker and Jones. 1859. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 3. iii. 482. Dentalina pulchra Gabb. i860. Journ. Acad Nat. Sci. ser. 2. iv. 402, 403. pi. Ixix. figs. 40, 41. Dentalina steenstrupi Reuss. 1861. Sitzungsb. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss. xliv. 326. Dentalina confluens Reuss. Id. Ibid. 335. pi. vii. fig. 5. Nodosaria siphunculoides Costa. 1857. Foram. Foss. Marne Terziar Messina. 9. pi. i. fig. 27. Dentalina lineata Reuss. 1864. Sitzungsb. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss. 1. 22. pi. iv. fig. II. Dentalina schwarzii Karrer. 1864. Sitzungsb. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss. 1. 15. pi. i. fig. 5. Dentalina obliqua Jones, Parker, and Brady. 1866. Monograph of the Foram. of the Crag. 54. pi. i. fig. 9. 1894] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 107 Nodosaria obliqua Brady. 1884. Report on Foram. H. M. S. Challenger. Zool. ix. 513. pi. Ixiv. figs. 20-22. Nodosaria obliqua Meyer, 1886. Bull. Geol. Survey Ala. 85. pi. i. fig. 31. Test elongated, arcuate, tapering ; composed of numerous (six to fifteen) chambers, which are subcylindrical and more or less ventricose, with the septal lines generally constricted, and the sur- face covered with riblets, varying in number and size in different specimens. Locality. Stratton's marl pit, near Mullica Hill, in the shell layers of the green marl. Very common. Timber Creek, teredo bed. Not abundant. Near Harrisonville, middle bed, associ- ated with echinoderms. Common. This is the species that Gabb speaks of finding, and described as anew species Dentalina pulchra, from the marl near Mullica Hill. AlsoiV. sulcata of Nilsson, who H. v. Credner mentions in Die Kreide von New Jersey d. d. geol. Ges. xiii. 1870, as occur- ring common in the bryozoan bed at Brownville and Turtle Hill. Nodosaria radicula Linne, sp. " Co?-nu Hammonis erectuui'' Plancus. 1739. Conch. Min. 14. pi. i. fig. 5. Nautilus radicula Linne. 1767. Syst. Nat. 12th ed. 1164. 285 ; 1788. Ibid. 13th (Gmelin's) ed. i. pt. 6. 3373. No. 18. Nautilus radicula Montagu. 1803. Test. Brit. 197. pi. vi. fig. 4. Nodosaria radicula d'Orbigny. 1826. Ann Sci. Nat. vii. 252. No. 3 ; Modele No. i. Nodosaria geinitziana Neugeboren. 1852. Verhandl. u. Mitth. siebenb. Vereins f. Nat. iii. 37. pi. i. fig. i. Nodosaria glandulinoides Id. Ibid. 37. pi. i. fig. 2. Nodosaria inconstans Id. Ibid. 38. pi. i. figs. 6, 7. Glandulina temiis Bornemann. 1854. Lias-formation. 31. pi. ii. fig. 3. a, b. Glandulina major Id. Ibid. 31. pi. ii. fig. 4. a, b. Nodosaria geinitzi Reuss. 1854. Jahresb. d. Wetterauer Ge- sellsch. 1851-53. 77. fig. 12. Glandulina elegants Neugeboren. 1856. Denkschr. d. K. Akad. Wiss. Wien. 69. pi. i. fig. 5. 108 JOURNAL OF THE [October, Glandulina reussi Id. Ibid. 69. pi. i. fig. 6. Nodosaria beyrichi Id. Ibid. 72. pi. i. figs. 7-9. Nodosaria incerta Id. Ibid. 72. pi. i. figs. 10, 11. Nodosaria radicula Jones and Parker, i860. Quart. Journ. Gaol. See. xvi. 453. figs. 1-5 (Triassic). Nodosaria geinitzi Richter. 1855. Zeitschr. d. deutsch. Geol. Gesellsch. vii. 532. pi. xxvi. fig. 26. Nodosaria kirbyi Richter. 1861. Geinitz's Dyas. 121. pi. xx. fig. Glandulina conica Terquem. 1862. Foram. du Lias. 2'^™*' mem. 435- pl- V. fig. 10. a, b. Nodosaria jonesi Reuss. 1862. Sitzungsb. d K. Akad. Wiss. Wien. xlvi. 89. pi. xii. fig. 6. Nodosaria claviformis Terquem. 1866. Foram. du Lias. 6'^'"'' mem. 447. pi. xix. figs. 17, 18. Nodosaria radicula Brady. 1867. Proc. Somerset Arch, and Nat. Hist. Soc. xiii. 106. pi. i. fig. 4. Nodosaria conferta Schmid. 1867. Neues Jahrb. fiir Min. Jahrg. 1857- 585- pl- vi. fig. 49- Nodosaria radicula Brady. 1876. Pal. Soc. xxx. 124. pi. x. figs. 6-16. Nodosaria radicula Brady. 1884. Report on Foram. H. M. S. Challenger. Zool. ix. 495. pi. Ixi. figs. 28-31. Test cylindrical, tapering, composed of several subglobose segments united in a straight line. Surface smooth more or less. A good typical specimen of Nodosaria radicula has four or more segments, rarely as many as eight ; the segments are subglobular in form, regularly but only slightly increasing in size, from the earliest to the last formed, and quite symmetrically joined end to end. Locality. Timber Creek, in the yellow limestone. Rare. Nodosaria raphanus Linne, sp. ^' Cornu Hammonis erectum slriafum " Flancus. 1739. Conch. Min. 15. pi. i. fig. 6. " Orthoceras minimum," etc. Gaultieri. 1742. Index Test. pi. xix, fig. L. Nautilus raphanus Linne. 1767. Syst. Nat. 12th ed. 1164, 283 ; 1788. Ibid. 13th (Gmelin's) ed. 3372. No. 16. l894-] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 109 *^ Orthoceratia sen tubuli " Soldani. 1791. Testaceographta. i. pt. 2. 91. pi. xciv. figs. T, V. JVautilus costafiis M.onta.gn. 1803. Test. Brit. 199. pi. xiv. fig. 5. Nautilus costatus,v2ir. Montagu. 1808. Test. Brit. Suppl. 83. pi. xix. fig. 2. Orthocera rapha?ius Lamarck. 1822. Anim. sans Vert, vii, 593. No. I ; Tabl. Encycl. et Meth. pi. cccclxv. fig. 2. a, b, c. Nodosaria scalaris d'Orbigny. 1826. Ann. Sci. Nat. vii. 253. No. 18. Nodosaria rapa Id. Ibid. 253 No. 27. Nodosaria obscura Reuss. 1845. Verstein. bohm. Kreid. pt- i. 26, pi. xiii. figs. 7-9. Nodosaria bolli Reuss. 1855. Zeitschr. d. deutsch. geol. Ge- sellsch. vii. 265. pi. viii. fig. 6. Nodosaria propinqua Costa. 1856. Atti dell' Accad. Pont. vii. 151. pi. xiii. fig. 2. Nodosaria turgidula Costa. 1856; Atti dell' Accad. Pont. vii. 152. pi. xiii. fig. 3. Nodosaria raphanus Parker and Jones. 1859. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 3. iii. 477. Dentalina pulchra Gabb. i860. Jour Acad. Sci. Phila. n. s. iv. 402. pi. Ixix figs. 40, 41. Nodosaria bactroides Reuss. 1862. Sitzungsb. d. K. Akad. Wiss. Wien. xlvi. 37. pi. ii. fig, 5. Nodosaria lajnelloso-costata Id. Ibid. 38. pi. ii. fig. 6. Nodosaria prismatica Id. Ibid. 36. pi. ii. fig. 7. Nodosaria raphanus ?)'i\v&%ix\. 1872. Nodos. Foss. e Viv. d'ltal. 43. pi. iv. figs. 67-81. Phonemus {Dentalijia) pulcher Meek. 1864. Smithsonian Inst. Mis. Coll. 177. p. I. 1868. Appendix A. Geology of New Jersey. 721. Nodosaria raphanus Jones, Parker, and Brady. 1866. Mono- graph. Foram. of the Crag 49. pi. i. figs. 4, 5, 22, 23. Nodosaria obscura Reuss. 1874. Das Elbthalgebirge in Sachsen. pt. ii. 81. pi. XX. fig. 14. Nodosaria rapha?ius 'Qxa.dy. 1884. Report on Foram. H. M.S. Challenger. Zool. ix. 512. pi. Ixiv. figs 6-10. Shell straight, subcylindrical, tapering, composed of a few larg- 110 JOURNAL OF THE [October, ish chambers, and externally ribbed from end to end by stout parallel ridges. The constrictions marking the septal lines are sometimes concealed by overgrowing longitudinal costte. Liable to become either curved or compressed, or both, with more or less eccentric aperture. Locality. Timber Creek, in the teredo ])ed. Rare. NoDOSARiA RAPHANISTRUM Linne, sp. Nautilus raphauistru)n Linn. 1758. Syst. Nat. loth ed. 710. No. 242 ; 1767. 12th ed. 1163. No. 282. Orthoccra raphanistrum Lamarck. 1822. An. s. Vert. 594. No. 3. Nodosaria bacilluui Defrance. 1825. Diet. Sci. Nat. xxxv. 127; xxvi. 487; Atlas Conch. 13. fig. 4. Nodosaria zippei Reuss. 1844. Kreidegebirg. 210; 1845. Verst. bohm. Kreid. i. 25. pi. viii. figs. 1-3. Nodosaria baciUum d'Orbigny. 1846. For. Loss. Vien. 40. pi. i. figs. 40-47. Nodosaria raphaiius Parker and Jones, i860. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. xvi. 453. pi. xix. fig. 10. Nodasaria spectrum Reuss. 1862. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wien. Math. Nat. CI. xlvi. 37. pi. ii fig. 3. Nodosaria bifor/nis, N. bactridium Reuss. 1866. Denks. Akad. Wien. XXV. 14. pi. i. figs. 23-25. Nodosaria raphanistrum Jones, Parker, and Brady. 1866. Foram. of the Crag. 50. pi. i figs. 6-8. Nodosaria raphanistrum Sherborn and Chapman. 1886. Journ. Roy. Mic Soc. ser. 2. vi. 749. pi. xiv. fig. 37. Test long, straight, cylindrical, many chambered ; septa more or less constricted; surface ornamented by numerous stout parallel ribs running from end to end of the shell. Locality. Stratton's marl j)it, near Mullica Hill, in the shell layers of the green marl. Common. Also at Timber Creek, yellow limestone. Rare. Gryphaea bed. Rare. Nodosaria scalaris Batsch, sp. " Orthocerata striata niicroscopica" Soldani. 1780. Saggio Oritt. 107. pi. V. figs. L, A, B, C, D ; pi. viii. fig. CC. " Orthoceratia flosculi" Soldani. 1791. Testaceographia. i. pt. 2. 91. pi. xcv. figs. B-M. l894-] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. Ill '''' Polytnorphia pi/iciformia" Soldani. 1791- Ibid. 118. pi, cxxvii. fig. C. Nautilus {Orthoceras) sca/aris Batsch. 1791- Conchyl. des See- sandes. No. 4. pi. ii. fig. 4. a, b. ' JVodosaria long icauda d^Oxhxgny. 1826. Ann. Sci. Nat. vii. 254. No. 28. Nodosaria sulcata Id. Ibid. 253. No. 21. Nodosaria candei d'Orbigny. 1839. Foram. Cuba. 44 pi. i. figs. 6, 7. Nodosaria striaticoUis di^Oxhx'ffxy. 1839. Foram. Canaries. 124 pi. i. figs. 2-4. Lagena williamsoni (?) Harvey and Bailey. 1853. Proc. Acad. Phila. vi. 431. Nodosaria tenuicostata Costa. 1856. Atti dell' Accad. Pont. vii. 156. pi. xii. fig. 5 ; pi. xvi. figs. 8-13. Nodosaria reussi Id. Ibid. 155. pi. xvi. fig. 5. Nodosaria anuulata Costa. 