A LABORATORY MANUAL AND TEXT-BOOK EMBRYOLOGY By CHARLES WILLIAM PRENTISS LATE PROFESSOR OF MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY, NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY MEDICAL SCHOOL, CHICAGO Revised and Rewritten by LESLIE BRAINERD AREY PROFESSOR OF MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY AT THE NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY MEDICAL SCHOOL THIRD EDITION, ENLARGED WITH 388 ILLUSTRATIONS MANY IN COLOR PHILADELPHIA AND LONDON W. B. SAUNDERS COMPANY 1920 5802 Copyright, 1915. by W. B. Saunders Company. Reprinted August, 1915. Revised, entirely reset. reprinted, and recopyrighted Cctober, 1917. Reprinted July, 1918. Revised, entirely reset, reprinted, and recopyrighted August, 1920. Copyright, 1920, by W. B. taunders Company 2954 PREFACE TO THE THIRD EDITION THE rapid exhaustion of the second edition of this text has hastened the appearance of the present volume. Its contents have again been sub- jected to a systematic revision which affects each chapter more or less pro- foundly. The addition of much new material and the recasting and modifying of former descriptions will result, it is hoped, in a two-fold gain, without appreciably increasing the size of the book. L. B. A. CHICAGO, ILL., August, 1920. PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION THE untimely death of Professor Prentiss has made necessary the transfer of his 'Embryology' into other hands. In this second edition, however, the general plan and scope of the book remain unchanged although the actual descrip- tions have been extensively recast, rewritten, and rearranged. A new chapter on the Morphogenesis of the Skeleton and Muscles covers briefly a subject not included hitherto, ^orty illustrations replace or supplement certain of those in the former edition. In preparing the present manuscript a definite attempt has been made to render the descriptions as clear and consistent as is compatible with brevity and accuracy. It has likewise been essayed to evaluate properly the embryological contributions of recent years, and, by incorporating the fundamental advances, to indicate the trend of modern tendencies. Since no page remains in its entirety as originally penned by Professor Prentiss, the reviser must assume full respon- sibility for the subject-matter as it now stands. It is hoped that those who read this text will co-operate with the writer by freely offering criticisms and suggestions. L. B. A. iii PREFACE THIS book represents an attempt to combine brief descriptions of the verte^ brate embryos which are studied in th laboratory with an account of human embryology adapted especially to the medical student. Professor Charles Sedg- wick Minot, in his laboratory textbook of ^ir/bryology, has called attention to the value of dissections in studying mammUi; . embryos and asserts that "dissection should be more extensively practised tl in is at present usual in embryological work " The writer has for several years experimented with methods of dissecting pig embryos, and his results form a part of this book. The value of pig embryos for laboratory study was first emphasized by Professor Minot, and the development of my dissecting methods was made possible through the reconstructions of his former students, Dr. F. T. Lewis and Dr. F. W. Thyng. The chapters on human organogenesis were partly based on Keibel and Mall's Human Embryology. We wish to acknowledge the courtesy of the pub- lishers of Kollmann's Handatlas, Marshall's Embryology, Lewis-Stohr's Histology and McMurrich's Development of the Human Body, by whom permission was granted us to use cuts and figures from these texts. We are also indebted to Professor J. C. Heisler for permission to use cuts from his Embryology, a I to Dr. J. B. De Lee for several figures taken from his "Principles and Practice of Obstetrics." The original figures of chick, pig and human embryos -re from preparations in the collection of the anatomical laboratory of the [Northwestern University Medical School. My thanks are due to Dr. H. C. Tracy for the loan of valuable human material, and also to Mr. K. L. Vehe for several reconstruc- tions and drawings. C. W. PRENTISS. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY MEDICAL SCHOOL. CONTENTS PAGE INTRODUCTION i CHAPTER I. — THE GERM CELLS: MITOSIS, MATURATION AND FERTILIZATION 7 The Ovum , 7 Ovulation and Menstruation 10 The Spermatozoon 1 1 Mitosis and Amitosis 12 Maturation 14 Fertilization 20 CHAPTER II. — CLEAVAGE AND THE ORIGIN OF THE GERM LAYERS 24 Cleavage in Amphioxus, Amphibia, Reptiles and Birds 24 Cleavage in Mammals 27 The formation of Ectoderm and Entoderm (Gastrulation) 28 Origin of the Mesoderm, Notochord and Neural Tube 30 The Notochord 36 CHAPTER III. — THE STUDY OF CHICK EMBRYOS 37 Chick Embryo of Twenty Hours 37 Chick Embryo of Twenty-five Hours (7 Segments) 39 Transverse Sections 41 Chick Embryo of Thirty-eight Hours (17 segments) 45 General Anatomy 45 Transverse Sections 48 Derivatives of the Germ Layers 55 Chick Embryo of Fifty Hours (27 segments) 56 General Anatomy 56 Transverse Sections 61 Extra-embryonic Structures 66 CHAPTER IV. — HUMAN EMBRYOS AND FETAL MEMBRANES 70 Fetal Membranes of the Pig Embryo 70 The Umbilical Cord 72 Early Human Embryos and Their Membranes 73 Anatomy of a 4.2 mm. Human Embryo 81 The Age" of Human Embryos ' 89 CHAPTER V. — THE STUDY OF PIG EMBRYOS 91 The Anatomy of a 6 mm. Pig Embryo 91 External Form and Internal Anatomy 91 Transverse Sections 105 The Anatomy of 10-12 mm. Pig. Embryos. 114 External Form and Internal Anatomy 114 Transverse Sections 127 CHAPTER VI.— THE DISSECTION OF PIG EMBRYOS: DEVELOPMENT OF THE FACE, PALATE, TONGUE, SALIVARY GLANDS, AND TEETH 139 Directions for Dissecting Pig Embryos 139 Dissections of 18-35 mm. Embryos 142 Development of the Face 146 Development of the Palate 148 Development of the Tongue 151 Development of the Salivary Glands 153 Development of the Teeth 154 CHAPTER VII. — THE ENTODERMAL CANAL AND ITS DERIVATIVES 161 The Pharyngeal Pouches and their Derivatives 162 The Thyreoid Gland 166 The Larynx, Trachea and Lungs 1 66 vii Vlll CONTENTS PAGE The Esophagus, Stomach and Intestine 170 The Liver 176 The Pancreas 179 The Body Cavities, Diaphragm and Mesenteries 180 CHAPTER VIII. — THE UROGENITAL SYSTEM 196 The Pronephros. 196 The Mesonephros 198 The Metanephros 200 The Cloaca, Bladder, Urethra and Urogenital Sinus 206 The Genital Glands and Ducts 209 The External Genitalia 225 The Uterus during Menstruation and Pregnancy 230 The Decidual Membranes 232 The Placenta 237 The Relation of Fetus to Placenta 241 CHAPTER IX. — THE VASCULAR SYSTEM 243 The Primitive Blood Vessels and Blood Cells 243 Haemopoiesis 243 Development of the Heart 247 The Primitive Blood Vascular System 259 Development of the Arteries 262 Development of the Veins 268 The Fetal Circulation and Changes at Birth 276 The Lymphatic System 278 Lymph and Haemolymph Glands 280 The Spleen 280 CHAPTER X. — HISTOGENESIS 282 The Entodermal Derivatives 282 The Mesodermal Tissues 283 The Ectodermal Derivatives 293 The Nervous Tissues 299 CHAPTER XI. — THE MORPHOGENESIS OF THE SKELETON AND MUSCLES 309 The Skeletal System 309 The Axial Skeleton ., 309 The Appendicular System 315 The Muscular System 316 CHAPTER XII. — THE MORPHOGENESIS OF THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM 321 The Spinal Cord '. 322 The Brain 326 The Differentiation of the Subdivisions of the Brain . 332 CHAPTER XIII. — THE PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM 353 The Spinal Nerves 35-1 The Cerebral Nerves. .......'.'..'."..'..'....... i 357 The Sympathetic Nervous System 366 The Chromaffin Bodies and Suprarenal Gland 368 The Sense Organs 370 INDEX.. • • 393 TEXT-BOOK OF EMBRYOLOGY INTRODUCTION THE study of human embryology deals with the development of the individual from the origin of the germ cells to the adult condition. To the medical student human embryology is of primary importance because it affords a comprehensive understanding of gross anatomy. It is on this account that only recently a prominent surgeon has recommended a thorough study of embryology as one of the foundation stones of surgical training. Embryology not only throws light on the normal anatomy of the adult, but it also explains the occurrence of many anomalies and mon- sters, and the origin of certain pathological changes in the tissues. Obstet- rics is essentially applied embryology. From the theoretical side, em- bryology is the key with which we may unlock the secrets of heredity, the determination of sex, and, in part, of organic evolution. There is, unfortunately, a view current among graduates in medicine that the field of embryology has been fully reaped and gleaned of its harvest. On the contrary, much productive ground is as yet unworked, and all well-preserved human embryos are of value to the investigator. Only through the co-operation of clinicians in collecting and preserving embryos will our ignorance of early human development be rectified. At present, practically nothing is known of the maturing ovum, while of fertilization, cleavage, and the formation of the germ layers we are en- tirely in the dark. Aborted embryos and those obtained by operation in case of either normal or ectopic pregnancies should always be saved and pre- served at once by immersing them intact in 10 per cent formalin or in Zenker's fluid. Historical. — The science of modern embryology is comparatively new, originating with the use of the compound microscope and developing with the improvement of microscopical technique. Aristotle (384—322 B. c.), however, centuries before had followed the general development of the chick day by day. The belief that slime and decaying matter was capable of giving rise to living animals, as asserted by Aristotle, was disproved by Redi (1668). A few years after Harvey and Malpighi had published their studies on the chick embryo, Leeuwenhoek reported the discovery of the sperma- tozoon by Ham in 1677. At this period it was believed either that fully i i 2 INTRODUCTION formed animals existed in miniature in the egg, needing only the stimulus of the spermatozoon to initiate development, or that similarly preformed bodies, male and female, constituted the spermatozoa and that these merely enlarged within the ovum. According to this doctrine of preforma- tion all future generations were likewise encased, one inside the sex cells of the other, and serious computations were made as to the probable number of progeny (200 million) thus present in the ovary of Mother Eve, at the exhaustion of which the human race would end ! Dalenpatius (1699) believed thatfhe had observed a minute human form in the spermatozoon. The preformation theory was strongly combated by Wolff (1759) who saw that the early chick embryo was differentiated gradually from unformed living substance. This theory, known as epigenesis, was proved correct when, in 1827, von Baer discovered the mammalian ovum and later demonstrated the germ layers of the chick embryo. About twenty years after Schleiden and Schwann (1839) had shown the cell to be the structural unit of the organism, the ovum and spermato- zoon were recognized as true cells. O. Hertwig, in 1875, was the first to observe and appreciate the events of fertilization. Henceforth all multi- cellular organisms were believed to develop each from a single fertilized ovum, which by continued cell division eventually gives rise to the adult body, that of man, it is estimated, containing 26 million million cells. In the case of vertebrates, the segmenting ovum differentiates first three primary germ layers. The cells of these layers are modified in turn to form tissues, such as muscle and nerve, of which the various organs are com- posed, and the .organs together constitute the organism, or adult body. Primitive Segments — Metamerism. — In studying vertebrate embryos we shall identify and constantly refer to the primitive segments, or meta- meres. These segments are homologous to the serial divisions of an adult earth worm's body, divisions which, in the earth worm, are identical in structure, each containing a ganglion of the nerve cord, a muscle segment. or myotome, and pairs of blood vessels and nerves. In vertebrate em- bryos the primitive segments are known as mesodermal segments, or somites. Each pair gives rise to a vertebra, to a pair of myotomes, or muscle seg- ments, and to paired vessels; each pair of mesodermal segments is supplied by a pair of spinal nerves, consequently the adult vertebrate body is seg- mented like that of the earth worm. As a worm grows by the formation of new segments at its tail-end, so the metameres of the vertebrate em- bryo begin to form in the head and are added tailward. There is this difference between the segments of the worm and the vertebrate embryo: The segmentation of the worm is complete, while that of the vertebrate is incomplete ventrally. GROWTH AND DIFFERENTIATION OF THE EMBRYO 3 GROWTH AND DIFFERENTIATION OF THE EMBRYO A multicellular embryo develops by the division of the fertilized ovum to form daughter cells. These are at first quite similar in structure, and, if separated, in some animals each may develop into a complete embryo (sea urchin; certain vertebrates). The further development of the em- bryo "depends: (i) upon the multiplication of its cells by division; (2) upon the growth in size of the individual cells; (3) upon changes in their form and structure. The first changes in the form and arrangement of the cells give rise to three definite plates, or germ layers, which are termed from their posi- tions the ectoderm (outer skin), mesoderm (middle skin) and entoderm (inner skin). Since the ectoderm covers the body, it is primarily pro- tective in function, but it also gives rise to the nervous system, through which sensations are received from the outer world. The entoderm, on the other hand, lines the digestive canal and is from the first nutritive in function. The mesoderm, lying between the other two layers, naturally performs, the functions of circulation, of muscular movement, and of ex- cretion; it also gives rise to the skeletal structures which support the body. While all three germ layers form definite sheets of cells known as epi- thelia, the mesoderm takes also the form of a diffuse network of cells, the mesenchyma. The Anlage. — This German word, which lacks an entirely satisfactory English equivalent, is a term applied to the first discernible cell, or aggre- gation of cells, which is destined to form any distinct part or organ of the embryo. In the broad sense the fertilized ovum is the anlage of the entire adult organism; furthermore, in the early cleavage stages of certain em- bryos it is possible to recognize single cells or cell groups from which defi- nite structures will indubitably arise. The term anlage, however, is more commonly applied to the primordia that differentiate from the various germ layers. Thus the epithelial thickening over the optic vesicle is the anlage of the lens. Differentiation of the Embryo. — The developing embryo exhibits a progressively complex structure, the various steps in the production of which occur in orderly sequence. There may be recognized in develop- ment a number of component mechanical processes which are used repeatedly by the embryo. The general and fundamental process condi- tioning differentiation is cell multiplication, and the subsequent growth of the daughter cells. The more important of the specific developmental processes are the following: (i) cell migration; (2) localized growth, resulting in enlargements and constrictions; (3) cell aggregation, forming (a) cords, (b) sheets, (c) masses; (4) delamination, that is, the splitting of single sheets INTRODUCTION into separate layers; (5) folds, including circumscribed folds which produce (a) evaluations, or out-pocketings, as the intestinal villi, (b) imaginations or. in^pocketings, as the intestinal glands. The production of folds, including evaginations and imaginations, due to unequal rapidity of growth, is the chief factor in moulding the organs and hence the general form of the embryo. Differentiation of the Tissues. — The cells of the germ layers that form organic anlages may be at first alike in structure. Thus the evagination which forms the anlage of the arm is composed of a single layer of like ectodermal 'cells, surrounding a central mass of diffuse mesenchyma (Fig. 136). Gradually the ectodermal cells multiply, change their form and structure, and give rise to the layers of the epidermis. By more profound structural changes the mesenchymal cells also are transformed into the elements of connective tissue, tendon, cartilage, bone, and muscle, aggregations of modified cells which are known as tissues. The develop- ment of modified tissue cells from the un differentiated cells of the germ layers is known as histogenesis. During histogenesis the structure and form of each tissue cell are adapted to the performance of some special function or functions. Cells which have once taken on the structure and functions of a given tissue cannot give rise to cells of any other type. In tissues like the epidermis, certain cells retain their primitive embryonic characters throughout life, and, by continued cell division, produce new layers of cells which are later cornified. In other tissues all of the cells are differentiated into the adult type, after which no new cells are formed. This takes place in the case of the nervous elements of the central nervous system. Throughout life, tissue cells are undergoing retrogressive changes. In this way the cells of certain organs like the thymus gland and meso- nephros degenerate and largely disappear. The cells of the hairs and the surface layer of the epidermis become cornified and eventually are shed. Thus, normally, tissue cells may constantly be destroyed and replaced by new cells. Cytomorphosis.— This series of changes — an embryonic (undifferen- tiated) stage ; progressive functional specialization ; gradual degeneration ; death and removal — which tissue cells experience is known by the term cytomorphosis. Postnatal Development. — Development does not cease at birth, but continues until the adult stage is attained. Birth, itself, initiates ana- tomical and physiological changes of profound influence on the body. Throughout the growth period, with its uneven but steadily slowing growth rate, comes a remoulding of the shape of the body and its parts. During this time most of the organs lose in relative weight; the skeleton GROWTH AND DIFFERENTIATION OF THE EMBRYO 5 and especially the muscles gain ; the pancreas, digestive tube, and lungs are little affected. Continuity of the Germ Plasm. — According to this important concep- tion of Weismann, the body-protoplasm, or soma, and the reproductive- protoplasm differ fundamentally. The germinal material is a legacy that has existed since the beginning of life, from which representative portions are passed on intact from one generation to the next. Around this germ plasm there develops in each successive generation a short-lived body, or soma, which serves as a vehicle for insuring the transmission and perpetuation of the former. The reason, therefore, why offspring resem- bles parent is because each, develops from portions of the same stuff. The Law of Biogenesis. — -Of great theoretical interest is the fact, con- stantly observed in studying embryos, that the individual in its develop- ment repeats hastily and incompletely the evolutionary history of its own species. This law of recapitulation was first stated clearly by Miiller in 1863 and was termed by Haeckel the law of biogenesis. In accordance with it, the fertilized ovum is compared to a unicellular organism like the Amoeba; the blastula is supposed to represent an adult Volvox type; the gastrula, a simple sponge; the segmented embryo a worm-like stage, and the embryo with gill slits may be regarded as a fish-like stage. More- over, the blood of the human embryo in development passes through stages in which its corpuscles resemble in structure those of the fish and reptile; the heart is at first tubular, like that of the fish, and the arrange- ment of blood vessels is equally primitive; the kidney of the embryo is like that of the amphibian, as are also the genital ducts. Many other examples of this law may readily be observed. Some apparently useless structures appear during development, perfunctorily reminiscent of ancestral conditions; certain other parts, of use to the embryo alone, are later replaced by better adapted, permanent organs. Representatives of either of these types may eventually dis- appear or they may persist throughout life as rudimentary organs; more than a hundred of the latter have been listed for man. Still other ancestral organs abandon their provisional embryonic function, yet are retained in the adult and utilized for new purposes. Methods of Study.— Human embryos not being available for indi- vidual laboratory work, the embryos of the lower animals which best illus- trate certain points are employed instead. Thus the germ cells of Ascaris, a parasitic round worm, are used to demonstrate the phenomena of mitosis and maturation; early stages of echinoderms, or of worms, are frequently used to demonstrate the cleavage of the ovum and the develop- ment of the blastula and gastrula; the chick embryo affords convenient material for the study of the early vertebrate embryo and the formation of <6 INTRODUCTIONS tibe gam fayos and embryonic membranes, while the structure of a mam- malian embrvo, similar to tiiat of the human embryo, is best observed in the readily-procured embryos of the pig. An idea of the anatomy of embrvos is obtained first bv examining the exterior of whole embryos and studying dissections and reconstructions of them. Finally, each embryo iied in serial sections, the level of each section being determined by comparing it with figures of the whole embryo. Along with his study of the embryos in the laboratory, the student should do a certain amount of supplementary reading. Only the^ist of human organogenesis is contained in the following chapters. A very complete bibliography of the subject is given in Keibel and Mall 's ' ' Human Embryology," to which the student is referred. Below are given the titles Of some of the more important works on vertebrate and human embryology, to which the student is referred and in which supplementary reading is recommended. TITLES FOR REFERENCE Broman, I. Normale und abnorme EntwicMting des Menschen. Berg- maTm. Wiesbaden, 1911. Duval M. Atlas D'Embryologie. Masson, Paris, 1889. Hertwig, O. Handbuch der Entwicklungslehre der Wirbeltiere. Fischer, Jena, 3906. JRTJR. W. Anatonrie menschlicher Embryonen. Vogel, Leipzig, 1885. Keibel, F. Normentafel zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Wirbelthiere. Bd. I. Fischer, Jena, 1897. Keibel and Elze. Xormentafel zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des Menschen, Jena, 1908. Keibel, F. and Mall, F. P. Human Embryology. Lippincott, 1910-1912. KeJEcott, W. E. A Textbook of General Embryology. Henry Holt, 1913. KoDmann, J. Handatlas der Entwicklungsgeschichte des Menschen, Fischer, Jena, 1907. Laffie, F. R. The Development of the Chick. Henry Holt, 1908. Minot. C. S. A Laboratory Text-book of Embryology. Blakiston, 1910. Wilson, E. B. The Cell in Development and Inheritance. Macmillan, 1*933. CHAPTER I THE GERM CELLS: MITOSIS, MATURATION AND FERTILIZATION THE GERM CELLS THOSE animals, whose offspring reach maturity with reasonable surety (as the result of internal fertilization and postnatal care), produce fewer germ cells, especially ova, than those that leave fertilization to chance and development to hazard. The codfish produces 10 million eggs in a breeding period, a sea urchin 29 million; in certain mammals and birds only a single egg is matured, yet the stock of each remains constant. The highly differentiated human organism, like all other vertebrates and mo'st invertebrates, develops from the union of two germ cells, the ovum and spermatozoon. The Ovum. — The female germ cell, or ovum, is a typical animal cell produced in the ovary. It is nearly .spherical in form and possesses a nucleus with nucleolus, chromatin network, and nuclear membrane (Figs, i and 2). The nucleus is essential to the life, growth, and reproduction of the cell. The function of the nucleolus is unknown; the chromatin probably bears the hereditary qualities of the cell. The cytoplasm, of the ovum is distinctly granular, containing more or less numerous yolk granules, mitochondria, and rarely a minute centrosome. The yolk gran- ules, containing a fatty substance termed lecithin, furnish nutrition for the early development of the embryo. A relatively small amount of yolk is found in the ova of the higher mammals, since the embryo develops within the uterine wall of the mother and is nourished by it. A much larger amount occurs in the ova of fishes, amphibia, reptiles, birds, a"ncf the primitive mammalia, the eggs of which are laid and develop outside of the body. The so-called yolk of the hen's egg (Fig. 3) is the ovum proper and its yellow color is due to the large amount of lecithin which it contains. Ova become surrounded by protective membranes, or envelopes. The vitelline membrane, secreted by the egg itself, is a primary membrane (Fig. 2) . The follicle cells about the ovum usually furnish other secondary membranes, such as the zona pellucida. In lower vertebrates tertiary membranes may be added as the egg passes through the oviduct and uterus • — the albumen and shell of the hen's egg (Fig. 3) or the jelly of the frog's egg are of this type. The human ovum is of relatively small size, measuring from 0.22 to 0.25 mm. in diameter (Fig. i). The cytoplasm is surrounded by a thick, 7 8 THE GERM CELLS: MITOSIS, MATURATION AND FERTILIZATION radially striated membrane, the zona pellucida. The striated appearance of the zona pellucida is said to be due to fine canals which penetrate it FIG. i. — Human ovum, two- thirds the mature size, examined fresh in the liquor folliculi (Waldeyer). X 415. The zona pellucida is seen as a clear girdle surrounded by the cells of the corona radiata. Yolk granules occupy a central region of the cytoplasm and enclose the nucleus and nucleolus. At the right is a spermatozoon correspondingly enlarged. Cytoplasm of ovum FIG. 2. — Ovum of monkey. X 430. and through which nutriment is transferred from smaller follicle cells to the ovum during its growth within the ovary. The origin and growth of the ovum within the ovary (oogenesis) are described on pp. '216-218. THE GERM CELLS For the present -it is sufficient to state that each growing ovum is at first surrounded jjy small nutritive cells known as follicle cells. These increase in number during the growth of the ovum until several layers are formed (Fig. 229). A cavity appearing between these cells becomes filled with iv.y. u'.v. ' b I FIG. 3. — Diagrammatic longitudinal section of an unincubated hen's egg (Allen Thomson in Heisler). bl., Blastoderm; w.y., white yolk, which consists of a central flask-shaped mass, and of concentric layers alternating with the yellow yolk (y.y.); vt., vitelline membrane; w., al- bumen; chl., chalaza; a.ch., air chamber; i.s.m., inner, s.m., outer layer of the shell membrane; s, shell. . FIG. 4. — Section of human ovary (Piersol). a, Germinal epithelium; b, tunica albuginea; c, cortical stroma containing immature follicles, d; e, shrinkage space between theca and stratum granulosum of «a well-advanced Graafian follicle;/, liquor folliculi; g, ovum surrounded by cumulus oophorus. fluid and thus forms a sac, the vesicular (Graafian) follicle, within which the ovum is eccentrically located (Figs. 4 and 230). The follicular cells immediately surrounding the ovum form the corona radiata (Fig. i) when the ovum is set free. IO THE GERM CELLS: MITOSIS, MATURATION AND FERTILIZATION Ovulation and Menstruation. — At birth, or shortly after, ova cease forming. The number at this time in both ovaries has been placed be- tween 100,000 and 800,000. Cellular degeneration reduces this supply, FIG. 5. — Uterine tube and ovary with mature Graafian follicle (Ribemont-Dessaignes). until, at 1 8 years, the total is from 35,000 to 70,000. Of these, relatively few reach maturity, only about 200 ripe ova developing in each ovary during the thirty years of sexual activity. Several years after the meno- Ovum Follicle cell Zona pelluclda FlG. 6. — Immature follicle containing six ova. From the ovary of a ycung monkey. X 430- pause no more ova are to be found. When an ovum is ripe, the Graafian follicle is large and contains fluid, probably under vascular and muscular pressure. The ripe follicles form bud-like protuberances at the surface of THE GERM CELLS II Perforatorium Head* Neck Connect- ing piece of tail Annuity Chief piece of tail — — Ant. centrosomal body Post, centrosomal body -Spiral filament Sheath of axial filament — Mitochondrial sheath the ovary (Fig. 5) and at these points the ovarian wall has become very thin. At ovulation, that is, the bursting of the Graafian follicle and the discharge of the ovum, but one ovum is usually liberated. Several ova, however, may be produced in a single follicle in rare cases. Such multiple follicles have been observed in human ovaries and are of frequent occurrence in the monkey (Fig. 6). The observations of various older workers (Leopold, Ravano and others) led Mall (1910) to conclude that they had ' ' shown conclusively that ovulation and menstruation are usually syn- chronous." Since then, Meyer, Ruge, Shroder, Fraenkel, and Halban, utilizing better standardized corpora lutea as criteria, have presented evidence ac- cepted by Grosser (1914) and Mall (1918) as proof that ovulation occurs most often between the fourth and fourteenth day after the menstrual onset. A survey of all the clinical data indicates that any such relation is at best very loose and that many ova are . liberated without definite reference to the menstrual cycle. -. Moreover, in young girls ovulation may precede the . inception of menstruation and it may occur in women during pregnancy or after the menopause. The Spermatozoon. — The male cell, or spermatozoon, of man is a. minute cell 0.055 mm- long, specialized for. active movement. Because of their motility, spermatozoa when first dis- covered were regarded as parasites living in the seminal fluid. The sperm cell is composed of a flattened head, short neck, and thread-like tail (Figs, i and 7). The head is about 0.005 mm- m length. It appears oval in surface view, pear-shaped in profile. When stained, the anterior two-thirds of the head may be seen to form a cap, and the sharp border of this cap is the .Axial filament .Sheath End piece of tail ' FIG. 7 . — Diagram of a human spermatozoon, ' surface view (Meves, Bonnet). 12 THE GERM CELLS: MITOSIS, MATURATION AND FERTILIZATION perforatorium by means of which the spermatozoon penetrates the ovum. The head contains the nuclear elements of the sperm cell. The disc- shaped neck includes the anterior centrosomal body. The tail begins with the posterior centrosomal body and is divided into a short connecting piece , a chief piece, or flagellum, which forms about four-fifths of the length of the sperm cell, and a short end piece, or terminal filament. The connecting piece is marked off from the chief piece by the annulus. The connecting piece is traversed by the axial filament (filum principale) , and is surrounded : (i) by the sheath common to it and to the flagellum; (2) by a sheath con- taining a spiral filament; and (3) by a mitochondrial sheath. The chief piece is composed of the axial filament surrounded by a cytoplasmic sheath, while the end piece comprises the naked continuation of the axial filament. The spermatozoa are motile, being propelled by the movements of the tail. They swim always against a current at the rate of about 2.5 mm. a minute. This is important, as the outwardly directed currents induced by the ciliary action of the uterine tubes and uterus direct the spermatozoa by the shortest route to the infundibulum. Keibel has found spermatozoa alive three days after the execution of the criminal from whom they were obtained. They have been found motile in the uterine tube three and one-half weeks after coitus and have been kept alive eight days outside the body by artificial means. It is not known for how long a period spermatozoa are capable of fertilizing ova. Keibel holds that this would certainly be more than a week. However, Lillie (1915) has shown with sea urchins that the ability to fertilize is lost long before vitality or motil- ity is impaired, and Mall (1918) concludes that the duration of the fertil- izing power of human spermatozoa is safely less than the corresponding period in the ovum which is "probably for fully 24 hours after ovulation." Lode estimates that 200 million spermatozoa are liberated at an average ejaculation. MITOSIS AND AMITOSIS All cells arise from pre-existing cells by division. There are two methods of cell division — amitosis and mitosis. Amitosis. — -Cells may divide directly by the simple fission of their nuclei and cytoplasm. This rather infrequent process is called amitosis. Amitosis is said by many to occur only in moribund cells. It is the type of cell division demonstrable in the epithelium of the bladder. Mitosis. — In the reproduction of typically active somatic cells and in all germ cells, complicated changes take place in the nucleus. These changes give rise to thread-like structures, hence the process is termed mitosis (thread) in distinction to amitosis (no thread) . Mitosis is divided for convenience into four phases (Fig. 8). MITOSIS AND AMITOSIS Prophase. — i. The centrosome divides and the two minute bodies resulting from the division move apart, ultimately occupying positions at opposite poles of the nucleus (I-III). 2. Astral rays appear in the cytoplasm about each centriole. They radiate from it, and the threads of the central or achromatic spindle are formed between the two asters, thus constituting the amphiaster (II). 3. The nuclear mem- brane and nucleolus dis- appear, the karyoplasm and cytoplasm becoming confluent. 4. During the above changes the chromatic net- work of the resting nucleus resolves itself into a skein, or spireme, which soon shortens and breaks up into distinct, heavily-stain- ing bodies, the chromosomes (II, III). A definite num- ber of chromosomes is always found in the cells of a given species. The chromosomes may be block-shaped, rod-shaped, or bent in the form of a Uor V. 5. The chromosomes arrange themselves in the equatorial plane of the central spindle (IV). If U- or V-shaped, the angle of each is directed toward center. The /\ A FIG. 8. — Diagrams of the phases of mitosis (Schafer). a common amphiaster and the chromosomes together constitute a mitotic figure, and at the end of the prophase this is called a monaster. Metaphase. — The longitudinal splitting of the chromosomes into ex- actly similar halves constitutes the metaphase (IV, V) . The aim of mitosis is thus accomplished, an accurate division of the chromatin between the nuclei of the daughter cells. 14 THE GERM CELLS: MITOSIS, MATURATION AND FERTILIZATION Anaphase. — At this stage the two groups of daughter chromosomes separate and move up along the central spindle fibers, each toward one of the two asters. Hence this is called the diaster stage (V, VI). At this stage, the centrioles may each divide in preparation for the next division of the daughter cells. Telo phase. — i. The daughter chromosomes resolve themselves into a reticulum and daughter nuclei are formed (VII, VIII). 2. The cytoplasm divides in a plane perpendicular to the axis of the mitotic spindle (VIII). Two complete daughter cells have thus arisen from the mother cell. The number of chromosomes is constant in the cells of a given species. The smallest number of chromosomes, two, occurs in Ascaris megalocephala univalens, a round worm parasitic in the intestine of the horse. The largest number known is found in the brine shrimp, Artemia, where 168 have been counted. The number for the human cell is in doubt. Guyer (1910) and Montgomery (1912) counted 22 in the spermatogonia of negroes. For white spermatogonia, Guyer (1913) reported considerably larger numbers (count not given) than he had formerly found in the negro. This is suggestive in view of Winiwarter's (1912) apparently careful work on whites which gave for the oocyte 48, for the spermatogone 47; although this enumeration needs confirmation, it has been tentatively accepted by many. Wieman (1913) found the most frequent number in various white somatic cells to be 34, but recently (1917) he asserts that the number in both negro and white spermatogonia is 24, thereby agreeing with Duesberg's (1906) count. MATURATION We have seen that reproduction in vertebrates follows upon the union of male and female germ cells. Without special provision this union would necessarily double the number of chromosomes at each generation. Such progressive increase is prevented by the processes of maturation which take place in both the ovum and spermatozoon. Maturation may be defined as a process of cell division during which the number of chromosomes in the germ cells is reduced to one-half the number characteristic for the species. Its significance in the mechanism of inheritance is discussed on p. 22. Spermatogenesis. — The spermatozoa take their origin in the germinal epithelium of the testis. Their general development, or Spermatogenesis, may be studied in the testis of man or of the rat; the details of their maturation stages in Ascaris or in insects. Two types of cells are recog- nized in the germinal epithelium of the seminiferous tubules: the susten- tacular cells (of Sertoli), and the male germ cells or spermatogonia (Fig. 9). The spermatogonia divide, one daughter cell forming what is known as a primary spermotocyte. The other daughter cell persists as a spermato- gone, and, by continued division during the sexual life of the individual, MATURATION 1 5 gives rise to other primary spermatocytes. The primary spermatocytes correspond to the ova before maturation. Each contains the number of chromosomes typical for the male of the species. The process of maturation consists in two cell divisions of the primary spermatocytes, each producing, first, two secondary spermatocytes, and these in turn four cells known as spermatids. During these cell divisions the number of chromosomes is reduced to half the original number in the spermatogonia. Each spermatid now becomes transformed into a mature spermatozoon (Fig. 10). The nucleus forms the larger part of the head; the centrosome divides, the resulting moieties passing to the extremities of the neck. The posterior centrosome is prolonged to Spermatid Sp'c. II (telo phase) Sp'c. II (metaphase) Sp'c. I (pro phase) ... Sustenlacular cell Connect ive-t iss lie wall 'mary spermatocyte Accessory chromo- ._.- some (?) Sp'c. I (metaphase) > — Spermatogonium Sp'g. (anaphase) FIG. 9. — Stages in the spermatogenesis of man arranged in a composite to represent a portion of a seminiferous tubule sectioned transversely. X 900. become the axial filament, and the cytoplasm forms the sheaths of the neck and tail. The spiral filament of the connecting piece is derived from the cytoplasmic mitochondria. The way in which the number of chromosomes is reduced may be seen in the spermatogenesis of Ascaris (Fig. n). Four chromosomes are typical for Ascaris megalocephala bivalens and each spermatogone contains this number. In the' early prophase of the primary spermatocyte there appears a spireme thread consisting of four parallel rows of granules (B). This thread breaks in twro and forms two quadruple structures known as tetrads (D-F) ; each is equivalent to two original chromosomes, paired side i6 THE GERM CELLS: MITOSIS, MATURATION AND FERTILIZATION by side and split lengthwise to make a bundle of four. At the metaphase (G) each tetrad divides into its two original chromosomes which already show evidence of longitudinal fission and are termed dyads. One pair of dyads goes to each of the daughter cells, or secondary spermatocytes (G-I). Without the formation of a nuclear membrane, the second maturation spindle appears at once, the two dyads split into four monads, and each daughter spermatid receives two single chromosomes (monads) , or one-half the number characteristic for the species. The tetrad, therefore, repre- E F FIG. 10. — Diagrams of the development of spermatozoa (after Meves in Lewis and Stohr). a.c., Anterior centrosome; a./., axial filament; c.p., connecting piece; ch.p., chief piece; g.c., cap; n., nucleus; nk., neck; p., protoplasm; p.c., posterior centrosome. sents a precocious division of the chromosomes in preparation for two rapidly succeeding cell divisions which occur without the intervention of the customary resting periods. The easily understood tetrads are not formed in most animals, although the outcome of maturation is identical in either case. A diagram of maturation is shown in Fig. 12. The first maturation division in Ascaris is probably reductional, each daughter nucleus receiving two complete chromosomes of the original four, whereas in the second maturation division, as in ordinary mitosis, each daughter nucleus receives a half of each of the two chromosomes, these being split lengthwise. In the latter case the division is equational, each daughter nucleus receiving chromosomes bearing similar hereditary qualities. In some animals the sequence of events is reversed, reduction occurring at the second maturation division. In many insects and some vetebrates MATURATION it has been shown that the number of chromosomes in the oogonia is even, the number in the spermatogonia odd. An exact halving of the sperma- togonial number of chromosomes can not occur in such cases (p. 23). FIG. II. — Reduction of chromosomes in the spermatogenesis of Ascaris megalocephala bivalens (Brauer, Wilson). X about noo. A-G, successive stages in the division of the pri- mary spermatocyte. The original reticulum undergoes a very early division of the chromatin granules which then form a quadruply split spireme (B, in profile). This becomes shorter (C, in profile), and then breaks in two to form two tetrads (D, in profile), (E, on end). F, G, H, first division to form two secondary spermatocytes, each receiving two dyads. 7, secondary sperma- tocyte. /, K, the same dividing. L, two resulting spermatids, each containing two monads or chromosomes. Oogenesis. — -During oogenesis, the ova undergo a similar process of maturation. Two cell divisions take place, but with this difference: the cleavage is unequal, and, instead of four cells of equal size resulting, there are formed one large ripe ovum, or oocyte, and three rudimentary or abor- tive ova known as polar bodies, or polocytes. The number of chromosomes 1 8 THE GERM CELLS: MITOSIS, MATURATION AND FERTILIZATION is reduced in the same manner as in the spermatocyte, so that the ripe ovum and each polar cell contain one-half the number of chromosomes found in the immature ovum or primary oocyte. The primitive female germ cells, from which new ova are produced by cell division, are called oogonia and their daughter cells after a period of growth within the ovary are the primary oocytes, comparable to the primary spermatocytes of the male (Fig. 12). During maturation the ovum and first polocyte are termed secondary oocytes (comparable to secondary spermatocytes) ; the mature ovum and second polocyte, with Spermatogonium Proliferation period Spermatocyte i Spermatocyte 2 Spermatids Spermatozoa Oocyte 2 (omtm and polocyte i) Ovum and three polo- cytcs Growth period Maturation period Transforma- tion period of spermatozoa FIG. 12. — Diagrams of maturation in spermatogenesis and oogenesis (Boveri). the daughter cells of the first polocyte, are comparable to the spermatids. Each spermatid, however, may form a mature spermatozoon, but only one of the four daughter cells of the primary oocyte becomes a mature ovum. The ovum develops at the expense of the three polocytes which are abortive and degenerate eventually, though it has been shown that in the ova of some insects the polar cell may be fertilized and segment several times like a normal ovum. In most animals, the actual division of the first polocyte into two daughter cells is suppressed. The nucleus of the ovum after maturation is known as the female pronucleus. Maturation of the Mouse Ovum. — Typical maturation stages may be studied in the easily obtained ova of the mouse (Long and Mark, Carnegie Inst. Publ. No. 142). The first polocyte is formed while the ovum is MATURATION still in the Graafian follicle. In the formation of the maturation spindle, no astral rays and no typical centrosomes have been observed. The chromosomes are V-shaped. The first polar cell is constricted from the ovum and lies beneath the zona pellucida as a spherical mass about 25 micra in diameter (Fig. 13). Both ovum and polar cell (secondary FIG. 13. — Maturation and fertilization of the ovum of the mouse (after Sobotta). A, C-J, X 500; B X 750. A-D, entrance of the spermatozoon and formation of the polar cells. D-E, development of the pronuclei. F-J, successive stage in the first division of the fer- tilized ovum. oocytes) contain 20 chromosomes, or half the number normal for the mouse. The first maturation division is the reductional one and the chromosomes take the form of tetrads. After ovulation has taken place, the ovum lies in the ampulla of the uterine tube. If fertilization occurs, a second polocyte is cut off, the nucleus of the ovum forming no membrane between the production of 20 THE GERM CELLS: MITOSIS, MATURATION AND FERTILIZATION the first and second polar bodies (Fig. 13 A-D). The second maturation spindle and second polar cell are smaller than the first. Immediately after the formation of the second polar cell, the chromosomes resolve them- selves into a reticulum and the female pronucleus is formed (Fig. 13 D). Maturation of the Human Ovum. — The only observations are those of Thompson (1919), who believes to have identified stages in the forma- tion of all three polar cells prior to ovulation or fertilization. The evi- dence presented, however, can hardly be accepted as conclusive. FERTILIZATION The stimulus initiating development in most multicellular animals is furnished by a spermatozoon which penetrates the ovum and fuses with its nucleus. These events constitute fertilization. Only motile spermatozoa are able to attach to the surface of an egg; it is probable that forces allied to phagocytosis, rather than vibrational energy, accomplish the actual 'penetration.' Spermatozoa may enter the mammalian ovum at any point. If fertilization is delayed too long after ovulation, the ovum may be weakened and allow the entrance of several spermatozoa. This is known as polyspermy. In such cases, how- ever, only one spermatozoon unites with the female pronucleus. The fundamental results of the process of fertilization are: (i) the union of the male and female chromosomes to form the cleavage nucleus of the fertilized ovum; (2) the initiation of cell division, or cleavage of the ovum. These two factors are separate and independent phenomena. It has been shown by Boveri and others that fragments of sea urchin's ova containing no part of the nucleus may be fertilized by spermatozoa, segment, and develop into larvae. The female chromosomes are thus not essential to the process of segmentation. Loeb, on the other hand, has shown that the ova of invertebrates may be made to develop by chemical and mechanical means without the cooperation of the spermatozoon (artificial parthenogenesis). Even adult frogs have been reared from mechanically stimulated eggs. It is well known that the ova of certain invertebrates develop normally without fertilization, that is, parthenogenetically. These facts show that the union of the male and female pronuclei is not the means of initiat- ing the development of the ova. In all vertebrates it is, nevertheless, the end and aim of fertilization. Lillie (1912; 1913) has recently shown that the cortex of sea urchin's ova produces a substance which he terms fertilizin. This substance he regards as an amboceptor essential to fertilization, with one side chain which agglutinates and attracts the spermatozoa, and another side chain which activates the cytoplasm and initiates the cleavage of the ovum. According to Loeb (1916), agglutination is proved in but few forms and Lillie's interpreta- tion fails to meet all the facts. Loeb (1913) holds that the spermatozoon actually acti- vates the ovum to develop by increasing its oxidations and by rendering it immune to the toxic effects of oxidation. Fertilization of the Mouse Ovum. — Normally, a single spermatozoon enters the ovum six to ten hours after coitus. While the second polar cell is forming, the spermatozoon penetrates the ovum and loses its tail. Its FERTILIZATION 21 head enlarges and is converted into the male pronucleus (Fig. 13 D). The pronuclei, male and female, approach each other and resolve themselves first into a spireme stage, then into two groups of 20 chromosomes. A centrosome, possibly that of the male cell, appears between them, divides into two, and soon the first cleavage spindle is formed (F-H). The 20 male and 20 female chromosomes arrange themselves in the equatorial plane .of the spindle, thus making the original number of 40 (I). Fer- tilization is now complete and the ovum divides in the ordinary way, the daughter cells each receiving equal numbers of maternal and paternal chromosomes. Fertilization of the Human Ovum. — Spermatozoa, deposited in the vagina at coitus, ascend through the uterus and uterine tubes, their course being directed by the downward stroking cilia (p. 12). They probably reach the ampulla of the uterine tube two or more hours after coitus. Here the penetration of the ovum is believed usually to take place about one day after coitus (Mall, 1918, cf. p. 12) although it has never been observed. This conclusion is supported by direct observation on other mammals and by the frequency of tubal pregnancies at this site. Normally, then, the embryo begins its development in the uterine tube, thence passes to the uterus and becomes embedded in the uterine mucosa. Rarely ova may be fertilized and start developing before they enter the tube, but fertilization within the uterus is usually denied. Twin Development. — Usually but one human ovum is produced and fertilized at coitus. The development of two or more embryos within the uterus is commonly due to the ripening, expulsion, and subsequent fertilization of an equal number of ova. In such cases ordinary, or fraternal twins, triplets, and so on, of the same or opposite sex, result. Iden- tical, or duplicate twins, that is, those always of the same sex and strikingly similar in form and feature, are believed to arise from the fission of the embryonic cell mass, each portion then developing as a separate embryo within the common chorion. The identical quadru- plets of certain armadillos are known to result from the division of a single blastoderm into four parts. Separate development of the cleavage cells can also be produced experimen- tally in many of the lower animals. Double Monsters. — Occasionally twins are conjoined. All degrees of union, from almost complete separation to fusion throughout the entire body-length, are known. If there is considerable disparity in size, the smaller is termed the parasite; in such cases the extent of attachment and dependency grades down to included twin (fetus in fetu) and tumor-like fetal inclusions. In some asymmetrical monsters the explication is partial, as doubling of the head or legs, All of these terata, like identical twins, are regarded as the products of a single ovum, but with variably incomplete fission, or bifurcation, of the embryonic mass. Superfetation. — An ovum, liberated by a pregnant woman and fertilized at a later coitus, may develop into a second, younger fetus. This rare condition, often denied, is called superfetation and is not to be confused with striking^ unequal twin development. Until the fourth month of pregnancy superfetation is theoretically possible (p. 237). 22 THE GERM CELLS: MITOSIS, MATURATION AND FERTILIZATION The Significance of Mitosis, Maturation and Fertilization. — The complicated proc- esses of mitosis serve the purpose of accurately dividing the chromatic substance of the nucleus in such a way that the self-perpetuating chromosomes of each daughter cell may be the same both quantitatively and qualitatively. This is of importance since it is believed by most students of heredity that chromatin particles, or genes, in the chromo- somes bear the hereditary characters, and that these are arranged in definite linear order in particular chromosomes. At maturation there is a side by side union of like chromo- somes, one member of each pair having come from the father, the other from the mother of the preceding generation; each member, however, carries the same general set of heredi- tary characters as its mate. At this stage of chromosomal conjugation there may be an interchange,, or 'crossing over,' of corresponding genes, resulting in new hereditary combinations. The reducing division of maturation separates whole chromosomes of each pair, but chance alone governs the actual assortment of paternal and maternal mem- bers to the daughter cells; this mitosis obviously halves the chromosome number char- acteristic for the species. The significance of the equational maturation mitosis, beyond accomplishing mere cellular multiplication, is obscure. Fertilization initiates development and restores the original number of chromosome pairs (cf. p. 20). The fertilized ovum derives its nuclear substance equally from both parents, the cytoplasm and yolk almost entirely from the mother, the centrosome probably from the father. Mendel's Law of Heredity. — Experiments show that most hereditary characters fall into two opposing groups, the contrasted pairs of which are termed allelomorphs. As an example, we may take the hereditary tendencies for black and blue eyes. It is believed that there are paired chromatic particles, or genes, which are responsible for these hereditary tendencies, and that paired spermatogonial chromosomes bear one each of these genes. Each chromosome pair in separate germ cells may possess similar genes, both bearing black-eyed tendencies or both blue-eyed tendencies, or opposing genes, bearing the one black, the other blue-eyed tendencies. It is assumed that at maturation these paired genes are separated along with the chromosomes, and that one onl of each pair is retained in each germ cell. In our example, either a blue-eyed or a black-eyed tendency-bearing particle would be retained. At fertilization the segregated genes of one sex may enter into new combina- tions with those from the other sex. Three combinations are possible. If the color of the eyes be taken as the hereditary character: (i) two 'black' germ cells may unite; (2) two 'blue' germ cells may unite; (3) a 'black' germ cell may unite with a 'blue' germ cell. The offspring in (i) will all have black eyes, and, if interbred, their progeny will likewise inherit black eyes exclusively. Similarly, the offspring in (2), and if these are interbred their progeny as well, will include nothing but blue-eyed individuals. The first generation from the cross in (3) will have black eyes solely, for black in the present example is dominant, as it is termed. Such black-eyed individuals, nevertheless, possess both black- and blue- eyed bearing genes their germ in cells; in the progeny resulting from the interbreeding of this class the original condition is repeated — pure blacks, impure blacks which hold blue recessive, and pure blues will be formed in the ratio of 1:3:1 respectively. It is thus seen that blue-eyed children may be born of black-eyed parents, whereas blue-eyed parents can never have black-eyed offspring. Many such allelomorphic pairs of hereditary characters are known. Cytoplasmic Inheritance. — Certain eggs show distinct cytoplasmic zones which cleavage later segregates into groups of cells destined to form definite organs or parts. In a sense this represents a refined sort of preformation, but prelocalization is a more exact FERTILIZATION 23 term. From these facts Conklin and Loeb argue that.the cytoplasm is really the embryo in the rough, the nucleus, through Mendelian heredity, adding only the finer details. Morgan, among others, refuses to admit the validity of this interpretation. The Determination of Sex. — The assumption that the chromosomes are the carriers of hereditary tendencies is borne out by experimental breeding (Morgan) and by the corre- lated observations of cytologists on the germ cells of invertebrates, especially insects, and of some vertebrates. According to Winiwarter (Arch, de Biol., T. 27, 1912) the nuclei of human spermatogonia contain 47 chromosomes, while those of the oogonia contain 48. When the reduction of chromosomes takes place in the male cells, one unpaired chromo- some fails to divide and passes intact to one or the other daughter cells; hence half of the spermatids contain 24 chromosomes, the other half only 23. All the oocytes and polocytes, on the contrary, contain 24. There is thus one extra chromosome in each mature ovum and in each of half the spermatozoa. This chromosome, because of peculiarities of size or shape, can be identified easily in many animals, and is termed the accessory X,or sex chromosome. McClung was the first tc assume that the X chromosome is a sex detriminant. It has since been shown by Wilson and others that the sex chromosome carries the female sexual characters. When, in the case under consideration, a spermatozoon with 24 chromosomes fertilizes an ovum, the resulting embryo is a female, its somatic nuclei containing 48 chromosomes. An ovum fertilized by a sperm cell containing only 23 chromosomes (without the sex chromosome) produces a male with somatic nuclei con- taining but 47 chromosomes. These observations of Winiwarter on man have not yet been confirmed by other investigators. There is no reason to doubt, however, that sex is determined in man essentially in the manner described, which agrees with the easily observed phenomena in insects. In certain moths and birds the sex chromosome system is the exact reverse of the common scheme just explained, but the operation of the mechanism is otherwise similar. The spermatozoa of these forms are all alike in chromosome constitution while the eggs are of two sorts. CHAPTER II CLEAVAGE OF THE FERTILIZED OVUM AND THE ORIGIN OF THE GERM LAYERS CLEAVAGE THE processes of cleavage, or segmentation, not having been ob- served in human ova, must be studied in other vertebrates. It is probable that the early development of all vertebrates is, in its essentials, the same. Cleavage may be modified, however, by the presence in the ovum of large quantities of nutritive yolk. In many vertebrate ova the yolk collects at one end, termed the vegetal pole, in contrast to the more purely proto- plasmic animal pole. Such ova are said to be telolecithal. Examples are the ova of fishes, amphibians, reptiles, and birds. When very little yolk is present, the ovum is said to be isolecithal. Examples are the ova of Amphioxus, the higher mammals, and man. The typical processes of cleavage may be studied most easily in the fertilized ova of invertebrates (Echinoderms, Annelids, and Mollusks). Among Chordates, the early processes in development are primitive in a fish-like form, Amphioxus. The yolk modifies the development of the amphibian and bird egg, while the early structure of the mammalian embryo can be explained only by assuming that the ova of the higher Mammalia at one time contained a considerable amount of yolk, like the ovum of the bird and of the lowest mammals, and the influence of this condition persists. Cleavage in Amphioxus. — The ovum is essentially isolecithal, since it contains but little yolk (Fig. 14). About one hour after fertilization it divides vertically into two nearly equal daughter cells, or blastomeres. The process is known as cell cleavage, or segmentation, and takes place by mitosis. Within the next hour the daughter cells again cleave in the vertical plane, at right angles to the first division, thus forming four cells. Fifteen minutes later a third division takes place in a horizontal plane. As the yolk is somewhat more abundant at the vegetal pole of the four cells, the mitotic spindles lie nearer the animal pole. Consequently, in the eight-celled stage the upper tier of four cells is smaller than the lower four. By successive cleavages, first in the vertical, then in the horizontal plane a 16- and 3 2 -celled embryo is formed. The upper two tiers are now smaller, and a cavity, the blastoccele, is enclosed by the cells. The embryo at this stage is sometimes called a morula because of its resemblance to a 24 CLEAVAGE mulberry. In subsequent cleavages, as development proceeds, the size of the cells is diminished while the cavity enlarges (Fig. 14). The embryo FIG. 14. — Cleavage of the egg of Amphioxus (after Hatschek). X 200. I. The egg be- fore the commencement of development; only one polar body, P.B., is present, the other having been lost during ovulation. 2. The ovum in the act of dividing, by a vertical cleft, into two equal blastomeres. 3. Stage with four equal blastomeres. 4. Stage with eight blastomeres; an upper tier of four slightly smaller ones and a lower tier of four slightly larger ones. 5. Stage with sixteen blastomeres in two tiers, each of eight. 6. Stage with thirty-two blastomeres, in four tiers, each of eight ; the embryo is represented bisec ted to show the cleavage cavity or blasto- coele, B. 7. Later stage; the blastomeres have increased in number by further division. 8, Blastula stage bisected to show the blastoccele, B. is now a blastula, nearly spherical in form and about four hours old. The cleavage of the Amphioxus ovum is thus holoblastic, that is, complete, and nearly equal. 26 CLEAVAGE AND THE GERM LAYERS Cleavage in Amphibia.- — These ova contain so much yolk that the nucleus and most of the cytoplasm lie at the upper, or animal pole. The first cleavage spindle appears eccentrically in this cytoplasm. The first two cleavage planes are vertical and at right angles, and the four resulting cells are nearly equal. The spindles for the third cleavage are located near the animal pole, and the cleavage takes place in a horizontal plane. As a result, the upper four cells are much smaller than the lower four (Fig. 15 A). The large, yolk-laden cells divide more slowly than the upper, small cells (B-D). At the blastula stage, the cavity is small, and the cells of the vegetal pole are each many times larger than those at the animal pole (E,F). The cleavage of the frog's ovum is thus complete but unequal. E F G FIG. 15.— Cleavage and gastrulation in the frog. Xi2. A-D, cleavage stages ; E, blastula; F, blastula in median section; G, early gastrula; H, median section of stage G. an., Animal cells; arch., archenteron; b'c., blastocoele; b'p., blastopore; ect., ectoderm; ent., entoderm; v'S-> vegetal cells. Cleavage in Reptiles and Birds. — The ova of these vertebrates contain a large amount of yolk. There is very little pure cytoplasm except at the animal pole, and here the nucleus is located (Fig. 3). When segmentation begins, the first cleavage plane is vertical but the inert yolk does not cleave. The segmentation is thus meroblastic, or incomplete. In the hen's ovum, the cytoplasm is divided by successive vertical furrows into a mosaic of cells, which, as it increases in size, forms a cap-like structure upon the surface of the yolk (Fig. 16 A). These cells are separated from the yolk beneath by horizontal cleavage furrows, and successive horizontal cleav- ages give rise to several layers of cells (Fig. 16 B). The space between cells and yolk mass may be compared to the blastula cavity of Amphioxus and the frog (Fig. 18). The cellular cap is termed the germinal disc, or blastoderm. The yolk mass, which forms the floor of the blastula cavity FIG. 17. — Diagrams showing the cleavage of the mammalian ( rabbit's) ovum and the formation of the blastodermic vesicle (Allen Thomson, after van Beneden). X 200. CLEAVAGE 2 7 and the greater part of the ovum, may be compared to the large, yolk- laden cells at the vegetal pole of the frog's blastula. The yolk mass never divides but is gradually used up in supplying nutriment to the embryo which is developed from the cells of the germinal disc. At the periphery of the blastoderm new cells constantly form until they enclose the yolk (Fig. 18 Q. Vitelline membrane Blastomere Blastocoele A B FIG. 16.— Cleavage of the pigeon's ovum (after Blount). A, blastoderm in surface view; B, in vertical section. Cleavage in Mammals. — The ovum of all the higher mammals, like that of man, is isolecithal and nearly microscopic in size. Its cleavage has been studied in several mammals but the rabbit's ovum will serve as an example. The cleavage is complete and nearly equal (Fig. 17), a cluster of approximately uniform cells being formed within the zona pellucida. This corresponds to the morula stage of Amphioxus. Next an inner mass of cells is formed that is equivalent to the germinal disc, or blastoderm, of the chick embryo (Fig. 17). The inner cell mass is over- grown by an outer layer which is termed the trophectoderm, because, in mammals, it later supplies nutriment to the embryo from the uterine wall. Fluid next appears between the outer layer and the inner cell mass, thereby separating the two except at the animal pole. As the fluid in- creases in amount, a hollow vesicle results, its walls composed of the single-layered trophectoderm except where this is in contact with the inner cell mass. This stage is known as that of the blastodermic vesicle. It is usually spherical or ovoid in form, as in the rabbit, and probably this is the form of the human ovum at this stage. In the rabbit the vesicle is 4.5 mm. long before it becomes embedded in the wall of the uterus. Among Ungulates (hoofed animals), the vesicle is greatly elon- gated and attains a length of several centimeters, as in the pig. If we compare the mammalian blastodermic vesicle with the blastula stages of Amphioxus, the frog, and the bird, it will be seen that it is to be homologized with the bird's blastula, not with that of Amphioxus (Fig. 18). In each case there is an inner cell mass of the germinal disc. The tro- 2 Chorion Amnion 'entral canal Spinal cord Mesodermal segment R. descending aorta Ccdom Somatoplewe FIG. 64.— Transverse section through the cranial portion of the open intestine of a fifty-hour chick embryo. X 50. venosus at a higher level in the series. Note the intimate relation between the entodermal epithelium of the liver and the endothelium of the vitelline veins. In later stages, as the liver anlages branch, there is, as Minot aptly expresses it, "an intercrescence of the ento- dermal cells constituting the liver and of the vascular endothelium" of the vitelline veins. Mesodermal segment Descendin, Somatopleure Somatic mesoderm Spinal cord Ectoderm Notochord 'omatic mesoaerm Splanchnopleure' / \ ^Splanchnic mesoderm Ccdom Entoderm FIG. 65. — Transverse section through the seventeenth pair of mesodermal segments of a fifty- hour chick embryo. X 50. Thus are formed the hepatic sinusoids of the portal system, which surround the cords of hepatic cells. The septum transversnm is still present at this level and lateral to the fore-gut are small body cavities. Lateral to the body cavities appear branches of the posterior cardinal veins. EMBRYO OF TWENTY-SEVEN SEGMENTS Section through the Cranial Portion of the Open Intestine (Fig. 64).— The intestine is now open ventrad, its splanchnopleure passing directly over to that of the vascular area. The folds of the amnion do not join, leaving the amniotic cavity open. The dorsal aorta is divided by a septum into its primitive components, the right and left descending aortoe. Lateral to the aortae are the small posterior cardinal veins. The ccelom is in communica- tion with the extra-embryonic body cavity. Section through the Seventeenth Pair of Mesodermal Segments (Fig. 65). — The body of the embryo is now no longer flexed to the right. On the left side of the figure, the Mesodermal segment Nephrotome Ccelom Spinal cord Ectoderm Somatoplenre 'ephric duct 'omatic mesoderm Splanchnopleure' Aorta and vitelline Notochord artery FIG. 66. — Transverse section of a fifty-hour chick embryo, at the level of the origin of the vitel- Hne arteries. X 50. mesodermal segment shows a dorso-lateral myotome plate. The median and ventral por- tion of the segment is being converted into mesenchyme. On the right side appears a section of the primary excretory, or mesonephric duct. The embryonic somalopleure is arched and will form the future ventro-lateral body wall of the embryo. The lateral in- foldings of the somatopleure give indication of the later approximation of the ventral body walls, by which the embryo is separated from the underlying layers of the blastoderm. Section through the Origin of the Vitelline Arteries (Fig. 66).— At this level the em- bryo is more flattened and simpler in structure, the section resembling one through the Spinal cord Descending aortc Somatic mesoderm Ectoderm Segmental zone ..Somatic mesoderm Splanchnic mesoderm Codom Notochord Entoderm FIG. 67. — -Transverse section of a fifty-hour chick embryo through the segmental zone, caudal to the mesodermal segments. X 50. mid-gut region of a thirty-eight-hour chick (Fig. 49). The amniotic folds have not ap- peared. On the left side of the figure the vitelline artery leaves the aorta. On the right side the connection of the vitelline artery with the aorta does not show, as the section is cut somewhat obliquely. The posterior cardinal vein is present just laterad of the right mesonephric duct. The other structures were described in connection with Fig. 49- Section Caudal to the Mesodermal Segments (Fig. 67).— The mesodermal segments are replaced by the segmental zone, a somewhat triangular mass of undifferentiated meso- derm from which later are formed the segments and nephrotomes. The notochord is larger, 66 THE STUDY OF CHICK EMBRYOS the aorta smaller, and a few sections caudad they disappear. Laterally the somatopleure and splanchnopleure are straight and separated by the slit-like coelom. Section through the Notochordal Plate, Cranial to the Hind-gut (Fig. 68).— With the exception of the ectoderm, the structures near the median plane are merged into an undif- ferentiated mass of dense tissue, the notochordal plate. The cavity of the neural tube and its dorsal outline may, however, still be seen. Laterally the segmental zone and the various layers are differentiated. Neural tube Ccelo Ectoderm Segmental zone Splanchnopleure / Notochordal plate Entoderm FIG. 68. — Transverse section of a fifty-hour chick embryo through the notochordal plate, cranial to the hind-gut. X 50. Section through the Hind-gut and Primitive Streak (Fig. 69). — In this embryo the cau- dal evagination to form the hind-gut has just begun. The section shows the small cavity of the hind-gut in the midplane. Its wall is composed of columnar entodermal cells and it is an outgrowth of the entodermal layer. A few sections cephalad in the series, the hind- gut opens by its own intestinal portal. Dorsal to the hind-gut may be seen undifferentiated cells of the primitive streak, continuous dorsad with the ectoderm, ventrad with the entoderm of the hind -gut, and laterally with the mesoderm. Somatic mesoderm Ccelom Primitive streak Ectoderm Somatopleure Splanchnopleure Hind-gut FIG. 69. — Transverse section through the hind-gut of a fifty-hour chick embryo. X 50. Extra -embryonic Structures. — In the chick embryos which we have studied, there are large areas developed which are extra-embryonic, that is, lie outside the embryo. The splanchnopleure of the area vasculosa, for instance, forms the wall of the yolk sac, incomplete in the early stages. The amnion, chorion, and allantois are extra-embryonic membranes which make their appearance at the fifty-hour stage. These structures are important in mammalian and human embryos and a description of their further development in the chick, where their structure and mode of devel- opment is primitive, will lead up to the study of mammalian embryos in which the amnion and chorion are precociously developed. EMBRYO OF TWENTY-SEVEN SEGMENTS 67 Amnion and Chorion. — -These two membranes are developed in all amniote vertebrates (Reptiles, Birds, and Mammals). They are derived from the extra-embryonic somatopleure. The amnion is purely a protec- tive structure, but the chorion of mammals has a trophic function, as through it the embryo derives its nourishment from the uterine wall. Fig. 70 A shows the amnion and chorion developing. The head fold of the somatopleure forms first and envelops the head, the tail fold makes its appearance later. The two folds extend lateral, meet and fuse (Fig. 70 B, C}. The inner leaf of the folds forms the amnion, the remainder of the extra-embryonic somatopleure becomes the chorion. The actual X FIG. 70. — Diagrams showing the development of the ananion, chorion and allantois in longitudinal section (Gegenbaur in McMurrich). Ectoderm, mesoderm, and entoderm repre- sented by heavy, light, and dotted lines respectively. Af., Amnion folds; Al., allantois; Am., amniotic cavity; Ch., chorion; Ys., yolk sac. appearance of these structures and their relation to the embryo have been seen in Figs. 63 and 64. The amnion, with its eetodermal layer inside, completely surrounds the embryo at the end of the third day, enclosing a cavity filled with amniotic fluid (Fig. 71). In this the embryo floats and is thus protected from injury. The chorion is of little importance to the chick. It is at first incomplete, but eventually entirely surrounds the embryo and its other appendages. Yolk Sac and Yolk Stalk.— While the amnion and chorion are develop- ing during the second and third day, the embryo grows rapidly. The head and tail folds elongate and the trunk expands laterally until only a rela- tively narrow stalk of the splanchnopleure connects the embryo with the 68 THE STUDY OF CHICK EMBRYOS yolk. This portion of the splanchnopleure has grown more slowly than the body of the embryo and is termed the yolk stalk. It is continuous with the splanchnopleure that envelops the yolk and forms the yolk sac. The process of unequal growth, by which the embryo becomes separated from the blastoderm, has been falsely described as a process of constriction (see p. 80). The splanchnopleure at first forms only an oval plate on the surface of the yolk, but eventually encloses it. In Fig. 70, C and D, the relation of the embryo to the yolk sac is seen at the end of the first week of incubation. The vitelline vessels ramify on the surface of the yolk sac, and through them all the food material of the yolk is conveyed to the chick during the incubation period (about twenty-one days). Yolk sac Allantois Embryo Amnion Chorion Shell Air chamber Shell membrane Margin of area vasculosa FIG. 71.— Diagram of a chick embryo at the end of the fifth day, showing amnion, chorion and allantois (Marshall). X 1.5. Allantois. — We have seen that in the fifty-hour chick a ventral evagination, the hind-gut, develops near its caudal end (Fig. 69). From it develops the anlage of the allantois, which, as an outgrowth of the splanch- nopleure, is lined with entoderm and covered with splanchnic mesoderm (Fig. 70). It develops rapidly into a vesicle connected to the hind-gut by a narrow stalk, the allantoic stalk. At the fifth day the allantoisjis nearly as large as the embryo (Fig. 71). Its wall flattens out beneath the chorion and finally it lies close to the shell but is attached only to the embryo. The functions of respiration and excretion are ascribed to it. In its wall ramify the allantoic vessels, which have been compared to the umbilical arteries and veins of mammalian embryos. EMBRYO OF TWENTY-SEVEN SEGMENTS 69 The chick embryo is thus protected by the amnion which develops from the inner leaf of the folded somatopleure and is composed of an inner ectodermal and an outer mesodermal layer. Nutriment for the growth of the embryo is supplied by the yolk sac and carried to the embryo by the vitelline veins. The allantois, which takes its origin from the splanchno- pleure of the hind-gut and is composed of an inner layer of entoderm and an outer layer of splanchnic mesoderm, functions as an organ of respiration and serves as a reservoir for the excreta of the embryonic kidneys. As we shall see, the allantois becomes more important, the yolk sac less impor- tant, in some mammals, while in human embryos both yolk sac and allan- tois are unimportant when compared to the chorion. CHAPTER IV HUMAN EMBRYOS AND FETAL MEMBRANES THE fetal membranes of mammals include the amnion, chorion, yolk sac, and allantois, structures which we have seen are present in chick embryos. Most important in mammals is the manner in which the embryo becomes attached to the uterine wall of the mother, and in this regard mammalian embryos fall into two groups. Among the Ungulates, or hoofed mammals (e. g., the pig), the fetal membranes are of a primitive type, resembling those of the chick. Among Unguiculates (clawed animals like the bat and rabbit), including Primates (e. g., Man), the fetal mem- branes of the embryo show marked changes in development and structure. FETAL MEMBRANES OF THE PIG EMBRYO The amnion and chorion develop very much as in the chick embryo (Fig. 70 A, B). Folds of the somatopleure form very early and envelop the whole embryo. The amnion (Fig. 72) is a closed sac in embryos •"Spinal cord Mesodermal segment " Upper limb bud^^^^^^g^^^j^g^ \^ Amnion - Somatopleure Posterior cardinal ^in^^ffjj^^ J Jjjj$Ji^&-~Mesonephric duct Dorsal aorta* -Mesentery ~L. umbilical vein R. umbilical vein" ^p ^f M^L. ntelline vein -Entoderm of gut .•.«.-. ---yy, *w "Splanchnic mesoderm Wall of yolk sac • — -^"^ <*** FIG. 72. — Transverse section through the yolk sac and stalk of a 5 mm. pig embryo, showing attachment of amnion. with only a few pairs of segments, but for some time it remains attached to the chorion by a strand of tissue (Keibel). The yolk sac develops early, as in all mammals. In the pig it is small and the greater part of it soon degenerates. It is important only in the early growth of the embryo, its functions then being transferred to the allantois. Branches of the vitelline vessels ramify in its wall, as in that of chick embryos, but soon degenerate. The trunks of the vitelline vessels, however, persist within 70 FETAL MEMBRANES OF THE PIG EMBRYO the body of the embryo. The allantois, developing as in the chick from the ventral wall of the hind-gut (Fig. 70 A-D), appears when the embryo is still flattened out on the germinal disc. In an embryo 3.5 mm. long it is crescent-shaped and as large as the embryo. It soon becomes larger and its convex outer surface (splanchnic mesoderm) is applied to the inner surface (somatic mesoderm) of the chorion. These surface layers fuse more or less completely. A pair of allantoic veins and arteries branch in the splanchnic layer of the allantois. These branches are brought into contact with the mesodermal layer of the cho- Entoderm of primitive gut Hind-gut Amnion Ectoderm Fore-gut Somatic mesoderm Splanchnic mesoderm Yolk sac Entoderm -Chorionic mesoderm Ihorionic ectoderm * 'Uterine epithelium . Tunica propria of uterus FIG. 73. — Diagram of the fetal membranes and allantoic placenta of a pig embryo, in median sagittal section (based on figures of Heisler and Minot). rion and invade it. The outer ecto dermal layer of the chorion in the mean- time has closely applied itself to the uterine epithelium, the ends of the uterine cells fitting into depressions in the chorionic cells (Fig. 73). When the allantoic circulation is established, waste products given off from the blood of the embryo must pass through the epithelia of both chorion and uterus to be taken up by the blood of the mother. In the same way, nutritive substances and oxygen must pass from the maternal blood through these layers to enter the allantoic vessels. This exchange does take place, however, and thus in Ungulates the allantois has become im- 72 HUMAN EMBRYOS AND FETAL MEMBRANES portant, not only as an organ of respiration and excretion, but as an organ of nutrition. Through its vessels it has taken on a function belonging to the yolk sac in birds, and we now see why the yolk sac becomes a rudimen- tary structure in the higher mammals. Excreta from the embryonic kidneys are passed into the cavity of the allantois which is relatively large. The name is derived from a Greek word meaning sausage-like, from its form in some animals. The chorion is important only as it brings the allantois into close relation to the uterine wall, but in man we shall see that it plays a more important role. THE UMBILICAL CORD Pig Embryos. — In their early development, the relation of the amnion, allantois, and yolk sac to each other and to the embryo is much the same as in the chick of five days (Fig. 71). With the increase in size of the embryo, however, the somatopleure in the region of the attachment of the amnion grows ventrad (Fig. 70 D). As a result, it is carried downward about the yolk sac and 'allantois, forming the umbilical cord (cf. Fig. 241). Thus, in a pig embryo 10 to 12 mm. long, the amnion is attached at a circular line about these structures some distance from the body of the embryo (cf. Fig. 119). The ccelom at first extends ventrad into the cord, but later the mesodermal layers of amnion, yolk stalk, and allantois fuse and form, a solid cord of tissue. This is the umbilical cord of fetal life and its point of attachment to the body is the umbilicus, or navel. The cord is covered by a layer of ectoderm continuous with that of the amnion and of the embryo, and contains, embedded in a mesenchymal (mucous) tissue: (i) the yolk stalk and (in early stages) its vitelline vessels; (2) the allantoic stalk; (3) the allantoic vessels. These latter, two arteries and a single large vein, are termed, from their position, the umbilical vessels. At certain stages (Figs. 122 and 123) the gut normally extends into the ccelom of the cord, forming an umbilical hernia. Later, it returns to the ccelom of the embryo and the cavity of the cord disappears. The umbilical cord of the pig is very short. The Human Umbilical Cord. — This develops like that of the pig and may attain a length of more than 50 cm. It becomes spirally twisted, just how is not known. In embryos from 10 to 40 mm. long the gut extends into the ccelom of the cord (Figs. 179 and 180). At the 42 mm. stage, the gut returns to the ccelom of the body. The mucous tissue peculiar to the cord arises from mesenchyme. It contains no capillaries and no nerves, but embedded in it are the large umbilical vein, the two arteries, the allan- tois, and the yolk stalk. The umbilical cord may become wound about the neck of the fetus, causing its death and abortion, or by coiling about the extremities it may lead to their atrophy or amputation. EARLY HUMAN EMBRYOS AND THEIR MEMBRANES 73 EARLY HUMAN EMBRYOS AND THEIR MEMBRANES Descriptions of graded human embryos will introduce the reader to early mammalian development and indicate the divergencies from the chick stages already studied. A somewhat detailed account of a 4.2 mm. human embryo will then link the fifty-hour chick with the pig studies which follow. Referring to the blastodermic vesicle of the mamma] (Figs. 1 7 and 18) , it is found to consist of an outer layer, which we have called the trophecto- derm, and the inner cell mass (p. 2 7) . The trophectoderm forms the primi- tive ectodermal layer of the chorion in the higher mammals and probably in man. From the inner cell mass are derived the primary ectoderm, entoderm, and mesoderm. In the earliest known human embryos, de- scribed by Teacher, Bryce, and Peters, the germ layers and amnion are present, indicating that they are formed very early. We can only infer their early origin from what is known of other mammals. The diagrams (Fig. 74 A and £?) show two stages, the first hypothetical, seen in median longitudinal section. In the first stage (A) the blastodermic vesicle is surrounded by the trophectoderm layer. The inner cell mass is differ- entiated into a dorsal mass of ectoderm and a ventral mass of entoderm. Mesoderm more or less completely fills the space between entoderm and trophectoderm. It is assumed that as the embryo grows (5) a split occurs in the mass of ectoderm cells, giving rise to the amniotic cavity and dividing these cells into the ectodermal layer of the embryo and into the extra-embryonic ectoderm of the amnion. At the same time a cavity may be assumed to form in the entoderm, giving rise to the primi- tive gut. At about this stage the embryo embeds itself in the uterine mucosa. In the third stage (C), based on Peters' embryo, the extra- embryonic mesoderm has extended between the trophectoderm and the ectoderm of the amnion, and the extra-embryonic ccelom appears. At first, strands of mesoderm, known as the magma reticulare, bridge across the ccelom between the somatic and splanchnic layers of mesoderm (Fig. 76). The amniotic cavity has increased in size, and the embryo is attached to the trophectoderm by the unsplit layerof mesoderm between the ectoderm of the amnion and the trophectoderm of the chorion. The latter shows thickenings which are the anlages of the chorionic villi, sur- rounded by syncytial trophoderm. In the fourth stage (D), based on Graf Spec's embryo, the chorionic villi are longer and branched. The mesoderm now remains unsplit only at the posterior end of the embryo, where it forms the body stalk peculiar to Unguiculates and Primates. It connects the mesoderm of the embryo with the mesoderm of the chorion. Into it there has grown from the gut of the embryo the entodermal diver- ticulum of the allantois. 