®l|e Ittibrary of tl]e ^aUtb ^uitlap ©bserljatory l^xeasnteb bg Dr. C. A. Chant April. .4, 1955 r-juiiilcii ;.v Kich.aU A. V!.,^u.r. With which is incorporated Hardwicke's Science Gossip), and the Ilhistrated Scientific Xe\v5 A Monthlv Record of Science. CONDITTF.II BY Wilfred Mark Webb, F.L.S., and E. S. Grew, M.A Let Knowledge grow troni more to more." -Teiiiiysoii. X'ulume XXXIV. New Series, \"ohnne \'in. 1911. London : Knowledge Publishing Company, Limited, -4i. Bloonisburx' Square, W.C. 9 9/ ^ T^fr."f:sp!ece to KNO I m a photograph taken at Yerkes Observatory, September ISth, idOI. The Nebula in Andromeda. Printed by the Photo- Printing- Syndicate, with a Rotary Photogravure Machine, on ordinary paper. Knowledge. With wiiicli is incorporated Hard\vicln breaks awaw resulting in the formation of a spherical droj). WHien the liquid hangs in air. as in the case of water on the end of a leaky tap, the drop breaks away ttio (]uickly to jiermit the process of separation to be obser\ed by the unaided eve. In order to study the changes in outline undergone b}- the suspended liquid, instantaneous photograph\' and rapidh- intermittent light have been emplo\ed, and ha\'e succeeded in disclosing the beautiful transition inches in (Hanieter, is tilled with water to the height of ahum four and a-half incites, and seventy or eighty cubic centimetres of commercial aniline are added, which will sink to the bottom of the vessel. The temperature of tlie beaker and its contents is now raised to 75'' or 80° C. b)' means of a burner, when it will be observed that the aniline will rise to the surface of the water, from which it will hang in a mass of curved outline. Almost immediatel}- the suspended aniline commences to alter in shape ; and gradually a large (h'op. an iiieh or more in diameter, detaches itself from the mass and falls through the water. The formation of this droi) Tirr 3 4 The forniation of a drop of aniline. shapes which accompan\' the detachment of the drop. Either of these methods of observation, how- ever, demands the use of elaborate instruments, and it is here proposed to describe an experiment of the simplest description, which not only enables the process to be followed easily by the eye, but is unique in the respect that the formation of the drops is automatic and continuous. It was arrived at by the author as the result of a comparative stud\- of the physical properties of water and other liquids of approximatelv equal densitw A glass beaker, about six inches high and four takes place so slowly, owing to the aniline being buoved up bv the water beneath, that all the changes of shape associated with the process may be observed distinctlv. The appearance presented is well shown in the accompanying photographs, taken by Mr. B. Abel, of the Ci"t>- and Guilds Technical College, Finsburv, with an ordinary hand camera. In No. 1 the formation is commencing ; No. 2 repre- sents the stage just preceding the formation of the neck ; in No. 3 the neck has formed, and in No. 4 the drop has just broken away : No. 5 shows the flattening of the drop due to the shock of breakage, KNOWLEDGE. January. 1911. and also shows the neck to have taken a cylindrical form : whilst in No. 6 the distortion of the drop has proceeded further, and the c\-lindrical neck, being unstable, is seen "to be breaking up into three separate portions, each of which forms a sphere. These photographs, however, do not give such a complete idea of the process as may be (obtained b\- watching the experiment, as onh' six detached stages are represented. \'ariations occur, also, in the fate of the neck, which sometimes shrinks back into the mass remaining on the surface: sometimes breaks off and forms a single sphere, and often several spheres of varying sizes. The exact method of taking the photographs \\ ill he explained later. And now. the detached drop ha\-ing fallen to the hiittoni of the beaker, comes the sur[)rising part of the experiment. The fallen drop is seen gradually to rise to the surface, where it joins the mass from which it previously broke awa\'. M once another drop commences to form, and having become detached, falls and rises in the same manner as the previous drop. So long as the temperature of the water is maintained at 70" C or over, this procedure continues indefinitely. The forces at work on the drop perform a Sisyphean task. Here it may be exjilained that the photographs shown do not represent one and the same drop, but that a snap-shot was taken at different phases in the formation of six separate drojjs. The uniformit\- with which the process is repeated is thus exhibited in a striking manner, as the photographs might easih' be taken to represent six stages in tlii_' formation of a single drop. It may be added that the temperature should ne\'er exceed 85 ~' C. nor fall lielow 70" C if photographs are being taken : and that the distorting effect of the glass beaker may be ox'ercome bv jdacing it in a rectangular vessel with glass sides, also (-ontaining hot water. This plan was followed b\- Mr. Abel in securing the photographs shown : it is also suitable for the optical projection of the experiment. The explanaticjn of the formation of the drops and their subsequent ascent to the surface is, in the main, simple. .\niline is a liquid which at low temjieratures is denser than cold water, but at high temperatures lighter than hot water, owing to its higher degree of expansion. If dropped into water below 60" C. aniline will sink ; but if the temperature of the water exceed 65" C, the aniline, after becoming warmed b}' its surroundings, will rise. Hence, in the experiment under notice, the aniline ascends to the surface of the water o\\ing to its lesser densit\'. By spreading out on the surface, however, the aniline is cooled more than the water beneath, and soon becomes denser than the water in consequence of this cooling. The aniline then tends to sink, and a drop breaks off as shown in the photographs. By passing through the hot water, however, the temperature of the detached drop rises, and if the temperature exceed 65" the drop will again become lighter than its surroundings and will ascend to the surface. The success of the experiment depends upon this remarkably delicate balance in the temperature-densit\' relations of aniline and water. It must be stated, however, that aniline is partially soluble in water, and hence the drop is falling not through [jure water, but a saturated solution of aniline in water. Questions with regard to the surface tensions of the liquids would also have to be entered into in giving a detailed explanation : and these apparently minor details probabh- furnish the reason why certain other liquids, which might be expected to behave in the same manner if substituted for aniline in the experiment, fail to do so. So far as investigations ha\e been conducted, no other liquid has been made to operate automaticalK' in producing and reproducing the drop. One other feature of the experiment is deserving of notice. It ma}' be made to represent the principle of elementar\" heat engines. The lower part of the water ser\-es as the source of heat : the atmosphere above the surface acts as the refrigerator to which the rejected heat is given ; and work could be done b\' the mo\'ing drop. It would not be difficult to construct an indicator diagram for this rudi- mentary heat-engine, based on Carnot"s well-known cycle, for the drop passes through a regular and recurrent set of operations. .A beaker of hot water and some aniline nia\- thus be made to teach man}- useful lessons, and furnish a further example of how the [)rofoimdest scientific truths ma}" frequentl}- be deduced from the simplest experiments. THE GREAT NEBUL.\ IX oRloX. The photograph of the Great Nebula in Orion (reproduced on the opposite page) is made from a negative which we owe to the courtes\- of Sir William Christie, F.R.S., the recent .Astronomer Royal, and is one of the triumphs of celestial photography at the Ro\-al Observatory, Greenwich. No finer photograph of the nebula is in existence. The reproduction is enlarged three diameters, from a negative taken bv Mr. Melotte. on December 1st, KS99. with the thirt\-mch reflector, the focal length eleven feet hve inches, and the exposure two and a quarter hours. The nebula seen through a telescope glows like a vast filmy cloud of emerald light. Its brightest portions have edges sharp as in an engraving, and are side by side with regions of the most intense blackness. The Great Nebula in Orion, from a negaiuc taken December Ut, li'J<^), with 30-inch Reflector. Focal length 11-ft, 5-in. Exposure 2\ hours. HOW AND WHY DO LEAX'ES FALL? B^ S. BOULGER. F.L.S.. F.G.S. There is no element which contributes more to the difference of the landscape as we travel from the Equator northward than the prevalent character of the foliage of the trees. In the tropical jungle the bulk of the trees are dark green, thick-leaved e\er- greens, a characteristic which extends northward in the more insular moist climates of coast and island regions, notably exemplified b\- the flora of japan. In the Cooler Temperate Zone the predominant trees V; y. '-, ' are dicotyledonous angio- \ ■\\VV' : \ sperms, the "broad-leaved \ l,',il ■ '.iv.- ' trees" of our foresters, with 4\-'. i '^' 'V smaller, thinner leaves than I;''"*' '■ ' { V those of the jungle, lighter .JL i.i, ^1 i in tint, producing a less ^V.i' V'- • dense shade, and. for the most part, falling in autumn. Northward of these again the polar limit of arborescent vegetation is reached by the striking Sub-Arctic Zone of " needle-lea\'ed "' conifers, mostK" evergreen. It must be noted, in passing, that this term "ever- green." though often true enough of a tree, does not apply to the individual leaf. A tree is evergreen when it retains the leaves of one year at least until after those of the next season are unfolded. \\'e have numerous grada- tions, from our ordinary " deciduous " species, which are bare of leaves for five or six months in the \ear, through such cases as that of the privet, which retains its leaves through a mild winter, and that of the holm oak which is only stript by exceptional frost, to such evergreens as the holly, or the cedars and pines, that retain their needles for several successive _\-ears. If we look at the question of leaf-fall no longer geographicallv, but from the point of \iew of the s^-stematic botanist, we find that the lower and simpler tvpes of leaves do not fall. The primitive leaves of mosses have no articulation at their base : the elaborately-divided fronds of most tree-ferns wither and hang their dead stalks downwards from the stem : the needles of conifers wither similarlv, generally after being several years on the tree ; and the simple sheathing leaves of most Monocotyledons have not so perfect a system of articulation as we find in tile Dicotyledons, especially those with compound lea\'es. A thouglitless, unobservant conclusion would be that the leaf dies and then, and consequently, falls off ; case. Preparations but this is far from being the may it is and begin formed its cells •->■• 1 I If • 3 l-roiii a f>hoto!'! ■'_ 1- IIjL K Longitudinal section of a leaf stalk of horse chestnut cork layer that fall of the leaf almost as soon as in man\' cases the leaf is moist inflated when it falls. As far back as 1758, Duhamel ascribed the fall of the leaf to a layer of tissue between the stem and the leaf, which remained " her- baceous." i.e., capable of growth, but could not stand winter cold: whilst \"rolik, in 1797, spoke of the ab- sorption of a layer between the dead and living parts hut belonging itself to the li\ing. In 1848 a Dr. Iiiman, in a paper com- municated to the Literary and Philosophical Society of Liverpool, described an inward extension of the cork of the bark and disruption taking place through cellular tissue external to this corky la\er, from without inwards ■' The provision for the separation," he writes, "' being once complete, it requires little to effect it ; a desiccation of one - ^ side of the leaf-stalk, by causing ^ -'I \ an effort of torsion, will readily break through the small re- mains of the fibro - vascular bundles ; or the increased size of the coming leaf • bud will snap them ; or, if these causes are not in operation, a gust of wind, a heavy shower, or even the simple weight of the lamina, will be enough to disrupt the small connections and send the suicidal member to its grave. Such is the history of the fall of the leaf. We have found that it is not an accidental occurrence, arising simply from the \icissitudes of temperature and the like, but a regular and vital process, which commences with the first formation of the organ, and is completed only when that is no longer useful ; and we cannot help admiring the wonderful provision that heals the wound even before it is absolutely made, and affords a co\'ering from atmospheric changes before the part can be subjected to them." In 1859 Hugo von Mohl, the illustrious founder of the cell theory, chanced to spend his autumn \-acation at home, so that he observed the successive fall of the leaflets and the leaf-stalk in the legu- minous Gyiiiiiodaciiis canadensis with the con- veniences of his laboratorv at hand. He found that Vi', m J. /y F. A'aati Clark. 1. 1. stem and the base of a shewing the light coloured causes leaf-fall. January, 1911. KNOWLEDGE. a layer of cork alread\' extended through the cellular tissue at the base of the petiole in September. Immediately above this a layer of cells had become lirown (suberised) : and, separated from this b\- two or more rows of the ordinary colourless poKliedral cells of the leaf-stalk, what he termed the separatint,', or "absciss," la\'er orit,'inated. This onI\- formed between the 4th and the 15th of October, extending across the stalk from the inner or a.xillary surface, and contained in its cells protoplasm and starch- grains. It is, in fact, what we now term " secondar\- meristem." \'on Mohl only recognised two layers of cells in the absciss-laver, which he believed to split apart, while he thought that tlie tihro-vascular bundles were broken mechanicall}' b}' the weight of the blade and the strain of wind and rain. He perceived, how- ever, that the fall of the leaflets between the lOth and 20th of October, and the subsequent fall of the petioles was independent of the cork-la_\er fornicd at least a month before. This cork layer, in fact, is not formed in advance in those ferns which are deciduous, in beech, elm or most oaks, \'on Mohl also noticed that when lea\'es fell suddenly, after an autumn frost, a thin la\-er of ice had formed in the delicate sappy cells of the absciss-laj'er, torn cell- walls evidencing the violence of the disruption. In 1863, Julius Sachs traced the gradual removal of the contents of the leaf-cells. The protoplasm and nuclei are dissolved, the chlorophyll-granules become disintegrated, the starch disappears, leaving r .'^sT h.URE 2. A beech wliieh has lust the leaves fnjin the ends of the shoots. iMCUKIi J. The teniiiiial leaves still reiiiaiiiin.i; mi hiuleii tree. only the few \'ellow granules, or the reddened cell- sap, w hich produce our autumn tints ; while starch, potash and phosphoric acid travel down the leaf- stalks to be stored up in the twigs, and only the waste or end-products of metabolism, calcium-oxalate cr\'stals, resins and alkaloids remain to be thrown off with the falling leaves. In 1882, M.M. Guignard and Van Tieghem re- turned to the studv of Gyiiinoclacfiis; but began their investigation in the middle of June, They found that no cork is formed at the base of the leaflets. It is not worth while to heal the wound on the leaf- stalk which is itself to fall in a day or so. The suberised la^-er was formed at the base of the main petiole b\' the middle of June : then a la\'er of meristem, the " phellogen " or cork- cambium, originates below it and the absciss- laver above it, before the end of June, This layer spreads inwards from the epidermis through the cellular tissue of the bast and wood-bundles. It consists not of two, but of three, layers of cells of which the middle row is absorbed. The two remain- ing rows, still living and turgid, swell outwards w ith roun W i bo a 30 EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICS. Bv ^^•. D. EGGAR. M.A. Mechanics is the mother of t\\o sciences, Engineer- ing and Gravitational Astronom\'. This statement is perlia[)s open to question, astronomers ma\' w isli to 15oth engineers and claim a more remote ancestry for their studies. r>ut, \\ ithout insisting on the precise relationship of the difterent groups, we may point out that Gravitational Astronomy is very much younger than mechanics, and it might almost be said that she made lier entry into the world after the manner nf Miner\'a, apj>earing full grown and fulh' equipped from the brain of the g(_)d-like Newton The perfec- tion of her equipment, and the unexceptionable propriet\' of her demeanour commended her to all mathematicians, with the result that Mechanics, her real mother, was received into .their select circle, taking the name of Applied Mathematics, and not encouraged to see much of her other daughter, tond, it was feared, of low and irregular company. Times have changed. Even the House of Lords must become more democratic, and engineer- ing has become so \er\' much of a great lad_\- as to compel the respectful attitude of mathe- matics, and to make her connec- tion with tr.ide rather a recom- mendation than otherwise. In other words, tlu' world must ha\e engineers, and engineers must have mathematics, and, therefore, mathematics has become more practical. Moreover, in the engineering profession itself the problems which rec]uire solution become more and mt^re of a kinetic nature. The strains and stresses in girders and embankments are as important as ever; Figure 1. Apparatus for me.as- uring time with a tuning fork. teaching of mechanics, which used to be limited to a few experiments with spring balan :es and pulleys, has now spread into the region of kine"'.--;. The concepts of force and work are undoubtedh- " :st approached by practical measurements of the efficiency of simple or complex machines; and it has been found that \'elocit\'. acceleration, kinetic cner^'\-. Figure 2. Measuring tlie velocity of the rim uf a wheel. moment of momentum, aiul other concepts involving mo\'ement can best be realized m a jiractical manner. Figure 3. but, in addition, the mechanics of movement is grow- ing in importance, ^^'e move faster nowadays, not only on the railways, but on the roads, in the water, and even in the air. Hence it is that the practical Fletclier's trolley for measuring acceleration. The measurement of time has alwa}s been a difficult}- in the way of those who have tried to teach kinetics by experiment. Electric chronographs are expensive, and, even where expense is no bar, KNOWLEDGE. January, 1911. they are frequently found wanting either in their of this kind, let us consider the curve shown in working or in their power of elucidating the problems Figure 4. Placing a centimetre scale along its in which they are emplo^•ed. A recent adaptation wa\'e crests, we can read off the distances of these of the old tuning-fork method of measuring time has crests from the starting point of the curve to the Figure 4. Waw Curve showing acceleration. revolutionized schools of dynamics. The tuning- fork method will he best understood from a glance at Figure 1, which shows an arrangement for allow- ing a plate of glass to fall so as alwa\-s to be in contact with a st\le attached to one prong of a tuning-fork vibrating with known fre(]uenc^'. A wavv-curve is traced on the glass by the vibrating point, and the space fallen in a gi\'en time can be determined by measuring the length of that portion of the wavy curve which contains a number of waves corresponding to the given time. Another Figure 5. Two trolleys for verifying the laws of momentum and impact. apparatus for measuring the \'elocitv of the rim of a flywheel bv means of a tuning-fork is shown in Figure 2. Now a tuning-fork is not ver\' eas\' to manipulate, and it goes rather too fast for beginners. Here it is that a great simplification has been made b\- Mr. W. C. Fletcher, of the Board of Education.* A strip of steel clamped at one end carries a paint brush at the other end. A long trolle\' carrying a strip of paper moves underneath this paint brush in the direction of the steel rod's length. Suppose the steel to vibrate ten times a second, then the paint brush will trace a waw line on the paper, and ten waves will re- present the distance travelled in one second. The lengthsof the waves give the velocities, and the changes in the wave lengths give the acceler- ations. Figure 3 gives an example of the way in which Fletcher's trolley may beeiTi- ploved for measuring the acceleration when the trolley is allowed to run down an incline. One of the curve trac- ings made by the paint brush is shown resting by the side of the plane. As for the wav in whicli tlic^ accelenition i:, determined from a curst' nearest half millimetre, thus 0"1. 0"35. 0"S. r45. 2-25. 3-2, 4-35, 5-65, Z"!, 87, 10-5, 12-4. 14-5, Ibvo. From this, bv subtraction, we obtain the successive wave-lengths,' viz.: (YId. (V45, 0-65, O'S, 0-95, MS, l-j. 1-45" 1-6, 1-8, 1-9. 2-1, 2-25. It is obvious from this that the wave length has been increasing fairly uniformlv. the successive increments in wave-length being again obtained bs- subtraction. Thus thev are 0-2, '0-2. 0-15. 0-15. 0-2. ()-15. 0-15. 0-15. 0-2," O'l, 0-2, 0-15. The average of all these is 0-167. Now, since the wave-lengths correspond to periods of one-fifth second, it is plain that the average increase in the space travelled in each one- fifth second is increas- ing at the rate of 0T67 centimetre in every one- fifth second. Hence in each second the in- crease in the velocity is 5X0'167 centimetre per one-fifth second, or 5x5xO"167 centimetres per second. The acceleration is therefore 4' 17 centi- metres per second per second. As an example of the way in which the ajiparatus ma\' be employed we ma\' take the verification of the law " .Acceleration is proportional to the accelerating force." The \-ariable force is obtained b\" var\-ing the slope of the plane. To avoid ha\"ing to consider the force of friction, the trolle\" is first connected b}' a string passing over a pulle\', shown in the figure, to a scale pan of known mass, and weights are added just enough to prevent FiGLKI. I .\n inertia bar ■ set ,.;n motion by a trolley. thejrolley from accelerating when it is given a start down the plane. When the waves made by the paint brush are of equal length the total force down '■'See School World, .May, 1904. January, 1011. KNOWLEDGE. the plane is exacth' halancfd b\- the scale pan and weights. Now if the string is reinowd the trolley will accelerate under a force which is equal and opposite to that which has been removed, viz., the weight of the scale pan and its contents. The acceleration can be measured as before. If the bullet embeds itself. After the shot the trolleys retire with equal momenta. Figure 6 shows an inertia bar, which is set in rotation In" the impact of a trolley. Vibrating springs are employed as before to measure the momentum of the trolle\', and the angular momentum of the bar. Hmm. Figure 7. A vibrator used for measiirin.i,' the anguldr velocity of a fly wheel. Figure S. The vibrator adapted to an Atwood's machine in which a paper ribbon replaces the string. observations are now repeated with a different angle of slope the two accelerations will be found to be in the same ratio as the two accelerating forces.* An approximate verification of Newton's Second Law- may seem unsatisfactory ; but the method has the merit of making the notion of acceleration nuich more eas}' for the ordinar\' mind to grasp. Figure 5 shows how. by means of two of these trolleys, laws of momentum and impact may be verified. In one form of the apparatus, employed by Mr. Ashford at Dartmouth Naval College, one trolle\- carries a pistol and the other a target in which the Figure 7 shows the vibrator employed in measuring the angular velocity of a fly wheel. The notion of kinetic energ\- becomes clearer after a series of measurements taken with an apparatus of this kind. Mr. G. Cussons, of Manchester, to whom we are indebted for the photographs used in illustrating this article, has adapted the vibrator to a form of Atwood's machine in which a paper ribbon replaces the usual string. The apparatus is shown in Figure 8. Excellent results are obtained from this instrument, and Figure 4 is a reproduction of one of the curves obtained from it. ■■ See Egg.ar's Mechanics, E. Arnold. CARRIERS OF PLAGUE. By E. S. GREW. Wifli i!lii iKvellin.!; houses .-iit^ abo\e stables, and therefoie, nil the f;u:e nf it, likely In he infested with rats. not to be worth considering, the true carriers of plague are the animals which con\-ey the bacilli from rat to rat, or from rat to man, or, in rare instances, from man to rat. These animals are the fleas which infest rats. This conclusion, a j)parentl\' so simple, was. however, not reached without long continued investigations, undertaken, at the instance of the Indian Government, by a commission of bacteriologists (uiidei- thr thrci tinn of Dr. C. J. Martin. F.R.S. .and Col. I)a\id liruc,'. F.R.S.), which has been at wdrk since 1'*(I4. Aincnig tile in\-estigations made by the Plagui.' C'ommissitm's bacteriologists have been a number which dispose of the idea that plague can ordinarily be spread h\ jilague bacilli which may be left on the earth — on the floor of infected houses, or on the soil. Nor can jilague be transmitted usually by aerial infection. That is to say, it cannot be transported through the air, or with wind-swept dust. Nor, again, though this belief has had a long currency, can it usualh- lie transmitted through food. flic Indian J^lai^iie Figure 2. The interior of a Cooly's Room. Pnts and boxes roritaiiiing .nrticles of daily diet are lyin^ all i aftordins; shelter and facility to rats. the place and rats do not become infected /)v ciilini; the carcases of their comrades. The repetition of these facts has a certain interest at a time when the appearance of plague among rats in Suffolk has created a ver\' distinct prejudice against the use of game, of hares, and e\-en of imported rabbits as food. Everyone would, of course, prefer not tn eat an^' animal which could ))ossibl\- have died from plague, but no one would be in the least likeK' to contract plague bv doing so. In \iew, however, of the fact which is now declared Iw the highest authorit\' to be well established, that there have occurred two cases of plague pneumonia in Suffolk, and that there have been a number of cases of plague ainf)ng rats in that neighbourhood, it becomes important to inquire what the probabilities are of any considerable spread of the infection in England. In an\- outbreak of idague in a new locality the factors which determine the extent and severity of the epidemic are much more numerous than are generally supposed, and the margin between danger 10 January, 1911. KNOWLEDGE. 11 and safety is dependent on factors which are in themselves apparenth" sh'ght. For e.xample, it has alread\- been said that plague is spread entirely by plague fleas. This mav naturally lead to the inquir\- supposition be in conflict with the recorded facts that whole families were stricken with the plague, apparently taking it from one another ? That is certainly true ; and the answer to these questions is The house (at Parel) with the plant pot in front, produced a \ery large number of rats. whether the last Great Plague of London, which proved so devastating, was spread by fleas ? If it Figure 4. An examination of plague infected rats at one of the Indian Government Laboratories, to be sought in the fact that plague has more than one development. It may develop into plague Takint Figure 5. a systematic flea count. were so would not this argue that the habits and dwellings of London in the late seventeenth century \\ ere much more dirtv than we have any evidence to show tliat they were ? Moreover, would not the Figure b. Piclcing off fleas from live rats for experiments. pneumonia, which, of all forms of plague, is the most dangerous and the most infectious. The mortality in plague pneumonia approaches one hundred per cent.; hardly anyone recovers from it. Moreover, 12 KNOWLEDGE. January, 1911. while suffering from it the patients are dehrious, they are with difticuit\- restrained from \\alking ahout, and they cough and spit incessantly. Their sputum is full of plague germs, and is highly infectious to anyone on whom it ma\- be discharged. Rats, also, may have plague pneu- monia : and there is one instance at an\- rate in which a bacteriologist is believed to have contracted plague from the sputum of a plague infected rat. Pulex fclis 3 . the cat flea. The Great Plague of Lon- * t V don took place in winter, and a large numlier of victims no doubt had plague pneumonia ; hence the virulence and rapidity of the contagion. What then is the genesis and progress of an outbreak of plague ? Plague, in the first instance, appears to arise in -^ certain foci in Asia and Africa, where it always exists. In a locality such as Bombav, an out- break among human beings is pre- ceded b\' an outbreak among rats. and if a curve be drawn showing the rise, culmination and decline of the plague among rats, it is found that a rise, culmination and fall of plague among human beings takes place in a cur\e almost parallel to that of the plague among rats, but occurring about a fortnight later. The reason is quite plain. In the native dwellings of India generalh*. and in the nati\'e villages of the Punjab, man and the rat live together like friends. There are two kinds of rats in India, as there are two kinds of rats in England, though the numerical proportions of the two kinds are usually reversed. In England the commonest rat is the so- called grey rat, .l/^^^ dcctnuiinns. or Hano\-erian rat, which usually inhabits sewers, and is a fierce, strong animal, shy of h u m an beings. I n India the commonest rat is the black rat. Mils idttiis, which is not at all shy, and which, being allowed to do so, ' lives on terms of inti- macy with the Indian natix'c. lUit the black rat is found in England, in the Thames and Mersey warehouses; and the grey rat is found in Indian ports. The reason why the black rat spreads plague in India is that it dwells unmolested in the Figure 9. Micro-photograph of a 3 PiiKx clicnpia. the Indian rat flea. mouse Figure 10. Ctcnopsylla miiscnli 3 , the mouse flea. native \'illages. and in the ramshackle nati\-e quarters of towns : and that, consequently, if it has any epizootic disease which can be transmitted to man. there is an initial probabilitx of its transmission. In short the Indian rat is a reservoir of plague, which is constanth' being tapped b\- the fleas which live on it, and which carry it on to the human being in the rat's neighbourhood. On a rat infected with plague 'f^ thirty fleas are by no means Figi're .s. an excessive number. In one Sarcopsylla iial/nmcca ,■1 ■ T) 1 T J- I? , the chicken flea. nati\-e house mParel.aii Indian village, no fewer than three hundred rats were trapped. Multiply the nunil)er of fleas h\- the number of rats, and the numlier of possible plague inoculators thus arrived at will give an indication of the risk which Indian natives run of contracting plague when there is an outbreak ol it among rats. It will be seen, therefore, that even if there were an outbreak of plague among the rats of Suffolk, the chances of the development of a corresponding outbreak are not \'ery large. But they are further narrowed In" the kind of fleas which live on rats in this country and in these latitudes. There are six kinds of fleas which have been found on rats. The human flea ( Piilcx inifans) is found on it sometimes, but not very often. The dog flea I Pulex caiiisj is found more often but still seldom. The flea {Ctcnopsylla luiisciili) (see Eigure 10) is also found. There are. however, three kinds of fleas \\hich are found commonly on rats, and the consideration of which is more particularh' rele\'ant to the question of the contagiousness of plague. The first is a rat flea. Typlittpsylld iiuisciiH (not unlike the mouse flea), which is common on rats in some parts of Europe; Init which will not bite luan. The second is the most common Euro- pean rat flea, CeratopsyUiis fasciafiis (see Figure 11). Hut this flea will not feed on man. except when starving. The last, and most important, flea is Piilcx cheopis (see Eigure 9), the Indian rat flea, which, unlike the liuropean rat flea, readily feeds on a number of \ X... Figure 11. Ccratopsylliis fasciatiis 3 , the European rat flea. Jan'uary, 1911. KNOWLEDGE. 13 ibsence of rats it .ill dil animals. In the bite man. It will be seen at once how important this factor is. The var\-ing appetite of the different kinds of fleas modifies to a great extent the probabilit\- of the transmission of plagne to man. If it were possible, or probable, that the European rat flea should alter its habits and adopt man as a host, the probabilit\' of human plague in Europe would be of an entireh" different order. At present northern Europe, and, to a less extent, Europe in the temperate zone, seems immune from an out- break of plague on account of the habits both of the grey rat and of the flea which lives on it. CORRESPONDENCE. PODL'R.4 SC.-'iLES. To the Editors of " Kxowledgi;." Sirs, — While fully appreciating Mr. I'lasUitt's kind rufer- ence to my article, for which I thank him, there are yet certain points in liis letter to yourselves witli which I, for one, cannot agree. I cannot admit, for instance, tliat in the Podura scale mounted dry we are " left with the only alter- native (that is, in being mounted in a medium) between the normal of air and the scale itself"; or, that for that reason, " we make no advance upon the earliest methods." .'\s I understand it, with a scale mounted dry. and tight against the cover glass, there is no normal of air, but perfect optical contact with glass throughout, also with the cedar oil of the same refractive index between that and the objective. Mr. I'laskitt speaks of the scale, not being flat, giving rise to distortion. That has not been my experience, though it may be said of other kinds of scales, such as those belonging to the Moth and Butterfly. Assuming that the widest apertured oil immersion objective is employed upon this scale, the best way to discover whether it is working at its maximum is to look down the tube of the microscope after removing the eye-piece. If the back lens is seen then to be filled as to tliree-quarters of its diameter with white light, this condition may be said to be fulfilled. Under no circumstances could this be obtained with an objective of r40 N.A. were there a stratum of air between the object and the cover glass. These conditions were fulfilled in all my work upon this scale. For myself I never required other proof of optical contact, than the flashing out of the object in brilliant light, as if the scale were self-luminous. Apart from this, however, my friend, Mr. E. M. Nelson, with whom, at that time, I spent many delightful days at his house over the microscope, tested it for his own satisfaction with the Vertical lUuniinator, when the test was always justified. As to the three-quarter cone of white light at the back lens of a wide apertured objective; this for a long time now has been looked upon as the ideal illumination, where the greatest resolv- ing power is combined with perfect definition. Mr. Nelson, in his Presidential Address to the Quekett Club in the early part of 1895, went fully into this cjuestion. The address will be found in Vol. 6 of the Journal of that Club, beginning at page 14, but as some readers may not have access to it, I beg to be allowed to make the following extract for their benefit : — " It is common knowledge that when a full cone is employed, the resolving power falls off, and it has been customary to account for this falling oft" in the resolving power by the outstanding spherical aberration in the objective. To test the accuracy of this current notion a critical image was set up, and matters arranged so that access could be obtained to the back lens of the objective without disturbing any of the adjustments. When a full cone of light was used (that is, the back lens entirely filled with light — T.F.S.) the resolving power fell oft, and when a three-quarter cone was employed it was as usual restored again ; a stop was then placed at the back lens, cutting off the peripheral unilluminated annulus. We had, therefore, an objective of less aperture, but illuminated by a full cone. Under these circumstances one would have expected to see a critical image, but not so, and this is the crucial point. In order to obtain the maximum resolving power for that reduced aperture the illuminating cone had to be reduced until three- quarters of the back lens was illuminated," It follows, then, that given the three-quarter-cone as the most ideal illuminant, such a cone of an oil immersion objective of r40 N.A. must have a much greater resolving power than the similar cone of a dry objective w^hose maximum aperture is only rO. Up to a certain period dry glasses were the only ones available. All my photographs of the scale were taken under the first conditions ; hence, unless I blundered greatly, they must have made an " advance upon the very earliest methods." We now come to the question of oblique light as helping towards the further elucidation of structure in the Podura scale. Mr. Plaskitt says, that when central light is used, "there is insufficient contrast to bring out several of the finer phases of detail. It is much the same as if one placed a piece of plain glass in the midst of a lamp flame and were asked to observe its uneven surface, or to direct a telescope boldly towards the full moon and be expected to trace its finest details." The illustrations on the face of them are apt enough, yet, I tear for all that, a little misleading. The conditions of pro- ducing an image in the microscope differ from those concerned with unaided vision upon natural objects. In the microscope it is of a two-fold character ; one geometrically, as in ordinary vision, taking up the centre of the back lens of the objective ; the other, by diffraction, occupying the outer unilluminated ring. Both images reach the eye as one, that produced by diftraction strengthening the image produced in. the ordinary way of vision. Neither with regard to the telescope and the moon do I think the cases are exactly upon all fours with each other. In one, the microscope, the light is tilted to the object ; in the other the telescope remains the same — the moon it is that revolves. Mr. Plaskitt's photographs do not exhibit shadows such as when details in the moon are seen in profile, proving, to my mind, that the conditions of production are not the same. Like Mr. Plaskitt I have been unable to discover any dift'erence between the two sides of the scale, though I have had them mounted between two thin cover glasses, to enable me to get at each side. It is, indeed, altogether a puzzle, this secondary structure, and such for the present, I fear, it umst remain. One thing, howe\'er, I would say in conclusion. If my own experience with minute structure is any guide, and with all deference I say this, it is that oblique light will not guide us further, but will only make confusion worse confounded. Yours faithfully. T. F". SMITH. ON THE OCCURRENCE OF SOME SMALL FINELY WORKED FLINTS IN PALEOLITHIC GRAVELS. ISv LIEUT.-COL. UM)1:K\\"()()1). At various times during the past two years I ha\e been carefully searching two gravel pits in which paleoliths are found — one within a mile of Ipswich, the other at Upper Dovercourt, near Harwich. The gravels of these two pits are t)f entirch' different ages — that at Dovercourt being a terrace gravel of the River Stour, and situated eight\'-seven feet immediately above it ; while the gra\el at Ipswich is not apparently connected with any ri\er system, and as it rests on London cla\' (the base bed) and is surmounted with glacial boulder clay and interlocated with fine sand containing quartz pebbles, with implements nipers. dressed flakes, rubbers, scrapers (round and hollow ) and dressed bones, and a fish hook made Irom a halibut's clavicle. In the bed below the cla\' band are found tlie l)ones of Mammoth, two kinds of Rhinoceros, Bison briscus. Bos primii^ciius, and the Horse, while the implements are of late Acheullien t}'pe. large and beautifully worked baches, together with small tetragonal and hexagonal borders, dressed flakes, rubbers of a peculiar ^ kind, and a series of ilO \ ^•r\• s m a 11 s i d e - (1 flints of numy ap- Froin Gant's I'it. DoNfrcourt rounded diorites, sarsen stones and other erratics, it ma\- be assigned to Middle Glacial age. and is undoubtedlv much older than the Uo\ercourt dejiosit. In this latter pit no regular Acheullien luic/ics are found, as at Dovercourt, and no large implements of war, until we come to the lowest bed of red sand, with large blocks of flint, and a few other stones, similar to what Rutot calls the "gravier dii fond." fmmd li\' him at (ireville, which lies directh on the base bed, or London clav, where we get verv large parallel- flnc-l\- chipi flaked, rough-point- ed "Coh/).s dii poin,i>" rubbers, and so on, but no small side- worked tools. The Dovercourt pit. on the other hand, consists of a mass of gravels and sands resting on the London clay to an average depth of twelve feet. These are divided bv a band of clay about half way down, of a few inches in thickness, which separates the bones and implements into two distinct zones. In the upper beds are found the remains of deer of lorn' species: — Reindeer, Reil Deer, and P'allow, this species of a large kind which has also been found at Clacton. Boar, Wolf and Arctic Fox bones, occur w ( 1 r k e almost pifji pearance, consistmg of delicate hollow and round scrapers, saws, and very small pointed tools like arrow or dart heads. These latter are so led that it is necessarv to go to specimens of late Neolithic culture to find their eipials. and thnut;h this is so. their deep patination and scratched surfaces point to an anti(]uit\' iar greater than the Acheullien haches, which are h'ing in situ, un -water worn, while these small t\pes. with some large and rude forms. ha\'e e\identl\" been washed in from an oldiT gra\"el. In till' gravel at Ipswich c.xactK' similar (liminuti\e CO Frniii Hdltoii and LaiiL;hlin's Pit. Ipswich. implements occur at depths ranging from ten to thirt^• feet from the surf;ice. but are considerabh' more numerous. The large number ol the se small w (11- worked implements which m\' friend, Mr. Moir, and myself ha\e collected is very remarkable, and brings into prominence some questions which have not hitherto been discussed. Firstly : How is it that in our Museums, many -of s\hich contain large collections 14 January. 1911. KNOWLEDGE. 15 of magniticent weapons of War and the Chase from the principal river gravels, these paleoliths are seldom shewn ? It is almost a certainty that they occur evervwhere, but owing to the fact that workmen are onlv paid and encouraged to look for the larger specimens, presumabh' the\- are generally overlooked. Secondlv : These small fabrications are not to he found in the later gravels, as in the case of Dover- court, abo\e the clay band, nor are they found associated with large early Neolithic implements of Cisburv and Eastbourne. This seems to point to one of two conclusions, either that side-pressure flaking or "nicking" became a lost art at one early period and was not resuscitated till later Neolithic times: or that the workers (possibly a special race) of so-called "pigmy" implements and small side work generally were driven from districts where their ancestors made these "industrial tools," as Rutot so aptly describes them, an;' did not again migrate to the same places for many ":s later. Thirdh-: I would suggest more h,^ ; would be thrown on the present mystery of pati/vlion, if a general system were adopted of classing tiu' various implements in all the gravels of England according to their forms and respective ages : and the gaps in the evolution of man's handiwork and arts would be more tilled up by such a system than at present. In the accompan\ing illustrations the finds of the two pits respectively are shown in types, and with the name of the pit in which each was found. THE MYSTERY OF THE FLORAL PIGAH^XTS. Bv P. O. KEEGAN. LL.D. Thk literature on the subject of the colours of flowers has been very voluminous as respects the final cause of the phenomena, but a truly scientific explanation thereof has seldom been attempted. We do not want to disco\er the purpose which these lo\ely pigments fulfil in the economy of the plant, so much as the chemical and physiological efficient causes of their appearance. The chemistry of plants requires to be studied, and the products of the physiological processes going on in their interior need careful detection and distin- guishment. In this way only can the laws which go\ern the vital activity be discovered, and thereby also a true scientific understanding of the phenomena be attained. The corolla is the organ wherein the yellow, blue, and red colouring matters are chiefly produced, and hence its physiology has to be carefully studied and determined, not only in itself, but also in its relationship with that of its neigbouring organs, viz., the stamens and pistils. We know that the corolla grows \ery rapidly, that it is the seat of energetic oxidation and at times considerable transpiration : its assimilatory power is generally feeble, and it has a poor de\elopment of the vascular system, i.e.. of the conducting apparatus. Hence the appearance of the pigments in the corolla has been explained in a general and rather vague way by simple modifications in the phenomena of cellular nutrition and of cellular chemistry (Curtel" ). Chlorophyll is not produced or regenerated in the corolla owing to insufficient nutrition, and hence carotin (the pigment of the orange and deep yellow flowers) is allowed to appear, while the blue and red pigments are due to the energetic oxidation of which this organ is the special seat. This explanation seems to account fairly well for the production of the yellow pigment (carotin), but it fails to throw light on the fact that the red and blue pigments (anthocyan) are e\idently evolved by a verj' special physiological process, which does not generally take place in an\' other part of the plant with a strength and completion at all comparable with that proceeding in the tissues of the corolla. The mere oxidation of an organ is not sufficient, unless something is produced there indepen- dently, whereon the oxidation may operate. If the corolla possesses a very feeble or annulled assimilatory power, its protoplasm exhibits a very energetic deassimilatory power, and this latter fact is proved to demonstration when the chemical constituents of the floral parts are compared with those of the other organs of the same plant. A series of chemical analyses of common plants performed by myself (see The Xaturalist, 1902-10). revealed the important fact that, while the flowers of certain species are habitually tinted purely and \ividly. the quantity of tannic chrcmogen contained in the other organs (stem, leaf, root) is or may be, extremely small. Hence, the conclusion was readily suggested that the formation and development of the blue and red pigments in these cases were strictly local, and absolutely confined to the floral envelopes, i.e., they were not necessarily dependent on the particular amount of tannin produced by the organism in its entirety. Now, as tannin is a product of deassimilation of a high grade, it seemed certain that this particular physiological process was carried on in the corolla \ery energetically ; it was pushed further there, as it were, than in the other organs of the plant. The question then to be decided was in what manner did it act. and what also were the real causes of its specific energy and completeness. It became clear that it was not (as M. Curtel opined) merelv because the corolla possessed feeble powers of assimilation, that, therefore, its powers of deassimilation should be raised correspondingly. The law of plant physiokvgy applicable to this case is that processes of special deassimila- tion are brought about in certain cells to the profit and benefit of other neighbouring cells. The albuminoids of the corolla cells minister to the pressing needs of the stamens and pistils. The vital activity incident to the process of fecundation, the formation and diflerentialion of the stamens, ovules and seeds, etc., induces a powerful drain on the albuminoids of the corolla, whose molecules consequently break up ; the nitrogenous nuclei thereof are separated and pass over as much as is required to the cells of the stamen and pistil, while the aromatic nuclei remain behind as tannic chromogen, the precursor of the brilliant blue and red pigments. Numerous experiments performed by myself (see Xnfiire, Ixi., 1051 render it certain that the conversion of tannin into visible pigment varies in intensity and completeness very considerably, according to the particular petal examined. In cranesbill. tufted vetch, peony, and sweet pea the conversion is complete ; in foxglove, carnation, and some roses it is nearly so; in clover, sea pink, and flowering currant it is not complete : while poppy, burnet and cineraria are still further remote from perfect development of tincture. And, inasmuch as difterent species of plants belonging to the same genus evolve habitually either blue or red flowers, while the chromogen of all is exactly the same substance, there can be no doubt that these diff'erences can only be explained by a diversity in the development of the pigment. As already suggested, the most developed in this respect are those plants which habitually e\olve blue or purplish-blue petals, and it is these very plants which exhibit the most intense and energetic reproductive capacity. Annales dcs Sciences Xatiirclles.— Bot. Ser. 8, t. 6, page 221. ON THE STUDY OF DOUBLE STARS BY AMATEUR OBSERVERS. W Bv G. F. CHAMr.ERS, F.R.A.S. PRACTICAL HINTS ON OBSERVING DOUBLE STARS.* Dimensions of telescopes in inches of aperture must not be regarded as conclusive as to the possibilities or impossibilities of di\"iding close Double Stars. There are several factors of import- ance involved in the matter : ci^.. the (jualitx' of the object-glass ; the steadiness of the mounting : the power of the observer's eye : its training to detect small }>()ints of light : his skill and experience generallw How important such points as these are is well illustrated by a remark b\- Burnham, made many many years ago, when he presented one of his early catalogues of new Double Stars to the Royal Astronomical Societ\'.+ Speaking of some measures which had been placed at his disposal bN' Baron Dembowski he sa\-s : — " F"e\v obser\-ers ^vould be able to measure such stars, and those habitualh- observed by him. with an aperture of onI\- 7 inches. It is another illustration of the truth that much more depends upon the observer than the si/e of the instrument. I ma}- add that nothing has been more gratifying and flattering t<> me than to find m\' measures of a difficult pair with INA inches aperture agreeing closely with the measures of Baron Dembowski with 7 inches." Another illustration of the proof of lunidiani's general statement here is to be found in the Double Star work done many years ago micrometrically by Dawes, and in another aspect (the literar\- one) by Webb. The form of micrometer best adapted for general use is that known as the Bifilar micrometer mounted in conjunction with a position circle. For the benefit of beginners in the use of such an instrument it is suggested that after bringing a Double Star into the held of view the milled head which moves the position circle be turned until the position wires are approximately parallel to an imaginar\- line joining the stars. The stars are then by means of the slow motion on the telescope to be brought between tlie position wires, and then a final adjustment of the wires to parallelism with the aforesaid imaginar\- line is to be made. The distance wires are then to be approximateh- adjusted to the distance of the stars, and then by means of the slow motion of the telescope the stars are to be brought on these w ires at a place clear of the position wires, and the final rectification made. It will be found most convenient to make these measures thus at places on the wires where thev do not cross the position wires. Two readings, one of position and one of distance, are then to be taken and entered on a printed blank form of which a specimen will be given presentl\-. It is advisable to take at least four measures of each sort, and treat the mean of the four as the result to be placed on record as the measures of the star observed. In measuring Double Stars it is important that the observer should so hold his head that the line joining his e\'es should either be coincident in position with the line joining the stars or directh- at right angles to it. Carrying out this suggestion mav sometimes involve a strain im the muscles of the neck which must be guarded against, and this will best be done by using a diagonal reflecting jirism on the eve-end of the micrometer. The angle of position required is that obtained by measuring round the circum- ference of a circle (with the principal star of the pair in the centre) from the N. point round to 360°, backwards contrarv to the motion of the hands of a clock. The reading of the micrometer w'ires should be 0 ami .)(j() when the wires are \'ertical. There is no test of the verticalitv of the wires which can be quickh' applied, and when the instrument is attached to the telescope for use the position of the zero will be found to be slightly different from night to night. It is not worth while, therefore, to attempt to have the zero in the correct place. And after tiie micrometer is attached to the telescope preparatory to starting work, or during the observations, the angular error of the zero point out of place is obtained in the following manner and applied as a correction to the mean reading of the (losition angle of the star. The wires are brought apjiroximatelv to point East and West and a star of an^• sort is brought into the field. The slow R.A. motion of the Equatorial is then used, and hv trial the star is caused to tra\'el along one of the position wires, the observer adjusting the position of the w ires until the motion is along the wire. This done the wires then lie along a parallel of declination and are therefore displaced 90"^ from the N. point. Subtract 90' from this reading and we have the zero error. On the position circle there are usually two verniers ISO'-" apart, so the observer has a choice of readings 180° apart ; and, moreover, the \\ires will be in the same position on two stars really differing in angle h\ 180" so that it may be necessary to add 180 ' to the resulting measure. Whether or not this III the |)repaiati()ii of this seclion I h;i\e been iii;iteriallv helped li>- Mr (i. M. SeabroUe, F.K.A.S. ! Mcliiiiirfi h'.A.S.. Mil. xli\', page 147. 16 January. 1911. KNOWLEDGE. 17 must be done must be settled by the estimated position of the star, or b\' consultini; other previous measures. Thus far we have spoken of taking measures of distance b\- adjusting the wires on the stars: and if the micrometer screw-head reads zero when the wires were over each other we should onl\- have to convert the divisions of the reading on the stars into seconds of arc, and the angular distance would be had. It is not without risk of error that we can adjust the screw so as to read 0° when the wires are coincident, and the difference in the expansion of the steel screw and the brass in which it is mounted would soon cause an error in the value of the zero which might, however, be allowed for when ascertained. But it is better to avoid this complication of error by taking measures of the star w ith the moveable wire first on one side of the tixed wire and then on the other. The distance through which the wire is moved will then be double the interval between the stars, and dividing this by two will give the actual interval : which process also has the good effect of halving the error of observation. Thus, it is advisable that the reading of the screw-head should only be approxi- mately zero when the wires coincide. If the readings are taken when the\" increase with the increase of the distance of the w ires thev are called "direct": and when the mo\eable wire is on the other side and they decrease w ith the increase of the distance of the wires, thev are called '' indirect.'' Since the numbers decrease from 100 (or from what- ever may be the reading of the screw-head) on the indirect side we have to subtract the indirect read- ing from 100 and add this to the direct reading. To avoid risk of error and for convenience' sake, it is well to adopt the fiction of calling the reading 1000 when the wires coincide, that being the usual number of divisions for 10 revolutions of the micro- meter screw. It follows, therefore, that all readings within this distance of the wires a.re positive, and we have only to subtract the smaller reading from the larger to get the double distance of the inters-al measured. For instance : suppose that a direct reading embraces one revolution (= 100 divisions) and 15 more, making a total of 115 divisions. Add to this 1000, and write down the result 1115. The indirect reading of the same stars after crossing the wires will also be one revolution (100 divisions) and about 15 divisions over, but as we are reading back- wards from 100 the reading actually is about 85, sav 80. (For it is not likely that the wires coincided exactly at 0). On the assumption that coincidence takes place at 1000, we write down 880 as the indirect measure : then J-i-^y ''"— " is the distance of the stars in divisions of the instrument. To find the value of the divisions in arc, separate the wires by a known number of revolutions, and note the time that a star on or near the equator takes in passing transit-fashion from one wire to the other. Then, since 15" of arc are covered in 1* of time the number of divisions (100 time: the number of revolutions) divided by 15 times t>:; time of passage in seconds will give the number o' divisions which correspond to 1" of arc* Seeing that it often happens that : asures have to be reduced under circumstances uni vourable to accurate mathematical thought, it is well :^ resort when possible to mechanical labour-saving expedients. One of these available for Double Star w -k is a ■■ Barlow lens," the usefulness of which seims now-a-days to be very little understood. It is an achromatic plano-concave lens which has a powerful magnifying effect, and by inserting such a lens between the object-glass and the micrometer a few- inches inwards from the latter an image is altered in size so that the distance between the two stars can be made to accommodate a certain number of micrometer divisions without fractions. For instance, the magnification of a pair of stars may be so adjusted that 10 divisions correspond to 1" of arc. After finding the value in divisions of a measure we have onh- to move the decimal point, and then a value recorded in seconds of arc presents itself. Should this value not be absolutely correct we learn at anv rate the percentage of the error and appl\- it in writing down the definitive distance. The following forms are recommended for use. No. 1 shows the method of entering observations as they are taken, and No. 2 the method of recording the final results for permanent reference : — No. 1. TEMPLE OBSE R\'AT() RV. DOUBLE ST.\KS. Date: Sept. 6. I'JUyr,/. S 22IS K. A. //- J'.l. Dec. +fiJ //. PDsrrujx. Wires E. i W. 106' 2 90 Mag. DISTANCE. Direct. Indirect. Zero error Readings. SS'j 57-0 srn 5S'5 76-2 1017 1018 101 7' 3 981-3 982 981 981-5 230-8 57-7 76-2 161-5 Pos. Dis. ( A.B. .}J1-5 I A.C. I A.B. 1-80 A.C. A more exact method of obtaining this result is to measure the distance of two stars whose position is \er\- e.\actK known such as certain stars in Pleiades. As to this see Gledhilt's " Double Stars." 18 No. 2. h. m. s. ISSO Approx. R.A. /; 39 35 Cor. for 1900 17 39 12 KNOWLEDGE. TEMPLE O B S E K \' A T ( .) K \' . Nan. Mas,'". Struve's number 22!8 h „ 7137 January, 1911. ISSO Appr.ix. Decl. 63° 7J' I A. (r5 Cor. for 1900 63' 44' jB. 7-7 (c. Position. No. of (Jbs. Di:,l." No. of Obs. Date 180 + Observer's Name. Remarks on Observation. Notes on previous measures. &c. 34S 2 ,•) 2-29 2 S3 -70 s - 1 S3 2-7 2" 30 336' -7 1 349 H .'} 2-03 2 ■70 s 349-2 4 2-44 2 ■72 s 3 I!--) 4 ISO 7 094)7 s Gledhill has made the folldwinsj; suggestions as to Double Star observing which he says embody the recorded experience of Strin'e, Sir J. Herschel, Dawes, Dcmbuwski, and Secchi : — (II At the outset it must be remarked that the Observatory (doors, windows, slit, and ventilators) sliould be throw n open at least an hour before observation begins, in ordi-r to reduce the temperature of the room to that ot tiie e.xternal air. (2) If the definition be bad and the motion great, it is use- less to attempt the measurement of Double Stars. In short, if a power of at least 300 cannot be used, the results cannot generally be of any value. (31 Very bright stars should be measured in daxlighl nr twilight. (41 The observations should be made near the meridian if possible. (5) The observer should be in an easy position — the prism effectually secures this ; and the driving clock ought to go smoothly. (6) The bright-held should be used almost exclusively — red and blue colours are most in use. (7) Use the highest powers possible, and always the same powers. (8) A moderate number of measures of an object on each of two nights is better than a large number on one night. (9) Use printed forms. (10) Enter date, hour, weather, and distance from meridian, before observation begins. (11) Notes on definition, general impression as to the %alue of each measure or set, etc., cannot well be too copious. (12) In all doubtful cases make a sketch. ,nid .idil full description. ■■ .\. few more miscellaneous hints aiiplicablc to telescopic work on Double Stars will now be given. Use a dew-cap of a length equal to two or e\-en three diameters of the object-glass; and it is well te detected on the sliding fork of the n-iicronieter to indicate where old webs have been attached, and therefore, where new ones must be applied so that they may be parallel to one another. Use a screw- driver which fits properh- the small screws of the micrometer when it has to be taken apart. A sharp bradawl is a good substitute. Nothing looks worse than the head of a screw- damaged b\- a tool unfit for work. While the screws are out, put them in a little box for safe keeping, for small micrometer (and other) screws have great straying power. SPECULATIONS. In the volume of which I have made so much use, Innes has entered upon some reflections and specula- tions which, as the_\- are not of the wild and irresponsible character so common now -a-da\-s. I gladly quote b\- way of conclusion to this prelhninar\- dissertation because of their present interest and prospective usefulness. He says : — " The study of Double Stars will always be interesting from the Newtonian point of view, and in the case of the brighter pairs, the spectroscopic determination of motion in the line of sight will lead to a knowledge of the true position in space as well as of the absolute dimensions of their orbits, and hence their paralla.xes. The irregularities of their orbital motions (already ascertained in a few- cases. which will multiply as observations grow more precise) indicate the presence of disturbing bodies. For these reasons even the Binaries w ith the best- determined orbits deser\-e careful and regular observation. From the astro-physical point of \-iew, it is hoped that much max- be learned from their stud\-. A contracting and rotating mass of gas may e\-entuallv reach an epoch when it will become unstable, and separate into two or more portions forming a Binar\- system. It is evident that this critical period will depend on the constitution of the body, its speed of rotation, mass and temperature. S\-stematic observations, micrometric and spectro- scopic, should in time enlighten us on these, at present, obscure subjects. When we are able to arrange the elements of the orbits of say one thousand Binary pairs in tabular form, with their 20 KNOWLEDGE. January, 1911. spectroscopic history, both of constitution and of " It is true that of these « Crucis is not a Binary, radial speed, including for each the proper motion It is perhajis all the more remarkable for that reason, and its solar comjwnent. we shall be in a position to being one of the brightest stars in the skv, and shown attack questions relating to the constitution of the by photography to be surrounded by a cluster, or rather 1 2703 Dulphini. Mags. 7i, 7t, 7i : Distances 25", 71", 5'/'. > Dilphiiii. MaKs. 4i, 5.; : Distance 11" ji Cephei. Mags. 3t, S: Distance 13", Cephei. Mags. 5i. 8A, si, 10: Distances li", 12", 20" sidereal heavens, which are to-da\' be\-ond the realms of reasonable speculation. In this respect the stars of the Soutliern hemisphere offer at least as attractive a held of investigation as those Ne apari. Limi. g, t that gravitational motion becomes too small tn be detected even in a centur\- ? Speculation and analogy alike fail us. and a systematic study of all Double Stars is alone likeK- to solve these and many other allied questions. The high eccentricity of the orbits of some Double Stars, including a Centauri, subjects the internal constitution of the components to tlifferent pressures at the times tif pcii-astron and ap-astron. Does this affect their spectia in a measurable degree?"* '■' Reference Cataii igni- of Sonthern Doable Stars, page xiii a. NERVES AND NERVOUSNES By DA\"ID FRASER HARRIS, M.D., B.Sc. (LOND.) ^Lecturer on Pliysiulogy, Ciiii'crsify of rUnii iir^hitiii .) Possibly no terms are so looseh' used as " nerves," and " nervousness." Owing to the prevailing ignor- ance about the nervous svstem the\' have become of much profit to the quack and the charlatan. Before we attempt to understand in what " ner%'()usness " consists, and wh\' some people are '" nervous "' and others not. we should find out what a nervous system does, what the possession of it means, and what would be the result of our not having one. The central nervous s\-stem is a mass of very highly specialised living matter (nerve-cells) contained inside the skull and spinal column in order to be protected from injurN' from outside. Into and out of this mass of nerve-cells run certain nerves from and to the " peripherv," b\' which we mean all the b(>d\' exclusive of the central nervous s\stem itself. Most of the nerves going in, carr\- impulses which arouse sensations, most of the nerves going out, carrv out impulses which arouse movement : by the former the environment acts on us. bv the latter we act on the environment. The nervous s\stem as a whole is the great means of communication between one part of the body and another : without it we should be totallv unaware of what was going on around us. We should have no sensations and no pain : although possessing eyes we should not see, though having ears we should not hear : and, not ha\ing an\- sensations, we should have no emotions and no ideas, since these are higher mental states com- pounded of the more fundamental states of sensation and perception. Of course we should have no memorv, as there would be nothing to remember. Again, if we had no nervous system, we should not be able to move a muscle when we wished ; no matter in what danger we found ourselves we should be powerless to escape from it. One part of the bodv would not have the least idea where the other part was. what it was doing, or what it wanted : we should have no knowledge of the world around us or of our relationship to it. We could initiate no bodily activit\% and so would be powerless to make any change whatever in the relations between the environment and nursehes. lUit b\ means of the afferent nerves the centres do receive information regarding both the body and the outside world, and. in consequence, the individual, through his centres and efferent nerves, can constantly adjust his liody to the changing conditions of the environment. The management of an armv is a good analogy with the working of the nervous svstem. The army council — a few men — we ma\- liken to the highest parts of the brain, the intelligence department and signallers to the afferent nerves, the rank and file of the soldiers to the muscles — tht- ultimate executants of the orders issued by the council. >'ow the soldiers, left to themsel\-es, w ould never of themselves engage in any plan of concerted action. They !nust be drilled, made to execute first independent and then corporate movements in accordance with definite orders, the meaning of which the}' have previously learned. The men must be arranged in squads, companies, regiments and battalions, and must go through manoeuvres from time to time to practise what would be required of them in actual warfare. But in order that the army council issue appropriate commands, it must be kept informed as to the condition, number and distribution of all the units constituting the army. The soldiers are the muscles : if left to themseh'es, that is not attended to b\- the central ner\-ous system, the}- might act spontaneously from time to time, but not alwa\-s in a manner calculated to promote the well-being of the organism as a whole of which they form the constituent parts. The luen must be drilled by sergeants who take orders from junior officers, who obey superior officers, who in turn obey orders ultimately emanating from the council at the \\'ar Office, indirecth". then, this council issues orders to each indi\idual soldier in the army. Similarly the brain is in touch with each muscle, which it also drills and exercises and keeps in readiness for future activity, a state we call "tone." The muscles, if not in constant functional connection with the nerve centres through the efferent nerves, woukl becotue toneless, slack, unready to contract when a motor impulse (command to action) arrived. Ikit the very opposite is what we find : muscles duly inner\ated have a certain degree of tension, are ready to shorten after onl\- an exceedingly brief time from the instant of receiving the message. Muscles not thus innervated, even though well suj^plied with blood would not be in a perfect state of health, would become "a law unto themselves," and therefore be unrelated to their neighbours" needs. This unfailing outflow of impulses from the cells of the central nervous system to the periphery — to muscles, blood- vessels, glands and possibly otfier tissues — is known as innervation. Innervation really means being attended to h\ the central nervous system : it is not being given strength to do work, but it is being kept in readiness to do work — a \cr\- different thing. It is being neurallv supervised. Innervation is not the commissariat : the blood supplies the food : the blood is the canteen ; each muscle must absorb its own nourishment, but b\- means of innervation it will be constantl}- kept " up to the mark," drilled, made tonic and read\- for action. Innervation is each soldier"s knowing that those in authority over him 21 22 KNOWLEDGE. January. T)11. have not forgotten about him, that messages have been duly sent out to order his food to be brought into camp, that orders have been recei\'ed as to how each minute of his day is to be occupied, and so on. A command to action imparts no strength to act, but it constitutes a necessary antecedent condition for an attentive, well drilled soldier to obe\' on the shortest notice in the best possible manner. This is w hat tone does for muscles ; it keeps them readw This outflow of what we may convenienth- call tonic impulses has nothing to do with our consciousness : although diminished in intensity, for instance, during sleep, it is not abolished. We do not therefore consciously or voluntarily innervate our muscles : they are innervated subconscioush'. When the nervous s\-stem dies the muscles take on the flaccidit\- of death before they enter upon /-/^'o/' iiiorfis, the rigidit\' of death. Now we have a good deal of e\idence that the outflow of these tonic impulses is rlnthmic or intermittent, in other words at a certain regular rate per second. Physiologists are not agreed as to the exact rate of arrival of these at the muscle, but efforts are being made to determine it. In what we call a voluntary muscular contraction it is e.xtremeh' probable that, although the intensit\- of these impulses is very greatly increased, their number per second, or periodicity, remains the same. The will, then, onh- exaggerates the existing state of tone; this exaggerated tone is a voluntar\- contraction, and hence it is sometimes said that '" tone is incipient contraction " — a very good description. We know that heat is given out in voluntary contraction, but heat is also produced by a muscle in tone : and in [)roportion as the tone dies down so is the output of heat diminished. This unconsciously exerted tonic influence of the nervous centres on the muscles is, like man\- other things, best realised when it is temporarih- diminished or done away with. Thus, when a man gets a blow- on the head, is " stunned." or suffers a severe and especially sudden injury, or has his central nervous s}-stem badly poisoned b\- alcohol or chloroform, he is quite unable to remain in a standing posture. This shock, or collapse, is due to his muscles having become more or less toneless, not so much because the\- are poisoned as because their innervation is reduced or abolished through the mechanical or chemical damage to the centres emitting the tone- maintaining impulses. The nerve-cells responsible for sending out these tone-preserving impulses are sometimes called " trophic centres," or centres related to trophism, a Greek word meaning "growth" but now taken as synonymous with tissue-health. Trophic nerves for muscles are none other than the efferent nerves conveying impulses inducing tone in the muscles. Trophic impulses in any other sense, in so far as muscles are concerned, do not exist. All tissues, even such an apparently lifeless one as bone (which, how^ever, is very much alive), when from any cause deprived of their nerve-suppl\- suffer in health, become atrophic, or atrojihy. It is equal!}' correct to speak of blood-vessels and glands as being kept in tone or in a good trophic state by reason of their innervation. Thus, if the efferent nerve to an\- tissue is cut. the tone of that tissue is diminished or abolished for the time being, muscles become flabbv, blood-vessels parah-sed or dilated, and glands quite unhealth^•. It will be convenient to ha\'e a term for the nerve-cell in the centre and its outgrowth, the efferent nerve-fibre, which passes all the wa\' from the central nervous centre to the periphery : it is " the efferent neurone." Neurone means nerve-cell and all its processes including the long conducting process to the tissue or organ innervated. The nerve-fibres which stretch from nerve-cells to tissues have at least the propertv of conductivitv, the power of conducting nerve-impulses. Toneless muscles are a sign of deficient innervation, a condition seen for instance typicalh' in melancholia. It is, of course, a mental condition, but its outward and visible sign is deficiencv of tone of all tissues not only muscles but blood-vessels, glands, and skin as well. Deficient innervation leads to deficient tone, whether that deficient innervation is due to mechanical injury to the nerve or to a depression of the emitting centre itself. In neurasthenia, again. inner\'ation is deficient; not onh' are the muscles lacking in tone, but the glands, for instance the gastric glands, are deficient in chemical tone, and as they do not secrete sufficient h\'drochloric acid there results the consequent ner\'ous d\'spepsia. Popularlv a neurasthenic is " a nervous person"; stricth' speaking such a person is suffering from weakness of the nerve-centres, probably due to their being poisoned or not sufficiently nourished at some previous time. Nerve-centres themselves, then, can be in good health, full of vigour and nerve-energy, or the\' can be less vigorous, putting forth less energ\'. be definitely weak. Neurasthenia is onh- Greek for ii(>t-sfren}>tli of nerx'es : but in this case " ner\'es " means nerve-centres, since ner\'e-trunks are not sources of energy and merely conduct impulses. Nerve-energy or nerxous energy are terms one reads about a great deal, sees very often used in advertisements of quack niedicines, and so on; but it is a thing of which the man of science has very little knowledge. There must, of course, be such a thing as nerve-energ\' ; else nerve-centres could effect nothing and affect nobod\', for "ex iiihilo iiiliil fit." The English physiological psychologist. Dr. MacDougal of Oxford, has coined the word " neurine " as a convenient term for nerve-force. Although we know- almost nothing about nerve-force we know a little of what it can do. just as, although we do not know- much about electricity, we know something of what it can do: both electricity and neurine pass from places of high to places of lower pressure. Returning to the centres in the spinal cord, we see that they are the sources of the nerve-energy sent out to the tissues everywhere; but we might at this point ask ourselves: do we know anything of the material basis of this ner\'e-energy .'' ( To l>c continued I. NOTES. ASTRONOMY. By F. A. Bellamy. M..\., F.R..A.S. F.WE'S COMET (or 1910c' Cerulli). — The comet announced as a discovery by Cerulli at Teranio Observatory, on November 8th, by means of photo,t;raphy, proves to be a re-discovery of the unexpected, or forgotten, return of the comet discovered by Faye in 1S43. This comet is interesting as having a short periodic orbit of seven and a half years, or slightly less ; so that, since 1843, this is the ninth return, and it happens to be a favourable one ; it is not always so, as at some returns it could not be observed, notably in 1903. When discovered on November Sth it was of the 9'5 magnitude. After a few observations had been made, it was ascertained by \V. F. Meyer and Miss S, H. Levy, of the Berkeley Astronomical Department. U.S..-^.. that the elements of the orbit which they computed resembled those of Faye"s Comet, and they afterwards computed elliptic elements from observa- tions of November 9th, 11th. and 13th ; they give the date of perihelion passage as 1910, November 12"413, G.M.T., but M. Ebell {Ast. Nach. 4456), deducing the time from Professor Stromgren's elements for 1903. finds the date to be October 23-747 Berlin M.T. In Ast. Nach. 4461, G. Fayet has discussed the question both with new observations and old elements, and he obtains November 2'2S3 Paris M.T. as the date of passage, and the other elements are \ery close to those which he deduces from Stromgren's work. Favet's elements are : — T = 1910 Nov. 2-28269. Paris M.T. u = 199-^ 51' 6'-74 o = 206° 7' 0"-31 t = 10= 30' 24"-79 e = 0-560806 log. a = 0-575109 /' = 4S6"-792 Thej' should, however, be regarded only as provisional. Plenty of obser\ations are being obtained and they will pro\e of use in the computation of a definiti\'e orbit. Fayet has also deduced an ephemeris for Paris mean midnight ; from a portion given here it can be seen that the comet is now moving northwards and eastw-ards ; it reached its most southerly declination on December 19th and 20th. and at the end of this month it is about the same right ascension as the Pleiades and twenty degrees south, and its magnitude will be equal to half that at the time of re-discovery. 1910-1911. h. K.A, ^. D ice. Dec. 17 .. 3 39 13 . .. +3° 9'-5 20 .. 40 15 .. .. +3- 8'-5 25 .. 42 51 . .. +3° 13'-9 30 .. 45 58 ., .. +3= 27'-2 Jan. 4 .. 49 45 ., .. +y' 47'-2 9 ... 54 11 .. .. +4° 12'-6 ,. 14 .. 3 59 10 .. ,. +4^ 42'-3 19 .. 4 4 43 ., .. +5° 15'-3 j^ 24 ... 4 10 43 ., .. +5° 50'-7 29 ... 4 17 12 ., .. +6° 27'-6 HALLEVS COMET.— It is still possible for observations to be obtained of this much-discussed comet. Those who wish to see it again before 1985. should not lose the opportunity during the next few weeks ; it is best situated for observation about 5 a.m., and will be at a similar position about two and a half hours earlier each month ; being at rather a low altitude it may be seen more readily at places south of England. This ephemeris is that given by F. E. Seagrave, in the Astronomical Journal, No. 620. Midnight G.M.' 1910. Jan. 3 ., 11 „ 19 „ 27 4 12 20 28 S 16 24 1 Feb. Mar. April h. 11 11 10 10 51 44 36 27 17 6 55 44 34 24 15 7 27 53 57 51 44 56 49 44 6 15 25 49 -18" IS'-l -18° 2.:-i -18° 23'-9 -18" 10'-8 -17° 45'-6 -17° 8'-l -16 19':2 -15 20'-5 -14° 14'-3 -13° 3'-7 -11° 5l'-6 -10 40'-7 ASTRONOMER ROYAL FOR SCOTLAND.— We olTer our congratulations to Professor R. A. Sampson upon his appointment to the position of Astronomer Royal for Scotland. His works upon J. C. Adams and Jupiter's Satellites have hitherto absorbed nearly all his time given to astronomical work : both these memoirs are of great and lasting importance. Now that he has charge of an observatory worthy of the name and one with an excellent and efficient all-round equipment, we look forward to a continuance and development of that practical side of astronomy so ably inaugurated at Edinburgh bv the newlv-appointed Astronomer Roval for England. Mr. F. W. Dyson. THE PRESENT STATE OF VARIABLE STAR WCJRK. Introduction. — Exclusivism seems to be the worst policy in scientific research. As observational science is now highly developed in practically all the countries of the world, and all the workers are exploring almost the same borderland of discovery, accurate and e\er-renewed knowledge of what others have done and are doing, is an absolute requirement if unnecessary duplication is to be avoided, as well as the waste of energy, time and money. This know- ledge, howexer, is not always as perfect as it ought to be, especially in great countries such as Britain, France, and the United States, where scientific men. less inclined to inter- nationahsni and to the study of foreign languages, are some- times tempted to consider the scientific activity of their countrymen as representing science. Small countries are better able to avoid this drawback, for. lacking elaborate sources of scientific information, forced to be polyglots and naturally exempted from any undue chauxinism. their men of science are in a better position to consider from an unbiassed point of view the efforts of the whole of the scientific world. And this, perhaps, is one of the reasons why countries, small in their area and economic possibilities, maintain a high standard of research among their powerful rivals. In the peculiar field of astronomy in which I have been engaged for many years — the study of those interesting objects, variable stars — much correspondence with British amateurs has shown me how often their \iews on this subject are confined to English references. I therefore think that a comprehensive statement of what is actually done in this branch, in the whole world, may be welcomed by all interested in the matter including those possessing a telescope, whatever its size may be. It will not only gi\e them an idea of the work of astronomers in this direction, in different countries, but will also show them how the obser- \ ation of changing stars is carried out with zeal and success by isolated workers. Statistics of Discovery. — Many complaints have been made recently with regard to the great disproportion which exists between the great number of variable stars known 23 24 KNOWLEDGE. Jantarv, 1911. at the present day and the attention shown to them. .A mere . glance at a catalogne of such objects will make this perfectly clear and illustrate how many, and e\en essential facts, remain unknown : especially as to long period variables, which should all be followed in a permanent manner in \iew of a better know- ledge of their light- curves. In order to bring this out more clearly, I ha\'e drawn up a table of the disco\ery of ^•ariable stars during recent years. For this, I deduced from a manuscript catalogue of such objects, for each year during the last decade (1900-19091. the mmiber of variables announced as being variable, and to which a ■■ provisional number " has been affixed, together with the number of the same stars that have received up to the present a " final name " — a combination of two letters — as explained hereafter, and the proportion between these two series of figures. Variables in clusters have not been included in the lists. but novae or temporary stars have been, since thev are in the A.G. lists they were considered as lettered. The discovery at Harvard and at Heidelberg of a large number of very faint \ariables accounts for such great totals as that of 1904, for example, and I intended at first to exclude them from the statistics; but, as the variability of several of these objects has been confirmed and as they thus received final names, I ultimately included them. In dealing with the total number of " pro\isional \ariables ' care must be taken to exclude some " apparent " variables. For instance 19.1900 Puppis is a rediscovery of / Puppis : 67.1901 and 74.1901 are /) Cassiopeiae and k Persei respectivelv. and as they possess Bayer (Greek) letters, they will never receive final names in the usual nomenclature, and have been excluded: 2.1902 is a rediscovery of U Lacertae : 9.1902 and 43.1909 are the result of mistakes and never had a real existence. In the following table, the first column contains the total (apparent) number of provisional numbers of variables as shown by the Astroiiomischc Xachriclitcn: the second the true or real number of discoveries; the third, the number of variables which have been lettered up to the present (including the latest list of the A.G. Committee in A.X. 4364); the fourth, the number of variables still inilettered and of which, therefore, little or nothing is known ; the fifth and final column, the proportion between the real number of discoveries and the lettered \ariables. The small number of lettered variables in 1909 is of course partly due to the fact that they had only been known a short time. conducted by .Mr. C. L. Brook. F.R..A.S., an amateur himself, a splendid and almost unique opportunity to achieve, with the most simple appli.iiices, a mass of useful work, and to contribute Year. 0) Apparent Number. (2) Real Number. (3) Lettered. (4) Non- Lettered. (5) Proportion. 1900 1901 1902 ■903 1904 190S 1906 1907 1908 1909 29 99 23 86 283 171 194 223 175 46 28 97 21 86 283 171 194 223 '75 45 28 61 21 43 60 38 47 lOI 35 10 0 36 0 43 223 1.53 147 122 140 35 loo-o % 62-9 1000 50 0 21 -2 22 2 24 -2 45 3 20-0 22 '2 1900-09 1329 1323 444 879 33-6 "„ It will be seen that in recent years the proportion between new variables and those that are more or less " settled " is a little more than 20%, and that 66% of all the variable stars discovered during the last decade still awaits confirmation. This fact will appear more .strikingly still on the inspection of Figure 1. where they ha\e been graphically represented. If British amateurs will consider that their own countrv offers them, through the medium of the "Variable Star Section " of the " British Astronomical Association," so ablv Figure 1. The Discovery of \'ariable Stars. The tliin line represents the number of vari.-ible slurs discovered each year since 1900 ; the interrupted line the number of the same stars whose variability has been confirmed ; and the hea\-y line at the base, the proportion between both. January, 1911. KNOWLEDGE. 25 to our Unowledge of the mysterious laws which tjovern the sidereal universe, I hope that some of them at least will .seize this opportunity at once, and join the small band of observers, to which I am proud to belong;, whose scientific activity is greatly appreciated ; if not very fully in the British Isles, at least elsewhere. ^^.^^^ ^^^^ ^^^.^ Honorary Secretary " Societc d' Astronomic d'Anvers." ( To be cQiitimicd.) BOTANY. By Professor F. Cavers, D.Sc. SUSPENSOR IN FERN EMBRYOS.— It was recently shown by Lyon that the enibr\'o of Botrychiiiiii obliqnuin has a suspensor, while Campbell recorded a similar structure in the case of Daiiaca. The interest of these discoveries lies in the fact that hitherto a suspensor has only been known to occur in the embryo of Lycopodiiiin and Sclaginclla among the Fern Alliance, or Pteridophyta. Lang {.4//);. Bot.. 1910) has just discovered that Hcliiiinfliusfachys, which is closely allied to Botrycliiuiii. has a massi\'e suspensor liUe that of the latter genus. THE ECOLOGY OF CONIFERS.— The ecological features of the Coniferae are discussed by Groom (Ann. Bot., 1910), who sets out various problems relating to this interesting subject. The main questions are : (1) the cause of the .xerophytic foliage and tracheidal wood; (2) the cause of the survival of Conifers in competition with Dicotj'ledonous trees; (3) the cause of the suppression of various Conifers in past ages. Stress is laid on the fact that all Conifers are not xerophytic, in spite of their xerophytic leaf structure. Hohnel showed that the Larch has a rapid transpiration current, while Groom's experiments show that Coniferous wood, in spite of its tracheidal structure, may conduct water with a rapidity equal to that of a rapidly transpiring Dicotyledonous tree. Another point is noted in this connection — the aggregate leaf surface of a Coniferous tree may exceed that of a Dicotyle- donous tree, because of the immense number of the leaves. This leads to the view that the .xerophytic structure of the Conifer leaf is actually necessary because of the great amount of exposed surface, and the term " architectural xerophytism " is suggested for xerophytism that is dependent, as in this case, upon the organization of the plant rather than upon the direct influence of external factors on the organs in question. The extinction of many of the ancient Conifers is attributed to their imperfect acclimatization, to the fact that they have a large number of insect and fungus enemies, and to their relatively slight power to react advantageously to new con- ditions. At the same time, their " architectural " xerophytism enables them to thrive in nearly all situations, from those that are physically or physiologicall>' dry to those that are sufficiently humid to permit the development of luxuriant non- xerophytic forests. "GERMANOL." — A Berlin syndicate has placed on the market a product called " Germanol," consisting of an earthy mixture containing about eighteen per cent, of calcinated soda. The virtue of this mixture, which is intended for agricultural use, is attributed by the manufacturers to an increased porosity of the soil following an increase in the proportion of carbon dioxide, the latter being supposed to act as a "fertiliser." Mitscherlich (Landwirtscli. Jahrb., 1910) has made extensive experiments, however, which appear to show that if this mixture has any value at all it must be attributed to the action of the carbon dioxide in increasing the solubility of difficultly soluble substances in the soil. He concludes, moreover, that increasing the carbon dioxide content of the soil does not result in an increase of plant product ; that there is always sufficient carbon dioxide in the soil already to render mineral food available ; and that any increase in the solubility of soil constituents due to increase on carbon dioxide content is absolutely superfluous so far as any advantage to the plant is concerned. It would seem, therefore, that "Germanol" will pro\e a failure in practice, just as various other nostrums, like " Nitragin " and " Nitro-bacterine," have done in the past. BOTANY IN CALIFORNIA.— Some r;cent publications on Botany issued by the University of Cilifornia are of general interest. They include a beautifully iiinstrated paper by Hall on ornamental trees, especially the "bottle-brush" genera of the Eucalyptus order (Myrtaceae). Gardner describes a new genus of Flagellafes (Leuvcnia) which is of special interest in view of the importance attached to these lowly organisms lying at the common base of the animal and vegetable series. This new genus presents a remarkable com- bination of characters which make it difficult "at present to classify it, even to naming the family to which it belongs or in which it has its nearest affinities." The nuclei and pigment- bodies (chromatophores) are inconstant in number, while in the motile phases contractile vacuoles occur at both the anterior and posterior ends, while pyrenoids, gullet, and eve- spot are absent. The same author also describes two new genera of Green Algae which grow in association with other marine algae of California. Endophyton grows inside the frond of Red Algae of various kinds, and apparently forms a link between the families Chroolepideae and Chaetophoreae, differing from the latter in the absence of hairs. Pscudo- dictyon, referred to Chroolepideae, grows among the cells of the cortex in species of tangle {Laminaria). CHEMISTRY. By C. Ainsworth Mitchell, B.A. (Oxon.), F.I.C. ACTION OF POISONOUS ALKALOIDS ON PL.ANTS. — .\i\ instructive series of experiments has been carried out by Messrs. Otto and Kooper {Landw. Jalirb., 1910, xxxix, 397) to ascertain the effect of adding dilute solutions of poisonous alkaloids to the soil in which plants are grown. It was found that when a relatively small area of soil was treated daily with a solution of strychnine sulphate, the liquid first filtering through the soil contained the acid constituent of the salt, but not the alkaloid, though this, too, eventually passed through the soil unchanged. This phenom- enon of temporary absorption of the alkaloid was also observed in the case of perfectly sterilised soil, and was thus not due to bacterial action. The presence of solutions of salts of alkaloids, such as strychnine, in the soil had a pro- nounced effect upon plants growing therein, checking both germination and growth, and causing the fruit to be abnormal. Nicotine added in the fonn of a three per cent, solution was retained by the soil, apparently through the formation of a loose "addition compound," for the alkaloid was not altered chemically by the absorption. Eventually a portion of the nicotine was decomposed and volatilised, this being apparently brought about largely by the influence of heat and moisture in the soil. The growth of the tobacco plant was greatly stimu- lated by the addition of nicotine solution to the soil, and the proportion of nicotine in the plant showed an increase. The alkaloid had a similar, though less pronounced, effect upon the growth of the potato, and did not appear to affect the com- position of the plant. Treatment of the soil with a solution of sodium nitrate had a similar stimulative action upon the growth of the tobacco plant. THE GLA2ING OF ANCIENT GREEK VASES.— The nature of the black glaze upon a Greek vase excavated at the Heraeum has been examined by Mr. W. Foster ijoiirn. Aincr. Chcin. Sac, 1910, xxxii, 1259), who has found that it does not contain manganese, but consists of an iron compound, probably ferrous silicate. The red glaze upon a Mycenian vase has also been examined, the surface of the vase being scraped with a diamond, and an analysis made of the resulting powder. The conclusion drawn from the results is that the colour of the glazing is due to the presence of a ferric compound. 26 KNOWLEDGE. January. 1911. Analyses of the body of Mycenian vases showed that they contained from approximately 41 to 48 per cent, of silica, 17 to 20 per cent, of alumina, 7 to 9 per cent, of iron oxide. 14 to 20 per cent, of lime. 4'5 per cent, of magnesia, about 3 per cent, of potassium oxide and about 5'5 per cent, of carbonate. From these analyses it appears that Mycenian pottery differs from Attic and Campanian pottery in containing much less silica but much more lime, and in the relatively large proportion of carbonate present. Owing to its low proportion in silica the pottery can be readily melted at a relatively low temperature. THE DIGESTIBILirV OF BLEACHED FLOL'R.— Of the numerous methods that have been proposed for bleach- ing flour, only those in which nitrogen peroxide is employed as the bleaching agent have proved successful upon a commercial scale. Flour bleached in this manner is now largely sold, and on more than one occasion has been the subject of actions in the law courts. Hence the experiments of Mr. E. \V. RocUwood upon the effect of bleaching upon the digestibility of flour ijouni. Biol. CJicni.. 1910, viii, 3271 have a special intei-cst at the present time. In these experiments the tests were applied simul- taneously to bleached and unbleached samples of the same flour, the conditions in each case being strictly parallel. It was found that uncooked gluten separated from the flours was digested by pepsin with equal rapidity in each instance, while the product from the bleached flour was digested more readily by pancreatin than that from tlie unbleached specimen. The cooked gluten from the bleached flour was more easily digested both by pepsin and pancreatin than that from unbleached flour, while bread made from the two kinds of flour did not differ in its digestibility, the nitrous compound having been expelled during the baking. The bleach- ing process was also found to have had no appreciable influence upon the digestibility of the starch in the flour. THE MEKliK BURNER. — A new gas burner, presenting many advantages over the ordinary Bunsen burner, has been put upon the market by the Cambridge Scientific Instrument Company, under the name of the Meker burner. The con- struction of this is sliown in the accompanying figure, from which it will be seen that the holes for the admission of air are much larger than in the Bunsen burner, so that the mixture of air and gas in the chimney is of the right proportion for complete combustion. A deep grid of nickel is screwed to the top of the burner to prevent the flame " striking back." The flame of this burner is homogeneous, and does not show the inner and outer cone of the Bunsen flame. Its temperature is much higher than that of the latter, and is nearly uniform throughout. In fact, the coolest part of a Meker flame is hotter than the hottest portion of a Bunsen flame. A burner of modified form has been made for use with compressed air, thus enabling a yet higher temperature to be reached. FXONOMIC BIOLOCY. By Walthr E. Collinge, M.Sc, F.L.S., F.E.S. HOUSE FLIES AND DISEASE. — I promised last month to deal with some of the correspondence I have received with reference to house flies as transmitters of disease. A renewed interest, I am pleased to say, has been awakened in the subject, and, as I recently stated. I trust the public will ultimately educate the authorities in order that our different public bodies will realize the seriousness of the matter. No one wishes to create a scare, or to indulge in Pion of nickel qf'd C wild unguarded statements, but to calmly and judicially consider the facts as brought out by recent investigations. FLIES IN WINTER. — One correspondent inquires what becomes of the flies in winter, — do they die, leaving eggs to hatch later, or do they hibernate? Mr. F. P. Jepson has shown iJoKi-n. Ecoii. Biol., 1909, vol. iv.) by marking flies in the summer of 1908, for purposes of identification, that nearly all of them were captured in a bakehouse, the supply continuing up to nearly the middle of November, when a sudden sharp frost seemingly caused their sudden disap- pearance; they reappeared, however, on February 15th, 1909. From these and other experiments he concludes that during the winter flies may be found where the conditions — tempera- ture and so on — are favourable, and ^ that they will breed in the winter. Many undoubtedly persist throughout the winter as adults, and appear to be more hardy and longer lived than those taken in the summer. IRE 1. er Burner I H !•: SPREAD (IF INFECTIVE niSE.\SES. — The belief that flies may carry the germs of difterent diseases dates back to the sixteenth century, but actual experiments proving this are of much more recent date. Experiment has now actually demonstrated that the following diseases can be disseminated by the agency of house- flies : — Anthrax, cliolera. ophthalmia, tuber- culosis and typhoid fever. In addition to these there are a number of diseases which ai"e probably carried by flies, but the evidence, as yet, is incouclusixe. There is now evidence sufficiently clear to show that, apart from disseminating the germs of the above diseases, flies also carry the eggs of parasitic worms and various species of fungi. Professor Nuttall very pertinently re- marks (Local Government Board Report, No. 10, 19091: — "It should be remembered that a fly may cause relati\el\- gross infection of any food upon which it alights after having fed upon infecti\e substances, be they tvphoid, cholera or diarrhoea stools. Not only IS its exterior contaminated, but its intestine is charged with infective material in concentrated form which may be discharged undigested upon fresh food which it seeks. Consequently, the excrement voided by a single fly may contain a greater quantity of the infective agents than, for instance, a sajuple of infected water. In potential possibilities the droppings of one fly may. in certain circum- stances, weigh in the balance as against buckets of water or of milk." PROGRESS OF THE WORK.— Our grand-parents would ha\e laughed at the idea of attempting to control such ubiqui- tous pests as house-flies ; indeed, there are still people who are unconvinced as to the seriousness of the part these insects play in every-day life, as is instanced by many of the letters I have received during the past two months; but, thanks to the excellent work that is being carried out at Cambridge and else- where, it will not be long before the public are not only convinced, but they w^ill make themselves heard for drastic alterations that will tend to minimise the danger. Dr. Monckton Copeman has recently scheduled (Local Government Board Report, No. 40, 1910) the work that is being done at Cambridge, which includes special attention to the elucidation of the question as to the range of flight of flies, both in horizontal and vertical directions ; and under varying conditions, meteorological and otherwise. Trials are to be made of the respective value of various baits for attracting and killing flies. The so-called lesser house-fly. Janl-arv. 1911. KNOWLEDGE. 27 Hoiiialoiiiyia canicitlaris. is to be studied. Dr. Graliaiu- Sinitli will continue his work on the e.xperimental infection of flies with pathogenic micro-organisms, whilst Dr. Nicoll will inquire into the possible agency of flies as carriers of the eggs of parasitic worms, and so on. These are a few of the lines of research and experimentation, all of which will increase our knowledge and place us in a more able position to effectively deal with a pest we can well aftbrd to be without, and one in dealing with which the general public can materially assist. GEOLOGY. By RussKLL F. GwiNNELi., B.Sc. .A..K.C.S.. F.G.S. WIND .-WD WAT1:R. — Quite a number of papers published within the last few months deal with such subjects as the movements of wind and water, and the resulting aeolian and aqueous deposits. In "The Origin and Growth of Ripple Marks" iProc. Roy. Soc. A.,Vol. l.xxxivl. Mrs. .Ayrton describes experiments leading to the conclusion that there are three ways of originating sand ripples under water. Two of these methods are capable of originating and then extending regular ripple- marks wherever water is oscillating over sand, whether its surface be smooth or uneven to start with. These are : — (1) The "Differential Motion" Method, by which single ridges arise at the loops of stationary wa\es. (21 The "Brush" method, whereby the brushing action of the vortex in the lee of any existing dune or obstacle sweeps up a new ridge beside it, leaving a hollow along the neutral line of the vortex. The third method, depending on an initial uneven surface, could, unaided, give rise to irregular ripple-mark only, since it consists in piling up sand in places where the surface chances to be uneven. Summarily the processes by which mounds of sand are built up under the action of stationary waves are : — ( 1 ) Ripples alwa\'s first form at places of maximum longi- tudinal motion of the water, i.e., at places of constant level. (2) Smooth spaces are left at and near the places where the water has no longitudinal motion, i.e., where the change of level is greatest. (31 liach set of ripples grows into a mound having its centre plane at the place of maximum longitudinal velocity and its lowest parts close to places where the longitudinal motion is zero. (41 There are therefore two of these mounds to each water \va\e. Mr. -A. Wade, B.Sc, F.G.S., in the Geological Magazine September, 1910, deals with "The Formation of Dreikante in Desert Regions." These curious three-edged stones, so characteristic and abundant in most desert regions, are shaped somewhat like a Brazil nut. The old explanation of their fluviatile origin has long been discarded in favour of an aeolian origin, which supposes that the wind I laden with sand and thus a powerful eroding agent) strikes the point of the pebble, glancing off on either side so that the " keel " on the upper surface of the pebble is in the direction of the wind. If this is the true explanation, it is difficult to make it tally with observations recently carried out by the author in the Egyptian Desert. Thus he finds that the Dreikante are equally pointed at both ends; collecting over three hundred specimens in an area of about three hundred acres, he finds 78% set with the " keel " appro.ximately at right angles to the wind; the keel instead of being a simple straight one is often curved or even bifurcating at both ends, giving a five-faced solid instead of a three-faced one ; the faces are parabolic cur\es ; finally, actual experiment proved that these three-edged stones ccjuld not remain with their pointed ends facing a strong current of wind. The author, therefore, shows that the travelling sand-grains hit not edgewise but broadside on a face ; and being projected off again in an upward direction, the parabolic cur\e is produced. The cutting-away continues until the pebble stands on a very narrow base, and then topples over ; thus the erosion commences again on a fresh surface. " Sometimes at night the rattling of the pebbles moving under the action of a high wind is very considerable." In the November issue of the same magazius is printed a summary of the views of the Russian geologist, Iv. ':,enko, as to aeolian deposits. He classifies the various types of stratifica- tion in aeolian deposits (such as ripple-mark, diagonal stratification w-ith opposed dips, horizontal, vertical, and so on), and their modes of origin. In addition to ordinary winds the action of whirlwinds can often be distinguished by the spiral or circular arrangement of the dust particles. The dimensions of particles of desert dust transported by the wind diminish from the centre towards the margins of the desert. The grains of sand have special characters in aeolian and in aquatic deposits ; in the former they are characteristically triangular. Finally, we may note two papers by Mr. A. R. Horwood, of Leicester Museum, on " The Origin of the British Trias." One paper was read before the British Association in September last, the other before the Geological Society on November 23rd. The general view of conditions in Triassic times is that the deposits appear, on the whole, to have been laid down under conditions similar to those which now prevail in the dry interior of continents. The lower-lying country between the mountain ranges was covered by wind-blown sand and alluvial deposits washed down from the hills during occasional floods, and gradually the mountain-chains were more or less completely buried. In hollows in the nearly level plains that were thus produced, the water collected and was evaporated, forming lakes of brine. (See Lake and Rastall : "Text Book of Geology," 1910). Mr. Horwood, however, considers the British Trias to be a delta deposit, in which desert conditions did nothing more than locally act upon the rock. They had no part whatever in the icorl; of deposition. Among many other points, he notes that ripple-mark affects only the sandstones, and not the marls ; also that, whereas all varieties of desert sand agree in possessing the texture of miniature pebbles with a highly polished surface, all Trias sediments exhibit an eroded surface. He maintains that there is positive, direct and accumuLative evidence to prove that the Trias as a whole (and not the Bunter only) was the work of rivers which had continued to bring sediment in one form or another from the north-west of Britain more or less continuously from the close of the marine phase of Lower Carboniferous times. THF ORIGIN OF CORAL ISLANDS.— Reef-building corals can only thrive in seawater which does not exceed about thirty fathoms in depth, and the temperature of which never falls below 20" C. (68° F). The latter limitation almost restricts coral islands to tropical seas ; the former implies a shallow submarine foundation in every case. The explan- ation of the occurrence of such shallow foundations or submarine plateaux, far from continental land, has been more or less of a mystery right down to the present day. The fact of the existence of the plateaux is established, and also that the material is frequently volcanic ; in other cases the living coral is founded on an enormous thickness of dead coral rock (as at Funafuti, where a boring of over a thousand feet encountered nothing but coral limestone). The curious atoll-structure, where a ring of coral islets more or less encloses a central lagoon, renders the explanation more difficult. The main theories are those of Darwin, Dana, and others, on the one hand, and of Murray, Agassiz, on the other. Darwin's hypothesis necessitates subsidence of innumerable islands, the corals growing upwards on a talus-slope of their own debris as fast as the islands sink. This implies widespread crustal subsidence. In Murray's eyes the submarine platforms are volcanic islands denuded to a " plain of marine erosion." and the conditions are those of general elevation or long-continued crustal repose. R. A. Daly, writing in the American Journal of Science (November, 1910) on Pleistocene Glaciation and the Coral 28 KNOWLEDGE. January, 1911. Reef Problem, explains the phenomena of coral islands as being due neither to crustal subsidence nor to elevation of volcanic islands^ but to changes in the sea-level itself. These changes, broadly treated, consisted in a lowering of the water-le\el, followed by a return to normal conditions as the great ice-caps first grew to enormous dimensions, and then retreated during the Great Ice Age. Estimating the Polar ice-caps during the glacial epoch at an area of six million square miles, with an average thickness of three thousand to fi\e thousand feet, the author points out that the removal of this water would of itself lower the general sea-level by one hundred and twenty-five to two hundred and eight feet (say twenty to thirty-five fathoms). Besides this, however, the gravita- tional attraction of this great mass of ice would heap up the ocean water nearest it to such an extent as to lower the equatorial sea-level another five to eight fathoms. Thus the total lowering of sea-level in the tropics would be (|nite thirty fathoms. Conversely, the deglaciation of the wliolc ice-cap would raise it to this extent. Now. the submarine plateaux on which coral reefs are found do not, as a rule, depart very much from an average of about thirty-fi\e fathoms below present sea-level. Allowing for a "veneer" of coral detritus, etc., of ten to fifteen fathoms in thickness, the " solid rock " is about forty-five to fifty fathoms under water. The uniform ity of the plateau level is explained by neither Darwin's nor Murray's hypothesis: the present author explains it as being due to marine abrasion during the Glacial Period. Allowing for the thirty fathom lowering of sea-level produced by the Polar accumulation of ice, this platform would then be within fifteen to twenty fathoms of the surface, a depth in whicli the iiroictli uf the earal organism is possible. If the whole earth were chilled during the Glacial epoch (as supposed by some) reef"building corals would be vastly restricted in areal distribution. A fall of six degrees only would enormously diminish the area where the marine isotherms never fall below 20° C, the temperature necessary to coral life. This would mean that most of the present areas of coral seas were then free from such life. As the retreating waters caused low Pleistocene islands to emerge from the sea and no coral fringes protected the loose volcanic or calcareous material, denudation would be very rapid. Exposed on all sides to abrasion by the open sea, these islands would lose substance at least as fast as the chalk cliffs at Dover are doing (about three and a half feet per annum). At this rate the Chagos Bank, now a huge plateau, sixty miles broad by ninety miles long, could have been reduced to the Pleistocene sea-level in about fifty thousand years ; and the whole duration of maximum glaciation in Pleistocene times was much longer than that. Moreover, in the case of many areas this Pleistocene denudation was only the " finishing touch " to subaerial denudation, which might have been continuously going on previously. Some of the volcanoes, indeed, may have been not merely pre-Tertiary, but even pre-Cambrian. Amelioration of climate followed, allowing coral life in the waters where shallow platforms were now prepared for them. At the same time deglaciation caused a gradual deepening of the sea. The coral growth would easily be fast enough to keep the living zone of coral within twenty fathoms of the sur- face during this deepening. The mechanism of growth, with the resulting development of atoll, barrier and fringing reef forms would be analogous to that imagined by Dai win on the subsidence hypothesis. The theory of a general lowering of sea-level in inter-tropical seas — counteracted in higher latitudes by the glacial attraction — in no sense excludes complications due to local warpings of the earth's crust. Other processes invoked by previous writers have been so far neglected in the argument because of the high probability that neither basin-foundering, nor sedimentation, nor absorption of water by weathering rocks seem to have been important enough since Tertiary times to affect, by more than a fathom or two, the changes of level assumed. METEOROLOGY. By JOH\ A. Cl'RTls. F.R.Met.Soc. The week ended November 19th, opened with extremely unsettled weather in all districts, with heavy rain, snow and sleet. Thunderstorms and hail were reported on several days. In the South, however, there was a decided improvement in the second half of the week. Temperature was below the average everywhere, by as much as 7° in places, while sunsliine was. on the whole, in excess. In Ireland and in Scotland W,, the amount of rainfall for the week was below the average, though the number of rainy days were in excess there as elsewhere. The mean temperature of the sea water was higher than that of the air on all our coasts, the excess at Plymouth being 10°. The highest temperature reported was 5S° at Geldeston on the 15th, the lowest 18° at Marlborough on the 1 7th. The week ended November 25th, was cold generally, but the weather was finer in the Southern and Eastern districts than in the Northern and Western. The defect in temperature exceeded 9° at several stations, and at Prestwich it reached 10 . -At three stations in Ireland there was a slight excess. The highest temperature reported for the week, 59°, was in Ireland on the 23rd. The lowest minimum was 10° at Balmoral on the same day. In Westminster the highest reading was 43°, and the lowest 25''. The amount of rainfall varied much. !n the English Channel it was three times the average, and in Ireland S. nearly twice as much, while in Scotland N, it was not quite half as much as usual. In the tlastern districts generally the rainfall was in defect, and at Spurn Head the week was rainless. Sunshine was in excess except in the Southern districts. Balruddery reported the highest aggregate, 22'7 hoars or 43 %. The mean temperature of the sea water ranged from 53°'0 at Teelin to 40°'0 at Pennan Bay. The week ended December 3rd, was, as a rule, dull and unsettled, with frequent and long-continued rains. In the extreme North, however, and in Ireland, the weather was bright and cold. Aurora was seen in Scotland on November 29th and 30th. Temperature was low everywhere, the defect exceeding 7 in places ; the highest reported reading was 56° at Jersey on the 27th, the lowest 19°, at West Linton and Markree Castle on the 30th. Rainfall again varied greatly, it being only one-fifth of the a\erage in Scotland N.. while in the Midland Counties it was five times the average. Falls of 1-in. and upwards in twenty-four hours were frequent, and at Raunds in the four days, December 1-4, the total precipi- tation was 4"23-ins. .Sunshine was in excess of the average in Scotland N., and in Ireland N., but in no other district. At Jersey the total duration for the week was only 5'8 hours (10 %), while at Castlebay it was 33'4 hours (67 %). In London the week was sunless. The mean temperature of the sea water was greater than that of the air on all our coasts. The individual readings varied from 53° at Plymouth, to 40° at Cromarty. The week ended December 10th, was dull. niiUl and wet. with a good deal of strong wind. Temperature was high everywhere, the excess exceeding 6 at several places. The highest readings reported were 57 ' at Cirencester on the 7th, and at Llandudno on the 9th, the lowest, 29°, at Balmoral and at Arlington. Over a large part of the kingdom the tempera- ture of the air did not fall below the freezing-point, and on the ground the minimum was only 25°, at Balmoral. The rainy days were in excess of the average, and at many stations rain was measured each day. The amount of rainfall was, however, not excessive, except in England S.W., where it was nearly twice as much as usual. In some districts, indeed, the rainfall amount was in defect, and in Scotland N. it was but little more than one-third of the average. Sunshine was scanty in all districts. At Westminster the total duration was only \'i hours (2 %) while the highest amount reported was only 13'5 hours (25 %) at Felixstowe. The temperature of the sea water \aried from 52 at Plymouth to 3'1 at Cromarty. January, 1911. KNOWLEDGE. 29 THE AUTUMN OF 1910.— For Meteorological purposes the Autumn is taken as the three months, September. October, November, and of the thirteen weeks. September 4th to December 3rd, 1910, in England S.E., four weeks have been unusually warm, eight weeks unusually cold and only one week about normal. During the same period five weeks have been classed as weeks of heavy rainfall, four as weeks of light rainfall and four weeks as normal. The sunshine in five weeks has been abundant, in six weeks scanty, and in two weeks normal. THE S.E. TRADES AND RAINEALL.- Dr. W. N. Shaw called attention to a remarkable apparent relation between the strength of the S.E. Trades, as recorded at St. Helena, and the rainfall in England, and the suggestion then made has stimulated research in various directions. In a paper just published in the Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. Mr. J. I. Craig, of the Egyptian Weather Service, expresses the opinion that .a distinct connexion has been traced between the winds at St. Helena and the Rainfall in Northern Africa. If this opinion is confirmed on further investigation, it will be of great practical importance ; for the Nile flood depends on the rainfall in Abyssinia and the adjacent regions, and any reliable prognostication of the probable Nile' flood should be of immense advantage to Egypt. SNOW IN JOHANNESBURG.— Mr. H. E. Wood, in a paper in the South African Journal of Science for September, says: " On the morning of August 17th, 1910. the town of Johannesburg, for the first time in its history, was covered with snow to a depth of several inches. To many of its inhabitants, particularly the younger generation, the sight of snow was quite new. The result the unusual event was bv a general holidav in -Some vears ago was that celebrated the town." Figure 1. Thyrcosthcniiis bioi'atus, male. Front view of head showing cephalic prominences and extraordinary arrangement of eves. MICROSCOPY. By A. W. Sheppard, F.R.M.S.. with the assistance of the following niicroscopists : Arthur C. Bankield. James Burton. The Rev. E. \V. Bowell, M.A. Charles H. Caffvn. Arthur Earland, F.R..\I.S. Richard T. Lewis, F.R.M.S. Chas. F. Rousselet, F.R. M..S. D. J. ScouRFiELD, F.Z..S., F.R..M.H. C. D. Soar, F.R.M.S. A MVRMECOPHILOUS SPIDER iThyreostheniiis hiovatus). — A good deal of interest always attaches to the heterogeneous assemblage of creatures which for some reason or other are permitted to spend their existence, or part of their existence, in company with xarious species of ants, and a few remarks, therefore, concerning a small spider somewhat notorious in this respect, may not be altogether out of place here. Many species of spider have been, at one time or another, recorded as having been found in ants' nests, but. upon careful investigation of their claims, only three of our British spiders can be considered to be really myrmecophilous. namely. Tetrilus arietinus, Evansia merens, and Thyreosthenius biovatus. It is easy to comprehend how mistakes are liable to arise in this matter. Manj' small souicrs are found under stones, or amongst the vegetation grov^-irj.; against the sides of pieces of rock ; and when the protecting I 'dy is turned over it is the simplest thing in the world for the . oider to drop into a nest of ants should there be one undernt h Spiders, too, are often captured apparently wandering upc the surface of the nest of the wood-ant {Formica rufa); ;'it it will be noticed that it is usually in the case where a la^ . : nest has been disturbed, and the surviving ants have coiu^lructed a comparatively small nest upon the summit of the damaged one, leaving a bulk of uninhabited material upon which intrudiiig creatures may venture with some amount of safety. In several such instances in a wood in the North of London I have found large numbers of a small spider (Tiso vagans) actually living amongst the debris of ,^ - the nest, but in no case were the spiders found in the central portion where the nmch-persecuted ants still held their own. It would, however, have been extremely easy to have fallen into error, especially as the nests were of a lighter and more friable character than is usually the case, and it was consequenth' by no means easy to decide where the inhabited portion ended and the debris commenced. Thyreosthenius hiovatus is, in the male sex, a most grotesque and striking creature; but, on account of its small size, its peculiarities are hardly visible even to highly trained eyes, unless a lens be employed. The female, on the other hand, is a most ordinary looking creature, and indistinguishable, except by careful microscopical exam- ination, from quite a number of allied spiders. Both sexes, even when fully developed, are of a somewhat pale colour, and convey the impression of immaturity. The only species of ant with which they associate appears to be the wood- ant {Formica rufa). So far as I am aware the reason for their presence in the nest is quite a mystery. It seems pretty clear that they do not feed upon the ants, which are in size and fighting capabilities vastly superior to them ; and it seems unreasonable to suppose that they destroy the various small creatures which the ants harbour as sca\engers or pets. Still, the so-called intelligence of the ant has been enormously exaggerated, and it is not beyond the range of possibility that the spider may be fooling its hosts, and perchance making meals at the expense of their offspring when the nurse's back is tiu'ned. When the nest is disturbed the spiders do not feign death, but generally extricate them- selves from the debris and are quite easily seen. Isolated specimens are occasionally found wandering at some considerable distance from any nest, but, so far as I have been able to ascertain, not in an\' district where the wood- ant does not occur. As a rule the males appear to be considerably rarer than the females, but it is quite possible that, as in the case of many other spiders, the life of the adult male is a short one. In some of the very restricted pine areas of south-east Sussex, during the early part of October, specimens of Thyreosthenius are sometimes to be found in the small newly-formed nests which are plentiful where larger nests have been destroyed bv the gatherers of " ants' eggs." These nests vary considerabK' in character, some being ver\- rich in pupae and others being almost devoid of anv but adult ants. It is a curious fact that I have never found a single spider in a nest where pupae were very numerous. At the season mentioned, namely, early October, the majority of the captures were males, and almost all of these, as well as the females, 30 KNOWLEDGE. January. 1911. had only just attained maturity. I am unable to report on the contents of these small nests early in the summer as they were not then in existence. Large nests, however, examined in May, contained, on the testimony of local collectors, a comparatively large number of females, the males being stated to be very rare in the adult state. Dr. Randell Jackson, who has kindly forwarded me a northern specimen of this species, also reports a great preponderance of females amongst his captures. A detailed description of the spider would be out of place here, but the following characters will suffice to distinguish it from its allies : — Eyes small and very widely separated ; front row- straight by their bases in female, by their centres in male. Posterior eyes strongly procurved (in the male this row of eyes is distorted by the exaggeration of the caput). Legs fairly long. Femora, each with two rows of bristles on the under- side. Tibial spine very small, close to base of joint. Metatarsi I. II and III with sensory bristle; in III it is just beyond the middle; in I it is about two-thirds from the base. Tarsi not much shorter than metatarsi ; somewhat fusiform, especially in the male. The species most likely to be confounded with Tliyrcosthciiiiis biovatiis is Pepuiiocraniuni ludicrum, which agrees with it pretty closely in size and general appearance, and which possesses, in the male sex, a some- what similar cephalic protuberance. It occurs also in pine and heath districts, and is not uncommon in many parts of the South of England. The specimen purporting to be a male Tliyrcvsthcniiis. presented to the British Museum by Mr. Donisthorpe, is, in reality, nothing but Pepoiiocraninin '"'!''''■"'"■ F. P. Smith. QUEKETT MICROSCOPICAL CLUB.— November 22nd, mfo, Mr. E. J. Spitta, L.R.C.P., Vice-President, in the chair. A paper on "A Water Mite new to Britain {Xeiituania triangularis, Piersig)" contributed by Mr. Geo. Plant Deeley. This genus was formerly called Cochleophorus. and several species are described under this generic name by Mr. C. D. Soar, in Science Gossip. June, 1900. The locality from which Mr. Deeley obtained his specimens was Parkhill. Stourbridge. Both sexes were taken. — Mr. T. B. Rosseter, F.R.M.S.. on "'A new species of .Avian Tape-worm {Hynienolepis npsilon)." He found it in January, 1910. parasitic, amongst the faeces of the intestine of a Wild Duck {Anas boschas). The author gave an account of its affinities, references being made to the work of Schilling (1823), Creplin (1829), Dajardin, Pagenstecher I1S5S). Pfaff and Olrix, and Krabbe (1867). A full description of the specific characters of the new species was given, and from the similarity of the uterine sac to the Greek small i\ the name upsilon was bestowed on it. — Mr. James Burton on Botrydinni grannlatuni. "The plant consists of small green balloon- shaped vesicles about three millimetres in diameter. Below the surface of the mud an extensive root system is produced ; the roots branch dichotomously and extend to a considerable distance, often reaching a length of six millimetres. As the plants very often grow thickly side by side, the roots are entangled and interlaced in the mud, and, the whole plant being of somewhat tender consistency, it is difficult to extricate perfect specimens. The upper part, when young, is filled with protoplasm and is bright green in colour. Later the centre becomes more watery and the green is seen to be due to finely granular chlorophyll. The colourless roots are filled w'ith watery protoplasm. .As to its classification. Professor West classes it with the group Heferokontae. All the older books put it among theSiphoneae, and it seems, for several reasons, to be very appropriately placed there. One of the interesting facts connected with Botrydinni is that, although it is of such considerable size, it is unicellular. In thinking of a unicellular organism — plant or animal — we usually consider it as something very small, or even microscopic, in size ; but that is not necessarily the case. The Siphoneae are a class grouped together because of the noticeable characteristic that they are all unicellular, notwithstanding whicli. most of them are of considerable size. The best-known member of the group is the exceedingly common Vanclieria. There are many species — some terrestrial, and found on the damp earth of flower-pots and on damp garden-paths: others occur in ponds. In these plants, though they reach a length of several inches, and sometimes nearly a foot, no dividing-walls appear in the filaments under normal xegetative conditions. Most of the family are marine and one genus — Cff;(/t'r/>(T, occurring in the Mediterranean — reaches a length of several metres, and yet is only one cell. Mr. Herbert F. Angus, of the firm nf H. F". .Angus & Co.. exhibited and described a number of Microscopes by R. Winkel. of Gottingen. who, he said, enjoyed a high reputation in Germany, although almost unknown in England. He pointed out that the model was of the more or less stereotyped Continental pattern, inclining more to the Zeiss model than any other, but diftering in several important details, as was only to be expected in the productions of an old-established firm who had given proof of their originality in the past by first employing fluorite in the construction of objectives, and producing an objective with a hyper- hemispherical front lens. A ROCK GRINDING MACHINE FOR AMATEURS.— Nearly everj' amateur microscopist who has taken up the study of petrology has at some time felt desirous of preparing thin sections of rocks for himself instead of purchasing them, but has in a good many cases been deterred by the labour involved in grinding them by hand. This method will answer the purpose if only a few slides are required, but when he takes up the matter seriously and wishes to make large num- bers of sections the student finds the necessity of having some mechanical means to minimize the work. The professional lapidaries' lathes, and also the special rock slicing and grinding machines placed on the market for petrologists, are generally speaking far more expensive than the average amateur can afford, and I therefore wish to describe a home-made apparatus which has been found to give good results, and to be fully capable of doing the work for which it was devised. Figure 2 gives a general view of the entire machine, and Figure 1 shows the top of the table and the way in which the various parts are disposed. The cost of this machine complete is. roughly speaking. 17s., and it can be made by anybody capable of using ordinary tools. Tlie apparatus is erected on an ordinary sewing machine table, which can be procured very easily. For the slitting disc, which is shown on the right hand side of Figures 1 and 2, it is necessary to get an ordinary polisher's lathe head. This is threaded at one end to take a circular saw or emery wheel, and upon this thread is run the cutting disc, which is then bolted on in the same way as a circular saw. I use a plain disc of soft iron six inches in diameter, and about one-fiftieth of an inch thick. The rock-holder is the most elaborate part of the arrange- ment, but is quite simple to manufacture. Figure 3 is a near view of this on a larger scale. It consists of a spindle six inches long, an upright to carry the same, and the jaws to hold the rock. Four and a half inches of this spindle are three-eighths of an inch in diameter threaded sixteen to the inch, and the remaining one and a half inches are a quarter of an inch in diameter, and threaded to take the cones of an ordinary bicycle pedal. This spindle was made for me by a working cycle maker. It is carried on an upright cut out of oak three-quarters of an inch thick. This has a threaded plate screwed on each side of it. through which the spindle moves. There is a lock nut on the spindle behind the upright to hold it rigid. To the end of the spindle are attached the jaws for holding the rock. This portion consists of a piece of oak three quarters of an inch thick, three and a half inches long by three inches wide. To the bottom of this is screwed a piece of oak a quarter of an inch thick, and on top of this is a moveable piece which is clamped on the rock by the butterfly nuts of the two three-inch bolts. The upright portion of the jaws is fastened to the spindle by the ball bearings of an old bicycle pedal. When the J.WUARV. 1911. KNOWLEDGE. 31 machine was first made this bearing was plain, and consisted of a nut and washer behind the upright of the jaws and another nut and washer in front, and these were simply screwed together. This worked fairly satisfactorily, but stuck somewhat when tightened sufficiently to pre\ent shaUe, and the bicvcle pedal bearing was substituted. It will be seen that the jaws, if properly adjusted, swing on the ball bearings parallel to the cutting disc, and the rock can be mo\ed forward for cutting another slice by turning the spindle toward the operator. A disc of brass one and three-cjuarter inches in diameter is fixed to the left hand end of the spindle as a handle for turning it by, and this is graduated into four equal divisions for reference. In order to get the rock-holder to swing strictly parallel with the cutting disc, some adjustment is necessary, and this is arranged by bolting the upright carrying the spindle to the table. The bolt in front is a fi.xture, but the one in the rear goes through an elongated hole in the table, so that the upright can be swung on the front bolt as a pi\'ot until the jaws are parallel, and then the back bolt is clamped up tight. The rock is kept against the cutting edge of the disc by the chain and weight attached to the rock holder at the bottom corner. This can be seen in the illustrations. The grinding lap is a cast iron disc eight inches in diameter, half an inch thick in the centre, with the top siu'face bevelled off to three-eighths of an inch at the edge. A lead or copper lap can be used instead of the cast iron one. but I find the latter is quite satis- factory and is cheaper to purchase. The spindle for this lap is made from an ordinary half-inch bolt, si.x inches long, procurable from any ironmonger. This requires cutting down until it is about four inches long, then it has to be centred, and made with a cone at the bottom end and a cup at the top. A pulley wheel is fixed at the bottom of this spindle to take the driving band. Two nuts are wanted for the top of this spindle, one of which is screwed up tight for the lap to rest on. and the other to fasten it by. The bearing for this spindle under the table is a screw with a cup in the end, which is fixed with a couple of nuts through a threaded plate. This plate is attached to a piece of wood affixed to the underside of the table. The top bearing is a screw with a cone point which passes through a threaded plate into the top of the spindle. This —ia Figure Z Figure 3. Figure 1. screw is adjustable for taking up wear and is securely fixed by the lock nut. All this can be procured from a small cycle maker at a very reasonable price. The carrier for this top bearing con- sists of a block of wood seven inches long by three inches high by two and a half inches wide, and this is securely screwed to the t.able from underneath. Upon this is a piece of oak three quarters of an inch thick, seven inches long by three inches wide, to which is screwed the threaded plate for the coned screw of the bearing. This method of fixing has been found quite satisfactory. It is per- fectly rigid, and there is no shaking or jumping of the lap, even when driven at the highest speed obtainable. It will be seen that the drive for the slitting disc is taken direct from the (hiving wheel, but that for the grind- ing lap goes over two jockey pulleys so as to get the horizontal move- ment. These jockey pulleys are ordinary iron pulley wheels \\ ith screw ends, such as are used for cirrying blind cords. It is necessary to ha\e two leather or gut bands, and these have to be changed when altering from the slit- ting disc to the grinding lap. A piece of tin. shaped like a bicycle mud guard, is fixed to the table behind the slitting disc to stop the splashes. A tin tray is also placed below the table under the disc to catch the waste carborundum and water, which can be used o\er again. Round the grinding lap I use a cake tin, which has had a large hole made in the bottom for the spindle and pulley wheel to pass through. A ledge of tin is soldered all round this hole to keep the water, and so forth, from the bottom bearing. These mud guards are not shown in the photographs. This apparatus has been in use now for about three years, and has ground between four hundred and four hundred and fifty slides during that time. It has given the greatest satisfaction to me. and although, no doubt, it is not so good as a professionally made machine (with which, of course, it is not intended to compete), it will be found a very useful article for the amateur petrologist. who usually has far more enthusiasm than he has money. p tt r^ppyN KCJVAL MICROSCOPICAL SOC I FTV.— November 16th, 1910, Professor J. Arthur Thomson, M.A., F.R.S.E., President, in the chair. In connection with the gift of two slides of Plcicrosigina. the Hon. T. Kirkman. the donor, asks whether fresh-water Pleurosigmae with oblique striae are rare. 32 KNOWLEDGE. January, 1911. Mr. M. J. Allan, of Geelong, sent a slide of spicules of a species of Gorgonia unknown to him concernins the identification of which he sought information. He also sent some slides mounted in fluid iiy a method of his own. He likewise mentioned in a letter that four years ago he had devised a variable eye-piece giving three magnifying powers, which he offered to send for inspection. Mr. Merlin sent, for exhibition, three photomicrographs of Gravson's Rulings, which Mr. Grayson had sent'him. They showed the 100,000. 