pen A ore iN! ee ae ot agg BA Te te ay I wie EAA Net PTR Me mags Men Menten Maeda PON Mae ee ee Oe re ae ee ee " INO Nom Ng ae inten Ree rw Shag? om PAP eens at amin = oth a oe ' FOR 4 926. _ (INCORPORATED 1881.) oft nee Br ie EDITED BY ys THE HON NORARY SECRETARIES. : Tae os or PAPERS ARE ALONE Bk OE sid FOR THE STATEMENTS SHED BY ' THE SOCIBTY, ‘5 ELIZABETH STREET, syDI EY. apie CONTENTS. VOLUME LX. Art. I.—PxxsipmnTiaL ADDRESS. By Prof. R. D. Watt, ee B.Se. (Issued June 21, 1926.) , Art. II—A note on the Rate of Sideaceoslte of Conineactt Calcium Cyanide. By M.S. Bansamin, D.I.C., A.A.C.I. (com- (municated by Dr. G. RK (ire two text Beste) (Issued August 18, 1926.) .. tak 38 Art. III.—Reactions Depending upon the Sansa sé the Intertaad of Two Immiscible Liquids. By G. Harker, D.Sc., F.A.C.I., and R. K. ene B.Sc. rm one text ae ) (Issued August 18, 1926.) . nak 45 Art. IV.—Notes on the Raicail Oils fon some Cultivated Eucalypts. Part I. By A. R. foes! P.A.C.L; BC: (Issued August 18, 1926.)... an =F 55 Arr. V.—An Investigation of the Optical Piopaetias of Seloniai in the Conducting Form. By Miss P. Nicou, M.Se., (com- municated by Prot. O.U. Vonwitumr, B.Sc.) oe one text figure.) (Issued September 8, 1926)... . 60 Art. VI.-—The Essential Oils of Leptospermum icine ‘Smith, Part I. By A. R. heate F.A.C.1., ¥.C.S. (Issued Sep- tember 29, 1926.) aie eae f gar. VilAcaria. Séedlings, Part XTL “By C.B.E., F.L.S. Sal Plates I- ee. ‘sued October 29, Ve setiadey Pr 85 Art. VIII. “The Gescotial Oil of Zieria ‘ust (Bopiend), -and the presence of a New Cyclic Ketone. By A. R. Penroup, F.A.C.I., F.C.S. (Issued October 18, 1926.) ... Se .- 104 ~ Arr. IX.—The Fixed Oil of the Kidney Fat of the Emu. By F. BR. Moraison, A.A.C.L., F.C.S. (Issued October 29, 1926.) ... 113 - Art. X.—Mountain Lagoon and the Kurrajong Fault. By A. Gravy, B.Sc., and H. Hoerin, B.A., (communicated by Assoc.- Professor GrirritH Taytor). (Issued November 4, 1926) 119 Art. XI.—The Internal Structures of some of the Pentameridex of N.S.Wales. By F. W. Booker, B.Sc. (With Plates V-VIII — and seven text figures. ) . (Issued November 4, 1926 ) .- 130 Arr. XIJ.—The Wood Structure of certain Eucalypts belonging chiefly to the “Ash” Group. By M. B. Wetcu, B.Sc., A.1.C. (With Plates IX-XIL.) (Issued January 13, 1927.) . .. 147 Art, XIII.—The Germicidal Values of some Australian Bssential - Qils and their Pure Constituents. Together with those of some Essential Oil Components, and Synthetic Substances. PartIV. By A. R. Penroxp, F.A.C.L., F.C.S., and R. Granr, F.C.S. (Issued December 23, 1926.) © ... Es ia =a Us Art. XIV. — Description of Fifteen New Acacias, ae notes on sev- eral other species. By the late J. H. MarpeEn, I.S.0., F.R.S., and W. F. Buaxety. (With Plates XIII-X VIII.) ‘(Issued February 17, 1927.)... Satake eS as ere ear ee yf PAGE JOURNAL PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY NEW SOUTH WALES FOR 1926 (INCORPORATED 1881.) AAG EPS Se ae EDITED BY THE HONORARY SECRETARIES. THE AUTHORS OF PAPERS ARE ALONE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE STATEMENTS MADE AND THE OPINIONS EXPRESSED THEREIN. SYDNEY: PUBLISHED BY THE SOCIETY, 5 ELIZABETH STREET, SYDNEY. ISSUED AS A COMPLETE VOLUME, JUNE, 1927. CONTENTS. VOLUME LX. ArT. I.—PresiDENTIAL ApprEss. By Prof. R. D. Wart, M.A., B.Sc. (Issued June 21, 1926.) : Arr. II.—A note on the Rate of He seueatien of Geet Calcium Cyanide. By M.S. Bensamin, D.LC., A.A.C.I. (com- (municated by Dr. G. Heaeae) (With two text ieee, (Issued August 18, 1926.) .. ; sr Art. ITI.—Reactions Depending upon the Vapour ne the Nae of Two Immiscible Liquids. By G. Harker, D.Sc., F.A.C.IL., and R. K. Resear 3 B.Se. Se one text Se ) (Issued August 18, 1926.) . be Art. IV.—Notes on the ait aritil Oils ots some Cultivated Eucalypts. Part I. By A. R. ek ae F.A.C.1., F.C.S. (Issued August 18, 1926.)... ca one ees Arr. V.—An Investigation of the Optical Beatie: of seraiaes in the Conducting Form. By Miss P. Nicot, M.Sc., (com- municated by Prot. O. U. VonwituEr, B.Sc.) ey ta one text figure.) (Issued September 8, 1926) : Art, VI.-—The Essential Oils of Leptospermum tae aaa: ‘Smith, Part I. By A. R. Penroxup, F.A.C.I., F.C.S. ea ae Sep- tember 29, 1926.) cs Art. VII.—Acacia Seedlings, Part XI. By R. HL Gapalen C.B.E., F.L.S. Se Plates I- re Sidra October 29, 1926.) .. ; Art, VIII. “The Heseritial Oil of Lievia Pecpegin (Bonplana), and the presence of a New Cyclic Ketone. By A. R. PenFo.up, F.A.C.I., F.C.S. (Issued October 18, 1926.) a Art. [X.—The Fixed Oil of the Kidney Fat of the Emu. By F. R. Morrison, A.A.C.1L., F.C.S. (Issued October 29, 1926.) Art. X.—Mountain Lagoon and the Kurrajong Fault. By A. Grapy, B.Sc., and H. Hoaesin, B.A., (communicated by Assoc.- Professor GRIFFITH TayLor). (Issued November 4, 1926 ) Arr. XI.—The Internal Structures of some of the Pentameride of N.S.Wales. By F. W. Booxsr, B.Sc. (With Plates V-VIIT and seven text figures.) (Issued November 4, 1926 ) a Art. XII.—The Wood Structure of certain Eucalypts belonging chiefly to the “Ash” Group. By M. B. Wetcu, B.Se., A.I.C. (With Plates IX-XII.) (Issued January 13, 1927.) ... Arr. XIII.—The Germicidal Values of some Australian Essential Oils and their Pure Constituents. Together with those cf some Essential Oil Components, and Synthetic Substances. Part IV. By A. R. Penroup, F.A.C.L., F.C.S., and R. Grant, F.C.S. (Issued December 238, 1926.) ... AA ate AGO Art. XIV.— Description of Fifteen New Acacias, and notes on sev- eral other species. By the late J. H Marpen, 1.8.0, F.RS., and W. F. Buaxety. (With Plates XIII-XVIII.) (issued ‘February 17, 1927.)... Bar yes sate oes eoe oeo ees PaGE 38 45 59 60 73 85 104: 113 119 130 147 167 171 (iv.) Paqs Art. XV.—The Solution Volume of a Solute in Liquid Mixtures. by G. J. Burrows, B.Sc. (Issued January 28, 1927. via DOL Art. XVI.—The Preparation of certain Iodo-bismuthites. By Miss E. M. BartrHotomew, B.Sc., and G. J. ei i B.Sc. (Issued February 17, 1927.) ne wae 208 Art. XVII.—Notes on the Salinity of the Water of ‘i Gulf of Carpentaria. By G. J. Burrows, B.Sc. rene aig ae Troe yn eS. ast 108 Ant. XVIII.-—-The Geology of Ae Gostarth District N. Ss. W. Part 1, General Geology. By Assist.-Professor W. R. Browne, D.Sc. (With Plates XIX-XXI.) (Issued March 4, 1927.) .., rae Art. XIX.—Note on the occurence of Triplets among Multiple Births. By Sir Guora@r a C.M.G. Senet March 4, 1927.) .. os sap tO Art: XX. "The Geology of ne ilindeyt ee South Auaiealen in the neighbourhood of Wooltana Station. By W. G. WoonnoueH, D.Sc., ¥.G.S8. One Plate Sa iia March 18,1927.) ... ts se 283 Art. XXI,—The Microphone as a Deteace “of Lat Vibrations, By Epve@ar H. Booru, M.C., B.Sc. (With Plates a XXIV.) (Issued March 18, 1927.) a ee mie 305 Art. XXII.—Surface Waves due to small artificial Disturbances of the Ground. By Evaar H. Booru, M.C., B.Sc. (With Plates XXV, XXVI.) (Issued March 18, 1927. ) ne wag 318 Art, XXIII.—The Essential Oils of Hriostemon Cowxii, Mueller, nad Phebalium dentatum, Smith. By A.R. Penroup, F.A.C.I. F. C.S. (With Plate XXVII.). (Issued March 24, 1927.) ... sail ee Art. XXIV.—An Examination of Defective New Zealand Kauri, (Agathis australis). By M. B. Wxuucu, B.Sc., A.LC. (With Plates XX VIII-XXX.) (Issued March 24, 1927.) ... ve B45 Art. XXV.—Notes on Wattle Barks, PartII. By F. A. Coomss, F.C.S., W. McGuyrnn and M. B. Wetca, B.Sc., A.L.C. . (Issued Aprild3, 1927.) ... oe 360 Art. XXVI.—On the Hypersthene-Andesite of Blair Duguid, near Allandale, N.S.W. By Assistant-Professor W. R. Browne, D.Se., and H. P. Wairs, F.C.S. (Issued April 18, 1927.) 372 Art, XX VII.—Cooling Curves in the Binary Systems. By Evetyn Margery BartHotomew, B.Sc., and lan Wititiam Wark, D.Sc., Ph.D., (communicated by Professor C. E. Fawsirt, D.Sc.) (Issued April 13, 1927.) ... ane HA a ... 388 ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS bus ee sige ae Mei 1,— XX. PROCEEDINGS OF THE GEOLOGICAL SECTION .., — woe XXL. — XX1X. PROCEEDINGS OF THE SECTION OF AGRICULTURE ies XXXi,—XxXxv. PROCEEDINGS OF THE SEcTION OF INDUSTRY at ... XXXVI. ~ xii. PROCEEDINGS OF THE SECTION OF PHysIcaL SCIENCE out xliii. —]. Tirne Page, Contents, Norices, PUBLICATIONS, ... da (i. — vi.) OFFICERS FOR 1926-1927 ... ne oe sis a eh wee (Vil.) List or Mrmpers, &c. ... ie oe ee Lib “ine see lee) InpDEx To Vo.tume LX, aan ae se eae ea oRe li, NOTIOE. THE Roya Society of New South Wales originated in 1821 as the ‘‘ Philosophical Society of Australasia”; after an interval of inactivity, it was resuscitated in 1850, under the name of the ‘¢ Australian Philosophical Society,” by which title it was known until 1856, when the name was changed to the ‘“ Philosophical Society of New South Wales”; in 1866, by the sanction of Her Most Gracious Majesty Queen Victoria, it assumed its present title, and was incorporated by Act of the Parliament of New South Wales in 1881. TO AUTHORS. Authors should submit their papers in typescript and in a condition ready for printing. All physico-chemical symbols and mathematical formule should be so clearly written that the compositor should find no difficulty in reading the manuscript. Sectional headings and tabular matter should not be underlined. Pen-illustrations accompanying papers should be made with black Indian ink upon smooth white Bristol board. Lettering and numbers should be such that, when the illustration or graph is reduced to 34 inches in width, the lettering will be quite legible. On graphs and text figures any lettering may be lightly inserted in pencil. Microphotographs should be rectangular rather than circular, to obviate too great a reduction. The size of a full page plate in the Journal is 4 x 64 inches, and the general reduction of illustrations to this limit should be considered by authors. When drawings, etc., are submitted in a state unsuitable for reproduction, the cost of the preparation of such drawings for the process-block maker must he borne by the author. The cost of colouring plates or maps must also be borne by the author. ERRATA. k+4n Bolo 12. for \" read P. 320, 1. 16, for 0.09 read 0.9. FORM OF BEQUEST. FE bequeath the sum of £ to the RoyaL Society oF New Souto Watss, Incorporated by Act of the Parliament of New South Wales in 1881, and I declare that the receipt of the Treasurer for the time being of the said Corporation shal] be an effectual discharge for the said Bequest, which I direct to be paid within calendar months after my decease, without any reduction whatsoever, whether on account of Legacy Duty thereon or otherwise, out of such part of my estate as may be lawfully applied for that purpose. [Those persons who feel disposed to benefit the Royal Society of _ New South Wales by Legacies, are recommended to instruct their Solicitors to adopt the above Form of Bequest. | PUBLICATIONS. O The following publications of the Society, if in print, can be obtained at the Society’s House in Elizabeth-street:— Transactions of the Philosophical] Society, N.S. W., 1862-5, pp. 374, out of print. Vols. I—x1 Transactions of the Royal Society, N.S. W., 1867—1877, ” 5 x1 Journal and Proceedings BS ‘5 1878, ,, 324, price 10s.6d. ” xi 29 LP) ” 3) 9 1879, 9 255, ” ” XIV ” ” 9 9 99 1880, ” 391, ” 29 XV ” ” 9 ” ” 1881, ” 440, 99 9 XVI ” 99 oy) 9 99 1882, 9 327, ”” 99 XVII cB) 9 9 9 ” 1883, ,, 324, ” ” XVIII ” ” ” ” ” 1884, ” 224, ” ” XIX ” 9 ” ” oP) 1885, ” 240, ” ” XX 9 9 +) 99 ” 1886, rT} 396, ” ” XXxI ” 99 9 ” 9 1887, 9 296, 99 +) Xx 9 ” ” ” 29 1888, oP) 390. 39 ” XXII ” ” ” ” ” 1889, ” 534, 99 ” XXIV ” ” ” ” ” 1890, 9 290, 9 ” XXV ” ” 9 ” ” 1391, ” 348, ” 99 XXVI oF) ” ” ” 9 1892, 9 426, ” ” XXVII oe) ” ” ” ” 1893, ” 530, ” ” XXVIII +) ” ” ” +) 1894, 29 368, 29 ” XXIX 29 ” 9 ” ” 1895, 9 600, 9 ” XXX 9 9 ” 99 99 1896, ” 568, 99 » XXXI 9 99 99 AE », 1897, ,, 626, ” 9» XXXII » 9 » 9» », 1898, ,, 476, » 9 XXXIII 9 ” 9 9 ” 1899, 9 400, 9 99 XXXIV bb) 99 29 99 99 1900, be) 484, +» ” XXXV 9 99 ) 9 93 1901, ” 581, 9 a XXXVI ” 9 09 » » 1902, ,, 531, » 5, XXXVII 9 99 99 ” », 1908, ,, 663, - 99 XXXVIII 29 99 399 99 39 1904, 9 604, 99 9 XXXIX 29 ” oe) 9 ” 1905, ” 274, 99 ” XL oo) ” 9 ” 93 1906, ” 368, 9 ” XLI 3) 29 oe) 29 ” 1907, ” 377, 9 ” XLII ” ” 29 9 oe 1908, ” 593, 9 ” XLII ” 9 ” ” oe) 1909, 9 466, ” ” XLIV oy) ” ” ” +) 1910, ye) 719, ” 3 XLV Ba se Bs - = 1911, ,, 611, i as XLVI “5 “4 a5 AG “ 1912, ,, 275, - 399 XLVII 39 29 bP) 39 29 1913, 99 318, 99 >» XLVIII An AB 73 5 ae 1914, ,, 584, eS be) XLIX 99 9 23 39 bP) 1915, be) 587, 99 99 L 99 99 9 9 9 1916, 99 362, 99 ”9 LI ” ” ” > ” 1917, ” 786, ” 99 LIT 39 99 93 39 39 1918, 99 624, 99 ” LITT 29 oo) oy) ” 9 1919, 9 414, yr) ” LIV 99 ry) ” ry) 9 1920, 29 312, price £1 1s. 99 LV 39 be) 99 99 99 1921, be) 418, 99 29 LVI 29 99 99 29 9 1922, ” 372, ” ”? LVII 99 99 99 29 9 1923, 23 421, 99 99 LVIII 29 99 9 29 29 1924, 99 366, ” 9 LIX 9 9 99 99 99 1925, ” 468, 9 ” LX 99 99 ” 9 9 1926, 9 470, ”? Royal Society of Aew South Wales OFFICERS FOR 1926-1927. Patron: HIS EXCELLENCY THE RIGHT HONOURABLE JOHN LAWRENCE, BARON STONEHAVEN, P.c., G.c.M.G., D.s.0. Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia. Vice-Patron: HIS EXCELLENCY SIR DUDLEY RAWSON STRATFORD de CHATR, kK.c.B., M.V.O. Governor of the State of New South Wales. President: W.G. WOOLNOUGH, D.s«., F.a.s. Vice-Presidents: E. C. ANDREWS, B.A., F.G.S8. C. ANDERSON, M.a., D.Sc. C. A. SUSSMILCH, rf.a.s. Prof. R. D. WATT, m A., B.Sc. Hon. Treasurer: Prof. H. G., CHAPMAN, mp. Hon. Secretaries: hk. H. CAMBAGE, c.8.2., F.L.s. ie GREIG-SMITH,, Members of Council: J.J. C. BRADFIELD,, eng., mz., | G. HARKER, F.A.c.1. M.Inst.C.E. R. W. CHALLINOR, F.10., rcs. 2 ee Breet: mt E. CHEEL. Q , O.B.E., F.R.A.S. Rev. E. F. PIGOT, s.3., B.a., M.B. Prof. L. A. pees rof. L. A. COTTON, m.a., D.s Prof. J. DOUGLAS STEWART, Prof. C. E. FAWSITT,, Pn.v. B.V.Sc., M.R.C.V.S. — Pe Sah tare pak, INT i | Pee: t: ref ernest) eRe la hee a Ps ee nh ea are Mi 7 ’ f ny LPS da On: ia | LIST OF THE MEMBERS OF THE Aopal Society of Mew South Hales. P Members who have contributed papers which have been published in the Society’s Journal. The numerals indicate the number of such contributions, { Life Members. Elected, 1908 Abbott, George Henry, B.A., M.B.,ChM., 185 Macquarie-street; p.r. ‘Cooringa,’ 252 Liverpool Road, Summer Hill. 1904 Adams, William John, M.1I.Mech.E., 175 Clarence-street. 1898 Alexander, Frank Lee, William-street, Granville. 1905 | P3| Anderson, Charles, u.a., D.Sc. Edin., Director of the Australian Museum, College-street. (President, 1924.) Vice-President. 1909 | P9| Andrews, Ernest C., B.a., F.a.s. Hon. Mem. Washington Academy of Sciences, Government Geologist, Department of Mines, Sydney. (President, 1921.) Vice-President. 1915 Armit, Henry William, m.p.c.s. Eng., u.n.c.p. Lond., The Printing House, Seamer-street. Glebe. 1919 Aurousseau, Marcel,, 9 Bannerman Street, Cremorne. 1923 Baccarini, Antonio, Doctor in Chemistry (Florence), 12 Roslyn- dale Avenue, Woollahra. 1878 Backhouse, His Honour Judge A. P., m.a., ‘ Melita,’ Elizabeth Bay. 1924 Bailey, Victor Albert, M.A., D.Phil., F.Inst.P., Assoc.-Professor of Physics in the University of Sydney. 1921 Baker, Rev. Harold Napier, m.a. Syd., St. Thomas’ Rectory, North Sydney. 1919 Baker, Henry Herbert, 15 Castlereagh-street. 1894 |P 27) Baker, Richard Thomas, The Crescent, Cheltenham. 1894 ftBalsille, George, ‘ Lauderdale,’ N.E. Valley, Dunedin, N. Zz. 1926 Bannon, Joseph, Demonstrator in Physics in the University of Sydney; p.r. ‘ Dunisla,’ The Crescent, Homebush. 1919 Bardsley, John Ralph, ‘The Pines,’ Lea Avenue, Five Dock. 1925 Barker- Woden, Lucien, F.R.a.s., 50 Muston-street, Mosman. 1908 | P 1) Barling, John, u.s., ‘St. Adrians,’ Raglan-street, Mosman. 1918 Barr, Robert Hamilton, 37 Sussex-street. 1895 | P9/ Barraclough, Sir Henry, K.B.£., B.E., M.M.E., M. Inst. C.E., M.I. Mech. E., Memb. Soc. Promotion Eng. Education; Memb. Internat. Assoc. Testing Materials; Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Professor of Mechanical Engineering in the University of Sydney; p.r. ‘ Marmion,’ Victoria-street, Lewisham. 1909 | P 2| Benson, William Noel, Syd., B.A. Cantab., F.a.s., Professor of Geology in the University of Otago, Dunedin, N.Z. 1926 Bentivoglio, Sydney Ernest, Bsc.agr, 70 Young-street, Annan- dale. 1923 | | Berry, Frederick John, F.c.s., ‘Roseneath,’ 51 Reynolds-street, Neutral Bay. Elected. 1919 1923 1916 1920 1915 1913 1923 1923 1905 1888 1893 1917 | 1926 1920 1922 1910 1876 1916 1926 1917 1891 1923 1919 1922 P2 Bl P 4 pal Ph P10 P10 (vi.) Bettley-Cooke, Hubert Vernon, ‘The Hollies,’ Minter-street, Canterbury. Birks, George Frederick, c/o Potter & Birks, 15 Grosvenor-st. Birrell, Septimus, c/o Margarine Co., Edinburgh Road, Marrickville. Bishop, Eldred George, 16 Belmont-street, Mosman. Bishop, John, 24 Bond-street. Bishop, Joseph Eldred, Killarney-street. Mosman. Blair, Kenneth John, ‘ Mimpi,’ Parsley Road, Vaucluse. Blakely, William Faris, ‘ Myola,’ Florence-street, Hornsby. Blakemore, George Henry, Room 32, Third Floor, Commercial Bank Chambers, 273 George-street. {Blaxland, Walter, F.R.c.s. Eng., L.R.c.P. Lond., ‘ Inglewood,’ Florida Road, Palm Beach, Sydney. Blomfield, Charles E., B.c.z. Melb., ‘ Woombi,’ Kangaroo Camp, Guyra. Bond, Robert Henry, ‘Eastbourne,’ 27 Cremorne-road, Cre- morne Point. Booker, Frederick William,,, ‘ Dunkeld,’ Nicholson-street, Chatswood. Booth, Edgar Harold, M.C., B.Se., F Inst.P., Lecturer and Demon- strator in Physics in the University of Sydney. Bradfield, John Job Crew, D.Sc. Eng., M.E., M. Inst. C.E., M. Inst. E. Aust. Chief Engineer, Metropolitan Railway Construction, Rail- way Department, Sydney. Bradley, Clement Henry Burton, M.B., ch.u., D.P.H., ‘Nedra,’ Little-street, Longueville; 211 Macquarie-street. Brady, Andrew John, L.k. and q.c.p. Irel., t.R.c.s. Ivel., 175 Macquarie-street, Sydney. Bragg, James Wood, B.a., c/o Gibson, Battle &Co. Ltd.,Kent-st. Branch, Kenneth James F., 99 North Steyne, Manly. Breakwell, Ernest, B.A.,, Headmaster Agricultural School, Yanco. Brennand, Henry J. W., B.A., M.D., chu. Syd., v.D., Surgeon Commander R.A.N. Ret., 223 Macquarie-street; p.r. 73 Milsons Road, Cremorne. Brereton, Ernest Le Gay, B.Sc, Lecturer and Demonstrator in Chemistry in the University of Sydney. Briggs, George Henry, B.Sc. Ph.p., Lecturer and Demonstrator in Physics in the University of Sydney. Brough, Patrick, M.A., B.S¢, B Se, (Agr ) (Glasgow), Lecturer in Botany in the University of Sydney. Brown, Herbert, ‘ Sikoti,’ Alexander-street, Collaroy Beach, Sydney. Brown, James B., Resident Master, Technical School, Gran- ville; p.r. ‘Aberdour,’ Daniel-street, Granville. Browne, William Rowan,, Assistant-Professor of Geology in the University of Sydney. Bull, James Towers, 48 Fort-street, Petersham. {Burfitt, W. Fitzmaurice, B.A., M.B., Ch.M. B.Sc, Syd., ‘Wyom- ing,’ 175 Macquarie-street, Sydney. Burkitt, Arthur Neville St. George, m.B,, Professor of Anatomy in the University of Sydney. Burrows, George Joseph,, Lecturer and Demonstrator in Chemistry in the University of Sydney; p.r. Watson-street, Neutral Bay. . ‘lected 1909 1904. 11923 1907 1921 ‘1876 1891 11920 1903 1913 1909 ‘1913 1925 1909 1876 1896 11920 1913 ‘1882 1919 1909 1919 1892 1886 1921 ‘1925 1912 11920 1890 1876 1886 P 26 P3 P3 P 2 P14 P 20 P 4 P3 P6 By (vii. ) Calvert, Thomas Copley, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Department of Pub- lic Works, Sydney. Cambage, Richard Hind, c.8B.5., L.s.,¥.L.S.,.49 Park Road, Bur- wood. (President 1912, 1923). Hon Secretary. Cameron, Lindsay Duncan, Hill;-street, Mortlake. Campbell, Alfred W., m.p., ch.m. Edin., 183 Macquarie-street. Campbell, John Honeyford, u.s.n., The Royal Mint, Ottawa, Canada. Cape, Alfred J., m.a. Syd., ‘Karoola,’ Edgecliff Road, Edgecliff. Carment, David, ¥.1.a. Grt. Brit. @ Irel. ¥.F.A., Scot., 4 Whaling Road, North Sydney. Carruthers, Sir Joseph Hector, K.c.M.G., M..C., M.A., Syd., LL.D., St. Andrews, ‘Highbury,’ Waverley. Carslaw, Horatio S., m.A., Se. p., Professor of Mathematics in the University of Sydney. Challinor, Richard Westman, F.1.c., F.c.s., Lecturer in Chem- istry, Sydney Technical College. Chapman, Henry G., M.p., B.s., Professor of Physiology in the University of Sydney. Hon. Treasurer. Cheel, Edwin, Curator National Herbarium, Botanic Gardens, Sydney. Clark, William E., § Acacia,’ Cambridge-street, Epping. Cleland, John Burton, m.p., ch.m., Professor of Pathology in the University of Adelaide. (President 1917.) Codrington, John Frederick, m.r.c.s. Eng., L.R.c.P. Lond, and Edin., ‘Roseneath,’ 8 Wallis-street, Woollahra. Cook, W. E., m.c.u. Melb., M.Inst.,C.E., Burroway-st., Neutral Bay. Cooke, Frederick, c/o Meggitt’s Limited, 26 King-street. Coombs, F. A., ¥F.c.s., Instructor of Leather Dressing and Tanning, Sydney Technical College; p.r. Bannerman Crescent, Rosebery. Cornwell, Samuel, J.P., ‘Capanesk,’ Tyagarah, North Coast. Cotton, Frank Stanley, B.sec., Chief Lecturer and Demonstrator in Physiology in the University of Sydney. Cotton, Leo Arthur, m.a., D.Sc, Professor of Geology in the University of Sydney. Cowdery, Edward Henry, t.s., 6 Castlereagh-street, Sydney. Cowdery, George R., Assoc.M.Inst.0.E, ‘Glencoe,’ Torrington Road, Strathfield. Crago, W. H., u.p.c.s. Hng., u.R.c.P. Lond., 185 Macquarie-st. tCresswick, John Arthur, 101 Villiers-street, Rockdale. Curry, Harris Eric Marshall, 8 Lower Wycombe Road, Neut- ral Bay. Curtis, Louis Albert, u.s., F.t.s. (N.S.W.), v.p., No.1 Mayfair Flats, Macleay-street, Darlinghurst. Danés, Jiri Victor, Pr.p. Prague, The University, Prague. Dare, Henry Harvey, M.E, M.Inst.c.E, Commissioner, Water Conservation and Irrigation Commission, Union House, George-street. P 3] Darley, Cecil West, 1.9.0., MInst.c.E., ‘Longheath,’ Little Bookham, Surrey, England; Australian Club, Sydney. P 23) David, Sir Edgeworth, K.B.£., C.M.G., D.S.0., B.A., D.Sc, F.R.S., F.G.s., Wollaston Medallist, Emeritus Professor of Geo- logy and Physical Geography in the University of Sydney; p-r. ‘Coringah,’ Sherbroke-road, Hornsby. (President 1895, 1910.) Elected (viii.) 1919 | P2| de Beuzeville, Wilfrid Alex. Watt, Forestry Assessor, Forest 1921 1921 1894. 1924 1906 1913 1908 1924. 1924 1923 1919 1924 1918 1916 1908 1896 1887 ~ 1921 1910 1909 1922 1920 1923 1920 1888 1922 1879 P3 EG Pa P2 eal Pal Office, Tumut. Delprat, Guillaume Daniel, c.B.z., ‘Keynsham,’ Mandeville Crescent, Toorak, Victoria. Denison, Sir Hugh Robert, x.8.z., 701 Culwulla Chambers, Castlereagh-street. Dick, James Adam, c.m.a., B.A. Syd., M.D., Ch.M., F.B.C.S. Hdin., ‘Catfoss,’ 59 Belmore Road, Randwick. Dickinson, Reginald E., Eng. Lond., a.m.1.¢c.E., Chief Mechanical Engineer’s Office, N. 8S. Wales Railways, Wil- son-street, Redfern. Dixson, William, ‘ Merridong,’ Gordon Road, Killara. Doherty, William M., F.1.c., F.c.s., Second Government Analyst, ‘ Jesmond,’ George-street, Marrickville. Dun, William S., Paleontologist, Department of Mines, Sydney.. (President 1918.) Dupain, George Zephirin, A..c.1., F.c.s., Dupain Institute of Physical Education, Daking House, Pitt-street, p.r. ‘ Sym- ington,’ Parramatta Road, Ashfield. Durham, Joseph, 120 Belmore Road, Randwick. Earl, John Campbell,, Pn.p., Lecturer and Demonstrator in Organic Chemistry in the University of Sydney. Earp, The Hon. George Frederick, c.B.8., M.L.c., Australia House, Carrington-street. Eastaugh, Frederick Alldis, a.r.s.m., F.I.c., Assistant-Professor in Chemistry, Assaying and Metallurgy in the University of Sydney. TElliott, Edward, c/o Reckitts’ (Oversea) Ltd., Bourke-street, Redfern. Enright, Walter J., B.a., High-street, West Maitland, N.S.W. Esdaile, Edward William, 42 Hunter-street. Fairfax, Geoffrey E., 8S. M. Herald Office, Hunter-street. Faithfull, R. L., u.p., New York, u.R.c.P., u.s.A. Lond., c/o Iceton, Faithfull and Maddocks, 25 O’Connell-street. Farnsworth, Henry Gordon, ‘ Rothsay,’ 90 Alt-street, Ashfield. Farrell, John, A.t.c., Syd., Riverina Flats, 265 Palmer-street, Sydney. Fawsitt, Charles Edward,, Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry in the University of Sydney. (President 1919). Ferguson, Andrew, 9 Martin Place, Sydney. Ferguson, Eustace William, m.8.,, “Timbrabongie,’ Gor- don Road, Roseville. Fiaschi, Piero, 0.B.8.,u.p. (Columbia Univ.), p.p.s. (New York) M.R.O.8. (Eng.), u.R.c.P. (Lond.), 178 Phillip-street. Fisk, Ernest Thomas, Wireless House, 97 Clarence-street. Fitzhardinge, His Honour Judge G. H., w.a. ‘Red Hill,’ Pennant Hills. Fleming, Edward Patrick, Member of the Development and Migration Committee, Melbourne. tForeman, Joseph, m.R.c.s. Eng. u.R.c.P. Edin., ‘The Astor,” Macquarie-street. lected 1920 1905 1904 1925 1918 1926 1921 1897 1922 1916 1922 1899 1923 1919 1880 1912 1892 1919 1916 1912 1887 1909 1916 1905 1913 1919 1923 1918 4919 1916 1914 P5 Pl P8 P 5! Pi (ix.) Fortescue, Albert John, ‘Benambra,’ Loftus-street, Arncliffe. Foy, Mark, c/o Hydro Office, 133a Pitt-street, Sydney. Fraser, James, ©O.M.G., M.Inst.C.E., Chief Commissioner for Railways, Bridge-street. Friend, Norman Bartlett, 48 Pile-street, Dulwich Hill. Gallagher, James Laurence, m.a. Syd., ‘Akaroa,’ Ellesmere Avenue, Hunter’s Hill. Gibson, Alexander James, M.E., M.Inst.c.B., M.1I.E.Aust., 906 Culwulla Chambers, Castlereagh-street, Sydney. Godfrey, Gordon Hay, m.a., B.Sc, Lecturer in Physics in the Technical College, Sydney; p.r. 262 Johnston-street, Annandale. Gould, The Hon. Sir Albert John, kK.B., v.p., ‘ Eynesbury,’ Edgecliff. Grant, Robert, F.c.s., Department of Public Health, 93 Mac- quarie-street. Green, Victor Herbert, 19 Bligh-street. Greig, William Arthur, Mines Department, Sydney. Greig-Smith, R., Hdin., Dun., Macleay Bacteriologist, Linnean Society’s House, Ithaca Road, Elizabeth Bay. (President 1915.) Hon. Secretary. Gurney, William Butler, Government Entomologist, Depart- ment of Agriculture, Sydney. Grutzmacher, Frederick Lyle, F.c.s., Church of England Grammar School, North Sydney. Halligan, Gerald H., u.s., F.4.s.,¢c/0 Royal Society, 5 Elizabeth- street, Sydney. Hallmann, E. F.,, 72 John-street, Petersham. Halloran, Henry Ferdinand, t.s., 82 Pitt-street. Hambridge, Frank, 58 Pitt-street. Hamilton, Arthur Andrew, ‘The Ferns,’ 17 Thomas-st., Ashfield Hamilton, Alexander G., ‘Tanandra,’ Hercules-st., Chatswood. Hamlet, William M., F.1-c., F.c.s., Member of the Society of Public Analysts ; ‘Glendowan,’ Glenbrook, Blue Mountains. B.M.A. Building, 30 Elizabeth-st. (President 1899, 1908). Hammond, Walter L.,, High School, Bathurst. Hardy, Victor Lawson, ‘Tiri Mona,’ 114 Gordon-av., Randwick Harker, George,, F.A.c.1., Chamber of Commerce Building, 35 William-street, Melbourne. Harper, Leslie F., r.c.s., Geological Surveyor, Department of Mines, Sydney. Harrison, Launcelot, B.a. Cantab., B.Sc. Syd., Professor of Zoology in the University of Sydney. Harrison, Travis Henry, Lecturer in Entomology and Botany at the Hawkesbury Agricultural College, Richmond. Hassan, Alex. Richard Roby, c/o W. Angliss & Co. Ppty. Ltd., 64 West Smithfield, London, E.C. Hay, Alexander, Coolangatta, N.S.W. Hay Dalrymple-, Richard T., L.s.; p.r. Goodchap-rd.,Chatswood. Hector, Alex. Burnet, c/o Hector Bros., Claremont, Marengo, via Young. Elected, 1916 1319 1919 1884 1918 1921 1916 1924 1901 1905 1920 1919 1919 1919 1919 1906 1913 1920 1923 P2| Pea P2 PAS P2 P15 (x.) Henderson, James, ‘ Dunsfold,’ Clanalpine-street, Mosman. Henriques, Frederick Lester, 208 Clarence-street. Henry, Max, DS§.0., B.V.Sc., M.B.C.V.s., ‘Coram Cottage,’ Essex-- street, Epping. Henson, Joshua B., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., 28 Barton-street, May- field, Newcastle. Hindmarsh, Percival, u.A., (Agr.), Teachers’ College, The University, Sydney; p.r. ‘Lurnea,’ Canberra Avenue,. Greenwich. Hindmarsh, William Lloyd,, M.R.C.V.S., D.V.H., District Veterinary Officer, Armidale. Hoggan, Henry James, A.M.1.M.E., A.M.1.E. (Aust.), Manchester Unity Chambers, 160 Castlereagh-street; p.r. ‘ Lincluden,” Frederick-street, Rockdale. ; Holme, Ernest Rudolph, o.8.@., m.a., Professor of English: Language in the University of Sydney. Holt, Thomas S., ‘Amalfi,’ Appian Way, Burwood. Hooper, George, F.T.c. Syd., Assistant Superintendent, Sydney’ ‘echnical College; p.r. ‘Nvcumbene, Nielson Park, Vaucluse. Hordern, Anthony, c.B.s., c/o Messrs. A. Hordern & Sons Ltd., Brickfield Hill. | Horsfall, William Nichols, w.B., B.s. Melb., 10 Morton-street,. North Sydney. | Hoskins, Arthur Sidney. Eskroy Park, Bowenfels. Hoskins, Cecil Harold, Windarra, Bowenfels. Houston, Ralph Liddle, No. 1 Lincluden Gardens, Fairfax-rd.,. Double Bay. Howle, Walter Cresswell, t.s.a. Lond., 215 Macquarie-street. Hudson, G. Inglis, J.P., F.c.s., ‘Gudvangen,’ Arden-st., Coogee. Hulle, Edward William, Commonwealth Bank of Australia. Hynes, Harold John,, (Agr.), Walter and Eliza Hall Agri-- cultural Research Fellow, Biological Branch, Department of Agriculture, Sydney. Ingram, William Wilson, m.c., M.D., cn.B., The University, Sydney. Jacobs, Ernest Godfried, ‘Cambria,’ 106 Bland-street, Ashfield... Jaquet, John Blockley, a.r.s.m., F.4.s., Chief Inspector of Mines, Department of Mines, Sydney. Jenkins, Charles Adrian, B.z., B.Sc, ‘Monterey,’ 9 Niblish- street, Bondi. Jenkins, Richard Ford, Engineer for Boring, Irrigation Com-- mission, 6 Union-street, Mosman. John, Morgan Jones, M.1.Mech.#., A.M.1.E.E. Lond., M.1.H. Aust., w.1.m. Aust., Olphert Avenue, Vaucluse. Johnston, Thomas Harvey, M.A., D.Sc., F.L.S., C.M.Z.8., Professor: of Zoology in the University of Adelaide. Jones, Leo Joseph, Geological Surveyor, Department of Mines,. Sydney. Julius, George A., B8c., M.E., M.I.Mech.E., Culwulla Chambers;. Castlereagh-street, Sydney. Elected 1876 1924. 1924 1887 1919 1896 1923 1920 1919 1881 1877 | 1911 1924. 1920 1916 | 1909 1883 1928 1906 1924 1884 1887 1878 1923 1921 1903 1919 1906 1891 1880 P 4 P 3 P 26 P3 P2 je) (x1 ) ‘Keele, Thomas William, L.S., M Inst.C.E., ‘Gladsmuir,’ Rivers- street, Woollahra. Kenner, James, Ph.D., D.Sc, F.R.S., Professor of Organic Chemistry in the University of Sydney. Kenny, Edward Joseph, Field Assistant, Department of Mines, Sydney; p.r. 45 Robert-street, Marrickville. Kent, Harry C., u.A., F.R.1.B.4., Dibbs’ Chambers, 58 Pitt-st. Kesteven, Hereward Leighton, M.D., Ch.M., D.Sc, Bulladelah, New South Wales. King, Kelso, 14 Martin Place. Kinghorn, James Roy, Australian Museum, Sydney. Kirchner, William John,, c/o Burroughs Wellcome & Co., Victoria-street, Waterloo. Kirk, Robert Newby, 25 O’Connell-street, Knibbs, Sir George, Kt., c.mM.@., Hon.F.S.S., F.R.A.S., L.S., Member Internat. Assoc. Testing Materials; Memb. Brit. Se. Guild, ‘Cooyal,’ 27 Sunnyside Avenue, Camberwell, Victoria. (President 1898), Knox, Edward W., ‘ Rona,’ Bellevue Hill, Double Bay. Laseron, Charlies Francis, Technological Museum. Leech, '’homas David James,, Syd., ‘Orontes,’ Clarke-st., Granville. ; Le Souef, Albert Sherbourne, Taronga Park, Mosman. L’Estrange, Walter William, 7 Church-street, Ashfield. Leverrier, Frank, B.A., B.Sc, K.c., Wentworth Road, Vaucluse. Lingen, J. T., m.a. Cantab., «.c., University Chambers, 167 Phillip-street, Sydney. Lipscomh, Alan Price, t.s., c/o Land Board Office, Goulburn. Loney, Charles Augustus Luxton, M.Am.Soc.Refr.E., Equitable Building, George-street. Love, David Horace, Beauchamp Avenue, Chatswood. MacCormick, Sir Alexander, K.c.M.G., M.D., c.M. Edin., M.R.C.S. Eng., 185 Macquarie-street. MacCulloch, Stanhope H., m.B., chm. Hdin., 26 College-street. MacDonald, Ebenezer, J.p., c/o Perpetual Trustee Co., Ld., Hunter-street, Sydney. Mackay, Iven Giffard, c.w.a., D.s.o., B.A., Student Adviser and Secretary of Appointments Board, The University, Sydney. McDonald, Alexander Hugh Harle, Superintendent of Agri- culture, Department of Agviculture, Sydney. McDonald, Robert, J.p., u.s., Pastoral Chambers, O’Connell-st; p.r. ‘ Lowlands,’ Wiiliam-street, Double Bay. McGeachie, Duncan, M.1.M.8,, M.1.8. (Aust.), w.1m.M. (Aust.), ‘Craig Royston,’ Toronto, Lake Macquarie. McIntosh. Arthur Marshall, ‘Moy Lodge,’ Hill-st., Roseville. McKay, R. T., L.S., M.Inst.C.E., Commissioner, Sydney Harbour Trust, Circular Quay. McKinney, Hugh Giffin, m.z., Roy. Univ. Ivrel., M.Inst.C.E., Sydney Safe Deposit, Paling’s buildings, Ash-street. (xii.) Elected 1922 McLuckie, John, M.A.,, (Glasgow), D.Sc, (Syd.), Lecturer in Botany in the University of Sydney. 1901 | P1| McMaster, Colin J., u.s., ‘Crona,’ Keydon Avenue, Warrawee. 1916 McQuiggin, Harold G., u.B., c.m., B.Sc, Lecturer and Demon- strator in Physiology in the University of Sydney; p.r. ‘ Berolyn,’ Beaufort-street, Croydon. 1909 Madsen, John Percival Vissing,, B.E., Professor of Elec- trical Engineering in the University of Sydney. 1924. Mance, Frederick Stapleton, Under Secretary for Mines, Mines Department, Sydney; p.r. ‘ Binbah,’ Lucretia Avenue, Longueville. 1880 | P 1| Manfred, Edmund C., Montague-street, Goulburn. 1920 | P 1| Mann, Cecil William, Kent-street, Epping. 1920 Mann, James Elliott Furneaux, Barrister at Law, c/o H. Southerden, Esq.. Box 1646 J.J., G.P.O., Sydney. 1908 Marshall, Frank, c.M.G., B.p.s., 151 Macquarie-street. 1914 Martin, A. H., Technical College, Sydney. 1926 Mathews, Hamilton Bartlett, B.a. Syd., Surveyor General of N.S.W., Department of Lands, Sydney. 1912 Meldrum, Henry John, B.a., B.Sc. ‘ Craig Roy,’ Sydney Road, ; | Manly. 1922 Mills, Arthur Edward, m.s., ch.m., Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Professor of Medicine in the University of Sydney, 143 Macquarie-street. 1926 Mitchell, Ernest Marklow, 106 Harrow Road, Rockdale | 1879 Moore, Frederick H., Union Club, Sydney. 1922 | P9| Morrison, Frank Richard, Assistant Chemist, Technological Museum, Sydney; p.r. Brae-street, Waverley. 1924 Morrison, Malcolm, Department of Mines, Sydney. 1924 Mullens, Arthur Launcelot, c/o Mullens & Co., 115 Pitt-street. 1879 Mullins, John Lane, m.a. Syd., M.u.c., ‘ Killountan,’ Double Bay. 1915 Murphy, R. K., Dr. Ing., Chem. Eng., Lecturer in Chemistry, Technical College, Sydney. 1923 | P2 | Murray, Jack Keith, B.a., (Agr.), Principal, Queensland Agricultural College, Gatton, Queensland. 1893 | P 4, Nangle, James, 0.B.z., F.R.A.s., Superintendent of Technical Education, The Technical College, Sydney; The Observ- atory, Sydney. (President 1920.) Vice-President. 1917 Nash, Norman C., ‘Ruanora,’ Lucas Road, Burwood. 1924 Nickoll, Harvey, L.B.c.P., L.R.c.s., Barham, via Mudgee, N.S. W. 1891 tNoble, Edward George, L.s., 8 Louisa Road, Balmain. 1920 | Noble, Robert Jackson,, B.Sc. (Agr), Ph.p., Agricultural | Museum, George-street, North; p.r. ‘Lyndon,’ Carrington- street, Homebush. 1903 {Old, Richard, ‘ Waverton,’ Bay Road, North Sydney. 1921 Olding, George Henry, 4 Bayswater Road, Drummoyne. 1913 | Ollé, A. D., F.c.s., ‘Kareema,’ Charlotte-street, Ashfield. 1925 | Ollé, Claude Henry, 30 Martin Place, Sydney. ‘Elected 1896 1917 1891 1921 1920 1880 1921 1920 1909 1879 1881 1919 1917 1896 1921 1918 1918 “1893 1912 1922 1919 1909 1920 1921 1924 1884. 1895 1925 1897 PZ P 39 P2 P8 P2 P2 P3 Pl (xiii.) Onslow, Col. James William Macarthur, B.A., L.B., ‘Gilbulla,’ Menangle. Ormsby, Irwin, ‘Caleula,’ Allison Road, Randwick. Osborn, A. F., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Water Supply Branch, Sydney, ‘Uplands,’ Meadow Bank, N.S.W. Osborne, George Davenport,, Lecturer and Demonstrator in Geology in the University of Sydney; p.r. ‘Belle-Vue,’ Kembla-st., Arncliffe. Paine, William Horace, State Abattoirs, Homebush Bay,N.S.W. Palmer, Joseph, 96 Pitt-st.; p.r. Kenneth-st., Willoughby. Parkes, Varney, Royal Chambers, Castlereagh-street. Penfold, Arthur Ramon, F.c.s., Economic Chemist, Techno- logical Museum, Harris-street, Ultimo. Pigot, Rev. Edward F., s.J., B.A., M.B. Dub., Director of the Seismological Observatory, St. lgnatius’College, Riverview. Pittman, Edward F., Assoc.R.S.M.. L.S., ‘The Oaks,’ Park-street, South Yarra, Melbourne. Poate, Frederick, F.R.A.S., L.S., ‘ Clanfield,’ 50 Penkivil-street, _ Bondi. Poate, Hugh Raymond Guy, m.B., cn. mM. Syd., F.B.C.S. Eng., L.B.c.P. Lond., 225 Macquarie-street. Poole, William, m.., (Civil, Min. and Met.) Syd., M. Inst. C.E., M.I.M.M., M.1I.E., Aust., M.Am.I.M.E., M. Aust. I. M.M., L.S., 906 Culwulla Chambers, Castlereagh-street. Pope, Roland James, B.a., Syd., M.D., Ch.M., F.R.CS.. Edin., 185 Macquarie-street. Powell, Charles Wilfrid Roberts, a.1.c., c/o Colonial Sugar Refining Co., O’Connell-street. Powell, John, 170-2 Palmer-street. Priestley, Henry, M.D., ch. M., B.Sc, Associate-Professor of Physiology in the University of Sydney. Purser, Cecil, B.A., M.B., chm. Syd., 185 Macquarie-street. Radcliff, Sidney, F.c.s., Department of Chemistry, The Uni- versity of Sydney ; p.r. Leura. Raggatt, Harold George,, Lord-street, Roseville. Ranclaud, Archibald Boscawen Boyd,, B.E., Lecturer in Physics, Teachers’ College, The University, Sydney. Reid, David, ‘ Holmsdale,’ Pymble. Richardson, John James, a.M.1I.E.E. Lond,, ‘ Kurrawyba,’ Upper Spit Road, Mosman. Robertson, Frederick Arnold, Science Master, Sydney C. of E. Grammar School, North Sydney. Robertson, James R. M.,, o.M., F.R.G.S., F.G.S., ‘Vanduara,’ Ellamane Avenue, Kirribilli. Ross, Chisholm, m.p. Syd., M.B., Ch.M., Hdin., 225 Macquarie-st. Ross, Herbert E., Equitable Building, George-street. Roughley, Theodore Cleveland, 'l'echnological Museum, Sydney. Russell, Harry Ambrose, B.A., c/o Sly and Russell, 369 George- street; p.r. ‘Mahuru,’ Park Road, Bowral. Elected 1907 1922 1926 1917 1920 1920 1913 1919 19238 1918 1924. 1917 1900 1910 1916 1922 1919 1921 1917 1916 1921 1914 1920 1913 1900 1909 1916 1919 1918 1920 Pei Pes Pa Pl (xiv. ) Ryder, Charles Dudley, Assoc.I.R.M., F.C.8., A.A.C.1., Sydney-st.,. Chatswood. Sandy, Harold Arthur Montague, 326 George-street. Saunderson, William. B.Sc. Dun,, F.C.S., Licentiate, College of Preceptors England, c/o Messrs. H. B. & Co., Bull-~ etin Place, Sydney. Sawkins, Dansie T., m.a., ‘Brymedura,’ Kissing Point Road,. Turramurra. Sawyer, Basil, B £., ‘Birri Birra,’ The Crescent, Vaucluse. Scammell, Rupert Boswood,, Syd., 18 Middle Head Road, Mosman. Scammell, W.J., Mem. Pharm. Soc. Grt. Brit., 18 Middle Head Road, Mosman. Sear, Walter George Lane, c/o J. Kitchen & Sons, Ingles-st., . Port Melbourne. Seddon, Herbert Robert,,, Director, Veterinary Research Station, Glenfield. Sevier, Harry Brown, c/o Lewis Berger and Sons (Aust.) Ltd., Cathcart House, Castlereagh-street. Shelton, James Peel, msc, B.Sc, Agr., Department of Agri-. culture, Canberra. Sibley, Samuel Edward, Mount-street, Coogee. Simpson, Rk. C., Lecturer in Electrical Engineering, Technical College, Sydney. Simpson, William Walker, ‘Strathford,’ Lord-street,Roseville. Smith, Stephen Henry, Under Secretary and Director of Edu-. cation, Department of Education, Sydney. Smith, Thomas Hodge, Australian Museum, Sydney. Southee, Ethelbert Ambrook, 0.B.t., M.A., B.Sc, Principal, Hawkesbury Agricultural College, Richmond, N.S.W. Spencer-Watts, Arthur, ‘Araboonoo,’ Glebe-street, Randwick. Spruson, Wilfred Joseph, Daily Telegraph Building, King-st. Stephen, Alfred Ernest, r.c.s., 801 Culwulla Chambers, 67 Castlereagh-street, Sydney. Stephen, Henry Montague. B.a., uu.B., c/o McCarthy & Mar- shall, 11a Castlereagh-street. Stephens, Frederick G. N., F.R.c.S., M.B., Ch.M., 18 Dover Road, Rose Bay. Stephens, John Gower, m.B., Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Camperdown. Stewart, Alex. Hay, B.z., ‘ Yunah,’ 22 Murray-street, Croydon Stewart, J. Douglas,, M.R.C.V.8., Professor of Veterinary Science in the University of Sydney ; p.r. ‘ Berelle,’ Home- bush Road, Strathfield. Stokes, Edward Sutherland, m.x. Syd., F.x.c.p. Irel., Medical Officer, Metropolitan Board of Water Supply and Sewerage, . 341 Pitt-street. Stone, W.G., Assistant Analyst, Department of Mines, Sydney. Stroud, Sydney Hartnett, F.1.c., c/o EUiott Bros., Ltd., Terry ~ Street, Rozelle; p.r. Fifth- street, South Ashfield. Sullivan, Herbert J ay, c/o Lewis Berger and Sons (Aust.) Ltd., Rhodes. Sulman, Sir John, Kt., Warrung-st., McMahon’s Point, North. Sydney. Elected 1918 1901 1919 1920 1919 1926 1925 1915 1893 1921 1905 1921 1899 1923 1919 1924 1913 1919 1916 1923 1923 1923 1879 1925 1916 1890 1921 1892 Pit Pi2 P2 P 4. (xv.) Sundstrom, Carl Gustaf, c/o Federal Match Co., Park Road,. Alexandria. Sussmilch, C. A., F.a.s., Principal of the Technical College, Newcastle, N.S.W. (President 1922.) Vice-President. tSutherland, George Fife,, Lond., Assistant-Professor in Mechanical Engineering, in the University of Sydney. | Sutton, Harvey, 0.B.E.,M.D., D.P.H. Melb., B.Sc. Oxon., ‘Liynton,’ Kent Road, Rose Bay. Swain, Herbert John, p.a. Cantab., B.E. Syd., Lecturer in. Mechanical Engineering, ‘Technical College, Sydney. Tannahi.l, Robert William, Syd., ‘ Astoria,’ Kirribilli Taylor, George Augustine, F.R.A.S., F.R.G.S., 20 Loftus-street, Sydney. Taylor, Harold B.,, Kenneth-street, Longueville. tTaylor, James, B.Sc, A.R.S.M. ‘Cartref, Brierly-st., Mosman. Taylor, John Kingsley, Hawkesbury Agricultural College, Richmond ;-p.r. 16 Ferrier-street, Rockdale. Taylor, John M., m.a., uL.B. Syd., ‘ Woonona,’ 43 Hast Crescent- street, McMahon’s Point, North Sydney. Taylor, Thomas Griffith, B.a.,, B.e., Associate- Professor of Geography in the University of Sydney. Teece, R., F.1.4., F.F.A., Wolseley Road, Point Piper. Thomas, David, B.E., M.I.M.M., F.G.S.. 15 Clifton Avenue, Burwood. Thomas, John, t.s., Chief Mining Surveyor, Mines Department Sydney; p.r. ‘Remeura,’ Pine and Harrow Roads, Auburn. Thompson, Herbert William, ‘ Marathon,’ Francis-st.,Randwick Thompson, Joseph, M.a., LL.B., Vickery’s Chambers, 82 Pitt-st. Thorne, Harold Henry, B.A. Cantab., Syd., Lecturer in Mathematics in the University of Sydney; p.r. Rutledge-st., Hastwood. Tillyard, Robin John, M.A.,, F.8.S., F.L.S., F.E.S., Biological’ Branch, Cawthron Institute, Nelson, New Zealand. Timcke, Edward Waldemar, Meteorologist, Weather Bureau, Sydney. Tindale, Harold, Works Engineer, c/o Australian Gas-Light Co., Mortlake, Toppin, Richmond Douglas, 4.i.c., Parke Davis & Co., Rose- bery. ; Trebeck, P. C., c/o Box 367 G.P.O., Sydney. Tye, Cyrus Willmott Oberon, Under Secretary for Public Works. Public Works Dept., Sydney; p.r. 19 Muston-st., Mosman. Valder, George, 3.p., 3 Milner-street, Mosman. Vicars, James, m.u., Memb. Intern. Assoc. Testing Materials; Memb. B.S. Guild; Challis House, Martin Place. Vicars, Robert, Marrickville Woollen Mills, Marrickville. Vickery, George B., 78 Pitt-street. ‘Elected 1903 | P 5 1924 1919 1910 1910 1879 1919.) Pl 1903 1901 1918 1913 | P 4 1922 1921 1924 1919 1919 | P 2 1919 1876 1910 1911 | P1 1920 |P 17 1907 | Pl 1920; Pl 1921 1881 1922 1909 | P3 1918 1892 | Pl 1923 1921 (xvi) Vonwiller, Oscar U., B.Sc., F.tInst.P., Professor of Physics in the University of Sydney. Wade, Rev. Robert Thompson, m.a., Headfort School, Killara. Waley, Robert George Kinloch, 63 Pitt- street. Walker, Charles, ‘Lynwood,’ Terry Road, Ryde. Walker, Harold Hutchison, Vickery’s Chace 82 Pitt-st. Walker, H. O., ‘ Moora,’ Crown-street, Parramatta. Walkom, Arthur Bache,, Macleay House, 16 College-st. Walsh, Fred,, J.p., Consul-General for Honduras in Australia and New Zealand; For. Memb. Inst. Patent Agents, Lon- don; Patent Attorney Regd. U.S.A.; Memb. Patent Law Assoc., Washington; Regd. Patent Attorn. Comm. of Aust.; Memb. Patent Attorney Exam. Board Aust.; George and Wynyard-streets; p.r. ‘Walsholme,’ Centennial Park, Syd. Walton, R. H., r.c.s., ‘ Flinders,’ Martin’s Avenue, Bondi. Ward, Edward Naunton, Curator of the Botanic Gardens, Syd. Wardlaw, Hy. Slcane Halcro, Syd., Lecturer and Demon- strator in Physiology in the University of Sydney. Wark, Blair Anderson, V.c., D.S.0., M.1.Q.c., c/o Thompson and Wark, T. & G. Building, Elizabeth-street; p.r. ‘ Braeside,’ Zeta-street, Lane Cove, Sydney. {Waterhouse, G. Athol, D.Sc, B.z., ¥.E.8., Stanhope Road, Killara. Waterhouse, Leslie Vickery, B.u. Syd., 58 Pitt-street. Waterhouse, Lionel Lawry, B.z. Syd., Lecturer and Demon- strator in Geology in the University of Sydney. Waterhouse, Walter L., u.c., (Agr.), ‘Hazelsmere,’ Chelms- ford Avenue, Roseville. Watkin-Brown, Willie Thomas, F.R.m.s., 33 Renwick-street, Redfern. Watkins, John Leo, B.a. Cantab., u.a. Syd., University Club, Castlereagh-street. Watson, James Frederick, u.B., ch.m., ‘Midhurst,’ Woollahra. Watt, Robert Dickie, m.a.,, Professor of Agriculture in the University of Sydney. (President, 1925). Welch, Marcus Baldwin,, A.1.c., Economic Botanist, Tech- nological Museum. Welch, William, F.R.4¢ s., ‘ Roto-iti,’ Boyle-street, Mosman. Wellish, Edward Montague, u.a., Associate-Professor in Math- ematics in the University of Sydney. Wenholz, Harold, Department of Agriculture, Sydney. {Wesley, W. H., London. Whibley, Harry Clement, 39 Moore-street, Leichhardt. itWhite, Charles Josiah,, Lecturer in Chemistry, Teacher’s College. White, Edmond Aunger, m.a.1.M.z., c/o Electrolytic Refining and Smelting Co. of Australia Ltd., Port Kembla, N.S.W. White, Harold Pogson, F.c.s., Assistant Assayer and Analyst, Department of Mines; p.r. ‘Quantox,’ Park Road, Auburn. Whitehouse, Frank,, (Syd.) ‘Dane Bank,’ Albyn Road, Strathfield. Willan, Thomas Lindsay,, Gopeng Road, Batu Gayah, Perak, Federated Malay States. Elected 1920 1924 1917 1923 1891 1906 1916 1917 1921 1918 1914 1908 1908 1915 1912 1894 1900 1915 1921 1922 E10 (xvil.) Williams, Harry, a.1.c.,c/o Whiddon Bros.’ Rosebery Lanolines:. Pty. Ltd., Arlington Mills, Botany. Williams, William John, 5 Effingham-street, Mosman. Willington, William Thos., 0.B.z., 33 Willington-st., Arncliffe. Wilson, Stanley Hric, ‘Chatham,’ James-street, Manly. Wood, Percy Moore, t.x.c.p. Lond., M.R.c.s. Eng., ‘ Redcliffe,’ Liverpool Road, Ashfield. Woolnough, Walter George, D.8e., F.a.s., ‘Callabonna,’ Park Avenue, Gordon. President. Wright, George, c/o Farmer & Company, Pitt-street. Wright, Gilbert, Lecturer and Demonstrator in Agricultural. Chemistry in the University of Sydney. Yates, Guy Carrington, 184 Sussex-street. Honorary MzimMBeERs. Limited to Twenty. M.—Recipients of the Clarke Medal. Chilton, Charles, M.A., D.Sc, M.B.,c.M., etc., Professor of Biology,. Canterbury College, Christchurch, N.Z. Hill, James P.,, ¥F.R.S., Professor of Zoology, University College, London. Kennedy, Sir Alex. B. W., Kt., Lu.p., D. Eng., F.R.S., Emeritus Professor of Engineering in University College, London, 17 Victoria-street, Westminster, London S.W. P 57|*Liversidge, Archibald, m.a., LL.D., F.R.S., Emeritus Professor of Chemistry in the University of Sydney, ‘ Fieldhead,’ George Road, Coombe Warren, Kingston, Surrey, England. (President 1889, 1900.) Maitland, Andrew Gibb, F.a.s.. Government Geologist of Western Australia, ‘ Bon Accord,’ 2 Charles-street, South Perth, W.A. Martin, C. J., c.M.G., D.Sc., F.B.8., Director of the Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine, Chelsea Gardens, Chelsea Bridge Road, London, 8.W. 1. Spencer, Sir W. Baldwin, K.c.M.G., M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S., Emeritus Professor of Biology in the University of Melbourne,. National Museum, Melbourne. Thiselton-Dyer, Sir William Turner, K.c.M.G., C.I.E., M.A., LL.D., Sc. D., F.R.S., The Ferns, Witcombe, Gloucester, England. Thomson, Sir J. J., 0.M., D.Sc., F.R.S., Nobel Laureate, Master: of Trinity College, Cambridge, England. Threlfall, Sir Richard, K.B.z., M.A., F.R.S., lately Professor of Physics in the University of Sydney, ‘Oakhurst, Church Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham, England. Wilson, James T., m.B., ch.M. Edin., F.R.S., Professor of Anatomy- in the University of Cambridge, England. * Retains the rights of ordinary membership. Elected 1872. (xviii.) OBITUARY 1926-27. Ordinary Members. “Elected. ; Elected. 1913 Dodd, Sydney 1891 Hedley, Charles 1881 Fiaschi, Thomas 1901 Kidd, Hector “1921 Fletcher, Joseph James 1626 Newbigin, William Johnstone 1907 Freeman, William 1878 Thomas, Francis John “1891 Guthrie, Frederick B. (xix) AWARDS OF THE CLARKE MEDAL. Established in memory of “The Revd. WILLIAM BRANWHITEH CLARKE, m.a., F.R.s., F.G.8., ete., Vice-President from 1866 to 1878. To be awarded from time to time for meritorious contributions to the Geology, Mineralogy, or Natural History of Australia. The prefix * ‘indicates the decease of the recipient. Awarded 1878 1879 1880 1881 ‘1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1895 1895 1896 1900 1901 1902 1903 1907 1909 1912 1914 1915 Tol, 1918 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 *Professor Sir Richard Owen. K.c.B., F.R.S. *George Bentham, ¢.M.G., F.R.S. *Professor Thos. Huxley, F.R.s. *Professor F. M’Coy, F.R.s., F.G.S. *Professor James Dwight Dana, Lu.D. *Baron Ferdinand von Mueller, K.c.M.G., M.D., Ph.D., F.R.S., F.L.S. *Alfred R. C. Selwyn, LL.D., F.R.8., F.G.S. *Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker, 0.M., @.¢.S.1.,C.B., M.D., D.C.L., LL.D.,F.R.S. *Professor L. G. De Koninck, m.p. *Sir James Hector, K.c.M.G., M.D., F.B.S. *Rev. Julian E. Tenison-Woods, F.G.8., F.L.8. *Robert Lewis John Ellery, F.r.s., F.R.A.S. *George Bennett, u.p., F.R.c.8. Eng., F.L.S., F.Z.8. *Captain Frederick Wollaston Hutton, F.8.S., F.G.S. Sir William Turner Thiselton Dyer, K.c.M.G.,0.I.E.,M.A., LL.D., Se, D., F.R.S., F.L.S., late Director, Royal Gardens, Kew. *Professor Ralph Tate, F.L.s., F.G.S. *Robert Logan Jack, LL.D., F.G.S., F.R.G.S. *Robert Etheridge, Jnr. *The Hon. Augustus Charles Gregory, 0.M.G., F.R.G.S. *Sir John Murray, K.c.B., LL.D., Se. D., F.B.S. *Edward John Hyre. *F. Manson Bailey, c.M.a.. F.L.S. * Alfred William Howitt,, F.G.S. Walter Howchin, r.a.s., University of Adelaide. Dr. Walter E. Roth, B.a., Pomeroon River, British Guiana, South America. *W. H. Twelvetrees, F.G.s. A. Smith Woodward, Lu.D., F.R.S., Keeper of Geology, British Museum (Natural History) London. * Professor W. A. Haswell, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S. Professor Sir Edgeworth David, K.B.E., C.M.G., D.S.0., B.A., D.Se-, F.R.S., F.G.S.. The University, Sydney. Leonard Rodway, ¢.u.a., Honorary Government Botanist, Hobart, Tasmania. *Joseph Edmund Carne, F.G.s. * Joseph James Fletcher, M.a., B.Sc., Richard Thomas Baker, The Avenue, Cheltenham. Sir W. Baldwin Spencer, K.c.M.G., M.A., D.Sc. F.R.S., National Museum, Melbourne. *Joseph Henry Maiden, 1.8.0., F.R.S., F.L.S., J.P. *Hedley, Charles, F.L.S. (xx. ) AWARDS OF THE SOCIETY’S MEDAL AND MONEY PRIZE. Money Prize of £25. Awarded, 1882 1882 1884 1886 1887 1888 1889 1889 1891 1892 1894 1894. 1895 1896 John Fraser, 8.A., West Maitland, for paper entitled ‘ The Aborigines: of New South Wales.’ Andrew Ross, m.p., Molong. for paper entitled ‘Influence of the: Australian climate and pastures upon the growth of wool.’ The Society’s Bronze Médal and £25. W. E. Abbott, Wingen, for paper entitled ‘ Water supply in the: Interior of New South Wales.’ S. H. Cox, F.a.s.,¥F.c.s., Sydney, for paper entitled ‘ The Tin deposits: of New South Wales.’ Jonathan Seaver, r.a.s., Sydney, for paper entitled ‘Origin and mode of occurrence of gold-bearing veins and of the associated Minerals.’ Rev. J. E. Tenison- Woods, F.G.8., F.L.S., Sydney, for paper entitled ‘The Anatomy and Life-history of Mollusca peculiar to Australia.’ Thomas Whitelegge, F.R.M.s., Sydney, for paper entitled ‘ List of the Marine and Fresh-water Invertebrate Fauna of Port Jackson and Neighbourhood.’ Rev. John Mathew, m.a., Coburg, Victoria, for paper entitled ‘The Australian Aborigines.’ Rev. J. Milne Curran, ¥.a.s., Sydney, for paper entitled ‘The Micro- scopic Structure of Australian Rocks.’ Alexander G. Hamilton, Public School, Mount Kembla, for paper entitled ‘The effect which settlement in Australia has pro- duced upon Indigenous Vegetation.’ J. V. De Coque, Sydney, for paper entitled the ‘ Timbers of New South Wales.’ R. H. Mathews, tu.s., Parramatta, for paper entitled ‘The Abori- ginal Rock Carvings and Paintings in New South Wales.’ C. J. Martin,, M.B., F.R.S., Sydney, for paper entitled ‘The physiological action of the venom of the Australian black snake (Pseudechis porphyriacus).’ Rev. J. Milne Curran, Sydney, for paper entitled ‘The occurrence of Precious Stones in New South Wales, with a description of the Deposits in which they are found.’ PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS. By Proressor R. D. Watt, M.A., B.Sc. (Delivered to the Royal Society of N.S. Wales on May 5, 1926.) The past year has been one of satisfactory progress in the important work of the Royal Society of New South Wales. At our regular monthly meetings 26 papers were read, all of them distinct contributions to the advancement of science. The three sections of the Society—Agriculture, Geology, and Industry, held regular meetings throughout the year, and the important new section of Physics has been added to the list. Four popular science lectures were delivered as follows: ‘lie -Elements and Their Spectra,’’ by Professor Vonwiller ; ‘‘Vitamins,’’ by Associate-Professor Priestley ; ‘“‘The Influence of Organic Chemistry on Economic Conditions,’’ by Professor Kenner; and ‘‘The Hawaiian Islands,’’ by Sir Joseph Carruthers. The full income resulting from the recent additions to the Society’s House came in for the first time during the past year with satisfactory results to the financial position of the Society. The necessity for a further change in the housing of the Society has been obvious for some time, and the Council has given very serious consideration to this matter, although plans have not yet reached such a stage of finality that an announcement can be made. A—May 5, 1926. 2 R. D. WATT. The best thanks of the President and members are due to the Hon. Secretaries for the very efficient way in which they have carried out their duties, and to the Hon. Treasurer for the very capable manner in which he has looked after the financial interests of the Society. During the year ten new members have been elected, and ten have resigned, and one honorary member and three of our ordinary members have died. Though the losses through death have not been so numerous as in some previous years, it has been our misfortune to lose three of our oldest members, including two who were for many years intimately connected with the work and progress of the Society—Mr. J. H. Maiden and Professor Warren. Dr. WILLIAM BATESON, F.R.S., who has been an Honorary Member since 1914, was born in 1866, and died in February, 1926. He was educated at Rugby and at St. John’s College, Cambridge, where he graduated in 1882, gaining first class honours in both parts of the Natural Sciences Tripos. His first researches had to do with the position of Balanoglossus in the phylogenetic scheme, and the results appeared in a series of articles in the ‘‘ Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science.’’ These papers immediately attracted attention, and in 1885 he was elected a Fellow of his College. From that time on, his main interests were in evolutionary prob- lems, and he entered vigorously into the controversies which centred round the nature of species, and the facts connected with variation. In search of evidence, he made collections in the field, and visited museums at home and abroad, and even made a journey to the western parts of Central Asia and Siberia. The outcome was the publication of a book on ‘‘ Materials for the Study of Variation,’’ which marked a new era in biological thought. PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS. 3 Later on, Bateson started upon another line of research, mamely, an elaborate series of breeding experiments to determine how varieties behaved on crossing. He first started with Lepidoptera, but soon coneluded that it would be better to use material in which the problem could be reduced to its simplest form. A series of experiments was, therefore, started, with plants, and later with poultry. He emphasised the necessity of examining the outcome of a eross statistically, and of marshalling the offspring in respect to each differentiating character separately. Now this was exactly what led to Mendel’s success, and when Mendel’s work was re-discovered in 1900, it found Bateson thoroughly prepared. Indeed, some go so far as to say that, even if Mendel’s papers had been destroyed, Bateson ‘soon would have supplied those guiding principles which have raised the study of heredity to an exact science. He ‘did much to popularise and emphasise the results of Mendel’s famous laws; indeed, one may say that all his subsequent work was concentrated on the further illus- ‘tration and elaboration of Mendel’s principles and the in- vestigation of problems which arose out of them. He was the first to draw attention to the phenomenon of linkage of characters, although it remained for the American school of geneticists to supply the full explanation in terms of chromosomes. Bateson soon gathered round him a band of enthusiastic workers and a Chair of Biology at Cambridge was practically created for him in 1908. In the following year appeared his great book ‘‘Mendel’s Principles of Heredity’’—the standard work on the subject for many years. He did not occupy his professorial chair for very long, -as he was in 1910 invited to be Director of the John Innes Horticultural Institute at Merton, which position he -accepted, as it gave him more time and greater opportunities for research. 