1857. xMem. Accad. Sci. Nap. ii. 139. pi. i. fig. 16. Nodosaria radicula Williamson. 1858. Rec. Foram. Gt. Br. 15. pi. ii. figs. 36-38. Nodosaria scalaris Parker and Jones. 1865. Phil. Trans, civ. 340. pi. xvi. fig. 2. a, b, c. Nodosaria subradicula Sch wager. 1866. Novara Exped. geol. ii. 222. pi. v. fig. 50. Nodosaria longicauda Silvestri. 1872. Nodos. Foss. e Viv. d'ltal. 58. pi. v. figs. 101-127. Nodosaria scalaris Brady. 1884. Report on Foram. H M. S. Challenger. Zool. ix. 510. pi. Ixiii. figs. 28-31 ; var. pi. Ixiv. figs. 16-19. '' Test is straight ; the segments comparatively few, generally from three to six in the adult shell and never more than eight, inflated or subglobular, and increasing rapidly, though not always regularly, in size. The final chamber is drawn out into an aper- tural tube of some length with a terminal phialine lip, and the opposite extremity of the test is commonly mucronate. The superficial costse vary both as to number and thickness, and are frequently more numerous and less strongly marked than shown by the figures.' — Brady, loc. cit. Locality. Stratton's marl pit, near Mullica Hill, in the shell 112 JOURNAL OF THE [October, layers of the green marl. Frequent. Timber Creek, in the yel- low limestone. Quite rare. Nodgsari'a (D.) soluta Reuss. Dentalina oligostegia Reuss. 1850. Haidinger's Naturw. Ab- handl. iv. 25. pi. ii. fig. 10. Dentalina lilli Id. Ibid. 25. pi. ii. fig. 11. Dentalina soluta '^.G.viss. 1851. Zeitschr. d. deutsch. geol. Ge- sellsch. iii. 60. pi. iii. fig. 4. a, b. Dentalina globifera Reuss. 1855. Sitzungsb. d. K. Ak. Wiss, Wien. xviii. 223. pi. i. fig. 3. Nodosaria soluta Bornemann. 1855. Zeitschr. d. deutsch. geol. Gesellsch. vii. 322. pi. xii. fig. 12. Dentalina globuligera Neugeboren. 1856. Denkschr. d. K. Akad. Wiss. Wien. xii. 81. pi. ii. fig. 10. Nodosaria ovularis Costa. 1857. Mem. Accad. Sci. Napoli. ii. 141. pi. i. figs. 8, 9. Dentalina distincta Reuss. i860. Sitzungsb. d. K. Akad. Wiss. Wien. xl. 184. pi. ii. fig. 5. Dentalina catenula Id. Ibid. 185. pi. iii. fig. 6. Dentalina discrepans Id. Ibid. 184. pi. iii. fig. 7 Dentalina soluta Stache. 1864. Novara Exped. geol. i. Pa- laont. 203. pi. xii. fig. 29. Nodosaria {D.) grandis Reuss. 1865. Denkschr d. K. Akad. Wiss. Wien. xxv. 131. pi. i. figs. 26-28. Nodosaria {D.) soluta Id. Ibid. 131. pi. ii. figs. 4-8. Nodosaria {D.) guttifera Parker and Jones. 1865. Phil. Trans. civ. 343. pi. xiii. fig. II. Dentalina soluta Hantken. 1875. Mitth. Jahrb. d. K. ung. geol. Anstalt. iv. 29. pi. ii. figs. 2, 14. Nodosaria (D.) soluta Brady. 1884. Report on Foram. H. M. S. Challenger. Zool. ix. 503. pi. Ixii. figs. 13-16 ; pi. ixiv. fig. 28. Test elongate, a little arcuate, with a few spherical chambers ; with constricted interstices, first chamber somewhat mucronate, the last produced into a short siphon ; aperture naked. Locality. Timber Creek, in the yellow limestone. Rare. Teredo bed. Frequent. 1894.] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 113 NODOSARIA VERTEBRALIS Batsch, sp. Nautilus {Orthoceras) vertebralis Batsch. 1791- Conchyl. des Seesandes. 3. No. 6. pi. ii. fig. 6. a, b. Nodosaria fascia Parker, Jones, and Brady. 1865. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 3. xv. 227. No. vi. Nodosaria vertehi-alis Brady. 1884. Report on Foram. H. M. S. Challenger. Zool. ix. 514. pi. Ixiii. fig. 35 ; pi. Ixiv. figs. 11- 14. '* The shell of Nodosaria vertebralis is long, slender, slightly ta- pering, and generally more or less curved ; the segments are very numerous and the septal lines straight; and the surface is marked by distinct, continuous, longitudinal striae or riblets. The outline is even and the sutures areunconstricted ; the septa are conspicu- ously thick and formed of transparent shell substance, but not limbate externally." — Brady, loc. cit. Locality. Stratton's marl pit, near Mullica Hill, in the shell layers of the green marl. Rare. Timber Creek, teredo bed. Not abundant. LINGULINA d'Orbigny. LiNGULiNA CARiNATA d'Orbigny. Lingulina carinata d'Orbigny. 1826. Ann. Sci. Nat. vii. 257. No. I ; Modele. No. 26. Lingulina carinata d'Orbigny. 1839. Foram. Canaries. 124. pi. i. figs. 5, 6. Lingulina carinata WxWx^mson. 1858. Rec. Foram. Gt. Br. 14. pi. ii. figs. 33-35. Lingulina carinata Parker and Jones. 1S60. Foram. Chellast. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. xvi. pi. xix. figs. 13, 14. Frondicularia nysti Reuss. 1863. Crag. d'Anvers Bull. Acad. Belg. ser. 2. xv. 148. pi. ii. fig. 20. Lingulina bursceforniis Giimbel. 1868. Nordalp. Eociin. K. Bayr. Akad. Abhandl. 1. x. 628. pi. i. fig. 51. Lingulina pygnicea^tVL%s. 1873. Geinitz' Elbthalgeb. Sachsen. 2. 90. II. 2c. fig. 23. Lingulina glabra Hantken. 1875. Mitth. Jahtbuch. d. K. un- gar. geol. Anstalt. iv. 42. pi. xiii. fig. 14. Nodosarina carinata Goes. 1882. Kongl. Svenska Vet. Akad. xix. pi. i. figs. 65-67. 114 JOURNAL OF THE [October, Linguliiia carinata Brady. 1884. Report on Foram. H. M. S. Challenger. Zool, ix. 517. pi. Ixv. figs. 16, 17. Test oblong-elongate, compressed, carinate, shining, smooth, translucent, anteriorly rotund, posteriorly cuneate, with numerous inequal chambers ; aperture linear, transverse. Locality. Timber Creek, teredo bed. Rare. Gryphsea bed. Rare. FRONDICULARIA Defrance. Frondicularia alata d'Orbigny. ''' JVaiitili caiidi/oniics" ?)o\ddL\M. 179S. Testaceographia. ii. 13. pi. i. fig. C. Frondicularia alata d'Orbigny. 1826. Ann. Sci. Nat. vii. 256. No. 2. Frondicularia alata Parker, Jones, and Brady. 187 1. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 4. viii. 161. pi. x. fig. 66. Frondicularia alata, var. sagittula Vanden Broeck. 1876. Ann. Soc. Belg. Micr. ii. 113. pi. ii. figs. 12, 14. Frondicularia alata, var. lanceolata Id. Ibid. 117, pi. ii. fig. 13. Frondicularia complanata, var. concinna Id. Ibid. 109. pi. iii. fig. 2. Frondicularia alata Brady. 1884. Report on Foram. H. M. S. Challenger. Zool. ix. 522. pi. Ixv. figs. 20-23 \ var. pi. Ixvi. figs- 3-5- "The figure in the Testaceographia, selected by d'Orbigny to bear the name Frondicularia alata, is that of a short complanate shell, which is very broad near the initial end, owing to the arms of the V-shaped segments reaching back nearly into a line with the primordial chamber. The free ends of the segments are irre- gular, and most of them projecting and pointed. The drawing is somewhat rough, but represents in their extreme development characters easily recognized in more typical specimens. " Referring to the illustrations, the two large figures (figs. 20, 21) represent good examples of the species in the adult condi- tion, the free ends of the chambers forming a nearly straight line, and one here and there extended into a projecting point. Such shells attain large dimensions, the length sometimes exceeding one-fifth inch (5 mm.). Vanden Broeck {loc. cit.) gives an ex- 1894.] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 115 cellent series of drawings, representing individual modifications of the species rather than distinct varieties." — Brady, loc. cit. Locality. Stratton's marl pit, near Mullica Hill. Frequent. Timber Creek, teredo bed. Rare. Gryphaea bed. Rare. Yel- low limestone. Rare. Frondicularia angusta Nilsson, sp. Planularia angusta Nilsson. 1827. Petrifacta Suecana. 11. pi. ix. fig. 22. Fi'ondicularia angiistata Roemer. 1827. Petrifacta Suecana. 96. Frondicularia angusta Reuss. 1844. Geog. Skizzen. aus Boh. ii. 211. Frondicularia angusta Geinitz. 1844. Geog. Skizzen. aus Boh. ii. 70. pi. xvii. fig. 22. Frondicularia angusta Reuss. 1845. Versteinerungen der boh. Kreid. 20. pi. viii. figs. 13, 14. " Test 2-6"' elongate, small, lancet-shaped, at the lower end much elongated, above pointed, broadest at or above the centre. From the centre out to the marginal borders decreasing. Nu- merous (15-25) very small chambers, which are separated by proportionally broad roof-shaped sloping edges. These are inter- rupted in the centre by a longitudinal furrow which is smaller below, and moreover striated by more fine short lateral furrows, which nevertheless are not continued into the spaces between the edges. The lowest chamber very small, quite spherical, on every side provided with thin sharp longitudinal ribs and a short point on the base. The tolerably sharp lateral margin is continued over the first chamber to the end of the shell. "^-Reuss, loc. cit. Locality. Stratton's marl pit, near Mullica Hill, in the shell layers of the green marl. Quite rare. Bruere's pits, Crosswick's Creek, lower marl bed, above the gray layer. Rare. Timber Creek, in the teredo bed. Quite rare. MARGINULINA d'Orbigny. Marginulina costata Batsch, sp. N'autilus {Ortkoceras) costatus Batsch. 1791. Conchyl. des See- sandes. 2. pi. i. fig. i. a-g. " Orthoceratia, Raphanus, Raphanistruni et Rapistrum " Soldani. 116 jouRNAi. OF THK [October, 1791. Testaceographia. i. pt. 2. 91. pi. xciv. figs. N, P, Q, R, X, Y. Marginulina r-aphanus d'Orbigny. 1826. Ann. Sci. Nat. vii. 258. No. I. pi. X. figs. 7, 8 ; Modele. No. 6. Marginulina interaimiice Costa. 1856. Atti dell' Accad. Pont. vii. 184. pi. xiii. fig. 9. Marginulina obliquestriata Karrer. 1861. Sitzungsb. d. K. Akad. Wiss. Wien. xliv. 446. pi. i. fig. 8. Marginulina striatocostata Reuss. 