110,000, and 120.000 bands of Grayson's twelve-band plate. Previously no photograph had ever been exhibited of anything o\er 112.595 lines to the inch. Dr. Butcher exhibited a number of photomicrographs of diatoms, Coschiodisciis astcroin- plialus and C. omphalanthus, Navicula Smithii. Pinnii- laria cardinalis and Triceratiuin favus. The photographs were taken in series and represented successive focal planes of each object. The conditions under which they were taken were given. Mr. A. F,. Hilton exhibited a number of nmunted specimens of British Mycetozoa. In reference to liis exhibit he said that at the present time the disposition was to classify the Mycetozoa among the Rhizopoda, but their metamorphoses marked them off as an entirely distinct group. Their life- history presented three principal phases — aquatic, amoeboid, and aerial. The question of the sexuality of the Mycetozoa was a very obscure one. In all three phases there were nuclear divisions. The President made a communication on Japanese Pennatulids, and exhibited some typical specimens of great beauty. He said that he had been entrusted ijy Professor Ijima, of Tokyo University, with a collection of Pennatulids, on the study of wliich he was at present engaged. His report was not yet ready for publication, but he had thought that it would be of interest to the Fellows of the Society to see a representative sample of these beautiful Sea- Pens. They would understand, when they looked at the dimensions of the specimens, why it was necessary on a long railway journey to be content with a sample of the collection. The Pennatulacea, or Stelechotokea. include some of the most beautiful of fixed marine animals — long graceful colonies, often plume-like, as their name suggests, with rich colouring, and with strong luminescence. They live fixed on the floor of the sea, and many of them show a famihar adaptation to life on the bottom — long stalks raising the polyp-bearing portion off the substratum. In deep-water forms, such as the beautiful Umbellulas, the proportion of sterile stalk to polyp-bearing rachis reaches an extreme. The Pennatulids were related to Alcyonarians, such as Dead Men's Fingers, Precious Coral, Organ-Pipe Coral, the Gor- gonids and the Gorgonellids, like HicksoncUa, which Mr. Simpson had established as a new genus at the last meeting of the Society. They differed markedly, however, in several respects. In a very remarkable way the primary polyp, which developed from the fertilized egg, was sacrificed to forming the main axis on which the secondary polyps were borne, which in turn might give off (always through the intermediation of stolons or solenia) tertiary polyps and so on. A central rod. which was present in the majority as the skeletal support of the colony, ran up the middle of the gastric cavity of the primary polyp, and some authorities regarded it, there- fore, as endodermic in origin, whereas the skeletal support of all related forms is ectodermic. Thirdly, the Pennatulids almost always showed a pronounced dimorphism — along with the ordinary polyps or autozooids there were dwarf polyps without tentacles, the siphonozobids, whose office it was to keep currents of water going in the canals of the colony. It should also be noted that there was in Pennatulacea a marked tendency to bilateral arrangement of the polyps, similar to the arrangement of barbs on a feather. The President also read two papers by Dr. J as. F. Gemmill, (1) "Aerator for small Aquaria," (2) "Adaptation of Ordinary Paraffin Baths for Vacuum Embedding." Mr. J. E. Barnard read papers " On the Use of a Metallic Electric Arc in Photomicrography," and on "A Simple Method of obtaining Instantaneous Photomicrographs." THE EFFECT OF GRAVITY ON EUGLENA VIRIDIS EHRB. — At the Meeting of the Royal Society held on November 17th, Harold Wager, F.R.S., gave the results of some experiments on the movements of micro-organisms. Eiiglciia viridis, when placed in the dark in shallow vessels or narrow tubes, becomes aggregated into network-like patterns or more or less well-defined circular groups. If a narrow tube filled with water containing sufficient Euglenae to give it a pronounced green colour be placed horizontally in the dark or in a weak light, the aggregation takes the form of a series of nearly equally spaced groups like green bands crossing the tube from one side to the other. Each group shows clearly two distinct regions, a central denser one consisting of cells moving downwards, and a lighter peripheral area consisting of cells moving upwards. There is, in fact, a constant cyclic movement, which is kept up so long as the aggregation persists. Examination with a pocket lens shows that, as the organisms reach the bottom of the stream, they gradually separate from one another, and begin to move upwards. As they reach the upper surface, they are seen to be drawn towards the central denser region of the group, and again enter the downward stream. This aggregation, with its regular cyclic movements, may persist for several days, provided the t'uglenae are kept in the dark or under red glass. The downward movement appears to be a purely mechanical one, dependent upon the specific gravity of the organism, and is not due to a stimulus which evokes a physiological response as in geotropism or geotaxis. The upward movement is, on the other hand, due partly to the activity of the organisms themselves, partly, no doubt, to the currents set up in the liquid by the friction of the downward moving stream. The upward movement of Englcna appears to be controlled, so far as the orientation of its elongate body is concerned, by the action of gravity. The network-like aggregations and groupings resemble ver\- closelv the cohesion figures which are formed, under certain conditions, when fine sediment is allowed to settle slowly in a ■ 'uid, and the conclusion has been arrived at that the r.,gregations are probably of the nature of cohesion figures, due to the action of gravity upon organisms massed together, combined with the vortices set up by the streaming movements. The movements of certain micro-organisms are therefore controlled in a purely mechanical fashion, and the advantage to those species which, like Eiiglcna, are often found in a confined space in large numbers, must be very great, as by its means a constant circulation is maintained, and they are prevented from accumulating in such dense masses as would be detrimental to their existence by interfering with their assimilatory or respiratory functions. PHOTOGRAPHY. By C. E. Kenneth Mees, D.Sc. INFRA-RED PHOTOGRAPHS.— .A recent holiday trip to Portugal gave me an opportunity of trying some landscape photographs taken by infra-red light after the manner suggested by Professor R. \V. Wood. A filter was prepared which passed only light abo\e 7,250 A.U., and through which, therefore, only a ver.\' faint amount of deep red light could be seen by screening the eye thoroughly. The plates which were used had a sensitiveness extending with long exposures to 7,600, so that the region used with the plates and screen was situated between the a and A lines, from 7,250 to 7,600. The nniltiplying factor of the screen on these plates was found to be about three thousand, so that, as a normal exposure at F. 8 in sunlight would have been about one-tenth of a second, the infra-red photographs required an exposure of five minutes. Unfortunately the peculiarities of the Portuguese small boy, and the very limited time at my disposal, tended to cut January. 1911. KNOWLEDGE. 33 Figure 1. A \ie\v from the great Bridge o in Oporto. exposures too short ; but some of the results obtained proved of considerable interest. Two t\'pical examples are reproduced herewith. The first is taken from the great bridge o\er the Douro, in Oporto, and shows well one of the most striking features of all these photographs — the in- tense blackness of the blue skw (See Figure 1.) Even the faintest trace of cloud stands out at once against the blue sky when observed by infra-red light, so that it would seem possible that the method might be of considerable use to the meteor- ologist. The shadows in infra-red light are extraordinarily deep, show- ing no detail at all if the sky be clear. because the blue skylight contains so little light of long wave length. The second photograph, which is taken in the Avenue Liberdad, in Lisbon, shows the extraordinary appearance of foliage under this infra-rei. light. The chlorophyll has but che slightest absorption for it, so that the foliage on the trees appears white, while in the left- hand bottom corner we have the curious phenomenon of a white palm 1 (See Figure 2.) Incidentally, it is interesting to remember how few coloured sub- stances do absorb infra-red light between seven thousand and eight thousand .A.U. The only two dyes which I know to absorb completeK- in this region are Naphthol Green and the new Hoechst dye, Filter Blue-Green. The new Badische Anthraquinone dyes absorb to seven thousand fi\e hundred but transmit light of greater wa\'e length ; nearly all other blue and green dyes transmit red light of wave length seven thousand or under. AX "EXPLOSION" THE- ORY OF THE LATENT IMAGE. — In a letter to The Brifisli Journal of Photo- ^rapliy. Mr. F. F. Rci.'.vick makes a suggestion for a new theory of the latent image, though various facts pointing in the same direction have been pub- lished at intervals. This theory is based on the observation of Dr. \V. Scheffer, that a silver bromide grain on exposure, \iolently throws off a part of its substance, rupturing the surround- ing gelatine in its passage. Mr. Renwick suggests that, in an emulsion, the silver bromide grains are wrapped round by a tangled meshwork of gelatine, and can only be attacked either through the extremely minute channels left, or by diffusion through the substance of the gelatine skeleton. Now, if Dr. Scheffer's observations be accepted, then in the neighbour- hood of an exposed grain the densely tangled network is broken through, and channels of relatively large size, giving far readier access C. L. Kenitt-llt Mas. n the Donro J-ri'irt ail t nj r tt-na piiOiO^ttJl^ for the developer to the silver bromide grains, are formed. In some respects this theory seems :j be more satisfactory th;in any hitherto held. It has general';,- been assumed that the commence. nent of development depended upo; 'he provision of a nucleus, upon \> ;?h the silver pro- duced by the interaction of silver bromide with the vsducer could precipitate. This remiiins probable, but a difficulty was that, in this case, once fogging from an u.iexposed developer had commenced, it should have proceeded at the normal rate. This does not seem to be the case ; if measurements be taken . of the increase of fog with time of develop- ment for an unexposed plate, it is found that the function obtained is similar to that given by an exposed plate, but with a much lower velocity constant. This is accounted for at once if the exposed grains have literally become " exposed "' to the attack of the developer, by blasting passages through their surrounding network. This explosion theory is also \aluable in that it enables one to give a meaning to the " ripening " of an emulsion. A "' ripened " grain would be one which was in the most explosive state : that is, in which the crystallisation occurring during cooking had reached the limit of stable equilibrium, so that any further access of energy would result in its disintegration. The theory is certainly fascinating in its possibilities, though it will have to face much criticism, especially from a consideration of the destruction of the latent image by oxidisers, and of the desensitising action of some metaUic salts, when added to the emulsion. PHYSICS. By W. D. Eggar, M.A. THE CAVENDISH LABOR- .ATORY. — On Saturday, Novem- ber 1 ith, a large and distinguished company assembled at " the Cavendish " to do honour to Sir J. J. Thomson, whose twenty-five years of office as Professor of Experimental Physics have been signalized by the publication of the ■■ History of the Cavendish Laboratory." The Vice-Chancel- lor presided, and Dr. Glazebrook, of the National Physical Labora- tory, presented a specially bound copy to his old friend and former chief. Few institutions possess a more distinguished record than this Cambridge Laboratory, young as it is. James Clerk Maxwell was appointed as first professor to the newly constituted chair in 1871. The Laboratory, built under his directions, was opened in 1874. When Maxwell died, in 1879, Lord Rayleigh succeeded to the post, which he held until 1885. [^j. J.jThomson, then a very t,h h- C. E. KviiiuHi .l/<-,-: Figure 2. The Avenue Liberdad in Li.sbon. 34 KNOWLEDGE. January, 1911. youns man, was the third professor, and uiidt'r him thoCa\ en- dish has, to quote Lord Rayleigh, assumed the first place among physical laboratories. Not only the professor's own researches, but the ^spirit with which he has animated the band of students who have thronged to him at Cambridge, have spread the fame of the laboratory throughout the civilized world. SCIENCE .4ND ENGINEERING.— Sir J. J. Thomson, in a presidential address to the Junior Institution of E.ngineers, pointed out that the distinction between Physics and Engineering is one of aim, and not of method. It is the Engineer's business to turn to practical account the advances made by the Physicist. But the latter must by no means concern himself with utility, ^o man can foresee the significance of a new discovery ; and it would be disastrous to the progress of Engineering if men of science were to confine their researches to matters of obvious utility, .'^t the same time England is still behind Germany in the way in which new discoveries are seized upon and applied industrially. For example Professor Dewar invented a flask for holding liquid air. A form of this is now sold in large quantities as the "Thermos" flasli, and used for keeping tea and other forms of refreshment hot (or cold). But none of these flasks are made in England. A well-known example of the German faith in pure scientific research exists in the Jena glass industry, which owes its foundation to the patient and thorough investigations of Abbe and Schott. ZOOLOGY. By Professor J. .Arthur Thomson, M.A. HABITS OF THE WOMBAT.— J. A. Kershaw got two living wombats iPIiascolninys iirsiiins} from Flinders Island in Bass Strait, and kept them alive in the National Museum. Melbourne. They took fresh grass and thistles readily, and allowed themselves to be handled. One of them had a young one in the pouch, which emerged in fifteen days. But it did not survive long. " In habits these animals remind one of the Rodents, their manner of feeding and (juick side-to-side movement of the jaws being very similar. They are very quick in their movements when excited or alarmed, and run with greater speed than one would expect from such an apparently awkward animal. When touched, especially near the hind quarters, they have a peculiar habit of kicking violently backward with both hind feet. This, it was noticed, occurred even when approached by its companion. If annoyed, they do not hesitate to use both teeth and claws." A peculiarity not before noticed is their habit of closing their claws on the rough under surface of the paw so as to grasp pieces of grass and the like. They spent most of the day .sleeping, partly buried in their bedding. SPERMACETI ORGAN.— E. Danois has studied this curious organ in the whale, called Kogia hrcviccps, and finds that it closely resembles that of the cachalot. He finds corroboration of the view of Pouchet and Beauregard that the spermaceti organ is a dependence of the right nostril, and equivalent to a mucous gland in other toothed Cetaceans, such as the dolphin. If so. we have another illustration of ,1. frequent evolutionary method — making an apparently new organ by a transformation of a very old one. W'.XSHING OYSTERS. — Fabre-Domergue has made an interesting series of observations at Concarneau. which should serve to justify scientific methods in the eyes of the world, for they concern the oyster. He has shown that oysters may be kept for eight days (or even for a fortnightl in filtered water, frequently changed, without losing any of their virtues, but gaining rather. The micro-organisms which are apt to linger in the mantle cavity, with deleterious results to the oyster- eater, can be thoroughly washed away by the filtered water, and the oysters do not lose in weight, nor in their power of " \ital resistance," nor in " embonpoint." Their market value is unaffected, and we can swallow them with a lighter heart. COLOUR SENSE OF HIVE-BEES.— John H. Lovell has made an experimental contribution to a much discussed question : — "Do Hive-bees distinguish colour as such ?" The results of his experiments strongly support the conclusion that bees distinguish colours. They are more strongly influenced bv a coloured slide than by one without colour, and when they get accustomed to visit a certain colour they tend to return to it habitually. They stick to their colours. But " this habit does not become obsessional." ARE THERE BLACK CORALS IN THE NORTH SEA ? — Messrs. Freeland, Fish Merchants, .-Aberdeen, recently presented to the .Aberdeen University Museum a beautiful Antipatharian, or Black Coral, with two thick irregular branches o\er a yard in length, and with a basal diameter of nearly an inch ! They got this from a trawler, which reported finding it some fifty miles off Aberdeen. Such records must be taken ctiin grano salts, for the sense of accuracy varies greatly in its degree of development, and mistakes may arise without any intention to play a trick on the innocent naturalist. Many of the trawlers make long voyages nowadays, a specimen may be passed from hand to hand, and invention may be called upon to supply what memory has lost. On the other hand, the specimen is rather an awkward one to carry about, and a secure record in 1908 of a large Antipatharian {Parantipathes larix) from the north-east of the Faeroes makes one more inclined to admit that the locality reported may be accurate. Unfortunately, the beautiful ebony black axis is polished from end to end, and there is not a trace of a spine, far less of a polyp ! Secure specific identification is almost impossible. COLOUR IN DEEP WATER.— Frederick Chapman has called attention to the occurrence of deeply coloured tests of the Foraminifer (Polytrema miniaceum), at a depth of five hundred and seven fathoms. The species inhabits relatively shallow water; the specimens from five hundred and seven fathoms showed the characteristic rose-pink colour. It may be recalled that one of the results of Sir John Murray's 1910 Expedition is to extend the light limit. Distinct traces of light were detected at fi\ f hundred fathoms. REVIEWS. ASTRONOMY. The Romance of Modern Astronomy. — By Hector M.\CPHERSON, JUN'R. 334 pages. 39 illustrations and diagrams. 7T-in. X 5:i-in. (Seeley & Co. Price 5/-.) This volume is one of the series published by this firm under the title of " The Library of Romance." We do not welcome works of romance in astronomy, preferring books dealing more with hard facts and less with romance and supposition, leaving such as these to be supplied by the readers. However, in the present instance, we do not find fault with the book, only with the title, for the author has written an entertaining book, and we like his way in which he records, in a pleasant and accurate manner, most of the great and well-known astronomical discoveries of the past four hundred years, as well as some of the Grecian discoveries. We would scarcely consider it as a text-book or book of reference for an observatory library, though a copy should be in all observatories ; but few astronomers, and none of the January. 1911. KNOWLEDGE. 35 jjeneral folks who love to read about astronomy, should fail to read, better still, acquire, this book. It is a book well suited for municipal and lending libraries, which mainly exist for e.xciting and stimulating a reader's interest in a subject. The printing is clear and on light, thick non-surfaced paper ; there are thirty-three chapters, and more than a dozen excellent plates, reproduced from photographs by Max Wolf, Puiseux, Janssen, and Lowell ; there is also a good index. B. Ball's Popular Guide to the Heavens. — Third and Revised Edition. 96 + xii. pages. 84 maps. (George Philip & Son. Price 15 - net.) We are glad to see this indispensable volume kept to the fore, by a third edition five years after the second edition. In 1892 Sir Robert Ball, greatly aided by the present Radcliffe Observer (Dr. A. A. Rambautl, who formed two- thirds of the seventy-two plates, besides a large portion of the seventy-two pages of letter-press and index, wrote the first edition of this guide, then called An Atlas of Astronomy ; that work consisted of seven chapters of text, which preceded the seventy-two plates. In the second and third editions a small number of these maps, chiefly of planets and comets, have been omitted or superseded by later work, and we find such names as Barnard, Ritchey, Hale, Campbell, Keeler, and so on, supplementing or replacing work by Common, Green, Roberts, Henry, Proctor, and others ; astronomical progress demanded these changes. So that the changes result in a volume of eighty-four maps and ninety-six pages of letter-press in nine chapters. The maps which were not included in the first edition, are chiefly those of the nebulae, comets, and sun. .An important change, and an improvement upon the first edition, is in printing the maps of the tracks of the planets and the star maps upon a blue ground. The maps are for the most part so excellently reproduced and cover the ground of astronomy so well that it is difficult to know where to find fault. But there are a few faults to which, in view of a fourth edition, we draw attention, as they have already been reprinted from the second edition. On page 13, Saturn's rings "are now (1903)." This is incorrect; the sentence required re-writing; page 17, a misprint for shadow- patch, also wrong in second edition ; page 60 and other pages, deceased astronomers are sometimes referred to as " late," sometimes not ; page 62, we think the number of stars in the Astrographic Survey Catalogues will be nearer four millions of stars than two millions, and the year (1903) is wrong. We also notice on page 54 that the maximum magnitude of Nova Geminorum is given as seven ; it should be five, or even brighter, and an important omission occurs in the list of new- stars, Janson's discovery in Cygnus in 1600; again on page 6. referring to Halley's comet, the author says " and its next return in 1910 will be awaited with very great interest." This was correct for the second edition of 1905 ; it is rather unfortunate that this should not have been corrected in the present edition, knowing that Halley's comet had come and gone five months ago, and that a frontispiece of this comet is given. Considering the many beautiful photographs of the comet which have been taken by Curtis (Lick Observatory), at the Cordoba and other favoured observatories, it is also to be regretted that this comet's beauty should be so depreciated and so unfavourably compared with the January comet by the drawing given. In future editions we would like to see reproduced the binary star information as in the first edition, but in a popular guide possibly that would be out of place ; also a photograph of Halley's comet and some of Hale's beautiful solar work. The distribution of the text among the plates is a step in the right direction, and more appropriate to such works. May this volume reach many more editions and maintain its high character as a book which is needed in the obser\ atory and in the astronomer's library. F. A. P.. BOTANY. .4 Text Hook of Botany.— By J. M. LovvsoN, M.A., B.Sc. Fifth Edition, Re\ised and Enlarged, 607 + vii. pages. Illustrated. 7-in. X ; -in. (W. B. Clive. Price .-5.) Although written specially to meet the lequirements of students reading for certain examinations, this work has decided merits, which have led to its being used extensively by botanical students. As a handy and concise compilation, published at a moderate price, it can be recommended to all who wish for a single book to serve for reference, as well as an introduction to more detailed works dealing with the different branches of the subject. The present edition differs from its predecessors n^ainly in containing a large amount of m.atter which has been taken from the works of Professor Cavers, published by the same firm. Plant hife in .Alpine Sicitzerland. — By E. A. Newell Arber, M.A., F.L.S., F.G.S. 355 pages. 48 plates. 30 figures. 8i-in.X5-in. ijohn Murray. Price 7 6 net.) The wild flowers of the Alps, so numerous and so brightly coloured, cannot fail to attract the sununer visitor. He gathers them, and finding them very different from the flowers of his own country, seeks to know their names. To aid him in this, there are a thousand books with gaudily coloured pictures, but should he desire to go a step further and find out something of the life histories of these flowers, and why they differ so markedly from the flowers with which he is familiar, there are very few popular books to which he can turn for guidance. The volume now before us is in no way a flora, and very little is said as to the identification of the plants described. The introductory chapter deals with points in the structure of two of the best known of .\lpine plants, the Alpenrose and the Edelweiss. Typical flowers of the meadows, pastures, rocks, marshes and forests are next discussed, and their special adaptations to the regions in which they are found, and to one another, are explained. The last chapter is given up to a discussion on the afiinities and origin of the Alpine flora. A glossary of botanical terms, some notes on the structure of the flower and a bibUography form an appendix. It has clearly been the object of the author to make the whole book abundantly intelligible, even to those without the slightest botanical knowledge, and in this he has succeeded well. If we must criticise we would almost suggest that in the first chapter the intelligence of the reader is perhaps a little insulted, that even too much water is added to the milk. The book is well illustrated by some excellent diagrams and there are some forty-eight plates, reproduced from photographs, some of which are exceedingly good. There was clearly a definite need for a book of this sort, and we feel that the present volume is admirably adapted to meet it. GEOLOGY. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. Vol. 56. No. 5. .4 Preliminary Study of Chemical Denudation. — ByF. W. Clarke, Chief Chemist, U.S. Geological Survey. 19 pages. No. 6. The Age of the Earth. — By G. F. Becker. 28 pages. (Smithsonian Institution). Dr. Clarke's paper is occupied with a revision of those geochemical data which are used in the discussion of some of the larger theoretical problems of geology. On the basis of the vast amount of material accumulated by the Hydrographical Department of the U.S. Geological Survey, a new estimate is made of the amount of matter carried down by North American rivers in solution to the sea. For the United States the revised denudation factor is seventy-nine metric tons of dissolved matter per square mile of drainage basin per year. Revised estimates are made as far as possible for South .American, European African, and .\sian rivers, but the data 36 KNOWLEDGE. January. 1911. for most of these are still very defective. Tlie composition of the matter thus carried to the ocean is discussed, and a special study is made of the factors used in Professor Joly's method of estimating the age of the ocean by means of the sodium content. Using Dr. Clarke's new figures. G. F. BecUer attaclis the problem of the age of the earth by Joly's well- known method. The chief new point introduced by Becker is that the increment of sodium to the sea during geological time has not been uniform but asymtotic. He conceives that the Archaean and massive igneous rocks which supply the great mass of the sodium originally occupied a far larger area, and were thus more exposed to denudation than they are now. Consecjuenth- the supply of sodium to the sea tends to suffer an asymtotic diminution with the lapse of time. With the new considerations and the revised data, the age of the ocean is now estimated at between 46'0 and 74'4 millions of years. The data for Lord Kelvin's method are similarly revised, and a final estimate of fifty-five to seventy millions of years for the age of the earth (starting from the consistciitior stntus\ is arrived at. limits not differing greatly from those found by Joly's method. PHYSICS. The Principles and Mctlioiis tif Gcunictriccd Optics. — By James P. C. Soi'thall. 626 pages. 170 illustrations. 9i-in. X6-in. iMacniillan & Co. Price 25 - net. I The Germans have taken possession of the great province of .Applied Optics. The remarkable theoretical work of Petzval, Seidel. and Abbe, together with the svstematic investigation, undertaken and carried through by Abbe and Schott, of the " optical properties of all know n substances which undergo vitreous fusion and solidify in non-crystalline transparent masses," has led to the establishment of the Jena " Glastechnisches Laboratorium." Not only so, but until quite recently there has been no English treatise on Optics in which any reference to the later German theoretical work could be found. This book is a very successful attempt to supply the deficiency, and it is likely to be found indispensable as a book of reference. After a chapter on the fundamental laws of Optics, the characteristic properties of rays of light are considered, such as the principle of the shortest route, with an account of Sturm's theory of astigmatism. Then follow Reflexion and Refraction at plane surfaces, with a thorough discussion of prisms and prism-systems. .After chapters on the reflexion and refraction of paraxial rays at spherical surfaces, comes a full account of Abbe's theory of Optical Imagery, by means of which it is possible to separate theoretical from mechanical impossibilities. The theory of Spherical .Aberrations and Colour-phenomena also receive full treatment. A pleasing feature of the book is the fulness with which the history of Optics is treated. The author's affection for his subject is evident, and amid large arrays of determinants and pages of symbols the human element is never lost sight of. I'ull references to original sources are given, and in particular the author acknowledges his indebtedness to Czapski's great work. The book forms an excellent general introduction to the speci.al theory of optical instruments, and another book dealing fully with the different types of instruments may possibly follow in time. Tlic Yoiin^ Electrician. — H\- Hammo.nd Hall. 306 pages. 93 illustrations. S-in. X4-in. (Methuen & Co. Price 5 -.) A thoroughly practical book and one from which, if a boy conscientioush- worked (with a little sympathetic assistance) the series of experiments so subtly set forth in the succeeding pages, he would gain an excellent knowledge of the fascinating subject of electricity. Quite unlike the majority of " young '" books it is practically written and yet is understandable by the uninitiated ; and the final chapter, which deals with Wire- less Telegraphy, leaves one like Oliver Twist. One would suggest, just for boys' books, that the necessaries for the experiments and the construction of the models be tabulated, and the illustrations and diagrams should also be on the opposite page. PHYSIOLOGY. The Physioloiiy and Hygiene of Sleep. — By Davih Fraslr Harris. M.D., CM.. F.R.S.E. 19 pages. 7-in. X 5-in. (Cornish Bros. Price 3d.) The .Annual Public Lectures on " The Laws of Health " of the .Midland Institute, Birmingham, are always interesting and instructive, and this year's lecture, delivered in September. 1910. and here reproduced in the form of a small booklet is certainly one of the best. Dr. Eraser Harris divides the causes that normally lead to and produce sleep into four classes : — The action of fatigue toxins from muscular and mental work ; the diminution of the cerebral blood flow ; the regular recurrence or, better, absence of sensations from the external world ; and lastly the purely psychic causes, the absence of ideas, worries, emotions and the like. He gives us numerous examples of each of these types of sleep and shows how the opposite conditions may give rise to insomnia. Particularly would we agree with him, when he points out the general inconvenience that results from the action of those w-ho go about our streets late at night, singing and shouting, and asks for legislation to stop this practice. Lastly, working along these same lines, some simple but excellent advice is given for the recall of " Sleep. O gentle Sleep. Nature's soft nurse I " by those who have lost her companionship. The booklet contains one of the best descriptions in popular language of the Physiology of Sleep that we have yet seen. ZOOLOGY. Tlie Buul; of the .Animal Kingdom. — By W. Percival \Vestell. 379 pages. 274 illustrations. 7-in. X9-in. (J. M. Dent cS: Co. Price 10/6 net.) Mammals are not classified in this book on any systematic plan, for it is not intended to be a scientific treatise, but, as the writer hopes, will appeal not only to young folks in the homeland and in other places where English is spoken, but also to adults who have a general interest in the subject. The creatures, therefore, are grouped together according to their exceptional size, their means of protection, and their ways of obtaining their prey. The large number of photographic illustrations, by Mr. W. S. Berridge, adds greatly to the attractiveness of the book, and Mr. Westell has gone to some of the best authorities for information that is not within his own experience. V\'e learn that if this book has the reception that it deserves it will be followed by another dealing with birds. XOTirE.S. THE SCIENTIST'S REFERENCE BOOK AND D I .A RV. — The present form of this useful annual consists of two books joined together but opening different ways. The first of these contains a diary with useful hints with regard to First Aid. and a Daily Wants dictionary, which gives much valuable information that is often required at a moment's notice. The other book consists of tables and various facts, under the headings of the different sciences, which are likely to be wanted by scientific people. A certain number of leaves are also left blank for memoranda. Messrs. James Woolley, Sons and Company are to be congratulated on the publication. Some of the information with regard to the Scientific Societies is not quite up to date : for the Royal -Anthropological Institute, the Zoological Society, and the Selborne Society, among others, ha\ c changed their addresses recently. THE FACE OF THE SKY FOR JANU-RY. r.v \V. SH.VCKLETON, F.K.A.S., A.R.C.S. The Su.\. — On the 1st the Sun rises at 8.S and sets at 3.59; on the 31st he rises at 7.43 and sets at 4.44. The Earth is nearest the Sun on the 3rd, when the Sun attains his maximum apparent diameter of iZ' 35". Sunspots and faculae may usually be observed on the solar disc ; of late the spots have been small. The positions of the Sun's axis, centre of the disc, and heliographic longitude of the centre are given below : — Date. Axis inclined from N. point. Centre of Disc S. of Sun's Equator. Heliographic Longitude of Centre of Disc. Jan. I ... 2° i6'K 3° 7' 294' 30' ., 6 .. o° iTW 3° 4i' 22S" 39' ,, II ... 2° 36'W 4° 13' 162" 49' ,, 21 ... 7° iS'W 5" 1 1 ' 31° ^' .. 31 ... 11° 40' W 6'' r 259° 2S' Feb. 5 ... ■ 3° 4i'\V 6" 20' ■93° 38' ,, ID .. 15" 3b' W 6° 3^^' 127 48' The Moon :- Date. I'hases. H. M. Jan. 8 ... „ 14 ... ,, 22 ... „ 30 ■■■ Fell. 6 .. ]) First Quarter . 0 Full Moon •i Last Quarter ... # New Moon 1) P'irst Quarter ... 6 20 a. 111. 10 20 |). 111. 6 21 a.m. 9 45 a.m. 3 28 p. 111. Jan. 13 ... ,, 24 ... Perigee Apogee 0 18 a.m. 7 42 p m. OccuLT.\TIONS. — The following are the principal occuUa- tions visible before midnight : — Date. Star's Name So Disappearance. Reappearance. Mean Angle from N. Mean Angle from N. rrH Time. point. 1 inie. point. E. Jan. 1 1 [>' Tauri 4-2 l>.tn. 6. II , 79- p.m. 7-17 237° 1 1 IP- Tauri 5'4 6-43 62 7.52 255" ■ • 12 125 lauri 51 10.21 107° 11.27 241" Fell. 7 A' Tauri 4'5 5 26 8 6.4 304° Mercury :- THE PLANETS. Date. Right Ascension. Declination. Ian. I ... ■„ 16 ... Feb. 15 ".'. li. 111. 19 53 18 52 19 6 20 23 S 20" 36- 19° 31' 21' 23' .S 20° 27' Mercury is in Inferior Conjunction with the Sun on the 10th January and is thus nnobser\able for the greater part of the month. Towards the end of the month the planet is a morning star in Sagittarius, and rises on the 3, '. at 6.28 a.m. or 1'' 16'" before the Sun. The planet is at greatest westerly elongation of 25" 17' on February 2nd. Venus: — Date. Right Ascension. Declination. Jan. 1 ... , , to „ 31 . Feb. IS .. h. m. 10 21 20 41 21 56 23 7 S 23" If , '9" 45' 14" 12' S 7 13' Venus is an evening star in Capricorn, but practically unobservable throughout the month. On the Jlst January the planet sets at 6.8 p.m. or l" 21™ after the Sun. M.\RS : — D.ite. Right .A.scension. Declination. Jan. I ... .. 16 ... •• 3' Feb. 15 . - h. ni. 10 27 '7 '2 17 59 18 46 ■S 2r' 43' 23° 10' 2> 49' .S 23-- 35' Mars rises about 5.30 a.m. throughout the month, and is \isible in the S.E. portion of the sky for a short time before sunrise. The diameter of the planet's disc is only 4" ; thus, under present conditions, useful telescopic observations are practically impossible. JUPITER :- - Date. Right Ascension. Declination. Jan. I ... .. 21 ... Feb. 10 . h. m. 14 30 14 41 .4 4S •S 13° 37' 14" 24' S 14" 52' Jupiter is a conspicuous object in the morning sky looking S.E. ; he rises about 3 a.m. on the 1st January and at 1.20 a.m. on the 31st. He is in quadrature on the 3rd February. The equatorial diameter of the planet is 34", whilst the polar diameter is 2"'2 smaller. This polar flattening is readily observed in telescopes powerful enough to see the belts, but the satellites may be seen in small telescopes such as deer-stalkers of about It inches aperture, or even in a good pair of prismatic binoculars magnifying 8 times. The Moon appears near the planet on the 23rd. Saturn : — Date. Right Ascension. Declination. Jan. I .. ., 21 .. Feb. 10 . !i. 111. ' 54 1 55 1 59 N g-' 0' 9" 12' N 9" 40' Saturn is due South on the 1st January .'it 7.13 p.m. and at 5.18 p.m. on the 31st. The planet appears as a bright star 37 38 KNOWLEDGE. Janl',\ry, 1911. looking South and about 30" abo\e the horizon ; he is very con\enientIy situated for making ielescopic observation, and with his rings he forms one of the finest sights in the sky. The ring may be seen quite well in telescopes of about \i inches aperture with a magnifying power of 40, if the instrument is sufficiently steady and the object glass good ; but larger telescopes are required to see the division in the ring and the belts on .the disc. The planet is in quadrature on the 21st, and sets at 11.24 p.m. on the 31st. As seen in the telescope the ring appears fairly open, since we are looking on the Southern surface at an angle of 16°. The apparent diameters of the outer major and minor axes of the ring are respectively 42" and 1 2". whilst the diameter of the ball is 17". The Moon appears near the pLiiut lui tin- Stii. Ur.wi'S : — Date. Right Ascension. Ueciinatiun. Jan. I ... Feb. I ... b. 111. s. iq 45 4.S 19 53 ^o ,S 2I'-' 43' 46" S 21'' 24' 3" Uranus is in conjunction with the Sun on the 16th January ; hence the planet will be unobservabk- throughout January and February. Neptune : — Date. Kight Ascension. Declination. Jan. I ... Feb. I ... h. 111. s. 7 2S 6 7 24 28 N 21° 15' 5" N 21° 23' i" Neptune is in opposition to the Sun on the 11th. hence about this date he is on the meridian at midnight. The planet is situated in Gemini, about three and a half degrees South- East of the star 5 Geminorum. but he is difficult to identify except in large telescopes. He may, however, be detected by his relative motion if successive observations are made at intervals of some days. Meteor Showers: — Date. Radiant. Name. R.A. Dec. Jan. 2 ; .. 17 b. 111. XV. 20 +53= XIX. 40 +53 i Quadrantid.s. 0 Cygnids. Miniiua of Algol occur on the 4th at 11.35 p.m., 7th at 8.24 p.m., 10th at 5.13 p.m., 27th at 10.7 p.m., and the 30th at 6.56 p.m. The period is 2"" 20*^ 49°" from which data other minima may be calculated. Telescopic Objects: — Nebul.^e. — Orion Nebula, situated in the sword of Orion, and surrounding the multiple star 9. is the finest of all nebulae; with a three or four inch telescope it is best observed when low powers are employed. Crab Nebula (M D. in Taurus, situated about IV North- west of .f Tauri, in K.A. 5^ 29", Dec. 21° 58' N. Cluster. — M 37. situated in Auriga, is one of the finest clusters, and verv compact ; its position is R.A. 5'' 46", Dec. il" 32' N. Double Stars. — /i Orionis IRigell. mags. 1 and 9, separa- tion y". On account of the brightness of the principal star, this double is a fair test for a good object-glass of about three- inch aperture. S Orionis, mags. 2 and 7, separation 53 " ; easy double. .t Orionis, triple, mags. 3. 6, and 10, separation 2"'5and56"; rather difficult in a three-inch telescope. X Orionis, mags. 4 and 6, separation 4"' 3 : pretty double. - a door banging, or some such sudden noise. In fact, one might almost say that every real occurrence impressed on our senses during sleep fits in perfectly with the whole plan of the dream. In the example I have just cited one expects a noise at the moment of the collision, and it happens. If that particular door was not about to slam it is probable, in fact almost certain, that that dream would not ha\e occurred. Do you think this any evidence that the mind is often aware of the e\ents of the future : , P ... TIDES. — There is a point in connection with the tides of the ocean which I have never seen elucidated in any popular manner. Tidal friction causes retardation in the rotation of the earth. and by the principle of conservation of the moment of momentum the revolution of the moon is accelerated. This is the basis of Darwin's theories of tidal evolution, and, of course, remains true whatever may be the lag of the tides behind the moon. The acceleration of the moon is sometimes further explained by a diagram illustrating that the nearer tidal protuberance exerts greater attraction on the moon than the one opposite, much as the precession of the equinoxes is always illustrated. Now the depth of our oceans being less than the critical depth of about fourteen miles, our tides are inverted, that is, high tide where low tide would be expected, and vice-versa : but if the depth were greater than fourteen miles the tides would be direct, and the nearer tidal protu- berance should be behind instead of in front of the moon, and it seems to need popular explanation why a retardation of the lunar revolution does not result. The whole question of the lag of the tides on an ocean-covered earth might receive more notice in popular accounts, though probably too mathematical for full elucidation. i n ^ J. H. (i. REPLIES. 10. W.\TER .-^ND ITS OWN LEVEL.— I am a little perplexed myself about what G. G. B. has mentioned about water and its own level. It is. I believe, one of the strongest arguments uf flat earthists, and the flat earth idea is certainly wrong, so there must be some explanation that will answer his query. Is it that, taking for example a square mile of ocean, it is such a small area that the water certainly finds its own level within that radius, but taking the oceans themselves they must take the curvature of the earth, so in the one sense does the water find its own level, while in the wider sense we must also forget that the earth has a great power of attraction, and so the gravitation of the earth makes the oceans take the shape of the globe. . , , " A. Mercer. 11. .\ BOOK ( )N W.\SPS.— In .answer to Mr. Sandeman's enquiry for a book on wasps, I venture to recommend " Wild Bees: Wasps and .Ynts and other Stinging Insects," by Edward Saunders, F. R.S. It is a popular work of about one hundred and fifty pages, with four coloured plates, and other illustrations, published two years ago by Routledge. The price. I think, is 3s. 6d. \f A c; 13. THE FINDING OF THE TIME .\T XKiHT.— The time may be found at night approximately by means of the accompanying adjustable dial ; this may be used either by direct comparison, or studied until it can be retained in the memory suflftciently for comparison with observation. 1 Polaris md i Ursae minoris. 1 Jan. 1 July 1 Feb. 1 .\ug. 1 Mar. 1 Sept. VIII 1 1 .\pr. 1 Oct. VI 1 Mav 1 Nov. IIII 1 1 Jun. 1 Dec. II XII X FiGlRE 1. The Dial. 39 40 KNOWLEDGE. jANl-AKV, 1911. The moveable circle i.s adjusted in accordance with the little table. The number given for the 1st of the month is brought opposite the pointer, which represents the top of the imaginary celestial dial at the Pole. The circle is then moved on. counter clockwise, through the fraction of the ne.xt two- hour interval w'hich corresponds to the fraction of the month elapsed. In direct comparison the dial is held up with its back towards the Pole, with the pointer at the top. The line joining Polaris and 13 Ursae Minoris is compared with it ; and an imaginary line is drawn across the centre of the dial parallel to that line. This imaginary line shows the time according to the hours marked on the dial.'' If it is desired to study the method so as to be able to work without the dial, the student may keep the dial by him. adjusting it every few days. He should study the dial, the adjustment of which changes slowly, and remember it. so as to be able to work without it at night i using it, if necessary, for verification. The changes run through a year, sometimes the one star and sometimes the other being uppermost. After a year's practice the changes should be sufficiently engrax ed on the memory to admit of finding the time roughly without the direct use of the dial. But the scheme is a little complicated ; and it will be con\enient to have the dial at hand to refresh the memory. The principle is not difficult. .\11 star phenomena occur about four minutes earlier for every day that passes. This arises from there being one more sidereal day in the year than the nmnber of solar days. The resulting change of twenty- four hours is distributed o\er the year in a maimer strictly proportional to mean time. Thus, if the months were of exactly equal length, the change in each month would be exactly two hours. As it is, a small irregularity arises from the varying lengths of the months, which may be neglected for our purpose. It is desirable to take stars always visible. We take the Pole-star and /i Ursae Minoris. The latter is the nearer to the Pole of the two conspicuous stars ji and y Ursae Minoris, which lie near together at distances of about sixteen degrees and eighteen degrees from the Pole' respectively. The times indicated by the line joining any two stars near the Pole can be determined by a single accurate observation. This observation should be made when the line is either \ertical or horizontal, or preferably, obserxation should be made in both positions. In other positions the observation is much less certain. In the present case the observations were made a day or two before and after 1st December. 1910. when the vertical position occurred at ten o'clock, and the horizontal at four. This determines the table of adjustments. In estimating angles it is sometimes of use to note that the stars -i and 7 Ursae Minoris subtend just half an hour at the Pole ; and we may take it that the angle at Polaris is sensibly the same. In one of Hardy's novels (I think " Far from the Madding Crowd") the shepherd is said to be able to tell the time from the stars. I have often speculated whether this is possible for an uneducated man. It appears to be possible, though improbable, given the outdoor habit at night, a clear head. and either a good memor}', or a habit of making notes. .Any observant person much out at night must notice that the star phenomena change their times, being earlier every night. Also he might notice that they recur after a year. The deduction of the two hours change per month seems to present the greatest difficulty from this point of view, though it is quite simple when explained. Then, one good observation only is required to determine the time by any line joining two stars near the Pole. But it would want a clear head to keep the changing scheme of the hours always in view. The same moveable disc would do for any pair of stars near the Pole, the setting table only being determined by observation. This method is not susceptible of considerable accuracy. It is a recognised principle in naked eye astronomy that the roughest measurement is better than the best eye estini.ate. Here there also appears to come into play, for positions intermediate between the vertical and horizontal, one of those illusions which depend on the structure of the eye. I myself see the bisector according to time between the horizontal and xertical positions decidedly nearer the vertical than the horizontal. This is in the sky, not in the dial, which subtends a comparativeh- small angle at the eye. The resulting error may be either fast or slow, according to the position. I believe it depends on the fact that, in a figure subtending a considerable angle at the eye, the eye estimates vertical distances on a larger scale than horizontal ones. This may arise from the retina being slightly flatter vertically than horizontally. If one is able to estimate the amount of this error for one's ow-n eye. one may allow for it roughly. The vertical and horizontal positions admit of fairly accurate observation. ^ R H \[ H ECLIPSES. — The two following questions have not been numbered, as they are here answered. Does a total eclipse of the sun occur, on an average, ten times in one hundred years — of course, astronomically ? A total eclipse of the sun may occur on the earth more than once in a year. From the year 1851 forty total eclipses have occurred, but may have not been observed (astronomically) owing to inaccessibility (near the polesi, to being only visible at sea. or to cloud interference. Total eclipses of the sun occur in cycles, the path of total phase gradually moving southward or northward over the earth's surface and taking over one hundred years to return to a similar point ; and a cycle of about fifty-four years, which may be divided into three periods of eighteen years, the area of total phase moving east to west ; so that every fifty-four years the eclipse is at the same longitude, though gradually moving to greater or less latitude, according to the other cycle movement. Was a total eclipse of the sun visible at Greenwich in the year 1900? No total phase was visible at Greenwich in 1900: no total eclipse had been visible in Great Britain for about one hundred-and-fifty years : there will be a momentary one about 1927, and again in 1999. and possibly for a second or so in one or two other vears this century. NOTICES. X-K.AVS. — The Sanitas Electrical Company, of 61 New- Cavendish Street, W., have sent us a booklet containing a large number of testimonials from workers in X-rays and electro-therapeutics, as well as physicists, upon the results obtained with their apparatus, including " Sanax " X-ray Outfits, Intensified Induction Coils, and the Motor Mercury Interrupter ; as well as their " Multostat" Universal Apparatus. In addition to illustrations of the apparatus, reproductions of two remarkably fine radiographs are gi\'en. EXPOSURE RECORD.— "The Wellcome Photographic Exposure Record and Diary for 1911 " has also reached us. It contains a great many hints for the benefit of photographers, in addition to a neatly arranged series of tables in which the owner may record all the details with regard to his exposures. There is, besides a diary, an exposure calculator and Several interesting illustrations, including the reproduction of a colour photograph developed with tabloid photographic chemicals. The price is one shilling. Note. — The motion round the Pole looking N. appears counter clockwise. Looking S. the motions seen appear clockwise. Knowledge. With which is incorporated Kard\vicl;c's Science Gossip, and the Illustrated Scientific Nc's. A Monthly Record of Science. Conducted by Wilfred Mark Webb, F.L.S., and E. S. Grew, M,A. FEBRUARY, 1911. APPARATUS FOR PHOTOGRAPHING NATURAL HISTORY OBJECTS, Bv \\". FOTHERIXCHAM. Collect, e.xamine and record, is probabh- a good sumniar\' of the work of the average Nature student. He has not gone far in his work when he innds that to properly examine all he collects lie requires a microscope, and that to record his finds in the easiest and most truthful \\ay, he must have a camera. Now the enthusiast will soon find himself in difficulties about apparatus, especially apparatus for recording his facts, either for future comparison or for the benefit of others. \\'hat ought to be a pleasure, the making of an interest- ing, perhaps [)rett\', picture of his facts, is, owing to tault\- apparatus, a disagreeable task, costly in time and uncertain in results. So for ever\- ten who are skilled in the first two parts of the work there is probabh- not one in the third. To carry out this programme let us see what is needed. Supposing the collecting and examining be "taken as read." he requires: — (1) A Field Camera. If this is of the -hand or stand" type, it will "cover a multitude" of things. With it he inav. with some circumlocution, even take at home, with pains, indifferently good Figlike 1. ' The Camera used for enlarging or reducing. With improvised condenser and jet on optical bench. Also a snpplementary board, on which olijects ma>- be pinned out when the apparatus is used as ordinary or copying camera. .^ 15x12 Photoinicrographic Camera. With woihIcii optical bench, Watson "Van Heurck" microscope, Nelson Condenser, and acetylene jet on sliding wooden feel, permitting right angle centring adjustments. pictures of " birds, beasts and reptiles." Ultimately he will probab]\ get a bigger camer:i on legs, that beha\-e themselves better on a floor th;ui do those of the ordinary field tripod. Even then he will be annoyed to find that he cannot take a picture of many things, in spite of much }.)inning-out and arranging on board or wall, and that such things as eggs have an ugly shadow round them, while fragile dissections are out of the question, as is an\- pre- paration floating in fluid. He will probably long for a vertical arrange- ment that will enable objects to be 41 42 KNOWLEDGE. February. 1911. laid beneath the camera, and illuminated either by transmitted (2) To get photographs of minute objects through the microscope, he probabh" has tht- usual horizontal photomicro- graphic camera, and nothing can be better for mounted objects : but the biologist, as distinct from the photographer, wants to preserve the record ot objects as they appear when fresh, and not formalined or dehydrated and beautifulK " squasjied " on neat slides. So here also he wants a vertical apparatus to take such objects as cannot be pinned up. (3) To complete his wcirk lie probably also has an enlarger, and an arrangement for making lantern slides. Now, with a full know ledge of practically all that is offered by both English and Continental makers. I am \-et of opinion that there is no handv apparatus that will do all this, and that the various equipments now on the market, although vastly iiu- proved within the past five years, are still unsatisfactory. Most of them are too small and incomplete, being without stability, adaptability, and rigidit\", and without optical bench, which means sans every- thing that is essential. \\'riting some time ago to the maker of a new photomicro- graphic camera. I pointed out that this camera failed to meet mv needs and gave details of objects I wanted to photograph. He replied : " We prefer to use separate apparatus for such work." E.xactly ! So have I in days past; and the result has been: two ordinary cameras, two photomicrographic cameras, a bulk\- enlarging and reducing camera, and a host of fakes and fitments in the shape of easels, backgrounds, glass platforms, and so on — a lot of dusty, unready apparatus that lumbers one's working space and would require one's whole time to keep in order. How often after a clean up have I said: " I wish the\- could }et be properly or incident light. all be rolled into one " and one day— happ)' thought ! — I said. " I w ill roll them all into one," and almost literally did so. The result is a camera, suited for practically every need of the biologist, more easy of manipulation, and withal a lot cheaper than anything I can find Figure J. Camera raised to "vertical position on hinges. Il is secured by two T bolts with B.tusch and Eumb " V " dissecting microscope, Nelson condenser and jet. With sliding glass platform on optical bench support with l.irge sheet of ground glass, prevents reflections from the water.- elsewhere. Being composed mostly of parts of other apparatus, as I am no tradesman, it may appear a bulky collection of odds and ends, but it is at least as compact as anv other one photomicro- grai)hic camera, and more useful than an\- other two, covering with great ease an enormous range of work. The idea, however roughly carried out. is sound, for both English and Continental makers have been groping their way to this type for some years. Unquestionably this type is the apparatus of the future in all but the largest laboratories, where space and expense do not retiuire consideration. In Eigure 1, it is shown as the usual horizontal photo- micrographic camera, having four feet of bellows extension, capable of the highest power wiirk. Without the microscope, but with a sliding easel in the wooden runners (an improvised iiptical bench), it makes a splendid 15X12 copying caiuera. In Figure 4. it is shown as a vertical photomicrographic camera. .\n ordinary dissecting microscope stand, with a wide tube fitted to the arm, will be found to make an excellent substitute for the costly big microscope, especialh' w hen large wet objects are being dealt with. .\ Dunning's live cell is a very useful adjunct for such work, and a mess of water round the stage w ill do the stand no harm. Figure 3, shows the camera as a purely vertical camera, plus a sliding glass platform on the same upright as the camera, upon which even such contrary things as eggs may be laid, a morsel of " Plasticine " on the underside preventing rolling. Febrtary. 1911. KNOWLEDGE. 43 Or a glass tank ma)- be set on the transparent platform, and here the apparatus is invaluable — difficult and fragile objects may be displayed in water, any suitable background can be put in below, or various tints easilv tried, without disturbing the object. Further, a fish or other object can be hardened in formalin in a lifelike attitude, or simply spread out in water. A background of weeds, sand, shells, and so on, can be arranged on an opal glass below, the object being raised up or down from the background on the sliding platform, till the correct effect and the absence of shadows has been obtained, and the subject photographed in apparenth" natural surround- ings, with striking results. To prevent reflections from water and wet preparations, a ground glass screen can easily be adjusted on the optical bench, as shown, or coloured glass to get orthochromatic effects without screens in front of the lens. If need be, a condenser can be made to play a beam of light on the object, with no more trouble than adjusting it on the optical bench. Figure 2 shows the apparatus being used as an enlarging and reducing camera, which can be used with or without artificial light. The essential features of this apparatus are : — 1. A camera, sliding easily in i central groove, and giving about four feet of extension, with suitable fittings, as indicated. 2. An optical bench, with fittings, '_■ -:si;'ng of sliding platform for microscope, condenser, .' nd troughs or screens, also sliding fittings c. taking a glass or board easel; all being ceinieu lh the bench. This last is vital : to have all parts in alignment and centring adjustments to keep them so, is the secret of success. A camera of this t}'pe without an optical bench as a permanent fixture is only half finished, and will infallibly lead to waste of both time and plates. In m}' opinion such a camera complete need not cost more than ten pounds, and could be made so as to secure some measure of portabilitv. JAMES WILLIAM TUTT, F H.S. On January 10th, there passed away the well-known ento- mologist, Mr. Jas. William Tutt, who for the past twenty years has been the editor oithe Eiifoinologist's Record and Journal of Variation, and who, for many years, has been a regular attendant at, and participant in the work of several of our London Societies. He was a native of Strood, Kent, where he became a pupil-teacher, and from whence he passed to St. Mark's College for Schoolmasters. He entered the service of the London School Board, and having been promoted time after time, was last year selected to open one of the first of the new Central Higher Grade Schools, which are now being established by the London Education Authority. The study of insects was his hobby, and in spite of the onerous burden of his educational duties, his ability, capacity for work, and his forceful character, brought his writings many an eulogistic recognition, not only from all parts of the United Kingdom, but from many Continental circles ,as well as from America. At the time of his death he was President-elect of the great Entomological Society of London. For some years past he had been the editor of the annual organ of the South-Eastern Union of Scientific Societies. His earlier writings were more of a popular nature than his later work, and we may mention those admirable descriptions of country rambles, " Random Recollections of Woodland, Fen and Hill," and " Woodside, Burnside, Hillside, and Marsh." For the past fifteen years Mr. Tutt had spent his holidays in the Alps, and his enthusiastic nature pictures in " Rambles in Alpine Valleys," and in many articles written by him in the Record, have led numbers of our insular workers, including the present writer, to extend their narrow experiences and views, by investigating the insect fauna of numerous beautiful regions outside the routes of the ordinary superficial tourist. " The British Noctuae and their Varieties " was a book giving an intimation of the more serious work of which Mr. Tutt was capable. This was succeeded by " The Migration and Dispersal of Insects," " The Natural History of British Butterflies," and soon, works requiring much research and leading up to the commencement of a huge encyclopaedic work, which was of so ambitious a nature that one individual could only have imagined himself, even with long life permitted him, able to write but a small instalment. This was the " Natural History of British Lepidoptera " of which he issued eight volumes, and was at the time of his death engaged upon two more. Mr. Tutt had attracted around him an enthusiastic band of co-workers, Continental as well as British, and the original work done by these gentlemen, his own work and criticism, with a huge amount of all the best done in the past, he welded together with a master hand and had illustrated by the best men, acting under his skilful advice and supervision. The study of F"ntomology, by his death, has lost a huge force, and it will br long ere another can step in to fill his place. Henry Turner. THE SUN SPOT (GROUPS OF 1906. A SPECIAL interest attached to the Sun Spot groups of 1906, because in that year sun spot activity or prevalence was hypothetically at the end of the thirty-five year cycle which has been assigned to it, and should have reached its last maximum. Activity on the solar surface was much less in the early part of that year than in the corresponding period of the previous year. The last phase of the maximum spot period seems to have begun in the earlier half of 1906. A com- parative calm prevailed till May 12th, when a great outburst of solar activity occurred. .At the end of July two large spots appeared, both of which became \isible to the naked eye during .August. The larger of the two spots developed a great deal during its passage across the Sun's disc. When first seen on July 2Sth it appeared as quite a small spot and in the course of its transit had grown to ten degrees in length and six degrees in breadth. A period of calm followed, which was broken by a stream of spots lasting through November till the middle of December. In the next year, the maximum appeared to have been passed. Dr. C. L. Poor, as the result of his discussion on the figure of the Sun, derived partly from a study of the solar photographs of the Rutherford series extending over several years, and also from the heliometer measures made by the German Transit of Venus Expeditions, concluded that the ratio of the polar to the equatorial diameter of the Sun was a variable quantity, and had relation to the presence or absence of solar spots. This is a conclusion which has since been disputed, but is one of the more interesting speculations with regard to the periodicity of sun-spot areas. Schur and Ambronn did not support Dr. Poor's inferences ; and Dr. C. G. Abbott's recently published memoirs on the Sun, while favouring variations of solar radiation and brightness, does not relate them to variation in the Sun's figure. From a Jthoiogrnfih taken a! Sun Spot Group, August. 1906. 3d. 17h. 10m. Greenwich Civil Time. Enlarged two di.-imeters. Diameter of Sun's image 5 feet. I Sec pai^c i.!). 44 SIR FRANCIS GALTON, D.Sc., F.R.S. Sir Francis Galtox, D.Sc. F.R.S. . who closed a long life of many and useful activities on Tuesda\", fanuary 17th, after a very brief illness, was born on Februar\- 16th. 1822. He came of a long-lived familv. a fact on whicli it does not seem superfluous to dwell, seeing how great a stress Sir Francis Galton laid on parentage and family in determining the characteristics of the individual. To his kindred and ancestrv he attributed not merely his physical and mental attributes, but his predilections and his length of years. A reference to his work on " Noteworthy Families," which was compiled chiefl\' bv reference to the Fellows of the Royal Societ\', discloses that on one side he sprang from the Galtons and the Barclays, and on the other from the Darwins. Among the Barclays was that Captain Barcla\- who astonished the earl\- Victorian world bv walking a thousand miles in a thousand hours, and it was to this strain that Sir Francis was accustomed to refer his own unusual power of enduring physical fatigue without harmful results. His longevity he attributed to the Darwins, and some of his mental powers must have been inherited from the same fount : but his paternal grandfather was a scientific man as well as a good man of business, and the Barclays, apart from the peripatetic Captain, were bankers. It was, however, to the commingling of ancestors that he owed, as he obser\'ed in his Reminiscences, a considerable taste for science, for statistics, and for poetrv. His education was not less composite than the qualities which were bequeathed to him b\- his progenitors. His mother would have had him become a physician like his grandfather. Dr. Erasmus Darwin. But he developed a mathe- matical gift and, after a boyhood spent at two French schools and one English grammar school, he went up to Cambridge as a mathematical aspirant. His fine health failed him there, however, and after a severe illness he left the University with nothing better than a pass degree. He used to say in after vears that when he found himself one dav elected to an Honorary Fellowship of Trinity College, he was so surprised that he thought it \\'as a mistake. After Cambridge he walked the London hospitals, but here again he failed to find his vocation, and the death of his father found him \\ ith his career in life still undetermined. So, having private means, he went, like many another in the same case, on his travels. But his " wanderjahre " was prolonged. It comprised the Soudan as far as Khartoum — in the pre- Khalifa days — Syria and Palestine, all viewed under conditions very different from those of to-da}". But his travels were actually his first passport to the world of scientific research, for in 1854 the Royal Geographical Society- awarded him its medal for his explorations of Damaraland and Xamaqualand. But before that his marriage (in 1853) had settled him in England : and he began to interest himself specially in meteorology. He was associated with that Roxal Obserwatory at Kew which is now a landmark for golfers ; and among the important and permanent measures which arose from the associa- tion were the standardising of se.;iants and other angular measuring instruments, the verification of tliermometers. tli' Kew rating of watches. Under Dr. Francis Gail:oii. the old Kew observatory became the first English Reichsanstalt ; the primi- tive ancestor of the National Ph\-sical Laboratories at Bushey. He did lasting work in meteorology \\hile at Kew, and the term "anti-cyclone" as descriptive of a weather type which lately has over- hung the larger part of Western Europe, was of his coining. The counter-clockwise movement of winds in cyclones had been appreciated and understood before his time, but the movements of the comple- mentary atmospheric systems had received hardl\- any notice or explanation. It is, however. Galton's work in heredity which seems now to ha\'e been his most important contribu- tion to science. Heredit\- had al\\a\s interested him ; and his researches may be said to have been based on Gauss's theorem. Gauss supposed all variabilit\' to be due to different and equallv probable combinations of a variet}- of causes. Galton desired to test this theorem by the light of those character- istics of human kind which are measurable. He therefore set up. in 1884, an Anthropometric Labora- tory, in which were measured the more obvious characteristics, such as height, weight, span of arms, and so on, as well as the less obvious ones of keen- ness of sight, colour sense, lung capacity, reaction time, personal equation in various aspects. B)' examination of data thus derived he hoped to find what influence parentage had on the physical attri- butes of offspring — and for a generation he preached the multiplication and usefulness of such labora- tories. It was while examining the Bertillon system of anthropometrx' that Galton developed another measurement of idiosA'ucrasv — the finger print — though in his Reminiscences he is careful to sa\' that Sir William Herschel in India had experimented with finger prints as a method of identification since 1887 ; he gave priority of method to Mr. Henry Faulds, who is still living. As a necessar\- corollar\-. if indeed it may not be more properly described as the fount and well-spring of his work in anthropometry, arose his investigations in that science of " Eugenics," to which he gave its name ; and which is the science (of right breeding) that aims at the discovery in man of those qualities which are desirable for his survival and progression. One may say in summation of his theoretic position, that he was a disciple of Weissmann rather than of Hering or of Butler : and that he was tempted to reduce the conditions of inheritance to a mathematical formula, as Pearson and the geometricians seek to do, and to suppose that each ancestor contributes a share to the in- dividual proportional to the distances of relationship. 45 CORRESPONDENCE. POLAR PHENOMENA. To the Editors of " Knowledge." Sirs, — "Anxious" asks a question with reference to the period of slow motion of the Sun in the Arctic Regions. Perhaps the followint; investigation may throw some light on the problem. Let QO' be the celesli;;! equator, and EE' the Ecliptic, the angle w of inclination being 23° 2S' approximately. Let S' represent the sun whe.; close to E', the Solstitial Point, and S the sun when in the ...iier. ElGUKE 1. Let 5 be the declination at S', and S + l the declination at S, where \ is very small. Let the arc S'S be x'- (For the present we ignore the latitude of the place.) See Figure I. Now, the problem is to find the value of the arc S'S, and from this the number of days corresponding. Consider the spherical triangle E'Q' T sin E'Q' = sin w sin TE', or (1) sin (5+A) = sin u, since TE^ is 90°. Similarlv, from the spherical triangle S'KT sin S'K = sin S'X sin w. Now S'K is 5 the declination, and S'T is 90 — x .'. sin 5 = sin (90 — xl sin w or sin 5 = sin w cos x- (2) Subtract (21 from (11. and we have sin (5+A) —sin 5 = sin m (1 —cos x) or sin 5 (cos A — l) + cos i sin A = sin w (1 — cos xl Now A is very small, and 5 = w approximately .'. cos A = l, and (cos -1 — 1) may be neglected in the above equation, .'. cos w sin A = sin w (1 —cos x) or 1 — cos x = sin A cot w. cos x = l~sin A cot w. (31 Now, let us suppose that A does not vary by more than one- fifth the Sun's diameter, say 6'. Such a small variation in the Sun's declination would practically give him the appearance of being stationary. Substitute in (3), 6' for A cos x = l— sin 6' cot 23" 28' = 1 -'001746 X 2-303 = '9959 .'. x = 5- 10'. Hence S'S is an arc of 5° 10'. As the sun will attain the same declination after passing through the Solstitial Point at S" where SS" = SS^ = 5" lO', the actual arc traversed by the Sun, while his declination changes by 6' is 10° 20'. Reckoning approximately V per day for his motion in the Ecliptic, the number of days during which the declination varies bv 6' is about lOi. Now, suppose we allow A to vary by lO', or about one-third the Sun's diameter. In this case cos x = l— sin 10' cot 23° 28' = 1 -"002909 X2'303 = '9933005 .•. x = 6° 38', 2x=13° 16' and time is about 1 3 days. Let A varv bv 20' : then cos x = l-sin 20' cot 23° 28' = 1 - '00582 X 2'303 = '986596 X = 9° 24' 2x= 18° 48' and the time is about 19 days. Let us now assume a latitude of 86 j say. In Figure II Z is theZenith, P the pole. HR the horizon for latitude 86A : the arc ZP is then 90°-86i° = 3i'='. At the vernal eijuinox, the Sun, being in the equator, will describe the arc QQ', but when the declination is iV\ he will not set. but at midnight will just graze the horizon. After thi^ In- \\'\\\ 2 P Figure 2. continue to rise each day higher above the horizon, and at the Solstice his path during the 24 hours is the small circle GG'. The time he appears to stand still is evidently the same for any latitude, for the changes in declination are in no way affected by the latitude of the place. Thus, though he does not set when describing the small circle GG', his declination is slowly changing at the rate of about 5 for lOJ days, or 20' for 19 days. This causes his diurnal path to suffer very little perceptible change during this period, and at a latitude where he rises and sets he will appear to do so almost at the same point of the horizon each day. (Rev.1 M. DAVIDSON, B.Sc, B.A. ASTRONOMICAL APPOINTMENTS. To the Editors of " Kkowledge." Sirs, — I read Mr. F. A. Bellamy's letter with great interest, and many of us must agree with the justness of his remarks. As a perfectly independent person I have often thought that they manage astronomical appointments much better in America, and that this accounts for the splendid work accomplished there in late years. I believe the Americans allow proved merit to guide their selections in some degree, and thus their great telescopes can be utilized by the best observers. If Barnard, Burnhani, Brooks, Swift and others had worked in England they would ha%e had to content them- selves with such appliances as their own private means could provide. But in America their abilities were recognised, and they were placed in positions where observational skill and powerful instruments could be employed in combination. This was, it is true, owing to the beneficence of Lick, Yerkes, Warner and others, and it is, perhaps, curious that we very seldom read of such benefactions in our own country. In America it is not unusual to hear of liberal bequests on behalf of astronomy, but in England large sums are rarely, if ever, devoted to such a purpose. They are applied to building public libraries, benevolent institutions, laying-out parks, or some such purpose. 46 February. 1911. KNOWLEDGE. 47 When British millionaires fittingly recognise the claims of our sublime science, and apportion some of their wealth in furtherance of its pro,:jress, then our countrymen will be in a position to effect more rapid advances. The most capable obser\ers should be gi\en the use of the largest instruments, so that, from their work in unison with able mathematicians, \aluable results would naturally accrue. It is not often that a good mathematician is a master-hand at observation. By mere examination in figures and eyesight it is not always possible to discover astronomical geniuses, or the men best qualified for astronomical observatories. Those should be selected who have previously exhibited abilities of a high order, and have gained experience necessary for the best work. \V. F. DFXNING. SPECTROSCOPIC DOUBLE STARS. To the Editors of " Knowledge." Sirs. — In your N'ovember number a correspondent inquires about the determination of orbits of spectroscopic double stars. To elucidate this fulh- in popular language is not easy, but I think the principle involved can be made clear. To take the simplest particular case, and considering one component of the binary system only, if during the period of one complete revolution the four intervals between the moments of maximum positive and negative \ elocities and the two zero velocities in the line of sight be all equal, a little consideration will show that the orbit must be circular, and the two maximum velocities, positive and negative, will be equal. In this particular case the data being insufficient to give a value for the inclination of the orbit to the line of sight, the linear dimensions of this orbit, which would vary inverseU- as the cosine of this angle of inclination, and hence also the masses of the stars, cannot be determined. In general the four intervals are all unequal, and the two maximum velocities are also imequal, and from a knowledge of these quantities and the known law of variation of the velocity in elliptic orbits, it becomes possible to calculate the inclination of the plane of the orbit to the line of sight, and thence the dimensions of the orbit and the total mass involved. It may make clearer the conditions involved if it is noted that at the moments of successive zero velocities in the line of sight the star is necessarily at opposite extremities of some diameter of its elliptic orbit, but at the moments of successive maximum velocities in the line of sight this is not so, but the positions are shifted to points in the orbit where the absolute velocities are greater, that is, to points nearer to the focus in which the centre of gravity of the system lies, and it is in effect these shiftings (which depend in amount on absolute velocities in the orbiti, which make possible a solution of the problem. The case of a circular orbit considered above illustrates this, for since the absolute velocity in the orbit is constant, the positions in the orbit which give the maximum velocities in the line of sight are not shifted, and the problem is indeterminate. Practically in any case the solution depends on the determination of six quanti- ties, the four intervals and two maximum velocities. To determine these with the greatest accuracy numerous obser- vations at successive intervals of time are necessary. Needless to say, the measurements are of the utmost delicacy, and the proper combination of them makes a problem of great complexity. So far, only one component of the binary system has been considered. In all cases the orbits of the two stars are similar ellipses with a common focus, and in the same plane, but with their major axes oppositely directed, and if each component gives a measurable spectrum, the orbits and masses of both become completely known, but if one is a dark body or too faint, it is only possible to determine the orbit of the brighter component and the sum of the two masses. In cases of variables of the Algol type, the variation of the light during the partial eclipses gives further data from which some idea of the volumes of the stars can be obtained. The degree of attainable accuracy varies very greatly in different cases ; the most favourable conditions are when the orbits are much elongated, the period short, and the inclination of the plane of the orbits to the line of sight small. I beUeve that in the majority of well-observed cases the elongation of the orbits is considerable, and this \\ ould suggest an origin for these systems very different from that oi our solar system. THI-: INCLINED VERTICAL POSITION OF THE .MERIDIANS OF THE J. H. G, APPARENT EYES. To fite Editors of " Knowledge." Sirs, — In answer to the communication entitled " Sloping Images" in the December number of "Knowledge," page 476, the facts are as stated. The whole subject of binocular vision is treated in the most thorough manner by Helmholtz in the " Physiologische Optik " ; Leipzig, 1867. The chapter on binocular double vision begins at page 695 ; but I should recommend the student to consult first the historical resume at page 762. The discussion of the vertical meridians begins at page 703 ; a number of measurements are given, and the inclination of the apparent verticals is deduced at about Zi' for normal eyes (705). Perhaps the most important suggestion is on page 715. I must premise that by the word " horopter " is meant the locus of points seen with both eyes as single points. The general form of the horopter is complex, and is the subject of abstruse mathematical investiga- tion ; but, in the particular case of a man standing or walking, looking straight before him, the horopter reduces to a plane, which practically coincides with the ground, as seen in this position. The distance of this plane from the eyes is governed by the convergence of the apparent verticals ; and the point in which they intersect is the point of the horopter which lies near the feet. Helmholtz then suggests that the necessity, which exists in walking, of having clear vision of the ground where the foot is to be set, may be the origin of the conver- gence, and thus of the inclination of the apparent verticals. The word " horopter " is derived apparently from the Greek w ords. opos. a line, boundar\', land mark ; and ottttip. a seer, one who sees. The meaning does not obviously follow ; but Helmholtz clearly means by it, " the assemblage or locus of points seen as single." The word was originated by .•Vguillonius, who used it to denote a plane, on which he supposed everything seen to be projected. The subject is of great extent and great interest. There may, probably, be more modern developments, and there should certainly be some English book on the subject : but I do not know of anv. R. H. M. B. THE MOON AND THE WEATHER. 7"o the Editors of " Knowledge." Sirs, — You were good enough to insert in your September number a letter of mine on "The Moon and the Weather." This year I have w-atched again, and carefully, and send you the readings below, taken 6 a.m. and 1 p.m.: — Dec. 1 1 ., .. 33- -40 2 .. 38- -38 3 ., ,. 31- -39 4 . .. 28- -30 .. ,. li" snow 5 .. 32- -40 6 . .. 32- -38 ., .. Snow, sleet, mist 7 . .. 32- -30 ., .. Bright sunshine 8 . .. 40- -42 ., Warm rain cleared off snow from fields 9 . .. 38- -42 ., .. S.W. wind 10 . .. 34- -38 .. ,. N.E. to S.W. 11 . .. 26- -40 .. . N.E. to S.W. 12 . .. 40- -47 .. .. S.W. 13 . .. 36- -42 .. ,. N.E. to S.W. 14 . .. 33- -42 .. ,. N.E. to S.W. Fog on the river 15 . .. 29- -37 ., .. N.E. to S.W. Fog higher up 48 KNOWLEDGE. February, 1911. Dec. 16 ... 38—38 ... X.E. toS.W. Fog higher ,. i: ... 34—40 ... X.E. to S.W. Fog on t^ip of inount.'iin.'; „ IS ... 34—36 ... Ditto ,. 19 ... 34—36 ... Wind X.E. to S.W No mists „ 20 ... 28-36 ... Ditto „ 21 ... 31—40 ... Ditto ., 22 ... 31 — 33 ... Snow from S.E. falling on foot hills Vou will see from tii.v .'jove that the high tides of December may have something to Jo with weather here. While writing m,-: ' ask, .^re there what are known as half tides anywhere ex . on Pacific Coast — what are known as a long run in and a . .lort run out and a short run in and a long run out ? Gl'X). DITCHAM. THE ETERN.AL RETURN. Tu the Editors of " Knowledge. "' Sirs. — In a book by Mr. J, M. Kennedy, on the German philosopher Niet^che, the following theory is promulgated by the latter, the data being deri\ ed from the work of the great French astronomer La Place ; and it appears that the same theorj' was evolved independently by Blanqui, the famous agitator, also Dr. Gustave Le Bon, and Heine, the German poet, and is said to be found in Ancient Greek Philosophy. I will endeavour to express it as succinctly as possible. " Time and space are infinite, but the sum total of the forces in the Universe appears to be constant and determined. It is impossible to conceive their diminution or increase. There is therefore a sum of constant and determined forces not infinite. If these forces could ever attain a position of balance it would have already happened, as an infinity of time has passed, and the world would be for ever immobile, as it cannot be conceived that once attained such a state could alter. The sum total of these forces will bring about in infinite time a vast number of combinations, and produce some that have already been realised, and therefore the entire series of combinations that have existed. Universal evolution brings about the same phases, and travels round in an immense circle for all eternity, from which it follows that every identical individual has already lived the same life an infinite number of times and will continue to do so for ever." Dr. Le Bon expresses it thus: "If it is the same elements of each world which serve after its destruction to create a new one, it is easy to understand that the same combinations, viz., the same worlds inhabited by the same beings, may be repeated time after time, the possible combinations being limited and time unlimited." I write to ask is there any Haw in this reasoning, and if so what is it ? This theory seems to me to pre-suppose that every world is destro3'ed by collision with another before being renewed, but as space is infinite it is difiicult to understand why a dead world may not continue to travel for ever without coming in contact with another. What ground is there for thinking that the sum total of the forces in the Universe is constant and determined ? In an infinity of space one would suppose that these forces nuist per\ade infinite space, as absolutely vacant space seems unthinkable. Wliat is the opinion of scientists on the subject ? H. D. B.\K(■LA^■. PoDURA SCALi:s. To flic Hilitors ((/"Knowledge." Sirs, — In reply to Mr. 1. L. Smith's correspondence it is quite evident he has "blundered greatlv." It is not sufficient that his 1-4 objective, with cedar oil to the cover glass, be coiuiected with the scale, in what Mr. Smith believes to be optical contact, to obtain an aperture of 1-4, but that the cone of light which impinges upon the scale shall also ha\e as large an angle. Xow this is impossible with scales simply mounted in air; the way Mr. Smith has his mounted (what other medium does he suggest is between the cover glass and the slip?) even supposing the scale really was in actual contact with the cover all over — he will understand I cannot possibly agree that this is so under the circumstances appertaining — beneath the scale and above the glass slip is — what? Air? Xow, even if using an oil immersion condenser of 1'4 made homogeneous with cedar oil to the slip, so soon as the cone of light had passed through this, into the air space — however small — down would drop the aperture to 1-0, as air cannot possibly convey a greater angle than this between two parallel siu'faces. This fact is used as the standard or starting point of refractive indices, and known as the "normal of air." If. again, he had the scale mounted dry between two cover glasses, as he says, truly this would make " confusion worse confounded " ; in the first place it would simply throw his condenser out of correction, as they are all corrected for a certain thickness of slip, and should he have used a. dry condenser he would have had two layers of air instead of one for the light to pass through. It is quite evident he has forgotten one of the principles of microscopic vision, and that is, it is not the actual object he sees when looking through the eyepiece, but simph- an image of that object formed some distance up the tube of the microscope, and given an incident air angle of I'O upon an object it would not matter if an objective of 2-40 were immersed upon it — the resolving power would be no greater than 1-0. Again, if, when looking down the tube he thought he was getting 1-40 N..A., and which I ha\ e showqi could not possibly be more than TO, he further closed this aperture until only three quarters of that opening was visible, he was actually getting much nearer '75 than T40. an aperture not so great as a good dry ([uarter inch objective would have given him as regards resolving power. The cover glass idea might also be shown to be fallacious from the very fact that such a small stratum of .air intervenes, apart from condenser uncorrections. There is an axiom also which seems so often neglected, that the visibility of very minute structure is proportional to the difference between the refractive index of the object and the medium in which it is immersed, — which I particularly tried to emphasize in my previous letter — and that it is essential if the whole aperture of an objective is to be utilized to mount such minute structures in some medium other than air. As this has never been done successfully (so far as I am aware) with the Podura Scale he will be able to realize what I mean when I say that " here, then, we make no advance upon the very earliest methods." Until such a medium is found and the scale successfully mounted, we are left with the only alternative in contrast between the TO of air and the T5 of the scale itself, a practicability of vision of -5 only. It may be — I cannot say — that with vertical illumination a slightly greater angle than TO might be obtained, but that, it seems to me, would only help us with surface structure chiefly, and as this runs one into the province of the optician's art, 1 cannot venture to trespass. I ha\e not yet heard of a dry objecti\e which can give an aperture of TO, and Mr. Smith's explanation of the "tilted light to the object " in the microscope and the " moon it is that revolves " are really too ab,struse for me. In conclusion, I nmst apologise for my photographs being too small for good reproduction, but if Mr. Smith would allow the Editor to forward me his address, I should be pleased to send him an actual enlargement of them, which would allow him a much clearer view, I feel sure, than he can have at present of their purport. I am obliged for his open remarks and candid reply, and would like respectfully to suggest this little experiment for him to make : take a slide, say, of Pleiirosignia or Amphiplcura. mounted in Realgar, and using his T40 objective immersed upon it. also a good condenser of T40 immersed to the under slide of slip. Xow when the object is in focus and the light axial, take out the eyepiece and measure the diameter pf light coming through the objective — then, take away this slide and substitute the slide of Podura, Febri'arv, 1911. KNOWLEDGE. 49 mounted dry on cover of the glass slip, using the same immersion objective and condenser, and when in focus upon the object, again taUe out the eyepiece and remeasure the diameter of light coming through. 1 think when he has thoroughly mastered this apparent elasticity of his 1-40 objective, he will have made wod progress in the study of aperture, and, I trust, pardon me for the suggestion. Yours faithfully, F- J. W. PLASKITT. QUERIES .A N D A N S W E R S. Rciidcrs tii\- iiivifccl it) send in Oiicsfioiis and to ansic'cr the Queries wliich are printed on tliis prge. gUESTIONS. Numbers 16, 17 and IS (December number, page 461). and 21 (January number, page 39) still remain unanswered. 26. LUNAR ECLIPSE.— What, for parallel red rays, is the inininnini length of focus of the Earth and its atmosphere, regarded as a centrallv-stopped lens ? . ° ■ ^^ IsiS. 27. MINOR PLANETS.— Excluding the Berhn Vear-Book as being rather too expensive, is there any yearly publication which gives the ephemerides of the first score or two of the brighter Minor Planets, or of any of them whatsoever beyond the first four ? Mention of the price and place where procnrable would oblige. IsiS. REPLIES. 10. WATER AND ITS OWN LEVEL.— In Mr. Mercer's reply (page 39) the word not in the concluding phrase was omitted ; it should have read : " While in the wider sense we must also " not " forget that the earth has a great power of attraction, and so the gravitation of the earth makes the oceans take the shape of the globe." 10. If a level snrface is defined as a uiathcmaticall\- plane surface then, except in imagination, no such thing exists in nature, and " water finds its own level " is neither true nur false, but simply meaningless, no definite level surface existing from which to measure. The curvature of a puddle is exactly the same as that of a still ocean, and if by level is meant the imaginary plane which touches the surface of the water at a given point, the statement that water finds its own level is false, but it is very approximately true for distances which are very small compared with the radius of the earth, and it is in this restricted sense that it is used. J. H. G. 20. THE DISTANCE OF THE SUN.— 1 think it may be asserted categorically that no reward ever has been, or ever will be, offered for the discovery of a more accurate method of determining the sun's distance. Offers of reward are not likelv to elicit new methods in abstract science. This distance is probably known with an error of about one part in two thousand, that is, about two feet and affew inches in the mile, and if anyone discovered a new method which would reduce this error by even so much as six inches, I imagine the corrected distance would have but faint interest for any scientific man, it would be the one thing in the discovery of little moment, since it would certainly shortly be further corrected. The discovery of the novel method itself is quite another matter, and might well be of the greatest importance being almost certainly capable of application in many directions ; as to the discoverer, he would probably feel the discovery itself sufficient reward. The Edisons and Marconis of the world are usually made of stuff that knows how to find its own reward, and no one grudges it them ; the world has need of such : but the gifted discoverers of new methods in science look for their reward in a different direction, and I fancy are generally fairly satisfied with what they get, though it may not have been so at all stages of the world's histor\. It is always dangerous to prophesy, but seems hardly Hkely that any really novel -.-.lethod will be discovered. What is certain is that the use and development of the already known methods will continually reduce remaining error, and not improbably the next few years may see even more than the six inches mentioned above wiped out. H. G. 22. RADIUM. — It is now accepted that radumi is a dis- integration product of the element uranium (at. wgt. = 239). In minerals, the ratio of radium to uranium exhibits a constancy, as the former element has had time to reach its equilibrium amount. This ratio appears to be about 3'S X 10-7 gram per gram of uranium. Owing to the comparatively feeble activity of uranium, its period {i.e. time of half-trans- formation) is enormously long, — about 5X109 years, and certain products intervene between it and radium, viz: Ur. X and ionium. Uranium, therefore, passes into radium through intermediate stages, and so long as these disintegration products remain associ.ated with the uranium in the mineral, radium and all its disintegration products are maintained in their equilibrium amounts, while all non -;>.ctiye products gradually increase. In this way the a particles (atoms of the gas helium, (at. wgt. = 4.), become occluded in radioactive minerals, and this occluded helium increases in quantity with time. The theoretical rate of evolution of helium can be estimated with fair accuracy, and by comparison of the calculated annual evolution of helium per gram of the mineral with the actual amount found occluded in it. an estimate of the age of any active mineral can be made. The method may not be entirely free from uncertainty, but there can be little doubt of the general correctness of the values found, which amount in some cases to hundreds of millions of years. As to the origin of uranium itself, it is hardly possible to speculate. As no element of higher atomic weight is known, we cannot assume it to be a disintegration product. The same question as to origin might be asked of any element, — we have always the problem of the evolution of the elements before us. Charles W. Raffety. 23. THE GULF STREAM.— It is thought now, by many of those who have studied the subject, that the influence of the Gulf Stream on the climate of the British Isles is by no means so great as was formerly believed to be the case. Owing to investigations made in the North .\tlantic ocean, and examinations of samples of sea water taken by the "Challenger " and ■■ Michael Sars " Expeditions, it is found that the Arctic Current which flows past the coast of Labrador cuts into the tropical water brought north by the Gulf Stream off Newfoundland, and considerably modifies the temperature. The question as to how much of the actual current from the Gulf of Mexico crosses the Atlantic is a complex question, and requires further investigation, for it is found to vary at different times. The clim.ate of the British Isles is largely aftected by the eastward drifts from the North Atlantic, which consist of heated waters from the Equatorial regions, and these flow north-eastwards as a warm snrface current into the .Arctic Seas. F. Ross Thomson. F.R.G.S. 50 KNOWLEDGE. Fkbruarv. 1911. 24. DREAMS. — I am convinced, after twenty years of experience, that the scientific position with respect to dreams is, that they may have an objective as \vell as a subjective origin, J, C. W,Tightly says '' expects and it happens " ; we hear coming upon our sleeping horizon, " Here is the Queen of Heaven."' and we wake to find the full moon beaming into our faces ; the sensation experienced between the sleeping and the waiting is as a centripetal concentric curtain shutting. Such are common to those v.ho enjoy or suffer from a cosmic telepathy ; an intelligence sensed as within and without, and which communicates with the clairaudient. often to his dismay and terror, Interpretatic:. should be guarded ; the phenomena are certainly not always subjective. We know this is the case by such experiences of a sensed expectation becoming a realisation occvr.i lag as the lower notes of a gamut, of which the higher r.cles are an inter-communication of brain to brain as perfect as a telephone, and which is known to theosophists and others. The most scientific book on dreams is bv Dr, Sancte-di-Sanctis, " I Sogni," but his first edition in not recognising the objective possibility of dreams, is. like the great classic books on psychology and mental pathology, deprived of half its value. To those who know first-hand telepathic phenomena, there are no secrets which can be hidden, and the demonstration of a disembodied intelligence is ever sensed and accepted by them as an elementarv natnral phenomenon, not of necessity spiritual, but a form of radiant energy, and to which a few may possess the key — even human beings. J. B. S. 25. TIDES. — J. H. G. has made some slip in his question, when he says that with deep oceans the tidal protuberance should be behind the moon with direct Tides. I think that, perhaps, if he re-reads pages 240-242 of Darwin's Tides he will see that he is mis-stating the facts. He is unquestionably right in saj-ing that the whole subject might, with advantage, receive more notice in popular accounts. I may refer him to '■ Chapters in Astronomy." by Claudius Kennedy. J. A. H.\RDC.\STLE. SOLAR DISTURBANCES DURING DECEMBER. 1910. Bv FRANK C. DENNETT. December has been marked by a still further decrease in solar disturbance. On six days out of the twenty-three on which it was found possible to observe, no spots, maculae or faculae, were visible, and on six others only faculae were noted. At noon on December the 1st, the longitude of the central meridian was 342° 52'. dwindled away from the 18th until the 22nd, when last seen, -A faculic disturbance was observed in the same area on the 29th, which may possibly have contained a pore. No, 91, — .A pore amid a small faculic disturbance, only recorded on the 2Sth, The chart is constructed from the combined observations DAY OF DECEMBER, 17 1 ^^ ^5 * ^3 22 2 2f 19 IB, 17 ;6. 15 K. 13 l_ 1 IQ 9 B 7 S. 4 3 _ i 30 2 29 '•, ?« 90 y 50 89cL 89 20 ' 1" 4 m 20 50 91 rcn M- 10 20 50 »0 50 60 TO 80 50 100 110 120 130 140 r50 l60 170 180 190 200 210 220 250 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 3«1 550 360 No, 89, — A group of three larger pores with smaller points close up, seen on the 1 1th ; after slight changes it had dwindled to a poorly-seen marking, on the 1 5th, when last observed. No. 89 250 260 270 2B0 290 500 310 320 330 340 350 360 10 20 30 V' 50 60 BRITISH EARTHQUAKES. Bv CHARLES DAVISON. Sc.D.. F.v .> E.\RTHyuAKi-:s, according to their nature and origin, may be divided into three classes — simple, twin and complex. In simple earthquakes the shock seldom exceeds a few seconds in duration, and its intensitx' increases to a maximum and then dies aw aw In twin earthquakes the shock consists of two distinct parts, separated by an interval of rest and quiet, lasting, as a rule, for two or three seconds, each part resembling a simple shock in nature and duration. Complex earthquakes are usuallx- of considerable duration and great violence. The\' ma\' last as long as three or four minutes, and there are man\- fluctuations of intensity and frequent changes of direction. Corresponding to this difference in nature there is also a diversitv in origin. In simple earthquakes the focus consists of a single region, near the centre of which the initial impulse is greater than elsewhere. In twin earthquakes there are two such regions, I-, almost or completely de- FiGUKii 1. tached from one another. In complex earthquakes many portions, which ma\ connected, and the violence of the shock is due partly, as in simple and twin earthquakes, to the friction of sliding rock-surfaces, partlv to the rapid translation of the rock-masses themseK'es. In other words, the movement which gives rise to the shock is not as a rule permanentlv perceptible at the surface in simple and twin earthquakes, while in complex earthquakes it often remains manifest in the form of fault-scarps and horizontal displacements. \Miate\-er mav ha\'e been the case in times jiast, this countr\- is now. fortunateh', exempt from all earthquakes of the complex order. Occasionally, about once in ten years, a shock causes damage to houses within a limited area, but the houses affected are usually of an inferior class. The great majoritv of our earthquakes are so slight that they would have passed unnoticed if the\- had not occurred during the hours devoted to rest and sleep. Frequency. During the last twenty-one years (1889-1909). in which the greater part of my spare time has been devoted to the study of British earthquakes, the total number know n to me is 250, or almost exactl\- one a month. The number of disturbances described as earthquakes in newspapers is of course considerabiy larger, but many of these disturbances prove on in\'estigation to be artificial or parth' artificial in their origin. Many of them are caused h\ the firing of heavy guns at a distance, their true character being generally revealed by the explosive nature of the sound, the apparent transmission of the waves through the air and not through the ground, and by the increasing confidence with which observers in one direction attribute the shock and sound to gun- firing. Others are due to the explosion of meteorites ; a few. and their spurious origin is soon detected, to the explosion of dynamite or powder magazines. An interest- ing class of local shocks is found to be confined to mining districts. The\' are often of considerable intensity within a ver\' small area, but are im- perceptible at a distance T.-. ot a tew miles from its A curve shewing the number of shocks felt centre. The\' ma\' some- in this country at different hours. ji,^^^^ " ,^^ ^.^^^^^j " ^^. ^^^ fall of masses of rock from the roof of the workings, but most of them ajjpear to be caused by slips of the superincumbent strata along a fault- surface, the slips being started by the withdrawal of rock from the workings or b\- that of water in the focus consists of or nia\' not be directh' pumping. During the last twenty-one }-ears not less than seventeen local shocks are probabK- due to this cause. Now, just as many slight shocks are wrongh' confused with earthquakes and must be eliminated as far as possible from our earthquake-catalogues, so a large number may also escape detection, or, at any rate, record. They may be attributed to artificial operations, such as blasting, gun-firing, thunder, or the passing of a distant train or vehicle. There is other e\'idence than mere probable supposition. The cur\'e in Figure 1 illustrates the number of shocks felt in this country during the different hours of the da}-. It show s that the\- are recorded more frequentl}' during certain hours, and especialh' from 1 to 2 a.m., 4 to 5 a.m., 4 to 5 p.m., and 9 to 11 p.m. But the varying frequency is, in all probability, more apparent than real, All earthquake-catalogues founded on personal, and not instrumental, records, show the same increase of frequency late in the evening and in the early hours of the morning. It is no doubt due to more favourable conditions of 51 KNOWLEDGE. February. 1911. The streets -vce quiet, observers are iiig down, ari ^, 'hen they awake, as :::12 a.m.. the\- are in a ^j are alert and read\- to ,ent. The increase in .ill. seems to be due to the sixteen earthquakes .UHir. seven occurred on a -1 ethers possibh' in the restful ' an early tea. Now. as shocks .talh' show a tendencN' to cjreatest observation generall)- i' persons ;>ften do between nervor.s condition, their i detect the slightest '::■ frequencv from 4 similar condition .ecorded duriuL' Sunday afternoii interval devoted recorded instru- bc^ local noon at an\' place, it follows : • shocks, which are onl\' perceptible conditions alluded to abo\'e. must be frequenc\- a that the" ': under i^e much more numerous than our catalogues would lead us to suspect. We si I all probably not be over-estimating their number if we consider that t\\cnt\- earthquakes occur in this countr\- on Pkriodk'ity. ^^'hether there be anv real \ariation of frequenc\' 3^1 throughout the da\- must for the present remain uncertain in the case of British eartlniuakes. Eor this purpose the only records of any value are those which are registered by properly erected instruments, isolated completely from all artificial disturbances. Personal obser\-ations are. however, sufficient to determine whether any annual variation exists in the frequency of earthquakes, for there is no reason for supposing the conditions of observation to be sensibh- better at one time of the year than another. In Figure 2. the continuous line represents the numbers of earthquakes recorded during the different months, account, of course, being taken of their varying lengths. The curve, it will be seen, is irregular, the monthly number of shocks being greatest in September and December. The actual frequenc\- of earthquakes may, however, be due to different causes, which ma\- be themselves subject to variations of different periods. — just as, when a chord is plaved on any instrument, the moxement of a particle of air in its neighbourhood is compounded of several movements, each with a different period correspond- ing to those of the notes that are struck. To .separate out the different periods which produce the actual variation in frequency, some method of harmonic analysis must be emploved. and, as great accuracy is not essential, the method of overlappin;. Figure 2. A curve representing the number of shocks recorded in this country during different months of the vear. the end of January : the mean of those for December to Ma\' corresponds to the end of Februarv. and so on. In this wa\" the broken line in Figure 2 is obtained. The effect of taking six-monthl\- means is to smooth the curve hv eliminating or reducing periods of six months and less. The broken line therefore, represents with sufficient accurac\' the annual variation in tre(iuenc\- of British earthquakes. The maximum of the annual period, it will be noticed, falls in October, that is. in the middle of two months when the actual frequencv is less than in the two months of September and December on either side. .\ similar method ma\' be used for determining whether a si\-montbl\- period exists, but the resulting \'ariation is not pro- notmced enough for us to feel convinced of the realitx' of a period of this length. All that we can regard as proved is that there is a marked annual periodicitv, and that its m a X i m 11 m occurs in October and its minimum in .\pril. Intensity. The intensitx' of an earthquake is generally denoted by its greatest intensit\- within the central region of the dis- turbed area. l'"or this purpose an arbitrar}- scale is used, known as the Kossi-Forel scale. In this there are ten degrees, the two lowest and the two highest being inapplicable to the earth- quakes here considered, are as follows, onh each heading : the shock being strong enough : Intensity 3 for the direction or duration to be sensible ; 4 to make doors, w indows. and so on, rattle ; .T to cause the observer's seat to be percep- tibly raised or mo\-ed : 6 to make chandeliers, pictures, and so on, The remaining degrees one test being given under 7 to overthrow ornaments, vases, and so on ; 8 to throw dow n chimnevs or crack the walls of some houses. Of the two hundred and hfty earthquakes, three were of intensit\- 8. nine of intensit}' 7, se\'en of intensitv 6, twenty-nine of intensity 5, sixt_\--four of intensitv 4, one hundred and twenty-seven of intensit\- 3 or about 3, while the remaining eleven were mereh' sounds without any tremor being felt. .\s a rule, of course, the area disturbed hv an means will be be found sufficient for the purpose, earthquake increases w ith its intensity, the average The method consists in finding consecutive six- disturbed area of an earthquake of intensity three monthly means of the monthly numbers of being one hundred and twent\--six square miles, and earthquakes. Thus, the mean of the numbers for of one of intensit\- eight about sixty-six thousand the months from November to .Vpril inclusi\-e, square miles. Earthquakes of the same degree of corresponds to the middle of that interxal, that is, to intensitv are, however, felt over w idely differing February. 1911. KNOWLEDGE. 53 areas. For instance, for the intensit\' seven, the disturbed area ma\' be as lo\\' as one thousand square miles and as high as sixty-three thousand six hundred square miles ; for the intensity six. the area ranges from seventy-four to three thousand one hundred square miles ; and so on. Thus, actual intensitv near the centre cannot be regarded as a measure of an earthquake's strength. Nor, on the other hand, as some seismologists maintain, can the extent of the disturbed area be employed as such a measure. for this area depends on several conditions, of which one of the most important is the time of occurrence. For instance, the Pembroke earthquake of 1892 was felt over fort\-four thousand eight hundred and sixtv square miles, and the distinctl\- weaker shock of 1S93 over sixty-three thousand six hundred square miles, the reason being that the former movement occurred at 0.24 a.m. and the latter at 5.45 p.m. In like manner the disturbed areas of the Derby earth- quakes of 1903 and 1904 were twelve thousand and twenty-fi\e thousand square miles, the former occurring at 1.30 p.m. and the latter, which was somewhat weaker, at .).21 on a Sunday afternoon. In each case the disturbed area of the earlier shock was bounded by a line of intensity four, and of the latter by one of intensity three. On the whole, if area is to be used at all as a measure of strength, it would seem better to employ the area within a given isoseismal line, or line of ecjual intensity, say that corresponding to intensit\- four. F'or British earth- quakes it is convenient to regard as straii!^ all those in which this area exceeds five thousand square miles, as moderate all those in which it lies between one thousand and five thousand square miles, and as slif;lif all those in which it is less than one thousand square miles. Making use of this convention it would appear, then, that during the twenty-one years considered there ha\e been in this countr\' nine strong, seven moderate, and two hundred and twenty three slight earthquakes, and eleven earth-sounds. DlSTKIlU"TI()X. There is \-ery little apj)roach to unitormit\- in the distribution of British earthquakes. Some parts of the country are frequenth' visited, others onl\- rarelw or not at all. Thus, of the total number, fifty originated in England. twenty-se\en in Wales, and one hundred and seventy-three in Scotland. In the latter country certain limited districts are subject to numerous shocks. Thus, in the low-l\-ing countr\- between the Ochil Hills and the P'irth of Forth eighty-three shocks were felt, several of them of intensities six and seven ; in Cilen Garr\', in Inverness-shire, fort\"-one shocks, all of them slight ; while, in the small tract Iving along the line of the Caledonian Canal between Inverness and Loch Ness. thirty shocks originated, two of them disturbing areas of seven thousand five hundred, and thirt\--thrce thousand square miles. In England, the country between Hereford and Ross has been visited by thirteen shocks, one of them the strongest felt in this country during the last quarter of a century, in whichever wav strength be measured. In Derbyshire, betw^een Ashbourne and \\'irksworth, eight earthquakes havo occurred, two of them strong. Other parts ot 'he country are nut specially favoured, with the excep^' on perhaps of the county of Corn-,' all, to which ten si.^'it shocks must he credited. Tlie Welsh ea> iquakes are occasioi Ih' > !; con- siderable strength. '.'I "y occur for the m::.?: pa,rt in three districts, one b ing in the north- ; ;:t cf Carnarvonshire, the othii^ in the south ot ■.hs country, in Pembrokeshire and Glamorgan. Th number among them four of the nine strong edth- quakes, and all four, it mav be noticed, were felt across the channel in the eastern and south-eastern counties of Ireland. Only a small part of Great Britain has been undisturbed by any sensible earthquake during the t\\ent\'-one years, the only unshaken districts being the extreme north-east of England and the southern part of Scotland. The greater part of Ireland has entireh' escaped from all terrestrial disturbance, and, so far as I know, not a single earthquake has actually originated during the inter\al considered \\ithiii the area of this island. NATrRi-; OF THK Shock and SorxD. The first intimation that we generall}- receive of the coming earthquake is a low rumbling noise. \\'ithin a second or two, as the noise grows louder, a tremor begins to be felt, the separate vibrations being small and occurring at the rate of about five or six a second. Within two or three seconds these merge into the main part of the shock, consisting of larger vibrations or jolts, with a period of perhaps one-third of a second and a total range, even in the strongest earthquakes, of probably only a fraction of an inch. Close to the centre these vibrations have been described as like the fierce beats of a railway engine travelling rapidl\" ; but at a distance of fift\' miles or more they become smoother and slower, like the movements felt in a carriage with good springs. During the whole of this time the rumbling sound continues, becoming louder and more grating with the principal vibrations, and occasionally inter- spersed with deep explosive crashes. .\s a rule the strong vibrations begin to die away after two or three seconds, and are succeeded by a weaker tremor and noise, until, finall\', after the lapse of six or eight seconds, both die away, the sound continuing for perhaps a second or two after the shock. The total duration of the shock in a strong earthquake is thus from six to eight or nine seconds. In slight earthquakes the phenomena are much simpler. Sometimes only a tremor is felt, lasting for at most two or three seconds, and accompanied b\- the usual ruml)ling noise: but, as a rule, among the tremors, and generally at the beginning, one prominent vibration is felt, so that it seems as if a heav\- weight had fallen with a thud upon the ground, with the brief quiver following as such a thud might be expected to cause in a building. 54 KNOWLEDGE. February. 1911. The sour.J w hich forms so essential a part of an earthqual'c is -a low, ru'nbliv^g or grating noise. Near the centre it is henr.i by all observers, but as the distance increases it becomes inaudible to a larger and larger perc_ itr;;;- of persons. The reason is that the numbe- r_ brations occurring everN- second is very ne;!r lIi which forms the lower limit of audibility, or a:~.;t sixteen to thirt\--t\\o a second: and. uit'p ; slight decrease in strength, these vibrations il to affect the ear. Moreo\'er, this limit varit i different persons, so that some, and not ot'i : are able to hear the sound. Thus, in one :_. and even in the same house, one observe: will tleclare that the shock was unaccom- panied by sound, while another will record a noise louder than thunder or than main- traction engines passing together. Some obser\-ers tiiui it liifficult to describe the ^ound. remarking that it resembles no noise with which they are acijuainted. The majorit\" compare it to some well-known t\"pes. Those most frequenth- referred to are the rapid passing of heav\- waggons, traction-engines, steam-rollers, or railwa\' trains, on a hard road, over a bridge, or through a tunnel : the deep roll of thunder, and generally distant thunder ; and the rising of a strong wind or a chimne\' on hre. Less frequentl}' in strong earthquakes, but more often in slight ones, we hax'e comparisons to sounds of short duration, such as the tipping of a load of stones, the fall of a heav\- muffled weight, the firing of a distant gun. nr a blast in a quarr\-. By most obserxers, by two out of ex'ery three. the sound is heard just before the shock begins. A smaller proportion, about two out of e\'er\- five. hear the sound after the shock is over. In man\" foreign countries the sound is heard before the shock only, and this has led to the impression that the waves which form the sound tra\el more rapidh' than those w hich form the shock. The true explana- tion of the discrejiancy is that the British, as a race, are more capable of hearing low sounds than most other people. Tliey possess a lower limit of audi- bilit}', which, in earthquake-countries. ma\- be of service in enabling them to escape into the open air with the first rumble of the on-coming earthquake. That the two series of waves travel with ajjpro.xi- mately, if not quite, the same velocity is evident from the fact that, in strong earthquakes, the percentage of observers who hear the sound before the shock, and also of those who hear it after the shock, is almost exactly the same at all distances from the origin. If there were any appreciable difference in velocity, the sound and shock would soon become separated from one another. Simple and Twin EARTHguAKES. The great majorit}- of British earthquakes belong to the first of the three classes mentioned at the beginning of this paper. Of the two hundred and fifty earthquakes, two hundred and thirt\-nine were simple, and ele\en twin. The latter include, however, most of the strong shocks felt in this country. Of these, nine in number, two were simple earthquakes, the average area disturbed by them being twent\--nine thousand square miles. The remaining seven were twins, and disturbed, on an average, an area of forty-seven thousand square miles. The latter include also the four strongest earthquakes of the period considered, namely the Pembroke earth- quakes of 1892 and 189j. the Hereford earthquake of 1896, and the Swansea earthquake of 1906. The average disturbed area of these four earthquakes is sixty-eight thousand square miles, or three-quarters of the total area of Great Britain. .-\nother point in which simple and twin earth- quakes differ is in the number of minor shocks which attend them. The total number of such shocks during the twenty-one \'ears is se\ent\-one. all but five of which preceded or followed the nine strong earthquakes and the Inverness earthquake oi 1890. This earthquake, which belongs to the class of simple earthquakes, just falls short of the test required to place it among the strong earthquakes. The area included within the isoseismal of intensity four, is four thousand three hundred and fort\' square miles, and the area disturbed by it about seven thousand five hundred square miles. Of the sixt\--six minor shocks which attended these ten earthquakes, fifteen were fore-shocks and fift\'-one after-shocks : and, of the after-shocks. thirt\"-three followed the three simple earthquakes, and eighteen the seven twin earthquakes. In other words, the average number of after-shocks of a simple earthquake is eleven, and of a twin eartlKpiake between two and three. .MiNOK Shucks. I5esides the slight shocks which are intimately connected with the strong earthtjuakes, there have been two series of shocks, for the most part of slight intensity and confined to certain limited districts. Both of these districts are in Scotland, and are responsible for the large number of slight shocks felt in that country. The first series lasted for about twelve years, from 1888 to 1899, and were confined to Glen Garrw a vallev in the west of Inverness- shire. In this interval fift\' slight shocks ware recorded, but owing to the mountainous character of the district little more is known about them than their time of occurrence and their nature at one or two places. The shock was invariably a slight tremor of very brief duration, and accompanied by a sound compared most frequently to a carriage passing, but occasionally to thunder. The series of earthquakes felt chiefiy in the district lying to the north of the Firth of Forth and south of the Ochil Hills is more interesting, on account of the larger number of observers, though here again the presence of a range of hills to the north prevents us from determining the disturbed areas of all but the strongest shocks. This series began with four shocks in the year 1900, and then ceased, with one excep- tion in 190.3. until 1905. when both the number and intensit\' increased. , In this year ten were recorded, one of them being felt over an area of a thousand February. 1911. KNOWLEDGE. 55 square niik-s. In the four succeeding years, the num- bers c)bser\'ed were nineteen, thirteen, seventeen and eighteen, and they show no sign at present of abating in frequenc\' or strength. During the ten years 1900-1909 the number felt was eighty-three. They are interesting from their probable connection with the great fault \\'hich skirts the southern side of the Ochil Hills, which, notwithstanding its advanced age, still seems to be growing. The small movements, which give rise to the earthquakes, appear to be limited to the portion of the fault between Airthrey (near Bridge of Allan) and Tillicoultr\-, and to take place at a very small depth below the surface. Observations in Mixes. Isolated observations have been made in mines in man\- cases, both in this and other countries, the general result being that the shock is more feebh' felt in mines than upon the surface of the ground. Several recent I^ritish earthquakes have occurred within or near mining districts, and these, especialh' the Derby earthquake of 1903 and the Swansea earthquake of 1906. have thrown further light on an interesting subject. The\' confirm the pre\ious impression that the shock is more manifest on the surface than underground : indeed, the disturbed area in mines is only a small fraction of that upon the surface. On the surface, again, the sound in strong earthquakes is heard over an area much smaller than that within which the shock is felt. In mines the sound is observed as far as, or farther than, the shock. Some interesting observations were made on the sound in mines in the two earthquakes referred to. Thev show that the sound appears to travel through the rock overhead rather than through that below, but this is onh' the case at distances of more than five miles from the centre. Again, in both earthquakes, there is some, though not decisive, evidence showing that the intensity of the shock increases with the depth of the workings below the surface. This point is one on which it would be worth \\hile to make careful in\-estigations in future earthquakes. Origin of British Earthqu.vkes. The most interesting result to which the study of British earthquakes has led is the proof of their connection with the slow growth of faults. The longer axes of the isoseismal lines are parallel, or \-ery nearly so, to the main faults of the central district, or, if the faults be unmapped, to the prin- cipal lines of folding. The centres of the earthquakes lie on the side towards which the fault-surface is inclined, and at a short distance (generally a mile or two) from the fault-line. When manv after-shocks occur, as with the Inverness earthquake of 1901, their centres lie within a narrow band parallel to the fault, and again on the side towards which the fault- surface slopes. It is possible, indeed, to trace the migrations of the seismic foci from side to side along the fault, and gradual!}', as the series come to an end, towards the surface of the earth. The occurrence of true earthquakes in this country i- therefore decisive e\-idence that the growth of Britisl . faults, ancient as man\- of them are, is not yet at an end. This is not the c;-.se, of course, with all our faults. The great majority, are, perhaps, at rest, possibly h:-\e altogether ceaseci to grow. But some, it may be a very small minor ;.', have kept themselves bj' constant, if slight, exertions free to move. That the absciute displacements a. 5 of small account is evident from the fact that the;; are so seldom destructive to property. But the displaceu-.ent to which any one earthquake is due extends ov.er a considerable area. In the Carlisle earthquake of 1901 and the Swansea earthquake of 1906 the total length of the focus exceeded twent\- miles. The length of the focus of an earthquake can onh be determined roughh' : in an\- particular case the error ma\- amount to one, or several miles. But there is a curious relation between the a\erage length of focus in the different classes of earthquakes. In strong earthquakes this average length is twelve and a quarter miles, and in moderate earthquakes thirteen miles. Slight earth(juakes may be di\'ided into two well-marked groups. In one the focus is nine miles or more in length, and the average length tw elve miles : in the other the focus is six miles or less in length, and the average length four miles or less, b'urther evidence on this point is afforded by the nature of the sound. Dividing the types of comparison into two classes, according as they are of long or short duration, we find that the percentage of references to types of long duration is eighty-four for strong earthquakes, eighty-one for moderate earthquakes, eighty-four for slight earth(]uakes with a long focus, and sixt\'-three for those with a short focus. Thus, except for the slightest of all earth- quakes, the average length of focus is practically the same in all three classes. Their difference of intensit\' depends only on the amount of displacement witlnn the focus. There must be some reason for this close correspon- dence in average length of focus. What the reason is cannot at present he definitely settled, though it can be surmised. The late M. Marcel Bertrand published a map of France on which are depicted the courses of the anticlines and synclines of the great folds which traverse the rocks of that country. The average distance between successive anticlines or crests, measured along several lines at right angles to them, varies from nine to twelve miles. For this countrv no similar map. so far as I am aware, has been prepared. I>ut it is at least a probable supposition that the a\-erage distance between the crests of the great crust-folds does not differ widely in the two countries. If this be the case, then it would seem that the length of a crust-fold, or distance from crest to crest, ma\- govern the length of the displacements along the faults which intersect them. In other words, the growth of the faults to which our earthquakes owe their origin is at present chieflv due to the gro%vth of the transverse crust-folds. THE V--^ '/CAN OBSERX'ATORY OF TO-DAY Bv W. ALl'Ki:i) PARK. --.LTHOUGH It w::: ::.. antil comparatively recent years that the ztv-.^n Observatory entered upon that active ph;:.-e its existence uhich recognises in it the well-' \vn and well-equipped Spccola Vaticana of *'' csent day, it is. in realitw one of the most ■-' Ae European institutions dedicated to the s 'c- jf the heavenly science ; for its early h i s t o r dates from a peril'.: v, hich precedes the four.aation of our own na^onal observator\' at ' reenwich b\- nearh' a century, w bile it can claim intimate connection with one of the most epoch- making events in the annals of Astrondiiu. The significant appear- ance on its official seal of the Ram's Head, s\ni- bolical of the sun's posi- tion at the vernal equino.x. still serves to com- memorate this event — the reform of the calendar, under Gregory XIII— \\hicb may, indeed, hv said to ba\e called the observatory, as such, into being, as it was the famous meridian line, drawn by Ignazio Danti about 1580, to demon- strate to the Pope that the sun no longer entered the sign Aries on the orthodox date of March 21st, assigned to it by the Council of Nicaea in .\.D. 3i5. that repre- sented the nucleus around which astronomical in- Tin l-"lGlkl. Astrographic struments of all kinds soon collected to funn the embr\-o of the present \'atican Observatory. A reform of the calendar had been proposed and discussed as early as 1414. but as the accumulated error in Gregory's time amounted to more than ten days, a circumstance which seriously affected the date of Easter, the long-desired amendment, projected by the Neapolitan astronomer, Lilio, and more fully demonstrated by the Jesuit Clavius, was established by Gregory in 15S2. who, by this means, conferred a lasting e'chit on his pontificate. As is well known, this reform, enforced pain of excommunication " Catholic workl. met with the greatest opposition in under throughout the Roman those countries which did not recognise the papal supremac}", and it was not adopted b\- Germany until after the energetic representations of Leibnitz and others in 1700, nor bv Great Britain until more than half a century later, when its establishment by Act of Parliament causedthemembersof thecalendar- reforming government to be mobbed in the streets of London by the populace, w ho. imagining the\- were being defrauded of their natural rights, noisily demanded the restitution ot the eleven da^•s, which, l>\ that time, had to be suppressed in order to Sit chronological matters on an accurate footing. Danti's meridian line was contained in that loft\' portion (d the X'atican Palace known as the Tone del Venfi, and this " fiirris asfronnii speciilatrix." as it was referred to in the inscrip- tions, remained for over two centuries the onl}- astronomical, as it was until recenth' the princi- pal meteorological, station of the \'atican. The output of work, however, was at first but small and intermittent, and long periods of " repose " alternated with sporadic outbursts of activity, a notable manifestation of the latter quality occurr- ing towards the end of the eighteenth century, when Gilii, by unremitt- ing ihligeiicc ill obser\atioii. succeeded in restoring some measure of prestige to the venerable institution, which, it is interesting to find, had already acquired, in addition to other notable instruments of the period, a Dollond achromatic telescope from England. Meteorological, howexer rather than astninomical work now absorbed the energies of the obser\ator\ . for it had been found that the proximitx' of the great dome of St. Peter's undul}- circumscribed its southern \-iew. thus rendering the site less favourable for astronomical observations than that occupied by the obser\atory of the Collegio Romano, which had then but recently {i.e.. in 17^7) been founded Iw Calandrelli. and Refractor. 56 Figure 2. The Dome containing the sixteen-inch Refractor, and the Bridge connecting the Observatories. Seen from the terrace o% er the riroiin of Lourdes. St. Peter's is on the right of the picttire. tB^ Figure i. A nearer view ot the Refractor Uuine with attached dweUiiig hou.e, shcvvuig also olhci duuies and the spire over the Lourdes Grotto. 3 8 KNOWLEDGE. Frhruarv. 1911. ; recommendation of ■jion of the instruments For an astronomical its instruments would which was later to become si, famous through the labours of De Vico and h.i; illustrious successor Secchi: ; nd t"hither, at Boscovich,the astronomic i- was accordingly transfjrrai observatory to be depi'/.£-d j seem sufficientl}- fat-l :.t i:i existence, but worse was to follow. After the ;:5-::ical events of 1870. when the Italian troops toe-, fr'nal possession of the Eternal City, and Pius IX irntered upon his self-imposed imprisonment 1!'. \'atican, the old To/vc (/e; Vcnfi, owing to thr ; en demand for room, was tinallv transformt dwelling apartments ! But a ._,i! as resurrection was now approaching. When Leo XIII celebrated his jubilee in 1888. a scientinc exhibition was held in Rome to celebrate the e-v'ent, and a considerable number of astronom- ical and meteorological instruments figured amongst t]^ numerous presents received at the \'atican. After the close of the exhibition the ijuestion naturall}- suggested itself, \\'hat should His Holiness do with all these scientific instruments? Fathers Denza and Lais, who had had charge of the scientific section, at once proposed that the collection should be utilised to reconstitute the \'atican Observatory, and as the project found immediate fa\-onr with the Pope, who was himself not only a mathematical prizeman of earlier \-ears, but a man of high intellectual attainments generalh', it \\as rapidly pushed forward, with the gratif\ang result that the newly-reconstructed mstitution was soon enabled to claim a place among the eighteen that the same careful observer has been for some science as the observatory acquired additional telescopes. Four modern obser\atory-domes now surmount these ancient ramparts in a line, and as the distance separating the extreme domes is S(.ime- thing like half a kilometer, the \'atican astronomers may be said, with Professor Turner, to be living in space of one dimension only. Nor is the uniqueness of the situation diminished In' the fact that for a space of about eighty-fi\-e meters where Leo"s Cyclopean masonry has \ielded to the ravages of ten centuries, a slender steel bridge (see Figure 2), the gift of a wealth\' American, has replaced the massive wall between the domes to be maintained. The largest dome, nearh- nine diameter (see Figures 2 and 3). new sixteen-inch visual refractor by ranks with the similarh' sized at the Collegio Roinano and at Dr. \'incenzo Cerulli's private observatorx', Collurania. at Teramo, as one of the largest telescopes in Ital\- after the nineteen-inch Merz refractor of the Brera Obser\ator\' at Milan. It was mounted by Gautier. of Paris, after the advent, in 1906, of the l)resent director, Father J. G. Hagen, who left the observatory of Georgetown, \\'ashington, to assume the astronomical leadershi[i at the \'atican. His monumental work, the Atlas StcHiiniiii Wiridhiliiim.* which was prepared in America and completed at Rome, undoubtedly marks an epoch in the study of variable stars, and it is a great satisfaction to know- thus enabling mter-commumcation meters m coyers the Merz, which instruments great mternational oliserx-atories taking part in Admiral Mouchez's comprehensive plan of photo- graphing the entire heavens. Under the directorship of Denza, a zona ViitiLijiui was accordingly com- menced with the arrival, in 1893, of the Henr\-- Gautier astrographic telescope from Paris (see Figure 1). This instrument, however, which, like the similar one at the Paris Observatory, is mounted on the so-called English system, wai no longer placed on the old " Tower of the W'inds" — now given over tn the housing of the archives — but in a free position some four hundred meters distant and on the summit of the Vatican hill, far from all disturbing influences. To ensure its best performance, moreover, it was mounted on one of the massive turrets (see Figure 5) forming part of the ancient fortifications erected in the ninth century by Leo IV, who, converting the tribute offered by the Emperor Lothair to this practical end, thereby sought to put a stop to the frequent incursions of the Saracen hordes. Despite the curious anachronism invoKed in providing a highly specialized instrument of the nineteenth century with a foundation dating from the ninth, the experiment proved an unqualified success, and the remaining towers of the Leonine wall were one by one pressed into the service of time past engaged ujion an extensive research into star-colours. These latter in\-estigations have been carried out w ith a small Merz refractor of only four inches aperture, and Father Hagen has already paid a handsome tribute to the clearness of the Italian skies in expressing the opinion that the colours of stars appear more yi\'id at his new post than they did on the American continent. The site of the \'atican Obser\-atory might indeed arouse the en\\- of many a larger and less favourabh- situated institution, and the writer having, through the courtes\- of the director, as well as of Dr. Cerulli (who kindly furnished the introduction + ), but recently enjoyed the pri\-ilege of visiting the institution, can bear witness to the natural advantages of its position, no less than to the natural charm of its surroundings. Nature, Science, and Art appear here in the happiest alliance. A spacious vaulted apartment in the great tower, now bearing the sixteen-inch refractor, had been utilized b\- Leo XIII as an audience chamber, and is decorated in an ingenious manner. The constella- tions visible from the latitude of Rome are painted, together with their appropriate figures, upon the domed ceiling, which thus represents the celestial \ault, and as the various human figures standing for (iciuiiii. \'ii\^(). and S(i (in. are most artistically treated. ■ For an able review of this line work, see Joiinial. British Astronuinical Association. Vol. xvii., page 407. 1 I take this opportunity of acknowledging my indebtedness to these gentlemen for the nujterial aid they have afforded me in collecting the notes for this article. February, 1911. KNOWLEDGE. 59 the impression of the whole, which is tlie \\ork of the well-known painter, Seitz, is an exceedingh- pleasing one. The constellation Leo. in honour of the late Pope, is not onl\- shown at its culminating point, hut its i)rincipal stars are replaced In' minute electric glow-lamps, so that their effect, when lighted, is ver_\- charming. Hard by, in the \'atican gardens, a surprise of a different kind, but also conceived in honour of Leo XI IE awaits the visitor, in the shape of a large open-air den containing the two magnifi- cent lions presented to His Holiness bv the Emperor Menelik. As in Rome itself, that city where of all others the centuries ma\' be said to meet, and where the works of wideK' distant ages unite in strangest famous grotto of LourdeS; Vs-ith its bubbling si>ring of healing waters all complet'^ ! Father Hagen. however, has succeeded with masterly skill in uniting t' ; various outlying (Ifliartments nf his observator\ into one organic whole. New instruments have bec-.i purchased, new measuring appaiMtus introduced fc: the n-_asure- ment of the asc. graphic plates (one of the chief tasks of the obser\a*ii--\-), and new work it oa foot; while the substitution of a spectrohelu -rj.ph, on Professor Hale's s\-steni, for the existing ;;l'ioto- heliograph will probably take place in the i-.e£.r future. With so able an observer at the head c: affairs, assisted as he is h\ the energetic cooperaaon FiGL'RI-: 4. The Dome containin.