UMASS/AMHERST 9 312DbbDD55mSD7 ' *7 --^ / w* / \^ t LIBRARY OF THE MASSACHUSETTS AGRICULTURAL CO^ " ^GE NO._ ■ O SOURCE ^^\^ ±ay\m \5 •E.2._-.l88-7___ \ This book may be kept out TWO WEEKS only, and is subject to a fine of TWO CENTS a day thereafter. It will be due on the day indicated below. m 4 '92 m kl4 / LAMINITIS. Its Nomenclature, Nature, Etiology, Symptoms, Course, Complications and Treatment. CONTRIBUTION Veterinary Pathology, A. A. HOLCOMBE, D.V.S, Professor of Surgical Patliology and Obstetrics in the American Veterinary College. NEW YORK : A. N. Davis' Job Printing House, 60 University Place, 1880. NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR. ider how cramped and unnatural is the position he assumes while standing; and if it were maintained for any considerable length of time, would, no doubt, excite the disease in the fore- feet as explained by D'Arboval. All Four Feet. — Laminitis of all four feet is but un- commonly met with. The author has seen but three such cases. In all these, the position assumed was nearly normal, all the feet being slightly advanced, and first one, then another, momentarily raised from the ground and carefully replaced ; tlMS action being kept up almost continually during »the time the animal remained standing. The suffering in these cases is most acute ; the appetite is lost, and although the patient lies most of the time, the temperature remains too high, the pulse and respirations are greatly accelerated, the body covered with sweat, and bed-sores are unpleasant accompaniments. COURSE. The course which Laminitis takes, varies greatly in dif- ferent cases, being influenced more or less by the exciting cause, the animals previous condition, the acuteness of the attack and the subsequent treatment. The first symptoms rarely exhibit themselves while the animal is at his work, al- though we will occasionally see the gait impaired by stumb- ling, the body covered with a profuse sweat and the respiration become blowing in character, as premonitions of the oncom- ing disease. But as a rule nothing is noted amiss with the animal un- til he has stood for some time after coming in from work, when, in attempting to move him, he is found very stiff. Like all congestions the early symptoms usually develop rapidly ; yet this is not always the case, for in some instances there appears to be no well-defined period of congestion, the disease seem- ingly commencing at ti pointy and gradually spreading until a large territory is involved in the morbid process. Simple Congestion. Those cases of simple congestion of the laminae, which we erroneously call Laminitis, are rapidly developed ; the symp- LAMINITIS. 17 toms being but moderately severe, and from one to three days required for recovery. There are no structural changes here, and but a moderate exudate which is rapidly reabsorbed, leaving the parts precisely in the same condition as they were previous to the attack. If the congestion has been excessive, a rupture of some of the capillaries will be found ; a condition more apt to obtain where the animal is made to continue work after a development of symptoms has begun. True the majority of these last described cases prove to be Laminitis in fact, yet at times the congestion will pass away, and the extravasated blood be absorbed without inflammation supervening to an extent sufficient to warrant us calling it Laminitis. The seat of greatest congestion will always be found in the neighborhood of the toe, because of the increased vascularity of' that part ; and although at times it is limited to the podophyllous tissue alone, any or all parts of the kera- togenous membrane may be affected by the congestion, and followed finally by inflammation. A cute. In the acute form of Laminitis, the symptoms may all develop rapidly, or it may commence by the appearance of a little soreness of the feet during progression, which in twenty- four or forty-eight hours' time has passed into a well-marked case. This peculiarity of development is due to one of two causes — either the congestion is general but takes place slowly, or else it begins in one or more points and gradually spreads throughout the laminae. These acute cases generally run their course in from a few days to two weeks, or more time. Usu- ally a culmination of the symptoms is reached, if the patient is properly treated, in from three to five days ; then evidences of recovery are discernible in favorable cases. The lameness improves, the other symptoms gradually subside, and eventually health is regained. It is in these cases that a strong tendency to disorganization of a destructive character exists, and hence it is we see so many recover imperfectly, with marked structural changes permanently remaining. The inflammatory exudate 1 8 LAMINITIS. is poured out into the keratogenous membrane, which we find swollen to the greatest degree compatible with its restricted capabilities. This exudate is rich in wandering cells, and ac- cording to Fleming, " a large quantity of hard consistent horn '' is deposited on the surface of the inflamed tissues. The exuda- tion is seen in greatest quantity at the toe where the vessels are most profuse, while ooccasinally extravasated blood is found on the inner surface or plates of the keraphyllous tissue. Pur- ulent infiltration sometimes exists to a limited degree without any suppuration occurring. The rich plastic infiltration which has taken place, ends either in reabsorption, or, as it is prone to do, in the development of new connective tissue ; while the serous exudate and extravasated blood are readily removed by the absorbents, and the new horn-material becomes organ- ized and eventually removed by the off-growing hoof. Sub -A cute. Sub- Acute Laminitis is most often seen as a termination of the acute form, although at times it exists independent of or precedes an acute attack. It is characterized by the mild- ness of its symptoms, slow course, and moderate tissue changes. It may be present for a long time before any pathological le- sions result, other than those found in the acute form, and when these changes do take place, they should rather be viewed as complications. Chronic. Chronic Laminitis is a term used by many to designate any of the sequelae of the acute and sub-acute forms of this disease. Pure chronic inflammation of the laminae is not very commonly met with, but is most frequent in horses that have long done fast track work. They have " fever in the feet " at all times and are continually sore, both conditions being aggra- vated by work. Like chronic inflammation of other parts there is a strong tendency here to the development of new connec- tive tissue, which by its pressure upon the blood vessels inter- feres with nutrition. Atrophy of the os pedis and periostitis with caries is not unusual. The continued fever and impaired function of secretion, results in the production of horn, defi- LAMINITIS. 