t^^^^Cco^ Co«-.X Cfc ea_ ^^ u.^ Pv^ UNITED STATES COAST GUARD OCEANOGRAPHIC REPORT No. 41 Woods !'o!9 Ocennographic ins'itution ATLAS - GAZcTTEEk COLLECTION CG 373-41 THE LABRADOR CURRENT BETWEEN HAMILTON INLET AND THE STRAIT OF BELLE ISLE July 1968 ! UNITED STATES COAST GUARD OCEANOGRAPHIC UNITED STATES COAST GUARD OCEANOGRAPHIC UNIT REPORT No. 41 CG 373-41 THE LABRADOR CURRENT BETWEEN HAMILTON INLET AND THE STRAIT OF BELLE ISLE July 1968 g^ By Henry S, Andersen ^^= ru ■ CD WASHINGTON, D.C. $ II >. I ABSTRACT In July and August 1968, the Coast Guard Oceanographic Unit conducted a cruise aboard the USCGC EVERGREEN to monitor the movements and deterioration of an iceberg and associated meteorological and oceanographic conditions. Only the results of the oceanographic observations are presented. Four oceano- graphic sections were occupied across the Labrador Current be- tween Hamilton Inlet and the Strait of Belle Isle. Analysis of the surface dynamic topography and selected isopycnal surfaces in- dicates strong topographic control of the currents in this area. The temperature distribution along the southernmost section suggests that the coldest component of the shelf band of the Labrador Current passed landward of the area under study, rein- forcing previously published information that the shelf band of the Labrador Current bifurcates east of Hamilton Inlet. Editor's note: Reference to a product or comment with respect to it in this publication does not indicate, or permit any person to hold out by republication in whole or in part or otherwise, that the product has been endorsed, authorized, or approved by the Coast Guard. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Title Page i Abstract >" Table of Contents - v List of Illustrations - — v Introduction - — 1 Data Collection and Processing 1 Interpretation of Results 1-3 References _ - 3 Illustrations - 4-25 Appendix A — Oceanographic Data . - 26-57 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Figure Page 1. Bathymetric chart of survey area in the western Labrador Sea between Strait of Belle Isle and Hamilton Inlet. Station positions are included 4 2. Sea surface dynamic topography relative to 600 decibars, 22-26 July 1968 5 3. Distribution of temperature upon the 26.50 crt surface, 22-26 July 1968 6 4. Depth of the 26.50 o-, surface, 22-26 July 1968 7 5. Distribution of temperature upon the 26.75 o-t surface, 22-26 July 1968 8 6. Depth of the 26.75 cr, surface, 22-26 July 1968 - 9 7. Distribution of temperature upon the 27.00 o-, surface, 22-26 July 1968 10 8. Depth of the 27.00 o-t surface, 22-26 July 1968 11 9. Distribution of temperature upon the 27.25 cr. surface, 22-26 July 1968 12 10. Depth of the 27.25 cr, surface, 22-26 July 1968 13 11. Temperature profile for section A, 22-23 July 1968 14 12. Salinity profile for section A, 22-23 July 1968 15 13. Temperature profile for section B, 24 July 1968 16 14. Salinity profile for section B, 24 July 1968 17 15. Temperature profile for section C, 25 July 1968 18 16. Salinity profile for section C, 25 July 1968 19 17. Temperature profile for section D, 26 July 1968 - - 20 18. Salinity profile for section D, 26 July 1968 21 19. Density (o-,) profile for section A, 22-23 July 1968 22 20. Density (o-t) profile for section B, 24 July 1968.-.. 23 21. Density (o-,) profile for section C, 25 July 1968 24 22. Density (o-t) profile for section D, 26 July 1968 25 The Labrador Current Between Hamilton Inlet and the Strait of Belle Isle July 1968 Henrv S. Aii1°C), more saline (>34.0%o) water, greater velocities, and a greater thick- ness. A chart of sea surface dynamic topography relative to 600 decibars was prepared for the survey area to estimate the component of mo- tion of the study iceberg resulting from ocean currents. Defant's method of estimating the level of no motion by comparing the differences in dynamic height between pairs of stations at varying pressures (Defant, 1961) was ap- plied to several of the deeper stations in the area surveyed, and 600 decibars was cho.sen as a reference level. The 600 decibar level al.so was a suitable compromise between the deeper levels previously used and shallower levels desired to reduce errors in the integration procedure in shallow waters. Defant (1961), on a chart of the entire Atlantic Ocean, presented a depth exceeding 1900 meters as a suitable reference level for the survey area. Previous work done by the Oceanographic Unit in the region utilized a reference level of 1500 decibars. In the area surveyed, the slope band of the Labrador Current appears on the chart of dynamic topography (fig. 2) as a concentra- tion of contours near the eastern ends of the occupied sections. The shelf band is exhibited most clearly by the presence of negative-tem- perature water centered at about 75 meters (figs. 11, 13, 15, and 17) and appears to be split into several bands. The trajectory of the iceberg under study was generally consistent with the dynamic topogra- phy of the sea surface relative to 600 decibars (fig. 2) until 4 August when it began moving westward again.st the geopotential gradient of an anticyclonic gyre. On 6 August the iceberg began moving northwestward against the cir- culation of the gyre. This seemingly anomalous motion probably is the result of a change in the wind observed at this time. The wind shifted from about 320° at approximately 7 knots to 170 at approximately 15 knots and continued to blow at this velocity for the next 28 hours. The final part of the trajectory up to 1900Z 9 August is difl^cult to explain in terms of the observed winds or dynamic topography. The relationship between this portion of the ice- berg's trajectory and the dynamic topography should be inferred with caution because this portion of the trajectory occurred midway be- tween two lines of stations (sections B and C) and two weeks after the completion of the oceanographic survey. Because of the complexity of the surface dy- namic topography and the uncertainty of the dynamic method in regions shallower than the reference level, an investigation of the region by i.sentropic analyses was conducted (figs. 3-10). It was recognized that in a compara- tively shallow region such as the study area, where vertical mixing probably is extensive, isentropic analysis is not an entirely suitable tool of investigation either, but the analysis was performed to see if it would corroborate the results attained by the dynamic method. Comparison of the variation of depth of the 27.00 0-, and 27.25 o-, surfaces (figs. 8 and 10) with the sea surface dynamic topography rela- tive to 600 decibars (fig. 2) indicates agreement in the basic features of the current regime. Although this agreement might be expected because the distribution of sea surface dynamic heights and the configuration of density sur- faces are both functions of the mass distribu- tion, it is still encouraging that such agreement was found in view of the approximations used to integrate the dynamic height along the shoaling sea bottom. The chart of dynamic topography (fig. 2) in- dicates a weak cyclonic gyre centered on the third station (station 10349) fi-om the western end of section C. That this gyre plays a more im- portant role in the circulation of the area than is apparent from its manifestation at the sea surface may be appreciated after examining the distribution of density along section C (fig. 21). A doming of the density surfaces, with its axis inclined to the west, arises out of a bathymetric depression centered on station 10350. The dome is associated with a cyclonic vortex whose speed of rotation below the pycnocline (located at about 20 meters) decreases with depth. The vortex appears to be a direct consequence of a depression in the shelf at 53°N 53.5°W (fig. 1), near .stations 10348-51 (figs. 15, 16, and 21). The bathymetric chart suggests that the sill depth is greater to the east of this depression north of section C. Vertical sections of temperature, salinity, and density through the bathymetric depression (figs. 15, 16, and 21) revealed an incursion into the depression of slope water that is warmer, more saline, and denser than the adjacent shelf water. From comparison with sections B and D, it may be inferred that the lens of warm, salty water in the depression is the result of an influx of slope water between sections B and C. Further evidence of the effect of the bathym- etry upon the circulation in this area is afforded by the zigzag near 53 °N 52 W of the slope com- ponent of the Labrador Current (figs. 2 and 10). This feature coincides with a northward pro- jecting spur in the bottom topography (fig. 1). The 27.25 o-, surface, which is 200 to 300 meters shallower than the bottom, possesses relief that is the approximate inverse of the bottom topog- raphy. As would be expected, the successively shallower cti surfaces (figs. 4, 6, and 8) exhibit a decreasing correlation with the bottom topog- raphy. The coldest water observed (-1.62°) occurred at stations 10370 and 10371 at the western end of section D (fig. 17). The absence of such ex- treme temperatures at the other more northern .sections suggests that the source of this cold water was a filament of the Labrador Current inshore of the sections occupied by USCGC EVERGREEN. Bullard, et al. (1961), mention a division of the Labrador Current by the shoal off Hamilton Inlet. The bottom topography (fig. 1) includes a rise (<100 fathoms) near 54° 45'N, 55°15'W which may be responsible for this division. REFERENCES Bullard, R. P., R. P. Dinsmore, A. P. Franceschetti, P. A. Morrill, and F. M. Soule (1961) Report of the International Ice Observation and Ice Patrol Service in the North Atlantic Ocean— Season of 1960, U.S. Treasury Department — Coast Guard Bulletin No. 46, 114 pp. Defant, A. (1961) Physical Oceanography, Perganion Press, /, 729 pp. Kollmeyer, R. C. (1967) Contribution to and effect of the Hudson Strait outflow on the Labrador Current. Oceanography of the Labrador Sea in the vicinity of Hudson Strait in 1965. U.S. Coast Guard Oceano- graphic Report No. 12, CG-373-12. Smith, E. H., F. M. Soule, and 0. Mosby (1937) The Marion and General Greene Expeditions to Davis Strait and Labrador Sea. Scientific results, part 2, physical oceanography, U.S. Treasury Department — Coast Guard Bulletin No. 19, 259 pp. UNESCO (1966) International oceanographic tables. UNESCO office of Oceanography, Paris, 118 pp. 51° 30" "•'-^^?