^' the I'hotoheliograph. contrast, so in that portion of it represented b\- the Pope's garden the juxtaposition of incongruities is not wanting. Mention has already been made of electricallv-driven oliservator\--domes and steel girder bridges crowning the mig"ht\' bulwarks of a h\-gone da}-, but this is not all. Midwa\' between the observatories themsehes there rises the slender spire of the chapel surmounting an exact replica of the FiGi-Ri: .T. Ill this Dome is the Astrogrnphic Refr.ictor. of Fathers Lais and Stein, the \'atican Observator\-, now fulh' reconstructed, and equipped with modern appliances, has certainly entered upon one of the brightest periods of its long career. The massive char- acter of its foundations, the seclusion of its position in the midst of the \'atican gardens, and the singular fiurit\' of the Roman sk\' under which it works, all con- s;)ire to render its obser\'ations of exceptional value. DRMOXSTRATIOX OF THE PRF.SE\XK OI^ .ST.XRrii IX .A I.KAF. Er is customarv tn Imld. in connection with the Annual Meeting of the Association of Public School Science Masters, an exhibition of scientific apparatus and books likelv to be of use in science-teaching. The show is divided into two parts, one consisting of exhibits h\ members of the .\ssociation, and the other of displays by opticians, instrument-makers and scientific publishers. There was an exceedingly fine exhibition at the January meeting, and the present writer was particularh' interested in a modification, devised by Mr, O. H. Latter, of Charterhouse, of the usual experiment to demonstrate the presence of starch in a leaf which has been exposed to sunlight. For those who do not know the details, one may say that a leaf is exposed to sunlight for some hours, gathered, boiled in w ater for a few moments, and the green colouring or chlorophyll, dissolved out by means of methvlated spirit. In turn the alcohol is washed out by water, and finally the leaf is placed in iodine solution, which turns the starch blue. Although it is possible to get an intenseh- blue colour- ation of the leaf, especially if a suitable one has been chosen, and iodine dissolved in a solution of potassium iodide has been used, as the writer can testify by experience, Mr. Latter thinks that this method of showing the leaf when in the iodine solution makes a considerable demand upon the imagination: for he describes the colour produced as a dull purple-brown, that is, a mixture of the colour produced in the starch with that in the other constituents of the leaf. His plan is to remove the leaf from the iodine and place it at otice in benzole. The benzole then dissolves out the iodine from the cellulose walls of the cells and from the protoplasmic contents, but does not break up the blue starch-iodine compound. Hence the blue colour shows up very plainh' in the leaf, being no longer masked by the yellow-browns of the iodine stained cellulose and protoplasm. NE S AND \ER\'OUSNESS DAVID FRASER HARRIS. ^[.D.. B.Sc. (LoxD.) ^Lecturer t>ii l'hy.^i<)h)i>y. I'liii'crsity of lUinmt^haiii.) iCoiitinucd fruiii pci^^c 22.) The answer to-day to our question is that we do know something of the material hasis of nerve energy, although only a few \ears ago we should h" , e had to confess complete ignorance, ^^'e helieve '.; to be related to microscopic granules named after a German neurologist. Xissl. These granules of Nissl are known to break up in cells that are fatigued, luu to be reformed when the cells have rested, so that we infer they are connected with the output of energy. In various mental diseases they are altered, also in alcoholic poisoning : the brain is never in good health if these granules are not of normal aspect. It is these granules which contain a high jiercentage of phosphorus. Long before the\- were discovered it was known that nerve-matter [)ossessed much phosphorus, and hence arose the popular notion that to gain nerve-strength one ought to eat foods containing much phosphorus — fish and animals" brains for instance. Now while it ma\- be good to eat fish and brains, the notion underhing the practice is based on the fallacy that we can increase the amount of an\- element in the tissues provided we eat food containing much of it. But the fact is we cannot in this wa\- over- saturate the tissues with any given element : the tissues can absorb (assimilate) only a certain quantity of it, corresponding to their particular chemical affinity for the substance in question. In conditions of health this affinitv limit cannot be exceeded, but it is otherwise in cases of patho- logical deficienc\- of the element in question. For instance, a healthy man bv taking a great deal of iron in his diet w ill not cause a greater quantity of it than normal to be retained by his tissues : but the case of a person who has not been absorbing enough iron is quite different. If now capable of absorbing it, he may, by taking foods rich in iron, bring uji the iron- content of his tissues to the normal but not bevond it. The case of phosphorus is similar. If for any reason the central nervous s\stem has been starved of phosphorus, then food containing it ma\' be gi\en with advantage, but the phosphorus-content of the brain cannot be raised above the normal. Wastiup diseases of the central nervous system certainh- involve loss of this element which ought to be compensated for. The same reasoning applies to phosi)hatic tonics. They may benefit the l)od\- in certain wavs. but thev cannot become the means of increasing the percentage of phosphorus beyond its normal in the ner\'e-tissues. We mav now ask ourselves what is it that keeps up the continual outflow of impulses from the centres to the peripher\- ? The answer is that this energy is liberated in the special granules already alluded to bv the inpouring of afferent impulses constanth' arriving at the centres of the nervous system. When one thinks carefully about it one sees that a vast number of all sorts of impulses must be pouring into the nervous centres both from all the sense- organs as well as from the internal organs. Sensory impressions from the organs of vision, hearing, smell, taste and from the skin — those of contact, pressure, heat and cold — and others of a less well defined nature from internal organs are continually arriving at the ner\ous s\-stem. Painful impulses are from time to time also coming in. ^^'e are not, of course, conscious of a tenth part of all these, but they are pouring in ne\ertlieless ; some of them even in sleep, when those from the skin and internal organs are still entering the ner\ous system. The nervous svstem is never without some incoming impulses, and we are powerless to prevent the entrance of the \ast majoritx- of them. Just as the hum or roar of the traffic of a great city pours into the room when the window is opened, so do the afferent neural impulses pour into the brain and spinal cord. The general tendency for these impulses is to cause the nerve-centres to "discharge : that all the centres are not simultaneously discharged is due to a large number of cooperant conditions. Some impulses ma\- be too feeble to arouse the first centre encountered, as when the fl\- is not felt until it has stung vou : but a series of such too feeble impulses mav, bv being summated, effect what no one of the series is able to do. Or. again, two impulses may meet and interfere with each other in such a way that no action is aroused, just as when two sound- waves meet in a particular fashion and give rise to silence, or two colour-waves to blackness. This last case is one of "inhibition by interference" of neural currents. There is no doubt that the -general incoming neural " hum " goes to produce those outflowing currents which maiiitaui the unconscious general 00 February, 1911. KNOWLEDGE. 61 tissue-tone. In proportion as we cut off the multitude of incoming impulses so tone vanishes ; as, for instance, in sleep, in which no impulses are coming in from the higher sense-organs, and therefore the centres for tone to a large extent are unstimulated. Keeping animals in the dark and in silence lowers their tone : cows kept in dark byres secrete poorer milk than those in well lighted ones. This is due to the depressed chemical tone of the cells of the mammar\- gland. It has beeii experimentally proved that if the afferent nerves from a limb are cut, the muscles of the limb suffer diminution of tone. It is evident, there- fore, that the afferent nerves and the efferent nerves are functionalK" verv closely related through the intermediation of their common centre. The entire nerve-path from the periphery, up the afferent nerve through the centre and down the efferent nerve is known as the " reflex nerve-arc." A vast number of the functional units of the central nervous s\'stem can be looked upon as reflex or " sensori-motor " nerve-arcs. These arcs are continualh' recei\ing impulses one wav, and sending them out the other wav. that is transmitting them in one fixed direction onh'. The impulses which go out are not identical w ith those that come in : in many cases, although thev come in continuously, thevgo out intermittenth- bv special rhvthms of their own. Now the intensitv of the response given by a centre depends upon two things — first the intensitx' of the incoming impulse, and secondK' its own condition of being affected b\' the stimulus easily or the reverse ( Affectabilit\'). This a[)plies to all centres, whether those in the cord unrelated to consciousness, or those in the brain related to perceptions, emotions, ideas and the will. Now- one form of ner\-ousness is that associated with an abnormalh' violent response to a stimulus. This form of nervousness is that of the " nervous tempera- ment " as opposed to the j)hlegmatic, for there is more than a grain of truth in the old classification into h-mphatic or phlegmatic, nervous, sanguine and melancholic temperaments. The nervous tempera- ment has in recent times mereh' been rechristened " neurotic."" A neurotic person is one whose nerve- centres are, as compared with those of the majority of people, undul\- aflectable. This condition of undue affectabilit\' manifests itself in nuin\' \er\' different ways. If a hundred people are in a hall and a door bangs loudlw three of them iiia\' jump up from their seats while the other ninety-seven mereh- turn their heads in the direction of the sound : tlie three would be for the compan\- in question the representatives of the neurotic con- stitution. The physical intensity of the stimulus was presumably the same for the whole hundred, but it produced a greater effect on three of them because their nerve-centres were in a state of excitability greater than the average for the particular company in the room at the time. Again let us suppose a hundred people come into a place where there is a large bowl of powerfullv perfumed roses : ninet}-seven appear indifferent and settle down to various occupations: one is visibly delighted with the odour: 2 second says, "That is a smell I detest," while tl J third gets an attack of asthma. The last three are " nervous '" as regards the neural average of the assemblv . Their nervous systems are unduly affected by tli perfume of rose; • the form it takes in one distinct aesthetic pleasure, in a second well-mark. .1 aesthetic pain, in z. third it gives rise to a motor effect, a spasm of the muscles of the lironchial tubes. This last is known as ar. s.-^itack of asthma ; it belongs to a class of conditions called neuroses. Neurotic people exhibit neuroses. A neurosis is an excited or excitable state 01 some centre or centres of the nervous system expressing itself in an outflow of nerve-energ\- into such channels as injurioush' aftect certain organs or tissues. Nervous attacks or " attacks of nerves " may be taken as the popular s\'nonyms for neuroses — fits of trembling, limbs shaking, "'the ([uivering like an as[)en leaf "' of the novelette, palpitation and other visible effects of fear on the approach of an ordeal ("stage-fright,"" examination fright), blushing, blanching, perspiring, ililataticm of the pupil, and in some cases even vomiting, all well-known results of stimulation of lower centres acted on by impulses de- scending from higher ones. Popularly the '" nervous"" person is the one who blushes, pales or perspires too easiK'. whose centres for these expressions of emotion are abnormalh' aftectable and are set in motion hv conditions which would ha\'e little or no eft'ect on a person perfectly normal as regards the nervous system, a person with what is called a ■■ well-balanced nervous system."" What, however, is the cause of the abnormal aft'ectability of the centres in a nervous person it would be difficult to sa\'. In many cases it is probably due to malnu- trition of the centres. Nerve substance is chemically only a ver\- complicated form of fat, and fat people are almost ne\'er neurotic. We must not jump to the conclusion that because a person is fat his nerve-centres are of necessity well nourished, though thev usualh- are. There are various kinds of obesity, some not indicating good nourishment ; but as a rule it is lean people who are nervous. This is, of course, what Shakespeare alludes to when he makes Caesar say — " Let me have men about me that are fat ; Sleek-headed men and such as sleep o' nights : Yond' Cassius has a lean and hungry look : He thinks too much : such men are dangerous." Of course we must distinguish between the thin, pale, neurotic person, and the thin. " wiry," fit person whose nerve-centres may indeed be aff'ectable without being abnormalh" or weakly affectable. For there is the healthy, robust nervous system with plenty of nerve-energy able to be discharged, and there" is the weakly, excitable system with little energy alwa\-s tending to leak away. The two conditions are quite different. The ease of response to a stimulus is one thing, the amount of energy liberated by a stimulus quite another thing. The same amount of pull will fire oft' a pop-gun 62 KNOWLEDGE. February, 1911. and a " twelve inch,"' but ths amounts of energy liberated b-- these equally exc'table mechanisms are immeasurably different. I'-'i oiher words, there is a high affectability couple:,. ■,', iai the output of much nerve-energy, and there 's a ii.^h affectability coupled with the output of -ircie : this latter constitutes " irritable weakness " {" \. aakness to be wroth with weakness"): it is ;; ihat is the basis of neuroses, of nervousness. .■ : : brain-centres related to consciousness ca : co exert on the lower centres a restraint thai; :. learnedK' called " inhibition." Inhiliition or r:: . aint by the higlier on the lower plays a 1:1^,0 .t in the acti\-ities of the central nervous . st-.aii. Persons neuralh" robust ha\'e inhibit- ;; v.ell developed. ner\ous people have it poorl\ aeveloped. Inhibition is of two kinds, that unccasciously and that consciously exerted. The for;^,er is the more mechanical kind of restraint w .iich any one centre exerts on any one lower down in the neural scale. Thus it is that when the head is cut off. the posterior part of a worm wriggles more actively than the head end : it has lost the automatic restraint of the head end. The legs of a decapitated crayfish "work" much more ra[>idl\- than in the intact animal. ^^'e may oursehes emplo\- this form of mechanical inhiliition in restraining, for instance, an awkward sneeze liy hrmh' pressing on the upper lip. The otherwise uncontrollable tendenc}- to sneeze is abolished b\ the impulses from the skin of the lip ; the_\- act here as inhibitor\-. That it is only inhibition of the tendency and not removal of it is interestingly brought out sometimes by the fact that after a certain inter\-al of time the sneeze may be produced in v.hat would have been all its original intensity. The stillness of an attentive audience is a case of unconscious inhilntion : the subsequent coughing and restlessness is e\idence that it was only inhibition and not abolition that was at work. But by means of the w ill \\ e can consciousK- inhibit or restrain. What we call "education" is very largel\- the cultivating of latent powers of this order ; the psychological difference between a Hottentot and an ambassador is the high de\-elopment of the powers of inhibition ac(iuired by the latter. Training in children and animals means their acquiring inhibitory powers : a performing tiger has to restrain many instincts and tendencies before it can be convenientl}- exhibited in public. Now some forms of nervousness are the result of loss of inhibition resulting in the expression of violent emotions and violent responses of all sorts. The strong man is not the violent man : the strong man is the man who restrains the exhibitions of his strength, who strongly controls strong emotions for his own good and that of the community. The neurotic person, not jjossessing the necessar\- [lower of inhibition, does not do this. Better is " he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city " : that \vas written long ago, lint the nervous system was the same then as now ; in modern language it is inhibition that is alluded to. Nervousness may, then, in one form be a condition of diminished restraint. We talk about a nervous dog that barks apprehensively at every little incident, of a nervous horse that jibs and shies at all sorts of harmless objects : inhibition is that in which these animals are deficient. It is. then, clear that the deN-el(.)pment of inhibition is the essence of foundation of character : a person with little inhibition may do all sorts of wild things, succumb to all sorts of temptations: conscious inhibition is the physiological name for self-control. Lack of inlnbition is one of the elements in neur- asthenia, that low nervous state to which reference has already been made. H\steria, again, is a form of nervousness; it is a morbid state of the central nervous s\-stem. and has been described as the acting or imitating of some other disease. " A fit of h\sterics " is really a violent emotional display due to diminished inhibition. In true h\'steria all sorts of morbid conditions are imitated. — fainting, par- alyses of various kinds, and so on. Some hysterical people cannot walk, cannot talk, cannot eat, cannot get out of bed, and so forth. Hysteria is a form of " nervousness." if " nervousness " means anything unusual in the nervous system, which is apparently all that in certain cases it does mean. The term as popularlv used covers a large number of very different conditions, liy a nerv(.)us child is meant sometimes a shv child, one not sufficiently self- reliant. v\h() shrinks from strangers, and is not soon at home amid new surroundings. It may only mean a child that does not like to be left alone in the dark. A verv well marked form of nervousness is the '■ fear " of various conditions, such as fear of looking over heights, fear of open spaces, fear of enclosed spaces, fear of the presence of crowds, and so on through all the varit)us " phobias." as they are called, many of which are ludicrous to those incapable of experiencing them. Allied to hysterias and phobias are certain harmless obsessions which, however, lead right on to the illusions, delusions, and hallucinations of typical mania. In connection v\ith nervousness we have the factor of siiihlciiiicss to reckon with. Something happening without v\arning will ;//merve a man or animal which it v\ould not do had the occurrence been foretold or developed gradually. Just as a sudden knock will break a glass, which the same pressure cautiously applied would not. so a sudden mental blow will injuriouslv aftect the nervous system in a v\av it vsould not have done had it fallen more graduallv. ISoth non-living and living molecules resent sudden changes of state; both can endure strains if gradually apjilied which would not be withstood if applied without warning. Especially should the affectable and plastic nervous systems of children be protected from sudden impacts. Per- manent damage may be done them by " taking them by surprise,"' "giving them frights," suddenly showing them " horrors " and so forth. The nervous system will "endure"" (almost) "all things" provided they are presented to it in graded order : it may be trained by degrees to suffer conditions which if suddenly developed vvouM liave~ overwhelmed it altogether SOME MAORI CUSTOMS AND BELIErS. l\x K. W. RKID t^XcK- Zealand). Though the Maoris of New Zealand are rapidlv adopting the civilisation of the whites, the}' seem reluctant to part with man\- of the customs and beliefs of their forefathers. The settlement of the country by the British and the introduction of British law rendered the old mode of life impossible. Most of those peculiar observances witnessed h\ early navigators and others, wliich were opposed to English ideas, had perforce to cease. But long- established social customs, when not ver\- harmful, albeit not always strictly legal, were never, and are not now, subject to interference from the authorities. Keen recollections of earlv da\s in New Zealand, while police, courts, and judges were \-et unknown, abide to-da\- in the memories of not a few grizzled and tattooed veterans. Thus the writer's friend, Hori (the distinguishing appellation had better be here omitted !) a Ba}- of Plenty chief, is able to confide to those he deems worth\- of being entrusted with the interesting autobiographic information, that, when a voung man, he. on several important occasions, did partake of " kai tangata." An unsuspecting enquirer, learning that " kai " is ^hlori for " food," and that " tangata " is the equivalent to " man," might hastily conclude that "kai tangata" represented an article of diet neither uncommon nor alarming. Hori, however, could explain that, used by him, the phrase meant, not " the food of man," but "man. the food." and that, in ancient Maoriland. was a difference indeed. Polygam\% never a common practice among Maoris, and generalh' confined to men of rank, is now almost extinct. An official report of recent date states that there are on!\- three or four cases of Maoris having more wives than one, and that these are among the Ruatahuna natives on the Bay of Plenty. Rua. who lives in the Urewera countrv, and claims to possess certain supernatural powers, six months ago had eight wives. \'er}- likely he has more now. He is the most married inhabitant of New Zealand ; the Maori next to him possesses but the relativeh" modest number of three. When a dweller in pah or kainga (village) dies, the event is followed by a " tangi " or weeping. If a chief, or person of importance, his '" tangi " is attended by hundreds of Maoris ; relations and friends are there, and, in addition, nearlv all the natives of the district. The proceedings are not infrequently pro- longed over many days, and become a medley of formal weeping, of feasting and of merriment. Immense sums are often expended on tangis : the cost mav var\- from £50 to £500, according to the rank of the deceased and the financial capabilities, or inclinations, of his relatives. Among the very old, and more curious customs which survive is that of " tapu.'" By that wonderful law shrines, burial places, chiefs, and all things a chief handled, were, in former davs, believed to be rendered sacred. Whatever \\as "tapu" must not be profaned by the touch of common mortals : in olden days death by execution followed an act of desecration. At the present time, even among educated Maoris, a more or less shadowy belief lingers that "tapu" is not yet bereft of its awful potency. For example, the deca\-ing wood of an empty, unclaimed whare, or house, would not be interfered with by a strange Maori. The whare might be " tapu," and its desecration might bring disease and death. A striking illustration of the present-day belief in " tapu " on the part of the Maoris is provided by the settlement, or village, of Maungakawa, near Cambridge, in the North Island, \\hich place was once the home of Tawhiao, King of the Maoris. Gre\-, bleached whares are scattered about on the hilltop, grass and wild-flowers grow close to door and w indow . Roofs are falling in, gaps are appear- ing in the raupo walls. Within the buildings lie household goods, articles of clothing, mats : every- thing remains as it was when, sixteen years ago, the owners were called upon to go forth and seek a home elsewhere. For Tawhiao had died and the tohungas, or priests, had laid tapu on the king's council hall and on his house, on the dwellings of the people, and on all the lands of Maungakawa. Since that da\-, whatever curiosity irreverent pakehas (whites) ma\- have exhibited, it is safe to say that few, or no, Maoris have entered within the now sacred circle of the one-time royal settlement. The late king's whare stands apart from the other houses, and is rendered conspicuous by its large size and the wealth of Maori carving with which it is ornamented. Rumour states that Tawhiao's body lies beneath the floor of the whare. .\nother, and a more probable, storv is that, after its interment with Christian rites bi 64 KNOWLEDGE. February, 1911. within the ix.uitly churchyard, the bod>'. in accor- dance with .Maori custom, v.ii exhumed. Following the practice of their anc.:'::'; the Maoris \\ould remove the flesh from K-^--^t rangatira's bones with pieces of sharp - 'j3i:.;--n, and the Inmes would be painted dark ree ried together with ropes of grass, and deposits ; : : .i secret cave somewhere among the neighl-r ;i.' : iiountains. At the large a/. _ ■:\'^-:: principal nati\e settlement nf Mataatua, in tV i I'-iwera, is a much car\-ed temjile. or praying her,:; .hich was built by the Hauhaus to the men-' :;;■ - t their great warrior, priest, and prophet, Te I u. Until recentl\- it was altogether tapu : ii : .. ::. some reason not clearh- understood by tl; v.riter, tapu seems to ha\e been partially removed. But \isitors. liefore entering, pakehas not excoiUed, are compelled to lea\-e outside such mi; .dane articles as purses, tobacco, knives and n aches. The presence of food within the building ^^ould still be considered a desecration. This temple, or wharetapu. is considered by authorities to be probably the most interesting sj)ecimen of Maori decorative architecture in New Zealand. Surmount- ing the entrance to the temple, which is alwa\s spoken of by the Maoris as " Te Whai-a-te-Motu."" is a carved head or " teko-teko," dark red in colour, its large, shell-made eyes aglitter. This represents the warrior-chief. Te Unu-ariki, who. more than a hundred years ago. was the most prominent bra\-e in Tuhoeland. Below the " teko-teko," carved and painted, appears a monster, half-dog, half-crocodile. This effigy is that of Tangaroa, the enchanted dog of Taneatua, a chief who, six hundred vears ago, reached the Ba}- of Plent\- in the famous canoe. Mataatua. The dog, according to Maori belief, was left by Taneatua at a small lake among the Urewera mountains, where it can still be seen as a " tipua," or demon. Within the temple are inanv carved images of entirely fabulous creatures, and numerous extremely grotesque statues of the tribes' ancestral heroes. Ancient Egypt is recalled by a visit to an old, well-preserved, highly-decorated Maori settlement. In the painted and sculptured scenes depicted on Egyptian tombs the kings stand out boldlv in the foreground, and their tall figures tower abo\-e all else. So it is in Maoriland. The greatness of the chief is represented by his colossal size. Rudeh- drawn and glaringly coloured canoes are favourite subjects with the Maori artist. Every canoe must have its chief, and he is shown usualh- four times taller than the others. Egyptian-like ideas, as well as Grecian, still prevail as to the close connection between gods and men, as between men and trees, and certain lowly animals. Tane, the god of the forests, yearly sheds his blood when the rata blooms tinge the sombre woods and tree-covered hills with glowing crimson. For misdeeds, and b\- the evil agency of tohungas. men and women have been transformed into rocks, into trees, and into lizards. The Maoris claim to have descended from different objects, animate and inanimate. HiL;h- born individuals, that is chiefs or rangatiras, favour the genealogy that gives them the tuatara lizards for ancestors. And that belief is b\' no means extinct at the present time. Not man}- months ago. in the New Zealand Native Land Court, a Maori title to lands was in question. The appellant, who founded his hereditary claim cm remote anticjuitx-. proceeded to recite his list of distinguished forefathers. There was Te So-and-So, the original holder of the land, whose son was Te So-and-So. whose son was Te So-and-So "Hcjld on." called the judge. as the list was being rolled out —he knew the Maori wavs — "These names you have been giving us. are they the names of men?" "Oh no," replied the Maori, "not come to men \"et. The names I give \'ou are of tuataras." "I thought so." responded the judge, " better ski[) the lizards and come to the men." " Muru" IS another Maori law descended from remote antiquity. It means an act of re\-enge. or of justice, carried i>ut b\- those \\ he) deem them- selves wronged, against the wrongdoer, real or imaginary. A man or woman commits what is considered an offence against an individual, a family, or a tribe, ^\hereu^)on all a\ailable members of that tribe, who iiia\' be joined hx friends, swoop down upon the offender, and carry off all his or her possessions : everything is taken that can be trans- ported or is capable of walking. A frequent cause of muru was. and is, domestic infelicity. That the muru-ing part\' was frequently of considerable dimensions is seen trdiii its name — taiia muru, which signifies "a hostile, plundering expedition." A fev\- months ago. on the b!ay of I'lenty. the present writer witnessed a jjrocess of muru-ing. A young man, recenth' married and well off, as the average Maori would consider, disappeared, and with him the unmarried daughter of a neighbour. The delinquent left behind him, not ever\'thing. l)Ut sufficient to satisfy the inevitable taua muru. Had he removed all his propert\' the friends of his discarded wife \\ould have been justified — in their own eyes — in raiding his relati\es. Two da\'S after the elopement the taua muru arri\'ed at the home which was about to be broken uj). The forsaken wife was there, by no means broken-hearted. Indeed it was a nois\', jubilant. jo\ial company of marauders. The greater piart of a long morning was occupied in collecting the plunder — naiueh'. bags of maize, quantities of kumeras (sweet potatoesi. rewi (potatoes), and corn; horses, dogs, pigs and poultry, household furniture and utensils. It was a happy procession which wended its way towards the west that evening ; eyer\- member of the company, from the oldest to the youngest, had secured a more or less \aluable souvenir of the day's interesting proceedings. The writer has been informed of a remarkable cause of muru-ing which came to light two years ago, also on the Ba\- of Plenty. A young child, for health reasons, was brought from Tuhoeland to be nursed b\- relatives on the coast. The child died, and its father and his friends unflinchingly harried the liospi table ct)ast- folks." THE FACE OF THE SKY FOR FEBRUARY. Bv W. SHACKLETOX. F.R.A.S.. V.R.C.S. The Sun. — On the 1st the Sun rises at 7.42 and sets at 4.46; on the 2Sth he rises at 6.52 and sets at 5.35. The equation of time is nearly 14 minutes throughout the month, the Sun being later than the clock ; this makes the afternoons longer than the mornings. Sunspots may occasionally be observed, though they are not very numerous. The positions of the Sun's axis, centre of disc, and holiographic longitude are given below : — Date. Axis from ; inclined V. point. Centre of Disc S. of Sun's Eijuator. Ileliographic Longitude of Centre of Disc. Ian. 51 -. i "" 40' W 6° I' 259° 28' Feb. 5 .. 13" 4r\v 6° 20' 19.!° 38' ,, lo .. 15^ 36' w 6° 38' 127^ 48' ., IS .. I?" 22' VV 6° 52' 61" 58' ., 20 .. IS" 59' ^\' f 2' 356° 7' ,, 2S .. 20- 29'\V 7" 10' 290"" 1 6' Mai. 2 21" 4S'\V 7 14' 224° 24' ,, 7 ■■ 1 ~^ 5S'\V ■^' '5' i5«° 32' Towards the end of February and early March the Zodiacal Light should be looked for in the West, ijiiiiiediately after Sunset. The Moon : — Date. Phases. 11. .M. Feb. 6 . , :; 2^ : Mar. I . •' 7 - jj First Quarter 0 Full Moon Last Quarter ... # New Moon '^ First Quarter - 3 2.S p.m. 10 38 a.m. 3 44 a.m. 0 31 a.ni. 11 2 p.m. Feb. 9 ... ., 21 ... .M.ir. 6 ... Perigee Apogee Perigee .. 4 54 P '"■ 4 30 P-i"- 4 3° P-iii- OccULT.\TlONS. — The following are the principal occulta- tions visible in this country : — D.ile. .Star's Name Disappearance. Reappearance. Mean Angle from N. Mean .•\iigle_ from N. IS Time. point. E. Time. point. Feb. 7 A' Tauri 4-5 p.m. 5.26 8° p.m. 6.4 104° .. 1 1 \ Cancri 59 5-50 102° 6.SS 272" " 13 42 Leoiiis 6- 1 8.57 103° 10.5 306" .. 15 I) \ iiginis 5 ' - 8.24 .1.111. 89" 9-17 a.m. 327" ,, 21 S .Sciirpii 25 2-4 39° 2.20 14- ,, 21 B-'-VC. 5335 ■ 5' 7 5 47 1..111. '31' 7-5 269^' Mar. 6 A^ T.iuii 4-5 H..57 71" 0 47 270" THE PLANETS. Mercury — Date. Right Ascension. Declination. Feb. I ... ,, II ... 2 1 Mar. 3 .. ll. 111. 19 to 20 0 20 59 22 2 .S 21- 26' 21 7' 18 48' S 14" iS' Mercury is a mt ..ing star throughout the :nonth, rising in the S.E. by E. at about 5.30 a.m. The planet is at greatest Westerly elongation g_ 25" 17' on Febru;:ry 2nd; the elongation is moderately favourable and about iJ:": date one has the best chance of seeiii:^ this elusive planet, il^ugb it will be necessary to observe before 7 a.m. Venus: — Date. Right Ascension. Declination. Feb. I .. ., II ., 21 Mar. 3 .. ll. m. 22 I 22 48 23 34 0 19 S 13" 46' 9" 11' S 4° It' N i' 0' Venus is ,tn e\ening star in Virgo, setting about two hours after the Sun towards the end of the month, and thus obser\able for a short time in the West, immediately after Sunset. In the telescope the planet appears nearly at "full," O-q? of the disc being illuminated, with an apparent diameter of 10". M.-\RS : D.ite. Right Ascension. Declination. Feb. t ... ,, II ... ., 21 . Mar. 3 ... h. m. 18 2 iS 33 ■9 5 .9 37 S 23'-' 40' 23" 44' 23'-' 15' S 22"' 22' Mars is visible in the mornings, rising about 5.15 a.m. near the middle of February. The planet is situated in Sagittarius, but is rather an inconspicuous object and ill-suited for observing through the telescope, the apparent diameter of the disc being less than 5". Jui'lTER : — Date. Right Ascension. Declination. Feb. I . II ... ,, 21 ... Mar. 3 ... ll. 111. 14 45 14 48 14 50 14 50 S 14° 42' 14° 53' 14° 5S' S 14° s«' Jupiter rises in the E.S.E. before midni.ght at the end of the month ; on the 1st February he rises at 1.20 a.m., and on the 1st March at 11.35 p.m. The planet, with his bright moons, dark equatorial belts and spots, is an interesting object even in small telescopes. He is in quadrature on the 3rd February, and at the stationary point on the 1st March. The equatorial diameter of the planet is JS", whilst the polar diameter is 2"-5 smaller. This polar fl.attening is readily observed in telescopes powerful enough to see the belts, but the satellites may be seen in small telescopes, such as deer-stalkers of about li inches aperture, or even in a good pair of prismatic binoculars magnifying eight times. The Moon appears near the planet on the 19th. 65 66 KNOWLEDGE. Febru.\ry, 1911. Saturn :- Date. - Right Ascensi-.n. Declinalion. Feb. I ... ., i6 ... Mar. 3 .. h. n^. I .— '2. I .: 6 N 9'^ 26' 9" 50' .\ 10" 20' Saturn is gettir :;: r- to the West, but is observable throughout the mcr.ch l\i 10 p.m. The planet is a ^c~' icuous object in the South-West portion of the sky. and a" ■ .s in Pisces about ten de.^'rees South of a Arietis. Obse:-. :j in the telescope, the ring appears open fairly wide, =iriCC e are looking on the Southern surface at an angle of 1. ". "The apparent diameters of the outer major and minor a:..-; of the ring are 40" and 12" respectively, whilst the diamel,-- of the ball is 16". In the telescope, in addition to the ring, t!..' belts on the planet's disc — although not so conspicuous as ti.ose on Jupiter — may easily be discerned. The Moon aprars near the planet on the 5th. L'kaxus:- - Daie. Right -Ascension. Declinatii in. Feb. I . Mar. I ... h. 19 19 111. s. .i3 20 59 36 S 21^- 24' S 21- -■ 3 13" Uranus is a morning star, rising about 6.30 a.m. near the middle of the month, and for all practical purposes is unobservable. Neptune : — Date. Right .Ascension. Declination. Feb- I ... Mar. I .. h. m. s. 7 24 2S 7 -' 50 \ 2." 25' i" .\ 21- 2S' 45- Neptune is situated in Gemini, about three-and-a-half degrees South-East of the star 5 Geminorurn. The planet is on the meridian about 9.40 p.m. near the middle of the month, and is practically above the horizon the whole night through- out the month. He is difficult to detect exxept in large telescopes, but he may be identified in small telescopes by his relative motion if successi\e observations are made some few days apart. Meteor Showers: — Date. Radiant. Near to Characlejistics K.A. 1 Ire. Feb. s-io ., ' 15 20 h. 111. 5 " ■5 44 12 4 + 41 + ir + 34" J) -Vurigae a Serpcnti.s Cor Caroli Slow ; bright. Swift ; streaks Swift : bright. Minimaof Algol occur on the 19th at 8.38 p.m.. and on the 22nd at 5.27 p.m. The period is 2'* 20"" 49"" from which data other minima ni.H\' he calculated. Mira lo Cetil is due at miniiniun on February 26th. its magnitude being about 8-5. Double Stars. — Castor, separation 5'-5, mags. 2-7, 3-7. Excellent object for small telescopes. The bri,ghtest pair to be observed in this country ; can always be relied upon as a good show object. K Geminonim, separation 6"-j, mags. 4. 8-5 ; very pretty double. fCancri, separation 0"'9, 5"-2, mags. 5-5, 6-5, 7-5; with small telescopes the wider component is readily seen. " Draconis, separation 61"-7, mags. 4-6, 4-6 ; a pretty and easy double; can be separated by observing with a pair of opera glasses. Clusters. — M 44, the Praesepe in Cancer, visible to the naked eye as a nebulous patch, best seen and easily resolvable with a pair of opera or field glasses. On accoimt of the scattered nature of the group the cluster effect is lost when observed with a telescope unless very low powers be employed. Situated about midway, and a little to the West of, the line joining a and <> Cancri. THE .AS.SOCI.ATI()N Ol- PUBLIC .SCIIooL .SCIHX'CE M.A.STER.S .At a general meeting held at the Limdoii Day Training College, on January 11th, Sir Kay Lankester, F.K.S., the President of the Association of Public School Science Masters, gave an address upon "' Compulsory Science versus Compul- sory Greek." So far as his own experience went, he condemned public schools. At the one which he himself attended, he maintamed that he learnt nothing, though he was at the top of his various forms, and finished as the head boy. He thought that all the ptiblic schools should be day schools, that no master should be allowed to keep a boarding-house, being paid sufficiently well to make it umiecessary. and that only the very ablest teachers should be employed. He urged that the boy should have home surroundings, plenty of time to himself, and a place in which he could work undisturbed. Sir Kay Lankester brought many arguments to bear against compulsory Greek, and among the strongest of these were the following: — That althotigh Latin had in times gone by been a necessity to the educated man. and was reijuired if the scientific progress of the day was to be followed, the intention of learning Greek was to be able to read the works of the Greek authors in their own tongue. Many of the translations which exist render this unnecessary, and as an answer to the contention that Greek should be studied because classical men appreciated the Greek ideals, a translation was given of Aristotle's descrip- tion of what constituted a good education. This coincided almost exactly with what a scientific man would lay down to-day. In conclusion, a detailed scheme of work beginning with what Sir Kay Lankester called Equipment Studies, was laid down, and the way in which it could be carried out with efficiency was outlined. .-Vmong the Equipment Studies were these, in the order in which they were given: — English language, Latin, French. German, and .Arithmetic. .After the Presidential address, Mr. .A. V'assall (Harrow) dealt with the education of a medical student. He pointed out some common misunderstandings with regard to the powers and functions of the General Medical Council, and thought that if there was a movement in favour of one central qualifying body, the latter would probably be the Council in question. "The .Association," he said, "must watch that this does not happen without the Head-masters' Conference being aware of it, otherwise, when it was too late, public schools would find themselves biu'dened with yet one more syllabus forced upon them as necessary for a good general education." (Jn the second da\- of the meeting, among the subjects down for discussion were the teaching of English in connection with science lessons, introduced by Mr. W. D. Eggar (Eton), and the use of the wave theory and of rays in teaching light. NOTES. ASTRONOMY. By F. A. Bellamy. M.A.. F.K.A.S. THE ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY OF BAKCl^LONA. — The first annual meeting of this Society was held on the 8th December last, when, in accordance with the rules, the new president and executive council were elected. Interesting addresses were delivered by the retiring President on the progress of astronomical science during the year 1910, and by the Secretary on the development of the Society since its foundation. The inaugural meeting of the Society was held on the 30th January, 1910, at the University of Barcelona, as a result of the laboin's of Don Salvador Kaurich, who had been carrying out valuable educational work in the city by means of popular articles on astronomical and allied subjects, contributed to the columns of Las Noticias. a well-Unown Barcelona journal. There were present at the inaugural meeting ninety persons from all branches of Society, including several professors of science from neighbouring colleges. Dr. Esteban Terradas, Professor of Science in the University of Barcelona, was elected first President, and a strong executive council was formed. In April, King Alphonso became a life member, and was elected Honorary President. In July, the first number of the monthly Bulletin was published, and this is nowe.xchanged with all the leading societies and observatories. In the following month a prize medal was coined from the designs of Don Dionysius Kenart. At the present time the membership numbers two hnndred-and-thirty, and as a result of the first year's work the Society finds itself with a bank balance of ;^80, after paying all expenses. In the future it is intended to devote the accumulated funds of the Society to the erection and ecjuipment of an observatory, where members may meet regularly, in a social way. for practical observation and the informal discussion of questions of astronomical interest. In the meantime, arrangements have been made with those members possessing private observatories to allow other members access thereto on specified occasions. During the year eight lectures on astronomical subjects have been delivered in the Grand Saloon of the University of Barcelona, and numerous addresses on a smaller scale were given on practical spectroscopy and general astronomy in the private observatories of certain members. The following is a list of the officers of the Society for the year 1911 : — President: Professor Eduardo Fontsere, D.Sc, Chief of the Time Service of Barcelona. Vice-Presidents: Professor Luis Canalda :ind Don Ferdinand Tallada. Secretary : Don Salvador Kaurich. Vice-Secretary : Don A. Pulve. Treasurer: Professor M. Font y Torne, M.D. Other Members of the Council : Professor Ignacio Tarazona, Professor of Astronomy in the Univer- sity of Valencia; Dr. Enrique Calvet ; Don Jose Subiranas, and Don Juan Mercadal. The address of the Secretary is Diagonal, 462, Barcelona, where all communications should be addressed. The Society is entering upon its second year of acti\ity with bright prospects, and is very successfully cultivating a taste for astronomical study among all classes in Spain. WlLLL\M PORTHOUSE. PRELIMINARY GENERAL CATALOGUE ()F 61,SS STARS. — The publication of this catalogue is the most important piece of computational work of its kind since the British Association Catalogue of 8377 Stars was compiled and published under the direction of F. Baily, about sixty years ago. Both these works differ from most other star catalogues in that they are not composed of observations made with one instrument or at one observatory, but the observations are collected from the best star-catalogues and records mostl\- already published at various institutions. The main principle pervading this work of Professor Boss is to determine accurate positions for a definite epoch, 1900'0, — we heartily welcome the adoption in meridian catalogues of such very convenient epochs as 1900, 1925, 1950, and so on, rather than the usual plan of taking the mean epoch of the observations, so any odd year may result, — of all stars observed that indicate a proper motion of 10" a century, together with a number of other stars of less motion included for various reasons: the computation of the motions of all these stars became the primary aim. Compiling these results in catalogue form was considered the best way of exhibiting them. The stars included in these 6188 are chiefly stars visible without a telescope, therefore of the sixth magnitude and brighter; there are 4030 of these, 1919 north stars, and 2111 south stars; of the 2158 remaining, all fainter than the sixth magnitude, most of them are stars observed by James Bradley about one hundred and fifty years ago. A preliminary' piece of work of fundament^d importance was the preparation and publication of a Catalogue of 627 Principal Standard Stars. In that were described the methods employed, and upon those star places the present catalogue of 61SS stars was based. During the progress of the work it became manifest that a great extension of the scope of the work upon a '"general catalogue" was desirable. Certain materials for a catalogue of 25000 stars, to about the seventh magnitude, were available ; but to include all these additional stars would require re-observation of a great number ; besides, the increased time and expense required would be very great. The Carnegie Institution of Washington having agreed to provide the money for this greater proposal. Professor Boss decided to complete and publish the smaller work to the sixth magnitude, much on the lines as planned, depending upon other observatories' work, and to treat the greater catalogue as an independent piece of research work, which it certainly will be, as all the 25000 stars will be specially re-observed at two places in order to produce more homogeneous results. A list of catalogues from 1755-1900, which have been used in the compilation, is given in the Introduction. It should be noticed that, differing from the usual practice, the correction for eliminating the effects of the magnitude-equation has been included in the right ascensions at the rate of '"OOS per magnitude (on Pogson's scale of log. ratio, '4). The magnitudes have been taken from Chandler's Normal Uranometry (in MS. only), wherein the light ratio '36 is used instead of Pogson's '4, hitherto almost universally used by astronomers ; it is to be presumed that there is sufficient reason in that unpublished work for this change, otherwise the change is to be regretted. The result is that a magnitude- equation determined in conformity with the Pogson scale (log. '4) should be multiplied by 0'9 in order to reduce it to the scale of this catalogue, or I'icc versa. A large amount of valuable information is given concisely in the Introduction, and there are three appendices. Appendix I contains ephemerides of Polar stars between 1900 and 1925. Appendix II contains important notes upon certain special stars, mostly binaries. Appendix III, pages 279-345, has involved almost as much work as the actual catalogue, and is of little less importance. It gives concisely the systematic corrections to each catalogue used, the corrections used for magnitude-equation, and the value or weights given to each catalogue. Altogether, it is a most valuable contribution to accurate astronomy, as distinct from the speculative side ; it is beautifully printed, and forms Publication No. 115 of the Carnegie Institution of Washington. Professor Boss acknow- ledges his indebtedness to that Institution, to Dr. S. C. Chandler, to Mr. .A. J. Roy, Mr. W. B. \'arnum. Miss B. Benway, and Mr. B. Boss, for their zeal and help in the work. F. A. B. 67 6S KNOWLEDGE. February, 1911. VARIABLE OR NOVA LACEKTAE (ESPIM.— The beginning and end of the year I'ilO were characterized by important astronmnical discov.-ries ; the beginning was by the Daylight comet, the end b\' a bright New star, which is appropriate at this particular season of Epiphany. " Kiel 6.55 p.m.. received a! Oxford 7.33 p.m., December 31st, 1910. " To University Obs._r\ator:.-. Oxford. " Nova Lacertae Kspin Tow Law 30080 December 07359 Greenwich 33802 03744 72239 47224 Helle Linien." Thus runs the telesiMtn received by the subscribers to the Central Office for .Astionomical Telegrams conducted by Dr. Kobold at Kiel. Its meaning is that the Rev. T. E. Espin. M..A., F.R.A..S.. lornierly of Exeter College, Oxford, and now the Rector at Wolsingham. Tow Law. near Darlington, by assiduousiv warching the sky and examining the stars for duplicity and variability, was able to detect the appearance of a b::tjiit star of about the seventh magnitude near the edge o; the constellation Lacerta, towards Cepheus, at R.A. 22" iZ'° 10" 15' 21"+52= (1911). and in the Milkv Way. about 6 p.m., on December 30th. Reference to maps failed to show any star in that position, and upon examination with a -pectroscope, bright lines were noticed in such positions as indicated the star to be a new one, or one variable in magnitude. The evening of December 31st was very cloudy. At Oxford, on January 1st, two photographs of the region were taken with four exposures of a few minutes each, and the results of the measurement of one of these plates were communicated to the Royal Astronomical Society's meeting on January 13th, and will be published in the Monthly Xoticcs in February. Photometric and eye estimations of its magnitude have been made by Mr. Espin. and at the observatories at Greenwich, Cambridge, Oxford (both obser- vatories). Harvard College (U.S.A.) ; the magnitude was made out to be between 7'0 and 8'0, or one-and-a-half magnitudes brighter than the star near it. Various observers have noted it as "red"; the writer has not yet been able to make it deeper than " orange." and to him it appears to have nothing of the " Hind"s crimson," R. or S. Cephei hue about it. The magnitudes deduced from photographic plates, however, do not fit in with the general ideas of chemical action, colour, and photographic results ; for, if the colour be red or orange and less actinic to the sensitive film of a mono- chromatic plate (with emulsion such as is generally in use for hand-camera and extra-rapid work), one would expect to get a smaller image of it on the photograph than of a normal star, both being determined by photometric or visual observation to be of the same magnitude, say se\en. But the photographs appear to give the magnitude on January 1st and 2nd as 6'7 or 6'6, or about two-thirds of a magnitude brighter than by other methods. During the first part of January the star changed or lost little, if any, of its brightness, Mr. F. \V. Dyson, the Astronomer-Royal, has received information from the Harvard College Observatory that the new star was visible on photographs exposed there on November 23rd, 1910, when its magnitude was determined to be equal to 9 Lacertae, or 5'0 photographically, and, there- fore, quite visible without optical aid. The interesting feature in the examination of the Harvard store of photographs, going back many years, is that, on November 19th the star was not visible, i.e., it was probably fainter than the eleventh magnitude, if at all visible in the sky ; it was again photo- graphed on December 7th, but, in spite of the large number of telescopes, photographs, and keen observers searching the sky, this naked-eye star was not detected until December 30th, by Mr. Espin. Though some are disposed to consider the discovery to be merely that of a variable, because rumours have been current that Dr. Max Wolf has photographs, taken nearly twenty years ago, which show a faint star in the position of the Nova. — but we must wait for accurate measures, before accepting this information — there is plenty of evidence for us to consider it to be as much a new star as others. The immense and nominally instantaneous brightening up by eight, ten, or more magnitudes — as in the most prominent cases of T. Coronae (1868), Nova .Andromedae (1885), Nova .Aurigae (1S92), Nova Persei (1901), and Nova Geminorum (19031 — classify these Novae as being of a different order from all known \ariable stars, though their spectra may be similar. Two questions arise and present themselves for astronomers to solve, now that thousands of photographs, taken during the last thirty years, are available for reference. When is a Xova not a Xova ? And who is to be entitled to the credit of the discovery in such cases as Nova Geminorum and the star which is the subject of this note ? Surely not the one who first saw or photographed it. but the one who first drew the attention of the astronomical world to it. t- a u THE PRESENT STATE OF VARIABLE STAR WORK (II). — For the sake of convenience the following survey of variable star work has been arranged under the heading of countries, taken approximately in the order of their respective importance as regards this matter. I have made no attempt to write an historical sketch and, there- fore, have confined myself essentially to present facts. As it may be easily understood, "absolute" completeness in such a work is difficult to attain : many astronomers have made purely accidental discoveries of variable stars in the course of other duties — such as observations of planets, comets, and double stars, zone observations, measures and comparisons of celestial photographs — without being really interested in this branch of astronomy, and it could be hardly possible to include their names here. I am satisfied, however, that no essential fact has been overlooked in the following. Germany. — If the height of scientific activity resides in care, spirit of enterprise, continuity, abundance and accuracy of bibliographical sources and especially " thoroughness," rather than in multiplicity of discoveries, one must admit that German astronomers, following the glorious steps of their great Argelander, the initiator of the " science " of variable stars, always took the lead in this branch of astronomy, A good deal of this result, in modern years, is undoubtedly due to the \ivid interest shown in stellar photometry by the " Astronomische Gesellschaft," an international association of (principally professional German. Austrian, Scandinavian and Russian) astronomers, established in Leipzig in 1865. The " A.G.," as it is generally named for the sake of brevity, whose star catalogues are well known everywhere, controls three organizations of importance connected with our special subject. (1) .\ "Committee on Variable Stars." at present com- posed of Professor N. C. Duner. director of the University Observatory of Upsala (Sweden). Professor Dr. Ernst Hartwig, director of the Remeis Observatory in Bamberg (Bavaria), and Professor Dr. G. Miiller, chief astronomer at the Royal Astrophysical Observatory of Potsdam (Prussia). When, in 1901 (See Astronoiiiical Journal, Nos. 491-492 and Nos. 505-506), Mr. Seth C, Chandler, of Boston, to whom I will refer afterwards, declared that he was going to give up the important and strenuous task of collecting all available information on variable stars, and cease to assign definitive names to those whose elements were sufficiently known, a work which he had carried on for years with a great skill, the .\.Ci. Committee on Variable Stars which, at the time, comprised also the Dutch Professor Oudemans, since deceased, at once took over the matter and has directed it ever since with a great exactness. Professor Miiller especially taking a great share in the work. The Committee has made special and very wise rules (fully explained in Astroiioiiiisclie Xachrichten 171, 347) for the admission of suspected \ariable stars among the number of those to which definitive letters are affixed, the principal of them being that the range of light variation ought to be at least half a magnitude, that the character of this variation must be, at least roughly, indicated, and that it must have been confirmed by at least one other observer than the discoverer. Save some critical views uttered by that other well-known authority, Professor E. C. Pickering (See Annals of Harvard College Observatory, Vol. Iv., page 87), and which serve only to demonstrate the fact that no human work February, 1911. KNOWLEDGE. 69 can reach perfection, the verdicts of the Committee have always met with the approval of the astronomical world, and received unanimous praise. Once a year, generallj- in the month of November or so, the Committee publishes, in the Axtronoiiiische Xacliriclitcii. a list of lettered variables, giving in tabular form, their name, provisional number, position for 1855.0 and 1900.0, value of precession, magnitudes at maximum and minimum, and indication whether these magnitudes are visual or photo- graphical. This list is supplemented by notes giving refer- ences to catalogues ("Bonner Durchmusterung," or "'A.G." numbers), indicating the name of the discoverer and "supporter," and giving a short historical sketch, with elements, colour, and other notes. (2) The Astronomische Nacliriclitcn (.4.A'.), the lead- ing astronomical paper of the world, is published at Kiel (Schleswig-Holstein), at the rate of one or two numbers, generally of eight pages (or si.xteen " columns " as they are numbered) a week, twenty-four numbers forming one volume. The character of this paper is thoroughly international and, though many papers are printed in the German language. French, English, Italian, Spanish, and even Latin memoirs are not uncommon. The Astroiioniisclie Xachrichten. founded by H. C. Schumacher, in 1821, September, and therefore the oldest amongst astronomical journals, is about to publish its one hundred and eighty-seventh volume Icomnienc- ing with Xo. 4465, issued 1911, January 12thl, and is under the editorship of Professor Dr. Hermann Kobold, astronomer at the Observatory of Kiel's University, who also directs the Cciitralstelle for the centralization and circulation in Europe of astronomical news. The collection of this paper includes also seventeen more or less extensive complementary numbers or Ergaiiznngshefte and six general tables of contents, a seventh being in course of preparation, as well as reprints of some old volumes. The Astronomische Kachrichtcn contains the greatest part of variable star information and has, for a long time, been the medium through which new discoveries of these objects are announced to the world. In order to avoid confusion and to permit easy references. Professor Kreutz, the fourth editor of the paper (the first was Schumacher), decided, in 1900, to affix a " pro- visional number" to new variables, pending their definitive lettering by the "A.G." Committee. This series of numbers is begun again every year, from No. 1, the name of the year being affi.xed to the number. So, for example, BD + 7 929 = 47.1910 Orionis=RT Ononis. This is a similar method to that followed for new asteroids, save that a reverse system is in use ; newlj-- discovered small planets receive a double letter with the year prefixed, and are afterwards numbered and named. (3) Some years ago the " Astronomische Gesellschaft." represented by its committee on variables, decided to compile and pubhsh a great catalogue of these objects. As will be seen afterwards, works of this kind have been planned and partly printed elsewhere, but it may be confidently assumed that the bibliographical task now undertaken in Germany will go far beyond all that has been done till to-day, and will form a standard work, whose value, as it approximates to completeness, can hardly be overrated. The catalogue will be divided in four great sections: — 1(tI Variable stars; (6) Suspected variable stars; (c) Variable stars in clusters; (d) New or temporary stars; dealing with one thousand objects. Other somewhat abridged mono- graphs will deal with newly-discovered variables, for which the available material of observation is less abundant. The work will give for each variable the '" complete" bibliographical sources and references, and a thorough discussion of all published (and, in many cases, unpublished) data. It will not include however, some well-known variables on which com- plete monographs have already been published, such as 0 Mira Ceti (Guthnick), x Cygni (Rosenberg), 5 Librae iKron), R Coronae (Ludendorf) and U Geminorum Ivan der Biltl. The discussion of this formidable material, always kept up to date, has been divided among a number of fellow-workers. At the time of writing, the MSS. for seven hundred stars is ready, two hundred are under discussion, and one hundred are still in abeyance. In the course of its twenty-third meeting, recently held in Breslau (see " Knowledge," 1910, November and December), the Society voted a sum of 1,000 marks (i,50) towards the continuation of the work, and 10,000 marks (£500) towards the cost of printing the first part, which may be expected to appear in the course of the present year. Felix de Roy, Honorary Secretary " Societe d'Astror:o:iiie d'Anvers." ( To he continued.) BOTANY. By Professor F. C.-wers, D.Sc. EOCENE FLORAS. — In a recent paper on "An Eocene Flora in Georgia, and the Indicated Physical Conditions," Berry iBot. Gaz., vol. 50, 1910), draw-s an interesting comparison between the Eocene floras of Em'ope and North America. The Middle Eocene floras of North America, like those of Europe, show distinctly tropical characters, which are absent in the earlier or Lower Eocene. These chiiracters first become marked in the fruits from the London Clay and the leaves from Alum Bay, and in corresponding deposits on the Continent. These floras show much closer affinities with the modern floras of Malaysia and tropical .America than with those of Australia — the supposed Australian affinities of the Eocene floras may now be regarded as an exploded myth. The Eocene genus Nipadites corresponds exactly with the modern Palm genus Nipa. which inhabits the tidal waters of the Indian Ocean, and ranges from India, through the Malay Archipelago, to the Philippines. The Xipa sv\amps of the Eocene period ranged northwards in Europe to southern England, and though Nipadites does not occur (so far as known) in the Eocene of America, the latter shows various forms, either identical with, or allied to, the plants associated with Xipcidifes in the Eocene of Europe, including various tropical Ferns. The existing flora of Florida, the Bahamas and Bermuda contains a large element which has been derived in comparatively recent geological times from the south, but the main elements of these modern floras were already in existence in the Middle Eocene, if not earlier. There is abundant e\ idence that nearly all modern plant families, excepting such specialised forms as the Orchidaceae among Monocotyledons and the Compositae and their allies among Dicotyledons, were at one time more widely distributed than they are at present, and that the details of modern geographical distribution represent in a less degree the interchange of types between different areas than they do the greater or less degree of segregation of descendants of forms once spread over much wider areas. The strictly modern mo\ement of the subtropical flora along the course of the Gulf Stream has been from the south, northward, as the various coral islands of the Bahamas became evolved. This dispersal was preceded by a similar spread of the tropical flora on a much more extended scale during the early Tertiary. AFFINITIES OF CACTACEAE.— The Cactaceae have attracted a large amount of attention recently. A special German journal has been founded to deal exclusi\ely with this family of plants, and some interesting observations and speculations have been made by \arious writers regarding the affinities of the family and its position in the natural system. The Cactaceae have for long been regarded as an isolated group of obscure affinities, and in different systems of classification they occupy very ^-arious positions. Although the Cactaceae are highly specialisedasregards their vegetative characters, there are many features in their floral structure that indicate affinities with the cohort Kanales, w^hich includes the orders Nymphaeaceae (Water-Ulies), Magnoliaceae (Tulip- tree, and so on), and Ranunculaceae, besides others. The most striking of these " Ranalian " characters are : (1) the numerous spirally arranged sepals, petals, stamens, and carpels : (2) the occurrence in some cases of a gradual transition from sepals to petals ; (3) the insertion in some cases of the sepals and petals on the outer surface of a receptacle cup in which the carpels are embedded. There is 70 KNOWLEDGE. February, 1911. an especially striUing similarity between the flowers of such Cacti as Pilocereiis and such Nyniphaeaceae as Victoria and Euryulc. The suggestion ol ;i " Raualian " ancestry for the Cacti, based on the structure of the flowers, is greatly strengthened by the recent work of Miss de Fraine (Ann. Bot.. IQlOi on the structure of the transition region between stem and root in the seedliny- of various members of this order. It was found that in tht so c'acti which have the least modified seedlings — those in v.hich we should expect to find that ancestral characters would be retained — the same t\-pe of transition of the vascular bundle system occurs as in certain Ranunculaceae. Miss Sargant (Ann. Bot.. 1900) showed that this particui.sv zyve of transition structure pointed to the origin of the >ic:-jcotyledon3 from Dicotyledons allied to Kanuncul.iceae. CHKMl.S FRY. B\- C. .\INSW0RTH Mitchell. B..\. lO.xon.), F.I.C. STl- KILISATION OF W.\TER BV MEANS OF ULTRA-VIOLET RAYS.— The use of ultra-violet rays for the effective sterilisation of large quantities of water has been made the subject of several recent patents, and processes based upon the principle have been adopted in many places. It has been demonstrated by Messrs. L'rbain, Seal and Feige, iCuniptcs Rend.. 1910, CLI., 770.) that the most important factor in this method of sterilisation is that there should be uniform exposure of the particles of water to the source of light. In some types of apparatus this condition is attained by enclosing the mercury vapour lamp in .a box with three quartz sides, round which the water is made to flow in a semi-circular trough in such a way that it moves alternately towards and away from the lamp, which forms the centre of the semi-circle. Again, in the apparatus constructed by Urbain and his collaborators, the water is made to circulate in a spiral within a cylinder about two-and-a-half yards in diameter, the opening into which is concentric with its axis. The water being forced into this cylinder at a tangent, whorls round so as to leave a nearly vertical cavity in the centre, and within this is suspended the lamp. Under these conditions, the maximum distance of the water from the source of light is about forty-two inches, and the minimum distance about three-and-a-half inches, while the period of exposure is about three minutes. The positive electrode of the lamp is composed of aluminium, coated with a thin layer of iron, while the negative electrode consists of carbon. The yield of sterilised water obtained from an apparatus of this Uind ranges from ten to fifty cubic metres per hour, the average quantity being about twenty metres. A sterilising plant based upon this principle has been erected at N'euilly-sur-Marne, and gives a supply of sufficiently sterile water at an expenditure of twenty watts per cubic metre. THE WATER OF GREAT SALT LAKE.— An interest- ing series of analyses of water from Great Salt Lake is published by Messrs. Ebaugh and MacFarlane (/. hid. Eng. Chain., 1910, II, 4541, showing the variations in the amount of saline constituents during the last forty years. During the four years of drought ending in 1904, the level of the water fell to such an extent that the idea of the lake becoming dry was seriously entertained ; but after the succession of wet years since that date, there is more likelihood of the surrounding country becoming flooded. These extremes are reflected in the composition of the water at the different periods, the specific gravity and the total solids showing an enormous decrease since the close of the dry period. Thus, in October. 1903, the water had a specific gravity of U2206, and contained 3,iiS'36 grammes per litre of total solids, whereas in October, 1909, the specific gravity was ri561, and the total solids were only 242'25 grammes per litre. The composition of the water varies at different periods of the year, the proportion of dissolved salts being greater in the autumn. A NEW METHOD OF PREPARING ARfiON.— A rapid method of obtaining large quantities of argon is described by M. G. Claude in a recent issue of the Coniptcs Rend.. (1910, Vol. CLI, 752). Oxygen obtained in the liquefaction of air is used as the source, for it has been found that the chief impurity in the oxygen is argon, the volatility of which is intei-mediate to that of oxygen and of nitrogen. To separate the argon, which then often exceeds three per cent., the oxygen is absorbed by means of copper, and the nitrogen by magnesium. For this purpose the gas is passed through a red-hot copper tube charged with reduced metallic copper and copper filings, and on leaving this passes through a red-hot iron tube containing magnesium powder. Lastly, it is passed through a tube of silica containing copper oxide to absorb any hydrogen derived from moisture in the oxygen or in the copper. From eight to twelve litres of pure argon may be obtained by means of this apparatus in about two hours, after which the copper becomes spent, and must be regenerated by a current of hvdrogen. 'the SOYA BEAN INDUSTRY.— The importance of soya beans as a new commercial product may be gathered from the fact that during the year 1909, upwards of five hundred thousand tons were imported into this country from China, and were utilised in the manufacture of oil and of seed cake for cattle. Prior to 190S only small consignments had been imported, but the great scarcity of fats and oils required for the manufacture of soap induced the manufacturers to make experiments with every kind of oil, and as soya bean oil was found well suited for the production of soft soaps and, in admixture with other fats, for hard soaps, it speedily estab- lished its present position. The beans, which are used in China and Japan in the preparation of soy sauce and other food products, yield, when pressed, about 10 per cent, of a vellow oil, which has weak drying properties and possesses many points of resemblance to cotton seed oil. The oil is used for food in China, and has been tried for the same purpose in this country, .attempts have also been made to employ it in place of linseed oil in the manufacture of paints and linoleum, but its inferior drying properties h.ive prevented its application in this direction. The beans contain about forty per cent, of protein substances and twenty-three per cent, of carbohydrates, and the residue from which the oil has been expressed is thus a valuable feeding stuff'. Unsuccessful attempts have been made to acclimatize the soya bean in Germany, but the plant has already been introduced into West Africa and the southern part of North .America, with every prospect of success. GEOLOGY. Bv Rfssi;i L V. (iwiXNELL. B.Sc. A.R.C.S.. F.G.S. A CENTRAL AFRICAN GLACIER of Triassic age is dealt with by Messrs. Ball and Shaler in the Journal of Geology, November-December, 1910. The glacial features occur in the Lubilache formation of the Belgian Congo (better known as the "Congo Free State"). This formation consists mainly of alternating beds of sandstones and shales of Triassic age. It is concluded from the evidence that a glacier or glaciers pushed in a tongue down the present valley of the Lualaba Ri\er ; from the fact that large boulders probably dropped by icebergs are found at least two hundred feet abo\e the base of the formation, it is believed that long after the glacier had retreated toward the south, glaciers still existed to the south-east. This glacial epoch must therefore have been of a considerable duration. The glacial features presented are : — (1) Striations having the characteristics of glacial striations, on pebbles in the basal conglomerate of this series, indicating morainal origin. (2) The tongue-like form of the basal beds and the character of this conglomerate, including the size of the boulders, the lack of assortment, the patchy arrangement of the material and the preponderance of boulders of local origin. (3) Erratic boulders, presumably dropped by icebergs, occurring in shales of this series. (4) Probable glacial scratches, crescentic gouges and smooth- ings on the surfaces of older rocks upon which the Lubilache was laid down. IGNEOUS ROCK COMPOSITION.— Several petrologists have calculated, from large collections of published analyses, the " average composition " of an igneous rock. In some February. 1911. KNOWLEDGE. 71 cases no account is taken of the relative masses ot the rocks represented by the analyses, in others these relative masses are reckoned with as far as possible. By the former method the average igneous rock appears to have a composition close to that of many pyroxene andesites and quartz-mica-diorites : in passing it is interesting to note that these are extremeh' conunon rock types. By the second method Professor Vogt finds the average rock to be far more acid — with about 74% of silica — and thus corresponding with a granite in this respect. In " An Introduction to Petrology" (19101, Mr. F. P. Mennell tackles the subject by this second method, dealing with the rocks mapped in the neighbourhood of Bulawayo, in Rhodesia. Putting minor rock types into one or other of larger groups, he estimates eleven thousand nine hundred and sixty square miles of igneous rock (assumed to extend one mile vertically downwards) to be made up as follows : — Granite, eleven thousand six hundred and seventy cubic miles : syenite, forty ; picrite, two hundred and forty ; dolerite and basalt, ten ; and the average silica percentage becomes nearly seventy. If this is fairly repre- sentative of other large areas of the earth, it would indicate that granite represents the average composition of the igneous rocks. A somewhat similar problem is attacked by R. .A.. Daly in " The Average Chemical Composition of Igneous Rock Types" (Proc. Anier. Acad. Arts and Sciences, xlv., 1910'. The author, using various collections of analyses, calculates the average chemical composition of ninety-eight principal igneous rock types, and incidentally these may be used as a basis for finally calculating the " average igneous rock." The relative uniformity in the soda percentage of the more abundant types is specially noted in its bearing on the origin of oceanic sodium, and therewith, on the problem of the age of the earth. The striking similarit\- of the axerage granite analysis to the average analysis of the base (ground mass) in augite andesite. and the equally close resemblance of the average diorite analysis to the arithmetical mean of a\erage basalt and granite, are illustrated. The same author discusses the " Origin of the Alkaline Rocks" in Bulletin Geol. Soc. America, xxi. (1910). It is usually recognised that there are two great branches of igneous rocks — the " alkaline " (rich in soda and potash), corresponding in a general way with the areas of the Atlantic type of coast- line .as defined by Suess, and the '" sub-alkaline " or " lime- alkaline," corresponding with the Pacific type. In the present paper. Dr. Daly states that no alkaline province can be described .as free from sub-alkaline eruptives. especially those of basaltic or granitic types. Emphasis is laid on the indisputable fact that the visible volume of all alkaline rock- bodies is a very minute quantity as compared with the visible volume of sub-alkaline eruptive bodies. An inductive study shows that most alkaline rocks cut thick masses of limestone or other calcareous sediments. This fact suggests the hypothesis that the absorption of carbonate disturbs the chemical equilibrium of sub-alkaline magma in such manner that alkaline fractions are produced by differentiation. Most of the alkaline species are ascribed to the interaction of basaltic magma and limestone (or dolomite), but more acid magma is also sensitive to the solution of carbonate. The hypothesis explains the concentration of alkalies, the desilica- tion shown by the crystallisation of nepheline, leucite, corundum, and so on ; the extreme variability of alkaline bodies in mineralogical and chemical composition, the occurrence of such lime-bearing materials as melilite, scapolite. melanite. and so on, and COj-bearing minerals, as cancrinite and primary calcite. ,\lkaline rocks of exception.al interest are found in Ayrshire, and neighbouring parts of Scotland. .\ preliminary account of some of the types is supplied by Mr. G. W. Tyrrell {Trans. Geol. Soc. Gtasgoic. vol. xiii.. pt. iii.), who promises a more detailed paper on the subject. Teschenite. essexite and trachyte are among the types, and some of the rocks contain much analcime, which appears to be primary. Thus there is an analcime syenite, composed principally of soda-orthoclase. albite and analcime, with purple titaniferous augite. barkevi- kite and aegerine. Another rock is composed principally of analcime, with a little nepheline, crow ded with perfect euhedral barkevikite, sometimes with a little titaniferous augite and plagioclase. In the Geological Magazine for Januar\% 1911, Mr. F. P. Mennell describes dolerites of Rhodesia, containing quartz, either in separate granules or in the form of niicropegmatite. The dolerite dykes penetrate the great .granite masses of the country, and the quartz, when occurring in good-sized corroded fragments, is obviously derived from the granite. In the case of the smaller granules and the micropegmatite, the origin of the quartz is not so clear. The phemonena are, in some respects, closely similar to those which Professor Judd recorded in certain cases, which seemed to him to prove the secondary origin of micropegmatite and the growth of crystals in rock's after their solidification (O.J.G.S.. May, 1889). In the Rhodesian rocks there is clear evidence that the micro- pegmatite fringes represent the sur\ iving portions of crystals which have had their exteriors melted or corroded. " The outgrowths are, therefore, as Judd correctly surmised, of the nature of secondary enlargnients long after the consoli- dation of the original nucleus. Where his suggestion was at fault, was in regarding the regrowth as having taken place at the expense of a non-crystalline ground mass. The outgrowths that we have been discussing are clearly due to the re-crvstal- lisation, under the influence of heat, of the exterior portions of the original crystals, together, in some cases, w ith materials due to reactions with the surrounding crystals or with introduced substances. The light such an observation throws on the occurrences of quartz and micropegmatite among basic rocks, and upon the frequently-noted association of gabbro or dolerite with granophyre. is evident. There seems little doubt that it may usually be ascribed to the partial admixture, prior to intrusion, of acid and basic materials, not necessarily from related magmas, or even entirely of igneous origin." Very similar rocks to these Rhodesian quartz and micro- pegmatite-bearing dolerites were described in the same magazine in July and -August, 1909, in Mr. G. \V. Tyrrell's " Intrusions of the Kilsyth-Croy District." These rocks, from Dumbartonshire. Scotland, are described as granophvric diabase, and the grains of quartz and patches of micro- pegmatite are said to be primary. It is here suggested that the gabbro-granophyre melange rocks owe their origin to the interaction of a normal basalt-magma with a highly siliceous country rock, and that the normal granophyric diabases, with their remarkably constant chemical composition, represent the saturation-point of such a magma with silica. The excess of siliceous matter is believed to be thrown out as a separate body of material, usually consolidating as granophyre, in a manner analagous to the separation of the excess of a salt in a saturated solution. While dealing with rock-magmas and solutions, reference may be made to a paper in the American Journal of Science for January, 1911, — "Solid Solution in Minerals, with Special Reference to Xephelite," by H. W. Foote and W. M. Bradley. It is a well-known fact that there are certain minerals to which no satisfactory chemical formulae can be assigned, which agree with the results of analysis. In general, the composition of a mineral, as obtained in analysis, \aries from the composition of the ideal pure compound for two reasons, apart from errors of analysis. Either there is la I isomorphous replacement of one element or radical by another, or ibj there are mechanical impurities present. The authors call attention to another influence, which must probably be taken into account in cases like that of nepheline (to which the formulae XaAlSiOj and Na<.-\lsSi', and at several stations on every day. The aggregates were less than the average in all districts except Scotland N., where it was double the usual amount. In England N.E., the rainfall amounted to only 0-08 inches, or less than one-sixth the normal. Temperature continued high, and there was excess in each district, as much as 5-0 in Scotland E. The highest reading recorded was 57°, but in all districts readings of 53° and upwards were recorded. The lowest minimum was 27°, at Swarraton, Hants. Bright sunshine was also in excess generally, though some curious anomalies were reported : thus, for instance, at Birr Castle the total duration was 8'2 hours in excess, while at Dublin it was 7'0 hours in defect. The mean temperature of the sea water was higher than in the corres- ponding week of last year by as much as 5° at some stations. The individual readings ranged from 51° at Salcombe, to 40 at Pennan Bay and at Cromarty. The weather of the last week of the year was imsettled, but there were bright periods in most parts, and several dry days. Temperature was rather above the average as a rule, and readings of 50' or above were recorded in all districts except Scotland E. The highest maximum observed was 53° at Killarney and at Jersey, while on the other hand the lowest recorded was 18° at West Linton, on the 28th, and 19° at Llangammarch Wells on the same day. On the grass the temperature fell to 8° at Llangammarch Wells, to 15° at Tunbridge Wells and to 16° at several places. Rainfall was scanty except in Scotland N., the amounts in many places being one-fourth or less of the average ; at Leith the total for the week was only Q-Ol inch. Sunshine was generally in excess, and the largest aggregate recorded, namely 25'3 hours, at Hastings, was 47% of the possible duratiem. On the other hand, at Westminster the total duration was only 2-7 hours or 5 %. The sea temperature showed a considerable decrease as compared with the previous week and ranged from 50" at Scilly and Plymouth to 39° at Cromarty. The weather during the first week of 1911 was generally dull .aid wet, except in the North-West, where it was dry and fine. Temperature was below the average, except in England, N.E., where it was 0°-2 in excess. The defect was, however, as a rule, not of great amount. Individual readings exceeded 50° in most districts, and in Ireland S., on the 7th, 52° was reported, both at Killarney and at Valencia. Frost was experienced in all districts except the English Channel. The lowest of the minima were 16° at Balmoral. 20° at Nairn, West Linton, and Strathpeffer, and 21° at Birr Castle and Cahir, in Ireland S. The readings on the grass were as low as 9° at Llangammarch Wells, and 14' at Balmoral. Rainfall was above the average in England N.E., E., and S.E., but was deficient elsewhere. In Ireland S., the aggregate fall was but little more than half the usual amount. Sunshine was, as usual, greatest where rainfall was least; the percentages of its possible duration ranged from 14% in England, N.E., to 37% in Ireland N. At Westminster the total duration of Sunshine for the week was only 0'6 hours. At .\berdovey it was 2Z'2 hours. A severe thunderstorm, accompanied by snow and hail, was experienced in Norfolk during the early hours of January 2nd. The week ended January 14th was unsettled, with rain during the earlier days and sleet and snow later. Temperature was below the average in England S.W., English Channel, and in Ireland, but abo\e it elsewhere. The departures from the mean, however, were not large. The highest reading was 54 at Killarney on the 8th, and temperatures of 50° or upwards were reported from each district. The lowest minimum was 22 .at Kilmarnock and at Cally, Gatehouse, on the 13th. At several other stations the readings were below 25°. On the grass the temperature fell to 12° at Newton Rigg. and to 14" at Tunbridge Wells. Rainfall also was not far from the mean, being below it in the Midlands, England S.W. and in Ireland ; e(iual to it in England N.W.. and above it in the other districts. The heaviest fall was on the 10th when 1'36 inches fell at Poltalloch, 1-17 inches at Fort William, and 1-04 inches at Aspatria. Sunshine was in excess in all districts except Scotland N., where it was slightly in defect. The greatest divergence from the mean was in England S.W., where the district value for duration was 17 hours as compared with an average of 10 hours. ,'\t Westminster the aggregate was 8T hours (15%) ; at Falmouth 23'8 hours (42%). A thunderstorm occurred at Newcastle-on-Tyne on the 12th. Aurora was seen in Scotland on the 8th. The temperature of the sea water varied from 49 at Scilly and Plymouth to 36" at Cromarty. THE RAINFALL OF 1910.~Dr. H. R. Mill, of the British Rainfall Organization, has an interesting article in the last number of Sv;;K)«s's Meteorological Magazine upon the Rain- fall of the past year. The year was a wet one in nearly all parts of the Kingdom. The principal parts of the country having less than the average amount were Western Ireland (Counties Galway, Mayo, and part of Clare) ; Western Scotland (.Argyll and the Western islands), South-Eastern Scotland and North-Eastern England; and a narrow strip on the coast of South Wales. Each country, however, had an excess, England and Wales of 11%, Scotland 2%, and Ireland 9%. For the British Isles, as a whole, the excess was 8%, February was the wettest month, with 61% excess, and September was the driest month, with 69% defect. September, 1910, was one of the driest Septembers on record, and February was one of the wettest Februaries. The total rainfall for the ten months, January to September, was almost exactly equal to the average fall for the whole \'ear. Since 1889 there has been a marked sequence of two dry years followed by one wet year, but this relation has now broken down, and we have had two wet years in succession. Dr. Mill adds: "It seems possible that the swing of the pendulum is carrying us into a period of predominating wet years, corresponding to the wet period of 1874-1883," February. IPIO. KNOWLEDGE. 73 MICROSCOPY. By A. W. Sheppard, F.R.M.S., with tJic assistance of the foUoicing in icroscopists : — Ar'ihur C. Eanfield James Burton, The Rev. E. W. Bowell, M.A. Charles H. Caffvn. Arthur Eari.and, F. R. M.S. Richard T. T.ewis, F.R.M.S. Chas F. Rousselet, F.R.M.S. D. J. Scoureield, F.Z.S., F.R.M.S. C. D. Soar, F.R.M.S DR. ERNST LEITZ. — We have much plea.sure in announcing that the University of Marburg has conferred the degree of Doctor of Philosophy honoris causa upon the principal of the optical works, Wetzlar. We congratulate Dr. Ernst Leitz on his well-deserved honour. A NEW MICROSCOPE LAMP. — The lamp consists of a five-inch circular base, having a telescopic square vertical tube about si.x inches long, formed of two square tubes sprung so as to slide the one within the other. The outer tube is plugged at the bottom with brass and terminates in a three-eighths inch brass screw, fitting into a hole tapped in the base to receive it. This is turned up square at the bottom to ensure the upright tube being truly vertical. The inner tube is plug.ged at the top and terminates in a square boss bored and tapped (three-eighths of an inch thread! brass on two faces, butnot rightthrough — thetwo holes communicating with each other to pass gas, but not permitting gas to go into the inner tube. One face of the boss carries a one-and- a-half inch length of three-eighths inch tube having an ordinary three- eighths inch burner elbow screwed on to it. The other face has screwed into it a wooden nipple bearing a three-eighths inch screw, and formed to take a rubber tube. The nipple should be of hard wood in order that the heat of the lamp is not con- ducted to the rubber tube. The burner elbow projects downwards with a male thread three-eighths of an inch and takes an ordinary bijou incandescent burner of from thirty-five to forty candle power. In place of an ordinary glass shade, an opaque shade of one-and-three-quarter inches brass tubing is constructed, cut to take a projecting window for various light modifiers of glass three inches by one-and-a-half inches. Three holes in the top of the shade to match screws in the burner serve to attach it. The whole shade is chemically blacked to keep back extraneous and unnecessary light. As the ordinary lamp is seldom of more than four-and-a-half to five candle power the gain in illumination is very great, and the light being white instead of yellow, still further accentuates the advantage. For dark ground and polariscopic illumination, or that of opaque objects, the gain is enormous and. the mesh of the mantle in these cases forming no disadvantage, it can be reconmiended. It is not put forward for critical illumination with high powers but for more general use, where a brilliant rather than a critical light is desired. With the siUer side reflector the results are singularly bright and beautiful. As the gas does not traverse the upright tubes, it can be used at any height either above or below the stage. Chas. E. Heath. F.R.M.S. ROYAL MICROSCOPICAL SOCILTV.— December 21st, 1910, Mr. E. J. Spitta, L.R.C.P., vice-president, in the chair. W. R. Traviss : .^ iviiall microscope lamp, particularly suited for opaque objects and dark-ground illuniniation with high powers. The light used was a small inverted incandescent burner, carried at the extremity of a short arm. that could be easily moved up and down on a standard. The hglit could be brought \ery close to the table or raised to illuminate opaque objects on the stage. — M. J. Allen: .^n easy method of treating printing-out paper for all kinds of photography. The author recom- mends that the prints be washed in a strong solution of salt, then placed in a saturated solution of hypo., after which they are to be washed in running water. — Chas. H. Higgins: A new system of filing slides. — A. .^.C. E. Merlin: On the measurement of Grayson's new ten-band-plate. The plate, comprising ten bands running from inVuth to TurrMirth of an inch, had been ruled by an improved machine, and was found to be much better even than Grayson's earlier productions. The author in measuring the bands used a selected objective of 1-32 N.A., having an initial magnification of one-hundred-and-forty-three on a ten-inch tube. A Nelson-Powell screw-setting micrometer, which is alone suitable for the purpose, was used. The result obtained was that the variation from the mean in the spacing of the lines did not exceed narrViTTj-inch. The mean diameter of the lines was •00002488-inch. The author also made a series of measurements with one-inch, half-inch, and quarter-inch objectives, and came to the important conclusion that low powers were unsuited for micrometry. — Jas. Murray: Some African rotifers — Bdelloida of tropical Africa. Thirty-three species of Bdelloids were obtained from dried moss, sent by Mr. A. Allan and Sir Philip Brocklehurst, from British East Africa. Nine of the species are new to science. Several of them have very distinct characters, not previously noted for any Bdelloids. Habrutrocha caiidata has a tail-like process, the function of which is unknown. The animal secretes a protective shell, and the "tail" is enclosed in a .slender tube, open at the end, so that the shell has two openings. Habrotrocha acornis has no trace of spurs, otherwise universal in the order. Several other species approach it in this respect, having the spurs reduced to minute papillae. Habrotrocha aiiriciilata, when feeding, has at each side of the head a peculiar ring-like auricle, giving it the appearance of a two-handled vase. The nature and function of the auricles remain unknown. Their form, even, is difficult to interpret, as they present apparently contradictory appear- ances from different points of view. The Bdelloids take a very important place in moss-faunas. In every country they are abundant, and in most regions there is a fair proportion of peculiar species. When more fully known, the Bdelloids seem Figure 1. A New Microscope Lamp. 74 KNOWLEDGE February. 1')11. likely to p;-o\. .i yroup of hitherto unsuspected iniport:ince, both in point of numbers and diversity of forms. .\U these moss-dwellers can revive after desiccation. The adult animals become dormant when depri\ed of moisture and re\i\e when re-moistened. It is not. as ;^:ich,irias concluded from his experiments in 18S5, that the survival of the species is effected by means of eggs. Mr. A. Earland ga\e a lantern lecture dealing with the apparatus and meth ids employed in the cruisers of the Inter- national North Sea Commission, with special reference to the Work of the '■ Goldseeker." the cruiser of the Sc'ltti^ll branch of the Commission. THE MICiv -^!-^)GIST. — We ha\ r to acknowledge the receipt from the publishers. Messrs. Flatters. Milborne and McKechnie. Ltd., of the third part of their quarterly. It well maintain? the character set in the previous parts and contains full practical details for the staining and mounting of animal and vegetable tissues, such as the pinnae of Ferns and the head of the Crane-fly and Hive-bee. Pages 35-37 are de\oted to the methods adopted for embedding in Celloidin. and the catting and staining of such sections as those of the head of ilie Blow-fly. There are collotype reproductions of photo- micrographs of several of the objects described. Mr. Chas. Turner, F.C.S., contributes an article on Collecting and Preserving Fi^eshwater .Algae. \Ve much regret to see so many errors in the printing cf scientific names, and would suggest to the publishers a more careful revision of the proof sheets. N\'e have also received a selection of the slides illustrated and described in Parts 1-3. and can reconnnend them both for c|uality and moderate price. The slides received with Part 3 are: vertical section of the head of the blow-fly, the pinna of Aspidiuin Filix-nias. stained and mounted entire, and the fruiting spike of SchTi;iiicl!a sp., showing macro- and micro-sporangia. THE PREPARATION OF A ROCK SECTION.— When commencing the preparation of a rock section, either by liand or with the aid of a machine, the first thing to be done is to procure a suitably-si2ed chip or slice. The si^e I usualh- start with is from three-quarters of an inch to one inch stpiare. This will probably lose a little in grinding, but will be a fairlv large piece when finished. If the work is to be done entirely by hand, it will be found possible in most cases to strike off suitably-sized chips with a trimming hammer, or by the aid of a chisel. The thinness of these chips will depend entirely on the texture of the rocks, and while it will be found comparatively easy to get large flakes off fine grained rocks, such as basalts or andesites, it is difficult to get even thick lumps off the coarse granitoid rocks. With the slitting machine, described and illustrated in "Knowledge '" for January, page 30, however, it is easy to get slices about n^nd of an inch, or even less, and it will be seen at once that this saves a lot of time in grinding. The method usually recommended for using a slitting disc is to rub the edge with powdered diamond or bort, made into a paste with oil so as to incorporate it in the soft iron to make the cutting edge, but I have found a much easier and cheaper way is to apply a paste of carborundum and water witli a camel-hair brush to the cutting edge just above the rock speci- men. The grade of carborundmn I use for this purpose is No. 150, which cuts fairly fast, and I find by actual timing that I can get through an inch of any ordinary igneous rock in from six to eight minutes without undue exertion. When starting to cut a slice with the machine the rock is clamped in the holder in the proper position, so that the piece can be cut in the direction required, and the spindle is then screwed forward so that the rock projects over the cutting edge of the disc. The disc is made to revolve toward the operator, the edge is wetted with the carborundum paste, and the rock is then allowed to touch the wheel. It is advisable to keep the rock against the disc by the aid of the thumb of the left hand so as to prevent it from jumping. The edge of the disc must be kept well supplied with the carboriui(luui and water, as the cutting is then nnich expedited. When one piece is cut off, the rock is lifted free of the disc, and is moved forward by the spindle ready for the next slice to be cut. Having obtained a suitable piece, either by chipping or cutting, the next thing to be done is to make one side of it perfectly plane and smooth. This can be done by rubbing the rock on a piece of plate glass, say, six to eight inches square, which is moistened with carborundum and water. A zinc or copper plate can be used instead of the .glass, but I have found the glass to cut better and work more quickly. I use the same grade of carborundum for this as I do for slitting, as I find No. 150 is not coarse enough to tear the rock or fine enough to make the work tedious. Coarser grades can, of course, be used, if thought desirable, but it is not advisable to use anything coarser than No. 90. With the machine described in the January luunber the rough grinding is done on the lap. I usually make the lap revolve in the opposite direction to the hands of a watch, and hold the rock in the fingers of the left hand against the left side of the lap, so that I push against the revolution of the wheel. This I have found easier than pulling against the wheel. It must be borne in mind that the periphery of the wheel cuts faster than the inner portions, and the section, therefore, must be fretiuenth twisted and moved backward and forward from the edge of the wheel to the centre so as to keep a plane surface. When a perfectly flat surface has been procured, the rock must be rubbed by hand on a sheet of glass with finer carborundum, say No. FF, so as to remove all coarse scratches. Care must be taken at this stage not to get any coarse powder on to the glass plate, or it will cause bad scratches on the rock. The latter can be finished off on FF emery cloth, which is supported on a glass plate, and it is then polished on a piece of worn emery cloth. No, 0. It is not necessary to get a high polish with ordinary igneous rock, so long as there are no scratches. The next process is to fasten the piece of rock to a suitable handle for the grinding of the reverse side. It is customary to employ pieces of plate glass for this purpose, and those I use are one-and-a-half inches square. Various cements are used for fixing the rock, the one generally adopted being ordinary hard Canada balsam, although a better one can be made of Venice turpentine and commercial shellac (bleached), which can be procured at any ordinary paint and varnish shop. The proper proportion is about three of Venice turpentine to one of shellac. The turpentine is melted in a water bath, and the shellac is then stirred in, a little at a time, until it is thoroughly incorporated. Test the cement by dropping a little on a cold glass plate, and if it dries practically at once into a hard glassy bead, it is all right. If it is greasy-looking it needs more shellac, and if it is too brittle and chips, more turpentine must be added. When it is of the right consistency, it is poured out on a glass plate, and rolled into sticks like sealing wax, ready for use. To cement the rock to the glass, put the latter on a hot plate over a spirit lamp and place a small portion of the cementing material in the centre. At the same time lay the rock on the hot plate to warm. When the cement melts and runs, pick up the rock in a pair of forceps and place it in the centre of the cement. Press down hard to squeeze out the excess of cement, taking care that no bubbles remain between the rock and the glass. If there are any, the rock must be melted off and the work started again. When the rock is cemented satisfactorily the glass plate is put away to get cold, say. for about an hour. Take care when heating the cement not to make it too hot so that it smokes, as this dri\es oft" too much of the turpentine and makes it brittle. .■\ method that I have found very satisfactory for fastening the rock to the plate glass holders is to use gum arable, made into a thick solution about the consistency of treacle. .A drop of this is put in the centre of the glass, the rock is placed in position and the excess squeezed out gently with a slight twisting motion. This will dry in about twenty-four hours and the rock can then be ground down in the usual wa\'. Having securely fixed the rock to the glass plate, the next step is to grind it down siifficiently thin. If the work is being done entirely bv hand, and the rock has been cemented to the February. 1911. KNOWLEDGE. 75 if glass with balsam or shellac, it should now be nibbed on the glass plate until the section becomes translucent. During this operation the plate must be well supplied with a paste of carborundum powder and water, using plenty of water. The rubbing is done with a circular motion, and it is advis.ible to make the circles as small as possible, as then there is then less tendency to bevel the edges of the section. Care should be taken also to do the rubbing over the entire surface of the plate, so that it wears evenly. If, on the other hand, the rock has been fastened on with gum arable, the rough grinding by hand must be done on the glass plate with dry carborundum powder or otherwise the water will cause the rock to leave the glass. The rough work is done so ([uickly, however, with the grinding lap on the machine, that it can be used whether the rock is cemented with shellac or gum arable, as the grinding is so rapid that the gum has no time to dissolve. When doing the rough grinding on the lap, great care must be taken that the section is ground evenly on all sides, and that the operation is not carried on too long, because the lap is revolving so rapidly that in a few seconds the whole of the rock may be removed from the glass. It is diflficult to give directions as to how long this grinding with the coarse powder should be continued, as it depends, in a great measure, upon the rock itself, but a little practical experi- ence will soon decide this for the operator. A rough-and- ready rule is to stop when the rock shows signs of chipping off at the edges. It should then be transferred to the other glass plate, with finer carborundum, and the grinding continued by hand until the rock is sufficiently thin. Great care nuist be taken in these later stages, and the rock must be examined under the microscope from time to time to see if it is thin enough. The final rubbing must be done on Water-of-Ayr stone, or one of the very fine carborundum stones used for razor sharpening. \\'hen the rock is fixed with gum arable, the final grinding, after the use of the lap, is done on a glass plate with FF carborundum used dry, finished off on FF emery cloth, and polished on No. O emery cloth. As mentioned previously, it is not necessary to get a high polish, and any small scratches are practically unnoticeable when the section is mounted in balsam. The next operation is to remove the section from the glass holder. If it is cemented with balsam or shellac, it should be placed in ordinary commercial methylated spirit, and must remain out of reach of dust until it has left the glass. This usually takes some time, but it must not be assisted in anyway by pushing the section with a brush or needle, as this is almost certain to destroy it. If it is stuck on with gum. it is simply put in water and usually lea\es the glass in about an hour. In either case after the rock has left the glass, it is rinsed in clean methylated spirit, and is then ready for mounting. When moving the sections from one receptacle to another I always use large section lifters about one-and-a-half inches by one inch. These I cut out of thin sheet brass with a pair of scissors. They have practically no handle, and will, therefore, stand where they are placed without falling backwards. I find these very useful when placing sections in the final methylated spirit, as lifter and section are put in the receptacle together. The mounting is done in the ordinary way in balsam and benzole. The most difficult part is the transference of the \ ,^ Figure 1. Ovipositor and Egg of Hydrachna gcograpJiica X 56. section from the lifter to the glass slip. The section when taken from the spirit is pushed with a sable brush carefully over the edge of the lifter until it projects as far as is safe, and is then picked up on the hairs of the brush, and transferred to a heated slide. The heat of the slide soon evaporates the spirit, and then a drop of balsam can be applied to the ed^e of the section, under which it will be drawn. .Arrange the section in position on the slip with a needle, examine under the microscope with polarized' fight to see there are no bits of fluff or other forei.i,n substance, put a drop of balsam on the section and then the cover glass. C. H. C.\f.fyn. NOTE OX HYDRACHNA GEOGRAPHICA MULL. — In May last. .Mr. Braithwaite found a female Hydrachna gcograpliica Miill, in Epping Forest. This mite is the X largest of all the known water / mites. The female often measures as much as eight millimeters long in the body. Mr. Braithwaite, hearing 1 was in want of a full>- developed female of this species, kindly sent it on to me. After I had draw'n and measured the mite I dissected out the epimera and genital area, and mounted that part in balsam for future reference and for comparison with other species of the same genus. I did not know before, but while I was ex- amining it during mounting I found the o\ipositor was fully extended and that an egg was in the act of leaving the tube, and I am pleased to say this position has been retained, even now it is permanently mounted in balsam. I have mounted hundreds of genital areas of water mites, but never had the good fortune to find one like this before, and I do not expect to ever find another. I mounted it without pressure, placing the cover glass on the liquid balsam and allow- ing it to settle down by its own weight. No doubt the slightest pressure would have squeezed the egg out of its position. The length of the genital plates with the ovipositor is 1-04 mm., length of egg 0-24 mm. The drawing was made under the camera-lucida, with one-inch objective. It shows the exact position of the genital area, and its position between the third and fourth pair of epimera. The female was full of ova. but the eggs in the body were spherical, so the oval form taken by the egg shown in the figure is no doubt due to it being squeezed through the ovipositor. Ch.\s. D. So.\r. F.R.M.S. THE DIVISION OF THE COLLAR-CELLS IN CLATHRIXA CORIACEA.— In the \o\embernmnber of the Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science (Vol. 55, p. 611) a contribution is made under the above title, by Miss M. Robertson and Professor E. A. Minchin, to the theory of the centrosome and blepharoplast. It is now generally admitted that these bodies are of essentially the same nature. The centrosome may be briefly characterised as a bod\' which e.xerts or governs kinetic functions in relation to division of the nucleus, while the latter, or blepharoplast, may be defined as a centrosome which governs motile organs, such as flagella, which arise from it. and are in more or less direct connexion with it. The results are briefly simimarised by the authors at the end of the paper. The nucleus of the collar-cell migrates from the base to the apex of the cell, and so comes to he immediately under the blepharoplast. The flagellum dis- appears, and the blepharoplast di\ ides. The two daughter- 76 KNOWLEDGE. February, 1910. blepharoplasts now travel to opposite sides of the nucleus, and take on the function of centrosonies. The nucleus breaks np into chromosomes, its membrane disappears, a mitotic spindle is formed in the nsual way, with t!ie two centrosomes at its poles. The two new flagella then at once begin to grow out from the two centrosomes, outside the original collar and before the equatorial plate is divided. The mitosis is com- pleted, and as the cell-body divides, the original collar breaks down and disappears. The centrosomes become the blepharo- plasts of the two dausjl'ter-cells, the flagella continue to gnjw out from them, the n^-w collars grow up round the new flagella, the daughter-nuclei return to the bases of the cells, and the two daughter-cells resume the structure and appearance of the ordinary resting collar-cell. It is thus seen that the blepharoplast-centrosome is a permanent cell-organ which divides with the cell, while the collar and flagellum are formed afresh at each cell-division. ORNITHOLOGY. By Hugh Boyd Watt, M.B.O.U. THE BOYD ALE.XANDER COLLECTIONS.— The very fine and extensive collections of bird-skins made by the late Lieutenant Boyd Alexander, in the course of his scientific journeys in Africa, are to go to enrich the national collections at the Natural History Museum, South Kensington. Lieutenant Alexander, who, it will be remembered, was killed in the course of explorations in Africa last year, died intestate, but, in accordance with his wish, the Museum above- named is to have his collections. These are housed at present in a private museum, which was specially built for them at Wilsley. The collections are from wide areas in Central Africa, visited since 1897, including the Cape Verde Islands. Zambesi River, Kumassi, Fernando Po, and the great regions travelled through from 1904 to 1907, described in Lieutenant .iXlexander's book, entitled "From the Niger to the Nile," also from the islands of San Thome, Principe and Annabon, and Cameroon. Lieutenant Alexander obtained many species new to ornithology and science, and described (and in some cases figured ) them in the pages of the Ibis, and of theBiillctiii of the British Ornithologists' Club. In a comparatively short life, devotion to his favourite pursuit yielded a rich harvest, and the memory of this intrepid traveller and ornithologist will be further perpetuated by this splendid gift to the nation and to science. MIGRATION. — It is good news to ornithologists that Mr. William Eagle Clarke, of the Royal Scottish Museum, Edinburgh, is .ibout to publish a work dealing with the study of bird-migration in the British Isles. It is not too much to say that, despite much writing (or, perhaps, because of it) knowledge lingers here, still in the obscurity of conjectures and surmises, and the time is ripe to attempt an advance on a genuine scientific basis. From no one is new and clear light more likely to come than from Mr. Clarke, who has devoted many years, dating back to the days of the Migration Connnittee of the British Association, to the stud\- and accumulation of facts and observations. Besides having at his command the long series of reports made year after year by many observers and recorders throughout the country, Mr. Clarke has, within recent years, spent lengthened periods at the migration seasons in outlying localities from the Eddystone Rock in the south to the remote islands in the north, on the fly-lines, or routes of migrants. Readers of his preliminary reports and notices know that he has gathered abundant and rich results. A mere enumeration of species does not in itself throw light on migration problems, still it is notable that the small Fair Isle (between Orkney and Shetland), has yielded records of no less than one hundred and ninety eight species of bird visitors, including man\' which experienced ornithologists have never seen in Britain. For instance, the year 1910 gave three species new to the faunaof Scotland, viz., the Hoary Redpoll (Acanthis exilipcs). Holboll's Redpoll {A. linaria holboclli) — a second example occurred on the Isle of May, October 2Jrd — and the Yellowshank (Totanus flavipes). (Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist.. January, 1911, page .S3). A NEW BRITISH BIRD.— Amongst the birds observed and procured by Mr. Wm. Eagle Clarke at St. Kilda — the furthest west and most remote of the British Isles — last autunm (1910), was the American Pipit iAntlius pcnsylvanicus). new to the British fauna, and the Marsh Warbler (Acroccphalus pahistris), new to Scotland. (.4;;//. Sco^. Wat. Hist.. JSLnu3.iy 1911, page 52). The rarity of the Pipit named is so great that the only mention of it to be found in Dresser's " Manual of Palaeartic Birds" (1902) is a statement that it so nearly resembles A. spipoh'tta as to have been included, in error, as a European bird. A PROPOSED CENSUS OF TUK COMMON HERON (Ardea cinerea). — Such a bird as this, large in size and sedentary in habits, affords the possibility of some success attending an attempt to number the individuals in a limited area. A proposal is being mooted to undertake this enumera- tion in Scotland, where the location of the Heronries, which are widely distributed over the mainland, is pretty accurately known at present. This wide distribution may, however, prove a serious difficulty in the attainment of accuracy or complete- ness of returns. The numbers of several species of British birds are known, but these are mostly inhabitants of restricted areas or individually scarce, or where the species may be called common, e.g.. the Gannet, its occurrence is concentrated (at any rate at the breeding season) at a few well-known stations. PHOTOGRAPHY. By C. E. Kenneth Mees, D.Sc. THE MICROSCOPIC STUDY OF DRY PLATES.— Dr. W. Scheffer, of the University of Berlin, in his lecture at the Royal Photographic Society on December 20th, described the investig.ations which he has made on the effect of exposure and development upon the individual grains of a gelatino- bromide emulsion. He has designed for his work a very complete experimental equipment, and his photographs are all taken at a magnification of two thousand diameters, much higher than has been used by previous workers in the subject. Photographs taken of grains during the process of development show that the grains are of two kinds, which Dr. Scheffer distinguishes as " original grains " and " nourishing grains." The original grains have filaments projected from them, either during exposure or at the commencement of development, and Dr. Scheffer concludes, from his later observations, that grains showing these filaments remain unaltered during the progress of development, and become covered by the metallic silver which is deposited upon them, this metallic silver being derived from the solution of the '■ nourishing grains," which disappear during development. When a plate is under-exposed there are few original grains present, and with o\er-exposure many original grains and few nourishing grains, a fact to which Dr. Scheft'er ascribes " the lack of density produced by over-exposure." This seems to require re-consideration, because ordinary over-exposure does not produce lack of density; the thinness which most amateurs assign to over-exposure is due to under-development ; if an over-exposed plate be developed for the normal time, it will be extremely dense all over. Possibly, however, Dr. Scheffer intended the reversal period by "over-exposure." The con- nection of these observations with the known facts as to the chemical dynamics of development will require a great deal of work. It is not at all obvious, for instance, that a steady growth of original grains and diminution of nourishing grains would be in harmony with Hurler's " Law of the Constancy of Density Ratios," which is the photographic equivalent of the mass-law. Moreover, the statement that there are silver bromide grains in the film of a plate which are unaltered in development and which can survive fixation, should be capable of confirmation by chemical experiments on plates in the mass, and the amount of such grains should be readily ascertainable if developed and fixed plates are treated with a solvent of silver which is incapable of affecting silver bromide. Dr. Scheffer showed an experiment in which this was done, but this would require con- firmation by quantitative megisurement on masses of developed Fkbkuarv. 1911. KNOWLEDGE. 77 film sufficient for the purposes of ordinary chemical analysis. If the quantity of these unattackable grains varies with the exposure it would seem probable that the amount of metallic silver required to produce a given light absorption would vary with the exposure also, and it is known that such variation nmst be very small if it occurs at all. A most interesting experiment of Dr. Scheffer's would seem to suggest that the " filaments " can scarcely be produced during exposure. A small quantity of emulsion was placed on a slide and a most powerful beam of light passed through it by a Zeiss projection apparatus and microscope, the image being projected on to a screen. Under these conditions the grains could actually be observed to decompose under the action of light, shooting out the " filaments " or clouds of nebulous matter, and going black with growths, apparently of metallic siher, upon them. The amount of light required to produce this effect is very great, however, and there seems to be every reason for doubt as to whether an\- actual decomposition of the grain is produced by ordinary exposures. Dr. Schefter also described the investigations which he had made as to the distribution of the image in the film of the ordinary dry plate. The great difficulty in such work is the preparation of sufficiently thin sections, since for first-class results the sections should not be thicker than i m (^cnuth mm). By the aid of a special microtome of his own construction. Dr. Scheffer has been able to attain to most excellent results. and one photograph, showing not only the Zenker's laminae in a Lippmann plate, but the actual grains composing them, was a marvellous testimony to the perfection of Dr. Schefter's methods. Most of the results obtained from sections confirm those of previous investigators, but the studies of the action of various " reducers " are of special interest, and make very clear the known differences between the various oxidising agents employed to reduce the density of photographic negatives. DEVELOPMENT WITH HVDROOUINONE. — The chemical reactions involved in development are generally complicated, and the oxidation products of the organic developers are especially obscure. One of the simplest of the organic developers is, of course, hydroquinone, which is oxidised to quinone by silver bromide. Using the ordinary nomenclature, the reaction will be CnH4(OHI.. + 2AgBr+2NaOH^C„HSoO„-|-2NaOH + C,iH4(OH)., Moreo\er, the addition of an alkali to quinone reduces some of it to hydroquinone, apparently being oxidised to peroxide, since the ether extract gives the characteristic blue colour with acid bichromates. So that both the sulphite and the alkali regenerate the reducing agent from its oxidation product, and the development reaction becomes far more complicated than would at first appear. PHYSICS. By \V. D. Eggar, M.A. \\'.-\VES \'ERSi'S K.WS. — A good many years ago Professor C. V. Boys took a series of photographs of flying bullets. In these a prominent feature was the wave from the bow of the bullet, as from the bow of a steamer. It was a wave of compressed air, made instantaneously visible to the eye of the camera by the spark which took the photograph. In fact, it was a wa\e of sound. Following up this discovery, Professor R. W. Wood took a series of photographs of sound waves, issuing from a central point. The sound was that of an electric spark, and the photograph.^ were taken by the light of another spark, following close upon the heels of the noisy spark. The interval between the two sparks could not be regulated with any accuracy, but a large number of photo- graphs were taken, which are pubhshed in the form of lantern slides, and appear also in Wood's " Physical Optics." Thej' illustrate many of the main features of wave-motion, and are exceedingly useful in explaining the wave-theory of light. In a paper read to the Physical Society on "Cusped Waves of Light and the Theory of the Rainbow," Mr. W. B. Morton alludes to the tendency at the present time to ba:e the teaching of Optics on the conception of the wave, rather than that of the ray. This tendency was further exemplified at the annual meeting of the Public School Science Masters' Associa- tion, at which Mr. J. Talbot gave a demonstration of his use of the ripple-tank. This is a large flat glass tank with water in it to a depth of about half an inch. It is supported at the height of an ordinary table above the ground on which is placed an arc light, screened from the class. A translucent screen tilted above the tank on the side of the class recei\es the shadows of the ripples made in the surface of the water. The velocity of the ripples can be altered by altering the depth of the water, and this can be done by flat glass plates. Hence, many of the features of reflection and refraction can be demonstrated by the medium of surface ripples. The method forms a most useful addition to the equipment of a teacher of Optics. At the same meeting, Mr. C. F. Mott exhibited his apparatus for teaching Optics by the method of rays. In place of the usual pins employed in elementary practical Optics, Mr. Mott uses a beam of light coming through a pair of narrow slits, fixed at the ends of a groove cut in a block of wood. The conception of rays is, in the opinion of some, the natural introduction to the subject, and if it be right to follow historical order in the presentation of physical knowledge, rays would undoubtedly come before waves. However, as the protagonists agreed, the two methods are supplementary rather than antagonistic ; and it must be borne in mind that the teacher of science has sometimes as his aim the stimulation of interest in physical phenomena, at other times the training of the youthful mind in methods of precision. THE RADIO-BALANCE.— In the December number of the Proceedings of the Physical Society there is an important paper by Professor Callendar describing his radio-balance. This instrument is devised for the absolute measurement of the heat of radiation, and is specially applicable for that of Radium and its emanation. The heat imparted by radiation to a small copper disc or cup is directly compensated by the heat absorption due to a Peltier effect created in an iron- constantan thermo-couple connected to the disc, and to a variable source of electric current. The Peltier co-efficient and the value of the compensating current being accurately determined, the heat of radiation can be measured with considerable accuracy, when an exact balance between the two effects is obtained. ZOOLOGY. By Professor J. Arthur Thomson. NON-DIGESTIBILITY OF FAT BY PROTOZOA.— W. Staniewicz calls attention to a curious point, that the Protozoa have never learned to digest fat. .All Metazoa have this power, but Protozoa have not. Experiments with Para- moecium, Stentor, and some other common Infusorians show that fat may be ingested, but it is not digested. It is not a natural part of a Protozoon's food. The fat sometimes found in natural conditions within the cell of a Protozoon seems to be due to the transformation of proteids or carbohydrates. MUDDY TASTE IN FRESHWATER FISHES.— It is well known that carp and tench and eels and some other freshwater fishes are apt to be tainted with a peculiarly 78 KNOWLEDGE. Feuruarv. 1911. disagreeable taste, which sometimes makes them almost uneatable. The taste is called "' iiiuddj'," but Louis Leger's experiments have shown that it is not directly due to the mud. The Stonewort 'iChara), which has a curious odour, has been blamed, but Leger has shown that the "muddy" taste may occur in fishes from basins without any stonewort. Following the method of excUision. he has traced the mischief to Oscillarias, those curious mobile Algae, which are common in fresh waters. They are directly or indirecth' used by the fishes as food, and it is their " essence " that saturates through the fish-body. The taste is strongest in the glandular parts of tbe sUin and in the kidneys. Carnivorous fishes are less liable to be tainted, but even trout do not escape. A NEW CO>r'>iEN"SAL TURBELLARIAX. — Professor Edwin Lin'"- ;,'and in the ribbed mussel {Modiolus plicatiilii .: A'oods Hole an abundant occurrence of a comment. i 'i ^ele Turbellarian, belonging to the genus GraiplJi\ ' .1 ' losely-relaled genus. It is interesting in many ways, e.g., in containing ciliated young, most of which were in t'm'os inside a thin capsular envelope. The young are not liberated until the reproductive powers of the mother are exhausted, when they make their way through the ruptured body-wall. Another interesting peculiarity is that the adults, which rarely reach 2mm. in length, move by a series of zi.g-zags, — a mode of progression which affords constant change of position within the limited area of the host. DO BLOW-FLY LARVAE RESPOND TO GRAVITY?— S. O. Mast has investigated Professor Jacques Loeb's statement that blow-fly larvae " when placed under the surface of the water, do not swim upwards and so avoid death, but swim downwards." It is found, however, that blow-fly larvae do not react to gravity, either in water or out of it. In air they may be found to crawl nearly straight upwards on objects, but experiments show that this has no relation to gravity. In water they sink to the bottom or float at the top according to the amount of gas they contain, and there is no evidence whatever indicating that they can swim. PROCESSION CATERPILLARS.— A month or two ago we described observations on the habits of the Procession Caterpillar. Cncthocampns pinivora, made at Arcachon by Mr. T. G. Edwards in the Spring of 1909. An account of additional observations and experiments made in the following Spring is now published by Mr. H. H. Brindley. Strangely enough, the greater number of the processions seen by -Mr. Brindley were met, not within the forest itself, but on a broad road (over which there was constant traffic) leading towards it. The road was bordered by \illas, in many of the gardens of which there were pine trees. Many nests containing living larvae were found on the young pine saplings in the forest, and in all cases the branches near the nest were thickly matted with the threads secreted by the larvae. Very few threads were found on the branches at a lower level, or on the trunk, and of these none reached the ground, so that the threads gave no evidence that the larvae were in the habit of leaving the nest and returning to it. A series of experiments with the thread showed that it has no great importance in the formation of the procession, or even in keeping it together. Head to tail contact seems the important factor, and when that is broken, the detached portion of the procession joins on again, apparently by sight, if the distance is not great. The thread forms the nest in the tree, and the cocoon in the pupa state, but it is not clear why it should continue to be formed when the larva is away from the nest, unless it is to be regarded as a mere secretion. Mr. Brindley made an interest- ing series of experiments to test the permanency of the leadership. In small processions, each individual caterpillar was dusted with a powder of a different colour, and the pro- cession was interrupted. In fifty per cent, of cases the same leader took the head of the procession, whether mass-formation was natural or artificial ; the leader for the time being undoubtedly determining the behaviour of the procession, since contact is always maintained. The leader always takes the initiative in mass-formation and very frequently in burrowing. The observer did not experience any irritation on handling the caterpillars, and he believes, with his collaborator, that the degree of sensibility to the glandular hairs \aries with the individual. YAWNING IN FISHES.— Mr. Richard Elmhirst. Superintendent of the Millport Marine Biological Station, has made some \ery interesting observations on Yawning in Fishes. He has watched it in cod, saithe. cobbler, plaice, and some others. He describes the wide opening of the mouth, the slow expansion of the buccal cavity, the erection of the gill-arches, and then a rapid expulsion of the indrawn water, mostly from the mouth, partly through the gill-slits. This is often accompanied by a distinct heaving of the pectoral region and erection of the pectoral fins, and is quite different from the rapid movement of the gill-cover and jaws when the fish dislodges a bit of seaweed from its gills. " From numerous observations, I am led to think that this action of fishes is a real yawn, and serves the true ph\-siological purpose of a yawn, i.e., flushing the brain with blood during periods of sluggishness. The conditions conducive to yawning are a slight increase in the temperature of the water, and. I suppose, the accompanying dimhmtion of oxygen." A NEW KIND OF SENSE ORGAN.— As anatomical analysis becomes more and more minute there is a continual discovery of new intricacies. A good illustration is to be found in an investigation which Dr. K. W. Dammermaun has recently been engaged in, concerning the saccus vasculosus. a dependence of the brain peculiar to fishes. It will be remembered that there is a remarkable downgrowth, or infundibulum. from the tween-brain or region of the optic thalami (the part of the brain that also gives origin to the pineal body as a dorsal upgrowth 1. This infundibulum bears the very interesting pituitary body, but it also gives off a posterior diverticulum called the saccus vasculosus. In many fishes this extends backwards and lies, along with the pituitary body, in a pit of the skull called the sella turcica. It has been usually regarded as a glandular structure, but Dammermann has proved up to the hilt, what a few have suspected, that it is a sensory organ with somewhat striking sense-cells. In an ingenious argument he suggests that it may enable the fish to test the degree of oxygenation in the water, and thus to seek out the depth physiologically most comfortable. He proposes to call it a " Benthic " or Depth-Organ. EVOLUTION OF REPTILIAN ARMATURE.- Georg Stehli has been studying the development of scales (in the wide sense) in various reptiles, and comparing recent with extinct forms. He is strongly of the view, also held by Hase and Otto, that the scales had primitively a segmental arrangement, and that each horny scale belonged primitively to an under- lying bony scale. His theory is that the evolution of reptilian armour has passed through four stages. First, there was the primitive stage (which must, of course, have had a long evolution behind it) of strictly segmental arrangement of horny scales with bony scales beneath them. In some cases doubling gave rise to two rings of scales for each segment. Secondly, the bony scale broke up into a mosaic of little plates, as seen to-day in Scincoid lizards. Thirdly, the bony scale disappeared. Fourthly, the horny scales multiplied and lost their segmental arrangement. A QUAINT STRUCTURAL ANALOGY.- One might spend a pleasant life-time in admiring organic adaptations. One of the last we have read about concerns the "snow-shoes" of the North-American ruffed grouse (Bonasa iDiihcUata). According to Dr. Austin Hobart Clark, these " snow-shoes " de\ elop in winter as two rows of '' scutes " on each side of each toe. and they increase the area of the foot by as much again. Thus the bird treads safely on the lightly-compacted snow. It might be interesting to test experimentally whether the stimulus of wet feet at some other season than winter would induce the extra integumentary growth. Dr. Clark points out that a figure of the ruffed grouse's toe is very much the same as a figure of the arm of some of the Crinoids from deeper waters. Two rows of supplementary plates occur on each side of the median row, and the meaning of the adapta- tion is to increase the receptive surface on which the shower of minute dead organisms is caught. Convergent adaptation in two creatures ahnost literally as far as the poles apart ! February, 1910. KNOWLEDGE. 79 HAD CETACEANS A TWOFOLD ORIGIN ?— It has been repeatedly suggested that the toothed whales are not very nearly related to the baleen whales, and Professor Kiikenthal, in particular, has argued in support of a " diphyletic origin." Dr. Stefan Sterling, a worUer in Kiikenthal's Institute, has recently gone carefully into the musculature of the fore-limb, and finds that in respect to this the toothed whales and baleen whales are not very closely related. Their resemblance is one of convergence ; that is to say, the flippers are independent adaptations to similar conditions. The toothed whales diverge further from the typical Mammal and must have had an earlier origin than the baleen whales. Thus anatomy illumines evolution. It is interesting to note that the flipper type of limb nuist have been evolved several times independ- ently,— in Ichthyosaurs, in post-Triassic Plesiosaurs, in Cetacea (twice ?), in Sirenia, and in Pinnipedia. RE\'IE\VS. AERONAUTICS. Tlu- Problem of Fliglit. — B>' Herbert Chatley. B.Sc. IJl pages. 60 illustrations. 9-in. X 6-in. (Charles Griffin & Co. Price 10 5 net. I This book, which bears the somewhat ambitious title of a " Textbook of .Aerial Engineering," is not one which it is easy to review. The first edition was written some months before Farman, in January, 1908, succeeded in making the first circular kilometre flight in Europe. Owing to the author's absence in China, the present edition is admittedly not up to date, although numerous alterations and additions ha\e been made to the text, and some of the original rather crude illustrations have now been replaced by more accurate photo- graphic reproductions of various aeroplanes. There is, however, no mention of the well-known Farman or Bleriot machines, nor does the victorious Gnome engine recei\e any mention, and none of the recent work of the English constructors is described. On the other hand this edition is not much blemished b\- misprints, though there are a few minor errois, such as on page 48b " Driwiski " for " Drzewiecki," and " V'oison " for " Voisin." Chapter I. deals with general considerations; Chapter II. with essential principles. In Chapter III. when discussing propellers, the author states (in effect) that the total projected blade area should approach very nearly to the disc area, provided the blades are not sufficiently near to cause inter- ference ; this does not seem to be very conclusive. In Chapter IV. three methods of starting aeroplanes are gi\en. but no reference is made to the Wright Bros.' pylon and falling weight device. Chapter V. on '" Ornithopters," is good, but does not command much interest at the present time ; the author seems to have a particular penchant for the Helicopter, and devotes a good deal of space to this type throughout the book. In Chapter VII. on "Form and Fittings of .'Verial Vessels," the author states that "corrugated aluminium for helices and aeroplanes has been foimd to be very efficient," though it has not been used by any successful machine at the present date. Some of the appendices are interesting, and are perhaps the most valuable portion of this book. In appendix H. the author discusses landing problems, but apparently has some idea that the aeroplane always meets the ground at its gliding angle ; the operation of the " vol plane " docs not seem known to him. The bibliography at the end is not at all complete, nor is the list of aeronautical societies and clubs up to date. On the whole, however, the book gives plenty of food for thought, but the author endeavours to co\er too much groimd, and has a fatal tendency to indulge in mathematical jerry-building ; edifices of most elaborate formulae are piled up on (in many cases) extremely slender foundations, and, as a result, are naturally neither of a permanent nor useful character. There is no doubt that Mr. Chatley is an able mathe- matician, and if he will only alloy his theories with a greater number of practical facts, he may then succeed in producing something of value to the aeronautical engineer. CHEMISTRY. Spark Spectra of flic Mcfals.— By C. E. Gl.SSiNG, F.R.G.S. 21 +vii. pages. 10 plates. lU-in. X Sj-in. (London: Bailliere. Price 7/6 net.) The method of spectrum analysis is now so widely used to ascertain the composition of unknown bodies that this book of Admiral Gissing, which embodies an enormous amount of work, should be welcomed in many directions. It gives a brief description of the prism spectroscope and of the methods of obtaining spark spectra and recording them by photography, but its chief value will be as a work of reference. For since it gives photographic enlargements of the spectra of fifty different metals, alloys and gases, it will be a simple matter to ascertain, by comparison of the spectra and measurement of the wave lengths of the lines, the constituents of any mineral or mineral ore under examination. The photographs are excellently reproduced and notes are given to call attention to the most characteristic lines in each case. Ciiiiilirulgc County Gcoiirapliics — Fifcsliirc. — By E. S. Valentine, M.A. 187 pages. 64 illustrations. 4 Maps. 73-in. X5.i-in. (Cambridge University Press. Price 1 6 net. I The Scottish series of Cambridge County Geographies, so admirably begun with the volume on Lanarkshire, is well continued in the little book under review. By virtue of its position, the ancient kingdom of Fife — a peninsula jutting into the North Sea between the Firths of Tay and Forth, and separated from the rest of Scotland by the Ochil Hills, lends itself specially to treatment as a geographical unit. The uniciue geological phenomena found along its shores, its ancient history, its abundant mineral resources, and last, but not least, its claim to possess the Mecca of golfers, give Fife- shire special prominence amongst Scottish counties. Whilst largely an agricultural county, weaving, fishing, and mining particularly, employ a large proportion of its inhabitants. Dunfermline is the chief seat of table-linen manufacture in the world, and Kirkcaldy is almost equally famous for floorcloth and linoleum. Coal-mining has so progressed of late years that Fifeshire, from the third in 1899, had sprung to the first place among Scottish counties in 1906, in the quantity of coal shipped from its ports. In style, get-np and readability this book upholds the high character of this series : and Mr. \'alentine has worthily maintained the standard set up by the initial volume on Lanarkshire. An Elementary Treatise on Co-ordinate Geometry of Three Dimoisions. — By R. J. T. Bell. 355 pages. 9-in. X 6-in. (Macuiillan & Co. Price 10 - net.) The author is Lecturer in Mathematics at Glasgow University, and has embodied in this book the course of his lectures in solid geometry. .After preliminary matter the book deals chiefly with the Conicoids, but contains also chapters on Ruled Surfaces, Curvature, and Geodesies. It has copious so KNOWLEDGE. February, 1911. examples, and might therefore be used to supplement a course of lectures ; but we do not think a student would find it an easy introduction- to the subject. The author has not the qualities of a good guide; he neither turns round to survey the ground already covered, ncr .