19 cient in elasticity, somewhat spongy in character and inclined to crumble. In others of these cases of " soreness " in horses used to hard work, there is evident weakness of the coats of the vessels brought on by repeated functional exhaustion. Here slight work acts as an exciting cause of congestion, which results in serous effusion and temporary symptoms similar to those of chronic Laminitis. Chronic inflammation of the laminae is no doubt present in most of the sequelae of Lamini- tis, but it is not the most important nor most interesting lesion, and so should be considered only as an adjunct of the pro- cesses it may accompany. COMPLICATIONS. Complications concurrent with or supervening upon Lam- initis are frequent and varied, and are often dependent upon causes not fully understood. Super- Purgation . Super-purgation is one of the simplest of these, and not usually attended with dangerous consequences. It rarely occurs unless induced by the exhibition of a purgative ; and the ex- cessive action of the medicine is probably to be explained upon the theory that the mucous membrane sympathizes with the diseased laminae, is irritable, and readily becomes over-excited. The discharges are thin and watery, sometimes offensively odorous, and occasionally persist in spite of treatment. It may prove disastrous' to the welfare of the patient, by the rapid ex- haustion which it causes, preventing resolution of the Lamin- itis, and may even cause death. SepticcBinia and Pycemia. Septicaemia or Pyaemia are unusual complications, and are seen only in the most severe cases, where bed-sores are pres- ent, or suppuration of the laminae results. They die, as a rule, within three days after showing signs of the complication. A further consideration of the condition is unnecessary in this connection. 20 LAMINITIS. Metastatic Pneumonia. Pneumonia — the so-called Metastatic — needs no especial consideration, for in its lesions and symptoms it does not differ from ordinary pneumonia, although it may be over-looked en- tirely by the practitioner. Examinations of the chest in Lam- initis should be made every day, so as to detect the disease at its onset, and render proper aid. Side-Bones. A rapid development of side-bones, is one of the complica- tions, or perhaps better, a sequel of Laminitis, not often met with in practice. Here the inflammatory process extends to the lateral cartilages with a strong tendency to calcification. The deposition of the lime-salts is sometimes most rapid, so that the "bones" are developed in a few weeks' time ; in other in- stances they are deposited slowly, and their growth is not noted until long after the subsidence of the Laminitis, so that the exciting cause is not suspected. This change in the cartil- ages may commence as early as the first week of the Laminitis, and although the trouble in the laminae is removed in the course of a fortnight, the symptoms do not entirely Subside, the ani- mal still retaining the shuffling gait, while the side bones con- tinue to grow, and the patient usually remains quite lame. This alteration of the cartilages generally prevents the patient recovering his natural gait, because of the permanent impair- ment of function induced, and the practitioner- receives unjust censure for a condition of affairs he could neither fore-see nor prevent. The lamanitic process also occasionally extends to the periosteum of the os coronae ; or at least, concurrent with and subsequent to Laminitis the development of " low ring-bone " is seen, and it is apparently dependent upon the disease of the laminae for its exciting cause. The impairment of function and consequent symptoms are much less marked here than in side- bones. The coronet remains hot and sensitive, and somewhat thickened after the Laminitis subsides, and a little lameness is present. This lameness persists and the deposits of new bone may readily be detected. LAMINITIS. 21 Suppuration. Suppuration of the keratogenous membrane is a somewhat common compHcation, and even when present in its most limited form is always a serious matter ; but when it becomes extensive, and especially where the suppurative process extends to the periosteum, the results are apt to be fatal. When sup- puration occurs the exudation does not appear to be excessive, but is rich in leucocytes, and seems to have caused a detach- ment of the sensitive tissues from the horn, prior to the forma- tion of pus in some instances, while in others the tissues are still attached to the horn, and the suppuration takes place in the deeper tissues. Limited suppurations may take place in any part of the sensitive tissues of the foot during Laminitis, and may ulti- mately be reabsorbed instead of being discharged upon the sur- face ; but generally the process begins in the neighborhood of the toe, and spreads backwards and upwards towards the coro- net, where it is seen separating the horn from the coronary band at the quarters. At the same time it is spreading over the sole, and eventually the entire hoof is loosened, and finally sloughs away, leaving the tissues beneath entirely unprotected. If an examination of the keratogenous membrane is now care- fully made, it will be found covered in greater part by pus and coagulated exudate; at some points newly-organized horn may be seen, while in others, and especially in the recently separated portions, extravasated blood intermingles with the pus. In other instances, and these are generally the cases not considered unusually severe, the suppuration begins at the cor- onary band which we find greatly effused, and