4 R. D. WATT. In 1914 Dr. Bateson was President of the British As- sociation for the Advancement of Science in Australia, and all who came in contact with him were impressed with his vivid personality and the interesting and forceful manner in which he unfolded the wonderful story he had to tell. He was for a time rather critical of the American gene- ticists, and sceptical about the chromosome hypothesis, but it is characteristic of him that, when convinced that they were right, he was most generous in appreciation of their work. Although his main motive in life was to get a closer insight into nature’s secrets, he was always most anxious and willing to help plant-breeders who consulted him about | their problems, and many can testify to the valuable help they received from him. By his death the science of Genetics has lost one of its ablest exponents and workers, and the naturalists of the Empire one of their most inspiring leaders. JOSEPH HENRY MAIDEN, I.S.0., F.R.S., F.LS., was born at St. John’s Wood, London, in April, 1859, and died at his residence at Turramurra, Sydney, on the 16th November, 1925. He received his education at the City of London Middle Class School, and the University of London. As a student he showed a taste for science, and for some time was as- sistant to the late Professor F’. Barff. He never completed the requirements for his science degree as, on account of his health, he was ordered a long sea voyage. He came to Australia in 1880. It is related that he provided himself with a return ticket, but the climate proved so beneficial, and the botanical problems appeared so fascinating, that he decided to remain. Soon after his arrival, Mr. Maiden became associated with the formation of the Technological PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS. 5 Museum, Sydney, of which he was Curator from 1881 to 1896. He soon began to study the native plants, and some of his early botanical instruction was received from the late Revd. Dr. Wm. Woolls, for whom he always cherished the most affectionate memories. He was also a colleague in botanical work of the late Baron Von Mueller, another of the great pioneers of Australian botany. Mr. Maiden was Superintendent of Technical Education from 1894 to 1896, Consulting Botanist to the Department of Agriculture and Forestry from 1890, and Director of the Botanic Gardens, Sydney, and Government Botanist, from 1896 until his retirement in 1924. The genus which he studied most extensively was that almost exclusively Australian one—Hucalyptus—and he added very many new species to the lst previously known, his field of investigation extending all over Australia. His enthusiasm and energy enabled him to form the present Herbarium at Sydney Botanic Gardens—one of the finest in the Southern Hemisphere—and to make numerous per- sonal journeys in the various States in search of material to enrich his collections. He also, at considerable trouble, obtained type specimens which were collected in Australia in the early days, but had been housed in herbaria in other parts of the world, including some collected by Sir Joseph Banks in 1770. Perhaps his greatest work in the field of botanical research is his ‘‘Critical Revision of the Genus Eucalyp- tus,’’ of which 64 parts had appeared at the time of his death, and others are still going through the press. Another valuable publication is his ‘‘Forest Flora of New South Wales,’’ of which 77 parts have been issued. Other pub- lications include ‘‘Illustrations of New South Wales’ Plants’’ and ‘‘Useful Native Plants of Australia.’’ He made numerous contributions on economic plants to the pr) 6 R. D. WATT. ‘* Agricultural Gazette of New South Wales,’’ and the service he rendered to forestry in this state was very great indeed. Although wrapped up in his favourite branch of science —systematic botany—he interested himself in many sub- jects and in many societies connected with applied botany and with Australian history. For a number of years he lectured to the University agricultural students on ‘‘ Agri- cultural Botany’’ and ‘‘Forest Botany.’’ He was also a great admirer of the celebrated botanist, Sir Joseph Banks, whom he styled ‘‘The Father of Australia,’’ and his bio- graphy of Sir Joseph is considered to be a classic. Mr. Maiden was President of the N.S.W. Horticultural Society for 20 years, and of the Horticultural Association for 18 years. He was also President of the Linnean Society of N.S.W. and of the Royal Australian Historical Society in each case for two years. Mr. Maiden was one of the chief organisers of the National Wattle Day Celebration in the Commonwealth. This has for its main objects the adoption of the wattle as the national floral emblem, and the eculti- vation of an Australian national sentiment, while keeping in view that this country is part of the British Empire. He was hon. secretary for 14 years of the Australian As- sociation for the Advancement of Science, and in 1921 was offered the Presidency of that body, but declined the honour for health reasons. We believe, however, that the work of our own Society was the one which was dearest to his heart, and he certainly put into it an immense amount of self-sacrificing devotion. He was a member of the Royal Society of New South Wales for 42 years and attended 41 consecutive annual meetings. He was hon. secretary for 22 years and on two oceasions (1896 and 1911) he occupied the Presidential Chair. In addition to that he read 45 papers before the Society—a record of service which is surely unique. PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS. 7 That his work was appreciated far beyond the bounds. of Australia was shown by the award of the Imperial Service order, his election as a Fellow of the Royal Society of London, and of the Linnean Society of London. The latter Society awarded him in 1915 the Linnean Medal, this being the first time that the honour had come to an Austrahan. In 1922 he was awarded the Mueller Medal by the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science and in 1924 the Clarke Memorial Medal by our own Society. Mr. Maiden undoubtedly ranks amongst the leading pioneering botanists who have contributed so much to our knowledge of the unique Australian flora, and for many years he was regarded as the doyen of Australian botanists. He was a source of inspiration to very many botanical students, and as some evidence of the affection and esteem in which he was held by his scientific colleagues, he was in 1916 presented with his portrait in oils. Few men have accomplished so much in a lifetime in the way of scientific research and organisation and this is largely attributable to his passion for system and method in all he undertook. Failing health in his later years was a severe handicap, but it could not dim his enthusiasm and it hardly lessened. his output of work. It may be truly said of him that he left the world richer for his labours and his life was filled with greatness, nobility and sineerity. Mr. Maiden leaves a widow and four daughters, two of whom are married, one to Dr. J. Paton, of Orange, and the other to Dr. Brown Craig, of Sydney. Dr. Eric Sincuair, Inspector-General of Mental Hos-. pitals, who was a member of the Royal Society for 43. years, died suddenly in the mail train between Mount 8 R. D. WATT. ‘Victoria and Lithgow in the early hours of the 19th May, 1925, in his 66th year. He was a native of Greenock, Scotland, and received his education at Glasgow University, where he graduated M.B. and Ch.M. in 1881 and M.D. five years later. Before leaving Scotland he filled the posts of house-surgeon and house-physician in the Western Infirmary, Glasgow. Coming to Australia, he was appointed to the New South Wales Public Service in 1882 and two years later was promoted to the position of Medical Super- intendent of Gladesville. In 1898 he was appointed Inspector-General of Mental Hospitals, which position he retained up to the time of his death. During his tenure of this office the following mental hospitals were opened: Morriset, Stockton, Rabbit Island, Miullson Island, Broughton Hall, and the greater part of Kenmore. The institution at Orange was almost complete at the time of his death, and he was on his way to inspect this when the sad event occurred. Throughout his official career Dr. Sinclair insisted on a systematic training for nurses and attendants and removed many of the mechanical means of restraining patients, as well as introducing the “‘ open door’’ treatment. He fur- ther instituted the system of admitting patients voluntarily to the mental hospitals. The first volunteer patient was received in 1915, and before his death there were over 300 patients. in the various institutions. In 1921 Dr. Sinclair established the Broughton Hall Psychiatrie Clinie for voluntary patients only, and this is recognised as one of the most modern institutions of its kind in the world. His persistent advocacy was one of the main factors in the establishment of the Chair of Psychiatry in the University of Sydney. Dr. Sinclair was keenly interested in scientific and educational matters beyond the range of his particular PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS. 9 subject. He was a trustee of the Australian Museum and for many years president of its scientific publications committee. He was also a councillor of St. Andrew’s College, a member of the committee of the Sydney Indus- trial Blind Institution, a councillor of the Presbyterian Girls’ Hostel, a director of the Nurses’ Club, and a member of the council of the Dental Hospital. His wide interest in other bodies prevented his taking a very active part in the affairs of the Royal Society, although he was in entire sympathy with its aims, and he was one of our oldest members. He was a man of sterling worth, of great uprightness of character, with a keen sense of duty. His work was so greatly appreciated that he was asked to retain his Government position for another year after the usual age for retirement. This he consented to do, although he knew that he might be sacrificing his health at the expense -of duty which, unfortunately, proved to be the case. Dr. Sinclair was a man who, by his life, by his work -and even by his death, personified the best qualities ex- pected of a scientific man in the service of the State. He was a widower and is survived by two sons, who have both followed in their father’s profession—Dr. George Sinclair, of Eastwood, and Dr. Callander Sinclair, of Longueville. WituiAM HENRY WARREN, LL.D., M.Inst.C.E., A.Am.Soc.C.E., Professor Emeritus of the University of Sydney, died at his residence at Elizabeth Bay, Sydney, -on the 9th January, 1926. He was 73 years of age and had resigned from the active duties of the Chair of Engineering only a few days before his death. , | kD, 27 ae 186-190° 60° | 45° | 3.00 | 0.66 Commercial 13% | 547 Se. ground and polished 190-192° 40° | 45° | | 282) 2 Pure Se. 33% | 5% ground and | 50° | 45° | 3.05 | 0.82 2.80 | 1.176 polished 3% | 8% 3% | 5% | 60° | 45° | 3.04] 0.81 | 2.91 | 1.07 | 2.78 | 1.15 | 2.75 | 1.27 | 1% | 9% | 14%| 28% | 3% | 4% | 480% | 43% | 65° | 55° | 2.78 | 1.16 ! 5% | 5% 7O° | 45° | 3°02 | 0.78 2.75 | 1.14 1% | 37 8% | 4% : 190-192° G02 | 45° | 3.04 | 0.48 | 3.06 | 0.77 | 2.91 | 0.90 Pure Se 37% | 64 | 27% | 457 | 28% | 37 polished 60° | 45° 8.02 0.45 3) 6% 199-200° 60° | 45° | 2.7 | 0.93 2.59 | 1.06 Pure Se. 2% | 4% 4% | 2% polished 60° | 45° | 2.8 | 0.87 2h | 44% 200-201° 60° | 45° 2.73 | 0.98 Pure Se. 3% | «4% partly gr. 60° | 45° 2.80 | 1.02 and polished BY | 4% 197-201° 60° | 45° | 3.36 | 0.52 3.02 | 3.96 Commercial | 2 eri 2% | AZ Se. cast. ; 200-202° 60° | 45° | 3.06 | 0.62 2.87 | 0.94 : Pure Se. 47% | 8% 3% | 4% polished Below each reading is given the estimated possible error: expressed as a percentage. THE OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF SELENIUM. rg very small in that region, and all that could be done was to assign an upper limit to it and to find an approximate value for v. The values obtained for a mirror of commercial selenium transformed at 186 to 189° were— Vy eee, k, 18 less than 0.1. These results indicate that the refractive index in the near infra-red is not very different from that in the visible red, and that x, decreases rapidly in that region. In the work with the Boys radiomicrometer the source was the pointolite lamp and a water cell of one centimeter thick- ness was used, so that the effective radiation was a wide band in the near infra-red, together with visible light, but it was shown that the latter did not affect the instrument appreciably. It is hoped to extend the work in the infra- red. The result found for visible light that the optical proper- ties do not depend on the temperature of preparation was confirmed in the infra-red, for tan yx was determined for a number of mirrors prepared at different temperatures, and no regular variation with temperature of preparation was found, but the experimental error was greater in this case. An attempt to ascertain whether the optical proper- ties varied with time of exposure to the light yielded a negative result. There was an indication that the re- flective power increased with the time of exposure, but the change was within the experimental error. It has recently been found possible to obtain good mirrors by casting the selenium on glass and transforming over a Bunsen burner. Of course, if this method is used, the temperature of transformation is not known, but it has been shown that this is not important.. Several mirrors prepared in this way were examined for an age effect. The 72 PHYLLIS M. NICOL. first reading was usually taken not later than fifteen minutes after transformation had occurred, but no definite effect was observed. Summary. A katoptrie method suitable for the investigation of the optical properties of selenium in the conducting form has been devised. Methods of preparing mirrors are described. The values of v, and x, depend on the method of prepara- tion of the reflecting surface (casting on glass, polishing, grinding, ete.), the values obtained being as follows :— — 6470-7100 pea 18 ky = 0.45-0.93 A = 5890-5896 yy 2.75 -3.0e Pe pe) dA = 4900-5190 Yo = 2,59-3.02 ty = O08 d’ = 4400-4800 Hp SRLS ep. Abe The error in any determination was usually not more than 3 per cent. for vy, and 5 per cent. for x. There is an indication that in the infra-red vy, = 2.6, and x, is less than 0.1. It was found that the optical properties do not depend on the temperature of transformation to the conducting form, and that the changes, if any, in the optical constants with length of exposure to light or with age lie within the experimental error. This investigation was carried out in the Physical Laboratory of the University of Sydney under the direction of Professor Vonwiller, whom I wish to thank heartily for his constant advice and interest. ose| aia ESSENTIAL OILS OF LEPTOSPERMUM LANIGERUM. 73 THE ESSENTIAL OILS OF LEPTOSPERMUM LANIGERUM (SMITH). (Part 24) By A. R. PENFOLD, F.A.C.1L, F.C.S. Economic Chemist, Technological Museum, Sydney. (Read before the Royal Society of New South Wales, July 7, 1926.) The botany of this Myrtaceous shrub has been very fully described in Bentham’s ‘‘Flora Australiensis,’’ Vol. IIL, p. 106. It isa tall shrub, fairly widely distributed through- out N.S. Wales, Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania, and is usually found on the banks of creeks and water courses, being extremely plentiful in the southern district of New South Wales. It appears to possess very variable botanical characters, and on that account, the present in- vestigation treats of the material collected from one dis- trict, Monga, 12 miles on the Clyde Road from Braidwood, New South Wales. The writer seems to have been suc- cessful in observing two very distinct and extreme forms of this plant, as apart from the marked differences in the chemical and physical characters of the oil, the material is readily differentiated in the field. Two collections were made by the Museum collector and one by a local resident, Mr. H. McRae, and in each ease the collectors were able to secure supplies of the two forms without apparent ad- mixture, from hand specimens of herbarium material. The material which is being accepted as the type has long, somewhat narrow leaves from 1 to 14 inches in length, well protected with long silky hairs on both sides. From a distance the plant possesses a characteristic ‘‘sil- ~very’’ sheen which readily differentiates it from the form 74 A. R. PENFOLD. ‘‘A,’’ having shorter and more obovate leaves, about: il too, is much more woolly than in the type form. Both forms have ready accessibility to water, and grow ce in close proximity to one another, although the “‘silvery’’ type is the only one so far observed which follows the banks: or creeks for many miles. The leaves of the ‘‘silver’’ leaf or type form when crushed between the fingers, do not emit any particularly characteristic odour, whereas the ‘‘oreen’’ leaf (form ‘‘A’’) yields a pleasant ester-like- odour, typical of darwinol and its acetic acid ester, and pinene. Botanists do not appear to be able to separate these two forms on morphological grounds, preferring to: view them as extreme forms of one another, an opinion with which I am in agreement for the present, until such time as further careful botanical investigation proves the ‘‘oreen’’ leaf form to be worthy of specific, or at least,. varietal rank. The general chemical and physical charac- ters readily differentiate them from one another, the: chemical composition being of exceptional interest. The Essential Oils. The essential oils obtained from the three consignments. of leaves and terminal branchlets from Monga, New South Wales, varied from a bright yellow to a deep brownish. yellow in colour, the silver leaf type possessing a cinnamon-- like odour, whilst the green leaf form was more mobile and possessed an extremely pleasant odour of pinene mingled with that of darwinol and its acetic acid ester. The: principal constituents which have so far been identified are as follows :— Silver leaf.—Sesquiterpenes (aromadendrene and eudes- mene), 60-75%, d-a-pinene, 16-20%, with small quantities of sesquiterpene alcohol and isovalerianic acid ester,. $ inch in length, of a bright green colour. “The: ealyz. — ESSENTIAL OILS OF LEPTOSPERMUM LANIGERUM. 15 geraniol, geraniol formate and cinnamate, citral, cineol, and unidentified phenolic bodies. Green leaf.—d-a-pinene, 40-60%, darwinol and its acetic acid ester 40-45%, with small quantities of sesquiterpene, sesquiterpene alcohol and esters, and unidentified phenolic bodies. Experimental. A total collection of 578 lbs. and 626 lbs. respectively of both kinds of leaves and terminal branchlets collected from Monga, New South Wales, yielded on distillation with steam, crude oils possessing the chemical and physical characters, as shown in table :— | SILVER LEAF. : Solubility Ester No. Weight Vs 2° m2 i ‘80%. Ester No after Date. of Yield diz D D in °/o | 42 hours | acetyl- leaves | of oil alcohol | “hot sap ation | (by wt.) Sveeand 1thrs. hot. 10.4.1922) 135tbs} 0°28 |0°91'78) +0° 1°4928) insol. in} 12°81 62°59 10 vols. | (acid No. ¢) 23.4.1924| 215ibs} 0°33 | 0°9152) +10°5°|1°4890| partly 16°29 83°17 sol, do. 28.8.1925| 228ibs} 0°33 | 0°9231} +6°5°2 | 1°4904) sol. in | 29°63 | 100°08 7 vols. GREEN LEAF (Form “A”) | | | | 6.41922] 172tbs, 0°46 |0°9047) +380°5°! 1°4756 6:5 vol 42°67 | 92°15 | (acid No. 2) | 23 4.1924] 2311bs| 0°47 0°9242) +82°2°) 1:4'783) 1:0 vol. | 56°89 150°32 28.8.1925) 223Ibs) 0°67 0°9148 +30°1°| 1°4770| 1:0 vol. | 49°18 | 140°22 Each consignment of oil was examined in detail, the oils being first treated with 8% sodium hydroxide solution to remove free acid and phenolic constituents, and then with alcoholic potash solution to decompose the esters present. On distillation, these treated oils behaved as follows :— 76 A. R. PENFOLD. Boiling point. Volume dis a ne 230 c.c. (1924 lot). 56-60° at 20 mm. 40 c.c. | 0.8643 | +28° 1.4661 60-65° do. 15 ¢.c. | 0.8682 | +21.6° | 1.4667 up to 120° 10 mm. 27 e.e) |. -0:9005 sees 1.4846 120-150° at 10 mm. 110 c.c. 0.9274 | + 1.75°| 1.4986 190 c.c. (1925 lot). Below 60° at 10 mm. 28 ¢.c..| 0.8653. p24 1.4660 60-120° do. PATIO On 0.9005 | + 0° 1.4841 120-135° do. 63 c.c. 0.9187 | — 2.6° 1.4949 13> (10 mim?) “to 143° at 5 mm. 50 c.c: | 0.9516 | + 527° aF abeae Determination of Terpenes.—The fractions boiling below 65° at 20 mm. were repeatedly distilled over metallic sodium at 769 mm., when the following fractions were obtained :-— Boiling point. dis Wee ne 154-156° 0.8641 +29.65° 1.4660 157-159° 0.8656 20-0 1.4662 159-168° 0.8678 sei 1.4672 The fraction distilling at 154-156° was used in the fol- lowing experiments for the determination of d-a-pinene :— 32 ¢.e. were shaken with 67 g. powdered potassium permanganate, 800 ¢c.c. water and 450 g. ice, until the reaction was completed. On subsequent treatment (See this Journal, 1923, p. 52, 242), about 15 g. pinonic acid were obtained distilling at 176-182° at 5 mm. On prolonged cooling in the ice-chest crystals of the solid acid separated, which on purification from petroleum ether (B. pt., 50- 60°), melted at 70°. The semicarbazone prepared there- from melted at 207°; 0.7244 2. of the acid in 10 ee. chloroform gave [a]# + 90°. ESSENTIAL OILS OF LEPTOSPERMUM LANIGERUM. 7 Examination for B-pimene.—Oxidation of fraction 159- 168° with alkaline potassium permanganate yielded a small quantity of a sparingly soluble sodium salt, from which an acid resembling nopinic acid was separated. The melting: point, however, could not be raised above 112°. Determination of Cineol—The above mentioned fraction. was found to contain a small quantity of a constituent which was not oxidised under the conditions of the experi- ment. It was available in too small a quantity for the determination of its constants, but it possessed an odour much like cineol, confirmation of which was obtained by the preparation of the iodol compound melting at 112°. Determination of Geranol.—Fraction No. 3 (1925 Lot) 63 ¢.¢., on treatment with phthalic anhydride in benzene solution was found to contain about 10% geraniol. It was confirmed by oxidation to citral, and the preparation of the silver salt of the phthalic acid ester which on purifi- cation from methyl alcohol melted at 133°. In order to determine if this alcohol were present in the free condition as well as in the form of an ester, a separate portion of the crude oil was fractionated at 5 mm., and the portion boiling between 85-128° (40 ¢.c ), was reserved for examination. On treatment in the usual way with phthalic anhydride in benzene solution, about 1 ee. of alcohol resembling geraniol was obtained. It was inactive, and possessed a refractive index of 1.4760 at 20°. It yielded citral on oxidation, and the silver salt of the phthalic acid ester melted at 183°. The crude oil was. then treated with alcoholic potash solution to decompose any ester present, and on further treatment with the phthalic anhydride in benzene a further } c.c. of geraniol was obtained, which was similarly identified as mentioned. The geraniol is thus present in the uncombined condition- as well as in the form of ester. 78 A. R. PENFOLD. Determination of acids (cinnamic and formic) in com- bination with the geraniol.—The alkaline liquor resulting from the saponification of the special lot of oil used for the determination of geraniol was evaporated to small bulk and acidified with dilute sulphuric acid. The small quan- ° tity of solid acid which separated was filtered, dried, and recrystallised from ethyl alcohol. It melted at 133°, and gave all the general reactions for cinnamie acid. Its iden- tity was confirmed by the method of mixed melting point, using a specimen of Kahlbaum’s, there being no depression, the melting point remaining at 133°. The filtrate was subjected to steam distillation, and the water soluble acid neutralised with ammonia solution. The preparation of the silver salt, its colour reaction with ferric chloride, and its reducing action upon mercury and silver salts left no doubt as to its being formic acid. Determination of citral—On account of the cinnamon- like odour of the crude oil, a portion, 118 ¢.c., was shaken with 35% neutral sulphite solution, but only 4 ec. of citral was removed. Its identity was confirmed by the preparation of citryl-8-napthocinchonie acid melting at 197°. Cinnamic aldehyde was not detected. Determination of Sesquiterpenes—The high boiling fractions of the 1924 and 1925 consignments were repeatedly distilled over metallic sodium until the fol- lowing final fractions were obtained :— Boiling Point, 10 mm. dis vay atte 1924 Consignment:— 121-129° 0.9126 — 8.75° 1.4981 130-185° 0.9281 0; 1.5000 1925 Consignment:— 126-129° 0.9180 —-5° 1.4975 130-135 ° 0.9255 —3.1° 1.5002 150-160° 0.9685 +. .0" 1.5052 (Ester No. af- | ter acetylation 142.) — ESSENTIAL OILS OF LEPTOSPERMUM LANIGERUM. 79 ‘The first four fractions failed to yield any of the solid derivatives characteristic of sesquiterpenes, but gave the well-known colour reactions with bromine in acetic acid, and sulphuric acid in acetic anhydride solutions. Judging from previous experience with the sesquiter- penes from Australian Myrtaceous plants, and the fact that under the conditions of the experiments no solid hydrochlorides were obtained, the writer feels justified in concluding that they represent a mixture of aroma- dendrene and eudesmene. Determination of Sesquiterpene alcohol.—The fraction distilling at 150-160° at 10 mm., measuring only about 23 ¢.c. and apparently consisting of a mixture of sesquiter- penes with sesquiterpene alcohol, was treated on the water bath with twice its volume of 100% formic acid. The sesquiterpene thus prepared on purification and repeated distillation over metallic sodium yielded the following chemical and physical characters :— Boiling point, 130-132" at 10 mm., di? 0.9251, a, —1.4° ny, 1.5066. It gave indigo-blue colorations with bromine in acetic acid and sulphuric acid in acetic anhydride so- lutions. The quantity available was too small for attempt- ing the preparation of derivatives. Determination of acids present as Esters.——The crude potassium salts resulting from the decomposition of the esters were acidified with dilute sulphuric acid, when on standing a small quantity of a solid acid separated. This was filtered off, dried, and recrystallised from ethyl alcohol when it melted at 133°. It was confirmed as cinnamic acid by the method of mixed melting point. The filtrate was subjected to steam distillation and the volatile acids fractionally separated. On neutralisation with ammonia solution, the silver salts were prepared in the usual way. 80 A. R. PENFOLD. On ignition of the various fractions the following results were obtained. Water-soluble acids. 1st fraction. 0.6024 g. silver salt gave 0.3588 g. silver = 59.06% Ag. 2nd fraction. 0.8886 do. gave 0.2248 g. silver = 57.72% Ag. drd fraction. 0.0810 do. gave 0.0412 g. silver = 50.86% Ag. Oily acid. 0.1560 g. silver salt gave 0.05384 g. silver = 34.28% Ag. Judging from the above results, the general chemical deportment of the acids, and the difficulty of exact iden- tification, the writer has deduced that they probably represent a mixture of isovaleric acid and formic acids. That formic acid is present has been definitely proved and the silver salt of the volatile acid separated in the course of one of the examinations was found to yield 68% silver. The silver salt of formic acid contains 70.60% Ag. The oily acid gave results closely approximating to lauric acid (silver salt of laurie acid contains 35.1% Ag.), al- though it might possibly be due to impure ecaprie acid. Unidentified Phenolic bodies.—The crude oils on washing with 8% sodium hydroxide solution yielded the following quantities of unidentified liquid phenolic bodies :— 1924 lot. 200 e.c. gave 0.59 g. 1925 lot. 200 c.c. gave 2.73 g. The colour reactions with ferric chloride in alcoholic go- lution were very indefinite, although they appeared to belong to the tasmanol-leptospermol group. GREEN LEAF (Form “A’”). Each consignment of oil was examined in detail, some of the distillations being conducted upon the crude oil, whilst others were first treated with 8% sodium hydroxide solution and alcoholic potash solution for the removal of phenolic constituents and esters. ESSENTIAL OILS OF LEPTOSPERMUM LANIGERUM. 81 On distillation the following results were obtained, viz. : Boiling point. | | 5 a2 O 20 Volume | di2 | D eal | 1922 lot (crude oil)—100 c.c. at 10 mm.— 45-49° 57 ¢.c. 0.8643 | +389.5° 1.4657 49-99° 5 ¢.c. es. |) A686 99-110° © 14 c.c. | 0.9550 +28.0° 1.4823 110-120° eceow] | ; MaGhiER: opce.s 0:9575 | +15.4°| 1.4915 1924 lot (oil after treatment). 280 c.c. distilled. Below 60° at 20 m.m.| 93 c.c. 0.8653 | +39.1°| 1.4654 60° at 20 mm. to 90 “at. 10 mm. |.15 c.c. 0.8852 | +388.2°| 1.4705 90-100° at 10 mm. | 98.c.c. 0.9487 | +81.8°| 1.4894 110-120° do. 15 c.e. 0.96138 | +28.5° | 1.4944 120-130° do. 40 c.e. 0.9684 | +17.0°| 1.5016 Determination of Terpenes——The fractions boiling be- low 60° at 20 mm. were repeatedly distilled over me- tallic sodium at atmospheric pressure when the greater portion was obtained distilling at 155-157° at 770 mm. The d-a-pinene thus obtained in each of the three dis- tillations possessed the following average characters :— d+3 0.8635 to 8644, a5° +389.8° to +40.5° n’° 1.4652 to 1.4656. On oxidation of 32 ¢.c. with potassium permanganate under the conditions described under ‘‘silver’’ leaf in the early part of this paper, pinonic acid was obtained distilling at 176-182° at 5 mm. It readily solidified upon cooling in the ice-chest and an excellent yield of crystals was separated. On purification by means of petroleum ether ( 50-60°) they melted at 70°; 0.1076 g. of the acid in 10 ec. chloroform gave [a] Rea The semicarbazone melted at 207°. The hydrochloride of the terpene was also prepared, and this on recrystallisation from ethyl alcohol melted at 131-132°. 0.8470 g. in 10 ¢.c. ethyl alcohol gave a reading of +-2.8° —[a] 2° +33.06° F—July 7, 1926, 82 A. R. PENFOLD. Determination of Darwinol and its Ester.—It was found that an acetic acid ester was concentrated in the fraction distilling between 100-110° at 10 mm) @ie pM oGs. a,+28.5°, m-° 1.4819, and that it was saponifiable with alcoholic potash solution at room temperatures. The al- cohol was, therefore, found to be concentrated in the saponified oil (1924 lot) in the fraction boiling at 90-110° at 10 mm. 93 ¢e.c., as shown in table above. This fraction on heating with an equal weight of phthalic anhydride in an oil bath at temperatures between 110-120°, or prefer- ably in benzene solution on the water bath for a prolonged period, and working up in the usual way, yielded a solid phthalate of melting point 112°. On decomposition with sodium hydroxide solution and subsequent steam distilla- tion, a water-white, viscous oily alcohol was obtained possessing the following characters (the mean of three determinations ) :— Boiling poimt-at 10 mm... JO07-110" Specific gravity... .. .. .. 0:9802 46 02:9e0s Optical rotation .. .. .. .. —+43.7° to +45.5° Refractive index 20° .. .... 1.4924 to 1.4943 In general chemical and physical characters it very closely resembled darwinol, an alcohol, C,)His0, separated from the oil of Darwimia grandtflora (See This Journal, 1923, 52, 244) and the preparation of its characteristic deriva- tive, the napthylisocyanate, confirmed its identity. This napthylisocyanate prepared (as described on p. 245, l.c.), melted at 87-88° when recrystallised from ethy] alcohol. Although this particular derivative of the alcohol has been prepared from three different sources, its melting point has always been found to be either 86-87° or 87-88°. It was found, in this instance, however, that if the derivative be more rigorously purified tne melting point could be raised to 90-91°. The variation between the constants of the ESSENTIAL OILS OF LEPTOSPERMUM LANIGERUM. 83 -aleohol from the respective oils is doubtlessly due to the preparation from the Darwinia oil being contaminated with geraniol, a circumstance which was thought probable (see p. 238, lLe.), but. which could not be proved experimentally. Determination of Combined Acids——The potash salts resulting from the saponification of the esters were separated, decomposed with dilute sulphuric acid and steam distilled. The volatile acids thus obtained were collected in fractions and neutralised with ammonia solution and the silver salts prepared therefrom. The following results were obtained on ignition :— Water soluble acid:— Ist fraction. 0.6883 g. silver salt gave 0.8954 g. silver = 56.30% Ag. 2nd fraction. 0.4983 g. silver salt gave 0.38068 g. silver = 62.19% Ag. 3rd fraction. 0.4719 g. silver salt gave 0.8002 g. silver ; = 63.62% Ag. Ath fraction. 0.1687 g. silver salt gave 0.1086 g. silver 64,0000 Ag. 5th fraction. 0.4768 g. silver salt gave 0.8066 g. silver = 64.30% Ag. 6th fraction. 0.2986 g. silver salt gave 0.1934 g. silver = 64.76% Ag. The potash and ammonium salts, on examination, gave all the ordinary qualitative reactions for acetic acid. The anhydrous sodium salt on distillation with phosphorie acid yielded only acetic acid of boiling point 116° (u.c.) at 760 mm. The principal acid of the ester is, therefore, acetic acid, contaminated with a small quantity of another acid unidentified. | Oily Acid.—A very small quantity of oily (water in- soluble) acid was obtained, and converted into the silver salt: 0.0976 g. yielded on ignition 0.0372 gram silver—38.1% Ag. (The silver salt of capric acid requires 38.7% Ag.) 84 A. R. PENFOLD. Determination of Sesquiterpene and Sesquiterpene alcohol.—The fraction 120-130° at 10 mm., 40 «ec. (1924 consignment), was further distilled, but on account of the difficulty of completely removing the darwinol from it (even with phthalic anhydride), it was impossible to obtain sufficient of the sesquiterpene in a pure enough condition for examination. Its presence could only be demonstrated by means of the well-known colour reactions referred to under ‘‘silver leaf.’’ A fraction boiling at 130-150° at 10 mm. was, however, separated. It possessed the following characters :— | 15 0.9612, a, +9.25°, ne° 1.5000, and it was found to contain about 50% of sesquiterpene aleohol. Unidentified phenolic constituents——The crude oils on washing with 8% sodium hydroxide solution yielded the following quantities of unidentified phenolic constituents : 1924 lot. 300 e.c. yielded 1.2 g. 1925 lot. 300 c.c. yielded 1.84 g. The colour reactions with ferric chloride in alcoholic solution were very indefinite, although they bore a very close resemblance in general characters to the tasmanol- leptospermol series. In conclusion, I have to express my thanks to Mr. F. R. Morrison, .A.C.1., F.c.s., Assistant Economic Chemist, for his usual helpful assistance in these investigations. jal ACACIA SEEDLINGS. 85 ACACIA SEEDLINGS, Part XII. By R. H. CaMBaGE, C.B.E., F-LS. (With Plates I.-IV.). (Read before the Royal Society of New South Wales, August 4, 1926.) SYNOPSIS: NocturNAL MoveMENT or Harty LEAVES. VITALITY OF LEAF SEVERED FROM PLANT. VITALITY OF SEEDS IN THE SOIL. SEQUENCE IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF LEAVES. DESCRIPTION OF SEEDLINGS. Nocturnal Movement of Early Leaves. In Part XI. of this series reference is made to the fact that many of the very early leaves of some Acacia seedlings rest on the ground at night, and each morning raise them- selves and resume their normal daily position.* Darwin made many observations regarding general plant move- ments which he terms circumnutation, and refers to the movement of the leaves of A. Farnesiana and of a phyllode of A. retinodes.t Recently observations were made of the movement of the early leaves of a seedling of Acacia ericifolia from Western Australia, and it was found that some of the leaves sank down at night until they became almost vertical, while the following morning they returned to their daily position and pointed considerably above the horizontal. The pamis Journ, 1925, 59, 230. ( + “The Power of Movement in Plants” by Charles Darwin £1882). . 86 R. H. CAMBAGE. amplitude of this movement was such that a No. 7 leaf, 1.5 cm. long, passed through an are of about 120 degrees, while a No. 6 leaf, 1.1 em. long, of a second plant, described’ an are of about 130 degrees. Nos. 10 to 20 on one of these plants were phyllodes, and closed upwards towards the stem at night, but curiously Nos. 8 and 9, which were the first two phyllodes, went neither up nor down, but remained in a horizontal position, while Nos. 1 to 6 closed downwards. Vitality of Leaf Severed from Plant. From a plant of Acacia polybotrya about one foot high,. one pinna of a leaf was broken off at 9 p.m. on the 27th June, 1926, when all the leaves were asleep and the leaflets: closed up. It was placed on the ground in a shady spot, | and some rain fell nearly every day for the next ten days. The pinna was 6 em. long, with 25 pairs of leaflets ranging from about 5 to 7 mm. long. On the following morning all the leaflets expanded as if still attached to the plant, and closed up again in the evening. This action, with slightly diminishing vigour, was repeated daily until the 7th July, when, at 8 a.m., the pinna was placed in a small box for about one hour. When taken from the box at 9 a.m., and left in a room, the leaflets were expanded in accordance: with their daily custom, and their terminals were 1 cm. apart, but at 10.30 a.m. they were only 5 mm. apart, while by 11 a.m. they had closed up to such an extent that the terminals were only 3 mm. apart, nor did they open any more on succeeding days. It seems likely that, had the pinna been left on the ground, and the damp weather had continued, the leaflets would have functioned for several days more.” *The question of the movements of plants is discussed by Sir Jagadis Chandra Bose in his new book, “The Nervous Mechanism of Plants”. See abstract in “The Pharmaceutical Journal and Pharmacist” (No. 3265, Vol. 116, May 29th, 1926). ACACIA SEEDLINGS. 87 Vitality of Seeds in the Soil. That Acacia seeds may retain their vitality after having been in the soil for many years is well known to settlers in various parts of Austraha, but the following examples are of considerable interest. Quite recently four seedlings of A. falcata appeared in my own garden, and it is now.35 years since two trees of this species grew near the spot. Ever since the trees were eut down, one or two seedlings have appeared every year. In 1924, at Milton, New South Wales, two hundred seedlings of Acacia mollissima were counted in an enclosure of four acres which had been recently ploughed, but which previously had not been cultivated for 60 years. Although there are trees of the same species growing a few hundred yards away, and one tree just on the edge of the enclosure, there is no reason to suppose that birds had recently carried the seeds to this particular area, but the general conclusion is that the seeds had been lying in the ground for 60 years, and having been disturbed and brought to the surface by the plough, they had responded to the rain, and heat of the sun, and germinated. A more remarkable instance occurred a short distance away in 1925, where six acres of grass land had been enclosed and ploughed. No wattle trees (Acacia) had grown on the area since it was cultivated 68 years before, but after this recent ploughing, much more than one thousand Acacia seedlings sprang up on one particular acre of the enclosed area, evidently at a spot where many trees of this species (A. mollissima) formerly grew. There seems no doubt that the seeds had retained their vitality for a period of at least 68 years, while lying in the soil. Seeds of this species ripen in midsummer, and during very dry years the ground cracks considerably at this period, and many seeds would be likely to fall into the 88 R. H. CAMBAGE. crevices, and so get beyond the influence of the necessary combined heat and moisture required to cause their germination, which, however, takes place when the seeds are brought near the surface by the upturning of the soil. It is known, however, that Acacia seeds may retain their vitality in the soil for at least five years without germinating, even though they are close to the surface and regularly watered. Sequence in the Development of Leaves. In Part IX. (p. 283), it was mentioned that 112 species had been found to commence with one simply pinnate leaf. The following ten may now be added to the former list, which brings the total to 122:—A. Burkittu F.v.M., A. Cuthbertsont Luehmann, A. ericifolia Benth., A. gladw- formis A. Cunn., A. latipes Benth., A. merinthophora Pritzel, A. ee A. Cunn., A. retunodes Schlecht, A. rupricola F.v.M. To the 21 commonly having an opposite pair of simply pinnate leaves the following five may be added:—A. bidentata Benth., A. bivenosa DC., A. Cambager R. T. Baker, A. georgine, Bailey, A. restiacea Benth., making the total 26. Description of Seedlings. PuNGENTES— (Plurinerves). ACACIA LATIPES Benth. Seeds from Wongan Hills, Western Australia (C. A. Gardner, per W. M. Carne). (Plate I., Numbers 1-3.) | Seeds black, almost cylindrical but flattened towards the edge, about 3 mm. long, 2.5 to 3 mm. broad, 2 mm. thick. Hypocotyl terete, green, 1 to 2 cm. long, 1.5 to 2 mm. thick at base, 1 mm. at apex. ACACIA SEEDLINGS. 89 Cotyledons sessile, obovate to almost oval, auricled, 4 to 4.5 mm. long, 3 to 3.5 mm. broad, upperside green, under- side reddish-brown, with raised line along centre. Stem terete, brownish-green, hirsute. First internode 0.5 mm.; second 0.5 to 1 mm.; third and fourth 0.5 to 2 mm.; fifth to seventh 1 to 3 mm. Leaves—No. 1. Abruptly pinnate, petiole 3 to 4 mm., glabrous; leaflets two pairs, oblong-acuminate, the apical pair sometimes obovate, 2.5 to 3.5 mm. long, 1 to 1.5 mm. broad, upperside green, underside pale green; rachis 2 mm., with terminal seta. No. 2. Abruptly bipinnate, petiole 4 to 7 mm., glabrous ‘to pilose, with terminal seta,; leaflets two pairs, the basal pair oblong-acuminate, the apical pair obovate, margins -ciliate, up to 2 to 3 mm. long, 1 to 1.5 mm. broad, upperside green, underside pale green; rachis 3 mm., with terminal seta; stipules 0.5 mm. Nos. 3 to 5. Abruptly bipinnate, petiole 6 mm. to 1 em., pilose; leaflets two to three pairs, slightly mucronate, margins often ciliate; rachis 3 to 6 mm.; stipules acuminate, 1 mm. Nos. 6 to 8. These may be phyllodes, or abruptly bipinnate, petiole 7 mm. to 1.5 em. long, up to 0.5 mm. broad, pilose; leaflets two to three pairs; rachis 3 to 7 mm. Nos. 9 to 20. Rigid, linear-lanceolate phyllodes, broad at ‘the base, tapering into a pungent point, about 7 mm. to 1 em. long, 1 to 1.5 mm. broad, with three fairly prominent nerves; stipules developed into spines 1 mm. long. A plant two feet high may have faleate phyllodes up to about 8 mm. long and 3 mm. broad. A seedling raised in a seven-inch pot flowered when 18 “months old. 90 R. H. CAMBAGE. PUNGENTES—(Uninerves). ACACIA RUPICOLA F.v.M. Seeds from Morialta, Adelaide: (J. A. Hogan, per E. H. Ising).. (Plate 1, Numbers 4-6.) Seeds shiny black, oblong, about 5 mm. long, 2.5 to 3 mm. broad, 1.6 mm. thick, Hypocotyl terete, brownish-red above soil, 1.5 to 2 em. long, about 2 mm. thick at base, 1 mm. at apex. Cotyledons sessile, auricled, oblong, apex rounded, 6 to: 7 mm. long, 3 to 3.5 mm. broad, upperside green, underside pale green to brownish-red, often with raised centre line,. becoming revolute but not cylindrical, remaining until phyllodes appear. Stem at first angular, becoming terete, green, glabrous.. First internode 0.5 to 2 mm; second 1 to 38 mm.; third and fourth 1 to 4 mm.; fifth to ninth 1 to 5 mm. Leaves—No. 1. Abruptly pinnate, petiole 3 to 6 mm.,. glabrous; leaflets three to five pairs,. oblong-acuminate, 3: to 5 mm. long, 1 to 2 mm. broad, upperside green under-- side pale green, with distinct venation; rachis 3 mm. to: 1.1 cm., with terminal seta; stipules small. No. 2. Abruptly bipinnate, petiole 6 mm. to 1.5 em., with. terminal seta; leaflets three to five pairs, oblong-acuminate, the apical pair sometimes obovate, 3 to 4 mm. long, 1 to. 1.5 mm. broad; raehis 7 mm. to 1.1-em., with terminal seta. Nos. 3 and 4. Abruptly bipinnate, petiole 1 to 1.7 em. long, sometimes up to 0.7 mm. broad, glabrous; leaflets. three to five pairs, often mucronate, 3 to 6 mm. long, 1 to: 2.5 and rarely 4 mm. broad; rachis 7 mm. to 1.3 em.;. stipules acuminate, 1 mm. long. No. 5. Usually a phyllode but may be abruptly bipinnate, . petiole about 1.3 em.; leaflets 4 to 5 pairs; one pinna developed as a leaflet 6 mm. long, 2 mm. broad, with two: small leaflets on one side. ACACIA SEEDLINGS. 91 Nos. 6 to 20. Fairly rigid, linear-lanceolate, prominently 1-nerved phyllodes, tapering into a pungent point, about 1 em. long and 1.5 mm. broad. CALAMIFORMES—(Subaphylle). ACACIA RESTIACEA Benth. Seeds from Wongan Hills, Western Australia (C. A. Gardner, per W. M. Carne). (Plate II., Numbers 1-3.) Seeds black, oval to obovate, about 3 mm. long, 2 to 2.5 mm. broad, about 1.5 mm. thick. Hypocotyl terete, brownish-red above soil, 1.5 to 2 em. long, about 1.5 mm. thick at base, 0.7 mm. at apex. Cotyledons sessile, auricled, oblong, 3 to 4 mm. long, 15 mm. broad, upperside reddish-green, underside brownish-grey, remaining erect and very soon falling. Stem terete, striated, green, glabrous. First to fifth mternodes 0.5 mm.; sixth to ninth 0.5 to 2 mm.; tenth to twelfth Imm. to 2 em.; thirteenth to fifteenth 5 mm. to 2.7 em. Leaves—No. 1. Abruptly pinnate, forming an opposite pair, petiole 4 to 6 mm., glabrous; leaflets two pairs, oblong- acuminate, 3 to 5 mm. long, 1 to 2 mm. broad, upperside green, underside pale green; rachis 1 to 2 mm., with terminal seta. No. 2. Abruptly bipinnate, petiole 5 mm. to 1 em., green, glabrous, with terminal seta; leaflets three pairs, obovate, 2 to 8 mm. long, 1 to 1.5 mm. broad; rachis 4 to 6 mm., with terminal seta. Nos. 3 and 4. Abruptly bipinnate, petiole 7 mm. to 2 em.; leaflets three to four pairs; rachis 4 mm. to 1.2 em. Nos. 5 to 9. Abruptly bipinnate, petiole 1.3 to 4.3 em., slender; leaflets four to six pairs, oblong-acuminate to obovate, 3 to 6 mm. long, 1 to 2.6 mm. broad; rachis 6 mm. to 2.4 cm. 92 R. H. CAMBAGE. Nos. 10 to 16. Abruptly bipinnate, petiole 1.8 to 5.3 em., slender, pilose; leaflets four to six pairs; rachis 1 to 2 em.; stipules reduced to acuminate scales 1 mm. long. Nos. 17 to 20. These may be phyllodes, or abruptly bipinnate, petiole 1.7 to 4 em., pilose; leaflets four to five pairs; rachis 5 mm. to 1.4 em.; stipules reduced to acuminate scales 2 mm. long. On a few plants Nos. 17 to 22 are in some cases terete, slender phyllodes, 7 mm. to 2 em. long, with what appears to be the terminal seta on the lower portion of the truncated apex. Above No. 22 the rush-like stems are leafless, but often with scales at the base of the branches. A seedling raised in a seven-inch pot flowered when 19 months old, and had retained many bipinnate leaves. UNINERVES— (Racemose). ACACIA SALICINA Lindl. Seeds from Garah (A. W. Bucknell), Boggabri (R.H.C.) both in New South Wales, and Geera, near Central Queensland (H. C. Cullen). (Plate III., Numbers 1-3.) Seeds shiny dark brown to black, oval to oblong-oval, 4.5 to 6 mm. long, 3.5 to 4 mm. broad, 2 mm. thick. Hypocotyl terete, at first pale green, becoming brownish- red, 2 to 3 em. long, about 2.5 mm. thick at base, 1 to 1.5 mm. at apex. Cotyledons sessile, slightly auricled, oval to oblong- obovate, 6 to 9 mm. long, 4 to 5 mm. broad, upperside yellowish-green, underside pale green, with one or two raised central lines, remaining erect, becoming revolute and soon falling. Stem at first slightly angular, becoming terete, brown, glabrous. First internode 0.5 to 1 mm.; second 1 to 2 mm.; third to sixth 1 to 7 mm.; seventh to tenth 1 mm. to 1 em.; eleventh to fourteenth 3 mm. to 1.2 em. ACACIA SEEDLINGS. 93. Leaves—No. 1. Abruptly pinnate, forming an opposite pair, petiole 4 to 9 mm., green, glabrous; leaflets four to five pairs, oblong-acuminate, 6 mm. to 1 em. long, 1.5 to 3 mm. broad, upperside green, underside pale green; rachis 7 mm. io 1.2 em., with terminal seta. No. 2. Abruptly bipinnate, petiole 1 to 3.8 em., often vertically dilated to 1 mm. broad, green, glabrous, with terminal seta; leaflets four to five pairs, oblong-acuminate, 2 to 7 mm. long, 1 to 2 mm. broad, in one ease all the leaflets of a pinna had fused into one leaflet 6 mm. long, 3.9 mm. broad; rachis 9 mm. to 1.6 em., with terminal seta; stipules minute or none. Nos. 3 to 5. Abruptly bipinnate, petiole 1.2 to 4.5 em. long, 1.5 to 3 mm. broad; leaflets three to five pairs; rachis 6 mm. to 1.6 em. Nos. 6 to 10. Abruptly bipinnate, petiole 2 to 7.3 em. long, 2 to 4 mm. broad, with the midrib very slightly below the centre of the lamina; leaflets three to five pairs; rachis 5 mm. to 2 cm. Nos. 11 to 20. These may be phyllodes, or abruptly bipinnate, petiole 4.2 to 11.6 cm. long, 3 to 6 mm. broad, with the midrib at or near the centre of the lamina; leaflets four and five to rarely six pairs; rachis 7 mm. to 2.0 cm. Nos. 21 to 50. These may be phyllodes, or abruptly bipinnate, petiole 7.2 to 11 em. long, 4 to 8 mm. broad in the Boggabri and Garah specimens, and up to 1.4 em. in the Geera (near central Queensland*) specimens; rachis 8 mm. to 2.4 em. *This is possibly the form found by Sir Thomas Mitchell in 1846 in Southern Queensland, and referred to by Bentham as variety varians, with the lower phyllodes broader than in the type. Flora Australiensis p. 367. ‘94 R. H. CAMBAGE. Nos. 51 to 70. Usually oblong-linear phyllodes, narrowed at the base, particularly in the Geera seedlings, about 7 to 10 cm. long. The Geera specimens with wider phyllodes evidently represent the variety varians, described as a species by Bentham, and was discovered in Queensland in 1846 by Sir Thomas Mitchell. PLURINERVES— (Oligoneure ). ACACIA BIVENOSA DC. Seeds from Claremont, Swan River, Western Australia (W. M. Carne). (Plate IIL, Numbers 4-6.) rift Seeds black, oblong to oblong-oval, 5 to 6 mm. long, 3 mm. broad, 2 mm. thick. Hypocotyl terete, reddish-brown above the soil, 1 to 2 em. long, 2 mm. thick at base, 1 mm. at apex. Cotyledons sessile, auricled, oblong, apex rounded, 7 to 8 mm. long, 3 mm. broad, reddish-brown on both sides, underside somewhat striated. Stem at first angular, becoming terete, green, glabrous. First internode 0.5 mm.; second 0.5 to 1 mm.; third and fourth 0.5 to 2-mm.; fifth to seventh, 1 mm, \fo, 2 aem- eighth to twelfth 4 mm. to 2.4 em. Leaves—No. 1. Abruptly pinnate, forming an opposite pair, petiole 3 to 5 mm., glabrous; leaflets three to five pairs, oblong-acuminate, apical pair often obovate, 4 to 5 mm. long, 1 to 2 mm. broad, upperside green, underside pale green; rachis 6 to 8 mm., with terminal seta. No. 2. Abruptly bipinnate, petiole 6 mm. to 1 em., green, glabrous, with terminal seta; leaflets four to six pairs, oblong acuminate, 2 to 5 mm. long, 1 to 2 mm. broad; rachis 7 mm. to 1.3 em., with terminal seta. Nos. 3 and 4. Abruptly bipinnate, petiole 8 mm. to 2.7 .em. ; leaflets six to seven pairs; rachis 1 to 2.1 em. ACACIA SEEDLINGS. 95 Nos. 5 to 9. Abruptly bipinnate, petiole 1.8 to 4.2 em., ‘sometimes dilated in the case of Nos. 8 and 9 to 1.5 mm. broad, with a strong nerve along or near the lower margin; leaflets six to ten pairs, oblong-acuminate to slightly obovate, often mucronate, 5 to 8 mm. long, 2 to 3 mm. broad; rachis 1.6 to 3.6 em.; stipules reduced to scales about 1 mm. long. Nos. 10 to 12. These may be phyllodes, or abruptly bipinnate, 2.4 to 3.5 em. long, 1 to 8 mm. broad in the case of No. 10, with the midrib usually close to the lower margin, to 1 cm. in some instances in the case of No. 12, with the midrib slightly below the centre of the lamina, with some- times a fairly definite nerve above for nearly the full length of the flattened petiole; leaflets seven to ten pairs; rachis 2.2 to 3.6 cm. Nos. 13 to 20. Obovate to oblong-lanceolate phyllodes, penniveined, with a strong midrib about the centre of the blade, and a fainter one above, mucronate, the point slightly recurved, but not so much so as in later phyllodes, and pointing downwards. PLURINERVES— (Microneure). Acacia CAMBAGEI R. T. Baker,* ‘‘Gidgea or Gidgee’’. Seeds from Cunnamulla, Queensland (Mr. Gwydir, per Dr. T. L. Baneroft). (Plate I., Numbers 7-9.) Seeds brown, oblong to almost irregularly orbicular, fiat, 5 to 8 mm. long, 4 to 6 mm. broad, 1 to 1.5 mm. thick. Hypocotyl terete, green to brownish-green above soil, 2 to 3 em. long, 1.5 to 2 mm. thick at base, 1 mm at apex. Cotyledons sessile, auricled, oblong-oval to ovate, 7 to 9 mm. long, 6 to 6.5 mm. broad, upperside at first yellowish- green, becoming green, underside, yellowish-green. * Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, 1900, 25, 661. 96 R. H. CAMBAGE. Stem terete, green, glabrous, or with scattered hairs. First internode 0.5 to 1 mm.; second 1 to 4 mm.; third to: fifth 2 mm. to 1.3 em.; sixth and seventh 5 to 8 mm. Leaves—No. 1. Abruptly pinnate, forming an opposite pair, petiole 4 to 7 mm., green, glabrous; leaflets two to four pairs, oblong-acuminate, 4 to 9 mm. long, 1 to 2.5 mm. broad, upperside green, underside pale green; rachis 5 mm. to 1 em., with terminal seta. No. 2. Linear-lanceolate phyllode, 1 to 5.2 em. long, 1.5: to 2.5 mm. broad, with a definite central nerve, and some- times a faint one on each side of it but not reaching the apex. | Nos. 8 to 10. Lanceolate phyllodes, 1.5 to 6 em. long, up to 1 em. broad, usually with three fairly definite veins and many much finer ones between them. Later phyllodes are often faleate. This is the second seedling described in this series where the No. 2 leaf may be reduced to a phyllode, the previous ease being A. alata.* It seems remarkable that these two species, also A. georgine Bailey, the seedling of which has not yet been described, should, so far as examined, show no bipinnate leaves whatever. The same applies also to A. Oswaldi in some eases. tT J ULIFLORZ—(Rigidule). ACACIA CUTHBERTSONI Luehmann.t Seeds from Carnarvon, Gascoyne River, Western Australia (EK. C. Andrews). (Plate I., Numbers 10-12.) Seeds brown, oblong-oval to ovate, depressed, with small fairly distinct horse-shoe areole, 7 to 8 mm. long, 6 to 7 mm. broad, 2 to 2.5 mm. thick. *This Journ., 1918, 52, 413. + This Journ., 1921, 55, 115. ~The Victorian Naturalist, 13, 117. ACACIA SEEDLINGS. oF Hypocotyl terete, pale green, spreading into flange at root, up to 3.7 em. long, 3 to 4 mm. thick at base, 2 mm. at apex. Cotyledons sessile, auricled, oblong to oblong-oval, 1 to 1.3 em. long, 6 to 8 mm. broad, upperside green, underside pale green. Stem terete, greenish-grey, pilose to pubescent. First internode 0.5 mm.; second 1 to 2 mm.; third to seventh 1 to 4 mm. Leaves—No. 1. Abruptly pinnate, petiole 4 to 9 mm., ereen, glabrous; leaflets four to six pairs, oblong-acumi- nate, the apical pair sometimes obovate, 4 to 9 mm. long, 2 to 3 mm. broad, upperside green, underside pale green; rachis 1 to 2 mm., with terminal seta. No. 2. Abruptly bipinnate, petiole 1.3 to 1.6 cm. long, vertically dilated to sometimes 1 mm. broad, pilose, with terminal seta; leaflets three to seven pairs, oblong- acuminate to obovate, 3 to 5 mm. long, 1 to 2.5 mm. broad, upperside green; rachis 6 mm. to 1.6 em.; with terminal seta. No. 3. lLanceolate phyllode, 2 to 3.5 em. long, about 2.0 to 4 mm. broad, with a definite midrib, a faint vein close to both margins and almost confluent with the midrib at the apex, a few fine veins diverting from the mibrib, pilose. Nos. 4 to 10. Lanceolate phyllodes, narrowed at both ends, small oblique points, 4 to 8 em. long, up to 5 mm. broad, with a definite midrib and intramarginal veins as in No. 3, but with a few finer longitudinal veins on both sides of the central nerve, ash-grey, silky pubescent. G—August 4, 1926. 