~t-'ps to point out the path by which the chmb is to be coiiiinued. The different subjects are not made complete in themselves, nor is the relative importance of different theorems or methods suggested. For instance, the Ellipsoid is introduced on page S3, but instead of being treated with proper respect, the form of its surface is dismissed with a reference to an example in small print on page 9. The book is well printed, but we are disappomted at the paucity of illustrations which, with geometrical methods, might be used to reinforce the analytical reasoning which the author alone allows ; the chapters on the sphere and cone contain no figures at all, and a student will find no suggestions for drawing a sphere or representing points on its surface. GEOLOGY. Tlic ]i itluini and the Ancastcr Gap. a Study of River Action. — By F. M. Burton, F.G.S.. F.L.S. 31 pages. 4i-in.X7-in. (London : — A. Brown & Sons. 1/- net.) r/ie Winding Course of the River Wye.— By T. S. ELLIS. 10 pages. Sj-in. X 8o-in. (Gloucester: — John Bellows. 1 ■ net.) In Mr Burton's interesting booklet the theory of river origin we owe to the genius of Professor W. M. Davis is applied with signal success to the origin and history of the Witham and adjacent rivers, as it was also applied in the author's earlier brochure on the River Trent. The Witham is a remarkable river, which, rising near Oakham, first flows northward past Grantham to Lincoln, and then makes an abrupt turn to the south-east, entering the Wash near Boston. Excluding the very recent lower portion from Lincoln to Boston, Mr. Burton divides the river into three parts, — a tributary stream from its source to Grantham ; a relic of an original transverse river (supposed to be the primeval Devon) from Grantham to Barkston ; and again a tributary stream from Barkston to Lincoln. The original stream, the Devon, flowing east, cut out the Ancaster Gap, after which it was captured by the Trent, bringing the modern Witham into existence. There were several minor vicissitudes, well worked out by the author, before the Witham assumed its actual present course. The pamphlet would have been easier reading if a map illustrating the history of the river system had been included. Mr. Ellis, however, will have nothing of Professor Davis and consequent, subsequent or obsequent streams. His theory of river origin seems to be that of the evolution of principal channels out of a network of streams occasioned by the original irregularities of a land-surface newly arisen from the sea. He finds illustrations of the process in the water-channels on a gravelled or macadamized slope. The sinuosities of the Wye, for instance, are regarded as relics of an original network of channels. Mr. Ellis rejects the principle of stream capture, on the ground that he is unable to conceive of a stream working headwards and thus extending its valley backwards. He finds special difficulty in the case of valleys with low flat divides between streams falling in opposite directions, and beheves that these valleys have always been excavated by the continuous flow of a body of water in one direction. Whilst some of these valleys may have been cut in this way as a stage in the development of a river system, the divides may have been smoothed by glaciers or by glacial lake overflows ; and it must be remembered that low flat divides are characteristic of mature and ancient topographies. The paper is illustrated by a map of the Severn-Wye river system. PHOTOGRAPHY. Photography in Colours. — By George Lindsay Johnson, M.A., M.D.,"b.S., F.R.C.S. 143 pages, whh 8 plates in colour. 7i-in. X5-in. (Ward & Co. Price 3/-.) The author states that he has separated Colour Photography from Photographic Optics when revising his work on the latter subject, and we cannot but feel that the separation is an advantage : there was. indeed, no reason for ever including two sucli distinct subjects within the covers of one text-book. The present volume is, on the w^hole, a considerable advance on the treatment of the subject in the earlier work ; the author has collected together the information which has been published by other workers, and has appended his own opinions to their conclusions. This method occasionally leads to remarkable results, as when a solution of " Xyline red " is stated to be a nearly pure blue in colour ; but, on the whole, the book is free from serious mistakes. On the screen plate processes of colour photo- graphy the book is very complete, but the short chapter on other processes is practically useless; it is far too scrappy and brief in its treatment. Incidentally we do not think that F. E. Ives ever claimed to have discovered "the principle of three colours being used to reproduce all colours." Ives invariably claims that the originator of the true theory of colour photography was Clerk Maxwell. We note with regret that the author prints his spectrum diagrams with the red to the left. NOTICE.S. WEBSTER'S NEW INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY. — We have before us the details of the new dictionary which Messrs. Bell & Sons are publishing. As a matter of fact it is really a new work, for there are four hundred tliousand references as against one hundred and seventy thousand in the previous dictionary which bore the same name. Very special attention has been given to the many new words which science has introduced into our modern vocabulary. Although there are two thousand seven hundred pages, and six thousand illustrations, the whole of these are contained in one volume, which is issued at a reasonable price. The dictionary is likely to meet the requirements of many of our readers, who can obtain all particulars on filling up and sending in the special coupon to be found on page iii of this issue. CATALOGUES. — Among the many catalogues whicli we have received is one of lantern slides sent by Messrs. Flatters and Garnett, and we would call special attention to the photo- graphs illustrating British Plant Associations, by Mr. W. B. Crump, whose ecological work is well known. CJf special scientific interest also are the photomicrographs by Mr. W. T. Haydon, illustrating the reproduction and development of Pinus sylvestris. As usual, the classified list of second-hand instruments which Mr. C. Baker has for sale or hire, is useful and exhaustive, seeing that it runs to eighty-two pages. From Messrs. R. & J. Beck, Ltd., comes a special new catalogue of physical apparatus. Among some of the more important pieces are optical benches for the testing of photographic lenses as well as those which are used for spectacles. There are also some glass troughs of useful and various shapes which can be adapted to many purposes. A MICROSCOPIC EXHIBITION.— Messrs. Watson and Sons, Ltd.. 313, High Holborn, have sent us particulars of an Exhibition of Microscopic Objects which -they are holding to enable microscopists to see for themselves the great diversity of objects which they ofter. In order that the whole of the contents of their cabinets may be easily examined, different subjects are set out week by week so as to be readily glanced at and subsequently examined microscopically. Two of these Exhibitions have already been held and the current one from the 30th of January to the 8th of February, is of Botanical Subjects. Fungi, Algae and so on. Future dates and subjects are : — F'ebruary 13th to 22nd, Geological and Entomological Specimens, Objects for Polariscope. February 22nd to March Sth, Mounted Pond Life, ' Marine and Zoological Specimens. Knowledo;e. With which is incorporated Hardwicke's Science Gossip, and the Illustrated Scientific News. A Monthly Record of Science. Conducted by Wilfred Mark Welih. F.L.S.. and E. S. Grew, M.A. MARCH, 1011. X-RAYS. Bv REGINALD MORTON. .M.D. iCunfiiiiicd truiu Vulinnc XXXlll, piigc 49y.) Ix the course of an article in a previous number, the development of some of the various i)arts that go to make up a modern X-ray equipment was briefly described ; of those' that remain to lie dealt with, none have a greater importance than the interrupter, or " break " as it is generally called. As its name indicates, its function is to interrupt or break the flow of current through the [)rimar\- coil of the inductorium. A sudden interruption is essential for the working of the coil, and the more sudden and complete it is the better is the discharge from the coil. Up to the time of Roentgen's discovery breaks were of a simple and not verv efficient form; they were only useti in circuit with batteries of low voltage, and as the induction coils were as a rule small in size and giv- ing short spark length they answered well enough. The demand for greater discharges to excite heavier and stronger tubes soon tnade it evident that the interrupter would have to be moditied, especially as it was desired to make use of the comparatively high pressure currents from the street mains. The platinum hammer break iiy the comtcsy o/ (see Figure 2) was one of Figure 1. the first, and though it is seldom used now for hea\\- work, and mostl\- on portable apparatus, in its most modern form it can be made to give very good results. It requires care in adjustment and manipidatidU. luit is practically the only kind that can he used in military ser\ice in the field. .\ disad^•antage of this form is the flashing that takes place' between the platinum points every time the current is broken; this is troublesome when it is desired to make use of the fluorescent screen in a dark room. It was found that when the break \\ as so modified that one of the points was replaced by a dish of mercur\-, the spark from the coil was intensified.- In one of the earliest types a copper wire was made to dip in and out of the mercur}- by the action of a small electric motor, and a number of these are in use, for X-ra\' treatment especially. (See Figure 4.) Following on this we have the mercury jet breaks, which were a great improvement, in that they gave a much higher rate of interruption for the same (|ualit\' of discharge from the coil. In these a small The Sanitas Eik,ii Co. jct of mcrcury is made \n .\-Kav Cabk-Testins' Outfit. to impinge upon a copper SI 82 KNOWLEDGE. March, 1911. blade or blades. It is immaterial whether the jet revolves or whether the copper teeth revolve around the jet, the r&sult is the same. The mechanism is enclosed in a glass or iron vessel, which contains a quantity of mercurv at the bottom, and then filled up with spirit or paraffin ^il. The break thus taking place under the surface of the fluid is all the more sudden and complete, and this t\pe of niercurx break has been, and is. very popular. The great disadvantage is the large quantity of mercury re- quired (twenty to thirty pounds in some) and the rapidity with which the latter becomes emulsified and useless for the time being. Most of the mercurx" can be recovered, but the process is very messy. (See Figure 3.) Owing to this difficult)' of cleaning, efforts were made to find some gaseous medium to replace the liquid in common use, and it was found that ordinary house gas was all that could be desired : and it nia\- be said that an\' niercurx break designed for the use of liquid will work equalh well, or even better, if the gas is used instead. The case has, of course, tu he made tightlv-fitting so as not to allow free escape of the gas. Used in this way the mercury does not become emulsified, only a small quantity is required, and the small amount of black mercury compound that gradualK' forms need onl}' be removed at long intervals. The most recent development of the mercur\- break is a more or less radical departure from the jet type we have been considering, but the change is a very important one, and the svstem upon which they work is one that is likel\- to prewail. The prin- ciple involved is an old one, though its ajiplication to interrupters is quite new. It is well known that if we fill a hollow sphere with liquids of different densities, and then rotate the s()here rajiidly. the various liquids will tend to arrange themseKes around the equator of the sphere with the heLi\'iest liquid against the wall and the lightest li(]uid nearest the centre of rotation. Ajjiilying this principle to an interrupter, the hollow sphere is flattened at the poles and the equator is bulged out. This form is found to give the best results, as might be supposed. (See Figure 5.) Into this jar is placed some mercury and paraffin oil, and the whole is mounted upon the end of the shaft of an electric Gy tJte ctiiirttsy of Figure 2. motor, which is placed vertically. As the latter is set in motion the jar turns with it. and the mercurw by virtue of its greater weight, at once takes up its position at_^the widest part. Its rate of rotation is a little less than that of the jar. which is made of cast iron, both for its strength and its resistance to the action of mercur\-. There are several forms of interrufiter working on this principle, but the above arrangement forms the basis of them all. In one of them, a fibre disc with a metal segment, and about the size of a five-shilling piece, is mounted so that its edge engages the whirl- ing band of mercurv. This causes the disc to rotate rapidh. and as the metal segment touches the mercury the circuit is completed, to be suddenly and completely broken w hen it leaves. The ■' make "' and " break " in other modifi- cations of this type need not be described in detail ; they are by far the most efficient of the mercury breaks, and the mercury is not emulsified and used u() anything like so rapidh". Electrolytic breaks are not so much used now as they were some time ago. These work on an entireK' different principle and are the sim- plest in construction of all of them. They require a great deal of current, and the effect on the X-ray tubes is rather severe, but many radiologists jirefer them to any other form. Their action is fully explained in most te.xt books on elec- tricitx-. but is too technical for an article of this kind. When we consider the remarkable property of the X-ra\s in reatlih' passing through substances that are quite opaque to ordinary light it would seem that such (lught to be of the greatest use under manv and diverse conditions. In the early days of their discovery manv extravagant predictions were made as to their probable value and these were treated more or less seriously. As a matter of fact, if we take awa\- their application in medical and surgical work, so little remains that the demand for the necessarv apparatus would be so small as to be unworthy of the serious attention of an\- manufacturer, e.xcept in the fulfilment of a special order. It will be thus easih' understood how difficult it is, when treating of the uses of the X-rays,' to a\i)id reference to medical matters. Their limited use in other directions is due to several causes, and the chief one is that the X-ra\' image is a silhouette and not a Messrs. X,-.ot,m if Co. I'l.itinmii Break. March, 1911. KNOWLEDGE. 83 photograph, as it is sometimes erroneously termed. The propert\- of arresting the passage of the X-rays ood radiogra})h of the Figure 3. A Jtt Break. and thus casting a shadow is jiurelx- a question of the atomic weight of the elements that luake up an\- substance. Speaking generalh', substances of vegetable and animal origin, except the bones, are ver\- transparent. With the exception of aluminium, all the metals in common use are more or less uniformh- opaque. Calcium having an intermediate atomic weight is seiui-transparent. and as lime salts enter very largel\- into the structure of most living organisms, the X-rays are verv valuable in stud\-ing their normal structure as well as tracing departures from the normal, whether from disease or accident. An}- inequalities in thickness are registered on the screen or plate, and so accurately is this done under favourable conditions that the details of structure can often be made out : a hand or foot shows this ver_v well. Some verv interesting discoveries ha\e been made in this way regarding the internal structure of shells, and the Ravs have been used in examining oysters for the presence of pearls. If no pearls are present the oj'ster is returned to the sea, which is presumably an advantage to the oyster. In a like manner electrical cables are examined (see Figure 1), both for the continuit}' of the conductor as well as to see that it maintains its proper relation to the other members of the system. The modern electric cable is in many instances a very highl}- specialised structure, that has to stand very severe strains both mechani- cal and electrical, and, as an apparently small fault may give rise to very serious trouble, the final inspection has to be carried out with the greatest care before it is passed as fit for service. With regard to the medical and surgical uses of the X-ra}s, most people are inclined to think that the examination of fractures and the detection of foreign bodies within the human organism constitute the main field of their usefulness. These are, of course. \ery important applications, and ones that count for nuich in hospital practice particularlw but they do not by any means constitute the whole. An ordinary simple fracture occurring in the shaft of a long bone such as in the middle of the upper arm, can be dealt with quite satisfactorily, whether examined liy the X-rays or not : but the surgeon who attempts to deal with a fracture close to, or invobing a joint, without having it properly examined b\- this method, takes a risk to his patient, as well as to his own reputation, that is not justifiable. An instance of this is shown in the accompanying radiograph (see Figure 6) ; this injured wrist was declared to be a severe sprain and treated as such. Fortunately the patient decided to come to the hospital, where it was X-rayed as a matter of routine. This shows that the bone is not only broken in at least three fragments, but that one of the lines of fracture enters the wrist joint. The fact that there was no displacement of the frag- ments led to the erroneous diagnosis being made, and had this been treated in the ordinarv wav a stiff wrist joint would have resulted almost certainl}-. In the early da\"s of the X-ra\s their use was almost entirely confined to stricth' surgical cases ; now adays the method is used almost as much for the investigation of medical cases, such as disease of the respiratory organs, the heart and great blood vessels. y.V the courtesy of Messrs. XcwUn &> Co. Figure 4. A Dipper Break. 84 KNOWLEDGE. March, 1911. containing' a that IS ciuite tumours, and obstructions in the digestive system. The latter is a comparatively recent development, and is one that is of great interest. The method consists of giving jelly or other food large amount of a bismuth conipouiK harmless. The bismutli being opaque to the X-ra\s the pro- gress of the food can be watched in its progress along the digestive canal, and at times the information gained is verv valuable. There is a great danger, howex'er. in mis- interpreting the aiijiearances. because similar shadows may be made h\" \er\' different con- ditions: in no instance is the opinion of an expert more necessary than in this. Bv means ot \cry [loxwrful apparatus more or less instan- M — i taneous radiographs can I'e ly made of the heart when tht- X-ra\' tube is placed no less than two metres Ironi the plate, as stiowu ill the ilhistration accomi>an\ iiig the Inst part oi this article. Owing to the great distance of the tube, the si/re of the shadow of the heart is \er\- nearl\- the same as that of the heart itself, and it is the best method at our disposal for accurately determining the dimensions of that organ. Changes in these dimensions can be detected by making ex- aminations at intervals. This hv no means exhausts the list of applications of the X-rays in the diagnosis of disorders of mankind, but enough has been said to show how much progress has been made, ami the science is 1)\' no means at a standstill. Improvements in methods and in personal skill are being introduced every day, and scarceh- a month [Kisses that does not give us some- thing new in the way of impro\ed appliances. It was comparatively soon after the discovery of the X-rays that some investigators began to employ the radiation for purposes of treatment. They were led to do this from the good results tliat were being- obtained with the ultra-\iolet rays, and from the fact that mam .\-ra\' workers had begun to suffer from a form of dermatitis, which was rightly attributed to the influence of the X-rays themselves. It was at this stage that the foundations were laiil for the immense amount of suffering that has been endured b\- main" of the ])ioneers of X-ray work. mam of whom still continue to suffer in one \\a\ or other, ill spite of the fact that the\' haxc taken e\ery possible precaution since the first attack ot the scientific as that of giving ordinar\- drugs. We have no FiGi'Ri-: incurred bv those who are working with them more or less continuously: there is not the slightest danger to an\- one w ho undergoes an examination or a course of treatment b\' the .X-rays, so long as the one who is a recognised expert in such matters. It ma^• be taken as an axiom that am" agent that is capable of doing so much harm as this can also be made to do a great deal of goo(l. if onlv its powers ari_' propirK controlled and directed into the right channels. The ijreat trouble m adminis- tering these ra\s therapeutically was that of know ing how large or bow small a dose was being gi\'en, and even at the present time the methods at our disposal are not anvthing like so simple an(' s. ]{ satisfactory method of ascer- taining the exact strength of radiation the patient is getting at am' gi\'cn moiiK'nt : our methods will oiiK' tell us how r much has been gi\'en. and that rather crudeh'. The means mostiv eniplo\'ed are sufficienth' accurate in the hands (jf one who has had a considerable exi)erience of the work, and who has become more or less familiar with the vagaries of the X-ra\' tube. The day is not \'et that the novice can dip into this work without running considerable risk. When the jdatino-cjanide of barium is exposed for a certain time to the influence of the X-ra^•s it turns tnim its usual greenish-\'ell. Sanax Break in Section. which the ravs can escape only bv an opening made tor the purpose, the size and shape of which can be altered to suit an\' ordinarx' conditions. The pastille is held in a clip exacth' half the distance between the source of the ra\'s and the area to be treated, and is so arranged that it can be removed for examination from time to time. With each set of pastilles is supplied a standard tint, to which the pastille luust change before the ordinary full dose is given. This is, in outline, the method in use at the present time by the majority of radiologists. It is. othe r dermatitis. The dan;. fr thes se ra\'s is onl\' adniittedly, a crude one when judged by standards of measurement, but in the hands of the expert it gi\'es very good results. The arrange- ment is shown on page 498 of the previous article (" Kxo\Vl,l-:i>('.K,"\'olume XXXIII. December.lOlO), March, 1911. KNOWLEDGE. 85 With regard td the conditions that are benefited more capable of withstanding the various and severe b\- this form of treatment, it may be said that the stresses to which it is subjected, and is also pro\-ided more superficial is the disorder the more likely is it to with a means of regulating its vacuum ; but it remains be favourabh' influenced : this is only another wa\' of saying that the method finds its greatest field of usefulness in the treat- ment of the diseases of the skin, and the results that have been obtained are at times quite remark- able. It is a very fortunate thing that it is among those conditions that are, as a rule, very resistent to all ordinar\- methods of treatment, that some of the greatest successes have been made. Of course. X-ray treat- ment is not confined to cutaneous disorders: their field of usefulness is a very wide one, but this is scarceh- the place to enlarg upo n this side of m pnncipic as it always was, and great as its imi)r()vement has been it lias not kept pace with the development of the electrical side cf the X-rav equipment. Any modern coil can com- pleteh" wreck any X-rav tube in a few seconds if desired. Our greatest want now is a tube that is steady in action and in \acuum, that will give (lUt a certain (jualitN' of radiation as requireil, and no other, and contmr.e to give this no matter how- great power is applied to It within the limit of reasonable requirements. With a view of meeting some ot the conditions it lias been suggested to make the bulbs of quartz instead of glass, but so far no one seems to ha\e attacked the problem seriously. Ouartz is much more transparent to the X-ra\s than an\' the questieioie lio^hi,,., iiiib [.-[Q^f.^ 5_ A li.u uuc ui the lower end ot the radius involving ' - "^., article it ma\- be of the wrist joint. of temperature, and will interest to indulge in Thi> injury cmild not have lieen .-.aurately diagnosed e.vcepl with the assistance of Staild ally amOUtlt Ot rOUgh a little speculation as the x-r.ays. yg^„g ^vitliin reasonable regards future develo[)ments. While we have limits. It certainly should be well worth giving a seen that improvements in the electrical appliances thorough trial, if only for the advantages already have been soing on from the \erv beginning, mentioned. But even with these advantages it could form of glass, it is inde- and show little sign of an\- falling oft' in this gradual but stead\' improvement, the X-ray tube itself has undergone no radical change since the invention of the focus tube bv Professor Herbert Jackson. It is quite true that the X-ra\- tube of the [irescnt day is a great improvement on the original Jackson tube: it is larerer in size, more stead\- in action. ;ind not be said that the X-ray tube was in the nature of a perfectlv satisfactory instrument. In the present state of our knowledge it is very difficult to see how the X-ray tube can be radically improved upon. We can onlv wait patienth- : and for all we know- some means of getting our X-ra>-s ma)- be discovered that is much more simple and reliable, and entirelv different from the methods we use at present. THE ROYAL INSTlTUTlOiX A Genek.\L Monthly Meeting of the Members of the Royal Institution was held on the afternoon of February 6th, The Duke of Northumberland, Presi- dent, in the chair. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Carpmael, Dr. W^ S. Colman, Mr. Guv Ellis, Mrs. E. B. Fielden, Dr. A. H. Levy, Mr. Basil Mott, Mr. A. F. C. Pollard, and Dr. N. Raw were elected Members. The Treasurer reported that he had received /],200. part of the legacy to the Ro\al Institution of the late Miss Wolfe, and ;^'62 10s., a portion of the legacy of the late Mr. C. E. Laxton. The special thanks of the members were returned to Dr. J. Y. Buchanan for his donation of £'100 to the fund for the Promotion of E.xperimental Research at Low Temperatures. The Institution has recently received a gift of £1,000 from Dr. Muller. HOW YOUNG BIRDS LEARN TO SING. By G. W. BULMAX, M.A., B.Sc. Thk (juestion of how a young bird Icarus the peculiar song of its own species is an interesting one, although the subject does not seem to lune much engaged the attention of Naturalists. Walking from Hexham to Corbridge in Northumberland early last August, I had the pleasure of listening to the singing lesson of a voung \-ellow hammer. One bird, the pupil, with slightly weaker and less decided song, was answering another which sang in a clearer and more finished style. There was no mistaking the fact that the first song came from the more accomplished songster, and it was hard to resist the conviction that the other was an imitation. It seemed, in fact, a \'oimg bird learning to sing. Several times the instructor gave the complete song — " A very, very little bit of bread and NO cheese '" — and the pupil re[)lied also witli e\er\- note. There was no hurry, and alwa\s a (juite [lerceptible pause between the songs. Then some three times in succession the teacher gave the song without the final note. And the puj^il duh- replied with a song one note short. Then the instructor went liack to the complete version, Init so long as I listened it was answered by the in( miiplete song. This incident recalls some observations on the subject made some _\'ears ago. August is a specialh- fa\'oural)le time for listening to the vellow hammer's song. Then it seems to come out with a clearness and beauty peculiar to the season. Whether this is due to the silence of the louder songsters, or whether the yellow hammer's song really impro\es by practice as the year advances, is perhaps uncertain. And in listening to this August songster I had often thought there must lie two similar but distinct bird sones, and tried to make out to which of the buntings the other could belong. The one song was rapid, clear, and distinct, the other slow and frequenth' omitting the proper ending. But listening care- full}- one afternoon I convinced nnself that the former was that of the old bird, and the latter that of the young one learning to sing. First of all came the quick, clear, decided song, and then, after a few seconds, the slow, hesitating, and often stopping short imitation. These were given in regular alternation for a long time. As I listened to them, it was impossible to resist the conviction that it was a young bird receiving its singing lesson. A somewhat similar account of a voung bird learning to sing was recorded some years ago in the pages of a natural history periodical known as the Field Club. now no longer extant. Personally I have not met with any evidence that an\- other species learn their songs in this way. Nor have I come across the records of anv other observers who ha\e heard similar singing lessons, except the above-mentioned case, which, I believe, also referred to the yellow- hammer. Young robins, song thrushes, and black- birds, which I have heard making their early efforts, ha\-e alw-a^■s been singing aloung of which apparently learn h\- imitating their parents while still in the nest. The old birds, it appears, sing a sort of duet together, and according to the above naturalist, " the young birds, when only partially fledged, are constantly heard in the nest or o\-en. apparently jiractising these duets in the intervals when the parents are absent." The direct inutation exiilanation of bird-song is strengthened by the fact that in many birds the imitative faculty seems to be strong. Putting aside the familiar cases of our own starling and the American mocking bird, the following examples of imitation in birds not usually n-iimics may be cited. On one occasion I heard a blackbird cro\\- like a cock. And I find that Yarrell records the fact that it is occasionally known to do so. On another occasion I heard a robin in-iitate the song thrush. Again, on one occasion only, I heard a skylark twist the song of a chaflinch into its own more copious melody. I incline, however, to think that this may have been unconscious imitation. There are birds, how-ever, like the cuckoo, which apparentlv cannot learn by imitation, whose song must be supposed to be innate. And the case of Rliyncliofiis nifcsceiis cited by Mr. Hudson is of similar iiuport. A 3-oung'bird of this species was taken from the nest when just breaking the shell. It was reared where it had no chance of hearing the song of its species. Yet long before it was full grown it would retire to a dark corner of tile room, and give its characteristic evening song in great perfection. 86 A XEW SPECTROSCOPE AND SPECTR \PH. By R. A. HOUSTOUX. M.A.. Ph.D.. D.Sc. (Xatural Philosophy Dcfxirtnuiit. University of Glasgoic.) Figure 1. The tvpe of spectroscope for general use in ph\sical or chemical laboratories is now prettv well fixed. There is a telescope and collimator, both with achromatic glass lenses, the collimator being fi.xed, and the telescope moving round a divided circle. If the spectrum is to be photogra[)hed, the evepiece end of the telescope is replaced by a box carry- ing a photographic plate at its end. With an in- strument of this kind work can be done in the visible spectrum and in the ultra-violet to about JjOuu : if we wish to go further, quartz lenses and a quartz prism must be used. Quartz lenses and a quartz prism will also carry us considerably further into the infra-red than glass. But the quartz prism in general use. the Cornu double prism, gives a sharp image onh' w hen set at minimum deviation, and the focal length of a quartz lens varies so rapidlv with the wave-length that the photographic plate must be set with its surface at an angle of about 21° to the axis of the camera. The focussing of the plate may thus be a lengthv process. On account of these compli- cations and the cost of the special apparatus involved moderate means and limited experience avoids the ultra-violet and infra-red. The object of this short paper is to describe a cheap and simple form of spectroscope of radically different design, which is eminenth" suited for the amateur who wishes to work in these regions, and which is also suitable for the visible spectrum. It does not appear to be known in this countrv, although frequently used in research work in America. In this instrument the lenses are replaced bv mirrors, and the Wadsworth mirror-prism combination is used. The Wadsworth mirror-prism combination consists of a prism and mirror mounted together on the prism table, with the plane of the mirror and the plane that bisects the refracting angle of the prism both meeting in the axis of rotation of the prism table. The diagram (see Figure 1 1 illustrates a special case of the arrangement : ED and CA are the experimenter of usualh" respectively the traces of the two planes referred to, and they both meet in A. the point through which the axis of rotation of the table passes. Now consider any ray FGHJK (see Figure 2) passing through the prism at minimum deviation, and being reflected by the mirror. Its path through the prism. GH, is parallel to the base of the prism, DB. and JK is parallel to FG. From A draw AP, AN and AM perpendicular respectively to FG. HJ and JM. Then by symmetr\- AP = .\X. and by equal triangles AM = AX. Consequentlx' .\P = AM. Suppose that the ray FP is white light : the colour in this rav that sufters minimum deviation emerges along JK after passing through the system. Rotate the prism and mirror through the same small angle, keeping the direction FP fixed. Then AP and AM are fixed, and consequently JK is fixed. A different colour now suffers minimum deviation, but emerges along the same straight line JK. Suppose now that the single ray FP is replaced b\- a beam of parallel rays and that the prism table is rotated : each colour in turn, as it suffers minimum deviation, is unde\'iated and at the same time suffers the same constant parallel displacement. The next diagram (see Figure 3) shows how these properties are taken advan- tage of. .A BCD is a solidly- made box, the lid of which has been removed and into which we are looking verticalh' down. S is a slit attached to a piece of brass tubing which slides in a short piece of tube fixed in the side of the box. The light from the slit is rendered parallel by Figure 3. 87 88 KNOWLEDGE. March, 1911. the concave mirror M^. It is then acted on by the mirror-prism combination, falls on the other concave mirrOr Mo. and is brought to a focus on the photographic plate at P. The concave mirrors are placed at their calculated distances and an\- necessar\- adjustment is then done bv sliding in or out the slit until the image of the latter, when illuminated with Na. light, is perfectly sliarp nn the ground glass plate. Then, since the focal length of a mirror is independent of the colour of the light, all the spectrum is in focus away into the ultra-violet. Suppose that a quartz prism is being used and that the photographic plate is replaced by a fixed evepiece with crosswires. Then, if the mirror M., is adjusted so that the Na. lines coincide with the crosswires when the\' arc at niinimuni dex'iation. and the prism table be rotatecl. e\L-rv line comes into minimum deviation as it reaches the crosswires. That is, we obtain maximum definition automaticallv. The same holds if we are examining the infra-red with a linear thermopile. The thermopile remains fixed and we move the spectrum across it and ever\' line as it reaches it mo\es into perfect focus, a pleasant contrast to the quartz spectroscope where, for ever\- wave-length, we have to adjust both for minimum deviation and the correct distance of the theruKipile from the lens. Other advantages of this mirror spectroscope are its compact form and the absence of diffuse light. When light falls on a lens, eight per cent, is reflected back : here the light not used is absorbed by the mirror. Also, there are no tubes to reflect light at grazing incidence. The instrument may also he used as a monochromatic illuminator. For the mirrors I have used plate glass and cheap concave lenses silvered. As it is the outside surface of the silver that is used, it is better to send the glass to an optical firm to be silvered. In calculat- ing the position of Mj and M., allo\\ance must be made for the obli<]uit\- of the incidence. The correct distance between S and Mj or P and M., is , , r cos '/' , . , , , ,, not r/i but 7^ where is tiie angle between tlie incident beam of light and tile normal to the mn ror. The disadvantage oi silver mirrors is that the)' reflect light at 310 /u/n. ver\" poorly. Consequently, that part of the si)ectrum is usually wanting, although the region beyond comes out well enough. Spiegel magnaliuni mirrors, howexer. reflect well to the very end of the si)ectrum ; I ha\e no experience of them. but. according to the tables, if they are used, the spectrum should be ex'erywhere as bright as w ith ipiartz lenses. A NATIVE iX .MULRXI.XG I-UR A DUG. By the courtesy of Mr. Fretlerick lionneN' we are enabled to imblish the accompan\ing photograph of an old native woman of Australia who is shown in "half-mourning" (num-muyn-ka). Mourning con- sists of cox'ering the head with plaster, and in half - mourning a broad band of the latter is put over the head from front to back. The remains of this are seen in the picture, the special interest of which is that the signs of sorrow were put on, not owing to the loss of a human relative, but on account of the death of a favourite dog. After the period of mourning is over, the plaster must not be removed, but allowed to crumble away. Incidentalh' it ma\- be said that the bag which the wDinan is netting is one that is usualh' carried suspended between the shoulders, the ends being tied under the chin. In such a bag, the women carry about small possessions or an infant if they are moving about with one. The photograph was taken in Ajiril. 1S,S Momba. l\i\'er Darliii!/. New South Wales. 1. at An Abiiri.^inal Wnin.in of Australia nettint,' a bag. The plaster on her licid is the remains of half-mourning after the death of her dog. SCIENCE IN EVERY-DAY LIFE. Bv Rkv. H. X. HUTCHINSON. B..\.. F.G.S.. F.Z.S. ■■ KN()\vi,kd(;e grows, but wisdom lingers. "" These weight\- words of the late Lord Tennyson are, perhaps, just as true now as when the}' were penned, over htty vears ago. Scientific knowledge has indeed advanced by leaps and bounds in that short space of time. The chemist, the astronomer, the student of phvsics, geologN', or of biology, all stand now on a different foundation, and bv the help of modern instruments and the wonderful results obtained bv methods of precision, they are privileged to see a little further into the mysteries of the trulv marvellous Kosmos in which we live, and to read, however imperfecth". some of the riddles of Nature. But when we ask whether the civilised races of mankind ha\e made an equal progress in wisdom, we ari- obliged sorrowfulh- to confess that the answer must be in the negative. Were we trulv wise we should endeavour seriously to appK- some of all this scientific knowledge to the practical problems of every-da}' life. We ignore the teaching of Science as far as it touches our habits and wa\s of life. We do not think scientifically. A few individuals here and there may do so, but, as a nation, we certainly do not, and the consequences of this neglect are of a serious nature. In spite of the warnings of kindh' Nature and the advice often offered, freelv and with goodwill, bv those who know and realize the importance of obej'ing her laws, and following her wise councils, we continue in our ow n foolish way; perversely making paths of our own that are dangerous, na\-, even forbidden ; doing some things in ways that are quite wrong, and others that ought not to be done at all. As the prophets of Israel solemnh- warned the people of their day of moral evils, and of unrighteous wavs, so men of science, in the twentieth century, ma\- well take upon themselves some portion, at least, of the seer"s duty, and speak in no uncertain tones of the misery and waste and suffering that follow from disobedience of Natural Law. Such warnings might well be graven deep on tablets of stone, and brought down from the sacred mountain of knowledge to the plains lielow. to be set up in the eves of the people. We surelv cannot dispense w ith the aid of Science : at ever\- step we need her help — at our peril do we neglect her wise counsel. She is Athene to the modern Ulysses. When we enter the world, Science, in the person of a medical practitioner, stands by to help our arrival, and when we seem likelv to leave it he is also there, in case he may possibly be able to keep death away, or at least to help us in our last moments. One ma}- go a step further and sa}-, that if the laws of heredity were considered in the making of matrimonial alliances, the health of the races could be vastl}- improved, and much quite unneces- sary suffering avoided. The time will come when the science of Eugenics will take its proper place. In the following pages, the writer begs humbl\- to offer a few thoughts and suggestioHG;, to those who will accept them, in the hope that chsy may be of some service in a good cause. They are offered more especiall}- to women — and doubtless the readers of "Knowledge" are not all men — because they refer largeh' to domestic matters, and, in the house, woman is rightl}- supreme. She it is who is responsible for order, cleanliness, comfort and the suppl}- of food, light, air, and other things so truly \ital to a proper health}- existence. There is hardly an}- Hmit to her power in this domain; in her hands lie the man"s peace and perhaps his verv life. The first thing to consider is the house we live in, and its environment. Nobod\- would w-illingly choose an unhealthy place to live in, but supposing that circumstances compel us to dwell in such a district, we can at least see to it that our homes are not insanitar}-. It is a good plan, in these cases, to call in the aid of a professional expert, a sanitary engineer or an architect. All who study these n-iatters are aware of the fact that houses have been built in situations where good health is hardly possible. excei)t perhaps to a few- exceptionally strong men and w(in-ien, places where damp prevails, bringing with it lung troubles, rheumatism and a lowered vitalit}-. In these places the death-rate is a high one. For example, the situations of our two chief Universities are bad — they would never have been chosen b}- their pious founders had they known something of the Science of Sanitation. It is to be hoped that, in the good da}-s to come, the building of dwelling houses on such sites will be stricth- forbidden, and on those which may be moderately unhealth}-, onl}- such houses should be allowed as are built on arches, as recommended b\- the late Dr. B. W. Richardson. This simple plan would keep out damp to a large extent. It is sad to think how many ^-aluable lives are lost, or at least partl\- ruined. b}- neglect of these simple precautions, w liich even a slight knowledge of science would suggest. The writer has frequently seen country houses surrounded b}- so many trees at a short distance as to render them decidedly dark and unhealthy. Now darkness in a house is a thing to be carefull}- avoided. It is bad for the mind, because darkness is depressing, and all depressing influences should be avoided. It is bad hygienically, because evil germs flourish in darkness, w-hile sunlight kills them. Labour-saving appliances should be welcome in these days, when good servants are not easy to obtain (and are inclined to leave us after a year or two). But there is one plan which the present writer has often strongly advocated which, perhaps, more than any other, would save labour, and that is the provision of hot and cold water in every bedroom, together with a waste pipe of proper width to take away water which has been used, and other things. This idea is not new. for it is being carried out in 69 90 KNOWLEDGE. March, 1911. some of the best and most up-to-date hotels, where labour-saving is most important. Doubtless guilders might object to the extra expense, but as soon as the public demand such a change it will be made. The only dela\' « ill be in educating people to make the demand. Linoleum might be used to a greater extent: most houses have too many carpets, curtains and other hangings which collect dust. On entering the house dirtv boots bringing in mud might be changed for slippers. The writer does not propose in these articles to discuss the action lor maction) of corporate bodies, a subject on which much might be said, but it may suffice to point out the importance of scientific knowledge to our local rulers. The more they know of science, the fewer mistakes will they make. Li spite of frequent warnings in the dailv press, few people realize the dangers lurking in w ater and milk, two of the prime necessaries oi life. The public are in the habit of drinking water an\-where and everywhere, without making anv enquiries as to its purity and origin. A very good rule would be to refuse to drink the water provided in hotels, restaurants, or lodgings unless guaranteed to be effectively filtered. There are good filters to be obtained which will effectually stop all bacteria, if kept clean and in good working order, such as the "Pasteur" (which has been subjected by expert bacteriologists to severe tests). Perhaps a safer plan would be to boil all the drinking water, and charge it with carbonic acid in large gasogenes made for the purpose. This would make it pleasant and sparkling. When travelling abroad, it is still more important to avoid the drinking water, and to drink onh- w ine or beer, or mineral waters of guaranteed qualitv. With regard to milk, it may be safely said that the danger is still greater : and one is glad to observe that more attention is now paid to this subject, both b\- the general public and by sanitary authorities, for it is a most serious question. Tuberculosis in children is frequently due to milk from a tuber- culous co\\-. Diphtheria, scarlet fever, typhoid, mav often be traced to a similar source. Consequenth- it is most important that both dairymen and farmers should take every reasonable precaution to keep the milk clean and pure, for it is a most favourable soil for harmful bacteria. Also milk, when it reaches the house, should be kept in a cool place, away from the sun, and it is a good plan to cover the basin containing it with muslin (fixed on a wooden hoop), to keep out flies and dust. Dairymen mostly adopt this practice now, and housekeepers should follow their example. Most farmers are not sufficiently careful about the con- dition of the cow-house and its surroundings. Any sort of refuse carelessly left near these places ma_\' be a real source of danger, on account of the flies that breed on refuse heaps. Milkers must keep their hands clean, and milk-pails must be scalded with pure water. Sir James Crichton-Browne and others have spoken plainly to the public on the danger of flies, and it is greatly to be hoped that these warnings w ill be heeded. Some of the London streets might be washed and brushed very much more than they are. Where there is much traffic, one often sees horse manure lying about in large quantities. Flies are attracted to it, and when dried by the sun and air it is carried about like dust, enters shops where food is sold, and contaminates it. This is a matter in which doctors and public men may do good service to their fellow-citizens, hx writing to the newspapers and bringing pressure to bear on local authorities. The power of the press is enormous, and consequentlv the education of our verv unscientific public, in these davs, is largelv in the hands of the journalists ; on them rests a heavy responsibility. One is glad to see a popular news- paper, such as the Daily Mail, devoting some of its space to matters of this kind, for in so doing it renders the nation a service of untold value. It cannot be denied that a great deal of food is wasted, not by any one class of people, but in houses of all classes. \\'aste of anv kind is unscientific, and quite wrong economicallv. One of the triumphs of modern science is the way in which bye-products, or so-called " waste,"' in manufacturing processes, have been turned to account and made a source of increased profit. Even the refuse from our houses can be converted into " producer gas." and supple- gas engines for working machines, or for making electricity. What can be accomplished on a large scale can also be carried out on a small one, and, probabh', more effecti\'elv. A great deal of teaching is wanted to bring home to the minds of women the full meaning of all this \\ aste. It is true that much care and supervision is needed in order to prevent waste, but the lad\' of the house (or housekeeper, as the case may be) should regard this as an imperative duty. \Miere coal fires are used (and these are quite wrong scientifically, as will be shown later) a good deal of valuable coal is wasted b\' servants, who are too careless or in- dolent to separate the white ashes from the unburnt coal, and so both alike are thrown into the dust-bin, to mix with organic refuse, such as cabbage leaves, and so on. To anvbody who regards this question scientifically, it is quite clear that the organic matter and the inorganic matter should be strictly kept apart from the beginning. In the countr\', cottagers set a good example in this matter b\- putting coal ashes on to flower-beds, or some other part of the garden, and keeping the waste food-stufts to feed a pig or chickens. Now it may be troublesome for town-folk to make this separation, but it would be well worth while to do it, and so to increase the national wealth and welfare. There should be two dustbins, one for coal ash (i.e., real ash, not lumps of coal), pieces of china, wood, iron, paper and other such refuse ; the other for food-stuffs. The lady of the house should give instructions to her ser\-ants to use a sieve for separating the coal ashes from unburnt coal, the former to be throw n away (which seems a pity, for the\- contain potash, soda, lime and iron silica, and 50 on. all of which can be used by plants ; in country March, 1911. KNOWLEDGE. 91 houses these should be put on one side for tlie garden). The latter should be used for making up the fire. The other bin may be used for organic refuse such as cabbage leaves and stalks, lettuce leaves, potato peelings and pieces of unused vege- tables (tea leaves are often kept for use in sweeping floors), bones, after being used for soups, bits of meat. Bread and toast should never be thrown awav, as thev often are, even in the streets of the poor. All these things are to be regarded as valuable bye-products of the house. Some means ought to be devised for regularly collecting this matter from house to house ; attempts in this direction are being made here and there by the Salvation Army and certain Sisters of Mercy. \\'e presume that soup is made of this material, but a far better plan would be to use it for pig-feeding, in which way it would be more completely used and converted into bacon (which, at present, commands a high price). The keeping of pigs by country labourers, farmers and others would thus be encouraged. The local authorities in towns, who at present take away all the house refuse, would be extremely glad to see such a change as this, for their carts would onl\- be required to take away the inorganic matter, and thus much trouble and expense would be avoided, and that would mean a saving in rates (which in most places are rapidl\- rising). On the other hand, municipal piggeries might be worth considering. Ladies might well devote more attention to tlie subject of food and diet. Our health depends partlv on the food we eat. and the way it is kept and prepared. It may safely be stated that the hygiene of the larder and scullery in most houses is somewhat neglected. Meat guards might be used much more extensively. Rats and mice should be ruthlessly exterminated, as well as cockroaches and flies. Tinned meats should be avoided, especially tinned lobsters, oysters, shrimp paste, and so on. Even tinned fruits are not quite safe. Meats are now often done up in glasses, but air occasionalh' finds its way into these, causing decomposition. Ladies who do not study the hygiene of food would be surprised if they knew of the dangers that lurk in tinned foods. A good plan would be to give a general order to the cook that no such preparations be allowed to enter the house. Raw oysters are by no means safe — they should be cooked, and so should escallops and mussels; the latter are very wholesome and nourishing. Wholemeal bread is far preferable to the ordinary white kind, which unfortunatelv lacks some of the most important constituents of the wheat grains. Steam cookers both for meat and vegetables should be used ; in this way valuable salts and juices are retained, which bv ordinary methods are lost. The adulteration of food is a subject on which much instruction is wanted. More public analysts and public inspectors are greatly needed. Magistrates should inflict severe sentences in those cases where the evil-doers are brought to justice. In all our large towns a great deal of diseased meat is sold to the poor, especially in the form of sausages. Vegetarians avoid these dangers, and they set a good example; but those who do not wish to abandon a diet of flesh might well take less of it, and pay more attention to fruits, vegetables, milk and cheese, which are quite sufficient to keep us in health. We should then hear less about ptomaine poisoning, which is frequenth' connected with the eatiuL' ■ ' k^pies. Fruits might be used by all classes a gr^ .,. i more. Every countrv in the world can send its fruits to Great Britain and Ireland free of anj' tax. This is a great national blessing, and one which is hardly appreciated as it ought to be. Young people might be encouraged by their parents to eat apples, oranges, grapes, nuts, figs, raisins, dates, plums, currants, and so on, and at the same time to consume less of pastry, sweets, pickles and sauces. Parents ma}- reph' that many fruits are expensive. To this we may say, apples and oranges can be obtained cheaply by buving in large quantities, especialh' from the stores. The very finest apples, for example, can be purchased at about \\A. each by buying a large box containing about one hundred and twenty. The same with oranges. The fruit ma\" easilv be stored on wooden shelves in a wine cellar, and the riper ones picked out for present consumption, leaving the rest to ripen graduallv for a month or two. They do far more good to the \'0ung people than luedicines. Their use tends to keep down doctor's bills. Unfortunately, the less educated portion of the public still puts great faith in patent medicines and patent foods, and their credulity is incomprehensible ; Iving advertisements, and the promises held out therein, are accepted with a faith that is simjily amazing. Nothing but education can stop this growing evil, for no Government has the courage to warn foolish people in such matters ! Much might be said about the excessi\'e use of stimulants, narcotics and drugs, but it is impossible to deal adequateh' with the subject here. Suffice it to sa}-, that for most people the less alcohol they consume the better. Man)- old people have attributed their long lives to total abstinence. Even the doctors are much less in favour of alcohol than in former times. But with regard to tea and coffee much might be said ; onl\- we fear the ladies will not thank us for saving that the excessi\'e use of tea (and coffee) by all classes is really a grave danger! It is taken far too strong and too frequently, and it should be poured off into another vessel after standing three or four minutes. Medical men are beginning to realize the magnitude of this evil. On all sides we hear of people suffering from " nerves,"' and yet they continue drinking large quantities of tea. When to these habits the}- add want of exercise, excessive eating (often of over-rich food, highly spiced with sauces), and somewhat idle habits, what wonder is it that they become depressed, morbid and unhappy ? When the mind is left uncultivated by the verv best literature and art, the effects are still worse. ( To he cuntiiiiicd I, BIRD LIFE ON THE CAERNARVON COAST. MARITIME HABITS OF THE LAPWING, RESEMBLING THOSE OF THE RINGED PLOVER. By A. R. HOR\\OOI) (Leicester Museum I. When staying for a few weeks on the Caernarvonshire coast at Criccieth, and engaged in the study of the habits of the different shore-birds and those frequenting the mouths of estuaries, I came across the nest of a Lapwing iVaiielltis viil)Jaris) containing five eggs, which were generally unlike the ordinary type of plover's egg, in being both shorter and broader. All the eggs were similar in shape, and the coloration and markings were normal, but of course the number (five) was unusual. Likewise the nest was quite characteristic, though more carefully constructed than is often the case in inland stations, consisting of more ample material, being composed of dried bents. It was placed at the edge of the coarse grasses. Fesfiica. Agropyroii, and so on. fringing the sandy beach. This was not more than a dozen \'ards from high-water mark. Between the line of \egetation and the sea there \\ere patches of shingle. Amongst the pelibles forming the shingle, the Lesser Tern breeds ; and among the fine and sandv stretches removed some distance from the beat of the surf tlie Ringed Plo\'er nest?. whilst lower ciown still, in coarser sand and shell fragments, quite close to the w ater"s edge, nests of the Oyster Catcher could be found. Indeed these three species (all of different genera) form a more or less constant avian association characteristic of low-lying littoral flats, especially along the western coasts of the British Isles. When discovered, the Lapwing's eggs were warm, indicating that the bird had but just left the nest. Here it might be urged that the eggs were warm owing to the heat of the sun, and that the Lapwing is in the habit of leaving her eggs for the sun to hatch, but this would not obtain in this instance, as the day was dull, if not chill}-, and, moreover, we do not credit this belief. No bird at least had risen up from this bit of coast, upon which I had been reconnoitring for some time, having beached the boat by which I had approached it. And for a considerable period I had been experimenting in the search for nests of the Ringed Plover, Lesser Tern, and Oyster Catcher, a good lesson in bird habits. Now it is well known that the Ringed Plover does not get up and fly away at once, or circle round and round an intruder upon the approach of a human being to the vicinity of its nest. But. on the other hand, it simvih' leaves the nest unobserved lif possible), effecting this b\- running in and out of the piled-up masses of parti-coloured shingle which in plumage it closeh' resembles. Then, having removed to some distance, it mav be noticed perched upon one of the rolled pebbles which strew the beach in great profusion. This manoeuvre may be followed easily and closely b\- one conversant with the habits of these birds, and is most marked, contrasting as it does in so noticeable a manner with the habits of the Lesser Tern. Likewise, inland, the habit of the Lapwing when its nest is approached bv a person — even some distance awa\', it ma\' be. from the actual where- abouts of the nest — is totalK' dift'erent. For on first obser\'ing the intruder it quietlv runs unseen lor some little distance, then as quickly and stealthil) takes wing, and, circling at first round and ri)und the intruder, it repeatedh' tries to inveigle him further and further awa\' from its nest b\" sweeping backwards and forwards at a point and in a direction as far as possible removed from the nest : and now , appearing above the top of some hedge close by, it undoubtedly endeavours, bv its anxious noise and vigorous flights to and fro, to trv and deco\- the eneni}" aw a\'. Not so, however, when nesting along the sea-coast, for here it has undoubtedly habits similar to those of its somewhat near relative, the Ringed Plover ; and, instead of getting up some distance from the nest, it runs along, remaining, like the Ringed Plo\'er, at a distance amongst the shingle until the danger is past. This, moreover, is easily accomplished amongst the bushv grasses at the edge of which it nests. Though several nests were found in the same locality under similar conditions, no birds were seen. Somewhat exercised in mind as to how to account for this evident change of habit of the Lapwing when nesting on the sea-coast, as compared with its well- known and curious behaviour w hen breeding inland, and nesting on pasture or ploughed land, and not know ing whether or not mv experience was unique, upon my return to Shropshire, where I was then living, I mentioned this interesting habit of the Lapwing to Mr. H. E. Forrest, of Shrewsbury, who was then, as now, particularly interested in the fauna of North \\'ales (of which his recent work is )ierhaps a summary). I was naturally surprised but delighted to find that he was able to bear out my experience, wIkii I related the circumstance to 92 March. 1911. KNOWLEDGE. 93 him, though he had not. until I pointed out the resemblance in habit between the Lapwing and the Ringed Plover, noticed that this was the case. Mr. Forrest wrote me as follows: "I was struck hv \-our remarks as to the behaviour of Peewits nesting bv the sea. Though I hardl}- noticed it at the time, I should say, is of long standing. It is a curious fact that the Ringed Plover's tactics are identical along the sea-coast. Is this mere coincidence, or were the habits of the Lapwing originally like those of the Ringed Plo\-er, and has it modified its breeding habits when nesting inland ? Its migratorv habits Ff-otu n /'//, P~.ivh:i: /■!• /(•. .1. (,". .!/,.<,,•, Lapwing. Ringed Pluver. Oyster Tern and Little Tern, nesting together. now remember that the\' leave the nest ijiiite unobserved, and do not tly around in the wa\' we always see them inland." It seems probable, from the uniform shape of the five eggs found, that the Lapwing nests habitualh" in the same situation at the locality named, and that the habit it has acquired, or exhibits, perhaps we and generally conspicuous appearance rather suggest that once it was generally a frequenter of marshy tracts or areas not given over to cultivation, and indeed we must remember that it is onl\- of com- paratively recent \'ears that cultivation has been general in the way that it is now carried on. At least the case is interestintr. ANNOUNCEMENT.S. THK PHYSICAL SCJCIETV OF LCJNDON.— We are informed that owing to an alteration in the publications, papers read before the Physical Society of London in future will appear in general only in the Proceedings of the Society and not in the Philosophical Magazine. The Proceedings and other publications are now obtainable by the public from the publishers to the Society, The Electrician Printing and Publishing Company, Ltd.. 1, 2 and 3, Salisbury Court, Fleet Street, London, E.C. THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION.— For the meeting of the British Association for the .Advancement of Science, which is to tal-s- tem, and are mostly of standard stars between 83"' north zenith distance and 40" of south declination. All the stars visible from the Alban\- zenith to this south declination can also be observed at the finally-adopted site of the southern observatory at San Luiz, latitude — 33" 18' and longitude 66""3 or 4'' 25'" 25"" W. of Greenwich. So soon as the favourable conditions of the climate were ascertained, and it had been decided that San Luiz, in .\rgentina, should be the site for the southern observatory, progress was made with the preparations for the establishment of the observa- tory during 1907 and 1908. San Luiz is a town of about ten thousand inhabitants, and is situated on the Trans-Andean Railway, about five hundred miles inland or west of Buenos Aires, and at an altitude of two thousand five hundred feet above sea level. The site is not near enough to the Andes to get influenced by the intense and oppressive heat waves of the Andean plains. The U.S. Department of State, through the courteous and cordial interest of the Secretary of State, Mr. E. Root, was specialh" helpful in arrang- ing matters with the Argentine minister. Senor Don E. Portela, who interceded and induced the Argentine Government to facilitate the choice of a site, for various permissions, and for other privileges. By the valuable influence, interest, and courtesy of Mr. W. G. Davis, Director of the Meteorological Department in Argentina, Dr. L. S. Rowe, Mr. De la Plata. Mr. Naon, and Mr. Ezcurres, Ministers of Foreign Affairs, of Justice, of Pulilic Instruction, and of Agriculture respectively, they were saved much trouble and expense in the entry of the instruments, in their free conveyance to San Luiz, in free tickets for the observers, and in the free use of a site on national propert\- of the Escuela Regional (San Luiz). which is under the direction of Dr. C. L. Xewton. So the Argentine authorities — especiall\- those at San Luiz — having entered thus heartily into the matter, it was possible for Professor Boss, with Professor R. H. Tucker and Mr. W. B. Varnum, to sail in the SS. Velasquez, on August 20th, 1908; they arri\'ed at Buenos Aires on September 13th, and at San Luiz on September 20th, where they were met by a party of official representatives of the Provincial Govermnent of San Luiz, consisting of Senores Gazari, Ouiroga and Romanella, and bj' many prominent citizens of San Luiz. Professor Boss and his colleagues at once proceeded to choose the actual site at San Luiz, to select the quarters for the observatory staff, offices, and so on, and to make general arrangements for the woik. Certain instru- ments and portions of some of the constructive materials were taken out there by these astronomers. As soon as the ground could be prepared, and the construction of the observatory had been planned and started, Professor Boss returned to Buenos Aires on October 7th. leaving Professor Tucker and Mr. X'arninn to take charge and superintend the erection. On October 10th, Professor Boss sailed in the SS. Wiasi/uez on his return to New York, On the sixth da)' out the ship ran at full speed upon the rocky coast of San Sebastian Island ; the night was very dark, with rain and fog. The ship and its cargo became a total wreck, but after some dangers and hardships, all the passengers, crew, and most of their luggage were saved, and the\" proceeded to Santos, Brazil, from which jiort Professor Boss again started, in the S.S. Titian, for New York, on No\-ember 1 1th. f To he eontinued I. RKLSSNER'S FIBRE. At a recent meeting of the Linnean Society of London, Professor Dendy and Mr. G. E. Nicholls exhibited a series of lantern slides illustrating the structure and relation of the sub-commissural organ which has a sensory function in brains of various vertebrate types as well as of Reissner's fibre which runs from the sense organ down the spinal cord. The slides were described by Professor Dend\-, while Mr. Nicholls gave a brief account of some experiments which he had made, which so far seemed to support the view that the organs in question constitute an apparatus for automatically regulating the flexure of the long axis of the body. Reissner's filire does not apparently exist in man, though some traces of the sub-commissural organ occur in the embryo. THE SPARROW" HAWK (Accipitcr nisiis). I II iistiiit(.cl from Pli<)t<);^r,iplis ISv ARTHUR BROOK. Nest and Eggs. \iiiiiii; ill tlif Nest. A nearly-fledged Bird. The Hen on the Nest. 97 NESTING SITES ' EOR BIRDS. "^ The boxes at the top of the page are on the same plan as those which have been nsed with great success in the Brent N'alley Bird Sanctuar\-. but some improvements ha\e been made in the way in which the hd opens and is fixed in place. The boxes seen in the middle of the page are hollowed out from natural logs of the Birch, the tops can be removed so that they may be cleaned out or the contents examined from time to time. The others shown at the bottom of the page are also made from natural logs, but in this case the centre is removed from the side instead of from the end. and after being hollowed out a second and a third time the piece is replaced once more in the log from which it can be pulled out like a drawer. 98 THE ENCOURAGEMENT OF INSECT FATING BIRDS. Although here and there in this countrN' those who are fond of birds have furnished them with nesting sites, whicli is an important point in these days when it is not eas\' f(>r many species that build find accommodation, ^•et reneral m holes to attempt has been made as in some other countries definiteh' to encourage insect - eating birds, which are specially use- ful to those who are en- gaged in growing crops. Figure 1. The parts of a box made from a log so arranged that the top lifts off. The Brent \'alley Bird Sanctuary Committee have sho\\n what can be done in the way of protecting birds on the borders of London, and with a view to making the mo\'ement in favour of attracting birds more general, they have introduced and are showing at various exhibitions <.)f nesting sites with The nesting sites made from used with great effect in the Sanct that in gardens and near houses it might be advis- able to use materials which are more natural and less suggestive of a trap. The ordinary boxes made from lo.tjs details of their construction. boards have been •. but it seems Figure 2. The parts of a nesting site in which the centre of the log can be drawn oat. of which the tops come off. can easily be erected on posts, and are suitable for wrens and tits when the\- have a small opening, and for robins when the aperture is a little bigger. The latter birds some- times prefer a liox with an open front, and this is the case with fl\catchers. \'arious boxes have been Figure 3. Figure 4. Two simple forms of open nesting bo.xes for birds which do not care to build in complete darkness, but which like protection from the rain. a number of new designs for nesting boxes. The Chairman of the Committee has contributed an article on the subject to The Country Hume for March, and here and on the opposite page we give illustrations of some of the more important kinds designed for their benefit (see Figures 3 and 4), and a moctitication of Figure 2 of which the upper half of the front of the movable piece has been cut right away. All particulars can be obtained from the Secretary of the Selborne Societv, at 42, Bloomsbury Square, W.C. 99 THE FACE OF THE SKY FOR MARCH. Bv \V. SHACKLETOX, F.R..A.S., A.R.C.S. The Sux. — On the 1st the Sun rises at 6.49 and sets at 5.37; on the 31st he rises at 5.42 and sets at 6.27. The Sun enters the sign of Aries at 6 p.m. on the 21st, when Sprin.s; com- mences. Small groups of spots may usually be observed on the Sun's disc, but there has been a considerable falling off in solar activity, both as observed visually and spectroscopically : at the time of writing one small spot is visible. The positions of the Sun's axis, centre of disc, and heliographic longitude are given below : — Venus : Date. .Axis inclined from N. pi>iiit. Centre of l)i>c S. of Heliographic Longitude of , Sun's Equator. Centre of Disc. .Mar. -, 21" 48' W t 14' 224' 24' 7 ••■ 22° 58'VV f 15' .58° 3^' 12 . 23" 59' W 7° .3' 92° 3K' 17 ... -•4^ 49'W r 7' 2fa° 44' " 22 .. 25° 29' VV 6" 58' y-o° 49' ,, 27 ... 25" 59' \V 6= 46' 254= jj Apl. I 26° iS'W 6' 31' i8S° 56' fa . 26' 26 AN fa- 13' [2 2^' 58' The Zodiacal light may be seen in the West, shortly after sunset. After the middle of the month is the best time for observation, as the Moon will not have risen, and the tapering glow may be seen for 30 or 40 degrees along the ecliptic. The Moon : — Date. Pha.se.s. H. M. Mar. 7 ... ., 14 ■■ „ 23 ... ■ ■ 30 . Apl. 6 . .Mar. 6 ... ., 21 .. Apl. 2 .. I (I • Fir<^t Quarter Full Moon Last Quarter .. New Moon First Quarter . 1 1 1 1 0 0 5 2 p.m. 59 P-m- 26 a.m. 38 p.m. 55 a.m. Perigee... Apogee Perigee .. 4 I 8 30 p.m. 6 p. m. 12 a m. OCCULT.^TIONS. — The following are the principal occulta- tions visible from Greenwich : — Date. St.'ir'.s _ij Disappearance. Reappearance. Angle .\ngle Mean from N. Mean from N. 7c. Time. point. E. Time. , point. ' E. p.m. a.m. Mar. 6 A^ Tauri 4-5 M..57 71" 0 47 p.m. 270" ,. 7 /: I auri s-^ 8.S2 88" 9-57 260" , to oil Cancri 6-1 5.58 32" 6-7 343" 10 cj- Cancri 0'2 5.46 ■05" 6.i;8 272" THE PLANETS. Mercury — Date. Right .Ascension. Declination. .Mar. I . ',! 21 ... ,. 31 ■ .Apl. 10 . , !.. m. 21 50 22 55 0 5 1 16 2 20 S IS" 22' 9° 8' ''' "" 53' \ 8" 50' N 16" iS' Date. R ght Ascension. h. ni. Mar. I ... 0 ID 11 0 55 21 ... I 40 ;t Apl. 10 .. 3 15 Declination. ,*.; 0" 3 N J 8' lO" 8' 14^ 44' N 1 8-' 45' Venus is an evening star, and may be seen immediately after sunset, looking \V., not very hi.gh abo\ e the horizon. Through- out the month the planet sets about 2i hours after the Sun. In the telescope the planet appears gibbous, about 0-9 of the disc being illuminated. On March 2nd, the Moon appears near the planet, V'enus being 2° 20' to the North, but on April 1st. the two appear in still closer proximity as shown below. Venus at 5.45 p.m. being only 14' to the North. The Moon will be only two days old, but if the weather is favourable it should be easy to see both the planet and Moon, quite early on in the twilight. M.\RS : — Date. Right .Ascension. Declination. Mai. 1 ,. I i ... ., 21 ,. 31 ■■■ .Apl. 10 ... h. m. iq 30 20 2 20 33 21 3 21 33 S 22° 34' 21^' 24' 19° 53' 18° 3' S r5-' 55 Mars is visible for a short time in the early mornings, rising about 4.30 a.m., near the middle of the month. The planet is an inconspicuous object in Sagittarius, and is ill-suited for observing telescopically, as the apparent diameter is about 5". The Martian equinox occurs on March 7th, when Spring commences in the Southern Hemisphere. Jupiter : — Date. RiL;ht .Ascension. Declination. Mar. I ... h. m. 14 50 S 14" 5S' ,, II . „ 21 ,, 31 ... Apl. 10 .. 14 4q 14 4S 14 45 14 41 14" 54' 14" 44' 14° 29' ,S 14° It' Mercury is in superior conjunction with the Sun on the 20th, and is thus unobscrvable throughout the month. Jupiter rises in the E.S.E. at 11.30 p.m. on the 1st and at 9.25 p.m. on the 31st; is the most conspicuous object in the late evening sky looking East. The planet is describing a retrograde path in Libra about 1° N. of a- Librae. "The .ittcndant bright moons can be seen in very small telescopes or even in a pair of binoculars magnifying 6 or 8 times, whilst the belts are also visible in small telescopes of about two inches aperture using a magnifying power of about 50. The equatorial diameter of the pl.tnet on the 19th is 41"-5. 100 M.\RCH, 1911. KNOWLEDGE. 101 whilst the polar diameter is 2"' 7 smaller; this polar Hatteniiifj is readily observed in telescopes powerful enontjh to see the belts. In larger telescopes, markings on the belts may be observed; these rotate with the planet and recur in the same position every 9*' 55" which is the planet's rotation period. The following table gives the satellite phenomena \ isible in this country before midnight :- - 5 ' 0 c 0 P ■» 1 P.M.V y; a. H. M. V 1 S P.M.'s. S H. M. d 0 tr. .= P.M.\. II. M. Mar. Mar. Mar. 8 I. ,Sh. K. II ,7 2^ 1. Ec. I). 10 34 ji 1. Sh. I 0 34 i6 I. Oc. k. II 40 24 1. Tr. E. 10 40 1. Tr. 1. 21 II. Tr. I. II --.o 30 11. Oc. R. 10 56 3" 1. Sh. K. II 4n '*0c. D." ilenotes the fii.sappearaiice of the SalelHle liehind the disc, ami "Oc. R." its reappearance: " Tr. I." the ingress of a transit across the disc, and "Tr. E." its egress ; " Sh. I." the ingress of a transit of the shadow across the disc and "Sh. E." its egress; " Ec. D." denotes disappearance of Satellitt: Ijy Eclipse_ Saturx : — Date. Right Ascension. Declination. Mar. I ... ., 16 ... Apl. I .. ll. 111. 2 5 2 1 1 2 iS X ID'' 16' 10" 4q' N 11" 2S' Saturn is only observable for a short time each evening during the month, as he sets at 10.28 p.m. on the first and at 8.45 on the 31st. The planet appears as a fairly bright star looking nearly due West as soon as it is dark. Observed in the telescope, the rin.g appears wide open, as we are looking on the Southern surface at an angle of 1S\ The apparent diameter of the outer major and minor axes of the ring are 39" and 12" respectively, whilst the diameter of the ball is 15". The Moon appears r.ear the planet on the evenings of the 4th and the 31st, whilst Venus appears in proximitv on the 29th. L'R.ANUS: — Dale. Right Ascension. Declination. Mar. I ... Apl. 1 ... h. 111. 5. 19 59 36 20 4 34 S 21'- 7 1 3" S 20'- 53' 4S" Uranus is visible in the early morning, rising about 4.15 a.m. near the middle of the month. Neptune ; — Date. Right AsceiLsion. Declination. Mar. I .. Apl. I ... ll. 111. .<;. 7 - 1 56 7 -0 55 N 21" 2S' 45" N 2 1 •' 3 1 ' 41" Neptune is situated in Gemini about fhree-and-a-half degrees S.E. of the star S Geminoruni. Near the middle of the month the planet is on the meridian about 7.45 p.m., and sets .about 3.45 a.m. The planet is diflicnlt to identify among the numerous small stars appearing in the same field of view, and as he is practically stationary this month he cannot readily be detected by his relati\ e motion. Moreover, it requires a high power (about 300) and .good definition to distinguish his disc. Meteor Showers: — Date. Radiant. Near to Charactej i^tics R.A. Dec. h. m. Mai. 1-4 114 „ 14 ... 16 40 24 ... 10 44 + 4 + 54-' + 58" T I.eoiii> fi Draconis /3 Ursae.Maj Slow : bright. Swift. Swift. Minima of .Algol occur on the llth at 10.21 p.m., and on the 14th ,it 7.10 p.m. Its period is 2^ 20'' 49'", by which other iiiininia may lie deduced. Double Stars. — 7 Leonis. X.'' 14'", N. 20" 22', mags. 2, 4; separation 3"-S. In steady air. the prime requisite for double star observations, this double m.ay be well seen in a 3-in. telescope with an eyepiece magnifying about 30 to the inch of aperture, but on most nights one with a power of 40 is better. The brighter component is of a bright orange tint, w hilst the fainter is more yellow. 1 Leonis XI." 19"", N. 11 5'. mags. 4, 7*; separation 2"-2. A pretty double of different-coloured stars, the brighter being yellow, the other blue. This object requires a favourable night and a fairly high power on small telescopes. a Leonis iRcf^nlits) has a small attendant about 180" distant, magnitude 8-5, and easily seen in a 3-inch telescope. a Canuin \'enat (Cor Carolil XII.'' 52"', N. 38= 49', mags. 2-5. 6-5, separation 20". Easy double; can be seen with moderately low powers, even in 2-in. telescopes. CORRESPONDENCE. COLOURS OX THK ECLIPSED MOON. Tv titc Edit,, )f " Knowledge." Sirs, — I think I remember a recent question in " Know- ledge " to this effect : " What would be the distance of the red light from the sun refracted through the earth's atmosphere, regarding this as a lens stopped down by a large central circular disc," and I think this had reference to the colours on the surface of the moon in eclipse. Now the action is quite unlike that of any lens because the density of the air diminishes from the surface upwards. Regarding the sun as a point of light, the focus for red rays passing close to the surface of the earth would fall at a point somewhat nearer than the moon's distance, and the difference of position for any other coloured light would be very small, but the light which passed through the outermost layer of the atmosphere would fall only just inside the vertex of the earth's geometrical conical shadow nearly a million miles awa\-. and at every point between these extreme distances there would be a focus of some infinitesimal fraction of the light ; moreover, the sun is not a point and the question is still more vague. The light which passes through the earth's atmosphere would cover a surface which, at the distance of the moon, would be very much larger than the moon's disc ; the distribution of the light over this surface would not be uniform, and would be very slightly different for different colours, but this could not possibly produce any recognisable colourdifference ; the colours observed are due to a cause quite distinct from refraction. The green colour often noticed at the edge of the shadow before and after totality is no doubt due to the familiar subjective complementary colour-effect of the reddish light in the shadow, and the coppery colour in the shadow is due to the same cause which gives us a blue sky and a red rising and setting sun, namely, that light of short wave-length is much more reflected 102 KNOWLEDGE. March, 1911. and scattered by small particles in the air — or according to Lord Rayleigh, by the molecules of the air itself — than the red rays with greater wave-length : and the light which reaches the eclipsed moon has passed through a depth of air about twice as great as that through which the light from a setting sun has passed. The very great differences in the brightness of the eclipsed moon on different occasions is very curious, and though clouds over large surfaces on the earth might well cause considerable differences in the light, it seems hardly sufficient to account for it entirely. I H r .A.RTli'ICI.\L MOCK SL'XS. To the Editors of " Knowledge." Sirs. — .-^t the end of November I had a view of four mock suns, and glimpses of five others, all, however, produced by a chance arrangement of windows. 1 was seated in a train tra\elling west along the north shore of the Lake of Geneva : it was between 2. JO and 3 p.m.. and the low sun shone straight into the carriage. There were three panes of glass between me and the outer air — viz.: (a) the glass window of the carriage; (61 the glass window of the corridor, distant about two-and-a-half feet from dr) : and. between these (cl the window of the carriage door, which, being open and folded back, was about an inch distant from [a). On either side of the sun, and distant about five degrees, there appeared fainter, but still very bright, sun- images. Beyond each of these again, at the same distance, were faint sun-images. When the carriage was slightly tilted on a curve, fainter images were seen above each of these five suns, ten suns in all. The phenomenon was not visible from the corridor, and was pretty clearly caused by a reflection between the near panes ((7) and (c). How far is this analogous to the mock suns of Polar explorers ■ , ,, .. r-r- t-i>i- ^ AGNLS FK\. THK ETERNAL RETURN. To flic Editors of " Knovvlkdgh." Sirs. — In reply to your correspondent. Mr. H. D. Barclay. re the theory of Nietzche. I would suggest that much depends upon the meaning attached to the words "identical individual." ( )ur identity consists of the consciousness of the continuation of our psychic reality, notwithstanding repeated entire material changes and replacings of our bodily organism. The inde- structibility of the material constituting the organism is a possible conception, as also its adaptability to new combina- tions: but to assume that a re-combination of the precisely same elements will constitute the same being, is to assume that the identical psychical entity is not only dependent upon, but is ahsolutelv produced by, that particular combination. This is to grant eternity to matter, but to make the actual existence of mental phenomena subject to creation and destruction. .Again, many misleading words .are used in reference to force. To speak of the " sum total of force " is to give it "reality," to constitute it a tangible entity, having dimensions and duration, a power real and potent to move inert matter. But we know of no such force. "Matter and its activities" is the limit of physical science, force is the name of those activities. To give it occupation in space is to create it matter; "to pervade infinite space" is to exclude the possibility of other existence. Mr. Barclay, I venture to think, is right in affirming that absolute vacant space seems unthinkable, though this may be so "in the absolute." Vacant space is not only thinkable, but an essential concomitant to material existence. May we have better elucidations of this most interesting subject from more cap.able pens ? FRED OILMAN. .S()L.\R I)I,STrRr..ANCES DlIRIi\(i J.XNUARY, 1911. By FRANK C. DENNETT. Thk great tailing ott in the number of outbreaks upon the solar surface was very marked during January. With the exception of the five days, the 4th, 5th, 17th, 21st and the 22nd. the sun has been examined every day. Upon the 19th, 20th, 25th, 27th and the 2Sth no trace of disturbance, bright or dark, could be found. On ten other dates faculae alone were to be seen. The longitude of the Central Meridian at noon on January the 1st was 294" 30'. No. 1. — \ spot first seen near the east limb on January the 3rd. There appeared to be two umbrae on the 7th, the larger being again cut across by a bright bridge ; two pores were situated just behind it. One pore still there on the 8th, and the umbra bridged. On the 10th the bridged umbra seemed of a violet hue, and the filamented penumbra appeared to brighten inwards. The bright fringe, especially on equatorial side, still seen, as well as the bridging, on the 13th and the 14th, when the spot was evidently dwindling. On the 15th. when last seen, still bridged, the umbra seemed to be edged with brightness, but a penumbral wing stretched south-east. The greatest diameter of the spot was 15,000 miles. As it neared the western limb it became surrounded by faculae. .\ group of faculae. A, like a companion outbreak to No. 1, seen on the 14th. B and C. faculic ridges seen on the 14th-15th round the eastern limb, the latter seen again the 2 5th-26th, when approaching the western limb. D. a small bright taenia near the western limb on the 25th. Near the eastern limb on the 25th a bright ridge, E, recorded. A small faculic knot in a disturbed area, F, seen on the 31st. This great falling oft' in the number of outbreaks seems to indicate that we are approaching the time of solar minimum. As one cycle ends the spots are as a whole nearer to the equator. The new cycle is usually indicated by the outbreak of spots far away from the equator, so that it is necessary to watch the outer boundaries of the spot-zones. It seems probable that the signs of returning activity may be noted in the northern zone. The chart is constructed from the combined observations of Messrs. J. McHarg, A. A. Buss, E. E. Peacock, W. Strachan, and F. C. Dennett. DAY OF lANUARY. ^' 22 ^1 20 19 ? '(" '1^ 1% K 13 1 II 10 C ? 7 6 5 4 3 . 5 3a Z9 1. 23. < ' J7 1 et 2,5 '♦ T. ■ V "ST 30 6l; 1 'n "c "\E B » oV 0 F A ^i. ^0 M r.cD k 0 10 20 50 40 50 60 90 100 110 \}0 150 140 150 160 irO ISO 190 :00 ?I0 2J0 230 J40 250 260 270 280 2=10 .300 310 320 iW W> -"SO 360 QUERIES AND ANSWERS. Readers arc invited to scinl iii (Jiicstioiis ami to answer the Queries icliieli are printed on this paf during the winter, have any experiments shown that there is a deficiency of O, or a preponderance of COj during this season ? ,,.11 30. FINDING THE TIME BY THE HEA\-ENLV BODIES. — I have been much interested in the recent correspondence on finding the time by night through obser- vation of the stars. Might I ask whether any of your readers can go further and inform me on the following problems connected with the time by day ? (1) How can the time of the day be ascertained by measuring the ratio of the length of a stick to that of its shadow ? As an example, imagine this ratio to be one-half on May 1st, what is the time ? (2) .At what times in the year will the length of a stick be the same as that of its shadow at noon ? In both instances I assume the latitude of London. (3) Can the latitude of a place be determined by comparing the ratio between the length of a stick and that of its shadow at noon ? ,^ ^ „„„._„, Interested. 31. WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY AND THE WEATHER. — I have heard it stated that wireless telegraphy may be, to a certain extent, responsible fur changes in weather. Can any scientific reason be given for this if it be true ? JoHX Glas. SA^■DE^rA^•. REPLIES. 10. WATER AND ITS OWN LEVEL.— Are not the difficulties of G. G. B. and Mr. A. Mercer referable simply to their neglect to define to themselves the meaning they attach to the expression " its own level " ? The latter correspondent's suggestion is that the surface of a small area of water may possibly be ftat, whereas the truth is that, eliminating all extraneous forces (such as centrifugal force, solar and lunar attraction, winds, and — in minute wet surfaces — globular and capillary attraction), no water-surface, however small, can possibly be flat. In other words it can never be tangential to any spherical surface, but must be itself an actual part of a spherical surface, and of a curvature appropriate to its radial distance from the Earth's centre. Conseciuently, that which the surface of any body of water — if disturbed — does again seek is "' its appropriate spherical curvature " ; and if the word '' level " be assumed necessarily to mean a plane surface then the whole expression " Water finds its own level " must be considered not only unscientific but directly untrue. If the above statement of theory be accepted the following occur to me as some of the more curious of the necessary results : — If the rotation and revolution of the Earth were suddenly stopped (again we must eliminate external gravitational forces, as also the moment of inertia), the equatorial oceans would immediately flow away northwards and southwards, in an attempt to reduce the spheroidal wet surface of our globe to that of a true sphere. .Again, under existing circumstances, the surface of the Dead Sea is no less than one thousand two hundred and ninety-two feet below that of the neighbouring Mediterranean. Consequently, being part of a sphere of lesser radius, any circular acre (say) of the former sea will have a wholly difterent surface-curvature from that of a circular acre of the Mediterranean, and — sequentially — a lesser right horizontal diameter. Much more markedly will a given area of ocean in equatorial regions differ from the same in polar regions. More strikingly still follows this fact, that any particular portion of the ocean-surface must have different curvatures, even at high-water and low-water respecti\ely ; and consequently that the tables for calculating horizon-dip and distance given in such books as "'Chambers' Tables" and " Molesworth's Formulae " can only be averages or approxi- mations, since they can only strictl\- be true for one latitude or one state of the tide. Lastly, one has, of course, to admit that the surface of a stationary cup of tea varies momentarily, owing to the lunar and solar tides caused in it. But what seems to me to require, perhaps, even a larger degree of imagination, is to realize that the surface of the liquid must undergo a continuous alteration of curvature even as one raises the cup from the table to lips. W. E. Yerward- James. 13. THE FINDING OF THE TIME AT NIGHT.— To find the time at night without instruments or notes of any kind, it is necessary to acquire the faculty of estimating, by eye, the distance in time of any star from the meridian. The imaginary arc representing the latter can be readily conceived by reference to the Pole Star. Having determined the first-named element the remainder is a simple question of Right .Ascensions (R..A.). Commit to memory R.A. of a very few conspicuous stars and learn to recognise them at sight. The R.A. of the Sun is still easier, it being only necessary to recollect that it starts from O'' O" at the vernal equinox, March 22ud. and increases two hours per month till the annual round is complete at twenty-foiu' hours. Proceed as follows : — R..A. of star + or — time from meridian = R..A. of Latter. R.A. of meridian 4- or — R.A. of Sun = time. Example, January 5th, 1911. Sirius in S.E. quarter, apparently 3'' 30"' E. of meridian. R..A. of Sirius ... Deduct ... 40" 3" 30" R..-\. of meridian 3'' R.A. of Sun deduct 10"'+ 24" 19" 10" 0" Time = S" 10'" p.m. Edmun'd Rourke. R.K. 103 104 KNOWLEDGE. March. UHl. 13. THE FINDING (.)1' THi: TIME .\T NIGHT.— In the note by K. H. M. K. in the January number, in the diagram of the dial a IV was misprinted for \'l. and for the benefit of our readers who may be wishful to use it we insert an amended illustration. Polaris and /J Ursae minoris. 1 Jan. 1 July 1 Feb. 1 Aug. 1 Mar. 1 Sept. VIII \T IIII 1 Apr. 1 Oct. 1 Mav 1 Nov. 1 1 Jun. 1 Dec. II XII X 14. WHICH IS FASTEST— SIGHT OR HEARING?— This (luestion is somewhat indefinite. In any practical case c.i>., the sight and sound of an electric spark, the relative \elocities of light and sound make it certain that the retina will be aftected earlier than the ear drum, but it does not necessarily follow that the consciousness of the light will precede that of the sound, though it will certainly be so if the spark is distant by more than a very few inches. If the question is which can produce the quickest physical response, it is practical and interesting, and can be made the subject of experiment : in this case, the relative intensities of the light and the sound are an important factor, and results with different indi\ iduals varv considerablv. , ,, ,~ J. H. (j. 22. RADIUM. — The ratio given on page 4'! of Railinni to Uranium should read 3->S x 10~'. 2.T. THli TIDES. — Mr. Hardcastle in a reply to a (,i„ next. It will remain invisible for seventy-four years, and will probably be detected in August. 1985. passing perihelion about February, 1986. D'ARREST'S COMET was still in view at the end of January, being seen by M. Gonnessiat at Algiers on January 22nd. when it was of magnitude fourteen-and-a-half. The Paris Observatory has recently lost by death M. G. Leveau, whose name is especially associated with this comet, from the laborious care with which he has followed its movements ever since 1864; the large perturbations by Jupiter render the work difficult, but nevertheless his predictions have been extremely e.xact, extending even down to the present return. He also constructed tables of the minor planet Vesta, by which its motion can be calculated with greater con\enience and accuracy than by the method formerly employed. BOT.AXV. By Professor F. Cavers, D.Sc. F.L.S. IRON BACTERIA.— Molisch has recently published one of his excellent monographs (Fischer. Jena ; M. 5), the latest production of his prolific pen being an important summary of his own work, continued for eighteen years, as well as that of other investigators, on this interesting group of bacteria. Since the iron bacteria are of practical as well as scientific interest, this monograph ought to be translated into English, in order to attract wider attention among workers in hydraulic and sanitary engineering, as well as in biological science. To the six already-known species of iron bacteria, Molisch adds three more, of which one grows in the stems and lea\es of aquatic plants. He finds that these bacteria can grow quite well in absence of iron, and that they can make use of manganese instead of iron. The iron dissolved in the water is, according to Molisch. merely deposited in the slimy sheaths of the bacterial filaments in the form of carbonate of iron, which becomes oxidised to ferric oxide, and this is apparently not used by the bacteria in their vital processes but simply acts as a protection to the protoplasm — in much the same way as the silica deposits in diatoms and the epidermal cells of grasses, and so on. The iron bacteria occur in most bogs, chalybeate springs, stagnant waters, and sometimes in iron water-pipes — in the latter case often plugging up the pipes, besides fouling the water itself; so far, no species have been found in sea- water. These bacteria may be removed by filtration through sand or coke, or by chemical treatment, and in either case Molisch finds that the real cause of the disappearance of the bacteria is the loss of soluble organic substances which are removed by these processes, the absence of the iron itself being a matter of indifference. Various other organisms — certain .Algae. Flagellates, and Infusoria — are capable of fixing iron ; some of these can also fix manganese, and their mode of action appears to be the same as that of the iron bacteria. Molisch also discusses the formation of bog iron, in which the iron bacteria often play an important part : the formation of rust in iron water-pipes, which is probably due primarily to the action of the water itself acting on bare iron surfaces, though here again the iron bacteria may flourish if organic substances are present in addition to soluble iron oxide ; and the thera- peutic use of chalybeate waters, which are often quite useless for medicinal purposes on account of the precipitation of the iron as insoluble ferric hydroxide. 105 106 KNOWLEDGE. March. 1911. NITROGENOUS SALTS IN SKAW.ATER.— Gebbing {Iiitcniaf. Rcviic d.gcs. Hydrubiol. ittid Hydrogr., 19101 has collected the results of the German South Polar Expedition with reference to the^iitrogen-content of sea-water, comparing these results with others previously obtained. Although chemical in character, Gebbing's paper is of great interest in connection with the distribution and periodicity of the plankton or surface- living vegetation of the sea. The chief results are the following. The content of the ocean in ammonium salts is fairly constant, the average value being 0-05 milligrams per litre. The distribution of the nitrates and nitrites is, however, very variable, the highest proportion of these salts in the surface water being found in the Antarctic Ocean, while it dwindles towards the Equator from 0-5 milligrams to 0-1 milligrams per litre. In the North Atlantic and in the North Sea there is marked poverty in these salts, as compared with the Southern Hemisphere, there being practically no increase on passing northwards from the Equator. The scanty plankton of tropical seas is probably due to the fact that the higher temperature favours the growth of denitrifying bacteria, which attack nitrates and nitrites, setting free nitrogen. At the Equator, also, there is a much more rapid falling-off in nitrogen-content in passing below the surface, and this may obviously be attributed to the greater vertical circulation of the water in the Tropics. Gebbing's interesting memoir is an important contribution to biology as well as to chemistry and oceano- graphy, and helps in clearing up various problems in the distribution of the floating vegetable population of the sea. which is largely used as food by the animal plankton as well as by the larger denizens of the ocean, CYCAD ROOT-TUBERCLES,— The remarkable coralloid roots of Cycas have long been known to harbour colonies of the Blue-green Alga Nostoc or Aiiahacna, which usually form a definite layer in the cortex of these roots. In addition to the Nostoc, bacteria occur in these roots, evidently causing the formation of the tubercles and living in symbiosis with the Alga. :\n interesting pap.:r on this symbiosis was read b\- Professor Bottomley at the Sheffield Meeting of the British Association (see Botany Notes in " Knowledge." October, 1910) ; the presence of the bacteria was noted by Schneider in 1894 [Bot. Gaz.). Now, Zach iOesten: Hot. Zeitschr., 19101 has found that in addition to the Nostoc and the bacteria, these Cycad roots contain a fungus which attacks the cortex cells and causes degeneration of the nuclei, loss of starch and production of calcium oxalate in the infected cells. No fungus filaments occur, however, in the Nostoc zone, and Zach found that the fungus has nothing to do with the causation of the tubers, but li\es in the roots simply as parasite, RECENT WORK ON THE LOWER FUNGI.— Among many interesting papers on the lower Fungi, there are some which serve to link up the Yeasts to the more typical lower .■\sconiycetes. The Yeasts have long been regarded as degenerate Ascomycetes, their peculiar features — such as the budding process of multiplication and the general absence of sexual fusion — being correlated with their mode of life in sugar solutions, which they decompose with the formation of alcohol and carbon dioxide. The work of Hansen and others has shown that not all Yeast species cause alcoholic fermenta- tion, and that some species produce a definite, though simple, mycelium or filamentous plant-body, while the spores of some species have a peculiar hemispherical or hat-like form, which agrees exactly with the shape of the spores in Eiidomyccs. Barker's interesting discovery of the conjugating Y'easts, in which the cells fuse in pairs before producing spores, may be regarded as an indication of a simple sexual process similar to that observed in such simple Ascomycetes as Erciiiascus and Gymiioasciis. Guilliermond {Rev. gen. Bot., 1909) has investigated the following forms of lower Ascomycetes: — Eranascus. Endomyces, Saccliaroiuycopsis. In Ereniasciis the cells of the mycelium are at first multinucleate, but later become uninucleate, and the asci arise in most cases from two fused cells, but sometimes without fusion (parthenogenesis). In fusion, a nucleus from each of the two cells migrates into tlu' young ascus, the two nuclei fuse, and the fusion-nucleus di% ides until the eight spore-nuclei are formed. In Eitdomyces fibiiUger the mycelium, when in sugary liquids, forms buds exactly like those of Yeast, and multiplies rapidly in this way. In a paper which appeared simultaneously with that of Guilliermond. Dombrowski [Coiiiptcs reiidits dii lab. dc Carlsbcrg, 1909) showed that these Yeast-like cells of E. fibnUgcr can produce conidia. differing from the sprouting Yeast-like cells themselves in being able to resist heating to 55' C, a temperature which destroys the budding cells, Guilliermond found that, as a rule, the asci arise singly as branches from the ordinary mycelium, showing no trace of a fertilisation process, and producing only four spores. In some cases, however, anastomoses occur between the ascus mother-cell and the neighbouring mycelium cell, or between an ascus mother-cell and a Yeast-like cell, and this he thinks points to degeneration of a former fertilisation. In Eiidviuyccs mngnnsii the asci may either arise parthenogenetically, or after conjugation of two mycelial branches differing in size, four spores being formed ; in this species no Yeast-like budding occurs, though resting cells are formed, InSaccharoinycopsIs, there is no trace of fertilisation : the ascus contains four spores; according to the culture conditions the plant produces either a mycelium or Yeast-like cells, and the genus is closely related to Eiidomyccs. being distinguished from the Yeasts tSacchari)iuycctes) by the double wall of the spore. Guilliermond concludes with a discussion of the systematic arrangement and inter-relationships of the lower Ascomycetes. pointing out that in Erciiiascus the only method of reproduction is the formation of an ascus from two fused cells, while in Eiidomyccs the asci may be formed either by fertilisation or by parthenogenes. is and in addition to asco- spores the plant reproduces itself by Yeast-like budding and by conidia. The genus Eiidomyccs forms a transition from Erciiiascus to the Yeasts, a form like E. fibuUgcr connecting Ercinasciis to the ordinary Yeasts [Saccliaroiiiyces) and the Conjug'ating Yeast (.^vgos(icc/;(7/'o/)/_vct's), while E. magtiiisii leads to the Splitting Yeast iScliizosaccharomyccs). Guillicrniond's important results are confirmed by a paper by Lewis I Maine Agric. E.xp. Sta., Bulletin 178) on a new species of Endomyccs discovered by him on decaying apples. In this fungus — Endomyccs malt — the asci arise by partheno- genesis on short lateral branches of the mycelium and produce four spores, while conidia are also produced, but no Yeast- like budding occurs and the Fungus cannot ferment sugar, though Endomyccs magnusii can do this. Westling (Svciisk bot. Tidskr., 1909) has described a new genus. Byssochlamys, which he regards as forming a connecting link between Endomyccs and Gymiioasciis. This Fungus was found on plants that had been preserved in alcohol, and it could not only exist but actually flourish in strong alcohol (90%), which kills even the spores of most other F~ungi ! This new Fungus proved even more long- suffei'ing under adverse conditions than the ubiquitous and highly-resistant Blue Mould {Peiiicilliiim ), and grew well at 37° C, ousting Pcnicilliiiin from a culture heated to this temperature. Byssochlaiiiys reproduces itself by means of ascospores. conidia, and thick-walled resting cells (chlamy- dospores) ; the asci have eight spores and arise laterally from a spirally coiled ascogonium, which is usually fertilised by a male filament (antheridium) but is sometimes parthenogenetic. HELIOTROPISM. — Some of the more recent work on heliotropism was summarised in these columns a short time ago. An interesting paper by Figdor {Ann. jard. bot. Buitciizorg) shows that not only do foliage leaves perceive the stimulus of one-sided light but that this stimulus is transmitted backwards to the stem. Figdor experimented with the leaves of Begonia, arranging his apparatus so that onl\- the leaf-blade was exposed to the light, and found that not onlv the leaf-stalk but the stem below the leaf showed strong curvature towards the light. Figdor had previously shown, also in experiments with Begonia, that the stem itself can perceive and respond by curvature to the stimulus of light falling upon it from one side, but his recent result is of great importance in showing that in Dicotyledons, as well as in March, 1911. KNOWLEDGE. 107 Monocotyledons (e.g. grass seedlings), the stimulus can be transmitted from the receptive surface of the leaf to the lower parts of the plant. MALE NUCLEI IX FLOWERING PLANTS.— Some years ago, Nawaschin observed that when the pollen-tube of an Angiosperm — he worked with Liliiiin niurtagaii and Frifillaria tcncUa — reaches the embryo-sac, both of the male or generative nuclei enter the sac, one fusing with the egg and the other with the central nucleus (variously called the "'secondary" or "definitive" or "fused polar" nucleus), the embryo arising as the result of the former fusion, and the endosperm as the result of the latter. This remarkable discovery, which was made almost simultaneously by Guignard. and has since then been confirmed in a large number of Monocotyledons and Dicotyledons from the lowest to the highest families, also led to the observation that the male nuclei are elongated and worm-like, or even spirally coiled, like the body of the motile male cells of lower plants, and Nawaschin suggested that these nuclei might have the power of independent locomotion. Most later writers have rejected this view and considered that these nuclei are carried along passively by streaming of the protoplasm in the embryo- sac, but Nawaschin has recently (Oesterr. hot. Zcifsclir., 1909; Ann. jard. hot. Buitcnzorg. 1910) obtained evidence, almost amounting to positive proof, that the two sperms actually move towards the two nuclei with which they fuse, and that when spirally coiled like a cork-screw they rotate during their passage through the embryo-sac, and thus burrow through the protoplasm on their way to the egg and the polar nuclei. CHEMISTRY. By C. .AiNSWORTH Mitchell. B..A. (O.xon.), F".I.C. TEIRODON POISON.— Various species of Tctrodomn' are common in the seas of Japan, and are extensively used as food, after removal of the ovaries, in which is secreted the characteristic poison of the fish. This toxic substance, which is not present in the flesh, has been investigated by Mr. X. Tahara iBioclieni. Zcits., 1910, xxx, 2551, who isolated it by grinding up the ovaries of the fish with water, concentrating the liquid, and precipitating albuminous substances and phosphates. On now adding ammonia to the filtrate the poison was precipitated in an impure condition, and was subsequentlypurifiedby repeated treatment with lead acetate and ammonia, and extraction with alcohol, in which it was partially soluble. As thus purified tetrodon poison was a white powder, which absorbed moisture on exposure to the air. It was nearly insoluble in most organic solvents, and was only sparingly soluble in water. Its reaction was neutral, and it is therefore suggested that it should be termed tctrodoto.xine. instead of tetrodonic acid, as heretofore. Apparently it was neither an alkaloid nor a protein, but formed precipitates with the hydroxides of heavy metals, and on treatment with dilute hydrochloric acid was decomposed, with the formation of a basic substance and a crystalline body containing no nitrogen. The preliminary analyses indicated that tetrodotoxine had a composition agreeing with the formula Ci.;HxiNOi,:. and this is provisionally assigned to it. Physiological experiments proved that the toxine was very active. FILAMENTS FOR ELECTRIC LAMPS.— The modern methods of preparing the filaments for incandescent electric lamps are particularly ingenious, and illustrate the ways in which chemical processes may be used to overcome apparently insuperable difficulties. The carbon filaments are now almost universally made by a method similar to that used in the manufacture of artificial silk. A solution of nitrocellulose (collodion cotton) in acetic acid is rapidly pressed through a small opening, and the resulting filaments are twisted into the required shape round carbon blocks, which are placed in bo.xes of fire-proof clay and heated in a furnace until the filaments are carbonized. They are then heated, by means of an electric current, in an atmosphere of benzine, so as to remove the last traces of volatile substances. It is essential that the carbonised filament should be homogeneous through- out, and that, as far as possible, it sho-ild have been converted into the graphic form of carbon, which is not decomposed so rapidly by the current, and thus reUrds blackening of the glass. The amount of electricity consumed i/ .■ carbon lamps has led to the extensive use of lamps containing ;r;etallic filaments, and an interesting survey of the diffeient processes that are being used for the production of these is given by Mr. H. Baumhauer in the Zeit. angcw. Cliem. (1910. xxiii., 2065). The only metal of sufficiently high melting-point that has been found suitable for the direct production of filaments from the pure metal is tantalimi. and tantalum lamps have now been sold for some years. It was shown by Weiss [Zcit. aiiorg. Cheni., 1909, Ixv., 288) that titanium and zirconium melted at too low temperatures to be available for the purpose, while he was unable to melt tungsten, the estimated melting-point of which is 2800°C. Owing to this, it has not been found possible to prepare filaments of tungsten directly from the metal, but the problem has been solved in other ways. Thus, in one type of lamp no longer on the market, tungsten filaments were prepared by coating carbon filaments with a deposit of sublimed tungsten chloride, and then heating them in a current of hydrogen to reduce the tungsten compound to the metallic form, and expel the carbon. Owing to the low resistance offered by the filaments this process was abandoned, and at the present time tungsten filaments are made by mixing tungsten oxide with an excess of zinc dust and heating the mixture in a loosely- covered iron vessel until the reaction takes place. The zinc is then dissolved from the mass by means of hydrochloric acid, and the reduced metallic tungsten is left in the form of a black powder. This is made into a paste with caramel or gum tragacanth, and is forced through minute openings, so as to form filaments, which may be dried and heated in a current of hydrogen to expel the carbonaceous agglutinating material. .•\ still more recent method of manufacturing tungsten filaments is by means of a colloidal solution of tungsten obtained by alternately treating the metal with acid and alkaline reagents, so as to obtain a flocculent gelatinous mass. This is separated from water by squeezing it in silk, and is then ready to be made into filaments without the necessity of adding any binding substance. This process is used in the manufacture of the "Sirius" and "Colloid" lamps, while in the case of other tungsten lamps a binding material is also employed. Attempts to use other metals of high melting-point, such as osmium and zirconium, have not proved nearly so successful as the methods in which tungsten is used alone, and processes of adding metals to the carbon filaments in the ordinary lamps have also proved unsatisfactory. Thus, according to Mr. Baumhauer, a lamp recently put upon the market contained carbon filaments coated with zirconium, but although at first there was greater emission of light and smaller consumption of electricity, the life of the filament was considerably shortened, and the consumption of electricity soon rose to that of an ordinary carbon lamp. GEOLOGY. Bv Russell F. Gwinnell, B.Sc. A.R.C.S.. F.G.S. THE ORIGIN AND PEOPLING OF THE DEEP SEA. — Under this title a translation of a paper by Professor Johannes Walther appears in the American Journal of Science for January. Comparing land and water. Dr. Walther points out that while temperature decreases with height and depth respectively, in the ocean great depths, and hence low temperatures, preponderate. Half the Earth's surface is deep sea, with an average depth of four thousand metres and a maximum of from eight to ten kilometres. The inhabitants of this great area are considered with especial reference to the light which they throw on the origin of the deep sea. The characteristics of abyssal depths are: — (1) a uniformly low temperature; (2) quiet water, with no noticeable movement; (3) no light, and as a consequence no green-plant life. Hence all light-hungry and plant-eating animals, and all which need moving and warm water, are absent ; nevertheless, life is 103 KNOWLEDGE. March, 1911. abundant in the abysses. Where sunlight and green plants are wanting no organic life can be maintained ; the fauna of the deep sea is dependent upon the stream of cold south polar water pouring oxygen and food into its abyssal depths. TIic origin of this fauna nuisf. then, he sought in sunlit areas rich in plants. When did the peophng of the abysses take place ? The significant fact appears that no single Palaeozoic animal is found in the present deep sea, although a number of shallow-sea and other genera survi\e from the Palaeozoic Era (e.g. Lingula, Mytilus, Pleurotomaria. Nautilus, Serpula, Astro- pecten, the littoral Liinulus and the fluviatile Ceratodus, besides soft-bodied animals which could not be preserved fossil). Animals nowh\ ing below two thousand metres date only from the Trias, the resemblance to Jurassic and Cretaceous faunas being particularly close ; among the Echinoderms, for example, are found Pentacrinus, Asterias, Echinus, etc. Evidently, then, the peopling of the deep sea is traceable. at the earliest, to the Triassic Period. Now we know that the elevation of mountain-chains is counterbalanced by the formation of extensive depressions ; also that at no other period did such enormous mountain folding occur as took place between Carboniferous and Triassic times, when the Hercynian movements in Europe occurred, the Appalachians were formed in America, the Sudanese mountains were originated in Africa, and other folding took place in Asia and elsewhere. /;; the deep ocean abysses Dr. Walther sees the complementary depressions to these mountain chains. Thus general biological grounds, the stratigraphical position of the present deep sea fauna, as well as tectonic investigation, force us to the conclusion that the deep sea as a life-region is not a characteristic of the Earth in its oldest periods, and that its origin is found in the time when in all parts of the present continents began tectonic folding movements which so decidedly changed the relief of the Earth's surface. THE GREAT NEW ZEALAND ERCPTION.— In the January number of the Geographicitl Journal Professor James Park describes the volcanic outburst of Mount Tarawera. which took place in 1885. and which utterly destroyed the celebrated pink and white terraces of Rotomahana. The subsequent changes due to waning vulcanicity and to denudation are also dealt with. Mount Tarawera — three thousand six hundred feet high — rises abruptly from the lofty rhyolitic plateau of Rotomahana. in the North Island of New Zealand. During a space of about three hours the mountain was gradually rent across from north to south by a great fissure, nearly nine miles long, averaging two hundred \-ards wide and from one hundred to three hundred yards deep. The \ulcanism was of a. rare or new type; for whereas fissure eruptions are distinguished by quiet emission of lava-floods, in this case the ejecta were almost entirely fragmental, consisting of dust, lapilli, bombs, and so on, derived from an augite-andesite magma, intermixed with some rhyolitic ash. These materials were spread over an area of nearly six thousand square miles, in a sheet varying up to fifty feet in thickness, and dust fell on vessels one hundred and fifty miles away. This great ash sheet has since become covered with dense jungle, and has been deeply scored by rain into narrow gutters and ridges. The sections thus exposed are seen to consist of grey dust and black ash, so well stratified as to be easily mistaken for a subaqueous tuff. During the course of the fissuring Lake Rotomahana was encountered, and as a result a shattering explosion converted the lake-bed into an active volcano o\er a mile in width. .A native village on its shores was simply blown out of existence, all the inhabitants being instantly killed. Several other villages were overwhelmed with dust, not a soul surviving. For a few months violent hydrothermal activity was displayed, a pillar of steam rising to over fifteen thousand feet ; it then waned and ceased, and the lake-bed filled up again with water. About 1897, geysirs again began to play and the world-famed Waimangu geysir was in action until two or three years ago. Though this has now ceased, solfataric action is still very conspicuous on the lake-shores. At Echo crater the forma- tion of iron pyrites can now be seen in progress ; the crater- floor is covered with a thin sihceous crust, through which boiling water and steam escape. Interaction takes place between the hot ascending mineralised waters, and the HoS with which the steam is charged, and as a result FeSo is deposited, first as a black and then a bright yellow film on all the loose stones lying around. Though of an abnormal type, the 1886 eruption was merely one of a long succession of volcanic phenomena which have been in progress since Pliocene times along the great tectonic fracture known as the Whakatane fault — along which are situated many other volcanoes, active, dormant and extinct. GEOTECTONIC SYMMETRY.— Last November there appeared in these columns a note dealing with the " Canadian Shield." a great mass of gneiss and schist forming one of the ■' corner stones '" of the earth. In the American Journal of Science for December R. Ruedeman points out the strikingly symmetrical arrangement of the large area of Palaeozoic rocks, which extends southwards from this Canadian " protaxis," or shield of pre- Palaeozoic rocks. This area, the '■ Palaeozoic Platform" of North America, is roughly bounded on the west by a line connecting the head of Lake Superior with the Ozarks, and on the east by a line enclosing the .^dirondacks and Appalachians. It corresponds in its relation to the Canadian shield with that of the Russian platform to the Baltic shield. It is bounded on the west by the trans- continental depression occupied by Cretaceous and Tertiary rocks. On either side of the Canadian shield there stand out, like a corner-stone, a pre-Cambrian area (" Isle Wisconsin " and " Isle Adirondack"), in quite symmetrical positions. From each of these extensions there runs outward, along the margin of the shield, a deep depression, the Lake Superior basin and the St. Lawrence basin, respectively. From these same corner-stones there extend southwards a pair of arms, as it were, each consisting of a broad belt of pre-Cambrian and early Palaeozoic rocks, nearly the full length of the Continent. In both cases this elevated tract of old rocks terminates to the south in a pre-Cambrian mass, and these two masses — " Isle Ozark," on the west, and " Isle Appalachia," on the east — are symmetrically situated. Thus is enclosed a great median basin (that of the Great Lakes and Ohio) which is itself symmetrically sub-divided by the Cincinnati geanticline. This broad anticline, striking north and south, separates two sub-basins of younger Palaeozoic strata, situated in symmetrical east and west positions : it dies away to the north, being replaced by the Michigan basin. In this basin we may, perhaps, see a result of a longitudinal oscillation of the axis of the Cincinnati geanticline, for it also lies symmetrically to the whole arrange- ment, constituting, with the Cincinnati uplift, the axis of symmetry of the whole " Palaeozoic Platform." One serious disturbance of symmetry has occurred, due to Atlantic pressure exerted from the south-east ; this has pushed the eastern arm inwards, thus giving rise to the Appalachian basin-folds. Even here, however, the belt of old rocks is recognizable, running south and south-west from New York as far as Alabama. MKTI-OROLOCA'. By John A. Curtis. F.R.Met.Soc. The weather of the week ended January 21st was, generally speaking, dry but dull, with a good deal of fog. Temperature was above the average in Scotland and in Ireland N., but below it elsewhere. The highest readings were 53 at Killarney and Scilly on the 16th, while the lowest readings were 21' at Swarraton on the 15th, and at Durham on the 21st. In Scotland N. and the English Ch.annel. the lowest readings were 35', but in all the other districts frost was recorded, from 28° downwards. The lowest readings on the grass were 15° at Crathes and Llangammarch Wells, and 16° at Durham and Kew. Rainfall was deficient in all parts and in most districts markedly so ; at many stations no rain was reported during the week. In Scotland N., however, there were stations where rain fell each day, though not to excess. March, 1911. KNOWLEDGE. 109 The amount of bright sunshine did not vary much from the average except in Scotland E. and England N.E., where it was nearly twice as much as usual. Crathes reported 27-1 hours or 54 per cent. At Westminster the duration was only 0-2 hours for the week. The temperature of the sea-water varied from 38' at Cromarty to 48^ at Plymouth and Seilby. The weeli ended January 28th was warm, and at each of the stations included in the \Veelroduced b\ toluene. The relatit)ns of protozoa to intense col, ,uid conietarv associations rende.- them of extreme interest and importance. We must learn more' of the phenomena which they present in our terrestrial skies, so that we may judge of their character and behaviour in the remoter regions of space. For the present it seems that the photography of meteors has failed to supply us with an effective and accurate means of recording their flights on ordinary nights of the year. We must continue therefore to follow the old and rough method of registering paths and determining radiants. When we con- sider. howe\er, that radiation forms an area not a point, and that eye-estimates of the directions of flight may, after sufficient practice, be made with a precision almost equal to photographic trials, the latter has really only a slight advantage. The chief periodical showers of the j-ear have been watched for many years, and a large amount of e\idence concerning their displays has been accumulated. Still the materials existing are far from being of the character or extent recpiircd. We w.int nirire data as regards the long duration of showers .ind as to their stationary or shifting positions of radiation. The r.idiant points of the principal streams should be determined on ten or more nights near the date of maxi- nnnn in cases where the showers are active so long as that. RECENT INVESTIGATIONS ON AURORA BOREALIS. By OUK r.KRLIX CORRESPONDENT. According to a hypothesis suggested by Professor hypothesis. He also worked out a new inetiiod of Birkeland of Christiana University, auroras are due aurora investigation bv photographic records, to cathode rays given out from the sun, and which In view of the inadequate luminous intensity and on their way through the cosmic space would great mobility of auroras, it had so far been cOn- converge towards the magnetic poles of the earth, sidered impossible to fix the phenomenon photo- FlGURE 1. Figure _'. The Aurora Borealis. thus producing a bright fluorescence in the surrounding air. In fact, when arranging below a Crooke's bulb a ver\' strong magnet, the cathode ra\s are seen to converge towards this, like light ravs converging towards the focus of a lens. This phenomenon Professor Birkeland denotes bv the name of " suction effect" of the magnetic pole. \\'hen a discharge bulb with a minute "magnetic earth " suspended in its interior is lined with a layer of platinum-barium c\anide. any spot struck by the cathode ravs becomes distincth' visible. By varying this experiment, there are obtained the most manifold fluorescent forms reminding in all details of auroras. In order to test his theory, Birkeland also undertook three vo\ages of discover\- to polar regions, from which he brought home man\- valuable data on the aurora borealis and the concomitant magnetic disturbances. His colleague, Prof essor CarlStormer.of Christiana, in a memoir recently submitted to the Fourth International Congress of Mathematicians, then established a theor}- of the phenomenon, showing all its details to be perfectly accounted for on the above graphicallv. Professor Stormer, however, realized that bv choosing a proper combination of objectives and photographic plates, sufficient sensitiveness could be insured. B\- means of a cinematographic objective one inch in diameter and two inches in focal distance and violet-labelled Lumiere plates, he then succeeded, on a voyage to Bossekop (Finmarken), in Februarv and March 1910. in obtaining four hundred satisfactorv aurora photographs out of a total of eight hundred, with exposures var\-ing between a fraction of a second and twenty seconds, according to the luminous intensity of the phenomenon. One of the most valuable uses these photographs can be put to, is measuring the altitude of auroras and ascertaining their accurate position in the cosmic space. To this effect the position of the aurora in regard to the surrounding stars should be compared on two photographs taken simultaneously from two stations connected by telephone. A systematical application of this method (a report on which was recenth- presented to the French Academy of Sciences) will doubtless gi\-e the most \-aluable results. 127 SCIENCE IN EVERY-DAY LIFE. ]?v Rev. H. N. HUTCHINSON, B.A„ I'.G.S., F.Z.S. In the opinion of the present writer, one of the first things to be done by women of the upjier and middle classes, is to abolisli the pri\ate kitchen. Such a [ilan would sa\'e space in the house: a sittint^-room for domestics is hi^hl\- desirable, and the kitchen could be ma(k- nito such a room. It would save a \'ast amount of trouble. anxiet\" and worry. In every street there should be a large kitchen and confectioner's shop. The lad\' of the house could, each da\'. order her meals bv telephone, and the food could be sent out in wooden boxes for each meal, just as dinners and suppers are ])rovided b\- the college kitchens of Oxford or Cambridge. The w riter has advocated this plan for thirt\- \'ears: but the habits of a nation are not easih- changed. The waste in\-olved in private kitchens is enormous. Food would be of the best under this plan, and it would afford a much greater range of choice. Companies could be started to suppl\- this great want, and contracts might be made quarterh" or yearh". Let the ladies seriously consider this proposal, for it is certainly within their power to devise wa\'s of carr\'ing it out. The danger of fire is considerable, and yet few householders take an\- [irecautions to diminish the risk. There is no need to go to an\' great expense; for hand fire extinguishers can now be obtained at reasonable prices. Two or three fire-buckets might be placed on a landin;;. A Ik ise-pi])i.' from the bath- room might be etf"ecti\e at the beginning of a fire. In tall London houses, a good ])lan is to pro\ide one of the top bedrooms with a long rope, so that the inmates could let themselves down to tlie ground. .\ stout hook should be fixed just abo\e the window. Young people are inclined to be careless al)Out their clothing, and in this matter parents should see to it that their sons and daughters do not risk their lives bv wearing thin garments in the spring time, or in the cool evenings of Ma\- and June. By such simple precautions much lung disease, rlicuniatism. and so on, might be axoideii. It neeti hartih' be said that certain fashions, i.e.. high-heeled boots, are scientifically wrong and absurd. But probably no considerations of this kind \vill have the slightest influence in modif\'ing a foolish fashion, unolving serious danger to the human bodw We therefore pass on to the subject of " air." People talk much about ventilation, especialK- in public rooms and places of entertainment, but at the same time such people often pay little attention to the \'entilation of their houses or flats, or it may be lodgings. In all our big towns thousands of people live much of their lives in stuffy little rooms, where they cannot possiblv get all the air they need to keep in health and to digest their food. Of late }ears there has been marked improvement in tliis matter, owing to the greater use of electricitx' for lighting pur- poses. But one still sees many rooms (often of but small size) lighted bv gas. Now this is really a grave e\il. and the cause of an immense amount of ill-health and suffering. Those who li\e in such rooms are simph' breathing poisoned air, all the time that the gas is burning ! What it means those who have learned a little chemistry can readilv comprehend. Lach gas-burner is pouring into the room a constant stream of carbonic acid and sulphur dioxide, two poisonous gases. Fortu- nately a little air enters from under the door, drawn liy the heat of the fire, otherwise the inmates of the room would be suffocated. Such a use of gas ought to be strictly forbidden. B\' a sim[)le plan, which the writer has often advocated, this gra\e evil can be a\'oided. An\- plumber or builder could easilv devise a method of drawing away all gaseous products of decomposition. One plan would be to have the lights in the ceiling, but enclosed, as is often seen in railwa\' carriages. Another wa\' would be to provide a fairl\- large glass or metal funnel to hang o\er each gas bracket — to the top of this funnel a pipe could be fixed of sufficient diameter to take away all the foul air, either into the chimney or through a hole in the ^\■all. Central chandeliers might b:- taken awa\' altogether, and their place supplied by the Ceiling light, as described aboN'e. A third de\ ice wiuihl be small brackets on the walls, each enclosed m an artistic glass case, with pipes to conduct the bad air to the chimnex'. or through the walls to the outside. In this simple manner the au^ of our rooms might be kept just as pure and h\sh as in cases where electricity is the light- ing agent. Xo matches need be used, for ever\- biu'iier woidd be [Provided with a b\'-pass, for lighting and tor turning down, and, of course, incan- descent mantles should be adopted on account ot the increased light the\- afford. Builders of small houses shoukl be compelled b\" law to provide for some such plan. or. at least, gas-fitters should be forbidden to fit gas-burners in such a way that the products of combustion cannot be led away from the rooms. If householders would adopt this sim[)Ie plan the\ would not only get their rooms lighted cheaplw but the\- would help to make it more largely used, and so. before long, obtain a considerable reduc- tion in the price thereof; also explosions would be almost impossible. With regard to the heating of houses we are workiuij on wrong lines. The usual method is unsatisfactorx in every sense {except artistically) and quite unscientific. So here is a matter in which teforin is greath' needed. The use of coal in fire- places not onl\- cau.ses smoke with all its grave evils. but iinohx's a waste that is truK piodigious W( U.s APRir.. 1911. KNOWLEDGE. 129 must consider not onl\' the uaste of useful carbon and so of heat — that is bad enough, especially in its indirect results — but we have to consider the loss of those extremely valuable bye-products that might be obtained if the same fuel were heated in retorts and made to yield up its gas. The wealth of England is partlv due to its splendid coal-fields. Coal being part of the national wealth, it should be the aim of all good citizens to prevent the waste of it. But as things are we allow a large part of our wealth to escape up the chimney. This is bad science and worse political economy ; it means we are spending capital as well as income : but unless the women will approach the subject in a different spirit there is not much prospect of reform. To make the matter clear, it will be necessar\' to explain very briefly what happens in the manufacture of coal-gas. Coal is heated in closed vessels called retorts and the gases driven off led awa\- into gasometers, and thence to the mains that supply our houses. Now the three chief residual products of this process are : coke, an ammoniacal liquor, and coal-tar. The coke is principally used in manu- factures : its value depends on the kind of coal from which it is got : some kinds yield a coke of great value commerciallv, the gas companies deriving a large income from its sale. To some slight extent it is used in domestic grates, especialK" in kitchen ranges. But the second product. amiu(.)niacal liquor, is still more important. .\ ton of cannel coal will }-ield eighteen to twenty pounds of ammonia un the form of sulphate), ordinar\- coal \-ields about sixteen pounds. The chief use of the sulphate of ammonia is as a fertiliser of soils, and for this purjiosc it realizes good prices. The third b\e-product is tar liquor. This substance yields, by distillation, a wide range of products of great and increasing industrial value. In the process some highh- volatile pro- ducts are given off — consisting principalh- of benzol and afterwards a large amount of light nil called " naphtha " (a mixture of h\-dro-carbons). .\t this point the residue in the retort is callei.1 " arti- ficial asphalte," and as such has a commercial value. But if the heat is forced and distilla- tion continued a large amount of hea\y oil is obtained, and the mass left in the still is hard pitch. The heav\- oils are a mixture of naphthalin. phenol (carbolic acid), cresol (cresylic acid), and anthracene and so on. The benzol obtained in the first stage of distillation is the basis of aniline and its warious d\es. Naphtha is used as a sohent and in other wa\'s. Carbolic acid is largely used as a disinfectant and also is the basis of many valuable dyes. Anthracene is the basis of a very valuable dye called " artificial alizarin "" and most of the abo\e substances have other applications of minor importance. The following figures, kindly supplied by the secretar\- of the Gas Light and Coke Company, mav be quoted here. For the year ending June 30th, 1910. this company purchased coal to the \alue of £1.052.000. The revenue from coke was £"536,000. Sulphate of ammonia and cyanogen products vielded £1X4.000. From the latter are obtained sodium cvanide, largely- used in gold mining, Prussian h\jz, and so on, used for other chemical processes. Ti.i ether bye-products e.g., tar, pitch, creosote, benzol :.nd anthracene brought in a revenue of £"95,000. I': v.jll thus be seen that the total revenue from bye-products amounted to the large sum of £"815,000; i.e., over three-quarters of the value of the coal usovi. The abo\e \er\- brief account suffices to prove that several inqiortant industries depend upon gas-making. Consequently the more gas is used for " domestic " heating, cooking and lighting, as well as providing motive-power by working gas engines, the more men and women will find employment in these industries, thus at the same time earning a li\ing h)r themselves, and increasing the natural wealth of the country. In the last ten years or more, enormous improve- ments have been made in the domestic fire grate : it is now not only more artistic, but much more effective ami economical, and thus a further step has been gained in diminishing smoke production in large towns. Many attempts have been made to construct a smokeless domestic grate, but this is almost impossible ; for when once the hea\'\- carbonaceous smoke has been produced, it is ver\' difficult to burn away the carbon particles completely, on account of the large volume of nitrogen present with the oxs'gen in the air passing up the chimney. Sn that the best method ot preventing smoke is to jiiit on the coal in \er\' small (]uantitii-'S. Another good [)lan is to liurn wood or coke with the coal. The use of anthracite coal would result in a smokeless and very hot combustion, but it is difficult to light and also requires a special stove. Consequently the initial cost largeh- stands in the way of the general use of anthracite for domestic use, and also it is obvious that any great demand for such coal would create so great a rise in prices as to render its use prohibitive, the suppl\- being limited. The use of half-baked coal is not a new idea, but since " Coalite "" was put on the market attention has once more been turned to this method. The "Coalite"' process has one ad\-antage, viz.. that tlie fuel is of greater unifortuitw and the A'ield of tar is doubled, instead of being decreased. In the opinion of a leading chemist, " Coalite "" will be the ideal fuel for home use, but to the present writer it seems that the onh' satisfactory solution of the problem lies in the abolition of coal- fires, their place to be taken chiell\' by gas-fires and gas-stoves. This is. undoubtedly, the proper scientific w'a\' of solving the smoke problem, and of preventing the waste of precious coal. Not that it is the only solution, for in larger houses, hotels, public buildings, colleges, and such places, hot water heating is almost a necessity. The furnace in those cases might be constructed to use gas instead of coal. Electric radiators might with ad\'antage be used in small rooms, and for warming odd corners. At present, however, they are expensive. For some years past, as all Londoners thankfulh- recognise, London fogs ha\'e been much fewer and tar less dense than was formerly the case, and it is generally recognised that 130 KNOWLEDGE. April, 1911. this welcome improvement is chicll}' due to the more general use of gas-stoves and gas-fires. Having used gas-stoves forjnanv \"ears. the writer has no hesita- tion in recommending them. If properly fixed up b\- a competent fitter, there is an entire absence of smell in the room. At the back is a tfue-pipe to carry a\\a\- the gaseous products of combustion. This should be fairly long — say. three feet at least — and carefulh- fixed on the stove in such a way as to avoid any leaky joints. Tliis is most imj)ortant. It is best to fill up all the space between the stove and the surrounding fireplace. Ladies appear to have a prejudice against the gas-sto\-e. which is a pit\-. The\' must, however, admit that an immense amount of labour is sa\'ed In- their use, and that dust is entirely a\'oided. There is this further advantage (especiallv in bedrooms), that a gas- stove can be regulated to a nicet\'. and turned off when no longer required. Professor N'ivian 15. Lewes, lecturing on Decem- ber 8th of last \ear before the Ro\-al Institution, said : "' The principal cause of the cloud which hangs over our big towns, cutting off the direct ra\'S of the sun and ruining health, \'aries with the localitw In the South of England it is the domestic grate, using bituminous fuel, which is responsible for the major portion of this pollution of the atmosphere ; whilst further north, in the great manufacturing centres, it is the factory shafts which emit the \y a star catalogue, or to an epoch: it is necessary to investigate all their sources. The observations of the northern sky include similar kinds of systematic error as well : but the observations are much older, and there has been much more time for the study of the errors of method, and for comparing the results w ith the fundamental methods in use. Each time that one empln\s these methods, it is possible to adjust or correct the observations to the same epoch, and likewise we are able to improve the results of the old observations. There is nothing new in that process ; it has been used at various times for connecting the results of all observatories in the world, both in the north and south hemis- pheres. But, in general, the zone of stars which can be observed in both hemispheres has served to adjust or connect the s\stem of the north w ith the system of the south. It is difficult to extend the range so as to embrace the positions from this zone. w ithout deviation, from one pole to the other. Other difficulties exist and arise when \'arious instruments are used, and when different methods of observation and calculation are employed in obtaining the data used in such a comparison. Now we have a more complete plan for adjusting or connecting the observations of both hemisiiheres. 