74 HUMAN EMBRYOS AND FETAL MEMBRANES The Chorion. — The human chorion is derived directly from the outer trophectoderm layer of the blastodermic vesicle and from the extra- embryonic somatic mesoderm. At first, its structure resembles that of thej pig's chorion. The trophectodeim of the human embryo, however, early gives rise to a thickened outer layer, the trophoderm (syncytial and nutrient layer — Figs. 74 C and 239). When the developing embryo comes Ectoderm of amnion Ectoderm of embryo \ Allantoi D Body stalk Ectoderm of mniotic cavity Cavity Of amnion Mesoderm of rophectoderm amnion Yolk sac Ectoderm of chorion Entoderm Cavity of yol sac Splanchnic Entoderm mesoderm yoik Sac 'ra-embry- Mesoderm' omc ccdom Of yoik sac Extra-embry- onic ccelom Mesoderm of chorion ~Choriomc meso- derm -Trophoderm Chorionic vitii FIG. 74. — Four diagrams of early human embryos (based on figures of Robinson and Minot). A, Hypothetical stage; B, Bryce-Teacher embryo (modified); C, Peters' embryo; D, Graf Spee's embryo. into contact with the uterine wall, the trophoderm destroys the maternal tissues. The destruction of the uterine mucosa serves two purposes: (i) the embedding and attachment of the embryo, it being grafted, so to speak, to the uterine wall ; and (2) it supplies the embryo with a new source of nutrition. To obtain nutriment to better advantage, there grow out from the chorion into the uterine mucosa branched processes, or villi. The villi are bathed in maternal blood, and in them blood vessels are developed, the trunks of which pass to and from the embryo as the um- EARLY HUMAN EMBRYOS AND THEIR MEMBRANES 75 bilical vessels. The embryo receives its nutriment and oxygen, and gets rid of waste products through the walls of the villi. The region where the attachment of the chorionic villi to the uterine wall persists during fetal life is known as the placenta. It will be described later with the decidual membranes of the uterus (p. 237 ff.). Inner cell mass Entoderm Trophedodcrm Cnboidal cells (of Langhans) Embryonic ectoderm Entoderm FIG. 75. — Sections showing the formation of the amnion in bat embryos (after Van Beneden). X about 1 60. We saw how the allantois of Ungulates had assumed the nutritive functions performed by the yolk sac in birds, with a consequent degene- ration of the ungulate yolk sac. In man and most Unguiculates the func- tions of the allantois are transferred to the chorion, and the allantois, in turn, becomes a rudimentary structure. The Amnion. — This is formed precociously in Unguiculates, and in a manner quite different from its mode of origin in Ungulates and birds. 76 HUMAN EMBRYOS AND FETAL MEMBRANES It is assumed that its cavity arises as a split in the primitive ectoderm of human embryos, as in bat embryos (Fig. 75). Later, a somatic layer of mesoderm envelops its ectodermal layer, its component parts then being the same as in birds and Ungulates — an inner layer of ectoderm and an outer layer of mesoderm (Fig. 74 D). It becomes a thin, pellucid, non- vascular membrane, and about a month before birth is in contact with the chorion. It then contains about a liter of amniotic fluid, the origin of which is unknown. During the early months of 'pregnancy the embryo, suspended by the umbilical cord, floats in the amniotic fluid which serves as a water cushion. The embryo is protected from maceration by a white, fatty secretion, the vernix caseosa. At birth the membranes rupture. If the chorion bursts alone, the child may be born enveloped in the amnion, popularly known as a veil, or 'caul.' The amniotic fluid may be present in excessive amount, the condition being known as hydramnios. If less than the normal amount of fluid is present, the amnion may adhere to the embryo and produce malformations. It has been found, too, that fibrous bands or cords of tissue sometimes extend across the amniotic cavity, and, pressing upon parts of the embryo during its growth, cause scars and splitting of eyelids or lips. Such amniotic threads may even amputate a limb or cause the bifurcation of a digit. Amniotic cavity Mesoderm of chorionic villus Ectoderm of chorion rm of embryo Mesoderm Extra-embryonic coelom Yolk sac Mesoderm Entoderm FIG. 76. — Section of Peters' embryo of 0.2 mm. (about fifteen days). The portion of extra- embryonic ccelom shown is limited below by a strand of the magma reticulare. The Allantois. — The allantois appears very early in the human em- bryo, before the development of the fore-gut -or hind-gut. In Peters' embryo the amnion, chorion, and yolk sac are present, but not the allan- tois (Fig. 76). In an embryo 1.54 mm. long, described by von Spec (Fig. 77), there is no hind-gut, but the allantoic diverticulum of the en- EARLY HUMAN EMBRYOS AND THEIR MEMBRANES 77 toderm has invaded the mesoderm of the body stalk. This embryo, seen from the dorsal side with the amnion cut away, shows a marked neural Neural groove—'^ .. / Neurenteric canal Primitive streak Body stalk Villi of chorion Amnion Embryonic disc A nlage of heart Splanchnic mesoderm 'horion Somatic mesoderm Body stalk Primitive streak Blood vessel FIG. 77. — Views of a human embryo of 1.54 mm. (von Spee). X 23. A, Dorsal surface; B, median sagittal section. groove and primitive streak. In front of the primitive knot a pore is figured, leading from the neural groove into the primitive intestinal HUMAN EMBRYOS AND FETAL MEMBRANES mnion (cut) .Neural fold cavity, and hence called the neurenteric canal (p. 34). The fore-gut and head fold have formed at this stage and there are branched chorionic villi. Somewhat more advanced conditions are found in an em- bryo of 1.8 mm. with five to six pairs of segments (Fig. 78). A reconstruction by Dandy of Mall's embryo, about 2 mm. long with seven pairs of segments, shows well the embryonic ap- pendages i (Fig. 79). The fore- and hind-gut are well developed, Neurenteric canal Primitive streak FIG. 78. — Kromer human embryo of 1.8 mm., in dorsal view (after Keibel and Elze). X 20. the amniotic cavity is large, and the yolk sac still communicates with the gut through a wide opening. The allantois is present as a curved tube, somewhat dilated near its blind end and embedded in the mesoderm of the body stalk. As the hind-gut develops, the allantois Chorion A mnion Pharyngeal membrane Fore-gut Heart ___y stalk Allantoic stalk Hind-gut 'Blood island •Blood vessel ructions ^^^•^ FIG. 79. — A human embryo of 2 mm. in median sagittal section (adapted from reconst of Mall's embryo by F. T. Lewis and Dandy). X 23. comes to open into its ventral wall. A large umbilical artery and vein are present in the body stalk. EARLY HUMAN EMBRYOS AND THEIR MEMBRANES 79 In an embryo of 23 somites, 2.5 mm. long, described by Thompson, the allantois has elongated and shows three irregular dilatations (Fig. 80). A large cavity never appears distally in the human allantois as in Ungu- lates, but when it becomes included in the umbilical cord its distal portion is tubular. The allantois eventually atrophies and is without further significance (cf. p. 209). The human allantois is thus small and rudimentary as compared with that of birds and Ungulates. As we have seen, the cavity is very large in the pig, and Haller found an allantoic sac two feet long con- Phar nx 7 ***^ \ nected w^h a goat embryo of Pharyngeal membrane Thyreoid Pericardium Hepatic diverticulum Septum transversum Cloacal membrane Cloaca Neural folds Neurenteric canal FIG. 80. — Median sagittal section of a 2.5 mm. FIG. 81. — Human embryo of 2.11 mm. human embryo, showing digestive tract (after (Eternod). X 35. Thompson). X_4O. two inches. In human embryos it appears very early and is not free, but embedded in the body stalk. Its functions, so important in birds and Ungulates, are in man performed by the chorion. The Yolk Sac and Stalk. — In the youngest human embryos described, the entoderm forms, a somewhat elongated vesicle (Fig. 76). With the development of the fore-gut and hind-gut in embryos of 1.54 and 2 mm. (Figs. 77 and 79), the entodermal vesicle is divided into the dorsal intestine and ventral yolk sac, the two being connected by a somewhat narrower region. This condition persists in an embryo 2.5 mm. long (Fig. 80). In the figure, most of the yolk sac has been cut away. Embryos with 8o HUMAN EMBRYOS AND FETAL MEMBRANES 9 and 14 pairs of segments, with three brain vesicles and with the amnion cut away are seen in Figs. 81 and 324. The relation of the fetal appen- A mnion Body stalk FIG. 82. — Human embryo of about 2.5 mm. (His, after Coste). X 15. dages to the embryo shows well in the embryo of Coste (Fig. 82). The dorsal concavity is probably abnormal. A robust body stalk attaches the Amnion Branchial grooves 1-3 Body stalk Maxillary process Mandibular process Heart Yolk-sac FIG. 83. — Human embryo of 2.6 mm., showing amnion, yolk stalk and body stalk (His). X25. embryo to the inner wall of the chorion. With the growth of the head- and tail folds of the embryo, there is an apparent constriction of the yolk THE ANATOMY OF A 4.2 MM. HUMAN EMBRYO 8l sac where it joins the embryo. This, however, is a deception. Both embryo and yolk sac enlarge, whereas the region of union lags and later becomes the slender yolk stalk (Fig. 84). His' embryo, 2.6 mm. long, shows the relative size of yolk sac and embryo and the yolk stalk (Fig. 83). The relations of the fetal membranes to the embryo are much the same as in the chick embryo of five days, save that the allantois of the human embryo is embedded in the body stalk. The embryo shows a regular, convex dorsal curvature, there is a marked cephalic bend in the region of the mid-brain and there are three branchial grooves. The head is twisted to the left, the tail to the right. At the side of the oral sinus are two large processes; the dorsal of these is the maxillary, the ventral the mandibular process. The heart is large and flexed in much the same way as the heart of the fifty-hour chick embryo. In later stages, with the development of the umbilical cord, the yolk stalk becomes a slender thread extending from the dividing line FIG. 84. — Yolk sac and stalk of a 20 mm. human embryo. X n. between the fore- and hind-gut to the yolk sac, or umbilical vesicle (Figs. 84 and 119). It loses its attachment to the gut in 7 mm. embryos. A blind pocket may persist at its point of union with the intestine; this is known as MeckeVs diverticulum, a structure of clinical importance because it sometimes telescopes and causes the occlusion of the intestinal lumen. The yolk stalk may remain embedded in the umbilical cord and extend some distance to the yolk sac which is found between the amnion and chorion. The yolk sac may be persistent at birth. THE ANATOMY OF A 4.2 MM. HUMAN EMBRYO This embryo, studied and described by His, is regarded by Keibel as not quite normal. Viewed from the left side (Fig. 85), with the amnion cut away close to its line of attachment, there may be seen the yolk stalk, and a portion of the yolk sac and body stalk. There is an indication of the primitive segments along the dorso-lateral line of the trunk. The head is bent ventrad almost at right angles, forming in the mid-brain region the cephalic flexure. There are also marked cervical and caudal flexures, the trunk ending in a short, blunt tail. The heart is large and HUMAN EMBRYOS AND FETAL MEMBRANES flexed as in the earlier stage. Three branchial grooves separate the four branchial arches. The first arch has developed two ventral processes. Of these, the maxillary process is small and may be seen dorsal to the stomo- dceum. The mandibular process is large and has met its fellow of the right side to form the mandible, or lower jaw. Dorsal to the second branchial groove may be seen the position of the oval otocyst, now a closed sac. Opposite the atrial portion Mid-l Fore-brain StomodcRiim ind-brain Otocyst •Amnion (cut) of the heart, and in the region of the caudal flexure, bud-like out- growths indicate the anlages of the upper and lower extremities. Central Nervous System and Sense Organs. The neural tube is closed throughout its extent and is differentiated into brain and spinal cord. The brain tube, or encephalon, is divided by con- strictions into four regions, or vesicles, as in the fifty-hour chick (Fig. 57). Of these, the most cephalad is the telencephalon. It is a paired outgrowth from the fore-brain, the remaining portion of which is the diencephalon. The mid-brain, or mesencephalon, located at the cephalic flexure, is not subdivided. The hind-brain, or rhombencephalon, which is long and continuous with the spinal cord, later is subdivided into the metencephalon (region of the cerebellum and pons) and myelencephalon (medulla oblongata). The spinal cord forms a closed tube extending from the brain to the tail and containing the neural cavity, flattened from side to side. The eye is represented by the optic vesicles and the thickened ecto- dermal anlage of the lens. Its stage of development is between that of the thirty-eight- and fifty-hour chick embryos. The otocyst is a closed sac, no longer connected with the outer ecto- derm as in the fifty-hour chick. Digestive Canal. — -In a reconstruction of the viscera viewed from the right side (Fig. 86), the entire extent of the digestive canal may be seen. The pharyngeal membrane, which we saw developed in the chick between the stomodaeum and the pharynx, has broken through so that these cavities are now in communication. The fore-gut, which extends from the oral Body stalk FIG. 85. — Human embryo of 4.2 mm., in lateral view (His). X 15- THE ANATOMY OF A 4.2 MM. HUMAN EMBRYO cavity to the yolk stalk, is differentiated into pharynx, thyreoid, trachea and lungs, esophagus and stomach, small intestine and digestive glands (pancreas and liver) . The gut is suspended' from the dorsal body wall by the dorsal mesentery. The ectodermal limits of the oral cavity are indicated dorsad by the diverticulum of the hypophysis (Rathke's pouch}. The fore-gut proper Metencephalon Aortic arches 2-4, Notochord. Descending aort Trachea, Lung bud Esophagus Hind-gu, Mesencephalon and cephalic flexure Rathke's pouch , Diencephalon Internal carotid artery .Optic vesicle Prosencephalon Mouth cavity Pharyngeal pouches 1-4 Ventral aorta Atrium of heart Umbilical vein Liver anlage Splanchnic mesoderm Mid-gut Entoderm of yolk stalk Tail gut Umbilical artery Mesonephric duct Cloaca Allantoi's FiG. 86. — Diagrammatic reconstruction of a 4.2 mm. human embryo, viewed from the right side (adapted from a model by His). X 25. begins with a shallow out-pocketing known as SeesseVs pouch. As the pharyngeal membrane disappears between these pockets, it would seem that Seessel's pouch represents the persistence of the blind anterior end of the fore-gut. No other significance has been assigned to it. The pharynx is widened laterally, and at this stage shows four pharyngeal pouches (Fig. 87). Later a fifth pair of pouches is developed (Fig. 1 68). The four pairs of pharyngeal pouches are important as they 84 HUMAN EMBRYOS AND FETAL MEMBRANES form respectively the following adult structures: (i) the auditory tubes; (2) the palatine tonsils; (3) the thymus and parathyreoids ; (4) the.parathy- reoids. Between the pharyngeal pouches are the five branchial arches in which are developed five pairs of aortic arches. Between the bases of the first and second branchial arches, on the floor of the pharynx, is developed the transient tuberculum impar. Posterior to this unpaired structure there grows out ventrally the anlage of the thyreoid gland. From •Month cavity Pharyngeal pouches 1-4 Esophagus •Stomach Hepatic diverticulu Ventral pancreas Mesonephric tubule with glomeruliis Hind-gut Allantois Thyreoid anlage Dorsal pancreas Yolk stalk Mesonephros Mesonephric duct :ioaca Tail gut FIG. 87. — Diagrammatic ventral view of pharynx, digestive tube, and mesonephroi of a 4-5 mm. embryo (based on reconstructions by Grosser and His). X about 30. The liver and yolk sac are cut away. The tubules of the right mesonephros are shown diagrammatically. the caudal end of the trachea have appeared ventrally the lung buds. The trachea is still largely a groove in the ventral wall of the pharynx and esophagus (Fig. 86). Caudal to the lungs, a slight dilation of the digestive tube indicates the position of the stomach. The liver diverticulum has grown out from the fore-gut into the ventral mesentery, cranial to the wall of the yolk stalk. It is much larger than in the fifty-hour chick, where its paired anlage was seen cranial to the intestinal portal, and is separated from the heart by the septum transversum. The small intestine between the liver and yolk stalk is short and broad. In later stages it Aortic arches 7-4 Atrium V Hello-umbilical vein L. umbilical vein FIG. 88.— Ventral reconstruction of a 3.2 mm. embryo, showing vessels (His). Umbilical vein Olfactory pit Mandibular arch Common cardinal vein ) ...Allantois Umbilical artery Placental attachment FIG. 89. — Lateral view of human embryo of 4.2 mm., showing aortic arches and venous trunks (His). mx, Maxillary process; jv., anterior cardinal vein; c.v., posterior cardinal vein; ot, otocyst. THE ANATOMY OF A 4.2 MM. HUMAN EMBRYO 85 becomes enormously elongated as compared with the rest of the digestive tube. The yolk stalk is still expansive. The region of its attachment to the gut corresponds to the open mid-gut of the chick embryo. The hind-gut and tail fold of this embryo are greatly elongated as compared with the chick embryo of fifty hours. The hind-gut terminates blindly in the tail. Near its caudal end it is dilated to form the cloaca. Into the ventral side of the cloaca opens the stalk of the allantois. Dorso- laterally the primary excretory (Wolffian) ducts which we saw developed in the fifty-hour chick have connected with the cloaca and open into it. Caudal to the cloaca, on the ventral side, is the cloacal membrane, which later divides and breaks through to form the genital aperture and anus. That part of the hind-gut between the cloaca and the yolk stalk forms the rectum, colon, caecum, and appendix, together with a portion of the small intestine (ileum). Urogenital Organs. — The opening of the primary excretory (Wolffian) ducts into the cloaca has been noted. These are the ducts of the mid- kidney, or mesonephros. At this stage, the nephrotomes, which in the chick embryos were seen to form the anlages of these ducts, are also form- ing the kidney tubules of the mesonephros which open into the ducts (Fig. 87). The mid-kidneys project into the peritoneal cavity as ridges on each side. A thickening of the mesothelium along the median halves of the mesonephroi forms the anlages of the genital glands, or gonads (Fig. 220). Circulatory System. — -The heart is an S-shaped double tube as in the fifty -hour chick. The outer myocardium is confined to the heart while the inner endothelial layer is continuous, at one end with the veins, at the other end with the arteries. The disposition of the heart tube is well seen in a ventral view of a younger embryo (Fig. 88). The veins enter the sinus venosus just cranial to the yolk sac. Next in front is the atrium, with the convexity of its flexure directed cephalad. The ventricular portion of the heart is U-shaped and is flexed to the right of the embryo. The left limb is the ventricle, the right the bulbus. The arteries begin with the ventral aorta which bends back to the mid- plane and divides into five branches on each side of the pharynx (Figs. 88 and 89) . These are the aortic arches and they unite dorsally to form two trunks, the descending aortce. The aortic arches pass around the pharynx between the pharyngeal pouches in the branchial arches. The arrangement is like that of the adult fish which has gill slits, branchial arches, and aortic arches to supply the gills. The descending aortae run caudal, and, opposite the lung buds, unite to form a single, median dorsal aorta. This, in the region of the posterior limb buds, divides into the two umbilical arteries, which, curving cephalad and ventrad, enter the body stalk on each side of 86 HUMAN EMBRYOS AND FETAL MEMBRANES c /?& d /~*x. /f*s\ e FIG. 90. — Embryos of four to six weeks (2.1 to II mm.). From His' Normentafel (Keibel and ElzeJ. X 5. THE ANATOMY OF A 4.2 MM. HUMAN EMBRYO FIG. 91. — Embryos of six to eight weeks (12.5 to 23 mm.). From His' Normentafel (Keibel and Elze). X 2.5. Stage ^(22) marks the transition from embryo to fetus. 88 HUMAN EMBRYOS AND FETAL MEMBRANES the allantois and eventually ramify in the villi of the chorion. The vitelline arteries, large and paired in the chick, are represented by a single, small trunk which branches on the surface of the yolk sac (Fig. 271). Compared with the arterial circulation of the chick of fifty hours the important differences are: (i) the development of the fourth and fifth pairs of aortic arches, and (2) the presence of the chorionic circulation, by way of the umbilical arteries, in addition to the vitelline circulation found in the fifty-hour chick. The veins are all paired and symmetrically arranged (Figs. 88 and 279). There are three sets of them : (i) The blood from the body of the embryo is drained, from the head end by the anterior cardinal veins, from the tail end by the posterior cardinal veins. These veins on each side unite dorsal to the heart and form a single common cardinal vein which receives the vitelline and umbilical veins of the same side before joining the heart. (2) Paired vitelline veins in the early stages of the embryo drain from the yolk sac the blood carried to it by the vitelline arteries. The trunks of these veins pass back into the body on each side of the yolk stalk and liver, and, with the paired umbilical veins, form a trunk that empties into the sinus venosus of the heart. As the liver develops, it may be seen that the vitel- line veins break up into blood spaces, called sinusoids (Fig. 279). When the liver becomes large and the yolk sac rudimentary, the vitelline veins receive blood chiefly from the liver and intestine. (3) A pair of large umbilical veins which drain the blood from the villi of the chorion and are the first veins to appear. These unite in the body stalk, and, again sepa- rating, enter the somatopleure on each side. They run cephalad to the septum transversum where they unite with the vitelline veins to form a common vitello-umbilical trunk which joins the common cardinal and emp- ties into the sinus venosus. The veins of this embryo are thus like those of the fifty-hour chick save that the umbilical vessels are now present and take the place of the allantoic veins of later chick embryos. The veins, like the heart and arteries, are primitively paired and symmetrically arranged. As development proceeds, their symmetry is largely lost and the asymmetrical venous system of the adult results. The later stages of the human embryo cannot be described in detail here. The student is referred to the texts of Minot, and Keibel and Mall. Figs. 90 and 91 show a series of human embryos described by His, the ages of which lie between four and eight weeks. The figures show as well as could any description the changes which lead toward the adult form when the embryo may be called a fetus (stage a/). The external metamorphosis is due principally: (i) to changes in the flexures of the THE AGE OF HUMAN EMBRYOS 89 embryo; (2) to the development of the face; (3) to the development of the external structure of the sense organs (nose, eye, and ear) ; (4) to the development of the extremities and disappearance of the tail. The more important of these changes will be dealt with in later chapters. THE AGE OF HUMAN EMBRYOS The ages of the human embryos which have been obtained and de- scribed cannot be determined with certainty, because too little is known of the time relations between ovulation, coitus, and fertilization. Further- more, ovulation need not bear a definite relation to menstruation (p. n). This lack of a reliable basis makes any computation only approximate. In 1868, Reichert, from studying the corpus luteum in ovaries ob- tained during menstruation, concluded that ovulation takes place as a rule just before menstruation, and that if the ovum is fertilized the approaching menstruation does not occur. Reichert then decided that a human embryo of 5 . 5 mm. , which he had obtained from a woman two weeks after menstruation failed to occur, must be two weeks, not six weeks, old. His accepted Reichert's views and the ages of embryos were for a long time estimated on this basis. According to this method, Peters' ovum, ob- tained thirty days after the last period, is only three or four days old. This, however, does not agree at all with the known ages of other mam- malian embryos equally developed. From numerous clinical observations we must conclude that ovula- tion does not immediately precede menstruation, but that most pregnan- cies follow a coitus within a week or ten days after the menses cease. // is therefore more correct to compute the age of an embryo from the tenth day after the onset of the last menstruation. To compare an embryo with one of known age, the crown-rump length (that is, from vertex to breech) is usually taken. Young embryos vary greatly in size so their structure must be taken into account as well. Of practical Interest is the determination of the date of delivery of a pregnant woman. Most labors occur ten lunar months, or 280 days, from the first day of the last menstrual period. The month and day of this date are easily found by counting back three months from the first day of the last period, and then adding six days. As some women menstruate once or more after becoming pregnant this computation is not infallible. HUMAN EMBRYO AND FETAL MEMBRANES The following are the estimated ages and lengths of human embryos, according to Mall, and their weights according to Jackson. Crown-rump length Crown-heel length (CR) , or sitting (CH) , or standing height (mm.). height (mm.). Twenty-one days Twenty-eight days Thirty-five days Forty-two days Forty-nine days Second lunar month . . . Third lunar month Fourth lunar month . . . Fifth lunar month Sixth lunar month Seventh lunar month . . Eighth lunar month . . . Ninth lunar month .... Tenth lunar month . . o-5 2-5 5- 5 II. O 17.0 25-0 68.0 121 .0 167 .o 2IO.O 245.0 284.0 3l6.0 345-Q o-5 2-5 5-5 II. O 19.0 30.0 98.0 180.0 250.0 370.0 425.0 470.0 ;oo.o Weight .04 3 36 120 330 635 I22O 1700 2240 3200 For comparison and reference the gestation periods of a few representative mammals innended : are appended: Opossum 13 days Mouse 20 days Rat 21 days Rabbit 30 days Cat.... 8 weeks Dog, guinea pig 9 weeks Pig 17 weeks Sheep ,-:..;. Cow Horse 21 weeks 41 weeks 48 weeks Rhinoceros Elephant 18 months 20 months CHAPTER V THE STUDY OF SIX AND TEN MILLIMETER PIG EMBRYOS A. THE ANATOMY OF A SIX MM. PIG EMBRYO VERY young pig embryos of the primitive streak and neural fold stages have been seen already (Fig. 26). In its early stages the pig embryo is flattened out on the surface of the yolk sac like a chick embryo (Fig. 92), but as the head and tail folds elongate, the body becomes flexed and twisted spirally, making it difficult to study. In embryos 5 to 7 mm. long, the twist of the body begins to disappear and its structure may be seen to better advantage. The an- atomy of a 7.8 mm. pig embryo has been studied by Thyng (Anal. Record, vol. 5, 1911). External Form of 6 mm. Embryo. — When compared with the form of the 4 mm. human embryo, the marked difference in a 6 mm. pig is the convex dorsal flexure which brings the head and tail regions close to- gether (Fig. 93). The cephalic flexure at the mesencephalon forms an acute angle and there is a marked neck, or cervical FIG. 92. — Pig embryos, (A) of seven and (B) of eleven primitive segments, in dorsal view with amnion cut away (Keibel, Normentafel). X 20. flexure. As a result, the head is somewhat triangular in form. The body is bent dorsad in an even, convex curve and the tail is flexed sharply dorsad. Lateral to the dorsal line may be seen the segments, which become larger and more differentiated from tail to head. At the tip of the head a shallow depression marks the anlage of the olfactory pit. The lens vesicle of the eye is open to the exterior. Caudal to the eyes, at the sides of the head, are four branchial arches separated by three branchial grooves, The fourth arch is partly concealed in a triangular depression, the cervical sinus. THE STUDY OF SIX AND TEN MILLIMETER PIG EMBRYOS formed by the more rapid growth of the first and second arches (cf . Fig. 97) . The first, or mandibular arch, forks ventrally into two processes, a smaller maxillary and a larger mandibular process, and the latter with its fellow forms the mandible or lower jaw. The position of the mouth is indicated by the cleft between these processes. The groove between the eye and the mouth is the lacrimal groove. The second, or hyoid arch is separated from the mandibular arch by a hyomandibular cleft which persists as the external auditory meatus. About the dorsal end of the cleft develops the external ear. Cephalic flexure Olfactory pit Yolk sac Maxillary process Mandibular process Branchial arch 2 Branchial arch 8 Cervical sinus Cut edge of amnion Lower limb bud FIG. 93. — Pig embryo of 6 mm., viewed from the left side. X 12. llrium of heart Liver Upper limb bud Mesodermal segment Mesonephros The amnion has been removed. The heart is large, and through the transparent body wall may be seen the dorsal atrium and ventral ventricle. Caudal to the heart a convexity indicates the position of the liver. Dorsal to the liver is the bud of the upper limb, now larger than in the 4 mm. human embryo. Extending caudal to the anlage of the upper extremity, a curved convexity indicates the position of the left mesonephros. At its caudal end is the bud of the lower limb. The amnion has been dissected away along the line of its attachment, ventral to the mesonephros. There is as yet no distinct umbilical cord and a portion of the body stalk is attached to the embryo. Due to a shorter term of development, a young pig embryo is some- what precociously developed in comparison with a human embryo of the same size (Fig. 94). In a human embryo 7 mm. long the head is larger, THE ANATOMY OF A SIX MM. PIG EMBRYO 93 the tail shorter. The cervical flexure is more marked, the olfactory pits larger and deeper. The liver is more prominent than in the 6 mm. pig, the mesonephros and segments less so. Spinal cord Cervical segment 8 Future milk line Thoracic segment 12 Lumbar segment 5 FIG. 94. — A human embryo 7 mm. long, viewed from the right side (Mall in Kollmann). X 14. /, //, ///, Branchial arches i, 2, arfd 3; H, Ht, heart; L, liver; L', otic vesicle; R, ol- factory placode; Tr, semilunar ganglion of trigeminal nerve. DISSECTIONS OF THE VISCERA To understand the sectional anatomy of an embryo, a study of dissec- tions and reconstructions is essential. For methods of dissection see p. 139, Chapter VI. Before studying sections, the student should become as well acquainted as possible with the anatomy of the embryo and compare each section with the figures of reconstructions and dissections. Nervous System. — Fig. 95 shows the central nervous system and viscera exposed on the right side of a 5.5 mm. embryo. The ventro-lateral wall of the head has been left intact, together with the lens cavity, ol- factory pit, and portions of the maxillary and mandibular processes, second and third branchial arches, and cervical sinus (cf. Fig. 93). The brain is differentiated into the five regions: telencephalon, diencephalon, 94 THE STUDY OF SIX AND TEN MILLIMETER PIG EMBRYOS mesencephalon, metencephalon, and myelencephalon. The spinal cord is cylindrical and gradually tapers off to the tail. The anlages of the cerebral and spinal ganglia and the main nerve trunks are shown. The oculomotor nerve begins to appear from the ventral wall of the mesen- cephalon. Ventro-lateral to the metencephalon and myelencephalon occur Gang, super ius K. 9 Otocyst Gang, acousticum n. 8 Gang, geniculi n. 7 Gang, semilunare n. 5 •Metencephalon Gang, jugulare n. 10 Gang, nodosum n. 10 N. accessories Gang. Froriep Gang. ceru. I N. hypoglossus Cervical sinus Small intestine Mesencephalon •N. oculomotorius Diencephalon ng. petrosum cj Lens opening Olfactory pit Telencephalon Yolk sac Allantois Ventricle AUantoic stalk Hind-gut FIG. 95. — Dissection of a 5.5 mm. pig embryo, showing the nervous system and viscera from the right side. X 18. in order: the semilunar ganglion and three branches of the trigeminal nerve; the geniculate ganglion and nerve trunk of the n. facialis; the ganglionic anlage of the n. acusticus and the otocyst. It will be observed that the nerve trunks are arranged with reference to the branchial arches and clefts. Caudal to the otocyst a continuous chain of cells extends lateral to the neural tube into the tail region. Cellular enlargements along this neural crest represent developing cerebral and spinal ganglia. They are in order the superior, or root ganglion of the glossopharyngeal nerve with its distal petrosal ganglion; the ganglion jugulare and distal THE ANATOMY OF A SEX MM. PIG EMBRYO 95 ganglion nodosum of the vagus nerve; the ganglionic crest and the proximal portion of the spinal accessory nerve; and the anlage oiFroriep's ganglion, an enlargement on the neural crest just cranial to the first cervical ganglion. Between the vagus and Froriep's ganglion may be seen the numerous root fascicles of the hypoglossal nerve, which take their origin along the ventro- lateral wall of the myelencephalon and unite to form a single trunk. The posterior roots of the spinal ganglia are very short; their anterior, or ventral roots are not shown. The position of the heart with its ventricle, atrium, and sinus venosus is shown. The liver is divided into a small dorsal and a large ventral lobe. The fore-gut emerges from between the liver lobes and curves ventrad to the yolk stalk and sac. The hind-gut is partly hidden by the fore-gut; it makes a U-shaped bend from the yolk stalk to the caudal region. The gut is attached to the dorsal body wall by a double layer of splanchnic mesoderm which forms the mesentery. The long, slender mesonephros lies ventral to the spinal cord and curves caudad from a point opposite the eighth cervical ganglion to the tail region. The cranial third of the mesonephros is widest and its size diminishes tailwards. Between the yolk sac and the tail the allantois is seen, its stalk curving around from the ventral side of the tail region. Digestive Canal. — The arrangement of the viscera may be seen in median sagittal and ventral dissections (Figs. 96 and 97), and also in the reconstruction shown in Fig. 105. The mouth lies between the mandible, the median frontonasal process of the head, and the maxillary processes at the sides. The diverticulum of the hypophysis (Rathkes pouch}, flattened cephalo-caudad and expanded laterad, extends along the ventral wall of the fore-brain (Fig. 105). Near its distal end, the wall of the brain is thickened and later the posterior lobe of the hypophysis will develop from the brain wall at this point. The pharynx is flattened dorso-ventrally and is widest near the mouth. Its lateral dimension narrows caudad, and opposite the third branchial arch it makes an abrupt bend, a bend which corresponds to the cervical flexure of the embryo's body (Figs. 104 and 105). In the roof of the pharynx, just caudal to Rathke's pouch, is the somewhat cone-shaped pouch known as SeesseVs pouch, which may be interpreted as the blind, cephalic end of the fore-gut. The lateral and ventral walls of the pharynx and oral cavity are shown in Fig. 98. Of the four arches the mandibular is the largest and a groove partly separates the processes of the two sides. Posterior to this groove and extending in the median plane to the hyoid arch is a triangular elevation, the tuberculum impar\ it later vanishes, apparently contributing nothing to the tongue. At an earlier stage the median thyreoid anlage grows out from the mid-ventral wall of the pharynx 96 THE STUDY OF SIX AND TEN MILLIMETER PIG EMBRYOS just caudal to the tuberculum impar. The ventral ends of the second arches fuse in the mid-ventral plane and form a prominence, the copula. This connects the tuberculum impar with a rounded tubercle derived from the third and fourth pairs of arches, the anlage of the epiglottis. Its cephalic portion forms the root of the tongue (Fig. 156). Caudal to the Pharynx Neuromere 4 Rathke's poucl Anlage of tongue R. atrium Esophagus Interalrial foramen Lung bud Hepatic diverliculum Cranial limb of the intestine L. genital fold Isthmus M esencephalon Diencephalon Bulbus cordis Telencephalon Ventricle Septum trans- versum Liver Yolk sac Allantois Tail gut Cloaca Metanephros Spinal cord Caudal limb of intestine R. mesonephros Mesonephric duct FIG. 96. — Median sagittal dissection of a pig embryo of 6 mm., showing viscera and neural tube. X 1 8. epiglottis are the arytenoid ridges, and a slit between them, the glottis, leads into the trachea. The branchial arches converge caudad and the pharynx narrows rapidly before it is differentiated into the trachea and esophagus (Figs. 104 and 105). Laterally and ventrally between the arches are the four paired outpocketings of the pharyngeal pouches. The pouches have each a dorsal and ventral diverticulum. The dorsal diverticula are large and wing-like (Fig. 104); they meet the ectoderm of the gill clefts and fuse THE ANATOMY OF A SIX MM. PIG EMBRYO 97 with it to form the closing plates. Between the ventral diverticula of the third pair of pouches lies the median thyreoid anlage. The fourth pouch is smaller than the others. Its dorsal diverticulum just meets the ecto- derm; its ventral portion is small, tubular in form, and is directed parallel to the esophagus (Fig. 104). The groove on the floor of the pharynx caudal to the epiglottis is continuous with the tracheal groove. More caudally, opposite the atrium Eye Maxillary process Mouth Branchial arch j Branchial arch 4 Upper limb bud Hepatic diverticulum Umbilical artery Mesonephric duct Fronto-nasal process 'Olfactory pit Mandibular process Branchial arch 2 Aortic bulb Trachea Lung bud Stomach Cephalic loop of intestine Mesonephros Mesonephric duct Caudal loop of intestine Lower limb bud X 14- -Rectum Dorsal aorta and umbilical artery FIG. 97. — Ventral dissection of a 6 mm. pig embryo. The head has been bent dorsally. of the heart, the trachea has separated from the esophagus (Fig. 96). The trachea at once bifurcates to form the primary bronchi and the anlages of the lungs (Fig. 97). The lungs consist merely of the dilated ends of the bronchi surrounded by a layer of splanchnic mesoderm. They bud out laterally on each side of the esophagus near the cardiac end of the stomach, and project into the pleural ccelom. The esophagus is short and widens dorso-ventrally to form the stomach. The long axis of the stomach is nearly straight, but its entodermal walls are flattened together and it has revolved on its long axis so that its dorsal border lies to the left, its ventral border to the right, as seen in transverse section (Fig. in). THE STUDY OF SEX AND TEN MILLIMETER PIG EMBRYOS Caudal to the pyloric end of the stomach, and to its right, is given off from the duodenum the hepatic diverticulum. Its opening into the gut is seen in the ventral dissection (Fig. 97). The hepatic diverticulum is a sac of elongated oval form from which the liver and part of the pancreas take origin, and which later gives rise to the gall bladder, cystic duct, and com- mon bile duct. It is connected by several cords of cells with the trabeculae of the liver. The liver is divided incompletely into four lobes, a small dorsal and a large ventral lobe on each side (Figs. 95 and 112). The lobation does not show in a median sagittal section. The pancreas is represented by two outgrowths. The ventral pancreas originates from the hepatic diverticu- lum near its attachment to the duodenum (Fig. 96). It grows to the Lateral lingual anlage Tuberculum impar Epiglottis Arytenoid ridge Branchial arch i Branchial arch 2 Branchial arch 3 Branchial arch 4 Glottis FIG. 98. — Dissection of the tongue and branchial arches of a 7 mm. pig embryo, seen in dorsal view. X 15. right of the duodenum and ventral to the portal vein. The dorsal pancreas takes origin from the dorsal side of the duodenum caudal to the hepatic diverticulum and grows dorsally into the substance of the gastric mes- entery (Figs. 105 and 113). It is larger than the ventral pancreas, and its posterior lobules grow to the right and dorsal to the portal vein, and in later stages anastomose with the lobules of the ventral pancreas. The intestine of both fore-gut and hind-gut has elongated and curves ventrally into the short umbilical cord where the yolk stalk has narrowed at its point of attachment to the gut (Fig. 96). As the intestinal tube grows ventrad, the layers of splanchnic mesoderm which attach it to the dorsal body wall grow at an equal rate and persist as the mesentery. The cloaca, a dorso-ventrally expanded portion of the hind-gut, gives off cephalad and ventrad the attantoic stalk. This is at first a narrow tube, but soon expands into a vesicle of large size, a portion of which is seen in Fig. 96. Dorso-laterad the cloaca receives the primary excretory (mesoneph- ric) ducts. The hind-gut is continued into the tail as the tail gut, or postanal gut, which dilates at its extremity as in the 7.8 mm. pig described THE ANATOMY OF A SIX MM. PIG EMBRYO 99 R. atrium by Thyng; it soon disappears. The mid-ventral wall of the cloaca is fused to the adjacent ectoderm to form the cloacal membrane. In this region later the anus arises. Urogenital System. — This consists of the mesonephroi, the mesonephric (Wolffiari) ducts, the anlages of the metanephroi, the cloaca, and the allan- tois. The form of the mesonephroi is seen in Figs. 95 and 97. Each consists of large, vascular glomeruli, associated with coiled tubules lined with cuboidal epithelium and opening into the mesonephric duct (Figs. 114 and 208). The Wolffian ducts, begin- R venir-lcie ». ning at the anterior end of the meso- nephros, curve at first along its ventral, then along its lateral surface. At its caudal end each duct bends ventrad and to the mid-plane where it opens into a late'ral expansion of the cloaca (Fig. 96). Before this junction takes place, an evagination into the mesenchyme from the dorsal wall of each mesonephric duct gives rise to the anlages of the metanephroi, or permanent kidneys. A slight thickening of the mesothelium along the median and ventral surface of each mesonephros forms a light-colored area, the genital fold (Fig. 96). This area is pointed at either end and confined to the middle third of the kidney. It is the anlage of the genital gland, from which either testis or ovary is developed. -Bulbus cordis R. atrium Jj» —L. ventricle FIG. 99. — Ventral and cranial surface of ,the heart from a 6 mm. pig embryo. X 14- L. common cardinal vein L. vitelline vein R. vitelline vein Left ventricle TJ—R. ventricle FIG. 100. — Dorsal and caudal view of the heart from a 6 mm. pig embryo. X 21. Blood Vascular System. — The heart lies in the pericardial cavity, as seen in Fig. 96. The atrial region (Fig. 99), as in the 4.2 mm. human em- bryo, has given rise to two lateral sacs, the right and left atria. The bulbo- ventricular loop has become differentiated into right and left ventricles, much thicker walled than the atria. The right ventricle is the smaller, and from it the bulbus passes between the atria and is continued as the THE STUDY OF SIX AND TEN MILLIMETER PIG EMBRYOS the sinus venosus. Bidbus cordis R. venlric, Intervenlricular foramen 'or amen ovale Wall of I. atrium 'Interatrial foramen Endocardial cushions Wall of I. ventricle ventral aorta. Viewed from the caudal and dorsal aspect (Fig. 100), the sinus venosus is seen dorsal to the atria. It opens into the right atrium «and receives from the right and left sides the paired common cardinal veins. These veins drain the blood from the body of the embryo. Caudally, the sinus venosus receives the two vitelline veins. Of these, the left is small in the liver and later disappears. The right vitelline vein, now the common hepatic, carries most of the blood to the heart from the umbilical veins, and from the liver sinusoids, gut, and yolk sac. Transverse sections of the embryo through the four chambers of the heart show the atria in communication with the ventricles through the atrio-ventricular foramina, and the sinus venosus opening into the right atrium (Fig. 109). This opening is guarded by the right and left valves of Septa incompletely separate the two atria and the two • ventricles. In Fig. 109 the atrial septum (septum primum) appears complete due to the plane of the section. In Fig. 101, from a slightly smaller embryo, it is seen that the septum primum grows from the FIG. ioi.-Dissection of a 5.5 mm. pig's heart dorsal atrial wal1 of the heart from the left side, showing the septum primum and does not yet meet the en- and the interatrial and oval foramina. X 14. docardial Cushions between the atrio-ventricular canals. This opening between the atria is known as the interatrial foramen. Before it closes, another opening appears in the septum, dorsal in position. This is the foramen ovale and persists during fetal life. In Fig. 101 these two openings may be seen, as may also the dorsal and ventral endocardial cushions which bound the atrio-ventricular foramina. The outer meso- thelial layer of the ventricles has become much thicker than that of the atria. It forms the epicardium and the myocardium, the sponge-like meshes of which are now being developed. The Arteries. — These begin with the ventral aorta, which takes origin from the bulbus cordis. From the ventral aorta are given off pairs of aortic arches. These run dorsad in the five branchial arches (Figs. 104 and 105) and join the paired descending aortas. The first and second pairs of aortic arches are very small and take origin from the small common trunks formed by the bifurcation of the ventral aorta just caudal to the median thyreoid gland. The fourth aortic arch is the largest. From the appar- ent fifth arch small pulmonary arteries are developing. There is evidence that this pulmonary arch is really the sixth in the series, the fifth having been suppressed in development (cf. Fig. 272 B}. Cranial to the first THE ANATOMY OF A SIX MM. PIG EMBRYO pair of aortic arches, the descending aortae are continued forward into the maxillary processes as the internal carotids. Caudal to the aortic arches, the descending aortae converge, unite opposite the cardiac end of the stomach, and form the median dorsal aorta. From this vessel and from the descending aortae paired, dorsal inter segmental arteries arise. From the seventh pair of these arteries (the first pair to arise from the medial dorsal aorta) there are developed a pair of lateral branches to the upper limb buds. Spinal coid Ant. cardinal vein Cervical sinus Pericardia! cavity Atri.ilju :. lion of sinus venosus Sinus venosus Right vitelline vein Liver Large venous sinusoid of liver Hepatic diverticulum (cut) Yolk stalk Portal veir Cephalic limb intestinal loop Right umbilical vein Vitelline artery Caudal limb. intestinal loop Right umbilical arter Dorsal aor> Notochord Ant. cardinal •vein Pharynx Pericardial cavity Left common cardinal vein Left horn of sinus venosus Left vitelline vein Ductus venosus Ant. limb bud Inf. vena cava Dorsal pancreas Left vitelline vein Common vitelline vein Left umbilical vein Sup. mesenteric vein Left umbilical artery Post, limb bud Spinal cord FIG. 102. — Reconstruction in ventral view of a 6 mm. pig embryo, to show the vitelline and umbilical veins, the latter opened (original drawing by K. L. Vehe>. X 22. In the small orientation figure (cf. Fig. 105) the various planes are indicated by broken lines — * *. These vessels are the subclavian arteries. From the dorsal aorta there are also given off ventro-lateral arteries to the- glomeruli of the mesonephros, and median ventral arteries. Of the latter, the cceliac artery arises opposite the origin of the hepatic diverticulum. The mtelline artery takes origin by two or three trunks caudal to the dorsal pancreas. Of these trunks, the posterior is the larger and persists as the superior mesenteric artery. Thyng has figured three trunks of origin in the 7.8 mm. pig. These unite and the single vitelline artery branches in the wall of the yolk sac. Opposite the lower limb buds the dorsal aorta is divided for a short THE STUDY OF SIX AND TEN MILLIMETER PIG EMBRYOS distance. From each division there arises laterad three short trunks which unite to form the single umbilical artery on each side. The middle vessel is the largest and apparently becomes the common iliac artery. A pair of short caudal arteries, much smaller in size, continue the descending aortae into the tail region. The Veins. — The vitelline veins, originally paired throughout, are now represented distally by a single vessel, which, arising in the wall of the yolk sac, enters the embryo and courses cephalad of the intestinal loop (Fig. 102). Crossing to the left side of the intestine and ventral to it, it Spinal cord Anterior cardinal vein Cervical sinus Pericardial cavity R. common cardinal vein Post, cardinal vein Esophagus Large venous sinusoid of liver Anterior limb bud Inf. vena cave Post, cardinal vein Mesonephros (cut surface) R. subcardinal vein Venous sinusoid on dorsum oft mesonephros Notochord Pharynx Trachea L. common cardinal vein Lung Liver Stomach (cut edge) Omental bursa Mesogastrium 'Mesonephros (cut surface) Capillary anastomosis between subcardinal veins Vitelline artery in dorsal mesentery Capillary anastomosis bet-ween subcardinal veins Venous sinusoid on dorsum of mesonephros 'Spinal cord FIG. 103. — Reconstruction of the cardinal and subcardinal veins of a 6 mm. pig embryo, showing the early development of the inferior vena cava (K. L. Vehe). X 22. In the small orientation figure (cf. Fig. 105) the various planes are indicated by broken lines — * *. is joined by the superior mesenteric vein which has developed in the mes- entery of the intestinal loop. The trunk formed by the union of these two vessels becomes the portal vein. It passes along the left side of the gut in the mesentery. Opposite the origin of the dorsal pancreas it gives off a small branch, a rudimentary continuation of the left vitelline vein, which courses cephalad and in earlier stages connects with the sinusoids of the liver. The portal vein then bends sharply to the right, dorsal to the duo- THE ANATOMY OF A SIX MM. PIG EMBRYO denum, and, in the course of the right vitelline vein, passing between the dorsal and ventral pancreas to the right of the duodenum, it soon enters the liver and connects with the liver sinusoids. The portal trunk is thus formed by persisting portions of both vitelline veins, and receives a new vessel, the superior mesenteric vein. The middle portions of the primitive Int. car- Ant. car- Metencephalon otid artery dinal vein P.I Thyreoid Ph. P. 2 Mesencephalon Ventral aorta Ophthalmic vein Myelencephalon Ph. P. 3 Notochord Descending aorta Ph. P. 4 Pulmonary artery Linguo-facial Intersegmental vein Spinal cord Mesonephros Post, cardinal vein Mesonephric arteries FIG. 104. — Reconstruction of 7.8 mm. pig embryo, showing veins and aortic arches from the left side (after Thyng). X 15. Ph.P. 1, 2, 3, 4, Pharyngeal pouches. vitelline veins are connected with the network of liver sinusoids. Their proximal vitelline trunks drain the blood from the liver and open into the sinus venosus of the heart. The right member of this pair is much the larger (Fig. 100) and persists as the proximal portion of the inferior vena cava. For the development of the portal vein see Chapter IX. 104 THE STUDY OF SIX AND TEN MILLIMETER PIG EMBRYOS The umbilical veins, taking their origin in the walls of the chorion and allantoic vesicle, lie caudal and lateral to the allantoic stalk and anasto- mose (Figs. 102 and 105). Before the allantoic stalk enters the body, the umbilical veins separate and run lateral to the umbilical arteries. The left vein is much the larger. Both, after receiving branches from the Aortic arch i Seessel's pouch Aortic arch 2 \ ^Jg^>>^ ^- Isthmus Pharynx Thyreoid Aortic arch 106 Notochord Aortic arch 4 107 Aortic arch 6 and_ pulmonary artery 108 Esophagus 109 Trachea no R. lung in Caliac artery 114 Ventral pancreas Dorsal pancreas Gall bladder L. umbilical vein Vitelline artery Int. carotid artery 106 Rathke's pouch Optic recess Telencephalon Ventral aorta Bulbus cordis Interventricular foramen - L. horn of sinus venosus L. umbilical vein Tail gut Cloaca Meianephric anlage 114 L. umbilical artery 'Anastomosis between dorsal aorta Allantoic stalk L. dorsal aorta Mesonephric duct Cephalic limb of intestinal Dor sal aorta ^ | Artery to mesonephros Mesentery Caudal limb of intestinal loop FIG. 105. — Reconstruction of a 6 mm. pig embryo in the median sagittal plane, viewed from the right side. The numbered heavy lines indicate the levels of the transverse sections shown in Figs. 106-1 17. The broken lines indicate the outline of the left mesonephros and the course' of the left umbilical artery and vein. The latter may be traced from the umbilical cord to the liver where it is sectioned longitudinally. (Original drawing and reconstruction by K. L. Vehe). X 16.5. posterior limb buds and from the body wall, pass cephalad in the somato- pleure at each side (Fig. 72). Their course is first cephalad, then dorsad, until they enter the liver. The left vein enters a wide channel, the ductus venosus, which carries its blood through the liver, thence to the heart by way of the right vitelline trunk. The right vein joins a large sinusoidal TRANSVERSE SECTIONS OF A SIX MM. PIG EMBRYO 10$ continuation of the portal vein in the liver. This common trunk drains into the ductus venosus. The anterior cardinal veins (Figs. 103 and 104) are formed to drain the plexus of veins on each side of the head. These vessels extend- caudad and lie lateral to the ventral portion of the myelencephalon. Each^ anterior cardinal vein receives branches from the sides of the myelen- cephalon, then curves ventrad, is joined by the linguo-facial vein from the branchial arches and at once unites with the posterior cardinal of the same side to form the common cardinal vein. This, as we have seen, opens into the sinus venosus. The posterior cardinal veins develop on each side in the mesonephric ridge, dorso-lateral to the mesonephros (Figs. 103, 104 and 112). Run- ning cephalad, they join the anterior cardinal veins. When the mesoneph- roi become prominent, as at this stage, the middle third of each posterior cardinal is broken up into sinusoids. Sinusoids extend from the posterior cardinal vein ventrally around both the lateral and medial surfaces of the mesonephros. The median sinusoids anastomose longitudinally and form the subcardinal veins, right and left. The subcardinals lie along the median surfaces 'of the mesonephroi, more ventrad than the posterior cardinals with which they are connected at either end. There is a trans- verse capillary anastomosis between them, cranial and caudal to the permanent trunk of the vitelline artery (Fig. 103). The right subcardinal is connected with the liver sinusoids through a small vein which develops in the mesenchyme of the plica venae cavae (caval mesentery) located to the right of the mesentery (Fig. 112). This vein now carries blood direct to the heart from the right posterior cardinal and right subcardinal, by way of the liver sinusoids and the right vitelline trunk (common hepatic vein). Eventually the unpaired inferior vena cava forms in the course of these four vessels. (For the development of the inferior vena cava see Chapter IX.) TRANSVERSE SECTIONS OF A Six MM. PIG EMBRYO Having acquainted himself with the anatomy of the embryo from the study of dissections and reconstructions, the student should examine serial sections cut in the plane indicated by guide lines on Fig. 105. Refer back to the external structure of the embryo (Fig. 93), to the lateral dissection of the organs (Fig. 95), and having determined the exact plane of each section, interpret the structures seen by comparing with Fig. 105. The various structures may be recognized by referring to the figures of sections in the text, and they should be traced section by section through the series as carefully as time will allow. Remember that the sections of pig embryos figured here are drawn from the cephalic surface, so that the right side of the section is the left side of the embryo. io6 THE STUDY OF SIX AND TEN MILLIMETER PIG EMBRYOS Section through the Myelencephalon and Otocysts of a 6mm. Embryo (Fig. 106). — As the head is bent nearly at right angles to the body, this section passes lengthwise through the myelencephalon. The diencephalon is cut transversely. The cellular walls of the myelencephalon show a series of six pairs of constrictions, the neuromeres. Lateral to the fourth pair of neuromeres are the otocysts, which show a median outpocketing at the point of entrance of the endolymph duct. The ganglia of the nn. trigeminus, facialis, acus- ticus, and the superior ganglion of the glossopharyngeal nerve occur in order on each side. Sections of the anterior cardinal vein and its branches show on the left side. Ventral to the diencephalon are sections of the internal carotid arteries. Passing along down the series into the pharynx region, observe the first, second, and third pharyngeal pouches. Their dorsal diverticula come into contact with the ectoderm of the branchial clefts and form the closing plates. Fourth ventricle Neur. Gang.juglare n. i Neur. 5 Otocyst Neur. Neur. Neur. 2 Neur. i Int. carotid artery Diencephalon Myelencephalon ang. superius n. 9 Ant. cardinal vein. 'ang. acusticum n. 8 'Gang, geniculi n. 7 ng. semilunare n. 5 Ant. cardinal vein 'Ant. cardinal vein FIG. 1 06. — Transverse section through the myelencephalon and otocysts of a 6 mm. pig embryo. X 26.5. Neur. 1-6, neuromeres 1-6. Section through the Branchial Arches and the Eyes (Fig. 107). — The section passes lengthwise through the four branchial arches, the fourth sunken in the cervical sinus. Dorsad is the spinal cord with the first pair of cervical ganglia. The pharynx is cut across between the third and fourth branchial pouches. In its floor is a prominence, the anlage of the epiglottis. Ventral to the pharynx the ventral aorta gives off two pairs of vessels. The larger pair are the fourth aortic arches which curve dorsad around the pharynx to enter the descending aorta. The smaller third aortic arches enter the third branchial arches on each side. A few sections higher up in the series the ventral aorta bifurcates, and the right and left trunks thus formed give off the first and second pair of aortic arches Cra- nially, in the angle between their common trunks, lies the median thyreoid anlage. The anterior cardinal veins are located lateral and dorsal to the descending aortae. The end of TRANSVERSE SECTIONS OF A SIX MM. PIG EMBRYO 107 the head is cut through the diencephalon and the optic vesicles. On the left side of the figure the lens vesicle may be seen still connected wi th the ectoderm. The optic vesicle now shows a thick inner, and a thin outer layer; these form the nervous and pigment layers of the retina ~ respectively. Section through the Tracheal Groove, Bulbus Cordis and Olfactory Pits (Fig. 108).— The ventral portion of the figure shows a section through the tip of the head. The lelen- cephalon is not prominent. The ectoderm is thickened and slightly invaginated ventro- laterad to form the anlages of the olfactory pits. These deepen in later stages and become the nasal cavities. In the dorsal portion of the section may be seen the cervical portion of the spinal cord, the notochord just ventral to it, the descending aorta, and ventro-lateral Spinal ganglion Notocho, Ant. cardinal vein Pharyn Pharyngeal pouch Aortic arch Pharyngeal pouch 2 Lens of eye Diencephalor Neural tube Myotome Descending aorta Branchial arch 4 Branchial arch 3 Branchial arch 2 Mandible Optic vesicle FIG. 107. — Transverse section through the branchial arches and eyes of a 6 mm. pig embryo. X 26.5. X, aortic arch 4. to them the anterior cardinal veins. The nasopharynx now is small with a vertical groove in its floor. This is the tracheal groove and more caudad it will become the cavity of the trachea. The bulbus cardis lies in the large pericardial cavity. On either side the section cuts through the cephalic portions of the atria. These will become larger as we go caudad in the series. Section through the Heart (Fig. 109). — Lateral to the descending aortae are the com- mon cardinal veins. The right common cardinal opens into the sinus venosus which in turn empties into the right atrium, its opening being guarded by the two valves of the sinus venosus. The entrance of the left common cardinal into the sinus venosus is somewhat more caudad in the series. The trachea has now separated from the esophagus and lies ventral to it. Both trachea and esophagus are surrounded by a condensation of mesen- I08 THE STUDY OF SIX AND TEN MILLIMETER PIG EMBRYOS Myotome Ant. cardinal vein R. atrium Somatopleure Olfactory pL Descending aorta Pharynx Pericardial cavity Bulbus cordis Telencephalon FIG. 108. — Transverse section through the bulbus cordis and olfactory pits of a 6 mm. pig embryo. X 26.5. Spinal cord Descending aorta Esophagus Sinus venosu. Valve of sinus venos R. atriu Atrio-ventricular foramen I nterventricular sept R. Somatopleur L. common cardinal vein Trachea L. atrium •Septum I L. ventricle I nterventricular foramen Pericardial cavity FIG. 109. — Transverse section through the four chambers of the heart of a 6 mm. pig embryo. X 26.5. TRANSVERSE SECTIONS OF A SIX MM. PIG EMBRYO IO9 chyme. The myocardium of the ventricles has formed a spongy layer, much thicker than that of the atrial wall. An incomplete inter-ventricular septum leaves the ventricles in communication dorsad. The septum primum is complete in this section, but higher up in the series there is an inter atrial j or amen (cf. Fig. 101). The foramen ovale is hardly formed. Section through the Lung Buds and Septum Transversum (Fig. no). — The section passes through the bases of the upper limb buds. The tips of the ventricles, lying in the pericardial cavity, still show in this section. Dorsally, the pericardial cavity has given place to the pleuro-peritoneal cavity. Projecting ventrad into this cavity are the meso- nephric (Wolffiari) folds in which the posterior cardinal veins partly lie. Into the floor of the pleuro-peritoneal cavities bulge the dorsal lobes of the liver, embedded in mesenchyma. This mesenchyma is continuous with that of the somatopleure, and forms a complete trans- verse septum ventrally between the liver and heart. This is the septum transversum which Spinal ganglion Spinal nerv Descending aor> Pleuro-peritoneal cavity R. lung R. vitelline vein Septum transversum Pericardial cavit R. ventricl Spinal cord Upper limb bud Post, cardinal vein Esophagus Dorsal lobe of liver lesser sac L. vitelline vein L. ventricle FIG. no. — Tranverse section through the right lung bud and septum transversum of a 6 mm. pig embryo. X 26.5. takes part in forming the ligaments of the liver and is the anlage of a portion of the dia- phragm. The two proximal trunks of the vitelline veins pass through the septum. Project- ing laterally into the pleuro-peritoneal cavities are ridges of mesenchyma covered by splanchnic mesoderm in which the lungs develop as lateral buds from the caudal end of the trachea. The right lung bud is shown* in the figure. Between the esophagus and the lung is a crescent-shaped cavity, the cranial end of the lesser peritoneal sac. Section through the Stomach (Fig. in).— The section passes through the upper limb buds and just caudal to the point at which the descending aortae unite to form the median dorsal aorta. As the liver develops in early stages, it comes into relation with the plica vena cavce along the dorsal body wall at the right side of the dorsal mesogastrium. The space between the liver and plica to the right, and the stomach and its omenta to the left, is a caudal continuation of the lesser peritoneal sac. The dorsal wall of the stomach no THE STUDY OF SIX AND TEN MILLIMETER PIG EMBRYOS Spinal ganglion Peritoneal cavil Lesser sac Common hepatic vein (R. vitelline) R. ventral lobe liver R. ventricl Post, cardinal vein Upper limb bud L. ventral lobe of liver L. ventricle FIG. in. — Transverse section through the stomach of a 6 mm. pig embryo. X 26.5. Spinal cord Notochord Post, cardinal vein Dorsal aorta Inf. vena cava Portal vein R. umbilical vein Hepatic diverticulum Peritoneal cavity M \otome Post, cardinal vein Upper limb bud Dorsal mesogastrium Dorsal Icbe of liver L. vitelline vein L. umbilical vein FIG. 112. — Transverse section through the hepatic diverticulum of a 6 mm. pig embryo. X 26.5. TRANSVERSE SECTIONS OF A SIX MM. PIG EMBRYO III is rotated to the left, its ventral wall to the right. The liver shows a pair of dorsal lobes and contains large blood spaces and networks of sinusoids lined with endothelium. Ventral to the liver, the tips of the ventricles are seen. Section through the Hepatic Diverticulum (Fig. 112). — The upper limb buds are prominent in this section. The mesonephric folds show the tubules and glomeruli of the mesonephroi, and the posterior cardinal veins are connected with the mesonephric sinu- soids. From the dorsal attachment of the liver there is continued down into this section a ridge on the dorsal body wall just to the right (left in figure) of the mesentery. In this ridge lies a small vein which connects cranially with the liver sinusoids, caudally with the right subcardinal vein. As it later forms a portion of the inferior vena cava, the ridge in which it lies is termed the plica vena cava, or caval mesentery. The right dorsal lobe of the liver contains a large blood space into which the portal vein opens. The duodenum is ventral to the position occupied by the stomach in the previous section. There is given off from it ventrad and to the right the hepatic diverticulum. In the sections higher up, small ducts from the liver trabeculae may be traced into connection with it. In the left ventral lobe of the liver, a large blood space indicates the position of the left umbilical vein on its way to the ductus venosus. Myotome— J||{Hl||g|i Spinal cord , A L. post, cardinal vein limb btld 'Dorsal pancreas ' vitelline veln Duodemim Distal end of hepatic diverticulum p'' L< umbilical vein Ventral pancreas FIG. 113.- — Transverse section through the dorsal pancreas of a 6 mm. pig embryo. X 26.5. Section through the Dorsal Pancreas (Fig. 113). — At this level the upper limb buds still show; the mesonephroi are larger and marked by their large glomeruli. The right posterior cardinal vein is broken up into mesonephric sinusoids. The vein in the plica venae cavae will, a few sections lower, connect with the right subcardinal vein. The an- lage of ^ the dorsal pancreas is seen extending from the duodenum dorsad into the mesen- chyme of the mesentery. It soon bifurcates into a dorsal and right lobe, of which the latter is slightly lobulated. Ventro-lateral to the duodenum the anlage of the ventral pancreas is seen cut across. It may be traced cephalad in the series to its origin from the hepatic diverticulum. To the right of the ventral pancreas lies the portal vein (at this level a por- tion of the right vitelline). To the left of the dorsal pancreas is seen the remains of the left vitelline vein. The ventral lobes of the liver are just disappearing at this level. In the mesenchyme that connects the liver with the ventral body wall lie on each side the umbili- JPT 112 THE STUDY OF SIX AND TEN MILLIMETER PIG EMBRYOS cal veins, the left being the larger. Between the veins is the extremity of the hepatic diver- ticulum. The body wall is continued ventrad to form a short umbilical cord. Section at the Level of Origin of the Vitelline and Umbilical Arteries (Fig. 114). — As the posterior half of the embryo is curved in the form of a half circle, sections caudal to the liver, like this one, pass through the lower end of the body at the level of the pos- terior limb buds. Two sections of the embryo are thus seen in one, their ventral aspects Spinal cord Notochord R. post, cardinal vein Dorsal aorta R. subcardinal vein Mesentery Cephalic limb of intestine R. umbilical vein Caudal limb of intestine R. umbilical vein Tail Lower limb bud Mesonephric duel Dorsal aorta Spinal co •Spinal nerve Post, cardinal vein Mesonephros L. subcardinal vein L. vilelline vein L. umbilical vein L. umbilical vein Rectum Mesonephric tubule Mesodermal segment FIG. 114. — Transverse section of a 6 mm. pig embryo at the level of the origin of the vitelline artery. The lower end of the section passes through the posterior limb buds. X 26.5. facing each other and connected by the lateral body wall. In the dorsal part of the sec- t?on the mesonephroi are prominent, with large posterior cardinal veins lying dorsal to them. The trunk of the vitelline artery takes origin ventrally from the aorta. It may be traced into the mesentery, and through it into the wall of the yolk sac. On either side of the vitelline artery are the subcardinal veins, the right being the larger. In the mesentery may be seen two sections of the intestinal loop (the small intestine, being cut lengthwise, the large intestine transversely), and also sections of the vitelline artery and veins. In the lateral TRANSVERSE SECTIONS OF A SIX MM. PIG EMBRYO body walls, ventral to the mesonephros, occur the umbilical veins. The left vein is large and cut lengthwise. The right vein is cut obliquely twice. In the ventral portion of the section, the lower limb buds are prominent laterally. A large pair of arteries, the common iliacs, are given off from the aorta and may be traced into connection with the umbilical arteries. The large intestine, supported by a short mesentery, lies in the ccelom near the midplane. On each side are the mesonephric folds, here small and each showing a section of the mesonephric duct and a single vesicular anlage of the mesonephric tubules. The mesonephric ducts are sectioned as they curve around from their position in the dorsal portion of the section. Section through the Primitive Segments and Spinal Cord (Fig. 115). — This section is near the end of the series, and, as the body is here curved, it is really a frontal section. At the left side of the spinal cord, the oval cellular masses are the spinal ganglia cut across. The ectoderm, arching over the segments, indicates their position. Each segment shows an outer dense layer, the dermatome, lying just beneath the ectoderm. This plate curves lateral to the spindle-shaped myotome, which gives rise to the voluntary muscle. Next comes a diffuse mass of mesenchyma, the sclerotome, which eventually, with its Spinal ganglion Intersegmental. artery Myotom Dermatim Sderol Ectoderm Spinal cord FIG. 115. — Transverse sec- tion through the primitive segments and spinal cord of a 6 mm. pig embryo. X 45. R. umbilical vein R. umbilical artery. Tail— Mesonephric duct Spinal cord L. umbilical vein Allantois and cloaca L. umbilical artery Ccelom Notochord FIG. 116. — Transverse section through the umbilical vessels, allantois and cloaca of a 6 mm. pig embryo. X 45- fellow of the opposite side, surrounds the spinal cord and forms the anlage of a vertebra. A pair of spinal nerves and spinal ganglia are developed opposite each somite, and pairs of small vessels are seen between the segments. These are dorsal intersegmental arteries. Section through the Umbilical Vessels, Allantois and Cloaca (Fig. 116). — Having now studied sections at various levels to near the end of the series, we shall next examine sections through the caudal region and study the anlages of the urogenital organs. Owing to the curvature of the embryo, it is necessary to go cephalad in our series. The first section passes through the bases of the limb buds at the level where the attantoic stalk, curving inward from the umbilical cord, opens into the cloaca. At either side of the allan- toic stalk may be seen oblique sections of the umbilical arteries, and lateral to these the large left and small right umbilical vein. The mesonephric ducts occupy the mesonephric ridges which project into small caudal prolongations of the ccelom. Midway between the 114 THE STUDY OF SIX AND TEN MILLIMETER PIG EMBRYOS ducts lies the hind-gut, dorsal to the cloaca. The tip of the tail is seen in section at the left of the figure. Section through the Anlages of the Metanephroi, Cloaca and Hind-gut (Fig. 117).—- The metanephroi are seen as dorsal evaginations from the mesonephric (Wolffian) ducts just before their entrance into the cloaca. Each consists of an epithelial layer surrounded by a condensation of mesenchyme. Traced a few sections cephalad the mesonephric ducts open into the lateral diverticula of the cloaca, which, irregular in outline because it is sec- tioned obliquely, lies ventral to them and receives dorsad the hind-gut. Caudal to the cloaca in this embryo the tail bends abruptly cephalad and to the right. The blind prolongation of the hind-gut may be traced out into this portion of the tail until it ends in a sac-like dilatation. R. umbilical vein R. umbilical artery Tail Mesonephric duct Metanephric anlage Spinal cord — — Ventral body wall r J-i- / - L. umbilical arterv ' T i.;- , • ' umbilical vein Cloaca Hind-gut Notochord FIG. 117. — Transverse section through the anlages of the metanephroi of a 6 mm. pig embryo. X 45- B. THE ANATOMY OF TEN TO TWELVE MM. PIG EMBRYOS The study of embryos at this stage is important as they possess the anlages of most of the organs. The anatomy of a 12 mm. pig embryo has been ^care fully studied and described by Lewis (Amer. Jour. Anat., vol. 2, 1903). External Form (Fig. 118). — The head is now relatively large on account of the increased size of the brain. The third branchial arch is still visible in the embryo, but the fourth arch has sunken in the cervical sinus; usually both have disappeared at a slightly later stage. The olfactory pits form elongated grooves on. the under surface of the head, and the lens of the eye lies beneath the ectoderm, surrounded by the optic cup. The maxillary and mandibular processes of the first branchial arch are larger, and the former shows signs of fusing with the median nasal process to form the upper jaw. Small tubercles, the anlages of the external ear, have developed about the first branchial cleft which itself becomes the external auditory meatus. THE ANATOMY OF TEN TO TWELVE MM. PIG EMBRYOS At the cervical bend the head is flexed at right angles with the body, bringing the ventral surface of the head close to that of the trunk, and Branchial groove 1 Hyoid arch Cervical flexure Branchial arch j Cervical sinus Upper limb Milk line Mesodermal segmen Myelencephalon ^/Cephalic flexure ^Eye Maxillary process Mandibular process Olfactory pit Yolk sac Umbilical cord Lower limb b FIG. 118. — Exterior of a 10 mm. pig embryo, viewed from the right side. X 7. it is probably owing to this flexure that the third and fourth branchial arches buckle inward to form the cervical sinus. Dorsad, the trunk forms Cervical flexur Maxillary process Attachment of amnion External ear Mandibular Upper limb bud Mesodermal segment Lower limb bud FIG. 119. — Exterior of a human embryo of 12 mm. viewed from the right side, showing attach- ment of amnion (cut away) and yolk stalk and sac. X 4. a long curve more marked opposite the posterior extremities. The reduction in the trunk flexures is due to the increased size of the heart, liver, and mesonephroi. These organs may be seen through the translu- n6 THE STUDY OF SIX AND TEN MILLIMETER PIG EMBRYOS cent body wall, and the position of the septum transversum may be noted between the heart and the liver, as in Fig. 120. The limb buds are larger and the umbilical cord is prominent ventrad. Dorsally, the mesodermal segments may be seen, and, extending in a curve between the bases of the limb buds, is the milk line, a thickened ridge of ectoderm which forms the N. ocidomotorius Metencephalon N. trochlearis Gang. n. 5 \ I Mesencephalon Gang. nn. 7 and 8 \ N. facialis Gang, si perius n. 9 ^' Gang, jugular e n. 10 Ga.ig. petrosum n. 9 Gang. Froriep Gang.nodosum n. 10 N. accessorius iencephalon phthalmic r. n. 5 •N. opticus Maxillary r. n. 5 Telencephalon Mandibular r. n. 5 Chorda tympani n, 7 Ventricle Mesonephros Gang, thorac. 10 Umbilical cord Genital eminence FIG. 1 20. — Lateral dissection of a 10 mm. pig embryo, showing the viscera and nervous system from the right side. ,The eye* has been removed and the otic vesicle is represented by a broken line. The ventral roots of the spinal nerves are not indicated. X 10.5. n., Xerve; r., ramus. anlages of the mammary glands. The tail is long and tapering. Between its base and the umbilical cord is the genital eminence (Fig. 120). Human embryos of this stage or slightly older vary considerably in size (Fig. 119). They differ from pig embryos in the greater size of the head, the shorter tail, the much smaller mesonephric region, the longer umbilical cord, and the less prominent segments. The yolk sac is pear- shaped and the yolk stalk is long and slender. THE ANATOMY OF TEN TO TWELVE MM. PIG EMBRYOS Central Nervous System. — Dissections show well the form and rela- tions of the organs (Figs. 120, 121 and 122). Directions for preparing dis- sections are given in Chapter VI. The Brain. — Five distinct regions may be distinguished (Figs. 120 and 122): (i) The telencephalon with its rounded lateral outgrowths, the cerebral hemispheres. Their cavities, the lateral ventricles, communicate by the interventricular foramina with the third ventricle. (2) The dien- cephalon shows a laterally flattened cavity, the third ventricle. Ventro- laterally from the diencephalon pass off the optic stalks, and an evagina- tion of the mid-ventral wall is the anlage of the posterior hypophyseal Accessory gang, i Accessory gang. 2 Ace. gang. 3 Myelencephalon Ace. gang 4 Gang, nodosnm N. 12 FIG. 121. — Dissection of the head of a 15 mm. pig embryo from the right side, to show the accessory vagus ganglia with peripheral roots passing to the hypoglossal nerve. X 25. lobe. -(3) The mesencephalon is undivided, but its cavity becomes the cerebral aqueduct leading caudally into the fourth ventricle. (4) The metencephalon is separated from the mesencephalon by a constriction, the isthmus. Dorso-laterally it becomes the cerebellum, ventrally the pons. (5) The elongated myelencephalon is roofed over by a thin, non-nervous ependymal layer. Its ventro-lateral wall is thickened and still gives internal indication of the neuromeres. The cavity of the metencephalon and myelencephalon is the fourth ventricle. The Cerebral Nerves. — Of the twelve cerebral nerves, all but the first (olfactory) and sixth (abducens) are represented in Fig. 120. For a de- tailed description of these nerves see Chapter XIII. (2) The optic Il8 THE STUDY OF SIX AND TEN MILLIMETER PIG EMBRYOS I nerve is represented by the optic stalk cut through in Fig. 120. (3) The oculomotor, a motor nerve to four of the eye muscles, takes origin from the ventro-lateral wall of the mesencephalon. (4) The trochlear nerve fibers, motor, to the superior oblique muscle of the eye, arise from the ventral wall of the mesencephalon, turn dorsad and cross at the isthmus, thus emerging on the opposite side. From the myelencephalon arise in order: (5) the n. trigeminus, mixed, with its semilunar ganglion and three branches, the ophthalmic, maxillary, and mandibular; (6) the n. abducens, motor, from the ventral wall to the external rectus muscle of the eye; (7) the n. facialis, mixed, with its geniculate ganglion and its chorda tympani, facial, and superficial petrosal branches in the order named; (8) the n. acusticus, sensory, arising cranial to the otocyst, with its acoustic ganglion and sensory fibers to the internal ear; (9) caudal to the otocyst the n. glossopharyngeus, mixed, with its superior and petrosal ganglia; (10) the n. vagus, sensory, with its jugular and nodose ganglia; (n) the n. accessorius, whose motor fibers take origin from the lateral wall of the spinal cord and myelencepha- lon between the jugular and sixth cervical ganglia; the internal branch of the n. accessorius accompanies the vagus; the external branch leaves it between the jugular and nodose ganglia and supplies the sternocleidomas- toid and trapezius muscles; (12) the n. hypoglossus, motor, arising by five or six fascicles from the ventral wall of the myelencephalon; its trunk passes lateral to the nodose ganglion and supplies the muscles of the tongue. A nodular chain of ganglion cells extends caudad from the jugular ganglion of the vagus. These' have been interpreted as accessory vagus ganglia. They may, however, be continuous with Froriep's ganglion which sends sensory fibers to the n. hypoglossus. In pig embryos of 15 to 16 mm. this chain is frequently divided into four or five gan- glionic masses, of which occasionally two or three (including Froriep's ganglion (may send fibers to the root fascicles of the hypoglossal nerve. Such a condition is shown in Fig. 121. The Spinal Nerves. — Each of these has its own spinal ganglion, from which the dorsal root fibers are developed (Figs. 120 and 136). The motor fibers take origin from the ventral cells of the neural tube and form the ventral roots which join the dorsal roots in the nerve trunk. Besides the nervous system, Fig. 120 also shows the heart, with its right atrium and ventricle, the dorsal and ventral lobes of the liver, and the prominent mesonephros. Dorsal and somewhat caudal to the atrium is the anlage of the right lung. The septum transversum extends between the heart and the liver. Pharynx and its Derivatives. — Dorsally, the anterior lobe of the hypophysis is long and forks at its end (Figs. 122 and 123). In the floor THE ANATOMY OF TEN TO TWELVE MM. PIG EMBRYOS 119 of the pharynx are the anlages of the tongue and epiglottis (Fig. 156 A). From each mandibular arch arises an elongated thickening that extends caudal to the second arch. Between, and fused to these thickenings, is the triangular tuberculum impar. The opening of the thyreoglossal duct between the tuberculum impar and the second arch is early obliterated. A median ridge, or copula, between the second arches connects the tuber- Metencephalon Tela chonoidea Mesencephalon Neuromeres of myelencephalon Nolochord Tongue Spinal Esophagus Trachea Atrium Dorsal Pancr Diencephalon Post, lobe of hypophysis Optic recess Telencephalon Ant. lobe of hypophysis Bulbus corals Ventricle Yolk sac Septum transversum Yolk stalk Liver Hepatic diverticulum Duodenum L. genital fold L. mesonephros Dorsal aorta Colon " Caecum Small intestine "Attantois Vrogenital sinus 'Ureter Mesonephric duct Umbilical artery (cut away) Metanephros Rectum FIG. 122. — Median sagittal dissection of a 10 mm. pig embryo, showing the brain, spinal cord and viscera from the right side. X 10.5. culum impar with the epiglottis, which seems to develop from the bases of the third and fourth branchial arches. On either side of the slit-like glottis are the arytenoid folds of the larynx. (For the development of the tongue, see p. 149.) The pharyngeal pouches are now larger than in the 6 mm. pig (Fig. 123). The first pouch persists as the auditory tube and middle ear cavity, the 'closing plate' between it and the first branchial clef t THE STUDY OF SIX AND TEN MILLIMETER PIG EMBRYOS forming the tympanic membrane. The second pouch later largely dis- appears; about it, develops the palatine tonsil. The third pouch is tubular, directed at right angles to the pharynx, and meets the ectoderm to form a closing plate. Median to the plate, the ventral diverticulum of the third pouch is the anlage of the thymus gland. Its dorsal diverticulum forms an epithelial body, or parathyreoid. The fourth pouch is smaller and its Gang. nn. 7 and 8 Gang. n. 5 Otocyst Pharyngeal pouch 2 Gang, jugular e n. 10 Aortic arch Pharyngeal pouch 3 Caudal root n. hypoglossus Gang. Froriei Aortic arch 4 Gang. cerv. i Pharyngeal pouch 4 Aortic arch 6 R. descending aorta Esophagus Trachea Vertebral artery Subclavian artery R. lung R. atrium Stomach Post, lobe of hypophysis Ant. lobe of hypophysis Eye Pharyngeal pouch i Maxillary process Thyreoid gland Pulmonary artery Aorta Yolk sar R. ventricle Septum transversum Liver Hepatic diverticulum Cloaca Allantois Rectum Ureter Dorsal pancreas Vitelline artery Ventral pancreas Descending aorta, Mesonephric duct Notochord Cephalic limb intest. loop Metanephros Umbilical artery FIG. 123. — Reconstruction of a 10 mm. pig, to show the position of the various organs from the right side. The veins are not indicated. Broken lines indicate the outline of the left mesonephros and the positions of the limb buds. X 10. dorsal diverticulum gives rise to a second parathyreoid body. Its ventral diverticulum is a rudimentary thymus anlage. A tubular outgrowth, caudal to the fourth pouch, is regarded as a fifth pharyngeal pouch in human embryos and forms the ultimobranchial body on each side (see p. 165). The thyreoid gland, composed of branched cellular cords, is located in the midplane between the second and third branchial arches (Fig. 123). THE ANATOMY OF TEN TO TWELVE MM. PIG EMBRYOS 121 Trachea and Lungs.— Caudal to the fourth pharyngeal pouches, the esophagus and trachea separate and form entodermal tubes (Figs. 122 and 123). Cephalad of the point where the trachea bifurcates to form the primary bronchi there appears on its right side the tracheal bud of the upper lobe of the right lung (Fig. 124). This bronchial bud is developed only on the right side and appears in embryos of 8 to 9 mm. Two second- ary bronchial buds arise from the primary bronchus of each lung, and form the'anlages of the symmetrical lobes of each lung. Lateral nasal process Lacrimal groove Maxillary process Mandibnlar process Cervical sinus Trachea Tracheal lung bud Upper limb bud Septum transversum Hepatic diverticulum Yolk sac Y oik stalk ^^ Allantois R. umbilical artery Lou'er limb bud Mesonephric duct .