98 R. H. CAMBAGE. J ULIFLORA— (Stenophylle). Acacia Burxirrir F.v.M. Seeds from Broken Hill, New South Wales (A. Morris, per Sydney Botanic Gardens) and Iron Knob, South Australia (Sydney Botanic Gardens). (Plate II., Numbers 4-6.) Seeds dark brown, obovate to oval, 4 to 6 mm. long, 3 to 4 mm. broad, 1 to 1.5 mm. thick. Hypocotyl terete, green to brownish, 1.5 to 2.2 em. long, 1 to 1.7 mm. thick at base, 0.7 to 1 mm. at apex. Cotyledons sessile, shghtly auricled, lobes about 0.5 mm. oblong to ovate or sometimes slightly obovate, about 6 mm. long, 3 to 4 mm. broad, upperside green, underside pale green, with one or two raised lines, gradually becoming revolute. Stem terete, greyish-brown to greenish-brown, glabrous, or with a few scattered hairs. First internode 0.5 mm.; second 1 mm.; third and fourth 1 to 3 mm.; fifth to seventh 2 to 6 mm.; eighth to tenth 4 mm. to 1.5 em. Leaves—No. 1. Abruptly pinnate, petiole 4 mm. to 1 em., green, glabrous; leaflets two to three pairs, oblong- acuminate, the apical pair often obovate, 5 to 7 mm. long, 1.5 to 8 mm. broad, upperside green, underside pale green, margins slightly ciliate; rachis 2 to 9 mm., with terminal seta. No. 2. Abruptly bipinnate, petiole 4 mm. to 2 em., with terminal seta; leaflets two to three pairs, oblong-acuminate to obovate, 3 to 5 mm. long, 1 to 2 mm. broad, upperside green; rachis 2 to 6 mm., with terminal seta. Nos. 3 to 5. Abruptly bipinnate, petiole 1 to 3.4 em.; leaflets one to five pairs; rachis 1 to 8 mm.; stipules 1 mm. long. Nos. 6 to 18. These may be phyllodes, or abruptly bi- pinnate, petiole 2.4 to 11.3 cm.; leaflets three to four pairs, 1 to 3 mm. long, about 1 mm. broad; rachis 2 to 4 mm. ACACIA SEEDLINGS. be 99 oe Nos. 14 to 18. lLinear-subulate phyllodes, slightly flat- tened or compressed, scarcely terete, 7 to 11 cm. long, some- times up to 1.7 mm. broad, the point sometimes much recurved but not pungent. Lubbock described a seedling supposéd to be of this species and recorded the first leaf as bipinnate, but from his description and figure it seems to be a different plant from that described in the present paper, and is suggestive of belonging to some other genus. The cotyledons of Lub- bock’s plant are very much larger than those of the Broken Hill and South Australian examples, and of quite a different shape, while the leaflets shown by Lubbock are about double in number on each leaf.* BirPiInNAata2—(Botryocephale). Acacia PRUINOsSA A. Cunn. Seeds from Gosford (J. H. Maiden) and Kurnell (cultivated). (Plate IV., Numbers 1-3.) Seeds black, obovate to almost orbicular, 4 to 5 mm. long, 3 to 4 mm. broad, 1.5 to 2 mm. thick. Hypocotyl terete, at first pale green, becoming reddish- brown, 1 to 2.5 em. long, about 2 mm. thick at base, 0.7 to 1 mm. at apex. Cotyledons sessile, auricled, obovate to oblong-oval, about 5 mm. long, 3.5 to 4 mm. broad, upperside reddish- green to brownish-red, underside reddish to red, becoming revolute and cylindrical in a few days. Stem at first slightly angular, becoming terete, green to greenish-brown, glabrous. First internode 0.5 mm.; second and third 2 to 5 mm.; fourth to sixth 4 mm. to 2.4 em.; seventh and eighth 8 mm. to 2 em. Leaves—No. 1. Abruptly pinnate, petiole 2 to 7 mm., sometimes with a small gland, green, glabrous to pilose, * “Seedlings” by Sir John Lubbock, 1892, 1, 471. 100 R. H. CAMBAGE. leaflets four to five pairs, oblong-acuminate, the apical pair often obovate, 4 to 8 mm. long, 1 to 2.5 mm. broad,. upperside at first reddish-green, becoming green, under- side deep red, often becoming green; rachis 6 mm. to 1 em. long, with terminal seta. No. 2. Abruptly bipinnate, petiole 7 mm. to 1 cm., sometimes with a gland on the upper margin, glabrous, or with a few hairs, with terminal seta; leaflets four to six pairs, oblong-acuminate, the apical pair sometimes obovate,. 4 to 8 mm. long, 1 to 3 mm. broad, upperside green, under- side reddish-green to red; rachis 9 mm. to 1.5 em., with terminal seta. Nos. 3 and 4. Abruptly bipinnate, petiole 1.1 to 2 em., glabrous to pilose, often with a gland on the upper margin;. leaflets six to fourteen pairs; rachis 1.5 to 3.8 em. Nos. 5 and 6. Abruptly bipinnate, often with two pairs of pinne, common petiole up to 3.5 em., usually with gland below basal pair of pinne; leaflets thirteen to fifteen pairs ; rachis 1.8 to 4.2 em. Nos. 7 to 9. Abruptly bipinnate, with from three to seven pairs of pinne, common petiole up to 6.5 cm., glab- rous to pilose, with a gland below the basal pair and also at the base of the apical pair of pinne; leaflets nineteen to twenty-three pairs; rachis 2.7 to 4.4 cm. Leaflets on a mature tree may measure up to 1.7 cm. long, and 5 mm. broad, with the midrib and secondary vein showing very distinctly. BIPINNAT&— (Botryocephale). ACACIA LEPTOCLADA A. Cunn. Seeds from Howell, New South Wales (T. S. McCrae) and Kurnell (cultivated). (Plate IV., Numbers 4-6.) Seeds shiny black, oblong-oval to oblong, rim thin, about © mm. long, 3 to 3.5 mm. broad, 2 mm. thick. ACACIA SEEDLINGS. 101 Hypocotyl terete, pale green to reddish-pink, 1.2 to 4.5 em. long, 1 to 1.5 mm. thick at base, 0.6 to 1 mm. at apex. Cotyledons sessile, auricled, oblong to oblong-oval, 5 to 6.5 mm. long, 3 to 3.5 mm. broad, upperside brownish- green, underside brown to reddish-brown. Stem terete, at first green, becoming brown to reddish- brown, hirsute to hoary. First internode 0.5 mm.; second 1 mm.; third to fifth 2 mm. to 1.3 ¢.m.; sixth to seventh 7 mm. to 2 em. Leaves—No. 1. Abruptly pinnate, petiole 3 to 6 mm., brownish-green, glabrous; leaflets four to seven pairs, oblong-acuminate, 5 to 8 mm. long, 1 to 2.5 mm. broad, upperside green, underside reddish-green; rachis 8 mm. to 1.4 em., with terminal seta. No. 2. Abruptly bipinnate, petiole 8 mm. to 1.3 em., pilose, with terminal seta; leaflets four to six pairs, oblong- acuminate, the apical pair obovate, 3 to 6 mm. long, 1 to 2 mm. broad, upperside green, underside green to reddish- green; rachis 7 mm. to 1 cm., with terminal seta. Nos. 3 and 4. Abruptly bipinnate, sometimes with two pairs of pinne, common petiole 1 to 2.8 em., pilose to seven pairs; rachis up to 1.4 em.; stipules acuminate, 1 to 2 mm. Nos. 5 and 6. Abruptly bipinnate, with two to three pairs of pinne, common petiole 1 to 2.8 em., pilose to hirsute ; leaflets six to nine pairs, 3 to 4 mm. long, 0.5 to about 1 mm. broad; rachis 1 to 1.7 em. Nos. 7 to 10. Abruptly bipinnate, with from two to five pairs of pinne, common petiole 1.5 to 2.7 cm., sometimes with a few glands, hirsute; leaflets eight to eleven pairs; rachis up to 1.6 em. 102 R. H. CAMBAGE. EXPLANATION OF PLATES. PLATE I, Acacia latipes Benth. 1. Cotyledons, Wongan Hills, Western Australia (W. M. Carne). 2. Pinnate leaf, bipinnate leaves and phyllodes. 3. Seeds. Acacia rupicola F.v.M. 4. Cotyledons, Morialta, Adelaide (KE. H. Ising). d. Pinnate leaf, bipinnate leaves and phyllodes. 6. Seeds. Acacia Cambagei R. T. Baker. 7. Cotyledons, Cunnamulla, Queensland (Dr. T. L. Bancroft). 8. Opposite pair of pinnate leaves and phyllodes. ¥. Lod and seeds. Acacia Cuthbertson. Luehmann. . 10. Cotyledons and pinnate leaf, Gascoyne River, Western Australia (E. C. Andrews). 11. Pinnate leaf, bipinnate leaf and phyllodes. 12. Pod and seeds. Puiate IT, Acacia restiacea Benth. 1. Cotyledons and opposite pair of pinnate leaves, Wongan Hills, Western Australia (W. M. Carne). 2. Pinnate leaf, bipinnate leaves and two phyllodes. 3. Seeds. Acacia Burkittu F.v.M. 4. Cotyledons and pinnate leaf, Iron Knob, South Australia (J. M. Black). 5. Pinnate leaf, bipinnate leaves and phyllodes. 6. Pod and seeds. Journal Royal Society of N.S.W., Vol. LX., 1926. Plate I, Acacia latipes (1-3); Acacia rupicola (4-6) ; Acacia Cambagei (7-9) ; Acacia Cuthbertson (10-12). Three-fifths Natural Size. Journal Royal Society of N.S.W., Vol. LX., 1926. Plate LI. Acacta restiacea (1-3); Acacia Burkitti (4-6). Three-fifths Natural Size. Journal Royal Society of N.S, W., Vol. LX., 1926. Plate IIL, Acacia salicina (1-3) ; Acacia bivenosa (4-6). Two-fifths Natural Size, Journal Koyal Society of N.S.W., Vol. LX., 1926. Plate IV. Bog a i Seer otf y %e } 2 §. ® # z id #a, gh he BAY —— Uy, ile < Ny, 2 & ae ee i ay Acacia pruinosa (1-3) ; Acacia leptoclada (4-6). Nearly Half Natural Size. ACACIA SEEDLINGS. 103 Puate ITI. Acacia salicina Lindl. . Cotyledons, Geera, Queensland (H. C. Cullen). . Opposite pair of pinnate leaves, bipinnate leaves and phyllodes (Boggabri). . Pod and seeds (Boggabri). Acacia bwenosa DC. . Cotyledons, Swan River, Western Australia (W. M. Carne). . Opposite pair of pinnate leaves, bipinnate leaves and phyllodes. . Pod and seeds. Phare LV: Acacia pruinosa A. Cunn. . Cotyledons, Gosford (J. H. Maiden). 2. Pinnate leaf and bipinnate leaves. . Pod and seeds, Kurnell (Cultivated). Acacia leptoclada A. Cunn. . Cotyledons, Howell, New South Wales (T. S. McCrae). 5. Pinnate leaf and bipinnate leaves. . Pod and seeds, Kurnell (Cultivated). 104 A. R. PENFOLD. THE ESSENTIAL OIL OF ZIERIA MACROPHYLLA (BONPLAND) AND THE PRESENCE OF A NEW CYCLIC KETONE. By A. R. PENFOLD, F.AJ6K, | FC.S;, Economic Chemist, Technological Museum, Sydney. (Read before the Royal Society of New South Wales, August 4, 1926.) The author has been engaged upon an investigation of the essential oils from Zieria Smithi for a number of years past, and when supplies of leaves and terminal branchlets were secured from Tasmania for comparison with the New South Wales and Queensland material, it was readily observed that the former presented marked differences, the leaves especially being much larger. The investigation of the essential oil offered ready confirmation, the differ- ences in the chemical composition being quite remarkable. The Forestry Department, Hobart, Tasmania, which so kindly furnished the excellent supplhes of material for the investigation, whilst referring to the plant as Zeria Snuthii, gave the following information :— “The leaves referred to were obtained from Herrick, North-East Tasmania, and were gathered from the sides of a valley near the Pioneer Mill. Although it grows in the valleys, yet it seems to be more prolific on the slopes above the valleys. It usually attains an average height of about 3-feet, and is of fairly dense growth. It is very noticeable that where the plant is growing on any kind of a rich flat, . the crop is extremely dense, although perhaps not nearly so tall as that growing on the slopes of the gullies.” Although the writer so readily observed the marked distinction between the Tasmanian and New South Wales Zieria (N.O. Rutacez) he considered it advisable to obtain ESSENTIAL OIL OF ZIERIA MACROPHYLLA. 105 the opinion of Mr. E. Cheel, Curator of the National Herbarium, Sydney, who has probably devoted more time and research to the various species of Zieria than any other botanist. He has kindly conveyed his opinion in a private communication, as follows :— “With reference to the Zicria from Tasmania, I have arrived at the conclusion that it is Zieria macrophylla of Bonpland. It was described as a distinct species in 1813, and is well figured under this name in “Botanical Magazine”, tab. 4451. Bentham (Flora Austra- liensis, Vol. 1, page 807 (1863) includes it as a variety macrophylla under Zicria Smithii, but I am of the opinion that it is sufficiently distinct and had best be regarded as a species. I propose to deal with this and other species of the genus at an early date.” The result of the examination of the essential oil confirms beyond any doubt the opinion herein expressed that the plant is worthy of specifie rank. THE ESSENTIAL OIL. The leaves on crushing between the fingers emitted a rather unpleasant odour, hence the vernacular name of “*“Stinkwood’’. The essential oils obtained from the various consignments were of a deep reddish-brown colour, and possessed the unpleasant odour referred to in connection with the leaves, which appeared to be mainly due to the presence of a low boiling ester of -=q! we t SF motes! fee tS Ch Tae pack Ch Fig. 4. Block Diagram of Area Stewa 5 In the north one proceeds over a narrow strip of country some 150 yards wide to the top of a divide only 50 feet above the Lagoon. On the far side of this divide are the headwaters of Cora Creek, draining into Tootie Creek and hence into the Colo. On the south the rim of the bottom of the overturned saucer is even lower. Here the divide is between the Lagoon watershed and Lagoon Creek. Normally the latter does not drain the lagoon, but a few years ago a ditch was cut through the divide to connect the two in order to empty 124 ALEXA GRADY AND H. HOGBIN. the Lagoon for cultivation purposes. However, nothing was done in that direction and the drain has now become almost filled with silt. Apparently the flow of water from the Lagoon was not sufficient to keep a clear channel, but in course of time the headward erosion of Lagoon Creek must eat back along the ditch and so open the outlet again —this time permanently. As matters are now Lagoon Creek, flowing southward, commences its course some 60 yards to the south of the Lagoon. The longest slope to the depression is on the west, and down this slope is the soak before mentioned. On this side the divide is over half a mile from the Lagoon. This divide separates the soak waters from those of Stewart’s Creek, a tributary of Lagoon Creek. On the east the saucer analogy is weakest. Here there is a most interesting example of capture. About 150 yards from the Lagoon, running north-south, is the great fault scarp. This scarp is breached by a wind gap right opposite the Lagoon. The divide between it and the headwaters of Taylor Creek lies in the wind gap—400 yards from the Lagoon shore and only 11 feet above it. Taylor Creek has just captured Russell Creek, which but yesterday, geologically speaking, flowed into the Lagoon. Taylor Creek has eaten back the divide and by doing so has captured Russell Creek, which now, making an angle of about 40°, turns and flows in the opposite direction. How precarious the position of the Lagoon is ean readily be seen. As soon as one of the besieging streams reaches it - all traces will be removed in a very short time. Topography of Surroundings in Detail—lLagoon Creek for some 500 yards of its course occupies merely a little V- shaped silty trench, five feet deep. This quickly deepens after that and in quite a short distance the creek occupies the bottom of a juvenile gorge some hundreds of feet deep. MOUNTAIN LAGOON AND THE KURRAJONG FAULT. 125 Lagoon Creek follows the edge of the fault scarp closely, no doubt because that is a line of weakness, making erosion easier. (See Fig. 5, Section A.) Fig. 5. Cross-Sections (A-E) of Valleys in Area Just before the junction with Wheeny Creek it takes a turn into the downthrust side of the fault, leaving the scarp. There is here a well-marked shelf on the eastern side of the valley. This shelf is level with the top of the gorge on the western side. Section B (in Fig. 5) shows this. shelf, 126 ALEXA GRADY AND H. HOGBIN. The reason for this is that the creek is probably following up another line of weakness—a cross fault. The result is that it joins Wheeny Creek with a boat-hook bend. Dorothy Creek is the only appreciable tributary of Lagoon Creek on the left-hand side. The rest are mere soaks. The reason of this lies in the smallness of the watershed, being confined wholly to the scarp face. Dorothy Creek is the biggest, probably because it has cut its way into the basalt rock of Basalt Hill (see below) and that is easier to erode than the sandstone. On the right-hand side there are three creeks. Of these the most northerly is Stewart’s. The source of this creek is due west of the Lagoon about half to three-quarters of a mile. At its source the level of the creek is much the same _as that of the Lagoon, but in its length of only 1500 yards it has a fall of 400 feet. The two other creeks joining the main creek on this side are Grahame and Flat Rock. Of the three, the last is the longest and has the greatest volume. Both of these creeks flow from the main ridge running from Bilpin to the Lagoon, the main divide between Tootie and Wheeny Creeks. Both Grahame and Flat Rock Creeks are typical juvenile streams with steep grades, falls and gorges. Wheeny Creek has cut a magnificent gap through the upthrust side of the fault. Just before it reaches the fault it flows through a canyon with walls 500-700 feet high, but where it cuts through the upthrust these are increased by an extra 500 feet. The sections C and D in Fig. 5 give some idea of the difference. Cora Creek, to the north of the Lagoon, flows into Tootie Creek. It descends even more rapidly than Lagoon Creek, and soon becomes intrenched in a great gorge. ssh} — MOUNTAIN LAGOON AND THE KURRAJONG FAULT. 127 Taylor Creek, on the east, drains stiaight through to the Colo. As explained above, it probably represents the beheaded stream which formed Mountain Lagoon, when unable to keep pace with the faulting. It, too, flows through a gorge and descends at a steep grade. When we stand on the divide in the wind gap and look down Taylor Creek we notice that the valley is very wide for such a small stream, even allowing for the captured Russell Creek which flows towards us obliquely and then turns into the main creek. The floor of the valley is here 200 feet wide, but ahead, that is to say downstream, we can see that it narrows. Section (E) is at the wind gap, and section (EF) 500 yards below. (See Fig. 5.) This is very obviously abnormal, and how are we to account for it? Our first theory was that the wide valley represented ordinary erosion by Taylor Creek in the shatter belt caused by the fault. This was strengthened by our noticing that where the valley is wide there is no stratification of the sandstone visible, only huge loosely- sorted boulders forming gigantic talus slopes. Erosion would be, of course, more rapid in a shatter belt. However, although we do not reject this theory, a second has suggested itself, that the wide valley represents the wind gap cut by the old stream, deepened, as we have said, by the headward erosion of Taylor Creek. The narrow valley below would then represent the normal juvenile valley of Taylor Creek. This does not altogether explain why the outcropping strata are covered in the wide valley while they remain visible in the narrow, so perhaps there is a little of the truth in both theories. Summary.—The topography of the downthrust side of the fault is a dissected peneplain with a slope towards the east to the great fault scarp. Although the Lagoon occu- 128 ALEXA GRADY AND H. HOGBIN. pies a small local depression, it is actually higher than most of the downthrust side of the fault, being one of the few remaining parts of the peneplain as yet undissected. Geology. The main geological feature of the area is the Hawkes- bury sandstones, the middle series of the local Trias system. In places these are covered by Wianamatta shale beds, but nowhere did we find Narrabeen shales exposed. At Moun- tain Lagoon there is an outlier of Wianamatta shales. (See Fig. 4.) This is just what we would expect to find at the core of the old peneplain. The shales cease abruptly at the fault scarp on the east. On the north and west we find the shales for a short distance but as the country becomes more dissected they have been worn away. In the south the shales cease abruptly at a small local upwarping of some fifteen feet. This warp is a distinct feature at right angles to the main fault and it is where it crosses them that both Stewart’s and Lagoon Creeks enter into their gorges. On the side of the fault scarp south of the Lagoon there is an exposure of basalt. (See Fig. 4.) We were not able to discover if this was post-faulting or not. However, we noted— 1. that no basalt is exposed at all on the downthrow side ; 2. the basalt does not reach the level of the downthrow side ; 3. it is not found even as talus in Lagoon Creek; 4. it reaches to within 50 feet of the present top of the fault scarp ; 5. it has been weathered into a rich chocolate soil, and there are few exposures of the actual rock. The boundaries of the basalt and Wianamatta shale are indicated approximately on the block diagram submitted. (Fig. 4.) MOUNTAIN LAGOON AND THE KURRAJONG FAULT. 129 Settlement and Economic Effects of the Fault. At present there are five farms in the district, but only two are being worked. Citrus fruits are grown chiefly. The orchards are located on the Wianamatta shale in the Lagoon area and on the main divide at the Lagoon end. There does not seem much prospect of any greater density in the population, for the best areas have already been taken up, and there only remains a small portion of Wiana- matta shale soil. We understand Basalt Hill has been selected, but it is as yet uncleared. The total number of farms in the whole area can never exceed a dozen, so that the construction of a good road is unwarranted unless a tourist route be made, following the present track from Bilpin to Upper Colo. This would make Mountain Lagoon, a place of great geographic and also of scenic interest, much easier of access, but since it is not a place of economic interest it hardly seems likely that such a road will be constructed at present. I—August 4, 1926. 130 F. W. BOOKER. THE INTERNAL STRUCTURES OF SOME OF THE PENTAMERIDAE OF NEW SOUTH WALES. By F. W. Booker, B.Sc. Geological Survey of New South Wales, Department of Mines, Sydney. (With Plates V-VIII and seven text figures.) (Read before the Royal Society of New South Wales, September 1, 1926.) The research, the results of which are embodied in this paper, was instituted primarily to confirm Etheridge’s' determination of Pentamerus (Barrandella) lungutfera var. wilkinson, from the Barrandella Shales of MHatton’s Corner, Yass. Through the courtesy of Mr. J. Mitchell, I was able to examine specimens of Barrandella (Pentamerella) molon- gems Mitchell (sp.), and of Sveberella glabra Mitchell. A specimen of Sieberella galeata Dalman was obtained from the Dudley Collection in possession of the Department of Mines for comparison with Mr. Mitchell’s specimens. My thanks are due to Mr. W. S. Dun for his kindly supervision and direction of my work, and to Mr. J. Mitchell and Mr. A. J. Shearsby for their help in obtaining material. Miss H. R. Drummond, B.Sc.,and Messrs. H. W Hamilton, B.Sc., and C. Barnard, B.Sc., have also allowed me to use material from their collections. An extensive collection of more than 1000 specimens was made in the Yass district. 1Ktheridge R., Pentameridae of N.S.W., Records of the Geological Survey of N.S.W., 1892-3, 3, 49. INTERNAL STRUCTURE OF PENTAMERIDAE. 131 The Preparation and Examination of Brachiopod Material—The internal structures of the brachiopods described in this paper were examined by means of thin sections cut serially from the umbo to the anterior margin of the shell. The serial sections were usually 1 mm. or less apart and from them the internal structures of the shell could be reconstructed with great accuracy. These sections were supplemented by internal casts, natural sections, and sections made by splitting specimens along the median septum in a rock breaker. A complete photographic record of every specimen was kept. Genus BARRANDELLA Hall 1893. 2 3 Synonym, Clorinda Barrande, 1879.4 Sub-genus BARRANDINA, n. sub-gen. Plates V. VI. and VIII. Synonym, Pentamerus linguifera var. wilkinsont Eth. Fil. 1892.5 Shells sub-globose, usually inflated, and generally wider than long. Their size is variable, but usually small. The umbo of the pedicle valve is large and ineurved and much thickened. The umbo of the brachial valve is only slightly thickened. A median sinus is developed on the pedicle valve and a corresponding fold on the brachial valve. The sinus is shallow and bounded by two slightly raised folds, while the fold is impressed by a faint median groove; i.e., the shell is dorsally uniplicate with a tendency to become dorsally biplicate. The sides of the plication are squarish. An area is absent in all cases. The surface of 2Report of the New York State Geologist, 1893, 844. 3Palaeontology of New York, 1894, 8, 241. 4Systéme Silurien, 1879, 5, pls. XXII, XXIV, CXIX, CXXXVIII. 5Etheridge, loc. cit. 132 F. W. BOOKER. the valves is ornamented with a few laminae of growth; otherwise the shells are smooth. The hinge line of the pedicle valve is short and curved with two small, poorly developed, but distinct, teeth. The delthyrium is bounded by a pair of narrow incipient pseudo-deltidial plates. The teeth are supported by a pair of strong dental lamellae, which unite to form a short spondylium, the free extension of which is produced into the cavity of the brachial valve and terminates anteriorly about the centre of the valve. The spondylium is supported at its posterior surface only, by a short but wide septum. The hinge line of the brachial valve is short and curved, and has two distinct sockets for the reception of the hinge teeth. The sockets are bounded by very short crural plates, supported by slightly longer septa. The septa are diver- gent and make two distinct lines of union on the surface of the valve. At the junction of the crural plates and septa a pair of curved, outwardly convex plates are developed. These are attached throughout their entire length to the eruralium, at the junction of the crural plates and septa, either along the median line of the convex side of the plate, or at the edges, being then intercalated between the septa and crural plates. These plates extend beyond the anterior termination of the crural plates and septa for fully one-third of their length and terminate at a point slightly anterior to the end of the spondylium. A definite series of branching vascular sinuses radiates from the umbonal region. Type: Barrandina wilkinsoni, n. sp. Locality: Hatton’s Corner, Yass. INTERNAL STRUCTURE OF PENTAMERIDAE. 133 The sub-genus Barrandina has been erected for the reception of certain Australian Pentameridae, with the fold on the brachial valve and sinus on the pedicle valve, in which the eruralium is modified by the development of an extra plate at the junction of the septa and crural plates. The two species comprising the sub-genus were first described by Etheridge® as Pentamerus lingwifera var. wilkinsoni. Subsequent work on the pentameroids of the Yass district has revealed a series of forms paralleling in their structures the Barrandella and Sieberella series of Europe and America, but all characterised by the develop- ‘ment of an extra plate in the cruralium. In view of Hall’s comment on the variability of the eruralium in certain of the galeatiform pentameroids, it was deemed inadvisable, at this stage, to give this structure more than sub-generic importance, although it has been found to be very constant throughout a very large series of specimens. BARRANDINA WILKINSONI, 0. Sp. Plates V., VIII. (No. 1). Numbers 1-5. | Synonym, Pentamerus linguifera var. wilkinsoni Eth. ail, 1892.7 Shell sub-globose, usually inflated and, as a rule, wider than long. The shells are much larger than those of Barrandina minor. The measurements of the largest and smallest specimens examined, and the mean measurements of twelve specimens are :— | Length Breadth Depth permtesh se 20 mm. 21 mm. 16 mm. Mrreest 6... 26 mm. 27 mm. 18 mm. mean ‘ot 12... =... 22 mm. 23 mm. 15 mm. 6,7 Etheridge, loc. cit. 134 F. W. BOOKER. The pedicle valve is much thickened and curved in the umbonal region. The umbo is very large and incurved,. and often depressed, concealing entirely the delthyrium. A broad shallow sinus with a narrow groove in the median line, and bounded by two low folds, is developed opposite a corresponding fold in the brachial valve. The sinus is. concealed by subsequent shell growth until it can only be seen at the anterior margin of the shell, where the front is deflected and produced dorsally, sometimes becoming almost perpendicular to the longer axis of the shell and forming the characteristic ‘‘tongue.’’ ‘‘Vascular system possessing two main trunks, arising in the umbonal cavity and shortly bifurcating with a lateral branch proceeding down each flank and central. branches on each side of the shallow sinus, each pertion again dividing near the front.’’ The brachial valve is transversely ovate and thin in comparison with the pedicle valve. The beak is highly incurved, but does not enter the opening of the pedicle valve. It is outwardly convex from the umbo until the fold commences to rise, whence it is concave to the anterior margin. The fold is strongly developed and is impressed with a faint median groove, which may be accepted as a tendency to dorsal bipleation and which gives the fold a squarish appearance. The surface of the valves is smooth except for, a few concentric laminae of growth. The hinge line of the pedicle valve is short and curved and provided with two distinct, though not well developed teeth. The delthyrium is large and triangular and modified by a pair of narrow, pseudo-deltidial plates. The teeth are supported by strong, well-developed dental lamellae 8Etheridge, loc. cit. INTERNAL STRUCTURE OF PENTAMERIDAE. 135 h Fig. 1.—a-i, nine transverse serial sections of Barrandina wilkinsoni, showing septa, spondylium, crural and extra plates. x 1. 136 F. W. BOOKER. which unite to form a short spondylium, the free extension of which is directed forward into the cavity of the brachial valve and terminates anteriorly about the centre of the f L Fig. 2.—a-i, nine transverse serial sections of Barrandina wilkinsoni, showing septa, spondylium, crural and extra plates. x 13. valve. The spondylium is supported by a very short septum which extends anteriorly to the point of greatest curvature of the umbo, and which is very wide in com- INTERNAL STRUCTURE OF PENTAMERIDAE. 137 parison with its length, by reason of the great size and depth of the umbo. The spondylium bears a series of muscular markings similar to those seen on the spondylium of Conchidium knighti Sow. (sp.) ;:a series of longitudinal striae at the bottom of the spondylium representing the adductor scars and a series of transverse markings on the sides being the diductor scars. The septum bears a series of growth striae. The hinge line of the brachial valve is short and curved with two distinct sockets for the reception of the hinge teeth. The sockets are bounded by very short crural plates, which are outwardly concave. Two convergent septa, slightly longer than the crural plates, are developed. These make two distinct lines of union with the bottom of the valve. The crural plates are not joined directly to the septa, but are separated from them by a pair of additional plates, intercalated between the crural plates and septa. The additional plates are long, curved, and outwardly convex, and are joined to the entire length of the crural plates along the ventral edges, and to the septa, along the dorsal edges. The anterior ends of the additional plates extend beyond the termination of the crural plates and septa for fully one-third of their length and terminate slightly anterior to the end of the spondylium. The septum bears ‘a series of transverse growth striae. The crural plates bear a series of transverse striae, probably of muscular origin, and the additional plates bear a series of similar striae. | Locality and horizon: Barrandella Shales, Hatton’s ‘Corner, Yass. Etheridge’s type specimens are, with one exception, referable to this species, which therefore becomes the type of the new sub-genus. The exception is a small specimen from Bowning? which I have not been able to examine. 138 F. W. BOOKER. BARRANDINA MINOR, ND. Sp. Plate VI., Numbers 1-4, 6, 7. Plate VIII., Number 2. Synonym, Pentamerus lingutfera var. wilkinson Eth. Pal, 189228 Shell sub-globose, usually inflated, and, as a rule, wider than long. The shells are typically small. The measure- ments of the smallest and largest examined and the mean. measurements of 124 specimens were :— Length Breadth Depth Smallest... .... «. 11 mm. 12.0 mm. 7.5 mm. Ihareest® 3 vy. ok 15 mm. 16.5 mm. 11.0 mm.. Mean of 124 .. .. 13 mm. 13.5 mm. 9.5 mm.. b eal d G : d e ee er f § Fig. 3.—a-g, seven transverse serial sections of Barrandina minor,. showing septa, spondylium, crural and extra plates. x 14. The internal structures of the pedicle valve are identical. with those of Barrandina wilkinson, but they are devel-. oped on a smaller scale, consistent with the smaller size of the shell. The hinge line of the brachial valve is short, curved and provided with distinct sockets for the reception of the hinge teeth. The sockets are bounded by very short 9, 0K theridge, loc. cit. Plate XI., Fig. 8. INTERNAL SH{RUCTURE OF PENTAMERIDAE. 139 OO ee Fig. 4.—a-f, six transverse serial sections of Barrandina minor, show- ing septa, spondylium, crural and extra plates. X13. g, section show- ing thickening of margins of the delthyrium, being equivalent to pseudo- deltidial plates. x 11. h, section showing the mode of occurrence of the extra plates in this species. x 1}. 140 F. W. BOOKER. crural plates, which are outwardly concave. The crural plates are supported by septa slightly longer than them- selves. The septa are divergent and make two distinct lines of junction with the valve. At the junction of the septa and crural plates, and on the inner side, a pair of long, curved, outwardly convex plates is developed. These are attached to the whole length of the crural plates and septa, along the median line of the convex side of the plates which are prolonged anteriorly beyond the anterior termination of the septa and crural plates for fully one-third of their length. Locality and horizon: Barrandella Shales, Hatton’s Corner, Yass. Barrandina wilkinsoni and B. minor occur together in the Barrandella Shales of Hatton’s Corner, Yass. The adult specimens are readily distinguished specifically by the difference in size, Barrandina wilkinson: being con- siderably larger than B. minor. I have not been able to identify young specimens of either species. It is certain, however, that, of the fifty specimens of Barrandina minor which were examined internally, none could possibly have represented the immature stages of B. wilkinsoni. Genus PENTAMERELLA Hall, 1867." Plate VI., Number 5. Plate VII., Numbers 5 and 6. Pentamerella molongensts Mitchell (sp.) 1920.? Synonym, Barrandella molongensis. Mitchell, 1920.% Since Mitchell’s description of these specimens, several have been sectioned serially and the internal structures reconstructed. mReport New York State Geologist, 1893. 12, 13Mitchell, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 1920, 45, 548. INTERNAL STRUCTURE OF PENTAMERIDAE. 14] In the pedicle valve the dental lamellae unite to form a short, curved spondylium which extends only one or two millimetres below the hinge line. It is supported at the extreme posterior end by a rudimentary septum, which does not extend past the highest point of the umbo. In the brachial valve are two short divergent septa which make two distinct lines of union with the bottom of the valve. These support a pair of short crural plates which unite with the septa on the outer side and slightly below the free edges of the septa. EN aR OL b Fig. 5.—a-c, Pentamerella molongensis Mitchell (sp.) Three transverse sections showing the form and extent of the internal structures. > 14. Locality and horizon: The locality given is 8 miles west of Molong, but Mr. Mitchell is very doubtful of the exact locality and it is therefore impossible to refer the specimens. to any definite locality or horizon. The extremely short, rudimentary septum and _ short spondylium at once remove this species from the genus Barrandella to Pentamerella. In both internal and external characters it agrees most nearly with Pentamerella fultonensis Branson (see Plate VII., Number 6) from the Callaway Limestone of Callaway County, Missouri, U.S.A.™ Externally Pentamerella fultonensis and P. molongensis are practically indistinguishable, except perhaps P. ful- tonensis is slightly higher in the umbo and slightly more 14Missouri Bureau of Geology and Mines, 1922, 13, 2nd Series,. Se, El. XVE. 142 INTERNAL STRUCTURE OF PENTAMERIDAE. convex in the brachial valve than P. molongensis. Internally they agree in the size and degree of development of septum and spondylium. In the brachial valve there are slight differences. In P. fultonensis the septa unite as they reach the bottom of the valve, forming only one line of union with the valve. The crural plates unite with the septa along their free margin, while in P. molongensis the septa do not unite before reaching the bottom of the valve, and leave two distinct lines of union on the surface of the valve, while the crural plates are joined to the septa on the outer sides and slightly below the free edges. Genus SIEBERELLA CMhlert, 1887.%5 A specimen of Sieberella galeata Dalman, from Wren’s Neck, near Dudley, England, was obtained from the Dudley Collection in the possession of the Mines Depart- ment, for sectioning. See Plate VII., Number 4, Plate VIIL., Number 4.) The internal characters of this specimen do not agree at all closely with the published figures and descriptions of Sveberella galeata. In the pedicle valve of this specimen the septum is short and supports the spon- dylium at the posterior surface only. The spondylium is about two-thirds the length of the pedicle valve. In the brachial valve are two long, divergent septa. These do not support the crural plates directly, but are separated from them by a pair of long, curved extra plates which are outwardly convex and project for about a quarter of their length beyond the anterior termination of the crural plates and septa. The specimen had the following external dimensions :— Length Breadth Depth 16 mm. 17 mm. 15 mm. isFischer’s Manuel de Conchyliologie, 1887, p. 1311. aoe F. W. BOOKER. 143 200 aie, EO p> Fig. 6.—a-i, nine transverse serial sections of Sieberella glabra Mitchell, showing the arrangement of the internal structures and the extra plates. x 1. 144 F. W. BOOKER. Neither Hall and Clarke nor Davidson” mention the occurrence of the extra plate or realise its significance. Davidson’s figure of Sieberella galeata® shows a structure which may represent this extra plate, but if so it does not extend beyond the anterior end of the septum. David- son also shows a much shorter spondylium and a longer septum than occur in the specimen examined. Fig. 7.—a-g, seven sections of Sieberella galeata Dalman, from Wren’s Neck, Dudley, showing extra plates in the cruralium. x 14. SIEBERELLA GLABRA Mitchell (sp.).%9 Plate VII., Number 1-3. Plate VIII., Number 3. A single specimen of this species was sectioned serially. The dental plates unite to form a deep spondylium which extends forward more than half the length of the shell. It is supported for about one-third of its length by a well- developed septum. In the brachial valve two strong but low septa are developed and make two distinct lines of 16Hall and Clarke, Palaeontology of New York, 1894, 8, 246. 17Davidson, Mon. Brit. Fossil Brachiopoda, 1867, 3, 145. Loc. cit., Plate XV, fig. 23. 19Mitchell, loc. cit. Pl. XXXI., figs. 13-15. Journal Royal Society of N.S.W., Vol. LX., 19 Plate V. Barrandina wilkinsoni (sub-gen. et sp. nov.) Journal Royal Society of N.S.W., Vol. LX., 1926, Plate VI. SC ‘Ss Barrandina minor (sp. nov.) Pentamerella molongensis Mitchell (sp.) Journal Royal Society of N.S.W., Vol. LX., 1926. Plate VII. 4b S. glabra Mitchell. Sieberella galeata Dalman Reconstruction of Pentamerella fultonensis. Journal Royal Society of N.S.W., Vol. LX., 1926. Plate VIII. Reconstruction of Barrandina wilkinsoni, B. minor and Sieberella glabra. + b ay 3 W Je aa ¥ INTERNAL STRUCTURE OF PENTAMERIDAE. 145 junction with the shell. The crural plates are shorter than the septa and do not rest directly on them but are separated from them by a curved, outwardly convex plate which extends forward for about 2 mm. beyond the anterior termination of the septa. Mr. Mitchell’s species agrees with the published descrip- tions and figures of Sveberella galeata Dalman, in the character of the spondylium and septum, but the septum of 8. glabra is considerably longer than that of the speci- men of S. galeata examined. The cruralium of S. glabra is identical with that of the specimen of S. galeata examined. DESCRIPTION OF PLATES. PLATE V. Numbers 1-4. Barrandina wilkinsoni (sub-gen. et sp. nov.). aia Number 5. B. wilkinsont Longitudinal section showing septum of pedicle valve, spondylium, one crural plate and the extra plate. xX 1. Puate VI. Numbers 1-4. Barrandina minor (sp. nov.). X 1. Number 5. Pentamerella Molongensis Mitchell (sp.). X 1. Number 6. Barrandina minor. Interior of a pedicle valve, showing vascular sinuses and portion of septum. Soinls Number 7. An etched specimen of B. minor showing septa. Gol, Puate VII. Numbers 1-3. Steberella glabra Mitchell. Mr. Mitchell’s type specimens. X 1. Number 4. Sveberella galeata Dalman. A specimen from Wren’s Neck, Dudley, England. xX 1. J—September 1, 1926. 146 F. W. BOOKER. Number 5. Pentamerella molongensis Mitchell (sp.). A reconstruction of P. molongensis showing the in- ternal structures. X 4. Number 6. A reconstruction of P. fultonensts Branson, showing the internal structures. X 4. S. = septum of pedicle valve. Sp. = spondylium. SI. -= septum of brachial valve. Cr. = crural plate. Puatr VIII. Number 1. Barrandina wilkinson. A reconstruction showing the internal structures. X 2. Number 2. Barrandina minor. A reconstruction showing the internal structures. X 2. | Number 3. Sieberella glabra. A reconstruction showing the internal structures. X 2. Number 4. A reconstruction of Sieberella galeata. X 2. S. = septum of pedicle valve. Sp. = spondylium. SI. = septum of brachial valve. Cr. = crural plate. xX = extra plate. WOOD STRUCTURE OF CERTAIN EUCALYPTS. 147 ‘THE WOOD STRUCTURE OF CERTAIN EUCALYPTS BELONGING CHIEFLY TO THE ‘‘ASH’’ GROUP. By M. B. WeucuH, B.Sc., A.I.C. (With Plates IX.-XII.) ‘(Read before the Royal Society of New South Wales, Sept. 1, 1926.) The term ‘‘ash’’ is used in Australia to denote trees belonging to widely different Natural Orders, which have no connection botanically with the European Ash (Fraxmus). The chief resemblance is usually one of ‘colour, the majority of the Australian woods being pale ‘coloured, but exceptions such as the Red Ash, Alphitonia excelsa, and Tarrietia argyrodendron, var., occur. In this paper the wood structure of certain HEucalypts, namely, Eucalyptus Dalrympleana J.H.M.; E. Delegatensis R.T.B., LE, fastigata Deane and Maiden; EF. fraxinoides Deane and Maiden; EF. obliqua L’Her; EF. oreades R.T.B. and E. regnans I’.v.M., some of which possess the vernacular name ‘of ‘‘Ash,’’ is described. The reason for the inclusion of ‘several other species, not strictly classed in this group, is that they possess timber closely resembling the ‘‘ Ashes’’ and occur in the same districts, so that confusion is likely to arise. The woods are pale coloured, normally of moderate weight and hardness and possess, in general, remarkable strength; they are therefore an important com- mercial group which must eventually play an important part as a substitute for Oregon as a scantling timber. ‘The species generally occur in large quantities, especially in southern New South Wales, Victoria, and Tasmania; moreover, they regenerate readily and there is no reason 148 M. B. WELCH. why supplies of the timber should not be assured for all time. The trees grow in regions of comparatively high rainfall and often attain an enormous size; in fact, pro- bably the largest trees in Australia belong to this group,,. forest giants exceeding 300 feet having been measured in the Gippsland district of Victoria. On account of their increasing commercial importance, it was thought desirable to examine the woods microscopi- cally to see whether any reliable method could be found whereby they could be identified with accuracy. The group is an exceedingly difficult one, and although those accustomed to handling the timbers might be able to separate the species growing in their districts, it is sometimes doubtful whether their confidence is always justified. When, however, even the locality is doubtful, the problem becomes still more difficult. Botanically, considerable confusion has existed in the past in reference to the systematic position of certain species, and even to-day opinions differ as to whether one species at least is entitled to specific rank. The synonymy and confusion in connection with E. obliqua, E. regnans, E. Delegatensis and EH. fastigata are dealt with rather fully in a paper on the Eucalypts of Tasmania, by Baker and Smith ;* other references can be found in the exhaustive work of the late J. H. Maiden.** As perhaps might have been anticipated, the results. have proved rather disappointing from the point of view of identification, on account of the variation found to occur in the wood of the same species, but it was thought advisable to place them on record. — * R. T. Baker and H. G. Smith. A research on the Eucalypts of Tasmania and their Essential Oils. Proc. Roy. Seg. Tasmania, 1912. ** J. H. Maiden. A Critical Revision of the Genus me Govt. Printer, Sydney. WOOD STRUCTURE OF CERTAIN EUCALYPTS. 149 The following notes apply principally to the microscopic wood structure of the individual species, but a_ short description is given of the tree and the uses to which the wood is put. Systematic descriptions can be found in Maiden (loc. cit.) or in the Eucalypts and their Essential Oils.t A short account of the anatomy of the woods of H. Delegatensis, E. oreades and E. regnans is given in the ‘‘Hardwoods of Australa’’;* EH. Dalrympleanat was -deseribed after the publication of that work. The strue- tures of the various species are illustrated by means of photo-micrographs of transverse sections taken with a ‘comparatively low magnification, in order to include as large a field as possible without losing too many details. ‘There is frequently, of course, considerable variation in the -appearance of different parts of a transverse section, and it is impossible to do more than show a very small area. Evucatyptus DALRYMPLEANA J. H. Maiden. Mountain or White Gum. A large forest tree attaining a height of several hundred feet and 30 feet in girth, found at moderately high eleva- tions in central and southern portions of the dividing range and spurs in New South Wales. The wood is white te pinkish in colour, of moderately open texture, straight- grained and fissile. It is largely used for building con- struction, e.g., flooring, lining, weatherboards; hoe and light hammer handles, ete. It seasons well when cut from matured trees, but is sometimes inclined to warp and show +R. T. Baker and H. G. Smith. A Research on the Eucalypts and their Essential Oils. 2nd Edition, Govt. Printer, Sydney, 1920. *R. T. Baker. Hardwoods of Australia and their Economics. Govt. Printer, Sydney, 1919. 7 J. H. Maiden. Forest Flora of New South Wales, vol. 7, -p. 1387. Govt. Printer, Sydney, 1920. 150 M. B. WELCH. collapse. Weight, 40-48 lbs. per cubic foot. Hardness == Moderately hard. Macroscopical characters.—Pores medium-sized to small,. easily visible on end section with the naked eye; usually in. short oblique rows; distribution irregular, more crowded in early wood, often absent in late wood. Vessels prac- tically without contents. Soft tisswe not apparent. Rays: scarcely visible on end or tangential sections without lens; easily visible radially, being slightly darker in colour than the surrounding tissue. Growth rings fairly prominent, due to darker colour of late wood, and more or _ less complete absence of pores; more pronounced in specimens. from Laurel Hill, New South Wales, at an elevation of 4,000 feet, than in specimens from the Blue Mountains. Microscopical characters—Pores almost always single,. very variable in size, being very small in late wood; single pores usually elliptical; radial diameter, 45-300n, mean 240u; tangential diameter, 30-2254, mean 165; vessel segments 200-5004; walls 4-64 in thickness; lateral pits. narrow, slit-like, border circular or almost so; ray pits. irregularly elliptical, simple; end walls transverse or inclined up to 20°; end perforation always simple; end projection up to 90u in length; tyloses occasionally present but rarely filling whole of cell cavity; number per sq. mm. 1-9. Wood fibres (fibre-tracheids) in radial rows; 790- 1350u in length; average diameter 134; lumen often reduced to 1.54, walls very variable in thickness 3-dy; pits narrow, bordered; transitions to narrow irregularly shaped tracheids occur, the latter with numerous bordered © or simple pits and measure up to 600» in length and 20p in diameter. Wood parenchyma largely developed, chiefly vasicentric, also diffuse, even approaching short irregular metatracheal bands; cells usually devoid of contents, pits. elliptical crowded; at times conjugate; cells up to 270 in length and 854 in width. Rays uniseriate, 2-18 cells in WOOD STRUCTURE OF CERTAIN EUCALYPTS. 15} height; biseriate, or even triseriate, particularly in wood from Laurel Hill district; larger rays up to 450u in height and 40u in width; ray cells usually with dark contents more or less filling inner cells; rays becoming hetero- geneous, due to increase in size and depth of outer cells; 10-15 per mm. of transverse section. Burns with a fair percentage of unburnt carbon and a small greyish ash. Alcoholic extract yellow; no evidence of flavone; slight turbidity on adding water; pale blue to blue colouration with ferrous sulphate; medium precipitate with lead acetate. EucALYPTUS DELEGATENSIS R. T. Baker. Alpine Ash, Mountain Ash, Red Mountain Ash, Victorian Woollybutt, Gum-topped Stringybark, Tasmanian Oak.* A large forest tree found at high elevations (over 4000 feet) on the southern tablelands of New South Wales, anc also in parts of Victoria and Tasmania. This tree yields one of the most valuable light-weight hardwoods in Aus- tralia, the wood being remarkably strong and tough for its weight, and it possesses also a high modulus of elas- ticity. Provided it is cut from mature trees the wood usually seasons well, without evidence of collapse or wash- boarding, whilst the shrinkage is not excessive. Too rapid seasoning is liable to cause honeycombing, however, and should be avoided. It is usually pale coloured but at times pinkish, moderately open textured, usually straight-grained and fissile, and is used for general building purposes, e.g., flooring, etc., motor body and carriage building, furni- ture and cabinet work, interior panelling, boat oars, hght hammer and hoe handles, spokes, billiard cues, bentwork, * Of these the name ‘Alpine Ash” is usually adopted for the timber grown in New South Wales. 152 M. B. WELCH. casks, etc. Weight, 41-55 lbs. per cubie foot.t Hardness == Moderately hard. Macroscopical characters..—Pores easily visible with the naked eye on end section, crowded in early wood, oceasion- ally absent in late wood, often in short oblique rows. Soft tissue not apparent. Rays visible on end section, par- ticularly in darker wood, also on radial and tangential faces. Growth rings very pronounced; late wood much darker and denser than early wood. Microscopical characters.—Pores usually single, rarely in obliquely joined pairs; single pores elliptical in section; very irregularly distributed, due to their complete absence in some specimens in the late wood, this being possibly the nearest approach to a ring-porous timber in the Eucalypts; uneven in size, late wood pores much smaller ; radial diameter 105-3504, mean 250; tangential diamete™ 60-2254, mean 150; vessel segments 300-500 in length ; walls 3-6 in thickness; lateral pits narrow, slit-like, borders circular to elliptical; ray pits irregularly oval, simple; end perforation always simple; end wall trans- verse or oblique, up to 45°; end projection up to 200u in length; tyloses often present in varying amount, at times filling whole of vessel cavity; number per sq. mm. 0-1 in late wood, 7-11 in early wood. Wood fibres variable in size and thickness ; 450-1500, in length; average diameter 15; walls 3-44 in thickness; lumen often reduced to 3p; pits slit-like bordered; transitions occur to elongated tracheids measuring up to 800u in length and 30 in diameter. Wood parenchyma not abundant, principally vasicentric or a little diffuse; cells measuring up to 185. in length and 26 in diameter. Rays chiefly uniseriate, 2-16 cells in height; varying in width from a mean of Tp + The higher figure was obtained from a Tasmanian specimen. It is exceptionally high; the weight does not usually exceed 48 lbs. per cubic foot. WOOD STRUCTURE OF CERTAIN EUCALYPTS. 153 in late wood to 11» in early wood; a few rays show the division of a few cells, about the middle, to form narrow biseriate rays; almost homogeneous, but frequently the outer cells become enlarged; the cells usually with small hight brownish coloured granular or amorphous bodies; 10-12 per mm. of transverse section. Burns with a comparatively small percentage of un- burnt carbon, smouldering to a small brownish-grey ash. Aleoholie extract yellow in colour; slight trace of flavone in one sample; no turbidity on adding water; blue colour- ation with ferrous sulphate; slight to medium precipitate with lead acetate; no marked fluorescence. EUCALYPTUS FASTIGATA Deane and Maiden. Brown Barrel, Cut-tail, Blackbutt, Stringbark. A large forest tree found in central and southern parts of the main Dividing Range, extending into Victoria. The wood is pale coloured, moderately open textured, and usually straight-grained. It is a tough, strong wood, possessing a high modulus of rupture and elasticity, usually rather denser than the other members of the group, and is said to be durable in the ground. The principal uses at present appear to be for general building purposes. Weight 41-56 lbs. per cubic foot. Hardness = Moderately hard to hard. Macroscopical characters——Pores moderately large to small, easily seen on end section, often with dark contents, usually arranged in short oblique rows, rather more crowded in early wood. Soft tissue not apparent. Rays searcely visible on end or tangential sections, more pro- nounced radially but not much darker than the surround- ing tissue. Growth rings usually not very prominent. The sapwood is not clearly differentiated, there being little alteration in colour in the heartwood. 154 M. B. WELCH. Microscopical characters.—Pores usually rather evenly distributed except in late wood, single, rarely in pairs; single pores usually elliptical, variable in size; radial. diameter 50-300, mean 210”; tangential diameter 50-210y, mean 165. Vessel segments 200-500u in length, walls. 4-64 in thickness; lateral pits slit-like, rather crowded, borders circular or almost so; ray pits irregularly oval, simple, end walls transverse or oblique, the angle being as. much as 50° in some cases; end perforation always simple, end projection up to 140 in length; tyloses only present in comparatively few vessels, and not filling whole cavity; number per sq. mm. 1-12. Wood fibres in radial rows;: 600-1500u in length; average diameter 15; walls 2-4 in thickness; lumen often reduced to 3; pits narrow, slit-- like, bordered; transitions occur from these fibre-tracheids to copiously pitted tracheids which are in close proximity to the vessels, and measure up to 6754 in length and 30u in diameter. Wood parenchyma fairly abundant, chiefly vasicentric, or diffuse; cells with large simple pits; up to 185 in length, and 37» in width. Rays uniseriate or often biseriate; uniseriate rays 2-30 cells in height; biseriate rays up to 4004 in height and 38 in width; almost homogeneous, though at times the outer cells are enlarged; cells frequently with amorphous or granular’ brownish contents; 13-15 per mm. of transverse section. Burns without smouldering, leaving a large amount of unburnt carbon. Alcoholic extract yellow to yellow-brown in colour; no evidence of flavone; clear or a very slight turbidity on adding water; blue to deep blue colouration with ferrous sulphate; heavy precipitate with lead acetate ;- no marked fiuorescence. A specimen from Rydal, New South Wales, showed very” numerous biseriate rays. WOOD STRUCTURE OF CERTAIN EUCALYPTS. 155: EUCALYPTUS FRAXINOIDES Deane and Maiden. White Ash, White Mountain Ash. A tall forest tree found in southern New South Wales at moderately high elevations, valuable forests occurring on the Main Dividing Range east of Cooma. The wood is very pale coloured, moderately open in texture, usually straight-grained and fissile, and is used for general build- ing purposes, cabinet work, staves, ete., whilst its high strength-weight-factor makes it a suitable timber for certain aeroplane parts. Weight, 41-45 lbs. per cubic foot. Hardness = Moderately hard. Macroscopical characters.