^ J51° 30' 56 Figure 1. Balhvmelrir charl of -ur\<-y arrn in llic wcsH-rn l^braHor Sea b<>lween Strait of Bollr l^l<■ anil llaniillon Inlet, tiontour inlrrval i« 100 fiillionis to ii ilcplli of .'iOO fiithoni^ iind SOO fatholn^i thereafter. The chart is adapted from I .S. Naval Oreanographir (Uliie ohart^> B<;0583.3 I035S 10347 ^ W BELLE ISLE 10371 55' 54' 53' 52' 51' Figure 2. Sea surface dvnaniir topography (dynamic meters) relative to 600 decibars, 22-26 July 1968. Contour interval is 0.02 dynamic meters. Track line indicates trajectory of iceberg under study. 55' 1 r 4?- ■- HAMILTON • 10587 I ( / /• 10388 57' 56' 55" 54' 53' 52' 51' Figure 3. Dislribulion of Ifiiiprrntur)- (°»M I0S7I J L 54' 53' 52' 51' Figure 4, Depth (meters) of the 26.50 0*1 surface, 22-26 July 1968. Dashed line indicates intersection of the 26.50 (Xt surface with the sea surface. 55' 54' 53' 52' HAMILTON INLiT 1 \ I r rast4* lOM* tlOSST ts-^ d BELLE ISLE ^971* y>^^ J L • lOSM S7' 56" 55' 54- 53" 52" Figure 5. Distribution of temperature ("C) upon the 26.75 cTt surface, 22-26 July 1968. 51' 1 I I I i r lOSSS • ' I05U losn' ---■^-l^ 1 L 57' 56* 55* 54* 53* 52* Figure 6. Depth (meters) of the 26.73 cTt surface, 22-26 July 1968. sr 55' U-> HAMILTON If INIIT 1 r 10559 • 05t4 csri ^ .G y •^ V 57' S4' 55' i i 54» 53» 52» figure 7. Distribution of temperature ("C) upon the 27.00 o". surface, 22-26 July 1968. 51" 10 55" ^... HAMILTON X INLET I095S N — rau4 .^ d • * lOSM BELLE ISLE I0B7I ^vC^I^ 56- 55» 54" 53" 52" Figure 8. Depth (meters) of the 27.00 cTt surface, 22-26 July 1968. 51' 11 55' ^, 54' 53* 52* 1 r HAMIITON ^ INIET 1 r I055& 10324 10541 ^SV^ ^»tUI ISIE I0S7I J I 57- 56» 55» 54' 53« 52' Figure 9. Dislribulion of temperature (°C) upon the 27.25 cTt surface, 22-26 July 1968. 51' 12 55' ^ HAMILTON ^ 'NUT • 10559 K»t4 BELLE ISLE • t055T I05M I09TI 56" 55* 54* 53" 52' Figure 10. Depth (meters) of the 27.23 cTt surface, 22-26 July 1968. 51' 13 524 STATION NUMBER J25 326 327 328 '.29 350 551 552 555 S34 33S Figure 11. Temperature ("C) profile for seclion A, 22-23 Julv 1968. 14 STATION NUMtll >i» 100 200 z 400 NAUTICAL MILES soo 600 Figure 12. Salinitv (%.) profile for section A, 22-23 July 1968. 15 Figure 13. Temperature (°C) profile for section B, 24 July 1968. 16 STATION NUMBER 33S Figure 14. Salinily (%,) profile for section B, 24 July 1968. 17 • 00 Figure 15. Tcmperalure ("C) profile for geclion C, 25 July 1968. 18 347 100 200 * 300 400 500 STATION NUMBER 348 349 350 3SI 362 353 • • • T-320, 394 39S 356 357 • 00 NAUTICAL MILES Figure 16. Salinity (%.) profile for section C, 25 July 1968. 19 m KX) zoo 5. soo 400 soo •00 Figure 17. Temperature (°C) profile for section D, 26 July 1968. 20 J7I 370 369 368 32.5 200 * 300 'X a SCO 600 Figure 18. Salinity (%,) profile for section D, 26 July 1968. 21 STATION NUMBO !;>» J JC JJ JJi 533 sss Figure 19. Density (o-,) profile for seelion A, 22-23 July 1968. Contour interval is 0.25 for valuer up to 27.25 and 0.10 for values fn'ealer llinn 27.40. 22 Figure 20. Density (cr() profile for section B, 24 July 1968. Contour interval is 0.25 for values up to 27.25 and 0.10 for values greater than 27.40. 23 STATION NUMBER 3*» S4« 352 353 3S4 393 396 .265 •27 0 :2725 •27.4 • 27 9 6 0") Figure 21. Density (cTt) profile for section C, 25 July 1968. Contour interval is 0.25 for values up to 27.25 and 0.10 for values greater than 27.40. 24 STATION NUMBER 100 200 300 400 !>00 . .<0 L. Figure 22. Density (cTi) profile for section D, 26 July 1968. Contour interval is 0.25 for values up to 27.25 and 0.10 for values greater than 27.40. 25 APPENDIX A OCEANOGRAPHIC DATA A complete description of the codes utilized in the tabulation of oceanographic station data can be found in National Oceanographic Data Center publication M-2, Processing Physical and Chemical Data from Oceanographic Stations. (Rev. August 1964, supplement issued May 1966.) To facilitate use of the oceanographic station data listing, entry headings which are not self-explanatory are described below. Depth to Bottom . Corrected or uncorrected sounding in meters. Max. Depth of Samples Depth of deepest sample to nearest multiple of one hundred meters. Wave observations: DIR Round to nearest multiple of ten degrees. HGT In increments of Vi m. Sum of 5 meters plus increments of % m if 50 is added to direction. PER If numerals 2 through 9 are entered, period in seconds is twice the numeric entry or 2x (numeric entry) -f 1. For other entries see WMO Code 3155. SEA Sea state according to WMO Code 3700. Weather Code — _ If preceded by X, weather according to WMO Code 4501. If a two-digit entry, weather according to WMO Code 4677. Cloud Code: Type Cloud type according to WMO Code 0500. Amount Cloud amount in eights. Entry of the numeral 9 indicates cloud amount could not be estimated. Water: Color Code Color according to Forel-Ule scale. Trans Transparency in whole meters as determined by Secchi disc. Wind: Dir. Rounded to nearest multiple of ten degrees. Speed or Force If preceded by letter S, wind speed in knots, if preceded by letter F, wind force according to Beaufort scale. Barometer Barometric pressure given in tens, units and tenths of millibars. Air Temp. °C _ Air temperature to tenths of a degree centigrade. Vis. Code Visibility according to WMO Code 4300. No obs. depths Number of observed levels associated with the station. Messenger time _ Entered in hours and tenths of an hour GMT. For Nansen casts, indicates time of release of messenger applicable to the observational level. For STD casts, indicates the starting time of lowering the sensor. Card type OBS designates observed levels. STD indicates the values at this standard level were interpolated by a modified 3-point LaGrange formula. Depth (m) _ Depth to nearest meter. A postscript T indicates depth was obtained thermometrically; S indicates uncorrected "wire out" depth. Postscript Q indicates value was marked doubtful by originator; P indicates value was considered doubtful by NODC. Postscripts P and Q retain this meaning throughout the following entries. T °C Temperature to hundredths of a degree Centigrade. S %o Salinity in parts-per-thousand. SIGMA-T Entered to hundredths. Specific-volume Anomaly — X 10' Multiply entry by 10-" to obtain specific-volume anomaly in cubic centimeters per gram. 2 AD Dyn. M x 10^ Multiply entry by 10-^ to obtain anomaly of dynamic height in dynamic meters refer- enced to the sea surface. Sound Velocity Sound velocity according to Wilson's formula entered to tenths of a meter per second. O2 ml/1 Dissolved oxygen in milliliters per liter entered to hundredths. PO^-P /ig-at/1 — Inorganic phosphate in microgram-atoms per liter entered to hundredths. Total-P ^g-at/1 Total phosphorus in microgram-atoms per liter entered to hundredths. NO2-N ^g-at/1 Nitrite-nitrogen in microgram-atoms per liter entered to hundredths. NO3-N ^g-at/I Nitrate-nitrogen in microgram-atoms per liter entered to tenths. SiO^-Si /ig-at/1 Silicate-silicon in microgram-atoms per liter entered to whole units. pH Entered to hundredths. 26 Table 1. Observed and interpolated data for stations taken by USCGC EVERGREEN from 22 to 26 July during the 1968 International Ice Patrol. The data listings were prepared from NODC listing No. 31-1260. 311260 SHIP cool EV LATnUDI l/IO »«134N LONCITUOt 0»4»6»W a 186 44 MO DAy m.1/10 07 22 224 1968 09 SOS OUCINATOrS IIP • AIO. MITII UHbtl 230 10324 AM IIMP. X 117 0174 094 9 09 < AO OTN. M. X lO' 34 SOUND viLOcm XI 0001 STD 0000 0656 3206 2518 0027929 0000 14734 224 OBS 0000 0656 32056 2518 1473* STD 0010 0*92 3219 2548 0025125 00 27 14671 224 OBS 0010 0492 32185 2548 14671 STO 0020 0465 3222 2553 002459* 0051 14662 224 OBS 0020 0465 32220 2553 14662 STD 0030 0099 3269 2622 0018107 0073 1*511 224 OBS 0030 0099 32693 2622 1*511 STO 0050 -0127 3321 2673 0013206 010* 1*417 224 OBS 0050 -0127 33205 2673 1**17 STD 0075 -0143 3338 2687 0011826 0135 1**16 224 OBS 0075 -0143 33377 2687 14*16 STD 0100 -0136 3350 2697 0010857 016* 1**25 224 OBS 0100 -0136 33504 2697 14*25 STD 0125 -0131 3357 2703 0010352 0190 1**33 STD 0150 -0078 3375 2715 0009193 0215 1**64 224 OBS 0150 -0078 33745 2715 1**6* 224 OBS 0160 -0043 33841 2721 1**83 NO)-N ltO>«t/l NOi-M ] KEFEIENCE SHir CODE ii M/ttSDEN STATION TIME ORtC IN ATOM'S DEPTH MAX. WAVE WEA- THER coot CLOUD CODES NODC iCirr ID. NO. LATnuOE 1/10 * •l/IO CRUISE NO. STATION NUMIER BOTTOM OF S-MPL'S 0>St".'*Mvr,, 10* 1 r MO DAY H(t.l/10 OJL HCf Ml t(A ItM AWl r,. IPftO FV 54207N 05442 W 186 U^l 07 23 007 1968 MP 10325 0192 02 34 2 3 XI 0 2 0002 WA'-R WIND • ARO- METEK lmb»l Aia TEMP. X. VIS. COD NO. OBS. DEATHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS CnLOR CODE 1«ANS. DHL into 01 »OtCt OUT auLi Wi, BUL> 12 S06 230 078 061 8 09 MIHINOllcAjT H> l/IO 1 CAtD DEPTH In) T -C s •''.. SIGMA-T mcinc VOI.UMI ANOMAL'-IIO' SAD DTN. M. t 10' SOUND VtlOCITV Oj mI/1 P04-P «■ • Bl/I tOTAl-f Pt ■ .i/1 NOj-N BB-ot/l NOi-N ..S - 0./I StO*-Si Its . oi/l pH c c 1 1 STD 0000 0515 3210 2538 002603* 0000 1*578 007 OBS 0000 0515 32095 2538 1*578 STO 0010 038* 3212 2553 002*587 0025 1*625 007 OBS 0010 038* 32117 2553 1*625 STD 0020 0281 3225 2573 0022727 00*9 14584 007 OBS 0020 0281 32248 2573 14584 STD 0030 0028 3261 2619 0018355 0070 1*478 007 OBS 0039 -0113 32856 264* 14*17 STD 0050 -0128 3300 2656 001*775 0103 1**14 007 OBS 0059 -013* 33096 266* 1**14 007 OBS 00 7* -013* 33186 2672 1**18 STO 0075 -013* 3319 2572 0013285 0138 1**18 007 OBS 0098 -0131 33319 2682 14*25 STD 0100 -0131 3333 2683 0012205 0170 14425 STD 0125 -0129 33*3 2591 0011*29 0199 14432 007 OBS 0148 -0128 3356* 2702 1**38 STO 0150 -0125 3358 2703 0010280 0226 14**0 007 OBS 0177 -0058 33779 2717 1**79 27 1 IMIUKCI >M1» COOl u M/tlOfN STATIOM TIM( otaciNAion OfPTH WAL OIMM or WAV! W|A. TMit COOf CLOUD COOIS •.VS. lO. MO. lAtnuDl 1/11 lOMCnuoi |ij ciurti HO. ITATION NUMUa 10 ■OTTOM ilAlON NUWIII ■ H 11' f VT OAT Ml.l/1. oa. [HCtntf It* "H «M 1 311260 EV i4285N 0S42T5W IM ** 07 23 01<> 1968 IIP 10326 0234 02 34 2I3I XI 3 2 0003 WA^'I WMD UK- AM Tiwr T lolriHi iHCIAL OKllVAnOHl COIM coot TbUiL oa. miD • OKI OtY lULI wn lull 12 so« 227 072 061 8 10 HI 1/1* ] C*iO TTM OCPTM tal T X I •/.. IICMA.I J AO OTN. M. I Iftl SOUND VIlOCrtT Oj-l/l n,-r lOTAi-r MOj-N »0,-" »0,-l. • H 1 C c 1 STD 0000 0378 3075 2446 0034821 0000 14602 01* OSS 0000 0378 30754 2446 14602 STD 0010 0297 3078 2455 0033943 0034 14569 ou DBS 0010 0297 30783 2455 14569 STO 0020 0174 3116 2494 0030207 0066 14522 014 OBS 0020 0174 31162 2494 14522 014 OBS 0025 -0032 32450 2609 14447 STO 00 30 -0081 3262 2624 0017846 0090 14427 014 OBS 0036 -0124 32781 2639 14410 STO 0050 -0150 3295 2653 0015101 0123 14403 014 OBS 0051 -0151 32956 2653 14403 STD 0075 -0136 3312 2666 0013817 0160 14416 014 OBS 0076 -0135 33128 2667 14417 STD 0100 -0135 3323 2675 0012959 0193 14422 014 OBS 0102 -0135 33240 2676 14423 STD 0125 -0131 3336 2686 0011960 0224 14430 STD 0150 -0122 3348 2695 0011055 0253 14440 014 OBS 0152 -0121 33485 2695 14441 STO 0200 -0092 3364 2707 0009917 0305 14465 014 OBS T0207 -0087 33662 2709 14468 1 UMMNCI jMir COOl 1^ ■«/«D!N '.tATION TIME OBCiNAtort DEfTH oeum Of wave WIA- TMll CODE ClOUO CODfi 1 HOOC iCItt to. HO. 1/11 ■ 1/10 ClUUf HO. ITATlON NUMIII TO •onoM ITATOH NUMlIt 10' r V) OAT Hl.I/10 DM. hc m tu »»n *M I3 1260 EV 54352N 05412ew 186 44 07 23 030 1968 IIP 10327 0241 02 34 2 3 XI 4 2 0004 w.