^ Olfactory pit Eye Median nasal process Branchial arch 2 Branchial arch j Branchial arch 4 L. lung Esophagus Stomach Mesonephric duct Ventral pancreas Mesonephros Cephalic limb of intestine 'audal limb of intestine Rectum Metanephros Spinal cord Rectum FIG. 124. — Ventral dissection of a 9 mm. pig embryo. The head is bent dorsad. X 9- Esophagus and Stomach. — The esophagus extends as a narrow tube caudal to the lungs, where it dilates into the stomach. The stomach is wide from its greater to its lesser curvature and shows a cardiac diver- ticulum (Lewis). The pyloric end of the stomach has rotated more to the right, where it opens into the duodenum, from which division of the intes- tine the liver and pancreas develop. The liver t with its four lobes, fills in the space between the heart, stomach, and duodenum (Fig. 122). Extending from the right side of the duodenum along the dorsal and caudal surface of the liver is the hepatic 122 THE STUDY OF SIX AND TEN MILLIMETER PIG EMBRYOS diverticulum. It lies to the right of the midplane and its extremity is saccular. This saccular portion becomes the gall bladder. Several ducts connect the diverticulum with the liver cords. One of these persists as the hepatic duct which joins the cystic duct of the gall bladder. The portion of the diverticulum proximal to this union becomes the common bile duct, or ductus choledochus. The ventral pancreas arises from the common bile duct near its point of origin (Fig. 123). It is directed dorsad and caudad to the right of the duodenum. The dorsal pancreas arises more caudally from the dorsal wall of the duodenum and its larger, lobu- lated body grows dorsally and cranially (Figs. 123, 127 and 140). Be- tween the pancreatic anlages courses the portal vein. In the pig, the duct of the dorsal pancreas persists as the functional duct. Intestine. — Caudal to the duodenum, the intestinal loop extends well into the umbilical cord (Figs. 122 and 123). At the bend of the intestinal loop is the slender yolk stalk. The cephalic limb of the intestine lies to the right, owing to the rotation of the loop. The small intestine extends as far as a slight enlargement of the caudal limb of the loop, the anlage of the cvcum, or blind gut. This anlage marks the beginning of the large intestine (colon and rectum). The intestinal loop is supported by the mesentery which is cut away in Fig. 122. The cloaca is now nearly separated into the rectum and urogenital sinus. The cavity of the rectum is almost occluded by epithelial cells (Lewis). Urogenital System. — The mesonephros is much larger and more highly differentiated than in the 6 mm, embryo (Figs. 120 and 124). Along the middle of its ventro-median surface the genital fold is now more prominent (Fig. 122). In a ventral dissection (Fig. 124) the course of the mesonephric ducts may be traced. They open into the urogenital sinus, which also receives the allantoic stalk (Fig. 122). The metanephros, or permanent kidney anlage, lies just mesial to the umbilical arteries where they leave the aorta (Fig. 123). Its epithelial portion, derived from the mesonephric duct, is differentiated into a proximal, slender duct, the ureter, and into a distal, dilated pelvis. From this grow out later the calyces and collecting tubules of the kidney. Sur- rounding the pelvis is a layer of condensed mesenchyma, or nephrogenic tissue, which is the anlage of '"'he remainder of the kidney. Blood Vascular System. — The Heart. — In Fig. 125 the cardiac cham- bers of the right side are opened. The septum primum between the atria is perforated dorsad and cephalad by the foramen ovale. The inferior vena cava is seen opening into the sinus venosus, which in turn communicates with the right atrium through a sagittal slit guarded by the right and left valves of the sinus venosus. The right valve is the higher and its dorsal half is cut away. The valves were united cephalad as the septum spurium. THE ANATOMY OF TEN TO TWELVE MM. PIG EMBRYOS 123 Between the left valve and the septum primum, the sickle-like fold of the septum secundum is forming; the fusion of these three components gives rise later to the adult atrial septum. The aortic bulb is divided distally into the aorta and the pulmonary artery, the latter connecting with the sixth (apparent fifth) pair of aortic arches. Proximally the bulb is undivided. The interventricular septum is complete except for the inter- ventricular foramen which leads from the left ventricle into the aortic side of the bulb. Of the bulbar swellings which divide the bulb into aorta and pulmonary trunk, the left joins the interventricular septum, while the right extends to the endocardial cushion. These folds eventually fuse and the partition of the ventricular portion of the heart is completed. Sept. II R. atrium \ / Sept. I Left valve of sinus venosus. iffifc ^Foramen male Right valve of sinus venosus^ )&Sg^j% /^\^ Aorta Inferior vena cava ., Simis venosus Tricuspid valve ulmonary artery Interventricular foramen R. ventricle FIG. 125. — Heart of 12 mm. embryo, dissected from the right side. The endocardium at the atrio-ventricular foramina is already undermined to form the anlages of the tricuspid and bicuspid valves. From the caudal wall of the left atrium there is given off a single pulmonary vein. The Arteries. — As seen in Fig. 123, the first two aortic arches have disappeared. Cranial to the third arch, the ventral aortae become the external carotids. The third aortic arches and the cephalic portions of the descending aortas constitute the internal carotid arteries. The ventral aortae between the third and fourth aortic arches persist as the common carotid arteries. The descending aortae in the same region are slender and eventually atrophy. The fourth aortic arch is largest, and on the left side will form the aortic arch of the adult. From the right fourth arch caudad, the right descending aorta is smaller than the left. Opposite the eighth segment, the two aortae unite and continue caudally as the median dorsal aorta. The sixth aortic arches (cf. p. 100) are connected with the pulmonary trunk, and from them arise small pulmonary arteries to the lungs. Dorsal inter segmental arteries arise, six pairs from the de- 124 THE STUDY OF SIX AND TEN MILLIMETER PIG EMBRYOS scending aortse, others from the dorsal aorta. From the seventh pair, which arise just where the descending aortas fuse, the subclavian arteries pass off to the upper limb buds and the vertebral arteries to the head. The latter are formed by a longitudinal anastomosis between the first seven pairs of intersegmental arteries on each side, after which the stems of the first six pairs atrophy. FIG. 126 A. — Reconstruction of a 12 mm. pig embryo, to show the veins and heart from the left side. For names of parts see Fig. 126 B on opposite page (F. T. Lewis). X 9. Ventro-lateral arteries from the dorsal aorta supply the mesonephros and genital ridge (Fig. 123). Ventral arteries form the coeliac artery to the stomach region, the vitelline, or superior mesenteric artery, to the small intestine, and the inferior mesenteric artery to the large intestine. The umbilical arteries now arise laterally from secondary trunks which persist as the common iliac arteries. THE ANATOMY OF TEN TO TWELVE MM. PIG EMBRYOS 125 The Veins. — The cardinal veins have been reconstructed by Lewis in a 12 mm. pig (Fig. 126). The veins of the head drain into the anterior cardinal vein, which becomes the internal jugular vein of the adult. After receiving the external jugular veins and the subdavian veins from the upper •1.2 •1.3 W.b. FIG. "1 26 B. — Reconstruction of a 12 mm. pig embryo, to show the veins from the left side (Lewis). X 9- A. .Umbilical artery; Ao., aorta; Au., right auricle (atrium); card.', card.", superior and inferior sections of posterior cardinal vein; d, left common cardinal vein; D.C., right common cardinal vein; D.V., ductus venosus; Jug.', Jug.", jugular -or ant. cardinal vein; L., liver; L.s., anlage of lateral sinus; mx., transverse vein; P., pulmonary artery; Sc., subcardinal vein; Scl., subclavian vein; sis., anlage of sup. longitudinal sinus; Um.d., right umbilical vein; Ven., right ventricle; V.H.C., common hepatic vein; V.op., ophthalmic vein; V.P., portal vein; -X", anastomosis between the right and left subcardinal veins. limb buds the anterior cardinals open into the common cardinal veins (ducts of Cuvier). The posterior cardinal veins arise in the caudal region, course dorsal to the mesonephroi, and drain the mesonephric sinusoids. The sub- 126 THE STUDY OF SIX AND TEN MILLIMETER PIG EMBRYOS cardinal veins anastomose just caudal to the origin of the superior mesen- teric artery, and the posterior cardinals are interrupted at this level. The proximal portions of the posterior cardinals open into the common cardinal veins as in the 6 mm. embryo. Of the two subcardinal veins, the right has become very large through its connection with the right posterior cardinal vein and the common hepatic vein, and now forms the middle portion of the inferior vena cava. For the 'development of this vein, see Chapter IX. Notochord Pharynx R. ant. cardinal vein Pericardial cavity Sinus venosus Inf. vena cava Spinal cord Ant. cardinal win Esophagus Trachea Portal vein Ventral pancreas Cacum L. vitelline vein Small intestine Sup. mesenteric vein R. umbilical vein R. umbilical arter Upper limb Common car- dinal vein Ductus venosus Liver Pyloric stomach Hepatic diverticulum Dorsal pancreas Duodenum L. umbilical vein Allantois FIG. 127. — Reconstruction of a 10 mm. pig embryo, to show the umbilical and vitelline veins from the ventral side, x, indicates sinusoidal connection between left umbilical vein and portal vein. X 15. In the small orientation figure (cf. Fig. 123) the various planes are indi- cated by broken lines — * *. The umbilical veins (Figs. 126 and 127) anastomose in the umbilical cord, separate on entering the embryo, and course cephalad in the ventro- lateral body wall of each side to the ventral lobe of the liver. The left vein is much the larger, and, after entering the liver, its course is to the right and dorsad. After connecting with the portal vein, it continues as the ductus venosus and joins the proximal end of the inferior vena cava. The smaller, right umbilical vein after entering the liver breaks up into sinusoids. It soon atrophies, while the left vein persists until after birth. The Vitelline Veins. — Of these, a distal portion of the left and a proximal portion of the right are persistent. The left vitelline vein, TRANSVERSE SECTIONS OF A TEN MM. PIG EMBRYO 127 fused' with the right, courses from the yolk sac cephalad of the intestinal loop. Near a dorsal anastomosis between the right and left vitelline veins, just caudal to the duct of the dorsal pancreas, the left receives the superior mesenteric vein, a new vessel arising in the mesentery of the intestinal loop. Cranial to its junction with the superior mesenteric vein, the left vitelline, with the dorsal anastomosis and the proximal portion of the right vitelline vein, forms the portal vein, which gives off branches to the hepatic sinu- soids and connects with the left umbilical vein. For the development of the portal vein, see Chapter IX. TRANSVERSE SECTIONS OF A TEN MM. PIG EMBRYO Figures are shown of sections passing through the more important regions; these should be used for the identification of the organs. The level and plane of each section is indicated by guide lines on Fig. 128. The student should compare this'with Figs. 118 and 123, and orient each Myelencephalon Gang. sup. n. 9 Gang, and n. access. Pulmonary artery Metencephalon •Mesencephalon Diencephahn FIG. 128. — Reconstruction of a 10 mm. pig embryo, showing the chief organs of the left side. The numbered lines indicate the levels of transverse sections shown in the corresponding figures (129-143). For the names of the various structures not lettered see Fig. 123. X 8. section with reference to the embryo as a whole. To avoid repetition, most of the levels illustrated in the transverse sections of the 6 mm. pig are not represented in the 10 mm. series. For this reason, the former series will be found very instructive in supplementing the following descriptions. 128 THE STUDY OF SIX AND TEN MILLIMETER PIG EMBRYOS Transverse Section through the Eyes and Otocysts (Fig. 129).— The brain is sec- tioned twice, lengthwise through the myelencephalon, transversely through the fore-brain. The brain wall shows differentiation into three layers: (i) an inner ependymal layer, densely cellular; (2) a middle mantle layer of nerve cells and fibers; (3) an outer marginal layer, chiefly fibrous. These same three layers are developed in the spinal cord. A thin, vascular layer differentiated from the mesenchyma surrounds the brain wall and is the anlage of the pia mater. The myelencephalon shows three neuromeres in this section. The telencephalon is represented by the paired cerebral hemispheres, their cavities, the Fourth ventricle Gang, jugulare n. 10 Gang, acusticum n. Mandibular ramus n. 5 Maxillary ramus n. 5 Ant. lobe of hypophysis Lens vesicle Third ventricle of diencephalon Lot. ventricle of telencephal Wall of myelencephalon N. accessorius N. glossopharyngeus ng. geniculi. n. 7 abducens Basilar artery inus cavernosus Int. carotid artery ptic vesicle Foramen interventriculare' FIG. 129. — Transverse section through the eyes and otocysts of a 10 mm. pig embryo. X 22.5. lateral ventricles, connecting through the interventricular foramina with the third -ventricle of the diencephalon. Close to the ventral wall of the diencephalon is a section of the ante- rior lobe of the hypophysis (Rathke's pouch) near which are the internal carotid and basilar arteries. Lateral to the diencephalon is the optic cup and lens vesicle of the eye, which are sectioned caudal to the optic stalk. The outer layer of the optic cup forms the thin pig- ment layer; the inner, thicker layer is the nervous layer of the retina. The lens is now a closed vesicle distinct from the overlying corneal ectoderm. The large vascular spaces are the cavernous sinuses, which drain by way of the vv. capitis laterales into the internal jugular veins. Transverse sections may be seen of the maxillary and mandibular branches of the n. trigeminus; the n. abducens is sectioned longi- tudinally. The small nn. oculomotorius and Irochlcaris should be identified in sections TRANSVERSE SECTIONS OF A TEN MM. PIG EMBRYO 129 more cephalad in the series. Ventral to the otocyst are seen the geniculate and acoustic ganglia of the nn. facialis and acusticus. The wall of the otocyst forms a sharply denned epithelial layer. More cephalad in the series the endolymph duct lies median to the oto- cyst and connects with it. Dorsal to the otocyst the n. glossopharyngeus and the jugular ganglion of the vagus are cut transversely while the trunk of the n. accessorius is cut length- wise. Section through the First and Second Pharyngeal Pouches (Fig. 130). — The end of the head, with sections of the telencephalon and of the ends of the olfactory pits, is now N. accessorius Gang. Froriep Myelencephalon Basilar artery Notochord Neural cavity Gang, petrosum n. g Pharyngeal pouch 2 Pharyngeal pouch i Oral cavity Olfactory pit Roots of n. hypoglossus Int. jugular vein Nn.vagus el accessorius Descending aorta N. facialis Branchial arch 2 Tongue Mandible Maxillary process Telencephalon FIG. 130. — Transverse section through the first and second pharyngeal pouches of a 10 mm. pig embryo. X 22.5. distinct] from the rest of the "section. The pharynx shows portions of the first and second pharyngeal pouches. Opposite the first pouch externally is the first branchial groove. A section of the tuberculum impar of the tongue shows near the midplane in the pharyngeal cavity. The neural tube is sectioned dorsally at the level of Froriep 's ganglion. Between the neural tube and the pharynx may be seen on each side the several root fascicles of the n. hypoglossus, the fibers of the nn. vagus and accessorius, and the petrosal ganglion of the n. glossopharyngeus. Mesial to the ganglia are the descending aorta and lateral to the vagus is the internal jugular vein. I30 THE STUDY OF SIX AND TEN MILLIMETER PIG EMBRYOS Section through the Third Pharyngeal Pouches (Fig. 131). — The tip of the head is now small and shows on either side the deep olfactory pits lined with thickened olfactory epithelium. The first, second, and third branchial arches show on either side of the section, the third being slightly sunken in the cervical sinus. The dorsal diverticula of the third pharyngeal pouches extend toward the ectoderm of the third branchial groove. The ventral diverticula, or thymic anlages, may be traced caudad in the series. The floor of the pharynx is sectioned through the epiglottis. Ventral to the pharynx are sections of the third aortic arches and the solid cords of the thyreoid gland. Dorsally the section passes through the spinal cord and first pair of cervical ganglia. Between the cord and pharynx, named in 'Spinal cord Int. jugular vein N. hypoglossus Gang, nodosum n. 10 Pharyngeal pouch j Aortic arch 3 Thyreoid anlage Spinal ganglion Notochord Ext. branch n. accessorius Epiglottis Branchial arch j. Branchial arch 2 Mandible Olfactory pit FIG. 131. — Transverse section through the third pharyngeal pouches of a 10 mm. pig embryo. X 22.5. Olfactory epithelium order, are the internal jugular -veins, the hypoglossal nerve, and the nodose ganglion of the vagus. Lateral to the ganglion is the external branch of the n. accessorius, and mesial to the ganglia are the small descending aorta. Section through the Fourth Pharyngeal Pouches (Fig. 132). — This region is marked by the disappearance of the head and the appearance of the heart in the pericardial cavity. The tips of the atria are sectioned as they project on either side of the bulbus cordis. The bulbus is divided into the aorta and pulmonary artery, the latter connected with the right ventricle, which* has spongy muscular walls. The pharynx is crescentic and continued laterally as the small fourth pharyngeal pouches. Into the mid- ventral wall of the pharynx TRANSVERSE SECTIONS OF A TEN MM. PIG EMBRYO Spinal cord Spinal ganglion R. descending aorta Pharynx N. vagus Tracked groove R. atrium Aorta Pulmonary artery L. ventricle R. ventricle FlG j 32.— Transverse section through the fourth pharyngeal pouches of a 10 mm. pig embryo. X 22.5. Spinal ganglion R, descending aorta Esophagus Spinal cord L. descending aorta ••• Ant. cardinal vein , vagus L. atrium Pulmonary artery L. ventricle Cavity of bulbus R. ventricl FlG- I33._ Transverse section through the sixth pair of aortic arches and bulbus cordis of 10 mrrt. pig embryo. X 22.5. 132 THE STUDY OF SEX AND TEN MILLIMETER PIG EMBRYOS opens the vertical slit of the trachea. A section of the -vagus complex is located between the descending aorta and the internal jugular vein. At this level the jugular vein receives the linguo-facial vein. The left descending aorta is larger than the right. The ventral aorta may be traced cranially in the series to the fourth aortic arches. The pulmonary artery, if followed caudad, connects with the sixth aortic arches as in Fig. 133. Section through the Sixth Aortic Arches (Fig. 133). — The sixth aortic arch (see p. 100) is complete on the left side. From these pulmonary arches small pulmonary arteries may be traced caudad in the series to the lung anlages. The esophagus, now separate from the trachea, forms a curved horizontal slit. All four chambers of the heart are represented, but the aorta and pulmonary artery are incompletely separated by the right and left bulbar swellings, or folds. Spinal ganglion Notoc, Spinal cord R. descending aorta Sinus venosus R. valve of sinus venosus Pericardial cavil R. ventricle Interventricular septum ~- Upper limb bud Esophagus L. common cardinal vein Trachea L. atrium Endocardial cushion Body wall ' FIG. 134. — Transverse section through the sinus venosus of the heart in a 10 mm. pig embryo. X 22.5. Section through the Sinus Venosus and the Heart (Fig. 134). — The section is marked by the symmetrically placed a(riatand ventricles of the heart and by the presence of the tipper limb buds. Dorsal to the atria are the common cardinal veins, the right vein forming part of the sinus venosus. The sinus venosus drains into the right atrium through a slit- like opening in the dorsal and caudal atrial wall. The opening is guarded by the right and left valves of the sinus venosus, which project into the atrium. The septum primum com- pletely divides the right and left atria at this level, which is caudal to the foramen ovale and the atrio-ventricular openings. The septum joins the fused endocardial cushions. Note that the esophagus and trachea are now tubular and that the left descending aorta is much larger than the right. Around the epithelium of both trachea and esophagus are condensations of mesenchyma, from which their outer layers are differentiated. TRANSVERSE SECTIONS OF A TEN MM. PIG EMBRYO 133 Section through the Foramen Ovale of the Heart (Fig. 135). — The level of this sec- tion is cranial to that of the previous figure and shows the septum primum interrupted dor- sally to form the foramen ovale. Each atrium communicates with the ventricle of the same side through the atria-ventricular foramen. Between these openings is the endocardial cush- ion, which in part froms the anlages of the tricuspid and bicuspid -valves. The atria are marked off externally from the ventricles by the coronary sulcus. Between the two ven- tricles is the interventricular septum. The ventricular walls are thick and spongy, forming a network of muscular cords, or trabeculce, surrounded by blood spaces, or sinusoids. The trabeculae are composed of muscle cells, which later become striated and constitute the myocardium. They are surrounded by an endothelial layer, the endocardium. The mam- malian heart receives all its nourishment from the blood circulating in the sinusoids until later, when the coronary vessels of the heart wall are developed. The heart is surrounded by a layer of mesothelium, the epicardium, which is continuous with the pericardial meso- thelium lining the body wall. Foramen male R. atrium R. atria-ventricular foramen R. ventricle Interventricular septum L. atrium •Septum I Endocardial cushion L. atrio-ventricular foramen L. ventricle FIG. 135. — Transverse section through the foramen ovale of the heart in a 10 mm. pig embryo. X 22.5. Section through the Liver and Upper Limb Buds (Fig. 136). — The section is marked by the presence of the tipper limb buds, the liver, and the bifurcation of the trachea to form the primary bronchi of the lungs. The limb buds are composed of dense, undiffer- entiated mesenchyme, surrounded by ectoderm which is thickened at their tips. The seventh pair of cervical ganglia and nerves are cut lengthwise, showing the spindle-shaped ganglia with the dorsal root fibers taking origin from their cells. The ventral root fibers arise from the ventral cells of the mantle layer and join the dorsal root to form the nerve trunk. On the right side a short dorsal ramus supplies the anlage of the dorsal muscle mass. The much larger ventral ramus unites with those of other nerves to form the brachial plexus. The descending aorta have now fused and the seventh pair of dorsal intersegmental arteries arise from the dorsal aorta. From these intersegmental arteries the subdavian arteries are given off two sections caudad in the series. Lateral fo the aorta are the pos- terior cardinal veins. The esophagus, ventral to the aorta, shows a very small lumen, while that of the trachea is large and continued into the bronchi on either side. Adjacent to the esophagus are the cut vagus nerves. The lung anlages project laterally into the cres- centic pleural cavities,. of which the left is separated from the peritoneal cavity by the sep- 134 THE STUDY OF SIX AND TEN MILLIMETER PIG EMBRYOS inal cord Spinal ganglion Spinal nerve Post, cardinal vein Mesonephros Pleural cavity Upper limb bud Liver Notochord Dorsal aorta Esophagus Bifurcation of trachea Inferior vena cava FIG. 136. — Transverse section through the liver and upper limb buds of a 10 mm. pig embryo, at the level of the bifurcation of the trachea. X 22.5. / Spinal ganglL Descending aorta Mesonephros inal cord Notochord Sympathetic ganglion . cardinal vein Post. R. lung bud Esophagus Lesser peritoneal sac Inferior vena cava Mesonephric tubule 'eritoneal cavity 'Dorsal lobe of liver Sinusoids of liver Ductus venosus FIG. 137. — Dorsal half of a transverse section through the lung buds, cranial to the stomach, in a 10 mm. pig embryo. X 22.5. TRANSVERSE SECTIONS OF A TEN MM. PIG EMBRYO 135 turn transfer sum. The liver, with its fine network of trabeculae and sinusoids, is large and nearly fills the peritoneal, or abdominal cavity. The liver cords are composed of liver cells surrounded by the endothelium of the sinusoids. Red blood cells are developed in the liver at this stage. The large vein, from the liver to the heart, penetrating the sep- tum transversum is the proximal portion of the inferior vena cava, originally the right vitelline vein. Ventral to the bronchi may be seen sections of the pulmonary veins. Section through Lung Buds, Cranial to Stomach (Fig. 137). — The lungs are sectioned through their caudal ends and the esophagus is just beginning to dilate into the stomach. On either side of the circular dorsal aorta are the mesonephroi, while dorso-laterally are sympathetic ganglia. The pleural cavities now communicate freely on both sides with the peritoneal cavity. A section of the lesser peritoneal sac appears as a crescent-shaped slit at the right of the esophagus. In the right dorsal lobe of the liver is located the inferior vena cava. Near the median plane ventral to the lesser sac is the large ductus venosus. Spinal cord, Notochord Dorsal aorta Plica vena cava Inferior vena cava lesser omentum Spinal ganglion Base of upper limb Glomerulns of mesonephros Greater omentum Stomach Dorsal lobe of liver Ductus venosus Ventral lobe of liver Ventral attachment of live* FIG. 1 38. — Transverse section through the stomach and liver of a i o mm. pig embryo. X 22.5 . Section through the Stomach and Liver (Fig. 138).— Prominent in the body cavity are the mesonephroi and liver lobes. The mesonephroi show sections of coiled tubules lined with cuboidal epithelium. Glomeruli of the renal corpuscles are median in position and develop as knots of small arteries which grow into the ends of the tubules. The thick- ened epithelium along the median and ventral surface of the mesonephros is the anlage of the genital gland. The body wall is thin and lined with mesothelium continuous with that which covers the mesenteries and organs. The mesothelial layer becomes the epithelium of the adult peritoneum, mesenteries, and serous layer of the viscera. The stomach lies on 136 THE STUDY OF SIX AND TEN MILLIMETER PIG EMBRYOS the left side and is attached dorsally by the greater amentum, ventrally to the liver by the lesser amentum. The right dorsal lobe of the liver is attached dorsally to the right of the great omentum. In the liver, ventral to this attachment, courses the inferior vena cava and the attachment forms the plica vence cave?. Between the attachments of the stomach and liver, and to the right of the stomach, is the lesser peritoneal sac. In the liver, to the left of the midplane is the ductus venosus, sectioned just at the point where it receives the left umbilical vein and a branch from the portal vein. The ventral attachment of the liver later becomes the falciform ligament. Spinal cord Notochord Mesonephros Plica vena cava Inferior vena cava Lesser peritoneal sac Portal vein Hepatic diverticulum (Duct and gall bladder) R. umbilical vein Sympathetic ramus Dorsal aorta Dorsal mesogastrium Mesonephric duct Stomach Ventral lobe of liver L. umbilical vein FIG. 139. — Transverse section through the hepatic diverticulum of a 10 mm. pig embryo. X 22.5. Section through the Hepatic Diverticulum (Fig. 139).— The section passes through the pyloric end of the stomach and duodenum, near the attachment of the hepatic diverticu- lum. The greater omentum of the stomach is larger than in the previous section and to its right, in the plica venae cavae, lies the inferior vena cava. Ventral to the inferior vena cava is a section of the portal vein. The ventral and dorsal lobes of the liver are now separate, and in the right ventral lobe is embedded the saccular end of the hepatic diverticulum which forms the gall bladder. To the right of the stomach, the diverticulum is sectioned again just as it enters the duodenum. Ventrally, the left umbilical vein is entering the left ventral lobe of the liver. It is much larger than the right vein, which still courses in the body wall. On the left side of the embryo the spinal nerve shows in addition to its dorsal and ventral rami a sympathetic ramus, the fibers of which pass to a cluster of ganglion cells located dorso-lateral to the aorta. These cells form one of a pair of sympathetic ganglia and are derived from a spinal ganglion. TRANSVERSE SECTIONS OF A TEN MM. PIG EMBRYO 137 Section through the Pancreatic Anlages (Fig. 140).— The lesser peritoneal sac just above the level of this section has opened into the peritoneal cavity through the epiploic foramen (of Winslow). The mesonephric ducts are now prominent ventrally in the meso- nephroi. The duct of the dorsal pancreas is sectioned tangentially at the point where it Dorsal aorta Inferior vena cava R. vitelline or portal vei Mesonephric duel Post, cardinal vein Mesonephros L. vitelline vein Dorsal pancreas Liver Duodenum Ventral pancreas- FIG. 140. — Portion of a transverse section through the pancreatic anlages of a 10 mm. pig embryo. X 22.5. takes origin from the duodenum. From the duct the lobulated gland may be traced dorsad in the mesentery. To the right of the dorsal pancreatic duct is a section of the ventral pancreas, which may be traced cephalad in the series to its origin from the hepatic diverticulum. Dorsal to the ventral pancreas is a section of the portal -vein-. The inferior vena cava appears as a vertical slit in the dorsal mesentery. Lower limb b Mesonephric due. Vein in body wall L. umbilical artery Allantois and urogenital sinus Rectum Notochord Spinal cord 10 mm. pig embryo. FIG. 141. — Transverse section through the urogenital sinus and recturr of X 22.5. Section through the Urogenital Sinus and Lower Limb Buds (Fig. 141).— The figure shows only the caudal end of a section, in the dorsal portion of which the mesonephroi were sectioned at the level of the subcardinal anastomosis. A portion of the mesentery is shown with a section of the colon. In the body wall are veins that drain into the umbili- cal veins, and on each side are the umbilical arteries, just entering the body from the umbili- 138 THE STUDY OF SEX AND TEN MILLIMETER PIG EMBRYOS cal cord. Between them, in sections cranial to this, the allantoic stalk is located. Here it has opened into the crescentic urogenital sinus. Dorsal to the urogenital sinus (dorsal now being at the bottom of the figure, owing to the curvature of the caudal region) is a section of the rectum, separated from the sinus by a curved prolongation of the ccelom. From the ends of the urogenital sinus, as we trace cephalad in the embryo (downward in the series), are given off the mesonephric ducts. Lower limb bud R. umbilical artery Caudal limb of intestine Mesonephric duct Ureter Notochord Spinal cord FIG. 142. — Transverse section of a 10 mm. embryo passing through the lower limb buds at the level of the openings of the ureters into the mesonephric ducts. X 22.5. Section through the Mesonephric Ducts at the Opening of the Ureter (Fig. 142). The section cuts through both lower limb buds near their middle. Mesial to their bases are the umbilical arteries, which lie lateral to the mesonephric ducts. From the dorsal wall of the left mesonephric duct is given off the ureter, or duct of the metanephros. Trac- ing the sections down in the series, both ureters appear as minute tubes in transverse section. They soon dilate to form the pelvis of the kidney at the level of Fig. 143. Note the undifferentiated mesenchyme of the lower limb buds and their thickened ectoder- mal tips. Mesentery R. umbilical artery Vein Ccelom Anlage of metanephros Notochord Spinal cord FlG. 143. — Transverse section through the anlages of the metanephroi in a 10 mm. pig embryo. X 22.5. Section through the Metanephroi and Umbilical Arteries (Fig. 143). — The section passes caudal to the mesonephric ducts, which curve along the ventral surfaces of the mesonephroi (Fig. 124). The umbilical arteries course lateral to the metanephroi; these consist merely of the thickened epithelium of the pelvis surrounded by a layer of condensed mesenchyma, the nephrogenic tissue. CHAPTER VI THE DISSECTION OF PIG EMBRYOS: DEVELOPMENT OF THE FACE, PALATE, TONGUE, SALIVARY GLANDS AND TEETH THE DISSECTION OF PIG EMBRYOS As the average student will not have time to study series of embryos sectioned in differ- ent planes, dissections may be used for showing the form and relations of the organs. Cleared embryos mounted whole are instructive, but show the structures superimposed and are apt to confuse the student. Pig embryos 10 mm. or more in length may be easily dissected, mounted as opaque objects, and used for several years. Success in dissecting such small embryos depends: (i) on the fixation and hardening of the material employed; (2) on starting the dissection with a clean cut in the right plane; (3) on a knowledge of the anatomy of the parts to be dissected. Fixation and Hardening of Material. — Embryos fixed in Zenker's fluid have given the best results. They should then be so hardened in 95 per cent alcohol that the more diffuse mesenchyma will readily separate from the surfaces of the various organs, yet the organs must not be so brittle that they will crumble and break. Embryos well hardened and then kept for two weeks in 80 per cent alcohol usually dissect well. Old material is usually too brittle; that just fixed and hardened may prove too soft. As a test, determine whether the mesenchyma separates readily from the cervical ganglia and their roots. Dissecting instruments include a binocular dissecting microscope, a sharp safety razor blade, large, curved, blunt -pointed dissecting needles, pairs of small, sharp-pointed forceps, and straight dissecting needles, small and large. Methods of Dissection. — In general, it is best to begin the dissection with a clean, smooth cut made fay a single stroke with the safety razor blade, which should be flooded with 80 per cent alcohol. The section is made free hand, holding the embryo, protected by a fold of absorbent cotton, between the thumb and index finger. Having made pre- liminary cuts in this way, the embryo may be affixed with thin celloidinto a cover glass and immersed in a watch glass containing alcohol. We prefer not to affix the embryo, as the celloidin used for this purpose may interfere with the dissection. Instead, a cut is made parallel to the plane of the dissection so that the embryo, resting in the watch glass upon this flat surface, will be in a fairly stable position. It may thus be held in any convenient position by resting the convex surface of a curved, blunt dissecting needle upon some part not easily injured. The dissection is then carried on under the binocular microscope, using the fine pointed forceps, dissecting needles, and a small pipette to wash away fragments of tissue. Whole Embryos. — For the study of the exterior, whole embryos may be affixed with celloidin to the bottoms of watch glasses which may be stacked in wide-mouthed jars of 80 per cent alcohol. The specimens may thus be used several years at a saving of both time and material. Preliminary treatment consists in immersion in 95 per cent alcohol one hour, in ether and absolute alcohol at least thirty minutes, in thin celloidin one hour or more. Pour enough thin celloidin into a Syracuse watch glass to cover its bottom, and immerse in this a circle of black mat paper, first wet with ether and absolute alcohol. Pour 140 THE DISSECTION OF PIG EMBRYOS off any surplus celloidin, mount embryo in desired position and immerse watch glass in 80 per cent alcohol, in which the specimen may be kept indefinitely. Embryos may also be mounted in gelatin-formalin solution in small, sealed glass jars. Lateral Dissections of the Viscera. — Dissections like those shown in Figs. 144 and 145 may easily be prepared in less than an hour, and make valuable demonstration and Mesencephalon Cerebellum \ Gang, geniculi n.7 Gang, acusticum n. 8 Gang, superius n. 9 Gang, accessorii Gang, jugulare n. 10 Ga'iig. petrosum n. N. hypoglossus N. accessorius Gang. cerv. Brachial pie. Lun, Diaphragm Dorsal lobe of liver Mesonephros Metaneph Nerve to lower limb Sciatic nerve FIG. 144. — Lateral dissection of an 18 mm. pig embryo, showing the nervous system and viscera from the right side. X 8. laboratory specimens. Skill is required to demonstrate most of the cerebral nerves, but the central nervous system, cerebral and spinal ganglia, and viscera may easily be exposed. Starting dorsally, make a sagittal section of the embryo slightly to one side of the median line and avoiding the umbilical cord ventrally. With the embryo resting on the flat, sec- tioned surface, begin at the cervical flexure, and with fine forceps grasp the ectoderm and dural anlage at its cut edge, separate it from the neural tube and pia mater, and strip it N. oculomotorius I N. trochlearis Gang, semilunare n. 5 Mandibular ramus n. 5 ^/Ophthalmic ramus n. 5 N. opticus Cerebrum Maxillary ramus n. 5 Chorda tympani n. 7 N. facialis Gang, nodosum n. iO R. atrium ' R. ventricle Ventral lobe of liver Umbilical cord LATERAL DISSECTIONS OF THE VISCERA off ventralwards, exposing the myelencephalon and cervical portion of the cord. As the mesenchyma is pulled away, the ganglia and roots of the cerebral nerves will be exposed. The mesenchyma between the ganglia and along the nerves may be removed with the end of a small blunt needle. Care must be exercised in working over the mesencephalon and Semilunar ganglion n. 5 Ophthalmic ramus n. 5 Gang, geniculi n. 7 \ I Cerebrum Mesencephal Cerebellum Gang, acusticum n. 8 Gnag. superius n. Gang, jugulare n. 10 Gang. Freriep Auricular r. n. 10 Gang. n. cerv. I Gang, petrosum n. N. accessorius N. hypoglossus Gang. cerv. 5-8 Gang. thor. I Lung Diaphragm \ Dorsal lobe of liver Mesonephros Hypophysis N. opticus Lobus olfactorius •Maxillary ramus n. 5 Mand. ramus n. 5 Chorda tympani n. 7 N. facialis Gang, nodosum n. 10 R. atrium R. ventricle Ventral lobe of liver Umbilical cord Lower limb Sciatic nerve Metanephros' Lumbar gang. Nerve to lower limb FIG. 145. — Lateral dissection of a 35 mm. pig embryo, to show the nervous system and viscera from the right side. X 4. telencephalon of the brain not to injure the brain wall, which may be brittle. By starting with a clean dissection dorsally and gradually working ventrad, the more important organs may be laid bare without injury. The beginner should compare his specimen with the dissections figured and also previously study the reconstructions of Thyng (1911) and Lewis (1903). 142 THE DISSECTION OF PIG EMBRYOS Lateral dissections of embryos 18 mm. and 35 mm. long show infinitely better than sections the form and relations of the organs, their relative growth, and their change of position (Figs. 144 and 145). Compare the organs of 6, 10, 18, and 35 mm. embryos and note the rapid growth of the viscera (see Figs. 95 and 120). Hand-in-hand with the in- creased size of the viscera goes the diminution of the dorsal and cervical flexures. In the brain, note the increased size of the cerebral hemispheres of the telencephalon and the pres- ence of the olfactory lobe of the rhinencephalon. The cerebellum also becomes prominent and a ventral flexure in the region of the pons, the p online flexure, is more marked. The brain grows relatively faster than the spinal cord, and, by the elongation of their dorsal roots, the spinal ganglia are carried ventral to the cord. The body of the embryo also grows faster than the spinal cord, so that the spinal nerves, at first directed at right angles to the cord, course obliquely caudad in the lumbo-sacral region. Median Sagittal Dissections (Figs. 146 and 147). — Preliminary to the dissection, a cut is made dorsally as near as possible to the median sagittal plane. Beginning caudally at the mid-dorsal line, an incision is started which extends in depth through the neural tube and the anlages of the vertebrae. This incision is carried to the cervical flexure, cranial to which- point the head and brain are halved as accurately as possible. The blade is then carried ventrally and caudally, cutting through the heart and liver to the right of the mid- plane and umbilical cord until the starting point is reached. A parasagittal section is next made well to the left of the median sagittal plane and the sectioned portion is removed, leaving on the left side of the embryo a plane surface. With the embryo resting upon this flat surface, the dissection is begun by removing with forceps the right half of the head. In pulling this away caudalwards, half of the dorsal body wall, the whole of the lateral body wall, and the parts of the heart and liver lying to the right of the midplane will be removed, leaving the other structures intact. If the plane of section was accurate, the brain and spinal cord will be halved in the median sagittal plane. Wash out the cavities of the brain with a pipette and its internal structure may be seen. Dissect away the mesen- chyma between the esophagus and trachea and expose the lung. Remove the right meso- nephros, leaving the proximal part of its duct attached to the urogenital sinus. The right dorsal lobe of the liver will overlie the stomach and pancreas. Pick it away with forceps and expose these organs. Dissect away the caudal portion of the liver until the hepatic diverticulum is laid bare. It is whitish in color and may thus be distinguished from the brownish liver. Beginning at the base of the umbilical cord, carefully pull away its right wall with forceps, thus exposing the intestinal loop and its attachment to the yolk stalk. If the umbilical artery is removed in the caudal portion of the umbilical cord, the allantoic stalk may be dissected out. To see the anlage of the genital gland, break through and remove a part of the mesentery, exposing the mesial surface of the left mesonephros and the genital fold. The dissection of the metanephros and ureter is difficult in small em- bryos. In 10 to 12 mm. embryos, the umbilical artery, just after it leaves the aorta, passes lateral to the metanephros and thus locates it. By working carefully with fine needles, the surface of the metanephros may be laid bare and the delicate ureter may be traced to the base of the mesonephric duct. The extent of the dorsal aorta may also be seen by removing the surrounding mesenchyma. With a few trials, such dissections are made in a short time ; they are invaluable in giving an idea of the form, positions, and relations of the different organs. By comparing the early (Figs. 96 and 122) with the later stages (Figs. 146 and i47)~a number of interesting points may be noted. In the brain, the corpus striatum develops in the floor of the cerebral hemispheres. The inter-ventricular foramen is narrowed to a slit. In the roof of the diencephalon appears the anlage of the epiphysis, or pineal gland, and the chorioid plexus of the third ventricle. MEDIAN SAGITTAL DISSECTIONS 143 This extends into the lateral ventricles as the lateral chorioid plexus. The dorso-lateral wall of the diencephalon thickens to form the thalamus, and the third ventricle is narrowed to a vertical slit. The increased size of the cerebellum has been noted. Into the thin dorsal Isthmus M esencephalon Metencephalon Chorioid plexus of fourth ventricle Hypophysis Tela chorioidea of fourth ventricle Myelencephalon Epiglottis Intersegmental arteries Pancreas Common bile duel Duodenum Third ventricle Diencephalon Corpus striatum Cerebrum \ Small intestine •Allantois •Bladder 'Phallus — Urogenital sinus Rectum Genital fold Metanephros Mesonephric duct Ureter FIG. 146. — Median sagittal dissection of an 18 mm. pig embryo, showing the brain in section and the viscera in position. X 8. wall of the myelencephalon grows the network of vessels that forms the chorioid plexus of the fourth ventricle, which is now spread out laterally and flattened dorso-ventrally. About the notochord, mesenchymal anlages which form the centra of the vertebra are prominent. 144 THE DISSECTION OF PIG EMBRYOS Turning to the alimentary tract, observe that the primitive mouth cavity is now divided by the palatine folds into the upper nasal passages and lower oral cavity. In the lateral walls of the nasal passages develop the anlages of the turUnate bones. On the floor of the mouth and pharynx, the tongue and epiglottis become more prominent. The trachea and esophagus elongate and the lungs lie more and more caudad. The dorsal portion ot Pedunculus cerebri Cerebellum Chorioidal plexus, ventricle 4 Tela of vetttricle 4 Myelencephalon Epiphysis Thalamus Mesencephalon Tela chorioidea Lat. chorioid plexus Corpus slriatum Hypophysis Lobus olfactorius Turbinate anlage Palate Suprarenal gland Genital gland Duodenum Metanephros Colon L. mesonephric duct Ureter Urogenital sinus with mesonephric duct Rectum FIG. 147. — Median sagittal dissection of a 35 mm. embryo. X 4. the septum transversum, the anlage. of a portion of the diaphragm, is thus carried caudad,. and although originally, when traced from the dorsal body wall, it was directed caudad and ventrad, now it curves cephalad and ventrad, bulging cephalad into the thorax. The proximal limb of the intestinal loop elongates rapidly, and, beginning with the duodenum, becomes flexed and coiled in a characteristic manner. The distal limb of the intestinal VENTRAL DISSECTIONS loop is not coiled, but its diverticulum, the cacum, is" more marked. Caudally, the rec- tum, or straight gut, has completely separated from the urogenital sinus and opens to the exterior through the anus. Of the urogenital organs, the genital folds have become the prominent genital glands, attached to the median surfaces of the mesonephroi. The metanephroi have increased rapidly in size and have shifted cephalad. Proximal to the allantoic stalk the adjacent portion of the urogenital sinus has dilated to form the bladder. As the urogenital sinus grows, it takes up into its wall the proximal ends of the mesonephric ducts, so that these and the ureters have separate openings into the sinus. Owing to the unequal growth of the sinus wall, the ureters open near the base of the bladder, the mesonephric ducts more cau- dally into the urethra. The phallus now forms the penis of the male or the clitoris of the female. Cranial to the metanephros, a new organ, the suprarenal gland, has developed. This is a ductless gland and is much larger in human embryos. The heart, as may be seen by comparing Figs. 96 and 147, athough at first pressed against the tip of the head, shifts caudally, until in the 35 mm. embryo, it lies in the thorax opposite the first five thoracic nerves. Later it shifts even further caudad. The same is true of the other internal organs, the metanephros excepted. As the chief blood vessels are connected with the heart and viscera, profound changes in the positions of the vessels are thus "brought about, for the vessels must shift their positions with the organs which they supply. Trachea Septum transfer sum Stomach Mesonephric duct Mesonephros Umbilical artery Rectum Lung Miillerian duct anlage Cacum Small intestine Large intestine Allantoit Ccelom FIG. 148. — Ventral dissection of a 15 mm. pig embryo, showing lungs, digestive canal and mesonephroi. The ventral body wall, heart and liver have been removed and the limb buds cut across. X 6. Ventral Dissections. — Ventral dissections of the viscera are very easily made. With the safety razor blade, start a cut in a coronal plane through the caudal end of the embryo and the lower limb buds (Fig. 148). Extend this cut laterad and cephalad through the body wall and the upper limb bud. The head may be cut away in the same plane of sec- tion, and the cut continued through the body wall and upper limb bud of the opposite side back caudally to the starting point. Section the embryo in a coronal plane, parallel with the first section and near the back, so that the embryo will rest upon the flattened surface. With forceps, now remove the ventral body wall. By tearing open the wall of the umbilical cord along one side, it may be removed, leaving the intestinal loop intact. Pull away the 146 THE DISSECTION OF PIG EMBRYOS heart, noting its external structure. The liver may also be removed, leaving the stomach and intestine uninjured. A portion of the septum transversum covering the lungs may be carefully stripped away and the lungs thus laid bare. Dissections made in this way show the trachea and lungs, the esophagus, stomach and dorsal attachment of the septum transversum, the course of the intestinal canal, and also the mesonephroi and their ducts. Favorable sections through the caudal end of the body may show the urogenital sinus, rectum, and sections of the umbilical arteries and allantois (Figs. 97, 124 and 148). In late stages, by removing the digestive organs, the uro- genital ducts and glands are beautifully demonstrated (Figs. 223 and 224). DEVELOPMENT OF THE FACE The heads of pig embryos have long been used for the study of the development of the face. The heads should be removed by passing the razor blade between the heart and the adjacent surface of the head, thus severing the neck. Next cut away the dorsal part Lateral nasal process Olfactory pit Medial nasal process Mandible Branchial arch 2 Ventral aorta- Eye — Lacrimal groove -Maxillary process Branchial groove i Branchial groove 2 Lateral nasal process Maxillary process Mandibl, Branchial groove External nans Eye Medial nasal process Oral cavity External ear FIG. 149. — Two stages showing the development of the face in pig embryos. X 7. A , 12 mm. ; B, 14 mm. of the head by a section parallel to the ventral surface, the razor blade passing dorsal to the branchial clefts and eyes. Mount, ventral side up, three stages from embryos 6, 12, and 14 mm. long, as shown in Figs. 97 and 149.. In the early stages (Figs. 97 and 124), the four, paired branchial arches and grooves are seen. Each first arch has already bifurcated into a maxillary and mandibular process. The third and fourth arches soon sink into the cervical sinus, while the mandibular processes of the first arch are DEVELOPMENT OF THE FACE 147 fused early to form the lower jaw. Laterally, the frontal process of the head is early divided into lateral and median nasal processes by the develop- ment of the olfactory pits. These processes are distinct and most promi- nent at 12 mm. (Fig. 149 A). Soon, in 13 to 14 mm. embryos, the median nasal processes fuse with the maxillary processes of the first arch and con- stitute the upper jaw (Fig. 149 B). The lateral nasal processes fuse with FIG. 150. — Development of the face of the human embryo (His). A, Embryo of 8 mm. (X 7.5); the median frontal process differentiating into median nasal processes, or processes globulares, toward which the maxillary processes of the first branchial arch are extending. B, Embryo of 13.7 mm. (X 5); the globular, lateral nasal and maxillary processes are in apposi- tion; the primitive naris is now better defined. C, Embryo of 17 mm. (X 5); immediate boundaries of mouth are more definite and the nasal orifices are partly formed, the external ear appearing. D, Embryo of nearly eight weeks (X 5). the maxillary processes and form the cheeks, the lateral part of the Up, and the alee of the nose. Later, the median nasal processes unite and be- come the median part of the upper lip. Meanwhile, the mesial remainder of the original frontal process (Fig. 149 A) is compressed and becomes the septum and dorsum of the nose. The development of the olfactory organ will be traced on p. 371. 148 THE DISSECTION OF PIG EMBRYOS The early development of the face is practically the same in human embryos (Figs. 150 and 370). In embryos of 8 mm. the lateral and median nasal processes have formed. The maxillary processes next fuse with the nasal processes, after which the median nasal processes unite. Coincident with these changes the mandibular processes fuse and from them a median projection is developed which forms the anlage of the chin. The external ear is developed around the first branchial groove by the appearance of small tubercles which form the auricle. The groove itself becomes the external auditory meatus and the concha of the ear. (For the development of the external ear see Chapter XIII.) Epithelial ingrowths begin to separate the lips from the jaws at the fifth week (Fig. 1 59) . The inner edges of the lips at birth bear numerous villosities. The line of fusion of the median nasal processes is evident in the adult as the philtrum. Anomalies. — A common facial defect is hare lip. This is usually unilateral and on the left side. It may involve both lip and maxilla. Hare lip is attributed to the failure to fuse of the median nasal and maxillary processes (Kolliker), or the lateral and median nasal processes (Albrecht). DEVELOPMENT OF THE PALATE This may be studied advantageously in pig embryos of two stages: (a) 20 to 25mm. long; (b) 28 to 35 mm. long. Dissections are made by carrying a shallow incision from the anlage of the mouth back to the external ear on each side (Fig. 152). The incisions are then continued through the neck in a plane parallel to the hard palate. Before mounting the preparation, remove the top of the head by a section cutting through the eyes and nos- trils, parallel to the first plane of section. Transverse sections through the snout may also be prepared to show the positions of tongue and palatine folds before and after the fusion of the latter (Fig. 151). In pig embryos of 20 to 25 mm. the jaws are close together and the mandible usually rests against the breast. Shelf -like folds of the maxillae, the lateral palatine processes, are separated by the tongue and are directed ventrad (Figs. 151 A and 152 A). The median nasal processes also give rise to a single, heart-shaped structure, the median palatine process (Fig. 152). In embryos of 26 to 28 mm. the mandible drops, owing to growth changes, and the tongue is withdrawn from between the palatine processes (Fig. 151 B). With the withdrawal of the tongue the palatine folds bend upward to the horizontal plane, approach each other and fuse to form the palate, thus cutting off the nasal passages from the primitive oral cavity (Fig. 152 B}. The primitive choanae (cf. Fig. 153), formed by rupture of the membrane separating the olfactory pits from the oral cavity, now lead into the nasal passages, which in turn communicate with the pharynx by secondary, permanent choancs. At the point in the median line where the lateral and median palatine processes meet, fusion is not complete, leaving DEVELOPMENT OF THE PALATE 149 Nasal septu Lateral palatine process Nasal septum Lateral palatine process Mandible Turbinate anlage '- — Tongue FlG. 151. — Sections through the jaws of pig embryos, to show the development of the palate. X 8. A, 22 mm.; B, 34 mm. Median palatine process Lateral palatine process Internal choance Oral cavity Median palatine process Rapke of lateral palatine process Nasal passage Anlage of uvula A B FIG. 152. — Dissections to show the development of the hard palate in pig embryos. X 5- A, The upper jaw and palatine processes of a 22 mm. embryo in ventral view; B, Fusion of palatine processes in a 35 mm. embryo. THE DISSECTION OF PIG EMBRYOS the incisive fossa, and laterad between the two processes openings persist for some time, which are known as the incisive canals (of Stenson). In human embryos these changes are essentially identical (Fig. 153). The lateral palatine processes begin to fuse cranio-caudally at about the end^of.the second month. At the same time, palatine bones first appear in Median palatine process Processus 'globularis ' (Median nasal process) Lateral palatine process Maxillary process FIG- X53- — The roof of the mouth of a human embryo about ten weeks old, showing the development of the palate (after His). X 9. In the roof of the mouth are the openings of the primitive choanae. the lateral palatine folds and thus form the hard palate. Caudally, the bones do not develop, and this portion of the folds forms the soft palate and the uvula (Fig. 152). The unfused backward prolongations of the pala- tine folds give rise to the pharyngo-palatine arches, which are taken in adult anatomy as the boundary line between the oral cavity proper and the pharynx. Nasal septum \ Proliferating cells Lateral palatine process Mandible FIG. 154. — Section through the jaws of a 25 mm. pig embryo, to show the change in the position of the palatine processes with reference to the tongue. After the withdrawal of the tongue, the lateral palatine processes take up a horizontal position and their edges are approximated because the cells on the ventral sides of the folds proliferate more rapidly than those of the dorsal side (Schorr, 1908). That the change in position of the palatine folds is not mechanical, but due to unequal growth, may be seen in Fig. 154, a section through the palatine folds of a pig embryo that shows the right DEVELOPMENT OF THE TONGUE 151 palatine fold in a horizontal position, although the left fold projects ventral to the dorsum of the tongue. A region of cellular proliferation may be seen on the under side of each process. Anomalies. — The lateral palatine processes occasionally fail to unite in the middle line, producing a defect known as cleft palate. The extent of the defect varies considerably, in some cases involving only the soft palate, while in other cases both soft and hard palates are cleft. It may also be associated with hare lip. DEVELOPMENT OF THE TONGUE The development of the tongue may be studied from dissections of pig embryos 6, 9, and 13 mm. long. As the pharynx is bent nearly at right angles, it is necessary to cut away its roof by two pairs of sections p'assing in different planes. The first plane of section cuts through the eye and first two branchial arches just above the cervical sinus (Fig. 155, I.), From the surface, the razor blade should be directed obliquely dorsad in cutting to ward the median line. Cuts in this plane should be made from either side. In the same way make sections on each side in a plane forming an obtuse angle with the first section and passing dorsal to the cervical sinus (II). Now sever the remaining portion of the head from the body by a transverse section in a plane parallel to the first (III). Place the ventral portion of the head in a watch glass of alcohol, and, under the dissecting microscope, re- move that part of the preparation cranial to the mandibular arches. Looking down upon the floor of the pharynx, remove any portions of the lateral pharyngeal wall which may still interfere with a ^ I55._Lateral view of the clear view of the pharyngeal arches, as seen in head of a ? mm pig embryo The Figs. 98 and 156. Permanent mounts of the three three lines indicate the planes of sec- stages mentioned above may be made and used tions to be made in dissecting the for study by the student. tongue as described in the text. The tongue develops as two distinct portions, the body and the root, separated from each other by a V-shaped groove, the sulcus terminalis. In both human and pig embryos the body of the tongue is represented by three anlages that appear in front of the second branchial arches. These are the median, somewhat triangular tuberculum impar, and the paired lateral swellings of the first, or mandibular arches, all of which are present in human embryos of 5 mm. (Figs. 98 and 157 A}. At this stage, a median ventral elevation formed by the union of the second branchial arches (and, according to some workers, the third as well) constitutes the copula. This, with the portions of the second arches lateral to it, forms later the base, or root, of the tongue. Between it and the tuberculum impar is the point of evagination of the thyreoid gland. The copula also connects the tuber- culum impar with a rounded prominence that is developed in the mid- ven- tral line from the bases of the third and fourth branchial arches. This is the anlage of the epiglottis. THE DISSECTION OF PIG EMBRYOS In later stages (Fig. 156 A and B) the lateral mandibular anlages, bounded laterally by the alveolo-lingual grooves, increase rapidly in size Branchial Tubercul rial arch i IMP JB9J um impar ^E^H Branchial arch 2 Branchial arch 3 Branchial arch 4 Arytenoid ridge s£ — \ — xJL-^ •Lateral lingual anlage Branchial arch i Lateral lingual anlage Branchial arch 3 Branchial arch 4 Arytenoid ridge Tuberculum impar FIG. 156. — Dissections showing the development of the tongue in pig embryos. X 12. A, 9 mm. embryo; B, 13 mm. embryo. and fuse with the tuberculum impar, which lags behind in development, and, according to Hammar atrophies completely. The epiglottis becomes Lateral tongue swellings Thvreoid diverticulum Lateral tongue swellings A B FIG. 157. — The development of the tongue in human embryos. A, 5 mm.; B, 7 mm. (modified from Peters). larger and concave on its ventral surface. Caudal to it, and in early stages continuous with it, are two thick rounded folds, the arytenoid ridges. Between these is the slit-like glottis leading into the larynx (see p. 167). DEVELOPMENT OF THE SALIVARY GLANDS 153 The foregoing account applies to the early origin of the mucous membrane alone. The musculature of the tongue is supplied chiefly by the hypoglossal nerve, and both nerve and muscles belong historically to the postbranchial region. If not in the development of each present-day embryo, at leasb in the past the musculature has migrated cephalad and invad- ed the branchial region beneath the mucous membrane (cf. p. 320). At the same time, the tongue may be said to extend caudad until its root is covered by the epithelium of the third and fourth branchial arches. This is shown by the fact that the sensory portions of the nn. trigeminus andfacialis, the nerves of the first and second arches, supply the body of the tongue, while the nn. glossopharyngeus and vagus, the nerves of the third and fourth arches, supply the root and the caudal portion of the body of the tongue. Anomalies. — Faulty development or incomplete fusion of the several anlages causes variable degrees of absence or bifurcation of the tongue. In fetuses of 50 to 60 mm. (CR) the fungiform and filiform papilla; may be distinguished as elevations of the epithelium. Taste buds appear in the fungiform papillae of 100 mm. (CR) fetuses and are much more numerous in the fetus than in the adult. The vallate papilla (Fig. 158 A) develop on a V-shaped epithelial ridge, the apex of the V corresponding to A B C FIG. 158. — Diagrams showing the development of the vallate papillae of the tongue (Graberg in McMurrich). a, Valley; b, von Ebner's gland. the site of the thyreoid evagination (foramen caecum). At intervals along the epithelial ridges, circular epithelial downgrowths occur (85 mm. CR) which take the form of inverted and hollow truncated cones (Fig. 158). During the fourth month circular clefts appear in the epithelial down- growths, thus separating the walls of the vallate papillae from the surround- ing epithelium and forming the trench from which this type -of papilla derives its name. At the same time, lateral outgrowths arise from the bases of the epithelial cones, hollow out and form the ducts and glands of Ebner. The taste buds of the vallate papillae are also formed early, appearing in embryos of three months. Foliate papilla probably develop at about six months. DEVELOPMENT OF THE SALIVARY GLANDS The glands of the mouth are all regarded as derivatives of the ecto- dermal epithelium. They complete their differentiation only after birth. The parotid is the first to appear. Its anlage has been observed in 8 mm. embryos, near the angle of the mouth, as a keel-like flange in the floor of the alveolo-buccal (i.e., jaw-cheek) groove (Hammar). The 154 THE DISSECTION OF PIG EMBRYOS flange elongates, and, in embryos of 17 mm., separates from the parent epithelium, forming a tubular structure that opens into the mouth cavity near the front end of the original furrow. The tube grows back into the region of the external ear, branches, and forms the gland in this region, while the stem portion of the tube becomes the parotid duct. Acinus cells are present at five months. The submaxillary gland arises at 1 1 mm. as an epithelial ridge in the alveolo-lingual (i.e., jaw-tongue) groove, its cephalic end located caudal to the frenulum of the tongue. The caudal end of the ridge soon begins to separate from the epithelium and extends caudad and ventrad into the submaxillary region, where it enlarges and branches to form the gland proper; its cephalic unbranched portion, persisting as the duct, soon hol- lows out. The sublingual gland develops in 24 mm. embryos as several solid evaginations of epithelium from the alveolo-lingual groove (Fig. 163): This group, usually regarded as a sublingual gland, really consists of the sublingual proper, with its ductus major and of about ten equivalent alveolo-lingual glands. Mucin cells have appeared by the sixteenth week. DEVELOPMENT OF THE TEETH The teeth have a double origin. The enamel is from ectoderm, the dentine and cement me.sodermal. Enamel Organ. — There first appears in embryos of about 1 1 mm. an ectodermal downgrowth, the dental ridge, or lamina, on the future alveolar portions of the upper and lower jaws (Fig. 159). These laminae are parallel and mesial to the labial grooves. At intervals, on each curved dental Lower lip Mandible Labial fioij^sgKggffiF-"' Dental papilla .•.-.;.:....•...,:•-•-- " Dental lamina A B f FIG. 159. — Early stages in the development of the teeth (Rose). A, at 17 mm. (>V9o); B, at 41 mm. (X 45). lamina, a series of thickenings develop, the anlages of the enamel organs, which will form enamel and serve as the molds of the future teeth (Fig. 1 60). Soon, the ventral side of each enamel organ becomes concave (40 mm. C H) forming an inverted cup, and the concavity is occupied by dense mesenchymal tissue, the dental papilla, or anlage of the dentine and pulp DEVELOPMENT OF THE TEETH 155 (Figs. 159 B and 161). An enamel organ with dental papilla forms the anlage of each tooth (Fig. 162). Ten such anlages of the decidual, or milk teeth are present in the upper jaw and ten in the lower jaw of a 40 mm. fetus (Fig. 165) . Their connection with the dental ridge is eventually lost. The internal -cells of the enamel organs are at first compact, but later, by the development of an intercellular matrix, the cells separate, forming Oral epithelium Enamel organ A\ Dental groove I ^X / y*J^ I x^/ /^fe\ '» ^W ^/^W^^tf // // _^^ \; /^^-^ I/^T™\ ^^«^ IMM^ >>r \/ vb^5S^ "a Pa#*tt« Enamel organs ^cks °f enamd or£ans ABC D FIG. 1 60. — Diagrams showing the early development of three teeth, one in section (Lewis and Stohr). Dental lamina Epidermis Outer enamel layer Enamel pulp Inner enamel layer Dental papilla FIG. 161. — Section through an upper incisor from a 65 mm. human fetus. X 7°- a reticulum resembling mesenchyme, termed the enamel pulp (Fig. 161). The outer enamel cells, at first cuboidal, flatten out and later form a fibrous layer. The inner enamel cells bound the cup-shaped concavity of the enamel organ. Over the crown of the tooth, these cells, the ameloblasts, become slender and columnar in form, producing the enamel layer of the 156 THE DISSECTION OF PIG EMBRYOS tooth along their basal ends (Fig. 163). The enamel is laid down first as an uncalcified fibrillar layer which later becomes calcified in the form of enamel prisms, one for each ameloblast. The enamel is formed first at the apex of the crown of the tooth and extends downward toward the root. The enamel cells about the future root of the tooth remain cuboidal or Tip of tongue F.pidermis of lip •&jHr.:.;*. ^ .r fl>— *-.jj Enamel organ of tooth S ubmaxillary duct — *~ ^a? .^'^L/- -. \P&J3$ — - Sublingital duct — » ^ ^ ^r~—— — JL^___Dental papilla r&m^*$&- I — -^' J Meckel's cartilage Bone of mandible FIG. 162. — Parasagittal section through the mandible and tongue of a 65 mm. human fetus, showing the relations of the first incisor anlage. X 14. ^Enamel pulp--- Inner enamel layer (ameloblasts) Enamel prisms Denfine and dentinal fibers Odontoblasts Dental pulp—-- FIG. 163.- -Section through a portion of the crown of a developing tooth, showing the various layers (after Tourneux in Heisler). low columnar in form, come into contact with the outer enamel cells, and the two layers constitute the epithelial sheath of the root ; it does not pro- duce enamel prisms (Fig. 164). The Dental Papilla. — The outermost cells of the dental papilla, at the end of the four.th month, arrange themselves as a definite layer of columnar epithelium. Since they produce the dentine, or dental bone, DEVELOPMENT OF THE TEETH these cells are known as odontoblasts (Fig. 164). When the dentine layer is developed, the odontoblast cells remain internal to it, but branched processes from them (the dentinal fibers of Tomes) extend into the dentine and occupy the dental canaliculi (Fig. 163). Internal to the odontoblast layer, the mesenchymal cells differentiate into the dental pulp, popularly Dental sac Outer layer Inner layer Dentine Odontoblasts Dental papilla (future pulp) Blood vessel Epithelial sheath Bony trabecula of jaw FIG. 164. — Longitudinal section of a decidual tooth of a newborn dog. X 42. Above the enamel, on either side, are artificial shrinkage spaces. (Lewis and Stohr). known as the 'nerve' of the tooth. This is composed of a framework of reticular tissue in which are found blood vessels, lymphatics, and nerve fibers. The odontoblast layer persists throughout life and intermittently lays down dentine, so that eventually the root canal may be obliterated. The Dental Sac. — The mesenchymal tissue surrounding the anlage of 158 THE DISSECTION OF PIG EMBRYOS the tooth gives rise to a dense outer layer and a more open inner layer of fibrous connective tissue. These layers form the dental sac (Fig. 164). Over the root of the tooth a layer of osteoblasts, or bone forming cells, de- velops, and, the epithelial sheath formed by the enamel layers having disintegrated, these osteoblasts deposit about the dentine a layer of spe- cialized bone, known as the cement. The cement layer contains typical bone cells but no Haversian systems. As the tooth grows and fills the alveolus, the dental sac becomes a thin, vascular layer, the peridental membrane. This has fibrous attachments to both the alveolar bone and the cement of the tooth. When the crown of the tooth is fully developed the enamel organ disintegrates, and, as the roots of the teeth continue to grow, their crowns Labial roove Dental lamina FIG. 165. — Dental lamina and anlages of the upper milk teeth in a (Rose). 115 mm. human fetus sixth to eighth month. eighth to twelfth month. approach the surface and break through the gums. The periods of eruption of the various milk, or decidual teeth vary with race, climate, and nutritive conditions. Usually these teeth are cut in the following sequence : Median Incisors Lateral Incisors First Molars .................. ......... ... twelfth to sixteenth month. Canines .................................. seventeenth to twentieth month. Second Molars ........................... twentieth to thirty-sixth month. The permanent teeth develop precisely like the temporary set. The anlages of those permanent teeth which correspond to the decidual, or milk teeth, are developed in another series along the free edge of the den- tal lamina (Fig. 160 D) and come to lie mesad of the decidual teeth (Fig. 1 66). In addition, the anlages of three permanent molars are developed on each side, both above and below, from a backward or aboral extension DEVELOPMENT OF THE TEETH 159 Of the dental lamina, entirely free from the oral epithelium (Fig. 165.) The anlages of the first permanent molars appear at seventeen weeks (180 mm. C H), those of the second molars at six weeks after birth, while the anlages of the third permanent molars, or wisdom teeth, are not found until the fifth year. The permanent dentition of thirty-two teeth is then- complete. Before the permanent teeth begin to erupt, the roots of the milk teeth undergo partial resorption, their dental pulp dies, and they are Permanent second molar " Deciduous molars - Mandibular canal — Permanent first mola' Permanent premolars Permanent canine Mental foramen Permanent incisors FIG. 1 66. — Skull of a five-year-old child, showing the positions of the decidual and permanent teeth (Sobotta-McMurrich). eventually shed. Toward the sixth year, before the shedding of the deciduous teeth begins, each jaw may contain twenty-six teeth (Fig. 166). The permanent teeth are cut as follows : First Molars Median Incisors Lateral Incisors First Premolars Second Premolars Canine \ Second Molars / Third Molars (Wisdom Teeth) . . . seventh year. . eighth year. . ninth year. . tenth year. . eleventh year. . thirteenth to fourteenth year. . seventeenth to fortieth year. 160 THE DISSECTION OF PIG EMBRYOS The teeth of vertebrates are homologues of the placoid scales of elasmobranch fishes (sharks and skates). The teeth of the shark resemble enlarged scales, and many genera- tions of teeth are produced in the adult fish. In some mammalian embryos three, or even four, dentitions are present. The primitive teeth of mammals are of the canine type, and from this conical tooth the incisors and molars have arisen. Just how the cusped tooth differentiated — whether by the fusion of originally separate units, or by the development of cusps on a single primitive tooth — is debated. Anomalies. — Dental anomalies are frequent and may consist in the congenital absence of some or all of the teeth, or in the production of more than the normal number. Defect- ive teeth are frequently associated with hare lip. Cases have been noted in which, owing to defect of the enamel organ, the enamel was entirely wanting. Third dentitions have been recorded, and occasionally fourth molars may be developed behind the wisdom teeth. CHAPTER VII THE ENTODERMAL CANAL AND ITS DERIVATIVES: THE BODY CAVITIES WHEN the head- and tail folds of the embryo develop, there are formed, both cranial and caudal to the spherical vitelline sac, blind entodermal tubes, the fore- gut and kind-gut respectively (Figs. 79, 255 and 167,4). The region between these intestinal tubes, open ventrally into Pharynx Pharyngeal membrane Cloacal membrane Allantois Cloaca FIG. 167. — Diagrams showing in median sagittal section the human alimentary canal. X 35- A, 2 mm. embryo (modified after His); B, 2.5 mm. embryo (after Thompson). the yolk sac, is sometimes termed the mid-gut. As the embryo and the yolk sac at first grow more rapidly than the connecting region between them, this region is apparently constricted and becomes the yolk stalk, or vitelline duct. At either end the entoderm comes into contact ven- trally with the ectoderm. Thus there are formed the pharyngeal membrane of the foregut and the cloacal membrance of the hind-gut. In 2 mm. 11 161 1 62 THE ENTODERMAL CANAL AND THE BODY CAVITIES embryos the pharyngeal membrane separates the ectoderma mouth cavity, or stomod&um, from the pharyngeal cavity of the fore-gut. In front of the membrane is the ectodermal diverticulum, Rathkes pouch. In 2.5 to 3 mm. embryos (Fig. 167 B) the pharyngeal membrane ruptures and the stomodaeum and pharynx become continuous. The original blind termination of the fore-gut apparently forms SeesseVs pouch, a temporary landmark of no special significance. The fore-gut later forms part of the oral cavity and is futher dif- ferentiated into the pharynx and its derivatives, and into the esophagus, respiratory organs, stomach, duodenum, jejunum, and a portion of the ileum. From the duodenum arise the liver and pancreas. The hind-gut, beginning at the attachment of the yolk stalk extends caudally to the cloaca, into which the allantois opens in 2 mm. embryos. The hind-gut is differentiated into the ileum, caecum, colon, and rectum. The cloaca is subdivided into the rectum and urogenital sinus (for its development see Chapter VIII). At the same time the cloacal membrane is separated into a urogenital membrane and into an anal membrane. The latter eventually ruptures, forming the anus. The yolk stalk usually loses its connection with the entodermal tube in embryos of about 7 mm. (Fig. 179). We have seen how the palatine processes divide the primitive oral cavity into the nasal passages and mouth cavity of the adult, and have described the development of the tongue, teeth, and salivary glands — organs derived wholly of in part from the ectoderm. It remains to trace the development of the entodermal pharynx and intestinal tract, and their derivatives. THE PHARYNGEAL POUCHES There are developed early from the lateral wall of the pharynx paired entodermal outgrowths which are formed in succession cephalo-caudad. In 4 to 5 mm. embryos, five pairs of such pharyngeal pouches are present, the fifth pair being rudimentary (Figs. 86 and 87). Meantime, the pharynx has been flattened dorso-ventrally and broadened laterally and cephalad, so that it is triangular in ventral view (Figs. 87 and 168). From each pharyngeal pouch develop small dorsal and large ventral diverticula. All five pouches come into contact with the ectoderm of corresponding branchial grooves, fuse with it, and form the closing plates. Although the closing plates become perforate in human embryos only occasionally, these pouches, neverthless, are homologous to the functional branchial clefts of fishes and tailed amphibia. The first and second pharyngeal pouches soon connect with the pharyngeal cavity through wide common openings. The third and fourth pouches grow laterad and their diverticula communicate with the pharynx through narrow ducts in 10 to THE TONSIL 12 mm. embryos (Fig. 168). When the cervical sinus (p. 91) is formed, the ectoderm of the second, third, and fourth branchial clefts is drawn out to produce the transient branchial and cervical ducts and the cervical vesicle. These are fused at the closing plates with the entoderm of the second, third, and fourth pharyngeal pouches. The fate of these entodermal pouches is varied and spectacular. The first differentiates into the tympanic cavity of the middle ear and into Branchial duct 2 Epithelial body of jd pouch Branchial groove 1 Cervical sinus Cervical vesicle Thymus anlage Parathyreoid of jth pouch Pharyngeal pouch i Pharyngeal pouch 2 Pharyngeal pouch j Pharyngeal pouch 4 Pharyngeal pouch 5 Esophagus Epical bud of right lung Stomach Dorsal pancreas FIG. 1 68. — A reconstruction of the pharynx and fore-gut of an 1 1.7 mm. human embryo, seen in dorsal view (after Hammar). The ectodermal structures are stippled. the auditory (Eustachian) tube. The second becomes the palatine tonsil in part. The third, fourth, and fifth pouches give rise to a series of ductless glands, the thymus, parathyreoids, and the ultimobranchial bodies. THE TONSIL By the growth and lateral expansion of the pharynx, the second pouch is absorbed into the pharyngeal wall, its dorsal angle alone persisting, to be transformed into the tonsillar and supratonsillar fosses. A mound of mesodermal lymphoid tissue presses against the epithelium of the tonsillar fossae in 140 (CR?) fetuses. This association constitutes the palatine tonsil. Crypts arise by the hollowing of solid epithelial ingrowths. i64 THE ENTODERMAL CANAL AND THE BODY CAVITIES A subepithelial infiltration of lymphocytes during the sixth month gives rise to the median pharyngeal tonsil, which like the lingual tonsil is not of pharyngeal pouch origin. Immediately caudad is a recess, the pharyngeal bursa, formed by a protracted connection of the epithelium with the notochord (Huber). It bears no relation to Seesel's pouch. According to Hammar, the lateral pharyngeal recess of (Rosenmuller) is not a persistent portion of the second pouch, as His asserted. Anomalies. — Imperfect closure of the branchial clefts (usually the second) leads to the formation of cysts, diverticula, or even fistulas. THE THYMUS The thymus anlage appears in 10 mm. embryos as a ventral and medial prolongation of the third pair of pouches (Figs. 168 and 169). The ducts connecting the diverticula with the pharynx soon disappear so that the thymus anlages are set free. At first hollow tubes, they soon lose their cavities and their lower ends enlarge and migrate caudally into the thorax, Foramen cacum Palatine tonsil -*&% n Parathyreoid anlages Thyreoglossal duct Thyrcoid anlage Thymus anlages I *^ Trachea Ultim abranchial body FIG. 169. — Diagram of the pharynx and its derivatives. (Modified after Groschuff and Kohn.) I-V, first to fifth pharyngeal pouches. usually passing ventral to the left vena anonyma. Their upper ends become attentuate and atrophy, but may persist as an accessory thymus lobe (Kohn). The enlarged lower ends of the anlages form the body of the gland, which is thus a paired structure (Fig. 170). At 50 mm. (CR) the thymus still contains solid cords and small closed vesicles of entodermal cells. From this stage on, in development, the gland becomes more and more lymphoid in character. Its final position is in the thorax, dorsal to the cranial end of the sternum. It grows under normal conditions until puberty, after which its involution begins. This process proceeds slowly in healthy individuals, rapidly in case of disease. True atrophy of the parenchyma enters at about the fiftieth year. The ventral diverticulum of the fourth pouch is a rudimentary thymic anlage. It usually atrophies. ULTIMOBRANCHIAL OR POSTBRANCHIAL BODIES 165 It is now generally believed that the entodermal epithelium of the thymus is converted into reticular tissue and thymic corpuscles. The latter are the atrophic and hyalinized remains of embryonic tubules and cords (Marine, 1915). The lymphoid cells were regarded by Stohr as entodermal in origin, but most observers derive them from the mesoderm. Jugular Carotid Carotid vein artery artery Jugular vein Thyraud \-\%\ A Mi Fi Thyreoid Parathyreoid IV. ~ V\^L i^f^f— Parathyreoid IV. Parathyroid III. V»«f5^P7/I/ Parathyreoid III. Thymus - Superior vena cava FIG. 1 70. — Reconstruction of the thymus, thyreoid and parathyreoid glands in a 26 mm. human embryo (after Tourneaux and Verdun). X 15. THE PARATHYREOID GLANDS The dorsal diverticula of the third and fourth pharyngeal pouches each give rise to a small mass of epithelial cells termed a parathyreoid gland (Fig. 169). Two pairs of these bodies are thus formed, and, with the atrophy of the ducts of the pharyngeal pouches, they are set free and migrate caudal ward. They eventually lodge in the dorsal surface of the thyreoid gland, the pair from the third pouch lying one on each side at the caudal border of the thyreoid in line with the thymus anlages (Fig. 1 70). The pair of parathyreoids derived from the fourth pouches are located on each side near the cranial border of the thyreoid. Their solid bodies are broken up into masses and cords of polyhedral entodermal cells intermingled with blood vessels. In postfetal life, lumina may appear in the cell masses and fill with a colloid-like secretion. THE ULTIMOBRANCHIAL OR POSTBRANCHIAL BODIES The ultimobranchial body is the derivative of the fifth pharyngeal pouch (Fig. 169). By the atrophy of the ducts of the fourth pouches they are set fra and migrate caudad with the parathyreoids. Each forms a hollow^esicle which has been erroneously termed the lateral thyreoid. According to Grosser and Verdun, it takes no part in forming thyreoid tissue, but atrophies. Kingsbury (1915) denies the origin of the ultimobranchial body from any specific pouch, and asserts it is "merely formed by a continued growth activity in the branchial entoderm." 1 66 THE ENTODERMAL CANAL AND THE BODY CAVITIES THE THYREOID GLAND In embryos with five to six primitive segments (1.4 mm), there appears in the mid-ventral wall of the pharynx, between the first and second branchial arches, a small out-pocketing, the thyreoid anlage. In 2.5 mm. embryos it has become a stalked vesicle (Figs. 167 B an(i 87). Its stalk, the thyreoglossal duct, opens at the aboral border of the tuber- culum impar of the tongue (Figs. 157 A); this spot is represented perma- nently by the foramen caecum (Fig. 180). The duct soon atrophies and the bilobed gland anlage (Fig. 169) loses its lumen and breaks up into irregular, solid, anastomosing plates of tissue as it migrates caudad. It takes up a transverse position with a lobe on each side of the trachea and larynx (Fig. 170). In embryos of 24 mm., discontinuous lumina begin to appear in swollen portions of the plates; these represent the primitive thyreoid follicles (Norris.) Anomalies — Persistent portion of the thyreoglossal duct may form cysts or even fistulae. THE LARYNX, TRACHEA AND LUNGS In embryos of 23 segments, the anlage of the respiratory organs appears as a groove in the floor of the entodermal tube, just caudal to^the Trachea Respiratory anlage Esophagus Trachea Trachea Apical bu Primary bronchus ' Ventral bud Esophagus FIG. 171. — Diagrams of stages in the early development of the trachea and lungs of human embryos (based on reconstructions by Bremer, Broman, Grosser, and Narath). X about 50. A, 2.5 mm.; B, 4 mm.; C, stage B in side view; D, 5 mm.; E, 7 mm. pharyngeal pouches. This groove produces an external ridge on the ventral wall of the tube, a ridge which becomes larger and rounded at its caudal end (Fig. 171). The laryngo-tracheal groove and the ridge are the LARYNX, TRACHEA AND LUNGS l67 FIG. 172. — Entrance to larynx in a 15 to 1 6 mm. human embryo (from Kallius). X 15. p, Pharyngo-epiglottic fold; e, epiglottic fold ; I.e., lateral part of epiglottis; cun., cuneiform tubercle; corn., corniculate tubercule. b.l. anlages of the larynx and trachea. The rounded end of the ridge is the unpaired anlage of the lungs. Externally, two lateral longitudinal grooves mark off the dorsal esophagus from the ventral respiratory anlages. The lung anlage rapidly increases in size, and becomes bilobed in em- bryos of 4 to 5 mm. A fusion of the lateral furrows progressing cephalad, constricts first the lung anlages and then the trachea from the esophagus. At the same time the laryngeal portion of the groove and ridge advances cranially until it lies between the fourth branchial arches (Fig. 87). At 5 mm. the respiratory apparatus consists of the laryngeal groove and ridge, the tubular trachea, and the two lung buds (Fig. 711 D). The Larynx. — In embryos of 5 to 6 mm. the oral end of the laryngeal groove is bounded on either side by two rounded prominences, the arytenoid swellings, which, continuous orally with a transverse ridge, form the furcula of His (Fig. 157 B). The transverse ridge becomes the epiglottis, and, as we saw in con- nection with the development of the tongue, it is derived from the third and fourth branchial arches. In embryos of 15 mm. the ary- tenoid swellings are bent near the middle. Their caudal portions become parallel, while their ceph- alic portions diverge nearly at right angles (Fig. 172). The glottis, opening into the larynx, thus be- comes T-shaped and ends blindly, as the laryngeal epithelium has fused. In 40 mm. (CR) fetuses this fusion is dissolved, the ary- tenoid swellings are withdrawn from contact with the epiglottis, and the entrance to the larynx becomes oval in form (Fig. 173). At 27 mm. the ventricles of the larynx appear, and, at 37 mm. (CR), their margins indicate the position of the vocal cords. The elastic and muscle fibers of the cords are developed by the fifth month. pl.pt>.