THE JOURNAL QUEKETT MICROSCOPICAL CLUB. VOL. Ill 1872—1874. I WOODS ; \ HOLE^ MASS, [Published for the Club,] ROBERT HARDWICKE/ 192, PICCADILLY G. P. BACON, ITvINTEE, LEWES. ^ .H.r^ I WOODS \ HOLE, THE JOURNAL X^'ASS. ^aelictt ||licrost0}j'ual €\nh Observations on the Polyzoa. By a. H. H. Lattey, M.R.C.P.* (Bead October 27th, 1871.) Amongst the vast number of animated beings, of whose very- existence we should have remained in profound ignorance, were it not for the invention of the microscope — so justly termed a sixth sense — few afford more beautiful or interesting objects for our con- templation than the group to which the name of Polyzoa has been given ; so called from two Greek words — polus (many) and zoon (animal) — being always found aggregated together in masses, and many of them resembling minute plants, so much so as to have l)een classed, by early observers, amongst the members of the vegetable kingdom. Their complex organization has obtained for them a high position in the animal kingdom, and the exquisite form which some of them possess cannot fail to excite our admiration. When, for instance, we see the elegant Sertularians, projecting like fairy ferns from the side of a rock-pool, attractive by their graceful forms, even before the microscope has revealed the beautiful little creatures studding their branches like living flowers, or the Poly- zoary of the Halodactylus, with its exquisite bell-shaped creatures emerging, one by one, from the jelly-like mass coating the seaweed, like the ribs of a folded umbrella, stripped of its covering, and then gradually expanding into a beautiful bell, the cilia? fringing its ribs, or tentacles, in perpetual motion, keeping up a constant eddy in the surrounding water, so as to bring the floating particles of nutritious matter within the grasp of their open mouths. * Communicated by Mr. T. Curteis, F.R.M.S. JouRN. Q. M. C. No. 18. B Z A. H. H, LATTEY, OBSERVATIONS ON THE POLYZOA, Amongst all these creatures, none are more curious than the species of Bugula, called Bugula Avicularia, from its possessing those strange appendages called birds' head processes, and most appro- priately so, from their very exact resemblance to the head and beak of a bird. They are attached to the margins of the cells by means of a footstalk, and each has two " mandibles ;" the upper one fixed and the lower one moveable, just as in birds, and they are opened and shut by powerful muscles wdthin the " head." A most singu- lar and curious sight it is to watch the movements of these "ob- jects" when a portion of the Polyzoary is viewed under an inch or two inch objective, so as to allow a number of these bodies to be in sight at once. It will then be seen that each head keeps up a con- tinual nodding movement, throwing itself slowly back, which its joint-like union to the cell allows, at the same time gradually open- ing its jaws, or rather depressing the lower jaw until the mouth is opened to its full extent, and when the head has gone back as far as it can reach, it suddenly resumes its former position, the mouth closing at the same instant with a sudden snap, and entrapping any luckless animal that may be passing at the time, and then the same proceeding takes place over and over again, without any in- termission. It certainly is a most singular — I might almost say ludicrous — sight to see all the avicularia within the field of the micro- scope practising this perpetual " snapping." The great size and apj)arent strength of the animals which they are capable of seizing and retaining in their grasp, must impress us with a sense of the enormous strength of the muscles which move the jaw, for they seize and retain not only small vermicules, but such large creatures as caprellee, entomostracse, &c. ; and very curious it is to watch the wiithings and struggles of one of these comparatively gigantic vic- tims in its vain efforts to escape from the jaws of its tiny captor. Not unfrequently the captive is seized by another, or even two more avicularise, in other parts of its body, thus making assurance doubly sure, and so deadly is the grip, that I have never seen one of them relax its hold on the application of the medium which is fatal to themselves. Various have been the conjectures as to the office of these " heads without bodies," and their exact function in the economy of the ani- mal— some supposing that their office is to protect the delicate creatures over whom they mount guard from the rude contact of foreign bodies which might injure their frail structure ; but many A. H. H. LATTEY, OBSERVATIONS ON THE POLYZOA. O equally delicate animals, the Halodactylus for instance, are unpro- vided with any such protection. Others suppose that they are destined to entrap the passing animals, and hold them in their firm grip until decomposition has diffused them in the surrounding water, thus furnishing the creatures with a supply of nourishment ; this, to my mind, appears the most feasible explanation. I have found these animals in great abundance at Ilfracombe, especially upon the rocks near the harbour, mostly depending from their under sur- face ; the Campanularia Dichotoma in the same locality on the leaves of brown sea-weeds, and the Sertulari^ growing from the sides of rock pools at St, Leonards and Exmouth. The Halodactylus may be found in any locality where there are rocks, encrusting the stems and fronds of the common bladder wrack (fucus vesiculosus) at low water, especially during spring tides. It looks like a firm gela- tinous coating of a brown colour, and has a semi-transparent appearance. When put into fresh sea water, it is seen to be- come gradually, as the animals emerge from their cells, overspread with what appears, to the naked eye, to be a minute white downy covering. If it is desired to make preparations of any of these creatures, the following will be found a successful plan. Their extreme sensi- tiveness, and the rapidity with which they withdraw themselves into their cells upon the slightest touch or jar, makes it necessary to adopt a peculiar plan of proceeding. I would premise that before commencing operations with the Halodactylus it is desirable to cut it into the length required to fit the cell in which it is to be placed whilst the animal is contracted, as it may then be cut in any direction without injury, but when expanded it requires to be very carefully handled, as if the bells are in any way pressed or put out of shape they cannot be restored. For this reason it should be so cut as to fit the cell tightly so as to prevent its being shifted. The object is to coax the animals out of their tiny homes, and to keep them out until you can kill them. To accomplish the first object, it is best to keep them out of the water for several hours, and then to put them into fresh sea-water in any appropriate vessel. I have found a circular glass dish, such as is used for cakes of trans- parent soap, answer very well, as it can be put upon the stage of the microscope, and the effects of different stages of the operations watched, which is of importance. Some alcoholic spirit mii«t now be added very gradually — spirit of wine, brandy, whisky, or gin. 4: A. H. H. LATTEY, OBSERVATIONS ON THE POLYZOA. it matters not which — when they will be observed to come out in greater numbers, evidently attracted by the taste of the spirit, and as it continues to be added they become evidently excited, with- drawing into their cells, and coming out again, bending about, and the ciliee meanwhile moving in the most rapid manner. This con- tinues for some time, until at length they begin to flag in their movements, which become more and more sluggish, the animals being apparently drunk. This is the moment to pour off the alcoholized sea-water, and pour upon them the preservative fluid, which has the desired effect of bringing out all that are still left in their cells, and gradually killing them, and it has the immense advantage of being at the same time a most excellent fluid for pre- serving them, so that they can remain in it. I find it of great ser- vice to let the Halodactylus lie for a considerable time in this fluid before finally putting them up, as a certain amount of deposit takes place from the sea-weed, which it is better to exclude from the cell. The preserving fluid I use is one recommended by Dr. Beale, as a modification of Thwaites', and is prepared as follows : — Mix three drachms of creosote with six ounces of wood-naphtha, and add, in a mortar, as much prepared chalk as may be necessary to form a smooth thick paste ; water must be gradually added to the extent of 64 ounces, a few lumps of camphor thrown in, and the mixture allowed to stand for two or three weeks in a lightly covered vessel, with occasional stirring ; after which it should be filtered and preserved in well-stopped bottles. [Notice.— Plates i. and ii., illustrating Mr. Furlonge's paper on the Flea, will be issued with the next No. of this Journal.] On the so-called " Nerve" of the Tooth. By T. C. White, Hon. Sec. {Read October 27^/^,1871.) There is no field of microscopical investigation more pregnant with, interest than that which comprises the study of the histological characters of the various elements that help to make up the sum of the animal frame. I would not in saying this seem to depreciate those other subjects in which lovers of microscopy find such delight. Micro-zoology, the physiology and structural elements of the vegetable world, and those studies having for their object the development and correction of the higher powers of our micro- scopes, possess their several interests, and are very important as fields of research ; but I believe they will be found to pale before that study which enables us to arrive at a knowledge of those structures which build up and bind together the various organs of the human frame. A vast amount of work has yet to be done in comparing these several tissues with those of the lower animals, both as regards their embryonic condition as well as that of adult life : but it is not of comparative histology, nor of histology in its general aspect, that I would speak to-night, so much as of one particular tissue for which all present have, doubtless, at one time or another, felt a peculiar interest — I mean what is called the " nerve'''' of a tooth. Great uncertainty exists in the popular mind relative to its exact locality and nature ; all know it to be a very painful subject, not to be touched upon except very lightly, and many desire to see what it is like. Now it occurred to me that it might not be altogether an uninteresting subject to bring- under your notice, and while we were enabled to see what structural elements even so small a portion as this might afford for our powers of observation, it might at the same time stimulate the members of oar Club generally to work out systematically the histology of the other structures of the animal frame. These fields have been well worked by others, it is true, but we reap the harvest of their labours in the many manuals on the subject with which our scientific libraries abound ; but though skilful gleaners in the field of scientific investigation leave little for us to gather, yet stray facts may still O T. C. WHITE OX THE SO-CALLED " NERVE OF THE TOOTH. be picked up by diligent and careful, but above all sf/ste/natic observers. I trust that you will deal leniently with me if I presume for a moment that you know nothing whatever of the various structures entering into the formation of a tooth. I can thus, in an elemen- tary manner, recall to your minds the osseous elements we meet with in our examination. If a tooth be divided longitudinally the main body of such a section would reveal three different substances surrounding a cavity, which, to a certain extent, partakes of the external shape of the tooth ; immediately surrounding the cavity, and constituting the principal bulk of the tooth, we notice a fibrous silky substance, called the " dentine ;" capping that part of the dentine which appears above the gum, we see the crystalline, almost msensible '^ enamel,^^ designed to protect the highly organised and exceedingly sensitive dentine beneath it ; we shall also observe that the dentine inserted in the jaw, and forming the root of the tooth, is clothed with a material of a different appearance to the other two substances — that is called the " cementumJ^ Of the enamel and cementum, it is not necessary on this occasion to speak, but the im- portant relation existing between the '' nerve " and the dentine demands that I should enter more into detail in explaining its microscopical appearance. In looking at a section of dentine under the microscope in a well-developed human tooth, one is reminded of those views of the comparative sizes of the rivers of the world given in some atlases, only here our rivers are all the same diameter and about the same length, and run together in parallel waves. If, for the sake of illustration, we speak of them as rivers, we should say that they arise beneath the enamel by exceedingly fine tribu- taries, by the confluence of which the main stream is gradually enlarged till, flowing on towards the centre of the tooth, its '^ de- bouchure " helps to make up the walls of the central cavity, which is occupied in the living state by the so-called " nerve." A closer examination of our metaphorical rivers with higher magnifying powers will show us that they are tapering and undulating tubes, and existing so abundantly in the dentine as to impart to it that fibrous silky aspect which cannot fail to strike the most casual observer. These tubes, which, on the walls of the cavity, measure about x-o-^Tjiyth of an inch in diameter, are occupied in a recent tooth by transparent structureless fibres known as the dentinal fibrillge, the exact office of which is but obscurely defined, but they may T. C. WHITE ON THE SO-CALLED "NERVE OF THE TOOTH. 7 minister to the nutrition and vitality of the tooth, since, when from age or disease these tubes become consolidated, the fibrous structure is re^Dlaced by one resembling horn, and, as a consequence, the tooth dies, becomes loose and a source of painful irritation. If a section of the dentine be made in a direction that shall cut across the course of these tubes, each tube will present an irregular aper- ture, and will be seen separated from its fellows by an almost equal proportion of intertubular tissue. We need not now consider any further the character of the dentine, as 1 shall have to recur to it when speaking of its relation to tlie nerve ; but what I have laid before you will enable you to understand the meaning of much of the structure it is our especial object to examine in the central or pulp cavity of a tooth. If we take a recently extracted healthy tooth and split it we shall notice that the pulp cavity is occupied by a pinkish fleshy mass about j of an incli long and -jV^li of an inch wide at its upper and thickest part ; it partakes somewhat of the external shape of the tooth, being wide in the upper part, and tapering towards the tooth : this, then, is what is popularly called the " nerve." In physiological parlance it is termed the pulp. The basis of this pulp is composed of areolar tissue, whose interstices are filled with a homogeneous plasma. * A microscopical examination of its exterior will reveal an infinite number of small points, giving to it an appearance not much unlike the cross section of the tubes of the dentine, both as regards size and distribution. Having noticed this much, recourse must be had to compression before we can readily make out the arrangements of its internal structure. Before proceeding to flatten it by pressure it may be withdrawn from its cavity, and allowed to soak in the ammoniacal solution of carmine, recommended by our President in his book " How to Work with the Microscope ;" let it remain in it twenty-four hours, wash away the carmine fluid, and transfer it to glycerine for a few hours ; then put it under gentle, gradual pressure for some few hours more, when it will be rendered sufiiciently thin to be easily examined by a \ oi an inch objective or higher powers. Commencing our examination at that part of the pulp nearest the apex of the root, we shall notice it entering the foramen of the fang as a fine thread, which though so fine nevertheless con- veys the nerve and the artery into the pulp, and gives exit to the 8 T. C. WHITE ON THE SO-CALLED '^ NERVE" OF THE TOOTH. returning vein ; tracing this thread into the pnlp we shall readily distinguish the nerve as a bundle of parallel fibres which, running in together a short distance, divide into two, three, or four fasciculi, and dividing again still give off fibres to every part of the pulp ; it is highly probable that these fibres end in loops, but the pressure necessary to reduce the pulp sufficiently thin for observation rup- tures the loops, and consequently they very frequently appear to terminate in free extremities ; but one fact may be easily demon- strated, namely, their course is always at right angles with the dentinal tubuli. Besides the ramifications of the dental nerve the pulp also contains the branches of the artery and its vein; these are not so easily followed, but in an examination of the pulp of a tooth extracted for severe inflammation in it, the congested vessels were naturally injected, and could be seen as a complicated net- work without any definite arrangement excepting a loop -like dis- tribution towards the circumference ; in some cases the vessels of the pulp, becoming stained by the carmine, will be readily seen with their peculiar transverse nuclei and distinguishable from the areolar tissue, whose nuclei are spindle-shaped. There is one feature in the microscopical examination of this prepared pulp which will not escape observation — it is the curious arrangement of its cortical portion. In referring to the microscopical appearance of the ex- terior of the pulp, as it appears on first splitting a tooth, I alluded to the comparative likeness presented by it to that of the dentine cut across the tubes, and if that comparison is borne in mind in the examination of this external portion of the pulp, under its present circumstances, we may easily interpret the meaning of this arrange- ment. The cortical substance of the pulp in its healthy condition con- sists of a number of oval bodies placed side by side with their long axes perpendicular to the surface of the puljD on which they stand ; they are deeply stained by the carmine, which proves that they are endowed with active and growing powers. These oval bodies are termed '' Odontohlasts.''^ An examination of an odontoblast, which has been isolated by pressure from the others, will show that it has an attachment by a transparent structureless appendage to some- thing within the body of the pulp, while a similar appendage, pro- ceeding from its distal extremity, penetrates a tubule in the dentine, and becomes the dentinal fibril of Tomes. The odontoblastic layer of the pulp is so important an element in the life and histology of a tooth that its history deserves a closer T. C. WHITE ON THE SO-CALLED " NERVe" OF THE TOOTH. 9 examination than tlie limits of a paper like this can afford ; but it may be interesting to show the part it plays in the formation of the dentine. About the sixth or seventh week of embryonic life a groove is formed in either jaw^, at the bottom of which, after the lapse of a few weeks, papillae begin to arise, and shortly after transverse par- titions in this groove shut off and separate each papilla, which then becomes the representative of the future temporary tooth. About the seventh month of foetal life the ossification of the tooth com- mences, and the dentine is represented by a cup-shaped scale cap- ping the crown, and ultimately extending down the sides and em- bracing the whole of the upper surface of the pulp. Jt is at this period of their growth that the odontoblasts are most active, for they have the development of the dentine before them, and deriving a plentiful supply of nutrition from the plexus of bloodvessels beneath them, dentine is formed through their agency from without inwards, till the pulp being reduced to the size at which we gene- rally see it by the gradual formation of the dentine, the odonto- blasts become dormant, but capable of awaking to activity under the influence of certain circumstances of irritation ; thus if caries attacks a tooth at a particular spot the tubuli in the dentine, through the fibrillae in them, become consolidated at an equal dis- tance from the j)oint of attack all round it, and a barrier seems to be thus thrown up against the inroads of the advancing enemy ; but unless such a remedial measure as the careful excava- tion of the carious portion of the tooth and subsequent plugging of the cavity be adopted, barrier after barrier may be thrown up but to be overcome. Even then the odontoblasts of the pulp resist by forming new dentine in its very substance, and it is only when in- flammation and suppuration destroy the odontoblasts that this re- parative process is annihilated. In some cases of general irritation of the pulp, as where the crown of a tooth is worn through by the grinding down and wear of mastication, the whole of the pulp may be converted into an irregular dentine. Sometimes nodules of ossific matter are found in the meshes of the areolar tissue of the pulp, but these do not partake of the character of the dentine, but are semi-transparent and structureless, testifying to the amount of bone-producing matter in the homogenous plasma saturating the body of the pulp, but which it is the legitimate office of the odon- toblasts to build up as dentine. 10 T. C. WHITE ON THE SO-CALLED " NERVE" OF THE TOOTH. There are great and, I fear, almost insuperable difficulties in tlie way of clearly seeing the termination of the nerve fibres in the pulj) ; one can only conjecture at the method in which they end. In some specimens two fibres may be seen running side by side for some distance, and when you expect to see a loop the ends are found separated ; this may probably arise by the pressure used to render the pulp thin enough for observation. Some specimens, again, show a very apparent looping of the fibres, but the loops extend round the circumference towards the end of the pulp, they are so large ; but in no case have I met with fibres that would lead us to suppose that were they small enough to enter the tubuli that they do so. How, then, are we to account for the painful sen- sation experienced in cutting into live dentine, unless we suppose that a connection of some kind exists between the tubuli and the fibres of the nerve ? The only theory that can be suggested is that the dentinal fibre contained in a tube of the dentine passes out through its odontoblast, and then, becoming fused with the nerve, conveys the sensation to the brain, and we are conscious of the irritation. I have not found it possible to see this connection between the odontoblast and the nerve fibres, because the re-agents usually em- ployed to render nerves visible, dissolve away the odontoblasts ; neither have I, by means of thin sections, been more fortunate, as the proximal caudal appendage of the odonto blast is too trans- parent and too minute to admit of demonstration, except, per- haps, by the employment of new re-agents ; in specimens of the pulp, that after staining with carmine have been teased out with needles, the isolated fibres have had, besides their own coloured nuclei, coloured odontoblasts, with this internal caudal appendage fused into their outer parts. Such may be the general mode of their connection, but I am not clear on that point. Such, then, are a few of the principal elements met with in a microscopical examin- ation of what is popularly termed the '■^nerve''' of a tooth, but incase any member present may feel inclined to work out these details for himself, it may be as well to append a few remarks relative to the plans of investigation, attended by the best results. The teeth employed have been temporary teeth, removed in a healthy con- dition, to make room for the advancing permanent set, any others being unsuitable from disease. It is necessary to exercise great care in extracting the pulp from them, as the bone dust from the T. C. WHITE ON THE SO-CALLED " NERVE" OF THE TOOTH. 11 tooth and impurities of various kinds cling most tenaciously to tlie odontoblasts, and not only obscure the view of the delicate details, but look unpleasant and slovenly. The plan found to answer best is to file a longitudinal groove round the tooth ; then, having washed away all the debris very thoroughly, split the tooth with a pair of wire nippers, when it will come clearly in two and expose the pulp for its whole length, when it may be withdrawn by seizing it at its smallest part and tearing it out of the cavity. This will draw out not only the odontoblasts but some of the dentinal fibres attached to them. Another very good plan for observing the relation of the pulp to the dentine is to soak the tooth for a few weeks in the carmine staining fluid, which becomes sucked up through the foramen of the fang, and being absorbed by the pulp, colours it completely. The tooth may then be decalcified by immersion in ordinary hydrochloric acid, which removes the lime but does not hurt the soft tissues. At the end of a fortnight the tooth may be cut in thin slices, when the pulp will be cut with the decalcified osseous tissue, and the relation will be well shown. I have thus, in these few brief remarks, which fail to do justice to my subject, endeavoured to show you that that which is generally called the nerve of a tooth is in reality a mass of areolar or connective tissue, through which ramify the nerve, vein, and artery destined for the life of a tooth, that its function originally was the formation and building up of the dentine, that its powers in adult life remain dormant, but capable of being aroused under the action of a stimulating influence to develope dentine again, and that it performs an important part in ministering to the vitality of a tooth, as well as constituting a tooth a very delicate sensory organ. These few remarks, there- fore, will, I hope, have the effect of inducing others to take up the comparative histology of the pulp, and lead them to investigate its tissues in some of the lower animals, both in their foetal condition and at maturity, and I can promise them a rich reward in return for their labours in new fields of observation open, and fresh revela- tions of the skill of the Great Architect of All. 12 On the Internal Structure of the Pulex Irritans, By W. H. Furlonge. {Read Fehruary 2Srd, 1872.) Before entering upon the subject of the second portion of my communication on the Pulex irritans, viz., its internal structure, I think it desirable to state, that I have not been able to resort to actual dissection of the insect, in aid of my observations. In fact, it appears to me, that such extraordinary manipulatory skill would be required to dissect so minute a creature, that any attempt to accomplish such a task, would prove almost abortive, even to the most practised eyes and fingers. Fortunately, how- ever, such is the transparency of the chitinous envelope of the insect, that it is possible to observe every organ, almost as perfectly as if enclosed in glass, even when employing such com- paratively high powers, as the ^in. Nevertheless, I have been obliged to leave wholly untouched some portions of the internal structure of the animal, such, for example, as the nervous system, and several of the glandular organs, and I shall be greatly pleased if other workers, of greater anatomical skill, will shortly fill up the gaps I have left in this investigation. The internal structure of the flea may be conveniently described under the following heads : the alimentary and digestive system with the organs pertaining thereto, the respii-atory system, and the reproductive organs. 1st. — The Alimentary and Digestive System. In my previous paper I have stated that I regard the commence- ment of the alimentary canal as a slender fleshy proboscis, perforated by a canal, through which the blood is sucked directly, and very rapidly, into the first stomach by the constant powerful muscular action by which the insect is enabled to dilate its external en- velope. In the course of my investigations I have had occasion to preserve individual insects alive for weeks together, and, there- fore, to feed them, and thus I have had very numerous opportunities of observing the process of imbibition. My method of procedure was to keep the insects in a corked test tube, and when it was desired to feed them, I inverted the tube upon my wrist or forearm. The creatures almost instantly fastened on the flesh, and usually . W. H. FURLONGE ON THE PULEX IRRTTANS. 13 stood on their heads, as it were, plunging their mandibles deeply into the epidermis, at the same time rapidly and powerfully dilating their bodies by alternately shortening and elongating them ; and I may observe that I have never been able when feeding my captives to detect the slightest prick or wound from the insertion of their mandibles. In the course of two or three minutes, the first stomach becomes gorged with blood, and if the insect is permitted to remain undisturbed, the blood passes on to the second stomach, presently to be described, the animal emitting jets of dark and semi-digested blood from the anal orifice with such force as sometimes to project the contents of the second stomach to a distance of one or two inches. In examining the position and structure of the alimentary and digestive organs, I have found it desirable to select a young and transparent male specimen, as from the absence of the ovaries, and the partially matured eggs which are generally to be found in the female, the course of the digestive canal is more clearly seen. A suitable specimen being found, it is to be kept for about two days without food, then fed in the manner I have described, but not per- mitted to remain on the skin for more than a minute, when it is to be removed and stupefied by the insertion within the test tube of a morsel of blotting paper containing a very small quantity of chloro- form, when it may be placed in the compressor, and gently flattened between the glasses by a very gradual tightening of the screw: When viewed under such circumstances in a good binocular with a y^^ths objective, by transmitted light, and especially by dark ground illumination, the sight is extremely interesting, and, I think, very beautiful. The first stomach filled with the bright crimson freshly ingested blood is seen to be undulating incessantly in the manner I attempted to depict by the dotted lines in the drawing of the Pulex exhibited in the reading of my last paper, and since engraved in our Journal. This energetic peristaltic movement — amounting in fact to a violent churning action — 'Of the stomach, sometimes proceeds from the anterior extremity, undulating back- wards, and sometimes the wave originates and proceeds in the reverse direction, as many as two or three waves being often seen in progression at the same time. By this churning action the blood is regurgitated violently backwards and forwards in the stomach, and is, as I think, in this way brought into contact with the gizzard, a very interesting organ presently to be described. 14 W. H. FURLONGE ON THE TULEX IRRITANS. The first stomacli of tlie flea possesses a very remarkable struc- ture. It is, in proportion to its size, of extraordinary thickness and muscularity ; in fact, it is so banded and cross-banded by thick muscular fibres running in all directions, that it presents the ap- pearance of a reticulated structure; indeed, under the ^in. objective, "when filled with blood it resembles nothing so much as a closely but irregularly knitted purse of thick crimson silk. It is, no doubt, by the powerful contraction of these muscular bands, that the violent movements I have described are nAintained. PI. i., Fig. 1 shows the appearance of the structure of the stomach as magnified 200 dia- meters. The Gizzard. — Situated at the anterior orifice of the stomach, immediately behind the entrance of the canal, which conveys the blood from the suctorial proboscis, may be observed a dense semi- opaque muscular organ, in shape similar to an ogival-headed shell, the conical end being projected forwards, and receiving the ex- tremity of the suctorial canal, the orifice of the stomach surround- ing its base. By careful illumination wdth a strong light, the structure of the gizzard may be made out to consist of a dense and very thick substance, surrounded by a reticulation of muscular fibres, somewhat similar to those of the stomach, but the meshes, so to speak, being more close and regular. In the living insect this organ is generally to be seen in constant movement (if the specimen is not too much compressed) elongating to about twice its normal length, and then suddenly contracting, and at first sight might be taken for a heart, or blood-circulating organ, so constant and regular are its pulsations in some cases. In reality, however, it is a gizzard, by means of which the blood corpuscules are ground up or disin- tegrated until fitted for digestion in the second stomach. I have in this place the pleasure of mentioning a somewhat curious circumstance of peculiar interest to the Club, as it relates to the distinguished man from whom we derive our name — the late Professor Quekett. I am indebted to Mr. Parkes, of Birmingham, who enjoyed the privilege of his intimate acquaintance, for the fol- lowing anecdote : — In a discussion upon the structure and functions of the digestive organs of insects, it was observed in the presence of Mr. Quekett, that suctorial insects are not furnished with any gizzard or grinding apparatus, such organs being, in fact, unneces- sary for the assimilation of their food. While assenting to the general proposition, however, Mr. Quekett, with the sagacity he W. H. FURLONGE ON THE PULEX IRRITANS. 15 possessed in so remarkable a degree, maintained that in the case of the flea a gizzard ovglit to be found, as, in his opinion, some such apparatus would be requisite for the purpose of breaking down the blood discs and preparing them for assimilation. It was not until some time after the death of Mr. Quekett that the actual exist- ence of the organ he had predicated was demonstrated, the flea's gizzard having been dissected out and isolated for the first time, I believe, by Bourgoyne, of Paris. We must regret that the Pro- fessor did not live to see the truth of his conjecture thus con- firmed. More skilful fingers than my own have enabled me to figure the accompanying drawing (Fig. 2), which has been taken from a pre- paration by Mr. Topping. With admirable skill this minute portion of the insect's structure has been isolated, and laid out upon the glass slide. It will be seen to possess the well-defined and powerful muscular structure common to the gizzards of insects, though the teeth or rasping appendages usually found in such insects as feed upon hard food are wanting. In the flea's gizzard, however, such aids would have been clearly unnecessary, the breaking down of the blood corpuscules being, as is easily conceived, rapidly and perfectly accomplished by the passage of the food between the rubbing sur- faces of the organ when actuated by its powerful muscular bands. The Second Stomach, or Intestinal Sac. — The blood constituting the animal's food having been thus triturated, passes on through a comparatively short and straight gut or intestinal canal, which is furnished at its junction with the posterior extremity of the stomach with a powerful sphincter muscular valve, controlling the passage of the food, into the digestive sac or second stomach, as it may be termed. In most specimens of the insect that I have examined, the capacity of this sac seems to be almost, if not quite, as large as that of the first stomach. The second stomach, like the first, is sub- jected to constant dilations and contractions, but these do not occur in waves or undulations ; in fact, the sac being sub-globular inform, and not elongated, like the first stomach, its contractions 'are necessarily accomplished in a different manner. Moreover, the walls of the sac are not themselves muscular, and therefore its movements are not produced by the contractions and dilations of the parietes themselves, but by the agency of muscular bands attached to them, which are set in action at different times, and seem to pull the walls of the sac together, from side to side, by which movements the fluid 16 W. H. FURLONGE ON THE PULEX IRRITANS. contents of the sac are kept in a state of constant motion, tliougli much less violently than those of the first stomach. The Rectal Papillce. — Within the intestinal sac are suspended six curious conical teat-like organs, shown in Fig. 3. These organs will be at once recognised by those who are familiar with Mr. Lowne's work on the " Blow-fly," as the rectal papillas, or urinary organs of the insect. I must, indeed, candidly say, that but for Mr. Lowne's observations, it is very possible that the existence of these organs in the flea would have escaped my notice, as, owing to the generally dark colour of the semi-digested contents of the sac, these organs are not very readily discernible. When one knows what to look for, however, and where to seek for them, they can generally be made out very distinctly after a little patient focussing. The rectal papillae are then seen to be glandular organs, composed of a soft fleshy substance of a light yellow colour, having the form of elon- gated cones, the bases of which are flat or very slightly rounded. Into the centre of the base of eacK. of the papillae there enters a small tracheal tube which ]3asses nearly to the extremity of the organ, where it bifurcates and turns backwards, terminating in very numerous and exceedingly minute fibrils, which permeate the entire substance of the organ. Similar delicate fibrils are also given off laterally from the main tracheal filaments in its course through the organ, radiating from the centre to the circumference, and ramify- ing in all directions throughout its structure. The external sur- faces of the papillae appear to be perfectly smooth, and 1 have been unable to make out the existence of any pores or orifices, except perhaps close to the extremities, where the surface seems irregular or warty, and I fancy that on one occasion, when examining a specimen under peculiarly favourable conditions, I was enabled to make out, with the iin. objective, about 10 or 12 orifices at the conical extremities of each of the papillae, and, in point of fact, there can be no doubt that some such orifices must exist whether I have been able really to -see them or not. The tracheal vessels which supply the six papillee all spring from one tracheal tube ex- ternal to the intestinal sac, the branches from which pass through its walls and serve to sujDport the papillse as they hang freely sus- pended within the sac. It is very interesting to watch the constant movements of these long conical finger-like papillae crossing and gliding over each other as the walls of the sac are pulled to one side or the other by the external muscles. W. H. FURLOXGE OX THE PULEX IRRITAXS. 17 Tlie posterior extremity of the digestiye sac is connected either directly, or by a very short canal, with the anal orifice which opens just behind the pygidium. Having thus described the structure of the alimentary and diges- tive canal, and the organs pertaining to it, so far as I have been able to make them out, I will now briefly recapitulate my views of their functions. Tlie blood as ingested passes directly to the first stomach, which appears to perfomi the office of a crop, or receptacle for the food. In this organ it is, as we have seen, kept in a state of violent agita- tion, and is, I believe, constantly regurgitated into the gizzard, where it is submitted to the action of the corrugated iTibbing sur- faces of that organ, the blood corpuscules being thus broken down. From time to time, portions of the contents of the fii'st stomach are expelled through the valve at the posterior extremity of the stomach into the intestinal canal, connecting the two stomachs. I may obseiTe, in parenthesis, that 1 have frequently had an* opportunity of observing this passage of the contents of the first stomach into the second, and that the successive portions of the contents thus transferred, never rested in the connecting intestinal tube or gut, which is always enij)ty except at the moment when the food is passing through it into the second stomach. It is possible that some portion of the blood may be taken up by certain quasi absor- bent vessels with which the canal is seen to be lined, even in the course of the rapid passage I have described, but without doubt the chief portion of the assimilative process takes place in the second stomach. This appears to be proved by the fact that when the insect is permitted to gorge itself with food, it will, as already noticed,, fill both stomachs with blood, and, of course, the contents of each will present precisely the same appearances under the microscope ; but after the digestive process has gone on for some time, the con- tents of the second stomach (which, in the first instance, very speedily assume an opaque dark brown colour) become progres- sively lighter in tint, until at length the contents of the sac appear to consist of a limpid fluid of a light red or pink colour, in marked contrast with the deep crimson colour of the contents of the first stomach, which, I may remark, almost always retains its crimson colour so long as it remains in that organ. When the food has been so far digested, the insect emits small portions of the contents of the sac from time to time, as excreta, to make room for portions JouRN. Q. M. C. Ko. 18. c 18 W. H. FURLONGE ON THE PULEX IRRITANS. of fresh blood from the first stomach ; but, as before mentioned, ■when the creature has the opportunity of taking in an unlimited supply of food, it has the power of expelling the whole contents of the sac, which then becomes filled with fresh blood. This power of ejecting the contents of the second stomach in whole or in part at the will of the animal, explains the manner in which the female insect is enabled to make provision for the sustenance of the larva, when it emerges from the egg, as originally observed by the late Kichard Beck, by emitting portions of semi-digested food in small drops which immediately coagulate and form the food of the larva when hatched. The Respiratory System. — We now pass on to the consideration of the organs of respiration, and I may premise by observing that I know of no creature in which the typical respiratory system of the insecta can be so admirably seen or so conveniently studied as in the Pulex. Mr. Lowne correctly remarked in the course of his observations upon my last paper, that when a living flea is immersed in glycerine and examined by reflected light, its tracheal system appears as if injected with mercury. But I think it may be even more beautifully shown, and certainly more advantageously studied, by transmitted light under the ^in. objective. Selecting a young and transparent specimen, which, for the purpose of observing the tracheal vessels to the best advantage should be kept without food for about 48 hours, in order that it may be compressed somewhat powerfully without injury, the employment of the ^in. objective reveals a structure of extraordinary beauty and wonderful complexity. I have attempted in the accompanying drawing to delineate the general form and course of the main tracheal vessels of the abdo- minal system, but it is simply impossible for the most accomplished and careful artist to do full justice to the subject, and the drawing now shown has no pretensions to be more than a mere sketch, simply intended to illustrate the description I am about to offer. The principal portion of the respiratory system of the flea is seen to consist of two main tracheal vessels running along the entire length of the abdomen, just beneath the chitinous envelope on each side, and passing, as will be afterwards shown, into the thorax and head. At the posterior extremities, the upper and lower main tracheal vessels unite and communicate with those remarkable and very large trumpet-mouthed spiracular orifices, described in my previous paper as situated beneath the margins of the plates sur- W. H. FURLONGE ON THE PULEX IRRITAXS. 19 rounding the pygidium, and opening on either side just in front of that organ. These large spiracles, in fact, appear to be the principal orifices by which the main tracheae are supplied with air. The lower main tracheae communicate with the external air by means of short branches, which, rising vertically, cross the upper main trachea, and terminate just beneath the cup or funnel-shaped ex- tremities of the round spiracles, described in my former paper as situated along the line of the abdomen. It is very remarkable that there appears to be a complete break, or solution of continuity, between the extremities of all those spiracular orifices, and the tracheae which they supply, with the exception of one or two turns of the wire-like spiral fibre supporting the parietes of the tracheal tubes, and which may be seen to pass from the spiracle to the tracheal tube. I have endeavoured, by the use of very high powers and careful illumination, to comprehend this curious peculiarity of structure, and I have satisfied myself that there exists a very thin transparent membranous envelope, surrounding the trachea, and that at the points of junction with the extremities of the spiracles this membrane is expanded into a sort of bag or corrugated sac, as shown in the drawing, the obvious purpose of this method of union being to permit the flexure of the animal's body in every direction, without danger of rupturing the delicate tubes connected with the external spiracles. The lower main tracheal vessel (B) presents the ajDpearance of a series of loops* hanging down between the tubes which communi- cate with the abdominal spiracles, and from the lower or convex sides of these loops a series of large tracheal vessels descend per- pendicularly, one of these vessels running downwards on each side of every segment of the abdomen. From these large vessels, as also from all parts of the main trachea, proceeds a wonderfully complex system of minor vessels, ramifying in every direction, and proceed- ing to every portion of the animal's organism in a series of filaments constantly decreasing in diameter, the ultimate fibrils being so minute as to demand the highest powers of the microscope to resolve, and yet the smallest of these vessels exhibits its characteristic spiral structure as perfectly as the largest of the main tracheae. * It is proper to state that the so-called loops of the lower main tracheal vessel are shown much flatter than they are in reaHty. This is due to the distortion arising from the compression of the insect, which has the effect of elongating or stretcJung out this system of vessels. In their natural position the loops are much deeper and are closer together than is here depicted. 20 W. H. FURLONGE ON THE PULEX IRRITANS. At the second abdominal spiracle, tlie two main tracheal vessels unite anteriorly and join the large trachea, which descends perpen- dicularly from the first spiracle, and thence, from a little above the point of junction, a large vessel — of course on each side of the animal — proceeds into the thorax and head, supplying the smaller vessels, which ramify from thqm to the various organs contained in these portions of the body of the insect. I have here to refer to the pair of erectile spiracles mentioned in my former paper as situated in the epimeron of the mezo-thorax. It may be remembered that I described these as round dome or nipple-shaped prominences, capable of protrusion and retraction, and which, in fact, in the living animal are in a state of continual movement. Tracheal vessels may be distinctly traced as being in connection with and supplied by these erectile spiracles, and since the reading of my previous paper I have satisfied myself that the protrusion of these organs is not, as I believe was suggested, due to the compression of the insect while under examination, but that they normally present the characteristics I have described. I may add that though I have not been able to make them out, I confidently anticipate that similar pairs of spiracles exist in each segment of the thorax, and I would invite the assistance of some of our working members in searching for them. My reasons for this conjecture will be stated presently. I also desire to refer to the remarkable sacs which I described as existing in the upper tarsal joints of the third pair of legs, and which I at that time considered to be contractile sacs. It may be remembered that Mr. Lowne demurred to this view of their struc- ture, and gave it as his opinion that these so-called sacs are really expansions of the tracheal vessels supplying the limbs. I think it right to say that I have since ascertained that Mr. Lowne's view is correct, and I now exhibit one of these tracheal enlargements carefully laid down by the aid of the neutral tint reflector. (Fig. 4.) I was led into the error of considering these vessels muscular sacs, from the fact of their rhythmical contractions, wdiich I sup- posed to be accomplished by muscular bands, for the striations of which I mistook the spiral fibrous structure of the tracheal vessel itself. Eut while I admit the error into wdiich I was betrayed, as to the structure of these so-called organs, I must adhere to the views I expressed as to their use and office, viz., that by the rhyth- mical compression of these tracheal enlargements — however that W. H. FURLONGE ON THE TULEX IRRITANS. 21 is accomplished — the air is forced throiigli the infinitely less than capillary ultimate fibrils of the trache£e, and in this opinion Mr. Lowne coincides. I am now brought to a few suggestive remarks which I desire to offer upon the functions of the wonderful respiratory apparatus just described, as a whole. The problem to be solved is, in what way does this apparatus act in maintaining a constant and regular circulation of air through every tube and fibril of the air system ? It has been suggested that inspiration is accomplished by the dilation of the abdomen by voluntary muscular action, and conversely, that expiration is effected by corresponding muscular compression. But I would ask, is it by any means an ascertained fact that the air in- spired through the abdominal spiracles is expired through the same orifices ? I cannot venture to assert positively that it is otherwise, but I strongly incline to susjDect the probability that the air inspired through the abdominal spiracles may be expired through the spiracles of the thorax. The appearance and apparent action of the so-called erectile spiracles of the thorax seems, to my mind, to lend support to the idea, and it is from these considerations I have been led to suppose that similar spiracles will probably be found to exist in the other segments of the thorax. I put these views forward as jourely suggestive, and with the hope of promoting enquiry and work, in a most important and in- teresting department of insect structure, upon which, I believe, our knowledge at the present time is very limited ; and I cannot help thinking that a collation of the knowledge possessed and a com- parison of the opinions entertained by individual members of our Club could not fail to throw much light upon the subject. I shall be very glad if the expression of these hypothetical views has the effect of inducing such a discussion, even should the result be (as is, indeed, very likely) to demolish the conjectures I have formed. May I be permitted to say that discussions of this character, con- ducted in the spirit of simple investigation and search for truth amongst our members, would infallibly result most beneficially to the progress of knowledge in those branches of science which we are incorporated for the express purpose of promoting. The Beproductive System. — The structure of the reproductive organs of the female flea is comparatively simple ; that of the male is exceedingly complex and remarkable. 22 W. H. FURLONGE ON THE PULEX IRRITANS. I shall first describe — The Female Reproductive Organs. — The posterior lower abdominal plate of the female flea is elongated or produced on either side so as to form a V shaped recess projecting for some little distance be- yond the body of the insect (Fig. 5). These lateral projections, as we shall afterwards find, serve an important purpose during the congress of the sexes. From the margins of these plates a fringe of thick bristly hair projects inwards. The lower terminal portion of the fleshy part of the abdomen projects between these lateral plates, and upon its under side is situated a circular orifice fringed with two rows of short hairs projecting inwards and outwards. This orifice opens into a somewhat elongated vaginal canal, the direction of which is upwards and forward. In the unimpregnated insect, grape-like clusters of ovaries may be seen dependant from the walls of the enlarged extremity of the vaginal canal, through which, as will be afterwards seen, the male organ passes for its entire length, thereby bringing the seminal fluid into direct contact with the ovaries. After impregnation the walls of the ovarian cavity distend enormously, so as to contain from six to ten exceedingly large eggs, relatively speaking, which, when fully matured, appear to occupy more than one half of the capacity of the entire abdomen. The eggs of the flea are matured with great rapidity, and are produced at the rate of five or six per diem, when the insect is in a state of captivity ; but I have reason to believe that under natural condi- tions they are produced even more abundantly. I have not had opportunities of observing the development of the eggs in the ovaries from the time of impregnation to maturity, this being one of the points I have been obliged to leave unworked. The Male Reproductive Organs, so far as I have been able to make them out, may be considered as consisting of three principal parts — a. The prehensile organs and their sheath plates. i3. The sheath of the penis. 7. The penis. Referring to Fig. 6, it will be seen that the inferior terminal plate of the male flea is elongated so as to form a deep cavity. On either side of this cavity are situated two rounded concavo-convex plates of chitin, somewhat thicker in substance than those envelop- ing the abdomen, but striated in a similar manner, the margins of W. H. FURLONGE ON THE PULEX IRRITANS. 23 which are thickened and fringed with curved bristles projecting backwards. In their normal position these plates incline inwards towards each other, the convex sides being outwards, so that their fringed margins unite and form a ridge or crest, rising very little above the edges of the cavity, and completely closing the opening in which they are placed. These sheath plates gradually taper downwards like leaves, and terminate in stout short stalks, which are attached to curved chitinous bands similar to those after- wards to be described as moving the sheath of the penis. When these organs are in action they are pushed backwards and upwards, and assume an erect or nearly parallel position, as shown in the figure. This movement is accomplished by means of appropriate muscles attached to the chitinous processes just described. The Prehensile Organs (Fig. 7) consist of a pair of strong claws, or nippers, situated within the concave sheath plates, to the stalks of which they appear to be attached, so that when the sheath plates are extruded the forceps come up with them. These organs strikingly resemble the terminal joints of the large claws of the lobster, excepting that one of the extremities of each is broad and square, while the other is bluntly pointed. They are composed of chitin of a deep reddish-brown colour, and appear to be solid or homogeneous in structure, and although attached to the stalks of their sheath plates, they are capable of independent movement in a manner precisely similar to that of the analogous terminal joint of the lobster's claw. I may observe that one of the plates, with its accompanying forceps, is sometimes extruded or retracted sooner than the other, though they generally move in unison. The Sheath of the Penis. — When the plates and forceps have been protruded the sheath of the penis begins to emerge between them, and finally assumes a position nearly erect, or slightly curv- ing backwards, which, it may be remembered, was shown in the large drawing of the male pulex accompanying my previous paper. The sheath possesses a very remarkable structure. It consists of a fleshy organ, relatively of very considerable size, which is surrounded for about two-thirds of its circumference by a very thin, polished, curved plate of chitin, which serves to sustain the fleshy organ within, the posterior portion of which projects beyond the edges of the investing plate. At the extremity of the organ, which is triangular in section, the terminal edges of the chitinous plate are capable of being drawn 24 W. H. FURLONGE ON THE PULEX IRRITANS. inwards by the retraction of the fleshy organ to which it is attached forming flaps, of an inverted V shape, as shown in Fig. 10, or they may be expanded or opened out in a most extraordinary manner, presenting a notched or embattled outline or margin, in which posi- tion it is seen to be furnished with three curved spines, as shown in Fig. 9. The contraction and opening out of the extremity of the organ are accomplished very suddenly, and with considerable force. The opposite or inferior extremity of the sheath is connected to a pair of bands, or rather rods, of dark brown chitin, which curve upwards and then backwards into a coil of several turns, like a spring, as, in fact, there can be no doubt is precisely the purpose which these curved and coiled rods really serve, extruding the penis sheath by uncoiling, and retracting it by the opposite action, the coiled state being the normal position of the rods. The Penis. — Looking down upon the extremity of the extruded sheath, when expanded, a minute orifice may be observed through which the penis is projected. It is a dark -coloured, wire-like organ — presumably chitinous — which is capable of protrusion for about half the length of its sheath ; but of its structure I can give no further descrijDtion ; in fact, I have only seen the extrusion of the organ in some four or five instances out of the dozens of male fleas I have had under observation, and on these occasions it was protuded and retracted with such rapidity that the eyes could hardly follow it. I have no doubt, however, that it constitutes one of those coiled rods or chitinous fibres just described, and that it is projected by the uncoiling, and withdrawn by the release of the spring-like coil. I have been entirely unsuccessful in my attempts to distinguish the spermatic vessels of the male pulex, unless they may be certain glandular organs filled with transparent globules, situated around the spiral coil; but it is difficult, if not impossible, to distinguish any difference in structure between these and the or- dinary fatty globules abundantly found aglomerated together in many parts of the internal organs. Having now described the organs of reproduction, it remains to describe their office. The first action is the extrusion of the sheath plates and forceps. These latter grasp the plates which, as already described, project on either side of the extremity of the abdomen of the female, and thereby the male is enabled to take firm hold of the female insect during copula. The extrusion of W. H. FURLONGE ON THE TULEX IRRITANS. 25 the sheath of the penis then takes place, wliich next passes into the vaginal orifice. I have repeatedly witnessed the copula of the insects, and though I have before referred to the pulex as an animal in which the typical structures and functions of the organs of insects can be studied under singularly favourable circumstances, I may here re- mark that in no description of investigation are these exceptional advantages so great as in the study of the reproductive process. When young and transparent specimens of the insect are selected this important process can be seen with remarkable clearness, and the animals being so closely locked together may be manipulated with great facility. Even when placed between the glasses of the compressor they will endure an amount of compression quite suffi- cient to render the abdomen of each insect perfectly transparent without the interruption of the copula. When thus examined the extremity of the sheath of the penis may be seen to be continually opening out and closing up, and by this action the spinous processes attached to the extremity of the sheath appear, as it were, to grasp the ovarian clusters I have described ; but I have not been able to observe the protrusion of the penis itself during the copula, nor at any time to distinguish spermatozoa in the female. I would strongly urge that the members of the Club should re- peat these observations, when pr.obably much more than I have been able to make out would be discovered in this important department of insect physiology. It is by no means a difficult matter to in- duce copula in the pulex. Tn general it suffices to keep the male and female in separate tubes for a day or two, then to feed them, and afterwards to put them together. In most cases copula immediately ensues. Easy as it is, however, to make the observation, I have never yet met with any microscopist who has witnessed it, with the exception of one fellow worker, Mr. Mclntire, whose obBervations on the subject exactly confirmed my own. If he should happen to be present at the reading of this paper he will, perhaps, give the Club the benefit of his observations upon the subject. I had intended to have closed my paper with a description of the development of the Qgg through its transformations into the per- fect insect, but I fear I have already trespassed upon the patience of the Club too much ; I hope at a future period, however, to read a short communication on this concluding portion of the life-history of the Pulex Irritans. 26 PROCEEDINGS • December 8th, 1871. — Conversational Meeting. The objects exhibited were: — Muscular Fibre ... ... ... ... ... ... Dr. Ramsbotbam. Melicerta ring ens ... ... ... ... ... W. H. Golding. Fructification of Ferns ,, Nerves of Teeth T.C.White. December 22nd, 1871. — Chairman, Henry Lee, Esq., F.L.S., &c., Vice-President. The following donations to the Club were announced : — *' The Monthly Microscopical Journal" from the Publisher. " Science Gossip" the Publisher. " Proceedings of the Royal Society" the Society. ** Proceedings of the Literary and Philosophical) the Society. Society of Manchester" J *' The American Naturalist" in Exchange. The thanks of the Club were unanimously voted to the donors. The following gentlemen were balloted for and duly elected members of the Club : — Mr. Henry Lea, Mr. Daniel Ward, Mr. John Webber. Mr. James Smith read a paper " On Cell Mounting," for which the thanks of the Club were returned. The Chairman expressed his great satisfaction at the kind of paper read by Mr. Smith, and hoped that similar communications would be made more frequently than had lately been the case, for it should be borne iu mind one of the chief objects of the Club was to encourage intercourse between those who were seeking information on such subjects ; he felt he could not too strongly impress this upon the members. He fully appreciated the value of many of the papers which were read at the meetings, but notwithstanding this he was very desirous of seeing the meetings assume more of a conversa- tional character, and that the feeling should be encouraged that any member needing information could come there without being afraid to ask a question, Mr. Mclntire inquired how Mr. Smith got the lead so perfectly smooth as it appeared in the specimens laid on the table ? Mr. Smith replied that if the sheet lead was laid upon a plate of glass and then rubbed over with an ivory paper knife, it would become as perfectly smooth 27. as could be required. Wlien the cells were cut out, by placing them between two ordinary glass slides, and applying a slight pressure, they could be made as flat as possibly could be. He might also add, that although those which he had described were square, yet rings might easily be cut out by using two punches of different sizes. Dr. Matthews suggested that another method of flattening would be by rolling the lead out upon a sheet of stout plate glass with a piece of glass barometer tube, and he thought that by cross rolling the lead would be flattened better than by simply rubbing it with a ruler. The Chairman observed that Dr. Bowerbank had used nothing else than common tea lead for his smaller cells for many years past, and for larger cells he used common plumbers' sheet lead. All his large collection of sponges were mounted in this way. It did not, perhaps, have a very neat appearance, b*t certainly answered the purpose very well. He believed that the doctor flattens out the lead on a board. Mr. Smith said the cells were very easily made, so that two or three dozens of them could be made in the course of half an hour. Mr. Richards said that some time ago he had to mount some wood sections, and procured for the purpose some rather light tin foil, which he cut out into cells with two punches, putting apiece of tube between them to keep them the right distance apart. A solution of glue and treacle was used for fixing them j this was laid on and allowed to dry first, and was found very useful in sticking on the thin glass covers, as it only needed a slight moisture to render it adhesive, whereas any liquid would have run under it and into so shallow a cell as the one he had described. The Chairman remarked that this was carried out in a more perfect manner in the cells introduced by Mr. Sufi'olk. Dr. Matthews said he found a difficulty in using these cells, because he could not fix them on with marine glue, which required a temperature so high to melt it that the tin cells were in danger of melting also. The Chairman remarked that he used nothing else himself but marine glue to fix the tin cells to the slides, and it answered admirably. Mr. Smith said his method was to fix them by running a ring of gold size upon the slide. The Secretary said he was very much obliged to Mr. Smith for bringing this sub- ject before the meeting. For many years he had been in the habit of using cells made of a thin kind of lead known as "pattern lead, ' which was used by dentists for taking patterns for their gold plates. It would be found to answer the purpose very well, and had none of the objectionable qualities mentioned by Dr. Matthews, since the slide might be made almost red-hot without melting the cells, and the cells were very easily stuck on with marine glue. For shallow cells a simple ring of gold size, and gum dammar put on thickly and allowed to get hard, answered the purpose very well, and if Bastian's cement were used instead, the cell could easily be built up higher by adding layers upon those which had become dry. Another way was to use the zinc cells, which would stand any amount of heat; acid, however, would aff'ect these, but vulcanite cells would resist acids. In making cells for mounting in fluid, it would be found of great advantage to set up some standard size, and keep to it, as this would enable the worker in a short time to estimate correctly the exact amount of fluid required for filling — a matter of very much importance. Mr. Leifchild asked if Mr. White considered the vulcanite cells to be the best ? 28 Mr. White said he thought they would be, where acids were used. Mr. Mclntire said that he had used the vulcanite cells, and found tliey had a tendency to chip off the slides after a time. Mr. White thought this would very likely be the case, because if the slide were made too hot the vulcanite would melt ; but if not hot enough, the cement would not become sufficiently melted to make them adhere. The Chairman proposed a vote of thanks to Mr. Smith for his communication, which was carried unanimously. The Secretary, in announcing the meetings for the ensuing month, congratu- lated the members upon the fact that the Club would enter upon the new year 18/2 with 560 members upon its list. The Chairman said he should be very glad to see a greater number of objects ealiibited at the close of the meetings; they added very much to the life of the conversaziones into which the meetings were then resolved, and he hoped that members would not forget this. The proceedings then terminated with a conversazione, at which the following objects were exhibited : — Proboscis of Vanessa by Mr. Bevington. Vaginecola (species) Mr. Bucknall. Poison Fang of Viper Mr. Tafe. Circn\a,tion in Anacharis Alsinastmvi ... ... Mr. Geo. Williams. Attendance— Members, 62 ; visitors, 3. January 12th, 1872. — Conversational Meeting. The objects exhibited were: — Istlimia eneo'vis W. H. Golding, Ear of Frog injected (polai-ised) M. de Guimaraens Calcareous plates round mouth of Echinus ... J.G.Waller. Skin, &c., of Star Fish „ Skin of Eay , all palarized , , Cate?nceZZa (Australian Zoophyte) S. J. Mclntire. Section of Crystalline Lens from eye of Haddock, i-in. obj , Vorticella microstoma ... ... ... ... ... Geo. Williams. Rotifer vidgaris ,, Section of Tooth of Cape Ant-Eater Mr Gibson. Parasite of Water Eat Dr. Ramsbotham. CeWs of C-^ddis worm (Phryganea) ,, Yonng of Asterina gibhosa T.C.White. Attendance— 37 members, 2 visitors. A. Smith. January 2Gtli, 1872. — Chairman, Dr. Lionel S. Beale, F.R.S., &c., President. The following donations to the Club were announced : — Land and Water" (weekly) from the Edi or. 'The Monthly IMicroscopical Journal" the Publisher. Science Gossip " the Publisher. The Popular Science Review" the Publisher. 29 *' Proceedings of the Manchester Literary andPhilo-) ,-, o ■ i sophical Society " ... ) ' ■ *' The American Naturalist" in exchange, " Journal of the London Institution " ... the Librarian. A 2in. Objective Mr. Kowlett. The thanks of the Club were unanimously voted to the donors. The following gentlemen were balloted for and duly elected members of the Club :— Mr. Edwin Denyer, Vr. Eobert Hudson, F.E.S., Dr. J. Hamilton MeKechnie, Mr. Edwin Tulley Newton, and Mr. Frederick George Hilton Price. The President regretted to have to announce that there was no paper to be read that evening, but several gentlemen had communications to make to the Club. Mr. James Smith made some observations explanatory of improvements to^a new substage for the microscope, which he recently introduced to the notice of the members. The stage, as now constructed, was exhibited and described, and a vote of thanks was passed to Mr. Smith for his communication. Dr. Matthews said that most of the members of the Club would, no doubt, recollect that he had produced a self- centring turn-table, about a year ago (May 27th, 1870), and exhibited it at one of the meetings. It was then pronounced to be excellent, and it remained excellent for new slides, but in most cabinets there occurred a necessity for revarnishiug old slides, and cells on these were not always found to be central. In such cases this turn-table would only correctly centre them, and thereby show their eccentricity, and its accuracy thus became a defect, although it was a defect consequent upon its perfection. He had, how- ever, now devised a remedy for this by dividing the top of the table into two portions, so arranged, that by sliding the upper part upon the surface of the lower, any required degree of eccentricity could be attained. This was accom- plished very easily and simply, and he thought that the arrangement rendered the turn-table as perfect as could be desired; certainly he did not himself see what more could be done to it. One of the improved turn-tables was then ex- hibited to the meeting, and its utility shown by centring a slide which had been eccentrically mounted for the purpose. The President said that Dr. Matthews had exhibited a very practical arrange- ment, and one which certainly rendered his ingenious turn-table as perfect as could possibly be. Mr. T. Curties said that Mr. Aylward, of Manchester, had sent two things to the meeting that evening for exhibition. One was a triple nose-piece of his own construction, and which appeared to be more successfully made than many of those in common use ; it centred the objectives very easily, and worked smoothly and well. The other was a contrivance devised for the purpose of getting objects out of reach. It consisted of a pair of forceps and a cutter, arranged so as to be fixed at the end of a stick, and having two strings attached, one of which, on being pulled, closed the forceps, and thus held the object last, whilst the other worked the cutter and severed it. The President proposed votes of thanks to those gentlemen who had favoured the meeting with their communications, and also called attention to the 2in. objective which had that evening been presented to the Club by Mr Rowlett, for use with the tank microscope which belonged to them. This power was of ex- cellent quality, and was one of Mr. liowlett's own manufacture. The Secretary anr.ounced that it had been decided to hold the annual soiree of the club on the 15th of March, and it was further intimated that the Com- mittee had decided that members who had not paid their subscriptions ought 30 not in fairness to Lave soiree tickets sent to them, a decision whicli was greeted with applause and unmistakable signs of satisfaction by the members present. Seven gentlemen having been proposed for membership, the proceedings ter- minated with a conversazione, at which the following objects were exhibited : — Triple nose-piece and cutting forceps, for collecting "i by Mr. Aylward, of sticks ... Parasite of Elephant Legs of Curculio Surface markings on Triceratium and Isthmia enervis Anystis Cursoria Melkerta ringens {alive) Memhranipora pilosa JFibro-cellular tissue of Catasetum tridentatum ... Ei'ecting arrangement adapted for dissection, &c., with Binocular Microscope Pleurosigma formosum Cyclosis in Anacharis ^cidium EuphorhicB Wing of Moth Injected toe of Mouse Injected ear of White Mouse Manchester. Mr. T. Curties. Mr. Duck. Mr. Green. Mr. de Guimaraens. Mr. Hainworth. Mr. Jackson. Mr. Oxley. Mr. Eichards. Mr. J. Eussell. Mr. Sigsworth. Mr. Jas. Smith. Mr. A. Topping. Mr. A.Waller. Attendance — Members, 96 ; visitors, 10. February 9th, 1872. — Conversational Meeting. The following objects were exhibited : — Sponge, Geodia Bo.rettii H. F. Hailes. Tingis foliacea Mr. Allbon. Markings of Diatoms with high powers — opaque Mr, Green. Fly's Tongue Mr. Eichards. Transverse section of small intestine of Cat ... Mr. Topping. Cinnabar Crystals in Chalcedony Mr. Gibson. Hydra, Volvox, Stentors, &c. Mr. Martinelli. Astromma Aristotelis A.Waller. Cigroryiyzaflaveola Geo. Williams. February 2ord, 1872. — Chairman, Dr. R. Braithwaite, F.L.S., &c., Vice-President. The following donations to the Club were announced : — *' Land and Water" (weekly) from the Editor. "The Monthly Microscopical Journal" the Publisher. *' Science Gossip" the Publisher. ' ' The A merican Naturalist" in Exchange . *'The Proceedings of the Literary and Philosophical") Society of Manchester" J the Society. " The Invisible World," by Dr. Mantell Mr. C S. Bentley. The thanks of the Club were voted to the donors. The following gentlemen were balloted for and duly elected members of the Club :— Mr. A. Atkins, M.E.CS., Mr. A. Atkins, junr., L.E.C.P., the Eev. Thos. Henry Brown, Mr. Alexander Colvin, Mr. Theodore Charles Izod, Dr. W. E. Grindley Pearce, Mr. C E. Stevens. 31 The Secretary read to the meeting the second portion of a paper by Mr. Fur- longue, " On the minute Anatomy of the Flea" (Pulex Irritans), illustrated by diagrams. The Chairman proposed a very cordial vote of thanks to Mr. Furlonge for his very interesting paper. To have all the details of such a subject laid before them, so as to be read at any time, would be of great service. He hoped that other members of the Club would be induced to follow Mr. Furlonge's example, and carefully follow up some one subject in the same manner. There were many other insects about which it would be very desirable to know more. The bug, for example, would furnish a subject, and there were also many other fleas beside the one which formed the subject of the paper which had been read, such as the flea of the dog, cat, mole, fowl, and others, each of which had some peculiarities to distinguish it. A vote of thanks to Mr. Furlonge was then put to the meeting and carried unanimously. Mr. S. J. Mclntire said that, being unprepared for it, he was rather surprised that his remarks had been quoted by Mr. Furlonge in his paper, and that he should now be called upon to repeat them. Mr. Furlonge merely asked him some time ago if he had ever witnessed the copula of fleas, and he replied that he had. At the time he was studying these insects he happened to have caught one — a female — and put it into a test tube. Soon afterwards he caught another, and put it into the tube also ; it proved to be a male flea, and they at once began copulating. The curious part of it was that the female got on the top of the male, and the male organ was turned round quite over his back to reach the female. With regard to other kinds of fleas, those of the mouse were very in- teresting ; they were very pretty little things, and were apparently blind. The largest flea in the world was that obtained from the Australian ant-eater. It was as large as a small-sized pea. The Chairman said that the observation made by Mr. J. Mclntire accounted for the enormous development of the penis in the male flea. The Secretary said that he happened the other day to get out the gizzard of the flea, but he could not make out the corrugated bands referred to in Mr. Furlonge's paper. He saw, however, a number of bristles, which appeared to him to take the place of the teeth found in the gizzard of the cockroach and cricliet. Mr. Topping confirmed the observation of Mr. White, and said that if the gizzard were opened and laid out the bristles would be readily seen j if the gizzard of the dog-flea were examined it would be found Jifi'erent. Mr. Oxley said that he had also observed the bristles alluded to by Mr. White. Mr. Matthews introduced to the meeting a portable case and stand for a microscope lamp. He thought that persons were generally disirous of diminish- ing the weight of their accessory apparatus, as well as that of their instruments, and endeavoured to dispense with as many pieces as possible. He had in this instance attempted to meet this desire by dispensing with the ring, stand, and upright supporting rod, and making the case itself into a support and stand. This was accomplished by making grooves in the sides of the interior of the case, into which a wood shelf supporting the lamp was made to slide. This simple contrivance he had found to answer perfectly; the grooves were ^in. apart, and the lamp was quite steady even when the top groove was used. When the shelf and lamp were placed at the bottom of the case, the door could be shut, and the case conveniently carried about by means of a brass bail handle. The lamp was one of Mr. How's, with an earthen chimney, and the only inconvenience he had found arose from the great heat radiated from the chimney. He had, there- 32 fore, sought to obviate this by clothing the chimney with felt, and found it to answer the purpose very well. The box itself absorbed some of the heat, and the felt so far absorbed the rest that no inconvenience could now be said to arise from that source. The felt was sewn on round the top of the chimney, and fixed at the bottom by a piece of coiled watch-spring, the chimney being too hard to pierce through. The case and lamp could be supplied complete at a cost of 17s. 6d. or I83. The Chairman thought these contrivances very ingenious, and expressed the obligation of the Club to Dr. Matthews for bringing them before their notice. Mr. Green intimated that he had taken the opportunity of bringing the lime light to the last gossip meeting, and the unanimous opinion of those members who saw the diatoms illuminated by it was in accordance with the description given in his paper. The hemispherical dots were particularly high in Hippo- campus ; in Formosum there was evidently a flattened surface, and this was still more so in Angulatuni. It should be remembered that there was no covering glass over the specimens, neither were they seen through any other medium, and when shown thus in their natural condition by transmitted light as opaque objects, the "file marks" were seen to be unquestionable depressions. In this contro- versy, as in some others, it might be said that the opinions of both sides seemed to be true. In order that those members who were not present on the occasion when he exhibited the diatoms before might have an opportunity of seeing and judging for themselves, he had again brought the lime light with him, and should be happy to exhibit the objects at the close of the meeting. The proceedings then terminated with a conversazione, at which the following objects were exhibited : — Wiug of Jloqyho Menelaics by Mr. Golding. Unmounted Diatoms, illuminated as opaque objects,by ^ the lime light Injected Skin of Frog Mj. de Guimaraens. Fungus Leaf of Coleus Mr. Jackson. Confervse Mr. Martinelli. Tongue of Blow-Fly .. Mr Eichards. Antennae of Lace Wing Fly Mr. Sigsworth. Transverse Section of Ox-tongue Mr. J. A. Smith. Heliopelta metii Mr. Geo. Williams. Attendance — Members, 89 j visitors, 11. R. T. Lewis. f Mr. Green . March 8th, 1872. — Conversational Meeting. The following objects were exhibited x— Red Earth Mite Mr. Fitch. V(\\\g of Pterofliorus -pcntadactylus... Mr, Ward. Chdex annulata, Large Winged Gnat Geo. Williams. Various Lichens W. H. Golding. Parasite of Ox H. E. Freeman. Australian Polyzoa, &c E. P. Pett. Echinus Spines ,, Thyamis femoralis, Gyqss Flea F. W, Andrew. Various Echinus Spines in Section Mr. Gibson. Anthers of Mallow Mr. Sigsworth. Attendance— 63 members, 6 visitors. 33 On Cutting Cells. Bj James Smith. (Bead 22nd December, 1871.; In the above diagram 1 have endeavoured to indicate a very simple, but I think, at the same time, very accurate way of cutting out cells for mounting Microscopic objects. The material I have employed is the lead used for lining tea chests ; the advantages of this were pointed out to me some time ago by Dr. Bowerbank, who has, I believe, used it for some time as a material for making cells. It is very readily obtainable from any grocer ; can be had of several degrees of thickness, and, from its extreme pliability, can be very readily flattened out or moulded into any required shape, and I think that, without disparaging any other substances employed in cell making, that this sheet lead will be found useful for many kinds of mounting, and the readiness with which it can be obtained makes it all the more desirable, A piece of lead having been obtained, and properly smoothed out; slips of — say 1 inch in breadth, and any convenient length may be cut off, and being marked with small lines (or dots) as above, as a guide for placing the punches in cutting, two or more cells may be cut out of each other with great accuracy and very little trouble. In the above diagram four punches are supposed to be used, namely — a 1 inch, I inch, ^ inch, and ^ inch punch ; and, as will be seen from the diagram, twelve cells of three different sizes are thus cut from the small strip of lead represented. It is scarcely necessary to say that this method of cutting will do equally well for other materials used in cell making. JouRN. Q M. C. No. 19. D 34 On the Measurement of the Working Focal Length of Object- Glasses, and their Magnifying Power. By G. West Roybton-Pigott, M.A., M.D., Cantab , M.R.C.P., M.R.I., Fellow of the Cambridge Philosopbical, tlie Royal Astronomical and Microscopical Societies, late Fellow of St. Peter's College, Cambridge. Though strange, it is nevertheless true, that two observers, with the same eyepiece and objective, do not always see an object magni- fied to the same amplitude. A change of focus may be necessary. A short-sighted person sees the virtual image of the magnified object at a distance of perhaps six inches ; the long-sighted adjusts it perhaps at twelve or even eighteen inches ; the distinct plane of vision, called the field of view, is variably placed according to the focal length of the eye of the observer, and therefore at distances of considerable variety. Under these circumstances, if two ob- servers, the one very short, and the other very long-sighted, both agree to observe together, their powers of vision proportionably vary. It is necessary, then, to fix a standard for estimation. Most persons can see distinctly at ten inches distance. In this case the power of any lens at this distance is found by dividing ten by the focal length / or Magnifying power =^10 -f- focal length/ or=^orlO -T-/. To persons unread in optical principles, there appears some little difficulty in understanding the variable foci of a lens, and I may, perhaps, be excused for introducing the following illustration, known I believe to very few working opticians : — If we take a lens (say 3 inches focus), and form the image of a candle (or much better, the image of a small perforation in a brass plate placed before it) upon a sheet of white paper, it is well known that as you move the candle from the lens you must move up the paper towards it, in order to obtain a clear image. Now, the special point which I wish to bring before the notice of the members of the Quekett Club is G. WEST ROYSTON-PIGOTT ON OBJECT GLASSES. 35 this, that exactly at the position where the image is formed clearly at the same distance from the paper as the candle is, the distance between the candle and image is the least possible or a minimum. A most useful result is now obtained ; in every case this minimum distance is exactly four times the focal length of the lens. In the case of a three-inch lens this mijiimum image distance will be found to be exactly 12 inches. We will now suppose that instead of the three-inch lens a two- inch objective is used in precisely the same way. The minimum image distance between a candle and its image will be found much less than 8 inches, so that the real focal length* is 1-J^f or rather less than one inch and a half. There are two or three preliminary points which may not be uninteresting. To find the focal length of a plano-convex lens, turn the/«^ side to the sun, and measure the exact distance from the sharpest image on a card to the convex surface. If the lens be equiconvex, half the thickness must be added. If the lens be used as a convexo-plane, and the plane side is towards the image, when the aberration is reduced, two-thirds of the thickness must be added. The minimum image-distance avoids these inconveniences of measurement altogether. In every case the true focal length will be more accurately determined by using only a small central aperture applied to the lens in question. I have designed an instrument of considerable accuracy for measuring the focal length of ordinary lenses, consisting of a per- forated metal plate, and a white screen or piece of ground glass, with a carrier for the object-glass or lens. By means of a long screw tapped with similar right-handed and left-handed dies, the perforated plate and lamp and the screen are simultaneously made to approach or recede from the lens, which is thus kept always exactly equidistant from the plate and from the screen. The lens to be measured being fixed, the screw is turned, until an exact image is formed upon the screen, of the perforations ; one- fourth of the distance between them is exactly the focal length required. I term this instrament a Focimeter. But in the case of very minute lenses, considerable difficulty is * Focal point of a lens is generally known to be the focus of parallel rays. d2 36 G. WEST ROYSTON-PIGOTT ON OBJECT GLASSES. exj^erienced in finding their exact focal length by measurement of their curves. In this case, the focal length can be obtained most readily by the following artifice. If the magnifying power be great, a stage micrometer is to be placed exactly at ten inches dis- tance from the ground glass screen. If a microscope be used, by taking out the field and eye-glasses of the eye -pieces, an ordinary circular 1-lOOth micrometer may be inserted ; then replacing the eye-lens only, the image of the stage micrometer must be accurately observed, and the magnitude of a 1-lOOth nicely determined in the divisions of the eye-piece micrometer. Suppose this to be (??2), the actual focal length of the lens in question will be found for small lenses as follows : — Divide ten by this number (m), increased by two.* Larger lenses will require a correction to be hereafter explained. Exarnple. — A small lens is found to magnify a hundredth of an inch upon the stage to measure 35 hundredths at 10 inches distance from the stage, within the field of an eye-piece, deprived of its field lens. Find the focal length ; also for a piano convex find the curva- ture of the tool to grind the lens. N = 2>b. /=10 -i-(ii + 2) = 10^37 == 0"-27027 nearly. In a piano convex lens radius of curvature for flint — = i focal length = 0''- 135 13 inches.-f Example 2. — A compound lens forming an object glass of great power enlarges the thousandth of an inch to 158 divisions in lOOOths, as before at 10 inches. Find the approximate focal length. Here /= 10 -r- (158 -h 2)= 10 -^ 160 = At * In a paper contributed to the " Philosophical Transactions," March, 1870, I showed that this number (m), or the number of times the image is magnified by the lens, is equal to i? — 2, for small lenses, or ?/i = ^ — 2 ; whence f = —^ f If perfect accuracy is required the number m (35) should be increased by the reciprocal of m, namely, gU ; and the distance to be then divided not by 35 -I- 2, but by 35 -i- 2 + -3I5, or 37-028571, which gives 0"-270062, instead of 0"-27027 inches. X Most pei'sons will find a difficulty in reading 158 thousandths, or 15"8 hundredths, on the eye micrometer ; indeed, they would more nearly read 160. The decimal change for the omission of the reciprocal i.^g in the divisor, which ought accurately to be 158 •\-2-\- -jl^, is very slight. Performing the operation, 158 + 2-1- il^, for a new divisor = 1600063291. /= 10 H- (160-0063291) = 0062497 nearly Now ,'e =0-062500 DifPerence = "000003 Wliich is less than the 10,000th of an each. So that when Powell and Lealands fg magnifies 1600 times with a C eye-piece of one inch focal length, it is accurately Veth focal length within an almost inappreciable quantity. G. WEST ROYSTON-PIGOTT ON OBJECT GLASSES. 37 From this it appears that an exact sixteenth should produce an image precisely 158 times as large when the object is exactly ten inches from the field of the eye-lens at the stop of the eye- piece. For practical purposes, therefore, an eye-lens magnifying ten times would enlarge the object in this case 1,580 times. Now a C eye-piece of Powell and Lealand is just equivalent to an one-inch lens ; therefore, when these makers announce their sixteenth to magnify 1,600 times with a C eye-piece, this objective is nearly the yi-g- of an inch focal length within a small decimal. The magnifying power employed at any moment is often so great a desideratum, and yet so unattainable (when one is closely engaged in some delicate investigation, and using a variety of objectives), without great loss of time, that the following observations upon a simple method exhibited at the meeting of the Fellows of the Royal Microscopical Society last month, may, it is hoped, prove acceptable. Having met with many persons and some opticians who experienced a difficulty in understanding the reason of the thing, I trust that the preceding remarks will clear the difficulty away. If we settle it as an axiom for very high powers, such as the -J-th and yV^h, that at ten inches distance of the stop of an eye-piece, without the field -glass, the enlargement of thousandths on the stage will give the focal length simply by dividing ten by the amplifica- tion increased by two, then it is evident that by using a single lens of one-inch focal length magnifying ten times, if we count how many hundredths of an inch in the stop correspond to a hundredth on the stage micrometer, ten times that amount with an inch or C eye- piece is the magnifying power. Now replace the field-lens (usually of 3-ihch focus) for an eye-piece of 2-inch focal length, having an eye-lens of one inch, the magnifying power will be reduced con- siderably in the proportion shewn by the new reading. Whatever object glass is now used, and whatev-er length of tube happens to be in use, so long as the eye-lens is 1-inch focal length, teji times the apparent amplification of the stage micrometer will give the power under employment. I keep an eye-piece (two-inch) with one-inch, eye lens, armed with a glass micrometer, ready for use. Every microscopist should demand that the optician mark the focal length of each of his eye-pieces. Powell and Lealand's C eye-piece is exactly one- inch focal length ; and at the usual distance of ten inches the power of any object glass with it is at once found by multiplying the re- 38 G. WEST ROYSTONPIGOTT ON OBJECT GLASSES. cii^rocal of the focal length (eight is the reciprocal of ^) by one hundred. The standard rule by which nominal " inches," " quarters," *' eighths," '' sixteenths," and " twentieths " are constructed is therefore most properly taken, so that with a C eye-piece of one inch focal length and the stop of the eye-piece being exactly ten Jjiches from the stage, their respective magnifying powers shall be : — (Objectives) ... Incli Quarter Eighth Sixteenth Twentieth (Powers) 100 400 800 1,600 2,000 I have fomid Nobert's lines to form very beautiful stage micro- meters ; but as they are fractions of the Paris line, observations with them require laborious reduction to the English standard. But I wish to acknowledge here the kindness of Mr. Baker, the optician, in placing at my disposal Jackson's own beautifully ruled micrometer lines, 2,000 to the inch. With the aid of this, and a micrometer in the stop of the eye-piece, I found the powe?' of Powell and Lealand's new l, with a one inch Kellner of Browning's make and searcher (with a fine definition), to be 5,250 diameters. Without searcher and one-inch eye- piece : — nearly Andrew Ross . . . 1851 . "quarter" . power, 540 = ^th. Wray 1870 . one-fifth . power, 540* Jiesume. I. — The focal length of a lens is one-fourth the least distance between image and object at which it can be distinctly formed. II. — If a distance of ten inches between object and image be taken (to simplify the calculation), and the amplification measured for a division, then in the case of small lenses the focal length is found by dividing ten by the divisor increased by two. III. — The magnifying power of an object glass for any length of tube can be ascertained by using an eye-lens of one-inch focal length, with or without a field lens, by measuring the amplification of a stage micrometer upon another placed in the stop of the eye- piece, and then multiplying it by ten. IV. — Different eye-pieces being compared by the Camera Lucida, or marked in focal length by the maker, all other powers are im- mediately ascertained by the simple rule of proportion. | * The actual focal length = 10 -i- (54 + 2 + J:,) = 10 ^ (56' 0185) ; or a power of 540 represents a focal length about 2-lOOths of an inch less than a true ^. t A half -inch eye-piece will of course be twice the power of the inch, and so forth. 39 Upon a Phenomenon of Monocular Vision in Connection with THE Delineation of Microscopic Objects. By W. H. FURLONGE. (Read April 26th, 1872.; There are few departments of manipulation of greater importance to the working microscopist than the means of delineating, with accuracy and rapidity, the objects which, from time to time, are brought under his notice. Facility in drawing from the object as seen in the microscope, by the unaided eye, is a comparatively rare accomplishment, and even where there exists a natural artistic aptitude, it is only by long practice, and after many painful failures, that such facility can be attained. Hence the value of what may be termed mechanical aids in the delineation of objects, such as the Camera Lucida, and other forms of reflecting prisms, the steel disc, and the neutral tint reflector. It is not my purpose to enter into the respective merits of these and other methods of microscopic drawing, but to bring under the notice of the Club a phenomenon of vision connected with the employment of the last-named instrument — the neutral tint re- flector— which appears to me very remarkable, and deserving of further investigation, not solely because of its interest in connection with mental, nervous, or brain impressions, but also on account of its bearing upon practical working facility in microscopic drawing. We are all familiar with the neutral tint reflector, and with the optical principles involved in its construction. As usually made, this instrument is furnished with several reflecting glasses of different depths of colour, to adapt it for use with an illumination of greater or less intensity. Even with such appliances, however, we are most of us aware that it is a matter of some difficulty to obtain the best balance between the illumination of the object in the microscope, and that of the paper upon which the drawing is to 40 W. H. FURLONGE ON MONOCULAR VISION. be made, and that to produce the best effect it is necessary to screen the jDaper from too bright a light. 8ome months since, in attempting to accomplish this adjustment, I chanced to hit upon a singularly happy illumination of the paper, by means of which I was enabled to trace the object under obser- vation with more than ordinary facility. On removing my eye from the instrument, however, I was greatly surprised to find that in shading my drawing paper to produce the best effect, I had actually interposed the margin of the screen between the observing eye and the drawing-paper. I had thus completely cut off all possibility of vision of the reflected image through the neutral tint glass with the observing eye ; yet the apparent projection of the image upon the paper was seen with increased distinctness. Repeated experi- ments only served to confirm the reality of this singular pheno- menon of vision, and to prove that the best mode of using the reflector as a drawing instrument was to employ a piece of glass which had been made perfectly opaque by the application to its under surface of a thick coating of black varnish, such as asphaltum, instead of the transparent neutral tinted glass. Now let us consider the rationale of this curious fact. It will be at once perceived that we must entirely modify the views hitherto held as to the principles upon which we are enabled to perceive the image reflected by the neutral tint — and, in fact, by every other form of reflector — upon the paper on which we draw. These principles I take to be, that the pencils of light forming the image in the microscope are reflected into the observing eye, which, look- ing through the transparent reflecting glass, sees the image appa- rently projected upon the drawing-paper beneath — the office of the non-observing eye being to direct the point of the pencil while the object is being traced. But the experiment I have described proves that the observing eye does not see through the reflecting glass at all, and that in reality it is the non-observing eye — that is the eye which is not looking into the instrument — that perceives the image, and is called upon simultaneously to direct the pencil. This at once explains the difficulty we all feel, more or less, in keeping the point of the pencil constantly in view, and why it is that in tracing an object we are so continually and provokingly losing sight either of the pencil or of the object. I do not propose here to enter upon the somewhat abstruse enquiry, how the mental impression conveyed to the brain by one W. H. FURLONGE ON MONOCULAR VISION. 41 eye is seen by the other apparently projected upon the drawing- pajDer on which it is looking. In fact, the question appears to me to belong more to psychology, or at all events to the most recondite physiological considerations of reflex nervous impressions, than to practical microscopy. It is very probable, however, that some of our members, and notably our President, are capable of throwing light upon the cause of this remarkable phenomenon, which it would be very desirable to obtain. My present object is simply to bring the fact itself before the Club, to point out its practical bear- ing upon our every-day work, and to suggest to some of our in- genious mechanical members, who may have the time to devote to the investigation, that it may be very possible to improve the brilliancy of the image projected on the paper, and consequently to increase the facility in tracing it, by the substitution of a very truly and highly-polished plane metallic speculum, for the opaque glass reflector I have described. The late Mons. A. de Brebisson. One of the Foreign corresponding members of the Club, Mons. Alphonse de Brebisson, of Falaise, Normandy, died on the 26th April last, at the advanced age of 74 years. His large and valuable collection of some thousands of slides of Diatomaceas is to be disposed of by his son, M. Bene de Brebisson. 42 Observations on the Fresh-water Sponges. By J. G. Waller. (Read April 26th, 1872.; On the Fresli -water Sponges more has been written, than on any other genus of this order of the Protozoa. This may be accounted for in the ease with which they are found, and in consequence their examination involves but little difficulty. It is not, therefore, my intention to aim at anything like completeness, but strictly to con- fine myself to that which the title of my paper suggests, viz., " Observations." This relieves me from the dangerous temptation to theorise, and thus I believe I shall do my duty best to myself and to you. I shall divide my task into two parts. In the first I shall give a general glance at the organisms under consideration, then a series of observations carried on with the growing sponge during three months, in which time I made drawings and memor- anda daily, illustrating every change which took place. The two Fresh-water Sponges, known in England, are dis- tinguished as " Spongilla lacustris," and " Spongilla fluviatilis," literally the Lake and the River Sponge. These terms were given by Dr. Johnston, and are now generally accepted. Though they are thus distinguished, they may often be found growing in the same locality, under the same conditions, and within a few feet of each other. The two are strikingly dissimilar, and yet their characteristics have been often confounded. S. lacustris grows in long, lobular, branching forms ; S. jluviatilis in large masses, without symmetry. Yet it has been asserted, that the latter is also found with lobular projections, and Dr. Bowerbank suggests that this may be due to it having originally been parasitic on some Alga. I have myself seen several examples of this form, but arrive at quite another conclusion. At least, in those instances which have come under my observation, this was certainly not the cause, but a confervoid J. G. WALLER ON FRESH-WATER SPONGES. 43 growth, overlaying and ojDpressing the sponge, constrained its de- velopment in the usual way, and the lobular growth was in such places as were free from this parasitic obstruction. As soon, how- ever, as the sponge escapes this its tendency to spread laterally is manifested, and the terminations of the lobes widen. I believe this is a weakly condition of the sponge, only seen in young examples, and not under healthier circumstances. The external character, then, of the two is entirely dissimilar when mature and fully developed. Colour is a very variable cha- racter, dependant so much upon light, but, in general, S. lacustris is of a dark green, whilst that of S. Jluviatilis varies from a dull yellow to an emerald tint. More intimate examination makes the distinction between them still wider. The membranes of S. lacustris are covered with minute spiniferous spicula, whilst those of the other have none. The structure of the skeletons are similar, but coarser in the former than in the latter. Their spicula have but slight differences ; and whilst on this part of my subject, I must call at- tention to what is somewhat remarkable — that in both these sponges a form of spiculum has entirely been overlooked by those eminent observers who have done so much to instruct us on this interest- ing group of organisms. Dr. Bowerbank, in his work on the British Spongiadse, which must now be regarded as the text-book on Sponges, gives only one form of spicula as belonging to the skeleton of either of the British Spongilla. That of S. fluviatilis he calls " Acerate," that of S. lacustris " Subfusiform Acerate." As regards the first, if you take a mature example of the sponge and make a vertical section, mount it in balsam and examine it under the microscope, you will find that nearly the whole of the spicula are spiniferous , the plain '' Acerate " form being very few in number. But now make a horizontal section, and examine it in a similar manner, and then the spiniferous form is found to be few in number, the greater part being that which Dr. Bowerbank has described. This at once shows us the true position each occupies in the skeleton, and that there are two forms is without doubt. The question now arises how this form could possibly be overlooked if it be constant. I am not sure if I have always seen it myself — and I have seen a slide sold as " Spicules of S. Jluviatilis,^^ in which it certainly did not apjoear ; nevertheless, I am inclined to think it a constant characteristic in mature examples. In *S'. lacustris the spiniferous spicule does not 44 J. G. WALLER ON FRESH-WATER SPONGES. constitute more than 6 or 7 per cent, of its skeleton, and it is somewhat shorter than the others. The next point of dissimi- larity between them is in the structure of the ovaria, so far as re- gards the sjDicula of the integument. The bi-rotulate form of S. Jluviatilis must be known to every microscopist, as it is so frequently figured in works on the Micro- scope. Those of S. lacustris are totally different, being similar in character, though smaller, to those of its membranes, but varying in their curvatures to such an extent that I have occasionally seen them taking that of a complete circle. The preparation of the ovaria showing the spicula is extremely easy. There is no necessity for any boiling in nitric acid, as recommended by Dr. Bowerbank, but a section of the sponge containing them needs only to be steeped in strong spirits of turpentine for a few days, and then mounted in balsam to show their structure completely, and it is the more interesting as they are seen in situ. There is another characteristic of the latter sponge which ob- servers have not failed to note, i. e., the numerous abnormal forms of spiculum which are found in it. But, indeed, they are quite as numerous in S. Jluviatilis, and they are so far worth our notice when they seem to play into shapes, which in other sponges are constant. But I will now pass from these somewhat dry details to matters of more interest. In the early part of November, 1870, accompanied by a friend, I went into Hampton Lock, in search of the Fresh-water Sponges, and returned home laden with a rich gathering of, as I thought, both species. But it entirely consisted of S. Jluviatilis, the lobular form of which deceived me, as I took it to be S. lacustris. On reaching home and submitting a portion to examination, I found it was pouring out a yelky substance of a dirty white colour, which proved to consist of myriads of ova. These had a tendency to aggregate together in masses upon the slide, perhaps by the law of attraction, but in some cases these masses immediately threw out a membranous projection like the pseudopodia of the Amoeba, which they closely resembled ; and I regret that I was not able just then, for want of leisure, to follow up any subsequent development. After setting aside some pieces of the sponge as specimens, a few fragments were left in the gathering bottle. This soon became exceedingly offensive and perfectly black with decomj)Osition. In a few days, however, purification ensued in the usual manner ; I J. G. WALLER ON FRESH-WATER SPONGES. 