crowded with wandering cells and leucocytes. The suppuration extends but a short distance in the podophyllous tissue, yet serves to de- stroy the patient by separating the hcof from the coronary band upon which it depends for support and growth. In this form of the suppurative process, it is usually seen beginning in front ; for it is this part of the coronary band that is always most ac- tively affected with inflammation, and consequently it is here that impairments first occur. Suppuration of the sensitive 22 LAMINITIS. sole, is more common than of the sensitive laminae and coron- ary band. It is present, in the majority of cases, where there is a dropping of the os pedis, and in other instances where the effusion at this point is so great as to arrest the production of horn and uncover the sensitive tissues. Except when the result of injury, it begins at the toe and spreads backward, and if not relieved by opening the sole, escapes at the heel. Suppuration of the sole is much less serious than where present in other parts of the foot. If the acute constitutional symptoms developed from this sloughing of the foot do not result in death, a new hoof of very imperfect horn may be developed after a time, but unless the animal is to be kept for breeding purposes alone, the foot will ever be useless for work, and death should relieve the suffering. When only the sole sloughs, recovery takes place with proper treatment. Peditis. This is the term which Williams applies to that serious complication of Laminitis where not only the laminae, but the periosteum and the pedal bone are also the subjects of the inflammatory process. Neither is this all, for in some of these cases of peditis acute serous synovitis of the " coffin joint," is present, and where the tendency is to suppuration em- pyema of the joint. Where periostitis and ostitis complicate Laminitis, the exudation takes place in the keratogenous mem- brane in and beneath the periosteum, and in the bone tissue. A mild form of periostitis, in which the exudation is in the outer or looser layer of the periosteum only, is a more common con- dition than is recognized by practitioners generally ; and the intimate contiquity of structures is the predisposing cause, the disease either spreading from the original seat, or the compli- cation occurs as one of the primary results of the exciting cause. In the severer cases where the exudate separates the perios- teum from the bone, suppuration, gangrene, and superficial caries are common results. Where the plastic infiltration of the bone tissue is rapid, the blood supply is cut off by the con- sequent pressure upon the vessels in the Haversian canals, and necrosis of the os pedis ensues. Grave constitutional symptoms LAMINITIS. 23 mark these changes, and soon prove fatally exhaustive to the patient. In the mild cases of Periostitis it is by no means easy to determine its presence positively, for there are no special symp- toms by which it may be distinguished from pure Laminitis. In the majority of the acute cases, though, that show no signs of improvement by the fifth to seventh day, it is safe to sus- pect periostitis is present, particularly if the coronets are very hot, the pulse remaining full and hard, and the lameness acute. In the fortunately rare cases where the bone is affected with inflammation and suppuration, the agony of the patient is in- tense, he occupies the recumbent position almost continually, never standing for more than a few minutes at a time, suffers from the most careful handling of the affected feet, maintains a rapid pulse and respirations, high temperature, loss of appe- tite and great thirst. It is in these cases the patient continu- ally grows worse, and the appearance of suppuration at the top of the hoof in about two weeks after the inception of the disease, proves the inefficiency of any treatment that may have been adopted, and the hopelessness of the case. These pa- tients die usually between the tenth and twentieth days, either from exhaustion or pyaemic infection. In making post- mortem examinations of this condition, the os pedis will be found blocked in parts with the exudate thrown out from its numerous blood vessels. There is atrophy of the bony tissue surrounding the Haversian canals, and a development of con- nective tissue within, or else the enlarged canal is filled with suppuration. The contiguous surface is denuded of its perios- teum, which has been detached by the free exudation, is darker In color than the healthy bone and generally roughened. Caries. Superficial caries may be present in, or follow, any case of Laminitis, and its most common seats are directly at the toe, particularly at the anterior surface, upon the anterior face just beneath the pyramidal process, and on the plan- tar surface of the relrossal processes. In this last-named position it occasionally becomes more than superficial, extend" 24 LAMINITIS. ing deep into the bone which it honey-combs completely in the adjacent parts, and finally destroys, so that this part of the bone may be found crumbling to pieces on attempting to remove it. Gangrene, Occurs in the periosteum as the result of excessive detach- ment from the bone, combined with compression from an over- profuse exudate. Other parts of the sensitive tissues are sub- ject to the same fate occasionally, from this last-named cause, and at times large territories will be found dead. Fuiniced Sole, Is that condition in which the horny sole in the neighbor- hood of the toe readily crumbles away and leaves the sensitive tissues more or less exposed. It is not confined to being a complication of Laminitis, but may be seen whenever the ne- cessary conditions for inducing it are present. Williams has described the horny tissue under these circumstances as being : " weak, cheesy, ar spongy, like macerated horn, or even grum- ous," and this certainly conveys a good idea of its appearance and general characteristics. This crumbling horn when critic- ally examined, shows almost an entire absence of the cohesive matter which unites the healthy horn fibres, while the fibres themselves are irregular and granular in appearance. Pumiced sole depends upon an impairment of the horn-secreting powers of the sensitive sole, or upon a separation occurring between the horny and soft tissues which maintain its vitality. The normal sole physiologically maintains a proper thinness, by crumbling off in scales as it passes beyound the. life-mataining influence of the producing tissues, and anything which perverts, suspends, or destioys this inflluence, causes the crumbling pro- cess to become excessive. Punctured wounds of the feet, where accompanied by any considerable destruction of the soft or horn-secreting tissues, present the same peculiarities in this respect, in the immediate neighborhood of the injury. Bruises of the sole are occasion- ally followed by this change in the horn, where the exudation has been excessive and separated it from the living tissues. LAMINITIS. 