1)\- a fundamental method, and we hope that the results of this plan will scrNe to impro\e the positions of the stars in all the sk^■. It will be the foundation from which to compute new positions for our epoch, and the base for studying the old positions. The Plan. The plan includes : — (i7) The obser\'ations, witli one iiis/riiniciit. ot all the principal stars in the sk\- : (b) the use of a fundamental method to fix afresh the positions of those which ser\-e for the basis of the calculations : (c) the investigation of the results of all obser- \ations by a uniform method ; ((/) the comparison with the results of old observations by the use of these new positions ; (c) and the binding together into one system all observations from pole to pole. One Instrument T(.) be Used. This is the plan which forms a part ot the work of the San Luiz Observatory in .Argentina. It is the first occasion on which one has used a single instru- ment for observations of this class of work in both hemispheres. The observations for this extensive plan were commenced in the city of Albany, U.S.A.. some years before taking the instrument to San Luiz. and. after the conclusion of the obser\ation of the more southern sky, the same instrument will be mounted, at another time, in its old {>lace (at Albany) in order to complete the rest of the observations. The obser\-ations of the south will be made, therefore, in the middle of those in the north, so far as relates to the mean epochs. With the results of these obser\'ations made upon this plan, it will be possible to correct some of the systematic errors of the old catalogues : as also to form a new basis for a complete s\'stem of positions of the principal stars, and a connecting link for other stars which one may include in the same system. With this object, it is necessary to form a plan of work which will be general and comprehensive, avoiding, as far as possible, the effects of s\ stematic errors in the observations and in the calculations. It is also necessary to study all the errors of the instrument and apply the proper corrections. Of these the most important are, the division errors or graduation of the circles, errors or inequalities in the form of the axes or pivots of the instrument, and the flexure of the telescope. There are also the corrections of the position of the instrument as in other classes of meridian ojiservations. Besides the.se. April, 1911. KNOWLEDGE. 133 it is necessary to investigate tlie personal errors ; one that depends upon the magnitude of the various stars, and the other which de[)ends upon the direction of movement of the stars in the lield of view in the telescope. These errors are to be studied for e\'ery one of the observers of the commission. FUNDAMKNTAL METHOD. Of great importance is the use of the fundamental method, in the determination of the meridian line and for the correction of the astronomical clock. In the usual method the principal stars have served for these objects. One used one of the equatorial stars for determining the correction of the clock, and two of the circumpolar stars served for fixing the azimuth of the instrument or direction of the meridian. But in this simple use of the positions of the stars the errors of the positions adopted come into the calculations. In the fundamental method, however, one does not adopt the positions of the stars, though they are better determined. In all there are some systematic errors : the errors of the obser\-ations. and the proper motions of the stars, during the years since they w ere revised. come in. Each time that there is a new revision it is probable that the data is more exact. The object of the revision is to adjust all parts of the area of positions in such a way that no differences have entered into the results of the observations when thev are made in the various regions of the sky, though it is necessary to use the positions of the stars in opposite parts. In the measurement of small arcs there are no great difficulties, tlie errors are unimportant : but in the fundamental method it is necessar\- to measure great arcs, even a complete circumference. In general the errors w ill be greater, and onl\- by much attention to the observations and calculations can we avoid the increase of these indeterminable differences. This is the first time that the fundamental method has been employed, to its fullest extent, in a South American observatory. In the fundamental method the direction of the meridian will be fixed by the transits of the same stars made above and below the pole. In this case the error of position adopted will have no increasing influence in the computations. Instrumental Corrections. The latitude will be determined b\- the same circumpolar stars. Other stars which come above and below the pole will serve for a fundamental determination of refraction. For this purpose the stars more distant from the pole, which transit at a small altitude, are selected. It is necessary to study the refraction at each place, especially when the observatory is at a considerable altitude above the level of the sea. For this study we have the com- bination of the observations at Albany with those at San Luiz. At one place it will be possible to observe the stars which pass in the zenith of the other, and verify, or ascertain, the effects of atmos- pheric refraction. We use t'le same instrument with the same circle-division errors, and the tube will be subjected to the same effects cf flexure when we measure it in the two places. When we possess the results of the measures extending from the north to the south pole in a complete s\'stem, we shall be certain that the\' will be independent of the errors of the positions adopted for the stars (ibserxed. The errors of observations in the zenith will be minute : and it will be possible to correct the observations of the circumpolar stars, bv means of the new refraction, in such a manner that those w ill be more accurate. Also, we shall have a system of fundamental stars in all parts of the sk\- for adjust- ing the various jjarts. These fundamental stars will be observed in conjunction witli the zenith and circumpolar stars. Basis of Right Ascensions. The elimination of the systematic errors in the right ascensions is another problem. .^ fundamental svstem should be based upon the position of the sun, finalh' : but there is no necessity to observe the transits of the sun in connection with all the observations. It is possible to fix the positions of the stars with that of the sun b}- means of the oliservations which have been made, and the observa- tions which mav be made, without adopting the position of any star whose position is well deter- mined. Observations of the declination of the sun, combined with the observations of the stars, in anv eiioch, will serve to determine the difference of right ascension of these. We adopt a system of right ascensions as the basis and with this proceed to the determination of the systematic corrections in the various parts. These corrections have a periodic character ; so that, when thev occur opposite star groups, with a difference of tweh'e hours in right ascension, the sum of the corrections will be almost equal, with contrary or opposite effect. From this periodic error the results, when the correction of the clock is determined by the observations of the stars in two groups, at an interval of twelve hours, can be freed of the periodic effect, if mit completeh-. at least in a great measure. b"or the change or rate in the correction of the clock, one uses the stars in the same group each day. Between the stars of the same group there is little variation, the positions will be \'ery exact and greatly improved, but all those of a group can have the same systematic error. For verif\'ing the true meridian-line one can observe by day and by night an electric light, well fixed in the meridian, as an artificial star at a distance of one hundred meters to the north. The position of this light has been determined by observa- tions of circumpolar stars, and one will pursue the determinations of this until the end of the work. For ascertaining the amount of flexure of the tube of the instrument, one will make observations of the stars by the two methods, by direct and reflected 134 KNOWLEDGE. April. 1911. view, using a trough of mercun- for the reflected image. The use of this method is of great import- ance in the drscussion of fundamental observations. For this class of observations calm nights are requisite, or those with extremelv little wind. Old and New Work. These remarks aim at explaining the reason of the plan of the fundamental work, the studv of all the instrumental and personal errors, the determination of the position of the instrument without using an adopted position of any star, and the determination of the correction and the change or rate of the clock's error by groups of stars in opposite parts of the skv. This method entails more work, in order to measure from one star to another, than the method mostly in use. It is necessarv to continue the observations at least for thirt\-six hours, in order to include three groups of stars. The calculations are very heavv. The corrections oi the position of the instrument in a long period ma\- alter sensibh", and it is necessary to study well the progress of all errors. The arcs between the stars are large and the errors of the observations are relativeh' increased. Finallv, it is necessary to observe in the da\- time when the brighter stars only are within the limits of vision. For these reasons, and because one can observe the small or fainter stars onlv at night, the method mostl\- used is to fix. by differential means, the positions of these fainter objects with reference to the principal stars in their vicinitx". Inthis manner we have had the principal catalogues. which have been made by degrees, from one part of the sky to the other, just as one has fixed the points on the earth by the difference of longitude between each point and another point about the first or primary. All the longitudes have a single base at last : though all the differences have not been directlv measured from the base, it is adopted as the origin of the system of longitudes. The errors of the differential method can be small in exact observations, yet they have some systematic corrections which increase from one epoch to another. Now and then it is necessar\' to revise the scheme, compare the fundamental data, and rectify all the area, with results of great precision and with more complete calculations. In this way the results of the old observations are improved, and these then enter into the modern calculations with less svstematic error. Astronomers whom we succeed used those results in the calculations of the movements of the stars and in the movement of the solar system. Fundamental Method Extended. The stars which we observe bv the tundamental method are now reckoned among those that are better known or determined in the sky. In the first class are included the stars used in this method for clock corrections. The positions of those in the first class. when once well revised are used for fixing the positions of the second class, which is of greater extent. containing the principal stars of all parts of the sky. A third class, in our plan, includes a great number of stars, until now of less value in fundamental work, all well fixed or connected b\ simultaneous observa- tions. In these classes we shall have altogether 1600 fundamental stars. By means of the positions of the fundamental stars, one calculates the positions of all the other stars which one observes on this plan. We include the greater part of the stars which have been observed before the epoch 1S75'0. The positions of these stars serve to compute man\' proper motions, and for fixing the direction and quantitv of the motion of the solar system. We estimate that we shall obser\e on our plan 15.000 stars in all. They are of all degrees of brightness from the first magnitude, besides those more difficult to observe w ith a telescope of this power. Observations of all are to be found in the catalogues of the past forty years and in the older ones. So, as the old catalogues ser\-e as a basis for the present work, so also will the observations on our jilan similarh' ser\e for future calculations. C"LnL\TE AND WoRK. The development of this project has given good results in the observations obtained since the commencement of our scheme of work. In the first complete \"ear we have made more than sixtv-two thousand observations. This number has never been reached, for this class of observations, by an\' other observatorw .\s the greater part of the work has alreadv been concluded, the task will be easier now. For the most part the climate of San Luiz has been good. In the first vear we had three hundred nights during which one could observe for some hours at least. More than two hundred nights were clear during all hours. Under the usual condition of the sky we could generally reckon upon seventy per cent, of the time for suitable astronomical observations. A series or c\"cle of fundamental observations is one-hundred-and-twenty hours, as a general rule, but the observations are continued without intermission. One makes six observations successively of a group of stars and six observations of another group at a distance of twelve hours from the first. These groups are usualh" made in the evening and early dawn. The same observer continues during some hours at night in order to include the stars which passed in those hours. Other observers follow during the last part of the night for fixing other stars with the principal stars. They are occupied from twelve to ten and six hours for the observations during the twentv-four hours. The commission has consisted of ten persons for four months only: during the greater part of the work we had six or eight. W^e are occupied with the computations as well, but these will require manv \'ears before being accomplished, and the results of the preliminarv calculations are sent to North .America, where the\" will be concluded at the Alban\- Observatorw Aprh,, 1911. KNOWLEDGE. 135 The Erection of the Ohservatokv at Sax Lriz. The construction and the installation of the obser\ator\- has been rapid and without any mis- fortunes. In September of 1908 we commenced the construction of the building of the observatory in the grounds of the State school. The National Go\ernment gave facilities for acquiring the area necessarv for the observatory and for a house. Five months later all was established ready for the installation of the instruments, and for lodging the members of the commission. After the preliminarv examination and the deter- mination of some instrumental corrections, we commenced the obser\ations for the scheme in the month of April, 1909. It is the first occasion upon which an instrument of this class has been erected upon artificial stone, made with Portland cement, grit, sand, or fine gra\-el. and strengthened with iron. The two large piers which support the axes of the instrument are joined into one base extended two or three meters, and this base, of two meters in depth, is fixed with the foundaticn, which is extended beyond the base of the piers ; thersfcre, all is as one block by this modern method of ccns'cruction. The height of the pillars, with the b^ise, extends to five meters above the foundation, which is of sand and other materials. There are also two piers of the same construction for auxiliary instruments in the largi room, and another pillar at a distance of one hundred meters, for indicating the meridian mark. The two astronomical clocks are installed within a small room constructed for the work rooms ; each clock is arranged on an artificial pillar of the same concrete material. This is the histor}" of the Observatory of San Luiz. No one here speaks of a work being in pro- gress; it is an act almost completed. Up to the present we have verified more than sevent\"-five thousand observations ; according to this, five thousand per month since the beginning of our project. As all has gone off well until this day, we may hope that the work will be completed within a year from the date of 1910. June 30th. QUERIES AND ANS\VER.S. Readers arc invited to scud in Questions and to ansK'cr the Queries zi'liicli are printed on tliis page. (JL'ESTIOXS. 32. THE GENUS LIXARIA.— Is it possible to obtain a complete list of the species and varieties of the genus Linaria ; if so where, and at what price ? G. K. W. 33. "HALLEV'S COMET."— In the March issue of " Know'Ledge " it is stated that Halley's Comet is still visible ; and of about the 14th magnitude. Can any of your readers inform me whether the distance of the comet from the Sun can be found by calculation at any particular time, and also whether its speed can be determined ? As an example, how far will it be from the Sun, and how man.\- miles will it move a day, two years after passing perihelion, that is, on April 19th, 1912 ? , '^ , , f , Interested. 34. ORIEXTATIOX OF THE GREAT PYRAMID.— In the articles on " The Great Pyramid " contributed by Proctor to " Knowledge " Vol. I., he lays great stress on its careful orientation, and devotes considerable space to the method of obtaining a true north-and-south line by means of the descending passage pointing to a Draconis and the ascending passage equally inclined towards the south ; but he makes no mention of the means of obtaining a true east-and-west line which must also have been necessary for the construction, perhaps because there is nothing to show what method was actually used. Could a true east-and-west line be laid out by observing a suitable star near the eastern horizon shortly after sunset, and the same star near the western horizon shortly before sunrise ? If so, between what latitudes is this method available, and what considerations must be taken into account in selecting a suitable star ? What other methods, astronomical or otherwise, are likely to have been available to the Pyramid builders ? REPLIES. 24. DREAMS. — Much observation leads me to believe that a large majority, at the very least, of dreams are instantaneous, occupying only an infinitesimal part of the moment of returning consciousness from sleep, and that a noise which wakes a sleeper is itself the cause of the dream which fits it. That, in fact, the dream is an instantaneous " snap-shot " of a commingling of subconscious impressions with those due to external objectives. We must, most of us, be aware how frequently a mere dozy shutting down of the eyelids is pro- ductive of a \ery definite panorama of the mind. While in dreamland I may say that I doubt strongly the occurrence of the repetition of the same dream in successive slumbers, except as an exceedingly rare event. I believe that the dream itself furnishes the thought of the supposed first dream. Has anyone ever made a note of a dream, and then referred to it when the repetition is believed to take place ? L. J. 30. FINDING THE TIME BY THE HEAVENLY BODIES. — For (II The determination of the time would depend on the solution of a spherical triangle connecting the hour angle, i.e., the time, with 5, a and ^, the declination and altitude of the sun, and the latitude of the place, a being the angle which has for its tangent the ratio of the lengths of the stick and its shadow. The result might appear rather complex to anyone unfamiliar with spherical trigonometry, and some calculation with trigonometrical tables would be required to obtain numerical results. The solutions of (2) and (3) are very simple. (21 requiring no calculation, and (3) only the determination of a single angle from the known value of its tangent. Generally if X is the latitude of any place, and i and 5 the altitude and declination of the Sun at noon on any date, then 90' — X = ct — 5 is always true. For (2) X = 52 ; a -45; therefore 5 = 7°. The dechnation of the Sun will be very nearly 7' at noon in London on April 7th and September 5th. For (3) a will be the angle which has for its tangent the ratio of the length of the stick to the length of its shadow, and the latitude of the place will be 90'— a + 5. The declination of the Sun can. of course, be obtained for any date from the Nautical Almanac ; the sign before S must be reversed if the Sun has South declination. J. H. G. FINGER PRINTS: A CHAPTER IN THE HISTORY OF THEIR USE FOR PERSONAL IDENTIFICATION. Bv HENRY FAULDS. The famous Tichborne case gave a great impulse to the studv of identification as a question in juris- prudence. I ^\■as leaving this countr\- for Japan in 1873 and the vast crowd around the old Court at Westminster impressed me greath" with the import- ance of the subject. Craniologv seemed to man\" to have had its da}', and the complexities of constantly varying methods had induced almost complete scepticism. If a race could not be distin- guished on anatomical grounds, how could we ever hope to identify a single member of the human family on the basis of anatomy with confidence and precision .•' It had been decreed. II cm iiic contra dice ut c. except \'ircho\\ — an important exception — that all the soft tissues, hair, skin, and the like, were now useless for such a purpose. I had studied photographs most carefulh', but found them to be traitorous, the same people l>eing made to look (]uite different in a changed light, by another mode of developing, with the vary- ing ps\chological moods of the sitter. They were useful but not precise. .\fter certain illnesses, too, the living face was fount as in typhoid fever, and more temporarily m ague. The tragic effects of small-pox are well known to novel readers. Our police in England used not long ago to keep an indexed record of tattoo-marked persons who had once been convicted. I doubt it the^• ever had a case like that of a Japanese once employed by me in their collection. (See plate.) This man's case was unique, I think, his whole skin win a tine estate, lUit no one can produce to order the simplest finger-print pattern in living tissue. It niav be destroyed, whereas, on the other hand a complex tattoo pattern can be created but can hardlv be destroved. It would be quite impossible by an\- known means to destro}' one like that now figured. Sir Ed\\ai WaLTER GoODACRE. eras 1110 Figure 1. .A reduced facsimile of one of the sections of a New Map of the Moon. a real incentive to the study of selenograpli\-. The fact that the moon's surface has been mapped far more accurately than has much of our own world does not alter the other fact, that there is very much more to learn concerning it. Mr. Goodacre has kindly given permission for the reprodnction of one section (see Figure 1), and this shows how well he has accomplished his work. It is being produced by subscription at the really too low price of 22s. 6d.. about a quarter the price of Schmidt's. It is to be hoped tliat the number of subscribers may verv soon be found to permit of the publica- tion being completed. I'RANK C. DENNETT. Mr. Strickland, in July — page 269 — says: " Nasmyth believes it to be demonstrated that as a rule the sky is clearer at full moon than at the quarters." (If fewer clouds, then less rain ; what do the rain-gauges say to this?) "Effect of moon is strongest in Winter in England." (Are tides highest in Winter?) "Equatorial regions .are. par excellence, solar regions and lunar influence is reduced to a niiniuunn." (What about height of tides there coniiiared with temperate regions?) Rem.irks on height of tide in Bay of Fundy, and in Mediterranean. — The almost absence of tide in the Mediter- ranean, is dependent u|i.in the small inlet from the Atlantic, April. 1911. KNOWLEDGE. 143 ;uid the high tides in other localized places upon the special configuration of the coast — the narrowing of the waterway, as also in the Severn and the Wye in England. If the moon raises tides in the ocean, a much higher tide should she raise in the lighter air ; if so, does her attraction counteract the effect of the increased weight of air on the barometer ? .'^t the commencement of his letter Mr. Strickland says: "I hold that the negative they (the official meteorologists) think they have proved, is not proven." (Do not their statements rest on facts observed at Greenwich ?) In your September number, — page 372 — Mr. Ditcham writes to show that the high tides in the Fraser River bring up warmer water from the sea, and so warm the climate, but is not that almost as indirect a result as it would be if they brought up a log of wood which he cut into firewood and warmed his house with ? Or again, if the liver were dammed back, the warming effect of the moon would be prevented to those above the dam. I li\e on the watershed between the Thames and the Channel where there are no tidal streams, and can find no sign of the moon"s in- fluence on our weather. There is also a letter from Mr. Ditcham. in your February number of this year, the figures of which, I am sorry to sa\', I cannot understand, whether they give the height of tides, or some barometric weights, I do not know, nor can I see any con- nection between the figures and the dates. L. J. rODUK.A. SC.\LES. To the Editors of " K.xowi.EDGE." Sirs, — Mr. Plaskitt. in his courteous reply to my letter, has almost entirely ignored the point I tried to drive home, that the available aperture of any wide apertured micro-objective is limited to the back lens being three-quarters filled with white light only. That I filled up the whole of mine with such light, 1 ne\er asserted. Indeed. 1 could not have done so had I tried, my condenser being a dry one. For all that, I could always break down the iin.age in my -objective, of 1-40, upon any object mounted in balsam, by using the largest stop of the condenser. What I did claim, howe%er, and do claim now, was that I worked the objecti\e with the largest aperture it would stand — rather a different matter. Upon the points he has raised, save one, 1 have nothing to fight ; the laws of refraction are fixed. It is only upon the application we differ. Neither is it necessary on my part to try the experiments he suggests in the last paragraphs of his letter, for already I agree. This question of full versus available aperture is a very old one with me — twenty years old, in fact. On referring to the back numbers of the journal of the Ouekett Club, I find that Mr. Ingpen raised exactly the same point in 1S91, in connection with some objects exhibited by myself. He said that he " wanted to employ the greatest powers of the objective to be obtained between 1 and 1 • 4, and did not see how they could be made use of upon a dry object,"' — at the same time advocating the use of a dense medium. To this, Mr. E. M. Nelson replied that he " found, on the "Ml^! Figure 2. Part of a Podura Scale, showing a portion of the right hand side of the Scale reproduced in " Knowledge," Volume XXXIll. p.age 535, Figure 2, enlarged 2i times to show intermediate lines. other hand, if the object was drj- on the cover glass, it would bear the test better than if in a mediur;i. So long as it was in optical contact with the front of the lens they could get in all the spectra Photographs of objects mounted in the denser medium looked all smeared over." He had never seen a decent critical im.age produced from anything in a dense medium. He did not know the reason, unless it might be that the treatment undergone by such might have the effect of spoiling them. This appears to be a question of theory versus practice, and reminds me of the German Professor who forbade his students to adopt a certain formula, because, though it worked out well enough in practice, in theory it was all wrong. In the present instance the theory was that an oil-immersion objective must have an oil-inmiersion condenser of the same aperture, to develop it. Workers bought the oil-immersion condensers and then innocently stopped them down until they got the working image, thinking all the while that they were utilising the full aperture of the lens. My chal- lenge to them was to produce something under an oil-innner- sicm condenser I could not show- equally well with a dry one ; a challenge ne\er taken up. This, howe\'er. is \'ery old historj' now. I shall be only too pleased for the Editors to send Mr. Plaskitt my address, and equally pleased to receive the enlarged prints promised. I know how- easy it is to miss little points in a small print which are perfectly obvious when they are further magnified. May I suggest, liow- e\er, that with the Editors' permission, Mr. Plaskitt sends one enlargement to be repro- duced for the benefit of the readers of " Knowledge." I am sending one with this letter hoping for that permission, because, I take it. the truth is what we both want. If this be granted, that is, the Editors' consent, the one of his to go best with mine would be the one with the oblique lighting across the scale. Yet, even then, the credi- bility of appearances will still remain an outstanding question. I. at least, am not prepared to state with certainty what the secondary lines denote, and I do not suppose Mr. Plaskitt is more positive. We can only judge of the relative truth by the method of production. Leaving my own opinion out of the question altogether, the weighty authority of Mr. E. M. Nelson and the late Dr. Dallinger cannot be ignored, who both advocate the central cone of illumination, as opposed to oblique light. The last, in his presidential address to the Ouekett Club, in 1891, speaking of the new apochromatism, says : '' It gives certainty and precision to all work done .... but w-e must be careful not to re-introduce the ghostly element by false interpretation. I am increasingly convinced of the possible danger of employing shafts of oblique light only in one azimuth. The peril of misinterpret.ation is enormous." Again, of the new apochromatic of 1-60 N..-\., it is claimed that '■ it is a triumph of the optical firm w-hich produced it. . . . . But I would hasten to say, that I would not trust a single result produced by its means, when oblique light in one azimuth is employed It is fatal to its truth. We can absolutely .get almost any desired result with it. It is a very optical Witch of Endor for calling up ghosts 144 KNOWLEDGE. Apkii. 1911. and ghostly visions." Surely here is evidence enough, and as for this one lens, all the result of direct experiment. Mr. Plaskitt c_ontends that if when using an oil-immersion of 1 -40 with the full aperture, that is. with the back lens filled with white light, I then stopped it down until only three- (juarters was full, I should be getting mncli nearer • 75 than 1 -40. an aperture not so much as a good dry quarter as to resolving power. Well, that is a matter easily settled. I still have the scale from which the photograph with my apochromatic was taken, and shall be most happy to wait upon him with it. if his home is in London. If he can then. with a dry glass, produce the same appearances upon it. 1 u ill concede his point. This, at least, would be a short way out of the discussion. -j. -,- c;-\iitH THE ETKRXAL RETURN. To the Editors of "Knowledge." Sirs, — Mr. H. D. Barcla\', in the February issue of " Knowledge." raises the oft-recurring and apparently insoluble question of Eternal Return, but the precise difficult\' he is in is not altogether clear. That time and space are infinite will admit of little doubt ; that the sum total of forces in the Universe is also infinite is, though open to question, probably also true. The fact of their being constant need not necessarily impair their infinity. (Can infinity itself not be constant ?) Their sum total may be constant, but their component parts are subject to perpetual changing and interchanging. It is this continual changing and lack of equilibrium that is of the very essence of force. Pre-suppose equilibrium, and our conception of force is gone. We might, indeed, say that this lack of equilibrium is a permanent and essential factor in the Universe. It is, as it were, the attribute of force or energv itself, and, in this sense, is infinite and eternal. The argument, as stated by Mr. Barclay, pre-supposes this permanence : — " If these forces could ever attain a position of balance it would have already happened, as an infinity of time has passed." Not having happened, it follows that this condition of out-of-balancc is infinite, and force, therefore, is also infinite. It is curious to note th.it Dr. Le Bon is brought in as a supporter — indeed as one of the discoverers — of the eternal return hypothesis, but on what ground it is difficult to understand; for, in Dr. Le Bon's view, matter is constantly " dis,sociating " and slowly but surely returning to the ether from which it was originally derived. Once it has all returned, there is an end of matter and energy alike. This is a subject I happen to have alluded to in the January issue of the Westminster Reviexc, and if Mr. Barclay will refer to it he will see that Dr. Le Bon's teaching (if I read him aright I is not that of "eternal return" but of "no return." It is true that here and there he lets fall a phrase which betrays a doubt on the subject: but in spite of these lapses it is clear that his doctrine of dissociation is closely bound up with the doctrine of "no return." — matter and energy are constantly being dissipated, and apparently are lost for all time. It is not an inspiring doctrine, and seems purely gratuitous : for there is nothing in his experiments that necess.arily leads to any such inference, while the operations of Nature in general point altogether the other way. Nothing is clearer than that Nature, within the bounds of our experience, works, both on a large and on a small scale, in cycles of some sort. Almost all her operations are rhythmic. There is a constant ebb and flow : an evolution and a devolution. If this is the case in regard to phenomen.a within our limited experience, is it not a reasonable inference that this evolution and de\olution extends far outside our experience and beyond our conception ? — that it is, in fact, infinite and universal. The following quotations fr(.)ui Dr. Le Bon's "The Evolution of Matter" (Book VI. Chapter VIII. I sufficiently indicate his \ lews on the subject : — " We now know that matter vanishes slowly, and consequently is not destined to last for ever." . . . " What is the fate of the atom of electricity after the dis- sociation of matter ? Is it eternal while matter is not ? " . . . . " Once it [the electric atom] has radiated away all its energy, it vanishes into the ether and is no more." . . . " This last, therefore, represents the final nirvana to which all things return after a more or less ephemeral existence." One saving clause (in the same chapter) is as follows : — ■' Nothing leads to the belief that they [i.e., things in general] had a real beginning or that they can have an end." Thus we see that Dr. Le Bon's teaching is unmistakably in the direction of the final destruction of matter and energy, although the last quotation I have given betrays something of an open mind on the subject, — a subconscious admission though it possibly may be. .As often as we recur to this problem we are inevitably met with this consideration : that, from the nature of the case, the finite cannot grasp the infinite ; and whatever our speculations may be, we must, of necessity, always labour under this disability. .As Wallace has said : " Of infinity, in any of its aspects, we can really know nothing, but that it exists and is inconceivable." This, however, is no reason for withholding our speculations, so long as they have a substantial basis of fact ; for it is only by pressing them forward that we can ever hope to in any degree qualify our present limitations. ... ,- rTcu-viiv NOTICI'.S. THE ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY, ADDITIONS TO THE MEN.AGERIE. — Daring the month of February no less than one hundred and twenty-three additions to the Zoological Society's menagerie were registered. Among them are the following animals which are new to the collection: — .A Dwarf Mongoose ( Helogale varia), from Mombasa, presented by the Rev. W. Douglas Braginton, on Feb. 27th ; a Black-footed Polecat (Putoriiis iiigripes), from North America, received in exchange on Mar. 16th; two Dybowski's Deer (Cervns hortiiloriiiu ), from Manchuria, presented by Sir Edmund Loder, Bart., F.Z.S., on Feb. 23rd; and an .Aldunati's Finch (Phrygiliis aldnnatiil, from Chili, presented by Miss Phillis True, on Feb. lith. ROYAL INSTITUTION.— The following are the Lecture .Arrangements at the Royal Institution after Easter: — Mr. J. E. C. Bodley, Three Lectures on (1) Cardinal Manning; (2) The Decay of Idealism in France, and of Tradition in England; (3) "The Institute of France; Professor Frederick W. Mott, Two Lectures on the Brain and the Hand; Professor W. W. Watts, Two Lectures on (1) The Ancient Volcano of Charnwood Forest (Leicestershire); (2) Charnwood Forest and its Fossil Landscape ; Professor R. W. Wood, of the Johns Hopkins University, Three Lectures on the Optical Properties of Metallic Vapours (Illustrated) ; Dr. W. N. Shaw, Two Lectures on .Air and the Flying Machine: (1) The Structure of the Atmosphere and the Texture of .Air Currents ; (2) Conditions of Safety for Floaters and Fliers; Mr. T. Tliorne-Baker, Two Lectures on (1) Changes effected by Light ; (2) Practical Progress in Wireless Telegraphy (Illustrated) ; Professor Selwyn Image, Three Lectures on (1) John Ruskin; or. the Seer and Art; (2) William Morris; or. the Craftsman and Art ; (3) Walter Pater ; or, the Connoisseur and .Art; Mr. W. P. Pycraft, Two Lectures on Phases of Bird Life: (1) Flight; (2) Migration; and Mr. W. L. Courtney, Two Lectures on Types of Greek Women ; Xausicaa and the Homeric Women ; Sappho and the Aeolian Poets ; .Aspasia and Pericles. The Friday Evening Meetings will be resumed on April 2Sth, when a Discourse will be given by Professor W. M. Flinders Petrie on The Revolutions of Civilization. Succeeding Discourses will probably be given by Professor Martin O. Foster, Professor William Stirling, Professor R. W. Wood, Professor Gilbert Murray, Commendatore G. Marconi, Professor Svante .Arrhenius. and other gentlemen. THE FACE OF THE SKY FOR APRIL. Bv W. SHACKLETON, F.R.A.S., A.R.C.S. The Sun. — On the 1st the Sun rises at 5.39, and sets at 6.29; on the 30th he rises at 4.37, and sets at 7,17. The equation of time is negligible on the 16th and 17th, hence these are convenient days for the adjustment of sundials, as only the longitude correction is needed. Sun-spots may usually be seen on the solar disc, but they are small, and not numerous. The positions of the Sun's axis, equator, and heliographic longitude of the centre of disc are shown in the following table : — Venus :- Date. Axis inclined from N. ptiint. Centre of Disc S. of Sun's Equator. Heliographic Longitude of Centre of Disc. .\pl. I ... 26° l8'W e 31' 188° 56' ,, 6 ... 26' 26' W 6" 13' 122" 58' ,, II ... 26° 23'W s° 52' 56° 58' „ i6 ... 26° lo'W 5' 29' 350° 56' ., 21 ... 25° 45'W 5' 3' 284' 54' ,, 26 ... 25° 9'W 4^ 3.^' 218" 51' Mav I 24° 22 'W 4- 0' 152" 46' 6 ... 1 23^ 24'W 3 35' 86' 41' On April 28th, a total eclipse of the Sun takes place. It is invisible in this country ; the path of totality lies almost entirely over the Pacific Ocean, no large piece of land falling in the shadow, A party of observers left England in F"ebruary for Vav-au, one of the islands in the Tonga or Friendly Group, in Mid- Pacific, where totality lasts for about three-and-a-half minutes. The Moon : — Date. Phases. H. M, Apl. 6 ... „ 13 ... ., 21 ... ,, 28 .. May 5 ... I • 1) First Quarter Full Moon Last Quarter New Moon First Quarter 5 2 6 10 I 55 a-"-'- 37 P-m- 36 p.m. 25 p.m. 14 p.m. Apl. 2 .. ., 18 ... .. 30 ... Perigee Apogee ... Perigee . 8 6 9 12 a m. 42 a.m. 0 a.m. OCCULT.^TIONS. — No bright stars midnight either in April or May. are occulted before THE PLANETS. Mercury : — Date. Right Ascension. Declinaiioii. Apl. I ... ,, II ... 21 M.ay I ,, ' II ... b. m. 1 24 2 25 2 58 2 55 2 35 N 9° 25' 16" 52' 19" 55' 18' 11' N if 48' Mercury is an evening star throughout April. The planet is at greatest Easterly elongation from the Sun of 19' 42' on the 15th. when he sets W.N.W, about 8.55 p,m. This elongation is a favourable one on account of the high declination, and there should be no difficulty in seeing the planet from the 15th to the 25th, as he sets about two hours after the Sun. On May 5th, Mercury is in inferior conjunction with the Sun, Date. Right Ascension. Declination. h. ni. Apl. I .. 2 3' N 1 5'' 10' II .. 3 19 19" 7' ., 21 ... 4 9 22° 15' Mav I .. 5 0 24° 25' II .. 1 5 51 N 25" 29' Venus is a brilliant object in the evening sUy, lo(>l Ycnatici) XIII." 38"', N. 28° 48'. This object, though really a globular cluster of myriads of small stars, appears more like a nebula in small telescopes. It is situated between Cor Caroli and Arcturus, but rather nearer the latter. NOTICES. PLASKITT'S SIMPLEX CALCULATOR.— We have received from Mr. F. W. K. Flaskitt, F.R.M.S., a copy oi a series of tables, printed on a handy card, for finding the day of the week of any particular date. The tables are easy to work with, the amount of calculation is small, and so far as the results have been tested they have always been correct. The price is 6jd. post free, from the .'Vuthor :it 12, Woodbeech Street, E.C. APPARATUS FOR USE IN PLANT PHYSIOLOGY.— Our botanical readers will be interested to know that Messrs. Bausch and Lomb are now able to supply sixteen important pieces of apparatus from among those which have been designed by Professor Ganong. of Smith College. To a new catalogue of these. Professor Ganong contributes an intro- duction, in which he says that it diverts time and energy from the phenomena of the plant to centre them on a somewhat slovenly kind of mechanics, and a wholly wrong ideal is inculcated of the nature of scientific work which is based on precision, logic and quantation. What is there peculiar in plant physiology, he asks, that in it alone of all the sciences it is better to do imperfect work with self-made tools than to exact work with good tools made expressly for the purpose. The apparatus includes a clinostat, a photosynthometer, light screens, potometers, and smaller but c(]uallv useful contrivances. The list can be obtained on application to Messrs. Bausch and Loinb's London address, 19, Thavies Inn, Holborn Circus, E.C. MESSRS. NEWTON & CO.'S NEW CATALOGUE.— We have received a copy of Messrs. Newton & Co.'s new catalogue of X-Ray and Electro- Medical Apparatus which runs into 167 pages. By an ingenious arrangement it is possible to turn at once to any section of the catalogue, w-hether it be that concerned with X-Ray work, or apparatus dealing with medical electrical currents, light, or high frequency. THE MICROSCOPE AND SOME HINTS ON HOW TO USE IT.— Mr. E. Leit/i has issued a useful little pamphlet under the title given in our side-heading. It should be especially useful to beginners, as it describes the parts of a microscope in detail and explains the terms such as aperture, resolving power and so on, which are applied to it. There are paragraphs on such topics as focussing, and the making of measurements imder the microscope, while three pages are devoted to general hints as to the treatment and care of the instrmiK-nt. NOTES. ASTRONOMY. By A. C. D. Crommelin, D.Sc. DIAMETERS OF STARS.— The question of the diameters of the stars is at once a most interesting and a most difficult one. Both the late Mr. R. A. Proctor and Major Macmahon have suggested using occultations of stars by the Moon for this purpose, the former by putting the star image into rapid rotation and noting the arc over which fading extended, the latter by trying to record the disappearance on a photograph of large scale. However, it is improbable that either of these schemes is workable, and they would be limited to stars near the Ecliptic. M. Charles Nordniann has attacked the problem in another manner, {Coinptcs RcndKs dc VAcadcniw, 1911, January 9th. I It is clear that the problem would be soluble if we knew the distance of a star, its brightness compared with the Sun's at an equal distance and the ratio of its surface brightness to that of the Sun. The first datum is known with tolerable accuracy for the nearer stars ; the second follows from it; the third is the most difficult, but M. Nordmann has given a formula for the " intrinsic effective brightness " based on a study of the relative intensity of different positions of the visible spectrum. (Thus it is generally admitted that the stars with the Sirian type of spectrum have a greater surface bj-illiance than those with the solar type, and still more than those of a decided red colour). This is obviously the most open to doubt of the assumptions, but we may take M. Nordmann's list as giving at least a rough idea of the dimensions of some of our stellar neighbours. He takes the Sun's stellar magnitude as —26-83, which is the result of recent Harvard measures and is in good accord with the mean of the best previous results. .Star. Mag. Assumed Effective Diameter Parallax. Temperature. (Sliivs = i) Sirius -1-58 0-"37 12,200° (Cent.) M3 Proczon 0-48 0-"30 6,810° „ 1-35 .■\ldebaran ... 1-06 0-"15 3,500" ,, 13-50 Capella 0-21 0-"12 4,720 „ 8-26 Vega 0-14 0-"12 12,200^ „ 1-57 7 Cygni 2-32 0-"10 5,620° „ 0-92 "■ Persei 1-90 0 • "08 8,300' „ 1-83 Polaris 2- 12 0-"07 8,200° ., 1-93 ^ .•\ndromedae 2-37 0-"07 3,700° „ 13-0 /i Persei (.-Vlgol) 2-10 0-"05 13,800= ,. 1-29 It will be seen that Aldebaran and ji Andromedae are the giants of the list, the result for the former being entitled to more weight owing to the greater parallax. The above value would make the apparent diameter of Aldebaran 0"- 01 8, which, as M. Nordmann points out, would require an aperture of twenty feet for its direct measurement, .\ direct occultation of this star by the Moon would occupy one-thirtieth of a second, which might be increased two or three times or even more, in an oblique occultation. It will be seen that, according to the figures, Aldebaran surpasses our Sun in size more than our Sun does Jupiter. The likelihood that Sirius does not greatly surpass the sun in size, in spite of its great brilliance, was already inferred from the fact that its mass is only double his, so the new value is quite reasonable. Arcturus. not included in this list, is another great sun ; Miss Agnes Gierke said of it : — " Perhaps the most stupendous orb within our imperfect cognisance." THE SYSTEM OF ALG( )L.— Algol, the last star on the list, was the first to have its diameter measured by Vogel using the spectroscopic method to find the rate of motion ; assuming the densities of Algol and the companion to be equal, he found 1,051.000 miles for the diameter, or 1 • 2 of the -uui as a result, independent of the parallax, and curiously close to that independently found by M. Nordmann. A new and beautiful investigation of this system has recently been published by Mr. Joel Stebbins, of the University of Illinois, {Astrnphys Joiini., October, 1910). He uses a selenium photometer attached to a twelve-inch refractor. An out-of-focus image of the star, seven millimetres in diameter, is thrown for ten seconds on a selenium plate, which is in an electric circuit forming one. arm of a Wheatstone bridge ; the galvanometer deflection is measured, and corresponding readings taken on a Persei and S Persei for comparison. The method is far more sensitive than that of visual comparisons, and reveals (what had long been \dsually sought in \'ain) a secondary minimum when the companion is occulted by Algol, the depression being 0-06 magnitude. He infers that, taking the parallax 0"-05, the side of the companion nearest .Algol gives six times the light of the Sun, and the other side three times. The difference is inferred from the fact that a continuous increase in light is noted from principal minimum to secondary minimum, and the probable explanation is the tremendous radiation from Algol to which it is subjected. ( )n different assumptions as to the distribution of density in the system, the estimates of the diameter of Algol range from 0-81 to 1 -45 of the Sun. the companion being one-seventh larger than the primary, and the eclipses partial ; the apparent ellipse being about 8 open. On all the hypotheses the surf.ace brilliancy of .■\lgol is much greater and its density much less than those of the Sun. Mr. Stebbins is to be congratulated on his successful appli- cation of the selenium cell, which will doubtless in the future be largely employed for measuring small light changes. The idea is not new, but previous attempts have not met with equal success. One necessary precaution is to enclose the cell in an ice-box, its sensitiveness being greatly increased. THE EIGHTH SATELLITE OF JUPITER.— This tiny body will be out of reach at Greenwich for some years, while Jupiter is south of the Equator: it is therefore a matter of satisfaction that it was photographed during February with the large reflector at Helwan in Egypt. The positions are within some 20" of these predicted. The error can be removed by increasing the adopted period (738-9 days) by a quarter of a day, and making a very slight increase in the eccentricity. This satellite will ultimately give a very accurate mass of Jupiter, but it nuist be observed o\'er a larger arc before it can be fully utilised for this purpose. ADOPTION OF WESTERN E U R O P I-: A N (GREENWICH) TIME IX FRANCE. — This adoption took effect on March lOth, the date of the meeting of the Royal Astronomical Society, who passed a resolution authorising their President to despatch a telegram of congratulation to the President of the French Republic. An important advance is thus made towards the attainment of the ideal universal time, the minutes to be the same everywhere, while the hours change in each zone of 15° of longitude. BOTANY. By Professor F. Cavers, D.Sc, F.L.S. SOME RECENT WORK ON GEOTROPISM.— Giltay (Zeitschr. f. Botanik. 1910) has recently discussed and criticised various methods of experimentation on the problems of geotropism, and has called attention to a point which is often overlooked by students of Vegetable Physiology, namely, that we have never proved that gravitation is the only stimulus in\-olved in the turning of the primary root towards the centre of the earth. Long ago. Knight (1806) showed that as the centrifugal force was increased on a centrifuge with a vertical axis, the root and stem assumed a more nearly horizontal 147 14S KNOWLEDGE. April, 1911. position, but he did not show any relation between the position of stem and root and the resultant of the two forces involved — gravity and centrifugal force ; that is. Knight showed that at least in part the* so-called geotropic stimuhis is the gra\ity stimuhis. but he did not show that the gravity stimulus is the only stimulus involved. Giltay devised a special centrifuge in order to test whether the position taicen up by the root and stem is in reality the resultant of the two forces, andfound that this is the case, with slight deviations that could be accounted for bv variations in the speed of rotation and the variation of the roots themselves. Hence it may be assumed that the geotropic stimulus is identical in Nature with the gravity stimulus and with that of centrifugal force. Since ISSO, when the Darwins published (" Power of Move- ment in Plants"') the results of their experiments on the behaviour of decapitated roots, there has been a good deal of controversy regarding the perceptive region of the root. Czapek (Jahrb. xciss. Bot., 1895) caused the root-tip of seed- lings to grow into a boot-shaped glass cap, and showed that when the terminal portion (1.5 millimetres long) of the capped root was placed horizontally, the portion outside of the " boot " curved so as to bring the root-tip into the position of equili- brium— the vertical position. On the other hand, if the seed- ling was fixed so that the tip was vertical and the rest of the root horizontal, no curvature took place, the root simply con- tinuing to grow without changing the position of the tip or of the elongating zone. These results were interpreted to mean that only the apical one or two millimetres of the root was sensitive to gravitation, and it was generally thought that the matter had been finally settled. The simple experiment of cutting off two millimetres of the root tip, though it destroyed the sensitiveness of the root, had been objected to on the ground that the wounding might have also destroyed the sensitiveness of the elongating zone behind the wound, but Czapek's ingenious experiment was regarded as final, though Jost and a few other writers have steadily maintained that the question is still open. Newconibe [Bcili. Dot. Ccntralb., Band xxlv.. Abt. ;.), after upholding these objections and pointing out that " neither Czapek's nor any other method so far employed has or can prove the restriction of the perceptive region to the apical two millimetres of the root," proceeds to show (1) that all the phenomena observed accord equally well with the view that sensitiveness extends through the entire growing zone, but becomes diminished from the apex backwards, or the view that sensitiveness is uniform through the growing zone, but the tendency to automatic curvature — autotropism — is stronger in the hinder than in the apical region ; (2) experi- ments on the centrifuge with decapitated roots show that geotropic sensitiveness is present more than four millimetres distant from the tip. It must be admitted, of course, that in a question of this kind the same results may be interpreted in diametrically opposite ways by different observers, but it would certainly appear that we should keep an open mind on the matter. Newcombe's paper is of importance as a reminder that even the most fundamental questions relating to reflex actions in plants are by no means settled yet, and that much further work is necessary before it will be possible to obtain a clear picture of what happens in the growing tip of a root when it emerges from the seed and grows down into the soil. Another aspect of geotropism has just been re-in\estigated by Nienburg {Flora, Band 102, 1911) in connection with the movements of twining stems. Nienburg's work, like that of Newcombe on the root, was done largely with centrifugal apparatus, and he also has obtained results at \-ariance with those of pre\'ious investigators. In 1881, it was shown by Schwendener that the rotating movements of twiners like Hop or Convolvulus, are not made by the stem when the plant is kept revolving on a klinostat, and later it was suggested by Noll that twining stems make a peculiar response to the stimulus of gravitation, in that growth is promoted on one flank, instead of on the upper side as in a root, or the lower side as in an ordinary stem. This response was termed " lateral geotropism," its result being a revolving motion of the shoot apex. The clasping of supports by tendrils, like those of Peas or Vines, is, of course, an entirely different phenomenon, due to contact irritability. From his experiments. Nienburg concludes that all the facts observed in the growth of twining plants can be explained as due to the combined action of autonomous rotation (nutation) and ordinary negative geotropism. and that neither Noll's experiments nor those of later writers have established the existence of any such thing as " lateral geotropism." However, it would appear that here again we ha\e an as yet unsettled question, and one which requires further investigation with the aid of klinostat, centrifuge, and other methods of experimentation. The curious "peg" or "heel" that grows out from the seedling of Cucumber, Marrow, and other Cucurbitaceae, and which holds down the seed-coat and helps the yoimg shoot to escape, has been recently investigated carefully by Crocker, Knight, and Roberts {Bof. Gaz., November, 1910). Accord- ing to Francis Darwin, Cucurbit seedlings allowed to germinate on a slowly-rotating klinostat produce pegs completely surrounding the young shoot, and therefore appearing like a collar, and he concluded that gravity determines the lateral development of the peg, and that therefore this experiment shows that gravity is continually effective on the klinostat and is simply equalised in its action on the several flanks of the rotated object : he also used the peg as a support for the memory theory of plant response, assuming that its develop- ment and position are directly determined by gravity. Crocker, Knight, and Roberts, as the result of many experiments, conclude that there is no evidence that gravity acts as a direct stimulus to the lateral development of the peg, or that it leads to increase in size of the peg ; that if the young shoot (hypocotyl) is prevented from arching, the peg develops equally all round ; that the lateral development of the peg is simply brought about by the arching of the hypocotyl, the most effective factor in this arching being the contact of the seed-coat. CITRIC FEKMl'NTATION.— Since Wehmer in 1893 described the process of citric fermentation and showed that it is due to a mould-like fungus, Ciiromyccs. several workers have dealt with the subject, and Wehmer has recently given a critical summary of their papers and of his own further researches on citric acid fermentation, and the Citromycctes \Zcitschr. f. Bot., Heft 2, 1911). The process is evidently in the main one of oxidation of sugar — especially of malt, cane, and grape sugars — and under favourable circumstances as much as fifty per cent, of the sugar may be converted into citric acid. The three sugars named yield the largest pro- portion of the acid when acted on by the fungus, but a fair yield is obtained from glycerine (nearly thirty per cent.), and much smaller quantities or merely traces from various sugars, inulin, alcohols. Up to the present it is doubtful whether the action is caused by an enzyme produced by the fungus, for negative results have been obtained with expressed sap and with killed fungus. Many interesting questions I'egarding the mode of action of the citric acid fungus arise from recent investigations. It has been suggested that since acid is formed, though sparingly, in the absence of free oxygen, the first step in the action must be the splitting of the sugar into carbon dioxide and alcohol — as in alcoholic fermentation. The alcohol would then be oxidised with the production of citric acid, this second action or citric fermentation proper corresponding with the analogous processes of lactic and acetic fermentation. R1:CI-:NT work on the GNFTALES.— The remark- able group Gnetales includes the three genera Gnctiiin, Ephedra and Welicitschia. which differ from all other Gymno- sperms in having compound inflorescences, a long micropylar tube, and true vessels, and which make a further approach to the Angiosperms in the fact that except in Ephedra the archegonia are reduced to isolated cells. Various writers have suggested that the Gnetales form a transitional group between Gymno- sperms and Angiosperms, though it seems more likely that they had a common ancestry with the Angiosperms, and developed parallel with them. Porsch (Ber. deutsch. bot. Ges., 1910) Aprh, 1911. KNOWLEDGE. 149 has shewn that Ephedra cainpylopoda. found in the south of Europe, is not only adapted for msect-pollination, but is regularly \isited by insects. In his intei-esting memoir on this the first established case of insect pollination among the Gymnospernis. Forsch shows that the yellowish-red colour of the inflorescences attracts insects, which feed on the sticky pollen, and that nectar is provided in the form of drops which ooze from the micropj-le. The insect-visitors included thirteen species of Hymenoptera and Diptera, which were found to carry the pollen on the underside of their bodies. Since secretion of sugary liquid occurs in the flowers of Gncttiin and Wcht'itschia, it is very likely that these genera also are insect-polhnated, though, until now, it has been supposed that the function of the liquid which oozes from the micropyle, is simply that of catching pollen blown by the wind, in much the same way as in the female cones of pines. Pearson {Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc, 1909) had already suggested that the flowers of Wclicifschia are insect-pollinated, and in this plant there are glandular outgrowths below the anthers which doubtless act as honey-glands. Pearson has also described, though not fully, the development of the ovule of this remarkable genus. The endosperm begins, as usual, in Gymnospernis. with free nuclear division, forming an embryo- .sac with appro.ximately one thousand and twenty-four free nuclei, representing ten successive divisions. These nuclei are distributed through the sac, so that when cell-walls are formed the sac is divided into multinucleate cells ; those in the micropylar (upper) region contain fewer nuclei than the others, and they become the nuclei of free eg.gs. The cells of the lower three-fourths of the endosperm contain many nuclei, and these fuse and form a uninucleate tissue — the primary endosperm, which continues to grow both before and after fertilisation. The multinucleate cells of the micropylar region send out tubes into the overlying nucellar tissue, into which the free nuclei pass, and these prothallial tubes meet the pollen-tubes in the lower half of the nucellar cap. CHEMISTRY. By C. .AiNswoRTH Mitchell. R..\. (C_).\on.). F.I.C. COMBUSTION OF G.'\SES WITHOUT FLAME.— .\ new property of copper is described by M. J. Meunier in the Coinptcs Rcndiis (1911, clii. 194). On heating a wire of pure copper in the luminous flame of a Bunsen burner until all sur- face oxide has been reduced to metallic copper, and then admitting air the wire will begin to glow. On now lowering the hot copper into the tube of the burner, the steady glow will continue without igniting the mixture of air and gas in the tube. The maximum intensity of glow is obtained when the proportion of gas in the mixture is about 30 per cent. During this slow combustion the copper is rendered exceedingly brittle and may readily be reduced to a powder of crystalline appearance. CELTIUM: A NEW ELEMENT.— M. G. Urbain des- cribes in the Comptcs Rcndits (1911, clii. 141). a new element for which he suggests the name Ccltinin and the symbol Ct. It was found accompanying the elements lutecium and scandium in gadolinite earth, and was isolated from the mother liquor obtained in the separation of lutecium. In its .general properties it is intermediate between these two metals, and differs from both in its magnetic permeability and in its spectrum. Its chloride is more volatile than that of lutecium, but less volatile than that of scandium, while its hydroxide is a stronger base than scandium hydroxide, but is weaker than lutecium hydroxide. Its atomic weight has not yet been determined. HELIUM IN THE AIR OF VESUVIUS.— In the only recently published proceedings of Section II of the Seventh International Congress of Applied Chemistry of 1909 (pages 83-86). Mr. A. Piutti gives an account of his investigation of different incrustations from Vesuvius which at various periods he has tested for helium. In each case the substance was heated and the gas emitted was absorbed by cooled charcoal. A specimen of sanidinite from Vesuvius yielded 0-106 c.c. of gas per granmie. Its radio-activity was found to be principally due to the presence of zircon crystals, and these, like the gas, contained helium. In like manner a specimen of pink tourmaline, which yielded 0-511 c.c. of gas per gramme was found to contain helium, and this element was also identified in the air of Naples as well as of \'esuvius. Its presence was also proved in the zircons from many other localities, and in the case of large tourmalines from Madagascar the green outer portion was more radioactive and contained more heHum than the inner light pink part. In general, though not invariably so, the proportion of helium corresponded with the degree of radio-activity. SPONTANEOUS IGNITION OF COAL.— The results of a bacteriological investigation of the spontaneous com- bustion of coal, by Mr. E. Galle, an outline of which is given in the Cheiii. Zcntralhl. (1911, I. 48), have suggested several interesting conclusions. Cultivations were made both in the presence and absence of air, and seven species of bacteria were isolated from coal. Of these, four species {B. nacraceus, B. siibtilis. B. mcscntcricus. and B. pseudosuhtiUs\ were found to be capable, when grown on suitable nutrient media in the presence of coal dust, of producing combustible mixtures of gas containing from 5-4 to 27-3 per cent, of carbon dioxide, and 71-5 to 84-8 per cent, of methane, together with traces (less than three per cent.) of carbon monoxide, oxygen, and hea\-y hydrocarbons. Onlv B. nacraceus and B. pseudosuhtilis produced these latter gases. The conditions under which these mixtures of com- bustible gases were produced were perfectly comparable with those that would occur in nature, and there is therefore every reason for assuming the possibility of their production by bacteria in coal measures. Hence, while the spontaneous ignition of coal cannot be .attributed exclusively to bacteriological activity, it is not improbable that bacteria may be an important factor in its occurrence. FIRE-PROOF AND SUBMARINE PAINTS.— .An abstract of a paper read before the Seventh International Congress of Applied Chemistry of 1909, by M. Coflignier, is published in the Jonrn. Soc. Cheni. Ind. (1911, xxx., 223). In fire-proof paints the principle adopted is to incorporate with the other ingredients of the paint an ammonium salt, which under the influence of heat, will give oft' ammonia, and so produce an atmosphere unfavourable for combustion. The solubility of most ammonium salts renders them unsuitable for this purpose, but good results have been obtained by mixing the pigment with insoluble ammonium magnesium phosphate and a special medium consisting of linoleate of lead in oil of turpentine. In 1895. a special submarine paint was prepared by Holzapfel, the object being first coated with an anti-corrosive deposit, and then with a second layer containing toxic substances. Owing to the reactions which occurred between the two layers, however, the paints were liable to crack, and would not last for more than about six months. Recently this drawback has been remedied by the production of a paint in which the outer coating consists of an amalgam of copper incorporated with an earthy pigment and a water- proof medium. .As soon as marine organisms attack this coat the amalgam is exposed, and voltaic currents are produced which set free poisonous compounds of copper and mercury and destroy the intruders. Thus the action is only brought about in places where it is necessary, and the life of the paint is doubled. GEOLOGY. By Russell F. Gwinnell, B.Sc, A.R.C.S., F.G.S. THE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF SCOTLAND.— Three colour-printed sheets of the one-inch map of Scotland have recently been issued, together with memoirs on the same districts. Two of these (Edinburgh and Haddington) are new editions ; the third is the long-exptcted Glenelg sheet, which includes 150 KNOWLEDGE. Aprii., 1911. the eastern half of the Isle of Skye. This Glenelj,' sheet, in particular, is a splendid example of colour-printing. Nearly sixty different ghades of colour (including hatched and stippled patterns) are used, and a lartjc number of dykes and sills are mapped, so that altogether the map is very complicated : but nevertheless the use of colour-printing has made it possible to issue the sheet at the low price of half-a-crown. The issue of this sheet and memoir is opportune, as the Geologists' Association (of London) will be visiting the district this coming summer, under the guidance of one of the Survey officers, Mr. .\lfred Harker. M.A., F.R.S., whose work on the Tertiary Igneous Rocks of Skye is so justly celebrated. The ancient Lewisian and Moine rocks of the Glenelg area are dealt with in detail in the memoir and some interesting lithological types described, such as the brilliantly-coloured eclogites and garnet-amphibolites, with a garnet-fuchsite rock (containing the vivid green chrome-mica, fuchsite). Lewisian limestones occur containing various silicates, especially diopside, which sometimes forms masses up to several yards across, also abundant forsterite crystals and great poikilitic plates of phlogopite enclosing grains of calcite. As to the puzzling Moine schists some evidence appears to indicate that these were laid down iiiiconforiuably on the Lewisian gneiss, and, while no definite conclusion is reached, various facts suggest that they may be altered representatives of Torridonian sediments. A large relief-model of Central Skye has been constructed, which brings in most of the western half of this Glenelg sheet. There are copies of this model at the Survey Museum (Jennyn Street), at tlie Science Museum (South Kensington), at the coming Coronation Exhibition, and elsewhere. The memoir on " The Geology of the Neighbourhood of Edinburgh " was first published in 1S61. The new edition, the second, forms a valuable guide to this interesting district. The main geological interest lies, perhaps, in the igneous rocks, and the petrography of these forms an important part of the volume. Noteworthy are the numerous highly-alkaline types, often containing analcite, as, for example, the associated Essexites, Tesehenitesand Picrites, as well as Mugearite. This last peculiar type, first described by Harker from the Tertiary Series in Skye, and recorded in this memoir from the Carboniferous of Edinburgh, has also been found in the neighbourhood of Glasgow, while within the last few weeks Mr. H. H. Thomas has proved its occurrence in the Ordovician volcanic series of Skomer Island. Pembrokeshire (Abstract of the Proceedings of the Geological Society. February 1st, 1911). The main peculiarity of this type lies in the paragenesis of olivine with such alkaline felspars as oligoclase and even orthoclase. The structure and age of the old volcano of .Arthur's Seat. Edinburgh, has long been a subject of contention. On the one hand MacLaren, over seventy years ago, maintained that it represented two entirely distinct series of volcanic outbursts, separated by a vast interval of time, the older being of Lower Carboniferous age. This interval was marked by the deposition, subsequent upheaval and removal by denudation of at least three thousand feet of Carboniferous strata. In the first edition of the present memoir, Geikie followed this view and considered the supposed younger volcanic series to be probably of Tertiary age, but later he referred them to the Mesozoic, and then to the Permian. Professor Judd. in 1875. advocated the theory that the supposed second series of volcanic outbursts had no existence, but that all the rocks are the result of a single and almost continuous series of eruptions confined to the Lower Carboniferous period. The evidence obtained during the recent revision of Arthur's Seat by the Geological Survey has confirmed Professor Judd's contention. ORIGINAL GNEISSOSE BANDING.— The term " gneiss " covers a multitude of rocks, which differ vastly not only in composition, but in mode of origin. Their only community lies in the possession of that foliated character known as the gneissose structure. Some have been derived from sedimentary rocks (the paragnciss of Rosenbusch, epigneiss of Reusch and mctagneiss of Lepsius) ; others are of igneous origin iorthogneiss of Rosenbusch), while in others Hhi2 protogneiss of Lepsius) some see the primary crust of tlie earth. Vet another type, the adergnciss of Sederholm, is both igneous and sedimentary in origin, the foliation being the result of the injection of many veins of pegmatite into a sedimentary rock, so that the sediment becomes thoroughly permeated by igneous material. This type is described among the Lewisian rocks of tlie Glenelg area in the memoir already referred to in these columns. But confining our attention to orthogneisses only, we find several distinct types, of which the most usual has — at any rate in the past — been regarded as due to regional meta- morphism. Professor G. H. \Villiams was one of the early exponents of the school which laid great stress on this mode of origin. .Another possible means of producing foliation in igneous rocks (of plutonic type) is by successive intrusions of magma of different composition into the same consolidation site. Thus Harker accounts for the coarser banding of tlie peridotites of Rum in the Inner Hebrides. There remain two very similar methods, the intrusion of one molten mass already heterogeneous and the simultaneous intrusion of two different magmas. The finer banding of the Rum peridotites and the foliation of gabbro in the Cnillin Hills, Skye. have been explained in this manner, as well as a perfect banding in the dioritic complex of the Island of Orno. near Stockholm. The foliation in the Cortlandt Series — an igneous complex ranging from granite through syenite, monzonite, diorite, gabbro and norite to p^'roxenite and peridotite, occurring about thirty-five miles north of New York City — has been dealt with by several authorities. Professor J. D. Dana regarded the rocks as worked-o%er sediments, \'olcanic ashes or tuffs which, on being subjected to intense local inetamorphism, lost most of their bedded structure and became pseudo-massi\ e; later he treated them no longer as paragneisses but as of igneous origin (orthogneisses), and Dr. G. H. Williams, in 1S86. regarded the foliation as due to regional metamorphism. In Tlie American Journal of Science for February, 1911, G. S. Rogers demonstrates the origin of these rocks (where norite and pyroxenite form alternate layers of constant grain) to be by " magmatic differentiation. " as in the cases of the Rum peridotites and the Skye gabbros. Up to the present this original gneissoid banding has not been recognized in many localities ; it may, however, prove illuminating (especialh' if found to be more common than is at present thought) in connection with some of the puzzling structures of the ancient and obscure igneous gneisses. THE HARDNESS OF MINERALS.— In spite of all criticisms Mohs' scale of hardness still holds its place as the standard of reference in Mineralogy. Breithaupt interpolated two extra minerals between numbers 2 and 3 and 5 and 6 respectively, converting Mohs' scale of ten minerals into a scale of twehe, in the attempt to make the intervals between successive numbers more uniform. By various methods of estimating "absolute hardness," Pfaft', Jaggar and others, shewed that the intervals are far from uniform, and thus the series of figures representing absolute hardness form a progression which does not approximate either to arithmetical or geometrical progression. But most noteworthy are Rosiwal's figures, obtained in 1892, which show that Topaz (number 8 in Mohs' scale, where 1, the softest, is Talc, and 10, the hardest, is Diamond) is softer than Quartz (number 7). Thus in detail inversion of the correct order is indicated. Rosiwal obtained his figures by using a standard abrasive to grind the mineral surface, and determining the loss of weight suffered by the mineral when a given weight of the abrasive was used up. In The American Journal of Science, February, 1911, H. Z. Kip describes how he obtained a similar result by a different method, which depends on the force required to produce abrasion on the mineral, by a diamond-point sclerometer. ■■ Pfaff, Jaggar and others who .arrive at the opposite con- clusion, have failed to eliminate the factor of density in carrying out their tests. In other words, while regarding hardness as resistance to abrasion, they have sought to determine its value on the theory that it was to be measured in terms of resistance to excavation." Ai'lui.. 1911. KNOWLEDGE. 151 METEOROLOGY. B.v JoHX A. Curtis, F.R.Met.Soc. IHl-: WEATHER of the week ending Febrnary Itith as detailed in the Weekly Wcatlier Report issned by the meteorological office, was very warm for the time of year, with heavy rain in Scotland and Ireland and the Northern Counties of England, and moderate to scanty sunshine. The excess of temperature \aried from 5" -6 in Scotland E., to 0"-6 in the English Channel. The maxima were above 50' at nearly every station, and reached 59' at Aberdeen on the 16th, and at Bawtry on the ISth. At Guernsey, however, the highest reading was only 51 . The nights were cold, and the minimum fell to 18° at Balmoral on the 12th, and to 21" at Cirencester and Swarraton on the same day. On the grass the temperature fell to 10 ' at Llangammarch Wells, and to 12" at Newton Rigg. Rainfall was frequent and heavy in the North. .At Glencarron it rained every day, and the total for the week was 6-94 inches; at Fort William 5-39 inches were collected. At Westminster the total was only 0-25 inch in three days. Sunshine varied a good deal in different parts. At Newquay the total duration was only 7-0 hours, as compared with an average of 19-4 hours, while at Eastbourne it was 29-7 hours, or 11-3 hours above the average. The mean temperature of the sea w-ater varied from 47° -5 at Scilly to 38°- 1 at Cromarty. The weather of the week ended February 25th was very changeable. There was a good deal of rain, but bright intervals were common. Snow was plentiful in parts of Scotland, where also thunderstorms were experienced. .Aurora was seen on several nights during the week. Temperature was still unusually high in all parts. The highest reading was 59' at Dublin on the 21st, but readings of 58° were reported at several stations from Leith to Fulbeck (Lincoln) and Birr Castle. The lowest readings reported were 21 ' at Sunburgh Head and Balmoral. At Guernsey, however, while the maximum did not exceed 52', the mininuun did not fall below 40°, a range of 12", as compared with a range of 28° at Sunburgh Head (49° to 21'). The lowest readings on the grass were 15' at Llangammarch Wells and 16 at Crathes. Rainfall was in excess in all Districts except the English Channel, where it was just below the normal. In some places very heavy amounts were collected — thus at Glencarron the total was 5-01 inches, and at Fort William 5-60 inches. Including the amounts collected in the previous week the totals at these two stations for the fortnight were 11-95 inches and 10-99 inches respectively, or 8-39 inches and 7-45 inches, above the averages for the same period. In spite of the generally heavy rain sunshine was abundant in all districts. Dublin was the sunniest station with 36-9 hours (53%) but many stations reported upwards of 45%, Ventnor 47% and Torquay 48%. In Westminster the total duration was 24-5 hours or 35%. The temperature of the sea water \ariedfrom 49° -47° at Scilly to 39" -34= at Cromarty. The week ended March 4th proved to be unsettled, with frequent rains. Aurora was seen in Scotland on the night of February 28th. Temperature continued above the average in all districts, the excess amounting to as much as 6" -7 in the Midlands, where 60 ' was reported as the maximum at Raunds, on March 2nd ; 60° was also reported at Westminster on the same day. The maximum for the week at Jersey was 53° on the 3rd, on which day Strathpeffer reported 54°. The lowest minimum was 22° at Balmoral on the 27th. In Ireland and in the South of England no frost was experienced during the week. On the grass minima down to 19 were observed. Rainfall was also in excess, except in England N.E. In England N.W. and S.W. the total for the week was double the average, but individual heavy falls were rare. Sunshine varied in different districts. In Scotland E. it was 11 hours (16%) in excess of the average, while in the Channel Islands it was 5 hours (6°;,) in defect. Crathes I'eported the most sunshine, 36-7 hours or 51%. .4t Westminster the duration was 18-3 hours, 25%. The temperature of the sea water varied from 51° at Seafield to 33° at Wick. The weekended March 11th, was cooler and drier than those that had preceded it. Temperature was, however, still above the average in many places, though not to any great extent. In the South it was slightly in defect. The maximum for the week was 57° at Killarney, on the 8th, but at no other station in the British Isles was a reading higher than 52° reported. In many places the maximum was below 50\ Frost was experienced in all Districts except the English Channel, the lowest readings being 24° at Balmoral, and 25° at Fort Augustus and Llangammarch Wells. On the grass the temperature fell to 13° at Llanganunarch, and to 20° at Kew and Tunbridge Wells. Rainfall was variable. It was heavy in Scotland N. and in the South of England and Ireland, but not far from the normal in other parts, generally slightly below. Sunshine as a rule was above the average, and the District percentages ranged from 46% in Scotland E. to 24% in the Midland Counties. The sunniest station was Gordon Castle, 40-5 hours or 53%. Westminster reported 10-4 hours or 13%. The mean sea temperature was 47-4 at Scilly and 38° -5 at Cromarty. UPPER AIR RESULTS.— On February 14th, a kite at Pyrton Hill, when three thousand six hundred feet above the ground, entered a current of air, which, though moving in nearly the same direction, was 9° F. warmer and much drier, and had a velocity of 50% greater than that immediately beneath it. On the 16th, at Brighton, a kite sent up by Mr. S. H. R. Salmon entered the clouds at only three hundred feet above the ground, and became unmanageable owing to the great increase in wind velocity. ANCIENT RAINGAUGES.— It has generally been accepted that the first raingauge of which we have record was made by an Italian, Benedetto Castelli, a contemporary of Galileo, in 1639, but Dr. Y. Wada, the Director of the Korean Meteorological Observatory at Chemulpo, has given in the "Scientific Memoirs of the Korean Meteorological Observatory," Vol. I., an interesting account of the installation of a number of raingauges and the organization of a system of rainfall observation in the year A.D. 1442, or one hundred and ninety- seven years before Castelli. The account, which has been unearthed from the Korean historical records, tells how " King Sejo caused an instrument of bronze to be constructed to measure the rain. This is a vase fifteen inches deep and seven inches in diameter, placed on a pillar. The instrument has been placed at the Observatory, and each time rain falls the Officials of the Observatory measure the height with a measure and make it known to the King. These instruments were distributed to the Provinces and Cantons, and the results of the observations were sent to the Court." MICROSCOPY. By A. W. Sheppard, F.R.M.S., icitli the assistance of the folloicung iiticroscopists : — AlClHLK C. P.ANKIKLU. ARTHUR EaRLAND, F.R.M.S. [AMES r.uRTON. RicHARu T. Lewis. F.R.M.S. The Rev. E. \V. B.iwELl,, M.A. Chas. F. Rol'SSELet, F.R.M.S, Charles H. Caffvn. D. I. Scolrkield, F.Z.S., F.R.M.S. C. D. Soar, F.R.M.,S. TRANSMISSION OF FLAGELL.-\TES IN FRESH- WATER FISHES.— At the meeting of the Royal Society held on February 23rd, Miss M. Robinson, M.A., read a paper on the above subject, of which the following is an abstract. The goldfish in a pond at Elstree have for some years shown an infection of trypanosomes in their blood. Quite recently tr\-panoplasma has also appeared. Upon investigation it was found that the leech Hemiclcpsis iiiarginata occurred in the pond and effected the transmission of the parasites. A large number of these leeches were obtained from the Grand Junction Canal reservoir, which is only a short distance from the pond. The young of these were hatched out in captivity, and it was ascertained that the flagellates are not 152 KNOWLEDGE. Apru,, 1911. passed from parent to offspring. The parent leeches were invariably infected with tr\-panosonies derived from the fish in the reser\oir, wtrich frequentl\' showed these parasites in their blood. The trypanosomes of perch, bream and goldfish were fonnd to complete their cycle in Hciiiiclcpsis. and conld be transmitted to clean goldfish by means of leeches. The specimens used in these experiments were always j'oung laboratory-hatched Hciiiiclcpsis. The trypanosomes of pike and rudd also complete their cycle in this leech, but the opportunity of passing these two forms into goldfish did not present itself. The cycles of the trypanosomes derived from these different sources are apparently identical. Thr main features are as follows : — The trypanosomes taken into the crop of the leech along with the blood multiply very rapidly, undergoing a marked change of form. After some days slender forms begin to arise. These increase in number, and at the end of digestion, some time after the blood has quite disappeared, they come forward and lie in the proboscis-sheath in very large numbers. The form found in the sheath is a very slender, long creature of quite definite type : division has never been obser\ ed in this phase. When the leech feeds once more, these individuals are inoculated into the fish. The proboscis-sheath is always cleared of trypanosomes by one feed. After a clean feed the slender inoculative type of trypanosome disappears from the crop of an infected leech, and the infection is carried on b\- short, broad forms. Conjugation has never been observed. If water is added to the blood of fish containing trypano- somes. the flagellates divide after a number of hours, probably in response to lowering of osmotic pressure in the fluid in which they find themselves. KOVAL MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY.— Februarv 13th. lyll, Mr. H. G. PHmmer. F.R.S., President, in the chair. — Messrs. E. Heron - Allen and Arthur Earland read a paper illustrated by a series of lantern slides on new or rare species of Foraminifera found in the shore-sands of Selsey Bill, Sussex. The authors called attention to the identity of the fossil Foraminifera of the Bracklesham Beds with the living species found in Australian shore-sands. Recent specimens of Bolivina diirrandii Millett and PnJvinuliita vcnniciilata Brady, were shewn, the only other known records being as regards the former from the Malay Archipelago, and as regards the latter from tropical and sub-tropical seas. In addition to these, Milioliiia suborhiciihiris. M. rotunda, Tcxtuhtria inconspicna. var jugosa, Bolivina turtnosa, Uvigcriiia aspcnila, and Sagraina diinorplia, were recorded as new to Britain. Schlnmberayer's unique genus and species, Hindci-ina briigesii, was recorded from the Eocene clays. Also the first fossil records of Biilimina snbtercs and Discorbitia polystoinclloidcs. Tlie new species recorded were Piilviniilina haliotidca H. .\. and E., and Xonionina quadriloculafa, H.A. and E. Specimens of these were exhibited under microscopes during the meeting. Mr. Lees Curties described a new dark-ground illuminator which he had made to the instructions of .Mr. l-~. AL Nelson, and which was so constructed as to work with slips ranging from 0-8 to 1-2 millimetres in thickness, and which gave a perfectly dark field with a Zeiss apochromatic four millimetres lens of 0-95 N.A. The illuminator was provided with a fixed central stop, and also with a slot for utilising the apparatus as an oblique illuminator. A small dot placed on the front lens served for the purpose of centring the condenser to the optical axis. SOME WORKS REFERRING TO RED-SNOW.— Mr. James Murray has kindly prepared the following short bibliography on the subject of his paper (see " Knowledge." page 109) ; it will be of use to those readers who are desirous of carrying fuither the subject of " Red-Snow " and its occurrence. Agardh. — Systcina Algariiin. \S1\. .'\ristoteles. — Historia An iiiuiliiiin. V. \Z. Charcot. — Rapports prcHininaircs siir Ics Travaiix executes dans i'Aiitarctiqiic. .^cad. des Sci. Page 76. Paris, 1910. Chladni.— Fi-xtT Mcfeorc. Pages 359-390. 1S19. Darwin, C. — Journal of Researches. Page 311. London, 1845. Ehrenberg, C. G. — .Mikr. Lebcn d. Alpeii n. Gletscher d. Schweiz. Ber. X'erh. K. Akad. Berl. 1849. Hooker, J. D. — Himalayan Journals. Kerner and OUver. — TIic Xatiiral History o/ Plants. WA. I. Pages 38. 54_'. Vol.11. Pages 627-631. etc. 1895. Lagerheim. G. de. — Die Sclineetiora des Pichincha. Bcr. " dcutsch. Bot. Ges. X. Pages 517-534. 1892. Murray. J. — .Antarctic Rotifera : Brit. .Antarct. Exped.. 1907-9. Sci. Reports. Vol 1. Page 41. 1910. Ross. Sir John. — Voyafie of Discovery, for the purpose of exploring Baffin's Bay. 1819. Schmarda, L. — Klcine Beitrdge ziir Xaturgeschichte der Infusoricn. Wien. 1846. Shutllcwortli. R. J. — I. a inatiire coloraiite de la Seige Rouge. Bibl. L'iii\. de Geneve. T Is. Pa,L;e 383. 1840. Vogt, C. — Xotiee siir les .-\ni nuilciiles de la Xeige Rouge. Bibl. Univ. de (iencve. Pages 80-86, April. 1841. (JUEKETT MICROSCOPICAL CLUB.— Febnwry 28th, 1911. — Mr. D. J. Scourfield, V.Z.S.. F.R.M.S.. Vice-President, haxing taken the chair, the President delivered his annual address dealing this year with " Some Problems of F^ volution in the Simplest Forms of Life." Taking, first, the visible world of living creatures, no deep reflection or analysis is required to grasp the fact that it does not constitute a chaos of isolated and unconnected forms, but is capable of being classified into greater or lesser categories. The first and most obvious division is into animals and plants. But between the categories of greatest and least extent there are a number of intervening divisions, with regard to which the scientific and the non-scientific public are hopelessly at variance. The same is inevitably true in any branch of knowledge dealing with a variety of concrete objects, simply because the mind devoted to the study of any particular set of things, animate or inanimate, soon becomes perforce acquainted with so many more than ever come within the ken of the casual observer, that in order to arrange them in an orderly and intelligible system of classification, it is necessary to draw distinctions and institute comparisons which are never dreamt of in the philosophy of the mind occupied with other pursuits. Professor Minchin tlicn proceeded to review various systems of classification popularly recognised, as, for instance, the separation of \ertebrates into two main groups, one with paired limbs, as in fishes, and the other in which the paired limbs are pentadactyle in type. Then, again, animals may be divided by their habitat into terrestrial, aquatic and aerial. But to all these systems we at once find exceptions. Many perfectly logical classifications are possible, but only one that is perfectly natural, and that one, very often, is not perfectly logical. It is now abundantly clear that natural groups can seldom, if ever, be defined by precise and rigorous verbal definitions. All that can be done is to construct for each group a more or less ideal and imaginary type of organism, possessing certain characters, none of which must be regarded as fixed or invariable. If we must have verbal definitions of groups, then logic requires the insertion of the word "typically" before each character ascribed to them. In dealing with the Protista, the President considered that there are two well-marked types recognisable in these organisms, one more primitive and older in evolution, the other higher, and leading on to the ordinary plants and animals. The difference between these two types depends on the con- dition under which that peculiar substance occurs for which we may use, in quite a general sense, the term chromatin. In every cell of animal or plant,' and probably in e\erj- Protist April, 1911. KNOWLEDGE. 153 organism, there is found a certain amount of a substance remarkable for its affinity for certain colouring matters, and still more remarkable for the part it plays in all vital processes. From the first of these characteristics the name chromatin has been given to it. It is a substance, or combination of substances, of a very high degree of chemical complexity, perhaps more complex than any other substance, but it is by no means of uniform chemical composition. The term chromatin implies, in short, a biological or physiological, but not a chemical, unity. In the lower type of Prutist organisation, which is exem- plified by the ordinary Bacteria, the chromatin is present in the form of scattered granules — "chromidia." In the second type a certain amount of the chromatin may still be present in the scattered chromidial condition ; but the greater part, and in most cases all of the chromatin, is aggregated into a compact mass, the nucleus, and. apart from this nucleus, the remainder of the living body is made up of a distinct protoplasmic zone — the cytoplasm, scarcely recognisable in the bacterial type. With difterentiation of nucleus and cytoplasm, the organism becomes a "cell." This type will be termed the "cellular grade." Reference was then made to the existence in all forms of higher life of sex and sexual N^ differentiation, and even in the Protista we find sexual phenomena to be of uni- versal occurrence in the cellular grade, but quite absent in the organisms of the bacterial grade. Much has been written, and many theories put forward, to '^»v^ explain the origin and sig- nificance of sex. Professor Minchin dealt briefly with only one, that put forward by Doflein. and founded by him on those enunciated previously by Hertwig and Schaudinn. This theory is, shortly, as follows : — Living cells are regarded as consisting of two groups of vitally active substances, the one regulating motor, the other trophic, functions. In cell-reproduction by fission, these substances are never distributed with mathematical equality amongst the descendants ; hence continued reproduction of this kind brings about accumulations of different properties in certain individuals, with, as a consequence, impaired vital activity and reproductive power. Individuals are produced, some of which are richer in stored-up nutriment (female), others in motile substance (male). Since these two kinds of individuals contain aggregations of substances which have intense nmtual chemical reactions, they exert an attraction one towards the other ; the two individuals tend to unite, and by their union cell-equilibrium is restored and vital powers renewed. Hence syngamy is regarded as a necessity for the life-cycle, due primarily to the imperfections of cell-division and to the consequent loss of equilibrium in the cell-constituents. On this view, the general absence of sex phenomena in the lowest grade, and its existence in the higher, is readily intelligible. In the bacterial grade, the body, usually very minute, is of extremely simple structure. In such organisms, inequalities of cell-division, if they occur, can be adjusted easily by the rearrangement of the chromatin substance. On the other hand, with the evolution of the cellular grade, the body is differentiated into at least two parts, nucleus and cytoplasm, and becomes of increasingly complex structure. Consequently, an exact quantitative and ijualitative partition of the body during cell-division is of extremely im- probable occurrence — at least, until the mechanism of cell- division has reached its greatest perfection. The fact that in the Infusoria, the most complex in structure of all the Protista, syngamy is a frequent event and easy to observe, fits in also with the view that sex phenomena are in relation to complica- tion of cell structure ; and, conversely, the fact that in Protozoa of simple structure, such as the Flagellata, syngamy is rarer, and appears only to occur at long intervals in the Ufe- cycle, also receives a simple explanation. From all these facts Figure 1. and and considerations, it appears extremely probable that sex and syngamy were "invented" when the cellular grade was evolved from the b.acterial grade of structure. This, again, the speaker said, is related to another very important property of living things — the more or less easy divisibility into groups which we now term species. No one now considers a species as a fixed and immutable entity. Nevertheless, the fact remains that the tendency of living things to separate themselves into species more or less distinct is one of the most constant and universal pecularities of the organic world. From these consider.ations it is evident that the passage from the bacterial to the cellular grade was, perhaps, the most important advance in the evolution of living beings. The acquisition of the cellular type of structure was the starting- point for the evolution, not only of the higher groups of the Protista, but. through them, of the whole visible everyday world of animals and plants, in all of which the cell is the unit of structure, and which consists primarily of aggregates of cells. Further.with the cellular type of structure were initiated, in the speaker's opinion, two of the most universal and characteristic peculiarities of living beings — namely, the phenomena of sex and the tendency to form species. AN INTERESTING MICRO -OBJECT FROM A SINGULAR SOURCE. — The fungus known popu- larly as the truffle, and used as a flavouring, affords some interesting and instructi%e microscopical objects. At the same time it is not exactly easy to obtain, and it occurred to me to resort to the " truffle liver sausage," so nuich in evidence at the foreign " dclikatessen " shops, frequently found in some parts of London. The result was perfectly satisfactory ; a thin slice of the delicacy yielding ample material for examina- tion, and for mounting hundreds of slides had such been desired. Several different species of the famil\' Tiibcraceae do duty as " truffles " in the popular sense, nor do the\' differ much from one another in character. As their name implies, they bear an outward resemblance to a tuber, such as a small potato or artichoke. Inside they are composed of liyphae — the much-branched and anastomosing tubular threads — which make up the greater part of all fungi. These are packed closely together, but numerous spaces and channels are found in which on the ends of the hyphae are developed the asci, or spore sacs. In most members of this family these are more or less spherical and contain typically four spores. In my specimen the bundles of hyphae are of a grayish tint, while the intervals with the numerous sacs containing brown, almost black, spores show as a darker mottling on the ground mass as represented in Figure la, which is a portion only slightly m.agnified (about X 5). There may be from one to four spores in an ascus and they are not formed simultaneously (Goebel), so that under the microscope, while one may be fully developed, others show earlier stages. The outer coat of the mature spore is thick and strongly cuticularized and is ornamented throughout the family with projections of various kinds. In the present species the large and handsome spores are covered with sharp spikes and points, Figure lb. A second thinner coat within is easily made out with careful focussing. The young spores have less colour, and according to age the characteristic markings of the outer coat are not so fully developed. As in most of the very large class of ascomycetous fungi, the asci are elongated tabular sacs, while the typical number of spores in them is eight, — though exceptions are not few — the family brought under notice forms an interesting variety for comparison ; while also many of its life processes, such as to some extent its method of growth from the spores and details of the formation of its fructifications, are still unkriown. J. B. 154 KNOWLEDGE. April, 1911. ORNITHOLOGY. By Hugh Bovd Watt. M.B.O.U. TH1-: BRITISH ORNITHOLOGISTS' UNION EXPEDITION TO CENTRAL NEW GUINEA.— The two members of this party invalided home, — Messrs. W. Goodfellovv and G. C. Shortridsje — have recently safely reached London, and the last-named has bronght with him a large zoological collection, including about eleven hundred birds. One Paradise-bird is stated to be certainly new to science, and <^here are fine examples in the collection of the scarlet and yellow Paradise-bird (Xatitlioiiiclas circlcns), new to the National collection at South Kensington : the female of the species was hitherto unUnovvn. King-birds, rifle-birds, and manucodes are well represented; cat-birds, grackles and starlings of se\'eral species are numerous, and parrots of all si^es, from pygmy parrots to great black cockatoos; also kingfishers, rollers and pittas. The cuckoos include a rare and curious species {Microdyiiainis parva) resembling a honey-guide. There are, further, many different species of pigeons and fruit-pigeons, .and numerous smaller birds, which are expected to yield the most interesting forms of all, when they have been studied by the authorities. — {Country Life, 4th March. 1911. page 291.) In Ethnology the important discovery has been made by this expedition of a community of primitive people, wearing no clothes, having still in use the implements and weapons of the Stone Age, and unable to count beyond three. These people occur up the Miniika Ki\ er. in the hitherto unknown interior of Dutch New (juinea. Lantern slides from these were shown at the March meeting of the British Ornithologists' Club. WA'II'KFOWL IN THE ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS, London. — .Amongst recent improvements at the "Zoo" is a new lake for waterfowl, the stock of which is heavier now than it has been for a long period. It is hoped that one result may be a very full list of birds breeding this season. The geese include examples of the Orinoco, upland, ruddy-headed, emperor, cereopsis. snow (blue and white), black-headed, bar-headed, Hutchins, and spur- winged. On the water may be found the conmion, ruddy and Argentine flamingoes, mandarin, sunnner and Bahama ducks, spoonbills, .American and Chiloe widgeon, China pintail, cinnamon, blue- wing, green-wing, Japanese, chestnut-breasted, Andaman. Brazilian, Chilian, and versicolour teal, rosy-bills, red-crested pochards, white-eyes and maned geese. In the sea-lion's pond is a recently arri\ed king penguin, about three feet in height.— 1 77it' Field, 25th February, 1911, page 384.) CROSSBILLS IN THE BRITISH ISLES.— An account of the exceptionally wide-spread visitation occurring in 1909-10, and the phenomenal nesting which followed, is promised by Mr. H. F. Witherby, of Hritisli Birds, and the subject was illustrated by exhibits made at a recent meeting of the British Ornithologists' Club. Nests and eggs were shown, most of the eggs being those of the Continental crossbill, obtained last season in different parts of England and Ireland. Eggs were also exhibited from the Continent, as well as those of the resident Scottish race of this bird and of the parrot crossbill, for comparison. The nests showed much divergence in make and material. The Rev. F. C. R. Jourdain pointed out that the material for study had hitherto been scanty, and that there was no authentic record of a case of nesting in the same locality in England for two consecutive seasons. THE WOOD-PIGEON PEST.— The number of resident birds of this species in Wilts, Hants, and other Southern Counties this winter has been enormousl)- swollen by arrivals from other quarters. Many of these are smaller in size, and recognisable as innnigrants from Scandinavia. The birds were abnormally prevalent and persistent, doing havoc to clovers and catch-crops, which are specially cultivated in the counties named for ewes and lambs in the spring months. .A flock-master at Cholderton. near Andovcr, with four thousand .acres of ground, estimated th.at .some six tlioiisand to seven thousand pigeons frecjuented it. In Wiltshire alone the damage done by the middle of February was said to mount up to about ;i 30,000. Ordinary methods of scaring and trapping having proved quite insufficient, a vigorous shooting campaign was organised. One, two, or three days in each week have been given to shooting the birds in each neigh- bourhood simultaneously, as far as possible, following them to their roosting-places. .A Government Inquiry is being asked to investigate the extraordinary increase in the species, and how to deal with this plague to agriculturists. A GOOD LOCAL LIST.— " The Birds of East Renfrew- shire," by Mr. John Robertson {Glasgow Naturalist, February. 1911, pages 41-59; 207. Bath Street, Glasgow. 1,3), is one of those somewhat notable little works which show how rich a result follows continuous and careful observation, even in a not too favourable locality. The district covered is a limited inland one, encroached upon further and further each year, by the southern suburbs of Glasgow. Yet Mr. Robertson records one hundred and fifty - one species, eighty -three of which ha%e bred. The number of kinds of ducks and waders which occur, season after season, is remarkable. THE LATE PROFESSOR ALFRED NEWTON.— Those who only knew this great English ornithologist by his own writings and the eulogistic accounts which have been given of him in scientific and ornithological publications will turn, with great interest to an article in the March number of the Coriihill (pages 334-349), by Mr. .Arthur C. Benson, who was a contemporary of the Professor at Magdalene, Cambridge, from 1904 to 1907. Mr. Benson's chapter is, of course, not ornithology, but is an intimate and personal narrative, revealing a character of a type probably not anticipated by those who had not personal acquaintance with the man. From this personal point of view, Mr. Benson's own feelings are thus expressed; — "I began by fearing him. I went on to admire him, and I ended by lining him." ■• PHOTOGRAPHY FOR BIRD - LOVERS."— Messrs. Witherby & Co. have in the press .n illustrated volume entitled " Photography for Bird - Lovers," by Mr. Bentley Beetham, a well-known and successful bird photographer. The book is an essentially practical guide to the pursuit of bird-photography in all its branches, and Mr. Beetham gives ungrudgingly- from the store of knowledge gained by his own personal experience in the field. PHOTOGRAPHY. By C. E. Kenneth Mees, D.Sc, F.C.S., F.R.P.S. THE RELATION BETWEEN THE COLOUR OF SIL\'ER IMAGES, AND THE SIZE OFTHE PARTICLES WHICH COMPOSE THEM. — In a former number of " Knowledge " (December, 1910), I referred to the investiga- tion of this subject by Schaum and Schloemann, in which they came to the conclusion that the colours were due to optical resonance. At the Royal Photographic Society, on March 7th, Mr. Chapman Jones ga\e an account of an in\estigation undertaken by him with a view to the examination of the accuracy of Zsigmondy's view that it was not possible to deduce the size of the particles from the colour of a colloidal solution, and that the colour was dependent to a considerable extent upon the separation between the particles. .As the subject of this investigation, bromide of silver, chloride of silver and phosphate of silver lantern plates were used, developed by means of developers containing ammonium carbonate and ammonium bromide, so as to produce carmine and yellow tones ; while in one series of experiments the phosphate plates were printed out. Mr. Chapman Jones adopted a most ingenious method of measuring the size of the particles. If a silver image be treated with mercuric chloride and. after washing, developed with ferrous o.xalate, it adds mercury in the proportion of one atom of mercury to one atom of silver. A second intensifica- tion produces an image consisting of one atom of silver and three atoms of mercury ; a third, one atom of silver and se\en Al'KIL, 1911. KNOWLEDGE. 155 atoms of mercury ; so that the particles grow rapidly in size, and from the known specific gravities of the various amalgams the increase in the diameter of the particles can be calculated. Eight such intensifications produce an enlargement of over seven diameters, and even particles which were at first com- pletely ultra-microscopic may be thus rendered measureable. The method appears to be capable of giving results of considerable accuracy, probably of the order of five per cent, and the results obtained were satisfactory concordant. They showed that in films, where the particles were too small to produce any visible colour, only a faint blue opalescence being visible, the diameter of the particles ranged from -10 to -12 microns. If the films were yellow the diameter was -13 to •14 microns; -15 to -17 gave orange or brown films, and in one case pink, while -17 to -18 gave purple tones, diameters above -IS corresponding to brown-blacks and greys. These diameters are somewhat less than those found by Schaum and Schloemann for their grains. The refractive index of gelatine was measured by a number of methods, the most successful being the finding of a liquid mixture of known refractive index in which the edge of the film disappeared ; the result obtained was 1 • 53. Now it will be seen that the diameters given for the various particles nearly correspond to the half wave-lengths in gelatine of the light whose absorption would produce the colour stated, thus the wave-length of the limit of the visible spectrum. -4 microns in air, will become -26 microns in gelatine, the half of which, •13, corresponds well with the diameter of the particles which commenced to show a yellow colour. Mr. Chapman Jones gave some remarkable instances of the accuracy of the relation found between the colour of the deposit and the size of the particles ; he had examined images of mixed colours and had always found that such images contained particles of at least two different diameters, corresponding with the different colours. He had also found that where the particles were of the same size, but were dispersed to different extents, the colours were the same, thus showing that Zsigmondy's suggestion that the colour depends on the dispersion of the particles cannot be substantiated for silver particles in gelatine films. These results obtained by Mr. Chapman Jones are entirely different from those of Schaum and Schloemann, who experi- mented with a chlor'de emulsion developed with various developers, and also with gelatine films containing silver nitrate printed out, and who investigated the subject by means of the ultra-microscope. The conclusions to which these workers came were : — (1) In coloured images obtained under their conditions the ground was coloured and the particles of considerable size, and black, in opposition to the results of Kirchner and Zsigmondy, who found that in gold gelatine preparations the ground was colourless and the particles strongly coloured. (21 The colour was unaltered by diluting a coloured film with gelatine and re-coating and drying. The colour was also little altered "by intensification, bright red becoming dark red, bright green, dark green, yellow passing through orange to red, and blue becoming deep violet. The colour was also little altered by reduction, simply becoming less saturated. (3) The colour is associated with the thickness of the layer of grains, as was found by Kirchner for Lippmann films, rather than with the size of the particles. It is to be hoped that Mr. Chapman Jones' valuable paper "ill lead to further work upon the subject, which may result in a reconciliation of these apparently conflicting results. THE EFFECT OF COLOUR FILTERS UPON THE DEFINITION OF A LENS.— If colour filters be used with a lens, it is clear that considerable attention should be paid to the optical accuracy of those filters, so that they do not intro- duce aberrations which may aflect the definition of the image. Apart from the accuracy of the glass itself, distortion may be produced in colour filters in the course of their manufacture in several ways. In the first place, if the filters are prepared by coating coloured gelatine upon the glass, then when this gelatine dries it will contract and bend the glass ; also, when the filter is cemented with Canada Balsam, too rapid drying or drying at uneven temperatures will distort the filter ; while, finally, if pressure is exercised upon a thin filter in its cell, the filter may easily be permanently strained. If these strains were symmetrical they would be of small importance, as they would simply produce a lens of slight positive or negative power, and so, to a small extent, change the focal length of the lens with which they are used. But generally they are either in one direction only, or are much greater in one direction than in the other, and so produce a cylindrical lens, which introduces astigmatism. The effect of such aberration naturally becomes much greater as lenses of longer focal length are used, the effect varying as the square of the focal length of the lens, so that a filter which would be perfectly satisfactory on a hand camera lens of six inches focus, would be with a telephoto combination quite useless. With medium and high power telephoto lenses only filters of the highest optical accuracy can be used. This point must be carefully borne in mind, in view of the recent introduction of what may be termed semi-telephoto lenses, such as the Busch Bis-Telar, which naturally require that a filter should be far more accurate than would be assumed to be necessary for its diameter. The aberrations of filters can be minimised by making them of as thick glass as possible, having regard to its optical accur.acy. and for filters of the very highest quality it is usual for the two glasses to be about five millimetres in thickness. PHY.SIC.S. By A. C. G. Egertox, B.Sc. GENERAL. — Among the events of the last month, mention should be made that the electromotive force of the Weston Normal Cell, made up according to specification, has been accurately found to be 1^0183 international volts at 20"C. ; standard cells will in future be compared with such Weston Normal Cells at the National Physical Laboratory. The Weston cell consists of an H -shaped vessel, the one limb of which contains mercury and mercurous sulphate, the other containing cadmium and cadmium sulphate. Its electro- motive force is very nearly independent of temperatiu'e over the usual range of working temperatures. The E.M.F. of the Clark Cell varies with temperature, while its E.M.F. is greater than the Weston cell, the former having a zinc negative pole instead of cadmium. Professor Perrin gave a most lucid exposition of his investi- gations on Brownian Movement at the Royal Institution on February 24th. During his lecture he showed, by means of cinematograph photographs, the movement that colloid particles undergo when an emulsion of gum and water is pre- pared and examined under the microscope : their rotation, their collision, their random path, and their attraction and repulsion from electrified surfaces were beautifully illustrated. By an able investigation of the motion of these minute colloid particles and assuming the motion of molecules to be of the same character. Professor Perrin has succeeded in calculating in several ways the number of molecules per cubic centimetre and mass of the atom of hydrogen, the numbers agreeing well with those determined by other methods, such as the period of change of radium, the charge carried by the atom of hydrogen, the polarization of light and consequent blueness of the sky, and the values obtained by measuring the viscosity of gases for the average distance traversed bj- the molecules between collisions or their " Mean Free Path." The number of molecules per cubic centimetre is nearly twenty-eight trillions. THE VISCOSITY OF GASES.— In the Proceedings of the Royal Society there have appeared lately several interest- ing communications by Dr. A. O. Rankine. There is much that is pleasing about a simple apparatus : the viscosity of gases has hitherto been a somewhat troublesome co-efficient to determine, but Dr. Rankine is able to find the viscosity of Xenon, which can only be obtained in small quantity, with com- parative ease, by means of his apparatus. The apparatus 156 KNOWLEDGE. Al'Rii.. 1911. consists of an elongated ring of glass tubing with a branch tube and tap sealed into the smaller sides of the ring ; one of the two longer straight tubes is capillary. A mercury pellet in falling down the tube of larger bore pushes the gas in front of it through the tube of narrow bore. The time of fall is proportional to the viscosity of the gas : the more viscous the less easily can it pass along the capillary bore, and the longer the time of fall of the mercury pellet. The great advantage of the apparatus is that only small quantities of the gas under obser- vation are needed. Dr. Rankine has observed the viscosity at different temperatures, and in this way has obtained measure- ments which enable him to calculate the relative attraction constants, radii and volumes of the molecules of the various gases. The gases of the argon group — helium, neon, krypton, xenon show interesting relationships respecting such constants. THE DENSITY OF R.ADIUM EM.W'.ATION.— Just as in the series of compounds of carbon and hydrogen -there is a group of hydro-carbons which are "saturated" and cannot combine with other atoms without replacement of those already combined in the molecule, so in the " Periodic Classification of the Elements " there is a group of elements whose atoms are unable to combine with other atoms, or which have zero \alency. These elements are the rare gases above mentioned. There is room for one or two elements more in the group according as to how the natural periodic classification of the elements is interpreted. The atomic weight of the one would be about one hundred and seventy-si.x. of the other about two hundred and twenty-two. Radium emanation or Niton, as Sir William Ramsay suggests should be its name, is the first break-down product of the radium atom, and is a gas behaving in every way as if it should belong to the argon group, and fit into one of these vacant places. From density determinations and observations of the boiling-point and critical point of this highly radio-active gas, it appeared that its density was such that its atomic weight should be one hundred and seventy-six. But since only one a particle or helium atom is expelled during the decay of radium into radium emanation, it was more probable that the density should be one hundred and eleven, or atomic weight, two hundred and twenty-two, unless the disintegration theory which explains the numerous transformations of radio-active substances was in fault. It was very important then to settle the point and determine the density of radium emanation. The difficulty of such a determination would seem almost insuperable, for — to put it succinctly — it would require ;f 15,000 worth of radium to get half a cubic millimetre of the emanation. Sir William Ramsay and Dr. R. W. Gray have, however, tackled the problem successfully. They have been able to construct a balance weighing to less than one-hundred-thousandth of a milligram, so as to be able to weigh with sufficient accuracy one-tenth of a cubic millimetre of the emanation. It required several years of experimenting to design a balance of such sensitiveness. Dr. Brill, working under Sir William Ramsay, had improved the Nernst balance. This works by the torsion of a quartz fibre, one end of the beam acting as a counterpoise and pointer, but the deflection due to torsion of the fibre is not directly proportional to the weight. Dr. Brill's work suggested the employment of quartz knife edges and very light beams, which idea Dr. Gwyer improved and introduced a system of weighing which Dr. Steele, in Australia, indepen- dently arrived at. Sir William Ramsay and Dr. Gray were able to slightly improve Dr. Steele's balance and modify it for their purpose. A short description of the balance in a few lines is unworthy of such a beautiful instrument. It consists in the main of a fine silica rod beam resting on a specially- ground and very small quartz knife edge ; from the ends of the beam is hung, by means of silica fibres, the substance to be weighed, silica counterpoises and a small siHca bulb containing air. By altering the pressure inside the balance case, a small change in buoyancy of the air in the bulb is caused, so by finding the change in weight produced by a given change in pressure very fine adjustments of weight can be made ; a mirror is attached to the beam of the balance, and the altera- tion in pressure necessary to bring back to zero the spot of light reliected from the mirror on to the scale, gives a measure of the alteration in weight. The emanation was collected and sealed in a very fine tube which was counterpoised, then broken so as not to lose any particles of glass, the balance case evacuated so as to expel the emanation and replace it with air. then counterpoised again and the change in pressure noted. Numerous corrections had to be made: the weight of the air entering the density bulb, after breaking it to let out the emanation ; the change in the buoyancy due to the fact that the density bulb is glass and the counterpoise silica ; the volume of the emanation that penetrates into the glass walls owing to its high activity, were among these corrections. The \()lume of the emanation was determined and the amount of its decrease before the actual determination by its change in activity. The density came out to be two hundred and twenty-three as a mean of five experiments. The results then confirm the disintegration theory of radioactive transformations which demands that since the atomic weight of radium is 226-5 that of the emanation should be 222-5. Further than this, they demonstrate the manipulative genius of Sir William Ramsay, and the success of these delicate experiments in the face of such huge difficulties reflects great credit on his collaborator. MESOTHORIU.M.— .\s an illustration of the disintegration theory, the products of change of thorium might be mentioned. Thorium first breaks down into mesothorium I., which in eight years has half broken down into mesothorium II.. which again is half gone in nine hours, changing into radiothorium and throwing off /3 and 7 rays; radiothorium then throws off an a particle (an electrically-charged helium atom) and becomes thorium X. Thorium X breaks down into thorium emanation, w hich is a gas ha\-ing a half life period of only seventy-seven seconds, and breaks down with loss of an a particle into thorium A which is followed by other products B.C. and D., the final product being as yet unknown. Owing to the fact that considerable quantities of thoria are used in commerce for the manufacture of incandescent gas mantles, it has lately been possible to extract appreciable amounts of mesothorium and radiothorium. The monazite sand is treated in some way devised by Dr. Hahu, so as to separate the mesothorium and so on from the thorium, and such preparations have lately been put on the market by the firm of Kncifler & Co.. and will doubtless be used largely for medical purposes. Professor Soddy has found that mesothorium and radium are identical in chemical properties — a very remarkable fact. He points out, too, that thorium, ionium, radiothorium form one group of radioactive elements, and mesothorium, radium, thorium X form a second group which are chemically identical and inseparable elements, although their atomic weights differ by two units in each case ; while the last member of the first group and the first member of the last group (radiothorium and mesothorium) possess the same atomic weight and yet are chemicalh- different. THE NATIONAL PHYSICAL LABORATORY.— The annual meeting of the General Board at the Laboratory, Bushey House, Teddington, was held on Friday, March 17th, and in the afternoon a number of guests had the privilege of going over the Laboratory. They were received in the building containing the National Experimental Tank by Sir •■Xrchibald Geikie. who is the Chairman of the General Board. .Ml the departments w-ere thrown open and members of the staff were at hand to explain all the w-ork which is carried out. THE ROYAL AUTOMOBILE CLUB'S SUGGESTED LABOR.-^TORY. — We learn from the Secretary of the Royal .Automobile Club that the Expert and Technical Committee has been asked to consider the expediency of establishing a central research laboratory for the scientific investigation of motor car problems and to report .-is to the equipment and maintenance to such a laboratory. April. 1911. kxowl1':dge. 157 ZOOLOGY. By Proi-hssor J. Arthur Thomson. THE BIOLOGICAL HOROSCOPE.— Professor D. H. Tennent, of Bryn Mawr, has been very successful in crossing sea-urchins of different genera, Toxopiieitstes and Hippoiiuc. The To.\opneustes influence dominates in sea-water of a higher OH ion concentration, and the Hipponoe influence dominates in sea-water of a lower OH concentration. It is suggested that this variation in the sea-water, brought about artificially in the laboratory, may correspond to normal seasonal changes. If so, it throws light on the difference previously observed between the winter embryos and the summer embryos of the cross between Spliaerccliiniis and Stroll jiylocetitrotiis. Thus something depends on the season of birth, and thus we come back to the horoscope and astrology — in new guise, of course. SPARROWS AND POULTRY. — The poultry -raising industry in many parts of the United States is seriously menaced by "blackhead" and similar diseases due to parasitic Protozoa known as Coccidia. Philip H. Hadley has found that these parasites are abundant in the intestinal tract of the English Sparrow, which he therefore blames for the diffusion of the disease. The parasite occurs also in some other wild birds, such as the American "robin" iMcriila inigratorinK and severe coccidiosis has been observed in the quail {Col nuts virginianiis) and the grouse [Boiiaso uinbcllatus). Thus wild game birds as well as poultry (fowls, turkeys, ducks, geese, pigeons, pheasants, guinea-hens) are seriously threatened. LEPTOMONAD IN EUPHORBIA.— Not long ago Lafont made the remarkable discovery that the late.x of Euphorbia pilulifcra in Mauritius contained as a parasite a species of Lcptonionas, that is to say, a kind of parasite characteristic of animals, and next door to Trypanosomes which cause sleeping sickness and the like. This very interesting dis- covery has been confirmed by G. Bouet and E. Rouband in regard to other species of Euphorbia. They find the infection local, temporary, and without obvious pathological effects. They were led to regard a small Hemipterous insect, D/c7(c/j<.'s hiiiiiilis, as the infecting agent, but fresh experiments by Lafont, in the case of Euphorbia pilulifcra, point to another bug, Xysiiis fupliorbiac. as the culprit. CILIARY AND MUSCULAR MOVEMENTS.— Looking down from the rocks into the water in the summer seaSon one often sees a jellyfish and a Ctenophore moving together, both very beautifully, but in very different ways ; for the jellyfish is moving mainly by muscular contraction and the Ctenophore by cilia. It has been shown by A. G. Mayer, in a series of interesting papers, that these two kinds of movement have a converse relation to one another. Thus sodium is the most potent check to ciliary activity and the most powerful neuro-muscular stimulant. Magnesium is most potent in maintaining ciliary movement and the most powerful inhibitor of neuro-nniscular movements. Among reagents of this sort whatever stimulates cilia depresses muscular activity, and whatever inhibits muscular movement stimulates cilia. In nature the more highly specialised cilia, such as those of the Ctenophore's combs, which are under the control of the neuro-muscular system, stop whenever the muscles contract and beat only when the muscles are relaxed. " The dis- covery of this converse relation makes very apparent the incompleteness of all existing explanations of the cause of animal movements." REVIEWS. CHEMISTRY. Xcw Rcdiictiiui Mcfhoits III \'(>lii iiicfnc Analyses. — By I'.. Knecht, Ph.D.. EM. C. and E\a Hibbert. lOS + x. pages. (Longmans. Price 3 - net. I This little volume gives, in an accessible form, the numerous papers published by the authors in different journals upon the use of titanous chloride in volumetric analyses. Solutions of this salt can now be readily obtained in a fairly pure condition and its very powerful reducing properties render it particularly suitable for use in the volumetric estimation of all kinds of compound. Full descriptions of the methods of using it are given here, and in the case of some of these estimations there had previously been no reliable process of determining the substance in question. In particular, the application of this compound to the quantitative estimation of various dyestuffs will be found especially useful. The book will prove a valuable addition to the librarv of c%erv laboratory. BIOLOCiY. r/(c' Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection (Popular impression of the copyright edition). — By Charles Darwix. 432 pages. 7T-in.X5-in. (John Murray. Price 1 - net.) " The Origin of Species " has now passed out of copyright, but the edition which it is now open to anyone to print is the unrevised one which was superseded by the present one. Mr. Murray is to be congratulated on bringing out the popular impression at a price which is within the reach of everyone. BOTANY. Life Histories of Ediiiiliar I'lants. — By Jc.iHN J. Ward, E.E.S. 204 pages. iS6 plates. S-in. X5-iu. (Cassell & Company. Price 3/6.) This popular edition will give Mr. Ward's delightful essays on the familiar plants a wider circle of readers and will help on the great movement that is proceeding, whereby the public generally is being interested in the world of life around it. Open Air Studies in Botany. — Second edition. By Robert Lloyu Praeger, B.A. 266 pages. 58 illustrations. 8-in.X 5t-in. (Charles Griffin & Company. Price 6/- net.) We are pleased to see that a second edition of Mr. Praeger's book has been called for as it is not occupied with the dry-as-dust Botany, but with sketches of British wild flowers in their homes among the shingle, by the river, in the meadow, among the corn and along the fragrant hedgerow. Those who know Mr. R. Welch's photographs will know that the plates well illustrate the plant associations and habitats with which they deal. Aids to Bacteriology. — Second edition. By C. G. IvIoor, M.A., and WiLLL\M Partridgi;. 240 pages. (6i-in. X4-in.) (Baillierc. Tindall & Cox. Price 3'6 net.) This book is a second edition of a little work dealing briefly with a great number of points coming under the heading of Bacteriology. In the Introduction general matters ai'e con- sidered and the various bacteria of disease, methods of examining them, forms producing fermentation, and the bacteriology of every-day life are briefly touched upon. ELECTROGRAPHS. r.y A. \\". CLAYI)i:X. M.A.. Priiulpal of t/ic h'dYiil Albert Mciimriiil i'iiivcri;ity Colhiic. lixcfcr. Se\"1-:kai. years a,t;o. when eN|iL'nniciitin,i; with an early form of Tesla apparatus suppheil to the College by Mr. Apps, I hit ujion a phenomenon which deserx'es to be better known. At that time I belie\'ed the results were novel, but when I came to describe them I found that similar observations had been made hv Mr. 1'. ]. Smith at Trinit\- I'lr.i'Ri; 1. EK-ctrograph of a kaj,'L' coin (blaned iniagul rrstint,' upon two small iiifdals. College, O.xford, and described b\- him (.)n June 24th. 1892, to the Physical Society under the title " Inductoscript." His method was to place a coin or medal upon a photographic plate which rested on a conductor, and then connect the coin and conductor with the poles of an " Inductorium "' or Transformer for a time varj-ing from five seconds to fifty seconds. On development the details of the face of the coin in contact with the film were revealed. His paper appears in X'nluiiie XI of the Proceedings of the Physical Society, but unfortunateh" it is not illustrated by any reproductions of the photographs. Seven years later, struck In- the beaut\- of the discharge from the Tesla transbjrmer, it occurred to me that if a number of metal bodies were to be placed upon a sensitive plate it should be possible to get some sort of reproduction of the surrounding discharges. If, for instance, a brass sheet is laid on the working bench, then a plate of glass, and a coin or group of coins upon the glass, on connecting one of the coins with one terminal of the transformer and the brass plate to the other terminal the coins are seen to be surrounded by beautiful radiating coronae caused by the discharge, I therefore substituted a jihotographic j)late, film side uppermost, tor the glass and let the discharge [kiss for a second or two. On developing, I was surprised to see that not only were tlie details of the radiating discharge far more perfecth' rendered than I had e.xpected, but the modelling of the A\hole face of the coin in contact with the film was sharph' revealed. In order to get the detail it was necessary to have the coin actualh' resting on the film. In some cases it was lifted up a short distance, and the mere tliicknessof a threepenny bit was found to be enough to si)oil and blur the image. See Figure 1, in which the central large coin rests upon the little medals. Mr. Smith attributed his photographs to the electric current, or at least the electrification of the rtlin. but in the case of my observations it is not easy to sa\' whether the action on the film was due to the discharge or to the light ol the discharge. A coin under the conditions of the e.xperiment. that is to saw in contact with one terminal of a Tesla transformer, is luminous all over, and the longest ra\s spring from the sharpest convexities, such as the the edges of the milled ritu, in accordance with the general rule as to the distribution of a charge on conductor, I am inclined to think that this distribution of the discharge is the real explanation of the phenom- enon, though the effect on the silver salt may just as well be electric as strictK' photographic. FiGCRK -'. The effect of the sparUs connecting coins and in the square hole of the Japanese example. Howe\er this may be, the experiments are very easy to make, verv beautiful to see, and yield results of considerable interest. Note, for instance, the sharp, slender sjjarks which connect the various coins, the corona of ratliating siiarks surrounding i-ach coin, and tlie wa\- in which these coronae decline to join. This last featiu'e is especially well shown in the scpiare hole in the Jaj^anese coin shown ni one picture (F'igure '2), and in the discharge 158 Al'RIL, 1911. KNOWLEDGE. 159 surrounding the coin common cross in another (see Figure 3). to the arms of the Fig I' UK J. Coins arran.!;ed in the foi in of a cross. One specially interesting photograpli (l-"igure 4) is perhaps that which shows a single coin and seven small dots. This was taken h\ connecting oni> terminal witii the coin, then placing some small shot on the plate (the dots) at different distances, and hnall}' connecting the other terminal with a ring of brass wire about six inches in diameter and concentric with the coin. The discharge was passed for one second and the plate then developed. The corona riunul the coin at once calls to mind the solar corona, and the luminosities attached to the shot suggest comets' tails. Each shot has two fans of light, a broad one pointing away from the centre, which is larger as the shot is nearer. and a narrower sheaf connecting the shot with the coin, which dies out with increase of distance much more rapidly than what ma}- be called the outer tail. Without trying to found any argument as to the nature of comets" tails and the light sometimes seen pointing from a nucleus towards the sun, the pictures are certainly very suggestive, and the actual discharge as seen by the e}-e is much more strongly so. However, space in these pages is valuable, and enough has been said. The phenomena are in the main only what the known facts of the brush discharge would suggest, except that I feel sure no one would hiwe supposed that it would be possible to reproduce such detail without the use of any lens or camera. Inductoscripts, electrographs. or mere contact photographs, whiche\-er they may he, I tliink they are interesting enougli and curious enough to be made more common kn(.iwledge. The apparatus I used w as an induction coil giving a six-inch spark. \>\' which two medium-sized Leyden jars were charged. The discharge from these was then sent through the primary of a small oil-insulated transformer, and the length of the spark gaj) adjusted until the wires from the terminals of the transformer were as luminous as it seemed jjossible to make ihem. The coil, jars, and spark gap were covered Iw a kirge cardboard box so that the photograjihic plate was not logged b\' stra\' light, but was exposetl ouK^ to the action to be exaniinecL Fiouui; 4. Seven shot surrounding a coin. THE PROBLEM OF THE ROTATION OF VENUS AND THE INFERENCE TO BE DRAWN FROM THE PROBABLE ATMOSPHERIC CONDITION OF THE PLANET. Bv B. G. HARRISON. l-.R.A.S. In connection with the problems of tidal friction and planetar\- e\-oliition the question of the rotation of \'enus is of the utmost importance. Unfortu- nateh- its period is still a matter of considerable uncertainty, but is t;enerall\- considered to occup\- either about twenty-four hours, or else to be efjual to the planet's orbital revolution of two hundred and twenty-five days. Although most astronomers favour the latter alternative, there are serious objections to either, and it is (]uite possible there may be another solution to the question. There now seems little doubt that Mercury alwa\-s turns the same face to the Sun, but the case is not nearly so certain with regard to \'enus, either from a dynamical or obserxatorial point of vie\\'. Indeed, all the early astronomers assigned U> the planet a period of about twenty-four hours, but their data seem to ha\'e been somewhat insufficient, owing perhaps, to the time of (Ia\- at which their observa- tions were carried out. The most faxouralile time is between sunrise and sunset, as tlie planet is then high in the heavens and its glare is not so pronounced, on account of the brightness of the sky, while it is also possible to observe any peculiar features that are presented for several consecutive hours. Until recently, however, all observations were carried t)ut either shortly before sunrise iir just after sunset, and consequently at much the same time each daw so that if any markings were noticed on the planet in the same position on successive da\-s, it ma}- have been attributed to a revolution having been completed in the interval. Until the observations of Schiaparelli. in bsyj, the idea of a period of two hundred and t\\ent\-Hve da\s does not seem to have been seriously considered, but since then many eminent astronomers, including Professor Lowell, have come to the same conclusion. If it could be established that Venus were cloud- covered, it would render this latter altinnative \ery improbable. For if the planet always turned the same face to the Sun, unless its thermal conductivitv is infinitely greater than tliat of the Earth, the temperature on the dark side \\(_iuld be certainh- low enough to cause precipitation of the moisture contained in the hot winds blowing from the sunward side. There would be a rapid and constant circulation of air owing to the difference between the temperatures of the two hemispheres, and evapor- ation and condensation would be continuous. As the supply of water could not be replenished from the dark surface owing to its conversion into ice, all water \\ould long ago have ceased to exist in li(]uid form, which would entail a conse(]uent absence of cloud from the planet's atmosphere. It is, of course, possible that the surface of \'enus still has a certain amount of intrinsic warmth, and in that case the dark side ma\' be in a similar condition to the De\'onian and Carboniferous jieriods here, as the clouds \\ould.to a great extent, jnevent the accessor escape of heat. Now, if we accept this as an argument in favour of a da\' equal in length to two hundred and twenty-five of t)urs, we must also bear in mind the considerable difference in the relative ages of the planets which the supposition would necessarily involve. As the densit}' of \'enus is onU- • N3 and its mass • 75 of that of the Earth, the former would not onl\- ha\e generated less heat by con- traction, luit would also radiate it more rapidly and must, therefore, liaxe been evolved much more recently to be still in a more primitive condition than the Earth. The mimnunn period of terrestrial rotation is unknown, but was possib]\' fix'e hours. It. however, we assume that tlie Earth and X'enus each had an original rotational \elocit\' proportional to their masses, and that that of the former has been diminished to its present speed by lunar and solar friction, it is obx'ious that the more recent the formation of X'euus is considered to be, the less likely is it that it should have alread}' reached its maximum rotational period owing to secular tidal action. There is no doubt that a dense envelope of some sort surrounds the planet. The appearance of a luminous ring and the " black drop '" observed at recent transits, are alone conclusi\e proof of this, while the irregular and graduated appearance of the terminator also furnishes us with further evidence of its presence. Then, again, the extraordinaril)- high albedo of \'enus almost prohibits the assumption that it is the actual surface we see. Moreover, the dark markings which ha\e been frequently observed scarceh' exhibit the permanency one would expect in the case of furrows on the face of the planet, and it is quite possible they may be caused h\' con\ection currents effecting openings in the clouds. In any case, it is diificuh to understand how it we has yet been passed. \\'ith the exception of Mercurv all the other principal planets appear to have rotations of twenty-four hours or under, and if their periods are eventualh- lengthened until they are synchronous with their respective orbital revolutions, the time required for this process will be extended as their velocities decrease, owing to the consequent reduction of tidal friction. This friction w ill also be further diminished since time will cause an increasing rigidity of each planet on account of its gradual loss of heat, and in the case of the inner planets through the escape of water vapour by molecular activity. Consequently, the final stage of rotational independence will be prolonged for a considerable period before it is completely controlled by the sun, and this renders it likelv that \'enus still has a somewhat shorter day than its \"ear. Moreover, the only friction capable of acting on \'enus is that generated by the solar tides, and although, as their capacity for retardation varies inversely as the sixth power of the distance. 