45 filled up the bottle with fresh water and set it aside out of the direct light, where it remained all the winter. About the middle of March^ 1871, I examined it, and observed a green spot on a fragment of the old sponge left in the autumn. On applying a lens to the side, I was delighted to find it was a young sponge developing its mem- branes upon it. Considering the decomposition to which I have referred, I did not expect such a result. But instead of giving an account of this, which was some- what advanced in development, I will select another example, which I found as a minute white speck upon the side of the bottle, thereby rendering it easy of examination. It consisted entirely of a pel- lucid membrane, supported or strengthened by spicula which projected slightly from its surface, enclosing denser granular matter, in which the pores could easily be detected by an inch objective. The osculum was remarkably developed, but being situated on the other side of the sponge was not always visible ; yet I had frequent opportunities of examining this curious organ. It was a transparent tube, generally somewhat larger at its distal extremity, often very long in proportion to the mass of sponge when fully extended, corrugated in structure and frequently having upon its surface a spiculum here and there without any order. One end of the sponge was attached to an ovarian capsule, divested of its outer integument and spicula. This served throughout my obser- vations as a pointer, for, being a fixed object, it indicated the nature of the changes, both of position and of form, which took place from day to day. These are difficult to describe, but will be un- derstood by aid of the accompanying figures, selected from the numerous drawings made. Plate iii. Fig. 1 represents the sponge when first discovered, May 18. The following show the successive changes according to dates annexed : — Fig. 2, May 25 ; Fig. 3, May 31 ; Fig. 4, June 7 ; Fig. 5, June 10 ; Fig. 6, June 12 ; Fig. 7, June 15 ; Fig. 8, June 17. The last shows the condition just before it separated. The nature of the development was a contraction, so that the flat membranous expansion was drawn by degrees into another shape, denser in character, and gradually taking a globular form. During this process some of the external spicula of its network were left upon the sides of the glass ; and on the 7th day after my observations began a faint tinge of green was visible in the central portion. This colour increased daily with the progress of con- 46 J. G. WALLER ON FRESH-WATER SPONGES. traction, and the density of the organism ; the projecting osculum was withdrawn, and in three weeks disappeared, leaving in its place a large opening or depression, which was very variable in size and appearance even on the same day. The sponge now assumed an ovate character, having a smooth surface, and no projecting spicula except at one end. From this it passed step by step into a globular form of a deep emerald green colour ; its attachment to the capsule became smaller and smaller, until at length it broke away, and disappeared (Fig. 8). Now this was exactly the course which every other specimen fol- lowed. All from an expanded membrane, covering granular matter, contracted into a globular shape, then separated from its attachment, and disappeared. The only difference being that colour was acquired in other instances, whilst it was still expanding and growing upon the old sponge, and some were larger than others. Every indivi- dual, if such an expression can be correctly applied, had one osculum projected from it, and on this interesting organ I will add a few more remarks. Dr. Bowerbank states that this pellucid tube " exists only during the course of the energetic excurrent action." As far as I have observed this was not exactly the case. By re- ference to Plate iii. you will perceive two conditions in the same example. In Fig. 1 the sponge is active, the dermal membrane is fully extended, supported, as it were, at the apices of the spicula, and reminding one of a tarpauline over a hay-rick. Here the osculum is firm and erect. In the passive state the membrane is contracted, the osculum hangs down in a flaccid state, and the sponge is evidently at rest (Fig. 2). I found if the sponge was disturbed it went directly into this condition, and I fancied, upon one or two occasions, a dull and heavy day produced the same effect. The corrugated structure of this organ shows that the power of contraction and expansion must exist to a great extent ; but I never saw any absolute withdrawal of it, except under the conditions mentioned. The phenomena, I have endeavoured to describe, seem to point to an act of gemmation with which we are familiarised in many of the lower orders of animal life, and which are well known to take place in, probably, every sponge ; and yet these are great differences from our usual experience. Here it is clearly a young sponge which gradually assumes this ajDpearance. It is well, therefore, to follow up the ensuing stage if possible, and happily this I am J. a. WALLER ON FRESH-WATER SPONGES. 47 enabled to do. Previous to the observation thus recorded, I had one with a gemmule (?) already perfected, which I discovered em- bedded within the network of a piece of old sponge. It had evi- dently passed through the stages I have mentioned, and had now found a resting place for further development. I placed it in a zoophyte trough, supplying it constantly with fresh water, and ob- served it to be enveloped in a transparent membrane, defended or strengthened by a few spicula. It was sub-globular in shape, and of a bright emerald green colour (Fig. 3). I watched it daily. New membrane was forming about it on the network of the old sponge, and upon this new spicula (Fig. 4). This latter process was interesting. First one was projected, another extended from its apex, then one transversely. Additions were then made to the first parallel to it (See Fig. 5), and so forth. Meanwhile the gemmule (?) was gradually increasing in size, swelling out and becoming more ovate, and its granular character more distinctly visible through the expanding membrane ; and having been nearly a fortnight under observation, began now to break up. The envelope burst, and its contents, consisting of minute masses of sarcode, which, when aggregated together, had an am^biform appearance, issued slowly from it (Fig. 6). Some of them settled upon portions of the membrane of the sponge, or upon the spicular network, and began to develope upon it. But by far the greater quantity became effete, as, perhaps, the condi- tions of life were little favourable for any further progress. During my observations I saw upon several occasions minute bodies, ovate in shape, and having filiform appendages, moving about on the edges of the protruding granular masses, with a singular twitching motion ; but I could not bring a power of more than 60 diameters to bear upon them, and hesitate to express my belief in their being spermatazoids, which are asserted to have been seen by more than one observer, but which fact nevertheless remains in obscurity. I have spoken of the phenomena described as of *' gemmation " and the product as a gemmule, yielding in this to appearances rather than believing the terms to be correct. A gemmule has been described as " a vital mass separated from the parent, and capable of being ultimately developed into a single individual, pos- sessing the same specific characters and capabilities as the present mass." But this clearly must be understood of those acts which 48 J. G. WALLER ON FRESH-WATER SPONGES. are familiar to us in many organisms in an adult and matured con- dition. Here it is evidently not of that character, but is a stage of growth belonging to the young sponge, which may fairly be pre- sumed to have commenced from one or more ova. In the in- stance here given, we have the sponge actually developed upon the ovarian capsule, and in immediate proximity to the foramen, through which the ova pass out, and was clearly in the earliest stage of development. It appears to me that the phenomena rather show an analogy to the encysted state observed in so many of the lower organisms, and had a resemblance in its result to what I witnessed in Actinophrys Sol.* This question I leave for others to decide, and hope there may be amongst our friends those whose experience may help us to a conclusion. Of the food of the Fresh-water Sponges we know but little, yet, if we may judge from the abundance of diatomacese frequently seen upon their tissues, they at least must fonn a part of it. The fol- lowing is a list of those varieties I have found upon the membranes and other portions of S. lacustris. Pleurosigma attenuata Cymbella gastroides Navicula cuspidata „ cuspidata Meloseira nummuloides „ boekii Pinnul tria major Surirella biseriata Cocconeis transversalis Amphora ovalis Campylodiscus spiralis „ membranacea Cymatopleura solea Encyonema prostratum, &c., &c. ,, elliptica I must, however, mention that the sides of Hampton Lock, whence my specimen was taken, are so rich in Diatomacese as to look as if covered with treacle ; and it would, therefore, be rather a marvel if we did not find some upon the membranes and other parts of a sponge growing in that locality. * See Article on the Conjugation of Actinopliys Sol. 49 ANNUAL SOIREE. March 15th, 1872. The Annual Soiree was held, by permission of the Council, at University College, Go wer Street. Two hundred and sixteen microscopes were exhibited by Members of the Club, of the Croydon Microscopical Club, the South London Microscopical Club, the Forest Hill Microscopical Club, and the Metropolitan Opticians. ACKLAND, T. G.y ackland, w., Allbon, W.j Andrew, A. E. Andrew, F. W., 3 J Atkinson, J., Bentley, C. S., Bevington, Thos., Bevington, W. a.. Bishop, W., Bonella, John, Braithwaite, R., M Burr, T.W.,F.E.A Burt, C. W., Cocks, W. G., Crisp, J. S., Crisp, — Crook, T., CURTIES, T., EXHIBITIONS BY MEMBERS. File of Cricket, Acheta domestica. Cinchonidine under polarized light, by a new form of selenite stage. Tongue of Lamb. Intestine of Ourang Outang. Anguirtaria spatulata. Leaves of Alyssum montanum. Hypersthene, a mineral from North America. Foot of Blow Fly. Section of Shell (Haliotls). Tongue of the Bee. Tongue of Butterfly, Vanessa urticce. A water wood-louse, Oniscm aquatilis. Sori of several Exotic Ferns. D., Coralline with animals expanded. Structure of Flowers, Asariim EuropcBuin and Thuja orient alls. S., Table polariscope with selenite designs, and unannealed Photograms of the Moon in the Mici'oscope. Young Spider. Co7iochiltos. Volvox glohator. Melicerta ringens. Achromatic Stereoscope, with views tinted by coloured reflectors. Malca sylcestris (4-inch), Lavatero. riihra (ditto). Spine of Echinus. Melicerta ringeris. Angninaria spatulata on Sea Weed, with Diatoms in situ. JouRN. Q. M. C. No. 19. £ 50 Gushing, Thos.. Daintrey, G., Deane, — DoBsoN, H. H., Duck, W. A., Fitch, F., Fryer, G. H, 55 furneaux, j. r.j Gardiner, G., 55 Garnham, J., Gay, F. W., George, E., Gibson, J. F., GOLDING, W. H., 55 Gray, H. J., Gregory, John, Guimaraens, a. de 55 Hailes, H. F., Hainworth, W. 55 Hind, F. H. P., hopkinson, j., Hovenden, C. W., Hovenden, Fred., How, Jas., Ingpen, Jno. E., Jackson B. D., 55 Johnson, J. A., Kiddle, E., Collection of Natural Flowers. Selected Diatomaceae. Section of Skin of Cat. Polycystina. Vibrio fritici, the cockles or purples of corn. Section of Pearl. Tongue and Lancets of a Fly (TahanusJ. Volvox glohator. Stephanoceros Eichhornii. Ciliary action in Tadpole. Spiders and Eggs hatching. Hydra viridis. Scales of Fern. Coiieatus Taniarici. Section of Whalebone, polarized. Human Muscle injected. Nudibranchiate Mollusc. Emhletonia Orayi. Lophopus crystallvius. Fructification of Mosses. ,, Polytrichmn aloides. ,, Atrichum tmdulatum. „ Hypnum. Male flower of Polytrichum. Coneeptacles of Marchantia polymorpha. Section of Aberdeen Granite polarized. Arborescent Crystals of Silver and Gold. Elytron of Diamond Beetle. Leaf of Correa, stellate hairs. Petal of Correa stricta. , Acari of Eabbit, Listrophorus gibhis. $ . $ . Sea Horse, Hippocampus brevirostris. Chelifer. Volvox glohator. Water Fleas, Baplinia. Gold Dust from Australia. Young Oysters, Ostrea edidis. Marine Algse, Polysiphonia fastigiafa. Foraminifera from the Atlantic Ocean, 2,000 fathoms. Palate of Loligo vulgaris. Spicules of Gorgonia. Palate of Haliotis tuberculata. Nummulites Icevigatus. Absorption spectrum of Chlorophyll. Winged seed of Cybibtax. Volvox glohator. Blossom of Yew Tree. Eggs of Parasite of Eeeves' Pheasant. Seed of Nemesia versicolor. Drawings of Ancient Egyptian Jewellery. Photographs in Abyssinia, Magdala, &c. 51 Lee, Henry, F.L.S. LooF, S. A., LoY, W. T., McIntire, S. J., Marttnelllt, a., Meacher, J. W., Nelson, Jas., Newton, E. T., northey, m. d., Perry, F. J., Quick, G. E., Eeeves, W. W., Robins, Edmund, Rogers, J., Rogers, J. R., Rogers, T., Russell, T. D., SiGSWORTH, J. C. Slade, J., Smith, A., Smith, Jas., Marine Algse, Pohjsiphonia urceolata, witli capsules. Elytron of Diamond Beetle. Section of Blow Fly. Wing of Saagala gloriosa, a moth from Central America. Flea, Pulexirritans (alive), and Red Spider, Trombidium. Electric Spark discharged between Graphite terminals. Heart of Water Snail, Planorhis X 56. Tank Life (Sfentor, &c.) Reseda odorata. Fioiaria hygrometrica. Bellis perennis. Melicerta rmc/ens. Eye of Frog, nerves of the cornea, stained with chloride of gold. Scale of Perch polarized. Weevil, Coiieatus Tamarasi. Head of Gnat. Gizzard of Cockroach. Tongue of Butterfly. Section of Human Kidney. Transverse section of Rush. Photograph of Shrewsbury Cathedral. Batracliospermum monoliformef var. pulclierrimuon, a Confervoid Alga from Devon. A selection of Spicules of Gorgonacese, illuminated by the new Pocket Lamp and portable microscope body. Gemmules of Sponge. Wings of the Gnat Crystals by Polarized Light. Citric Acid, Cane Sugar, Sugar of Milk, Maple Sugar, &c. Polycystina, Astromma Aristotelis. Anguinaria spatulata, Epistylus. Hydra viridis and H. vulgaris. Circulation in Anacharis. Collections of British Stalk-eyed Crustacea and Echino- dermata. Sepiostaire (Cuttle Fish), horizontal and vertical sec- tions. Flower of Common Mallow deprived of the Corolla, showing the Monadelphous Stamens with Anthers and Pollen. Freshwater Polyzoa, LopJiopus crystallinvs. Capsule of Ceratodon purpureus. Porphyrine, section. Fossil Foraminifera from cavity in flint. Spider, alive. Cheese Mites. Head of Hornet. Cockchafer. 52 Smith, J. A., Lai'va of Ephemera, or Day Fly, polarized. Circulation in leg of Water Louse, polarized. Red Water Spider. Lily of the Valley. Fibres of Flax, Limim usitatissimum, by Polarized Light. Rotifera and Entomostraca, alive. Bird's Eye Tobacco. African and other Limpets, and Oysters. Flea, Pidex irritans. Leaf of Pomaderris a^jetala. Polyxemis lagurus. Degeeria Nicoletii, Degeeria cincta. Pond Life, Hydra viridis. Pencil Tail, Polyxenus lagurus. Sphagnum or Bog Moss. Pond Life {Vorticellce). Artificial Crystals of Hippuric Acid under Polarized Light. The Pulsation of the Heart and Circulation of the Blood in young Salmon. Illustration of Pond Life (Entomostraca). Section of Nose of Mouse (injected). Section of Spine of Echinus, polarized. Elytron of Diamond Beetle. Cuticle of Equisetum sylvaticum. V Lepidodendron > Transverse Section of Specimens figured in the " Monthly Microscopical Journal," for Feby., 1872). jj Pitchstone from Arran. Mr. Holmes, of 477, Oxford Street, exhibited his patent stereoscopic binocular m'croscope, which appeared to interest and elicit approval from the members present. The following opticians also exhibited microscopes, &c.:— Messrs. Bailey, Baker, R. and J. Beck, Mogiuie, Murray and Heath, Powell and Lealand, Ross, J. H. Steward, and Swift. Mr. T. D. Russell exhibited a Natural History Collection ; Mr. Ernest Swain, Fossils ; Mr. E. Kiddle, some facsimile Drawings of Ancient Jewellery of a date 1800 years B.C. ; Mr. Rockfort Connor, some Microscopical Drawings of various Yegetable and Animal Tissues. The London Stereoscopic Company exhibited on the screen some views of various places of interest, illustrating South Africa and the Livingstone Expedi- tion, in the Mathematica,l Theatre. Mr. Apps exhibited Electrical Experiments in Vacuo, such as Gassiott's Cascades, &c., &c. Mr. How exhibited Micro-pho- tographs and Photographic Views by the Lime Light, varied by the new form of Kaleidoscope as applied to the Lantern. Smith, W., Stickstone, C. W. Suffolk, W. T., Swain, Ernest, Tafe, J. F., Terry, J., Ward, F. H., Warrington, H, R., Westbrooke, Edwd., White, F. W., White, T. C , Williams, Geo., Wright, E , Young, John T 53 PROCEEDINGS. March 22nd, 1872. — Chairman — Dr. John Matthews. The following donations to tlie Club were announced : — • " The Monthly Microscopical Journal " from the Publisher. " Science Gossip " ,, "The Lena" \ the State Microscopical ' Society of Illinois. *' The American Naturalist " in exchange. " The Journal of the Loudon Institution " ...from the Librarian. " The Annual Eeport and Proceedings of the ) ... ^ Geologists' Association" J the Association. * ' The Proceedings of the Literary and Philo- \ -u a ■ sophical Society of Manchester " ... * the Society. " The 22ud Annual Eeport of the Bank of) ,, ^ ^ „ England Library" 1 Mr. Suffolk. " Conspectus of Diatomacese," extracted from ) Professor Hamilton Smith. " The Lens," 4 Nos j The thanks of the Club were unanimously voted to the donors. The following gentlemen were balloted for and duly elected members of the Club:— Mr. George Daintrey, Mr. Joseph Guyton, Mr. Ernest D. Marquand, Mr. R. H. Pinker, Mr. C. S. Rolfe, Mr. Harry Smurt. A Paper by Dr. G. W.Royston Pigott, ''On a New Method of Ascertaining the Magnifying Power of Objectives," was communicated to the meeting by the Secretary. The Chairman said there could hardly be a more fertile subject for discussion than that which was the subject of this papc'-, neither was it possible to over- rate its importance, seeing that accuracy of measurement lay at the very foun- dation of microscopical investigation. He had himself found very little difficulty in ascertaining the magnifying power of any objective by means of a little con- trivance of his own— the calliper eye-piece — which was introduced to the notice of the Club soon after he had first brought it out, and the use of which he ex- plained at the time. He felt sure that all the members would join most cordially in presenting a vote of thanks to Dr. Pigott for his paper, especially as they would have the privilege of reading it in extetuo when printed in the Journal. The Secretary, in seconding a vote of thanks to Dr. Pigott, drew the atten- tion of the members to the simple method of ascertaining the magnifying power of objectives mentioned by Dr. Beale in his book on the microscope. A vote of thanks to Dr. Pigott for his paper was then put to the meeting and carried unanimously. 54 Mr. Green intimated that he had again brought with him his lime light for the purpose of exhibiting his Podura Scale as an opaque object, and he desired to thank several gentlemen who had assisted him in his investigations. Mr. Arthur Cole, of Liverpool, had in a most kind manner sent him some slides very beautifully mounted, and Mr. Topping had also very kindly supplied him with the Podura scales. The proceedings then terminated with a conversazione, at which the following objects were exhibited : — Sarirel la gemma by Mr. Curteis. Podura Scales, shewn as opaque objects by the lime light Mr. Green. Injected Muscle of Cat Mr. de Gaimaraens. Eectal Papillae and Gizzard of Flea Mr. Mclntire. Euglena viridis Mr. Martinelli. Selection of Gorgonia Spicules Mr Eichards. Injected Lung of Frog Mr. Topping. Attendance — Members, 55 ; visitors, 8. EicHARD T. Lewis. April 12th, 1872. — Conversational Meeting. Objects exhibited: — Trachea from Larva of Dytiscus by Mr. Geo. Williams. Larva of the Gnat Mr. J. A. Smith. Gizzard of Mole Cricket "^ ivr n i Wing of Earwig 3 * ^' Phillipine Foraminifera Mr. Hailes. Spines and Plates, Synapta similis ... ) ^^ ^ r^ Gizzard and Stomach of Cricket ... j ^^^- ^^ G^^^araens, Amphioxus paradoxus Mr. Slade. Section of Sarsaparilla Mr. Sigsworth. Meridion circulare Mr. J. G. Waller. Injected ova of Toad, transparent Mr. Topping. Decomposed Glass Mr. Eichards. Hippuric Acid '. Mr. T. C. White. Selected Diatoms Mr. CoUam. Convallaria Arcellum, &c,, &c. Dr. Ramsbottom. Heliopelta, &c Mr. Jaques. Cup Moss ... Dr. Matthews. Section of diseased Canine Tooth ,, Scales of Culex maculipeunis Mr. F. H. Ward. Specimens of crushed quartz and crushed flint, to show the facility with which polarized light discriminates between sand consisting of comminuted quartz and sand consisting of comminuted flint. As examples : — Sand from River Parrett, Somerset. Principally quartz j about 1 per cent, of flint. Sand from site of the New Law Courts. Principally quartz ; about 1 per cent, of flint. Lower Bagshot sand from Hampstead Heath. Contains no flint ; principally quartz and oxide of iron. 55 Chert from Portlandian beds, showing the same structure as flint. Sand collected from a road repaired with flint. Consists principally of flint. Sand, Blackfoot loam, from Charlton, Kent. Principally quartz, with about 1 per cent, of flint. Thanet sand from Reculvers. Principally quartz ; about 1 per c(mt. of flint. Chalcedony from Iceland, showing it to be crystalline silica, bearing the same relation to quartz crystal and massive quartz that fibrous gypsum does to selenite and common gypsum. Chalcedony from Iceland. Chalcedonic pseudomorph, showing rotary polarization, by W. Hawkins Johnson. Present 59 members. April 26th, 1872.— Chairman, Dr. R. Braithwaite, F.L.S., Vice-President. The following donations to the Club were announced : — " Science Gossip " from the Publisher. *' The Monthly MicroscopicalJournal " ... ,, ** The Popular Science Review" j? " The Proceedings of the British Naturalists' ") ^.^^ Society Society" ... ... ^ "The first Report of the South London Mi-) , ^, , croscopical and Natural History Club " ^ " The Journal of the London Institution " ... the Librarian. One Slide Mr. T. Rogers. The thanks of the Club were voted to the donors. The following gentlemen were balloted for and duly elected members of the Club:— Mr. Herbert Curwen, Dr. R. E. Dudgeon, Mr. J. W. Goodinge, Rev. William Law, Mr. S. H. Roberts, and Mr. Edward Tozer. Mr. J. G. Waller read a paper, entitled ' ' Observations on Fresh Water Sponges," illustrating the subject by diagrams. The Chairman proposed a vote of thanks to Mr, Waller for his interesting paper, and invited observations from gentlemen present. The vote of thanks Was carried unanimously. Mr. Charles Stewart said that he feared he had lost a great deal of Mr. Waller's paper owing to the acoustic properties of the room, but he understood him to lay considerable stress upon the external forms of these sponges as a means of identification. He was himself more acquainted with the salt water sponges, and what he knew of these would lead him to judge that mere external form would be itself only a very rough and uncertain method upon which to form a decision. He should also rather fancy that the process which Mr. Waller had described, together with the flaccid condition, was perhaps due to to the condi- tion of the water in which the sponge was, so to speak, endeavouring to grow, although it could hardly succeed in managing it. Mr. Holmes inquired whether Mr. Waller had observed any cilia on those little bodies which he had mentioned ? 5G Mr. Waller, in reply, said that lie liad not observed any cilia, and that the raotion itself was very slow. He thought Mr. Stewart had misunderstood him in thinking that be relied upon external form as a means of identification. The flaccid condition of the osculum to which Mr. Stewart had also referred was not due to any cause such as had been suggested, for whenever he tested it by touching the sponge he found that it immediately assumed the other condition ; and he had taken great care to keep the water perfectly pure at all times during the course of his observations. The Secretary read a paper by Mr. Furlonge ' * Ou a Phenomenon of Binocular Vision in the Delineation of Microscopical Objects." The Chairman, in moving a vote of thanks to Mr. Furlonge for his communi- cation, expressed his regret at the absence of the President, who would, doubt- less, have been able to give some opinion upon the subject. Mr. B. T. Lowne said that having previously paid some attention to the subject he thought he could do something to explain this very strange delusion, for it certainly was a delusion. In drawing an object with the neutral tint re- flector, the image was really seen on the reflector, but it appeared to be just as far behind it as the object itself actually was in front of it ; and it would, of course, be seen whether the light was cut off behind the reflector or not, and it would matter not at all whether with the observing eye they saw tlu ough the reflector or not, the apparent position of the image would be just the same. That a picture could be drawn in the manner described he would admit, be- cause it would be seen, apparently, on the paper with one eye, whilst the other eye would see the paper and the pencil, — the paper and the image thus seeming to occupy the same place. But in that case great care must be taken not to move the axis of either eye, otherwise the pencil and the object would seem to be continually running away from each other. As the reflector was very close to the eye the image would be moved a very little, although quite enough to cause a confusion of outlines. It was, however, most preposterous to suppose that the image went in at one eye and came out at the other ! When an object was drawn through the reflector the observer looked straight through and did not alter the axis of the eye at all, and there was then no difiiculty in keepin/ the pencil upon the image throughout. The ease with which a person could draw with both eyes in the manner described merely depended upon the ease with which he could squint. He should not, certainly, advise anyone to draw objects in this way, because to do so he must squint, and this would be almost sure in the end to damage the eyesight. Mr. Unwin said that he had repeatedly drawn an object with the wrong eye when he had been too indolent to arrange the illumination properly. He thought that in doing so he must move the eyes about, but this did not matter so long as the axis of the eyes were kept parallel, or rather, in drawing with both eyes they must always make the image and draAving coincide. He did not know that in doing this he squinted. His experience was that when he used both eyes he did not draw so correctly as he did the other way, and that if he drew the object first with one eye and then, without moving, afterwards drew it with the other, he got two drawings. Mr. Charles Stewart said that ou one point he must disagree, and that was as to the eyes being parallel ; their axes must, of course, converge. In drawing, as in observing, it was of advantage to keep the left eye open as well as the right, not necessarily for the purpose of seeing with it, but to relieve it fi'om the strain experienced when keeping it shut. 57 Mr. Lowne quite concurred with Mr. Stewart ; as to the eflFects in both eases, it, of course, amounted to the same thing, whether the eye was closed or whether it was not used, and there could be no doubt but that it greatly relieved the eyes to have both open when working with a microscope having a single tube. There were two things which might happen when drawing with botli eyes — it might happen that both eyes would be converged upon the same object at the same angle, but it would more usually be done by a squint. There was another thing which also occurred to him, namely, that the foci of the two eyes would have to be different, and this would be sure to cause very great fatigue to the eyes. Their axes must, of course, convei'ge, they could not possibly be parallel, and the question was at what angles did they converge ? Mr. Tafe remarked that there was a convergence of the eyes both in looking through a microscope and in reading a book, and asked whether there was any difference between the two cases ? Dr. Sansom said there could be no doubt but that there was a difference between the convergence of the eyes in drawing as described, and in reading — in the former case the axis of the eye would be a right line, or, rather, the perpendicular line of a right angled triangle, whilst that of the other eye would be its hypotheneuse ; and this would not be the case in reading a book. Mr. Mainworth inquired whether there would be some 'variation according to the power used ? The Chairman thought there might be a little. Mr. Tafe asked whether the angle at which objects were seen would not render the binocular microscope injurious to the eyes ? Dr. Sansom said that the angle would be so slight when using the binocular that it amounted to practically nothing. Mr. E. P. Williams said that if he looked at the image through the neutral tint reflector, and then took it away and substituted an opaque reflector, then when he examined the image on the paper he could not see that there was any difference in the angle ; and he could not see that he squinted at all. He might also mention that once he introduced a piece of paper on the stage of tbe microscope where he could see it with the non-observing eye, and he drew the object in this way. Mr. Mclntire said that this was the method which he generally adopted in drawing objects, but he was quite conscious that in doing so he squinted. Mr. Lowne said that as some gentlemen did not seem to understand what squinting was he would just explain it, for be was sorry there should be any misapprehension. It was squinting when two objects were seen under such an angle of convergence as to make them overlap, as described by one speaker, — squinting was when one eye looked straightforward and the other looked at an angle either inward or outward. With regard to drawing upon the stage of the microscope, he had often done it, but should certainly do it no more, because it could not be done without a squint, and he could not squint without injuring the eyes. In looking through the binocular microscope the angle was really very little indeed, because the image was not seen by looking ^A,o?(^A the object- glass, but only at a picture in the eye-piece of the microscope. It must not be thought that a person looked down the tubes through the object glass, for if this was the case the binocular microscope would be a very painful institution, and would very speedily have to be put out of use. Mr. R. P. Williams said that he did not regard it as a squint at all. Mr. Lowue was sorry anyone should go away with a wrong impression, but 58 assured them that there was really a very great diflference between the two Mr. Mclntire said that with regard to the binocular he believed the image seen was formed upon the field lens of the eye-piece. Mr. Unwin exhibited and described an adaptation of the Nachet revolving stage to the mechanical stage of his own microscope, which, he believed, would be found of great utility. Having found the position of the stage in which it was concentric with the objective, and fixed it there, he removed the brass stage plate and substituted a Nachet stage . The advantages gained by being able to do this were pointed out^ and it was suggested that it would be very useful to microscopists if makers would determine the concentric position of the stage, and mark it by drilling a hole through the plates when in that position, so that it might be retained there, if required, by passing a pin through the hole. Mr. T. C. White brought for distribution some sticks of cement, made of bees' wax and resin in equal parts, and melted together, and which he recom- mended as being very useful in securing glass covers, &c., temporarily when collecting ; it was readily melted by heat, and could be applied without further preparation on the spot. The proceedings terminated with a conversazione, at which the following objects were exhibited : — Spicules of Hyalonema mirabilis Arrenurus viridis (?) Cellularia avieularia Bone of Hippocampus "> Quartz Crystals ^ Hydra vulgaris (alive) ") Larva of Ephemera (alive) •> Snail Spawn on Water Cress Scales on leaf of Heretiera littoralis Arcyria Tracheal System of Flea Section of Spongilla fluviatilis and S. lacustris Ctenoid Scales of Sole by Mr. Curties. Mr. Fitch. Mr. Golding. Mr. Guimaraens. Mr. Hainworth. Mr. Martinelli. Mr. Pett. Mr. Slade. Mr, Unwin. Mr. Waller. Mr. Geo. Williams. Attendance — Members, 80 ; Visitors, 12. May 10th, 1872. — Conversational Meeting. Dlatomacese, Fragilaria Capucina Section of leaf stalk Water Lily Head of a Vanessa Butterfly ... Marine Life Spiders Hatching of themselves Living Micro-lepidoptera Section of a Blue Pearl found in a Mussel Larvae of Gnat and Lagena sulcata ... Pond Life. Arcellum, Tabellaria, &c. Sections of Echinus Spines. Acrocladia trigouaria, &c. Section of Spinal Cord of Sheep, stained Mr, . Geo. Williams Mr. Oxley. Mr . Golding. Mr. T. C. White. Mr. Fitch. Mr. , J. Smith. Mr. , Topping. Mr. Ward. Dr. Ramsbottom. Mr. J. Matthews. Mr. E. T. Newton. 59 May 24th, 1872.^ — Chairman, Dr. R. Braithwate, F.L.S., &c., Vice-President. The following donations to the Club were announced : — *' The Monthly MicroscopicalJournal " from the Publisher. " Science Gossip " the Publisher. " Proceedings of the Eoyal Society," Nos. 132-3 ... the Society. '* The American Naturalist," for March and April in Exchange. " Proceedings of the Geologists' Association" ... the Association. " Proceedings of the Literary and Philosophical") the Society Society of Manchester," for March and April J "The Lens" in Exchange. " The Journal of the London Institution " the Librarian. " The President's Address and the Reports, &c., of a the West Kent Natural History, Microscopical, > the Society, and Photographic Society " ) 12 slides Mr. John Eogers. The thanks of the Club were unanimously voted to the donors. The following gentlemen were balloted for and unanimously elected members of the Club :— Mr. W. H. Bennett, Mr. George J. Burch, Mr. Ernest Hinton, Mr, W. H. P. Sheehy, Mr. Ernest Schloesser, Mr. Henry E. Symons, F.R.M.S., Mr. Henry L. Sequeira, M.R.CS. Dr. John Matthews called the attention of the members to a contrivance of his own, of which he had given some hint at the ordinary meeting of the club in March last. On that occasion, it would be remembered that a paper was read on behalf of Dr. Pigott, descriptive of a new instrument of his, which he called the " cratometer," and which was designed to measure the linear magnify- ing power of objectives ; and it would also be remembered that he (Dr. Matthews) said at the same time that he had produced an instrument, the "calliper eye- piece," by which he had been enabled to do this very simply and easily without any reference to mathematical formulae. Accurate measurement was at the root of all useful scientific research, and was especially important in observations with the microscope, and it was most desirable that every observer should append to drawings of objects the exact magnifying power employed. Their President, Dr. Beale, had set them an excellent example in this respect, never giving a figure of any object without specifying the number of diameters by which it was magnified. It was, however, no easy matter to do this. The usual method was to put the objective and object in their places, and compare the magnified image, seen by one eye, with the scale marked on a foot-rule placed at the same distance as the object, and seen at the same time with the other eye, so as to arrive at an approximation to the actual proportionate enlargement. He had himself thought it better to estimate both these measurements with one eye only, and at the same time, and he had been enabled to do this very successfully by the instrument now brought before their notice, and which was a modification of his " calliper eye-piece." He had used first of all two of Quekett's indicators together in the eye-piece, and then placed a stage micrometer instead of the object, but he found that this was not made so as to enable one of the points to be moved with sufiicient precision. He had, therefore, substituted for this arrangement one of Jackson's eye-piece micrometers, removing the glass scale, and had inserted the two points into the body of it. The points were each pro- pelled by a screw of known value, and repelled by a spring. In this instance the 60 valae of the right hand screw was exactly 50 threads to the inch, and its head was divided into 10 parts ; the left hand screw was only used for adaptation. In using this apparatus it must first be adjusted so that the points were seen in exact apposition; they must next be separated a known distance, say -['g iiiclij then place a micrometer on the stage and ascertain exactly how many of ita divisions are embraced by the points. Suppose, for instance, that the points were separated t'u inch, and that they were found to embrace 3^ inch of the micrometer scale, the proportion which these bore to each other would be obviously 3^5 in. to -,\}, le., i§^ in., or about 5| to 1, and this, multiplied by 10 — the length of the tube in inches — gave him, in the case of the objective to which he alluded, a number which agreed within one of the power assigned to it by the maker, and which he conceived to be exact. In tlie case of a f-inch objective, the points set as before mentioned, included 3^0 in., and the propor- tion of this to the 305 in., multiplied by 10, gives 100 as the power of the objec- tive. The |-in. objective gave 350 between the points at the same distance, and the proportionate number in this case was (nearly) IGJ X 10 = 165, and so in the same manner the power of any other objectives might be ascertained. The ease and facility with which this was done was remarkable, and it was so simple that it was scarcely possible to make a mistake. The value of this method also was such that the power of the eye-pieces could also be very easily ascer- tained, conversely, and another advantage was that the arrangement did not in any way detract from the value of. the apparatus as a calliper eye-piece for measuring objects in the ordinary way. There was no necessity to be confined to any special distance of the points, so that if the distance at any time were found to form a fraction, it was easy to draw out the tube sufiiciently to make it an even proportionate part, and add that quantity in the estimation. The Chairman said that all present would be glad to receive this very in- teresting communication fi'om Dr. Matthews, and to examine the ingenious little piece of apparatus which had been brought for their inspection ; the calliper eye-piece would no doubt be remembered, and this adaptation of it would add very much indeed to its usefulness. He noticed, on looking through it, that there was a little difference between the two points Dr. Matthews explained that he had at first met with some little difficulty as to the pointing, and the method now adopted was suggested by Mr. Hislop. A small piece of balance watch spring was broken by a blow with a hammer upon a convex surface ; the broken ends gave very sharp points, although perhaps they might only appear as such when seen in profile in one particular direction. Mr. Ackland thought that the instrument exhibited by Dr. Matthews was certainly very ingenious, but was of opinion that all it accomplished could be done equally well without any apparatus at all. The first thing he would do would be to ascertain the apparent size of the field of view by drawing it upon paper by means of a " Beale's reflector" at a distance of 10 inches, and when this was once done accurately it would enable anyone at any Lime to ascertain the exact magnifyi g power of any objective. Suppose, for example, that the diameter of the field so ascertained measured exactly five inches by a rule. Then place a micrometer upon the stage, and read off the number of hundredths of an inch filling the field, then let this number = m diameter of field of view =^ v and magnifying power = m then m := -— -r m X V 61 and the magnifying power could be immediately found by a table of reciprocals, and a simple multiplication. Another plan, requiring no calculation, is to obtain an eye-piece micrometer so ruled that when placed in the eye-piece the same number of divisions fill the field of view as there are tenths of an inch in that field when drawn at 10 inches, as above described. In using this arrange- ment, multiply by 10 the number of eye-piece divisions that cover one hundredth of an inch of the stage micrometer, and the result obtained is the magnifying power. Thus, if 41 eye-piece divisions exactly cover one hundredth of the stage ' micrometer, the magnifying power would be shown to be 410. This method requires a separate scale for each eye-piece employed. The Chairman thought that the scale was a very simple contrivance. Mr. B. D, Jackson inquired whether Dr. Matthews used an absolute tenth of an inch, or whether he took steps to counteract the magnifying power of the eye-piece. Dr. Matthews said that the advantage of his plan over that just proposed was that it could be applied to any eye-piece, and was not adapted merely to the one for which it, was made. The ^q in. was increased by the eye-piece, and varied with the power of the eye-piece, but he was not bound to adopt this par- ticular distance ; any other known distance would do equally well, and as the value of the right hand screw was 50 threads to the inch, and the head was divided oflfinto 10, he could adjust the points with great accuracy. Mr. Ackland observed that inasmuch as the space employed by Dr. Matthews was a portion only of the field of view, any error which might occur would be increased in proportion to the ratio of the space between the points to that of the diameter of the field. Mr. S. J. Mclntire said that he had for a long time adopted a plan similar to that suggested by Mr. Ackland, but had done so in what he thought was a more simple way, without the use of any tables or complex formulae. His method of procedure was as follows :— First ascertain accurately the apparent diameter of the field of the eye-piece, and reduce it to thousandths of an inch. Next place the micrometer 6n the stage and read olF the number of divisions which measure the diameter of the field, reducing them also to thousandths • then divide the number of thousandths in the apparent diameter, by the number seen on the stage micrometer, and the quotient will be the amplification re- quired. JS.g., if the field apparently measures 5 in., and -[gg^j in, are seen on the stage micrometer, the sum will be 5000 ^=200 or should the field be 7^ in. and ^5^0 in. be seen on the micrometer, it would be Z^OO ^ 300 the amplification in these two cases being thus 200 and 300 diameters re- spectively. The Chairman thought that Mr. Mclntire's plan was a very simple one, and one which could be followed by anyone. The Secretary announced that Mr. Eichards had brought for exhibition a tube with a glass end, which was placed over the objective of his microscope for observing objects under water. Mr. Richards said that this arrangement had been found very useful in con- nection with his erector for dissecting objects under water. 62 Dr. Dudgeon mentioned that in the " Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science" for last July he had described a tube similar to that now exhibited ; also in " The British Medical Journal" it was referred to, and described by the Editor last month, and was highly recommended for use in examining urine or morbid secretions with high powers. Mr. Richards explained that the tube he had with him was more especially adapted for use with low powers in connection with the erector. The proceedings then terminated with a conversazione, at which the following objects were exhibited: — Eye-piece Micrometer Series of Coal Slides Pond Life Method of Viewing Obj ects under Water Arachnoidiscus Ehrenbergii Transparent Section of Injected Kidney Gizzard of Goerius Oleus , Cuxhaven Deposit Present — ^members, 63 j visitors, Mr. Ackland. Mr. Daintrey. ... Mr. Golding. Mr. Richards. ... Mr. Tafe. Mr. A. Topping. ... Mr. T. C. White. Mr. Geo. Williams. R. T. Lewis. PLATE I. AND II., Illustrating W. H. Fublonge's Paper " On the Internal Structure OF PULEX IrRITANS." Plate I. Fig. 1. — Heticulated structure of first stomach. Fig. 2. — The gizzard. Fig. 3. — The rectal papillse. Fig. 4. — Tracheal enlargement in upper tarsal joints of the third pair of legs. Fig. 5. — Female organs of reproduction — end view. Fig. 6. — Male ditto — A., end view ; B., lateral view. Fig. 7. — Prehensile organs and sheath plate. Fig. 8. — Lateral view of male reproductive organs, showing extrusion of penis sheath and penis. Fig. 9. — Extremity of penis sheath — open. Fig. 10. — „ „ — closed. Plate II. Abdominal tracheal system of the Pulex irritans. 65 On the " Illuminator Hand Microscope." By Dr. Guy, F.R.S. Communicated hy Mr. James How. In submitting to the Quekett Club, at the request of Mr. James How, some account of the instrument to which I have given the name of the ^^Illuminator Hand Microscope,''' I begin by pointing out what I deem new in the parts of the instrument, and in the instrument as a whole. There is something of novelty in the substitutioji of what may be fitly termed a Glass Lieberkuhn for a metallic one ; but it is, I believe, a quite new expedient to make the Lieberkiihn a fixed part of the microscope, and in such sort that it may be a matter of perfect indifference whether the object under examination is trans- parent or opaque. Again, it is no new thing in my own practice to mount micros- copic objects on flat disks of crown glass, and so place them in a hand microscope that they may be viewed by any number of per- sons in succession, without possibility of disturbance. But objects so mounted on disks are new as articles offered for sale to the public. Then, as to the instrument considered as a whole : — A hand microscope is not new in this year 1872, though I believe it to have been a novelty when I first used it for class purposes in the year 1859, now 13 years ago. And you all know that my esteemed colleague. Dr. Beale, has more recently made good use of the form of the hand, or class, microscope adapted to evening use by a lamp mounted on the same stand as the microscope itself. A hand microscope, then, is no novelty. But a microscope that can be used in the same way, and with the same facility as an opera-glass or field-telescope, which does not require to be pulled to pieces and set up afresh each time it is used (as is the case with so many cheap microscopes), which deals exactly in the same way JouRN. Q. M. C. No. 20. F 66 DR. GUY ON THE ILLUMINATOR HAND MICROSCOPE. "with the 02')aqve as with the travsparent object, dispensing with the mirror and condenser, and throwing upon the opaque object so clear and brilliant a light that it c&n be seen in its true colour, form, and texture, by the common light of day, and by the light of a common candle at night ; which admits of a prompt change of a very large class of objects, and a consequent quick passage of the instrument from hand to hand in the class-room, the village school, or the social gathering — this is a novelty to which it is allowable to attach some importance. Perhaps I shall show the use and value of the instrument best, and so give an additional interest to what would otherwise be a dry description, if I briefly narrate the circumstances that led me to adopt this new combination. I was making a short visit to a country house of considerable pretensions, when I saw lying on the table in the drawing-room two boxes, each containing the well-known cheap microscope, with all its disjointed ,parts and teasing complications. The instruments were rarely looked at, and still more rarely put together for use ; for the functions of the several parts were not understood, the put- ting them together was a puzzle and a trouble ; and when the stem of the instrument was at length screwed into the hole in the lid, the mirror and condenser in their places, and the stage fixed, the object, if transparent, was not easily arranged, illuminated, or got into focus, and, if opaque, was still harder to deal with. On ex- amining these instruments, some small element or other of the combination was, in each case, found missing. Even when the instruments were fairly in their places, the observer was teased and tortured by the smallness of their parts, the eyes wearied by the attempt to discern objects through apertures so minute, and on a field so small, and the neck strained and fatigued by the stooping posture. The consequence of all this complication, trouble, and fatigue was, that either instrument remained for months in its box untouched ;• and, as was said by the poet Cowperof a very different matter — " And like an infant troublesome awake, Was left to sleep for peace and quiet sake." And yet all the while the owners of the instrument were by no means indifferent to the pleasure and instruction which a work- able microscope is so well fitted to afford ; and I became very DR. GUY ON THE ILLUMINATOR HAND MICROSCOPE. G7 desirous to supply them with some more useful, practical, and ornamental instrument. With this intent, I took with me, at my next- visit, the hand-microscope which Messrs. Powell and Leland had made for me some years since, leaving behind sundry fittings which I need not now describe. I had had good experience of this instrument in my class at King's College, and I now found that, even when restricted to transparent objects, it was equally useful in small social gatherings. Having some experience of the sort of pleasure afforded by the good binocular microscope brought to bear on popular objects, I found the enjoyment far greater when I substituted this hand, or class, microscope for it. The ease with which the objects mounted on the circular disks were changed, and passed from hand to hand, and the unconstrained posture, gave an altogether new character to the entertainment ; and the pleasure afforded was so great that it acted upon me as a strong inducement to find some easy means of dealing with opaque objects. I began my search with a false step. I saw, at first, no better means of throwing light upon the object than the old condenser working in a hole at the end of the instrument. The attempt was a failure, and I became more .desirous than ever of finding some expedient by which my instrument might be restored to that simplicity and readiness of use which I had always looked upon as one of its greatest recommendations when applied to transparent objects. I accordingly put myself into communication with Mr. George Smith, foreman to Mr. How, explained the object I wished to accomplish, and the way in which I thought it might be brought about. The result of our consultations and trials was the Illumi- nator^ or Glass Lieherkiilin of which I have been speaking. It is a plano-convex lens, bored with a central aperture, and converted into a concave mirror, by silvering its convex surface. On trial, we found that an opaque object placed in the focus of the rays reflected from this mirror was brilliantly lighted, and clearly seen, in good relief, even in dull dayhght, or the flame of a common candle. By this simple expedient, of which the effect much exceeded my expectations, my hand or class microscope was restored to that simplicity, which, as 1 have already stated, was with me one of its chief recommendations. I will not now speak of the improve- ments which may possibly be made in the shape of the Illuminator, nor of certain developments of which the instrument is obviously F 2 Q8 DR. GUY ON THE ILLUMINATOR HAND MICROSCOPE. susceptible. Nor will I take up the time of the Society by des- cribing the successive steps by which my employment of a disk of glass for receiving metallic sublimates (the most important advance, as it has proved to be, in the modern science of micro-chemistry), led me first to the use of a Codrington lens, then of the compound microscope, as a class-instrument, admitting of being passed from hand to hand, without displacement or disturbance of the object exhibited. Suffice it to say that I am now in a position to state, as the result of some experience among groups of persons in society, and in school-rooms, no less than in the hands of individuals working in the closet or in the field, that we have in the Illuminator Hand Microscope a most simple, facile and effective instrument of enter- tainment, instruction and research. Recent Observations on Diatomace^. In the ** Lens," a quarterly Journal of Microscopy published at Chicago, U.S.A., are three consecutive papers entitled " Conspectus of the Families and Genera of the Diatomaceae," by Professor H. L. Smith, which are worthy of attention. A short critical notice of this conspectus, by Mr. F. Kitton, appears in " Grevillea" No. 4. In the first number of the " Lens," Mr. S. A. Briggs communi- cates a list of the Diatomaceae of Lake Michigan. It has been regretted by many workers in Diatomaceae, with limited means, that the valuable memoirs published from time to time by Herr Grunow, in the transactions of foreign societies, are beyond their reach. To meet this difficulty, the Editor of " Grevillea " has commenced the publication of fac simile figures, with transla- tions of the descriptions in that Journal. The first plate of the Novara Diatoms has appeared, and the remaining two are printed ready to follow. It is proposed hereafter to publish figures and descriptions of the species in the Vienna Transactions. Additional critical observations will be made, as occasion may requii-e, by Mr. F. Kitton, the translator of the descriptions. 69 Old Nettle Stems and their Micro-Fungi. By M. C. Cooke, M.A. As children once burnt have a wholesome dread of the fire, so children once stung have, for a time at least, a wholesome dread of the nettle. It would be some consolation to the school-boy, just smarting from the consequences of an unlucky fall into a bed of nettles, to know that alive or dead the nettle has a complete host of enemies, blighting it whilst living, and preying upon it in decay. To children of more mature age it may not be without interest to be informed of some of the foes of the nettle, which thrive at the expense of its dead and decaying stems. "We are not aware that anything of the kind has been attempted, and despite the objec- tions of those who advocate a more strictly scientific method, we will collect together a few observations on certain microscopic fungi having a common habitat, so that for this occasion the bond of union will not be one of structural relationship, but that of one common home. It has often been objected by novices that however beautiful and instructive the minute fungi may be, they don't know where to seek them, or when found to determine their names without some con- siderable previous knowledge. There is much of truth in this, or we had not made this little experiment on the popular side of a rather dry and difficult study. Assuming the desire on the part of the student to gain some knowledge of fungoid life, and that he has provided himself with a copy of the " Handbook " for reference as to the position, re- lationship, and technical characters of the species to be here des- cribed, little more is required save the microscope, the pocket lens, and a bed of old nettle stems in a damp situation. With these provisions a few weeks of good work is sure to follow, especially if pursued in the early spring, and with a resolute determination. It is not our intention to include any of the species which are para- sitic on the green plants, but those only that develope themselves 70 M. C. COOKE ON NETTLE STEMS AND THEIR MICRO- FUNGI. on the dead stems, thus limiting the period of observation to one habitat, and one time of the year. This hmitation promises far better resnlts than a more desultory method, and the experience so gained will lead thereafter to a wider field, and more extended researches. Fig. 1. To commence with one of the most singular of the fungi found on old net- tles, we will name Acrospermum compres- sum, because it is also one of the largest, and most prominent to the naked eye, and the most distinct that we shall have occasion to name (fig. 1). It has the appearance of little black flattened clubs, from one-and-a-half to two lines high, opening at the apex, and dis- charging therefrom long thread-like spores. A number of these clubs are usually found together, and their size renders them rather conspicuous. The character of the spores, as well as the form of the perithecia, is so distinct, that there can be no fear of confound- ing this with any other fungus found in a similar locality. The spores are not contained in asci, or the clubs might be supposed to belong to the Sphceriacei, but hitherto no more perfect or complete condition has been observed. It is just possible that a better acquaintance may hereafter lead to the discovery of some condi- tion in which asci are produced. Hitherto in one locality only we have found on very old and decaying nettle stems a species of Dinemasporium^ which seems to be specifically distinct from any previously described, although included in the '' Handbook" as a variety of No. 1365. This is not the place to enter upon the discussion of the limits of species in general, nor the distinctions in this particular instance, but our own opinion is strongly in favour of separating the form on nettle stems from that found on grasses. It may be observed that this fungus appears at first as rigid black bristles, bursting through the cuticle in a short linear series ; soon afterwards, especially in moist places, or during damp weather, in early spring, intense black, velvety elevations, from one to two lines in length, burst through and ap- pear on the surface. These assume an elongated cup-shape when dilated, closed when dry, surrounded by stiff, erect black bristles. The hymenium is the interior of the cup, in which is produced a M. C. COOKE OX NETTLE STEMS AND THEIR MICRO-FUNGI. 71 great number of hyaline, sausage-shaped spores, sometimes straight, but often curved, containing one or two nuclei, and furnished at the extremity with a delicate, hair-like aj^pendage. This appen- dage to the spores is the chief feature wliich distinguishes the genus Dinemasporiiim from Excipida, and both are very mucli like hispid Pezizce with naked spores, or spores not contained in asci. Whether this is sufficient in itself to justify the maintenance of two genera is very doubtful ; in fact, so are all generic distinctions founded solely on slight differences in the character of the spores. It might be urged with equal justice that Valsa taleola should be constituted a member of a new genus distinct from that which includes Valsa leiphemia, because of the similar hyaline appen- dages to the spores of the former which are absent in the latter. Hereafter it may possibly be demonstrated that the majority of species now included under Dinemasjoorium and Excipula, as well as Solenia and Cyphella^ are conditions of Pezizoid fungi, a The sooty black patches on old nettle stems which ^ are so common in spring are Torula herharum. This i^ is a very good example of a large genus (fig. 2), having much external resemblance to the black moulds, but structurally belonging to the Coniomycetes. The whole fructifying surface is exposed, and m this particular instance looks exceedingly like a patch of soot sjjrinkled on the rotting stems, it may be a quarter of an inch, or it may be two or three inches in length. A little of this sooty fungus examined carefully with a power equal to three hundred diameters, will reveal innumerable threads of dark sub-globose spores attached to each other in a moniliform manner, like strings of beads, but if a drop of water touches them all these spores separate from each other, without a trace of their mode of growth, and in that condition it would be exceedingly difficult to determine the genus or order to which the fungus belongs. Another fungus belonging to the same order, and with a similar structure, has also been found on nettle stems in the month of October. This is Septonema elongatispora. The threads in this instance also consist of spores attached end to end as in Torula^ but, instead of being simple, the spores are cylindrical, with one or two septa, and quite colourless. The tufts are effused over the stems, giving them a whitish mouldy appearance, very different to the sooty patches of Torula, and more like those of Dendryphium griseum. 72 M. C. COOKE ON NETTLE STEMS AND THEIR MICRO-FUNGI. Altliongli this and some other species here enumerated have only- been detected on nettle stems, it does not follow by any means that they are confined to such a habitat, or that some other allied species found on other herbaceous plants may not also occur on nettle stems. At present our knowledge of the distribution of these minute forms is too limited for generalizations of this kind. Externally, and to the naked eye, resembling a very thin patch of the Torvla, another, and widely different fungus, may be found in a similar location. In this instance the coating is so thin that it only gives a greyish appearance to the stems, the black threads being sprinkled about in patches two or three inches in length. When held up between the eye and the light, and examined by a pocket lens, the twig appears velvety with erect black hairs, an appearance never presented by the dense growth of the pulverulent Torula. This is the general appearance of two species of Den- dryphium^ a genus of black moulds distinguished by the jointed threads being branched in the upper portion, bearing at their apices septate spores, which are often attached end to end in a series. In one species^ the fertile branches are radiating, or form a dense head, and the septate spores are variable, with the joints quadrate. This is called Dendryi^hium comosvm. In the other species, Dendryphkim cuitiim, the branches are shorter, and forked ; the spores are curved, with from three to seven septa, constricted at the joints. The shorter forked ramuli, and the much constricted articulations of the spores, are characteristic of this species. Both of them are found on old nettle stems, as also a third species — Dendryphium griseum — which is very different in its appearance to the naked eye. In this latter the stems are covered in patches of some extent, with a bluish-grey bloom, something like the bloom of a ripe plum. The threads are but slightly branched, and the spores are cylindrical, with a little point at each end, and arranged in chains ; they are at length uniseptate, and colourless. There is something so very dif- ferent in the appearance of this species and its colour, that at first it would scarcely be recognized as belonging to the same genus as the two preceding. It is often very common amongst the debris of an old bed of nettles. Another black mould may be named in this association, which, though perhaps much less common, is even more beautiful (fig. 3). It is Arthrohotryinn atrum. In this instance the common stem is composed of jointed threads, which are attached together M. C. COOKE ON NETTLE STEMS AND THEIR MICRO-FUNGI. 73 ■!) Fisr. 3. side by side, and expand at the apex into a head or tuft of large, somewhat elliptic spores. These spores are divided unequally by transverse septa, the central portion being coloured brown, and the ex- tremities colourless. By a little careful manipulation this mould may be examined in situ, although when such a high power as a third or a quarter-inch objective is required for an opaque object patience and perseverance are requisite. We have found that a third with a small nozzle, bevelled at the edge, on the conti- nental rather than the English method of mounting the lenses, is the most effective. Such an objective admits of more light being thrown down upon the mould by means of a bull's eye and side reflectors than can be accomplished with the usual English objectives. With- out intending any invidious allusion to one maker rather than another, we may be permitted to state that such an objective was made for us on the abcve plan by Mr. Swift, at a moderate price, and has succeeded better than any other plan we have adopted to secure the examination of such opaque objects as moulds, and other microscopic fungi, in their natural condition, by means of high powers. Doubtless the lime light recommended by Mr. Green for the examination of diatoms would be a valuable adjunct, although we cannot as yet speak from experience. It cannot be urged too often or too strongly that, in order to see objects as they really are, they should be viewed by the opaque method, and not by having the light thrown through them. To confide in such a mode as the latter may save trouble, but it is only a delusion and a snare. Another black mould found by Mr. Broome, on the old stems of tlie nettle, is Acrothecium simplex. In this genus the jointed threads are either simple or branched, with the spores clus- tered at the apex (fig. 4). In the present species the threads are simple and flexuous, bearing a few almost clavate spores at the apex. The threads are brown, and the spores slightly coloured, divided transversely by four or five septa. Mr. Broome found this species in the month of De- cember, and as there is no other record of it, pro- 74 M. C. COOKE ON NETTLE STEMS AND THEIR MICRO-FUNGI. bablj it is rather uncommon. The tufts of spores at the ai:)ex of the simple dark brown threads are sufficient to distinguish it readily when met with. Like its congeners it appears in thin velvety patches on the stems, and is scarcely visible to the naked eye, ex- cept in the darker tint of the patches. There is a very pretty and interesting group of fungi which are well represented on old nettle stems, possessing a high organization, and, when fresh, often beautiful. These belong to the genus Peziza. It may be premised that the substance of these fungi is between fleshy and waxy, that they are more or less cup-shaped, either smooth or hairy externally, sometimes sessile and sometimes stalked, and that the sporidia are contained in asci embedded in the substance of the cup. The method employed for their examination and preservation, with some particulars of their structure, will be found in a previous communication on '' Nucleated Sporidia " (vol. ii., p. 251). It is one of the " commonest objects " to see old stems of nettle sprinkled from the base upwards with orange points about the size of pin's heads. When the weather is damp these little points are very prominent, swollen, and gelatinous, crushing readily under the finger like jelly, and of a bright orange colour, giving a distinct colour to the stem, so that even at a distance the orange tint may be recognized. This tremelloid orange fungus is the precursor of a species of Peziza of the same colour, consistence, size, and general appearance, of which it isjiow regarded as the conidiiferous condi- tion. If one of the orange pustules, whilst moist and tremelloid, be subjected to examination, it will be found to consist ot delicate branched threads, immersed in the gelatin, and bearing on their tips, at the surface of the masses, a great number of minute colour- less spermatia or conidia. This was formerly named Fusarium tremelloides, and was for a long time included amongst the tremel- loid fungi as a Dacrymyces. In this condition there are no traces of asci. At a later period, and what would at first seem to be the same fungus, so identical in habit, size, and colour, makes it appear- ance. The only distinction between them which even a pocket lens will reveal, is that of a depression in the centre of the pustules, which have now assumed a cup-shape. Crushed in a drop of water under the microscope, the branched threads are no longer to be seen, but instead thereof transparent elongated sacs, or asci, each containing eight small sporidia. This is Peziza fusai ioides. On M. C. COOKE ON NETTLE STEMS AND THEIR MICRO-FUNGI. i 0 referring to the " Handbook," it will be observed that this Peziza belongs to the section Mollisia, in which the cups are sessile, ex- ternally naked, and of a soft texture. We recently received a closely allied species on Aster stems from the United States, which was figured and described in " Grevillea " (No. 1, p. 6, fig. 6) as Peziza assimilis. In both these, and in some few others which continental authors have associated together under the generic name Calloria^ the substance is much more gelatinous than in the majority of the species of Peziza. Two or three species of Peziza. found on these stems are charac- terized by being hairy externally, and hence they belong to the section Dasyscypha. The most common of these is a very pretty little white fungus, covered outside with rather long white hairs. The cups are sessile and minute, seldom open, except in quite wet weather, and even then only partially so. But the most unsatis- factory point in their history is that they always appear to be barren. No author gives any account of the fruit of Peziza villosa^ and yet all agree in retaining it as a species of Peziza, whereas the strong presumption is in favour of its being a Cypliella, and unless a perfect hymenium with asci and sporidia can be found it has no title to be regarded any longer as a Peziza. Here is one point which may be investigated and settled by any student who takes advantage of this communication to commence the study of micro- scopic fungi. Allied to this, but apparently much less common, is a woolly, white Peziza, first discovered in Scotland by the late Dr. Greville, and called by him Peziza piano 'Umhilicata. It is gregarious in its habit, small and sessile, wholly white, becoming expanded, and quite flat, with a little dimple in the centre. The hairs around the margin of the cup are very regular, forming a delicate fringe. As it grows old, it assumes a yellowish tint. Although in many points this closely resembles the preceding, it will not be a difficult matter to distinguish the one from the other, since this soon becomes ex- panded, and has asci and sporidia, so that it is a true Peziza. A common white- stalked Peziza, with a woolly exterior, may sometimes be found on nettle stems, but must not be confounded with this. It is Peziza virginea, and grows freely on all twigs that are covered over with dead leaves, in damp spots. Another species belonging to the same section is Peziza sul- phurea: This is also sessile, but much larger than the jjreceding ; 76 M. C. COOKE ON NETTLE STEMS AND- THEIR MICRO-FUNGI. sulpliur-coloiired, and woolly externally, approaching to brown, especially when dry, with the disc or inner surface of the cup of a pallid hue. This is a very pretty object, but the colour varies con- siderably in its depth and brightness. The asci contain eight fusi- form sporidia, which seem to be sometimes divided transversely by three septa, but probably this may only be a division of the endo- chrome. It is very difficult at times to make out distinctly the form of the sporidia when still contained in the asci, or the septa when free, if the membrane is very delicate. To assist in this a drop of tincture of iodine should be run in under the covering glass whilst the asci are being examined. The membrane is tinged of a brownish colour by this means, and is often rendered quite distinct. The remaining species of Peziza found on old nettles belong to the section Hymenoscypha, in which the cups are stipitate, and somewhat membranaceous, and though smooth internally the margin is often toothed or fringed. The Peziza infiexa of Bolton is a pretty species, of a dirty yellowish white, with the margin of the cup beset with regu^_ar triangular teeth. It is figured by Bolton in his " Funguses of Halifax " (plate 106, fig. 2). The marginal teeth are not erect, but bent inwards towards the centre of the cup. Closely allied to the preceding is Peziza coronata^ of a nearly equal size, similar in colour and in length of stem, but differing in the margin being beset with a fringe of bristly hairs, instead of the distinct, inflexed, triangular teeth of the previous species. The alliance of these is so intimate that some authors have not hesi- tated to regard them as forms of the same species, whilst others maintain that their differences, though minute, are permanent. A yellow, or brownish yellow Peziza^ is found on stems of the nettle in Northern Europe, which, from the campanulate form of the cups, has been called Peziza campanula (Nees.), but it has not been recorded in Britain. The sporidia in this species are slender, and with from three to five transverse septa. It is found in August and September. A much more distinct, but by no means common, species is Peziza striata, with the cup turbinate, or top-shaped, of a brownish colour, striate externally, and with a short pallid stem. The mar- gin is always disposed to close inwards, but is not fringed or toothed. The inner surface of the cup is pallid. The sporidia are fusiform, and without any indication of septa. It is so much addicted to M. C. COOKE ON NETTLE STEMS AND THEIR MICRO-FUNGI. 77 making its appearance on stems of nettles that Persoon described it under the name of Peziza urticce. When fresh there is a pruinose, or frosted character about the margin of the cup. It is quite probable that other species besides those now enu- merated may be found growing on such a good-natured host as old nettles -seem to be. Of later years a number of species of the old genus Peziza have been removed and constituted a new genus, under the name of Helotimn, chiefly on account of the disc being always open, and often convex, as well as some minor distinctions. One species of Helotium occurs on nettle stems, as well as some other herbaceous plants ; it is Helotium herharum. The smooth waxy cups are whitish with a tinge of ochre, and flattened, or a little convex ; the stem is very short, so as not to raise the margin of the cup above the surface of the stems. The sporidia are long and narrow, blunt at the ends, sometimes straight, and sometimes curved, with occasional indications of three transverse septa, which may possibly be spurious. There are to be found on the same old nettle stems a group of fungi, partaking of such general features in common that we may call them the Xettle Spha?rias. The distinguishing mark of this group is that the sporidia are contained in asci, which are enclosed in a more or less carbonaceous peritheciiim. Reducing this de- scription to more common-place language, it may be said that the whole fungus consists of a blackish receptacle, somewhat like a "water-bottle in shape, with a nearly globose body and rather short neck. This bottle is sometimes imbedded and sometimes exposed ; sometimes single and sometimes in groups or clusters, or even in confluent masses. The interior of these little bodies contains something very like a minute drop of gelatine composed of long naiTow bags of transparent membrane called asci, each of which encloses, when mature, about eight smaller bodies of the nature of seeds, termed sporidia. Mixed with the asci are long, slender, hair-like, colourless filaments, considered by some as abortive asci, but which are termed paraphyses. Such are the Spha?rias. There are several species of them found on old nettle stems, and the most important of them will be briefly noticed. First, and commonest, is the gregarious species found near the bottom of almost e\rery old nettle stem that is plucked up. Shining black conical flasks, with a flattened base, collected together by scores, throw off the cuticle and become exposed as they approach maturity. Examined 78 M. C. COOKE ON NETTLE STEMS AND THETR MICRO-FUNGI. closely by means of a two-iiicli objective, these bottle-shaped bodies will be detected having two forms, one conoidal with a short neck, and one flattened with* a longer acute neck. These are two forms of the same fungus. The former contains the asci and sporidia, the latter free bodies, much more numerous and minute, which are spermatia. There is still some confusion in the names which are applied to these two forms. It is generally admitted that the acute form, containing spermatia, is the Sphceria acuta of Hoffman, but not a complete or perfect Sphjeria, and hence called by Berkeley Aposphceria acuta. The other form, which contains the asci, is re- garded as the perfect condition of the same fungus, and some authors apply to it the name of Sphceria acwto, whilst others regard it as the Sphceria coniformis of Fries, and apply to it that name. Whichever name is adopted, all seem at least to be agreed that the two forms represent the spermogones and ascophores of one and the same fungus. If the flattened form with the acute neck be examined, by crushing one of the perithecia in a drop of water, its interior will be found filled with a mass of very minute, linear, curved bodies, at first attached to delicate pedicels, and these, produced from the inner wall of the perithecia, are the spermatia. It is pro- bable that they have some function to perform in relation to the fecundation of the sporidia in the other form. The more conoidal, and rather larger perithecia, contain asci, each enclosing eight transparent fusiform sporidia, which, when mature, are divided transversely by numerous septa, and acquire a yellowish tint. Some two or three years since Dr. Capron, of Shere, first called our attention to a Sphceria found by him on old nettle stems, in which the perithecia were far less numerous, more imbedded, and usually covered, except the broad gaping mouth, by the cuticle of the stem. In this instance the sporidia are as long as the ascus in which they are contained, and lie side by side in a bundle, without crossing or interlacing each other. These sporidia are threadlike, and divided by transverse septa into a great number of cells, about equal in length to their breadth, and of a yellowish tint. From examination and comparison we became satisfied at the time that this was the species named by Dr. Eabenhorst Sphceria urtica?, but hitherto have only seen it from Shere. This has many points of resemblance to Spharia rnhella, which is also very occasionally found on nettle stems, but there are no red spots, and there is none of the pubescence on the perithecia. M. C. COOKE ON NETTLE STEMS AND THEIR MICRO-FUNGI. 79 Another, and still more singular Sphceria was also found by Dr. Capron on nettle stems at Shere, in wliich the sporidia are different from any other that we have ever seen. The perithecia are de- pressed and covered by the cuticle, so that only the mouth is visible. Fig. 5. In wet weather the perithecia can be readily seen through the cuticle, but when the stems are dry it is almost hopeless to search for this species. The sporidia are also as long as the ascus in which they are contained, crossing each other near the apex, but when free are found to be twice or thrice septate, bent at the constric- tions, and again spuriously septate two, or three, or more times in every joint (fig. 5). From the peculiarly angular manner in which the sporidia are bent when free, this species was named Sphceria ulnas- j)ora. By comparison with the fruit of Sphceria acuminata, com- mon on thistle stems-, and the Sphceria urticce and Sphceria rubella named above, this will be found markedly distinct from all. It may be noted that whilst in most instances Sphwria acuta will be found at the base of the stems, Sphcerice urticce and Sphceria ulnaspora occur higher up, usually about midway of the stem. SphcBria doliolum is by no means an uncommon species on the stems of umbelliferous plants, and sometimes on old nettles. The perithecia are of a shining black, and concentrically channelled, so that a ridge seems to run round the perithecium, giving it a very distinct character. Sometimes the perithecia are very conical, as in a variety described by Mr. F. Currey as Spha^ria Helence. The sporidia are arranged in two rows in the asci, and are yellowish, almost fusiform in shape, and divided by from three to five septa, with constrictions at each joint. Spermogones are often found mixed with the perfect perithecia, and these contain a great number of minute colourless spermatia. The second joint of the sporidia is sometimes swollen so as to be broader than the rest. The stems of nettles are often sprinkled so densely with the small black perithecia which nestle beneath the cuticle, as to have a grey, nebulous appearance, which are probably the Sphceria nehulosa of old authors, or partly so. These very minute perithecia do not con- 80 M. C. COOKE ON NETTLE STEMS AND THEIR MICRO-FUNGI. tain asci, but innumerable minute bodies of the nature of spermatia, and the perithecia are therefore the spermogones of some Sphceiia, and in some instances of Sphceria svjoerjlua, which is occasionally mixed with, or in close proximity to the spermogones. In this species the perithecia are small and delicate, although twice as large as the spermogonia with which they are as.^ociated, and always covered with the cuticle. The sporidia are oblong and colourless, in two rows, and divided across the centre by a septum into two equal cells. The spermogones seem to be, in part at least, the Phoma nebulosum of authors. A group of the old genus Sphceria is characterized by the broad orifice of the perithecium, which is flattened laterally, so as to bear some resemblance to a mouth with two lips. These perithecia are usually imbedded in the matrix, so that the mouth only is exposed. Recently this group.has been regarded as a distinct genus, from the form of the mouth principally, under the name of Lophio stoma, although some authors still hesitate to accept it as a good generic distinction. Two of the members of this group are found on nettle stems ; one having been first detected by Dr. Capron, of Shere, a few years since, and described under the name of Lophiostoma sex- nucleata. It appears to succeed SphcBria acuta, and is often over- looked, from its casual resemblance to the remains of the dispersing perithecia of that species. The old stems on which this species is found are so far advanced in decay that they are usually tender and friable. The sporidia are fusiform, slightlv curved, and five-septate, with a constriction in the centre, each articulation contains a single nucleus, from which the name of the species is derived. The other species is Lophiostoma canlium, which is very similar in external appearance, but differing in fruit. The sporidia are also fusiform, and attenuated towards each extremity, often curved, with a greenish tint, and divided transversely by seven septa, exceeding by about one-sixth or one- eighth the length of the sporidia in Lophiostoma sex-nucleata. The same species is also found on the stems of Epilohium hirsutum, and other herbaceous plants. There is a very interesting group of Sphc^riacei, in which the perithecia are of a softer and more waxy substance, usually brightly coloured, of which a new species has recently been described by Nylander, under the name of Nectria dacrymycella, which is found in Northern Eaiope on old nettle stems. The perithecia are orange- M. C. COOKE ON NETTLE STEMS AND THEIR MICRO-FUNGI. 81 yellow and minute ; the sporidia fusiform, and delicately unisep- tate. It has not hitherto been met with in Britain. This enumeration inchides the majority of the species of micro- fungi which have as yet been detected on the stems of old nettles in Britain. Formidable as the list may appear, there are two or three others which have been found on the Continent, and which, by dint of perseverance, may still be found in this country. At any rate, we have made good the assertion with which we com- menced, that the nettle has a complete host of enemies, blighting it whilst living, and preying npon it in decay. In illustration of the enemies which are parasitic upon it whilst living, we have been unable to devote space equal to that already occupied, leaving out of the calculation all the insect enemies for the entomologist to discuss ; but the moulds, cluster-cups, Septoria^ and other para- sites of living nettles, are scarcely less numerous than those which flourish on its decay. The following is a list of the species of micro-fungi alluded to in this communication : — Acrospermum compressum. Tode. Dinemasporium var. herbarum. Toriila herbarum. Link. Septonema elc«igatispora. Preuss. Dendryphium comosum. Wo2l. Dendryphium curtum. B. S; Br. Dendryphium griseum. B. ^ Br. Arthrobotryum atrum. B. <^ Br. Acrothecium simplex. BerJc. Peziza fusarioides. BerTc. Peziza viliosa. Pers. Peziza plano-umbilicata. Grev. Peziza sulphurea. Pers. Peziza inflexa. Bolt. Peziza coronata. Bull. Peziza campanula. Nees. Peziza striata. Fr. Helotium herbarum. Fr. Sphasria acuta. Hoffm. Sphaeria urticae. Rahh. Sph^eria ulnaspora. Cooke. ' Sphjeria rubella. Pers. Sphaeria doliolum. Pers. Sphseria superflua. Awd. Lophiostoma sex-nucleata. Cooke. Lophiostoma caulium. Fr. Nectria dacrymycella. Ngl. JoURN. Q. M. 0. No. 20. G 82 Notes on the " Black Knot." By C. H. Peck, Esq., of Albany, New York. What is black knot ? To tliis question Dr. Fitch, Entomologist of the New York State Agricultural Society, answers : " It is a large irregular black wart-like excrescence which grows upon the limbs of plum and cherry trees, causing the death of all the branch above it and extending down the limb farther and farther every year till the whole branch is destroyed, other limbs at the same time becoming affected in the same manner, and also the limbs of other trees in the vicinity. If it is neglected, it in a few years kills the tree." The late lamented B. D. Walsh, Entomologist of the State of Illinois, thus defines it : " It is a black, puffy, irregular swelling on the twigs and smaller limbs of plum and cherry trees, and in one instance that came under my observation, of peach trees, mak- ing its first appearance in the latitude of New York early in June, and attaining its full growth by the end of July. Usually a tree that is attached in this manner is affected worse and worse every year until it is finally killed, and where one tree of a group is af- fected, the malady usually spreads to them all in process of time." According to our own observations the death of the branch above the excrescence is not always produced by the first attack. In such cases the malady extends ujDwards as well as downwards. The time of the first appearance of the excrescence is in late autumn, although the external development of the fungus is not manifest until the following May. We have never found it on peach trees. Let us now see what is written concerning the origin of black knot. Schweinitz, the botanist who wrote the original description of Sphceria morbosa, the fungus that develops itself on the ex- crescence, seems to have been in some doubt concerning the origin of the tumour. In his description he uses these words : " Hcec massa num sit effectus ictuum Cynipis nescimiis, videmus tamen hic C. H. PECK ON THE " BLACK KXOT." 83 iUic exesvm foramen, forte e frofvndo progressa^y At a later day, in writing n})on this same subject in Lis SynojDsis of North American Fungi, he says : " Pavcis cinnis post, fere omnes clesfrvQti sunt, comhinato furore hvjvs fmigi et Ct/nifisy And again he says : " JEt in Jus omnibus Cynipis fungnsqve incepiunt scevire^ Thus he constantly associates the insect which he calls Cynips with the fungus, without definitely assigning the honour or dishonour of the mischief to either. We find the following in Harris''s Treatise on Injurious Insects : " The plum, still more than the cherry tree, is subject to a disease of the small limbs, that shows itself in the form of large, irregular warts of a black colour. Professor Peck referred tbis disease, as well as that of the cherry tree, to the agency of insects. Dr. Burnet rejected the idea of the insect origin of this disease, which he considered as a kind of fungus. * * * But whether caused by vitiated sap, as Dr. Burnet sup- posed, or by the irritating punctures of insects, which is the pre- yailing opinion, they form an appropriate bed for the growth of numerous little parasitical plants or fungi." Dr. Fitch claims to have made a careful investigation of this subject, and as his observations are quite accurate we again quote from his address : " There has been much speculation as to the cause and true nature of these excrescences. * * Most persons suppose them to be of insect origin. The larvee of the curculio are almost always found in them, and these larvae consume nearly all the spongy matter of the warts, but do not touch the little fungus growing on their surface, which remains, forming a kind of shell, after the whole inside is devoured. But as these excrescences are sometimes found wholly free from curculio larvae and all other worms, it is obvious they are not the cause of their growth. * * Suffice it to say that now, having carefully examined these excre- scences from their commencement onward through their subsequent growth, I am prepared to say, with the fullest confidence, that the microscope shows nothing whatever about them, externally or in- ternally, indicating that an insect has anything to do with causing them." Then, after giving his views as to what constitutes a fun- gus, he says : " We arrive at the conclusion that these excrescences are not of insect origin, and are not a vegetable fungus, but are properly a disease of these trees, in many respects analagous to the cancer in the human body." Mr. Walsh, whose definition of black knot we have already G 2 84 C. H. PECK ON THE quoted, agrees with Dr. Fitcli in concluding that the excrescences are not of insect origin. He also claims to have carefully watched the black knot through all its stages from its earliest commence- ment to its complete maturity. He affirms that he bred from the galls five distinct species of insects beside the curculio, but that not one of these could be considered a true gall maker. He, there- lore, very justly concludes that the excrescences are not of insect origin, but of fungoid origin ; and this conclusion, we may add, is entirely in accordance with our own view of this subject. Our reasons for adopting this view are briefly these : — 1st. The excrescence itself is similar in structure to other ex- crescences which are known to be of fungoid origin, and at the same time it is quite dissimilar to most insect galls produced in twigs and young branches. 2nd. The time of its development is opposed to the probability of its insect origin. We are well aware that our knowledge of in- sect galls is extremely limited, and that here we are treading on dangerous ground and may hereafter be obliged in our turn to apologise to the entomologists, but so far as our observations ex- tend, insect galls are developed in the warmer seasons of the year, i. colouring matter 3 Mr. Hailes. Dr. Eamsbottom. Mr. Sigsworth. Mr. Burcli. Dr. Mattliews. ANNUAL MEETING, JuLY26tli, 1^12.— Chairman, Dr. Lionel S. Beale, F.E.S. President. &c. The Secretary read the Aunual Report of the Committee, also the Treasurer's Eeport, and Balance Sheet, duly audited. The President moved a resolution, *' That the Eeports now read be received and adopted." Dr. R. Braithwaite seconded the motion, which was then put to the meeting und carried unanimously. Dr. Matthews, after reference to the fact that no item appeared in the Balance Sheet as having been paid for rent, paid a high tribute to the gene- rosity of the authorities of University College in permitting the Club to meet in that building free of all expense, and moved a resolution, "That a cordial vote of thanks be presented to the Council of University College for the many acts of favour accorded to the Club, and especially for the privilege of meeting free of charge in the Library of that Institution." Dr. Braithwaite seconded this motion, which was unanimously carried. The Ballot then took place for the election of gentlemen to fill the vacant offices during the ensuing year, nominations for which were made at the previous ordinary meeting. Mr.W. W. Reeves and Mr. Ward were appointed to act as scrutineers. The President then read his annual address, which was listened to with the greatest attention and warmly applauded. The scrutineers having handed in the result of the ballot — The President announced that the following gentlemen had been duly elected : — As President ... Dr. R. Braithwaite. fDr. Lionel S. Beale. As Vice Presidents... \ ^^ Arthur E.Durham. Mr. Henry Lee. i^Dr. John Matthews. fMr. John Ingpen. Mr. B. D. Jackson. Mr. F. Oxley. LDr. Ramsbotham. As Treasurer ... Mr. R. Hardwicke. As Hon. Secretary ... Mr. T. C. White. As Hon. Secretary for Foreign Cor- ^ ,^ ^^ ^ ^ , respondence ... ... .. ..J Mr. M. C. Cooke. As Members of Committee ... 94 The President then left the cliair and formally installed Dr. Braithwaite as Lis successor. Dr. Braitliwaite cordially thanked the members of the Club for the honour tliey had conferred upon him in electing him as their President, and for the honour done not only to himself but to the profession to which he belonged, and wliich had furnished each president since the Club had been in existence. So far as he was able he should be happy to render his services to the Club, but it would be to the working members of it that he must look for that tflficient support which they only could render, and upon which alone success must depend. Mr, B. D. Jackson had much pleasure in moving " That a vote of thanks be presented to the President and Officers of the Club for their valuable services during the past year." Mr. Sigsworth seconded the proposal, which was put to the meeting and carried by acclamation. Mr. T. Curties said that in addition to tlie resolution which had just been put to the meeting, he should like to propose '' That a special vote of thanks be presented to Dr Lionel S. Beale for his valued aid and great kindness to the Club during the period of his presidency, and also for his very valuable address just read, which ij; was hoped they would be allowed to publish in extenso in their Transactions." Mr. Pett had great pleasure in seconding this motion, which was put to the meeting and carried unanimously, amidst great applause. Dr. Beale expressed his thanks to the meeting for the vote of thanks to himself which they had so enthusiastically passed, and only wished that he had deserved it more ; for he felt conscious that of late he had not been amongst them so often as he could have desired. He should look back upon the past two years with great pleasure, and he could certainly say that some of the pleasantest evenings he had ever spent had been spent with them in that room. The meetings had brought back to his mind much of the work which he used to engage in, and which he only regretted that his present engagements did not now permit him to follow more closely. Mr. J. G. Waller proposed a vote of thanks to Mr. Peeves and Mr. Ward for their services as scrutineers that evening. Mr. Burch seconded the proposition, which was unanimously cari'ied. The Secretary announced the following Donations to the Club : — *' The Monthly Microscopical Journal " from, the Publisher. " Science Gossip" ^^ *' The Popular Science Review" ,, " Proceedings of the Royal Society," ISTo. 135,... the Society. *' The American Naturalist " in exchange. The first No. of " Grevillea," from the Editor. *' Proceedings of the Geologists' Association " ) for July ...j the Association. Perira's " Lectures on Polarised Light," ... Mr. T. C. White. Taylor's " Half Hours at the Sea Side," ... Mr. Pett. 12 Slides of Injected Preparations Mr. Amos Topping. The thanks of the Club were voted to the donors. The following gentlemen were balloted for and duly elected members of the Club:-Mr. John Alstone, Mr. Thos. Wra. Cowan, Mr. Ernest Doggett, Mr. Thos, Harper Francis, Mr. John Harrod, Mr. Charles N. Levien, Mr. George 95 Nicoll, jun., Mr. J. Sargent, jun., Mr. J. Sari, and Mr. J. S. Townsend, F.R.M.S. J and Doctor S. 0. Lindberg, of Helsingfors, Professor Hamilton, L. Smith, of Hobart College, Geneva, U. S. A. ; and Dr. J. J. Woodward, Assistant Surgeon General United States Army, were balloted for and elected Honorary Foreign Members of the Club. The Secretary read a paper descriptive of anew elementary hand microscope, sent by Dr. Guy for exhibition to the members. The President moved a vote of thanks to Dr. Guy for his communication, and expressed his admiration of the microscope which had been lent for their in- spection, and which he thought was the most beautiful instrument of its class which had yet been brought out. The Secretary called the attention of the members to the communication received from Mr. T. W. Wonfor, inviting the co-operation of members of the Club at a soiree, to be held at Brighton during the meeting of the British Association, and intimating that the L. B. and S. C. Railway had offered to extend the privileges granted to the members of the Association to auy members of the Club who might desire to be present on that occasion. Mr. Mclntire inquired what was to be exhibited, as he believed there was some plan laid down with respect to the objects. The Secretary said the objects exhibited were to be illustrative of marine life. Mr. Curties informed the members that the Society at Brighton had promised to supply objects for exhibition to any of the members who would attend and take their microscopes. The proceedings then terminated with a conversazione, at which the following objects were exhibited : — Microscopic Fungi by Mr. Bureh. Eolis (a nudibranchiate Mollusc) alive Mr. Oxley. Trohoscis of Sijrphus ribesi Mr. Sigsworth. (Eclstes crystallinus (group) Mr. Geo. Williams. Two Object Glasses of American manufacture by"^ Mr- Ward, of the Wales, I and -^5 in., brought for exhibition and com- > Bailey Microsco- parison J pical Society. Spicules of Gorgonia, various 1 By Mr. James How, in Do. do. white "'"^^^ J> Dr. Guy s lUumina Crystalised Silver | Hand Microscope. Elytron of Diamond Beetle J Attendance — members, 62 j visitors, 8. 96 August 9tli, 1872.— Conversational Meeting. Objects exhibited : — Aiilacodiscus formosus Section of India Rubber ( Crystals (?) of Guttapercha (P^^^'' Living Larva (unknown) shewing internal organs Teeth of Medicinal Leech Sections of Teeth showing secondary dentine and 7 exostosis (polarised) ^ Badhamia utricidaris Brazilian and Oriental Opals Diatomacese Tracheal System of Ephemera Larva Tongue and Lancets of Gad-fly Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Sigs worth. Burch. Fitch. Topping. T. C. White. Oxley. Hailes. Williams. J. A. Smith. Daintrey. Attendance — Members, 33 ; Visitors, 4. August 23rd, 1872.- ■Chairman — Charles F. White, Esq., F.R.M.S. The following donations to the Club were announced : — " The Monthly Microscopical Journal" ... from the Publisher. •' Science Gossip" ,, "The Lens" in exchange. And the thanks of the Club were voted to the donors. The following gentlemen were balloted for, and duly elected members of the Club : - Mr. Arthur Goode, Mr. B. Hembry, Mr. William Stuart Smith, and Mr. Thomas Terry. There being no Paper, or topic, for discussion, the Chairman invited observa- tions from gentlemen descriptive of objects exhibited in the room. Ko response, however, was made, and the proceedings were brought to a close by the usual announcement of meetings for the ensuing month, and a conversazione, at which The following objects were exhibited :— Lacinularia socialis ... ... ... Injections of Human Anatomy Flower of Mignonette Eyes of Epeira Diadema Arachiioidiscus Ehroibergii Arenaceous Foraminifera Trichina spiralis Plumatella repens Attendan ce — Members , ... by Mr. Birch. Mr. Arthur E. Durham. Mr Goodinge. Mr. Martinelli. Mr. Nelson. Mr. Slade. Mr. Topping. Mr. Geo. Williams. Visitors, 8. R. T. Lewis. 97 Description of an Instrument proposed as a Standard Dynamometer, for determining the Magnifying Powers of Microscope Objectives. By John E. Ingpen, F.R.M.S. {ReadSept.21th,ld>12,) This instrument has been contrived in accordance with the views expressed by Dr. Ward, in a paper " On Uniformity of Nomen- clature in regard to Microscopical Objectives and Oculars," in "The American Natural," and reprinted in " The Monthly Microscopical Journal" of July 1, 1872, p. 15, to which reference should be made. It consists essentially of two scales, ruled on glass, one of which is magnified by the objective, the other not. The ratio of equal spaces on the two scales gives tbe magnifying power of the objec- tive, at the distance between the scales. Description. — A tube (plate v. fig. i.) A carries at one end a glass scale micrometer seen edgeways at B, and also a positive eyepiece, C ; and at the other end a tube D, carrying the glass scale micrometer E, which is capable of being focussed on the objective by the milled head F. Inside the tube A, slides another tube G, into which H, the objective to be tested, is screwed. By means of the milled head K, the front surface of the objective H can be set at exactly ten inches from the scale B. To measure this distance, D is tem- porarily removed, and a cap L, substituted, which cap is of such a length as to place the front surface of the objective at the required distance when flush with the aperture M, or touching a rule laid across it. The cap L is then removed, and D slid on to A, when the scale E can be adjusted to the focus of the objective, and the comparison between the two scales made. The distance of ten inches from the front of the objective to the scale B has been selected instead of a fixed distance between the two micrometers, for the reason that the objectives are thereby put more nearly under their usual working conditions ; if the distance between the scales JouRN. Q. M. C. No. 21. H 98 J. E. INGPEN ON A PROPOSED STANDARD DYNAMOMETER. be fixed, low powers are registered as magnifying less than tliey do in practice. The number of divisions on the scale B corresponding to one or more on the scale E, gives at once the power of the objective. Thus, if ten divisions on B cover one on E, the power of the objective is ten diameters, and should be registered x 10. With objectives having adjustment for thickness of covering glass, and those with wet and dry fronts, two or more measures may be taken. One of the micrometers supplied is uncovered, and can have glass covers of known thickness laid on it : thus, the power of an objective can be found at " uncovered," at " covered" for a known thickness of glass, or at " covered " with a known position of the divisions on the screw collar, or with a wet front under any of these conditions, thus affording a complete registra- tion of the power of the objective. The instrument is constructed so as to be complete in itself; the rack at F being sufficiently delicate for focussing the scale E, with due care, even on the highest power objectives, but it would be better for the tube A to be attached to a firm microscope stand, with a good slow motion. The tube D can then be dispensed with, and the scale E taken out and viewed, as an ordinary object, on the stage of the microscope. There is no difficulty in reproducing such an instrument as this, bearing in mind the one point essential to it as a standard, viz., that the front of the objective must be exactly ten inches from the upper or eyepiece micrometer. The value of the scales, whether French or English, &c., is of no consequence, provided they are equal or one a known aliquot of the other. The scales should be carefully tested, by reversing their positions or other means, as, of course, much depends upon their accuracy. The distance of ten inches has been selected, as about that most usual in England. It seems that in America longer, and in Fi:ance and Germany, shorter, bodies are preferred. The distance of 250 millimetres (9f inches) has been suggested, which would not make much difference, but it would probably be best to leave the Quekett standard at ten inches, and not to alter it without good cause. It is hoped that this standard will render unnecessary many of the calculations which are so troublesome and unsatisfactory, such as attempting to find focal centres of compound systems, com- parison with a one-inch lens (which would be probably only correct for parallel rays), &c., &c., while the mode of operation is, it is T. J. ENGLISH ON A PNEUMATIC INJECTING APPARATUS. 