* - f.i.a _. FIG. 173. — The larynx of 160 to 230 mm. human fetus (Soulie and Bardier). X 6. b.l.., Base of tongue; e., epiglottis; f.i.a., interary- tenoid fissure; o.l., orifice of larynx ; pl.a.e., plica ary-epiglottica; pl.ph.e., plica pharyngo- epiglottica: cun., cuneiform tubercle; corn., corniculate tubercle. 1 68 THE ENTODERMAL CANAL AND THE BODY CAVITIES At the end of the sixth week the cartilaginous skeleton of the larynx is indicated by surrounding condensations of mesenchyme. The cartilage of the epiglottis appears rela- tively late. The thyreoid cartilage is formed as two lateral plates, each of which has two centers of chondrification. These plates grow ventrad and fuse in the median plane. The anlages of the cricoid and arytenoid cartilages are at first continuous. Later, sepa- rate cartilage centers develop for the arytenoids. The cricoid is at first incomplete dorsad, but eventually forms a complete ring. The cricoid may therefore be regarded as a modi- fied tracheal ring. The corniculate cartilages represent separated portions of the aryte- noids. The cuneiform cartilages are derived from the cartilage of the epiglottis. The Trachea. — This gradually elongates during development and its columnar epithelium becomes ciliated. Muscle fibers and the anlages of the cartilaginous rings appear at 17 mm. The glands develop as ingrowths of the epithelium during the last five months of fetal life. FIG. 174. — Ventral and dorsal views of the lungs from a human embryo of about 9 mm. (after Merkel). Ap., Apical bronchus; Di, D2, etc., dorsal, Vi. Vj, ventral bronchi; Jc. infracardiac bronchus. The Lungs. — Soon after the lung anlages, or stem buds, are formed (in 5 mm. embryos), the right bronchial bud becomes larger and is directed more caudally (Fig. 171). At 7 mm. the stem bronchi give rise to two bronchial buds on the right side, to one on the left. The smaller bronchial bud on the right side is the apical bud. The right and left chief buds, known as ventral bronchi, soon bifurcate. There are thus formed three bronchial rami on the right side two on the left, and these correspond to the primitive lobes of the lungs (Figs. 168 and 174). On the left side, an apical bud is interpreted as being derived from the first ventral bronchus (Fig. 174). It develops later and remains small so that a lobe corresponding to the upper lobe of the right lung is not developed (Narath). The upper lobe of the left lung thus would correspond to the upper and middle lobes of the right lung. The bronchial anlages continue to branch in such a way that the stem bud is retained as the main bronchial stem (Fig. 1 74). That is, the branch- ing is monopodial, not dichotomous, lateral buds being given off from the stem bud proximal to its growing tip. Only in the later stages of develop- LARYNX, TRACHEA AND LUNGS 169 ment has dichotomous branching of the bronchi and the formation of two equal buds been described. Such buds, formed dichotomously.^do not remain of equal size (Flint) . Mediastinum PI euro-peritoneal membran> Visceral pleura^ Coronary ligament Inferior vena cava Parietal pleura Plenral cavity Pleura-peritoneal membrane Esophagus Sinusoids of liver Ductus venosus Falciform ligamcn Wall of umbilical cord FIG. 175. — Transverse section through the lungs and pleural cavities of a 10 mm. human embryo. X 23. The entodermal anlages of the lungs and trachea are developed in a median mass of mesenchyme dorsal and crainial to the peritoneal cavity. This tissue forms a broad mesentery termed the mediastinum (Fig. 175). The right and left stem buds of the. lungs grow out laterad, carry- ing with them folds of the mesoderm. The branching of the bronchial buds takes place within this tissue which is covered by the mesothelial lining of the body cavity. The terminal branches of the bronchi are lined with ento- dermal cells ; these flatten out and Pulmonary artery , ^^ Pulmonary vein XV? -':'^N, FIG. 176. — Ventral view of the lungs of a 10.5 mm. embryo, showing the pulmonary arteries and veins (His in McMurrich). X 27. Ep., Apical bronchus; /, //, primary bronchi. form the respiratory epithelium of the adult lungs. The surrounding mesenchyme differentiates into the muscle, connective tissue, and cartilage plates of the lung, tracheal, and bronchial walls. Into it grow blood vessels and nerve fibers. When the pleural cavities are separated from the pericardial and peritoneal cavities, the mesothelium covering 170 THE ENTODERMAL CANAL AND THE BODY CAVITIES the lungs, with the connective tissue underlying it, becomes the visceral pleura. The corresponding layers lining the thoracic wall form the parietal pleura. These layers are derived respectively from the visceral (splanchnic) and parietal (somatic) mesoderm of the embryo. In 1 1 mm. embryos the two pulmonary arteries, from the sixth pair of aortic arches, course lateral then dorsal to the stem bronchi (Fig. 176). The right pulmonary artery passes ventral to the apical bronchus of the right lung. The single pulmonary vein receives two branches from each lung, a larger vein from each lower lobe, a smaller vein from each upper lobe, including the middle lobe of the right side. These four pulmonary branches course ventrad and drain into the pulmonary trunk. When this common stem is taken up into the wall of the left atrium, the four pulmonary veins open directly into the latter. According to Kolliker, the air cells, or alveoli, of the lungs begin to form in the sixth month and their development is completed during pregnancy. Elastic tissue appears during the fourth month in the largest bronchi. The abundant connective tissue found between the bronchial branches in early fetal life becomes reduced in its relative amount as the alveoli of the lungs are developed. Before birth the lungs are small, compact, and possess sharp margins. They lie in the dorsal portion of the pleural cavities. After birth they normally fill with air, ex- panding and completely filling the pleural cavities. Their margins become rounded and the compact fetal lung tissue, which resembles that of a gland in structure, become light and spongy, owing to the enormous increase in the size of the alveoli and blood vessels. Be- cause of the greater amount of blood admitted to the lungs after birth, their weight is suddenly increased. Anomalies. — Variations occur in the size and number of lobes of the lungs; rarely there is a third lobe on the left side. In the most common anomaly involving both esopha- gus and trachea, the esophagus is divided transversely, the trachea opening into the lower segment, while the upper portion ends as a blind sac. THE ESOPHAGUS, STOMACH AND INTESTINE The Esophagus. — -The esophagus in 4 to 5 mm. embryos' is a short tube, flattened laterally, extending from the pharynx to the stomach. It grows rapidly in length, and in 7.5 mm. embryos its diameter decreases both relatively and absolutely (Forssner). At this stage the esophageal epithelium is composed of two layers of columnar cells, but at birth they number nine or ten. In 20 mm. embryos, vacuoles appear in the epithelium and increase the size of the lumen, which, however, is at no time occluded. Glands begin to develop as epithelial ingrowths at 78 mm. (CR). The circular muscle layer is indicated at 10 mm. but the longitudinal muscle fibers do not form a definite layer until 55 mm. (C R). These layers appear in similar time-sequence throughout the entire digestive tract. Anomalies. — There may be atresia. This usually involves fistulous relations with the trachea, as already described (p. -170). THE ESOPHAGUS, STOMACH AND INTESTINE 171 The Stomach. — The stomach appears in embryos of 4 to 5 mm. as a laterally flattened, fusiform enlargement of the fore-gut caudal to the lung anlages (Figs. 177 and 178). Its epithelium is early thicker than that of esophagus and is surrounded by a heavy layer of splanchnic mesoderm. It is attached dorsally to the body wall by its mesentery, the greater amentum, and ventrally to the liver by the lesser amentum (Fig. 190 B). The dorsal border of the stomach both bulges locally to form the fundus, and also grows more rapidly than the ventral wall throughout its extent, thus producing the convex greater curvature. The whole stomach be- comes curved and its cranial end is displaced to the left by the enlarging Pharynx Root of tongue Thyreoid Tip of tongue Rathke's pouch Trachea Stomach Liver Dorsal pancreas Hepatic diverti- culum Yolk stalk Allantois Mesonephric duct • Cloaca Hind-gul FIG. 177. — Median sagittal section of a 5 mm. human embryo, to show the digestive canal (modified after Ingalls). X 14. liver (Fig. 168). This forms a ventral concavity, the lesser curvature, and produces the first flexure of the duodenum. The rapid growth of the gastric wall along its greater curvature also causes the stomach to rotate upon its long axis until its greater curvature, or primitive dorsal wall, lies to the left, its ventral wall, the lesser curvature, to the right (Fig. 201). The original right side is now dorsal, the left side ventral in position, and the caudal, or pyloric end of the stomach is ventral and to the right of its cardiac, or cephalic end. The whole organ extends obliquely across the peritoneal cavity from left to right (cf . Fig. 138). The change in position progresses rapidly and is already completed early in the second month (12 to 15 mm.). The rotation of the stomach explains the asymmetrical position of the vagus nerves of the adult organ, 172 THE ENTODERMAL CANAL AND THE BODY CAVITIES the left nerve supplying the ventral wall of the stomach, originally the left wall, while the right vagus supplies the dorsal wall, originally the right. In 17 mm. embryos the stomach has reached its permanent position, the cardia having descended through about ten segments, the pylorus through six or seven. Tongue Laryngo-tracheal groove Rathke's. pouch Metane phros Mesonephric duct Allantois FIG. 178. — Reconstruction of a 5 mm. human embryo, showing the entodermal canal and its derivatives (His in Kollmann). X 25. Gastric pits are indicated in 16 mm. embryos, and, at 100 mm. (C R), glands cells of the gastric glands are differentiated from the gastric epithelium. The gastric pits num- ber 270,000 at birth but increase by fission to nearly 7 million in the adult. The cardiac glands are developed early (91 mm. (C R) fetuses). At 10 mm. the stomach wall is composed of three layers: the entodermal epithelium, a thick mesenchymal layer, and the peritoneal mesothelium. At 16 mm. the circular muscle layer is indicated by condensed mesenchyma; a heavier ring forms the pyloric sphincter. At 91 mm. (C R) the cardiac region shows a few longitudinal muscle fibers, which become distinct in the pyloric region at 240 mm. (CR). THE ESOPHAGUS. STOMACH AND INTESTINE 173 The Intestine. — -In 5 mm. embryos (Fig. 177), the intestine, beginning at the stomach, consists of the duodenum (from which are given off the hepatic diverticulum and dorsal pancreas), and the cephalic and caudal limbs of the intestinal loop, which bends ventrad and connects with the yolk stalk. Caudally, the intestinal tube expands to form the cloaca. It is supported from the dorsal body wall by the mesentery (Fig. 178). From 5 to 9 mm. the ventral bend of the intestinal loop becomes more marked and the attachment of the yolk stalk to it normally disappears Rathke's pouch Hypophysis (post, lobe) Thyreoid Notochord Pericardium Cloacal membrane Dorsal pancreas Ventral pancreas Urogenital sini4s I -4 — i^e^*\ / 1 \ Peritoneal cavity* Tail gut \ Mesonephric duct Rectum FIG. 179. — Diagram, in median sagittal section, showing the digestive canal of a 9 mm. human embryo (adapted from Mall). X 9- (Fig. 179). At this stage the dorsal pancreatic anlage has been developed from the duodenum, and, in the caudal limb of the intestinal loop, there is formed an enlargement, due to a ventral bulging of the gut wall, that marks the anlage of the ccecum and the boundary line between the large and small intestine. Succeeding changes in the intestine consist: (i) in its torsion and coiling, due to its rapid elongation, and (2) in the differentiation of its several regions. As the gut elongates in 9 to 10 mm. embryos, the intes- 174 THE ENTODERMAL CANAL AND THE BODY CAVITIES tinal loop rotates. As a result, its caudal limb lies at the left and cranial to its cephalic limb (Fig. 179). The small intestine soon lengthens rapidly, and, at 17 mm. (Fig. 180), forms loops within the umbilical cord. This constitutes a normal umbili- cal hernia. Six primary loops occur and these may be recognized in the arrangement of the adult intestine. In embryos of 42 mm. the intestine has returned from the umbilical cord into the abdominal cavity through a rather small aperture; the ccelom of the cord is soon after obliterated . Brain Hypophysis Foramen cacum -Root of tongue Esophagus Trachea -Notochord •Spinal cord Urogenital sinus Anal membrane FIG." 1 80. — Diagrammatic median sagittal section of a 17 mm. human embryo, showing the digestive canal (modified after Mall). X 5- In embryos between 10 and 30 mm., vacuoles appear in the wall of the duodenum and epithelial septa completely block the lumen. The remainder of the small intestine remains open, although vacuoles form in its epithelium. Villi appear as rounded elevations of the epithelium at 23 mm. (Johnson). They begin to form at the cephalic end of the jejunum, and, at 130 mm. (CR), they are found throughout the small intestine (Berry). Intestinal glands appear as ingrowths of the epithelium about the bases of the villi. They develop first in the duodenum at 91 mm. (CR). The duodenum glands (of Brunner) are said to appear during the fourth month (Brand). In embryos of 10 to 12.5 mm. the circular muscle layer of the intestine first forms. The longitudinal muscle layer is not distinct until 75 mm. (CR). THE ESOPHAGUS, STOMACH AND INTESTINE J75 The large intestine, as seen in 9 mm. embryos (Fig. 179), forms a tube extending from the caecum to the cloaca. It does not lengthen so rapidly A B C t~_ FIG. 181. — Three stages showing the development of the digestive tube and the mesen- teries in the human fetus (Tourneux in Heisler).!, Stomach; 2, duodenum; 3, small intestine; 4, colon; 5, yolk stalk; 6, caecum; 7, great omentum; 8, mesoduodenum; 9, mesentery, 10, mesocolon. The arrow points to the orifice of the omental bursa. The ventral mesentery is not shown. as the small intestine, and, when the intestine is withdrawn from the um- bilical cord (at 42 mm. C R), its cranial, or caeca! end lies on the right side Ascending mesocolon Ascending colon Cacum Processus T+jjjj? N^fffo Processus _ vermiformis ^^^ x*^ vermiformis FIG. 182. — The caecum and vermiform process of a human fetus of 50 mm. (Kollmann): A, from the ventral side; B, from the dorsal side. and dorsal to the small intestine (Fig. 181). It extends transversely to the left side as the transverse colon, then, bending abruptly caudad as the i76 THE ENTODERMAL CANAL AND THE BODY CAVITIES descending colon, returns by its iliac flexure to the median plane and forms the rectum. In stages between 100 and 200 mm. (CR) the lengthening of the colon causes the caecum and cephalic end of the colon to descend to- ward the pelvis" (Fig- 181). The ascending colon thus takes the position which it occupies in the adult. The distal end of the caeca! anlage early lags in development, and, at 65 mm. (CR), the vermiform process is distinct from the c&cum. These structures make a sharp U-shaped bend with the colon at 42 mm. (CR), and this flexure gives rise to the colic valve (Toldt) . The circular muscle layer of the large intestine appears first at 23 mm., the longitudinal layer at 75 mm. (C R). In 55 mm. (C R) fetuses villi are present. Glandular secretions and desquamated entodermal cells, together with swallowed amniotic fluid, containing lanugo hairs and vernix caseosa, collect in the fetal intestine. This mass, yellow to brown in color, is known as meconium. At birth the intestine and its contents are perfectly sterile. Anomalies. — The intestine may show atresia. This occurs most often in the duo- denum as a retention of the embryonic occlusion (p. 174). In 2 per cent of all adults there is a persistence of the proximal end of the yolk stalk to form a pouch, Meckel's diverticu- lum of the ileum. This varies between 3 and 9, or more, cm. in length and lies about 80 cm. above the colic valve. It is clinically important as it may cause intestinal strangulation in infants. Congenital umbilical hernia is due either to the continuance of the normally transitory embryonic condition or to a secondary protrusion of the viscera . Other hernias are explained on pp. 195 and 225. THE LIVER In embryos of 2.5 mm. the liver anlage is present as a median ventral outgrowth from the ento- FIG. 183.— Model of the liver anlage of a 4 dermof thefore-gut, just cranial to mm. human embryo (Bremer). X 160. In., the yolk stalk (Fig 167 B) Its S iniC°ntaCt *ick walls enclose a cavity which is continuous with that of the gut. This hepatic diverticulum becomes embedded at once in a mass of splanchnic mesoderm, the septum transversum. Cranially, the septum will contribute later to the formation of the diaphragm ; caudally, in the region of the liver anlage, it becomes the ventral mesentery (Fig. 189). Thus, from the first, the liver is in close relation to the septum trans- THE LIVER 177 versum, and later when the septum becomes a part of the diaphragm the liver remains attached to it. In embryos 4 to 5 mm. long, solid cords of cells proliferate from the ventral and cranial portion of the hepatic diverticulum (Fig. 86). These cords anastomose and form a crescentic mass with wings extending dorsal and lateral to the gut (Fig. 177). This mass, a network of solid trabeculae, is the glandular portion of the liver. The primitive, hollow diverticulum later differentiates into the gall bladder and the large biliary ducts. Referring to Fig. 88, it will be seen that the liver anlage lies between the vitelline veins and is in close proximity to them laterally. The veins send anastomosing branches into the ventral mesentery. The trabeculae of the expanding liver grow between and about these venous plexuses, and FIG. 184. -The trabeculae and sinusoids of the liver in section (after Minot). X 300. Tr. Trabeculas of liver cells; Si., sinusoids. the plexuses in turn make their way between and around the liver cords (Fig. 183). The vitelline veins on their way to the heart are thus sur- rounded by the liver and largely subdivided into a network of vessels termed sinusoids. The endothelium of the sinusoids is closely applied to the cords of liver cells, which, in the early stages, contain no bile capillaries (Fig. 184). The transformation of the vitelline veins into the portal vein and the relations of the umbilical veins to the liver will be treated in Chapter IX. The glandular portion of the liver grows rapidly, and, in embryos of 7 to 8 mm., is connected with the primitive hepatic diverticulum by a single cord of cells only, the hepatic duct (Fig. 185 A). That portion of the hepatic diverticulum distal to the hepatic duct is now differentiated into the terminal, solid gall bladder and its cystic duct. Its proximal portion forms the ductus choledochus. In embryos of 10 mm. (Fig. 185 B], the i78 THE ENTODERMAL CANAL AND THE BODY CAVITIES gall bladder and ducts have become longer and more slender. The hepa- tic duct receives a right and left branch from the corresponding lobes of the liver. The gall bladder is without a lumen up to the 15 mm. stage. Later its cavity appears, surrounded by a wall of high, columnar epithelium. flepatic duct Ductus choledochus Ventral pancreas Gall bladder Cystic dud Cystic duct Ductus choledochus Ventral pancrea •Duodenum Duct of dorsal' pancreas Head of dorsal pancreas ' Duodenum Tail of dorsal pancreas FIG. 185. — Reconstructions showing the development of the hepatic diverticulum and pancreatic anlages. A, 7.5 mm. human embryo (after Thyng), X 50; B, 10 mm. human embryo, X 33- The glandular portion of the liver develops fast and is largest relative to the size of the body at 31 mm. (Jackson). In certain regions the liver tissue undergoes degeneration, and especially is this true in the peripheral FIG. 186. — Diagrams of three stages of the portal and hepatic veins in a growing liver: a, Hepatic side; d, portal side; b and c, successive stages of the hepatic vein; e and/, successive stages of the portal vein (Mall). portion of the left lobe. In general, the external lobes of the liver are moulded under the influence of the fetal vitelline and umbilical trunks. The development of the ligaments of the liver is described on p. 193. THE PANCREAS I79 During the development of the liver the endothelial cells of the sinusoids become stellate in outline, and thus form an incomplete layer. From the second month of fetal life to some time after birth, blood cells are actively developed between the hepatic cells and the endothelium of the sinusoids. At 22 mm. hollow interlobular ducts develop, spreading inward from the hepatic duct along the larger branches of the portal vein. In 44 mm. (C R) fetuses, bile capillaries with cuticular borders are present, most numerous near the interlobular ducts with which some of them connect. At birth, or shortly after, the number of liver cells surrounding a bile capillary is reduced to two, three, or four. Secretion of the bile commences at about the end of the third fetal month. The lobules, or vascular units of the liver, are formed, according to Mall, by the pe- culiar and regular manner in which the veins of the liver branch. The primary branches of the portal vein extend along the periphery of each primitive lobule, parallel to similar branches of the hepatic veins that drain the blood from the center of each lobule (Fig. 186). As development proceeds, each primary branch becomes a stem, giving off on either side secondary branches which bear the same relation to each other and to new lobules as did the primary branches to the first lobule. This process is repeated until thousands of liver lobules are developed. Until the 20 mm. stage, the portal vein alone supplies the liver. The hepatic artery, from the coeliac axis, conies into relation first with the hepatic duct and gall bladder. Later, it grows into the connective tissue about the larger bile ducts and branches of the portal vein, and also supplies the capsule of the liver. Anomalies. — A common anomaly of the liver consists in its subdivision into multiple lobes. Absence or duplication of the gall bladder and of the ducts may occur. In some animals (horse, elephant) the gall bladder is normally absent. THE PANCREAS Two pancreatic anlages are developed almost simultaneously in embryos of 3 to 4 mm. The dorsal pancreas arises as a hollow outpocket- ing of the dorsal duodenal wall, just cranial to the hepatic diverticulum (Fig. 177). At 7.5 mm. it is separated from the duodenum by a slight constriction and extends into the dorsal mesentery (Fig. 185 A). The ventral pancreas develops in the inferior angle between the hepatic diver- ticulum and the gut (Lewis), and its wall is at first continuous with both. With the elongation of the ductus choledochus its origin is transferred to this portion of the diverticulum. Of the two pancreatic anlages, the dorsal grows more rapidly, and, in 10 mm. embryos, forms an elongated structure with a central duct and ii regular nodules upon its surface (Fig. 185 B}. The ventral pancreas is smaller and develops a short, slender duct that opens into the ductus choledochus. When the stomach and duodenum rotate, the pancreatic ducts shift their positions as well. At the same time, growth and bending of the bile duct to the right bring the ventral pancreas into close proximity with the dorsal pancreas (Figs. 185 and 187). In embryos of 20 mm., the tubules of the dorsal and ventral pancreatic anlages interlock (Fig. 187 B}. Eventually, anastomosis takes place be- l8o THE ENTODERMAL CANAL AND THE BODY CAVITIES tween the two ducts, and the duct of the ventral pancreas, plus the distal segment of the dorsal duct, persists as the functional pancreatic duct (of Wirsung) of the adult. The proximal portion of the dorsal pan- creatic duct forms the accessory duct (of Santorini), which remains per- vious, but becomes a tributary of the chief pancreatic duct. The ventral pancreas forms part of the head and uncinate process of the adult gland. The dorsal pancreas takes part in forming the head and uncinate process, and comprises the whole of the body and tail. Accessory pancreatic duct Dorsal pancreatic duct ^Stomackj^ / Dorsal pancreas Dorsal pancreas , Ventral pancreas -«^^i Ventral pancreatic duct lT\ Ventrd Pa^ Bile duct Bife duct Pancreatic duct FIG. 187. — Two stages showing the development of the human pancreas: A, Embryo of 8 mm. ; B, embryo of about 20 mm. (after Kollmann). In 10 mm. embryos the portal vein separates the two pancreatic anlages, and later they partially surround the vein. The alveoli of the gland are developed from the ducts as darkly staining celluar buds in fetuses of 40 to 55 mm. (C R). The islands characteristic of the pancreas also bud from the ducts (and alveoli, Mironescu, 1910) and appear first in the tail at 55 mm. (C R). Owing to the shift in the position of the stomach and duodenum during development, the pancreas takes up a transverse position, its tail extending to the left. To its ventral surface is attached the transverse mesocolon. Anomalies. — The ventral pancreas may arise directly from the intestinal wall, and paired ventral anlages also occur. Accessory pancreases are not uncommon. Both the dorsal and ventral ducts persist in the horse and dog; in the sheep and man the ventral duct becomes of chief importance; in the pig and ox the dorsal duct. THE BODY CAVITIES, DIAPHRAGM AND MESENTERIES The Primitive Ccelom and Mesenteries. — In the Peters embryo the primary mesoderm has already split to form the extra-embryonic ccelom (Fig. 74 C). When the intra-embryonic mesoderm differentiates, numer- ous clefts appear on either side between the somatic and splanchnic layers of mesoderm. These clefts coalesce in the cardiac region and form two elongated pericardial cavities, lateral to the paired, tubular heart. Simi- larly, right and left pleuro- peritoneal cavities are formed between the mesoderm layers caudal to the heart. The paired pericardial cavities THE BODY CAVITIES. DIAPHRAGM AND MESENTERIES 181 Pericardial cavity Surface of fore-gut extend toward the midplane cranial to the heart and communicate with each other (Fig. 188). Laterally they are not continuous with thejixtra^ embryonic caelom, for the head of the embryo separates early from the underlying blastoderm. The pericardial cavities also are prolonged caudally until they open into the pleuro-peritoneal cavities. These in turn communicate laterally with the extra-embryonic ccelom. In an embryo of 2 mm. the coelom thus consists of a U-shaped pericardial cavity, the right and left limbs of which are continued caudally into the paired pleuro-peritoneal cavities ; these extend out into the extra-embryonic coelom. When the head fold and fore-gut of the embryo are developed, the layers of splanchnic mesoderm containing the heart tubes are folded together ventral to the fore-gut and form the ventral mesentery between the gut and the ventral body wall (Fig. 190), Owing to the position of the yolk, sac, the caudal extent of the ventral mesentery is limited. On each side, at the level where the vitello-umbilical trunk (Fig. 88) courses to the heart, the splanchnic mesoderm and the somatic mesoderm are united (cf. Fig. no). Thus is formed the septum transversum, which incompletely partitions the ccelom into a cranial and caudal portion (Fig. 189). Cranial to the septum, the heart is suspended in the ventral mesentery which forms the dorsal and ventral mesocardia (Fig. 190 A). Into the ventral mesentery, caudal to the septum, grows the liver. This portion of the ventral mesentery gives rise dorsally to the lesser amentum of the stomach, and, where it fails to separate from the septum transversum, it forms the ligaments of the liver. Ventrally it persists as the falciform ligament (Fig. 190 B). Dorsal to the gut, the splanchnic mesoderm of each side is folded together in the median sagittal plane to constitute the dorsal mesentery which extends to the caudal end of the digestive canal (Figs. 189 and 190 C}. This suspends the stomach and intestine from the dorsal body wall and is divided into tfie dorsal mesogastrium, or greater omentum of the stomach, the mesoduodenum, the mesentery proper of the small intestine, the mesocolon, and the mesorectum. The covering layers of the viscera, mesenteries, and body wall are continuous with each other and consist of a mesothelium overlying con- • Pleuro-peritoneal canal Entoderm of gut Peritoneal cavity Extra-embryonic coelom Wall of yolk sac FIG. 1 88. — Diagrammatic model of the fore-gut and coelom in an early human embryo, viewed from above and behind (modified after Robinson). 182 THE ENTODERMAL CANAL AND THE BODY CAVITIES nective tissue. The parietal lining is derived from the somatic layer of mesoderm and the visceral covering from the splanchnic layer. Esophagus Pericardial cavity Ventricle of heart Ventral mesocardium Liver _ Ventral mesentery (falciform ligament) Dorsal mesocar- dium Septum transversum Stomach B Ventral mesentery (lesser amentum) Dorsal mesogastrium Dorsal pancreas Mesorectum FIG. 189. — Diagram showing the primitive mesenteries of an early human embryo in median sagittal section. The broken lines (A , B, and C) indicate the level of sections A , B, and C, in Fig. 190. Neural lube Aorta Notochord Postcar- 4 . dinalvein Aori Dorsal mesentery. Fore-gut Lesser amentum Liver Peritoneal cavity Falciform ligament FIG. 190. — Diagrammatic transverse sections of an early human embryo. A, Through the heart and pericardial cavities; B, through the fore-gut and liver; C, through the intestine and peritoneal cavity. The primitive ccelom lies in the horizontal plane, as in Fig.iSS. Coin- cident with the caudal regression of the septum transversum, the peri- cardial cavity is bent ventrad and enlarged (Fig. 191). The ventral THE BODY CAVITIES. DIAPHRAGM AND MESENTERIES mesocardium, attaching the heart to the ventral body wall, disappears and the right and left limbs of the U-shaped cavity become confluent, ventral to the heart. The result is a single, large pericardial chamber, the long axis of which now lies in a dorso-ventral plane nearly at right angles to the plane of the pleuro-peritoneal cavities, and connected with them dorsally by the right and left pleuro-peritoneal canals. The division of the primitive ccelom into separate cavities is accom- plished by the development of three membranes that join in a Y-shaped fashion (Figs. 194 and 195): (i) the septum transfer sum, which separates Pericardial cavity Somj.topl:ure Septum transversu Liver trabeculx Hepatic diverticulnm Yolk stalk Bulhus cordis Dorsal ntesocardium Sinus venosus lateral mesocardium Common cardinal vein Umbilical vein Vitelline vein overlying the stomach Pleuro-peritoneal canal Peritoneal cavity FIG. 191. — Reconstruction cut at tlye left of the median sagittal plane of a 3 mm. human em- bryo, showing the body cavities and septum trans versum (Kollmann). incompletely the pericardial and pleural cavities from the peritoneal cavities; (2) the paired pleuro- pericardial membranes, which complete the division between pericardial and pleural cavities; (3) the paired pleuro-peritoneal membranes, which complete the partition between each pleural cavity, containing the lung, and the peritoneal cavity, which con- tains the abdominal viscera. The Septum Transversum. — The vitelline veins, on their way to the heart, course in the splanchnic mesoderm lateral to the fore-gut. In embryos of 2 to 3 mm. these large vessels bulge into the ccelom until they meet and fuse with the somatic mesoderm (Figs. 88 and no). Thus there is formed caudal to the heart a transverse partition filling the space be- tween the sinus venosus of the heart, the gut, and the ventral body wall, and separating the pericardial and peritoneal cavities from each other 1 84 THE ENTODERMAL CANAL AND THE BODY CAVITIES ventral to the gut. This mesodefmal partition was termed by His the septum transfer sum. In Fig. 191 it comprises both a cranial portion (desig- nated "septum transversum"), that is the anlage of a large part of the diaphragm, and a caudal portion, the ventral mesentery, into which the liver is growing. At first the septum transversum does not extend dorsal to the gut, but leaves on either side a pleuro-peritoneal canal through which the pericardial and pleuro-peritoneal cavities com- municate (Fig. 191). In embryos of 4 to 5 mm. the lungs develop in the median walls of these canals and bulge laterally into them. Thus the canals become the pleural cavities and will be so termed hereafter. On account of the more rapid growth of the embryo, there is an 2 apparent constriction at the yolk 4 stalk, and, with the development of 5 T the umbilical cord, the peritoneal cavity 6 is finally separated from the extra- P embryonic ccelom. Dorsally, the pleural and peritoneal cavities are permanently partitioned lengthwise by the dorsal mesentery. The septum transversum in 2 mm. embryos occupies a transverse position in the middle cervical region (Fig. 192, 2). According to Mall, it migrates Numerals caudally, its ventral position at first indicate the length of the embryo at moving more rapidly SO that its posi- each position of the septum. The letters tjon becomes oblique. In 5 mm. em- bryos (Fig. 192, 5) it is opposite the fifth cervical segment, at which level it receives the phrenic nerve. In stages later than 7 mm., the septum migrates caudad, until, at 24 mm., it is opposite the first lumbar segment. During this second period of migration its dorsal attachment travels faster than its ventral portion. Therefore, it rotates to a position nearly at right angles to its plane in 7 mm. embryos, and its original dorsal surface becomes its ventral surface. The Pleuro-pericardial and Pleuro-peritoneal Membranes. — The common cardinal veins (ducts of Cuvier), on their way to the heart, curve around the pleural cavities laterally in the somatic body wall (Figs. 191 543 L FIG. 192. — Diagram change in position of the septum trans- versum (modified after Mall). showing the and numbers at the right represent the segments of the occipital, cervical, thoracic and lumbar regions. THE BODY CAVITIES, DIAPHRAGM AND MESENTERIES and 193). In embryos of 7 mm., each vein, with the overlying mesoderm, forms a ridge that projects from the body wall mesially into the pleural canals. This ridge, the pulmonary ridge (of Mall), is the anlage of both the pleuro-pericardial and pleuro-peritoneal membranes. Later it broadens and thickens cranio-caudally (Fig. 193), forming a triangular structure whose apex is continuous with the septum transversum (Fig. 194). Its cranial side forms the pleuro-pericardial membrane, and, in 9 to 10 mm. Pericardia! cavity Common cardinal vein Pleuro-pericardial membrane FIG. 193. — Reconstruction of a 7 mm. human embryo, showing from the left side the pleuro-pericardial membrane, the pleuro-peritoneal membrane and the septum transversum (after Mall). X 20. The phrenic nerve courses in the pleuro-pericardial membrane. An arrow passes from pericardial to peritoneal cavity through the pleuro-pericardial canal. embryos, reduces the opening between the pleural and pericardial cavities to a mere slit. Its caudal side becomes the pleuro-peritoneal membrane, which eventually separates dorsally the pleural from the peritoneal cav- ity (Fig. 195). The two sets of membranes at first lie nearly in the sagittal plane and a portion of the lung is caudal to the pleuro-peritoneal membranes (Fig. 193). Between the stages of 7 and n mm. the dorsal attachment of the septum transversum is carried caudally more rapidly 1 86 THE ENTODERMAL CANAL AND THE BODY CAVITIES than its ventral portion, and its primary ventral surface becomes its dor- sal side (Figs. 192 to 194). The pleuro-peritoneal membrane is carried caudad with the septum transversum until the lung lies in the angle be- tween the pleuro-peritoneal and pleuro-pericardial membranes and is included within the spherical triangle which- has been described above (Fig. 194). During this rotation the dorsal end of the pleuro-pericardial membrane lags behind and so takes up a position in a coronal plane nearly at right angles to the septum transversum (Figs. 194 and 195). In 1 1 mm. Septum transversum Pleuro-pericardial membrane Pericardial cavity Phrenic nerve Pleural cavity Mesonephros Stomach FIG. 194.- -Reconstruction of an 1 1 mm. human embryo, to show the same structures as in Fig. 193 at a later stage (after Mall). X 14. embryos the pleuro-pericardial membranes have fused completely on each side with the median walls of the pleural canals and thus separate the pericardium from the paired pleural cavities. By way of the pleuro- pericardial membranes the phrenic nerves course to the septum transver- sum (Fig. 194). The pleuro-peritoneal membranes are continuous dorsally and caudally with the mesonephric folds; ventrally and caudally they fuse later with the dorsal pillars of the diaphragm, or coronary appendages of the liver THE BODY CAVITIES, DIAPHRAGM AND MESENTERIES l87 Esophagus Mesoderm of left lung bud, Pericardial cavity Pleura-peritoneal membrane Phrenic nerve Septum transversum Pkural cavity Right lung bud Pleuro-pericardial membrane Wall of heart Liver- Falcifoam ligament FIG. 195. — Transverse section through a 10 mm. human embryo, showing the pleuro-pericardi al membranes separating the pericardium from the pleural cavities. X 33. Esophagus Right lung. Coronary appendage of- liver Vena cata inferior Pleural cavity Pleuro-peritoneai membrane Phrenic nerve in septum transversum FIG. 196. — Transverse section through a 10 mm. human embryo, showing the' pleuro-peritoneal membranes. X 16. 1 88 THE ENTODERMAL CANAL AND THE BODY CAVITIES (Lewis) (Fig. 196). Between the free margins of the membranes and the mesentery a temporary opening is left on each side, through which the pleural and peritoneal cavities communicate (Figs. 175, 194 and 200). A Esophagus Common cardinal vein \ Pleuro-pericardial canal Lung Pericardia! cavity Pleural cavity N<^_ "S#3£U^7" 'Lung 'Pleural cavity Septum transversum Pleura- peritoneal membrane Heart Pericardial membrane FIG. 197. — Diagrams showing the development of the lungs and the formation of the pericardial membrane (modified after Robinson). A, Coronal section; B, transverse section. Owing to the caudal migration of the septum transversum and the growth of the lungs and liver, the pleuro-peritoneal membrane, at first lying in a nearly sagittal plane (Fig. 193), is shifted to a horizontal position (Fig. 194), and gradually its free margin unites with the dorsal pillars of the diaphragm and with the dorsal mesentery. The opening be- tween the pleural and peritoneal cavities is thus narrowed and finally closed in embryos of 19 to 20 mm. The Diaphragm and Pericardial Membrane. — The lungs grow and expand not only cranially and caudally but also laterally and ventrally (Fig. 197). Room is made for them by the obliteration of the very loose, spongy mesenchyme of the adjacent body wall (Fig. 196). As the lungs burrow laterally and ventrally into the body wall around the pericardial cavity, the pleuro- pericardial membranes enlarge at the expense of this tissue and more and more the heart comes to lie in a mesial position between the lungs (Fig. 197 B). The pleural cavities thus increase rapidly in size. FIG. 198. — Diagram showing the origin of the diaphragm (after Broman). i, Septum transversum; 2, 3, derivatives of mesentery; 4, 4, derivatives of pleuro-peri- toneal membrane; 5, 5, parts derived from the body wall; A, aorta; Oe, esophagus; VC, inferior vena cava. THE BODY CAVITIES. DIAPHRAGM AND MESENTERIES 189 At the same time the liver grows enormously, and on either side a portion of the body wall is taken up into the septum transversum and pleuro-peritoneal membranes. The diaphragm, according to Broman, is thus derived from four sources (Fig. 198): (i) its ventral pericardial portion from the septum transversum; its lateral portions from (2) the pleuro-peritoneal membranes, plus (3) derivatives from the body wall; lastly, a median dorsal portion is formed from (4) the dorsal mesentery. In addition to these, the striated muscle of the diaphragm, according to Bardeen (1900), takes its origin from a pair of premuscle masses which in 9 mm. embryos lie one on each side opposite the fifth cervical segment. Right umbilical vein Ventral mesentery Left umbilical vein Right lobe of liver Lesser peritoneal sac Plica vena cavtz Ectoderm of body wall Left lobe of liver Ventral mesentery Duodenum Dorsal mesentery Left posterior cardinal vein Dorsal aorta Neural tube £- Notochord FIG. 199. — Diagrammatic model of an embryo of 7 to 9 mm., showing the position of the lesser peritoneal sac. The embryo is represented as sectioned transversely, caudal to the liver, so that one looks at the caudal surface of the section and of the liver, and cranially into the body cavities. This is the level at which the phrenic nerve enters the septum transversum. The exact origin of these muscle masses is in doubt, but they probably represent portions of the cervical myotomes of this region. The muscle masses migrate caudally with the septum transversum and develop chiefly in the dorsal portion of the diaphragm (Bardeen, 1900). The cavities of the mesodermal segments are regarded as portions of the coelom, but in man they disappear early. The development of the vaginal sacs which grow out from the inguinal region of the peritoneal cavity into the scrotum will be described in Chapter VIII. i go THE ENTODERMAL CANAL AND THE BODY CAVITIES The Omental Bursa or Lesser Peritoneal Sac. — According to Broman, the omental bursa is represented in 3 mm. embryos by a peritoneal pocket which extends cranially into the dorsal mesentery, to the right of the esophagus. A similar pocket present on the left side has disappeared in 4 mm. embryos. Lateral to the opening of the primitive lesser peritoneal sac, a lip-like fold of the mesentery is continued caudally along the dorsal Body wall Falciform ligament Coronary attachment of liver to diaphragm Inferior vena cava Sup. recess of lesser peritoneal sac Pleura- peritoneal membrane Inferior vena cava Plica vena caves Mesonephric fold Genital fold Greater amentum Spleen Stomach Lesser peritoneal sac Aorta FIG. 200. — A diagrammatic ventral view of the middle third of a human embryo, 12 to 15 mm. long. The figure shows the caudal surface of a section through the stomach and spleen, a ventral view of the stomach, the liver having been cut away to leave the sectioned edges of the lesser omentum and. plica venae cavae, and the caudal surface of the septum transversum and pleuro-peritoneal membrane. Upon the surface of the septum is indicated diagrammatically the attachment of the liver. (Based on figures of Mall and F. T. Lewis and model by H. C. Tracy.) body wall into the mesonephric fold as the plica vena cavae, in which the inferior vena cava later develops (Fig. 199). The liver, it will be remem- bered, grows out into the ventral mesentery from the fore-gut, and, ex- panding laterally and ventrally, takes the form of a cresent. Its right lobe comes into relation with the plica venae cavae, and, growing rapidly caudad, forms with the plica a partition between the lesser sac and the THE BODY CAVITIES, DIAPHRAGM AND MESENTERIES IQI peritoneal cavity. Thus the cavity of the lesser peritoneal sac is ex- tended caudally from a point opposite the bifurcation of the lungs to the level of the pyloric end of the stomach. In 5 to 10 mm. embryos it is crescent-shaped in cross section (cf. Fig. m) and is bounded mesially by the greater omen turn (dorsal mesentery) and the right wall of the stomach, laterally by the liver and plica venae cavae, and ventrally by the lesser omentum (ventral mesentery). It communicates to the right Suprarenal gland Liver Lesser peritoneal sac Duodenum Vitelline vein Intestinal loop Mesonephros Greater omenti •Stomach Left umbilical vein FIG. 201. — An obliquely transverse section through a 10 mm. human embryo at the level of the epiploi.c foramen (of Winslow). X 33- with the peritoneal cavity through an opening between the liver ventrally and the plica venas cavas dorsally (Figs. 181 and 201). This opening is the e pi ploic foramen (of Winslow). When the dorsal wall of the stomach rotates to the left, the greater omentum is carried with it to the left of its dorsal attachment. Its tissue grows actively to the left and caudally and gives the omentum an appearance of being folded on itself between the stomach and the dorsal body wall (Fig. 200). The cavity of the lesser peritoneal sac is carried out between the folds of the greater omentum as the inferior recess of the omental bursa. From the cranial end of the sac there is constricted off a small closed cavity which is frequently persistent in the adult. This is the bursa infracardiaca and may be regarded as a third pleural cavity. It lies at the right of the esophagus in the mediastinum. 192 THE ENTODERMAL CANAL AND THE BODY CAVITIES When the stomach changes its position and form so that its mid- ventral line becomes the lesser curvature and lies to the right, the position of the lesser omentum is also shifted. From its primitive location in a median sagittal plane, with its free edge directed caudally, it is rotated through 90° until it lies in a coronal plane with its free margin facing to the right (Fig. 201). The epiploic foramen now forms a slit-like opening leading from the peritoneal cavity into the vestibule of the omental bursa. The foramen is bounded ventrally by the edge of the lesser omentum, dorsally by the inferior vena cava, cranially by the caudate process of the liver, and caudally by the wall of the duodenum. During fetal life the greater omentum grows rapidly to the left and caudad, in the form of a sac, flattened dorso-ventrally. It overlies the ABC FIG. 202. — Diagrams showing the development of the mesenteries (Hertwig). A illus- trates the beginning of the great omentum and its independence of the transverse mesocolon; in B the two come into contact; in C they have fused. A, stomach; B, transverse colon; C, small intestine; D, duodenum; E, pancreas; F, greater omentum; G, greater sac; H, omental bursa. intestines ventrally and contains the inferior recess of the omental bursa (Fig. 202). The dorsal wall of the sac during the fourth month usually fuses with the transverse colon where it overlies the latter (Fig. 202 B). Caudal to this attachment the walls of the greater omentum may be fused and its cavity is then obliterated. The inferior recess of the omental bursa thus may be limited in the adult chiefly to a space between the stomach and the dorsal fold of the greater omentum, which latter is largely fused to the peritoneum of the dorsal body wall. The spleen develops in the cranial portion of the greater omentum and that portion of the omentum which extends between the stomach and spleen is known as the gastro-lienic ligament (Fig. 200). The dorsal wall of the omentum between the spleen and kidney is the lieno-renal ligament. THE BODY CAVITIES, DIAPHRAGM AND MESENTERIES 193 Further Differentiation of the Mesenteries. — Ligaments of the Liver. — We have seen (p. 181) that the cranial portion of the ventral mesentery forms the mesocardium of the heart. In the ventral mesentery, caudal to the septum transversum, the liver develops. From the first, it is enveloped in folds of the splanchnic mesoderm ; as the liver increases in size, these give rise to its capsule and ligaments (Fig. 190 B). Wherever the liver is unattached, the mesodermal layers of the ventral mesentery form its capsule (of Glisson), a fibrous layer covered by mesothelium, continuous with that of the peritoneum (Fig. 1 90 B} . Along its mid-dorsal and mid-ventral line the liver remains attached to the ventral mesentery. The dorsal attachment between the liver, stomach, and duodenum is the lesser omentum. This in the adult is differentiated into the duodeno- hepatic and gastro-hepatic ligaments. The attachment of the liver to the ventral body wall extends caudally to the umbilicus and forms the falciform ligament. In its early development the liver abuts upon the septum transversum, and, in 4 to 5 mm. embryos, is attached to it along its cephalic and ventral surfaces. Soon, dorsal prolongations of the lateral liver lobes, the coronary appendages, come into relation with the septum dorsally and laterally. The attachment of the liver to the septum transversum now has -the form of a cresent, the dorsal horns of which are the coronary appendages (Fig. 200). This attachment becomes the coronary ligament of the adult liver. The dorso-ventral extent of the coronary ligament is reduced during development and its lateral extensions upon the dia- phragm give rise to the triangular ligaments of each side. The right lobe of the liver, as we have seen, comes into relation along its dorsal surface with the plica venae cavce in 9 mm. embryos (Figs. 199 and 200). This attachment extends the coronary ligament caudally on the right side and makes possible the connection between the veins of the liver and mesonephros which contributes to the formation of the inferior vena cava. The portion of the liver included between the plica venae cavae and the lesser omentum is the caudate lobe (of Spigelius) . In a fetus of five months the triangular ligaments mark the position of the former lateral coronary appendages. The umbilical vein courses in a deep groove along the ventral surface of the liver, and, with the portal vein and gall bladder, bounds the quadrate lobe. Changes in the Dorsal Mesentery. — That part of the digestive canal which lies within the peritoneal cavity is suspended by the dorsal mesentery, which at first forms a simple attachment extending in the median sagittal plane between body wall and primitive gut. That portion of it connected with the stomach forms the greater omentum, the differentiation of which has been described (p. 192). The mesentery of the intestine is carried IQ4 THE ENTODERMAL CANAL AND THE BODY CAVITIES out into the umbilical cord between the limbs of the intestinal loop. When the intestine elongates and its loop rotates, the caecal end of the large intestine conies to lie cranially and to the left, the small intestine caudally and to the right, the future duodeum and colon crossing in close proximity to each other (Fig. 179). On the return of the intestinal loop into the abdomen from the umbilical cord, the cascal end of the colon lies to the right and the transverse colon crosses the duodenum ventrally and cranially (Fig. 203 A). The primary loops of the small intestine lie caudal and to the left of the ascending colon (Fig. 203 B}. There has thus been a torsion of the mesentery about the origin of the superior Lesser amentum Dorsal mesogastrin amentum Transve. mesoc CcEcum Mesentery Mesorectu A FIG. 203. — Diagram showing the development of the mesenteries in ventral view (modified after Tourneux). *, Cut edge of greater omentum; a, area of ascending mesocolon fused to dor- sal body wall; b, area of descending mesocolon fused to dorsal body wall. Arrow in omental bursa. mesenteric artery as an axis. From this focal point the mesentery of the small intestine and colon spreads out fan-like. The mesoduodenum is pressed against the dorsal body wall, fuses with its peritoneal layer, and is obliterated (Fig. 202). Since the transverse colon lies ventral to the duodenum it cannot come into apposition with the body wall ; where its mesentery crosses the duodenum it fuses at its base with the surface of the latter and of the pancreas. Its fixed position now being transverse instead of sagittal, the mesentery is known as the transverse mesocolon. The mesentery of the ascending colon is flattened against the dorsal body wall on the right and fuses with the peritoneum (Fig. 203). Similarly, the descending mesocolon is applied to the body wall of the left side. THE BODY CAVITIES, DIAPHRAGM AND MESENTERIES igz There are thus left free: (i) the transverse mesocolon; (2) the mesentery proper of the jejunum and ileum, with numerous folds corresponding to the loops of the intestine; (3) the iliac mesocolon; (4) the mesorectum, which retains its primitive relations. Anomalies : — The persistence of a dorsal opening in the diaphragm, more commonly on the left side, finds its explanation in the imperfect development of the pleuro-peritoneal membrane. Such a defect may lead to diaphragmatic hernia, the abdominal viscera pro- jecting to a greater or less extent into the pleural cavity. Similarly, faulty development of the left pleuro-pericardial membrane sometimes causes the heart and left lung to occupy a common cavity. The mesenteries also may show malformations, due to the persistent of the simpler embryonic conditions, usually correlated with the defective development of the intestinal canal. In about 30 per cent of cases the ascending and descending mesocolon are more or less free, having failed to fuse with the dorsal peritoneum. The primary sheets of the greater omentum may also fail to unite, so that the inferior recess extends to the caudal end of the greater omentum. A striking anomaly is situs viscerum invcrsus, in which the various visceral organs are transposed right for left and left for right, as in a mirror image. An independent transposition of the thoracic or abdominal viscera alone may occur. The larger left great venous trunks are thought to be chiefly responsible for the usual positions of the CHAPTER VIII THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE UROGENITAL SYSTEM THE excretory and reproductive systems are intimately associated in development. Both arise from the mesoderm of the intermediate cell mass (nephrotome), which unites the primitive segments with the lateral somatic and splanchnic mesoderm (p. 53; Fig. 205). Vertebrates possess excretory organs of three distinct types. The pronephros is the functional kidney of amphioxus and certain lampreys, but appears only in immature fishes and amphibians, being replaced by the mesonephros. The embryos of amniotes (reptiles, birds, and mammals) possess first a pronephros, and then a mesonephros, whereas the permanent kidney is a new organ, the metanephros. Whether these glands represent modifications of an originally continuous organ, or whether they are three distinct structures, is undecided, but however this may be, the pro-, meso-, and metanephroi of amniotes develop successively in the order named, both as regards time and place. THE PRONEPHROS The pronephros, when functional, consists of paired, segmentally ar- ranged tubules, one end of each tubule opening into the ccelom, the other into a longitudinal pronephric duct which drains into the cloaca (Fig. 204 A}. Near the nephrostome (the opening into the coelom), knots of arteries project into the ccelom, forming glomeruli. Fluid from the coelom and glomeruli, and excreta from the cells of the tubules are carried by ciliary movement into the pronephric ducts. The human pronephros is vestigial. It consists of about seven pairs of rudimentary pronephric tubules, formed as dorsal sprouts from the nephrotomes (Fig. 205) in each segment, from the seventh to the fourteenth, and perhaps from more cranial segments as well. The nodules hollow out and open into the ccelom. Dorsally and laterally, the tubules of each side bend backward and unite to form a longitudinal collecting duct (Fig. 204 B, A). The tubules first formed in the seventh segment begin to degenerate before those of the fourteenth segment have developed. Caudal to the fourteenth segment no pronephric tubules are developed, but the free end of the collecting duct, by a process of terminal growth, extends caudad beneath the ectoderm and lateral to the nephrogenic cord, until it reaches the lateral wall of the cloaca and perforates it.' Thus are 196 THE PRONEPHROS IQ7 Pronephric duct B Mesodermal segments Neural tube. Anlages of pronephric duct Nephrotome Somatic mesoderm Splanchnic mesoderm Pronephric tubule Ccelom Notochord Entoderm FIG. 204. — Diagrams showing the development of the pronephric duct and pronephric tubules (modified from Felix). A represents a later stage than B. Neural t Notochord Cavity of gu Splanchnic mesodern, Mesoderm of yolk sac 'Mesodermal segment 'avity of segment Intermediate cell mass Anlage of extremity 'Ccelom JT— Somatic mesoderm ) Umbilical vein FIG. 205. — Transverse section of a 2.4 mm. human embryo, showing the intermediate cell mass or nephrotome (Kollmann). 198 THE UROGENITAL SYSTEM formed the paired primary excretory (pronephric) ducts. The pronephric tubules begin to appear in embryos of 1.7 mm., with nine or ten primitive segments (Felix); in 2.5 mm. embryos (23 segments) all the tubules have developed and the primary excretory duct is nearly complete. In 4.25 mm. embryos the duct has reached the wall of the cloaca and soon after fuses with it. The pronephric tubules soon degenerate, but the primary excretory ducts persist and become the ducts of the mesonephroi, or mid- kidneys. THE MESONEPHROS The mesonephros, like the pronephros, consists essentially of a series of tubules, each of which at one end is related to a knot of blood vessels and at the other end opens into the primary excretory duct. Besides possess- ing an internal glomerulus alone they differ from the pronephric tubules in that the nephrostomes are transitory, never opening into the mesonephric chamber. The mesonephric tubules arise just caudal to the pronephros and from the same general source, that is, the nephrotomes. Only a few of the more cranial tubules, however, are formed from distinct intermediate cell masses, for caudal to the tenth pair of segments this mesoderm con- stitutes unsegmented, paired nephrogenic cords. These may extend caudally as far as the twenty-eighth segment. The primary excretory ducts lie lateral to the nephrogenic cords. When the developing mesonephric tubules begin to expand, there is not room for them in the dorsal body wall and as a result this bulges ventrally into the ccelom. Thus, there is produced on either side of the dorsal mesentery a longitudinal urogenital fold, which may extend from the sixth cervical to the third lumbar segment (Fig. 220). Later, £his ridge is divided into a lateral mesonephric fold and into a median genital fold, the anlage of the genital gland. Differentiation of the Tubules. — The nephrogenic cord in 2.5 mm. embryos first divides into spherical masses of cells, the anlages of the mesonephric tubules. Four of these may be formed in a single segment. Appearing first in the i3th, i4th and i$th segments, the anlages of the tubules differentiate both cranially and caudally. In 5.3 mm. embryos the cephalic limit is reached in the sixth cervical segment, and thereafter degeneration begins at the cephalic end (Fig. 207). Hence, the more cranial tubules overlap those of the pronephros. In 7 mm. embryos the caudal limit is reached in the third lumbar segment. The spherical anlages of the tubules differentiate in a cranio-caudal direction (Fig. 206). First, vesicles with lumina are formed (4.25 mm.). Next, the vesicles elongate laterally, unite with the primary excretory ducts, and become S-shaped (4.9 mm.). The free, vesicular end of the THE MESONEPHROS 199 tubule enlarges, becomes thin walled, and into this wall grows a knot of arteries to form the glomerulus (embryos of 5 to 7 mm.). The tubule, at first solid, hollows out and is lined with a low columnar epithelium. The outer wall of the vesicle about the glomerulus is Bowman's capsule, the two constituting a renal corpuscle of the mesonephros (Fig. 2o6D). In the human embryo the tubules do not branch or coil as in pig embryos, con- sequently the mesonephros is relatively smaller. At 10 mm., about 35 Mesonephric duct Anlageof mesonephric tubule < -.>•": Degenerating mesonephric corpuscle Degenerating mesonephric corpuscle and tubule Tubule Bowman's capsule Developing mesonephric corpuscle Urogenital sinus Glomerulus and Bowman's, capsule Mesonephric duct Metanephros FIG. 206. — Diagrams showing the FIG. 207. — Diagram showing the anlages differentiation of the mesonephric tubules of the urinary organs in about 10 mm. human (modified after Felix). L. lateral; M, embryos, as seen from the left side (based on median. reconstructions by Keibel and Felix). 'L- tubules are present in each mesonephros and the glomeruli are conspicuous Fig. (207). Each tubule shows a distal secretory portion and a proximal collecting part which connects with the duct (Fig. 208). The glomeruli form a single median column ; the tubules are dorsal and the duct is lateral in position. Ventro-lateral branches from the aorta supply the glomeruli, (Fig. 323), while the posterior cardinal veins (Fig. 72), dorsal in position, break up into a network of sinusoids about the tubules (see Chapter IX). 200 THE UROGENITAL SYSTEM The primary excretory (Wolffian) duct, or mesonephric duct, is solid in 4.25 mm. embryos. A lumen is formed at 7 mm., wider opposite the openings of the tubules. The duct is important, as the ureteric anlage of the permanent kidney grows out from its caudal end, while the duct itself is transformed into the chief genital duct of the male, and its derivatives. That the human mesonephros is a functional excretory organ is plausible (Bremer, 1916), but not proved. Degeneration proceeds rapidly in embryos between 10 and 20 mm. long, beginning cranially. New tubules are formed at the same time caudally. In all, 83 pairs of tubules arise, of which only 26 pairs persist at 21 mm., and these are usually broken at the angle between the collecting and secretory regions. They are divided into an upper group and a lower group. The collecting portions Suprarenal gland' Post, cardinal vein, Glomerulus Bowman's capsule 'ollecting tubule ecretory tubule Mesonephric duct Mullerian duct Anlage of genital gland FIG. 208. — Reconstruction of the contents of the urogential fold, from transverse sections of a 12 mm. human embryo. X 95. of the upper group, numbering 5 to 12, unite with the rete tubules of the testis or ovary. In the male they form the efferent ductules of the epididy- mis. In the female they constitute the epoophoron. Of the lower group a few tubules persist in the male, as the paradidymis. In the female they form the paroophoron. THE METANEPHROS The essential parts of the permanent kidney are the renal corpuscles (glomerulus with Bowman's capsule), secretory tubules, and collecting tubules. The collecting tubules open into expansions of the duct, the pelvis and calyces. The duct itself is the ureter, which opens into the bladder. Like the mesonephros, the metanephros is of double origin. The ureter, pelvis, calyces, and collecting tubules are outgrowths of the THE METANEPHROS mesonephric duct. The secretory tubules and the capsules of the renal corpuscles are differentiated from the isolated caudal end of the nephro- genic cord and thus have a similiar origin as the mesonephric tubules. Mesonephric duct Outer zone^f nephrogenic cord Inner zone of nephrogenic cord Pelvis of kidney Hind-gut Bladder Cloacal membrane — -^ FIG. 209. -^-Reconstruction of the anlages of the metanephros in a human embryo of about 9 mm. (after Schreiner). Cranial pole tubule Cranial /%-' I jpole tubule / y-v \Caudal ^X VJ/ 'pole tubule Urete Cranial pole tubule Pelvis' Caudal pole tubule Ureter^ Secondary collecting tubules Tertiary collecting tubule FIG. 210. — Diagrams showing the development of the primitive pelvis, calyces and collecting tubules of the metanephros (based on reconstructions by Schreiner and Felix). In embryos of about 5 mm. the mesonpheric duct makes a sharp bend just before it joins the cloaca, and it is at the angle of this bend that the ureteric evagination appears, dorsal and somewhat median in position (Fig. 216, B, C). The bud grows at first dorsally, then cranially. Its THE UROGENITAL SYSTEM distal end expands and forms the primitive pelvis. Its proximal elongated portion is the ureter. The anlage grows into the lower end of the nephro- genic cord (Fig. 209), which, in 46 mm. embryos, is separated from the cranial end of the cord at the twenty-seventh segment. The nephrogenic tissue forms a cap about the primitive pelvis, and, as the pelvis grows cranially, is carried along with it. In embryos of 9 to 13 mm. the pelvis, having advanced cephalad through three segments, attains a position in the retroperitoneal tissue dorsal to the mesonephros and opposite the second lumbar segment. Thereafter, the kidney enlarges both cranially and caudally without shifting its position. The ureter elongates as the embryo grows in length. The cranial growth of the kidney takes place dorsal to the suprarenal gland (Fig. 232). Primary collecting tubules grow out from the primitive pelvis in 10 mm. embryos. Of the first two, one is cranial, the other caudal in position, and between these there are usually two others (Fig. 2ioB, C). From an enlargement, the ampulla, at the end of each primary tubule grow out two, three, or four secondary tubules. These in turn give rise to tertiary tubules (Fig. 210 D] and the process is repeated until the fifth month of fetal life, when it is estimated that twelve generations of tubules have been developed. The pelvis and both primary and secondary tubules FIG. 2ii.— Recon- J J struction of the ureter, enlarge during development. The first two primary and tubules become the major calyces, and the secondary tubules opening into them form the minor calyces third and fourth pelvis, calyces their branches from the metanephros of a /T^. \ ™, .11 r •_•> 16 mm. human embryo (Flg' 2I1)' The tubuleS °f the (Huber). x 50. orders are taken up into the walls of the enlarged secondary tubules so that the tubules of the fifth order, 20 to 30 in number, open into the minor calyces as papillary ducts. The remaining orders of tubules constitute the collecting tubules which form the greater part of the medulla of the adult kidney. When the four to six primary tubules develop, the nephrogenic cap about the primitive pelvis is subdivided and its four to six parts cover the end of each primary tubule. As new orders of tubules arise, each mass of nephrogenic tissue increases in amount and is again subdivided until finally it forms a peripheral layer about the ends of the branches tribu- tary to a primary tubule. The converging branches of such a tubular 'tree' constitute a primary renal unit, or pyramid, with its base at the periphery of the kidney and its apex projecting into the pelvis. The apices of the pyramids are termed renal papilla, and through them the DIFFERENTIATION OF THE NEPHROGENIC TISSUE 203 larger collecting ducts open. The nephrogenic tissue forms the cortex of the kidney, and each subdivision of it, covering the tubules of a pyramid peripherally, is marked off on the surface of the organ by grooves or depressions. The human fetal kidney is thus distinctly lobated, the loba- tions persisting until after birth, a condition which is permanent in rep- tiles, birds, and some mammals (whale, bear, ox). The primary pyramids are subdivided into several secondary and tertiary pyramids. Between the pyramids the cortex of nephrogenic tissue dips down to the pelvis, forming the renal columns (of Bertin). The collecting tubules, on the other hand, extend out into the cortex as the cortical rays, or pars radiata of the cortex. In these rays, and in the medulla of the kidney, the col- lecting tubules run parallel and converge to the papilla?. 4 5 FIG. 212. — Semidiagrammatic figures of the anlage and differentiation of renal vesicles and early developmental stages of uriniferous tubules of mammals. I and 2, Anlage and suc- cessive stages in the differentiation of renal vesicles, as seen in sagittal sections; 3, section and outer form of tubular anlage before union with collecting tubule at the beginning of S-shaped stage; 4 and 5, successive stages in the development of the tubules, Bowman's capsule, and glo- merulus beginning with a tubular anlage showing a well-developed S-shape (Huber). Differentiation of the Nephrogenic Tissue. — In stages from 13 to 19 mm., the nephrogenic tissue about the ends of the collecting tubules condenses into spherical masses that lie in the angles between the buds of new collecting tubules and their parent stems (Fig. 212). One such metanephric sphere is formed for each, new tubule. The spheres are con- 2O4 THE UROGENITAL SYSTEM verted into vesicles with eccentrically placed lumina. The vesicle elon- gates, its thicker outer wall forming an S-shaped tubule which unites with a collecting tubule, its thin inner wall becoming the capsule (Bowman's) of a renal corpuscle. The uriniferous tubules of the adult kidney have a definite and peculiar structure and arrangement (Fig. 213 .4). Beginning with a renal corpuscle, each tubule forms a proximal convoluted portion, a \J-shaped loop (of Henle) with descending and ascending limbs, a connecting Arch of collecting tubule A Proximal convoluted tubule Distal convoluted tubule Renal corpuscle Connecting piec* Ascending limb of. Henle's loop Descending limb of. Henle's loop Large collecting tubule Arch of collecting tubule Distal convoluted tubule Stoerck's loop Proximal convoluted tubule Connecting piece ' merulus Bowman's capsule Arch of collecting tubule Proximal convoluted tubule Distal convoluted tubule 'onnecting piece 'merulus Bowman's capsule Stoerck's loop FIG. 213. — Diagrams showing the differentiation of the various parts of the uriniferous tubules of the metanephros (based on the reconstructions of Huber and Stoerck): A, From an adult human kidney; B, C, from human embryos. piece, which lies close to the renal corpuscle, and a distal convoluted portion continuous with the collecting tubule. These parts are derived from the S-shaped anlage, which is composed of a lower, middle and upper limb. The middle limb, somewhat U-shaped, bulges into the concavity of Bow- man's capsule (Fig. 213 B). By differentiation the lower portion of the lower limb becomes Bowman's capsule, ingrowing arteries forming the glomerulus (Fig. 213 B, C). The upper part of the same limb by enlarge- ment, elongation, and coiling becomes the proximal convoluted tubule. The neighboring portion of the middle limb forms the primitive loop (of Stoerck) ; the base of the middle limb gives rise to the connecting piece, and the rest of it, with the upper limb of the S, forms the distal convoluted DIFFERENTIATION OF THE NEPHROGENIC TISSUE J .... 205 FIG. 214. — Diagram showing the relation of Bowman's capsule and the uriniferous tubules to the collecting tubules of the metanephros (Huber). c, Collecting tubules; e, end branches of collecting tubules; r, renal corpuscles; n, neck; pc, proximal convoluted tubule; dl, descending limb of Henle's loop, /; al, ascending limb of Henle's loop; dc, distal convoluted tubule; j, junc- tional tubule. C\ G FIG. 215. — Several stages in the development of the uriniferous tubules and glomeruli of the human metanephros of the seventh month (reconstructions by Huber). X 160. 206 THE UROGENITAL SYSTEM tubule (intermediate piece of Felix). The primitive loop of Stoerck in- cludes both the ascending and descending limbs of Henle's loop and a por- tion of the proximal convoluted tubule. Henle's loop is differentiated during the fourth fetal month (Toldt) and extends from the pars radiata of the cortex into the medulla (Fig. 214). The concavity of Bowman's capsule, into which grow the arterial loops of the glomerulus, is at first shallow. Eventually the walls of the capsule grow about and enclose the vascular knot, except at the point where the arteries enter and emerge (Fig. 212, 4 and 5). Renal corpuscles are first fully formed in 28 to 30 mm. embryos. The new corpuscles are formed peripherally from per- sisting nephrogenic tissue until the tenth day after birth, hence in the adult the oldest corpuscles are those next to the medulla. Reconstruc- tions of the various stages in the development of the uriniferous tubules are shown in Fig. 215. Renal Arteries. — Bremer (1915) derives the renal arteries not from transformed meso- nephric vessels, as did Broman (1906), but from a periaortic plexus of multiple aortic origin. The mechanical selection of permanent channels explains the frequent variations in the renal vessels. Anomalies. — The kidneys may fail to ascend from their embryonic position in the pelvis. Absence of one kidney is not infrequent. The kidneys sometimes fuse, either completely into a disc-shaped mass, or partially by cortical union ('horse-shoe kidney'}; in such cases the ducts usually are bilateral. Double or cleft ureters and pelves occur. 'Cystic kid ney' results when the uriniferous tubules fail to unite with the collecting tubules. DIFFERENTIATION OF THE CLOACA, BLADDER, URETHRA AND UROGENITAL SINUS In embryos of 1.4 mm., the cloaca, a caudal expansion of the hind-gut, is in contact ventrally with the ectoderm, and ectoderm and entoderm together form the cloacal membrane (Fig. 2 1 6 A ) . Ventro-cephalad, the cloaca gives off the allantoic stalk. At a somewhat later stage, the cloaca receives laterally the mesonephric ducts and is prolonged caudally as the tail-gut (Fig. 2i6B). In embryos of 5 mm., the ureteric anlages of the metanephroi are present as buds of the mesonephric ducts (Fig. 216 C, D). Next, the saddle-like partition between the intestine and allantois grows caudally, dividing the cloaca into a dorsal rectum and ventral, primitive uro genital sinus. The division is complete in embryos of n to 15 mm., and at the same time the partition, fusing with the cloacal membrane, divides it into the anal membrane of the gut and the urogenital membrane. At n mm., according to Felix, the primitive urogenital sinus by elongation and con- striction is differentiated into two regions: (i) a dorsal vesico-urethral anlage which receives the allantois and mesonephric duct, and is connected by the constricted portion with (2) the phallic portion of the urogenital CLOACA, BLADDER, URETHRA AND UROGENITAL SINUS 207 Hind-gut Hind-gut Mesonephric duct Cloacal membrane Hind-gut Mesonephric AUantois Metanephros loacal membrane Cloaca Tail-gut * Cloaca] membrane Tail-gut FIG. 216. — Four stages showing the differentiation of the cloaca into the rectum, urethra and bladder (after reconstructions by Pohlman). X about 50. A, from a human embryo of 3.5 mm.; B, at about 4 mm.; C, at 5 mm.; D,&i 7 mm. Mesonephric duct Metanephros Intestine Allantois A nlage of bladder loacal membrane FIG. 217. — Reconstruction from a 12 mm. human embryo, showing the partial subdivision of the cloaca into rectum and urogenital sinus (after Pohlman). X 65. 208 THE UROGENITAL SYSTEM sinus (Figs. 217 and 218). The latter extends into the phallus of both sexes and forms a greater part of the urethra (Fig. 219); its fate is described on p. 226 in connection with the external genitalia. Allantois Ccdom Rectum Mesonephric ducts Metanephros Ureter FIG. 218. — Reconstruction of the caudal portion of an 11.5 mm. human embryo, showing the differentiation of the rectum, bladder and urethra (after Keibel's model). X 25. Vesko-urelhral anlage Phallic portion of urogenilal sinus Genital gland Mesonephric fold Anlage of bladder. Utero-vaginal anlage Phallic ureth A nal membrane Mesonephros Ureter Ureter Miillerian duct Mesonephric duct Rectum Spinal cord Anal membran Rectum FIG. 219. — Reconstruction of the caudal end of a 29 mm. human embryo, showing the complete separation of the rectum and urogenital sinus and the relations of the urogenital ducts (after Keibel's model). X 15. The vesico-urethral anlage enlarges and forms the bladder and a por- tion of the urethra. In 7 mm. embryos the proximal ends of the meso- nephric ducts are funnel shaped, and, at 10 mm., with the enlargement of the bladder, these ends are taken up into its wall until the ureters and meso- THE GENITAL GLANDS AND DUCTS INDIFFERENT STAGE 2OQ nephric ducts acquire separate openings. The ureters, having previously shifted their openings into the mesonephric ducts from a dorsal to lateral position, now open into the vesico-urethral anlage lateral to the meso- nephric ducts. The lateral walls of the bladder anlage grow more rapidly than its dorso-median urethral wall, hence the ureters are carried cranially and laterally upon the wall of the bladder, while the mesonephric ducts, now the male ducts, open close together on a hillock, Muller's tubercle, into the dorsal wall of the urethra (Fig. 219). Thus a triangular area, roughly bounded by the openings of the ureters and ejaculatory ducts, is of mesodermal origin. The narrowed apex of the bladder, con- tinuous with the allantoic stalk at the umbilicus, is known as the urachus. It persists as the solid, fibrous ligamentum umbilicale medium. Contrary to earlier view^, the allantois contributes nothing to the bladder or urachus (Felix, 1912). The transitional epithelium of the bladder appears at 60 mm. (C H). The outer longitudinal layer of smooth muscle develops in 22 mm. embryos, and, in 26 mm. embryos, the circular muscle appears. The inner longitudinal musclelayer is found at 55 mm. (C H) and the sphincter vesicae in fetuses of 90 mm. (C H). Anomalies. — A conspicuous malformation is that of a persistent cloaca, due to the failure of the rectum and urogenital sinus to separate. The bladder sometimes opens widely onto the ventral body wall and is everted through the fissure; a urogenital aper- ture corresponding to the upper extent of the primitive cloacal membrane (Fig. 216, C, D) would cause this condition. At times, the urachus remains a patent tube, opening at the umbilicus. Portions of its epithelium which fail to degenerate may form cysts. THE GENITAL GLANDS AND DUCTS A. INDIFFERENT STAGE In origin and early development, the ovary and testis are identical. The urogenital fold (p. 198) is the anlage of both the mesonephros and the genital gland (Figs. 122 and 220). At first two-layered, its epithelium in embryos of 5 mm. thickens over the ventro-median surface of the fold, becomes many-layered, and bulges into the ccelom ventrally, producing the longitudinal genital fold (Fig. 208). The genital fold thus lies mesial and parallel to the mesonephric fold. Large primordial germ cells are found in 2.5 mm. embryos in the entoderm of the future intestinal tract (Fuss). At 3.5 mm. they migrate into the dorsal mesenteric epithelium and thence into the epithelium of the genital fold. It is probable that the definitive germ cells of the genital glands are descendants of these ele- ments. At 10 to 12 mm. the genital anlage shows no sexual differentiation (Fig. 221). There is a superficial epithelial layer and an inner epithelial mass of somewhat open structure. Owing to the great development of the suprarenal glands and meta- nephroi, the cranial portions of the urogenital folds, at first parallel and close together, are displaced laterally. This produces a double bend in each fold, which, in 20 mm. embryos, shows a cranial longitudinal portion, a 210 THE UROGENITAL SYSTEM Rhombencephalon Right lung Mesonephric fold Lower extremity Mesencephalon Prosencephahn Genital eminence Tail FIG. 220. — Ventral view of the urogenital folds in a human embryo of 9 mm. (Kollmann). Lateral body wall Post, cardinal vein Suprarenal gland Glomerulus Mesonephric duct Inner epithelial mass of genital gland Epithelium of genital gland Mesenler FIG. 221. — Transverse section through the mesonephros, genital gland and suprarenal gland of the right side; from a 12 mm. human embryo. X 165. THE GENITAL GLANDS AND DUCTS INDIFFERENT STAGE 211 transverse middle portion between the bends', and a longitudinal caudal portion (Fig. 238 A). In the last named segment, the mesonephric ducts course to the cloaca, and here the right and left folds fuse, producing the genital cord (Fig. 232). As the genital glands increase in size they become constricted from the mesonephric fold by lateral and mesial grooves until the originally broad base of the genital fold is converted into a stalk (Figs. 225 to 227). This stalk-like attachment extends lengthwise and forms in the male the mesorchium, in the female the mesovarium. The urogenital fold is, at the same time, constricted from the dorsal body wall until it is attached only by a narrow mesentery which eventually forms either the ligamentum testis or ligamentum ovarii. A Lateral body watt Miillerian groove^ W~ Mesentery • Mesonephric tubule • Genital gland Anl,age of Miillerian duct FIG. 222. — Transverse sections through the anlage of the right Miillerian duct from a 10 mm. human embryo. X 250. A, showing the groove in the urogenital epithelium; B, three sections caudad, showing the tubular anlage of the duct. Indifferent Stage of the Genital Ducts. — -The mesonephric ducts, with the degeneration of the mesonephroi, become the male genital ducts. In both sexes there also develop a pair of female ducts (of Miiller). In em- bryos of 10 mm. these Miillerian ducts develop as ventro-lateral thickenings of the urogenital epithelium at the level of the third thoracic segment and near the cranial ends of the mesonephroi. Next, a ventro-lateral groove appears in the epithelium of the mesonephric fold (Fig. 222 A). Caudally, the dorsal and ventral lips of the groove close and form a £ube which sepa- rates from the epithelium and lies beneath it (Fig. 222 B}." Cranially, the tube remains open as the funnel-shaped ostium abdominale of the Mullerian THE UROGENITAL SYSTEM Aorta Lung Diaphragm Ostium abdominale Miillerian duct Inferior vena cava Genital gland Colon Attantois Pulmonary trunk Pulmonary artery Esophagus Mesonephric duct Umbilical artery FIG. 223. — Ventral dissection of an 18 mm. pig embryo, to show the anlages of the Mullerian ducts. X 7. Trachea Esophagus Genital gland Mesonephric duct Attantois Lung _ Mesonephros M idler ian duct -•Colon Umbilical artery FIG. 224. — Ventral dissection of a 24 mm. pig embryo, showing the anlages of the Mullerian ducts at a later stage of development than in Fig. 223. X 6. INTERNAL SEXUAL TRANSFORMATIONS— TESTIS 213 duct. The solid end of the tube grows caudalward beneath the epithelium, lateral to the mesonephric, or male ducts (Pigs. 223 to 225). Eventually, by way of the genital cord, the Miillerian ducts reach the median dorsal wall of the urogenital sinus and open into it (Figs. 219 and 238 A). Their further development into uterine tubes, uterus, and vagina is described on page 220. Embryos not longer than 12 mm. are thus characterized by the possession of indifferent genital glands and both male and female genital ducts. There is as yet no sexual differentiation. The develop- ment and position of the Mullerian ducts is well shown in ventral dissec- tions of pig embryos (Figs. 223 and 224); the mesonephroi of the pig are much larger than in man. In the lowest vertebrates the Mullerian duct arise by a longitudinal splitting of the mesonephric duct. Ligamentum testi Mesonephric tubule Mesorchium Anlage of rele testis Mesonephric duct Miillerian duct Intermediate cord Testis cord Epithelium Tunica albuginea FIG. 225. — Transverse section through the left testis and mesonephros of a 20 mm. human embryo. X 250. B. INTERNAL SEXUAL TRANSFORMATIONS Differentiation of the Testis. — In the male embryos of 13 mm. the genital glands show two characters which mark them as testes: (i) the occurrence of branched, anastomosing cords of cells, the testis cords; (2) the occurrence between epithelium and testis cords of a layer of tissue, the anlage of the tunica albuginea (Fig. 225). According to Felix (1912), the testis cords of man are developed suddenly from the loose, inner epithelial mass by a condensation of its cells. The cords converge and grow smaller .towards the mesorchium, where they form the dense, epithelial anla'ge 214 THE UROGENITAL SYSTEM of the rete testis. Two or three layers of loosely arranged cells between the testis cords and the epithelium constitute the anlage of the tunica albugin- ea. On the contrary, Allen (1904) holds that the testis cords of the rabbit and pig are formed as invaginations of the surface epithelium. The testis cords soon become rounded and are marked off by connec- tive-tissue sheaths from the intermediate cords, columns of undifferentiated tissue which lie beteen them (Fig. 226). Toward the rete testis the sheaths of the testis cords unite to form the anlage of the mediastinum testis. The testis cords are composed chiefly of indifferent cells with a few larger germ cells. The cells gradually arrange themselves radially about the inside of the connective-tissue sheath as a many-layered epithelium, in which, during the seventh month, a lumen appears. The lumina appear in the Mesorchium Intermediate cords Rete Ductus deferens Epithelium Tunica albuginea Testis cord Primordial germ cell FIG. 226. — Section through the testis of a 100 mm. human fetus. X 44. peripheral ends of the testis cords, and, extending toward the rete testis, meet lumina which have formed there. Thus the solid cords of both are converted into tubules. The distal portions of the testis tubules anasto- mose and form the tubuli contorti. Their proximal portions remain straight, as the tubuli recti. The rete testis becomes a network of small tubules that finally unite with the collecting tubules of the mesonephros (seep. 219). The primordial germ cells of the testis cords form the spermatogonia of the spermatic tubules, and from these at puberty are developed the later generations of spermatogonia (p. 14). The indifferent cells of the tubules become the sustentacular cells (of Sertoli) of the adult testis. Cer- tain cells of the intermediate cords, epithelial in origin, are transformed into large, pale cells, which, after puberty, are numerous in the interstitial connective tissue and hence are called interstitial cells. The intermediate cords, as such, disappear, but the connective-tissue sheaths of the tubules INTERNAL SEXUAL TRANSFORMATIONS— OVARY 215 unite to form septula which extend from the mediastinum testis to the tunica albuginea. The latter becomes a relatively thick layer in the adult testis and is so called because of its whitish appearance. Differentiation of the Ovary. — -The primitive ovary, like the testis, consists of an inner epithelial mass bounded by the parent peritoneal epithelium. The ovarian characters appear much more slowly than those of the testis. In fetuses of 50 to 80 mm. (C H), the inner epithelial mass, composed of indifferent cells and primordial germ cells, becomes less dense centrally and bulges into the mesovarium (Fig. 227). There may be dis- tinguished a dense, outer cortex beneath the epithelium, a clearer medul- Tubules of mesonephrc (Paroophoron) Ligamenlunt ovarii Uterine (Mul- lerian) tube Primordial germ cells Medulla Cortex . FIG. 227.