162 KNOWLEDGE. Aprii.. 1911. these are seven-and-a-half times more effective than those on the Earth, the rotation of the former planet has never been checked b\- lunar action, which in our own case may have been an exceedini;l\- powerful factor in the earlier stages of evolution. It therefore does not seem improbable even from a phvsical standpoint that the length of the Cytherean dav is shorter than it? year, and this supjiosition would meet most of the difficulties we should other- wise ha\-e to contend with. There is also, of course, the possiliilitx- of the planet hax'ing a slow retro- grade motion, although this is \'ery unlikely on purel\- d\-namical grt)unds. .\ltogether the importance of this rotational ques- tion can scarcely be over-estimated, and the necessity of obtaining further information on a subject about which so much uncertainty exists, opens u\) an admirable field of research for amateurs. REVIEWS. PHVSICO-CHEMISTKV. Thcoric Physico-Cltiniiqiic dc la ]'ic cf Generations Spoiitiini-cs. — By Stephank Lhdlc iProfesseur a I'ecole de ^Icdecine de XantesI, Paris. 204 pages. 57 illustrations. (A. Poiiiat. Price 5 francs.) This little book gives an excellent summary of some of the most important physico-chemical processes that take place in the presence of certain poisons, but whereas colloidal platinum may be rendered active over and over again, an enzyme such as diastase is destroyed by a moderate degree of heat, and its activity can never be restored. In fact, it might almost be possible to form an enzymic definition of life. \\'hen once an enzyme has been produced without the aid of a living organism the possibility of proving spontaneous generation will be nearer than it is at present. AfrJi::,s >J tic Ri^u'itl^iii Kay. l-ic.LKi, 1. Dsuiotic drowtli^ living organisms, and in particular of osmosis. The author shows by a series of extremely interesting photographs (of which one is reproduced in Figure II, that it is possible by introducing mixtures of certain salts into solutions of other salts to produce, by osmotic pressure, forms analogous to those of plants and the shells of aijuatic animals. These forms may be used as illustrations of the mechanism by which the forms of living organisms were possibly produced, but, in our judgement, it is straining analogy of form too far to regard them as evidence of spontaneous generation. The author does not succeed in bridging the gulf between the force that causes a crystal to form in a certain way and the force that we know as "life." He refers also to the analogy between Bredig's so-called "inorganic ferments" and enzymes such as pepsin and diastase. In both cases the action is inhibited by PHYSICS. Radinin : Its Pliysics and Therapeutics. — By Dawson Turner, M.D., F.R.C.P. S6 + x. pages. (Bailliere, Loudon, 1911. Price 5 - net.) In this book. Dr. Turner has summarised in a concise yet readable form the various researches published in scattered scientific journals upon the physical phenomena of radium. He has also given a description of the uses to which radium has been put as a curative agent, illustrated by outlines of the cases and photographs, which are obviously more intended for the medical than for the general reader. It is in fact with the therapeutic part of the subject that the book mainly deals, and it appears to us to be admirably suited as a guide to medical men who desire a handy manual upon radium. Knowledofe. With which is incorporated Hardwicke's Science Gossip, and the Illustrated Scientific News. A Monthly Record of Science. Conducted by WiUrvd Mark Webb, F.L.S., and E. S. Grew, M.A. M A Y, 19 11 PLANT HAIRS. Bv K. E. ST VAX. IXTKOIU'CTIOX. ji'ST as there is a reason for "all thiii^i the sun." so there is a reason \\h\ plant pdssess hairs on some of their man}' origans. Thev are placed where we find them for a definite purpose, and tiny as the\- are. these delicate hairs — these pur- poses are wonderfully carried out ! Do not the hairs on nettles. which are long, sharp - pointed, and full of a burning, acrid secretion that "stings"' when pierced into one's fiesh, help to keep at ba\' browsing animals, insects, and an\-one who tries to do damage to the plants ? Does not the dense, webby growth of hairs found on the mulleins and numer- "us other plants cause an unpleasant sense of choking to anything that tries to eat them, and so acts as a deterrent as would a piece of flannel ? Again, the pre- sence of hairs is a guard against the attacks of aphis and other blights of a similar natiue. and is also a protection agai excess oi drought, or the too hercel\- burni of the sun. Plants found in very hot situations are often clad in a thick felt-like dress, under so that the>- may check too rapid e\-aporation of should the moisture drunk in by their roots, and so liye and thri^•e in safety. Agauist an\' excess of damp and cold a hairy dress is equally protective, and thus we find hairy plants are common in very cold locali- ties as well as in very hot ones, at yery liigh as well as in low altitudes. So, too, do hairs help a plant to climb and cling ; to suck up food (as root-hairs), to disseminate its fruits and seeds, to protect its delicate and essential organs (yiz.. sta- mens and pistils), to guard the pores in leaves, and in many other ways to act as most necessary organs essen- tial to the life of the plant. In forming the delicate silky fringes on leaves and stems; the beautiful silvery or col- oured hairy appendages on flowers : and the " felt,"' "web" and woolly coverings of man\- a plant's surface, Nature made structures of infinite loveliness and outline. We may see them, ng rays en iiius.'ie. an\- da}-, and admire the softness burning and richness of their make, but it needs the Figure 1. Forked Hairs from the Cor \'egetable Marrow la of the list an\' ^tranifcness if 163 164 KNOWLEDGE. May. 1911. mti Trst \\ I Htlu' UIKIII It. microscope to show us the true knehness of each individual kind of hair. For there are very many different kinds, and each, in its \va\-, holds some, cliarm : some. too. show choice colours, others emit pleasant or disagreeable odours ; some produce oily or viscid exudations, whilst others form secretions with peculiar properties, such as hitter. (Priiu- ula sinensis). lemon\'. saltish, sugar\- and burning (stinging nettle). Some we find are very smooth-coated, others \er\- rough, whilst — internally — one hair may be built up of a number of separate cells, and another may consist of merelv one, long and narrow or broad and rounded as the case may be. If we look at an\' two hairs. either is different from the other : no twt) are ever quite alike, and herein lies the absence of all monotony. Each is an object of itself : something trul\- marvellous, the closest scnitin\' w u (-an bestow Amongst the man\- different kinds met with, the following are the principal :— 1 1) Forked, (_') Hooked, (3) Glandular, (4) Branched. (5) Stinging, (6) Stel- late, (71 Peltate, (8) Jointed, though, perhaps, those known as Root-hairs should be con- sidered chief of all, since the\- are, truly, the means hv which a plant derives its food from the soil in which it grows, and is able to perform its life's func- tions. They are the most useful, though their li\'es arc \-erv brief, and, at the same time, some of the most simple in form that can be met with an\where. I. — Forked and Hooked Hairs. Forked, or. as the\" are also called, barbed hairs are often extremely curious as well as beautiful in form and are \er\" frequently met with on plant surfaces. Their distinctive feature is, that the hair pedicel, or stem, terminates in two or more prongs which are some- times thick and rounded at the tips, but mcjst often ver}- sharp-pointed : sometimes, too. the\- are quite erect in position, whilst at others they become curved. Some quaint examples nia\' be seen in the accompanying illustrations. Figure 1 shows forked FiGl'KE 2. Forked Hairs from ihu Skin ol the Gardi-ii .Auhrclur. d those that. Fork. hairs found on the blossom of vegetable-marrow. It ma\- be noticed that the hair consists of a number of thick cells placed one on top of the other till quite a long pedicel is formed, and then that the pedicel di\-ides off into twd thick branches, or prongs. In the smaller hair illustrated, it will be seen that the [)rongs are being formed. Figure 3 represents barlied hairs that abound on the leaves of our Wild Rough Hawk-bit. Each prong will be seen to be very sharp-pointed. Figure 2 is a specially prett\- example of a three-pronged hair from the stem of Aubretia. a plant so fa\oured in our rock-gardens and rock edges of borders. The \\a\- ill which the sharp prongs spread out from the tip of a somewhat short, thick stem, is ver\- suggestive of a fork. Hooked liairs are also known as curved or iw-likc. and are found largel\- on climbing plants whilst not being in the true sense climbers. straggle up hedgewa\s, and in and out of the Luidergrowth of copses. The\- are \er\ useful to such plants, for the\' act as small .L^r.ippling irons and readih' catch oil to an\' foreign suppoits. Figure 4 shows cur\-ed hairs found on the leaf of the garden scarlet-runner bean. They are lieautiful little structures and most usctul as climbing supports, tiny though they are. Figure 6 represents the saw - like hairs h)und on e\er\- surface, stem, leaf and Hower of wild Cleavers; a plant that grows in rank luxuri- ance in most of our hedges and copses ; a " weed "' that often causes great annoj'ance by the persistent wa\' in which it clings to one's own clothing when wandering along the countrxside. Strange, indeed, are the hooked hairs met with on ^\ild Hop (see Figure 5). another climbing plant of English hedge- rows. On stem and leaf these curious hairs abound, and one needs only to see their formidable appearance to understand why it is that in wet weather (when the hairs are specialh- stiff), if hop - picking, or wandering carelessly between the hanging sprats in a hop- garden, one's skin becomes so terribl}' torn: the hooked hairs are rea]l\- able to tear and cause great Figure 3. d Hairs from the Leaf of KouKh Hawk-bit. mav. I'm. KNOWLEDGE. 165 soreness to liands and face. Each hair is bulbous, awn. This aw n show s two distinct forms of hairs : — or swollen at the base, and gives off one or two (1) beautiful slender, long silky ones, that easily catch apex : when two are present the wind, that wafts the fruit about. (2) glandular the w hole structure ones that are extremeh- sticky : these help the wee has the appearance fruit to adhere to anything with ^\hich it mav curved arms at its Figure 4. Hookud Hairs from the Stem of the Scarlet Runner Bean. of a bull's head. .Many hooked hairs are \'er\- rough to the touch, t h e i r upper cells show- ing excrescences of various kinds : these are also useful adjuncts to the plant for climbing purposes. II. — Glaxdii.ar Plant Haiks. ,\mongst FiGURi; 5. Hooked Hairs from tlit Wild Hop, this class of hairs — one of the most numerous of all — are found structures of the most varying t\-pes. .\ typical glandular hair consists of a more or less swollen base, a pedicel that is either long or short, and, at the tip of this, a head — or cap — that assumes in different plant species a great variety of shapes. In some plants it is o\'al (White Campion), in others triangular iS[)eed\\ ell), and very frequently indeed it is circular. In this cap. or head, are secreted oils, irritant juices (Primula ohaiiiicd). resins, gums, and peptonising digestive fluids, as the case mav be. to whose presence are due the var\-ing colours, odours and flavours met with amongst plant -hairs. These properties are useful in attracting or warding off welcome or unwelcome insect \-isitors. in catching and digesting insects (as do the tentacular hairs on Wild Sundew and other insectivorous plants that live on the food trapped and digested b_\- their hairs), also in protecting \-oung buds whilst developing. The hairs that play such an important part in doing this latter work are peculiar glandular ones called coUeters that are present on leaf-buds, and, after rapidly maturing, usualh' die away as soon as the bud reallv begins to open. The\' secrete a watery gum mucilage, together with drops of resin or balsam, which become laid over the surface of the bud, thus forming a protection for the delicate struc- ture the}- guard. In Ribes. Salvia and Honeysuckle, gum is largeh' present in the colleters. Many plants show more than one kind of liair on the same structure, each kind ha\ing its own si)ecial function to perform. Thus the Marsh Avens produces a tin\- fruit (achene) that is provided with a feathery come mto contact. Beautiful beyond all description are the glandular hairs on the Sundew, nor can anyone who has ever seen a mass of these plants, growing on a large area of bog-land, ever forget the sight of the reddish- hued hairs glistening and sparkling in the sunlight like vast m\riads of diamonds. Each hair tip (when in a state of quiescence) shows a bead of silvery, shining secretion, and the effect of this, as a sunbeam streams across it. is one of infinite charm. In the accompanying illustrations are some glandular hairs often met with. Figure 10 shows triangular- headed hairs from the leaf of A triplex patiila — a com- mon "weed." Figure 11 is a very much magnified hair from the cahx of Purple Dead Nettle, show - ing the inan\' cells and circular tip with which the hair is built up. P'igure 9 are quaint hairs from the sepals of Sweet Pea. These hairs are extremeh- bulbous at the base, but very long and slender above, and they bear no "cap" at the tip of the pedicel. In the swollen base, full of glands, the secre- Figure 8, St well worth Stem of tliL tions are formed, showing hairs from the stem of London Pride, is studxing, for the microscope can hardly show- any hair groups n-iore loveh' than those found on this plant. One mav liken them to rows of long, slender, silver\--hued, stemmed goblets, springing from a slightly spread- ing stand, and ending iti a circular bow-1 filled with a rich rubv-coloured wine. The whole plant is covered with these exquisite little forms. In Figure 7 are seen the curious hairs from the leaf of \\'hite Bryony: note the curious glandular tips composed of man}- cells. Figure 12, too, is very remarkable. The leaves of Arctofis are covered \\ith a thick "felt." and under a microscope we find that this is made up of a mass of slender intertwining thread-like hairs, whose bases Figure 6. Hooked Hairs from the Stem of Cleavers. One kind of hair is circular and glandular and the other, long and brick-like. The tips differ. below- of each give off a and out, interweaves, and forms the "felt" we see and admire so much even with the naked eye. ver\- long thread that turns in Glandular Haiks. FlGl'KH 7. 'roiu the Leaf ot White Bryony. Figure 8. From the Stem of London Pride. FlGiKE n. From the calyx of tlic Purple Dead Nettle. FlGUUK 12. I'nini tlu' " fi'lt " of the Leaf of Arcfotis hrcvistuiiixi. (To be continiicd.) EUTECTICS. i;y J. L. W. RHODES, Assoc. Ixst. M.E. It has long been known that most alloys melt cufccfic jioint and the allo\- the eutectic allo\-. at lower temperatures than their constituent The question now arises as to why this alio}- metals. should possess such peculiar properties. Is it a Thus solder containing 32 per cent, of lead chemical compound, since it possesses definite com- and 68 per cent, of tin melts at a lower position and melting-point ? To this we can say no temperature than either tin or lead ; and fusible at once, for every chemical and electrical test shews allo}-s consisting of lead. tin. bismuth, and that the eutectic contains free lead, free tin, and sometimes cadmium, melt readih' in hot water. nothing else. To soh'e the difficult\- the microscope FiGUKE 1. Micropegmatite in dioritic granophyre. Figure 2. Perthite parallel to basal plane. Figure 3. Perthite parallel to clinopinacoid. The same princijile has been found to apply to salts: thus fusion mixture consisting of sodium and potassium carbonates in molecular proportions melts much more readilv than either of them. The use of fluxes in metallurg\- frequently furnishes another instance, so that we ma\' regard the fusion of alumina in presence of crxiilite as due to a similar lowering of melting-point. Let us now take up the study of the tin-lead alloys and plot out the melting points against the percentage of tin. We find our curve consists of two branches with a cusp shown at A in Figure 4. The increase in the percentage of tin continuously lowers the melting-point until A is reached at 180" C and 68 per cent, of tin after which the melting-point rises continuously. This point is called the is brought into use. It is at once seen that of all the allo\-s the eutectic is the onl}- one that is homogeneous: all the others consist of more or less perfect crystals imbedded in a fine grained matrix identical with the eutectic. It is now easier to understand the phenomenon. Taking an a\\o\ fairly rich in lead, X in Figure 4, we see that as the temperature falls no crystallisa- tion occurs till we reach a point Y on the curve when pure lead separates out and the temperature falls along the line YA. When .\ is reached all the lead o\-er and above eutectic proportions has crystallised out and the tin and lead remaining crystallise simultaneoush'. .A eutectic point is there- fore the point at which two substances crystallise simultaneoush'. Now if this occurs, obviously each 167 168 KNOWLEDGE. May, 1911. substance xsill interfere with each other's crystalH- sation, so that we shall get a mass in which the component crystals are very intimately intergrow n. Let us now turn from allo\s to the applications of this theor5' to the crvstallisation of rocks. Few rocks have been svnthesised, but nian\- rock- forming minerals have been crystallised from slags, and Vogt has successfulh" tackled the determination of some of their eutectics. Thus he has found that 68 parts of augite to 32 of oli\inc form a eutectic, and so do 70 parts of plagioclase felspar toiO ot olivine. .\nd this has been proved to hold in the igneous '-; rocks, for Harker has she\\n that t in allivalite (a rock composed of olivine and the lime-bearing plagioclase vanorthite) the anor- thite al\\a\"scrystallised first when constituting more than 70 per cent, of the rock, otherwise the olivine crystallised first. In LS88, Teall suggested that the curious intergrowth of quartz and felspar known as micropeg- matite was a eutectic, and \'ogt shewed from a chemical analysis that the ratios of quartz to felspar in micropegmatite was 26 to 74. Hitherto we have been restrict- ing ourselves to substances which do not shew any crsstallographic relationship. W'e must now examine the melting-point curves of isomorphous mixtures an< touch upon the in\'estigations o Bakhuis Koozeboom. He found that the curves fell into five groups, of which oid\' two neec at present be examined. Taking the enstatite-hypersthene series of isomorphous metasilicates, where crx'stals of ever\' possible composition can be obtained, he found that instead of one he obtained two curves, the freezing-point cur\e or liqiiidtis, and the melting-point cur\e or solidiis. Thus a liquid of the conqiosition A gi\'es rise to crystals of the composition B, since crystals of the com- position A would have melted ature. This curve (shewn in Fig his Type L Instances, however. FiCl'KI, 0. 1- XOlJZOtH at this temper- re 5) constitutes are frequent of imperfect isomorphism in w hich one constituent. X. will only hold a certain amount of the other, Y, just as ether and water will only mix in certain proportions. This imperfect isomorphism gives rise to Type IV, shewn in Figure 6, where the upper curve, the liqiiidus, is seen to have a eutectic point formed not of the substances Init of the mixed crxstals A and 15. each of which contains both constituents. This has a very interesting application in the case of perthite, a peculiar intergrowth of orthoclase and plagioclase. Orthoclase may contain uj) to a certain percentage of albite, being then known as soda orthoclase, whilst albite may likewise contain a limited amount of orthoclase. This is because ortlioclase being monoclinic and plagioclase triclinic, perfect isomorphism is impossible; nc\-ertheless the re- 3»6'- lationship is both chemicall_\" and crvstallographically so close that small amounts of one can form mixed crvstals with the other. The importance of eutectics in rock formation is ver}- great and the conditions are often very complicated, there being frequently several successive eutectics between different pairs of minerals. A condensed account of the crystallisation of a granophyre ma\- give some idea of the role of the eutectic. The rock to be described consists of f e r ro m ag n esi a n m e t as i 1 i c a t e s which crvstallise out as augite, alumino-alkali anhydrosilicates wliich form felspar, and quartz. The augite first separates out in well-formed crystals ; then the felspar builds large more or less perfect crxstals termed pheno- crx'sts, until the eutectic compos- ition is reached, when the fels()ar and quartz remaining solidif\- as luicropegmatite, \\hose felspar is in optical continuity w ith the phenocrysts. Besides these micropegmatitic or granophyric rocks, there are manv whose ground-mass is too fine to be resolved b\' the micro- scope, but has been shewn chemi- cally to be nearly eutectic in composition. S[)herulites of niiiuite radiating fibres are found ni them, and these have been shewn in some cases to consist of micropegmatite. Hence this grouiid-niass has been supposed to represent the eutectic on a scale, and is termed amphi-eutectic. Type I\', cr\'[itocrystalline that is, almost eutectic. It only remains to add that a classification of rocks has been seriously proposed on the nature of their eutectics. Its advocates regard the eutectic as the dominant feature of the rock. It is being \-igorously opposed by the school of petrologists who place chemical composition first; but time alone can decide between them. *«.- ..« ^- IJA ^•M^'^^W I-v i:n(i permission of — ^h.^ys. -^\T '-^.% ■"n-^^.^.-isa.^ tiic Dirc':tor of the National Physical Laboratory. FiGt'RE 1, Tho Mxperiiuental IJ.isin and Carriage for towing Models, THE NATIONAL EXPERLMENTAL TANK. WORK AT THE NATIONAL PHYSICAL LABORATORY. Bv E. S. GREW At last the National Experimental Tank, which models represent. The National Experimental Tank public subscription and private benefaction have set is intended for much more recondite experiments up within the precincts of the National Phwsical Laboratorv, Bushy Park, is completed : its equipment is undergoing test : and \\ ithin a \-er\" short time the ship- building i n d u s t r \- of Great Britain will be served bv an instrument of precision unsurpassed in anv other country. Speaking roughly, one may say that an experi- mental tank is designed to test the resistance which is offered bv the hulls of ships to passage through the water. The desired knowledge is obtained bv tow ing wax models of hulls of given shape and dimensions through the water of the tank, and (after their resistance to towing has been ascer tained bv the most refined methods of measurement than are indicated in the foregomg sentence ; but the uses of such experiments — which are constantly- being made in the experimental tanks of the German shipbuilders, as well as in the tank belonging to Messrs. Dennv, of Dumbarton, and in the naval yards of the great Powers — ma\- be readil\- made clear. Let us consider, for example, some of the problems which confront the designer of a tor- pedo-boat destroyer. He has first of all to derive a high speed from his craft. But he can- not put in as much engine power as he pleases, because that plan may result in an undue weakening of the hull, or in sinking the hull too by converting the results thus arrived at into terms low in the water, or in depriving the vessel of the Hy khtd pt-rttthsijn o/ the Diuxtof o/ the A^ationa! Phys'ual Laboat.^'y, Figure 2. Small Tank to be used for experiments with the water flowing past the Model, the latter being held in a tixed position. of the larger hulls of iron, wood or steel which the necessar\- room for armament accommodati 169 170 KNOWLF.DGE. May. Mil. Therefore his designs are hmited in various directions, and it is onh- b\- sliglit alterations in the shape or in the flotation Hnes of the hull that he can expect to lessen its resistance to the water through which it is to he dri\en. The effect of these alterations can be tried, of course, hv building a large number of \essels : but evidenth- the cheaper way, if it is equalh- trustworth)', will shape and resistance, a considerable effect on the vessel's speed. One ma\- think of the resistance offered hv a ship's hull against its forward move- ment through tlu' water as being composed of a frictional resistance and a wave- and eddv- making rc-sistance. The first kind of resistance is brought about hv the friction of the immersed surface of the ship's hull w ith the water ; the /Vy i^i/iif pei-iitissiott of /'/:ysic'al Lahoratoiy. Figure 3. Model-niaUing Appar.atus. l)e to experiment with \arious types of models, which being made (for example) of wax. can actuall}' be altered to different shapes. The larger the vessel of which the most desirable shape has to be ascertained, the more numerous the difficulties. All sorts of new factors of resistance to passage through the water are introduced. The hull of an ocean liner, or an ocean tramp, or a cruiser, is not smooth. It is studded with bilge-keels, pitted with shaft-escapes, and has other openings and projections in its sunken sides. The rudder, as it moves, causes resistance: and the rudder has to be protected. The propellers also exercise, by their second b\- the formation of waves at the bows and of waves and eddies around the stern. These coefficients can be found empirically by the aid of the wax models. The frictional resistance depends on the size and nature of the immersed surface, on tin- dcnsit\- ot the water, and on the speed at which the ship or its model is dri\en or towed. As the frictional coefficients for the different kinds of surfaces of ship and model are known — they varj- not only with the nature but the lengths of the immersed surfaces — the fric-tional resistance may be ascer- tained matluinatuiilK' without difficultv. If the NFav, IQll. KNOWLEDGE. 171 /■r kiiui />i-ymiss/on o/ Figure 4. General View of the Experimental TanK ■ The Daiiy Grafikh. By kind pernnssioii of Figure 5. A Wax Model of a Hn 172 KNOWLEDGE. May. 1911 total resistance of the model has been found by towing experiments the \\a\e- and eddy-making resistance, -which is not mathematicalh' ascertainable, can be found bv subtracting the frictioiial resist- ance from the* total resistance. Newton's law of mechanical similarities, first applied b\- Froude in the calculation of the resist- ance of ships, and therefore called " Froude's Law," enunciates the theorem that if two geometricalh- similar ship bodies are mosing at corresponding speeds through the water, the wave- and eddy- making resistances of these bodies are proportional to the third powers of their linear measurements or disjilacements. .Vs soon as the wave- and eddy-making resistance of the model has been found by experiments it need only be multiplied by a'^ — the third power of the proportional displacement of ship and model — in order to obtain the corresponding resistance of the ship. If the frictional resistance of the ship is added to this resistance the total resistance of the the ship can be found hv a simple mathematical formula. It will bo readilv understood that in experiments of the nature indicated the most important instru- ment (if precision is the towing carriage, the mechanism which registers the resistance to towing set up by the wax models. The carriage at Teddington spans the \\ hole w idth of the tank and is borne on four wheels. thirt\-six inches in diameter, which travel on rails built on the sides of the tank. It is made entirely of steel and the illustration (see Figure 1) gives a better idea of it than an\- description. Its dimensions are thirty-two feet six inches by thirt\-four feet six inches and its weight including all motors and electrical equipment, but excluding the model dynamometer and other apparatus, amounts to fourteen-and-a-half tons. The carriage is driven hv four motors and can be run at more than four hundred registered speeds, towing the models at rates varying from one foot to fifteen feet a second. The dynamometer and towing apparatus are made to follow the methods evolved by Froude, at Haslar. and allow tlie model some small amount of movement while being towed. It is not possible in the space at our disposal to describe the electrical measuring apparatus. It must suffice to sa\' that this apparatus, (so sensiti\'e that if the length or breadth of the wax model were altered bv a thousandth part, the resultant alteration of its resistance would be registered by the dials on the towing carriage) is fitted with several drums. The records taken on the main drum consist of time, distance and resistance. The first of these is given by an electric clock, which makes and breaks contact ever\- half second. The distance towed is measured by a trigger, fitted to the fore girder, striking against points twenty feet apart, fixed to the rail sleepers at the side of the tank. This trigger is caused to swing and so complete an electro- magnetic circuit. Records of the trim of the model can be taken, when required, on separate drums. There are two tanks at Teddington. The Great Tank (see Figure 4) is of dimensions as follows : — Length 549-ft. over all. Breadth 30-t't. on water line. Depth of water.... IJ-ft. i-in. alont; the middle line. In the tank walls an oljservation window has been fitted on either side, about mid-length of the tank. An arc lamp is to be fitted on one side of the tank to illuminate the water through the window, so as to enable a passing model to be obser\-ed under water, and any phenomena to be photographi^'d. A smaller tank (see Figure 2). sixt\--four-and-a-half feet in length, and of five feet width, has been made for the purpose of in\'estigations with running water. Experiments can be made in this tank imder two sets of conditions — either in the still water and the model being towed : or with the model held on a dvna- mometer arm and the water made to flow past at an}- \elocity. For the second of these purposes a rotary pump has been fitted at one end of the tank, and provision has been made for reducing eddies. This pump will give a velocity of about three iniles an hour to the water, and the ^•elocit\• can be regulated as desired. Special apparatus has been designed for castnij. the wax models — in lengths varying up to twenty-five feet — and for making them exactly to scale. The initial programme of experiments is as follows : — A standard model will be made to the same lines as that used at the Haslar Experiment Works, and the results of the experiments with this model will be compared with those at Haslar. Further experiments will be made with (sav three) models of widely different t\'pes alread\- tried at Haslar, to ensure the general accurac\- of the a[i()aratus and methods adopted. On the satisfactory com[)letion of this work, and with a view to a series of experiments on mercantile forms, a preliminary set of experiments will be made on some typical forms of passenger-cargo and cargo N'essels having as w ide a variation of block coefficient and form as possible. In conjunction with the foregoing, some experi- ments will be made to test the effect produced on the diverging system of waves by varying the bow form. These experiments will start on the lines suggested by Lord Raxleigh {Phil, .l/.r.t/., September, 1909). .\s further work to be undertaken at an earh- date, the Committee have appro\-ed the suggestion to explore thoroughly the wake in the afterpart of several typical models. Experiments would be made to gi\-e the direction of flow, the pressure, and the velocity head in the streams. It has also been agreed that it is desirable to repeat, and, if possible, extend, Mr. W. Froude's experiments on friction : it is hoped to make observations on planks up to at least one hundred feet in length. ON THE PROPER MOTIONS OF THE FIXED STARS. Bv W. r)OI?i:KrK, Pir.I).. f.r.a.s.. m.r.i.a. Halley found that some of the briglitest fixed stars had changed their places since they had been observed by the ancient Greeks, and such changes are so obvious as to be recognised on ancient coins. Sir \\'illiam Herschel. in 178 J, arrived at the conclusion that a relative motion of the Sun among the fixed stars in the direction of a point situated near X Herculis would account for the greater part of these proper motions : the motion of the sun towards the " apex " must cause the fixed stars in half the sk\- to apparenth" move awav from that point, and in the other lialf of the sk\- to move towards the diametrically opposite point, the '" anti-apex."' Since then a great manv astronomers have determined the situation of the " apex," but the results do not agree very well, especially as regards the declination. Bessel investigated the matter and declared him- self dissatisfied with the evidence. When the direction of the proper motion of a fixed star has been ascertained, a great circle laid through the positions of the star observed at two epochs is thereby determined, and if the great circles belonging to different stars intersect in a point (the apex), it is easy to see that the poles of these great circles must lie on another great circle, of which the apex is the pole. Bessel found that the poles do not lie on or near a great circle but are scattered over the skw Kobold, the editor of the Astroiiomischc Xciclirichfen, who some vears ago took up Bessel's in\'estigations. proceeds as follows. He imagines the celestial sphere inscribed in a cube which touches the S{)here at the two poles and at four points on the equator. He supposes the eye of the observer situated in the centre of the sphere, and any great circle on the sphere is then projected as a straight line on one or more of the faces of the cube. Kobold had already used maps made on this principle in determining radiants of shooting stars, and the writer had subsequently, in Hongkong, used similar maps for the same purpose. Kobold projected the poles of a great number of proper motions on such maps. Those that correspond to proper motions intersecting in the apex should lie on a straight line corresponding to the great circle of which the apex is the pole, but that is not clearly shown on the maps. Kapte}-n, who has the merit of ha\'ing originated man}- hypotheses that appear destined to aid greatly in the astronomy of fixed stars, solves the difficulty by accounting for a great number of proper motions on the supposition that there are two distinct apices both close to the galax)-. It had, indeed, in course of years, become the general impression that the galaxy is made up not of isolated heavenly bodies but of a conglomerate of clusters of stars and nebulae. There was, therefore, nothing extra- ordinary in the circumstance that the stars belonging to two clusters did not move in the same direction. Kapteyn's hypothesis has been examined at the Greenw ich Observator}- and confirmed there by the independent evidence of proper motions, other than those used by Kapteyn. It has been confirmed also at the Cape of Good Hope. It has been to some extent confirmed by s[iectroscopic evidence at the Cape Observatory and at tlie Lick Observatorw The speed in miles with which a star is moving towards or away from the earth can be measured in the spectrum, the wave-length of the lines being respectively shortened or lengthened, and it is found that the stars on opposite sides of the sk\- indicate a general drift or even two drifts, but the objects used should be evenlv distributed over the \\hole sk\'. and the spectra of only few faint stars are known with sufficient accuracy- for this purpose. Meantime other radiants have been found. Boss, editor of the 4s//-o/;o/n/c(T/ Jo»/7k7/, has shown that the Hvades form a great cluster moving in parallel lines towards a certain radiant point. .\nother apparently- (but perhaps only apparentl}-) much larger cluster, which has been investigated at the Potsdam Observator\-, contains the stars in the Great Bear, Sirius and other bright stars. As mentioned above, the spectroscope enables astronomers to measure tiie motion of a heavenh- body in the line of sight in miles per hour. The proper motion, expressed in seconds of arc, shows how much it is moving in the line perpendicular to the line of sight. When the direction of motion in space is known, then the parallax is at once obtained from these two quantities, and that direction is given by the radiant. Parallaxes of fixed stars are more accurately determined in this wa\' than b\' an\- other method. Numerous results have been obtained. Thev show- that the magnitude of a star forms no guide to its distance from us. Stars of different intrinsic brightness are mixed in space. Therefore, it would be no wonder if some of the small telesco[)ic stars should turn out to be comparatively near the solar system. Proper motions have hitherto been deter- mined bv comparing positions recentl\- determined by the meridian circle with older results. Burnham, at the Yerkes Observatory, has of late years determined a number of proper motions by aid of micrometric measures compared with previous measures made by Struve, Sir Robert Ball and others. In those cases where his results differ from the result of meridian work, the difference is probably caused bv hitherto unsuspected proper motions of faint stars, which it will be possible to determine by future 174 KNOWLEDGE. May. mil. micrometric measures compared with l>urnham's observations. At Heidelberg proper motions of faint stars are discovered b_\' simph' looking in a stereoscope at photographic plates of the same part of the sky taken several years apart. Turner has discovered large proper motions of stars as faint as the eleventh magnitude marked on photographic plates, and states that stars with proper motions greater than 15" per centuPi- are scattered with no sensible reference to the galaxy. It may be asked what becomes of Herschel's explanation of the apex caused by the Sun's proper motion when there are not one but many apices. It should be kept in mind that all nnjtion is relative, and it is quite legitimate to attriiiute the apex of the cluster that contains the largest number of stars to the proper motion of the Sun. Boss has lateh' discussed about six thousand proper motions, and he deter- mines the apex without taking into account the existence of different s\-stems, and also without excluding an\- objects. It appears that all the la. Hants so far fdund lie near the galaxy, and it is much easier to determine additional radiants on tin- supposition tliat the\- all lie near the galaxy, than if the\ were scattered o\er the sky. If the pole of the galaw is projected on Kohold's maps, and also the straight line (or rather lines) corresponding to the great circle of the galax\-. any straight line from the projected pole to an\- point on the projected galaxy represents a great circle perpendicular upon the galaw. and the piojected poles of proper motions that lie near this line indicate stars the radiant of whose proper iiiotions is the pole of the galactic meridian in i|uestion. 1)\- investigating the proper motions all round the sk\- in this manner it should be easy to discover all the radiants that lie near the galaxw Kapteyn, on the supposition that there are onl\- two radiants, explains these as being caused bv stars moving in two diametricall\- opposite directions, and the fact that they do not appear to be diametrically opjiosite he explains by combining the proper motion of the Sun with each of them. In this wa\' the direction of the Sun"s proper motion is determined, but it is seen that the Sun belongs to neither of the clusters. However, there are probabh- more than two star streams, and there is so far no reason to suppose that thev mo\e in exactly opposite directions. It is conceivable that two globular clusters might attract each other, approach, and pass through to the opposite side. When the\' had reached the same di.stance apart on the other side, thev would stop and their motion would be re\-ersed. The period of the swing of such a pendulum would exceed millions of \'ears. But when the enormous distances between the stars are taken into account and their relativeh" insignificant sizes, the forces are found too insignificant to account for existing proper motions. The energy of runawa}' stars cannot be derived from attractions between fixed stars or clusters: it ma\- be due to explosions. As all observations of heavenb' bodies are made hv comparison with [Positions of fixed stars, the accurate determination of the proper motions of the latter mav be said to be in some sense the most important object of astronomical observation. Several astronomers, especialh' Porter in Cincinnati, have devoted their energies to the disco\-er\- and determination ot proper motions. An niteniatinnal coriperation between observatories in all parts ot the World is being arranged to make a determination with the utmost accuracy of the positions of a ver\' great luimber of fixed stars evenly distributed over the sk\' to ser\e as standards for determining the positions of faint stars recorded on photographic plates. But howe\er perfectb' the catalogue embodxin:; the results of such cooperation ma\' reflect the ai tual situation in the sk\' of the stars it contains, it must in a tew \ears become ([uite inaccurate as the stars change their places, and for the determination of these changes the catalogue must rely on observations made in the past, so that the old observations, far from being superseded, gain in imiMirtance : and the older the^• are. the more imriortant it liecomes to take them into consideration. CORRESPONDENCE. THE FLIGHT OF BHiDS. To the Editors of " Knowledge." Sirs, — The representation by Gatke and others of the prodigious rapidity of the flight of migrating birds does not appear to rest on observations bringing conviction. I suggest that some knowledge on the subject might be obtained. An amazing number of birds are killed by dashing against the lighted lanterns of lighthouses. Therefore, I should suppose that, if on a " fly-line " near the shore there were placed a dark screen, twenty feet square, and in the middle thereof there were an aperture of, say, six feet diameter, covered with such material as that which equestrians jump through at a circus, and that it were very strongly lighted from the land side, immigrant birds travelling in the dark would make for it, and dash right through the flimsy material. They should then come in sight of another similar screen three hundred yards away, in the middle of which should be a disc of strong glass very brightly hglited from behind. .At this the birds would dash as they do at the lantern of the lighthouse, and would fall dead — to be identified and registered by an attendant naturalist. The time of the first screen being broken by a bird and its death at the second should be taken by stop-watches. Between the screens a man should have a camera with which to cinematograph the approaching bird. There should be a contrivance for immediatelv replacing the broken flimsy in the first screen. The birds on reaching the coast might, perhaps, have slowed down through fatigue, but the bright lights might stimulate them to renewed exertion. Years ago, crossing the Channel from France, I observed a small bird accompanying the steamer for a mile or so. I could not say pari passu, for it frequently spurted, going with apparent ease ahead of us and then dropping behind. The speed of that bird during that flight, till it disappeared, could hardly have exceeded ten miles an hour. Some migrants fly high : but the light of a bright screen might bring some of them down to its level. FRANCIS KAM, HINTS ON THE PREPARATION OF SKELETONS OF VERTEBRATES. i;y J. A. i;ulli;kook. For the serious study of Comparative Anatom}' there is nothing better than the preparation of typical skeletons of the classes and orders of Verte- brates. It is axiomatic that Morphology cannot lie learned from te.xt-books alone. Moreover, though museum preparations are useful complements to practical study, they cannot super- sede it. Much can, and must, be learned from the museum, because the material cannot be observed elsewhere ; but such study is onl\' superstructure, the foundation must be laid in the laborator\' or home. The fascination of preparing and mounting skeletons of various animals, for study or exhibition, does not seem to be appreciated h\ either the student or the amateur naturalist. Yet, of all practical methods of obtaining correct and precise information concerning animal structures, this is certainly the best and probabh' the most interesting — that is if it is carried out intelligently. It is possible to prepare a skeleton and yet have learned very little, or nothing at all. about the real nature of the animal or its anatom\-. The work should be done systematicalh' and in definite order, and never without the aid of gotid diagrams, or, failing these, a lucid and exact descrip- tion. To be of any value, the skeleton must be prepared for use and constant examination, not merely as a specimen of neat and clever handicraft. Although this article is intended primarily f(_)r students, I hope to make it appeal also to the amateur naturalist, who has, jierhaps, hut little time and limited means to bestow upon his hobbies. Now, just in these two particulars, this work is valuable. It is true that the preparation of a skeleton takes a great deal of time ; but on the other hand, the work ma\- be done at odd moments. In point of fact one is almost sure to spoil a specimen by working at it too long at a time : the work requires patience and plenty of it, and will not be hurried. A long sitting, therefore, is not onl\- unnecessary but really disadvantageous. As to expense, all the necessarv instruments and reagents may be purchased for a few shillings, and the material, with few exceptions, may be collected by the enterprising worker at the cost of a little energy and toil. Indeed, this is one of the charms of the work, that it entails a stud\- of natural histor\' in almost exer)' aspect. It is far better to go into the countr_\- and gather the material hrst liand, so learning something of the habits and the haunts of animals, than to reh" on the li\e-stock dealer. For the convenience of the reader, I have appended to this article a list of the necessary apparatus and reagents, with their apjiroximate cost, and a list of animals which are easiK" obtained and are of most value for dissection. Before, however, one can hope to make a satis- factory preparation, one must spoil some material and make several practice attempts, both at preparing and mounting. For these practice attempts, many advocate using frogs. I, m\'self, prefer the toad. It is almost as easy to obtain and it has the advantage that the bones are larger. I have illustrated this article with the photographs of some skeletons, including that of the toad ( Biifo vulgaris!. I will describe first the preparation and mounting of the latter skeleton, and this will apply to all vertebrate animals (except fishes) up to the size of a mole or rat. Larger animals should be mounted articulate or, better still, put into boxes partitioned for the different skeletal regions. Thev can be mounted on black boards l)y using wire, but there is no advantage, and the specimen then takes up a great deal of space. As to the preparation of fishes' skeletons, the\' are imsuitable to any but the advanced student, and will not be described in this paper. Now, there are two things, one or both ot \\hich the beginner is always tempted to do ; either to burv or to boil the animal, hoping to pick out the bones clean and just ready to dry and mount. I never knew of a realh' good specimen being procured by either of these methods. Moreover, by doing either, nothing whatever is learned of the soft parts, and all the meaning of the marks on the bones and their var\-ing shapes is lost. The allium! should always be dissected first and then uiaeerated. A good description and diagrams are essential. There are in most places libraries which contain some books on Comparative Anatomy. It is not absolutely necessary to have a picture or description of the animal or its skeleton as a whole, though it saves trouble, and few text books have such des- criptions of man\- animals. It is best, therefore, to 175 176 KNOWLEDGE. May, 1911. fall back on such books as " .Mi\ai"t's Lessons in Elementary Anatomy," which contain good diagrams and lucid desgriptions of the \-arious regions — if not actually of every animal, at least of so many types that almost any skeleton ma\' be prepared from them. I have appended a list of books which will be of use and easil\- obtained. To start with the dissection. This is an art which cannot be taught : it can onh' be learned b\' patient and plodding labour. The toad should be dissected carefulh' and thoroughly, with the aid of a book. .\11 the structures and organs should be noted, and drawings made at the different stages of the dissection, especially of the muscles and liga- ments. When satisfied that the soft parts have been properly studied, as much of the flesh as possible is cut from the bones, and the ligaments are carefully examined. The body must now be macerated. This process consists of soaking the bmh- ui water for an indefinite period. For this i)urpose zinc tanks are useful (never iron or tin), of the following dimen- sions : 1-in. long. 3-in. wide, 1^-in. deep, for small animals: and 6-in. long. 4-in. wide, and i^-in. deep for larger animals : these shoukl alwa\'S have tight- fitting lids. A useful substitute. howe\er. is a pie dish or other shallow earthenware vessel, covered with a sheet of glass. It is often advisable to macerate the bod\' in sections, taking care always to keep together the bones of similar regions. Esjjeciaily is this method useful with larger animals, as in this case the quantit\- of flesh one is obliged to lea\'e on the bones after dissection is often con- siderable, and b)- putting them into separate tanks one obtains a larger mass of water to each bone, and so expedites the process of rotting. The hands and feet should ahvays be cut off at the joints, and each macerated separateh' in a small earthenware or glass jar. While it is macerating, the specimen needs frequent attention. The vessel should alw■a^•s be kept covered when one is not actually working on it, and the specimen must never be allowed to dry uj). As soon as the bone is loose and all flesh on it is soft, it is taken out and put aside in fresh water or preservative (weak spirit or formaldeh\de solution) after it has been carefully cleaned. I do not advocate retaining the ligaments. These should be studied in the fresh condition, unless the object of the preparation be essentialK- to display them. Should one wish to keep them, the macerating si)ecimon will need careful watching, and it must be taken out of the tank immediateh- when an\- ligaments show- signs of coming away from the bones. Should anv flesh still be adherent, it should be scraped oft' gently with a scalpel. LSut for the preparation in question, viz. : the toad, the ligaments are not required. When macerating do not remo\-e too much of the debris at first, as bv so doing the bacterial action is liable to lie retarded. After decom- position has thoi-oughl\- conuueiiced it isad\isable to take out some of the rubbish from time to time. For this purpose an old table fork is ver\' useful. .\s one takes out the bones they must be cleaned. This is a \er\' tiresome and delicate process. E.xcept for large bones the knife should not be used. A camel-hair brush, an oil-painter's flat bristle brush with the bristles cut down to about a quarter of an inch : a couple of needles mounted in handles : a pair of fine forceps ; and a pair of fine-pointed scissors, cur\'ed on the flat, are the necessar\- instruments. An\- stubborn fibres of ligament should be cut off close with the point of the scissors ; the flesh and debris are brushed off with the hard brush, and the bone is finished l)y brushing with the soft brush. The brush should always be used in one direction onl\-, not to and fro. The bones should ah\a^•s be held in the forceps — never in the fingers, and the w hole cleaning should be done as far as possible under water. A piece of ground glass, made to fit the bottom of the cleaning vessel and with its smooth surface blackened w ith jiaint, so that the colour shows dull through the ground surface, is very useful as the bones show up clearly upon it when one is cleaning them. If after cleaning, some pieces of flesh still adhere tightly to the bones, tlie\- must be macerated further. It sometimes happens that the ligaments will not \ ield to maceration : especially is this the case with the hands and feet of all vertebrates and the vertebrae of Ophidia. In this case boiling becomes necessarw The bones should be boiled in a small enamelled saucepan, the smaller the better. Before putting thi-m into the saucepan, a few drops of strong solution of caustic potash ma\- be added to the water ; ver\- little should be usetl and the potash should never be added in solid form, because it takes some time for it to diffuse and the specimen is liable to injur\' through coming in contact with a \er\- strong solution. The liquid potash should be added to the water, droj) by drop, and the whole well stirred before putting in the bones. The ligaments will often soften b\- just bringing them to the boil, and the specimen must ne\-er be boiled for more than a quarter of an hour. It is not ad\'isable to boil the bones clean ; they should be cleaned, in the manner mentioned above, after boiling. The next process after cleaning is bleaching. \Mien all the bones are clean they should be washed free from any preservative — if such has been used — with distilled water. They are then placed in a glass vessel in a 1 in 20 solution of hydrogen pero.xide. The strength is made by mixing the strong solution ordinarily sold, with 19 parts water. This does not of course represent 1 part H, O2 in 20 of water. The vessel containing the bleaching bones shLiuld always be kept co\-ered with a sheet of glass so that no oxygen is lost. Never use chloride of lime for bleaching as 't injures the bones and destro\'s the markings. The vessel should be broael and shallow so as to obtain the greater surface area, and it should be [jlaced on a white surface so that the light is rellected May, 1911. KNOWLEDGE. 177 fairlv equally on to all parts of the bones. The bones are whitened more quickh' b\' adding a few drops Figure 1. A Skeleton of a Toad 'B;(/o rw/garis/. of caustic potash to the peroxide solution, but this should onlv be done with the larger bones, as the small ones absorb a good deal of the caustic and rapidlv turn \ellow after mounting. In any case very little potash must be used or else tubercles and other markings will be obliterated. Hydrogen peroxide is harmless, but caustic potash is not. The bones should all be placed in the same strength of bleaching solution and remain in it for the same length of time, i.e., until all are whitened. But it is advisable still, and indeed throughout, to keep the hands and feet separate from the rest, each being prepared in a separate dish. After bleaching, the bones should be washed care- fully again in distilled %\ ater; anv debris still adherent maj" be taken off w ith a soft brush and the bones thoroughly dried. For this purpose a few racks are required. For larger bones these are best made of what is known as expanded metal, i.e.. iron sheet stamped through with slits and then drawn out into diamond-shaped net-work. Squares of this material are nailed on at the sides to wooden blocks, this form of rack allowing the air to circulate freel\- all round the bone. The iron should be covered with -ome hard enamel to prevent the bones being injured by rust. For small bones, a porous earthen- ware plate such as is used by chemists for drying crystals, is best, although blotting paper will serve the purpose. The bones should be picked out cine by one — not shot out promiscuously — and left to dry for at least twenty-four hours. Should any debris resembling bones remain in the solution, a slight pinch with the forceps \v\\\ always indicate their true character. There now oiih' remains the mountihs- This FiGUKt -.. A Skeleton of a Love Bird ( Androglussiiia agaponiis). 1?8 KNOWLEDGE May, 1911. sliould he done as far as possible at one sitting. The bones should be taken and arranged on a card. O or, better still, on the blackened glass sheet, in their respective natural positions, the different regions being spaced distinctly. The skeleton should be mounted in a similar fashion on stiff" card which has first been carefully blackened with a dull pigment (such as ivorv black) as seen in the illustrations, and thoroughly dried. A good method is to paint red lines around or between the different regions. I would advocate mounting all one's skeletons on the same plan, and I think that the best is that shown in the accom[>an\ing figures (1 and 2). It is mapped out thus: — Lower Jaw and Hyoideal Face and Cranium. Hand. I'ore limb. Pectoral Girdle. Fore limb. Hand. C e r V i c a 1 t o S a c r a V e r t e b r a e C a F Hind limb. Hip u Girdk-. Hind limb. F o d o o a o 1 V e r 1 c b r a The bones on cither side are to be plared show iiig inferior and superior surfaces respectiveh-, so as to dis- play the various markings, and so on. The mounting is done with a fine camel-hau- brush dipped in benzol solution of Canada balsam. This should not be too stiff or a skin will form before the bone can set : nor must it be too thin, or it will soak into the bone and discolour it. In mounting the bone, it is held in position abo\e the card by the forceps, and the brush is drawn over the card so that it leaves a film of balsam as near the shape and dimensions of the bone as possible, on which the latter is then dropped. (_)nlv sufficient balsam should be used to ensure the bone remaining on the card, and care should be taken not to soil the forceps with the mucilage, or the marks of the bones may be masked. The specimen is now placed in a box into which the card fits exactly, and is kept in a horizontal position. The preparation is now complete save for the dr\'ing of the balsam, which takes a week or two. Regarding the jireparation of skeletons of larger animals, little need be added to what has already been said. The bodies may, however, be boiled with less risk, and both in cleaning and bleaching, caustic potash may be used at discretion. A tooth brush and nail brush are necessary for cleaning, and the knife may be used more free!}-. The mounting, however, of larger preparations differs considerablv from that ahead}' described. The bones, except the vertebrae, hands and feet, should be left loose. Those of the hands and feet should lie mounted on black cards, unless they are large, when they should be bored and strung on catgut in their proper positions. The best instru- ment for boring is a "fiddle drill" such as is used 1)\- jewellers. The skeleton should be kept in a box and di\iileil up into regions as before, each region being placed in a separate partition for easy reference. For larger animals, it is useful to keej) twn skulls, one articulate and one disarticulated. To dis- articulate the skull, it is first cleaned, and all the brain matter removed with a scoop. The cranium is then filled through the Foramen Magnum with raw rice or dried peas, according to the size of the foramina in the skull, and the Foramen Magnum plugged tightly with a cork. The whole is then placed in cold water in a saucepan and boiled until the grain, by swelling, has forced the bones apart at the sutures. The bones are then taken out, washed and bleached. It is sometimes useful to keej) cartilaginous structures. To retain these in their original shape is difficult, in fact, almost impossible. The most satisfactory method of preparing them is to dissect them : clean : place in good methylated spirit for twehe hours : soak in moderately thick solution of Canada balsam for at least three days : and then allow them to drv hard. 1 \\:i\v purposely refrained from any description of the methods of articulating skeletons. This work would require an article to itself, and is unsuitable to the beginner. May. 1911. KNOWLEDGE. List of Animals sitfable for Skflktoxs. Raiia tcmponiria (frog) ... Riifo vulgaris itoad) ... Triton crisfatns (crested newt) ... Laccrtti I'ifipcim (^'rass lizard) ... Tropidonotiis iiatrix (common snake) ... Sfiirniis vulgaris (starling) Mits dccuinanns (rat) Talpa ciiropca (mole) Erinacfiis curopciis (hedgehog) ... Canis faiuiliaris (dog) ... Felis cioiiicsficus (cat) ... Sciuriis vulgaris (sf|uirrel) Ccrcopifhccus callitrichus (green monkey) Batrachian. do. Tailed Batrachian. Lacertilia. Ophidia. .•\ves. Rodentia. Insectivora. do. Carnivora. do. Frugivora. Anthropoid monkeys. List of Books. Lessons in Elementarv .'\natoniy Osteology of Mammalia Comparative Anatomy Practical Zoology ... Manual of Zoology ... Te.\t-book of Zoology The Cambridge Natural History St. George Mivart. M.D. W. H. Flower. F.R.S. W'eidersheim. T. J. and \\'. N. Parker. H. A. Nicholson. T.J.Parker&W.Haswcll List of necessary Appar.vtu^ AND Reagents, Fiddle drill and drills Dissecting forceps ... Fine forceps Double-spooned brain scoop Two needles in handles Dissecting scissors ... Fine-pointed scissors cur\cd on the flat . Two scalpels Glass jars Porcelain developing dish (] -plate) Glass covers... Glass dishes with covers ... Drying racks do. plate... Watch glasses Blackened glass Zinc tanks ... Hydrogen peroxide (20 Vols.) Potassium hydroxide (sticks) Methylated spirit Carbolic acid (crystals) Formaldehyde solution (40 %) Canada balsam (in benzol) 179 Instri'ments 3s. 6d. U. 6d. ''xl. yd. each. IS. Is. 3d. Is. Is. Is. Id, Is. Id, rxl 6d. fid. each. each . d. each, each. and . to 2s 2d. each. Is. Id. each. 4d. Qd. to 2s. each. 2d. per oz. Is. per lb. 4d. per pint. 2d. per oz. 4d. per oz. 4d. per oz. SOLAR DLSTURBANCE.S DURING M.ARCH, 191 1. By FRANK C. DENNETT. There was a slight increase of activity upon the Sun's surface duriug March, and the repetition of outbreaks upon, or close to, the site of pre\'ious disturbances was very marked. The disc appeared free from disturbance on March 6th, 15th, and 17th, and only faculae were observed on lith, I4th, ISth. 19th. 20th, 2Ist, 22nd, 26th, and 27th. The longitude of the central meridian at noon on March 1st, was 237' 34'. No. 3 remaining visible until March 5th is shown on the chart. No. 6. — A group of pores, a leader with some tiny com- panions in front, with a larger pore bringing up the rear. The group was 39,000 miles in length, and remained visible from the 2nd until the 5th, and on the 7th two black pores were seen close to the same place. No. 7. — .A pore amid faculic S(n'roundings only seen on March 5th. No. 8. — A small spot came round the eastern limb, and continued visible from the Sth until the I2th. No. 9. — .\ pair of pores about 37,000 miles apart, in a very bright faculic disturbance, marking the site of No. 6, seen on the 10th and 1 1th of March. No. 10. — .\ solitary pore seen only on the I6th. No. II. — .-Xnother single pore with faculae around it, seen only on March 24th and 25th. No. 12. — After the disappearance of No. 5. The site was marked by a fine faculic disturbance as it approached the limb on the 9th and 10th. It was found on the 26th to have come round the eastern limb, and on the 28th a group of four black pores had made their appearance in the group. On the 3 1st there was a considerable spot as leader, and another as trailer, with some pores between them. On April 1st, the leader was preceded by a tiny pore, and the whole of the group following the leader was made up of pores, the rear ones partially outlining an ellipse. On the 4th there was seen to be a black hydrogen flocculus close to a pore, east of the leader, and the pore seemed to increase in size. When just within the limb on the 6th, the leader, which alone remained visible, appeared to be increasing in size. The leading spot attained a diameter of 15.000 miles, and the group a length of 83.000 miles. The chart is constructed from the combined observations of Messrs. J. McHarg, A. \. Buss, E. E. Peacock and the writer. DAY OF .ALARCH. S I? le )/ 16 1,5 14 1^, 1^ I,) ip 9 ? T t ^. <, ?l. Z,^l> l,p.\p 2j 26 gS 2f 23 ^g. ^1 ^0 a ,0 T~r B ¥ IFCD u 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 )30 (40 ISO 160 l/"0 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 J30 340 350 360 THE FACE OF THE SKY FOR MAY. Bv W. SH.VCKLETON. .\.R.C.S., F.R.A.S. The Sr\. — ( )ii the 1st. the Sun rises at 4.35 and sets at 7.19 ; on the 31st he rises at 3.51 and sets at 8.3. Sun-spots and faculae may usually be seen on the solar disc, but spots are small and not numerous. The positions of the Sun's axis, equator, and heliographic longitude of the centre, of the disc are shown in the following table: — V'enus:- Date. .^xis inclined from N. point. Centre of Disc S. of Sun's Equator. Meliogiaphic Longitude of Centre of Disc. Mav I 24" 22 '\V 4° 6' 152° 46- ,, 0 ... 23° 24'\V f 35' 86° 4 1 ' ., II .. 22° i6'\V 3° 2' 20° 34' ,, i6 .. 20° 58 '\V 2° 29' 314° 26' ,. 21 ... 19° 29'\V 1° 54' 248° 18' ,, 2(] ... 17° S2'W 1° 19' 182° 9' ., 31 ... 16° 5'W 0° 43' 115" 59' June 5 ... 14-^ n'W 0° 0' 40 49' The Moon :- Date. Phases. H. M. May 5 ... „ 13 ... ,, 21 ... ,, 28 ... June 3 ... 1) First (Quarter .. 0 Full .M.Min (I Last Tr. I. II 20 31 Oc. I). 10 18 s ]l. Ec. R. 11 51 23 Sh. I. II 51 31 11. Ir. I. 10 20 0 I. Tr. E. 10 I 24 II. Sh. I. 9 8 31 111. Ir. 1. II 26 9 I. .Sh. E. 10 14 24 111. Ir. E. 9 21 31 11. Sh. I. II 42 " 11. Oc.D. II II " Oc. D." denotes the disappearance of the Satellite behind the dibc, and ■ Oc. R." its reappearance ; '*Tr. I." the ingress of a transit across the disc, and ** Tr. E." its egress ; "' Sh. I." the ingress of a transit of the shadow across the disc, and "Sh. E." its egress; " Ec. D." denotes disappearance of Satellite Iiy Eclipse, and " Ec R." its reappearance. Saturn : — Date. Righl Ascension. Declination. May I ... .: 17 ... June 2 ... ll. ni. 2 32 2 40 2 4ti \ 12" 43' 13" 21' N 13° 55' Saturn is in conjunction with the Sun on May 1st, and therefore unobservable during the early part of the month. Towards the end of the month the planet is a morning star, rising in the E.N.E. at 3.34 a.m., on May 21st. Dale. Right Ascension. Declination. May I ... June I ... ll. m. s. 20 6 29 20 5 M S 20'' 49' 7" .S 20^" 53' 49" Uranus rises about midnight on the 20th May, and about 11,18 p.m. on June 1st. The planet is Uiifavourably placed for observation as he is low down in the sky : he is describing a retrograde path in Capricornus about 2 S.E. of cf Capricorni, Neptune : — Date. Righl Ascension. Declination. May I ... June I ... h. in. s. 7 22 5 7 25 1 5 N 21° 30' 19" N 2U' 24' 49" Neptune is observable in the N.W, portion of the evening sky, not far from Venus, and is in conjunction with that planet on the 30th. The planet sets at 11.50 p.m. on the 15th. The planet is difficult to identify among the numerous small stars appearing in the same field of view, as it requires a high power (about 300) and good definition to distinguish his disc ; he can, however, be detected by his relative motion if observation be made on successive nights. Meteor Showers : — The principal shower during May is the Aqiiarids. This may be looked for between May 1 to ft : the radiant being in R.A. 22" 32" Dec. S. 2 . near the star v Aijuarii. Telescopic Objects: — Double St.\rs.— a Librae, Xl\"." 46'". S. 15 40', m.igs. 3, 6 : separation 230" ; very wide pair. ff Coronae, XVI.'' ll", N. 34' 8', mags. 6, 6i ; separation 5"-0; binarv. a Herculis, XVII." lo'". N. 14 30', mags. 2.1, 6: separation 4"- 8. Very pretty double, with good contrast of colours, the brighter component being orange, the other blue. S Herculis, XVII.'' 11"". N. 24 57'. mags. 3. 8: separa tion 14". Clusters. — M13 (cluster in Hercules) is situated about one-third the distance from -q to s' Herctilis, and is just visible to the naked eye. It is a globular cluster, and with a three or four inch telescope the outlying parts of the cluster can be resolved into a conglomeration of stars. QUERIES AXD .ANSWERS. Readers arc invited to send in Questions and to ansu-er the Queries which arc printed on here. QUESTIONS. 35. MOVEMENT OF A TAUT WIRE.— \\'hen a taut wire, say a mile long, has a weight at one end and one pulls it a foot towards one at the other, does the distal end of the wire move at the same time .as the proximal in one's hand, or is its movement later ? t- r> Fr.\ncls R.\m. 36. METEORS. — It is stated in most buoks on .\strononiy that meteors are ignited by friction with our atmosphere at a height of seventy miles sometimes. As the density at this height does not amount to nearly the millionth of that at sea level, can any of your readers explain how falling bodies could be ignited by such a rarefied atmnsphere, that they move at the rate of forty-fi\e mile maximuiTi speed for meteors ? even assummg i a second, the ' Puzzled." 37. ROTATION OF STUFFED BIRDS .\TTACHED TO WIRES.— The little birds, which are suspended by wires in a case in the hall of the Natural History Museum, may be observed very slowly to rotate, the tips of their wings describing a quadrant of a circle, or more : and so they have done, I can aver, for the last twenty years. What is the cause of the movement? Fr.^ncis R.^m. 182 KNOWLEDGE. Mav. 1911. 38. THE EFFECT OF GR1:AT ALTFIUDES ON THF..ARS. — Is it true that persons ascending mountains experience, on reaching great altitudes, bleeding of the ears ? If so, would not this bleeding be beneficial to persons suffering from any congestion of the ears ■ Thirdly, could an atmospheric condition similar to that which obtains at great altitudes be produced on the sea-level by any scientific process ? p t, i9. ANTI-CVCLONE.— I should be much obliged by your favouring me with an explanation of the term " .Anti-Cyclone." I have always understood it meant the opposite of Cyclone, viz., a perfect calm. This I have had disputed, and that the storms we have lately had from the Easterly have been caused by an '" .\nti-Cyclone." Now, if .Anti-Cyclone and Cyclone both mean storms. w-h\- the prefix ".Anti"? Some of the books I have, merely, give "Cyclone," but do not mention " Anti-Cyclone." or if the term is referred to, it is only in a very \'ague wa\', and the language is by no means plain or e^P'''"'^*'"'-^'- Wm. S. Jeffery, 40. WATER-FINDING.— The other day. Mr. Pogson, a well-known water-diviner of Madras, located as many as six subterranean springs in a garden in Cuddalore, India, Wells were sunk at all the six spots, and. strangely enough, water was found in all of them at very nearly the same depth, and in approximately the quantity calculated by the diviner. Like all other water-finders, Mr. Pogson locates water by means of an ordinary rod — either of wood or of metal — which, without any volitional effort on his part, spontaneously rotates in his hand when he stands above a bed of water underground, or points vertically downward if he happens to be over a spring of small dimensions, I should be very much obliged if a scientific explanation can be gi\en of this wonderful phenomenon. It mav be well here to point out that Mr. Pogson is also endowed with magnetic susceptibility, by which he can tell wliich pole of a bar magnet is turned to him. Hallcy's comet, he sa\-s, affected him before and after its perihelion passage, exactly like the North and South poles of a magnet. T. K. Joseph. REPLIES. 10. WATER AND ITS OWN LEVEL.— The real mean- ing of the common expression that water finds its own level is identical with that of Mr. Yerward James (" Knowledge," March. IQll, page 103) that it seeks its " Appropriate Spherical Cur\ature." What he says about the variation in the surface of a cup of tea when lifted may be true, but there are so many influences in operation that it might take a little time for the fluid to adjust itself, the motion of lifting having some action besides the effects due to inertia, capillarity and friction. So the centre of gravity of the earth is affected by any displace- ment of particles on the surface of the earth, such, for instance, as when a boy throws a stone, or when a crane lifts a mass of rock, or when a ship takes a cargo of coal from one place to another. As regards experimental proof of the convexity of the surface of water, reference should be made to the experiment tried on the Bedford Level Canal, a straight piece of water six miles long. This e.xperiment w-as fully reported in The Field newspaper, March and .April, 1870, and might be considered proof conclusive of the con\exity of the surface of water. Lumen Marti.wum. 30. FINDING THE TIME, BY DAY.— (11 Local apparent time can be roughly found when the ratio of the length of an upright stick to the length of its shadow is known, by using the following method : — Taking the data given by " Interested," and the angles to the nearest degree of arc, we have latitude = 52° and Sun's declination on the given day=15' North. Call the length of the stick unity: then in the right-angled triangle whose perpendicular and base is the length of the stick and shadow respectively, we must find the angle .ABC. In the given case (shadowtwice the length of thestickl tan "' J =27" = angle CAB which is the altitude of the Sun above the horizon at the time the measurements are taken. It will now be necessary to find the uorthmost angle of a spherical triangle on the celestial sphere, three sides of it being given, viz. (90° — Sun's altitude) or Sun's zenith distance, the Sun's angular distance from the north pole of the heavens, and the colatitude of the place. Using the formula ' — 'cos s, sin (s — a) sin ^-y ^ cos 1. sin p, where P is the angle required (being the Sun's angular distance from the meridi.an and therefore equal to the time), a the altitude of the Sun, / the latitude of the place, p the Sun's polar distance, and s half the sum of the three last mentioned quantities, the times deduced are either 7'' 44™ a.m. or 4'' lb"" p.m., the shadow in this particular case having the same length twice during the day. This process, by the way, is 2e.,vtf^ pie. n V similar to that used to find time at sea except that .i sextant is used to measure the altitude of the Sun instead of the ratio of the length of a stick to its shadow. (2) In the latitude of London the length of a perpendicular stick is equal to the length of its shadow at noon at about 9th April and 5th September of each year. The reason is apparent from a study of the figure. With the sun on the meridian and with the stick and its shadow of equal lengths we have, by elementary geometry, the angle .ABC = 45', which must be the altitude of the Sun at noon. Now the colatitude of London is about 38 (see Figure D so that the Sun will require to have a northerly declination of 7' to make its meridian altitude = 45 and the Sun's declination has such a value on the dates mentioned. (3) The latitude of any place can be found, if the ratio of the length of the stick to its shadow at noon is known (the Sun's declination being also known approximately), for by the first answer the altitude of the Sun can be found from the given data, and by the figure it is seen that the latitude when the Sun is north of the celestial equator is equal to its zenith distance {i.e.. its altitude subtracted from 90^) added to the northerly declination, and when south, the latitude is equal to the Sun's zenith distance minus the southerly declination. Xote. — In the figure the length of the stick is drawn out of all proportion to the other lines. The stick, if drawn to scale, would require to be represented by an infinitesimal line on an infinitely small earth situated at the centre of the celestial sphere, half of which is shown. ^^^^_ ^ ^^^^^^_ 30. To find the time of the day by comparing tlie ratio between the length of a stick and that of its shadow involves the solution of a spherical triangle. The fornmla for determining the hour angle is as follows: — sin — = A^/ f cos H0 + -^ + °) sin i (0 -f A - "^ \ ^ ^ \ cos

ciisc, S. protetis, S, KoelrcutcriaiiHDi. and S. Gacrtncrianitm are pericUnal chimaeras. Of these forms, S. tiihiiigctise has a nightshade bod}' and a tomato epidermis; S. Koclreiiteriaiiiim has the reverse relation of the two components ; S. protcus has a tomato periphery of two layers of cells, while S. Gacrtiieritm tini apparently has the reverse relation. Winkler thinks, however, that in S. Daruiiiiaiiiim he has a true graft hybrid produced by fusion of the vegetative cells of the nightshade and tomato. If this proves to be correct, it will be the first experimentally produced graft hybrid, and the only instance of such a form so far obtained. The wonderful discoveries of Winkler and Baur, which do not appear as yet to have attracted attention in this country, break new ground and open up a new field of experimental biology. To both writers belongs equally the credit due to the pioneer in a new branch of investigation. The bearing of these discoveries upon theories of inheritance, and in particular upon the function of the nucleus in heredity, brings us to the cytological aspect of graft hybrids and chimaeras. In 1905 and 1907, Strasburger {Jahrb. fiir xciss. Bot., Band 42, Band 44) investigated Laburnum Adanii from this point of view. If this form is really a hybrid — owing its origin to fusion of the nuclei of Laburnum vulgare and Cytisus piirpurcus — then its nuclei should contain a number of chromosomes equalling the sum of the numbers characteristic of the two parent species. This is not the case, however, and Strasburger regarded this fact as evidence against the hybrid character of the graft. He also investigated forms obtained by grafting tomato and nightshade, and found that there was no migration of nuclei and no fusion of the nuclei of stock and scion ; hence he concluded that Winkler's graft hybrids are merely chimaeras, calling them " hyperchimaeras " — forms in which the elements of the two parent forms are more or less intermingled but without any real nuclear fusion. Strasburger therefore denies emphatically the reality of graft hybrids, but as we have seen, Baur's results are of vastly greater import- ance than these cytological observations, and they enable us to place upon Winkler's work an interpretation different entirely from those made by either Winkler himself or Strasburger. Strasburger goes on to consider the case of parasitism between Angiosperms ; for instance, between mistletoe and its host plants, where there is an intimate relation between the two plants, but no mingling of nuclei. In grafting, a bud from the point of union might possibly give rise to a shoot bearing a flower in which an anther might be from the scion and an ovary might be from the stock ; close fertilisation might then give rise to a true hybrid, but, Strasburger argues, hyperchimaeras would be more likely to produce flowers the seeds of which would give rise to pure plants of either the scion or the stock. The fact that pollen from his graft hybrids would cause fertilisation in tomato or nightshade, while neither of these plants can be crossed with the other, is regarded by Winkler as proof of true hybrid character ; but Strasburger thinks that the pollen was probably pure, consequently fertilisation was to have been expected, but that only nightshade or tomato would result. Winkler himself, in his account of the generation obtained from the seed of his hybrids, gives some results as to the chromosome numbers. In tomato the A' (sexual) and 2X (somatic) numbers are 12 and 24, while in nightshade they are 36 and 72. He suggests that the difference in chromosome numbers may prevent the crossing of the two species, though noting the fact that Rosenberg crossed two species of Drosera with 10 and 20 chromosomes in the sexual nuclei and obtained a hybrid with 30 chromosomes as the 2A' number. If the Solan uni hybrids are due to fusion of somatic nuclei, they should have 72 + 24, or 96 chromosomes, unless the fusion should be followed by reduction, in which case the number would be 48. Winkler found the A' number to be 36 in S. tubingcnse. S. Darwinianum. and S. Gaertncrianuni, and found 12 in S. protcus and S. Koclrcutcrianum. the first three of these reverting in their pollen formation to night- shade and the other two reverting to romato. Winkler suggests that the graft hybrids more closely resembling nightshade are from nightshade cells, and that those resembling tomato are from cells of that parent, the nuclei being like those of one parent or the other, but the protoplasm being mingled with that of neighbouring cells. This theory, implying that the protoplasm has great influence, obviously interferes with the now generally accepted view that the nucleus is the sole bearer of hereditary characters — but, as already stated, Baur's results probably make both Winkler's and Strasburger's explanations unnecessary. Much further work is required both on the experimental production of graft hybrids and chimaeras, and the histological and cytological characters of these forms. In his most recent account of the cytology of the Solanum forms, Winkler (BtT. dcutsch. bot. Gcs., 1910) states that S. tubingensc. S. protcus. S. Koelrcuterianuni. and S. Gaertncrianuni are periclinal hybrids; but that S. Darwinianum, at least in the subepidermal layer of the stem apex, is a fusion hybrid. The germ cells of S. Darwinianum have 48 chromosomes, and since the parents (tomato and nightshade) have 12 and 36 chromosomes as the A numbers, \\'inkler infers that the subepidermal layer from which the pollen is derived must have 4S chromosomes ; he supposes that a nightshade cell with 24 chromosomes has fused with a tomato cell with 72, gi\ing a nucleus with 96. and that in the progeny of this nucleus the number is reduced by halving. CHEMISTRY. By C. AiNSWORTH Mitchell, B.A. (Oxon.l, F.I.C. SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION OF COAL. — The various factors that tend to bring about the spontaneous combustion of coal have been made the subject of an experimental investigation by Messrs. Parr and Kressman, who have published their results in the Journ. hid. Eng. Chcm., 1911, III, 151. They show that oxidation processes begin as soon as the coal is taken from the mine, and that when the temperature produced by external factors reaches a certain point, autoxidation sets in and results in the ultimate destruction of the coal. The average temperature for autoxidation lies between 200° and 275° C, according to the state of division of the coal, while ignition takes place at about 350' C. The factors contributing to raise the temperature of the coal to the stage of autoxidation include : — (a) External sources of heat, such as sunlight, or impact due to the method of unloading; (b) Fineness of division; (c) Readily oxidisable compounds of a bituminous nature; id) Iron pyrites, the presence of as little of which as five per cent, may raise the temperature by about 70' C. ; (e) Moisture, which promotes the oxidation of the pyrites ; (/) Oxidation of carbon and hydrogen, which takes place at temperatures above 120° to 140' C. ; (g) The fourth or autogenous stage of oxidation. Any measures to prevent spontaneous combustion must be based upon a consideration of these facts. -All external sources of heat must be eliminated as far as possible, and all dust or finely divided material separated. Complete dryness in storage will pre\-ent oxidation of iron pyrites, which is a fruitful source of danger in coal from the mid-American fields. No system of sorting at the mine can eliminate all risk from this source. Drenching the coal with water may increase the chances of oxidation where the sulphur is distributed through- out the whole mass, while complete submersion of the coal will probably not prove practicable. Preliminary heating might be used to bring about the initial stages of oxidation, and thus eliminate some of the factors which would subsequently supply the necessary heat for destructive oxidation processes. Treatment with chemical agents does not hold out much chance of success, but a system of circulat- ing a cooling li(]uid through pipes distributed throughout the ISS KNOWLEDGE. May. 1911. mass appears more promising. On the other hand, the forma- tion of air passages, which is frequently advocated as a remedy, seems likely to do as much harm as good, since the heat of the oxidation promoted by the access of fresh oxygen may more than counter-balance the heat carried away by the air currents. THE BL.\CK GLAZING ON GRECIAN POTTERY. — Many of the specimens of early Greek and Italian pottery have been coated with a fine black glazing upon a terra cotta ground, but the means employed to obtain this has long been a lost secret. According to M. A. Verneuil, who has recently published the results of his experiments upon the subject iConipffs Rcndtis. 1911. CLII. 380), the pottery has apparently been fired in an oxidising furnace : but the only way in which he was able to produce a similar black enamel, was by heating a flux containing magnetic oxide of iron in a reducing furnace. A mixture of iron filings, sodium carbonate and the powdered calcareous clay of the pottery itself yielded a flux, which when heated in an oxidising furnace produced a black glaze, which resembled the ancient black lustre in showing a greenish sheen in reflected light, but was not equal to it in depth of tone. INFLrEXCH OF CIlKdMUM COMPOUNDS ON PL.4NTS. — .-Xn account of the experiments of Dr. P. Koenig, upon the influence of certain chromium salts upon plant life is given in the Clieiii. Zcntralblatt (1911. I, 498). From these it appears that when applied in very small quantities chromium compounds, and especially ehronious acetate, have a stimulat- ing influence upon the germination and growth of plants, but that in large quantities their action is very toxic, and has a particularly injurious effect upon the roots. Solutions of chromates are the most poisonous, but their action may be minimised by adding an equivalent amount of lime to the liquid, or by the addition of salts of metals, such as silver or lead, which form insoluble chromates. In the case of plants, such as lupins, however, to which lime is injurious, the presence of the chromium intensifies the effect of the lime. The degree of toxic action also varies with the composition of the plant, and the nature of the soil. Thus plants which contain much silica oft'er the greatest resistance to the action of chromates. while vegetation in a sandy soil is much more affected than that growing in loam, probably on account of the greater proportion in the latter of substances capable of combining with the chromate. The amount of chromium taken up by the plant differs in the case of different compounds, and it is remarkable that alkali bichromates, which are the most toxic of the chromates, give up least chromium to plants. There is also a greater accumulation of chromium in the roots than in the other parts of the plant. As the results of these experiments would indicate, a solution of potassium bichromate has proved very effective as a weed killer. C'.HoLouV. By Russell V. GwiwEr.L, B.Sc, .V.R.C.S., F.G.S. CLIMATE AND PHYSICAL CONDITIONS IN PRE- CAMBRIAN TIMES. — In the January — February number of the Journal of Geology, the oldest known rocks in Canada .are dealt with by A. P. Coleman. Constituting the Keewatin Series in the west and the Grenville and Hastings Series in the east these pre-Huronian rocks stretch for one thousand miles across the country. The Huronian or Algonkian rocks, both sedimentary and eruptive, are already admitted to have been formed like rocks of later times. We find evidence in these early times of climates not unlike those of later ages, when wind and weather, flowing rivers, and beating waves and even great ice sheets did their regular work. In northern Ontario glaciers formed boulder-clay in latitude 46" showing no hint of the action of primeval heat such as the usually accepted \ersion of the Nebular Hypothesis demands. But there is much less certaint\' regarding pre-Huronian times. The world was already very old before the Huronian ice-sheets began their work. Many geologists have been inclined to see in the underlying " basal complex " portions of the earth's original crust, of plutonic rocks and crystalline schists consolidated from the cooling globe, which was still too hot to permit the condensation of water, so that no rivers or oceans were possible. The conviction, however, is growing in the minds of many geologists that, although the Huronian basal conglomerate means a break in time, it does not mean a break in the continuity of marine and terrestrial processes, but that the affairs of the world were conducted in the same way before this great inter\al as after it. The author then shows that these pre-Huronian rocks include large amounts of sedimentary materials — limestones, dolomites, slates, gneisses having the composition of clayey sandstones, and so on. In the east the seas were clearer and deeper and limestones predominated, while in the west volcanic activity was very pronounced producing thousands of feet of ashes. and so on. There must have been great land-surfaces from which rivers flowed bringing down sand and clay. The sea contained plants to furnish the carbon (often reaching several per cent, in slates, gneisses and limestones! while the lime- stones hint at calcareous algae or animals having hard parts. Similar sediments penetrated by granites and gneisses occur in the Lewisian of Scotland and in the Ladogian of Finland, and so on. It is thus evident that the Keewatin and Grenville Series of .America, like the oldest rocks of Europe, do not take us back to the commencement of geological time, since they include clastic sediments which imply the weathering and erosion nf previous rocks before they were spread out on the sea bottom. "We have extended our outlook much farther into the past, but there is still an impenetrable background beyond. V\'e shall perhaps never be able to say ' m the beginning ' ; but we may safely say that there is no hint of a molten earth in process of cooling down. If the earth was ever hot it had so far cooled down before the oldest known rocks were formed as to allow air and water and life to do their work in the world very much as they do now. If the earth ever passed through a period of great heat it was at a time too remote in the past to leave a geological record or to have any special interest for the geologist." THE GEOLOGISTS' ASSOCIATION.— The Geologists' .Association celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of its founda- tion by the publication of a useful work entitled " Geology in the Field : the Jubilee Volume of the Geologists' .Association." This book, edited by Messrs. Monckton and Herries, has within the last few months been completed by the issue of Part \'. The places visited during the fifty years' existence of the Association were arranged in groups or districts, and a number of geologists, selected for their special knowledge of the localities, were asked to contribute descriptive articles on the respective districts, using the previously issued reports of the excursions as a basis. The scope of the work is confined, however, to England and Wales. Hardly is this book completed before the work of the Geologists' Association comes once more before the general public. For, on behalf of the Association, Dr. J. W. Evans is arranging a series of exhibits in the Science Section of the Coronation Exhibition at Shepherd's Bush. These exhibits, intended to illustrate the work of the Geologists' Association, consist of maps and relief-models of districts visited and geological specimens collected by members from these districts. By the time these notes are published, the exhibition will probably be open, A NEW INDUSTRY IN THE HEBRIDES,— The finding of iron ore in Raasay, one of the islands of the Inner Hebrides May. IQll. KNOWLEDGE. 189 lying in The Minch. between Skye and the Torridon district of the Ross-shire mainland, was announced late in the past year. The discovery was really made eighteen years ago by Mr. H. B. Woodward, F.K.S., in the course of his work on the Geological Survey, but the deposit has been recently investigated from a commercial point of view, and as a result the great firm of ironmasters and colliery owners, Messrs. ^\'m. Baird & Co., Ltd.. of the Glasgow Coalfield, have bought the island. The deposit is situated at the junction of the Upper and Middle Lias, thus corresponding approximately with the position of the Cleveland ironstone. It is a ferruginous limestone forming a good basic ore. The deposit is from six to seventeen feet in thickness and probably many millions of tons will be available. Though it is not likely that blast furnaces will be erected on the island, for the ore will merely be calcined and then shipped to the South, still the opening up of mining operations in this quiet and remote spot will greatly alter the character of this district of grouse moor and deer forest. This will not, however, be the only mineral industry carried on in that part of the Western Isles, for at two places on the adjacent coast of Skye, quarrying has been in operation on a comparatively small scale. The deposits of diatomite. a lake deposit consisting of the siliceous tests of minute plants, have been worked for many years in a wild, desert region north of Portree, and the calcined product shipped away for use in a multitude of industries — the manufacture of fireproof partitions, ot tooth powder, of dynamite, of disinfectants, and so on. A beautiful white marble, somewhat like the Carrara stone, and produced by the metamorphic action of granite on Cambrian limestone, has been ijuarried intermittently near Broadford, and within the last four or five years systematic operations have been carried on, a mineral railway is now being constructed, and an export trade is being opened up. THE P.ASS.AGE OF LIGHT THROUGH CRVST.ALS. — The issue of Dr. Tutton's popular account of the fascinating phenomena of crystallography ("'Crystals." International Scientific Series, 1911), recalls his evening discourses before the British .Association in Winnipeg, and the Royal Institution in London. I had the good fortune to be present at the Royal Institu- tion lecture, and shall never forget the wonderful experiments then performed. The most "showy" demonstration was an illustration of the fact that the light reaching the eye from a crystal is of two kinds, namely, white light reflected from the exterior faces and coloured light which has penetrated the crystal substance and emei'ges refracted and dispersed as spectra. Two powerful beams of light from a pair of widely separated electric lanterns were concentrated on a cluster of magnificent large diamonds arranged in the shape of a crown. The effect was not only to produce a bla^e of colour about the diamonds themselves, but also to project upon the ceiling of the lecture theatre numerous images in white light of the poles of the electric arc, derived by reflection, interspersed with coloured spectra derived from the rays which had penetrated the diamonds and had suffered refrac- tion and internal reflection. The " Mitscherlich experiment." with gypsum, was also per- formed by Dr. Tutton. In this, a suitably-cut section of the mineral is shown with convergent polarised light, the resulting interference figure being projected on to a screen. .\t the ordinary temperature, the mineral is biaxial with a wide optic axial angle. .As the crystal is heated gently this angle decreases, then closes up altogether (so that the mineral becomes uniaxial) and finally opens out again in a plane at right angles to the original optic axial plane. On allowing the crystal section to cool again the phenomena are repeated in the reverse order. No other mineral exhibits this phenomenon of crossed-axial-plane dispersion, by change of temperature alone, quite so well as gypsum. When one appreciated the significance of the interference figure as projected on the lecture-screen, admiration was called forth as there appeared first the usual lemniscates and rings around the two optic axes at the right and left margins of the field; then the axes approached one another and united ia the centre of the field, the dark hyperbolic brushes combining to produce a rectangular cross, and the rings and i'liiniscates becoming circles: then the dark cross opened era .jsr.in into brushes, but in the vertical direction, and the circl. s elongated out into ellipses and lemniscates again. Dr. Tutton's book deals with many other interesting crystallographic topics, such as the significance of isomorphism and dimorphisiu, the phenomena of " right- and left-handedness " in crystals, those peculiar optically-active liquids described as " li(|uid-crystais " and so on. METEOROLOGY. By John A. Curtis, F.R.Mf.t.Soc. The weather of the week ended March 18th, as epitomised in the Weekly Weather Report issued by the Meteorological Office, was generally cold, wet and dull, with snow at many stations. Temperature was below the average in all districts. Readings above 50' were reported only at Tottenham, .Armagh, Killarney, and in the English Channel, the highest being 54 at Killarney and at Guernsey. The lowest miuinuuu was 22 at Llangammarch Wells on the 1 7th, but readings below freezing-point were observed in all districts. The minimum on the grass was as low as 11" at Llangammarch Wells, and 18" at Plymouth. Rainfall was in excess, except in the North and West of Scotland, England N.W., and in Ireland; in some places the amounts collected were from three to four times as great as usual. The highest total reported was 1-93 inches ;it Hillington. Norfolk. Sunshine was in excess in Scotland and Ireland, but was generally in defect elsewhere. The sunniest station was Castlebay. Harra Island, with 51-9 hours (65%), while Deerness, still further to the North, but to the East, had only Z-i hours (3%), Glasgow reported 28-7 hours (36%), while Eastbourne had only 17-9 hours (22%). The total duration of sunshine at Westminster was 9-1 hours (11%). The temperature of the sea-water varied from 48° at Seafield, to 37° at Cromarty. .A thunderstorm was reported at Rothamsted and Raunds on the 13th: at the latter station it was accompanied by a violent snowstorm and great darkness. The week ended March 25th was cool and unsettled, with snow in many places, and with thunderstorms in the S.E. and S. Temperature was above the average in England S.E. and in the English Channel, but was below the average elsewhere. The highest readings recorded were 63" at Tottenham on the 22nd, and 62° at Margate and at Guernsey. The lowest of the minima were 22^ at Fort .Augustus and at Balmoral. On the grass the minimum fell to 18^ at Balmoral and to 19° at Llanganunarch Wells. Rainfall was light as a rule, and in Scotland W. and Ireland N. the week was rainless. In Scotland N. the total district value was only 0-03 inch, or 1-00 inch below the average for the week ; in England N.W. the amount was 0-04 inch, or 0-49 inch less than usual. Bright sunshine varied much in different localities, but was generally below the normal. Castlebay was again the sunniest station, with 54- 7 hours (65%), Worthing coming next with 50-9 hours (61%). Sheffield had only 9-0 hours (11%): Westminster reported 19-9 hours (24%). The mean temperature of the sea ranged from 37-5 at Cromarty to 47" -0 at Newquay. The week ended April 1st. was dry, though cool and cloudy, but heavy rain commenced in the S.E. of England late on Saturday. Temperature was in excess in Scotland N. and England N.W., but was in defect in all other districts. The highest maximum reported was 63° at Arlington, N. De\on, on the the 30th, but in most of the districts the thermometer did not rise as high as 60°, and in England N.E. the maximum was only 51°, and at individual stations it was as low as 45". The lowest readings for the week were 22" at Balmoral, and at Markree Castle, and 23° at Cromer. The minimum on the grass was 15° at Markree Castle. Rainfall was below the average everywhere except in England 190 KNOWLEDGE. May, 1911. S.E., and the English Channel. \t several of the stations the week was rainless. The amounts collected were as a rule small, but at Tunbridge Wells 1 • 22 inches was collected in three days. Sunshine was greatly in defect, except in Scotland N., and in England N.W., where it was slightly in excess. In England E. the district value was 12 hours (14%) as com- pared with an a\erage of 34 hours (39%). The sunniest stations were Stornoway and Douglas, each with 39 • 6 hours (45%), while Guernsey reported 17-2 hours (20%), and Eastbourne only 11-7 hours (13%). At Westminster the total duration was 10-8 hours (12%). The mean temperature of the sea-water ranged from 38° -6 at Cromarty to 47° -4 at Newquay. The weel< ended April 8th was very cold indeed, with but little sunshine. Much snow was experienced in the southern and eastern parts of England. Temperature was below the average everywhere. In England S.E.the mean was 36" -9, or 8° -3 below the normal, a lower mean temperature than had been recorded in this district, in the corresponding week, for thirty-four years. Only in Ireland and the English Channel was the district mean as high as 40"'. The highest maximum (59°) was noted at Killarney, on the 2nd, and temperatures of 58° were also reported from Cullompton and Wick. The lowest readings came as a rule on the 5th, on which day a temperature of 17' was recorded at West Linton. Frost was reported at every station except Llandudno and Donaghadee. The lowest reading on the grass was 14° at Armagh and Markree. The total Rainfall was below the average in all districts except the English Channel, where it was just above the normal. At several stations the week was rainless, and in Scotland N, the total fall was only .about one-twentieth of the average amount. Sunshine was deficient except in Scotland W. and England N.W. The sunniest stations were Valentia 54-7 hours (61%) and Falmouth 45-7 hours (51%). Westminster reported 26-0 hours (29%) and Birmingham only 10-3 hours (ll?/o). The temperature of the sea-water varied from 37" at Scarborough to 50° at Scilly. During the week ended April 15th, the weather was very fine in most parts of these Islands, but with a good deal of cloud in the North, Temperature was below the average except in England N.E., and in Scotland, During the first days of the week the maxima were very low generally, but a warm spell set in, and towards the close of the week temperatures of 65" and 66° were recorded. The highest maximum was 68° at Killarney on the 13th, but readings of 60° and upwards were reported from each district except Scotland W., and the English Channel, In the Channel Islands the maximum did not exceed 58", and at Scilly it was only 55°, Frost was recorded in each district except the English Channel, and at Raunds and Llangammarch Wells the thermo- meter fell to 23° ; at the latter station the thermometer on the grass went down to 15°. Rainfall was in defect in all parts, and many stations, including all those in England S.W., were rainless. Sunshine was below the average in Scotland and in England N.E., but above it elsewhere. Falmouth reported the greatest amount, 68-2 hours (73 %), and Fort Augustus the least, 14-1 hours (15%). At Westminster the total duration was 34-7 hours (37%). The temperature of the sea- water varied from 39° at Cromarty to 53° at Teelin. WEATHER INSURANCE.— An interesting application of Meteorological Statistics for the purposes of Insurance is announced by the Excess Insurance Co., Ltd., which offers for a suitable premium to issue a " Pluvius Policy " under which an agreed amount of money will be paid to any holiday- maker, or other person, who experiences in any one week, over a specified period, more than two days of rain, amounting in each day to over 0-20 of an inch. The policy will in every case specify the place, the record of rainfall at which is to govern liability, together with an indication of the authority keeping the record. In most cases the authority will be the Town Clerk, or some observer recognized by the Meteoro- logical Office, The rates are so arranged that a payment of £l per week as premium will provide for £8 " compen- sation " should the rainfall amounts exceed 0-20 inch on more than two days during the week. Policies must be taken out seven days before the period to be covered commences. There are other forms of policy provided for. with \arying rates, both of premium and of amount payable, but the under- lying principle is the same in each. An obvious objection to the scheme is that it provides " compensation " for loss or damage when no loss or damage has, in fact, been sustained ; for, although a person whose holiday is interfered with by rainy weather may have to spend money in other and unexpected directions, and so suffer pecuniary loss owing to the rainfall, there is nothing in the scheme as announced to hinder anyone remaining, for instance, in London and claiming "compensation" for rainy days in Plymouth or Scarborough. In this way "insurance" may conceivably degenerate into gambling and prove harmful. MICROSCOPY. By A. W. Sheppard, F.R.M.S., wit It the assistance of the fulloK'iiif> iiiicroscopists : — Arihur C. Bankiei-d. Arthur Eari.and, F.R.M.S. James P.urton. Richard T. Lewis, F.R.M.S. The Rev. E. W. Bowell, M.A. Chas. F. Rolsselet, F.R.M.S, Charles H. Caffvn. D. I. Scolrfield, F.Z..S., F.R.M.S. C. D. Soar, F.R.SI.S. LUMINOUS BACTERIA. — No phenomenon in nature is so striking as the production of light by living organisms ; considered either from the scientific or the popular point of view it commands attention. The difiiculty experienced in accounting for it is indicated by the fact that Darwin deals with it under the heading of " Special Difficulties of the Theory of Natural Selection." Light production occurs principally among marine animals, but in these there are special organs involved. In the case of bacteria which are light-producing, it is difficult to suppose that special organs exist, they being minute uni-cellular bodies, consisting essentially of a mass of protoplasm enclosed in a cell wall; hence the possibility of a special light-produc- ing organ is almost excluded. Light-production in living animals is essentially different from that of inert chemicals or of the phosphorescence produced by electrical means. Phosphorescent chemicals in all cases have the power of absorbing light and of re-emitting it either of the same, or of a somewhat greater wave-length. Bacteria emit light which is produced entirely by themselves, altogether independently of anv extraneous light source ; in fact, they grow and produce light better if kept entirely in the dark. In general, light can only be produced by raising the temperature of a suitable substance until it becomes luminous. It therefore follows that a great deal of the energy so converted is lost as heat ; in fact, to such an extent is this the case that an ordinary electric lamp, even of the highest efficiency, does not give out in the form of light more than about five per cent, of the energy expended in raising the temperature of the filament. Bacteria produce light which is unaccompanied by any heat radiations, and so far as the investigations of the writer have yet proceeded, there is no evidence that any in\isible radiations are produced by them at all. Their efficiency as light-producers is, therefore, extremely high, and were it possible to carry out on a commercial scale the process of light-production as it occurs in bacteria a tremendous step forward would be taken. Essentially, the process is an oxidation one, as in addition to a nutritive material on which the bacteria may grow and reproduce, a supply of oxygen is necessary. The natural habitat of these organisms seems to be almost exclusively .sea- water, or at least water such as is found in estnaries where an appreciable quantity of saline matter is present. They will grow and exhibit their light-producing properties on an ordinary peptone-beefbroth gelatin medium, but they do May, 1911. KNOWLEDGE. 191 FiGURr A flask photographed by the Ught of the bacteria within. uot all emit the greatest possible amount of light unless an increased quantity of saUne matter is present. It was recognized that prob- ably in sea - water would be found the necessary constituents for an artificial medium, and after a series of f.\periments that which best suits them is found to be an ordinary gelatin one to which has been added 2- 75 per cent, of sodium chloride. ■ 75 per cent, of potassium chlo- ride, and -25 per cent, of magnesium chloride. It is important that the medium should be neutral, or very slightly alkaline: an acid medium is entirely un- suitable fortheir growth. The most easily procured organism of this group is the Photobacterium phosphorcsccns. It may be obtained from a dead herring or mackerel. The fish should not be washed in fresh water after being caught. It should be placed in a closed receptacle, such as a large- sized Petri dish, for about twenty-four hours at approximately 20' C. At the end of this period there will probably be some spots which phosphoresce brightly. Plate cultures may be made from these spots, and in three to four days at ordinary room temperature the plates, on examination in the dark, will probably show some luminous colonies. Sub- cultures may be made from these, and the organisms may be kept going in artificial cultivations on the medium mentioned for several weeks without difficulty. Fish-broth or peptone-beef- broth may be substituted for a solid gelatin medium. It is necessary, how- ever, if brightly luminous fluid cultures are required, to resort to some method of aeration, a supply of free oxygen being essential. In any case, when making fluid cultures, the media should be thoroughly well shaken up to ensure that as much oxygen as possible is present in solution before the organisms are inoculated into it. If the maximum amount of luminosity is aimed at. oxvgen may be allowed to bubble slowly through the medium directly any luminosit}' appears, and although ^— the period over which J the light production V occurs is thereby re- duced, the luminosity is extremely brilliant while it lasts. Figure 1 shows a flask of these organisms photographed by means of their own light, which will gi\e some idea of the brilliancy to be obtained under these conditions. Figure 2 is a photograph of Lord Lister, illuminated by means of growths on solid media. On each side will be seen Figure 3. Colonies of bacteria on a Petri dish photographed by their own light. FlGlRE 4. Pliotobacte rill til balticum grown in fish-broth. tubes containing the organisms and several of them were placed underneath throwing the light upwards. Figure 3 is an ^^m-^ ordinary Petri dish with luminous colonies on it. These again were photo- graphed entirely by their own light, the colonies standing out brilliantly on a dark back-ground. The exposure in photo- graphing these organ- isms is always some- what prolonged; although their visual luminosity is high yet their photographic action is not rapid, as the light emitted does not lie in that portion of the spectrum which is photographically most active. There is the further difticulty that the light happens to lie in a region of the spectrum to which photographic plates are particu- larly insensitive, so that due allowance must be made for these two factors if any attempt is made to obtain a photograph of these organisms by their own light. Some twenty-five varieties of these organisms have been described, and it is also stated that other bacteria such as the Cholera vibrio, are known to produce light under certain conditions. Of these twenty-five described species it is more than likely that some are not really entitled to be regarded as distinct. A broad classification of them may be made by separating those that grow at low, and those that grow at a higher temperature. There are two or three species found in Northern latitudes that thrive and produce light at 0°C., whereas there are certain other varie- ties which grow in Southern latitudes, particularly in the Indian Ocean, that will go on producing light at a temperature of from 30"C to 35"C. The writer has had through his hands at various times some fourteen varieties, as well as one which there is reason to think is a new species, originally identified at the Marine Biological Laboratory, Plymouth. Morphologically the organisms vary widely: the common species Photobacterium phosphorescens already mentioned, is a short thick rod, which when grown on a medium containing more than three per cent, of saline matter assumes a much shorter, thicker appear- ance, and is almost coccoid in form. Nearly all \arieties change ? considerably in form when artificially culti- vated for long periods, so that it is often difficult to identify :i particular species by its microscopic appear- ance. Owing also to the amount of saline matter necessary in the med- ium, the organisms Figure 2. A picture of Lord Lister illuminated bv bacteria. Figure 5. Photobacterium balticum grown in peptone-beef- broth. 192 KNOWLEDGE. May. 1911. often develop vacuoles, and assume varied shapes. They all stain easily by most of the well-known bacteriological staining methods, and in most, if not all cases, a flagelluni or fiagella may be demonstrated. Figures 4 and 5 show the marked differences that occur in some species under different methods of cultivation (Pliotobacteriiim bttlticniuK Figure 4 is grown on a fluid fish-broth medium. Figure 5 is grown on peptoue- beef-broth containing the maximum amount of saline matter that the organism will tolerate. In each case fiagella are clearly shown. The question whether the organism itself produces light as a direct metabolic process, or whether it is an extra-cellular bacterial product that is light-producing, is still an undeter- mined point ; but all the evidence goes to show that the light production is undoubtedly associated with the life-history of the organism. By no experimental means has it as yet been possible to isolate the light-producing material from the actively-li\ing cell. These organisms may be recommended to the amateur microscopist as a most fascinating field of research, in which there are still many problems to be solved ; they present no great cultural difficulties, nor do they re(juire the resomxes of a bacteriological laboratory in which to carry them out. J. Edwi.v B.\rnakd. F.K.M.S. KO\AL MICKt>SCOPIC.-\L SOCIETY.— March 15th. 1911. Mr. H. G. Plimtner, F.K.S.. president, in the chair. Dr. Ralph Vincent gave a lantern demonstration on " Some Photomicrographs illustrating the morphology of the organisms concerned in the production of acute intestinal toxaemia in infants." These included Bacillus sKbtilis. B. iiicsciifcriciis. '■ No.7,"B. iiiescntcriciis viilgatiis. and B.protciis vulgaris. The photographs showed the organisujs stained, unstained and during life. Photographs were also shown of Streptococcus lactictts. Bacillus acidi lactici and B. huli^aricus. Mr. F. \V. Watson Baker contributed a paper on "".\nomalies in Objective Screw Threads." Mr. E. M. Nelson described a new piece of apparatus con- sisting of an objective mount fitted with an iris diaphragm, in which the iris was just clear of the back lens, and its mo\'e- meut was controlled by a collar adjustment. This piece of apparatus would no doubt be of great value to workers who employ dark -ground illumination for viewing bacteria, and so on, as in many instances, owing to defects in the illuminator, it was not possible to obtain a dark field when the objective had a wide an.gle. This fault was remedied by stopping down the aperture of the objective by means of the diaphragm. Mr. Nelson also described some new objectives and eye-pieces made by R. W'inkel, of Giittingen, and contributed a short historical and descriptive resume of the "Variable Microscope." Mr. J. Murray brought forward a Report on the Rotifers collected by the British .-Vntarctic Expedition of 1909. Forty-six Bdelloids were collected, bringing the AustraUan list up to fifty-four species. There were seven new species, and ei.ght others occurred as distinct varieties. The new species were Plulodina australis. Callidina arinillafa. C. lepida, C. longistyla. C. scrrulata, C. iiiirahilis and Habrotrocha straiigulata. The most aberrant form was C. iiiirabilis. which had peculiar fleshy processes on the trunk. The rotifera fauna of the Australian Alps resembled that of Britain. The arid low- lands were very unproductive. Three-fourths of the species, and all the new species, occurred in the Blue Mountains. at moderate elevations. Eight species of non-Bdelloid rotifera were also noted from the water supply and ponds in Sydnev. THE PREVENTION OF FADING OF ANILINE STAINED MICROSCOPIC PREPAR.ATIONS.— Incommon with many microscopists I ha\e found that films of blood, bacteria, and so on. when stained with almost any of the aniline dyes, fade after a time when mounted in Canada Balsam. This is especially the case with methylene green, thionin, methylene blue, or methylene blue and eosin, either separately or combined as Jenner's stain, and all the modifica- tions of Rouuinowskv's \aluable stain, e.g.. Giemsa, Leishmann, ^^"right. There is no doubt but that the cause of fading in balsam- mounted preparations, judging from my own experience and from the expression of the opinion of numerous authorities on the subject, is acidity whether present at the time of mounting, or developing subsequently from oxidation of the mounting medium. I will not enter into details of my experiments or the state- ment of the authorities as to the facts which lead me to the above conclusion. They have been described in full elsewhere. Lancet. 1911, Vol. I, page 876. It may. I think, be stated that practically all substances of the nature of balsams, oleo-resins or cedar oil will sooner or later oxidise and become acid and, therefore, are liable to cause fading of the aniline stains. It is not possible to obtain .a neutral Canada Balsam that will remain neutral. .■\fter numerous trials. I have found that I'araftinuin liquiduin is a neutral medium w^hich does not undergo oxidation and. therefore, does not become acid. I have used a pure form of liquid paraffin, namely Burroughs and W'ellcome's " Parolein " and so far have found the results admirable. It is more trouble to mount in than a balsam, and the preparations require to be ringed or cemented round with some cement which is also neutral. The following is the method I use for mounting films of blood or bacteria which are spread and stained on the slide. .•\ perfectly cleaned cover-glass is held in a pair of forceps over the flame of a spirit lamp for a second or two to drive off any moisture on the glass, and is then laid on a clean sheet of notepaper. .A very small drop of Parolein is placed on the centre of the cover-glass, and the slide with the blood film, after being shghtly wanned over the flame, just enough to be sure that the glass is perfectly free from moisture, is gently let down on to the cover-glass. In a second the oil has run nearly to the margins by capillarity, and a little pressure on the cover-glass will send it completely to the margins. If the amount of oil is just sufficient to reach the margin of the cover-glass so much the better. If there is too much oil, the preparation is placed under a piece of blotting paper and the excess of oil pressed out as much as possible. One soon learns how much oil is required to make a clean preparation. .A not uncommon thing is to find that the cover- glass rocks, that the oil has only covered about three parts of the square or circle. This is almost always due to the presence of a minute particle of dust between the cover-glass .and slide, and is to be prevented by seeing that the co\er-glass is quite clean and free from dust before placing the oil on it, and by just dusting gently the film surface on the shde. But usually it is easily remedied by running in a \ery small drop of Parolein at the margin of the coverglass. To fix the cover-glass in position it is necessary to ring it round with some cement. The cement must be neutral or there will be fading, and the cement must withstand the action of the immersion cedar oil. I first ring round the preparation with .-Vpathy's Cium Syrup made as follows: Picked gum arable, cane sugar not candied, distilled water, of each, 50 grammes. Dissolve over a water bath and add 0-05 grammes of thymol. I test the reaction with litmus paper, and if acid I add a few drops of a solution of Sodii carbonas. If the cover-glass is round the cement can easily be applied on a turntable : if square, which I prefer, one paints it round with a \ery small brush. This sets in about fifteen to thirty minutes in a w-arra Toom. When dry I apply o\er it a coat of Bell's cement, which also dries quickly. I should be glad to hear of any better cement, but wh.atever be its nature it must be neutral in reaction. As regards the optical characters of Parolein, the refraction index is 1 -471. That of solid Canada Balsam 1 -538, that of balsam in xylol a little lower, say 1 • 530. The refraction index of bacteria is s;iid, according to .A. Fischer, to be 1-55. May, 1011. KNOWLEDGi:. 193 Now the index of visibility or power of seeing an unstained, and presumably a stained, structure is greater when the medium has a very low or a \'ery high refraction index. Bacteria would be invisible in a medium having a refraction index of 1-55, in Canada Balsam they would be seen, in Parolein they would be seen much better, and this theoretical statement is borne out by experience. V'ery delicate structures like the flagella of bacteria are better seen in Parolein than in Canada Balsam. Mr. E. M. Nelson and Mr. Merlin both state that the delicate structures, in some bacterial films I sent them, "are strong and sharp ; in fact, stronger and sharper than in balsam.'' I am not prepared to state that there is no better mounting medium than Parolein : I should only be too glad to hear of one that offers a reasonable chance of permanency and which has as good optical (jualities. All I can say is that at present every slide that has a place in my cabinet will be mounted in Parolein ; Canada Balsam has ser\'ed me very badly. Alfred C. Coles, M.D., D.Sc, F.R.S. (Edin.i. M.R.C.P. iLond.l. THE MICROLOGIST.—We have received from the publishers, Messrs. Flatters, Milborne tt McKechnie, Ltd., of Manchester, Part 4 of their quarterly journal. TIic Micrologist. In this part full details are given for the preparation of slides illustrating the Marine Protozoa, chiefly the Radiolaria — such types as Sphacrozoum, Anlacantlia and My.xosphaera being dealt with ; in the latter case the method of infiltrating and cutting sections of the colony being described. The Amoeba, its life-history, structure, cultivation and the preparation of microscopical mounts, is dealt with by Mr. Gordon McKechnie. It would be an advantage if some indication were made as to what other organisms can be treated in the same manner as that described for Amoeba : for instance, would the same treatment suit Paraiiiocciunt, Stcntor, and so on ? Included in this number are formulae for stains and mounting media, which cannot fail to be of use to the working microscopist. Plate IV illustrates the objects dealt with and of the slides sent out with this number we have received two — Amoeba and Sphacrozoum — the latter making a very pretty object with a low-power and dark- ground illumination. QUEKETT MICROSCOPICAL CLUB.— March 28th, 1911. Professor E. A. Minchin. M..A., President, in the chair. The death of Mr. \V. M. Bywater, F.R.M.S.. on March 1st. was announced. He was one of the fovmders of the Club, and its first secretary. — Mr. A. C. Banfield exhibited and described a new quartz mercury \'apour lamp, manufactured by the Brush Electrical Company. The cjuartz tube used in the new form is about four inches in length. The lamp is extremely rich in ultra-violet rays, and will sterilize a Petri-dish cultivation in less than one miimte. The peculiar mercury spectrum gives a unique opportunity of easily obtaining strictly monochromatic light in large ijuantity. with a choice of several wave-lengths, that at X 5461 being the most powerful source of monochromatic light at present available. — Mr. E. M. Nelson. F.R.M.S., described the best method of obtaining dark-ground illumina- tion. Place the buU's-ej-e at right angles to the edge of the flame. Adjust its height so that the horizontal optical axis of the bull's-eye cuts the brightest part of the edge of the flame. Focus the bull's-eye so that a sharp image of the flame is thrown upon a wall, distant, say. five feet. Place the lamp, without altering these adjustments, on the left-hand side of the microscope, and ten to twelve inches from the mirror ; remove substage condenser and objective, and place a low- power eyepiece in position. Incline the plane mirror and adjust the height of the lamp so that the bright part of the flame falls centrally upon it. Then incline the mirror so that the full beam is reflected up the microscope tube. From a distance of six or eight inches look at the bright spot of light at the eye-lens. This should be an evenly-illuminated bright disc. Replace condenser and objective, centre and focus substage i[i usual manner and proceed with the work in hand. selecting a suitable black stop, one not too large, and a dark field of maximum brightness for that set of apparatus will have been obtained. To obtain tn- darkest possible ground many objectives require the tubs-i^iigth to be increased, sometimes considerably. Mr. C. Ls2j dirties exhibited, at Mr. Nelson's request, the lamp and condenser described. — Mr. A. A. C. Eliot Merhn. F.R.M.S., disca^,sed "Some New Diatomic Structure discovered with a nev/ Zeiss apochromat." — Mr. James Murray, F.R.S.E., F.Z.S., read a paper, "Water Bears or Tardigrada." As the name Tardigiada is already appropriated by vertebrates the group is now classified as order Arctiscoida, family Xenomorphidae. The paper describes four new genera and their relationships, concluding with a synopsis of the ten genera and one hundred and twenty species at present admitted. — Mr. M. Ainslie exhibited and described a " finder " for the microscope, useful with powers up to about one-sixth of an inch. It consists of a hinged and pointed arm clamped to one corner of the stage. When it is wished to record the position of an observed object, the point is inked and allowed to make a mark on the label to the left of the object. It is intended for use with either a mechanical stage or sliding bar. ORNITHOLOGY. By Hugh Boyd W.att, M.B.O.U. BIRDS FROM NEW GUINEA.— The newly arrived collection referred to in the last number of " Knowledge " was shown in the Board Room of the Natural History Museum. South Kensington, on the 5th April, and The Times of the following day gives a brief report on it. The collection includes eleven species and several dozen specimens of Birds of Paradise and their congeners of the crow and starling group. There are nine examples of the magnificent flame- coloured Bird of Paradise {Xanthoinelas ardciis) hitherto represented in Europe by only two specimens in Holland and an imperfect skin in Genoa. Amongst the larger birds is an ibis (much like the sacred ibis), and, in addition to the more distinctively tropical kinds mentioned last month, one or two sheldrakes and ducks. A familiar British bird occurs in the form of a young male common cuckoo taken in December last, presumably on migration from northern regions to AustraUa. The collection is very rich in the groups of smaller birds. The genera best represented are sunbirds, flower- peckers, honey-eaters, and flycatchers, also cuckoo-shrikes, ground-thrushes and bee-eaters. The material will enable the distribution of many species to be worked out better than hitherto ; and results of even more importance are anticipated from the regions of the great snow mountains which the expedition hopes to attain, and where the avi-fauna is far less known than in that part of Dutch New Guinea from which the collection now under re\^iew has come. A BLACK EGG.— In Tlie Field of 25th March last, an egg uniformly black in colour is figured, sent by a correspondent from his duck-house, where ordinary wild ducks and others called by him "East Indians" are kept together. The last- named are described as black, with bottle-green on the wings and hackles, and are probably the Cayuga duck, which comes from South America. It is explained that eggs of this melanistic variety of duck sometimes partake of the colour of the plumage, but the black colouring does not penetrate the shell, being due to an oily pigment which can be rubbed oft'. After successive layings the colour fades and eventually disappears. A NOVEL BAIT FOR WOOD-PIGEONS.— Intoxicants have recently been recommended and tried as an assistance in getting rid of the wood-pigeon pest. Mr. J. L. Courthope, M.P., suggests that corn be soaked in spirit and distributed in the feeding places of the birds, which will eat the grain, become intoxicated, and then be easily caught and killed. We believe that gin has been used in some such way in Herts, with efl'ectivc results. 194 KNOWLEDGE. May, 1011. BIRDS IN LONDON AND THEREABOUTS.— Mr. A. Holte Macpherson contributes his welcome annual " Notes on London Birds" tlQlOt to Tlic Sclbonie Magazine for April (pages 96-971. These notes have now continued for twenty- one years without a break, and are of much value as giving personal observations, mostly in the West-end parks. The literature of London birds is an extensive one. but it is to be hoped that Mr. Macpherson may be induced to publish a review or survey of his obser\ations in a more permanent form. Instructive comparisons would not be a-wanting in it. In the course of 1910, a great crested grebe was seen on the Serpentine on 29th January, and another on the Round Fond. Kensington Gardens, on 11th July. Mr. Macpherson had only once seen this fine species in London previously, and points out that it is remarkable how it has increased near that city during the last few years. Virginia Water and Richmond Park are nam«d as haunts of the bird, to which we would add Ruislip Reservoir. Greater London holds within its area the " Brent Valley Bird Sanctuary," an account of which is pub- lished in a small work under this title by Mr. Wilfred Mark Webb. Honorary Secretary of the Selborne Society, of which a third and revised edition, profusely illustrated, has just been issued (The Selborne Society, 42, Bloomsbury Square, London. W.C., 34 pages, price 6d., or in paper boards, !■), The Sanctuary has been maintained now for about six years with results which redound to the praise of the Committee who so vigilantly look after it, and are gratifying to all who care for our native birds. Nesting boxes, made on the spot, have been used since 190S as a method of attracting birds and have proved iiuite successful, being largely used. Within this limited area of nineteen acres, possessing no outstanding natural advantages, thirty-six species (almost entirely smaller woodland birds) have now nested, and eighty-six species in all, including occasional visitors, have been observed in or close to the place. A MIGRATION "RUSH."— The Irish newspapers report that a migratory movement of an extended character was observed on 29th-31st March, conspicuously in South-east Ireland. The weather conditions were still and dark, the moon being in her dark phase, and at the same time fog prevailed. These conditions are conducive to migrants showing themselves. The migrating flights seem to have been attracted by the lights of the towns, just as they often are by lighthouses. In New Ross a swarm of starlings descended on the town about ten o'clock and the streets were littered with them. House-windows were broken and numbers of birds entered the houses. In Kilkenny many hundreds of birds fell dead in the market-place and else- where. In Carlow the destruction which befel the birds is said to have been caused by them coming into contact with telegraph and other wires. Immense flocks of Curlew passed over this town on the night of 29th March, in a N.E. direction, being recognised by their shrill whistling. The other kinds of birds named in the reports are thrushes, blackbirds, redwings, and sparrows, but, no doubt, many species were unrecognised. Amongst them probably occurred some of our first summer visitants for this season. CROSSBILLS IN THE BRITISH ISLES.— An account of the irruption of crossbills which took place in 1909, is given in the April number of British Birds (Vol. IV. pages 326-331). First observed at Fair Isle, on 23rd June. 1909, the arrivals continued until about 10th August. The birds appeared rather later in southern districts than in the north, and by the latter part of July their numbers were decreasing in Scotland. In England they were much in evidence during July and increased until well into August. During the winter they were recorded from all the English counties except Cumberland, Notts, Huntingdon, Cambridge, Dorset, Devon and Cornuall ; and in Wales from Denbigh, Merioneth, Montgomery and Brecon. It is remarked that records are far more numerous from the country lying to the south and east of a line drawn from the Wash to Portland Bill, the sandv soils occurring therein being much planted with pine trees. These trees pro%ide natural food supply for the birds. Nesting was recorded as early as 12th January. 1910, near Thetford, Norfolk (three nestlings), and the latest records are 25th May, from Sussex and Kent. .All the nests known were in Scots pine, except two in spruce and two in larch. Only a small proportion of the visitants nested, the following counties yielding records, viz: — Kent. Sussex, Surrey. Hants, Berks, Essex (two), Suffolk, Norfolk, Somerset (one), Gloucester, and Stafts (one), also probably Lincoln and Bedford. The departure of the birds began in the winter of 1909-10, and this movement was at its maximum from February to June, with a few records for later dates. The visitation thus extended over a period of rather more than twelve months. It should be added that the bird spoken of is now designated by modern ornithologists as I.o.xia ciirvi rostra ciirvirostra — the Common Crossbill. Mr. H. F. Witherby follows the paper above summari/:ed by an article (pp. 332-334) on its status as a British bird, of which the following is an abbreviated summarj', viz.: — England and Wales. — An early autumn inunigrant (mid-June to August), irregular in most districts. Periodically (every three to ten years) arrives in great numbers, and becomes much more generally distributed, frequenth' staying over the following spring and into summer. .Authentic records of nesting are so few and far between that the bird cannot be classed as a resident, but only as a migrant, breeding sporadically (nesting counties are named by Mr. Witherby). Crossbills have been found this spring (1911) to be breeding in localities in which they bred last year, the first time they are known to have nested in two successive years in the same district. Scotland. — Immigrant as in England, but not so regular. Breeds sporadically and rarely in Southern Scotland (counties named). Ireland. — Now resident but not indigenous. Apparently only migrates to Ireland in years of " irruptions." Following that of 1SS7-S became established as a breeding bird. The Scottish Crossbill, Loxia ciirvirostra scotica Hart, which is confined as a breeding bird to Scotland, is resident in Northern Scotland, where it breeds in certain localities (named). Has occurred sporadically in winter in \ery small numbers in Southern Scotland (counties named). PHOTOGRArHY. By C. E. Kenneth Mees, D.Sc, F.C.S., F.R.P.S. THE MEASUREMENT OF S U R F ACE BRIGHTNESS. — Under this title a paper was read at the Royal Photographic Society, on March 28th, 1911, by Messrs. J. S. Dow and V. H. Mackinney, describing a small portable photometer under the name of the " Holophane Lumeter." which is intended for the measurement of the intensity of the light reflected from various objects. In the instrument, the surface whose brightness is to be measured is observed through an aperture in a white opaque surface, the discs surrounding the aperture being illuminated by means of an opal glass behind which is an Osram lamp, run off an accumulator. The area of the opal glass can be restricted to any required extent by means of black sectors, and the intensity of the illumination read to one per cent, by means of scales, the maximum opening representing an intensity of one foot candle. The accuracy claimed for the instrument is about five per cent., which will clearly be sufficient for most practical purposes. By means of two supplementary black glasses the light from the external surface can be cut down to one-tenth or one-hundredth of its original amount, and the maximum intensity measurable can thus be made ten or one hundred foot candles. This range seems to me insufficient, and it would probablv be better to add other densities to extend the scale to one thousand and ten thousand foot candles. May, 1911. KNOWLEDGE. 