99 hoped, comparable in accuracy with that of throwing the image of the scale upon a screen, and is far easier of performance. Our best thanks are due to Mr. Curties, who has taken much trouble, and made some valuable suggestions, in constructing the instrument. If it prove useful to the members of the Quekett Club, it will amply fulfil its purpose. Pneumatic Injecting Apparatus for Microscopical Purposes. By T. Johnston English, St. George's Hospital. {Bead October 26th, 1872.) The process of injecting for microscopical purposes is an opera- tion which requires much skill and practice, and in order to obtain really good results, much time and patience must be expended on it. It is with a view to lessening its difficulties that I wish to bring under your notice, to-night, this simple apparatus, the description of which I will at once enter upon. The instrument consists of a Woulfe's bottle, having three necks (pi. v. fig. ii, Nos. 1, 2, 3). No. 1 neck is fitted with a cork, through which passes a piece of bent glass tube, of the diameter of a goose- quill, one end of which reaches to the bottom of the bottle, and to the other is tied about 12 inches of india-rubber piping of the same diameter ; the glass tube is made perfectly air tight in the neck of the bottle by sealing wax varnish, and the india-rubber one is closed by apinch-cock. In No. 2 neck is a contrivance which answers the purpose of a condensing syringe ; it is made of a piece of glass tubing 5in. or 6in. in length (fig. ii. A), passing through a cork, and also ren- dered air tight by varnish ; to the uj)perendis tied an india-rubber ball (B), having a small hole on one side (C) ; the lower qnd is closed by a valve (D), opening downwards. This valve is made in the following way : — A piece of gutta-percha is placed in boiling water, and when perfectly soft and pliable, it is forced into the end of the glass tube (see fig. iii.), so as to form a plug (E), extending upwards for about ^in. It is then allowed to cool, and when hard, it is trimmed with a pen knife. A small hole is then bored through h 2 100 T. J. ENGLISH ON A PNEUMATIC INJECTING APPARATUS. its centre, and over it is fastened, by means of heat, a small, tliin, flat piece of ivory, made from a vaccine point, a little longer than broad (G in figs. iii. and iv.), also having a hole in its centre ; this piece of ivory forms the basis or rest for the oil silk valve (H in figs. iii. and iv.) which is of the same shape, but a little smaller, and is retained in its place by sealing-wax varnish at one margin only. A coating of varnish is then carried over the gutta-percha and lower part of the glass tube, to stop all escape of air at the junction of the two, care being taken to keep the ivory plate free from it. The 3rd neck is closed by a cork, packed with wash leather, and serves for the introduction of the injecting fluid into the bottle. To use the instrument the requisite sized nozzle is fixed on the gutta-percha tube, which is closed by the pinch -cock ; about 4oz. of injection are then poured into the bottle through the third neck, and the cork firmly inserted, the leather surrounding it having been previously, wetted ; pressure is now made on the ball B, taking care to place one finger over the hole C, by this means the air is forced down the tube through the valve into the bottle ; on removing the pressure from the ball the valve closes, and the ball is refilled by air entering the small hole C ; after this operation has been done twice the pinch-cock of No. 1 tube is cautiously opened, and the in- jecting fluid, acted on by the condensed air in the bottle, rushes up that tube ; when it completely fills the tube and nozzle, the cock is again closed, and further exit of the fluid restrained. The in- strument is now ready, and the nozzle is introduced and tied into an artery in the same way as the ordinary syringe. I have used glass for the nozzles, preferring that material to metal, not only because they are lighter, but because they can be made very easily, and can be drawn out to the finest size. When the injection requires replenishing, the cock is closed and more fluid poured in at the third neck. Such is the instrument in its simplest form, but, if wished, it may have a small manometer attached to it, to indicate the exact pressure employed, although I have generally found that the amount of force required to drive the air out of the ball into the bottle is a sufficient guide. The bottle may be of any capacity, and in choosing one, regard should be had to its strength and freedom from cracks and flaws of any kind ; and when completed, it should be tried with a little water, high pressure being used, to test its capa- T. J. ENGLISH ON A PNEUMATIC INJECTING APPARATUS. 101 bilities of holding condensed air, so that should it be faulty and break, it will do so then in all probability ; but I do not think that such a result would occur with ordinary care, as the vessels of the animal which is being injected burst if much force be used. It is not my intention to enter into the respective merits of the bottle and the syringe, but there are two advantages which the former possesses over the latter. The first is that it leaves both hands entirely free during its action, and the second is its cheap- ness, the whole instrument costing when finished about 4s. An Omission Corrected. We regret an omission in our last issue, which occurred inad- vertently, no report having been furnished to us. It was to notice the new pattern ^Lth immersion lens, by Schieck, of Berlin, which attracted so much attention at our meeting held on the 28th of June last. We may here mention that it was greatly admired for its remarkable abundance of light, perfect flatness of field, and brilliancy of definition. The objects used with it were (1) Surirella Gemma^ the longi- tudinal and transverse lines of which it shewed with the utmost distinctness ; (2) Navicula Cuspidata, the lines on which were beautifully resolved into " dots." Some, on the other hand, objected to the presence of colour — a faint ruby tint — which seemed to be associated with its best performances. This, however, is character- istic of almost all German lenses, and is owing to the preponder- ance generally given by the German opticians in their immersion combinations to the crown glass over the flint glass. Mr. Schieck, we believe, was, till within the last two years, a pupil of the cele- brated Dr. E. Hartnack. 102 HiSTO-CHEMICAL KeSEARCHES ON THE FaLL OF LeAVES IN Autumn. By Dr. K. Ledeganck. Translated, and abridged, by B. D. Jackson, F.L.S., F.E.M.S., from tbe " Bulletin de la Societe Eoyale de Botanique de Belgique," torn x. No. 3. 3rd June, 1872. {Read November 22nd, 1872.J 1,— Historical. A fact wortli remarking in the history of the sciences dependent upon observation, is the reluctance with which the experimental method is introduced, and the cautious use the first workers have made of it, to resolve the problems relative to the vital functions of plants and animals. This statement receives a full and entire confirmation in the history of the subject before us. The fall of the leaf in autumn, a phenomenon which strikes even the unobservant by its regular occurrence, and by the remarkable change produced by it each year in the face of nature, is still one of those questions hardly glanced at by a large number of writers, who usually pass it over in silence, or to explain which, they have been satisfied, for a long period, to offer hypotheses as diverse, as they are unsafe. It is true that we are no longer in the same plight as when Ingenhousz (1779) explained the phenomenon in question by a final cause, having for an object the preservation of the human race, thus : — " When the cold of winter stops the universal tendency to decay, we have no need of the assistance of leaves to purify the atmosphere, which is no longer infected. The leaves falling, and the tree continuing to live without them, tells us that they have more to do with our conservation than that of the tree." Mustel believed it was purely mechanical, and in the domain of hydro-dynamics. The transpiration by leaves being suspended in autumn, the ascending sap accumulates in the leaf, petiole, and axis. From this results a strong interior pressure, which has the effect DR. K. LEDEGANCK ON THE FALL OF LEAVES IN AUTUMN. 103 of detaching the leaf from the bough which ^bears it. Murray also attributed the cause to a mechanical one, but although entirely- opposed to Mustel, his interpretation is not less problematical. The latter maintained that the sap, far from distending the leaf, is on the contrary stopped in its upward course by the axillary bud : this bud, compressing the tissue at the base of the petiole, at first hinders the sap from getting to the leaf, and afterwards continuing to deyelope, presses down the leaf, already suffering from loss of nourishment, and causes first a rupture in the tissues, and lastly the fall of the organ. Senebier thoroughly adopted these ideas of Murray (1798), and defended them with ability. He set himself to combat the many objections which arose against the theory, but the reasons which seemed so strong to him, are not borne out by careful observation of facts. It is in the writings of Duhamel and Vrolik bearing on the sub- ject, that we have found the first accurate observations, based upon an attentive study of the tissues, and the modification they undergo in autumn ; the explanation only, is erroneous. Thus, Duhamel described between the stem and the base of the leaf, a layer of cellular tissue, which is disorganized by the influence of cold ; in addition, he thought that the leaf stopping in deve- lopment whilst the stalk continued to grow, a tension resulted which ended in the separation of the two. This cellular tissue of Duhamel really exists, but, as we shall see, it forms part of the pulvinvs, somewhat elastic, always fixed to the stem, serving to unite leaf and stem, and the elasticity of which, to some extent, protects the leaf from being prematurely torn away from the stem. The effect of cold in separating the two is also undoubted, but its mode of action is quite different from what Duhamel sup- posed. Vrolik (1796) saw in the separation of the leaf an effect of re- sorption. The resorbed tissue leaves a gap, which is the starting point of the solution of continuity. This resorption is, nevertheless, a fact, although exceptional, but our author has generalised too much from it. Farther on we shall see in what cases it may be observed ; anyhow, it appears certain that in many cases Vrolik has mistaken a solution of continuity, which was no more than the beginning of a mechanical separation between the leaf and its support, for an effect of resorption. 104 DR. K. LEDEGANCK ON THE FALL OF LEAVES IN AUTUMN. Link, begins the series of phytotomical observers of the modem school, which attaches itself above all, to close observation of facts. According to this clever observer, the cause of the fall is inherent in the leaf-structure, and pre-existsin every chemical and mechanical alteration of the tissue. At the point of union of the petiole with the pulvinus, a layer of cells, placed in a different direction to those of neighbouring layers, determines the weak point, where, later on, separation must take place. As to the proximate cause of the separation, our author states nothing positively. Mettenius, in the course of his researches on the ferns, is led to admit of the formation of a new tissue, a thing difficult to imagine oc- curring in an organ in the decline of its vitality, such as a leaf ready to fall. This tissue, " delicate parenchyma," is produced between the base of the petiole and the pulvinus, but dying soon after, it occasions the disarticulation of the parts it formerly united. The imposing authority of Hugo v. Mohl is brought in to support these observations, which, nevertheless, seem to us insufficiently estab- lished, and which, for our part, setting aside the ferns, we have never been able to confirm by microscopical research. Still, if the existence of this special " separating layer," the cells of which have the faculty of speedy self disorganization, were proved for all articulate leaves, what would happen to the vascular bundles ? If these latter remain intact, as Hugo v. Mohl admits, to be afterwards broken mechanically, how could the separation of the leaf happen so com- pletely and suddenly, leaving so clean a scar for all leaves alike ? Besides, the production of this young tissue in the midst of other tissue in process of drying up, appears to us difficult, if not im- possible to admit, and that it is not established by direct ob- servation. To Schacht (1852) is due the merit of having, by his observa- tions upon Draccena reflexa, placed the first indicator in the path so vaguely traced out before his time. It was whilst reading his remarkable work, Die PJianzenzelle^ that we were induced to commence our work ; and it is to reply to the appeal which he there makes to botanical micrographers, which induced us to undertake a long series of investigations on this interesting and debated sub- ject. We may, perhaps, be permitted to cite here the words of the passage : — " This fact, certain as to Draccena reflexa, may probably throw light upon the full of the leaf generally. The leaf, as we know, DR. K. LEDEGANCK ON THE FALL OF LEAVES IN AUTUMN. 105 grows by its base ; there, is formed the growing tissue, but this tissue can also gi^e place to a corky production, for upon the leaves of most of our trees we notice a demarcation, easily seen by the naked eye, * the articulation,' which points out the part where the leaf will separate from the stem at its fall. '* As far as I have been able to observe, myself, we find on the stem all the cicatrices covered with a layer of cork, which leaves nothing free save the woody cells of the vascular bundles. Schleiden had already pointed out the fall of the leaf as the result of the stop- page of the passage of li(iuids. I thought I had found in the sub- erification of the base of the leaf of DraccEna the cause of that interruption of osmose ; and I wish to draw the attention of observers to an act so important in the life of the plant." (Der Tod der Pfianzenzelley c. xii., p. 245.) These ideas formed the point of departure in our researches ; the results which we shall unfold farther on will tend to show how far Schacht's opinion may be admitted, and what are the physical and chemical influences which must intervene, before we can arrive at a solution applicable to the whole of the facts ob- served. 77. — Means of Observation. Since the early part of the autumn of 1868, our micrographical studies have been entirely directed to the solution of this question, resumed the following year, and suspended for certain kinds of difficult observations during the autumn of last year (1871) ; our observations bearing upon the majority of the trees and shrubs of our climate. It was upon the bushes in our thickets and the taller trees of our woods and public walks that we began our work ; in these we have been able to follow the phenomenon step by step, by making different sections of the leaves of the same species, and sub- mitting them to those re- agents which can throw light on the nature and successive modifications of the component tissues. In the histological examination of the petiole, a transverse section is enough to give a clear idea of the relative disposition of the tissues. As for the pulvinus, recourse is almost always had to a longitudinal section, perpendicular to the cicatrix, in order to recoGfnize the tissue which covers the latter. A cross-section of 106 DR. K. LEDEGANCK ON THE FALL OF LEAVES IN AUTUMN. the bougli will give information as to tlie modification of tlie peri- dermal tissue. The re-agents most generally used are : — 1. — Tincture of iodine and sulphuric acid for the detection of cellulose, by the fine blue colour which they give it. 2. — Schulz' test for the same purpose. 3. — Solution of copper in ammonia, which dissolves cellulose, and separates corky, cuticular, and woody tissues. 4. — Aqueous solution of iodine, which discloses the presence of starch in the cells, and gives a brown colour to suberous, peridermic and cuticular tissues. 5. — Alcohol and ether, to dissolve fats and resinous substances. The following is a short account of our mode of procedure with each species : — We examine in succession the leaves from a green bough, those from a withering one (from which they have begun to fall) ; and lastly, the scar left upon the stem after the fall of the leaf. Both the green and yellow leaf are examined in the state of articulation, with the pulvinus, by longitudinal sections, either radial or tangential across the pulvinus and the base of the petiole. We notice accurately the state of these parts in a fresh state, before proceeding to make use of any test. Transverse sections of the petiole and stem, when thought necessary, give a true idea of the disposition of parts about the articulation. Finally, the use of reagents discovers the existence of such and such tissues, according to the time at which examination is made. The brittleness of the articulation in autumn, of leaves about to fall especially, sometimes offers insuperable difficulties. In such case, the contiguous surfaces must be examined separately, as soon after separation as possible. ///. — General Considerations. In its normal state, the insertion of the leaf upon its stem is either by articulation or by continuity. In the first case, a special organ, the pulvinus, acts as an intermediate organ between the stem and the leaf; in the second, a simple, annular constriction at the base of the petiole points out the anatomical point where the leaf begins. The pulvinus, a little lateral swelling of the stem, presents the same anatomical elements as the cortical part, only disposed in a slightly different manner ; the medullary tissue of the stalk, in- DR. K. LEDEGANCK ON THE FALL OP LEAVES IN AUTUMN. 107 stead of forming the axis of the pulvinus, passes inside, and directs itself towards the apex of the axillary ; bud. Thus the pulvinus presents: — 1st. The epiderm, either in a continuous layer or in strips, in the form of epidermal scales. 2nd. One or more coats of suberous or corky tissue, which form the periderm, the growth of which causes the destruction of the epiderm. 3rd. The cellular layer, the cells of which are filled with liquids, and generally provided with chlorophyll (herbaceous tissue of Duhamel). Two or three rows of cells on the outside are often filled with a red colouring matter. 4th. The central parenchyma equally full of juices, and which gives place to, 5th. Liber cells and vascular bundles, which run into the leaf. The base of the petiole, which adapts itself to the surface of the pulvinus, presents much simpler organization. On proceeding from without to within we find — 1st, Epiderm, like that on the surface of the leaf, with lengthened cells, like the ribs ; it remains intact during the existence of the leaf, and corresponds to the epidermis of the pulvinus. 2nd, Parenchyma, or prolongation of the mesophyll of the leaf. This is much more abundant, looser, and more porous (lacuneux) on the outside of the petiole (inferior surface of the leaf J than on the interior (superior surfaces). It cor- responds to these tissues. Periderm red and green cellular, and central parenchyma of the pulvinus. As a whole the parenchyma of the leaf stalk shows much larger cells, and oftener filled with air, than the corresponding portion of the stem. 3rd, Vascular bundles passing the parenchyma, and crowded the more, the closer we examine the base of the petiole. In this comparative study of the structure of the petiole and pulvinus, three essential facts are brought out. 1st. — That the suberous layers (periderm)of the pulvinus are not continued into the leaf stalk, and stop when level with the imaginary line of articula- tion. 2nd. — The cellular tissue, with chlorophyll, stops also at the same level, and altogether the tissues of the pulvinus, which correspond to the mesophyll of the petiole, are distinguishable from the last, both by their texture and by the character of their contents. 3rd. — The vascular bundles are the only anatomical characters common to the two organs, and which pass from one to the other with perfect continuity. We may add that the continuity of these two epidermides is quickly destroyed by course of development of the peridermal 108 DR. K. LEDEGANCK ON THE FALL OF LEAVES IN AUTUMN. layers, which cause the peeling off of the epidermis of the stem. The detailed examination from direct observation, the micro- chemical studies which we have been enabled to make, and the consequent deeper insight into the nature of these different tissues, their changes in autumn, are what we have to offer for your consideration. IV. — Histo-Chemical Researches* Dr. Ledeganck then gives, at considerable length, his researches on the following subjects, which, although of great interest, are too long for insertion here : — Obs, 1. Betula.alba, and Fagus sylvatica. Ulmus campestris. do. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. do. Eibes grossularia Syringa vulgaris do. Tilia europ^ea Populus alba. Betula alba Fraxinus Ornus Juglans regia Quercus Eobur Carpinus Betulus 14 Oct. 26 Oct. 13 Oct. 25 Oct. 28 Oct. 14 Oct. 20 Oct. 23 Oct. 24 Oct. 20 Oct. V. — Special Observations. There is one thing which above all needs explanation, that is the mode by which the rupture of the central vascular bundle is produced ; whether the periderm is in form of layers or scattered cells, we have never seen the process of suberification break through the tissues constituting the vascular bundle of the axis. Some- times it may be seen above the level of the scar, at other times below, but in most cases it will be found broken at the surface. Besides, in most cases, where the leaf separates spontaneously, we see the periderm form an uninterrupted layer upon the cicatrix, *Autlior's Note. — Not being able to relate in extenso the whole of our observa- tions which bear upon a great number of species, we limit ourselves to extracts of which the results appear to us the clearest and most conclusive. DR. K. LEDEGANCK ON THE FALL OF LEAVES IN AUTUMN. 109 in which it is impossible to distinguish the ducts. Future observations may teach us how this is achieved. In all the species which possess compound leaves, we have seen the leaflets undergo, at their points of articulation, the same course of modifications as the main stem, or rachis itself. With some, suberification begins with the leaflets, in others, with the common petiole. The leaflets of Fraxinus Ornus present the same appear- ance as their rachis, by depositing similar cork layers. A very general occurrence, but of which we do not know the full significance, is the abundance of crystalline aggregations, in the tissues of the leaf, at the time of its fall, and however abundant this may be in the neighbourhood of the articulation, we have not hitherto been able to ascertain what part this phenomenon bears in the work of separation of the leaf from its support. VT.— Theory of the Fall of the Leaf As the foregoing observations show,* it is the growth of the peridermal layers which constitute the predisposing cause of the fall of the leaves. This corky substance, however it may be de- posited, causes the death of the tissues which it shuts off, by de- priving them of the flow of nutrient matter. In fact, " suberous tissue has only a short existence like living tissue. Its cells, when once they are completely formed fsuberife'es), only contain air ; and in this manner stop the passage of liquids" (SchachtJ. Its part (role), is therefore to be at once destroyer and preserver; for being that tissue above all others fitted to cover the scar, it hinders evaporation in the denuded parts, and the spread of lesion in the parenchyma. On this basis it is easy to comprehend how the epiderm of the branches is destroyed when the peridermal layers are formed : also, that, that these layers, enlarging their extent, and extending from the outside of the pulvinus towards the centre of the articulation (interligne articulaire\ the passage of the plant juices, from the stem towards the leaf, will become more and more obstructed, the more this layer increases in thickness and extent ; and it will be seen that the final result of this new for- mation, is the isolation of the parenchyma of the leaf from that of the pulvinus. Because, take what plant you like, woody, herba- * This refers chiefly to the remarks on individual species, which have been omitted on account bf their length.— Tr. 110 DR. K. LEDEGANCK ON THE FALL OF LEAVES IN AUTUMN. ceous, or subfrutescent (our observations extending to about 100 species), if the cicatrix be carefully examined, you will find it con- stantly made up of one or more rows of peridermal cells, in com- plete continuity with those of the stem. If, sometimes, it is difficult to show the existence of such tissue in course of formation, on the scar at least, its demonstration offers no difficulty, and the accord- ance of all our observations on this point give it an indisputable value ; there may be doubt as to the mode of transformation, there can be none as to the result. According to our notes, the peridermal tissue appears in the line of demarcation ; either by the gradual transformation of the exterior layers, following a centripetal course, and leaving the vascular bundles only intact, this being what we term layer suheri- fication ; or else, by the transformation of the cell wall of certain pre-existing cells, or by deposit of suberous matter in their in- terior, an alteration which we term diffuse suberification (or suberi- fication by infiltration). The first case prevails in leaves distinctly articulated, such as the Elm, Lime, and Hazel. The second may be seen in plants having non-articulate or incompletely articulate leaves — for instance the Oak and Hornbeam, which may frequently be seen with leaves attached during the whole winter, till in the following spring they are thrown off; it is rather by a rupture of the tissues than by true disarticulation. Those leaves having incomplete articula- tion are distinguished from those possessing the complete process, by the very gradual manner in which the transition takes place between the pulvinus and petiole. In these the green cellulose is not abruptly interrupted at the level of the exterior constriction ; there cannot be seen any central parenchyma, thick and juicy, in close contact (adosse directeinent) with a loose and air-containing tissue. The transition is gradual, and rises to a certain height in the petiole. In autumn no distinct layer betrays the position of the constriction, but the use of tests, points out a deposit of corky matter in many places in the central parenchyma and mesophyllum. These are, at first, scattered groups of from two to four contiguous cells, and may be clearly distinguished from the neighbouring ones. Later on these groups increase in size, and number, and appear most numerous in the proximity of the constriction, especially in that part answering to the pulvinus. From the time when these altered cells attain a certain limit DR. K. LEDEGANCK ON THE FALL OP LEAVES IN AUTUMN. Ill all flow of sap is stopped, and the leaf, without dropping off, dies from dessication. Such is the mode of formation of this new tissue, the presence of which should be considered as the predisposing cause of the fall of the leaf, viz., to intercept the passage of liquids, and to destroy the cohesion between the leaf and its support whilst awaiting a more energetic cause to achieve the definitive separation. Such, in our opinion, is the part performed by the peridermal tissues. As for the more active cause, we find it principally in the action of cold. Suppose a sudden fall of temperature, and notice the behaviour of the two kinds of tissues in its presence ; it may be predicted that either one or the other will contract under the influence of cold, but the tissue at the base of the petiole, spongy, full of air, and elastic, will contract to a greater degree than that of the pulvinus, which presents different physical characteristics, and of which the change in bulk will be hardly appreciable. These unequal shrinkages will result in the rupture of a certain number of cells at the junction of the two organs, and let but a slight shock come, and the separation will be complete But let the fall of temperature pass + 4 C* the shrinkage will not con- fine itself to an unequal retraction of the tissues ; it will produce a true movement in opposite directions, in consequence of the dilatation of the dense and succulent parenchyma of the pulvinus opposed to the ever growing contraction of the spongy tissues of the leaf- stalk. Thus the fall of temperature gives rise to congelation, and the expansion accompanying the solidification of the juices in the pul- vinus becomes so great that all cohesion is destroyed, the rupture takes place at once, and the leaf drops. These physics of the question explain the large increase in the number of fallen leaves after a sharp night in autumn, the least breath of air then bringing down the disorganized leaf; they likewise ex- plain the sudden and complete stripping of trees by the early frosts, when the leaves falling by their own weight sometimes form, even round the foot of the tree itself, a layer of considerable thickness. VII. — Physiological Conclusions. The peridermal tissue, which is only found on the exterior parts of plants, naturally a bad conductor of heat, and impermeable by * 39 2F Fahr., maximum density of water. 112 DR. K. LEDEGANCK ON THE FALL OF LEAVES IN AUTUMN. both liquids and gases, seems specially intended to protect the plant against the hurtful influence of the atmosphere. It is produced upon the stripped surfaces of the cortical parts, we have seen it isolate the leaf of which the life is ended, from the bough which remains full of sap and Hfe ; it even shuts off sickly or dying parts of the stem, and its appendages (for instance, unhealthy tubers), so that we may assign to it the term of scarforming, or cicatrising, tissues (tissu vegetal cicatrix). When we think of the large number of leaves which adorn the branches of a tree, each of which, falling, leaves a small surface made bare ; when we think of the enormous wound which these little surfaces would make when added together, if they were not already sloughed over when exposed to the air : we may understand how important a part the peridermal tissue has to play for the conservation of the individual plant. It not only prevents an ex- cessive loss of liquids by hindering evaporation at the surface of the wound, but it also preserves it from the hurtful influence of damp and decay. Therefore, we can only regard it as an admirable provision of nature that the development of this new tissue, after having served to separate tbe leaf from its support, acts as a pro- tection to the latter during the approaching winter, by preserving it alike from cold, wet, or drought. Translator'' s Note. — I have brought these observations of Dr. Ledeganck under the notice of the Quekett Microscopical Club, in the hope that it may prove an incentive to work on this most in- teresting subject. For myself, I hope next autumn to attempt the task, my chief regret being that this memoir came under my notice too recently to permit of observations being made this season which would be trustworthy or useful. 113 The. Best, the most Simple, and Unerring Tests for Objectives. By William Webb. {Read December 27, 1872.) In submitting this paper for your consideration, I pray that so much of the verbiage as prima facie may appear to be egotistical or presumptive may be treated with kindness, and not allowed to prejudice your minds until the whole paper has been read, discussed, and calmly considered. A double apprenticeship to the study and practice of the subject enables me to speak in terms so confident and positive that I fear to give offence, even in the initiatory title, viz. : — " The best, the most simple, and unerring tests for ob- jectives." Apologizing, in this company, for saying what is required of a .Test is of Definition, Flatness of Field, and Distortion. In speaking of definition in most instances I have adopted square measure, but where practicable I have expressed my words in lineal measure. To view distinctly the five thousand millionth of an inch is good definition. To view the same space with equal distinctness all over the field is flatness of field. To view an object, and to find it presenting an abnormal state, is distortion. I now propose to treat the Definition and Flatness of field together, and to submit that there is no test so certain as a series of engravings on glass. For my purpose I engrave a series of plates with letters measuring from one two hundred thousandths of an inch to one two hundred millionths of an inch. Each engraving is of the Lord's Prayer, varying only in size, commencing about the thousandth of an inch, which is at the rate of over a quarter of a million letters to the inch, and progressively decreasing the size, the next of the series being at the rate of a million letters to the inch, the next two millions, the next three, and the next four mil- lion letters to the inch. Having reached this point, and finding JouRN. Q. M. C. No. 21. I 114 WILLIAM WEBB ON THE BEST TESTS FOR OBJECTIVES. the Old and New Testament together consist of three million 5G6 thousand 480 letters (for the convenience of a stand-point), I say the lastly enumerated test is at the rate of one Bible to the inch and then engrave the next at the rate of another Bible to the inch, and go on decreasing at the rate of a Bible to the inch down to fif- teen Bibles, or, at the rate of fifty-three million four hundred and ninety-seven thousand two hundred letters to the inch ; bnt when it is remembered that the letters are written within two parallel lines, with spaces above and below for long letters, and to enable one line to be distinguishable from another, I most respect- fully submit that, such letters as *' a," '< e," " o," and " u," al- though averaged, with all other letters, with the capitals, and in- cluding spaces, at the 53, 497, 200th of an inch, being actually written within the lines, after allowing for the extra space occu- pied by capitals, the spaces between words, and the space between one line of writing and the next line, it may be taken that the "e" actually occupies only one-fourth of the average, or, the two hun- dred and thirteen million nine hundred and eighty-eight thousand eight hundredth of an inch. The measurement does not stop at this point, as there are other steps to be traversed — one, as to the dot to an " i," I say nothing now. As to the " e," it is self-evident that it is not a spot of black of the previously estimated less than 200 millionth of an inch, but composed of a bent and twisted line across, and about the 200 millionth of an inch ; therefore, the thickness of the line has to be considered, and, taking that at a lineal fifth of the space, the 200 and odd millionth would have to be multiplied by 25 as the square of 5, which would bring the square of the line down to the five thousand three hundred and forty-nine million seven hundred and twenty thousandth of an inch — and do not stop there, for that five thousand millionth is itself loaded in, and consists of abraded black atoms, grated in by the cutting edge of the glass letter, which atoms can be seen in diff'erent aggregations where the line has not been perfectly filled in, and if at the rate of two atoms of black in the square of the line, the five thousand millionth becomes the ten thousand millionth ; if at the rate of twenty atoms of black, the size of the atom is the one hundred thousand millionth of an inch. I now come to the most important and, to my mind, the most WILLIAM WEBB ON THE BEST TESTS FOR OBJECTIVES. 115 interesting part of the subject which deals with the tests un- blackened. For this purpose I must go back to the square of the line forming the letter as the 5,349,720,000th of an inch that, re- duced to its square root, gives 73,000 + of an inch linear as the breadth of the line. I mount the same series of slides in the way that Monsieur Nobert mounts his justly celebrated tests — without black — and thus open u^ a wonderful means of study of the whole subject, helping to afford the power of determining at what breadth un- blackened lines become invisible, even when aided by the micros- copes of the present day. In this instance the 73,000th is an absolute line, unbroken by a next line. When viewing the black lines ordinary direct illumination is sufficient, but when examining the unblackened lines it becomes necessary to adopt in its turn every available means of illumina- tion, because the cut, being wedge-shaped, each side of the cut, from every part to its very apex, both refracts and reflects again and again the light from the other. Again, the original upper and lower surfaces of the glass refract and reflect the light back- wards and forwards ; again, the top light flows into the cut, help- ing to produce the climax which blazes away the cut as the light of the sun overpowers or destroys the light of a candle. By testing by blackened and by plain unblackened letters, it will be found at what point the power of certain objectives ceases to be effective with transparent objects. I can define the smallest Lord's Prayer when blackened, that is, I can define a line of the 73,000th of an inch, but have never been able to define the same test un- blackened. More than that, although I know the exact spot that it occupies, and mark the spot with an Indian ink ring before it leaves the machine in which it is engraved, I have never (perhaps because of irritable temperament) been able to discover not merely the line, but the aggregation of lines forming the 227 letters of the very small tests, although they become perfectly distinct when black. If I shall be honoured by a full and exhaustive discussion of this paper I may be delighted to submit to the Club another paper upon the clever productions of M. Nobert, in the hope that I may be able in some way to assist others who may not so fully have studied his wonderful works, in arriving at a just appreciation of M. Nobert's extraordinary, patient, and persevering skill. I 2 116 THE AGUE PLANT. It is not necessary to possess more than a short selection of my tests to include general purposes, and in some particular cases a single test will be sufficient. I now pass to the remaining part of the subject, viz., Distortion, which I believe is not so well understood, simple as it is. For this test I rule a slip of glass with fine black lines, and place it upon the stage, I then rule a disc with black lines and drop it upon the diaphragm of the eye-piece. If the disc be not in focus I turn back the screw of the eye-piece glass, or if this be not suf- ficient I shift the diaphragm until I get my focus. I then bring the lines on the stage into focus, and parallel with the eye-piece lines. If the objective shall be found to have the usual distortion, it will instantly be seen that although the central stage line is straight and perfectly parallel with, and covered from the top to the bottom of the field by the central eye-piece line, yet the other stage lines bend their ends in a curvi-linear direction from the centre of the field. Upon moving the stage the line that appeared straight assumes the circular form, and one of the bent lines gets into the centre and assumes its straight appearance, and so on, at every motion of the stage. Upon one occasion, working with a fifth, I was puzzled by a distortion of a kind I could not understand, and a distortion I had never before noticed. Upon resorting to my tests I found the lines bent not from their centre, but straight and parallel through half the lower part of the field, and through the upper three- quarters of the field they spread out like the feathers in the crest of the Prince of Wales. I then knew that the lens (perhaps by a blow or fall), had become displaced, so as to destroy its parallelism. I shall be glad if discussion may evolve any better Tests. The Ague Plant.* Some years since I became interested in the statements of Dr. J. H. Salisbury, of Cleveland, Ohio, in reference to the germs of ague. Dr. Salisburyj* believes to have discovered the malarial essence in the cells of certain Palmelloid plants. Desiring to in- vestigate the subject, I sought for the plants described by him, in * From "Grevillea" No. 6, 1872. t See American Journal of Medical Sciences, 1866. THE AGUE PLANT. 117 the ague bottom of the Mississippi river, opposite Keokuk, Iowa, lat. 10"^ 25'. Not being provided with a suitable microscope, I was unable to discover the microscopic algae described by the doctor. I was pleased, however, to find the fungi, samples of which I send you. Generally it answers Salisbury's description. It does not correspond in these important particulars : Salis- bury's plants are so minute that it requires a ^^owerful lens to render them visible. A single specimen of plant may be discovered as you stand. Salisbury's jDlants were not less. These have roots ^ or y^^ of an inch in length. They grow on the flat moist allu- vium of the slough and river margins and their drying beds ; in the vicinity of such localities they may be found on ordinary soil in damp places, even at some elevation. The specimens sent you are green ; I have observed them slate-coloured, pink, and black. They vary in size from a mere point to -^^ of an inch in diameter. When in natural state they are globular in shape and of a fresh colour, when covered with water they swell and present a gelati- nous appearance. They discharge their spores when ripe by slit- ting open at the top and a falling in, collapsing of the upper cir- cumference ; so that a discharged plant appears cup- shaped, and to the naked eye it seems to have lost the upper half of its circum- ference. So far as I have been able to determine with the imper- fect means of observation at my command, the cells are composed of two walls, the outer green or (otherwise coloured), composed of laminated cells, the inner white and structureless. Upon punctur- ing the plants a liquid is forcibly ejected. I have never been able to discover the contained cells for want of a good microscope. By placing the cake of earth sent you in a plate, and adding water enough to make it of about the consistence of potter's clay, and keeping it at a temperature above 60'^, you will find a fresh crop of the plant to develop, and you will thus have an opportunity of studying them. Should you allow them to flourish, and remain uncovered in your room, you might have the satisfaction of demon- strating the '* cause of ague." This fungus was first found, so far as I know, by Dr. J. P. Safford, of Keokuk, who was kind enough to search for me while I visited an ague patient. In the locality of their growth they are to be seen in myriads, and near them, even on elevations of over 100 feet, everybody had the ague. The course of this disease seemed pari passu with that of the plant. Dk. John Bartlett, Chicago. 118 PROCEEDINGS. September IStli, 1872.— Conversational Meeting. The following objects were exliibited : — Scales of Polyommatus Alexis ••• Section of Haman Skin shewing Sweat Glands ... Surirella gemma nndev a 25111., shewing longitu- 7 dinal markings between the costse ... ^ Lampyris noctiluca (alive and alight) ... 7 Nerves of Teeth ... ... ... ^ Polynema (Hymenoptera), alive Striped Muscular Fibre ... ... 7 Selected Diatoms incident light ... -> Spicula 8pongilla fluviatilis Iron Pyrites in Flint ... ... ... 7 Elytron of Lordops Gyllenlialii ... J Diatomacese and Ichaboe Guano Mr. Burch. Mr. Topping. Mr. Hickie. Mr. T. C. White. Mr. Fitch. Dr. Matthews. Dr. Eamsbottom. Mr. Ward. Mr. Goodinge. Attendance — Members, 44; Visitors, 4. September 27th, 1872.^ — Chairman — Dr. E,. Braithwaite, F.L.S., &c., President. The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. Dr. Braithwaite, in occupying the chair for the first time since the annual meeting as the President of the Club, hoped that the progress of the Club would still be continuous, and promised a short series of papers on Elementary Botany. He said — I may take the opportunity of my first occupation of this chair to say a few words on the present and future of the Quekett Microscopical Club. My position is somewhat like that of a captain on taking charge of a new ship — his first duty will be to inspect the vessel, and see if the timbers be sound, and the sails and rigging in good order ; and on this score I feel there need be no mis- giving. The next point is, as to the cargo our ship is laden with on each monthly voyage into this excellent port ; is it valuable grain, with now and then some precious stones, or is it only unprofitable ballast ? I fear we have drifted a little into the " rest and be thankful " condition, and in considering what more might be done to render the Club useful to the members at large, it has struck me that there are many groups in Natural History which, if treated somewhat exhaustively, would yield valuable instruction to all. For instance, in a few months you will have in your library Sir J. Lubbock's great work on " The British Thysanura." With such a guide, what could be more delightful than to 119 have the structure and habits of these interesting little animals brought before us by one of our members who is known to be well acquainted with the subject, and the whole illustrated by the microscope ; and so with other groups ? Then there is the great and imjiortant department of Histology — Animal and Veget- able. What subject could do more honour to the name of Quekett than this ? That precept, however, may not be without example, I purpose to bring before you a few papers " On the Elementary Tissues of Plants," but not to the ex- clusion of those shorter communications which often prove such an interesting feature in our proceedings. The following Donations were announced : — "The Monthly Microscopical Journal " from the Publisher, *' Science Gossip " ... ,, "Proceedings of the Royal Society," No. 136 ... the Society. '' The Journal of the London Institution " ... the Institution. "The American Naturalist" ... ... ... in exchange. *' The Archives of Science of Orleans County 7 Society '' ... ... ... 3 " The Smithsonian Report for 1870 "... ... „ Nine Slides for the Cabinet ... ... ... Mr. Arthur Cottam. Four Slides... ... ... ... ... Mr. Martin Burgess The following members were elected :— Edward Bartlett, jun., Rt. Hon. Lord Borthwick, William Bugby, William Bush, Chas. T. Conolly, L.S.A., His Grace the Archbishop of Westminster. Paper by Mr. John E. Ingpen, F.R.M.S., "On a New Standard Dynamo- meter for ascertaining at once the magnifying powers of Microscopical Objectives." Paper by Mr. D. E. Goddard, " On the Value of Comparative Study.'' Mr. Jas. W. Ward, of the New York Bailey Club, one of the visitors of the evening, being called upon by the President, said he would take the opportunity, so courteously offered, to express the great gratification he had experienced in being able to attend several meetings of the Quekett, with whose pro?eeding3 those of his own little club at home, which was formed especially for work and study, were so much in harmony, though moving in a much smaller field. In regard to the subject which had mainly occupied the attention of the meeting this evening, he would say he was glad to find it was one the importance of wliich was recognised by the gentlemen he had the pleasure of addressing. It had received considerable attention in America ; the initiative of the discussion having really been taken by the club he had the honour to represent, and it was now very generally felt that a reform in the rating and estimation of objectives was widely called for. It was of the utmost importance in any serious micros- copic examination, to be assured of the exact power of the objective under em- ployment ; not only for the purpose of comparing the relative capabilities of different objectives, but more particularly of knowing accurately and at all times the exact amplification of any object or material submitted to examination. The present method of rating objectives was quite inaccurate, and could not be relied on for the information desired. He thought that makers ought to be re- quired—perhaps compelled would not be too strong an expression —to stamp upon each of their objectives its magnifying power, irrespective of eye-piece. Every objective has a fixed magnifying power per se, of which its actual ampli- fication, in any case of use with the complete instrument, is only that power multiplied by the power of the eye-piece ; and that particular power of each 120 objective should be ascertained and engraved upon it— if not by its maker, then by some standard authority, such as has been proposed here this evening. Mr. Ward also said he would call attention to the carious material exhibited by Mr. Topping on one of the stands. The substance entered into the com- position of a shelly rock of the Tertiary series, forming extensive elevated beds in Western Iowa. He had brought some fragments with him from the United States, from which Mr. Topping had prepared a few slides. The substmce would be found interesting in many respects. It was found embedded in the coarse cement, or matrix, which held together the constituent shells of the rock, the general character of which was cretaceous; but this material would be seen to be composed of minute globular grains of silex, without cement or admixture of any kind. Each grain was a microscopic globe of silex, perfectly transparent and free. In water they would be seen to roll about like marbles. They were less than the -j^qq of an inch in diameter, and when laid out in quantity, flat upon a slide, they would each show the transmitted image of any suitable object held below the stage, as was the case with the facets of the eye of a beetle. On breaking up the hard, granular matrix of the rock it would be found to contain, mostly in a fragmentary state, the frustules of half-a- dozen species of fresh-water diatoms, interesting to any who may still be sceptical on that question, as proving, incontestably, the existence of very ancient fossil diatoms. The following objects were exhibited : — Diatoms and Podura Scale, with dark ground illumi- 7 M • P n W'll" nation ... ... ... ... ^ " * Injected Voluntary Muscle of Frog... ... ... Mr. A. Topping. AcariofBat ... ... ... ... ... Mr. J. A. Smith. Alcyonella stagnorum ... ... ... ... Mr. Geo. Burch. Acarus of Phalangium (alive), and various Insect") -^^^ Pr d F't h Mountings (dry) ... ... ... S Arrangement for Protecting High Powers when in ■) M E P,' 1 d use ... ... ... ... ... 5 * * Triceratium armatum\ , ,„ . ^„ i ... ... ... ... Mr. J. W. Goodinge. Acan of Sparrow ■' r J. W. Ward, of the Globular Silica, from America ... ... -5 Bailey Microscopical Members present, 73 ; Visitors, 12. Society, U.S.A. October 11th, 1872. — Conversational Meeting. The following objects were exhibited : — Insects (various) from Ceylon Mr. Hailes. Injected Tendon of Horse Mr. A. Topping. Turbot scale ... Dr. Matthews. Seed oi SpJioenogyne speciosa Mr, Golding. Section of Spinal Cord (human) Mr. Curties. Daphnia pulex (alive)... Mr. Martinelli. Male Gnat, with parasites ) Exuvium of Froghopper ' Nostoc comm.une Mr. Ingpen. Galinsoga parvijlora (fruit) Mr. Jackson. 121 October 25tli, 1872. — Chairman — Dr. R. Braithwaite, F.L.S., &c., President. The following Donations to tlie Club were announced :— " The Monthly Microscopical Journal " from the Publisher. " Science Gossip" . ,, *' The Popular Science Review" ,, " Proceedings of the Royal Society," No. 137,... the Society. Annual Report and Proceedings of the Bristol") Natural History Society... J A Paper on Callograptus radicans, by Mr. ) , i . , , John Hopkinson _... 3 "Proceedings of the Geologists' Association"... the Association. *' The American Naturalist " in exchange. Six Slides from Mr. Thos. Rogers. The thanks of the Club were unanimously voted to the donors. The following gentlemen were balloted for and duly elected members of the Club : — Mr Frederick William Andrew, junr,, Mr. Charles G. Dunning, Mr. E. W. Jones, Mr. W. H. Price, Mr. Phillip Vallance, and Mr. James Watkins, L.C.P. The President then called upon Dr. Lionel S, Beale to read a paper. Dr. Beale delivered a highly interesting communication upon "Bioplasm," illustrating the subject by means of colored diagrams. The President felt sure that all the members present would join very cordially in a vote of thanks to Dr. Beale for his very valuable and interesting remarks. Not having been able to follow up the subject practically, he was not himself qualified to speak upon it, but he must confess that his convictions went greatly with Dr. Beale in the matter. One thing just occurred to him in connection with the subject, and this was that they found that after the greatest care had been taken to exclude living particles from liquids, yet life had been developed even after the liquids had been exposed to great heat. There must, he thought, be some fallacy in supposing that such particles had been destroyed; and per- haps Dr. Beale could tell them where this fallacy laid ? Mr. B. T. Lowne said that there was, of course, a great deal in Dr. Beale's remarks with which he most cordially agreed, but he must also say that there was a great deal with which he most cordially disagreed. He would not, how- ever, enter into the subject then, but would like just to ask why the word vital should be so much more easy to understand than the word molecular ? Molecular means what we know so little about, and vital is a term about which we think we know something, but about which really we know very little. Dr. Beale said he feared that it would not be possible then to go into the question raised by the President, seeing that it would lead them into the tre- mendous subject of spontaneous generation, and perhaps, after all nothing which he could say would influence those who were believers in it. For his own ptart, he could only say that after a most careful study of the arguments in favor of the doctrine of spontaneous generation, heterogenesis, or abiogenesis, and a careful examination of the experiments which were adduced in its support, he could not see good reason for accepting them as at all conclusive, although there were undoubtedly a great many persons of high standing — Pouchet, Owen, and many more — who thought otherwise. One thing seemed to him very re- markable, namely;, that every living form which had been "produced" in the 122 course of heterogenetic experiments was exactly like the living forms which were known and admitted to have been produced from parental organisms. He disliked to discuss this subject because he felt he could not do so freely without offering severe criticisms and wounding the tender feelings of the faithful believers in the heterogenetic idea. He would have to remark that drawings were not correctly made, and did not truly represent what it was assumed had sprung from non-living matter. He would have to comment severely upon the kind of evidence that had been accepted as conclusive, and had been stated to be thoroughly trustworthy. He would be obliged to bring forward evidence to show that bodies figured were not what they were described ; and it was obvious this could not be done without offending those who put their trust in spontaneous generation and subscribed to articles of belief concerning which he (Dr. Beale) was a miserable sceptic, unconverted and unbelieving, not only destitute of faith, but wanting in the ability to acquire the least spark of faith. He even went so far as to think that the whole question might be upset merely on the ground of extreme improbability, for to him the development of the living direct from the non-living appeared one of the most improbable things that could be conceived. They all knew that millions of known forms all came from previously existing forms, but they were called upon to believe that a very few living things originated in a totally different manner, and in obedience to laws totally distinct in their nature from those which governed the rest of creation. And this, notwithstanding the fact that the gulf between the living and the non-living became wider and deeper the further minute investigation was pushed. Of course, people would say that he (Dr. Beale) was a prejudiced " vitalist," but he would wish it to be borne in mind that he had worked at the subject for many years before he ventured to use the term vital at all, and he was quite prepared now to give it up as soon as anyone gave him a better one to distinguish the actions peculiar to matter that was alive. He did not contend for any particular word ; they might call the matter A, B, or C matter, if they pleased ; and the properties a, jS, or y properties or anything else. If the move- ments of an Amoeba could be shown to be of the same kind and due to the same causes as the movements of molecules or lifeless particles suspended in a fluid, he would admit them to be molecular movements, and admit that they might be due to the operation of inorganic forces. But, as far as he was able to observe, he felt quite certain that if such movements were molecular movements, they were certainly molecular movements of a wry different kind from the "mole- cular" movements of lifeless particles suspended in a drop of water. The molecular motion of particles in fluid could easily be stopped by the addition of a little syrup, and they would recur when the fluid was diluted, but when the movements of living matter were once stopped they were never found to recur in the same particular particles of matter. Mr. Lowne hoped that Dr. Beale did not give him credit for confusing these two kinds of movements, or that he supposed he would compare the movements of molecules of hydrogen gas to the movements of a little soot in water. He supposed it would be admitted that hydrogen consisted of molecules ? Dr. Beale said it was quite possible to stop the movements of the molecules of hydrogen and of soot, to change their character altogether, and afterwards to make them proceed as before, but they could not stop the movements of the living matter of an Amoeba and afterwards make them go on again. Mr. Lowne thought that the molecular motion in hydrogen stops when that gas undergoes combination, and ceases to exist as hydrogen, only the same as 123 Amoeba when its chemical condition is changed. There were, he thought, in- stances where the motion of living particles was stopped and afterwards res- tored, as when living matter is kept frozen for many years without being des- troyed. Salmon ova were frozen and afterwards developed; it was customary to send out salmon ova to Australia frozen and packed up in ice, and it was restored to its former condition again on arrival. If, however, ova are boiled, they undergo a chemical change, and no recovery takes place after, just because it is impossible to restore their original chemical condition. It must, perhaps, be admitted that they had no clear evidence to show that spontaneous geueration takes place, although he (Mr. Lowne) looked forward to the day when he be- lieved that evidence would be forthcoming ; at present the evidence was un- doubtedly contradictory. He (Mr, Lowne) maintained that molecular changes in inorganic matter and those of the Amoeba were not different in kind, but only in degree. Dr. Beale asked if Mr. Lowne could give him a single instance in which any kind of matter except living matter ever moved in different parts in many different directions at the same moment of time ? Mr. Lowne, though not quite clear as to what was meant by moving in differ- ent directions at the same time, knew that a particle of colloid burnt sugar placed in a saucer of water would make movements quite compatible with those of Amoeba. With regard to death as a property of living matter, Mr. Lowne regarded it entirely as the effect of chemical change and altered conditions. Dr. Henry Lawson thought that it was almost useless to carry on the discus* siou, seeing that it involved so many questions which could not at present be decided. Dr. Beale had in his paper brought forward opinions which he had already largely written upon, and which must be regarded as very valuable, but still he thought that with regard to the question of development, it must be considered for the present to be unsettled. Dr. Beale had, he thought, rendered great service, and had done more than anyone to get rid of the idea of cells, or certain circular or oval bodies containing a nucleus, being the starting points of all tissues ; but admitting this, there remained the question whether it was the nucleus in the surrounding protoplasm which usually had to do with the development of the tissues. On this point he thought that they had as yet no evidence which would conclusively decide, and whilst he did not think that Dr. Beale had completely proved his case, and he himself leaned towards Wolff's ideas, he admitted that these were not so clearly proved in some cases as to entirely exclude the view taken by Dr. Beale ; and the only present conclusion to be arrived at was that there was a great deal to be said on both sides. He thought, however, that in the case of the development of bone, there was tolerably good proof that the so-called cell wall was concerned in the growth rather than in the nucleus itself. He thought that on examination of the struc- ture of bone, evidence could be seen in its immature condition that the so- called cell wall was, in point of fact, the structural centre, and became the lacuna which frequently contained within it tlie dried-up nucleus. In making these few observations he was not attempting to enter into the subject generally, but rather to draw attention to the more valuable points in the paper. Per- sonally he might say he was more inclined to Mr. Lowne's views than to those of Dr. Beale, but he was quite ready to admit that the question was as yet very far from being settled. Mr. W. H. Golding suggested that it seemed doubtful whether they yet had any means of ascertaining what amount of heat or cold living matter was 124 capable of enduring. To him it seemed only common sense to suppose that there was a difference between living matter and non-living matter ; and when it was said that certain solutions had been subjected to heat which had des troyed all living matter in them, and when afterwards living matter was found to exist there, did it not prove only that they had found something which that amount of heat was insufficient to destroy ? Dr. Beale said that with reference to the remarks of his friend, Professor Lawson, as to the development of bone, he could only say tbat bone, of all tissues, was the one which he should have brought forward as being of all things most likely toprope his point ; he had elsewhere, he thought, fully shown this, and had given drawings from actual specimens for the purpose of illustrating the whole process of the development of bone from the simple bioplasts. Of course his views were true for all or none, and if any one could give him but one single clear instance against his conclusions, he would at once give up. Of course it must be a distinct proof, and one which would in every respect stand the test of thorough examination, and could be readily verified and repeated by others. He was quite sure that Mr. Lowne had never seen a piece of protoplasm frozen in his life. He (Dr, Beale) did not think that living matter that had ever been actually frozen had continued to live. That a living animal, or a part of a living animal, might bo frozen without being " killed," was, of course, perfectly true, but who had proved that its living matter, its bioplasm, had been converted into solid ice ? Mr, Lowne observed that, at all events, when it was thawed, it became proto- plasm again. Dr. Beale — continuing his reply — pointed out that he did not contend that new living matter, produced by existing living matter, was identically the same in all respects as that which produced it ; there was not identity ; there was variety in many particulars, and this variety, in property and power, was a most remarkable thing, especially when considered in connection with transmitted characteristics. It was well known that there were strong resemblances between offspring and parents, but never anything approaching indistinguishable resem blance. There might be likenesses not only in the shape of the nails and in the skin, but even in the way the mind worked, likeness in weaknesses of the body, and the defects of the workings of the mind ; even rheumatism and sick- headaches, as well as good and bad tempers, were inherited. So that while it was clear that there were many endowments as well as arrangements of the material fabric that were inherited, it was also true that certain properties, and powers, and endowments, as well as peculiarities in the structure of the body existed, which could not be accounted for by inheritance- But every kind of living matter in the world, whatever might have been its origin, possessed properties like those manifested by every other kind of living matter, but differ- ing essentially from any properties or powers known to exist in connection with any form of non-living matter. With regard to Mr. Lowne's instance of the burnt sugar, if he could show that the particles of burnt sugar were capable of taking up material from the mc'lium in which they were placed, and turning that material into burnt sugar, then, but then only, would he have succeeded in showing that the burnt sugar behaves as particles of living matter. Mr. Lowne said that great stress should always be laid upon the word suitable, it was always suitable material which was taken up and made into similar matter. Now, if they took a galvanic battery, and conducted the wires to a Bolution containing salts of copper and salts of zinc, it was quite possible for a 125 compound of these two metals to be produced from the solution by the action of the current, and he could see no essential difference between the decomposition of salts of zinc and copper and re- combination of the products and decompo- sition of carbonic dioxide and ammonia with similar recombinations. Dr. Beale, however, interposed, that to be comparable with living matter Mr. Lowne's galvanic batteries should be capable of producing little galvanic batteries. The President thought that, as time was short, the discussion had better be brought to a close. It was quite clear that the question was not yet decided, though he thought that Dr. Beale had shown very good grounds for his opinions, and that the term vital was one which could not be objected to. Mr. English exhibited to the meeting, and described by means of diagrams, a new kind of apparatus for injecting, and explained the method which he had successfully adopted. It being then (from the lateness of the hour) impossible to show its action practically, he undertook to give a demonstration of the pro- cess of injecting a small animal at the next conversational meeting. A vote of thanks to Mr. English was unanimously carried. The proceedings then terminated with a Conversazione, at which the following objects were exbibited : — Lamp Micrometer By Mr. Burch. Palate of Haliotis tuber cidata... Section of Human Skin, shewing the growth -^ of a wart ... ... ... ) Scales of Foreign Butterflies, arranged as a "> bouquet ... ' Head of Fanessa, ... Tooth of Medicinal Leech Transverse section of Gunnera scahra Desmids and AmoebaB (alive) Argidus foliaceus Parasite on Wireworm (alive) ... Section of Glandular Stomach of Fowl Cyclosis in Nitella Attendance— Members, 91 Mr. Catchpole. Mr. Curties. Mr. Fitch. Mr Mr. Mr. Mr Mr Golding. Goode. B. D. Jackson. Mclntire. Martinelli. Mr. J. A. Smith. Mr. A. Topping. Mr. T. C. White. Visitors, 18. R. T. Lewis.. November 8th, 1872. — Conversational Meeting. The following objects were exhibited : — Cuticle of Qasteria ensifolia (polarised) •*' Desmids, Rotifers, &c., from Oban (gathered ) 19th July, 1872) ... j Section (transverse) Medicinal Leech Salticus scenicus (alive) ^ Orantia compressa Longitudinal and transverse chippings of Cuttle Fish Bone Diamond Gravel from the Klip- drift Diggings, S.Africa J Dr. Matthews. Mr. F. Fitch. Mr. Topping. Mr. T. C. White. 126 Eggs, Larva, Larva Case, Pupa, Pupa Case, and Imago of Laverna sarcitella Impression in wax of the Chambers and Passages excavated by Parasites in the substance of an Oyster Shell Series of Whole Insects Cyclosis in Anacharis alsinastrum Qemmnles of S'po7ig ilia fluviatilis Under Surface of Leaf of Laurustinus Scales of Papilio Paris Stephanoceros Eicliornii Demonstration of Injection by New Injecting \ Bottle J Ruling on Glass by means of a Vibrating Rod ... Mr. Jas. Russell. Mr. Hawkins Johnso Mr. Geo. Daintrey. Mr. Martinelli. Mr. Moginie. Mr. Curties. Mr. J. A. Smith. Mr. Geo. Williams. Mr. English. Mr. Burch. Present— Members, 53 j Visitors, 8. Total, 61. November 22nd, 1872. — Cliairman—J)^. R. Braithwaite, F.L.S. &c., President. The following Donations to the Club ^vere announced : — " The Monthly Microscopical Journal" from the Publisher. " Science Gossip " ,, *' The ^ixth, Eighth, and Ninth Annual Re--\ ports of the Belfast Naturalists' Field >■ Club'" J " The Journal of the London Institution" Nine Photographs of Nobert's Test PlateBands>^ Two ,, Amphipleura Pellucida / One ,, Frustulia Saxonica C with reports thereon -^ A paper on the Glacial Drift of North London,' by Mr. Henry Walker A paper on a New Form of Pocket Microscope,') by Professor G. T. Brown \ Ten Slides for the Cabinet The thanks of the Club were unanimously voted to the donors. The following gentlemen were balloted for, and duly elected members of the Club:— Mr. A. C. Goodchild and Mr. Thomas Spencer, F.R.M.S., F.C.S. Mr. B. D. Jackson read the translation of a Belgian paper " On some Histo-Chemical Researches upon the Fall of the Leaf in Autumn," which he illustrated by sketches upon the black board and by coloured drawings. The President felt sure that all the members present would join in a cordial vote of thanks to Mr. Jackson for the spirit which he had shown in making this translation, and bringing it before their notice. It should, however, be men- tioned that the views expressed by the Author were not new, for the same ex- planations of the phenomena had been made by Dr. Inman, of Liverpool, as far back, he believed, as 1848. He named this because he thought they ought not to allow tlicse Germans to annex everything in that manner. Dr. Inman, at the time to which he referred, showed clearly that the fall of the leaf was pro- the Society. the Librarian. Dr. J. J. Woodward, U.S.A. Army Me- dical Department. the Author. the Author. Mr. Hain worth. 127 vided for from the earliest stages of the growth of the plant ; he did not, how- ever, make use of the term " corky," nor did he speak of " cork cells," because at that time it was not so generally known that the material was so nearly allied to that of cork. The fall of the leaf was before their eyes constantly, and was on that account likely to be little noticed ; it was, however, an occurrence of great interest, and became increasingly so when it was found to be provided for in the manner described, in the early growth of the plant, and when the arrest of growth and the deposit of the cork cells was understood. He thought, how- ever, that there were some other circumstances which had at least some slight influence in contributing to the fall of the leaf. It was found that the ashes of dead leaves contained more of the salts of lime and potash than the ashes of living leaves j and if there was an increase in the deposit of solid constituents, this would undoubtedly add to their brittleuess. He thought, also, that the changeful nature of the climate in autumn must have considerable influence on the mechanical relations of tissue, which had ceased from active growth. In the tropics most of the trees were evergreens, but they cast their leaves at intervals, and it was noticed that after a very dry season they threw them off more frequently than was the case after wetter seasons, showing thus that climate had much to do with the process. The corky substance was found also in many other portions of plants — the cuticular layers, for instance, had it, and it gave hardness to many other parts. He thought that Mr. Jackson had done what was very meritorious in reading them this Paper, and he hoped the example would be followed, and that other members would be induced to bring forward translations of similar papers on common subjects -for although this was a common subject, it was treated, as they had heard, in a very scientific way. It did not show all that could be brought forward to explain the subject, but it was a paper of much interest, and showed them an example of the wisdom of God in making provision even in the early growth of the plant for that which was to take place during its later existence. Mr. Thos. Spencer said that he happened to be present on the occasion when his friend Dr. Inman read the paper which had been mentioned. It had ahrays struck him since then, on thinking the matter over, that trees which secreted resin did not show a general fall of the leaf. All that was stated in the paper hardly explained this fact, which was noticed in the holly, fir, and laurel. He thought that in those cases the varnish which was secreted prevented evapora- tion from taking place. The President said that the evergreens shed their leaves as well as other kinds of trees, though they did not do it quite by the same process. He did not think that the resin had much to do with it. The Secretary thought that analogous cases were to be found in the animal kingdom, and instanced the shedding of the horns of the stag, in which circula- tion, after going on for a long time, at length ceased in consequence of the deposit of calcareous matter at the base of the antlers, and nutrition having been thus arrested the antlers fell off as effete bodies. The President said that Mr. White was quite right in referring to this cir- cumstance ; in fact, similar processes might be found going on throughout creation. The fall of the leaf had, however, always been a topic of interest and was a favourite simile with the poets in all ages, — the leaf being taken as a type of human existence, — its early unfolding from the bud was aptly compared to the opening character of childhood,— its beauty and its greenness to the period of juvenescence, and so on to its fading and its fall as types of sere old 128 age and dissolution, and its corruption and renovating effects upon the soil as continuing the cycle of fresh existences. A vote of thanks to Mr. Jackson was unanimously carried. Mr. Ackland called the attention of the members to the circumstance he had mentioned at the last gossip night — of his having found an extraordinary mass of diatoms some time ago vp-hilst travelling in Switzerland. The position was easily found, and he hoped if any members were going to the place they would notice whether the same mass was to be found there still. He had travelled over the Furea pass in the month of July— and they would be able to judge of the season, when he mentioned that the snow laid upon the pass about three feet deep — from the Furea he descended by the road to the Rhone Glacier, and having rested at the Hotel du Glacier du Rhone proceeded to visit the glacier from which the river flowed. At the glacier there was a hut in which the guides stayed, and where refreshments could be had, and having passed this he noticed a large mass of a chocolate-brown substance, which could not have been less than forty feet long, and about ten feet wide and eighteen inches thick. His attention was attracted by this mass, and he at first thought it must be oxide of iron, but on taking some into his hand and squeezing it moderately dry he found that such was not the case. He, therefore, collected some, and when he reached home found it to be a mass composed entirely of diatoms— chiefly Odontidium. Last year he went to the Upijer Valley of Lauterbrunnen, and visited the Glaciers and the Schilthorn, but could not there find anything of the kind. He had brought with him to the meeting an abundant supply of these diatoms for distribution amongst the members. Mr. Ingpen exhibited and described an instrument which had been constructed for him by Mr. Curties for the purpose of ascertaining the power of micro- scopical objectives, A vote of thanks was passed to Mr. Ingpen for his communication. The proceedings then terminated with a conversazione, at which the following objects were exhibited: — Drawings of Microscopic Objects by Mr. Rochfort Connor. Dolichopus trivialis (Feintsiil Fly) Mr. Curties. Presumed Mode of Attachment of Web of~j Epeira Diadema J Ichaboe Guano Mr. Goodinge. Chalcedony (polarised) Mr. Hainworth. Section of Brain of Rabbit Mr. Oxley. Foraminifera from Egyptian Limestone ... Mr. J. A. Smith. Section of Potato, shewing Starch Grains,) _^ ^ „ ., > Mr. Tafe. tn Sim ... ^ Injected Bone of Bird Mr. Topping. Batracliosxiermu'in moniliforme Mr. J. G. Waller. Young Actiniae (Gemmacea) Mr. T. C. White. Freshwater Shrimp (alive) ... Mr. G. Williams. Attendance — Members, 82 ; Visitors, 7- R. T. Lewis. Mr. Fitch. 129 On the Histology of Plants. By E. Braithwaite, M.D., F.L.S. 1. Structure and Contents of the Plant Cell. {Read Januarij 24, 1873.) In tlie subject I now bring to your notice, I bave no original investigations to offer; my aim bas simply been to pLace before you tbe more important facts so ably treated on by Von Mobl, Prings- li€im, Sachs, and Dippel, trusting that, in a field so rich, some of our members may become workers, or at least recij^ients of some- thing novel or instructive. Linnaeus despised the microscope, and all information it supplied, and hence was far behind his predecessor Malpighi in a true know- ledge of vegetable structure, but Mirbel, Amici, Schleiden, Von Mohl, Hoffmeister and others, have in our own limes taken up the thread dropped at the end of the seventeenth century, and laid before us in all its minuteness and perfection the wonderful fabric of plant organization. If we set before us a part of one of the higher plants, a branch or a leaf of this Magnolia, for instance, we require but little mag- nifying power to observe that it is built up of very different ele- ments— of pith, and wood, and bark, in the former, and of a central fibro-vascular skeleton and pulpy pareuchyma, protected by a hard cuticle or skin in the latter. Yet, if we trace back the growth of such a tree to its parent seed, and examine the embryo of that seed from which the wLole has been developed, we find no such distinc- tions, but only uniform cells ; and if we turn to the animal king- dom, the case is the same, for from the cellular germinal vesicle of the ovum is developed by its inherent life forces, the bone and muscle, tbe blood and brain, that constitute the living entity of each one of us now present. Again, as we descend the scale equally of animal and vegetable existences, we find less differentiation ofpaits, until we arrive at those lowest members of each, wbere, within the JouRN. Q. M. C. No. 22. k 130 R. BRAITHWAITE ON THE HISTOLOGY OF PLANTS. limit of a single cell, is comprised tlie whole life history of the individual — birth, nutrition, growth, reproduction, death. Neither can any distinction be found between the primitive animal and vegetable cell, and since all organized creation thus originates, the study of a cell becomes invested with an importance that can scarcely be over estimated, and with that study we must commence our investigations, if wo would rightly understand the wonderful changes brought about by the vital processes in the multiplication and metamorphosis of colls consequent on growth. Structure of the Plant Cell. Each individual cell is an independent microscopic organism, which, according to the latest theory, is in its primitive state, like the animal cell, deficient of any enclosing membrane, and consists essentially of a little lump of protoplasm, enclosing the cell nucleus. The constituents, however, of the primordial cell are usually regarded as being — 1. The cell membrane, composed of an albumenoid substance. 2. The cell contents, separable into protoplasm and cell sap. 3. The cell nucleus, a small body suspended in the protoplasm, and composed of smaller nucleoli. At a later stage of its life, the primordial cell becomes sur- rounded by a second membrane, a case or capsule, the cellulose case, composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, the presence of which distinguishes histologically the plant cell from the higher animal cell. We meet with the vegetable cell in its first stage of develop- ment, in the zoospores of algse, the spermatozoids of mosses and ferns, as the germ cell of all plants, as the first endosperm cells in the unimpregnated embryo sac of many families, as Liliacese, Umbelliferse, Papilionacese, &c., and as young pollen cells in the cells beginning to form pollen by cross-division, which are best observed by section of young buds. The next step in the investigation of the free cell, is the obser- vation of the stage when it has formed the first envelope of cellu- lose, the primary cellulose case. This condition, hitherto the basis of definition of the living vegetable cell, is truly only a certain stage of perfection of the same, and is at once evident by the double contour of the circumference, and the firmness of the whole ; the R. BRAITHWAITE ON THE HISTOLOGY OF PLANTS. 131 impregnated germ cell, and tlie loose cells of the fleshy fruit of cherries or strawberries supply material for its observation. 1. The Cell Membrane. — Primary cell membrane — Primor- dial utricle of Mohl — is recognised by its single strong contour, the outline being smooth, or granular from pressure of contents on the delicate membrane ; in the germ cell it is extremely thin, so that water dissolves it, but in endosperm cells it is stronger, and by bursting the utricle in water, the contents escape, and a clear, slightly folded bladder is left. By chemical reagents we obtain distinctive coloration of the primordial utricle, watery solution of Iodine' tinges it deep yellow, indicating its albuminous nature ; dilute nitric acid and liq. ammonia a similar colour ; sugar and sulphu- ric acid rose red ; sulphate of cojDper and liq. potassa violet. The action of these reagents, as well as of syrup, alcohol, &c., which remove water, cause the cell membrane and its contents to shrivel. In cells where the cellulose case is also formed, the two membranes are so blended as to be optically indistinguishable ; they may, how- ever be isolated by endosmotic media, as sol. of sugar, salt, or iodine, and we see the primordial cell, like a little sac, closed on all sides, lying sharply defined within the cellulose case. The cell membrane alone takes an active part in the life phenomena of the cell, the cellulose case does not do so in any way. 2. The Cellulose Case. — Cell case, cell wall, or cell mem- brane of botanists — is, next to the enlargement of the primordial cell, the earliest product of the organic vegetable fomiative prin- ciple, and adapted to serve as a protective covering to the cell. It is also the most enduring part of it, for after all active life has ceased in the nucleus and cell membrane, the cellulose case may remain entire for an indefinite period. For the study of the cellulose case the best adapted is the free cell, as when combined into tissues their super-position and con- tents greatly interfere with distinct observation ; the first envelope, however, which separates after the cell-membranes does not become the cellulose case, but undergoes further transformation; for certain purposes, however, as the determination of structure, surface- markings, &c., the separated tissue elements supply the best material. As soon as the cellulose case has separated from the primordial membrane and become firm, it becomes evident under a ])ower of 350 diameters, by its double bounding line, and appears quite hymogeneous. Chemically, it agrees in constitution with the K 2 132 R. BRAITHWAITE ON THE HISTOLOGY OF PLANTS. carbo-hydrates, and in a more advanced stage it consists of pure cellulose, but in the youngest state of develoj)raent it appears to be intermediate between this substance and starch, which in a few cases, as in fungi and the cambial walls of tissue cells is not further altered, and is believed by Wigand to consist of Bassorin. Neither the solution of chloro-iodide of zinc, nor aqueous sol. of iodine with sulphuric acid, give any colour to the entire cambial cell-case of completed tissues ; but in AlgJE, where the cellulose case is distinct and firm, or where, as in the young tissues, the primary cellulose case is deposited within the cambial wall, Schultz's test produces a more or less blue coloration. 3. The Cell Nucleus — Cytoblast of Schleiden — occurs in the living cells of all plants, though in fungi and lichens it cannot always be detected. The nucleus is best observed in loose, soft tissues, as cucumbers, beans, stems of liliaceous plants, and the young hairs on leaves and sepals. In form it is lenticular or sub- globose, and its position is usually close to the internal wall, or more rarely near the centre of the cell. In many cases a true membrane invests the nucleus, but in others it cannot be demon- strated, though most probably it is always present, and in the fluid, granular, or waxy contents, lies another important element — the nucleolus, either single, in pairs, or many to each nucleus. In its chemical reaction the nucleus entirely agrees with the pri- mordial membrane. Solution of carmine is readily taken up by it, the nucleolus being most strongly coloured ; an immersion for 24 hours is necessary, and then washing in water with a few drops of acetic acid. 4. The Cell Contents, — These may be distinguished into Protoplasm, a viscid, granular fluid, forming a layer next the wall, and Cell sap, more watery and occupying the inner space of the cell. Certain firmer organic and inorganic contents are also found suspended in the fluid contents. Protoplasm almost completely fills the young cell, and from it, in course of development, the cell-sap separates into the interior. At this time also in the denser protoplasm, vacuoles or small cavities arise, which are separated from one another by bars of protoj^lasm, broadest at first, and are filled with the fluid sap. Where the nucleus is in the centre of the cell part of the protoplasm collects round it, while another portion is retracted to the inner surface of the membrane, the two being connected by the bars or finer threads of protoplasm, which R. BRAITHWAITE ON TFIE HISTOLOGY OF PLANTS. 133 pass tlirough tlie cell sap. When the cell nucleus is embedded in the wall-plasma, then the separate vacuoles unite into a single central vacuole, which becomes the whole inner cavity of the cell occupied bj the cell sap, and only in rare cases a few fine proto- plasm threads stretch across from wall to wall. In the very young first-formed cell the protoplasm aj^pears quite uniform, and as a finely granulose semi fluid. The next stage is a separation into two layers, one, almost quite homogeneous and viscid, lies close to the primordial membrane ; the other, more fluid and granulose, stands between the outer layer and the central fluid. This inner is named by Pringsheim the granular layer, and is usually more abundant than the outer layer ; in it also lie the nucleus, chloro- phyl, &c. One of the most interesting phenomena of cell life is the move- ment of the granular protoplasm, observable in all young living cells, and this, moreover, takes place in two directions. We may detect — 1st, a ^jcirietal current where the stream follows the outline of the cell wall, either simply ascending and descending, or cross- ing spirally, or branching in a net-like form ; 2nd, an internal cur- rent, which extends along the protoplasm threads, crossing the lumen, or clear central space of the cell. The simi3le parietal current is exemplified by the well-known cyclosis or circulation in Nitella and Vallisneria, and is also well seen in the hair-like radicles of the Hydrocharis morsus rancB, or Frogbit, and less readily in Naias, Closterium, &c. A single spiral parietal current may be observed in the hairs from the ovary of various species of CEnothera, and in elongated cells from the young flower- stalk of Tradescantia Virginica, and also in young cells of jointed hairs from stamens of the latter plant. More complicated spirals are well seen in the young elaters of liver -mosses. A reticulate, branching current can only be ob- served at the commencement of similar formed thickening layers of vessels and cells. The internal current passes to and from the cell nucleus ; a variable number of simple or anastomosing streamlets of granular stratified protoplasm run across on the inner side of the cell wall, or through the lumen of the cell, returning immediately to the nucleus, and after repeated gyrations, uniting with the protoplasm enclosing it. This phenomenon may be observed in every young, recently-impregnated germ-cell, in the commencing cells of paren- 134: R. CRAITHWAITE ON THE HISTOLOGY OF PLANTS. chymatous tissue, and in general in all young cells in a state of active growth, in which the parietal current is not observable. The internal circulation commences at the time when the proto- plasm and cell-sap separate, and vacuolation commences in the former, and although probably existing in the youngest condition of the cell, it is only when the granules become developed that we can distinguish it. The jointed staminal hairs of Tradescantia are well adapted to observe the gradual formation of the internal cur- rent ; by selecting young flower bads of various ages we may find hair-cells in every stage of progress, and a con*esponding develop- ment of protojjlasm, but a warm sunny day is requisite to exhibit the movements to advantage. The cause of these movements appears to depend on vital chemical action, and is without doubt intimately connected with the process of nutrition. The chemical reactions of protoplasm are the same as those of the primary cell membrane, showing that it belongs to the albuminous class of bodies ; the outer homogeneous layer, is, however, less deeply coloured. The Cell Sap is a watery fluid, containing various organic and inorganic compounds in solution, such as sugar, gum, dextrine, tannin, colouring matters, &c. Formed Organic Contents of Cells. Having thus glanced at the anatomy of the plant cell in its active living state, we may refer briefly to a few other matters found in cells, resulting from vegetative action, and there stored up for future use in the economy of the plant or as effete material. The chief of these are Starch, Inulin, Chloroj^hyl, Aleuron, Crystals and certain colouring matter. Starch is most widely diffused through the whole vegetable kingdom, and is of vast importance from the part it plays in the food supply of the whole world. Starch occurs almost entirely in parenchymatous cells, and in many tissues at all times of the year, while in others it is found only during the period of rest, being dissolved and consumed in the process of renewed growth, e.g., in the potato, which we plant in spring a heavy solid tuber, and turn up again in autumn a light, empty skin. In size the starch granules vary considerably, both in different plants and according to their age in the same plant, the limits being about '001 and -2 mm. in diameter. Their form is also R. BRAITHWAITE ON THE HISTOLOGY OF PLANTS. 135 yariable ; and this, with the position of the nucleus and degree of lamination, afford distinctions for recognising particular kinds of starch. We may distinguish simple and compound starch granules, the former being most frequent, and divisible into rounded, as in the starch of Potatoe, Canna, Graminese, Leguminosae, &c. ; jiatly orbicular in Turmeric and other Zingiberaceag ; rod-shaped in the milky sap of Euphorbias. The compound starch granule usually forms the segment of a sphere, and is met with in Allium and Colchicum, in the root-bark of Sarsaparilla, and in Bryony root. Each starch granule consists of starch substance, water, and a minute quantity of mineral matter ; the former is a carbo-hydrate, agreeing closely with cellulose, and appears in the granule under two modifications, one more soluble, which with aqueous Sol. of Iodine, assumes a fine blue colour (Granulose) ; the other but little soloble, and in reaction coming nearer to cellulose (Starch- cellulose). If the granulose be removed the cellulose is left be- hind as a skeleton of the granule, but its weight is only 2 — 6 per cent, of the whole. The true structure of the starch granule has been a subject of much dispute. The view long held was, that growth arose by ap- position of homogeneous laminae, deposited over each other from within outward, the dark stride being due to interspaces containing air, and the refraction of light by the edges of the laminae. We observe within the starch granule a centric or excentric nucleus, erroneously called a hilum, and around this the laminae are deposited. Now, Nageli, in an elaborate paper on the subject, states that growth occurs only by intus-susception, and that the appearance depends on adjacent laminae, which are alternately rich in water and anhydrous. The layers increase in thickness and size by internal deposit, then a differentiation is set up, and if it be a dense layer a matter rich in water is deposited in its median plane, and it now becomes spht into two lamellae. Often two nuclei are found in a young granule, round each of which lamellation takes place, and growth being strongest in the line connecting them, the nuclei constantly move further apart, until an internal splitting at right angles to the connecting line leads to the formation of two granules. If this dividing be oft repeated, highly compound granules result, as in the endosperm of Oat and Si3inach, also in the parenchyma of quick- growing plants, as melon-stems and sprouting plants of kidney-beans, in which they are mulberry-shaped. 136 R BRAITHWAITE ON THE HISTOLOGY OF PLANTS. Inulin. — This is only found in the compositge, and most fre- quently in the roots, as in Inulce Helenium, or Elecampane, Helianthus tuherosus, or Girasole Artichoke, Dahlia, Dandelion, &c. In living cells, it only occurs in solution ; but in dead cells, or after drying, it appears in small granules. It is best observed by soak- ing a lump of the root a week or two in alcohol or glycerine, and then, examining a section, the globules are seen to be single or grouped into spherical or hemispherical bodies, often adhering to the cell wall, and traversed by radially divergent cracks ; and after stay in acid, also showing concentric ones. Iodine colours Inulin yellow, and, like starch, it exhibits a black cross by polarized light. Aleuron was discovered by Hartig, in 1855, and occurs in the oily seeds of Leguminosie free from starch, in castor oil seeds, the Hazel-nut and Brazil-nut, as well as associated with starch in the albuminous seeds of Conifers as Finns Cemhra, It is in round or elliptic granules, like those of starch, without laminee, and is readily soluble, its reactions shewing that it belongs to the albuminous group. Crystalloids. — These resemble crystals in form, but they are of the nature of protein. Hartig and Masche detected them as a nucleus in Aleuron- granules, the latter regarding them as casein. They are found in the Potatoe as small cubes imbedded in pro- toplasm near the nucleus, and Radlkofer detected them in the nucleus of the cells of Lathra3a squamaria ; in the pulp of the fruit of Solanum Americanum, they occur in clusters of violet-coloured rhombic plates. Sol-Iodine colours them fine yellow, Millon's test (nitrate of mercury) deep red. Chlorophyl. — The green colouring matter of leaves is widely diffused throughout the vegetable kingdom, and is not contained in Vesicles, but separates from the protoplasm in amorphous granules, or it is deposited around some of the cell-contents, for by the application of alcohol or ether, the chlorophyl is dissolved out, and the substratum is left. Drapaimaldia, Closterium, and other Algae, and also cells of AntJioceros, contain amorphous chlorophyl, invested by the general protoplasm of the cell ; but it is almost always found covering grain-like formations, and the condition is familiarly known as chlorophyl granules. The substratum of these is of two kinds ; 1st, it is formed of a nitrogenous substance, pro- bably hardened protoplasm, which, after removal of the chlorophyl. R. BRAITHWAITE ON THE HISTOLOGY OF PLANTS. 137 is left behind in lenticularly flattened granules, -0075 — '009 mm. in diameter ; sucli are fomid in the full- formed leaves of Tulip, Holly, Sedum acre, &c. 2nd, the substratum on which chlorophyl is deposited, consists of one or more starch granules of various forms, and this kind alone is found in the leaves of mosses and Hepatica?, and the leaves of Mistletoe and IIo?/a carnosa. To return to tlie origin of chlorophyl, it is clear this must be observed in the earliest development of germinating plants. We find that the first kind of chlorophyl granules proceeds from colour- less protoplasm, either homogeneous, or with very fine molecules, and while it is acquiring a yellow-green colour it is formed into small spherical masses, which later become overlaid by the entirely green colouring matter. In the second kind the starch granules appear after the chlorophyl granule is formed. The origin of starch in chlorophyl is as follows : — In the perfect chlorophyl grain, there appear within the homogeneous mass one or more granules, which gradually enlarge and distend the grain, so that the enveloping green layer thins away, and at last dis- appears, and the free starch granule becomes visible. When the chlorophyl grain contains several starch granules, as these increase in size, they become flattened on the sides touching each other, and thus acquire polyhedral facets, while the free outer surface remains spherical. It is needless to add that extremely fine sections, and high magnifying power are requisite for these observations. Colouring Matters. — These occur as evident cell contents, either dissolved in the cell sap, or, like chlorophyl, collected in a granular protoplasmic form ; the pure blues and red as a rule occur in the former state, the yellows in the latter. Wigand believes that the blue and red matters (Anthocyan) owe their origin to Tannin, the yellow (Anthoxanthin) to Chlorophyl. Crystals. — The crystals appearing as cell-contents are usually oxalate of lime ; but tartrates and citrates are also met with. Crystals only occur in parenchymatous tissues, and are found in almost all flowering plants, in Fungi and crustaceous Lichens, but not in Algae, Mosses, or Ferns. The crystals may be single, or in pairs, as in Begonia, and in gemiinating plants of Fhaseolus ; more frequently they occur in groups of numerous crystals (Sphceraphides of Gulliver), which are usually deposited round a nucleus of organic matter, as in Rhubarb, Hoya, the leaf of Begonia, and stem of the India-rubber plant. 138 R. BRAlTflWAITE ON THE HISTOLOGY OF PLANTS. In Monocotyledons, especially Liliticcje, Araccae, and also in Cactaceaj, the crystals are in form of long needles, termed Raphides, which lie parallel in bundles, and often fill the elongated cells, especially in autumn, though during active growth they may be entirely absent. In the Fungi and Lichens, the crystals are usually very small, and not enclosed in cells, but collected outside the cell- wall. In the walls of thick fusiform cells (Spicular cells) of the curious plant Welwitchia mirahilis, Dr. Hooker detected numerous scattered rhombic crystals, and Millardet found similar crystals in the bast-cells of the bark of Acer pseudoplatanus. In active protoplasm currents sometimes occur small crystals, as in hairs of the cucumber plant, where they are octohasdral. These usually occupy the cell lumen, and are enclosed in a very thin envelope, which is probably the true condition in all cases. Car- bonate of lime has been found by De Bary, as distinct crystals in Physareae, and as little nodules or cystoliths in certain cells of species of Urtica, Ficus, and Acanthaceee. In still finer division and entering into the structure of the commissures of the cell-walls, carbonate of lime is found in many Algae, as the species of CoralUna^ Jania, and Melohesia, which on this account are highly fragile, and of stony consistence. ILLUSTRATIVE FIGURES AFTER SACHS. Plate 6. Fig. 1.— Young Pollen cell X 670. A, invested by the membrane only. B, after the cellulose case has formed. C, ditto, after treatment with Sol. Iodine, — n. nucleus, c. cellulose case, $. primordial utricle, i^. proto- plasm. Fig. 2.— Parenchymatous cell of flower stalk of Tradescantia Virginica, with a siuipl ■ spiral parietal cuirent of protoplasm ; )i. nucleus, p. protoplasm, cl chlorophyl. X 420. Fig. 3. — Cell of staminal hair of same, showing internal currents. X 6C0. Fig. 4.— Cells from stem of germinating onion ; a. the yellow protoplasm invests the central nucleus, and sends filaments toward the wall ; b. an older stage, the nucleus applied to the wall, fine threads of colourless pro- toplasm, chlorophyl fully formed, and lining the wall. Fig. 5. — Starch granules X 66' >. A. from Turmeric. B. from stem of Sarsa- parilla. C. from milky sap of Euphorbia splendens. Fig. 6.— Very thin section of cotyledon of Pea, showing starch granules in sec- tion. X 800. Fig. 7. — Two cells of Dahlia root treated with alcohol, and showing Inulin ; a. in water, h. after application of nitric acid. X 420. Fig. 8. — Crystals X 320. a. single octohedron from leaf of Begonia heracleifolia ; b. crystal cluster from the same j c. cell with raphides from stem of Aloe retusa. 139 The Potato Disease. Translated from Professor de Bary's Monograph op Pero- NOSPORA IN " AnNALES DES SCIENCES NatURELLES." It is known that the epidemic disease of the potato which has appeared in Europe since 1842, and particularly in 1845, is traced to the presence of Peronospora vifesta?is, a sj^ecies that was dis- covered by Mdme. Libert, and by Montagne. Many authors have treated this malady from different points of view, and it is particu- larly the relations of the parasite with the disease that have been the object of numerous discussions and controversies. In a work treating of Peroiiospora this important subject cannot be passed in silence. The various opinions that have been held upon this sub- ject are so generally known, that it would be useless to give a detailed exposition here. I shall limit myself, then, to a resume, and a criticism that supports itself directly upon observation. The opinions classify themselves in two opposite groups. One sees the cause of the epidemic in the diseased state of the potato itself, produced either accidentally by unfavourable conditions of soil and atmosphere, or by a depravation that the plant has ex- perienced in its culture. According to these opinions, the vegeta- tion of the parasite would be purely accidental, the disease would be independent of it, the parasite would be able frequently even to spare the diseased organs. The others see in the vegetation of the Peronospora the imme- diate or indirect cause of the various symptoms of the disease ; either that the parasite invades th-e stalks of the potato, and in destroying them, or, so to speak, in poisoning them, determines a diseased state of the tubers; or that it introduces itself into all the organs of the plant, and that its vegetation is the immediate cause of all the symptoms of the disease that one meets with in any organ whatever. The observations rigorously prove that the opinions of the second group, expressed especially by M. Payen, Montagne, Tulasne, Berkeley, &c., are the only well founded. I can only confirm the theory that one owes to the happy experiments of Dr. Speer- 140 THE rOTATO DISEASE. sclmeiJer, a theory tliat has been proved by a series of observations recently published in a German brochure (De Bary, Kartoffel, &c.), according to this theory the symptoms of the disease would be always produced immediately by the invasion of the parasite. It is necessary to recollect that the epidemic of which we speak is characterised by symptoms clearly noted ; that it is not a ques- tion of any malady whatever, but of a single disease quite special. This malady ordinarily appears in the middle or towards the end of the summer by spots of a blackish-brown, that appear upon the haulms and fruits of the potato. The organs fade, take entirely the signalised colour, and at last they dry up and rot. The plants thus destroyed can bear healthy tubers, but it is too frequent that these are altered in a particular manner. Their surface offers wrinkled depressions of a variable disposition and extent. In cut- ting the tubers, one sees the parenchyma that touches the skin of the depressed parts coloured of a dark brown to a depth of some miillemetres. The brown tissue appears to be more dry and more compact than the normal parenchyma. When the malady has made some progress the brown discolouration extends itself upon the entire peripheric parenchyma, and here and there to a more considerable depth, the entire surface of the tuber becomes wrinkled, and of a dirty-brown colour. The parenchyma of the interior of the tuber remains at first healthy and normal, but it finishes by undergoing either the dry or wet rottenness, and the tuber is covered with mouldiness, many times described. When one sows the spores of Peronospora infestans upon the heathy leaves of the potato, in taking the precautions already indicated, the germs enter through the epidermis, the mycelium expands itself in the tissue of the sown spot, and, at the end of a few days, there produces fruit. The tissue invaded by the parasite preserves at first its greyish green, later it becomes a little yellowish ; when the conidia have attained their maturity, the tissue becomes of a dirty-green, softens, then takes a blackish colour, and either dries up or rots. The blackish spot is thus formed. The tubes of the mycelium, that are con- tained there, die with the indicated alteration of the parenchyma ; but those that, in the periphery of the spot, touch the healthy parenchyma, extend themselves in it, to make it undergo the same alterations as those just described. It is thus that the mycelium takes a centrifugal development, and that this development deter- mines a similar extension of the black spots. When one examines the haulms taken from any field whatever, one always finds the L THE POTATO DISEASE. 