— Section of an ovary from a 65 mm. human fetus. X 44. lary zone containing large germ cells, and a dense, cellular anlage in the mesovarium, the primitive rete ovarii, which is the homologue of the rete testis. No epithelial cords and no tunica albuginea are developed at this stage, as in the testis. Later, three important changes take place: (i) There is an ingrowth of connective tissue and blood vessels from the hilus, resulting in the forma- tion of a mediastinum and septula. (2) Most of the cells derived from the inner epithelial mass are transformed into young ova, the process extend- ing from the rete ovarii peripherally (Fig. 227). (3) In fetuses of from 80 to 1 80 mm. (C R) length, the ovary grows rapidly, owing to the formation of a new peripheral zone of cells, derived perhaps in part from the peri- toneal epithelium. At the end of this period the septulae line the epithe- lium with a fibrous sheath, the anlage of the tunica albuginea. Hereafter, although folds of the epithelium are formed, they do not penetrate beyond the tunica albuginea, and all cells derived from this source subsequently degenerate. This new peripheral zone, according to Felix, is always a 216 THE UROGENITAL SYSTEM single cellular mass in man, cords, or Tfluger's tubes,' never growing in from the epithelium. Generally it has been believed that the primary follicles are derived from the subdivision of such cords. Coincident with the origin of a new zone of cells at the periphery of the ovary, goes the degeneration of young ova in, the medulla. By the ingrowth into this region of connective tissue, the ova are separated into clusters, or cords, the genital cells of which all degenerate, leaving in the Primordial egg Germinal epithelium Primordial ovum Blocd -vessel Primordial ova FIG. 228. — Ovary of five-months' fetus, showing primordial follicles (De Lee). medulla only a stroma of connective tissue. Late in fetal life, indifferent cells, by surrounding the young ova of the cortex, produce primordial follicles (Fig. 229 A}. During the first year after birth the primitive follicles are transformed into vesicular (Graafian) follicles. By cell divi- sion, the follicle cells form a zone many layers deep about the young ovum (Fig. 229 B}. Next, a cavity appears in the sphere of follicle cells; it enlarges, and produces a vesicle filled with fluid (Figs. 4 and 230). The ovum is now located eccentrically and the follicle cells directly surrounding it constitute the cumulus oophorus (egg-bearing hillock). About the stratum granulosum, formed by the original follicle cells, there is differen- tiated from the stroma of the ovary the theca jolliculi. This is composed INTERNAL SEXUAL TRANSFORMATIONS— OVARY 217 " granulosum s S vf^^^l^ ( vSS— ^=^- ~ ^ vc: x/ • ' ' ~ ^^^^'^ lordial ova and early stages in the development of the Graafian follicle (De Lee). ^^^--^- ~' .•" •;>••-•. . SI A FIG. 229. — Primo Cumulus oophorus Ovum Zona pdlucida\J Nuckus &i!%& . -Stratum granulosum FIG. 230.— Graafian follicle and ovum from the ovary of a fifteen-year-old girl. X 30. 2l8 THE UROGENITAL SYSTEM of an inner, vascular tunica internet and an outer, fibrous and muscular tunica externa. Fully formed Graafian follicles are found in the ovaries during the second year and they may be even present before birth. Ovulation may occur at this time, but usually these precociously formed follicles degen- erate with their contained ova. Thus, although thousands of ova are produced in the ovary, comparatively few are set free ready for fertiliza- tion during the sexually active life of the female, from puberty to the climacteric period, or menopause. The details of ovulation and its rela- tion to menstruation has been discussed on p. 10. The Corpus Luteum. — After ovulation, a blood clot, the corpus hemorrhagicum, forms within the empty follicle. The follicle cells of the stratum granulosum proliferate, enlarge, and produce a yellow pigment (R. Meyer, 1911). The whole structure, composed of lutein cells and connective tissue strands, is termed the corpus luteum, or yellow body. The blood clot is resorbed and replaced by fibrous scar tissue, white in color, known as the corpus albicans. If pregnancy does not intervene, the corpus luteum spurium reaches its greatest development within two weeks and then degenerates. In cases of pregnancy the corpus luteum verum continues its growth until, at the thirteenth week, it reaches a maximal diameter of 15 to 30 mm.; at birth it is still a prominent structure in the ovary. It is believed to produce an important internal secretion, for if the corpus luteum is re- moved the ovum fails to attach itself to the wall of the uterus, or if already embedded, de- velopment ceases (Fraenkel). An influence in retarding ovulation and stimulating the mammary gland function has also been shown experimentally (L. Loeb; O'Donoghue). Comparison of the Testis and Ovary. — It is clear that the superficial epithelium, after forming the inner epithelial mass, takes no further part in the differentiation of the testis and only a small part, if any, in that of the ovary. The testis cords, rete testis, and tunica albuginea differentiate early from the inner epithelial mass. The inner epithelial mass of the ovary develops slowly and passively being divided and moulded by actively ingrowing connective tissue. The Graafian follicles are not the homologues of the testis cords, and the tunica albuginea appears late. The rete ovarii corresponds to the rete testis, but remains a rudimentary structure. Anomalies. — Congenital absence or duplication of the testes and ovaries is very rare. Fused testes and lobed ovaries are also known. Teratomata. — These peculiar tumor-like growths occur rather frequently in the ovary, less often in the testis and other regions. The simpler types, caller dermoid cysts, contain ectodermal derivative such as skin, hair, nails, teeth, and sebaceous glands. They grade into complexes consisting of organ-like masses, from all three germ layers, intermingled without order. Misshapen representatives of all tissues and organs may be present. Among other explanations of the cause, the isolation and subsequent faulty development of blastomeres has been advanced. TRANSFORMATION OF THE MESONEPHRIC TUBULES AND DUCTS 2IQ Transformation of the Mesonephric Tubules and Ducts. — In both male and female embryos of 21 mm. the mesonephros has degenerated until only twenty-six tubules at most persist, and these are separated into a cranial and a caudal group. In the cranial group of 5 to 12 tubules the collecting portions have separated from the secretory portions. The free ends of these collecting tubules project against that part of the inner epithelial mass which gives rise to the rete tubules of either testis or ovary (Figs. 225 and 227). The cords of the rete develop in contact with the collecting tubules of the mesonephros and unite with them in fetuses of 60 mm. (C H). In the male, the lumina of rete and collecting tubules become contin- uous and the cranial group of the latter are transformed into the ductuli ejrferentes of the epididymis. During the fifth month of pregnancy the ductuli efferentes coil at their proximal ends, and when surrounded by connective tissue they are known as lobuli epididymidis. The lower group of collecting tubules persist as the vesitigial paradidymis and ductuli abber antes (Fig. 238 C}. The efferent ductules convey spermatozoa from the testis tubules into the mesonephric duct, which thus becomes the male genital duct. The cranial portion of the mesonephric duct coils and forms the ductus epididymidis; its blind cranial end persists as the appendix epididymidis. The caudal portion of the male duct remains straight, and, as the ductus deferens, extends from the epididymis to the urethra. Near its opening into the latter it dilates to form the ampulla, from the wall of which is evaginated the sacculated seminal vesicle in fetuses of 60 mm. (C H). The epithelium of the genital duct is at first a single layer of columnar cells which form non-motile cilia at 70 mm. (C H). Quite late in development the surrounding mesen- chyma gives rise to the muscular layers. In the female, the rete ovarii is always a rudimentary structure, yet some time before birth it becomes tubular and unites with the cranial persisting group of mesonephric collecting tubules which forms a rudi- mentary structure, the epoophoron (Fig. 238 B}. The epithelial cells of the latter become ciliated, and smooth muscle tissue is developed corres- ponding to that of the epididymis. The caudal group of mesonephric tubules constitute the paroophoron. Usually the greater part of the male genital ducts atrophy in the female, the process beginning at 30 mm. Thus the tubules of the epoophoron are left without an outlet. Portions of the mesonephric ducts persist as (Gartner's) ducts of the epoophoron. Gartner's ducts may extend as vestigial structures from these epoophoron to the lateral walls of the vagina, passing through the broad ligament and the wall of the uterus. They open into the vagina close to the free border of the hymen (R. Meyer). The ducts are rarely present throughout their entire length and are absent in two-thirds to three-quarters of the cases examined. 220 THE UROGENITAL SYSTEM Transformation of the Miillerian Ducts. — The Mullerian, or female ducts, after taking their origin as described on p. 211, grow caudally, following the course of the mesonephric ducts (Fig. 224). At first lateral in position, the Mullerian ducts cross the mesonephric ducts and enter the genital cord median to them (Fig. 238 A). In embryos of 20 to 30 mm. their caudal ends are dorsal to the urogenital sinus, extending as far as the Mullerian tubercle, a projection into the median dorsal wall of the vesico-urethral anlage formed by the earlier entrance of the mesone- phric ducts (Fig. 219). This tubercle marks also the position of the future hymen. In fetuses of 70 mm. (C H) the Mullerian ducts break through the wall of the urethra and open into its cavity. Before this takes place, the caudal ends of the Mullerian ducts, which are pressed close together between the mesonephric ducts in the genital cord, fuse, and in both male and female embryos of 20 to 30 mm. give rise to the unpaired anlage of the uterus and vagina (Figs. 219 and 231 A). The paired cranial portions of the Mullerian ducts become the uterine tubes. During development the ostial ends of the uterine tubes undergo a true descensus from the third thoracic to the fourth lumbar vertebra. In the male, these parts are rudimentary. Those portions of the Mullerian ducts corresponding to the uterine tubes and uterus begin to degenerate at 30 mm. The vaginal portions remains as a pouch on the dorsal wall of the urethra, the vagina masculina, or prostatic utricle. The older term, uterus masculinus, is obviously a misnomer which should be abandoned. The extreme cranial end of each Mullerian duct persists as an appendix testis (Fig. 238 C}. The Uterus and Vagina. — Since the Mullerian ducts develop in the urogenital folds, they make two bends in their course (Fig. 231 A) corres- ponding to those of the folds (p. 209). Each consists of a cranial longitu- dinal portion, a middle transverse portion, and a caudal longitudinal portion which is fused with its fellow to form the utero-vaginal anlage. At the angle between the cranial and middle portions is attached the inguinal J old, the future round ligament of the uterus (Figs. 232 and 233). The mesenchyma condenses about the utero-vaginal anlage and the middle transverse portion of the Mullerian ducts, forming a thick, sharply defined layer, from which is differentiated the muscle and connective tissue of the uterus and vagina (Fig. 231 B). As development proceeds, the cranial wall between the transverse portions of the Mullerian ducts bulges out- ward, so that its original cranial concavity becomes convex (Fig. 231 B}. The middle, transverse portions of the ducts are thus taken up into the wall of the uterus forming itsfundus, while the narrow cervix of the uterus and the vagina arise from the utero-vaginal anlage. Through the dif- ferentiation of its mesenchymatous wall, the uterus is first brought into relation with the round ligament. THE UTERUS AND VAGINA 221 The Hymen. — At the point where the utero-vaginal anlage breaks through the wall of the urogenital sinus there is present the tubercle of Miiller that marks the lower limits of the vagina. The tubercle is com- pressed into a disk, lined internally by the vaginal epithelium, externally by the epithelium of the urogenital sinus, or future vestibule. These layers, with the mesenchyma between them, constitute the hymen, which thus guards the opening into the vagina (Fig. 238 A, B). A circular aperture in the hymen is for a time closed by a knob of epithelial cells, but later when the hymen becomes funnel-shaped the opening is compressed laterally to form a sagittal slit, the ostium vagince. Miiller's tubercle persists in the male as the colliculus seminalis, from the summit of which leads off the prostatic utricle. Uterine tube B Futidus of uterus Round ligament ^ Transverse portion of uterine tube ^Mesenthyme FIG. 231. — Diagrams showing the development of the uterus and vagina (modified after Felix). Growth of the Uterus. — The uterus shortens one-third soon afters birth and does not fully recoup this loss until the eleventh year. The virginal size is attained by a short period of rapid growth, chiefly before puberty. At 80 mm. (C R) the mucosa and muscularis may be distinguished. The first circular muscle fibers appear in 180 mm. (C R) fetuses; the other muscle layers develop later. The epithelium of the uterine tubes and the fundus of the uterus remains simple; that of the cervix and vagina becomes stratified (38 mm., C R). The tubular fundus glands of the uterus may not appear until near puberty. The vagina is at first without a lumen; from the third to the sixth months of fetal life, dorsal and ventral solid outgrowths of epith- elium form its fornices. The vaginal lumen appears in fetuses of 150 to 200 mm. (C R), arising by the degeneration of the central epithelial cells. Anomalies. — Many cases of abnormal uterus and vagina occur. The more common anomalies are: (i) Complete duplication of the uterus and vagina due to the failure of the Miillerian ducts to fuse. (2) Uterus bicornis, due to the incomplete fusion of the ducts. Combined with these defects, the lumen of the uterus and vagina may fail, partly or com- pletely, to develop and the vaginal canal may not open to the exterior (imperforate hymen). (3) The body of the uterus may remain flat (uterus planifundus; Fig. 231 A) or may fail to grow to normal size (uterus fetalis and infantalis). (4) Congenital absence of one or both uterine tubes, or of the uterus or vagina rarely occurs, but may be associated with hermaphroditism of the external genitalia. The hymen is of variable shape and may be imperforate. THE UROGENITAL S-YSTEM Ligaments of the Internal Genitalia. — Female. — The loose mesen- chyma of the genital cord gives rise laterally to the broad ligaments of the uterus in females. A portion of the primitive genital fold unites the caudal end of the ovary to the genital cord. This acquires connective tissue and smooth muscle fibers and forms the proper ligament of the ovary (Fig. 233). Since the uterus develops in the genital cord, the ligament of the ovary extends to the posterior surface of the uterine wall. In the male the homo- logue of the proper ligament of the ovary is the ligament of the testis. In both sexes the inguinal fold extends from the urogenital fold to the inguinal crest, located on the inside of the ventral abdominal wall, a point which marks the future entrance of the inguinal canal. The in- Diaphragmatic liga ment of mesonephro. uprarenal gland ullerian duct in mesonephric fold enital gland Inguinal fold Glans of phallus Genital swelling FIG. 232. — Ventral dissection of a human embryo of 23 mm., showing the urogenital organs. The right suprarenal gland has been removed to show the metanephros. guinal fold thus forms a bridge in 14 mm. embryos between the urogenital fold, in the middle portion of which the uterus develops in the female, and the abdominal wall at the entrance of the inguinal canal (Fig. 232). In the inguinal crest is differentiated the conical anlage of the chorda guber- naculi, which later becomes a fibrous cord. The abdominal muscles de- velop around it, forming a tube, the inguinal canal, and the external oblique muscle leaves a foramen, through which the chorda connects with a second cord termed in the male the ligamentum scroti, in the female the ligamentum labiate. The chorda gubernaculi and the ligamentum labiale together constitute the round ligament of the uterus (Fig. 233), as they form a continuous cord extending from the urogenital fold to the base of the genital tubercle. With the development of the uterus in the • urogenital fold, the round ligament becomes attached to its ventral surface. DESCENT OF THE TESTIS AND OVARY 223 Male.— The ligamentum testis, like the ligamentum ovarii, develops in the genital fold and extends from the caudal end of the testis to the mesonephric fold, at a point opposite the attachment of the inguinal fold* The inguinal fold, as we have seen, is continuous with the inguinal crest and the chorda gubernaculi. A cord develops in the mesonephric fold and connects the ligamentum testis with the chorda gubernaculi, for in the male the uterus does not intervene between these two. The chorda gubernaculi is continued to the integument of the scrotum by way of the ligamentum scroti. Thus there is formed a continuous cord, the guber- Suprarenal gland Diaphragmatic ligamen Ligamentum ovarii Round ligament of uterus Phallus Metanephros Pelvis of metanephros Uterine tube Rectum Utero-vaginal anlage Bladder nital swelling Glans clitoridis FIG. 233. — Ventral dissection of a female human embryo of 34 mm.. are dissected out and the left suprarenal gland has been removed. naculum testis, extending from the caudal end of the testis through the inguinal canal to the scrotal integument. The gubernaculum is composed of the ligamentum testis, a mesonephric cord, .the chorda gubernaculi, and the ligamentum scroti. It is the homologue of the ovarian ligament plus the round ligament of the uterus, between which the uterus intervenes (Fig. 233.) Descent of the Testis and Ovary. — The original position of the testis and ovary is changed during the later stages of development. At first they are elongate structures, extending in the abdominal cavity from the diaphragm caudally towards the pelvis (Fig. 220). Since their caudal ends continue to grow and enlarge while their cranial portions are atrophy- ing, there is a wave-like shifting of the glands caudad. An actual internal descent, however, does not occur. When the process of growth and de- 224 THE UROGEMTAL SYSTEM generation is completed, the caudal ends of the testis lie at the boundary line between the abdomen and pelvis, whereas the ovaries are located in the pelvis itself, a position which they retain. Owing to the rotation of the ovary about its middle point as an axis, it takes up a transverse position. It also rotates nearly 180° about the Mullerian duct as an axis, and thus comes to lie caudal to the uterine tube. The testis normally leaves the abdominal cavity and descends into the scrotum. As described above, there is early developed between the testis and the integument of the scrotum a fibrous cord, the gubernaculum testis. Owing to changes in the position of the ventral abdominal wall and umbilical arteries, changes connected with the return of the intestinal coils into the ccelom, there are formed in each side of the abdominal wall sac- like pockets, the anlages of^the vaginal sacs. Close to each saccus (processus) vaginalis lies the caudal end of a testis, while extending into the scrotum out- side the peritoneum is the gubernaculum testis. The saccus vaginalis later FIG. 234. — The descent of the testis; a.c.. Abdominal cavity; d-d., ductus deferens; £./., gubernaculum testis; s., scrotum; s.v., saccus vaginalis; t.v., tunica vaginalis; x., obliterated vaginal sac. invaginates into the scrotum over the pubic bone. Due to the actual and relative shortening of the gubernaculum testis the descent of the testis into the vaginal sac begins during the seventh month of fetal life, and. by the end of the eighth month, or at least before birth, the testis is usually located in the scrotum (Fig. 234). It must be remembered that the testis and gubernaculum are covered by the peritoneum before the descent be- gins, consequently the testis follows the gubernaculum along the inguinal canal dorsal to the peritoneum, and, when it reaches the scrotum, is invag- inated into the saccus vaginalis, but does not lie in the coelomic extension. The gubernaculum of a newborn is but one-fourth its length at the begin- ning of the descensus. After birth it atrophies almost completely. Shortly after birth the narrow canal, connecting the saccus vaginalis with the abdominal cavity, becomes solid and its epithelium is resorbed. The vaginal sac, now isolated, becomes the tunica vaginalis of the testis. Its visceral layer is closely applied to the testis and its parietal layer forms the lining of the scrotal sac. The ductus deferens and the spermatic vessels and nerves are of course carried down into the scrotum with the testis and epididymis. They are surrounded by connective tissue, and, THE EXTERNAL GENITALIA 225 with the spermatic vessels, constitute the spermatic cord. Owing to the descent of the testis, the ductus deferens is looped over the ureter in the abdomen (Fig. 238 Q. In the female, shallow peritoneal pockets, frequently persistent as the diverticula of Nuck, correspond to the vaginal sacs of the male. Rarely a more or less complete descent of the ovary into the labium ma jus occurs. Anomalies. — At times, the testes remain undescended in the abdomen, a condition known as cryptorchism and associated with sterility in man. In some mammals (whale, elephant) it is the normal condition. The inguinal canals of man may remain open and allow the testes to slip back into the abdominal cavity. Such conditions lead to inguinal hernia of the intestine. Open inguinal canals, with a periodic descent during the breeding season, occur normally in some animals (rodents, bats). C. THE EXTERNAL GENITALIA Indifferent Stage. — The external genitalia of both sexes are similar until the beginning of the third month of development, when the indifferent anlages become moulded into sexually distinct organs. There develops early in the midline of the ventral body wall, between the tail and um- bilical cord, the cloacal tubercle. Upon this appears a knob-like struc- ture, the phallus, and the two together constitute the genital eminence (Fig. 220). The cloacal tubercle forms about the base of the phallus genital swellings, more pronounced laterally. The phallus grows rapidly, carry- ing with it the phallic portion of the urogenital sinus (Fig. 219). At the end of the phallus the epithelium of the sinus forms a solid urethral plate. ABC FIG. 235. — Three stages in the developement of the external genitalia in human embryos of 24 to 34 mm. (after Tourneux in Heisler). Indifferent stage: i, Phallus; 2, glans; 3, primitive urogenital opening; 4, genital tubercle or swelling; 5, anus; 6, coccyx. Along the anal surfaces of the phallus, in the midline, the wall of the uro- genital sinus breaks through to the exterior and forms the slit -like, prim- itive urogenital opening (Fig. 235). In embryos of 21 to 26 mm., at the end of the phallus, the glans is marked off from the base by a circular groove, the coronary sulcus (Figs. 232 and 23 5.6). Female. — A deep groove appears about the base of the phallus, separa- ting it from the genital swellings, which become circular (Fig. 235 C). From the swelling differentiates : (i) cranially, the mons pubis; (2) laterally, 226 THE UROGENITAL SYSTEM the right and left labia majora; (3) caudally, the posterior commissure (Fig. 236). The glans of the phallus forms the glans clitoridis of the female. On the anal surface of the phallus, beginning at the coronary sulcus, the primitive urogenital opening closes distally, forming the urethral groove. Proximally it remains open, as the definitive urogenital opening near the base of the phallus. The lips of this groove and opening enlarge and become the labia minora. The cranial surface of the phallus forms a fold, A B C FIG. 236. — Three stages in the development of the female external genital ia (after Tour- -•••.. u.^ipr1). i. Clitoris; 2, glans clitoridis; 3, urogenital aperture on each side of which are the labia minora (7.1; 4., labia majora; 4, anus; 7, labia minora. •pucium, which, however, is not the exact homologue of the male m. This in the female is represented by a ring-like rudiment at the base of the glans clitoridis (Felix, 1912). Male. --The phallus grows rapidly at its base, so that the glans and prm 11 u v^ urogenital opening are carried some distance from the anus (Fig. 237). A cylindrical collar of the epithelium, incomplete on the anal side, grows down into the end of the glans, which becomes the glans penis By the disappearance of the central cells of the epithelial downgrowth, an outer cylindrical mantle, the prepucium, or fore-skin, is formed about the spheroidal glans (cf. Fig. 158). Where the epithelial downgrowth is in- complete the glans and fore-skin remain connected, the persisting connec- tion being the frenulum prepucii. The corpora cavernosa penis arise as paired mesenchymal columns. The corpus cavernosum urethras results from the linking of similar, unpaired anlages, one in the glans the other in the shaft. The urogenital sinus, as we have seen, extends out into the phallus and in the glans becomes the solid urethral plate. With the great elonga- THE EXTERNAL GENITALIA 227 tion of the male phallus, the open portion of the urogenital sinus also is lengthened and forms the greater part of the penile urethra. In fetuses of 70 mm. (C R), the groove-like primitive urogenital opening, located in the male near the glans and distant from the anus, begins to close and thus forms a further portion of the urethra. The lips of the urogenital opening, it will be remembered, correspond to the labia minora, or nymphce, of the female. Finally, at 100 mm. (C H ?), the solid urethral plate of the glans splits, forms a groove to the tip of the glans, and this groove in turn is closed, continuing the urethra to the definitive openrng at the tip of the glans (Fig. 237 C). Owing to the rapid elongation of the penis, there is formed between its base and the anus an unpaired area, termed by Felix ABC FIG. 237. — Three stages in the development of the male external genitals (after Tourneux in Heisler). I, Penis; 2, glans; 3, urogenital groove; 4, genital swellings corresponding to labia majora of female; 5, anus; 7, scrotal area with perineo-scrotal raphe. (1912) the the scrotal area, as it is the anlage of the scrotum (Fig. 237 A). At 60 mm. (C H) this forms a median scrotal swelling, continuous laterally with the paired genital swellings which form the labia majora in the fe- male. When the scrotal sac develops in the scrotal area, the dense tissue in the median line is stretched and forms the septum scroti. The attach- ment of this septum forms an external median depression, the raphe. The testes descend into the vaginal sacs of the scrotum through the paired genital swellings, as described on p. 224, but the scrotum itself is an un- paired structure derived from the scrotal area. After the descent of the testes the genital swellings disappear (Fig. 237 C}. Comparing the male and female external genitalia, it is plain that the glans penis and glans clitoridis are homologous. The labia minora cor- respond to the phallic folds which close about the primitive urogenital opening on the anal surface of the penis. The greater part of the shaft of the male phallus does not develop in the female. On the other hand, the genital swellings enlarge and become the mons pubis and labia majora 228 THE UROGENITAL SYSTEM of the female, while in the male they are only temporary structures. The scrotum does not develop in the female, being represented only by the posterior commissure of the labia majora. Accessory Glands. — The prostate gland develops in both sexes as out- growths of the urethra, both above and below the entrance of the male ducts. The tubules arise at 55 mm. (C H) in five distinct groups and total an average number of 63 (Lowsley, 1912). The surrounding mesencyhme differentiates both white fibrous connective tissue and smooth muscle fibers into which the anlages of the prostate grow. In the female the homologue is rudimentary; these isolated paraurethral ducts (of Skene) number at most three. The bulbo-urethral glands (of Cowper) arise in male embryos of 30 mm. (C R) as solid, paired epithelial buds from the entoderm of the uro- genital sinus. The buds penetrate through the mesenchyme of the corpus cavernosum urethrae, about which they enlarge. The glands branch, and, at 1 20 mm. (C R), the epithelium becomes glandular. The vestibular glands (of Bartholin) are the homologues in the female of the bulbo-urethral glands. They appear. at the same age as the male glands, grow until after puberty, and degenerate after the climacterium. HOMOLOGIES OF INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL GENITALIA Male Indifferent Stage Female Ductuli efferentes. Paradidymis. Mesonephric collecting tubules. Cranial group. Caudal group. Epoophoron. Paroophoron. Ductus epididymidis. Ductus deferens. Seminal vesicle. Ejaculatory duct. Mesonephric duct. Gartner's duct. (i) Appendix testis. (2) (3) Utriculus prostaticus (Vagina masculina). Mtillerian duct. (i) Uterine tube. (2) Uterus. (3) Vagina. Colliculus seminalis. M tiller's tubercle. Hymen. (i) Prostatic and mem- branous urethra. (2) Prostate gland. (3) Bulbo-urethral glands. Urogenital sinus. (i) Urethra and vestibule. (2) Paraurethral ducts. (3) Vestibular glands. Glans penis. Anal surface of penis, (i) (2) (3) Scrotum. Phallus. Glans.. Lips of urethral groove. Genital swellings. Glans clitoridis. Labia minora. (i) Mons pubis. (2) Labia majora. (3) Posterior commissure. THE EXTERNAL GENITALIA 22Q Miillerian duct Bladder' Mesonephros Urogenital sinus Intestine Phallus Cloaca INDIFFERENT STAGE roopnoron Gartner's duct Labium majus Labium minor Penis Uterine lube &- Paradidymis — Ductulus abberans Ductus deferens Seminal vesicle Scrotum - \ t' \ FIG. 238. — Diagrams to show the development of male and female genital organs from a common type (after Allen Thompson). 230 THE UROGENITAL SYSTEM Anomalies. — If the lips of the slit-like urogenital opening on the under surface of the penis fail to fuse, hypospadias results. Rarely there is a similar defect on the upper sur- face— epispadias . True hermaphroditism consists in the presence of both testes and ovaries in the same individual. It is of rare occurrence in birds and mammals, is not uncommon in the lower vertebrates, and is the normal condition in many invertebrates (worms, molluscs). Ac- cording to Pick (1914), there are only four authentic cases in man; these have on one side, at least, a combined ovotestis. The internal genitalia are faultily bisexual. The external genitalia show mixed male and female characteristics. The secondary sexual characters (beard, mammae, voice, etc.) are usually intermediate, tending now one way, now the other. False hermaphroditism is characterized by the presence of the genital glands of one sex in an individual whose secondary sexual characters and external or internal genitalia resembles those of the opposite sex. In masculine hermaphroditism an individual pos- sesses testes, often undescended, but the external genitals (by retarded development) and secondary characters are like those of the female. In feminine hermaphroditism ovaries are present, and sometimes descended, but the other sexual characters, such as enlarged clitoris or fused labiae, simulate the male. The cause of hermaphroditism is unknown. THE UTERUS DURING MENSTRUATION AND PREGNANCY: PLACENTA AND DECIDUAL MEMBRANES Two sets of important changes take place normally in the wall of the uterus. One of these is periodic between puberty and the menopause (about the forty-fifth year) and is the cause of menstruation (monthly flow). These periodic changes, comparable to the oestrus cycle in lower animals, may also be regarded as preparatory to the second set of changes which take place if pregnancy occurs and give rise to the decidual mem- branes and placenta. Menstruation. — The periodic changes that accompany the phenome- non of menstruation form a cycle which occupies twenty-eight days. This period is divided into: (i) a phase of uterine congestion — six or seven days; (2) 'a phase of hemorrhage and epithelial desquamation — three to five days; (3) a phase of regeneration of the uterine mucosa — -four to six days ; (4) finally, an interval of rest or slight regeneration — -twelve to six- teen days. During the first phase, the uterine mucosa is thickened to two or three times its resting condition, both because of vascular congestion and on account 'of the actual increase of connective tissue cells. The uterine glands become longer, and their deeper portions especially are dilated and more convoluted because they are filled with secretion. Blood escapes from the enlarged capillaries by diapedesis and forms subepithelial masses. At the end of this stage, the uterine mucosa shows a deep spongy layer and a superficial compact layer, these corresponding to similar layers in the decidual membranes of pregnancy. During the second phase, that of menstruation proper, the superficial blood vessels rupture and add to the blood escaping into the uterine cavity ; THE UTERUS DURING MENSTRUATION AND PREGNANCY 231 there is also an active discharge of secretion from the uterine glands. The surface epithelium and a portion of the underlying tissue may or may not be desquamated. In some cases the surface epithelium and most of the compact layer may be expelled, aided by painful contractions of the uterus. In the third stage, the mucosa becomes thin, with straight, narrow glands, between which are fusiform, closely packed stroma cells. Any surface epithelium which has been desquamated is regenerated from the epithelium of the glands, and gradually the mucosa returns to a resting condition, during which, however, there is a slow process of cell proliferation. Implantation of the Ovum. — The earliest known human ova are al- ready completely embedded in the uterine mucosa. From the careful study of early human embryos by Bryce and Teacher, Peters, Herzog, and others, and from more complete observations on other mammals, such as the guinea pig, the course of events in man is reasonably certain. Ovulation sets the ripe ovum free within the abdominal cavity; from whence the beating cilia on the fimbriae of the uterine tube sweep it into the tubal ampulla. There it may be fertilized and carried to the uterus by the cilia of the tubal epithelium. During this period of migration, which is estimated as occupying about eight days, the ovum loses its sur- rounding follicle cells and pellucid membrane and begins its development. Thus when it reaches the uterus, and is ready for implantation, it is an embryo with trophectoderm developed, although the blastodermic vesicle is not more than 0.2 mm. in diameter (von Spee). Since ovulation occurs most often in the intermenstruum, Grosser believes that the embryo reaches the uterus during the premenstrual period. The congestion and loosening of the uterine tissue at this time would seemingly favor the implantation of the embryo, and the glandular secretion might afford nutriment for its growth until implantation oc- curs. The first phase of menstruation, according to this view, prepares the uterine mucosa for the reception of the embryo. If pregnancy supervenes, it soon inhibits any further premenstrual changes so that menstruation does not occur. Menstruation proper would then represent an over-ripe condition of the mucosa and the abortion of an unfertilized ovum. If the ovum becomes implanted and develops elsewhere than in the uterus the condition is known as an extrauterine, or ectopic pregnancy. The commonest site is the uterine tube, tubal pregnancy. Attachment to the peritoneum, abdominal pregnancy, and the development of an unexpelled ovum within the ruptured follicle, ovarian pregnancy, are known also. The embryo penetrates the uterine mucosa as would a parasite, the trophectoderm supposedly producing an enzyme which digests away the maternal tissues until the embryo is entirely embedded (Fig. 239). Dur- ing implantation, the trophectoderm also absorbs nutriment (chiefly blood) from the uterine mucosa for the use of the embryo. The process of im- 232 THE UROGENITAL SYSTEM plantation is supposed to occupy one day. At the point where the embryo enters the mucosa a fibrin clot soon appears and eventually the opening is completely closed (Fig. 239). The Decidual Membranes (Figs. 240 and 241).- — With the increase in size of the embryo and chorionic vesicle, the superficial covering layer of the maternal mucosa bulges into the cavity of the uterus and forms the decidua capsularis (old term, decidua reflexa). The deep layer of the mucosa next the inner side of the embryo forms the anlage of the future maternal placenta and is the decidua basalis (decidua serotina). The mucosa lining Maternal vessel Trophoderm Uterine gland Trophoderm __ Uterine gland Uterine epitheli Maternal vessel Uterine gland e epithelium Blood clot FIG. 239. — Section through a human embryo of .16 mm. embedded in the uterine mucosa (semi-diagrammatic after Peters), am., Amniotic cavity; b.s., body stalk; ect., ectoderm of embryo; ent., entoderm; mes., mesoderm; y.s., yolk sac. the rest of the uterus is differentiated into the decidua vera (decidua parie- talis of Bonnet). Differentiation of the Trophectoderm. — -The chorion is at first com- posed of an inner, mesodermal layer and an outer, epithelial layer, the trophectoderm (Fig. 74). From the trophectoderm there is developed an outer syncytial layer, the trophoderm (Fig. 239). This invades and de- stroys the maternal tissues. In the latter large vacuoles are formed, either directly by the syncytial tissue (Bryce and Teacher), or by the blood escaping from the ruptured vessels under pressure (Peters), and thus blood lacuna are produced. The trophoderm thickens at intervals and THE UTERUS DURING MENSTRUATION AND PREGNANCY 233 forms on the surface of the chorion solid cords of cells, the primary villi (Fig. 239). The chorionic mesoderm grows out into these cords, which branch profusely and become secondary, or true villi (Fig. 242). During the development of the villi, the blood lacunae in the trophoderm around the villi expand, run together, and produce intervillous blood spaces which surround the villi and bathe the epithelium with blood. The syncytial trophoderm, from being a spongy network, is now reduced to a continuous Uterine cavity Chorionic Cavity Chorion frondosum Decidua basalis Decidua capsularis Muscularis Decidua vera Cervical canal FIG. 240. — Gravid uterus of about one month, longitudinal section. layer covering the outer surfaces of the villi and chorion. Branches of the umbilical vessels develop in the mesoderm of the chorion and villi. The mesodermal core of each villus and its branches is now covered by a two- layered epithelium, an inner, ectodermal layer with distinctly outl ned cuboidal cells, and an outer, syncytial trophoderm layer (Fig. 248 A). The epithelium also forms solid columns of cells which anchor the ends of certain villi to the maternal tissue. Islands, or nodes, of epithelial cells, are attached to the villi or lie free in the decidua basalis; they represent 234 THE UROGENITAL SYSTEM FIG. 241.— Diagrammatic section through a pregnant uterus at the seventh or eighth week (after Allen Thomson). c,c, Openings of uterine tubes; c', cervix with mucous plug; dv, decidua vera or parietalis; dr, decidual capsularis; ds, decidua basalis; ch, chorion with villi; the villi extending into the decidua basalis are from the chorion frondosum; am, amnion; u, umbilical cord;_c/,_allantois; y,y', yolk sac and stalk. Mesoderm Syncytial Irophoderm Core of villus - Canalized fibrin — Endolhelium Canalized fibrin Maternal capillary Intermllous space FIG. 242. — Diagram illustrating the development 'of the chorionic villi and placenta (after Peters). THE UTERUS DURING MENSTRUATION AND PREGNANCY 235 portions of the primitive trophectoderm. In the vessels of the chorionic villi the chorionic circulation of the embryo is established. The blood vessels of the uterus open into the intervillous blood spaces and here the maternal blood circulates. The syncytial trophoderm covering the villi is bathed in the maternal blood. Its functions are three-fold: (i) like endothelium it prevents the coagulation of the maternal blood; (2) it allows transudation between the blood of fetus and mother; and (3) it assimilates substances from the maternal blood and transfers them to that of the embryo. According to Mall (1915), the trophoderm also forms a wall which dams or plugs the blood vessels as soon as eroded, and, with the decidua (p. 240), permits but little blood to pass into the intervillous spaces (cf. p. 241). B FIG. 243. — Human ova: A, of three weeks; B, of six weeks, showing formation of the chorion laeve by degeneration of the chorionic villi (De Lee). The Chorion Laeve and Frondosum. — The villi at first cover the entire surface of the chorion. As the embryo grows more and more out into the uterine cavity, the decidua capsularis and that portion of the chorion attached to it are compressed, and the circulation in the inter- villous spaces of these structures is cut off (Figs. 241 and 243). Thus, beginning at the pole of the decidua capsularis, the villi in this portion of the chorion degenerate during the fourth week and form the chorion l&ve. The villi on that part of the chorion which is attached to the decidua basalis continue their development, and, persisting, form the chorion J'rondosum. This, with the decidua basalis of the uterus, constitutes the placenta (Fig. 240) . The embryo is attached first to the chorion frondosum by the body stalk (Figs. 77 B and 239), later by the umbilical cord (Fig. 236 THE UROGENITAL SYSTEM 241). Through the umbilical vein and arteries in the cord the placental circulation of the embryo takes place. The Decidua Vera. — During the first phase of menstruation the uterine mucosa begins to differentiate into a broad, superficial compact layer and into a narrower, deep spongy layer in which are found the dilated ends of the uterine glands. After pregnancy these two layers are still further differentiated in the wall of the decidua vera and decidua basalis. The compact layer is much thicker than the spongy layer and in it are found numerous stroma cells, enlarged blood vessels, and decidual cells (Fig. 244). The decidual 'cells, frequently multinucleate, are derived Amnion Chorion Compact layer •• Vein -Gland -Vein Spongy layer I* Muscularis - FIG. 244. — Vertical section through the wall of the uterus about seven months pregnant, with the membranes in situ (Schaper in Lewis and Stohr). X 30. from the stroma cells of the mucosa. They are large, being 50 ju in diameter, with clear cytoplasm and vesicular nuclei. Their function is in doubt. Glycogen has been found in them, but during the later months of pregnancy many of them degenerate. In the spongy layer of the mucosa occur the enlarged and tortuous uterine glands of pregnancy (Fig. 244). During the first two months of pregnancy the long axes of the glands are perpendicular to the surface of the mucosa. Later, as the decidua is stretched and compressed owing to the growth of the fetus, the glands are broadened and shortened and the cavities of the glands become elongated clefts parallel to each other and to the surface of the decidua. The gland cells become stretched THE UTERUS DURING MENSTRUATION AND PREGNANCY 237 and flattened until they resemble endothelial cells. At birth, or in case of late abortion, the plane of separation is in the spongy layer. Only the deep portions of the glands remain attached to the uterine wall, and, by the division of their cells, regenerate the epithelium of the uterus. The Decidua Capsularis. — The capsularis, as we have seen, becomes thin as the embryo grows (Fig. 241). To it is attached the chorion Iceve, the villi of which degenerate. During the fourth month the increased size of the fetus brings the capsularis into contact with the decidua vera with which it fuses, thereby obliterating the uterine cavity. Eventually it largely degenerates, completely so opposite the internal os uteri, where the chorionic villi are obliterated also. During pregnancy, the lumen of the cervix is closed by a plug formed by the secretions of the glands opening into the cervix uteri (Fig. 241). FIG. 245. — Mature placenta, a, Entire organ, showing fetal siirfacew ith membranes attached to the periphery; b, a portion of attached surface showing cotyledons (Heisler). The Placenta. — The placenta is composed of the decidua basalis, fetal constituting the maternal portion, and of the chorion frondosum, the contribution (Fig. 240). The area throughout which the villi of the chorion frondpsum remain attached to the decidua basalis is somewhat circular in form, so that at term the placenta is disc-shaped, about seven inches in diameter and one inch thick (Fig. 245). Near the middle of its fetal surface is attached the umbilical cord, and this surface is formed by the amnion, the mesoderm of which is closely applied to, and fused with, that of the chorion frondosum (Fig. 246). The Chorion Frondosum. — The villi of this portion of the chorion form profusely branched, tree-like structures which lie in the intervillous 238 THE UROGENITAL SYSTEM spaces (Fig. 247). The ends of some of the villi are attached to the wall of the decidua basalis and are known as the anchoring villi. In the con- nective-tissue core of each villus are commonly two arteries and two veins Root of villus Sectioned villi Uterine vessel I Spongy layer Muscular wall of uterus FIG. 246. — Section through a normal placenta of seven months in situ (Minot). X 5. (branches of the umbilical vessels), cells like lymphocytes, and special cells of Hofbauer, apparently undergoing degeneration. Lymphatics are also present. The epithelium of the villi, as we have seen, is at first THE UTERUS DURING MENSTRUATION AND PREGNANCY 239 composed of a layer of trophectoderm with the outlines of its cuboidal cells sharply defined (Fig. 248 A). This layer (of Langhans) forms and is covered by a syncytium, the trophoderm. In the later months of preg- nancy, as the villi grow, the trophectoderm is used up in forming the syncytium, so that at term the trophoderm is the only continuous epithelial layer of the villi (Fig. 248 B). About the margin of the placenta the trophectoderm persists as the closing ring, which it continuous with^the epithelium of the chorion laeve. Muscularis Uterine artery Uterine veil, Uterine. artery in septum Decidua basalis 'ne artery in decidual septum Intervillous space Syncytium cal vein FIG. 247. — Scheme of placental circulation (Kollmann). Arrows indicate supply and exhaust of blood in the intervillous spaces. The Decidua Basalis. — This, the maternal placenta, like the decidua vera is differentiated into a compact layer, or basal plate, which forms the floor of the intervillous spaces, and into a deep spongy layer (Figs. 246 and 247). The first is the remains of the compact layer of the uterine mucosa, formed during the premenstrual phase and partially destroyed by the implantation of the ovum. The second is the modified spongy layer of the premenstrual period, and, though thinner, shows the same differentiation as in the decidua vera. The glandular spaces are less numerous in the spongy layer of the decidua basalis; between the spaces 240 THE UROGENITAL SYSTEM occur syncytial giant cells to be derived from the trophoderm of the villi. It is in the plane of this spongy layer that the separation of the placenta takes place at birth. The decidua is said to prevent excessive haemor- rhage during the earlier part of pregnancy by acting as a dam between the chorionic villi and the eroded uterus (cf. p. 235). 'yncytium Cuboidal cell~^(of Langhans) 'onnedive tissue Blood vessel containing nucleated red corpuscles Oblique section of the epithelium Epithelium"— Epithelial nucleus — Capillaries *~ - - - Syncytial knot Small artery — Syncytial knot - — Syncytial knot Epithelium --.-W-j~Small -vein — Capillary FIG. 248. — Transverse sections of chorionic villi: A, at the fourth week; B, C, at the end of pregnancy (Schaper in Lewis and Stohr). The basal plate, or compact layer of the decidua basalis, is composed of a connective-tissue stroma containing decidual cells, canalized fibrin, and persisting portions of the epithelium of the villi. The 'canalized fibrin' (Fig. 242) forms chiefly by a fibrinoid necrosis of the mucosa, but Uterine muscle Remains of yolk sac Maternal blood sinus Decidua basal is Placenta} septum Marginal sinus Fused decidua vera and capsularis Chorion Amnion FIG. 249. — Section of the uterus, showing the relation of an advanced fetus to the placenta and mem- branes (Ahlfeld). THE UTERUS DURING MENSTRUATION AND PREGNANCY 241 the fibrin of the maternal blood and the chorionic trophoderm also partici- pate (Mall, 191 5). From the basal plate, septa extend into the intervillous spaces but do not unite with the chorion frondosum (Grosser) . Near term, these constitute the septa placenta which incompletely divided the placenta into lobules, or cotyledons (Figs. 245 and 247). The maternal arteries and veins pass through the basal plate, taking a sinuous course and opening into the intervillous spaces (Fig. 247). Near their entrance they course obliquely and lose all but their endothelial layers. The original openings of the vessels into the intervillous spaces were formed during the im- plantation of the ovum, when their walls were eroded by the invading trophoderm of the villi. As the placenta increases in size, the vessels grow larger. The ends of the villi are frequently sucked into the veins and interfere with the placental circulation. At the periphery of the placenta is an enlarged intervillous space that varies in extent but never circumscribes the placenta completely. This space is the marginal sinus through which blood is carried away from the placenta by the maternal veins (Fig. 249). The blood of the mother and fetus does not mix, although the epithelial cells of the villi are instrumental in transferring nutritive substances to the blood of the fetus and in eliminating wastes from the fetal circulation into the maternal blood stream of the intervillous spaces. Mall (1915) states that there is little evidence of an actual intervillous circulation; the decidua and trophoderm are active in preventing this (pp. 239 and 240). Some embryologists hold that the intervillous circulation is peculiar to the second half of pregnancy. In summary, Mall regards the entire question as still open. Relation of the Fetus to the Placenta and the Separation of the De- cidual Membranes at Birth. — The relation of the embryo to the fetal membranes has been described on p. 73 /./. During the first months of pregnancy the embryo floats in the cavity of the amnion, attached to the placenta by the umbilical cord (Fig. 241). Later, as we have seen, the amnion fuses more or less completely to the chorion frondosum and laeve. The decidua capsularis fuses with the decidua vera and largely disappears. Before birth, the placenta is concave on its amniotic surface, its curvature corresponding to that of the uterus (Fig. 249). At term, the duration of which is taken as ten lunar months, the muscular contractions of the uterus, termed 'pains,' bring about a dilation of the cervix uteri, the rup- ture of the amnion and chorion lasve, and cause the extrusion of the child. With the rupture of the membranes the amniotic liquor is expelled, the fetal membranes remaining attached to the decidual membranes. The pains of labor begin the detachment of the decidual membranes, the plane of their separation lying in the spongy layer of the decidua basalis and 242 THE UROGENITAL SYSTEM decidua vera, where there are only thin-walled partitions between the en- larged glands (Fig. 246). Following the birth of the child, the tension of the umbilical cord and the 'after pains' which diminish the size of the uterus, normally complete the separation of the decidual membranes from the wall of the uterus. The uterine contractions serve also to diminish the size of the ruptured placental vessels and prevent extensive hemorrhage. From the persisting portions of the spongy layer and from the epithelium of the glands, the tunica propria, glands, and epithelium of the uterine mucosa are regenerated. The decidual membranes, and the structures attached to them when expelled, constitute the 'after birth.' The placenta usually is everted so that its amniotic surface is convex, its maternal surface concave. It is composed of the amnion, chorion frondosum, chorionic villi with inter- villous spaces incompletely divided by the septa into cotyledons, and includes on the maternal side the basal plate and a portion of the spongy layer of the decidua basalis. Near the center of the placenta is attached the umbilical cord, and at its margins the placenta is continuous with the decidua vera and the remains of the chorion Iseve and decidua capsularis. Placentation. — Except the egg-laying monotremes, all mammals form some kind of placenta. In the simplest type (Ungulates) the chorionic villi fit into crypts of the uterine mucosa; as the two surfaces are merely apposed, the endometrium is not cast off at birth. The highest type, as in Rodentia and Primates, is characterized by a partial destruction of the uterine mucosa, so that the chorionic villi, dangling in cavernous spaces, are bathed by the maternal blood which issues from eroded vessels; due to intimate fusions, the mucosa is largely lost at birth. Intermediate conditions are found in the Carnivora; in this group there is a chorionic invasion and erosion of the endometrium, yet the maternal blood circu- lates within intact vessels. Position of the Placenta in Utero and its Variations. — The position of the placenta is determined by the point at which the embryo is implanted. In most cases it is situated on either the dorsal or ventral wall of the uterus. Occasionally it is lateral in position, and, very rarely (i in 1600 cases), it is located near the cervix and covers the internal os uteri, constituting a placenta prcevia. A partially or wholly duplicated placenta, or accessory (succenturiate) placentas may be formed from persistent patches of villi on the chorion laeve. Cases have been observed in which from three to seven subdivisions of the placenta occurred. Gross Changes in the Uterus. — During pregnancy the uterus enlarges enormously, due chiefly to the hypertrophy of its muscle fibers, and the fundus reaches the level of the xiphoid process. After birth, it undergoes rapid involution; at the end of one week it has lost one-half its weight, and in the eighth week the return is complete. The mucosa is regenerated in two or three weeks from the remains of the spongy layer (Fig. 246). CHAPTER IX THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE VASCULAR SYSTEM THE PRIMITIVE BLOOD VESSELS AND BLOOD CELLS BOTH the blood cells and the primitive blood vessels arise from a tissue termed by His the angioblast. Its origin has long been in doubt but recent investigations by Maximow, Felix, Schulte, and Bremer point to the mesoderm. In the body stalk of very young human embryos, Bremer (1914) has shown the direct origin of angioblast from splanchnic mesothelium. Moreover since this angio- blast may antedate that of the yolk sac an entodermal origin is excluded. According to Minot (1912), Riickert, and others, the angioblast arises in the wall of the yolk sac from the entoderm. A further view, favored by Hertwig (1915), derives the blood cells from entoderm, the vascular endothelium from mesoderm. The angioblast consists initially of isolated, solid cords and masses of cells which appear first in the splanchnic mesoderm of the body stalk and yolk sac. The solid cords of angioblast soon hollow out, the peripheral cells forming the endothelium of the primitive vessels, the inner cells, bathed by a clear fluid, persisting as the primitive blood cells, or mesamceboids of Minot. By the union of the isolated vascular spaces, the cellular network is soon converted into a vascular plexus which completely covers the human yolk sac. In the wall of the yolk sac this network is termed the area vaculosa, and here aggregations of blood cells form the blood islands (Figs. 33 and 79). • HAEMOPOIESIS Two sharply contrasted views are held as to the mode of origin (haemopoiesis) of the various adult blood elements. According to the monophyletic theory, a common stem-, or mother cell, such as the mes- amceboid, gives rise to all types of blood elements, both red and white. The polyphyletic theory, on the contrary, asserts that the erythroplastids and the several kinds of white cells are derived from two or more distinct mother cells. The total evidence seems to favor the monophyletic view, yet there are able dissenters (Stockard, 1915). The Primitive Blood Cells or Mesamceboids. — These show large, vesicular nuclei surrounded by a small amount of finely granular cytoplasm (Fig. 250 a). They are without a distinct cell membrane and are assumed 243 244 THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE VASCULAR SYSTEM to be amoeboid. During embryonic life, the measmoeboid cells multiply rapidly by mitosis and develop successively in the wall of the yolk sac, in the young blood vessels, and in the liver, lymphoid organs, and red bone Besides the mesamceboids of extra-embryonic origin, totipotent blood-forming cells appear to rise both from the mesoderm of the embryo and from the mesenchymal cells of adult connective tissue; such cells are believed by Maximow (1906; 1908) to produce all types of blood elements, Origin of the Erythrocytes. — The red blood corpuscles take their origin as erythroblasts frorn the mesamceboid cells of the embryo, and from the premyelocytes of adult connective tissue and bone marrow. v / FIG. 250. — Blood cells from human embryos of 12 and 20 mm. X 1160. a, Primitive mesa- moeboid cells; b, erythroblasts; c, d, e, normoblasts ; /, erythrocytes. (a-c, from 12 mm., d-f, from 20 mm. embryo.) 1. Erythroblasts (ichthyoid blood cells of Minot, so-called because they resemble the typical red blood cells of fishes,) are characterized by the presence of haemoglobin in the homogeneous cytoplasm, which is thus colored red. The nuclei are vesicular, with granular chromatin (Fig. 250 b). There is a definite cell membrane. For the first six weeks of development (12 mm.) the erythroblast is the only red blood cell found. 2. Normoblasts, also termed sauroid blood cells because they resemble the red blood cells of adult reptiles, are first formed in the liver from the ery- throblasts, and are predominant in embryos of two months. They are distinguished by their small, round nuclei with dense chromatin which stains so heavily that little or no structure can be seen (Fig. 2 50 c, d) . The cytoplasm is larger in amount than in erythroblasts. 3. Erythrocytes (red blood corpuscles, erythroplastids) are developed in mammals from normoblasts which lose their nuclei by extrusion (Fig. $ FIG. 252. — Human blood-cells (Todd). X 1000. i , Ery throplastid ; 2, normoblasts; 3,ery- throblast and normoblast; 4, blood-plates, one lying on a red corpuscle; 5, lymphocytes, large and small; 6, 7, large mononuclear leucocytes, polar and profile views ; 8, neutrophilic leucocytes; 9, eosinophilic leucocytes; 10, basophilic leucocyte; n, neutrophilic myelocyte; 12, eosinophilic megalocyte; 13, basophilic myelocyte. , HAEMOPOIESIS 245 250 /). The nucleus, extruded as several small granules or as a whole (Fig. 251), is ingested by phagocytes. Emmel (1914), studying cultures of blood cells from pig embryos, has observed the formation of bodies resembling erythrocytes by a process of cytoplasmic constriction. He suggests that his may be their normal method of development in the embryo. The first red blood corpuscles are spherical and are formed during the second month, chiefly in the liver. During the third month the enucleated erythrocytes predominate (Fig. 250 /). Although usually cup-like in preserved material, their normal shape is that of a biconcave .disc (Arey, 1917). During the later months of fetal life, the red blood corpuscles are developed in the liver, in the red bone marrow, and probably in the spleen. Ac- cording to the view of Minot, the cells from which they take their origin are mesamce- boids which have lodged in the blood- forming organs and undergo cell division and differentiation there. In the bone „ ™, FIG. 251.— The development of marrow these cells are known as premyelocytes. red corpuscles in cat embryos They differentiate into both erythroblasts (Howell). a, Successive stages in and myelocytes', from the former normoblasts the development of a normoblast; . o, the extrusion or the nucleus. and erythrocytes arise, from the myelocytes the granular leucocytes are developed. Soon after birth the red bone marrow is the only source of new red blood corpuscles. Origin of the Leucocytes. — The white blood cells are divided into non-granular and granular types (Fig. 252). According to the mono- phyletic view, it is assumed that both types are derived from the primitive mesamceboid cells of the embryo. I. N on- granular Leucocytes: 1. Lymphocytes are ordinarily about the size of a red corpuscle but some are twice as large. They constitute from 22 to 25 per cent of the leucocytes in adult blood and are developed in the lymphoid organs of the embryo and adult. The spherical nucleus, containing numerous small masses of chromatin, stains darkly and is surrounded by a narrow zone of clear, faintly basophilic cytoplasm. 2. Large mononuclear leucocytes are two or three times the size of a red corpuscle. They possess a clear nucleus, usually indented, and considera- ble faintly basophilic cytoplasm. They comprise i to 3 per cent of all leucocytes and are developed from the endothelial or reticular cells of lymph glands (Evans, 1914; Kyes, 1915). II. Granular or Polymorphonuclear Leucocytes : The blood-forming cells lodged in the red bone marrow are known as 246 THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE VASCULAR SYSTEM premyelocytes. They give rise to myelocytes, cells with round or crescentic nuclei and granular cytoplasm. Similar cells are developed in the lym- phoid organs. -By undergoing changes : (i) in the form and structure of their nuclei, and (2) in the size and staining qualities of their cytoplasmic granules, the myelocytes give rise to three types of granular leucocytes. i. Neutrophils (70 to 72 per cent of all leucocytes). These have a finely granular cytoplasm which is neutral in its staining reactions, color- ing by the interaction of both acid and basic stains. In development, their FIG. 253. — Giant cell, from the bone marrow of a kitten, showing pseudopodia extending into a blood vessel (V), and giving rise to blood plates (bp) (Wright). nuclei take up an eccentric position and become crescentic, horse-shoe shaped, and, in the older stages, lobate. As it changes in form, the nucleus undergoes pyknosis and stains intensely. 2. Eosinophils (2 to 4 per cent of all leucocytes). These are charac- terized by coarse cytoplasmic granules that stain intensely with acid dyes. In development the nucleus becomes bilobed. It is commonly held that the eosinophilic granules differentiate endogenously (Dow- ney, 1914). However, Weidenreich (1913) regards these granules as ingested fragments of red corpuscles or their hemoglobin derivatives. Badertscher (1913) found numerous eosinophils and free eosinophilic granules in the vicinity of degenerating muscle fibers in salamanders. Also, during trichiniasis in man, when there is extensive degeneration of muscle fibers, the number of eosiniphils in the blood becomes greatly increased. 3. Basophils or Mast Leucocytes (0.5 per cent of all leucocytes). Their nuclei are very irregular in form and may be broken down into several pieces which stain intensely. The cytoplasmic granules are varia- ble in number, size, and form, and often stain so heavily with basic dyes as to obscure the nucleus. Basophiles have been regarded as degenerating granular leucocytes, but at present this view is not generally accepted. They are apparently distinct from the 'mast cells' of the tissues. DEVELOPMENT OF THE HEART 247 Origin of the Blood Plates. — In the bone marrow and spleen pulp are giant cells, or megakaryocytes, the cytoplasm of which shows a darkly staining granular endoplasm and a clear hyaline ectoplasm (Fig. 253). It has been shown by Wright (1910) and others that the blood plates arise by being pinched off from cytoplasmic processes of the giant cells. The central granular mass of the plates represent portions of the endoplasm. Genuine blood plates and giant cells occur only in mammals. DEVELOPMENT OF THE HEART Vasculogenesis. — We have seen that the first blood cells and blood vessels take their origin in the angioblast, which develops in the wall of the yolk sac and chorion from the splanchnic mesoderm. The first vessels derived from the angioblast (see p. 243) are small, isolated blood spaces which unite and form capillary networks. From these, endothelial sprouts grow out, meet, and unite until com- plete networks are formed. In human embryos of i mm. or less, these envelop the lower portion of the yolk sac, the body stalk, and chorion. There are two views as to the manner in which the heart and the primitive vascular trunks of the embryo originate. According to His and Rabl, and more recently Minot, Evans, and Bremer, all the blood vessels of the embryonic body arise as endothelial ingrowths from the FIG. 254. — The caudal end of a chick embryo of 32 somites, showing the primary capillary plexus in the posterior limb buds from which the sciatic artery will differentiate. Aortae have formed from the mesial margins of the plexuses (Evans). extra-embryonic yolk-sac angio- blast. Kolliker, Riicket, and Mollier (1906), on the contrary, assert that the intra-embryonic vessels are formed by the fusion o? discrete anlages in a way similar to that first occurring on the yolk sac. Corroborative investigations by Maximow, Huntington, Schulte, and others have shown that the apparent invasion of angioblast in reality represents a progressive fusion of isolated mesenchymal tissue spaces. Moreover, direct experimental proof on 248 THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE VASCULAR SYSTEM Ed. Ent. living chick embryos (Miller; Reagan, 1915) leaves little doubt of the correctness of the Ruckert-Mollier view. The delicate injection methods of Mall and his students show that capillary plexuses precede the formation of definite arterial and venous trunks (Fig. 254). Only by the selection, enlargement, and differentia- tion of appropriate paths do the definitive vessels arise. Capillaries, from which the flow has been di- verted, atrophy. The primitive, paired aortae are formed from the medial margins of such plexuses. Exceptions to the general rule are the intersegmental arteries which arise as single trunks from the aorta (Evans). Inheritance, as well as the hy- drodynamic factors incident to the blood flow, participates in the selection of channels . from the capillary bed. Origin of the Tubular Heart. — The heart of the lower fishes and of amphibians arises in the ventral mesentery of the fore-gut. A tubular cavity first appears, about which the cells differentiate directly into endo-, myo-, and epicardium. In bony fishes, reptiles, birds, and mammals, the heart is formed, while the embryo is still flattened on the surface of the yolk, from paired anlages which later grow mesad and fuse. Aggregates of mesodermal cells, which soon form thin-walled tubes, first appear be- tween the entoderm and splanchnic mesoderm; these are flanked by folds of splanchnic mesoderm that bulge laterally into the ccelomic cavity (Figs. 255 A and 35). Such paired cellular masses (endothelial anlages) are present in the Spec 1.54 mm. human embryo (Fig. 77). As the embryo grows away from the yolk and the fore-gut is formed, the entoderm withdraws from between the endothelial tubes, allowing these as well as the mesodermal folds to fuse (Figs. 255 B, C; 36 and 37). . spl. FIG. 255. — Diagrams to illustrate the origin of the mammalian heart. Ect., Ectoderm; End., endothelial tubes; Ent., entoderm; Fg., fore-gut; Msc.d., dorsal mesocardium; Ms. spl., splanchnic mesoderm (epi- and myocardium). DEVELOPMENT OF THE HEART 249 The heart is now an unpaired endothelial tube, lying in the folds of the splanchnic mesoderm (Fig. 190 A). Soon the ventral attachment of the mesoderm disappears, leaving the heart suspended by a temporary dorsal meso- cardium in the single pericardial chamber (Fig.255 C). The endothelial tube forms the endocardium, the splanchnic mesoderm later gives rise to the epicardium and myo- cardium. This type of heart occurs in human embryos of 2 mm. (5 or 6 somites, Fig. .256) and shows three regions: (i) the atrium, which receives the blood from the primitive veins; (2) the ventricle', (3) the bulb, from which is given off the ventral aorta. As the cardiac tube grows faster than the pericardial cavity in which it lies, it bends to the right, the bulbus and ventricle form- ing a U-shaped loop (Fig. 257). Four regions may now be distinguished; (i) the sinus venosus; (2) the atrium, also thin- walled and lying cranial to the sinus; (3) the thick-walled ventricular limb, ventrad and caudad in position; (4) the bulbar limb, cranial to the ventricular limb and separated from it by the bulbo-ventricular cleft. Next, in FIG. 256.— The heart of a 2 mm. human embryo in ventral view (Mall). X 65. The open tube is the fore-gut. FIG. 257. — A, Heart of human embryo of 2.15 mm. : a, Bulbus cordis; b, primitive ventricle; c, atrial portion. B, Heart of human embryo of about 3 mm.: a, Bulbus cordis; b, atrial por- tion (behind); c, primitive ventricle (in front). Ventral views (His). embryos of 3 to 4 mm., the bulbo-ventricular loop shifts its position until, its base is directed caudad and ventrad (Fig. 257 B}. At the same time the sinus venosus is brought dorsal to the atrium, which in turn is 250 THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE VASCULAR SYSTEM cranial with relation to the bulbo-ventricular loop, and the bulbar limb is pressed against the ventral surface of the atrium and constricts • it (Fig. 258 A). In embryos of 4 to 5 mm. the right portion of the sinus venosus grows more rapidly than the left, this being due to the fact that the blood flow of FIG. 258. — A, Heart of human embryo of about 4.3 mm.: a, Atrium; b, portion of atrium corresponding to auricular appendage; c, bulbus cordis; d, atrial canal; e, primitive ventricle. B, Heart of human embryo of about 10 mm.: a, Left atrium; b, right atrium; c, bulbus cordis; d, interventricular groove; e, right ventricle;/, left ventricle. Ventral views (His). the'left umbilical vein is shifted to the right side through the liver. As a result, the enlarged right horn of the sinus opens into the right dorsal wall of the atrium through a longitudinally oval foramen, guarded on the right by a vertical fold. This fold which projects into the atrium, is the right Pulmonary artery Aorta Aorta—- Bulbu R. ventricle „ •Atrium — Jf...L. ventricle FIG. 259. — Diagrams to show the reduction of the bulbo-ventricular fold (represented by diagonal lines) due to its retarded development. (Modified after Keith.) valve of the sinus venosus. Later, a smaller fold forms the left valve of the sinus venosus (Fig. 260 B). The atrium is constricted dorsally by the gut, ventrad by the bulbus. It therefore must enlarge laterally and in so doing forms the right and left atria (Fig. 258 A, B) with the distal portion of the DEVELOPMENT OF THE HEART 351 bulb between them. The deep, external groove between the atria and the bulbo-ventricular part of the heart is the coronary sulcus. As the bulbo- ventricular region increases in size, the duplication of the wall between the two limbs lags behind in development and finally disappears (Fig. 259), leaving the proximal portion of the bulb and the ventricular limb to form a single chamber, the primitive ventricle. In an embryo of 5 mm. the heart is thus composed of three undivided chambers : (i) the sinus venosus, opening dorsad into the right dilatation of the atrium; (2) the bilaterally dilated atrium, opening by the single transverse atrial canal into (3) the primitive, undivided ventricle. The three-chambered heart is persistent in adult fishes, but in bir'ds and mammals a four-chambered heart is developed, in which venous blood circulates on the right side and arterial blood on the left. In amphibians and reptiles, transitional types occur. The important changes next to be considered, leading to the forma- tion of the four-chambered heart are: (i) the complete division of the atrium and ventricle, each into right and left chambers^ (2) the division of the bulb and its distal continuation, the truncus arteriosus, into the aorta and pulmonary artery; (3) the incorporation of the sinus venosus into the wall of the right atrium ; (4) the development of the semilunar and atrio-ventricular valves. The first of these changes is completed only after birth. Origin of the Right and Left Atria. — In human embryos of 5 to 7 mm. there develops a thin, sickle-like membrane from the mid-dorsal wall of the atrium (Figs. 260 and 261). This is called the atrial septum primum (7). Simultaneously, endothelial thickenings appear in the dorsal and ventral walls of the atrial canal (Figs. 261 A, B). These are the endocardial cushions, which later fuse, thus dividing the single atrial canal into right and left atrio-ventricular canals (Fig. 266). The atrium is now partly divided into right and left atria, which, however, communicate ventrad through the interatrial foramen. Next, in embryos of 9 mm., the septum I thins out dorsad and cephalad and a second opening appears, the foramen ovale (Figs. 260 and 261 7?). The atria are now connected by two openings, the interatrial foramen and the foramen ovale. Soon (embryos of 10 to 12 mm.), the ventral and caudal edge of septum I fuses with the endocardial cushions, which have in turn united with each other (Figs. 260 and 261 C}. The interatrial foramen is thus obliterated, but the foramen ovale persists until after birth. In embryos of 9 mm. the septum secundum (77) is developed from the dorsal and cephalic wall of the atrium, just to the right of the septum primum (Fig. 260 C). It is important, as it later fuses with the left valve of the sinus venosus, whence the two form a great part of the atrial septum of the late fetal and adult heart. 252 THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE VASCULAR SYSTEM Fate of the Sinus Venosus and its Valves. — The opening of the sinus venosus into the dorsal wall of the right atrium is guarded by two valves (Fig. 260). Along the dorsal and cephalic wall of the atrium these unite to form the septum spurium. Caudally the valves flatten out on the floor Valves of sinus \ enosus Septum I io-ventricular canal Valves of sinus venosus ieptiim I Foramen ovate Sinus venosus R. valve of sinus venosus Endocardial cushion Atrio-ventricular gr< R. ventricle R. common cardinal vein Septum II L. valve of sinus TCHOSUS L. atrio-ventricular opening L. ventricle FIG. 260. — Horizontal sections through the chambers of the human heart: A, 6 mm.; B, 9 mm.; C, 12 mm. (A and B are based on figures of Tandler.) X about 50. of the'atrium, but, as stated previously, the left valve later fuses with the atrial 'septum II. In embryos of 10 to 20 mm. the atria increase rapidly in size and the lagging right horn of the sinus venosus is taken up into the wall of the right atrium. By this absorption the superior vena cava DEVELOPMENT OF THE HEART 253 Sept. II Sept. I Aorta L. vent. FIG. 261. — Lateral dissections of the human heart, viewed from the left side: A, 6 mm.; B, 9 mm.; C, 12 mm. (B is based on a reconstruction by Tandler). X about 38. Cor. sin., Coronary sinus; D. end. c., dorsal endo'cardial cushion; For. ov., foramen ovale; Int. /or.,inter- atrial foramen; I. v. c., inferior vena cava; L. atr., left atrium; L. va. s. v., left valve of sinus venosus; L. vent., left ventricle; Pul. a., pulmonary artery; Pul. v., pulmonary vein; Sept. /, Sept. II, septum primum, septum secundum; Sup. v. c., superior vena cava; V. end. c., ventral endocardial cushion. * Foramen male R. valve of sinus venosus Inf. vena cava- Aorta Semilunar valve of pulmonary artery R. ventricle FIG. 262. — Lateral dissection of the hfeart of a 65 mm. human fetus, viewed from the right side. X 12. 254 THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE VASCULAR SYSTEM now opens directly into the cephalic wall of the atrium, the inferior vena cava into its caudal wall (Fig. 261 C). The transverse portion of the sinus venosus, persisting as the coronary sinus in part, opens into the pos- terior wall of the atrium. The right valve of the sinus venosus is very high in 10 to 65 mm. embryos (first to third month) and nearly divides the atrium into two chambers (Fig. 262). It becomes relatively lower during the third and fourth Crista terminalis Sept. n+L. valve of sinus venosus Septum I Sup. vena cava (opened) Inf. vena cava Valve of inf. vena Valve of coronary sinus Tricuspid oranien ovate Aorta 'emilunar valves of pulmonary artery R. ventricle FIG. 263. — Lateral dissection of the heart of a 105 mm. human fetus, viewed from the right side. X 7- months. Its cephalic portion becomes the rudimentary crista terminalis (Fig. 263); the remainder is divided by a ridge into two parts, of which the larger cephalic division persists as the valve of the inferior vena cava (Eustachian valve) located at the right of the opening of the vein, and the smaller caudal portion becomes the valve of the coronary sinus (Thebesian valve). The left valve of the sinus venosus unites with the septum II, and, in embryos of 20 to 22 mm. or larger, the two bound an oval opening (Figs. 263 to 265). The bounding wall of the oval aperture is the limbus ovalis. Sup. vena cava Aorta Pulmonary trunk — DEVELOPMENT OF THE HEART Septum II Foramen ovale 255 L. atrium Septum I Inferior vena cava Coronary sinus Bicuspid valve L. ventricle FIG. 264. — Lateral dissection of the heart of a 65 mm. human fetus, viewed from the left side, showing the septa and the foramen ovale. X 8. •Sept. I L. vent FIG. 265. — Lateral dissections of the human heart, viewed from the left side: A, from a 22 mm. embryo; B, from a 105 mm. fetus. Bic. va., Bicuspid valve; Cor. sin., coronary sinus; For. oi>., foramen ovale; I.v.c., inferior vena cava; L. atr. vent, c., left a trio- ventricular canal; L. »«»*.,. left ventricle; Put. a., pulmonary artery; Sept. I, Sept. II, septum primum and septum secundum. 