195 The instrument, in use. appears to be very convenient, the greatest difficulty in photoi^raphic use, however, being due to the colour effect of daylight, which makes matching distinctly difficult. It is possible that this might be completely avoided by the aid of an orange screen to tint the daylight beam, but such a screen would require careful adjustment. There are numerous directions in which such an instrument can be of use in photography ; in the first place, it is obviously of importance to know the range of contrast which exists in photographic subjects, and this is a point on which hitherto experiments ha\e been difficult to make, and on which \iews of considerable diversity have been expressed. Messrs. Hurter and Driffield measured the maximum t Figure 1. difference of intensity in landscape subjects by taking a photograph of a scene in which was included a square of white cardboard in sunlight and a piece of black velvet in shadow ; the plate was developed together with another plate from the same box which had been exposed behind a sector wheel to a candle, and the densities of the patches representing the white cardboard and the black velvet were measured and compared with the densities of the known exposures on the other plate. As a result the white cardboard in sunlight was found to reflect thirty times as much light as the black velvet in shadow. In their paper, Messrs. Dow and Mackinney mentioned that the maximum range of intensity which they had measured in a subject between the brightest white magnesia and the darkest dead black which they had been able to obtain w-as as thirty to one : so that apparently the result obtained by Messrs. Hurter and Driffield for the maximum range in ordinary photographic work may be considered as confirmed. Some measurements made by means of a similar, but much less convenient, portable photometer two or three years ago. gave the writer only one to four as the range of intensity in a street scene on a dull day. so that probably the range in most landscape photographs is of the order of one to eight or one to sixteen, a range which is capable of being represented within the " period of correct exposure " of a plate. .\nother use for the instrument, suggested by the authors of the paper, was the finding o» exposures, and although several speakers in the subsequent discussion considered that the variation in the actinic value of daylight would make the instrument of but little value in this direction, it seems to me that in some branches of photography it should prove of very great value indeed. While it is im- probable that such an apparatus, which is necessarily of some size, will displace the handy and simple sensitive paper actino- meter for landscape work, yet in the technical studio it has many advantages. In copying prints by day- light in this climate difficulty is often in- troduced by the rapid variation of the light while working ; even if the first exposure pro\ e quite correct on development, the light may change sufficiently to spoil it before a second exposure is made. The use of an actinometer in such work is almost im- possible because of the time required for the exposure of the actinometer paper, but the ■■ Lumeter,"' which enables a measure- ment to be taken in a few seconds, would probably save man\- plates. In black and white work, again, where what is required is the maximum ex- posure which can be given without pro- ducing any deposit in the parts of the plate representing the blacks in the original [all that jwould rbe required to render the calculation of the exposure absolutely mechanical would be to find out what exposure to one foot candle for a given plate and stop would just fail to produce an impression upon the plate, and then make a measurement of the light reflected from the blacks of each subject. In enlarging, also, a measurement of the light falling upon the enlarging easel through the densest parts of the negative should, after one or two preliminary trials, enable the correct exposure to be calculated with considerable ease. A HYDROSTATIC APPARATUS ILLUSTRATING THE LAW OF DEVELOPMENT.— The development of a photographic plate proceeds according to the equation which represents what in chemistry is called a mono-molecular reaction of the first order, although development is. of course, a heterogeneous reaction, of which the surface of the silver bromide is the \ariable. The law of de\elopment is very simple, and is, that the rate of development at an\- time is equal to a constant to the difterence between the ultimate density that can be obtained if the development be indefinitely prolonged and that which already exists, that is: Rate = Constant iDco— D). In order to make this plain a little piece of apparatus can be made which supplies an almost perfect analogy. It consists Figure 2. 196 KNOWLEDGE. M \v. I'Ml. of a glass cylinder, to the bottom of which is attached a piece of glass capillary tubing, and then a piece of thin glass tubing. bent so as to be vertical like the cylinder (Figure 1). A coloured solution is put into the cvlinder, and then by turning on the tap it passes through the capillary and rises in the vertical tube until the level is the same as that of the liquid in the cylinder. The rate of rise in the vertical tube IS rapid at first, and then becomes slower .ind slower until the level is attained. A measurement of the time taken to rise one centimetre, when the difference between the level in the tube and that in the cylinder was twehe centimetres, gave fifteen seconds. When the difference of level was six centi- metres the time was thirty seconds, and when the difference of le\el was three centi- metres the time taken was sixty seconds ; so that if H is the height in the cylinder, and h the height in the tube : ]\ate of rise is pro- portional to H — h, or : Kate = Constant IH-h). We see that for this .apparatus H exactly I finesponds with D oo, the ultimate density of a plate, and h corres- ])iinds with D, the density already at- tained. Just as the constant for the glass apparatus depends on the size of the capillary, so the constant for development depends on the rate of penetration of the developer and the products of the reaction through the film, or the diffusion. In general, however, when we deal with the development of a plate, we ha\e to deal, not with one exposure, but with many different degrees of exposure received on different parts of the plates and giving rise to different ultimate densities in these parts. In order to see the effect of this we may construct another simple apparatus (Figure 21 consisting essentially of three separate apparatuses similar to that described above, three identical tubes being arranged in front and connecting by means of identical capillary tubes with three cylinders at the back but, these cylinders are arranged so that the heights are variable, and three different heights, HI, H2 and HJ, are given to the three tubes. Now if we start this apparatus we shall find that h2 rises faster than hi, and hi faster than h2. In fact, while at first the levels in all three tubes were equal, after they have risen the levels are very different, the level of h2 being above that of hi, and h3 higher still. Figure 3 shows the apparatus after the levels have risen. Transferring this to a plate with three different exposures IKt cap.able of giving ultimate densities Dl, D2 and D3. we see that it will mean that while at first they are all e(|ual. as development proceeds the contrast between dl,d2 and do will iticrease until finally an ultimate contrast will be reached, dependent on the value of 1)3. In order to measure the contrast between the levels in our three tubes the most obvious thing to do is to draw a line through the three points. The slope of this line will then be a measure of the contrast, and clearly the rate of increase of slope will be proportional to the difference between the ultimate steepness attainable and the steepness already attained. PHYSICS. P.y A. C. G. Kgkrtox, B.Sc. RAYS OF POSITIVE ELECTRICITY'.— Professor Sir J. J. Thomson gave a lecture on a " New Method of Chemical Analysis," on Friday, 7th April, at the Royal Institution. If an electric discharge is passed through a large vacuum tube whose cathode is a tube of fine bore, positively charged particles stream back from the cathode mo\ing in the opposite direction to the cathode rays. Sir J.J. Thomson has made a thorough investigation of these rays, which were called by Goldstein, their discoverer, "' Kanalstrahlen." The apparatus employed to study these rays, consists essentially of two glass vessels connected by a narrow tube : the cathode is a fine bore metal tube provided with an ebonite plug which fits the tube connecting the two vessels. The one vessel is the discharge tube, the other the observation tube ; the anode is situated at the side of the discharge tube. The discharge tube is made very large, so that a high potential discharge can be passed through the tube at very low gas pressures without danger of puncturing the glass tube. Cathode rays stream away from the cathode into the discharge tube. " Kanalstrahlen " stream through the fine tube, which constitutes a portion of the cathode, back into the observation vessel. Here they ha\'e to pass through a powerful magnetic field and electric field, so arranged that the magnetic field deflects them vertically, and the electric field horizontally. They impinge after undergoing this deflection on to a photographic plate or a willemite screen ; the former is affected by the rays and registers their position and intensity, the latter by the phosphorescence set up gives a visible impression of their deflection. The deflection of the rays is such that they may be divided into two classes — primary and secondary rays. The primary rays give short parabolic arcs having their heads in the same vertical line, which shows that the minimum electrostatic deflection undergone by the particles is the same whatever the nature ot the gas. This means that the maximum potential difference through which the particles have fallen is the same, or that they take their origin close to the cathode. The secondary rays are produced by the primary rays in their passage through the gas in the observation tube, and their position of formation can be found by altering the distance through which the primary rays are under the influence of the magnetic and electric fields. Sir J.J. Thomson has found in this way that the secondary rays are due to dissociation of systems in the undeflected Kanalstrahlen, due to collision with negatively electrified corpuscles, giving rise to a negatively electrified and a positively electrified portion. The reverse can also take place within certain velocity limits, namely the collision of a positive ray with a negative corpuscle and consequent production of an tmcharged particle. The study of the shape of the curves produced by the action of the particles on the photographic plate shows that either of these two actions may occur. Sir J. J. Thomson, in his lecture at the Royal Institution, pointed out how the results of this investigation may be applied to develop a new method of chemical analysis, which is applicable to minute quantities of vaporisable substances, and which, without the necessity of using pure materials, will give directly the atomic weights of the substances under investigation. For the relative positions of the ends of the small parabolic arcs due to the primary rays are proportional May, 1911. KNOWLllDGE. 197 to the masses of the particles constituting the rays. Further- more, the velocity of the rays is so great that the production of particles not completely stable under ordinary circum- stances are enregistered on the plate. Professor Sir J. J. Thomson has been able to obtain evidence of the momentary existence of CHi, CH>, and CHi. Furthermore one gas does not necessarily give rise to only one type of ray, but one parabolic arc may be due to the atom with two positive charges (^o /• another to the atoin with a negative charge (5) or a positive charge (q), another to the molecule (o.,), another to a more complicated molecule (o,)- or more complicated still (cjj). It appears that a negatively ch;irged molecule is not obtainable easily, because in the molecule the electrons are more firmly bound and held together by their nnitual influence, whereas in the atom they are freer ; consequently, when a collision occurs with a negative corpuscle, the latter may attach itself to the atom but not so easily to the molecule. Sir Joseph Thomson illustrated this point in his lecture by recourse to a simple experiment with magnets. Compass needles were balanced on points on a card, suspended from the roof, which hung close to a magnet. When the compass needles were free to move, the whole card was attracted by the magnet : when the compass needles were removed and laid at random on the card, the latter was not attracted to the same extent. This new method of analysis, by means of high vacuum discharges, will be excessively valuable in investigating the charges which more complicated atoms undergo and will no doubt lead to many new discoveries and unlock the secrets of the atom. Strange lines appear in these spectra which are not readily explainable. {c.}>. 65 possible """h, ) ACTIVE NITROGEN.— Professor R.J. Strutt delivered the Bakerian Lecture on April 6th to the Royal Society. The subject of his lecture was the afterglow from the passage of the electric discharge through nitrogen. We mentioned it in the Physics Notes for February. If pure nitrogen be passed through a discharge tube continuously at a low pressure by suction with a Grede pump, on leaving the discharge tube, it glows with a yellow light and is highly active. It combines with iodine causing the latter to glow brilliant blue, gives a compound with phosphorus — that which is no doubt produced during the exhaustion of Sir OUver Lodge's high tension valves by means of phosphorus — and causes the metals, when warmed sufficiently to give off vapour, to emit light giving their characteristic line spectra. Professor Strutt illustrated this point in a most beautiful manner by showing the green glow emitted by a small piece of thallium placed in the tube through which the active nitrogen passed. Professor Strutt considers the nitrogen to be in the atomic form. SEISMOLOGY. By Charles Davison, Sc.D., F.G.S. THE RECENT ERUPTION OF TAAL VOLCANO IN THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS.— In the island of Luzon, nearly forty miles south of Manila, lies lake Bombon. Near the centre of this lake, from Volcano Island, there rises Taal \'olcano. which, by its eruption last January 30th, caused so nmch damage to the surrounding villages. The crater walls vary in height. At no point are they lower than four hundred and ninety-two feet, at the highest they rise to nine hundred and ninety-six feet. When the United States Government took over the Philippine Islands at the close of the last century, they acquired the services of a Jesuit priest, the Rev. M. Saderra Maso, who for many years had studied and published valuable reports on the earthquakes and volcanoes of that unstable group of islands. Being appointed an assistant-director of the U.S. Weather Bureau. Father Saderra Maso has continued his useful work, one of the latest results of which is the investigation of the recent eruption of Taal Volcano. Of his interesting report on this eruption a summary ii given in the present note. During the night of January 27th-2Sfn, the volcano issued the first warnings of the coming eruptio:"-. Instead of the usual clouds of white steam, great puffs of biack smoke were emitted from the main crater, accompanied by rumbling sounds and tremors. On January 28th and 29th, explosions and earthquakes became more frequent and stronger, until at about 2.20 a.m., on January 30th, they culminated in a tremendous explosion, the sound of which is said to have been heard at a distance of two hundred and fifty miles. .A huge black cloud rose from -f >s-t of anv importance took place, and the earth(]uake-shocks soon diminished both in frequency and strength until they prac- tically ceased on February 7th. Along the shores of the lake, the damage was increased by 198 KNOWLEDGE. May. 1911. the waves produced in the lake, which reached a height of ten feet. Here and farther inland, some injury was caused by earthquakes, more by the continual shaking than by the actual strength of any shock, for none of them attained a destructive degree of intensity. At the observatorv of Manila, nearly one thousand shocks were recorded between the evening of January 27th and February 7th, none of which in that city reached an intensity greater than the fourth degree of the Rossi- Forel scale of intensity. In other words, the strongest were capable of m.iking doors, windows, fireirons, etc., rattle ; they produced a trembling sensation like that felt on a station platform when an express train passes. Other shocks, of the third degree, were just sufficiently strong to be felt by human beings. The great majority of the shocks were of the second and first degrees of intensity ; they were microseismic move- ments requiring rather delicate instruments for their detection. The following table, founded on that given in Father Saderra Maso's report, shows the number of shocks of each degree registered at Manila from 11.6 p.m. on January 27th to Februarv 7th. Intensity (Rossi-Forel Scale). 4 3 2 1 Januarv 27 28 29 30 31 February 1 2 " 3 4 5 6 „ 7 10 9 .S 16 12 4 "o 1 2 21 9 10 16 11 3 2 2 1 3 31 28 16 28 18 9 7 3 3 1 ... 21 135 67 62 139 89 61 46 il 23 14 11 It will be noticed that the shocks were most frequent on the day following the beginning of the eruption and on that after the great explosion. .\s this occurred at 2.20 a.m. on January 30th, it is evident that the explosion caused a temporary relief of the internal strains, such as might well gi\'e rise to the old view according to which volcanic eruptions were the safety- valves that shielded us from earthtjuakes, ZOOLOGY. By Proi-essor J. .Arthur Thomson, M..A.. BIRD - M.ARKIXC,. — The .Aberdeen University Bird- Migration Inquiry, of which Mr, A. Landsborough Thomson is the Secretary, aims at collecting more definite information on the subject of the Migration of Birds by means of the method of placing rings on the feet of a large number of birds in the hope of hearing of the subsecjuent nunements of some proportion of them. To this end the rmgs .u'c inscribed with the address " .Aberdeen University," and a number lor number and letter combination) different in each case. The rings are placed on young birds found in the nest, or on any old ones that can be captured without injury. The rings are of aluminium and extremely light, and do not inconvenience the birds in any way. The marking work is chiefly carried on in Scotland, notably in .Aberdeenshire, but is not confined thereto. The Inquiry has the support of Mr. J. A. Harvie- Brown. Mr. W'm. Eagle Clarke. Mr. W'm. Evans, and other well-known Scottish ornithologists, and similar In- hhoot. capture, or kill, or e\en hear of any of our marked birds should let us know of the occurrence. .As accurate particulars of date and locality as possible are desired, but, above all, the number (or number and letters) on the ring. Indeed, except where it has been possible to reliberate the bird uninjured, the ring itself should always be sent ; or the ring and foot, or even the whole bird. We always refund postage if asked to do so. 2. Cooperation is invited in the actual work of marking, of any who are specially interested, and have some knowledge of birds, and also time and opportunity for the work. The necessary rings, schedules, and postage stamps, are supplied by us without charge, and we undertake to let the marker know of each case of a bird marked by him being recovered, and to let him have copies of printed reports so far as possible. The following results obtained at an early stage of the work will ser\e to indicate what is to be expected from it ; these are merely a few records which happen to be of con- siderable individual interest : — A Widgeon duckling [Marcca pen dope), one of fi\i;' marked in June, 1909, on Loch Brora, Sutherland, Scotland, was taken in a duck-decoy in Province Groniugen, north-eastern Holland, on 3rd September. 1909. This bird was thus only three months old when it was found more than 500 miles from its birth-place. .A second member of the brood was shot on the Trent, near Retford. Lincolnshire. England, in January, 1911, lia\ing wiirn the ring for a year and a half, .An adult Swallow \Hinindu nistica) caught and marked at a farm near Tunbridge Wells, Kent, England, in June, 1909. was re-caught at the same farm in June, 1910. Five Lapwings iVanelliis vulgaris) marked as chicks in the North-east of Scotland, in the summer of 1910, were shot respectively in Counties Tipperary, Roscommon, Cork, and Limerick, Ireland, and in Southern Portugal, during the winter 1910-11, ,A Song-Thrush iTiirdiis nii(siciis), one of a brood marked as chicks in the nest at Skene, .Aberdeenshire, in early June, 1910, was shot near Leiria, Portugal, in early November of the same year. The localities are about one thousand two hundred and fifty miles apart. DISCS FOR SOL.XR PR( )J I':CTION, By JOHN McH.VRG, M,A. In the series of maps for solar projection of which an example is printed on the following page, the graduation to intervals of 10 in latitude and longitude is only carried to the fortieth parallel of latitude. For convenience in estimating the diameters of sunspots, a portion of tlTE central meridian is divided into degrees, one of .which is equal to seven thousand five hundred and fifty-four miles. The heliographical latitude of the centre and the position-angle of the solar axis are considered positive, the former when the North Pole is tilted toward the observer, and the latter when it is inclined from the north point toward the east ; this happens on the dates when the directing lines at the right-hand side of the map are above the equator. It will be observed that with the exception gf a brief period about the time of the solstices, the above quantities have the same sign throughout the rest of the year. The solar image, when projected on the disc by a refractor provided with an astronomical eyepiece, suffers reversal from left to right, after the fashion of images in a plane mirror or that of the sun in a diagonal. The correct position-angle of the disc may be easily obtained by stretching a hair tightly across the field of the eyepiece a little beyond its focal plane. This is then turned till the image of a spot runs along the hair, or in its absence by depressing the image till a mere thread of light remains above the crossvvire. The coincidence of ecfuators of image and disc is then secured by causing the appropriate directing line on the disc for the date to coincide with the image of the crosswirc, intermediate positions to those gi\en being supplied by estimation or measurement. \'. Latitude of Centre + 4° 199 REVIEWS. AEK(_).\AL'TICS. l-:iciiuiitiiry Acroiiiiutics. — By A. P. Thukstox. 1^6 pages. 126 illustrations. Sl-in. X 5J-iii. iWhittaker ^: Co. Price 3 6.) Auvtliiuy from the pen of Mr. Thurston, the able associate of Sir Hiram MaNini in his later experimental work, nmst of necessity be of interest, and the book having the above title bears this out. The book abounds with up-to-date e.xperi- mental results and diagrams relative to curved surfaces. Although a few of them are chiefly of academic interest most are of a highly practical value. Another interesting feature is the large number of reproduc- tions from photographs of artificial stream lines formed from cloud vapour of ammonium chloride. The author introduces some new work on stability although he would appear to have overlooked one important aspect of the problem. We all thank Mr. Thurston, and congratulate him on giving us this book. T. W. K. C. suggest that this book was principally intended, it still leaves much to be desired, hardly half-a-dozen pages being devoted to constructive detail. On page S4 the author rightly alludes to the fine construction of the Antoinctfc Monoplanes but refers to the figure on the opposite page which is of a Wright Biplane, the very antithesis of construction. We had hoped to see this error in the first edition corrected in the second. Perhaps the translators will see to this in the next edition. In other respects they have done their work very well indeed. The book is written in plain language, clearly printed on good paper, and sold at a popular price. It will, we are sure, be widely read. -i- ,.• ■- ,- '' Biri!,niii!il as the Basis of Aviation:'— By Otto Lll,lENTH.4L. With a biographical introduction and addendum bv GUST.WK LlLlEXTH.\L. Translated from the second edition by A. W. Isenth.\l, A.M. I.E., F.R.P.S. With a portrait. 142 pages. 94 illustrations, and 8 litho plates. Qi-in. X 6J-in. (Longmans. Green & Co. Price 9 - net.) The Theory and Practice of Model Aeroplaning. — By \'. E. Johnson. M..A. 14S pages. 61 illustrations. 7i-in. X 5-in. (E. & F. N. Spon. Price 3 6 net.) There is nothing but praise to dispose upon this little book. The author has modestly dedicated it to those interested in the minor branch of model aeroplaning, but there is no student in anv branch of aeronautical engineering who will not learn something from this book. E'rom end to end it is full of reliable information. Great pains have been exercised to exclude not only misleading but doubtful matter, and there is a complete absence of all " padding." .Although written in simple language and without a mass of mathematical formulae, it is yet the most truly scientific work on model aeroplaning that has yet appeared, and one that all taking interest in this subject must obtain. -.. ,,, j. p l^rinciples of Aeroplane Constrnetiou. — By Rankin Kennhdv, C.E. 137 pages. 50 illustr.itions. SJ-in. X SJ-in. (J. & A. Churchill. Price 5 - net.) A considerable amount of this book might \sitli advantage have been omitted, being based on a somewhat doubtful mass of mathematical work and out of date methods. This criticism does not apply throughout, for in the second half the author discusses the propeller and especially the Helicoptere in a very lucid manner, disposing of some of the fallacies concerning the latter, with some well-timed remarks. On the whole this book. I think, might be described as ■■ not sufficiently up to date." .|. ^^. j^ ^ Hou- to liiiilil an Aeroplane. 2nd edition. By KoHERT Petit. IKS pages. 93 illustrations. fSJ-in.x 5.]-in. (Williams & Norgate. Price 2 6 net.) Thin book has reached its second eclilinn. Ihr translators have taken the opportunity to correct several errors which crept into the first edition and it now forms a very concise little book dealing with aeronautical design. Considered from the point of view of the " builder," for whom the title would .At the present time, when so much interest is taken in .Aviation, the publication of a second edition of Lilienthal's well-known book on " Birdflight " is very appropriate. The translator claims, we think with justice, that Lilienthal was the Father of gliding experiments. He is almost the Father of the aeroplane, since it is quite evident that the experiments upon gliding led to the practical development of the aeroplane. We believe we are correct in saying that it was in experimenting with a power-driven glider that Lilienthal, unfortunately, lost his life. The translator has done his work very well. It is diflicult to find any of those slips in translation that are sometimes only too much in evidence, particularly when the original is in German. The idioms in German and French are often very difficult indeed to give the English equivalent of; and the translator too often gives a literal interpretation, which is oftentimes almost nonsense. In the present instance, the translator understands his subject thoroughly : he is an enthusiast also, and we believe he has given us what the master wrote. The appearance of Lilienthal's book also, is of peculiar interest just now, when the Ornithopter, which should be a direct copy of bird wings, and so on, has so far not been able to obtain even a very small footing in the aviation world. The practical construction of Ornithopters has been announced, and the usual claims made for them, which according to Lilienthal's investigations should be maintained ; but they ;ippear to get no farther. Lilienthal made a very careful study of birds at first hand ; and the book before us is full of very useful inform.ition, indeed, upon the mechan- ism of birds' wings, how the bird uses them ; and in particular, the action of the wings of sea birds. He appears to have made a very exhaustive study, not only of the birds that we find flying over our fields, but also of those sea birds — the albatross, the sea gull, the stormy petrel, and others — whose flight is apparently so different to that of the land birds. Sea birds are able to rise vertically from the ground, accord- ing to Lilienthal, and to maintain flight against the wind, without any exertion whatever. He evidently looked forward to the day when man would be able to do the same. It is, perhaps, interesting to note tliat the development of the aeroplane, so far from being in the direction of reduced power, is going lu-adlong to the opposite extreme. The early .aeropkuies were c<|uipped with engines of 25 H.P. : those a little Later at 35 H.P., and the figure has steadily increased, till the m.icliines which have done the best work in a certain sense, during the last few months, have been equipped in 200 May. 1911. KNOWLEDGE. 201 engines of 100 H.F. : and aviators and engineers who are catering for a\iators' wants are scheming to produce engines of larger and larger horse-power. Aviators are impressed with the well-known law, that the pressure supporting an\' given surface varies directh' as the square of the velocity of the machine through the air, or what amounts to the same thing, of the air past the machine. Unfortunately, there is another law. viz.. that the power required varies as the cube of the velocity. Lilienthal believed in reducing the power, and we believe that a careful study of the experiments he made, and of the laws which he worked out, will lead to a reduction of power, and to a real advance in aeroplanes, on the lines upon which he worked. Inventors of aeroplanes appear to have availed themselves to a considerable extent of the facts which his experiments brought out, but to have parted company with him at a certain point. Possibly in a little while the course may be reversed. We heartily recommend the book to anyone who wishes to get a sound knowledge of the principles of bird flight, and of the classical experiments that Lilienthal made. ^ .- ... .A.STKONOMV. Ainiiiiiii\s Astrdiioiiiiijucs pour I'll! ct 1912 de I'Observa- toire Royal de Belgiquc public par les soins de G. Lecoin'TI:. liirecteur Scientifique du Service .A.stronomique. lyil — 299 pages: 1912 — 167 pages l7-in. x 5-iu.i These well-known .Annuaires, which ha\e been published each year since 1S34 without interruption, give in an accessible form practically all the astronomical data required by amateur astronomers together with considerable meteorological and magnetic data often required by practical astronomers. There is no work in English which corresponds to these .\nnuaires, but most astronomers have felt the need of such handbooks which give in a concise form, without the academical detail of the Nautical .Almanac, the chief observable phenomena. Each edition contains a useful map of the world illustrating the time zones and showing which coimtries have adopted the standard time system. The Annuaire for 1912 is specially interesting as it summarizes the observations made upon Halley's comet from the date of its re-discovery in 1910 and four plates illustrate the comet's changes during the period it was under obser\ ation. .'\ further plate shows a star chart with the path of the comet at the time of inferior conjunction and now that the elements of the comet are so well known it may be possible to at least trace the comet photographically through a much longer period than has ever been done before. The Annuaires are fairly comprehensive and e.xplanatory and can be recommended as a useful " companion " to practical observers. ... j. BOTAXY. 1 1 I Tlic Livcricurts, British and Forci<^:t. — By Si R Ed\v.\rd Fkv. 74 pages. 47 illustrations. 7|--in X 5-in. D.win W'lLso.N. Willidiii Tlioinsoii — Lord I\ch-iii. — By 56 pages. S'-in. X j.j-in. (Glasgow : John Smith & Son. Price 2 - net. cloth ; 1 - net, paper.) Reviewing books would be a very pleasant pastime, if they were all so fascinating as this one. It is thoroughly enjoyable — delightfully original. Much sound philosophy and a true glimpse of a great man of true scientific spirit is included in fifty-six pages of real literature abounding with amusement. Read how Lord Kelvin was the " righteous soul in harmony with things in general." There is a chapter which ends " failing to realise the deep and irresistible power of capillary (and other l attractions " ! 'I'here is no doubt as to the deep attractiveness of the book. . ^ ^ A. C. E. (Witherby & Company. Price r.et. 211 pages. (21 Mosses and Liverworts. — By T. H. Russi;i.i 10 plates. Si-in. X 5.*-in. (Sampson Low & Company. Price 45 net.) These two books are alike in many respects. Both attempt to deal in a more or less " popular " style with a remarkable group of plants, which has, by many botanists, been regarded as occupying a central position in the vegetable kingdom, and forming a transition from the green algae on one hand and the great fern and flowering plant alliance of the vascular plants on the other. This group, the bryophyta, has, until recentlv, been divided by general consent into two classes — the Liver- worts and the Mosses — though there are signs that this twofold division is breaking up and will be replaced by a more scientific system of classification based upon the results of recent work on the morphology and development of these interesting plants. (1) Sir Edward Fry's little book is chiefly a mixture of borrowings from ancient and modern authors, and cannot be said to present anything like an accurate view of the structure, biology, classification and relationships of the Liverworts. The extremely small portions of the book that appear to be based upon the author's own studies are chiefly remarkable for eccentric spellings, such as " antherizoids " and " amphi- gastra." strange interpretations of the functions of wrongly described structures, and some of the worst drawings in a badly-illustrated book. However, it is just possible that some amateur naturalists into whose hands this book may fall will find in it something to stimulate curiosity concerning the much-neglected Liver- worts, and to impel them to obtain a more reliable guide to the study of these plants. For the structure and development of these plants, it is quite evident that we have as yet no " popular '■ work that can be recommended to the general reader, though the botanical student will find practically all he requires in the works of Campbell and Goebel. It is only fair to mention that Sir E. Fry gives the names of these works in the last few pages of his little book. .\s little books of this kind appear to find a sale, we must admit that with all their faults they may serve a useful purpose. (21 Mr. Russell's more comprehensive and ambitious work has quickly passed into a second edition — a fact which testi- fies rather to the growth of interest in the Mosses and Liver- worts than to the merits of this particular book. Certainly this book will aid the beginner to recognise some of the commoner British species belonging to these groups, though the author is obviously uuich less familiar with the Liverworts than with the Mosses. The book is written in a bright and interesting style, and the author has wisely refrained from nmch generalisation and discussion on the morphology, biology, and classification of these plants. Some of the illustrations are fairly good, but perhaps the best feature of the book is the chapter of nearly forty pages on the collection and preservation (including microscopic mounting) of specimens. It may appear somewhat harsh to criticise adversely such books as Sir E. Fry's and Mr. Russell's, since the avowed object of the author in each case is merely that of arousing interest in the plants dealt with and pointing the way to more advanced and systematic study with the aid of larger works. If the writers of such books would simpK' confine themsehes to what they are more or less familiar with — rthe general characters of the commoner species and their habitats, and methods of collection and preservation — they would entirely disarm the criticism which, as it is, they provoke by their ill- informed and totally unnecessary treatment of the scientific aspects of the subject. If it is considered necessary to touch upon these topics, it would be much better to give a series of ^02 KNOWLEDGE. May, 1911. (juotations from i-eliable books or papers by scientific writers, or to invite the coiiperation of a scientific naturalist — or at the very least to submit their manuscript to an expert for revision. If either of these courses were adopted, somethinj? might be done to remeSy the slipshod and inaccurate character of ■' popular" books on Botany and Nature Stud\-. F.C. CHEMISTRY, nactcriologiciil and Ensyiiic Cliciiiistry. — By G.J. Fowi.hr, D,Sc,, F,I,C, 328 pa.!,'es. J2 illustrations, 75-in. < D-in. (Edward .Arnold. Price 7 6 net.) Just as the border line between physics .ind cheniistrv is rapidly breaking down, so, too, in another direction, is the division that formerly separated chemistry from biology. Not only has chemistry made clear many previously obscure physiological processes, but the principles of the new branch of the science have found technical applications in many directions. In fact, so important has biological chemistry now become that the Institute of Chemistry has established a special examination in the subject, and one of the objects with which this book was written was to provide a general introduction to the numerous books which must be studied by those reading for this examin,ation. For this purpose the book will be found admirably suited, and, in addition to this, it is so simply and clearly written that it may be read with interest by the general reader. After a good description of the characteristics of chemical action in li\'ing bodies, and the methods used in bacterio- logical work, it gives a clear outline of the principles of organic chemistry : and this is followed by an account of the specific actions of various en^ymes and bacteria, together with a description of their application in various industrial pro- cesses, such as the fermentation of indigo, the purification of sewage, and in agriculture. It is to be regretted that while in some of these descrip- tions the author has availed himself of the scientific assistance of specialists in different branches, he has neglected to do so in others, the result being that his accounts of technical processes are of very unequal value. Thus, some of his statements about the manufacture of vinegar are inaccurate, and others only partially true, while the process described as that in general use is one that has been obsolete for very many years. It is stated (page 149) that, according to Pasteur, the oxida- tion of the completed acetic acid to carbon dioxide and water is effected by other organisms, such as yeasts, and so on. Now, it IS a fact that the acetic bacteria themselves oxidise the acetic acid as soon as they have exhausted the alcohol ; and a refer- ence to the original treatise of Pasteur shows that he wrote the very opposite to what is stated by the author, viz. — "' When vinegar loses its acidity this is solely due to a slow combustion process which is brought about by Mycodcnna aceti." .Another inaccuracy occurs in the description of the fat- splitting enzymes, where it is stated that mutton and beef fats are compounds of glycerine and stearic acid. Both of these substances are undoubtedly present in the fats, but the commercial beef " stearine " is far from agreeing in composi- tion with the chemical compound " stearin," for it contains palmitic, oleic and other fatty acids — in some cases in greater proportion than stearic acid. But these errors are trifling in comparison with the general excellence of the book, and the author may be congratulated upon having maintained interest in his subject without sacri- fice of its scientific value. ,, , ,, L . A. M . Alchemy : Ancient iiiul Modern. — By H. Stanley Redgrove, B.Sc. (Londl. 141 pages. 16 illustrations. 8'(-in. X 5J-in. (William Rider & Son. Price 4 6 net. I Most of the modern books upon Alchemy suft'er from the drawback of having been written without due appreciation of the scientific basis underlying many of the old theories, or, on the other hand, with an exaggerated importance attached to what was obviously meant as mystical symbolism. The author of the present book, however, is not only a man of scientific attainments, but is, as his writing shows, strongly in sympathy with the mystical trend of the alchemists, and the result is an exceedingly interesting study of their doctrines. In no other book with which we are acquainted is the striking manner in which modern chemical thought tends to approximate the philosophical views of the alchemist so clearly brought out. .As the author show^s, the alchemists first formed their theories, and then tried to find for them experimental support, whereas in modern chemistry experimental investiga- tion has gradually led to the formulation of theories, which, on the physical side, are little distinguishable from those of alchemy. Thus the notion of one primordial form of matter, upon which was based the alchemists' hopes of transforming baser metals into gold, has been rendered more than probable by recent researches in radio-activity. In the earlier part of the book, a good outline is given of the views of the alchemists upon matter and their mystical application to the moral world, and this is followed by brief historical sketches of the leading alchemists, which are well illustrated by reproductions of old engravings. It was perhaps ine\ itable, that this biographical part of the book should lack the interest of the philosophical portion. The last chapter, in which are contrasted the ancient and modern \iews upon the transformation of the elements, is particularly interesting. The author's general attitude towards the (juestion of the transformation of metals into gold in the past, is that of the agnostic, but most readers will be inclined to think that his agnosticism leans to the side of credulit\- in attaching much weight to the testimonv of Helvetius. C. A. M. PHYSICS. TIic Cyniscope. — By V. E. 24 illustrations. Johnson. M..A. 52 pages. 7f-in. X 5-in. (F. & F. Spon. Price 1 6 net.) The book is an experimental guide to the interesting phenomena connected w-ith gyroscopes. It gives instruction how to make gyroscopes and experiment on them to the best advantage, in order to show their properties. It leads up to the construction of a mono-rail car, balanced by one or two gyroscopes. The author has left theory alone, wisely in a short book of this kind. But those who wish to know some- thing of the phenomena connected with rotating masses, will do well to execute some of the experiments described; while others no doubt would be much interested by merely carrying out the experiments as a pastime. -An explanation on page 4i would be improved by substituting " and " for " in the latter " ; as it stands the explanation appears incorrect. a p p .4/( lilenientary Text-book of Physics. General Physics. — B\- K. W. Stewart, D,Sc, 414 pages. 187 illustrations, 7.5-in. X 5-in. (Charles Gritfin & Co. Price 4 6 net.) Dr. Stewart's text-books are the essence of clearness and lucidity of explanation. This is the first volume of the series of Physical Text-books, and deals with physical measurements, dynamics, statics, hydrostatics and the properties of matter. The text-book contains just the necessary amount of detail to give the student a thorough grounding in the subject. Chapters as, for example, that on the balance, or that on the determination of density, are exceptionally clear on subjects that many elementary text-books skimp over. The general arrangement of the book is very excellent. The student indulges in units and measurements of the fundamental units till Chapter V., then velocity, acceleration, and circular motion are dealt with. It is pleasing to find the latter subject treated in its proper place and with due regard to its practical importance. Succeeding chapters deal with force, work and energy in a very clear manner. Then comes statics, M\v I'in. KXOWLEDGl-: 203 with a cliapter on the balance, followed by hydrostatics, properties of matter, determination of densities, and finally the main properties of matter in the jjascons state. The book ends with a valuable np-to-date chapter on pnmps. A f F I'liysicdl MLUisiirciiiciifs. — B\- A.W. Dvvv .and .\. W. K\vi-:i.i . 25S pa;;es. 7iS illnstrations. .Sl-in. X 5'-in. IJ. S.S; A. Chnrchill. Price 7 6 net. I The bool< will be a great help alike to those taught and to the teacher. In the first case the book is not too long, not too minute in detail, but the descriptions are concise and to the point. In the second case the book covers a fairly wide field, so that it aids the teacher in selecting e.xperimental studies for any particular class of students, .\nother valuable feature is its numerous references both to practical treatises such as Kohlrausch's " Physical Measurements." and also to smaller class text books. In the introduction, which .gives general advice as to the taking of observations, their possible and probable errors, and the plotting of curves, occurs this sentence: — '' Much time in the laboratory will be wasted unless some preparation be made before coming to the laboratory .... this may usually be done at home in a few minutes, whereas it might require an hour or more in a labor.itorx- where a number of people are moving around." This is very true. The man who is researching would not come to the laboratory and spend half- au-hour picking up the thread of the previous day's work ; he comes generally' with a fi.xed intention of trying some particular experiment which he has carefully planned out. So, too, it should not be that the student should have to spend much time reading through the directions for carrying out an experi- ment during his attendance at the laboratory, only to carry them out like a cook following a recipe. A little previous study, a preliminary lecture, and a little personal instruction, is more desirable ; then the experiments will be carried out intelligently, and without the necessity of elaborate descriptions of the mode of procedure. One would like to have seen a more complete account of the use of a cathetometer. of specific gravity measurements, and of thermometer corrections : points of which it is most desirable that a student who subsequently r(St7/o(/. Before, howe\er. entering upon a detailed stud\- of the Table itself, it w ill be well to premise, in as brief a manner as possible, an e[)itomized account of the leading discoveries which were made during the whole of the pre-Copernican period. PRIMITIVE .ASTRONOMY. .Astronomy was cultivated from the earliest times in Egvi'T, India, and China. The path of the sun and moon amongst the stars forming the Zodiac and the primary divisions of the year and month were determined, the motions of the five planets, Mercury. Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn studied, and the Obliquity of the Ecliptic measured by the nations of antiquity, the most systematic astronomical observations being those of THE CH.ALDEANS who map out the Constellations about 2000 B.C., and who discover that the Phenomena of Eclipses repeat themselves in the Saros Period, or cycle of eighteen years. The next great advance is made by TH1-: GRICEKS. B.C. 635 Thalks of Mii.i;tus holds the earth to be a sphere, and predicts a solar eclipse. (The Gnomon is in use, and Sundials are constructed.) ., 5S2 Pythagoras, according to his disciple Phii.oi.aus (B.C. 4001, speculates upon the motion of the earth. .. 40') EUDOXUS OF Cnidus expressesthe planetary motions by the aid of geometry, and sets up the hypothesis of Moving Spheres, afterwards extended by Callippus (B.C. 3301. .. 395 Hkraclidfs OF Pontus is the first to teach the doctrine of the Earth's Diurnal Rotation. ., 300 Aris tillus and TniocHARis deteruiine the relative positions of the principal stars of the Zodiac, thus preparing the way for Hipparchus. .. 2S0 .Aristarchus OF Samos is the first to propound the Heliocentric System, lEmployinent of the .Armillary Sphere.) .. 2.50 .Al'ol.l.ONlus OF Pkrca devises the system of Eccentrics and Epicycles. IfiO Hii'i'ARCHUS. the greatest astronomer of antiquity, establishes the science on a firm footing by his catalogue of 1,080 stars, and his discovery of the Precession of the Eqnino.xes, as well as by his precise observational methods ensuring accurate results. (Employment of the Astrolabe}. .\.I). 130 Ptolemy of Alexandria elaborates in his " .Almagest " the Epicycles and Deferents of his predecessors, thus discarding the juster helio- centric views of .Aristarchns. The Ptolemaic. or Geocentric. System is doiniuant for fourteen centuries. .After this time the .Alexandrian school of astronomy declines until after the Moham- medan Conquest in 642. the next advances being made by TH1-: AKABS. iS13 -Almamon founds a school of astronomy at B(r;i;(/(;(/. and has Ptolemy's ".Alma'^est " translated into Arabic. ., cS50 .Alba tegnius. the most celebrated astronomer of the .Arabs, makes accurate observations, and compiles valuable .Astronomical Tables. .. 903 .Al-Sufi revises the .Alexandrian list of stars. .. 1000 .Abui. Wefa discovers the Moon's Variation. .. 1433 L'lugh Begh establishes a well-equipped Observa- tory at Samarcand, and compiles a \ahiable Star Catalogue. -After this time Eastern astronomy comes to an end, but Western Europe continues the cultivation of the science introduced liy the .Arabs into Spain, the first advances being made b\- THI-: MOORS. ., 103S .Alhazen discovers the Laxc of Refraction. .. lOSO .Arzachel. of Toledo, publishes his Toletan Tables, and repeats the observations of .Albategnius with greater accuracy. ., 1230 The .Arabic version of Ptolemx's ".Almagest " is translated into Latin, and about .. 1270 .A(j()Nso X. of Castile produces at Toledo the .Alphonsine Tables, compiled by the best mathematicians of the Moorish universities. The impulse thus given to a.stronomy by the two latter events draws the attention of Western learning to the science, and John HfJi.vwooD's (Sacrobosco) publication of a Treatise on the Sphere about 1230, and Nicolaus von Cusa's speculations on the Planetary System about 1440. prepare the way for the advent of CoPERNICUS. 204 Knowledge, VOLUME XXKIV iJ9ll). 1 ,1 fiue pa^e 204. CHRONOMETRICAL CHART OF THE DE^i Period. A.D. 1500 Time of— Heno- VIII. Edward VI. 1550. (Mary, Elizabeth.) 1600. 'James 1. Charles I. Commonwealth.) 1650. (Charles II. James II. William III. and Mary.) 1700. I.Anne, George 1. George 1 1. 1 1750. 'George 111.) 1800. (George I\'. William I\'. Victoria.) 1850. (Victoria. 1900. 'Victoria, Edward VII. George V.) BlOGR.^PHIC.A.L. Copernicus. 1473-1543 (Works in Polish Prussia). TvcHO Brahe, 1546-1601 (Denmark and Bohemia). Galileo. 1564-1642 (Italy). Kepler, 1571-1630 (Bohemia and Germany) ScHEiNEK, 1575-1650 (Germany). Hevelius. 1611-16SS (Germany). HORROX. 1619-1641 (England). HuYGENS, 1629-1695 (Holland). Newton, 1642-1727 (England). Flamsteed, 1646-1719 (England). Halley, 1656-1741 (England). Bradley, 1693-1762 (England! Wm. Herschel. 1738-1822 (England). Laplace, 1749-1827 (France). Bessel, 1784-1846 (Germany). Frauenhofer. 1787-1826 (Germany). JNO. Herschel, 1792-1871 (England and S. .Africa/. Theoretical. Le Verrier, 1811-1877 (France). Adams, 1819-1892 (England). Schiaparelli, 1835-1910 (Italy). Secchi, 1S1S-187S (Italy). HuGGlN'S, 1824-1910 (Engl.uull. Janssen, 1824-1907 (France). LocKYER. 1836- (England). VOGEL, 1842-1907 (Germany). E.G. Pickering, 1846- (America). Gill, 1843- (England and S. .-Xfrica) Young, 1834-1908 (America). Campbell, 1852- (.America). Hale, 1868- (.America). The Geocentric Syste.m of Ptolciiiy. dominant for fourteen centuries, is brought to renewed prominence by Piirbach (d. 1461) and Rcgioinontanns )d. 1476). but the Heliocentric System is definitely revived by Copernicus in 1543. Tycho, by collecting a vast mass of valuable observations, prepares the way for the theories of Kepler, who introduces the Dynamic Conception into A.stronomy by his Three Laws of the planetary motions, which form the connecting link between the theories of Copernicus and the discoveries of Neictoii. Galileo, by his telescopic discovery in 1610 of Jupiter's Satellites and the Phases of Venus, firmly estabhshes the Copernican doctrine, and lays th(! foundation of Observ.ational Astronomy. Scheiner, from the observation of Sunspots, discovered in 1610 by Fabricius and Galileo, determines the Sun's rotation. Horrox predicts on dynamical principles, and is the first to observe (with Crabtree) a Transit of Venus in 1639. Riccioli. Hevelius and GriinnUli lay the foundation of SELENOGRAPin by constructing lun.ar charts. Hnygeiis discovers the true nature of Saturn's King in 1659. Newton, by the publication of the " Principia" in 1687, establislies the L'miication OF Celestial and Terrestrial Science, and shows Kepler's Laics to proceed from the action of Gravitation. Flamsteed, whose lunar observations aid Newton's calculations, forms the First Modern Star Catalogue. Halley predicts on Newtonian Principles the Return of the Comet of 1682, makes the first determination of Stellar proper Motion, and the first Southern Star ' Catalogue. Bradley discovers the Aberration of Light and the Nutation of the Earth's -Axis, thus laying the foundation of accurate stellar astronomy. Wm. Herschel. by his discover)' of Binary Stellar Systems, shows Newton's Laws to extend tln'oughout the universe. He discovers Ukanus in 1781. and by his telescopic researches becomes the pioneer of Descriptive Astronomy. Laplace summarizes Astronomical Mathematics in his "Mecanique Celeste," 1799, and publishes the Nebular Hypothesis, 1796. Bessel first Measures the Distance of a Star by determining the Parallax of Si.xty-one Cygiii, and furthers accurate Astronomy by his Star Catalogue, 1818, founded on Bradley's observations. Jno- Herschel extends his father's Survey OF THE Heavens to the S. Hemisphere. .Adams and Le Verrier give to gravitational .-Vstronomy its crowning distinction by the Theoretical Discovery OF Neptune in 1846. Draper, Bond, Dc la Rue and Rutherford U840-1864) are pioneers in Celesti.\L Photography. The Science of Astro-Physics is established on the interpretation b\- Knxlilioff of the Frauenhofer-lines in the Solar Spectrum, 1859. Secchi forms the first classification of Stellar Spectra in 1863. Huggins inaugurates Spectroscopic Photography in 1863 and discovers CiASEOus Nebulae in 1864. Janssen, Lockyer. Young, Hale and Deslaudres advance Solar Physics. Schiaparelli demonstrates the Connection between Comets and Meteors, 1866, and discovers the Martian "Canals," 1877. Vogel publishes the First Spectroscopic Star Catalogue in 1883. Gill and Moucliez inaugurate the International Photographic Chart of the Heavens in 1887. Pickering, Vogel and Campbell demonstrate Spectroscopicallv the existence of Binary Stellar Systems. Vogel at Potsdam. Lockyer at London, and Hale at Mount Wilson, affiliate the work of the .Astronomical Observatory with that of the Chemical Laboratory in their Study of the Physical Elements of Stellar Evolution. VELOPMENT OF ASTRONOMY. Bv \\'. ALFKKl) PARR Instrumental. The instruments known to the Ancients ic.g.. The Gnomon. .\rmii;.larv Sphere. .■\STROLABE, QUADRANT and SextaN'T) continue in use. Bernard Walther Id. 1504) introduces the use of Clocks in astronomical observations. Tycho equips his Obserwatory L'kaniborg with greatly-enlarged and accurately- divided Quadrants and Sextants, and invents the method of sub-di\iding the degrees on the arc of an instrument by transversals. Hans Lippcrslicy invents the Refracting Telescope in 1608. and Gir/)7c'o, construct- ing one in 1609 for himself, magnifying thirty-two times, applies the instrument to Astronomv, while Kepler improves it in theory. Heveliiis is the last to make observations without Telescopic Sights, but Gascoigitc invents the t'lLAR Micrometer about 1640, and Picard definitely inaugurates the adoption of the Telescope in Conjunction with the Quadrant. Htiygeiis adapts the Pendulum to Astronomical Clocks in 1656. and invents the Compound Eyepiece, while both he and Hevelius improve definition by employing Tubeless ("Aerial") Refractors over one hundred feet long. Gregory proposes a form of Reflecting Telescope in 1663. but Neicton constructs the first in 1668. Rociner invents the Transit Instrument and Eouatorial, about 1690. Paris Observatory erected 1671 ; Greenwich Observatory, 1675. Griilii/iii. lUrd. Cory and Raiusdcii Quadrants about this period. the most celebrated constructors of Mural Dolloiid in\ents the Achromatic Refractor, 1758 (suggested by Hull, 17331. Giiiiiand improves the manufacture of Optical Glass, 1799, enabling Fntiuiiliutcr to construct Large Refractors. Win. Herschel advances the construction of Reflectors and erects his Forty-Foot Telescope in 1789. Frauenhofer applies the Spectroscope to Astronomy 1815, adapts Clock-work Motion to refractors 1824, and erects the First Heliometer 1829. Reiehenbach. Repsold and Troughtun effect Improvements in Instrument-making early in this century. Lord Ross erects his great Six-Foot Reflector at Parsonstown, 1845. The first regular observatories of the S. Hemisphere (Paramatta. 1821 ; Cape. 1829) arc founded. The first regular application of Photography to Astronomy is made with the Keu- Photoheliograph in 1859, but the greatest advances are made after the adoption by Muggins in 1876, of the Gelatine Dry Plate. The Astro-Physical Observatories of Potsdam and Meudon, founded 1874 and 1886. The First Great Refractor {Neicall. twenty-five inches), erected 1870: Lick, Thirty-Six Inches, 1888; Yerkes, Forty i'nchics, 1897. The Equatorial Coude erected at Paris, 1882. Chandler introduces the Almucantar in 1884. ; Hale devises the Spectroheliograph in 1889. Turner introduces in 1895 the Coelostat, being a modification of the Siderostat. The Mount Wilson Solar Observ.atory is established in 1905, and equipped with horizontal and vertical Coelostat Telescopes, Spectrographs, and Spectro- heliogkaphs, besides the Chemical and Physical Apparatus of the Laboratory. General. DiuMug this ccnturx- .\stronomy is still under the Influence of Greek Tradition, and is at first solely Geometrical, treating of the motions of the heavenlv bodies. Rise of the Dynamic Conception in .Astronomy, which after Galileo is Physical, and afteriVctc-^o;; Gra\ttational, treating of the appearance and nuitual attraction of the hea\'enly bodies. Rise of Descriptive Astronomy and CoSMOGON^■ with Wni. Ucrsehel and Laplaee. Rise of Chemical .\stronomy, after Frauenhofer, treating of the composition of the heavenlj' bodies. Astronomy now gradually widens its sphere and establishes a UNIFICATION OF THE Sciences, by extend- ing terrestrial and planetary gravitation to stellar systems, and by showing the essential identity of cosmical matter throughout the visible universe. Knowledofe. With which is incorporated Hardwickc's Science Gossip, and the Ilkistrated Scientific News. A Monthly Record of Science. Conducted bv Wilfred Mark Webb, F.L.S., and E. S. Grew, M..\. JUNE, 1 'J 11 . A SCIENTIFIC USE FOR THE STEREOSCOPE. By A. H. STUAKT, B.Sc, F.R.A.S. Students whose geometrical studies have been these the latter are undoubtedly the easiest to make confined to the geometry of two dimensions and the cheapest to produce. frequently find considerable difficult\- when problems The most elementary knowledge of jierspective is in three dimensions are presented to them. Ordinary all that is required to make stereosco})ic drawings of Figure 1. drawings afford very little help and there remain all the usual problems in solid geoinetry. Figure 1 onlv two methods b\- which assistance may be shows a simple method of drawing a cube in offered, viz., models and stereoscopic drawings. Of perspective. A figure is. drawn for each eye, the 205 206 KNOWLEDGE. June, 1911. vanishing point of the figure for the right eye heing separated from that of the figure for the left eye by a distance about etiual to that between the two figures ma\- be dt ■d hv the exercise of a ver\- httle ingenuity. of a tlieorem in ; this drawing in Fitu-RH 2. eves. (In aduUs this is about J inches, while in boys of about fifteen years of age I have found the average to be about 2-5 inches). For all practical purposes the front face of the cube ma\- be represented by a perfect square. The figure also shows the method of obtaining the axis of the cube. It must be remembered that the geometric centre of a face is not necessarily the stereo- scopic centre. If the point of intersectitm of Figike 3. the diagonals is taken, no mistake can be made. Similarly, to obtain the middle point of an edge, draw a line parallel to an edge which is at right angles to the former through the point of intersection of the diagonals. This will cut the edge at the required point. Thus, in Figure 1. .\ and B are the stereoscopic centres of the edges on which the\- stand. I have found it convenient to make the drawing first on a large piece of drawing paper and then prick through the necessary parts on to the paper which is to form the finished slide. This not onlv has the advantage of not showing the construction lines in the stereoscope, but a large number of figures of different subjects ma\' often be pricked off the same drawing. From the cube a vast number of Figure 2 represents the figure Euclid. Book XI. By examinin; the stereoscope the figure stands out in relief in a most striking manner, and brings home to the mind of the student the whole meaning of the theorem at once. The construction of these figures bv the student is quite an education in itself, in addition to pro\iding him with figures equal to models in every wa\'. Nor does the mathematical student monopolize the benefits to be derived from the use of the stereoscope. Figure 3 shows how an ill-formed crvstal of the octahedral system is derived from the perfect octahedr(.)n : a matter which is by no means clear to e\erv student of chemistry. .\gain. Figure 4 shows the graphical formula of one of the opticallv active forms of tartaric acid. I'or ob\ious reasons, if only one of the figures figure requires letterinjj should be lettered. I ha\e found stereo- scopic drawings of geo- metrical solids very useful in demonstrating to phvsics students the theory of stereoscopic vision. It is perfectly obvious to them that the two drawings of the solid are not alike, and \et, when their images are superimposed b\' the lenses of the stereoscope, they give the idea of relief as plainh" as the solid itself would do. COOH OH COOH FiGLKE 4. DISCS I'OR SOLAR PK( )| IXTION. We give here three more of the Maps for Solar Projection belonging to the series described in KnowleDGK" for May. prepared by Mr. John McHarg, which can be used from June 1st tc une 2/th. I. Latitude of Centre 0^ 207 II. Latitude of Centre + 1 . 208 III. L.ititudf of Centre ± 209 THE AUSTRIAN RESEARCH X'ESSEL ADRL\;' Bv DR. ALFRED GRADEXW ITZ. Thi-: research vessel of the Association for the Advancement of Scientific In^•estigation in the Adriatic, was built on the D'Este shipvards hv the Stabilimento Tecnico of Trieste. Though being of rather modest dimensions, she is most sea-worthv and. on account of her excellent appointments, can he considered a model of her kind. The for covering the rooms located in the hull are only •70 metres in height, which greatly reduces the side-pressure of the wind. Ample space is provided on the plane deck plates, for installing all kinds of apparatus and doing scientific work. These structures are fitted sideways with c]uadrangular skylights and protectiw gratings as well as with Figure 1. The Laboratory on board the Adna, " Adria "' is mainh- intended for the oceanographical and biological in\estigation of the .\driatic. working in conjunction with the Austrian Zoological Station at Trieste. The chief measurements of the ship are as follows : Length over all ... ... 20-5 metres. Maximum width ... ... 4 Height -'-4 „ Draught ... ... ... 1-5 ,, Capacity ... ... ... 45 tons. The hull is made of wood, the frame and kuel being of oak. and the inside and outside planking of pitch-pine. A skin of copper plate protects the hull below water against the attack of ship worms. The various teak wood structures erected on deck hinged hatch lids. The deck is encircled by an iron railing, the lower apertures of which are closed b_\- netting : the upper bars are fitted w ith pulle}s for lowering oceanographic instruments. The front part ot the bow (as far as the mast) is set apart for fishing operations and. therefore, is equipped with the most warious outfits, comprising a winch for the rapid hoisting of instruments and nets able to raise a weight of several hundredweight from the bottom to the surface of the sea. While being generally- operated bv electricitx', this winch can as well be worked hv hand. On its axle are mounted four drums actuated separately and which are designed for plain ropes, cables, piano wires and anchor chains respecti\'el\'. The rope carrying a net or 210 JL-NE, 1911. KNOWLEDGE. 211 heavv instruments travels from the winch over a fixed to the mast, thus facihtating the crane The Resear FlGURL, -. \'essel ■■ Adria '' under weigh. transi)ort of even the heaviest net bags over a shallow trouj;h made from water-tight linen and on which the catch is searched and sorted. Close to the mast there is further a conduit for discharging sea-water so that the whole catch can at an\- moment be im- mersed in water. Behind the mast are arranged the structures forming the roofs of the laborator\- located below deck, the combined saloon and bedroom, and finallw the engine room The rudder, which is actuated with extreme ease through a worm engaging directly with its shaft, is located astern, ^\■ith a view to utilising as much space as possible for fishing operations, as well as on account of the greater simplicity and safety. Of special importance are the sea-water tanks for receiving any marine animals and plants caught by the net. As these manifold organisms should be taken home alive, the " Adria '" is equipped with what could fitly be called a complete aquarium, comprising three wooden cases lined inside with sheet metal and which contain three to four removable sheet metal aquarium tanks serving at the same time for the transport of marine animals from the ship to the shore. The wooden cases which. A\hen closed, can be used as benches, are provided w ith conduits for sea water and compressed air, enabling an\' animals and algae to be kept in circulating or \entilated water. In the hind part of the vessel is installed a large tank likewise containing circulating sea water and compressed air and which takes up nearly the whole width of the ship. This is FiGURH 3. An Oceano,i;raphical SpeciaHst at work intended for receiving big fish and marine animals. The supply of sea-water to the aquarium tanks is effected during the time the ship engine is at work, that is, throughout the course of the \'essel, by a pump coupled to the propeller shaft, while an electrically- operated centrifugal pump is resorted to during intervals in its operation. The compnssed air is generated b\- a compressor connected to the ship motor which allows air to be compressed in cylindrical iron vessels to four atmospheres, reduced by a throttle \alve to one-twentieth of an atmosphere. The com- pressed air also servesto actuate the whistle of the ship. The compass, a fresh-wnter tank and an ice tank are likewise located astern. On each side of the \'essel is suspended from a crane a launch four metres in length. These launches, one of which is equipped with a gasoline motor of two-and-a-half horse power, are intended for landing at and exploring such parts of the coast as are not accessible to the " Adria." As regards next the arrangements provided below deck, the copper tank containing the fuel (gasoline, petroleum or alcohol) is located in the very front of the fore-ship, being separated by a fire-proof metal partition from the bedroom of the crew. This tank has a capacity of about nine hundred kilogrammes. which enal)les the \-essel con- tinually to sail about fitt\- hours, covering a distance of about four hundred and fifty knots. As the motor is mostly stopped b\- night, a new- fill of fuel generally is required only every five days. The bedroom of the crew also contains anchor chains, tows, tent co\-ers, nets, and flags. A special room is provided for photographic work. The Plankton Figure 4. Nets being hoisted astern. 212 KNOWLEDGE. June, 1911. The Laboratory (see Fissure 1). like the adjoining saloon, is dominated b\- a roof structure and deri\-es its light parth' from the side-windows of the latter and partly from four circular hatchways in the ship's walls. On its longitudinal sides are arranged lockers •90 metre in height for stowing away instruments, on the top of which ample room is pro\ided tor performing all sorts of operations and installing scientific apparatus. The laboratory further comjirises a compressed-air conduit w ith six discharges, allow- ing small aquarium tanks to be thoroughly aerated. Two additional berths can be made up on the instrument lockers in cases of emergency. As the ship engine works with remarkable smoothness. microscopes of modest magnifying power can very well be used in a quiet sea. which is the more advantageous as the plankton of the sea should be examined while still ali\e. at least for its main characteristics. The Laboratory is. of course, equipped with all sorts of oceanographic and other instruments. In the middle of the ship, vi/., in the part taken up on steamers bv the engine and boiler, is located a spacious, well-aerated and lighted saloon, which serves as dining as well as bedroom, .\longside its longitudinal walls are installed four lierths with chests of drawers and on its transversal walls four wardrobes, one of wlmh has been converted into a pantrv. contaiinng an ample suiijih" of crocker\-. The engine plant is located in the hind part of the vessel. The engine is a sevent\-fi\'e horse- power motor, constructed b\' the W'oh'erine Works, at Grand Rapids, Michigan, imparting to the ship a speed of nine knots, which, thanks to the excellent design of its carburettor, can be operated at will with gasoline, petroleum, or alcohol. This motor is of a ver\- substantial construction and remarkably simple manipu- lation and superintendence, being started merely by a pressure on the le\er of the electrical ignition, in order afterwards to go on working quite automaticalh', needing inspection only from time to time. This engine has repeatedly stood severe tests in a rough sea with excellent results. In order to afford greater stabilit\- in a gale and heavy seas, the vessel has been equippe is the circumference of a circle, or in other words the equation is the " law of the circle "' : and similarly x'^+y'^+z^ = r'^ is that of the sphere; but there are an infinite number of equations of this type, each containing one more variable than the preceding one ; and arguing by analogy from the first two, the next one x^+y^+z^+u''^=r'' is the law of a four-dimensioned figure : x'" + \--|-/'" + u'- + v" = r', of a five-dimensioned one, and generall}" x" + >'H (>; terms in all)=r" of an >j dimensioned one, where rj may be anv number between 2 and c^. The fact that we are unable to form an\' mental image of such figures cannot be ascribed to the equations themselves, which obviously contain no reason either wh\' they should or should not be capable of graphical representation. Prima ftjcic, if some equations can be so treated, the remainder should equall}- admit of such treatment, and our inability to accomplish this must obviously be due to the absence of an\- mental picture that will satisfx' the requirements of the equations. Now the pictures that we can conceive consist of nothing more than the figures formed b\- enclosing a portion of space, either by a line or lines (plane figures) or hv a surface or surfaces (solid figures) ; the line and the surface are the materials with which we construct these figures. We cannot, however, construct a four-dimensioned figure of any kind, although we have the necessary material, namely, what for want of a better name must be designated the volume. The inabilit\' of our imagination in this respect must be due to some limitation in our powers of perception, for it is from the impressions of external objects, as seen by the e\-es, that we form our mental images of figures, regular or irregular. Now it will be shown that our eyes cannot appreciate an\- figure with more than three dimen- sions. It might be argued from this, that it does not follow that there are such figures to be seen, but from an examination which we shall make of the undoubted fact that all visible bodies b\' which we are surrounded are at least three-dimensioned, the existence of these more complex figures can be inferred. By the term "body" employed above, is meant something that has an independent existence and is, therefore, an object as distinguished from an attribute. All bodies, as we shall see, are defined by their apparent size and shape and are, therefore, figures of some kind, regular or irregular ; but on the other hand all figures are not bodies, for every two- dimensioned figure is onh' found as a bounding surface of a three-dimensioned one, and by itself is quite as abstract as colour, taste, and all other attributes. So far as we know, however, the three-dimen- sioned bodies appear to be self-contained and independent of any higher dimensioned body; they do not seem to exist merely as the sections of four-dimensioned figures. It will be shown that this can be accounted for by the limitation of our powers of observation, and ns 214 KNOWLEDGE. JrxK. l')ll. that there is no cause \vh\- four and other dimen- sioned figures should not exist : from this it follows that the only figures which are not the sections of higher dimensioned ones must be those possess- ing an infinite number of dimensions : in other words, these last mentioned figures are the only ones that can have "an individual existence. The first point for us to determine is the possession bv ever\' visible body of at least three dimensions : we shall then proceed to shov\- that the\' must be inferred to possess an infinite number of such dimensions: and finalh" to examine the effects produced by certain four-dimensioned figures, firstly when mo\ing in the direction of the axis of the fourth dimension and secondlv when expanding and contracting in the three-dimensions with which we are familiar. Now all visible bodies must necessaril\- have dimension of some kind. The impressions of things external to our mind are received and transmitted to it by means of the senses and their organs : and we must consequenth- remain utterly ignorant cif anything that does not appeal to at least one of our senses. We find that all sense impressions conveved to us have their origin in objects that jiossess extension in space. Colour, scent, light, sound, taste, heat and cold, all are in\"ariabl\' found to proceed from such a body : and conversely there is no visible bod\- that has not extension in space, a possession which is indeed its primar\- attribute, all others such as colour, taste, and so forth lieing of serondar\- importance. When we proceed to consider those things that ha\e dimension, we find that some onl\- of them have an independent existence and therefore comph- with our definition of a body. Others, which are figures only, and nothing more, do not exist apart but are only attributes of a bod\'. Thus we find that a solid such as a cube is an actual object, but a surface such as the square merelv forms part of the solid : we do not find one existing alone, absoluteh' dispossessed of thickness. The straight line is nothing more than part of the boundary of a plane figure : and so far is it from possessing an independent objective existence that it is even unimaginable : for geometrical purposes we have to allow it some degree of thickness, although we thereb}' convert it into a plane surface. The solid, then, is a bod\-, because in addition to its length and breadth it possesses thickness : whilst lines, having merelv one dimension, can only serve for the construction of a plane figure, and the plane figure by itself, having only two dimensions, is no more an object than the line : it is an abstraction that serves as an attribute of a three-dimensioned hod\". Now all visible bodies are found to have three dimensions; there is no l)ody, either artificial or natural, that has not length, breadth and thickness. Our next step is to enquire wh\- this is so. On the one hand it ma\' be because there are no one or two dimensioned bodies; and, on the other, because we ourselves, on account of some inherent limitations in our power of sight, are unable to perceive them. This last hypothesis, however, is obviouslv untrue, for not only do we see that part of a bod\- which possesses only length and breadth, that is to say its surface, but that is all we can see. It is. therefore, obvious that we could detect the presence of any plane surface, such as a square, if such a figure ever had an independent existence. Let us imagine a square of this nature to come within the sphere of our observation. What charac- teristic impression would it produce on us? Well, suppose that we first of all observed it when looking in a direction at right angles to the plane in which it lies: it would then appear as a square. Now let us mo\'e as though we were about to pass b\- its upstanding edge on one side, in order to attain a position at its rear. With our eyes directed on it the square would apparently' diminish in width, but not in height, becoming narrower and narrower, until nothing but a small strip remained; and even this would finally disappear when one reached the edge of the figure: the square would be completeh' invisible, since it has no thickness. Then, as we passed be\-ond its edge and towards the rear, the surface would reappear, and increase in apparent width, until it regained its full size and shape. Now such a phenomenon as this has never been seen, and it therefore follows that there are no bodies with onl\' two dimensions : and further that there cannot be an\' with simpK' one. for if there were, a two-duuensioned bod\' could be constructed therefrom. In the course n\ the foregoing arguments it was remarked that we could only percei\e the surface of a bodv : and that, therefore, if we looked at a plane surface, we only observed its length and breadth, the thickness remaining unperceived and unde- termined. Our next point of inquiry will endeavour to explain why we only see the plane, and how it is that we can ascertain the existence of the third dimension. The e\'e is. of course, the organ of sight ; it comprises a lens and a screen called the retina. This screen consists of a surface, and is analogous to the sheet on which magic lantern pictures are displa\'ed, the eye lens being equivalent to the compound lens of the lantern. Now. it is impossible to produce anything but a flat picture on the lantern sheet ; the image of a globe, for instance, cannot be projected so as to possess length, breadth, and thickness ; the length and breadth can be displayed, because the screen itself is a plane surface, but the thickness can only be simulated b\' a skilful distribution of light and shade. Similarh' the image impressed on the retina is essentialK' two-dimensioned ; and for this reason we are frequenth" led to mistake a round body for a flat one ; the moon, for instance, alwa\s appears to be fiat, Jl-NK. 1011 KNOWLEDGE. 215 The image produced by the eye being invariably a plane figure, we should be unable to determine whether a bodv were two or three dimensioned if neither \\e nor the body sur\'eyed could move relativeh- to one another. As it is we are enabled to survey a sphere, a cube, a tree, a house, or an\- other object from innumerable points of view w ithin our three-dimensioned space and thus to inspect its surface or surfaces and satisf\- ourseh'es that it is indeed a solid ; our opinion is formed from the multitudinous images impressed on the retina of the eye as we move about from point to point or awail taining thus a figure whose equation is x-+y-4- . . . (oo— 1 terms in all)=r-, and then a section of this, and so on until we obtain the four- dimensioned figure \-+\-^ + z-+u- = r-, the sphere x^+y-+z- = r- and the circle x-+y- = r-. Con- versely, starting with the circle, we can sa\- it is the section of a sphere, a cone, a cvlinder, or some other solid figure : and similarh- the sphere is the section of a four-dimensioned figure which mav belong to the spherical t\"pe, the conical t\pe, the cylindrical type, or some other. Our purpose now is to take the sjihere. cone, and c}'linder and show how they would appear if we were onl\- two-dimensioned, and how we could distinguish one from the other : and then, arguing bv analogy to show how the four-dimensioned figures of the spherical, conical, and cylindrical t\-pes would similarh- appear to us with our three- dimensioned faculties, and how the effects produced bv them would be characteristic and distinguishable from one another. The simplest way to proceed is to hypothecate the existence of a two-dimensioned being, one who can onlv percei\-e length and breadth and is absoluteh- ignorant of the existence of thickness : his observations must be confined to w-hat takes place on a plane surface which, consisting of infinite length and breadth, will be to him what space is to us. The onl\- figures of whose existence he can possibly be aware must be two-dimensioned ones, 216 KXOWLEDCxE. Junk. 1911. and these only if they lie in his plane of observation. Such figures would be presented when a solid was intersected by the plane surface. Now we can imagine a solid to move downwards towards the surface from above and to pass completel\- through it. Before and after the passage of the solid, no part of it would be seen b\- the being, but during the event, he would observe a series of sections, each consisting of a plane figure. Now these sections, of course. W(.)uld be definiteh- correlated to one another, since one and all belong to the same bodv. and from their change or constancy in size and shape, it would be possible for the being to determine the nature of the solid figure. Thus from the fact that he saw a circle of unvarying diameter, he could hvpothecate the existence of a cylinder : and similarly, if the circle were one that appeared to increase or decrease in diameter, it could be ascribed to the existence of a right circular cone, sphere, or some other solid figure whose cross section was a circle. Furthermore, the particular kind of solid could be deduced, for the\" wciuld each produce a different and characteristic change in the size of the circle. A sphere, for instance, would produce a circle at first no larger than a point, but which would increase gradually until it became a great circle of the sphere and then decrease again to a point. A right circular cone, assuming it to approach apex first, and parallel with the axis of the third dimension, would also first produce a circle no larger than a point : this ^\■ould also gradually grow, but it would not subse- quentJN' decrease like that produced b\- the sphere. Furthermore, provided that both cone and sphere moved downwards with uniform velocitw there would also be this difference — that any point on the circular section of the cone would mo\-e radialh- outwards with a uniform velocit\', whilst an\' point on the similar section of the sphere would move outwards with variable velocity : and its acceleration w ould be just as characteristic of the sphere as the uniform velocity was of the cone. Any other figure would produce a characteristic acceleration. Now just as the sphere and cone moving down- wards along the axis of the third dimension pre- sented the phenomenon of a plane: figure (the circle) growing equally in the two dimensions of the plane, so would the spherical figure of tlie fourth dimension (equation x''^+y-+z'^+u"=r^), and the cone-like figure of the same degree, each moving downwards along the axis of the fourth dimension with a uniform velocity, present to us the phenomenon of a solid figure (the sphere) growing equally in the three dimensions of space : in the first instance with characteristic acceleration, and in the second with uniform velocity; and just as it is possible to account for any imaginable change in the size and shape of a plane figure b_\' the hypothesis that it forms part of a solid figure moving downwards along the axis of the third dimension, so similarh- is it possible to explain any increase or decrease in the length, breadth and thickness of a solid figure h\' the hvpothesis that it forms part of a four-dimensioned figure moving downwards along the axis of the fourth dimension. It is likewise [)ossible to explain the propagation of ether and other vibrations, originating from a point, in the same way ; for we know that such vibrations, starting from the point, advance at a uniform rate in all directions, so that the wave front of each \'ihration consists of a sphere constantl}- growing outwards at a uniform velocitv, the precise phenomena that would be produced bv a downward movement along the fourth dimension of some four- dimensioned cone-like figure. There is this objection, however, to such a theor\-, that if ether is infinitely dimensioned, there is no reason wh\- the \'ihrations should not extend equally in all of them, so that the shape of each wave front would be represented by the formula x-+y^+ . . . (oo terms in all) = r"-^, and it is impossible to presuppose this figure to be the section of any other figure or for it to be caused bv motion along a dimension not included in the equation, for all the dimensions are included therein. There is. however, another point of view from which to regard the propagation of these vibrations. It is known that before the discharge of an electric spark, the ether in the neighbourhood is in a state of tension; it might be regarded as being attracted towards the point where the electrical charge is collected. Now suppose for the moment that we regard the ether as only three-dimensioned, and ourselves to be only capable of appreciating two dimensions; and let the charged point lie in the plane of our obser\-ation. The ether will Ix' attracted to the point from all directions, and wc may imagine the space about the point divided up int(.) an infinite number of con- tiguous cones of ether, all with their apices at the charged point; in the normal state of affairs, with no electrical charge in the neighbourhood, these cones would become cylindrical tubes, and the conical shajje is therefore always an unstable one, tending to re\ert to the cvlindrical form as soon as the point is discharged. It is obvious that in undergoing this change of form on the discharge taking jjlace, all we should appreciate would be an ether disturbance travelling outwards from the point in the form of an e\er-increasing circle; for we could only observe the lateral expansion of the cone whose axis was perpen- dicular to our plane of observation; all the other cones in their expansion would immediately extend above or below our plane, and thus become unobservable. Now similarly, since we observe an electrical dis- turbance to travel outwards in an ever-growing sphere, we may imagine the ether in the neighbour- hood of the charged point to be composed of a series of four-dimensioned, cone-like figures ; or assuming that the disturbance travels outwards in as many dimensions as possible, to be composed of infinitel\' dimensioned cone-like figures, each of which has for cross section a figure whose equation is x-+y-+ . . . (oo — 1 terms in all)=r-, AN INEXPENSIVE APPARATUS FOR THE SYSTEMATIC SEPARATION OF SEDIMENTS BY MEANS OF HEA\'Y SOLUTIONS. Hv CHARLES R. MAPP. F.R.M.S. Figure 1. Heavy solutions, such as those of Klein, Sonstadt, Rohrbach, or Braun, offer a read\- and fairly satis- factory means of separating sediments, sands, and comminuted rocks into groups varying in specific gravity, and thus materially assist the laboratory ex- amination of such material for the identification and estimation of the com- ponent minerals either qualitati\el\- or quantita- tivelv. In using them, however, numerous small difficulties present them- selves, and the process becomes both lengthy and tedious unless carried out in definite steps, which, hv repeated use, become ciuite mechanical. Having recenth" had occasion to so examine numerous specimens of Liassic and Keuper rocks, a simple piece of apparatus which could be made easil}- and at small cost became desirable. Unforeseen defects occurred frequenth'. which rendered modifications necessary, but the apparatus described below will be found to work satisfactorih- for ordinary purposes. It is a modified form of one described by Dr. J. W. Evans (see Geol. Mag. 1891, page 67). It can be made readily with a gla spring clip tubing. Figure 1 represents a section of the complete apparatus. The funnel is cut off about half an inch below the shoulder, and to the cut end is attached a piece of rubber tubing about one inch long. A spring clip like those employed with burettes, either of Mohr's or Hofmann's pattern, is fixed on this indiarubber tubing. The remaining portion consists of a piece of glass tubing, having the same, or nearly the same, bore as the stem of the funnel, with a short length of rubber tubing at each end. The construction is better seen in Figures 2 and 3. The lower end is provided w ith indiarubber tubing of such a size that it forms a fairly tight fit when pressed down into the funnel stem, while it is funne a thistle funnel, and glass and rubber of smaller bore than the glass tubing. Since it has to be stretched to fit on to the glass tube, the portion which projects over the glass, and which should be about half an inch long will form a truncated cone, which will securely close the entrance to the stem of the funnel when pressed down with a rotating motion. At the upper extremity there are two separate pieces of glass, which are used at different stages in the manipulation. In the diagram X is a piece of glass rod, or of glass tub- which can readily be inserted mto the short length of rubber tubing to render that end air-tight. In Figure 3, Y is the head of a thistle funnel, which can be similarly inserted. Now as to the method employed in fractionating (Figure 2) ing closed at each end, length the rins ediments. The funnel can be fixed on the ^ of a retort stand or other convenient support. The heavy solution of the particular specific gra\it\ to be used is now poured in carefully, to within a reasonable distance of the top of the funnel. It will be found to be a good plan to place the bottle under the funnel, and after cautiously opening the clip slightly, to let a small quantity of the liquid flow out, both to remove any air bubbles and to ensure that the whole surface of the rubber tubing is wetted. The sediment or grains of matter to be separated, which should previously have been washed and dried, or treated in any way chemically, are now poured on to the surface of the liquid. The stopper with the part X in the upper end, may next be used to stir the sediment thoroughly into the liquid. The object in having the upper end closed by X is to keep the stopper full of air, and so prevent any of the liquid entering it by capillary attraction, in which case grains are in- the the variably taken up by liquid, interfering with success of the separation at a later stage. The stopper and the liquid is allowed to hours. If tht_> hea\'\- liquid used I-'IGLRK ■ ICL'RE is now laid aside, settle for several is hygroscopic, the 217 218 KNOWLEDGE. Junk, 1911. funiifl sliould be covered by a piece of clean paper. The heavy mineral ,t;rains should now collect in the portion between the clip and the neck of the funnel. When no further movement can be detected the stopper is plunged beIo\\ the surface of the li(iuid. and moved carefully to and fro several times, to rid it of any grains which ha\e been carried down on its low er extremity, and then inserted in the neck of the funnel with a rotary motion which fixes it firmly in the neck. The plug X is removed and the thistle funnel liead "\' inserted in its place. A second fniiiiel with a folded filter pajier in it is placctl m the neck of the solution bottle which i> placed beneath the apparatus. The clip is next opened (juickly. and the li([uid from the portion below the stopper flows out carrying with it the heavy grains. More fresh li(]uiil is now poured into the thistle funnel which fiows down anil washes an\- adhering grains out. The clip is then closed again. The filtered liquid fiows back into the bottle and can be used again, while the grainj are retained on the filter i)aper (funnel A) Figure 4. The stopper is now removed, and put ,■ aside to be w^ashed. A third funnel with filter paper is also placed in the neck of the bottle which is again (placed below the apparatus. The clip is opened again and all the li(|uid fiows out carrying with it the b^i^btcr portion of the grains. .\n additional arnimiit n| Hcpiid iioincd in the separating tunnel will also How out and carry witli it an\- remaining grains which have adhered to the funnel or tubes. The liquid will filter into the bottle, while the grains will be retain(_'( on this second paper (funnel B). All that now remains to be done, i)reparator\- to mounting for examination, is to wash the grains thoroughl}-. The liquids used being fairly expensive, it is also desirable to perform this washing economicalh'. The tollowing suggestions are offered with a \-iew to collecting the washings from the various funnels, papers, and Figure 5. grains, for ct)ncentration. If all the are so retained in a stock bottle and call}- treated suitablw great saving is since the resulting concentrated solution ma\' be used for fresh separations. There will thus be three funnels to be washed : — (1) the separating funnel : (2) funnel A with the heavy grains; (J) fuimel 15 with the lighter grains. It is suggested that a retort stand with three narrow rings, or any stand with three sui)ports capabk' of holding the three funnels in such a positinii that they are \eiticall\- over each other, be used, b'igure 4 gives a diagrammatical represen- tation of the arrangement. In the top ring is the separating funnel, with the sjiring clip removed and the stopper resting in it. In the middle rint tunnel B rh has the filter paper holding the lighter grains. The lowest ring supports funnel .\ which has the heav\- grains on the filter paper. It is advocated that these funnels be arianged in this order for the following reason. .\ny grains, which will belong to the lighter portion of the separation, which ha\e not been washed down ivnm the separating funnel, NN ill tall down to funnel 1! \\ith the washing \\;ilcr, and so join tlii' pro- per set ol ,i;rains. It fininel A were [)laced in the middle there would be a danger of these grains getting into the wrong set. -V fine spray ot distilh.d water is directed nil to the surface of the top funnel from a wash bottle, and this water, after cleaning that funnel, passes down through r> and .\. finally enterini; the stock buttle of washings placed underneath. I'ue or six such washings should suffice to clean the grains and a[)paratus. The filter [japers bearing the grains ma\' next be dried in a steam oven, or '"' in any dry place free from dust. The chief defect in this apparatus, which is common to all similar ones, is that the separation is not entirel\' reliable, owing to surface tension and similar small attractions which are ine\itabl\' present in the liipiid. h'igure 5 shows the chief regions where these operate. In the shaded portions the grains are under slight attractions, due to the above-mentioned causes: consequently heavy grains which get into these mar- ginal parts, ma\' iKit sink properly. At X and \' particularlw there is a tendenc}' tor the grains to climb up the sides of the funnel, al)o\e the mean le\el of the lii]uid, where the ass lopmj: ,da w aslnngs periodi- effected, meniscus touches the sides. Great care and perse\erance are necessary to overcome this and other ine\'itable difficulties. ISy keeping three sets ot this apparatus in use on one stand tor liijuids of different densities, the grains may be sorted into four sets. Using litjuids of Specific Gravit}-, 2-7, 2-9, and 3-1, the following sets ma\- be obtained : — (1) Specific Gra\it\' less than _'•/. (2) Specific Gnwity between 2-7 and 2-'). (.5) Specific Gravity between 2-'' and .)•!. (4) Specific Gravitv greater than .>• 1. B\' increasing the grains ma\- further be restricted sets. nuinlier ot clitferentiatinl quids, the into more THE MNEGAR INDUSTRY. Bv C. AIXSWOKTH MITCHELL. B.A. (Oxoni. F.LC. Notwithstanding the fact that the manufacture to three hours, the whole of the starch in the grain of vinegar is one of the oldest industries in this has been converted into sugar b}- the enzyme, country, and that in London alone there is an output diastase, present in the germ of the malt, of several million gallons a vear, it is surprising how When this conversion is complete the icorf, as the little is know n In- the outside world of the way in infusion is now termed, is drawn off, and, without which it is made. being boiled with hops, as in the case of beer, is This is largely the result of the policy of secrecv transferred to a fermenting tun, and treated with a with which each firm of vinegar - makers jealousK' guarded its methods during the last century : although, as thev were work- ing upon practically identical lines. the\' had little to conceal from one another. To such a pitch was this craze for secrecy carried that some of the firms made use of thermometers with marks upon them instead of a scale, while others went e\en further, and deceived their workmen bv the use of thermometers in which the scales were of set purpose graduated incorrecth". suitable \'east. In some \inegar works the wort is obtained hv means of the conversion pro- cess, instead of by mashing. In this process the grain, usually rice or maize, without malt, is treated with dilute mineral acid, such as sulphuric acid, in a closed vessel termed the converter. Under suitable con- ditions the acid hydroh'ses the starch in a manner analogous to that of the diastase of malt, and produces a saccharine solution, which, after neutralisation of the residual Figure 1. In ail the British factories, which in the B. Kiitziiigiaiiuiu. acid with calcium carbonate and separation year 1840 numbered forty-eight, the methods (Hansen). Figure 2. B. accti. (Hansen.) of working had been handed down within the works themselves, and few attempts were made to reduce to a minimum the chemical and mechanical losses inevitable ^ during the manufacture. ^ During the last quarter of a century, however, there has been a great improve- ment in this direction, and many of the factories now have up-to-date apparatus and are under scientific direction, though numerous examples of the primitive works, universal fifty vears ago. still sur\ive. There has been little alteration in the general principles of manufacture in an\- of the works, the process still following the three stages of pre- paring a saccharine infusion of a cereal, of fermenting the sugar in this into alcohol, and of trans- forming the alcohol into acetic acid by the action of bacteria. Although wine vinegar is made to ^3^j__- s.o=c=t3- a small extent in this country-, the o=cOc^ooO=>- ^'^=..s§^-==Cj product chieflv sold is derived from malt, or from a mixture of malt with grain or sugar, and would therefore be more correctly described by the now obsolete term alegar. The first stage of its manufacture is very similar to the mashing process in a brewer\". The malt, or of the resulting insoluble calcium sulphate, is readv for fermentation. Bv whichever method obtained, the w cirt is now pitched w ith yeast, and is aerated and kept at the best temperature to convert as much as possible of the sugar into alcohol. Upon the successful working of this stage of the process ^ largely depends the subsequent strength of the vinegar, since all saccharine matter i including dextrins) which has escaped the action of the yeast, will also remain unaffected by the acetic bacteria. The fermented wort (now termed ^j/e), which usually contains about six or seven per cent, of alcohol, is -'O.-. ;7c.JS??o:,^~^^^ now ready for the third stage — the conversion of this alcohol into acetic acid. This is brought about by the action of specific bacteria, termed acetic bacteria, which convey oxy- sjen from the air to the alcohol, and transform it into acetic acid. The reaction that takes place in the process is usually represented by the formula — Figure 3. B. pastoriaimin. (Hansen). C.,H,0 + O., .\lcohol Oxygen CoH.O, + HoO Acetic Acid Water Species of Acetic Bacteria multiplied by 1000. though, in practice, many other com- pounds are formed, in addition to aldeh\de. w hich is probably invariabh" mixture of malt and grain, is first crushed between produced as an intermediate stage in the oxidation- rollers and heated in a mash-tun with water at a C.,HgO -f- O = C.jH^O + HoO gradually increasing temperature, until, after two Alcohol Oxygen .\ldehyde Water 219 220 KNOWLEDGE. June, 1911. The exact part playt-d by the bacteria in this process is still obscure, and it has not yet been ascertained whether the bacteria consume the alcohol and excrete it as aldehvde and acetic acid. or whether they contain an enz\ inc. the function of which is to act, as platinum black can do (possibly Figure 4. Vinegar Fields in the year ISOO. Drawing off the Vint bv setting up suitable vibrations in the alcohol), as a carrier between the o.xygen and the alcohol. The isolation of the enzyme, zyiiuisc. from \east. and the proof that even in the form of a dr\- powder dcdhol, led to repeated it could ferment sugar int efforts to isolate an analogous oxidising enz\me from acetic bacteria : but, as yet, all such attempts to express from the ruptured cells a liquid which after filtration should produce the effect of the living bacteria, have ended in failure. Several species of acetic bacteria have been isolated. differing from one another in their form, in tlie temperatures at whicli the\- work best, and in the nature of the products that they yielti. ()f these the best known are thr three species first studied in 1894 by Hansen and shown in the accompan\ing illustrations. (Ser Figures 1 . 2 and .S.) All are cliaracterised by thi different in\-olution forms which thev assume when culti\ated upon a suitable medium, under different conditions. In each case when grown iip(.>n the surface of a nutrient liijuid, such as wort, at a temperature of about .54" C. (9.5" P.), the\' form pellicles upon the surface, but the skin thus produced differs m apjiearance. that of B. act'ti being moist. smooth, and >lini\'. while that ol B. pastoriainim is dr\", and has a corrugated surface. In the case of B. Kiitziu^uimini the cells are. as a rule, isolated, and the forma- tion of chains rarel\- occiu's. whereas the occur- rence of separate cells is the exception in the case of the other two species. The cells of B. dCL'ti are narrower than those of the others, and nut infrequentK' show a form reseml)ling a figure-of-eight, as was first noticed Iw' Pasteur. The pellicle or skin formed by all these bacteria is \\ hat is termed a zoogloeal form, and consists of the cells united together into a tnass by the swelling and fusion together of the outside cellular membranes. PopularK- it is known as motlier-of-viiie}iai\ and its excessive development in the worts is an indication that in- sufficient air is being supplied to the bacteria. The apparatus in which origin- all}- this acetic fermentation was effected consisted of nothing more than barrels filled with wood shav- ings, through which the wt.irt. after being mixed with a little finished vinegar containing the acetic bac- teria, was allowed to trickle. Hundreds of these casks were ranged abo\(.' [)ipes communicating with the gyle store vats, and were filled by means of a flexible hose connected with the pipe. Each day the bungs were uncovered, if the weather was fine, in order to admit a 'fresh supply of air to the interior of the cask, this process being continued for many weeks until the acetification was complete. The accompan\-ing illustration (see Figure 4) represents a portion of the largest of these vinegar fields (those of Messrs. Beaufoy & Co.) at beginning of the nineteenth century. the \ " Sendiii.n-oiit " W.irehouse. Ill, I klv 5. Beaufov's Vinos ;r Warehouse in the ve.ir IHOO. .\s these fields necessarily covered a very large area the}- were obviously little suited for places where land was valuable, .\part from that, fielding, as it was termed, was a ver\- slow process of acetification, and involved heavy wastage. Hence, when. 1823, Schiitzenbach devised JUNi:. 1011. KNOWLEDGE. 221 more rapid method of acetification, his apparatus was speedih- adopted in Europe, and more slowly in this country. The acetitiers emplo\-ed in w liat was then termed the quick process consisted of large vats holding from two thousand to three thousand gallnns each. About two-thirds of the way down they were provided with a perforated false bottom, and the whole of the space above was filled with beech shavings, while holes for the admission of air were made in the side of the vat, just above the false bottom, and smaller holes for its escape in the top. The g\"le was constantly pumped over from the bottom of the vat to the top. and trickling down through the shavings met with a current of air, which was drawn into the vat, under the influence of the heat promoted by the reaction. About three weeks were required for the complete conversion of the alcohol into acetic acid. The acetifying apparatus used at the present da\', is essentialh- the same as that of Schiitzenbach, the chief differences being in the nature of the packing material placed in the vat, and in the method of distributing the g\-le over the surface at the top, so as to insure its reaching all parts of the aerating medium. In most acetifiers a sparger is used for sprinkling the li(]uid over the material, and basket work is commonl}" emplo\-ed in place of wood shavings. The principle of the sparger is shown in P'igure 6, which represents a section of the upper portion of an acetifier. The liquid is pumped from the bottom of the \at and discharged into the funnel at the top, this funnel being boxed in to prevent loss by evaporation. Thence it flows down through the tube G. into the sparger R, which revolves smoothly upon a pivot S. In the arms of the sparger are a number of small holes through which the liquid passes, and thus causes the sparger to re\dl\e steadily and to sprinkle uniformh- the whole of the surface of the basket work, which is also shown in the figure. A thermometer inserted through a hole in the side of the acetifier shows the temperature within the apparatus, and affords an indication whether the acetification is following a normal course. No more striking illustration of the manner in which scientific text-books will copy errors from one another can be found than in the assertions that are put forward as to the temperatures at which acetic bacteria thrive the best. This is commonly given as about 90'' to 95 F.. and according to Brannt, " the formation of \'inegar ceases entirely at 104" F." Yet the writer has frequentK' seen the thermometers record a tem- perature of 110- F., and there is no doubt that in this country, at all events, the bacteria are most active at a temperature of about 105 F. Possibly, this may be the result of ada[)tation to the sur- rounding conditions, since in Continental vinegar works the temperature of the acetifiers seldom exceeds 95° F. The conditions for successful working are, firstly a regular and uniform supply of air, and secondly the right temperature. If too much air is admitted the bacteria w ill oxidise part of the acetic acid the\- have produced and a weak vinegar will result. If too little air is available the acetification proceeds ver\- slowly, the bacteria fonii themselves into the zoogloeal condition mentioned above, and the acetifier becomes clogged with slimy masses which still further stop the passage of the air, so that it forms currents in one portion instead of effecting uniform aeration. However carefulh' the process may be carried out, the reaction never proceeds quantitatively in practice, and the loss of acidit\', due to evaporation of the alcohol and irregular aeration resulting in the destruction of acetic acid, usually ranges from ten to twenty per cent., and may, in very faulty apparatus, reach as much as thirt\' per cent. Most of the modern patents have had for their object the remed\ing of these defects. Thus, in some types of acetifiers, the air issuing from the apparatus is carried back again into the vat, the idea being, that the volatile constituents of the vinegar w ill thus be prevented from escaping. In others, attempts have been made to accelerate the speed of oxidation, and thus reduce the period of loss, by the introduction of ozonised air, but these do not appear to have met with much success. The key to the problem appears to be the provision of a sufficiently large aerating medium through which the air can circulate with absolute uniformity, and experiments on a large scale, made by the present w riter, have show n that so long as these conditions can be maintained, the conversion of alcohol into acetic acid proceeds almost in accordance with the theoretical requirement. After the vinegar leaves the acetifiers it is stored ioT some time to form the ethers to which it owes its aroma, and is then clarified by filtration through large vats containing a suitable filtering medium, such as fine sand. Finally it is diluted to the required strengths, and is sent out to the trade. From the davs i)f Charles II. to the reign of William I\'. vinegar was under the control of the Excise, and paid duty in accordance with its acetic strength, \\hich was determined b\- the Excise Officers by means of a special hydrometer, the vine- gar being first neutralised b\" the addition of pure calcium carbonate. Not until the year 1836 did \inegar cease to be tested by the Excise Officials. As it leaves the filtering vats, vinegar has an acetic strength of 6 per cent., and upwards, and is termed '' 24 \'inegar." Originally this name indicated that one fluid ounce required 24 grains of sodium carbonate to neutralise its acidity, but in the trade the name is now applied to vinegars containing 5 • 5 }>er cent, of acetic acid and upwards. In like manner, the lower strengths of vinegar are known as ■• 16," " 18," " 20," and " 22," the lowest of these containing 4- 1 per cent, of acid. There is no legal standard as to the permissible KNOWLEDGE. Jl-ne, 1911. dilution of vinegar, and a cheap vinegar containing 3-5 per cent, of acetic acid is often sold under the name of " Diamond." .\ recommendation was recently made. ho\\ever. in a report to the Local Government Board that vinegar containing less than 4 per cent, of acetic acid should not he sold, and tlu're is 'a general tendency on vinegar manufacturers to accept this standard, which has been upheld in undefended cases in the ])olice courts. With regard to what should be the composition of the other constituents in vinegar, there is no agreement either among manufacturers themseh-es or among scientific authorities. Should malt vinegar be brewed entirely from malted barle\-. or is any sort of malted grain ])crmissible ? According to the ohl Pharmacopoeia malt vinegar was to be brewed from a mixture of malted and unmalted grain, and if this is accepted. rice must be regarded as quite as admissible as barlew .Again, maize is largeh- used bv vinegar makers, but the opinions of authorities differ upon the [joint whether glucose derived from maize is I)ermissil)le. .-Ml these variations in the materials used affect the hnal composition of the solid matter in the vinegar, and prevent the analyst from drawing deductions as to the origin of the (iroduct. Thus a vinegar made entireh- from malt will contain a considerable proportion of phosphates and nitrogenous substances, whereas in a rice \'inegar the amounts of these constituents will be verv much less, and. in the absence of special knowledge to the the part of contrar}', such a \'inegar might verv well be certified as containing added acetic acid. The so-called "wood vinegar," which consists of acetic acid obtained by the destructive distillation of wood and coloured with caramel, is a perfectlv wholesome article, and no ob- jection need be taken to its sale under its own name. The legitimate vinegar maker has, however, to meet the competi- tion ()f the " vinegar faker," will I with the aid of no other plant than a barrel of acetic acid and a keg of caramel, is able to put uj)on the market a product which he sells at a cheap price under such titles as " Double refined malt vinegar." The occasional prose- cution of the retailers of these concoctions does little to check the evil, for the "manufacturer" promptly leaves his "works." usualh' a back vard. and cannot be found. It is not long, howexer. before he re-apjiears under another name, and continues to meet the popular demand for "pure malt vinegar" at a price at which it Cduld not possibly be made. Figure (?. Section of Upper I'art of a Modern .\cetifier. NOTICE.S. .\ Xi:\V l'110Xl>GK.\I'H.— M. Lifschit^. ayoting Knssian scientific man now working in Paris, has invented a phonograph which uses photography for recording the \ibrations of human voice. He began his experiments in Russia but has continued them in M. Dastre's laboratory at the Sorbonne, and there a demonstration has been given before a small gathering of the friends of science with a rough model constructed by the inventor and M. Victor Henry. The sonorous vibrations of the voice striUing a membrane are thrown in the form of luminous images by a small mirror upon a sensitive photographic film travelling at a high speed as a band, and describe a curve upon it. Where the light acts on it. the film is rendered hard and insoUiblc. The other parts remain soft, and may be washed away. For reproducing the voice the band passes before a " fente " behind which is a chest of compressed air. .As the hollows of the curve move rapidly before the " fente " the air as it escapes reproduces the vibrations which caused them — in other words it reproduces the vibrations of the human voice. The word " curve " is used here in its scientific sense. There are. in fact, "' makes " and '" breaks." Theoretically, the membrane which actuates the mirror may be dispensed with. M. Dastre is convinced that the new phonograph when properly constructed, will give results far above those yielded by mechanical phonographs of the lidison type. Photographing vibrations is not new. What is new is the combination of principles and the method of reproducing the results of the photography. ., .- .. STUNVHLKST COLLEGE UBSEKN ATOKV. — The Report of the Director, Rev. W. Sidgreaves, S.J., F'.R.-A.S., for 1910. just to hand, shows a good record of work. It was found that " the year's mean barometric pressure was a little below the average, and of the month means only those of March, September and October were above their respective averages. These also were the drier months, the only ones in which the rainfall was below the monthly average. But the duration of sunshine was less than the average in September and October. The highest reading of the barometer occurred in March, and the lowest in F'ebruarj'. The former was a fine dry month, the latter remark.able for its number of rainy days, the greatest number recorded for F'ebruary in sixty-three years." During the same period no January has shown so great a rainfall as this, 8-043 inches, nor so great a fall in one day as on the 15th. when 2-07 inches were recorded. Of the one hundred and sixty-six days on which the Sun w-as observed the disc was free from — presumably dark — spots on no less than forty, and drawings were made on the remaining one hundred and twenty-six. The mean daily area covered by spots II being equivalent to 5n\,f)th of the visible surface! fell from 3-8 in 1909 to 1-S in 1910. It is, however, remarkable that the daily declination range of the magnetic needle increased from 13-5 in 1909 to 14-5 in 1910. During the year no %ery great magnetic disturbances were recorded, though January 25th, March 27th, 2Sth and 30th, April 1st and 27th. June 8th, 19th and 20th, .August 9th, 21st. 22nd and 28th, September 29th, October 4th, 6th, 12th and 27th, and December 2Sth, are all recorded as great. ,. .- ,^ THE FACE OF THE SKY FOR JUNE. Bv W. SHACKLETON, A.R.C.S., F.R.A.S. The Sun. — On the 1st the Sun rises at 3.51 and sets at 8.4 ; on the 30th he rises at 3.4S and sets at 8.18. Summer com- mences on the 22nd. when the Sun enters the sign of Cancer at 1.35 p.m.; this is the longest day, the Sun being 16" 34™ above the horizon. The equation of time is negligible on the 15th; hence this is a convenient day for adjusting sundials, as only the correction for longitude is needed. Sunspots and prominences are not very numerous; at the time of writing no spots are visible. The positions of the Sun's axis, equator, and heliographic longitude of the centre of the solar disc are shown in the following table. An example of a disc suitable for solar projection was shown on page 200 of the May issue. Venus : Date. Axis inclined from N. point. Centre of Disc S. or X, of Sun's Equator. Heliographic Longitude of Centre of Disc. May JI 16" s'n- 0° 43'S •15° 59' June 3 ... 14 u'W 0° 6'S 49" 40' ,, lo ... 12° ti'W 0° 30' X 343° 3S' „ 15 • 10' 5'W I" 6'i\ 277" 2S' ,, 20 ... 7" 55'W 1° 41'N 211° 16' „ 25 ... 3 40' VV 2° !6'N 145° 5' „ 30 ■■ J 25 'W 2° 50 'N 7S° 55' luly 5 ... i" S'W f 23 'N 12° 44' The Moon :- Date. Phases. 11. M. June 3 ... ,, II ... ,, 19 ... ,, 26 ... July 3 ... )) First Quarter ... 0 p-ull Moon (I Last Quarter • New Moon D First Quarter 10 4 p.m. 9 51 P-"i- 8 51 p.m. I 20 p.m. 9 20 a.m. Jun-j II ... ,. 26 ... Apogee Perigee .. 10 42 p.m. 3 6 a m. 1 OcciLT.\TlONS. — The only naked eye star occulted before midnight is the fifth magnitude star 22 Scorpii ; disappearance takes place on the 10th at 9. 38 p.m. at an angle of 90 from the N. point of the Moon, and reappearance at 10.55 p.m. at an angle of 312". THE PLANETS. Mercury Date. Right Ascension. Declination. h. m. June I 2 57 N 13" 6' ,, 11 ... 3 44 17° II' 2 ! 4 54 21" 49' July I ... 6 24 24' 21' „ II ... 7 56 N 22° 37' Mercury is a morning star in Taurus during the early part of the month. On the 1st the planet rises in the E.N.E. at 3.10 a.m. ; on this date Mercury is at greatest westerly elongation of 24° 30', from the Sun, but the elongation is ail unfavourable one on account of the planet only rising 40 minutes in advance of the Sun. Date. Right Ascension, Declination. li, ni. June I ... 7 36 N 24° 0' II ... S 23 2I-' 42' ., 21 ... 9 7 ■8' 35' July I .. 9 47 14" 52' II 10 22 N 10° 46' . Venus is a brilliant object in the evening sky looking W'.X.W. immediately after Sunset. The planet is extremely well placed for observation, appearing high above the horizon at Sunset and not setting till 11.20 p.m. on the 1st and 10.37 p.m. on the 30th. Moreover, the planet can readily be seen long before it is dark and even in broad daylight a small pair of opera glasses is sufficient optical aid to render it visible if directed to the correct position in the sky. The best time for observing is whilst the background of the sky is still light, for the brightness of the planet is so intense that it requires an uncommonly good telescope to observe when dark, partly because the planet is then lower in the sky and partly on account of the luminosity of the planet being strong enough to reveal any lack of achromatism in the telescope ; thus in poor instruments a blue halo frequently appears to surround the image. With magni- fying powers of 150 to 250, dark shadings may be seen on the planet's disc towards the terminator, the limb appearing intensely brilliant. As seen in the telescope the planet appears slightly gibbous 0'6 of the disc being illuminated, whilst the diameter of the disc is about 20". The Moon appears near the planet on the evening of the 29th. M.\RS : — Date. Right Ascension. Declination. June I ... ,, II ... ., 21 .. Tuly I ... ,, II ... h. m. 2 J 59 0 26 0 52 1 IS I 44 .S 2^' 10' N 0° 38' 3" 23' 6" i' N S' 29' Mars is a morning star in Pisces, rising nearly due E. early in the month, and later a little N, of E, On June 1st, the planet rises about 1.30 a.m., and on July 1st. about ten minutes I'u;i'Ki'; I. Ccmjunclion of Mar.s and the Moon, June 21, after midnight. The planet is increasing in brightness the apparent diameter being now nearly 8". On the morning of 223 224 KNOWLEDGE. June, 1911. :he 21st. at 1 a.m. the Moon is in conjunction with the planet, Mars being only 0' 12' to the nofth isec I^iKure 1). Jupiter: — Saturn Date. Kii;ht .Ascen.sion. Declination. June 1 .. ., II ... ,, 21 ... July I ... ,, II ... ' h. 111. 14 i: 14 14 14 - 14 II 14 12 .S 12° 19' 12" 7' 1 1 " 59' 1 1 ° sS' S 12° ~i' Jupiter is a brilliant object in the evenini; sky looking South, and is in the very best position for observation. Near the middle of the month the planet is on the meridian at 8.45 p.m., but observations m.ay commence as soon as it is dark, since he is above the horizon at Sunset. The planet is describing a retrograde path near a V'irginis and is at the stationary point on July 3rd. The most noticeable features as seen in the telescope are the moons, the dark belts, and the polar flattening ; this latter is shown by the equatorial diameter being 41"- 6 and the polar diameter 2"- 7 less. If sufficient magnifying power be used with a telescope of about four inches aperture, markings and also the " Great Red Spot " on the belts may be observed, from which the period of rotation may be deduced. This is only Q'" 53'". which explains the cause of the obl.iteness of the planet. The following table gives the satellite phenomena visible before midnight : — V c = P.M.'s. SI H. ,M. 1 ,1 Phenomenon. 2 1 CO d c c i S P.M.'.s. !X H. M. [lint June June I Tr. E. Q 44 Q 11. Ec. R. II 3S 33 I. Oc. 1 ). 10 8 I Sh. K. 10 2S 11 111. Ec. R. 9 38 24 I. Tr. E. 9 36 8 Tr. I. q 20 15 1. Tr. I. II 8 24 1. Sh. E, 10 41 8 Sh. I. 10 10 16 11. Oc. D. g 42 25 II. Sh. E. II 19 8 Tr. K. II 31 It) 1. Ec. R. 1 1 26 Ill Oc. 1 1. II 42 9 Ec. R. 9 32 iS 111. Oc. R. 9 42 "Oc. D." denotes the disappearance of the Satellite behind the disc, and " Oc. R-"_its reappearance: " Tr. I." the ingress of a transit across the disc, and " Tr. E." its egress ; " Sh. I." the ingress of a transit of the shadow across the disc, and "Sh. E." its egress; " Ec. D." denotes disappearance of Satellite by Eclipse, and " Ec. R." its reappearance. The configurations of the satellites as seen in an inverting telescope and observing at 11 p.m. are as follows: — Da)-. West. East. Day. West. East. I 4321 O 16 43 0 92 91 2 34 O 21 17 431 0 2 3 31 0 4 2 iS 42 IJ 3 I 4 2 O 314 iq 241 (_^ 3 5 ■; 0 34 20 I > 4123 6 0 1234 21 I I-'' 5 4 7 1034 22 23 0 14 8 32 0 4 23 32 0 4 •! 9 3 0 14 •z 24 31 0 24 10 3' 0 24 25 23 0 I 4 1 1 2 0 J I 26 21 0 34 12 U 0 3 27 0 ■; 43 '3 4 0 123 28 '4 0 5 14 41 0 I 29 423 0 I 15 423 0 I 30 4321 0 The circle (O) represents Jupiter; O signifies that the Satellite is on the disc ; • signifies that the Satellite is behind the disc, or in the shadow. The numbers are the numbers of the Satellites. Date. Right Ascension. Declination. June I .. ., 16 .. July 1 .. 11. 111. 2 47 2 54 3 0 >•■ 13° .S3' H" 22' N 14° 47' Saturn is a morning star in Aries, rising E.N.E., about 3 a.m.. on the 1st June, and at 1.7 a.m. on the 30th. In con- sequence of the planet being in a bright portion of the sky he is, for all practical purposes, unobservable. Ur.ANUS : — Dale. Right .Ascension. Declination. luiic I ... July I .. ll. 111. s. 20 5 14 20 I 28 S 20" 53' 49" S 2P' 5' if Uranus rises in the S.E. at 11.20 p.m. on the 1st, and at 9.23 p.m. on the 30th. The planet is unfavourably placed for observation, as he is low down in the sky ; he is describing a retrograde, or westerly, path, about 2° S.E. of f Capricorni ; he can just be discerned with the naked eye on a very clear night, but is easily visible through a pair of opera glasses. Neptuxe : — Date. Right Ascension. Declination. June I July I ... ll. 111. s. 7 25 15 7 29 35 N 21° 24' 49" N 21" 16' 20" Neptune is practically unobservable as he sets at 11 p.m., on the 1st and at 9 p.m. on the 30th. Meteor Showers: — Date. Radiant. Name. Characteristics. R.A. Dec. June-July ... June 13 h. 111. 16 48 20 40 — 21" +61- a Scorpiids a Cepheids t Fireballs. Streaks, swift. Mira lo Cetit is due at maximum on the 30th. but obser- vations should be made before and after this date as the period is somewhat variable. The magnitude at maximum is usually about 3'0 but this, too, is variable. The spectrum at maximum is a mixed one exhibiting both bright and dark lines. Telescopic Objects : — Double St.\rs, &c. — 7 Virginis .\II." 37'", S. 0" 54', mags. 3, 3, separation 6"-0. Fine doable for small telescopes with a magnification of about 80. /i Scorpii, XVI." 0'", S. 19 34', m.ags. 27, 5'2 ; separation 13".l. e Lyrae, XVIII.'' 41'". N. 39° if, known as the "double- double " star, can just be separated by the naked eye, but with a pair of opera glasses it is readily divided into two components, fi and f-i, mags. 4'4 and 4"8. Using a 3-in. telescope and a power of about 120, each of these stars can again be divided into pairs, 3"'2 and 2"'6 apart respectively, each component being about magnitude 5'5. M 57 (Lyra), the "ring" nebula. This nebula is the only annular nebula accessible to telescopes of about 3-in. aperture, and even tiien requires good seeing. It is easily found, being situated about 3 of the distance from /^ to 7 Lyrae. The usual appearance in a 3-in. telescope is that of a rather large June, 1911. KNOWLEDGE. 225 nebulous star, but it bears magnification well, and its annular character can easily be made out with a moderately high power. M SO (Scorpio). A compact globular cluster half way between a and li Scorpii ; looks Ukc a nebula iu small telescopes. QUERIES AND ANSWERS. Rcailcrs arc invited to send in Questions and to answer the Queries which arc printed here. UU ESTIONS. 41. THE EFFECT OF RIGID RAILS ON THE SPEED OF A TRAIN. — A pendulum shows that, as one walks towards it, one makes a dimple in the ground. 1 ha\e often observed the dimple which is made by a running locomotive. As the engine is continually climbing out of consecutive dimples, a question arises — is the speed of a train lessened thereby, and would the train travel faster if the rails were absolutely rigid ? Francis Ram. 42. THE CARRI()N CROW.— Can any of your readers inform me whether a clutch of nine crow's eggs has been recorded ? I found a nest in the Hrent Valley this Spring containing eight greenish-brown eggs and one greenish-grey. The eight were at the bottom of the nest, and the other on top of the others. Geoffrey Ker Webb. 43. .\STRONOMY. — Of what value is " Urania's Mirror, or a View of the Heavens" (published by Sleighl, consisting of 32 coloured plates, engraved by Sid. Hall, sculptor '- A. M. F. REPLIES. 31. It has never come to my ears nor eyes that wireless telegraphy did or would have anything to do with changes in the weather, but to me it seems feasible and likely. The entire universe is built upon \ibrations, and electrical forces and storms are no exception. If it is true that wireless telegraphy may, in a measure, influence weather conditions, it is because of the vibrations of the electric and air waves it sends forth from the central station. Of course, the greater the electricitv generated the greater the change in the weather. I can go no further and state why these vibrations should cause any change in the weather, hut will give a few examples we have all seen or heard, A heavy peal of thunder during an electrical storm — one that jars the house and shakes the windows — is. in almost all cases, followed by a heavy downpour of rain. The terrible convulsions of the atmosphere during tornadoes, frequent in the southern states of the United States and the hurricanes of the West Indies, are invariably followed by torrential rains. Whirlwinds coming out of a clear sky are immediately followed by clouds and storminess. The fair weather preceding an earthquake is quickly changed, after the vibrations and tremors of the earth, into cold, cloudy and rainy conditions. After all great battles, where heavy cannonading has been going on for any length of time, rain is sure to fall with the gathering of clouds soon after. Even during the .American Independence celebration, rain generally falls at night in the places where the most fireworks have been set off, no matter how clear the weather had been during the day. Allow me to go one step farther and say that all the planets, as electric dynamos, are sending forth vibrations throughout space which causes the ocean tides and the varying storm and weather conditions upon ours and other whirling globes, ^ j^^ Pritchard, 39. ANTICYCLONE.— It is ijuite true that an anticyclone is not always the opposite of a cyclone as regards the actual strength of the wind, but there are certain properties of these systems which make them diametrically opposed. (1) The wind circulation is anti-clockwise in a cyclone, but clockwise in an anticyclone, (21 Pressure is highest at the centre of an anticyclone, but lowest at the centre of a cyclone; and, there- fore (31 the wind circulates spirally outwards iu an anticyclone, but spirally inwards in the case of a cyclone. (4) Comparatively speaking the calmest area of an anticyclone is at its centre, whereas the windiest area of a cyclone is at its centre. Thus the term "' anticyclone " does not always infer quiet weather. There is sometimes a difficulty in that there is no hard and fast boundary between the edge of an anticyclone and that of a cyclone ; one canrtot always say how much of the wind's strength is due to one system or the other. Thus the term " anti " is justified in four respects, not to mention the fact that an anticyclone usually drifts or remains stationary, whereas a cyclone generally has a much faster motion in a certain '^'^^'^''°"- ' C, H. E. R[(M.ATH. 40. WATER- FIN DING. —No scientific explanation is yet attainable. The supposition of those who have most thoroughly studied the phenomena is that some people can sub-consciously perceive underground water, and so on. by a kind of sixth sense, and that the sub-consciousness signals its discovery by twitching the muscles and thus moving the rod. The only scientific treatment of the subject at any length is in Professor W. F. Barrett's reports in the " Proceedings " of the Society for Psychical Research, Vols. 13 and 15. A condensation is given in his pamphlet " On the Hi'story and Mystery of the so-called Dowsing or Divining Rod," obtainable for Is., from the Secretary. Society for Psychical Research. 20. Hanover Square, London, W, J, Arthi'r H[li., 5S. H.ALLEY'S COMET. — "Interested" asks a question with reference to the determination of the distance of Halley's Comet from the Sun, and also its velocity, at any time, say two >ears after passing Perihelion, .April 19th, 1912. The following easy method can be used, when the pertur- bations of the planets are not taken into consideration. Let the figure represent the path of the Comet in its orbit, where A.-^' is the axis major of the ellipse described, S the Sun in one of the foci of the ellipse, C the centre, and M the Comet two years after passing perihelion. Of course A will represent perihelion point. We assume the following data in connection with Halley Comet : — ... 76 Periodic time Perihelion distance Eccentricity ... Aphelion distance 35 37 years. 5889 Astronomical Units. 967 411 .Astronomical Units the radius \ector is called the The angle ASM described b\- " True Anomaly," and is generally denoted by v ; the angle described by the radius vector on the assumption that it moves uniformly, is called the " Mean .Anomaly " : it is usual to denote it by M. Now, if we suppose a circle circumscribed 226 KNOWLEDGE. Junk, 1911. round the ellipse, and we draw through M an ordinate meeting this circle in M'. the angle ASM' is called the "Eccentric .Anomaly." denoted by u. From the properties of an ellipse the equation M = u — e sin u is easily deduced, where e is the eccentricity. V, ,, ^60° ' , „ .Now Ml = j^.^-j X 2 = 9 25 40 .•. 9° 25' 40" = u - -967 X 57 -3 sin u. The factor 57°- J is introduced, since this is the number of degrees in one radian. This e(|uation can be solved appro.ximately by a Graphic Method; the one used is the well-known method by drawing a Curve of Lines. .As a first approximation u comes out about 55 \ To find its e.xact value, let u be actually 55^ + (*". where 0 is small. .-. 9° 25' 40" = 55° + W° - -967 X 57;3 sin (55° + tf°). Now sin 155 +<'"! = sin 55° cos e° + cos 55" sin 0° = sin 55^ + ~^fTJ~ '^"^ ^^°' since cos " = 1 nearly, and » = as 0 is very small. We.therefore, obtain 45 ' 34' 20" + fl° = ■967 X 57-3 ( ■,S1915 + or 0° + 45-57222 =-- 45-387 + -55467 «° •44533 tf° = - ■lcS5 .-. y° = - .4157° = _ 24' 26" Hence, value of u is 55" — 24' 26" = 54° 35' 34". The True Anomaly v is given by the formula tan i v=a/ y^? tan h u ^ 1 — e = 7-72 tan 27' 17' 47" = 7-72X -51606 = 3-9814 :.h v = 75' 54' or v = 151° 48' .-ipproximately. e 57-3 ■57358 57-3 If n be the distance of the Comet from the sun, r is given by the formula r = a (1— e cos u), where a is the semi a.xis major, or 18 astronomical units .•. r=lS (1 — ■967 cos 54° 35' 34"l = 18 (1-- 56028) = 7-91496 Its distance from the sun would, therefore, be about eight times the distance between the sun and the earth. It would be, at this time, between the orbits of Jupiter and Saturn. The formula to determine the velocity at any point in the orbit distant r from the sun is V " — ^ r a where m is a constant, and a the sun's axis major. Substitut- ing 7-91 for r. and 18 for a. we find V-=-1979 n .•.V=-445 s 7 The constant m can be found from a consideration of the motion of the earth in its orbit. .Since the comet describes an ellipse around the sim, p- will be the same for the earth and the comet. Using the eijnation .„_2"_M_ V — r a for the earth, and remembering that r = a very nearly, since the eccentricity of the earth's orbit is only nV, we have a Now. the \elncity of the earth around the sun is about eighteen and a quarter miles a second, and a=l astronomical unit, therefore M = (lS-25)^or \ M = 18-25. Substituting in the expression \'= ■ 445 \ m. we have V= ^445 X 18-25 = 8^ 12 miles per second. The perturbations produced by the planets will slightly alter some of the elements, but the above results ma\- be taken as approximately correct. ,|.,_^., ^,^ Davidsox. POST.AL REFORM. The cost of postage presses very heavily upon magazines which cannot be registered as newspapers, and it seems rather hard that a newspaper weighing several pounds can be transmitted through the post for a half-penny, when scientific journals and the transactions of societies, which tend to the spread of knowledge, and the advancement of science, may cost six, or eight, or ten times as much. We have therefore nuich pleasure in printing the resolutions which were passed unanimously at a large and influential meeting, convened by Mr. Edward Owen Greening, on .April 6th, at the offices of the Horticultural .and Agricul- tural .Association, and we are sanguine that at last some real good may be done. 1. "That this representative gathering of proprietors, publishers, and editors of magazines and trade journals earnestly protests against the present unfair, unequal, and excessive postal rates upon periodicals published at intervals longer than a week, the British Post Office arrangements being more oppressive than those of any other ci\ilised countries in postal charges on this important kind of literature. The present postal treatment, by restricting circulationof magazines, depresses the remuneration of authors and artists, renders it difficult for British publishers to compete with those of other countries ; enhances prices to the public, and reduces the benefits which can be given to readers of such periodicals which are largely instructors in matters of science, art, manu- factures, commerce, philanthropy, and religion." 2. " That in view of the huge surplus profits on postages amounting to five millions sterling per annum, and averaging over 26 per cent, on the business, we cannot accept the declaration of the postal authorities that they are unable to afford reform. We deprecate postal forecasts of possible losses on reductions, as these gloomy anticipations are always falsified in results. We claim that postal revenues are properly applicable to postal purposes, and should be used to reform evils, remove anomalies, and redress grievances of the public which uses the Post and the employes who serve it. We regard the abstraction of postal revenuesby the Exchequer as a virtual act of confiscation, degrading the Post Office from its proper position into a tax-collecting department of the Government. We demand that fair treatment shall be given to us. equal to that enjoyed by publishers in America, Canada, and so on, before the postal surpluses to which we contribute arc alienated by the Exchequer." 3. " That we, now present, pledge ourselves to form an organis.ation to press for the neces.sary postal reforms, and to supply resources for an effective movement. " That we appeal to all magazine proprietors and editors regularly to devote space in their columns to public enlighten- ment on the questions at issue. That we appeal to our colleagues of the daily and weekly journals for their good help. That we seek the aid of friends of the Press in the Legislature to organise active Parliamentary action." 4. " That a General Committee be elected with powers to add to their number, to appoint an Executive and officei's : to increase adherents to the cause by canvass and otherwise conduct our nii)\ i-nn-iit to a successful issue." THE BRINE SHRIMP. Bv W. T. CALMAX. D.Sc. The pretty little Crustacean known as the Brine Shrimp was first discovered about the middle of the eighteenth centur\at L\"mington. in Hampshire. In those da\s, and for something like a century after- wards, the manufacture of salt from sea water was carried on there and at other places on our coasts, the hrst stage of the pro- cess being the concentration of the sea-water by exposing it to evaporation by the heat of the sun in large shallow ponds. The con- centrated brine was then into open vats known run to b\- Figure 1. The Brine Shrimp. Artciiiiii salina. Female, from below. The line indicites actual length. (.