141 same deTelopment of the parasite, and the same extension of the spots. Tlie mycelium always occupies at first the green and healthy tissue, that, the fructification of the parasite being finished, becomes softened and browned. One cannot, then, doubt that the s]3ots of the leaves may not be produced by the parasite that has entered them. And as to the rapid propagation of the disease, it explains itself by the great quantity of sporangia that the parasite produces, and by the rapichty of its development. We must re- member that the reproductive organs of Peronospora are already abundantly developed when we observe in a field the first traces of the disease. It is true that, according to the facts already ex- plained, the sporangia and the spores of the parasite require water to take their normal development, but the results of the experi- ments accord very well with what is observed in the cultivation on a large scale, where the progress of the disease is always more rapid when the weather and the aspect of the field are more favourably situated for the aqueous precipitations of the atmos- phere, whilst drought arrests the development of the parasite, and the progress of the disease. The appearance of the fungus on the fruit of the potato and allied plants, especially the tomato, has been known for a long time, and it is known that similar alterations are there produced to what occurs upon the leaves. As to the brown spots that are found upon the stalks and the petioles of the diseased haulms, it has often been denied that the parasite is found there, because one finds but rarely the fruit at the surface. Nevertheless, it is always enclosed. The mycelium that crawls among the cellules of the compact tissue is always diffi- cult to meet with. The intercellulary passages appear to be filled with granular matter, that nevertheless, in good preparations, show the proper membrane of the tubes of the mycelium. Their nature can be placed beyond doubt when the spots are strongly moistened. The doubtful tubes can then be seen shooting out their branches • these perforate the cellules, elevate themselves to the surface, and there engender the normal fruit of Peronospora. Besides, one can easily obtain the same results that are observed in the spontaneous state, in sowing the parasite u[)on the stalks of the potatoe ; it is by this sowing that the alterations of the tissue are directly deter- mined by the vegetation of the endophyte. In the altered tissues of the leaves it is principally the contents of the cellules of the parenchyma that undergo the discoloration ; the membranes take 142 THE POTATO DISEASE. the brown colour less deeply, often they remain colourless ; the walls of the epidermis alone present a deep colour. ' These, then, are the parts that the parasite does not immediately touch that offer the most perceptible alterations. The cortical and epidermic cellules of the stalk are in great part filled with a watery liquor containing but few granules, and upon the brown spots it is par- ticularly the membrane that present the deep colour. But, in observing the penetration of the germs, and the progress of the mycelium in these parts, one often sees that the coloration of the membrane commences at the point that is first touched by the tube of the parasite. Parting from this point, the brown colour extends itself little by little around the rest of the touched wall, and spreads itself successively upon the most distant cellules, which have no contact with the Peronospora. One thus sees that the parasite alters the point that it first immediately touches, and that the alteration propagates itself upon the perfect elements of the tissue. It is thus that the brown coloration often extends itself to a dis- tance of some centimetres, either in the superficial parenchyma or in the vascular bundles. In the tubers the wrinkled and brown parts that characterize the disease are always occupied by the Peronospora. I will not repeat here the numerous descriptions that we possess of the structure, and of the alterations of these parts. I will only add the fact that the mycelium always creeps along the brown cells. It has been already seen, without doubt, by Martins,* who, in describing the diseased tissue, makes mention of intercellulary passages filled with granular matter. In examining attentively the tissue in question, one can easily find these pretended passages, but at the same time one can convince oneself that these are the ordinary tubes of the mycelium, furnished by a proper membrane, often thickened, mak- ing themselves passages amongst the cellules of the parenchyma. It is not always easy to find or follow these tubes, because the brown tissue is too opaque for one to well observe them in the microscope in thin slices, and because in these very thin slices the tubes are frequently cut, and are in consequence little visible. There is, nevertheless, a means of convincing oneself of the pre- sence of the mycelium, and of proving rigorously, at the same time, that the intercellulary tubes belong in reality to the Perono- spora. When a diseased tuber is cut and shielded from dessica- * " Die Kartoffel-epidemie," by Dr. Fr. P. V. Martins, Munich, 1847. THE POTATO DISEASE. 143 tion tlie surface of tlie slice covers itself with tbe mycelium and conidiiferous branclies of Peronospora infestans, and it can easily be proved that these organs derive their origin from the intercelliilary tubes of the brown tissue. The mycelium that is developed upon these slices is ordinarily very vigorous ; it often constitutes a cottony mass of a thickness of many millemetres, and it gives out conidiiferous branches, often septate, and larger and more branched than those observed on the leaves of the potato. The appear- ance of these fertile branches ordinarily takes place at the end of from twenty-four to forty-eight hours; sometimes, nevertheless, one must wait for many days. These phenomena are observed in all the diseased tubers, without exception, so long as they have not succumbed to putrefaction, which arrests the development of the parasite and kills it. One can easily imagine, after what has been said, that the Peronospora immediately determines the disease of the tubers, as well as that of the leaves, and this supposition is perfectly proved by experiment. When one sows Peronospora upon a healthy tuber one sees the germs of the parasite penetrate into the superficial cellules, spread itself in the peripheric parenchyma, and produce the same alterations which are observed upon the tubers taken from the field. It is indifferent whether the tuber experimented upon be cut or entire, exposed to the air, or placed in a humid soil ; the parasite ordinarily only fructifies upon the cut surfaces. In the parts of the tuber that are protected by the skin the mycelium remains sterile, or at least, only fructifies when a potato furnished with a thin, fine skin, is exposed to excessive humidity ; a condition which increases the A^egetati^n of the parasite. How can the mycelium of the parasite reach the tubers in the ordinary culture of the potato ? There is no doubt that that takes place by the aid of sporangia. When healthy tubers are placed in the earth, at a depth of from one to two centimetres, and when one sows the conidiaof Peronospora on the surface of the earth, watered from time to time, one sees at the end of from eight to ten days the tubers attacked by the disease. This commences in the tuber on the side turned towards the soil. It offers all the symptoms that have just been explained. It is not necessary in these experi- ments to wet the earth excessively ; a moderate watering suffices. When the earth that serves for the experiment is examined, or the soil of a field of which the leaves are invaded by the Peronospora, 144 THE POTATO DISEASE, the coiiiJia are easily found at a considerable depth. These facts prove, then, that the conidia are carried to the tubers bj the water ^Thich penetrates the soil, that this liquid determines the dovclop- nient of the spores, and the germs in the soil even, and that these invade the tubers, there to produce the known alterations. One can thus suppose that the mycelium enclosed in the leaves can arrive in the tubers in descending through the tissues of the stalk. This is a supposition which appears to me possible enough, but which I have not been able exactly to verify. If it be thus, there will be a second way by which the jDarasite can reach the tubers. However it may be, the first way, of which the existence is directly proved, appears to me perfectly to explain the phe- nomena in question. One will easily understand, by what has been stated, why fre- quently the leaves of a field are entirely destroyed by the parasite? while the greater part of the tubers remain unhealthy. However great the number of the conidia fallen upon the soil may be, they cannot penetrate when there is no water to carry them down ; they can encounter on their way numerous difficulties, at last they can reach the tubers without the quantity of water contained in the soil being sufficient to determine the development, and introduc- tion of the germs. The want of water can equally arrest the growth of the mycelium if this were capable of descending through the stalks into the tubers. The observation mentioned is not then in contradiction to the theory advanced, but quite the contrary, I believe that it receives its explanation by it. It is the same, it appears to me, for all the observations that have been made in the culture on a large scale, and I dare say that these obser- vations will necessarily agree with a theory that is founded upon conclusive experiments. I remind the reader here that the first appearance of the parasite in the season of cultivation has been explained in one of the preceeding paragraphs by the faculty that the mycelium con- tained in the diseased tubers possesses of conserving its life dur- ing the winter. Indeed, potatoes are frequently found of which one part of the parenchyma is infested by the Peronosjwra, while the rest remains healthy so long as the tubers are preserved in a dry place. It is by such tubers that the parasite is preserved, and probably by this means was introduced into this country. As regards the Mucedines that infest the diseased potatoes, THE POTATO DISEASE. 145 such as the Fusisporium Solani ( Spicarla solani), so often de- scribed, these are moulds which are nourished by diseased tissue, and do not affect the healthy tubers ; it can be easily verified that their vegetation is of no force, or very tardy, upon the normal tissue, and that it never determines a symptom of the disease which now occupies us. The vegetation of the Peronospora, then, alone determines the redoubtable epidemic to which the potato is exposed. Is the inva- sion of the parasite favoured by any predisposition whatever of the affected plant ? It is said that the different varieties of the potato are not equally exposed to the malady. I will not deny that assertion, without however being able to confirm it. There are certainly some doubts on the subject, because frequently assertions advanced on the same variety contradict each other. Nevertheless, in admitting different predispositions in different varieties, one ought to arrange them among the specific predispositions of which we have already spoken, the existence of which cannot be contested. As to the individual and unhealthy predisposition that we have in- dicated so frequently, it must be first remarked that nearly all the authors that admit it have positively ignored or denied the determ- ining influence of the parasite, and it is upon this last point that their opinions are supported. After what is known, and has been proved, these opinions are of little value. And I deny that the introduction of the parasite is favoured by any predisposition of the affected plant, either of the potato or any other kind whatever. Experiments at least show nothing in support. The parasite being sown with the necessary precautions upon a morsel of healthy tuber, this becomes diseased, while the rest of the tuber preserves its normal condition. In making similar ex- perihients upon the leaves analogous results are obtained. Com- parative experiments upon a quantity of plants of the same variety have always given me the same results ; nothing determines the invasion of the parasite except the careful sowing of the conidia. The plants experimented upon always became diseased when treated with conditions indispensable to the vegetation and propa- gation of the parasite ; while those protected from the influence of the conidia remained healthy. In very numerous experiments I have never found that one individual was more favourable to receive the parasite than another, provided that the cultivation was carried on under equal external conditions. JouRN. Q. M. C. No. 22. l 146 PROCEEDINGS. 13th December, 1872. — Conversational Meeting. EJ New forms of Hippuric Acid crystallised over ■ Sulphurous Acid Section of Blow-fly Clielifer (alive) Spiracle of a larva (unknown) ... Marine Diatomacese Larva of Epliemeris, alive and polarised Spicules of Gorgonia and Astromma (pen- -^ tagonal form) ... ... ... ... ... ) Spiracles of various larvse Micro-fungi ... Asparagine ... Aulacodiscus (various sp.) Pleurosigma formosum (Hh obj ., dark ground) Sections of Coal, containing a new and unnamed 'x epecies of Calamite, &c. Seeds of Calamite [■ with axis of Lepidostrobus ^ Mr. T. C. White. Mr. Fitch. Mr. J. G. Waller. Mr. Burch. Dr. Matthews. Dr. Ramsbotham. Mr. Golding. Mr. Ward. Mr. Hailes. Mr. G. Williams. Mr. Daintrey. December 27th, 1872. — Chairman, Dr. R. Braithwaite, F.L.S., &c., President. The following donations to the Club were announced :— **The Monthly Microscopical Journal" ... from the Publisher. *' Science Gossip" , " Proceedings of the Eoyal Society," Nos. "> 138 and 139 ) *' The American Naturalist " " Proceedings of the Liverpool Natural"^ History and Philosophical Society Paper "On New British Graptolites " J Three Weather Maps Six Slides. the Publisher, the Society. in exchange, the Society. Mr. JohnHopldnson. Brigadier Genl. Myer, Chief Signal Officer U.S. Army. Mr. Jas. Watkins. 147 The thanks of the Club were unanimously voted to the donors. The following gentlemen were ballotted for, and unanimously elected membera of the Club :— Mr. Herbert Barnard, Mr. William K. Bridgeman, and Mr. Charles E. White. Mr. Wm. Webb read a paper ** On the Best, the most Simple, and Unerring Tests for Objectives." (The paper was published in the " Journal " of the Q.M.C. for January, 18/3.) The President having expressed the pleasure with which he had listened to the reading of the paper, and his sense of the indebtedness of the Club to Mr. Webb for bringing the subject before them, invited discussion upon the points which had been touched upon. Mr. Ingpen said he was sure that the members of the Club would welcome a new test, though their criticism was at present disarmed, as they had not yet had an opportunity of examining the objects which had been described, so as to enable them to judge of their value as tests. Until they could do this, he thought, they would have to fall back upon old tests, such as the Podura scale and the P. angulatum ; for although we did not perhaps quite understand their structure, we did know what errors they would test, and how a good objec- tive should shew them. There was much difference of opinion as to the value of Nobert's lines as tests, and he should be glad to have Mr. Webb's opinion, and to learn his method of using them for that purpose. The value of the test objects in common use consisted chiefly in the extreme regularity of their mark- ings, in form and arrangement, and it seemed to him that such irregular objects as letters or words, or isolated dots of carbon, however small they might be, could not possess an equal value. He referred to Mr. Slack's experiments with colloid silica,* as shewing the illusive appearances presented by irregular fissures in a transparent substance. Mr. Webb had certainly introduced a new unit of measurement— so many Bibles to the square inch — which might be useful, though he (Mr. Ingpen) did not like the use of square measure. The smallest spepimen was on the scale of 15 Bibles to the square inch, and he only remembered this minuteness to have been surpassed in the case of the Lord's Prayer written with the Peter's machine on the scale of 22 Bibles to the square inch, as mentioned in the President's address to the Microscopical Society in 1862. Lines ruled on glass have for many years been used as a test for flatness of field. We were apt to forget old methods of testing, and it was well that we should be reminded of them. Part of the distortion referred to by Mr. Webb was due to the construction of the Huyghenian eyepiece, and exists when the spherical aberration of the object-glass has been well corrected and com- pensated. If this were not done, the lines of a stage micrometer would not be in focus at the edges of the field ; but when corrected, and the lines all fairly in focus over the whole field, the line forming a diameter of the field would appear straight, but the others, though really straight and parallel to it, would ai^pear to curve outwards, the curve increasing as the lines approached the edges of the field, the spaces between them also increasing in equal proportion. This was the case with all Huyghenian eyepieces, however well constructed, and this was the reason why they could not be used for astronomical measurements, as they did not give equal areas throughout the field, and a Ramsden positive eyepiece was used for that purpose, the objection to which was that it gave a highly coloured image. Mr. Browning had, he believed, made a positive achromatic eyepiece which met both difficulties. To test an objective for flatness of field a * " MontMy Microscopical Journal," January 1, 1871, p. 14. 148 positive eyepiece would be best. He thought that these miniatures of the Lord's Prayer would be welcomed as additions to what might be called " toy slides." Mr. T. C. White said he thought that it was to be regretted that they had not the opportunity of seeing some of these wonderful specimens of microscopical writing. He had brought with him a specimen of Mr. Webb's writing, but he feared, however, that it was very imperfect as a test. It seemed to him that if they had a number of lines, and these were not blackened in any way, that would they become so distorted by reflection and interference of light, that it would seriously interfere with their definition. Mr. Webb having intimated here that he had specimens with him, Mr. White oflfered to place his microscope at that gentleman's disposal for the purpose of exhibiting them. The President said he was under a disadvantage, not having had the opportu- nity of studying the subject, and he therefora felt utterly incapable of forming an opinion on it ; he could not, however, help expressing his admiration at the manner in which Mr. Webb had thus woi'ked on with such untiring ingenuity. Although Mr. Ingpen thought that these slides were not of much value as tests, yet from their extraordinary minuteness he could not think they were altogether to be disregarded. He regretted that Mr. Webb had not told them anything as to the means by which he had accomplished such surprisingly small specimens of writing. Mr. Webb said he thought the process would have been too well known to re- quire any reference — the machine was exhibited in the Exhibition, and members used to go and write their names with it there. He was glad to find that Mr. Ingpen had been kind enough to criticise his paper, because it was only by some sort of objection that information upon many points could be obtained. Mr. Ingpen alleged that the distortion was not due to the objective but to the eyepiece ; he would ask that gentleman if he had ever tried to use the Huyghe- nian eyepiece without the field lens? If so he would have found that the dis- tortion was doubled, and it would be clear from this that the distortion was not due to the eyepiece but to the object-glass itself. The fact was, really, that the distortion of the object-glass was reduced and corrected by the eyepiece if it was made by a good maker. As to the specimen mentioned as having beeil written by Mr. Farrants in 1862, it was announced in his presence, and it was then stated that if the tail of the y was left out, the breadth of the line mea- sured the 365000 inch, or at the rate of 22 Bibles to the inch. He did not doubt Mr. Farrants' word in the matter, but he could only say he never saw the specimen ; and although both he and others had asked Mr. Farrants to show it to them, they never could get a sight of it. He remembered that Mr. Farranta stated on one occasion that it was only by a piece of luck that he happened to have a diamond that would do it. At the Exhibition of 18G2 the only specimen which was exhibited by Mr. Farrants was the 4,5000 inch, and this was shown under one of Messrs. Smith and Becks' i inch objectives with a B eyepiece. As to the value of these slides as tests, that remained a question for the members themselves — it was only for him to suggest their usefulness in that way ; it was whilst talking upon the subject to a gentleman ("present that evening) that it had occurred to him that it might be useful if he gave them some of the re- sults of his experience. It was only by rubbing two dry sticks together that they got a spark, and so it was only by such discussions that they obtained much useful information. Mr. Ingpen had mentioned Nobert's tests, and said there 149 •was some uncertainty about tlieiQ. He hoped on another occasion to give them a paper upon this subject. Some further discussion then took place between Mr. Ingpen and Mr. Webb as to the cause of the distortion alluded to, eaoh gentleman maintaining his own view, and illustrating the same by illustrations on the black board, and Mr. Webb finally suggesting that if the eyepiece were removed altogether and a film of collodion substituted, the distortion of the object-glass would then be seen increased tenfold. Mr. Hainworth supposed that a great deal would depend upon the flatness of the glass upon which the tests were engraved. Mr. Webb said he used glass '003, and the spot upon which he engraved was itself so small that he could not conceive of its being otherwise than flat ; at any rate the diamond would penetrate to the same depth only throughout, so that the letters themselv^es would be uniformly flat. Mr. Curteis expressed a hope that Mr. Webb would give them his opinions upon Nobert's tests upon some futui'e occasion. The President having also expressed a hope that Mr. Webb would do so, pro- posed a vote of thanks for the paper, which was carried unanimously. The proceedings then terminated with a conversazione,,at which the following objects were exhibited : — Sections of Orange Peel ,, Cabbage Leaf Stalk ^Siirs o? Tiresiiis serra ... Micrometer upon Dr. Piggot's principle Coccus Aiirantii ... Parasitic Moss Specimens of Microscopic Writing ... Skin of Negro Circulation in Water Louse (polarised) Attendance— Members, 46 ; by Mr. Burch. Mr. Curteis. Mr. Ingpen. Mr. Jas. Smith. Mr. J. G. Waller. Mr. Wm. Webb. Mr. T.C. White. Mr. Geo. Williams, visitors, 8. January 10th, 1873. — Conversational Meeting. Sections of Blow-fly Eye of Lobster (section) Section of Horse's hoof Sections of retina of Frog's eye... Peptic glands of proventriculus of Pigeon Desmidiaceae (Closterium) Spiral vessels of Ehubarb and other objects, mounted in a new medium ... Rectal papillte of PttZeo; imians iepisma sacc/iamia (alive) Mosses, &c., polarised Sections of foot of Foetus (6 months), and 7 other Foetal sections Chelifer Members, 50 : Visitors, 9. Mr. Fitch. Mr. E. T. Newton. Mr. Sigsworth. Mr. Slade. G. Williams. Mr. Oxley. Mr. T. C. White. Mr. Golding. Mr. Burch. Mr. Daintrey. Mr. J. W. Go6dinge. 150 January 24th, 1873. — Chairman, Dr. E. Braithwaite, F.L.S., President. The following Donations to the Club were announced : — " The Monthly Microscopical Journal " ... from the Publisher. "Science Gossip" ,, ,, "The Popular Science Eeview" ,, ,, "Proceedings of the Royal Society,'' No.) , jQ > 5, the Society. "The Lens" in exchange. " The American Naturalist " ... ... ,, 3 Copies of -The tri-daily Bulletin," issued -^ ^^ Brigadier Gen. A. J. }" Myer. from the Chief Signal Office," Wash- ington 19th Annual Report of the Brighton and^ Sussex Natural History Society, and a [■ ,, the Society, catalogue of the books in its Library... ^ A paper "On certain Wingless Insects,"") the Author by Mr. T. W. Wonfor ) " 2 Slides — Crystals obtained from the | -^ a i r.-i a i|p„ vapour of coke ... ... ... ... 3 " 24 Slides „ Mr. James Watkins. The thanks of the Club were unanimously voted to the donors. The following gentlemen were ballotted for and unanimously elected members of the Club :— Mr. Francis Joseph McBride, Mr. James T. Powell. Dr. Braithwaite having requested Dr. Matthews to occupy the chair, read a highly interesting paper upon " The Histology of the Plant Cell," being the first of a series of papers upon Plant Organisation. Dr. Matthews proposed a vote of thanks to the President for his very admir- able paper, which he felt sure all present must have highly appreciated. The vote was carried by acclamation. Mr. T. C. White, in thanking Dr. Braithwaite personally for his elaborate paper, said it was, as its author had observed, but a skeleton of the entire sub- ject, each part of which would be most interesting if worked out, the varieties of cell, Raphides, or Chlorophyl Granules would each form interesting studies. With regard to the latter, he hoped Dr. Braithwaite would be able to give them some information as to how they multiplied by self-division. He remembered to have seen this going on in all stages one evening, uuder one of Messrs. Powell and Lealand's beautiful ^'g-i^ich immersion objectives; he should like to ask if this was the usual way of multiplying. Dr. Braithwaite said that it was certainly unusual, although bethought it was very possible, that such a process might take place. He should be very pleased to see the Starch theory, to which he had alluded, further illustrated on some future occasion, Mr. Charles Stewart inquired upon what grounds it was supposed that the starch granules really divided ; he thought that the appearances would equally indicate the union of two cells. Mr. White said that he had noticed them on the occasion named, in every condition ; some were so nearly divided as to be quite of a dumb-bell shape. 151 The proceedings terminated with a conversazione, at which the following ob- jects were exhibited : — Wood Sections by Mr. Burch. Polarizing Crystals... Eggs of Parasite of Hornbill Section of Wasp's eye Section of retina of Sheep Carbonate of Copper, &c Crystals distilled from vapour of Coke Also in illustration of the subject of Dr. Braithwaite's paper: Cells of Moss leaf (Atrichum undulatum), -^ showing chlorophyl ) ^ Cells of Allium, after re -action of Chloro- -^ iodide of Zinc ) " Leaf of Allium, showing cells dyed bycaroaine „ Starch cells from Potatoe, showing re-action of 7 )" Present— Members, 93 ; Visitors, 18. Iodine Mr. T. Curties. Mr. Goodinge. Mr. S. J. Mclntire. Mr. E. T. Newton. Mr. Amos Topping. Mr. Watkins. Mr. W. Hainworth. Mr. Goode, Mr. B. D. Jackson. Mr. J. A. Smith. Total, 111. February 14th, 1873. — Conversational Meeting. Section of Echinus spine, polarised Mr. Geo. Williams. Crystals in Water-glass (silicate of Potash) ... Mr. F. Osley. Ophiocoma neglecta Mr. Goodinge. Licmopliorafiabellata, in situ ... ... ... Mr. Curteis. Various injections ... ... ... ... ... Mr. T. C. White. Section of Ivy-stem ... ... ... ... Mr. Burch . Cuticle of Holly leaf Parasite of Bullfinch Cyclops, showing egar sacs Demonstration of injection A short lectiire " On the Principal Arteries Concerned in Microscopical Injec- tion," with directions for finding them. Mr. T. C. White. Members, 59 ; Visitors, 7. Mr. Hawkins Johnson. Mr. Martinelli. Mr. E. Bartlett. k February 28th, 1873. — Chairman, Dr. R. Braithwaite, F.L.S., &c., President. The following Donations to the Club were announced : — " The Monthly Microscopical Journal" ... from the Publisher. " Science Gossip " ,, ,, '* Proceedings of the Geologists' Association'' '* Journal of the London Institution" ''Proceedings of the Royal Society," No. ) 141 5 "Paper on a Hoematozoon inhabiting^ human blood, and a report of Micros- ( copical Researches into the nature of C the agents producing Cholera ...J " The American Naturalist " "The Proceedings of the Literary and 7 Philosophical Society of Manchester ) the Association, the Librarian. the Society. Dr. T. R. Lewis, Calcutta. in Exchange, from the Society. of 152 The thanks of the Club were voted to the donors. The following gentlemen were ballotted for and duly elected members of the Club :— Mr. George Hy. Baker, Mr. Fredk. C. Barnett, Mr. A. W. Chapman, Mr. Alfred E. Haddou, Mr. J. W. Jenkins, Mr. George James Jones, Mr. Francis J. Kittsett, Mr. A. F. Mayhew, Mr. Charles Mills, Mr. William L. Smith, Mr. William A. B. Williams. Mr. Ingpen said that he feared he had no improvements to bring forward, nor could he even promise anything new, but he thought that a gossip about eye- pieces might not be quite uninteresting or useless. The early histoi-y of the eye- piece was connected with that of the tt-lescope, the invention of which was due to the discovery that the inverted diminished image formed in the focus of one lens could be magnified by another lens, and this principle was not applied to the mi- croscope till long aftei'wards. The telescope and the microscope were, however, but modifications of the same instrument, and if an object-glass and eye-piece of equal foci were employed, a telescope or mici'oscope of no magnifying power would result. This form was used in Martin's " Graphical Perspective :" a net- work of lines ruled in squares on talc was placed in the common focus of the lenses, and the objects shewn in each square copied on similar squai'es ruled on paper. There was also a "simple" telescope, where the eye, placed within the focus of the object-glass, became itself the eye-piece as in the simple microscope. This had been described by Dr. Dick. The early eyepieces were either single convex or concave lenses, the former being placed outside the focus of the object glass, the latter within the focus. In the first case a real image of the object was formed, which could be received upon a screen, and the eyepiece was called " positive," in the latter there was no real image, but the rays of light from the object glass were rendered parallel, and so received on the eye as an enlarged object. This was called a " negative" eyepiece. This term was afterwards ap- plied to the Huyghenian form, where the real image was formed between the lenses. The Huyghenian eyepiece was perhaps the most valuable accessory to optical science ever invented. Huyghens used it merely to distribute the spherical distortion between two lenses, and so flatten the field of view, but it was also found to correct the residual chromatic aberrations of the achromatic object glass, by delicate adjustment of the distance between the lenses. The field of view is nearly flat, but generally somewhat concave, so that parallel lines on a micrometer appear to diverge slightly from each other at the margin of the field, while lines forming a diameter appear straight. This efi'ect varies accord- ing to the objective, the length of body, and the focal length of the observer's eye. and the field of view can be made concave, convex, or sensibly flat by care- ful adjustment of the distance between the lenses of the eyepiece. Various modi- fications of the Huyghenian eyepiece had from time to time been suggested and constructed. One of the earliest was the use of crossed lenses (i.e. double convex lenses of very unequal curvatures, generally 16) instead of plano-convex lenses. This arose partly from the difliculty of producing lenses with flat surfaces, par- ticularly at the edges, and rendered the centreing easier. Then there was the form suggested by Professor Airy (Camb. Phil. Trans. III. i. 61), the field glass being meniscus (11.4), the eyeglass a crossedlens (1.6). Of other eyepieces used for the microscope the "Kellner" forni with the focal lengths of the lenses in the proportion of 1.2. instead of 1.3. as in the Huyghenian, was often met with in Continental microscopes. In some of these the field lens was placed in the focus of the eye lens. These seemed to act pretty well with short bodies, but to be on 153 the whole inferior to tbe Iluyghenian. There was another well-known " Kellner " eyepiece, with a meniscus achromatic eye lens and a double convex single field lens. The field was very large and flat and the definition fine, particularly for surface markings, but Mr Ingpen thought the great size of the field distressing to the eye. By using a diaphragm making a square or oblong field of view, this eyepiece became very useful in searching over crowded slides, as objects were often missed in the overlapping of circular fields. There was an excellent modi- fication of this eyepiece by Home and Thorntbwaite, called by them the ap- lanatic eyepiece. There was another form constructed by Dr. Steinheil, in which the eye lens was double, consisting of two piano convex lenses with their convex surfaces towards each other. Various positive eyepieces were then described — the earliest, Eamsden's, still used for micrometers, the Eev. J. B. Eeade's ach- romatic solid eyepiece, Browning's achromatic for reflecting telescopes, and others. Most of the eyepieces described were exhibited and their construction shewn by diagrams on the black board. Mr. Ingpen concluded by referring to the recent suggestion of Dr. Steinheil to use long bodies and low powered eye- pieces (shewing an eyepiece suitable for that purpose), and by calling the atten- tion of the members to the desirability of testing their eyej)ieces as well as their objectives. The President proposed a cordial vote of thanks to Mr. Ingpen for his valuable communication. Carried unanimously, Mr. Burr said that he believed he was the originator as well as the first pos- sessor of the aplanatic eyepiece made by Home and Thornthwaite. Having used a Kellner eyepiece for the microscope, he thought it would be very desirable to get one of similar construction made for his telescope, and having talked it over with Mr. Hislop and Mr. Ackland, the aplanatic eyepiece was the result, and he found its performance to be very satisfactory, as it took in a much larger field than usual without kss of light. The eyepiece was mentioned very favourably in the monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, and it gave great satis- faction, not only to himself, but also to the present possessor of the instrnmeut. With respect to the Eamsden eyepiece, he had the opportunity of knowing that the late Mr. Thos. Eoss thought highly of it and fully intended to have done something towards making it achromatic. Mr. Ingpen said that Mr. Browning made a positive eyepiece which he believed worked well. He had omitted to mention the Barlow lens in the course of his former observations ; it was, he thought, practically the same as Tolles' Am- plifyer. Dr. Pigott said he had used and discarded it, but whether he gave it a fair trial before he took to his aplanatic searcher, he could not say. The ap- lanatic searcher no doubt arose from what was stated in the paper of Mr. Lister. Mr. Burr observed that he had a Barlow lens made to his telescope, because he complained that he did not get the mici'ometer sufiiciently magnified. Mr. Ingpen said that the great Newall Telescope was found to be not achro- matic, and that the defect of the object glass had been corrected by the use of a Barlow lens. The Secretary read a letter from the Hackney Scientific Society to those mem- bers of the Club who recently rendered valuable aid as exhibitors of objects at the soiree of that society. The proceedings then terminated with a conversazione at which the following objects were exhibited : — Tibia of Ovis Aries (transverse and Ion- ") i ti r n n • , gitudinal sections 5 ^^ ^^^- ^- Daintrey. Isthmia enervis *' Mr. R. T. Lewis. 154 Palate of Whelk by Mr. Martinelli. Sections of Coal (transverse, radial, and Ion-") << -^r j t? ggeii Mr. A. Topping. Fungoid growth upon moist water colours... ** Mr. Watkins. gitudinal Transparent injected section of Comb from "> k Fowl's head ) Attendance — Members, 6/ ; visitors, 13. March 14th, 1873. — Conversational Meeting. Injected Jaw, and the Teeth of Cat Section of Coal, by reflected light, showing dotted tissue Ovisacs of Flea, stained with Carmine... Tracheal System of Flea Section of Eush Fibro-cells of Orchid. Oncidium Ilarrisonii (polarised) Crystals from distilled vapour of Coke... Compound Ascidians Collection of cut and j)olished Agates ... Pygidium of Flea with Hh objective ... Foot of Cyplms gloriandiis Heads and Wings of Moths Tartrate of Potash Proboscis of Bogota (polarised) Fantail Fly (DoZic7(opMs) Mr. T. C. White gave a ten minutes' lecture on Members, 58; visitors, 5. Mr. A. Topping. > Mr. Burch. Mr. T. C. White. Mr. Fitch. !RJr. Richardson. > Mr. Freeman. Mr. Curties. I Mr. Swain. Mr. G Williams. Mr. J. A. Smith. Mr. Goldiug. Mr. Goodinge. Mr. Sigsworth. Mr. Canning, the use of Staining Fluidf Total 63. March 21st, 1873. — Annual Soiree. The Annual Soiree was held, by permission of the Council, at University College, Gower Street, and was fully equal to any of its predecessors in the attractions it offered, and in the number of visitors present. We hope to give in our next number a detailed list of the principal objects exhibited. 155 Ojt " Nobert's Tests." By Wm Webb. (Read 28th March, 1873.; Practical knowledge, acquired bj many years' study of the sub- ject of this paper, and of analogous work, has induced the hope that I shall not be wholly frittering away your time. I have pre- pared engravings for printing my illustrations, so that as to that part of my paper there shall be no misunderstanding. Every state- ment of opinion shall be accompanied with a numbered specimen exhibiting that which I shall endeavour to pourtray in words. The specimens, if thought worthy of a place in your cabinet, you will honour me by accepting. I may be forgiven if I state that astonishment and admiration upon my first examination, under the guidance of the late Mr. Ross, the agent of M. Nobert, and the kind assistance of Mr. Hewitt, of M. Nobert's Tests, betrayed me into an impulsive expression of in- credibility and the cry, '' Can such things be ?" Perhaps my mind was as much impressed as that of any one, and, as a consequence, I worked at the subject with all the ardour of my nature as ex- haustively as I was able. At the International Exhibition, 1862, despite the vibration of the gallery in which philosophical instru- ments were placed, and despite all the surrounding circumstances, I produced about half a dozen coarse specimens after Mons. Nobert. I have related the above bit of egotism simply that you may have a just appreciation of my labour of love. A very short study of the subject produced opinions totally at variance with those of every gentleman who (as far as I know) had expressed himself upon the matter, and that variation of opinion has never been altered, nor have I ever since been in accord with any one gentle- man upon the subject. My first proceeding was to ask " What is a line ?" My answer was " A line has length and breadth." If a white line be drawn upon a black board [thus] it will be seen that the line is bounded by black sides. To draw another line, the hand must be moved over or past an intervening space of black [thus], so that there shall be a black boundary to each side of the two lines. JouRN. Q. M. C. No. 22. l 156 WM. WEBB ON ''NOBERTS TESTS. The moment that intervening black space is annihilated by draw- ing a third white line, it becomes self-evident that the three lines have coalesced, and only present one line to the eye. About that I think there can be no controversy. Having arrived at the conclusion that a line must have a space on each side of it before another line can be drawn, then arose the question, '' What is the space between Nobert's lines ?" I think it will not be very strong presumption to assume that every micro- scopist present is familiar with Dr. Jackson's Stage Micrometers, having lines including spaces of the one-thousandth of an inch, or with foreign stage micrometers with hundredths of millimetres in which the spaces are greatly in excess of the width of the lines, and the lines, comparatively coarse, because they are wanted to be used with low powers, with which, if the lines were very fine, they would be invisible. Ten of the lines the thousandth of an inch apart would approximately embrace the field of an eighth of an inch objective with an f^ eye-piece, as in my specimen numbered 1, to which I shall have again to refer presently. Divide one of those spaces of the one-thousandth of an inch by ten and spaces each of one ten-thousandth of an inch are obtained, as in specimen num- bered 2, and this No. 2 is an analogue of Nobert's first band. To divide one of the one-thousandths of an inch by twenty would give spaces the one twenty-thousandth of an inch, as in specimen No. 3. To divide one of the one twenty-thousandths of an inch by ten would give lines each of one 200-thousandths of an inch, of which I have no specimen ; and, at this point of the study, I diverge from the beaten path and come to the conclusion that if it be possible to rule lines with clearly defined spaces they can be crossed with similar lines, as in specimen No. 4, where the one four-thousandths are crossed by one four-thousandths, producing squares each one sixteen-millionths of an inch, which would, I believe, enclose the largest human blood corpuscle. In this way lines with spaces the one 200-thousandth of an inch crossing each other would produce squares each the one 40,000-millionths of an inch, or, as the news- papers usually misstate, such a number as the forty- billionth of an inch. I claim to have some knowledge of large figures, as applied to this subject, but the last one, as a ruled square, is beyond my credibility. With all due deference to every gentleman who has studied the subject, I respectfully suggest that beyond the first few bands of Nobert's Tests there is not one containing a line properly so called. The difference of opinion between gentlemen and myself WM. WEBB ON "nOBEUT's TESTS." 157 is SO great that I am tempted to state as fully as I am able the reasons of my obstinate tenacity. If it were possible by fluoric acid, or by other means, to procure a division from side to side — that is to say, across the middle of the bands of one of Nobert's Tests, the vertical section of the first band would present this appearance — No. 5. And this is all clear enough — the vertical section would test the Test. Applying this vertical test to the fine bands, quite another state of things will be found to exist. In this last specimen No. 5 has the surface untouched, except by each separate incision. I now advisedly adopt the word incision, for the word line applies no more to these diamond cuttings than it does to the Suez Canal. If the incisions were to be filled with black lead or other opaque substance, the surfaces would become palpable lines. The first few bands would present the same state of things, main- taining the same clearly defined incisions, with intervening surface spaces, the optical effects of which T pass by for the present moment. Upon proceeding beyond the first few bands, and arriving at the fine bands, the vertical section would present the appearance of engraving No. 6. which is caused by the tool making contact thus, and moving No. fi. laterally a less distance than the extreme width of the incision, almost entirely annihilating the one side of each of the extreme or end incisions of the bands. Each end incision having unequal sides is most easily proved by focussing for heigh th and depth with a moderately high power ; but, when I come to the intervening in- cisions, the matter is complicated by other phenomena. To illustrate this clearly I have prepared the grossly exaggerated specimen No. 8. At this point of the investigation I cannot lay too much stress L 2 158 WM. WEDB ON " NORERT's TESTS." upon, or too forcibly call attention to, the different appearances of specimens Nos. 1 and 2, as compared with No, 8, upon shifting the focus. With high powers the plane of observation does not include the whole of the depth of the incisions at the same moment — in other words it does not include at the same moment the surface of the glass and the lowest part of the incisions at any one stage of the focussing. The higher the power the less the depth of the plane of observation, or, as is well under- stood by the expression, the less the penetration. This likewise is easily proved by focussing downwards, and finding the first appear- ance is that of the upper surface of the glass, with clearly defined holes, which would seem to be continued through the substance ; but, upon focussing a little lower, the upper surface is entirely lost to view, and the apparent holes through the glass become greyish black lines. Whence come these coloured lines ? The glass is comparatively white ! Why do not all the incisions present this dark appearance at the same moment? At some phases of the focussing of the fine bands one incision will present two black lines. Whence come they ? It is necessary lo understand something of this jDhenomena before proceeding further with the subject. Microscopists are well aware of the polariscopic effects of colour, and of the fact of ihose^olours being produced by refraction, or the bending of the rays of light at particular angles so as to produce only a portion of Frauhenhoffer's lines — the colour depending upon the particular angle of refraction and the particular portion of the solar spectrum brought under observation. To this polarization of the light by the bending of the rays transmitted through one bevelled side of the incision, in- tersecting, commingling with, and crossing the opposite rays, bent in an opposite direction through the other bevelled side of the incision is, very clearly, to my mind, to be attributed these em- barrassing black lines. Upon examining specimen No. 9 with the unaided eye, and by powerfully reflected light at a particular angle, the whole of the solar spectrum is brilliantly exhibited, but that is due to the combination of reflection and refraction, while if it be possible to absolutely cut off the top light, and to absolutely destroy the reflection of the top light from Nobert's Test, the polarised refraction of the transmitted light would still be present in the black lines. The phenomena of these black lines become more involved by the fact of the different lengths of the sides of WM. WEBB ON " NOBERt's TESTS." 159 the incisions in the fine bands, scarcely any one incision having its two sides of equal length in a direction from its lowest part to the apices of the ridge on each side of the incision. I say apex be- cause there is no other space dividing the incisions. And these apices are of necessity irregular, because however rigid, however perfect, however true may be the instrument, however capable to a dead certainty may be the projection to the one 200-thousandths of an inch, the very nature of the material worked upon, with the two facts that the diamond has bevelled sides and the incision has bevelled sides also, create a tendency to elasticity in the machinery and materials, and as an evitable result the inequality of the ridges, which can only be revealed by this or some analogous test. A little familiarity with the phenomena of the black lines pre- pares one to consider what must be the effect of the refracted ray from the long unbroken side of the outside cut crossing not only the refracted ray from the short side of the cut, but over the first apex and across the two rays from the two sides of the next inci- sion. This complication of the phenomena has produced such a confusion of aerial polarised black lines of light as to embarrass the minds of some gentlemen, and driven them to resort to a declaration of " spectral lines " without giving the slightest hint of their source, and, apparently, wholly unconscious of the remarkable fact that the so-called spectral lines can never interfere with the exami- nation of the incisions, if they were all equal in depth, inasmuch as the depth of the equal incisions and the spectral lines can never with high powers be in focus at the same time as in the equal in- cisions of the coarse bands where no one of the separate appearances, whether of apparent hole throu-h the substance, or of black line, or of depth, are visible under high powers at the same moment as any one of the other appearances. I am not aware that the expres- sion " spectral lines " has ever been applied to the coarser bands, which may possibly arise from the fact of the operator failing to recognise the dark beauties when arrayed exactly alike and with naught else than their own aerial presence visible at the same time. The production of the irregular polarised black lines I respectfully suggest is an incontrovertible proof that the diagram numbered 6, with its incisions having unequal sides, and its ridges of unequal heighth, is a correct representation of a vertical section of the fine bands, and the fact of Mr. Slack, after patient skilled labour, de- spairing of being able to obtain a definition of colloid silica beceiuse IGO WM. WEBB ON " NOBERT's TESTS." of tliis refraction of liglit is strongly coDfirmatory of the accuracy of my views. After much thought, I have come to the following conclusions, which I now submit, not as absolutely correct, but for the purpose of assisting other students in arriving at their own conclusions. For what they may be worth, I respectfully submit the following — That a micrometer with lines the one 200-thousandth of an inch apart ruled on glass is an absolute impossibility. That if it be possible to rule lines themselves of the width of the one 200-thousandths of an inch, to make them definable, there must be a clearly defined line between them. And, A clearly defined line in the same plane of observation. That beyond the first few coarse bands of M. Nobert's Tests, there is not, properly so called, a single line. That in the finest bands, except at their extreme sides, there is not half a line. That in the finest bands the only thing certain, except the edges, is the uncertain polarised aerial lines. That the microscopical world has been pursuing a phantom, and adopting a fallacy. That polarisation of light in the examination of these and analogous tests is a deceitful servant of the microscopist. That oblique illumination is another deceiver. That if M. Nobert were to attempt to fill his incisions with black, his finest bands would be merged each into one black line of the breadth of each particular band. That a test must be a known thing which some powers will either disperse or fail to define, as in the case of a spectacle vendor, who places before an intending purchaser's eyes, words printed in types of different sorts as a known test of visual powers. That there are no tests so reliable as plain opaque lines. That of plain opaque lines, there are none so reliable as a known measured congeries of contorted lines, as in microscopic writings, where the transmitted rays are partially shut off by the black, and in which the rays transmitted being transmitted by direct illumina- tion their definition is not interfered with, such rays becoming parallel rays, passing out at right angles with the surface of the glass, the unalterable law of natural optics being that the angle of incidence and the angle of reflection are equal. 161 *' Description of Turpentine Bath." By the Rev. H. G. W. Aubrey, Hale, Salisbury. Communicated 28tli March, 1873. The Turpentine Bath which has been jDrepared for me by Mr. Curteis in accordance with my directions has proved so useful and convenient that some account of it may be acceptable to the working members of the Quekett Club. An exact description is unnecessary, as a model of the bath* is sent for inspection. It was designed with a view to cleanliness and facility in handling objects during maceration, and to economy of space and of turpen- tine. In all these points it seems to me superior to the common method of tying and plunging the slides into turpentine. Assuming that all the necessary pressure for flattening the object has been applied during the drying process, the slide has only to be re- moved from the drying holder and slipped carefully into one of the brass cradles or holders and suspended in the bath. No pressure is exerted by the holder upon the covering glass, nor is it necessary. In most cases the drying process has caused sufficient adhesion of the thin glass to keep it in its place during the maceration, and if it does slip away, which with small objects is not uncommon, no injury is done, but rather an advantage gained, for it allows a final touch to be given to them, and also the complete and easy removal of the superfluous turpentine before the application of the dilute balsam. I have never found either cover or object slip into the bath from the slide. The breadth of the brass holders gives sufficient support to prevent this. Clips of steel might be substituted for the brass ones if it was thought desirable to secure the cover glass by pressure during the maceration, but would considerably increase the expense, without much additional advantage. The form of the brass holders is important, but if the pattern be carefully followed there will be no fear about their working successfully. It will be ob- served that when suspended from the lateral ledges the holder does 162 REV. H. G. W. AUBREY ON THE TURPENTINE BATH. not reach tlie bottom of the dish. This allows a space for any grains of dirt which may gravitate downward from the vertical position of the slide and object to float free of both, and when the holder is lifted out it is at once clear of the sediment. Occasionally it is desirable to empty the dish and run the turpentine through a filter of blotting paper and return it. It is not necessary to use more turpentine than will reach about half way up the slide when lying in the holder. In the matter of space I do not see how the same number of slides could be more conveniently packed. In my first bath, measuring six inches by three and a half, I have now sixteen objects suspended, with room for two or three more if I had more holders. Any one of these I can at once withdraw from the bath without disturbing the others, can place under the microscope, and according as it seems ready for balsam or not, can shift for a fresh slide to be put in soak, or replace in the turpentine. I shall be glad if this bit of apparatus should prove of use to any member of the society, I have reason, from extended experience, to think it a really serviceable appliance. 163 On the Histology of Plants. By R. Braithwaite, M.D., F.L.S. II. Origin of the Plant Cell. {Read June 27, 1873.) Haying become acquainted witli the structure of the cell as an individual, we have next to consider how cells originate, for on the constant formation of new cells all growth depends. A plant cell always arises within another, which is thus ap- propriately termed the mother-cell, and it is either the contents or the primordial membrane of the mother-cell, which is the active agent in the process ; in the former case we have Free cell forma- tion^ in the latter Cell formation by division. Dippel has so ably elucidated this difficult subject that I cannot do better than lay before you the result of his observations throughout. 1. Free Cell Formation. — This was first noticed by Wolf a century ago, but for a clear definition of the process we are in- debted to the researches of Prof. Schleiden. It is of universal oc- currence when once the first cell of a commencing organism has been formed, and may be observed in the spermatozoids and spore- cells of the higher cryptogams, in all germ cells, in pollen cells, and in the embryo sac of Liliaceae, Iridace^e, Compositte, Onagracese, &c. Two modifications may be distinguished — (1) when one or more free cells arise without the original contents being consumed ; (2) when one or more daughter-cells use up the contents of the mother cell, which thus perishes, its cellulose case continuing for some time, protecting the new cells. The first form is seen in the em- bryo sac of flowering plants, and may be readily observed in the Liliacese, where this organ is very large, even just after impregna- tion. A thin central slice is placed in very weak solution of gum, and in the parietal protoplasm of the embyro sac we may find all stages of the growing cell containing free nuclei of various sizes. 1G4: R. BRAITHWAITE ON THE HISTOLOGY OF PLANTS. in which we may distinguish a nucleokis and distinct envelope. As development progresses the nuclei collect round them more and more protoplasm, and in the cell cavity one or more vacuoles appear, filled with cell-sap. The second form is seen with one daughter-cell, in the central cell of the archegonium of mosses and ferns, in the resting spores of some Alg£e, as Spirogyra, CEdo- goniuin, &c., in the spore-forming cells of higher cryptogams, and in Pollen cells of Phsenogams. In the archegonium of mosses and Hepaticse the central cell may be readily observed; granular proto- plasm collects about its nucleus, and is well defined from the other cell-contents ; the mother-cell, constantly enlarging, distends the ventral part of the archegonium, and the young germ cell, invested only by the primordial membrane, grows quickly, and at last quite fills the mother-cell, the contents of which have been completely consumed in the process. If impregnation does not take place the contents of the germ-cell gradually become coloured brown, and the membrane disappears ; but if the archegonium is impreg- nated we find that resorption takes place in the wall of the mother- cell turned toward the neck of the archegonium, the germ-cell becomes invested by a double-contoured cellulose case, while in the contents large vacuoles form, and fine internal currents may be geen running between the nucleus and the parietal protoplasm of the cell. Origin of Tetraspores and Pollen-grains. — In these the primordial membrane appears to be formed round the whole con- tents of the mother-cell, in which free cells form, and the cellulose case is not the youngest layer of the so-called special mother- cell, as SchacLt and others teach, for at a certain age the primordial utricle of the mother-cell disappears, and afterwards its contents are invested by one which is not in immediate contact with the cellulose envelope. From this stage of development the young pollen cells advance from the broken-up mother-cell, and appear surrounded by a sharply defined nitrogenous membrane, which contracts by application of iodine or syrup. To this membrane of the daughter-cell, then applies itself the young primary cellulose case of the pollen grain, regarded by Schacht as a thickening layer of the pollen mother- cell. In the sporangia of some Fungi {Tuher^ Peziza, Sphceria, &c.), and in Lichens, the resting spores arise as free daughter-cells, R. BRAITHWAITE ON THE HISTOLOGY OF PLANTS. 1G5 wliich consume the whole contents of the mother-cell during their development ; and the same is seen in zoospores of many filamentous A]gdd and Fungi {Feronospoixi, Saprolegnia, &c.). After the destruction of the nucleus of the mother-cell, we observe as many nuclei as there are daughter-cells developed. Eound. each of these is collected a denser mass of protoplasm, which becomes invested by the primordial membrane, and then by the cellulose case, and thus the new cells are complete. In the resting spores of Fungi, according to recent observation, a previous impregnation is necessary to originate the cellulose case, just as in the embryo- cell of higher plants. The rapidity with which cells often multiply is truly marvellous ; thus in that great Puff-ball Bovista giganteum, which we frequently find bigger than a hat, it has been calculated that 20,000 new cells are formed every minute, and Kieser estimates the tissue of some fungi to increase at the rate of 60,000 per minute. The sudden appearance of large tracts of water discoloured by minute Algse is also thus readily explicable. 2. Cell Formation by Division. — Here the contents of the mother-cell, by a contraction or lacing-in of the cell-membrane, are divided into as many parts as there are new daughter-cells, and this process also offers two types. In one we have complete division of the living cell, i.e., the membrane and contents, along with simul- taneous division of the cellulose case ; in the other, during the ad- vancing contraction of the primordial membrane of the mother- cell, the division of the cellulose case occurs subsequently. In the first group a bipartite division only has been observed, but in the second both 2 and 4 parting occur. Bipartition, with subsequent formation of the case round two daughter- cells, is best seen in the filamentous Alg^, and the multicellular hairs of Pheenogamous plants ; whilst the origin of 4 daughter- cells may be observed in the formation of the mother-cells of spores and of pollen. Cell Division, with Simultaneous Division of the Cell-case may be observed in higher plants, in the parenchyma of the growing point, in formative tissue, and in the advancing development of the albumen of the seeds of phgenogamous plants ; the observation is however, difficult on account of the obscurity of the cell contents but is most readily seen in the wide celled root-wood of Conifers. The new cambial growth takes place later in the root than in the stem and branches, so that if early in summer we take thin IGG R. BRAITIiWAITE ON THE HISTOLOGY OF PLANTS. transverse sections of the roots of the common pine, and apply any of the endosmotic reagents, we may observe the various stages. The division commences by a folding-in of the primordial mem- brane ; the partition of the cambial wall (not consisting of cellulose) proceeds at the same time over the whole membrane ; after which the mother-cell is quickly resorbed and converted into intercellular substance. In deciduous trees multiplication of cells proceeds in the same way, but those forming vessels extend rapidly, and attain their normal size before other tissues. Cell Division, with Subsequent Partition of the Cell case. — Bi- partition of the second type may be studied most completely in the filiform Algfe, as we may keep the specimens in shallow troughs constantly under observation, and of these Cladophora glomerata is a suitable example. If we place a small portion under the microscope, and carefully examine the terminal cell of a branch, we often find that division has already commenced, for such cells are twice the length of the others. The first thing we notice is, that two clear spots near the middle of the cell stand away from the margin, and this is caused by a collection of colourless protoplasm ; then the primordial mem- brane of the mother-cell, more active at this point, folds inward like a ring, which, gradually advancing, laces in the contents in two halves belonging to both daughter- cells ; this infolding is most distinct in slow growing plants, cultivated indoors. Immediately after the infolding of the primordial membrane begins, the division of the cellulose case commences, and advances continuously with the infolding, so that soon after complete division the daughter- cells have also acquired a delicate but distinct cellular case. A cementing intercellular substance appears where the part of the mother-cell case, cut oft* between the cross -walls, has become nearly dissolved. The application of endosmotic reagents gives us a clearer view of these details. A triangular intercellular space is seen at the junction of the daughter-cells, which is most distinct in the slow-grown specimens, for in luxuriant tufts the primordial membrane'and young cellulose case become pressed together and to the mother case, and this space almost entirely disappears. This accounts for the error of Pringsheim and Von Mohl, that in the commencing infolding of the primordial membrane a cellulose R. BRAITHWAITE ON THE HISTOLOGY OF PLANTS. 1G7 bar is projected inward ; the infolding of the primordial membrane is instantly followed by division of the cellulose case. To study the division of the cell nucleus, which in Cladophora is concealed by the other contents of the cell, we have better material in Spirogyra, Zygnema, and Ulothrix, in which division begins with that of the nucleus of the mother-cell, and as soon as this is comj)leted, infolding of the primordial membrane com- mences. In Q^dogonium, if we examine a mother-cell before it attains division, we find the upper of two adjacent cells appears enclosed by two cellulose membranes ; the inner, more strongly developed, forms the cellulose case of the cell under observation ; the outer, extremely thin, belongs, on the contrary, to the preceding genera- tion, i.e., the mother-cell, in which the two cells before us have been formed. In the lower of the two cells, yet a third coat is ap- parent, which, close under the upper end joining the first cell, is cut off by a distinct transverse line, indicating the place of previous division. The commencement of the process is seen in an infold- ing of the inner cellulose case just under the youngest cap, so that the cell contents appear drawn in by a ring, the space between the fold and the outer case being empty. During the formation of this ring-fold, the nucleus lying in the upper half of the mother-cell enlarges to double its original size, and then divides into two nuclei — one for each daughter-cell — and at the same time on a level with the line of division of the nucleus appears a ring-like collection of colourless protoplasm, immediately followed by an in- folding of the primordial membrane, which divides the mother-cell into two daughter-cells, the upper of which is the shortest. But before the lacing-in of the membrane is completed, the outer case splits gradually, just above the infolding of the cellulose case, Avhich then becomes stretched out, so that the fold disap- pears. With the division of the young cellulose case, the lower daughter-cell elongates and pushes the upper one before it, while the cellulose case of the mother-cell becomes more and more elon- gated. As soon as the lower daughter-cell has grown up to the transverse stria of the sheath, produced by the splitting of the outer case, the division appears, i.e., the unlacing is completed, and the young cellulose case has developed over the primordial mem- brane, so that now two complete daughter-cells are present. Now ]n8 R. BRAITHWAITE ON THE HISTOLOGY OF PLANTS. also commences by continued separation of cellulose, the extension of the upper daugliter-cell, TvLicli thus gradually attains the length of the lower one. The cellulose case of the mother-cell, following the extension of the daughter-cell, has now become the thin outer case, and the development of the two daughter-cells has reached the point at which we first started. The difference between the cell-division of (Edogonium and the other filiform Algae consists in this, that the mother-cell does not, as in them, before the formation of daughter-cells, extend to double its length ; but in consequence of growth taking place only at its point, the old membrane no longer extensible becomes infolded in the same way as in the for- mation of pores, and the extension of the mother-cell first com- mences when the firm outer case has been ruptured by force of growth, the caps being thus thimble-shaped portions of the cell- case. Division in Four. — This proceeds in two ways, the mother-cell either divides into two daughter-cells, each of which repeats the process, or four daughter-cells are at once formed ; the former occurs only in the origin of the mother-cells of pollen in Mono- cotyledons, the latter in that of Dicotyledons, and the spore mother-cell of the higher Cryptogams. The first-named is best seen in the Liliaceee by a section of a very young flower-bud ; at a point of the nucleus, two daughter-cell nuclei appear by division, and this is followed by the lacing in of the primordial membrane, and the division of the cellulose case, so that this is present as a thin membrane soon after the two daughter-cells have become defined, and in them the same process is again repeated. We use solution of sugar or iodine to demonstrate this drawing in of the Primordial utricle in young dividing cells, as the contents become thereby contracted, together with the primordial membrane em- bracing them, while the whole interior of the cellulose case is quite smooth, and without any trace of the formation of transverse walls. When the infolding of the Primordial membrane is farther ad- vanced, we first observe on the inside of the mother cellulose case, the newly separated cellulose case of the daughter-cells. The pollen mother-cell of Dicotyledons is best observed in plants with large anthers, as species of Cucurbita, Mallow, or Convol- vulus. In the Gourd or Hollyhock, the primary cellulose wall of the young mother- cell is provided with peculiar hair-like elevations, which gradually disappear as thickening of the coat advances. The R. BRAITHWAITE ON THE HISTOLOGY OF PLANTS. 1G9 nucleus of the motlier-cell divides into two daughter nuclei, which separate and each again divides in two, so that four free nuclei are seen in each mother-cell, lying in a plane or tetraedrally, and the infolding of the primordial membrane then takes place, lacing in the contents into four portions, and thus forming four daughter- cells. The spore mother-cells in the higher Cryptogamia are easily seen by section of young capsules, especially those which have large spores, as the Phascoid mosses, Fegatella conica, &c. In Pellia einphylla the wall of the mother-cell bulges out over the four nuclei, and constantly extending in the same direction, w^hile it contracts at the centre, which becomes translucent, the four daughter-cells appear fixed together by pedicels. Division into four in form of rows has only been observed by Schacht in the quadrifid fructification of Corallina and Melohesia. Having thus briefly considered the various modes of reproduc- tion in cells, in which, by-the-bye, yon will find no grounds for the statements of some authors that cells may be developed from vacuoles — a process, indeed, which I consider to be impossible — you will at once perceive the value of the microscope in our re- searches, for without it any clear conception of these mysterious processes could never have been attained. Although the subject may appear a dry one to some of you, its importance in the study of the subsequent transformation of cells must be my excuse for devoting so much time to its explanation. Illustrative Figures. Plate 7. Fig. 1. — Free cell-formation in the embryo sac of Phaseolus multi- jioms. n. nuclei, a. a. young cells, h. more advanced, c. still older, enclosed in the cellulose case. X 670. Fig. 2. — Spore formation in Peziza leucoloma. a. spore sac with a central nucleus 72., and several vacuoles r. — b. The same after division of the nucleus into young spores, c. ditto, with the cellulose case fully formed. X 620. Fig. 3. — Cell division in Ciadophora glomerata. a. commencing infolding of the primordial utricle, b. the same, more ad- vanced, the line of division marked out ; c. the partition completed, x 400. 170 R. BRAITHWAITE ON THE HISTOLOGY OF PLANTS. Fig. 4. — Cell division in CEdogonium apophysatum. X 670. a. — Cell preparing to divide, c^ its cellulose case, c^ ditto of the mother cell, o. a third case or sheath over the lower cell, truncate at top, n. nucleus, s. annular fold of the cellulose case. h. — Division of the mother-cell commencing, m. partition between the two new daughter-cells. c. — Division completed, o. sheath, d. c. daughter cell, m. c, mother cell. Fig. 5. — Division of the mother-cell of the spores in Pellia epi- phylla, a. mother-cell, h. the same, with commencing pro- trusions and nuclei, c. spores enclosed in their cellulose case. X 420. 171 PEOCEEDINGS. THE SOIREE OF THE CLUB. The Annual Conversazione of the Club was held, by the kind permission of the Council of University College, in the Library and Museum of that Institu- i^ion, on Friday evening, March 21st, and was as interesting in the character of the objects exhibited as on any previous occasion. It was attended by about 1,000 visitors, amongst whom might be recognised many of eminence in Art, Literature, and Science. By the kind assistance of a member of the Club, Mr. James Martin, of the London Stereoscopic Company, the Soiree Committee were enabled to exhibit a series of views by means of the Oxy-hydrogen Light, illustrating the African Gold and Diamond Diggings, the Victoria Falls, and some of the places inti- mately connected with the travels of Dr. Livingstone. Mr. Apps exhibited a series of beautiful electrical experiments, by means of his Inductorium and some apparatus kindly lent for the occasion by Lord Lindsay. Mr. How exhibited vsdth the Oxy-hydrogen Lamp some Micro-photographs of Rotiferge, taken from life by Dr. Gayer, one, the image of a Volvox globator, being magnified four feet in diameter. Two Marine Aquaria, filled with Actinige, Sabellse, Serpulae, Madrepores, and Hippocampi, were kindly lent for the even- ing by Mr. G. H. King. The leading opticians came forward on this occasion with their usual kindly help, and contributed microscopes, graphoscopes and revolving stereoscopes, while the walls were ornamented by a series of microscopical drawings, executed by Mr. Rochfort Connor, and admired, as they always are, for their delicacy and accurate fidelity. The members of the Club were reinforced by their friends of the Croydon, South London, and Forest Hill Societies, in the exhibition of the following objects of interest : — Lung of Boa Constrictor Infant's Brain Jawbone and Tooth of Mouse Human Scalp, showing Follicles .(^cidium berberidis Fossil Bone of Dinornis Irish Elk Potato Starch (polarised) Proboscis of Death's Head Moth (India) Young Oysters Santonine Larvae of Dragon Fly Head of Nubian Mosquito Pond Life Diatoras in, situ ... Larvse, &c JouRN. Q. M. C. No. 20. exhib ted by Mr. F. W. Andrew. , Mr, F. W. Andrew, jun. ' > > Mr. E. C. Baber. , Mr. Bailey. Mr. C. W. Balls. Mr. Thos. Bevington. Mr. W. A. Bevington. Mr. W. Bishop. Mr, W. J. Brown. Mr. G. J, Burch. 172 MoUer's Tjpen Platte Micro-photographs of the Moon ,, 1, Age 6 days ,, 2. Age 9 days Microscopic Writing — The Lord's Prayer in 2T00 of an inch Section of Ehinoceros Horn (polarised) Stephanoceros Volvox Globator Conochilus ... Ova of Toad (injected) Vinegar Eels (Anguillula) Larva (unknown) from Bark of Pear Tree Young Salmon (just hatched) Volvox Crystals (polarised) Section of Coal Transverse Section of Hare's Tooth ... Microscopic Camera Young Salmon Palate of Mollusc Wing of Butterfly (Azure Blue) Injected Skin of Frog Section of Proven triculus of Fowl Injected Lung of Toad ... Head of Humming Fly ... Drum of Frog's Ear (injected) Tongue of Honey Bee Skin of Frog (injected) Ciliary Action in Mussel... Arrenurus (a Green Water Mite) Design in Selenite (clockwork polariscope) Volvox Globator Melicerta Eingens... Acarus glyciphagus prunorum ... Skin of Sturgeon (polarised) Leg and Foot of Dytiscus A Beetle Gold Quartz Eyes of Moth Scales of Butterflies in form of a Bouquet in a Vase of Diatoms ... Daphnia Pulex Angillula glutinis Earth Mite Section of Wild Rue Seed (polarised)... A Collection of Foraminifera Tingis sp. (?) Conochilus ... Volvox Globator Head of Coneatus tamarisi Mr. Burgess. VMr. T. W. Burr. Mr. R. Catchpole. Mr. W. G. Cocks. Mr. Rochofort Connor. Mr. E. A. 0. Creer. Mr. J. S. Crisp. Mr. Thos. Crook. Mr. Alfred Cowley. Mr. P. Cowley. Mr. Thos. Curties. Mr. H. Curwen. Mr. W. A. Duck. Mr. C. G. Dunning. Mr. F. Fitch. Mr. C. J. Fox. Mr. C. J. Fricker. Mr. G. H. Fryer. Mr. F. W. Gay. Mr. Garnham. Mr. W. H. Golding. I Mr. A. Goode. Mr. J. W. Goodinge. Mr. H. J. Gray. Mr. Thos. Greenish. Mr. H. F. Hailes. > > Mr. Hainworth. Mr. Hembry. 173 Deep Sea Soundings Skin of Sole Paulownia imperialis Hydra Pollen of Malva Sylvestris Tongue of Trochus Salicine (polarised) "Xoung Hippocampus Cholesterine (polarised) Scales of Sole (polarised) Volvox Globator ... "Vessels in Ehizome of Pnilodeudroa ... Hairs in Leaf of Deutzia Crenata Distillation from Yapour of Coke Shells from Hastings Sand Platino-cyanide of Magnesium Eggs of Moth (triangulum) Crystalization of Silver Polycistinse... Section of Hoof of Horse Wing of Ornithoptera Croesus Wing of Ornithoptera Richmondii Euglen83 virides Fern Scales (polarised) Butterfly Scales arranged as Bouquet .. Microscopic Writing Footpads of Diamond Beetle Revolving Stereoscope Human Scalp (vertical section) Human Scalp (horizontal ditto) Negro Skin Hylodactylus Salicine (polarised) Circulation in Young Trout Daphnia Pulex (polarised) Human Scalp (horizontal section) Spicules of Synapta Section of Intestine of Fovt'l (polarised) Section of Blow Fly Aecidium urticse Aecidium quadrifidum Aecidium ranunculacearum Foraminifera ... " Calcedony ... Caddis Worm (polarised) Yolvox Hydra Yiridis Yolvox, covered with Yorticellse Star Fish Circulation in Yallisneria spiralis Section of Coal Mr. F. Hind. >» Mr C. W. Hovenden. Mr. F. Hovenden. Mr. Howe. Mr. Howell. Mr. J. E. Ingpen. Mr. B. D. Jackson. >» Mr. J. A. Johnson. Mr. E. F. Jones. Mr. E Kiddle. Mr. R. T. Lewis. )) Mr. W. T. Loy. Mr. L. Manners. >> Mr. A. Martinelli. Mr. Moginie. Mr. Needham. Mr. Nelson. Mr. M. D. Northey. Mr. F. Oxley. Mr. Parks. Mr. Pett. Mr. W. T. Rabbits. Dr. Ramsbotham. Mr. W. W. Reeves. Mr. E. Richards. Mr. E. Robins. Mr. Thos. Rogers. Mr. Jas. Russell. Mr. Jos. Russell. Mr. J. E. S'mmonds. Mr. J. Slade. 174 Polycystina Larva of Gnat Tiger Beetle Pond Life Culex pipicns Palate of Limpet ... Rotation in Yallisneria DiatomaceK Section of Granite (polarised) ... Circulation in Frog's Foot Sheep Tick Jaws of Male Spider Compound Eye of Fly, Tabanus Section of Lucifer Match (polarised) . . . Anther of Mallow Green Weevil Crystals of Chlorate of Potash (polarised) Thallic platino- cyanide (pol.) Salts Distilled from Coke (pol.) Circulation in Frog's Foot Atlantic Soundings (polarised) Human hair (polarised) ... Hippuric Acid (polarised) Small Marine Aquarium Human Scalp (horizontal section) Ballia Callitricha, with Anguinaria Spa- tulata attached Oniscus (polarised) Sugar of Milk Crystals (polarised) Micro-photograph (Elephant's, from life) Oniscus aquatilis... Eggs of Vapour Moth Mr. A. Smith, Mr. J. A. Smith. Mr. Jas. Smith. Mr. E. A. Smith. Mr. C. W. Stidstone. Mr. D. J. Stuart. Mr. W. T. Suffolk. Mr. T. Terry. Mr. Topping. Mr. S. Warburton. Mr. F. H. Ward. Mr. J. Watkins. Mr. West. Mr. F. W. White. Mr. T. C. White. I Mr. Jas. F. Wight. , Mr. Geo. Williams. » >> , Mr. Worster. March 28th, 187 S.— Chairman, Dr. E. Beaithwaite., F.L.S., President. The following donations to the Club were announced : — " The Monthly Microscopical Journal " " Science Gossip " " The American Naturalist " ' ' Proceedings of the Literary and Philosophi- 7 cal Society of Manchester ) " Proceedings of the Royal Society," No. 142 ... List of Fellows, Members, &c., of the Eoyal ") College of Physicians, 1873 ' ) *' Archives of Science of the Orleans county 7 Society ) "Journal of the London Institution" "Annual Eeport of the Geologists' Association " "The Lens" Eight Slides The thanks of the Club were voted to the donors. from the Publisher, in exchange. from the Society. I* the College. in exchange, from the Librarian. ,, the Association. in exchange, from Mr. Jas. Watkins. 175 Mr, Frank Bridgman and Mr. Brooke U. Lacy were ballotted for, and elected members of the Club. The Secretary read a communication from the Eev. H, G. W. Aubrey, des- cribing a new form of turpentine bath for microscopic slides which he had lately designed, and which was sent to the meeting for examination. Mr. Greenish thought that one objection to the use of this bath would be the large surface of turpentine exposed to the air, as this would be likely to cause a deposition of resin. Turpentine exposed in this way would be sure to oxidise. Mr. Golding noticed that provision appeared to have been made against this by a piece of india-rubber running all round the top, so that the bath would be quite air tight when the cover was fixed on. The President said that some years ago he had occasion to soak objects in turpentine for the purpose of decolorizing them, and he used to place them between pieces of glass, which he tied together, and then lowered into the turpentine with a piece of string. After remaining there as long as was re- quisite, he drew them out, and then mounted them in balsam in the usual manner. The Eev. Mr. Aubrey's invention appeared to be for doing the same thing in a more convenient and elaborate manner. The thanks of the meeting were voted to Mr. Aubrey for his communication . Mr. Locke thought that he need not say that the matter of mounting objects dry, and so as not to spoil afterwards, was one of very great importance. Most persons present had probably experienced the great annoyance of finding that things which they thought were nicely mounted presently became damped and "were utterly ruined. He thought, however, that he had, after many endeavours, at last contrived a plan whiah, so far as preventing this evil was concerned, he believed was perfect. His process was a simple one — lie took an ordinary elastic india-rubber band of the same size as the glass cover it was intended to use and put it upon an iron plate ; he then held it for a sliort time over the flame of a spirit lamp until the under side of the ring was frizzled. This being done, he turned it over on the iron plate and fried the other side, after which he allowed it to cool, and then dropped it into a glass of water; it was then ready for use. He next took a slide, and having dried it thoroughly, took the india-rubber circle out of the water and put it into its place on the slide, then dried it carefully over the lamp to extract all the moisture from it, and taking the scales or diatoms it was desired to mount, he put them upon the covering glass, and laying this upon the softened ring, pressed it down with the finger, which caused it at once firmly to adhere, and as there was no cement used andthe ring did not evaporate, the result was a perfectly dry mount. Some time ago he had two slides from Mr. Swift to experiment upon ; they were utterly ruined by damp, but he took them to pieces, and having contrived an oven in which to dry tliem, he allowed tnem to remain there for five or six hours, and then mounted them again in the manner described, and no signs of damp have since appeared, so that he believed it had been perfectly successful. Bands could be easily procured of all sizes, and if treated in this way, they would adhere firmly both to the slide and the cover by themselves. The slides which he had brought with him to the meeting as specimens had been finished about three months. He also wished to direct the attention of the members to a simple method of altering the illumination from direct to oblique which lie had designed and adapted to a flaicroscope then in that room. The President proposed a vote of thanks to Mr. Locke for his communication. — Carried unanimously. 176 Mr. Golding asked if there was not some danger of Podura Scales falling about in so great a space as that contained by the india-rubber ring ? Mr. Locke said that he had found in practice that scales once placed upon the glass cover would adhere to it and remain there. Of course if there were any contact between the cover and the slide the scales would be damaged, and he thought it impracticable to get a cell of exactly the depth required. Mr. Greenish inquired what was the object in heating the cell ; why was it better then than otherwise ? Mr. Locke said that his object in heating it was to make it adhesive ; in its ordinary condition it would not adhere by itself, and, if fixed on with varnish, that would evaporate inside as well as outside the cell. Mr. Greenish thought it was quite possible that by decomposing the india- rubber in that way an element was introduced which might prove very inconvenient. Mr. Burr suggested that the vulcanized india-rubber contained sulphur. Mr. Golding thought it probable that the sulphur was got rid of by heating the rings in the manner described. Mr. Greenish said that at a former discussion upon a similar subject a member had stated that he had found the sulphur to be very injurious. Mr. Locke said that on one occasion being too anxious to get the cell perfectly dry he had heated and softened the ring too much, and found that on cooling it collapsed from the pressure of the atmosphere. He thought this conclusively showed how perfectly air tight it must have been. The President said it showed that sufficient heat was applied to drive out all the air from the cell. Mr. B. D. Jackson thought there was one important question which had not been touched upon, and that was the permanent nature of the ring. He also thought that the large space between the object and the condenser, owing to the thickness of the ring, would act prejudicially against proper illumination of diatoms or scales. Mr. Locke said that it might possibly be so, but it should be remembered that in mounting objects of extreme tenuity they were always placed on the cover and not on the slide. Mr. Jackson remarked that Ross's io condenser certainly would not work up near enough to the cover of the slide which had been handed round for inspection. Mr. Locke thought that in this case they must, as in all others, do the best they could. Mr. T. C. White suggested the employment of thin sheet gutta-percha instead of india-rubber. Dr. Gray believed that a piece of sheet gutta-percha would be found to answer the purpose very well ; it could be obtained of any thickness. Dr. Tulk re- commended it to him, and he found that it made a perfectly air tight cell. For Buch things as scales nothing could be better than a cell made of thin sheet gutta-percha fixed to the slide with a little electrical cement run round the edge ; it would run under by capillary attraction, and formed a capital cement for the purpose. Mr. Greenish said it should be borne in mind, with regard to gutta-percha and india-rubber, that both underwent decomposition spontaneously from exposure to the air. Mr. Locke thought that if the cell was air tight, and a coat of varnish was ap- 177 plied which would not dissolve, the ring would entirely obviate the danger of decomposition from contact with the air. Mr, William Webb read a paper upon Nobert's Tests, illustrating the subject by drawings upon the black board. The President said he was quHe sure that all the members of the Club would feel very much obliged to Mr. Webb for his paper ; it opened up a great many thoughts upon the subject, and the explanation given of the cause of the shadows seen in the closer bands seemed so simple that it must carry conviction with it. Mr. Webb regretted that great pressure of engagements had prevented him from going near Lis workshop for the last fortnight, so that he was unable to bring with him any specimens in illustration of his remarks. He hoped, how- ever, to be able to do this at their next gossip night, and would then endeavour more fally to explain his meaning, Mr. Ingpon thought that many of Mr, Webb's observations would be endorsed by those persons who had used Nobert's lines as a test for the defining power of their objectives. He had himself tried them for that purpose, and had given them up, and his conclusions coincided very nearly with those of Mr. H. J. Slack as given by that gentleman in a paper on *' Optical appearances of cut lines in glass," which was read before the Royal Microscopical Society, and printed in the " Monthly Microscopical Journal" for May, 18/1. Of course in looking at the coarser bands of Nobert the furrow of each line, the angle, and the two edges were perfectly plain, as was also any little dirt which might have been upon the edges, but this clearness soon vanished when they came to examine the higher bands, and he thought that Mr. Webb's suggestion as to the reason for this was very likely to be near the truth. Even when the higher bands had been resolved it was not in the same satisfactory manner as in the case of the lower ones. With whatever clearness they might be shown, there was always a row of lines on each side blacker and clearer than any of the others — an appearance which he thought was seen in some of Dr. Woodward's photographs, and which possibly were defraction lines, and which the last edge shown on Mr. Webb's diagram was quite capable of producing. As to the spectral lines, he fancied that Mr. Webb was slightly in error in referring them to polarization, because there was, he thought, nothing either in the substance or the angle to polarize the light. The effect was, however, very possibly due to diffraction ; it was, in fact, similar to that produced by the ruled gratings such as were ex- hibited at the soiree. The light was, he thought, decomposed and separated into its component colors by interference caused by diffraction. The spectral lines seemed due to the formation of an image either above or below the focus, but they did not appear to be in any degree the result of polarization. Of course the question as to tests, and as to what was the best, and whether these would be so when blackened in, was one still open for settlement ; if the whole surface of the glass (supposing it to be cut away as shown in Mr. Webb's diagram), were to be blackened in, that at least would hardly constitute a test. For his own part he could not imagine that a test could be obtained either for chromatic or spherical aberration either by straight lines ruled on glass or by irregular lines, such as letters, and he must say that his strong impression was that none of the tests at present used, whether the globules of mercury, or scales, or even the vexed Podura, were entirely satisfactory. He thought that they were all very much indebted to Mr. Webb for his paper, and for the many valuable sug- gestions contained in it. 178 The President moved a vote of thanks to those gentlemen who exhibited ob- jects at the soiree, and to the Soiree Committee by whom the various arrange- ments were made. The Secretary seconded the vote of thanks, and mentioned that although no notices were sent beforehand so many members came forward as exhibitors that it was almost a matter of difficulty to find space for all without inconveniently crowding.— Carried unanimously. The Secretary, in reply to Mr. Curties, stated that the Cabinet would very shortly be again opened to the members ; it had been thoroughly overhauled and its contents re-arranged, and a complete catalogue of the slides had been pre- pared and printed. As soon as it was possible to go through them all and check them off by the catalogue the Cabinet would be placed upon the table and be accessible to the members on the gossip nights. The Secretary also announced that the excursion season would commence in April, the first being arranged for the 5th of that month — to Barnes. The proceedings then terminated with a conversazione, at which the following objects were exhibited : — Platino-cyanide of Magnesium by Mr. Curties. Ciliary action on surface of Tadpole's body ... Mr. Fitch. Hairs of Lion, Mole, &c. ") t.t„ n^^T^: Pyro-gallic acid j ^^^- folding. Platino-cyanide of Strontian Mr. Goodinge. Halodactylus with diatoms in its stomach ... Mr. Ingpen. Eggs of Vapourer Moth Mr. B. T. Lewis. New mode of illumination Mr. Locke. Hairs of Hippophae rhamnoides Mr. Marks. Section of Human Placenta injected Mr. Topping. Attendance— Members, 67 ; Visitors, 9; total, 76. April 2oth, 1875. —Chairman, Dr. R. Braithwaite, F.L.S., President. The following donations to the Club were announced : — *' The Monthly Microscopical Journal" from the Publisher. " Science Gossip " ,, "The Popular Science Review" ,, " The Proceedings of the Royal Society," No. 143 the Society. " The American Naturalist " in exchange. *' Proceedings of the Literary and Philosophi- ") cal Society of Manchester" ) from the Society. * * Transactions and Proceedings of the Botanical 7 Society of Edinburgh," 12 Nos. ... ) the Society. *' The Journal of the London Institution" ... the Librarian. " The 2nd Annual Report of the South London") Microscopical and Natural History Society " ) the Society. Six Slides of Spiculse Mr. J. G. Waller. The thanks of the Club were unanimously voted to the donors. Mr. Golding said that ever since he had been connected with the Club he had noticed that communications of a simple kind were always well received by the members, indeed one of his earliest reminiscences was in connection with a short paper by Mr. Mclntire, descriptive of some little contrivances of his which he found useful. It was the readiness with which such simple communi- catious had always been received which induced him to bring before the notice 179 of the Club a few little matters of a similar kind. It was well known that all objects which required to be examined by transmitted light needed that light to be thrown upon them in particular directions, and the proper direction for each object or part of an object could not be well ascertained unless a rotating motion were given to it. This kind of motion could not so readily be given to an object with the fingers as other motions could, and although the rotating stage had been designed for the purpose, there were many microscopes which did not possess such a stage, and the cost of adding one would be in many cases an objection to its use. Not having one to his own instrument, and having felt the want of one, he had devised a simple substitute, which he had found to answer the purpose in every respect. It consisted of a flat disc of wood, having a tube fastened to its lower side which fitted smoothly within the substage tube ; when placed in position the wood disc rested evenly upon the stage of the microscope, and could be easily rotated by the fingers. The apparatus was ex- hibited to the meeting, and its application practically explained. Mr. Golding also exhibited and described a simple methodof making a condenser by inserting a lense in a pasteboard tube ; a similar method of mounting crystals of Hera- pathite to form a polariscope ; an improvement in the stand for a portable microscope brought out by Mr. Richards ; a new form of Zoophyte trough ; a new pattern " finder;" and a new cement for cells, &c. He also said that he had endeavoured to trace what had become of two living diamond beetles recently exhibited at the Liverpool Microscopical Society, in the hope that they might have been exhibited also to the members of the Club. He had not, however, been successful hitherto in the matter. The thanks of the meeting were accorded to Mr. Golding for his com- munication. Mr. T. C. White said that if the cement described by Mr. Golding was the same as a transparent cement he had recently tried it would be found to contain so large a quantity of gelatine that its contraction in drying was so great as to actually pull the covering glass of a cell into four or five pieces. Mr. Golding believed that the cement in question would not be found to do the same as that mentioned by Mr. White; he was not aware of its actual con- stituents, but had noticed that it had rather a tendency to gelatinize, and that, it was strongly alkaline. The Secretary said that Mr. Richards had brought to the meeting a new form of stand for his portable microscope. It differed from the ordinary kind in having the upright rod placed near to the extremity of one of the arms of the base, in.-tead of being in tlie centre ; the alteration bad the effect of giving much greater stability to the instrument when in use. Dr. Matthews exhibited to the meeting a new supplementary stage for ob- taining oblique illumination, designed by himself and constructed by Mr. Swift. It consisted of two oblong brass plates, separated from each other by brass pillars at the corners, the upper plate formed the stage upon which objects were viewed, and the lower one had a grove cut lengthways across it in which a mount carrying a smnll mirror was made to traverse. The mirror was silvered upon its surfaces by the glass- silvering process, the result being greatly increased reflective power and tha absence of double images. Not only could the angular aperture of an objective be measured by this apparatus, but the most perfect definition with oblique illumination had been obtained, small specimens of " Angulatum " being well shown with a ^in. objective. The President, in thanking Dv. Matthews fur his communication, expi'esscd 180 his own admiration of the little instrument which had been brought under their notice. The silvered surface as applied to microscope mirrors he thought was a valuable introduction. Mr. Ingpen said he could vouch for the great amount of light reflected by mirrors silvered in this manner, and to the advantage of having only one re- flecting surface, but he should be glad to know if the silver did not soon become tarnished, as this had been found to be the case with specula for telescopes which had been silvered in this way. There was a great difi'erence in the films deposited ; sometimes they were tolerably hard, but often they were very soft, and the silver was then very easily rubbed ofi". Cos and Johnson's films were generally soft ones. He had himself deposited many films by the sugar of milk process, but found that in most cases they were easily tarnished and rubbed off". His object in asking the question was the hope that some method of hardening the films might have been discovered. Dr. Matthews said that he could not at present say much upon the point. He had not yet attempted to clean the silver surface, although he found that there was a finger mark upon it. Mr. Locke, having had some experience as to silvered glass reflectors which had been done for him by Mr. Swift, could say that he had found them tarnish very rapidly, and the films were so soft that any attempt at re-polishing rubbed them away. He found this such an objection to their use that if he required any more he should have them made of silver plate. Mr, Ingpen thought that silver plate would be found to answer the purpose very well. He was quite aware of the objections to glass silvering, and had asked the question now hoping to hear that some means might have been found of preserving the surface. Mr. T. C. White could bear testimony as the value of this mode of silvering for refiecting purposes. Some time ago he used a plane mirror silvered in this way for drawing objects by inclining it at an angle of 45° with the horizontal body of the microscope, and projecting the magnified image on to the drawing paper, the reflecting surface was perfect, but he felt very much grieved to flnd that it so soon got tarnished. He quite agreed with Mr. Ingpen that if only some method of preserving the silver could be devised it would be invaluable for such appliances. Mr. Ingpen said that the question was engaging the attention of several persons at the present time, and was one of some importance now that so many telescopes were being made with specula silvered in that way. When the film was first deposited it of course had to be polished, and this was done with a very fine leather and the finest rouge. Perhaps Dr. Matthews might be able to remove the finger mark from his mirror by this means j some films being much harder than others would bear more rubbing. Of course any mirror could be re-silvered at any time at a small expense. Mr. Matthews said he had omitted to mention that he thought at first the mirror had been made too small for the purpose, but he found it in reality to be quite twice too large; it would be much better if it were made smaller. Prac- tically one not wider that |in. in diameter would do quite well. Mr. Ingpen thought there could be no doubt as to the superionty of silver surface over any other for reflecting purposes ; he had some small specula belonging to Gregorian telescopes which were well polished and clean, but they bore no comparison with the silver for the amount of light which they reflected. Mr. Ackland suggested that if Dr. Matthews would use as a reflector a double 181 convex lens silvered upon the back surface he would find it very effective, and very little trouble would arise from reflections from the upper surface. Such a plan was in common use on the Continent for opthalmoscopes, and was found to answer very well. Dr. Matthews explained that his observations had only referred to the use of a plane mirror ; the presence of a lens would be rather foreign to the purpose. Mr. Ackland said of course his suggestion was for a concave mirror only ; he was under the impression that Dr. Matthews had used the concave surface. Mr. B. T. Lowne related some very interesting facts in connection with the development of certain Hymenopterous insects, illustrating his remarks by numerous diagrams and by drawings upon the black board. The President, in proposing a vote of thanks to Mr. Lowne for his extremely interesting communication, characterised the subject as one of the greatest importance, and expressed a hope that many other persons might be induced to take up the study. Mr. Lowne had made this field so entirely his own that his remarks were sure to be received with great pleasure and interest by the mem- bers of the Club, on whose behalf he ventured to express a hope that this had only been the first of a series of similar communications. — The vote of thanks was then put to the meeting and carried unanimously. The proceedings then terminated with a conversazione, at which the following objects were exhibited : — Professor Brown's Pocket Microscope on ") Special Stand ) Balanus balanoides Wing of Morpho Menelaus Conochilus Volvox (collected at Snaresbrook "> excursion, April 19th, 1873) .. ... ) Skin of Dog Fish New Super-stage for oblique illumination ... Ptilota elegans Wing case of diamond beetle and Platino") Cyanide of Magnesium ) Mr. Topping. by Mr. Crisp. Mr. Fitch. Mr, Golding. Mr Hainworth. Mr. Kitsell. Dr. Matthews. Mr. J. C.Sigsworth. Attendance — Members, 78 ; Visitors, 3. 9th May, 1873. — Conveesational Section of Blow Fly's Eye Leg of Cyphus nigro-punctatus Corethra Plumicornis in different stages, ") larva to imago ... ... ... ... ) Section of Ficus elastica... ... Head of Cicendela Chin ensis Members, 46; Visitors, 7. Meeting. Mr. Mr. Mr. S. J. Mclntire. Oxley. Goodinge. Mr. Mr. Mr, , Fitch. , Sigs worth. . Golding. 182 May 23rd, 1873.-— Dr. R. Braithwaite, F.L.S., President, in the Chair. The following donations to the Club were announced : — " The Monthly Microscopical Journal" ... from the Publisher. " Science Gossip " ,, *' Proceedings of the Geologists' Association ... the Association. " President's Address, &c., of the West Kent ) ,, Society Natural History Society " ^ "Withering's Botany," 2 vols Mr. Jas. Watkins. The thanks of the Club were unanimously voted to the Donors. The following gentlemen were ballotted for, and duly elected members of the Club :— Mr. Alfred Coles, Mr. Robert R. F. Davey, Mr. William Gregory, Mr. George C. Karop, Captain Loftus F. Jones, R.N., Mr. W. H. Kennell, Lieut.-Colouel J. C. Salkeld, Mr. James H. C. Stewart, and Dr. John Whit- more. There being no formal paper to be read before the meeting, Mr. T. C. White thought it might be interesting to members to know the particulars of the last mode of producing crystals of hippuric acid by means of sulphur fumes. He was induced to bring the subject before them because of a letter which he had lately received from Mr. Furlonge, in which that gentleman seemed very much struck with the method of crystallization by breathing upon a film, and in which he had also asked how the effects were produced by the sulphur fumes. The ordinary method was to make a saturated solution of the salt in absolute alcohol, which should be heated in order to cause it to take up as much as possible. Then a small quantity of the warm solution was taken up in a warm dipping tube, ami placed upon a warm slide, over which it would flow evenly, and would, as it cooled, form a thin transparent film. In a short time — according to the amount of moisture in the atmosphere — crystallization would begin to start from a number of centres, and would, if not interfered with, form a number of circular crystals. But if, when the circular crystals were beginning to form they were breathed upon, a number of fringed crystals would at once begin to start from all round their edges. If, instead of breathing on them, they were put under a bell-glass with a little vapour of ammonia, fern-leaved crystals would be formed, and by varying the vapours the results would be varied accordingly. Seeing how much the foi-m of crystal was aff'ected by the amount of moisture brought into contact with it, he thought that if he could cover the film with something whicb would rapidly absorb moisture, some curious eff'ects might result. Knowing, therefore, the power which sulphuric acid possessed of ab- sorbing moisture, he placed the films in contact with sulphurous acid from the fumes of burning sulphur. Having covered the film with it he laid it by to cool, and found that the whole crystallized in a beautiful fern-like arrangement, but with this peculiarity — that the fronds were all of that peculiar wavy variety which had been so much admired in the specimen slides he had brought to the Club to exhibit, and which, when produced in the same way, were found to be generally constant, thougli there was no end to the variety produced by breath- ing upon them. Another curious form might be obtained by placing a glass cover over a film, and then running a little benzole round it; the crystals in this case took the form of those of uric acid, and appeared as modifications of the ordinary dumb bell crystals. 