25 True in these cases we rarely see the soft tissues laid bare for the reason that new horn is constantly secreted and replaces that undergoing the process of disintegration. Laminitis presents three different conditions under which pumiced sole may appear. First : where free exudation separ- ates the horn from the other tissues, or where the process of inflammation arrests the production of horn, by impairing or destroying the horn-secreting membrane. Secondly : where depression of the os pedis causes pressure upon, and arrests the formation of horn ; and, Thirdly ; where the elevation of the sole compresses the soft tissues against the pedal bone and in- duces the same condition. Pumiced sole as it results from simple exudation and separation of tissues is of no importance, for the reason given above in connection with bruises ; but where suppuration occurs in restricted portions of the foot in conjunction with Laminitis, it always lays bare the tissues be- neath and impairs the animal's value temporarily. In these cases recovery takes place after a few weeks time by the tis- sues horning over, as in injuries which have been attended with the same process. Depression of the os pedis is not a sufficient cause within itself to cause pumiced sole ; for, if the relative change in the bone takes place slowly, or if the horn is thin, the sole becomes convex from the gradual pressure, and the soft tissues adapt themselves to the change without having their function materially impaired. But when the dropping is sud- den and the soft tissues entirely destroyed, the horn rapidly crumbles away and the toe of the bone comes through. In many of these cases the soft tissues remain uncovered for months, and when they eventually become covered, it is with a thin slightly adherent horn that bears but little or no wear. The sole being now convex, the diseased tissues are compelled to bear unusual weight by coming in contact with the ground, and hence it is these animals are generally incurable cripples. In the majority of cases where the sole is raised to meet the pedal bone, and pumiced sole occurs, it is due, not to pressure of the bone from within, (for the tissues are capable of adapt- ing themselves to the gradual change) but to impaired vitality of the sensitive tissues from the inflammation, and the constant 26 LAMINITIS. concussion and pressure applied from without during progres- sion. Added to this is to be considered the paring away of the horn by the smith when applying the shoe, thereby keeping the sole at this point too thin. Turning Up of The Toe. The results of my investigation into the cause and pathol- ogy of this, too frequent, and most interesting sequel of Lam- initis are somewhat at variance with the explanations given by previous writers on the subject. For instance, Prof Williams in his " Surgery" says : '' In some cases the removal of the ex- udate leaves a space between the sensitive and horny laminae, which has led some observers to think that the disease consists essentially of absorption of the bond of union between the two sets of laminae, the formation of a cavity and the subsequent filling up of it with imperfect cheesy or seedy horn constituting what is termed seedy-toe. Should the inflammation persist, the exudate accumulates at the toe, increases in thickness, presses upon the toe of the os pedis in the one direction, and upon the crust in the other, separating the two, forcing the toe of the bone downwards, and the toe of the crust upwards. The effect of this change in the position of the bone is the formation of a convex sole." Prof Law in his "Adviser'' makes the following remarks in relation to this condition : " If the inflammation persists in a slight form, an excessive growth of soft spongy horn takes place in front of the laminae at the toe, separating the coffin bone from the hoof-wall, and allow- ing its anterior border to press upon the sole, or even to per- forate it." That "the removal of the exudate leaves a space between the sensitive and horny laminae " is not clear to me, for I have never been able to find an empty space between the laminae, no matter how far apart they may have been forced. It does not seem possible that such a condition could in any way be produced by resorption, for the opposition to be over- come in order to produce an empty space, a vacuum — is much greater than can be accomplished by the absorbents. All reabsorption of effused material must be followed in subcutaneous parts, by one or more of four conditions : con- LAMINITIS. 27 traction of tissue, renewed effusion, replacement of displaced parts, or the production of ne^v tissue. So far as my observations have gone, I find the effusion under all circumstances in Laminitis comparatively limited, and, that as the effused material is absorbed, the parts regain their normal position and condition, or else the exudate is re- placed by, or converted into , new tissue — so that at no time is there an empty space created in the structures of the foot. No matter how severe the inflammatory action may be, nor how profuse the exudation, unless suppuration occurs, the soft tissues are not destroyed to any considerable extent. It is claimed by some writers that the soft tissues, having been separated by the exudate from the horn, have lost their function ; and that new horn, formed so plenteously under cer- tain conditions, is produced alone by the coronary band. We deny that this is true ; for we nnd in all of these cases, where there is