1862. Ibid. xlvi. 62. pi. vi. 1 fig. 2. Marginulina turgida Id. Ibid. 63. pi. vi. fig. 7. Marginulina raphanus Parker, Jones, and Brady. 1865. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 3. xvi. 19. pi. i. fig. 35. Marginulina hamus Terquem. 1866. Foram. du Lias. 6'^™® mem. 501. pi. xxi. fig. 8. a, b. Maj'ginulina radiata Id. Ibid. 505. pi. xxi. figs. 16, 17. Marginulina, var. crebicosta Seguenza. 1880. Atti R. Accad. dei Lincei. ser. 3. vi. 90. pi. ix. fig. 6. Margifiulijia costata Brady. 1884. Report on Foram. H. M. S. Challenger. Zool. ix. 528. pi. Ixv. figs. 10-13. Test elongate, cylindrical, the chambers or members separated from each other like balls, but are connected by strong ribs, which unbrokenly extend over the entire shell and for the most part have a rectilinear back. Locality. Timber Creek, teredo bed. Rare. VAGINULINA d'Orbigny. Vaginulina. legumen Linne, sp. Nautihis legumen Linne. 1758. Syst. Nat. loth ed. 711. No. 248 ; 1767. 12th ed. 1164. No. 288. Nautilus {Orthoceras) leguminiformis Batsch. 1791. Conchyl. des Seesandes. No. 8. pi. iii. fig. 8. a. Vaginulina legumen d'Orbigny. 1826. Ann. Sci. Nat. vii. 257. No. 2. Vaginulina Icevigata Roemer. 1S38. Neues. Jahrb. flir Min. etc. 383. pi. iii. fig. II. Vaginulina elongata Roemer. 1840. Verst. Nordd. Kreid. 96, pi. XV. fig. 13. l894-] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 117 Nodosaria legumen Reuss. 1845. Verst. bohm, Kreid. part i. 28. pi. xiii. figs. 23, 24. Denfalina legumen Williamson. 1858. Rect. Foram. Gt. Br. 21. pi. ii. fig. 45. VaginuUua legumen Jones, Parker, and Brady. 1866. Monogr. Foram. Crag. 64. pi. iv. fig. 9. Vaginulina legutnen Brady. 1884. Report on Foram. H. M. S. Challenger. Zool. ix. 530. pi. Ixvi. figs. 13-15. Test smooth, sometimes straight, often arcuate, and sometimes considerably so ; slightly compressed laterally ; consisting of a linear series of flat, smooth, oblique segments, rarely exceeding twelve in number. Primordial segment abruptly truncate ; some- times cuneiform ; occasionally prolonged into a large, solid, trans- parent mucro. Peripheral outline entire, and not lobulated ; though sometimes having the ultimate segment ventricose, and separated from the rest by a deeply constricted septal line. Septal lines smooth, oblique ; tending backwards as they approach the convex margin of the shell. Septal aperture at the extremity of the ultimate segment, which extremity is not central, but at the concave margin ; surrounded by a well-defined coronal. Locality. Stratton's marl pit, near Mullica Hill, in the shell layers of the green marl. Rare. Vaginulina linearis Montagu, sp. Nautilus linearis Montagu. 1808. Test. Brit. Suppl. 87. pi. XXX. fig. 9. Alarginulina vaginella Reuss. 1851. Zeitschr. d. deutsch. geol. Gesellsch. lii. 152. pi. viii. fig. 2. Vaginulina striata Costa. 1856. Atti dell' Accad. Pont. vii. 182. pi. xvi. fig. 17. Dentalina legumen^ var. ///'^i?ar/j» Williamson. 1858. Rect. Foram. Gt. Br. 23. pi. ii. figs. 46-48. Vaginulina linearis Parker and Jones. 1865. Phil. Trans, civ. 343. xiii. figs. 12, 13. Vaginulina linearis Jones, Parker, and Brady. 1866. Mono- graph of the Foram. of the Crag. 67. pi. i. figs. 10-12. Vaginulina eoccena G\xmht\. 1868. Abhand. d. K. bayer. Akad. d. Wiss. II. Cl. X. 632. pi. i. fig. 48. a, b. 118 JOURNAL OF THE [October, Cristellaria dilute-striata Id. Ibid. 639. pi. i. fig. 69. Vaginulina linearis Brady. 1884. Report on Foram. H. M. S. Challenger. Zool. ix. 532. pi. Ixvii. figs. 10-12. Test straight or bent, more or less compressed ; chambers com- pactly set on, more or less oval in section ; ornamented in a vari- able degree with delicate parallel riblets, mostly oblique to axis of the shell ; aperture eccentric. Locality. Stratton's marl pit, near Mullica Hill, in the shell layers of the green marl. Rare. New Egypt, in the lower green marl. Fragments. Bruere's pits, Crosswick's Creek, lower marl bed, above the gray layers. Rare. CRISTELLARIA Lamarck. Cristellaria acutauricularis Fichtel and Moll, sp. ^'' Hammoniie subrotund'X,'' etc, Soldani. 1789. Testaceographia. i. pt. I. 61. pi. xlix. fig. X. Nautilus acutauricularis Fichtel and Moll. 1803. Test. Micr. 102. pi. xviii. figs. g-i. Cristellaria navicula d'Orhigwy. 1840. Mem. Soc. geol. France. iv. 27. pi. ii. figs. 19, 20. Cristellaria polita Reuss. 1855. Sitzungsb. d. K. Akad. Wiss. Wien. xviii. 237. pi. iii. fig. 41. Robulina liinbata (pars) Bornemann, 1855. Zeitschr. d. deutsch. geol. Gesellsch. vii. 335. pi. xv. figs. 4, 5. Cristellaria acutauricularis Parker and Jones, i860. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 3. v. 114. No. 20. Cristellaria acutauricularis Brady. 1884. Report on Foram. H. M. S. Challenger. Zool. ix. 543. pi cxiv. fig. 17. a, b. Test spiral, involute, suboval, smooth, ventricose, exumbili- cate, keel acute carinate ; convolutions with ten conspicuous subelevated joints ; dissepiments moderately convex in front, oval plane ovate-convex, marginate, with the exterior angle com- pressed, obtuse, subincurvate ; with orifice in the extremity of the said angle minutely rotund. Locality. Timber Creek, in the gryphaea bed. Rare. l894-] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 119 Cristellaria articulata Reuss. Robulina articulata Levi's,?,. 1863. Sitzungsb. d. K. Akad. Wiss. Wien. xlviii. 53. pi. v. fig 62. Cristellaria articulata Id. 1870. Ibid. Ixii. 483 ; Schlicht. 1870. Foram. Pietzpuhl. pi. xvii. figs. 5-12. Cristellaria articulata Brady. 1884. Report on Foram. H. M. S. Challenger. Zool. ix. 547. Ixix. figs. 10-12 ; wild-growing forms, figs. 1-4. Test quite circular, slightly angular, compressed, in the centre slightly beaked, with six to eight curved chambers of which the last are moderately broadly triangular, considerably arched, sepa- rated by deep sutures, the septal walls of the last chamber oval, deeply outlined on the base, slightly convex. Locality. Stratton's marl pit, near Mullica Hill, in the shell layers of the green marl. Quite rare. Timber Creek, teredo bed. R.are. Cristellaria crepidula Fichtel and Moll, sp. Nautilus crepidula Fichtel and Moll. 1803. Test. Micr. 107. pi. xix. figs. g-i. Cristellaria crepidula d'Orbigny. 1839. Foram. Cuba. 64. pi. viii. figs. 17, 18. Cristellaria berthelotiana d'Oxh'xgny. 1839. Foram. Canaries. 125. pi. i. figs. 14, 15. Cristellaria intermedia Reuss. 1845. Verstein. bohm. Kreid. pt. i- ZZ. 108. pi. xiii. figs. 57, 58 ; pt. ii. pi. xxiv. figs. 50, 51. Cristellaria cymboides d'Orbigny. 1846. Foram. Foss. Vien. 85. pi. iii. figs. 30, 31. Cristellaria intermedia Alth. 1850. Haidinger's Naturw. Ab- handl. iii. 267. pi. xiii. fig. 23. Cristellaria jugleri Reuss. 1851.° Zeitschr. d. deutsch. geol. Gesellsch. iii. 89. pi. iv. fig. 19. a, b. Cristellaria subarcuatula Williamson. 1858. Rect. Foram. Gt. Br. 29. pi. ii. figs. 56, 57. Cristellaria intermedia Reuss, var. 1861. Sitzungsb. d. K. Akad. Wiss. Wien. xliv. 328. pi. viii. fig. 2. Cristellaria grata Reuss. 1862. Sitzungsb. d. K. Akad. Wiss. Wien. xlvi. 70. pi. vii. fig. 14. 120 JOURNAL OF THE [October, Cristellaria pla7iiiiscula Id. Ibid. 71. pi. vii. fig. 15. Cristellaria cordiformis Terquem. 1S63. Foram. du Lias. 3ieme mem. 203. pi. ix. fig. 14. a, b. Cristellaria acuminata Id. Ibid. 210. pi. x. fig. 5. a, b. Hemirobulina compressa Stache. 1864. Novara Exped. i. Pala- ont. 229. pi. xxiii. fig. 8. a, b. Cristellaria crepidula Parker and Jones. 1865. Phil. Trans. civ. 344. pi. xiii. figs. 15, 16 ; pi. xvi. fig. 4. Cristellaria kochi Reuss. 1866. Denkschr. d. K. Akad. Wiss. Wien. xxv. 139. pi. ii. fig. 35. a, b. Cristellaria galeata Id. Ibid. 141. pi. iii. fig. 8. a, b. Cristellaria crepidula Brady. 1884. Report on Foram. H. M. S. Challenger. Zool. ix. 542. pi. Ixvii. figs. 17, 19, 20; pi. Ixviii. figs. I, 2. Test spiral subinvolute, elongate, slightly curved, smooth, pellucid, compressed, with subelevated sides, back obtuse, 12-13 conspicuous chambers, planate except the last which is more ele- vated ; chamber walls slightly convex anteriorly, radiating from a common centre with the last two or three, scarcely elevate plane- oval lanceolate convex ; orifice minute rotund slightly crenate on the outside of the angle. Locality. Stratton's marl pit, near Mullica Hill, in the shell layers of the green marl. Rare. Cristellaria cultrata Montfort, sp. "' Cornu Hainmonis'^ Plancus. 1760. Conch. Min. ed. altera- 120. pi. i. fig. xii. sec. 552. ^^ Nautili {LeiiticulcB marginatczY' Soldani. 1789. Testaceographia. i. pt. I. 54. pi. xxxiii. figs. B etc. Robulus cultratus Montfort. 1808. Conchyl. System, i. 214 54^ genre. Robulina cultrata d'Orbigny. * 1826. Ann. Sci. Nat. vii. 287. No. I ; Modele No. 82. Robulina canariensis d'Orbigny. 1839. Foram. Canaries. 127. pi. iii. figs. 3, 4. Robulina subcultrata d'Orbigny. 1839. Foram. Amer. Merid. 26. pi. V. figs. 19, 20. Robulina cultrata d'Orbigny. 1846. Foram. Foss. Vien. 96. pi. iv. figs. 10-13. 1894.] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 121 Robuli7ia similis d'Orbigny. Ibid. 98. pi. iv. figs. 14, 15. Cristellaria hoffmanni Ehrenberg. 1854. Mikrogeologie. pi. xxvi. fig- 53- Robulma li?nbosa Reuss. 1863. Sitzungsb. d. K. Akad. Wiss. Wien. xlviii. 