-i WIND lAtO- METII Att TEMf. r VTV COO NO. CIS. 0(»TMI iricui oisiivAnoHS COLOI CODE ItA-l. on. mio ot »0»CI OfT lULI WEI lULI 13 S04 227 072 056 8 09 HI 1/11 1 r MO OIMH Kl I t ! •/.. SICMA-T tHC'»«C vCKUMi *».OM*H_|l|' 3^0 OTN. M. SOU HO viLOcrrr Oj ol/l NO,-N MOl-H II o.-t M-WI »H 1 C c 1 STO 0000 0357 3088 2*58 0033705 OOOO 14595 030 OBS 0000 0357 30878 2458 14595 STO 0010 0286 3106 2478 0031737 00 33 14568 030 OBS 0010 0286 31063 2478 14568 030 OBS 0017 0330 31617 2519 14596 STD 0020 0181 3169 2536 0026238 0062 14532 030 OBS 0026 -0053 31873 2563 14*29 STD 0030 -0066 3210 2582 0021881 0086 14427 STO 0050 -0122 3303 2659 0014532 0122 14417 030 OBS 0050 -0122 33034 2659 14417 STD 0075 -0122 3317 2670 0013475 0157 14423 STO 0100 -0121 3330 2680 0012466 0190 14430 STO 0125 -0120 3344 2692 0011381 0219 14436 030 OBS 0143 -0120 33545 2700 14441 STO 0150 -0119 3359 2703 0010255 0246 14443 STD 0200 0003 3388 2722 0008535 0293 14512 030 OBS 0201 0007 33885 2722 14514 030 OBS 0210 0051 34045 2733 1*538 030 OBS T0224 0371 34708 2761 14689 28 i W3 I &*T >«l.t/1t m »3!07 23 IO»* 1966 1 llH 1032S CM lHiS03 220 *■ TiMP. r 072 061 026S 12 Jli 3»ll I 3 XI I *l; 000 si I II' SOUND vuocm t01*i-» ••Or-** NOl-N tl04-fc STD 0000 0*06 3051 2*2* 0036933 0000 1*611 0«« OBS 0000 0*06 30507 2*2* 1*611 0** OBS 000* 0351 30*69 2*26 1*587 STO OOIO 027* 3051 2*35 0035839 00 36 1*556 0** OBS 0013 0226 30718 2*55 1*538 STD 0020 0060 3209 2575 0022*93 0066 1**83 0** OBS 002* -0008 3255* 2616 1**59 STO 0030 -0072 3278 2637 0C16651 0085 1*4 3* 0*4 OBS 0031 -0081 32809 2639 1**30 0*« OBS 00*0 -01*7 32931 2651 1**02 STD OOiO -01*5 3301 2658 001*65* Oil6 1**06 STO 0075 -0139 3319 2672 0013271 0151 1**16 0*« OBS 0099 -0133 3333* 268* 1**2* STD 0100 -0125 3 33* 268* 00121*7 0183 1**28 STO 0125 00*1 3 3** 2685 0012088 0^13 1*511 0** OBS 01*6 0115 3353* 2688 1*5*9 STD 0150 0115 335* 2689 0011771 02*3 1*550 0** OBS 0179 0095 336*7 2698 1*5*7 0*A OBS 0198 0059 33722 2707 1*535 STD 0200 0039 3373 2708 0009865 0297 1*526 04* OBS 0213 0003 33869 2721 1*51* 0** OBS 0228 0170 3*296 27*5 1*597 LATTTUW I lO»»CnTjDI g^; 311260 EV 5449SN 053423« j:,t '. 3*' Ht.V It 0£n>< TO WTTOM 1861*3 07 23 1082 1968 IIP 10329 08:S05 210 072 I 058 2^10 MUO. DCrrn! WAVl wtA- OtSltVAlONS TMEI I cere* JIA. -il, 1I2I I xil NODC ITATIOM %I2 I 0006) 13 — - , "li" SAD SOUND viiocm tOi-s KOj-K I SiOa-S> STO 0000 03*6 31*1 2501 0029620 0000 1*597 082 OBS 0000 03*6 31*06 2501 1*597 STD 0010 00*7 3229 2592 0020912 0025 1**78 082 OBS 0010 00*7 32289 2592 1**78 STO 0020 -01** 3281 26*2 0016190 00** 1*399 082 OBS 0020 -01** 32813 26*2 1*399 STD 0030 -01*3 3295 2653 0015133 0059 1**03 082 OBS 00*1 -01*2 33075 2663 1**07 STO 0050 -01*1 331* 2668 0013666 00 88 1**10 082 OBS 0070 -0135 33287 2680 1**18 STO 0075 -0131 3332 2682 0012328 0121 1**21 STD 0100 -0111 33*6 2693 0011267 0150 1**37 STD 0125 -0090 3361 270*. 0010218 0177 1**53 082 OBS 01*0 -0078 33693 2711 1**62 082 OBS 01*5 -0033 33802 2718 1**85 STD 0150 00 25 3383 2717 0009070 0201 1*513 082 OBS 0150 0025 33825 2717 1*513 082 OBS 0160 0000 33855 2720 1*503 STO 0200 0109 3*18 27*0 0005889 02*1 1*56* 082 OBS T0203 0119 3*200 27*1 1*569 STD 0250 0312 3*59 2757 0005*62 0272 1*667 082 OBS 0260 033* 3*656 2760 1*679 082 OBS T0276 0355 3*738 2765 1*692 STD 0300 0358 3*83 2772 000*1*9 0296 1*698 082 OBS T0386 0368 3*866 2773 1*717 29 [ MUM CTt?J rocM 1311 IMtf COOI LAmuoi 1/11 LOMcnuoi 311260 EV 34525N 05336 W i W3 OAT Ht.VtC 1 B6|43.07|23 Il02 Il96a| IlH 10330 01 • OtCI S02 •AtO* MtTII 089 078 0("H to lOTTOM 0600 05 11 1 12 h W(A- THU CODI XI %l2 NOOC STATION NUMlll 00071 9^0 DTH. M. 1 l(P lOUND viioctn NOl-N NO]-N STO 0000 0*08 3176 2523 0027*95 0000 1*628 li)2 0B5 0000 0*08 31760 2523 1*628 STO 0010 029* 320* 2555 002**31 0026 1*585 102 CBS 0010 029* 32036 2555 1*585 STD 0020 -0037 3293 26*8 0015638 00*6 1**50 102 OBS 0025 -012* 33203 2673 1**1* STO 0030 -0123 3330 2680 0012501 0060 1**17 102 OBS 0037 -0122 33*15 2690 1**20 102 OBS OOltA -00 79 33515 2696 1***3 STD 0050 -0087 3355 2700 0010692 0083 1***1 102 OBS 0074 -0095 33678 2710 1***3 STD 0075 -009* 3368 2710 0009661 0109 1**** 102 OBS 0098 -0065 33761 2716 1**62 STD 0100 -0062 3377 2716 0009086 0132 1**6* STO 0125 -0008 3393 2727 0008103 0l5* 1**95 STD 0150 0077 3*12 2737 0007131 0173 1*5*1 102 OBS 0157 0106 3*176 27*0 1*555 102 OBS 0183 0235 3**21 2750 1*620 102 OBS 019* 0188 3*398 2752 1*601 STD 0200 0213 3*«* 2753 0005695 0205 1*61* 102 OBS 0210 0250 3*515 2756 1*632 STD 0250 0332 3*73 2766 000*602 0230 1*677 102 OBS 0259 03*6 3*766 2768 1*685 STD 0300 035* 3*82 2771 000*186 0252 1*696 102 OBS T0392 0366 3*889 2775 1*717 STO 0*00 0366 3*89 2775 0003880 0293 1*719 STD 0500 0366 3*90 2776 0003916 0332 1*735 102 OBS T0550 0365 3*898 2776 1*7*3 cml loT h SHIP COOf tAtnuDE 1/tO LONCrTUOf ' 'I/IO li ''*** CI U is (I owciNATors i6^Wl| tl* W(A- THU CODI 3112601 EV 54558N 033276W 186 U3 07 23 115 1968 IIPJ 10331 113<» 17 1N(D 01 fOICI 210 072 NO. CIS. DtPTHS 13 11 2|3| XO 0008 3 A 0 OTN. U. I ID> SOUND VUOCITt SJO«-ti v|*ai/1 STD 0000 0**8 3230 2562 0023815 oooo 1*652 lis OBS 0000 0**8 32299 2562 1*652 STO 0010 0359 3263 2597 0020*61 0022 1*621 115 OBS 0010 0359 3263* 2597 1*621 STD 0020 0250 3309 26*3 0016089 00*0 1*582 115 OBS 0020 0250 33093 26*3 1*582 STD 0030 0059 336* 2700 0010711 00 5* 1*506 115 OBS 0030 0059 33635 2700 1*506 STD 0050 0163 3*02 2723 0008*67 0073 1*561 115 OBS 0050 0163 3*016 2723 1*561 115 OBS 007* 00 82 3*080 273* 1*530 STO 0075 00 8* 3*09 2735 0007395 0093 1*531 115 OBS 0099 0125 3*226 27*3 1*555 STD 0100 0128 3*23 27*3 0006618 Olio 1*557 STD 0125 0192 3*35 27*8 0006177 0126 1*591 115 OBS 01*9 02** 3**61 2753 1*619 STO 0150 02*5 3**7 2753 0005706 01*1 1*620 STD 0200 0303 3*65 2762 000*891 0168 1*656 STD 0250 03*3 3*78 2769 000*33* 0191 1*683 119 OBS 0297 0366 3*852 2773 1*701 STD 0300 0366 3*85 2773 000*068 0212 1*702 115 OBS 0 396 0365 3*86* 277* 1*717 STD 0*00 0365 3*86 277* 000*056 0252 1*718 STD 0500 036* 3*87 277* 000*096 0293 1*73* 115 OBS T0595 0363 3*87* 2775 1*750 STD 0600 0363 3*87 277* 000*16* 033* 1*750 STO 0700 0360 3*87 2775 000*217 0376 1*766 115 OBS 079*. 0359 3*868 277* 1*781 STD 0800 0359 3*87 2775 000*292 0*19 1*782 STD 0900 0361 3*87 277* 000*399 0*62 1*799 115 OBS T09»* 0362 3*878 2775 1*807 30 ■ SHIf CODI 311260 EV LONCriUDE 54&82N 0S32O3W li MllllMCl Lr TIMI W I MB 1/10 T STATION TIMt 1*6 ±107 23 139 1966 MP 10332 OUCINATorS into 01 lOICI 17 S06 203 083 15 SAO OYN. M. U26 Ih 16 2 |3 XI 31 2 0009 NOj-N It04-Si VS • «i/l STD 0000 040* 3271 2576 0022451 0000 14722 139 OBS 0000 0604 32705 2576 14722 STO 0010 0463 3290 2608 0019437 0021 14668 139 OBS 0010 0463 32902 2608 14668 STO 0020 0167 3354 2585 0012097 0037 14551 139 OBS 0026 00 36 33880 2721 14498 STD 0030 0042 3390 2722 0008600 0047 14602 139 OBS 00*7 0098 34052 2731 14532 STO 0050 0113 3408 2732 0007648 0063 14540 139 OBS 0070 0192 3*252 2740 14580 STD 0075 0202 3429 2742 0006686 0081 14586 STD 0100 0253 3447 2753 0005744 0097 1*615 139 OBS 0100 0253 34470 2753 14615 STD 0125 0320 3465 2761 0004993 OHO 14651 STD 0150 0362 3477 2767 0004481 0122 14674 139 OBS 0150 0 362 34774 2767 14674 STO 0200 0368 3484 2771 0004112 0144 1*686 139 OBS 0200 0368 34837 2771 1*686 STD 0250 0365 3485 2772 0004029 0164 14693 STD 0300 0363 3487 2774 0003940 0184 14701 139 OBS 0300 0363 34865 2774 14701 STD COO 0362 3487 2775 0003958 0223 14717 139 OBS 0400 0362 34873 2775 14717 STD 0500 0362 3487 2775 0004032 0263 14733 STD 0600 0361 3487 2775 0004113 0304 .14760 139 OBS 0600 0361 34874 2775 14750 STD 0700 0361 3488 2775 0004164 0345 1*766 STD 0800 0361 3488 2775 0004239 0387 1*783 139 OBS T0802 0361 34882 2775 1*783 STD 0900 0350 3487 2776 0004272 0430 1*795 STD 1000 0347 3486 2775 0004362 0473 1*810 139 OBS 1000 0347 34664 2775 14610 STO 1100 0356 3488 2776 0004429 0517 14831 STO 1200 0365 3490 2776 0004470 0561 14852 139 OBS T120'. 0365 34901 2776 14852 STD 1300 0365 3491 2777 0004479 0606 14868 139 OBS T1388 0364 34919 2778 14883 31 IHIP COOl 3112601 EV LATnUOE l/IO 55009N lONGIIUOl i STATION TIMr WO DAT Mt.l/10 186 53 07 23 165 1968 IIP 10333 miD ot (OICI Sll ■A>0- METII Inbll 072 OI"H to MTTOM 13 2030 13 34 1 \2 w WIA- THE> CODE XI 3l 5 NOOC STATION NUMllI ooiol fl _ SAD OfN. M. 1 10' SOUND viiocrTT IOT»l-» •I • .'