\fter G. O. Sars). as " salterns." previous being further evaporated artificial heat, and it was in these vats that the Brine Shrimps, or " brine- \\orms" as thev were called, appeared in such numbers as to give the brine a reddish tinge. Thev were believed to be of service in clearing the liquid from im- purities, and the workmen were in the habit of trans- ferring some of them from one " saltern " to another, when they did not make their appearance naturallw to ensure their presence when the brine had reached the proper degree of concentration. Brine Shrimps ha\e since been found in many parts of the world in natural or artificial brine-pools and lagoons and in salt lakes, and, although a number of species have been described, there is reason to believe that they are all forms of a single variable and cosmopolitan species, Arteinia salina, which ranges from Greenland to Australia, and from the Great Salt Lake of Utah to Central Asia. The Brine Shrimp belongs to the sub-class Branchiopoda, which includes the most primiti\e of existing Crustacea, and it is closely allied to the " Fairv Shrimp," Chirocephaliis diaphaiiits. recentlv described in the pages of "Knowledge" (July, igiO), by Mr. G. W. Pyman. The body of Arteinia is usually about half-an-inch in length. Like that of Cliiroceplialiis it is worm- like and completely divided into segments, without a protecting shield or carapace, such as is found in most other Crustacea. The first eleven segments behind the head each carry a pair of flattened fin-like Figure 2. Nauplius larva, just hatched, highly magnified. feet, bv the rhythmical movements of which the animal swims. The hinder part of the body forms a slender tail and is without appendages. The head bears a pair of compound eyes set on movable stalks and a third eye, very small and of simple structure, in the middle line in front : the three e3-es are coloured with dark reddish-brown pigment. There are two pairs of feelers, the first pair, or antennules, slender and thread-like, the second, or antennae, short and stumpy in the female, but \er\- large in the male, and forming a pair of curiously-shaped claspers for seizing the female. The female, when fullv mature, carries her eggs in a sac-like receptacle on the under-side of the body at the base of the tail. The animals are generally of a pale reddish colour, owing, as Sir Rav Lankester first showed, to the presence in the body fluids of haemoglobin, the substance which gives its colour to the blood of \'ertebrates but is not often found in Invertebrate animals. The Brine Shrimp Branchiopoda. usually wards, and it feeds on minute floating organisms and parti like most of the swims back down- cles of organic matter (Afler G. O. S.-irb). which are drawn in towards the mouth by the movements of the feet. The phenomena of re- production are of particular interest. Like many, but not all. of the Branchiopoda the Brine Shrimp repro- duces extensively by par- thenogenesis, that is to say, the females lay eggs w hich are capable of devel- opment without being ferti- lised. In some localities, in fact, it appears that males are never found, the colonies consisting entirelv of females. In other localities the two sexes occur in nearly equal numbers, and repro- duction takes place by fertilised eggs. There is some evidence to show that there may be two races of Brine Shrimps, the one e.xclusively parthenogenetic, the other sexual, but it is by no means clearlv ascertained what the exact relations between the two forms are. The eggs are globular in shape, about one- hundredth of an inch in diameter, and when deposited are enclosed in a tough shell which Figure 3. The Brine Shrimp, Art cm ia salina, Male, from above. (After G. O. Sar>). 227 228 KNOWLEDGE. June. loil. enables them to survive being dried. In this condition the eggs may be carried long distances in mud. adhering to the feet of wading birds, or may be blown about by the wind, and the distribution of the species from one localit\' to others is thus rendered possible. Sometimes, however, the Brine Shrimp is viviparous, the eggs hatching while still within the brood-sac. and before the shell has been completely formed. In either case, the \-oung appear first in the form of tiny si.x-legged lar\ae with an oval unsegmented bod\- and a single eve. This type of larva, known as a imiiplitis, is found in many other groups of Crustacea, such as Copepods. Barnacles, and some of the true Prawns, which in the adult state are very different from the Brine Shrimp. In the course of development the bod\- elongates and becomes di\'ided into segments, the eleven pairs of swimming feet successively appear, the stalked eyes grow out at the sides of the head, the three pairs of nauplius limbs lose their swimming branches and become the antennules, antennae, and mandibles, and the animal graduallv acquires the form and structure of the adult. The great variability of the Brine Shrimp, alreadv alluded to, seems to be correlated with the \ar\ing chemical composition antl concentration of the solutions in which it li\es. It lias been found in water containing no less than _'7 per cent, nf dissolved salts, while on the other band it sometimes, though rarely, occurs in water that is quite fresh. In Central Asia, Brine Shrimps ha\-e been found living in lakes containing so much sodium carbonate that the water had a distinctly "soapy" feel. A Russian naturalist, Schmankewitsch, showed, many years ago, that it was possible, by breeding Artemia in solutions of varying concentration, to produce changes of form, especially in the end-lobes of the tail. Some of the characters thus produced had pre\-iouslv been regarded as distinctive of separate species, but there is no ground for the statement sometimes made that the e.xperiments resulted in changing one species into another. They simiily showed that the species had been mistakenly separated on variable and untrustworthy characters. The statement that some of the specimens assumed the characters of the allied but (juite distinct genus Branchipiis has since been shown to be erroneous. The manufacture of salt from sea-water in the way described above has long since ceased in this countr}-, though it is still carried on on the shores of the Mediterrannean, and it is probably many years since the Brine Shrimp became extinct as a member of the British fauna. An accidental observation recently made at the Natural History Museum shows, however, that it is probabK' a ver\- simple matter for anyone to obtain a supply of living specimens. A solution of " Tidman's Sea Salt." which had been set aside and forgotten, was found after some weeks to have about a dozen full-grown Brine Shrimps activel}- swimming about in it. All of these were females and carried egg-pouches full o( eggs, which were deposited shortly afterwards and in a few days the larvae of a second generation were hatched from them. .\ fresh packet of the salt was then experimented with. About eight ounces were dissolved in five pints of tap water, and microscopic examination of the sediment showed that it contamed numerous eggs. In about four da\'s a swarm of nauplius larvae issued from these, and in the course of a fortnight thev were well on the way to assume the adult form, although still \ery small. It is impossible, without further trial, to say whether eggs capable of development are always present in Tidman's Sea Salt. The\' cannot retain their vitality indefinitelw and, in fact, a \'ery old sample of the salt found among the Museum stores proved to be barren of lite. It need hardh' be said that salt which in the course of manufacture has been exposed to artificial heat, would contain no living eggs. In repl\- to an inquir\- on this point Messrs. Tidman & Son kindly stated that their Sea Salt is manufactured abroad from sea-water evaporated b\- the sun"s heat. NOTICE. THE SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL Ol- SCIENCE. — In the April issue of tlie Soiifli African Juiirnal of Science appear notes on Croialaria Burkcana and other leguminous plants causing disease in stock. Beasts eating Crotalaria develop laminitis within a few days, their hoofs grow long and, unless attended to, the beasts get so stiff in the joints that they lie down and are unable to rise again. Goats seem to be immune and it is curious to note that the same fact is recorded in the case of Cytisus proliferus m the Canary Islands. This Cro?a/rt)-((7 is recorded from the Trans- vaal, Orange Free State, the Cape Province and Natal and there is one record from Zululand. It is most common on sandy soils and it is found that even if it exists in the unbroUen veld in such small quantity as to be harmless, as soon as the land is cultivated and maize or kaflir corn planted, the Crotalaria makes its appearance along with them. The plant is said to be most poisonous when the pods, called 1>\ the Boers " Klappers," have developed. In the Eastern and Central United StateaCrotalaria sagitfalis or " Kattle-box" produces a stock disease called " Crotalisni " or "Missouri bottom disease," which is more frciiaentl\- fatal than tliat induced by the South African lliirl;cana. Other species oi Crotalaria in Australia arc known to be injurious to stock. The notes also record the effect of Lcssertia, Melolohinni and Cytisns, in Africa ; Swainsona galeiiifolia (Darling pea or indigo) in Australia; Astragalus, Oxytropis and Sophora, in America. In the same number Ur. P. D. Hahn describes a geyser in Rhodesia, the only one that has been discovered in that country. The geyser is situated near Fulunka's Kraal, about two miles south of the Zambesi River and forty miles below the confluence of the Gwai River. It issues from a round hole, about two inches in diameter, in solid sandstone and throws up a continuous stream of water eight feet high. The temperature of the water is slightly below boiling point ; the force with which the water is expelled is not great, as the geyser can be easily plugged with a stick, while a ten pound stone placed over the aperture will stop the play of water. Analysis shows the silica content of the water to be 13-65 grains per gallon. The water of ordinary springs, either deep- seated or surface, rarely contains so much as one grain of silica per gallon, while the Iceland geysers show from eleven to thirt\'-fi\e grains. NOTES, ASTRONOMY. By A. C. D. Crommelin, D.Sc, R.A. ENCKE'S COMET. — Dr. O. Backlnnd has recently published some further researches on this comet. The observations of each return since 1891 have been compared with theory. The dates of perihelion (all expressed in Berlin mean thne") are:— 1S95. February 4-785; 1898, May 26-898; 1901, September 15-501; 1905, January 11-916; 1908, April 30-946; 1911, August 19-0656. The mean daily motions at these returns is 1070" plus the following: — 3"-934, 4"- 157, 3" -625, 5" -084, 5" -848, 5" -668. The other predicted elements for 1911 are:— Node, 334° 29' 32"; Omega. 184' 39 '29" ; i, 12° 34' 32"; e, 0-845723. The most interesting feature of this comet is the acceleration of its mean motion. Dr. BacUlund finds evidence that this suddenly changed its amount in 1858, 1868, 1895 (beginning), and perhaps 1904 (end). Several of these dates are near sunspot nia.ximum, and it is suggested that the cause is to be sought in some solar disturbance. The comet was extremely faint at its last return, in 1908, and was only obtained (by photography) at the Cape Observa- tory. It is not thought that this means any permanent loss of light, as it had often before been very faint when in a similar position with regard to the Earth. It is brightest at winter returns, of which the next will occur at the end of 1914; at these times it is quite a conspicvious telescopic object, and is sometimes visible to the naked eye. Before its periodicity was known it was independently discovered at three consecu- tive winter returns — those of 1786, 1795, 1805 — which shows that it nuist have been a fairly conspicuous object. The following is an ephemeris for the present year, for Berlin noon : — R.A. N.Dec. R.A. Dec. July Aug 1 . . 4 16 17 28° 14' 5 . . 4 35 26 28° 54' 9 . . 4 56 15 29° 26' 13 . . 5 18 50 29° 46' 17 . . 5 43 18 29° 52' 21 . . 6 9 40 29° 38' 25 . . 6 37 54 29° 1' 29 . . 7 7 52 27° 54' 2 . 7 39 20 26' 14' Aug. 6... S 12 3 23° 55' „ 24. ..10 44 31 5° 46'N. „ 2S...11 16 6 1° 2'N. Sept. 1...11 46 24 3 28' S. ,. 5. ..12 15 45 7 ' 41' „ 9. ..12 44 22 11° 32' „ 13. ..13 12 17 14= 59' .. 17. ..13 39 27 18° 2' ,, 21. ..14 5 44 20' 38' S. If seen at all in luuope it will be in July. It will then be about one hundred and fifty million miles from the Earth. HALLHVS COMET.— This is still being diligently followed at the Yerkes Observatory. Popular Astroiioiiiy for May contains a reproduction of a photograph taken by Mr. F. Slocum with the two foot reflector, with one hour's exposure. The comet appears quite distinctly as a short trail. It was then one hundred and ten million miles further from the sun than on September 11th, 1909, and yet \ery much brighter, showing that the physical brightening at perihelion persists for a long time. It will be followed at least up to conjunction with the sun, and possibly recovered in the autumn after that. Professor Barnard writes that he got good measures on April 16th, 23rd and 25th; an observation on May 2nd was doubtful owing to moonlight. The comet was of magnitude 15 in .\pril, but is rapidlv getting fainter; its diameter is about 10". On April 23rd at 14" 45"' 48" Greenwich mean time, its right ascension was 9" 53™ 27°- 28, South declination 7° 48' 23" -9. This was more than a year after perihelion passage. A query that appeared in " Knowledge" for April, page 135, asks how the distance of this comet from the sun and its speed can be calculated at any time. There are probably a sufficient number interested in this problem to justify its discussion here. I deal with it only on the assumption of elliptical motion, as the discussion of perturbations would need too much space, t denotes the interval in days since the perihelion passage of 1910, April 19-68. u is an auxiliary angle known as the "eccentric anomaly." We must find it by trial from the equation ?X0--012967 = H°-55°-4216 sin n For example put ^ = 731 days, which brings us to 1912, April 19-68. The left hand side =9°-478. Trying in succession 40°, 50\ 57° for ;(, the right hand side becomes 4' -37, 7°-54, 10"- 52. Interpolating and making a few more trials we obtain the correct value of ;(, viz.. 54° -721. Next we find r, the distance from the Sun, bv the equation r = 17-945 (1 - 0-96729 cos u). Substituting 54'-721 for u, this becomes 7-9197, the unit being the Earth's distance from the Sun. To bring to miles we muhiply by 92,820,000. The velocity expressed in units of the Earth's mean velocity is V- - -055726. To reduce it to [uiles per second we multiply by 18-47. In the present case we get 18-47 \ -252534 - -055726 log. 18-47 = 1-2665 log.- 196808 = 9-29404 half this = 9 - 64702 log. miles per second = 0-9135 Miles per second = 8-194. M.^SSES OF STARS. — Professor Lowell has an article in Piypnlnr Astronomy for May, on the masses of binary stars. Grouping the results according to parallax, he finds the resulting mass steadily increases with the distance. This is discussed, and shown to indicate the unreliability of the smaller parallaxes, r'-f of a second being determined as the smallest that can be trusted. The following are the final figures : Limits of p:u-allax. Above 0" - 4 0"-2 to0"-4 0-1 toO-2 0-067 to 0-1 0-033 to 0-067 0-017 to 0-033 0-007 to 0-017 This shows that for the best determined parallaxes the mass of each component is very near that of the Sun. We have good reason for thinking that there are stars (such as Aldebaran and Arcturus) whose mass vastly exceeds the Sun's, but these are probably exceptional. Professor Lowell altogether dis- cusses twenty-six pairs, and his result tends to the conclusion that the masses of the stars vary much less widely than their lustre. BOTANY. By Professor F. Cavers, D.Sc, F.L.S. FORMALDEHYDE AS FOOD FOR GREEN PLANTS. — It has long been known that the first product in the making of organic food by green plants, from the carbon dioxide and water absorbed by their leaves and roots respectively, is formaldehyde (CHjO), the starting-point for the formation of carbohydrates and of higher compounds. Various experi- menters have endea\oured to show that plants can utilise formaldehyde as food material when presented to them, in Mass of binarv (Sun = l). 1-93 1-77 1-33 1-43 1-95 3-46 33-43 229 230 KNOWLKDGi:. June. \9\i. the absence of a supply of carbon dioxide, but success has only been obtained with simple freshwater Algae like Spifogyra. Twenty years ago. Bokorny showed that though formaldehyde is poisonous, even in ver\- dilute solutions, >et a substance called oxyniethyl sodium sulphonate (easily broken up into fornialdehj'de and sodium sulphitel can be used in culture solutions, in the proportion of 1 per cent., without injury to Spiro^yra. Grafe [Bcr. d. deiitsch. hot. Gcs.. 1911) has now experimented with the French Bean, and finds that seedlings of this plant can make use of the vapour of formaldehyde. He allowed the seedlings to germinate, removed their cotyledons (containing reserve food), and placed them in vessels exposed to light. In some cases, the seedlings were supplied with air deprived of carbon dioxide, but con- taining formaldehyde vapour. 1 he results showed that the plants made use of the formaldehyde vapour, producing abundant sugar in their leaves, and increased greatly in dry weight, as compared with the control or comparison plants not supplied with formaldehyde. Apparently, however, the formaldehyde prevented the formation of starch from the sugar. A NEW FUNGUS IN THE BEET ROOT. — In the course of his work on the disease of Sugar Beet caused by Nematodes (round-worms), Nemec found a Fungus, belonging to the Chytridiaceae, in the cortex of the lateral roots. He has now {Ber. d. deutsch. hot. Ges.. 1911). given an account of the structure and life history of this Fungus — a new genus and species called Sorolpidiuin Bcfac. It belongs to the Chytridium family, and therefore to the lowest forms of F^nngi. 1 1 appears in the cortex cells as a nucleated mass of protoplasm, which grow s larger at the expense of the cell and finally nearly fills it. Then the Fungus cell acquires a cell-wall, and its contents divide into several uni-nucleate portions or sporangia. Each sporangium then produces two. three, or four zoospores, which escape, swim about, and infect other cells. In several respects. Sorolpidimn resembles the Plasmodiophoraceae — the group to which belongs the Fungus causing finger-and-toe disease of the turnip. Nemec considers it as a link between this group and the Chytridiaceae, and as indicating the close relationship of the two groups. LIFE HISTORY ol' ZANARDINIA. — The genera Cntleria and Ziuiardiiiia. forming the small family Cutleriaceae, are of great interest, because they form a transition from the lower Brown Algae, in which the sexual cells, if formed, are nearly or quite alike in size, to the higher Brown Algae iDictyota and Fucks series) in which the female cell is an oosphere, much larger than the male cell, and differing from it in not being motile. The life history of Cntleria has already been worked out in some detail by various botanists, including Falkenberg. Sauvageau and Church. The sexual and asexual plants are very different, the former being an erect ribbon-like and much- divided structure, while the latter is a flat creeping disc of roughly circular outline. Before the connection between the two forms was discovered, the asexual form was called Aghjozoiiia, and was regarded as an entirely different plant. Careful investigation has shown that Cntleria may be regarded as consisting potentially of a basal disc, producing spores, and an erect branching portion producing sexual cells. The two portions require quite different conditions in order to develop fully. In the Mediterranean, the Aglaozonia form occurs in summer, and the Cntleria form in winter. In England the reverse holds good. In the north, the Cntleria form becomes more and more scarce, and the plant is repre- sented by only the Aglaozonia form on the Scandinavian coast. Conversely, in the south the Aglaozonia form becomes rarer, and at Naples it is unknown, only the Cntleria form being found there. The life history of Cntleria is a good illustration of the influence of external conditions on the course of development of the reproductive cells. Normally, the fertilised Cntleria egg produces an Aglaozonia plant, but this stage may be omitted, and a Cntleria plant arise directlx'. The zoiispoies produced by the Aglaozonia normally produce a Cntleria plant, and this usually produces Aglaozonia discs from its base; the Cntleria plant may undergo arrest of growth, leaving the Aglaozonia to continue the life history. Northern conditions favour the predominance of the asexual or Aglaozonia form, while southern conditions favour that of the sexual or Cntleria form. Vamanouchi Uiot. Magazine. Tokyo. 1911) has worked out the development of Zanardinia. which is allied to Cntleria. but has a disc-like thallus only. The nuclear divisions of the ordinary cells of the disc-like asexual plant show forty-four cliromosomes ; the division of a zoospore mother-cell shows reduction, so that the zoospore has twenty-two chromosomes. The zoospore produces a disc-like sexual plant with twenty- two chromosomes in the nuclei of its cells ; the fertilised egg cell has forty-four chromosomes, and this number is present in the asexual thallus to which it gives rise. In Zanardinia. therefore, there is a regular alternation of generations, exactly as in Dictyota. Polysiphonia and so on. characterised by (1) different number of chromosomes in the sexual and the asexual plants (2) one plant being asexual and the other sexual. The asexual and sexual plants are exactly similar in structure, apart irom the difference in the nuclei, just as is the case in Dictyota and Polysiphonia. MAI/E SUGAR.— Doby [Cheni. Zeitnng. 1910. page 1330) has investigated the different forms of Maize which are grown in Europe, with a \iew to their productiveness in the manufacture of sugar, cellulose and alcohol. Owing to its intolerance of frost, or even of cold nights. M.iize is hardly grown in England, except as green fodder, its stems being sweet, owing to the presence of cane sugar. Even in the warmer parts of Germany the amount of sugar in Maize is not so high as in .America, but the culture of Maize nevertheless pays well. The largest amount of sug.ar is obtained on removing the young cob before the seeds have been allowed to ripen. When the cob is removed the amount of sugar passing up the stem increases until it reaches a maximum, when it diminishes again owing to respiration taking place in the still growing stem. The stems. leaves, and even the axis of the cob. afford excellent material for the manufacture of paper; the unripe cobs, as well as the green stems, can be used in the manu- facture of alcohol. THE NUCLEOPROTEINS.— A large amount of work has been done in recent years, on the nucleoproteins of both plants and animals. Much of this has been collected by Brugsch and Schittenhelm in their text-book. "Die Nucleinstoft"- wcchsel und seine Storungen " (1910). Plimmer ijonrnal Chein. Soc vols. 93, 94) has indicated accurate methods for the determination of the nucleoproteins according to the quantity of phosphoric acid and the purin bases, which are the results of the splitting of the nucleoproteins by hydrolysis. The nucleoproteins differ from other proteins in consisting of a protein combined with nucleic acid, the latter containing phosphorus, and in their resistance to the action of enzymes which readily decompose the primary proteins into peptones and simpler nitrogenous substances. Being essential con- stituents of the nuclei of plants and animals, they play an important part in the physiology of the cell, for the existence and development of which they are essential. The embryonic and glandular cells of animals are rich in nuclear material, and contain relatively large quantities of nucleo- proteins. The same is the case with the embryonic cells of plants, not only in embryos, but also in the embryonic tissues and growing points of the stem. It is clear that formation of nucleoprotein material must take place during growth of the active tissues of plants, since increase in amount of nuclear material precedes the division of the nucleus. Zaleski iBcc. d. dentscli. bot. (Jes.. 1911) has investigated, by anal\sis. the changes in amoimt of nucleoproteins during growth of certain plants, e.g., bean stems. lea\es, roots, onion bulbs, seedlings. His results indicate that during growth June, 1911. KNOWLEDGE. 231 there is a steady increase in the amount of nucleoprotein present in the plant. He deprecates the attempt made by some writers to attribute to the nucleoproteins the qualities of "life-bearers," "inheritance-bearers," and so on, and points out that protoplasm is an e.\ceedingly complex structure, made up of many protein substances, though its complete chemical structure is quite unknown. FURZE THORNS.— In 1893, Lothelier described experi- ments on the influence of humidity and light on the development of the leaves and branches of various spiny plants (Furze, Barberry, and so on). He claimed that branches of Furze, which under normal conditions are developed .as thorns, tend to lose their spiny character and to produce leafy branches. The results obtained by Lothelier were criticised later by Goebel, who contended that the leafy shoots obtained by Lotlielier were simply " reversionary shoots," which can be produced at any time from ordinary Furze branches when the plant is pruned. 2eidler {Flora, 1911) has made a series of careful experiments with Furze plants raised from seed, and his results may be thus summarised. ( 1 1 Spine formation is hindered in moist atmosphere, also in feeble light — in total darkness seedlings as well as older plants of Furze very quickly perish. 121 Typical more or less flattened foliage-leaves, without spines, are formed on the basal portions of the shoots, when plants are grown in damp air, but these are only formed at the beginning of each season's growth, and, moreover, they may occur on plants grown under normal conditions, so that each year's growth can easily be recognised on a plant. (3) Lothelier's results were due to the fact that he did not use entire plants, but cut portions, and besides he made no control experiments which would have shown that leafy shoots may arise in cut Furze stems grown under normal conditions. FUNGUS IN LIVERWORTS.— Garjeanne, who has already contributed greatly to our knowledge of the biology of the " fungus servant " or mycorhiza present in various Liver- worts, has recently {Flora. 1911) made an extensive re-investi- gation of the subject. He shows that the infection of the rhizoids 1" root-hairs ") of leafy Liverworts is a widely-spread phenomenon, that different kinds of Fungi may enter into partnership with the Liverworts in this way. that some of these Fungi belong to the genus Miicor (to which belongs the common Black Mould found on bread, and so on). In most cases, the particular Fungus, on being isolated and cultivated, proved to be Miicor rhizophihis. a new species, with small gonidangia on a slightly-branched gonidiophore. It has a greatly developed mycelium, with numerous transverse walls, and produces several additional forms of spore besides the gonidia. THE EVOLUTION OF THE FLOWER.— H. F. Wernham has commenced to publish, in the Ncu- Phytologist (Vol. 10, No. 3. March, 1911), what promises to be one of the most interesting of the various series of papers which have appeared from time to time — in addition to the valuable original memoirs and summaries of recent botanical research — in this the youngest of British botanical journals, which has already taken its place among the leading scientific periodicals of the day. The author concludes his introductory article with the following summary. (1) The fundamental guiding principles in the progressive evolutionary history of the Dicotyledonous flower are two in number, namely (i) economy in production of the several items comprising reproductive organs; (ii) progressive adaptation to the reception of insect visitors. (2) The second of these principles compensates the first for the decreased chance of pollination which the latter involves. (3) There are also certain tendencies which subserve these two main principles, the most widespread being (i) progressively increasing conspicuonsness attained either {a) by enlargement of the individual flower or, as is by far the more general case {b) by excessive branching of the floral axes to produce aggregation of the flowers into dense inflorescences ; (ii) devices of floral structure or habit which ha\e obvious relation to insect visits, the chief of these being zygomorphy, which may occur either in solitary or loosely aggregated flowers, but is illustrated more generally by the outer florets of a close inflorescence ; (iii) fusion of parts, more particularly to form tubes, the most important type of fusion being sympetaly — the formation of a gamopetalous corolla. (4) The " primitive flower " or prototype will be, of course, one in which the working of these principles is realised the least. There will be economy in production ; the parts will be, therefore, produced in indefinite numbers, and there will be no gre:i: specialisation for the reception of insect visitors — no aggregation, chorisis, zygomorphy. or fusion of parts. An analogy to such a proto- type is not wanting in the Gymnosperms. for we find it in cer- tain members of the Bennettitales, and reflected in the typical flowers of certain Ranalian orders, e.g., the Magnoliaceae. CHEMISTRY. By C. AiNswoRTH Mitchell, B.A. (Oxon.), F.I.C. MUTTON BIRD OIL. — Numerous sea birds, including the petrels and fulmars, contain a very high proportion of oil, and for this reason are greatly valued by the natives upon the Scottish Coasts, who obtain from them " oil for their lamps, down for their beds, a delicacy for their table, a balm for their wounds, and a medicine for their distemper." In the Island of St. Kilda it is only legal to kill the fulmars during one week in the year, but during that week from eighteen thousand to twenty thousand birds are destroyed. So rich in oil are these birds, that by passing a wick through their bodies they may be used as lamps. Hitherto the nature of the oil in these birds has not been investigated, but in a recent issue of the Joiini. Soc. Cliein. hid. (1911, XXX, 405), there is an interesting account by Mr. Hewgill Smith of the characteristics of the oil of the Antarctic petrel, the mutton bird {Aestralata lessoni), which during the breeding season, is slaughtered in large quantities upon the coasts of Tasmania and New Zealand. The " oil " of this bird, which has now become a comniercial product, is carried in the stomach, whence it can be ejected through the nostrils as a means of defence against its enemies. This oil, which is found in the stomach of the dead bird, is a pale yellow or bright red liquid with a faint fishy odour. When cooled to 0° C. it solidifies to a transparent mass. The specimen examined by Mr. Smith had a specific gravity of 0-8819 to 0-8S58 at 15^ C. and absorbed 71 per cent, of iodine. It contained a high proportion (36-9 per cent.) of unsaponifiable alcohols, and, unlike the majority of animal fats and oils, contained no glycerine. In its general composition and properties it closely resembled .\rctic sperm oil and, like that oil, did not thicken when exposed to the air. It would thus be useful as a lubricant, if it could be obtained in sufficient quantity, which is, however, unlikely. The body fat of the bird was of quite a different character from this oil, being a soft brownish solid with a specific gravity of 0-9351 to 0-9380, an iodine absorption value of 89- 1, and containing only 1 - 76 to 2 per cent, of unsaponifiable matter. This appeared to be an ordinary fat, whereas the " oil " might be classed with sperm oil among the liquid waxes. It has been suggested that the mutton bird uses the oil for feeding its young. THE DETECTION OF COCAINE.— A test for cocaine has been based upon the fact that it combines with potassium permanganate to form pink crystals in the form of nearly square plates. This test has been studied by Mr. E. H. Hankin (Analyst, 1911, XXXVI. 1), who renders it much more sensitive by allowing a strong solution of permanganate to evaporate on a glass shde. and then adding a drop of a solution of alum containing the cocaine, and watching the crystallisation under the microscope. The use of the alum is to retard the action of the permanganate, and in this way it is possible to distinguish between cocaine and certain other allied anaesthetic compounds. As an illustration of the delicacy of the test. Mr. Hankin cites an instance where a man suspected of illicit dealing in cocaine had received timely warning of the visit of the police. No cocaine was found, but various pieces of paper, in which it was supposed that the drug had been wrapped were subjected to the permanganate test, and in the case of ten out of eleven pieces the characteristic cocaine crystals were seen to develop. In another case a 232 KNOWLEDGE. June, Mil. .^tain upon a telegraph form, which was supposed to ha%'e been produced by the saliva of a person who had taken cocaine was examined in the same way, and here, too, an unmistakable reaction was obtained. ACTION OF STEAM UPON CARBON AND LIMK,— The possible mode of formation of marsh gas and other natural gases rich in methane is suggested by the results of experiments made by M. L, \Mgnon (Comptcs Rcndiis. 1911, CLII, 871) upon the action of steam upon a mixture of carbon and lime. It was found that the steam was decomposed more rapidly and at a lower temperature bj- a mixture of car- bonaceous substances and lime than by the carbon alone. Thus when the steam was conducted through the mixture contained in a porcelain tube heated to about 600' to 800' C, the resulting gas was found to contain hydrogen, methane, carbon monoxide, oxygen, and nitrogen, the proportions depending upon various factors such as the quantity of steam present, and the duration of contact between the excess of steam and the methane formed, more or less decomposition taking place in accordance with the equaticm — CH4 + HoO = CO + 3H, Thus tw-enty-eight per cent, of methane was produced by the passage of five grammes of steam during thirty-five minutes, whereas only about eight per cent, was obtained after the passage of fifteen grammes of steam during two hours. By regenerating the lime from the calcium carbonate produced it was found possible to transform the whole of the organic substances present into hydrocarbons in the following manner 2C + CaO + 2H,0 = CaCO^ + CH4 and CaCO, = CaO + CO. or combining the two equations — 2C + 2HoO = CO, + CH4 Since the methane requires a lower temperature for its formation than that of the decomposition of the calcium carbonate, the two gases may be collected separately. It is suggested that these experiments also throw light upon the formation of petroleum deposits. When animal and vegetable remains are left in contact with water in the presence of calcareous deposits, hydrocarbons are produced, and it is quite possible that these, under the influence of various physical conditions of pressure, and so on, have been transformed into petroleum compounds. GEOLOGY, By Russell F. Gwixxell, B.Sc, A.R.C.S., F.G.S. CARBON IN COLD ORE.— The well-known auriferous conglomerates of the Witwatersrand, known as " banket," consist of beds of coarse well-rolled quartz pebbles, together with smaller pebbles, the whole being cemented into a compact rock by means of secondary silica. They are obviously shore deposits, and are of very great — perhaps pre-Cambrian-age. The gold occurs in the matrix and not in the pebbles themselves. Pyrites is conimonlv present, and also in places, carbonaceous or graphitic matter. As the origin of the gold appears to be intimately related to that of the other "impurities," it is a matter of considerable interest to determine the source of the carbon. This latter has been regarded as organic matter which directly precipitated the gold from solution, although this seems hardly likely in face of the fact th.at there is neither gold nor carbon in the finer sediments which are associated with the b.anket. For a fine sediment is naturally expected to yield organic matter in greater abundance than does a coarse conglomerate. Writing in the Transactions of the Geological Society of Soiitli Africa (Vol, ,\III., 1910), on "The Mode of Occurrence and Genesis of the Carbon in the Rand Bankets," Mr, C, Baring Horwood shows that from its mode of occurrence the carbon is of later date than the bankets, and is of inorganic origin. Gold can be found not only as a film on the particles of carbon, but also actually embedded in the latter. The carbon occurs frequently in small irregular spheroids sometimes actually replacing the quartz, and it is almost invariably closely associated with pyrites when the latter is present. Further- more, it occurs chiefly along and on both faces of partings in the banket and along planes obli(jue to the bedding. These facts cannot well be accounted for by any theory of organic origin. Indeed the mode of occurrence of the carbon strongly recalls the crystals of tourmaline of pneumatolytic origin, found on the surface of joint planes in the red granite of the Bushveld. The author's researches lead to the conclusion that the carbon is of deep-seated origin and owes its presence in the bankets to associated igneous magma, probably through the agency of pneumatolysis. Other authors have ascribed an inorganic origin to certain petroleums, and have included both graphite and diamond as the end products of the petroleum series. Now, great diabase dykes penetrate the Rand country, and to these one would naturally look for the source of the carbon (and incidentally of the gold). Analyses shew that carbon is distributed evenly throughout the igneous rock, which would hardly be the case if it were derived from organic fragments caught up and enclosed in the molten magma at the time of its intrusion. The fact that gold is not found, as is the carbon, distributed about equally in dyke-rock and in banket is easily accounted for by its relatively greater solubility. On this account, subse(iuent leaching-out of the gold has removed it from the dyke-rock. Summarily, the study of the carbon in those mines of the Rand where it is most typically developed certainly shows that its occurrence is closely associated with that of the pyrites and gold, and indicates a close relationship between its presence and that of neighbouring igneous rocks which contain carbon. The occurrence of the carbon in tiny spheroids scattered through the matrix of the bankets points to deposition from gaseous or very mobile liquid hydrocarbons, before the final cementation and induration of the bankets by the deposition of secondary silica. Taken in conjunction with the known facts of its occurrence in other parts of the world, it is reasonable to attribute its origin to magmatic vapours or solutions derived from the neighbouring basic igneous intrusions before their final consolidation. LABRAHOK, A LAND OF PROMISE.— In the Oeograpliical Journal for April, Dr. Wilfred T. Grenfell sings the praises of Labrador after an acquaintance with it of twenty years. The country has been greatly neglected up to the present time and little knowledge exists of its resources beyond its coastal portion. Vet the author is confident that Labrador can and will carry, in the days to come, a population as easily as Norway does to-day. It is a better country by far than Iceland, and until the wizard hand of man was turned to New Mexico, Arizona or even to parts of Egypt and West Australia it was able to offer as good attractions to settlement as any of them, " If ever a race shall rise to people her glorious fjords and inlets, and to wrest her undoubted wealth from her forests and mines, she will, like all northern countries, evolve a people endowed with those sterling physical qualities that characterised the Vikings of old." The agricultural outlook of Labrador is not hopeful owing to the fact that the super-incumbent rocks have been removed by glaciation from the .Archaean floor, which is thus laid bare over much of the country. On the other hand this fact need not injure the prospects of the development of mineral resources. While very little serious geological work has been done, the deductions of the few prospectors who have visited the country show every possibility of valuable mineral deposits. The inland resources are almost unknown, but near the coast several deposits of economic value have been found, and in some cases worked ; among these are alluvial gold, antimony, mica, copper, iron pyrites and garnet. Coal which may be a continuation of the seams of Cape Breton, has been partially prospected. Finally, the beautiful plagioclase felspar Labradorite, which derives its name from the country and which exhibits an iridescent play of colours, has been worked in an island near Nain, which consists almost entirely of this mineral. AN IGNEOUS COMPLE.X AND ITS ORIGIN.- A number of instances are now known of igneous rock-masses June. 1911. KNOWLEDGE. 233 within which are found a series of different rock-types arranged in a concentric manner. In some of these cases, on the ground of field evidence, the occurrence has been considered as a laccolith within which subsequent differen- tiation has produced the concentric complex ; in others they have been held to be stocks, or volcanic necks, in which differentiation has occurred, sometimes with subsequent move- ment of the differentiated bodies of magma. In the .4)Hc';-/t(r« Journal of Science for .April. L. V. Pirsson and W. North Kice describe a case which appears to be a laccolith, intruded ■between a granitic bathylith and a cover of mica schist. This is Tripyramid Mountain in Xew- Hampshire, a roughlv oval mass, rising about two thousand feet above the floor of the neighbouring valleys, .\roand an inner core of syenite occurs a medium grained inomonite which is succeeded below and outwardly by coarse-grained gabhro. Lampro- phyre dykes (regarded as complementary to the syenite-aplite) are situated in the peripheral gabbro and in the granite against which the comple.x abuts. .\11 the rock-types in the complex possess a parting or sheet-jointing parallel to a dome- surface, but there is a sharp transition-line between the different types and only slight endomorphic evidence of contact. As to the mode of origin of the comple.x, the authors do not consider the case as similar to that of Magnet Cove, Arkansas, which Marker has explained as being due to the doming and erosion of superposed sheets, succes- sively injected. The common jointing is not in favour of this, nor the relative textures of the rock types, for this view would make the gabbro, which is the coarsest grained variety, the uppermost sheet. The suggestion that zonal arrangement of different rock-types in an intrusion may be due to absorption and assimilation of surrounding country-rock is equallv inapplicable in the present case. For while the country rocks (granite and mica schist) are decidedly acid in character, the border facies of the complex is the basic gabbro, the intrusion becoming more acid towards the centre. While the concentric arrangement of the complex natur.illy suggests a differentiation of a body of magma in place, the abrupt transition of one type into another, and the occurrence of syenite dykes in the monzonite. and probably of monzonite dykes in the gabbro. negative this conclusion, the dykes suggesting a series of successive intrusions. .Apparently what best explains the phenomena at Tripyramid Mountain is a process of intermediate nature, in which both differentiation and repeated intrusions, separated by only short intervals, took place. METEOROLOGY. By JOH.N A. Curtis. F.R.Met.Soc. The Weekly Weather Reports issued by the Meteorological Office show that during the week ended .April 22nd the air temperature was in excess of the average in all districts, by as much as 4" -9 in England, N.E. and E. The extreme maxima varied from 59° in Scotland X. lat Strathpeffer) to 69' in Eng- land E. (at Cambridge), while the minimum fell to 27° at West Linton and to 28° in the Shetlands and at Wick. Even as far South as Swarraton in Hampshire a temperature of 30° was reported. In the English Channel the lowest reading was 40 . On the ground much lower temperatures were, as usual, experienced, and at Crathes the reading was as low as 20°, at Balmoral Zi°. Rainfall was in defect in the East and South of England, but elsewhere was in excess. In Scotland N. the amount collected was three times as much as usual, and in Ireland it was twice as much. In England E. and S.E., however, the fall was very slight and at many stations the week was rainless. As a rule sunshine was less than usual. The sunniest places were Felixstowe (60-6 hours, 63%) and (iuernsey (61-9 hours, 55%), while Valencia had only 5-7 hours (6%). At Westminster the total duration of sunshine was 39-7 hours (41'7„). The mean temperature of the sea water round the coasts varied from 49° -9 at Seafield to 40' -2 at Cromarty. The week ended April 29th, was warm but cloudy and unsettled, with thunderstorms and hail. The temperature was above the average in all districts, the greatest excess being in England E., where it was 4°- 6 higher than usual. The highest maximum, however, was 2^' lower than that of the previous week, being 67° (at Cirencester) on the 23rd, as against 69° (at Cambridge) on the 22nd. The lowest readings were 28' at Balmoral and 30° at Nairn, but at no other stations in the United Kingdom did the air temperature fall below the freezing point. On the ground the temperature fell to 23" at Crathes, and to 25" at Balmoral. Rainfall was in excess in all parts. .At several stations rain was measured on e\-ery day. .At Donaghadee, on the 29th, there was a heavy thunderstorm wdth rain and hail, the total precipitation for the day being 1-12 inches. Sunshine was everywhere deficient, and in some places less than half the usual amount was recorded. Toniuay reported the largest aggregate, 48-5 hours (49";,). At Westminster the total was 35-3 hours (35%). The mean temperature of the sea water ranged from 40 • 7 at Cromarty to 50' -8 at Seafield. The week ended May 6th was unsettled at first but the weather improved later. Temperature was low in most places, although the defect was nowhere very great. The highest reading reported was 56° at .Alnwick Castle and at Raunds. Frost w-as experienced in several places, the lowest readings being 28° at West Linton, and 29° at Fort Augustus. The grass thermometer went down to 23" at Crathes, and to 24' at Burnley. Rainfall was again in excess, except in England N.E. and E., where it was slightly in defect, and in the Midlands, where it was almost normal. In Scotland and in Ireland the rainfall was very heavy, and at Fort William the total for the week was as much as 3-27 inches, and at Killarney 2-34 inches. Sunshine was above the a\erage in England E. and S.E., and in the Midlands, though below it elsewhere, except in Scotland N.. where, in spite of the fact that the rainfall was nearly twice as much as usual, the sunshine was 5 hours (5%) in excess of the normal. Brighton reported the longest duration of sunshine, 58-4 hours (57%) : at Westminster, the amount was 45-5 hours (45%). The temperature of the sea water varied from 43° at Pennan Bay and Burnmouth to 54° at Seafield. The week ended May 13th was fine at first, but became changeable and thundery. Temperature was high throughout, being in excess of the average in all districts. In Scotland W. it was 6°-2 above the normal. Maxima above 70° were recorded in all parts, the highest being 76 at Colmonell and Greenwich. No frost was experienced, the lowest of the minima being 5i°, which was reported from Geldeston Bawtrey and Marlborough. The lowest temperatures on the grass were 27" at Kew and at Rauceby, and 28° at Greenwich. Tunbridge Wells and Wisley. Rainfall varied a good deal in different parts of the country. It was a little above the average in Scotland, and in Ireland N., but was below elsewhere, and in some places very greatly below. In the Midlands it was only one-third, and in the English Channel, less than one-seventh of the usual amount. Some heavy falls were however experienced, especially during the thunderstorm on the 13th, when the rain collected at York and at Rothamsted measured 1 • 2 inches, at Killarney 1-4 inches, and at Newton Rigg and Burnley 1-7 inches. Sunshine was generally above the average. England S.E. was the sunniest district, with 68 hours (65%), or 21 hours above the normal. Of the individual stations. Felixstowe reported the largest aggregate 89-7 hours (85%), and Hastings the next Largest, 82-7 hours (79%). .At Harrogate the total duration was only 32 • 1 hours (30%). At Westminster the total was 52-5 hours (50%i). The temperature of the sea water was higher on all coasts than during the corresponding week of 1910. The individual readings varied from 44' at Burnmouth. to 60° at Seafield. A balloon carrying a Meteorograph was liberated at Manchester at 5.50 p.m. on March 1st and was found at Little Downham, near Littleport, Cambridgeshire, having tra\elled one lumdred and twenty-four miles in a south-easterlv direction 234 KNOWLEDGE. June. 1911. The instrumental record showed that the balloon had reached an altitude of 19-1 kilometres or sixty-two thousand feet. The lowest temperature recorded was 214°- 5 (absolute scale) at a height of thirty-three thousand feet. The temperature then increased to 224^-5 at thirty-nine thousand feet, but fell again to 21S°-0 at the maxinumi height. By MICROSCOPY. A. W. Shepp.-\rd, F.R.M.S., with the assistitiicc of tlic folloic'ing inicroscopists :- AUIML'R C. HANFItMJ- Thk Rkv. E. W". tJ<.)\i'KLL. M..\. jAMtb BlRTON. Charles H. Cakfvn. C. D. Soar, F.R.M.S. .■\RTHLR EaRLAMi. E.R.M.S. Richard T. I.hwt!,. F.R.M.S. Chas. F. Rolssklkt, F.R.M.S D. J.ScoiRHELD. F.Z.S., F.R.M.S. Figure 1. Nc!iiJi(7iiia tn\niiiii!aris. Female, ventral surface. NOTE ON A \VAT1:K-MITE NEW To BRITAIN iXEUMANIA TRIANGULARIS PIEKSK',).— In 1908 both sexes of the above mite were taken from a fresh- water pool in the locality of Stourbridge, Worcestershire. The female is 1-42 millimetres long, of a pale yellow colour. Epimeral plates are finely granulated, the fourth pair having a well-marked hook-shaped process at their lower extremity. The genital plates are green in colour, with thirty to thirty- five acetabula on each, .\bove each plate are three small hair pores arranged somewhat like the apices of a triangle in outline, together with a prominent gland. Legs are yellowish-green in colour and all supplied with strong spines or swimming hairs, the second and fourth pairs having in addition a number of feathered or serrated hairs presenting a pretty effect under dark ground illumination. The male is smaller than the female, 1-12 millimetres long, of a light .almost transparent yellow colour. The Malpighian \ essel is very distinct. Genital plates are circular in outline, of a pale green colour, with about twenty-five acetabula on each half and several fine hairs at top and bottom. Two prominent glands on each side of median line, one towards margin of body. Several species of this genus are described by Mr, C, D. Soar in Scicticc Gossip, Vol. \'II. p. 19 under the generic name Cochlcoplionis. G. P. Deklev, UN THE 1D1:NTITV OF HABROTROCHA BIDHXS (GOSSE), — If the recognition of this handsome and graceful Bdelloid depended solely upon the original description ("Catalogue of Rotifera found in Britain," P, H, Gosse, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 1.S51I, it could only be regarded as hopeless, for the few characters then stated liave proved to be common to many distinct forms,-- Fortunately, however, Gosse found opportunity in "The Rotifera" (Hudson and Gosse, 18S6), to provide a fuller description accompanied by figures which, if wanting in detail, give a fair idea of the general style of an animal which seems to be somewhat of a rarity. In about twenty years' experience I have only met with it on two occasions, vi^. : in ground moss kindly collected for me by Mr. D. J. Scourfield near Bury St. Edmunds, and from roof moss which I obtained from an accessible roof-gutter near Mundesley, But before finding, in 1908, the particular form which I am confident is that seen by Gosse, I had repeatedly compared with his description other two-toothed blind Philodinidae, always with unsatisfactory result. That others may avoid the like tedious proceeding, it may be useful to point out the more distinctive details suppHcd by Gosse, and to give some additional characteristics which will further establish a very interesting species. The corona and the body outline of my specimens were generally in agreement with Gosse's figures, and they also possessed the wild manners, the small two-toothed rami, and (occasionally) the angular lateral prominence which he described. But the most unusual detail, and. therefore, the best for purposes of identification, was the constantly recurring display of the central toe. short and acute, between the spurs, as shown by Gosse in his figure of the imperfectly retracted position, a pose of the toe and spurs characteristic also of Habrotrocha tripiis (Murray I. but elsewhere unknown among blind three-toed Philodinidae. Gosse describes the foot as having a small stiff point behind and two soft Figure 1, Head with corona (dorsal view). ce Figure 2. Extremity of foot (ventral view). 5_ l/V\'^ / CE Figure 3. Anal segment and foot (dorsal view). cylindrical lateral protrusible toes, truncate at the extremities. I do not seem to have seen the truncate ends of the lateral toes, but the central toe was frequently visible as a small stiff point behind, Gosse's description of the stomach is also noteworthy. In one of his specimens it ;ippeared to be composed of a number of spherical cells, but in others was of a minutely granular texture. These varying appearances of the stomach are quite usual with several species of the "pellet-making" Philodinidae and depend upon the quantity of digestive fluid between the two membranes of the stomach wall. When the fluid is scanty the food-pellets within the stomach cavity are plainly visible, ■and have the appearance of spherical cells. When the fluid is abundant, its finely-granular consistence is sufficiently opaque to completely hide the actual contents of the stomach, I believe, therefore, that Gosse's description of the stomach indicates that his species was a pellet-maker and in this respect .also my specimens agreed with his, Habrotrocha June, 1911. KNOWLEDGE. 235 hidciis is, in fact, the largest pellet-making species yet found, my exatnples attaining a length of 460 m, when apparently fully grown. But apart from its great size, it may be recognised by the slenderness of the anal segment, and by the length of the foot, the post-anal segment being about twice as long as its average width, and also by a pecuHar ridge-like structure crossing the trochal discs. When feeding the foot was generally extended, sometimes showing the central toe (c.t. Figures 2 and 3), sometimes not. The rather short spurs (s.s.) were held nearly parallel to the body axis. The lateral toes \l.t.) were invaginated as usual. A diagrammatic view of the head with corona displayed is given in Figure 1, the cilia of both principal and secondary wreaths, which are quite normal, being omitted for greater clearness. The moderately wide trochal discs are supported on two strong pedicels. Near the centre of each disc the trochal seta-pencil rises from a small prominence from which a low ridge (r. r.) continues to and over the inner margin of the disc, the ridge from either disc dipping to meet that from the other. As these ridges arise at the nerve centre of the discs, I surmise that they protect nerve branches passing towards the median line. I have not seen them so well developed in any other Bdelloid and rarely even rudimentary. Between their junction and the moderately high upper lip (i(./.) is visible a fleshy nexus in.) connecting the pedicels and extending nearly up to the level of the discs. In all my specimens, the food- pellets were of unusually small size. The characteristic wildness of the animal is greatly modified if it be kept for a week or so in a small trough or cell. Examples thus confined produced eggs of oval form, but proportionally longer than customary among Bdelloids. The embryo developed very rapidly, and the young rotifer emerged in about six days, about half the usual period. David Brvck. ON FLUID MOUNTING.— There is no question that with very many classes of objects fluid mounting is the best, as the preparation is shown without pressure or distortion, and the natural arrangement of the parts gives a true idea of its real nature. Many of us, however, bar fluid slides altogether owing to their usual habit of leaking after a short period, and it is to obviate this fault that the present note is given. The first essential of a cemented joint is usually as close a joint as possible with a mininnnn quantity of the adhesive. This, as is ordinarily tried with marine glue, gi\es a perfectly sound joint of the ring to the slide, but owing to the unequal expansion and contraction with temperature changes of the fluid mountant as compared with the glass, the rigid setting sooner or later gives way and the slide is ruined. What is really re(|uired is a cement sufficiently hard to be adhesive, rigid enough to bear handling, yet elastic to stand the trifling differences of volume required with temperature variation. Hence a sufficient quantity of an elastic cement must be used to accommodate by its own variability the necessary changes. Such a cement can be made as follows : — A penny tube of cycle rubber solution, which is rubber in naphtha, is emptied into a four- ounce bottle and double its volume of old gold size added, shaking till thoroughly mixed. This must now be placed on a water bath or anywhere to be heated not beyond one hundred and fifty degrees in order to drive off the naphtha and .any volatile constituent of the gold size. Whilst this is being done, prepare a thick solution of shellac in absolute alcohol (not methylated spirit) and add, when the other solution is naphtha- free, twice its volume of shellac solution as thick as treacle. Stir whilst hot and filter through fine nuislin before cooling. It can be thinned as desired with absolute alcohol. The reason why methylated spirit cannot be used is that the denaturant which evaporates with the spirit may evaporate inwards and be condensed in the fluid mountant, and I have seen many slides spoiled by a milky fog caused by the condensed denaturant, which is not transparent w hen mixed with water any more than methylated spirit is. The quantity required is not large, so absolute alcohol is not prohibitive. Use the mountant as thickly as it can be worked to flow and make a heavy ring on the slide. Of course, it is preferable to do a fair quantity at one time. This sets in about fifteen minutes and dries reasonably hard in a day. This ensures perfect contact of the cement to glass slip. To cement the rings I take a scraping of soap from the piece in use, and spread it on the turntabf? centre. A ring flatted on coarse emery cloth if metal, or coarse saiidpaper if vulcanite, can be pressed on to the soap and adjusted centrally with sufficient firmness to be cemented all round, leaving a more le\ el ring than can be otherwise obtained. The next day, or later, a thin ring of cement can be put on the slip and the ring adjusted in place. When hardened you will have perfect .contact of cement and glass, with perfect contact of cement and ring, with an elastic layer of cement in between, which is capable of absorbing any small variation under the exercise of pressure. .A. ring fixed in this manner is likely to remain permanent if the further mounting operations are properly performed. C. E. Heath, F.R.M.S. MICRO -FUNGUS FROM THE JAPAN - BRITISH EXHIBITION. — A friend who visited the .\ino village in the Japan-British Exhibition last year at Shepherd's Bush, happened to pull out a straw from one of the native huts. He found it was rice straw and had been brought from Japan specially for the construction of the huts. Some minute dark spots on a leaf proved on examination under the microscope to be patches of a fungus. It is one of the Puccinias, a genus Figure 1. Figure 2. of which there are very many species, growing on various plants and widely distributed. Dr. Cooke records no less than seventy-eight for Britain alone, " Microscopic Fungi " p.p. 202-212. The well-known " Mildew " on wheat is one of them, P. grant inis, and the example found on the rice straw closely resembles it, though probably, as living on another host, it would be considered a separate species. The patches (sori) are found on both sides of the leaf in this case, and are made up of very numerous double spores, attached to stalks often of considerable length. Figure 1. The mature spore has a thick outer coat of a rich brown colour, and a thinner one within. .\i the apex an opening through the thick coat can be seen, and the lower spore has a similar opening — usually rather difficult to make out — on one side just below the cross wall. Figure 2. Through these openings, on germination taking place, a tube is protruded, the further end of which divides into three or four cells each bearing a very small spore on the end of a short branch. Figure 2. It is these extremely minute secondary spores which propagate the fungus. In many species they do not reproduce a Puccinia such as they arise from, but another form known as " cluster cups," an elegant little fungus well known to microscopists. This may be pro- duced on the same or on a different species of host plant, witfi many variations in the details, for the life history in most cases is very complicated. Immense loss is caused to farmers and horticulturists, as the fungi weaken and even destroy the plants on which they grow. . „ THE SCALES OF LEPIDOPTERA.— Some time ago I recei\'ed from a correspondent in South Africa some curious pupae which he had found suspended by threads from one of the branches of a bush. They were sent in spirit which did not seem to have injuriously affected either their form or colour. On examination they were seen to be in different stages of development, the imago in one being apparently on the point of emergence. Upon carefully removing the enclosing membrane from this, I extracted a butterfly which 236 KNOWLEDGE. June, IQll. appeared to be perfectly mature, except that the wings were shorter than the body, as is usual when the insect first bursts from the pupa case. It had often been a matter of conjecture how it was that when the wings of a butterfly were fully expanded a few hours after emergence, the scales were all perfectly formed and covered the entire wing surface by over- lapping at their lower edges like tiles when laid on the roof of a house. It did not seem possible that if the scales were fully formed an5 covered the wings in the same manner when only one third of their ultimate length, they could also cover the expanded wing so completely as we find to be the case in the mature insect. On setting the specimen referred to, and placing it under the microscope, the mystery was at once sohed by finding that the scales were all there and in perfect condition, but instead of lying fiat they were standing on end attached to the membrane of the wing in the usual manner, but so close together that the coloured pattern formed by them could be distinctly made out. In this position, — just as roofing tiles take up less room when standing close together on edge, — the scales then occupied a niinimum amount of space, and it seemed clear that as the membrane expanded it would draw their stalks farther apart, and at the same time cause them to lie down, and in this way cover a greatly increased ^^"^^^ . . R. T. Lewis. F.K.M.S. THE ROYAL MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY.— April 19th. H. G. Plimnier. Esq., F.R.S., President, in the chair. Mr. E. J. Spitta gave a demonstration of low-power photo- micrography with special reference to colouring methods, in which he showed some fifty coloured slides which had been coloured by an artist friend by a completely new method. Mr. Spitta also communicated a report on Grayson's Rulings presented by Mr. Conrad Beck to the Royal Micro- scopical Society, which embodied the results of many thousand observations. Mr. E. J. Shepherd read a paper on "The Re-appearance of the Nucleolus in Mitosis," which formed an addendum to his previous paper, communicated in April, 1909, on "The Disappearance of the Nucleolus in Mitosis." In the present connnanication he said that with a view to ascertaining how and when the nucleolus makes its re-appearance, the diaster stage is the one which calls for most careful study and observation. At or about the time of the formation of the dispirem, and before the diasters have lost their characteristic shape, a looping in the chromatin is observed — the number of loops varying in each daughter nucleus. It is in these loops that the nucleoli will appear, but it must not be inferred that a nucleolus will appear in each loop, as there are frequently more loops than nucleoli. The latter make their appear- ance when the division of the cell is well marked, and when the interzonal fibres have generally disappeared. From the results of his research, he was of opinion that the nucleolus is a product of the chromatin injected into the loops by a process which can best be described as a "streaming in " process. A full account of the technique of the staining and methods adopted, and so on, which have led to the above conclusion, will be found in the Jniinia! of the Royal Microscopical Society. Mr. J. Murray communicated the second portion of a report from the Shackleton Antarctic Expedition of 1909, on the Canadian Rotifera. Forty-two species (all Bdelloids) were collected among mosses. They included five new species — Calliditia aspcnila, C. canadensis, Mniobia obtiisicornis, M. inonfiiiiu. Habrotrocha inaculata. There were also a number of peculiar varieties of other species. C. aspentla has since been found in Ireland by the Clare Island Survey. Twenty-seven Bdelloids were previously recorded for the United States. Six of these occurred in their collections, so that the number of Bdelloids now known in North .America stands at sixty-three species, but a number of these are of doubtful value. .Among the rarer Canadian species were I'liilodina austral is (.•\ustralia and Canada), Callidina speciosii (British Guiana and Canadal. C. zickendrahti (Russia and Canada). .A description of a new piece of apparatus for photomicro- graphy, with the microscope in the inclined position by Sefior Domingo de Oureta, was read by the Secretary. OUEKETT MICR(JSCOPICAL CLUB. — April _',Sth. 1911. Professor E. A. Minchin, M.A.. F.R.S., President, in the chair. Dr. .\. C. Coles, of Bournemouth, sent a note describing the advantages of Parolein as a mounting medium. Its refractive index is 1-471, as against 1 -530 for balsam in xylol. It is absolutely neutral, and. so far as is known at present, is entirely without action on any dyes. It is rather more trouble to use than a balsam, as, being a liquid, the preparations require to be ringed with some cement which is also neutral. (A detailed account of the methods employed by the author will be found in The Lancet for April 1st, 1911.) A number of bacterial preparations mounted in parolein were exhibited under microscopes lent by Messrs. H. F. Angus & Co. The President exhibilinl and described: (1) Cysticercoid of the rat-tapeworm Hynienolcpis diminnta from the body-cavity of the rat-flea, Ceratopliylliis fasciatns, with head invaginated. (2) The same, with head extended. (3) Another species of cysticercoid, probably H. miiriiia. also from the body-cavity of the rat-flea. (4) Ventral nervous system of C. fasciatits. (5) Salivary gland and duct of C. fasciatns. These preparations were displayed under microscopes, also kindly lent by Messrs. H. F. .Angus & Co. The Honorary Treasurer. Mr. F". J. Perks, read "Some Notes upon Seeds as Micro-Objects " contributed by Mr. N. F,. Brown. It was reconnnended that the specimens be mounted in cells, dry, on clear glass slips, not on a dark ground, and fixed in position with seccotine or gum. For illuminating, a spot lens and concave mirror below the stage, together with a stand condenser to give top light, were used. Added beauty is obtained if coloured gelatine, say red, is placed below the spot-lens, and a green gelatine held over the stand-condenser. Some of the more beautiful varieties w-ere then described, among which may be mentioned Pterospernia andrunicdea, Paiiloxoiia iniperialis. Philydrnni lanuginosnm, Nemesia StriDuosa, Elioinirus elegans, and Sesantum capense. Mr. D. J. Scourfield. F.Z.S., F.R.M.S., made some remarks on " The LIse of the Centrifuge in Pond-Life Work." He had recently been experimenting with a hand-driven form running at about seven thousand revolutions per minute. The tubes held only about one-and-a -half c.c. instead of the usual fifteen c.c. It was found that if plain water be taken from any pond in a tube without a net. and centrifuged, there are obtained numbers of very minute flagellates, very small heliozoa, diatoms and desmids, and a great variety of immature forms. The size of these organisms was of the order of the one-thousandth of an inch (25m). There was a considerable field for work on what had been christened the " centrifuged plankton." He had observed quite a number of forms new to him. but could not yet say if they were really new. Certainly some of them had never been named. ORNITHOLOGY. By Hugh Boyd Watt, M.B.(.).U. JUDGMENTS ON THE KOOK. — Mr. Walter E. CoUinge has recently been investigating the feeding habits of the rook, and gives his finding in his First Report on Economic Biology (Birmingham, Midland Educational Coy., 1911. Price 2, 6 net.) He is strongly of opinion that we have too many rooks, as they are distinctly destructive to cereal and root crops, game, and so on, and that they should be systematically reduced in number and held in check. This verdict is supported by the results obtained from examination of the stomach contents of eight hundred and thirty rooks shot throughout the year 1908-9. in England and Wales, and (to continue using Mr. Collinge's own words) showing: — (1) That 67-5 per cent, of the food of the rook consists of grain ; if to this we add that of roots and fruits, the percentage is raised to 71 per cent. (2) The animal food-content was only about 29 per cent., of which quite one-third must be reckoned against the rook. June, 1911. KNOWLEDGE. 237 (3) There is ample evidence to show that, with the present large nnnibers of rool[0K1,. M..\. (Oxon). 275 pages. 16 illustrations, "-l-in. x 5-in. (Methuen & Co. Price 3 6.) If we were asked to recommend a guide to the elements of chemical theory suitable for students at an early period of their work, we could suggest nothing better than this book. It is clearly and simply written, and the author's experience as a teacher of beginners has enabled him to anticipate and answer the chief difficulties that will arise. It deals at sufficient length \\ ith most of the subjects usually found in the larger works upon the theory of Chemistry, and has an excellent chapter upon radio-activity and its bearing upon the possible constitution of the elements. Perhaps, in a future edition, it may be found possible to devote more attention to the " phase rule," and the principles of thermo-chemistry. .although the author anticipates ine\ itable criticism upon his use of the hydrogen standard for the atomic weights, and gives good reasons for its retention, we still think that an early adoption of the oxygen standard would be the better course. For since the use of H = 1 has been discarded in the annual tables of International Atomic Weights, all scientific work is now based upon the standard of 0 = 16. Hence to accustom students to the use of values which in practice they « ill ha\e 241 242 KNOWLEDGE. June, 1911. to unlearn, seems a greater evil than the difficulty of making the fact clear that the value 16 is only an arbitrary standard, and the possibility that some students may acquire for a time the notion that atomic weights are necessarily whole numbers. By the way. why was a table of atomic weights of 1905 chosen for the appendi.x ? The current table contains several more elements and gives \alues differing in many respects from those in a table that h&s been out of date for five vears. C. A. M. A Concise History of Chemistry. By T. P. Hiluitch. B.Sc. A.I.C. 263 pages. 16 illustrations. 75-in.X5-in. (Methuen & Co. Price 2 6.1 It is no easy task to survey, within the limits of one small volume, the entire history of chemistry, from the days of alchemy to the present time, and in this case the difficulty was increased by the fact that the book was also designed to meet the requirements of certain examinations in the subject of historical chemistry. A book upon these lines runs the risk of being little more than a skeleton of facts, names and dates. The author, however, has escaped this pitfall, and has given us a most readable outline without sacrificing the necessary compression, and has enabled ns to follow easily the development of the main theories of modern chemistry. There is also an e.xcellent account of the history of the different elements and their chief compounds, and the book concludes with biographical notes of many of the great chemists, tables summarising the sequence of discoveries and theories, and a good name and subject index. The chief fault in the book is the complete omission of anv reference to many important branches of the science, such as biological chemistry, and the scanty treatment of other subjects. For instance, in the section dealing with technical chemistry the subject of oils and fats is mentioned, but there is no reference to any worker of later date than Chevreul ; while in the account of the progress of experimental methods there is no mention of the now classical iodine absorption method of von Hiibl. The selection of the names included in the biographical notes appears somewhat capricious. Thus the names of Odling and of Newlands are omitted, while the names of many whose contributions to chemistry have been of much less weight are included. Doubtless these omissions will be remedied in the next edition. C.A. M. All liifnuliictioii to Cliciiiiciil Theory. — Second edition. By .\, Scott, D,Sc., F,K.S. 272 pages, iS|-in, x Dj-in, (Adam and Charles Black. Price 5 - net.) Slowly, out of a confused mass of p.iintully accuumlated detail, there has been evolved a philosophy of chemistry which has shown that there was a certain law and order connecting the apparently isolated facts. Several large works upon the subject have appeared from the pens of such masters as Mendeleef and Ostwald. and the present handbook, which has deservedly reached its second edition, forms an excellent introduction to these. It takes a brief survey over the whole ground upon which the theory of chemistry has been raised, and is so fully and clearly written as to be easily followed by any student who has acquired some knowledge of the facts of the science. Among the subjects treated .at considerable length in the difierent chapters are the determina- tion of atomic weights, classification of the elements, carbon compounds, the principles of thermal chemistry, and solution and electrolysis, and these are illustrated by numerical examples wherever necessary. The author's aim has been to deal only with points concern- ing which there is little or no dispute, and as far as possible to exclude speculative matter; but we venture to think that there has been a somewhat too rigid .adherence to this rule in a book, one of the objects of which should be to stimulate the imagination of the reader. Thus the subject of radio-activity is practically ignored, although it is in this direction that most progress in the immediate future may be expected. In the few remarks upon radium (page 70) some doubt is implied as to whether that substance is really an element ; but since this view is opposed to the now generally accepted opinion — an opinion based upon the properties of radium and its salts, its position in the periodic system, and its characteristic spectrum — it would have been of interest to have learned the reasons for this doubt. The book is clearl>- printed in large type, and has a good index, but its use as a handbook would ha\e been enormously increased by references to the original papers and by the addition of a classified bibliograpliy. M.VTHKMATICS. C. A. M. .4 First liooh of Geometry. — By J. \'. H. Coat);s, B.Sc. 142 pages. 1 27 illustrations. 7-in. X 4vin. (Macniillan & Co. Price 1,6.) This book seems to have been compiled in compliance with the recommendations recently issued by the Board of Educa- tion, on the teaching of Elementary Geometry. Naturally there is nothing new except in the arrangement of the subject matter, and in some pleasing pictures of a small boy in knickerbockers engaged in " field work." ,,, ,^ ,, W , IJ, r.. Elements of .\na\ytieal Geometry. — By G. A. (ilHbON, M.A., LL.n!, and P. Pixkerton, M.A., D.Sc. 475 pages. 149 illustrations. 7i-in. x5-in. (Macniillan lS: Co. Price 7 6.1 This biiok contains a great deal of matter not usually included in elementary treatises on Cartesian Geometry. Much space is allotted to the plotting of curves, and not only curves of the second degree, but some of what are usually classed as Higher Plane Curves are discussed as fully as elementary methods permit. Geometrical treatment after the manner of Euclid is freely adopted, so that the chapters on Conic Sections are a combination of analytical and geometri- cal methods. There was no real justification for the separation of the two in older books, and this one seems to include all the essential parts of what we used to learn as Geometrical Conies, We hoped to have found the notation of the Calculus introduced somewhere in the book. Surely it must be possible to combine the elements of Differential Calculus with the elements of .Analytical Geometry in a way that is less tedious and yet not unsound. Here the authors, instead of making the beginner's yoke lighter, have added to it, and the bei^inuings of the Calculus seem further off than ever. But a student who has worked through this book will be thoroughly prep.ared for it when at length it does come. \V. D. E. IIX'HNCJLOGV. Journal of the Mnnieipal Sehool of Teelinology, Man- chester.—Xo]. III. 1910. Edited by J. Baknes, M.A., B.Sc. 392 pages. 130 illustrations. 9T-in. X 7i-in. (The Education Committee.) This journal forms a record of original investigations under- taken by members of the Teaching Staff and Students of the School in the Session 1909. In most cases the papers have been reprinted from the journals and publications of learned societies. Although the application of science to industry is the object of the instruction given in the school, the researches contri- buted by the %arious dcpartu\ents are not entirely techno- logical ; theoretical investigations have not been shirked, but indeed form quite a large part of some of the papers. Mechanical Engineering is represented by three important investigations : — Professor J, T. Nicholson's masterly research of " Heat Transmission in Steam Boilers," .i further paper on the same lines by Mr, H. P, Jordan, and an exhaustive account of some experimental work on "Twist Drills." Well-illustrated dissertations on " Single-Phase Traction." " \'ai^aboud Currents," " Elash-Over Voltages," 243 KNOWLEDGE. June. 1911. and some notes on the " Elimination of Sparking " are con- tributed by the staff and students of the Electrical Engineering Department. .•\n important contribution to the subject of \'entilation is made by Professor J. Radcliffe. A number of new methods in Volumetric Analysis are described, also a modification of the Beclcmann apparatus by Dr. Knecht. The dyeing industry receives a large share of attention, especially in its application to cotton fabrics, while even the colouring matter in niunnny cloths has been investigated I Weaving, of which we should have expected to hear much, has only one short paper devoted to it. This, a twelve page monograph on " The Effect of Twist upon Yarns," consists mainly of a detailed description of three plates depicting " single " and " double '" yarns in various stages of twist. The report to the Government on the Hand Loom Industry in Bombay is also included in the \olume. The journal is printed in the Printing Crafts Department of the School, on which it reflects some credit. P. K. CORRESPONDENCE. H.ALLEY'S COMET. To flic Editors of " Knowledge."' ' Sirs, — I shall be glad if any one of your readers or contributors of astronomical articles will please explain to me, through " Knowledge." why the tail of Halley's Comet was shown divided into one on the east before dawn, another on the west after dusk, instead of one on the north and another on the south, when our globe entered into the tail of the comet in the morning of the 19th May, 1910. Is the cau.se of the division of the tail the magnetic repulsion of the earth ? I should also like to know whether the tail of Halley's Comet actually touched the atmosphere of the earth or not? K. G. CHANDR.^. THE ETERNAL RETURN. To flic Editors of " Knowledge." Sirs, — I should like to say a few words on the above subject. I have dealt with the matter from the theological point of view in two letters which have recently appeared in the \c'iC Age criticising some articles on " Theology " by " M.B. Oxon." First, it is necessary to realise that one's know-ledge of the ■' external w-orld " and the phenomena which occur there is primarily obtained by sensations, these sensations necessarily depending upon the nature of the corresponding sense organs. Most of us think principally in visual impressions Iretinal images) ; and since the shape of these images depends upon the structure of the eye, it is open to question to what extent the relation of the images in the mind is a true representation of the '■ external " phenomena. Space, time, force, motion are so intimately associated with " consciousness " that there is a good deal of reason for asking whether they really exist apart from consciousness. I often wish scientific people felt more than they appear to do, that whatever line of investigation into the underlying processes of nature is taken, the rock-bottom arrived at is the consciousness of the investigator. One may reduce the whole cosmos, including humanity, to motion and force — but these are effects in consciousness. It is very gratifying to see the notion of space of more than three dimensions entertained by Professor Pickering, If only the conception were more readily entertained by astronomers, physicists and biologists, many astounding results might follow. The possibility that the bodies of the solar system are something more than spheres, as a sphere or cylinder is something more than a circle — the possibility that organisms (including man) are something more than three-dimensional entities — opens up a province of speculation which might not be devoid of practical results. However, since dimension depends upon consciousness, one has to be careful in talking of dimensions of which the human mind is not " consciously " ^°""'='°""- J. JOHN ELLIOTT, COSMIC CHANGES. To file Editors of " Knowledge." Sirs, — In the recent work of Dr. .Alfred Russel Wallace, " The World of Life," the following statement occurs " , . . . there have been cosmic changes due to the varying eccentricity of the earth's orbit and the precession of the equinoxes, leading to alternations of hot. short summers with long, cold winters, and the reverse ; culminating at very distant intervals in warm and equable climates over the whole land surface of the globe ; at other shorter and rarer periods in more or less severe " ice ages," like that in which the whole north temperate zone was plunged during the Pleistocene period, , , ," Can any of your readers give a proof of the cosmic changes due to varying eccentricity and precession of the equinoxes ? •AN.XIOIS." IS SPACE INFINITE? To the Editors of " Knowledge," Sirs, — Surely it is easier to conceive of infinity than of finity ? In considering this ijuestion one must assmiie that one has the power of illimitable flight ; one must deal with the question on a practical basis. Your correspondent talks about curved space. Now, however slight is the curve, some sort of limit is suggested of which we are on one side. What is on the other ? Either absolutely nothing, i.e.. infinity or something, in which case we should have to start afresh. To my mind the very fact of talking of finity, tacitly admits infinity. Directly one talks about a boundary, the "other side" must always be considered. It is also interesting to speculate about time, such as we know it. Suppose that all our systems by which we measure time were taken away, and that man lived on the surface of a dark earth, let us suppose, absolutely the only sphere in existence, — would time still be considered to exist ? It would exist, and yet it is strange to think upon. CHER SCIENTIFIC NOTES. To the Editors of " Knowledge." Sirs, — In reading a paper by William R. Kenwick on " Insects Destructive to Books" reprinted from The American Journal of Pharmacy, I came across the following which is well worth attention : — " Too little attention has been given to the manuscript notes of scientific workers, often only a line or two of their observations upon the small forms of life. The average scientific man, thinking it too trivial to notice, often passes over the very observation which is the key to the puzzle that he has been spending years in trying to sol\e." It cannot be emphasized too strongly that real advance in knowledge, in any branch of science, is only to be made by the worker who pays attention to the minute details, and who regards nothing as too trifling to be worthy of record. FRANK C. DENNETT. WILLIAM HERSCHEL : HIS TELESCOPES AND WORK. Bv \V. F. DENNING. F.K..\.S. William Herschel completed his first telescope in March. 1774, and made his last observation in June, 1S21. What a period of activity those forty-seven years included! His sister Carolina assisted him in his observations, while his brother Alexander helped hiui in constructing telescopes. When Herschel came upon the scene and recognised the requirements of practical astronomy the heavens had not been explored — Nebulae and double stars existed in myriads but only in a few special instances had they been suitably recorded. He resolved to search the firmament, to reap the harvest of wonders it presented, and to properly arrange and classify them for the advantage of ages to come. So he swept the sky year after year with a skill unmatched, an energy indomitable, and a success beyond anticipation. He was a star indeed risen amid the dawn of a new astronomy. He sounded the depths of space and brought to light great numbers of interesting objects never previously discerned by human eyes. When his work was done the hea\ens had given up many of its secrets. He had advanced our knowledge, in a marvellously com- prehensive manner, of the great expanse around ns, and posterity w'ill honour his name as that of a great pioneer in the field of methodical ob.servation. Yet he was not backed up by any national institution, endowment, or observatory. He was a comparatively poor man, but with a genius within him which conceived a noble work, and mechanical abilities which enabled him to fashion with his own hands the telescopes he required. True his Sovereign encouraged and pecuniarily assisted him after he had gained renown. But without any help from George III. his great career was assured — Herscliel would have been Herschel still I The quality of Herschel's telescopes has been sometimes discussed, and the subject is interesting, though differences of opinion must necessarily exist. We can hardly think that telescopes made more than a century ago could equal the best appliances of our own day. We must have learnt something, and approached a little nearer perfection during the last hundred years. Old mirrors carefully tested alongside Calver's and ^^"ith's best work might be expected to suffer in the comparison : at any rate that seems to be the reasonable inference. But we may depend upon it that Herschel's mirrors were as good as they could be made in his day. and that they were very excellent in certain cases is sufficiently evident from his own allusions, and from the high powers he occasionally utilized so successfully. It may in some degree elucidate the question if a few quotations are made from Herschel's writings. .And in gi\ing this evidence relatively to his telescopes I should like to mention that my intention is merely to mention facts on both sides of the case, and give no expression of opinion. .'Xt this distance of time it would be in bad taste, and certainly unjust, to disparage the instruments with which such splendid results were achieved. No doubt Herschel's powers were such that he could have made discoveries with relatively inferior instruments, but we have his word for it tliat liis telescopes were of far different character from that. On April 12th, 1805, he speaks of viewing "Saturn with a power of five hundred and seventy on a seven-feet mirror of six and three-tenths inches aperture and extraordinary distinctness." Referring to the seventh satellite of Saturn, he says he " saw it very well in the twenty-feet reflector, to which the extjuisite figure of the speculum not a little contributes." — .•\ugust 2Sth, 1789. On October 24th, 17Q1. with a " seven-feet reflector, having a new machine-polished, most excellent speculum, I see that the division in the ring of Saturn and the open space between the ring and body are ecjually dark." .\n impression has prevailed that the forty-feet telescope rather disappointed expectation, and that its defining powers were certainly not on a par with its light-grasping capacity ; at any rate Herschel generally used the twenty-feet and seven- feet instruments. Burnham's opinion is that some of the instruments utilized by the old observers of double stars could not compare favourably with modern refractors, and particu- larly with telescopes made by the Clarks. " Even when the earlier observers had powerful instruments in point of light- gathering power, as in the case of the Herschels, there can be no doubt that they were far inferior in definition." In the Phil. Trans, for 1795 he gives ns an idea of the number of instruments made, and says : — " When I resided at Bath I had long been acquainted with the theory of optics and mechanics, and wanted only that experience which is so necessary in the practical part of these sciences. This I acquired by degrees at that place . . . My way of doing these instruments at that time, when the direct method of giving the figure of any of the conic sections to specula was still unknown to me, was to have many mirrors of each sort cast and to finish them all as well as I could ; then to select by trial the best of them, which I preserved ; the rest I put by to be repolished. In this manner I made not less than two hundred seven-feet, one hundred and fifty ten-feet, and about eighty twenty-feet mirrors, not to mention those of the Gregorian form." High magnifying powers involve a severe test of the perform- ance of telescopes. In proof of the quality of his mirrors we may quote him as saying " In beautiful nights when the outsides of our telescopes are dripping with moisture dis- charged from the atmosphere there are now and then favourable hoars in which it is hardly possible to put a limit to magnifying power." But these superlative hours were all too few-, alas, for he mentions he " had recourse to his journals to find how many favourable hours we may annually hope for in this climate. It is to be noticed that the nights nuist be very clear, the moon absent, no twilight, no haziness, no violent wind, and no sudden change of temperature, and it appears that a year which will afford ninety or at most one hundred hours is to be called a very productive one." Herschel's favourite working instrument seems to have been a seven-feet of six and three-tenths inches aperture. Speaking of observations of Saturn he mentions that "all that magnifying can do may be done as well with the seven-feet as with any larger instrument." The great forty-feet telescope was not used very frequently by Herschel, as its manipulation occupied valuable time and required assistance. It has been stated that this large instrument was discarded in consequence of its bad perform- ance and cumbersomeness, but this is scarcely justified. 244 Junk. 1911. KNOWLEDGE. 245 Herschel himself states " A forty-feet telescope should only be used for examining objects that other instruments will not reach." "The opportunities of using the forty-feet are rendered very scarce." On August 28th. 1789, he says " Having brought the forty-feet to the parallel of Saturn. 1 discovered a sixth satellite of that planet, and also saw the spots upon Saturn better than 1 had ever seen them before, so that I may date the finishing of the forty-feet telescope from that time." This is great praise for the big instrument, but Dr. Dick in describing the details of its construction and worl<, as published in the Phil. Trans., says: " It was not to be expected that a speculum of such large dimensions could have a perfect figure imparted to its surface nor that the curve, whatever it might be, would remain identically the same in changes of temperature ; therefore we are not surprised when we are told that the magnifying powers used with this telescope seldom exceeded two hundred ; the cjuantity of light collected by so large a surface being the principal aim of the maker." The Practical Astronomer, Page 304. No doubt Herschel's object was chiefly to get as much light as possible out of his instruments, as he was constantly searching for faint nebulae, minute satellites and so on. Thus we often find him adopting contrivances, and using expedients to obtain the maximum " penetrating power." Possessing optical and mechanical sicill only matched by- unwearying energy, Herschel must have succeeded in pro- ducing some thoroughly good instruments, though it should never be forgotten that his splendid ob.scrvational work more indicates the measure of the man than the particular kind or quality of his glasses. We, at the present day, cannot fairly judge as to the degree of perfection he attained, but it certainly ni'ist have been considerable. Critics may possibly find fault with a few details recorded in his papers, in the volumes of the Phil. Trans., such as the supposed discovery of the ring around Uranus, but when we consider the enormous amount of work he accom- plished, sometimes in indifferent air, or amid trying circum- stances, he must have been more than mortal could he have invariably avoided mistakes. Herschel's papers number sixt>'-nine, and they are practically inaccessible to the general astronomical pulilic, in the volumes of the Phil. Trans. Will these important memoirs ever be reprinted in book form ? Every year brings us some new astronomical works, but they are neither so welcome nor so valuable as a volume of Herschel's writings would prove. And this has been a desideratum for more than a century 1 Had Herschel's collected papers been available for convenient reference what immense trouble would have been avoided, and how many misunderstandings prevented ! Some descendant of the illustrious astronomer should present the scientific world with a handy volume of his results described in his own language. SOL.AR DISTL'RB.VNCES UURIXG APRIL, 191 1. Bv FRANK C. DENNETT. There has been a continuance of the somewhat increased activity upon the solar disc. On three days, April 18th, 19th and 20th, no disturbance, bright or dark was visible ; and upon the 16th and 17th only bright, or faculic disturbances were seen. At noon on April 1st the longitude of the central meridian was 188° ib' . No. 12 on the March list continued upon the disc until .Vpril 6th, and therefore re-appears upon the present chart. No 13. — Near the eastern limb, on the 1st. there appeared a moderate spot, but when farther on the disc it was seen to consist of three spotlets and three pores in slightly divergent lines. The middle, largest spot had the inner edge of its penumbra fringed brightly. The members decreased from the 6th until the 8th when only penumbraless pores were visible having a faculic lip. The length of the group was 44,000 miles. The region was faculic until the limb was reached. No. 14. — A spotlet. only seen upon the 2nd. No. 15. — A pore, only visible upon the 4th. approximately in the position shown. No. 16. — A solitary spot, 10,000 miles in diameter, crossed tte disc between the 3rd and 15th. The inner edge of its penumbra was fringed bright upon the Sth. 10th and 12th. whilst the umbra was crossed by a bridge upon 12th and 13th. .No. 17. — A spot, 14,000 miles in diameter, visible from April 22nd until May 3rd. The penumbra brightened inwards upon the 24th, 26th, 27th, 30th, and May 1st, and the umbra was crossed by a bridge on the 24th, and from the 27th until the 30th. On the 2Sth and 29th the southern half of the umbra appeared to be less dark than the northern. No. 17(7. — \ fine spot 15,000 miles across, visible from .4pril 22nd until May 5th. The brightening inwards of the penumbra was noted on the same days as No. 17, and also on the 26th. The umbra was ci"ossed by a bridge w-hich became very narrow. .\ faculic chain, convex northward, joined Nos. 17 and 17a, in which evanescent pores appeared on the 28th and 29th. No. 176. — A spotlet seen from the 22nd until May 2nd. There was a bright inner fringe to the penumbra on the 24th. On the 27th the umbra became elongated and on the 28th and 29th broken. Pores showed round it on the 27th, 28th, 29th, and on May 1st. No. 17c. — Two spotlets upon the 24th. one remaining until the 26th. No IS. — A small group of pores only seen upon the 30th. The chart is constructed from the combined observations of Messrs. J. McHarg. A. A. Buss, E. E. Peacock, and E. C. Dennett. DAY OF APRIL. If If } 12 11 1 0 ? ? S 5 « 5, P 2 i 9 1 28 V ^« ^f ^* -> ! '^ 21 2t 9 IS 17 (3 30 Ifi 18 vi 12 s n<^ 20 10 Eq ... .. ^ 'e . « 10 20 30 N 'e' 30 N 13 (5 /4 FCO 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 8 0 9 0 l( 3 1 0 1 '0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 •0 1 )0 ] K 2 M 2 0 2 20 2 30 2 ^ 2 SO 2 50 2 '0 2 30 2 90 3 00 5 0 3 ?0 5 50 3 ,0 3 iO i )0 NOTICES. LEWIS'S CIRCULATING SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY.— We have received from Mr. H. K. Lewis, of Gower Street. London, a sup[)lementar\- catalogue, covering works added to the hbrarv during the years 1908 and 1909. The catalogue is published at si.xpence, ' and contains a classified index of subjects with the authors who have written upon them, as well as an alphabetical list of titles. We have on pre\'ious occasions called tlu' attention of our readers to the completeness of this librarw and the inducements it offers to students of science. be produc(-'d Iw them in rooms, while the other shows how electric it\- can be pressed into domestic service. Our illustration shows one of the demonstration rooms. Beginning on the extreme left we find that the first ceiling light illustrates the method of down- ward reflecting b}' means of an opaque reflector. The second shows one in which there is a white silk shade beneath the lanii> to diffuse the light below and produce upward reflection. The fourth, with the bell-shaped shade, illustrates a method of concentrat- ing all the light and reHecting it downwards. The 1 >riiii initiation Roimi at the Westminster IHectric Supply Corperation. Mr. Lewis has asked us to mention that bis premises ^\•ill in future be closed at 6.30 p.m., instead of 7 p.m., during the months of June, July and August, A NEW DISCOVERY.— Smoked glasses, it has been shown, onlv cut off a part of the ultra-violet ra\s, which are those which have an irritating effect on the eyes of man}- people ; they also are harmful as they make the retina more and more sensitive to light. A new glass which has been called "Spectres " has been introduced by Messrs. W. Watson & Sons, of High Holborn, which cuts off the ultra-violet rays and yet allows all the remainder to pass freely. It has a pale green tint but it is the chemical con- stituents upon which its p(;culiar properties depend, and eye-glasses made from it have not the disfiguring effect of the ordinary smoked ones. ILLUMINATION.— A very interesting exhibi- tion is now open at the offices of the Westminster Electric Supply Cor[)oration, Limited, in Ecclestone Place, Belgravia. One part of it deals with \arious systems of electric lighting and the effects which can hith shows upward reflection anel slight downward diffusion by means of an opal shade. The seventh gives diffused light by means of holoj)hane glass. The effects of lighting by means of tnetai filament lamps hidden behind the cornice are also well seen. The candle lamps are used for reflecting from the walls, and the brackets below them are intended for downward lighting. On the other side of the exhibition we have an elaborate display of the apparatus which is being perfected in connection with cooking b\- electricity, and an experienced cook is in charge to demonstrate its use. Amongst the exhibits are ranges, ovens, grills, breakfast cookers, kettles and apparatus for giving continuous hot water supply at very small cost. There are also methods of introducing warm fresh air. for keeping towel rails sufficienth' hot to air the towels, and motors for working sewing machines and floor polishers as well as soldering irons, hair driers, and curling tongs which are themselves heated Iw tlie current as the\- are used. J46 Knowledofe. With which is incorporated Harduiclce's Science Gossip, and the Illustrated Scientific Xews. A Monthly Record of Science. Conducted by Wilfred Mark Webb, F.L.S., and E. S. Grew, M.A. J L' L Y , 19 11. PLAXT HAIRS. By K. i:. STVAN. (Cuntinucd truiii Page 766.) III. — Branched and StiX(;iN(; Hairs. ornamented with munerous lateral brandies, which (eft Thi-: term "compound" is applied to branched are long and very slender, giving the appearance of a hairs, their distinctive feature being that the\- gi\'e person holding up many arms. .Again, in the Deadly Figure 1. Hair from the leaf of Garden Rihcs. Figure 2. Hair from the corolla tube of Deadly Nightshade. Figure 3. Hair from the leaf of the Chili Nettle iLoasaK off lateral branches from the main pedicel instead of from the tip, as do forked hairs. Among the branched hairs are all kinds of most extraordinary-looking structures, and man\" of very great loveliness. If we examine a hair fnmi the leaf-shcatli of garden Rihes (see Figure 1) we lind that the main pedicel is more or less thick all its length, and distincth" swollen at the base, glandular-tijjped. and Nightshade (see Figure 2), a most strange form of branched hair may be found, consisting of a number of thick, clumsy-looking cells, fitting into each other at all sorts of awkward angles, which create an impression of a hand with fingers pointed out and dow n. or of some species of thickly-formed coral from a foreign sea. Every part of this plant — the stem, leaf-surfaces, veins, flower stems, calyx and corolla surfaces, coroiia tube, stamens and stigma — 247 248 KNOWLEDGE. JUI.V. 1911. show these marvellous little hairs, and they are indeed " things " worth looking at \ery carefully. Figure 3 depicts two hairs from the leaf of the Chili Nettle. On this j)lant t w o distinct forms of hairs are found: (1) these branched ones and (2) '^^^ l-IGURE 5. hair Iroin the Itaf Figure 4. Hair from leaf of Mouse-ear Haukweed. others of (juite different form, that sting. No one can deny that the branched hairs are very formidable looking structures, with their barbs, or tinw sharp-pointed branches springing out at all angles from the surface of the chief pedicel, which is swollen at the base. A Slin, hair like this reminds one rather of the teeth of the swonl-lish. l-'igure 4, illustrating a hair from the leaf of the wild Mouse- ear Hawkweed, shows another branched hair, some- what similar to that of the Chili Nettle {Loasa). but different in that its apex divides off into two wee brandies, and its lateral ones are thicker and less tooth-like. Perhaps Sfiiii^iii}> Hairs should be included amongst the glandular, since the\- secrete a peculiar acrid burning fluid, but they are so interesting that this fact seems to warrant their being considered bv themselves. Two species of stinging plants have been chosen by way of illustration (1) the Chili Nettle ^see Figure b). (2) tile Common Stinging Nettle (see Figure 5) Our own .Still name from the "Urticii" lieing derived from ina individual hair of this plant shiiws a bulbous base composed of a large number of elastic cells, a long pedicel, and an oval, slighth' enlarged, sharp-pointed "cap" at tlir tip. TJie cells at the hair-base contain the gland that secretes the acrid Huid. By means of a duct that runs up the pedicel, this fluid is conducted to the tip of the hair, and, if till- point of the delicate cap be luoken or pressed against unwarily, the sharp point pierces the flesh and the secreted fluid is injected. If, however, the hair be damaged bclaic the cap. no uncomfortable feeling is experienced because the stinging fluid docs not then become injected into one's skin. Our own English species of Stinging Nettles are unpleasant enough to handle roughh'. but some e)f the foreign species, especialK' i'rficu buccifeiii and C Halcrica are most formidalile plants. In some of the East Indian species thev are truly dangerous for, after the first pricking sensa- tion has passed aw aw it is often followed bv that of hot irons being rulibed on the flesh, and the pain increases to such an extent that, after hours and some- times days, the patient is seized with s\'inptonis like those following influenza and lock- jaw, whilst sometimes death results — especialK' when the stinging has been caused b\" one species of nettle from Java. Our own species never prove in an\' wa\' dangerous, merely discomforting at the time and sometimes for several hours afterwards. Another plant — Malpighia iireiis — has dangerous stinging append- ages, and thev are met with ^i __ also in some species of Rhus. An indi\'idual hair ol the Chili Nettle (Loiisa) is .f Willi Xrttl.-. luilbous at the base and there secretes its acrid fluitl w h i c h r u n s up the pedicel duct to tile hail- tip. In this case. howe\'er, unlike our own nettle, the tip is not swiillen into a distinct ing Nettle iUrtica) receives its Inirnin.i,' iiroperty it possesses, I burn. An \'er\- enlar.t;ed " cap 1) u t is ver\' s larp- pointed, li ke a curved needK'. These h 1 i r s grow in thick masses, a Ion g with those that are branched, on the lea\es and stems of the plant. In l.,,tli cases the hail s are p r o b abJN' defensive. ,Slint;iug liair from tlie ieaf Cliili Nettle. THE GOLDSCHMIDT REACTION. Bv H. STANLEY RKDGROVI-:. r>.Sc. (Lond.). F.C.S. 1. Scip;ntific Aspects of the Goldschmiht Reaction. It was ill 1N9S that Dr. Hans Goldschniiilt announced that he had succeeded in reducing the o.xides of many metals very conveniently by the aid of aluminium^ That aluminium should pr<)\e a most powerful reducing agent, readih' reacting with the oxides of other metals with the [)roduction of much heat, is a result that might ver\- well be expected from the fact that aluminium has a greater heat of combustion, and therefore possesses a greater affinit\" for oxygen than the majority of other metals. But like certain other sub- stances which, capable of reacting e xotherm ically (i.e., with the e^•olution of heat) with one another. will not do so until a cer- tain amount of energy has been supplied to them from without, aluminium and metallic oxides will react with one another only at high temperatures. Earlier attempts, however, to bring about the reduction of metallic oxides In' aluminium, by heating mixtures of these in- gredients, proved \'ery unsatisfactory; for either no reaction took place, not sufficient heat rr T ^yyyyyyM'/y:i^y/y/)'y>%y///^^^ to start it being sup- plied, or else it occurred with explosive \iolence. Dr. Goldschmidt over- came the difficult\ by an ingenious device. FicruH 1. \pparLitus employed by Weston and Fllis for carryin "therniitic " reactions ;/; vacuo. He found The external heating necessary to start the reaction may in some cases be supplied by means of a strip (if binning magnesium ; or better, a fuse composed ri- of aluminium powder and liarium peroxide (which can be ignited by a flaming vesta) may be employed. I'rom the chemical standpoint the reaction is one of the simplest, thus, in the case of iron oxide it may be represented by the following equa- tion,— FeoOa + 2 Al = AloO, + -' Fe, — and similar equations can be con- structed to represent the reactions in the case of other metallic oxides. The heat generated in the reaction between aluminium and iron oxide is sufficient to fuse both the alumina and the metallic iron produced, the whole contents of the crucible in which the reaction is carried out becoming fluid. The metal, owing to its density, sinks to the bottom. The temperature reached is second only to that of the electric furnace, being estimated to be about 3.000"C. The reaction can be \er\- readily carried out, no il)liaratus be\'ond a crucible of h i g h 1 \' refractory material being required. Care, however, should be taken to protect the crucible in case it should be cracked b\- the heat of the reaction, and its molten contents run out. That substances out apparenth' so inert as aluminium and iron oxide that intimate mixtures of metallic oxides and powdered should be capable, once interaction between or granulated aluminium, if heated strongly at one them has been started, of producing suffi- point, react with the production of intense heat, the cient heat, not only to continue their own com- temperature produced being far greater than that bustion, but to liquefy iron and even more difficultly required to initiate the reaction. Consequently the fusible metals, may seem an extraordinary fact. But reaction spreads throughout the whole mass, as a it is (juite analogous to the behaviour of a rock nicely matter of fact doing so ver\- rapidly, the time of balanced at the top of a hill. Leave it alone, and reaction, which is about half to one minute in the what could seem more destitute of energy : give it case of iron oxide and aluminium, not appreciably but a gentle push — and who shall stay its course ? depending upon the cpiantitv of material employed. r>y using other oxides in place of iron oxide ' H. Goldschmidt: " Ueber ein neues Verfahren /ur Darstellung von Mctallen und Legirungen niittelst .-Muniiniunis" .Aniujlcii dcr Chcinic, (1898), Vol. 301., pp. 19 et seq.. and H. Goldschmidt and C. Vautin : " .'\luminiuin as a Heating and Reducing Agent" Journal of the Society of Chcimcal Industry, (1898), Vol. 17, pp. 543, 649. 249 250 KNOWLEDGE. JlI,Y. 1911. Goldschmidt was able to prepare many other metals (in a fused condition). Moreover, [providing that the oxide was present in slight excess of the amount chemically equivalent to the quantity of aluminium emplo\ed. the corresponding metal was obtained in a state of exceptional puritv. free from carbon. By using mixtures of oxides. allo\'s of desired composition were similarlv obtained. It seems, indeed, that practicalh- all metallic oxides will react in this manner with aluminium. In some cases. t'.,i,'.. titanium and vanadium, in which pure metals are not obtained, the product is sufficiently pure for the preparation of the chlorides. Even calcium oxide (lime) is not entirely proof against the activity of aluminium, though the reaction between these two bodies can onlv be brought about when they are heated together in a furnace, and is then by no means complete. It seems, therefore, to differ from the reactions between aluminium and other metallic oxides in being endothermic (i.e., heat-absorbing), and it mav be concluded that calcium has a greater heat of combustion than aluminium (measured, of course, with respect to the same quantity of oxN'gen).* Magnesia, however, is quite imattack- able b\' this most active element. With alumina itself, aluminium \'ields a blackish-grey [)roduct. [)robabl\" containing a sub-oxide. Aluminium reacts in a similar manner with the sulphides of the metals. Thus, with galena (lead sulphide) the ])roducts are lead and aluminium sulphide, as shown b\' the following eijuation. — 3PbS-K2Al = .\l.,S.,+3Pb. This reaction ma)- be employed for the preparation of aluminium sulphide t which cannot be obtained in the wet wav, since it is decomposed b\' water, giving aluminium hydroxide and sulphuretted hydrogen) which is obtained pin^e if the ahuninum is present in slight excess."'' This excess of aluminium also serves to free the lead from aii\' metallic impuri- ties, for \\hilst aluminium will not allo\- with lead. it readiK' allovs with man\- other metals. If aluminium were cheaper, the method might be used commercially for the extraction of traces of the precious metals from lead ores. .Muminium will also react with certain non- metallic oxides {e.g. boron trioxide and silica). In the former case the product of the reaction contains ahuninium lioride and aluminium nitride (the nitrogen coming from the air) as well as alumina and free boron.; In the latter case impure silicon is obtained as a crvstalline substance containing aluminium. Aluminium will also react with charcoal : in this reaction the air seems to pla\- an important part, the product containing aluminium oxide and nitride, as well as aluminium carbide (Al^C:,) together with unchanged aluminium and carbon.!; Since Goldschmidt's discovery. man\' other re- actions, similar to those between aluminium and metallic oxides, in which substances other than aluminium are emploved, have been described. Dr. F. M. Perkin, for example, has succeeded in bringing about the reduction of metallic oxides and certain other substances (e.g., galena and borax) by means of metallic calcium. Dr. Goldschmidt has also carried out experiments with this metal : he finds that it reacts with oxides in a most violent manner, but a regulus of metal is not formed ow ing to the limited fusibility of the calcium oxide produced. He finds, also. that, whilst silicon alone vields unsatis- factory results, a mixture of calcium and silicon reacts with metallic oxides in a satisfactorv manner. gi\ing a fusible slag of calcium silicate.*^ Another substance. heha\ing in a similar manner. is calcium hydride (CaHo). Dr. F. M. Perkin finds that a mixture of this substance and cupric oxide tin the proportion of two molecules of the oxide to one of the h\'dride) can be readily ignited : volumes of steam are evolved and copper is produced, but the temperature is insufficient to melt the whole of the copper. .A mixture of antimony sulphide and calcium hydride is also \'er\' eas\' to ignite. .\s the reaction proceeds, the mixture swells up in a manner similar to that in which mercurv thiocvanate C Pharaoh's serpents") behaves when heated.** Messrs. F. E.Weston and H. R. Ellis have carried out a series of experiments on " thermitic reactions '" (as these reactions are called) /// vacuo. Their final form of apparatus is shown in Figure 1. They found considerable difficult\ in igniting the mixtures experimented upon, but this was probably due to the difficultvof producing a sufficientl}' high temperature //; vacuo. They succeeded, however, in obtaining reaction in vacuo between magnesium and sodium peroxide and between aluminium and sodium per- oxide h\ ignition with a platinum wire electricall}- * F. E. Weston and H. R. Ellis: "The Heats of Combustion of Aluminium. Calcium and Magnesium." Transactions of the Faraday Society, (lOOS). \'ol. IV.. pp. loO ct scij. I In this reaction the mixture may be heated in a crucible furnace with the cover off: but the aluminium should not be too finely powdered, as otherwise the heat generated may be sufficient to volatilise the lead. gi\ing rise to an explosion. ; F. i:. Weston and H. R. Ellis: " Note on the Action of Aluminium Powder on Silica and Boric .Anhydride," Transactions of flic Faraday Society, 11907). Vol. III., pp. 170 et seq. } F. !•:. Weslun and H. K. ICUis : " The Interaction of Aluminium Powder and Carbon," Tr,insactions of the Faraday Society, (1908), Vol. I\\. pp. 60 et seq. ii F. .\I. Perkin: " Reduction of Oxides, Sulphides. lS:c., by Metallic C:dciuiu." Transactions of the Faraday Society 11907). \'ol. III., pp. 115 et seq. • English P:itents, 7SH. Jan. lUh. I'JOO. •■•" F. M. Perldn and L. PnUl : " Reducing Action of Metallic Calcium and Calcium Hydride upon Metallic Oxides. Sulphides and Halogen Salts." Transactions of the Faraday Society (19071, Vol. HI., pp. 179 et seq. Jui.v, 1911 K^ JUW heated : and b\' the use of the 1; itt .T mix ture as a fuse the\' succeeded in obt; ininR re ac tinn //; I aciin between a luminium ; md u-oi (ixidi. I 1 air one drop Figure i. Titanium " tliennit " in foundry worl<. iHcatinfj "thermit" tin nver the ladle before in^;ertion.l of water added to a mixture of ahnniniuni and sodium peroxide causes it to react : but //; vacuo tiie\' found it to cause merely a sHght effervescence.* II. — Tfxhnological Aspects of thk G()I,d- scHMiDT Reaction.' The technolo.i;ical importance of Goldschmidt's reaction can hardly be over-estimated. The whole subject is as yet in its infancy, but already it ma}- be said to constitute a new branch of technologw to which the name of " Aluinino-thermics " has been given. In the first place, the reaction serves for the preparation of a number of pure metals and allo}-s of considerable value in the iron and steel and allied industries. Of the former of these we mav mention chromium (98-99% pure), manganese (96°;,). and molxbdenum (98-99%). Chromium is used in the manufacture of high-speed tool steel, as well as armour [ilate : manganese is also used in the manufacture of very hard steel. Amongst the allo\-s we may mention chromium-manganese, manganese- titanium, ferro-titanium. ferro-\anadium and ferro- boron. CLT"' P '! 251 "Thermit"; containing a small amount of titanium oxide is used in foundry %\ork. The mixture, jilaced in a tin fastened to an iron rod (see Figure 2), is plunged into the molten iron as s natural corundum (which it resembles) in the manufacture of pottery, for which purpose it is mixed with cla}- and burned, and is especialh- useful tor making chemical apparatus which ma^• be subjected to great changes in tiiuperature without f r.irtiirni'' . I'IGURE 3. Aliimino-therniic repair to the stern frame of the s. s. "Sexilla" after t\vel\e months. ■■■ F. E. Weston and H. R. Ellis; "Thermic Reactions in Vacuo." Trntisactions of flic Faraday Society, (1910), Vol. VI. i The writer's heartiest thanks are due to "Thermit. Limited" for their kindness in supplying him with full information concerning the technological applications of Goldschmidt's Reaction, for opportunity to examine their apparatus and methods, and for the loan of the blocks of several illustrations in the present article. , '■ Thermit " is the registered name given to a mixture of aluminium and iron oxide. KNOWLEDGE. Jri.v. 1911. ■■ Thermit " is also employed technologically as a butt-welding of iron pipes. The ends of the heating agent. As Dr. Goldschmidt has pointed out,* pipes to be welded together are surrounded bv in ■■ thermit" we have a new sort of fire differing a suitable luould. into which the products of the in certain respects from all other fires. In the first place, in the combustion of "thermit "' neither is air consumed nor is anv gas evolved, as in the case of the combustion of such substances as wood, coal, coal-gas or petrol. The second difference is in the heat densitv. The actual amount of heat obtainable from a given weight of "thermit" is realh" much less than that obtainable b\ the combustion of the same weight of anthracite: but in the former case the \\hole of this heat is, so to speak, obtained at once, the reaction between large quantities of iron oxide and aluminium, as we ha\e already indicated, occupying a \ery short period of time : indeed, b\- the combustion of "ther- mit " a heat density is pr(_)duced unattainable otherwise. It is these peculiarities m its behaviour which determine the to heat the lines to welding point, but the liquid apphcaliihtx- of the " thermit " fire. Where a steel produced is emploved to form a bulb of metal continuous heating effect rather than density of heat is holding the two lines together, thereby strengthening the joint. An Figure 4. Aluiiiino-therniic weldint; of train rails. ■■ thermit '" reaction are poured. Welding tempera- ture being reached, the ends of the pipes are pressed together bv means of screws arranged in position beforehand. Of course, if the liquid iron jiroduced in the reaction were allowed to come into contact with the pipes. the\" would be burnt through, but it is found, as a matter of fact, that the highh-refractory alu- mina slag, which issues from the crucible first on pouring out its contents after the reaction, solidifies on the surfaces of the pipes, thus forming a protective coating which is impenetrable b\' the molten metal. In a method of welding which has been chiefl\- applied in the welding of tram lines, not onl\- is the heat deri\-ed from the "thermit" re-action utilised the essential de- sideratum, "ther- mit" would be useless: thus it is not suitable as a source of heat for locomotive pur- poses or for cooking generally. But where great density of heat is required, " thermit " is pre- ferable to other forms of fire, be- cause by its aid one can so readily pro- duce an enormou> tem{)erature at a moment's notice. One of its chief applications as a h e a t i n dv !S agent in t h e -Aliunino-thennic welding Figure 5. )f ''third" rails iParis, Metropolitan Raihvayl. illustration of the method in use is shown in Figure 4. The " thermit " is ignited in a crucible with a hole in the bottom fitted with a device for tap- ping. The moulds around the rails are constructed in such a manner that the "thermit" steel, which fir^t issues fro m t h e crucible when it is tapped after the re-action is o\-er, r u n s to the bottom, forming a metal bulb over the joint to al)out H. Goldschmidt: " .Alumino-Thennics.- Transactions of the American Elcctruchcinical Society 119041. \'ol. \'I, Part II, pp. S5 et seq. July, 1911. KNOWLEDGE. 253 half way up the rail or more. The metal, of course, must not he allowed to come in contact with the top of the rail. The molten alumina, which tlt)\\s out of the crucihle after the liquid metal, completely covers the top of the joint, and welding temperature being reached, the rails are pressed together by screws placed in position beforehand." It is interesting to know that tests carried out on rails thus welded have proved very satisfactory. The following are given b\' the Manchester Corporation Tramwaxs (November 29th. 1906). BiiNPiNG Tests, Loads Span. E].istic Liinit Rending Moment. tion of the welded edges of the rails to the high temperature of the " thermit " reaction products has no injurious effect upon the hardness of the rail. .\ somewhat similar method to the above is employed in welding third rails on ■,-iectric railways (see Figure 5). The liquid steel produced b\- the " thermit "' reaction mav be employed in all sorts of repairs to iron and steel articles : and not only is it applicable to small articles but to work on the largest scale. Indeed, bv the ignition of a couple of hundred- weights of " thermit " one may produce in a few- moments a hundredweight of super-heated mild steel, a quantity producible in so short a period of time by no other means. In repair work it is often found advantageous to add a certain proportion of steel punchings to the "' thermit " : this reduces the quantity required and renders the reaction less violent. As an illustration of the applicability of " thermit "' to marine repairs we reproduce a photograph (Figure 3) of a repair to a fracture (20-in. by 8-in.) in the stern frame of s. s. "Sevilla"" of the Hamburg- American Line, taken after twelve months use. [We are indebted to Messrs. Thermit. Limited, for the loan of Figures 2 to 5. — Eds.] ■'■ English Patents, No. 10,859, May 25th, 1901. (Dr. H.ms Goldschmidt : '■ .V new and improved process for welding metals.") t These tests were made by measuring the lengths of indentations made by a hardened steel die with a curved edge struck to a radius of one inch, and ha\ ing a cutting edge whose angle was 50°. Solid Rail ... Ill Feet ... 2,S.200 ... 70,500 Fishplate Jointed i:i\\ ... 10 1(1.001) ... 25.000 Thermit Jointed K ail ... 10 ,. ... 25,000 ... 62.500 Solid R.ail 5 74,000 ... 92,500 Thermit Jointed R ■lil ... 6 42.000 ... 63.000 Harpness Tests'. Load on Die Welded Rail. in Tons. Length of Indentation Produced. .-Vway from Joint. Close to Joint. 0-25 ... 6-26 Inch 0-26 Inch 0-50 ... 0-32 „ 0-32 .. 0-75 ... 0-37 ., 0-36 ., It is clear from the hardness test that the subjec- UNIQUE AMERICAN STEAM By FRANK C. PERKINS. • R CAR. During the past decade the steam motor car has been developed to a high state of perfection in Europe, and has entered the field of urban and inter-urban service with the gasoline motor car, in com- petition with electrically operated motor cars. In the United States, however, little has been done in this line until recently. The accompanying illus- tration shows a new and unique car as utilised for passenger service, provided with a baggage compartment and seats for thirty -eight passengers. .Although this steam motor car was not designed for freight service, its capacity for hauling trailers or freight cars in an emergency has been demonstrated by hauling a train of freight cars, weighing fifty-two thousand pounds. The car has a total length of thirty-seven feet three inches with a width of nine feet two inches, and it weighs complete, without passengers, sixty-six thousand pounds. There is included in this weight, six thousand six hundred pounds for water and oil, the latter being utilized as a fuel instead of coa Figure 1. An Unique .American Steam Motor Car. It is maintained that this American steam motor car is capable of developing a speed of forty miles per hour on a level track and is designed for hauling not more than two trail cars or two express or freight cars under normal conditions, although in emergency longer trains can be handled. It may be stated that the engines are hung to the motor trunk but the car body carries the w-ater tube boiler which supplies steam to the driving cylinders at a pressure of 200 pounds per square inch. The engines develop one hundred and twenty-fi\e horse-power and are capable of driving the car at a speed of forty miles per hour, with two hundred pounds steam pres- sure and on a level track. It is maintained that the use of crude oil for making steam is most convenient in operation and cleanly, there being no dust nor dirt as when coal is used and the combustion in the fire box is complete. While the primary object aimed at. it is said, in the development of this design was to provide a self-con- tained steam motor car for passenger service, still con- siderable freight and express may be handled when neces- sary, and a number of trailers may be hauled during heavy passenger service on extra occasions when required. Figure 1. (rold Medal of the Rnval Astronnniical Society of London. THE POLITICAL IMPORTANCE OF ASTRONOMY AS A PEACE PROMOTER. isx iki-:ne e. toye \\ak\i:k. Member of flic British Asfroiioiitieal Associntiuii and nf the Soeiete Astn>iti)iniqiie de France. There have been numerous conferences recently to consider how best to promote international arbitration and peace. The study of geography and history on a wider scale has been suggested, but the vast and living power of astronomy in this matter has, as far as I can learn, been practically overlooked. It is to this subject, therefore, that I wish to draw specia attention in this article. Astronomy is pre-emin- ently a living thing, ever growing, changing, ami advancing — requirin.i; uniti-d and universal study. More and more as time goes on we find a tendency towards cooperation amongst astronomers througiiout the whole world. Racial and party differences are at least buried, if not wholly for- gotten, in the study of a science which deals with other w orlds and universes. Fig I- RE 1. Bronze Comet Medal of the United States of Aineric.i. and draws our thoughts from all that is earthl\-, to consider that which is heavenh". From its \ery nature, and the conditions necessar\- for its fa\-ourable study, it is peculiarly fitted to play a most potent part in the promotion of universal peace. Religion and commerce are generally acknowledged to be the two greatest civilizers of the world, but experi- ence has shown that, in the [)resent state of the world's evolution, neither has quite succeeded in banishing war, I do not for a moment claim that w here they have failed, astronomv would succeed, but I maintain that the latter must be- come a great bond of union between those \-ery nations at present divided b\- both religion and com- mercial interests. This is largeh' due to the fact that astronomv can ne\er become a means of mone\-- 254 Jrr.v. 1911. making or an object of greed. No one %\ill ever be able to claim the stars as an exclusive possession. On the other hand there is no tendency towards socialism, for does not "one star differ from another star in glory " ? and do not all the planets obey their ruler, the Sun ? Should not all who '■ con- sider the heavens '" learn that in them is universal peace as a result of universal law and order ? There is nothing that binds races or nationalities together, promotes comprehension, and fosters friendh' rivalry, like having a common object of KNOWLEDGE. Figure J. Janssen Medal of the Societe Astronomiciue de France. 255 individual we honour the nation to which he belongs, and promote a kindly feeling between the winner and donor of the gift. Other nations win our medals and rewards, and we, in our turn, receive theirs, the onh- qualification necessary being sterling worth. Then, in the matter of icork, heart\' and effective cooperation is no longer a dream but a reality, amongst the students of the heavenly science, for it is an actual fact that in the pursuit of astronomical research and observation, all nations, peo[5les, and interest which appeals only to the highest emotions with- out exciting the baser passions of mankind — and such, un- doubtedlv. is astronom\-. I do not think it is generallv known that all astronomical honours and rewards are distributee according to merit, irrespec- tive of nationality. For example, the Gold Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society is given to astro- nomers of all nations and creeds, and tongues, so long as their merit is established by the work they have done. .\nd in thus honouring the Figure 4. One of the Medals of the Societe Astronoiuique de I'rance. Figure 5. The Valz Medal of Paris. languages are united. Eclipse expeditions are ever a means of fostering amity between astronomers (if different nationalities, par- ticularly when the eclipse happens to be visible from some desert island where the yarious members of the party are throw n much together ! There is an International Congress on the " Map of the Sky." held at Paris. This congress is composed of seventy leading astro- nomers, representing twenty- two countries, scattered all over the globe. These "peace-promoters'" meet to 256 KNOWLEDGE. Jn.v, 1911 To ([uotc the same ssveet singer (Mr. S. R. Lysaght) " We are faithless of life, and in creeds our unfaith do we hide: the world that our faith should unite with our creeds we divide."' It saw {)olitieal war, each T7^ ~"^"',"^« party fighting for power and / ■ *i', "^1 proclaiming an immediate -V- T-. ■ ■ "■^.M Uto[)ia if they gam it; and the report the progress made in the preparation of an Paul ! . . . I of Apollos ! . . . I of Cephas '. " and enormous photographic atlas of the hea\'ens. which onh' a small minorit\- who actually " li\e "' Christ. was begun in 1887 and will not he finished tor another ten years. On this map o\'er forty million stars will be marked, and when complete it ^\ill represent the combined work of astronomers of nations otherwise divided b\- race, creed, and commercia interests. Comets are ever a means of promoting peace among'-t widely separated nationalities. A good example is furnished by the "hairy star" discovered by Mr. Morehouse, of America. This comet in its Course passed almost from the North to the South Pole, and e.xhibited man\' variations in form am brilliancv. It was seen and photographed b\- astronomers at nearh' all the observatories in the world and thus a com- plete record of the histor\- of this beautiful object was obtained Iw the united efforts of the students of the heavenly science. In its journey past this "little sun-lighted wanderer in the depths of the Infinite" — as one of our greatest living poets terms the Earth : — it saw many sad sights. Fierce rivalry and doctrinal quarrelling the \'arious sects, each cr\-ing " I am of Figure 6. Commemorative Medal of the Societe .^stronnmique de I'rance. universal struggle, and keen competition of commerce ; yet quiet, and apart from all the turmoil of life, it found a de\oted band of astronomers whom no differences of creed, nationality or interest could deter from cooperation in studying its gauzy, fairy-like self! Surely, then, if we teach the nations even the elementary truths of this great science and gi\e them a common and united interest in the starry realms, we lift their thoughts hea\enward and appeal to those higher emotions in the human soul, which e\er make iov peace. Let all, then, who love science unite in striving to teach its man\- lessons to the inhabitants of Earth, so that in the fulness of time those that are "afar oft" may draw near in unity, peace and concord. SPRING AND .SUMMER .SHOOTING STARS. Bv W. 1". DENNING. F.R.A.S. I OBSfiRVED seventy-eight meteors in May, during watches extending over twenty-two-and'a-half hours in the aggregate. Very fortunately, this year one of the meteors was seen by Mr. Fiamrnetta Wilson, at Reigate, and by myself at Bristol, on May 24th. Details are given at the end of this note, and I also give the real path of a bright long meteor, recorded by the same observers from the radiant at 350°-f-37' on May 29th. This shower is a remarkable one from the exceptional swiftness of its meteors in September. The radiant being a long way from the earth's apex in that month, we should expect onh' slow flights from it, but I have recorded them as i^ery swift. May meteors are very rarely abundant, but I found them unduly plentiful on the 24th this year. Clouds \'eiled the stars in the early evening, but a west wind cleared the sky at about 10.15 p.m., and the stars afterwards shone with a splendour not often equalled at this time of the year. I saw eighteen shooting stars in one-and-a-quarter hours. July may be regarded as the advent of the meteoric observer's prolific season. This month always exhibits a great increase in the frecjuency of meteoric phenomena. At the middle of the month the earth may be said to emerge from the region of scarcity which she has been traversing since the middle of December to enter a space far more richly occupied with these tiny planetoids which illumine our skies in the form of shooting stars. The first fortnight of July usn.T-lly gives few meteors, but Perseids acti\'el\- durin.n the last week. .4n observer may sometimes count twenty or twenty-fi\-e meteors per hour and more than three times the number ordinarily visible in the spring months of the year. It is to be hoped that, as the heavens will now for some time present such an abundance of meteors, many observers will specially watch for them and record details of all the brighter objects. It is important this work should be performed for the purpose of securing duplicate observations, of the same objects, at two stations. Without these data it is often difficult to ascribe the correct radiant points and the real paths cannot be determined. Real Paths of 1 'wo Meteors Obse RVED AT Reigate AND Bristol. Date Mav 24 May 29 G.M.T 10" 38'" 10" 42'" Radiant 243+34 350=" + 37° Mag. of Meteor 3-2 3 - 1 Height at First 72 Miles 74 Miles Height at End 53 „ 57 „ Length of Flight 20 ., yi „ Velocity per Second. 35 „ 30 „ Position over — Beginning 1 6 Miles N. of 1 1 Southampton j 1 4 Miles N.E. of 1 E. of Northampton Ending I Netley \ Salisbury N.ime of Meteor i Coronid I .'\ndro[uedid AN ANTEDILUVIAN ZOOLOGICAL GARDEN. Bv DK. ALFRED GRAUEXWITZ. Though no human fanc\' could imagine the infinite variety of forms embodied in the representatives of the animal and vegetable kingdoms — either of which is known to number hundreds of thousands of different Sfiecies — an even superficial glance at the I'liU'RL 1. Sfi_iiiisiin n(s .\-<>,u\rd bv Cci'iiti>s,Tii rii\. fossil remains of extinct organisms shows that Nature in the "course of bygone ages has brought forth many startling forms to which no analogy is to be found in our present vegetation or fauna. Carl Hagenbeck. the founder of the famous animal park at Stellin- gen, near Hamburg, where even the most savage beasts are kept in a state of apparent freedom, has installed in his Garden of Eden a series of wonderfully life-like repre- sentations of the most striking monsters that inhabited our earth in prehistoric times, thus creating what mav be called an Antediluvian Zoological Garden. These weird giants, who millions of years ago ruled this world of ours, can be seen in surroundings corresponding to their verv modes of life, thus producing a perfect illustration of what the earth looked like in their days. In fact, an hour spent in that strangest of all sceneries brings us back as in a dream to a world which the science of palaeontology allows us to reconstitute in its very details. In that long-distant past the struggle for life among the animal dwellers on earth must have been much more acute than even now. A per- petual \\ar was waged betw een those monsters, startling alike by their form and enornious size. The mani- fold natural weapons which Nature had lavished upon them proved no sufficient protection in the course of time, the more so as the chang- ing climatic conditions sealed their final doom to extinction. Apart from such features as are entailed by the peculiar conditions of their antediluvian world, these animals certainly ha\e much in common with existing species, their remote descendants, and strikingK- illus- trate the slow evolution from one class to another, with man^■ inter- mediate stages between reptile and bird, fish and mammal, and so on. These a n t e d i 1 u \' i a n cement models, made in artistic perfection b\- the well-known animal sculptor, Mr. J. Pallen- berg, have been arranged in an impressive group Figure 2. AUoSiitints feeding; on the remains of a Brontusaiinib 257 258 KNOWLEDGE. Jui.v. 1911. round the shores of a beautiful httle lake encom- passed by abundant \'egetation. Most of them are seen standing b\' the water's edge amidst the shrubs and trees, while huge crocodiles and weird creatures emerge from the lake itself. Scenes of battle between these monsters of bvgone ages lend additional realism to their apjiearance. Ever\- care was taken to investigate most con- scientiousK' all the bone finds and fossil iiuprints housed in. the foremost museums of the world, especially the American j\I u s e u m of N a t u r a 1 Historw Each model was submitted to the leading authorities in the science of palaeontolog\- who, w herever necessarw suggested such altera- tions as might produce a perfect agreement w ith scientific data. A fascinating scene of battle offers itself to the observer's e\e as he reaches the bridge crossing the lake (see Figure 1). A monster called C c ru t osd II r ii s which could tie described as a crocodile with huge kangaroo-like hind-legs and tail, is seen assailing another beast of the reptile class, the Stc;^osaiii iis which, though protected b\ or spines up to a \ard of its l)ack. antl In likeK t(j have been too cl double row of plates 11 length down the centre spikes upon its tail, is clums\- in the long run to resist the attacks of its more agile, though con- siderably smaller, eneni)-. A short wa\' off is seen an even much lartrer g\a.nt.Ci\\\e