turning up of the toe, that the horn-producing lunction of the coronary band is greatly impaired — in some cases almost entirely suspended, upon the anterior part of the foot, and that the greater this impairment on the part of the coronary band the richer is the production of new horn at the toe. Further- more, the new horn is always intimately attached to the podo- phyllous tissue beneath, by which it has unquestionably been produced; for if the coronary band is producing but little, and the old horn is but slowly growing off, whence comes this new horn } It cannot come from a tissue which can only replace old horn with new, the said tissue being at least two inches away from the point of production. Another evidence that the new horn comes from the podophyllous tissue, is, that when the function of the coronary band is regained, (as it oftimes is), this new horn grows off with the wall and is replaced by new horn from above, or from the coronary band. Furthermore, this new horn is arranged between the sen- sitive laminae in plates similar co the arrangement of the horny laminae in the normal foot, with the exception that they are not quite so regular and perfect in outline, and are covered with more of the free cells spoken of by Fleming. Regarding the direction of the horny fibres in this new horn, they will be 28 LAMINITIS. found more oblique than the fibres in the healthy wall, the pro- ducing tissue seeming to endeavor to throw these fibres off at somewhat an approach to a right angle, as seen in the sensitive sole and coronary band. Lastly these fibres are somewhat flexuous, as in the healthy frog. At whatever time, during the progress of the disease, the separation of the sensitive and horny tissues is effected, the os pedis thereafter tends to alter its relative position by reason of the weight which it receives, and the position the animal as- sumes throwing all the strain on the flexors. But this tendency amounts to nothing of importance, unless there is extensive separation of the bonds of union, when the consequent pressure upon the soft tisses of the sole, already impaired by disease, proves disastrous to their horn-producing function, and ultimately destroys their structure. As seen in plate No. 2, this deviation of the os pedis amounts to about five lines, the convexity of the sole, reaching four and a half lines. Here the change has been so gradual that but little impairment of the function of the sensitive sole has resulted ; and the thin- ness of the horny sole in front of the frog, is due to the interfer- ence of the shoeing-smith. The space between the toe of the os pedis and the original horn-wall, has been filled in with new horn, as the bone receded from its original position. If this change in the relation of the bone to the other tissues, was due, as Wil- liams claims, to pressure of the exudate, this pressure, to over- come the opposition of the sole, etc., would be so powerful as to impair the horn-secreting function of the podophyllous tissue on the anterior toe of the os pedis ; and hence, we would find but little horn secreted, and that of a very inferior quality. The opposite are the facts — plenty of horn of a good quality. That replacement, complete or in part, takes place in many of these cases, cannot be denied, for, as the superfluous horn at the toe grows off with the wall, the bone tends to resume its old position. The exudate plays no part whatsoever \w forcing the toe of the OS pedis downward, and the toe of the hoof upward, as claimed by Williams and Law. It does not always even so much as cause the separation be- LAMINITIS. 29 tween the sensitive and horny tissues ; for at times this so- lution of continuity is dependent upon other causes which have no connexion with exudation. The turning up of the toe, as seen in plate No. 3, is only the result of a simple mechanical principle brought into operation by means of the altered rela- tive growth of the horny fibres in different parts of the foot. In every one of these cases there is a very decided impair- ment of horn production upon the part of the coronary band in its anterior part, while at the heel the production is as rapid, or even takes place more rapidly, than normal, and the inevit- able result is the formation of an angle upon the anterior wall ; for the gro-A'ing heel tends to revolve, in its growth, around the fixed point near the cornary band. As the angle forms at the point where the impairment of function exists, /. e., near the coronary band, the horn-fibres are deflected forwards, and con- sequently upwards, so that the toe is brought nearer the horizon- tal line, and the angle formed by the bones of the leg with the anterior wall of the foot is diminished. This turning up of the toe does not take place suddenly, as it might if dependent upon the pressure of exudation, but the change is effected slow- ly, and is commensurate only with the proportionate impair- ment of horn secretion in front, and normal or increased produc- tion at the heel. If the secretion of horn is nowhere impaired, or if the interference with this function is equally distributed throughout the entire coronary band, then it matters not what amount of exudation may take place over the toe of the os pedis, tlie toe of horn does not and cannot turn up. But when the necessary causes are in operation, and the angle begins to form on the anterior wall, the toe of the os pedis, with its soft tissues attached, is separated from the horny laminae, and becomes pressed upon by the upraising sole. This separation of the tissues is due to the fact that the action of the flexor pedis perforans and the ligaments of the " coffin joint " tend strongly to hold the os pedis in its normal position, in re- lation to the other bones of the leg ; while the strongest oppo- sition is offered to the toe accompanying the horn, by the artic- ular base of the coffin bone, and especially the pyramidal em- inence, being situated above the point of the new angle, there- 30 LAMINITIS. b}' necessitating the downward movement of all this part of the bone so that the toe might conform to the new line of angular- ity assumed by the lower anterior wall of the hoof* The exu- dation which is now found taking place at the toe is the