55. pi. vi. fig. 69. Cristellaria gyroscalprum Stache. 1864. Novara Exped. geol. i. Palaont. 243. pi. xxiii. fig. 22. a, b. Robulina cultrata, var. aniipodum Id. Ibid. 251. pi. xxiii. fig. 30. a, b. Robulina tcettovata Id. Ibid. 253. pi. xxiii. fig. 32. a, b. Cristellaria cultrata Parker and Jones. 1865. Phil. Trans, civ. 344. pi. xiii. figs. 17, 18 ; pi. xvi. fig. 5. Robulina curvispira Seguenza. 1879. Atti R. Accad. dei Lincei. ser. 3. vi. 144. pi. xiii. fig. 28. Robulina stellata Id. Ibid. 144. pi. xiii. fig. 29. Robulina dubia Id. Ibid. 144. pi. xiii. fig, 30. Cristellaria cultrata Brady. 1884. Report on Foram. H. M. S. Challenger. Zool. ix. 550. pi. Ixx. figs. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. Cristellaria cultrata Whiteaves. 1887. Trans. Roy. Soc. Can. iv. 114. Test orbicular-convex, smooth, or radiate, costate, carinate margin, lamellose ; with eight oblique chambers, somewhat con- vex, smooth or costate, with the last excavated above, aperture radiate. Locality. Stratton's marl pit, near Mullica Hill, in the shell layers of the green marl. Common. Bruere's pit, Crosswick's Creek, lower marl bed above the gray layers. Not common. New Egypt, green marl. Fragments. Timber Creek, teredo bed. Common. Marlborough, green marl. Quite abundant. Cristellaria gibba d'Orbigny. Cristellaria gibbia d'Orbigny. 1839. Foram. Cuba. 6^. pi. vii. figs. 20, 21. Cristellaria excisa Bornemann. 1855. Zeitschr. d. deutsch. geol. Gesellsch. vii. 328. pi. xiii. figs. 19, 20. Cristellaria nuda Reuss. 1861. Sitzungsb. d. K. Ak. Wiss. Wien. xliv. 328. pi. vi. figs. 1-3. Cristellaria pulchella Id. 1862. Ibid. xlvi. 71. pi. viii. fig. i. 122 JOURNAL OF THE [October, Robulina concinna Id. 1863. Ibid, xlviii. 52. pi. v. fig. 58. CristeUaria gibba Brady. 1884. Report on Foram. H. M. S. Challenger. Zool. ix. 546. pi. Ixix. figs. 8, 9. Test oblong-convex, inflated, subcarinate, smooth, shining, yellowish ; ten elongate chambers, arcuate, terminal one subcon- cave above, margined, with sutures complanate, umbilicus im- pressed ; aperture marginate, radiate. Locality. vStratton's marl pit, near Mullica Hill, in the shell layers of the green marl. Quite rare. Timber Creek, teredo bed. Quite rare. Gryphsa bed. Rare. Cristellaria italica Defrance, sp. Saracenaria italica Defrance. 1824. Diet. Sci. Nat. xxxii. 177 ; xlvii. 344. Atlas Conch, pi. xiii. fig. 6. Saracenaria italica Blainville. 1825. Man. de Malacol. 370. pi. V. fig. 6. Cristellaria {Saracenaria) italica 6: Oxhigwy. 1826. Ann. Sci. Nat. vii. 293. No. 26. Modeles Nos. 19 and 85. Frondicularia friedra Costa. 1856. Atti dell' Accad. Pont. vii. 174. pi. xiii. figs. 26, 27. Cristellaria italica Parker, Jones, and Brady. 1865. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 3. xvi. 22, 32. pi. i. figs. 41, 42. Cristellaria {Margini/liua) italica, \2.x. cinctaY^^iXX^x. 1877. Geol. K. F.-J. Wasserleitung. 383. pi. xvi. b. fig. 38. Cristellaria {Marginulina) italica, var. aureola Id. Ibid. 383. pi. xvi. b. fig. 39. Cristellaria italica Brady. 1884. Report on Foram. H. M. S. Challenger. Zool. ix. 544. pi. Ixviii. figs. 17, 18, 20-23. " Saracenaria. Shell almost microscopical, oval, celled, with a sort of sinuous keel in its middle, from which start oblique striae, indications of interior partitions, not sinuous, which divide its cavity into two ranges of chambers ; no trace of an exterior open- ing."— D'Blainville. 370. pi. v. fig. 6. " The test of Cristellaria italica is elongate and trihedral ; the planospiral segments are few and inconspicuous, whilst those of the body of the shell are superimposed so as to form a curved line. The convex or dorsal margin is sharp but not carinate, and the ventral face is so broad that the transverse section of the shell l894-] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 123 has the form of a nearly equilateral triangle. The segments are short and obliquely set, dipping at the front more or less towards the initial end, as in VaginuUna." — Brady, .loc. cit. Locality. Stratton's marl pit, near Mullica Hill, in the shell layers of the green marl. Rare. This being such a peculiar species I have given the original generic description and specific characters given by my esteemed friend, H. B. Brady. Cristellaria rotulata Lamarck, sp. ' Cornii ffammonis seu Nautili'' Plancus. 1739. Conch. Minn. 13. pi. i. fig. III. Lenticulites rotulata Lamarck. 1804. Ann. du Museum, v. 188. No. 3 ; Tableau Encycl. et Meth. pi. cccclxvi fig. 5. Robulina miiensteri Roemer. 1841. Verstein. norddeutsch. Kreid. pt, 2. 98. pi. xv. fig. 30. Cristellaria rotulata Forbes. 1845. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. i. 65, 66. fig. Robulina simplex d'Orbigny. 1846. Foram. Foss. Vien. 102. pi. iv. figs. 27, 28. Robulina stellifera Czjzek. 1847. Haidinger's Naturw. Abhandl. ii. 142. pi. xii. figs. 26, 27. Robulina trigonostoma Reuss. 185 1. Zeitschr. d. deutsch. geol. Gesellsch. iii. 69. pi. iv. fig. 26. Robulina neglect a Id. Ibid. 69. pi. iv. fig. 27. Robulina def or mis (pars) Bornemann. 1855. Ibid. vii. 337. pi. xiv. fig. I. Robulijia depauperata Id. Ibid. 337. pi. xiv. fig. 11. Robulina incompta (?) Id. Ibid. 336. pi. xiv. fig. 12. Cristellaria calcar (typica) Williamson. 1858. Rec. Foram. Gt. Br. 27. pi. ii. figs. 52, 53. Cristellaria rotulata ^QWi^. 1861. Sitzungsb. d. K. Akad. Wiss. Wien. xliv. 326, 336. Phonemus {^Cristellaria) rotulatus (d'Orbigny ?) Meek. 1864. Smithsonian Inst. Mis. Coll. 177. i. Cristellaria rotulata Parker and Jones. 1865. Phil. Trans, civ. 345. pi. xiii. fig. 19. Cristellaria inornata Terquem. 1876. Anim. sur la Plage de Dunkerque. 70. pi. vii. fig. 18. 124 JOURNAL OF THE [October, Cristellaria aiistriaca Id. Ibid. 70. pi. vii. fig. 20. a, b. Cristcllaria simplex Id. Ibid. 70. pi. vii. fig. 21. a, b. Robulina simplicissiiiia Seguenza. 1879. Atti R. Accad. dei Lin- cei. ser. 3. vi. 141. pi. xiii. fig. 18. Robuliua lucida Id. Ibid. 142. pi. xiii. fig. 19. Cristellaria falcifer Stache. 1864. Novara Exped. geol. i. Pa- laont. 240. pi. xxiii. fig. 19 a, b. Cristellaria rotulata Schlumberger. 1882. Journ. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist. V. 119 pi. V. figs. 2, 2a. Cristellaria rotulata ^x-a.dy. 1884. Report on Foram. H. M. S. Challenger. Zool. ix. 547. Ixix. fig. 13. a, b. Test orbiculate, con .'ex, smooth, nDn-costate sutures forming a star in the plane centre, without central disc, margin narrowly carinate ; nine triangular narrow complanate chambers ; aper- ture radiate Locality. Stratton's marl pit, near Mullica Hill, in the shell layers of the green marl. Very common. Timber Creek, in the yellov,' limestone. Abundant. Teredo bed. Not abundant. Cristellaria wetherellii Jones, sp. Margi/iiiliiia sp. Sowerby. 1834. Trans. Geol. Soc. Lond. ser. 2. V. 135. pi. ix. fig. 12. Marginulina wetherellii Jones. 1854. Morris's Cat. Brit. Foss. 37. Marginiilina wetherellii Parker and Jones. 1859. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 3. iv. 350. Marginulina fragaria Giimbel, 1868. Abhandl. d. K. bayer. Akad. d. Wiss. II. cl x. 635. pi i. fig. 58. a, b, c. Cristellaria asperula Id. ibid. pi. i. fig. 65. a, b. Cristellaria areuata Hantken. 1875. Mittheil. Jahrb. d. K. ung. geol. Anstait. iv. 51. pi. v. fig. 10. Cristellaria fragaria Id Ibid. 53. pi. vi. figs. 1-3. Cristellaria ivetherellii Brady, i 884. Report on Foram. H. M. S. Challenger. Zool. ix. 537. pi. cxiv. fig. 14. "The test of Cristellaria 7vctherellii is usually ]Dod-like or crosier-shaped, but varies greatly in length and in the relative development of the spiral and linear portions. It is, however, always more or less spiral at the commencement, and almost in- variably exhibits considerable lateral compression ; therefore, so 1894] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 125 far as such characters are of any distinctive value, it belongs to the genus Cristellaria rather than to MarginuUna. The salient feature of the species is its peculiar surface-decoration, consisting of closely-set raised tubercles, which take the place of continuous limbate septal lines. These are often, but not invariably, con- nected by slight, oblique, longitudinal costse, most apparent on the earlier portions of the shell." — Brady, loc. cit. Locality. vStratton's marl pit, near Mullica Hill, in the shell layers of the green marl. Quite rare. Timber Creek, teredo bed. Abundant. Sub-family POLYMORPHININ.^ POLYMORPHINA d'Orbigny. POLYMORPHINA ANGUSTA EggCr. Po'vinorpkina {^Globulina) fiisiformis Roemer. 1838. Neues Jahrb. fiir Min. 386. pi. iii. fig. 37. Polymorphina liassica Strickland. 1845. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. ii. 30. fig. b. Globiilina leopolitana Reuss. 1850. Haidinger's Abhandl. iv. 44. pi. V. fig. I I. Grammostomuin turis Ehrenberg. 1S54. Mikrogeologie. pi. xxvi. fig. 19. Globiilina acuta ^^vl^"^. 1855. Sitzungsb. d. K. Akad. VVissensch. xviii. 51. pi. vi. fig. 62. Polymorphina {^Globiilina) angusia Egger. 1857. Neues Jahrb. fiir Min. 290. pi. xiii. figs. 13, 15. Polymorphina suhrhonibica Reuss. 1861. Sitzungsb. d K. Akad. Wiss. Wien. xliv. 339. pi. vii. fig. 3 Polymorphina lanceolata (pars) Reuss. 1870. Sitzungsb. d. K. Akad. Wiss. Wien. Ixii. 487. No. 12 ; Schlicht. 