256 THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE VASCULAR SYSTEM Aorta Closure of the Foramen Ovale. — The free edge of the septum I is, in embryos of 10 to 15 mm., directed dorsad and cephalad (Fig. 261 Cj). Gradually, in later stages (Figs. 264 and 265), its caudal and dorsal pro- longation grows cephalad and ventrad until its free edge is so directed. Coincident with this change, the septum II, with its free edge directed at first ventrad and cauded, shifts until its free edge is directed dorsad and cephalad, and overlaps the septum I (Figs. 261 C, 264 and 265). The opening between these septa persists until after birth as the foramen ovale. During fetal life the left atrium receives little blood from the lungs, so that the pressure is much greater in the right atrium. As a result, the septum I is pushed to the left and the blood flows from the right into the left atrium through the foramen ovale. After birth, the left atrium receives from the expanding lungs as much blood as the right atrium, the septum I is pressed against the limbus of the previously fused septum II and left sinus valve, and unites with it. The depression formed by the thinner walled septum I is the. fossa ovalis. . The Pulmonary Veins. — In embryos of 6 to 7 mm., a single vein (arising in the cat from a peripulmonary plexus, Brown, 1913) drains into the caudal wall of the left atrium at the left of the septum I (Fig. 261 -C). This vein bifurcates into right and left pulmonary veins which divide again before entering the lungs. As the atrium grows, the proximal por- tion of the pulmonary vein is taken up into the atrial wall. As a result, at first two, then four pulmonary veins open into the left atrium. Origin of the Aorta and Pulmonary Artery. — In embryos of 4 to 6 mm. there arise in the aortic bulb (including its distal truncus arteriosus) longitudinal thickenings, four in the distal half, two in the proximal half. Of the four distal thickenings (Fig. 266), two, which may be designated a and c, are larger than the other thickenings, b and d. Thickenings a and c, which distally occupy left and right positions in the bulb, meet, fuse, and divide the bulb into a dorsally placed aorta and ventrally placed pulmonary trunk (Fig. 267). Traced proximally they pursue a clockwise, spiral course, a shifting from left to ventral, and c from right to dorsal, both becoming continuous with the proximal swellings. Thickenings b and d are also prominent at one point Pulmonary artery FIG. 266. — Scheme showing division of bulbus cordis and its thickening into aorta and pulmonary artery with their valves. (Explanation in text.) DEVELOPMENT OF THE HEART 257 proximally; when the bulb in this region is divided by ingrowing con- nective tissue into the aorta and pulmonary artery, the aorta contains the whole of the thickenings b and half of a and c, while the pulmonary 'Pulmonary artery Incomplete bulbar septum Aorta Dorsal endocardial cushion Vtntral endocardial cushion Arrow in pulmonary artery Proximal bulbar septum Interventricular foramen R. airio-ventricular foramen R. ventricle Airio-ventricular foramen ventricular septum I nterventr icular sukus Pulmonary artery Base of aorta Arrow in aorta L. atrio-ientricular foramen Intervenlricular septum FIG. 267. — Stages of the human heart, in ventral view, to show the division of the bulbus and ventricle: A, 5 mm. embryo; B, 7.5 mm. embryo. trunk contains the whole of d and half of a and c (Fig. 266). Distally, the three thickenings now present in each vessel disappear, but prox- imally they enlarge, hollow out on their distal surfaces, and eventually 258 THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE VASCULAR SYSTEM form the thin- walled semilunar valves (Fig. 266). The anlages of these valves are prominent in embryos of 10 to 15 mm. as plump swellings projecting into the lumina of the aorta and pulmonary artery. The two proximal bulbar swellings fuse and continue the spiral divi- sion of the bulb toward the interventricular septum in such a way that the base of the pulmonary trunk, now ventrad and to the right, opens into the right ventricle, while the base of the aorta, now lying to the left and dor- sad, opens into the left ventricle close to the interventricular foramen, through which the two ventricles still communicate (Fig. 267 B). Origin of the Right and Left Ventricles. — Coincident with the division of the aortic bulb there appears at the base of the primitive ventricular cavity a sagittally placed elevation, the interventricular septum. (Fig. 260 B). It later grows cephalad and dorsad toward the endocardial cushions, and forms an incomplete partition between the right and left ventricles, which still communicate through the persisting interventricular foramen (Fig. 267 B). Corresponding to the internal attachment of the septum there is formed externally the interventricular sulcus (Fig. 267 A); this marks the external line of separation between the large left ventricle and the smaller right ventricle. The interventricular foramen in embryos of 15 to 1 6 mm. is bounded: (i) by the interventricular septum; (2) by the proximal bulbar septum; and (3) by the dorsal portion of the fused endocardial cushions (Fig. 267). Soon these structures are approximated and fuse, thereby forming the septum membranaceum, which closes the interventricular foramen. The atrio-ventricular valves arise as thickenings of the endocardium and endocardial cushions about the atrio-ventricular foramina (Figs. 260 and 261). Three such thickenings are formed on the right, two on the left. The anlages of the valves are at first thick and project into the ventricles. Later, as the ventricular wall differentiates, the valvular anlages are undermined, leaving their edges attached to the ventricular walls by muscular trabeculce, or cords. The muscle tissue of both the valves and trabeculae soon degenerates and is replaced by connective tissue, forming the chorda? tendinecs of the adult valves. Thus there are developed the three cusps of the tricuspid valve between the right chambers of the heart, and the two flaps of the bicuspid, or mitral valve, between the left atrium and left ventricle. Differentiation of the Myocardium. — The myocardium, at first uniformly spongy, becomes compact at the periphery. The inner bundles remain trestle-like, forming the trabeculae carnce and the papillary and moderator muscles around all of which the originally simple endocardial sac is wrapped. The myocardial layers, at first continuous over the surface of the heart, become divided by connective tissue at the atrio-ventricular canal, leaving a small bridge alone. This connecting strand, located behind the posterior endo- cardial cushion, forms the atrio-ventricular bundle. THE PRIMITIVE BLOOD VASCULAR SYSTEM 259 Descent of the Heart. — At first the heart lies far cephalad in the cervical region, but it gradually recedes during development until it assumes its permanent position in the thorax. Anomalies. — Dextrocardia is associated with a general transposition of the viscera (p. 195). The aorta and pulmonary artery may also be transposed in the absence of dex- trocardia. Rarely the paired anlages form a double heart. Of the complete or partial defects of the septa, most common is a patent foramen ovale. If this fails to close after birth, the mixed blood produces a purplish hue in the child which is known popularly as a 'blue baby. This condition may be persistent in adult life. Incomplete closure occurs in about one in four cases, but actual mingling of the blood is rare, due to an approximation of the overlapping septal folds during atrial systole. THE PRIMITIVE BLOOD VASCULAR SYSTEM The first paired vessels of human embryos are formed as longitudinal anastomoses of capillary networks, that originate first in the angioblast of the yolk sac and chorion (p. 243). In the Eternod embryo of 1.3 mm., in which the somites are still undeveloped, such paired vessels are already formed (cf. Fig. 268). The umbilical veins emerge from the chorion, fuse in the body stalk, then, separating, course in the somatopleure Dorsal inter segmental arteries Descending aorta Umbilical veins Umbilical arteries Body stalk Umbilical vein Primitive aortic arch Primitive heart Vitello-umbilical trunk . , _, —, - ' Yolk sac V i tell me arteries FIG. 268. — Diagram, in lateral view, of the primitive blood vessels in human embryos of 1.5 to 2 mm. to the paired, tubular heart anlages. From the heart tubes, paired ves- sels, the ventral aortas, extend cephalad, then bend dorsad as the first aortic arches and extend caudad as the descending aorta. These, as the umbilical arteries, bend sharply ventrad into the belly stalk and branch in the wall of the chorion. The chorionic circulation is thus the first to be established. In embryos 2 to 2.5 mm. long (5 to 8 somites), the heart has become a single tube (Fig. 269). From the yolk sac, numerous veins converge cephalad and form a pair of vitelline veins. These join the umbilical veins, and, as the vitello-umbilical trunks, traverse the septum transversum and open into the sinus venosus. The descending aortae give off, dorsally and cranially, several pairs of dorsal inter segmental arteries, and, ventrad and 260 THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE VASCULAR SYSTEM caudad, a series of vitelline arteries to the yolk sac. The umbilical arteries now take their origin from a plexus of ventral vessels in series with the vitelline arteries. At this stage the vitelline circulation of the yolk sac is established. Dorsal inter segmental arteries A nt. cardinal veins \ I Descending aortas Umbilical arteries Body stalk Umbilical vein Vitelline arteries Aortic arch i Heart Vitello-umbilical trunk Vitelline veins Yolk sac FIG. 269. — Diagram, in lateral view, of the primitive blood vessels in human embryos of 2 to 2.5 mm In embryos of 15 to 23 somites (Fig. 270) the veins of the embryo proper develop as longitudinal anastomoses of branches from the segmental arteries. The paired anterior cardinal veins of the head are developed first, Posterior cardinal veins Vitelline artery, A nt. cardinal veins i Descending aortcB Umbilical arteri M ortic arches i and 2 Heart •iinus venosus Vitelline veins FIG. 270. — Diagram of the blood vessels of a human embryo of 2.6 mm. Body stalk Umbilical veins and, coursing back on either side of the brain, they join the vitello-um- bilical trunk. In embryos of 23 somites, the posterior cardinals are present. They lie dorsal tp the nephrotomes, and, running cephalad, join the anterior cardinal veins to form the common cardinal veins. Owing to the later enlargement of the sinus venosus, the proximal portions of the com- THE PRIMITIVE BLOOD VASCULAR SYSTEM 26l mon venous trunks are taken up into its wall, and thus three veins open into each horn of the sinus venosus: (i) the umbilical veins from the chorion; (2) the vitelline veins from the yolk sac; (3) the common cardinal veins from the body of the embryo. The descending aorta have now fused caudal to the seventh interseg- mental arteries and form the single dorsal aorta as far caudad as the origin of the umbilical arteries. First cervical artery. Pulmonary artery Ant. cardinal vein Post, cardinal vein Bulbus cordis Ophthalmic artery Ant. cerebral artery Common cardinal vein Vitelline artery (Superior mesenteric) Caudal artery Umbilical artery Subclavian artery Casliac artery" Dorsal aorta Inf. mesenteric artery FIG. 271. — Arteries and cardinal veins of the right side in a 4.9 mm. human embryo (modified after Ingalls). X 20. H, Heart; I-VI, aortic arches. Of the numerous vitelline arteries one pair is prominent; it fuses into a single vessel which courses in the mesentery and later becomes the superior mesenteric artery. By the enlargement of capillaries connecting the ventral and dorsal aortae, a second pair of aortic arches is formed at this stage (Fig. 270). In embryos 4 to 5 mm. in length, five pairs of aortic arches are successively developed: the first, second, third, fourth, and sixth (Fig. 271). An additional pair of transitory vessels, which extend from the ventral aorta to the sixth arch, appear later in embryos of 7 mm., but soon degenerate (Fig. 272 B}. They are interpreted as being the THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE VASCULAR SYSTEM fifth pair in the series. From each dorsal, or descending aorta there develop cranially the internal carotid arteries. These extend toward the optic stalks where they bend dorsad and caudad, connecting finally with the first intersegmental arteries of each side (Fig. 271). The descending aortae are now fused to their extreme caudal ends and the umbilical arteries take their origin ventrally. Twenty-seven pairs of dorsal intersegmental arteries are present. From the seventh cervical pair of these the subdavian arteries of the upper limbs arise. Of the ventral vitelline vessels three are now prominent : the ccsliac artery in the stomach- pancreas region, the vitelline, or superior mesenteric', in the small intestine region, and the inferior mesenteric of the large intestine region. A Aortic arch 3 Aortic arch 2, Aortic arch i Dorsal aorta Aortic arch 4 A ortic arch 6 Int. carotid artery Aortic arch 2 External carotid Aortic arch 6 Pulmonary artery Bulbus cordis Aortic arch 4 Aortic arch 5 Dorsal aorta FlG. 272. — Aortic arches of human embryos: A, of 5 mm.; B, of 7 mm. (after Tandler). I-IV, pharyngeal pouches. DEVELOPMENT OF THE ARTERIES Transformation of the Aortic Arches. — The ancestral aortic arches are early transformed into more appropriate vessels. The third pair is largest at 5 mm. (Fig. 272, .4); at 7 mm. the first and second aortic arches (are obliterated (Figs. 272 B and 273), but the descending and DEVELOPMENT OF THE ARTERIES 263 ventral aortae cranial to the third arch persist as parts of the internal and external carotid arteries respectively. The third arches f orm ^the stems of the internal carotids, while the ventral aortse between the third and fourth arches become the common carotids. In embryos of is mm. the bulbus cordis has been divided into the aortic and pul- monary trunks, so that the aorta opens into the left ventricle and the pulmonary trunk into the right ventricle. The descending aortae between the third and fourth arches disappear, but the fourth arch on the left side persists as the aortic arch of the adult. On the right side, the fourth aortic arch persists with the descending aorta as far as the seventh External carotid Internal carotid Common carotid Aortic arch Ductus arteriosus Vertebral artery Subdavian artery Left pulmonary artery Ventral aorta Right sub- daman artery Right pul- monary artery Trunk of pul- monary artery FIG. 273. — Diagram showing the aortic arches and their derivatives in human embryos. intersegmental artery and forms part of the right subclavian artery, which is thus a more complex vessel than the left. The segment of the fourth arch proximal to the right common carotid becomes the innominate artery. The fifth arches of amniotes are rudimentary (p. 100). On the right side, the sixth arch between the origin of the right pulmonary artery and descending aorta is early lost ; on the left side, it persists as the ductus arteriosus and its lumen is only obliterated after birth. The proximal portion of the right sixth arch forms the stem of the right pul- monary artery, but the proximal portion of the left arch is incorporated in the pulmonary trunk. Most of the pulmonary artery arises from a post- branchial plexus; union with the sixth arch is acquired secondarily (Huntington, 1919). The aortic arches of the embryo are of especial importance comparatively. Five arches are formed in connection with the gills of adult fishes. In adult tailed amphibia, 264 THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE VASCULAR SYSTEM three or four arches, and in some reptiles two arches, are represented on either side. In birds the right, in mammals the left fourth arch persists as the arch of the aorta. The different courses of the recurrent laryngeal nerves are easily explained. The vagus early gives off paired branches which reach the larynx by passing caudal to the primit ive fourth aortic arches. When the latter, through growth changes, descend into the chest, loops of both nerves are carried with them. Hence, after the transformation of the fourth arches, the left recurrent nerve remains looped around the arch of the aorta, the right around the right subclavian artery (cf. Fig. 273). Branches of the Dorsal Aorta. —From the primitive aortae arise: (i) dorsal, (2) lateral, and (3) ventral branches (Fig. 274). . i. The dorsal branches are intersegmental and develop small dorsal and large ventral rami. From the dorsal rami are given off neural branches which bifurcate and form dorsal and ventral spinal arteries. Postcostal anastomosis ^ ^ _ .„ _ . ^ . ^Precostal anastomosis Dorsal ramus. Ventral \ -Lateral (visceral) artery •Ventral (splanchnic) artery Ventral anastomosis FIG. 274. — Diagram of the trunk, in transverse section, showing the arrangement of the aortic branches. As we have seen (Fig. 271), the internal carotids are recurved cranially in the 5 mm. embryo and anastomose with the first two pairs of dorsal intersegmental arteries. By longitudinal postcostal anastomoses (Fig. 274) of the dorsal rami of the first seven pairs of dorsal intersegmental arteries, the vertebral arteries arise (Fig. 27.5). The original trunks of the first six pairs. are lost, so that the vertebrals take their origin with the subclavians from the seventh pair of intersegmental arteries (Fig. 276). In embryos of 9 mm. the vertebrals in the region of the metencephalon fuse to form a single, median ventral vessel, the basilar artery, which thus is connected cranially (by way of the circulus arteriosus) with the internal carotids, caudad with the vertebral arteries. The internal carotids (Fig. 271), after giving off the ophthalmic arteries, give rise cranially to the anterior cerebral artery, from which arise later the middle cerebral artery DEVELOPMENT OF THE ARTERIES 26 = Spinal ganglion ~ Costo-cervical trunk Subclavian artery FIG. 275. — The development of the vertebral and subclavian arteries and the costo-cervical trunk in a young rabbit embryo (modified after Hochstetter). Ill AB.-IV AB., Aortic arches; A .v.c.b. cephalic portion of vertebral artery; C. d. and C.v., internal and external carotid arteries. FIG. 276. — Arterial system of a human embryo of 10 mm. (His). X 18. Ic, Internal carotid artery: P, pulmonary artery; Ve, vertebral artery; III-VI, persistent aortic arches. 266 THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE VASCULAR SYSTEM and the anterior choriodal artery; all of these supply the brain. Caudalward many small branches to the brain wall are given off, and, quite late in development (48 mm. C R), they form a true posterior cerebral artery (Mall). The ventral rami of the dorsal intersegmental arteries become promi- nent in the thoracic and lumbar regions and persist as the intercostal and lumbar arteries, segmentally arranged in the adult. Longitudinal precos- tal anastomoses (Fig. 274) constitute the costo-cervical and thyreo-cervical trunks (Fig. 275). The subclavian and a portion of the internal mammary artery are derived from the ventral ramus of the seventh cervical seg- mental artery. The remainder of the internal mammary and the superior and inferior epigastric arteries are formed by longitudinal ventral anastomoses (Fig. 274) between the extremities of the ven- tral rami from the thoracic and lumbar intersegmental arteries, beginning with the second or third thoracic (Fig. 277). \ 2. The lateral (visceral) branches of the descending aortae are not segmentally arranged. They supply structures arising from the nephrotome region (mesonephros, sexual glands, metanephros.and suprarenal glands). From them later arise the renal, suprarenal, inferior phrenic, and internal spermatic or ovarian arteries. 3. The ventral (splanchnic} branches are at first rather definitely interseg- mental. Primitively they form the paired vitelline arteries to the yolk sac (Figs. 268 to 270). Coincident with the de- generation of the yolk sac the prolongations of the ventral vessels to its walls disappear, and the paired persisting arteries, passing in the mesentery to the gut, fuse to form unpaired vessels from which three large arteries are derived: the coeliac artery, the superior mesenteric, and the inferior mesenteric (Fig. 271). The primitive coeliac axis arises opposite the seventh intersegmental artery. To- gether with the mesenteric arteries, it migrates caudalward until eventually its origin is opposite the twelfth thoracic segment (Mall). This migration, according to Evans, is due to the unequal growth of the dorsal and ventral walls of the aorta. Similarly, the superior mesenteric artery is displaced caudad ten segments, the inferior mesenteric artery three segments. FIG. 277. — The development of the internal mammary and deep epigastric arteries in a human embryo of 13 mm. (Mall in McMurrich). DEVELOPMENT OF THE ARTERIES 267 The Umbilical and Iliac Arteries. — As previously described, the umbilical arteries arise in young embryos of 2 to 2.5 mm. from the primi- tive aortae opposite the fourth cervical segment. They take origin from a plexus of ventral vessels of the vitelline series (Fig. 270), and are gradually shifted caudad until they arise from the dorsal aorta opposite the twenty- third segment (fourth lumbar). In 5 mm. embryos, the umbilical arteries develop secondary lateral connections with the aorta (Fig. 278 A). The new vessels pass lateral to the mesonephric ducts, and, in 7 mm. embryos, the primitive ventral stem-artery has disappeared. The segment of this Seventh inter segmental artery Ccdiac artery V. pancreas Tenth dorsal inter segmental artery Dorsal aorta 'celiac axis , Vitflline artery • ', (Superior mesenteric) Mesonephric arteries Dorsal aorta R. umbilical artery Cloaca Common iliac artery A B FIG. 278. — Reconstructions, showing the development of the umbilical and iliac arteries (after Tandler): A, 5 mm. human embryo; B, 9 mm. human embryo. new trunk, proximal to the origin of the external iliac artery which soon arises from it, become.s the common iliac. The remainder of the umbilical trunk constitutes the hypogastric artery. When the placental circulation ceases at birth, the distal portions of the hypogastric arteries, from pelvis to umbilicus, atrophy, forming the solid obliterated hypogastric arteries of adult anatomy. The middle sacral artery is the direct caudal continuation of the aorta. Its dorsal position is the result of secondary growth changes. Arteries of the Extremities. — It is assumed that in man, as in observed birds and mam- mals, the first vessels of the limb buds form a capillary plexus. Upper Extremity. — The capillary plexus takes origin by several lateral branches from the aorta. In human embryos of 5 mm. but one connecting vessel remains, and this takes its origin secondarily from the seventh dorsal intersegmental artery, forming the ventral ramus of this artery and its lateral offset (Fig. 274) . The portion of this vessel in what will 268 THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE VASCULAR SYSTEM become the free arm is plexiform at first, but later becomes a single stem which forms successively the subclavian, axillary, brachial, and interosseous arteries. Subsequently the median, radial, and ulnar arteries of the arm are formed. Lower Extremity. — In embryos of 7 mm. there is given off from the secondary lateral trunk of the umbilical artery (i. e., from the future common iliac) a small branch which forms the chief arterial stem of the lower extremity, the future popliteal and peroneal arter- ies. This, the arteria ischiadica, is superseded in embryos of 15.5 mm. by the external iliac and femoral arteries, of which the latter annexes the branches of the ischiadic distal to the middle 'of the thigh. The arteria ischiadica persists proximally as the inferior gluteal artery. DEVELOPMENT OF THE VEINS We have seen that in embryos of 23 somites three systems of paired veins are present: the umbilical veins from the chorion, the vitelline veins from the yolk sac, and the anterior and posterior cardinal veins, which unite in the common cardinal veins, from the body of the embryo. Thus, three veins open into the right horn of the sinus venosus, and three into the left (Fig. 270). Changes in the Vitelline and Umbilical Veins. — Vena portoe. — With the increase in size of the liver anlages there is an intercrescence of the hepatic cords and the endothelium of the vitelline veins. As a result, these veins form in the liver a network of sinusoids (Fig. 279), and each vein is divided into a distal portion which passes from the yolk sac to the liver, and into a proximal portion which carries blood from the liver sinusoids to the sinus venosus. Soon the proximal portion of the left vitelline vein is largely absorbed into the sinusoids of the liver and shifts its blood flow into the right horn of the sinus venosus. In the meantime the liver tissue grows laterally, comes into contact with the umbilical veins, and taps them so that their blood flows more directly to the heart through the sinusoids of the liver (Fig. 280). As the channel of the right proximal vitelline is larger, the blood from the left umbilical vein flows diagonally to the right horn of the sinus venosus. When all the umbilical blood enters the liver, as in embryos of 5 to 6 mm., the proximal portions of the umbilical veins atrophy and disappear (Fig. 281). In 5 mm. embryos the vitelline veins have formed three cross anastomoses with each other (Figs. 280 and 281) : (i) a cranial transverse connection in the liver, ventral to the duodenum; (2) a middle one, dorsal to the duodenum; and (3) a caudal one, ventral to it. There are thus formed about the gut a cranial and a caudal venous ring. In embryos of 7 mm. the left umbilical vein has enlarged, while the corresponding right vein has degenerated. Of the two venous loops, only the right limb of the cranial ring and the left limb of the caudal ring, together with the median dorsal anastomosis, persist. * A new vein the superior mesenteric, develops in the mesentery of the intes- tinal loop and joins the left vitelline vein just caudal to its dorsal middle DEVELOPMENT OF THE VEINS 269 Right vitelline vci Ventricle f^eft umbilical vein Left vitelline vein FIG. 279. — Reconstruction of the blood vessels of a 4.2 mm. human embryo in ventral view Ductus venosus Right horn of sinus venosus Caudal anastomosis of vitelline veins Right vitelline vein Left horn of sinus venosus^ ; Left vitelline vein Cranial anastomosis of vitelline veins Middle anastomosis of vitelline veins Right umbilical vein -W *m I " e umbilical vcin chil- dren are quite light in color at birth, but within six weeks their integument has reached the definitive degree of pigmentation. The derma, or corium, of the integument is developed from mesen- chyme, perhaps from definite dermatomes (Fig. 323) of the mesodermal segments (p. 292). At about the end of the third month a differentiation into the compact corium proper and the areolar subcutaneous tissue occurs. From the corium, papilla project into the stratum germinativum. Anomalies. — The deposition of pigment in the epidermis and elsewhere may fail (albinism), or be over abundant (melanism). The defects of pigmentation sometimes affect local areas only. Naevi are either pigmented spots ('moles'), or purple discolora- tions (birthmarks') caused by cavernous vascular plexuses in the corium. Ichthyosis results from an excessive thickening of the stratum corneum. In severe cases, horny plates 5 mm. thick are formed; these are separated by deep cracks. Dermoid cysts (p. 218) resulting from epidermal inclusions, are not infrequent along the lines of fusion of embryonic structures, e. g., branchial grooves, mid-dorsal and mid-ventral body wall. THE HAIR Hairs are derived from thickenings of the epidermis and begin to develop at the end of the second month on the eyebrows, upper lip, and chin. The hair of the general body integument appears at the beginning of the fourth month. THE HAIR 295 The first evidence of a hair anlage is the elongation of a cluster of epidermal cells in the inner germinal layer (Fig. 300 ,4). The bases of these cells project into the corium, and, above them, cells of the epidermis are arranged parallel to the surface. The elongated cells continue to grow downward until a cylindrical hair anlage is produced (Fig. 300 B, C). This consists of an outer wall, formed of a single layer of columnar cells, continuous with the basal layer of the epidermis. This wall bounds a central mass of irregularly polyhedral epidermal cells. About the hair an- lage the mesenchyma forms a sheath, and at its base a condensation of mesenchyme produced the anlage of the hair papilla, which projects into Epidermal anlage of ^^'^>^^^^^^^^^^^ff>s^^^^f^^f^^^1^ '^^SmililjS^^^f'^!!? ^^V.^^-BJ^-T'^^^' ^-Piaerma^ anlage of Anlage of hair papilla ^ Epidermal anlage of hair C A Mesenchymal sheath Hair bulb Hair papilla FIG. 300. — Section through the integument of the face of a 65 mm. human fetus, showing three stages in the early development of the hair. X 330. the enlarged base of the hair anlage. As development proceeds, the hair anlage grows deeper into the corium and its base enlarges to form the hair bulb (Fig. 300 Q. The hair differentiates from the based epidermal cells surrounding the hair papilla. These cells give rise to a central core which grows toward the surface, distinct from the peripheral cells which form the outer sheath of the hair (Fig. 301). The central core of cells be- comes the inner hair sheath and the shaft of the hair. Two swellings of the outer hair sheath appear on the lower side of the obliquely directed hair anlage. The more superficial of these is the anlage of the sebaceous gland (Fig. 301). The deeper swelling is the epithelial bed, a region where the cells by rapid division contribute to the growth of the hair follicle. Superficial to the bulb, the cells of the hair shaft become cornified and differentiated into an outer cuticle, middle cortex, and central incon- stant medulla. The hair grows at the base and is pushed out through the 296 HISTOGENESIS central cavity of the anlage, the cells of which degenerate. When the hair projects above the surface or the epidermis it breaks and carries with it the epitrichial layer. The mesenchymal tissue which surrounds the hair follicle in the neighborhood of the epithelial bed gives rise to the smooth fibers of the arrector pili muscle. Pigment granules develop in the basal cells of the hair and give it its characteristic color. Inner hair sheath Outer hair sheath — - Mesenchymal sheath Epidermis Arrector pili muscle fibers Sebaceous gland Epithelial bed Root of hair •Hair bulb • Hair papilla FIG. 301. — Longitudinal section through a developing hair from a five and one-half months' human fetus (after Stohr). X 220. The first generation of 'lanugo' hairs are short-lived, all except those covering the face being cast off soon after birth. The coarser, replacing hairs develop, at least in part, from new follicles. Thereafter, hair is shed periodically throughout life. Anomalies. — Hypertrichosis refers to excessive hairiness which may be general or local, as in the exhibited 'hairy monsters.' In the rare hypotrichosis, the congenital ab- sence of hair is usually associated with defective teeth and nails. SWEAT GLANDS The sudoriparous, or sweat glands begin to develop in the fourth month from the epidermis of the finger tips, the palms of the hands, and the soles of the feet. They are formed as solid downgrowths from the epidermis, but differ from hair anlages in having no mesenchymal papillae at their bases. During the sixth month the tubular anlages of the gland begin to coil, and, in the seventh month, their lumina appear. The inner layer of cells forms the gland cells, while the outer cells become trans- formed into smooth muscle fibers which here arise from the ectoderm. In the axillary region, sweat glands occur which are large and branched. MAMMARY GLANDS 297 MAMMARY GLANDS The tubular mammary glands are peculiar to mammals. In embryos • of 9 mm. (Figs. 94 and 1 18) an ectodermal thickening extends ventro-later- ally between the bases of the limb buds on either side. This linear epidermal thickening is the milk line. In the future pectoral region of this line, by the thickening and downgrowth of the epidermis, there is formed the papilla-like anlage of the mammary gland (Fig. 302 A). From this epithelial anlage buds appear (B) which elongate and form solid cords, 15 to 20 in number, the anlages of the milk ducts (C). These branch in the mesenchymal tissue of the corium and eventually produce the alveolar Epidermis Gland anlage 'Duct Smooth muscle of areola 3JIIJI&SJ& Panniculus ~^~ adiposus --.'•':••'..•' • .V •••••; [ l[> 'vg-? •'• ^; •• ~, -V- FIG. 302. — Sections representing three stages in the development of the human mammary gland (Tourneux). A, fetus of 32 mm.; B, of 102 mm.; C, of 244 mm. *, Groove limiting glandular area. end pieces of the mammary glands. In the region where the milk ducts open on the surface the epidermis is evaginated to form the nipple. The glands yield a little secretion ('witch milk') at birth; they enlarge rap- idly at puberty and are further augmented during pregnancy, while two or three days after parturition they become functionally active. The mammary glands are regarded as modified sweat glands. This homology is made because their development is similar, and because in the lower mammals their structure is the same. Rudimentary mammary glands (of Montgomery), which also resemble sweat glands, occur in the areola about the nipple. In many mammals, numerous pairs of mam- mary glands are developed along the milk line (pig, dog, etc.) ; in some a pair of glands is developed in the pectoral region (primates, elephants) ; in others, glands are confined to the inguinal region (sheep, cow, horse). Anomalies. — Supernumerary mammary glands (hypermastla) or nipples (hy perihelia) are not infrequent between the axilla and groin. These represent independent differen- tiations along the primitive milk line. 298 HISTOGENESIS THE NAILS The anlages of the nails proper are derived from the epidermis and may be recognized in fetuses of 45 mm. (CR). A nail anlage forms on the dorsum of each digit and extends from the tip of the digit almost to the articulation of the terminal phalanx. At the base of the anlage, that is, proximally, the epidermis is folded inward to form the proximal nail fold (posterior nail fold of the adult) (Fig. 303 C). The nail fold also ex- tends laterally on either side of the nail anlage and forms the lateral nail fold of the adult (A, B}. The material of the nail is developed in the lower layer of the proxi- mal nail fold (C). In certain of 'the epidermal cells, which, according to Sole plate Eponychium FIG. 303. — Figures showing the development of the nail. A, From a 40 mm. human fetus (X 20); B, from a 100 mm. fetus (X 13); C, longitudinal section from a 100 mm. fetus (X 24). (Kollmann.) Bowen, represent a modified stratum lucidum, there are developed kera- tin, or horn fibrils during the fifth month of fetal life. These appear without the previous formation of keratohyalin granules, as is the case in the cornification of the stratum corneum. The cells flatten and form the plate-like structure of which the solid substance of the nail is composed. Thus the nail substance is formed in the proximal nail fold as far distad as the outer edge of the lunula (the whitish crescent at the base of the adult nail). The underlying epidermis, distal to the lunula, takes no part in the development of the nail substance. The corium throws its surface of contact with the nail into parallel longitudinal folds that produce the longitudinal ridges of the nail. The nail is pushed toward the tip of the HISTOGENESIS OF THE NERVOUS TISSUES 299 digit by the development of new nail substance in the region of the nail fold. The stratum corneum and the epitrichium of the epidermis for a time completely cover the nail matrix and are termed the eponychium (Fig. 303 C}. Later, this is thrown off, but a portion of the stratum corneum persists during life as the curved fold of epidermis which adheres to the base of the adult nail. During life the nail constantly grows at its base (proximally) , is shifted distally over the nail bed, and projects at the tip of the digit. The nails of man are the homologues of the claws and hoofs of other mammals. Dur- ing the third month thickenings of the integument over the distal ends of the metacarpals and metatarsals become prominent. These correspond to the touch-pads on the feet of clawed mammals. Similar pads are developed on the under sides of the distal phalanges. HISTOGENESIS OF THE NERVOUS TISSUES The primitive anlage of the nervous system consists of the thickened layer of ectoderm along the mid-dorsal line of the embryo. This is the neural plate (Fig. 304 A, B) which is folded to form the neural groove Neural groove Neural plate Neural groove Neural plate Ectoderm Neural groove Neural tube Neural tube Neural cavity FIG. 304. — Four sections showing the development of the neural tube in human embryos. A, An early embryo (Keibel); 5, at 2 mm. (Graf Spee); C, at 2 mm. (Mall); D, at 2.7 mm. (Kollmann). (Figs. 77 A and 78). The edges of the neural plate come together and form the neural tube (Fig. 304 C, D). The cranial portion of this tube enlarges and is constricted into the three primary vesicles of the brain (Fig. 324). Its caudal portion remains tubular and constitutes the spinal cord. From the cells of this tube, and the ganglion crest connected with it, are differ- 3oo HISTOGENESIS entiated the nervous tissues, with the single exception of the nerve cells and fibers of the olfactory epithelium. Differentiation of the Neural Tube. — The cells of the neural tube differentiate into two products. There are formed: (i) nerve cells and fibers, in which irritability and conductivity have become the predominant Ependymal layer Marginal layer Ependymal layer Mesoderm Marginal layer Internal limiting membrane Ependymal layer External limiting membrane External limiting membrane Internal limiting membrane Germinal cell 1 Internal limiting membrane Mesoderm Marginal layer * Mantle layer Ependymal layer FIG. 305. — Three stages in the differentiation of the neural tube (after Hardesty). X 690. A, From a rabbit embryo before the closure of the neural tube; B, from a 5 mm. pig embryo after closure; C, from a 7 mm. pig embryo; D, from a 10 mm. pig embryo. *, Boundary be- tween mantle and marginal layers. functions; (2) neuroglia cells and fibers, which constitute the supporting, or skeletal tissue, peculiar to the nervous system. The differentiation of these tissues has been studied by Hardesty (1904) in pig embryos. The wall of the neural tube, consisting at first of a single layer of columnar cells, becomes many-layered, and, finally, three zones are differentiated (Fig. 305 A-D). As the wall becomes many-layered the cells lose their HISTOGENESIS OF THE NERVOUS TISSUES 301 sharp outlines and form a compact, cellular syncytium which is bounded, on its outer and inner surfaces, by an external and internal limiting mem- brane (B}. In a 10 mm. embryo the cellular strands of the syncytium are arranged radially and nearly parallel (D) . The nuclei are now so grouped that there may be distinguished three layers: (i) an inner ependymal zone, with cells abutting on the internal limiting membrane, their processes extending peripherally; (2) a middle mantle, or nuclear zone, and (3) an outer, or marginal zone, non-cellular, into which nerve fibers grow. The ependymal zone contributes cells for the development of the mantle layer (D). The cellular mantle layer forms the gray substance of the central nervous system, while the fibrous marginal layer constitutes the white substance of the spinal cord. The primitive germinal cells of the neural tube divide by mitosis and give rise to the ependymal cells of the ependymal zone and to indifferent Ependymal cells Neuroblasls Neuroglia cells FIG. 306. — Diagrams showing the differentiation of the cells of the neural tube (after Schaper). cells of the mantle layer. From these latter arise spongioblasts and neuroblasts (Fig. 306). The spongioblasts are transformed into neuroglia cells and fibers, which form the supporting tissue of the central nervous system; the neuroblasts are primitive nerve cells, which, by developing cell processes, are converted into neurons. The neurons are the structural units of the nervous tissue. The Differentiation of Neuroblasts into Neurons. — The nerve fibers are developed as outgrowths from the neuroblasts, and a nerve cell with all its processes constitutes a neuron or cellular unit of the nervous system. The origin of the nerve fibers as processes of the neuroblasts is best seen in the development of the root fibers of the spinal nerves. This neuron concept of the development of the nerve fibers is the one generally accepted at the present time. It assumes that all axons and dendrites are formed as outgrowths from nerve cells, an hypothesis first promulgated by His. The embryological evidence is 332 HISTOGENESIS supported by experiment. It has long been known from the work of Waller that if nerves, are severed, the fibers distal to the point of section, and thus isolated from their nerve cells will degenerate; also, that regeneration will take place from the central stumps of cut nerves, the fibers of which are still connected with their cells. More recently Harrison (1906), experimenting on amphibian larvae, has shown: (i) that no peripheral nerves develop if the neural tube and crest are removed; (2) that isolated ganglion cells growing in clotted lymph will give rise to long axon processes in the course of four or five hours. A second theory, supported by Schwann, Balfour, Dohrn, and Bethe, assumes that the nerve fibers are in part differentiated from a chain of cells, so that the neuron would repre- sent a multicellular, not a unicellular structure. Apathy and O. Schulze modified this cell-chain theory by assuming that the nerve fibers differentiate in a syncytium which inter- venes between the neural tube and the peripheral end organs. Held further modified this theory by assuming that the proximal portions of the nerve fibers are derived from the neuroblasts and ganglion cells and that these grow into, a syncytium' which by differentia- tion gives rise to the peripheral portion of the fiber. Efferent Fibers of the Spinal Nerves. — At the end of the first month, clusters of neuroblasts separate themselves from the syncytium in the mantle layer of the neural tube. The neuroblasts become pear-shaped, and from the small end of the cell a slender primary process grows out (Figs. 307 and 308). This process becomes the axon or axis cylinder. The primary processes may course in the marginal layer of the neural tube, or, converging, may penetrate the marginal layer ventro-laterally and form the ventral roots of the spinal nerves. Similarly, the efferent fibers of the cerebral nerves grow out from neuroblasts of the brain wall. Within the cytoplasm of the nerve cells and their primary processes, strands of fine fibrils are early differentiated (Fig. 307 B). These, the neurofibrillcz, are usually assumed to be the conducting elements of the neurons. The cell bodies of the efferent neurons soon become multipolar by the develop- ment of branched secondary processes, the dendrons or dendrites. Development of the Spinal Ganglia and Afferent Neurons. — After the formation of the neural plate and groove, a longitudinal ridge of cells appears on each side where the ectoderm and neural plate are continuous (Fig. 309 A). This ridge of ectodermal cells is the neural, or ganglion crest. When the neural tube is formed and the ectoderm separates from it, the cells of the ganglion crest overlie the neural tube dorso-laterally (Fig. 309 C). As development continues they separate into right and left linear crests, distinct from the neural tube, and migrate ventro- laterally to a position between the neural tube and myotomes. In this position the ganglion crest forms a band of ce?& extending the whole length of the spinal cord and as far cephalad as the otic vesicles. At regular intervals in its course along the spinal cord the proliferating cells of the crest give rise to enlargements, the spinal ganglia (Fig. 358). The spinal ganglia are arranged segmentally and are connected at first by HISTOGENESIS OF THE NERVOUS TISSUES A 303 FIG. 307. — The differentiation of neuroblasts in chick embryos of the third day. A, Transverse section through the spinal cord, showing neuraxons (F) growing from neuroblasts and from bipolar ganglion cells (d). B, Single neuroblasts, showing neurofibrils and incre- mental cone (c). Cajal. Dorsal root ~~Spongioblasts Neuroblasts Ventral root FIG. 308. — Transverse section of the spinal cord from a human fetus of five weeks, showing the origin of ventral root fibers from neuroblasts (His in Marshall) 150. X. 304 HISTOGENESIS Neural crest FIG. 309. — Three stages in the development of the ganglion crest in human embryos (after von Lenhossek in Cajal). FIG. 310. — Stages in the formation of unipolar ganglion cells (Cajal). From a 44 mm. human fetus. HISTOGENESIS OF THE NERVOUS TISSUES 305 bridges of cells that later disappear. In the hind-brain region, certain ganglia of the cerebral nerves develop from the crest but are not segment - ally arranged. The cells of the spinal ganglia differentiate into: (i) ganglion cells, and (2) supporting cells, groups which are comparable to the neuroblasts and spongioblasts of the neural tube. The neuroblasts of the ganglia become fusiform and develop a primary process at either pole; thus these neurons are of the bipolar type (Fig. 307, d). The centrally directed processes of the ganglion cells converge, and, by elongation, form the dorsal roots. They penetrate the dorso-lateral wall of the neural tube, bifurcate, and course cranially and caudally in the marginal layer of the spinal cord. By means of branched processes they come in contact with the neurons of the mantle layer. The peripheral processes of the gang- lion cells, as the dorsal spinal roots, join the ventral roots, and together with them, constitute the trunks of the spinal nerves (Fig. 325). At first bipolar, (Fig. 310, A), the majority of the ganglion cells be- come unipolar, either by the fusion of the two primary processes or by the bifurcation of a single process. The process of the unipolar ganglion is now T-shaped. Many of the bipolar ganglion cells persist in the adult, while others develop several secondary processes and thus become multi- polar in form. In addition to forming the spinal ganglion cells, neuro- blasts of the ganglion crest are believed to migrate ventf ally and form the sympathetic ganglia (Fig. 325). Differentiation of the Supporting Cells of the Ganglia. *— The support- ing cells of the spinal ganglia at first form a syncytium in the meshes of which are found the neuroblasts. They differentiate: (i) into flattened capsule cells, which form capsules about the ganglion cells; and (2) into sheath cells, which ensheath the axon processes of both dorsal and ventral root fibers and are continuous with the capsules of the ganglion. It is probable that many of the sheath cells migrate peripherally along with the developing nerve fibers (Harrison). They are at first spindle-shaped, and, as primary sheaths, enclose bundles of nerve fibers. Later, by the proliferation of the sheath cells, the bundles are separated into single fibers, each with its sheath (of Schwann), or neurilemma. Each sheath cell forms a segment of the neurilemma, the limits of contiguous sheath cells being indicated by constrictions, the nodes of Ranvier. The Myelin Sheath. — During the fourth month an inner myelin, or medullary sheath appears about many nerve fibers. This consists of a spongy framework of neurokeratin in the interstices of which a fatty sub- stance, myelin, is deposited. The origin of the myelin sheath is in doubt. By some (Ranvier) it is believed to be a differentiation of the neurilemma, the myelin being deposited in the substance of the nucleated sheath cell. 306 HISTOGENESIS By others (Kolliker, Bardeen) the myelin is regarded as a direct or indirect product of the axis cylinder. Its integrity is dependent at least upon the nerve cell and axis cylinder, for, when a nerve is cut, the myelin very soon shows degenerative changes. In the central nervous system there is no distinct neurilemma sheath investing the fibers. Sheath cells are said to be present and most numer- ous during the period when myelin is developed. Hardesty derives the sheath cells in the central nervous system of the pig from a portion of the supporting cells, or spongioblasts, of the neural tube, and finds that these cells give rise to the myelin of the fibers. V FIG. 311. — Ependymal cells from the embryonic neural tube. A, Chick embryo of first day; B, of third day. (Cajal). Those fibers which are first functional receive their myelin sheaths first. The myelination of nerve fibers is only completed between the second and third year (Westphal). Many of the peripheral fibers, especially those of the sympathetic system, remain unmyelinated and supplied only with a neurilemma sheath. The myelinated fibers, those with a myelin sheath, have a glistening white appearance and give the characteristic color to the white substance of the central nervous system and to the periph- eral nerves. Ranson (1911) has shown that large numbers of unmyelin- ated fibers also occur in the peripheral nerves and spinal cord of adult HISTOGENESIS OF THE NERVOUS TISSUES 307 mammals and man. Those found in the spinal nerves arise from the small cells of the spinal ganglia. Development of the Supporting Cells of the Neural Tube. — The spongioblasts of the neural tube (p. 301) differentiate into the supporting tissue of the central nervous system. This includes the ependymal cells which line the neural cavity, and form one of the primary layers of the neural tube, and neuroglia cells and their fibers. FIG. 312. — Ependymal cells of the lumbar cord from a human fetus of 44 mm. (Cajal). A, Floor plate; B, central canal; C, line of future fusion of neural walls; E, ependymal cells; *, neuroglia cells and fibers. We have described how the strands of the syncytium formed by the spongioblasts become arranged radially in the neural tube of early embryos (Fig. 305 D). As the wall of the neural tube thickens, the strands elon- gate pari passu and form a radiating branched framework (Fig. 311). The group of spongioblasts which line the neural cavity constitute the ependymal layer. Processes from these cells radiate and extend through the whole thickness of the neural tube to its periphery. The cell bodies are columnar and persist as the lining of the central canal and ventricles of the spinal cord and brain (Fig. 312). 308 HISTOGENESIS Near the median line of the spinal cord, both dorsally and ventrally, the supporting tissue retains its primitive ependymal structure in the adult. Elsewhere, the supporting framework is differentiated into neuro- lia cells and fibers. The neuroglia cells form part of the spongioblastic syncytium and are scattered through the mantle and marginal layers of the neural tube. By proliferation they increase in number and their form depends upon the pressure of the nerve cells and fibers which develop around them. Neuroglia fibers are differentiated (in a manner comparable to the formation of connective-tissue fibers, Fig. 291) from the cytoplasm and cytoplasmic processes of the neuroglia cells, and, as the latter primarily form a synctium, the neuroglia fibers may extend from cell to cell. The neuroglia fibers develop late in fetal life and undergo a chemical transfor- mation into neurokeratin, the same substance that is found in the sheaths of myelinated fibers. CHAPTER XI THE MORPHOGENESIS OF THE SKELETON AND MUSCLES I. THE SKELETAL SYSTEM THE skeleton comprises: (i) the axial skeleton (skull, vertebras, ribs, and sternum) and (2) the appendicular skeleton (pectoral and pelvic gir- dles and the limb bones) . Except for the flat bones of the face and skull, which develop directly in membrane, the bones of the skeleton exhibit first a blastemal, or membranous stage, next a cartilaginous stage, and finally a permanent, osseous stage. For a detailed account of the development of the various bones of the skeleton the student is referred to Bardeen, Keibel and Mall, vol. i. THE AXIAL SKELETON The primitive axial skeleton of all vertebrates is the notochord, or chorda dor sails, the origin of which has been traced on pp. 34 and 36. The notochord constitutes the only skeleton of Amphioxus, whereas in fishes and amphibians it is replaced in part, and in higher animals almost en- tirely, by the permanent axial skeleton. In the development of mammals, this transient elastic rod disappears early, except in the intervertebral discs where it persists as the nuclei pulposi. The Vertebrae and Ribs. — The mesenchyme derived from the sclero- tomes grows mesad (Figs. 290 and 323) and comes to lie in paired segmen- tal masses on either side of the notochord, separated from similar masses before and behind by the inter segmental arteries. In embryos of about 4 mm., each sclerotome soon differentiates into a caudal, compact portion and a cranial, less dense half (Fig. 313 A). From the caudal portions, horizontal tissue masses now grow toward the median line and enclose the notochord, thus establishing the body of each vertebra. Similarly, dorsal extensions form the vertebral arch, and ventro-latera' outgrowths, the costal processes. The looser issue of the cranial halves also grows mesad and fills in 'the intervals between successive denser regions. The denser caudal half of each sclerotomic mass presently unites with the less dense cranial half of the sclerotome next caudad to form the an- 30Q 3io THE MORPHOGENESIS OF THE SKELETON AND MUSCLES lages of the definitive lerlebra (Fig. 313 B}. Mesenchymal tissue, filling the new intervertebral fissure thus formed, gives rise to the interv,rtebral discs. Since a vertebra is formed from parts of two adjacent sclerotomes, it is evident that the intersegmental artery must now pass over the body of a vertebra, and the myotomes and vertebrae alternate in position. Following this blastemal stage, centers of chondrification appear, two centers in the vertebral body, one in each half of the vertebral arch, and one in each costal process. These centers enlarge and fuse to form a cartilaginous vertebra; the union of the costal processes, which will give rise to ribs, with the body is, however, temporary, an articulation forming Myotome. Ectoderm— >Sderotome ^Intersegmental artery ...Notochord Myotome— Ectoderm Notochord A nlage of vertebra —Intervertebral fissure -Intersegmental artery A B FIG. 313. — Frontal sections through the mesodermal segments of the left side of human embryos. A, at about 4 mm., showing the differentiation of the sclerotomes into less dense and denser regions; B, at about 5 mm., illustrating the union of the halves of successive sclero- tomes to form the anlages of the vertebrae. later. Transverse and articular processes grow out from the vertebral arch, and the rib' cartilages, having in the meantime formed tubercles, articulate with the transverse processes somewhat later. The various ligaments of the vertebral column arise from mesenchyme surrounding the vertebras. Finally, at the end of the eighth week, the stage of ossification sets in. A single center appears in the body, one in each half of the arch, and one near the angle of each rib (Fig. 296^). The replacement of cartilage to form a solid mass is not completed until several years after birth. At about the seventeenth year, secondary centers appear in the cartilage still covering the cranial and caudal ends of the vertebral body and form che disc-like, bony epiphyses. These unite with the vertebra proper to con- stitute a single mass at about the twentieth year. While the foregoing account holds for vertebras in general, a few devia- tions occur. When the atlas is formed, a body differentiates as well, but it is appropriated by the body of the epistropheus (axis), thereby forming the tooth-like dens of the latter. The sacral and coccygeal vertebrae represent reduced types. At ,about the twenty-fifth year the sacral ver- tebrae unite to form a single bony mass, and a similar fusion occurs between the rudimentary coccygeal vertebrae. THE AXIAL SKELETON 3! I The ribs, originating as ventro-lateral outgrowths from the vertebral bodies, reach their highest development in the thoracic region. In the cervical region they are short; their tubercles fuse with the transverse processes and their heads with the vertebral bodies, thus leaving intervals, the transverse foramina, through which the vertebral vessels course. In the lumbar region the ribs are again diminutive and are fused to the transverse processes. The rudimentary ribs of the sacral vertebra are represented by flat plates which unite on each side to form a pars ateralis of the sacrum. With the exception of the first coccygeal vertebra, ribs are absent in the most caudal vertebrae. The Sternum. — The sternal anlages arise as paired mesenchymal bands, with which the first eight or nine thoracic ribs fuse secondarily (Whitehead and Waddell, 1911). After the heart descends into the thorax, these cartilaginous sternal bars, as they may now be termed, unite in a cranio-caudal direction to form the sternum, at the same time incor- porating a smaller mesial sternal anlage (Fig. 314). . Ultimately, one or two pairs of the most caudal ribs lose their sternal connections, the cor- FIG. 314. — Formation of the sternum in a FIG. 315. — Sternum of a child, showing centers human fetus during the third month (modified of ossification, after Ruge). responding portion of the sternum constituting the xiphoid process in part . At the cranial end of the sternum there are two imperfectly separated epi- ternal cartilages with which the clavicles articulate. These usually unite with the longitudinal bars and contribute to the formation of the manu- brium. Variations in the ossification centers are not uncommon, although a primitive, bilateral, segmental arrangement is evident (Fig. 315). In the two cranial segments, however, unpaired centers occur. The Skull. — The earliest anlage of the skull consists in a mass of dense mesenchyme which envelops the cranial end of the notochord and extends cephalad into the nasal region. Laterally, it forms wings which enclose 312. THE MORPHOGENESIS OF THE SKELETON AND MUSCLES the neural tube. Except in the occipital region, where there are indica- tions of the incorporation into the skull of three or four vertebrae, the skull is from the first devoid of segmentation. Chondrification begins in the future occipital and sphenoidal regions, in the median plane and extends cephalad and to a slight extent dorsad. At the same time the internal ear becomes invested with a cartilagin- ous periotic capsule which eventually unites with the occipital and sphen- oidal cartilages (Fig. 316). The chondro cranium as it is termed is thus confined chiefly to the base of the skull, the bones of the sides, roof, and the face being of membranous origin. Chondrification also occurs more or less extensively in the branchial arches, and, as will appear presently, the first two pairs contribute substantially to the formation of the skull. Inter parietal -l - -Supra-occipital ---/-- -Exoccipital -Condyle — Basi-occipital FIG. 317. — Occipital bone of a human fetus of four months (after Sappey). The portions still cartilaginous are shown as a homogeneous background. as FIG. 316. — Reconstruction of the chon- drocranium of a human embryo of 14 mm. (Levi in McMurrich). as, Alisphenoid; bo, basi- occipital; bs, basisphenoid; eo, exoccipital; m, Meckel's cartilage; os, orbitosphenoid ; p, perio- tic; ps, presphenoid; so, sella turcica; s, supra- occipital. In the period of ossification, which now ensues it becomes evident that some bones which are separate in adult lower animals fuse to form com- pound bones in the human skull. The sphenoid and temporal bones, for example, represent five primitive pairs each. As such components may arise either in membrane or cartilage, the compound nature of certain adult bones is explained. Ossification of the Chondrocranium. — The Occipital Bone. — Oss'fica- tion begins in the occipital region during the third month. Four centers appear at right angles about the foramen magnum (Fig. 317). From the ventral center arises the basilar (basi-occipital) part of the future bone; from the lateral centers the lateral (exocipital) parts which bear the condyles; and from the dorsal, originally paired center, the squamous (supra-occipital] part below the superior nuchal line The squamous THE AXIAL SKELETON 313 (inter parietal} part above that line is an addition of intramembranous origin. These several components do not fuse completely until about the seventh year. The Sphenoid Bone. — Ten principal centers arise in the cartilage that corresponds to this bone (Fig. 318): (i and 2) in each ala magna (ali- sphenoid); (3 and 4) in each ala parva (orbito sphenoid); (5 and 6) in the corpus between the alae magnae (basis phenoid) ; (7 and 8) in each lingula; (9 and 10) in the corpus between the alas parvae (pre sphenoid). Intra- membranous bone also enters into its composition forming the orbital, and temporal portion of each ala magna and the mesial laminae of each p'terygoid process (except the hamulus). Fusion of the various parts is completed during the first year. A la magna Ala parva (Alisphenoid) Presphenoid (Orbitos phenoid) Lingula >' ' (/ \ %-- Pterygold Basisphenoid process FIG. 318. — Sphenoid bone of a human fetus of nearly four months (after Sappey). Parts still cartilaginous are represented in stipple. Nasal septum — Perpendicular plate ~Crista galli •Cribriform plate - Labyrinth FIG. 319. — Ethmoid bone of a human fetus of four months (modified after Kollmann). The Ethmoid Bone. — The ethmoid cartilage consists of a mesial mass, which extends from the sphenoid to the tip of the nasal process, and of paired masses lateral to the olfactory fossae. The lower part of the mesial mass persists as the cartilaginous nasal sep'um but oss fication of the upper portion produces the lamina perpendicularis and the crista galli (Fig-. 319). The lateral masses ossify at first into the spongy bone of the ethemoidal labyrinths. From this, the definitive honeycomb struc- ture (ethmoidal cells) and the concha are formed through evaginations of the nasal mucous membrane and the coincident resorption of bone. (Similar invasions of the mucous membrane and dissolution of bone pro- duce the frontal, sphenoidal, and maxillary sinuses; p. 376). Fibers of the olfactory nerve at first course between the unjoined mesial and lateral masses. Later, cartilaginous, and finally, bony trabeculas surround these bundles of nerve fibers, and, as the cribriform plates, interconnect the three masses. The Temporal Bone. — Several centers of ossification in the periotic capsule unite to form a single center from which the whole cartilage is THE MORPHOGENESIS OF THE SKELETON AND MUSCLES Squamosum transformed into the petrous and mastoid portions of the temporal bone (Fig. 320). The mastoid process is formed after birth by a bulging of the petrous bone, and its internal cavities, the mastoid cells, are formed and lined by the evaginated epithelial lining of the middle ear. The squamosal and tympanic portions of the temporal bone are of intra- membranous origin, while the styloid process originates from the proximal end of the second, or hyoid branchial arch. Membrane Bones of the Skull. — From the preceding account it is evident that, although the bones forming the base of the skull arise chiefly in cartilage, they receive substantial contributions from membrane bones. The remainder of the sides and roof of the skull is wholly of intramembranous origin, each of the parietals forming from a single center, the frontal from paired centers. At the incomplete angles between the parietals and their adjacent bones, union is delayed for some time after birth. These membrane-covered spaces constitute the fontanelles. Tympanicum ' Petrosum FIG. 320. — The left temporal bone at birth. The portion of intracartilaginous origin is repre- sented in stipple. Malleus Incus Stapes Styloid process- Tympanic ring Stylo-hyoid lig. Temporal squama •Zygoma Mandible Cricoid cartilage Meckel's cartilage Hyoid cartilage (lesser horn) Hyoid cartilage (greater horn) rhyreoid cartilage FIG. 321. — Lateral dissection of the head of a human fetus, showing the derivatives of. the branchial arches (after Kollmann). The vomer forms from two centers in the connective tissue flanking the lower border of the lamina perpendicularis of the ethmoid. The cartilage of the ethmoid thus invested undergoes resorption. Single centers of ossification in the mesenchyme of the facial region give rise to the nasal, lacrimal, and zygomatic, all pure membrane bones. THE APPENDICULAR SKELETON 315 The Branchial Arch Skeleton. — The first branchial arch forks into an upper maxillary and a lower mandibular process (Fig. 119). Cartilage fails to appear in the maxillary processes, due to accelerated development, hence the palate bones and the maxilla arise directly in membrane. Each palate bone develops from a single center of ossification. According to one view five centers contribute to the formation of each maxilla; Mall, however, maintains that there are but two centers, one .giving rise to the portion bearing the incisor teeth, the other to the remainder of the maxilla. The entire core of the mandibular process becomes a cartilaginous bar, Meckel' s cartilage, which extends proximally into the tympanic cavity of the ear (Fig. 321). Membrane bone, developing distally in the future body, encloses Meckel's cartilage and the inferior alveolar nerve, whereas proximally in the ramus the membrane bone merely lies lateral to these structures — hence the position of the adult mandibular foramen. The por- tion of Meckel's cartilage enclosed in bone disappears, while the cartilage proximal to the mandibular foramen becomes in order, the spheno-mandi- bular ligament, the malleus, and the incus (p. 389 and Fig. 387). Each second branchial arch comes into relation proximally with the periotic capsule. This upper segment of the cartilage becomes the stapes and the styloid process of the temporal bone (Figs. 321 and 387). The succeeding distal portion is transformed into the stylo-hyoid ligament and connects the styloid process with the distal end of the arch, which also undergoes intracartilaginous ossification to form the lesser horn of the hyoid bone. The cartilage of the third branchial arches ossifies and gives origin to the greater horns of the hyoid bone, while a plate connecting the two arches becomes its body. The fourth and fifth branchial arches co-operate in the formation of the thyreoid cartilage of the larynx. THE APPENDICULAR SKELETON Whereas the axial skeleton originates chiefly from the sclerotomes of the mesodermal segments, the appendicular skeleton is apparently derived from the unsegmented somatic mesenchyme. In embryos of 9 mm., mesenchymal condensations have formed definite blastemal cores in the primitive limb buds (Fig. 323). Following this blastemal stage, the vari- ous bones next pass through a cartilaginous stage and finally an osseous one. The Upper Extremity. —The clavicle is the first bone of the skeleton to ossify, centers appearing at each end. Prior to ossification it is com- posed of a peculiar tissue which makes it difficult to decide whether the bone is intramembranous or intracartilaginous in origin. 316 THE MORPHOGENESIS OF THE SKELETON AND MUSCLES The scapula arises as a single plate in which there are two chief centers of ossification. One center early forms the body and spine. The other, after birth, gives rise to the rudimentary coracoid process, which in lower vertebrates extends from the scapula to the sternum. Union between the coracoid process and the body does not occur until about the fifteenth year. The humerus, radius, and ulna ossify from single primary centers ar d two or more epiphyseal centers (Fig. 296 C-F). In the cartilaginous carpus there is a proximal row of three, and a dis- tal row of four elements. Other inconstant cartilages may appear, and subsequently disappear or become incorporated in other carpal bones. The pisiform is regarded as a sesamoid bone which develops in the tendon of the flexor carpi ulnaris ; in the same category is the patella which forms in the tendon of the quadriceps extensor cruris. The Lower Extremity. — The cartilaginous plate of the os coxa is at first so placed that its long axis is perpendicular to the vertebral column (Fig. 322). Later, it rotates to a position parallel with the vertebral column, and shifts slightly caudal to come into relation with the first three sacral vertebrae. A retention of the membranous condition in the lower half of each primitive cartilaginous plate accounts for the obturator membrane which closes the foramen of the same name. Three centers of ossification appear, forming the ilium, ischium, and pubis. The three bones do not fuse completely until about puberty. The general development of the femur, tibia, fibula, tarsus, metatarsus, and phalanges is quite similar to that of the corresponding bones of the upper extremity. Anomalies. — Variations in the size, shape, and number of skeletal parts are common. Developmental arrest and over-development are the prime causative factors. Variations in the number of vertebrae (except cervical) are not infrequent. The last cervical and first lumbar vertebrae occasionally bear ribs, due to the continued development of the primitive costal processes. Cleft sternum or cleft xiphoid process represents an incomplete fusion of the sternal bars. Additional fingers or toes (polydactyly) may occur; the cause is obscure. Hare lip and cleft palate have already been mentioned (pp. 148, 151). IL THE MUSCULAR SYSTEM The skeletal muscles, with the exception of those attached to the branchial arches, originate from the myotomes of the mesodermal seg- ments (pp. 53, 291 and Fig. 323). Although the primitive segmental arrangement of the myotomes is, for the most part, soon lost, their original innervation by the segmental spinal nerves is retained throughout life. For this reason, the history of adult muscles formed by fusion, splitting, or other modifications may be traced with considerable certainty. THE MUSCULAR SYSTEM 317 The development of the human musculature is fully described by W. H. Lewis in Keibel and Mall, vol. i. Fundamental Processes. — The changes occurring in the myotomes during the formation of adult muscles are referable the operation of the following fundamental processes : (1) A change in direction of muscle fibers from the original cranio- caudal orientation in the myotome. The fibers of but few muscles retain their initial orientation. (2) A migration of myotomes, wholly or in part, to more or less remote regions. Thus the latissimus dorsi originates from cervical myotomes, but finally attaches to the lower thoracic and lumbar vertebrae and to the crest of the ilium. Other examples are the serratus anterior and the trapezius. (3) A fusion of portions of successive myotomes. The rectus abdomi- nis illustrates this process. . (4) A longitudinal splitting of myotomes into several portions. Ex- amples are found in the sterno- and omo-hyoid and in the trapezius and sterno-mastoid. (5) A tangential splitting into two or more layers. The oblique and the transverse muscles of the abdomen are formed by the common process. (6) A degeneration of myotomes, wholly or in part. In this way fascias, ligaments, and aponeuroses may be produced. Muscles of the Trunk. — Ventral extensions grow out from the cervical and thoracic myotomes, and a fusion that is well advanced superficially occurs between all the myotomes in embryos of 10 mm. A dorsal, longitu- dinal column of fused myotomes, however, can still be distinguished from the sheet formed from the combined ventral prolongations (Fig. 322). From the superficial portions of the dorsal column there arise by longitudinal and tangenital splitting the various long muscles of the back and neck, which are innervated by the dorsal rami of the spinal nerves. The deep portions of the myotomes to not fuse, but give rise to the several intervertebral muscles, which thus retain their primitive segmental arrange- ment. The muscles of the neck, other than those innervated by the dorsal rami and those arising from the branchial arches (p. 319) differentiate from ventral extensions of the cervical myotomes. In the same way the thoraco-abdominal muscles arise from the more pronounced ventral pro- longations of the thoracic myotomes that grow into the body wall along with the ribs (Fig. 322). Reference has already been made to the prob- able contribution from cervical myotomes to the formation of the dia- phragm (p. 189). The ventral extensions of the lumbar myotomes (except the first) and of the first two sacral myotomes do not participate in the formation 318 THE MORPHOGENESIS OF THE SKELETON AND MUSCLES of the body wall. If -they persist at all, it is possible that they contribute to the formation of the lower limb. The ventral portions of the third and fourth sacral myotomes give rise to the muscles of the perineal region. Muscles of the Limbs. — It has generally been believed that the muscles of the extremities are developed from buds of the myotomes which grow FIG. 322. — Reconstruction of a 9 mm. embryo, to show the partially fused myotomes and the premuscle masses of the limbs (Bardeen and Lewis). X 13. Distally, in the upper ex- tremity, the radius, ulna and hand plate are disclosed; in the lower extremity the os coxae and the border vein show. into the limb anlages. In sharks this is clearly the case, and in man the segmental nerve supply is suggestive, but not proof, of a myotomic origin. According to Lewis, "there are no observations of distinct myotome buds extending into the limbs" in man. Nevertheless, a diffuse migration of cells from the ventral portion of the myotomes has been recorded by va- THE MUSCULAR SYSTEM 319 rious observers, recently by Ingalls. These cells soon lose their epithelial character and blend with the undifferentiated mesenchyma of the limb buds (Figs. 322 and 323). From this diffuse tissue, which at about 9 mm. forms premuscle masses, the limb muscles are differentiated, the proxi- mal muscles being the first to appear. The progressive differentiation into distinct muscles reaches the level of the hand and foot in embryos of 20 mm. Spinal ganglion Dermatome f" ••<< 4v^% T>;i '. ; v • -,, !'»% %.^y"l:^ I'' •••••- J Myotome Spinal nerve Arm bud Vta Proliferating cells of myotome Mesonephric duct Mesonephric tubule and glomerulus Ccelom Somatic mesoderm FIG. 323. — Transverse section of a 10.3 monkey embryo, showing the myotome and the mesen- chyma of the arm bud (Kollmann). A, aorta; *, sclerotome. Muscles of the Head. — Distinct mesodermal segments do not occur in the head region. It is possible, however, that a premuscle mass, from which the eye muscles of man are developed, is comparable to three myo- tomic segments having a similar fate in the shark (cf. p. 366). The remaining muscles of the head differ from all other skeletal mus- cles in that they arise from the splanchinc mesoderm of the branchial arches and are innervated by nerves (visceral) of a different category than those (somatic) which supply myotomic muscles (p. 356). The meso- derm of the first branchial arch gives rise to the muscles of mastication and to all other muscles innervated by the trigeminal nerve. Similarly, the 320 THE MORPHOGENESIS OF THE SKELETON AND MUSCLES muscles of expression, and other muscles supplied by the facial nerve, originate from the second, or hyoid arch. The third arch probably gives origin to the pharyngeal muscles, and the third and fourth arches to the intrinsic muscles of the larynx. The muscles of the tongue are supplied by the n.hypoglossus, and there- fore it has been assumed that they are derived from myotomes of the occipital region (p. 153). According to Lewis, "there is, however, no direct evidence whatever for this statement, and we are inclined to believe from our studies that the tongue musculature is derived from the mesoderm of the floor of the mouth." Anomalies. — Variations in the form, position, and attachments of the muscles are common. Most of these anomalies are referable to the variable action of the several developmental factors listed on p. 317). CHAPTER XII THE MORPHOGENESIS OF THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM In discussing the histogenesis of the nervous tissue the early develop- ment of the neural tube has been described as an infolding of the neural plate (Fig. 78) and a closure of the neural groove (Fig. 304). The groove begins to close in embryos of 2 mm. along the mid-dorsal line, near the middle of the body, and the closure extends both cranially and caudally (Fig. 324). Until the end of the third week there still persists an opening Mesencephalon Rhombcntephalon Myelencephalon Amnion (cut) Mesodermal segment 14 Open neural groove Prosencephalon Stomodaum Amnion (cut) Yolk sac Body stalk FIG. 324. — Human embryo of 2.4 mm., with a partially closed neural tube (after Kollmann)' X 36. at either end of the neural tube, somewhat dorsad. These openings are the neurc pores (Fig. 330). Before the closure o the neuropores, in em- bryos of 2 to 2.5 mm., the cranial end of the neural tube has enlarged and is constricted at two points to form the three primary brain vesicles. The caudal two-thirds of the neural tube, which remains smaller in diam- eter, constitutes the anlage of the spinal cord. 21 321 322 THE MORPHOGENESIS OF THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM THE SPINAL CORD The spinal portion of the neural tube is at first nearly straight, but is bent with the flexure of the embryo into a curve which is convex dor sally. Its wall gradually thickens during the first month and the diameter of its cavity is diminished from side to side. By the end of the first month, Neural cavity Marginal layer Dorsal Ependymal layer Spinal ganglion— +± Nerve trunk Sympathetic ganglion FIG. 325. — Transverse section through a 10 mm. human embryo at the level of the arm buds, showing the spinal cord and a spinal nerve of the right side. X 44. three layers have been developed in its wall, as described on p. 301 (Fig. 325). These layers are the inner ependymal layer, which forms a narrow zone about the neural cavity, the middle mantle layer, cellular, and the outer marginal layer, fibrous. The Ependymal Layer is differentiated into a dorsal roof plate and a ventral floor plate (Fig. 326). Laterally, its proliferating cells contribute ncuroblasts and neuroglia cells to the mantle layer. The proliferation of cells ceases first in the ventral portion of the layer, which is thus narrower than the dorsal portion in 10 to 20 mm. embryos (Figs. 325 and 326). Consequently, the ventral portion of the mantle layer is differentiated first. The neural cavity is at first somewhat rhomboidal in transverse section , THE SPINAL CORD 323 wider dorsally than ventrally. Its lateral angle forms the sulcus limitans (Fig 334), which marks the subdivision of the lateral walls of the neural Roof plate Dvrsal column Dorsal funiculus Neural cavity Marginal layer Ependymal layer Floor plate Ventral median fissure FIG. 326. — Transverse section of the spinal cord from a 20 mm. human embryo. X 44. tube into the dorsal alar plate (sensory) and ventral basal plate (motor). When the ependymal layer ceases to contribute new cells to the mantle Dorsal funiculus Lat. funiculus Central canal Dura mater Spinal ganglion Ventral funiculus FIG. 327. — Transverse section of the spinal cord from a 34 mm. human embryo, showing also the spinal ganglion and dura mater on the left side. X 44. layer, its walls are approximated dorsally. As a result, in 20 mm. embryos the neural cavity is wider ventrally (Fig. 326). In the next stage, 34 mm., these walls fuse and the dorsal portion of the neural cavity is obliterated 324 THE MORPHOGENESIS OF THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM (Fig. 327). In a 65 mm. (CR) fetus the persisting cavity is becoming rounded (Fig. 328). It forms the central canal of the adult spinal cord. The cells lining the central canal are ependymal cells proper. Those in the floor of the canal form the persistent floor plate. Their fibers extend ven- trad, reaching the surface of the cord in the depression of the ventral median fissure. • When the right and left walls of the ependymal layer fuse, the epen- dymal cells of the roof plate no longer radiate, but form a median septum (Fig. 327). Later, as the marginal layers of either side thicken and are Dorsal median septum Fasciculus gracilis Dorsal root^^_. ^ XL^-r- ^_ .Fasciculus cuneatus Dorsal column -Subslantia gelatinosa Lat. funiculu Lat. column Ventral column Ventral funiculus Ventral median jissure FIG. 328. — Transverse section of the spinal cord from a 65 mm. human fetus. X 44. approximated, the median septum is extended dorsally. Thus the roof plate is converted into part of the dorsal median septum of the adult spinal cord (Fig. 328). The Mantle Layer, as we have seen, receives contributions from the proliferating cells of the ependymal layer. A ventro-lateral thickening first becomes prominent in embryos of 10 to 15 mm. (Fig. 325). This is the ventral (anterior) gray column, or horn, which in later stages is sub- divided, forming also a lateral gray column (Fig. 328). It is a derivative of the basal plate. In embryos of 20 mm. a dorso-lateral thickening of the mantle layer is seen, the cells of which constitute the dorsal (posterior) gray column, or horn (Figs. 327 and 328) ; about these cells the collaterals of the dorsal root fibers end. The cells of the dorsal gray column, deriva- tives of the alar plate of the cord, thus form terminal nuclei for the afferent spinal nerve fibers. Dorsal and ventral to the central canal, the mantle layer forms the dorsal and ventral gray commissures. In the ventral floor THE SPINAL CORD 325 plate, nerve fibers cross from both sides of the cord and form the ventral (anterior) white commissure. The Marginal Layer is composed primarily of a framework of neuro- glia and ependymal-cell, processes. Into this framework grow the axons of nerve cells, so that the thickening of this layer is due to the increasing number of nerve fibers contributed to it by extrinsic ganglion cells and neuroblasts. When their myelin develops, these fibers form the white substance of the spinal cord. The fibers have three sources (Fig. 360): (i) they may arise from the spinal ganglion cells, entering as dorsal root fibers and coursing cranially and caudally in the marginal layer; (2) they may arise from neuroblasts in the mantle layer of the spinal cord, (a) as fibers which connect adjacent nuclei of the cord (fasiculi proprii or ground bundles), or (6) as fibers which extend upward to the brain; (3) they may arise from neuroblasts of the brain, (a) as descending tracts from the brain stem, or (6) as long, descending cerebrospinal tracts from the cortex of the cerebrum. Of these fiber tracts, (i) and (20} appear during the first month; (2 6) and (3 a) during the third month; (3 6) at the end of the fifth month. The dorsal root fibers from the spinal ganglion cells, entering the cord dorso-laterally, subdivide the white substance of the marginal layer into a dorsal funiculus and lateral funicnlus. The lateral f uniculus is marked off by the ventral root fibers from the ventral funiculus (Fig. 327). The ventral root fibers, as we have seen, take their origin from the neuroblasts of the ventral gray column in the mantle layer. They are thus derivatives of the basal plate. The dorsal funiculus is formed chiefly by the dorsal root fibers of the ganglion cells, and is subdivided into two distinct bundles, the fasiculus gracilis, median in position, and the fasciculus cuneatus, lateral. The dorsal funiculi are separated only by the dorsal median septum (Fig. 328). The lateral and ventral funiculi are composed : (i) of fasciculi proprii, or ground bundles, originating in the spinal cord; (2) of ascending tracts from the cord to the brain; (3) of the descending fiber tracts from the brain. The fibers of these fasciculi intermingle and the fasciculi are thus without sharp boundaries. The floor plate of ependymal cells lags behind in its development, and, as it is interposed between the thickening right and left walls of the ventral funiculi, these do not meet and the ventral median fissure is produced (cf. Figs. 325 and 328). The development of myelin in the nerve fibers of the cord begins late in the fourth month of fetal life and is completed between the fifteenth and twentieth years (Flechsig, Bechterew) . Myelin appears first in the root fibers of the spinal nerves and in those of the ventral commissure, next in the ground bundles and dorsal funiculi. The cerebrospinal (pyramidal) fasciculi are the last in which myelin is developed; they are myelinated during 326 THE MORPHOGENESIS OF THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM Cerebrum Mesencephalon.. Cerebellum Cervical enlargement Lumbar enlargement the first and second years. As myelin appears in the various fiber tracts at different periods, this condition has been utilized in tracing the extent and origin of the various fasciculi in the central nervous system. The Cervical and Lumbar Enlargements. — At the levels of the two nerve plexuses supplying the upper and lower extremities, the spinal cord enlarges. As the fibers to the muscles of the extremities arise from nerve cells in the ventral gray column, the number of these cells and the mass of the gray substance is increased ; since larger numbers of fibers from the integument of the limbs also enter the cord at this level, there are like- wise present more cells about which sensory fibers terminate. There is formed consequently at the level of the origin of the nerves of the brachial plexus the cervical enlargement, opposite the origins of the nerves of the lumbo-sacral plexus the lumbar enlargement (Fig. 329). At the caudal end of the neural tube of a four months' fetus, an epithelial sac is formed which is adherent to the integument. Cranial to the sac, the central canal is obliterated, this part of the neural tube forming the filum terminate. The caudal end of the central canal is irregularly expanded and is known as the terminal ventricle. After the third month the vertebral column grows faster than the spinal cord. As the cord is fixed to the brain, the vertebras and the asso- ciated roots and ganglia of the spinal nerves shift caudally along the cord. The origin of the coccygeal nerves in the adult is opposite the first lumbar vertebra and the nerves course obliquely downward, nearly parallel to the spinal cord. As the tip of the neural tube is attached to the coccyx, its caudal portion becomes stretched into the slender, solid cord known as the filum terminale. The obliquely coursing spinal nerves, with the filum terminale, constitute the cauda equina. THE BRAIN We have seen that in embryos of 2 to 2.5 mm. the neural tube is nearly straight, but that its cranial end is enlarged to form the anlage of the brain (Fig. 324). The appearance of two constrictions in the wall of the anlage subdivides it into the three primary brain vesicles — the fore- brain, or prosencephalon, mid-brain, or mesencephalon, and hind-brain, or rhombencephalon. FIG. 329— Dissection of the brain and cord of a three months' fetus, showing the cervical and lumbar enlarge- ments (after Kolliker in Marshall). Natural size. THE BRAIN 327 In embryos of 3.2 mm., estimated age four weeks, three important changes have taken place (Fig. 330): (i) the neural tube is bent sharply in the mid-brain region (the cephalic flexure) , so that the axis of the fore- brain now forms a right angle with the axis of the hind-brain; (2) the fore-brain shows indication dor sally of a fold, the mar go thalamicus which subdivides it into the telencephalon and the diencephalon; (3) the lateral walls of the fore-brain show distinct evaginations, the optic vesicles, which project laterad and caudad. A ventral bulging of the wall of the hind-brain indicates -the position of the future pontine flexure. A nterior ncuropore Pallium of telencephalon ,Diencephalon Pallium Corpus slrialum A nterior neuropore Future pontine _$ E^ flexure Mesencephalon Optic v recess Isthmus Future pontine flexure Rhombcncephalon Mesencephalon Cephalic flexure : - Rliombenceplialot: A B FIG. 330. — Reconstructions of the brain of a 3.2 mm. human embryo (after His). X about 35. A, Lateral surface; B, in median sagittal section. In embryos of 7 mm. (five weeks) the neuropores have closed (Fig. 331). The cephalic flexure, now more marked, forms an acute angle, and the pontine flexure, just indicated in the previous stage, is now a prominent ventral band in the ventro-lateral walls of the hind-brain. This flexure forms the boundary line which subdivides the rhomben- cephalon into a cranial portion, the metencephalon, and into a caudal portion , the myelencephalon. At a third bend, the whole brain is flexed ventrally at an angle with the axis of the spinal cord. This bend, the cervical flexure, is the line of demarcation between the brain and spinal cord (cf. Fig. 333 A). The telencephalon and diencephalon are more dis- tinctly subdivided, and the evaginated optic vesicle forms the optic cup, attached to the brain wall by a hollow stalk, in which later grows the 328 THE MORPHOGENESIS OF THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM optic nerve. The walls of the brain show a distinct differentiation in certain regions. This is especially marked in the myelencephalon, which has a thicker ventro-lateral wall and thinner dorsal wall. Embryos of 10.2 mm. show the structure of the brain at the begin- ning of the second month (Figs. 341 and 344). The five brain regions are now sharply differentiated externally, but the boundary line between the telencephalon and diencephalon is still indistinct. The telencephalon consists of paired, lateral outgrowths, the anlages of the cerebral hemispheres and rhinencephalon (olfactory brain). In Fig. 359 the external form of the brain is seen with the origins of the cerebral nerves. It will be noted Diencephalon Pallium Mesencephalon Cephalic flexure Pallium Mesencephalo) Opti cup Pontine flexure — £ Myelencephalon — Meten- cephalon Corpus striatum Optic