result, not the cause, of the separation of the sensitive from the non- sensitive tissues, and the new horn, which forms here, is the pro- duct of the neighboring podophyllous tissue. As the toe of the horny box proceeds in its change of re- lative position, the sole rises to the os pedis, which eventually, by its pressure, causes convexit}^ of the horny sole. Animals affected with pumiced foot, and turning up of the toe, during progression, always place the abnormally-long heel first upon the ground, not because the heel is too long nor, as in acute or sub-acute Laminitis, to relieve the pain, but for the simple reason that the animal carries the leg forward with the column of bones in the normal position, and attempting to keep them so, the heel first comes in contact with the ground, and he then knuckles over at the fetlock, in proportion to the a- mount of foot deformity present, as he brings the toe to the sur- face. The pain and impairment of function in these cases always results in marked atrophy of the muscles of the fore-arm, shoul- der, and to some extent of the pectorals, while the position of the fore feet advances the scapulo-humeral joints so well for- ward as to cause a somewhat sunken appearance of the chest in front, which the laity recognize as a peculiar form of the dis- ease which they have designated as "Chest Founder." Regarding the presence of inflammation during this process, there is no doubt a chronic form is in existence a long time after these lesions commence, yet it may in time subside and leave the feet free from fever while the other changes still go on. The lesions of turning up of the toe are permanent, and are withal, the most interesting, pathologically, of all the compli- cations of Laminitis. * Since writing the above, I have seen a case in whicli the angle formed directly at the coronary band, the os pedis being carried up, at the toe, with the horn, \\hile the articular base was correspondingly depressed. The sole was of the normal thick- ness, and not in the least convex. LAMTNITIS. Erosions of Encrusting Cartilage. The altered position of the os pedis, as related tolffe-^eight- bearing- surface, is such that in time, the flexors are shdH,erie<3, and the joints become permarently sub-luxated with accofit- ■ panying degenerative process of the articular surfaces which end in large ulcers at the fetlock, the second, and sometimes the third, phalangeal articulations. These diseased conditions of the joints, add to the suffering of the animal and increase his difficulty of locomotion. TREATMENT. The treatment of Laminitis is probably more varied than in any other disease, and yet in spite of it a large number of cases recover for even the poorest practitioner. Since there are two objects to be attained in treatment — prevention and remedy — the matter will be considered under the head of pro- phylaxis and remedial medication. Prophylaxis. To guard against and prevent disease, or to render an un- preventable attack less serious than it otherwise would be, is the highest practice of the healing art. In a disease so prone to result from the simplest causes, as seen in Laminitis, and especially when the soundest judgment may not be able to determine the extent of the disease-resisting powers of the tissues which are liable to be affected, or of what shall in every instance constitute an over-excitement, it is not strange that authors have avoided this field of instruction, and that horse- owners find themselves in trouble from unintentional transgres- sion. If the disease was dependent upon specific causes, or if the stability of the tissues was of a fixed or more nearly deter- minate quality, some measures might be instituted that would prove generally preventive. But when we recall the fact that predisposing causes are so prevalent, and often cannot be rem- edied ; that what is but gentle work in one instance may incite disease in another ; that what is food to-day may to-morrow prove disastrous to health, and that necessary medical inter- 32 LAMINITIS. ference, no matter how judicious, may cause a more serious complaint than that which was being treated, the obstacles to contend with become plain. Notwithstanding the difficulties besetting effective prophylaxis of this disease, there are some general rules to be observed that will in part serve to prevent the dev^elopment of an unusual number of cases. In the first place, all the predisposing causes named, must be removed where possible, and when this is impossible, unusual care must be taken not to bring into operation an exciting cause. Fat animals should under no circumstances have hard work, and if the weather is warm, or the variation of temperature great, they should have but slozv, gentle labor, until they become in- ured to it, the tissues hardened, and their excitability reduced to a minimum. Green horses should always have moderate work for the same reason, and particularly when changed from the farm and dirt-roads to city pavements. The increased concussion, changed hygienic conditions and artificial living readily become active causes of the disease under these circumstances. Army horses just out of winter-quarters, track-horses with insufficient preparation, and farmer's horses put to work in the Spring, are among the most susceptible classes, and must be protected by work that is easy and gradual. If long marches or drives are imperative, then the incumbrances must be as light as possible, and the journey interspersed with frequent rests ; for this allows the laminae to regain their impaired func- tional activity, and thereby to withstand much more work without danger. And, furthermore, it permits an early detec- tion of an oncoming attack m any case, prevents working after the disease begins and renders subsequent medication much more effective by cutting the process siiort at the stage of con- gestion. All animals when resting immediately after work, should be protected from cold air or draughts. If placed in a stable that is warm and without draught, no covering is necessary — under opposite conditions blankets should be used until the excitement and exhaustion of the labor performed have entirely passed away. It is still better that all animals coming in warm LAMINITIS. 