—Pores medium-sized to small,. easily visible on end section with naked eve, usually in oblique or even radial rows, especially in late wood; erowded in early wood; often with brownish contents. Soft tissue not apparent. Rays not or scarcely visible on end section without lens, easily visible on a radial section, being rather darker than the surrounding tissue. Growth rings fairly prominent on end section, the late wood being denser and darker in colour. Microscopical characters—Pores usually single, rarely in pairs, fairly evenly distributed, usually elliptical; radial diameter 45-300u; mean 240» tangential diameter 30-210p, mean 165; vessel segments 180-525 in length; walls 4-6py in thickness; lateral pits narrow, slit-like in irregular longi- tudinal rows, borders usually elliptical; ray pits irregu- larly elliptical or almost circular; end perforation always simple; end wall transverse or almost so; end projection up to 120n in length; tyloses often present but usually only partially filling cavity; number per sq. mm., 6-12. Wood fibres moderately thick-walled, in radial rows, rather irregular in size and shape; length 750-1400y, the average length being greater than in most species; average diameter 15u; lumen often reduced to 2y; pits slit-like, bordered; 156 M. B. WELCH. gradations occur to narrow tracheids measuring up to 700. in length and 35 in diameter, with numerous elliptical bordered pits in contact with vessels; fibres often with dark contents extending for a short distance in the lumen. Wood parenchyma not abundant, vasicentric or very little diffuse ; cells up to 185 in length and 30» in width, with numerous crowded elliptical simple pits approaching a conjugate nature; usually without contents. Rays almost exclusively uniseriate, rarely biseriate, and even then the biseriate portion is not more than one eell in height; uniseriate rays almost homogeneous, narrow, not exceed- ing 1lp in width, average 6; 2-22 cells in height; walls moderately thick; cells usually with rounded irregular brownish contents; 7-12 per mm. of transverse section. Burns with a small percentage of unburnt carbon, smouldering to a small ash. Alcoholic extract pale to. yellow in colour; no evidence of flavone; very slight tur- bidity on adding water; pale blue to blue colouration with ferrous sulphate; slight to medium precipitate with lead acetate; no marked fluorescence. EUCALYPTUS OBLIQUA L’Heritier. Stringybark, Messmate, Tasmanian Oak. A large forest tree reaching a height of 250 feet and a girth of 35 feet, found principally in Victoria and Tas- mania, in New South Wales along parts of the Dividing Range, and extending into South Australia. The wood is pale coloured, almost white to ight brown, moderately open textured, usually straight-grained and fissile. It is used for general building purposes, furniture and cabinet work, piles, railway sleepers, poles, ete. The wood is tough and strong and tests showed great stiffness, the modulus of WOOD STRUCTURE OF ‘CERTAIN EUCALYPTS. 157 elasticity exceeding 3,000,000 lbs. per sq in. Weight, 46-56 Ibs. per cubic foot.* Hardness == Moderately hard to hard. Macroscopical characters——Pores medium-sized to large, easily visible on end section; often arranged in oblique or even tangential rows, especially in late wood; crowded in early wood. Soft tissue not apparent. Rays not or scarcely visible on end or tangential section, readily seen on radial face. Growth rings fairly well defined, due to uneven pore development. Microscopical characters——Pores usually single, but occasionally in pairs, very variable in size and shape, ellip- tical to almost circular; radial diameter 60-390», mean 270u; tangential diameter 45-3004, mean 225; vessel segments 180-5254 in length; walls 3-44 in thickness; lateral pits slit-like, borders usually circular or elliptical; ray pits irregularly elliptical; end perforation always simple; end walls usually oblique, up to 30°, but occasion- ally transverse; end projection measuring up to 150» in length. A few vessel segments often with dark granular contents which usually only fringe the cavity ; tyloses often present, but rarely filling whole of cell; number per sq. mm. 4-10. Wood fibres in radial rows, irregular in shape, particularly in early wood; 675-1500u in length, average diameter 19u; walls 3-44; lumen reduced to 3y in late wood; pits slit-like, border usually circular. Gradations occur to irregularly shaped tracheids with numerous bor- dered pits; up to 800» in length and 40 in diameter. Wood parenchyma abundant, principally vasicentric, a little diffuse; a few cells with dark granular contents, but usually empty; up to 200u in length and 22y in diameter. Rays numerous, uniseriate or frequently biseriate; uni- seriate rays 2-17 cells in height; ray cells wide, up to *A range of 48-66 lbs per cubic foot is given in the 2nd Edition of Tasmanian Forests, Timber Products and Sawmilling Industry. Govt. Printer, Tasmania, 1910. 158 M. B. WELCH. AOp, average 22u; biseriate rays up to 40u in width; 9-13 per mm. of transverse section. Burns without smouldering, with a very large amount of unburnt carbon, but pale-coloured specimens from Mt. Wellington, Tasmania, and from the Victorian Forestry Commission, smouldered to a greyish-brown ash. Alcoholic extract pale to deep yellow-brown; no definite evidence of flavones; no turbidity on adding water; blue to deep blue with ferrous sulphate; slight to heavy precipitate with lead acetate; no marked fluorescence. EUCALYPTUS OREADES R. T. Baker.* Smooth-barked Mountain Ash. A tall tree found at moderately high elevations on the Main Dividing Range and spurs, from central New South Wales to southern Queensland. The wood is pale coloured, moderately open in texture, straight-grained and fissile. It is occasionally marred by the development of ‘‘gum- veins,’’ but this fault occurs in practically every Eucalypt to a greater or lesser extent. The wood is used for general building purposes, joinery and cabinet work, casks, carriage work, billiard cues, etc. Weight, 41-46 lbs. per cubic foot. Hardness —= Moderately hard. Macroscopical characters.—Pores medium-sized to small, easily visible on end section, usually in short oblique rows, especially in late wood, scarcely crowded in early wood. Soft tissue not apparent. Rays scarcely visible on end or tangential sections without lens; easily visible on radial ‘surface, being slightly darker than the surrounding tissue. Growth rings fairly well-defined, due to darker colour of late wood, and reduction in number of pores. There is no ‘sharp differentiation between sapwood and heartwood, but the latter is somewhat darker in colour. *This is E. altior, (Deane and Maiden) Maiden. Critical Revision of Genus Eucalyptus, 1922, 6, 272. WOOD STRUCTURE OF CERTAIN EUCALYPTS. 159 Microscopical characters——Pores comparatively evenly distributed, almost always single, rarely in pairs; single ‘pores usually elliptical, variable in size; radial diameter .55-300un, mean 2104; tangential diameter 40-225», mean 165; vessel segments 120-525 in length; walls 4-64 in ‘thickness; lateral pits narrow, slit-like, borders circular or almost so, distribution in irregular rows corresponding ‘with the position of adjoining tracheids; ray pits irregu- larly elliptical; end perforation always simple; end walls transverse or nearly so; end projection up to 150» in length; tyloses not common, and where present, only partially filling cavity; number per sq. mm., 5-12. Wood fibres in radial rows, fairly regular in size, exceptionally long, measuring up to 1650» in length; average diameter 16u; walls 2-44 in thickness; lumen often reduced to 4y; pits slit-lke, bordered. Gradations occur to narrow, elon- gated tracheids with numerous pits, measuring up to 1000z in length and 30 in width. Wood parenchyma not abundant, chiefly vasicentric or a little diffuse; pitting crowded; elliptical; cells measure up to 185» in length and 20u in diameter. Rays almost entirely uniseriate, 2-20 cells in height, narrow, average width 15y; almost homogeneous, the outer cells being usually without con- tents; a few rays showing division of one or two cells. Burns with a little grey ash, and small percentage of unburnt carbon. Alcoholic extract pale coloured; no evidence of flavones; pale blue to blue colouration with ferrous sulphate; slight precipitate with lead acetate; no turbidity on adding water; no marked fluorescence. EUCALYPTUS REGNANS F.v.Mueller. Mountain Ash, Tasmanian Oak, Swamp Gum, Giant Gum, White Gum, Blackbutt. A large forest tree often attaining an enormous size, found in south-eastern Victoria and Tasmania. The wood 160 M. B. WELCH. is pale-coloured, moderately open textured, usually straight- grained and fissile, and is used for general building pur- poses, interior joinery and cabinet work, coach and carriage building, ete. It often possesses remarkable stiffness, specimens tested giving a mean modulus of elasticity of over 3,000,000 lbs. per sq. in. Weight, 37-46 lbs. per cubic foot.t Hardness == Moderately hard to hard. Macroscopical characters—Pores medium-sized, easily seen with the naked eye on end section, usually single but often distributed in oblique rows, especially in late wood. Soft tissue not apparent. Rays faint on end and tangential sections without lens, easily visible on radial surface. Growth rings fairly well-defined by the crowding of pores in early wood, and their more or less complete absence in late wood. Microscopical characters.—Pores almost entirely single, though sometimes approaching each other closely; single pores more or less elliptical ; radial diameter 75-3304, mean 240u; tangential diameter 45-260, mean 180y.* Vessel segments 300-600, in length; walls 3 in thickness; lateral pits small, slit-like, arranged in irregular longitudinal rows, borders circular; ray pits larger, more or less oval; end perforation simple; end wall transverse or obliquely inclined up to 20°; end projection up to 150,» in length; tyloses rare but occasionally present in a few cells; vessels usually without contents ; number per sq. mm., 4-10. Wood fibres arranged in radial rows, often compressed radially ; + 48-54 lbs. per cubic ft., according to Tasmanian Forestry, 2nd Edition. * Sections of a small tree of E. regnans from Mt. Wellington, Tasmania (fig. 7) gave an average radial diameter of 150, anda tangential diameter of 120,. This reduction in size of the pores is usual in the wood of small trees, and care should be taken therefore that the specimens for microscopical examination are not taken from near the heart or from immature timber, e.g., brar. Soren S08 S2axncx eens Aare ee Plate XII. OPA BRER RY Sy: Ans Ai oS uae seat SRRRATO WARE. : oro) peer : BU I® 50 coe o0 Seer AS AE eRS: m= Saree es ec fy SEs Sarees a ate ote Mose Seeieennene 429 Breen PEE ANIL ESSERE SS PEAS AER abe Nee Siem OF THE COSFORTH ise: fy else THE GEOLOGY OF THE GOSFORTH DISTRICT. 215 various kinds, which is here gratefully acknowledged. Much help in surveying and examining the geology was given by senior University students at different times, and I was fortunate on more than one occasion in having the invaluable help of my colleague, Mr. G. D. Osborne, B.Sc., whose wide knowledge of the Kuttung rocks was particularly useful. Mr. W. 8S. Dun has kindly supplied palaeontological information, and it is on his determina- tions that the junction-line between Carboniferous and Permo-Carboniferous rocks has been drawn. The actual field-operations were to a large extent made possible by the warm-hearted and generous hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. E. Cant and family, of Hillsborough, and of Mr. and Mrs. A. McDonald, ‘‘Craignair,’’ Gosforth, while other residents of the area showed a kindly interest in the work, and were ever ready to help in any way possible. An endeavour has been made to see that the details of the map are as accurate as possible, but the discon- tinuity of outcrops has made the boundaries difficult to draw in places. The available topographical maps of the three parishes concerned were found to be unreliable in matters of detail, but it is hoped that the map here pre- sented is reasonably accurate, alike in the main topo- eraphical and geological features. The area examined, about seven miles by six, com- prises portions of the parishes of Wolfingham, Gosforth, and Middlehope. The limits have been determined on the west, south, and east by the upper boundary of the Kuttung rocks, but elsewhere a more or less arbitrary intra-Kuttung limit has had to be set. The work, indeed, centres mainly round the Carboniferous core of what is known as the Lochinvar anticline or dome, an important tectonic feature, which was early known to New South 216 W. R. BROWNE. Wales geologists. It was first mapped, and its economic significance demonstrated by Professor David,3 and the present study has been built on the foundation of his work, and represents to a great extent the result of a some- what more detailed examination of the central portions of the structure. STRATIGRAPHICAL AND REGIONAL GEOLOGY. CARBONIFPERO GS. Two main divisions of the Carboniferous rocks of this State have been recognised—the lower or Burindi series, of marine origin, and the upper or Kuttung series, entirely terrestrial in character. No representatives of the Burindi series have been found in the Gosforth district. For the type-area the rocks of the Kuttung series have been divided by Osborne? as follows, in ascending order :— (1) The basal stage, comprising the Wallarobba conglomer- ates and tuffs of Stissmilch, (2) the volcanic stage, equiva- lent to Stissmilch’s Martin’s Creek beds, and (3) the glacial stage, comprising all the strata above the volcanic stage. These subdivisions, although, as it happens, not altogether happily named, correspond to real changes in the sequence of deposition. While volcanic activity is indicated right through the series, the lava-flows are almost entirely con- fined to the volcanic stage, and the lithology of the inter- bedded conglomerates is different from that of the beds of the basal stage. Further, the glacial stage contains all the glacial and aqueo-glacial deposits found in the type- area, and its massive basal conglomerate marks a distinct change from the conditions obtaining in the volcanic stage. This grouping of the strata does not hold in its en- tirety in the area now being described, but for purposes of comparison it will be applied as far as possible. It ' | Journal Royal So | Isite-Tuft with Toscanite Y Conglomerate, Felsi pebble-bands Varve- shales \. Basalt and a “ Pebbly basic Tuff co Permo Varve - iste & breccia Yarye- Carbs. S hales Basalt Tos¢anit 5a nds tone Permo- Varve- | Hillsborough Carbs, Ye nales. Rha acon Fault Felsite-tuff with horiz : Pur. \ . Felstte ‘Andesite G Aqueo+ conglc Permo- Narye Cares: with Lochinvar Tuffaceous | Shales Gra nodomerate — Journal Koyal Society of N.S.W., Vol. LX., 1926. Plate XX. x HUDSON'S Pr. N.JACOBS . Puroxene~ Felsite-Tutt wath Bosoitana Febite-taf with WIC Hillsborough jt ba ppebtle-banas Conglomerate Permo- Vane- Pebbly banc tut conslte bands SFr ny _—-beuaranite: pe Lochnagar geri Cleat Toscanite elsite-& PKS Varye- fornessaie

FARM Warverracrtaith Permo- Varve-shales \ shales Aqueo-glacial (2) Peobly Aqueo-glacial CK. Rhacopteris Carbs. with Rhacopteris jconasmetate felsite- Green conglomerate AP Felsite- Vari (Lochinvar iftacesusisanas ion 2 ei a nefUiren mareleiLen niaecareem |pretsifestuthwvnt «\ breccia rock Shales) Tillite_& Varve-shales felsite-tuft S elsite Fe icite-tutfe plant-remains — Rhyolite ranodiorite Vary tuffs 4 Felsite / Conalomerate| Horizontal ae chains K Vertical o 330 6bo feet SU] Alluvium Se Ky Xe Sos Datum-line — Sea-level Scale: Fig. 3, THE GEOLOGY OF THE GOSFORTH DISTRICT. 217 ‘will be more convenient, however, to consider the Car- boniferous geology by regional units; these may be ar- ranged as follows :— the Drinan’s Mount Division, the Winder’s Hill Division, the Jacob’s Hills Division, and the Hillsborough Division. The Drinan’s Mount Division. This is a great unit, extending in a gentle curve convex ‘to the north-east, between Eelah and Lamb’s Valley, but the series is prolonged for another seven or eight miles to the west, being terminated abruptly by the meridional Elderslee Fault. This unit is bounded on the south and west by a heavy fault, which has been styled the Lach- nagar Fault by Prof. David, and as the average dip of the strata is north-easterly the lower portion, stratigraphi- cally speaking, is truncated by this fault. (1) Voleaniec Stage. The principal feature of this division is the great series -of lavas, extending in an unbroken curve from Eelah to Lamb’s Valley, wonderfully uniform in total thickness -and in the sequence of flows. An exceedingly fine section through this voleanic series is got by ascending Hudson’s Peak from the south or south-west, and then descending to a saddle or col and ascending the spur leading to the top of Drinan’s Mount. Other sections, showing substan- tially the same sequence, but not so striking, may be ob- tained by ascending anywhere the ridge extending from -Drinan’s Mount to Eelah, while, for those who dislike climbing, excellent road-sections are found at what is known as ‘‘The Gap,’’ near Helah, and along Lamb’s Valley, which cuts almost directly across the strike, expos- ‘Ing the entire sequence from the Lachnagar fault north- ~wards for about a couple of miles to the bridge over 218 W. R. BROWNE. Lamb’s Creek. The general succession is ineluded in Plate XX, Fig. 1. This region is a particularly good one in which to study the volcanic flows, since for the most part the suce- cession of lavas is uninterrupted by interbedded tufts and conglomerates, as is the case elsewhere. A section has been measured between Hudson’s Peak and Drinan’s. Mount, the details of which are approximately as follow,. in descending order :— F Rhyolite (including about 10 feet of dacitic = pitehstone) | {0.0 fo cea Pe ee 230 Tosceanite: and dellenite. .s.. ..-.\ ae ee 560 Pyroxene-andesite and conglomerate .......... 360 Toscanite, and dellenite* 22. ..:%. ea eee 175 Hornblende-andesite and glass ............... 360 Pyroxene-andesite brecéla. . w.c.s - skp e tee ieee 215 Pyroxene-andesite: <... die)! ora... sale eae eee 1110 Pyroxene-andesite ass.” oi. 0)... .6.6 «le ey eee 90 Hornblende-andesite (2 .....0< 2's. hele ee 60 Hornblende-andesite lass 4.1724. )0.0 2. eee 40 3200 This section probably gives the maximum aggregate: thickness. Individual flows vary in thickness when traced along the strike, and in places may vanish altogether. The lower hornblende-andesite, for example, disappears north. of Hudson’s Peak and at Eelah, and the top toscanite, which is so prominent at Eelah and at Drinan’s Mount,. thins out and disappears between these two points for a short distance, and also to the north of Drinan’s Mount, * These two types are often closely associated on the same horizon, and cannot be differentiated in hand-specimen, while even in thin section, owing to albitization of the original plagio- clase, distinction is difficult and sometimes impossible. Else-- where in this paper the rock-name “toscanite” is used to indicate- flows some phases of which may be dellenitic. —— THE GEOLOGY OF THE GOSFORTH DISTRICT. 219° making again north of Kilfoyle’s Creek, and forming quite a wide outcrop in Lamb’s Valley. While the general succession of flows is constant, occa- sional small flows are found out of place, as it were; examples are the lens of hornblende-andesite near the Helah Gap, the abruptly lenticular mass of pyroxene-andesite pitchstone at the entrance to Lamb’s Valley, and the small mass of hornblende-andesite and pitchstone forming a little knoll in among the topmost rhyohte flow north of Kilfoyle’s Creek. The small outerop of biotite-dacite pitchstone in the topmost rhyolite near the summit of Drinan’s Mount, appears to be the only one of its kind im the area. Of all these units the most impressive is the lower pyroxene-andesite, because of its thickness and its physio- graphic prominence, which is all the more marked because: the lava is underlain by easily eroded tuff and conglom- erate, making for the formation of a dip-scarp. The line of the pyroxene-andesite ridge can be traced with some interruptions from the parish of Stanhope, south-easterly as far as Hudson’s Peak, where the lava attains a thick-. ness of 1200 feet, and where it shows a rude prismatic jointing. About Rosebrook the relief is very much less. marked, possibly through the flow, or succession of flows, being thinner, but the andesite rises again to form the more westerly of the twin low bare hills just south of the: road through the EKelah Gap, only, however, to sink once more and disappear beneath the river-alluvium. The rock is markedly porphyritic, and occurs in both lithoidal and glassy phases, which are apparently quite distinct, though frequently found together, as at Hudson’s Peak, the glassy phase being generally the subordinate type. Through the low col or saddle east of Hudson’s Peak: there runs an outcrop of andesitic breccia, and somewhat. 220 W. R. BROWNE. similar outcrops are seen at the forking of the roads at Rosebrook and in the col between the two low bare hills at HKelah. The breccia always occurs at or near the top of the pyroxene-andesite, and this fact, along with the thickness (over 200 feet in the first outcrop), suggests that it is a voleanic rather than a fault-breccia. A band of hard fine-grained -tuff is seen on the EHelah road, about a mile §8.E. of Hudson’s Peak, near Mr. Dooley’s house, evidently interbedded with the pyroxene- andesite. The upper flow of pyroxene-andesite is not usually so thick as the lower. On the Hudson’s Peak-Drinan’s Mount section it 1s much finer-grained than the other, and is intimately associated with a bed of conglomerate. About a mile north of the Peak an exposure in a ecreek-bed shows the andesite and conglomerate to have been apparently contemporaneous; the pebbles, though mostly of pink granite, are in places composed of the andesite, which elsewhere forms a matrix to the granite pebbles, though this matrix is usually a biotite-bearing felspathic tuff. North of Kilfoyle’s Creek the flow gradually thins, so that on the Lamb’s Valley road-section it has no great thick- ness at all. South-east from Drinan’s Mount the andesite, with its attendant conglomerate, persists for some distance, then the latter dies out, and the andesite is at first under- lain, and eventually almost superseded by an andesitic pitchstone, which carries on right to EHelah, forming a prominent ridge there. Siliceous thermal waters have con- verted the pitchstone in places on this ridge into green and white chalcedony, and veins of the same material ramify through the rock. Of the toscanites the lower horizon, though comparatively thin, is wonderfully persistent, and has never been found missing from any section examined. This rock, when THE GEOLOGY OF THE GOSFORTH DISTRICT. 221 unweathered, has a characteristic blue-grey colour, with abundant phenocrysts of quartz, felspar, and biotite. The upper horizon is by no means so persistent, and in some places disappears completely. The greatest thickness of this upper horizon is perhaps at Drinan’s Mount, and here it is evidently composed of a number of flows of aspect and composition slightly different among themselves. The lowest flow when fresh has a grey colour weathering to: khaki-brown, the upper ones being brownish-red, buff, or lavender, while the proportion and nature of the pheno- erysts vary, the grey and brown phases being very rich in biotite, and showing very little felspar and quartz, while the other phases are rich in both. The hornblende-andesite is found on two main horizons, the lower of which is not very thick nor very persistent, while the higher is quite important and continuous right through; a thin flow of pitchstone in very many places un- derlies the stony phase. This rock is identical with that called the Martin’s Creek type by Stissmilch and Osborne, and in this area it has almost invariably been found to: contain a small proportion of quartz among the pheno- erysts. The rock has a very characteristic appearance; it is usually quite a bright blue colour when fresh, changing on decomposition to a brownish-grey, and is often recog- nisable by its tendency to platy parting, which causes it to break into slabs or flags from two to five inches thick. In places, as at Eelah, owing to hydrothermal changes, the aspect of the rock changes somewhat, and its recognition is less easy. The pitchstone, though often closely associated with the stony phase, differs from it mineralogically in containing notable proportions of biotite and hypersthene, in addition to hornblende, among the phenocrysts. Along the EHelah road, just after it passes from the parish of Wolfingham to Middlehope, there is what ap- "222 W. R. BROWNE. pears to be an irregular dyke-intrusion through the horn- blende-andesite, the only one of its kind yet encountered. Thin sections show it to belong to the hornblende-andesite group. The rhyolite or porphyritic felsite at the top of the voleanic series clearly represents more than one flow, as it changes character a good deal from place to place. On Drinan’s Mount the only conspicuous phenocrysts are -of biotite set in a buff or pink groundmass, containing numerous inclusions and occasional patches of chalcedony. At Eelah one phase contains small phenocrysts of quartz, but there is another on top of it from which megascopie ‘quartz is absent. North of Drinan’s Mount the rock is often found to have conspicuous phenocrysts of white fel- spar in a pink or reddish groundmass, but elsewhere little biotite crystals are the most important porphyritic con- stituents. In a few places there appear to be traces of a thin flow of toscanite on top of this felsite. On the whole, the series just described is wonderfully compact, with a remarkable uniformity of type-variation from top to bottom. It evidently corresponds with the Martin’s Creek beds of Stissmilch and the Volcanic Stage of Osborne. But whereas these observers find no lava- flow stratigraphically below the hornblende-andesite, which rests directly on the Wallarobba tuffs and conglomerates, .at Hudson’s Peak the hornblende-andesite, as may be seen in the section, 1s underlain by 1250 feet of biotite-rich tuff and tuffaceous conglomerate containing abundant pebbles ‘of pink granite, felsite, and other hard rocks, on a few of which glacial striae have been observed. Small flows of felsite and of pyroxene-andesite are interbedded with ‘the underlying conglomerates, and the lowest exposed member of the sequence is a porphyritic felsite underlain THE GEOLOGY OF THE GOSFORTH DISTRICT. 223 in places by thin flows of pyroxene-andesite and _ pitch- stone. Immediately to the west of this runs the Lachnagar fault, which causes the rest of the series to be concealed from view. This lowest flow of felsite, which varies in facies from place to place, and shows well-marked flow-planes dipping steeply in an easterly direction, can be traced from the parish of Stanhope, where it forms an east-and-west ridge; about #-mile east of the Maryvale turn-off it makes a rather sharp turn to the south, crossing the road and con- tinuing a little east of south for about a mile, when its outcrop stops suddenly, the ridge being carried on to the south by a toscanite dipping to the west. This sudden break is evidently due to the Lachnagar fault, which has been running more or less parallel to the felsite, but here makes a sharp turn to the east, cutting off the felsite, which is never with certainty picked up again. The conglomerate and tuff immediately underlying the Hudson’s Peak hornblende-andesite can be picked up at intervals along the strike towards Kelah, as at the village of Gosforth, where they are represented by abundant pebbles, mostly of pink granite with some grey granite. Conglomerates are likewise seen at Rosebrook, near Mr. Campbell’s house, and along the road as far as Mr. Magnus Campbell’s, beyond which they die out, but farther south fine felspathic grey tuffs appear under the pyroxene- andesite. At Mr. Magnus Campbell’s a traverse from the road westwards towards the river shows a small thickness, possibly about 100 feet, of conglomerate, underlain by a rather decomposed porphyritic felsite, under which is hornblende-andesite pitchstone. The felsite may possibly be on the same horizon as that outcropping at the mouth of Lamb’s Valley, and if this be so the overlying con- glomerate and tuff have thinned out very considerably. 224 W. R. BROWNE. The lithology of all the conglomerates mentioned above: is exactly similar to that of those occuring at higher levels, showing that we are here not dealing with the basal stage of the Kuttung series. The whole thickness of strata, therefore, in the Hudson’s Peak section from the base of the hornblende-andesite westwards to the Lachnagar Fault, probably of the order of 2300 feet, is to be added to the voleanic stage, the total exposed thickness of which here is of the order of 5500 feet. (2) Glacial Stage. Turning again to the topmost flow of the voleanie stage at Drinan’s Mount, we find it overlain by a series of sedi- ments belonging to Osborne’s Glacial Stage. The very flat dip of these in places strongly suggests an angular unconformity with the underlying voleanic rocks, this feature being very marked at the back of Drinan’s Mount, as viewed from the north. A very interesting series of variations is seen in the _ strata when traced north from Eelah. At the back of Helah House, where the whole series emerges from the alluvium covering it to the south, the rhyolite is overlain by a band of conglomerate not more than 100 feet thick, containing rounded pebbles of granite, gneissic granite, aplite, and quartzite up to nine inches in diameter; in the blue-grey matrix are embedded numbers of small angular and sub- angular rock-fragments, giving the rock in part the aspect of pa anivte: Following up the valley of the creek (which I have called Eelah Creek) draining the country east of the Rosebrook ridge, we find the conglomerate thickening considerably. The basal parts consist of very large tos- canite boulders, some upwards of six feet in diameter, and well-rounded for the most part, embedded in a matrix which is similar in appearance to the enclosed boulders, THE GEOLOGY OF THE GOSFORTH DISTRICT. 225: and which is, in fact, a toscanite; overlying this volcanic conglomerate is another conglomerate characterised by abundance of smaller pebbles, averaging about ten inches across, mostly of the hard pink granite or aplite which is such a constant constituent of most of the Kuttung con- olomerates. These conglomerates, which may be regarded as the basal beds of the glacial stage, can be followed, resting directly on top of the voleanic rocks, from Helah House for about 24 miles in a north-westerly direction at the back of the Rosebrook ridge; then they give place apparently to tuff and varve-rock, which continue in contact with the vol- canic rocks as far as the culminating point of the ridge— Drinan’s Mount. In the creek just north of this point the rhyolite underlies a very hard tillitic rock, containing small pebbles and angular fragments of felsite and grey granite, or more precisely granodiorite, and containing a few grey granite boulders, one of which, an exceptionally fresh granodiorite, would appear to have been upwards of ten feet across originally. The granite boulders quickly become very numerous, and the horizon, which is about 150 feet thick a little north of Drinan’s Mount, continues to the north-west as a conglomerate composed essentially or dom- inantly of uniformly well-rounded boulders of grey granite, averaging perhaps 15 inches in diameter, often rather gneissic and generally very decomposed. So abundant and close-packed are these boulders that the disintegration of the rock gives rise in places to a coarse sandy soil, closely resembling that formed by granite. This horizon (which also contains a goodly proportion of pink aplite and quartzite pebbles) can be found out- cropping at intervals in the creek-beds following a general north-westerly direction from Drinan’s Mount, and thick- ens to possibly as much as 300 feet where the track ascends O—November 3, 1926. 226 W. R. BROWNE. Wildman’s Gap. On the road along Lamb’s Valley it appears just a little south of the bridge over Lamb’s Creek. At this bridge, and for about a mile upstream, a magnificent outcrop of the conglomerate, characterised by unstratified and unsorted boulders up to four feet across, may be studied, both in plan and in section. Here it has a flat dip, and probably has quite a considerable width of outcrop, but the bridge forms the northern limit to the present survey. About a mile east of the bridge the june- tion between conglomerate and felsite swings away to the south-east, and in a tributary to Lamb’s Creek boulders of felsite up to ten feet in diameter appear in the con- glomerate near its base, evidently rifted off from the under- lying lava-flow. This conglomerate is one of the most striking formations in the area examined; it is practically unique as regards its lithology, and the great abun- dance and the size of the granite boulders enable it to be identified without difficulty. The absence of definite stratification, the presence of occasional abnormally large boulders, the subangular shape of some of the harder pebbles, and the merging of the conglomerate into a tillite, suggest ice-action, and this view is strengthened by the occurrence of varve-shales immediately on top of the con- glomerate. The associated strata are of freshwater origin, and the conglomerate may have been laid down on the floor and round the margin of a very large freshwater lake filing a depression excavated in part in rhyolite, with ice-capped granite highlands some distance away. At all events this horizon marks a definite change in conditions, and in this division at least ushers in what must be regarded as a new phase in the sedimentation. It is evidently the equivalent of the coarse conglomerate de- scribed by Osborne as occurring at the base of the glacial stage in the Paterson-Clarencetown area. THE GEOLOGY OF THE GOSFORTH DISTRICT. 227 The details of the sequence in the glacial stage vary from place to place. At Helah House the conglomerate is overlain by a variable thickness of varve-rock which marks the top of the stage. Further north, between this varve- rock and the conglomerate there are local occurrences of tillite, pebbly mudstone and tuff. About half-a-mile south ‘of the northern boundary of portion 26, parish of Middle- hope, the series, which is here about 400 feet thick, and has never exceeded 500 feet, begins to increase rapidly in thickness as the result of the incoming of fine and coarse acid tuffs, pebbly in places, which more than compensates for the thinning and local extinction of the conglomerates. At the same time a series of varve-shales makes its appear- ance resting directly on the volcanic series, and between the top varve-shales and the Permo-Carboniferous Lochin- var Shales are bouldery mudstones, weathering easily to a very dark brown clayey soil. The upper part of the glacial stage swings off in a north- easterly direction sympathetically with the Permo-Car- boniferous basin in the parish of Houghton, and has not been further studied. At the back of Drinan’s Mount the following section through the lower portion of the glacial stage has been ‘measured :— Feet ComAOMmerale Vises ie tus tea Flee ee oleate she 2 RAIMA Oy hia fa ccna 5 Nyame alates usd dane das alee dale Se Mas sosia 220 ot with a little conglomerate ......i6.....6.. 220 Warve-shales with Aneimites o.. 0... c. ccc ccc es 70 Tillite, passing northwards into grey granite COMPNOMETALE Os ..44 os Boe 6s o8's abe ei ele see Bee es 150 662 The divide to the north of Drinan’s Mount is composed mostly of the tuff and overlying varve-shales, on top of which are in places a few feet of conglomerate capped oc- easionally by small patches of toscanite. 228 W. R. BROWNE. On ascending the plateau at Wildman’s Gap by the bridle track from the valley we pass over conglomerate and then tuff for the first 450 feet; at the top of the first ascent is a small and thin outcrop of toscanite. A fairly level walk of about 400 yards over tuff, followed by another abrupt rise of 80 or 100 feet over coarse conglom- erate, brings us to the top of the plateau, the varve-shales. that separate the tuff and conglomerate further south having disappeared. About 150 yards along the track from. the edge of the plateau we reach the overlying toscanite, which is thin here, but thickens considerably to the north- east and north-west, disappearing rapidly to the south. It is on this toscanite about a mile to the north-east that the striated pavement occurs, discovered by G. D. Osborne in 1921.4 The outcrop forms the edge of the plateau from the head of Parson’s Brush, at least as far as Mr. Bell’s house, where the mass is over 100 feet thick, and the tos- canite is constantly underlain by the coarse conglomerate, but details of the strata between this horizon and the base of the stage are difficult to obtain owing to cliff-talus. and alluvium. Along the Wildman’s Gap section, the thickness of the glacial stage up to the base of the tos- canite (corresponding with the Mt. Johnstone beds of Stissmilch) is not less than 1700 feet, an increase of over 1000 feet compared with that of the same beds a mile to the south-east, at Drinan’s Mount. The toscanite, which has been shown by Osborne to be identical with the Paterson toscanite, is overlain vari- ously by varve-shales, tillite, mudstones, and conglomerate, towards some of which its relations are doubtful. In the bed of Webber’s Creek, for example, the overlying mud- stone is hardened, and appears as though intimately pene- trated by stringers of toscanite. Just over the brow of the plateau at Bell’s house there are hardened varve-shales THE GEOLOGY OF THE GOSFORTH DISTRICT. 229 apparently underlain and overlain by the igneous rock, and on the valley slope just to the east, conglomerates are interbedded with the toscanite. These features suggest the possibility that the toscanite is a sill-intrusion, but if so the overlying sediments must have been eroded off before the advent of the ice which produced the striated pavement, and deposited the tillite on top of it. It may be that the toscanite represents a series of subaqueous flows, which assumed in part an intrusive relationship towards the varve-clays and the pebble-and-mud deposits accumu- lating on the floor of a Kuttung lake or inland sea. The geology of the plateau is at present being investi- gated by Mr. G. D. Osborne. The Winder’s Hill Division. Under this heading is included an area bounded on the north by the winding Hunter River, and extending south- ward to within a mile of the village of Lochinvar. The Kuttung rocks of this division consist entirely of ‘beds which are the faulted equivalents of the tuffs and -aqueo-glacial rocks resting upon the volcanic series of the Drinan’s Mount Division. From the village of Gosforth the beds swing round in a ‘wide sweep to the south and south-west, towards Lochin- var, and then to the north-west and north, dipping out- ‘wards all the way and forming the southern portion of the lower or Carboniferous part of the Lochinvar dome, the lowest outcropping beds in the division being found on ‘the northern scarp of Winder’s Hill. A section showing the sequence from Winder’s Hill to- ~wards Lochinvar was published in the paper by Stissmilch and David, which requires some modification in the light of a fuller examination of the rocks. The revised section along the line HK (Plate XX, Fig. 3), which was measured 230 W. R. BROWNE. in a direction of 8. 7° W. from Winder’s Hill, probably gives the most complete sequence and the maximum thickness of the beds, for some of the horizons become: much thinner and others die out completely or are cut off by faults when traced along the strike; the direction of section is also approximately that of the longer axis of’ the dome. The series rests on an old surface of granodiorite, and there is reason to believe, as will be shown hereafter, that the lowest horizons correspond in stratigraphical position. approximately with the tillite at the back of Drinan’s. Mount, which merges into the grey-granite conglomerate,. so that the section as shown gives the complete sequence from top to bottom of the glacial stage for this particular’ division. The granodiorite outcrops are of very limited extent,,. being confined mainly to the lower part of the northern face of Winder’s Hill; a few very decomposed remnants. also occur on the opposite side of the river and along the eastern boundary of portion 72, parish of Wolfingham. This granodiorite evidently represents part of an old land-surface over which the Kuttung glaciers moved, for at Winder’s Hill it is immediately overlain by tillite con--. taining angular fragments, large and small, of the grano-. diorite. The tillite passes upwards into dark-red varve- shales, which exhibit contemporaneous contortions and, in places, the worm-tracks that are a characteristic feature of the similar rocks at Seaham. ‘Traced upwards the shales. become coarser in texture, and pass into flaggy, tuffaceous. sandstones, on which in turn rest fine varve-like shales. containing Anewmites. Altogether seven horizons of varve-rock have been noted in this section, but the lateral extent of some of them has. not been determined. The topmost horizon, however, is. THE GEOLOGY OF THE GOSFORTH DISTRICT. 231 quite persistent, and can be traced round most of the area, forming the stratum next below the Lochinvar shales; a lower horizon, that which outcrops on the face of what may be called Hut Hill, south of the dam on Hawes Farm, is associated with very plentiful and well-preserved impres- sions of Aneimites ovata, and the varve-rock proper grades down into what appears to be a very fine-grained, white, cherty tuff. Of the various conglomerate horizons shown on the sec- tion, at least two have been proved of aqueo-glacial origin by the occurrence in them of ice-scratched pebbles, and it is probable that all have had the same origin. The pebbles are, aS a rule, well-rounded, and are composed largely of hard, red aplitic granite, quartzite, etc., and also in the higher horizons of quartz-porphyry or rhyolite, and occa- sionally of pink felsite. The matrix appears to be tuffa- ceous in most eases, and, indeed, the conglomerates in many instances, by diminution in the size and number of pebbles, pass into pebbly tuffs. Underlying the topmost varve- rocks at the village of Gosforth, and outcropping half-way up the hill on the road to the Hillsborough Bridge, is a very hard and tough dark bluish-grey rock, occasionally pebbly, which has all the appearance of a tillite. Traces of this same horizon may be seen as the strike of the beds is followed round to the south, but it does not persist for any great distance. About three-quarters of a mile south of the Windermere crossing, on the road to Lochinvar, there is a good section of the topmost varve-shales overlain by a tuffaceous con- glomerate, which continues to the east and south-east, thinning out and apparently disappearing on the south- eastern face of Hut Hill; this then locally replaces the varve-shales as the topmost Kuttung horizon. 232 W. R. BROWNE. Volcanic ejecta, mostly fragmental, make up about 1300 feet, of the total thickness of 4000 feet of strata measured along the line of section, and tuffaceous rocks form a very important part of the glacial stage in this division. Start- ing in the bend of the river north-west of Winder’s Hill the main belt of tuff sweeps round to the south-east in a great crescent, attaining its greatest thickness where the section-line intersects it, and thinning as it swings round again to the east, where it is cut off by the Hillsborough fault. Further north it 1s well seen on the northern face of Bald Hill, whence it continues northwards along the steep river-bank almost as far as the Hillsborough Bridge. The tuffs are always rhyolitic in character, and are composed for the most part of angular fragments of white or green felsite and quartz, the grainsize varying con- siderably. The finer tuffs may be thinly bedded, but the coarser ones are generally massive, as between Hills- borough Bridge and Bald Hill. These coarser types have the bedding indicated by occasional pebbly bands, and pass locally into breccias. A very beautiful felsite-breccia with fragments up to half-an-inch in diameter is exposed near the top of Hut Hill, while on the eastern slope of the same hill along a north-and-south fence, there is to be seen another dark red tuff-breccia or conglomerate, con- taining rounded and angular fragments of felsite up to an inch in diameter, with chips of glassy quartz in the matrix. Much of the tuff in the erescentic outcrop south of Winder’s Hill has a characteristic light blue-green colour, and some of it is quite aphanitic in hand-specimens, the microscope revealing it as a very acid, devitrified pumiceous tuff. There are a few massive igneous rocks among the strata in this division, apparently not wholly effusive; the sec- tion southwards from Winder’s Hill includes three occur- THE GEOLOGY OF THE GOSFORTH DISTRICT. 233 ences. The lowest is a dark, brownish-green aphanitic rock, slightly amygdaloidal, which may be observed in a couple of places on the northern face of Hut Hill and else- ‘where, the outcrops being as a rule of but slight extent. ‘This appears to be an albitized basalt, and though it may be of the nature of a contemporaneous flow, a rude pris- matic structure in the overlying tuff at the dam north of Hut Hill suggests the contact-effect of a sill. A small outcrop of rhyolite, very rich in inclusions, -appears on the northern face of Hut Hill, and at a higher horizon, immediately under the topmost varve-shales, 1s -a pink felsite which is of much greater extent, being trace- able at intervals from a little west of the Windermere- Lochinvar road (where it emerges from a cover of high- level alluvium) across the southern face of Hut Hill to ‘the southern branch of Hawes Farm Creek. The effusive character of this felsite is proved by the association with it, west of the Windermere-Lochinvar road, of a pyroclas- ‘tic phase. Along the river between Bald Hull and Hillsborough Bridge, a‘number of felsites are encountered; one, a dyke prismatically jointed in places, cuts southward diagonally along the river-bank, emerging on to the top of it, and ‘continuing as far as Fault Creek, where it is cut off by a fault. The appearance of this dyke suggests that it has been injected in a vertical position while the strata were still horizontal, and has been tilted during the subsequent folding. Further north is what appears to be a sill or thin laccolite of white fluidal felsite a little over half-a-mile long. Among the tuffs near the river-leve! between Hills- borough Bridge and the Bald Hill is a flow or intrusion of highly jointed felsite. Another small felsitic intrusion is found east of the Hillsborough-West Maitland Road, a little 234 W. R. BROWNE. way north of the Gosforth turn-off, the invaded sediments. including the bluish-green tillitic rock immediately under: the topmost varve-shales. There is nothing to indicate whether these intrusions are of Kuttung or Permo-Carbon- iferous age. Rhacopteris (Aneimites) has been found in this division in quite a number of places, either in a kind of light-coloured shale, or in a fine tuff. In the former case the pinnules and fronds, together with what appear to be stems of the- plant, and sometimes calamite-lke stems as well, often. form close-packed masses in the shale, which is easily and thinly cleavable, each new fracture exposing more of the: fossils. In other cases where the plant occurs in tuff, fine: but coarser than the shale, well-preserved individual pin- nules or isolated fronds may be found. Two horizons have been noted on the road just south of Hillsborough Bridge; these same horizons have been found east of the road in Mr. Robert Vile’s paddock (portion 44), and may be: traced among the coarser tuff along the river bank up-- stream, one horizon on the very crest of the bank, the other about 40 feet down. These are possibly to be cor- related with the occurrence on Hut Hill, and another a. little north of Hawes Farm Creek, the former outcrop, which is associated with varve-shales, yielding particularly fine specimens. A third horizon is just under the con- glomerates on the northern face of Winder’s Hill, the- matrix being again a varve-like or cherty shale. It will be seen from an examination of the section that this plant ranges practically from the bottom to very near the top of the series in this division, and that it is. found in close association with the aqueo-glacial sediments. The Jacob’s Hills Division. The strata comprised in this division form the northerly continuation of those just described, but show such distinc-- THE GEOLOGY OF THE GOSFORTH DISTRICT. 235: tive characters that they are best treated separately. The division extends from the Hunter at Winder’s Hill in a N.N.W. direction as far as the Lachnagar Fault, at the Lamb’s Valley-Hillsborough road. The western boundary lies just eastward of the Dalwood Bridge road, and is de- termined by the base of the Permo-Carboniferous system, while the eastern limit is in part the Lachnagar fault, in part the Hillsborough fault. A fairly good, though interrupted, section through the sequence at the southern end of the division can be ob- tained by going along the river-bank upstream from the eastern boundary-fence of portion 72, parish of Wolfing- ham, for about three-quarters of a mile, and then con- tinuing in a direction a bit north of west up a little tribu- tary creek. Rotten granodiorite may be detected a little way east of the fence, succeeded by mudstone or tillite and then by dark red varve-shales which outcrop at the fence, dipping about W.S8.W. These are overlain by about 300 feet of felsite-tuff, and these in turn by conglomerates, of which a splendid section may be seen forming in places a low cliff rising abruptly from the river. These are not less than 400 feet in thickness, and are probably best re- garded as the equivalents of the upper conglomerates out- cropping on the southern face of Winder’s Hill. The pebbles, which are very badly sorted, and range up to and over 18 inches in diameter, include pink and grey granites, quartz-porphyries, felsite, quartzite, and a hard acid tuff. The matrix is composed of red tuff or arkose, notably rich in biotite, and occasional thin layers of the Same material serve to indicate the direction of dip. The conglomerates are succeeded upwards by about 100 feet of tuffs with a few thin layers of dark-red varve-shale showing contemporaneous contortions; the outcrops, prob- ably of felsite-tuff, are here obscured by alluvium, and 236 W. R. BROWNE. save for a little bedded tuff nothing more is to be seen for about 500 yards until an outcrop of conglomerate is encountered in the bed of the tributary creek. The pebbles of the lower part are badly sorted, but the small uniform size and marked rounding of the pebbles in the horizon as a whole place it in marked contrast with the conglomerate on the river-bank. Above this fine-grained conglomerate is another somewhat coarser one, characterised by abundance of well-rounded red-brown quartz-porphyry or rhyolite pebbles, on top of which occur more felsite-tuff and tuff- breccia, sometimes pebbly, sometimes fine-grained, and con- taining impressions of Aneimites and indeterminate plant- remains. The topmost recognisable horizon, of varve- shales, completes a thickness of something like 1800 feet of sediment measured from the top of the granodiorite, as compared with the maximum of 4000 feet in the Win- der’s Hill division. The impersistence, both in thickness and in lithological facies, of the different members of this series when followed along the strike is very characteristic of the rock-units in the Jacob’s Hills division, as is probably to be expected in deposits largely of aqueo-glacial origin, but in a general way it appears that conglomerate increases to the north, as compared with tuff and varve-shale. The coarse conglomerate outcropping on the river-bank appears again at the top of South Jacob’s Hill, containing occasional large boulders of grey granite, thence on ac- count of the land-contours, the outcrop trends N.W., and then back to N.E., passing east of the summit of North Jacob’s Hill, and swinging round to the north. The grey granite boulders are much more prominent here, and are very noticeable in the outcrops along the course of Thermos Creek. In places well-rounded toscanite boulders become prominent, and the conglomerate gets mixed up in rather THE GEOLOGY OF THE GOSFORTH DISTRICT. 237 perplexing fashion with some flows of toscanite, recalling the somewhat similar occurrence in Kelah Creek at the back of the Rosebrook ridge. Further north the outcrops are obscured, but what is: probably the same conglomerate outcrops in Thermos Creek, near its mouth, not far south of where the whole series is cut off by the Lachnagar fault. The distinctive lithology of this conglomerate suggests very strongly its correlation with the grey-granite conglom- erate resting on the top of the volcanic series in the Drinan’s Mount division, although here it does not appear to have any marked stratigraphical significance. If now we return to the original starting-point, and follow the eastern fence of por. 72 northwards from the river for about three-quarters of a mile, the granodiorite will again be observed, but with a dark porphyritic felsite resting on it and separating it from the overlying varve- shales. An instructive section is that along the line DEFG (Plate XX, Fig. 2). Here the felsite (which is cut off to the east by the Hillsborough fault) is overlain by pyroxene-andesite, which has a glassy phase at the top. Between the andesite and the lowest varve-shales a wedge of aqueo-glacial con- glomerate has come in, and there is a thickness of about 400 feet of tuff, conglomerate and varve-shales between the base of the grey-granite conglomerate and the top of the andesite. Here, as elsewhere, there is not an abrupt change but a gradual passage from tuff to conglomerate. In this section, involving about 1500 feet of strata, no less than five horizons of varve-rock are seen, and it is possible that others are obscured by soil and talus. That immediately overlying the grey-granite conglomerate is about 110 feet thick, but thins out to the north, west, and south. The most imposing individual horizon shown is WPye) W. R. BROWNE. that of the conglomerate rich in quartz-porphyry pebbles, which is here upwards of 300 feet thick. Two thin layers of toscanite, of slight extent, are met with on this section, one in among the quartz-porphyry conglomerate, and an- other near the top of the series. The latter is probably a flow, but the former may be a sill, as there is not far away a small circular outcrop of similar toscanite in among the conglomerate and obviously intrusive. Further north than the section-line FG there are, in addition to the pyroxene-andesite, flows of hornblende-an- desite and pitchstone and of pink porphyritic felsite, on the last of which the grey-granite conglomerate rests (see Fig. 1). So far as can be observed these flows are separated by bands of conglomerate, but the relatively feeble drainage at the eastern foot of the Jacob’s Hill ridge has resulted in the formation of long, gentle, soil-covered slopes, so that horizons of tuff and of varve-shale, if present, would be difficult of detection. On the ridge and dip-slope about half-a-mile north of North Jacob’s Hill, and on a higher horizon on North Jacob’s Hill itself, are flows of toscanite. The former are those noted above as being intimately associated with the grey-granite conglomerate, and indeed the conglomerate can in one place be traced into the toscanite, as if sand- wiched in between flows. Elsewhere on the dip-slope con- glomerate and lava are intimately associated, and there are places in which boulders of toscanite and granite ap- pear to be embedded, close-packed, in a matrix of toscanite. What is the precise significance of this state of affairs it is hard to say, but it would appear that sedimentation and voleaniec activity were proceeding synchronously, flows of toscanite being poured out at intervals and engulfing or covering the boulders in course of deposition round the ‘margin of a large lake. The toscanite is similar to those THE GEOLOGY OF THE GOSFORTH DISTRICT. 