1870. Forara. Pietzpuhl. pi. xxxi. figs. 2, 3. 4. Polymorphina gracilis Id. Ibid. Schlicht. 1870. Foram. Pietz- puhl. 486. No. 7. pi. xxxi. figs. 34, 45. Polymorphina fiisiformis (pars) Brady, Parker, and Jones. 1870. Trans. Linn. Soc Lond. xxvii. 219, pi. xxxix. fig. 5. a, b, c. Polymorphina angiista Brady. 1884. Report on Foram. H. M. S. Challenger. Zool. ix. 563. pi. ixxi. figs. 1-3. Test elongate, subcylindrical, tapering at both extremities- 126 JOURNAL OF THE [October, Chambers few, from three to four, oblique, somewhat convex, septal lines but slightly depressed. Surface smooth. Locality. Stratton's marl pit, near Mullica Hill, in the shell layers of the green marl. Rare. PoLYMORPHiNA COMMUNIS d'Orbigny. Polymorp/iina {Guttulina) coini)iiiiiis d'Orbigny. 1826. Ann. Sci. Nat. vii. 226. No. 15. pi. 12. figs. 1-4; Modele No 62. Guttulina vitrea d'Orbigny. 1839. Foram. Cuba. 128. pi. ii. figs. 1-3 Polyuiorphina {Guttulina) cflmiiiiinis'^oyzxwQX. 1838. Neues Jahrb. fiir Min. Jahr. 1838. 385. pi. iii. fig. 29. PGlymorphina glomerata^oQ.m^x. 1841. Verstein. norddeutsch. Kreid. pt. 2. 19. pi. xv. fig. 19. Polymorphiiia glomerata Reuss 1845. Verstein. bohm. Kreid. pt. I. 40. pi. xii. fig. 32. Guttulitia communis Reuss. 1845. In Ceinitz's Grundriss der Verstein. 669. pi. xxiv. fig. 82. Guttulina communis d'Orbigny. 1846. Foram. Foss. Vien. 224. pi. xiii. figs. 6-8. Guttulina irregularis d'Orbigny. Id. Ibid. 226. pi. xiii. figs. 9, 10. Globulina discreta Reuss. 1849. Denkschr. Mathem-Natur. CI. K. Akad. VVissensch. i. 378. pi. xlviii. fig. 10. Guttulina cetacea Alth. 1849. Haidinger's Abhandl. iii. 262. pi. xiii. fig. 14. Guttulina semiplana Reuss. 1851. Deutsch. d. geol. Gesell. iii. 82. pi. vi. fig. 48 Guttulina semiplana Bornemann 1855. Zeitsch. deutsch. geol. Gesell. vii. 344. - Polymorplii/ui {Guttulina) communis Egger. 1857. Neues Jahrb. fiir Min. Jahr. 1857. 288. pi. xiii. figs. 16-iS. Polymorphina {Guttulina) lata Egger. Ibid. 228. pi. xiii. figs. 22-24. Guttalina fissurata Stache. 1865. Novara Exped. Geol. i. pt. 2. 263. pi. xxiv. fig. 10. Guttalina obliquata Id. Ibid. 264. pi. xxiv. fig. 11. Polymorphina proble ma, way. deltoidea Kmis?,. 1866. Denkschr. d. mathem. Natur. Cl. Akad. Wiss. xxv. 154. pi. iv. fig. 8. l894-] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 127 Polyinorphina scuiiplana Reuss. 1870. Sitzungsb. d. K. Akad. Wiss. Wien. Ixii. 488 No. 16 ; Schlicht. 1870. Foram. Pietz- puhl. pi. xxvii. figs. 22-33. Polyinorphina problenta^ var communis Id. Ibid. 487. No. 15 ; Schlicht. pi. XXX. figs. 13-16. /'6'/)7;/C'';7^/////'ol>le/)ia d'Ovh'xgwy. 1826. Ann. Sci. Nat. vii. 266. No. 14 ; Modele No. 61. Polymorphina ^Giittiilina) crassatina Minister. 1838 (fide Roe- mer). Neues Jahrb. fiir Min. Jahr. 1838. 385.pl. iii. fig. 30. Polyino)phina {^Gitttiilina) spicceformis Roemer. 1838. Ibid. .386. pi. iii. fig. 31. Gi/tfii/inci prohlcma Reuss. 1845. In Geinitz's Grundriss der Verstein. 669. pi. xxiv. fig. '^2,- Gitttiilina prohlcma d'Orbigny. 1846. Foram. Foss. Vien. 224. pi. xii. figs. 26-28. Giittitlina aiistriaca Id. Ibid. 223. pi. xii. figs. 23-25. Giittiiliiia cretacea Alth. 1849. Haidingcr s Nalurw. Abhandl. iii. 262. pi. xiii. fig. 14. Polymorphina uvula Ehrenberg. 1854. Mikrogeologie. pi. xxvi. ^ fig. 28. Polymorphina uvula Egger. 1857. Neues Jahrb. fiir Min. Jahr. 1857. 285. pi. x. figs. 26-29. Guttulina cretacea Reuss. 1861. Sitzungsb. d. K. Akad. Wiss. Wien. xliv. 319, 339. Guttulina rotunJata Reuss. 1864. Sitzungsb. d. K. Akad. Wiss. Wien. 1. 469. pi. iii. fig. 4. Guttulina pusilla Stache. 1865. Novara Exped. Geol. i. pt. 2. 265. pi. xxiv. fig. 12. Polymorphina //W'/ciw^? Parker, Jones, and Brady. 1866. Monogr. Crag Foram. pi. i. fig. 64. PolymorpJiina prol^lcnia \ix'a.^y,Y'Ax\iitx, ^x\(\. Jones. 1870. Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. xxvii. 225. pi. xxxix. fig. 11. a, b. Polymorphina problema Brady. 1884. Report Foram. H. M. S. Challenger. Zool. ix. 568. pi. Ixxii. fig. 20 ; pi. Ixxiii. fig. i. Test oblong, ovate, irregular. Chambers numerous, much in- flated, and separated by deep sutures ; sometimes arranged tri- serially, but more frequently crowded together irregularly ; orifice round, radiate ; surface smooth. Locality. Stratton's marl pit, near Mullica Hill, in the shell layers of the green marl. Rare. Timber Creek, in the teredo bed. Abundant. 1894.] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. I3l PoLYMORPHiNA REGULARis von Munster. Polymorphina?-egj{laris von yiux\%\.tr. 1838 (fide Roemer). Neues Jahrb. fur Min. Jahr. 1838. 385. pi. 3. fig. 21. Polymorphina regularis Philippi. 1844. Beitrage zur Kennt- niss d. Tertiarverst. nordwest. Deutsch. 41, 70. Polymorphina regularisYi.3ir^iQV\. 1849. Verzeichn. d. Rostock. Verst. a. d. Sternberger Gestein. 8. Polymorphina regularis Reuss. 1855. Sitzungsb. d. K. Akad. Wiss. Wien. xviii. 247. pi. vii. figs. 70-73 ; 1. 38. pi. iii. figs. II, 12. pi. iv. fig. i. Polymorphina regularis, var. Nysti Reuss. 1863. Bullet, de I'Acad. roy. de Belgique. xv. 162. pi. iii. fig. 42. Polymorphina lingulata Stache. 1865. Novara Reise i. 2^* Ab- theil. Palaont. von Neu-Seeland. 255. pi. 24. fig. i. Polymorphina marsupium Stache. 1865. Novara Reise. i. 2'* Abtheil. Palaont. von Neu-Seeland. 258. pi. xxiv. fig. 5. Polymorphina dispar Stache. 1865. Novara Reise. i. 2'^ Ab- theil. Palaont. von Neu-Seeland. 261. pi. xxiv. fig. 8. Polymorphina gigantea Stache. 1865. Novara Reise. i. 2'^ Ab- theil. Palaont. von Neu-Seeland. 262. pi. xxiv. fig. 9. Polymorphina regularis Brady, Parker, and Jones. 1870, Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. xxvii. 229, pi. xl. fig. 13. a-c. Test oblong, irregularly biconvex, broadest in the upper half, tapering towards both base and apex ; periphery thin and pro- duced but not carinate. Septal lines marked by slight constric- tion. Chambers numerous, long, oblique. Surface smooth. Locality. Stratton's marl pit, near Mullica Hill, in the shell layers of the green marl. Common. Timber Creek, in the te- redo bed. Not common. Polymorphina rotundata Bornemann, sp. Guttulina rotundata Bornemann. 1855. Zeitschr. d. deutsch. geol. Gesellsch. vii. 346. pi. xi. p. xviii. fig. 3. Guttulina incurva Id. Ibid. 345. pi. xvii. fig. 6, Guttulina fracta Id. Ibid. 344. pi. xvii. fig. 4. Guttulina dimorpha Id. Ibid. 345. pi. xvii. fig. 5. Polymorphina rotmida Reuss. 1866. Denkschr. mathem. Na- turw. CI. K. Akad. Wissensch. xxv. 153. 132 JOURNAL OF THE [October, Polymorphina tenera Karrer. 1868. Sitzungsb. d. K. Akad. Wiss. Wien. Iviii. 174. pi. iv. fig. 9. Rostrolina sp. Schlicht. 1870. Foram. Pietzpuhl. 72. No. 412. pi. xxvi. figs. 13-15. Polymo7'phina rotunda Reuss. 1870. Sitzungsb. d. K. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Ixii. 487. No. 14; Schlicht. op. cit. pi. xxvi. ■ figs. 13-15 ; Pl- xxviii. figs. 1-5 ; pl.xxx. figs. 33-40. Polymorphina turgida Id. Ibid. 487. No. 10 ; Schlicht. pi. xxviii. figs. 6-10 ; pi. xxix. figs. 1-5. Polytnorphina rotundata Brady, Parker, and Jones. 1870. Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. xxvii. 234. pi. xl. fig. 19. a-e, and wood- cuts. Polymorphina rotundata Brady. 1884. Report on Foram. H. M. S. Challenger. Zool. ix. 570. pi. Ixxiii. figs. 5-8. Test oblong, ovoid, subcylindrical, gibbous, rounded at the base, more or less produced at the apex. Chambers numerous, broad. Septa marked by lines only, neither constricted nor excavated. Orifice simple, round, oval, or radiate. Surface smooth. Locality. Timber Creek, in the teredo bed. Rare. GLOBIGERINID^. GLOBIGERINA d'Orbigny. Globigerina cretacea d'Orbigny. Globigerina cretacea d'Orbigny. 1840. Mem. Soc. Geol. France. iv. 34. pi. iii. figs. 12-14. Globigerina fo%!eolata (pars) Ehrenberg. 1854. Mikrogeologie. pi. xxiv. fig. 49. Globigerina libani Ehrenberg. Ibid. pi. xxv. fig. 30. Planulina pachyder77ia Id. Ibid. pi. xxv. fig. 31. Rotalia pertusa Id. Ibid. pi. xxiv. fig. 41. Rotalia aspera Id. Ibid. pi. xxvii. figs. 57." 58 ; pi. xxviii. fig. 42 ; pi. xxxi. fig. 44. Rotalia globulosa Id. Ibid, pi. xxvii. fig. 60 ; pi. xxviii. figs. 40, 41 ; pi. xxxi. figs. 40, 41, 43. Rotalia densa Id. Ibid. pi. xxvii. fig. 62. Rotalia quatcrna Id. Ibid. pi. xxvii. fig. 53 ; pi. xxviii. fig. 34. 1S94.] NEW-YORtC MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 133 Rotalia rosa Id. Ibid. pi. xxvii. fig. 54. Rotalia pachyomphala Id. Ibid. pi. xxvii. fig. 55. Rotalia tracheotetras Id. Ibid. pi. xxvii. fig. 35. Rotalia perforata Id. Ibid. pi. xxviii. fig. 36 ; pi. xxix. fig. 2. Rotalia protacmcea Id. Ibid. pi. xxviii. fig. 37. Rotalia laxa Id. Ibid. pi. xxviii. fig. 38 ; pi. xxix. fig. i ; pi. xxxi. fig. 42. Rotalia centralis Id. Ibid. pi. xxviii. fig. 39. Globigerina cretacea G. M. Dawson. 1875. Report Geol. and Resources, 49th Parallel British N. A. Boundary Comm. 79. Globigerina cretacea Brady. 1879. Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci. xix. n. s. 285. Globigerina cretacea Sch wager. 1883. Palseontographica. xli. fig. 13. a-d. Globigerina cretacea Brady. 1884. Report on Foram. H. M. S. Challenger. Zool. ix. 596. pi. Ixxxiii. Fossil specimens. fig. II. a-c. Globigerina cretacea Woodward and Thomas. 1885. 