3"3 from work, be "cooled out" by slow walking until the perspir- ation has dried, and the circulation and respiration returned to the normal. Animals stopped on the road, even for a few moments' time, should always be protected from rapid change of temperature by appropriate clothing. If it can be avoided, horses that are working should never be driven or ridden through a stream or pool of water. Where necessary, they should be cooled off before passing through, and then kept ex- ercising until completely dried. The same rule is to be ob- served with regards washing the legs in cold water, when the animal is just in from work ; for although it is practiced exten- sively and usually with impunity, occasionally it proves the cause of a most acute attack of this disease. Regarding shoe- ing, as a predisposing cause, unusual changes in the manner of applying the shoe should not be hastily made. If a plain shoe has been worn, high heels or toes must not be substituted at once, but the change, if necessary, gradually made, so that the different tissues may adapt themselves to the change of functional performance they are called upon to bear. If on the other hand such changes are imperative, as is sometimes the case, then the work must be so reduced in quan- tity and quality that it cannot prove excitant of the disease. Laminitis from the effects of purgative medicines is a condition which can scarce be effectively guarded against, unless we dis- card entirely this useful class of medicines. I cannot deter- mine from the few cases in which I have seen this unhappy re- sult of a purgative, that there are any conditions of the system present that would warn us of danger in this direction. The disease does not seem to have any dependence, for inception, in such cases upon the size of the purgative, the length of time before purgation begins, or the activity and severity with which the remedy acts. The extent of prophylaxis in this regard, must be confined to the exhibition of moderate doses of medi- cines known to have .unusual irritating effects on the alimen- tary canal. They should be used only when necessity de- mands it. Experience alone will determine what animals are liable to suffer from this disease tln-ousfh tne influence of the different 34 LAMINITIS. aliments. When an attack can with any certainty be ascribed to any particular food, it should ever be withheld unless in the smallest quantities. Horses that have never been fed upon Indian Corn, should receive but a little at a time at first, and always mixed with bran, oats or other food, until it has been determined that no danger exists. Corn is much more liable to cause Laminitis in warm than in cold weather, and for this reason it should always be fed with care during Spring and Summer months. Against Metastatic Laminitis there are no measures which can in any way prove- preventive, the im- portant consideration being its early recognition, which is more readily accomplished than in Metastatic Pneumonia concurrent with Laminitis.* When an animal is excessively lame in one foot, the other or opposite member should have the shoe early removed, and cold water frequently applied. At the same time the slings should be used if the subject remains standing. Horses should under no circumstances be over-worked : to guard against this previous work, nature of roads, state of weather, and various other influences must be carefully noted. Watering while warm, is a pernicious habit, and unless the animal is accus- tomed to it, is apt to result in some disorder — oftimes in Laminitis. Remedial Medication. In those .cases of simple passive congestion of the laminae the body should be warmly clothed, and warm drinks given to draw the blood in increased quantity to these parts, -so as to direct it from the feet ; at the same time the feet should be placed in warm water so as to increase the return flow of blood. In the course of half an hour the feet may be changed to cold water, which serves as a tonic to all the tissues, and kept there until recovery is completed. If the constitutional symptoms demand it diuretics should be given. Half-ounce doses of nitre three times a day in the water answers the purpose. In cases of active congestion the warm foot-baths should be omitted, and * I have omitted speaking of Parturient Laminitis, never having seen a case, and am unacquainted witli appropriate prophylaxis. LAMTNITIS. 35 cold ones substituted from the commencement. Sub-acute Laminitis demands the same treatment, with laxatives if there is constipation, and the addition of low-heeled shoes. The diuretics may need to be continued for some tim'e, and their frequency increased. Regarding Acute Laminitis, what has been called the " American Treatment " is so simple, and withal so efficient that it is to be remarked other countries have never adopted it. Since the disease is a local one, unquestionably the remedies used should be applied in the immediate neighborhood of the affected parts, or. if drugs are administered internally, they should have some specific localized action. And such are the claims made for the above-named meth- od of treatment. It consists solely in the exhibition of large doses of Nitrate of Potash and the continued application to the feet and ankles, of cold water. We have never been able to determine that nitre had any action on the keratogenous mem- brane in particular, either in health or in disease, and if it is to be called a specific, the claim must, as yet, rest upon the fact that it nearly always cures. One noted American veterinary surgeon attributes its good results, in this disease, to its con- ceded power of defibrinizing the blood ; yet if this were its only action, an}^ remedy producing the same effect in the same de- gree, should prove just as effectual as a remedy ; a conclusion which practice does not sustain. On the other hand, if Nitre has but the one action as claimed, the remedies inducing the opposite condition would be contra-indicated; yet phlebotomy, which is known to favor hyperinosis, is practiced by some good practitioners in Laminitis, and as they claim, with the best of results. But be its action what it may, the fact remains that three to fo7ir-ounce doses of Nitre repeated every six hours is