/I NOj-N H| - al/l NO)-N SIO«-S' lig . •t/l STO 0000 0660 3313 2602 0019939 0000 1*750 165 OBS 0000 0660 33131 2602 1*750 STD 0010 0632 3356 26*0 0016393 0018 1*7*6 165 08S 0010 0632 33561 26*0 1*7*6 STD 0020 0267 3*05 2718 0009009 00 31 1*602 165 OBS 0020 0267 3*0*7 2718 1*602 STO 0030 0291 3**1 27*5 0006*68 0039 1*619 165 OBS 0030 0291 3**11 27*5 1*619 STO 0050 02*2 3*** 2751 0005868 0051 1*602 165 OBS 0050 02»2 3**38 2751 1*602 STO 0075 0306 3*61 2759 0005130 0065 1*636 165 OBS 0099 0351 3*732 276* 1*661 STD 0100 0351 3*73 2765 000*6*1 00 77 1*661 STD 0125 0356 3*76 2766 000**79 0086 1*668 STD 0150 0361 3*80 2768 000*316 0099 1*67* 165 OBS 0198 0371 3*85* 2772 1*687 STD 0200 0371 3*«5 2772 000*013 0120 1*687 STO 0250 0366 3*86 2773 0003976 01*0 1*69* STD 0300 0365 3*87 277* 0003939 0160 1*702 165 OBS T0302 0365 3*668 277* 1*702 165 OBS T039e 036* 3*876 2775 1*717 STO 0400 036* 3*86 2775 0003956 0199 1*718 STD 0500 0362 3*68 2775 000*007 0239 1*733 165 OBS 0595 0360 3*680 2775 1*7*8 STO 0600 0360 3*86 2775 000*057 0279 1*7*9 STO 0700 0360 3*88 2775 000*128 0320 1*766 STO 0800 0359 3*88 2776 000*187 0362 1*782 165 OBS 0800 0359 3*68* 2776 1*782 STO 0900 0357 3*89 2776 000*198 O'tO* 1*798 STD 1000 035* 3*89 2777 000*253 0**6 1*613 165 OBS 10*3 0353 3*896 2777 1*820 STD 1100 035* 3*90 2777 000*271 0*89 1*830 STD 1200 0357 3*90 2778 000*350 0532 1*8*6 STD 1300 0359 3*91 2778 000**29 0576 1*666 165 OBS T1312 0359 3*908 2778 1*668 32 COI 13 311260 EV SHIP COO I LATITUDI ' 1/10 55107N lohghuoe ' '1/10 052532W 8 186 52 07 23 187 1966 IIP 1033A 17 tnio tOICI SIO 159 Alt MMf. T 122 100 2752 DK. MCVUl WIA- TH(I CODl - 16 XI 3l6 NODC STATION NUMIII 0011 NOj-N wg - oi/l tl04-I< Vfl - «i/l STO 0000 067Z 3381 2654 0015041 0000 14764 187 OBS 0000 0672 33807 2654 14764 STO 0010 0606 3410 2686 0012048 0014 1*743 STD 0020 OS** 3434 2712 0009535 0024 14723 187 OBS 0025 051* 34437 2723 14713 STO 0030 0*77 3450 2733 0007602 0033 1*699 STO 0050 0380 3469 2758 0005229 0046 14564 187 OBS 0050 0380 34685 2758 1466* STD 0075 0371 3476 2765 0004592 0058 1*566 187 OBS 0075 0371 34762 2765 1*566 STO 0100 0370 3483 2770 0004087 0069 1*670 187 OBS 0100 0370 34831 2770 1*670 STD 0125 0357 3484 2771 0004012 00 79 1*573 187 OBS 0149 0355 34853 2773 1*676 STD 0150 0365 3485 2773 0003917 0089 1*677 187 OBS 0199 0367 34863 2773 1*686 STO 0200 0367 3486 2773 0003907 0108 1*586 STO 0250 0367 348 7 2774 0003914 0128 1*69* 187 OBS 0299 0367 34873 2774 1*702 STO 0300 0367 3467 2774 0003921 0148 1*702 187 OBS 0398 0369 34881 2775 1*720 STO 0*00 0359 3488 2775 0003971 0187 1*720 STD 0500 0364 3488 2775 0003999 0227 14734 STD 0500 0351 3488 2775 0004053 0257 14750 187 OBS T0500 0361 34882 2775 14750 STD 0700 0360 3488 2775 0004128 0308 14765 187 OBS T0796 0359 34881 2775 14781 STD 0800 0359 3488 2775 0004210 0350 14782 STO 0900 0352 3489 2776 0004253 0392 14800 STD 1000 0365 3490 2777 0004298 0435 14818 187 OBS T1003 0365 34901 2776 14819 STO 1100 0355 3491 2777 0004317 0*78 1*835 187 OBS 1196 0364 34922 2778 14851 STO 1200 0364 3492 2778 00043C1 0521 14852 STD 1300 0361 3492 2779 0004332 0564 14857 STD litOO 0356 3493 2779 0004337 0608 14882 STO 1500 0350 3493 2780 0004325 0651 14895 187 OBS T1595 0342 34930 2781 14909 33 UfUINCf IMlf COOl ii M#.I10IN STATION nMi ODCINATorS DIPtH MAI. WAVE WEA- THER COOl ClOUD CODES NODC cm 10. no. LATnUOt 1/10 ■ -1/10 CIUIII HO. ITATtON NUMIil WTTOM OF I'M PI'S STATION NUWIII ID- )■ WO DAT HH/lO Da. MC «■ H» r»n *M 311260 EV 55184M 03237«W 186 52 07 23 208 1968 IIP 10335 3091 16 12 1 2 XI ^ 7 0012 WAT't WIND lAlO* MflEI AS UMr. X "*" DtPTMS SrfCLAL OISCIVATIONS COLOI COOl ItAML on. 01 'OICI ow lULI wit ■ULI 16 SU 159 106 089 8 l** Ml 1/18 1 C»10 ITU otm hi T X » •'.. IICMA-T S ^0 DTH. M. I I0» SOUND vtiocin Ojnl/) ro.-r tOT*l-» NOj-H NOi-N ,.1 ■ ot/t SI04-Si PH 1 C 1 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 ( 208 208 STO 0000 065't 3346 2629 0017376 0000 14752 OBS 0000 065't 33464 2629 14752 STD 0010 0581 3394 2676 0012947 0015 14731 STD 0020 0520 3428 2710 0009713 0026 14712 OBS 0025 0*94 34395 2722 14704 STD 0030 0474 3441 2726 0008276 0035 14696 STD 0050 0408 3445 2736 0007265 0051 14673 OBS 0050 0408 34452 2736 14673 STD 0075 0356 3470 2761 0004941 00 66 14659 OBS 0075 0358 34699 2761 14659 STD 0100 0369 3477 2766 0004528 00 78 14669 OBS 0100 0369 34771 2766 14669 STD 0125 0365 3481 2769 0004218 0089 14672 STD 0150 0364 3483 2771 0004050 0099 14676 OBS 0150 0 364 34834 2771 14676 STD 0200 0368 3486 2773 0003909 0119 14686 OBS 0200 0368 34864 2773 14686 STO 0250 0368 3487 2774 0003904 0139 14694 STD 0300 0367 3487 2774 0003943 0158 14702 OBS 0302 0367 34871 2774 14703 OBS 0399 0365 34874 2774 14718 STD 0400 0365 3487 2774 0003981 0196 14718 STD 0500 0364 3488 2775 0004036 0238 14734 STD 0600 0363 3488 2775 0004097 0279 14750 OBS T0600 0363 34879 2775 14760 STD 0700 0 364 3488 2775 0004182 0320 14767 OBS T0796 0364 34885 2775 14784 STD 0800 0364 3488 2775 0004271 0362 14784 STD 0900 0360 3488 2775 0004306 0405 14799 STD 1000 0355 3488 2776 0004338 0449 1*814 OBS T1002 0355 34878 2776 14814 STD 1100 0361 3490 2777 0004343 0492 14633 OBS 1197 0365 34910 2777 14861 STD 1200 0365 3491 2777 0004400 0536 14852 STO 1300 0362 3492 2778 0004408 0580 14868 STD I'tOO 0360 3492 2779 0004415 0624 14883 STD 1500 0357 3493 2779 0004421 0668 14899 OBS T1597 0355 34934 2780 14916 34 - SMir coot 311260 LATITUDE 1/10 lONCITUOt ' 'l/IO n 186 MlllWOllcASI "*" «; NO. HI VIO 42 07 2h 036 01 fOICI S20 IP 10336 All UMP. r 072 072 DI'TM 10 lOTTOM 2613 1* IAD OVN. M. 1 l(l> 16 15 2 3 WfA> THII COD( X2 5l8l NODC STATION NUMII* 0013 SOUND VKOCITT ' STD 0000 0672 3360 2653 0015106 0000 14764 0 36 OBS 0000 0672 33796 2653 14764 STD 0010 0639 3390 2666 0013946 0015 14754 STD 0020 0593 3404 2663 0012354 0028 14739 0 36 OBS 0025 0566 34113 2592 14729 STD 0030 0516 3424 2708 0009979 0039 14712 STO 0050 0381 3461 2752 0005810 0055 14664 0 36 OBS 0051 0377 34621 2753 14662 STD 0075 0363 3479 2768 0004301 0067 14662 036 OBS 0076 0362 34792 2768 14662 STD 0100 0366 3483 2771 0004067 00 78 14668 0 36 OBS 0101 0365 34828 2771 14568 STO 0125 0365 3485 2772 0003942 0086 14672 STO 0150 036* 3487 2774 0003817 0097 14675 036 OBS 0152 036* 34667 2774 14677 STD 0200 0365 3487 2774 0003833 0117 14665 036 OBS 0203 0365 34873 2774 14685 STD 0250 0365 3487 2774 0003849 0136 14693 STO 0300 0365 3488 2775 0003878 0155 14702 0 36 OBS T0305 0365 3477P 2756P STD 0*00 0364 3488 2775 0003935 0194 14718 036 OBS 0*0't 0364 34879 2775 14718 STO 0500 0363 3488 2775 0004004 0234 14734 STD 0600 0362 3488 2775 0004080 0274 14750 036 OBS T0605 0352 34884 2775 14751 STO 0700 0350 3488 2776 0004109 0316 14766 STD 0800 0357 348B 2775 0004 173 0357 14781 036 085 T0802 0357 34883 2776 14782 STD 0900 0359 3489 2776 0004224 0399 14799 STD 1000 0351 3489 2775 0004330 0441 14615 036 OBS TlOl* 0351 34896 2777 14819 STD 1100 0363 3491 2777 0004291 0484 14834 STD 1200 0365 3492 2778 0004326 0528 14852 0 36 OBS T1210 0365 34925 2778 14854 STO 1300 0363 3493 2779 0004335 0571 14868 STD 1400 0358 3493 2780 0004333 0514 14883 STD 1500 0350 3493 2780 0004297 0657 14896 036 OBS T1619 0337 34935 2782 14911 NO)-N i>a • «(/■ vo<-si 35 CTifJ I 311 2601 EV lATnUDI J40S1N LONcnuoi 0%226 W 186 ti i/ii| 07 2* 058 1968 15 tPIIO Ol S16 oiK;iNATors ■AiO< MI1II Uikil IIP 10337 |1959| 18 AH TfMP. X 072 1* OTH. M. 15 WGIMII si*" W|A> CODI - X2 5l8 NODC ITATION NUMlfl 0014 SOUND viiocm HOj-N NO]-N SIO«-Si •9-01/1 STD 0000 0550 3341 2638 0016585 0000 14709 058 OBS 0000 0550 33405 2638 14709 STD 0010 0398 3370 2678 0012788 0015 14652 STO 0020 0291 3394 2707 0010018 0026 14611 OSS OBS 0022 0275 33982 2712 14605 STD 0030 0247 3411 2724 0008377 00 35 14596 058 OBS 004'. 0216 34268 2739 14587 STD 0050 0216 3429 2741 0006782 00 50 14588 0 58 OBS 0065 0216 34372 2748 14592 STD 0075 0249 3447 2753 0005697 00 66 14609 058 OBS 00S6 0280 34563 2758 14626 STD 0100 0310 3465 2762 0004883 00 79 14642 STD 0125 0348 3477 2768 0004354 0091 14664 058 OBS 0130 0353 34785 2768 14667 STD 0150 0358 3481 2770 0004171 OlOl 14673 058 OBS 017* 0362 34840 2772 14679 STD 0200 0362 3485 2773 0003957 0122 14684 STO 0250 0363 3486 2773 0003932 0142 14692 058 OBS 0261 0363 34867 2774 14694 STD 0300 0364 3487 2774 0003908 0161 14701 058 OBS 0347 0364 34873 2774 14709 STD 0400 0364 3467 2774 0003971 0201 14718 STD 0500 0364 3488 2775 0004051 0241 14734 STD 0600 0362 3488 2775 0004101 0281 14750 058 OBS T0665 0360 34878 2775 14760 STD 0700 0357 3488 2775 0004132 0323 14765 STD 0800 0352 3487 2776 0004190 0364 14779 058 OBS T0877 0350 34870 2776 14791 STD 0900 0351 3487 2776 0004270 0406 14795 STO 1000 0353 3488 2776 0004325 0449 14813 STD 1100 0355 3488 2776 0004390 0493 14831 058 OBS 1102 0355 34884 2776 14831 STD 1200 0358 3487 2775 0004612 0538 14848 STD 1300 0361 3487 2774 0004732 0585 14866 058 OBS T1324 0362 34867 2774 14871 STD 1400 0361 3487 2774 0004811 0632 14883 STD 1500 0358 3488 2776 0004780 0680 14899 STD 1750 0338 3493 2781 0004350 0795 14933 058 OBS T1771 0336 34936 2782 14936 36 UftRENCE SHIP coot 1 = WAISDtN STATION Tl Wl owe IN A Ton DirTM MAI. DIPTM OF S'MPL'S WAVf W(A> THtl CODE ClOUO COOES NODC criT rooi ID. NO. VIO ' "i/io * CIUISI NO. STATION NUMIt* 10 lOTTOM STATION NUMIEI 10' 1* MO DAY M»,V10 OIL HCi rii tiA n« AM 31 1260 EV 54032N 05236 W 186 42 07 24 100 1968 IIP 10338 1335 13 15 1 2 X2 9 8 0015 **•'« WIND •AlO- MtTfl All T(MP. X »,. "0. cool 0"- JPtClAt OISEIVAHONS COLOI cooe TMNl. OOL inio 01 fOKt PIT lULI WIT lull 17 SIO 05B 064 064 6 14 MIHINOtlcASI "*" ^ NO. HI 1/10 1 C*ID DIPTH Im) » X S •''.. SIGMA-T amomah-iib' 1^0 DTN. M. SOUND VILOCITt 0] 26 3171 2517 0028078 0000 14635 116 OBS 0000 0426 31705 2517 14635 STO 0010 0390 3367 2676 0012960 00 21 14648 116 OBS 0010 0390 3 3667 2676 14648 STD 0020 0157 3386 2711 0009601 0032 14551 116 OBS 0025 0109 33956 2722 14532 STO 0030 0151 3*07 2729 0007970 0041 14553 116 OBS 0038 0199 34197 2735 14577 STD 0050 0223 3429 2741 0006829 0055 14591 116 OBS 0050 0223 34291 2741 14591 STD 0075 0256 3442 2748 0006147 00 72 14612 116 OBS 0075 0256 34418 2748 14612 STO 0100 0312 3458 2756 0005443 00 86 14642 116 OBS 0100 0312 34578 2756 14642 STD 0125 0327 3469 2763 0004757 0099 14654 STD 0150 0339 3476 2768 0004333 Olio 14664 116 OBS 0150 0339 34764 2768 14664 116 OBS 0199 0355 34834 2772 14680 STD 0200 0355 3483 2772 0004006 0131 14680 STD 0250 0359 3485 2773 0003962 0151 14691 116 OBS 0299 0363 34867 2774 14700 STD 0300 0363 3487 2774 0003903 0171 14701 116 OBS T0398 0363 34873 2774 14717 STO 0400 0363 3487 2774 0003968 0210 14717 STO 0500 0362 3488 2775 0004030 0250 14733 116 OBS T0595 0361 34877 2775 14749 STD 0600 0361 3488 2775 0004068 0290 14750 STO 0700 0360 3488 2775 0004143 0332 14766 STD 0800 0359 3488 2775 0004216 0373 14782 116 OBS T0842 0359 34880 2775 14789 n LATnUOl LONGITUDE ' 'I/IO n ORIGIN ATOrS CI] Ml I II* NODC STATON NUMIEI 311260 EV 53558N 1 86 I 32 I 07 I 24 ! 