239 occurring in the volcanic stage, and to the Paterson tos- eanite, but cannot be definitely correlated with any one of them so far as stratigraphical position is concerned. An interesting feature brought out in the section ABC is the existence of a layer of basalt and basic breecia and tuff not far below the top of the Kuttung series. This appears as a lenticular mass with a north-south extension of half-a-mile about 25 chains to the west of North Jacob’s Hill. It is evidently conformable with the Kuttung sedi- ments, and has the appearance of being contemporaneous ‘with them. On a ridge about half-a-mile west of South Jacob’s Hill a small outerop of basalt has been observed not very far above the horizon of the grey-granite conglom- erate, but whether this is an intrusion or a econtempor- aneous flow I cannot tell. The felsite-tuffs which are so prominent in the Winder’s Hill division continue north across the river, and form an important part of the rocks of the Jacob’s Hills divi- sion. One horizon immediately overlies the lowest varve- shales and outcrops strongly for some distance north of the river, but gradually thins, and is replaced by conglom- erate to the north. There is also a good thickness of felsite-tuff, both fine and coarse, above the grey-granite con- glomerate horizon interbedded with conglomerate and varve-shale, and extending right to the top of the series. From about three-quarters of a mile north of North Jacob’s Hill most of the lower part of the series is cut off by the Lachnagar Fault to the east, and the upper part, that above the grey-granite conglomerate, thins consider- ably, being not more than 300 feet thick, whereas along the Hunter it exceeds 1000 feet. In this northern part also tuff and varve-shales are very subordinate, and the series is made up largely of conglomerate, with a couple of 240 W. R. BROWNE. lava-flows, the lower being a dark chocolate-red felsite,. containing many inclusions, and the other a thin northerly extension of the toscanite in Thermos Creek. Above this flow the conglomerate is very rich in quartz- porphyry pebbles, some up to three feet in diameter, as. in the quarry across the road from ‘‘Maryvale’’ homestead. This appears to be a continuation of the quartz-porphyry conglomerate noted on the section along the river-bank, which attains a considerable thickness along the line of section DE, thins out under the basic lava and tuff, and makes again, extending at ‘‘Maryvale”’ of the topmost varve-shales. Reasons have been given for correlating the grey-granite conglomerate of this division with the similar horizon marking the base of the glacial stage in the Drinan’s Mount division, and from certain indications it would appear most reasonable likewise to correlate it with the thick con- glomerate on the southern face of Winder’s Hill. If this is so, there are some 400 feet of strata exposed in the Jacob’s Hills division, and about 600 feet in the Winder’s Hill division, which are below the base of the so-called glacial stage. These strata are to a very large extent aqueo- glacial and glacial in character, and they emphasise, in conjunction with the scratched pebbles in the Hudson’s Peak conglomerate, the fact that glacial action commenced much earlier in the Kuttung period that has hitherto been supposed, and that for this area, at least, the distinction between glacial and voleanic stages has no real meaning. The Hillsborough Dwision. This is of very small extent, but is described separately on account of the difficulty of assigning its strata to their proper stratigraphical position. It is a roughly triangular area, bounded on the south and east by the Hunter River, almost to the base THE GEOLOGY OF THE GOSFORTH DISTRICT. 241 on the west by the Hillsborough Fault, and on the north and north-east by the road from Hillsborough Bridge to- wards Lamb’s Valley. There would appear to be three principal units in this division:—(1) A low ridge of fel- site-tuff and conglomerate lying south and south-west of Mr. Robert Vile’s house, with a general north-easterly dip, and underlain by a thin flow or sill of pyroxene-an- desite; (2) a rather more conspicuous ridge of varve-shale running almost east and west at the back of Mr. B. Cant’s residence towards Mr. R. Vile’s; and (3) between this ridge and the road an area of pyroxene-andesite with a little felsite. The dips of tuff and varve-shale are so conflicting, owing to minor faults, and the outcrops of the different units. so obscured in places by soil and creek-alluvium, that it has been found impossible satisfactorily to interpret their relations to each other and to the rocks of the other divi- sions. The felsite-tuff is exactly similar to that on the opposite bank of the Hunter, and may be a continuation of it, though the dip-directions are slightly out of har- mony. Most of the dips on the varve-shale ridge are to the south and south-east, but in many places the rocks are on edge, and elsewhere they are inclined in directions be- tween north and east. On the northern side of the ridge they pass in places into tuff and conglomerate, which, in turn, give place to pyroxene-andesite. For the most part no dips are obtainable on the pyrox- ene-andesite, but the general slope of the country formed by it is between north and east, and in a creek along the eastern boundary-fence of portion 71, about 120 yards south from the road, there is rotten andesite exposed, which gives the impression of a north-easterly dip. While the varve-shales and tuff most probably belong to the top part of the Kuttung sequence, it is difficult to P—November 3, 1926 242 W. R. BROWNE. place the andesite; possibly it has been brought against the varve-shales by faulting, and it may be the equivalent of the andesite and felsite of the Jacob’s Hills division, but on the eastern side of the dome, for the Hillsborough Fault just here must cut through pretty close to the axis of the dome. About a quarter of a mile west of Mr. B. Cant’s house is a road-metal quarry in the varve-shales, giving a good exposure. The characteristic paired laminae are very well exhibited, the colours alternating between chocolate-red and light grey-pink, and there is much contemporaneous contortion, the disturbance being confined to certain well- marked horizons. fa Sa EES OTN ’ N A LY - ° WEAN . 3 "+O P iY ¢ > Bart CG pceOnncy me e\ Aas cf a SOS 2 ‘ - . . ‘'eD o//- oO: a9 a oy Day SO ACIS rebar a | Ve an 5 \ Ue EO Saar P aae yy AWYd oar eo ee ey Gy eee ae SSS Cd 4.220 seit . 5 . rae) paleo Ue i FOE Ce ee SA : ¢ 5 Ceres | 2 5 , e - [2 RCRA SS S v 5 \ \ fae M \ Ss S \ aN N \\ ~_~ ee v N \ RBONIFEROUS & PERMO-CARBONIFEROUS STRUCTURAL RELATIONS of the v al A = : “= 3 < “i UJ y S oS ae «7 nes .4 3 = 2 2 a ° ”“ = hd Sg oa ea! os) x = ‘ : °o 3° = peas \ S v (SS) (ee FORMATIONS inthe LOWER HUNTER VALLEY, og : Ms Y aS AY SAL Se \ X= a ¢ Net eae + egult MSW \4 "i secant: . tor : 4 i 4 Kalina THE GEOLOGY OF THE GOSFORTH DISTRICT. 253: this northern area down into the position it occupied before the faulting, and restore the eroded Permo-Carboniferous. cover over the area south of the fault, the result will be a dome, very unsymmetrical it is true, rather elongated, and bulging considerably at the northern end, but a dome neverthelesss. As things are at present the continuity of the Permo-. Carboniferous sediments is completely broken by erosion to the north, and for the main portion of them, those lying south of the Lachnagar Fault, the structure is probably best described as a pitching anticline, but for the Carboniferous. rocks, seeing that outward dips are found to nearly every point of the compass, it is perhaps permissible to refer to the structure as a faulted dome. The apex or apical line of the dome is probably some- where about Hillsborough, but the Hillsborough Fault has. apparently cut through the centre, and has made exact determinations impossible. Owing to ignorance of the tectonic structure of the Car- boniferous strata north of Lamb’s Valley, I cannot say whether this dome was an isolated structure or whether it represented the southern end of an anticline with un- dulating ridge. No evidence as to the geological age of the folding is. available in the Gosforth area, but Professor David con- siders it to have been initiated at the close of Upper Marine times, and to have been consummated before the deposition of the Triassic sediments.3® 34 Faulting. Ag seems to be the usual rule wherever the Kuttung series has been studied, the strata in the Gosforth district have been much dislocated by faulting, of which there are numerous evidences, although, owing to the presence of 254 W. R. BROWNE. much alluvium and soil, and the difficulty of detecting dislocations where stratigraphically different but litho- logically similar horizons are concerned, the details of the faulting are in many cases obscure. | The most important fault is that which has been termed the Lachnagar Fault by Professor David; this cuts oblique- ly across the area surveyed, striking east-west at Lamb’s Valley, but curving to the south-east sympathetically with a marked outcrop of felsite, which appears to be practi- cally at the base, so far as it is revealed, of the Hudson’s Peak volcanic succession. It would be natural to expect the fault to continue its easterly direction rather than make this abrupt bend, but the strike of the felsite outcrop, the continuity of which is beyond doubt, swings round sharply from east to south- east, and there is no possibility of the fault cutting across it at the bend. For about a mile the fault follows the western side of the felsite, then it suddenly changes its direction again to a more easterly one, probably passing along the creek near the junction of the Hillsborough and Kelah roads, and crossing the river a bit downstream from the Hillsborough Bridge. Its exact position just here is largely conjectural, but it can be placed within compara- tively narrow limits in the Parish of Gosforth, where the topmost beds of the Kuttung are brought against what is pretty evidently the continuation of the con- glomerates outcropping along the base of Hudson’s Peak. Across the river again, in the parish of Middlehope, be- tween Rosebrook and the Melville Bridge, Lower Marine strata are found on one side of the road, and pyroxene- andesite on the other side, only a few yards away. The course of the fault beyond this point is some- what of a mystery; it probably crosses the river again somewhere about the Melville Bridge, for just up from Se THE GEOLOGY OF THE GOSFORTH DISTRICT. 255 this on the south side of the river there is a small out- erop of voleanic rock in a quarry, discovered by Professor David, and shown on the map accompanying his memoir, which is a continuation of that which disappears under alluvium on the opposite side of the river at Eelah. This small outcrop appears to be surrounded by Permo-Car- boniferous strata on all sides, and the fault evidently passes close to the western side of the quarry: thereafter it gets into Permo-Carboniferous country and is lost. Prof. David’s map indicates beyond this point considerable minor faulting, but no considerable dislocations along the line of the Lachnagar fault. A “‘hairpin’’ syncline is shown near the fault at Eelah, and a bit further to the south-east, indicated by the outcrops of the Greta coal- measures and the Muree rock; it is perhaps not altogether ‘unreasonable to regard the northern limb of this syneline, which is on the downthrow side, as having been due to local updragging, by the overthrust fault, of strata dipping towards the fault-plane. If this interpretation is correct then the fault can be continued past the Melville bridge, and may die out and be buried under an extensive sheet of alluvium which lies in its course, since there is no appearance of it in the Tomago coal-measures lying be- yond. This is the master-fault of the area, and it must have a very considerable throw; an estimate based on a section through Gosforth village and the Rosebrook ridge, the Lochinvar shales being used as a datum-horizon, puts the throw here at about 5000 feet, but such an estimate is really little more than a guess owing to the irregularities in thick- ness of the strata, and the very great amount of hypo- thetical restoration of the series necessitated by the exten- sive erosion. As pointed out above, this fault makes the determination of the original geological structure very 256 W. R. BROWNE. difficult, but it is only fair to add that by way of compen-- sation it has revealed excellent sections through the vol-- canic series which would otherwise have been hidden. Of the minor faults the most important, the Hillsborough. fault, runs along the valley to the east of South Jacob’s. Hill, its presence being indicated by a fault-breccia, and by the fact that west-dipping volcanic rocks of the Jacob’s Hill section are in close proximity to discordantly dipping varve-shales and felsite-tuffs. This fault, which, if normal, throws to the E.N.E., is probably the same which on the south bank of the river causes the evident dislocation. between Winder’s Hill and the Bald Hill (the beds of the latter having a dip which would carry them into the Winder’s Hill granodiorite), and which further to the south-east brings the east-dipping topmost beds of the glacial stage against the Winder’s Hill strata, lower in the same stage, and with a strong southerly component of dip. The northern end of this fault is buried under alluvium, but the mapping suggests that it continues at least as far as the Lachnagar fault, by which it may be cut off. Another important minor fault is that shown alone Kilfoyle’s Creek, north of Hudson’s Peak. This is admir- ably revealed in the course of a traverse up the creek, the displacement of the lava-flows on either side being very striking. Unfortunately the extensions of this fault have hitherto baffled investigation; to the north-east the out- crops are buried under alluvium and wash from the hills, and to the south-west, although it is evident that the fault has an appreciable throw, it has been impossible to trace it farther than the road. Indeed, the whole posi- tion about this spot is very obscure; the marked diver- gence in strike between the basal felsite and the Hudson’s Peak lavas and the sudden disappearance of the Kilfoyle’s Creek fault, both call for some explanation, which it is not possible at present to give. THE GEOLOGY OF THE GOSFORTH DISTRICT. 257 It is pretty certain that a fault cuts obliquely across the Rosebrook ridge in the parish of Middlehope. Along Eelah Creek, a little east and north of the north-east cor- ner of portion 27, there is a marked off-setting of the Lochinvar shales, the conglomerates and varve-shales com- prising the glacial stage, and the topmost flow of the vol- canie stage. Dislocation can also be observed on top of the ridge, and although the fault has not been traced down the western slope, near Mr. Campbell’s house, on the road and between it and the river are conglomerates which when traced northwards disappear abruptly against the pyroxene-andesite. This is explicable on the view that the fault cuts through here, but the rest of its course is lost in alluvium. The throw of this fault is possibly not very great. Very clear evidence of dislocation is seen in a creek flowing through portion 56, parish of Gosforth, about half a mile east of Winder’s Hill, where the Permo-Car- boniferous beds have been displaced some 700 yards by a fault striking E.S.E. The fault has provided a direction of easy erosion, but has not been traced with certainty beyond the head of the creek. The throw, if we assume the fault to be normal, is to the south, but marked joint- ing in the strata near the fault-plane shows a dip of about 70° in a direction N. 33° E., suggesting steep overthrusting from the north. About a mile to the south of this the strata are again dislocated by a fault, likewise apparently throwing to the south, which has caused a marked relative displacement of the southern end of the dome towards the west. This fault has not been traced westward for any distance. On the north-eastern side of the Bald Hill, which lies to the N.E. of Winder’s Hill, is a deep gully along which the strata are notably disturbed, and in places are almost Q-—November 3, 1926. 258 W. R. BROWNE. on end; the discordance of dips in the neighbourhood and the discontinuity of outcrops, indicate a fault, which may be a branch of the Hillsborough fault. It is not certain whether Lamb’s Valley owes its exist- ence to a fault; certainly there is some suggestion of dis- placement of outcrops on either side of the valley along the Stanhope road, and Mr. K. J. F. Branch has drawn my attention to very heavy sub-vertical jointing in the an- desite outcropping in the creek about a mile up from this road, but no definite evidence of faulting has been found. As remarked above the varve-shales in and about the quarry on Mr. Cant’s property exhibit minor dislocations, which may be subsidiary to more important faulting, but as to the existence of this no definite evidence is forth- coming. In regard to the nature of much of the faulting, whether it is of normal or overthrust type, there are no positive indications, but the Lachnagar fault is probably best regarded as an overthrust, chiefly because of the difficulty of explaining otherwise the close juxtaposition of strata on opposite sides of the fault which are dipping in very different directions, and are at very different horizons in the Kuttung sequence. About a mile north of North Jacob’s Hill, for example, there are immediately to the west of the fault strata about the horizon of the grey granite conglomerate dipping to the west. Just across the fault-plane is the felsite dipping steeply to the east, which is the lowest exposed member of the Hudson’s Peak vol- canic sequence, and probably over 5000 feet stratigraphi- cally below the conglomerate. If an attempt is made to draw a section in a direction at right angles to the fault- plane here, restoration of the dome is impossible except on the assumption that the fault has been an overthrust from the east towards the west. The increasing steepness THE GEOLOGY OF THE GOSFORTH DISTRICT. 259 of dip close to the fault-plane on its northern and eastern sides also suggests overthrusting; the hornblende-andesite on the western side of Hudson’s Peak has a dip of 30°, but the felsite near the junction of the Eelah and Hillsborough roads dips at angles up to about 60°, and the inclination of the felsite north of North Jacob’s Hill is equally steep. Now, if the fault was a normal one the south-west would be the downthrow side, and owing to down-dragging the north-easterly dip on the other side of the fault near the fault-plane so far from steepening should actually flatten ; "in overthrusting, on the contrary, steepening might be ex- pected to occur. It should be mentioned that this conclusion as to the nature of the Lachnagar fault, is in harmony with the views of Sir Edgeworth David, the officers of the Geological Survey, and G. D. Osborne, in regard to what is probably part of the same fault-system near Singleton and Muswell- brook. For reasons stated below, I had been disposed to regard the fault as probably normal, but a study of the geological map, followed by an attempt to draw structural sections, convinced me that normal faulting would not account for the facts in this particular locality. It would appear at first sight, from the nature of the resulting displacements, that the Kilfoyle’s Creek fault is normal, throwing to the north-west, but at one place along the creek close to where the fault-plane must be, jointing was observed dipping EH. 30° 8. at about 30°: further, there is evidence of a dragging movement in the curvature of the outcrops on either side of the fault-plane: it is probable then that there is an important horizontal component in the faulting, which may in that case have been the result either of upthrust from the south-east or 260 W. R. BROWNE. of downthrow towards the south-east, combined with a horizontal south-westerly movement (relatively speaking) on the north-western side. Similar evidence of horizontal dragging is seen along the Rosebrook fault near the top: of the Rosebrook ridge, where the sense of the movement has been westerly for the rocks to the north as compared with those to the south of the fault. Indeed if, as seems possible, these two faults were developed as subsidiary to the major Lachnagar overthrust, the principal move- ment along both of them may well have been horizontal. That the Hillsborough fault is of the normal type is indicated by the fact that on its eastern or downthrow. side to the east of Winder’s Hill the strata abutting on the fault-plane dip in their original direction but at a much increased angle: this is what would be expected from the dragging of the strata down along the fault- plane on the downthrow side of a normal fault. The throw of this fault is probably considerable, possibly of the order of 1000 feet. Age of the Faulting. All the faults have affected both Kuttung and Lower Marine Permo-Carboniferous rocks, and have dislocated strata already folded: if the folding commenced during late Permo-Carboniferous times then an upper limit is put to the age of the faulting. Physiographic considera- tions suggest strongly that the faulting took place before the Kosciusko uphft® of late Tertiary times, inasmuch as there would seem to have been already in existence, at the time of that great epeirogenetic movement, a peneplain carved indifferently out of the Carboniferous rocks and the Triassic rocks lying to the south of them: in other words there had been time, between the faulting and the ‘uplift, for the production of a uniform level on both sides of the fault-planes. THE GEOLOGY OF THE GOSFORTH DISTRICT. 261 These are wide time-limits, but they are the best that an be got from a consideration of the local geology: it is impossible even to tell whether all the faulting belongs to the same diastrophic period. Quite possibly the normal faults, like the Hillsborough and the cross-faults developed during and in connection with the folding. Professor David was of the opinion that most of the faults affecting the Permo-Carboniferous strata of the Lower Hunter ‘Valley were pre-Triassic,34 a view which received support from Osborne’s examination of the crustal shortening in the region.? As mentioned above, the mapping of the Hillsborough fault suggests that it is eut off to the north ‘by the Lachnagar overthrust, which, as will be shown, is possibly of much later date. The indications of horizontal movement of strata along ‘the Kilfoyle’s Creek and Rosebrook faults suggest that they may have been produced as the result of the differ- ‘ential movement westward of adjacent blocks during the Lachnagar faulting. In order to get evidence as to the geological age of the latter fault it is necessary to travel far beyond the confines of the Gosforth district. In the small-scale map (Plate XXI) the fault is shown sweeping round in a wide curve from Eelah beyond Lamb’s Valley to near KHiderslee and ending against ‘the Elderslee fault. This represents Sir Edgeworth David’s original view, but he has since, in conversation, put forward the suggestion that the Lachnagar fault Swings round, near the Elderslee Bridge, from a westerly to a northerly direction, so that the Elderslee fault north -of the river is really a continuation of the Lachnagar fault. The presence of a great fault bringing Carboniferous and Permo-Carboniferous strata into contact near Muswell- brook was noted by Carne and Morrison, of the Geological 262 W. R. BROWNE. Survey, in 1914, and in the same year Professor David suggested, with hesitation, its continuity with the Elderslee: fault.82 In a paper by myself? this fault was shown to: extend northward beyond Wingen, and reasons were given for believing it to be of Tertiary age. Since that paper was written I have had the opportunity, under the guidance of Messrs. Morrison and Kenny, of the Geological Survey, of making a hurried examination of the section at Murrurundi, about 13 miles north of Wingen, which shows that the Wingen fault extends as far north as this point,. where it passes along the valley of the Page River. Further, the position of the basal conglomerates of the- Triassic Hawkesbury series at Murrurundi suggests very” strongly that the faulting post-dated their deposition, and. if Carne’s record of Triassic rocks on the slopes of Mt. Temi,’ well to the east of the Wingen fault, is correct,. then there is no doubt whatever of its post-Triassic age. The tentative correlation of the Wingen and Elderslee: fault-systems would appear to be confirmed by the work | of the Geological Survey and of Mr. G. D. Osborne now In progress, so that one may with a certain degree of confidence assign the Lachnagar fault to post-Triassic and probably to Tertiary times. Except in so far as it may be a much later expression of the same thrust from the east, the fault is thus quite unconnected with the folding of the strata, which, as Professor David has shown,3¢ was. complete before the deposition of the Hawkesbury Series. At Parkville, Wingen and Murrurundi my isolated ob-- servations led me to the belief that the fault was probably a normal one, and hence I was rather disposed to regard the Lachnagar fault as being of the same type. However, for reasons already given, it seems evident that such is not: the case. THE GEOLOGY OF THE GOSFORTH DISTRICT. 263 PALAEOGEOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGICAL HISTORY. Owing to the absence of any considerable exposure of basement rocks it is impossible entirely to reconstruct the physical geography of this region as it appeared in Kuttung times. The only pre-Kuttung formation revealed in the district, and indeed for a great many miles around, is the granodiorite outcropping at the base of Winder’s Hill and at a few spots across the river. Of its exact geological age we know nothing, but it formed part of the land-mass over which the Kuttung lavas were outpoured and on which were laid down the glacial and aqueo-glacial deposits from the Kuttung ice-sheets. ? Part, at least, of this region was dry land at the time when the Burindi sea covered much of the country beyond Seaham and Clarencetown, and it is indeed possible that the granodiorite was laid bare by subaérial erosion during Burindi times. In this connection it is interesting to recall that similar remnants of an old granodiorite floor underlie the Kuttung lavas of Mount Bright, near Pokolbin, 16 miles away to the south-west. ™ For some reason the part of the old land-surface near Winder’s Hill remained uncovered by lavas and other deposits, and it was not until near the time of commence- ment of the so-called glacial stage that the granodiorite began to disappear under volcanic, glacial, and aqueo- glacial deposits. It may have been that this particular part was of too high relief to be buried earlier, or that what had been highlands at the beginning had been gradu- ally depressed or eroded, or again that the Winder’s Hill area was beyond the geographical limits of the voleanic activity during the extrusion of the lavas and tuffs of the voleanic stage. No actual foci of eruption have been discovered, but the absence of lava at Winder’s Hill and the relative 264 W. R. BROWNE. insignificance of the flows in the Jacobs’ Hills division make it probable that the centres of most prolifie and sustained volcanic activity were away to the east and north, possibly outside the confines of the area being con- sidered. Of course there is abundance of pyroclastic material, and some of this is so coarse as to indicate the proximity of voleanoes; still, much of the tuff bears evidence of sub-aqueous deposition, and may have come originally from a distance. It is evident that glacial action and voleanie activity were synchronous, and much of the volcanic ash was certainly borne along by the glacial streams and deposited with true aqueo-glacial material, while occasionally lava- flows were poured out over the aqueo-glacial accumulations: doubtless, too, showers of voleanic ash and dust fell into the lakes in which the varve-clays were being deposited, for we find tuff and varve-rock closely associated. The region was the scene of the advance and retreat of ice-sheets, and evidences of the passage of land-ice occur in a number of places. In the vicinity of the village of Gosforth there are the tillite resting on the granodiorite at Winder’s Hull and the bluish tillite outcropping on the Maitland road less than a mile south-east from the Hills- borough Bridge: this latter is close to the top of the glacial stage and immediately under the topmost varve-shales. On the other side of the Lochnagar fault is the tillite at the back of Drinan’s Mount, probably slightly higher than the Winder’s Hill horizon; then, much further up in the sequence, is the striated pavement on the plateau, with its thin veneer of tillite, and lastly down along Helah Creek and near Kelah House just under the topmost varve-shales are deposits of tilliite which are possibly to be correlated with the similarly placed occurrences at Gosforth and with that of the plateau. THE GEOLOGY OF THE GOSFORTH DISTRICT. 265 Thus there are evidences of at least two transgressions -of land-ice during the currency of the glacial conditions. Retreat of glaciers is indicated by the aqueo-glacial conglomerates, representing probably outwash-gravels, and by the varve-shales resulting from deposition in lakes at -a distance from the ice-front. Where, therefore, varve-rock is superimposed on conglomerate, we have two successive ‘phases in the retreat; where varve-rock or conglomerate occurs without underlying tillite, the indications are of a re-advance of the ice-sheet, but not quite to the spot marked by the outcrops, and its subsequent retreat. Events of this kind are denoted by the numerous separate horizons of varve-shale shown in the Winder’s Hill- Lochinvar section and in sections across the Jacob’s Hills division. An interesting but difficult problem is that of the direction from which the ice came. Evidence in regard to such matters is usually derived: (a) from the grooving in the ice-striated pavements, and (b) from the boulders contained in the glacial and aqueo-glacial deposits. The only striated pavement available in the present instance is the small patch on the plateau, the scratches on which indicate that the land-ice was moving in a direction N. 15° W., but the value of this observation is limited, since it is not confirmed by other similar observations elsewhere ; it implies merely that the ice-sheet which moved over the toscanite was going in the direction stated at this one particular spot. The evidence of the boulders in the tillites and conglom- erates is equally inconclusive. The granite of the pebbles is similar to that composing the base of Winder’s Hill and ‘to that at Mt. Bright, and the pink aplite is doubtless co- magmatic with it, but this only indicates a former wide -extension of the granodiorite highlands in some direction 266 W. R. BROWNE. unknown. No rock-mass closely resembling the quartz- porphyry of the pebbles is known: it is an orthoclase-- beating rock, and different in appearance and constitution from any of the known Kuttung lavas. The felsites, and. the few andesites that have been found among the pebbles,. may well have been of local derivation, and the quartzites. may have come from anywhere. The only significant feature, apparently, about the conglomerates is the per- sistence of granitic pebbles in them through a very big vertical range, indicating that the ice was coming from the same gathering-ground most of the time. The high- lands which formed this gathering-ground were most pro-. bably situated to the south or south-east or south-west; at all events they are not likely to have been to the north or north-east, since in those directions for a long distance. there must have extended the sediments originally deposited in the Burindi sea, at this time, it is true, con- verted into dry land, but of low relief and itself in process of being buried beneath Kuttung deposits. The highlands. must have had considerable elevation in the first instance, or else must have been stable or rising whilst the Gosforth of Kuttung times was slowly sinking: their superior elevation was maintained during the deposition of more than 7000. feet of strata, or, to put it another way, they stood, at the end of Kuttung times, at a height of more than 7000 feet above what had been the early Kuttung land-surface. _ During the piling up of the thousands of feet of volcanic- and glacial material slow subsidence was taking place, and some of the lakes formed were of considerable extent and permanence, as may be inferred from the thickness of some of the lake-deposits and the continuity of outcrop of others, as well as from the presence of considerable. plant-material. The sinking was greatest along a north- and-south axis, and accordingly for the glacial stage we. THE GEOLOGY OF THE GOSFORTH DISTRICT. 26% find the greatest thickness of water-laid sediment, including tuff, from Winder’s Hill southward, and in the Drinan’s Mount division a thickening of the strata of the glacial stage from Eelah northward. The sagging at the close of the voleanic stage was so pronounced as to produce an unconformity in places between the rocks of the glacial stage and the lavas on which they were laid. After the close of the Kuttung period the sinking con- tinued, but with the abatement of volcanic activity and the retreat of the glaciers causing a diminution in the rate of sedimentation, the terrestrial eventually gave place to marine conditions.* The principal sagging was still along a sub-meridional axis, as indicated by the fact that the Lochinvar shales, when traced from their most southerly exposure to the north-east and north-west, are found to be overlapped by later sediments. As was to be expected, this axis of greatest depression became later on the axis of greatest elevation when the folding of the region began in late Permo-Carboniferous times, and what had been the Lochinvar basin became the Lochinvar dome. Voleanic action continued right up to the end of the Kuttung period; during the later stages the ejected material was mostly fragmental, the only important flow being that of the toscanite on the plateau, although to the west and south a number of minor flows occurred. Even after the Kuttung strata were buried beneath the sea, voleanic activity was maintained, for acid tuffs and basalt flows are found among the earliest of the marine deposits. During the Permo-Carboniferous period the slow and gradual sinking of the area was interrupted for a time by elevation during the deposition of the Greta coal- *TIt may be also that the transgression of the sea was due in part to melting of the ice-sheets and the consequent rise in sea-level following on a general amelioration of climate. 268 W. R. BROWNE. measures, which, as mentioned above, are overlapped near Paterson, but with this exception there was a general movement of subsidence until the close of Upper Marine sedimentation. Then a marked change in the local tectonic conditions took place, the gradual subsidence being suc- ceeded by the folding of the strata into a great irregular dome. It seems probable that there was no deposition of Upper coal-measures here and that the area existed as high- land country suffering erosion and supplying material for the sediments of the Newcastle coal-measures and later on possibly for the Triassic sandstones of the Narrabeen and Hawkesbury stages. In Tertiary times came the great overthrusting move- ment of the Lachnagar fault and the erosion of the up- thrust side, the faulting movement being so gradual and erosion so effective that the close of the Tertiary period saw the whole surface reduced to a peneplain level. The subsequent geological history is really that of the present physiography, and is dealt with below. PHYSIOGRAPHY. In order to get this region in its proper physiographic ‘setting one must go a long way off. From the top of a hill about three miles along the road from Branxton to the Elderslee Bridge, one can see in the distance, over to the east, the Jacob’s Hills, Hudson’s Peak, and the long scarp that extends north from Eelah to Drinan’s Mount and thence in a general N.N.W. direction to Lamb’s Valley. The eye then travels along the rampart of hills rising abruptly almost from the water’s edge to the north of the Hunter, forming Durham Peak and other eminences which really constitute the dissected southern edge of an elevated area extending westward from Lamb’s Valley, and bounded to the west by the low ridges of which Brooks’ THE GEOLOGY OF THE GOSFORTH DISTRICT. 269° Mount forms the highest point. A further examination reveals that all this country is a great plateau, rising to: 1530 feet above sea-level at Mount Tangorin, and to a maximum of about 1100 feet on the bare hill north of Bell’s farm, in which Lamb’s Valley and the broad Hunter Valley, here some 15 miles wide, have been cut, and that the elevations of Hudson’s Peak, Winder’s Hill and the Jacob’s, Hills are remnants which, while composed of more resistant rocks than the softer Permo-Carboniferous sedi- ments of the lowlands, have, through faulting or the presence of weaker strata, yielded to the forces of erosion. and been partially or wholly isolated from the highlands. The original peneplain, before elevation into a plateau and dissection, was probably continuous with the Hawkes- bury sandstone country of the Broken Back Range and other highlands to the south and south-west, but since its elevation with a tilt to the east and south, presumably during the Kosciusko uplift at the close of Tertiary time, erosion has been extremely active. As pointed out by Taylor,” the rapid excavation of the broad Hunter Valley, which here might almost be considered a peneplain, has been favoured by the weak and unresistant nature of the Permo-Carboniferous sediments of which the valley is composed, while even among the harder Carboniferous. rocks, weaker strata have been discovered and old fault- planes sought out, so that the dissection for the most part is quite advanced. Where, however, the tributary creeks head up among the harder rocks, they show the character- istics of youth, with steep gradients and even hanging valleys and intermittent waterfalls. The edge of the plateau, from the eastern side of Lamb’s Valley to some distance south of Drinan’s Mount, forms the watershed between the basins of the Hunter and Paterson Rivers, and the tributaries of the latter have eut 270 W. R. BROWNE. almost right back to the edge of the scarp, erosion being aided by the general easterly dip of the strata, so that here the divide is very sharply marked indeed. The general course of the Lower Hunter River is charac- terised by much meandering, such as one would expect in a mature or old stream, but the details of its windings are not always amenable to interpretation. ‘T'o the north of Branxton it is flowing east, its course evidently determined by the hard Kuttung lavas and conglomerates on its left bank, which have been brought against the soft Permo- Carboniferous strata by the Lachnagar fault. From the point of entry of Lamb’s Creek the river turns south, almost along the junction between the Permo-Carboniferous and Kuttung strata, both dipping west. Doubtless the meridional strike of the Ravensfield sandstone further south has helped to confine the river to a more or less ‘southerly course. Further downstream the river curves to the south-east, but instead of continuing across the low country in a general easterly direction, it suddenly, about 14 miles west of Lochinvar, swings round to the north-east, leaves the soft Permo-Carboniferous rocks and takes a tortuous course across the hard Kuttung tuffs and con- glomerates (see Plate X XI). This transgression is particu- larly noticeable where the river passes between Winder’s Hill and South Jacob’s Hill, which rise about 530 feet and 630 feet respectively above it. Sweeping round to the north in sympathy with the curving strike of the rocks, the river is brought up against the hard Kuttung lavas forming Hud- son’s Peak and the Rosebrook ridge and is diverted south- wards, its course here being related once again to some ex- tent to the Lachnagar fault and possibly to the Rosebrook fault as well. Except for a short distance near Kelah House, where it has cut across the strike, the river does not again eome into contact with Carboniferous rocks during its course to the sea. THE GEOLOGY OF THE GOSFORTH DISTRICT. 271 This peculiar behaviour of the Hunter is obviously in ‘part related to differences in the erosional resistance of the strata through which its present course les, which did not operate during some previous stage of the river’s history. Having regard to the late mature or senile nature of the valley both upstream and downstream, that part of the river between the Windermere Crossing and Hills- borough Bridge must be looked upon as a rather mature entrenched meander, and this suggests the course of evolu- tion possibly followed by the river as a whole. At or near the close of the Tertiary Era the old Tertiary peneplain was uplifted with a tilt towards the south and east, and to a height, in the region under consideration, of about 300 feet. Prolonged crustal stability enabled a consequent or rejuvenated Hunter River to erode rapidly through the soft Permo-Carboniferous strata a broad valley, which may have been comparable in width with that of the present day. At this time the present Jacob’s Hills and Winder’s Hill were beneath the floor of that valley, being covered by the softer top layers of Kuttung rocks, and even possibly by the basal Permo-Carboniferous strata. At all events the river in its meanderings over its valley-floor followed substantially its present serpentine course, but among stratigraphically higher rocks. Although at this time the differences in hardness of the rocks had not revealed themselves, the level valley-floor was really under- lain by a very heterogeneous series of strata, partly of soft Permo-Carboniferous shales, sandstones, etec., partly of hard Kuttung conglomerates, tuffs and lavas, and the present river may therefore in some degree be regarded as a superimposed stream. A further uplift of over 500 feet caused the meandering stream to become entrenched, but whereas elsewhere it was soon able to bring its new valley to a state of maturity, in 272 W. R. BROWNE. the Gosforth region its downward cutting exposed the hard Kuttung rocks below, the erosion of which could not keep pace with that of the softer rocks elsewhere. Nevertheless, mature dissection of the Kuttung rocks was accomplished, and fairly extensive flood-plains were accumulated during Pleistocene times. A series of subsequent small uplifts again entrenched the river, as indicated by the alluvial terraces, relics of the former flood-plains, which are found up to a maximum elevation of 120 feet above the present stream-level. The first of these minor uplifts was probably the greatest, causing the river to cut down through its gravelly alluvium and into bed-rock once more: much silt was thereafter accumulated, which during subsequent small uplifts was cut into successive terraces by the river, and these are now being very slowly dissected by gullies. Consideration of the fact that at Gosforth the Hunter has become entrenched against the northern wall of its valley, and has been a fixture in its present course while cutting through a vertical distance of over 600 feet, prompts the reflection that the great expanse of what is known as the Hunter valley—some 16 or 18 miles wide— between Hudson’s Peak and the Broken Back Range, has been cut down to its present level, not by the Hunter itself but by its minor tributaries, such as Black Creek, Swamp Creek and others. However much the main stream may have wandered elsewhere over its broad valley-floor before the uplift which entrenched it, once it started to cut down into the harder Carboniferous rocks about Gosforth and Hillsborough, its wanderings were over so far as that part of its course was concerned, and the flat country to the south, which is now 400 or 500 feet below Winder’s Hill and Jacob’s Hills, must owe its inferior elevation to THE GEOLOGY OF THE GOSFORTH DISTRICT. 273 the activity of the smaller tributary-streams which inter-. sect it. Of the local tributaries to the Hunter a number have their courses across the strike of the hard voleanic rocks. The most important of these is Lamb’s Creek, flowing south in a valley which is broad and typically mature where it is carved out of the tuffs and conglomerates of the glacial stage, but contracts very considerably downstream where the creek encounters the harder lavas of the voleanic stage. Indeed from a distance the outlet of the valley to the south appears to be blocked by hills and the open valley seems to swing round to the south- east, but this is really the valley of a subsequent tributary which has sought out the junction between volcanic and glacial stages and as a result joins the parent stream with a marked boat-hook bend. Lamb’s Creek is a very obvious misfit, and must formerly have been quite an imposing stream before a dwindling rainfall caused it to shrink to its present insignificant proportions. The cross-section of the valley above the bridge is very strikingly U-shaped, this being due to the presence of the layer of hard toscanite and conglomerate capping the plateau, underlain by the softer strata of the lower part of the glacial stage. Another locally-important tributary of the Hunter is Kilfoyle’s Creek, which, draining the country west and north of Drinan’s Mount, cuts obliquely across the volcanic rocks and, emerging from them to the north of Hudson’s Peak, flows westward parallel to the road, being joined on the way by a number of small subsequent tributaries from the south, and finally enters Lamb’s Creek near its Junction with the Hunter. eal . The course of Kilfoyle’s Creek is very evidently deter- ,mined partly by the Kilfoyle’s Creek fault, and partly R—November 38, 1926 274 W. R. BROWNE. too, near its mouth, by the Lachnagar fault, which is res- ponsible for the curious boat-hook bend or barbed junction which the creek makes with the Hunter: the courses of the creek and the Hunter River are practically collinear, the one flowing from the east, the other from the west. Whether Lamb’s Creek flows along a line of weakness I cannot say with certainty ; if its course has not been deter- mined by a fault, then it probably illustrates the tendency for maximum river-erosion to take place along the crest of an anticline. The two creeks just mentioned have in places ceased from vertical cutting and have aggraded their valley-floors with fine-textured, fertile alluvium. Among the smaller streams there are numerous examples of adjustment to geologica] structures. Genvrally the course of the stream hes along a relatively soft horizon: Eelah Creek is a case in point, marking as it does the junction between Kuttung beds and Lochinvar shale. But fault-planes have likewise been eroded into creek-beds, and it is quite possible that some of the little steeply-graded gullies which cut through the lavas may mark the courses of small faults or joint-planes. The dissection of the succession of dipping beds of varying hardness by an abundance of small subsequent streams has resulted in the formation of many dip-ridges or cuestas and valley-divides. Hudson’s Peak and the Jacob’s Hills ridge are typical of the former, while of the latter the low saddle between Hudson’s Peak and Drinan’s Mount and the depression behind Drinan’s Mount are only two out of very many examples. Very fine views displaying the broad features of the physiography are to be seen from the various eminences in the district. From Hudson’s Peak and South Jacob’s THE GEOLOGY OF THE GOSFORTH DISTRICT. 275 Hill, for example, to the north-west one may note the high Kuttung hills of the Stanhope area, truncated by the Lachnagar fault, and giving abruptly on to the plain eroded by the Hunter right up to the fault-plane. In contrast to this, from an eminence behind Drinan’s Mount one may look over to the east towards Seaham and observe that the Kuttung highlands are lower than at Drinan’s, emphasising the eastward tilt of the land, and that the slope by which they merge into the broad valley is a gentle one, being due not to any dislocation, but to the southerly pitch of the folded Kuttung strata carrying them under the Permo-Carboniferous sediments in which the river-valley has been cut. The most casual inspection and the most detailed exami- nation of the physiography of this region alike impress one with the very close dependence of surface-features on geological structures, and it would be difficult indeed to find an area where this great truth is more strikingly and convincingly demonstrated. One minor but interesting physiographic feature calls for mention. At Gosforth itself and along the Maitland road may be seen a number of elongated lagoons, more or less permanent, some 20 or 25 feet above the river-level: these sheets of water occur in the fiat alluviated lower portions of creek-valleys, and are separated effectually from the river by alluvial barriers breached in places by outlet gullies. It is considered that these lagoons have been formed by the creeks gradually damming themselves in the course of time. These have their greatest flow, indeed practically their only flow, during flood-rains, which is just the time when the river is highest, and so the current of the tributary creek is slackened and deposition of the transported silt occurs, well back from the normal river- channel. Thus a silt-bank is gradually built up, which _ 276 _ W. RB. BROWNE. forms a dam to the creek, the base-level of erosion of which is to all intents the flood-level of the river. The silt-bank deposited during a high flood would be breached by the ereek during a subsequent flood of smaller dimensions. Another minor phenomenon of frequent occurrence is that of a type of sub-surface drainage. On the gentle slopes near creeks there are to be seen holes, up to about a foot in diameter, opening into underground tunnels which lead down towards the creek-beds. In times of heavy rain these tunnels are water-channels and at the lower end of them sometimes the water may be seen spout- ing through a small vertical aperture owing to the hydraulic pressure behind it. These tunnels are excavated in the subsoil, between the solid rock underneath and the soil on top, and when erosion has enlarged them sufficiently the roof collapses and an ordinary open gully ensues. Aurousseau'3 has described a’ very similar phenomenon occurring along the Darling Range in Western Australia, and he attributes it to cracks forming during the hot, dry summer in the subsoil but not in the soil. During the wet season these cracks form channels for the water and are gradually enlarged into tunnels. The same explanation very possibly applies in the present case, but it seems not unlikely that the tunnels. may also commence in rabbit-burrows and in the holes left by rotting tree-roots. The whole phenomenon is. ultimately related to the existence of a stiff fine-grained compact soil overlying a much less compacted subsoil, with the solid rock, the downward limit of percolation, not more than a couple of feet or so beneath. i 3 9 THE GEOLOGY OF THE GOSFORTH DISTRICT. 277 REFERENCES. 1Sussmitcu AND Davin: This Journal, 1919, 53, 246. 2QszorNE: Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 1922, 47, 161. 3 Davin: Geology of the Hunter River Coal Measures, Mem. Geol. Surv. N.S.W., 1907, No. 4. 3a Idem: p. 288: 3b pp. 282 and 334; 3c pp. 207, 2382, 281, etc: 3d pp. 838 and 339. 4 OsBoRNE AND BROWNE: Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 1921, 46, 259. 5 BROWNE AND Dun: This Journal, 1924, 58, 198. 6 AnprEws: This Journal, 1910, 44, 420. 7 OsBoRNE: This Journal, 1921, 45, 124. 8CaRNE AND Morrison: Ann. Rept. Dept. of Mines, N.S.W., 1914, 194. 8a Davip: B.A.A.S., N.S.W. Handbook, 1914, Chap. VI, 570. 9 Browne: This Journal, 1924, 58, 128. Io CarNE: Western Coalfield, Mem. Geol. Surv., N.S.W., No. 6, 55. 11 BROWNE AND WALKoM: This Journal, 1911, 44, 379. 12 Taytor: Correlation of Contour, Climate and Coal. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 1906, 31. 13 AUROUSSEAU: Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 1919, 44, 826. Ze G. H. KNIBBS. NOTE ON THE OCCURRENCE OF TRIPLETS AMONG MULTIPLE BIRTHS. By Sir GrorcEe H. Knipps, C.M.G., M.LI. de Stat., Hon. F.R.S.S., Hon. M.A.S.A., Hon. M.S.S. Hung., ete. (Read before the Royal Society of New South Wales, Nov. 3, 1926.) In the Journal of this Society I gave an analysis of Multiple Births (this Journ. 1925, 59, 128) and in this the solution for triplets was founded on the assumption, therein indicated, that triplets were never produced from a single ovum. Professor Corrado Gini, of the University of Rome, writing to me 20th August, 1926, says :— “A mon avis lanalyse que vous faites a pages 183 et 136 n’est pas exacte. Le défaut provient du fait que vous. admettre que les accouchements triples peuvent provenir seulement de deux ou de trois cufs. Au contraire il est bien certain qu’il y a aussi des accouchements triples qui. proviennent d’un ceuf seulement. Cela, malheureusement,. empéche de suivre la methode, d’ailleurs extrémement. ingénieuse, que vous avez adopté.” The question being of interest and importance, I submitted my reasons for the assumption to Professor W. E. Agar, F.p.s., of the University of Melbourne. From him I learn that the division into multiple embryos is now known to take place at a comparatively late stage of development, and is not a case of the separating of the 2, 4, 8, ete., cells of the first few divisions as was. once believed and as I had assumed. When a single ovum has developed as far as the blastocyst stage, the flat plate of cells, normally giving rise to a single embryo, produces a number radiating from the centre. Thus there appears to be no valid reason for assuming that a like process - OCCURRENCE OF TRIPLETS AMONG MULTIPLE BIRTHS. 279 does not occur in the human being, i.e., one similar to the case with the armadillo, one species of which regularly gives birth at one time to 6-9 young, all of the same sex and all enclosed in one chorion. The finding of several foetuses in one chorion, however, is not in itself decisive, Prof. Agar points out, since it is sometimes found, for example as in the ease of cattle, that two chorions may fuse. With cattle, twins are usually enclosed in a common chorion, for though the chorions start separately, they fuse later. Taking the same data for triplets as given on page 132 of the paper quoted, we have the following cases :— MMM MMF MEF FFF Total 343 390 399 361 1489 We have immediately masculinity over all :— — 0.0132 or 1 in 75.7 MMM-and FFE .... —0.0256 or 1. in 39.1 MMF and MFF .... —0.0021 or 1 in 471.0 Treating the masculinities as possibly differing in the several cases, and adopting the principles of solution indicated in my former paper, we have, by simple enumeration, for the several cases the following results, assuming only that the masculinity is symmetrically distributed :— Ova Cases MMM MMF MEF | Slee lie!) I Die rele E ip) —— ee z(1— ,) 2 ogy clory) yl re) yin) yoy) 3 Beaemon (lta A) ox( das) 3x Cl = 6) (1 =) Thus the unknowns are x, y, and z, and x, A, p, v, and €; the totals being from one ovum, 2z cases; from two ova, 4y cases; and from three ova, 8x cases. Distributed according to the sex-numbers these are :— 280 G. H. KNIBBS. (1) 202 MEME, |= oxatay ha sh yy a (2) 000) MMRY = oxy SP oxerye. = B (3)..... MEF = 3xty (—38xé—yxr = C (4) .... PRE = xtytz —x\A-yy- gm =D the values of the data in the case under review being A = 343; B = 390; C = 395; D = 361. The symmetry of the expressions is consistent with their legitimacy. From these, taking (1) and (4), and then (2) and (3), one sees that (5) Triovular cases = 8x = 42 + 2( B+ C) — 20 DD (6) Diovular cases = 4y =—6z273(A TD) — (BTC) (7) Uniovular cases = 2z = —8x—4y tAT+BtC+D; from which, however, no solutions are possible for the values of x, y and z, since the equations are not independent. If we assume that A = » = v, which the table for 1, 2 and 3 ova indicates as extremely probable, then from (1) and (4) we have (BF). ie sore oppo A x ae acai) Again, if we assume that x = &€ we have similarly from (2) and (3), (9). 22)... k= CB = ©) / Cx Ty), Further, if it could properly be assumed that « = p», then it would follow from (8) and (9) that (GOD ES RAR Osi’ DV Carat alae 74) == (Ba C)/ (ex tay It has to be noted, however, that these assumptions are invalidated by the figures themselves. Thus, assuming that 1 = =v and also that « = & we have from (1) and (4) by division, and from (2) and (38) by division, respectively, C11). Lp = AD) 7) Ae in the example —18 — 704 = — 0.0256 OCCURRENCE OF TRIPLETS AMONG MULTIPLE BIRTHS. 281 Mijn. x = (B-O)V(BrC); in the example —5 — 785 = —0.0064 If these values for » and « be adopted as probable, we still cannot find the values of x, y, and z, though their sum is 352.0, and that of 3x and y is 392.5, which gives (13) .... 