13th Ann. Report. Geol. Nat. Hist. Survey Minn. 171.pl. iii. figs. 14- 16 ; ii. fig. 19. Globigerina cretacea Tyrrell. 1890. Trans. Roy. Soc. Can. vii. 114. Globigerina cretacea Woodward and Thomas. 1893. Final Re- port Geol. Nat. Hist. Survey Minn. iii. 41. pi. D. figs. 18, 19. Test suborbicular, compressed, rugose aculeate, spire obtuse, with three distinct convolutions, five to seven segments, de- pressed spheroidal, sutures excavated, aperture large in the umbilicus. Locality. Stratton's marl pit, near Mullica Hill, in the shell layers of the green marl. Common. Timber Creek, in the yel- low limestone. Rare. Teredo bed. Common. ROTALID^. DISCORBINA Parker and Jones. DiscoRBiNA BERTHELOTi d'Orbigny, sp. Rosalina bertheloti il'OvhxgnY^ 1839, Forani. Canaries.135.pl, i, figs-. 28-30, 134 'journal of the [October, Discorbina bertheloti Brady. 1864. Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. xxiv. 469. pi. xlviii. fig. 10. a, b. Discorbina turbo, var. parisie?isis, subvar. berthclotiana Parker and Jones. 1865. Phil. Trans, civ. 387. pi. xvi. figs. 26, 27. Discorbina berthclotiana Goes. 1882. Kongl. Sv. Vet. Akad. xix. 107. pi. viii. figs. 266-268. Discorbina bertheloti Brady. 1884. Report on Foram. H. M. S. Challenger. Zool. ix. 650. pi. Ixxxix. figs. 10-12. Discorbina bertheloti Woodward. 1887. Journ. N. Y. Mic. Soc. iii. 17. Test very depressed, carinate, punctate ; spire short, with two convolutions, partly with depressed chambers, carinate, arcuate, margin limbate. Locality. Timber Creek, in the yellow limestone. Quite rare. Teredo bed. Rare. TRUNCATULINA d'Orbigny. Truncatulina haidingerii d'Orbigny, sp, Rotalina haidingerii d'Orbigny. 1846. Foram. Foss. Vien. 154. pi. vii. figs. 7-9. Rotalina ehrenbergii 'RaWty. 1851. Smithsonian Contrib. ii. art. 3. 10. figs. 11-13. Rotalia brueckneri Reuss. 1855. Zeitschr. d. deutsch. geol. Gesellsch. vii. 273. pi. ix. fig. 7. Rotalia propifiqtia Reuss. 1855. Sitzungsb. d. K. Akad. Wiss. Wien. xviii. 241. pi. iv. fig. 53. a, b, c. Rotalia hetnisphmrica Reuss. 1861. Sitzungsb. d. K. Akad. Wiss. Wien. xliv. 314. pi. ii. fig. 5. Rotalia lenticula Reuss. 1863. Sitzungsb. d. K. Akad. Wiss. Wien. xlvi. 35. pi. x. fig. 3. Planorbnlina haidingeri 'Rxdidy. 1864. Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. xxiv. 469. pi. xlviii. fig. 11. Planorbulina farcta var. haidingerii Parker and Jones. 1865. Phil. Trans, civ. 382. pi. xvi. fig. 22. a, b. Truncatulina haidingeri Reuss. 1867. Sitzungsb. d. K. Akad. Wiss. Wien. iv. 28. Pulvinulina haidingeri Hantken. 1875. Mittheil. Jahrbuch. d, Kon. ungar. geol, Anstalt. iv. 7y. pi. xv. fig. 10. a, b. 1894.] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 135 Truncatulina haidingerii Brady. 1884. Report on Foram. H. M. S. Challenger. Zool. ix. 663. pi. xcv. fig. 7- a-c. Test orbicular, trochiform, i)unctate, below somewhat convex, umbilicate, spire conical ; with four narrow convolutions, ex- ternally carinate, with six chambers arcuate above, below narrowly triangular, convex. Locality. Timber Creek, in the yellow limestone. Rare. Truncatulina lobatula Walker and Jacob, sp. ^'Nautilus spiralis lobatus, Gic." WdiWiQX a.x\d Boys. 1784. Test. Min. 20. pi. iii. fig. 71. '" Hammonice fuberculatce, etc." Soldani. 1789. Testaceographia. i. pt. I. 58. pi. xlv. figs. ii. kk, 11, mm. Nautilus lobatulus Walker and Jacob. 1798. Adam's Essays, Kammacher's Ed. 642. pi. xiv. fig. id. Serpula lobatula M.ontdig\i. 1803. Test. Brit, 515. Suppl. 160. TruncatuVna tuberculata d'Orbigny. 1826. Ann. Sci. Nat. vii. 279. No. I ; Modele No. 37. Truncatulina lobatula d'Orbigny. 1839. Foram. Canaries. 134. pi. ii. figs. 22-24. Biscorbis lobatulus yi3.cg\\\\vrd.y. 1843. Moll. Anim. Aberd. 34. Truncatulina lobatula d'Orbigny. 1846. Foram. Foss. Vien. 168. pi. ix. figs. 18-23. Truncatulina boveana d'Orbigny. 1846. Foram. Foss. Vien. 169. pi. ix. figs. 24-26. Anomalijta variolaria 6.' Oxh'igny. 1846. Foram. Foss. Vien. 170. pi. ix. figs. 27-29. Truncatulina communis Reuss. 1855. Sitzungsb. d. K. Akad. Wiss. Wien. xviii. 242. pi. v. fig. 56. Truncatulina lobatula Parker and Jones. 1857. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 2. xix. 293. pi. x. figs. 17-21. Truncatulina lobatula Williamson. 1858. Rec. Foram. Gt. Br. 59. pi. V. figs. 121-123. Truncatulina varians Reuss. i860. Sitzungsb. d. K. Akad. Wiss. Wien. xlii. 359. pi. ii. fig. 12. a, b. Truncatulina lobatula Dawson, i860. Can. Nat. and Geologist. V. 192. fig. 50. Rotalia polyraphes Reuss. 1861. Sitzungsb. d. K. Akad. Wiss, Wien, xliv. 337. 136 JOURNAL OF THE [October, Rosalina hosqueti Reuss. 1861. Sitzungsb. d. K. Akad. Wiss. Wien. xliv. 337. pi. iii. fig. i. TncncatuUna dekayi Reuss. 1861. Sitzungsb. d. K. Akad. Wiss. Wien. xliv. 338. pi. vii. fig. 6. a, b, c. Planorbulina farda, var. {Truncatulina) lobatula Parker and Jones. 1865. Phil. Trans, civ. 381. pi. xiv. figs. 3-6 ; pi. xvi. figs. 18-20. Truncatulina lobatula Jones, Parker, and Brady. 1866. Mon- ogr. Foram. Crag. pi. ii. figs. 4-10 ; pi. iv. fig. 18. Truncatulina {lobulata ? d'Orb.) Hilgard and Hopkins. 1878. Reclamation of the Alluvial Basin of the Miss. River. 43. pi. ii. fig. 65. Truncatulina lobatula Brady. 1884. Report on Foram. H. M. S. Challenger. Zool. ix. 660. pi. xcii, fig. 10 ; pi. xciii. figs. I, 4, 5 ; pi. cxv. figs. 4, 5. Truncatulina lobatula Whiteaves. 1887. Trans. Roy. Soc. Can. iv. 115. Test suborbiculate, depressed, slightly punctate, beneath somewhat convex ; with three convolutions, externally angular ; with seven chambers, arcuate above, irregular somewhat convex. Locality. Stratton's marl pit, near Mullica Hill, in the shell layers of the green marl. Rare. Timber Creek, in the yellow limestone. Common. Teredo bed. Common. New Egypt, in the green marl. Rare. Truncatulina ungeriana d'Orbigny, sp. Rotalina ungeriana d'Orbigny. 1846. Foram. Foss. Vien. 157. pi. viii. figs. 16-18. Rotalina grajiosa Reuss. 185 1. Zeitschr. d. deutsch. g2ol. Ge- sellsch. iii. 75. pi. v. fig. 36. Rotalina semipunctata Bailey. 185 1. Smithsonian Contrib. ii. art. 3. II. figs. 17-19. Rotalia roemeri Reuss. 1855. Sitzungsb. d. K. Akad. Wiss. Wien. xviii. 240. pi. iv. fig. 52. Rotalia mortoni Reuss. 1861. Sitzungsb. d. K. Akad. Wiss. Wien. xliv. 337. pi. viii. fig. i. Planorbulina ungeriana Brady. 1864. Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. xxiv. 469. pi. xlviii. fig. 12, 1894.] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 137 Planorhiilina farcta, var. luigeriana Parker and Jones. 1865. Phil. Trans, civ. 382. pi. xvi. figs. 23-25. Truncatulina ungeriana Reuss. 1866. Denkschr. d. K. Akad. Wiss. Wien. xxv. 161. No. 10. Truncatulina ungeriana Brady. 1884. Report on Foram. H. M. S. Challenger. Zool. ix. 664. pi. xciv. fig. 9. a, b, c. Test orbicular, depressed, punctate, below somewhat convex, umbilicate, spire complanate, granulose, with three wide convolu- tions, externally acutely carinate ; with eleven chambers, above triangular, below flexuose, somewhat convex, externally mar- gined (limbate), the last convex. Locality. Stratton's marl pit, near MuUica Hill, in the shell layers of the green marl. Rare. Timber Creek, in the yellow limestone and the teredo bed. Rare. ANOMALINA d'Orbigny. Anomalina ammonoides Reuss, sp. Rosalifia ammonoides Reuss. 1845. Verstein. bohm. Kreid. pt. 1.36. pi. xiii. fig. 66; pi. viii. fig. 53. Rosalina ammonoides Reuss. 1850. Haidinger's Naturw. Ab- handl. iv. 36. pi. iv. fig. 2. Rotalia a7?i?nonoides Reuss. 1861. Sitzungsb. d. K. Akad. Wiss. Wien. xliv. 337. Nonionina bathyomphala Reuss. 1862. Sitzungsb. d. K. Akad. Wiss. Wien. xlvi. 95. pi. xiii. fig. i. a. b. Rosalina weinkauffi Reuss. 1863. Sitzungsb. d K. Akad. Wiss. Wien. xlviii. 68. pi. viii. fig. 97. Rosalina maorica Stache. 1864. Novara Exped. geol. i. 282. pi. xxiv. fig. 32. Rosalina orbiculus Stache. 1864. Novara Exped. geol. i. 285. pi. xxiv. fig. 34. Planorbulina ammonoides Parker and Jones. 1865. Phil. Trans. civ. 379. Rotalia capitata Giimbel. 1868. Abhandl. d. K. bayer. Akad. Wiss. II. cl. x. 653. pi. ii. fig. 92. Rotalia am7nonoides Reuss. 1870. Sitzungsb. d. K. bayer. Akad. Wiss. 283. 138 JOURNAL OF THE [October, Planorbulina {Anotnaltna) ainmonoides Jones and Parker. 1872. Quart. Journ. Geol Soc. xxviii. 106; table 109. Planorbulina ammonoides Reuss. 1874. Das Elbthalgebirge in Sachsen. ii. 114. pi. xxiii. fig. 9. Anomalina ainmonoides Brady. 1884. Report on Foram. H. M. S. Challenger. Zool. ix. 672. pi. xciv. figs. 2, 3. Anomalina ammonoides Tyrrell. 1890. Trans. Roy. Soc. Can. vii. 114. Anomalina ammonoides Woodward and Thomas. 1893. Final Report Geol. Nat. Hist. Survey Minn. iii. 44. pi. D. figs. 28, 29, 30. "The nautiloid aspect of the test is perhaps a more constant and more noticeable feature of Anomalina ammonoides than of any other member of the group. The shell is generally much compressed, and nearly equally convex on the two sides ; the peripheral edge is round, and the aperture is placed almost sym- metrically in the median line. In certain characters, however, the species betrays a tendency to variation. Some specimens are depressed at both umbilici (fig. 3), others are umbonate at one or both (fig. 2); sometimes the earlier convolutions are visible to a nearly equal extent on both faces; sometimes, on the other hand, they are nearly involute on the inferior side, though the shell retains its bilateral symmetry, as in Reuss's figure. The coarse perforation of the shell-wall is usually more conspicuous on the inferior than on the superior face." — Brady, loc. cit. Locality. Bruere's pits, Crosswick's Creek, lower marl bed, in the gray marl. Rare. Timber Creek, in the teredo bed. Quite abundant. PULVINULINA Parker and Jones. PuLviNULiNA MiCHELiNiANA d'Orbigny. Rotalina tn/ncatulinoides d'Orbigny. 