attended with the happiest effects ; the Laminitis frequently subsiding inside of a week's time. , These large doses may be continued for a week or ten days' time without danger ; never under any circumstances have I seen the kidneys irritated to excess, or other unfavorable effects produced. The feet should either be kept in a tub of water at a tem- perature of 45'^ to 50^ F.; (it may be lowered if desired), or if the animal is lying down, swabs should be used and wet every 36 LAMINITTS. half hour with the cold water. The water not only keeps the horn soft and moist, but acts directly upon the inflamed tissues by reducing their temperature, thereby increasing their vitality and disease-resisting qualities, and at the same time, by toning up the coats of the blood vessels, diminishes the supply of blood and limits the exudation. Furthei^nore, cold has also an an- set^thetic effect upon the diseased tissues, and relieves the pain. Aconite maybe given in conjunction with Nitre where the heart is greatly excited, and is beating strongly. Ten-drop doses repeated every two hours for twenty-four hours, is usually suf- ficient. The practice of giving cathartics is dangerous, for it may excite super-purgation. Usually the Nitre has sufficient effect upon the constipation to relieve it, yet if it should prove obstinate, laxatives may be carefully given. Bleeding, both gen- eral and local, should be guarded against ; the first because of unfavorable hyperinosis, the latter from the danger of suppur- ation and the difficulty in securing healing in some cases. The shoes should always be early removed, and the soles left un- parcd. Paring of the soles presents two objections — first, while it may temporarily relieve the pain by relieving pressure, it at the same time allows of greater exudation which may more than counter-balance the good effects : secondly, it makes the feet tender and subject to bruises when the animal again goes to work. The shoes should be replaced when convalescence sets in, and the animal ready to take exercise. Exercise should never be enforced until the inflammation has subsided, for al- though it temporarily relieves the pain and soreness, it serves to maintain the tissues in a state of continued irritation, in- creases the exudation, and prolongs the recovery. If, at the end of the fifth or sixth day, prominent symp- toms of recovery are not apparent, apply a stiff" blister of can- tharides around the coronet and omit the nitre for about forty- eight hours. As soon as the blister has drawn well, the feet may again receive wet swabs. If one blister does not sufifice to remove the soreness, as is the case sometimes, especially where periostitis is present, it may be repeated, or the actual cautery applied. The same treatment should be adopted LAMINITIS. 37 where side-bones form or periostitis of the os coronae ensues. When the sole breaks through and exposes the os pedis and soft tissues, the feet must be carefully shod — with thin heels and thick toe where there is any tendency to walking- on the heels — and the sole well protected with appropriate dressing and pressure over the exposed parts. When there is turning up of the toe, blistering of the coronet in front, carefully avoid- ing the quarters and heels, sometimes stimulates the growth of horn, but as a rule judicious shoeing is the only treatment that will keep the animal in a condition to do moderate slow work. Where suppuration of the laminae is profuse, it is better to destroy your patient at once and relieve his suffering ; but if the suppuration is limited to a small extent of tissue, especially of the sole, treatment as in acute cases may induce recovery, and should always be tried. If from bed-sores or other causes Septicaemia or Pyaemia is feared, the Bisulphite of Soda in half-ounce doses may be given in conjunction with tonics and other treatment indicated in these diseases. Regarding en- forced recumbency, I doubt the propriety of insisting on it in the majority of cases, for I think, as a rule, the animal assumes whatever position gives most comfort. There can be no doubt that recumbency diminishes the amount of blood sent to the feet, and that the suffering is greatly relieved while in this position, so that the experiment of enforcing recumbency may be tried, yet should not be renewed if the patient thereafter persists in standing. Where the animal stands, or where constant lying indi- cates it to prevent extensive sores, the patient should be placed in slings, and the weight supported in this manner to the relief of the feet. When all four feet are affected, it may be impossible to use slings, for the reason that the patient re- fuses to support any of his weight on his feet, and simply hangs in the slings. Lastly, convalescent cases must not be returned to work too early, else permanent recovery may never be ef- fected. Fig. 1. Fig. 2. Fig. I shows the healthy fcjot, with all the tissues in normal relative position, as found in an eight-year-old gelding destroyed for dissection. The other cuts are in outline only. Fig, 2 shows the changed position of the os pedis, as seen in a laminitic-foot in the Museum of the American Veterinary College. Downwaid deflection of the bone at the toe, 5 lines. Convexity of the sole, 4!^ lines. New horn formed on the anterior wall, as the bone receded, and hlls the space between the present jd'M.f?- /^■^'^ and original /z^ir/zy laminae. Sole greatly thinned from paring. No turning up of the toe. Fig. 3. Fig. 4, Fig. 3. — Chronic Laminitis, with turning up of the toe, from a specimen in American Veterinary College Museum, Deflection downward, 4 lines. Elevation of horny toe from original position, 7 lines. Development of sole beneath the na- vicular, from 7 lines (normal average thickness at this point) to 14 lines. Thickness of sole over toe of ospedis, 4^^ lines, (normal about 6 lines). Thickness of new horn over the anterior surface of the os pedis, 11 lines. Horn-producing function of the coronary band greatly impaired in front — heel too long. Fig. 4. — External appearance of the same foot as Fig, 3, showing the irregu- larity of the lines produced by the alteration in relative horn growth at different points, and showing the angle on the anterior wall. r y