183 The President expressed his thanks to Mr. White for coming to the rescue on that barren evening mth so interesting a communication, and invited discussion or remarks upon the subject. Mr. Golding said he had no experience in the matter, and therefore wished to ask whether the crystals of Hippuric acid were of a permanent character, or whether they required to be mounted ? Mr. White, in reply, stated that he found the crystals were easily preserved by a very little fluid balsam run under the cover of the slile ; this was all that was required. He had mounted them sometimes in castor oil, but found some difficulty in keeping the oil in. He had also tried benzole, but that was found to alter the character of the crystals altogether. The President observed that castor oil had been long used, with success, as a preservation of crystals, but the difficulty mentioned by Mr. White of keeping it in the cell often caused inconvenience. Mr. Alpheus Smith inquired how the square form of the crystals was pro- duced ? Mr, White said this certainly was a very pretty form, and was much admired as a toy slide. It was produced by obtaining a film on the glass slide, and then combing it crossways with a fine comb, when the crystals started at once from all the scratches, and met in the middle of the squares. Pricking the film in different places would vary the form of the crystals ; they would start from every point touched with the needle, so that a pattern of any kind could be produced. He had even caused them to form his initials by pricking the letters rapidly on the film. Dr Matthews said that there was a method of mounting crystals in castor oil. which he had tried with success, and he thought it might be worth mentioning, After having obtained the crystals upon a glass slide, in the usual way, he placed it upon a turn-table, and taking a piece of soft wood — the end of which had been bruised a little so as to make it brushy — he cleared away all but a circular patch on the middle of the slide. He then made a cement ring or cell round the circular spot, taking care that there was a small margin left between the crystals and the cement. When this cell was properly dry, he took a glass cover and placed it nearly all over the cell, and then by means of a pipette filled the cell carefully with the oil, and slid the cover over it into its proper place. A spring clip of low power was next applied to the cover, and after all the super- fluous oil had been cleared away, a ring of strong cement or goldlsize was run round the cover. In reply to a question from Mr. Marks, Dr, Matthews said that this method was of course only applicable to such kinds of crystals as castor oil would preserve. He also said that it was desirable that both the oil and the slide should be slightly warmed in order to increase the fluidity of the former. The President reminded members that the annual meeting of the Club was approaching, and that the names of those gentlemen who were to be elected to fill vacancies on the Committee must be proposed at their next ordinary meeting; members should therefore come prepared to nominate those whom they were desirous of seeing elected. He also wished to say that several important matters had lately been engaging the attention of the Committee, which he thought it desirable to lay before the meeting. The first of these was the Journal, and with reference to this, it had been strongly felt by the Committee that in its present form it was not worth the large sum of money which it cost the Club 184 annually. The Committee had therefore decided to discontinue it as a quarterly publication, and to publish it either annually or otherwise, as might be found convenient, and that all papers previous to publication should be submitted to the Publishing Committee for approval. It was hoped that by this arrangement a large saving to the Club would be eflPected, and at the same time the real value of the papei's published would not be impaired ; and that the Committee, by having the papers submitted to them, would not feel obliged to publish such as might not be considered worth the expense. He also very much regretted to have to announce that they were about to lose the services of their valuable Secretary. He had that evening tendered his resignation, on account of the overwork which his duties imposed upon him in addition to his professional engagements. This announcement it was felt would be received with universal regret. In connec- tion with it, a notice of motion had been handed in to him with reference to the appointment of a paid assistant secretary, and this would be brought forward at their next meeting in a formal manner as an addition to the bye-laws relating to the constitution of the Club. A great deal of work had now to be done of a routine character, and under present circumstances, with so large a number of members on the list, the appointment of such an officer seemed to be a necessity. These were points which he thought should be laid before them, and which be trusted would meet with general approval amongst the members. Mr. Eichards suggested that perhaps Mr. White might be induced to retain his position as secretary if he had the assistance of a paid secretary to take the heavier portion of the duties. Mr. "White said he felt much obliged to Mr. Eichards for his proposal, but ha felt obliged to decline it. He could assure the members that it was with no slight pang that he gave up his position amongst them, for he loved the club, and had done so ever since he joined its ranks, and he looked upon its progress with no little pride. They had now upon the list 570 bona jkle members, and although this number was perhaps not a very large increase upon that which appeared in the reports some time ago, yet it did in reality represent a very much stronger body of members. On going over the list he had found that a great many names had been placed upon the roll irregularly ; the parties dis- owned their connection with the club, and said they had been elected'without their consent ; others had not kept up their subscriptions, and so forth. All such names had now been weeded out, and the number now on the books con- sisted of good, ho7ia fide paying members. And when they had such a large club as that they would easily see that there was a great deal to be done, many letters to be answered, and other matters to see to. This work, added to the heavy work of an increasing practice in his profession, he found too much for him, and he felt that he was not able, under the circumstances, to do his duty to the club as he should wish it to be done, and therefore he felt he ought to give it up. He would, of course, do all in his power to assist his successor in the work, and he hoped that the members would bear in mind that although he should cease to be their secretary he was not going to leave the club, and that he hoped with an increased amount of time at his disposal to be able to do more than he had done in the way of papers or communications. The Secretary announced that the whole of the slides in the cabinet (upwards of 2,000j had been thoroughly overhauled and re-arranged, and that they would DOW be again available to the members, under the usual regulations. Announcements of meetings for the ensuing month having been made, and special attention having been called to the Annual Dinner of the club, which 185 was arranged to take place at Leatherhead on June 19tli, the proceedings ter- minated witli a conversazione, at which the following objects? were exhibited : — A cheap form of Hand Spectroscope Eyes of Tahamis — opaque, in balsam Parasite of Spider ... ... ... Stephanoceros Eichornii, a.nd 3feliceria (alive) ... Sections of Rush .. ... ... Ambulacral disc of Echinus Lividus Lung of Boa Constrictor — injected Tracheei of Ilydrophilics Caraboides Attendance— Members, 75 ; Visitors, 9. by Mr. Burch. Mr. Curties. Mr. Freeman. Mr. Hainworth. Mr. B. D. Jackson. Mr. Pett. Mr. Topping. Mr G. Williams. Total, 84. 13th June, 1873. — Conversational Meeting. Objects Exhibited. Vertical section of Oncidium luridum (stained with Logwood) ... ... ... Mr. B. D. Jackson. Section of Eye — Hoverer Fly Mr. S. J. Mclntire. Exuvia of Spider ... ... Mr. Fredk. Fitch. Tongue of Young Epeira j» Marine Alga3 Mr. Thos Curties. Small Intestine injection— mounted by the late J, Quekett Mr. E. Bartlett. Hunting Spider Mr. G. Williams. Parasite of Bat Mr. E. P. Pett. Section of Ear of Rabbit (stained with carmine) Mr. F. Oxley. Section of Nose of Dog— transparent injection Mr. A. Topping. Blue-bottle Fly Mr. W. H. Golding. Members, 53; Visitors, 2. Total, 55. 27tli June, 1873. — Conversational Meeting. Series of Sections of Echinus Spines Section of Medulla Oblongata of Mouse (injected) Lasiopetalum Solanaceum Sponge (?) on Shell from Mauritius Section of Blow-Fly (opaque) Plumatella hatched from Statoblasts obtained at ") Victoria Docks, 1872 ) Currant Hawk-Moth (Trochilium tipuliforme), ") alive ) Attendance— Members, 58 ; Visitors. Mr. Pett. Mr. Topping. Mr. Watkins. Mr. Ingpen. Mr. J. A. Smith. Mr. Hainworth. Mr. G. Williams. 6. 18- On" the Characteristics of Certain of the Hymenoptera. Bj B. T. Lowne, F.R.C.S., F.L.S., &c.* Delivered April 2oth, 1873.J The subject whicli I am about to bring before you this evening is not one of original research ; nevertheless, it is one of such very great interest, and also of such extreme importance, and is one so little known in this country, that I feel myself fully justified in bringing it before 'you. It appeared in the first instance about five years ago, in a German periodical, " Kolliker's Zeitschrift fur Wissenschaft eiche Zoologie." It will, perhaps, be said that this being the case, it is very late now to bring it before you ; but so great is the interest and importance which attaches to it, that I feel sure I shall be justified in doing so, and the more so because it opens up a very wide field of research to those who choose to enter upon the subject. The creatures to which I am about to refer are some of them very well known to all of us ; specimens have from time to time been brought here for exhibition by Mr. Fitch, consisting of minute Hymenopterous insects which he had found in spider's webs. They belong to the same class as the bees, the wasps, and the Ichneumons — a class which comprehends the whole of the 4-winged flies, is exceedingly numerous, and for the most part exceedingly minute, so that probably nine-tenths of the whole number are scarcely visible to the naked eye. Amongst the most remarkable characteristics of this group of insects is the fact that nearly the whole of them are parasitic. The Ichneumons, for instance, lay their eggs in the bodies of caterpillars, and when the caterpillar in which an egg has been laid has been transformed into a chrysalis the egg hatches the larva of the ichneumon, eats up the chrysalis, goes through its own transformations, and by-and- bye there emerges, not a buttterfly but an ichneumon. • The facts recorded in this paper are from M. Ganin Beitrage zur Erkeuntniss der Entwickelungsgeschichtebeiden insecten, " Koll. Zeit. fur Wissensch. ZooL," Band xix., p. 381. JoURN. Q M. C. No. 24. K 188 B. T. LOWNE ON THE HYMENOl'TEKA. All this is very remarkable, but the forms which I am going to describe are more remarkable still, for they are not only parasitic, but they prey upon one another. In size they are scarcely visible to the naked eye, they would in fact only look like grains of small dust. I am going to bring under your notice some facts and observations of extreme interest in relation to the development of three genera, all the species of which are parasitic, and all of which have fringed wings, characteristics, however, I believe, common to a vast number of genera in this class of Hymenoptera. The first genus which I shall describe is known as Platygaster, and in tracing up its development I shall begin with the egg. The eggs of most of these curious little Hymenoptera are enclosed in an envelope which has a small pedicle attached to it ; they are of com'se exceedingly minute, are transparent, and contain no food yolk. In the bird's egg, it will be remembered, there is a large yolk, and there is also a portion known as the tread or cicatricula. This is the true germinal spot of the egg ; it is living matter, and the food yolk feeds this little piece of protoplasm during the pro- cess of development. Moreover, in the case of a large number of worms the egg is formed of a union of two kinds of yolks secreted by different glands and only united in the egg ; but the eggs of these flies contain no food yolk, only a protoplasmic yolk, and the reason for this is explained by their curious mode of development. In the course of development, we first find that the single cell is broken up into three cells, and a very curious thing is that the central cell begins to form young cells inside it, and that the other cells form an envelope round the central cell. We may look upon this as the formation of the first shed skin of the creature. Whilst this is taking place, large cells are being formed in the interior of the central cell ; from these the larva of platygaster is developed. The eggs of Platygaster are laid in the body of the larva of one of the diptera, Cecidomyia, in which it undergoes the process of development. It is at first a solid mass of protoplasm, as there is no central fluid food yolk, but after the above-described changes, the central mass of cells becomes inflected precisely in the same manner as the embryo becomes folded in the course of the develop- ment of the egg of the lobster or crawfish, and, as in the case of the crawfish, one side of the depression forms the head and the other the tail. This change goes on until at last an embryo is formed, bearing a strong resemblance to a rudimentary crustacean, B. T. LOWNE ON THE HYMENOPTERA. 189 then the portion which represents the tail becomes split into two, and at length three pairs of lateral appendages are formed as buds, whilst a pair of hnigitudinal bristles spring from the tail. In the meantime a hollow has been formed in the interior, which will be- come the alimentary canal. The egg now hatches, the larva comes out, and swims about in the interior of the host. On referring to Mr. Ganin's figures, which have been reproduced in " Nature" since this paper was read, you will, I think, at once see the resemblnnce which this larva bears to an ordinary cyclops, and it certainly bears a very curious resemblance to several forms of Crustacea. Three or four of the eggs are generally laid in the body of one cecidomyian larva, and when the host has been destroyed by them and no more re- mains to be eaten, they fall to upon one another ; the weakest goes to the wall, until at last there is only one left. There is still only a very rudimentary alimentary canal ; the whole creature, in fact, remains very rudimentary up to this stage of development. The cellular walls of the embryo-platygaster now begin to undergo differentiation, and the changes which take place are very like those which take place in the blastoderm of an ordinary insect's egg. In fact, this cyclops-like larva may be looked upon as a kind of living egg shell, in the interior of which a new creature is being developed. This may at first appear so strange as to be incredible, but similar instances of such development are well known ; an excellent example of this phenemonon is seen in the case of the common star-fish. In its early stage it is called a Pluteus, and it is in the interior of this larva or embryo that the star-fish undergoes development, by the growth and development of new formed embryonic cells. To recur to onr Platygaster,the next change consists in the shedding of the cyclops-like integument, and the new embryo becomes remarkable for its entire want of segmentation, so that it looks more like one of the lower forms of worms. After this a further change takes place, a new skin is again formed, which this time is entirely hymenopterous ; the creature has now become a thoroughly hymenopterous larva, and having passed through the usual transformations emerges at length as a perfectly formed Platygaster. This is certainly an extremely curious and remarkable life history, and one which I believe will one day throw much light upon the question of the evolution of insects. The curious resemblance in the course of N 2 190 B. T. LOWNE ON THE HYMENOPTERA. development to certain forms of Crustacea is a point of the greatest interest, and I look forward to some future researches yet to be made to throw much light upon the origin of insects. Curious as the life history of Platygaster is, a yet more marvellous one has to be told. Some years ago Sir John Lubbock found a remarkable little hymenopterous insect, which used its wings for the purpose of swimming under water, belonging to the genus Polynema. The eggs of Polynema are very much like those of Platygaster; but they are laidn(»t in the larva of another insect, but in the egg. The adult Polynema seeks for suitable eggs and deposits her own with them. The eggs thus chosen are those of the beautiful green dragon fly, Agrion Virgo, which lays its eggs in the buds of the water-lily. A group of cells united together into a solid mass escapes from the egg of Polynema, which hatches, in fact, as a protoplasmic yolk, which appropriates the food yolk of the egg of another creature. At an early period the egg of the dragon fly ceases in its development, but that of the Polynema goes on until a larva is produced, which resembles in appearance one of j the lower Annelids ; this too undergoes changes similar to- those observed in the case of Platygaster, and ultimately forms a larva just like an ordinary hymenopterous larva, except that it never forms any tracheae, and remains entirely without any such organs during the whole of its life. The Dragon- fly's egg shell becomes now only a kind of case in which the de- velopment of Polynema goes on. After a few days the egg shell is broken, but instead of a larval Dragon fly, there emerges an adult Polynema, which dives at once into the water. The wings may be fairly believed to subserve the respiratory function in - these insects, as they remain open sacs, the interior of which is continuous with the body cavity of the insects. It is interesting to remember that Oken believed the wings of insects to be modifi- cations of respiratory organs, and homologous with the main tracheal trunks. I do not know if, at this late period of the evening, I should be justified in entering into the details of the history of the other form of genus Ophioneurus, which I alluded to at the outset of this paper. There are some differences between its develop- ment and that of Platygaster and Polynema. I will only mention the more important of these. Ophioneurus is aerial irstead of aquatic; it is parasitic in the eggs of the common cabbage butter- fly, and is, therefore, probably an easy form to obtain. Instead of B. T. LOWNE ON THE HYMEXOPTERA. 191 a single larva only being developed in each butterfly's egg, several are sometimes perfected in it. The young embryo escapes in an unformed condition, like polynema, but remains attached to its ruptured egg-shell ; this embryo becomes converted directly into an unsegmented larva without any skin shedding, thus differing from the types I have already described. The whole developmental process is simpler than in Polynema or Platygaster, but as in those genera the embryo becomes converted into a larva by the gradual development of structures similar to those which are usually de- veloped in the egg, a primitive fold and head lappets appear, as in crustacean and insect embryos, although the larva soon assumes a simple sac-like form. Soon, however, the hypodermis, or lower layer of the skin of this sac-like larva becomes converted into imaginal discs, and these, strange to say, form the outer integu- ment of the perfect form, and are never shed. All these changes take place very rapidly, and in two or three days the infected eggs produce from one to three perfect Ophioneuri, instead of a single lepidopteroiis larva. I do not know whether it will ever be possible for me to find time to trace out the wonderful changes described by Herr Ganin, but I feel sure that great additional light will be one day thrown upon the affinities of insects by the study of these wonderful life histories, and I doubt not that thousands of infected lepidopterous and other eggs might be found by anyone who has the skill and leisure to prosecute this research, and that the labour would be repaid by the richest results. 19^2 Collecting and Preserving Fresh Water Alg^. Bj Dr. Horatio Wood, Jun.* There are three or four distinct classes of localities, in each of which a different set of forms may be looked for. These are stagnant ditches and pools, springs, rivulets, large rivers, and other bodies of pure water, dripping rocks in ravines, &c. ; trunks of old trees, boards, branches and twigs of living trees, and other localities. In regard to the first — stagnant ivaters — in these the most con- spicuous forms are Oscillatori^ and Zygnemacc^. The Oscilla- toriae may almost always be recognised at once by their forming dense slimy strata, floating or attached, generally with very fine rays extending from the mass, like a long, delicate fringe. The stratum is rarely of a bright green colour, but is mostly dark, dull greenish, blackish, purplish, blue, &c. The Oscillatorias are equally valuable as specimens at all times and seasons, as their fruit is not known, and the characters defining the species do not depend upon sexual organs. The Zygnemas are the bright green, evidently filamentous, slimy masses, which float on ditches, or lie in them, entangled amongst the water plants, sticks, twigs, &c. They are . only of scientific value when in fruit, as it is only at such times that they can be determined. Excepting in the case of one or two very large forms, it is impossible to tell with the nalced eye with certainty whether a Zyghema is in fruit or not ; but there are one or two practical points, the remembrance of which will very greatly enhance the probable yield of an afternoon's search. In the first place the fruiting season is in the spring and early summer, the latter part of March, May, and June being the months when the collector will be best repaid for looking for this family. Again, when these plants are fruiting they lose their bright green colour and become dingy, often yellowish, and very dirty looking — just such specimens as the tyro would pass by. The fine, bright green, * Extracted from " A Contribution to the Natural History of the Fresh Water Algas of America." Washington, 1873. DR. HORATIO WOOD ON FRESH WATER ALG^. 193 handsome masses of these alg^e are rarely worth carrying home. After all, however, much must be left to chance ; the best way is to gather small quantities from numerous localities, keeping them separate until they can be examined. Adhering to the various larger plants, to floating matters, twigs, stones, &c., in ditches, will often be found filamentous Algae, which make fine filmy fringes around the stems, or on the edges of the leaves, or perchance one may meet with Rivalarise or Nostocs, &c., forming little green or brownish balls, or indefinite protuberances attached to small stems or leaves. These latter forms are to be looked for, especially late in the season, and whenever seen should be secured. In the latter part of summer there is often a brownish, gelatinous scum to be seen floating on ditches. Portions of this should be preserved, as it frequently contains interesting Nostocs and other plants. In regard to large rivers^ the time of year in which I have been most successful in such localities is the latter summer months. Springs and small bodies of clear water may be searched with a hope of reward at any time of the year when they are not actually frozen up. I have found some exceedingly beautiful and rare Alg£e in such places as early as March, and in open seasons they may be collected even earlier than this. The Desmids are most abundant in the spring, and possibly most beautiful then. They, however, rarely conjugate at that time, and the most valuable specimens are therefore to be obtained later — during the summer and autumn months, at least, so it is said ; and the experience I have had with this family seems to confirm it. Rivulets should be watched especially in early spring, and during the summer months. From the time when the weather first grows cool in the autumn, on until the cold weather has fairly set in, and the reign of ice and snow commences, is the period during which the Algae hunter should search carefully all wet, dripjnng rocks, for specimens. Amongst the stems of wet mosses — in dark, damp crevices, and little grottos beneath shelving rocks — is the Algje harvest to be reaped at this season. Nostocs, Palmellas, conjugating Desmids, Siiosiphons, various unicellular Algae, then flourish in such localities. My experience has been that late in the autumn ravines, railroad cuttings, rocky river-banks, &c., reward time and labour better than any other localities. .194 DR. HORATIO WOOD ON Fl;E8II WATER ALG.E. The Vaiichcrias, which grow frequently on wet ground, as well as submerged, fruit in the early spring and summer in this lati- tude, and are therefore to be collected at such times, since they are only worth preserving when in fruit. In regard to Alga3 which grow on trees, I have found but a single species, and do not think they are at all abundant in this latitude. Further south, they seem to be the most abundant forms. As to the preservation of Alg£e, most of the submerged species are spoiled by drying. Studies of them should always, when practicable, be made whilst fresh. Circumstances, however, will often prevent this, and I have found that they may be preserved for a certain period, say three or four months, without very much change, in a strong solutimi of acetate of alumina. An even better preservative, however, and one much more easily obtained, is carbolic acid, for 1 have studied Desmids with great satisfaction which had been preserved for live or six years in a watery solu^on of this substance. In regard to the strength of the solution, I have no fixed rule, always simply shaking up a few drops of the acid with the water, until the latter is very de- cidedly impregnated with it, as indicated by the senses of smell and taste. Almost all species of Alg£e which are firm and semi-cartilaginous, or almost woody in consistency, are best preserved by simply dry- ing them, and keeping them in the ordinary manner for small plants. The fresh-water Algse which bear this treatment well belong to the Phycochromophycece^ such as the Nostocs, Scytonejua, &c., the true confervas not enduring such treatment at all. When dried plants are to be studied, fragments of them should be soaked for a few minutes in warm, or for a longer time in cold water. The only satisfactory way that Algte can be finally prepared for the cabinet is by mounting them whole or in portions, according to size, for the microscope. Of the best methods of doing this the present is hardly the time to speak ; but a word as to the way of cleaning them will not be out of place. Many of them, especially the large filamentous ones, may be washed by holding them fast upon an ordinary microscope slide, with a bent needle, or a pair of forceps, and allowing water to flow or slop over them freely, whilst they are rubbed with a stiffish camel's-hair pencil or brush. In other cases, the best plan is to put a mass of the specimens in a DR. HOllATlO WOOD ON FRESH WATER ALGM. 195 bottle half-full of water, and sluike the whole violently, drawing off the water from the plants in some way, and repeating the process with fresh additions of water, until the plants are well scoured. At first sight, this process would seem exceedingly rough, and liable to spoil the specimens, but I have never seen bad results from it, at least when practised with judgment. The water seems so to envelope and protect the little plants, that they are not injured. After all, in many instances it appears impossible to clean these Algae without utterly ruining and destroying them, so that he who despises and rejects mounted specimens simply because they are dirty and unsightly, will often reject that which, scientifically speak- ing, is most valuable and attractive. In finally mounting these plants, the only proper way is to place them in some preservative solution within a cell on a slide. After trial of solution of acetate of alumina and various other preser- vative fluids, I have settled upon a very weak solution of carbolic acid, as the best possible liquid to mount these plants in. Acetate of alumina would be very satisfactory were it not for the very great tendency of the solution to deposit minute granules, and thus spoil the specimens. As every one knows, the great difficulty in pre- serving microscopic objects in the moist way is the perverse ten- dency of the cells to leak, and consequently slowly to allow entrance to the air and spoil the specimens. As I have frequently found to my great chagrin, the fact that a slide has remained unchanged for six months, or even a year, is no guarantee that i^ will remain so indefinitely. It becomes, therefore, exceedingly important to find some way of putting up microscopic objects that can be relied on for their preservation. Where carbolated glycerine jelly or Canada balsam can be used, the solid coating which they form around tlie specimens constitutes the best known protection. Except in case of the Diatoms, how- ever, these substances so shrivel and distort the fresh water algas immersed in them as to utterly ruin them. I lost so many specimens by the old ways of mounting, that, becoming dis- heartened, I gave up all idea of making a permanent cabinet, until a new cement, invented by Dr. J. G. Hunt, of this city, was brought to my notice. This is prepared as follows : — Take damar gum, any quantity, and dissolve it in benzole ; the solution ma^ be hastened by heat. After obtaining a solution just 106 DR. HORATIO WOOD ON FRESH WATER ALG^. thick enough to drop readily from the brush, add enough of the finest dry oxide of zhic, previously triturated in a mortar with a small quantity of benzole, until the solution becomes white when thoroughly stirred. If not too much zinc has been added, the solution will drop quickly from the brush, flow readily, and dry quickly enough for convenient work. It will adhere, if worked properly, when the cell- cover is pressed down, even when glycerine is used for the preservative medium. Keep in an alcohol lamp bottle with a tight lid, and secure the brush for applying the cement in the lid of the bottle. Its advantages lie in the circumstance that the glass cover can be iDlaced upon the ring of it whilst still fresh and soft, and that in drying it adheres to both cover and slide, so as to form a joint between them of the width of the ring of cement, and not, as with asphaltum, gold size, &c., simply at the edge and upon the outside of the cover. It is readily to be seen how much less liability to leakage must result from this. The method of mounting with it is as follows : — A ring of any desired size is made by means of an ordinary Bhadbolt's turn-table, upon a slide, which is then placed to one side to dry. When required for use, the specimen, cover, &c., being all prepared and ready, the slide is again placed upon the turn-table, and a new ring of cement put directly upon the old one. The specimen is immediately placed within the cell thus formed, and the requisite quantity of the carbolated water placed upon it. The cover, which must be large enough to entirely or nearly cover the cement ring, is now picked up with the forceps, the under side being moistened by the breath to pievent adhesion of air-bubbles, and placed carefully in position. It is now to be carefully and equably pressed down with some force. By this any superfluous water is squeezed out, and the cover is forced down into the cement which rises as a little ring around its edge. The pres- sure is best made with a stiff needle, at first on the centre, and then upon the edges of the cover, which may finally be made slowly to revolve underneath the needle point. The slide may then be put aside to dry ; or better, an outside ring of the cement thrown over its edge in the usual manner. Where a deep cell is required, several coats of the cement should be placed one over the other, each being allowed to dry in turn. If time be an object, and only a shallow cell be necessary, the first ring of cement may be dispensed with, and the whole mounting of the specimen be done in a few DR. HORATIO WOOD OX FRESH WATER ALG.E 197 minutes. Even with this cement, and the utmost care in mounting, the cabinet should be occasionally inspected, for there will always be some slides into which air will penetrate. When such are found efforts may be made to stop tbe leak by new rings of cement over- laid upon the old ; but very often entire remounting of the speci- men is the only satisfactory cure. SPILOC^EA POMI. Fries. This cosmopolitan fungus has made its appearance this autumn in what would seem to be stronger force than hereto- fore, threatening some crops with destruction. It appears at first beneath the cuticle of the fruit, then breaks through in circular, often confluent, patches, of a dark brown colour, bordered by the lacerated margin of the cuticle. The microscope reveals a mass of short septate threads, which are simple, and closely packed together, each one terminating in an ovate, caducous joint, wLich has all the characters of a spore, and ultimately becomes at least uniseptate. The threads and spores are slightly coloured of a smoky-grey tint. From these particulars it will be seen how near Spiloccea i^omi approaches to such species of Cladosporium as C. dendriticum, of which it is probably only a condition. In the "■ Gardener's Chro- nicle" for Sept. 20th, it is supposed to be a state of Helmiii- thosporium pyrorum. At any rate, mycologists seem to be agreed that it is not an autonom^ous plant, and is closely related either to Cladosporium or Helmintliosporium, From our own examination, we are at present more disposed to refer it to the former than to the latter. Further investigation, at a later period, might, perhaps, modify this opinion, but at present its characters seem to approxi- mate so closely to Cladosporium dendriticmn, especially the variety orbiculatum, that we consider the probabilities strongly in favour of that species. — M. C. Cooke. 198 NOBERT'S TESTS AND MR. WEBB. The following letter has been received from Dr. Woodward : — Army Medical Museum, Washington, D.C., August 18th, 1873. To the Members of the Quekeit Microscopical Club. Gentlemen, — As I always read the Journal of your Club with interest, my attention was at once arrested by the communication of Mr. William Webb '' on Nobert's T«.sts," in the July number, in which he arrives at the conclusion " That beyond the first few bands of Nobert's Tests there is not one containing a line properly so called." The mechanical considerations urged by Mr. Webb I will not discuss further than to say that he appears to have over- looked completely one of the most striking facts with regard to Nobert's plates, viz. : That the lines of the first band are not only further apart, but are more deeply ruled than those of the second ; that those of the third are still shallower, and so on progressively. This circumstance, it appears to me, destroys his whole argument. I do not, however, write to discuss Mr. Webb's argument, but to remind the members of the club that there is a physical reason which compels us to believe that the first fifteen bands, at least, of the nineteen band plate are composed of real and distinct lines, and that the distance of these lines apart must approximate very closely to what was intended by Nobert. When the bands of the Nobert's plate are illuminated by oblique light, and are looked at from above with a low power (too low to show any of the lines), each band appears as a smooth^coloured stripe. From the known wave length of the colour^seen, and the angle of the incident pencil, the distance which the lines of any band must actually be apart can be computed by the well-known formula for the spectrum of gratings enunciated by Fraunhofer, and the distance thus obtained agrees with_^ that ^at which Nobert ruled the lines. On the other hand the angle of the incident pencil being known, and Nobert's given distance being assumed to be nobekt's tests. 199 true, a table of wave lengths for tlie different colours may be cal- culated, and tlie wave lengths thus deduced agree substantially with those computed by other means. Nobert has discussed the whole subject in two elaborate papers in the 58th volume of Pog- gendorff's Annalen (1852), 1o which I would refer any of your members who are interested in the mathematical asptects of the question. His discussion leaves, as I think, no room for the pos- sibility of a doubt of the objective reality of the lines up to the fifteenth band. Now I call attention to the fact that this reason is altogether independent of our ability to resolve the lines with the microscope. In fact, it enabled Nobert to know that his plates were correctly ruled long before the resolution of any but the coarsest bands had been effected by anyone; so that all that Mr. Webb's paper proves is that he does not know how Nobert produces the results, and notwithstanding his great skill in writing on glass, cannot do the same thing himself. As no spectral colour is obtained in the bands finer than the fifteenth, the formula of Fraunhofer cannot be applied to them. In fact, the formula demonstrates that if these bands are actually ruled, as claimed, they can give no spectral colour. For my own part, however, I have no hesitation in expressing the opinion that the four higher bands (16th, 17th, 18th, and 19th) have also an objective reality, I base this opinion upon the comparison of their optical appearances as seen with the best glasses with the appearances of the lower bands (especially those from the 9th to the loth). These appearances are quite the same in both cases, and as similar results follow similar causes, I infer the existence of real lines in the four higher bands, since I know beyond the possil>ility of a doubt that they exist in the others. I have discussed the appearances referred to, and the whole matter of the spurious lines which are observed under certain circumstances in connection with the true lines, or instead of them, in the " Monthly Microscopical Journal" for May, 1871. Mr. Webb imagines the real lines also to be spurious, speaks of them as *' aerial polarized black lines of light " (whatever they may mean), and talks generally of the part he supposes polarized lightto play in the production of the phenomena, in a way which shows his optical notions to be original rather than sound. It is hardly worth while to discuss this part of his paper. I may mention here, as a matter of interest to the club, that I 200 nobeht's tests. have recently examined two new test plates by Nobert — the first ruled for Professor Barnard, of Columbia College ; the second for the Army Medical Museum — in which the maker has attempted to rule lines twice as fine as those of the nineteenth band. Tliese plates have twenty bands. The first ten correspond respectively to the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th, 13th, 17th, and 19th of the old plate. The lines in the second group of ten bands purport to be ruled at the following distances apart: — The lltli band TTD^oTT ^^ ^ Paris line, the 12th band i^^o, and so on up to the 20th band, lines of which are said to be 2 o~d^o~o ^^ ^ Paris line apart. As I have not yet been able to resolve any of these new bands I will not at present express an opinion as to whether Nobert has actually succeeded in ruling them as attempted. Finally, I would say that my attention having been directed to the accounts of Mr. Webb's fine writing on glass, which appears to be almost as marvellous in its way as Nobert's work in its, I have written to Mr. Webb requesting him to prepare a specimen for the museum. I anticipate both pleasure and instruction from its examination, and have no doubt that I shall find as much to admire in his work as I do to condemn in his arguments. With bigh consideration, J. J. WOODWARD, U.S. Army, Honorary Foreign Member. 201 PROCEEDINGS. June 27th, ISJS.—Chainnan, Dr. R. Braithwaite, F.L.S., President. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and confirmed. The following donations to the Club were announced — *' The Monthly Microscopical Journal " from the Publisher. " Science Gossip " ,, ,, "Proceedings of the Eoyal Society," No. 141 the Society. '* The American Naturalist " in exchange. "The Lens" „ "Proceedings of the Literary and Philosophical") r. ,, ^ . , Society of Manchester " ) Nineteen slides Mr. Jas. Watkins. Twenty-four slides Mr. T. C. White. r Mr. Henry Horn- £3 for the purchase of Books for the Library ... < castle, of Whit- ^ more, Notts. The thanks of the Meeting were unanimously^ voted to the donors. The following gentlemen were ballotted for and duly elected members of tho Club :— Mr. Alfred S. Corbitt, Mr. H. G. Glasspool, Mr. Thomas Mason, Mr. B. W. Priest, Mr. G. R. B. Ray, Mr. Frederick Reeve, Mr. Joseph E. Symons, Mr. G. J. Smith, and Mr. Edward Souter. Dr. G. W. Royston-Pigott read a paper entitled, " A Description of the New Interference Markings in Lepismaand Podura." The subject was illustrated by diagrams. A vote of thanks was unanimously passed to Dr. Pigott for his paper. Mr. S. J. Mclntire said that he had only seen Dr. Pigott's exhibition once, and that was at his own house. It certainly struck him on that occasion that Dr. Pigott was a most skilful manipulator with high powers. He had himself worked a great deal at Podura scales, and in endeavouring to understand their structure he had thought it well to obtain as much knowledge as possible of the structure of insects' scales generally In examining a large number of them for this purpose, his conviction was strengthened that with high powers there was the greates difficulty in deciding what was really seen. With regard to the beads which had been described, he had frequently seen them, but at the same time he doubted their actual existence. There was in the structure of some scales a deposit of a fatty substance, and it was quite possible that this might exist in those of the Podura, and might give rise to some such appearances, although he thought it was more probably a result of interference. Dr. Pigott was the first to discover and draw attention to these appearances, and he was understood to believe in their entity, and that the club-shaped markings were illusions. He (Mr. Mclntire), on the contrary, believed that the club-shaped 202 markings were realities. Dr. Pigott could do much with high powers, but in his own mind the doubt still remained as to what could really be done with them. Dr. Pigott thought that, of course, everyone had a right to hold hia own opinion ; but the question before them was not a matter for argument, but of seeing. He had within the last two or three days hit upon a way of viewing these objects, and if ever he saw a string of red currants, why he could see those beads. It was very easy to test whether a body seen was spherical or not, for if it was so a symmetrical shadow would be found on every side when it was manipulated. He had shown these bodies to a number of persons— to a young lady, and to a deaf and dumb man, who had never heard what they were, and they both described them as beads. He had shown them to Mr. Bowman (who was present in that room), and he could describe them. Of course, every gentle- man, who has his own ideas, like a true John Bull, would be very slow to believe in any new notions ; but if Mr. Mclntire would call upon him with any half- dozen other gentlemen, he would put the matter to the test before tliem. Mr. Mclntire said he did not at all doubt that these appearances could be shown, because he had seen them himself. The chair having been taken pro tern, by Dr. Matthews, The President read the second of his series of papers on " Plant Organiza- tion," in which he treated of the origin and growth'of the plant cell, illustrating the subject by a number of lithographed drawings, which were handed round for the inspection of the members. A vote of thanks to Dr. Braithwaite for his paper was then unanimously Dr. Pigott wished to ask Dr. Braithwaite if he would not take up the subject of spontaneous generation in connection with this subject ; he thought it would be very interesting. Dr. Braithwaite said he had neither the time nor opportunity for following out this subject ; he might, however, say that he was not a believer in spon- taneous generation, and he thought that all the most recent researches in that direction agreed in proving that it had no existence in facts. Mr. Ingpen thought that the greatest value of such a paper as Dr. Braith- waite's would be in its educational character, inasmuch as it brought before the club certain points which, from an educational point of view, it was highly necessary should be well understood by all. He was very glad that the subject had been brought before them in this form, and that the members would be able to read it for themselves in their own journal, as a part only of a series of similar papers. Dr. Braithwaite said this was really his object in bringing forward the subject. Mr. James Smith exhibited to the meeting a neat form of paper sunhght reflector which he had found very useful in obtaining a good and white reflected light when working with the microscope in the day time. It was intended to be hung in any convenient position in direct sunshine, and the mirror of the instrument directed to\vards it. A vote of thanks was passed to Mr. Smith for his communication. The Secretary read a letter which had been received by Mr. Golding from Mr. Chantrell, of Liverpool, describing a series of observations recently carried on in connection with the development of certain Infusoria in glass troughs con- structed for the purpose. Mr. B. D. Jackson gave notice that at the next meeting he would propose a 203 new bye-law to be substituted for the 2Qd bye-law now in force, relating to the officers of the club. The proposed new bye-law having been read to the meeting, the President intimated that it would be submitted for approval or otherwise at the Annual Meeting in July. The President then reminded the members that the next time they met would be the occasion of the Anniversary of the Club, and invited nominations of gentlemen to fill vacancies upon the Committee. The following gentlemen were then nominated as Vice-Presidents for the ensuing year : — Mr. T. W. Burr Proposed by Mr. Hind Seconded by Mr. G. Williams. Mr. B. T. Lowne ,, Mr. B. D. Jackson ,, Mr. Hainworth. Dr. Matthews ,, Mr. Hainworth ,, Mr. Pett. Mr. Chas. P. White ,, Mr. Ramsbotham ,, Mr. Marks. The following gentlemen were nominated as members of Committee : — Mr. E. Bartlett Proposed by Mr. Jas. Smith Seconded by Mr. E. Richards. Mr. W. M. Bywater ,, Mr. J. A. Smith ,, Mr. Pett. Mr. Frank Crisp ,, Mr. Jas. Watkins ,, Mr. Kitrill. Mr. H. F. Hailes ,, Mr. Curteis ,, Mr. E. George. Mr. F. H. P. Hiud ,, Mr. Alpheus Smith ,, Mr. T. Terry. Mr. Jas. Nelson ,, Mr. J. G. Waller ,, Mr. A. Waller. Mr. E. T. Newton ,, Mr. E.P. Pett ,, Mr. J. A. Smith. Mr. J. G. Waller ,, Mr. Hailes ,, Dr. Matthews. Mr. T. C. White ,, Mr. E. Richards ,, Mr. Jas. Smith, To fill the office of Auditor on behalf of the Club — Mr. Pett was proposed by Mr. Curteis, seconded by Mr. J. A. Smith, and unanimously elected. The proceedings then terminated with a conversazione, at which the follow- ing objects were exhibited : — Plumatella by Mr. Hainworth. Sponge on a Shell from Mauritius ... ... Mr. Ingpen. Sections of Echinus Spines Mr. Pett. Polished Slab of Oolite Mr. Sigsworth. Section of Blow Fly Mr. J. A. Smith. Injected Section of Medulla Oblongata of Mouse Mr. Topping. Lasiopetalum Solanaceiir.i ... ... Mr. Watkins. Currant Clearwing Moth (Sesia Tipioliformis) Air. G. Williams. Attendance— Members, 59 j Visitors, 5. ANNUAL MEETING. July 25tli, 1873. — Chairman, Dr. R. Braithwaite, F.L.S., &c. The minutes of the preceding meeting having been read and confirmed, Mr. B. D. Jackson, in accordance with notice given at the last ordinary meeting, moved — " That the 2nd bye-law of the Club be abrogated, and that the following be substituted for it, viz., ' That the business of the Club be con- ducted by the President, four Vice-Presidents, Treasurer, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Secretary for Foreign Correspondence, and a committee of twelve other members. Six to form a quorum. That the President, Vice-Presidents, Treasurer, and two Secretaries, with four senior members of the committee (by election), retire annually, but be eligible for re-election. That the committee may appoint a stipendiary assistant secretary, who shall be subject to its direction.' " Mr. Jackson explained that the rule now proposed was the same JouRN. Q. M. C. No. 24. n 204 in effect as the one for which it was to be substituted, but it gave in addition power to the committee to appoint a paid assistant secretary, and it also omitted the clause by which the Editor of the Journal was appointed an ex-officio member of the committee. It had been decided to discontinue the Journal in its present form, and the editor's wort would in future be carried on by a sub- committee appointed for the purpose. Mr. Oxley seconded the resolution, and on being put to the meeting it was declared to be carried unanimously. The Secretary read the Eighth Annual Report of the Committee of the Club, also the Treasurer's statement of accounts. The President moved — " That the reports now read be received and adopted, and that they be printed and circulated amongst the members." The proposal having been seconded was put to the meeting and carried unanimously. The President also moved—" That the cordial thanks of the Club be pre- sented to the Council of University College for their continued liberality and kindness in permitting the meetings of tl-e Club to be held in that building." Mr. Ingpen seconded the motion, which was then put to the meeting and carried by acclamation. A Ballot was then taken for the election of officers and six members of the committee, Mr. Crook and Mr. Reeves having been appointed scrutineers. The Scrutineers having handed in their report, the following gentlemen were declared to have been duly elected : — As President ... Dr. R. Braithwaite. r Mr. T. W. Burr. As Vice-Presidents ... \ Mr. B T Lowne. Dr. Matthews. L Mr. Chas. F. White. r Mr. W. M. By water. I Mr. Frank Crisp. , ,, , „ ^ ... I Mr. H. F. Bailee. As Members of Committee ... ^^^_ ^^ ^ ^ ^.^^^ I Mr. J. G. Waller. iMr. T.C.White. As Treasurer ... Mr. R. Hardwicke. As Hon. Secretary ... Mr. J. E. Ingpen. As Eon. Secretary for Foreign Corres- 1 jj^^ -^ ^^ Cooke. pondence •> As Assistant Secretary ... Mr. E. Marks. The President then read his Annual Address, in which, after congratulating the members upon the continued prosperity of the Club, he gave a resume of the work of the year. The address was listened to with great attention, and concluded amidst great applause. A vote of thanks to the President for his valuable address was then moved by Mr. J. G. Waller, seconded by Mr. Ingpen, and carried unanimously. The President, in acknowledging the vote of thanks, expressed his regret that he had been prevented by want of time from giving more attention to the preparation of his address ; he had only returned from Scotland a few days since, which was the reason why it had been somewhat shorter than usual. Mr. Golding moved that the address of the President be printed and circu- lated in the usual way amongst the members of the Club. 205 Mr. Wliite seconded the motion, which was put and carried nem. dis. Mr. T. dirties proposed a vote of thanks to the Committee and Officers of the Club for their management of its affairs during the past year, and the proposal having been seconded and put to the meeting, was unanimously carried. Mr. J. E, Ingpen said it might be supposed that the last vote of thanks had included the one which he was about to propose ; he thought, however, that he should be quite expressing the general feeling of the members in proposing a special vote of thanks to their retiring honorary secretary. As they had done him the honour to elect him as Mr. White's successor, he was perhaps in a better position than most of them to make this proposal. He was sure from what he could already see that Mr. White had held no sinecure (and for his own part he felt very glad to find that some assistance was in future to be given). Tlie work to be done was very considerable, and it did not all lie upon the surface; in addition to other duties a great deal was often required in matters of tact and conciliation, which generally contributed towards making the machinery of the Club run smoother, as well as preventing collisious which might now and then occur with detrimental effect. They had also seen a great deal of Mr. White in other ways ; they had ever the benefit of his scientific experience, ever his ready help, and ever his geniality and kindness. He (Mr. Ingpen) was very glad to find that Mr. White had been elected as a member of their Committee, so that they should still have the benefit of his counsel, and in one respect he thought that the Club would be a gainer, because they now had the promise t>f some papers from him upon Animal Histology, which would be very interesting as supplementing those which were now in course of being read by Dr. Braith- waite. He had great pleasure in proposing that a cordial vote of thanks be presented to Mr. T. C. White for his great exertions for the welfare of the Club during the four years he had acted as their Honorary Secretary. Mr. W. H. Golding having seconded the motion, it was put to the meeting by the President, and carried unanimously amidst great applause. The President, addressing Mr. T. C. White, said he had a further and still more pleasant duty to perform, that of presenting him with a testimonial from a number of the members of the Club upon the occasion of his retirement from the office of hon. secretary. The testimonial was in the form of a diamond ring (which he believed had been the form chosen by Mr. White himself), and he had great pleasure in presenting it on behalf of the members as a token of their sense of the value of his services as their hon. secretary. Mr. T. C. White (who rose amidst great cheering) said that he felt most gratified by the kindness and cordiality of the way in which the members present had accorded their thanks to him on that occasion ; indeed, he could hardly say that it had taken him by surprise, because he had received from them at all times so very much kindness and so many undoubted expressions of their good- will. He regretted very much that it had become a necessity for him to give up his position as their secretary, but the great increase of his professional engage- ments, which frequently occupied him fi'om nine o'clock in the morning until six o'clock in the evening without any intermission, added to his other work, had begun to tell seriously upon his health, and for months past had resulted in almost constant headache, so that he felt compelled to give up his position in order to obtain some really needful rest. The regret with which he left that chair was, however, softened by a knowledge of the ability of the gentleman who was to be his successor, and by the assurance that he was in every way as fond of the club. He thanked them very much indeed for their handsome 206 present ; lie should never look at it without thinking of their kindness, and how many times he had shaken hands with those who at their meetings had always given him such a cordial welcome and support during the period he had the honour to be their Secretary. Mr. White then vacated the Secretary's chair, which was at once occupied by the newly-elected Hon. Secretary — Mr. John E. Ingpen. A vote of thanks to the Scrutineers was moved by Mr. B. D. Jackson, and having been seconded and put to the meeting was carried unanimously. The Secretary announced the following donations to the Club since the last meeting : — ** The Monthly Microscopical Journal" from the Publisher. *' The Popular Science Eeview" ,, ,, *' Science Gossip" ... ... ... ,, ,, *' Proceedings of the Eoyal Society, No. 145." ... the Society. * ' The 4th Annual Report of the Liverpool Natural ) History Society" j the Society. "The Proceedings of the British Natural History) th S i t Society" J "The American Naturalist" in exchange. *' The Journal of the London Institution " from the Librarian. 1 Slide Mr. Alfd. Allen. 6 Slides Mr. Jas. Watkina. The thanks of the Club were voted to the Donors. The following gentlemen were ballotted for, and duly elected members of the Club:— Mr. John Baguley, Rev. H. J, Fase, Mr. John Thos. Hurst, Mr. 0. I>e Pelley, Mr. John S. Walker, and Mr. Walter White. Mr. Thos. Crook hoped he should not be out of place in saying a few words then, but he thought that there was one gentleman to whom a vote of thanks should be certainly given, and that was to Mr. Lewis, their shorthand writer ; he, therefore, wished to propose that the thanks of the Club be given to Mr. Lewis for his services. The motion having been seconded, Mr. T. C. White said that if it were necessary to "third it"' he would do so, because he felt so strongly the value of Mr. Lewis's work; indeed he did not know what they would do without it. He had intended to move this proposal himself, but Mr. Crook had quite taken the wind out of his sails. The President thought after the manner in which the proposal for this vote of thanks had been received, it was scarcely necessary to put it to the meeting. It was then put, and carried unanimously, Mr. T, C. White then proposed votes of thanks to the Librarian and the Curator, also to their Treasurer, Mr. Hardwicke, which, having been seconded, were put to the meeting, and carried unanimously. The proceedings then terminated with a conversazione, at which the following objects were exhibited : — Loplwpus crystalUnus by Mr. Cocks. Starch Grains in leaf cells of Moss Mnium cuspidatum ... ,, Mr. Sigsworth. Scales of Lepisma (new species) ,, Mr. Ward. Attendance : members, 70 ; visitors, 2. 207 22iid August, 1873. — Dr. Braithwaite in the Chair. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and confirmed. The following donations to the Club were announced, viz. : — " Science Gossip" -^ " Monthly Microscopical Journal" j ^°^ ^"^^st fromtlie Publisher, " Proceedings of the Geological Association " ,, Association. The ballot for new members then took place, and the following gentlemen were duly elected members of the Club: — Mr. William Bartlett, Cambridge Villa, Southall; Mr. S. Israel, No. 1, The Crescent, America Square. The President announced that there was no paper for this evening, but that Mr. Lowne had kindly volunteered to make a few observations on " The Mouth Organs of Insects." Mr. Lowne said that previous to his coming into the room he had no idea that he would be asked to fill up the gap caused by the want of a regular paper, and that it was only fair he should make that statement, as entitling him to the consideration of the meeting for the unprepared condition in which he addressed them. He proposed to offer a few observations respecting the Mouths of Insects, which, as we all knew, were favourite objects, considerable portions of our cabinets being filled with them, and although the subject was not a very novel one, yet he hoped that he might be able to put it more fully before the members than was commonly done in works of an elementary nature, and more clearly than in those of a more portentous character. If we take the mouth of any large beetle, we find all the parts easy to recog- nise, with the additional advantage that all the structures are the same rela- tively as in the most modified mouths, even of those modified for special pur- poses. The use, in other words, may be different, but the parts are the same though not always easy to recognise as such. There is nothing, for instance, in a fly's mouth, which does not exist, in a plainer condition, in tlie mouth of a beetle. If we take a Stag-beetle, we observe first the large horns, which are the mandibles or jaws of the insect. We observe next that these work laterally, not vertically, as in the case of mammalia, &c., and this is the case with all insects. Above the mouth we find a plate, forming the roof of the mouth, and imderneath another plate forming the floor of the mouth ; both of these lie parallel with each other. The mandibles, like those of all other insects, are hollow, and are moved by very powerful muscles. Whether they are in this case used for procuring food, or are simply ornaments, the speaker could not under- take to say. In the instance of the Stag-beetle, the mandibles are comparatively feeble in proportion to the size of the insect, but in others they were frequently of great strength. In a little space, under these mandibles, there are two jaws, which also move parallel to the roof and floor of the mouth ; these are the maxillcB, which are sometimes cutting organs, and occasionally more developed than the mandibles. We now see that, as far as we have gone, the main parts of the mouth are — The upper lip, or lahrum. The lower lip, or labium. The mandibles. The maxillae. If wo now take a magnifying glass, we find another organ called the ligula or tongue, sprin(;ing from the floor of the mouth, the same as in the higher animals. This organ is much modified in different insects, as for instance in bees, which have about 300 joints. The general use of the tongue of a bee is 208 to lap up the uectar from flowers, mucli in tbe same way as a kitten lana up milk. This is the highest development of the ligida, or tongue, which is known in the insect world. In many flies the tongue is without muscles ; it is very pointed, and is used as a lancet. You will call to mind, as a different modification of this organ, the tongue of the cricket. The tongue of the blow-fly, so called, is not simply a tongue, but a modification of the whole of the mouth organs j that of the cricket, on the other hand, is really a tongue. On either side of the ligida there are two small organs — ^jaws, which in the beetle serve no object at all ; they are simply jaws on their last legs. All the jaws of insects are legs. Take them in an embryonic condition, and you will find that the jaw and the leg pouches are identical in form, and it is only when developed that the difference is apparent. These little jaws are the paraglossce . In the grasshopper, cricket, and dragon-fly, the two pairs of maxillae lie one below the other. They attain their greatest development in the di-agon-fly, and even hide the mouth of the insect, and in the larva of the dragon-fly they are of such dimensions as to cover the ugly head, and enable it to approach near its prey. Attached to the two pairs of maxiUoe of crickets, and to the paraglossce of beetles, we find small jointed organs called palpi. These contain a very curious structure, of an extremely delicate nature, in which the ne.rve is probably brought almost in contact with the insects' food. Those attached to the paraglossce ^re called labial palpi, and those which are joined on to the maxillce are called maxillary palpi. We now come to the modification of these organs. In the bee the parts are all the same as in the beetle, except that the para- glossce, tongue, and 2^'^h^'^ a^© ^^^J i^auch modified. The tongue is much lengthened, like an elephant's tongue in miniature, owing to its highly com- plicated muscular structure. On either side are the labial palj)i, which contain no more joints than in the beetles, but these are enormously drawn out. Whether these are tasting organs, we cannot say, but it is highly probable that this is their use. Between them the tongue works up and down into the nectary of the flower with a very, a marvellously rapid motion, and being covered with fine hairs, it thus brings up the nectar. To aid in this, the tongue terminates in a leaf-like appendage. Not only are the labial palpi developed into a sheath for the tongue, but the maxillce form a covering to the back of the tongue. The maxillary palpi are developed into a knife-like organ, which is used to plaster the wax, or cut leaves, according to the habits of the par- ticular bee. They are very sensitive, exceedingly complicated, and are the building organs of the insect, modified to the use of the different species. For instance, in the upholsterer bee they are curved and scythe-like, and in the rose -cutter bee, they form saws, the teeth of which are set at an angle of 45° to each other. In the mouth of the blow-fly we notice the great development of the lower lip or mentum. The tongue is very small, but the mentum is much developed. The lobes are the ^ara^Zossce in a highly developed condition. If the mention is opened out as in Mr. Topping's well known slide, we find the same parts as in the beetle, but in a much more developed state. On the upper side is a groove which forms the floor of the mouth. In this mouth the organs are,' fortunately for us (considering how common an insect the blow fly is), only very rudi- mentary. There are plenty of flies like the blow-fly, which unlike him, can open their mouths and can push in a bundle of six lancets to the skin ; they 209 then cut their way out by diverging, then retract, and finally suck in the same way as the blow- fly does. The so-called false tracheae are the channels through which the blow-fly feeds, and act as filters to his food. They can be closed up at pleasure of the insect by some 40 or 50 teeth, so that no solid food pan pass. In the gullet is a suction and force pump, a wonderful organ of great power, and thus we see the need of a filtering organ, without which the fly would choke ; not in the sense that one of the higher animals would cboke, inasmuch as insects do not breathe by the mouth but by the apparatus provided by the spiracles and tracheae, but by reason of its being unable to feed. In butterflies and moths the structure is again much modified. The tube of the mouth is formed by the lateral organs, probably by the maxillce, and is a hollow, jointed, and muscular organ, like that of the bee. So far as we know no butterfly or moth has a true tongue. In them the tube opens below, and goes right up to the mouth. They have only 2 palpi— no other mouth organs, and their use is to clean the proboscis, to which they form fleshy cushions. The tongue, when not in use, is rolled up into a spiral, but when in action, all the muscles straighten out, and form a tube for suction. The locality of the suctorial power has not yet been determined, but probably the mouth cell acts as a kiud of pump. Time will not allow of more being said as to their uses to other creatures. These are in many cases no doubt purely accidental, or it may be that plants have been modified, many of which are incapable of producing seed, unless visited by moths. There are a remarkable number of plants which are fertilised by nocturnal moths. The tongue of the bee is no doubt adapted and essential to the fertilisation of many, still we can well see that the lapping action of the bee is not so well adapted to this end as the delicate poising of the tongue of the moth. Time, however, forbids our going further into the consideration of this matter, and in conclusion the speaker thanked the members for the attention with which they had favoured him.* Dr. Braithwaite proposed a hearty vote of thanks to Mr. Lowne, and said that so interesting a communication would, he was sure, prevent the members pre- sent from feeling any ragret at there being no paper for the evening. The vote of thanks was then put, and carried unanimously. A spirited discussion then followed, in the course of which Mr. Mclntire asked the use of the various appendages to the antlia, which in some moths were entirely wanting. Mr. Lowne replied that it was quite possible that they were tasting organs, as it is clear that from the nature of its food the moth cannot taste with its palpi. In reply to personal thanks, and to questions put by Mr. James Smith, Mr. Lowne stated that he had omitted to say that with regard to the organs at the extremity of the proboscis, there was in Nature, six weeks ago by H. Miiller, an article on fertilisation of plants by insects, illustrated by drawings of the various organs. He would not say tbat the organs referred to were organs of taste, but as regarded their structure simply, they were undoubtedly modified scales. After some further remarks by Mr. Mclntire and Mr. Ingpen, with reference to modification in particular cases, Mr. Loy asked whether Mr. Lowne did not agree that the mandibles of the Stag-beetle were used to obtain juice from the plants upon which they feed. * Mr. Lowne illustrated his remarks by bold, yet aecnrate, sketclies on the black board. 210 He (Mr. Loy) had often seen them feeding on the sap so obtained. With regard to the statement that the jaws of the Stag-beetle had not much power, Mr. Loy considered that they were on the contrary very strong, as he had experienced when bitten by them ; tht'y would also hold a stick very tightly. As far as he had observed their feeding time was about eleven to twelve o'clock at night, Mr. Lowne was glad to hear that the Stag-beetle could bite, and equally glad that he had not experienced the fact in his own person. Mr. Loy remarked on the muscular irritability in these insects ; a pair of the mandibles removed from the head retained the power of motion for some hours. Mr. Lowne could well believe this. It was well known that the legs of some Phalangidie would move as long as twelve hours after separation from the body. Mr. J. E. Ingpen then made a communication relative to a portable microscope which he had brought down for the inspection of members, and which he thought superior to the small instruments generally employed on holiday excur- sions, inasmuch as an instrument is often useful on such occasions capable of examining, in contradistinction to merely recognising objects. The microscope, which was originally a Smith and Beck's instrument, had been very ingeniously modified to suit these requirements, whilst great attention had evidently been given to lightness and economy of space. In a small case were contained three powers, viz., 2-in., |-in., and 4-in., three eye pieces, and a Kelner eye piece, the latter being employed also as an achromatic condenser, a small bullscye con- denser, live box, compressorium, polariscope, camera lucida, spot lens, micro- ?! eter, spare slides, forceps, &c. Nothing new was claimed except in the adaptation of the instrument to seaside work, and the arrangement by which a complete apparatus was comprised in a very small space. Thanks were voted to Mr. Ingpen, and carried unanimously. Notices of the next excursion and the gossip meeting for September were then given, and the meeting closed with the usual conversazione. Tiie following objects were exhibited : — Section of Eye of Drone-fly Mr. A. Topping. Spiracles of DyiiscMs wiar^maZiS polarised Mr. Sigs worth. Wir\g oi Vanessa lo Mr. G. Williams. Collection of Diatomacece, made by Mr. F. Kitton, > -^t tt ^ Hailes of Norwich ) 12tli September, 1873. — Conversational Meeting. The following objects were exhibited : — Crystals of Silicate of Potash in Cobalt glass — ) dark ground j Mr. Sigsworth. Palate of Helix lapicida Mr. J. Slade. Endothelium on diaphragm of Eabbit ... ... ... Mr. Ward. Tongue of a West Indian Spider Mr. Mclntire. Echinus Spines ... ... ... ... -^ Spicule of 8y7iapta , ... j Mr. Golding. Pollen of Pass//?om Mr. Martinelli. Fungus on Tea Leaf ... ... ... -^ Marine Organism (unknown) ) Pett. Terpsinoe musica Mr, J, E. Ingpen. Swift's New ^th Objective Mr. Geo. Williams. 211 On the Histology of Plants. By R. Braithwaite, M.D., F.L.S. III. Transformation of Cells. (Read Nov. 28th, 1873.; We pass now from individual cells, and proceed to study the changes produced in tliem by growth, and by combination into tissues. In the young state, nutrition is active, and the elements of the plasma contained in the cells are capable of rapid assimilation, consequently we have an increase in the whole volume of the cell, both the primordial membrane and cellulose case participating, and then commences an internal deposit of cellulose, by which the cellu- lose case becomes thickened to a greater or less extent. This increase in volume we may assume takes place in three directions — vertically, antero-posteriorly, and laterally — so that a change in form is soon set up in the growing cell, and this in two ways ; firstly, nutrition may not proceed uniformly in all parts of the cell, and thus extension takes place in certain directions, and not at all in others ; secondly, the rapidly enlarging cells soon begin to press against each other, and thus become moulded into various shapes. So long- as the cells remain free, and nutrition progresses equally on all sides, they retain their sj^herical form, as we may observe in the spores of Alg^e and mosses, in pollen, and in the soft pulp of fruits ; but if they combine into a tissue, their spheroidal shape is changed by mutual pressure, and they acquire a more or less polyhedral form, as we may observe in the albumen of seeds, and in pith cells, or in the potato. If nutrition proceeds in all three directions, but not equally over the whole surface, we have radiate forms, as in stellate hairs, or if it be still more irregular we get branched cells, such as we see in the hairs in the air passages of NympTicea or in the bast-tissue of Conifers ; if nutrition proceeds only in two directions, and is arrested JouRN. Q. M. C. No. 25. o 212 R. BRAITHWAITE ON THE HISTOLOGY OF PLANTS. in the third, we get the tabular cells, roundish, polygonal, or stellate, so well seen in the cuticle of leaves, and in the partitions of the air passages in rushes or in Alisma Plantago ; in cork -tissue they are nearly rectangular, hexagonal in the leaves of Hepaticae, and beautifully radiate in many Desmids, such as Euastrum MicrasteriaSy &c. If growth goes on in only one of the cell diameters, we get long cylinders, as in the whole group of filiform Algas, in the pallisade parenchyma of leaves, and vessels of higher plants ; or prisms in vessels and wood and bast parenchyma ; or filiform in many hairs, of which cotton is a familiar example. Irregular extension produces branching of the elongate cells, as seen in the bast cells of Asclepiads and in the Cinenchyma or laticiferous vessels carrying the milky sap of composite and papaveraceous plants, which ramify and anastomose repeatedly. Following immediately on extension of the cell is a thickening of the cellulose case, which may take place equally on all sides, as in pith and wood cells, or may be more or less confined to one side of the cell. The amount of deposit may be so slight as to be scarcely noticeable, or in the case of wood and bast cells, it may fill up and almost obliterate the entire lumen or central cavity of the cell. The thickening of the cellulose case on one side is best seen in cells of the epidermis, where it may occupy the whole of the wall on one side, or also parts of the two adjacent walls, as is seen in the. cuticle of Mistletoe, or of Allium, Hyacinth, &c. A partial thickening in the angles is seen in Hepaticee, and in the collenchyma of young cabbage stems. Lamination of the Cellulose. — As a rule, the different parts of the cellulose case, originating at different periods, and increased by deposit of cellulose particles separated from the protoplasm, and placed uniformly over the primordial membrane, differ also in their optical character, and for this reason we may distinguish three coats. 1. The primary, which is thickest; 2. The secondary deposit in laminae, or systems of laminae ; and 3. The tertiary, youngest and most internal. Sulphuric acid or caustic soda will bring out the laminte of the secondary deposit when not evident, and an interesting question arises, How is this lamellation caused ? Nageli says in the same way as in starch granules ; by the differentiation of an originally homogeneous deposit into layers containing different amounts of water, but the older view is, that in the process of deposit certain periodical stops take place, each R. BRAITHWAITE ON THE HISTOLOGY OF PLANTS. 213 of these arrests causing an empty interspace, which is indicated by a dark line, and that this is very likely to be correct is proved by placing extremely thin sections of the pith of Clematis, or of bast cells of Begonia in Canada balsam, which has the same refraction as cellulose, and will, on filling the interspaces, cause the black lines to disappear, while in anise oil, which is more highly refracting, the phenomena are reversed, the dark striae being now the brightest. To study the origin of the layers in unilateral secondary deposit, the epidermis cells in young leaf buds of mistletoe, and the outer wood cells in shoots and radicles of Conifers are adapted ; for con- centric lamination we select bast and pith cells, or the stem of Clematis Vitalha. Forms of Secondary Deposit. — The layers of concentric deposi- tion are never complete, but portions of the primary cellulose case, of greater or less extent, are free from the thickening. The forms in which thickening occurs are many, but the principal may be classed as annular, sinral, net-like, 2')orose and crihrose. 1. Annular thickening of the cellulose membrane is seen oc- casionally in parenchymatous and filiform cells, and in none more beautifully than in the hyaline cells of a Sphagnum leaf; we have also good examples in the parenchyma of Cactaceae, where the thick rings extend inward like a plate. The rings vary in their distance from each other, and also in their inclination to the axis of the cell, and we may notice in Tradescantia, Balsamina, &c., a gradual transition into the next form. 2. Spiral thickening is often in form of homogeneous thickening on one side of the cell ; it is well seen in the elaters of Hepatic^, in Sphagnum leaves, and in the epidermis of anthers in Cucurbi- taceee and Liliaceae, in the seed coat of Salvia, Taraxacum, Pole- monium, &c., and in the vessels of Hyacinth, Arum, &c. Their direction is usually to the left, but sometimes we find them turn to the right and left in the same cell, as in the wall of the anthers of pumpkin. The spiral band is constructed precisely as the thicken- ing layer of the whole cell, having a primary layer next the lining of the cell, an internal tertiary and middle secondary layer, and these may be best seen in the large bands of the Balsam. In the bast cells of Apocynacese and Urticeee, of the larch, and in the outer part of the annual ring of Conifers, the spiral thickening layers are deposited in bands, with numerous unthickened striae between, and these were mistaken by Agardh and Meyen for a o 2 214 R. BRAITHWAITE ON TFIE HISTOLOGY OF PLANTS. striation of the cell wall. In Vinca and some other Apocynese both left and right-handed complex sph-als occur, 3. Beticular thickening layers are common in parenchymatous cells of the leaves in Liliaceae, in capsules of Hepatic£e, in the collenchyma of elder, and in the bark tissue of Balsam. 4. Porose thickening layers are seen in most cells of the higher plants, the pores appearing as small flat rings where the secondary deposit is very thin, but as a cylindric canal when this layer is thick. We have closed and open pores, though originally all are closed ; but where pores of adjoining cells correspond, absorption of the^intervening cellulose case converts them into a canal, by which air passes into the interior. Closed pores are especially seen in the parenchyma, or in all cells destined to prepare and store up reserve material. The pore canal is usually cylindric, but some- times it is narrowed externally, and in very strongly thickened parenchymatous cells the pore canals are often branched, as we see in the thickened woody parenchymatous cells forming the hard con- cretions in winter pears, in the shells of stone-fruits, in the albumen of the ivory-nut. and in the bark of Ash, Fir, Hoya, &c. Closed pores may be also somewhat widened at base, so that the real aperture appears bordered by a second circle. Similar bordered open pores are found in all cells, which having finished their thickening layers only carry air; these are seen in most wood cells, in all bast cells, and also in all vascular cells of woody tissues. In bast cells we often find that the aperture of the canal becomes so small that the border is indistinct. In the vascular cells the bordered open pores appear externally on the lateral walls, and also on the transverse ones, and thus free communication is established throughout, as we see in Ash, Maple, &c. If the border as well as the pore canal be extended considerably in width, we have the form known as Scalariform, or ladder-like, so very common in the vascular cells of Ferns, Lycopods and Monocotyledons, and also in the partition walls of the pith in Conifers. Combined porose and spiral thickening occurs in some wood cells as in those of Yew, Viburnum Lantana, &c., and in vascular cells of Maple, Lime, and Honeysuckle, the spiral band being a tertiary layer. Other peculiar forms are seen by transverse section, in the parenchyma of the leaf of Cycas reuoluta as semi- cylindric bands, and of Finus sylvestris, where they project like R. BRAITHWAITE ON THE HISTOLOGY OF PLANTS. 215 little pill's heads into the cell lumen ; these are produced like the [lores of wood cells by a fold of the young cellulose case. In petals, and especially well seen in the papilliforni epidermal cells on those of the Pelargonium, we have both folding of the primary cellulose case, and also secondary deposit. In the epidermis cells of the leaves of many Urticacea?, the thickening is limited to one point, but this grows remarkably, forming spheroidal cellulose bodies, termed cystoliths, which are encrusted with calcareous crystals ; good examples of these will be found in a leaf of Ficus elastica, or Indiarubber plant, where they are seen on section to occupy a large crypt, from the roof of which they hang by a slender pedicel, and a distinct nucleus is visible in their interior ; the leaves of Broussonetia and Morus also afford specimens. Origin of the various Forms of Thickening. — You will remember when speaking of the young cell, that I alluded to the currents of protoplasm traversing the cell walls in various directions, as streams of granules ; in these we have the foundation of the patterns assumed by secondary deposit, and the source from which it is derived. The elat^r cells in the young fruit of Marchantia have been watched to trace the process, and the first thing seen is a parietal border of protoplasm, enclosing starch granules, next vacuoles appear, and then the granular protoplasm commences a distinctly spiral movement, the starch disappears, and a homo- geneous layer of cellulose is seen clinging spirally to the cellulose case. Bordered open pores are best seen in young shoots of Conifers, and commence by an infolding of the primordial utricle, then the bordering cavity enlarges, and the pore canal becomes narrowed by internal deposit. In most parenchym cells, Iodine shows ns that the cellulose remains unaltered, but in other cases a change takes place ; thus wood, bast, and vascular cells, and many unilaterally thickened epidermis cells, lose their original soft condition, and become hard ; Iodine tests now colour them yellow, and they are dissolved in warm caustic potass, and also by nitric acid, the cellulose has been converted into Lignin ; again, cells of the Peridei-m and of cork tissue present the same reaction, but are not dissolved by nitric acid, and moreover, they contain nitrogen. Here the cellulose is changed into Suberin. Lignification commences at the exterior, but never entirely 216 R. BRAITIIWAITE ON THE HISTOLOGY OF PLANTS. changes the whole cellulose ; the primary is most changed, but the tertiary is often not altered. Suberification appears only in the layers of the plant-tissue exposed to atmospheric influence. In the epidermis it occurs mostly in the outermost cuticular layers, lying under the true cuticle ; but here also the whole cellulose is not transformed. The young cork cells also, after treatment with caustic potass, give an indication of cellulose, but in the older layers it entirely disappears. Intercellular Substance and Cuticle. — These may be mentioned here, as they seem to be identical in constitution, and both altered conditions of cellulose. They may be regarded as the first coat separated from the primordial membrane, within which the true cellulose layers are deposited. Illustrative Figures. Plate 8. 1. — Stellate cell from wall of air passages in Butomus umhellatus. X 360. 2. — Milk vessel from Carica microcarpa. X 400. 8. — Unilaterally thickened cells from cuticle of a branch of Mistletoe. X 660. c. cuticle ; p. primary ; s. secondary ; t. tertiary layers. 4. — Cell thickened in the angles from leaf of a Jungermania. X 660. 5. — Section of a concentrically thickened bast cell from Larch, showing three pore canals. X 780. 6.— Section of a wood cell of Beech, the secondary deposit not laminated. X 780. 7. — Ringed cell from capsule wall of Pellia epiphylla. X 400. 8. — Cell with double spiral band from anther-wall of Pumpkin, X 400. 9. — Striation of the cellulose case. Fragment of an abnormally thickened wood-cell from inner part of the annual ring of a branch oi Pinus silvestris, with spiral bands of inner, secon- dary, and tertiary layers. At x only the lower wall of the cut cell is seen. X 900. 10. — Parenchym cell from partition of Walnut. X 660. E, BRAITHWAITE ON THJE HISTOLOGY OF PLANTS. 217 11. — Albumen cells of Ivory nut, with pore canals. P. X 370. 12. — Bordered open pores of wood of Pinus silvestris. A. in sec- tion ; B. seen on the surface ; P. pore canal ; B. border ; i. intercellular substance. X 660. 13. — Cell from a transverse section of a leaf of Pinus silvestris^ with knob-like thickening of the cellulose case, x 370. 14. — Thickened epidermis cells from petal of Pelargonium. A, seen from above ; P. in vertical section. X 370, 218 PEOCEEDINGS. September 26th, 1873. — Chairman, Dr. E. Braithwaite, F.L.S., President. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and confirmed. The following donations to the Club were announced : — " The Monthly Microsopical Journal" from the Publisher. " Science Gossip" ,, "The Proceedings of the Royal Society," ") No. 146 ) " the Society. "The American Naturalist" for July, •) August, and September j in exchange. Four Slides of Lines Euled on Glass Mr. Wm. Webb. £5 for the purchase of Books for the Library ... Mr. F. Crisp. Votes of thanks were unanimously passed to the donors. Mr. William Parker was balloted for, and duly elected a Member of the Club. Mr. M. C. Cooke read a paper upon collecting and preserving fresh-water algse, which, at the request of the Committee, he had extracted from a work by Dr. Horatio Wood, jun., " On the Fresh Water Algse of the United States," recently published by the Smithsonian Institution.* The President, in proposing a vote of thanks to Mr. Cooke for the communi- cation, reminded the Members of the Club that there was no greater field for microscopical research than that aff'orded by the fresh water algee, and that few would prove more interesting to a worker. He recommended Eabenhorst's as being the best book on the subject. Amongst the many workers who were to be found in and around London, he thought much might be done, for no richer field existed in which to collect algse, than the London district. The best way, he thought, would be for those who took up the subject to work in partnership — say a worker and a mounter, to carry on the study together. The mounting was a matter of much importance, and it was very desirable to find some means by which specimens could be permanently preserved. He believed that Jenner's collection was spoiled, or nearly so. Mr. T. C. White said he had but little experience in mounting this class of objects, but he had found some keep very well, which he had put up simply in the water in which be had found them. Great attention must always be paid to the density of the medium employed, so that it might as nearly as possible resemble that of the water in which the objects were found, because if the density were increased the endochrome would become displaced and the objects destroyed. He had never tried carbolized water, but thought it might be use- ful, provided the specific gravity was the same as that of the original fluid. If, * Printed at page 192, ante. 219 instead of breathing upon the under side of the glass cover before putting it over the cell, a drop of fluid were placed upon the naiddle of the cover, it would be found much more effectual in preventing air bubbles from being inclosed. Breathing was not always effectual, the moisture obtained in that way being very evanescent; but if a drop of the preservative fluid were placed on the under side of the cover so as to hang down from it, when the cover was placed on the cell the drop would join with the fluid inside, and spreading over the cover from the centre to the edge, would be found effectually to drive out the air. He should like to know how Dr. Wood could keep the cement from running in. Dr. Matthews was quite sure that in mounting objects of this kind attention to the specific gravity of the fluid used was all important. The advantage of carbolic acid over creosote was found to be great, for although creosote when once thoroughly dissolved apparently afforded a very clear solution, yet after a while it deposited a crust within the cell, which in many cases destroyed the value of the slide ; no such thing, however, occurred when carbolic acid was used. There were several modifications of different preserving fluids which could be specially adapted to the substances to be preserved, and those which had carbolic acid for a base were the best for algss. A saturated solution of arsenic in water formed the basis of another preservative fluid, for dilution with glycerine or spirit ; and a third kind of basis was camphor water, which, if filtered and re-filtered through the same filtering medium would be obtained of much greater strength than usual. The greatest difficulty, however, in preserv- ing alg89, was in accommodating the specific gravity of the fluid to that of the specimen. Another point requiring attention was the great difficulty of preventing the cement from running in. Quekett found this to be a matter requiring much consideration, and proposed to cut a groove or ring round the object, and to put the ring of cement beyond it. His own impression was that time alone would be found effectual to enable the cement thoroughly to dry, and how long a time could only be taught by experience. A mixture of gum dammar and gold size could be strongly recommended. If a little cement were put down the side of the cell, it would cause the cement to run dowu there if anywhere, rather than on the glass, Mr. James Smith thought that it might be worth while to try the effect of immersing the objects in carbolised water before mounting them, so as to ascer- tain if they would keep, and if so they could tlien be mounted. The President assured Mr. Smith that there was no doubt upon that point - they would keep for years- but it should be remembered that when these objects were obtained they were very dirty, and required cleaning. Mr. Hainworth asked why the objects often became of a brownish tint when mounted in carbolic acid and water ? Dr. Matthews said this was because too much acid was used. Dr. Foulerton exhibited to the meeting a bottle containing water and a speci- men of Cyclops alive, which he had found in the neighbourhood of the Rocky Mountains. The water was obtained by him on May 11th, at a place called Green Eivers, situated at an elevation of about GOOO feet above the level of the sea, and not very far from Salt Lake City. The whole country about there was very flat — although called part of the Rocky Mountains — and it formed part of the district known as the Alkali Plains. Every here and there along these plains there were pools of water, and it occurred to him that it might be interesting to know if any living thing existed in these waters, because it was most probable 220 that they were strongly impregnated with alkali. During a short stoppage at Green Rivers, he obtained from one of these pools some water containing a large quantity of some sort of crustacean, some specimens of which were nearly half an inch long. The next morning he found the upper part of the water was clear, and the lower part thick, and also that it contained enormous quantities of Cyclops, all very lively, and closely resembling the common species. He made sure that no air was admitted to the bottle, and therefore that no evaporation or decrease in the water took place, and he examined it constantly up to July loth, when the Cyclops seemed as numerous as ever. After July 15th he was separated from his baggage for about a month, and during this interval the bottle was kept in darkness instead of being in the light as before. When he examined it again he could only find two specimens, and by the middle of Sep- tember there was only one. This one he had brought with him to the meeting. The thanks of the meeting were voted to Dr. Foulerton for his communication. The Secretary read a letter* from Dr. J. J. Woodward, of the Army Medical Department, Washington, upon Nobert's Tests, with reference to the paper upon the subject read by Mr. Webb, at the March meeting of the Club, and printed at p. 155 of the July number of the Journal. Mr. Webb made some remarks upon Dr. Woodward's letter, and promised to write a reply to it. The President brought to the meeting a number of specimens of woods, all named, and with one exception, the Wellingtonia — all recent cuttings — to be placed at the disposal of those members who were engaged in making wood sections, and he hoped that whilst preparing specimens for themselves, they would also prepare a set for the cabinet of the Club. The various engagements for the ensuing month having been announced, and the list of gentlemen proposed for membership read, the proceedings terminated with a conversazione, at which the following objects were exhibited : — Various Marine objects ... ... ... by Mr. Fitch. Section of Tooth of Fossil Fish ... ... Mr. W. Hainworth, jun. Marchantia Polymorpha, and its fructification Mr. Martinelli. Transverse section of Tooth of Ox (shown ") m m • * under one of his Travelling Microscopes) •> ^' ^Sii^^e- Lepidozia Reptans ... ... ... Mr. J. C. Sigsworth. Section of Spur Hoof of Ram ... ... Mr. Topping. Pleurosigma Angulatum (shown under one of 7 Mr. Swift's new '-in. objectives) ... ) Mr. Geo. Williams. Attendance— Members, 73 ; Visitors, 9. October 10th, 1873. — Conversational Meeting. The following objects were exhibited :— Voluntary Muscle (Human) ... ... ... Mr. Bartlett. Pollen of Everlasting Flower ... ... ... ^^ Fang of Spider, showing Poison Hole ... ... Mr. Fitch. Larva from abdomen of El rwig ... ... ... ,, Lips of Fly ... ... ... ... ... Mr.Goodinge. Cyclosis in ^nac/iaris ... ... ... ... Mr. Martinelli. * Printed at p. 198 ante. 221 Operculum of Trochus... ... ... ... Dr. Matthews. Hippuric Acid (Polar)... ... ... ... ,, Section of Spindle Tree (Polar) ... ... Mr. Pett. Bloom of Plumbago Europcea ... ... Mr. Eeeve. Crystalline lens of Cat ... ... ... Mr. Topping. Gizaard of Flea ... ... ... ... Mr. T. C.White. Sphseraphides from Echino-cactus ... ... ,, Muscular Fibre of Kitten ... ... ... ,, Micrasterias mounted in its native water ... ,, Attendance— Members, 63 ; Visitors, 3. October 25th, 1873. — Chairman^ Dr. K. Braithwaite, F.L.S., President. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and confirmed. The following donations to the Club were announced : — '* The Popular Science Review " ... ... from the Publisher. ** The Monthly Microscopical Journal" ... ,, '* Science Gossip " ... ... ... ... ,, " Proceedings of the Literary and Philoso- ") . v gogje+y phical Society of Manchester "... > "Proceedings of the Bristol Naturalists' 7 Society" ) " The Tenth Report of the Belfast Naturalists' ) ,i Club Field Club" J *' The Lens " ... ... ... ... in exchange. The thanks of the Club were awarded to the donors. The Secretary called attention to a paper in the *' Proceedings of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester," recommending napthaline as a support for soft tissues when cutting sections. Its melting point was low, and it did not shrink in cooling ; but he thought its scent very disagreeable. Mr. T. W. Burr believed that when it was properly refined its scent was much better, and it was something like camphor in appearance. The following gentlemen were balloted for, and duly elected members of the Club:— Mr. Thomas J. Baker, M.R.C.S., Major Frank Bolton, Mr. Horace Dashwood, Mr. John R. Davies, Mr. John M. Knight, and Mr. John R. Williams. The Secretary read a paper by Mr. William Webb, in reply to the letter from Dr. J. J. Woodward, on Nobert's Tests, which was read at the preceding meet- ing of the Club. In this paper Mr. Webb adhered to his opinion as to the character of the higher bands, and the absence of true lines upon them. With regard to his expression *' aerial polarised black lines of light,'" he endeavoured thereby to convey his belief that they were lines of light in air, not on the glass, and produced by a complication of refracted rays, the first refraction being in the body of the glass, and the other refractions being of the emergent rays from the parallel surface, and the opposite and unequal surfaces of the bevelled sides of the incisions. His former paper was directed to the impossi- bility of ruling bands to the aoWoo ^^ ^^ inch, and he should be agreeably sur- prised if Dr. Woodward succeeded in resolving them. One of the objects of hia paper was to bring out a discussion on the subject. 222 A few remarks were made by Mr. Burr and Mr. Ingpen upon Mr. Webb's paper, but they were merely of a technical chavacler. Mr. T. C. White presented a beautifully mounted slide of Spliceraplddes of Echino-cactus, and stated that they were easily obtained by rubbing two pieces of the dry stem together, when the raphides fell out in great numljers, mixed with woody fibre. When cleaned and mounted in balsam the}' polarized beautifully, but he thought they looked best as opaque objects. The thanks of the Club were voted to Mr. White for his donation. Mr, Ingpen made some observations upon the construction and use of the Achromatic Prism. Quoting Quekett's treatise on the Microscope, he stated that the concave mirror was first used by Culpepper in 1750, and seemed to have sufficed for all purposes till in 1840 Dujardin employed the right-angled prism with flat sides in conjunction with his " eclairage" or achromatic condenser. Sir David Brewster had recommended a hemispherical lens, using the flat side as a reflector, but this did not appear to have been much employed. Amici's prism consisted, in efi"ect, of two plano-convex lenses with a prism between them to change the direction of the pencil of rays. This was not achromatic, but Mr. Abrahams constructed a right-angled prism of flint glass, having one of its small faces hollowed out to receive a double convex lens of crown glass, which was cemented to it with Canada balsam, and thus rendered it achromatic. This was the form employed by Messrs. Powell and Lealand for their small prisms for oblique light. In another form, which was shewn to the meeting, a plano-concave lens of flint glass was cemented to one of the convex sides of an Amici prism, and this was probably somewhat superior to the other. This prism was mounted and used exactly like the mirror — the focus for parallel rays was 3^ inches from the side nearest the object, and the light was very pure ;more so, he thought, than that of the mirror, and Mr. Quekett seemed to have held the same opinion. By altering the position of the prism it could be used for very oblique light, or to transmit parallel rays for the spot lens or paraboloid. He considered that the achromatic prism was hardly as well known, or as much used as it deserved to be. The thanks of the Club were voted to Mr. Ingpen. The President announced that the South London Microscopical and Natural History Club intended to hold a Soiree on or about November 20, at the Crystal Palace, and invited the co-operation of members of the Quekett Club on that occasion . Mr. T. C. White asked for information respecting two slides of Ci/iiips which he exhibited. Some time ago he gathered some oak galls, and having put them into a bottle, waited for the insects to hatch out. Owing perhaps to the mild- ness of the temperature some of them had done so. He dissected one of them with the idea of obtaining the rectal papillae, but instead of doing so he got out another very extraordinary afi"air instead. He took after this a gall which, he thought, was rotten, but which, on opening, he found to contain an insect, and on dissecting it he found what he thought were ovisacs, but Mr. Lowne, who had seen them, was of opinion they were not. Mr. White then drew upon the board some sketches of the objects to which he had alluded, and gave some further particulars respecting them, concluding with a wish that Mr. Lowne would state his opinion as to what they were to the meeting. Mr. Lowne said that he did not know whether he should be justified in say- ing much about these bodies, having only had a cursory glance at them ; he thought, however, that he might be able to throw a little light upon the 223 matter, altliougli the whole subject was very complex, and there was much about it concerning which they were still entirely in the dark. Mr. White's specimen had greatly surprised him, although the condition of things which he saw there was one common in worms. In all eggs there were two distinct parts- there was a germ forming the embryo, and the food on which the embryo was nourished. In the hen's egg, for instance, the large yellow yolk was the food yolk, and the little white speck was the germ ; in the process of development all the rest was absorbed into, or eaten by the germ, the embryo grew at the expense of the food yolk, and was, in fact, nourished by it. In a large number of insects and in the worms two glands were found, one of which formed the germs and the other the yolks, and the germs and yolks were discharged simultaneously, both tubes opening into a common oviduct. Mr, Lowne then proceeded to explain by means of drawings on the black board, how, after the germ granule had been passed, the yolk granules were passed down upon it, and how segmentation subsequently took place. After examining Mr. White's specimen he had little doubt but that the granules there shown were true vitaline spheres, and he was much surprised to be shown an ovarian tube in which alternate germ yolks and food yolks occurred, for he had very little doubt that such was the nature of the two sets of granules. He thought that if Mr, White would follow up the subject, and examine these flies in every stage of development, a very interesting paper for the Club must result. The thanks of the Club were unanimously voted to Mr. White and Mr. Lowne for their very interesting communications, Mr. T. Curties gave notice of his intention to move "That a Special General Meeting of the Club be held on November 28th, 1873, to confer with the Committee as to the future publication of the Journal," but, after some discussion, it was ruled that the motion would be out of order, and it was therefore withdrawn. The announcements of meetings for the ensuing month, and other matters having been made, the proceedings terminated with a conversazione, at which the following objects were exhibited : — Planaria Mr, Cocks, Gizzard of Cricket, on opal ground Mr, Curties. Plumularia pennatula ... Mr, Golding. Planaria Mr. Hainworth. Section of eye of Tiger beetle Mr. Mclntire. Spirorhis NoAdiloides (alive) Mr, Martinelli. Section of Eush Dr. Matthews. Tail of Carp (Polar) „ Foraminifera from the Atlantic, 1680 fathoms ... Mr, Moginie, Foot of Frog (injected) Mr. Topping, Ovisacs of Cynips Mr, T. C. White. Attendance -Members, 63; Visitors, 4, 224 November 14th, 1873. — Conveesational Meeting. The following objects were exhibited : — Geometrical pattern of scales, diatoms, and foraminifera Mr. Curties. Fungoid growth on leaf-miner Mr. Fitch. Tongue of earwig ,, Jjeaf of Hip poplide rJiamnoides Mr. Glasspoole. Oemmellaria loriculata ... ... ... Mr. Golding. Foraminifera from corals and sponges Mr. Hailes. Photographed Diffraction-grating- 3,000 lines to the) -nr Ine-nen inch — showing interference lines ) • SV • Hippuric Acid Mr. Priest. Leg of Brazilian Beetle Mr. F. Reeve. Eye of Blow-fly (opaque^ with ^ inch objective) Mr. Jas. Smith. Hairs from flower of Durio, from Borneo Mr. J. A. Smith. Section of leaf of i^icws eiasfica ... Mr. T. C. White. *' Science Gossip " Section cutter Mr. Walter White. Cyclosis in Anacharis, with ^ inch objective Mr. Geo. Williams. Attendance Members, 67; Visitors, 4. Nov. 28th, 1873. — Chairman, Dr. E. Braithwaite, F.L.S., President. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and confirmed. Mr. Charles Cradock Underwood was balloted for, and duly elected a member of the Club. The following donations to the Club were announced : — "The Monthly Microscopical Journal "... .. from the Publisher. •'Science Gossip" ... ,, *' The American Naturalist" (Oct. and Nov.)... in exchange. *' Proceedings of the Geologists" Association"... from the Association. *' Proceedings of the Literary and Philosophi- "> cal Society of Manchester" > " The 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th Eeports of the^ Colonial Museum and Laboratory of Now f Zealand, and a Catalogue of the Birds of l" New Zealand " J "The Geological Survey of Canada " 6 Slides , 4 Slides of Sections The thanks of the Club were voted to the donors. The chair having been taken pro tern, by Mr. Chas. F. White, Dr. Braithwaite read a paper " On the changes in the cell during the process of growth."* The paper was in continuance of the series " On the Histology of Plants," and was illustrated by black board drawings. the Association. Mr. Thos.J. Barratt. Mr. Kettle. Mr. S. Israel. Mr. Walter Wliite. • Printed at page 211. 