135 1 1968 I !IP| 10340 IMfD toict S12 lARO- METEI (fflbt) 058 067 061 0357 13 .fi3_ 2|2 712 0017 3 AD OTN. M. X 10> SOUND VELOCrTT tOTAL-r NO|-N SI D4-S' STD 0000 0400 3063 2434 0035951 0000 14610 135 OBS 0000 0400 30630 2434 14610 STD 0010 0377 3201 2546 0025331 0031 14620 135 OBS 0014 0315 32378 2581 14599 STD 0020 0138 3263 2614 0018820 0053 14526 135 OBS 0023 0065 32803 2632 14496 135 OBS 0028 -0035 33156 2666 14456 135 OBS 0029 -0050 33280 2676 14451 STD 0030 -0050 3330 2678 0012752 0069 14451 135 OBS 0044 -0052 3 3480 2693 14455 STD 0050 -0078 3353 2698 0010878 0092 14445 135 OBS 0053 -0083 33553 2700 14443 135 OBS 0057 -0081 33592 2703 14445 STD 0075 -0083 3369 2711 0009626 0118 14449 135 OBS 0076 -0083 33701 2712 14449 135 OBS 0084 -0063 33772 2717 14461 STO 0100 0055 3400 2729 0007910 0140 14521 STD 0125 0195 3429 2743 0006653 0158 14591 135 OBS T0132 0225 34357 2746 14607 STO 0150 0251 3444 2750 0005982 0174 14622 135 OBS T0194 0303 34616 2760 14654 STO 0200 0309 3463 2760 0005097 0201 14658 STD 0250 0345 3475 2766 0004579 0226 14683 135 OBS T0285 0357 34776 2767 14694 38 KfflKNCf SMir COOf ii WARSOCN STATION TtMl OUCINATOn OtPTM MAX. WAVE WEA- THER coot ClOUD coots NOOC CUT cool ID. NO. LAmuDf I/IO LONCITUDI • *l/IO ciuiit NO. STATION NUMIEt lOTTOM Of S-MfL-i NUMIEI 10* r MO DAT MlLl/lO Da. MCI rit It* rifi AM 31 1260 FV 53501M 053103H 186 33 07 24 151 1968 IIP 10341 0250 02 16 2 2 XI 7 5 0018 WATER WIND lAtO- METIR bnbll AtR TIMf. t: -».oE, S«C»Al OISUVATIONS COLOR COO! tIANL DJL tnio 01 roici 0«T •ULI WIT lULi 17 S14 058 067 061 8 08 MlHlNCllcAJT "*" •• NO. HI 1/10 CARD irrt DEPTH Im) I r S •''.. SIGMA-T IMCi'ic voiUMi *N0*«*l»-l1B' SAD OTN. M. I ll>> SOUND vtLOCin Oj ml/I K)4-P IOT*l-P ,fl - -/I NOj-N vg - oi/l NO,-N HO - Ol/I SIO«-S' m . oi/i »M 1 C c 1 STO 0000 0*60 3173 2515 002*2*0 0000 1*650 151 OBS 0000 0460 31727 2515 1*650 STD 0010 0189 3225 2580 0022036 0025 1*5*2 STD 0020 -0006 3265 262* 0017908 00*5 1**61 STD 0030 -0125 3292 2650 0015396 0062 1**11 151 OBS 0030 -0125 32922 2650 1**11 STD 0050 -0135 3309 266* 001*096 0091 1**12 151 OBS 0050 -0135 3 30S6 266* 1**12 STD 0075 -0135 3322 267* 0013067 0125 1**18 151 OBS 0075 -0135 33218 267* 1**18 STD 0100 -0128 3335 2685 0012038 0157 1**27 151 OBS 0100 -0128 33353 2686 1**27 STD 0125 -0126 33*2 2690 0011516 0186 1**33 STD 0150 -0108 3353 2698 00107** 021* 1***7 151 OBS 0150 -0108 33527 2698 1***7 151 OBS 0190 -00*6 33760 2715 1**86 STD 0200 -0023 3383 2719 0008775 0263 1**99 151 OBS T0231 0066 3*059 2733 1*5*8 REFERENCE SHIP CODE ^1 MARSDEN STATION TIME ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. WAVE WtA. THER CODE CLOUD COOES NODC cm ID. NO. LATITUDE I/IO ' ■1/10 CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBtH BOTTOM OF S'MPL'S NUMBER 10' r MO DAY MR.I/10 OUl. HOT n» SEA («n AM 3] 1260 FV 5347 N 053266W 186 33 07 24 174 1968 IIP 10342 0?18 02 16 2 2 XI 7 5 0019 WAT!R WIND lARO- METER (mbil AIR TEMP. -C vii. COD NO. DBS. DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE '"•J*^ DHL 1«10 o» fOiCf DRY BULB WET BULB 17 SIS 054 094 072 8 09 "'»«•;" IcAST MR I/IO 1 CABO TYPE DEPTH ImJ T -C s •/„ SIGMA-T I«CI»1C VOLUMf ANOMAIT-IIO' SAD DVN. M. X 10^ SOUND VELOCITY Oj ml/I POi-P vg - ol/l lOTAi-r „a ■ G./i NOj-N t>g - ol/l NO,-N vg - ol/l SI 04-S< vfl - ol/l PH i C c 1 STD 0000 0425 316* 2512 00285*3 0000 1*53* 174 OBS 0000 0425 31642 2512 1*53* STD 0010 0417 316* 2512 0028*86 0029 1*632 17* OBS 0012 0415 316*0 2513 1*532 STD 0020 0077 3240 2599 0020217 0053 14495 17* OBS 0025 -0074 327*7 263* 14432 STD 0030 -0091 3281 26*0 0016357 0071 1**25 STD 0050 -013* 3303 2559 001*535 0102 1**11 17* OBS 0050 -013* 33029 2559 1**11 STD 0075 -0128 3319 2671 00133*1 0137 1**21 17* OBS 0075 -0128 33185 2571 1**21 STD 0100 -012* 3330 2680 0012*79 0169 1*428 17* OBS 0100 -012* 33297 2580 14428 STD 0125 -0128 3339 2688 00117*1 0199 1**32 STD 0150 -0131 33*9 2595 0010955 0228 1**36 17* OBS 0150 -0131 33*88 2696 1*436 17* OBS 0180 -0106 33630 2707 1**55 STD 0200 -0033 3383 2720 0008725 0277 1**95 174 OBS T0213 00 38 3*012 2731 1*532 39 lAmUDI l/IO 311260 lOMCITUOl 053^11W °i - 33 iil ^ !•* 186 188 188 188 188 188 21 Oi tOtci S12 ■ AIO- MiTfl (Mktl IIpI 103»3 083 078 DfMH TO lOTTOM .OiftT NO. 0( °"- OIUMS 08 OIPTH 0' 02 _I1, riTi WIA. TKU COD( XI i «l6 0020 SAO DTN. M. K I0> SOUND veioctTt STD 0000 0558 3210 253* 0026*62 0000 1*695 OBS 0000 0558 32100 253* 1*695 STO 0010 0*96 321* 25** 0025505 00 26 1*672 STD 0020 0*3* 3218 255* 002*588 0051 1*6*8 OBS 0020 0*3* 32180 255* 1*6*8 STD 0030 0000 3285 2639 0016*03 00 72 1**68 OBS 003* -0103 33023 2657 1**23 OBS 00*9 -0133 33160 2669 1**1* STD 0050 -0132 3317 2670 0013*60 0101 1**1* OBS 0073 -0119 333*7 268* 1**27 STD 0075 -0119 3336 2685 0012028 0133 1**27 STO 0100 -0116 33*9 2696 0011026 0162 1**35 OBS 0103 -0116 33508 2697 1**35 STD 0125 -0102 3359 2703 0010297 0189 1***7 OBS 01*7 -0055 337*6 271* 1**7* STD 0150 -00*6 3377 2716 0009138 0213 1**79 OBS T0186 0108 3*187 27*1 1*561 SHir CODI LAmUOE l/IO L0NGI1U0E '1/16 n PAY HIL1/10 OUCrNATon icHni] t(A WIA- THE! CODE - NODC STATCN NUMIII 311260 EV 334»42N 186 133 107 I 24 1 202 1 1946 I 11 PI 103»» 23 into 01 roici SIO lAllO' METEK 041 0190 I 02 I 18 2|2 08 SAO OTN. M. I 10* XI 6l7 0021 NOj-N tlOi-b *f • »)/t STD 0000 0585 3192 2517 0028092 0000 1*70* 202 OBS 0000 0585 31923 2517 1*70* STO 0010 0516 320* 253* 0026*66 0027 1*679 202 OBS 0015 0392 32253 2563 1*631 STD 0020 0151 3267 2616 0018597 0050 1*532 202 OBS 0025 -0035 33001 2653 1**53 STD 0030 -0057 3308 2660 001**09 0066 1***5 STD 0050 -0117 3332 2682 001235* 0093 1**2* 202 OBS 0051 -0119 33326 2682 1**23 STD 0075 -0130 33*8 2695 0011075 0122 1**2* 202 OBS 0076 -0130 3 3*89 2696 1**2* STD 0100 -0121 3359 270* 00102*5 0l*9 1**3* 202 OBS 0101 -0120 33593 270* 1**3* STD 0125 -0079 3380 2719 0008779 0173 1**60 STO 0150 -000* 3391 2725 0008271 019* 1*501 202 OBS 0152 0003 33920 2725 1*50* 202 OBS T0185 0159P 33921 2716P 40 n 311260 SMIf CODE Od'tiiiw n 0 PAY Mt.1/1 1 B6l3»l07l2» |216 I 19681 I IPl 103*5 20 in 10 oi • OIC( 510 OUCINATOHn lAIO- MfTtl 041 069 078 plBl 08 3 ^ D DTN. AA. X I0> J^ 17 2\2 NODC ITATCN NUWitI 0022 SOUND VI LOG ITT STD 0000 05*0 3191 2521 0027669 0000 1*685 216 OBS 0000 05*0 31913 2521 1*685 STD 0010 0**0 3202 25*0 00258*5 0027 1*6*7 STO 0020 0273 3257 2599 00202*2 0050 1*585 216 OBS 0020 0273 32568 2599 1*585 216 OBS 0025 0165 33007 26*2 1*5** STD 0030 0059 331* 2660 001**81 0067 1**99 216 OBS 0035 -0027 33257 2673 1**62 STD 0050 -0061 3337 268* 0012166 009* 1*450 216 OBS 0070 -008* 33521 2697 1***5 STD 0075 -0077 3355 2699 0010701 0122 1***9 STO 0100 -00*5 3371 2710 0009656 01*8 1**71 STO 0125 -0012 3386 2721 000863* 0171 1**92 216 OBS 0130 -0005 33889 2723 1**97 STD 0150 0155 3*28 27*5 0006**1 0190 1*578 215 OBS 0160 0192 3*370 2750 1*597 216 OBS T0173 0198 3*388 2751 1*502 90t-P ■If - •i/l REFEMNCE SHIP COOi 1^ M/ftSDEN STATION TIME ORICINATOrS DEPTH MAX. WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES NODC cm 10. NO. LAmUDE I/IO LONGITUDE • M/IO CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER BOTTOM OF S'MPL'S NUMBER 10* 1- MO OAT HILl/lO Oil. MCI «» i(* 1>Pl AM uJ 1260 EV 53366N 05429 W 186 34 07 24 231 1968 IIP 10346 0180 02 19 2 3 XI 7I7 0023 WA'<(t WIND BARO- METER Imbd AIR TEMP. X. VIS. coo NO. OBS. DEPTHS SPCCIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE lUNl. OIR. Iff ID 01 lOiCi DHT BULB WET SULB 21 SOB 041 072 067 8 08 Ht 1/10 T CAtO tTft DEfTH (ml T -C s •/.. SICMA-T IMCKIC VOLUMI AMOMALT-HO' SAO DTN. M. X 10' SOUND VELOCITT Ol r»l/l PO,-P vg ••i/l lOTAL-P NO,-N «g - ai/t NOj-N vg - oi/l SI04-Si pH 1 c c 1 STO 0000 0513 3183 2517 0028035 0000 1*673 231 OBS 0000 0513 31826 2517 1*573 STD 0010 0500 3186 2521 0027639 0028 1*670 231 08S 0015 0*9* 31880 252* 1*559 STO 0020 02*2 3228 2579 0022186 0053 1*567 231 OBS 0025 0055 32591 2516 1**89 STD 0030 -0015 3276 2633 0017020 00 72 1**59 231 OBS 00*0 -0123 33036 2659 1**15 STD 0050 -012* 3314 2668 0013713 0103 1**18 STD 0075 -0127 3335 2584 001209* 0135 1**23 231 OBS 0075 -0127 333*8 2684 1**23 STD 0100 -0113 3350 2597 0010930 0164 1**36 231 OBS 0100 -0113 33504 2697 1**36 STD 0125 -0069 3370 2711 0009582 0190 1**6* STD 0150 -0031 3385 2721 0008519 0213 1**87 231 OBS 0150 -0031 33847 2721 1**87 231 OBS T0168 -0007 33919 2726 1*502 41 • M/llDfN 1^ tOUAKI n jHir CODI LATITuOf I/IB kONCITUOf * 'l/Ift ouciNATors WIA* IHII cool HOOC STATtOH NUMIfl 3U260 EV 52500N 054060W 2» 07l25lQ36ll96al I IW 10347 26 S07 088 083 072 7 10 Lifli _Qi -Zl 1 l3l XI 7l6 00241 frtw, -t SAO DYN. M. I 10> SOUND vitocm NOj-N MS - at/I SI 04-l> VI ■ 01/1 STD 0000 0594 3196 2S19 0027902 0000 14708 036 OBS 0000 0594 31962 2519 14708 STO 0010 059» 3197 2519 0027874 0028 14710 0 36 OBS 0010 059* 31967 2519 14710 STO 0020 0207 3266 2612 0019051 0051 14557 0 36 OBS 0020 0207 32660 2612 14557 STO 0030 -0026 3299 2652 0015197 0068 14458 036 OBS 0030 -0026 32993 2652 14458 STD OOSO -0115 3325 2676 0012S82 0097 14424 0 36 OBS 0050 -0115 33252 2676 14424 STO 0075 -0114 3341 2689 0011662 0127 14431 STO 0100 -0112 3355 2700 0010612 0155 14437 0 36 OBS 0100 -0112 33546 2700 14437 STO 0125 -0087 3367 2709 0009741 0181 14455 STD 0150 -0066 3376 2715 0009158 0204 14470 036 OBS 0150 -0066 33756 2715 14470 0 36 OBS 0199 -0035 33852 2722 14494 STO 0200 -0034 3385 2722 0008539 0248 14494 STD 0250 0024 3397 2729 0007936 0290 14531 036 OBS 0279 0057 34041 2732 14552 0 36 OBS T0291 0087 34125 2737 14568 cml to. P>diJno r 3112< SHIP COOl LAinUDt i/m li DAT HK.1/10 OUCINATOrS anntf lu WfA- THfl CODI NODC STATION NUMlfN 311260 EV 52535N 053507W 186 J23 07 25 052 1966 IIP 26 SO 7 095 1034B 083 079 0455 NO. OIS. DEMHS 10 04 22 2 |3 I XI 7l6 0025 J AO DTN. M. SOUND VtLOCIIV ,t • •"■I «g • •f/1 NOj-N Hf • •l/l NOj-N SI 04 -Si ft - M/l STD 0000 0500 3189 2524 0027403 0000 14669 052 OBS 0000 0500 31892 2524 14669 STD 0010 0495 3188 2524 0027434 0027 14668 052 OBS 0010 0495 31882 2524 14668 STD 0020 0072 3247 2605 0019688 00 51 14494 052 OBS 0020 00 72 32466 2605 14494 STD 0030 0071 3284 2635 0016801 0069 14500 052 OBS 0030 0071 32844 2635 14500 STD 0050 -0135 3304 2660 0014457 0100 14411 052 OBS 0050 -0135 33039 2660 14411 STD 0075 -0130 3321 2673 0013143 0135 14420 STD 0100 -0124 3335 2684 0012081 0167 14429 052 OBS 0100 -0124 33349 2684 14429 STD 0125 -0118 3345 2692 0011312 0196 14437 STD 0150 -0112 3356 2701 0010516 0223 14446 052 OBS 0150 -0112 33555 2701 14446 STD 0200 -0050 3378 2717 0009028 0272 14486 052 OBS T0201 -0048 33785 2717 14487 STD 0250 0112 3398 2724 0008430 0316 14571 STD 0300 0233 3416 2729 0008017 0357 14635 052 OBS T0312 0255 3378P 2697P STO 0400 0343 3443 2741 0007076 0432 14703 052 OBS T0425 0343 34479 2745 14708 42 Is 11260 »"" LAmuoi :ODE 1/10 EV 52565N LONGITUDE ' '1/10 053357W n M3 DAY MLl/lO 186 23 07 25 071 1968 IIP 10349 into 01 • Old ovciNATon 2% S09 095 061 056 6 11 0528 05 1|2| W|A> THU CODE XI 7I7 NODC STAION NUMlll 0026 NOj-N V) • 01/ 1 STD 0000 0364 3091 2*60 003351* 0000 1*698 071 OBS 0000 036* 30911 2*60 14598 STO 0010 0351 3152 2509 0028812 0031 14603 071 OBS 0010 0351 31519 2509 14603 STD 0020 0323 3170 2526 0027235 0059 14694 071 OBS 0020 0323 31697 2526 1*59* STD 0030 0026 3289 26*2 0016191 0081 14480 071 OBS 0030 0025 32893 2642 1**80 STD 0050 -0111 3315 2668 001371* Olll 1**2* 071 OBS 0050 -0111 331*5 2668 14424 STD 0075 -0001 3359 2699 0010739 01*1 1*486 STD 0100 0083 3393 2721 0008637 0166 1*532 071 OBS 0100 0083 33926 2721 1*632 STD 0125 0128 3*09 2732 0007686 0186 1*659 STD 0150 0171 3*25 27*1 0006822 0204 1*58* 071 OBS 0150 0171 3*2*5 2741 1*58* STD 0200 0250 3**9 2754 0005625 0236 1*630 071 OBS 0200 0250 3**90 2754 1*630 STD 0250 0284 3*59 2759 0005203 0262 1*666 STD 0300 0313 3*68 2764 000*803 0287 1*577 071 OBS 0300 0313 