2x—z = 40.5, and 2y + 3z = 663.5. This is, of course, the same as (9). If we assign an arbitrary value to z, then the values of x and y are deter- minable, but not otherwise. It would appear therefore that practically an analysis of the case of triplets into uniovular, diovular and triovular cases is impossible: if must be a matter of observation. It is not without interest to assign values to z, and then to note the consequence. The following table illustrates it. “Value of z 0 z Liveeke OR Sie teOees LOO SLs 0UK.s 38 ova 8x 162 1649 W166. oe 2U2e ese sae Ole 1 eOOls 2 ova DVM Oes, loZl aw cOlaetOUa odnte bakes. o le torn 1 ovum 22 0 . Di tne Ze aA! ace cOUw ae. 200. The case for z= 0 was that given in the former paper, see p. 1386. The masculinities » and « will both be minus, viz., A, wp, or v = —0.0256 and « or € = — 0.0127, and this would apply whatever value was assigned to z. To return to (10) based upon the assumption that k = ww: we should then have from (8) and (9), (14) .... 2 = 98x + 2.6y. By substituting this value in the sum of (1) and (4), and also in the sum of (2) and (8) the two equations give -y = 200.25 or 4y = 801. This would fit in the preceding table with z = 87.5, that is with the assumption that, in say 175 cases in 1489, triplets were formed from a single ovum. There is, I submit, however, no sufficient reason to regard it as probable. 282 G. H. KNIBBS. If we find the mean value of (17 ,)/(1—,») from (1) and (2) taken with (3) and (4), it is 0.9696; that is to say » = —0.0154. Eliminating the masculinity term from (1) and (4), we get A’ = 348.36; B= 396.10: C = 389.003.) aaraue the accented letters denoting the values of A to D so corrected. A’ should then be equal to D’, and B’ equal to C’. The above figures give a numerical idea of how far the assumption is from being a satisfactory one. If it be admissible at all, A’ and D’ may be taken as 351.94 and B’ and C’ as 392.56, the total being 1489 as before. Then we have x+y +z = 351.94 and 3x Ty = 392:06 2y + 3z = 663.26 and 2x —z = 40.62. The preceding table, based upon assumed values of gz, would then become as follows :— Value of z 0 0.5 a 10 87.9 S ova 162.48: 16448" (166457 202.48... .512.48 2 ova 1326.52 1323.52 1320.52 ~...1266,52 Sei ae 1 ovum 0 iI 2 20 175 These results, if expressed to the nearest whole number, are the same as before, and the values for z= 87.5 (to the nearest unit) are the same. Nevertheless they do not, I think, afford any sufficient warrant for believing that as many as 175 cases of triplets are produced from a single ovum in a total of 1489. It is worthy of remark that the femininity is véry high in these cases of triplets. GEOLOGY OF THE FLINDERS RANGE. 283: THE GEOLOGY OF THE FLINDERS ‘RANGE, SOUTH AUSTRALIA. IN THE NEIGHBOURHOOD OF WOOLTANA STATION. By W. G. WOOLNOUGH, D.Sc., F.G.S., Honorary Lecturer in Geology, University of Sydney. (With Plate XXL.) (Read before the Royal Society of New South Wales, Dec. 1, 1926.) Wocltana Station is situated at the foot of the imposing eastern escarpment of the Flinders Range, in Latitude 304 degrees South, Longtitude 1394 degrees East. For some distance to the south, and for over forty miles to the north, the range has an almost precipitous face, strikingly linear in direction, and running about N.N.E. and 8.8.W. Along the foot of the range there runs a narrow shelf of. foothills, composed, in part at least, of a high level terrace formed during a former high-water period in the history of the ancestral lake dwarfed, descendants of which are now represented by the shallow salt “‘lakes’’, of which Lakes Frome and Callabonna are the nearest. The origin: and structure of this terrace feature will be considered in detail in a later communication. Wooltana Homestead is situated on this shelf, and looks: out eastwards over extensive salt-bush plains falling very gradually and uniformly to the shores of Lake Frome, 20) miles distant. The continuity of the escarpment is unbroken for a dis- tanee of 40 miles to the north, where, at Moolawatana Station, it suddenly breaks off as the result of profound disturbance of the geological structure. Twelve miles south 284 W. G. WOOLNOUGH. of Wooltana, in the neighbourhood of Baleanoona Station, the continuity of the scarp is interrupted by a deep embayment, which, for convenience, may be referred to as the Baleanoona Embayment. This stretches westwards for about six miles to the mouth of Italowie Gorge, a most imposing scenic feature, whence the drainage of a large mountainous area to the west issues through a narrow defile. In the immediate neighbourhood of Wooltana the range, for a distance of several miles is actually a steep, narrow rampart of hills, rising to heights of upwards of 1000 feet above the plains to the east. This rampart may be termed the Nepouie Rampart, from the name of the extremely sharp peak which is its most conspicuous feature. Behind this rampart, and extending for at least 15 miles from north to south, and for at least three or four miles from east to west, is a low, comparatively smooth valley which may be referred to as the Mulyallina Valley. As will be seen later, the Nepouie Rampart is due to the very strong development of the Sturtian Glacial Beds, while the Mul- yallina Valley has been caused by a wide extension of very weak, friable argillaceous rocks belonging to the Tapley’s Hill Slates, and to the overlying Brighton Beds. Such a combination of land forms is not at all common in the Flinders Range, which is essentially a well-dissected up- lifted peneplain. The linear escarpment of the eastern side of the Flinders Range is undoubtedly due to a very heavy fault throwing in the direction of the lacustrine trough to the east. The almost equally striking feature caused by the western escarpment of the Nepouie Rampart is entirely due to differential weathering. The chief elements in the geological structure of the area may be summarised as follows :— GEOLOGY OF THE FLINDERS RANGE. 285» Lacustrine saliferous loams Recent. Older lacustrine, fluviatile and Probably Pleistocene. aeolian deposits . Silicified Hill—eappings (very Winton Beds (Miocene?); limited in distribution) Moolawatana Glacials (?) Upper Cretaceous. Scale = GEQLOGICAL SKET MAP OF WOOLTANA L~= ICainozoic and Mesozoic. [-=]Supra-Brighton Beds Brighton Limestones E—_JBrighton Shales, etc. E=Tapleys Hill Slates, L& JSturtian Glacials. [<= ]Woolfana Volcanics. 2 PS2"]Sub-glacial Sediments. dNepoue Peak Figure 1.—General geological sketch map of part of the Flinders Ranges, South Australia, in the neighbourhood of Wooltana Station. 286 W. G. WOOLNOUGH. Brighton Beds (shales, dolo- mites and (?) desert beds) | Tapley’s Hill Slates | Proterozoic. Sturtian Glacial Beds f Voleanic Series | Sub-elacial Sediments The Archaeozoic gneisses and schists with their copper -and radium deposits, which are very strongly developed a very short distance to the north, and which constitute almost the whole of the north-eastern portion of the range, are not met with in the actual area considered. Mount Painter, the chief centre _of the.radium mining, isonly some 16 miles north of Wooltana. Sub-Glacial Sediments. The oldest rocks seen are not at the actual base of the Proterozoic Group, but disappear beneath the lacustrine beds of the foothills and plains. No doubt the basal beds, resting upon the erystalline schists of the Archaeozoic formation will be found later between Wooltana and Mount Painter. The lowest rocks in the sequence, within the limits in- vestigated, are those occurring near the mouth of a deep gully about 600 yards north of the Homestead. At this point there is a steep bank showing a regular succession of sediments, dipping in a westerly direction at about 20 degrees. They consist of sandy calcareous beds with thin purplish sandstones and shales. The sandstones are beautifully ripple-marked. Following the section up the gully the higher beds are found to be gently folded. Whilst most of the dips are in a general westerly direction, inclinations to the east of as much as 15 degrees are encountered. Interbedded amongst the clastic sediments, and becoming progressively more and more abundant in the upper parts GEOLOGY OF THE FLINDERS RANGE, 287 of the section, are bands of cream-coloured to white, dense to crystalline dolomite. These dolomites attain their max- imum development in the gully to the north of that referred to above, at a point about 1300 yards N.W. by W. of the Homestead. It is probable that they become even more strongly marked still further to the north. Moolawatana ‘Glacial Beds ? Homestead (0) Shearing Shed OO 4-00 500 Scale. Yards eee as Figure 2.—Detailed map showing the distribution of geological features in the immediate neighbourhood of Wooltana Homestead, Flinders Ranges, South Australia. Numbers in brackets, thus (750), indicate heights, in feet, -above the homestead. 288 W. G. WOOLNOUGH. Another very solid outcrop of similar dolomite occurs. immediately to the south of the Homestead. Between these two points the continuity of the sub-glacial sediments. is interrupted by the intercalation of the volcanic series (described below). While this vuleanicity may account for the great irregularity in the development of the dolo- mites, there is a very strong suggestion that, independent of such interference, the latter formed small isolated reef patches upon a shallow sandy bottom. At a point 900 yards N.W. of the Homestead there is a spur capped by intensely hard conglomerate a few feet thick, overlain conformably by thin argillaceous limestones which are separated by thin bands of ripple-marked sandy shales. Both conglomerate and limestone are strongly silicified. In the limestone the action is not uniform; but spreads irregularly from numerous centres. In compari- son with the glacial conglomerate (see below) this con- glomerate possesses very highly distinctive characters. It is very strongly indurated, and, in fracturing, it breaks indifferently across matrix and pebbles. The latter include a large number of red jasper fragments, but there is a very conspicuous absence of quartz porphyries of the Gawler Range type. At the locality under consideration, this conglomerate, with its associated limestones and shales, immediately un- derlies the Sturtian Glacial Beds. Further to the north similar conglomerates are much more strongly developed, and are separated from the glacial beds by a thickness of not less than 200 to 300 feet of dolomite (see above). This rapid variation in the thickness and disposition of in- dividual beds produces a complicated lenticular structure, demanding far more detailed field investigation for its complete elucidation than I was in a position to carry out. It is obvious that conditions of deposition were in a ‘state = GEOLOGY OF THE FLINDERS RANGE. 289: of rapid flux, and that the geographical environment was markedly unstable. Just below the conglomerate there is a very curious quartz intrusion. This is not a regular reef, but is in the form of an isolated knot of reef-quartz associated with car- bonates. Its ground plan is like a figure 8, the long axis, about 60 feet lying north and south. The shorter diameter is about 18 feet. Around the main mass are several small Geological Section from Ammonia Mine to Wooltana, S.A W.N.W. 2 ESE [~= Lainozoie and Mesozoic Brichton 5 Shales, efc. Sua Volcanics [-Supra-Brighton Beds E=Tapleys Hill Slates [22 fSubglacial Sediments E54 Brighton Limestones| & [Sturtian Glacials [EF larcheozoic Scale vertical and horizontal. 2... 29° Feet. Figure 3.—Geological section across the escarpment of the Flinders Ranges, at Wooltana, South Australia. satellites of similar material. From the marked similarity in mineral composition between this and the central portion of the dyke described below it is almost certain that this knot of quartz was produced during a late stage of the volcanic activity. Immediately to the west of the Homestead, the lower beds of the sub-glacial series are replaced by lavas and tuffs; but, as the eruption waned in intensity, normal sedi- mentation was resumed, and the tuffaceous strata, im- S—December 1, 1926. 2990 W. G. WOOLNOUGH. mediately underlying the Sturtian Glacials, exhibit local development of dolomites. Volcanic Series. Voleanic rocks so old as Proterozoic are not very common in Australia, and when the structure is clearly that of a small local centre of eruption the feature possesses particu- lar interest. The voleanic rocks occupy an elliptical area, ap- proximately 1200 yards long by 400 yards wide, im- mediately behind (west of) the Homestead. The lateral measurement given is somewhat arbitrary, since the grada- tion from volcanic deposits to normal marine sediments is very gradual. The long axis of the exposure trends about E.N.E. and W.S.W. It is completely surrounded by sedi- ments of the sub-glacial stage except on the east, where the latter are thinly covered by the lake-terrace material. In the gullies bounding the spur upon which the Homestead stands the sub-glacial sediments are clearly visible. Three hundred and fifty yards W.N.W. of the house there is a conspicuous rocky knoll composed of lavas and tuffs, intersected by a complex of dykes. The general aspect of the lavas under the microscope is spilitic; but they are considerably altered. One, casually examined in hand-specimen, appears to be an amygdaloidal rock, with steam holes filled with stilbite. (Plate XXII, Fig.1.) Under the microscope, however, the ‘‘amygdules’’ are found to be actually xenoliths of orthoclase and quartz, fragments of a fairly coarse-textured orthoclase pegmatite. These xenoliths are very strongly corroded by the magma, deeply embayed, and surrounded by dense and dark-coloured reaction rims. The declivity to the west of the knoll is formed of purplish tuffaceous beds, with occasional bombs (?). GEOLOGY OF THE FLINDERS RANGE. 291 ‘Similar purple tuffs are met with to the south-west of the knoll. They are mostly fine in texture, dip gently and uniformly in a westerly direction, and contain scattered boulders of rock, similar in general characteristics to the lavas of the voleano occurring im situ. The fine textured rocks are certainly tuffs; and some, at least, of the boulders are strongly suggestive of voleanic bombs. The possibility of some of them being glacially rafted errati¢s must be borne in mind. Interstratified with the fine tuffs are bands of coarser lapilli. Towards the south, lapilli and ash become more and more interstratified with thin dolomite bands, until, at a point some 450 yards south-west of the Homestead, we meet with massive reefs of this material, building up the bulk of the hill at this point. Seven hundred and fifty yards W.S.W. of the Home- stead the tuffaceous shales, with scattered rounded boulders up to eight inches in diameter, rest upon a very coarse con- glomerate, which, in turn, is underlain by the dolomitic marine sediments. Here, the voleanic rocks dip in a north- westerly direction at low angles, and contain bands of heavy, fine-grained material, strongly epidotised. Eight hundred yards from the house, on a bearing of 245° (magnetic), there is a very interesting section. At this point is seen the sudden termination of an amygda- loidal lava flow. It seems certain that this was a submarine flow, on account of its very confused interbedding with the associated tuffs, and the very strong suggestion of pillow structure which it exhibits. The spilitic aspect of the rock under the microscope bears this out. The ‘‘pillows’’ are finer in texture towards their peripheries and coarser towards their centres, and are internally fractured in radial directions. 292 W. G. WOOLNOUGH. Still further to the south-west, about 1000 yards from: the Homestead, and 200 yards east of the Trigonometrical Survey Point, beds of vesicular melaphyre, associated. with incoherent greyish tuffs containing vesicular bombs,. dip at moderate angles towards the north-west. This series is traversed by a nearly vertical dyke, some ten feet wide, of dark amygdaloidal melaphyre, with chloritic amygdules. The central core of this dyke is occupied by a sheeted vein of calcite and quartz, containing abundant copper carbon- ate and micaceous haematite (compare the quartz knot described above, page 289). Passing upwards, the character of the rock alters some- what rapidly. While still notably tuffaceous, the propor- tion of material of volcanic origin decreases, and that of ordinary sediment increases, until, at the Trig. Station, the formation consists of very massive flesh-coloured to choco- late-brown tuffaceous cherts. These are superficially stained, sometimes very strongly, with black manganese oxide, and contain sporadic, well-rounded pebbles of pinkish quartzite up to six inches diameter. In the neighbourhood of the Trig. Station there is no recurrence of dolomite formation between the top of the volcanic phase and the base of the glacial beds, such as occurs a little further towards the north. The investiga- tion could not be carried further south than the Trig. Station on this side of the range, so that the southern limits of the voleano cannot be drawn with certainty. From the above description it will appear that the vol- canic action was merely an episode in the deposition of the sub-glacial sediments. Downwards, upwards and laterally the fragmental voleanic material grades into the normal sediment; the gradation, as we might expect, being much more insensible upwards than downwards. None of the GEOLOGY OF THE FLINDERS RANGE. 293 facts recorded are incompatible with the supposition that the eruption was mainly submarine, or at all events, sub- aqueous. Locally it interrupted the growth of the dolomite reefs; but these probably continued to form freely away from the actual centre of eruption. Reef building con- ditions continued to exist throughout the whole of the vol- caniec period, and re-asserted themselves whenever and wherever the opportunity presented itself. Taken in con- junction with the evidences of shallow water conditions amongst the sediments, the occurrence of strong conglomer- _ates associated with the tuffs to the south-west of the Home- stead suggests occasional and local emergence of the sea bottom and parts of the volcanic cone above sea level. Sturtian Glacial Beds. Much of the most conspicuous and outstanding geological feature of the area is the enormous development of the Sturtian Glacial Beds. These rocks form the main back- ‘bone of the Nepouie Rampart, and of the main portion ‘of the range for some distance to the north. Within the area affected by the volcano it is very diffi- cult to ascertain at exactly what horizon the glaciation ‘commenced. Scattered boulders of large size are quite frequent throughout a considerable thickness of beds; but it would take much more prolonged and exhaustive ex- amination than I was in a position to give before it would be possible to distinguish with certainty which of these are glacial erratics, and which are voleanic bombs. Throughout the whole of what have been called above the ‘‘sub-glacial sediments,’’ occasional intensely rounded pebbles hke cricket balls, about 3 inches in diameter, scat- tered through the finer sediment, indicate some rather -abnormal means of transportation. The pebbles must have been ‘“‘rafted’’ in, and not simply brought by ordinary 294 W. G. WOOLNOUGH. water currents. Owing to the great age of the formation, floating timber is excluded as a possible means of trans- port. Since ice was undoubtedly active at a somewhat later stage, it seems not unreasonable to invoke its aid in explaining the presence of such erratic boulders. Immediately above the conglomerate 900 yards north- west of the Homestead (see above, page 288), the results of ice-rafting on a considerable scale are clearly discernible. A little to the north, embedded in a dense grey quartzite, there are the remains of an enormous erratic of white vit- reous quartzite. While it is now much shattered by insola- tion, it must originally have measured not less than 9 feet in diameter. The grey quartzite, which is extremely local in development, rests upon a thin breccia composed of siliceous limestone. On the hill immediately to the south (where the silicified conglomerate and limestone are: typically developed), this breccia bed is strongly in evidence, and is followed by a sandstone in which quartzite erratics up to 3 feet 6 inches long are abundant. With these quartzite fragments a piece of porphyry 8 inches in diameter of the Gawler Range type was found. As has been pointed out above, this highly characteristic rock type is conspicuous by its absence from the subjacent siliceous. conglomerate. Whatever may be the origin of the sporadic ‘‘cricket ball’’ boulders in the lower sediments, this brecciated bed may be taken to mark the onset of the intense phase of the Sturtian glaciation at this point. In this earliest stage the: deposits seem to have been produced by floating ice; but: the main body of the Sturtian Glacials were certainly due: to land ice. Apparently the water remained somewhat deeper in the neighbourhood of the Trig. Station, further to the south, for the passage from the tuffaceous sediments, with occasional boulders, to the normal boulder clay is. GEOLOGY OF THE FLINDERS RANGE. 295 much more gradual at that point; and there does not seem to be any development of the siliceous conglomerate and limestone, nor of the breccia. Once fairly inaugurated, the giaciation became very in- tense, and thoroughly typical boulder clay was built up to a thickness of not less than 600 feet. The main range exhibits a precipitous face of this height, in which the enormous erraties, embedded in the familiar type of matrix can readily be seen with the naked eye, even from considerable distances. No systematic census of rock types represented amongst the erratics could be attempted. Much the most abundant material is quartzite, followed by granites, gneisses and schists, and by very frequent examples of the handsome quartz porphyries of the Gawler Range type. The largest erratic actually measured was the white quartzite boulder (9 feet diameter) referred to above; but others of still larger dimensions ean be seen in the cliff face. The great majority of the erraties are well rounded and waterworn. Even many of these, however, show very distinct faceting. Such individuals were probably origin- ally well striated, but have had all traces of the scratching worn off by subsequent fluviatile action. There are very numerous exceptions to the rule of perfect rounding, and perfectly angular boulders are met with frequently. So very decidedly glacial is the general aspect of the formation that quite a considerable time was spent in searching for definitely striated stones. This search was amply rewarded, and many beautiful examples were picked up, notably on a steep spur about 900 yards W.N.W. of the Homestead. (Biate X XT], Fig. 2.) The groundmass (Plate XXII, Fig. 3).is a highly typical glacial tillite of reddish-chocolate colour, in which fine- 296 W. G. WOOLNOUGH. grained rock-flour is intimately mingled with angular chips of the most diverse rock types. No competent geologist could feel a moment’s hesitation in insisting most emphatically upon the glacial origin of the formation. No very accurate estimate of the thickness of the Sturtian Glacials at Wooltana is yet possible. The detailed mapping was limited to the immediate vicinity of the Homestead, and to that of the ‘‘Ammonia Mine”’ to the west of the Mulyallina Valley. The intervening areas were traversed several times rather rapidly, and fully detailed measure- ments were not taken. The vertical thickness of the beds, as seen in the precipitous faces of the range just behind the Homestead, is about 600 feet, and the formation cer-, tainly continues some distance towards the valley to the west. The track to the ‘‘Ammonia Mine’’ traverses the Nepouie Rampart along the actual bed of Mulyallina Creek, which emerges from the Valley through a deep, narrow gorge. At the mouth of the gorge the Sturtian Glacials are covered by creek deposits and lacustrine beds, so that there is a hiatus, of unknown dimensions, in the section at this point. The beds dip upstream at angles of 20 degrees, or a little more, and are seen for a third of a mile (cyclometer reading), so that their vertical thickness is not less than 500 feet. It therefore appears that the total thickness of the glacial beds may approximate to 1000 Heel ) Tapley’s Hull Slates. As in the type section near Adelaide, the beds of the next succeeding stage are finely laminated, cleaved ‘‘varve’”’ rocks, the Tapley’s Hill Slates. In their lowest portion they are rather calcareous and cherty. Being nifich cleaved Journal Royal Society of N.S.W., Vol. LX., 1926. Plate XXII. . Hig. GEOLOGY OF THE FLINDERS RANGE. 297 in directions transverse to the planes of bedding, which, however, still constitute lines of weakness, these rocks dis- integrate readily. This is responsible for the rapid widen- ing of the valley up-stream. On the whole, the rocks of this stage dip in a general westerly direction at moderate angles. An estimate, only roughly approximate, of their thickness, shows it to be about 1000 feet. The passage of the Tapley’s Hill Slates to the overlying -caleareous series is extremely gradual, and no sharp line of demarcation can be drawn. In the upper part of the ‘Tapley’s Hill Stage, very thin, but remarkably persistent, bands of fine textured dolomite put in an appearance. On the treeless, and almost bare, plains of the Mulyallina Valley these calcareous bands, even when less than an inch wide, can be traced for long distances. They become in- -ereasingly numerous and individually thicker until they ‘become the dominant lithological element. Brighton Shales and Limestones. The line between the Tapley’s Hill and the Brighton Stages can be drawn, tentatively, at the point where the limestones alter from thin bands to thick beds, with a corresponding increase in the relief of the land surface. Many of the thicker bands are very argillaceous; in fact, there are all possible gradations between dolomitic lime- stones and shales. The argillaceous bands are flaggy, and yield excellent slabs for building purposes. The more purely argillaceous rocks have a strong. tendency towards redness, many of them being brilliantly coloured. On the whole, the rocks of this stage are very little dis- turbed. Minor faults and folds occur, and are seen in plan, with diagrammatic clearness, on the bare surfaces -of the valley floor. The average dip is towards the west at low angles. 298 W. G. WOOLNOUGH. The Mulyallina Valley igs some 3 to 4 miles wide from. east to west by 12 to 15 miles long from north to south. On the western side it is enclosed by high rugged hills of dolomite occurring in thick beds.- Immediately below these in the geological sequence are extremely friable shales, the weathering of which has produced a very mature valley feature along the western side of the main depression. So completely have these shales been removed as a rule, that heavy alluviation of the valley has occurred along this line. From stratigraphical and lithological considerations there: is no doubt that the massive dolomites are the equivalents of the Brighton Limestones of the Adelaide area. Their total thickness is about 1500 feet. Within recent and sub- recent times large solution caverns have been opened in them, and have been tenanted by bats, marsupials and other animals. Purple Slate Series (?) The reef-building conditions suggested by the develop- ment of the massive dolomites, gave place somewhat sud-. denly to the renewed deposition of mechanically formed sediments. There is, however, no suggestion of unconform- ity. The sediments consist largely of arenaceous material, and show abundant evidence of deposition in extremely shallow water; if, indeed, they are not of sub-aerial origin. All the thicker bands of quartzite and sandstone are: current-bedded, and ripple-marks and sun-cracks are beautifully preserved. Variations in the texture of the materials are extremely rapid, and large numbers of dis-. rupted shale particles are embedded in the sandstones. With some hesitation the author suggests that these features, taken in conjunction with the prevalent red colour of the rocks, indicate deposition in an arid basin. Much. study of desert conditions may, however, have made him GEOLOGY OF THE FLINDERS RANGE. 299: too prone to assign formations to such action. It is per- tinent, however, to call attention to the very striking simil- arity exhibited by these rocks to those of the Keuper and Bunter of England, to the Upper Devonian Red Beds of New South Wales and Victoria, and the Hawkesbury Sys- tem of New South Wales. Another formation comparable, in many respects, is that which builds up the Stirling Range in Western Australia. The author was unable to extend his investigations into: the very rugged country to the west of the ‘‘ Ammonia Mine.’’ Cliff faces in this direction can be seen to be built up of very uniformly bedded, and rather thinly laminated argillaceous and arenacous material, the predominating colour of which is grey. Some miles further to the west les. Illinawortina ‘‘Pound,’’ one of those curious, completely enclosed depressions of which there are several in the Flinders Range. Nothing is known to the author of the geological struc- ture of the northern part of the Mulyallina Valley. The conspicuous peak of Mount Painter can be seen at no great distance in this direction; so that the Archaeozoic forma- tions, with their radium and copper minerals, must ap- proach the northern end of the valley fairly closely. In the south, the valley is cut off from the Balecanoona Embayment by a belt of rugged hills which preclude all hope of finding an easy exit for the products of the valley in this direction. These hills are composed very largely of dolomite in thick beds, which, while somewhat folded on a small seale, are approximately horizontal as a whole. These can be seen very plainly from the Copley-Balcanoona Road, and are exposed in high chff faces in the gorge of the creek just above Baleanoona Homestead. These dolo- mites are obviously directly continuous with those of the ‘““Ammonia Mine,’’ and are therefore referable to the Brighton Stage. 300 W. G. WOOLNOUGH. Cretaceous Glacial Beds. The eastern foothills of the Flinders Range, where, if anywhere, one would expect to find evidence of Cretaceous Glaciation, could not be extensively examined on this ocea- sion. At a point about half a mile north of Wooltana Homestead there is, somewhat about the level of the house, a boulder strewn terrace upon which the abundance, the size, the distribution and the constitution of the rock fragments are strongly reminiscent of those at Moolawatana, where the glacial origin of the formation is clear. Boulders up to 3 feet in diameter occur in profusion, and include rock types in great variety. Many of these are distinctly of local origin, including large fragments of the highly characteristic siliceous conglomerate of the sub-glacial beds. Most of the types represented are those which contribute most liberally towards the formation of the Sturtian Glacials immediately to the west. In absence of evidence as to the occurrence of definite tillite, or of associated silicified tree trunks (as at Moolawatana), and in view of the situation of the terrace with respect to the drainage lines of the locality, and most particularly in view of the close proximity of the Sturtian Glacials (want- ing at Moolawatana), correlation with the Moolawatana Glacial bed cannot be insisted upon. Further search may reveal the missing evidences, particularly the tillte. The possibility must be borne in mind that the gravel terrace may represent a beach deposit formed at the period of highest level of the lakes. This last suggestion is not incompatible with the somewhat meagre aneroid levelling which has been carried out to connect the relative heights of Moolawatana and Wooltana. Winton Beds. The thin siliceous capping of Winton Beds, so widely distributed throughout Australia, which constituted the GEOLOGY OF THE FLINDERS RANGE. o01 original ‘‘ Desert Sandstone’’ of Daintree, and which is very conspicuous over the Mesozoic rocks 40 miles to the north- north-east, has not been extensively noted in the area under consideration. As pointed out above, the foothill zone, in which they should occur, has received very little attention. Some of the flat-topped hills about three miles north of Wooltana, appear from the road to possess such cappings.. One very remarkable isolated outcrop was encountered almost at the centre of the Mulyallina Valley. It occurs: in the form of a small knoll capped by vitreous quartzite, heavily stained and impregnated with manganese for the most part. From its mode of occurrence it is evident that this small outcrop is an outlier, the remnant of a once continuous bed which originally covered at least the southern half of the valley. Beyond the hill barrier to the south, throughout the whole of the Baleanoona Embayment, and thence to Wert- aloona, the Winton Beds are strongly developed. They will be considered at a later date, when the author hopes. to issue a comprehensive description of the geology of the whole area. Late Cainozoic Deposits. These include lacustrine beach gravels, saliferous lacus- trine loams, river terraces and cave deposits. Those of the first three types are negligible within the area considered ; but some account of the cave deposits may be given. Quite numerous caves are known in the area, but most of them are of small dimensions. The only one examined on this occasion was that being opened up as a source of manurial material, and locally known as the ‘‘ Ammonia Mine.’’ This occurs near the head of a small gully in the massive dolomites of the Brighton Stage. It consists of two main chambers united by a narrow opening. ‘The 302 W. G. WOOLNOUGH. upper chamber, estimated as 60 feet long, by 40 feet wide, and 60 feet deep, is open to the daylight. It contains a few coarse stalactite and stalagmite formations. Quite considerable quantities of liquefied wallaby dung are pres- ent. This material is widespread in the caves of Australia, and is constantly being mistaken by prospectors for bitu- men. At the south-eastern corner of the upper cave, a joint rack has been somewhat enlarged by solution, and leads downwards into a second chamber, the dimensions of which are 80 feet by 105 feet, and some 30 feet high. This cave is completely dark, and contains much more abundant ““formations,’’ though none of them are of striking beauty. Close to the entrance there is a very considerable heap of bat guano, in a dry condition, containing numerous mum- mified remains of a large bat. Such bats are totally un- known in the district now. The floor of the cave is covered by a considerable thickness of pulverulent material with admixed dolomite boulders of large size. The underlying parts of this dusty material contain very few soluble con- stituents; but are covered by a crust of fibrous ammonium chloride some 6 inches in maximum thickness. In this erust the ammonium salt is fairly pure. Its nitrogenous portion has certainly been derived from the organic de- posits, while the chlorine probably comes from the saline ground waters of the arid region. The relative inacces- sibility of the cave militates against the successful com- mercial exploitation of these otherwise useful nitrogenous deposits. Summary of Conclusions. The rocks of the Flinders Range in the immediate vicinity of Wooltana Homestead are referable, almost ex- clusively, to the Adelaide Series. The base of the series is not seen within the area examined. Its lowest members GEOLOGY OF THE FLINDERS RANGE. 303 are argillaceous and arenaceous sediments deposited in shallow water, and passing upwards into pure dolomites of considerable thickness. A fact of extreme interest is the intercalation of a ‘‘nocket edition’’ of a voleano during the stage. The erup- tion was almost certainly a submarine one, and is one of the earliest of which we have definite information in Aus- tralia. Local emergence of the sea bottom above sea level oc- curred towards the end of this stage. A very intense phase of Sturtian glaciation followed, the deposits of very typical boulder clay and tillite being not less than 600 feet thick, and more probably, about 1000 feet thick. Striated erratics are comparatively abun- dant, though the boulders suffered considerably from fluviatile action before final deposition. Tapley’s Hill Slates of the well-known ‘‘varve’’ aspect succeed the boulder clays, and pass upwards, by insensible gradations, into the equivalents of the Brighton Slates and Limestones of the Adelaide area. Very thick and massive dolomite reefs close this stage. The dolomite-forming period was followed by a recur- rence of shallow water, or, more probably, subaerial accu- mulation. The existence of an arid climate during the period is suggested. It is not certain that either the Upper Cretaceous Glacials of Moolawatana, or the Lower Tertiary Winton Beds are represented; but possible occurrences of both are noted. Very interesting caves in the Brighton Limestones con- tain relatively extensive guano deposits of animal origin, and crusts of quite pure ammonium chloride have been developed in association with the organic matter. 304 W. G. WOOLNOUGH. DESCRIPTION OF PLATE XXII. Rock Specimens from Wooltana, South Australia. Fig. 1.—Pseudo-amygdaloidal spilitic lava. The hght-coloured patches are corroded xenoliths of ortho- clase pegmatite. Fig, 2.—Glaciated boulder from the Sturtian Tillite of Wooltana. Fig. 3.—Groundmass of the Sturtian Tillite of Wool- tana. THE MICROPHONE AS A DETECTOR. 305 THE MICROPHONE AS A DETECTOR OF SMALL VIBRATIONS. By Epaar H. Booru, M.C,, B.Sc.. Lecturer in Physics, University of Sydney. (With Plates XXIII.-XXIV.) (Read before the Royal Society of New South Wales, Dec. 1, 1926.) During the war a large number of ‘‘detectors’’ were employed, to investigate the nature and extent of enemy activity. These may be divided into two groups: (a) Stethoscopes, (b) Microphones, so far as the appreciation of mechanical earth disturbances is concerned. Besides these were electrical ‘‘detectors’’ for earth currents, and hot wire microphones for the detection and location of hostile artillery. A brief investigation of the stethoscope has been given by the late Professor Pollock.t This present investigation deals with the detection of vibrations by means of microphones, so that the micro- phone may be used to examine the nature of earth dis- turbances either existing naturally, or artificially produced. The microphones employed, being military instruments, may not be described in detail. But the principles in- volved being identical, namely a variation in pressure between a carbon plate and carbon granules or balls due to the movement of the system whilst an inertia mass remains at rest relative to it, they may be compared by means of the diagrams herewith. J. A. Pollock, Journ. Roy. Soc. of N.S.W., 1920, 54, 187. T—December 1, 1926. 306 E. H. BOOTH. Diagram I shows the Télégéphone, a French instrument. It would appear to be aperiodic, the soft felt washer rest- ing against the carbon plate assisting this. The inertia mass is the mercury behind the mica plate; the carbon granules lie loosely in their carbon container, which is. mounted on a light brass strip, permitting small movements of the inertia system. This was found to be the most consistent and satisfactory type of instrument. 4 Se een Re om z/t_ Washer a Y NV ‘Cg / fp , vd f/f — arbon Bloc LAN 9 Lint PA iy Carbon Plate is “yj Carb. Granules Wood Pedestal Diagram I, Diagram II is the Siemens Capsule microphone; it is not aperiodic, the period being that of the brass inertia mass (carrying the carbon plate) attached to its four spring clips. THE MICROPHONE AS A DETECTOR. 307 Carbon Bock curbon plole fow. Insulated Drsc, SIEMENS CAPSULE MICROPHONE Diagram II. Diagram III is the Western-Electric Detector, a torpedo in brass and aluminium casting carrying a self-adjusting microphone system inside. It is not aperiodic, the period being that of the mass attached to the long brass strip. A very sensitive type, but is not consistent, and given to variable current transmission through the microphone, even without intentional variation in pressure. Diagram III. 308 E. H. BOOTH. Diagram IV is the seismomicrophone (French Military Type). This would not appear to be aperiodic, as the: rubber rings supporting the brass inertia mass will have a high period, and this will not be highly damped. Experi- mentally, this is found to be a good instrument, at any rate for the detection of oscillations of low frequency (less. than 40 per second). : U4. g BAY Mar UR Th Z ae ay , wi NBA Y é SEISMOM!ICROPHONE Diagram IV. The variations in current through the microphone circuit when a potential was applied across it, were recorded by an Hinthoven string galvanometer, and cinematograph with the interrupter removed. The microphones were disturbed by (a) jarring the material on which they stood (e.g., dropping weights on the ground, tapping the table); (b) impressing on the tables on which they stood simple har- monic motions of different frequencies; (c) tapping the microphones lightly to represent a horizontal or a vertical component. THE MICROPHONE AS A DETECTOR. 309 Two methods of coupling the Einthoven and the micro- phone circuit were employed—a Wheatstone network, and a transformer. The Wheatstone network was not found to be convenient, as with some microphones (such as the Western-Electric) the zero position of the galvanometer thread had to be re-established for each reading. Conse- quently the work was all carried out with transformers, occasional check readings being taken by the other method to see that the type of curve, and the amplitude relation- ship, was being correctly interpreted. Both air and iron core transformers were used for com- parison. To study the effect of the natural period of the Einthoven string, or to use it as an aperiodic recorder, observations were made both with the primary and with the secondary of the transformers in the microphone cir- cuit, so that the thread might be in series with a big resistance (the secondary), or practically short circuited through the primary. The thread originally employed was a silvered glass. This was discarded in favour of silver, of resistance approximately 60 ohms, and length 7 inches. When either the primary or the secondary were in the microphone circuit, the same potential drop across the microphone and variable resistance was established by ‘varying the number of cells in the cireuit. The potential was always well below that to produce ‘‘singing’’ or ‘‘fry- ing’’ in the microphone. If the string of the galvanometer be disturbed by a ‘single impulse, such as produced by (a) touching the strinz carrier, (b) making or breaking an electric circuit including the string, and the system is aperiodic, the thread should record precisely this effect. If there is too great a resist- ance in its circuit, it will oscillate; if it is too highly damped, it is insensitive. Errors were made in the earlier work of making the resistance in the Einthoven circuit so 310 E. H. BOOTH. small that although the natural fundamental period of the string was not apparent, the record was confused by its. overtones. A phonic wheel shows on the film bars corresponding to 1-40th second interval. The system then involves (a) the disturbance, (b) the microphone, (c) the transformer (if employed), (d) the Einthoven galvanometer. Examination of Einthoven with Transformer. This was examined with (i) loose thread, (i1) tight thread, associated with both air and iron core transformers, and in all cases with firstly the secondary and then the primary in series with the Einthoven. The first tests were of simple make and break in a circuit in the secondary of the transformer by means of a tapping key. It was found necessary to add up to 500) ohms to the Einthoven circuit, otherwise it was over damped, and overtone oscillations were set up in it. Film I. shows a typical make, break, followed by rapid make and break, by tapping key. (Air core.) di : The transformer equation here is La + Ri = 0; R ASS meats The solution beingi=Ce tl The constant C is found from the condition that when t—(); a Hence aed ve This gives us the value of the current in the secondary at any instant after the ‘‘break’’ in the primary. This would be represented by the curve in diagram V,, theoretically. 311 THE MICROPHONE AS A DETECTOR. With film I. and diagram V. we may compare film ILI., the difference here being that the iron core transformer Here the time length OQ is greater, M not being so nearly equal to L. is employed. (The small fluctuations are undesired local effects, which with big magnifications it was difficult to shield. ) completely EHR GE00 CRORE SRSHR Cees Be Oo GO Oce ao dee oce de ace 0e Be ee eoled Gee eceeeee coeee Sees Ree peneces ecnetouees soseeees ON SEETERAESE [EGEs Seceunesesssnsssessoessesce = eubesnoeubuees Uectbeuses se seeeetca ceeeeessen tr" "a BABES eae eee Se PRR Pee GROReSaSa SABRE SS 1 Bees Seer eeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeseeeeeeeeeseaeesessaes {anes See eeee ee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeseeeeaeeas &faees GEERR ABR SERHSOG OURO ESR BEES RSeo SEBEL! is BoaSs ESSE S SSeS Se Rees Bees BSR RSeos Se RRee AB seeeBs BESS ASRS SelSeo Ree SESS0 ee eeeeSoeaR ooee ABNRES baeeas PESSS BOS Eee Dee Pees Pee sSee SEs SSS) SSoBSs teeEa BERR SHE eRe ees BE DeeSee Oe eee esesese abr GOSSUoe bases BEHRE BS EoER EDR POS eORRshOsd OBR SSeSea oY ABBERSEE SeeeB RERRR SRP ASEROSD BASOORAUS Sees eResP A .SRRGES OR ORE CORNESe Bee SeSRRes CabeR DEEHS BE SERESP 24 be POS eRUSRBOESESESRS Seas eS ReER0 shbea BEGESE Bee SSS “ER DERBEURSAS SeSESeRS0RE SoS eeGeGS eeeee RRR BUSLOS? GUO CRAP SOUREE PERCE VERE APS Desees beeen HEBER aSeaSss CHR DAR PSERSOR GES eeSRESs SSESERSSaSE veeeo SSSR S8SS88R." oR SESS BERS Re CR SSeRESEE SPORES SeRS Geeee top EEE OA et EEE BEESESSRER Gaees BOGES SReRESbORs bso Se oEE SOE ReS es PeReseeses goes QUES Ro RSS ASR seba- Sees s Bees Sees DSR aeoeSs CRS a pe th tt tt Pet EO REE REeS Eee sees ea SSO e BSR ORR! ic): leo BRR OBESE Sebel SeGee ae eeeeeesaE Diagram V. It was now desired to check whether the microphones Natur- would record variations in energy, or amplitude. ally, as we are dealing with an inertia mass we will record acceleration, so, dimensionally, the apparatus should give deflections proportional to amplitudes impressed. This was examined both for impressed simple harmonic motions and for impressed impulses. SH) E. H. BOOTH. In the former case, tuning forks of various frequencies were attached to the microphones, or to tables on which the microphones rested, the shadow of a bristle on the prong of the fork being cast on to the moving film alongside the shadow of the string, so that the fork amplitude and string amplitude might be compared. A portion of a typical film is illustrated. (Film III.) eaB san ar Te) GBB eee ene eee ene oan {TT Ty Bee Diagram V1. Diagram VI shows the relationship between the amphi tude of the fork movement and the amplitude of the string movement, for the gradually diminishing values. To save film, in some cases the beginning of the movement was recorded, in others the end, and in others the film was stopped and started at intervals so as to get a reading throughout. Once the microphone has been set in forced vibration the amplitude of the string movement is pro- —— Film I? Film U NINO NDAUINGN Film Ill XK IO OK) Film LV Film. VA 7 a 3 shila J 1 -, ; : 9 °: 1a | i free ‘ eee 7 3 a x tye "ae * a ‘ i - of : Barth ve e , biker t 3 Ei 4 hs " i i} ‘3 r ‘ ~ bi ee { i Ny INE 2 } es "t Ky 7 + x3 he i : Li rae at i F : vt 8 i z its ; y 7 Hi est { 5 7 } y i 2 Se i i cs 2 — : I * ‘. e “7 F _ ; r, eee re Py { i ‘ 3 + ; i a ‘ ah Ne FY 5 ; ; ee: us ' i tr ‘ k Pag is + bi 4 i r betes," = a teases t ‘ : \ a i ie 1 Ps ii 4 , " ‘i _ P i ’ hie os 3 ee Ry \ q i) i A ay y : ? 4 ad j i} : t P 4 e ‘ ae op é aN ee 2 tae $ et oH ‘ ' 4 i ape, ; Mh F ; } ‘ —_ ; ae x kg i i Hera e y . hg 2 eae ae ; j ; i i ¥ : ; % ‘ ; : : ; be ; en & e ae ie ( Ses " ign bet i ‘ } , Pe : ie t ; ‘ t r =) ; ee ; et ; od Pree oi mua 1): 9 ii 1 : ah Hite ; f : ie . : ‘i i j i 1 £ % 4 %, 5 + rt ind a é u ; ' Mi i ik hein , LN % qi * Y i Bo) rg ; f : i}, Hi af i met i ' vi f > i Ie ec B ; z / id f ‘ ; i s % ; i (ee na cae . A a : Journal Royal Society of N.S.W., Vol. LX., 1926. Filn VI Film VU? nln 1X Plate XXIV, Silla A study of the commencement of the movements (the forks were THE MICROPHONE AS A DETECTOR. set in motion by burning through thread holding the prongs displaced) shows that the instrument record agrees well atory table being set in oscillation by a light tuning fork. On the table rests a seismomicrophone, which is in series with a cell, and the secondary of the air core transformer. The primary winding was in series with the Hinthover with the theoretical forced vibration effect, a heavy labor- portional to the amplitude of the fork movement. and 20 ohms extra resistance. a | +H SEESsCerseeeree He Scere b+ : : = : sureties | icy | : FES EH i ate : stceersteee i CCE Tae Perel BREED AS OREO ROSES BERS GseeeaeeEeo TT] cH Pi on | t I | | | a 1 | ‘= a t O a v, | | | T | LI | T a | t | 2 8 | a Ba B a [| [| fe I | o | t a a : a Ana oeoag Haaapeaee an HH PEEEEE BEE Ree ry TTT etre Py Tere ey BER CeeaB Raa seen BOBS aaaa BEREaaEaa Haaueaeaa SReeREee PY Tarte TT Pri TTT e Terr Pry ryt jane pial es fs Pes) HSB esaDea a8. Sees aeeneene SERERana GSB onan SSR ERaas BRaanaes Py Ty Ty Ty ote tetals tata fa) Seen eeRe Pit eiT rity Senaeeen BSEDDROe BEBADEaS PT FCT tT BS oSean BeeeeEes BSS EaaeR HSS eaoee pape ats Tsoi] HESEaeae i | | H+ FELCH cH HHH HEHE pct Hage HHH tt a a H | Oo t CI a 1 ‘= a a a a a | =] 1 a a a a || a a a a fe a | a [| a a a a a a B B C H a t a may | | a a a a o TI a a a a a a B g os | B | @ a @ a a ‘= = a ja a a a a | | a a | | | CI a | c : | H PEC [| jaf) ae e GaLSSReaR 8 BOR ESOES8 2 AReQeseauaug0a0a SRQReaRneeaRgan COC eee GREEERUEL (BASSE REERS BPE Reed CORR oROes Bes eOeeaaeD DSSSEEEE, SRO RRBES Se SEL ORSPSRL IRS CSSRo0 RES ehesaeee BEOSGOS Ed PSOE RBEES BROS RSRNs Bes See se eee aseees Diagram VII. Film IV is a corresponding curve for the Télégéphone, and diagram VII. shows the relationship between fork and The other types of microphones were not satisfactory, there being obvious alterations in the conditions of contact curves are uniform in portions, then jagged as though some between the carbon plate and granules during a run. Their thread amplitudes in that case. 314 E. H. BOOTH. high frequency tremor—possibly a spark?—occurred be- tween the surfaces, and then the conditions changed. But the Western Electric instrument is very much more sensi-- tive to movement of extremely small amplitude than any other examined. In the second case, a long cast iron pipe 2 inches in diameter was employed, a microphone being clamped ‘to it near its pivots, the pipe being suspended so as to be able to be moved at one end through a small (4 inch) range, horizontally. The swinging beam was damped by vanes: dipping into treacle, and its movement was recorded by a spot of hght reflected on to the shaded half of the cinematograph film from a mirror at its free end. The motion given to the beam was caused by a touch on the: free end, causing an abrupt displacement and slower return. of the beam (under spring control) to its position of rest, the light curve (maximum displacement 1.5em.) approxim- ating to that of a Rayleigh wave. This represented a: maximum displacement of a beam tip of 2mm. and a maxi- mum microphone displacement of 0.0lmm. Any bigger movement resulted in a minute oscillation of the beam as an. elastic body, so that the movement was not correctly trans- lated, the simple movement of the beam, as impressed upon it, and rendered through the microphone and Einthoven, being drowned by a damped harmonic motion of up to six-- teen wave lengths. But for small amplitudes, the string movement and beam movement agreed, and the amplitudes. were proportional. This pipe was later replaced by a # inch pipe, the system being made as rigid as practicable, the beam as before being pivoted horizontally and kept to its rest position by springs, the movement being damped by vanes in treacle. Instead of the spot of light, a pointer’ cast a shadow on the film, so that the curves of beam move-. ment and thread movement were recorded as two lines. THE MICROPHONE AS A DETECTOR. 315° of different thickness. This was to enable the whole film to be employed for both movements. This, though satis- factory in so far as the microphone movement recorded faithfully the beam movement for small amplitudes was. not otherwise so, as the beam oscillated several times be- fore coming to rest, though well damped. On this difficulty” being overcome by stronger control springs and damping, the rod as a whole vibrated and the microphone rendition: was not at all in accord with the movement recorded by the end of the beam. But the beam could even be felt. vibrating after its free end was stationary. The next portion of the work was an examination of the: different types of microphones, by touching or tapping” them, or the table on which they stood. The télégéphone was found to be most consistent, the seismomicrophone almost equally satisfactory, but the Wes- tern-Electric instrument, whilst giving a much bigger string movement for a small lead shot dropped on the: table than did any of the others, had varying irregularities. in the wave form produced. For listening purposes, and where quality was not of such great importance, this would be the best instrument. As an example of a test, take film. V. (a and b) :— Télégéphone. (Resistance of order 10 ohms.) Air core transformer. (Secondary 5,000 ohms, prim-. ary 0.290 ohms. ) Einthoven thread, resistance 60 ohms. Current through Télégéphone of order 0.06 amps. 000 ohms additional in Einthoven-primary circuit. Einthoven field 0.50 amps. Taps (very light) on heavy table. The small oscillations superimposed are not ‘‘acciden-- tal,’’ as they are present every time; compare Va and Vb. They may be table, Einthoven, or microphone effects. A. 316 E. H. BOOTH. Wheatstone network film (film VI.) of a similar effect (télégéphone, tap on table) is given for comparison, the thread being highly damped (thread resistance only) so as to prolong the return movement for examination. It is very probable that it is a microphone oscillation. (4 The curve (v) is practically identical with the ‘‘make’’ or ‘‘break,’’ of film I., so far as the first portion -is con- cerned, but drops to zero more rapidly (Hinthoven circuit was identical). Film VII. (a) and (b) shows the effect of touching the telégéphone very lightly in front, once slowly, and once sharply. It will be seen that the curves are quite different. The time to maximum is approximately the same in each case—evidently the contact pressure is effective in the same time, ‘‘slowness’’ merely being in time of with- drawal, Film VIII. and film [X. (continuing after the iron core transformer make and break, which has already been ex- amined) show the télégéphone with the iron core trans- former, and tapped very softly in front (film VIII.) and underneath (film IX.) to simulate horizontal and vertical components. The curves are identical. (The minor vibra- tions here throughout are due to imperfect shielding from local induction effects. ) Experiments were carried out to see if it would be prac- ticable to employ a number of microphones in parallel, to increase the sensitiveness of the system. This was attempt- ed first with a telephone receiver as detector, the increase in intensity being very marked when even only two similar instruments were employed. It was next performed with the full Einthoven system, and the two microphones in parallel gave a curve of much greater amplitude, but other- wise identical with that of either individual instrument. This work is not yet complete; it is not possible at this stage THE MICROPHONE AS A DETECTOR. 317 to say to what extent the amplitude is increased, as the wave in each case (produced by light tap on table) would not be identical as to energy. Summary. The most satisfactory system for the exam- ination of the nature and amplitude of small vibrations of a solid was found to be that of télégéphone, cell, resistance, secondary of transformer (either air or iron core) ; coupled with primary of transformer, resistance, Einthoven gal- vanometer. It is essential that the galvanometer be aperiodic, which. is best effected by variations in its field and resistance. It must not be overlooked that the thread may be too highly damped. This system produces deflections of the Einthoven string which reproduce the form of the impressed vibration, the amplitude of the string movement being proportional to the amplitude of the microphone movement, for microseismic movements. The sensitiveness of the system may be increased by using a number of microphones in parallel. The Physical Laboratory, University of Sydney. ‘318 E. H. BOOTH. ‘SURFACE WAVES DUE TO SMALL ARTIFICIAL DISTURBANCES OF THE GROUND. By Epear H. Booru, M.C., B.Sc., Lecturer in Physics, Umversity of Sydney. (With Plates XXV.