recess By, FIG. 331. — Reconstructions of the brain of a 7 mm. human embryo (His). A, Lateral view; B, in median sagittal section. that, with the exception of the first four (the olfactory, optic, oculomotor, and trochlear), the cerebral nerves take their superficial origin from the myelencephalon. The cephalic flexure forms a very acute angle, and, as a result, the long axis of the fore-brain is nearly parallel to that of the hind-brain (Fig. 359). The oculomotor nerve takes its origin from the ventral wall of the mesencephalon. Dorsally, there is a constriction, the isthmus, between the mesencephalon and metencephalon, and here the fibers of the trochlear nerve take their superficial "origin. The dorsal wall of the myelencephalon is an exceedingly thin ependymal layer which becomes the tela chorioidea. The ventro-lateral walls of this same region, on the other hand, are very thick. A median sagittal section of a brain at a somewhat later stage shows the cervical, pontine, and cephalic flexures well marked (Fig. 332; the , THE BRAIN thin, dorso -lateral roof of the myelencephalon has been removed). The telencephalon is a paired structure. In the figure, its right half projects cranial to the primitive median wall of the fore-brain, which persists as the lamina terminates (cf. Fig. 342). The floor of the telencephalon is greatly thickened caudally as the anlage of the corpus striatum. A slight evagination of the ventral wall of the telencephalon, just cranial to the corpus striatum, marks the anlage of the rhinencephalon. The remaining portion of the telencephalon forms the pallium, or cortex, of the cerebral hemispheres. The paired cavities of the telencephalon are the lateral (first and second) ventricles, and these communicate through the interven- Cerebra! peduncle, Hypothalamus £ EpUhalamus Thalamuy. Diencephalon- • Cerebral aqueduct ^Mesencephalon Pallium. Telencephalon-. ^.Rhombcnccpkalic isthmus Cerebellum \- Metencephalon Rhomboid fossa \ Myelencephalon Ehinencephalon \ Corpus striatum Pons Lamina tcrminalis Spinal cord FIG. 332. — Brain of a 13.6 mm. human embryo in median sagittal section (after His in Sobotta). I, Optic recess; 2, ridge formed by 3, the optic chiasma; 4, infundibular recess. tricular foramina (of Monro) with the cavity of the diencephalon, the third ventricle. The cavities of the olfactory lobes communicate during fetal life with the lateral ventricles and were formerly called the first ventricles. The crossing of a portion of the optic nerve fibers in the floor of the brain forms the optic chiasma, and this, with the transverse ridge produced by it internally, is taken as the ventral boundary line between the telen- cephalon and diencephalon (Fig. 332). A dorsal depression separates the latter from the mesencephalon. The lateral wall of the diencephalon is thickened to form the thalamus, the caudal and lateral portion of which constitutes the metathalamus . From the metathalamus are derived the geniculate bodies. In the median dorsal wall, near the caudal boundary line of the diencephalon, an outpocketing begins to appear in embryos of 330 THE MORPHOGENESIS OF THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM five weeks (Fig. 332). This is the epithalamus, which later gives rise to the pineal body, or epiphysis. The thalamus is marked off from the more ventral portion of the diencephalic wall, termed the hypothalamus, by the obliquely directed sulcus limitans (Fig. 341). Cranial to the optic chiasma is the optic recess, regarded as belonging to the telencephalon (Fig. 332). Caudal to it, is the pouch-like infundibulnm, an extension from which, during the fourth week, forms the posterior lobe of the hypophysis. Caudal to the infundibulum, the floor of the diencephalon forms the tuber cinereum and the mammillary recess; the walls of the latter thicken later and give rise to the mammillary bodies.: An oblique transverse section through the telencephalon and hypothalamic portion of the diencephalon (Fig. 343) shows the relation of the optic recess to the optic stalk, the infundibulum, and Rathke's pouch, and the extension of the third ventricle, the proper cavity of the diencephalon-, into the telencephalon between the corpora striata. The mesencephalon in 13.6 mm. embryos (Fig. 332) is distinctly marked off from the metencephalon by the constriction which is termed the isthmus. Dorso-lateral thickenings form the corpora quadrigemina. Ventrally, the mesencephalic wall is thickened to form the tegmentum and crura cerebri. In the tegmentum are located the nuclei of origin for the oculomotor and trochlear nerves. The former, as we have seen, takes its superficial origin ventrally, while the trochlear nerve fibers bend dorsad, cross at the isthmus, and emerge on the opposite side. As the walls of the mesencephalon thicken, its cavity later is narrowed to a canal, the cerebral aqueduct (of Sylvius) . The walls of the metencephalon are thickened dorsally and laterally to form the anlage of the cerebellum. Its thickened ventral wall becomes the pons (Varolii). Its cavity constitutes the cranial portion of the fourth ventricle. The caudal border of the pons is taken as the ventral boundary line between the metencephalon and myelencephalon. The myelencephalon forms the medulla oblongata. Its dorsal wall is a thin, non-nervous, ependymal layer, which later becomes the posterior medullary velum. From its thickened ventro-lateral walls the last eight cerebral nerves take their origin. Its cavity forms the greater part of the fourth ventricle, which opens caudally into the central canal of the spinal cord, cranially into the cerebral aqueduct. The increase in the flexures of the brain and the relative growth of its different regions may be seen by comparing the brains of embryos of four, five, and seven weeks (Fig. 333). THE BRAIN 331 Telencephalon Cervical flexure -Myelencephalon Melencephalon Myelencephalon FIG. 333. — Brains of human embryos, from reconstructions by His: A, 4.2 mm. embryo (X2o); B, 6.9 mm. embryo (X 16); C, 18.5 mm. embryo (X 4). o, Optic vesicle; in, infun- dibulum; m, mammillary body; pf, pontine flexure; ol, olfactory^Jobe; b, basilar artery; p, Rathke's pouch (American Text-Book of Obstetrics). In the table on page 332 are given the primitive subdivisions of the neural tube and the parts derived from them: 332 THE MORPHOGENESIS OF THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM DERIVATIVES OF THE NEURAL TUBE PRIMARY VESICLES. [SUBDIVISIONS. DERIVATIVES. CAVITIES. Prosencephalon Telencephalon Rhinencephalon Cerebral cortex Corpora striata Pars optica hypothalami Lateral ventricles Cranial portion of third ventricle Diencephalon Epithalamus Thalamus Metathalamus Hypothalamus Hypophysis Tuber cinercum Mammillary bodies Remainder of third ven- tricle Mesencephalon Mesencephalon Corpora quadrigemina Tegmentum Crura cerebri Aquaeductus cerebri Rhombencephalon Metencephalon Cerebellum Pons Fourth ventricle Myelencephalon Medulla oblongata Spinal cord Spinal cord Central canal. DIFFERENTIATION OF THE SUBDIVISIONS OF THE BRAIN The Myelencephalon. — We have seen (p. 322 ff.) that the wall of the spinal cord differentiates dorsally and ventrally into roof plate and A Roof plate Mantle layer- Sulcus limitans Ependymal layer Marginal layer Spinal ganglion Alar plah S. limitans Basal plate Ventral spinal root FIG. 334. — Transverse sections from a 10 mm. human embryo. X 44 A, Through the upper cervical region of the spinal cord; B, through the caudal end of the myelencephalon. floor plate, laterally into the alar plate and basal plate. The boundary line between the alar and basal plates is the sulcus limitans (Fig. 334 A). THE BRAIN 333 The same subdivisions may be recognized in the myelencephalon. It differs from the spinal cord, however, in that the roof plate is broad, thin, and flattened to form the ependymal layer (Figs. 334 B and 335). In the Alar plate \ N. hypoglossus N. accessorius N. vagus FIG. 335. — Transverse sections through the myelencephalon of a 10.2 mm. embryo (His). X 37. A, Through the nuclei of origin of the spinal accessory and hypoglossal nerves; B, through the vagus and hypoglossal nerves. Inner layer Roof plate Tractus solitarius Rhombic lip Restiform body Formatio reticularis grise Formatio reticularis alba Spinal tract of N . trigcminus Neuroblasts from ^ alar plate Marginal layer N . hypoglossus Septum medulla: Neuroblasts from alar plate (Rudiment of accessory olive) FIG. 336. — Transverse section through the myelencephalon of a 22 mm. embryo (His). alar and basal plates of the myelencephalon, the marginal, mantle, and ependymal zones are differentiated as in the spinal cord (Fig. 335). Owing to the formation of the pontine flexure at the beginning of the second month, the roof plate is broadened, especially in the cranial portion of the myelencephalon, and the alar plates bulge laterally (Figs. 336 and 334 THE MORPHOGENESIS OF THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM 337 A). The cavity of the myelencephalon is thus widened from side to side, and flattened dorso-ventrally. This is most marked cranially, where, between the alar plates of the myelencephalon and metencephalon , are formed the lateral recesses of the fourth ventricle (Figs. 337 and 353) . Into the ependymal roof of the myelencephalon blood vessels grow, and, invading the lateral recesses, form there the chorioid plexus of the fourth ventricle. The plexus consists of small, finger-like folds of the ependymal layer and its covering mesenchymal layer. The line of attachment of the ependymal layer to the alar plate is known as the rhombic lip and later becomes the tccnia and obex of the fourth ventricle (Fig. 337 B). Mid-brain Cerebellum Lateral recess Rlwmbic lip Lateral lobe of cerebellum Lobules of vermis Flocculus B Lateral lobe of Pyramis Corporaquadrigemina. — -^ cerebellum Cerebrum Anlage of vermis Lateral lobe of cerebellum Rhombic lip 'W^m^mi.ObeX Flocculu/ ^ \ ^Umla Nodulus FIG. 337. — Dorsal views of four stages in the development of the cerebellum. A, 13.6 mm. (His); B, 24 mm.; C, no mm.; D, 150 mm. In early stages the floor of the myelencephalon is constricted trans- versely by the so-called rhombic grooves, six in number; the intervals be- tween successive grooves are neuromeres (cf. Figs. 96 and 122). Some have have viewed these as evidential of a former segmentation of the head similar to that of the trunk. It is more probable, however, that they merely stand in relation to certain cerebral nerves and hence their seg- mental arrangement is secondary. The further growth of the myelencephalon is due: (i) to the rapid formation of neuroblasts, derived from the ependymal and mantle layers ; (2) to the development of nerve fibers from these neuroblasts; (3) to the THE BRAIN 335 development and growth into it of fibers from neuroblasts in other parts of the brain and spinal cord. The neuroblasts of the basal plates early give rise chiefly to the efferent fibers of the cerebral nerves (Fig. 335). They thus constitute motor nuclei of origin of the trigeminal, abducens, facial, glossopharyngeal, vagus complex, and hypoglossal nerves, nuclei corresponding to the ventral and lateral gray columns of the spinal cord. The basal plate likewise produces the reticular formation, which is derived in part also from the neuroblasts of the alar plate (Fig. 336). The axons partly cross as external and internal arcuate fibers and form a portion of the median longitudinal bundle, a fasci- culus corresponding to the ventral ground bundles of the spinal cord. Other axons grow into the marginal zone of the same side and form inter - segmental fiber tracts. The reticular formation is thus differentiated into a gray portion, situated in the mantle zone, and into a white portion lo- cated in the marginal zone (Fig. 336) . The marginal zone is further added to by the ascending fiber tracts from the spinal cord and the descending pyramidal tracts from the brain. As in the cord, the marginal layers of each side remain distinct, being separated by the cells of the floor plate. The alar plates differentiate later than the basal plates. The afferent fibers of the cerebral nerves first enter the mantle layer of the alar plates, and, coursing upward and downward, form definite tracts (tractus soli- tarius, descending tract of fifth nerve). To these are added tracts from the spinal cord, so that an inner gray and an outer white substance is formed. Soon, however, the cells of the mantle layer proliferate, migrate into the marginal zone, and surround the tracts. These neuroblasts of the alar plate form groups of cells along the terminal tracts of the afferent cerebral nerves (which correspond to the dorsal root fibers of the spinal nerves) and constitute the receptive, or terminal nuclei of the fifth, seventh, eight, ninth, and tenth cerebral nerves. Caudally, the nucleus gracilis and nuc- leus cuneatus are developed from the alar plates as the terminal nuclei for the afferent fibers which ascend from the dorsal funculi of the spinal cord. The axons of the neuroblast forming these receptive nuclei decussate through the reticular formation, chiefly as internal arcuate fibers, and as- cend to the thalamus as the median lemniscus. There are developed from neuroblasts of the alar plate other nuclei, the axons of which connect the brain stem, cerebellum, and fore-brain. Of these the most conspicuous is the inferior olivary nucleus. The characteristic form of the adult myelencephalon is determined by the further growth of the above-mentioned structures. The nuclei of origin of the cerebral nerves, derived from the basal plate, produce swell- ings in the floor of the fourth ventricle that are bounded laterally by the sulcus limitans. The terminal nuclei of the mixed and sensory cerebral 336 THE MORPHOGENESIS OF THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM nerves lie lateral to this sulcus. The enlarged cuneate and gracile nuclei bound the ventricle caudally and laterally as the cuneus and clava. The inferior olivary nuclei produce lateral, rounded prominences, and ventral to these are the large cerebro -spinal tracts, or pyramids. The Metencephalon. — Cranial to the lateral recesses of the fourth ventricle, the cells of the alar plate proliferate ventrally and form the numerous and relatively large nuclei of the pons. The axons from the cells of these nuclei mostly cross to the opposite side and form the brachium pontis of the cerebellum. Cerebral fibers from the cerebral peduncles end about the cells of the pontine nuclei. Others pass through the pons as fascicles of the pyramidal tracts. A Mesencephalon i Cerebellum ft :'^6U^^^- Ependymal layer Posterior medullary velum Anterior medullary velum FIG. 338.— Median sagittal sections of the metencephalon and adjoining parts. A, from a 24 mm. embryo; B, from a 150 mm. fetus. The Cerebellum. — When the alar plates of the cranial end of the myel- encephalon are bent out laterally, the caudal portions of their continua- tions into the metencephalic region are carried laterally also. As a result, the alar plate of the metencephalon takes up a transverse position and forms the anlages of the cerebellum (Fig. 337 A). During the second month the paired cerebellar plates thicken and bulge into the ventricle (Fig. 338 A). Near the mid-line, paired thickenings indicate the anlages of the vermis, while the remainder of the alar plates form the anlages of the lateral lobes, or cerebellar hemispheres (Figs. 337-6 and 353). The cerebellar anlages grow rapidly both laterally and in length, so that their surfaces are folded transversely. During the third month their walls bulge outward and form on either side a convex lateral lobe, connected with the pons by the brachium pontis (Fig. 337 C). In the meantime the anlages of the vermis have fused in the mid-line, producing a single struc- ture marked by transverse fissures. The rhombic lip gives rise to the flocculus and nodulus. Between the third and fifth months the cortex THE BRAIN 337 cerebelli grows more rapidly than the deeper layers of the cerebellum, and its principal lobes, folds, and fissures are formed (Fig. 337 C, D). The hemispheres derived from the lateral lobes are the last to be differentiated. Their fissures do not appear until the fifth month. Cranial to the cerebellum the wall of the neural tube remains thin dorsally, and constitutes the anterior medullary velum of the adult (Fig. 338 B}. Caudally, the ependymal roof of the fourth ventricle becomes the posterior medullary velum. The points of attachment of the vela remain approximately fixed, while the cerebellar cortex grows enormously. As a result, the vela are folded in under the expanding cerebellum (Fig. 338). The anlages of the cerebellum show at first differentiation into the same three layers which are typical for the neural tube. During the second and third months, cells from the ependymal, and perhaps from the mantle layer of the rhombic lip migrate to the surface of the cerebellar cortex and give rise to the molecular and granular layers which are charac- teristic of the adult cerebellar cortex (Schafer) . The later differentiation of the cortex is only completed at birth, or later. The cells of the granular layer become unipolar by a process of unilateral growth. The Purkinje cells differentiate later. Their axons, and those of entering afferent fibers, form the deep medullary layer of the cerebellum. The cells of the mantle layer may take little part in the development of the cerebellar cortex, but give rise to neuroglia cells and fibers and to the internal nuclei. Of these, the dentate nucleus is seen at the end of the third month; later, its cellular layer becomes folded, producing its characteristic convolutions. The fibers arising from its cells form the greater part of the brachium conjunctivum. D. IV. — Alar plate •Marginal layer Nucleus ' N. III. r....- R0ot fibers N.I II. A B FIG. 339. — Transverse sections through the mesencephalon of a- 10.2 mm. embryo (His). A, Through the isthmus and origin of the trochlear nerve; B, through the nucleus of origin of the oculomotor nerve. D. IV., Decussation of oculomotor nerve; M.I., mantle layer. The Mesencephalon. — The basal and alar plates can be recognized in this subdivision of the brain, and each differentiates into the three primi- tive layers (Fig. 339). In the basal plate the neuroblasts give rise to the axons of motor nerves — the oculomotor cranial in position, the trochlear 338 THE MORPHOGENESIS OF THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM caudal (Fig. 339 B). In addition to these nuclei of origin, the nucleus ruber (red nucleus) is developed in the basal plates, ventral and somewhat cranial to the nucleus of the oculomotor nerve. The origin of the cells forming the red nucleus is not definitely known. The alar plates form the paired superior and inferior colliculi, which together constitute the corpora quadrigemina (Figs. 337 -B and 349). The plates thicken and neuroblasts migrate to their surfaces, forming stratified ganglionic layers comparable to the cortical layers of the cerebellum and the cerebellar nuclei. With the development of the superior and inferior colliculi the cavity of the mesen- cephalic region decreases in size and becomes the cerebral aqueduct. The mantle layer of the basal plate region is enclosed ventrally and laterally by the fiber tracts which develop in the marginal zone. Ven- tro-laterally, appear the median and lateral lemnisci; ventrally, the de- scending tracts from the cerebral cortex, which together constitute the peduncles of the cerebrum, develop later. Roof plate (with chorioid plexus) . Alar plate or Thalamus 'ulcus limitans Basal plate or Hypothalamus •Mammillary recess FIG. 340. — Transverse section through the diencephalon of a 13.8 embryo (His). X 29. The Diencephalon. — In the wall of the diencephalon we may recog- nize laterally the alar and basal plates, dorsally the roof plate, and ven- trally the floor plate (Fig. 340). The roof plate expands, folds as seen in the figure, and into the folds extend blood capillaries. The roof plate thus forms the ependymal lining of the tela chorioidea of the third ventricle. The vessels and ingrowing mesenchymal tissue form the chorioid plexus. Cranially, the tela chorioidea roofs over the median portion of the telen- cephalon and is folded laterally into the hemispheres as the chorioid plexus of the lateral ventricles. Laterally, the roof plate is attached to the alar plates, and at their point of union are developed the ganglia habenula. The epiphysis, or pineal body, is developed caudally as an evagination of the roof plate. It appears at the fifth week (Fig. 335) and is well developed by the third month (Fig. 342). Into the thickened wall of the THE BRAIN 339 anlage is incorporated a certain amount of mesenchymal tissue, and thus the pineal body proper is formed. The alar plate is greatly thickened and becomes the anlage of the thalamus and metathalamus. The latter, really a part of the thalamus, gives rise to the lateral and median geniculate bodies. The sulcus limitans (Fig. 341) forms the boundary line between the thalamus (alar plate) and the hypothalamus (basal plate plus the floor plate). The basal plate is comparatively unimportant in the diencephalic Sulcus limitans Hypothalamus Pallium Mammillary recess Corpus striatum \ Infundibulum Optic ridge FIG. 341. — Median sagittal section of the fore- and mid-brain from a 10.2 mm. embryo (after region, as no nuclei of origin for motor nerves are developed here. In the floor plate the ridge formed by the optic chiasma constitutes the pars optica hypothalamica. The Hypophysis. — The hypophysis, or pituitary body, has a double origin. Its glandular portions develop from the ectodermal Rathke's pouch, which appears at about 3 mm. just in front of the pharyngeal membrane (Fig. 86). This pouch early comes in contact with a sac-like extension of the infundibulum, the anlage of the neural hypophyseal lobe (Figs. 122, 341 and 343). Rathke's pouch, at first flat, grows laterally and caudally about the neural lobe, and loses its stalked connection with the oral epithelium at the end of the second month (Fig. 146). The original cavity of the pouch becomes the residual lumen of the adult gland. In embryos of about 20 mm., its walls differentiate into the 340 THE MORPHOGENESIS O7 THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM glandular cords of the anterior lobe. That portion of the wall between the lumen and the neural lobe remains thin and constitutes the pars intermedia. Recently, a further glandular portion, the pars tuberalis, Diencephalon ^ Chorioid plexus Corpus striatum sfl Telencephalon / Thalamus ..----^^ I Pineal body (epithalamus) Cerebral peduncle ' Cerebral aqueduct * Mesencephalon • Pans Optic Hypo- ichiasma physis MeJulla. Lamina terminalis / Hypothalamus oblonzata Rhinencephalon i - Isthmus - Cerebellum " Metencephalon Rhomboid fossa - Myelencephalon ""*• Spinal cord • Central canal FIG. 342. — Median sagittal section of the brain from a fetus of the third month (His in Sobotta). Pallium Foramen Monroi Third ventricle Optic vesicle Lens ves Infundibulum' Rathke's pouch' FIG. 343. — Oblique transverse section through the diencephalon and telencephalon of a 10 mm. embryo. X 61. has been recognized, lying along the tuber cinereum; it develops from the fusion of paired lateral lobes, at the base and in front of Rathke's pouch. The anlage of the neural lobe is transformed into a solid mass of neuroglia THE BRAIN 341 tissue and remains connected to the diencephalbn by a permanent in- fundibular stalk (Fig. 147). The anterior lobe and the pars intermedia elaborate important internal secretions. Caudal to the infundibulum, in the floor plate, are developed in order the tuber cinereum and the mammillary recess (Figs. 341, 344 and 346). The lateral walls of the latter thicken and give rise to the paired mammillary bodies. The third ventricle lies largely in the diencephalon and is at first relatively broad. Owing to the thickening of its lateral walls, it is com- pressed until it forms a narrow, vertical cleft. In a majority of adults the thalami are approximated, fuse, and form the massa intermedia, or commissura mollis, which is encircled by the cavity of the ventricle. Mesencephaton Diencephalon Pallium Mammillary body Hypophysis Optic stalk Lobus olfactorius FIG. 344. — Lateral view of the fore- and mid-brains of a 10.2 mm. embryo (His). The Telencephalon. — This is the most highly differentiated division of the brain (Fig. 344). The primitive structures of the neural tube can no longer be recognized, but the telencephalon is regarded as repre- senting greatly expanded alar plates and is, therefore, essentially a paired structure. Each of the paired outgrowths expands cranially, dorsally, and caudally, and eventually overlies the rest of the brain (Figs. 344, 345 and 346). The telencephalon is differentiated into the corpus striatum, rhinencephalon, and pallium (primitive cortex of cerebral hemisphere) The median lamina between the hemispheres lags behind in its develop- ment and thus there is formed the great longitudinal fissure between the hemispheres. The lamina is continuous caudally with the roof plate of 342 THE MORPHOGENESIS OF THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM the diencephalon ; cranially it becomes the lamina terminalis, the cranial boundary of the third ventricle (Figs. 332 and 342). The Chorioid Plexus of the Lateral Ventricles.— It will be remembered (p. 338) that the chorioid plexus of the third ventricle develops in the folds of the roof plate of the diencephalon. Similarly, the thin, median wall of the pallium at its junction with the wall of the diencephalon is folded into the lateral ventricle. A vascular plexus, continuous with that^of the third ventricle, grows into this fold, and projects into the lateral Fissura prima Chorioid plexus of lat. ventricle Pallium — r Pineal body Superi-or colliculus Corpus striatum Hippocampus Roof plate Mesencephalon FIG. 345. — The fore-brain and mid-brain of an embryo of 13.6 mm., seenfrom the dorsal surface. The pallium of the telencephalon is cut away, exposing the lateral ventricle (His). ventricle of either side (Figs. 345 and 347). The fold of the pallial wall forms the chorioidal fissure and the vascular plexus is the chorioid plexus of the lateral ventricle. This is a paired structure, and, with the plexus of the third ventricle forms a T-shaped figure, the stem of the T overlying the third ventricle, its curved arms projecting into the lateral ventricles just caudal to the interventricular foramen. Later, as the pallium extends, the chorioid plexus of the lateral ventricles and the chorioidal fissures are extensively elongated into the temporal lobe and inferior horn of the lateral ventricle (Fig. 348). The interventricular foramen (of Monro) is at first a wide opening (Fig. 343), but is later narrowed to a slit, not by constriction but because its boundaries grow more slowly than the rest of the telencephalon (Fig. 347) . THE BRAIN 343 The third ventricle extends some distance into the caudal end of the telencephalon, and laterally in this region the optic vesicles develop. Into each optic stalk extends the optic recess (Fig. 343). Diencephalon l.Iesencephalon Pallium Corpus mammillare Tuber cinereum Pars ant. olf. lobe Pars post. olf. lobe Infundibulum Ototic stalk FIG. 346. — Lateral view of the fore-brain and mid-brain of a 13.6 mm. embryo (His). Lateral ventricle Cliorioid plexus of lateral •ventricle Thalamus Corpus striatum Third ventricle \ FIG. 347. — Transverse section through the fore-brain of a 15 mm. embryo, showing the early development of the chorioid plexus and fissure (His). The corpus striatum is developed as a thickening in the floor of each cerebral hemisphere (Fig. 331). It is already prominent in embryos of six weeks (13.6 mm.), bulging into the lateral ventricle (Figs. 345 and 347). It is in line caudally with the thalamus of the diencephalon and in develop- 344 THE MORPHOGENESIS OF THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM Falx FIG. 348. — A transverse section through the telencephalon of an 83 mm. fetus (after His). Th, Thalamus; Cs, corpus striatum; h.f., hippocampal fissure ; fa, marginal gray seam;./*, edge of white substance. Chorioid fissure Sup. colliciilus Olfactory lobe FIG. 349. — Lateral view of the brain of a 53 mm. fetus. The greater part of the pallium of the right cerebral hemisphere has been removed, leaving only that covering the lenticular nucleus, and exposing the internal capsule, caudate nucleus and hippocampus (His). THE BRAIN 345 ment is closely connected with it, although the. thalamus always forms a separate structure. The corpus striatum elongates as the cerebral hemi- sphere lengthens, its caudal portion curving around to the tip of the in- ferior horn of the lateral ventricle and forming the slender tail of the caudate nucleus (Fig. 349). The thickening of the corpus striatum is due to the active proliferation of cells in the ependymal layer which form a promi- nent mass of mantle layer cells. Nerve fibers to and from the thalamus to the cerebral cortex course through the corpus striatum as laminae^ which Anterior horn Nucleus candatus I nterventricular foramen Third ventricle Chorioid plexus of •lat. ventricle Posterior horn Lenticular nucleus Ant. columns of fornix internal capsule Thalamus Hippocam} FIG. 350. — Horizontal (coronal) section through the fore-brain of a 160 mm. fetus (His). are arranged in the form of a wide V, open laterally, when seen in hori- zontal sections. This V-shaped tract of white fibers is the internal cap- sule, the cranial limb of which partly separates the corpus striatum into the caudate and lenticular nuclei (Fig. 350). The caudal limb of the capsule extends between the lenticular nucleus and the thalamus. The thalamus and corpus striatum are separated by a deep groove until the end of the third month (Fig. 347). As the structures enlarge, the groove between them disappears and they form one continuous mass (Fig. 350). According to some investigators there is direct fusion between the two. 346 THE MORPHOGENESIS OF THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM The Rhinencephalon. — The olfactory apparatus is divided into a basal portion and a pallial portion. The basal portion consists: (i) of a ventral and cranial evagination (pars anterior) , formed mesial to the cor- pus striatum, which is the anlage of the olfactory lobe and stalk (Fig. 346). This receives the olfactory fibers and its cells give rise to olfactory tracts. The tubular stalk connecting the olfactory lobe with the cerebrum loses its lumen. (2) Caudal to the anlage of the olfactory lobe a thickening of the brain wall develops (pars posterior) which extends mesially along the lamina terminalis and laterally becomes continuous with the tip of the temporal lobe (Fig. 346). This thickening constitutes the anterior per- forated space and the parolfactory area of the adult brain (Fig. 356). The pallial portion of the rhinencephalon is termed the archipallium because it forms the entire' primitive wall of the cerebrum, a condition which is permanent in fishes and amphibia. Later, when the neopallium, or adult cortex, arises, the archipallium forms a median strip of the pallial wall curving along the dorsal edge of the chorioidal fissure from the an- terior perforated space around to the tip of the temporal lobe, where it is again connected with the basal portion of the rhinencephalon. The archipallium differentiates into the hippocampus (Figs. 345 and 349), a portion of the gyrus hippocampi, and into the gyrus dentatus. It resembles the rest of the cerebral cortex in the arrangement of its cells. The infold- ing of the hippocampus produces the hippocampal fissure. Commissures of the Telencephalon. — The important commissures are the corpus callosum, fornix, and anterior commissure. The first is the great transverse commissure of the neopallium, or cerebral cortex, while the fornix and anterior commissure, smaller in size, are connected with the archipallium of the rhinencephalon. The commissures develop in rela- tion to the lamina terminalis, crossing partly in its wall and partly in fused adjacent portions of the median pallial walls. Owing to the fusion of the pallial walls dorsal and cranial to it, the lamina terminalis thickens rapidly during the fourth and fifth month (Streeter) . "It [the lamina terminalis] is distended dorsalward and antero-lateralward through the growth of the corpus callosum, the shape of which is determined by the expanding pallium." Between the curve of the corpus callosum and the fornix, the median pallial walls remain thin and membranous, and constitute the septum pellucidum of the adult. The walls of this sep- tum enclose a cavity, the so-called fifth ventricle, or space of the septum pellucidum (Fig. 351). The fornix takes its origin early, chiefly from cells in the hippocampus. The fibers course along the chorioidal side of the hippocampus cranially, passing dorsal to the foramen of Monro (Fig. 351 A). In the cranial portion of the lamina terminalis, fibers are both given off to the basal THE BRAIN 347 portion of the rhinencephalon and received from it. In this region, fibers crossing the midline form the hippocampal commissure. Other fibers, as the diverging anterior pillars x>f the fornix, curve ventrally and end in the mammillary body of the hypothalamus. The commissure of the hippocampus, originally cranial in position, is carried caudalward with the caudal extension of the corpus callosum (Fig. 351 B}. Corpus callosum Body of fornix Hippocampal commissure Anterior commissure Chorioid fissure Ant. pillar of fornix Thalamus B Body of fornix Hippocampal commissure Septum pellucidu Corpus callosum Ant. commissure __ _ . . _ „_.„ „... ' Thalamus Ant. pillar of fornix FIG. 351. — Two stages in the development of the cerebral commissure. (Based on recon- structions by His and Streeter). A, Median view of the right hemisphere of an 83 mm.Jetus; B, of a 120 mm. fetus. The fibers of the anterior commissure cross in the lamina terminalis ventral to the hippocampal commissure. They arise in a cranial and a caudal division. The fibers of the former take their origin from the olfac- tory stalk and the adjacent cortex. The fibers of the caudal division pass ventrally about the corpus striatum, between it and the cortex, and may be derived from one or both of these regions. 348 THE MORPHOGENESIS OF THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM The corpus callosum appears cranial and dorsal to the hippocampal commissure in the roof of the thickened lamina terminalis (Fig. 351 A). Through its fibers, which arise from neuroblasts in the wall of the neo- pallium (cerebral cortex), nearly all regions of one hemisphere are asso- ciated with corresponding regions of the other. With the expansion of the pallium, the corpus callosum is extended cranially and caudally by the development of interstitial fibers. The fibers first found in the corpus Lobus parietalis Lateral fissure Lobus fronialis Lobus temporalis Pans Lobus occipitalis Cerebellum Myelenceph- alon Spinal cord FIG. 352. — Lateral view of the brain of a 90 mm. fetus (His). callosum arise in the median wall of the hemispheres. In fetuses of five months this great commissure is a conspicuous structure and shows the form which is characteristic of the adult (Fig. 351 B). Form of the Cerebral Hemispheres. —When the telencephalon ex- pands cranially, caudally, and at the same time ventrally, four lobes may be distinguished (Fig. 352): (i) a cranial frontal lobe; (2) a dorsal parietal lobe; (3) a caudal occipital lobe; and (4) a ventro-lateral temporal lobe. The ventricle extends into each of these regions and forms respectively THE BRAIN 349 the anterior horn, the body, the posterior horn, and the inferior horn of the lateral ventricle. The surface extent of the cerebral wall, the thin gray cortex, increases more rapidly than the underlying, white medullary layer. As a result, the cortex is folded, producing convolutions between which are depressions, the fissures and sulci. The chorioidal fissure is formed, as we have seen (p. 342), by the ingrowth of the chorioid plexus. During the third month the hippocampal fissure develops as a curved infolding along the median wall of the temporal lobe. Internally, the infolded Occipital lobe of cerebrum Corpora, quadrigemina Hemisphere of cerebellum Impression of thalamus Temporal lobe Vermis cerebelli Lateral recess of fourth ventricle Fasciculus gracilis Medulla oblongata FIG. 353. — Dorsal view of the brain from a 100 mm. fetus (Kollmann). cortex forms the hippocampus (Figs. 345 and 349). The lateral fissure (of Sylvius) makes its appearance also in the third month (Fig. 3^2), but its development is not completed until after birth. The cortex over- lying the corpus striatum laterally develops more slowly than the sur- rounding areas and is thus gradually overgrown by folds of the parietal and frontal lobes (fronto-parietal operculum) and of the temporal lobe (temporal operculum). The area thus overgrown is the insula (island of Reil) and the depression so formed is the lateral fissure (of .Sylvius) (Fig. 355). Later, frontal and orbital opercula are developed ventro-laterally from the frontal lobe. These are not approximated over the insula until after birth. The frontal operculum is included between the anterior limbs of the Sylvian fissure, and the extent of its development, which is variable, determines the form of these limbs. 350 THE MORPHOGENESIS OF THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM Median olfactory gyms Middle olfactory gyrus Diagonal gyrus C erebellum Insula Lat. olfactory gyrus Gyrus ambiens Cyrus semilunaris Oliva FIG. 354. — Ventral view of the brain of a i op mm. fetus to show the rhinencephalon (Kollmann) Sulcus postcentralis- Sukus centralis Inferior frontal sulcus Occipital pole Superior temporal gyrus Middle temporal gyrus FIG- 355- — Lateral view of the right cerebral hemisphere from a seven months' fetus (Kollmann). THE BRAIN 35* In fetuses of six to seven months, four other depressions appear which later form important landmarks in the cerebral topography. These are: (i) the central sulcus, or fissure of Rolando, which forms the dorso- lateral boundary line between the frontal and parietal lobes (Fig. 355); (2) the parieto-occipital fissure, which, on the median wall of the cerebrum, is the line of separation between the occipital and parietal lobes (Fig. 356) ; (3) the calcarine fissure, which includes the cuneus between itself and the parieto-occipital fissure and marks the position of the visual area of the cerebrum; (4) the collateral fissure on the ventral surface of the temporal lobe, which produces the inward bulging on the floor of the posterior horn Corpus cattosum Cyrus cinguli Side. corp. callosi Splenium Parieto-occipital fissure Space of septum pellu- cidum Rostral lamina Parol- factory area Cuneus Olfactory lobe Optic nerve Fissura rhinica Temporal lobe FIG. 356. — Median surface of the right cerebral hemisphere from a seven months' fetus (Kollmann). of the ventricle known as the collateral eminence. The calcarine fissure also affects the internal wall of the ventricle, causing the convexity termed the calcar avis (hippocampus minor) . Simultaneously with the development of the collateral fissure, appear other shallower depressions known as sulci. These have a definite arrange- ment, and, with the fissures, mark off from each other the various func- tional areas of the cerebrum. The surface convolutions between the depressions constitute the gyri and lobules of the adult cerebrum. Histogenesis of the Cerebral Cortex. — In the wall of the pallium are differentiated the three primitive zones typical of the neural tube: the ependymal, mantle, and marginal layers. During the first two months 352 THE MORPHOGENESIS OF THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM the cortex remains thin and differentiation is slow. At eight weeks, neuroblasts migrate from the ependymal and mantle zones into the mar- ginal zone and give rise to layers of pyramidal and other cells typical of the cerebrum. The differentiation of these layers is most active during the third and fourth months, but probably continues until after birth (Mellus, 1912). From the fourth month on, the cerebral wall thickens rapidly, owing to the development: (i) of the fibers from the thalamus and corpus striatum; (2) of endogenous fibers from the neuroblasts of the cortex. The fibers form a white, inner medullary layer surrounded by the gray cortex. Myelination begins shortly before birth (Flechsig), but some fibers may not acquire their sheaths until after the twentieth year. As the cerebral wall increases in thickness the size of the lateral ventricle becomes relatively less, its lateral diameter especially being decreased. Anomalies. — There are numerous types of defective neural tube development — most the result of arrest. These usually involve the bony investments as well, and produce conspicuous malformations. The more or less extensive failure of the neural groove to close produces cranioschisis (acrania) , or rachischisis, depending on whether the region of the head or vertebral column is affected. If the cleft contains a sac -like protrusion of the membranes, the condition is known as menhigoccele; if the neural wall alone protrudes, it is encephaloccele (brain) or myeloccele (spinal cord) ; if, as is most common, both are involved, it is meningo-encephalo- ccele, or meningo-myeloccele. Such a hernial condition of the spine is often called spina bifida and is most frequent in the lumbo-sacral region, where the sac may become the size of a child's head. An excessive fluid content in the brain cavities causes both brain and skull to enlarge, producing hydrocephaly. CHAPTER XIII THE PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM THE nerves, ganglia, and sense organs constitute the peripheral nervous system. The peripheral nerves consist of bundles of myelinated and unmyelinated nerve fibers, and aggregations of nerve cells, the ganglia. The fibers are of two types : afferent fibers, which' carry sensory impulses to the central nervous system, and efferent fibers, which carry motor im- pulses away from the nervous centers. The peripheral efferent fibers of both brain and spinal cord take their origin from neuroblasts of the basal plate. Typically they emerge ventro-laterally from the neural tube. Those arising from the spinal cord take origin in the mantle layer, con- verge, and form the ventral roots of the spinal nerves. The efferent fibers of the brain take origin from more definite nuclei and constitute the motor components of the cerebral nerves. The peripheral afferent fibers originate from nerve cells which lie outside the neural tube. Those sensory nerve cells related to the spinal cord and to the brain stem caudal to the otic vesicle are derived from the ganglion crest, the origin of which has been described (Chapter X, p. 302). X-XI gang, crest XI fibers ^=^ FIG- 357- — Reconstruction of an embryo of 4 mm., showing the development of the cerebro- spinal nerves (Streeter). X 17. Cr-6, Cervical spinal nerves. A. THE SPINAL NERVES The spinal nerves are segmentally arranged and each consists of dorsal and ventral roots, spinal ganglion, and nerve trunks. In embryos of 4 mm. the ventral roots are already developing as outgrowths of neuro- blasts in the mantle layer of the spinal cord (Fig. 357). The spinal ganglia are represented as enlargements along the ganglion crest and are connected by cellular bridges. In 7 mm. embryos (five weeks old) the cells of the spinal ganglia begin to develop centrally directed processes which enter the marginal zone of 23. 353 354 THE PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM the 'cord as the dorsal root fibers (Fig 358). These fibers course in the dorsal funiculi and eventually form the greater part of them. Peripheral processes of the ganglion cells join the ventral root fibers in the trunk of the nerve (Fig. 360). At 10 mm. (Fig. 359) the dorsal root fibers have elongated and the cellular bridges of the ganglion crest between the spinal ganglia have begun to disappear. In transverse sections at this ___ ^ IX- X-XI gang, crest 1 ^x /3^7^ ?*^»»^-^\ ^ v /">! / Ophthal. div. Sup. max. div. M. masticatorius Inf. max. div. S.I. D.I. L.I FIG. 358. — Reconstruction of a 6.9 mm. embryo, showing the development of the dorsal root fibers from the spinal and cerebral ganglia* (Streeter). X 16.7. stage (Fig. 325 and 360) the different parts of a spinal nerve may be seen. The trunk of the nerve, just ventral to the union of the dorsal and ventral roots, gives off laterally the dorsal, or posterior ramus, the fibers of which supply the dorsal muscles. The ventral ramus, continuing, gives off mesially the ramus communicans to the sympathetic ganglion, and divides into the lateral and ventral (anterior) terminal rami. The efferent fibers THE SPINAL NERVES 355 of these rami supply the muscles of the lateral and ventral body wall, and the afferent fibers end in the integument of the same regions. At the points where the anterior and lateral terminal rami arise, connecting loops may extend from one spinal nerve to another. Thus, in the cervical region superficial and deep nerve plexuses are formed. The Gang, acusticum Vesicula auditiva Gang, semilunare n. V : / Gang, radicis n. £X Cerebellum j N.VI; < \ \Gang. petrosum Gang, redicis n. X A*. Ill N.IV — N. Jrontalis N. nasociliaris N. maxillaris N. mandibularis ' Gang, geniculatum Diaphragma "' Hepar I Co. N. tibialis N. peroneus '* Gang. Froriep ,-N. hypoglossus I.C. -.-— N. XI - Gang, nodos. N. desc. cerv. ... Rami hyoid. (Ansa hypoglossi) N. Musculoculan. '' N. axillaris ' ' N. phrenicus - - N. medianus '~N. radialis "N. ulnaris 1 Th. Tubus digest* . R. posterior R. terminalis lateral i IS i R terminalis anterior N.femorali \ \IL. N obturator '•• Mesonephros Nn. ilioing. et hypogastr. 12. FIG. 359. — Reconstruction of the nervous system of a 10 mm. embryo (Streeter). X deep cervical plexus forms the ansa hypoglossi and the phrenic nerve (Fig- 359). The Brachial and Lumbo-sacral Plexuses. — The nerves supplying the arm and leg also unite to form plexuses. In embryos of 10 mm. (Fig. 359) the trunks of the last four cervical nerves and of the first thoracic are united to form a flattened plate, the anlage of the brachial plexus. From this 356 THE PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM plate nervous cords extend into the intermuscular spaces and end in the premuscle masses. The developing skeleton of the shoulder splits the brachial plexus into dorsal and ventral laminae. From the dorsal lamina arise the musculo- cutaneous, median, and ulna nerves; from the ventral lamina, the axillary and radial nerves. In 10 mm. embryos the lumbar and sacral nerves that supply the leg unite in a plate-like structure, the anlage of the lumbo-sacral plexus (Fig. 359). The plate is divided by the skeletal elements of the pelvis and femur into two lateral and two median trunks. Of the cranial pair, the lateral becomes the femoral nerve; the median, the obturator nerve. The Dorsal root Somatic sensory neuron Visceral sensory neu Spinal cord Visceral motor neuro Somatic motor m Dorsal ramus Marginal layer Epcndymal layer Mantle layer Ventral terminal division of / \ \ d t spinal nerve / Ramus communicans Sympathetic ganglion FIG. 360. — Transverse section of a 10 mm. embryo, showing the spinal cord, spinal nerves and their functional nervous components. Diagrammatic. caudal pair constitutes the sciatic nerve; the lateral trunk will be the peroneal nerve, the median trunk the tibial. Save for the neurons from the special sense organs (nose, eye, and ear) that form a special sensory group, the neurons of the peripheral nerves, both spinal and cerebral, fall into four functional groups (Fig. 360). (1) Somatic afferent, or general sensory, with fibers ending in the integument of the body wall. (2) Visceral afferent, or sensory, with fibers ending in the walls of the viscera. (3) Somatic efferent, or motor, with fibers ending on voluntary muscle fibers. (4) Visceral efferent, or motor: (a) with fibers ending about sympa- thetic ganglion cells, which in turn control the smooth muscle fibers of THE CEREBRAL NERVES 357 the viscera and blood vessels (spinal nerves) ; or (6) with fibers ending directly on visceral muscle fibers (mixed cerebral nerves). B. THE CEREBRAL NERVES The cerebral nerves of the human brain are twelve in number. They differ from the spinal nerves: (i) in that they are not segmentally ar- ranged, and (2) in that they do not all contain the same types of nervous components. Classed according to the functions of their neurons they fall into three groups: VISCERAL SENSORY AND SOMATIC MOTOR MOTOR. III. Oculomotor. V. Trigeminal. IV. Trochlear. VII. Facial. VI. Abducens. IX. Glossopharyngeal. SPECIAL SOMATIC SENSORY. I. Olfactory. II. Optic. VIII. Acoustic. XII. Hypoglossal. X. Vagus complex, including XI. Spinal Accessory. It will be seen: (i) that the nerves of the first group are purely sen- sory, corresponding to the general somatic afferent neurons of the spinal nerves; (2) that those of the somatic motor group are purely motor and correspond to the somatic efferent neurons of the spinal nerves; (3) that those of the third group are mixed in function and correspond to the vis- ceral components of the spinal nerves. I. THE SPECIAL SOMATIC SENSORY NERVES i. The Olfactory Nerve, though purely sensory, has no ganglion. Its nerve cells lie at first in the olfactory epithelium of the nose and are of the bipolar type (fourth week). From these cells peripheral processes de- velop and end directly at the surface of the olfactory epithelium (Fig. 361). Central processes grow to- ward the olfactory lobe and form the strands of the olfactory nerve. They end in the glomeruli of the olfactory bulb in contact with the dendrites of the mitral cells, or olfactory neurons of the second order. Some olfactory cells migrate from the epithelium, with which, however, they retain peripheral con- nections. Such bipolar cells, found along the entire course of the nerve, resemble ordinary dorsal ganglion cells. The olfactory nerve fibers are peculiar in that they remain unmyelinated. Nerve fibers from the "Olfactory tract -Mitral cell Glomerulus -Cribriform plate -Olfactory nerve fiber \~Olfactory epithelium FIG. 361. — Diagram of the relations of the fibers in the olfactory nerve. 358 THE PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM epithelium of the vestigial vomero-nasal organ (of Jacobson) also end in the olfactory bulb. When the ethmoidal bone of the cranium is developed, its cartilage, as the cribriform plate, forms around the strands of the olfactory nerve. The ganglionated n. ierminalis courses in close association with the olfactory nerve. Its unmyelinated fibers end in the epithelium of the vomero-nasal organ and of the nose. Although evidently a distinct nerve its significance is obscure. 2. The Optic Nerve is formed by fibers which take their origin from neuroblasts in the nervous layer of the retina. The retina is differentiated from an evagination of the wall of the fore-brain (Fig. 343), hence the optic nerve is not a true peripheral nerve, but belongs to the central system of tracts. The neuroblasts from which the optic nerve fibers develop constitute the ganglion cell layer of the retina (Fig. 381). During the sixth and seventh weeks these cells give rise to central processes which form a nerve fiber layer on the inner side of the retina. The optic fibers converge to the optic stalk and grow through its wall back to the brain. The cells of the optic stalk are converted into a neuroglia frame- work and the cavity is obliterated. In the floor of the fore-brain, at the • boundary between telencephalon and diencephalon, the fibers from the median half of each retina at about the end of the second month cross to the opposite side, and this decussation constitutes the optic chiasma (from Greek letter x. or 'chi ') . The crossed and uncrossed fibers constitute the optic tract which rounds the cerebral peduncles laterally and dorsally (Fig. 354). Eventually, the optic fibers end in the lateral geniculate body, thalamus, and superior colliculus. Efferent fibers, terminating in the inner reticular layer of the retina, are also present. In certain fishes where their function has been studied, these fibers resemble visceral efferent components (Arey, 1916). 8. The Acoustic Nerve is formed by fibers which grow from the cells of the acoustic ganglion. The origin of these cells is unknown, though they appear in 4 mm. embryos just cranial to the otic vesicle (Fig. 358). The cells become bipolar, central processes uniting the ganglion to the tuber- culum acusticum of the myelencephalon and peripheral fibers connecting it with the wall of the otocyst. The acoustic ganglion is differentiated into the vestibular and spiral ganglia (Fig. 362) . The ganglion elongates and is subdivided into superior and inferior portions in 7 mm. embryos. The superior part supplies nerves to the utriculus and to the ampullae of the anterior and lateral semi- circular canals. Part of the inferior portion supplies nerves to the sacculus and to the ampulla of the posterior semicircular canal, and this portion, together with the entire pars superior, constitutes the vestibular ganglion. THE CEREBRAL NERVES 359 ,'N. vestib.--- 4 mm. 7 mm Pars. sup. ' •*•""'''• "\N '' N. each. -•- N.vestib- R. amp. sup. R. amp. lot. R. amp. sup. -R. amp. lot. LATERAL VIEW MEDIAN VIEW FIG. 362. — The development of the acoustic ganglia and nerves. The vestibular ganglion is finely stippled, the spiral ganglion coarsely stippled (Streeter). 360 THE PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM The greater part of the pars inferior is, however, differentiated into the spiral ganglion, the peripheral fibers of which innervate the hair cells of the spiral organ (of Corti) in the cochlea. The spiral ganglion appears- in 9 mm. embryos and conforms to the spiral turns of the cochlea, hence its name. Its central nerve fibers form the cochlear division of the acoustic nerve. This is distinctly separated from the central fibers of the vestibular ganglion which constitute the vestibular division of the acoustic nerve, the fibers of which are equilibratory in function. The pars inferior of the vestibular ganglion becomes closely .connected with the n. cochlearis, and thus in the adult it appears as though the sacculus and posterior ampulla were supplied by the cochlear nerve. n. THE SOMATIC MOTOR NERVE The nerves of this group, consisting of the three nerves to the eye muscles and the n. hypoglossus, are purely motor nerves, the fibers of which take origin from the neuroblasts of the basal plate of the brain stem, near the midline. They are regarded as the homologues of the ventral motor roots of the spinal cord, but they have lost their segmental arrange- ment and are otherwise modified. The nuclei of origin of these nerves are shown in Fig. 364. 12. The Hypoglossal Nerve is formed by the fusion of the ventral root fibers of three to five precervical nerves. Its fibers take origin from neuro- blasts of the basal plate and emerge from the ventral wall of the myelence- phalon in several groups (Figs. 357 and 364). In embryos of five weeks (7 mm.) the fibers have converged ventrally to form the trunk of the nerve (Fig. 358). Later they grow cranially, lateral to the ganglion nodosum, and eventually end in the muscle fibers of the tongue (Fig. 359). The nerve in its development unites with the first three cervical nerves to form the ansa hypoglossi. That the hypoglossal is a composite nerve, homologous with the ventral roots of the spinal nerves, is shown: (i) by the segmental origin of its fibers; (2) from the fact that its nucleus of origin is a cranial continuation of the ventral gray column, or nucleus of origin for the ventral spinal roots; (3) from the fact that in mammalian embryos (pig, sheep, cat, etc.) rudimentary dorsal ganglia are developed, one of which at least (Froriep's ganglion) sends a dorsal root to the hypoglossal. In human embryos Froriep's ganglion may be pres- ent as a rudimentary structure (Figs. 359 and 363), or it may be absent and the ganglion of the first cervical nerve may also degenerate and disappear. In pig embryos Prentiss (1910) has found one to four accessory ganglia (including Froriep's) from which dorsal roots ex- tend to the root fascicles of the hypoglossal nerve (Fig. 121). 3. The Oculomotor Nerve originates from neuroblasts in the basal plate of the mesencephalon (Fig. 339 B). The fibers emerge as small fascicles on the ventral surface of the mid-brain in the concavity due to the THE CEREBRAL NERVES 361 cephalic flexure (Figs. 359 and 364). The fascicles converge, form the trunk of the nerve, and end in the premuscle masses of the eye. The nerve eventually supplies all of the extrinsic muscles of the eye save the superior oblique and external rectus. A branch also passes to the ciliary ganglion. In the chick embryo, bipolar cells migrate along the fibers of the oculomotor nerve to take part in the development of the ganglion. The ciliary ganglion of human embryos is derived entirely from the semi- lunar ganglion of the trigeminal nerve. 4. The Trochlear Nerve fibers take their origin from neuroblasts of the basal plate, located just caudal to the nucleus of origin of the oculomotor nerve (Fig. 364). They are directed dorsally, curve around the cerebral aqueduct, and, crossing in its roof, emerge at the isthmus (Fig. 339 A). From their superficial origin, each is directed ventrally as a slender nerve which connects with the anlage of the superior oblique muscle of the eye (Fig. 359). 6. The N. Abducens takes origin from a nucleus of cells in the basal plate of the myelencephalon, located directly beneath the fourth neuro- mere of the floor of the fourth ventricle (Figs. 359 and 364). The con- verging fibers emerge ventrally at a point caudal to the future pons, and, as a single trunk, course cranially, mesial to the semilunar ganglion, finally ending in the anlage of the external rectus muscle of the eye. Vestigial rootlets of the abducens and hypoglossal nerve tend to fill in the gap be- tween these two nerves, according to Bremer and Elze. III. THE VISCERAL MIXED NERVES The nerves of this group, the trigeminal, facial, glossopharyngeal, and vagus complex (vagus plus the spinal accessory), are mixed in function. The trigeminal nerve, beside its visceral nerve components, contains also numerous somatic sensory neurons which supply the integument of the head and face. The facial, glossopharyngeal, and vagus nerves are essentially visceral in function. Their sensory fibers, chiefly of the visceral type, supply the sense organs of the branchial arches and viscera. A few somatic sensory fibers, having the same origin and course in the myelencephalon, supply the adjacent integument. 5. The Trigeminal Nerve is largely sensory. Its semilunar ganglion, a derivative of the ganglion crest, is the largest of the whole nervous system, but very early is distinct from the other cerebral ganglia (Fig. 358). It arises laterally at the extreme cranial end of the hind-brain. Central processes from its cells form the large sensory root of the nerve that enters the wall of the hind-brain at the level of the pontine flexure (Fig. 359). These fibers fork and course cranially and caudally in the alar plate of the 362 THE PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM myelencephalon. The caudal fibers constitute the descending spinal tract of the trigeminal nerve, which extends as far caudal as the spinal cord (Fig. 364). The peripheral processes separate into three large divisions, the ophthalmic, maxillary, and mandibular rami, and supply the integu- ment of the head and face, and the epithelium of the mauth and tongue. The motor fibers of the trigeminal nerve arise chiefly from a dorsal motor nucleus that lies opposite the point at which the sensory fibers enter the brain wall (Fig. 364). In the embryo these fibers emerge as a sepa- Gang. jugulare N, 10 Accessory root ganglia Gang, super.ius N. 9 Gang, nodosum, N. 10 N. laryng. sup. Gang. Froriep. A7, ticcessorius Rod. dors. Inter-gang, bridge N. hypoglossus N. vagus FIG. 363. — Reconstruction of the cerebral nerves of an embryo of 10.2 mm. (Streeter). X 16.7. rate motor root, course along the mesial sideof thesemilunar ganglion, and, as a distinct trunk, supply the premuscle masses which later form the muscles of mastication. From the chief motor nucleus, a line of cells extending cranially into the mesencephalon constitutes a second source of origin for motor fibers. In the adult, the motor fibers form a part of the mandibular division of the nerve. 7. The Facial Nerve is largely composed of efferent motor fibers that supply the facial muscles of expression. In 10 mm. embryos these fibers arise from a cluster of neuroblasts in the basal plate of the myelencephalon, located beneath the third rhombic groove or neuromere (Fig. 364). The fibers from these cells course laterally, and emerge just mesial to the acous- tic ganglion . The motor trunk then courses caudally and is lost in the tissue of the hyoid visceral arch, tissue which later gives rise to the muscles of expression (Fig. 359). The sensory fibers of the facial nerve arise from the THE CEREBRAL NERVES 363 cells of the geniculate ganglion, which are in turn derived from the ganglion crest (Streeter). This ganglion is present in 7 mm. embryos (Fig. 358), located cranial to the acoustic ganglion. The centrally directed processes of the geniculate ganglion enter the alar plate and form part of the solitary tract. The peripheral fibers in part course with motor fibers in the chorda tympani, join the mandibular branch of the trigeminal nerve, and end in the sense organs of the tongue. Other sensory fibers form later the great superficial petrosal nerve, which extends to the spheno-palatine ganglion. The motor fibers of the facialis at first course straight laterad, passing cranial to the nucleus of the abducens. The nuclei of the two nerves later Nucl. motor. n,X (amblguui) Nud. n. hypogloMl N. »c«s»oriu« v—-- FIG. 364. — Reconstruction of the nuclei of origin and termination of the cerebral nerves in an embryo of 10 mm. The somatic motor nuclei are colored red (Streeter). X 30. gradually shift their positions, that of the facial nerve moving caudad and laterad, while the nucleus of the abducens shifts cephalad. As a result, the motor root of the facial nerve in the adult bends around the nucleus of the abducens, producing the genu, or knee, of the former. The two together produce the rounded eminence in the floor of the fourth ventricle known as the facial colliculus. 9. The Glossopharyngeal Nerve takes its superficial origin just caudal to the otic vesicle (Figs. 358, 363 and 365). Its few motor fibers arise from neuroblasts in the basal plate beneath the fifth neuromeric groove. These neuroblasts form part of the nucleus ambiguus, a nucleus of origin which the glossopharyngeal shares with the vagus (Fig. 364). The motor 364 THE PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM fibers course laterally beneath the spinal tract of the trigeminal nerve and emerge to form the trunk of the nerve. These fibers later supply the muscles of the pharynx. The sensory fibers of the glossopharyngeal nerve arise from two gan- glia, a superior, or root ganglion, and a petrosal, or trunk ganglion (Figs. 359 and 365). These fibers constitute the greater part of the nerve and divide peripherally to form the tympanic and lingual rami to the second and third branchial arches. Centrally, these fibers enter the alar plate of the myelencephalon and join the sensory fiberr of the facial nerve coursing caudally in the solitary tract. 10, ii. The Vagus and Spinal Accessory.— The vagus, like the hypo- glossal, is composite. It represents the union of several nerves which supply the branchial arches of aquatic vertebrates (Figs. 359 and 365). The more caudal fascicles of motor fibers take their origin in the lateral gray column of the cervical cord as far back as the fourth cervical segment. These fibers emerge laterally, and, as the spinal accessory trunk (in anatomy a dis- tinct nerve), course cephalad along the line of the neural crest (Figs. 358, 359 and 365). Other motor fibers take their origin from the neuroblasts of the nucleus ambiguus of the myelencephalon (Fig. 364). Still others arise from a dorsal motor nucleus that lies median in position. The fibers from these two sources emerge laterally as separate fascicles and join the fibers of the spinal accessory in the trunk of the vagus nerve. The accessory fibers soon leave the trunk of the vagus and are distributed laterally and caudally to the visceral premuscle masses which later form the sterno-cleido-mastoid and trapezius muscles of the shoulder (Fig. 359). Other motor fibers of the vagus supply muscle fibers of the phayrnx and larynx. As the vagus is a composite nerve, it has several root ganglia which arise as enlargements along the course of the ganglion crest (Figs. 359 and 365). The more cranial of these ganglia is the ganglion jugular e. The others, termed accessory ganglia, are vestigial structures and not segmen- tally arranged. In addition to the root ganglia of the vagus, the ganglion nodosum forms a ganglion of the trunk (Fig. 365). The trunk ganglia of both the vagus arid glossopharyngeal nerves are believed to be derivatives of the ganglion crest, their cells migrating ventrally in early stages. The central processes from the neuroblasts of the vagus ganglia enter the wall of the myelencephalon, turn caudal ward, and, with the sensory fibers of the facial and glossopharyngeal nerves, complete the formation of the solitary tract. The peripheral processes of the ganglion cells form the greater part of the vagus trunks after the separation from it of the spinal accessory fibers. THE CEREBRAL NERVES 365 In aquatic vertebrates, special somatic sensory fibers from the lateral line organs join the facial, glossopharyngeal, and vagus nerves, and their ganglion cells form part of the geniculate, petrosal, and nodose ganglia. In human embryos the organs of the lateral line are represented by ectodermal thickenings, or placodes, which occur tempo- Gang, jugular e N. 10 Accessory root ganglia Gang, superius N. 9 Gang, petrosum N N. tympanicus Br. to carotid plexus N. glossopharyngeal N. hypoglossus N.laryng.sup./ m Gang, nodosum N. 10 "- Gang. Froriep N. accessorius Sympathetic trunk FIG. 365. — A reconstruction of the peripheral nerves in an embryo of 17.5 mm. (Streeter). X 16.7. rarily over these ganglia. The nervous elements supplying these vestigial organs have completely disappeared. Segmentation of the Vertebrate Head. — The vertebrate head undoubtedly consists of fused segments. This was suggested to the earlier workers by the arrangement of the branchial arches (branchiomerism), and by the discovery, in the embryos of lower ver- tebrates, of so-called head cavities, homologous with mesodermal segments. (Note also the presence of neuromeres, p. 334.) 366 THE PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM Assuming that the branchiomeres are portions of the primary head segments — and there are recent observations which tend to disprove this — their segmentation is still not comparable to thlat of the trunk, for the branchial arches are formed by the segmentation of splanchnic mesoderm, tissue which in the trunk never segments. The branchial arches, therefore, represent a different sort of metamerism. Only the first three head cavities persist. These form the eye muscles, innervated by the third, fourth, and sixth cerebral nerves respectively. All the remaining muscles of the head are derived from the branchiomeres. From what has been said, it is evident that one cannot compare the relation of the cranial nerves to the branchiomeric muscles with the relation of a spinal nerve to its myotomic muscles. For this reason, the cerebral nerves furnish unreliable evidence as to the primitive number of cephalic segments. Various investigators have set this number between eight and nineteen. C. THE SYMPATHETIC NERVOUS SYSTEM The sympathetic nervous system is composed of a series of ganglia and peripheral nerves, the fibers of which supply gland cells and the smooth muscle fibers of the viscera and blood vessels. It is also known as the autonomic system, for it has a certain degree of independence of the central nervous system. The sympathetic ganglion cells are^derived from the cells of the gan- glion crest. In fishes, discrete cellular masses become detached from the spinal ganglia. At an early stage (6 to 7 mm.) in human development, on the contrary, certain cells of the ganglion crest (and neural tube; Kuntz, 1910) migrate ventrally along the nerve roots and give rise to a series of ganglia, which, in the region of the trunk, are segmentally arranged (Fig. 360). The cells which are to form the ganglia of the sympathetic chain migrate ventrally in advance of the ventral root fibers and take up a posi- tion lateral to the aorta (Fig. 325). These sympathetic anlages are at first distinct, but at 9 mm. unite with each other from segment to seg- ment, forming a longitudinal ganglionated cord. After the formation of the primitive rami communicaates by root fibers from the spinal nerves, centripetal processes from the sympathetic cells grow back and join the trunks of the spinal nerves. The visceral, spinal fibers later become mye- linated and constitute the white rami; the sympathetic, centripetal fibers remain unmyelinated and form separately the gray rami. Nerve fibers appear in the paired longitudinal cords, which were at first purely cellular, in such a manner that segmental masses of cells (sympathetic ganglia) be- come linked by fibrous, commissural cords. The more peripheral ganglia (cardiac and cceliac) and the sympathetic ganglia of the head may be found in 1 6 mm. embryos (Fig. 366). In the head region the sympathetic ganglia are not segmentally ar- ranged, but are derived from cells of the cerebrospinal ganglia that mi- grate to a ventral position (Fig. 365). These cells likewise give rise to nerve THE SYMPATHETIC NERVOUS SYSTEM 367 fibers which constitute longitudinal commissures and connect the various ganglia of the head with the ganglionated cord of the trunk region. The small, cranial sympathetic ganglia are probably all derived from the anlage of the semilunar ganglion (Fig. 366). The ciliary ganglion is related by a ramus communicans to the ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve and FIG. 366. — The sympathetic system in a 16 mm. human embryo (Streeter in Lewis and Stohr). X 7. The ganglionated trunk is heavily shaded. The first and last cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral and coccygeal spinal ganglia are numbered, a., Aorta; ace., accessory nerve; car., caro'tid artery; cil., cilliary ganglion; coe., cceliac artery; Ht., heart; nod., nodose gang- lion; ot., otic ganglion; pet., petrosal ganglion; s-m., submaxillary ganglion; s.mes., superior mesenteric artery; sph-p., spheno-palatine ganglion; spl., splanchnic nerve; St., stomach. receives fibers from the oculomotor nerve. Its cells are apparently de- rived \ entirely from the semilunar ganglion. The spheno-palatine, sub- maxillary, and otic ganglia probably take their origin from migrating cells of the semilunar ganglion, but as they are connected with the geniculate ganglion of the facial nerve it is possible that the latter contributes to their formation also. The spheno-palatine ganglion is connected directly 368 THE PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM with the semilunar ganglion by two communicating rami. The submaxil- lary ganglion is intimately related through the mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve to the semilunar ganglion, while the otic ganglion is united to the latter by a plexus and is related to the glossopharyngeal nerve through its tympanic branch. The 'cervical ganglia lose their segmental arrangement and represent the fusion of from two to five ganglia of the cervical and upper thoracic region. The more distally located prevertebral ganglia (of the cardiac, cceliac, hypogastric, and pelvic plexuses) are derived from cells of the neural crest which migrate to a greater distance ventrally (Fig. 366). The vis- ceral ganglia (of the myenteric and submucous plexuses, and the pre verte- bral cardiac plexus as well, are derived by Kuntz chiefly from migratory cells from the hind-brain and from the vagus ganglia. The sympathetic nerve cells give rise to a,xons and dendrites, and are thus typically multipolar cells. Their axons possess a neurilemma sheath, but remain unmyelinated. D. THE CHROMAFFIN BODIES AND SUPRARENAL GLAND Certain cells of the sympathetic ganglia, instead of becoming neurons, are transformed into peculiar gland cells ; these produce an important inter- nal secretion which affects the blood pressure. The secretion formed by these cells causes them to stain brown when treated with chrome salts, hence they are called chroma ffin cells. Cells of this type, derived from the ganglionated cord of the sympathetic system, give rise to structures known as chroma ffin bodies. Chromafrin derivatives of the cceliac plexus, together with mesenchymal tissue, also form the anlage of the suprarenal gland. The Chromaffin Bodies of the ganglionated cords are rounded, cellular masses partly embedded in the dorsal surfaces of the ganglia (Fig. 367). At birth they may attain a diameter of i to i . 5 mm. In number they vary from one to several for each ganglion. Similar chromafrin bodies may occur in all the larger sympathetic plexuses. The largest of these structures, found in the abdominal sym- pathetic plexuses, are the aortic chromaffin bodies (of Zuckerkandl) . These occur on either side of the inferior mesenteric artery, ventral to the aorta and mesial to the metanephros. At birth they attain a length of 9 to 12 mm. and are composed of cords of chromaffin cells intermingled with strands of connective tissue, the whole being surrounded by a con- nective-tissue capsule. After birth the chromaffin bodies degenerate, but do not disappear entirely. THE CHROMAFFIN BODIES AND SUPRARENAL GLAND 369 The Glomus Caroticum. — Associated with the intercarotid sympathetic plexus is a highly vascular chromaffin body known as the carotid gland. Its anlage has been first observed in 20 mm. embryos. The Suprarenal Gland is developed from chromaffin tissue, which become its medulla, and from mesodermal tissue that give rise to its cortex. In an embryo of 6 mm. the anlage of the cortex begins to form from ingrow- ing buds of the peritoneal mesothelium. At about 9 mm. the glands are FIG. 367. — Section through a chromaffin body in a 44 mm. human fetus (after Kohn). X 450. P, Mother chromaffin cells; sy, sympathetic cells; b, blood vessel. definite organs and their vascular structure is evident (Fig 201). The cellular elements of the cortex are at first larger than the chromaffin cells that give rise to the medulla. The anlages of the glands early project from the dorsal wall of the ccelom between the mesonephros and mes- entery; here they become relatively huge organs (Figs. 221, 232 and 233). The differentiation of the cortex into its three characteristic layers is not completed until between the second and third years. The inner reticular zone is formed first, next the fasciculate zone, and last the glomerular zone (50 mm.). The chromaffin cells of the medulla are derived from the cceliac plexus of the sympathetic system. In embryos of 15 to 19 mm. (Fig. 368), masses of these cells begin to migrate from the median side of the supra- renal anlage to a central position, and later surround the central vein 370 THE PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM which is present in embryos of 23 mm. The primitive chromaffin cells are small and stain intensely. They continue their immigration until after birth. Anomalies. — Portions of the suprarenal anlage may be separated from the parent gland and form accessory suprarenals. As a rule, such accessory glands are composed only of cortical substance; they may migrate some distance from their original position, accompanying the genital glands. In fishes the cortex and medulla persist normally as separate organs. •sy */ M ---.J, ^•*fM&B93SSs:& y>''~: ' • •' .;*/*'* ' 'l* ~*' •'* * ' "" ^"^ x " < J I O1' FIG. 368. — Transverse section through the right suprarenal gland of a 15.5 mm. human embryo (after Bryce). sy, sy', Groups of chromaffin sympathetic cells migrating into the gland. E. DEVELOPMENT OF THE SENSE ORGANS The sense cells of primitive animals, such as worms, are ectodermal in"origin and position. Only those of the vertebrate olfactory organ have retained this primitive relation. During phylogeny the cell-bodies of all other such primary sensory neurones migrated inward to form the dorsal ganglion (Parker), hence their peripheral processes either end freely in the epithelium or appropriate new cells to serve as sensory receptors (taste; hearing). DEVELOPMENT OF THE SENSE ORGANS 371 The nervous structures of the sense organs consist of the general sense organs of the integument, muscles, tendons, and viscera, and of the special sense organs, which include the taste buds of the tongue, the olfactory epithelium, the retina of the eye, and the epithelial lining of the ear labyrinth. I. GENERAL SENSORY ORGANS Free nerve terminations form the great majority of all the general sensory organs. When no sensory corpuscle is developed, the neurofibrils of the sensory nerve fibers separate and end among the cells of the epithelia. Lamellated corpuscles first arise during the fifth month as masses of mesodermal cells clustered around a nerve termination. These cells in- crease in number, flatten out, and give rise to the concentric lamellae of these peculiar structures. In the cat these corpuscles increase in num- ber by budding. The tactile corpuscles, according to Ranvier, are developed from mes- enchymal cells and branching nerve fibrils during the first six months after birth. II. TASTE BUDS The anlages of the taste buds appear as thickenings of the lingual epithelium in three month fetuses. The cells of the taste bud anlage lengthen and later extend to the surface of the epithelium. They are differentiated into the sensory taste cells, with modified cuticular tips, and into supporting cells. The taste buds are supplied by nerve fibers of the seventh, ninth, and tenth cerebral nerves; the fibers branch and end in contact with the periphery of the taste cells. In the fetus of five to seven months, taste buds are more widely dis- tributed than in the adult. They are found in the walls of the vallate, fungiform, and foliate papillae of the tongue, on the under surface of the tongue, on both surfaces of the epiglottis, on the palatine tonsils and arches, and on the soft palate. After birth many of the taste buds degenerate, only those on the lateral walls of the vallate and foliate papillae, on a few fungiform papillae, and on the laryngeal surface of the epiglottis persisting. III. THE OLFACTORY ORGAN The olfactory epithelium arises as paired thickenings or placodes of the cranial ectoderm (Fig. 369 A). The placodes are depressed to form the olfactory pits, or fosses, about which the nose develops (Fig. 89). In embryos of 4 to 5 mm. (Fig. 369) the placodes are sharply marked off from the surrounding ectoderm as ventro-lateral thickenings near the top of the head. They are flattened and begin to invaginate in embryos 372 THE PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM of 6 to 7 mm. In 8 mm. embryos the invagination has produced a distinct fossa, surrounded everywhere, save ventrally, by a marginal swelling. The later development of the olfactory organ is associated with that of the face. It will be remembered (p. 146) that each first branchial arch forks into a maxillary and mandibular process. Dorsal to the oral cavity is the fronto-nasal process of the head, lateral to it the maxillary processes, and ventral to it are the mandibular processes (Fig. 97). With Fore-brain Vomero-nasal organ Tekncephalon Nasal fossa Lot. nasal process Med. nasal process Maxillary process Nasal fossa Epithelial plate FIG. 369. — Sections through the olfactory anlages of human embryos. A, 4.9 mm. (X 20); 5,6.5 mm. (X 13); C, 8.8mm. (X I3);£>and£, 10 mm. (A , B and C from Keibel and Elze). the development of the nasal pits, the fronto-nasal process is divided into paired lateral nasal processes and a single median frontal process, from which are differentiated later the median nasal processes, or processus globulares (Fig. 370). The nasal pits are at first grooves, each bounded mesially by the median frontal process and laterally by the lateral nasal process and the maxillary process (Fig. 3 70 A). The fusion of the maxillary processes with the ventro-lateral ends of the median frontal process converts the nasal grooves into blind pits, or fossae, shutting them off from the mouth cavity (Fig. 370). Thus, in embryos of 10 to 12 mm. the nasal fossa has but one opening, the external naris, and is separated from the mouth cavity by an ectodermal plate (Fig. 369 D, E). DEVELOPMENT OF THE SENSE ORGANS 373 When the ventro-lateral ends of the median frontal process enlarge and become the median nasal processes they fuse with the lateral nasal processes and reduce the size of the external nares (Pig: 370 B). Exter- nally, the nares are now bounded ventrally by the fused nasal processes. The epithelial plates which separate the nasal fossae from the primitive mouth cavity become thin, membranous structures caudally, and, rup* ur- ing, produce two internal nasal openings, the primitive choance (Fig. 153). Cranially, the epithelial plate is split by ingrowing mesoderm of the maxil- lary process and median nasal process which replaces it, thereby forming the primitive palate (Fig. 369 D). The primitive palate forms the lip and Nasal septum Ext. naris Oral cavity Maxillary process Mandibl Med. nasal process Oral cavity FIG. 370. — Two stages in the development of the jaws and nose. A, Ventral view of the end of the head of a 10.5 mm. human embryo (after Peter) ; B, of an 1 1.3 embryo (after Rabl). the premaxillary palate. The nasal fossae now open externally through the external nares and internally into the roof of the mouth cavity through the primitive choanas. Coincident with these changes, the median frontal process has be- come relatively smaller, and that portion of it between the external nares and the nasal fossas forms the nasal septum (Fig. 370). As the facial re- gion grows and elongates, the primitive choanae becomes longer and form slit-like openings in the roof of the mouth cavity. By the development and fusion of the palatine processes (described on p. 148) the dorsal por- tion of the mouth cavity is separated off and constitutes the nasal passages (cf. Figs. 371 and 372). The nasal passages of the two sides for a time communicate through the space between the hard palate and the nasal 374 THE PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM septum. Later, the ventral border of the septum fuses with the hard palate and completely separates the nasal passages (Fig. 372). The nasal passages of the adult thus consist of the primitive nasal fossae plus a portion of the primitive mouth cavity which has been appropriated second- arily by the development of the hard palate. . The passages of the adult thus open caudally by secondary choance into the cavity of the pharynx. Olfactory epithelium V omero-nasal organ Inferior cone, Palatine process Dental lamina Cartilage of nasal sept ion Cartilage of vomero- nasal -organ Naso-lacrimal duct — Tongue . Meckel' s cartilage FIG. 371. — Transverse section through the nasal passages and palatine processes of a 20 mm. human embryo. In the nasal septum is a section of the vomero-nasal organ (of Jacobson). X 30. Part of the epithelium which lines the nasal fossae is transformed into the sensory olfactory epithelium (Fig. 371). The remainder covers the conchae and lines the vomero-nasal organ (of Jacobson), the ethmoidal cells, and the cranial sinuses. The Vomero-nasal Organ (of Jacobson) is a rudimentary epithelial structure which first appears in 8.5 to 9 mm. embryos on the median wall of the nasal fossa (Fig. 369 C, E). The groove deepens and closes cau- dally to form a tubular structure in the cranial portion of the nasal septum (Fig. 371). During the sixth month it attains a length of 4 mm. Nerve fibers, arising from cells in its epithelium, join the olfactory nerve, and it also receives fibers from the n. terminalis. In late fetal stages it often degenerates, but may persist in the adult (Merkel, Mangakis). Special DEVELOPMENT OF THE SENSE ORGANS 375 cartilages are developed for its support (Fig. 371). The organ of Jacob- son is not functional in man, but in many animals evidently constitutes a special olfactory organ. §j£r~ Olfactory epithelium Ethmo-turbinal I Nasal septum JJS — Naso-lacrimal duct Maxillo-turbinal FIG. 372. — Transverse section through the nasal passages of a 65 mm. humar retus. X 14. The Conchae are structures which are poorly developed in man. They appear on the lateral and median walls of the primitive nasal fossae. The inferior concha, or maxillo-turbinal, is developed first in human Horizontal ethmoid plate •Lateral lamella Hard pal FIG. 373. — Right nasal passage of a fetus at term (after Killian). /, Maxillo-turbinal; II-VI, ethmo-turbinals. The slight elevation at the left of / and // is the naso-turbinal. embryos (Figs. 371 and 372). It forms a ridge along the caudal two- thirds of the lateral wall and is marked off by a ventral groove which becomes the inferior nasal meatus (Fig. 373). The naso-turbinal is very 376 THE PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM rudimentary and appears as a slight elevation dorsal and cranial to the inferior concha (Fig. 373). Dorsal to the inferior concha arise five ethmo- turbinals, which grow progressively smaller caudally. According to Peter, the ethmo-turbinals arise on the medial wall of the nasal fossa, and, by a process of unequal growth, are transferred to the lateral wall (Fig. 372). Accessory conchae are also developed (Killian). In adult anatomy, the inferior concha forms from / (Fig. 373), the middle concha from II, and the superior concha from /// and I V. In addition to the ridges formed by the conchae, there are developed in the grooves between the ethmo-turbinals the ethmoidal cells. After birth the frontal recess (located between / and //, Fig. 373) gives rise to the frontal sinus. During the third month the maxillary sinus grows out from the inferior recess of the same groove. The most caudal end of the nasal fossa becomes the sphenoidal sinus, which, as it increases in size, invades the sphenoid bone. These cells and sinuses form as excavations of the bone which become lined with simultaneously advancing epithelial evaginations. The cells of the olfactory epithelium acquire cilia, but only a small area, representing the primitive epithelial invagination, functions as an olfactory sense organ. The olfactory cells of this area give rise to the fibers which constitute the olfactory nerve (cf. p. 357). IV. THE EYE The anlage of the human eye appears in embryos of 2.5 mm. as a thickening and evagination of the neural plate of the fore-brain. At this stage the neural groove of the fore-brain has not closed (Figs. 324, 330 and 382). At 4 mm. the optic vesicles are larger, but still may be con- nected by a wide opening with the brain cavity (Fig. 374 A, B). In the section shown in Fig. 374 C, the optic vesicle is attached to the ventral brain wall by a distinct optic stalk (cf. Fig. 343).. The thickening, flattening, and invagination of the distal and ventral wall of the optic vesicle gives rise to the optic cup (Fig. 374 B-D). The area of invagination also extends ventrally along the optic stalk and pro- duces a groove known as the chorioid fissure (Figs. 331, 375 and 377). At the same time that the optic vesicle is converted into the optic cup, the ectoderm overlying the vesicle thickens, as seen in Fig. 3 74 B, forming the lens plate, or optic placode. This plate invaginates to form the lens pit, the external opening of which closes in embryos of 6 to 7 mm. (Fig. 374 D), producing the lens vesicle, which at first remains attached to the overlying ectoderm. The invagination of the optic vesicle is a self-governed process. On the contrary, contact of the optic vesicle with the overlying ectoderm stimulates the latter to lens forma- tion, even in regions that normally never differentiate a lens (Lewis, 1907). It is possible, however, for a lens to arise independently of this contact stimulus (Stockard, IQIO) DEVELOPMENT OF THE SENSE ORGANS 377 In an embryo of 10 mm. (Fig. 376) the essential plan of the eye is foreshadowed. The lens vesicle has separated from the ectoderm, which will form the epithelium of the cornea. The lens vesicle in earlier stages Anlage of lens Fore-brain Optic vesicle Optic vesicle Optic stalk Optic vesicle Retinal layer Lens vesicle FlG. 374. — vStages in the early development of the human eye. A, B, 4 mm. (X 27); C, 5 mm. (X 23); D, 6.25 mm. (X 18); (after Keibel and Elze). (Fig. 374 D) is closely applied to the inner wall of the optic cup, but now it has separated from it, leaving a space in which the vitreous body de- velops. The inner retinal layer of the optic cup has become very thick Diencephalon — £; 'rystalline lens 'Chorioid fissure Optic stalk FIG. 375. — The optic stalk, cup and lens of a human embryo of 12.5 mm. Thechorioid fissure has not yet extended along the optic stalk (from Fuchs, after Hochstetter). X 9°- and is applied to the outer layer, so that the cavity of the primitive optic vesicle is nearly obliterated (Fig. 376). Pigment granules have begun to appear in the outer layer of cells to form the pigment layer of the retina. 