3*68* 2764 1*577 STD 0400 0357 3*82 2771 0004302 0333 1*71* 071 OBS To^oe 0358 3*827 2771 14715 STD 0500 0361 3*85 2774 0004128 0375 14733 071 OBS T0510 0361 3*863 277* 1473* UFEUNCE SHIP COD! ii •A/RSOEN STATION Tl VIE OftlGINATOIfS DEPTH MA WAVE WtA- THER CODE ClOUD CODES CT«T 10. NO. 1/10 ' 'l/lO cauisi NO. STATION NUMBER TO BOTTOM Of S-MPL-S STATION NUMBER >0* T MD DAY MRJ/IO QIL MOT »l« IfA HP! AW I31 1260 EV 53004N 053180W 186 33 07 25 087 1968 IIP 10350 05'»9 05 22 1 2 XI 6 7 0027 wA--a WIND lADO- MfTE« (mbt) AIR TEMP. -C VIS. COD NO. OBS. DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE TUNl. DIIL IfEtO 01 lOICI DRT BULB WET BULB 25 SIO 105 067 061 7 11 HR I/IO] c*«o TTPE DEPTH Im) T -C ... StCMA-T tfiClFIC VOLUME *HOM*lT-IlB' SAD DTN. M. XIO^ SOUND VELOCITY 03 ml/l „9 . «t/l lOTAL-P vg - ol/l NO]-N i»0 - el/I NOj-N no - o«/l SI04-Si we • ol/l pH 1 c c 1 STD 0000 0418 3136 2*90 0030612 0000 1*527 087 OBS 0000 0418 31359 2*90 1*627 STD 0010 0529 3175 2510 0028753 0030 14680 087 OBS 0010 0529 3175* 2510 14680 087 OBS 0019 0528 31992 2529 14585 STD 0020 0511 3207 2537 0026197 0057 14679 087 OBS 0028 0413 32637 2592 14547 STD 0030 0417 3274 2600 002021* 0080 14550 087 OBS 0047 0*20 33488 2559 1465* STD 0050 0401 3352 2553 001*20* 0115 1*667 STD 0075 0257 3378 2597 001097* 0145 14603 087 OBS 0095 0154 3235P 2590P STD 0100 0134 3399 2723 0008*78 0171 14655 STD 0125 0037 3415 27*2 0005667 0189 14519 087 OBS 0142 0019 34234 2760 1*51* STO 0150 0050 3*25 27*9 0005981 0205 1*530 087 OBS T0190 0180 3*334 27*8 1*596 STD 0200 0198 3*38 2750 0005027 0235 1*606 STD 0250 0276 3*59 2760 0005131 0263 1*661 087 OBS 0294 032* 3*730 2767 1*681 STD 0300 0328 3*75 2768 000**53 0287 1*58* 087 OBS T0395 0366 3*918 2778 1*718 STD 0400 0366 3*92 2778 0003653 0328 1*719 STO 0600 0360 3*93 2780 0003673 0364 1*733 087 OBS T0507 0360 3*935 2780 1*736 43 1 uriMNCt IHIP COOl If M/KIDIN STATIOM riMf OtJCIMATOn OlfTH MAI. DUtM Of runs WAVE wu- TMlt CODE CLOUD COOll NODC |Clt? ID. MO. LATrruDi lOHGITUOl ClUiSI NO. JTATK3N NUWIfl to lonoM STATON NUMlia w r «3 DAT HI.I/10 0*. Hc n» iiA MM AM 1 3U260 EV 53040N 053006W 186 33 07 25 10* 1968 IIP 10351 0*97 05 19 1 2 XI 6 6 0028 w*--i WIND •AKO- M(TU A* TiMP. t: '°° D1HHS inciAt oiiuvAnoNS Cf^LOt CODl IIAMI oa. mio totci on •ULI lULI 24 SIO 102 061 056 7 11 Ml VIB) CAID Dtn*i bnl T >: ! •''.. SIGMA-T IAD Din. M. . 10' SOUND VIIOCITT oa "i/i rotAi-p NO,-N Vl ■ 01/1 HOi-N tlOt-Si n) . or/1 »N c c 1 STO 0000 0335 31*8 2507 0028968 0000 1*593 10* OBS 0000 0335 31*80 2507 1*593 STD 0010 0283 3133 2539 0025919 0027 1*577 10* OBS 0010 0283 31828 2539 1*577 STO 0020 -0096 3290 26*7 00156*2 00*8 1**23 10* OBS 0020 -0095 32902 26*7 1**23 10* OBS 0029 -01*2 33091 266* 1**05 STD 0030 -01*2 3310 2665 0013986 0063 1**06 10* OBS 00*9 -0133 33326 2683 1**16 STO 0050 -0133 3333 2683 0012231 00 89 1**16 STD 0075 -0121 33*8 2695 OOlUOl 0118 1**28 10* OBS 009B -OUl 336** 2708 1**39 STD 0100 -0101 3367 2710 0009701 01** 1**** STO 0126 0003 3393 2726 0008159 0l67 1*500 10* OBS 01*7 0073 3*116 2737 1*538 STD 0150 00 78 3*13 2738 0007061 0186 1*5*1 10* OBS T0197 015* 3*386 275* 1*686 STO 0200 0159 3**0 275* 0005578 0217 1*589 STD 0250 0230 3*59 276* 000*730 02*3 1*631 10* OBS 0295 0281 3*732 2771 1*663 STD 0300 0286 3*7* 2771 000*128 0266 1*666 10* OBS 039* 03*7 3*918 2780 1*710 STD 0*00 03*9 3*93 2780 0003397 0303 1*712 10* OBS 0*93 0363 3*993 278* 1*73* I cm ''■■'Ol NO. 260 SHIP C00( EV LAmuOE 1/10 53075N LONGITUDE ' '1/10 052<»2aw M 1 86l32i0 7 ;25 Il21 Il96al lipl 10352 ouciNAiors lAko- METEK (inbll 2* SIO 105 072 067 3 0*59 12 Q'^l 19 1 l3 I X4 X<9 NODC STATION NUWIEI 0029 Mt 1/10 T n" tNClllC vOkUMI ANOMALT-lig' SAD OTN. M. X lO" SOUND VELOCITY Oj m1/l NO)-N ««-OI/l llOi-SJ n -ot/i STD 0000 0327 3133 2*96 0030067 0000 1*688 121 DBS 0000 0327 31326 2*96 1*588 STO 0010 0317 3135 2*98 0029837 0030 1*586 121 OBS 0010 0317 313*6 2*98 1*586 STD 0020 02*9 3177 2538 0026087 0058 1*563 121 OBS 0020 02*9 31772 2538 1*563 STO 0030 0236 3315 2649 001656* 0079 1*578 121 OBS 00 3* 0218 33520 2680 1*576 STD 0050 000* 3358 2698 00108** 0105 1**83 121 OBS 0058 -0050 33669 2708 1**61 121 OBS 0061 -0061 33711 2712 1**57 121 OBS 0071 -0053 3375* 2715 1**63 STD 0076 -0036 3379 2717 0009056 0130 1**72 121 OBS 00 79 -0017 33821 2718 1**82 STD 0100 00*3 3397 2727 0008070 0151 1*516 STD 0126 0106 3*13 2736 0007236 0171 1*550 STD 0160 0160 3*27 27** 0006552 0188 1*580 121 OBS 70158 0176 3*310 27*6 1*689 STO 0200 023* 3**7 275* 00056*1 0218 1*623 STD 0250 0292 3*62 2761 0005051 02*5 1*669 121 OBS T0262 029* 3*626 2761 1*660 STO 0300 03*0 3*75 2767 000*671 0269 1*689 121 OBS 0326 0357 3*796 2769 1*701 STD 0*00 0362 3*8* 2772 000*229 0313 1*716 121 OBS T0**0 036* 3*858 2773 1*72* 44 |Cf 3112601 EV SHIP CODE lAmUDt Wit 33104N LONGITUOI ' 'UIO 0&2248W n (I _ STATION TlMt 186 32 07 25 136 196B !1R 10353 lAtO- WITtt (m»»l 24 SOS 112 083 072 B H 0430 0» NO. Oil. DIfTHi S ^0 OYN. M. OIlflVATIONl 19 WIA. TH|I CODi XI 66 NODC ItATON NUMltl 0030 STO 0000 05S2 319* 2518 0027945 0000 1*703 136 OBS 0000 0582 31938 2518 14703 136 OBS 0009 0592 32095 2529 1*711 STO 0010 0528 3221 2546 0025318 0027 14686 136 OBS 0019 015* 33057 2647 14539 STD 0020 0153 3313 2653 0015114 00*7 14539 136 OBS 0028 0142 33583 2690 145*2 STD 0030 0112 3360 2694 0011286 0060 14529 136 OBS 00*7 -00*1 33742 2713 14464 STD 0050 -0029 3379 2717 0009089 0080 14*71 136 OBS 0070 00*5 3*012 2731 1*511 STO 0075 0061 3*0* 2732 0007640 OlOl 1*520 136 OBS 009* 0116 34142 2737 1*5*9 STD 0100 0130 3418 2739 0007011 0120 1*657 STO 0125 0179 3*32 2747 0006306 0136 1*585 136 OBS T01*l 0201 3*378 2749 14598 STD 0150 0206 3*38 2749 0006061 0152 14601 136 OBS T0190 0222 3*417 2751 14616 STD 0200 0226 34*2 2751 0005951 0182 1*619 STD 0250 02*7 3*47 2753 0005778 0211 14637 136 OBS T0292 0270 3*540 2757 14655 STO 0300 0275 3*55 2757 000545* 0239 14669 STO 0*00 03*9 3481 2770 000*332 0288 1*710 136 OBS T0*00 03*9 34805 2770 14710 SI o«-v UFEUNCE SMIf COOf ii M/KSDIN STATION TIME OWGINATOR'S DEPTH I MAX. WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD COOES NODC cm )D. LAiruOE t/10 LONGITUDE * -i/io CRUISE NO, STATION NUMBER .oA"o. , -, 0«Sk«v«ilunj NUMIER 10* r MD DAY MR.V10 on. HOT rfi t(* T«n *M 311260 EV 53130N 052069W 186 32 07 25 152 1966 IIP 10354 0695 06 19 2 2 XI 7 6l 0031 WA'-R WIND •ARO- MfTEB imbil AIR TEMP, r VIS. COD NO. OBS. DEPTHS SPECIAL OISERVATIONS CHLOU CODt IKANl DUL IMEO 01 FO*Ct DSY wn lULI lULI 22 SIO 122 078 067 7 11 HI l/iol GAUD TYPE DEPTH bnl T -C s •'■.. SIGMA-T JPICIMC VOIUMI ANOMALY -.110' SAD OYN. M. SOUND VELOCITY Ol B«l/1 PO4-P tia - .i/i lOTAl-P NOj-N N9 - o>/l NOj-N Sl04-Si ,t . ol/l pH 1 C c 1 STD 0000 0657 323* 26*0 0025824 0000 1*739 152 OBS 0000 0657 32339 26*0 14739 STD 0010 0568 32*2 2558 0024183 0025 14705 152 OBS 0017 0386 32780 2606 146 36 STD 0020 0259 3306 26*0 0016409 00*6 14685 152 OBS 0023 0152 33296 2666 14542 STD 0030 0012 33*3 2686 0012031 0060 1**82 152 OBS 00*7 -0023 33777 2715 1**73 STD 0050 00*6 3386 2718 0009002 0081 14506 152 OBS 0056 0133 33961 2721 14548 152 OBS 0070 0068 33988 2727 14521 STD 0075 0073 3*01 2729 0007938 0102 14525 162 OBS 0094 0101 3*097 273* 14642 STD 0100 012* 3*1* 2736 0007274 0121 14554 STD 0125 0206 3*31 27** 0006587 0138 14596 STD 0150 026* 3**6 2751 0005949 OI54 14628 152 OBS T0150 026* 3**59 2751 1*628 162 OBS 0187 0306 3*637 2761 1*665 STD 0200 0312 3*66 2762 000*900 0181 1*660 STD 0250 0332 3473 2766 000*602 0205 1*677 STO 0300 03*7 3479 2769 0004341 0227 1*693 152 OBS T0374 0362 3*8*9 2773 1*712 STO 0400 0362 3*85 2773 0004109 0269 1*716 STD 0500 0359 3*87 277* 000*076 0310 1*732 152 OBS T0562 0358 3*873 2775 14742 45 1 uriiiNCf SHIP cool ■ ii M/.I1DIN ITATIOH TIMf 0B01M»I0r! OIITH I MAX. OIPTM O* S'wri's WAVl W(A. tHIl C00( CIOUO CODiS NOOC 'rooi ID. HO. 1/H LONCITUDI ■ l/U CIUISI NO. JtATIOH NUMlIt to lonOM STATION NUMIil 10' r MO DAT MI.T/10 0«. HO Ml 11* 'tM AM 1 31X260 EV JBM'iN 051i7*W 186 31 P7 25 172 196fi IIP 10355 1317 12 20 2 3 XI 7 7 0032 WA"I wmo lAIO- MlTfl AM tiMr. t "-'omHS SPECIAL OK!«VAT10NS cniot cool 1WKL DM. 01 roici •ULI W!T ■ULI 25 SOS 122 083 078 7 13 HI 1/10 f CAID OIPTH 1*1 t t s •/.. IICMA-T IPfCUtC VOIUMI ANOMALT.Ill' t do OTN. M. I lll> SOUND vKOCin 0) "il/l K)*-P t01Ai-P ■1 . f/y NOl-N .0 . ei/l NOi-N SI 0^-Si m - «■/■ PH I c 1 172 172 172 172 172 172 172 172 172 172 172 172 172 STO 0000 0571 3139 2*76 00319*9 0000 14691 OBS 0000 0571 31388 2476 14691 STO 0010 0321 3294 2625 0017820 0025 14609 OBS 0018 0180 33558 2685 14557 STO 0020 0154 3 360 2591 0011554 0040 14546 OBS 0025 0099 33676 2700 14524 STO 0030 0062 3371 2705 0010156 0050 14508 OBS 00*5 00 2 7 33848 2718 14497 STO 0050 0058 3391 2722 0008611 0059 14513 OBS 0050 0103 340 34 2729 14536 OBS 0065 0118 34099 2733 14545 STO 0075 0137 3418 2738 0007052 0089 14556 STO 0100 0184 3437 2750 0005985 0105 14583 OBS 0100 0184 34366 2750 14583 STO 0125 0234 3448 2755 0005525 0il9 14611 OBS 0149 0271 34590 2751 14533 STO 0150 0272 3459 2761 0005001 0133 14533 OBS T0199 0316 34780 2772 14663 STO 0200 0316 3478 2772 0004030 0155 14563 STO 0250 0325 3481 2773 0003909 0175 14575 STO 0300 0333 3485 2775 0003791 0194 14688 STO 0400 0350 3491 2779 0003558 0231 14712 OBS T0't76 0363 34959 2781 14731 STO 0500 0363 3495 2781 0003406 0256 14735 STO 0600 0362 3497 2782 0003409 0300 14751 STD 0700 0362 3497 2782 0003496 0334 14768 OBS T0760 0361 34974 2783 1*777 STO 0800 0351 3498 2783 0003493 0369 1478* STO 0900 0350 3498 2783 0003567 0405 1*800 OBS 0954 0359 34983 2784 1*809 STO 1000 0359 3499 2784 0003571 0440 14817 STO 1100 0358 3499 2784 0003543 04 76 14833 OBS T1199 0358 34996 2785 14850 46 1 uiniNci SHIP COD! W/ISDIN STATION TIMf ouciNATori OI"H MAI. DIMM or Vmu'S WAV! " W|A. THil COD( CLOUD coois \r'!Si 10. NO. I/IO ■ -vio cauisi NO. STATION NUMMI 10 lOTTOM STATION NUMIII 1.- 1 )• WO DAT Ht.I/10 t>m. mC M« II* • TM AM Ul 1260 EV 53155N 051478W 166 Uil 07 25 188 1968 IIP 10356 1737 15 ?2 2 3 XI 7 7 0033 WA"B WIND lAIO- MtlU AIR TIMf. X „.. NO. cool ""• sriciAi oisiivAnoNS COLO* COOl IKANI. out into Of tOiCI Oil •ULI WIT lULI 26 S08 122 083 078 8 1* "*" * NO. HR I/IO 1 C*«D 1T« DirTH Iml I t s •/.. SICMA-T INClf«C vOiUMt ANOWAIT-IIO' SAO OTN. M. SOUND vaociTT Oi-l/l »0.-f m • .'