-XXVL.) (Read before the Royal Society of New South Wales, Dec. 1, 1926.) This investigation deals with the detection and examin- -ation of minute earth vibrations of microseismic nature by means of microphones, the behaviour of which when ‘subjected to such movements has already been dealt with by the author in a previous paper.t The greater part of our knowledge of earth vibrations -comes from investigations of seismic disturbances in connec- tion with earthquake movements, where the recording in- -strument is usually some considerable distance from the source of energy. During the war, microphones were used to detect, with the aid of a telephone head piece and the -ear, minute earth disturbances, distant anything from 100 feet to a few inches; the nature—composition, hardness, ‘moisture content—of the soil was of great variety; and ‘there were so many other disturbances of greater energy available that it was necessary to distinguish the quality -of the microseism. Also in some cases, microphones would be on the ground; in other cases they would be in deep tunnels, and even solidly buried in explosives, with which they were ultimately blown up. An examination of possible waves is necessary. + The Microphone as a Detector of small Vibrations. This -Journal, 1926, 60, 305. SURFACE WAVES DUE TO ARTIFICIAL DISTURBANCES. 319 Poisson proved in 1830 that a homogeneous isotropic elastic solid body of unlimited extent can transmit two kinds of waves of different velocities, and that, at a great distanee from the source of disturbance, the motion trans- mitted by the quicker wave is longitudinal (1.e., parallel to the direction of propagation) and the motion transmitted by the slower wave is transverse. It was later proved by Stokes that the quicker wave is one of irrotational dilatation, and the slower one of equi- voluminal distortion, characterised by differential rotation of the elements of the body, the velocities of the waves being ve and, Vo. k being incompressibility and n rigidity. Later, when self registering instruments were sys- tematically employed to record disturbances transmitted to distant stations, the record showed two distinct stages, the first characterised by very feeble movement, the second by a much larger movement, referred to generally as the ? “*preliminary tremor,’’ and the ‘‘main shock,’’ or ‘‘prin- cipal portion.’’ In 1885 Lord Rayleigh showed that an irrotational dis- placement involving dilatation, and an equivoluminal dis- placement involving rotation can be such that (i) neither of them penetrates far beneath the surface, (ii.) when they are combined the earth is free from traction. Such dis- placements might take the form of standing simple har- monic waves of definite wave length and period, or they might take the form of a definite wave length and velocity. The surface is the theatre of transmission, the waves may be of any wave length, and gravity is neglected. It is found that wave velocity is independent of the wave length. It is these surface waves that are referred to as ‘‘ Rayleigh 320 E. H. BOOTH. ] waves.’’ If the plane boundary is horizontal, the compon- ents of displacement are a vertical component, and a hori- zontal component, parallel to the direction of propagation ;. the displacement involved is two dimensional or cylindrical. The ratio of the vertical component to the horizontal com- ponent is 2:1 if the material be incompressible ; it is nearly 3:2 if the Poisson’s ratio is 4. Rayleigh shows that the disturbance is confined to a ‘superficial region of thickness comparable to their wave length.’’ He concludes by saying ‘“‘It is not improbable: that the surface waves here investigated play an important Part in-carthquakes, ...% 2. Diverging in two dimensions’ only, they must acquire at a great distance from the source a continually increasing preponderance.’’ The velocity of a simple Rayleigh wave is given by v=0.094/ _ The rigidity of many kinds of granite and: marble has been found to be of the order 2.5 X 10" dynes/ sq. cm. and the mean surface density may be taken as 2.8 orms./e.c. Sov is of the order 3 X 105 ems./see. The wave lengths obtained then, from the period, which varies from 1-50th to 10 seconds, is of the order 6 X 103 ems. to 30 X 105 ems. This also gives an indication of the maximum depth affected. R. D. Oldham, in 1900, suggested that the first and second stages of the preliminary tremors should be re- garded as dilatational and distortional waves, transmitted through the body of the earth, travelling by nearly straight paths, and emerging at the surface; but that the ‘‘main shock’’ would be Rayleigh waves, travelling over the sur- face of the earth with a nearly constant velocity. It is now recognised that the large waves of the main shock, like the preliminary tremor, show more than one phase. Love deals with this from the point of view of SURFACE WAVES DUE TO ARTIFICIAL DISTURBANCES. 221 dispersion (‘‘Some problems of Geodynamies,’’ to which I am indebted in the main for the discussion), and of an- other set of surface waves, with horizontal movement at right angles to the direction of propagation, but no vertical movement. These last are generally referred to as ‘‘Love waves.”’ The surface phenomenon is dealt with by Jeffreys,* who examines the nature of the group velocities, and endeavours to reconcile the discordance between observed seismic effects and the theory of dispersion of surface waves. 3 To ensure as simple a practical case as possible, this series of experiments carried out on unmade ground at the Sydney University (clay on shale) was restricted to an ex- amination by means of a télégéphone of the surface dis- turbance produced when a light ‘‘toy’’ pile driver was dropped on to a wooden peg in the ground. A line of pegs of hardwood, 3in. X 3in. by 2ft. long, were driven into the ground, and were left for three months. Another peg acted as a terminal post, protruding above ground level; in front of this was placed the télégéphone, connected by light leads to the post, from which leads passed off to the laboratory. This microphone would measure a vertical component, or a horizontal component, but was so placed in this re- search as to eliminate the record of horizontal movements such as Love waves. As a simple impulse was given to the sround by dropping a light weight (250 grms. for the lighter pile drive) through a small height (not exceeding 30 ems.) on to a peg, it would seem that the only wave to be sent out should be the Rayleigh wave. But if the * Jeffreys. Roy. Astr. Soc. Geophysical Supp., 1925, 1, No. 6. U~December 1, 1926. 322 E. H. BOOTH. dilatational wave also were received, the time would be too short for the separation of effects. As the disturbanee, then, should be only two dimensional, the amplitude y at any distance r from the origin would be given by the equation. y= tom A being a constant, and K a damping factor. The microphone (télégéphone) was 3 feet from the first peg, and was connected, as had been found most satisfac- tory, with the secondary of a transformer (either air core or iron core) through a battery and a variable resistance. The current through the microphone was of the order 0.05 amps. The primary of the transformer was in series with a variable resistance, and the string of an Hinthoven galvanometer, which was aperiodic. The movement of the string was recorded on cinematograph film, being barred every 1-40th second by an interrupter driven by a phonis wheel. Under these conditions it has been found (see previous paper) that the amplitude of the string deflection is pro- portional to the amplitude of the microphone deflection, and that the nature of the impressed movement—either simple harmonic motion or impulse—is faithfully recorded. Hilm I. shows the wave recorded. As a comparison film II. shows the wave recorded when the blow (same energy) was given at a distance of 15 feet from the télégéphone. Attention is drawn here to the form of the waves, and not to their amplitudes—in the ease of film I. the microphone besides being in series with the transformer secondary (7,100 ohms) had a further 32,000 ohms in series with it. In film II. this variable resistance was cut down to 5,000 ohms. The Hinthoven circuit was left unchanged so as not to interfere with the damping. In SURFACE WAVES DUE TO ARTIFICIAL DISTURBANCES. 323 all cases, as readings were taken at gradually increasing distances, the resistance in the microphone circuit was diminished, lock readings being taken at greater and less values so as to measure corresponding amplitudes. This variation of resistance of the microphone circuit did not produce the change in the wave form, as may be seen from film III. and IV. (5 feet from microphone), where the added microphone resistances (variable) were 32,000 and 22,000 respectively for two different blows. gee eng eens eee ened Crees eee eee eee erences eoeeeeets zs fee Sef anitand fasdtosttantiants at asteanteastesstosttonitasttostarivenssattont Bos -eeeneey Ceneaemendcteeer ene aeeeueseesnaeeerens enseeeees eomeeeeees meceeeee pp ye Sie SHdoedt autasdtantan/enstoctesstosdtestecstastt astositastostessfastartessors See, Saueees nuseeeeee? nei ei sa seeeteetel seGenteenl saeeeeeeee =e Se wena seeenat extbunser4 Cott bentes vuncrsces cestitneed seeseescen eceseeees eoeeeeeee SHESaSdioes Heosste azondtesstrasttosttoss osstesstt osttasttostecsteasttritesster Scoeeeeeeerd ny, Besnenssansseeste seseeasneosseeeseeorese=es BHeES BaP’ se aa Cer |-———---— Hp Sesenes Gesasssensteaneeeed oneeeeceesseeeeeer Se i. [ a Re eo Coo neces “ar @he oner |fustereedys SOSSRRSHR Eee 5 at a Od Obs lt Se YW HR) Os a P< OP pales itt BSS oee: QOE SCO C OSU DOOONEC ROO OOOO Soon eee ones osace jects) YI Diagram I. To see if (energy)? o¢ (amplitude of string deflection), the pile driver was dropped through varying heights on to a fixed peg. At was found that this relationship held pro- ‘vided the energy was below a certain small value at a given ‘distance. For instance, with the heavier pile driver (mass 1500 grms.) the maximum fall permissible for this relation- ‘ship to hold was 10 ems. at the 10 foot peg. A graph (diagram I.) gives the relationship between ‘the height of the driver and log.) string deflection for this 324 E. H. BOOTH. peg. It was thought very probably that as the driver falls from greater and greater heights a smaller amount of energy, proportionately, is given to the ground. Conse- quently, for all runs at varying distance, the driver was: allowed to fall through the same adjusted height, not ex- ceeding 10 cms. This is a matter which is at present being’ investigated. It is obvious that the effect is due to the variation in wave form—that is, that it is incorrect to expect energy to be proportional to (amplitude)? when the other factors are varying. This is apparent from the consideration of the remainder of the results in this paper,. in view of the fact that the further away the disturbance: be from the microphone, the greater the energy per- missible in the disturbance without departing from the energy given to the ground proportional to (string deflection)? relationship. To investigate the variation in wave form with distance from the centre of disturbance, and if possible the decrease in amplitude, and consequently damping factor K, a series of runs was taken from 3 feet to 50 feet, the same energy been given to the peg at each blow (1e., the pile driver dropped through the same height on each occasion) of which a typical run and accompanying films are given :— Iron core transformer. Secondary, in series with micro- phone and 244 volt battery supply, 7,000 turns. Primary, in series with Einthoven thread plus 150 ohms, 150 turns. Peg IJ. (38 feet from microphone) to peg 7 (50 feet from microphone). Resistances added to microphone circuit varied from 32,000 ohms to nothing. The sensitiveness was such that the 7th peg reading on this occasion (windy weather) was not translatable, as local disturbances were of equal magnitude to those artificially produced. The records were as follows :— SURFACE WAVES DUE TO ARTIFICIAL DISTURBANCES. 3295 lm Vv. Ist peg (3 feet). Compare a previous curve for another blow on this peg (same energy ) film I. Mim VI. 2nd peg (5 feet). Compare film IIT. and IV. for this peg; same energy, film IV. same resistance in microphone circuit. This is similar to the three feet curve, but there are not so many subsequent oscilla- tions. Film VII. 3rd peg (10 feet). Shorter wave length, oscillations more damped. Film VIII. 4th peg (15 feet). Tending much more to the typical Rayleigh Wave. Compare film II., same peg, same energy, same re- sistance in microphone circuit. Resistance here cut down to 2,000 ohms additional to Film IX. 5th peg (20 ft.) |magnify the oscillations after the first impulse, Film X. oth peg (20 ft.) |which otherwise are con- cealed in the thickness of (the string. Film XI. 6th Peg (80 feet). To revert to the theory of the subject and quoting from ‘Lamb (Phil. Trans. A., 203, 41.)— ‘‘ Again, instead of a disturbance originating at an in- ‘ternal point, we study chiefly the case of an impulse applied vertically to the surface. Under these conditions, the dis- ‘turbance spreads over the surface in the form of a sym- metrical annular wave system. The initial form of this system will depend on the history of the primitive impulse, but if this be of limited duration, the system gradually develops a characteristic form, marked by three salient features, travelling with the velocities proper to irrcta- ‘tional, equivoluminal, and Rayleigh waves respectively.’’ 326 E. H. BOOTH. He further mathematically deduces that the motion re- ceived at a distant point begins suddenly at a time corres- ponding to the arrival of the 1st (dilatational wave). The surface rises rather sharply, and then subsides very grad- ually without oscillation. At a time corresponding to the: arrival of the voluminal waves, a slight jerk occurs; and this is followed, at a time corresponding to the advent of the Rayleigh waves, by a much larger jerk after which the movement gradually subsides without oscillation. The subsidence is indefinitely prolonged. This peculiarity of an indefinitely prolonged ‘‘tail’’ to the waves has been shown by Lamb (Proc. Math. Soc., 1903, 35) to be a characteristic feature of waves which diverge in two dimensions. Examining the series of films from the first to the sixth pegs, it is clear that we are dealing here with the miniature earthquake—but the distance from the centre of the dis- turbance is so small that the motion of the microphone, and consequently of the Einthoven thread, is compounded of the three. As we move out, the Rayleigh waves, being two dimen- sional, predominate, the other disturbances dying out to a: very marked extent at 15 feet, and being practically non- existant at 30 feet. The ‘‘period’’ of the first impulse has apparently increased from less than 3-80th of a second on the first peg to 9-80th of a second on the 15 feet to 30 feet pegs. The amplitudes, of course, are not to be read directly from the curves, as corrections have to be made for the changes in the resistance. This was done, as before mentioned, by taking a reading with higher and lower resistances at the same peg. If it be disregarded that the waves represent a compound movement, and amplitudes. be measured throughout as the maximum displacement, a SURFACE WAVES DUE TO ARTIFICIAL DISTURBANCES. 327 typical run gives the following values for K for a dry day, no rain within the previous week— yaFje-* From. UG Mean Distance. Pegs 6 to 5 0.080 25 feet Pegs 5 to 4 0.087 173 feet Pegs 4 to 3 0.092 124 feet Pegs 3 to 2 0.106 74 feet Pegs 2 to l 0.140 4 feet a sisfentas Sones cggusnececeguacuccceceeceeuascecces sieetteteaticite one a 0.62 0.04 0.06 0.08 cto 0.12 0.14 0.16 Diagram ITI. Hither the equation does not hold, or K is not a constant, or both. If distance from centre of disturbance be graphed against K, it is seen that the curve (diagram II.) 1s asymp- totic to a value for K of 0.078, for this particular run, at a distance greater than 80 feet. It would seem to be apparent then, that the Rayleigh wave alone exists at 30 feet and greater distances, the spherical waves having disappeared. That a probable 328 E. H. BOOTH. value for K on this occasion was 0.079. And that, close to the disturbance, is a wave or waves compounded with the Rayleigh wave. This is borne out by a number of similar runs—the wave forms undergoing precisely similar modifications, the Ray- leigh wave eventually existing alone, and giving values for K dependent on soil conditions. After wet weather K is very large; on occasion, readings could not be obtained for any waves beyond the 10 feet peg. Calculating on a value for K for the Rayleigh wave as determined beyond 20 feet, it is possible to find what is compounded with it at each other peg back to 3 feet, and consequently to recognise the other disturbances, and eal- culate their damping factors as spherical waves. A large number of films are being examined, and it is hoped that the results will shortly be available. The difficulty is as to how soon the Rayleigh wave develops—and what is its depth. The energy appears to be in the surface layer, as the - energy was not. measurable at a depth of 1 foot, at 15 feet. This requires further examination, owing to variation of moisture with depth. Attempts to get satisfactory readings beyond 50 feet have not been successful—it is quite simple to record the disturbances; but the earth movement at the University, due to road traffic a few hundred yards away, and general movement of students and buildings, is so continuous, and of such amplitude, that the artificially produced waves are drowned. A microphone record taken with a four stage valve amplification, shows the ground oscillating in a manner beyond all possible analysis. It does, however, give a practical use to the system as here devised—a record of the ground or building move- Journal Royal Society of N.S.W., Vol. DX., 1926. Plate XXV. Film I Film [] Film II] Film JV Film V Bilin Nhl Journal Royal Society of N.S.W., Vol. DX,, 1926. Plage XX VI. Film VII Film VII Film IX Film X Film) XI SURFACE WAVES DUE TO ARTIFICIAL DISTURBANCES. 929 ment at any point, due to passing trams or ‘busses, 1s readily obtained. From this the maximum relative ampl- +ude of the movement is read, and its period, if such is determinable, is obtained. Such amplitudes are probably of the order of 10-3 em.—and those with which this work has dealt must be of the order of 10~° cm. only. Summary. An examination of the surface waves set up by a vertical ‘blow shows that the initial disturbance is oscillatory in character. That the oscillations are soon damped out, or dissipated more rapidly as spherical waves, than are the cylindrical or Rayleigh waves that exist alone at a greater distance. This preponderance of the Rayleigh wave at a certain distance is in accordance with theory. It is recognised that this paper opens up a number of points which require further investigation; in several cases these investigations have been made and results are being analysed and compiled. It is also postulated as the result of examination of a number of records, that the final wave form would be propagated with a damping factor which may be found from the equation Cee areata yr j A value has been found for K ranging from 0.06 upwards, for clay on shale at the Sydney University. It is suggested that this system is of use to record the oscillation set up in tr ffie ways and adjacent buildings, sewers, etc., by various vehicles. I have to thank the late Professor Pollock for in- -dieating this line of research; he himself was engaged in 330 E. H. BOOTH. an endeavour to discover the damping factor for an earth. wave—of any nature—by an audition method, graphing distance from disturbance against such resistance in a. microphone circuit as just to render the blow audible or inaudible. Unfortunately his results were contradictory, though the papers he has left will be valuable for any other student taking up that work and undoubtedly he would have met with success if he had had time to complete his research. The error was that we were counting on K being constant from the origin, considering that only a Rayleigh wave would be developed by this method. I hope to continue his work, going to greater distances, as the microphone-ear system is extremely sensitive. The Physical Laboratory, The University. OILS OF ERIOSTEMON AND PHEBALIUM. 33F THE ESSENTIAL OILS OF ERIOSTEMON COXII (MUELLER) AND PHEBALIUM DENTATUM (SMITH). By A. R. PENFOLD, F.A.C.1L, F.C.S., Economic Chemist, Technological Museum, Sydney. (With Plate XXVII.) (Read before the Royal Society of New South Wales, Dec. 1, 1926.) ErIostEMON Cox (Mueller). The botany of this extremely interesting Rutaceous shrub was described by Mueller in the ‘‘ Melbourne Chemist’? of December, 1884, and in the Botanisches. Central-blatt, 1885, 21, 210. (The author has been unable to secure access to these Volumes. ) It is a tall shrub growing to a height of about 10 feet, with dark green shining serrulated leaves about 14 to 24in. long and 4 to #in. broad, of a pale green colour under- neath, with pretty white flowers. It is remarkable as having been recorded from one locality only, the sources of the Clyde River, southern district of New South Wales,. about 3,500 feet above sea level (W. Bauerlen). The writer, in company with Mr. F. R. Morrison, exam- ined this shrub growing at the extreme summit of Sugar Loaf Mountain, a spur of the Clyde Mountain, Monga, near Braidwood, where the plant grows in a fairly luxuriant condition amidst a rugged quartzite outcrop. In view of the rarity of the shrub, it was thought advisable to reproduce a photograph taken in January, 1922, which not only illustrates the plant, but also the rugged nature of its habitat. 332 A. R. PENFOLD. The leaves, on crushing between the fingers, readily emit a delightful fruity odour, which very closely resembles that of the luscious passion fruit (Passiflora edulis). Although the comparative rarity of the shrub precluded its economic exploitation, it was considered advisable to elucidate its composition, as the nature of its aroma would render its synthesis one of considerable value. An exam- ination of passion fruit will shortly be undertaken by the author, who is satisfied that the composition of the essential oil of Hriostemon Cozi, as revealed herein, is sufficiently complete to enable anyone interested to prepare a Ssatis- factory synthetic passion fruit flavouring essence. Accordingly a number of ceollections of leaves and terminal branchlets were procured from the summit of Sugar Loaf Mountain during the period 1922-1925. It is worth recording that leaves and terminal branchlets of this shrub were personally collected by the discoverer, Mr. W. Bauerlen, in 1898, the essential oil being first obtained therefrom on Aug. 30, 1898, by the Economic Chemist of this Institution. The sample, when examined on Sept. 28, 1920, was found to have undergone very little change, the chemical and physical characters being practically identical with those recorded in the Table. THE ESSENTIAL OILS. The Essential Oils were of a pale yellow colour, some- times almost water white, quite mobile, and possessed the pleasant passion fruit odour previously mentioned. Altogether, 483 lbs. weight of leaves and terminal branchlets, cut as for commercial purposes, were subjected to steam distillation, the average yield of oil being 0.55%. The principal constituents, which have so far been identified, were found to be d-a-pinene, an olefenic terpene OILS OF ERIOSTEMON AND PHEBALIUM. 33d (ocimene), butyl isovalerianate, amyl =, Ss 15,, |0.8625 | -+-11.40° | 1.4472.) ea oes TOe822, hie Gs 29, |0.8752 | = 4:2° | 1 4aiOn| Sila 90-114° ,, 4, |.10,,. 10.8958 | =-1%.5°° | Seabee dies t4-131°° 7; | 2 09a Lous leleo 1.4840 | 95.2 April, 22, 1924. 345 c.c. distilled at 20-10 mm. Po 20 Ester No. Bp. fie | Et es | my | lebre. Below 60° at 20mm. | 72c.c. | 0.8591 |+87.5° |[1.4590| 46.2 61-65° 53 x | 56c.c. | 0.8587 | +34.0° | 1.4564 64.6 65-70° ;, - | 38c.c. | 0.8587 | +28.0° |1.4520)\- 104.0 60-70° » 1lOmm. | 11c.c. | 0.8661 | +17,.75° | 1445 Oule ey aiodem 70-78° ae 46c.c. | 0.8715 | + 8.35°|1.4395| 213.0 78-89° + > | 14c.c. | 0.8862 | + 3.45° |1.4422| 222.0 90-100° iY f | 22c.c. | 0.8977 | -}+- 4.2° - | 1 Abie zen Above 100°C. __,, | 60c.c. | 0.9493 | +11.2° | 1.4950 70.7 Polymerised residue | 26c.c. | | Determination of terpenes.—AIl the lower boiling frac- tions were either washed with 50% resorein solution or treated with boiling aqueous normal potassium hydroxide solution until free from alcoholic and ester constituents. They were then subjected to steam distillation and finally repeated fractionation over metallic sodium. d-a-pinene.—The 1st and 2nd fractions of the 1922 ‘eonsignment yielded the following fraction distilling at 155-157° at 764 mm: 1 0.8600, ase + 42.25°, ak 1.4654. Similar fractions of the 1924 consignment yielded a distillate of 155-158° at 769 mm: 4% 0.8584, al° + 43.25 ny 1.4660. OILS OF ERIOSTEMON AND PHEBALIUM. 339 No matter to what treatment these pinene fractions were submitted, the specific gravity could not be raised zabove 0.8600. It was found, however that the fractions readily resinified and yielded gummy residues upon evaporation, and, judging from the characteristic odour and previous experience of similar mixtures, the olefenic terpene ocimene is undoubtedly present. Its identity could not be confirmed by chemical means on account of ‘the small quantity present. The pinene fractions referred to above were oxidised with potassium permanganate (see this Journal, 1922, 56, 195), and the pinonic acid ‘separated as described therein. The acid distilled at 178-180° at 5 mm. and solidified immediately when placed in the ice chest. The crystals were separated, and on puri- fication from petroleum ether (b.p. 50-60°) melted at 70°: 1.3112 g. in 10 cc. chloroform gave a reading of + 12° [a]5*°= + 91.5° The semicarbazone melted at 207°. The hydrochloride was prepared in the usual way, and on recrystallisation from absolute ethyl alcohol melted at 130-131° ; 1.0372 g. in 10 ¢.c. ethyl alcohol gave a reading of +3.5°; [a]P°’.= + 33.74". Presence of Ocimene.—The terpene fractions boiling higher than pinene, after removal of alcohols and esters, were found to possess a low specific gravity and to consist of mixtures of d-a-pinene with small quantities of an olefenic terpene resembling ocimene. Determination of Butyl and Amyl isovalerianates—The alkaline liquors resulting from the saponification of fractions 1 to 7 (1922) and 1 to 6 (1924) with aqueous potash solution were subjected to distillation from a sand tray using a 12 bulb fractionating column. The distillate was saturated with dry potassium carbonate and again subjected to distillation, the procedure being repeated 336 A. R. PENFOLD. until sufficient of the water-soluble aleohols were obtained. for examination. These were distilled at 769 mm., when the following fractions were obtained :— diz an nee Ist fraction, b.p. 100-180° 0.8608 —1.4° 1.4140 2nd fraction, b.p. 130-185° 0.8481 —2.4° 1.4250 Although not very pure, these fractions were distinctive enough for their definite characterisation by means of napthylisocyanate. The first fraction yielded a napthyl- urethane melting at 62-63°, whilst the second gave a similar derivative melting at 49-51°. (See Schimmel & Co., Annual Report, 1922, 67.) A careful comparison of these derivatives with those obtained with the alcohols from other sources, including the determination of mixed melting point, confirmed their identity as butyl and amyl alcohol. Determination of Acids combined with above Alcohols.— The aqueous alkaline liquors after removal of water soluble alcohols by distillation, were acidified with dilute sulphuric acid, and the liberated acids removed by steam distillation. The free acid was neutralised with dilute ammonia solution, the solution evaporated to a small bulk and the silver salt prepared: 0.4770 g. of the silver salt on ignition yielded 0.2466 g. silver == 51.69% silver. The silver salt of vsovaleric acid requires 51.68% silver. The saponi- fication liquor resulting from the separate treatment of fraction No. 5 yielded quite a large quantity of an oily acid possessing the following characters: b.p. 174-178° (763mm.), d+, 0.9402, a% + 0.35°, and n® 1.4077: 0.7814 g. of the silver salt prepared therefrom gave on ignition 0.4028 g. silver = 51.55% silver. OILS OF ERIOSTEMON AND PHEBALIUM. 337 There seems to be no doubt about the acid being asovaleric. Presence of Iinalool?—In the course of the examination of the various fractions boiling above the terpenes, after saponification to decompose the esters and subsequent fractional distillation, the following distillates were separated :— Ex 1925 Lot. diz an n® so-00° at 10 mm. .. 0.8809 = 8:6 1.4640 90-100° at 10 mm. .. 0.8780 +8.6° 1.4562 These alcoholic fractions, although impure, did not react with phthalic anhydride, but yielded citral on oxidation with chromic acid. They possessed the characteristic odour of linalool, and despite repeated efforts with four distinct consignments of oil, I was unable to prepare con- firmatory derivatives such as the phenylurethane and napthylurethane. Determination of Geramol, Citronellol and Darwinol (free and as esters).—The portion of 1924 oil distilling above 100° at 10 mm., 60 c.c., ester No. 70.7, was treated with alcoholic potash solution and the ester-free oil mixed with equal weights of phthalic anhydride and benzene, and heated on a boiling water bath. The alcoholic phthalates were separated in the usual way and on decomposition with sodium hydroxide solution in a current of steam yielded 4 ¢@c. of an alcohol of pronounced geraniol odour. It possessed the following chemical and physical characters: b.p. 110-113° at l0mm., dt2 0.8984, o + 3°, and n® 1.4692 The silver salt of the phthalic acid ester, on purification from methyl alcohol, melted at 181-132°. Another preparation of 38 ¢.c. from the 1925 consignment possessing a decided citronellol-darwinol odour had the V—December 1, 1926 338 A. R. PENFOLD. following constants: dt$ 0.8901, of + 14°, nf 1.4655. The silver salt of the D phthalic acid ester melted at 135-136°. Another series of experiments showed these alcoholic constituents to exist in the free condition as well as in combination as esters. The presence of citronellol was proved by the prepara- tion of the pyruvic acid ester, the semicarbazone of which melted at 108°. (See Schimmel & Co., Semi-Annual Report, Oct. and Nov., 1904, 119.) The small quantity of alcohols available militated against any successful separation of the components. The fact that the 1922 crude oil (fraction No. 2) yielded an alcoholic mixture of a} + 18° and. #2 1.4700) pomuted strongly to the presence of darwinol, an alcohol which has been shown to resemble geraniol closely and also to occur in admixture with it. (See this Journal, 1928, 57, 237 and 1926, 60, 83.) It was not found possible to secure a derivative in confirmation, but the high specific gravity, optical rotation and refractive index provided strong evidence in support of its presence. Acids in combination with higher boiling Alcohols.— The alkaline liquors resulting from the saponification of the various fractions (1924 lot) were treated individually. They were acidified with dilute sulphuric acid and the liberated acids separated by steam distillation, the oily acids being collected separately from the water soluble ones. They were neutralised with dilute ammonia solution, evaporated to a small bulk and the silver salts prepared. Journal Royal Society of N.S.W., Vol. LX., 1926. Plate XX VII. Shrubs of Eriostemon Coxii at Sugar Loaf Mountain, Monga, Braidwood, New South Wales. ay seeing jr apathy , 7 i i Fy ote sae bee dees r ‘ Pa f 5 OR Sat ee . Raed \ = : : x be G ri eee : =. Nah A a . ' ' As i > ‘ 5 5 “bias 4 sl " x . a { , ¥ b . + 1 4 oo ee . 5 ‘ C ¥ ‘ ne v 7 v > = . i ' ee ; NF “| ™ Bo ‘ : . . ms i X oe - gs i \ ; i rr a ‘ { ~ i = : ‘ ‘ i ’ os i - ~ ; i “ a i ‘ : i 4 " h 7 - eat i a iS . f Ye the r ’ : a a t } Fy yo 4 a ‘ S ys o ! Hi r i OILS OF ERIOSTEMON AND PHEBALIUM. 339 Fraction No. 6.—0.5617 g. of silver salt yielded on ignition 0.2882 g. silver == 51.30%. (The silver salt of asovaleric acid requires 51.68% Ag.) Fraction No .7.—Oily acid. 0.6716 g. of silver salt gave on ignition 0.3108 g. silver = 46.28%. (The silver salt of an hexylic acid would require 45.57% Ag.) Aqueous acid.—0.5367 g. of silver salt gave on ignition O27 eo) silver = 51.68% Ag. (The silver salt of dsovaleric acid requires 51.68%.) Fraction No. 8 (60 ¢.c.).—Oily acid. 0.6228 g. of silver salt gave on ignition 0.3010 g. silver == 48.29% Ag. (The silver salt of caproic acid requires 48.43% Ag.) Aqueous acid.—0.7020 g. of silver salt gave on ignition 0.3658 g. silver —= 52.10%. (The silver salt of isovaleric acid requires 51.68% Ag.) The alcoholic constituents appear to be present as esters of isovaleric, caproic, and an unknown hexylic, acids. Determination of Sesquiterpenes.—The fractions of the various consignments distilling above 120° at 10 mm. were treated with 8% sodium hydroxide solution and alcoholic potash solution for the removal of phenolic and ester constituents. The quantities available were too small to endeavour to determine the sesquiterpene alcohol separately, so the various fractions were distilled over metallic sodium. The 1925 consignment was found to give the best distillate: 17 ¢.c. were obtained of 130-138° at 10mm. d?3 0.9404, ap + 14.5° and n®, 15070 A good yield of hydrochloride was obtained of melting point 1184-119° : 0.43890 g. in 10 «.e. chloroform gave a reading of + 1.5° = [a]? 4 34.17°. The principal sesquiterpene therefore is cadinene, or one yielding cadinene dihydrochloride. 340 A. R. PENFOLD. Determination of minor constituents—The quantity of free acid present in the oil was very minute, not more than a trace of formic acid being detectable: 188 ¢.c. of crude oil yielded but 0.3 g. of a liquid phenol which, beyond giving an indefinite greenish black colouration with ferri¢ chloride in alcoholic solution could not be identified. A small quantity of a paraffin of m.p. 65-66° was separated. from the residues left after removal of sesquiterpenes. PHEBALIUM DENTATUM (Smith). The botany of this tall Rutaceous shrub is described in Bentham’s ‘‘Flora Australiensis,’’ Vol. 1, 339. It is a very attractive shrub growing to a height of 15 to 20 feet with long narrow green leaves and yellowish white flowers. It is plentiful in the Port Jackson district, being especially abundant at Narrabeen and Middle Harbour. The leaves, on crushing between the fingers, emit an odour closely resembling that from Hriostemon Cornu. On this account its essential oil was subjected to examination and the results recorded together. THE ESSENTIAL OIL. The essential oils were of a pale lemon yellow colour, quite mobile and possessed a pleasant passion-fruit odour. Altogether, 589 lbs. weight of leaves and terminal branchlets, cut as for commercial purposes, were subjected to distillation, the average yield of oil being 0.21%. The principal constituents, which have so far been identified, were found to be d-a-pinene, an unidentified terpene, butyl and amyl butyrates and isovalerianates, geraniol and citronellol free and as butyrate, caproate, and formate, with small quantities of citral, sesquiterpene, sesquiterpene alcohol, phenolic bodies and a paraffin of m.p. 65-66°. OILS OF ERIOSTEMON AND PHEBALIUM. EXPERIMENTAL. Five hundred and eighty-nine lbs. 341 of leaves and terminal branchlets collected around Port Jackson, yielded on distillation with steam, erude: oils, possessing the chemical and physical characters, as shown in table :— Ester ; Ester Weight | Yield 20 99 | Solubility | No. No. Date. Locality. | of of qi 0. D ny in 80% 1% after leaves | oil. alcohol | hours, | acety- - hot sap.| lation 23/ 2/1923|Mid. Harbour | 82ibs.|0.25%)0.8706|4-20.25° 1.4646] 6.0 vols.| 69.8 |114.5 18/ 6/1923|Narrabeen 64ibs.|0-17%'0.8770|/4-19.4° |1.4660)6.5 ,, | 82.4 |116.3 13/12/1923|Mid. Harbour) 75ibs./0.197%|0.8704|+-20.8° |1.4666| 7.0 ,, | 64.4 |120.3 18/ 8/1924|Narrabeen 101 lbs. |0.28%10.8713)+-20.0° |1.4640) 7.0 ,, | 80.8 114.1 23/ 7/1926|Narrabeen —_167Ibs.|0.21°//0.8717|--18.5° |1.4626] 6.0 .. | 90.3 |129.2 Two hundred of crude oil, 23/2/1923 lot, yielded on distillation at 10 mm. the following results :— B.p Volume, an a me Ester No. 50-60°. | 105c.c. | 0.8533 | +30.65° | 1.4615 | 36.1 60-95° | 26c.c. | 0.8481 | +15.65° 1.4558 40.1 95-115" | 26c.c. | 0.8889 | + 3.80° | 1.4615 | 129.6 eue-i87" | 30c.c. -| 09111 | + 65° 1.4755 | 82.6 Determination of d-a-pinene.—The fraction distilling at 50-60° was treated with both aqueous and alcoholic potash solution and then distilled over metallic sodium. Although numerous repeated distillations were made with the terpene fractions of the various consignments, the pinene could not be obtained in a condition of purity. Treatment with 50% resorein solution appeared to remove small quantities of low boiling alcoholic bodies ike amyl and butyl, but the specific gravity of the pinene could not be raised above ‘0.8583. The chemical and physical characters of the best sample were :— . b.p. 764 mm. 154-156", d+} 0.8583, a? + 39.80°, n® 1.4656. Oxidation of the pinene gave a good yield of pinonic acid of mp. 70°: 1.08386 g. in 10 e¢.c. chloroform gave @ reading of + 9.75°, [a]? = + 90°. The semicarbazone melted at 207°. 342 A. R. PENFOLD. Undoubtedly another terpene is present, but the author was unable to separate it probably on account of the nearness of its boiling point to pinene. At the same time alcoholic bodies were also detected which were not removed by distillation over metallic sodium or by shaking with 50% resorein solution, probably due to a protective action of the pinene. Determination of Butyl and Amyl Esters.—The aqueous alkaline saponification liquors from the treatment of fractions 1 and 2 were distilled on a sand tray, the vapours being conducted through a 12-pear column. Only very small quantities, about 24 to 4 @e. of colourless water- soluble alcohols being obtained. They were identified as butyl and amyl alcohols by means of napthylisocyanate, the respective melting points of their napthylurethanes being 61-62° and 50-52°. Determination of Geraniol and Citronellol (free and combined ).—Fraction No. 3 was treated with phthalic anhydride in benzene solution, both before and after saponification. A phthalate was isolated in each instance and on decomposition with sodium hydroxide solution, in the presence of steam, 7 cc. of colourless oil with pronounced geraniol-citronellol odour were obtained. It possessed the following characters: 42 0.8813, ae — 0.4" ny 1.4675. Another preparation of 7 ¢.c. of alcohol from another sample of oil had d}3 0.8798, as 2 09, ne 1.4657. The silver salt of the phthalic acid ester in both cases. melted at 128-129°. Eleven c.c. of a similar alcohol fraction separated from the 1926 consignment oil had b.p. 110-1138° at 10 mm., dis 0.8740, o® +0°, n® 1.4660 It possessed an excellent rose odour. OILS OF ERIOSTEMON AND PHEBALIUM. | 343 The silver salt of the phthalic acid ester melted at 125-126". The presence of citronellol was confirmed by the preparation of the semicarbazone of the pyruvic acid ester which melted at 108° (see under E. Coxii). Geraniol was determined by oxidation of the mixed alcohols with chromic acid mixture and after steam distillation, the resulting eitral was removed by means of neutral sulphite solution. The small quantity of citral regenerated from the sulphite solution by means of sodium hydroxide solution was converted into the 8-naphthocinchonic acid melting at 204°. Determination of tre free and combined acids.—A small quantity of formic acid was detected in the crude ous. — It was recognised by the colour reaction with ferric chloride and reducing action on silver and mercury salts. The alkaline saponification lquors from the various fractions were acidulated with dilute sulphuric acid and steam distilled, the distillate being collected in fractions. These were neutralised with dilute ammonia solution, evaporated to a small bulk and the silver salts prepared. Oily Acid, b.p. 176-180° at 774 mm.: 0.5212 g. of silver salt gave 0.2609 g. of silver on ignition = 50.15% Ag. Oily Acid No. 2, b.p. over 180°: 0.4008 g. of silver salt gave 0.1980 g. silver on ignition = 49.40% Ag. Aqueous Acid, No. 1 fraction: 0.3903 g. silver salt gave 0.2129 g. silver on ignition = 54.54% Ag. Aqueous Acid, No. 2 fraction: 0.4160 g. silver salt gave 0.2251 g. silver on ignition = 54.11% Ag. Aqueous Acid, No. 3 fraction: 0.5436 g. silver salt gave 0.3018 g. silver on ignition = 55.52% Ag. Aqueous Acid, No. 4 fraction: 0.8538 g. silver salt gave 0.5290 g. silver on ignition = 61.95% Ag. As qualitative reactions were obtained for butyrie, isovaleric and formic acids, the author deduces from the 344 A. R. PENFOLD. experimental data, that the acids present represent a complex mixture of isovaleric and caproic (oily acids) and butyrie and formic acids (aqueous).. Presence of Innalool?—After the removal of the geraniol-citronellol aleohols by means of phthalic anhydride a small quantity of an alcohol of b.p. 85-90° at 10 mm.: dts 089713, a. 4 4, ns 1.4619, with a pronounced odour resembling linalool, remained. As stated under Hriostemon Coxu, its identity could not be confirmed. Determination of Minor Constituents. Citral—About 4% of citral was detected in the various crude oils. It was removed by shaking with 35% eryst. sodium sulphite solution at room temperature, and on regeneration by means of sodium hydroxide solution, was identified by its refractive index, 1.4875 at 20°, and B-naphthocinchonie acid, melting at 202°. The 1926 sample showed the presence also of citronellal in traces. Sesquiterpene and Sesquiterpene Alcohol.—Both sesqui- terpene and sesquiterpene alcohol were found to be present but the small quantities available did not permit of their separation and identification. Phenolic Bodies —0.25% of unidentified phenolic con- stituents yielding an indifferent colour reaction with ferric chloride in alcohole solution, were found to be present. Paraffin—From the high boiling residues a_ small quantity of a paraffin was isolated of m.p. 65-66°. In conclusion, I have to express thanks to Mr. F. R. Morrison, F.c.s., A.A.c.L, Assistant Economic Chemist, for much valuable assistance in the chemical examination of these oils; also to the Curator for the opportunity afforded to visit Sugar Loaf Mountain for the purpose of making field observations. DEFECTIVE NEW ZEALAND KAURI. 345 AN EXAMINATION OF DEFECTIVE NEW ZEALAND KAURI (Agathis australis). M. B. WELCH, B.Sc., A.L.C. (With Plates XXVIII.-XXX.) (Read before the Royal Society of New South Wales, Dec. 1, 1926.) During 1925 a large consignment of New Zealand kauri (Agathis australis) was received in Sydney, intended for ‘vat building. After making up several large vats and filling them with water, it was found that some of the ‘staves were broken across, as though they had been hit from inside. The wood had ruptured with a brash-like fracture across the direction of the grain, thus showing that it was devoid of strength. The sizes used were three inches or over in thickness, so that the failure was not due to local ‘‘cross grain’’ effects. In the floor of one vat a piece of wood fourteen feet in length and three inches thick, arched up to the extent of ten inches, and showed -eracks, not on the convex side which would be expected if the wood were in tension, but on the coneave side, showing ‘that the shrinkage there was abnormal. On examining a stripped stack of the wood it was also found that a number of flitches showed transverse or oblique ruptures, proving apparently that the tensile strength of the wood was less than the internal stresses due to seasoning. Longitudinal cracks or checks parallel to the grain are common in woods which are dried too quickly, due to the well-known property of wood of shrink- ing unequally in different planes, but in this case the failures were across the tracheids. 346 M. B. WELCH. In appearance the wood was quite normal, varying somewhat in colour from pale straw to ight brown. There was no external evidence of sap-stain or other fungal attack. The density was normal, but the lustre on a planed surface was rather less than usual, and according to the coopers the wood was ‘‘dead’’ and in nature resembled Powellised kauri. The whole consignment, amounting to: about 100,000 super feet was condemned as useless for the purpose for which it was intended. A rather similar experience, as the result of the use of defective New Zealand kauri, has recently been ventilated before the High Court in England.* The failure of the timber, which was proved to be swamp kauri, was also: due to cracks appearing transversely in the wood, although prior to this there was nothing to indicate that the wood was not normal. It was stated in evidence that there was. a diminution in cellulose and an increase in the resinous. content of the swamp kauri, and further that since the New Zealand Government’s restriction on the export of kauri this buried material was being used. Apparently the Forestry Department practically pro- hibits the export of first-class kauri, but there is no diffi- culty in obtaining a permit to ship third-class or swamp: kauri, although the latter wood has at present acquired such a reputation that milling it has practically ceased. According to those engaged in the handling of New Zealand kauri, it is not necessary for the immersion in salt or brackish water to be longer than a few years before the defects noted, i.e., the appearance of ‘‘lightning-like’’ cracks, and the shelling and warping of the wood, occur on seasoning. It is stated also that Rimu, Dacrydium cup- ressinum, and White Pine, Podocarpus dacrydioides, behave: * Timber Trades Journal, London, 1926, 99, 1768. DEFECTIVE NEW ZEALAND KAURI. 347 in a similar manner when the logs are left in the water more than a few years. Much of the swamp kauri is of course buried in silt. Tiemann* refers to experiments carried out by Janka on the effect of salt and fresh water on wood. The conclusion was that fresh water reduced the hygroscopicity and shrinkage of the wood, but weakened it shghtly, whereas salt water probably reduced shrinkage. The time allowed was from one and a half to three and a half years. Tiemann also suggests that internal stresses gradually disappear by soaking the wood and mentions that in Japan, wood is commonly soaked for from two to five years in a mixture of six parts of sea-water and one part of fresh water. In the kauri in question, internal stresses were certainly not eliminated; thus one inch squares, cut for test purposes, curled so rapidly after sawing that it was practically im- possible to dress them, and, in a length of a few feet, warped more than six inches from straight. Similarly quarter cut flitches over three inches thick and twelve Inches wide, warped sideways, undoubtedly due to severe internal stresses; the maximum shrinkage was towards the heart. The fact that so-called swamp kauri has beex: milled for many years is borne out by the following statement made by Kirkt in his description of Agathis australis: ‘‘In many localities as at Papakura and in the Waikato, kauri forests have been buried from unknown causes and the kauri is continually dug up, and used for railway sleepers, house framing, weather boarding, shingles, fencing, ete., with the 2) most satisfactory results.’’ The occurrence of these buried forests is also referred to in the report of the Kauri Gum * Tiemann, Kiln Drying of Lumber, 1917. + Kirk, I. The Forest Flora of New Zealand, Wellington, 1889. 348 M. B. WELCH. Commission,t as follows:—‘‘Evidence of ti forests of bygone ages are however afforded by the huge trunks of trees, In many cases as sound as the day they had fallen, and their branches and limbs scattered over and under the ground in the utmost confusion.”’ Brittleness in timber is usually due either to too rapid growth, producing a large percentage of thin walled wood-fibres or tracheids, to exposure, to too high temperatures during seasoning, or to incipient decay. That prolonged burying may cause loss cf strength is shown by the brittle nature, when dry, of the blackened discolored wood occasionally unearthed at considerable depths in New South Wales. Burial for moderate periods may not apparently effect the wood, for example, apart from the kauri quoted above, Wilsont in reference to Cunninghamia sinensis var. glauca states that trees buried for many years in land slides yield wood often much darker than normal, but which is considered superior to newly felled timber and is largely used for coffins. Boulger§ in reference to water seasoning, i.e., the immer- sion of logs in water for long periods, states that it reduces warping but renders the wood brittle and less elastic. Two samples were originally obtained from one firm and transverse tests made on 3in. X 3in, X 36in. span, centre load, with the following results; the material was clear and free from defects :-— + Report of the Royal Commission on Kauri Gum Reserves, Wellington, 1914. . t Wilson, E. H. A Naturalist in Western China, 1913. § Boulger, Wood, London, 1902. DEFECTIVE NEW ZEALAND KAURI. 349s Test I:—Defective Kauri. Modulus of rupture Modulus of elasticity Weight Moisture % in lbs. per sq. in. percubic foot. ie sie = W- (1) 5,060 892,000 32 boat (2) 4,480 690,000 30 15.3 Mean 95,020 791,000 34 15.2 At about the same time transverse tests were also made: on eight similar sized pieces from a different firm, six being from defective material and two from kauri pre-. viously held in stock and known to be sound. The following results were obtained :— Test II:—Defective Kauri. f, E. W. Moisture %: (1) 8,310 837,000 30 14.6 (2) 8,790 921,000 Of oem (3) 9.140 970,000 38 12.8 (4) 0,180 099,000 38 16.6 (dD) 4,180 739,000 44 16.4 (6) 5,600 1,231,000 42 16.2 Mean 6,693 882,000 39 13.3 Sound Kauri. Ci) TE. 500 1,624,000 Oo” 10.8 (2) 9,740 1,419,000 ol 10.8 Mean 10,620 1,521,500 34 10.8 Early this year six flitches which appeared to be quite sound, were selected from a large stack, and two test pieces of the same size as those above were cut from each. Transverse tests with centre load gave the following re- sults :— Test III:—Defective Kauri. if E. W. Moisture % 1A : 5,660 656,200 40.0 14.0 IB 5,120 656,200 41.2 18.4 350 M. B. WELCH. x - = fig E. W. Moisture % 2A 98,130 709,300 40.6 LB ie. 2B 5,420 576,000 40.6 due yp 3A 10,770 921,300 38.0 13.5 3B 8,620 953,200 39.6 13.5 4A 4,720 800,600 31.0 OR, 4B 6,300 576,000 34.4 L258 DA 9,820 1,256,600 39.3 19 5B 5,680 1,228,700 31.0 12.8 6A. 7,980 864,000 33.1 15.2 6B 4,990 1,024,700 36.5 14.7 Mean 6,684 768,600 Oleg 14.6 Compression tests were made on sound and defective kauri according to the method laid down in the British Standard Specifications for Aircraft Material; duplicate tests being made. The sound kauri was from the same pieces used in Test 2 and the defective kauri was from Test 3. Test IV:—Defective Kauri. Breaking load in lbs. per sq. in. Moisture %. a 6,010 6,979 11.8 2 6,010 6,110 10.7 3 6,650 6,945 12.1 4 9,380 5,310 10.6 5) 1,390 7,370 10.0 6 6,120 5,949 od. 3 Mean 6,325 a. Sound Kauri. 1 8,320 7,030 9.1 2 7,320 6,760 9.8 Mean 7,480 9.5 Brittleness tests were also made in an Izod impact test- ing machine, according to aircraft specifications, the test ‘pieces being from the same material as used in Test 4. DEFECTIVE NEW ZEALAND KAURI. 351 ‘Test. V:—Defective Kauri. Breaking load in foot-lbs. Moisture %. el fey 1.6 11.8 2 3.3 4.3 10% 3 2.6 4.3 12.1 4 om: 6.1 10.6 5) 5.3 5.3 10.0 6 1-9 ys | 11.3 Mean 3.8 Tete 1) Sound Kauri. 1 2.8 eo 4.8 Jel 2 4.6 2.9 4.0 OFS Mean 3.1 9.5 For comparison the following transverse tests of New Zealand kauri are given on 3in. X 3in. X 386in. test pieces :—* Mean £.=18,660. H.=2,159,900. W.=40. air seasoned. The tests carried out on behalf of the Air Ministry of Great Britain gave the following mean figures.+ The sizes of the test pieces are not mentioned, but if, according to the B.E.SA. specification for Aircraft Materials, the trans- verse tests would be on 2in. X lin. X 30in. span with four point loading. fe Orazo. 0 H).—1,622,000.* W.=31. 7 Moisture.=15.1%: Mean compression tests from the same source are:— f.=6,190. W.=31. Moisture.=15.1%. The very serious decrease in strength of the defective kauri is clearly shown by the transverse tests, thus the mean modulus of rupture is, in the three series of tests, 5,020, 6,693, and 6,684 lbs. per sq. in. against 10,620 and 13,660 lbs. per sq. in. for similar sized, sound test pieces. * Welch: Notes on Strength of Timbers, Technological Museum Bulletin No. 6, 1923. + Empire Timber Exhibition Catalogue, London, 1920. 302 M. B. WELCH. The moisture contents of the sound test pieces in Test 2 are certainly lower than those of the defective material, but the variation in strength is too great to be accounted for by the increased moisture in the latter. In general the strength of a wood, other factors being equal, varies directly as the density. Reducing the mean weights per cubic foot to a 10.8% moisture content basis,. we have 32.7, 37.5 and 36.6 lbs. per cubic foot for the: defective kauri in Tests 1, 2 and 3 respectively; whereas: the sound kauri for the same moisture figure is 34 lbs. per cubie foot. The Technological Museum figure is 40 lbs., and the Air Ministry 29.8 lbs. per cubie foot, the latter at 10.8% moisture. It is apparent that the densities of the defective material are quite normal. There is considerable variation in the strength of the various pieces, varying from a minimum modulus of rup- ture of 4,480 lbs. per sq. in. to 10,770 lbs. per. sq. in., and. as seen in specimens 5A, 5B, 6A, and 6B of Test 3 there may be a considerable variation in strength of test pieces. eut from the same flitch. The modulus of elasticity or stiffness of the defective kauri is also extremely low in the majority of the tests,. the mean figures being 791,000, 882,000, 768,600 lbs. per sq. in., against 1,521,500, 2,159,900 and 1,622,000 lbs. per sq. in. for the sound material. The compression figures do not show such a discrepancy as the transverse tests, but this is probably partially ac- counted for by the smaller sized test pieces, and also by the condition of the cell walls, as will be shown later. Ji appears therefore that the greatest loss in strength is in tension and that the compressive strength is not greatly affected. This would be expected from the behaviour of the timber whilst seasoning and also from the method of failure without warning of the transverse test pieces. The DEFECTIVE NEW ZEALAND KAURI. 303 ‘‘breaks’’ were all carrot-like; in the majority of cases the beams were completely broken across, pieces of wood flying out of the testing machine. It is evident that the tensile strength is very little greater than the compressive strength. Kauri is naturally a comparatively brittle wood, but it was thought that the especially brittle nature of the defec- tive timber would be clearly brought out by the impact tests. The mean figures were practically identical and, although test pieces 1 and 6 were extremely low, 4 and 5 gave higher results than those obtained for the sound wood. It is impossible to find any consistent agreement between the transverse and the impact test figures. Here again the considerable variation in the figures is possibly due to the small size of the test pieces. The species belonging to the genera Agathis and Arau- caria are characterised by multiseriate bordered pits on the radial walls of the tracheids, and by numerous semi- bordered pits between the ray parenchyma and the tra- cheids. The appearance of these multiseriate bordered pits is clearly shown in Plate XXVIII, fig. 1, representing a radial longitudinal section of sound kauri. The bordered pits are more or less circular or polygonal in outline, with an elliptical to circular opening. The longer axes of these openings do not coincide in either half of the pit, but are usually placed at right angles to each other. The openings do not extend beyond the outer limits of the border. If we examine a similar section of the defective material, Plate XXVIII, fig. 2 it is seen that a considerable altera- tion in their appearance has occurred. The ends of the pit openings are now extended for a considerable distance and appear as definite short spiral cracks in the cell wall; the other half of the pit opening has also cracked in a similar manner, but at right angles to it. Cracks may also appear in W—December 1, 1926. 