1839. Foram. Canaries. 132. pi. ii. figs. 25-27. Rotalina micheliniana d'Oxh\g\\y. 1840. Mem. Soc. geol. France. iv. 31. pi. iii. figs. 1-3. Rotalina nitida Reuss. 1845. Bohm. Kreide. i. 35. pi. xii. figs. 8, 20, 31; pi. viii. fig. 52. Rotalia micheliniajia Reuss. 1861. Sitzungsb. d. K. Akad.Wiss. Wien. xliv. 336. l894-] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIEl'Y. ISg'' Discorbina micheliniana Reuss. 1865. Sitzungsb. d. K. Akad. Wiss. Wien. liii. 455. No. i. JPulvinulina repanda, var. menardii, sub var. inicheliniatia Parker and Jones. 1865. Phil. Trans, civ. 396. pi. xiv. fig. 16; pi. xvi. figs. 41-43- Pulvinidma micheliniana Owen. 1867. Journ. Linn. Soc. I^ond. ix. Zool. 148. pi. V. fig. 17. Pulvinulina ?iormanni Karrer. 1878. For. Luzon. Bolet. Comis. Mapa geol. d. Espano. 7. 2, 24. pi. F. fig. 10. Pulvinulina micheliniana '^rdid-j. 1879. Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci. xix. n. s. 80. Pulvinulina micheliniana Goes. 1882. Kongl. Sv. Vet. Akad. xix. 114. pi. viii. figs. 296-298. Pulvinulina micheliniana Brady. 1884. Report on Foram. H.. M. S. Challenger. Zool. ix. 694. pi. civ. figs, i, 2. Test orbicular convex, smooth, above plane, beneath convex- conical, margin carinate, spire complanate, with three convolu- tions, feebly distinct; with angular chambers, subcomplanate^ umbilicus convex, aperture elongate. Locality. Timber Creek, in the yellow limestone. Rare. Pulvinulina karsteni Reuss, sp. Rotalia karsteni Reuss. 1855. Zeitschr. d. deutsch. geol. Ge- sellsch. vii. 273. pi. ix. fig. 6. Potalia karsteni 'R.QViSS,. 1861. Sitzungsb. xliv. 337. Pulvinulina karsteni Brady. 1864. Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond.. xxiv. 470. pi. xlviii. fig. 15. Pulvinulina repanda, var. karsteni Favker a.nd Jones. 1865. Phil. Trans, civ. 396. pi. xiv. figs. 14, 15, 17 ; pi. xvi. figs. 38-40. Pulvinulina karsteni Brady. 1884. Report on Foram. H. M. S. Challenger. Zool. ix. 698. pi. cv. figs. 8, 9. Pulvinulifia karsteni Y^hittzwQs. 1887. Trans. Roy. Soc. Can. iv. 115- " The test of Pulvinulina karsteni, in well-developed speci- mens, is nearly round and very regularly built, convex on both faces, and with obtuse subangular periphery. It is composed of from three to four convolutions, the final circuit having about seven chambers ; the sutures, which are marked by fine lines on 140 JOURNAL OF THE [October, the superior face, are somewhat depressed on the inferior ; and the margin of the test on the inferior side has a limbate border." — Brady, loc. cit. Locality. Timber Creek, in the yellow limestone. Common. Teredo bed. Not common. ROTALIA Lamarck. RoTALiA ORBICULARIS d'Orbigny. Rotalia{Gyroidina) orbicularis d'Oxh\gr\y. 1826. Ann. Sci. Nat. vii. 278. No. I ; Modele No. 13. Rotalia orbicularis Brady. 1864. Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. xxiv. 470. pi. xlviii. fig. 16. Rotalia beccarii, wsix. orbicularis Parker and Jones. 1865. Phil. Trans, civ. 389. pi. xvi. fig. 34. Rotalia orbicularis Terquem. 1882. M^m. Soc. geol. France. ser. 3. ii. Mem. III. 60. pi. iv. figs. 1-3. Rotalia orbicularis Brady. 1884. Report on Foram. H. M. S. Challenger. Zool. ix. 706. pi. cvii. fig. 5 ; pi. cxv. fig. 6. '" The test of Rotalia orbicularis is approximately plano-convex, the superior face being flat or only slightly arched, the inferior convex and more or less excavated at the umbilicus, and the per- ipheral edge subangular. It is isomorphous with Truncatulina lobatula in the Planorbuline series, and forms a connecting link between Rotalia beccarii and Rotalia soldanii. — Brady, loc. cit.^' Locality. Timber Creek, in the yellow limestone. Rare. Te- redo bed. 'Quite common. NUMMULINID^, Sub-Family NUMMULITIN^. OPERCULINA d'Orbigny. Operculina complanata, var. granulosa Leymerie. Amphistegina fleuriausi d'Orbigny. 1826. Ann. Sci. Nat. vii. 304. No. 7. (name only, fide Reuss). Operculina granulosa \.Qjvs\&x\&. 1846. Mem. Soc. geol. France. ser. 2. i. 359. pi. xiii. fig. 12. a, b. l894-] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 141 Amphistegi?ia fleuriaiisi Reuss. 1861. Sitzungsb. d. K. Akad. Wiss. Wien. xliv. 308. pi. i. figs. 10-12. Operculina irregularis Reuss. 1864. Denkschr. d. K. Acad. Wiss. Wien. xxiii. 10. pi. i. figs. 17, 18. Operculina granulata Giimbel. 1868. Abhandl. d. K. bayer* Akad. d. Wiss. II. CI. x. dd^. pi. ii. fig. iii. a, b. Operculina complanata,vz.x. granulosa '^x^.^^. 1884. Report on Foram. H. M. S. Challenger. Zool. ix. 743. pi. cxii. figs. 6, 7, 9, 10. Operculina cotnpla7iata, var. granulosa Woodward and Thomas. 1885. Geol. Nat. Hist. Survey Minn. 13th Ann. Report. 176. pi. ii. fig. 36. Operculina compla^iata, var. gratiulosa Woodward and Thomas. 1893. Final Report Geol. Nat. Hist. Survey Minn. iii. 46. pi. E. fig. 38. Test. It is uniformly smaller than complanata j its parti- tions, which form a slight relief upon the surface of the very thin shell which encloses the convolutions, are proportionally more approximate. This species is very flat, and is made up of three or four spirals. It carries on its surface on each side a number of fine granulations, which are found irregularly distributed upon the little elevations which correspond to the interior partitions. These projecting points, scarce upon the last convolutions, are found crowded towards the centre in many individuals. Locality. Stratton's marl pit, near Mullica Hill, in the shell layers of the green marl. Rare. New Egypt, in the green marl. Rare. 142 JOURNAL OF THE [October, PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED. American Monthly Microscopical Journal: Vol. XV., Nos. 2—10 (February — October, 1894). The Microscope: Vol. II., Nos. 2 — 10 (February — October, 1894). The Observer: Vol. V., Nos. 2 — 9 (February — September, 1894). Natural Science Association of Staten Island, Proceedings: Vol. IV., Nos. 4 — 9 (February — September, 1894). Insect Life : Vol. VI., Nos. 3, 4 (February, May, 1894). Psyche : Vol. VII., Nos. 215 — 223 (March — November, 1894). Torrey Botanical Club, Bulletin: Vol. XXI., Nos. 2 -9 (February— Sep- tember, 1894). School of Mines Quarterly : Vol. XV., Nos. 2 — 4 (January — July, 1894). Alabama Experiment Station, Bulletin: Nos. 53 — 58 (January — August, 1894). Cornell University Experiment Station, Bulletin : Nos. 62 — 72 (January — September, 1894). Michigan Experiment Station, Bulletin: Nos. 103 — 112 (February — June, 1894). Iowa Experiment Station, Bulletin : Nos. 23 — 26 (1893 — 94). Texas Experiment Station, Bulletin : No. 29 (December, 1893); Sixth An- nual Report ( I ?93). United States Department of Agriculture, Report of the Microscopist (1892); Food Products, Nos. i — 3 (1893). United States Geological Survey, Twelfth Annual Report, Parts i, 2 (1891); Thirteenth Annual Report, Parts i — 3 (1892). New York Academy of Sciences, Transactions : Vol. XIII. (1893 — 94). Rochester Academy of Science, Proceedings : Vol. II., No. 2 (1894). American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Proceedings: Vol. XXVIII. (1893). Boston Society of Natural History, Proceedings: Vol. XXVI., Parts, i, 2 (1894). Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Proceedings : 1893, Part 3 — 1894, Part 2. Cincinnati Society of Natural History, Journal : Vol. XVI., No. 4, XVII., No. I (January, April, 1894). Franklin Institute, Journal : Vol. CXXXVIL, No. 819— Vol. CXXXVIII. No. 826 (March — October, 1894). Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College, Bulletin: Vol. XXV., Nos. 5— 8 (January— September, 1894). Linnsean Society of New York, Abstract of Proceedings : 1893 — 94, No. 6. Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society, Journal : Vol. X., Parts i, 2 (1893). American Museum of Natural History, Annual Report (1893). Massachusetts Horticultural Society, Transactions : 1893, Part 2. Essex Institute, Bulletin : Vol. XXV., No. 10— Vol. XXVI., No. 3 (Octo- ber, 1893— March, 1894). l894-] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. 