/I lOTAi-p NOj-N .fl - •1/1 NOj-H SI04-S> pg - 01/1 >M t c c 1 STO 0000 0598 3150 24S1 0031441 0000 14704 188 OBS 0000 0598 31496 2*81 14704 STD 0010 0526 3191 2522 0027557 0029 14681 188 OBS 0015 0430 32116 2549 14645 STD 0020 0294 3360 2680 0012618 0050 14608 188 OBS 0020 0294 33599 2680 14608 STD 0030 0253 3399 2714 0009370 0061 14597 188 OBS 0030 0253 33985 2714 14597 188 oas 00i>0 0295 34202 2728 14620 STD 0050 0140 3417 2737 0007157 0077 14553 188 OBS 0050 0140 34168 2737 14553 STO 0075 0189 3431 2745 0006474 0094 14581 188 OBS 0075 0189 34305 2745 14581 STO 0100 0257 3447 2752 0005808 ouo 14617 188 OBS 0100 0257 34466 2752 14617 STD 0125 0284 3456 2757 0005346 0123 14634 STO 0150 0308 3464 2761 0004976 0136 14649 STD 0200 0345 3477 2768 0004388 0160 14675 188 OBS T0201 0346 34775 2768 14676 STD 0250 0350 3481 2771 0004179 0181 14686 STD 0300 0354 348 3 2772 0004115 0202 14696 STD 0400 0363 3487 2774 0003988 0242 14717 188 OBS T0402 0363 34871 2774 14718 STD 0500 0362 3487 2775 0004045 0283 14733 188 OBS T0597 0361 34874 2775 14749 STD 0600 0361 3487 2775 0004113 0323 14750 STD 0700 0359 3487 2775 0004184 0365 14765 188 OBS T0796 0356 34872 2775 14780 STD 0800 0356 3487 2775 0004242 0407 14781 STD 0900 0351 3487 2775 0004298 0450 14795 STD 1000 0 348 3487 2775 0004367 0493 14811 188 OBS T1051 0347 34863 2775 14819 STD 1100 0348 348 7 2776 0004404 0537 14827 STD 1200 0349 3488 2777 0004400 0581 14844 STD 1300 0350 3490 2778 0004398 0625 14862 STD 1400 0351 3491 2779 0004387 0669 14879 STD 1500 0352 3492 2780 0004383 0713 14897 188 OBS T1536 0352 34928 2780 14903 47 UfUIHCI SHIP cool li M/IIOIN tTATON TIMI obciNATon OIUM MAL oiriH or WAVI weA- THfl CODI CLOUD cooii r'!S\ 10. NO. t/IO LONCrruDf CIUIII MO. JIATION NUMItl TO lonOM OltdVATIONS STATtON NUMIU 10" r MO DAT HLl/lO O* Nc m tiA i vB • oi/l 012 STD 0000 0777 3396 2651 0015316 oooo 1*807 OBS 0000 0777 33957 2551 1*807 STO 0010 0738 3*06 2665 001*033 0015 1*79* OBS 0015 0719 3*105 2671 1*789 STD 0020 070* 3*13 2675 001307* 0028 1*78* OBS 002* 0685 3*160 2680 1*778 STD 0030 0606 3*27 2699 001080* 00*0 1*7*9 OBS Ode 0*29 3*533 27*1 14682 STD 0050 0*1* 3*56 27** 000651* 0057 14677 OBS 0058 0371 3*630 2754 1*661 OBS 0073 0366 3*708 2761 1*662 STD 0075 0365 3*71 2761 000*925 00 72 1*662 OBS 0097 0356 3*778 2768 1*663 STD 0100 0356 3*78 2768 000*335 0083 1466* STD 0125 0357 3*80 2769 0004217 009* 1*668 STD 0150 0358 3*82 2771 000*098 010* 1*673 OBS 0193 0360 3*853 2773 14682 STD 0200 0360 3*85 2773 000390* 012* 14683 STD 0250 0359 3*86 277* 0003901 01*4 14691 STD 0300 0359 3*86 277* 0003907 0163 14699 OBS T0389 0358 3*87* 2775 1*713 STD 0*00 0358 3*87 2775 0003939 0203 1*715 STO 0500 0357 3*87 2775 000*01* 0242 14731 STD 0600 0357 3*87 2775 000*099 0283 1*7*8 OBS 0683 0355 3*859 2775 1*761 STD 0700 0356 3*87 2775 000*180 032* 1*764 OBS T0780 0355 3*869 2775 1*777 STD 0800 0356 3*87 2775 000*252 0367 1*780 STD 0900 0358 3*87 2775 000*368 0*10 1*798 STD 1000 0361 3*88 2775 000**10 0*5* 1*815 OBS T1029 0362 3*881 2775 14822 STD 1100 0362 3*89 2776 000**29 0*98 1*83* STD 1200 0361 3*89 2775 000*500 05*2 14850 STD 1300 0358 3*90 2777 000**72 0587 1*866 STD 1400 035* 3*92 2779 000*356 0631 1*881 STD 1500 03*8 3*93 2780 000*286 0575 1*895 OBS T1529 03*6 3*932 2781 1*899 49 1 UdllHCI jMir cool ii • 'RSDIN ITATtON HMl o«iciK»iors otrTH MAL ofriH Of WAVE n WIA- THEI COO! ClDUD CODES icnr 10. NO. I/IO lONGHUOl Cluilt NO. siAnoN NUMl« TO •onoM oimvAnoNi STATION NUMlEI to* !• W-) OAT HLI/IO O* HC Ml tl» uri AW 1 311260 EV 62<>17N 05120 W 1B6 i\ 07 2b 030 1966 IIP 10359 1591 15 26 2 2 XI 6 S nn^A WA ■« WMO ■ABO- MfTtI A« t(«». t co".o£, JKCIAl OIIIIVATIONS C"lOt CODE 'UNL OH. 01 tOiCt on lULI WII lULI 23 SIO 135 094 083 8 13 -""""jc.ii HI i/t« 1 C4I0 ITU 0I«« HI T >: $ •''.. SIGMA-T tnciiic votuut t ^0 OTN. M. I llP SOUND VltOCITT Oi "l/l POj-f fOtAi.r «■ • tin NO]-N MOi-H vi . at/I ji04-i. • H 1 C c 1 1 1 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 030 STD 0000 0702 3258 2554 0024569 0000 14760 OBS 0000 0702 32582 2554 14760 STO 0010 0577 3290 2594 0020710 0023 14715 OBS 0010 0577 32897 2594 14715 OBS 0018 0677 33944 2664 14771 STO 0020 06 74 3397 2666 0013883 0040 14770 OBS 0025 0668 34038 2673 14769 STO 0030 0550 3414 2696 0011114 0052 14724 OBS 0049 0275 34435 2748 14616 STD 0050 0279 3445 2749 0005084 0070 14618 STD 0075 0350 3467 2760 0005083 0084 14655 OBS 0076 0351 34672 2760 14656 OBS 0098 0348 34739 2765 14659 STD 0100 0348 3474 2765 0004561 0095 14660 STD 0125 0352 3479 2769 0004238 0107 14565 STD 0150 0355 3483 2772 0003992 0117 14672 OBS 0195 0361 34878 2775 14583 STD 0200 0361 3488 2775 0003734 0135 14683 STD 0250 0360 3488 2775 0003783 0155 14691 STD 0300 0360 3488 2775 0003835 0174 14699 OBS 0389 0359 34872 2775 14714 STO 0400 0359 3487 2775 0003934 0213 14716 STD 0500 0358 3488 2775 0003992 0253 14732 OBS 0583 0358 34878 2775 14746 STD 0600 0358 3488 2775 0004058 0293 14748 STD 0700 0358 3487 2775 0004195 0334 14765 OBS T0779 0358 34865 2774 14778 STD 0800 0357 3487 2775 0004295 0377 14781 STD 0900 0355 3488 2775 0004272 0419 14797 STD 1000 0352 3489 2777 0004247 0462 14812 OBS T1026 0351 34890 2777 14816 STD 1100 0352 3489 2777 0004317 0505 14829 STD 1200 0363 3489 2777 0004430 0549 14847 STD 1300 0355 3489 2776 0004535 0593 14854 STO 1400 0356 3488 2776 0004648 0639 14881 STD 1500 0358 3488 2776 0004753 0686 14899 OBS T1525 0358 34882 2776 14903 50 . SHIP COOf r3112 AmuDf 1/10 lONClTUDt ■ -i/io ii H>- 057 057 057 057 057 057 057 057 057 057 057 057 an. lajiA in 10 01 toici SO 8 IB ■ AtO> MfTII Imkfl 1Z5 lQ3feO All TIMF. T 083 072 DEPTH TO •onoM 1Z3A 13 1^0 OTN. M. I I." OIPTH £MIV5_ 1? 2131 W[A. THU CODI MOOC STAtON NUMIIt 0037 SOUND viLOcm .« ■ •■/> NO}-N SI Oi-S' H-BI/l STD 0000 0659 3236 25*1 0025729 0000 1*7*0 OBS 0000 0659 32355 25*1 1*7*0 STD 0010 0592 3280 2585 00216*0 002* 1*720 OBS 0010 0592 32796 2585 1*720 OBS 0019 0632 3*021 2676 1*75* STD 0020 0618 3*02 2678 0012805 00*1 1*7*8 OBS 0026 0602 33998 2690 1*702 STO 0030 0356 3398 270* 0010298 0052 1*6*1 OBS 0038 0112 33952 2722 1*535 STD 0050 019* 3*1* 2731 0007751 00 71 1*576 STD 0075 0294 3**3 27*6 0005381 0088 1*628 OBS 0096 0303 3*53* 2753 1*637 STO 0100 029* 3*5* 2755 0005568 0103 1*63* OBS 0106 0283 3*5*5 2756 1*630 STD 0125 0302 3*62 2760 000505* 0116 1*6*2 STD 0150 032* 3*70 2765 000*673 0129 1*657 OBS 0193 0353 3*810 2770 1*678 STO 0200 0353 3*81 2771 000*1*5 0151 1*679 STD 0250 0355 3*83 2772 000*069 0171 1*688 STD 0300 0356 3*8 5 2773 0003992 0191 1*698 OBS T0387 0359 3*880 2775 1*713 STD O'tOO 0359 3*88 2776 0003867 0231 1*716 STD 0500 0359 3*89 2776 0003916 0269 1*732 OBS 0582 0358 3*891 2776 1*7*6 STD 0600 0358 3*89 2776 000395* 0309 1*7*8 STO 0700 0356 3*89 2777 0003995 03*9 1*76* OBS T0782 0355 3*896 2777 1*778 STD 0800 0355 3*90 2777 000*023 0389 1*781 STD 0900 0355 3*90 2777 000*106 0*29 1*797 OBS 0971 0355 3*901 2777 1*809 STD 1000 0356 3*90 2777 000*19* 0*71 1*81* STD 1100 0359 3*90 2777 000*305 0513 1*832 OBS T1166 0362 3*902 2777 1*8*5 51 IHIP CODE LAmuDf 311260* EV 52375N 05132ew LONCIIUOI * 'Via 1^ 10' I '• ,W 1 8611110 0 OAT Mt.1/18 ""' •; NO. 7l?<.l07Sll96el 1 30 01 roici 508 lAlO* MtKt tmki) US OUGINATOrs ipI 10361 086 081 0223 13 DTN. M. -M. tcflrii II A 22, 2121 WEA* THEI CODE SOUND VElOCin NODC STATION NUMltK 0038 STD 0000 0695 3238 2538 0026012 0000 14754 075 OBS 0000 0695 32377 2538 14754 STO 0010 0618 3244 2554 0024588 0025 14726 07i OBS 0010 0618 32443 2554 14726 STD 0020 0169 3301 2642 0016148 0046 14545 07S OBS 0020 0169 33008 2642 14545 075 OBS 0029 0045 33377 2680 14496 STD 0030 0041 3339 2681 0012480 0060 14494 STD 0050 -OCS 3362 2703 0010326 0083 14462 075 OBS 0058 -0077 33697 2711 14449 075 OBS 0073 -0006 33830 2719 14486 STO 0075 0063 3391 2721 0008640 0106 14519 075 OBS 0081 0172 34063 2726 14571 075 OBS 0087 0131 34076 2730 14554 STO 0100 0151 3417 2737 0007231 0126 14566 STD 0125 0192 3434 2747 0006252 0143 14591 075 OBS TOl** 0223 34451 2754 14609 STD 0150 0235 3448 2755 0005547 0158 14616 075 OBS 0191 0304 34662 2763 14655 STD 0200 0308 3467 2764 0004787 0184 14638 STD 0250 0327 3474 2767 0004479 0207 14675 STD 0300 0342 3479 2770 0004291 0229 14691 075 OBS T0378 0358 34848 2773 14711 STD 0*00 0358 3485 2773 0004087 0271 14715 STD 0500 0357 3486 2774 0004093 0312 14731 075 OBS T0591 0357 34872 2775 14746 STD 0600 0357 3487 2775 0004084 0353 14748 STO 0700 0358 3488 2775 0004145 0394 14765 STO 0800 0358 3488 2775 0004213 0435 14782 075 OBS T0808 0358 34879 2775 14783 SI04-S> I CTIt ID. '"■lOI NO. r^T. SHIP CODE lATITUDt t/10 LONGITUDE n ■*0 I DAY HILVIO OKIGINATOrS NODC STATION NUMIEK EV 5235 N 051395W 1 66 121 I 07 126 lose Il96al 1 1 P| 10362 ^ inio 01 IQICI 30 S02 ■ARO- METEI (mbil 119 083 072 Q»39 11 SAO OVN. M. X 10* SOUND viLOCin 2 \2 \ 6l8 0039 STO 0000 0655 3250 2553 0024633 0000 14740 088 OBS 0000 0655 32495 2553 14740 STD 0010 0568 3251 2555 0023523 0024 14706 0 88 OBS 0010 0568 32508 2565 14706 STD 0020 0221 3285 2626 0017689 0045 14566 088 OBS 0020 0221 32853 2626 14566 STO 0030 -0023 3323 2671 0013414 0060 14463 088 OBS 0030 -0023 33228 2671 14463 088 OBS 0030 -0104 33488 2696 14429 STD 0050 -0101 3352 2697 0010905 0085 144 34 088 OBS 00 74 -0097 33649 2700 14440 STD 0075 -0096 3355 2700 0010649 OUl 14441 088 OBS 0099 -0054 33696 2710 14466 STD 0100 -0050 3371 2711 0009594 0137 14469 STD 0125 0047 3392 2723 0008472 0159 14520 0 88 OBS 0148 0115 34090 2733 14567 STO 0150 0118 3410 2733 0007545 0179 14559 088 OBS T0197 0190 34327 2746 14601 STD 0200 0196 3434 2747 0006314 0214 14605 STD 0250 0283 3457 2758 0005344 0243 14654 STD 0300 0340 3473 2766 0004720 0268 14689 0 88 OBS T0300 0340 34730 2766 14589 088 OBS T0399 0363 34822 2770 14716 lOTAl-P «B - .1/1 NO]-N HS • •I/I NOi-N VI - aWI S>0«-Si wa - oi/i 52 ctitJ la ''-'led NO r-' — I 311260 SHIP CODI LATITUDE l/IO EV &2300N 0515iew n- .107126 10* 1966 mto • OlCt so* OUCINATOrS IPJ 10363 089 07B OIPTM TO ■0T10M 0300 MO. Olt. DEriHS 09 3 AO OTN. M. OIFTH 0» SOUND VIlOCITTf Gil Ml I S<*" nn WIA- TMll CODE - XI NODC STATION NUMIU STO 0000 0659 3225 2533 0026551 0000 1*738 10* OBS 0000 0659 322*5 2533 1*738 10* OBS 0008 0572 323*6 2551 1*706 STD 0010 0553 3236 2555 002**76 0026 1*699 10* OBS 0017 0*88 32*06 2566 1*673 STD 0020 0282 3266 2606 0019618 00*8 1*590 10* OBS 0023 0115 32875 2635 1*519 STD 0030 001* 3303 2653 0016093 0065 1**77 10* OBS 00*0 -0103 33226 267* 1**27 STD 0050 -0102 3330 2680 0012557 0093 1**31 STO 0075 -0098 33*7 2693 0011255 0122 1**39 STD 0100 -009* 3363 2706 0010033 01*9 1***7 10* OBS 0105 -0093 33662 2709 1***9 STD 0126 -00*6 3381 2719 00088*0 0173 1**76 STD 0150 0007 3396 2728 00079*7 019* 1*506 10* OBS 0170 00** 3*052 273* 1*528 10* OBS T0190 0077 3*116 2737 1*5*7 STD 0200 0097 3*16 2739 0006960 0231 1*568 STD 0250 0232 3**9 2756 0005*99 0262 1*631 10* OBS 0280 03*0 3*772 2769 1*686 TDT*l-r NOi-N »B • «t/l NOj-N Vf - •fl SI04-ti Fl-Ol/1 1 MFEIENCE SHIP CODE n M.S DEN 1 STATION TIME ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH 1 MAX. WAVE - WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES NODC iCtrr ID. NO. LATrTUDE 1/10 LONGITUDE 'VIO CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER TO -■■■' BOTTOM j.