225 The thanks of the meeting were unanimously voted to the President for hia paper. Mr. T. C, White said that of the many methods of investigation which had proved of value to the practical Histologist, none was more important than section cutting ; without it, in fact, the structure of many organs could never be ascertained. Many kinds of apparatus bad been devised for the purpose of cutting thin sections, but though very excellent in their way, they were for the most part too expensive to come within the reach of the amateur cr student. He therefore introduced to their notice a simple contrivance which he had used with great success for some time, and v^hich consisted of a brass tube inserted at right angles into a brass plate, upon which a plate of glass, with a correspond- ing aperture, was cemented, so as to give a smooth and true surface, upon which to pass the cutting instrument. The substance to be cut was imbedded in an inner tube, and was pressed up with the finger asrequ^.ed. He was aware that several gentlemen in the room had paid attention to the subject, and had met with great success, and he hoped that his reference to the matter would induce them to communicate the results of their own experience to the meeting. In pursuance of the subject, the Secretary read a paper by Mr. Walter White on " The Science Gossip Section Cutting Machine," so called from its having been first described in a communication to that periodical, which appeared in August, 1873. One of the instruments was exhibited in the room, and its cost was stated to be not more than 7s. 6d. In this instrument the plug holding the section is propelled by slight blows upon a wedge, instead of the usual screw movement, and it was stated that the substance to be cut being raised by perciissiov , did not suff"er from the efi"ects of unequal pressure as was sometimes the case when a screw was employed. The thanks of the Club were unanimously voted to Mr. Walter White for his communication. The President said he was himself one of those persons who did not possess a machine for this purpose, but he was accustomed to make sections of sphagnum leaves by inserting them in a slip of soft cork and cutting them by. hand. Sections of the India Rubber Plant (Ficiis Elastica) and others could be cut in this way. Mr. T. C. White said that as the President had mentioned Ficus Elastica he might say that he had cut some good specimens of it, one of which he had brought for exhibition. The President said that he had himself unfortunately no time to devote to section cutting, but he hoped that those who had would not fail to mount a few sections for the cabinet Mr. T. C. White expressed his willingness to contribute a specimen of Ficus Elastica. The President having announced the conversational meetii:g for the ensuing month, and that there would be no meeting on December 26th, the names of gentlemen proposed for membership were read and ordered to be suspended, and the proceedings terminated with a conversazicne, at which the following objects were exhibited . — Young of Lobster by Mr. Curties. Section of Calcedony Mr. Dunning. Scales of Dog Fish Mr. Glasspoole. Spicules of 8yiiapta ... Mr. Hainworth. Pentagonal plates of jEc/iimis Mr. Martinelli. 226 Tongue of Blow Fly Mr. Eichards. Pollen of Hibiscus Africanus Mr. Watkins. i)aj97mmPMZea?, alive, witli young already hatched I -p^j^ q^^ Williams, in the body j Attendance — Members, 79; Visitors, 7- Decembee 12th, 1873.— Conversational Meeting. The following objects were exhibited : — Wings of Foreign Lcpidoptera Mr. Ward, Scale of Fodura (dark ground ^ objective) Mr. Dunning. Human Foetus, one month old Dr. Matthews. ^ CaUgus. Sp. (?) Mr. T. C. White. Sclerogenous tissue of Pear ,, ,, Attendance— Members, 43 ; "Visitors, 3. 227 On a New Form of Deep Cell, made by the Tilghman Patent Sand Blast Process. By Henry F. Hailes. (Read January 23rd, 1874.) I wish to call the attention of the Club to what I may term another solution of the great cell difficulty ; it remains to be seen whether experience will justify me in calling it an improvement. Those who have tried mounting in balsam with any of the ordi- nary cells must have found that it is by no means an easy task to perform satisfactorily. The fact of there being two joints — one where the cell is attached to the slide, and the other where the cover is joined to the cell — is a great source of trouble, air bubbles being very apt to find their way in either at one or the other of the joints. Perhaps the best forms of cell that have as yet been devised are those ground out of the slide itself ; but these, as hitherto made, are open to several objections — they are either very shallow, or very large, or both — the object is very apt, either in the process of mounting or afterwards, to shift to one side or the other, and to get wedged in between the cover and the bottom of the cell. It occurred to me that possibly the Patent Sand Blast process might be turned to account for this purpose, and having the advan- tage of knowing the inventor. General Tilghman, I got him to have a few slides sunk for me as an experiment, and these slides proving satisfactory, as far as I could judge, I made an arrangement with him to supply me with a quantity of them, with cells of various sizes and depths. The cells may by this process bo sunk into the slide any required depth or shape, irrespective of the sizes, which may^also be varied. I find]^a small, deep cell, about one-fifth of an inch in diameter, very useful for mounting Foraminifera. An object can be put under the centre of the slide, covered, and hardened off without any risk of shifting; and even if the balsam does not get quite hard in the cell, the object can never get out of its place. Of course the Sand Blast process leaves the cell in a rough, or JouRN. Q. M. C, No. 26. p 228 HENRY F. HAILES ON A FORM OF DEEP CELL. unpolished state, but this is only an apparent disadvantage. The refractive index of the balsam is so nearly that of glass, that it causes the granulation entirely to disappear. For mounting in fluids of less density than balsam, it is necessary to run a little balsam into the cell, and dry it off before putting in the fluid. For dry or opaque objects, no preparation is necessary, the ground- glass bottom of the cell making a soft and agreeable background for the object. For mounting insects, or parts of insects, either as opaque or transparent objects, I venture to think that the use of these cells Avill be found far preferable to the flattening process usually adopted, and which is less necessary now that we have such good binocular microscopes than it was formerly. I suppose there are no ento- mologists who would entertain the idea of putting a large insect, such as a stag beetle, through a rolling mill, in order to preserve it, and I can see no reason why a flea or an acarus should be subjected to a similar process. It is clear that that which would render the larger insect unrecognizable must equally distort and smash out of recognition the smaller one. Mr. C. Baker, of High Holborn, has undertaken to supply the slides at a reasonable price. On Some Photographs of Microscopic Writing. The following letter has been received from Dr. Woodward : — War Department, Surgeon General's Office, Washington, D.C., December 29th, 1873. Mr. John E. Ingpen, F.R.M.S. Dear Sir, Two samples of Mr. Webb's fine writing on glass have been received at the Museum since my communication of August 18th. Each consists of the Lord's Prayer, written with a diamond, according to the label, in a space ^^ x 44T ^^ ^^ "^^^* In one of the slides the writing is blackened and mounted in Canada balsam ; in the other it is not blackened, and is mounted dry. I send photographs of both herewith — the one magnified 650 diameters, the other 825. I find Mr. Webb's statement of the dimensions in which this writing is executed to be substantially correct, and he has certainly produced a most curious and in- teresting object for microscopical study. To compare his work J. J. WOODWARD ON PHOTOGRAPHS OF MICROSCOPIC WRITING. 229 with the coarser bands of Nobert's plate, I took a photograph of the first seven bands of the 19 band plate with 650 diameters, which I also forward herewith. This photograph, and that of the blackened writing, were taken on the same day with the same objective, Powell and Lealand's immersion ith, at the same distance, and under identical con- ditions. The photograph of the writing was made first, and is the best of a number of trials. I then inserted the Nobert's plate, not even changing the cover correction, as I should have done to secure the best definition, because this would have changed the power. The picture sent was the result. A comparison of the two pictures will render any remarks on the relative delicacy of Mr. Webb's work and that of Nobert un- necessary. It is evident that the point used by the former is very much coarser than that used by the latter. The picture of the Prayer, mounted dry, was taken on a sub- sequent occasion, and is iilso the best of a number of trials. It is taken with the same objective as the other pictures, but with a different cover correction, and somewhat greater distance. Both the samples sent me by Mr Webb are inscribed on such thick covers that they are seen under a disadvantage, and my highest powers cannot be used on them. The writing is, however, comparatively so coarse that it can hardly be considered as a serious test for high powers. Either plate is easily read with a good half-inch objective and central light. I am curious to learn how this writing of Mr. Webb's compares with that of Mr. Peters, described by the late Mr. Farrants in his address as President of the Royal Microscopical Society. He stated that it was executed at the rate of twenty-two Bibles to the inch. I would greatly like to see such a specimen, and give it a photographic trial. Will you kindly read this note to the Club, and present the photographs ? I send also a full set of my last photographic analysis of Nobert's plate for the Club, and a package for Mr. Webb, which I beg you to hand him. Very respectfully, Your obedient Servant, J. J. WOODWARD, Assistant Surgeon, U.S.A. (Read Jan. 2orcZ, 1874.) p 2 230 On Insect Mounting in Hot Climates. By Thos. Curties and John E. Ingpen. {Bead January 23, 1874.) Abstract. The object of this paper was to bring under the notice of the Chib a collection of 146 slides of insects and parts of insects, mounted by Mr. Staniforth Green, of Colombo, Ceylon, and pre- sented to the Club by Mr. Curties ; with especial reference to the methods employed in mounting them, by which the objects were preserved in a natural and very beautiful manner. Reference was made to the usual methods of mounting insects, in which much was often sacrificed to the production of showy and attractive preparations, while there was sometimes great distortion of parts and alteration of structure. The well-known object, the proboscis of the blow-fly, was taken as an example, and Mr. Suffolk's remarks upon it, in a paper read before the Royal Microscopical Society in April, 1869, were quoted. Mr. Suffolk had at that time given up the flattening process, and prepared his specimens by soaking recently-killed flies in glycerine, and leaving them until required for examination, when they were mounted in the same fluid in various positions, without pressure. Such specimens showed the muscles and chitinous endo and exo-skeleton with considerable clearness. The methods employed by Mr. Green were then described, and many extracts from his letters read. It appeared that he had for the most part given up soaking the preparations in potash, and those which had been so treated were among the least successful in the collection. Most of the specimens were admirably suited for examination under the binocular, and showed to great advantage with paraboloid illumination. The smaller insects were killed in ether, immediately immersed in Canada balsam, without pressure, and exposed for a considerable time to the rays of the sun, by T. CURTIES AND J. E. INGPEN ON INSECT MOUNTING. 231 which treatment thej were preserved in the most perfect manner, with total absence of the usual milkiness, and with the various parts in their natural positions. Good examples of this method were in the collection; among them such objects as aphides in various stages of development, on a leaf; a scale-bearing Psocus (an insect of great interest) ; small spiders ; the eggs, larva, j^upa, and imago of gnats, together on one slide; &c. Larger insects, after being killed in ether, were placed for four or five days to dry between the leaves of a book, with a light piressure, after which they were immersed in spirit of turpentine until all the watery matter was extracted, and then mounted in a very thick film of Canada balsam, which was exposed to the sun until hardened. By this method, the natural forms of the insects were but little if at all altered, and some of the specimens showed eyes, antenna?, trachea?, and ovipositors most satisfactorily. Generally, care had been taken (contrary to the usual custom) to attain as little trans- parency as possible, under the idea that the less natural appearances were altered the better. Many of the preparations polarized well, owing to the fact that the muscles were left entire, and not injured by soaking in potash. In some of the letters from Mr. Green which were read, special reference was made to the fact that the natural appearance and characteristics of the insects were really preserved by the methods used. Possibly, part of the success was due to the peculiar action of a tropical sun, which might, perhaps, exer- cise a greater effect in preserving the parts in a natural state than could be obtained by artificial heat alone. The balsam also seemed somewhat dissimilar from that now used in England, and from its yellowness and toughness, more nearly resembled that employed in the early days of microscopy. The objects were presented to the Club rather as specimens of the successful mounting and preser- vation of insect structure than as an entomological collection, but, as some of them had been named by Professor Westwood and others, they became of additional value to the cabinet of the Club. With regard to the transmission and preservation of rare and minute tropical insects, Mr. Green's plan seemed to possess great advantages over dry mounting on cards or immersion in alcohol — in fact, specimens could not be kept in the tropics dry for any length of time on account of the white ants, and when sent in alcohol were almost always injured. The objects presented to the Club were in exactly the same state as that in which they were 232 T. CURTIES AND J. E. INGPEN ON INSECT MOUNTING, received, and in some instances the covers were tilted from the uneven thickness of the objects and the avoidance of pressure. This could be remedied in future by the use of cells, and in one case support for the cover was obtained by two slips of thick glass, allowing the free action of the air upon the thick film of balsam, which kept within the limits till hardened. The absence both of air-bubbles and milkiness — even under the searching illumination of the paraboloid, showed how successful were the methods em- ployed, and the preservation of soft parts, as in spiders and aphides, was remarkable. Although the processes described might not be practicable to the full extent in colder climates, they were highly suggestive, and might be the means of preserving many valuable specimens of exotic entomology. The chief points discussed in the paper were — the avoidance of pressure, by which the preservation not only of natural forms but even of characteristic positions and attitudes was insured; the disuse of potash and other solvents, thereby avoiding the deterioration of tissues ; the exposure to a tropical sun, instead of artifical heat for hardening the balsam ; and the careful abstaining from undue manipulation ; all tending to ensure the preservation of the specimens in a natural manner and with a life-like aspect. On an Improved Method op Mounting Opaque Objects. By T. Charters White, M.R.C.S., F.R.M.S., &c. (Read February 27, 1874.; We have all, doubtless, at one time or another, been annoyed by the dewy deposit that settles on the under side of the thin glass covering specimens intended to be viewed as opaque objects, and having myself experienced this annoyance, I was induced to adopt a plan which will, perhaps, be acceptable to those who may be troubled with this disfigurement. I have for some time been in the habit of covering such objects in a manner which, while it excludes dust and securely fixes the cover, allows me when necessary to remove the glass and wipe off any exhalation that may have settled on it, and replace it as at first. I have given this method a fair trial, and can therefore confidently recommend its adoption by others. I have T. CHARTERS WHITE ON MOUNTING OPAQUE OBJECTS. 233 been accustomed in mounting any specimen as an opaque object to proceed in the ordinary manner till the time arrives when the covering glass is fixed, when, instead of attaching it to the cell permanently, I merely lay it in its place and fix it by a minute drop or two of the composition I have brought for distribution this evening ; the cover is now held in close connexion with the cell, and can be carried about and used with as great safety as if per- manently adherent ; but with this advantage, it can be removed and replaced as often as may be necessary without any difficulty, and without detriment to the specimen contained in the cell. The nature of the composition is exceedingly simple, being nothing more than four or five parts of the ordinary yellow bees wax melted with one part of Canada Balsam. Among the other useful purposes to which this composition may be turned, I would mention one or two that may be worthy of con- sideration. I find it very useful in dry mounting sucb objects as the scales of Butterflies, Lepisma, or Podura, &c. We all know the troubles of cement running-in in these cases, but this may be entirely obviated by filling in the angle between the edge of the covering glass and the glass slide with this composition, when a permanent cement may be run round without any fear of a particle running in. To do this neatly it is sufficient to melt a little in a spoon and paint round with a warm smooth wire ; it then sets directly it touches the cold glass without being drawn under by capillary attraction ; without any further addition the slide is sufficiently secure to carry about — it may also be used to fix the covering glass on objects recently mounted in Canada balsam, but which it may be desirable to remove for exhibition at a meeting. Another use to which it may be put is that of fixing on the covering glass, if we are desirous of watching the growth or development of an Infusorian or other form of aquatic life ; by drying round the edges of the covering glass and dropping a small portion of the composition here and there round it, it is securely retained in its place, and may be returned to the water from which the specimen was taken, and thus converting the slide into a "growing" slide. It may also be employed to stick glass together to make a temporary zoophyte trough ; but I need not occupy the time of the meeting by any further sugges- tions, for doubtless it may be put to many uses by the practical minds of those present. 234 On the MicRosconc Structure of Flints avd Allied Bodies. By M. Hawkins Johnson, F.G.S., &c. {Read February 27th, 1874 ) The great advance made by geology as a science during the last fifty years is due, not to the acuteness o^ modern ob- servers as compared with their predecessors, but to the arssistance they have derived from the advance of other sciences, upon which, indeed, geology is almost dependent. Many are the aids to in- vestigation which it has thus received, and to none of these is it more indebted than to the microscope, which is almost daily re- vealing new wonders to those who will avail themselves of the assistance it offers. I have lately been giving my attention to the curious group of bodies commonly known to geologists as nodules. There are nodules of one sort or another in almost all the sedimentary deposits, from the oldest to the most recent ; and of whatever material they may be composed, they have been almost invariably described as concretions, a term which, as applied to these bodies, can scarcely be considered explanatory. To give a list of all that are known would entail my dragging you through a complete course of stratigraphical geology. There are some, however, which are comparatively familiar to us all, such as the Flints and Iron Pyrites of the Chalk, the Septaria of the London and Kimmeridge Clays, the Phosphatic Nodules or Coprolites of the Gault, and the Nodules of Clay Ironstone. These well-known examples are those that I have more particu- larly examined, and of which I wish to speak. In my investigation I began by making thin sections, mounting them in and on Canada balsam in a variety of ways, and using both transmitted and reflected light. Of course, I saw what everybody else has seen who has adopted this system, numbers of curious things imbedded in numbers of curious substances ; very ON THE MICROSCOnC STRUCTURE OF FLINTS, &C. 235 interesting, indeed, when first discovered, but all appearing to be foreign bodies intruded into the situations they occupy rather than cognate with the substances that enclose them. I was very soon dissatisfied with this, as I felt that the bodies imbedded in them threw no light, or scarcely any, on the nature of the nodules themselves. So I reflected upon the matter, and soon saw that, in their own proper substance, either they were homo- geneous or they were not. If they were homogeneous a solvent would act equally upon them in every part ; if they were not, the solvent would probably act unequally, and possibly throw some light on their constitution. In arranging the experiment, it was obviously advisable to let the action of the solvent be as gentle as possible, but at the same time efficient. The first examined was a Nodule of black Flint from the chalk, the study of this substance having indeed first drawn my atten- tion to the general group. I cut a conveniently thin slice of it, say gLth inch in thickness, and placed it for about an hour in hydrofluoric acid ; then removed it, washed it gently by aspersion with distilled water, and dried it. Originally black and translu- cent, it was now white and opaque ; it could not have undergone any chemical change, the acid merely acting as a solvent, so that the alteration must be due to a change in the physical character of the surface. On examining it by the microscope as an opaque object the appearance j) resented is what I have shown in this draw- ing (PI. IX., Fig. 1), a structure apparently consisting of fibres ramifying in all directions, the organic character of which can scarcely be doubted. This was very striking and suggestive, par- ticularly as I found the same structure to pervade the whole mass almost uniformly. Having made this discovery, it occurred to me to try similar experiments with other nodules. Accordingly I set to work upon Coprolites, Septaria, and several others. I had no difficulty in finding solvents, dilute hydrochloric acid acting upon them readily. I submitted them to the prolonged and gentle action of this acid, washed, and dried them, and on examination by the microscope was not a little disappointed to find them converted into a sort of mud, cracked in all directions. I repeated the experiments several times, with weaker acid, stopping its action at an earlier stage, but with no better result, and I had almost relinquished the idea, when somehow or other I thought I might as well examine them in the 236 M. HAWKINS JOHNSON, F.G.S., fluid. I did so, and immediately saw that I had got a beautiful and delicate structure of a most definite character, in the case of the Septaria from the London Clay having the appearance repre- sented in this drawing (Fig. 3). Being satisfied of the existence of this structure, my next difficulty was to preserve it so as to be able to show it to others at any time, and what with air bubbles, disengagement of gas, shrinkages and leakages, &c., I had so much trouble that I should be ashamed to lay the details of my failures before the Club, although they might possibly be edifying. I found at last the best plan to be to wash carefully, by a gentle stream of water, until all trace of acid was removed, then very gradually to heat the water to boiling, so as to get rid of all air, and to mount in a cell with freshly boiled distilled water. It is necessary to stop the action of the acid while there is still a portion of the solid stone left, as this latter makes a firm foundation for the delicate tissue exposed, which, while it maintains its connection with the part still imbedded, retains its original form unaltered. The structure thus exhibited has the appearance of a soft mass permeated in every part by anastomosing canals. It is evidently of an organic nature, and suggests very forcibly that great division of the Protozoa, the sponges. The Septaria, from the Kimmeridge Clay, have a very similar structure ; the Clay Ironstone nodules also, which are probably of the same nature as the Septaria, except that the calcium has been partly replaced by iron, present the same appearance ; so also do the Phosphatic Nodules of the Cam- bridge deposit, and those from the Gault in other places. The structures of these several bodies do not appear to be absolutely identical, but may be said to have a generic resemblance. Of course there are considerable differences of colour. Having established to my satisfaction the organic character of all these bodies, I was tolerably prepared to see, without surprise, anything whatever ; I was, nevertheless, almost startled when I found that the well-known nodules of Iron Pyrites, so common in the Chalk, and often known as thunderbolts, are not only of organic origin, but that the organic structure is still present in these masses, merely waiting to be uncovered — such is un- doubtedly the case. Slices of these nodules ground smooth, and then subjected to the action of strong nitric acid, show this struc- ture in relief on the surface, the bi sulphide of iron by which it ON THE MICROSCOPIC STRUCTURE OF FLINTS, &C. 237 was surrounded having been removed by the acid. The structure thus revealed is shown in this drawing. (Fig. 4.) I must not be understood to say that because in the instances I have described the nodules are undoubtedly organic, that therefore all nodules are organic. I wish particularly to guard against this inference. I have shown an organic structure in certain cases, but it would be rash in the extreme to draw from these a hasty generalization as to the nature of the whole group. Nevertheless, the evidence adduced certainly points in that direction. How these structures have been preserved is a subject upon which I have treated in a paper lately read before the Geologists' Association, but, as it can scarcely be considered microscopical, and I have already taken up a good deal of your time, I will only venture to say that they were silicified by the substitution of silicon for carbon, and the subsequent elimination of the other constituents; and that afterwards the interstices were filled in, either with the same or with different materials, until they were converted into solid compact masses. I have one other drawing (Fig. 2) to which I wish to call your attention. It represents the microscopic appearance of a piece of flint that has been subjected to a sort of natural injection. The organic structure has been infiltrated with some ferruginous solution, which has subsequently been converted into hydrated sesquioxide of iron. This is by no means uncommon, but, ac- cording to my experience, the specimens best adapted for exhibit- ing the structure are the green-coated flints from the Bull Head bed, between the Thanet Sand and the Chalk. When a very thin poKshed slice of such a flint is viewed as an opaque object the oxide of iron appears of a light brown or buff tint, in striking contrast to the transparent silica not infiltrated, which of course appears black. The structure thus displayed is the complement of that developed by hydrofluoric acid, the latter being only a mould or impression, while the former may be said to be a natural in- jection of the organic structure itself. 238 On the Histology of Plants. By R, Braithwaite, M.D., F.L.S., &c.' IV. The Different Kinds of Cells. {Read March 27th, 1874.) Having followed the vegetable cells from the homogeneous spherical condition through various stages of differentiation, we have next to consider them in their finished or perfect form. Many names have been introduced — especially by Nageli — for the various kinds of cells, but often unnecessarily, as for instance Sclerenchpna, when they have become thickened and indurated; but as all cells may undergo this physiological change it is clear it possesses no distinctive character, for it applies to wood, to the stony concretions of the pear, to the dark bundle in the rhizome of the brake, and many other tissues. We may more simply classify them by the structure of the cellulose case, and their mode of connection with each other, and thus they readily fall into three groups — Parenchym cells, Fibre cells, and Tubular cells, which we may not inaptly compare to the flesh, bones, and vessels of animal bodies. I. — Parenchym Cells. These include all spherical, polyhedral, or prismatic cells, which are applied to each other by their cellulose case, and having their walls homogeneous or variously thickened, and only rarely pro- vided with bordered or sieve-like pores. The term Tarenchyma has often been restricted to those cells which have flat ends, while those with pointed extremities have been named Prosenchyma. Parenchymatous cells constitute the entire substance of Fungi, Lichens, Algae, and the greater part of mosses ; in the higher plants all homogeneous tissues, as pith, bark, and cuticle, and in the heterogeneous tissues they are combined with the other two forms in all vascular plants. Thin walled Parenchym cells are of most frequent occurrence, and assume many different forms. The R. BRAITHWAITE ON THE HISTOLOGY OP PLANTS. 239 cellulose case is homogeneous in the spores of Fungi and Alg^e, leaves of mosses and Hepaticse, &c., or with secondary thickening layers which take an annular, spiral, or netted arrangement, and may also be perforated by closed pores. These cells are coloured blue by chloro-iodide of zinc, or by iodine and sulphuric acid, but occasionally they become lignified, as in the pith and petiole of palms, and medullary rays of oak, fir, &c. ; the iodine then stains them yellow, except the cellulose membrane closing the pores, which is coloured blue, thus showing that it is not lignified, and no doubt on this account retains its original capacity for the .diffusion of fluids throughout the tissues. Thickened Parenchym cells are much rarer, but occur in the collenchyma and seed albumen of many plants, and more or less lignified in pith and bark, and in some fruits. Collenchyma cells lie under the epidermis, are thin walled and polyhedral, have usually a thickening deposit in the angles, and appear waxy on section, but evidently laminated ; they may be seen in the stems of sorrel, and many umbelliferie. Strongly thickened, unlignified Parenchym cells occur in the albumen of the seeds of lilies and palms, in the coffee berry, ivory nut, date stone, and the seed of Ceratonia siliqua, or Carob bean. Lignified Parenchyma is well seen in the pith of Clematis vitalba, and in the pith and bark of Hoya carnosa ; the cells are usually cubical, and often pierced by branched pore-canals. Similar cells are also found in the bark of laburnum, ash, Ficus elastica, &c., and of a more irregular form in the bast of beech and birch, in the shell of the almond, walnut, and Brazil nut, and also in the stony concretions of winter pears ; the thickening often completely obliterating the lumen of the cell. After heating with liquor potassaj the iodine tests colour all the layers yellow. II. — Fibre Cells. These are almost entirely confined to the vascular bundles, and hence are found in wood and bast tissue, but very rarely in pith or bark. They are distinguished by their great length, and touch each other on all sides, with niore or less oblique faces, so that in outline they are fusiform, pyramidal or conical, and have very rarely any transverse partitions, but we find such in the branched bast cells of Euphorbia. Fibre cells are usually simple, and always more or less thickened, with the secondary and tertiary 240 R. BRAITHWAITE ON THE HISTOLOGY OF PLANTS. lamin£e distinct. The thickening is greatest in bast tissue, and in it also the secondary layers are most distinct, those of wood cells being more homogeneous, and pores are also usually present. A small wide-turning spiral band is seen near the bordered pores in wood cells of yew, vine, mezereon, Vihurnum Lantana, &c., and with narrower turns in the wood of Pinus picea. Broader spiral bands are observable in the outer wood cells of the annual ring of conifers, and the striation is more sharply defined by application of nitric acid. When unlignified, as in Apocynacece and Ascle- piadacecE, the iodine tests produce on the laminge the usual blue reaction. III. — Tubular Cells. These also occur only in the vascular bundles, and belong partly to the wood, partly to the bast portion. In form they are usually elongated cylinders, and are distinguished from long parenchym cells and from fibre cells by their oblique transverse partitions, which endure only so long as they carry sap, but as soon as the liquid contents become replaced by air, these partitions are re- sorbed, or if they should remain, their structure is different from that of the longitudinal wall. The perforation of the transverse partition takes place in various ways ; in those vascular cells of the woody bundles in which the partitions are horizontal or but slightly oblique, the opening is usually a large bordered pore, as we see in the oak, ash, or beech, and not unfrequently reticular as in Pteris aquilina. If the par- titions are still more inclined to the longitudinal wall, we find many round or longish pores, producing netted or scalariform perforation as in Ephedra, Lonicera, Vihurnum, &c. Thickening of tubular cells occurs under various forms, but it never attains to the extent met with in fibre cells. We have ring- like thickening in the annular vessels of the medullary sheath of Gymnosperms and Dicotyledons, and they may be seen adjacent to the spiral vessels in the vascular bundles of monocotyledons and ferns ; in the stems of maize, reeds, and Balsamina they are well developed. Spirally thickened tubular cells, spiral vessels or Traclienchyma are equally common in the medullary sheath of Dicotyledons, the most internal cells having very wide turns of the spiral band, in consequence of this part of the vascular bundle being in most active growth, the spirals become more quickly drawn apart. The R. BRAITHWAITE ON THE HISTOLOGY OF PLANTS. 241 direction of the spirals is most frequently to the left, and their number in each cell is variable, while the transition from annular to spiral thickening is not unfrequent even in the same vessel. Tubular cells with net-like thickening are best seen in succulent herbaceous plants, such as Balsam, Cucumber, and Celandine, and they lie more external than the spiral cells, Porose tubular cells (Pitted tissue or Bothrenchyma) are widely distributed, the pores being bordered, and circular or slit-like. Round-bordered porose tubular cells form the greater part of the vessels in Dicotyledons. When the border is extended consider- ably in a transverse direction, we have the so-called scalariform vessels, familiar to you all in the vascular bundles of ferns, and also seen in the stems of the Vine, Balsam, Viburnum, Daphne, &c. The thin transverse partitions are perforated by a single pore, or by net-like or scalariform apertures ; mixed spiral and porose tubular cells are seen in the Lime and Honeysuckle. Porose tubular cells with cribriform thickening (Lattice cells) pertain only to the bast poi'tion of the vascular bundle, and tc this group also belong the milk vessels, which carry the coloured sap or latex in many plants. The transverse partitions open by a single large pore, the covering membrane of which is not resorbed, but becomes perforated by roundish or angular apertures, so as to re- semble a sieve or grating, as we see in the Hop, Bryony, Dahlia, Eqiiisetum, &c. ; or when the partition is much inclined, the per- forations are lattice-like, as in Pteris. Tilia, CEsculus, &c. Complete resorption of the transverse partitions has taken place in the branched anastomozing tubular cells which constitute the milk vessels, so general in composite plants, Euphorhiacece and Asclepiadacece. The cellulose case of their longitudinal walls is usually weak, but strong thickening layers are seen in those of the tropical Euphorbias. The thin places consist of large pores, the partition wall of which is, by resorption of the closing membrane, variously perforated by smaller pores. The cribrose cells are en- closed by the fibre cells, and equal them in length, attaining their greatest dimensions in the milk vessels of Apocynece and EupJwr- biacecB, on account of the union of several cells into one tube. Lignification takes place but to a slight degree, so that Iodine always gives the reaction of cellulose, and, to observe the milk vessels, long maceration is necessary until they become isolated by decay of the softer tissues around them. 242 R. BRAITHWAITE ON THE HISTOLOGY OF PLANTS. Thus we find each kind of cell is constructed so as best to carry on its appointed function ; where freedom and quickness of circulation are required, as in the milk-vessels of such plants as the sow-thistle, lettuce, and celandine, the walls are thin, and all obstructing partitions are removed ; on the other hand, where strength is needed, as in so many fibres used in our manufactures, deposit goes on in the interior until hardly any central space is left, and if firmness and resistance are required, this deposit becomes so indurated as to give those qualities we value in such woods as oak, mahogany, box, and ebony; while even in them provision is made for interchange of air and fluids by the beautiful pores and canals already referred to. Illustrative Figures. Plate X. Fig. 1. — Albumen cell from Date-stone, seen under water. X 400. Fig. 2. — Lignified Parenchym-cell from shell of Walnut, with branched pore-canals. X 660. Fig. 3. — Fibre cell from wood of Finns Picea. 125. Fig. 4. — Ditto from bast of Larch. X 125. Fig. 5. — Fibre cell from wood of Yew with bordered pores and spiral band, x 400. Fig. 6. — Net-like perforation of partition wall of vessel in Lonicera caprifolhim. X 400. Fig. 7. — Spirally thickened tubular cell from Dahlia. X 370. Fig. 8. — Part of a so-called Scalariform vessel from Pteris aqmlina, p. p. the net-like perforation of the transverse wall. X 370. Fig. 9. — Transverse partition in Cucurhita pepo. A. in longitudinal section, c. the cellulose case ; m. the cell membrane ; t. peculiar thickening ; e. contents contracted. B. in transverse section ; at the upper part the deposit projects like papillae. Fig. 10. — The same from Fagus sylvatica. 243 PROCEEDINGS. January 9th, 1874. — Conversational Meeting. The following objects were exhibited : — Shell on Zoophyte ... Insects mounted whole Larva of Ephemera Water- weed mounted in Spirit for 20 years Section of Human Scalp ... Diatoms selected by Mr. Kitton Glass Cells ground by the Sand-blast Process ... Sulphate of Copper and Magnesia Specimens illustrative of the Microscopical 7 Structure of Flint ) Iris of Dragon-fly ... Daplmia Pulex Human Foetus, one month old Sertularia with. Spirorbis Immersion Tube for the Aquarium Whisker of Lion (Polar) Section of Eye of Drone-fly Gemmules and Spicules of Sponge in Flint Hydractmia and Vaginicola valvata Leaf of Scale-fern By Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Dr. a Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. E. Bartlett. G. K. Coles. Dunning. Glasspoole. Goodinge. Hailes. Hind. M. Hawkins Johnson. Mclntire. Mar tine Hi. Matthews. Richards. Underwood. A. Waller. J. G. Waller. T. C. White. Geo. Williams. Attendance — Members, 54; visitors, 14. January 23rd, 1874. — Dr. R. Braithwaite, F.L.S., President, in tlie Chair. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and confirmed. The following donations to the Club were announced : — *' The Monthly Microscopical Journal " From the Publisher. *' Science Gossip" ,, j, " The Popular Science Review" " Proceedings of the Royal Society " "Proceedings of the Geologists' Association"... *' Proceedings of the Literary and Philosophi- ") cal Society of Manchester " ) " Annual Report of the Brighton and Sussex ) Natural History Society " -> *' Suffolk on Spectrum Analysis, as applied to ") Microscopical Observations " •> JouRN. Q. M. C, No. 26. q the Society, the Association. the Society. the Society, the Author. 244 "Davies on Mounting" Mr. Tafe. " Lancaster's Half-hours with the Microscope " „ A number of Photo-Micrographs, including"! two of Mr. Webb's specimens of Micro- j scopic Writing and a companion photo- ^ Dr. J. J. Woodward, graph of the jfirst seven bands of Nobert's | Test Plate, taken with the same objective J One Slide :^!r. Walter White. 146 Slides of Insects, mounted by Mr. Green, > -^^ Curties of Ceylon ... ... ^ "The Quarterly Journal of Microscopical") gy purchase. Science"... ... ... ^ Dr. Beales' " How to work with the Micro- 7 scope ^ The thanks of the Club were voted to the donors. The following gentlemen were balloted for and duly elected members of the Club:— Mr. E. M. Doble, Mr. E. H. Flux, Mr. J. H. Hadland, Mr. J. D. Hardy, Mr. R. Moreland, jun., Mr. H.E.Newton, Mr. G.Pearce, Mr. J. E. Taylor, and Mr. C. H. Wright. The Secretary read a letter received from Dr. J. J. Woodward, of the Army Medical Department, Washington, relative to the photographs which he had kindly presented to the Club. The thanks of the meeting were voted to Dr. Woodward for his communication and contribution. Mr. H. F. Hailes read a paper " On a new form of Deep Cell, made by the Tilghman Patent Sand-blast Process." (See page 227.) A vote of thanks to Mr. Hailes for his communication was duly carried, the President observing that this appeared to be the first practical application of the Sand-blast Process to microscopical purposes. Dr. Matthews wished to say a few words, which, though almost personal, were simply a matter of justice to Mr. T. C. White. He (Dr. Matthews) had been honoured with a commission to edit a new edition of " Davies on Mounting." It appeared that, after leaving his hands, the publisher had let Mr White see the sheets, and then lie had afterwards passed them on to Mr. Davies. It also appeared that Mr. White had made some additions to the work, unknown to him, and as these additions by Mr. White had added much to the value of the work, he took the present opportunity of publicly acknowledging his indebted- ness to Mr. White in the matter. The Secretai'y read a description, by Mr. Eichards, of his " Improved Im- mersion Tube," for viewing objects under water. This consisted of a tube of brass with a plain glass cemented to one end, and capable of sliding over an inner tube, having the universal screw at each end ; the latter was screwed into the microscope body, and an objective screwed to the other end. The immei'sion tube was then slid over it for the distance required by the objective used and the depth of the aquarium. The thanks of the meeting were voted to Mr. Eichards, and the President remarked that the tube was likely to be useful in observing objects underwater, and, as it could be used at a considerable depth, it would be suitable for the examination of Sertularia, &c. Mr. Ingpen read a paper, by Mr. Curties and himself, " On Insect Mounting in Hot Climates," with especial reference to the valuable collection of objects 245 mounted by Mr. S. Green, of Colombo, Ceylon, and presented to the Club by Mr. Curties. The President, in proposing a vote of thanks to Mr. Carties and Mr. lugpen, expressed his sense of the value of the collection, and thought that if anything the smaller were more beautiful than the larger ones. Many were of minute diptera, which had long antennse, and he thought that if they were disturbed they would almost certainly be displaced or destroyed. Votes of thanks to Mr. Curties and Mr. Ingpen were carried unanimously. Mr. Curties said that the object which he and his friend Mr. Green had in view was to present the collection to some public body by whom the question as to the best means of preserving and transporting such objects could be worked out. As to the specimens which had been sent over in spirit it had been found that the results were not entirely satisfactory, and they had, therefore, endea- voured to ascertain some better method of sending tliem. On receiving these parcels he thought that objects sent in this manner might be utilised by reason of their perfect preservation in a natural form. Many friends went abroad, and came back bringing nothing with them from inability to preserve specimens, and any improved methods of doing so must be of value in scientific research. Mr. Loy stated that having looked over the collection he could speak favour- ably of the results attained. He had paid more attention to the smaller insects than to the larger ones, and many of them appeared to have been simply dropped into the balsam without preparation. Instead of finding them at all cloudy, they were quite clear, and there were very few air-bubbles. The muscles of the thorax and legs were shown beautifully, and in some of them the small intestines and hepatic vessels could be clearly traced. He thought that if they could succeed in doing in England what had been done in the tropics, it would be worth much trouble, A few of the parasites had been soaked in potash, but the results were tiot so satisfactory. He was surprised to find that insects merely pressed between the leaves of a book should be so free from air-bubbles. The question was whether it was possible to do the same here as in the tropics ; or whether the sun there did not have the power of driving out the moisture much more completely than was possible with artificial heat in our own climate. He had himself a slide mounted — a section — from which it seemed impossible to drive the moisture, although it had been placed for several months on the top of a cistern filled with hot water. As regarded the various methods of sending insects from foreign parts, a friend of his in Belgium received some which came perfectly safe in castor oil ; he expected to be able to get it all out, and to mount the insects perfectly, Mr. B. T, Lowne thought they could hardly expect many persons to take so much trouble in this matter as Mr. Green had done. There was, however, a very easy way of transmitting small insects, and that was by merely placing them upon a piece of gummed paper, and laying it out to dry. If they were not sub- jected to pressure they would come quite safely, and could be got ofi" for use by re-dissolving the gum. The great difficulty, he thought, had been that of get- ting insects sufficiently unchanged for examination of their internal organs, which usually became impregnated with fatty matter to such an extent as to make them worthless for this purpose. Whether they were put up in oil or in glycerine this fatty matter was found to change the whole so entirely that after a few years they became totally useless, and it was possible only now and then to get a glimpse of the internal organs in consequence. Mr, Ingpen remarked that Mr. Green stated in one of his letters that he could 246 not keep insects dry because of the white ants, and this led him to put them into balsam. Mr. Curties said he was under the impression that Mr. Lowne's plan had been adopted, but that this one was attempted as an improvement upon it, and in order that the objects might be utilised for future observation both of form and structure. The President thought that there were two objects in view, and that Mr. Lowne's was the one likely to be taken by a systematic entomologist rather than by a microscopist. Mr. Mclntire said that some time ago Mr. Curties showed him a number of these slides, and he was very much struck by many of them. They seemed to throw much light upon some subjects of interest to him. The gnats were the only diptera found here with scales on their wings, but in this collection there were other diptera with scales. There were also several slides of Podiirce, but they seemed the same as Degeeria Domestica. As to mounting insects in balsam at once, it was a plan which he was very much in favour of ; they should be killed inspirit and then transferred at once to soft balsam. A little dirt would some- times get in, but this was less detrimental than some of the effects of mounting in the usual way. Dr. Matthews recommended the use of benzole in cases where the object was subject to adiposere. Balsam could be dropped into it, and so it might be used as a medium. The Secretary read a letter from Mr. Joseph Bell, of Hetton Colliery, near Durham, asking for information and assistance in establishing a Microscopical Club amongst the mining population of that district, and stated that the infor- mation asked for had been sent by him in the name of the Club. Announcements of Meetings, &c., were then made, and the meeting ter- minated with a conversazione, at which the following objects were exhibited : — Various Foraminifera ... ... By Mr. Bartlett. Parasite of Horseshoe Bat (Ceylon) Mr. Curties. Spiniferous Tubercles of Lingthorn Mr. Dunning. Gizzards of two Fleas Mr. Glasspoole. Polycistinge Mr. Hind. Tank Microscope Mr. Kichards. Ova of Toad in different stages of development Mr. Topping. Attendance— Members, 90; Visitors, 17; total, 107. February 13th, 1874. — Conversational Meeting. The following objects were exhibited : — Tick of Aa.rd-vsiTk {Orycteropus Capensis) ... Mr. Curties. Sand-blast cell and examples of mounting ... Mr. Hailes. Achromatic Bull's-eye Condenser Mr^ Ingpen. Palate of Wb elk Mr. Martinelli. Zoophytes in Fluid Dr. Matthews. Section of Cat's lip (polar) Mr. Moginie. Ovary of Rabbit — stained section Mr. E. T. ISTewton. Frog's bladder ,, ,, Various Brazilian Beetles Mr. J. A. Smith. Lung of Salamander Mr. Topping. 247 S eed- capsule— -Limana bi'emm ... Mr. Underwood. Section of leaf of Ficus elastica Mr. Ward. Eucliondroraa Mr. T. C. White. Diaptomus Castor (alive) Mr. Geo. Williams. Wright's Electro-magnetic Turn-table Mr. E. Wright. Attendance — Members, 60 ; Visitor, 1. February 27th, 1874. — Dr. R. Braithwaite, F.L.S., President, in the Chair. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and confirmed. The followiag donations to the Club were announced : — " The Monthly Microscopical Journal" ... from the Publisher. " Science Gossip" ,, ,, " Proceedings of the Royal Society" ... ..-, the Society. * * Proceedings of the Literary and Philo- ( tl p So ' t sophical Society of Manchester." ' "The American Naturalist," Dec. and Jan. in Exchange. " Microscopical Examinations of Air," by^ Dr. Douglas Cunningham, Indian > from the Author. Medical Service. ^ " Proceedings of Geologists' Association" ... the Association. Ten Slides Mr. Watkins. The thanks of the Club were voted to the Donors. The President said that it would no doubt be remembered that some time ago two gentlemen, Mr. Horncastle and Mr. Crisp, had presented the Club with sums of money amounting together to £8. The committee thought that the best use they could make of this would be to procure such books for the library as should be of real value to the members. The opportunity occurred of purchasing some valuable works from Mr. Cooke, and it was intended to inscribe them as having been presented to the library by the two gentlemen who had given the money. The following is a list of the works thus added to the library of the Club : — Bailey, Microscopical Examination of Soundings of Atlantic Coast. 1851 Brady's Recent British Astracoda (Lm?i. Trans.) ... ... ... 1868 Brady, Parker, and Jones, Genus PolymorpMna (Linn. Trans.) Brown, J., Foraminifera from the Colne Tidal River ... ... 1856 Busk's Polyzoa of the Crag ... ... ... ... ... 1859 Carter, H. J., Sqiiamulma and Difflugia, New Species of ... ... 1870 D'Orbigny, Foraminiferes du Bassin Tertiare de Vienne ... ... 1846 Egger, Foraminifera, from the Miocene of Ortenburg ... ... 1857 Ehrenberg, Sud-ocean forms, &c. ... ... ... „ ... 1857-8 Jeffrey's Fourth Report on Shetland Dredgings Jones, T., Rupert, Entomostraca of the Cretaceous ,, ,, Tertiary Entomostraca ... Karrer, Foramiuiftren Wiener Sandsteins ... ,, ,, ,, Beckens „ ,, Kosteg in Banat Mantell's Foraminifera of Chalk and Flint ... Mechelin's Iconographie Zoophytologique ... 1867 Formation ... 1849 1856 1865 1864 1868 1846 1840-7 248 Pai fitt, Protozoa of Devonshire, &c. ... ... ... ... 1809 Parker and Jones, Foraminifera, Coast of Norway ... ... ... 1857 Eeuss, Foraminiferen Crag d'Anyers ,, ,, der Septarientlironeg von Berlin ... ... 1851 ,, ,, Kauara See ... ... ... ... 1865 ,, ,, Deutschen Oberoligocans ... ... ... 1804 ,, ,, Westphalischen ... ... ... ... 1800 ,,. ,, Lagenidpen ... ... ... ... 1802 ,, ,, Oberburg in Steiermark ... ... ... 18G4 ,, ,, des Deutschen Septarienthrones ... ... 1806 Seguenza, Foraminifera of Messina ... ... ... ... 1862 Terquem, Foraminiferes du Lias .. ... ... ... ... 1862-6 Weaver, Composition of Chalk Eocks, &c. ... A letter was read from the Secretary of University College, granting per- mission to the Club to hold its meetings in that building during the present year, and also to hold the Annual Soiree on the 17th April. The warm thanks of the Club were unanimously voted to the authorities of the College for the continuation of their generous liberality in allowing the free use of the building for the meetings. The following gentlemen were balloted for, and duly elected members of the Club:- Mr. Thos. W. Burton, Mr. Jas. Cornish, Mr. L. May, Mr. Wm. Payne, Mr. Jas, Russell, Mr. J. C. Walker, and Mr. William Wilson. Mr. T. C. White read a paper on " An Improved Method of Mounting Opaque Objects" (printed p. 232 ante). The thanks of the meeting were voted to Mr. White for his communication. Mr. T. C. White read a letter from Mr. Furlonge, describing " Certain re- markable organisms observed in the rat flea." The specimen to which reference was made was exhibited in the room under the microscope. The President, in moving a vote of thanks to Mr. Furlonge, made some remarks differing from the view taken by him ; and Mr. Lowne also considered that Mr. Furlonge vpas in error. The matter stood over for further in- vestigation. Mr. M. Hawkins Johnson read a paper "On the Microscopic Structure of Flint and Allied Substances" (see p. 234 ante). The subject was illustrated by coloured diagrams. The thanks of the meeting were unanimously voted to Mr. Johnson for his paper. The President observed that the appearance presented by the objects shown on the diagrams very strongly resembled the remains of sponge. Mr. T. C. White said he had taken great interest in this subject, and had certainly seen many evidences which led him to suppose that the remains found in flints are those of sponges. He had one section which abounded with spicules and gemmules of sponge. He inclined strongly to the view that flints were silicified sponges. Mr. J. G. Waller said that the flint question was a difficult one, and had been often discussed. He noticed that although Mr. Johnson's ideas appeared to diff'er from those of Dr. Bowerbank, yet they pointed to the same conclusions. He had examined Mr. Johnsons specimens, and thought that if their origin were organic, it must have been the sarcode of the sponge. He believed that he had seen something of the kind in the sarcode of a living sponge, but could not pronounce any positive opinion. 249 Mr, B. T. Lovvne had not the least hesitation in referring these bodies to organic structures and sponges. When they knew that the bed of the Atlantic was at the present time depositing chalk, and that there were sponges being en- closed in these formations, he was not at all surprised at finding within flints of earlier formations the remains of sponges also. The President inquired of Mr, Johnson if he had found any diatoms in any of his flint sections ? Mr. .Johnson stated that he had not yet met with any specimen containing diatoms, but only Foraminifera and Xanthidia; these were found in nearly all specimens. Mr. Waller said there was much in favour of the sponge theory. He had himself never found any flints which did not contain the remains of sponge. The gemmules of sponge were often remarkably well seen in the flints which were picked up on Blackheath ; one of these was so clearly marked that he had sent the specimen to Mr Quekett. Mr. Johnson thought the actual origin was to be sought in the process of the substitution of silicon (silicate of soda) for the carbon of the organic matter. Any organic matter, under favourable conditions, would, if it contained carbon, undergo the change ; its decomposition would take place by a slower process. Some time ago he had made an experiment to test this. He put a number of soft-bodied animals into a solution of silicate of soda, and left them there for four or five days. At the end of that time he took them out, washed off' all the superfluous silicate, and put them into a quantity of strong nitric acid. He found that the acid had no eff'ect whatever upon them, whereas those which had not been put into the silicate were disintegrated and dissolved by the acid in the course of half an hour. This showed that a great change had taken place, and that silicon had been substituted for carbon. Traces of nitrogen and carbon were occasionally met with in flints. Mr. Lowne thought that Mr. Johnson's last remarks were of very great im- portance, and he hoped they would be followed up so as to make certain as to this substitution. Why not put something containing carbon into the solution, and afterwards incinerate it, and thus ascertain how much silica had been ab- sorbed ? If this substitution took place, it must of course be from a medium which contained silica in solution, and they would have also to believe that dead protoplasm could collect it from great distaucos. The objection which he saw to foraminifera was that they naturally collected lime and not flint ; but there was another class of creatures very likely to be mistaken for foraminifera ■ — the Radiolarians — which were very common, and which did collect flint in large quantities. Again, as regarded foraminifera, they lived on the sponges, and were found everywhere else ; so that it was easily understood how they might frequently get enclosed in the mass. Another fact worth naming was that the mass of flint having been originally deposited as a secretion, lime and other substances would become agglomerated with it. He remembered being much struck the summer before last at the number of half-changed flints which he had found on the downs to the north of Worthing. Mr. T. C. White said he had been much struck by the appearance presented by apiece of chalcedony which he had rubbed down, and afterwards mounted in balsam. The remarkable resemblance of the ramifications to those seen in a sponge was most striking ; only in the case of the chalcedony they were all hollow, or tubular. Mr. Johnson thought it more probable that the foraminifera were the food of 250 the sponge than that they fed upon it ; this would, no doubt, account for their presence there. He then drew upon the black board a diagram illustrating the chemical changes which he supposed to occur during the process of substitution to which he had previously referred. The meetings for the ensuing month, and the names of the gentlemen pro- posed for election at the next meeting, were then announced, and the pro- ceedings terminated with a conversazione, at which the following objects were exhibited : — Anguinaria Spatulata by Mr. Bartlett. Marine Polyzoa (Bot/;er&anA;m) Mr. G. Cocks. Rat Floa, with curious filamentous extrusions... Mr. Furlonge. Pollen of Hazel, showing pollen tubes ... Oantliocampus Minutus (alivej Freshwater larva (sp. ?) Foot of Dytiscus (opaque) Santonine ... Alimentary Vessel of Blow Fly Section of Flint, showing triradiate spicules and gemniules of Sponge CantJwcampus Minutus (alive) ... Mr. Glasspoole. Mr. Martin elli. Mr. J. A. Smith. Mr. Topping. Mr. C. Underwood. Mr. Watkins. Mr. T. C. White. Mr. G.Williams. Attendance— Members, 87 ; Visitors, 7. Total, 94. March 13th, 1874.— Conversational Meeting. The following objects were exhibited : — BoiverhanHa Ophiocoma and other forms of 7 marine life ... 5 Section of eye of Drone- fly Septaria from the London Clay ] Iron Pyrites from the Chalk Clay Ironstone from the Coal Measures (All treated with dilate acid to show the silicified organic structure.) Euglena virklis (alive) Serpida contortuplicata Sections of Spinal Cord, cut to t,5oo of an inch ... *' Tasting Cups" from tongue of Eabbit Spores and Threads of Tricliia Section of Leaf of Oncidium Medulla spinalis Plenrosigma angulatum By Mr. Curties. Mr. Mr. Mr. Dr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Dunning. M. Hawkins Johnson. Martinelli. Matthews. E. T. Newton. Oxley. Topping. Ward. G. Williams. Attendance— Members, 65: Visitors, 5. 251 March 27th, 1874.— Dr. R. Braithwaite, F.L.S., President, in the Chair. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and confirmed. The following donations to the Club were announced : — " The Monthly Microscopical Journal"... ... From the Publisher. " Science Gossip " ,, ,, Paper, " On the Nature and Formation of Flint -\ and Allied Bodies," by M. Hawkins John- >■ the Author. son ^ "Proceedings of the Literary and Philo- > the Society. sophical Society of Manchester '" ... ^ *' Annual Eeport of the Geologists' Association" the Association. " Report of the Smithsonian Institution" for ") ^^ Society 1871 > "The Lens"... ... ... ... ... ... In exchange. The thanks of the meeting were voted to the donors. The following gentlemen were balloted for and duly elected members of the Club :— Mr. Richard J. Beach, Mr. Frederick E. Leefe. The President announced that the Excursion Committee had completed their arrangements, and that the list of places to be visited during the ensuing season was ready. The first excursion (for April 11th), to Snaresbrook, would afibrd an. opportunity of obtaining many interesting objects for exhibition at the forth- coming Soiree. Dr. IMatthews having taken the chair pro tem., a paper was read by Dr. Braithwaite, " On the Forms taken by Cells in their Finished State." This paper was in continuation of the series on " Cell Growth," and it was intimated by the author that he expected to complete the subject in two more papers. Dr. Matthews, in proposing a vote of thanks to the President for his paper, observed that the subject, although appearing to be of the most abstruse kind, yet laid at the root of plant histology, and Dr. Braithwaite had treated it in a most exhaustive manner. The thanks of the meeting were unanimously voted to Dr. Braithwaite for his paper. Mr. E. T. Newton read a paper " On Section Cutting Machines," and illus- trated it by the exhibition of a large collection of them.* A vote of thanks to Mr. Newton was carried unanimously. Mr. R. B. Miller stated that he had been using Dr. Rutherford's machine, both in its old and new forms, and he thought that the objection raised to the new machine on account of its size was one which would hardly hold water, because very often the machine was wanted large in the bore— indeed, for anatomical purposes this was frequently essential. He did not like a glass plate, because of the edge ; if the edge of the hole were bevelled the wax would be liable to break away in consequence of the gap, whilst if there were no space, the razor might cut on to the edge, and so spoil its own. He ventured to say that a steel plate would be liable to rust, and that the rust could not be cleaned ofi" without much, trouble ; but he found that a cast-iron plate was better, because it could, when rusted, be easily cleaned with a little emery. Freezing was a plan of Dr. Rutherford's, and was exceedingly useful where a tissue was soft and too large to be cut by hand. A tumour, for instance, was a very difficult thing * The publication of this Paper is unavoidably postponed. 252 to cut sections from properly ; but when frozen it could be cut without any trouble. He had found a saturated solution of gum with a few drops of camphor added bo it to be a good medium, as the gum did not splinter up when cut. Pounded ice and salt were used as a freezing mixture. The box containing the freezing mixture need not, he thought, be on both sides of the machine. He did not use the indicator himself, nor did he place a high value upon it, but rather preferred to trust to the touch. He thought that the gooo iii' which had been mentioned, would certainly spoil most anatomical tissues, for the size of the blood disc, which might be taken as the anatomical unit, was the 3000 of an inch, and a section thinner than that was not often of use. As to the razor, he liked it best with a straight edge and a blade narrow at the point and broad at the heel. He did not think it possible to cut a good section merely by a push ; the cut must be made obliquely, and no machine could give the obliquity with such precision as the hand. The so-called American machine was really the invention of Van Hausen, of Kiel. In the matter of hardening, he did not think that absolute alcohol was necessary ; indeed, methyl alcohol was preferable, if it was intended to mount in balsam. There was a little water in it, but this did not matter, as evaporation took it off. For staining. Dr. Beale's carmine was now almost always used. Success in staining depended upon taking the tissue out of the hardening solution at exactly the right time. He had seen it done in three quarters of an hour. It was advisable to remove as much of the chromic acid as possible first. Dr. Matthews said that the first requisite in section cutting was to have a firm support. All wax in cooling shrunk away, and in some cases to such an extent as not to imprison the object with sufficient firmness for the purpose. Specimens of spinal cord would sometimes even turn round in it. This might partly be obviated by using parafiin wax in preference to bee's wax. Then as to the material for the plate, it was a well-known axiom in mechanics that dis- similar metals should ahvays be used for friction upon each other; so that according to this, brass or gun metal should be used, although they had been said to fail, because, if the curved edge of the cutting instrument were in the slightest degree depressed too much, it caused the plate to be cut iato. Another cause of this was that the blade of the razor was often slightly flexible ; this would give it a tendency to dip and cut into the plate, and would cause its edge to impinge upon the edges of the aperture. The exact thickness of the section, after soaking in alcohol, could never be relied on. He believed that many false appearances had been produced by alcohol and chromic acid; in preparations illustrating sclerosis it was found that some alterations which took place were not the result of a pathological process, but the effect of the hardening by alcohol. In staining, the great principle to be remembered was that the fluid must be alkaline. Dr. George Hoggan said that as he came almost direct from the College of France, it might be of interest to the meeting to hear what methods were adopted there at the present time. Judging from the opinions expressed that evening, wax had appareiitly been settled upon as the best substance for imbed- ding the tissue ; he considered, however, that carrot was for this purpose far superior to wax. The pith of the elder was better still ; and, indeed, he believed this to be the best of all. For hardening tissues, they placed most reliance in France upon a saturated so'ution of picric acid. They would place such a sub- stance as a tumour in methyl alcohol for 48 hours, then in the picric acid Bolution for 48 hours, then in a solution of gum, of the consistency of syrup, for 48 hours, and then in the original alcohol for 48 hours, and for any time 263 afterwards it would be found to cut like a piece of cheese. The sections should be placed in water for at least 48 hours to* clear them from the acid. Chromic acid was certainly the best medium to use for nerve fibres, for though alcohol and other things did pretty well, they did not show the axis sheath so well as chromic acid. For staining, they used picro-carminate of ammonia (four grains of carmine to 100 parts of saturated solution of picric acid). Special care must be taken that this is not used alkaline. Glycerine was almost universally used for mounting in France; a little melted paraffin was run round the edge of the covering-glass, and a solution of sealing-wax painted over it. As to section catting machines, he did not know who was really the inventor of the one before them, for they had it under many names ; the wedge machine was also to be found in Paris. He was himself the inventor of one which he believed to be superior to all others ; and it was valuable alike for hard or for soft sub- stances. It would cut a section of a tooth in three minutes, and then on the soft side any sort of material could be cut, even although it might not be homogeneous. His machine was in use in Edinburgh, and it was exclusively used at the College of France. Section cutting in future would have to be done in the opposite way to the plan now adopted, and a number of small cuts must take the place of a single sweep. He had omitted to mention another sub- stance which was used in France for staining, namely, picro-carminate of indigo; it gave a green colour, and was found to answer well for cells and fibrous tissues. These were some of the latest ideas on the subject from the Continent, and he hoped they might be of interest. Mr. C. S. Eolfe said he had brought to the meeting a machine almost like the " Science Gossip" machine, but with the wedge propelled by a screw, instead of by a blow ; this brought it more under control. He had first used it witha brass plate, but had since added a glass plate, and found it to be an improvement. The President expressed his thanks to Dr. Hoggan for the information which he had communicated, and hoped that he would be able, at some future time, to show his machine to the members of the Club at one of their meetings. Carrot and pith had been used for some time in cutting sections of vegetable tissues. Dr. Hoggan said he should be most happy to bring his machine for the in- spection of the meaibers at the next meeting. Announcements of meetings, &c,, for the ensuing mouth having been made, the proceedings terminated by a conversazio)ie, at which the following objects were exhibited : — A Section Cutting Machine ... , By Mr. Bailey. Ultimate Fibres of Crystalline Lens Mr. T. J. Baker. New Diatoms from South Seas Mr. Curties. T'leurosigma formosum ... ... Mr. Goodinge. Hydra Vulgaris (alive) Mr. Hainworth. Larva of Gnat ... ... ... ... ... ,, ,, Section of Hazel Nut Mr. F. Eeeve. Section of Human Brain (cut through cere- j bellum) ... ... ... ... ... r Ruby Copper Mr. Topping. Transverse Section of Hair of Elephant ... Mr. Underwood. Agalasphceria Pluma ,, „ Parasite of Opossum ... Mr. Watkins. Inj(}cted Section of Kidney of Guinea Pig ... Mr. T. C. White. Eye of Dytiscus Mr. G. Williams. Attendance— Members, 102 ; Visitors, 23.— Total, 125. Mr. Slade. 254 April lOtli, 1874. — Conversational Meeting, The following objects were exhibited : — Ixodes of Boa Constrictor Mr. Curties. Jaws and teeth of Echinus (polar) Mr. Freeman. Platino-cyanide of Magnesium Mr. Gelding. " False-light excluder" for Objectives Mr. Ingpen. Elaters and Spores of Jungermannia (in glycerine) Mr. Oxley. Spicules of Gorgonia Mr. B. W. Priest. Mtea anguinaria ... Mr. Terry. Section of foot of Salamander Mr. Topping. Section of Lamprey (injected) (Fetromyzon ") -^^ Ward jiuviatile) ... ) Marine life in small tank Mr T.C.White. Drop from Composite Candle (polar) Mr. G. Williams. Attendance — Members, 57 ; visitors, 6. 255 On the Preparation op Microscopic Sections of Soft Tissues. By E. TuLLEY Newton, F.G.S. ^ (Read March 27th, 1874.) Abstract. The methods of cutting microscopic sections of soft tissues, and the different kinds of machines used for this purpose, have been for some time past subjects of interesting conversation among the members of the Club ; and it was thought that an evening might be profitably devoted to the consideration of these matters. At the request of several members; Mr. Newton read the paper of which the following is an abstract : — The author took occasion at the outset to observe that the object of the paper was not to bring forward anything new, but simply to open the discussion by calling attention to some- of the methods generally used for the purpose of hardening, staining, and cutting sections of various tissues, and by describing a few of the different kinds of section-cutting machines. The process of hardening tissues was first considered, and some of the advantages which were to be derived from the use of methy- lated spirit, solutions of chromic acid, and of bichromate of potash of various strengths were alluded to. Considerable stress was laid upon the importance of having tissues properly hardened, more especially when thin sections were to be cut. The process of hardening nerve tissues requiring somewhat more care than most other substances, the method described by Dr. Rutherford was referred to (" Quart. Micro. Journal," Jan., 1872), and also that used by Prof. W. Betz (" Schultze's Archiv.," 1872, p. 36 ; translation in " Quart. Micro. Journ.," 1873, p. 343). One or two methods of preparing sections of Retinas were noticed. (See Dr. Rutherford, '' Quart. Micro. Journ.," Jan., 1872, and Dr. Klein, " Handbook for the Physiological Labora- tory," 1873, p. 140). Journ. Q. M. C, No. 27. r 256 E. T. NEWTON ON THE PREPARATION OF SOFT TISSUES. Attention was called to the method of imbedding objects so that they may be more firmly held when sections are to be cut, and the various mixtures of white wax and oil, paraffin-wax, and lard, &c., were mentioned. The degree of hardness of the imbedding sub- stance was stated to be of some importance, particularly when a machine is used, for if the wax be too hard the edge of the razor (which must always be very thin for delicate work) will have a ten- dency to glide over the top instead of cutting into the wax. It is sometimes found convenient to imbed objects in gum, and to do this the tissue should be soaked in a thick solution of gum arable, and then placed in a paper tray with some of the gum solution ; the tray is then allowed to stand in a vessel containing spirits of wine until the gum becomes hard enough to be cut with a razor. Some objects may be placed between pieces of fresh carrot and then cut ; and in those cases where it is is applicable, this is an admirable material for the purpose, as it cuts very easily, and is at the same time firm and tough. When speaking of the " cutting instruments" used for prepar- ing sections, the author gave it as his opinion, that although ordi- nary razors answered very well when sections were being cut by hand, yet when one of those machines was used in which the knife has to move upon a flat plate, the ordinary form of razor did not answer, for it was found that the curved edge had a tendency to cut the edges of the aperture in which the object was held, and in this way the cutting edge was spoiled. The form of knife advocated was one which had the cutting edge quite straight and parallel with the back, the latter being thick ; both sides of the knife should be hollowed. The length and width of the blade should be in some measure proportionate to the size of the section to be cut. What- ever the form of the knife, it is absolutely necessary for the pre- paration of thin sections of soft tissues that its cutting edge be very sharp and thin With regard to the staining of preparations, Beale's Carmine Solution was mentioned as being most generally useful for ordinary tissues. Nerve tissues require longer immersion in the staining fluid, and very good results were said to have been obtained by using a strong ammoniacal solution of carmine. (See " Quart. Micro. Journal," 1872, p. 10). It sometimes happens, more espe- cially with sections of nerve tissues, that in the process of washing E. T. NEWTON ON THE PREPARATION OF SOFT TISSUES. 257 after the removal of the sections from the staining fluid, too much of the colour is lost ; when this is the case, a proportion of spirit should be added to the water used for washing. The method usually adopted for mounting histological prepara- tions in Canada balsam was described. When describing the various " section -cutting machines " which had been kindly lent for the evening by several gentlemen of the Club, Mr. Newton observed that although some competent histo- logists had gone so far as to say that section-cutting machines were only used to make up for want of skill in the operator, he was of opinion that a properly-constructed machine would be found to be a very great advantage by most persons engaged in histological work ; and, while admitting that very much might be done by hand with an ordinary razor, he felt sure that in many cases much more satisfactory work could be accomplished with the help of a machine. Most persons who have tried the cutting of microscopic sections of a piece of tissue imbedded in wax, will have found that it is no easy matter to obtain a section of uniform thickness, and at the same time sufficiently thin for examination with the higher powers of the microscope. The object of a section machine is to hold firmly the substance which is to be cut, and likewise to assist in guiding the knife so that greater precision may be obtained. Cutting machines are of two distinct kinds. 1st, those in which the knife has to move upon a flat plate, and 2nd, those in which the knife is so fixed that its cutting edge does not come in contact with anything but the sub- stance which is to be cut. 1st. — Machines in which the Cutting Instrument moves UPON A Flat Plate. The first machine mentioned consisted of a brass tube fixed into a hole in the centre of a flat brass plate, a solid plug being fitted into the tube from below. The object from which sections are to be cut is imbedded in wax, or tightly fitted into the tube in some other suitable manner ; by giving the plug a twisting motion, it is thrust into the tube, and the object made to project above the flat plate ; a razor with a straight edge is laid upon the flat plate, and the portion of the wax with the imbedded object which projects above the plate is cut off. This simple apparatus was described so R 2 258 E. T. NEWTON ON THE PREPARATION OF SOFT TISSUES. as to illustrate the principle upon wLicli most of tlie section-cutting machines used in this country are constructed. In the machine described in '' Science Gossip,"* the plug is raised by means of a graduated wedge which passes beneath it, the whole apparatus being fixed to a wooden stand, so tliat it may rest upon the table. This machine being largely composed of wood, would be liable to get out of order when wet with the isj^irit or water used in cutting sections. The machine which is generally known as " Topping's," was next described ; in this the plug is raised by means of a screw with a graduated head, so that the thickness of the object made to project above the plate may be easily regulated. There is another addition which this machine possesses which should be noticed, as it has been neglected in some of the forms which have been more recently in use for histological work, viz., a screw at one side of the tube, by means of which the object to be cut may be firmly held or com- pressed. Machines of this construction are sometimes attached to a strong clamp, so that they may be fixed upon the edge of a table, thus leaving both the hands of the operator at liberty for manipulation. " Stirling's Section Machine" was noticed as being one made specially for histological work. In this form the aperture for hold- ing the object is larger than in those previously mentioned. The top plate with the tube and clamp are cast in one piece, thus giving considerable firmness to the apparatus. The author remarked, that in the machines of this construction, which he had had an oppor- tunity of seeing, the screw for raising the plug was not sufficiently fine, or adjusted with the requisite care, to make the apparatus satisfactory for fine work. These machines do not possess a side screw for compressing the object. Dr. Rutherford's addition to Stirling's machine consists of a trough placed around the tube ; by filling this with pounded ice and salt, the object placed in the tube may be frozen, and in this manner made sufficiently hard for cutting into sections. This process of freezing is described in the " Journal of Anatomy and Physiology," 1871, p. 324. Quite recently a form of section machine has been manufactured which is really a combination of Topping's and Stirling's, with certain modifications and improvements. The author described * Vide Science Gossip, Aug. 1S72, and June, 1873. I E. T. NEWTON ON THE PREPARATION OF SOFT TISSUES. 259 somewhat minutely the construction of this machine, an account of which will be found in the " Quarterly Journal of Science " for January, 1874, p. 128. This machine may be obtained with the top plate made either of brass, iron, glass, or plated ivith nickel^ each of these substances having been proposed by different persons as the most suitable for the knife to work upon. The machine which the author has been in the habit of using is constructed upon the same general plan as Stirling's ; but it has a side screw for compressing the object, and the screw for raising the plug is firmly and carefully adjusted, and the head gra- duated so as to indicate a rise of the plug of ywoo ^^ ^^ inch. A machine made by F. H. Ward, Esq., M.R.C.S., and exhibited at the meeting, was of very similar construction to the author's ; but was provided with a freezing trough and a glass top plate ; in addition to this there was an arrangement by which the central aperture could be reduced in size to accommodate smaller objects and the graduation of the head of the screw was arranged on an improved principle. 2nd. — Machines in which the Edge of the Cuttinu Instrument DOES NOT come IN CONTACT WITH ANYTHING BUT THE OBJECT TO BE CUT. Two machines of this description were noticed ; the first of these was of German construction, and consisted of a plate of metal about 8 inclies long, 2-^ inches wide at one end, and 3 inches wide at the other, and about ^ of an inch thick; this was fixed by one of its longest edges to the middle of another plate of metal which formed the base for the whole apparatus. Upon each side of the upright plate there was a kind of ledge or shelf ; one of these was parallel with the base, while that upon the opposite side was parallel with the top edge of the upright plate, and consequently formed an angle with the base. Upon the horizontal ledge a block of metal was fitted so as to be able to be moved backwards and forwards ; to the top of this block a razor-like knife was attached. The oblique ledge was fitted with a similar movable block, and upon this was a contrivance for holding a piece of wax containing the object to be cut. By this arrangement the razor remained at the same level when the block to which it was attached, was moved from one end of the horizontal shelf to the other, while the object was gradually raised when the block to which it was 260 E. T. NEWTON ON THE PUEPAKATION OF SOFT TISSUES. fixed was pushed up the inclined shelf. Supposing the razor to have taken a slice off the wax and object when the holder was at the lower end of the inclined shelf, then as the holder was pushed up the incline, successive slices could be cut off. The top edge of the upright plate was graduated so as to regulate the thickness of the sections. The last machine referred to was the one which is described in the January number of the '' American Naturalist" for the present year, and is the invention of Prof. T. D. Biscoe. In this appa- ratus the object to be cut is fixed by appropriate means to the centre of a flat piece of glass. The razor is firmly screwed to the under side of an open triangular frame, through each corner of which a fine screw passes. The lower ends of the three screws rest upon the glass plate, and consequently by turning the screws the triangle and the razor may be gradually brought nearer to the brass plate, and the operator is thus enabled to remove successive sections of the object. The great advantage in this machine is that the razor and its support can be moved in any direction, and if desired, sections can be cut under the microscope. In concluding, Mr. Newton observed that a section-cutting machine, in order to be trustworthy, should possess the following qualifications, viz. : — 1st. — It should be firm in all its parts, made of good solid material, so that there may be no bending or shaking when in use. 2nd. — It should possess a clamp, or some other arrangement, by which it may be firmly fixed, so as to leave both the hands of the operator free for manipulation. 3rd. — The top plate upon which the knife rests should be perfectly flat, otherwise the knife will " rock," and prevent that steadiness which is necessary when thin sections are required. 4th. — The regulating screw should work very truly and firmly, for if this is not the case the sections will vary in thickness. 5th. — The cutting instrument, whatever its form, must have a thin and very keen edge. After the long discussion which followed the reading of this paper, the author demonstrated the use of the section machine by cutting a number of sections of spinal cord for distribution among the members of the Club. 261 How ro Make Thin Cover Glass. By G. J. Burgh, Esq. (Read April 2Uh, 1874.; Take a piece of glass tube of about :^in. bore, seal up the end with the blow-pipe, and continue the heat until the glass is so soft that it will fall out of shape, unless you keep turning it round ; remove it from the flame, and blow into it with all your strength. It will be seen to swell, at first slowly, and then suddenly to a large bubble of very thin glass. Supposing the tube to have been sealed up with as little glass as possible, it may be blown out to about 4 inches diameter. When cold, break it up, and cut the pieces to shape with a " writing diamond." The glass in this state is of course convexo-concave ; practically this is of little conse- quence unless the objects are to be mounted dry, when it is liable to be broken. In order to flatten it, place a piece of the thin glass on a perfectly flat piece of platinum foil, and depress it for a moment into the Bunsen flame ; as soon as it is red hot, it will sink down to the flat foil. This also has the effect of annealing it. On measuring a piece of this glass with the micrometer, I found it to be= ^J^Q^inch = '0004 inch. In the " Monthly Microscopical Journal," vol. viii., page 270, Dr. Royston Pigott says : — " The thinnest glass in my possession measures 2i- thousandths." Now t\ thousandths = "0022, and '.%%\\ = 5-5. So that his thinnest glass is 5 J times the thickness of mine. I enclose a small piece, the thickness of which is about -0004 in., perhaps less. I do not advise anyone to make all his covers this way, but only the very thinnest. 262 On a " False-Light Excluder " for Objectives. By John E. Ingpen. (Read April 2Uh, 1874.; I wish to bring before your notice this evening a simple method of getting rid of the glare frequently present even in the best objectives. When I tell you that it is nothing but a cap having a small aperture, and capable of being slipped over the objective, you will probably consider it a very insignificant affair ; but the principle involved is an important one, and well worthy of a few minutes' attention. In the *' Monthly Microscopical Journal " for March last, p. 112, there is a letter by Mr. Wenham, in which he explains his method of measuring the angle of a Tolles' i-objective belonging to Mr. Crisp. The principle of this method is that the rays which con- stitute the true working aperture must be " image-forming rays " only." Mr. Wenham contrives to admit only those rays which can enter an aperture the size of the field of view, and in the plane of the object ; and he shows how false light may enter an objective outside the field of view, and at a much greater angle than any rays which could possibly form an image of the object ; and he proves that the true working angle of the Tolles' 1 cannot be greater than 118*^, while stray light can enter the front lens almost up to 180^ Upon reading the above letter, it struck me that the method by which false light was excluded in measuring the angle would equally well serve to keep out false light in using the objective, and thereby improve the definition. I had not to go far to apply it. A fine Eoss \ of 100^, with which I constantly worked, always shewed a blaze in the centre of the field when direct light was used, while with oblique light its resolving power was excellent. I soon had a cap made with an aperture a little larger than the field of view with the lowest eye-piece ; when this cap was slipped on to the objective, and brought down so as to touch the covering-glass, all the false light vanished, the milky appearance of diatoms so often seen when viewed with large angled glasses was replaced by a clear black definition, while the angle was scarcely diminished, J, E. INGPEN ON A '' FALSE-LIGHT EXCLUDER." 263 and the resolving power in no way injured. When the cap was slipped up close to the olijective the angle was reduced from 100^ to 70°, witli far finer definition than when limited to the same angle by a stop at the back. 80 completely is the stray light stopped out that in many cases the diaphragm may be dispensed with. The nearest approach to the kind of definition above mentioned was obtained by the Continental method of using a very small aperture as close under the object as possible, instead of a larger one lower down, as is usual in this coimtry ; and this method might often be used with advantage where Br cap could not be placed over the objective. This method, in its best form, was first proposed by Mr. Yarley many years ago, and called by him a " dark " chamber." Though long since forgotten and disused, it might be well worthy of re-introduction now that quality of illumination is considered to be a matter of primary importance. On the Development of Hydra Vnlgaris. By James Fullagae, Esq., Assistant Secretary, East Kent Natural History Society, Canterbury. Communicated by Mr. Curties. Read April 2Uh, 1874. It appears from the statements of various writers on Natural History, that the development of Hydra from ova has never, or very rarely been witnessed, though, at the same time, no doubt is entertained of the fact that one of the means of its reproduction is from ova. I have had H. vulgaris and H. viridis^ under my observation for more than three years past, and, after various failures and disappointments, I have at length succeeded in wit- nessing the hatching out of several specimens of Hydra vulgaris, an account of which will, I hope, be interesting to the Quekett Microscopical Club. Hydra vulgaris differs in many respects from Hydra viridis. The Qgg is larger, and studded with what appear to be short spines (pi. xii., fig. 1, h). The shell is not smooth, nor is it covered witli an irregular network, as in H. viridis, but it is surrounded witli a transparent gelatinous envelope, which it retains to the time of * A paper on the Development of Hydra Viridis from Ova will be found in " Science Gossip " for 1873, pp. 12 and 175. 264 J. FULLAGER ON DEVELOPMENT OF Hydra Vulgaris. hatcliing. The egg of H. viridis has at first also an envelope, which disappears some time before hatching. In fig. 1, c, I have particularly marked the triangular-shaped darker spots in the envelope ; they appeared as regular as in the sketch, a little denser than the rest of the envelope, and surrounding the whole of the egg. This, however, can only be seen at the margin, but on moving the egg in the water, it may be seen on every part, and always presenting the same appearance. The diameter of the egg of H. vulgaris is -^^ of an inch, that of H. viridis -^^ of an inch. On October 27th, 1873, I placed in a glass cell a specimen of H. vulgaris^ on which an ovum had begun to form. It was put into pure clean water by itself, so that nothing obstructed the view, and the changes which took place from time to time were very clearly observed. Besides the ovum, it had three fully-developed sperm cells (pi. xiii., fig. 7, K.), in which spermatozoa were seen in active motion, and from each of which, at intervals, a quantity was discharged into the surrounding water (fig. 7, Z).* On October 30, the egg (fig. 7 M) became detached from the Hydra, and sunk to the bottom of the cell ; it then presented the appearance of fig. 1. It was at first of a cream colour, which soon changed to orange. It should be noticed that the gelatinous enve- lope frequently becomes covered with extraneous matter, through which the egg cannot easily be seen ; this may account for the difiiculty of obtaining the ova from ponds and ditches, as they are so well concealed from observation. The collection of substances around the eggs, acts, I believe, as a protection from pressure, for on leaving the Hydra, they are very soft, and easily crushed. I have seen small Cypris burst them at an early period; but they soon become hardened so as to resist pressure, and can then be re- moved with a dipping- tube for observation. The ovum is at first globular, but if it falls in its soft state on a flat hard substance, the underside becomes flattened, making it hemispherical or helmet-shaped ; this does not hinder its proper develoj)ment. As the time for hatching approaches, the envelope surrounding the egg becomes irregular (fig. 2 D), and the egg is slightly pushed out on one side (fig. 2 E). In the specimen above mentioned this * The spermatozoa were originally made out by Mr. Gulliver, F.R.S., who obtained specimens of the Hydra from me, and executed drawings of the spermatozoa, which are engraved in " Science Gossip," vol. for 1873, pages 13 and 41, and are the first representation published of these objects in this couutry, if not in the world. My own objectives were not of sufficient power for such delicate investigations, but Mr. Gulliver, with Powtll undLealands' ^, was well prepared. J. FULLAGER ON DEVELorMENT OF Hydrii Vulgaris. 265 change was observed on January 24th, fifty-five days after extru- sion ; in a few minutes a slight crack was seen in the shell, and a portion of the young Hydra slowly emerged from it, in a rounded form, as shown in fig. 3 F, sketched two hours after the first per- ceptible crack in the 2gg. It continued slowly emerging, and in two hours afterwards rudiments of tentacles appeared, as rounded lumps (fig. 4 G). Seven hours after the first rupture of the ^ggy the tentacles had progressed to the condition shown in fig. 5 H, and in twelve hours the ^z/r^ra was fully developed, with seven tentacles, and in all particulars like the adult, size only excepted. Its appearance was most interesting — delicately pure, and beautifully transparent, as if made of crystal, and still attached to the inside of the shell by the suctorial disc at the posterior end of the body (fig. 6 /). Some specimens finally leave the shell about twelve hours after being fully developed, others twenty-four, or even sixty hours afterwards, when they fix themselves to the bottom or sides of the cell. Their growth is very slow, and I could not dis- cover what they took as food. After a month had elapsed, I intro- duced some small entomostraca, but though they seized them with their tentacles, they could not absorb them. The entomostraca died, however, from the effect of the stinging power of the ten- tacles. The young have not all the same number of tentacles ; one observed had five, most had six, and some few had seven. After the extrusion of the ovum, the parent Hydra gradually diminished, the tentacles shortened and slowly disappeared, and in about twenty-one days the whole body dissolved. The sperm cells, three in number, continued on the body for some days after the ovum had been separated from it, and continued to discharge sper- matozoa into the water. Both ovisac and sperm-cells are usually found on the same Hydra; but sometimes sperm-cells only are found, when the whole length of the body is studded with them. I have counted in some cases eleven, in others seventeen, and in one as many as twenty -three but where an ovum is formed the sperm-cells rarely exceed four in number. The reproduction of Hydra vulgaris from ova takes place in the autumn, and that of Hydra viridis in the spring. Description of Plates XII.— XIII. PI. xu. Fig. 1. Ovum of Hydra vulgaris, a, transparent envelope, h, short spines c, triangular shape markings on envelope. 26G J. FULLAGEii ON DEVELOPMENT OF HTjdrct Vulgaris. D, appearance of envelope before the rupture of the egg indicated at E. F, part of the Htjdra protruding from the egg. G, indication of tentacles. H, further development of tentacles. Full development of young Hydra, fixed to the inside of shell at I. Hydra, K, sperm cells, of which there are three ; L, discharge of spermatozoa; M, ovum about to leave the body. Fig .2. j» 3. 4. j> 5. PI. xiii. Fig, .6. , to form the future Turpentine canal, Tc. X 1000. B and C, transverse and longitu- dinal sections of a perfect canal. The internal cavity, as well as the thin- walled cells wp, are filled with semi-fluid resin, while the thin-walled com- pressed cortical cells j? still contain a small quantity of starch. X 800. 299 ANNTTAL SOIEEE. April 17th, 1874. The anuual Soiree was held in the Library and Museum of University Colleg-e, which were, as heretofore, placed at the disposal of the Club by the permission of the Council. The number of visitors exceeded 1,000, but the rooms were less crowded than usual, owing to the increased space allotted for the purpose of exhibition in the Museum. One hundred microscopes were exhibited by members of the Club, and nearly fifty by members of the Croydon, the South London, the Sydenham aud Forest Hill, and the Tower Hill Microscopical Clubs. The leading London opticians contributed greatly to the success of the evening by a brilliant display of microscopes, spectroscopes, graphoscopes, stereoscopes, &c., and also showed the latest improvements in objectives and apparatus, filling the bays in the Library in a very effective manner. The following list of objects exhibited by members of our own and the other Microscopical Clubs is necessarily imperfect, as many of the exhibitors' cards were not filled up : — Circulation in leg of Spider ... Mr. W. Adkins. Drum of Ear of Frog (injected) Mr W. Allbon. Sea Anemone (Bunxles crassicornis) ... Mr. Alstone. Eaphides of Echinocactus -v ,, Prickly pear V Mr. F. W. Andrew. Water Lily ) Ova in ripe segment of Tape-worm {TcB/iia-^ jy/j^. jj ^giij^jy, serrata) 5 Sole Skin Stamens and Pollen of Mallow Eggs of Common House Fly Cimex (Tinr/is crassicornis) ... Circulation in Tadpole Hydra viridis Ringworm Proboscis of Vanessa Urticce Stellate hairs of Arahis alpiim Capsule and bulbils of Lunularia vulgaris ... Feathers of Humming Bird Circular crystals of Brucia Platino-cyanide of Magnesium Larva of Crab ... Bones from Mouth of Star Fish Chemical Spectroscope, showing the bright -s lines of the Metallic Spectra of Sodium, S- Lithium, Strontium, and Barium ... ^ Microscope, with Lunar Photographs Mr. Atkinson. Mr. T. J. Baker. Mr. E. Bartlett, juu. Mr. W. A. Bevingtou. Mr. G. Bird. Mr. W. Bishop. Mr. W. J. Brown. Mr. Geo. Browne. Mr. T. W, Burr. 300 Daphnia vetida Seed of Grass (Agrostis canina) Stephanoceros Eichornii ... Volvox gldbator Section of Foot of Kitten (injected) Bouquet of Butterfly Scales Ophiocoma neglecta Leaf of Rliododendron Madenii Eye of Fly Eggs and Larva of Moth Acari of Water Rat, &c. Valisneria spiralis Section of Cat's Tooth polarized) Part of frond of Hymenophyllum Petal of Correa ... Hyperstine, &c. (polarized) Living Diatoms from Keston Plaited Horsehair (polarized) Under Jaw and Muscle of Frog Pencil Tail (Polyxenus lagurus) Foot of Newt (injected) Serpida and Balanus halanoides (living) Section of Fossil Wood Tongue of Drone Fly Water Spider (alive) Draparnaldia and other Algae on Snail shell Peristome of Moss Hemiptera {Tingis cardii) Platino-cyanide of Magnesium Fossil Diatomacese Stephanoceros Eupleciella aspergillum, with spiculaLj in situ Foot of Dytiscus .. ... . Dytiscus (alive) showing suckers on fore-leg Platino-cyanide of Strontian Eyeball of Eat Licmophora splendida Section of Spine of Cidaris Stephanoceros, Melicerta, Floscularia, &c. ... Group of Feathers from Humming Bird Gill of Eel (injected) Tongue of Spider (mounted in sand-blast cell) Conochilus wZuar and Volvox glohator Mouth of Crane Fly Flowers Honey, shewing pollen-grains, indicating") the sources from which it was obtained J Daphnia pulex Diatoms and Polycystina Anther and Pollen of Mallow iMalva sylvestris) Stellate hairs — petal of Correa speciosa Mr. C. W. Burt. Mr. E. Catchpole. Mr. W, G. Cocks. Mr. A.K.Coles. Mr. F. Coles. Mr. W. R. Cooper. Mr. F. Crisp. Mr. J. S. Crisp. Mr. T. Crook. Mr. P. Crowley. Mr. Curties. Mr. E. Dadswell. j» Mr W, A. Duck. Mr. C. G. Dunning. j> Mr. Fitch. Mr. C. J. Fricker. Mr. J. E. Furneaux. Mr. F. W. Gay. Mr. B. George. Mr. Gibson. Mr. Golding. Mr. Goodchild. Mr. A, Goode. Mr.W. Goode. Mr. J.W. Goodinge Mr, C. A. Gould. Mr. A. C. Haddon. Mr. J. H. Hadland. Mr. H. F. Hailes. Mr. W. Hainworth. Mr. A. Hammond. Mr. G. Hardess. Dr. Helsham. Mr. Hembry. Mr. F. H. P. Hind. Mr.C. VV. Hovendeu. 301 Vorticclla Circulation of blood in foot of Frog Section of Pear (polarized) showing gritty \ tissue (Sclerogen) -' Polycystina — Barbados Tongue of Drone Fly ... Polycystina ... Melicerta ringens Egg of Parasite of Gol-en Pheasant Urania Fe^nandince — a day-flying moth ") from Madagascar ... J Ascaris vermicularis, male (Human Intes- ) tinal Worm) = , J The Electric Spark Polycystina from Barbados Marine Polyzoa Diatoms, arranged Pollen of Mallow Gutter life (South London) Polycystina ... Brain of Rat (injected) Natural Flowers Platino-cyanide of Magnesium... Philodina roseola and Callidina {?) Salicine Foraminifera in Water ... Circulation in iVifeWa ... Wing of Butterfly Melicerta ringens, Stentor, &e. Circulation in Valisneria Palate of Eolis coronata (a Sea Slug) Disc of Asterina gihbosa Pond life... Section of Fossil Teeth {Mastodon, Lamna,&c.) Wing of Butterfly Parnassius Apollo Daphnia vetula Hydra vulgaris Spicules of Sponge Hydra viridis .. ... ... Circulation in Antennee of Asselus Hyperstine (Sun stone) ... Section of Blow Fly (opaque) Insect life from Ship's bread (Weevils) Hydra virid is Melicerta ringens Head of Gnat {Culex pipiens) ■ Hydra viridis .. Tiger or Hunting Spider Eggs of Magpie Moth Head of Tape-worm ... Snake Coralline, with diatoms, i)i situ Egg of Parasite of Pheasant Mr. F. Hovenden. Mr. S. Israel. Mr. B. D. Jackson. Mr. E. F. Jones. Mr. J. M. Knight. Mr Le Pelley. Mr. G. F. Linney. Mr. S. J. Mclntire. Mr. K. McKean. Mr. Martinelli. Mr. J. B. Moseley. Mr. Jas. Nelson. Mr. H. Noakes. Mr. Oxley. Mr. W. J. Parks. Mr. Geo. Pearce. Mr. J. G. Price. Quekett Club Microscope. Mr. F. Reeve. Mr. W. W. Reeves. Mr. E. Richards. Mr. E Robins. Mr. J. Rowlett. Mr. Jas. Russell. 5} Mr. T. D. Russell. Mr. Sedgwick. Mr. J. Slade. Mr. J. Simmonds. Mr. E. Simpsm. Mr. Simpson. Mr. W. Smart. Mr. Alpheus Smith. Mr J. A. Smith. Mr. R. A. Smith. Mr. C. W. Stidstone. Mr. D. J. Stuart. Mr. W. T. Suffolk. Mr. Tafe. Mr. A. D. Taylor. Mr. Geo. Taylor. Mr. T. Terry. 802 Cyphus gemnari ... Lower Jaw and Tongue of Salamander (in-'i jected) J • Skin of ditto (injected) Stomach of Eel (injected), &c Palate of Haliotis tuherculata Section of Fan Palm Hair o? laiva, o{ Orgyia pudihunda Palate of Troclms striatus ,, Pliasianella pulla Hair of Elephant (section) Floscularia cornuta Hydra viridis Crystals of Gallic acid (polarized) Foraminifera Circulation in tail of Gold-fisli Diaptomus castor... Anther and Pollen of Dead Nettle Foot oi Dytiscus marginalis ... Girl's Hair (blonde), polarized Gizzard of Cricket Star-fish {Nympha gracilis), alive ... ¥10111' Elites {Atropos pulsatorius) Seeds of JVemesis compacta alba Social Ascidians on sea-weed Marine Life (Corynactis, Hydractinia, &c.) Eye of Beetle, showing multiplied image Platino-cyanide of Magnesium Coal Sections Hydra and Snail Spawn , Parasites of Water Eat ... Pollen of Mallow Collection of British Crustacese ,, Minerals and rock specimens .. Graphoscope and Photographs The additional attractions of the evening were — A lecture on "Natural Phenomena," by Mr. James Martin, illustrated by drawings shown with the osy-hydrogen apparatus, in the Mathematical Theatre. Microphotographs, views, &c., shown in a similar manner by Mr. James Smith for Mrs. How, in Room 7. The Sand-blast process, with a machine lent by General Tilghman, the patentee, in Eoom 2. Mr. Yernon Heath showed his celebrated Prize Photographs cf scenery and foliage in the Museum. Mr. Rochfort O'Connor lent hia beautiful drawings of microscopic objects. Mr. Thompson. Mr. A. Topping. >» Mr. C. C. Underwood. Mr. John S. Walker. Mr. Warburton. Mr. F. H, Ward. Mr. T. E. Way. Mr. E. Westbrooke. 57 Mr. Warrington. Mro J. Watkins. Mr. F. West, jun. Mr. W. West. Mr. F. W. White. Mr. T. Charters White- Mr. George Williams. » J Mr. J. R. Williams. Mr. R. P. Williams. Mr. Worster. Mr. E. Wright. Mr. T. D. Russell. >> Mr. H. Lee Rutter. 305 PKOCEEDINGS. Afril 10th, 1874. — Conversational Meeting. The following objects were exhibited : — Irodes of Boa Constrictor Mr. Curties. Jaws and Teeth of Echinus, polar Mr. Freeman. Platino-cyanide of Magnesium Mr. Golding. False Light Excluder for Objectives ... Mr. Ingpen. Elaters and Spores of Jungermannia on 7 ,^ ^ , n^ • > ^^« Oxley. (jlycerine -' ■' Spicules of Gorgonia Mr. B. W. Priest. jEtea anguinaria Mr. Terry. Section Foot of Salamander injected ... Mr. Topping. Section of Lamprey, Petromi/zonfiuviatile... Mr. Ward. Marine Life in Small Tank Mr. T. C. White. Drop from Composite Candle, polarised ... Mr. G. Williams. Attendance — Members, 57 ; Visitors, 6. April 24th, 1874. — Dr. E. Braithwaite, F.L.S., President, in the Chair. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and confirmed. The following donations to the Club were announced :— *' The Monthly Microscopical Journal " ... from the Publisher. " Science Gossip " ... ... ... „ "The Popular Science Eeview" ,, " Proceedings of the Eoyal Society" ... ... the Society. "Proceedings of the Literary and Philo-) sophical Society of Manchester" ... i * ' Fifth Annual Eeport of the Microscopical ") Society of Liverpool " ^ " Third Annual Eeport of the South London -\ Microscopical and Natural History > ,, Society" ^ "The American Naturalist," February, ") j^^ ^^^j^^^^ March, and April ^ ' ' The Quarterly Journal of Microscopical | ^ purchase. Science" ^ The thanks of the Club were voted to the donors. Mr. Enoch Walker was balloted for, and duly elected a member of the Club. A paper by Mr. G J. Burch, " How to make thin covering-glass,"' was read, and the thanks of the Club voted for his communication. The Secretary stated that he had received a letter from Dr. Hoggan, in which he desired to communicate to the meeting that his non-appearance before JouRN. Q. M. C, No. 27. u 306 them with his section-cutting machine was no breach of promise on his part. He willingly mentioned this, and regretted that Dr. Hoggan should not have been with them in consequence of a slight misunderstandiug. He was expect- ing to receive some communication from Dr. Hoggan as to the machine, but had received none, and not knowing his address, was unable to write to him on the subject, so as to make the necessary arrangements in time. The President said that he had at the last meeting asked Dr. Hoggan to bring his machine ; but he did not know that he would prepare a paper on the subject, and whilst regretting the circumstance of his absence, he hoped that it would be merely a pleasure deferred, and that they would be favoured with it at some future time . Mr. Ingpen read a paper *' On a False Light-excluder for Microscopic Objec- tives" (see p. 262 ante), illustrating the subject by drawings on the blackboard, and by the exhibition of the apparatus applied to a microscope. The President, in moving a vote of thanks to Mr. Ingpen for his paper, said he felt sure that it was only necessary to see this little piece of apparatus in order to appreciate its value in cutting off extraneous rays. A paper, by Mr. Jas. Fullagar, of Canterbury, " On the development of Hydra vulgaris from Ova,' was read, and was illustrated by a number of beautifully executed drawings. Specimens of Hydra vlridis in further illustration of the paper were exhibited in the room by Mr. Curties. The President thought it a very interesting circumstance that a creature so low in the animal kingdom should show so perfect a manner of development. At first sight the ovisacs had very much the appearance of the statoblastsof the Polyzoa. The Hydra was so common, and was so often found at their field excursions, that he hoped many of the members of the Club would be able to add to the paper the results of their own observations. The thanks of the meeting were unanimously voted to Mr. Fullagar for his paper. Mr. Ingpen exhibited and described an Achromatic Bull's Eye Condenser. This instrument was constructed from the objectives of a binocular opera-glass, one of which was reversed in its cell, and the two cells sci'ewedinto the opposite ends of a short piece of tube, so that the flat side of one lens nearly touched the convex side of the other. The lenses were achromatic doublets. A very perfect image of the source of light was obtained, and the purity of the light was stated greatly to excel that of the ordinary bull's eye. Anyone possessing a binocular opera or field glass could construct this condenser at a very small expense, the lenses being still available for their original purpose. The thanks of the meeting were voted to Mr. Ingpen. Mr. Golding said he had on a recent occasion used a single photographic lens as an achromatic bull's eye, and found it to answer extremely well. Mr. Ingpen said that on showing his condenser to Mr. White he had been asked if it would serve as a low power for dissecting. It would not do for that purpose as it was, but if one of the lenses was reversed it would answer capitally for that purpose, giving a large flat field and fine definition. On the motion of the President a vote of thanks was passed to those gentle- men who had contributed to the success of the Soiree by exhibiting on that occasion. Twenty-three gentlemen having been proposed for membership, the proceed- ings terminated with a Conversazione, at which the following objects were exhibited :— 107 Hydra viridis Mr. Curties. Tenthredo arcuatus Mr. Enock. Termite Mr. Fitch. Ear of Mouse— injected Mr. Freeman. Polycistina Mr. Golding. Phantom Larva Mr. Hainworth. Bi-chromate of Potash Mr. Hind. Micro-photograph— Dr. Livingstone ... Mr. Moginie. Transverse Section of Claw of Brown Bear Mr.T. D. Russell. Grantia compressa Mr. T. C. White. Attendance — Members, 72 ; Visitors, 8 ; total, 80. May 8th, 1874. — Conversational Meeting. The following objects were exhibited — Corallina officinalis, decalcified Holothuria (?) Skin of Dog Fish, Scyllium canicula Corethraplumicornis, changing from larval ) to pupal state ... ... ... ... •' Arrenurus viridis, alive Thorax of Diamond Beetle Erio'pteryx lineata Scales of Lepisma, various Crystals in testa of seed of Elm Dendritic spot on Magnesite Stained section of Ascaris hcvibricoides Section of head of embryo Eabbit . . Attendance — Members, 56 : Visitors Mr. M. Hawkins Johnson. Mr. T. C. White. Mr. Freeman. Mr. Fitch. Mr. Fitch. Mr. Hailes. Mr. Enock. Mr. G. Williams. Mr. B. D. Jackson. Mr. Greenish. Mr. Ward. Mr. E. T. Newton. , 3 ; total, 59. May 22nd, 1874. Dr. R. Braithwaite, F L.S., President, in the Chair. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and The following Donations to the Club were announced ; "The Monthly Microscopical Journal" " Science Gossip'' "The Eleventh Report of the East Kent Natural") History Society" ... J " Proceedings of the Geologists' Association"' " Proceedings of the Bristol Naturalists' Society" " The American Naturalist" "Monograph of British Annelids " (Ray Society's ) Publication) -» 12 Slides of Sections ... ... The thanks of the Club were voted to the donors. The following gentlemen were ballotted for, and duly Club- confirmed, from the Publisher. the Society. ,, the Association, the Society. in exchange. by subscription. from Mr. E. T. Newton. elected members of the u 2 308 Dr. G. P. Bate, Mr. Edward G. Box, Mr, John J. Burgess, Mr. C. F. Burnham, Mr. William E. Callaghan, Mr. Herbert Carrutliers, Mr. James Clayton, Mr. William Cole, Mr. G. Green, Mr. Ernest Grey, Mr. George Hind, Mr. C. W. Hovenden, Mr. W. W. Jones, Dr. Manly, Mr. Edgar A. Meates, Mr. G. A. Messenger, Mr. Philip C. Nixon, Mr. Thomas Palmer, Mr. George A. C. Pearce, Mr. William W. Eeid, Mr. Roland D. Smith, Mr. James Spencer, and Mr. Ernest Wadmore. The Secretary reminded the members present that at the next ordinary meet- ing nominations woiild have to be made of gentlemen to fill vacancies upon the Committee. Vice-Presidents for the ensuing year must also then be nominated, and notice must be given of any alterations proposed either in the rules or other matters affecting the government of the Club. The President announced that he had just received an intimation of the death of Mr. T. W. Burr, which had occurred suddenly that morning. Mr. Burr was well known amongst them as one of their Vice-Presidents, and for some years also as an active member of Committee, and the Club would no doubt receive, with great regret, the announcement of his sudden removal. Dr. George Hoggan read a paper upon his machine for section-cutting, to which reference was made at the March meeting of the Club, describing it first as originally made, and then giving in detail the various improvements and additions which experience, had led him to adopt. The methods of using it for hard and soft substances were minutely described, and the original and per- fected forms of the machine, as well as a large number of sections cut by it, were exhibited to the meeting. The President, in proposing a very cordial vote of thanks to Dr. Hoggan for his paper, expressed the pleasure with which he had listened to it, and thought that the machine itself was one of the most perfect for the purpose that he had ever seen. A vote of thanks to Dr. Hoggan was carried by acclamation. Mr. Miller said that, as on the last occasion when this subject was before them, he had taken the liberty of saying a few words upon the subject, he should like to make one or two further observations. He confessed that he could not agree with Dr. Hoggan that complexity in a machine was not a disadvantage. He rather agreed with Dr. Klein, that a steady hand and a sharp knife were the best things to trust to in section cutting, and no one would deny that sections of considerable size had been cut by Dr. Lockhart Clark and others, which were perfect in themselves, and were yet cut entirely by hand. If anyone did want a machine, he thought the simpler it was the better, and no one would deny that the tube machine was simple and efficient ; it was also cheap, and cheap- ness in such things was to students a matter of very great moment. For cutting perfectly fresh tissues there was nothing better than freezing, and this could not be adopted with the new machine. As to the shape of the knife, he thought one with a slanting edge was much better than one with a perfectly straight edge. As to the material for floating the sections off the knife, he thought that caustic soda was not able to be used in many cases, and if sub- stances were kept in spirit he thought the fewer re-agents they used the better. He wished to add his protest against the use of section-cutting machines ; for genei'al purposes sections could be cut quickly and easily with the hand quite well enough for all possible requirements of study, and he was of opinion that for private purposes a section-cutting machine was quite as much of an incon- venience as an advantage. 309 Mr. Golding inquired if he riglitly understood from Dr. Hoggan's description that the machine could in no way be simplified, and that nothing could be taken away from it without impairing its efficiency ? Dr. Hoggan said that it was for cutting hard sections that his machine was of the greatest use. Supposing, for instance, that a person brought to him, say the tooth of a fish, and wanted a section cut, it could be taken and several made from it in four or five minutes ; but it would take four or five hours to prepare one in the usual way, besides which, if they could be obtained so easily it would not be necessary to take such pains in preserving them. The gentleman who had first spoken appeared to have lost the point of his remarks throughout, for he disputed points which he himself had never raised, and the suggestions which he added were just wbat he (Dr. Hoggan) had already mentioned. For small sections of some organic preparations, he had said in his paper that the best way was to cut them by baud, and teaze out the tissue with needles. As to the freezing, no doubt somebody would one day add a salt box to the machine, and then call it after his own name. A knife for section cutting should be flat either on one side or the other, and he never thought of denying the truth of what had been said about knives. All that the gentleman had said against caustic soda was exactly what was stated in his paper ; it did very well in some cases, but certainly not in all. He did not know if the price of the machine was more than that of the latest forms of the old kinds. Mr. T. C. White said he had come in late, and therefore had not heard the whole of Dr. Hoggan's paper ; but he had brought with him a few sections of hard tissues, such as cocoa-nut palm, which had been cut by Mr. Williams with a modification of the oi dinary lapidary's wheel. He could also cut quartz and sections of coal. He could quite imagine that it was often of very great im- portance to be able to cut hard sections so quickly. From what he could see, he should chiefly object to the machine on account of its complication, for he believed that the secret of success was not so much in the apparatus as in the section- cutter himself. He should like to ask Dr. Hoggan if he found that in cutting with a saw ridges were not left on the surface of the section, and also if he hardened the substances specially before cutting them ? Dr. Hoggan said that in the case of a number of tissues he found it best to harden them, but for one half of those which he exhibited there was no harden- ing whatever, except what took place in the alcohol, and some were cut with- out any preparation whatever— the section of kidney was cut the day after it was obtained, and without previous hardening. Mr. White thought this a great advantage, because sections cut after hardening were apt to be spoilt by the knife, and many substances were much altered by any hardening process. Mr. Hainworth reminded Dr. Hoggan that he had not answered the question as to the tooth marks left by the saw. Dr. Hoggan said that if the saw were rather coarse, or if its I'ough edges were not taken ofi'by rubbing the sides on a bone, marks would sometimes be left, but this would not be so if the edges were taken off. Dr. Foulerton remarked that a good deal had been said as to the way in which hardening could be efi'ected, but he had understood that this machine was to do away with the necessity for it, and bethought that if the machinist took this upon himself, the section cutter surely need not complain. The President expressed the interest with which he had listened to Dr. Hoggan's paper, and hoped the Club might one day be favoured with another 310 paper upon the subject of hardening. He thought the only objection to the machine was its cost, for this must, in most cases, be a serious item with students, to whom shillings were often of more consequence than pounds might be a few years later. But as Dr. Hoggan had said at the commencement, a very great deal might be done with the hand, and students should persevere in this way. It was not necessary for them to make beautiful specimens for the cabinet in order to pursue their investigations. He thought that the machine which they had before them was capable of doing everything which a machine was required to do. The President said that a little difficulty had arisen with respect to the con- cluding papers of his series in consequence of the limited time wnich now remained before the close of the current year of the Club. The next meeting would be occupied partly by the business relating to the annual meeting, and they were promised a communication of great interest also. He thought, therefore, that if instead of reading the paper it were taken as read, and he were to give a demonstration at the next gossip night, the difficulty as to time might be got over, and the objects which Mr. White had brought might, with others, form a series in illustration of the subject to be considered. Mr. T. C. White thought that nothing could be more profitable than a demonstration on the gossip night as proposed by the President, and he was quite sure that the examination of these .preparations could not fail to be of great interest. He had great pleasure in moving the adoption of the sugges- tion made by Dr. Braithwaite. Mr. Greenish seconded the proposal, which, being put to the meeting, was unanimously carried. The President said that the paper would be taken as having been read that evening. His next two papers would be upon the Tissues as a whole — the first on the Homogeneous tissues — such as pith, bark, cork, the cuticle and its ap- pendages; and the other upon the Heterogeneous tissues, such as wood. Gentle- men who would undertake to bring their miscroscopes for the purpose of exhibiting specimens would much oblige by communicating with Mr. Jackson, who had undertaken the arrangements ; and if any members would bring specimens bearing on the subject he should be glad. Announcements of meetings, &c., were made, and the proceedings terminated with a conversazione, at which the following objects were exhibited : — Peristome of Moss by Mr. W. G. Cocks. Diatomacese from the Fountains of St. ■) Peter's at Eome j Mr. T. Cnrties. Jjaxvsi of Tipula crystallina Mr. Dunning. Aulacodiscus Margaritaceus Mr. Glasspoole. Eupodiscus sculptus , Mr. Hainworth. Section of Kidney of Eabbit Mr. F. Reeve. Salicine (by polarized light and new % arrangement of working Darker's >■ Mr. Richardson, films) 3 Section of grass stem Mr. Slade. Attendance - Members, 74 ; Visitors, 8 ; total. 82. 311 June 12th, 1874. — Conversational Meeting. The following objects were exhibited — Spicules of Qorgonia Mr. Corbett. Thrips mmutissima (Smother-fly) Mr. Enock. Aphis of the Maple Mr. Goodinge. Circulation in the gills of Newt Mr. Israel. Aulacodiscus Oreganus ... Mr. Moginie. Culex pipieiis Mr. Geo. Williams. Distillation from vapour of Coke (polar.) ... ,, To illustrate Dr. Braithwaite's 5th Paper on the Histology of Plants. Stomata of the White Lily Glandular hairs of Chenopodium Bonus 7 Henricus ... ) Moniliform hairs on stamens of Trades- 1 cantia Virginica ^ Stellate hairs of Arcdia papyri f era ScqXqb of Eleagnus ,, Correa cardinalis Section of leaf of Yucca Cuticle of Holly leaf Section of Birch bark ,, Black currant tree Stomata of Cactus Sting of Nettle Attendance — Members, 70 j visitors, 4 ; Mr. Andrew. Dr. Braithwaite. Mr. Dunning. Mr. Golding. Mr. Hainworth. Mr. B. D. Jackson. Mr. H. Johnson. Mr, , W. W. Keeves. Mr, . Topping. Mr. T. C. White. Mr. T. C. White. , 4; total, 74. June 26th, 1874. — Dr. R. Braithwaite, F.L.S., President, in tlie Chair. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and confirmed. The following donations to the Club were announced — " The Monthly Microscopical Journal'' from the Publisher. *' Science Gossip" ... ,, •' Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society ) ,, g . , of Manchester,' vol. 4. i Proceedings of the same Society, vols. 8, 9, & 10 ... ,, The thanks of the Club were voted to the donors. The following gentlemen were balloted for and duly elected members of the Club :- Mr. John Badcock, Mr. Henry Brady, Mr. E. A. Fardon, Mr. John H. Gritton Mr. Joseph Gritton, Mr. W. W. Hewitt, Dr. Thomas Magor, and Mr. John E Kogers. The Secretary announced that he had only that morning received a note from Mr. Samuel Holmes, stating that he was unable to attend the meeting and read his paper, though he had been announced to do so. On receipt of the letter he had sent to Mr Crisp, asking him to see Mr. Holmes if possible, and get him to let them have the paper to read at the meeting. Mr. Crisp had kindly sent down at once about it, but unfortunately without results j he regretted this very 312 much, because the paper had been advertised, and as he had understood from Mr. Holmes some time ago that the paper was then ready, he did not think it necessary to provide anything else in case of failure; they were therefore with- out a paper for the evening. The President reminded the members that according to the rules of the Club, nominations must be made that evening for oflBcers of the Society who were to be ballotted for at the next meeting ; and Rule 3, which related to the matter, was read to the meeting. The President announced the following nominations : — As President for the ensuing year. Dr. Matthews ; as Treasurer and Secretaries, the same gentlemen who had filled those offices during the year now dra^vingto a close ; and as Vice- Presidents, Dr. Braithwaite, Mr. Lowne, Mr C. F. White, and Mr. T. C. White. The following nominations were then made for six vacancies on the Com- mittee : — Mr. W. A. Bevington Proposed by Mr. Ward Seconded by Mr. Crisp. Mr. F. W. Andrew ,, Mr. A. Smith ,, Mr. Curties. Mr. Golding ,, Mr. Freeman „ Mr. Goodinge. Mr. G. Williams ,, Mr. Slade ,, Dr. Matthews. Mr. T. Eogers ,, Mr. Hembry ,, Mr. Cocks. Mr. E. Bartlett ,, Mr. Curties „ Mr. Terry. Mr. Sigsworth , , Mr. Smith , , Mr. T. C. White. Mr. Newton ,, Mr. Jaques ,, Mr. Waller. Dr. Foulerton „ Mr. Golding ,, Mr. Wright. Mr. Nelson ,, Mr. Marks ,, Mr Ingpen. In accordance with the rule, a show of hands was taken by the President in order to reduce the number to nine, and Mr. Nelson being in the minority his name was removed. Mr. Terry objected to the taking of the show of hands, as he considered that it was entirely opposed to the principles of the ballot. The President explained that according to the rules the number of the persons nominated must be reduced by show of hands, in order that not more than one half more than the number to be elected should be printed on the balloting papers. What had been done was strictly in accordance with the rule, which he called upon the Secretary to read. -Eule III. read accordingly. Mr. J E. Ingpen gave notice that at the following meeting he should move that an alteration should be made in rule 1, by adding the words " except August and September" after the words " every month." The object he had in view in making the alteration was to omit the ordinary meetings on the fourth Fridays in the two months named, and to make use of those evenings as conver- sational meetings, t;he same as those usually held on the second Fridays. During the summer months many members were away from home, and it was difficult to get either papers or a large attendance, and he thought it would be of ad- vantage that they should have some little vacation, as was the case in all other societies. Of course those members who were in town would be able to attend the conversational meetings held on the usual nights instead of the ordinary meetings. The President having ruled that this proposal must be seconded, Dr. Foulerton seconded it. Dr. Matthews proposed to make an alteration in rule 6, by omitting from it the word ' ' Foreign." As the rule stood they were only able to elect foreign J 313 honorary members, and he thought ib might be desirable to have the power of placing others also upon this list. He proposed this alteration !i t the present time with reference to Dr. Sharpey, whose fame was universal, and who was now retiring from all active life, and it would be doing an honour to themselves to elect him as their first English honorary member. Mr T. C. White seconded the proposal, which was carried unanimously. The President invited the nomination of a gentleman to act as auditor of the accounts on behalf of the members. Mr. Dobson was then proposed by Mr. James Smith, seconded by Mr. Gay, and elected auditor by show of hands. Mr. T. C. White said that he had brought with him to the meeting some sections of the gritty tissue of the pear ; they were not prepared from the ripe fruit, but from those pears which could at this season of the year be found in great abundance underneath the trees, prematurely cast off by blight. He had often thought that it might be possible to get the cells of a much larger size in specimens cut from very young pears in which there had not teen time for the woody deiDosit to fill up the cells, and in these pears his surmises had turned out correct, the cells presenting the sclerogenous deposit in various stages of thickening, from a thin layerliniug the cell to that wherein a mere " lacuna" is left. In addition to the specimens exhibited he had also brought with him a number of sections for distribution to any member who liked to have them. In mounting them he found that logwood stained them better than carmine, but he thought they were best when not stained at all. His specimens were mounted in a weak solution of acetate of potash, but he rather thought that gelatine would be a better medium. Mr. F. H. Wenham thought that Mr. White would find the tissue very hard in the maturer fruit ; so hard, indeed, as to require to be ground down. It was very analagous to the stone in stone fruit, and the wilder the pear the harder and more like a stone would this gritty tissue be found. Professor Quekctt had described it, and had given figures. Mr. T. C. White said he knew that Professor Quekett had referred to this woody tissue or sclerogen, and that bethought it allied to the shell of the cocoa- nut. He should be glad to hear the President's remarks about it, seeing that it came within the scope of his papers on cell growth. The President said that he objected to the term sclerogen altogether, and looked upon it as a most objectionable and unnecessary term. It was, in fact, a condition such as might go on in any part of the plant. As to any special tissue called sclerogen, it was perfect nonsense. Lignification might takcaplace in any of the tissues ; it was really not a special condition at all, but rather a state of conversion of the tissue, and this would no doubt ia certain cases be con- verted into stone. In the wild pear it was gritty, and the better the pear the less hard did it become. When ground down it was one of the most beautiful objects to be seen, and furnished to his mind the most beautiful evidence of design as providing for the carrying on of growth and nutrition under these conditions. The President announced that the concluding paper of his course upon cell development would be taken as read that evening. iJr. Ingpen described a new form of achromatic prism which was being con- structed for him by Mr. Browning. In this form, the prism had plane sides, and the condensing lens was a plano-convex achromatic, the flat side of which could be placed close to one side of the prism, or removed at pleasure. The 314 prism could therefore be used in place of either the plane or the concave mirror. Mr. Wenham, in reply to a question put to him, said that the principle of this arrangement was simple and obvious, and it would no doubt perfectly answer, there would be a little loss of light unless the two parts were cemented. The list of meetings and excursions for the ensuing month was then read, and the proceedings closed as usual with a conversazione, at which the following objects were exhibited : — Book Insect (undescribed) by Mr. F. W. Andrew. Plumatella re.pens Mr. W. G. Cocks. Flea of Hedgehog, with arnri ... .. Mr. Freeman. Cardnns mcenas {Isi silage) ... Mr. J. W. Goodinge- Microscopic Writing — (the Lord's Prayer) Mr. Moginie. Marchantia polymorpka (section through ") jr gi^de disc) J Piiccinia Malvacearmm (the new holly- ") -kit j a Smith hock disease) ... ... J Gritty Tissue in Young Pear ") j^^^._ r^ q White. CEciclinm Urticce 3 PIah/sfomaseminaHo7ies (maxhle nettle fly)... Mr. G. Williams. Sections of Insects' eyes (showing the retina) Mr. R. P. Williams. Attendance— Members, 67; Visitors, 8; total, 75. July 10th, 1874. — Conyersational Meeting. The following objects were exhibited : — New Infusorian Mr. Badcock. Wing of Midge ... ... ... ... Mr. Freeman. 'Ruhj-ta,il Fly , Chrysis ignita ... Mr. Geo. Williams. Attendance— Members, 37- July 24th, 1874. — Anniversary Meeting. Dr. R. Braithwaite, F.L.S., President, in the Chair. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read, and confirmed. The meeting was then made special for the purpose of correcting an in- formality which occurred in the nomination of Vice-Presidents at the meeting held June 26th, in consequence of which such nominations were rendered void. The following gentlemen were then nominated to fill the offices of Vice- Presidents during the ensuing year : — Dr Braithwaite Proposed by Mr. Golding Seconded by Mr. Jackson. Mr. B. T. Lowne ,, Mr. T. C. White ,, Mr. Hainworth. Mr. C.F.White ,, Dr. Matthews „ Mr. Waller. Mr. T. C. White ,, Mr. Jackson ,, Dr. Ramsbotham. Dr. Matthew?, in accordance with notice given at the meeting in June, moved the alteration of rule 6, by omitting the word " Foreign," in order to enable the 315 Club to elect as honorary members such distinguished persons from amongst their own countrymen as they might from time to time desire to honour in this manner. The motion having been seconded by Mr. Greenish was put to the meeting, and carried unanimously. In the absence of Mr. Ingpen (who was unavoidably prevented from attending by the results of a recent accident), a proposal to alter rule 1, of which he had given notice at the previous meeting, could not be laid before the meeting. The President having requested that two gentlemen might be nominated as ScrutineerSj Mr. Eeeves was proposed by Mr. Jackson, and seconded by Mr. Hain worth, and Mr. Terry was proposed by Mr. Curties, and seconded by Mr. Moginie ; and upon submitting their names to the meeting, they were duly elected, and pro- ceeded at once to the ballot. Mr. T. C. White (acting as Secretary pro. tern.) then read the Annual Report of the Committee, and also the Treasurer's Annual Statement of Accounts. The President moved that the Reports which had been read should be adopted and printed. Mr. S. J. Mclntire seconded the proposition, which was put to the meeting and carried unanimously. The President then read his Annual Address to the Club. The Scrutineers having handed in their report, the following gentlemen were declared to have been duly elected Officers of the Club for the ensuing year : — As President ... ... Dr. Matthews. As Vice-Presidents ... P^* ^raithwaite, Mr. Lowne. Mr. C. F. (. White, and Mr. T. C. White. As Treasurer ... ... Mr. Hardwicke. As Hon. Secretary ... Mr. Ingpen. As Hon. Secretary for ) ^^^ -^^_ ^^ ^^^j^^_ Foreign Correspondence ' The result of the ballot for six memb.'rs of Committee was stated to be as under : — I Dr. Foulerton, Mr. Rogers, As Members of Committee .. Mr. Bevington, Mr. G. Williams, Mr. Newton, I Mr. Sigs worth. The retiring President then vacated the Chair in favour of his newly-elected successor. Dr. Matthews (who was very cordially received on taking the chair as Presi- dent) said — Dr. Braithwaite and Gentlemen : In my earnest desire to express my profound sense of the honour you have conferred upon me, I hope I may venture to observe that there are certain occasions in this life — and this I take to be one of them — when it may be permitted to a man to speak of himself — to be egotistical in a sense, though not in the usual sense of self-laudation. It has become a proverb, almost too trite for repetition, that self-knowledge is the most difficult, the most costly, the most deferred of all kinds of knowledge. This is well exemplified in my case, since 1 was not at all aware until about two 316 months ago that I possessed any sufficient qualifications for the office which you have now called on me to fill. Even now, at this last moment, when a hint of my unfitness— tliough from my own mouth — would seem to stultify your decision, which I certainly shall not risk, I entreat you to bi'lieve in the reality of my diffidence in my power to discharge the duties of this office with real efficiency. And this diffidence arises very largely from my sense of the great ability which has been displayed by my predecessors in this chair, together with a consciousness that I am neither a profound histologist nor an accom- plished anatomist, as most of them have been, but simply a microseopist, though my profession has, of course, demanded of me some knowledge of both those sciences. Many now present are aware that I have devoted myself largely, or at least earnestly, to the improvement of the microscope and its manipula- tions, for I am well aware, gentlemen, that, in the words of a humorous and witty old friend whom I see before me, some very profound (and questionable) discoveries have been made by the aid of " a bad microscope and a lively imagination." It is from error arising in these cases that I have laboured to free our art. Amidst my— as it now seems— self-inflicted discouragements, I have taken courage from the following reflections : — First, that you have always shown yourselves indulgent to, and sympathetic with, those who have exerted themselves honestly to serve you ; next, in that, after much thought on the duties of your chairman, I have come to the conclusion that he is not in that place to display his own acquirements, or to air his own knowledge, but to dis- charge the office of one of those bodies in nature, which, though of but minor importance in themselves, are yet capable of eff'ecting great changes in other bodies— I mean the ferments. This function it is, I think, the proper office of your chairman to discharge, whether he does it by judicious timely observations or by pertinent inquiries, or even, now ai?d then, by well considered papers; and I may here say that if these last be needed they will not be wanting. Gentlemen, I spoke but now of the ability of my predecessors, which I am thankful, both for myself and you, thus publicly to acknowledge ; but whatever their ability, however profound their acquirements, there is one point in which I will never yield to them, and that is in my ardent desire and earnest intention to do all in my power to promote the objects and further the interests of this society. I have said enough — I fear even too much- of myself. I now am silent, that I may in future speak -with the more efi'ect of the labours and the merits of others. Mr. S. J. Mclntire proposed a vote of thanks to their late President, Dr. Braithwaite, for the zeal, learning, usefulness, and courtesy displayed to every member of the Club during his period of office The proposal was seconded by Mr. J. G, Waller, and carried unanimously. It was proposed by Mr. T. C. White, and seconded by Dr. Matthews, that the address which the late President had read should be printed and circulated. Put and carried unanimously. Mr. T. C. White proposed that a cordial vote of thanks be presented to the officer.? and authorities of University College for their continued kindness and generous courtesy in allowing the meetings of the Club to be held in that building. This motion having been seconded by Dr. Braithwaite, was carried by ac- clamation. A vote of thanks to the Scrutineers for the careful and efficient manner in which they had presided over the ballot was proposed by Mr. Johnson, seconded by Mr. Marks, and carried unanimously. 317 A vote of thants to tbe oflScers of tbe Club generally was proposed by Mr. Curties, seconded by Mr Gardiner, and carried 7iem. dis. Mr. Curties inquired whether Mr. Ingpen's motion to hold conversational meetings on the fourth Fridays in August and September, in lieu of ordinary meetings, would be brought forward. The President did not see how they could deal with it, since in the absence of both mover and seconder there was no one to lay it before them. The following donations to the Club were announced : — " The Popular Science Review" from the Publisher. " The Monthy Mici'oscopical Journal" ... ,, " Science Gossip" ... ... ... ... ,, ' ' The list of Members and Annual Report ") ^-^ Societv of the British Naturalists' Society" J " Frey's Work on the Microscope and 7 j^j^ rp n ^^l^[iQ Microscopic Technology" ... J " The American Naturalist" ... ... in exchange. "Quarterly Journal of Microscopical ) Pn-ohaspd Science" ' The thanks of the meeting were voted to the Donors. The following gentlemen were balloted for, and duly elected members of the Club: -Mr. Thos. H. Powell, Mr. William Rushton, Mr. Jas. Wallis, and Mr. C. E. Webb. The usual announcements oP meetings and excursions for the ensuing mouth were then made, and the proceedings terminated. It was remarked that, for the first time within the history of the Club, no objects were exhibited. Attendance— Members, 77 ; Visitors, 9 ; total, 86. Erratum. — The plate illustrating Geo. Hoggaii, Esqr.'s paper is iiimibered xiii., instead of xi. The latter number is therefore deficient, whilst there are two plates numbered xiii. 318 PAST PRESIDENTS. EDWIN LANKESTER, M.D., F.R.S. ERNEST HART .... ARTHUR E. DURHAM, F.L.S., &c. )5 »> V • ' PETER LE NEVE FOSTER, M.A. LIONEL S. BEALE, M.B., F.R.S., &c. ROBERT BRAITHWAITE, M.D., F.L.S., &c July, 1875 JJ 18G6 JJ 1867 V 1868 »> 1869 55 1870 55 1871 }) 1872 9? 1873 INDEX PAGE. Ague Plant, on the 116 Algae, on collecting and preserving freshwater 192 An omission corrected ... ... 101 Aubrey, Eev. H. G. W , on a tur- pentine bath 161 Balance-sheet 1873-4 338 Bartlettj Dr. John, on the Ague Plant 116 Bath, on a new form of turpentine 161 "Black-knot," notes on the ... 82 Braithwaite, Dr, E., on the his- tology of plants-129, 163, 211, 238, 278, 286, 327 Burch, G. J., on making thin cover- glass 261 Cells, a new form, made by the * sand blast process 227 Cells, on cutting ... ... ... 33 Cooke, M. C, on old nettle stems and their micro-fungi ... 69 ,, on Spilocea Pomi ... ... 197 Curties, T., on insect mounting in hot climates 230 De Bary on the potato disease ... 139 De Brebisson, death of Mens. Al- phonse 41 Development of Hydra vulgaris ... 263 Diatomacea3, recent observations on 68 Dynamometer, on a standard ... 97 English, T. J., on a pneumatic in- jecting, apparatus 99 Errata 101, 817 False- light excluder for objectives 262 Flea, on the internal structure of the 12 Flint, on the microscopic struc- ture of ... 234 Freshwater Algse, on collecting and preserving ... 192 PAGE. Freshwater Sponges, observations on the 42 Fullagar, Jas., on the development of Hydra vulgaris 263 Furlonge, W. H., on Pulex ir- ritans ... ... ... 12 ,, on a phenomenon of mo- nocular vision ... ... ... 39 Glass, how to make thin cover ... 261 Guy on the illuminator hand mi- croscope ... ... .. ... 65 Hailes, H. F., on cells made by the sand blast process ... ... 227 Histo Chemical Researches on the fall of leaves in the autumn ... 102 Histology of Plants, on the— 129, 103 211, 238, 27^, 286, 327 Hoggan, Geo., on a new form of section-cutting machine... ... 266 Hydra vulgaris, development of ... 263 Hymenoptera, on characteristics of certain 187 Illuminator hand microscope, Dr. Guy's 65 Ingpen, J. E., on a standard Dyna- mometer 97 ,, on insect mountiug ,, in hot climates ... 230 ,, on a " false -light excluder" ... 262 Injecting Apparatus, on a pneumatic 99 Insect mountiug in hot climates... 230 Jackson, B. D., translation of Dr. Ledeganck's researches on the fall of the leaf 102 Johnsou M. H., on the microscopic structure of flint 234 Lattey, A. H. H., on Polyzoa ... 1 LeaveSjOn the fall of,in the autumn 102 Ledeganck, Dr. K., on the fall of leaves in the autumn 102 63143 INDEX. PAGE. Lowne, B. T., on cliaracteristics of certain of the Hymenoptera ... 187 Magnifying power, standard dyna- mometer for determining ..." 97 Micro-fungi on nettle stems, Cooke on 69 Microscope, Dr. Guy's illuminator hand — ... ... ... ... 65 Microscopical injecting apparatus 99 Microscopic sections, preparation of 255,266 Microscopic structure of flint ... 234 MicroscojDic writing, &c , 113, 155, 198, 228 Monocular vision, on a phenonenon of 39 Mounting insects in hot climates... 230 ,, opaque objects, an im- proved method 232 Nerves, so-called, of teeth 5 Nettle stems, Cooke on micro-fungi of 69 New form of section cutting machine ... ... ... ... 266 Newton, E. T., on sections of soft tissues ... ... 255 Nobert's tests, on 155, 198 Notes on the " Black Knot " ... 82 Notices... 4, 41 Objective, Schieck's new l-40th... 101 Objectives, false light excluder for 262 ,, on the measurement of the focal length and power of ... ... 34 ,, the best, simplest, and most unerring tests for, 113, 155, 198 Observations on the the polyzoa... 1 Omission corrected, an ... ... 101 Opaque objects, on a new method of mounting 232 Peck, C. H., on the "black-knot" 82 Phenomenon of monocular vision, on a ... 39 Phot (graphs of microscopic writing, on some 228 Physiology of plants 327 Plants, on the histology of— 129, 163, 211, 238, 278, 286,327 Pneumatic injecting apparatus ... 99 PAGE. Polyzoa, observations on the ... 1 Potato disease, the 139 President's address, 1874 327 Presidents, list of Past 318 Proceedings— 26, 53,89, 118,146,171, 201, 218, 243, 305, 317 Pulex irritans, on the internal structure of 12 Eecent observations onDiatomacese 68 Report of Committee, 1873-4. ... 319 Royston-Pigott, Dr., on measure- ment of focal length and power of objectives 34 Salisbury, Dr. J. H , on the Ague- plant ... ... 116 Sand-blast process, on cells made by the 227 Schieck's New l-40th objective ... 101 Section-cutting machines... 255, 266 Sections of soft tissues, prepara- tion of 255 Smith, Ja™es, on cutting cells ... 33 Soir(^e (1872) 49 „ (1873) 171 „ (1874) 299 Spiloccea Po7ni ... 197 Sponges, observations on the fresh- water 42 Standard Dynamometer, on a ... 97 Tests for objectives ... 113, 155, 198 Turpentine bath, on a new form of 161 Waller, J. G., on the fresh-water sponges 42 Webb, W., on "Nobert's Tests," 155, 198 , , on the best and simplest tests for objectives ... ... 113 White, T. C, on the so-called "nerve' of the Tooth ... 5 ,, on an improved method of mounting opaque ob- jects 232 Wood, Dr. H , on collecting and preserving fresh-water Algae ... 192 Woodward, Dr. J. J., on Nobert's tests and Webb's Microsocopic writing 198, 223 Vision, on a phenomenon of mono- cular 39 PLATES CONTAINED IN THIS VOLUME. Plate. 1 1 Internal structure of the Flea, illustrating paper by W. H. Furlonge, at 2j p. 12. > Svongilla fluviaUls, illustrating paper by J. G. Waller, at p. 42. 4) 5 Pneumatic Injecting Apparatus, illustrating paper by T. J. English, at p. 99. /Histology of Plants, illustrating papers by Dr. Braithwaite, at pp. 129, 8 j 162, 211. 9 Microscopic Structure of Flint, illustrating paper by M. H. Johnson at p. 234. 10 Histology of Plants, illustrating paper by Dr. Braithwaite at p. 23S. ^ >Hydra vulgaris, illustrating paper by James FuUagar, at p. 263. 13* Section-cutting Machine, illustrating paper by G. Hoggan, at p. 266. 1^7 Histology of Plants, illustrating papers by Dr. Braithwaite, at pp. 278. 15) 286. YOLJa. PLATE, i. ^.^^^mfWP^^^^ -^iUiui^^ma^ Ialea> Tmtcavs. E CbokA.Ivtfy. TOL.TI PLATE. Z. :::s:;::s:::i!SSnSSSSSS. Fcde6o ir-nJ-jxns. Oxh.- ii FuVkerUufTiMm/ lu/f^. Wtdmi/t^Uf PL. 111. yw /illy/- "'^ V 'Y (A'' -^' r' ^^ i^ K^ del \^^^-i^-4^^ 8 Cooke- tS: Fat}}uxr,v.}ith . We^stnxmster. SP ON GILL A PLUVI ATILIS . PL.IV 6 . GO cUarpy 4 . 700 diam. .h-H::h^. -V^^^^ -^ '"'"^feti^ip^ii^ j: (?. Ti^ /^ Caol(? & T Other mahoan. ~hU:h Wes^mxrisbcr-. SPONGILLA FLUVIATILIS. 10 INCH£.S- H Tig-. 1 M FLATE.5. P G H B^. 111. IT Tig- 11. Fig. IV. n. VL iL^vT,n^. del. )tfe & Fotiiei iagl-bcOTL^litii PZ . Vll .,^^^->., '^%=^^ 1/ % ff £» fe^. ^ ■0 „^ o .'^ 'M. :IP M XM. Henry. F Hfl/LEs Del. Wkit»miaitEas-s./*<»to=i^i/«' '^ '><« '/u^v« ^36.Ei4' 'J.. 7^17- jy^ SrcuUkv^aiM., djeL E. Cmlw, Ivth PL. jy. Xr 3roai7avca;te' . ol/'Z is Oioko. ItjOv CATALOGUE OF MICROSCOPICAL PREPARATIONS. ANIMAL. Sect. A .— VERTEBRA TA . 1. BiMANA. A. Donor. 1. Human blood crystals B .. B. W. Eichardson 2. „ cerebellum B ... .. C.B. Wiles. 3. „ kidney (section) B . B. W. Eichardson. 4. „ lip ( „ )B . T. Curties. 5. „ lung B . A. Topping. 6. „ placenta B . C.B. Wiles. 7. „ scalp (section) B .. T. Curties. 8. scalp ( „ ) B .. A. Topping. 9. skinB . C. B. Wiles. 10. „ skin, sole of child's foot B . C.B. Wiles. 11. „ skin, section of Negro's B . Mr. Taylor. 12. Do. do. B . M.C.Cooke. 13. „ Do. do. Westminster Abbey B .. . H. P. Hailes. 14. „ tongue B . C.B. Wiles. 15. „ Dental exostosis B 2. QUADEUMANA. . T. C. White. 16. Hsjix oi Goliiber gueriza (black)... . H.F. Hailes. 17. „ Do. do. (white) ... . H.F. Hailes. 18. „ Gorilla Mr. Simson. 19. „ Marmosette B . G. Potter. 20. „ Semncypithecusohscurus... . M.C.Cooke. 21. „ Stenops javanicus B ... >> 22. „ Stenops tardigradus, Jjevawc B ... 5> 28. • 5, Galeopithecus volans (Back) B „ 24. „ (Belly) B „ MICROSCOPICAL PREPARATIONS. A. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 3. Cheiroptera. Hair of Australian Bat B „ Long-eared Bat (Cuba) ... „ Barhastellus communis " Barbastelle" „ Barhastellus Dauhentoni (Britain) B ,, Cynopterus hrevicaudatus „ Cynopterus Eorsfieldii (Java) B... „ Cynopterus Eorsfieldii {3 a.YQ') ... „ Cynopterus marginatus (N. India) B Cynopterus marginatus (N. India) „ Cynopterus titthcechilus (India) B Cynopterus titthcechilus (India) ... „ Hipposideros armiger (India) B ... „ Hipposideros armiger (India) „ Hipposideros galeritus ... „ Hipposideros insignis (Java) B ... „ Hipposideros insignis {3 &rii) „ Hipposideros murinus (S. India) B „ Hipposideros murinus (S. India)... Hipposideros nohilis (Malacca) B „ Hipposideros wobiJis (Malacca) ... „ Hipposideros larvatus (Sylhet) B „ Hipposideros larvatus (Sylhet) ... Hipposideros tridens (Mesopotamia) „ Hipposideros vulgaris (Java) B ... „ Hipposideros vulgaris (3 a>y a) „ Hipposideros Bouxii {India,) H ... „ Hipposideros Bouxii (Indm) „ Kerivoula Hardwichii (India) B . . . Kerivoula HardwicMi (India) ... Kerivoula papulosa (India) ^ ... Kerivoula papulosa (India) „ Kerivoula picta CN. India) B ... „ Kerivoula picta CN . India) „ Lasiurus cenereus (Chicago, U.S.) „ Lasiur^(,s intermedius (Mexico) ... Lasiurus Novehoracensis (Tennessee) „ Lasiurus Pearsoni (N. India) B ... „ Lasiurus Pearsoni (N. India) „ Macroglossus minimus (Java) B „ Macroglossus minimus (Java) ... „ Macrotus Californicus (California) „ Megaderma lyra (India) B „ Megaderma lyra (India) „ Megaderma spasma (Malaya) B... „ Megaderma spasma (Malaya) ... Mormops Blainvillei (Mexico) ... „ Nycteris javanica (Java) B „ Nycteris javanica (3 aya) „ Nycticejus crepuscularis (Mexico) , Nycticejus flaveolus (India) B ... JDonor. G. E. Quick. M. C. Cooke. MICROSCOPICAL PREPARATIONS. Ilai r of Nycticejus jiaveolus (India) Nycticejus ornatus (Himalayas) B Nycticejus ornatus (Himalayas) ... Nycticejus Temminclcii (India) B Nycticejus TemmincMi (India) ... Nyctinomus nasutus (California)... Nyctinomus teiiuis (India) B Nyctinomus plicutus {J Sbva,) Plecotus auritus (Britain) Plecotus Darjelingensis (Sikkim) B Plecotus Darjelingensis (Sikkim) Plecotus homochrous (S. India) 3 Plecotus homochrous (S. India) ... Pteropus eclidis (Bengal) B Pteropus edulis (Bengal) Pteropus Edwardsii (India) B ... ' Pteropus Edwardsii {India.) Pteropus poliocephalus (New Holland) Pteropus poliocephalus (New Holland) Rhinolophus affinis (Malaya) B ... Bhinolophus affinis (Malaya) Rhinolophus Ivipposideros (Britain) Bhinolophus luctns Rhinolophus minor (JjoAxb) "& Rhinolophus minor (Java) Rhinolophus murinus "B Rhinolophus Pearsonii (Sikkim) B Rhinolophus Pearsonii (Sikkim) . . . Rhinolophus perniger (India) B ... Rhinolophus perniger {hxdvdi) Rhinolophus tragatus (N. India) B Rhinolophus tragatus (N. India) Rhinopoma Hardwichii (India) B Rhinopoma HardwicTcii (India) . . . Rhinopoma microphylla (Egypt) B Rhinopoma microjjhylla (Egypt) Scotophilus Oarolinensis (Nebraska) 8cotophilus Coromandelinus (S. India) Scotophilus Coromandelinus (S. India) Scotophilus Georgianus (Pennsylvania) Scotophilus fuscus (Nebraska) ... Scotop>hilus lohatus (W. India) B Scotophilus lohatus (W. India) ... Scotophilus Maderaspatensis (S. India) Scotophilus Maderaspatensis (S. India) Scotophilus noctivagans (Nebraska) Scotophilus Temminclcii (Penang) Taphozous longimanus (India) B Taphozous longimanus (India) ... Taphozous melanopogon (India) B Ta/phozous melanopogon (India) ... Donor, M. C. Cooke. MICROSCOPICAL PREPARATIONS. A. Bonor. 126. Hair of Ta/pliozous saccolaimus (Java) ... .. M.C.Cooke. 127. jj Vespertilio adversus (Java) B ... 55 128. 55 Vespertilio adversus (Java) .. , 129. 55 Vespertilio hlepotis (Timor) .. > 130. 55 Vespertilio imhricatus (Java) B . . . .. 5 131. 55 Vespertilio imhricatus (Java) , 132. 55 Vespertilio lucifiigus (California) > 133. 55 Vespertilio mysticinus (Britain) ... .. 3J 134. 55 Vesjjertilio Natterii (Britain) .. 3 135. 55 Vespertilio nitens (California) ... .. , 136. 137. 55 Vespertilio Novehoracensis (U. States) . Vespertilio suhulatus (Michigan) 3 J 3 138. „ Vespertilio tralititius (India) B ... •• 5 139. 55 Vespertilio tralititius (India) . 3 140. Membrane of "Ra.twing, Scotophilus lohatus, B 5 4. Insectivora. 141. Hair of Erinaceus collouris (India) B ... M.C.Cooke. 142. 55 Erinaceus collaris (India) 5) 143. Sorex casrulescens (India) B ,, 144. 3 Sorex coerulescens (India) 5 145. , Sorex murinus (India) B 35 146. 55 Sorex nntrinus {India,) ... ,, 147-8. Talpa Europosa, Mole ... .. G.E. Quick. 149. , Talpa Europosa, Mole ... .. S. J. Mclntire. 150. 5 Talpa Europoea, Mole ... .. W. H. Goddard. 151. Talpa Europoea, Cream-coloured Mole .. M. C. Cooke. 152. , Talpa micrur a (India.) ^ 53 153. 5 Talpa onicntra (India) ... 3» 154. , Tupaia ferruginea (India) B ... 5» 155. „ Tupaia ferruginea (India) 35 156. Lip of Erinaceus Europoeus, Hedgehog B 5. Carnivoba.. .. T. Curties. 157. Hair of Aonyx indigitatus, " Mepal Otter" B .. M. C. Cooke. 158. 35 Enliydra lutris, Sea Otter B ... .. W.H. Goddard. 159. 55 Felis leo, Lion B 55 160. 55 „ Lion B .. T. EusseU. 161. ,j „ Lion B .. C. Bennett, jun. 162,163. „ Felis leopai'dus. Leopard B .. G. E. Quick. 164. 55 „ „ Leopard B .. T. EusseU. 165. „ Felis po/rdus, Panther B .. G. E. Quick. 166. 53 Felis tigris, " Bengal Tiger" B .. W. H. Goddard 167. 55 Gymnura Rafflesii (Malacca) B... .. M. C. Cooke. 168. 55 Gymnura Rafflesii (Malacca) 35 169. „ Lutra vulgaris, " Otter " B 55 170. „ Mustela canigula (India.) B 55 171. 33 Mustelaerminea," Stoat" "B J5 172. 55 „ Ermine (dry) ... .. W. Hislop. 173. 55 55 „ (Spirits) 33 174. 55 » „ (Balsam) 33 175. 55 ,, Ermine .. C. J. Breeze. MICROSCOPICAL PREPARATIONS. A. 176. 177. 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. 191. 192. 193. 194. 195. 196. 197. 198. 199. 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. Hairof MusTET.A (leucopus?) Sable (Dry) JJUIWI . ... W. Hislop. „ „ Sable (Spirits) ,, Sable (Balsam) 5? Sable B ... ... H. F. Hailes. „ B... ... G. E. Quick. „ Mustela putorius " Polecat" B ... ... M.C.Cooke. Fitcliet (Dry) ... W. Hislop. „ „ (Spirits) » „ „ „ (Balsam) 55 „ Mustela vulgaris, Weasel B ... T. Eussell. „ Mustela martes, Weasel 1& ... M.C.Cooke. „ Stone marten ... ... W.W.Reeves. „ Paradoxurus Derby anus (India) B ... M.C.Cooke. „ Procyon lotor, Eacoon ... ... W.W.Reeves „ Procyon lotor, 'Racoon. B ... H. F. Hailes. „ TaaJMs meZes, Badger (Dry) ... W. Hislop. „ (Spirits) ... »5 „ „ „ (Balsam) ... 55 „ Thalarctos maritimus. Polar bear B ... T. RusseU. „ Ursus orcios, Brown Bear B 55 „ Ursus Americanus, Bear ... W.W. Reeves „ Vison lutreola, Mink ... ... C. J. Breeze. „ Vison hitreola. Mink ... ... W.W.Reeves „ Viverra Zihetha, Civet 'B ... M.C.Cooke. „ Vulpes Bengalensis (Bengal) B . . . 55 „ Vulpes flavescens (Candahar) B... 55 „ Vulpes vulgaris. Fox S... 55 „ Vulpes vulgaris, Fox B ... G. E. Quick. Tongue of Cat (injected) B ... A. Topping. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. 211. 212. 213. 214. 215. Ha 6. Amphibia. r of J.rciocepTiaZwsFai&ZarwZ'icus (Falkland Isles) BM. C. Cooke. , Otaria Falklandica (New Zealand) B ... „ , Otaria FalTclandica (Falkland Isles) B ... „ , OtariaFalhlandica (Cape' of Good Hope) B „ Yellow Seal B ... , Dark Brown Seal ... ... ... G. Potter. , Seal ... ... ... ... ... C. J. Breeze. Seal B H. F. Hailes. , Seal ... ... ... ... ... „ , Seal B ... ... ... ... T. Russell. Seal B G. E. Quick. 7. Marsupialia. 216. Hair of Pterogale xanthopus. Kangaroo B 217. „ Opossum B 8. RODENTIA. 218. Hair of Alactaga Indica (Affgbanistan) B 219. ,, Alactaga Indica (Affghanistan) 220. „ Castor fiber, Bearer B ... T. Russell. G. E. Quick. M. C. Cooke. H. F. Hailes. MICROSCOPICAL PREPARATIONS. A. 221. 222. 223. 224. 225. 226, 228. 229. 230. 231. 232. 233. 234. 235. 240. 241. 242. 243. 244. 245. 246. 247. 248, 250. 251. 252. 253. 254. Hair of Castor fiber, Beaver B... CMncMlla laniger, Chincliilla ... Fiber zibethinus, Musquash B ... Gerbillus erythrurus (N. W. India) B Oerbillus erythrurus (N. W. India) 227. „ Lepus timidus, Hare ... Mus decumanus, Norway Rat B Mus decumanus, Norway Eat ... Mus dubius (Nepal.) B ... Mus dubius (Nepal.) Mus setifer (Java) B Mus setifer (Java) AIus musculus, Mouso B Myopotamus coypus, Coypu B ... Pteromys magnifica (Nepal.) Pteromys magnifica (Nepal.) B ... Pteromys melanotis (Siam) B ... Pteromys m^elanotis (Siam) Sciurus chinensis (China) B Sciurus Europoeiis, Squirrel Sciurus Maclellandi (Assam) B... Sciurus penicellatus (Madras) B Sciurus LoTcriah (Nepal.) B Sciurus vulgaris, Squirrel B Black Eabbit B Silver Eabbit B 249. Silver Grey Eabbit B White Eabbit EatB Section of Porcupine Quill. B ... 9. Edentata. Hair of Ornithorhynchus pa^-adoxus. B Donor. M. C. Cooke. W. W. Eeeves. M. C. Cooke. E. Marks. M. C. Cooke. W. W. Eeeves. M. C. Cooke. G. E. Quick. G. E. Quick. C. J. Breeze. G. E. Quick. T. Curties. W. W. Eeeves. 10. Pachtdermata. 255. Bone of Ehinoceros. Fossil. B ... 256. Hair of Eleplias indicus, Elephant (section) B 257. „ „ (section) B 258. ,, „ Peccary (section) B 259. Hoof of Horse (section) B 260. „ Horse B 261. „ PigB 262,263. Horn of Ehinoceros (sections) B 11. Euminantia, 264. Blood Crystals of Sheep 265. llair of Aiichenia pachos, Alpaca B 266. „ Auchenia huanaco, Huanaco B ... 267. „ Camelus drom,edarius (Sindh.) 268. „ Catoblechas gorgon, Gnu 3 A. Topping. W. H. Goddard. G. Potter. T. Eussell. A. Topping. M. C. Cooke. A, Topping. G. E. Quick. B. W. Eichardson. T. Eussell. M. C. Cooke. T. Eussell. MICROSCOPICAL PREPARATIONS. A. 269. Hair of Goat B 270. „ Kolmsky Hair B 271. >5 Mantchurian Deer B 272,273. „ Mexican Deer B ... 274. >> Moschm Banchil B 275. JJ Musk (Dry) 276. >J „ (Spirits) ... 277. )5 (Balsam) 278. >> Ovisammon Argali B 279. Eeindeer B 280. „ Reindeer B 281. Liver of Sheep B 282. Stag's horn (longitudinal) B 283. Stag's horn (transverse) B 12. Cetacea. 284 Dugong Bone. Fossil (transv. sect.) 13. AvES. 285. Blood crystals of Chicken B 286. Feathers of Anashoschas Duck Down. B 287. „ Cuculus cupreus (India) 288. ,, Lophophorus Impeyanus (India) 289. ,, Meleagris gallopavo Turkey Down. B 290. • „ Pawo cristatus, Peacock 291. „ Pavo cristatus, Peacock 292. „ PTias'ia'nws coZcMcits, Pheasant Down. 293. „ Polyplectus HardwicMi (India) 294. •„ Somateria mollissima, Eider Down. 295. 296 „ TrocMlus furcatus (Brazil) ... 14. Eeptilia. 297,298. Anatomy of Tadpole 15. Pisces. 299. Fossil Fish Tooth, Lower Coal Measures (Northum- berland.) B 300. 301. „ Fish Bone B 302. GiU of sword fish, Xiphias gladius 303. „ epiderm B 304. Periosteum bone of skate 305. Scales of Acerina vulgaris, Pope 306. „ Ahramishrama, Bream... 307. „ Anguilla acutirostris, Eel 308. J, „ mediorostris, Snig eel 309. ,, Clupea sprattus,SpYa,t ... 310. „ Cyprinus awratus, Gold fish 311. „ Cyprinus carpio, Carp ... 312. „ „ cephalus, Chub 313. „ „ carassius, Crucian 314. ,, „ erythrophthal'imis,'Rudd 315. „ „ Gihelio, Prussian carp... Donor. W. H. Goddard. C. Bennett, jun. G. E. Quick. M. C. Cooke. W. Hislop. M. C. Cooke. T. Russell. G. Potter. T. Curties. T. C. White. A. Topping. B. W. Richardson. M. C. Cooke. J. A. Archer. T. Russell. (Tjancashire.) B 5 ' M c. Cooke. G. M 5J Baton. C. Cooke. , G. I M. J E. C. Quick. Cooke. W H . Golding. M. > C. ' Cooke. MICROSCOPICAL PREPARATIONS. A. Donor. 316. Scales of JEJsoic lucms, Pike ... W. H. Golding. 317. >> Exocoetus volitans, Flying Fiah B ... G.E. Quick. 318. 5) Gohio fluviatilis, Gudgeon ... M.C.Cooke. 319. J' Leuciscus alburnus, Bleak 35 320. >> „ rutihis, Eoach ... W.H. Golding. 321. 35 „ vulgaris, DacQ'B ... E. Marks. 322, 323. JJ Mullus ruber, Red Mullet B ... G. E. Quick. 324. Perca fluviatilis, Percli B ... E. Marks. 325. „ Rhombus maximus, Turbot B ... ... T. C. White. 326. JJ Salmo solar, Salmon ... M. C. Cooke. 327. JJ „ ... W.H. Golding. 328. 3J Salmo trutta, Trout ... M. C. Cooke. 329. 3> Solea vulgaris, Sole Skin. ... E. Marks. 330. ?J Tinea vulgaris, Tench. ... ... M. C. Cooke. 331,332. Sea Horse, Hippocampus hrevirostris ... ... G. H. E-ing. 333,334. 55 Hippocampus ramulosus 55 335. Section of Saw fish B ... ... A. F. Pickard. 336. " Shark's tooth B ... T. C. White. Sect. B.—INVERTEBRATA. 1. MOLLUSCA. B 1. Cilia of Terehratula caput serpentis B 2. Mantle of Terebratula caput serpentis B 3. 4. Palate of Buccinum undatum, Whelk 5. „ Buccinum "B ... 6. „ Buccinum undatum, Whelk 7. „ Chiton's 8. 9. „ Ealiotis tuherculata, Ear shell 10. „ ffeZw, Snail B ... 11. „ Littorina littoralis. Periwinkle 12,13. „ Nassa reticulata 14,15. „ Patella vulgata,'Limi,et... 16,17. „ Trochus 18. „ Testacella haliotoides B... 19. „ Section of Pearl B 20. Shell from Melbourne B 21. Shell of Helix exigua (N. America) 22. „ Helix ferrea (N. America) 23. „ Terehratula Australis "B .. . 24. „ Terehratula (section) B... 25. 5, Terehratula caput serpentis B 2. POLYZOA. 26 Cha\k Poljzoa,, Pustulopora 27. Cvsig Poljzoa, Eschara pertusa ... 28. 5, Eschara porosa Donor. J. Slade. G. E. Quick. „ G. Paton. H . F. Hailes. Di '. Dempsey. T. Curties. G. E. Quick. Di '. Dempsey. 55 35 H. F. Hailes. T. Curties. T. C. White. M, , C. Cooke. ,, J. Slade. G. Paton. J. Slade. M. C. Cooke. MICROSCOPICAL PREPARATIONS. B. Donor. 29. Crag Polyzoa, Eschara monilifera ... M. C. Cooke. 30,31 jj Flustra duhia ... ... „ 32. 55 Melicerita Charlesworthii 55 33. 55 Betepora simplex 55 34. 55 Salicornaria sinuosa ... ... ,, 35. Polypary of Anguinaria spathulata ... Mr. Waller. 36. 55 Anguinaria spathulata... ... M. C. Cooke. 37. 55 Bugula flahellata 33 38. „ Bugula Murray ana 35 39. „ Bugula plumosa 55 40. 55 Canda arachnoidea 55 41. 55 Cellularia avicularia ... ... W. Hainworth. 42. 55 Crisia ehurnea ... G. Paton. 43. 55 Cellularia reptans ... M. C. Cooke. 44. 55 Crisidia cornuta 55 45. 53 Eschara foliacea 55 46. '5 Flustra cliai'tacea 55 47. 55 Flustra foliacea 48. 55 Flustra foliacea ... Mr. Golding. 49. ,, Flustra memhranacea ... ... M. C. Cooke. 50. ,, Flustra pilosa ... ... Mr. Golding. 51. 55 Flustra truncata ... M. C. Cooke. 52. 55 Gemellaria hursaria ... G. Paton. 53. 55 Gemellaria loricata ... Mr. Golding. 54. 55 Gemellaria loricata ... M. C. Cooke. 55. Halodactylus {in ^nid) ... ... C.Collins. 56. ,, Hippothoa cateyiularia... ... M. C. Cooke. 57. 55 Hippothoa divaricata ... 55 58. ,, Lafoea dumosa 55 59. 55 Lepralia coccinea ... 5J 60. 55 Lepralia granifera, var. 61. 55 Lepralia hyalina, var. /3 35 62. 55 Memhranipora memhranacea ... 55 63. 35 Memhranipora pilosa ... 55 64. 55 Memhranipora pilosa, var. 55 65. 55 Menipea ternata 35 66. 55 Notamia hursaria ... G. Paton. 67. 55 Salicornaria sinuosa ... ... M. C. Cooke. 68. 55 Serialaria lendigera ... ... G. Paton. 69. 55 Tuhulipora hispida ... M. C. Cooke. 3. COLEOPTERA. 70. Alimentary canal of Melolontha B 71. Antenna of Cockchafer B 72. Brazilian Beetle 73. Green Weevil ... 74. Elytra of Chinese Diamond Beetle 75. ,, Dytiscus'S ... 76. „ Green Weevil... 77. „ Otiorhynchiis picipes ... T. C. White. A. Topping. W. H. Golding. T. C. White. W. H. Golding. W. Hainworth. S. J. Mclntire. M. C. Cooke. 10 MICROSCOPICAL PREPARATIONS. B. 78. 79. 80, 82. 83. 84. 85, Foot of Dytiscus „ Dytiscus 81. Larval hairs of Tiresias serra B Leg of Rose Beetle Spiracle of Caraftws B... „ Dytiscus B... „ Dytiscus^... 87. „ Dytiscus „ Stag Beetle B ,, Syrphus B... Trachea of larva of Dytiscus B 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 4. Htmenoptera. Antennse oi Encyrtus punctipes B Foot of Wasp B Proboscis of Bee, Apis mellifera B Sting, poison bag, &c., of Wasp B Tongue of Bee B „ WsiSTp^Vespavulga/ris'B Wing-books of Apis mellifica B... Andrena alhicrus B Bombus muscorum B Chrysis ignita B... Odynerus parietum B Uroceros gigas "B... Vespa germanica B Vespa vulgaris B 5. Lepidoptera. 105. Aniennse oi AmpMdasis prodromaria B... 106. „ Himera pennaria ... 107. „ Orgyia antiqua B ... 108. Eggs of Ahraxas grossulariata, Magpie ... 109. „ Aplecta nehulosa, Grey Archea ... 110. „ Bistort hirtaria, Brindled Beauty 111. „ ^oarmia r7iom&o'i(^(xrm, Willow Beauty 112. „ Cerura vimda, V\x&a 113. „ Lycosna phlceas 114. „ Mamestra hrassicce, Cabbage 115. „ Orgyia antiqua, Vapourer 116,117 „ Do. 118. „ Pieris hrassicce, Large White 119. ,, Polyommatus Alexis 120. „ Tanagra choeropliyllata 121. „ Thecla hetuloe, Brown Hairstreak 122. „ Vanessa atalanta 123. „ Vanessa urticce, Tortoiseshell 124. Embryo wings of Tortoiseshell Butterfly ... 125. Hair of larva of Orgyia antiqua 126. Head of Silkworm moth... Donor. J. A. Archer. J. F. Pickard. S. J. Mclntire. L. Bennett. Mr. Oxley. jj A. Topping. J. A. Archer. Mr. Oxley. jj A. Topping. M. C. Cooke. G. Baton. G. E. Quick. T. C. White. G. E. Quick. T. C. White. G. E. Quick. M. C. Cooke. M. C. Cooke. W, Hainworth. M. C. Cooke. T. C. White. M. C. Cooke. T. Curties. MICROSCOPICAL PREPARATIONS. 11 B. Donor. 127. Plumules of Hipparchia Janira ... M. C. Cooke. 128. )> Pieris Bapoe 55 129. if Polyommatus acts ... ... 5 130. jj Polyommatus Adonis ... 9 131. jj Polyommatus aegon ... , 132. )} Polyommatus Alexis ... 9 133. „ Polyommatus argiolus 3 9 134. 5J Polyommatus arion ... 9 135. J> Polyommatus Bostica 9 136. 5J Polyommatus Cory don ... 9 137. „ Polyommatus Dory lus 9 138. Scales of Anther cea papTiia $ (India) ... , 139. 95 Bia actorion ... ,, 140. J' Biston Mrtaria 95 141. 5J Erycina pyretus (Brazil) 142. 5J Hemerophila abruptaria 5 143. J> Hipparcliia Jania ... R T.Lewis. 144. JJ Ismene (Madagascar) ... ... M. C. Cooke. 145. 5J Morplio Achilles 55 146. JJ Morpho Helena ... E. T. Lewis. 147. »J Pieris rapce ... ... S. J. Mclntire. 148. Polyommatus Alexis ... ... M. C. Cooke. 149. „ Polyommatus\Argiolus ... Mr.Oxley. 150. 55 Tiger moth ... S. J. Mclntire. 151. „ Vanessa Urticce ... M. C. Cooke. 152. Silk of Antheroea Paphia (India) Tusser ... „ 153. j> Anthercea Assama (India) Moonga... „ 154. ,, Attacus ricini (India) Eria 95 155. 95 Bomhyxmori 55 156. Skin of Caterpillar B ... A. Topping. 157, 158. Wing of Agraulis Juno (Brazil) ... M. C. Cooke. 159. Bia actorion 95 160. , Erycina pyretus (Brazil) „ 161. , Eelecopis cupedo 99 162. Hetaera aurora (Brazil) 55 163. , Morpho Achilles 55 164. , Morpho Helena (?) ... ... S. J. Mclntire. 165. Papilio Paris ... W. Hainworth. 166. , Pontia Brassicce ... E.Marks. 167. Pontia Bap(B 95 168, 169. Eed Admiral... ... S. J. Mclntire. 170. , , Trochilium myopceforme ... M. C. Cooke. 171. , Yellow Underwing ... E. Marks. DiPTEEA. 172, 173. Blow Fly labium (Lowne, p.47) B ... ... T. C. White. 174. „ Operculum (Lowne, t. 2. f. 7) B ... „ 175. „ (Lowne, pp. 47-8) B ... „ 176. „ portion of section i^ eye (Lowne, p. 7) B „ 177. „ Proboscis B 12 MICROSCOPICAL PREPARATIONS. B. 178. 179. 180 185 188. 189. 190. 191. 192. 193. 194. 195. 196. 197, 199. 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. 211. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. 218. 219. 220. 221. 222. 223. Blow Fly Eectal papillaa, and egg in oviduct „ (Anatomical preparation) B ... to 184. „ Eectal papilla (Lowne, p. 58) B to 187. ,, Salivary duct and valve (Lowne, p. „ Spiracles of pupa B... „ Spiracles of pupa of Fly. B ... „ Thoracic spiracles of Fly, B ... „ (Anatomical preparation) B ... „ WingB Crane Fly, Ti2mla B ... Eggs of House Fly (Anthotrnjia) Eye of Drone Fly B ... Foot of do. B ... 198. Foot of Embryo Fly B Halteres of Fly B Head of Tipula oleracea „ Hipj)obosca equina B ... Larva of Bot Fly in the egg B ... Mosquito (?), Culex pipiens Q ... >j >> o ••• Donor, T. C. White. 52) B Mosquito (American); lancets wings B lancets B cluster of eggs eggs „ „ larva two days old ... „ „ mature larva 2 V $ B Tongue of Drone Fly B Wing of Eain Fly, Anthomyia 2:)luvialis B Orange Fly, Ceratites citriperda B 7. Aphanipteea. Chigoe, Pulex penetrans ^ B ... $ B „ „ „ 2 with ova B ... Flea of Squirrel, PttZea; smtrorwm $ B ... » 5> „ „ $ B... j5 J J „ „ larva B... Pygidium of Flea $ ... B ... 8. Neukoptera. 224,225. Dragon Fly, Spiracles... 226. „ Trachea ... 227. „ Larva 228. 5, Eespiratory organs S. J. Mclntire. E. E. Edmonds. M. C. Cooke. G. E. Quick. S. J. Mclntire. T. Curties. T. C. White. G. E. Quick. T. Curties. A. Topping. E. E. Edmonds. Dr. Perley. S. J. Mclntire. M. C. Cooke. Dr. Gray. M. C. Cooke. ... Mr. Conder. J. A. Archer. 9. Orthopteka. 229. Gizzard of Blatta orientalis B ... ... T. C. White. 230. ,, „ ... •.. ... G. E. Quick. MICROSCOPICAL PREPARATIONS. 13 B. Donor, 231. Gizzard of Cricket Mr. Conder. 232. (Trans, sect.) B G. E. Quick. 233. Grasshopper Tail (long, sect.) B... 10. Hemiptera. Mr. Bennett. 234. Aphis G. Paton. 235. Chelymor^lia johyllophora B 11. Thysaneura. T. C. White. 236. Scales of Degeeria domestica Mr. Oxley. 237. „ Degeeria S. J. Mclntire. 238. „ Lejnsma saccharina ... G. E. Quick. 239. „ Lepidocyrtus ... S. J. Mclntire. 240. „ Macrotoma plumbea ... 55 241. „ Podura W. W. Eeeves 242. „ Speckled Podura ,, 243. „ Tem;pletonia nitida ... 12. Anopleura. S. J. Mclntire. 244. Eggs of Parasite of Australian Crane M. C. Cooke. 245. „ Bohemian Pheasant ... )> 246. „ Common Ehea » 247. „ Ground Hornbill, No. 1 j> 248. Ground Hornbill, No. 2 55 249. Leg of Fly and parasites B T. Curteis. 250. Parasite of DuckB G. E. Quick. 251. „ Gold Pheasant, Nirmus sinensis B ... M. C. Cooke. 252, 253. „ Goose B G. E. Quick. 254. „ Knott, Nirmus holophoetis. $ B S. Bramhall. 255. „ Knott, Nirmus holoiohoeus. $ B 55 256. „ Partridge, Menopon perdicis. 9 B ... „ 257. „ Partridge, Goniodes colchici. $ B ... 55 258, 259. „ PigB G. E. Quick. 260. „ Sheldrake, Lipeurus polytrapezius. $ B S. Bramhall. 261. „ Starling B... G. E. Quick. 262. Pediculus pubes B T. C. White. 263. Phthirius (Denny's Anopl. p. 9) B 55 264. Pigeon louse, Lipeurus haculus. ^ B ... M. C. Cooke. 265. „ Lipeurus haculus. 2 B ... 55 266. „ Goniocotes compar "B 13. Arachnida. 55 267. Araignee patte et ongees B G. Paton. 268. Claw of Epeira B S. J. Mclntire. 269. „ Spider B ,, 270. Eyes of Spider G. Paton. 271. Foot of Spider B G. E. Quick. 272. Hair of Eed Spider (India) B ... G. Potter. 273. Legs and claws of Spider B A. Topping. 274. Palpi of Spider B M. C. Cooke. 14 MICROSCOPICAL PREPARATIONS. B. 275. 276. 277. 278. 279. 280. 281. 282. 283. Poison gland of Tegenaria B Skin of Epeira diadema B Spinnerets of Spider B ... Spinnerets of Spider B . . . Clielifers,^. B Clielifer LatreilleiT^ Ohisium' s'p. B Ohisium orthodactylum B Eggs of Stone Mite, Trombidiwm lapidwrn 284, 285. Harvest Bug, Trombidium autumnale B 286. „ „ „ B 287. Mite, Trombidium B ... 288. Parasite of Boa Constrictor B ... 289. „ DytiscusB... 290. „ Itch, 8 ar copies scahiei 'B 291. „ Tortoise B ... 292. Water Spider B 14. Crustacea. Argulus foliaceus B Bairdia suhdeltoidea (The Crag, Suffolk) Crab, hairs from abdominal appendages B Crab shell, tubules (?) ... Cy there striatopunctata (Barton) Cy there striatopunctata (Highcliff) Cy there torosa (Grays, Essex) ... Cythereis quadrilatera (Kent) ... Gytherella ovata (The Gault, Kent) Legs of Prawn B Lobster shell, section perpendicular B Trilobite, Phacops Muchenii Water Flea, Daphnea mucronata B 294. 295. 296. 297. 298. 299. 300. 301. 302. 303. 304. 305. 15. Myeiapoda, Annulosa, &c. 306. Pencil tail Polyxenus lagurus, hairs B 307. Trachaea of Centipede B 308. Hairs of Sea Mouse, Aphrodita ... 309. ,, Aphrodita hystrix 310. 311. Merviis nigrescens 312. „ Ova (acetic acid) 16. ECHINODEEMATA. 313. 314. 315. 316. 317. 318. 319. 320. Calcareous plates from Star fish . . . Crinoidal joints, (chalk marl, Kent) Echinus spine B „ Amphidotus cordatus „ Acrocladia B „ Ci B ... J. Eussell. 339. 51 ... A. C. Cole. 340. 55 Gorgonia verrucosa B . . . ... W. W. Eeeves. 341. 55 B ... M. C. Cooke. 342. Gorgonia (Mauritius) B ... M. C. Cooke. 343. 55 Holothuria Tt ... W. W. Eeeves. 344. 55 Homophyton githago ... ... A. C. Cole. 345. 55 Leptogorgia ... 55 346. 55 Leptogorgia (N. Carolina) B ... ... Exchange. 347. 55 Lophogorgia palma ... ... A. C. Cole. 348. 55 Melithoea 55 349. 55 Mel ithcea coccinea 55 350. 55 Melithcea coccinea B ... ... M. C. Cooke. 351. Melithoea ochracea ... A. C. Cole. 352. 55 Muricea 55 353. 55 Phyllogorgia dilatata ... 55 354. 55 Plexaura 55 355. 55 Plexaura salicornoides (No. 1) . . . 55 356. 55 Plexaura salicornoides (No. 2) B 55 357. 55 Primnoa verticulosa ... 55 358. 55 Pterogorgia petechizans 55 359. 55 Rhiphidogorgia flahellum 55 360. ,, Synapta inhoerens B ... Mr. Kilsby. 361. ,, Xip higorgia anceps ... A. C. Cole. 362. Spicules (unnamed) ... 55 363. Spicules (unnamed) B ... 55 18. Htdrozoa. 364<,S65. Aglaopheniapluma ... ... M. C. Cooke. 366. Antennularia antennina ... W. H. Golding. 367. Antennularia antennina ... M. C. Cooke. 369. Antennula/ria ramosa 16 MICROSCOPICAL PREPARATIONS. B. 370, 371, 372. Coralline from Queensland 373, 374. Halecium halecinum... 375. Halecium halecinum ... 376. Plumularia catherina ... 377. Plumularia cristata^... 378. Plumularia falcata 379. Plumularia falcata 380. Plumularia myriophyllum, 381. Plum^ularia pennata ... 382. Sertularia ... ... B 383. Sertularia 384. Sertularia argentea 385. Sertularia cupressina ... 386. Sertularia cupressina ... 387. Sertularia filicula 388. Sertularia margareta ... 389. Sertularia operculata ... 390. Sertularia operculata ... ... ... 391. Sertularia plumula B... 392. Sertularia polyzonias ... 393. Sertularia polyzonias, Yur. 394. Sertularia polyzonias, yav. (3 ... 395. Thuiaria thuia 396. Tuhularia larynx 18. Protozoa— SpoNGiADiE. 397. Euplectella aspergillum, Siliceous hairs ... 398. Gemmules of iSpongfilla i)fe]/em (India) ... 399. Gemmules and Spicules of Pacliymatisma 400. Section of Spongilla cinerea (India) 401. Spicules of C/iaima ocitZata B ... 402. „ Clione celata B 403. Sponge, Dictyocylindrus ramosus B 404. Spicules of Dictyocylindrus ramosus B ... 405. S-ponge,Dysideafragilis 406, 407. „ Grantia compressa 408. „ Ealichondria 409. „ Halichondria palmata 410. Sj^iculea oi Halichondria panicea IB 411. „ Hyalonema mirahile, cruciform B 412. „ Hyalonema mirahile B 413. Sponge, Hymeniacidon 414. Spicules of Hymeniacidon BucTclandi B ... 415. ,, Hymeniacidon celata B 416. „ Isodictya sp. (W. Indies) B ... 417. „ Baphiophor a patera 'B 418. ST^onge, Spongilla alba (India) ... 419. Spicules of Spongilla alha (India) B 420. „ Spongilla fluviatilis (yavieiy ?) B 421. ,, Spongilla 31 eyeni (India) B ... 422. Sponge, Spongilla plumosa (India,) Bono?'. T. Cui-ties. M. C. Cooke. W. H. Golding. M. C. Cooke. G. Paton. M. C. Cooke. W. H. Golding. M. C. Cooke. W. H. Golding. G. Paton. W. H. Golding. M. C. Cooke. W. H. Golding G. Paton. M. C. Cooke. H. F. Hailes. M. C. Cooke. F. Kitton. M. C. Cooke. J. G. Waller. M. C. Cooke. J. G. Waller. W. H. Golding. M. C. Cooke. T. Curties. M. C. Cooke. J. G. Waller. M. C. Cooke. J. G. Waller. M. C. Cooke. MICROSCOPICAL PREPARATIONS. 17 B. 423. Spicules of Spongilla phcmosa (India) 424. „ Tethea Logani (FossU) 425. Spongilla lacustris 426. „ „ spicules B ... 427. „ „ ovaria B 428. „ „ dermal membrane B 429. „ „ longitudinal section 430. Spicules from Trinidad deposit B... 431. Spicules of Sponge B ... 432. Sponge spicules (Algoa Bay) B ... 433. Sponge spicules B Donor. M. C. Cooke. J.G.Waller. T. Curties. W. Hainworth. F. Kitton. 20. Protozoa— FoEAMiNiFERA. 434. Atlantic ooze B C. Collins. Atlantic soundings — 435. „ N. lat . 42 22' W. Ion. 57° 16' 13.600 fath.... E. T. Lewis. 436. « » 44 23' „ 54° 29' 9.100 f. ... 5» 437. >s >> 47 „ 20° 21' 12.000 f. ... 55 438. »• }J 43 44' „ 37° 4' 12.300 f. ... 55 439. »5 J> 43° & „ 59° 32' 14.400 f. ... 55 440. ?J J> 45° 42' „ 47° 37' 3.600 f. ... 55 441. " }> 43° 29' „ 53° V 9.000 f. ... „ 442. >5 Bulirrdna ohtusa G. Paton. 443. J> Bulimina variabilis ,5 444. 55 Dentalina communis 55 445. Chalk B ... A. Topping. 446. 55 Glohigerina hulloides G. E. Quick. 447. 55 Lagena sulcata (Connemara) T. RusseU. 448. 55 Miliolina seminulum M. C. Cooke 449. Nummularia variolaria... 450. NummuUna laevigata (Bracklesham) G. Paton. 451. NummuUna planulata... 91 452. Nummulitic Limestone (Pyramids, Egypt) B Mr. Simson. 453. Orhitoides (Cuba) M. C. Cooke. 454. Orhitolites comjplanatus Mr. Simson. 455. OrhitoUtes ... G. E. Quick. 456. Peneroplis ... M. C. Cooke. 457. Placopsilina irregularis 458. Polythalamia (Mount of Olives) B Mr. Simson. 459. EotaZm from Chalk (Dover) B G. Paton. 460. Botalina Beccarii M. C. Cooke. 461. Botalina and Glohigerina B H. F. Hailes. 462. Botalina, Glohigerina, and Lagena B ... 55 463. Spirolina ... M. C. Cooke. 464. Textularia trochus 465. Textularia trochus G. Paton. 466. Triloculina nitida M. C. Cooke. 467. Mixed Foraminifera (China seas) A. C. Cole. 468. 55 (Dog's Bay, Ireland)... „ 469. 55 (Eed Sea, 105 faths.) 55 18 MICROSCOPICAL PREPARATIONS. B 470. Mixed Foraminif era (Isle of Wight) 471. „ (Cuba) 472. „ (Mediterranean) 473. „ (Turkey) 474, 475. „ (Burns Pool, Connemara) 476, 477. Soundings (Bay of Bengal) ... 478. „ 479. „ (East Coast, Bay of Bengal) 480. „ (Cape Wrath) Donor. M. C. Cooke. F. Kitton. H. F. Hailes. P. Gray. 21. Protozoa— PoLTCTSTiNA. Nos. 481 to No. 602 Contain the Bury Collection. Mixed Polycystins ; Arabian Sea, 1,300 fathoms B Bury Coll. 481. 482. 483 to 526. „ 527 to 550. „ 551 to 565. „ 566. „ „ 567. 568. 569. 570 to 590. „ 591 to 601. „ 602. 603. Selected Polycystins 604. 605. 606. Atlantic soundings B Barbados B Cambridge, Barbados B Chimborazo B Indian Ocean B Indian Ocean, 2,200 fathoms B Pike of TeneriffeB... Spain B Springfield, Barbados B Trinidad, Naparima B Vaughban B Springfield, Barbados J5 »» B Dr. Dempsey. A. C. Cole. M. C. Cooke. VEGETABLE. Sect, a—PHANEROGAMIA, 1. Stems. C 1. Adansonia digitata, Baobab (section) ... ... M. C. Cooke. 2. Antiaris toxicaria, Upas ... ... ... „ 3. Aristolochia ornithocephalus ... ... ... „ 4. Aristolochia ... ... ... ... ... „ 5. Berheris vulgaris, Berberry ... ... ... „ 6. Castanea vesca, Chestnut ... ... ... „ 7. Cedrus deodar a, Deodar ... ... ... „ 8. Cinnamomum Zeylanicum, Cinnamon ... ... „ 9. Citrus aurantiwm, Orange ... ... ... „ 10. Clematis vitalba, Clematis ... ... ... „ 11. Ebony (Transverse) B ... ... ... ... G. E. Quick. 12. Fagus sylvatica, Beech ... ... ... ... M. C. Cooke. 13. Fossil wood (Texas) ... ... ... ... T. Curties. MICROSCOPICAL PREPARATIONS. 19 c. Donor. 14. Larix Europceus, Larch ... M. C. Cooke. 15. Laurustinus ... J5 16. Maple (Transverse) B ... G. E. Quick. 17. Morus nigra, Mulberry ... M. C Cooke. 18. Pass^/^ora sp., Passion flower 55 19. Pine section B ... A. Topping. 20. Populus nigra, Poplar ... T. Rogers. 21. Primus cerasus, Cherry ... M. C. Cooke. 22. Bubus vitis idceus, Raspberry 55 23. Saccharum officina/mm, Sugax Cane S ... A. Topping. 24,25 . Salix alha,Wmow M. C. Cooke. 26. 8 amhucus ehulus, 'Elder j» 27. ^miiaaj sp., Sarsaparilla ... „ 28. Swietenia mahagoni,'M.SLhoga,nj "B G. E. Quick. 29. „ „ M. C. Cooke. 30. TJlmuscampestris,'E\m. ... J5 31. Vitis vinifera, Vine 55 32. Walnut (Fossil) Mr. Simson. 33. Wellingtonia gigantea, Mammoih. M. C. Cooke. 34. Whangee Cane (Section) B 2. Fibres. T. F. Pickard. 35. Adam's needle, Tucca gloriosaB M. C. Cooke. 36. Ambaree, Hibiscus cannabinus (Dry) Fibre Committee 37. B 55 38. BarisdajSidarTiomboideaCDrj)... 55 39. Bedolee, Poederia fcetida (Dry) ... J) 40. Flax, Yellow Englisb (Glycerine)... 55 41. (Dry) »} 42. „ „ (Chloride of Calcium) J» 43. „ Blue English (Glycerine) ... »J 44. Pry) 5J 45. „ ,, JS ... ... ... 5) 46. „ Yellow English line (Dry) ... 55 47. B SJ 48. (Glycerine) 55 49. „ „ (Nitric Acid and Balsam) 55 50. „ „ (Nitric Acid and.Glycerine) 55 51. „ Blue EngUsh line (Dry) 55 52. (<^lycerine) 55 53. „ „ (Balsam) 55 54. Hemp, Polish Ehine (Dry) 55 55. „ „ (Soda, Balsam) 55 56. „ „ (Soda, Glycerine) 55 57. „ „ (Nitric Acid, Balsam) 55 58. „ „ (Nitric Acid, Glycerine) 55 59. „ Italian, Bologna (Chloride of Calcium) 55 60. (Dry) 55 61. (Glycerine) 55 62. (Balsam) „ 63. Jetee, Marsdenia tenacissima B M. C. Cooke. 20 C. 64. 65. 66. 67. MICROSCOPICAL PREPARATIONS. Donor. Fibre Committee. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. Jute, cleaned and bleached (Dry) » „ (Balsam) ... ... „ »' » (Glycerine) ... ... „ >» » (Nitric acid and Chloride ") of Calcium ... ... > " Kangra Hemp (Di-y) ... ... ... ... „ Mudar, Calotropis gigantea, (Dry) ... ... „ Muda,r,CalotropisgiganteaB ... ... ... M.C.Cooke. ^oseUe, Hibiscus sahdariffa (Dvj) ... ... Fibre Committee 35 „ (Balsam) ... ... „ Sunn, Crotalaria juncea (Dry) ... ... ... „ >j » (Balsam) ... ... „ 3. Cell Structuke, &c. 75. Oak Buttons ... ... ... ... ... Mr. Golding. 76, 77. Paper bark, Melaleuca viridiflora B ... ... M. C. Cooke. 78. Pith of Elder, Samhucus B ... ... ... E. Marks. 79. Eaphides of Aloe B ... ... ... ... T. Curties. 80. „ Ehubarb B ... ... ... B. D. Jackson. 81. Eesin glands of Mallotus sp. B ... ... ... M. C. Cooke. 82. „ Mallotus PMlij)pinensis B ... „ 83. Section of Aloe ... ... ... ... W.J.Arnold. 84. „ Comfrey leaf 85. „ India rubber leaf ... ... ... G. Paton. 86. 88. „ Midrib of Tobacco ... ... ... J. A. Archer. 89. „ Monster a deliciosa ... ... ... W. J. Arnold. 90. „ Oleander neriiformis... ... ... E. T. Lewis. 91. „ Eush B G. Oxley. 92,93. „ Tobacco leaf ... ... ... ... J.A.Archer. 94. Si>iral threads oi NympJicea edulis B ... ... M.C.Cooke. 95. Spiral vessels (compound) ... ... ... T. Curties. 96. Spiral vessels of Ehubarb ... ... ... T. Eogers. 97. Vegetable Ivory (section) B ... ... ... A. Topping. 98. Ivory nut shell (vertical section) B ... ... Mr. Simson. 4. Cuticles. 99. Cuticle of fruit of Prickly Pear ... ... ... W. M. Bywater. 100. Cuticle of leaf Agave Americana ... ... „ 101. „ „ Aloe variegata ... ... N. Burgess. 102. „ „ Hoy a hella (n^p^er side) ... W.J.Arnold. 103. „ „ „ (under side) ... „ 104. „ „ Hoya carnosa ... ... W. M. Bywater. 105. „ ,j Hoya carnosa (upper side) ... W. J. Arnold. 106. „ „ „ (under side) ... „ 107. „ „ Pandanus Veitchii ... ... „ 108, 109. „ „ Bhododend/ron ... ... „ 110. „ „ Sanseviera carnea ... ... „ 111. „ „ Tobacco ... ... ... J. A. Archer. 112. „ „ Tucca gloriosa (upper side) ... T. Curties. 113. „ „ „ (underside) ... „ 114. ,, Malacca cane ... ... ... ... J. F. Pickard. 115. „ Pitcher, JV^epeui^s ... ... ... W.J.Arnold. 116. Cuticle (Siliceous), Gynerium argenteum... ... „ MICROSCOPICAL PREPARATIONS. 21 5. Hairs, &c. C. 117. Calyx of Abutilon venosum 118. Cotton, American, Gossypium harbadense 119. „ Dacca „ „ 120. „ Indian Gossypium herbaceum 121. Hairs of Correa, petal ... 122. „ Deutzia 123. „ Leucodendron argenteum, " Silver leaf 124. „ Rhododendron ferrugineum 125. „ Tobacco 126. Leaf of Althaea rosea with hairs 127. „ Alyssum calycinum „ 128. „ Aralia papyrifera „ 129. „ Correa ca/rdinalis „ 130. „ Cheiranthus cheiri „ 131. „ Elceagnus pungens „ 132. „ Lavatera arhorea „ 133. „ Bhamnus „ 134. „ Shepherdia argentea „ 135. „ Viburnum lantana „ 136. Petal of Balsam 137. „ Geranium 138. Pistil of Salvia 139. Scales of iJicea^nws (Niagara Falls) B 140. „ Eloeagnus angustifolia... 141. „ Rhododendron Dalhousiana 142. Silk Coiion, Calotropis gig antea 143. Spines of Opuntia microdasya ... 144. „ ,, „ B 145. Finest Indian Muslin B Donor. W. M. Bywater. M. C. Cooke. T. C. White. E. T. Lewis. M. C. Cooke. W. M. Bywater. J. A. Archer. M. C. Cooke. G. Paton. A. Topping. G. Paton. M. C. Cooke. T. C. White. W. M. Bywater. M. C. Cooke. W. M. Bywater. M. C. Cooke. 6. Pollen. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154, 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 155. Pollen of Althoea rosea, Hollyhock „ Camellia „ Ced/i'us Libani, Cedar „ Crocus „ Galanthus nivalis, Snowdrop „ Lilium, White Lily ... „ Malva sylvestris, Mallow „ (Enothera biennis Pinus Primula vulgaris, Primrose „ Pyrus Japonica „ Ranunculus ficaria ... „ Taraxacum dens leonis „ Viola odor at a, Violet Stamens of Bog Asphodel G. E. Quick. J. W. Groves. J. W. Groves. M. C. Cooke. J. W. Groves. S. J. Mclntire. T. C. White. G. E. Quick. M. C. Cooke. J. W. Groves. M. C. Cooke. W. M. Bywater. 22 MIOKOSCOPICAL PREPARATIONS. 7. Seeds. c. Donor. 164. Achillea millefoUiim, MUfoU. ... ... M . C. Cooke 165. Achyrachoena mollis )) 166. Adanophora denticulata 167. Adlumia cirrhosa 168. Agrostemma cirrliosa ... 169. Agrostemmacoronaria ... }j 170. Alonzoa incisifolia 171. Alonzoa Warszewicsii ... 172. A lyssum maritimum 173. Alyssum saxatile ... j> 174. Anagallis carnea )) 175. Anagallis Indica )) 176. Anchusa sempervirens 5J 177. Antirrhinum sp. Snapdragon ... ... E. Marks. 178. Antirrhinum sp. Snapdragon ... R. T. Lewis. 179. Antirrhinum maj us ... M C. Cooke 180. )} ... ... ... G. E. Quick. 181. Antirrhinum, or ontium... ... M C. Cooke. 182. Arahis alpina... ... jj 183. Arenaria montana ... j> 184. Armeria plantaginis ... j» 185. Astilhe rivularis 186. Bartonia aurea ... E. nlrks. 187. Blumenhachia insignis ... ... M. C. Cooke. 188. Bocconia cordata ... }j 189. Bcehmeria nivea, Cliina Nettle ... ... 3} 190. Broivallia elata ... 5J 191. C(pjophora aurantiaca, dnHlHeiile ... 192. Cajophora lateritia 5> 193. Calandrinia discolor ... ... ]} 194. Calandrinia gramdijlora 35 195. Galand/rinia speciosa ... ... 53 196. „ umbellata ... ... 33 197. Calceolaria chelidonioides ... 33 198. Calluna vulgaris, JAng » 199. Camelina sativa, Gold of Pleasure ... 33 200. Campanula carpathica ... 33 201. Campanula media » 202. Campanula pentagona ... 203. Campanula pumila 33 204. Catnpanula p^Jramidalis ... 33 205. Campanula rapunculus, Eampion ... 3> 206. Campanula speculum, Venus Looking-glass ... 33 207. Celosia cristata 33 208. Centra/nthus nanus ... 33 209. Centranthus ruber, Eed Valerian ... 33 210. Cerastium Biehersteinii ... 3> 211. Cerastium tomentosum ... ... 13 212. Chlora 2Jerfoliata ... 53 213. Ghcenostoma polya/ntha ... 3> MICROSCOPICAL PREPARATIONS. 23 c. Donor, 214. Cistus helianthemum ... ... M. C. Cooke. 215. ClarMa elegans „ 216. ClarUa pulchella „ 217. Clintonia elegans „ 218. Clintonia pulchella „ 219. Collinsiahicolor ... ;) 220. Collinsia grandiflora ... 35 221. Collomia grandiflora ... J) 222. Coreopsis STp. ... ... E.Marks. 223. Coreopsis atrosanguinea ... E. T. Lewis. 224. Cosmanthusjimhriatus... ... M. C. Cooke. 225. Crucianella stylosa ,, 226. CupJiea purpurea 5, 227. Daucus carota. Carrot ... ... E. T. Lewis. 228. Dianthushtjssopifolius ... ... M.C.Cooke. 229. Bianthus sinensis „ 230. Digitalis grandiflora ... 5J 231. Digitalis lanata 5> 232. Digitalis lutea, Yellow Foxglove ... 233. D igita Us purpurea, Piirple Foxglove ... ,, 234. Eschscholtzia tenuifoUa „ 235. Eucharidium concinnum 55 236. Eucharidium grandiflorum ... 55 237. Eupatorium cannabirMm, Hemp Agrimony ... >} 238. Eutoca multiflora ... 55 239. Eutoca viscida... 55 240. Exacum tetragonum ... 55 241. Fumaria sempervirens ... 55 242. Gentiana acaulis 5 243. Gentiana crinita ... 5 244. Gentiana lutea, Yellow Gentian... ... 55 245. Gilia bicolor ... 24^. Gilia nivalis ... 247. Glaucium corniculatum, Horn Poppy ... E. Marks. 248. Glaucium Fischeri ... M. C. Cooke. 249. Glaucium luteum, Yellow Horn Poppy ... ,, 250. Glohularia trichosantha 251. Godetia alba ... 252. Godetia tenella 253. GypsopMla elegans 254. GypsopMla muralis ... 255. Heliophiloj ardboides ... ... } 256. Heliotropium Pei-uvianum, Heliotrope ... 257. Hesperis matronalis, Eocket 258. Heucliera 2)ubescens J 259. Eunnemannia fiimaricefoUa 260. Hyoscijamus pictus ... 261. Ipomopsis elegans 262. Isoplexis Canariensis ... 263. Isotoma axillaris 5 264. Isotoma longiflora 24 MICROSCOPICAL PREPARATIONS. c. Donor. 265. Isotoma petroea ... M. C. Cooke. 266. Jamesia Americana 5J 267. Jussioea sp. (India) » 268. Leptosiphon androsaceus J» 269. Leptosiphon aureus » 270. Linaria cymhalaria >» 271. Linaria saxatilis „ 272,273. Linaria spartea » 274. Linaria speciosa »> 275. Linaria triornithophora J> 276. Linaria triphylla J5 277. Loasa Herhertii ... E. Marks. 278. „ tricolor ... ... Mr. Jackson. 279. Lobelia gracilis ... G. E. Quick. 280,281. LophospermumHendersonii ... >5 282. Lophospermum, scandens ... M. C. Cooke. 283. Lychnis chalcedonica ... » 284. Lychnis sp. ... E.Marks. 285. Maurandya Barclayana ... M. C. Cooke. 286. Meconopsis Camhrica, Welsh Horn Poppy >> 287. Mesembryanthemum glahrv/m >> 288. Mesemhryanthemum „ Ice Plant ... ... G. E. Quick. 289. Michauxia campanulata ... M.C.Cooke. 290. Microsperma hartonioides »> 291. Mimulus cardinalis ... J) 292. Mimulus luteus. Yellow Monkey Flower . . . j> 293. Mimulus moschatus. Musk Plant 3J 294. Monotropa uniflora 95 295. Musschia Wollastonvi ... J> 297. 298. 299. 300. 301. 302. 303. 304. 805. 306. 307. 308. 309. 310. 311. 312. 313. 314. 315. 316. 317. tis palustris Myosotis sylvatica Nemesi a fiorihunda Nemesia versicolor Nemophila insignis Nicotiana sp., Tobacco ... „ Oronoco Tobacco ... Nicotiana rustica, Hungarian Tobacco Nycterinia capensis Nycterinia selaginoides Ocymumhasilicum,'Ba,si[ (Enothera biennis, Evening Primrose „ veitchiana ... Ophrys apifera, Bee Orcbis Origanum ma^'jorana, Marjoram Oxalis corniculata Oxalis rosea Oxyura chrysanthemoides Pap aver bracteatum Papaver nigrum rhoeas... E. Marks. G. E. Quick. M. C. Cooke. G. E. Quick. MICROSCOPICAL PREPARATIONS. 25 c. 318. Papaver somniferum, White Opium Poppy 319. Papaver somniferwn, Grey Opium Poppy 320. „ „ 321. Papaver sp., Carnation Poppy ... 322. Paulownia imperialis ... 323. Petunia ST^, 324. Petunia violacea 325. Perilla NanTcinensis 326. Phacelia tanacetifoUa ... 327. Phlox Drummondi 328. Phyteuma campanuloicles 329. Plantago major. Plantain 330. Plantago psyllium 331. Platystemon Calif ornicum 332. Pogostemon plectranthoides 333. Portulaca 8^. ... 334. Potentilla insignis 335. Primula denticulata ... 336. Primula veris, Cowslip... 337. Pierosjjor a sp. ... 338. Reseda odorata, Mignonette 339. Rhododendron arhoreum 340. Rhododendron campanulatum ... 341. Rcemeria hyhrida 342. Salpiglossis luteus 343. Saxifraga ciliata ... ... .:. 344. Saxifraga paXmata 345. SchizantMis Grahami ... 346. /Scro^j/iuZaria no cZos a, Fig wort ... 347. Scutellaria alpina 348. Scypanthiis elegans ... ... ... 349. Sedumaizoon ... 350. Sedum cosruleum 351. Sedum telephium, Orpine 352. Silene alpestris 353. Silene armeria 354. Silene inflata, Bladder Campion ... 355. Silene pendula ... 356. Silene pendula... 357. Silene picta 358. Silene quadrifida 359. Silene Schafta... 360. Spergula arvensis 361. Spergula pilifera 362. Sphcenogyne speciosa ... 363. Spircea filipendula, Drop wort ... 364. Spircea Lindley ana 365. Sturmia Loeselii 366. Tellinia grandiflora 367. TTi'j/mws -ywZgraris, Tliyme ... ... 368. Thysanoca/rpus s]^. Donor, M. C. Cooke. G. E. Quick. E. T. Lewis. M. C. Cooke. E. Marks. M. C. Cooke. W. M. Bywater. M. C. Cooke. G. E. Quick. E. Marks. M. C. Cooke. E. Marks. M. C. Cooke. 26 MICROSCOPICAL PREPARATIONS. c. Donor. 369. Ulmus montana, Wjch. Elm ... M. C. Cooke. 370. Valeriana dioica, Wild Valerian „ 371. Verhascum nigrum „ 372. Verhascum tha2Jsus,'M.u\[em ... E, Marks, 373. ,, ,, .,. G. E, Quick. 374. Verbena Auhletii ... M. C. Cooke. 375. Verbena pulcliella >5 376. Verbena pulcherrima ... ... ,, 377. Verbena venosa .,, )) 378. Vinca rosea JJ 379. Viscaria oculata )J 380. Whitlavia grandijiora ... ,, 381. Winged seed ... 8. Starches. ... C. Collins. 382. Mscnlus }iiji)j)ocastanum,.^ ... M. C. Cooke. 383. Artocarpus incisa, Breadfruit. B ,, 384. Artocarpus incisa,Brea,(iivmt ... ... W. Hislop. 385. Arum, colocasia B ... M. C. Cooke. 386. Arum colocasia, Arum ... ,.. W. Hislop. 387. Arum maculatum, Wake Eobin ... ... JJ 388. Arum tnaculatum B ... ... G. E. Quick. 389. Batatas edulis, Sweet Potato B... ... M. C, Cooke, 390. BeanB ... G. E, Quick. 391. G anna indica, Indian Shot B ... ... M. C. Cooke. 392. C anna Indica, lndia.n Shot ... W. Hislop, 393. Canna sp. Tous les mois JJ 394. Canna sp, Tous les mois B ... G, E. Quick. 395. Canna sp. Tous les mois (Iodized) ... S, J, Mclntire. 396. Ca,7iw(x sp. Tous les mois B ... T,C, White, 397. Colomba B .., G. E, Quick. 398. Curcuma angustifolia B ... M. C, Cooke. 399. Curcuma angustifolia ... ... W. Hislop. 400. C'urc2(ma sp. Wild Ginger 5, 401. Cycas revoluta^ ... M. C. Cooke. 402. Dioscorea alata, Yam B ,, 403. Dioscorea alata, Yam ... ... W. Hislop. 404. Dioscorea sp. Yam J, 405. Hyacinth B .., ... G, E. Quick. 406. Ipomcea Horsfallii "B ... ... M, C. Cooke. 407. Jatropha manihot,'M.andiocB ... J, 408. Jatropha manihot, CassaYa ... W, Hislop. 409. Jatropha manihot, Ta^iioca 53 410. Lilium sp, Lily B ... G, E. Quick. 411. Mangif er a Indica, Mango ... W, Hislop. 412. Mangifera Indica, Mango B ... ... M, C. Cooke, 413. Maranta arundinacea B ... 414. Maranta arundinacea ... ... W, Hislop. 415. Musa 2Mradisiaca, Plantain ,, 416. Nankin Starch ... >j 417. Oryza sativa, Rice ... n MICROSCOPICAL PREPARATIONS; 27 c. Donor. 418. Pliysostigma venenosum, Calabar Bean ... ... Mr. Conder. 419. Physostigma venenosum ... G. E. Quick. 420. Pis um sativum, Pea „ 421. Eombiya Sago B ... M. C. Cooke. 422. Sago Meal ... W. Hislop. 423. SagoStarcli(Ea/p7im?) B ... M. C. Cooke. 424. Solatium tuberosum, Potato in situ ... G. Paton. 425. Solanum tuberosum, Potato B ... ... M. C. Cooke. 426. Solanum tuberosum, Potato ... W. Hislop. 427. ,5 5, ... ... ... ... G.E. Quick. 428. Starch from Nut ... G. Paton. 429. Tacca innnatijida ... W. Hislop. 430. Thunhergia grandiflora "B ... M. C. Cooke. 431. Tliunbergia. grandiflora ... W. Hislop. 432. Trapabisxyinosa B ... M. C. Cooke. 433. „ „ ... G. E. Quick. 434. Triticum aestiviim, Wheat ... W. Hislop. 435. TypJia, Bulrush 55 436. Zamia spiralis "B ... M. C. Cooke. 437. Zea mays, Maize ... G. E. Quick. 438. Zea mays, Maize "B ... M.C.Cooke. 439. Zingiber officinale, Ginger B 55 Sect. D.— CRYPTO GAMIA. 1. Ferns. D. 1. Hairs from Fern ... s. J. Mclntire. 2. Hairs of Fern Leaf B ... ... J. F. Pickard. 3. Scalariform Tissue from Pteris aquiUna B ... J. D. Jackson. 4. 15 55 55 B ... N. Burgess. 5. Scales of Hart's Tongue ... G. E. Quick. 6. Section (oblique) of Pteris aquilina B ... ... N. Burgess. 7. Sori of Acrophorus hispidus ... M, . C. Cooke. 8. 55 Adiantop)sis radiata 55 9. 55 Adiantum cristatum 55 10. 55 Adiantum hisindulum ... ... 55 11. 55 Adiantum lucidum ... 55 12. Adiantum lumdatum ... ... 13. „ Adiantum pedatum ... 55 14. „ Adiantuwy prionopMjllum ... „ 15. „ Alsophila attstralis ... „ 16. „ Amphicomia Guayanensis „ 17. 55 Amphidesmium blechnoides ... 55 18. 55 Anapeltis sqamiClosa ... 55 19. 55 Ancliistea virginea ... 55 20. ,, Asplenium ... R. T. Lewis. 21. 55 Asplenium ebenum ... M . C. Cooke. 22. 55 Asplenium flabelliferwm ... ... E. T. Lewis. 23. 55 Asp)lenium marinum ... J5 28 MICROSCOPICAL PREPARATIONS. Sori of Asplenium nitens AthyHum asplenoides ... Athyrium axillare Balantium coniifoUum ... Bathmium trifoliatum ... BJechnum occidentale Blechnum striatum Callipteris prolifera Campyloneurum repens ... Catnpteria leptophylla ... Cardiochloena macrophylla Cereopteris ocliracea Cereopteris pulchella Ceterach officinarum, Cheilanthes fragrans Cheila7ithes trichomanoides Cihotium assamicum Cihotium Barbara Cihotium Schiedii Cionidium 3Ioorei Colysis memhranacea Coniogramma serrulata ... Culcita macrocarpa CyatJiea canaliculata Cyathea dealhata Cyathea medullaris Cyathea serra ... Cyrtomium Cyrtomium anomopJiylhim CyrtovYiium^ anomopJiyllum Cyrtomium falcatum I) area dimorphum Darea diversifolia Dareaincequalis... Darea rutcefolia... Darea vivipara... DavalUa hullata ... Davallia cana7'iensis Davallia canariensis Davallia elegans Davallia solida Dennstadtia punctilohula Dennstadtia scahra Deparia prolifera Diacalpe aspinoides DicTcsonia &elloviana Dicksonia squarrosa Dictyoxipliium, panamense Diplazium decussatum ... Diplazium striaticm Donor. M. C. Cooke. R. T. M. C E.T M. C E.T, M. C. Lewis. Cooke. Lewis Cooke. Lewis. Cooke. E. T. Lewis. A. C. Cole. M. C. Cooke. H. F. Hailes. M. C. Cooke. MICROSCOPICAL PREPARATIONS. 29 D. Donor. 75. Sori of ' Doodya as'pera ... ... M. C. Cooke. 76. 55 Doodyacaudata „ 77. 35 Doryopteris sagittcefolia ... ... „ 78. 55 Elaphoglossutn squamosum ... W . M. Bywater. 79. 55 Gonio]phlehium catha/n^ina ... M. C. Cooke. 80. 55 Goniopteris crenata ... 33 81. 53 Gymnogramma chrysophylla ... R.T.Lewis. 82. 55 Gymnogramma Mertensii ... M, , C. Cooke. 83. 55 Hemidictyum marginatum J, 84. 55 Hemitelia horrido 53 85. 55 Hemitelia petiolata ... 53 86. „ Heteroplilebium grandifoUum ... 33 87. 53 Hymenopliyllum ... R. T. Lewis. 88. 53 Hymenostegia speciosa ... ... M. C. Cooke. 89. 55 Hypodematium omestum ... 33 90. 35 Hypolepis ... R. T. Lewis. 91. 55 Hypolepis tenuifolia ... M, , C. Cooke. 92. 55 Lastrea cochleata ... 35 93. Lastrea marginata ... 55 94. 55 Lastrea patens ... 55 95. 55 Lexncliosma mar antes ... 55 96. 55 Leptogramvnia gracilis ... ... ,, 97. 53 Leptopteris Tiijmenophylloides 53 98. 55 Leucostegia pulchra 55 99. 55 Lindsaya flahellata ... 55 100. 55 ' Lomaria discolor ... „ 101. 55 Lomaria fraxinea ... ,, 102. 55 Lomaria lanceolata 55 103. >5 Lomaria Patersonii ... 53 104. 55 Lonchitis puhescens 55 ■ 105. 35 Loniopteristetragona ... 55 106. 55 Lopliosoria pruinata ... 55 107. „ Loxoscaphe gihherosa ... 55 108. 55 Lygodium voluhile ... 55 109. 55 MoA-attia alata ... ... 55 110. 55 Meniscium sorhifolium ... ... 55 111. 55 Mertensia dichotoma ... 55 112. 55 Microleins hirsuta ' 35 113. 53 Microlepis lonchitoidea ... ... 35 114. 55 Microsorium irioides ... 5) 115. 55 Nephrodium malle ... 55 116. 55 Nephrolepis davallioides ,, 117. 5* Nephrolepis tuherosa ... 55 118. „ Neurogramma rufa 55 119. 35 Niplioholus lingua 55 120. 53 Nothochlxna chrysoplvylla 55 121. 55 NotJioclilcena nivea ... 55 122. ,, NotliocMwna tricliomanoides ... 33 123. 55 Ocliropteris pallens 35 124. 55 Odontoloma Boryamtmi ... ... 55 125. J3 Onoclea sensihilis 35 30 MICROSCOPICAL PREPARATIONS. D. Donor. 126. Sori of Pellcea hastata ... M. C. Cooke. 127. ,j Peranema cyatlioides JJ 128. ,, Phlehodium pitherulentum JJ 129. iy Phlegopteris caudata JJ 130. Jj Phlegopteris hexagonoptera JJ 131. JJ Physematium ohtusum ... JJ 132. >J Platy cerium alcicorne ... JJ 133. ,, Platy cerium alcicorne ... ... W. M. Bywater. 134. „ Polypodium ... E.T.Lewis. 135. JJ Poly podium Billardieri ... JJ 136. JJ Polypodium simile ... M. C. Cooke. 137. JJ Polystichum eapense JJ 138. JJ Pteris tremula ... J 139. JJ Saccoloma elegans J 140. JJ Sagenia pteropus ... J 141. 142. » Schizoloma Brunonis Schizoloma ensifolium ... ' 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. JJ JJ JJ JJ JJ Scyphularia pentaphylla Stenoloma clavatum Stenoloma tenuifoliwm ... Symopteris Sielsoldii Tarachia falcata J J 148. JJ To/rachia prmmorsa > 149. JJ Thamnopteris AustralasicB J 150. ,, Thehjpteris Novehoracensis > 151. JJ Todea harhara ... J 152. JJ Todea hymenophylloides ... ... E.T.Lewis. 153. JJ Trichomanes rigidu/m ... M.C.Cooke. 154. JJ Trichopteris excelsa j> 155. „ Woodsia rufidula JJ 156. JJ Woodivardia ... E. T. Lewis. 157. JJ Woodtvardia radicans ... ... M.C.Cooke. 158. Spores of Polystichum angulare... ... G. E. Quick. 159. Stomata of Fern ... J. A. Archer. 160. S]^ovea oi Equisetum ... S. J. Mclntire. 161. JJ Isoetes velata.,. 2. Mosses. ... M. C. Cooke. 162. Bog Mos3, Sphagnum ... ... S.J. Mclntire. 168. „ Sphagnum cymbifoU^im B ... M. C. Cooke. 164. „ Sphagnum, ... ... Mr, Moginie. 165. Liver Wort, Blasia pusilla ... Mr. Jackson. 166 to 168. Moss Capsules ... Mr. Smith. 169. Peristome of Funaria hygrometrica ... Mr. Oxley. 3. Fungi. 170. Aregma hulhosimi, Bv&mhle hvand B ... Mr. Bennett. 171. Aregmahulhosum ^ ... M. C. Cooke. 172. Aregma hulhosuvi ... W. M. Bywater. 173. Aregma gracile "R ... T.C.White. 174. Are jma mucronatum "B ... M. C. Cooke. MICROSCOPICAL PREPARATIONS. 31 D. 175. Aregma mucronatum, Eose brand B 176. Aregma ohtusattmi B ... 177. Artlirohotrijimi atrum B 178. Aspergillus candidus 179. Asterosporium Hoffmanni 180. Botr]jos])orium diffusum 181. Chaeto'inium chartarum, 182. Coryneum disciforme B 183. Dactylium roseiim 184. Helmintlios'porium folliculatum B 185. Helminthosporium Smithii H ... 186. Nectria cinnaharina 187. Polyactis cinerea 188. Polycystis pompJiolygodes 189. Piiccinia aculeata B 190. Puccinia cegopodii ^ ... 191. Piiccinia anemones B ... 192. Puccinia apii B 193. Puccinia arundinacea B 194. Puccinia asari IB 195. Puccinia asparagi B ... 196. Puccinia hetoniccB B 197. Puccinia hetonicoB ^ 198. Puccinia calthce B 199. Puccinia cam^panulce B 200. Pwccmm circcecB B 201. Puccinia coronata 202. Puccinia difformis B ... 203. Puccinia discoidearum B 204. Puccinia graminis "Z ... 205. Puccinia lychnidearmn B 206. Puccinia luzulce B 207. Puccinia nolitangeris "B 208. Puccinia primuloi "& 209. Puccinia prunorum 210. Puccinia smyrnii B 211. Puccinia thesii B 212. Puccinia tragopogi B ... 213. Puccinia veronicarum B 214. Puccinia virgaureoB B ... 215. Bcestelia lacerata (Spores) B 216. Sphceria jimhriata 217. SpTiceria herharum 218. Stemonitis ferruginea B 219. Stemonitis fusca 220. Thecaphorahyalina B... 221. Tilletia caries B 222. Trichia chrysosperma B 223. Trichia clavata B 224. Trichia fallax B 225. Trichia Neesiana B Donor. G. E. Quick. M. C. Cooke. W. M. Bywater. M. C. Cooke. W. M. Bywater. M. C. Cooke. G. E. Quick. M. C. Cooke. W. M. Bywater. M. C. Cooke. W. M. Bywater. M. C. Cooke. W. M. Bywater. M. C. Cooke. 32 MICROSCOPICAL PREPARATIONS. D. 226. TricMa ovata ^ 227. Trichia pyriformis B ... 228. Trichia varia B 229. Trichohasis fahoB 230. Trichohasis ruhigo-vera 231. Trichohasis seyiecionis ... 232. Trichohasis senecionis ... 233. Trichohasis violarum B 234. Trix)hragmium ulmarice B 235. Triphragmium ulmoA'icB B 236. Uncinula hicornis 237. Uncinula polychaeta (U. States) . 238. TJstilago maydis B 239. Xenodochus carhonarius B Donor. M. C. Cooke. T. C. White. G. E. Quick. M. C. Cooke. 4. CHAEACEiE. 240. Chara medicagimda (Fossil) H. F. Hailes. 5. Alg^. 241. Arthrocladia villosa 242. Bonnemaisonia asparagoides 243. Callithamnion, tetraspores 244. Callithamnion arhuscula B 245. Callithamnion jioccosum B 246. 'Callithamnion pedicellatum 247. Callithamnion roseum B 248. Ceramium (favellaa) 249. Ceramium 250. Ceramium acanthonotum B 251. Chorda filum ... 252. Cladostephus verticellatus 253. Dasy a arhuscula S 254. Dasya venusta ... 255. Dasya venusta ... 256. Delesseria 257. Delesseria alata B 258. Desmarestia viridis S ... 259. Dictyota dichotoma 260. Dumontia filiformis 261. Ectocarpus Mertensii B 262. Griffithsia harhata 263. Griffithsia corallina 264. Griffijthsia setacea, tetraspores 265. Laurencia tenuissima (Spores) 266. Padina pavonia 267. 268. Plocamium, coccineum 269. Plocamium coccineum B 270. Polysiphonia ... 271. Polysiphonia urceolata B 272. Protococeiis nivalis B C. Adcock. H. A. Smith. C. Adcock. H. A. Smith. C. Adcock. H. A. Smith. C. Adcock. H. A.'smith. C. Adcock. H. A. Smith. C. Adcock. K A.'smith. C. Adcock. H. A. Smith. C. Adcock. H. A. Smith. B, W. Richardson. MICROSCOPICAL PRErARATIONS. 33 273, 274. Ptilota elegans B 275. Ptilota plv^mosa B 276. Ptilota phimosa... 277. Hhodomela sichfusca (?) ... 278. Sphcerococcics coronopifolius 279. Sj}orochius pedunculattis ... 280. Stilophora rhizodes 6. Desmids. 281. MicrasteHas and Euastrum B 282. Micrasterias and Closterium B 7. Diatoms. 283. 284, 286. 287. 290. 291. 292. 293. 294. 295. 296. 297. 298. 299. 300. 301. 302. 303. 304. 305. 306. 307. 309. 310. 311. 312. 313. 314. 315. 316. 317. 318. 319. Actinoq/clus B ... 285. Actinocychis mbtilis^... Actinocyclus subtil is Actinocychis undidatus ... Amphiprora conspicua r Amphiprora ornata •\ \ Orthosira pu7ictato ?• ... ^ „ orichalcea ^ Amphora constricta H Amphora ornata "B Amjihora ovalis B Arachnoid iscus Ehrenbergii B Arachnoidiscus Ehrenbergii, in situ Asterolampra (various) ... Aulacodiscus angiUatus B Aulacodiscus orientalis B Aul iscus sculptztsB Biddulphia aurita Biddulphia Icevis B Biddulphia reticulata B Campy lodiscus clypeus B... Camjjylod iscus clypens B . . . Campylodiscus clypeus Cavipylodiscus undidatus B Cerataulus turgidus IB ... Cesfodiscus B Chaetoceros Wighamii (frustules) ... rChaetoceros Wighamii •\ < Navicula tumens > V Epithemia ventricosum ^ Cocconeis B ... Cocconeis Orevillei B ... Cocconema Mexicana B Cyclotella opercidata B Cyclotella punctata B ... Cyclotella rectangula B Cymatopleura a^piculata B Denticulata sinuata B... Diaioma Vidgare B Epithemia ocellata B ... Donor. H. A. Smith. » G. Paton. C. Adcock. G. Paton. Mr. Hardman. H. F. Hailes B. Taylor. F. Kitten. T. Curties. W. W. Eeeves. J. Eussell. A. C. Cole. Mr. Hardman. F. Kitton. A. de Brebisson. Mr. Hardman. M. C. Cooke. H. F. Hailes. F. Kitton. Mr. Hardman. F. Kitton. T. Curties. Mr. Hardman. Exchange. T. Curties. 1) A. de Brebisson. }j T. Curties. 34 MICliOSCOPICAL PREPARATIONS. D. Donor. 320. Epithemia succincta B... ... A. de Brebisson. 321. Eupodiscus B ... ... T. Curties. 322. Eupodiscus argus ^ ... W.W. Eeeves. 323. Eupodiscus Gregorianus B ... A. de Brebisson. 324. Exipodiscus Balfsii B ... ... J. EusseU. 325. Eupodiscus Bogersii B... ... T. Curties. 326. Eupodiscus Ro2Jeri 'B ... ... A. de Brebisson. 327. Eupodiscus suhtilis B ... „ 328. Fragilaria crotonensis (N. Y.) ... ... F. Kitton. .S29 ( Fragilaria crotonensis (S. V.) 1 t Cyclotella rotula V" OaU' 330. Fragilaria virescens B... ... A. de Brebisson. 331. Gamhella gastroides B... ... T. Curties. 332. Gomphonona B ... Exchange. 333. Gomphonema et Synedra "S ... B.Taylor. 334. ( Gomphonema capitatum | ^^ ^^^ ^^.^^ (. Gomphonema constrictum ) ... F. Kitton. 335. Gomphonema geminatum ... P. Gray. 336. Grammatophora macilenta B ... ... G. Baton. 337. Grammatophora marina B „ 338. Heliopelta B ... ... J. Eussell. 339. Eeliopelta et E. Bogersii B ... T. Curties. 340. Eyalodiscus subtilis "B... ... Mr. Hardman. 341. Isthmia (unnamed) ... A. C. Cole. 342. Isthmia nervosa ... Dr. Dempsey. 343. Melosira B ... G. Baton. 344. Melosira Borreri B ... M. C. Cooke. 345. Melosira numtnuloides B ... T.C. White. 346. Navicula hacillum ... F. Kitton. 347. Navicula hullata "B ... T. Curties. 348. Navicula dactylus B ... ... A. de Brebisson. 349. ; ■ Navicula elegans • . Pinnularia peregrina ) ... F. Kitton. 350. Navicula granulata ^ ... ... T. Curties. 351. Navicula Hartley ana ... ... Mr. Tatem. 352. Navicula humerosa "B ... ... A. de Brebisson. 353. Navicula Vyra B ... Mr. Hardman. 354. Navicula oculata B ... A. de Brebisson. 355. Navicula prcBtexta B ... ... Mr. Hai-dman. 356-361. Navicula punctata B ... A. de Brebisson. 362. Navicula punctata ... F. Kitton. 363. Navicula rhomhoides ... ... H.A.Smith. 364. Navicula serians ... F. Kitton. 365. Navicula sphosr op Jwr a ,., 55 366. Navicula splendida et 2)andura B ... Mr. Hardman. 367. Navicula vitrcea, GreYille ... F. Kitton. 368. Nitzschia Brehissonii B ... A. de Brebisson. 369. Nitzschia gracilenta B 55 370. Nitzschia ohtusa B 371. Nitzschia plicata B ... T. Curties. 372. Odontidium et Fragilaria B . . . Exchange. MICROSCOPICAL PREPARATIONS. 35 D. 373. Peronia erinacea B 374, 375. Pinnularia, &c. B 376. 377. 378. 379. 380. 381. 382. 383. 384. 385. 386. 387. 388. 389. 390. 391. { 392. 393. 394. 395. 396. 397. 398. 399. 400. 401. Pinnularia cardinalis .. Pinnularia Ha/rtleyana Pinnularia nohilis B . Pinnularia viridis ^ .. Pleurosigma angulata „ halticum B ■002 ■003 ■003 „ halticum „ halticum „ halticum ") „ strigosutn -> „ elotigatum ,, estuarii B „ estuarii B „ formosum B „ formosum B „ formosum ... „ formosum „ halticum „ strigosum „ decorum „ quadratum „ angulatum „ hippocampus „ lacustre „ acuminatu/m „ scalprum „ gracilentum B „ hippocampus ,, lacustris B Polymyxos coronalis B... „ coronatus B... Rhahdonema B „ arcuatum... „ Crozieri B 5, minutum ... Solium B 402-405. Staurone is acuta B Stauroneis phcenicenteron B Stictodiscus ? ... iSurirella Capronii •\ 8u7^irella elegans > B Surirella hiseriata ^ Surirella constricta 412. C Surirella linear (■ Surirella amphioxysf 413. Surirella minuta B 414. Surirella ovalis B 415. 416. Surirella suhsalsa, var rotundata B Donnr. A. de Brebisson. B. Taylor. F. Kitton. T. Curties. B. Taylor. 55 Dr. Deinpsey. F. Kitton. 55 A. de Brebisson. B. Taylor. H. F. Hailes. Dr. Deinpsey. A. de Brebisson, Dr. Demj)sey. T. Curties. Mr, Hardman. T, Ciirties. T. C. White, F. Kitton. M, C. Cooke. F, Kitton. T. Curties. A. C. Cole. A. de Brebisson. F, Kitton. A. de Brebisson. T, Curties, A, de Brebisson. 36 MICROSCOPICAL PREPARATIONS. 417, 418. Synedra longissima B 419. Synedra ulna ^ 490 5 ^y^^^^^'*''^ undulata \ (^ Bhahdonema adriaticum i 421. Tahellaria B ... 422. Toxonidea Gregoriana B 423. Triceratium B 424. Triceratium (unnamed) 425. Triceratium arcticum ... 426. Triceratium hrachiatum ... ^ ... r Triceratium exiguum '\ 427. < Orthosira punctata > ^Navicula scutelloides ^ 428. Triceratium grande ^ ... 429. Triceratium turratella... 430. Deposit Bilin B 431. „ Chalk Pond, Beddington B ... 432. 433. „ Cherrjfield, Maine B ... 434. „ Cochin, E. I. B 435. „ Cochin, E. I. B 436. 437. „ Colseed Bay, U. S. B ... 438. „ Columbus, Ohio B 439, 440. „ Cornwallis, Nova Scotia B 441,442. „ Coswig, on theElbe B... 443. „ Duck Pond, Waterford B 444, 445. „ Ebstorf, Hanover B ... 446, 447. „ Eger, Bohemia B 448. „ Eisen B 449, 450. „ Franzensbad, Bohemia B 451. „ French's Pond, Maine B 452. „ Gossa, Bohemia B 453. 454. „ Gowan's Bay, N. Y. B 455, 456. „ Ipswich, Mass. B 457,458. „ Laconia, N.H. B 459,460. „ Monmouth, Maine B ... 461,462. „ Monticello, N. Y. B 463, 464. „ North Providence B ... 465. „ Nottingham, U. S. B ... 466. „ Nottingham, Maryland B 467. 468. „ Oberhohe, Hanover B ... 469. „ Peat Bog, N. Bridgton B 470, 471. „ Perley's Meadow, Bridgton B ... 472. ,, Peruvian Guano 473, 474. „ Eichmond, on the Potomac B .., 475, 476. „ Salem, Mass. B 477, 478. „ Salt Lake Desert B ... 479. „ Sandwich Islands B ... 480, 481. „ Sing-Sing, Hudson's River B ... 482. „ Seville B 483, 484. „ S. Bridgton, Maine B ... 485. „ Subpeat, N. Bridgton, Maine B Donor. T. Curties. Exchange. F. Kitton. T. Curties. B. Taylor. Mr. Hardman. A. C. Cole. F. Kitton. A. C. Cole. F. Kitton. Mr. Hardman. A. C. Cole. W. W. Eeeves. Exchange. M. C. Cooke. T. Curties. M. C. Cooke. T. Curties. M. C. Cooke. Exchange. M. C. Cooke. >» G. Paton. M. C. Cooke. Exchange. W. W. Eeeves. M. C. Cooke. B. Taylor. Exchange. M. C. Cooke. Exchange. M. C. Cooke. B. Taylor. M. C. Cooke. T. Curties. M. C. Cooke. T. Curties. Exchange. MICROSCOPICAL PREPARATIONS. 37 486. Deposit Toome Bridge B 487, 488. „ Watermouth Caverns B 489. „ West Point, K Y. B ... 490. Dredgings, Atlantic Cable, 1865 491. „ Bay of Bengal B ... 492-496. „ Loch Fine B 497. „ Loch Fine B 498, 499. Fossil Diatomacese B 500. „ B 501, 502. Mixed Diatoms B ... from Corsican Algae B ... Edinburgh B Hants Market Weighton Canal B... New Zealand Perthshire B Spring, N. Bridgton B Stoneyford Eiver B 526-528. Siliceous vesicles of Max Schultze, illustrative of Diatom structure ... 529. Unnamed Diatoms 530. „ „ ... 53L „ „ 503-509. >> B 510-516. j> B 517. >j 518. >5 from 519. » 520. JJ 521. » 522. „ 523. » 524. >» 525. 44 Donor. B. Taylor. T. Curties. G. Baton. C. Collins. B. Taylor. T. Curties. W. W. Beeves. B. Taylor. Mr. Hardman. T. Curties. A. C. Cole. B. Taylor. B. Taylor. J. W. Meacher. T. Curties. W. Hainworth. T. Curties. Exchange. B. Taylor. J. H. Hennah. A. C. Cole. VI MINERAL. 1. Acid — Aspartic 2. „ Boracic 3,4. „ Hippuric 5. „ Hippuric 6-21. „ Hippuric 22. „ Hippuric, artificial 23-24. „ Pyrogallic 25. „ Tai'taric... 26. » Ui-ic 27-30. Ammonia, Borate 31. Ammonia, nitrate of 32. Avantui-ine 33. Barium, chloride of ^. Calcareous Egg Sand 35. Coal Ash 36. Coal section 37. Copper, crystallized 38. pyrites 39. „ sulphate of 40,41 „ sulphate Dr. Dempsey. G. E. Quick. T. C. White. G. E. Quick. W. Hislop. T. C White. W. H. Golding. E. Marks. Mr. Oxley. Mr. Conder. G. E. Quick. Mr. Simson. C. Collins. A. Topping. H. T. HaUes. M. C. Cooke. E. Marks. W. H. Golding. 