378 THE PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM Mesenchyma Lens vesicle Vitreous body Optic stalk Optic recess of brain Epithelium of cornea Pigment layer of retina Nervous layer of retina FIG. 376. — A transverse section through the optic cup, stalk and lens of a ro mm. human embryo. X 100. 'Epithelial layer of lens Pigment layer of the retina Ectoderm Nervous layer of retina horioid fissure 'Central artery Vitreous body Layer of lens fibers Mesenchyme FIG. 377. — Transverse section passing through the optic cup at the level of the chorioid fissure. The central artery of the retina is seen entering the fissure and sending a branch to the proximal surface of the lens; from a 12.5 mm. human embryo. X 105. DEVELOPMENT OF THE SENSE ORGANS 379 Epithelial layer Mesenchymal tissue surrounds the optic cup and is beginning to make its way between the lens vesicle and the ectoderm. Here, the anterior chamber of the eye develops' later as a cleft in'the mesoderm. The dis- tal mesenchymal tissue .(next the ectoderm) forms the substqntia propria of the cornea and its posterior epithelium, while the proximal mesen- chyma (next the lens) differentiates into tbe, vascular capsule of the lens. The mesenchyme surrounding the optic cup is continuous with that which forms the cornea; later it gives rise to the sclerotic layer, to the chorioid layer, and to the anterior layers of the ciliary body and iris. Both the inner and outer layers of the optic cup are continued into the optic state, as seen in Fig. 376. This is due to the trough-' like invagination of the ventral wall of the" optic stalk, the chorioid fissure, when the optic vesicle is transformed into the optic cup (Fig. 375). Into the chorioid fissure grows the central artery of the retina, carrying with it into the posterior cavity of the eye a small amount of mesenchyme (Fig. 377). Branches from this vessel ex- tend to the posterior surface of the lens and supply it with nutriment for its growth. At a later stage the chorioid fissure closes, so that the distal rim of the optic cup forms a complete circle. The lens vesicle, and its early development from the ectoderm, have been described. Its proximal wall is much thickened in 10 mm. embryos (Fig. 376), and these cells form the lens fibers which will soon obliterate the cavity of the vesicle, as in embryos of 15 to 17 mm. (Fig. 378). The cells of the distal layer remain of a low columnar type and constitute the epithelial layer of the lens. When the lens fibers attain a length of o.i 8 mm. they cease forming new fibers by cell division. New fibers thereafter arise from the cells of the epithelial layer at its equatorial line of union with the lens fibers. The nuclei are arranged in a layer, convex toward the outer surface of the eye, but they later degenerate, the degeneration beginning centrally. Lens sutures are formed on the proximal and distal faces of the lens when the longer, newly formed, Lens fibers Ectoderm FIG. 378. — Section through the lens and corneal ectoderm of a 16 mm. pig embryo. Xi4O. 380 THE PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM peripheral fibers overlap the ends of the shorter, central fibers. By an intricate but orderly arrangement of fibers these sutures are later trans- formed into lens-stars of three, and finally of six or nine rays (Fig. 379). The structureless capsule of the lens is probably derived from the lens cells . The lens, at first somewhat triangular in cross section, becomes nearly spherical at three months (Fig. 379). Anterior epithelium of cornea Raphe between the fused lids Posterior epithelium of cornea Vitreous body FIG. 379. — Section through the distal half of the eyeball and eyelids of a 65 mm. human fetus. X 35- The origin of the vitreous body, whether ectodermal or mesodermal, has long been in doubt. Modern evidence apparently points to its deri- vation from both sources. It is certain that vitreous tissue is formed before mesenchyma is present in the cavity of the optic cup. Szily (1908) regards this primitive vitreous body as a derivative of both retinal and lens cells, it forming a non-cellular network of cytoplasmic processes which are continuous with the cells of the lens and retina. With the ingrowth of the central artery of the retina, from which the artery of the lens passes to the proximal surface of the lens and branches on it, a certain amount of mesenchymal tissue invades the optic cup, and this tissue probably contributes to the development of the vitreous body (Fig. 377). DEVELOPMENT OF THE SENSE ORGANS 381 The mesenchyma accompanying the vessels to the proximal surface of the lens, and that on its distal surface, give rise to the vascular capsule of the lens (Fig. 377). On the distal surface of the lens this is supplied by branches of the anterior ciliary arteries and is known as the pupillary mem- brane; the vessels disappear and the membrane degenerates just before birth. The artery of the lens also degenerates, its wall persisting as the transparent hyaloid canal. Fibrillas extending in the vitreous humor from the pars ciliata of the retinal layer to the capsule of the lens persist as the zonula ciliaris, or suspensory ligament of the lens. Differentiation of the Optic Cup. — We have seen that of the two layers of the optic cup, the outer becomes the pigment layer of the retina. Pig- ment granules appear in its cells in embryos of 7 mm. and the pigmentation of this layer is marked in 12 rr.m. embryos (Fig. 377). Com cell Rod cell Rod cell Fiber of Miiller Amacrine cell Ganglion cell Optic fibers^ —External limiting membrane •Layer of rod and cone cells Internal limiting membrane FIG. 380. — Section of the nervous layer of the retina from a 65 mm. human fetus. At the left is shown diagrammatically the cellular elements of the retina according to Cajal. X 440. The inner, thicker layer of the optic cup, the retinal layer proper, is subdivided into a distal zone, the pars cceca, which is non-nervous, and into the pars optica, or the true nervous portion. The line of demarcation between the pars optica and the pars caeca is a serrated circle, the ora serrata. By the development of the ciliary bodies the blind portion of the retinal layer, the pars caeca, is differentiated into a pars ciliaris and pars iridica retina. The former, with a corresponding zone of the pigment layer, covers the ciliary bodies. The pars iridica forms the proximal layer of the iris and blends intimately with the pigment layer in this region, its cells also becoming heavily pigmented (Fig. 379). The pars optica, or nervous portion of the retina, begins to differen- tiate proximally and the differentiation extends distally. An outer cellular layer and an inner fibrous layer may be distinguished in 12 mm. embryos 382 THE PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM (Fig. 377). These correspond to the cellular layer (ependymal and mantle zones) and marginal layer of the neural tube. In fetuses of 65 mm. (C R) the retina shows three layers, large ganglion cells having migrated in from the outer cellular layer of rods and cones (Fig. 380). In a fetus of the seventh month all the layers of the adult retina may be recognized (Fig. 381). As in the wall of the neural tube, there are differentiated in the retina supporting tissue and nervous tissue. The supporting elements, or fibers of Muller, resemble ependymal cells and are radially arranged (Figs. 380 and 381). Their terminations form internal and external limiting mem- branes. The neuroblasts of the retina differentiate into an outer layer of rod and cone cells, the visual cells of the retina, which are at first unipolar (Fig. 381). In- ternal to this layer are layers of bipolar and mul- tipolar cells. The inner layer of multipolar cells constitutes the ganglion cell layer. Axons from Pigment layer Rods and Cones Outer nuclear layer Outer reticidar layer Inner nuclear layer Inner reticular layer Ganglion cell layer Nerve fiber layer Fibers of Midler 'Internal limiting membrane FIG. 381. — Section through the pars optica of the retina from a seven months' fetus. X 440. these cells form the inner nerve fiber layer of optic fibers. These converge to the optic stalk, and, in embryos of 15 mm. grow back in its wall to the brain. The cells of the optic stalk are converted into neuroglia supporting tissue and the cavity in the stalk is gradually obliterated. The optic stalk is thus transformed into the optic nerve (cf . P- 358). The Sclerotic and Chorioid Layers, and their Derivatives. —After the mesenchyme grows in between the ectoderm and the lens (Fig. 377), the lens and optic cup are surrounded by a condensed layer of mesenchymal tissue, which gives rise to the supporting and" vascular layers of the eye- ball. By condensation and differentiation of its outer layers, a dense layer of white fibrous tissue is developed, which forms the sclera. This cor- responds to the dura mater of the brain. In the mesenchyme of 25 mm. embryos, a cavity appears distally which separates the condensed layer of mesenchyme, continuous with the sclerotic, from the vascular capsule of DEVELOPMENT OF THE SENSE ORGANS 383 the lens (Fig. 379). This cavity is the anterior chamber of the eye and sepa- rates the anlage of the cornea from the lens capsule. An inner layer of mesenchyme, between the anlage of the sclerotic and the pigment layer of the retina, becomes highly vascular during the sixth month. Its cells become stellate in form and pigmented, so that the tissue is loose and reticulate. This vascular tissue constitutes the chorioid layer, in which course the chief vessels of the eye. The chorioid layer corresponds to the pia mater of the brain. Distal to the ora serrata of the retinal layer, the chorioid is differentiated into: (i) the vascular folds of the ciliary bodies; (2) the smooth fibers of the ciliary muscle; (3) the stroma of the iris. The proximal pigmented layers of the iris are derived. from the pars iridica retinae and from a corresponding zone of the pigment layer. Of these, the pigment layer cells give rise to the sphincter and dilator muscles of the iris. These smooth muscle fibers are thus of ectodermal origin. The Eyelids appear as folds of the integument in 20 mm. embryos. The lids come together and the epidermis at their edges is fused in 33 mm. embryos (Fig. 379). Later, when the epidermal cells are cornified, sepa- ration of the eyelids takes place. A third, rudimentary eyelid, corespond- ing to the functional nictitating membrane of lower vertebrates, forms the plica semilunaris. The epidermis of the eyelids forms a continuous layer on the inner surfaces, known as the conjunctiva, which in turn is continuous with the anterior epithelium of the cornea. The Eyelashes, or cilia, develop like ordinary hairs and are provided with small sebaceous glands. In the tarsus, or dense connective-tissue layer of the eyelids, which lies close to the conjunctival epithelium, there are developed about 30 tarsal (Meibomian) glands. These arise as in- growths of the epithelium at the edges of the eyelids, while the latter are still fused. The Lacrimal Glands appear in embryos of about 25 mm., according to Keibel and Elze. They arise as five or six ingrowths of the conjunctiva, dorsally and near the external angle of the eye. The anlages are at first knob-like, but rapidly lengthen into solid epithelial cords. They begin to branch in 30 mm. embryos. At stages between 50 and 60 mm. (C R), additional anlages appear which also branch. In 38 mm. (C R) embryos, a septum begins to partition the gland into orbital and pal- pebral portions. This septum is complete at 60 mm. (C R), the five or six anlages first de- veloped constituting the peripheral orbital part. Lumina appear in the glandular cords in fetuses of 50 mm. (C R) by the degeneration of the central cells. Accessory lacrimal glands appear a month before term. The lacrimal gland is not fully differentiated at birth, being only one-third the size of the adult gland. In old age marked degeneration occurs. The N ' aso-lacrimal Duct arises in 12 mm. embryos as a ridge-like thickening of the epithelial lining of the naso-lacrimal groove (Fig. 149); 384 THE PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM which, it will be remembered, extends from the inner angle of the eye to the olfactory fossa. This thickening becomes cut off, and, as a solid cord, sinks into the underlying mesoderm (Schaeffer). Secondary sprouts, grow- ing out from this cord to the eyelids, form the lacrimal canals. A lumen, completed at birth, appears during the third month (Fig. 372). Anomalies. — Lack of pigment in the retina and iris is usually associated with general albinism. If the chorioid fissure fails to close properly, there results a gaping, and hence unpigmented, defect, or coloboma, in the iris, ciliary body, or chorioid. In cyclopia, a single median eye replaces the usual paired conditon. All intergrades exist from closely approximated, separate eyes to perfect unity. The mode of genesis, whether from the fusion of separate eyes or from the inhibited separation of a common anlage into its bilateral derivatives, is in dispute. In cases of cyclopia the nose is usually a cylindrical proboscis,-, situated above the med'an eye. V. THE EAR The human ear consists of a sound-conducting apparatus and of a receptive organ. The conveyance of sound is the function of the external and middle ears. The end organ proper is the inner ear, with the auditory Hind-brain A caustic ganglion A uditory placode Otic vesicle ptic vesicle FIG. 382. — Two stages in the early development of the internal ear (after Keibel and Elze)« A, Horizontal section through the open neural tube of a 2 mm. human embryo, (X 27); B, through the hind-brain of a 4 mm. human embryo (X 33). apparatus residing in the cochlear duct. Besides this acoustic function the labyrinthine portion of the inner ear acts as an organ of equilibration. The Inner Ear. — The epithelium of the internal ear is derived from the ectoderm. Its first anlage appears in embryos of 2 mm. as a thickened ectodermal plate, the auditory placode (Fig. 382 A). These are developed, dorsal to the second branchial grooves, at the sides of the hind-brain opposite the fifth neuromeres (Fig. 383). The placodes are invaginated DEVELOPMENT OF THE SENSE ORGANS 385 to form hollow vesicles which close in the embryos of 2.5 to 3 mm., but remain temporarily attached to the ectoderm (Fig. 382 B). The auditory vesicle, or otocyst, when closed and detached, is nearly spherical, but approximately at the point where it was attached to the Ectoderm Wall of hind-brain Neur. 5 FIG. 383. — Four sections through the right otic vesicle of a 4 mm. human embryo (after Keibel and Elze). X about 30. r.e., Endolymphatic recess; o.v., otic vesicle; Neur. 1 4, Neur. 5, neuromeres. ectoderm a recess, the ductus endolymphaticus, is formed. The point of origin of this recess is shifted later from a dorsal to a mesial position (Figs. 384 and 385 a). The endolymph duct corresponds to that of selachian fishes, which remains per- manently open to the ex- terior. In man, its ex- tremity is closed and dilated to form the endolymph sac (Fig. 385 /)• In an embryo of about 7 mm. the vesicle has elongated, its narrower ventral process constitut- ing the anlage of the cochlear duct (Fig. 385 a). The wider, dorsal portion of the otocyst is the vest- ibular anlage, which shows indications dorsally of the developing semicircular Wall of mydencephalon Endolymph duct Vestibular anlage Cochlear anlage FIG. 384. — Right half of a transverse section through the hind-brain and otic vesicles, showing the position of the endolymph duct. From a 6.9 mm. human embryo (His). canals. These are formed in ii mm. embryos as two pouches — the anterior and posterior canals from a single pouch at the dorsal border of the otocyst, the lateral canal later from a lateral out- pocketing (Fig. 385 c}. Centrally, the walls of these pouches flatten and fuse to form epithelial plates. In the three plates thus produced canals are left peripherally, communicating with the cavity of the vestibule. 300 THE PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM Soon, the epithelial plates are resorbed, leaving the semicircular canals as in Fig. 385 d, e. Dorsally, a notch separates the anterior and posterior canals. Of these canals, the anterior is completed before the posterior. The lateral canal is the last to develop. In a 20 mm. embryo (Fig. 385 e) the three canals are present and the cochlear duct has begun to coil like a snail shell. It will be seen that the anterior and posterior canals have a common opening dorsally into the vestibule, while their opposite ends, and the cranial end of the lateral canal, are dilated to form ampullae. In each ampulla is located an end organ, the crista ampullaris, which will be referred to later. By a constriction of its wall the vestibule is differentiated into a dorsal portion, the utriculus, to which are attached the semicircular canals, and a ventral portion, the sac- culus, connected with the cochlear duct (Fig. 385 e, /). At 30 mm. the adult condition is nearly attained. The sacculus and utriculus are more completely separated, the canals are relatively longer, their ampullae more prominent, and the cochlear duct is coiled about two and a half turns (Fig. 385 /). In the adult, the sacculus and utriculus become completely separated from each other, but each remains attached to the endolymph duct by a slender canal that represents the prolongation of their respective walls. Similarly, the cochlear duct is constricted from the sacculus, the basal end of the former becomes a blind process, and a canal, the ductus reuniens, alone connects the two. The epithelium of the labyrinth at first is composed of a single layer of low columnar cells. At an early stage, fibers from the acoustic nerve grow between the epithelial cells in certain regions and these become modified to produce special sense organs. These end organs are the cristce ampullares in the ampullae of the semicircular canals, the maculcs acusticcs in the utriculus and sacculus, and the spiral organ (of Corti) in the cochlear duct. The cristae and maculae are static organs, or sense organs for main- taining equilibrium. In each ampulla, transverse to the long axis of the canal, the epithelium and underlying tissue form a curved ridge, the crista. The cells of the epithelium are differentiated into: (i) sense cells, with bristle-like hairs at their ends; and (2) supporting cells. About the bases of the sensory cells branch nerve fibers from the vestibular division of the acoustic nerve. The maculae resemble the cristae in their development save that larger areas of the epithelium are differentiated into cushion-like end organs. Over the maculae, concretions of lime salts may form otoconia which remain attached to the sensory bristles. The true organ of hearing, the spiral organ, is developed in the basal epithelium of the cochlear duct, basal having reference here to the base of the cochlea. The development of the spiral organ has been studied carefully only in the lower mammals. According to Prentiss (1913), in endolymph vestib. pouch " qroove c.sc.post., absorpt.foci I at groove "f. 307™. lateral. FIG. 385.— Six stages in the development of the internal ear (Streeter). X 25. The figures show lateral views of models of the left membranous labyrinth — a at 6.6 mm. ; b, at 9 mm. ; c at 1 1 mm. ; d at 13 mm. ; e at 20 mm. ; and / at 3o'mm. The colors yellow and red are used to indicate respectively the cochlear and vestibular divisions of the acoustic nerve and its ganglia, absorp. focus, Area of wall where absorption is complete; crus, crus commune; c.sc.lat., ductus semicircularis lateralis; c.sc.post., ductus semicircularis posterior; c.sc.sup., ductus semi- circularis superior or anterior: cochlea, ductus cochlearis; each, pouch, cochlear anlage; endolymph., appendix endolymphaticus; sacc., sacculus; sac. endol., saocus endolymphaticus; sinus ut. lat., sinus utriculi lateralis; utric., utriculus. DEVELOPMENT OF THE SENSE ORGANS 387 pig embryos of 5 cm. the basal epithelium is thickened, the cells becoming highly columnar and the nuclei forming several layers. In later stages, 7 to Q cm., inner and outer epithelial thickenings are differentiated, the boundary line between them being the future spiral tunnel (Fig. 386 A). At the free ends of the cells of the epithelial swellings there is formed a cuticular structure, the membrana tectoria, which appears first in embryos of 4 to 5 cm. The cells of the inner (axial) thickening give rise to the epithelium of the spiral limbus, to the cells lining the internal spiral sulcus, and to the supporting cells and inner hair cells of the spiral organ (Fig. 386 B, C). The outer epithelial thickening forms the pillars of Corti, the outer hair cells, and supporting cells of the spiral organ. Differentia- tion begins in the basal turn of the cochlea and proceeds toward the apex. The internal spiral sulcus is formed by the degeneration and metamorphosis of the cells of the inner epithelial thickening which ie between the labium vestibulare and the spiral organ (Fig. 386 B, C). These cells become cuboidal, or flat, and line the spiral sulcus, while the membrana tectoria loses its attachment with them. The membrana tectoria becomes thickest over the spiral organ, and in full term fetuses is still attached to its outer cells (Fig. 386 Q. Hardesty (1915), on the contrary, asserts that the membrana tectoria is not attached permanently to the cells of the spiral organ. From what is known of the development of the spiral organ in human embryos, it follows the same lines of development as described for the pig. It must develop relatively late, however, for, in the cochlear duct of a newborn child figured by Krause, the spiral sulcus and the spiral tunnel are not yet present. The mesenchyme surrounding the labyrinth is differentiated into a fibrous membrane directly surrounding the epithelium, and into the perichondrium of the cartilage which develops about the whole internal ear. Between these two is a more open mucous tissue which largely disappears, leaving the perilymph space. The membranous labyrinth is thus suspended in the fluid of the perilymph space. The body labyrinth is produced by the conversion of the cartilage capsule into bone. In the case of the cochlea, large perilymph spaces form above and below the cochlear duct. The duct becomes triangular in section as its lateral wall remains attached to the bony labyrinth, while its inner angle is adherent to the modiolus. The upper perilymph space is formed first and is the scala vestibuli; the lower space is the scala tympani. The thin wall separating the cavity of the cochlear duct from that of the scala vestibuli is the vestibular membrane (of Reissner). Beneath the basal epithelium of the cochlear duct, a fibrous structure, the basilar membrane, is differentiated by the mesenchyme. The modiolus is not preformed as cartilage, but THE PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM n. cock. FIG. 386. — Three stages in the differentiation of the basal epithelium of the cochlear duct to form the spiral organ (of Corti), internal spiral sulcus and labium vestibulare. A, Section through the cochlear duct of an 8.5 cm. pig fetus (X 120); B, from a 20 cm. fetus (X 140); C, from a 30 cm. fetus (near term) ( X 140). ep.s.sp., Epithelium of spiral sulcus; h.c., hair cells; i.ep.c., inner epithelial thickening; i.h.c., inner hair cells; i.pil., inner pillar of Corti; lab. vest., labium vestibulare; limb, sp., Hmbus spiralis; m.bas., basilar membrane; nt.tect., membrana tectoria; m.vest., vestibular membrane; n.coch., cochlear division of acoustic nerve; o.ep.c., outer epithelial thickening; o.h.c., outer hair cells; s.sp., sulcus spiralis; sc.tymp., scala tympani; sf.H., stripe of Hensen; t.sp. spiral tunnel. DEVELOPMENT OF THE SENSE ORGANS 389 Malleus Br. arch. I (Meckel's cartil Tympa Slopes is developed directly from the mesenchyme as a membrane bone. The development of the acoustic nerve has been described on p. 358 with the other cerebral nerves. The Middle Ear. — The middle ear cavity is differentiated from the first pharyngeal pouch which appears in embryos of 3 mm. The pouch enlarges rapidly up to the seventh week, is flattened horizontally, and is in contact with the ectoderm (Fig. 168). During the latter part of the second month, in embryos of 24 mm., the wall of the tympanic cavity is constricted to form the auditory (Eustachian) tube. This canal lengthens and its lumen becomes slit-like during the fourth month. The tympanic cavity is surrounded by loose areolar connective tissue in which the auditory ossicles are developed and for a time are embedded. Even in the adult, the ossicles, muscles, and chorda tympani nerve retain a covering of mucous epithelium con- tinuous with that lining the tympanic cavity. The pneumatic cells are formed at the close of fetal life. . The development of the auditory ossicles has been described by Broman (1899), with whose general conclusions most recent workers agree. The condensed mesenchyma of the first and second branchial arches gives rise to the ear ossicles. The malleus and incus are differentiated from the dorsal end of the first arch (Fig. 387). The cartilaginous anlage of the malleus is continuous ventrally with Meckel's cartilage of the mandible. Between the malleus and incus is an intermediate disk of tissue, which later forms an articula- tion. When the malleus begins to ossify, it separates from Meckel's cartilage. The incus is early connected with the anlage of the stapes, and the connected portion becomes the crus longum. Between this and the stapes an articulation develops. The stapes and Reichert's cartilage are derived from the second branchial arch (Fig. 387). The mesenchymal anlage of the stapes is perforated by the stapedial artery, and its cartilaginous anlage is ring- shaped. This form persists until the middle of the third month, when it assumes its adult structure and the stapedial artery disappears. The muscle of the malleus, the tensor tympani, is derived from the first branchial arch; the stapedial muscle from the second arch. The further fact that these muscles are inner- vated by the trigeminal and facial nerves, which are the nerves of the first and second arches respectively, points toward a similar origin for the ear ossicles. These relations strengthen the general belief in a branchial arch origin. Br. arch II (Reichert's cartilage) FIG. 387. — -Diagram showing the branchial- arch origin of the auditory ossicles. 390 THE PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM Fuchs (1905), studying rabbit embryos, on the contrary, concludes:- (i) the stapes is derived from the capsule of the labyrinth; (2) the malleus and incus arise independently of the first branchial arch. The External Ear. — The external ear is developed from the first ectodermal branchial groove and its adjoining tissue. The auricle arises from six elevations, which appear, three on the mandibular, and three on the hyoid arch (Fig. 388). Modern accounts of the transformation of these hillocks into the adult auricle agree in the main. FIG. 388. — Stages in the development of the auricle. (Adapted in part after His.) A, II mm.; B, 13.6 mm.; C, 15 mm.; D, adult. I, 2, 3, elevations on the mandibular arch; 4, 5, 6, elevations on the hyoid arch; of, auricular fold; ov, otic vesicle; I, tragus; 2, 3, helix; 4, 5, anti- helix; 6, antitragus. Caudal to the hyoid anlages a fold of the hyoid integument is formed, t he auricular fold, or hyoid helix. A similar fold forms later, dorsal to the first branchial groove, and unites with the auricular fold to form with it the free margin of the auricle. The point of fusion of these two folds marks the position of the satyr tubercle, according to Schwalbe. Darwin's tubercle appears at about the middle of the margin of the free auricular fold, and corresponds to the apex of the auricle in lower mammals. The tragus is derived from mandibular hillock i ; the helix from mandibular hillocks 2 and 3 ; the antihelix from hyoid hillocks 4 and 5 ; the antitragus from hyoid hillock 6. The lobule represents the lower end of the auricular fold. DEVELOPMENT OF THE SENSE ORGANS 391 The external auditory meatus is formed as an ingrowth of the first branchial groove. In embryos of 1 2 to 1 5 mm. the wall of this groove is in contact dorsally with the entoderm of the first pharyngeal pouch. Later, however, this contact is lost, and, during the latter part of the second month according to Hammar, an ingrowth takes place from the ventral portion of the groove to form a funnel-shaped canal. The lumen of this tube is temporarily closed during the fourth and fifth months, but later re-opens. During the third month a cellular plate at the -extremity of the primary auditory meatus grows in and reaches the outer end of the tympanic cavity. During the seventh month a space is formed by the splitting of this plate and the secondary, inner por- tion of the external meatus is thus developed. The tympanic membrane is formed by a thinning out of the mesodermal tissue in the region where the wall of the external auditory meatus abuts upon the wall of the tympanic cavity. Hence it is covered externally by ectodermal and internally by entodermal epithelium. INDEX ABDOMINAL pregnancy, 231 Abducens nerve, 118, 361 Accessor! us nerve, 118 Accessory duct of Santorini, 180 hemiazygous vein, 271 Acoustic nerve, 94, 118, 358 Acrania, 352 Adipose tissue, 286 After pains, 242 After-birth, 74, 242 Alae nasi, 147 Alar plate, 323, 332, 335, 339 Albinism, 294, 295, 384 Allantoic stalk, 68, 98, 122 vessels, 68 Allantois, 59, 66, 69, 76, 85, 99 derivation of, 71, 76 section through, 113 Allelomorphs, 22 Alveoli of pancreas, 180 Alveolo-lingual gland, 154 Ameloblasts, 155 Amitosis, 12 Amnion, origin of, 66, 67, 75 bat, 76 chick, 56, 63, 65 human, 73, 75 pig, /o Amniotic fluid, 76 Amphiaster, 13 Amphibia, cleavage of ovum in, 26 gastrulation of, 28 origin of mesoderm in, 30 Amphioxus, cleavage of ovum in, 24 gastrulation of, 28 origin of mesoderm in, 30 Ampulla of ductus deferens, 219 Anal membrane, 162, 206 Anaphase of mitosis, 14 Anchoring villi, 238 Angipblast, 40 chick, 43 human, 243 Animal pole, 24 Anlage denned, 3 Ansa hypoglossi, 355, 360 Antihelix, 390 Antitragus, 390 Anus, 99, 145, 162 Aorta, origin of, 256 chick, 41 descending, 41, 47, 48, 50/61, 62, 65, 100, 132, 259, 261 dorsal, 47, 50, 85, 101, 123, 259, 264 pig, 101, 123 ventral, 47, 48, 59, 85, 100, 249, 259 Aortic arches, 61, 62, 123, 261, 263 chick, 59 human, 85, 261 transformation of, 262 85, Appendicular skeleton, 315 Appendix epididymidis, 219 testis, 220 > Aqueduct, cerebral, 330, 338 Archenteron, 29, 31, 35 Archipallium, 346 Arcuate fibers, 335 Area opaca, 37, 41 pellucida, 37 scrotal, 227 vasculosa, 243 Areolar tissue, 285 Artemia, 14 Arteries, axillary, 268 basilar, 264 brachial, 268 carotid, 101, 123, 262, 263, 264 cerebral, 264, 266 choroidal, anterior, 266 cceliac, 101, 124, 262, 266 development of, 262 epigastric, 266 femoral, 268 gluteal, 268 hepatic, 179 hypogastric, 267 iliac, 124, 267, 268 innominate, 263 intercostal, 266 interosseous, 268 intersegmental, 101, 123, 259, 262, 264 ischiadic, 268 lumbar, 266 mammary, 266 median, 268 mesenteric, 261, 262, 266 inferior, 124, 262 superior, 124, 261, 262 of extremities, 267 of heart, 85 of lower extremity, 268 of pig, 101, 123 of upper extremity, 267 ovarian, 266 peroneal, 268 phrenic, 266 popliteal, 268 pulmonary, 101, 123, 170, 256, 263 radial, 268 renal, 206, 266 sacral, middle, 267 spermatic, 266 spinal, 264 stapedial, 389 subclavian, 101, 124, 262, 263, 264, 268 suprarenal, 266 ulnar, 268 umbilical, 88, 102, 124, 137, 138, 259, 267 ventral, 101, 124 ventro-lateral, 101, 124 393 394 INDEX Arteries, vertebral, 124, 264 vitelline, 47, 59, 64, 88, 101, 124, 260, 261, 262 chick, 44 Artificial parthenogenesis, 20 Arytenoid cartilage, 1 68 folds, 119 ridges, 96, 152 swellings, 167 Ascaris megalocephala bivalens, reduction of chromosomes in spermatogenesis of, 17 univalens, 14 Atrial canal, 251 foramina, 100 septa, 251 valves, 258 Atrio-ventricular bundle, 258 foramen, 251 Atrium, 59, 85, 92, 99, 249, 251 Auditory meatus, external, 92, 114, 148, 391 ossicles, 389 placode, 47, 49, 384 tube, 84, 163, 389 vesicle, 385 Auricle of ear, 148, 390 Auricular fold, 390 Autonomic system, 366 Axial skeleton, 309 Axillary artery, 268 nerve, 356 vein, 275 Axis cylinder, 302 Axon, 302 Azygos vein, 273 BABY, blue, 259 Back, muscles of, 317 Bars, sternal, 311 Bartholin's glands, 228 Basal plate, 239, 240, 323, 332 Basilar artery, 264 membrane, 387 Basilic vein, 275 Basophils, 246 Bertin's renal columns, 203 Bicuspid valves, 123, 258 Bile capillaries, 179 duct, common, 122 Biogenesis, law of, 5 Birds, cleavage of ovum in, 26 gastrulation of, 28 origin of mesoderm in, 32 Birthmarks, 294 Bladder, 145, 206, 208, 209 Blastocoele, 24 Blastoderm, 26 Blast oder mic vesicle, 27 Blastomeres, 24 Blastopore, 29, 31 Blastula, 25 Blood cells, 43, 243, 244 ichthyoid, 244 sauroid, 244 corpuscles, red, 244 white, 245. See also Leucocytes. elements, monpphyletic theory of origin, 243 polyphylectic theory of origin, 243 islands, 40, 43, 243 Blood, plates, 247 vascular system, pig, 99, 122 vessels, anomalies of, 276 changes at birth, 278 chick, 43, 47, 59 human, 243, 247 pig, 99, 122 primitive, 259 Blue baby, 259 Body cavities, 180 stalk, 73 Bone, cartilage, 287, 288 growth of, 289 cells, 288 destroyers, 288 ethmoid, ossification of, 313 formation, endochondral, 288 perichondral, 288, 289 periosteal, 288 formers, 287 growth of, 289 histpgenesis of, 287 lacrimal, 314 lacunae, 288 marrow, 288 red, 288 yellow, 290 membrane, 287 of skull, 314 nasal, 314 occipital, ossification of, 312 palate, 315 regeneration of, 290 sphenoid, ossification of, 313 temporal, ossification of, 313 zygomatic, 314 Border vein, 275 Bowman's capsule, 199, 200 Brachial artery, 268 plexus, 355 vein, 275 Brachium conjunctivum, 337 pontis, 336 Brain, human, 326 of pig, 117 olfactory, 328 vesicles, primary, 321, 326 Branchial arches, 144, 315 chick, 58 human, 84 pig, 91, 96, 114 skeleton, 315 duct, 163 groove, 56, 57, 91, 144, 162 Branchiomerism, 365 Broad ligaments, 222 Bronchi, primary, of pig, 97, 121 ventral, 168 Bronchial buds, 121, 1 68 Brunner, duodenal glands of, 1 74 Bulbar limb, 249 swellings, 123 Bulbo-urethral glands, 228 Bulbus cordis, 59, 62, 85, 249 Bundle, atrio-ventricular, 258 ground, 325 median longitudinal, 335 Bursa infracardiaca, 161 INDEX 395 Bursa omental, 190 inferior recess of, 191 pharyngeal, 164 C.^CUM, 122, 145, 173, 175, 176 Calcar avis, 351 Calcarine fissure, 351 Calyces of metanephros, 122, 200 Canal, atrial, 251 atrio- ventricular, 251 central, of adult spinal cord, 324 entodermal, 161 Haversian, 289 hyaloid, 381 incisive (of Stenson), 150 inguinal, 222, 223 lacrimal, 384 pleuro- peritoneal, 184 Stenson's, 150 Canaliculi, 288 Capillaries, bile, 179 Capsule, Bowman's, 199, 200 cells, 305 internal, 345 of liver, 193 peri otic, 312 vascular, of lens, 379, 381 Cardiac diverticulum, 121 glands, 172 muscle, 290, 292 Cardinal veins, 125 anterior, 49, 58, 61, 62, 88, 105, 125, 260, 268, 271 common, 58, 62, 88, 100, 105, 125, 260, 268, 271 posterior, 58, 64, 65, 88, 105, 125, 260, 268, 273 Carotid arteries, 101, 123 common, 263 internal, 262, 263, 264 gland, 369 Carpus, ossification of, 316 Cartilage, appositional, growth of, 286 arytenoid, 168 bone, 287, 288 growth of, 289 corniculate, 168 cricoid, 1 68 cuneiform, 168 elastic, 287 fibro-, 287 histogenesis of, 286 interstitial, growth of, 286 hyaline, 287 Meckel's, 315 of larynx, 167 Reichert's, 389 thyreoid, 168, 315 Cauda equina, 326 Caudate lobe of liver, 193 nucleus, 345 Caul, 76, 242 Cavity, body, 180 head, 365 joint, 290 marrow, 290 medullary, 290 oral, 144 Cavity, pericardial, 55, 180, 182 peritoneal, 55, 188 pleural, 55, 184, 188 pleuro-pericardial, 42 pleuro-peritoneal, 180, 184 tympanic, 163, 389 Cell-chain theory of development of "nerve fibers, 302 Cells, aggregation, 3 blood, 43, 243, 244 ichthyoid, 244 sauroid, 244 bone, 288 capsule, 305 chromafnn, 368, 369 cone, of retina, 382 decidual, 236 division of, 12 enamel, 155 • ependymal, 301, 307, 324 ethmoidal, 313, 376 follicle, 9 ganglion, 305 germ, 7, 209, 214, 301 giant, 247 gland, 296 goblet, 282 hair, 295, 296, 387 interstitial, of testis, 214 mass, inner, 73 intermediate, 53 mastoid, 314 migration, 3 multiplication, 3 muscle, smooth, 290 nerve, 300 neuroglia, 300, 301, 307, 308 rod, of retina, 382 sense, 386 sheath (of axis cylinder), 305 sperm, n supporting, 371, 387 of neural tube, 307 of spinal ganglia, 305, 306 sustentacular (of Sertoli), 14, 214 taste, 371 Cement of teeth, 157, 158 Centra of vertebrae, 143 Central canal of adult spinal cord, 324 nervous system, 321 chick, 46, 56 human, 82, 321 pig, H7 sulcus, 351 Centrosome, 7 Cephalic flexure, 56, 81, 327 pig, 91 vein, 275 Cerebellum, 117, 336 Cerebral aqueduct, 117, 330, 338 artery, anterior, 264 middle, 264 posterior, 266 cortex, 351 hemispheres, 117, 328, 329, 348 nerves, 117, 357 veins, 271 Cervical duct, 163 396 INDEX Cervical enlargement, 326 flexure, 327 pig, 9i ganglion, 368 sixth, 118 sinus, 114 pig, 91 vesicle, 163 Chamber, anterior, of eye, 379, 383 Chick embryos, 37, 45, 56 of fifty hours' incubation, 56 of thirty-eight hours' duration, 45 of twenty hours' duration, 37 of twenty-five hours' incubation, 39 preservation of, 37 study of, 37, 45, 56 Chin, 148 Choanag, 148 primitive, 373 secondary, 374 Chondrification of skull, 312 of vertebrae, 310 Chondrocranium, 312 ossification of, 312 Chorda dorsalis, 309 origin of, 36 gubernaculi, 222, 323 tympani, 363 Chordinae tendineae, 258 Chorioid fissure of eye, 376, 370 layer of eye, 383 plexus, 142, 143, 334, 338, 342 Chorioidal artery, anterior, 266 fissure, 342, 349 Chorion, origin of, 67 chick, 65 frondosum, 235, 237 human, 74 laeve, 235, 237 pig, 70, 72 illi of 73, 74. 233,237 Chromarnn bodies, 368 aortic, 368 Chromosomes, 13 accessory, 23 number of, 13 Cilia, 383 Ciliary bodies, 383 ganglion, 361, 368 muscle, 383 Circulation, fetal, 276 intervillous, 241 portal, 278 vitelline, 48 Circulatory system, 85 Cisterna chyli, 279 Clava, 336 Clavicle, ossification of, 315 Cleavage of ovum, 24 amphibia, 26 Amphioxus, 24 birds, 26 frog, 26 mammals, 27 primates, 28 reptiles, 26 Cleft palate, 151 sternum, 316 Cleft xiphoid process, 316 Clitoris, 145, 226 Cloaca, 85, 98, 173, 206 anomaly of, 209 Cloacal membrane, 85, 161, 206 tubercle, 225 j Closing plates, 58, 62, 97, 119, 162 ring, 239 Coccygeal gland, 281 Cochlear duct, 384, 386 i Coeliac artery, 101, 124, 262, 266 axis, primitive, 266 I Ccelom, 30, 34, 180 chick, 41, 54 human, 180 pleural, 97 Coelomic pouches, 30 i Colic valve, 176 Collateral eminence, 351 fissure, 351 Colliculus, facial, 363 inferior, 338 seminalis, 221 superior, 338 Colomba, 384 Colon, 122, 175, 176 . Column, gray, 324 Columns, muscle, 292 renal, 203 Commissura mollis, 341 Commissure, anterior, 346, 347 gray, 324 hippocampal, 347 of telencephalon, 346 posterior, of labia majora, 226 white, 325 Compact layer, 236, 240 Concealed testis, 225 Conchae, 148, 313, 376 Concrescence, theory of, 32 Cone cells of retina, 382 ; Conjunctiva, 383 • Connective tissue, 284 white fibrous, 284 Copula, 96, 119, 151 Coracoid process, 316 Cord, genital, 211 nephrogenic, 198, 202 spermatic, 225 spinal, 322 testis, 213, 214 umbilical, human, 72 of pig, 72 Corium, 294 Cornea, substantia propria of, 379 Corneal tissue, 285 Corniculate cartilages, 168 Corona radiata, 9 Coronary appendages, 193 ligament, 193 sinus, 254, 271 sulcus, 225, 251 Corpora quadrigemina, 330, 338 Corpus albicans, 218 callosum, 346, 348 cavernosa penis, 226 cavernosum urethrae, 226 hemorrhagicum, 218 INDEX 397 Corpus, luteum, 218 spurium, 218 verum, 218 striatum, 329, 341, 345 Corpuscles, blood, red, 244 white, 245. See also Leucocytes. lamellated, 371 renal, 135, 199, 200 splenic, 281 tactile, 371 thymic, 165 Cortex, cerebral, 351 of cerebral hemispheres, 329 of metanephros, 203 primitive, of cerebral hemisphere, 341 Corti's organ, 360, 386 pillars, 387 Costal processes, 309 Costo-cervical trunk, 266 Cotyledons of human placenta, 241 Cowper's glands, 228 Crantoschisis, 352 Crest, ganglion, 302, 353 inguinal, 222 neural, 302 Cribriform plates, 313 Cricoid cartilage, 168 Crista ampullaris, 386 galli, 313 terminalis, 254 Crura cerebri, 330 Crus longum, 390 Cryptorchism, 225 Cumulus oophorus, 216 Cuneiform cartilages, 168 Cuneus, 336, 351 Cuvier's ducts, 59 Cyclopia, 384 Cystic duct, 122, 177 kidney, 206 Cysts, dermoid, 218, 294 Cytomorphosis, 4 Cytoplasm of ovum, 7 DARWIN'S tubercle, 390 Decidua basalis (serotina), 232, 236, 239 capsularis (reflexa), 232, 237 vera (parietalis), 232, 236 Decidual cells, 236 membranes, 230, 232 separation of, 241 teeth, periods of eruption, 158 Dendrites, 302 Dendrons, 302 Dental canaliculi, 157 lamina, 154 papilla, 154, 156 Pulp, 157 sac, 157, 158 Dentate nucleus, 337 Dentinal fibers of Tomes, 157 Dentine, 156 Derma, 294 Dermatome, 113, 292 Dermoid cysts, 218, 294 Dermo-muscular plates, 53 237, Dermo-myotome, 284, 292 Descending tract of fifth nerve, 335, 362 Determination of sex, 23 Dextrocardia, 259 Diaphragm, 188, 189 anlage of, 63 anomalies of, 195 Diaphragmatic hernia, 195 Diaphysis, 289 Diaster, 14 Diencephalon, 56, 82, 93, 117 327, 338 Differentiation of embryo, 3 of tissues, 4 Digestive canal, chick, 47, 57 human, 82 pig, 6 mm., 95 glands, human, 83 Dilator muscles of iris, 383 Discs, intercalated, 292 intervertebral, 310 Dissecting instruments, 139 Dissections, lateral, of viscera, 140 median sagittal, 142 pig embryos, 139 ventral, 145 Diverticulum, cardiac, 12 1 hepatic, 98, 121, 176 Meckel's, 81, 176 of ileum, 176 of Nuck, 22"> of pharyns al pouches, 96 Double monsters, 21 Ducts, branchial, 163 cervical, 163 cochlear, 384, 386 common bile, 122 Cuvier's, 59 cystic, 122, 177 Gartner's, 219 Ebner's, 153 genital, 209, 211, 219 hepatic, 122, 177 interlobular, 179 mesonephric, 99, 122, 200, 211 milk, 297 Mullerian, 211 naso-lacrimal, 383 pancreatic, 180 papillary, 202 para-urethral, 228 pronephric (primary excretory), 85, 198 thoracic, 279 thyreoglossal, 166 vitelline, 161 Wolffian, 85, 99 Ductuli abberantes, 219 efferentes, 200, 219 Ductus arteriosus, 263, 278 choledochus, 122, 177 deferens, 219 endolymphaticus, 385 epididymidis, 219 reuniens, 386 venosus, 104, 126, 270, 278 Duodenal glands (of Brunner), 174 Duodeno-hepatic ligament, 193 Duodenum, 121, 173, 174 Dyads, 16 398 INDEX EAR, 384 auricle of, 148, 390 external, 114, 138, 384, 390 inner, 384 internal, 47 middle, 384, 389 Ebner's ducts and glands, 153 Ectoderm, 3, 28, 29 formation of, 28 Ectodermal derivatives, histogenesis of, 293 Ectopic pregnancy, 231 Ectoplasm, 284 Efferent ductules of epididymis, 200, 219 Elastic cartilage, 287 tissue, 285 Eleidin, 294 Ellipsoids of spleen, 281 Embryos, chick, 37, 45, 56 of thirty-eight hours' duration, 45 of twenty hours' duration, 37 of twenty-five hours' duration, 39 preservation of, 37 study of, 37, 45, 56 human, 70 crown-rump length, 89 estimated age, 89 of Coste, 80 of Dandy, 78 of Eternod, 79 of His, 2.5 mm., 80 4.2 mm., 82 Normentafel, 86, 87 of Kromer, 78 of Mall, 78 of Peter, 74, 76 of Spee, 74 of Thompson, 79 pig, 6 mm., 91 10 mm., transverse sections, 127 10 to 12 mm., 114 dissection of, 139 transverse sections of 6 mm., 105 whole, for study, 139 Eminence, collateral, 351 Enamel cells, 155 layer, 155 organs, 154 P«lp, 155 Encephalocoele, 352 Encephalon, 82 Endocardial cushions, 100, 132, 133, 251 Endocardium, 133, 249 chick, 43 Endochondral bone formation, 288 Endolymphatic sac, 385 Endoplasm, 284 Endothelium, 55 Enlargement, cervical, 326 lumbar, 326 Entoderm, 3, 28, 29 formation of, 28 Entodermal canal, 161 epithelium, 172 histogenesis of, 282 Eosinophils, 246 Ependymal cells, 301, 307, 324 layer, 61, 128, 307, 322, 333 zone, 301 Epicardium, 43, 100, 133, 249 Epidermis, 293 anomalies of, 294 Epididymis, 219 efferent ductules of, 200, 219 Epigastric arteries, 266 Epigenesis, 2 Epiglottis, 96, 119, 144, 151, 167 Epiphysis (pineal gland), 142, 289, 310, 330, 338 Epiploic foramen (of Winslow), 137, 191 Epispadias, 230 Epistropheus, 310 Epithalamus, 330 Epithelia, 3 Epithelial bodies, 120, 165 sheath, 156 Epithelium, 55 basal, of cochlear duct, 386 entodermal, 172 histogenesis of, 282 olfactory, 130 respiratory, 169 stratified, 293 Epitrichium, 294, 295, 296 Eponychium, 299 Epoophoron, 200, 219 Erythroblasts, 244, 245 Erythrocytes, 244 Erythroplastids, 244 Esophagus, 83, 96, 97, 121, 144, 170 Ethmoid bone, ossification of, 313 Ethmoidal cells, 313, 376 Ethmo-turbinals, 376 Eustachian tube, 163, 389 valve, 254 Excretory duct, primary, 54, 65, 198, 200 Expression, muscles of, 320 Extra-embryonic mesoderm, 73 structures, 66 Extra-uterine pregnancy, 231 Extremities, arteries of, 267 muscles of, 318 veins of, 275 Eye, chick, 45, 47, 48, 61 human, 82, 376 anomalies of, 384 . pig, 9i Eyelashes, 383 Eyelids, 383 FACE, development of, 146 Facial colliculus, 363 nerve, 94, 118, 362, 363 Falciform ligament, 136, 181, 193 False hermaphroditism, 230 Fasciculi proprii, 325 Fasciculus cuneatus, 325 gracilis, 325 Femoral artery, 268 nerve, 356 vein, 275 Femur, ossification of, 316 Fertilization, 20, 21 of human ovum, 21 of mouse ovum, 20 significance of, 22 Fertilizin, 20 INDEX 399 Fetal circulation, 276 membranes, human, 73 pig. 7° Fetus, 88 relation of, to placenta, 241 Fibrils, horn, 298 Fibro-cartilage, 287 Fibula, ossification of, 316 Filament, axial, of spermatozoon, 12 spiral, of spermatozoon, 12 terminal, of spermatozoon, 12 Filiform papillae, 153 Filum terminale, 326 Fingers, supernumerary, 316 Fissure, calcarine, 351 chorioidal, 342, 349, 376, 379 collateral, 351 great longitudinal, 341 hippocampal, 346, 349 lateral, 349 of Rolando, 351 parieto-occipital, 351 Sylvian, 349 ventral median, 325 Fixation of pig embryos, 139 Flagellum of spermatozoon, 12 Flexure, cephalic, 56, 81, 327 cervical, 327 Pig, 9i iliac, 176 pontine, 327 Flocculus, 336 Floor plate, 322, 324, 332 Foliate papilla?, 1 53 Follicle cells, 9 Follicles, Graafian, 9, 216 primordial, 216 vesicular, 216 Fontanelles, 314 Foramen, atrio- ventricular, 100 caecum, 153, 166 epiploic (of Winslow), 137, 191 interatrial, 100, 251 interventricular, 117, 258, 329, 342 closure of, 258 mandibular, 315 Monro's, 342 of Winslow, 137, 191 ovale, 100, 122, 251, 256 section through, 133 Fore-brain, chick, 41, 44, 46, 48, 61 human, 326 Fore-gut, chick, 40, 41, 42, 50, 57 human, 83, 161, 162 pig, 95 Fore-skin, 226 Fornices of vagina, 221 Fornix, 346, 347 Fossa, incisive, 150 olfactory, 371, 372 ovalis, 256 supratonsillar, 163 tonsillar, 163 Frenulum prepucii, 226 Frog, cleavage of ovum in, 26 Frontal operculum, 349 sinus, 376 Fronto-nasal process, 372 Fronto-parietal operculum, 349 Froriep's ganglion, 95, 118, 360 Fundus of uterus, 200 Fungiform papillae, 153 Funiculi of spinal cord, 325 Furcula of His, 167 GALL bladder, 122, 177 Ganglion, 353 accessory, 364 cell layer, 382 of retina, 358 cells, 305 cervical, 368 ciliary, 361, 368 crest, 302, 353 Froriep's, 95, 118, 360 geniculate, 94, 118, 363 habenulae, 338 jugular, 94, 118 nodose, 95, 118, 364 otic, 368 petrosal, 94, 118, 364 prevertebral, 368 root, 94, 364 semilunar, 94, 118, 361 sphenopalatine, 367 spinal, 52, 1 1 8, 302 supporting cells, 305, 307 spiral, 358, 359 submaxillary, 368 superior, 94, 118, 364 sympathetic, 305, 366 trunk, 364 vagus accessory, 1 1 8 vestibular, 358 visceral, 368 Gartner's ducts, 219 Gastric glands, 172 Gastro-hepatic ligament, 193 Gastro-lienic ligament, 192 Gastrula, 29 Gastrulation, 28 of amphibia, 29 of Amphioxus, 29 of birds, 29 of mammals, 29 of reptiles, 29 Geniculate bodies, 329 ganglion, 94, 118, 363 Genital cord, 2 1 1 ducts, 209, 211, 219 eminence, 116, 225 fold, 99, 122, 145, 198, 209 glands, 99, 145, 198, 209 and mesonephric tubules, transtormation of, 219 swellings, 225 Genitalia, external, 225 anomalies of, 230 internal, ligaments of, 222 Germ cells, 7, 209, 214, 301 primordial, 209 layers, 2, 3 derivatives of, 55 origin of, 24 plasm, continuity of, 5 Germinal disc, 26 4co INDEX Gestation, period of, 90 Giant cells, 247 Gill slits, 56 Glands, accessory genital, 228 alveolo-lingual, 154 Bartholin's, 228 Brunner's, 174 bulbo-urethral, 228 cardiac, 172 carotid, 369 cells, 296 coccygeal, 281 Cowper's, 228 duodenal (of Brunner), 174 Ebner's, 153 gastric, 172 genital, 99, 145, 198, 209 and mesonephric tubules, transformation of, 219 haemal, 280 intestinal, 174 lacrimal, 383 accessory, 383 lymph, 280 mammary, 116, 297 rudimentary, 292 supernumerary, 297 Meibomian, 383 parathyreoid, 84, 120, 165 parotid, 153 pineal, 142, 289, 310, 330, 338 prostate, 228 salivary, 153 sebaceous, 295 sublingual, 154 submaxillary, 154 sudoriparous, 296 suprarenal, 145, 368, 369 sweat, 296 tarsal, 383 thymus, 120 thyreoid, 120, 166 urogenital, 146 uterine, of pregnancy, 236 vestibular, 228 Glans clitoridis, 226 penis, 226 Glomerulus, 135, 196, 199 Glomus caroticum, 369 coccygeum, 281 Glossppharyngeal nerve, 94, 118, 363, 364 Glottis, 96, 119, 152, 167 Gluteal artery, 268 vein, 275 Goblet cells, 282 Gonads, 85 Graafian follicle, 9, 216 Granular layer of cerebellum, 337 leucocytes, 246 Granules, pigment, 294 Gray column, 324 commissures, 324 rami, 366 Groove, laryngo-tracheal, 66 neural, 299 primitive, 32 rhombic, 334 urethral, 226 Ground bundles, 325 Growth of embryo, 3 Gubernaculum testis, 223, 224 Gyrus dentatus, 346 hippocampi, 346 H^MAL glands, 280 Haemopoiesis, 243 Hair, 294 anomalies of, 296 bulb, 295 cells, 295, 296, 387 papilla, 295 shaft of, 295 sheath, 295 Hare lip, 148 Haversian canal, 289 Head cavities, 365 fold, 39 muscles of, 319 process, 33, 34, 37, 39 vertebrate, segmentation of 365 Heart, anomalies of, 259 chick, 43, 47, 50 descent of, 259 human, 85, 247, 248 pig, 92, 99, 122, 145 primitive, chick, 43 ventricle of, 59 Helix, 390 hypid, 390 Hemiazygos vein, 273 Hemispheres, cerebral, 117, 328, 329, 348 Henle's loop, 204 Hensen's knot, 32, 37, 52 Hepatic artery, 179 diverticulum, 98, 121, 176 duct, 122, 177 vein, 270 common, 100 Heredity, Mendel's law of, 22 Hermaphroditism, 221, 230 false, 221, 230 Hernia, diaphragmatic, 195 inguinal, 225 umbilical, 72, 174, 176 Hind-brain, chick, 42, 46, 50, 61 human, 82, 326 Hind-gut, 57, 66, 85, 95, 161, 162 Hippocampal commissure, 347 fissure, 346, 349 Hippocampus, 346, 349 minor, 351 His, furcula of, 167 Histogenesis, 282 denned, 4 of bone, 287 of cartilage, 286 of ectodermal derivatives, 293 of entodermal epithelium, 282 of mesodermal tissues, 283 of muscle, 290 of nervous tissue, 299 Historical, i Horn fibrils, 298 gray, 324 greater, of hyoid bone, 315 lesser, of hyoid bone, 315 INDEX 4OI Horse-shoe kidney, 206 Howship's lacunae, 288 Human embryos, 70 crown-rump length, 89 estimated age, 89 of Coste, 80 of Dandy, 78 of Eternod, 79 of His, 2.5 mm., 80 4.2 mm., 82 Normentafel, 86, 87 of Kromer, 78 of Mall, 78 of Peters, 74, 76 of Spec, 74 of Thompson, 79 Humerus, ossification of, 316 Hyaline cartilage, 287 Hyaloid canal, 381 Hydramnios, 76 Hydrocephaly, 352 Hymen, 220/221, Hyoid arch, 92 helix, 390 Hyomandibular cleft, 92 Hypermastia, 297 Hyperthelia, 297 Hypertrichosis, 296 Hypogastric artery, 267 Hypoglossal nerve, 95, 118, 153, 360 Hypophysis, 58, 61, 339 anterior lobe of, 61 posterior lobe of, 117 Hypospadias, 230 Hypothalamus, 330 Hypotrichosis, 296 ICHTHYOID blood cells of Minot, 244 Ichthyosis, 294 Ileum", 85 diverticulum of, 176 Iliac arteries, 124, 267, 268 flexure, 176 veins, 275 Ilium, ossification of, 316 Implantation of ovum, 231 Incisive canals (of Stenson), 150 fossa, 150 Incus, 315, 389 Infundibulum, 330, 339 Inguinal canal, 222, 223 crest, 222 fold, 220, 222 hernia, 225 Inner cell mass, 73 epithelial mass of gonad, 209 Innominate artery, 263 Instruments, dissecting, 139 Insula, 349 Interatrial foramen, 100, 251 Intercalated discs, 292 Intercostal arteries, 266 Interlobular ducts, 179 Intermediate cell mass, 41, 53 Interosseous artery, 268 Intersegmental arteries, 101, 123, 259, 262, 264 fiber tracts, 335 veins, 273 Interstitial cells of testis, 214 lamellae, 289 Interventricular foramen, 117, 258, 329, 342 closure of, 258 septum, 123, 258 sulcus, 258 Intervertebral discs, 310 muscles, 317 Intervillous circulation, 241 Intestinal glands, 174 loop, 144, 173 portal, 40, 42, 50, 66, 84 Intestine, human, 83, 85, 170, 173 anomalies of, 176 pig, 98, 122 villi of, 174 Introduction, I Iris, 381, 383 muscles of, 383 Ischiadiac vein, 273 artery, 268 Ischium, ossification of, 316 Island of Reil, 349 Islands, blood, 43, 243 of pancreas, 1 80 Isolecithal ova, 23 Isthmus, 117, 328, 330 JACOBSON'S organ, 358, 374 Joint cavity, 290 Joints, 290 Jugular ganglion, 94, 118 sacs, 279 veins, 125, 271 KERATIN, 298 Keratohyalin, 294 Kidney, anomalies of, 206 calyces of, 122 cystic, 206 horse-shoe, 206 human, 200 tubules of, 122, 202, 203 Knot, primitive (of Hensen), 37, 52 LABIA majora, 226 minora, 226, 227 Labyrinth, membranous, 47 Lacrimal bone, 314 canals, 384 glands, 383 accessory, 383 groove, 92 Lacuna?, bone, 288 Howship's, 288 Lamella?, concentric, 289 interstitial, 289 periosteal, 289 Lamellated corpuscles, 371 Lamina perpendicularis, 313 terminals, 329, 342, 346 Langhans' layer, 239 Lanugo hair, 296 Laryngeal nerves, recurrent, 264 Laryngo-tracheal groove, 166 Larynx, 166, 167 cartilage of, 167 muscles of, 320 4O2 INDEX Larynx, ventricles of, 167 Law, Mendel's, of heredity, 22 of biogenesis, 5 of recapitulation, 5 Layer, chorioid, of eye, 383 compact, 236, 240 enamel, 155 ependymal, 128, 307, 322, 333 epitrichial, 296 ganglion cell, 382 of retina, 358 germ, origin of, 24 granular, 337 Langhans' 239 mantle, 128, 322, 324 marginal, 128, 322, 325 medullary, 337 molecular, 337 nerve fiber, 382 nervous, of retina, 128 of retina, 382 pigment, of retina, 128, 377, 381 retinal, 377, 381 sclerotic, of eye, 382 spongy, 236, 239 Lecithin, 7 Lemniscus, 338 median, 335 Lens of eye, chick, 47, 48 human, 376 fibers of, 379 pupillary membrane of, 381 suspensory ligament of, 381 vascular capsule of, 379, 381 pig, 9i pit, 376 plate, 376 vesicles, 61, 376, 379 Lens-stars, 380 Lenticular nuclei, 345 Lesser peritoneal sac, 135, 190 Leucocytes, 245 granular, 245 mast, 246 mononuclear, large, 245 non-granular, 245 polymorphonuclear, 245 Ligament, broad, 222 coronary, 193 duodeno-hepatic, 193 falciform, 136, 181, 193 gastro-hepatic, 193 gastro-lienic, 192 lieno-renal, 192 of internal genitalia, 222 of liver, 193 of testis, 222 proper, of ovary, 222 round, 220, 222 spheno-mandibular, 315 stylo-hyoid, 315 suspensory, of lens, 381 Ligamentum arteriosum, 278 labiale, 222 ovarii, 211 scroti, 222 teres, 271, 278 testis, 211, 223 Ligamentum umbilicale medium, 209 venosum, 270, 278 Limbus ovalis, 254 Limiting membranes of retina, 382 Line, lateral, 365 milk, 297 Lingual tonsil, 164 Linguo-facial vein, 105 Lip, 373 hare, 148 rhombic, 334 Liver, anlage of, 59, 64, 176 anomalies of, 179 caudate lobe of, 193 cords, 135 human, 83, 176 ligaments of, 193 lobules of, 179, 193 pig, 92, 95, 98, 121 quadrate lobe of, 193 sinusoids of, 59, 64, 177, 268 Lobes of cerebrum, 348 Lobule of ear, 390 Lobules of liver, 179, 193 Lobuli epididymidis, 219 Lumbar arteries, 266 enlargement, 326 veins, 275 Lumbo-sacral plexus, 355 Lung buds, 84 Lungs, human, 83, 166, 168 anomalies of, 170 apical buds, 168 changes at birth, 170 stem buds, 168 pig, 97, 121 Lunula, 298 Lymph glands, 280 sacs, 278, 280 Lymphatic system, 278 Lymphatics, origin of, 278 peripheral, 279 Lymphocytes, small, 245 Lymphoid tissue of spleen, 281 MACULA acusticae, 386 Magma reticulare, 73 Mall's pulmonary ridge, 185 Malleus, 315, 389 muscles of, 389 Mammals, cleavage of ovum in, 27 gastrulation of, 29 origin of mesoderm in, 34 Mammary arteries, 266 glands, r 1 6, 297 rudimentary, 297 supernumerary, 297 Mammillary bodies, 330, 341, 347 recess, 330, 341 Mandibular arch, 92 foramen, 315 nerve, 118, 362 process, 81, 82, 92, 114, 146, 315, 372 Mantle layer, 128, 322, 324 Manubrium, 311 Marginal layer, 128, 322, 325 sinus, 241 zone, 301 INDEX 403 Margo thalamicus, 327 Marrow, bone, 288 red, 288 yellow, 290 cavity, 290 Massa intermedia, 341 Mast leucocytes, 246 Mastication, muscles of, 319 Mastoid cells, 314 process, 314 Maturation, 14 of human ovum, 20 of mouse ovum, 18 significance of, 22 Maxillas, 315 Maxillary nerve, 118, 362 process, 81, 82, 92, 114, 146, 315, 372 sinus, 376 Maxillo-turbinal anlage, 375 Meatus, external auditory, 92, 114, . 391 inferior nasal, 375 Meckel's cartilage, 315 diverticulum, 81, 176 Meconium, 176 Median artery, 268 longitudinal bundle, 335 nerve, 356 Mediastinum, 169 of ovary, 215 testis, 214 Medulla oblongata, 82, 330 Medullary cavity, 290 layer, 337 sheath, 305 velum, 330, 337 Megakaryocytes, 247 Meibomian glands, 383 Melanism, 294 Membrana tectoria, 387 Membrane, anal, 162, 206, 294 basilar, 387 bone, 287 bones of skull, 314 cloacal, 85, 161, 206 decidual, 230, 232 separation of, at birth, 241 tympanic, 120, 391 limiting, of retina, 382 obturator, 316 pericardial, 188 peridental, 158 pharyngeal, 161 pleuro-pericardial, 183, 184, 185, 186 pleuro-peritoneal, 183, 184, 185, 186 pupillary, 381 Reis: leissner's, 387 synovia!, 290 tympanic, 391 urogenital, 162, 206 vestibular, 387 vitelline, 7 Membranous labyrinth, 47 Mendel's law of heredity, 22 Meningoccele, 352 Meningoencephalocoele, 352 Meningomyeloccele, 352 Menstruation, 10, 230 Menstruation, uterus during, 230 Mesamoeboids, 243, 244 Mesencephalon, 80 chick, 46, 48, 62 human, 326, 330, 337 pig, 94, 117 Mesenchyma, 3 chick, 42, 53, 55 human, 283 Mesenteric arteries, 124, 261, 262, 266 inferior, 124, 262 superior, 124, 261 veins, 268 superior, 102, 103, 127, 268 Mesentery, 95, 98, 122, 135, 180, iSi anomalies of, 195 dorsal, 83, 193 : Mesocardium, 181 dorsal, 49, 249 148, Mesocolon, 181, 194, 195 Mesoderm, 3, 28 amphibian, 30 Amphioxus, 30 birds, 32 extra-embryonic, 35, 73 intra-embryonic, 35 mammal, 34 origin of, 30 primary, 28 •reptiles, 30 somatic, 54, 71, 170 splanchnic, 54, 71, 170, 171, 366 Tarsius, 35 Mesodermal segments, 2, 42, 53, 65, tissues, histogenesis of, 283 Mesoduodenum, 181, 194 Mesogastrium, 181 Mesonephric duct, 51, 54, 65, 99, 122, 200, 211, 219 fold, 198 tubules, 198, 219 and genital glands, transformation of, 219 Mesonephros, 54, 85, 92, 95, 99, 122, 145, 196, 198 Mesorchium, 2 1 1 Mesorectum, 181, 195 Mesothelium, 55, 283 peritoneal, 172 Mesovarium, 211 Metameres, 2 Metamerism, 2 Metanephrps, 64, 99, 122, 145, 196, 200 and umbilical arteries, section through, 138 calyces of, 200 collecting tubules, 200, 202 cortex, 203 pelvis, 200 tubules, 200, 202 ureter, 200 Metaphase of mitosis, 13 Metatarsus, ossification of, 316 Metathalamus, 329 Metencephalon, 82, 94, 117, 327, 328, 336 Methods of study, 5 Mid-brain, 82, 327 chick, 44, 46, 48 Mid-gut, 57, 161 Migration, cell, 3 404 INDEX Milk ducts, 297 line, 1 1 6, 297 teeth, periods of eruption, 158 witch, 297 Minot's ichthyoid blood cells, 244 Mitochondria, 7 Mitosis, 12 phases of, 12-14 significance of, 22 Mitotic figure, 13 Mitral valve, 258 Moderator muscles, 258 Modiolus, 387 Molecular layer, 337 Moles. 294 Monaster, 13 Mononu clear leucocytes, large, 245 Monophyletic theory of origin of blood ele- ments, 243 Monro's foramen, 342 Mons pubis, 225 Monsters, double, 21 Montgomery's rudimentary mammary glands, 297 Morula, 24 Motor nerves, somatic, 360 Mouse ovum, fertilization of, 20 maturation of, 18 Mouth, pig, 6 mm., 95 Miiller's fibers, 382 tubercle, 209, 221 Mullerian ducts, 211 transformation of, 220 Multiplication, cell, 3 Muscles, 316 anomalies of, 320 cardiac, 290, 292 ciliary, 383 columns, 292 dilator, of iris, 383 histogenesis of, 290 intervertebral, 317 moderator, 258 of back, 317 of expression, 320 of extremities, 318 of head, 319 of larynx, 320 of malleus, 389 of mastication. 319 of neck, 317 of pharynx, 320 of tongue, 320 of trunk, 317 papillary, 258 plate, 60, 62, 65 skeletal, 290, 291 smooth, 290 sphincter, of iris, 383 stapedial, 389 sterno-cleido-mastoid, 364 thoracp-abdominal, 317 trapezius, 364 Muscular system, 316 Musculocutaneous nerve, 356 Myelencephalon, 82, 94, 117, 328, 330, 333 Myelin, 305 development of, 325 Myelin sheath, 305 Myeloccele, 352 Myelocytes, 245, 246 Myoblasts, 291, 292 Myocardium, 43, 100, 133, 249, 258 Myofibrillag, 292 Myotomes, 2, 292 changes in, during formation of adult mus cles, 317 chick, 53 294 Nail fold, 298, 299 human, 298 Nares, external, 373 ! Nasal bone, 314 meatus, inferior, 375 passages, 373 processes, 147, 372, 373 septum, 313, 373 Naso-lacrimal duct, 383 Naso-turbinal anlage, 375 Navel, 72 Neck, muscles of, 317 Neopallium, 346 Nephrogenic cords, 198, 202 tissue, 122, 138, 202, 203 Nephrostome, 196 Nephrotome, 196 chick, 41, 53, 65 Nerve, abducens, 118, 361 accessorius, 118 acoustic, 94, 118, 358 axillary, 356 cells, 300 cerebral, 117, 357 facial, 94, 1 1 8, 362, 363 femoral, 356 fibers, 300 cell-chain theory of development, 302 layer, 382 glossopharyngeal, 94, 118, 363, 364 hypoglossal, 95, 118, 153, 360 mandibular, 118, 362 maxillary, 118, 362 median, 356 motor somatic, 360 musculocutaneous, 356 obturator, 356 oculomotor, 94, 118, 330, 360 olfactory, 357 ophthalmic, 118, 362 optic, 117, 358, 382 peroneal, 356 petrosal, superficial, 118, 363 phrenic, 355 radial, 356 recurrent laryngeal, 264 sciatic, 356 sensory, somatic, 357 somatic, motor, 360 sensory, 357 spinal, i'i8, 353 accessory, 95, 118, 364 efferent fibers of, 302 terminal, 358 tibial, 356 INDEX 405 Nerve, trigeminal, 94, 118, 361 trochlear, 118, 330, 361 ulnar, 356 vagus, 95, 1 1 8, 361, 364 visceral mixed, 361 Nervous layer of retina, 128 system, 93, 117 central, 321 chick, 46, 56 human, 82, 321 peripheral, 353 sympathetic, 366 tissue, histogenesis of, 299 Neural crest, 52, 94, 302 chick, 42 folds, 39, 41, 42 groove, 39, 299 plate, 299 tube, 39, 41, 66, 299, 332 anomalies of, 352 origin of, 30 supporting cells of, 307 Neurenteric canal, 32, 33, 34, 78 Neurilemma, 305 Neuroblasts, 301 differentiation of, into neurones, 301 of retina, 382 Neurofibrillae, 302 Neuroglia cells, 300, 301, 307, 308 fibers, 300, 301, 307, 308 Neurokeratin, 305, 308 Neuromeres, 47, 107, 117, 334 Neurons, 302 afferent, 302 concept, 301 differentiation of neuroblasts into, 301 Neuropores, 41, 321 anterior, 44 Neutrophils, 246 Nipple, 297 Node, primitive. (See Knot.) of Ranvier, 305 Nodose ganglion, 95, 118, 364 Nodulus cerebelli, 336 Normoblasts, 244 Nose, 371 Notochord, 34, 39, 309 chick, 41, 65 origin of, 30, 36 Notochordal canal, 34 plate, 31, 33, 37, 39, 66 Nuclear zone, 301 Nuclei pulposi, 36, 309 Nucleolus, 7 Nucleus ambiguus, 364 caudate, 345 cuneatus, 335 dentate, 337 gracilis, 335 lenticular, 345 of pons, 336 olivary, 335 receptive, 335 red, 338 ruber, 338 terminal, 335 Nuck's diverticula, 225 Nymphae, 227 OBEX, 334 Oblique vein of left atrium, 271 Obturator membrane, 316 nerve, 356 Occipital bone, ossification of, 312 Oculomotor nerve, 94, 118, 230, 360 Odontoblasts, 157 Olfactory apparatus, 346 brain, 328 epithelium, 130 fossa, 371, 372 lobe, 346 nerve, 357 organ, 371 pits, 114,371,372 pig, 9i placodes, 372 stalk, 346 tracts, 346 Olivary nucleus, 335 Omental bursa, 190 inferior recess of, 191 Omentum, 136, 171, 181, 191, 192 Oocyte, 1 8 primary, 1 8 Oogenesis, 8, 17 ' Oogonia, 18 Operculum, 349 Ophthalmic nerve, 118, 362 vein, 271 Optic chiasma, 329, 358 cup, 57, 114, 327, 376, 381 nerve, 117, 358, 382 placode, 376 recess, 330, 343 stalks, 48, 61, 376 tract, 358 vesicles, 41, 44, 46, 48, 61, 343 Ora serrata, 381 Oral cavity, 144 Orbital operculum, 349 Organ, Corti's, 360, 386 Jacpbson's, 358, 374 spiral, 360, 386, 387 vomero-nasal, 358, 374 Os coxae, 316 Ossicles, auditory, 389 Ossification of carpus, 316 of chondrocranium, 312 of clavicle, 315 of ethmoid bone, 313 of femur, 316 of fibula, 316 of humerus, 316 of ilium, 316 of ischium, 316 of metatarsus, 316 of occipital bone, 312 of patella, 316 of phalanges, 316 of pisiform, 316 of pubis, 316 of radius, 316 of skull, 312 of sphenoid bone, 313 of tarsus, 316 of temporal bone, 313 of tibia, 316 4o6 INDEX Ossification of ulna, 316 of vertebrae, 310 Osteoblasts, 158, 287, 288 Osteoclasts, 288 Ostium abdominale, 2 1 1 .vaginae, 221 Otic ganglia, 368 vesicle, 47 Otocyst, 47, 57, 62, 82, 94, 385 Ovarian arteries, 266 pregnancy, 231 vein, 275 Ovary, 215 anomalies, 218 compared with testis, 218 descent of, 223 mediastinum, 215 proper ligament of, 222 septula, 215 stroma of, 216 Ovulation, 10 Ovum, cleavage of, 24. See also Cleavage of ovum. human, 7 fertilization of, 21 implantation of, 231 isolecithal, 24 maturation of, 14, 17, 18 mouse, fertilization of, 20 segmentation of, 24. See also Cleavage of ovum. structure of, amphibian, 7 bird, 7 monkey, n telolecithal, 24 PALATE bones, 315 cleft, 151 development of, 148 premaxillary, 373 primitive, 373 soft, 150 Palatine processes, lateral, 148 tonsil, 84, 1 20, 163 Pallium of cerebral hemispheres, 329 of cerebrum, 341 Pancreas, alveoli of, 180 human, 83, 179 accessory duct of, 180 anomalies of, 180 islands of, 180 pig, 98, 122 Pancreatic duct, 180 Papillae, dental, 154, 156 hair, 295 of tongue, 153 renal, 202 Papillary ducts, 202 muscles, 258 Paradidymis, 200, 219 Parathyreoid gland, 84, 120, 165 Paraurethral ducts, 228 Parietal pleura, 170 Parietals, 314 Parieto-occipital fissure, 351 Parolfactory area, 346 Paroophoron, 200, 219 Parotid glands, 153 Pars caeca, 381 ciliaris, 381 intermedia, 340 iridis retinae, 381 lateralis of sacrum, 311 optica, 381 hypothalamica, 339 radiata, 203 tuberalis, 340 Parthenogenesis, artificial, 20 Patella, ossification of, 316 Peduncles of cerebrum, 338 Pelvis, renal, 200, 202 Penis, 145 Perforated space, 346 Pericardial cavity, 49, 55, 1 80, 182 chick, 55, 62 membrane, 188 Perichondral bone formation, 288, 289 Perichondrium, 286 Peridental membrane, 158 Periderm, 293 Perilymph space, 387 Periosteal bone formation, 288 lamellae, 289 Periosteum, 288 Periotic capsule, 312 Peripheral lymphatics, 279 nervous system, 353 i sinus, 280 Peritoneal cavity, 55, 188 chick, 55 mesothelium, 172 sac, 136 lesser, 135^36, 190 Peritoneum, 135 Permanent teeth, development of, 158 Peroneal artery, 268 nerve, 356 Petrosal ganglion, 94, 118, 364 nerve, superficial, 118, 363 sinus, 273 Pfliiger's tubes, 216 Phalanges, ossification of, 316 Phallus, 145, 225 Pharyngeal bursa, 164 membrane, 44, 47, 48, 82, 161 plate, 44 pouches, 47, 62, 96, 119, 162 tonsil, 164 Pharyngopalatine arches, 150 Pharynx, human, 83 muscles of, 320 pig, 95, 118 Philtrum, 148 Phrenic artery, 266 nerve, 355 Pia mater, 128 Pig embryos, 114 6 mm., 91 10 to 12 mm., 114 dissection of, 139 transverse sections of 6 mm., 105 of 10 mm., 127 fetal membranes, 70 Pigment granules, 294 layer of retina, 128, 377, 381 Pillars, anterior, of fornix, 347 INDEX 407 Pillars of Corti, 387 Pineal body or gland, 142, 289, 310, 330, 338 Pisiform, ossification of, 316 Pituitary body, 339 Placenta, accessory, 242 human, 75, 230, 232, 235, 237 cotyledons of, 241 intervillous spaces of, 241 position of, 242 relation of fetus to, 241 vessels of, 241 praevia, 242 succenturiate, 242 Placentation, 242 Placodes, 365 auditory, 384 olfactory, 371 optic, 376 Plasm, germ, continuity of, 5 Plate, alar, 323, 332, 335, 338 basal, 239, 240, 323, 332 blood, 247 closing, 58, 62, 97, 119, 162 cribriform, 313 floor, 322, 324, 332, 338 lens, 376 neural, 299 notochordal, 31, 37 roof, 322, 332, 338 urethral, 225 Pleura, parietal, 170 visceral, 170 Pleural cavity, 55, 62, 184, 188 chick, 55 ccelom, 97 Pleuro-pericardial cavity, 42 membranes, 183, 184, 185, 186 Pleuro-peritoneal canal, 184, cavities, 180, 184 membranes, 183, 184, 185, 186 Plexus, brachial, 355 chorioid, 142, 143, 334, 338, 342 lumbo-sacral, 355 Plica semilunaris, 383 venae cavae, 105, 136, 190, 193, 273 vein of, 273 Polar bodies, 17 Polocytes, 17 Polydactyly, 316 Polymorphpnuclear leucocytes, 245 Polyphyletic theory of origin of blood ele- ments, 243 Polyspermy, 20 Pons, 117, 330 nucleus of, 336 Pontine flexure, 327 Popliteal artery, 268 Portal circulation, 278 intestinal, 40, 42, 50, 66, 84 vein, 102, 127, 268, 270 Postanal gut, 98 Postbranchial bodies, 165 Postnatal development, 4 Preformation, doctrine of, 2 Pregnancy, abdominal, 231 duration of, 89 ectopic, 231 extra -uterine, 231 Pregnancy, ovarian, 231 tubal, 231 uterine glands of, 236 uterus during, 230 Premaxillary palate, 373 Premyelocytes, 244, 245, 246 Prepucium, 226 Prevertebral ganglia, 368 Primary excretory ducts, 54, 65, 198, 200 Primates, 70 . cleavage of ovum in, 27 Primitive choanae, 373 folds, 32 groove, 32, 37, 39, 52 heart, chick, 43 knot or node, 32, 37, 52 palate, 373 pit, 32 segments, 2, 41 streak, 32, 37, 41, 52 Primordial follicles, 216 Proamniotic area, 40, 44 Process, coracoid, 316 costal, 309 fronto-nasal, 372 lateral nasal, 147, 372 palatine 148 mandibular, 81, 82, 92, 114, 146, 315, 372 mastoid, 314 maxillary, 81, 82, 92, 114, 146, 315 372 median nasal, 147, 372, 373 palatine, 148 nasal, 147, 372, 373 styloid, 314, 315 vermiform, 176 xiphoid, 3 1 1 cleft, 316 Processus globulares, 372 Pronephric ducts, 198 tubules, 51 Pronephros, 53, 196 Pronucleus, 18, 20 Prophase of mitosis, 13 Prosencephalon, 326 chick, 46 Prostate gland, 228 Prostatic utricle, 220 Pubis, ossification of, 316 Pulmonary arteries, 101, 123, 170, 256, 263 ridge, 185 vein, 123, 170, 256 Pulp, dental, 157 enamel, 155 Pupillary membrane, 381 Pyloric sphincter, 172 Pyramids of kidney, 202 QUADRATE lobe of liver, 193 RACHISCHISIS, 352 Radial artery, 268 nerve, 356 Radius, ossification of, 316 Ramus angularis, 270 arcuatus, 270 communicans, 354, 366 dorsal, 354 gray, 366 408 INDEX Ramus lateral, 354 posterior, 354 terminal, 354 ventral, 354 white, 366 Ranv-ier's nodes,- 305 Rathke's pouch, 58, 6l, 83, 95, 128, 162 Recapitulation, law of, 5 Receptive nucleus, 335 Recess, inferior, of omental bursa, 191 lateral, 334 mammillary, 330, 341 optic, 330, 343 Rectum, 122, 138, 145, 176, 206 Red blood corpuscles, 244 bone marrow, 288 nucleus, 338 Reference, titles for, 6 Regeneration of bone, 290 Reichert's cartilage, 389 Reil's islands, 349 Reissner's membrane, 387 Renal artery, 206, 266 columns, 203 corpuscles, 135, 199, 200 papillae, 202 pelvis, 200, 202 tubules, 122, 202, 203, 204 veins, 275 Reptiles, cleavage of ovum in, 26 gastrulation of, 29 origin of mesoderm in, 30 Respiratory epithelium, 169 Rete ovarii, 215, 218 testis, 214, 218 Reticular formation, 335 tissue, 165, 284 Retina, layers of, 382 nervous layer, 128 pigment layer of, 128, 377, 381 Retinal layer, 381 of optic cup, 377 Retroperitoneal sac, 278 Rhinencephalon, 328, 341, 346 Rhombencephalon, 82, 326 chick, 46 Rhombic grooves, 334 lip, 334 Rhomboidal sinus, 41, 46, 52 Ribs, 309, 311 Ridge, pulmonary, 185 Rod cells of retina, 382 Rolando's fissure, 351 Roof plate, 322, 332, 338 Roots, spinal, dorsal, 305 Round ligament, 220, 222 SAC, dental, 157, 158 Sacculus, 386 Saccus vaginalis, 224 Sacral artery, middle, 267 Sacrum, pars lateralis of, 311 Sagittal dissections, median, 142 sinus, superior, 271 Salivary glands, 153 Santorini. duct of, 180 Saphenous vein, 275 Sarcolemma, 292 Sarcoplasm, 292 Sarcostyles, 292 Satyr tubercle, 390 Sauroid blood cells, 244 Scala tympani, 387 vestibuli, 387 Scapula, ossification of, 316 Sciatic nerve, 356 Sclerotic layer of eye, 382 Sclerotome, 113, 283 Scrotal area, 227 Scrotum, 228 ligament of, 223 Sebaceous gland, 295 Sections, "chick, fifty hours, 56 thirty-eight hours, 45 of twenty hours' duration, 37 twenty-five hours, 39 pig, 6 mm., 105 10 mm., 127 Seessel's pouch, 36, 83, 95, 162 Segmental zone, 66 Segmentation of ovum, 24. See also Cleavage of ovum. of vertebrate head, 365 Segments, mesodermal, 2, 42, 53, 64, 65 primitive, 2, 41 Semilunar ganglion, 94, 118, 361 valves, 258 Seminal vesicle, 219 Sense cells, 386 organs, chick, 46, 56 human, 82, 370 Sensory nerves, somatic, 357 organs, general, 371 Septa placentae, 241 Septum, atrial, 251 interventricular, 123, 258 median, of adult spinal cord, 324,^325 membranaceum, 258 nasal, 313, 373 pellucidum, 346 primum, 100, 122, 251, 278 scroti, 227 secundum, 123, 251, 278 spurium, 252 transversum, 63, 64, 84, 116, 118, 144, 176, 181-186 Sertoli, sustentacular cells of, 14, 214 Sex, determination of, 23 Shaft of hair, 295 Sheath cells, 305 epithelial, 156 hair, 295 medullary, 305 myelin, 305 Shoulder-blade, ossification of, 316 Sinus, cavernosus, 271 cervical, 91, 114 coronary, 254, 271 frontal, 376 marginal, 241 maxillary, 376 peripheral, 280 petrosal, 273 rhomboidal, 41, 46, 52 sagittal, superior, 271 INDEX 409 Sinus, sphenoidal, 376 transverse, 271 urogenital, 122, 206, 213 venosus, 59, 62, 100, 122, 249, 250, 254 valves of, 122, 250, 252, 254 Sinusoids, 88 of liver, 59, 64, 177, 268 Situs viscerum inversus, 195 Skeletal muscle, striated, 290, 291 system, 309 Skeleton, 309 anomalies of, 316 appendicular, 315 axial, 309 branchial arch, 315 Skull, 311 chondrification of, 312 membrane bones of, 314 ossification of, 312 Smooth muscle, 290 Solitary tract, 363, 364 Soma, 5 Somatic mesoderm, 54, 71 motor nerves, 360 sensory nerves, 357 Somatop'leure, 30, 34, 54, 65, 66 Somites, 2 Sperm cells, 1 1 Spermatic artery, 266 cord, 225 veins, 275 Spermatids, 15 Spermatocyte, primary, 14 secondary, 15 Spermatogenesis, 14 Spermatogonia, 14, 214 Spermatozoon, n Sphenoid bone, ossification of, 313 Sphenoidal sinus, 376 Spheno-mandibular ligament, 315 Spheno-palatine ganglia, 367 Sphincter muscle of iris, 383 pyloric, 172 Spina bifida, 352 Spinal accessory nerve, 95, 118, 364 arteries, 264 cord, 322 primitive segments, section through, 113 ganglia, 52, 118, 302 supporting cells, 305, 307 nerves, 118, 353 efferent fibers of, 302 roots, dorsal, 305 tract, descending, of trigeminal nerve, 362 Spiral ganglia, 358, 359 limbus, 387 organ, 360, 386, 387 sulcus, 387 tunnel, 387 Spireme, 13 Splanchnic mesoderm, 54, 71, 170, 366 Splanchnopleure, 30, 35, 54, 66 Spleen, 192, 280 Splenic corpuscles, 281 Spongioblasts, 301, 306, 307 Spongy layer, 236, 239 Stapedial artery, 389 muscle, 389 Stapes, 315, 389 Stenson's canal, 150 Sternal bars, 311 Sterno-cleido-mastoid-muscle, 364 Sternum, 311 cleft, 316 Stoerck's loop, 204 Stomach, 83, 97, 121, 171 Stompdaeum, 57, 82, 162 Stratified epithelium, 293 Stratum corneum, 294 germinativum, 293 granulosum, 216, 217, 294 lucidum, 294 Stroma of ovary, 216 Study, methods of, 5 Stylo-hyoid ligament, 215 Styloid process, 314, 315 Subcardinal veins, 105, 125, 116, 273 Subclavian arteries, 101, 124, 262, 263, 264 268 veins, 125, 271, 275 Sublingual gland, 154 Submaxillary ganglia, 368 gland, 154 Substantia propria of cornea, 379 Sudoriparous glands, 296 Sulcus, central, 351 coronary, 225, 251 interventricular, 258 limitans, 323, 330, 332, 339 of cerebrum, 351 spiral, 387 Superfetation, 21 Supporting cells, 371, 387 of neural tube, 307 of spinal ganglia, 305, 306 tissue, 284 Supracardinal veins, 273 Suprarenal artery, 266 gland, 145, 368, 369 accessory, 370 vein, 27_s Supratonsillar fossa, 163 Suspensory ligament of lens, 381 Sustentacular cells (of Sertoli), 14, 214 Sweat glands, 296 Sylvian fissure, 349 Sympathetic ganglia, 305, 366 nervous system, 366 Synovial membrane, 290 TACTILE corpuscles, 371 Tasnia, 334 1 Tail bud, 56 fold, 56 gut, 98 of caudate nucleus, 345 Tarsal glands, 383 Tarsius, origin of mesoderm in, 35 Tarsus, 383 ossification of, 316 i Taste buds, 153, 371 cells, 371 ! Teeth, anlages of, 156, 158 anomalies of, 160 cement of, 157 decidual, periods of eruption, 158 4io INDEX Teeth, dental lamina of, 154 papilla, 154, 157 pulp, 157 sac, 157 dentine, 157 development of, 154 enamel, 154, 156 milk, periods of eruption, 158 odontoblasts, 157 permanent, 158 of vertebrates, 160 permanent, periods of eruption, 158, 159 Tegmentum, 330 Tela chorioidea, 328, 338 Telencephalon, chick, 56 commissures of, 346 human, 82, 327, 341 pig, 93, II? Telolecithal ova, 24 Telophase of mitosis, 14 Temporal bone, ossification of, 313 operculum, 349 Tendon, 285 Tensor tympani, 389 Teratpmata, 218 Terminal nerve, 358 nucleus, 335 ramus, 354 ventricle, 326 Testis, 213 anomalies of, 218, 225 compared with ovary, 218 concealed, 225 cords, 213, 214 descent of, 223 intermediate cords of, 213 interstitial cells of, 214 ligament of, 222 mediastinum, 214 tubuli contorti, 214 fecti, 214 septula, 215 Tetrads, 15 Thalamus, 143, 329 Thebesian valve, 254 Theca folliculi, 216 Theory of concrescence, 32 Thoracic duct, 279 Thoraco-abdominal muscles, 317 Thymic corpuscles, 165 Thymus, 84, 164 gland, 120 Thyreo-cervical trunk, 266 Thyreoglossal duct, 119, 166 Thyreoid anlage, 62, 97 cartilage, 168, 315 gland, 120, 166 human, 83, 84, 166 .pig, 95- 97 Tibia, ossification of, 316 Tibia! nerve, 356 veins, 275 Tissue, adipose, 286 areolar, 285 connective, 284 white fibrous, 284 corneal, 285 differentiation of, 4 Tissue, elastic, 285 lymphoid, of spleen, 281 nervous, 299 reticular, 165, 284 supporting, 284 Titles for reference, 6 Toes, supernumerary, 316 Tomes, dentinal fibers of, 157 Tongue, anomalies of, 153 muscles of, 320 of pig, 119, 144, 151 papillae of, 153 Tonsil, 163 anomalies of, 164 lingual, 164 palatine, 84, 120, 163 pharyngeal, 164 Tonsillar fossa, 163 Touch-pads, 299 Trabeculae carnae, 258 Trachea, human, 83, 84, 166, 168 pig, 97, 121, 144 Tract, descending, of fifth nerve, 335 Tractus solitarius, 335 Tragus, 390 Trapezius muscle, 364 Triangular ligaments, 193 Tricuspid valves, 123, 258 Trigeminal nerve, 94, 118, 361 Trochlear nerve, 118, 330, 361 Trophectoderm, 27, 73, 74, 232 Trophoderm, 232, 233 Tubal pregnancy, 231 Tuber cinereum, 330, 341 Tubercle, cloacal, 225 Darwin's, 390 Muller's, 209, 221 satyr, 390 Tuberculum acusticum, 358 • impar, 84, 95, 119, 151 Tubular heart, 248 Tubules, mesonephric, 198, 219 and genital glands, transformation of, 219 renal, 122, 202, 203, 204 Tubuli contorti, 214 recti, 214 septula, 215 Tunica albuginea, 213, 214 externa, 218 interna, 218 vaginalis, 224 Turbinate anlages, 144 Twins, development of, 21 Tympanic cavity, 163, 389 membrane, 120, 391 ULNA, ossification of, 316 Ulnar artery, 268 nerve, 356 Ultimobranchial body, 120, 165 Umbilical arteries, 88, 102, 124, 137, 138, 259, 267 cord, human, 72 of pig, 72 hernia, 72, 174, 176 veins, 259, 261, 268, 271 human, 88 pig, 104, 126 INDEX 411 Umbilical vessels, 72 Umbilicus, 72 Unguiculates, 70 Ungulates, 70 Urachus, 209- Ureter, 122, 138, 202, 208, 209 Urethra, 145, 206, 227 Urethral groove, 226 plate, 225 Urogenital ducts, 146 fold, 198, 209 glands, 146 membrane, 162, 206 opening, 225 organs, 85, 145 sinus, 122, 206, 213 system, 99, 122, 196 Uterine glands of pregnancy, 236 tubes, 220 Utero-vaginal anlage, 220 Uterus, 220, 221 anomalies of, 221 bicornis, 211 cervix of, 220 during menstruation, 230 pregnancy, 230 fetalis, 221 fundus of, 220 gross changes in, 242 growth of, 221 infantalis, 221 ligaments of, 222, 223 masculinus, 220 planifundus, 221 Utricle, prostatic, 220 Utriculus, 386 Uvula, 150 VAGINA, 220, 221 anomalies of, 221 fornices of, 221 masculina, 220 Vagus ganglia, accessory, 1 1 8 nerve, 95, 118, 361, 364 Vallate papillae, 153 Valves, atrio-ventricular, 258 bicuspid, 123, 258 colic, 176 Eustachian, 254 mitral, 258 of coronary sinus, 254 of inferior vena cava, 254 of sinus venosus, 122, 250, 252, 254 semilunar, 258 Thebesian, 254 tricuspid, 123, 258 Vascular system, 243 Vasculogenesis, 247 Vegetal pole, 24 Veins, accessory hemiazygos, 271 anterior cardinal, 49, 58, 61, 62, 8 125, 260, 268, 271 axillary, 275 azygos, 273 basilic, 275 border, 275 brachial, 275 cardinal, 125 105, Veins, cardinal anterior, 49, 58, 61, 62, 88, 105, 160, 268, 271 common, 58, 62, 88, 100, 105, 125, 260, 268, 271 left, 100 right, 100 posterior, 58, 64, 65, 88, 105, 125, 260, 268, 273 cephalic, 275 cerebral, 271 common cardinal, 58, 62, 88, 105, 125, 260, 268, 271 left, 100 right, 100 development of, 268 femoral, 275 gluteal, 275 hemiazygos, 273 hepatic, 270 common, 100 iliac, 275 intersegmental, 273 ischiadic, 273 jugular, 125, 271 linguo-facial, 105 lumbar, 275 mesenteric, superior, 102, 103, 127, 268 oblique, 2 71 of extremities, 275 of heart; 88 of' lower extremity, 275 of pig, 102, 125 of plica venae cavae, 273 ophthalmic, 271 ovarian, 275 portal, 102, 127, 268, 270 posterior cardinal, 58, 64, 65, 88, 105, 125, 260, 268, 273 pulmonary, 123, 170, 256 renal,275 saphenous, 275 spermatic, 275 subcardinal, 105, 125, 126, 273 subclavian, 125, 271, 275 supracardinal, 273 suprarenal, 275 tibial, 275 umbilical, 259, 261, 268, 271 human, 88 pig, 104, 126 vitelline, 51, 64, 88, 100, 126, 183, 259, 261, 268 chick, 41, 42, 43 left, 100 right, 100 Velum, medullary, 330, 337 Vena anonyma, left, 271 right, 271 capitis lateralis, 271 medialis, 271 cava, inferior, 103, 105, 122, 126, 190, 273 superior, 271 portas, 268, 270 Ventral arteries, 101, 124 ramus, 354 Ventricle, fifth, 346 first, 329 fourth, 117, 330 412 INDEX Ventricle, lateral, 117, .329 of heart, 59, 85, 92, 99, 249, 251, 258 of larynx, 167 second, 329 terminal, 326 third, 117, 329, 341 Ventricular limb, 249 Ventro-lateral arteries, 101, 124 Vermiform process, 176 Vermis cerebelli, 336 Vernix caseosa, 76, 294 Vertebrae, 309, 310 chondrification of, 310 ossification of, 310 pig, centra of, 143 variations in number, 316 Vertebral arch, 310 arteries, 124, 264 Vertebrate head, segmentation of, 365 Vesicle, auditory, 385 blastodermic, 27 brain, primary, 321, 326 cervical, 163 lens, 61, 376, 379 optic, 44, 46, 48, 61, 343 otic, 47 seminal, 219 Vesicular follicles, 216 Vestibular anlage, 385 ganglia, 358 glands, 228 membrane, 387 Vestibule, 221 Villi, anchoring, 238 of chorion, 73, 74, 233, 237 of intestine, 1 74 origin of, 74 Viscera, lateral dissections, 140 pig, dissections of, 93 Visceral ganglia, 358 mixed nerves, 361 pleura, 170 Vitelline arteries, 47, 59, 64, 88, 101, 124, 260, 261, 262 | Vitelline arteries, chick, 44 circulation, 48 duct, 161 membrane, 7 veins, 51, 64, 88, 100, 126, 183, 259, 261, 268 chick, 41, 42, 43 left, 100 right, ioo Vitello-umbilical trunk, 88, 259 Vitreous body of eye, 380 Vocal cords, 167 Vomer, 314 Vomero-nasal organ, 358, 374 WHITE blood corpuscles, 245. See also Leuco- cytes. commissure, 325 fibrous connective tissue, 284 rami, 366 Whole embryos for study, 139 Winslow's foramen, 137, 191 Wirsung, duct of, 180 Witch milk, 297 Wolffian ducts, 85, 99 XIPHOID process, 311 cleft, 316 YELLOW bone marrow, 290 Yolk, 7 sac, 67, 68, 69, 70, 79 stalk, 67, 68, 79, 81, 122, 161, 173 ZONA pellucida, 7 Zone, ependymal, 301 marginal, 301 nuclear, 301 segmental, 66 Zonula ciliaris, 381 Zuckerkandl's bodies, 368 Zygomatic bone, 314 802 This book is DUE on the last date stamped below JAN 23 1930 SEP- * 0 OCT 10 (? DE KOV ! 5 «** JS 3 W35 JAN 2 11935 FEB4 JUN 1 7 1935 Form L-9-15m-ll,'27 MAY 1 6 mi DEC 2 1 1349 JAN 3 0 1954 |U ' g ftfC-Dc Bmoo OCT2"5 19 ocr- JUN18 OCT2419?3; 973 000429752 9 LIBRAR?