You think I'm jealous of your band now that's just rich You're not even in that band you genetic glitch You're a follower, a swallower, you couldn't be more hollower Your ghost has no spirit, truth sucks when you hear it Loophet poophet skoopity doo Maybe you're jealous no one listens to you Your bloopin loops are a stinkier noise STOP KISSING THE BOYS Nerdy fried anna don't like banannas kanook don't like cherry pie The fake hippy wears a smelly bandanna and loves to go clown on guys In the porta potty at a parking lot in 1979 Greasy grubby fisted nubbies shoved up way behind Lookin for a miracle with an upturned stinkin digit Trailin behind on a slick of slime are his faithful midgets Bad hippy and his fairy gangsters rollin' up and chewing spankters Why don't you just leave me alone and stop screaming at the telephone