38 MICROSCOPICAL PREPARATIONS. 42. Copper, sulptate 75^' 43. „ sulphate 85° 44. >5 sulphate 100° 45-47. >j sulphate 48. >» sulphate, fine spirals ... 49. Coprolite, section 50. Fossil Plant from Coal Measures 51. Gem sand (Ava) ... 52. Gold, native, from Alexander 53. 5> Ballarat 54. » Brazil 55. » California 66. 9) Cape Coast ... 67. >J Caucasus 58. »J Chili 59. >J Geelong 60. »J Golconda 61. ii Gold Coast ... 62. SJ Guadalquiver 63. JJ Guinea 64. >> Hartz Mountains 65. »» Mexico 66. 55 Nepal 67. » Persia 68. »> Peru 69. >J Transylvania... 70. » Ural Mountains 71. Wicklow 72. Gold crystallized : from Ammonia Iodide 73, 74. Granite (section) from Mt. Sinai B 75. Heliotrope, or Bloodstone 76, 7^ '. Iron, sulphate of ... 78. Magnesia, sulphate of ... 79. J 5 5} ... 80. Magnesia, sulphate 81,82. Malachite 83. Marble (Ephesus) B ... Meteoric stone ... Nickel, sulphate of Norway Eock, section B Opal ... Porphyrine, section B ... Potass Bichromate Potash, chlorate Patash, nitrate of Potassium Ferrocyanide ... 93. Quartz crushed... 94. Salicine 95. Salicine 96. Salt work Crystals, Bergkrystalle 97. ,, Eisenglimmer 84. 85. 86. 87. 90. 91. 92. Donor, Mr. Martin. W. Hislop. T. C. White. J. Butterworth. M. C. Cooke. T. Boss. W. H. Golding. Mr. Kibble. H. F. Hailes. W. H. Golding. G. E. Quick. W. H. Golding. A. Topping. J. Bockett. Mr. Simson. E. T. Lewis. G. E. Quick. G. Baton. J. Bockett. G. Paton. W. H. Golding. J. W. Groves. G. E. Quick. W. N. Golding. W. Moginie. J. F. Pickard. A. Topping. Herr Weisflog. MICROSCOPICAL PREPARATIONS. E. 98. Salt work Crystals, Gelbe Krystalle 99. ,, Blauschwarze KrystaUe 100. ,, Floeken und Faden ... 101. „ Schwefelkies. 102-105. Santonine 106-109. Santonine ' ... 110-113. Sections of Stone B 114 Silicon Silver, crystallized Silver, native (Pern) Soda, Acetate of Theine from Black Tea Titanium Uranium, nitrate of Wood, fossil (Tasmania) 39 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. Donor. Herr Weisfloff. W. Hislop. 5) G. Paton. J. W. Leakey. A. Topping. J. W. Leakey. W. H. Golding. J. Bockett. W. H. Golding. J. Bockett. Miscellaneous. 122-124. Ancient glass from Temple of Venus (Cyprus) ... 125. ,, disintegrated, from the Catacombs, Eome 126. Dendritic spot on paper .. . 127 to 132. lUusti-ations of Mr. E. T. Lewis' paper, on some of the Microscopic Effects of the Electric Spark. Sept. 28, 1866 133. Microphotograph, "The Times"... 134. „ from a picture... 135. „ Lord Raglan's Tablet ... 136. „ "TheEentDay" 137. „ "TheEeturn" 138. „ " The Last Appeal " ... 139. Microscopic Writing, " The Lord's Prayer." -0004, E. T. Lewis. C. Baker. M. C. Cooke. E. T. Lewis. G. Paton. Capt. St, John. ->♦<- p. BACON, LEWES. SEVENTH REPORT OF THE QUEKETT MICROSCOPICAL CLUB, AND LIST OF ME^^IBEES Meeting at Uxiveesity College, London, on the Second and Fourth Fridays of e^'ery Month at Eight o'clock. Offices: 192, PICCADILLY, LONDON. July 1872, {Extract from original Prospectus^ July 1 865.) " The want of such a Club as the present has long heen felt, wherein " Microscopists and students with kindred tastes might meet at stated periods " to hold cheerful converse with each other, exhibit and exchange specimens, " read papers on topics of interest, discuss doubtful points, compare notes of " progress, and gossip over those special subjects in which they are more or " less interested : where, in fact, each member would be solicited to bring his " own individual experience, be it ever so small, and cast it into the treasury '• for the general good. Such are some of the objects which the present Club " seeks to attain. In addition thereto it hopes to organize occasional Field " Excursions, at proper seasons, for the collection of living specimens, to " acquire a Library of such books of reference as will be most useful to "enquiring students; and, trusting to the proverbial liberality of Micro- " scopists, to add thereto a comprehensive Cabinet of Objects. By these, and " similar means, the Quekett Microscopical Club seeks to merit the support " of all earnest men who may be devoted to such pursuits; and, by fostering " and encouraging a love for Microscopical studies, to deserve the approval " of men of science and more learned societies." OFPICEES AND COMMITTEE. (Elected July 1872.) Dr. Robert Braithwaite, F.R.M.S., F.L.S. 0ke-|jre$ibents. Dr. Lionel S. Beale, F.R.S., F.R.M.S. Arthur E. Durham, F.R.C.S., F.R.M.S. Henry Lee, F.L.S., F.R.M.S. Dr. Matthews. Robert Hardwicke, F.L.S. Po:t. ^ttxttm^. T. Charters White, M.R.C.S., F.R.M.S. Poit. ^etretarg for Jor^igit Comsponbence. M. C. Cooke, M.A. f oit. %tpxkx. Richard T. Lewis, F.R.M.S. €ommitUt. W. Allbon, F.R.M.S. T. W. Burr, F.R.A.S. W. M. Bywater, F.R.M.S. Charles F. White, F.R.M.S. W. H. GOLDING. Thomas Greenish, F.R.M.S. W. T. LoY, F.R.M.S. Edward Marks. John Ingpen, F.R.M.S. B. Daydon Jackson. Fred. Oxley. J. M. Ramsbotham, M.D. ITibrarian. ®«rator. Alpheus Smith. G. W. Ruffle. ^xmxmn Committee. F. W. Gay, F.R.M.S. I W. T. Suffolk, F.R.M.S. W. W. Reeves, F.R.M.S. | F. Oxley. (K ^change (erf ,^iihs) €ommittn. H. F. Hailes. E. Marks. PAST PRESIDENTS. J>© ^ "^ CD en O CD CD Oj l-J - ^^. P^ CO Wco M od bj^^ P GQhrj & CO Hi ^tH ^ W 0 " P P Pj tu *^ O hj hj -" ■ o ^ a S 2 3- ^ m' CO CD ft) ^ 2, CD "^ CD Hi P P Pj oq p O CD Hj P' c-H P' ro P GO l-i|-*H-iC;tCO H-»h-*OT.^ fcOObOCOUiO^i-'OH-iCb •qOCOOSOrfi'COC^i-^rfi^- bOOa)^f^OOOO W. H. GOLDING. Thomas Greenish, F.R.M.S. W. T. LoY, F.R.M.S. B. Daydon Jackson. Fred. Oxley. J. M. Ramsbotham, M.D. W. M. Bywater, F.R.M.S. Frank Crisp, L.L.B., B. A., Loud. F.R.M.S. H. F. Hailes. F. H. P. Hind. J. G. Waller. T. C. White, M.R.C.S., F.R.M.S. Poit. iribrHriau. Jon. Cumlor. Alpheus Smith. G. W. Ruffle. 6.vatrsio« €ommitttz, F. W. Gay, F.R.M.S. I W. T. Suffolk, F.R.M.S. W. W. Reeves, F.R.M.S. | F. Oxley. ^Kljangc (of ^lib^s) (^ommittn. H. F. Hailes. E. Marks. gissistant ^m"cfHrjj. E. Marks. PAST PRESIDENTS. >>^c EDWIN LANKESTER, M.D., F.E.S. - ERNEST HART - - ARTHUR E. DURHAM, F.L.S., &c. y) J 5 - - - PETER LE NEVE FOSTER, M.A. LIONEL S. BEALE, M.B., F.R.S., &c. - ROBERT BRAITHWAITE, M.D., F.L.S., &c. Elected. July, 1865. 1866. 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. EEPOET OF THE COMMITTEE. The publication of the Eighth Annual Report of the Quekett Microscopical Club affords the Committee the pleasing oppor- tunity of again announcing its continued' usefulness and prosperity. Originating in no spirit of antagonism to exist- ing societies, but taking its stand simply upon the platform of a Student's Club, it has fully justified the prevision of its founders in meeting a want that was and is especially felt by those who first take up the study of the Microscope as a means of amusement, or an aid to the extension of Histolo- gical Science. While it continues to afford this aid, the usefulness and the popularity of the Quekett Microscopical Club will run side by side with its prosperity. By a refer- ence to the extract from the original prospectus appended to this Ileport, the object of the founders of the Club may be seen, and it becomes the duty of your Committee to state how these objects have been provided for during the Eighth year of its existence. Your Committee gladly avail themselves of this oppor- tunity to thank the Council of University College for their continued liberality in allowing the Club to meet in the library twice a month during the past year, and to assure them that it is a privilege acknowledged and appreciated by all connected with the Club. The Meetings continue well attended : that on the Second Friday in each Month proves still as attractive as it has been from its institution, and doubtless this arises from the means it affords for that intercommunication of friendly feeling, and "that mutual assistance in Microscopical Manipulation which the Committee always desire to foster amongst the members, and which is the essence of a Club like the Quekett. Your Committee are glad to note an increasing taste for the exhi- bition of physiological and histological preparations on these evenings, and they would encourage this more and more as leading up to systematic work in a most useful and interest- ing department of Microscopical study. These meetings are held on the Second Friday of each month from 7 till 9.30 p.m. The following Papers have been read during the past year at the Ordinary Meetings in addition to various verbal com- munications of great practical interest and utility : On a new form of Class Microscope Dr. "Wm. A. Guy, F.E.S. ,, a Standard Dynamometer for ascertaining the magnifying power of Objectives . . Mr. John E. Ingpen. ,, Comparative Study . . Mr. D. E. Goddard. ,, a Bioplast .... Dr. L. S. Beale, F.E.S. ,, a New Plan of Microscopical Injection by means of a Wolffe's Bottle . . . Mr. J. T. English. ,, Diamond Writing as a Test for Objectives . . . Mr. Wm. Webb. ,, the Histology of Plant Struc- tures Dr. E. Braithwaite, F.L.S. ,, the different forms of Eyepieces Mr. John E. Ingpen. ,, aNewMethodofDryMomiting Mr. John Locke. ,, Nobert's Test Lines . . Mr. Wm. Webb. ,, some Simple Ai)pliances use- ful in Microscopical Observa- tion Mr. W. H. GoLDiNG. ,, a new form of Microscopical Super Stage . . . Dr. Matthews. ,, the Ovulation of certain Hy- menoptera .... Mr. B. T. Lowne, F.E.C.S. ,, tlie Histology of Plant Struc- tures (2nd Paper) . . Dr. E. Beaithwaite, F.L.S. ,, tlie Podura Scale headings . Dr. G. E. Piggott, B.A., &c. The Club by the influx of new members during the year, and notwithstanding losses by death and resignations still numbers about 570, many of w^hom are constant attendants at its meetings and amongst its most ardent workers. The Annual Soiree of the Club was held on Friday, March 21st, at University College, and was attended by upwards of 1000 visitors. The Club was re-inforced by the friendly assistance of the Croydon Microscopical Society, the Sydenham and Forest Hill Microscopical Club, the South London Microscopical Club, and by the leading opticians, who upon this as upon past occasions kindly exhibited the optical novelties of the year, and thereby added to the attrac- tions of the evening ; and your Committee desire to thank those gentlemen who thus contributed to make the Soil*ee a perfect success. Your Committee have during the year gone carefully over the Slides in the Cabinet of the Club, and having removed a few that by lapse of time had become faulty, have labelled and classified the remainder, and now have the satisfaction of placing them again before the members for circulation. The following Slides have been presented to the Cabinet since the last Annual Meetino: : "r. Alfred Allen 2 „ M. Burgess . 4 „ A. COTTAM 9 „ Wm. Hainworth . 10 „ Thos. Rogers 6 „ Amos Topping 12 „ J. G. Waller 6 „ James Watkins . 57 „ T. 0. White . . 24 These are not included in the Catalogue of the Slides pub- lished for the Club last year, but as the Cabinet by the kind- ness of members and their friends continues to be added to, it will doubtless be found necessary after a time to issue a supplementary list. In the mean time the Catalogue may be obtained at the Publishers, or of the Librarian on the evenings of meeting. The following Books have been added by Donation and Purchase to the Library during the year : Slack's Marvels of Pond Life Cobbold's Entozoa Pereira's Lectures on Polarised Light Taylor's Half-hours by the Sea Side..... Owen's Odontography Douglas and Scott's Hemiptera Allman's Freshwater Polyzoa Popular Science Eeview Monthly Microscopical Journal Science Gossip The American Naturalist The Lens Sundry Pamphlets and Proceedings of Scientific It will be the endeavour of your Committee to enlarge this department of the Club's operations, and to make the Library Mi- J. W. Goodinge. Mr J. W. Groves. Mi- T. C. White. Mr . E. P. Pett. By Purchase. do. Replaced. Mr . Roht. Hardwiche do. do. In. Exchange. do. Societies. of tlie Club replete with works of reference on Microscopical Science as opportunities arise. The question of the issue of the Journal has occupied much attention during the past year. It has been felt that the sum paid for the Journal in its late form was such that it might very well be reduced, and your Committee hope, by issuing it at such intervals as may be influenced by the amount of really good matter to be printed, not only to economise the funds of the Club, but also to present to the members an acceptable volume of valuable papers ; and that members may be more frequently and speedily made ac- quainted with the proceedings of the Club, your Committee have under their consideration the issue of a Monthly Eeport, which they hope will meet with the approbation and appre- ciation of the members generally. By the admirable arrangement of the Excursion Committee, to whom your Committee tender their warmest thanks, vari- ous favourite localities have been visited during the past year, and many pleasant opportunities afforded for union with the neighbouring Natural History Societies, some members of which may generally be found joining with those of the Club on these occasions ; and your Committee would gladly see these Excursions more largely atteiided, as their advantage in the study of the various branches of Natural Science is undoubted. A Donation presented to the Club in the past year seems to call for especial notice. It is very desirable to ascertain accurately the magnifying power of each objective used, be- cause, though the approximate magnifying power is gene- rally stated, yet there is found in practice such a vast difference between the objectives of different makers, although possessing the same nominal power, that it is advisable in all cases where our observations are made with a view to com- 10 parison with those of others, that we should be sure we are using the same amplification. Mr. John E. Ingpen has had made and presented to the Club a Standard Dynamometer for making these measurements, and for the use of the members under certain restrictions ; and your Committee mention this to thank that gentleman for his liberal and valuable Donation. The Committee would also call atten- tion to an evidence of warm interest in the welfare of the Club on the part of an absent member evinced by Mr. Henry Horncastle, who has forwarded a cheque for .583 to be expended by the Committee in any way they may deem most beneficial. Your Committee cannot close this Report without thank- ing those gentlemen who, having kindly given their services in various departments of the Club's operations, have so efficiently carried out their work as materially to contribute to the general success. A change is contemplated in the office of Honorary Secretary — the duties of which, owing to the increased number of members, have now become very heavy. On the retirement of Mr. T. Charters White, who is miable from pressure of professional work to devote the great amount of time and attention necessary, it is proposed that a stipendary Assistant Secretary should be appointed, who will relieve the Honorary Secretary of part of the work, and be in other ways useful to the Club at large. By a reference to the Treasurer's Report it will be seen that the financial condition of the Club is prosperous, the balance although not large being still on the right side ; and your Committee cannot look back on the past year without seeing good ground upon which to base their congratulations to the members of the Quekett Mici*oscopical Club. PEESIDENT'S ADDEESS, Delivered at the Annual Meeting, July 25th, 1873, By K. BEAITHWAITE, M.D., F.L.S., &c. Gentlemen, — Tlie time having arrived at whicli I am called upon to present to you tlie annual budget, my first duty is to return thanks to all connected with this Club, for the kindly feeling and friendship which I have experienced during the year now closing, and to congratulate the members on the continued prosperity which attends its progress. Among the hundred or more Field Clubs and Associations of a kindred nature to our own, which exist in Great Britain at the present time, I think in point of numbers we are only surpassed by one, the Liverpool Field Club, founded in 1860, and reckoning some 640 members ; but as I believe ladies are included in their list, this may be the reason of its numerical superiority. We may however safely conclude that the Quekett Club at the close of this its eighth year of existence, is in as sound and prosperous a condition as ever, for I would remind you that with clubs as with individuals there are periods of prosperity and decline, some going altogether to the wall, and others dragging on an inglorious existence. To the unceasing interest of a section of our members, whose faces are familiar to us at every meeting, and whose readiness 12 to assist all fresli recruits to our ranks is proverbial, I attri- bute chiefly our unimpaired vitality. In looking back at the work achieved during the past year, beyond the pale of our Club, I feel how incompetent I am to bring before you a tithe of the results, and I must be con- tent to record a few of the most noteworthy. On the great question of the day — The Origin of Life — I can ofier you no evidence based on personal investigation, but I may premise, that I am not a believer in Abiogenesis, and the position has certainly not been strengthened during the past year, but rather the contrary, for so far as I can judge, the experiments tend to prove, that if existing germs be de- stroyed, and the entry of new ones absolutely excluded, we fail to meet with even the irrepressible Bacteria. The first has been secured by more carefully bringing all parts of the interior surface of the vessels in contact with the hot liquid, the latter by the use of stoppers which act as filtering media, thus plugs of cotton wool were adopted by Dr. Eoberts in his experiments at Manchester, and porous earthenware by Huizinga, which was luted into the necks of the vessels by means of asphalt : both have proved efiective for the purpose intended. To pass to another subject, I may point out that the facts established by Mr. Darwin, on the part played by insects in the fertilization of plants have been widely extended ; nay, we may almost question whether any flowers have been con- structed for their own independent self-impregnation, while many are obviously formed so as to prevent it, but ofier wonderful contrivances for the process being efiected by insects. The instances of Dimorphism and Trimorphism in flowers so ably investigated by this great naturalist are so curious that I cannot forbear referring to them. He showed that in numerous Primulas, some flowers have a stigma pro- jecting at the throat of the coroUa-tube, and no anthers 13 visible, while other flowers of the same species have anthers in the mouth of the corolla- tube, but the style does not reach half-way up ; in these latter plants the pollen grains are larger than in the former, and more seeds are also produced. Experiment showed that short-styled plants produced the full amount of seeds, only when fertilized by pollen from long-styled plants, and this at once pointed to the necessity for insect agency, for both kinds of flowers, though perfect or complete with respect to the apparatus requisite for repro- duction, are almost as dependent on extraneous assistance as if they»were unisexual. Although absolute incapacity for fertilization by the pollen in their own flowers did not take place in Primula, yet in Limim grandiflorum the long-styled form was absolutely sterile when fertilized by its ow^n pollen, but produced perfect seeds by pollen from the short-styled flowers. In connection with this subject, we also have the fact, that in many plants the anthers and stigmas in one flower are not matured at the same time, so as to be capable of acting on each other. If the anthers are mature first the condition is termed j^rotandrous, if the stigmas are, it is called protogynous ; and this state of things points clearly to insect agency being requisite for impregnation. Protandrism is much the most frequent, and Prof. Hildebrand has shown that the whole of the vast group of Compositae come mider this category; the styles elongate before the stigma is matured, and pushing through the tube of ripe anthers, brush ofi" the pollen by means of the hairs with which they are pro- vided, to be again removed by innumerable bees and flies that visit them, and again deposited on stigmas fit for their reception. Could there be a better example of Divine care, than that the means of reproduction should thus be extended over the widest area of time and space in the history of the individual, and of the mutual dependence of one large portion of creation on the services of another ? 14 Among the literature of this department of Biological science during the past year, I would especially point out the work of Strasburger, " Die Coniferen und Gnetaceen ;" these plants as you are aware constituting the Gymnosperms, and remarkable especially for the absence of an ovary, style and stigma. In this work which is accompanied by a quarto atlas of 26 plates, the author minutely describes their develop- ment and morphology, mixed up with which however is much theory of a fanciful nature, especially a genealogical tree, tracing back the conifers to Cycadese, which in turn he regards as derivatives of the extinct Lepidodendra, wtile the three little genera of Gnetacese are set down as the origin of Dicotyledons. In the Smithsonian Contributions is a valuable monograph of the fresh water Algoe of North America, by Dr. H. C. Wood, with 21 quarto plates. The species are described in accordance with Rabenhorst's work, the Diatoms being omitted, and I refer to it, as it may be of use to us here, until we get some similar work on this department of our own Flora. I would also set a high value on the labours of my friend Mr. Carruthers on fossil plants ; the use of the microscope by this competent observer, having cleared away much of the obscurity which shrouded our knowledge of these extinct plants, which but too frequently have come down to us, only as fragments of skeletons infiltrated with extraneous mate- rial ; the result has been a true interpretation of their struc- ture and affinities, and in many cases the restoration of the complete individual by the combination of two or more sup- posed genera into a single species. The last point under this head to which I would call attention, is a subject on which much has been written in Continental journals, without the matter having been settled. I allude to the extraordinary views propounded by Schwen- 15 dener with respect to Lichens, that this great section of the vegetable kingdom, which we had thought to be as well de- fined as mosses or Hepaticae, is constituted of nothing else but low forms of Algoe, overrun by ascomycetous fungi, which have become parastic upon them. The principal sup- port of his theory is founded on the similarity in structure between the gonidia of lichens and many unicellular Algoe, and under cultivation it was found that the gonidiai of Evernia and Cladonia continued to propagate and also to pro- duce zoospores. I do not know what our Crombie and Leighton have to say on the matter, but Nylander and Krempelhuber the great continental lichenologists, it is hardly necessary to say, are opposed to it, and no doubt con- tinued observation of the plants throughout all their stages of development, will in time clear up the difficulty. In Zoology I must give the highest place to the great work " Die Kalkschwiimme," or Calcareous Sponges, of Ernst Haeckel, in which he gives due recognition to the merits of our English naturalists, Grant, Johnston and Bowerbank. Grant first arranged the sponges into three divisions — Ceratospongiae, Silicispongiae, and Calcispongiae ; but while retaining the last, with which alone the present work deals, the author classes the two former together as Fibrospongise, and adds a third division, Myxospongige, for certain gela- tinous forms, as Halisarca. In the first volume of 484 pages are detailed the morpho- logy of the Entoderm and Exoderm, the Syncytine or Sar- codous tissue, and the Spicules ; the latter have a simpler nomenclature than that used by Dr. Bowerbank, being arranged in three groups : — 1. Three-rayed ; 2. Four-rayed (each with three divisions — regular, sagittal and irregular) ; and 3. Eod-like, which again embraces bacillose, fusiform and subuliform as single-poled, and clavate, rhopalate, stili- form, hastiform. and perforate as double-poled forms ; then 16 follows an account of the canal- systems and skeleton- systems, reproduction, distribution and position in the Animal King- dom, this heing not with the Protozoa but with the much higher Coelenterata. The second volume comprises the arrangement, which very curiously is on two systems, a natural and an artificial, each with difierent sets of genera, but which we are to adopt in naming the animals is not apparent. The third volume is occupied by fifty-five superb plates and their descriptions, and the work must be miiversally regarded as one of the finest contributions to our knowledge of this group that has yet appeared. I would also point out as worth your study. Dr. Petti- grew' s " Lectures on the Physiology of the Circulation in Plants, the Lower Animals and in Man," in which he clearly shows that the forces engaged are the same throughout, and corresponding to certain physical forces existing in the in- organic world; that living plants and animals, and their circulating fluids, exhibit an infinite variety of movements in their healthy state, and that they take in and give out fluid and solid organic and inorganic matters according to fixed laws. Hence plants and animals control their move- ments irrespective of the substances by which they are sur- rounded, the vital forces working in harmony with the physical. I ofier these remarks on a few of the prominent objects borne towards us on that great ocean of truth, by whose shores we are daily wandering, but hundreds more float around them, which you may make your own, nay must, if you would not rest content In dropping buckets into empty wells, And growing old in drawing nothing up. I would, in conclusion, remind you of that ancient gentle- 17 man, who with his gardener paid a visit for the first time in his life to his garden, and coming to a bed of tulips, says, "What are these?" "Tulips, sir." "Will they boil?" " 'No, sir." " Throw them out," and so on with other things. Anon they came to a holly-tree, which was condemned in like manner, but the gardener pointed out a little robin singing on the topmost bough, and begged that for its sake the tree should be spared ; the tree was left for as long as the robin should frequent it, and you know it remains standing to this day. I^ow our studies here may be but a holly-bush, yet if we cultivate them diligently, we shall find that a little robin presides over every one, and so long as he sings merrily in the green boughs, we must be made wiser, better, happier ; and an influence for good be shed abroad in our hearts, not only for the remainder of this short life, but even for ever — and for ever. o P (^ o ^ *^ I o § ^ CO o T— 1 CO o CO O o b- o o o tH , Ttl "^ O •r-\ CO (?1 CO -^ o o O) CO CQ 1-H T— 1 r-\ tH 1—1 <^ Ci -TiH 00 CO o a iO o o 00 ' PL| ' • ' CD 02 ■4^ O • 1—1 CM ' § 1 •a ' CD O d i o o OQ M CD CD (D CD o 5 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ - ^ ^ H^ W oqooooooco b-OO^OOOCO CijC^OOOOOOCOCO ^ tH T-4 1-1 rH CO CQ H I— I o is Cq W P I-; o a;' o _^ CD 1—1 CD fe ;=! o o 03 o E° S ^ to C3 g M O ;i ce ^ m ui CD o o > CD M CD g o o 'A H o K^ I— I ^< %^ ^^ i-M ■ I— I Ti (D CD c:) "cQ rHjJ . W. Reeves, W. T. Suffolk, xcursion Committee. John E. Ingpen, Hon. Secretary. Offices, 192, Piccadilly, W. W, DAVY AND SON, PRINTERS, GILBERT STRKKT, W. NINTH REPORT QUEKETT MICROSCOPICAL CLUB, LIST OF MEMBEES. Meeting at University College, London, on the Second and Fourth Fridays of every Month. Offices: 192, PICCADILLY, LONDON. July 1S74. {Extract from original Prospectus^ July 1865.) " The want of such a Chib as the present has long been felt, wherein •' Microscopists and students with kindred tastes might meet at stated periods ■' to hold cheerful converse with each other, exhibit and exchange specimens, ■' read papers on topics of interest, discuss doubtful points, compare notes of ■' progress, and gossip over those special subjects in which they are more or " less interested : where, in fact, each member would be solicited to bring his " own individual experience, be it ever so small, and cast it into the treasury '■ for the general good. Such are some of the objects which the present Club " seeks to attain. In addition thereto it hopes to organize occasional Field " Excursions, at proper seasons, for the collection of living specimens, to " acquire a Library of such books of reference as will be most useful to "enquiring students; and, trusting to the proverbial liberality of Micro- " scopists, to add thereto a comprehensive Cabinet of Objects. By these, and " similar means, the Quekett Microscopical Club seeks to merit the support " of all earnest men who may be devoted to such pursuits ; and, by fostering " and encouraging a love for Microscopical studies, to deserve the approval " of men of science and more learned societies." OFFICERS AND COMMITTEE. (Elected July 1874.) Dr. John Matthews, F.R.M.S. ilDic£-|l residents. Dr. Braithwaite, F.L.S., F.R.M.S. B. T. LowNE, F.R.C.S., F.R.M.S. Chas. F. White, F.R.M.S. T. C. White, M.R.C.S., F.R.M.S. Robert Hakdwicke, F.L.S. John E. Ingpen, F.R.M.S. |)oii. ^ecutHtg for Joreigit Comspfonbcncc. M. C. Cooke, M.A. |5oit. %tpxizx, Richard T. Lewis, F.R.M.S. Committee. B. Daydon Jackson. Fred. Oxley. Frank Crisp, LL.B., B. A., Lond., F.R.M.S. H. F. Hailes. F. H. P. Hind. J. G. Waller. W. A. Bevington, F.R.M.S. Dr. Foulerton. E. T. Newton, F.G.S. T. Rogers, F.R.M.S. J. C. Sigsworth, F.R.M.S. Geo. Williams. f on. fibrarmti. foir, Ciuator. Alpheus Smith. G. W. Ruffle. (!^uxxx$mx €ommtiUz. F. W. Gay, F.R.M.S. I W. T. Suffolk, F.R.M.S. W. W. Reeves, F.R.M.S. I F. Oxley. ^Kbange (of ^Itbes) Committee. H. F. Hailes. E. Marks. gissbtmrt ^tmtarg. E. Marks. A 2 PAST PEESIDENTS. Elected. EDWIN LANKESTEE, M.D., F.K.S. = = July, 1865. ERNEST HART .. = -.=„ 186G. ARTHUR E. DURHAM, E.L.S., &c. - = „ 1867. ,, ,, „ - - ' jj 1868. PETER LE NEVE FOSTER, M.A. - - „ 1869. LIONEL S. BEALE, M.B., F.R.S., &c. - - „ 1870. ,, ,, n ° - ° >? 1871. ROBERT BRAITHWAITE, M.D., F.L.S., &c. „ 1872. ,, ,, ,, - - - ,, 1873. 319 EEPOET OF THE COMMITTEE. Your Committee, in presenting their Ninth Annual Eeport, have again the pleasing duty of recording the continued prosperity of the Club, and its successful progress in the course marked out by its Founders. Your Committee gladly avail themselves of the opportunity again afforded them of thanking the Council of University College for the privilege of holding the Meetings of the Club in this room, which privilege has been continued for another year, in the same courteous manner as heretofore. The Club has lost five members by death during the past year— Mr. F. C. Barnett, Mr. T. W. Burr, Lt.-Col. Jeakes, Mr. H. Lea, and Mr. J. A. Tulk. The loss of Mr. T. W. Burr, who has been for more than six years a most active and useful Member — for five years a member of the Com- mittee, and lately a Vice-President — will be much felt, not only in our Club, but also in the various other scientific Societies to which he belonged ; and his ever ready resource and wise counsel will long be remembered by those who have acted with him. There have been also twentj^-four resigna- tions, besides which the number of Members has been reduced 320 by a careful revision of the list, and the removal of the names of many Members who have long ceased to take any interest in the welfare of the Club, and whose Subscriptions are largely in arrear. The result of this scrutiny is as follows : — Number of Members, June 30th, 1873 ... 564 „ since deceased... 5 „ „ resigned... 24 ,, removed for non- payment of Subscription 85 114 450 Number of Members elected since June, 1873 66 Present number 516 It will thus be seen that, though we number fewer Members than last year, there has been no reduction in the real strength of the Club. The attendance at the Meetings during the past year has attained a very good average, showing that the interest of the Members has not abated. The Ordinary Meetings have assumed a somewhat more formal character than was the case in earlier years, owing to the amount of business to be transacted; but the Conversational Meetings fully keep up the social character of the Club. The Papers read during the past year have by no means been wanting in interest. The following is a list in the order in which they were read : — On the Mouths of Insects . . Mr. B. T. Lowne. „ Collecting and Preserving Fresh-water Alga^. . . . Dr. Horatio Wood (communi- cated by Mr. M. C. Cooke). 321 On Nobert's Tests .... „ the Histology of Plants, 3rd Paper .... „ the " Science Gossip " Section Machine .... „ some Photomicrographs, pre- sented to the Club by „ the Sand-blast Cell . „ an " Immersion Tube " „ Insect Mounting in Hot Climates „ an Improved Method of Mount- ing Opaque Objects „ certain Remarkable Organisms observed in the Rat- Flea „ the Microscopic Structure of Flint and allied substances . „ the Histology of Plants, 4th Paper .... „ Section-cutting Machines How to make Thin Covering Glass On a False-light Excluder for Ob- jectives „ The Development of Hydra Vulgaris .... „ a New Section-cutting Machine „ the Histology of Plants, 5th Paper .... „ the Plistology of Plants, 6th Paper .... Dr. J. J. Woodward. Dr. Braitiiwaite. Mr. Walter White. Dr. J. J. Woodward. Mr. H. F. Hailes. Mr. Richards. Mr. T. CuRTiES and Mr. Ingpen. Mr. T. C. White. Mr. Furlonge. Mr. M. H. Johnson. Dr. Braithwaite. Mr. E. T. Newton. Mr. G. J. Burch (communicated by the Secretary). Mr. Ingpen. Mr. Fullagar, of Canterbury (communicated by Mr. Curties). Dr. Hoggan (communicated at the request of the President). Dr. Braithwaite. Dr. Braithwaite. These Papers appear either in extenso or in abstract in the pages of the Journal. Your Committee cannot pass over the admirable series of Papers " On the Histology of Plants," by our President, without special comment. They form a work of reference of the highest order, of which the Club may well be proud, and 322 add greatly to tKe permanent value of the Journal. It is to be hoped that so good an example may be followed by others. A similar series of Papers on Animal Histology would be of great value. In addition to the foregoing Papers many verbal com- munications of interest have been made, which are duly recorded in the proceedings. It is to be wished, however, that Papers should be con- tributed by a larger number of Members ; and your Com- mittee would remind those who are diffident as to the originality or value of their researches, of the first paragraph in the original prospectus of the Club. " This Club has been " established for the purpose of affording to microscopists, in *' and around the Metropolis, opportunities for meeting and *' exchanging ideas, without that diffidence and constraint " which an amateur naturally feels when discussing scientific ^' subjects in the presence of professional men.^' This is well carried out by the Conversational Meetings, at which the advice and assistance of experienced Members with reference to the desirability of bringing researches before the Club in the form of a Paper can always be obtained. The following additions to the Library have been made during the past year by donation and purchase : — TRESENTED BY Witheriiig's Botany, vols. 1 & 2, 3rd edition, 1796 Mr. Jas. WatMns. Geological Survey of Canada, Report for 1853 to 1856 Mr. E. Kiddle. Davies on Microscopical Mounting, 1st edition... Mr. J. F. Tafe. Lankester's Half-hours with the Microscope, 1st edition „ Suffolk on Spectrum Analysis The Author. Smithsonian Institution Report for 1871 U. S. Government. Cunningham on Microscopical Examinations of Air The Author. 323 Bailey on Microscopical Examination of At-] Messrs. Horncastle lantic Coast Soundings ) and Crisp's Donation. Brad^^'s Recent British Ostrocada „ Brady, Parker and Jones, on the Genus Polymorphina „ Brown on Foraminifera from the Colne Tidal River „ Busk's Polyzoa of the Crag „ Carter on New Species of Squamulina and Dif- fiugit^ „ D'Orbigny, Foraminiferes du Bassin Tertiare de Vienne „ Egger, Foraminifera from the Miocene of Orten- l^urg „ Ehrenberg, Sub-ocean Forms, &c „ Jeffreys, Fourth Report on Shetland Dredgings „ Jones, T. Rupert, Entomostraca of the Cretaceous Formation „ ,, Tertiary Entomostraca „ Karrer, Foraminiferen des Wiener Sandsteins ... „ „ „ des Wiener Beckons „ „ „ Koslej in Banat „ Mantell's Foraminifera of Chalk and Flint „ Mechelin's Iconograpliie Zoophytologique „ Parfitt, Protozoa of Devonshire, &c „ Parker and Jones' Foraminifera, Coast of Norway „ Reuss, Foraminiferen Crag d' An vers „ „ ,, der Septarienthrones von Berlin „ „ „ Kanara See „ „ „ Deutschen Oberoligocano... „ „ „ Westphalischen „ „ „ Lagenideen „ „ „ Oberburg in Steiermark ... „ „ „ des Deutschen Septarien- thrones „ Seguenza, Foraminifera of Messina „ Terquem, Foraminiferes du Lias „ Weaver, Composition of Chalk Rocks, &c „ 324 Bc.ale, How to Work with the Microscope, last edition. A second copy By purchase. Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, new series. Vol 8, up to present time „ A Monograph of the British Annelids. Part I. Ray Society's Vol. for 1 873 By suhscrijJtion. Popular Science Review Mr. R. Hardivicke. Monthly Microscopical Journal „ Science Gossip „ American Naturalist In Exchange. The Lens „ Proceedings of various Scientific Societies and sundry Pamphlets The works purchased with the donations of Mr. Horncastle and Mr. Frank Crisp are from the Library of Mr. M. C. Cooke. The following slides have been added during the past year to the Cabinet of the Club : — >Ir. CURTIES . . 14^ „ S. Israel 6 „ E. T. Newton . 12 „ Watktns . 10 „ W. Webb 4 „ W.White . .. . 5 183 The Annual Soiree was held on the 17th of April last, and was no less attractive than on former occasions, having been attended by more than 1,000 visitors. The rooms were less crowded than usual, owing to the increased space kindly placed by the Council of the College at the service of the Club. Upwards of 100 microscopes were exhibited by mem- bers, and about 50 by contingents from the South London, the Croydon, the Sydenham, and Forest Hill, and Tower-hill 325 Microscopical Societies. In addition to this, a brilliant dis- play of microscopes, spectroscopes, stereoscopes, &c., together with the latest improvements in apparatus, and many objects of interest, were kindly contributed by the leading opticians. Your Committee desire to take this opportunity of thanking the numerous gentlemen and firms who exhibited, for their valuable assistance, which contributed greatly to the success of the evening. During the past year your Committee have given much consideration to the best mode of publishing the Journal. While fully alive to the value of this feature, and the impor- tance attached to it by members residing at a distance and unable to attend the meetings, they do not consider it advis- able to guarantee a quarterly issue ; but it is their intention to publish at all periods when there is a sufficient accumula- tion of valuable matter. By the exercise of this discretion, it is considered that an equally satisfactory record can be ensured, with greater economy than hitherto. The Excursions are still as ably conducted as heretofore, and the attendance thereat has been greater than in previous years. It is to be regretted that more of the results have not been communicated to the Club, but it is satisfactory to know that the best localities near London are kept frequently under observation ; while the communication with other local societies on those occasions assists to promote the friendly feeling which it is desirable to encourage between this Club and others of a similar character. Your Committee take the opportunity of giving their cordial thanks to those gentlemen who devote themselves to the routine of the Club, and thereby keep it in good working order — often at considerable expenditure of time and trouble. To this efficient, though unobtrusive service, no small portion of the success of the Club has always been and still is due. 326 The Treasurer's report will be found satisfactory, for, though the balance in hand is not large, it is a genuine one, all accounts having been paid to the end of the Club's finan- cial year. Following its appointed career, improving instruments and methods of manipulation, educating beginners, afibrding genial intercourse to the experienced, and rendering assist- ance to each branch of natural science, we may justly con- gratulate the Club upon its present position, — remembering, however, that this is no time for rest, and that in the great competition now existing, it will require our best exertions and most earnest work to keep up the prestige of the Quekett Microscopical Club, so that it may continue worthy of the honoured name it bears. 327 PRESIDENT'S ADDRESS, Delivered at the Annual Meeting, July 24th, 1874, By K. BRAITHWAITE, M.D., F.L.S., &c. Gentlemen, — I now rise to fulfil one of the most difficult duties you have thought fit to impose upon the occupant of this chair, viz., to deliver an annual address ; but before endeavouring to do so, I must first tender my thanks to each and all whom I have been accustomed to meet in this room, for the courtesy and kindly feeling which I have always experienced, and to express the wish that the success which has attended your past career may still accompany your future progress. The guidance of a Society like this, for so long a period as two years, has not failed to impress me with some experience in its requirements, and the knowledge of possibly some slight defects in its work. The microscope in its present great state of perfection is not an instrument for pastime or amusement only, much less an apparatus for exciting wonder on certain periodic occa- sions, but rather a master-key which enables the possessor to pass beyond the region of familiar things, and unlock the gates of a great unknown land that stretches away on every side, and which numbers as its inhabitants every thing created. 328 Unless you are prepared to use it for the advancement of knowledge, what does it profit you ? and unless by previous study you are prepared to understand what you see, what does it profit you ? I recognize the man of learning here, What you touch not, lies not within your sphere ; What you grasp not, does not exist for you ; What you count not, most surely is not true ; What you weigh not, devoid of weight you call ; What you coin not, won't pass with you at all. "With these thoughts in mind, I have, as occasion offered endeavoured to sketch out for you a plan of work to be done in connexion with the Vegetable Kingdom. How small a proportion this bears to the corresponding work required for the animal world, I need not mention ; this I leave to my successors ; it is for you to fill in the details. Having then, put before you some of the leading features in the structure of plants, perhaps on the last occasion when it will be my privilege to address you, I may not unprofitably occupy your time with a few supplementary remarks on the function of the various organs — that is, the Physiology of Plants. We have seen that the first element in the formation of a plant is a cell, originating from the combination of carbonic acid and water on the one hand into gum or vegetable jelly, and of carbonic acid and ammonia on the other into proto- plasm or albumen ; that cells increase and multiply by divi- sion and then become changed, for they extend in dimensions, acquire deposit here, undergo resorption there, until all the different tissues are formed ; yet, just as in the animal kingdom, not one of these conditions is met with — transient, it may be, in the object before us — but is the permanent state in the life of some other organism ; and on this rests the foundation of the grand theory of evolution. To no subject could your microscopes be turned with greater profit, 329 tlian to trace out the changes in every organ, from the embryonic state to its full development. Each cell acts as an independent organism, absorbing fluids and gases from without, and elaborating in its interior new substances, some for the support of the plant, some stored up for future use, either in the life of the individual or of other orders of creation, some excreted as useless. In the higher plants we have great diiferentiation of tissues and great diversity in the functions which each is called on to perform : one set constituting cambium is occupied solely with the growth of the plant, while another is preparing sugar or starch or chlorophyl, yet guided by the inherent vital principle, each plays its proper part without interference with its neighbour, and we cannot imitate the process. Nageli has attempted to explain the mechanism of endos- mose and exosmose, by supposing that the walls of a cell consist of inconceivably minute particles, each of which, however, is surrounded on all sides by a fluid envelope ; other fluids will readily pass through this, and the entry of water would thus cause the molecules to be moved farther from each other and distension would result, while the passage of water outward would bring them closer together, and we should then have contraction. For the germination or first process of growth of the embryo plant which lies dormant in every fertile seed, certain conditions are necessary, without which it fails to appear. These are moisture, heat, and atmospheric air; water is absorbed by the cells, and after softening their texture, it next sets -about the solution of the nutritive material stored up in the seed, at the same time the cells continue to swell, and soon burst open the hard testa or pericarp by which they had been protected ; the amount of heat required is variable, depending on the climate of the countr}^ of which the plant is a native ; and that air is necessary, is proved by 330 placing seeds in an atmosphere of nitrogen or hydrogen, when they fail to germinate. Seeds germinate more rapidly in shade than in light, and the process is materially influenced by the chemical rays, for while blue light accelerates, yellow rays retard it. The decomposition of carbon is also due to the action of light, and hence it is necessary for the formation of wood and chlorophyl ; a due balance of the chemical and luminous rays is also required for the proper development of flowers and perfection of fruit. Thus you see how nicely adapted are the operations of nature to the co-existing external conditions of the world around : the seeds have laid dormant all through the long winter, or even stored up for years in the granary, and the embryo bud presents no signs of its existence, yet with the first rush of spring the requisite conditions are at hand, the earth is saturated with moisture, the sun with as yet a low elevation imparts sufiicient heat with a moderate supply of light ; but with the full blaze of summer power the flowers attain full development of form and hue, to pass under the calorific and chemical forces of autumn into ripened fruit, again to lie dormant for the winter. The first alteration set up in the seed is in the nitrogenized matter, diastase being formed, which acts as a ferment, and the starch is converted into dextrine and grape sugar, and thus rendered soluble and capable of assimilation ; carbonic acid is also evolved from combination of oxygen with the carbon of the seed, and as in all other cases of chemical action, heat is at the same time produced. Numerous experiments and theories have been devised to explain the cause of the constant downward growth of the radicle and upward growth of the plumule, but none are satisfactory ; and we must again fall back on vital force, guided by Divine Intelligence. The roots of plants only grow at their apex, and here the 331 absorbing cells are chiefly placed, and cellular hairs or pro- cesses of the epidermis which take the greatest share in the action; these soon die and are replaced by a corky layer, while fresh epidermis and hairs are again thrown out at the apex. By these, water holding various salts in solution is constantly being drawn up for the nourishment of the plant and supply of the inorganic elements required, which can only be assimilated when presented to the tissues in a liquid state. Epiphytal plants, by their aerial roots, take up nutri- ment from the atmosphere alone ; while parasites, which can only live on the juices of other plants, send cellular pro- longations into the tissues of the host, through which they suck out their nutriment, and thus destroy their supporter. The leaves are arranged in such a way as to be fully exposed to the influence of air and light ; and thus we find that, however numerous, there is no overlapping or inter- ference one with another. The fluids carried up from the root are elaborated in the cells and vessels of the leaves, and undergo important changes ; and again they absorb carbonic acid, ammonia, and water, and give ofi* water, oxygen, and other gases. Absorption of fluid by the surface of leaves takes place most readily when the cuticle is thin and the stomata numerous ; and this is the usual condition on the under surface. Dew and rain are thus taken up, and pass down the spiral vessels and parenchyma, and through the intercellular spaces ; carbonic acid is also rapidly removed by leaves, and this appears to go on continuously. The young cuticle readily absorbs water, but this power is greatly diminished by age, as it then becomes indurated and impregnated with waxy deposit. Transpiration or exhalation of watery fluid is also carried on by leaves, the amount varying with the structure of the leaf and the surrounding atmospheric conditions. When hard and dry, or when the cuticle is dense or supplied with 332 few stomata, as we see in the olive tree and many acacias, transpiration is small in quantity, and such plants are most frequent in arid regions. A dense woolly covering of hairs also resists drought, the fine cellular hairs absorbing dew, and in dry weather forming a flat coat which resists tran- spiration. The corky thickening which all epidermal cells undergo seems a wise provision to prevent exhalation, which is thus carried on solely by the stomata. Besides water, the leaves of plants give off gases, and thus are most important organs, as it is on this wise provision of nature that we and all the animal creation depend for the purity of the air we breathe. Priestley first discovered that plants enclosed in air vitiated by breathing restored it to its original purity; then Ingenhousz proved that plants give out oxygen, but only during daylight, that it is greatest in sunshine, and ceases at night, that poisonous plants behave in this respect like harmless, that it is from old leaves and the under surface that the largest amount is eliminated, and that aquatic plants give off the most. De Saussure determined that although carbonic acid was consumed during the day, it was given off at night ; and that Fungi, and blanched parts of plants, as well as leafless plants, exhaled carbonic acid. The carbonic acid appears to be manufactured by vital processes going on within the plant, and not by direct combination of the carbon of the plant with the oxygen of the air. It is believed that some nitrogen is also given off by plants, no doubt resulting from the de- composition of absorbed ammonia. The sap absorbed by the roots, containing inorganic matters in solution, reaches the leaves and is exposed to air and light, water is transpired extensively, and the inorganic matter not required for the growth of the plant and its secretions is stored up in the leaves, increasing in quantity with their age, as we find by the weight of ash left after burning them ; this consists of 333 salts of lime, potass, magnesia, &c., and thus the fall of the leaf is not an useless process in the economy of nature, but a means of restoring again to the earth large quantities of material for the nutriment of plants in the following season. The fluids absorbed by the roots are quickly diflused through the plant and carried up to the leaves, which by exhalation constantly require a fresh supply, and draw it upward to replace the loss, thus promoting a general move- ment through every part of the plant. In cellular plants the circulation is general throughout the tissues ; in ferns the fluid absorbed passes along the loose cellular tissue around the scalariform vessels ; in Monocotyledons it a scends through the elongated cells surrounding the spiral vessels, which ordinarily contain air ; in Dicotyledons the spring sap flows gradually up the stem, at first filling the spiral vessels, but as the leaves expand they exhale fluid, and then the spiral vessels contain air, and the sap passes by the newer wood vessels and cells ; and in summer we have the elaborated sap sent back from the leaves in an external current between the bark and the wood, from whence it is diflused through all the active cells and vessels of the stem. The first true insight into the reproductive process in plants appears to have been made known in this country by Grew in a paper read before the Royal Society in 1676, and next adopted by Ray in 1694. LinnsDus in 1736 gave to the world his celebrated sexual system, founded on the repro- ductive organs ; but although it was known that pollen was necessary for impregnation, its modus operandi was not under- stood, until in 1823 Amici discovered the pollen tubes, and Robert Brown traced them to the nucleus of the ovule. To the important part played by insects in the fertilization of plants I need not here refer, nor to the various modifica- tions in the structure of the style or stigma, designed to fulfil special ends ; but it may be of interest to place before B 2 334 you a very brief summary of the more secret part of the process, since our knowledge thereof has been gained entirely by the careful use of the microscope. During the maturation of the pollen the stigma becomes enlarged, its central tissue looser, and a viscid secretion bathes its surface, the ovule also alters, for one of its central cells becomes greatly enlarged, so as to form the embryo- sac, and at the end of this sac, next to the micropyle, certain delicate free nucleated cells are produced, which have been termed embryo- vesicles ; and now all is prepared for the crowning purpose of the plant^s existence. In Cryptogams, the first sign of a special function in cells is seen in the lower algge, in the process of conjugation, by which a tube is thrown across from adjacent filaments, and the endochrome of one cell passes over into the opposite one and a spore produced in it or in the intermediate tube. Passing higher in the scale, we find difierent kinds of reproductive organs : antheridia containing cells with a moving ciliated spermatozoid in each, and archegonia con- taining a germ-cell. In all these cases (Hepaticse, Mosses, and Ferns) the spermatozoids enter the archegonium and reach the central vesicle, which is thus impregnated ; they then lose all motion, and thus precisely correspond with the behaviour of spermatozoa in the animal ovum. Taking a Fern as the type, we find the spore grows into a lobulated prothallium, on the under surface of which anthe- ridia and archegonia are produced, the former consisting of a papilla containing free cells which are discharged at an opening in the apex ; these then burst and liberate a ciliated spiral filament, the spermatozoid. The archegonia are fewer and larger, consisting of ten or twelve cells, and have a central canal leading to a large globular germ- cell embedded in the prothallium. The spermatozoids passing down the canal come in contact with the central cell of the arche- 335 gonium, and the inner mouth of the archegonial canal closes by swelling of the adjacent cells. The fertilized germinal vesicle enlarges until it fills the central cell and then begins to divide, and from it the permanent stem of the fern com- mences its growths, throws out radicles, and the prothallium withers away. Passing next to Phcenogamous plants, we find the repro- ductive organs evident enough, polleniferous stamens and ovuliferous pistils ; but we will first take the Gymnosperms or Cycads and Conifers, in which impregnation takes place by direct contact between the pollen and ovule, in Cycads the naked ovules being placed on the margin of modified leaves, while in Conifers the scales covering the seeds are regarded as bracts. In Conifers, the pollen grains are applied to the large micropyle of the ovule without the intervention of a stigma, their tubes then traverse the delicate cells of the nucleus and reach the embryo-sac ; the sac enlarges and very slowly becomes filled with endosperm cells. Next, three to six cells at the micropylar end enlarge and form corpuscles, each of which is at first separated from the inner wall of the embryo- sac by a simple cell which divides into four by cross walls, and in the middle of these a passage is left leading to the corpuscle. The pollen-tubes keep slowly growing, pass through the tissue of the nucleus, then perforate the wall of the embryo-sac, and on between the four cells to the cor- puscle, which they impregnate ; a cell at the lower end of the corpuscle then enlarges and forms the embryonal vesicle, a free cell in which di^ddes into eight cells, forming a short cylindric pro-embryo. The four lower cells of this, by elon- gation of the upper, are pushed into the nucleus, the upper now appearing as suspensors, each of the cells at their lower ends becoming an embrj^o. There are thus four times as many embryos as corpuscles, but usually only one developes 336 to that of a perfect seed. Twelve or thirteen months elapse between the entrance of the pollen- tubes and production of corpuscles. In the Angiosperms, or great mass of flowering plants, the pollen falls on the viscid stigma, the extine bursts, and the intine is protruded as a tube, which pushes on down the style until it reaches the ovule, sometimes a short process rising from the ovule to meet it ; still pushing on, it enters the micropyle and reaches the embryo-sac. Here it comes in contact with the already formed embryonal vesicle, which after impregnation divides into two cells by a transverse partition, the lower forming the embryo- globule, while the upper elongates and becomes the suspensor. In the process of impregnation a large amount of oxygen is absorbed and carbonic acid evolved, and an elevation of temperature takes place ; the pollen is shed at the time the greatest amount of heat is produced, and the stamens have a higher temperature than the pistils. In certain orders also, above all in the Araceae, the evolution of heat is most marked. In our common Arum maculatum, during the expansion of the spathe, the temperature has been found to be 15 to 20° above that of the air, in Arum dracuncuhis as much as 31°, but in Colocasia odora growing in the Isle of France, Hubert found that a thermometer in the centre of twelve spadices stood at 142°, while the temperature of the air was 74-75°. A far more important point, however, to be borne in mind in the growth of plants, is the absorption of light and heat, since the formation of the tissues, the production of chloro- phyl, the gay tinting of the flowers, the induration of the wood, and all the manifestations of plant-life are solely the result of the transformation of heat into mechanical work ; and never do I muse over my study fire, but the thought ever recurs, that here from the coal-plants is brought back to me, visibly, sensibly, those very sunbeams which shone 337 forth in the bygone ages that preceded man's appearance on the earth. As we know that no matter is ever lost, as »we know that no force is ever lost, so have we reason to believe that no thought is ever lost ; let it then be your aim so to utilize the constituents of this material universe around you, that they may react on your thoughts and guide them into good and useful work. Pray that the mystery of life may lead you to look with reverence on every flower which enlivens your path, and with means and opportunity to explore its most intimate structure, you may be lifted above the commonplace things of this world, — above the waxen flowers, the worship of the passing hour, — to find at last that peace of mind which passeth all understanding. He prayeth best, who loveth best All things both great and small ; For the dear God who loveth us, He made and loveth all. 338 rd O r-H CD -^ o ''^ o r-t T-l CO i . tH Tj< cq r-l o o i-H CI Tt< t' -s CQ rH r-H tH r-l tH § Crt CO cq cq ci (M f>N r-H tH o CO t* O CO 23 > a 1 1 1 1 , , , ^ , , , , ■*" ^ +3 •4^ CG ■^ _JL^ a rt c3 i , -t-=> O • DQ , . , . 1' CO ' ■ 1 ' t^ H 1 lO 1 •■Bl a§ CXD i-H o CO 1 g p 1 * o tH O 2 W >-j ^ .s ». ». -M r! PQ - - - ^ J o 5^ 05 m O l-H rd XO O O O 05 O O O o CO ^ 1 a O O o 1 CO 1-i 00 O 00 iO 05 rH O 1—1 CO CO -2 03 § 5 1:^ p^ Illl , .5 g O) O § EH H EH CQ P-l ' 03 ' 02 s o Ha O r^H .rH (^ PM ^ '^ *S ^ .a o o 1 o eg p. CO S r^ ^ rO g i > OJ o 03 <1 O) o ft. OJ -^=> ^ .'a ;i o c3 1 pq h^l oQ P c;^ o - - ; - H ;h HONOEAKY MEMBEES. Date of Election. Oct. 25, 1867 Guiseppe de Notaris, Professor of Botany, dc, Sc^ Eome. Jan. 24, 1868 Arthur Meade Edwards, M.D., 314 West Tliirty- fourth- street. New York. Mar. 19, 1869 Eev. E. C. Bolles {Ex-President of the Portland Society of Natural History), Brooklyn, New York. July 26, 1872 S. 0. Lindberg, M.D., Professor of Botany, Uni- versity of Helsingfors, Finland. July 26, 1872 Prof. Hamilton L. Smith, President of Hobart- CoUege, Geneva, New York, U.S.A. July 26, 1872 J. J. Woodward, Assist. Surgeon, U.S.A. War De- partment, Surgeon General's Office, Washington. July 24, 1874 Sharpey, W., M.D., F.E.S., 33 Woburn-place, W.C. LIST OF MEMBEES Date of Election. Sept. 2i7l869 Ackland, William, L.S.A., F.E.M.S., 3 Holborn- viaduct, E.G. Nov. 27, 1868 Adkins, William, 270 Oxford- street, W. Mar. 23, 1866 Allbon, W., F.E.M.S., 525 New Oxford- street, W.C. Oct. 28, 1870 Allen, Eev. Francis H., Ditcliingham, Bungay, Norfolk. Sept. 27, 1867 Allen, John T., 57 Cross-street, Islington, N. July 26, 1872 Alstone, John, 140 Eye-lane, Peckham, S.E. Dec. 17, 1869 Ames, George Ackland, F.E.M.S., Union Club, Trafalgar- square, W.C. Sept. 25, 1868 Andrew, Arthur E., 3 Neville-terrace, Fulham- road, S.W. Dec. 22, 1865 Andrew, F. W., 3 Neville-terrace, Fulham-road, S.W. Oct. 25, 1872 Andrew, F. W., jun., 3, Neville-terrace, Fulham- road, S.W. Sept. 22, 1865 Annett, James, Hami3ton, Middlesex. July 7, 1865 Archer, J. A., 172 Strand, W.C. Feb. 23, 1872 Atkins, A., M.E.C.S., 232, Mile End-road, E. Feb. 23, 1872 Atkins, A., jun., L.E.C.P., 232 Mile- end- road, E. Dec. 22, 1865 Atkinson, John, 33 Brook-street, W, Feb. 26, 1869 Atkinson, William, F.L.S., 47 Gordon- square, W.C. Mar. 27, 1868 Aubert, Alfred, Lloyds, E.C. Nov. 25, 1870 Baber, Edward Cresswell, L.E.C.P., M.E.C.S., F.E.M.S., 34 Thurloe- square, S.W. Date of Election. June 26, 1874 Badcock, John, 2 Banbnry-road, South Hackney, E . July 25, 1873 Baguley, John E., 51 Thistle-road, Brompton, S.W. May 22, 1868 Bailey, Captain L. C, E.N., F.E.G.S., E.A.S., Topographical Department, New- street, Spring- ' gardens, S.W. Dec. 27, 1867 Bailey, John W., 75 Broke-road, Dalston, E. April 24, 1868 Baker, Chas., F.E.M.S., 244 High Holborn, W.C. Feb. 28, 1873 Baker, George H., M.E.C.S., 14 Mare-street, Hackney, E. Oct. 24, 1873 Baker, Thomas John, M.E.C.S., L.S.A., 18 Junc- tion-road, Highgate-hill, N. Mar. 24, 1871 Baly, Charles, 75 Margaret- street, W. Dec. 27, 1872 Barnard, Herbert, 33 Portland- place, W. April 22, 1870 Barnes, Chas. Barritt, 6Q Old Broad-street, E.C. Sept. 27, 1872 Bartlett, Edward, jun., 38 Connaught- square, W. Aug. 22, 1873 Bartlett, Wm., L.D.S., M.E.C.S., 1 Cambridge- villas, Southall, W. June 23, 1871 Bartlett, Wm. P., 2a Eastbourne-terrace, W. May 22, 1874 Bate, Dr. George Paddock, 412 Bethnal Green- road, E. Mar. 27, 1874 Beach, Eichard J., 59 Ashburton- grove, Lower Holloway, N, June 24, 1870 Beale, Lionel S., M.B., F.E.S., F.E.M.S., 61 Grosvenor- street, W. June 25, 1869 Beale, Charles J., Box 110, Post Office, Toronto, Canada. May 28, 1869 Bean, Charles E., Brooldyn-house, Goldhawk-rd., Shepherd's Bush, W. Oct. 26, 1866 Beck, Joseph, F.E.M.S., 31 Cornhill, E.C. May 26, 1871 Bedwell, Eras. Alfred, M.A., Cantab., F.E.M.S., Bridlington, Hull. May 24, 1872 Bennett, W. H., St. George's Hospital, S.W. Mar. 24, 1871 Bentley, Algernon Eoyds, 9 Portland- place, W. Dec. 27, 1867 Bentley, C. S., Hazelville Villa, Sunnyside-road, Hornsey-rise, N. May 22, 1868 Berney, John, F.E.M.S., 61 North-end, Croydon. Oct. 23, 1868 Bevington, W. A., F.E.M.S., 113 Grange-road, S.E. Date of Election. June 24, 1870 Birch, A. E., 47 Halliford- street, Islington, N. July 28, 1871 Bishop, Wm., 1 Alma-villas, Wood-green, N. Feb. 23, 1866 Blake, T., 6 Charlotte-terrace, Brook-green, Ham- mersmith, W. Mar. 19, 1869 Blankley, Frederick, F.E.M.S., 23 Belitha-yiUas, Barnsbury, N. Oct. 24, 1873 Bolton, Major Frank, 21 Victoria Mansions, S.W. Sept. 27, 1872 Borthwick, Lord, 35 Hertford- street, Mayfair, W. April 22, 1870 Bossy, Alfred Horsley, Prospect Cottages, Stoke Newington, N. Nov. 27, 1868 Boustead, James, Stourfield Lodge, Effra-road, Brixton, S.E. May 22,1874 Box, Edward Gaspar, Queen's-road, Bayswater,W. Oct. 23, 1868 Brabham, T., 61 Castle-street, Leicester-sq., W.C. June 26, 1874 Brady, Henry, 96 Palace-gardens-terrace, W. Dec. 22, 1865 Brain, T., 1 Upper Vernon- street, Lloyd-square, W.C. Oct. 27, 1865 Bkaithwaite, E., M.D., M.K.C.S.E., F.L.S., F.E.M.S. {Vice-President), The Ferns, Clapham- rise, S.W. Mar. 28, 1873 Bridgman, Frank G., 18 Queen Anne-street, Cavendish- square, W. Dec. 27, 1872 Bridgman, William Kencely, 69 St. Giles's-street, Norwich. May 27, 1870 Brigham, H. G., St. George's Hospital, S.W. May 27, 1870 Brown, George Dransfield, M.E.C.S., Uxbridge- road, Ealing, W. May 22, 1868 Brown, W. J., 4 Malbro-terrace, Maple-road, Penge, S.E. May 26, 1871 Browne, George, 80 Pratt Street, Camden-town, N.W. Feb. 27, 1872 Browne, Eev. Thomas Henry, F.E.M.S., High Wycombe, Bucks. May 24, 1867 Browne, H., 40 Camden- square, N.W. Sept. 27, 1872 Bugby, Wm., 3 Wilton- villas, Uxbridge-road, W. May 22, 1874 Burgess, John James, 1 Cop thall- chambers, E.C. Sept. 28, 1866 Burgess, J. W., 1 Sylvester-villas, Markliouse-rd., Walthamstow, E. Feb. 23, 1866 Burgess, N., 1 Sylvester-villas, Markhouse-rd., Walthamstow, E. Date of Election. June 25, 1869 Burgess, W. F., Guy's Hospital, S.E. Aug. 26, 1870 Burgess, Martin, 10 Asliby-place, Brockley-road, S.E. May 22, 1874 Burnham, F. C, 78 Farringdon- street, E.G. Feb. 27, 1874 Burton, Thomas W., 46 King Edward's-roacl, South Hackney, E. Sept. 27, 1872 Bush, Wm., The Grove, East Dulwich, S.E. June 14, 1865 Bywater, Witham M., F.E.M.S., 5 Hanover- scjuare, W. May 24,1867 Callaghan, James, 278 Commercial- road, Peckham, S.E. May 22, 1874 Callaghan, William Edmund, 18 South Audley- street, W. Sept. 25, 1868 Capel, Charles C, North Cray-i^lace, Chislehurst, Kent. May 22, 1874 Carruthers, Herbert, 4 Sussex- villas, Eichmond, Surrey. May 26, 1871 Catchpole, Kobert, 101 Lancaster -road, Notting- hUl, W. Feb. 28, 1873 Chapman, A. W., Beaufoy Lodge, 32 St. John's- wood-road, N.W. Dec. 27, 1867 Chapman, W. C, 39 Granville- square, W.C. May 22, 1874 Clayton, James, 30 Hemingford-road, N. May 26, 1871 Coales, Dr. E., 119 Gower-street, W.C. May 22, 1868 Cocks, W. G., 18 Kent-villas, Grange-road-east, Dalston, E. May 28, 1869 Cole, Walter B., F.E.M.S., St. John's-terrace, Weymouth. April 24, 1874 Cole, Wm., 1 The Common, Stoke Newington, N. May 23, 1873 Coles, Alfred K., Stamford- hill, N. Jan. 25, 1867 Coles, Ferdinand, A.P.S., 248 King's-road, Chel- sea, S.W. April 23, 1869 CoUings, Thomas P., 38 Surrey- street. Strand, W.C. July 7, 1865 Collins, C, F.E.M.S., 157 Great Portland- street, W. Feb. 23, 1872 Colvin, Alexander, Barham Lodge, Weybridge, Surrey. Date of Election. Sept. 2771872 Connolly, Charles T., L.S.A., 3 Church- hill- villas, Wood-green, N. June 14, 1865 Cooke, M. C. {Hon. Sect, for Foreitjn Correspondence), 2 Grosvenor- villas. Junction-road, Upper Hollo- way, N. Feb. 22, 1867 Cooper, Frank W., L.E.C.S. Edin., Leytonstone, E. Mar. 23, 1869 Coppock, C, F.M.S., F.E.M.S., 31 Cornhill, E.C. June 27, 1873 Corbett, Alfred L., 103 Fentiman-road, Clapham, S.W. Feb. 27, 1874 Cornish, James, The Infant Establishment, Horn- sey-road, N. May 28, 1869 Cottam, Arthur, F.K.A.S., Office of Woods, White- hall, S.W. July 26, 1872 Cowan, Thos. Wm., Hawthorn-house, Horsham, Sussex. July 23, 1869 Creer, Edwin A. 0., 2 Albany-place, Commercial- road East, E. Aug. 28, 1868 Crisp, Frank, L.L.B., B.A. Lond., F.E.M.S., 134 Adelaide-road, N.W. Dec. 23, 1870 Crisp, John S., F.E.M.S., 62 Camberwell-road, S.E. Feb. 27, 1868 Crook, Thomas, F.K.M.S., 3 Grosvenor-villas, Cleveland-road, Surbiton, S.W. Sept. 28, 1866 Crouch, Henry, F.E.M.S., 66 Barbican, E.C. May 25, 1866 Curties, T., F.E.M.S., 244 High Holborn, W.C. April 26, 1872 Curwen, Herbert, Workington House, Upton, Essex, E. Mar. 22, 1872 Daintrey, George, 43 Oakley-road, Southgate- road, W. June 25, 1868 Darnley, D. Eowland, 12 John-street, Bedford- row, W.C. Oct. 24, 1873 Dashwood, Horace, 47 Milner- street, N. June 23, 1871 D'Aubney, Thos., Shepherdess-walk, Hoxton, N. May 23, 1873 Davey, Eobert E. F., War-offic^, Pall-mall, S.W. Oct. 24, 1873 Davies, John Eussell, Alpha-villa, London-road, Clapton, E. Oct. 22, 1869 Davis, Henry, 19 Warwick- street, Leamington. Date of Election. Dec. 23, 1870 Dawson, George M., Eoyal School of Mines, S.W. Jan. 22, 1869 Deed, Alfred, 94 King Henry's-road, Primrose- hill, N.W. June 26, 1868 Dickens, Charles, Latimer-house, Hadley, Mid- dlesex. Jan. 23, 1874 Doble, Edmund Mohun, 12 Mount Ararat-villas, Eichmond, Surrey. Nov. 24, 1865 Dobson, H. H., F.E.M.S., Pelham-lodge, Alex- andi-a-road, St. John's- wood, N.W. July 26, 1872 Doggett, Ernest, 3 Liquoi-pond- street, E.G. Nov. 27, 1868 Douglas, Eev. E. C, Manaton Eectory, Moreton- hampstead, Exeter. Jan. 28, 1870 Dowson, Edward, M.D., M.E.C.S., F.E.M.S., 117 Park- street, Grosvenor- square, W. July 28, 1871 Drew, G. C, Milton-house, Cassland-road, South Hackney, E. Dec. 23, 1870 Duck, WHliam A.', 4 High-street, Yauxhall- cross, S.E. April 26, 1872 Dudgeon, E. E., M.D., 53 Montagu- square, W. Oct. 25, 1872 Dunning, Chas. G., 53 Crowndale-road, Camden- town, N.W. Sept. 22, 1865 Durham, Aiihur E., F.L.S., F.E.M.S., 82 Brook- street, Grosvenor- square, W. Nov. 23, 1866 Durham, F., M.B., F.E.C.S., 14 St. Thomas's- street, S.E. Sept. 25, 1868 Eddy, James Eay, F.E.M.S., F.G.S., Carleton- grange, Skipton, Yorkshire. June 28, 1867 Edmonds, E., 178 Burrage-rd., Plumstead, S.E. May 26, 1871 Enock, Frederick, 14 Medina- rd., Holloway, N. Sept. 24, 1869 Epps, Eichard, M.E.C.S., 89 Great Eussell- street, W.C. Dec. 18, 1868 Eyi-e, Samuel, Belmore-lodge, Priory-grove, South Lambeth, S.W. June 26, 1874 Fardon, Edward Ashby, 80 Cambridge- street, Pimlico, S.W. July 25, 1873 Ease, Eev. Henry J., 57 Winchester-street, Pim- lico, S.W. Date of Election. Mar. 27, 1868 Field, James, High-street, Higligate, N. July 26, 1867 Fitch, Frederick, F.R.G.S., F.R.M.S., Hadleigh- hoTise, Highbury New-park, N. Jan. 23, 1874 Flux, E. H., 1 West-hill, Highgate, N. Jan. 27, 1871 Forshaw, Thomas, jun., the Bower, Bowden, Altrincham, Cheshire. Aug. 4, 1865 Foster, Peter le Neve, M.A. Cantab., F.R.M.S., Society of Arts, Adelphi, W.C. Mar. 24, 1871 Foulerton, Dr. J., Thatched House Club, Saint James's-street, S.W. Dec. 28, 1866 Fox, C. J., F.E.M.S., 16 Cork-street, Bond-street, W. July 26, 1872 Francis, T. Harper, 335 Gray's-inn-road, W.C. June 23, 1871 Freeman, Henry E., 1 Rose-villas, Colney-hatch- road. Wood-green, N. May 26, 1871 Freshwater, Thos. E., 2 Charlotte- street, Caledo- nian-road, N. Feb. 26, 1869 Fricker, C. J., 4 Westow-hill-terrace, Upper Nor- wood, S.E. May 22, 1868 Fryer, G. Henry, 14 The Terrace, Kilburn, N.W. Oct. 26, 1868 Furlonge, W. H., Coed Mawr-house, Holywell, Flint shii'e. July 28, 1871 Furneaux, John Richard, Boxgrove-house, Mayow- park, Forest-hni, S.E. Nov. 25, 1870 Fyfe, Andi-ew, M.D., 42 Montpelier- square, S.W. Mar. 19, 1869 Gann, James W., 171 Fenchurch- street, E.C. Mar. 25, 1870 Garden, Robert Spring, 42 Carlton-hill, St. John's- wood, N.W. May 25, 1866 Gardiner, G., F.M.S., 244 High Holborn, W.C. April 24, 1868 Garnham, John, F.R.M.S., 123 Bunhill-row, E.C. July 7, 1865 Gay, F. W., F.R.M.S., 113 High Holborn, W.C. Sept. 22, 1865 Geddes, P., Millbank, Westminster, S.W. Jan. 28, 1870 Gellatly, Peter, Loughton, Essex. July 26, 1867 George, Edward, F.R.M.S., 12 D«rby-villas, Forest-hill, S.E. July 22, 1870 Gibson, Joseph F., F.R.M.S., 3 Furnival's Inn, E.C. Date of Eloctiou. June 14, 1865 Gibson, W., 273 Regent- street, W. June 27, 1873 Glasspoole, Hampden G., 12 Hunter- street, Bruns- wick-square, W.C. Nov. 22, 1867 Golding, W. H., 19 Regina-road, Tollingtou-park, X. Dec. 23, 1870 Goldsmith, John Charles, 5 America- square, E.G. Oct. 26, 1866 Gooch, James W., 23 High-street, Eton. Nov. 22, 1872 Goodchild, J. E., 114 Englefield-rd., Islington, N. Aug. 23, 1872 Goode, A=, Whitehall-lane, YV'oodford, Essex. Dec. 22, 1865 Goode, W., 729 Wandsworth-road, S.W. April 26, 1872 Goodinge, James Wallinger, 18 Aldersgate- street, E.G. Mar. 27, 1866 Gray, S. Octavus, 44 Doughty-street, W.C. Dec. 22, 1865 Gray, \V. J., M.D., F.R.M.S., 41 Queen Anne- street, Cavendish- square, W. May 22, 1874 Green, G., 6 Helmet-row, St. Luke's, E.G. Jan. 28, 1870 Green, Nathaniel E., 3 Circus-road, St. John's- wood, N.W. Oct. 28, 1870 Greene, William Asbury, Parkshot, Richmond, Surrey. Oct. 23, 1868 Greenish, T., F.R.M.S., 20 New-street, Dorset- square, N.W. Oct. 23, 1868 Gregory, Henry R., 38 Welbeck- street, W. May 23, 1873 Gregory, William, 406 Strand, W.C. May 22, 1874 Grey, Ernest, 19 Southill-park, Hampstead, N.W. June 26, 1874 Gritton, John Hall, 18 Northampton-park, Canon- bury, N. June 26, 1874 Gritton, Joseph, 18 Northampton-park, Canon- bury, N. July 24, 1868 Groves, J. W., F.R.M.S., 25 Charlotte- street, Bedford- square, W.C. Julj 24, 1868 Grubbe, E. W., C.E., 49 Queen's-gardens, Hyde- park, W. Jan. 27, 1871 Guimaraens, Augustus de Souza, F.R.M.S., 120 Ossulton- street, Euston- square, N.W. Mar. 22, 1872 Guyton, Joseph, 5 Apsley-terrace, Acton, W. Feb. 28, 1873 Haddon, Alfred C, 3 Bouverie-street, E.G. Jan. 23, 1874 Hadland, J. H., 11 King William-street, E.G. Date of Election. June 14, 18G5 Hailes, Henry F., 7 Haringay-road, Hornsey, N. Aug. 26, 1870 Hailstone, Eobert H., 35 Walworth- road, S.E. Feb. 23, 1867 Hainwortli, W., jun., Clare-villa, Cricketfield-road, Lower Clai^ton, E. Mar. 19, 1869 Hall, Marshall, Capt., F.G.S., F.C.S., F.E.M.S., New University Club, St. James's- street, S.W. Feb. 22, 1869 Hammond, A., 3 Alexander-road, Marine- town, Sheerness. Oct. 22, 1869 Harcourt, Cyril B., St. George's Hospital, S.W. June 14, 1865 Hardwicke, Eobert, F.L.S. {Treasurer), 192 Picca- dilly, W. Jan. 23, 1874 Hardy, James Daniel, 11 Clarence- villas, Clarence- road, Clapton, E. Sept. 28, 1866 Harkness, W., F.E.M.S., Laboratoiy, Somerset- house, W.C. June 23, 1871 Harris, Edward, F.E.M.S., Eydal- villa, Langton- grove. Upper Sydenham, S.E. July 26, 1872 Harrod, John, 3 Great Tower-street, E.C. Nov. 26, 1869 Hart, Edward, Highbury New-park, N. Nov. 24, 1871 Hawker, Charles, M.D., 2 Albion-terrace, Wliite Horse-lane, Stepney, E. June 24, 1870 Hawkins, Samuel J., Bleak Dean, near Hepton- stall, Manchester. June 28, 1867 Hawksley, Thos. P., 4 Blenheim- street, New Bond- street, W. May 27, 1870 Haywood, Henry, Dartmouth-terrace, Eotherhithe, S.E. Aug. 23, 1872 Hembry, F. W., F.E.M.S., 7, St. John's-villas, Overton-road, Brixton, S.W. Aug. 26, 1870 Hennell, Col. S., F.E.M.S., Ventnor- villa, Ventnor, Isle of Wight. June 26, 1868 Henry, A. H., 49 Queen's-garden, Hyde-park, W. June 26, 1874 Hewitt, W. W., F.E.M.S., 5 Torriano-gardens, Camden-road, N.W. May 22, 1868 Hicks, J. J., 8 Hatton- garden, E.C. Dec. 17, 1869 Hill, D. W., 78 Highbury New-park, N. Sept. 24, 1869 Hilton, J. D., M.D., Upper Deal, Deal, Kent. Sept. 28, 1866 Hind, F. H. P., Bartholomew- house, Bartholomew- lane, E.C. Date of Election. May 22, 1874 Hind, George, 244 High Holboru, W.C. May 24, 1872 Hiuton, Ernest, 42 Grafton -street, Seven Sisters- road, Holloway, N. Aug. 26, 1870 Hirst, John, jim., .F.E.M.S., Dobcross, near Man- chester. Aug. 4, 1865 Hislop, W., F.R.A.S., High-street, Tunbridge- wells. Dec. 23, 1870 Histed, Edward, James- street, Brighton. Oct. 26, 1866 Holdernesse, W. B., 12 Park-street, Windsor. Axml 26, 1867 Hooton, C, 3 Horningston-villas, Junction-rd., N. May 22, 1868 Hopkinson, J., F.R.M.S., 8 Lawn-road, Haver- stock-hill, N.W. Oct. 26, 1866 Horncastle, H., Whitem\)or, near OUerton, Notts. June 25, 1869 Houghton, W., Walthamstow, E. May 22, 1874 Hovenden, C. W., 95 City-road, E.G. April 26, 1867 Hovenden, F., F.R.M.S., Glenlea, Thurlow-park- road, Dulwich, S.E. Feb. 25, 1870 Hudleston, W. H., J.P., F.G.S., 23 Cheyne-walk, S.W. Jan. 26, 1872 Hudson, Robert, F.R.S., F.R.M.S., Clapham- common, S.W. Dec. 28, 1866 Hunt, W. H. B., F.R.M.S., 23 Eversholt- street, Oakley-square, N.W. Nov. 24, 1871 HurdeU, Charles, 9 North Audley- street, W. July 25, 1873 Hurst, John Thomas, The War-office, Whitehall, S.W. Nov. 25, 1870 Hutton, Rev. Wyndliam M., Lezayre-vicarage, Ramsey, Isle of Man. May 24, 1867 Ingpen, John E., F.R.M.S. {Hon. Secretary), 7 The HiU, Putney, S.W. June 23, 1871 Isaac, Thomas, Maldon, Essex. Aug. 22, 1873 Israel, S., 1 The Crescent, America- square, E.C. Feb. 23, 1872 Izod, Theodore Chas., 10 Grange- villas. Grange- road, Upper Clapton, E. Dec. 17, 1869 Jackson, B. D., F.R.M.S., 30 Stocliwell-road, S.W. July 24, 1868 Jackson, F. R., Culver-cottage, Slindon, Arundel, Sussex, c 2 Date of Election. June 14, 1865 Jaqnes, Edward, F.E.M.S., 5 Hargrave-park-road, Ui)per Holloway, N. Jan. 27, 1871 Jefferson, Henry, Eldon-liouse, Clapliam- common, S.W. Ai)ril 23, 1869 Jefferson, Thomas, 3 Church- street, Lower Ed- monton. Feb. 28, 1873 Jenldns, J. W., 1 St. John's-hill, Wandsworth, S.W. July 24, 1868 Jenmngs, Eev. Nathaniel, M.A., F.E.A.S., 66 Avenue-road, Regent's park, N.W. Jan. 25, 1867 Johnson, John A., 15 Wellington-road, Stoke New- ington, N. Feb. 24, 1871 Johnson,. M. Hawkins, F.G.S., 379 Euston-road, N.W. Mar. 24, 1871 Johnstone, James, jun., 14 Lordship-park, Green- lanes, N. Oct. 25, 1872 Jones, E. W., F.E.A.S., F.E.M.S., 53 Cowley-road, North Brixton, S.W. Feb. 28, 1873 Jones, Geo. J., 73 High-street, Lymington, Hants. Nov. 25, 1870 Jones, Lieut. -Colonel Lewis, United Service Club, Pall-mall, S.W. May 23, 1873 Jones, Captain Loftus F., United Service Club, Pall-mall, S.W. May 22, 1874 Jones, W. W., 14 Lancaster-street, Lancaster-gate, Hyde- park, W. May 23, 1873 Karop, Geo. C, 54 Patshull-road, Camden- town, N.W. Oct. 26, 1866 Kemp, Eobert, 60 Windsor-road, Upper Holloway, N. May 23, 1873 Kennell, W. H., Hornton cottage, Campden-hill, W. Oct. 26, 1866 Kent, W. S., F.E.M.S., F.Z.S., Wentworth-house, Church- street. Stoke Newington, N. Aug. 23, 1867 Kiddle, Edward, The War Office, Pall-mall, S.W. Mar. 19, 1869 Kilsby, Thomas W., 4 Brompton- villas, Edmonton. July 7, 1865 King, G. H., 190 Great Portland- street, W. July 22, 1870 King, Henry, 65 Myddelton- square, E.C. Bate of Election. Dec. 237l870 King, Robert, F.R.M.S., Feni-liouse, Upper Clap- ton, E. April 26, 1867 Kirk, Joseph, 11 Blossom-st., Norton Folgate, E. Feb. 28, 1873 Kitsell, Francis J., 7 John's- terrace, Latymer- road, W. June 24, 1870 Knaggs, Henry G., M.D., 49 Kentish- town- road, N.W. Oct. 24, 1873 Knight, John Mackenzie, 11 Burdett-road, Bow- road, E. Mar. 28, 1873 Lacy, Brooke V., London-bridge, S.E. Nov. 25, 1870 Ladd, V/m., F.R.A.S., F.R.M.S., 12 Beak-street, Regent-street, W. July 27, 1866 Lambert, T. J., 151 Highbury New-park, N. Nov. 23, 1866 Lambert, W., 4 New Basinghall-street, E.G. Aug. 24, 1866 Lampray, John, F.R.G.S., 16 Camden-square, N.W. Mar. 22, 1867 Lancaster, Thos., Bownham-house, Stroud, Glou- cestershire. Dec. 28, 1866 Langrish, H., 250 Pentonville-road, N. April 26, 1872 Law, Rev. William, Marston Trussell, Market Harborough. June 25, 1869 Layton, Charles E., 8 Upper Hornsey-rise, N. Aug. 28, 1868 Leaf, C. J., F.L.S., F.R.M.S., &c. (President of the Old Change Microscopical Society), Old Change, E.C. Mar. 19, 1869 Lee, Henry, F.L.S., F.R.M.S., &c., The Wal- drons, Croydon. Mar. 27, 1874 Leefe, Frederick Ewbank, 289, Goswell-road, E.C. Oct. 25, 1867 Leifchild, J. R., M.A., 42 Fitzroy- street, Fitzroy- square, Yv^. Sept. 22, 1865 Leighton, W. H., 2 Merton-place, Chiswick, W. June 25, 1869 Lemmon, Benj., 61 Hungerford-road, Islington, N. July 25, 1873 Le Pelley, C, 27 Underwood- street, Shepherdess- walk, Hoxtou, N. May 28, 1869 Letts, Edmund A., South- view. Black Gang, Isle of Wight. July 26, 1872 Levien, Charles N., 3 Great Tower-street, E.C. Mar. 22, 1867 Lewinsky, John, 13 Frith-street, Soho, W. Date of Election. April 27, 1866 Lewis, E. T., F.R.M.S. {Hon. Reporter), 1 Lowndes- terrace, Kniglitsbridge, S.W. Nov. 24, 1871 Lewis T. Preston, 8 The Orescent, Norwich. June 26, 1868 Lindley, W., jun., Kidbrook-terrace, Blackheath, S.E. Nov. 24, 1865 Loam, Michael, Hampton, Middlesex. May 26, 1871 Locke, John, 65 Camden-st., Camden-town, N.W. April 23, 1869 Long, Henry, 90 High- street, Croydon. Nov. 24, 1865 Lovibond, J. W., F.R.M.S., St. Anne-street, Salis- bury. Sept. 22, 1865 Lovick, T., Board of Works, Spring- gardens, S.W. May 28, 1869 Lowe, Henry W., Heathfield, Sydenham-hill, S.E. Dec. 18, 1868 Lowne, Benjamin Thompson, M.R.C.S., F.R.M.S. (Vice-President), 49 Colville-gardens, W. April 27, 1866 Loy, W. T., F.R.M.S., 9 Garrick-chambers, Garrick- street, W.C. Jan. 24, 1873 McBride, Francis J., 47 Windsor-terrace, City- road, E.C. Jan. 24, 1868 Macdonald, J., M.D., 68 Up. Kennington-lane, S.E. Nov. 23, 1866 Mclntire, S. J., F.R.M.S., 22 Bessborough-gardens, S.W. Jan. 26, 1872 McKechnie, J. Hamilton, M.D., 16 Princes- street, Cavendish- square, W. May 22, 1868 McVean, W., 50 Lower Tulse Hill, S.W. June 26, 1874 Magor, Thomas, M-D., Myddelton-road, Hornscy, N. May 22, 1874 Manly, Dr., Thatched House Club, St. James'-st., S.W. Sept. 27, 1872 Manning, His Grace the Archbishop, Francis-st., Vauxhall Bridge-road, S.W. June 14, 1865 Marks, E. (Assistant- Secretanj), Laburnum- cottage, Middle-lane, Crouch End, N. Mar. 22, 1872 Marquand, Ernest D., 2 Newport-villas, Finchley, N. June 26, 1868 Martin, James, 110 Regent- street, W. Dec. 27, 1867 Martinelli, A., 106 Albany- street, N.W. Oct. 25, 1867 Marwood, W. G. H., 68 Downham-road, Kings- land, N. Date of Election. June 27, 1873 Mason, Thomas, 3 Holborn Viaduct, E.G. April 26, 1867 Matthews, G. K., St. John's-lodge, Beckenham, Kent. Oct. 26,1866 MATTHEWS, JOHN, M.D^F.R.M.S.CPm^V/^-^O' 4 Mylne-street, Myddelton-square, E.G. June 28, 1867 Matthews, Peter, L.D.S., F.Z.S., F.R.M.S., 11 Welbeck-street, W. Sept. 24, 1869 Matthews, WilHam, 374 Gamden-road, N. May 26, 1871 May, John William, F.R.M.S., Arundel-house, Percy-cross, Fulham, S.W. Feb. 27, 1874 May, Lewis J., 371, Holloway-road, N. Feb. 28, 1873 Mayhew, A. F., 12 Grescent-terrace, Pimlico, S.W. Mar. 22, 1867 Meacher, John W., 10 Hillmarten-road, Gamden- road, N. May 22, 1874 Meates, Edgar A,, 83, Gambridge-street, Pimlico, S.W. May 27, 1870 Medlock, Henry, M.D., 22 Tavistock-square, W.G. May 22, 1874 Messenger, G. A., 21 Glengall- grove, Old Kent-rd., S.E. Dec. 18, 1868 Mestayer, Eichard, F.L.S., F.E.M.S., 7 Buckland- crescent, Belsize-park, N.W. June 26, 1868 Milledge, Alfred, 4 Upper Winchester-road, Stan- stead-road, Forest-hill, S.E. Sept. 28, 1866 Miller, Benj., M.R.G.S., F.R.M.S., 4 Denmark- hill, S.E. July 7, 1865 Millett, F. W., 21 Duncan-terrace, Islington, N. Feb. 28, 1873 Mills, Ghas., 21, Gourtney-rd., Highbury New- park, N. May 25, 1866 Mogmie, W., F.E.M.S., 14 Eiding-house- street, W. Mar. 27, 1868 Moore, Daniel, M.D., Hastings-lodge, Victoria- road, Upper Norwood, S.E. Jan, 23, 1874 Moreland, Eichard, Jun., Old-street, E.G. Oct. 27, 1865 Morrieson, Colonel E., F.E.M.S., Oriental Glub, Hanover- square, W. April 24, 1868 Mummery, J. Eigden, F.L.S., F.E.M.S., 10 Gaven- dish-place, W. April 24, 1868 Mummery, J. Howard, 10 Gavendish-place, W. Dec. 18, 1868 Mundie, George, M.R.G.S., 93 Eichmond-road, Dalston, E. Date of Election. Jiin. 25, 1867 MiuTay, R.C., G9 Jermyn-street, St. James's, S.W. Mar. 23, 18G0 Nation, W. J., 80 I^ig- square, Goswell-road, E.C. Mar. 21, 1871 Ndson, James, 2 Durham-pl., Lambetli-rcL, S.E. Jan. 26, 1872 Nowton, Edwin Tulley,F.G.S., Geological Museum, Jermyn-street, S.W. Jan. 23, 1871 Newton, Henry Edward, Woolsthorpe, The Avenue, Gipsy Hill, Norwood, S.E. July 7, 1865 Nicholson, D., 51 St. Paul's- churchyard, E.C. July 26, 1872 Nicoll, Geo., jun., 4 Kingston- villas, Buckhurst- hill, Essex. May 22, 1874 Nixon, Philip Charles, 23 Crutched- friars, E.C. Sept. 23, 1870 O'Connor, Rochfort, 9 St. Martin's-road, Stockwell, S.W. May 26, 1871 Oriel, Chas. F., Oak- villa. Mattock-lane, Ealing, W. Dec. 27, 1867 Oxley, F., 8 Crosby- square, Bishopsgate, E.G. May 22, 1874 Palmer, Thomas, Elmstead, near Chislehurst. Nov. 27, 1868 Parker, T., 10 Brunswick-square, Camberwell, S.E. Oct. 27, 1871 Parsons, Fred. Anthony, 18 London- street. City, E.C. June 25, 1869 Pass H., 11 Spring- terrace, Wandsworth- road, S.W. May 26, 1871 Paxton, Eev. W. Archibald, M.A., Otterden Rec- tory, Faversham, Kent. Feb. 27, 1874 Payne, William, F.R.M.S., The Keep, Forest Hill, S.E. May 22, 1874 Pearce, George Alonzo Creechy, B.A., M.B., B.C.N., Priory Chambers, Crutched Friars, E.C. May 24, 1867 Pearce, George, 1 Queen's-terrace, Camden-road- villas, N.W. Feb. 23, 1872 Pearse, W. E. Grindley, L.R.C.P., 24 Bess- borough-gardens, S.W. May 24, 1867 Pearson, John, 212 Edgware-road, W. Nov. 26, 1869 Perken, Edmund, 24 Hatton-garden, E.C. May 26, 1871 Pett, Edward Pattison, Romney-villa, Elfra-road, Tulse-hill, S.W. Oct. 27, 1865 Pickard, J. F., 1 Bloomsbury- street, W.C. Date of Election. Dec. 2?, 1870 Pigott, G. W. Royston, M.A., M.D., F.R.S., &c., 2 Lansdown-crescent, Kensington-park, W. Jan. 22, 1869 Pillischer, M., F.R.M.S., 88 New Bond-street, W. Nov. 24, 1871 Pitts, Fred., Harvard-house, St. JoLn's-hill, Clapham, S.W. June 25, 1869 Pocock, Lewis, Jun., 70 Gower-street, W.C. Nov. 23, 1866 Potter, G., F.R.M.S., 42 Grove-road, Upper Hol- lo way, N. June 22, 1866 Powe, I., St. John's, Richmond, Surrey. May 25, 1866 Powell, Hugh, F.R.M.S., 170 Euston-road, N.W. Jan. 24, 1873 Powell, Jas. J., 43 Burton-road, Brixton, S.W. July 7, 1865 Powell, Thomas, 18, Doughty- street, Mecklenberg- square, W.C. July 24, 1874 Powell, Thomas Henry, 7, Poultry, E.G. Oct. 26, 1866 Praill, Edward, 39 Mornington-road, N.W. Dec. 27, 1867 Preston, H. B., 1 Devonshire-road, Liverpool. June 24, 1870 Preston, Francis W. H., 30 Warwick-gardens, Kensington, W. Oct. 25, 1872 Price, W. H., 1 The Terrace, Kennington-park, S.E. Feb. 26, 1869 Prichard, Thomas, M.D., Abbington Abbey, North- ampton. June 27, 1873 Priest, B. W., 22 Parhament- street, S.W. Nov. 27, 1868 Pritchett, Benjamin, 131 Fenchurch- street, E.G. July 26, 1867 Pritchett, Francis, 131 Fenchurch- street, E.G. April 23, 1869 Quekett, Alfred J. S., 13 Delamere- crescent. West- bourne- square, W. April 23, 1869 Quekett, Arthur Edwin, 13 Delamere-crescent, Westbourne- square, W. April 23, 1869 Quekett, Rev. WiUiam, The Rectory, Warrmgton. Feb. 23, 1866 Quick, George E., 109 Long-lane,Bermondsey, S.E. Oct. 26, 1866 Rabbits, W. T., Selwood, Mayow-road, Forest-hill, S.E. Nov. 23, 1866 Radermacher, J. J., 21 Tregunter-road, The Boltons, Brompton, S.W. Sept. 24, 1869 Radcliffe, J. D., 93 Albion-road, Dalston, E. Oct. 26, 1866 Ramsbotham, J. M., M.D., 15 Amwell- street, Pen- tonville, E.G. Date of Election. Oct. 2G, 1866 Ramsden, Hildebrand, M.A. Cant., F.L.S., F.R.M.S., Forest-rise, Walthamstow, E. Aug. 28, 1868 Ranee, T. G., Widmore-lane, Bromley, Kent. May 22, 1868 Rawles, W., 64 Kentisli-town=road, N.W. Oct. 28, 1870 Rean, Walter, Woodstock-road, Poplar, E. June 27, 1873 Reeve, Fredk., 87 Fentiman-rd., Clapham, S.W. July 7, 1865 Reeves, W. W., F.R.M.S., 87 Blacklieatli-Lill, Greenwich, S.E. May 22, 1874 Reid, Wm. Wardlaw, 16 Warwick- place, Peckham Rye, S.E. May 26, 1871 Richards, Edward, F.R.M.S., 289 Camberwell New- road, S.E. Jan. 24, 1868 Richardson, C. J., 44 Duncan-terrace, Islington, N. Dec. 22, 1865 Richardson, C. T., M.D., 86 Dorset- square, N.W. Mar. 25, 1870 Richardson, Thomas Hyde, 1 Belgrave- villas, Holmesdale-road, Selhurst, S.E. Feb. 23, 1866 Rixon, F., F.R.M.S.,Loats-rd.,Clapham-pk., S.W. June 25, 1869 Roberts, John H., F.R.C.S., F.R.M.S., 20 New Finchley-road, St. John's-wood, N.AV. April 26, 1872 Roberts, S. Hackett, 355 Walworth-road, S.E. May 22,1868 Rogers, John, F.R. M.S., Elm- avenue, New Basford, near Nottingham. June 26, 1874 ^Rogers, John Robert, 4, Cuba- terrace, Junction- road, Upper Holloway, N. Oct. 26, 1866 Rogers, Jos. R., 12 Bellefield-terrace, Bellefield- road, Stockwell, S.W. Oct. 26, 1866 Rogers, Thomas, F.R.M.S.,Mortlock- house, Lough- borough-road, Brixton, S.W. Mar. 22, 1872 Rolfe, Charles Spencer, 20 Highbury-place, High- bury, N. May 22, 1868 Roper, F. C. S., F.L.S., F.G.S., F.R.M.S., Pal- grave-house, Eastbourne, Sussex. July 24, 1868 Rowe, James, Jun., M.R.C.V.S., 65 High-street, Marylebone, W. Oct. 26, 1866 Rowlett, John, 10 Crozier-street, S.E. June 14, 1865 Ruffle, G. W. {Hon. Curator), 131 Blackfriars-road, S.E. July 24, 1874 Rushton, Wm., 26, Park-street, Islington, N. Oct. 27, 1865 Russell, James, 4 Lansdowne- terrace, London- fields, Hackney, E. Date of Election. Oct. 26, 1866 Russell, Joseph, Cumberland- lodge, Brixton-hill, S.W. May 22, 1868 Russell, Thomas D., 21 Park-road, West Dulwich, S.E. Feb. 22, 1867 Rutter, H. Lee, 1 St. Barnabas-villas, Lansdowne- circus. South Lambeth, S.W. May 28, 1878 Salkeld,Lt.-ColonelJosephC.,F.R.O.S.,F.R.M.S., 29 St. James's-street, S.W. Dec. 17, 1869 Salmon, John, 24 Seymour-st., Euston-sq., N.W. Dec. 17, 1869 Sanders, Gilbert, Brockley-on-the-Hill, Monks- town, Dublin. July 26, 1872 Sargent, J., Jun., Fritchley, Near Derby. July 26, 1872 Sarll, John, De Beauvoir House, Englefield-rd., N. May 22, 1867 Scatliff, John Parr, M.D., 132 Sloane-street, S.W. May 24, 1872 Schloesser,Ernest,9 College=hill,Cannon-st.,E.O. May 24, 1872 Sequeira, H. L., M.R.O.S., 1 Jewry-street, Aid- gate, E.G. July 27, 1868 Sewell, Richard, Prince's road, Lambeth, S.E. Oct. 22, 1869 Shaw, Wm. Forster, 50 Threadneedle- street, E.G. Jan. 22, 1869 Sheehy, William H., M.D., 4 Claremont- square, N. May 24, 1872 Sheehy, W. H. Podmore, 4 Glaremont- square, N. May 26, 1871 Sigsworth, J. C., F.R.M.S., 18- Loraine Road, Upper Holloway, N. June 27, 1873 Simmonds, Joseph E., 32 Gornwall- street, Fulham, S.W. Aug. 23, 1867 Simmons, James J., L.D.S., 18 Burton- crescent, W.G. Mar. 27, 1868 Simson, Thos., The Laurels, Courtyard, Eltham. May 28, 1869 Sketchley, H. G., 10 Ampthill- square, N.W. Dec. 28, 1866 Slade, J., 100 Barnsbury-road, N. Mar. 22, 1872 Smart, Harry, 11 Paragon-terrace, Hackney, E. Oct. 23, 1868 Smart, William, 27 Aldgate, E. May 25, 1866 Smith, Alpheus {Hon. Librarian), 42 Choumert- road, Rye-lane, Peckham, S.E. Mar. 25, 1870 Smith, Francis Lys, 3 Grecian-cottages, Crown- hill, NorAVOod, S.E. June 27, 1873 Smith, G. J., 2 Foster- lane, Cheapside, E.G. Oct. 26, 1868 Smith, H. Ambrose, 2 King William-st., City, E.C. Date of Election. June 2G, 1868 Smith, James, F.L.S., F.B.M.S., 11 Willow- cottages, Canonbury, N. Dec. 23, 1870 Smith, Joseph A., London and County Bank, Newington, S.E. May 22, 1874 Smith, Roland D., York-house, Chatteris, Cam- bridgeshire. Jime 24, 1870 Smith, William, 18 Highfield-road, Brompton, s.w. Feb. 28, 1873 Smith, W. Lepard, Southfield-house, Watford. Aug. 23, 1872 Smith, W. S., 30 Loraine-road,' Upper Hollo- way, N. April 24, 1868 Snellgrove, W., 22 Surrey- square, S.E. Sept. 22, 1865 Southwell, C, 44 Princes- street, Soho, W. Deo. 18, 1868 Sowerby, D., 38 Albert-road, Dalston, E. May 22, 1874 Spencer, James, South-street, Greenwich, S.E. May 22, 1868 Spencer, John, Brook's Bank, 81 Lombard- street, City, E.C. Nov. 22, 1872 Spencer, Thomas, F.G.S., F.E.M.S., 32 Euston- square, N.W. Mar. 24, 1865 Starling, Benjamin, 11 Gray's-inn-square, W.C. Feb. 23, 1872 Stevens, C. R., 7 Ashby-road, Canonbury, N. Aug. 24, 1866 Steward, J. H., F.R.M.S., 406 Strand, W.C. May 23, 1873 Steward, James H.C., 406 Strand, W.C. Mar. 19, 1869 Stokes, Frederick, 2 Milton- villas, Milton-road, Dulwich, S.E. Oct. 27, 1871 Stuart, David John, 53 Ferntower-road, Highbury- new- park, N. July 7, 1865 Suffolk, W. T., F.R.M.S., Claremont- lodge. Park- street, Camberwell, S.E. June 27,1873 Suter, Edward D., Kent-lodge, Douglas-road North, Canonbury, N. June 24, 1870 Swain, Ernest, 89, Ladbroke-road, W. Nov. 22, 1867 Swainston, J. T., 14 Loraine-i)lace, Holloway, N. Nov. 24, 1865 Swansborough, E., 20 John-st, Bedford-row, W.C. Dec. 18, 1868 Swift, James, 43 University- street, W.C. Nov. 25, 1870 Tafe, John Forv/ood, Fernlea, King Edward-road, Victoria- park, E. Date of Election, May 22, 1868 Tatem, J. G., Russell- street, Reading. Aug. 25, 1871 Taverua, The Count Joseph, Symond's Hotel, Brook- street, Grosvenor- square, W. Jan. 23, 1874 Taylor, John Ellor, Ipswich. Dec. 22, 1865 Terry, J., 109 Borough-road, S.E. Aug. 23, 1872 Terry, Thomas, 5 Austin- friars, E.G. July 23, 1869 Thin, James, Ormiston-lodge, Claremont-place, Brixton-road, S.W. Feb. 24, 1871 Thornthwaite, W. H.,jun., 3 Holborn- viaduct, E.G. Jan. 24, 1868 Tomkins, Samuel Leith, 26 Buckland-crescent, Belsize-park, N.W. June 23, 1871 Topping, Amos, 28 Charlotte-street, Caledonian- road, N. July 26, 1872 Townsend, John Sumsion, F.R.M.S., 59, London- road, Croydon. April 26, 1873 Tozer, Edward, Ivy-lodge, Woodford, Essex. July 24, 1868 Tulk, John A., M.D., Spring-grove, Isleworth. July 26, 1867 Turnbull, Joseph, Laurel House, North-hill, High- gate, N. June 25, 1869 Turner, R. D., Chafford, Tunbridge. Nov. 28, 1873 Underwood, Charles Cradock, 13 Holies- street, Cavendish- square, W. July 27, 1866 Veitch, Harry, F.H.S., The Royal Exotic Nursery, King's-road, Chelsea, S.W. May 22, 1874 Wadmore, Ernest, 2 Oakley-road, Essex-road, Islington, N. Feb. 23, 1866 Walker, A., M.D., 17 Throgmorton- street, E.G. April 24, 1874 Walker, Enoch, 4 Banbury-terrace, South Hackney, E. May 28, 1869 Walker, Henry, 100 Fleet-street, E.G. Feb. 27, 1874 Walker, John C, 14 Hilldrop-road, Camden-road, N. July 25, 1873 Walker, John Stringer, Warwick-road, Up. Clapton, E. Date of Election. June 267 1868 Walker, J. W., Fairfield- house, Watford. Dec. 18, 1868 Waller, Arthur, F.E.M.S., 11 Aberdeen-park, Highbury, N. May 22, 1868 Waller, J. G., 68 Bolsover-street, Portland-road, W. Oct. 27, 1865 Wallis, George, South Kensington Museum, S.W. July 24, 1874 Wallis, James, 22 Cranmer-road, Brixton-road, S.E. Aug. 26,1870 Warburton, Samuel, Merton- villa, New- road. Lower Tooting, S.W. Dec. 22, 1871 Ward, Daniel, 26 Coleman- street, Woolwich, S.E. Nov. 22, 1867 Ward, F. H., M.E.C.S., F.E.M.S., Springfield- house, near Tooting, S.W. Dec. 18, 1868 Warner, Alfred, 6 South-terrace, Hatcham-park- road, New-cross, S.E. Feb. 26, 1869 Warner, William, 51 Bookham- street, New North- road, N. May 25, 1866 Warrington, H. R., 7 Royal Exchange, Comhill, E.G. Oct. 27, 1865 Watkins, C. A., 10 Greek-street, Soho, W. Oct. 25, 1872 Watkins, J., L.C.P., Union- street, Deptford, S.E. Dec. 28, 1866 Way, T. E., 65 Wigmore- street, W. July 24, 1874 Webb, C. E., Nildwood- lodge, North-end, Hamp- stead, N.W. Dec. 22, 1871 Webber, John, Limes-villas, Croxted-road, Dul- wich, S.E. May 24, 1867 Weeks, A. W. G., 18 Gunter's- grove, Chelsea, S.W. Dec. 28, 1866 Wheldon, W., 58 Great Queen-street, W.C. Dec. 27, 1872 White, Charles E., 32 Belgrave-road, S.W. April 23, 1869 White, Chakles Fredekick, F.R.M.S. {Vice-Presi- dent), 42 Windsor-road, Ealing, W. Feb. 26, 1868 White, Francis W., 2 Brunswick-cottages, Gipsy- hill, S.E. May 22, 1868 White, T. Charters, M.R.C.S., F.R.M.S. (Vice- President), 32 Belgrave-road, S.W. July 25, 1873 White, Walter, Litcham, Norfolk. May 24, 1867 White, W., Cawston, Sandown, Isle of Wight. May 23, 1873 Whitmorc, John, M.D., 15 Wimpole- street, W. Date of Eloction. July 24, 1868 Wight, James F., F.E.M.S., Gatcombe- villa, Croxted-road, West Dulwicli, S.E. Mar. 24, 1871 Williams, George, 6 St. John's-park, Upper Hol- lo way, N. Oct. 24, 1873 Williams, John E., 13 Bouverie-road, Stoke New- ington, N. Oct. 28, 1870 WilUams, Martin G., 2 Highbury- crescent, N. July 28, 1871 Williams, Eobert Pakenham, 18 Brunswick- road, U]3per Hollo way, N. Feb. 28, 1873 Williams, Wm. A. B., 23 Highbury- place, N. Jan. 25, 1867 Willsworth, H., 7 Whittington-terrace, Upper Hol- lo way, N. Feb. 23, 1866 Wilshin, J., 12 Totford- place, Necldnger, Ber- mondsey, S.E. Feb. 22, 1867 Wilson, Frank, 110, Long-acre, W.O. Feb. 27, 1874 Wilson, William, 420 Holloway-road, N. April 24, 1868 Withall, Henry, 1 The Elms, St. John's-road, Brixton, S.W. Aug. 27, 1869 Woods, W. Fell, 1 Park-hill, Forest-hill, S.E. Oct. 25, 1867 Worthington, Eichard, Champion-park, Denmark- hill, S.E. June 27, 1873 Wrey, George E. B., Addington-house, Addington- road, Eeading. Jan. 23, 1874 Wright, Cecil H., 27 Wardour- street, W. Nov. 23, 1866 Wright, Edward, 89 Shepherdess-walk, E.C. Aug. 4, 1865 Wyatt, C. C, 9 North Audley- street, W. Oct. 26, 1866 Yeats, Christopher, Mortlake, Surrey, S.W. IsTOTIOE. Members are reminded that the Subscriptions for the year commencing July 1st, 1874, and ending June 30th, 1875, are now due. They are requested to send the amount by Cheque or Post Office Order (not Stamps) to the Treasurer, Mr. RoBT. Hardwicke, 192, Piccadilly, W., where Subscriptions can be received any day between 10 and 4. Any member of the Club changing his address, will oblige by commu- nicating his new direction to the Secretary without delay. RULES. I. — That " The Quekett Microscopical Chib " hold its meetings at University College, Gower Street, on the fourth Friday Even- ing m every month, at Eight o'clock precisely, or at such other time or place as the Committee may ax^point. 11. — That the business of the Club be conducted by a Com- mittee consisting of the President, four Vice-Presidents, the Treasurer, the Honorary Secretary, the Honorary Secretary for Foreign Correspondence, and twelve other members, — six to form a quorum. That the President, Vice-Presidents, Secre- taries, and the four senior members of the Committee (by election) retire annually, but be eligible for re-election. That the Committee may a]3point a stipendiary Assistant Secretary, who shall be subject to its direction. III. — That at the ordinary Meeting in June, nominations be made of Candidates to fill the ofiices of Vice-Presidents and vacan- cies on the Committee. That such nominations be made by reso- lutions duly moved and seconded, no Member being entitled to propose more than one Candidate. That in the event of such nominations exceeding one half more than the number of vacant offices, the Candidates be reduced by show of hands to such pro- portion. That the President, Treasurer, Honorary Secretary, and Honorary Secretary for Foreign Correspondence be nominated by the Committee. That a list of all nominations made as above be printed in alphabetical order upon the ballot paper. That at the Annual General Meeting in July all the above officers be elected by ballot from the candidates named in the lists, but any member is at liberty to substitute on his ballot-paper any other name or names in lieu of those nominated for the offices of President, Treasurer, Honorary Secretary, and Honorary Secretary for Foreign Correspondence. IV. — That in the absence of the President and Vice-Presidents the Members present at any ordinary Meeting of the Club elect a Chairman for that evening. V. — That every Candidate for Membership be proposed by two or more Members, who shall sign a certificate (see Appendix) in recommendation of him — one of the proposers from personal knowledge. The certificate shall be read from the chair, and the Candidate therein recommended ballotted for at the following Meeting. Three black balls to exclude. VI. — That the society include not more than twenty Honorary Members, elected by the Members by ballot upon the recopi- mendation of the Committee. VII. — That the Annual Subscription be Ten Shillings, pay- able in advance on the 1st of July, but that any Member elected in May or June be exempt from subscription until the following July. That any Member desirous of compounding for his future subscription may do so at any time by payment of the sum of Ten Pounds ; all such sums to be duly invested in such manner as the Committee shall think fit. That no person be entitled to the full privileges of the Club until his subscription shall have been paid ; and that any Member omitting to pay his subscrip- ;tion six months after the same shall have become due (two ap- plications in writing having been made by the Treasurer) shall cease to be a Member of the Club. VIII. — That the accounts of the Club be audited by two Mem- bers, to be appointed at the ordinary Meeting in June. IX. — That the Annual General meeting be held on the fourth Friday in July, at which the Keport of the Committee on the affairs of the Club, and the Balance Sheet duly signed by the Auditors shall be read. Printed lists of Members nominated for election as President, Vice-Presidents, Treasurer, Secretaries, and Members of the Committee having been distributed, and the Chairman having appointed two or more Members to act as Scrutineers, the Meeting shall then proceed to ballot. If from any cause these elections, or any of them, do not take place at this Meeting, they shall be made at the next ordinary Meeting, of the Club. X.— That at the ordinary Meetings the following business be transacted: — The minutes of the last Meeting shall be read and confirmed; donations to the Club since the last Meeting announced and exhibited ; ballots for new Members taken ; papers read and discussed; and certificates for new Members read; after which the Meeting shall resolve itself into a conversazione. XI. — That any Member may introduce a Visitor at any ordi- nary meeting, who shall enter his name with that of the Member by whom he is introduced, in a book to be kept for the purpose. XII. — That no alteration be made in these Laws, except at an Annual General Meeting, or a Special General Meeting called for that purpose ; and that notice in writing of any proposed altera- tion be given to the Committee, and read at the ordinary Meeting at least a month previous to the Annual or Special Meeting, at which the subject of such alteration is to be considered. APPENDIX. FoKM OF Proposal for Membership in QuEKETT Microscopical Club. Mr. of being desirous of becoming a Member of this Club, we beg to recommend him for election. {on my jyersonal knowledge). This Certificate was read 187 The Ballot will take place 187 RULES FOR THE EXCHANGE OF SLIDES. I. That all Slides be deposited with the Exchange Committee. II. That not more than two similar Slides be placed in the Exchange Box at one time by any one Member. III. That the Slides be classified by the Committee into Sec- tions, numbered according to quality. IV. Members to select from the class in which their Slides are placed, at the ordinary meetings of the Club. V. Members may leave the selection to the Exchange Com- mittee, if they prefer it. VI. Slides once exchanged cannot be exchanged again. VII. A Register shall be kept, in which the Slides deposited shall be entered and numbered, with the date of receipt, and in which exchanges shall also be noted. VIII. — All expenses incurred in the transmission of Slides or in correspondence respecting them, to be borne by the Member on whose account such charges may be incurred. Parcels may be addressed — Mr. John E. Ingpen 192, Piccadilly, Londo7i, W. [Exchange.] Note. — As much inconvenience frequently arises from the breakage of Slides in transmission through the Post, the following method is recom- mended : — Pack the Slides in a small wooden box, which can be obtained of any Optician, tie it securely with string and attach a slip of parchment to one end, sufficiently large to receive the Postage Stamps, Address, and local Post-office Stamps during transmission. If paper be used as a wrapper to the box, the colour should be black. When twelve or more Slides are sent, they should be packed in a racked box and forwarded by Railway. MEETINGS OF THE QUEKETT MICEOSCOPICAL CLUB AT UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, QOWER STREET, LONDON. 1874.— August 14 .... 28 September 11 .... 25 October 9 .... 23 November 13 .... 27 December 11 .... * 1875.— January 8 .... 22 February 12 .... 26 March 12 .... f April 9 .... 23 May 14 .... 28 June 11 .... 25 July 9 .... 23 * Dec. 25th, 1874.— Christmas Day— no Meeting. t Mar. 26th, 1875.— Good Friday— ditto The Ordinary Meetings are held on the fourth Friday in each month : — business commences at 8 o'clock p.m. The Meetings on the second Friday in each month are for Conversation and Exhibition of Objects only, from 7 to 9.30 p.m. The Annual General Meeting will be held on July 23rd, 1875, at 8 o'clock, for Election of Officers and other business. Offices, 192, Piccadilly, W. QUEKETT MICEOSCOPICAL CLUB. EXCURSIONS, 1874. April 11th SNAEESBROOK. To meet at Fenchurch Street Station, G.E.E. April 25th TOERINGTON PAEK (for TOTTEEIDGE), re- turning by MILL HILL. To meet at King's Cross Station, G.N.E. May 9th ESHEE. To meet at Waterloo Station (Main Line). May 23rd CHISELHUEST. To meet at Charing Cross Station. June 6th ELSTEEE, returning by EDGWAEE. To meet at St. Pan eras Station, at 1.30 p.m. June 13th CATEEHAM. To meet at Charing Cross Station. June 19th EXCUESIONISTS' ANNUAL DINNEE. Arrangements will be duly announced. July 4th ADDLE STONE . To meet at Waterloo Station (Main Line). July 13th SOUTHEND, Day Excursion. To meet at Fenchurch Street Station, the first Train after 10 a.m. July 25th EAST END (for FINCHLEY COMMON), re- turnmg by SOUTHGATE. To meet at Kmg's Cross Station. Sept. 5th BEOMLEY (for KESTON). To meet at Holbom Viaduct Station. Sept. 19th DAETFOED (for DAEENTH WOOD). To meet at Charing Cross Station. Oct. 3rd BAENES. To meet at Waterloo Station (Eichmond Line). Oct. 17th WANDSWOETH COMMON. To meet at Clapham Junction, at 3 p.m. The time of departure from Town, unless otherwise specified, will be the first Train after TWO o'clock. Excursion Committee. F. W. Gay, F. OXLEY, W. W. Eeeves, I W. T. Suffolk, J John E. Ingpen, Hon. Secretary. Offices, 192, PiccadiUy, W. W. DAVY AND SON, FEINTERS, GILBERT STREET, W. MBL WHOI LIBRARY UH IfililV Z