„°;.5 NUMBER lo- 1 r VO DAY MR.VIO Dl*. MCT ftl K* T*ri AM 1 ' 1 311260 FV &2262N 052057W 186 I22I 07 ?f> 120 1968 UP 1036* 0282 03 3* 1 2 XI 6 6 00*1 WA -R WIND lAllO- METEft (mbil AIR TEMP. "C VIS. COD NO. OBS. DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE ItANS. Dirt. i«(0 01 »OiCt DRY lULI WET BUL> 33 so* 119 089 083 8 09 MisltNca CAST HI 1/10 CARD TY?E DEPTH (ml I t s •/.. SIGMA-T iPtcinc vOLUMi ANQMALT-XIO' SAO DYN. M. X103 SOUND VELOCin Oj ml/1 PO,~f Vfl - am lOTAl-p VB - a*/) N03-N 1)0 - «l/l NOj-N vg . ai/1 SI04-Si KO - ol/l pH t c c 1 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 STD 0000 0652 3250 255* 002*57* 0000 1*739 OBS 0000 0662 32*98 255* 1*739 STD 0010 0*86 3273 2592 0020967 0023 1*676 STD 0020 027* 3295 2629 0017376 00*2 1*690 OBS 0020 027* 329*8 2629 1*590 STD 0030 -0060 3315 2666 0013862 0068 1**** OBS 0035 -0132 33258 2677 1**13 OBS 0037 -01*3 33300 2681 1*409 STD 0050 -0117 33*0 2688 00117*1 00 8 3 1**25 STD 0075 -0077 3359 2702 0010*12 0111 1**60 OBS 0095 -0056 33715 2712 1**65 STD 0100 -0055 337* 271* 00093*3 0136 1**67 STD 0125 -0051 3387 272* 0008360 0158 1**7* STD 0150 -00*7 3399 273* 0007**1 0177 1**82 OBS 0150 -00*7 33992 273* 1**82 STD 0200 0137 3*2* 27*3 0006666 0213 1*677 OBS 0200 0137 3*235 27*3 1*577 STD 0250 0250 3*52 2757 0005*28 02*3 1*639 OBS T0251 0256 3*539 2758 1*6*2 OBS 0265 03*2 3*779 2759 1*685 53 1 ttffllNCt IHW COOl « M/aiDiN STATION TIMI oticiNATon 1 OfPTH MAL WAVI WIA- THII COOl CLOUD CODIS NOOC icm ID. HO. lAtnuoi l/U lononuoi ' "t/ii ClUlft NO. STATION NUMHI •onow 01 S'MPL'S NUMlfl !«• 1* M3 OAT HLI/IO OB. Mc ni tiA rvn AM ' 311260 FV 52J17M 0S2230W 1A6 ?? 07 ?1S 135 196fl 1 IP 10365 0275 03 33 2 2 XI 6 6 0042 W* WINO lAIO- MflU All TtMr. t: "'^'of'THI SftClAL oiiiivAnoNs C^LOt cool OK. Ot (OICI Dl» W|I lULI lULI 33 so* 122 09'* 063 B 10 "-' •: HO. HI l/tO CAiO DIPTH kil T t J •''.. SICMA-T ANOMAL>-ltt' S ^0 DVN. M. 1 llP SOUND VILOCITir Oj -l/l TOT*l«> NO,-N HOj-H S)04-S> »« . Bt/I »H 1 C c 1 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 STO 0000 06S1 3250 2550 002*95* 0000 1*750 OBS 0000 0681 32*96 2550 1*750 STD 0010 0558 3272 2583 0021B21 0023 1*705 OBS 0016 0*77 3283* 2601 1*67* STD 0020 0334 3296 2625 0017786 00*3 1*616 STO 0030 0103 3318 2660 001**26 0059 1*519 OBS 0035 0016 33272 2673 1**82 STO 0050 -0070 33*0 2687 0011902 0086 1***7 OBS 0065 -0111 33511 2697 1**32 STD 0075 -0093 3358 2702 0010*30 Oil* 1***3 OBS 0095 -0056 33697 2710 1**66 STD 0100 -00*8 3372 2712 0009526 0138 1**70 STD 0125 0005 3386 2720 0008717 0161 1*500 OBS 0125 0005 33858 2720 1*500 STD 0150 00 76 3*05 2732 0007666 0182 1*539 OBS 0150 00 76 3*050 2732 1*539 OBS 0160 0069 3*080 2735 1*538 OBS 0190 0120 3*226 27*3 1*568 STD 0200 01** 3*29 27*7 0006300 0217 1*581 STO 0250 0311 3*68 276* 000*777 02** 1*668 OBS T0251 0315 3*69* 2765 1*670 1 urftfNCt SHir COOI i| •«/lJDtH STATION TtMf owciNATors DEPTH MAK. DEPTH Of S'MPl'S, WAVE WEA. THEI CODE ClOUD CODl! HODC iCtn ID. HO. lATITUDt 1/10 LONCrTUOf • -1/10 C«UiSt NO. STATION NUMIEI TO •OtIOM STAIIOH NUMlfl 10* r V3 DAY HILI/IO Dtt. HC nt It A tin AM ui 1260 EV 52177N 052401W 186 22 07 26 150 1968 IIP 10366 0260 03 34 2 3 X2 7 8 0043 WA'-« WIND 1 A IO- METER tmbtl AtR TEMf. X vrv COO NO. CIS. DfflHS SPECIAL 0ISEIVAT10KS CrtlOt CODE ttANL DHL tnio tOKI 0«» lULI WET • ULI 33 su 122 106 083 6 oa HI 1/(0 1 CAID Ttn DEPTH bnl I t s •/.. SICMA-T IMCiftC VOLUME ANQMAlT-IlO' IAD DVN. M. X ID' SOUND VIIOCITY Oj"il/l f04-P TOTAl-r »fl - .t/l NO)-H 1.1 - OVI NO)-H «-«l/l llOj-11 »" 1 C c 1 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 STO 0000 0738 3262 2552 002*730 0000 1*77* OBS 0000 0738 32623 2552 1*77* STD 0010 0690 3266 257* 0022636 002* 1*717 STD 0020 0*29 3276 2600 0020173 00*5 1*65* OBS 0022 0396 32783 2606 1*6*1 STD 0030 0209 3301 26*0 0016*1* 0063 1*66* STD 0050 -0123 33*3 2691 0011*85 0091 1**22 OBS 0060 -0123 33*31 2691 1**22 STO 0075 -0113 3353 2699 00107*6 0119 1**33 STD 0100 -0102 3365 2708 0009850 01*5 1***3 OBS 0100 -0102 33650 2708 1***3 STO 0125 -00** 3380 2718 0008926 0168 1**77 STD 0150 0007 3393 2726 0008183 0190 1*506 OBS 0150 0007 33929 2726 1*506 STO 0200 0087 3*15 2739 0006971 0228 1*55* OBS 0210 0103 3*192 27*2 1*563 STO 0250 0168 3*33 27*8 000621* 0261 1*601 OBS 0260 0168 3*327 27*8 1*601 OBS 0260 0219 3**29 2752 1*626 54 ■ SHIP CODl ht. 260 lATITUDt 52132N lONcnuot ' "1/10 052538* 8^ 186 122 07 I 26 16» 33 toict OUCINATOrS 10367 lAIQ. MfTEl 108 OS^t 083 oiriH TO •OTTOV 0252 08 02 32 Gil HI I tl*" WIA- THII CODl 7l6 MIIIIMCI LcAST "*»' •; NO. HI )/IO SOUND viiocnt NO]-N NOj-H STD 0000 0711 3269 2S61 0023908 0000 14764 165 OBS 0000 0711 32686 2561 14764 STD 0010 0674 3270 2566 0023382 0024 14752 STO 0020 0637 3270 2572 0022870 0047 14738 165 OBS 0025 0618 32708 2574 14732 STO 0030 01.38 3291 2511 0019141 0068 14661 STD 0050 -0033 3350 2693 0011287 0098 14455 165 OBS 0050 -0033 33500 2693 14465 STD 0075 -0063 3369 2710 0009687 0124 14458 165 OBS 0075 -0063 33692 2710 14458 STD 0100 -0019 3384 2720 0008725 0147 14485 165 OBS 0100 -0019 33842 2720 14485 STD 0125 0032 3397 2728 0008008 0158 14514 STD 0150 00 76 3409 2736 0007345 0188 14640 165 OBS 0150 0076 34091 2735 14540 165 OBS T0199 0142 34292 2747 14680 STO 0200 0144 3430 2747 0006225 0221 14581 165 OBS T0237 0204 34431 2753 14616 - SHIP CODE LATITUDE 1/10 LONGITUDE ■vio OWGINATOIfS WEA- THER CODE 311260 EV 52084N 053086W 186 23 07 26 184 1968 I I IP 10368 "•:"lc S12 BABO- METER AIR TEMP. "C 083 0232 J^ 2 13 I 0045 IIMf HK 1/10 ] SAD DTN. M. X 10' STD 0000 0729 3260 2544 0025507 0000 14769 184 OBS 0000 0729 32504 2544 14769 STD 0010 0559 3250 2553 0024575 0025 14743 184 OBS OOlO 0659 3249B 2553 14743 STD 0020 0421 3255 2692 0020943 0047 14549 STD 0030 0212 3283 2525 0017793 0057 14653 184 OBS 0030 0212 32831 2525 14653 STD 0050 -0121 3331 2681 0012415 0097 14421 184 OBS 0051 -0129 33328 2583 14418 184 OBS 0071 -0108 33522 2598 14434 STD 0075 -0100 3354 2599 0010717 0125 14439 STD 0100 -0049 3357 2707 0009934 0152 14458 184 OBS 0100 -0049 33667 2707 14468 STD 0125 -0005 3382 2718 0008922 0175 14495 184 OBS T0149 0049 33984 2728 14526 STD 0150 0052 3399 2729 0007959 0195 14527 STO 0200 0205 3435 2747 00P6313 0232 14509 184 OBS T0210 0242 34426 2750 14628 55 IHIP COOl LAmuoi l/1f LONCITUOI * '1/10 wo DAT Ht.1/10 ctnil MA m WtA- THII CODf NOOC STATION NUMlll 3U260I EV 5203$N 0S3200W 186 23 07 26 199 1968 ■AIO- MlTtl ^kil IP 10369 33 SI* 108 089 075 7 09 1320 NO. CIS. DIPTHl 03 3* XI 31 7 00*6 •"•' •; Na HI 1/10 i AD OTN. M. I 10* SOUND VitOCITlf IOT*i-» ,9 ■ "/i NOj-N STD 0000 0736 3235 2531 0026751 0000 14771 199 OBS 0000 0738 32352 2531 14771 STO 0010 0657 3230 2537 0026135 0026 14740 199 OBS 0010 0657 32299 2537 14740 STD 0020 0598 3238 2551 0024837 0052 14719 199 OBS 0021 0577 32407 2556 14711 STD 0030 0173 3289 2633 0017072 0073 14547 199 OBS 0034 0052 330*4 2652 14495 STO 0050 -0068 3335 2683 0012285 0102 14447 199 OBS 0050 -0068 33351 2683 14447 STD 0075 -0077 3354 2698 0010795 0131 14450 199 OBS 0098 -0085 33685 2710 14452 STO 0100 -0083 3369 2711 0009614 0157 14453 STO 0125 -0050 3379 2717 0008975 0190 14474 199 OBS TOl'.S -0001 33909 2725 14502 STD 0150 0007 3392 2725 0008252 0201 14506 199 OBS T0196 0159 34239 2742 14586 STO 0200 0170 3426 2742 0006718 0239 14592 STD 0250 0268 3450 2754 0005736 0270 14647 STO 0300 0303 3464 2762 0005038 0297 14672 199 OBS T0306 0303 34648 2762 14673 1 uruENCt SHIP CODE n M/RSOIN STATION Tl WE ORIGIN A TO CS DtPTM MAX. WAVE W(A. THEI CODE ClOUD COOIS NOOC 10. NO. LAtnuoi 1/10 lOMonuoi * -i/io CKUISE NO. STATION NUMIfl lOTTOM OE S-MPfS NUMlll 10* r MO DAT HI.I/.0 O". HC Ml SiA tin **A U] 1260 EV 51586N 053329W 186 13 07 26 216 1968 IIP 10370 0380 03 3* 2 2 XI 3 6 00*7 WA '• WIND lAIO- MET{| tmbtl AIR TEMP, T VII COD NO. OIS. DEPTHS SPECIAL OISERVATIONS C^LOI CODt tlANL D«L 01 >0«CI ORT ■ULI W(T lull 33 512 116 089 078 7 09 HI l/IO) CUD Ufl OI"H Ml T t s •/.. SICMA-T mcinc voiUMi ANOMALT.XIt' IAD SOUND VClOCltT Oj mm PO.-P TOtAl-P M-«'/< NO)-N .t-«l/l NO)-N llOt-S' |H I c 1 STD 0000 0747 3264 2552 0024736 0000 14778 216 OBS 0000 0747 32638 2552 14778 STD 0010 0662 3231 2537 0025151 0025 14742 216 OBS 0010 0662 32305 2537 14742 STD 0020 0587 3244 2557 0024252 0051 14715 216 OBS 0020 0587 32441 2557 14715 STD 0030 0166 3284 2629 0017405 0071 14543 216 OBS 0040 -0129 33129 2667 14414 STD 0050 -0145 3317 2671 0013425 0102 14408 STD 0075 -0162 3329 2681 0012442 0135 14406 216 OBS 0075 -0162 33290 2681 14405 STD 0100 -0099 3351 2697 0010932 0164 14443 STD 0125 -0048 3370 2710 0009671 0190 14473 STD 0150 -0011 3385 2720 0008731 0213 14497 216 OBS 0150 -0011 33845 2720 14497 216 OBS T0178 0015 33962 2728 14515 STD 0200 0104 3413 2737 0007234 0253 14561 STO 0250 0247 3443 2750 0006079 0^86 14637 216 OBS T0258 0262 344 71 2752 14645 STO 0300 0287 3461 2761 0005110 0314 14664 216 OBS T0333 0306 34648 2762 14579 56 [ uriiENci SHir CODI M««JOfN ITATIOM TlMl oeciNATors OlflM MAK. OfMH or WAVI ~ W|A. TMII COOl ClOUO COOIJ iCItt -101 10. HO. 1/10 * -1/10 ClUltl NO. STATION NUMItt TO •onoM STATCN NUMlll to* 1* MO OAT MLVIO Da HC Ml it« "n AW l3> 1260 EV 51538N 0S3<*54W 186 13 07 26 231 1968 IIP 10371 0417 04 34 2 2 XI 4 2 0048 w*-'i WIND lAlO' MITII A. T»Mr. -c SflClAl OlSUVAHONt en 101 coot »«ANt 0 »H 1 C c 1 STO 0000 076* 32*5 253* 002639* 0000 1*782 231 OBS 0000 0 76* 32**6 253* 1*782 STD 0010 0571 3253 2566 0023362 0025 1*708 STD 0020 03*2 3262 2598 0020*00 00*7 1*615 231 OBS 0025 021* 32667 2612 1*561 STD 0030 0050 3287 2639 0016*91 0065 1**91 231 OBS 0035 -00 70 33035 2657 1**39 STD 0050 -0162 3323 2676 0012921 0095 1**01 231 OBS 0050 -0162 33230 2676 1**01 STO 0075 -0133 33*3 2691 0011**8 0125 1**22 STD 0100 -0102 3359 270* 0010279 0152 1***3 231 OBS 0100 -0102 3359* 270* 1*4*3 STO 0125 -0080 3370 2711 0009539 0177 1*459 STD 0150 -00 36 3383 2720 00087*1 0200 1*485 231 OBS 0150 -0036 33B28 2720 1**85 STD 0200 one 3*1* 2736 0007290 02*0 1*567 231 OBS 0200 0118 3*135 2736 1*567 STD 0250 0223 3*36 27*6 0006*03 027* 1*625 STD 0300 0295 3*52 2753 0005863 0305 1*667 231 OBS T0308 0304 3*5*5 275* 1*672 STO 0*00 0338 3*68 2761 0005165 0360 1*70* 231 OBS TOIOT 03*0 3*688 2762 1*706 57 -^U S GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1971 O — 424-725 539^- A A