143 Academy of Science of St. Louis, Transactions : Vol. VI., No. 17 (June, 1894). Geological and Natural History Survey of Minnesota, Botanical Studies: No. 9, Parts 2 — 4 (March — September, 1894). Tufts College Studies : Nos. i — 3 (1894). " Iligiene del Ciclismo en Cuba"; " Los Incendios "; " Tecnica Anatom- ica. " From the author, Dr. D. Antonio de Gordon y de Acosta (1894). Colorado Scientific Society, Proceedings : (January 8 — August 6, 1894). " Sieben Objecte unter dem Mikroskop." From the author, Dr. E. Giltay. Leiden (1893). " L'Tsaria densa (Link) Fries"; " Lachnidium acridiorum Gd." From the author, Alfred Giard (1893). " Leitneria floridana " In advance from the sixth annual report of the Missouri Botanical Garden. From the author, William Trelease (May 30, 1894). Nova Scotian Institute of Science, Proceedings: Vol. I., Part 3 (1893). Canadian Record of Science : Vol. V., No. 8 (1893). Historical and Scientific Society of Manitoba, Annual Report (1893); Trans- actions, Nos. 45 — 47 (1894). The Ottawa Naturalist : Vol. VII., No. 11— Vol. VIII., No. 7 (March- October, 1894). Canadian Institute : Seventh Annual Report (1894); Transactions, Vol. IV., Part I (March, 1894). Anthony's Photographic Bulletin : Vol. XXV., Nos. 3 — 10 (March — October, 1894). Brooklyn Medical Journal: Vol. VIII., Nos. 3— 11 (March — November, 1894). Pacific Medical Journal: Vol. XXXVII., Nos. 4—10 (April— October, 1894). Universal Medical Journal : Vol. VIII. (February — October, 1894). National Druggist: Vol. XXIV., Nos. 3 — 10 (March — October, 1894). Johns Hopkins University Circulars : Vol. XIII., Nos. no — 113 (March — June, 1894). American Lancet : Vol. XVIII. , Nos. 3 — 10 (March — October, 1894). Mining Review: Vol. XXXtl., No. 8 -Vol. XXXIIL, No. 11 (February— Septenttber, 1894). New York State Museum : Annual Reports (1890 — 1893). New York State Entomologist : Eighth and Ninth Reports (1891, 1892). Missouri Botanical Garden : Fifth Annual Report (1894). The Biology of Ferns, by G. F. Atkinson (1894): Macmillan & Co. Organic Coloring Matters, by Schultz and Julius (1894): Macmillan & Co. Structural Botany, by D. H. Scott (1894): Macmillan & Co. Practical Botany for Beginners, by F. O. Bower (1894): Macmillan & Co. Manual of Microchemical Analysis, by H. Behrens (1894): Macmillan & Co. Microscopical Methods, by Simon II. Gage (1894): Comstock Publishing Co. Microscopical Praxis, by Alfred C. Stokes (1894): Edward F. Biglow. Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society: 1894, Parts i — 4. 144 JOURNAL OF THE [October, International Journal of Microscopy and Natural Science : Vol. IV., Parts 21, 22 (April, July, 1894). Quekett Microscopical Cluf), Journal : Vol. V., No. 34 (April, 1894). The Naturalist: Nos. 224—231 (March — October, 1894). North Staffordshire Naturalists' Field Club, Annual Report (1894). Penzance Natural History and Antiquarian Society, Report and Transac- tions (1893 — 94). Victorian Naturalist: Vol. X., No. 10— Vol. XL, No. 5 (January — August, 1894). Royal Society of New South Wales, Journal and Proceedings : Vol. XXVII. (1893). Royal Society of South Australia, Transactions : Vol. XVII., Part 2 (1893). Australian Museum, Report (1894). Wissenschaftlicher Club in Wien, Annual Report (1894); Monatsblatter, Vol. ;XV., Nos. 5 — 12 (February— September, 1894). Ausserordentliche Bei- lage, Vol. XV., No. 3 (December, 1893). Naturwi;;senschaftlicher Verein in Frankfurt a. Oder, Societatum Literse : Vol. VIII., Nos. 1—8 (January— August, 1894); Helios, Vol. XI., No. 10— Vol. XII., No. 6 (January — September, 1894). Naturhistorische Gesellschaft zu Nlirnberg, Transactions : Vol. X., Part 2 (1894). Naturhistorische Gesellschaft zu Hannover, Forty-second and Forty-third Reports (1892 — 93). Naturforschende Gesellschaft zu Freiburg, Transactions : Vols. VII., VIII. (T893, 1894). Konigl. Bohm. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, Prag, Report (1892—93); Transactions (1892—93). Verein fiir Naturkunde zu Kassel, Report XXXIX. (1892—94). Gesellschaft zur Beforderung der gesammten Naturwissenschaften zu Mar- burg, Report (1893^ Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein fiir Schwaben und Neuburg, Thirty-first Re- port (1894). Siebenbilrgischer Verein fiir Naturwissenschaften, Hermannstadt, Forty- third Report (1894). Le Diatomiste : Vol. II., Nos. 4— 6 (March— September, 1894). Revue Internationale de Bibliographic Medicale: Vol. V., Nos. 3—19 (Feb- ruary— October, 1894). Societe Beige de Microscopic, Bulletin : Vol. XX., Nos. 5—9 (1894); Re- port, Vol. XVII., Part 2 (1893). Le Botaniste : Vol. IV., Nos. i, 2 (1894). La Societe Scientifiques d' Angers, Bulletin : Vol. XXII. (1893). La Societe les Amis des Sciences et Arts de Rochechouart, Bulletin: Vol. III., No. 5— Vol. IV., No. I (1894). La Societe des Sciences Naturelles de la Creuse, Memoires: Vol. VIII. (1893). Feuilledes Jeunes Naturalistes : Vol. XXIV., Nos. 281—288 (March— Oc- tober, 1894). l894-] NEW-YORK MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY, 145' La Societe Royale de Botanique de Belgique, Bulletin: Vol. XXXII. (1893). La Nuova Notarisia : Vol. V. (1894). Nuovo Giornale Botanico Italiano : Vol. I., Nos. 2 — 4 (April — October^ 1894). Societa Botanica Italiana, Bulletino : 1894, Nos. 2 — 7. La Notarisia : Vol. IX , No. 2, with supplements (1894). Academie d'Hippone, Bulletin (October, 1893); Transactions (1893). La Sociece Imperiale des Naturalistes de Moscou, Bulletin : 1893, No 4, 1894, No. I. Museo Nacionale de Montevideo, Anales : 1894, Part i. La Societe Scientifique du Chili, Actes : Vol. III., No. 3 — Vol. IV., No. i (March — May, 1894). Museo de la Plata, Revista : Vol. IV. (1893). " Minerva," La Sociedad de Ingenieros de Puebla : Vol. II., No. i (March, 1894). La Sociedad Cientifica "Antonio Alzate," Memorias : Vol. VII., Nos. 7 — 10 (1894). INDEX TO VOLUME X. PAGE Abbott, Frank, Centrifuge by Leitz, 25 Adulterations in paper stock 31 ^cidiuni adoxce 26 American Association for the Ad- vancement of Science, Invitation to meetings of 84 Greographical Society, Invitation to view Sella photographs by 85 — — Microscopical Society, Approach- ing meeting of 85, 86 Amphiprora conspiciia, var. pulchra, 23 Anatomy of the vertebrate skin 42 Androconium butterfly scales 87 Annual address of the President 31 Aperture, Measurement of 57 AsHBY, George E. , Labradorite 85 Bennett, Henry C, ^cicUum adoxoe, 26 Book notices 61,68 Bottles, Trays for small 20 Botrytis reptans 24 Boxes and cabinets, Uniform 17 Briggs, Thomas B., Vincetoxicum acuminatum 87 Butterfly, Androconium, scales of . . . 87 Centrifuge by Ernest Leitz 25 Cellulose, Staining of 70 Committee on uniform boxes and cabinets . . 17, 84 on annual exhibition 19, 83 on nominations of officers v!.', 25 on publications 55 on admissions 55 on amending By-Laws 56 on American Microscopical So- ciety. 85 Co-operative lectures of Scientific Al- liance 84 Cretaceous foraminifera of New Jer- sey 91 Cunningham, K. M., Various mineral specimens 58 Curtis, Carlton C, Formation of the lichen thallus 63 PAGE Diamond ink for marking glass 19 Diatoms : Ampliiprora conspicua, var. pulchra 23 Donations : Alfred A. Mayer 18 K. M. Cunningham 22, 58 H. G. Piffard 22 Charles S. Shultz 22 Frank D. Skeel 26 Eccentric growth of Rhus toxicoden- dron 6! Election of officers 54 Electrical engraving of glass 19 Engraving glass by electricity 19 Endosperm of Phytelephas and Smila- cina 14 Equisetum cuticle for nail files ...... 57 Exhibition, Annual 77 Foraminifera, Cretaceous, of New Jer- sey 91 Fungus, ^cidium adoxce 26 on lantern slide 24 Glass engraved by electricity 19 marked with diamond ink 19 Helm, Stephen, Marine life 76 Hoffman, Dr. Paul, death of 25, 53 Hyatt, J. D., Amphiprora conspicua, var. pidchra 23 Oolitic chert 26 Eccentric growth of Rhus toxico- dendron 61 JuLiEN, A. A., Stained cover-prepara- tions 1 KosMAK, George William, Anatomy of the vertebrate skin 42 Labradorite 85 Lantern slide with fungus 24 Lectures, Co-operative, of the Scien- tific Alliance 84 INDEX TO VOLUME X. 147 PAGE Lichen thallus, Formation of 63 LocKwooD, Ph.D., Rev. Samuel, Obit- uary 51 Love, Edward G., Marking glass with diamond ink 19 Staining of cellulose 70 Androeonium scales of butter- fly 87 Marine life ;.... 76 Melicerta ringens 83 Mosquito trap. Vegetable 87 Mounting stained cover-preparations, 1 Nail files of Equisetuni cuticle 57 Officers, Election of 54 Oolitic chert 26 Ophryolegna sit> 23 Paper stock, Adulterations in 31 Phytelephas viacrocarpa, Endosperm of 14 PiFFARD, H. G., Engraving glass by electricity 19 Ophryolegna sp 23 Postage on scientific specimens ... 76 Proceedings ; Meeting of October 6th, 1893 17 20th 18 November 3d 19 17th 22 December 1st . . 22 15th 24 January 5th, 1894 53 19th 55 February 2d 5 16th 56 March 2d 57 16th 57 April 6th 76 20th 8^ PAGE Proceedings : May 4th 84 18th 85 June 1st ... 86 15th 87 Publications received 26, 142 Rhus toxicodendron, Eccentric growth of 61 Scales, Androeonium, of butterfly.... 87 Scientific Alliance, Co-operative lec- tures of 84 Shtjltz, Charles S., Adulterations in paper stock 31 Skeel, Frank D., Equisetum cuticle . . 57 Measuring aperture 57 Skin, Anatomy of the vertebrate 42 Smilacina racemosa, Endosperm of . . 14 Specimens, Postage on scientific 76 Stained cover-preparations 1 Staining of cellulose 70 Thallus, Formation of the lichen 63 Trays for small bottles 20 Uniform boxes and cabinets . . 17 Uniformly stained cover-preparations, 1 Urinary tract discharging Ophryoleg- na sp 23 Vegetable mosquito trap 87 Vertebrate skin. Anatomy of the 42 Vincetoxicum acuminatum 87 Walker, James, Melicerta ringens 83 Woodward, Anthony, Cretaceous foraminif era of New Jersey 91 Zabriskib, J. L., Endosperm of Phytelephas and Smilacina 14 Trays for small bottles 20 Fungus on lantern slide 24 New York Botanical Garden Librar 3 5185 00267 0196 m"'-- ^^^'h ■M^^