304 M. B. WELCH. the wall without any connection with the pit. The semi- bordered ray pits are also found to be similarly elongated by the extension of the openings into definite cracks. Plate XXX, figs a: An examination of a number of pieces of defective kauri showed a good deal of variation in the degree of splitting ~ by the elongation of the pit openings, but in every case more or less of the cells were effected. In specimens 1 and 6 (Test 3), practically every pit opening was extended; in 3 and 4 the ray pits were affected more than the inter- tracheid pits; in 2 and 5 the intertracheid pits were almost normal. From the examination made there does not seem to be any definite relationship between the strength of the wood and the degree of splitting of the cell walls; this is evi- dently due to the variation occurring in different parts of the same piece of wood. In specimen 2A (sound kauri) a small extension was observed in some of the pits, but this was exceptional, otherwise the sound kauri did not show this defect. It appears therefore that longitudinal shrinkage of the trach- eid has brought about the splitting of the cell walls to a greater or less extent, and that although such checking can occur in the sound wood, it is unusual. Apparently due to the exposure to abnormal conditions in the swamps the plasticity of the cell wall is reduced, and being unable to withstand the enormous tensile stresses brought about by shrinkage, it cracks, usually along the pit opening, which represents a line of weakness and which corresponds in direction to the longitudinal axes of the fibrils of the cell wall. It is easy to understand, therefore, that the tensile strength of the wood is reduced to such an extent that it approximates to or is even less than the compressive DEFECTIVE NEW ZEALAND KAURI. 300 strength, causing the wood to be extremely brittle. Fur- thermore the cumulative effect of the weakening of the individual tracheids due to internal stresses is such that they are often completely ruptured and_ transverse “*shakes’’ appear in the wood. WATER ABSORPTION TESTS. Defective Kauri. (a) (b) (c) (d) 3 13.44 8.27 23.89 33.24 3 16.62 318 27.80 36.26 9) USE 8.90 2995 39.93 5) 18.64 8.23 29.45 38.64 Sound Kauri. 1A O09 9.83 16.92 24.41 1A 9.48 Sieh) 16.25 23.43 2A 28.64 8.08 39.02 49.75 2A 33.36 8.13 40.99 49.87 (a) Moisture content % after soaking in water for 3 hours. (b) Moisture content % after drying for 41 hours at atmospheric temperature; the low moisture content is evidently due to the lack of penetration of the water during soaking (a). (c) Moisture content % after placing in water for a further seven hours. (d) Moisture content % after soaking for a further 20 hours. Small duplicate pieces of kauri one inch square and two inches long were selected from the weakest and strongest of the defective material and also from the sound wood, the faces being radial and tangential. These were dried at 100° C. till the weight was constant and then, after ‘weighing, placed in water. The object was to see whether 356 M. B. WELCH. the swamp kauri snowed any marked variation from normal in the absorption or loss of water. The results from 3 and 5: are fairly consistent, but those from the sound wood 1A and 2A are considerably lower and higher respectively than the figures for the defective wood. It seems therefore that the swamp kauri shows no definite variation in the absorp- tion or loss of moisture above or below normal wood, but that considerable variation can occur in the latter. Bailey* in an examination of a number of North Ameri- can woods found that spiral cracks in the walls of conifer- ous tracheids occurred in a small percentage of the dry timber, and that air passed as readily through the un- ruptured as through the ruptured wood. The latter result is similar to that which was found to occur in the absorption of water by sound and defective kauri. The explanation, as suggested by Bailey, is probably that the cracks are confined to the secondary thickening of the cell wall, the middle lamella remaining uninjured. Bailev found that, where present, the slits were confined to the thick walled tracheids of the late wood, whereas in the kauri now examined they may be distributed throughout the annual ring, the late wood being often only represented by a zone of a few cells in thickness. Two g. of the shavings were boiled for one minute in 00 ¢.c. of water and the extracts filtered. In the specimens examined the sound kauri—even material which had been in stock in the Museum for more than ten years—gave very turbid solutions, apparently due to the presence of oily or resinous bodies. The turbidity cleared with the addition of caustic potash or alcohol. The defective material gave solutions which were almost clear or at most slightly turbid. * Bailey, I. W.:—The Preservative Treatment of Wood, Forestry Quarterly, 1918, 11. DEFECTIVE NEW ZEALAND KAURI. 357 ‘Caustic potash gave a bright yellow coloration with the ‘sound material, and pale yellow to yellow with the swamp kauri. The acidity of the extracts from the sound kauri ranged from pH 4 to pH 9, whereas those from the defec- tive material were from pH 4.5 to pH 6.5. It seems there- fore that there is a slight decrease in the acidity of the swamp kauri. No definite result was obtained from burning the shav- ings. In general the shavings smoulder for a long period and leave a moderately large amount of white or grey ash and a small amount of unburnt carbon, but exceptions oc- eurred both in the sound and defective wood, the ash being extremely small with a relatively large amount of unburnt ‘carbon. The ash was determined in the swamp and sound kauri with the following results: Sound kauri =0.17%. Defective kauri=0.16%. These figures suggest that there is no appreciable differ- ence in the ash content. On staining sections with alkannin a considerable amount of resinous or oily material was observed as globules or irregular masses, principally in the rays, although a few small globules were sometimes present in the tracheids adjoining the rays. This applied equally to the sound and defective woods. The so-called ‘‘resin bars’’ gave no in- dication of resin. On adding 95% alcohol, partial solution was obtained, a pale yellowish, more or less clear, amor- phous residue being left which was darkened considerably by ferric chloride, the ‘‘resin bars’’ becoming especially prominent. There is thus apparently little change in the resinous contents of the ray cells, except possibly in the loss or alteration of the more volatile constituents, giving a clearer extract on boiling the shavings. - 358 M. B. WELCH. Summary :—New Zealand kauri milled from logs ob- tained from the swamps is liable to become worthless due to seasoning defects which not only cause the wood to check: across the grain, and warp, but also produce excessive brittleness. The weakness is evidently caused by a lowering of the strength of the cell walls with the result that they become eracked spirally when internal stresses are produced by shrinkage. There is apparently no definite increase or decrease in the rate of absorption or loss of moisture. In conclusion, I am indebted to Messrs. A. and C. H. Guthrie, of the Union Box Co., Ltd., of Sydney and Hoki- anga, New Zealand; to Mr. C. New, of Messrs. Tooth & Co.,. Ltd., Sydney; and to Mr. W. L. Wearne, of Empire Tim- bers Ltd., Sydney, for a great deal of valuable information with respect to the occurrence and usage of swamp kauri; to Squadron Leader L. J. Wackett, of the Royal Australian Air Foree Experimental Station, Randwick, and to the Engineering Department, Sydney Technical College, for their assistance with the mechanical tests, and to Mr. F. B, Shambler, of the Technological Museum staff, for preparing the test specimens, and for his assistance in many other ways. EXPLANATION OF PLATES. Plate XXVIII, Fig. 1—Radial longitudinal section of normal. seasoned wood of New Zealand kauri. Agathis australis, showing typical multiseriate bordered pitting on. - the radial walls of the tracheids. Towards the right hand side can be seen the crossed openings. of the pits which are.typical of this wood. There is no évidence of cracking: of the cell walls. . x 190. Journal Royal Society of N.S.W., Vol. LX., 1926. Plate XXVIII. “ vy 5 = © zo F f F ¥ ' t ie . te , Plate XXIX. Vol. LX., 1926 °9 W ty of N.S vé Journal Royal Soc Plate XXX. 1 Royal Society of N.S.W., Vol. LX., 1926, JOUrnNa DEFECTIVE NEW ZEALAND KAURI. 359 Plate XXVIII, Fig. 2.—Radial longitudinal section of defective New Zealand kauri, at junction of early and late | wood, showing spiral cracks in the tracheid walls; in the majority of cases these are due to the elongation of the pit openings. X 190. : Plate XXIX, Fig. 3.—Radial longitudinal section of defective New Zealand kauri at junction of early and late wood. At the top and bottom are portions of two medul- lary rays in which are seen the splitting of the walls due to the elongation of the semi-bordered ray parenchyma- tracheid pits. The dark masses in the ray cells are largely oily or:resinous bodies. X 190. Plate XXIX, Fig. 4.—Tangential longitudinal section of defective New Zealand kauri showing spiral slits in several of the tracheids. X 190. Plate XXX, Fig. 5.—Defective New Zealand kauri showing appearance of the surface after seasoning. The largest crack extended right through a flitch 34 inches in thickness. Numerous small hair like cracks (seen as white lines) are present which will eventually open up. (Natural size.) Plate XXX, Fig. 6.—Two fiitches, 14ft. 3in. in leneth, 12in. wide and 34in. thick of defective New Zealand kauri, showing the lateral warping, especially of the right hand piece. Both have numerous transverse cracks, but with a few exceptions, these are not visible in the photograph. 360. F. A. COOMBS, W. McGLYNN AND M. B. WELCH. NOTES ON WATTLE BARKS. Part ii. By F. A. Coomps, A.A.C.1., W. McGuynn, Tanning School, Sydney Technical College. and M. B. WE.LcH, B.Sc., A.I.C., Technological Museum. (Read before the Royal Society of New South Wales, Dec. 1, 1926.) This paper deals with two important problems connected with the stability of wattle bark tannins. The first is the question of the tannin content of stored bark, and the second refers to the estimation of tannin at high temperatures. The subject of tannin depreciation or otherwise in stored wattle bark is an important one, and as far as Wwe are aware nothing has been done in the investigation of this matter. The view held by many tanners and those practically interested in tanning material is that the tanning value is increased with storage, but they are unable to advance any reasons for this belief. The theory has been advanced that, due to ageing, the bark is easier to extract on account of contraction causing small ruptures, and _ so allowing a readier penetration of the water. The con- sequent increase in the amount obtained by diffusion was therefore considered to explain the apparent increase in tannin; in other words, although the yield of extract was greater, there had actually been no increase in the tannin content of the bark. The modern idea is, in fact, that instead of any increase in tannin, the change is rather in the reverse direction, the tannins being gradually NOTES ON WATTLE BARKS. 361 altered by prolonged storage to insoluble phlobaphenes. Such an alteration can be noted by the change of a light eoloured bark or leather to a deep reddish colour on keeping. Although phlobaphenes are said to occur side by side with the tannins from which they are produced, this statement seems to require modification. Whilst phlobaphenes undoubtedly occur in the outer corky layers of the bark, we have rarely found them in the living cells in which tannin is present. The bark when freshly cut, immediately after stripping, is white or at the most a light pink, and practically devoid of any pronounced colouring matter, and in the Callitris barks a very sharp line of demarcation separates the hving light-coloured bark from the brown outer non-living portion. In wattle the secondary phloem is often slightly darker than the fan- ‘shaped medullary rays. The action of water on the dark- coloured contents of the cells of the dry bark shows that these pass readily into solution. Wattle bark, after storing for some time, gradually ‘changes in colour from a lght yellow or pink to a very dark reddish brown; the change being apparently depen- -dent on temperature, light and time of exposure. Although ‘the change proceeds slowly when stored away from lheght, it becomes rapid in sunlight and it also increases with ‘temperature. Similarly if pelt be tanned with pale-coloured wattle tannins, the resulting leather is usually also pale, but on keeping, it gradually but surely changes to a red colour. These changes are common to all catechol tannins, and at times are a considerable disadvantage; thus leather book-bindings obtained by such tannages change, after a few years, from a soft and light-coloured condition to a hard, brittle and dark-coloured state. This brittleness, apparently due to the instability of these tannins or of ‘the products of their combination with hide-substance, is 362 F. A. COOMBS, W. McGLYNN AND M. B. WELCH. so pronounced that all catechol tannins are considered unsuitable for book-binding leathers. The chemical structure of these tannins is practically unknown, and no chemical formulae can be supplied to show the reactions which take place when the catechol tannins change to the dark red colour. The _ physical properties of a leather, tanned with these materials, also undoubtedly change with the colour. A wet pelt before tanning may be described as an elastic, fibrous structure, possessing considerable tensile strength. Such a structure would possess its maximum strength in tension when the load is evenly distributed over all the fibres, and conversely its minimum strength when the load is unevenly divided, so that a few fibres are stressed beyond their ultimate strength, thus causing their failure ; this is followed by the breaking of other small sections of the structure until the whole is broken. When a strip of wet pelt is subjected to tensile forces the fibre groups which bear the maximum loads are stretched on account of their elasticity, and so the load is more or less uniformly distributed over the section before any failure of individual fibres occurs. When a pelt is placed in a tannin solution one of the physical changes is in the gradual partial loss of this elasticity, and the decrease in this property in the fibres and grain surface of a vegetable tanned leather varies. inversely as the amount of fixed tannin. It is possible to understand, therefore, that in the book-binding leathers, where the amount of tannin, fatty matters and mechanical work are so regulated to give a soft, pliable, tough product, if the fibres lose their elasticity and become brittle, the leather cracks and crumbles away when subjected to any severe handling which is sufficient to cause even moderate: internal stresses. NOTES ON WATTLE BARKS. 363: Of the catechol tannins, wattle is the most important commercially, and this change to the ‘‘reds’’ or phloba- phenes evidently still takes place even after the tannins have been fixed in the leather. It is possible that the brittleness noted above may be due to combination of the tannin particles to form more solid masses, Over thirty years ago a very complete investigation was made into the tannin content of the Acacia barks by the late J. H. Maiden. Numerous samples from different localities were stored in a dry place at the Technological Museum, and it was thought of interest to repeat the analyses to determine whether any appreci- able alteration in the tannin content had occurred. Unfortunately the only figures available on the specimens were the tannin contents. It should be understood that the figures given for the original analyses refer to the Lowenthal method, since at that time the modern hide- powder method adopted by the Society of Leather Trade Chemists had not been introdueed. wn a — c n rite E . eh re : 2 i eae aes 2) faa Qo on S =e A oO £ 3 oe = S) Z ss alts eS H Zi ne iS A. mollisstina 8/11/92 30 Ate, 10.39 35.39 11.50: A. pycnantha 1899 40; 51.96) “10.22 “26:33 11950 A. decurrens var Leichhardtti 17/10/92 26 40.24 9.55 38.71 11.50: A. decurrens var. Leichhardti 8/10/9217 26> 32.32 7.86 48.32 11.50 A. mollissima Lf LOT92: xe BO A0LIG. 10513 “-38.66) = a5 A. decurrens var. pauciglandulosa 8/11/92 24s 22529 8.23 54.86 11.50: . decurrens 12/8/92 38.09 9:32 41509) ~ 1i1e50 . decurrens 8/7/92 39.38 8.82 40.80 11.50 dealbata 1893 — 24.60 G50) ) Dd. 7) Oo PIED 0 . mollissima 1893 — 46.47 SiS2> oot pas 0) iw) te) DOME Ss co fom) 364 F. A. COOMBS, W. McGLYNN AND M. B. WELCH. The last two specimens were sent from Nilgiris, India, to the late Mr. Maiden, but no record could be found of any analyses. The tannin content of sample, A. pycnantha, is remark- ably high and as far as we are aware is the highest yet recorded for any sample of wattle bark. From the fact that only four samples show under 40% tannin it is obvious that there can have been ttle if any depreciation, ‘especially in view of the exceptionally high figure obtained for A. pycnantha. At the same time it is impossible to ‘say definitely whether any increase has occurred. The mean figures for the analyses of a number of barks of A. mollissima, A. decurrens var. normalis and A. decurrens var. pauciglandulosa, recently collected were found to be tannin, 33.86%; non-tannins, 8.62%; the maximum percentage of tannin being 50.72 and the mini- mum 23.28. If we assume an increase in the tannin content has taken place, it must have come either from the soluble non-tannins or from the insolubles. : tannins In the old barks the ratio of OR 4.30 In the new barks the ratio of en = Sai non-tannins These figures are not close enough to suggest that there has been no alteration in the amount of soluble non- tannins present. It seems, therefore, that prolonged storage of wattle bark for periods up to about thirty years has not resulted in any loss of tannin; on the other hand there is possibly a slight increase at the expense of the non-tannins. * Proctor (Leather Trade Chemists’ Pocketbook) gives the ratio for Mimosa as 2—3. NOTES ON WATTLE BARKS. 365> A microscopic examination was also made of portions of the old barks. Without some preliminary treatment it is impossible to obtain satisfactory sections, on account of the hardness of the tissue. After soaking the bark in a saturated aqueous solution of potassium bichromate and then transferring to a glycerine-alcohol mixture, sections were obtained which showed, as was to be expected, that there was no alteration in the distribution of the tannin, from what was found to occur in the fresh bark (ef. Part 1 this Journ. 1923, 57, 313). Portion of the bark was also softened in glycerine-alcohol without any preliminary treat- ment with potassium bichromate. | SAS eed | as | System Pa cena te L benesie aud Percentage of p-teluidine. Conclusions.—Salicylie acid, benzoie acid and a-napthol all give similar melting point curves with »-toluidine, indicating in each case, the formation of a compound con- taining the two components in equi-molecular proportions. ABSTRACT oF PROCEEDINGS ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMopal Society of slew Sonth Wales. MAY 5, 1926. The Annual Meeting, being the four hundred and sixtieth General Monthly Meeting of the Society, was held at the Society’s House, 5 Elizabeth Street, Sydney, at ‘op jomuaae Professor R. D. Watt, President, in the Chair. Fifty-four members and two visitors were present. The Minutes of the General Monthly Meeting of the 2nd December, 1925, were read and confirmed. The certificates of five candidates for admission as ordinary members were read for the first time. It was announced that the following members had died during the recess:—Professor W. H. Warren and Dr. William Bateson, an Honorary Member. The Annual Financial Statement for the year ended 31st March, 1926, was submitted to members and on the motion of Professor H. G. Chapman, seconded by Mr. R. W. Challinor, was adopted. GENERAL ACCOUNT. RECEIPES, Loo Staidin Yh 35. 0s 4 Sele To Revenue - Subscriptions... ott Sas 647 15 0 »» Rents— Offices ve wae ee ae, OOL Ore O Hall and Library a ae ADR ees — 808 9 7 ‘iv. ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. »» Sundry Receipts i »» Government Subsidy for 1925 ,, Clarke Memorial Fund— Loan to General Fund (interest) », Building Loan Fund », Building Investment Fund— Loan to General Fund ... », H. G. Smith Memorial Fund », Balance--3lst March, 1926. Union Bank of Australia Ltd. Overdrawn Account, Head Office Less Petty Cash on Hand PAYMENTS. LL Side By Balance—3lst March, 1925 ,, Administrative Expenditare— », salaries and Wages— Office Salary and Accountancy Fees ae ose me Fee LUE Sao Assistant Librarian aie eas ishy Ua) Caretaker ... ee wee vue 24 13° 8 ,, Printing, Stationery, Advertising and Stamps— Stamps and Telegrams... PA shee) Office Sundries, Stationery, &c. 210 8 Advertising nee sae “124 1S L1h6e a6 Printings ... an ais fear (OL 1403 », Rates, Taxes and Services— Electric Light ... coe aeeu 00” Sues Gas... ce ves aes soe, eae, elie) Insurance ... oes ea ee sy 20) Rates 660 va as Soe 0) Iho) Telephone 50 aa on, Whom ee 22 1740 400 0 0 == 18702 as 6315 4 53019 1 300 0 0 118 °9) 12606 12 ido ais ae 1259 oho £4151 15 11 Gan sinh Lf oA Aad. 2003 2 4 113s 4 a2 328 21s ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. V.. » Printing and Publishing Society‘s Volume— Printing, &c. Bookbinding », Library — Books and Periodicals ... Bookbinding », Sundry Expenses— Repairs fs Lantern Operator Bank Charges Sundries ,, Interest— ean 140 41 10 0 ——— 313 4 0 57 0 8 , 108 117 6 ————-— 205 12 2 Union Bank of Australia Ltd. Clarke Memorial Fund... Building Loan Fund ,, Building and Investment Fund... s 9 8 10 4 7 41 14 Oo nr OA 60 a 35 ——-— 1597 13 4 74:18 O 63 15 4 126 a1 ———— 251 0 3 300 0 0 #4isl 15 1h CLARKE MEMORIAL FUND, BALANCE SHEET AS AT 3lst MARCH, 1926. LIABILITIES. Accumulation Fund—- Balance as at 3lst March, 1925 Additions during the year— Interest and General Fund ASSETS. Loan to General Fund Se sO, Weise es HeeJ0D OF Go 63 15 4 ————1029 3 7 £1029 3 7 Ly Sade S029) eSs iif Z1029 sng vi, ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS AND PAYMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 3lst MARCH, 1926. RECEIPTS, oe Syd. To Interest—-Loan to General Fund ... a ane in (OS es: PGS 19 4 PAYMENTS. PS Aa 5k By Loan to General Fund... a sai sine Bh ven. Go LR: 460/10) 4: BUILDING AND INVESTMENT FUND, BALANCE SHEET AS AT 3lst MARCH, 1926. LIABILITIES. ZL Ba Ger fos. We: Accumulation Account— Balance as at 3lst March, 1925 hea «ee 400-00 Additions during the year— ee von COU SOTO) —— 700 0 0 TOO: VOD ASSETS. ££ sid Loan to General Fund aN ae ba LA ye veg LOOP IO LIG Zi00 0.9 Compiled from the Books and Accounts of the Royal Society of New South Wales, and certified to be in accordance therewith. (Sgd.) HENRY G. CHAPMAN, o.p., Honorary Treasurer. (Sgd.) W. PERCIVAL MINELL, F.C.P.A., Auditor. On the motion of Mr. E. Cheel, Mr. W. P. Minell was duly elected Auditor for the current year. The Annual Report of the Council was read, and on the motion of Dr. G. A. Waterhouse, seconded by Professor Douglas Stewart, was adopted. ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. Vik ANNUAL REPORT OF THE COUNCIL FOR THE YEAR 1925-1926. (Ist May to 28th April. ) The Council regrets to report the loss by death of three ordinary members and one honorary member, Ten mem- bers have resigned and five names were removed from the list of members through non-payment of subscriptions. On the other hand, ten ordinary members have been elected during the year. To-day (28th April, 1926) the roll of members stands at 370. During the Society’s year there have been eight general monthly meetings and ten Council meetings. The Building Committee has held several meetings ‘during the year with representatives of the Linnean Society of New South Wales and the Institution of Engineers, Australia, to discuss the question of building a Science House in which all the various scientific institutions can be accommodated, but no complete scheme has yet been formulated. Four Popular Science Lectures were given, namely :— July 16—‘‘The Elements and their Spectra,’’ by Prof. O. U. Vonwiller, B.Sc. August 20—‘‘Vitamines,’’ by Assoc.-Prof. H. Priestley, M.D., Ch.M. September 17—‘‘The Influence of Organic Chemistry on EKeonomie Conditions,’’ by Prof. J. Kenner, Ph.D., Desc. L.R.S. ‘October 22—‘‘The Hawaiian Islands,’’ by Sir Joseph Carruthers, K.C.M.G., M.L.C., LL.D. Meetings were held throughout the Session by the Sections of Geology, Agriculture, Industry and Physical Science. Vill. ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. Twenty-six papers were read at the Monthly Meetings: and covered a wide range of subjects. In most cases they were illustrated by exhibits of interest. The following members have been honoured during the year :—R. H. Cambage, C.B.E., Commander of the Most. Excellent Order of the British Empire (Civil Division) ; — Sir Edgeworth David, Honorary Degree of Doctor of Science by the Senate of the Cambridge University and the Patron’s Medal by the Royal Geographical Society. On Friday, 14th August, 1925, an informal meeting of members was held to wish bon voyage to Sir Edgeworth. David, who was leaving for England to publish his book on the Geology of Australia. On Monday, 14th September, 1925, an informal meeting of members was held for the purpose of extending a welcome: to Sir Ernest Rutherford, O.M., M.A., D.Se., LL.D., F.R.S.,. of England, who was visiting Australia and New Zealand. The President and members welcomed Professor EH. R. Embree, of the Rockefeller Foundation, and Dr. Clark Wissler, head of the Department of Anthropology in the American Museum of Natural Science, on Monday, 2nd November, 1925, who were visiting Australia to investigate the question of Anthropological Research in relation to the native races of the Pacific. Owing to the State Government coming to a decision to close the Sydney Observatory, a deputation from the Council headed by the President waited on the Hon. Mr. W. J. McKell, Minister of Justice, representing the Premier, on 3rd December, 1925, and urged that the Sydney Observatory be not closed. Representatives of the New South Wales Branch of the British Astronomical Association joined the deputation, which received a very sympathetic hearing, Mr. McKell undertaking to place the ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. ix; representations before the Premier. Finality in the matter has not yet been reached. The New South Wales Chamber of Agriculture having terminated its tenancy in the Society’s House, the room formerly occupied by that body has been let to the Aus- tralian Chemical Institute, and the New South Wales Rod Fishers’ Society have become co-tenants with the Dental Association of New South Wales. The donations to the Library have been as follows :— 41 volumes, 1578 parts, 38 reports, 4 maps and 4 calendars. The President announced that the following Popular Science Lectures would be delivered this Session :— June 17—‘‘Sound Waves,’’ by Mr. E. T. Fisk. July 15—‘‘Drifting Continents,’’ by Prof. L. A. Cotton, M.A., D.Sc. August 19—‘‘The Sydney Harbour Bridge,’’ by Dr. J. J. C. Bradfield, M.E., M.Inst.C.E. September 16—‘‘Some Chemical Wonders of Australian Native Plant Life,’’ by A. R. Penfold, F.A.C.1., F.C.S. The following donations were laid upon the table :— 390 parts, 16 volumes, 11 reports, 1 map and 2 calendars. The President, Professor R. D. Watt, then delivered his address. There being no other nominations, the President declared the following gentlemen to be officers and council for the coming year :— President : W. G. WOOLNOUGH, D.Sc., F.G,S. Vice-Presidents: E. C. ANDREWS, B.a., F.G.S. C. ANDERSON, M.a., D.Sc, Cc. A. SUSSMILCH, F.«a.s. i Prof. BR. D. WATT, m.a., B.Sc. Hon. Treasurer: Prof, H. G. CHAPMAN, m.p. Hon, Secretaries: R. H. CAMBAGE, c.B.£., F.L.S. | R. GREIG-SMITH., M.Sc. Z—December 1, 1926. x. ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS, Members of Council: J. J. C. BRADFIELD, D.Sc.Eng., M.E., G. HARKER,, F.A.C.1. ie ualeter | Prof. J. KENNER, Ph:D., D.Sc., F.R.S. R. W. CHALLINOR, F.1.c., F.c.s. | J. NANGLE, 0.3.5., F.RALS. kK. CHEEL. | Rev. E. F. PIGOT, s.J., B.A., M.B. Prof. L. A. COTTON, M.A., D.Se, | Prof. Ay. DOUGLAS STEWART, B.V.Se, Prof. C. E. FAWSITT, D.sSc., Ph.D. MaR.Cuvass Professor R. D. Watt, the out-going President, then installed Dr. W. G. Woolnough as President for the ensuing year, and the latter briefly returned thanks. On the motion of Dr. G. Harker a hearty vote of thanks was accorded to the retiring President for his valuable address. JUNE 2, 1926. The four hundred and sixty-first General Monthly Meeting was held at the Society’s House, 5 Elizabeth Street, at 8 p.m. Dr. W. G. Woolnough, President, in the Chair. Twenty-seven members and one visitor were present. The Minutes of the preceding meeting were read and confirmed. The certificates of five candidates for admission as ordinary members were read for the second time. The following gentlemen were duly elected ordinary members of the Society :—Kenneth James Fergus Branch, Frederick William Booker, Arthur Neville St. George Burkitt, Alexander James Gibson, and William Johnstone Newbiggin. It was announced that since the last meeting the follow- ing members had died:—Joseph James Fletcher, elected in 1921, and Hector Kidd, elected in 1901. A letter was read from Mrs. Wilham Bateson expressing thanks for the Society’s sympathy in her recent bereavement. ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. XI. The President announced that Mr. E. T. Fisk would -deliver a Popular Science Lecture upon ‘‘Sound Waves”’ in the Society’s Hall on June 17th. The following donations were laid upon the table :— 217 parts and 8 volumes. The President called the attention of members to the fact that the Council was considering the advisability of obtaining more suitable premises, and invited members to ‘draw the attention of any persons who might purchase the property, to the desirable qualities of the situation and of ‘the building. THE FOLLOWING PAPERS WERE READ: 1. ‘“‘A note on the Rate of Decomposition of Commercial Calcium Cyanide,’’ by M. S. Benjamin, D.I.C., A.A.C.I. 2. “Reactions depending upon the Vapour at the Interface of Two Immiscible Liquids,’’ by G. Harker, D.Sc., F.A.C.I., and R. K. Newman, B.Sc. Remarks were made by the President and Mr. A. R. Penfold. ‘3. ‘‘Notes on the Essential Oils from some Cultivated Eucalypts,’’ by A. R. Penfold, F.A.C.L, F.C.S. Remarks were made by Messrs. E. Cheel, A. E. Stephen, R. H. Cambage and Dr. R. Greig-Smith. 4, ‘‘An Investigation on the Optical Properties of Selenium in the Conducting Form,’’ by Miss P. Nicol, M.Se. The paper was communicated by Professor O. U. Vonwiller, B.Sc. Remarks were made by Mr. J. Nangle and Rev. E. F. Pigot. EXHIBIT: On behalf of Mr. J. Barling, Mr. R. H. Cambage exhibited a chart showing the Sydney Rainfall over a number of years from 1858 to the present time, and referred to Russell’s 19-year cycle. Xil. ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. Remarks were made by Professor Vonwiller. 7, 926; The four hundred and sixty-second General Monthly Meeting was held at the Society’s House, 5 Elizabeth Street, at 8 p.m. Dr. W. G. Woolnough, President, in the Chair. Twenty-seven members were present. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and: confirmed. The certificate of one candidate for admission as an ordinary member was read for the first time. Letters were read from Mrs. J. J. Fletcher and Mrs.. Hector Kidd expressing thanks for the Society’s sympathy in their recent bereavements. The President announced that Professor L. A. Cotton,. M.A., D.Sc., would deliver a Popular Science Lecture upon: ‘*Drifting Continents,’’ in the Society’s Hall on Thursday,. July 15. The following donations were laid upon the table:— 208 parts, 6 volumes and 5 reports. THE FOLLOWING PAPER WAS READ: ‘The Essential Oils of Leptospermum lanigerum’’ Smith, Part: I, by A. KR. Penfold, FAC ECs: Remarks were made by Messrs. R. H. Cambage, R. Grant, R. W. Challinor, M. B. Welch and the President. EXHIBITS: 1. Action of Wood on a Photographic Plate, by M. B. Welch, B.Sc. 2. Abscesses and Ulcerations in Oysters from Beds where a heavy Mortality occurred, by Mr. T. C. Roughley. ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. xlll. 3. Mr. A. R. Penfold exhibited large crystals of Synthetic Thymol manufactured by Messrs. D. Thomas and L. D. Cameron from Piperitone ex Oil of Hucalyptus dives, at Mortlake. The crystals were obtained from the erystallising vat and weighed from 14 to 19 grams, and measured 14 X 14 X # inches. Unfortunately, erystals of these dimensions are rarely obtained in commerce as they are broken up by the manufacturers to meet the demand for small crystals. 4. Portion of an Acacia leaf, the movements of whose leaflets continued for ten days after being severed from the plant to give considerable response to the changes of day and night, by R. H. Cambage, C.B.E., F.L.S. AUGUST 4, 1926. The four hundred and sixty-third General Monthly Meeting was held at the Society’s House, 5 Elizabeth Street, at 8 p.m. Dr. W. G. Woolnough, President, in the Chair. Twenty-nine members and three visitors were present. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and confirmed. The President announced the death of Mr. William Freeman, who was elected a member in 1907. “The certificates of three candidates for admission as ordinary members were read: one for the second and two for the first time. The following gentleman was duly elected an ordinary member of the Society:—Sydney Ernest Bentivoglio, B.Sc.Aegr. The President announced that a public meeting would be held at the Royal Society’s House on Thursday, 12th August, at 4 p.m., to consider the question of providing XIV. ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. some suitable memorial for the late J. H. Maiden, and’ members were invited to be present. The President announced that Dr. J. J. C. Bradfield,. M.E., M.Inst.C.E., would deliver a Popular Science Lecture: upon ‘‘The Sydney Harbour Bridge’’ in the Society’s Hall. on Thursday, 19th August. The following donations were laid upon the table :— 8 volumes, 170 parts, 12 reports and 1 map. THE FOLLOWING PAPERS WERE READ: 1. ““Acacia Seedlings,’’ Part XII, by RK. H. Cambage,. C.B.E., F.L.S. Remarks were made by Mr. G. H. Halligan, Prof. J. D.. Stewart, Dr. R. K. Murphy and the President. 2. ‘‘The Hssential Oil of Zieria macrophylla and the: presence of a New Cyclic Ketone,’’ by A. R. Penfold,. F.A.C.I1., F.C.S. Remarks were made by Dr. R. K. Murphy, Mr. R. Grant. and Dr. G. Harker. 3. ‘‘The Fixed Oil of the Kidney Fat of the Emu,’’ by Bok. Morrison, AvA-C.L, F.C.S; Remarks were made by Mr. R. H. Cambage and Mr.. A. R. Penfold. 4. ‘‘Mountain Lagoon and the Kurrajong Fault,’’ by Miss. Alexa Grady, B.Sc., and H. Hogbin, B.A. (communi-. cated by Professor Griffith Taylor). Remarks were made by the President and Mr. A. D. Ollé.. SEPTEMBER 1, 1926. The four hundred and sixty-fourth General Monthly Meeting was held at the Society’s House, 5 Hlizabeth. Street, at 8 p.m. Mr. E. C. Andrews, Vice-President, in the Chair. Twenty-one members were present. ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. XV. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and confirmed. The certificates of two candidates for admission as ordinary members were read for the second time. The following gentlemen were duly elected ordinary members of the Society :—Hamilton Bartlett Mathews and Robert William Tannahill. A letter was read from Mrs. Barker-Woden expressing thanks for the sympathy extended to her family in the death of her father, Mr. William Freeman. A letter was read from Professor Liversidge thanking the Society for greetings sent from members at the Annual Dinner. | It was announced that a Popular Science Lecture entitled ‘‘Some Chemical Wonders of Australian Native Plant Life’’ would be delivered by Mr. A. R. Penfold, eA CL., FCS: in the Society's Hall on Thursday, September 16. The following donations were laid upon the table:— 6 volumes, 147 parts, 1 report and 1 map. THE FOLLOWING PAPERS WERE READ: 1. “‘The Internal Structures of some of the Pentameridae of New South Wales,’’ by F. W. Booker, B.Sc. Remarks were made by Mr. W. S. Dun. 2. “‘The Wood Structure of certain Eucalypts belonging tothe Ash Group’,’’ by M. B. Welch,B.Se., A.LC. Remarks were made by Messrs. A. D. Ollé and E. Cheel. OCTOBER 6, 1926. The four hundred and sixty-fifth General Monthly Meeting was held at the Society’s House, 5 Elizabeth Street, at 8 p.m. XVi. ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. Dr. W. G. Woolnough, President, in the Chair. Twenty members and one visitor were present. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and confirmed. The President announced the death of Mr. Charles Hedley, who had been a member of this Society since 1891, who was President in 1914 and who was the Clarke Medallist of 1925. The President announced that the following resolution had been passed by the Couneil :-— “The Council desires to place on record its appreciation of the valuable services of the late Mr. Charles Hedley, F.L.S., as a member for thirty-five years, as a Councillor from 1908 until 1923, and as President in 1914. The members are greatly indebted to Mr. Hedley, for his untiring efforts in promoting the welfare and forwarding the interests of the Society, for his inspiration in the augmentation of the biological sciences and especially for the “Check List of the Marine Fauna of New South Wales,” of which Part I, Mollusca, was published as a supplement to the Journal in 1917.” A letter was received from Mrs. Hedley thanking the Society for its letter of sympathy. The certificates of three candidates for admission as ordinary members were read for the first time. The President announced that a Donovan lecture would be given by Mr. G. F. Dodwell, B.a., on a date to be announced later. The following donations were laid upon the table :— 88 parts, 1 volume, 1 report and 1 map. THE FOLLOWING PAPER WAS READ: “ 10, ions are formed by attachments.. (b) for z/p = 8 and 9 , k mcreases with p. (c) for z/p = 8 s, is in general greater than sb. (b) and (¢) are anomalous results, and require the introduction of new considerations in order to be interpreted. Among various hypotheses to account for (b) a probable one is suggested by the fact that NH; has an exceptionally high value for the quality k—I where k is the dielectric constant. The hypothesis suggested is that the molecular distortion by the force z is sufficient to affect the behaviour of a molecule towards a colliding electron and this effect must increase with p when z/p is constant. To account for (c) we are left with the following hypotheses :— (1) Some of the electrons attach themselves immedi-. ately after the emission from the copper. surface, and subsequently free themselves progressively. ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. xlix.. (2) In some way collisions with NH; molecules progres-. sively alter an electron or its state so that its behaviour at subsequent collisions is also altered. The consensus of evidence obtained to date appears to: favour (2), especially as it simultaneously accounts for (bo). Further experiments are in progress to elucidate the situation. September 15, 1926. Rev. E. F. Pigot in the Chair. A paper, entitled ‘‘Some Notes on Interference of Light in Mica,’’ was presented by Professor O. U. Vonwiller,. B.Sc., and Mr. F. L. Arnot. Professor Vonwiller dealt with the theory of a new method for determining the optical constants of mica, showing how from elementary considerations of the wave: theory of interference, expressions for the three principal indices could be obtained. A description of the technique of the experiment was. given by Mr. Arnot. The chief difficulty encountered was. the precise determination of p in the fundamental formula A pi COS y == pa. This was finally solved by a photographic method. The accuracy of the results was of the order 1 : 10,000; but the chief advantage of the method lay in the accuracy with which the dispersion curves for each index could be drawn, since values were obtained for each interference: band in the spectrum. October 29, 1926. This meeting was held at the University of Sydney. Miss Phyllis Nicol, M.Sc., in the Chair. 1: ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. Dr. Brose continued his discussion of present research and theory in connection with spectroscopy and atomic structure, clearing up points of interest to members, and explaining the work in hand. The Chairman and several other members being absent in Japan, it was decided not to hold meetings in November or December. INDEX. A Page -Abscesses and Ulcerations in Oysters, by Mr. T. C. Roughley ae eee 66 Abstract of Proceedings 1ekX, Agriculture ... XXX1.-XXXV. Geology XXi-XXix. Industry XXXVIi.-xli. Physical Science xliii.-l. Acacia accola 178 adunca ‘175, 177, 1 alata.. amoena oe A os ee : anceps var. angustifolia eZ Bancrofti EZ Betchet 174, 175 bidentata 7 TSS bivenosa 88, 94 Burkittit si tse) buxifolia 187 caesiella, n. sp. = 130 Cambager 88, 95 Carnet , Po fall centrinervia ... 172 Clunies- Rossiae 182 confluens, n. sp. 183 crassiuscula ... WG cultriformis ... 189 Cuthbertsoni .. 86, 96 dealbata 363 decurrens : ee 363 var. Reronnardta 363 var. normalis 364 var. pauciglandulosa ... 363 — Description of Fifteen New 171. doratoxylon ... i eee es Or Aa elongata, var. dilatata, n. var. 191 | ericifolia 85 | falcata 87 | Farnesiana ... Far OO Forsythi, n. sp. peeliie | georgine obs 88, 96 Gilli, n. sp. ... . 184 gladiiformis ... Jape tele gracilifolia, n. sp. 191, 192 Hamiltoniana . 182 heterophylla ... S38 Hynesiana . 192 juneifolia nae Loe Kybeanensis, n. sp. . 188 latipes o aoe. SS leaf responding to the changes of day and night... xill. Page Acacia leptoclada ..« 100 linearifolia he Weare lineata aan iG} linifolia a 2a ae LUG McNuttiana, n. sp. ... .. 176 merinthophora 2 88 microbotrya ... . 184 mollifolia, n. sp. 192 mollissima eee 363, 364 Murrumboensis, a. sp. ra £80 neriifolia 175, 179 notabilis ew aleics obliqua et Oo oreades, n. sp. S86 oreophila, n. sp. . 185 Oswaldi 96 polybotrya . 86 pravissima 189 prominens 185, 186 pruinosa . 99 ptychoclada, n. sp. us ... 190 pycnantha 172, 363, 364 restiacea 88, 91 retinodes 85, 88 rhetinodes ... 184 rupicola 88, 90 salicona ; 92 Seedlings, Part X11. 85 semibinervia, 1. sp. . 189 sentis ... . 174 suaveolens re LOo Victoriae .. 174 Walter, n. sp. . 184 Acidulated Water and. Amyl Acetate. Hydrolysis pro- duced by contact of the two liquids : Action of wood on a a photographic plate, by M. B. Welch Agathis Ristiane ie 345, Agriculture Alphitonia excelsa Ammonia Mine .. i io Amyl Acetate. Hydrolysis pro- duced by contact of the two 47 . Xa. 347 18 ae ' 301 liquids Acidulated Waterand 47 Andrews, E. C., Honour to XXIV, Aneimites ovata a ... Zol Ash” Group of Eucalypts . 147 Araucaria .. ... 803 Aviculopecten . 386 lii. INDEX. B Page | Burrows, G. J.— Page Barks, Wattle. Part IT. ». 360 Exhibit of Apparatus for com- Barling, J., Exhibit of Chart paring Densities of Liquids xvii. showing Sydney Annual Exhibit of Series of Cobaltam- Rainfall since 1858... xi. mines. py . Xvi. Barrandella .. 131 molongensis Mitchell . 140 | Callitris calcarata 173, 368, 369 Barrandina minor, n. sp.3 . 138 | Cambage, R. H., Acacia Seed- n. sub-gen. 131 lings, Part XII. Shs 85. Wilkinsoni, n. sp. ... 131 Exhibit of Acacia Leaf re- Bartholomew, Miss E, M. and sponding to the changes of Ian Wark. Cooling Curves day and a iy ‘ «) Xili, in the Binary Systems . 388 Honour to . Viil. and G. J. Burrows. The Prep- Cardiopteris weet 242 paration of Certain Iodo- Clunies, Ross, Description of life Bismuthites . .. 208 cycle of Liver Fluke | Xvi. Beetle Powder Post vy 164 | Cobaltammines, Exhibit of Benjamin, M. S., Note on the series of eas ..XV1L. Rate of Decomposition of Cooling Curves in the Binary Commercial Calcium Cyan- Systems i .. 388. ide. . 38 | Commercial Calcium Cyanide, Binary Systems, Cooling ‘Curves Note on the Rate of Decom- in the.. vs 388 position of eee . 38. Births, Note on the Occurrence Conchidium knights ane 137 of Triplets among Multiple 278 | Coombs, F. A., W. McGlynn and Blair Duguid, The Hypersthene- M. B. Welch, Notes on Andesite of ... seaOle Wattle Barks. Part IT. . 860° Blakely, W. F., and the late J. Council Report “ ves WEL. H. Maiden, Descriptions of Cretaceous Glacial Beds .. 800 Fifteen New Acacias, and Crystalline Structure of Sodium notes on several other spec- Chloride, Ice, The Diamond TOS" h oo65 Lal and Graphite ok wile Booker, F. W., “The Internal Cunninghamia sinensis,var.glauca 348 - Structures ‘of some of the Pentameridae of New South D Wales 130 | Dacrydium cupressinum ... . 346. Booth, E. H., Sarrare “Waves Dairying ... 31 Due to Small Artificial Dis- Darwinia grandiflora " gen (ie turbances of the Ground ... 318 | David, Sir abe bon ae The Microphone as a Detector age to.. . Vill. of Small Vibrations ... 805 Honour to 1 Vill, Brighton Shalesand Limestones 297 | Defective New Zealand ‘Kauri. . 845 Brittleness in Timber vi 348 | Densities of Liquids, Exhibit of Browne, W. R., The Geology of Apparatus for comparing ...xvii. the Gosforth District, Deputation re Closure of eae NSW Partie ok: 213 Observatory, Council , Vill. and H. P. White, The Hyper- Detector, Western Electric . 807 sthene-Andesite of Blair Disturbances of the Ground, Duguid, near AlUandale, Surface Waves due to . 318 N.S.W. dee bak ... 872 | Donations to Library Sy diee Burrows, G. J., Note on the Dromaius nove-hollandic . Lise Salinity of the Water of the ' Gulf of Carpentaria ae) eal E The Preparation of Certain Embree, Prof. E. R., Welcome to viii. Iodo-Bismuthites ... 208 | Emu, Kidney Fat of we 11S The Solution Volume of a Sol- Eriostemon Cowii Mueller, and ute in Liquid Mixtures . On Phebalium dentatum Smith 331 INDEX. Page Essential Oils from some Culti- vated Eucalypts ... of Eriostemon Cozwiit Mueller and Phebalium dentatum 55 Smith... ; me oo» Bol of Leptospermum le Smith.. 73 of Zieria ‘macrophylla " Bonp- land and the presence of a New Cyclic Ketone.. 104 Oils and their Pure Constitu- ents, The Germicidal Values of Some Australian., Gy Eucalypts, Cultivated, Notes on the Essential Oils from some 55 Eucalypts, The Wood Structures of certain . 147 Eucalyptus altior... . 158 Australiana ... 56 citriodora AAS wy Ole) Dalrympleana . 149 Delegatensis ... Ol fastigata . 153 fraxinoides . 155 Macarthuri ... te ood obliqua . 156 oreades as . 158 radiata (numerosa Maiden) 58 regnans ‘ae sco ass) Eurydesma cordatum 384, 386 Financial Statement ehh Fasanus spicatus ... . 169 Fraxinus . 147 G Geology of the Flinders Ranges, South Australia, in the Neighbourhood of Wooltana Station, The.. 283 Geology of the Gosforth District, N.S. W. . 213 Geology of Kurraj. ong Faultarea 128 Geological Section, Abstract of Proceedings .. Xxiii. Geological Sectional Map, Am- monia Mine to Wooltana ... Grady, Alexa., and H. Hogbin, Mountain Lagoon and the Kurrajong Fault ... xe ED Grant, R., The Germicidal Val- ues of some Australian Es- sential Oils and their Pure Constituents, together with those for some Essential 289 lili. Page Oil Components, and Syn- thetic Substances. Part IV. 167 Gulf of Carpentaria, Note on the Salinity of the Water of the 211 Hakea, leucoptera .. 171 Harker, G., Reactions Depend- ing upon the Vapour at the Interface of Two Immiscible Liquids 45 Hedley, Charles, Council’s ap- preciation of the work of ... xvi. Hogbin, H., and Alexa Grady, Mountain Lagoon and the Kurrajong Fault . 129 Honours to Members ... viii, xxiv. Hydatid, Life Cycle of ... +) XV. Hydrocinnamic aidehyde . 169 Hydrolysis produced by Contact of the two Liquids Acidulat- ed Water and Amyl Acetate 47 Hydroxycitronellal ah 169 Hypersthene-Andesite, Analysis of 377 Hypersthene-Andesite of Blair Duguid, near Allandale, N. S. Wales no “ts 878 I Influence of Science on the Pro- gress of the Land Industries in Australia .. . 14 Institute of Science and Industry 13 Interface of Two Immiscible Li- quids, Reactions depending upon the Vapour at the 45 Isomenthol ee ao GY) Julius, G. A. 13 Kauri, An Examination of De- fective New Zealand . 345 Microscopic Structure of Sound and Detective . 353 Kidney Fat of the Emu . 118 Knibbs, Sir George, Note on the Occurrence of Triplets a- mong Multiple Births . 278 Late Cainozoic Deposits vo» 301 Leaves, Sequence in the Devel- opment of ... eas idguetsts: liv. Page | Penfold, A. R.— INDEX, Lectures, Popular Science ix, Liquids, Reactions Depending upon the Vapour at the In- terface of Immiscible 45 List of Members ... v. Liver Fluke, Life Cycle of xvii Lyctus brunneus ... és 164 Mi Maiden, J. H., Description of Fifteen New Acacias, and notes on several other spec- ies 171 Master-fault of Gosforth District 255 McGlynn, W., Notes on Wattle Barks. Part II. 360 Microphone as a_ Detector of Small Vibrations, The 305 Microphone, Siemen’s Capsule 207 Mixtures, The Solution Volume of a Solute in Liquid 197 Morrison F. R., The Fixed Oil of the Kidney Fat of the Emu 113 Mountain Lagoon and the Kur- rajong Fault 119 Newman, R. K., Reactions De- pending upon the Vapour at the Interface of Two Im- miscible Liquids 45 Nicol, Phyllis M., An Investig- ation of the Optical Proper- ties of Selenium in the con- ducting Form 2 60 Nocturnal Movement of early leaves.. 85 Notes on Wattle Barks. ‘Part II 360 Nototherium ; . 249 Oo Obituary— Bateson, Dr. William 2 Maiden, Joseph Henry 4 Sinclair, Dr. Eric Seas Warren, Henry William ... 9 Oysters, Exhibit of Abscesses and Ulceration in xii. P Passiflora edulis ... we. B02 Pastoral Industry 16 Penfold, A. R., Notes” on the Essential Oils from some Cultivated Eucalypts. PartI 55 Essential Oil of Zieria macro- phylla Bonpland and the presence of a New Cyclic Ketone 3 7 .. 104 Page: The Essential Oils of Eriost- emon Coaii Mueller and Phebalium dentatum Smith The Essential Oils of Lepto- spermum lanigerum Smith .. The Germicidal Values of some Australian Essential Oils and their Pure Constit- vents. Part IV. . 167 Pentamerella fultonensis, Branson 141 331 73- molongensis, Mitchell . 140° Pentameridae of New South Wales, The Internal Struc- tures of some of the... . 130° Pentamerus (Barrandella) lingwi- tera var. Wilkinsonia 130 Phebalium dentatum Smith, The Essential Oils of . 331 Phloracetophenone - dimethyl - ether ... 169° Phyllotheca showing nodes and ringlets re XXVii. Podocarpus dacrydioides .. . 346: Popular Science Lectures Pai Post-Tertiary age, A curious de- posit of tes ae . 249° Powder Post Beetle 164 Presidential Address by Profes- sor R. D. Watt aia an 1 Proceedings of the Society Purple Slate Series . 298 BR Rate of Decomposition of Com- mercial Calcium Cyanide ... 38: Reactions Depending upon the Vapour at the Interface of Two Immiscible Liquids ... 45 Report of Council ‘ jas. WA. Rhacopteris aie woe 284 Rhacopteris- bearing tuff. ... 386. Rhynchonella pleurodon .. 245, 246. Rideal-Walker coefficients ... 167 Roughley, T. C., Exhibit of Ab- Scesses and Ulcerations in Oysters me Po Butea Sir Ernest, Welcome to . Vill, Ss Sandalwood Oil ... .. 169 Santalum album ... . 169 Section of Agriculture ... (xxi, Geology $, KR. Industry XXXVil. Physical Science x] INDEX. lv. Page Page Selenium in the Conducting Vitality of Seeds in the Soil 87 Form, An Investigation of Volcanic Series . 290: the Optical Properties of ... 60 Sieberella galeata Dalman . 142 glabra Mitchell .. 144 Siemens Microphone ..- 308 Sturtian Glacia] Beds . 293 Sub-Glacial Sediments . 286 Surface Waves Due to Small Artificial Disturbances of the Ground ... . 318 Sydney Observatory a. Wilde Sydney Rainfall ... aes ine ll T Tannin Content of Stored Wat- tle Barks... 363 Tannin Solutions, Effect of High Temperatures on ... 366 Tannin-starch Compound . 869 Tapley’s Hill Slates . 296 Tarrietia argyrodendron... . 147 Télégéphone SCE 306 The Preparation of Certain Iodo- Bismuthites .. 208 The Wood Structure of Certain Eucalypts belonging chiefly to the “ Ash”? Group 147 Thymol, Synthetic, Exhibit of Large Crystals of Xl. Triplets among Multiple Births, Note on the Occurrence of... 278 V Vibrations, The Microphone asa Detector of Small ... .. 305 Vitality of Leaf Severed from Plant 006 000 e000 000 86 WwW Wark, Ian, and Miss E. M. Bar- tholomew, Cooling Curves in the Binary Systems Watt, R. D., Presidential Ad- dress ... 1 Wattle Barks, Part ERs Notes on Waves, Surface, Due. ‘to Small Artificial Disturbances of the Ground . Welch, M. B., An Examination of erecta New Zealand Kauri Agathis Australis . 345 The Wood Structure of Certain Kucalypts belonging chiefly to the ‘‘ Ash”? Group . 147 Exhibit of Action of Wood on 318 a Photographic Plate . xii. F. A, Coombs and W. Mce- Glynn, Notes on Wattle Barks. Part II. . 360: White, H. P., and W. R. Browne, On the Hypersthene- Andes- ite of Blair Duguid, near Allandale, N.S. Wales . a2 Winton Beds : . 300 Wissler, Dr. Clarke, Welcome to viii. Woolnough, W. G., The Geology of the Flinders Range, South Australia, in the Neighbour- hood of Wooltana Station... 283 Zieria Smithia Bele woe LO macrophylla ... 2. 169 Zierone ... aA das .. LEQ Sydney : Frep. W. Wuitt, Printer, 344 Kent Street, -_-—— 1927 CONTENTS. @ "Apr. XV. _The Solution Volume of a Solute in Liquid Mixtures. by G. J. Burrows, B.Sc. (Issued January 28, 1927. 7 Arr. XVI, —The Preparation of certain Iodo-bismuthites. By Miss M. BartuoLtomew, B.Sec., and G. J. Burrows, B.Sc. (isned February 17, 1927.) # Ant. XVIL—Notes on the Salinity of the Water of the Gulf of Jee SUF Carpentaria. By G. J. oe goes B.Sc. es sites 17, 1927.) ie _ Art. XVIII.--The Bealory of the Gosforth District N. Ss. W. Part L General Geology. By Assist.-Professor W. R. Browns, D.Sc. (With Plates XIX-XXI.) (Issued March 4, 1927.) Art, XIX.—Note on the occurence of Triplets among Multiple Births, By Sir Gnrorcre Kyisss, C.M.G. ee March 4, 1927.) .. Art XX. _The Geology of tha Flinders Rane, South Seu in the neighbourhood of Wooltana Station. By W. G. Wootnovuen, D.Sc., F.G.S. ee Plate XXIT.) Ss March 18, 1927.) 2 : Art. XXI.—The Microphone as a Deteetor “of ee Vibeatioad By Epgar H. Boorn, M.C., B.Sc. (With Plates XXIII, XXIV.) (Issued March 18, 1927.) ArT. XXI1.—Surface Waves due to small artificial Dea hcccck é the Ground. By Epear H. Booru, M.C., B.Sc. Ae Plates XXV, XXVI.) (Issued March 18, 1927. ) os Arr. XXIII.—The Essential Oils of Eriostemon Cozii, Mueller, aaa Phebalium dentatum, Smith. By A.R. Penroup, F.A.C.I. F, C.S, (With Plate XXVII.). (Issued March 24, 1927.) ArT. XXIV.—An Examination of Defective New Zealand Kauri, (Agathis australis). By M. B. Weucu, B.Se., A.LC. (With Plates XXVIII-XXX.) (Issued March 24, 1927.) i _ Art, XXV.—Notes on Wattle Barks, Part II. By F. A. Coomss, F.C.S., W. McGuiynn and M. B. Wetca, B.Sc., A. LC. (Issued April 13, 1927.) ; Art, XX VI.—On the Hypersthene-Andesite of Blair Daguid, near Allandale, NS.W. By Assistant-Professor W. R. Browne, D.Sc., and H. P. Warrs, F.C.S. (Issued April 138, 1927.) _ ART, XXVII.—Cooling Curves in the Binary Systems. By Evetyn Marorry Barruotomew, B.Sc., and Ian WiuLLiam Wark, D.Se., Ph.D., (communicated by Professor C. E. Fawsrrt, D.Se.) (Issued April 13, 1927.)... .... er ee ae PAGE 197 208 211 213 278 318 331 345 360 372 388 ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS oe a Sts a re i, — Xx, PROCEEDINGS OF THE GEOLOGICAL SECTION ... ae vee XX1, — XXIX. _ PROCHEDINGS OF THE SECTION OF AGRICULTURE .., XXX1,—Xxxv. “PROCEEDINGS OF THE SECTION OF INDUSTRY woe oe XXXVil. — XH. _ PRocEEDINGS oF THE SuCTION OF PHysiIcaL SCIENCE Sie xliii. — 1], Titts Paces, Contents, Notices, PUBLICATIONS, ... ie (i. - vi.) _ Orricers For 1926-1927 ... - List or Memesrs, &c. _ Inprx to Votums LX. .« (vii.) . (ix.) li. i ; la il { ; i Wi a U ‘ ee i ; { i } é i ’ 1 M ij y 1M u i} iy ‘ Se fi i / Vane ‘iy H ci th L \ ' v 1 5 F, } “S t 5 } 1 i ? — i é { “ reg “} \ + uj 4 4 ' 9 } 5 oe i 4 “n r :. i Do, er %: Aa lee sys eae me a i a in | ee \ i i ! . ‘ ! | : ‘ a 1 ij i i _;? 1 i f : 1 Gu uf { i if ‘yy j \ 1 a i i! 1 Hj! ¥, a5, r ; A , i rs fi \) Dit P ( p 4 i ! ; ] ' J i \ i eS i is i i % | I i “fi : t if an i Mc Al t i ht ent SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION LIBRARIES VTE EL EE Habit 3 9088 01308 4553